New Upstream Release - python-libtmux

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 0.21.1 (was: 0.21.0).


diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index b588c75..5f3d448 100644
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@ $ pip install --user --upgrade --pre libtmux
 <!-- Maintainers and contributors: Insert change notes for the next release above -->
+## libtmux 0.21.1 (2023-04-07)
+### Development
+- Update mypy to 1.2.0
+### Fixes
+- SkipDefaultFieldsReprMixin: Fix typing for mypy 1.2.0
 ## libtmux 0.21.0 (2023-01-29)
 ### Breaking internal change
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 6961950..6548ca6 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: libtmux
-Version: 0.21.0
+Version: 0.21.1
 Summary: Typed scripting library / ORM / API wrapper for tmux
 License: MIT
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 0418929..c54cf38 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+python-libtmux (0.21.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Wed, 12 Apr 2023 03:11:58 -0000
 python-libtmux (0.21.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Sébastien Delafond ]
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 8ba0268..c1a89de 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "libtmux"
-version = "0.21.0"
+version = "0.21.1"
 description = "Typed scripting library / ORM / API wrapper for tmux"
 license = "MIT"
 authors = ["Tony Narlock <>"]
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ gp-libs = "~0.0.1a17"
 sphinx-autobuild = "*"
 sphinx-autodoc-typehints = "*"
 sphinx-inline-tabs = { version = "*", python = "^3.7" }
-sphinxext-opengraph = "*"
+sphinxext-opengraph = "<0.8"  #
 sphinx-copybutton = "*"
 sphinxext-rediraffe = "*"
 myst_parser = ">=0.18.1"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fb1a25..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from setuptools import setup
-package_dir = \
-{'': 'src'}
-packages = \
-['libtmux', 'libtmux._internal', 'libtmux._vendor']
-package_data = \
-{'': ['*']}
-entry_points = \
-{'pytest11': ['libtmux = libtmux.pytest_plugin']}
-setup_kwargs = {
-    'name': 'libtmux',
-    'version': '0.21.0',
-    'description': 'Typed scripting library / ORM / API wrapper for tmux',
-    'long_description': '# libtmux\n\nlibtmux is a [typed]( python scripting library for tmux. You can use it to command and control tmux servers,\nsessions, windows, and panes. It is the tool powering [tmuxp], a tmux workspace manager.\n\n[![Python Package](](\n[![Docs](](\n[![Build Status](](\n[![Code Coverage](](\n[![License](](\n\nlibtmux builds upon tmux\'s\n[target]( and\n[formats]( to\ncreate an object mapping to traverse, inspect and interact with live\ntmux sessions.\n\nView the [documentation](,\n[API]( information and\n[architectural details](\n\n# Install\n\n```console\n$ pip install --user libtmux\n```\n\n# Open a tmux session\n\nSession name `foo`, window name `bar`\n\n```console\n$ tmux new-session -s foo -n bar\n```\n\n# Pilot your tmux session via python\n\n```console\n$ python\n```\n\nUse [ptpython], [ipython], etc. for a nice shell with autocompletions:\n\n```console\n$ pip install --user ptpython\n```\n\n```console\n$ ptpython\n```\n\nConnect to a live tmux session:\n\n```python\n>>> import libtmux\n>>> s = libtmux.Server()\n>>> s\nServer(socket_path=/tmp/tmux-.../default)\n```\n\nTip: You can also use [tmuxp]\'s [`tmuxp shell`] to drop straight into your\ncurrent tmux server / session / window pane.\n\n[tmuxp]:\n[`tmuxp shell`]:\n[ptpython]:\n[ipython]:\n\nList sessions:\n\n```python\n>>> server.sessions\n[Session($1 ...), Session($0 ...)]\n```\n\nFilter sessions by attribute:\n\n```python\n>>> server.sessions.filter(history_limit=\'2000\')\n[Session($1 ...), Session($0 ...)]\n```\n\nDirect lookup:\n\n```python\n>>> server.sessions.get(session_id="$1")\nSession($1 ...)\n```\n\nFind session by dict lookup:\n\n```python\n>>> server.sessions[0].rename_session(\'foo\')\nSession($1 foo)\n>>> server.sessions.filter(session_name="foo")[0]\nSession($1 foo)\n```\n\nControl your session:\n\n```python\n>>> session.rename_session(\'foo\')\nSession($1 foo)\n>>> session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg")\nWindow(@2 2:ha in the bg, Session($1 foo))\n>>> session.kill_window("ha in")\n```\n\nCreate new window in the background (don\'t switch to it):\n\n```python\n>>> session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="ha in the bg")\nWindow(@2 2:ha in the bg, Session($1 ...))\n```\n\nClose window:\n\n```python\n>>> w = session.attached_window\n>>> w.kill_window()\n```\n\nGrab remaining tmux window:\n\n```python\n>>> window = session.attached_window\n>>> window.split_window(attach=False)\nPane(%2 Window(@1 1:... Session($1 ...)))\n```\n\nRename window:\n\n```python\n>>> window.rename_window(\'libtmuxower\')\nWindow(@1 1:libtmuxower, Session($1 ...))\n```\n\nSplit window (create a new pane):\n\n```python\n>>> pane = window.split_window()\n>>> pane = window.split_window(attach=False)\n>>> pane.select_pane()\nPane(%3 Window(@1 1:..., Session($1 ...)))\n>>> window = session.new_window(attach=False, window_name="test")\n>>> window\nWindow(@2 2:test, Session($1 ...))\n>>> pane = window.split_window(attach=False)\n>>> pane\nPane(%5 Window(@2 2:test, Session($1 ...)))\n```\n\nType inside the pane (send key strokes):\n\n```python\n>>> pane.send_keys(\'echo hey send now\')\n\n>>> pane.send_keys(\'echo hey\', enter=False)\n>>> pane.enter()\nPane(%1 ...)\n```\n\nGrab the output of pane:\n\n```python\n>>> pane.clear()  # clear the pane\nPane(%1 ...)\n>>> pane.send_keys("cowsay \'hello\'", enter=True)\n>>> print(\'\\n\'.join(pane.cmd(\'capture-pane\', \'-p\').stdout))  # doctest: +SKIP\n$ cowsay \'hello\'\n _______\n< hello >\n -------\n        \\   ^__^\n         \\  (oo)\\_______\n            (__)\\       )\\/\\\n                ||----w |\n                ||     ||\n...\n```\n\nTraverse and navigate:\n\n```python\n>>> pane.window\nWindow(@1 1:..., Session($1 ...))\n>>> pane.window.session\nSession($1 ...)\n```\n\n# Python support\n\nUnsupported / no security releases or bug fixes:\n\n- Python 2.x: The backports branch is\n  [`v0.8.x`](\n\n# Donations\n\nYour donations fund development of new features, testing and support.\nYour money will go directly to maintenance and development of the\nproject. If you are an individual, feel free to give whatever feels\nright for the value you get out of the project.\n\nSee donation options at <>.\n\n# Project details\n\n- tmux support: 1.8+\n- python support: >= 3.7, pypy, pypy3\n- Source: <>\n- Docs: <>\n- API: <>\n- Changelog: <>\n- Issues: <>\n- Test Coverage: <>\n- pypi: <>\n- Open Hub: <>\n- Repology: <>\n- License: [MIT](\n',
-    'author': 'Tony Narlock',
-    'author_email': '',
-    'maintainer': 'None',
-    'maintainer_email': 'None',
-    'url': '',
-    'package_dir': package_dir,
-    'packages': packages,
-    'package_data': package_data,
-    'entry_points': entry_points,
-    'python_requires': '>=3.7,<4.0',
diff --git a/src/libtmux/_internal/ b/src/libtmux/_internal/
index 5cabfb1..aeddfc0 100644
--- a/src/libtmux/_internal/
+++ b/src/libtmux/_internal/
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ Note
 This is an internal API not covered by versioning policy.
 import dataclasses
+import typing as t
 from operator import attrgetter
+    from _typeshed import DataclassInstance
 class SkipDefaultFieldsReprMixin:
     r"""Skip default fields in :func:`~dataclasses.dataclass`
@@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ class SkipDefaultFieldsReprMixin:
     ItemWithMixin(name=Test, unit_price=2.05)
-    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+    def __repr__(self: "DataclassInstance") -> str:
         """Omit default fields in object representation."""
         nodef_f_vals = (
             (, attrgetter(

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