New Upstream Release - re2

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 20230601 (was: 20230301).


diff --git a/.bazelrc b/.bazelrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8141639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.bazelrc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Abseil requires C++14 at minimum.
+# Previously, the flag was set via `BAZEL_CXXOPTS`. On macOS, we also had to set
+# `BAZEL_USE_CPP_ONLY_TOOLCHAIN` since Bazel wouldn't respect the former without
+# the latter. However, the latter stopped Bazel from using Xcode and `-framework
+# Foundation`, which CCTZ (vendored into Abseil) requires.
+build --enable_platform_specific_config
+build:linux --cxxopt=-std=c++14
+build:macos --cxxopt=-std=c++14
+build:windows --cxxopt=/std:c++14
+# Print test logs for failed tests.
+test --test_output=errors
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
index fbe92e6..7295ec6 100755
--- a/.github/
+++ b/.github/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ set -eux
 bazel clean
 bazel build --compilation_mode=dbg -- //:all
-bazel test  --compilation_mode=dbg --test_output=errors -- //:all \
+bazel test  --compilation_mode=dbg -- //:all \
   -//:dfa_test \
   -//:exhaustive1_test \
   -//:exhaustive2_test \
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ bazel test  --compilation_mode=dbg --test_output=errors -- //:all \
 bazel clean
 bazel build --compilation_mode=opt -- //:all
-bazel test  --compilation_mode=opt --test_output=errors -- //:all \
+bazel test  --compilation_mode=opt -- //:all \
   -//:dfa_test \
   -//:exhaustive1_test \
   -//:exhaustive2_test \
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
index 145a843..782334e 100755
--- a/.github/
+++ b/.github/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 set -eux
-cmake . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
 cmake --build . --config Debug --clean-first
 ctest -C Debug --output-on-failure -E 'dfa|exhaustive|random'
-cmake . -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
 cmake --build . --config Release --clean-first
 ctest -C Release --output-on-failure -E 'dfa|exhaustive|random'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-cmake.yml b/.github/workflows/ci-cmake.yml
index e8cd380..cd73561 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci-cmake.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci-cmake.yml
@@ -3,13 +3,54 @@ on:
     branches: [main]
-  build:
-    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+  # GitHub Actions doesn't provide GCC 13, so we use a Docker container instead.
+  # (Also, the Benchmark package on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is problematic whereas this
+  # Docker container is based on Debian bookworm and so it has a newer version.)
+  build-linux:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    container: gcc:13
       fail-fast: false
-      matrix:
-        os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
       - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Install CMake
+        run: |
+          apt update -y
+          apt install -y cmake
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          apt update -y
+          apt install -y libabsl-dev libgtest-dev libbenchmark-dev
+        shell: bash
       - run: .github/
         shell: bash
+  build-macos:
+    runs-on: macos-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          brew update
+          brew install abseil googletest google-benchmark
+        shell: bash
+      - run: .github/ -D RE2_BUILD_FRAMEWORK=ON
+        shell: bash
+  build-windows:
+    runs-on: windows-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          # TODO: Remove this in September 2023, which is when the default triplet for
+          # vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet.
+          export VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=x64-windows
+          vcpkg update
+          vcpkg install abseil gtest benchmark
+        shell: bash
+      - run: .github/ -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
+        shell: bash
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 807a5ca..4067c61 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ jobs:
       fail-fast: false
-        ver: [11, 14, 17, 20]
+        ver: [17, 20]
       CC: clang
       CXX: clang++
@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ jobs:
       CXXFLAGS: -O3 -g -std=c++${{ matrix.ver }}
       - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          brew update
+          brew install abseil googletest google-benchmark
+        shell: bash
       - run: make && make test
         shell: bash
@@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ jobs:
       fail-fast: false
-        ver: [13, 14, 15]
+        ver: [14, 15, 16]
       CC: clang-${{ matrix.ver }}
       CXX: clang++-${{ matrix.ver }}
@@ -39,19 +44,46 @@ jobs:
           chmod +x ./
           sudo ./ ${{ matrix.ver }}
         shell: bash
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          sudo apt update -y
+          sudo apt install -y libabsl-dev libgtest-dev libbenchmark-dev
+        shell: bash
       - run: make && make test
         shell: bash
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    container: gcc:${{ matrix.ver }}
       fail-fast: false
-        ver: [10, 11, 12]
+        ver: [11, 12]
+    env:
+      CC: gcc-${{ matrix.ver }}
+      CXX: g++-${{ matrix.ver }}
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          sudo apt update -y
+          sudo apt install -y libabsl-dev libgtest-dev libbenchmark-dev
+        shell: bash
+      - run: make && make test
+        shell: bash
+  # GitHub Actions doesn't provide GCC 13, so we use a Docker container instead.
+  build-gcc-13:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    container: gcc:13
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
       CC: gcc
       CXX: g++
       - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - name: Install Abseil, GoogleTest and Benchmark
+        run: |
+          apt update -y
+          apt install -y libabsl-dev libgtest-dev libbenchmark-dev
+        shell: bash
       - run: make && make test
         shell: bash
diff --git a/.github/workflows/python.yml b/.github/workflows/python.yml
index e3c9d07..808832f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/python.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/python.yml
@@ -6,8 +6,180 @@ on:
         required: true
         type: number
-  no-op:
+  bdist_wheel-linux:
+    name: Linux ${{ matrix.os }}, ${{ }}, Python ${{ matrix.ver }}
+    runs-on: ${{ matrix.arch.runs-on }}
+    container:
+      image:${{ matrix.os }}_${{ matrix.arch.python-name }}
+      options: --init
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        arch:
+          - { name: X64,   python-name: x86_64,  runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]             }
+          - { name: ARM64, python-name: aarch64, runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, arm64] }
+        os: [manylinux2014, manylinux_2_28]
+        ver: ['3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11']
+    env:
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      # TODO(junyer): Use `v2` whenever a new release is tagged.
+      - uses: bazelbuild/setup-bazelisk@6244971d4f7ba9aca943c2f3ede2bbd813fcca51
+      - name: Prepare Python ${{ matrix.ver }} environment
+        run: |
+          ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python${{ matrix.ver }} /usr/local/bin/python
+          ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python${{ matrix.ver }} /usr/local/bin/python3
+          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+          python -m pip install --upgrade wheel auditwheel
+          python -m pip install --upgrade absl-py
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Build wheel
+        run: |
+          python bdist_wheel
+          python -m auditwheel repair --wheel-dir=. dist/*
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - name: Test wheel
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install google_re2-*.whl
+          python
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: ${{ hashFiles('python/google_re2-*.whl') }}
+          path: python/google_re2-*.whl
+          retention-days: 1
+  bdist_wheel-macos:
+    name: macOS ${{ matrix.os }}, ${{ }}, Python ${{ matrix.ver }}
+    runs-on: macos-${{ matrix.os }}
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        arch:
+          - { name: X64,   bazel-name: x86_64, python-name: x86_64 }
+          - { name: ARM64, bazel-name: arm64,  python-name: arm64  }
+        os: [11, 12]
+        ver: ['3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11']
+    env:
+      BAZEL_CPU: darwin_${{ matrix.arch.bazel-name }}
+      # Stop macOS from reporting the system version as 10.x.
+      # Otherwise, Python refuses to install the built wheel!
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+        with:
+          python-version: ${{ matrix.ver }}
+      - name: Prepare Python ${{ matrix.ver }} environment
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+          python -m pip install --upgrade wheel delocate
+          python -m pip install --upgrade absl-py
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Build wheel
+        run: |
+          python bdist_wheel \
+            --plat-name=macosx-${{ matrix.os }}.0-${{ matrix.arch.python-name }}
+          python -m delocate.cmd.delocate_wheel --wheel-dir=. dist/*
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - if: == runner.arch
+        name: Test wheel
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install google_re2-*.whl
+          python
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: ${{ hashFiles('python/google_re2-*.whl') }}
+          path: python/google_re2-*.whl
+          retention-days: 1
+  bdist_wheel-windows:
+    name: Windows, ${{ }}, Python ${{ matrix.ver }}
+    runs-on: windows-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        arch:
+          - { name: X64,   bazel-name: x64,   python-name: amd64 }
+          # FIXME: Compiling succeeds, but linking fails with an error like
+          # "LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python311.lib'".
+          # Maybe we will need GitHub-hosted runners for Windows on ARM64?!
+          # - { name: ARM64, bazel-name: arm64, python-name: arm64 }
+        ver: ['3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11']
+    env:
+      BAZEL_CPU: ${{ matrix.arch.bazel-name }}_windows
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+        with:
+          python-version: ${{ matrix.ver }}
+      - name: Prepare Python ${{ matrix.ver }} environment
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+          python -m pip install --upgrade wheel
+          python -m pip install --upgrade absl-py
+        shell: bash
+      - name: Build wheel
+        run: |
+          python bdist_wheel \
+            --plat-name=win_${{ matrix.arch.python-name }}
+          cp dist/* .
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - if: == runner.arch
+        name: Test wheel
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install google_re2-*.whl
+          python
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          name: ${{ hashFiles('python/google_re2-*.whl') }}
+          path: python/google_re2-*.whl
+          retention-days: 1
+  publish:
+    needs:
+      - bdist_wheel-linux
+      - bdist_wheel-macos
+      - bdist_wheel-windows
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-      - run: echo "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+        with:
+          python-version: '3.x'
+      - name: Prepare Python 3.x environment
+        run: |
+          python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+          python -m pip install --upgrade wheel
+        shell: bash
+      - if: == 1
+        name: Build source
+        run: |
+          python sdist
+        shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
+        with:
+          path: python
+      - name: Set build number to ${{ }}
+        run: |
+          mkdir -p dist
+          for WHL in */google_re2-*.whl; do
+            python -m wheel unpack ${WHL}
+            python -m wheel pack --dest-dir=dist --build-number=${{ }} google_re2-*
+            rm -rf google_re2-*
+          done
         shell: bash
+        working-directory: python
+      - uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
+        with:
+          password: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}
+          packages_dir: python/dist
diff --git a/BUILD b/BUILD.bazel
similarity index 85%
rename from BUILD
rename to BUILD.bazel
index 446c8b2..3f6dafe 100644
--- a/BUILD
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ cc_library(
-        "re2/",
@@ -44,13 +43,10 @@ cc_library(
-        "util/mix.h",
-        "util/mutex.h",
-        "util/util.h",
     hdrs = [
@@ -73,6 +69,19 @@ cc_library(
         "//conditions:default": ["-pthread"],
     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    deps = [
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/base",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/base:core_headers",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/container:fixed_array",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/container:flat_hash_map",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/container:flat_hash_set",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/container:inlined_vector",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/strings",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/strings:str_format",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/synchronization",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/types:optional",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/types:span",
+    ],
@@ -93,20 +102,24 @@ cc_library(
-        "util/benchmark.h",
-        "util/flags.h",
-        "util/test.h",
-    deps = [":re2"],
+    deps = [
+        ":re2",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/flags:flag",
+        "@com_google_googletest//:gtest",
+    ],
     name = "test",
     testonly = 1,
-    srcs = ["util/"],
-    deps = [":testing"],
+    srcs = [],
+    deps = [
+        ":testing",
+        "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main",
+    ],
@@ -252,8 +265,11 @@ cc_test(
     name = "benchmark",
     testonly = 1,
-    srcs = ["util/"],
-    deps = [":testing"],
+    srcs = [],
+    deps = [
+        ":testing",
+        "@com_github_google_benchmark//:benchmark_main",
+    ],
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index ebd1223..5312252 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -24,24 +24,20 @@ option(RE2_BUILD_FRAMEWORK "build RE2 as a framework" OFF)
 # CMake seems to have no way to enable/disable testing per subproject,
 # so we provide an option similar to BUILD_TESTING, but just for RE2.
-option(RE2_BUILD_TESTING "enable testing for RE2" ON)
+option(RE2_BUILD_TESTING "enable testing for RE2" OFF)
 # The pkg-config Requires: field.
 # ABI version
-set(SONAME 10)
+set(SONAME 11)
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "you need Visual Studio 2015 or later")
-  endif()
-    # See for details.
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "you need Visual Studio 2019 or later")
   # CMake defaults to /W3, but some users like /W4 (or /Wall) and /WX,
   # so we disable various warnings that aren't particularly helpful.
@@ -61,8 +57,33 @@ if(UNIX)
   find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
+    absl_base
+    absl_core_headers
+    absl_fixed_array
+    absl_flags
+    absl_flat_hash_map
+    absl_flat_hash_set
+    absl_inlined_vector
+    absl_optional
+    absl_span
+    absl_str_format
+    absl_strings
+    absl_synchronization
+    )
+# If a top-level project has called add_directory(abseil-cpp) already (possibly
+# indirectly), let that take precedence over any copy of Abseil that might have
+# been installed on the system. And likewise for ICU, GoogleTest and Benchmark.
+if(NOT TARGET absl::base)
+  find_package(absl REQUIRED)
-  find_package(ICU REQUIRED COMPONENTS uc)
+  if(NOT TARGET ICU::uc)
+    find_package(ICU REQUIRED COMPONENTS uc)
+  endif()
   list(APPEND REQUIRES icu-uc)
@@ -72,6 +93,12 @@ if(USEPCRE)
+# TODO(junyer): Use string(JOIN " " ...) whenever CMake 3.12 (or newer) becomes
+# the minimum required: that will make this hack slightly less filthy. For now,
+# CMake does the same thing as string(CONCAT ...), basically, if we don't quote
+# ${REQUIRES}, so quote it despite prevailing style.
+string(REPLACE ";" " " REQUIRES "${REQUIRES}")
@@ -90,7 +117,6 @@ set(RE2_SOURCES
-    re2/
@@ -106,7 +132,7 @@ set(RE2_HEADERS
 add_library(re2 ${RE2_SOURCES})
-target_compile_features(re2 PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
+target_compile_features(re2 PUBLIC cxx_std_14)
 target_include_directories(re2 PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}>)
 # CMake gives "set_target_properties called with incorrect number of arguments."
 # errors if we don't quote ${RE2_HEADERS}, so quote it despite prevailing style.
@@ -114,6 +140,11 @@ set_target_properties(re2 PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${RE2_HEADERS}")
 set_target_properties(re2 PROPERTIES SOVERSION ${SONAME} VERSION ${SONAME}.0.0)
 add_library(re2::re2 ALIAS re2)
+  set_target_properties(re2 PROPERTIES
+                        WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON)
   set_target_properties(re2 PROPERTIES
                         FRAMEWORK TRUE
@@ -125,11 +156,23 @@ if(UNIX)
   target_link_libraries(re2 PUBLIC Threads::Threads)
+foreach(dep ${ABSL_DEPS})
+  string(REGEX REPLACE "^absl_" "absl::" dep ${dep})
+  target_link_libraries(re2 PUBLIC ${dep})
   target_link_libraries(re2 PUBLIC ICU::uc)
+  if(NOT TARGET GTest::gtest)
+    find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
+  endif()
+  if(NOT TARGET benchmark::benchmark)
+    find_package(benchmark REQUIRED)
+  endif()
@@ -141,9 +184,9 @@ if(RE2_BUILD_TESTING)
-  add_library(testing STATIC ${TESTING_SOURCES})
-  target_compile_features(testing PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-  target_link_libraries(testing PUBLIC re2)
+  add_library(testing ${TESTING_SOURCES})
+  target_compile_features(testing PUBLIC cxx_std_14)
+  target_link_libraries(testing PUBLIC re2 GTest::gtest)
@@ -174,16 +217,16 @@ if(RE2_BUILD_TESTING)
   foreach(target ${TEST_TARGETS})
-    add_executable(${target} re2/testing/${target}.cc util/
-    target_compile_features(${target} PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-    target_link_libraries(${target} testing ${EXTRA_TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES})
+    add_executable(${target} re2/testing/${target}.cc)
+    target_compile_features(${target} PUBLIC cxx_std_14)
+    target_link_libraries(${target} PUBLIC testing GTest::gtest_main ${EXTRA_TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES})
     add_test(NAME ${target} COMMAND ${target})
   foreach(target ${BENCHMARK_TARGETS})
-    add_executable(${target} re2/testing/${target}.cc util/
-    target_compile_features(${target} PUBLIC cxx_std_11)
-    target_link_libraries(${target} testing ${EXTRA_TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES})
+    add_executable(${target} re2/testing/${target}.cc)
+    target_compile_features(${target} PUBLIC cxx_std_14)
+    target_link_libraries(${target} PUBLIC testing benchmark::benchmark_main ${EXTRA_TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES})
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 34230ca..705d7fa 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,6 +2,26 @@
 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 # license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Build against Abseil.
+	absl_base\
+	absl_core_headers\
+	absl_fixed_array\
+	absl_flags\
+	absl_flat_hash_map\
+	absl_flat_hash_set\
+	absl_inlined_vector\
+	absl_optional\
+	absl_span\
+	absl_str_format\
+	absl_strings\
+	absl_synchronization\
+CCABSL=$(shell pkg-config $(ABSL_DEPS) --cflags)
+# GCC barfs on `-Wl` whereas Clang doesn't mind, but it's unclear what
+# causes it to manifest on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, so filter it out for now.
+LDABSL=$(shell pkg-config $(ABSL_DEPS) --libs | sed -e 's/-Wl / /g')
 # To build against ICU for full Unicode properties support,
 # uncomment the next two lines:
 # CCICU=$(shell pkg-config icu-uc --cflags) -DRE2_USE_ICU
@@ -17,8 +37,8 @@ CXX?=g++
 # required
-RE2_CXXFLAGS?=-pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -I. $(CCICU) $(CCPCRE)
-RE2_LDFLAGS?=-pthread $(LDICU) $(LDPCRE)
+RE2_CXXFLAGS?=-pthread -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -I. $(CCABSL) $(CCICU) $(CCPCRE)
@@ -43,14 +63,14 @@ SED_INPLACE=sed -i
 # The pkg-config Requires: field.
 ifdef LDICU
 # ABI version
 # To rebuild the Tables generated by Perl and Python scripts (requires Internet
 # access for Unicode data), uncomment the following line:
@@ -84,17 +104,11 @@ INSTALL_HFILES=\
-	util/benchmark.h\
-	util/flags.h\
-	util/mix.h\
-	util/mutex.h\
-	util/test.h\
-	util/util.h\
@@ -135,7 +149,6 @@ OFILES=\
-	obj/re2/stringpiece.o\
@@ -216,25 +229,24 @@ obj/so/libre2.$(SOEXT): $(SOFILES) libre2.symbols libre2.symbols.darwin
 	ln -sf libre2.$(SOEXTVER) $@
 .PRECIOUS: obj/dbg/test/%
-obj/dbg/test/%: obj/dbg/libre2.a obj/dbg/re2/testing/%.o $(DTESTOFILES) obj/dbg/util/test.o
+obj/dbg/test/%: obj/dbg/libre2.a obj/dbg/re2/testing/%.o $(DTESTOFILES)
 	@mkdir -p obj/dbg/test
-	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/dbg/re2/testing/$*.o $(DTESTOFILES) obj/dbg/util/test.o obj/dbg/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/dbg/re2/testing/$*.o $(DTESTOFILES) -lgtest -lgtest_main obj/dbg/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
 .PRECIOUS: obj/test/%
-obj/test/%: obj/libre2.a obj/re2/testing/%.o $(TESTOFILES) obj/util/test.o
+obj/test/%: obj/libre2.a obj/re2/testing/%.o $(TESTOFILES)
 	@mkdir -p obj/test
-	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/re2/testing/$*.o $(TESTOFILES) obj/util/test.o obj/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/re2/testing/$*.o $(TESTOFILES) -lgtest -lgtest_main obj/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
 # Test the shared lib, falling back to the static lib for private symbols
 .PRECIOUS: obj/so/test/%
-obj/so/test/%: obj/so/libre2.$(SOEXT) obj/libre2.a obj/re2/testing/%.o $(TESTOFILES) obj/util/test.o
+obj/so/test/%: obj/so/libre2.$(SOEXT) obj/libre2.a obj/re2/testing/%.o $(TESTOFILES)
 	@mkdir -p obj/so/test
-	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/re2/testing/$*.o $(TESTOFILES) obj/util/test.o -Lobj/so -lre2 obj/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/re2/testing/$*.o $(TESTOFILES) -lgtest -lgtest_main -Lobj/so -lre2 obj/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# Filter out dump.o because testing::TempDir() isn't available for it.
-obj/test/regexp_benchmark: obj/libre2.a obj/re2/testing/regexp_benchmark.o $(TESTOFILES) obj/util/benchmark.o
+obj/test/regexp_benchmark: obj/libre2.a obj/re2/testing/regexp_benchmark.o $(TESTOFILES)
 	@mkdir -p obj/test
-	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/re2/testing/regexp_benchmark.o $(filter-out obj/re2/testing/dump.o, $(TESTOFILES)) obj/util/benchmark.o obj/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+	$(CXX) -o $@ obj/re2/testing/regexp_benchmark.o $(TESTOFILES) -lgtest -lbenchmark -lbenchmark_main obj/libre2.a $(RE2_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
 # re2_fuzzer is a target for fuzzers like libFuzzer and AFL. This fake fuzzing
 # is simply a way to check that the target builds and then to run it against a
@@ -346,7 +358,7 @@ else
 	@cp obj/
 	(cd obj && export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig; \
 	  $(CXX) -o static-testinstall $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) \
-	  $$(pkg-config re2 --cflags --libs | sed -e "s#-lre2#-l:libre2.a#"))
+	  $$(pkg-config re2 --cflags --libs | sed -e 's/-lre2/-l:libre2.a/'))
diff --git a/README b/README
index caee6af..469d6f3 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ make test
 make install
 make testinstall
+Building RE2 requires Abseil (
+to be installed on your system. Building the testing for RE2 requires
+GoogleTest ( and Benchmark
+( to be installed as well.
 There is a fair amount of documentation (including code snippets) in
 the re2.h header file.
deleted file mode 100644
index b35619c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-# Bazel ( WORKSPACE file for RE2.
-workspace(name = "com_googlesource_code_re2")
diff --git a/WORKSPACE.bazel b/WORKSPACE.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c89e979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WORKSPACE.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Bazel ( WORKSPACE file for RE2.
+workspace(name = "com_googlesource_code_re2")
+load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
+    name = "com_google_absl",
+    strip_prefix = "abseil-cpp-master",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "bazel_skylib",
+    strip_prefix = "bazel-skylib-main",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "com_github_google_benchmark",
+    strip_prefix = "benchmark-main",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "com_google_googletest",
+    strip_prefix = "googletest-main",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "rules_python",
+    strip_prefix = "rules_python-main",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "io_abseil_py",
+    strip_prefix = "abseil-py-main",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "pybind11_bazel",
+    strip_prefix = "pybind11_bazel-master",
+    urls = [""],
+    name = "pybind11",
+    build_file = "@pybind11_bazel//:pybind11.BUILD",
+    strip_prefix = "pybind11-master",
+    urls = [""],
+load("@pybind11_bazel//:python_configure.bzl", "python_configure")
+python_configure(name = "local_config_python")
diff --git a/app/BUILD.bazel b/app/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ff8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Bazel ( BUILD file for RE2 app.
+    name = "_re2.js",
+    srcs = [""],
+    linkopts = [
+        "--bind",
+        "-sENVIRONMENT=web",
+        "-sMODULARIZE=1",
+        "-sEXPORT_ES6=1",
+        "-sEXPORT_NAME=loadModule",
+        "-sUSE_PTHREADS=0",
+    ],
+    deps = ["//:re2"],
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63313e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <emscripten/bind.h>
+#include "re2/prog.h"
+#include "re2/re2.h"
+#include "re2/regexp.h"
+namespace re2_app {
+struct Info {
+  std::string pattern;
+  std::string error;
+  std::string prefix;
+  bool prefix_foldcase = false;
+  std::string accel_prefix;
+  bool accel_prefix_foldcase = false;
+  int num_captures;
+  bool is_one_pass;
+  bool can_bit_state;
+  std::string bytecode;
+  std::string bytemap;
+Info GetInfo(const std::string& pattern) {
+  Info info;
+  info.pattern = pattern;
+  RE2::Options options;
+  re2::RegexpStatus status;
+  re2::Regexp* regexp = re2::Regexp::Parse(
+      pattern, static_cast<re2::Regexp::ParseFlags>(options.ParseFlags()),
+      &status);
+  if (regexp == nullptr) {
+    info.error = "failed to parse pattern: " + status.Text();
+    return info;
+  }
+  std::string prefix;
+  bool prefix_foldcase;
+  re2::Regexp* suffix;
+  if (regexp->RequiredPrefix(&prefix, &prefix_foldcase, &suffix)) {
+    info.prefix = prefix;
+    info.prefix_foldcase = prefix_foldcase;
+  } else {
+    suffix = regexp->Incref();
+  }
+  std::unique_ptr<re2::Prog> prog(suffix->CompileToProg(options.max_mem()));
+  if (prog == nullptr) {
+    info.error = "failed to compile forward Prog";
+    suffix->Decref();
+    regexp->Decref();
+    return info;
+  }
+  if (regexp->RequiredPrefixForAccel(&prefix, &prefix_foldcase)) {
+    info.accel_prefix = prefix;
+    info.accel_prefix_foldcase = prefix_foldcase;
+  }
+  info.num_captures = suffix->NumCaptures();
+  info.is_one_pass = prog->IsOnePass();
+  info.can_bit_state = prog->CanBitState();
+  info.bytecode = prog->Dump();
+  info.bytemap = prog->DumpByteMap();
+  suffix->Decref();
+  regexp->Decref();
+  return info;
+  emscripten::value_object<Info>("Info")
+      .field("pattern", &Info::pattern)
+      .field("error", &Info::error)
+      .field("prefix", &Info::prefix)
+      .field("prefix_foldcase", &Info::prefix_foldcase)
+      .field("accel_prefix", &Info::accel_prefix)
+      .field("accel_prefix_foldcase", &Info::accel_prefix_foldcase)
+      .field("num_captures", &Info::num_captures)
+      .field("is_one_pass", &Info::is_one_pass)
+      .field("can_bit_state", &Info::can_bit_state)
+      .field("bytecode", &Info::bytecode)
+      .field("bytemap", &Info::bytemap);
+  emscripten::function("getInfo", &GetInfo);
+}  // namespace re2_app
diff --git a/app/_re2.d.ts b/app/_re2.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff5e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/_re2.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+export type Info = {
+  pattern: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string,
+  error: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string,
+  prefix: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string,
+  prefix_foldcase: boolean,
+  accel_prefix: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string,
+  accel_prefix_foldcase: boolean,
+  num_captures: number,
+  is_one_pass: boolean,
+  can_bit_state: boolean,
+  bytecode: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string,
+  bytemap: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string,
+export interface MainModule {
+  getInfo(pattern: ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Int8Array|string): Info;
+export default function loadModule(): Promise<MainModule>;
diff --git a/app/app.ts b/app/app.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b9e7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/app.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import {css, html, LitElement, render} from 'lit';
+import {customElement} from 'lit/decorators.js';
+import /*default*/ loadModule from './_re2';
+import {Info, MainModule} from './_re2';
+var _re2: MainModule;
+loadModule().then((module: MainModule) => {
+  _re2 = module;
+  render(html`<title>re2-dev</title><re2-dev></re2-dev>`, document.body);
+export class RE2Dev extends LitElement {
+  private _pattern: string = '';
+  private _info: Info|null = null;
+  constructor() {
+    super();
+    this._pattern = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.slice(1));
+    this._info = this._pattern ? _re2.getInfo(this._pattern) : null;
+    this.requestUpdate();
+  }
+  private _onChange = (e: Event) => {
+    this._pattern = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;
+    this._info = this._pattern ? _re2.getInfo(this._pattern) : null;
+    this.requestUpdate();
+    window.location.hash = '#' + encodeURIComponent(this._pattern);
+  };
+  static override styles = css`
+.code {
+  font-family: monospace;
+  white-space: pre-line;
+  override render() {
+    var fragments = [];
+    fragments.push(html`
+  <input type="text" size="48" @change=${this._onChange} .value=${this._pattern}>
+    if (this._info === null) {
+      return html`${fragments}`;
+    }
+    if (this._info.error) {
+      fragments.push(html`
+  error:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.error}</span>
+      return html`${fragments}`;
+    }
+    fragments.push(html`
+  pattern:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.pattern}</span>
+  <br>
+  prefix:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.prefix}</span>
+  ·
+  _foldcase:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.prefix_foldcase}</span>
+  <br>
+  accel_prefix:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.accel_prefix}</span>
+  ·
+  _foldcase:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.accel_prefix_foldcase}</span>
+  <br>
+  num_captures:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.num_captures}</span>
+  <br>
+  is_one_pass:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.is_one_pass}</span>
+  <br>
+  can_bit_state:
+  <span class="code">${this._info.can_bit_state}</span>
+  <br>
+  <br>
+  bytecode:
+  <br>
+  <span class="code">${this._info.bytecode}</span>
+  <br>
+  bytemap:
+  <br>
+  <span class="code">${this._info.bytemap}</span>
+    return html`${fragments}`;
+  }
+declare global {
+  interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
+    're2-dev': RE2Dev;
+  }
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c272bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+set -eux
+SRCDIR=$(readlink --canonicalize $(dirname $0))
+DSTDIR=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir $(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXX)
+if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]]; then
+  if [[ -d deploy ]]; then
+    echo -e '\033[1;31m' "** The ${PWD}/deploy directory exists! Refusing to clobber it! **" '\033[0m'
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  mkdir deploy
+  sudo docker run -i -t --pull always --rm -v ${SRCDIR}/..:/src -v ${PWD}:/dst emscripten/emsdk /src/app/$(basename $0)
+  ls -l deploy
+  wget -O ${BAZEL}${BAZELISK_RELEASE}/bazelisk-linux-amd64
+  chmod +x ${BAZEL}
+  cd ${SRCDIR}
+  # Emscripten doesn't support `-fstack-protector`.
+  AR=emar CC=emcc \
+    ${BAZEL} build --compilation_mode=opt \
+    --copt=-fno-stack-protector \
+    -- :all
+  # Bazel doesn't retain the `_re2.wasm` artifact;
+  # we have to redo the link command to obtain it.
+  pushd ..
+  emcc @bazel-bin/app/_re2.js-2.params
+  cd bazel-bin/app
+  cp _re2.js _re2.wasm ${DSTDIR}
+  popd
+  # Clean up the sundry Bazel output directories.
+  ${BAZEL} clean --expunge
+  cp app.ts index.html _re2.d.ts ${DSTDIR}
+  cp package.json rollup.config.js tsconfig.json ${DSTDIR}
+  cd ${DSTDIR}
+  npm install
+  npx tsc
+  npx rollup -c rollup.config.js -d deploy
+  mv deploy/* /dst/deploy
+cd ${SRCDIR}
+rm -rf ${DSTDIR}
+exit 0
diff --git a/app/index.html b/app/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d229e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+<style>:root { color-scheme: dark light; }</style>
+<script type="module" src="app.js"></script>
diff --git a/app/package.json b/app/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e702789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  "dependencies": {
+    "lit": "*"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "*",
+    "@rollup/plugin-terser": "*",
+    "@web/rollup-plugin-html": "*",
+    "@web/rollup-plugin-import-meta-assets": "*",
+    "rollup": "~2",
+    "tslib": "*",
+    "typescript": "*"
+  }
diff --git a/app/rollup.config.js b/app/rollup.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a20e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/rollup.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2022 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import nodeResolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
+import terser from '@rollup/plugin-terser';
+import html from '@web/rollup-plugin-html';
+import {importMetaAssets} from '@web/rollup-plugin-import-meta-assets';
+export default {
+  input: 'index.html',
+  output: {
+    entryFileNames: '[hash].js',
+    chunkFileNames: '[hash].js',
+    assetFileNames: '[hash][extname]',
+    format: 'es',
+  },
+  preserveEntrySignatures: false,
+  plugins:
+      [
+        html({
+          minify: true,
+        }),
+        nodeResolve(),
+        terser(),
+        importMetaAssets(),
+      ],
diff --git a/app/tsconfig.json b/app/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86cc302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  "compilerOptions": {
+    "target": "esnext",
+    "module": "esnext",
+    "moduleResolution": "node",
+    "noEmitOnError": true,
+    "lib": ["esnext", "dom"],
+    "strict": true,
+    "esModuleInterop": false,
+    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
+    "experimentalDecorators": true,
+    "importHelpers": true,
+    "sourceMap": true,
+    "inlineSources": true,
+    "incremental": true
+  }
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index b19f501..4a29ec7 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+re2 (20230601-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Thu, 01 Jun 2023 02:59:58 -0000
 re2 (20230301-1) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Newupstream release.
diff --git a/debian/patches/debian-unicode-data.patch b/debian/patches/debian-unicode-data.patch
index 80da869..51f560d 100644
--- a/debian/patches/debian-unicode-data.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/debian-unicode-data.patch
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Forwarded: not-needed
  re2/ | 2 +-
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
-index 1b68cbe..4ffcfcf 100644
---- a/re2/
-+++ b/re2/
+Index: re2.git/re2/
+--- re2.git.orig/re2/
++++ re2.git/re2/
 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import re
  import urllib.request
diff --git a/debian/patches/parallel-test-runner.patch b/debian/patches/parallel-test-runner.patch
index 0dd4658..c1d7dad 100644
--- a/debian/patches/parallel-test-runner.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/parallel-test-runner.patch
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ Forwarded: not-needed
  Makefile | 8 +++++++-
  1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 34230ca..bafe910 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -268,7 +268,13 @@ clean:
+Index: re2.git/Makefile
+--- re2.git.orig/Makefile
++++ re2.git/Makefile
+@@ -280,7 +280,13 @@ clean:
  testofiles: $(TESTOFILES)
  .PHONY: test
diff --git a/python/BUILD.bazel b/python/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73547c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+# Bazel ( BUILD file for RE2 Python.
+load("@pybind11_bazel//:build_defs.bzl", "pybind_extension")
+load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_library", "py_test")
+    name = "_re2",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = [
+        "//:re2",
+        "@com_google_absl//absl/strings",
+    ],
+    name = "re2",
+    srcs = [""],
+    data = [""],
+    imports = ["."],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    name = "re2_test",
+    size = "small",
+    srcs = [""],
+    deps = [
+        ":re2",
+        "@io_abseil_py//absl/testing:absltest",
+        "@io_abseil_py//absl/testing:parameterized",
+    ],
diff --git a/python/LICENSE b/python/LICENSE
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..ea5b606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/python/README b/python/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782378f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Building requires Python 3 and pybind11 to be installed on your system.
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8564f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <pybind11/stl.h>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "re2/filtered_re2.h"
+#include "re2/re2.h"
+#include "re2/set.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <basetsd.h>
+#define ssize_t SSIZE_T
+namespace re2_python {
+// This is conventional.
+namespace py = pybind11;
+// In terms of the pybind11 API, a py::buffer is merely a py::object that
+// supports the buffer interface/protocol and you must explicitly request
+// a py::buffer_info in order to access the actual bytes. Under the hood,
+// the py::buffer_info manages a reference count to the py::buffer, so it
+// must be constructed and subsequently destructed while holding the GIL.
+static inline absl::string_view FromBytes(const py::buffer_info& bytes) {
+  char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(bytes.ptr);
+  ssize_t size = bytes.size;
+  return absl::string_view(data, size);
+static inline int OneCharLen(const char* ptr) {
+  return "\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\2\2\3\4"[(*ptr & 0xFF) >> 4];
+// Helper function for when Python encodes str to bytes and then needs to
+// convert str offsets to bytes offsets. Assumes that text is valid UTF-8.
+ssize_t CharLenToBytes(py::buffer buffer, ssize_t pos, ssize_t len) {
+  auto bytes = buffer.request();
+  auto text = FromBytes(bytes);
+  auto ptr = + pos;
+  auto end = + text.size();
+  while (ptr < end && len > 0) {
+    ptr += OneCharLen(ptr);
+    --len;
+  }
+  return ptr - ( + pos);
+// Helper function for when Python decodes bytes to str and then needs to
+// convert bytes offsets to str offsets. Assumes that text is valid UTF-8.
+ssize_t BytesToCharLen(py::buffer buffer, ssize_t pos, ssize_t endpos) {
+  auto bytes = buffer.request();
+  auto text = FromBytes(bytes);
+  auto ptr = + pos;
+  auto end = + endpos;
+  ssize_t len = 0;
+  while (ptr < end) {
+    ptr += OneCharLen(ptr);
+    ++len;
+  }
+  return len;
+std::unique_ptr<RE2> RE2InitShim(py::buffer buffer,
+                                 const RE2::Options& options) {
+  auto bytes = buffer.request();
+  auto pattern = FromBytes(bytes);
+  return std::make_unique<RE2>(pattern, options);
+py::bytes RE2ErrorShim(const RE2& self) {
+  // Return std::string as bytes. That is, without decoding to str.
+  return self.error();
+std::vector<std::pair<py::bytes, int>> RE2NamedCapturingGroupsShim(
+    const RE2& self) {
+  const int num_groups = self.NumberOfCapturingGroups();
+  std::vector<std::pair<py::bytes, int>> groups;
+  groups.reserve(num_groups);
+  for (const auto& it : self.NamedCapturingGroups()) {
+    groups.emplace_back(it.first, it.second);
+  }
+  return groups;
+std::vector<int> RE2ProgramFanoutShim(const RE2& self) {
+  std::vector<int> histogram;
+  self.ProgramFanout(&histogram);
+  return histogram;
+std::vector<int> RE2ReverseProgramFanoutShim(const RE2& self) {
+  std::vector<int> histogram;
+  self.ReverseProgramFanout(&histogram);
+  return histogram;
+std::tuple<bool, py::bytes, py::bytes> RE2PossibleMatchRangeShim(
+    const RE2& self, int maxlen) {
+  std::string min, max;
+  // Return std::string as bytes. That is, without decoding to str.
+  return {self.PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, maxlen), min, max};
+std::vector<std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t>> RE2MatchShim(const RE2& self,
+                                                      RE2::Anchor anchor,
+                                                      py::buffer buffer,
+                                                      ssize_t pos,
+                                                      ssize_t endpos) {
+  auto bytes = buffer.request();
+  auto text = FromBytes(bytes);
+  const int num_groups = self.NumberOfCapturingGroups() + 1;  // need $0
+  std::vector<absl::string_view> groups;
+  groups.resize(num_groups);
+  py::gil_scoped_release release_gil;
+  if (!self.Match(text, pos, endpos, anchor,, groups.size())) {
+    // Ensure that groups are null before converting to spans!
+    for (auto& it : groups) {
+      it = absl::string_view();
+    }
+  }
+  std::vector<std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t>> spans;
+  spans.reserve(num_groups);
+  for (const auto& it : groups) {
+    if ( == NULL) {
+      spans.emplace_back(-1, -1);
+    } else {
+      spans.emplace_back( -,
+                - + it.size());
+    }
+  }
+  return spans;
+py::bytes RE2QuoteMetaShim(py::buffer buffer) {
+  auto bytes = buffer.request();
+  auto pattern = FromBytes(bytes);
+  // Return std::string as bytes. That is, without decoding to str.
+  return RE2::QuoteMeta(pattern);
+class Set {
+ public:
+  Set(RE2::Anchor anchor, const RE2::Options& options)
+      : set_(options, anchor) {}
+  ~Set() = default;
+  // Not copyable or movable.
+  Set(const Set&) = delete;
+  Set& operator=(const Set&) = delete;
+  int Add(py::buffer buffer) {
+    auto bytes = buffer.request();
+    auto pattern = FromBytes(bytes);
+    int index = set_.Add(pattern, /*error=*/NULL);  // -1 on error
+    return index;
+  }
+  bool Compile() {
+    // Compiling can fail.
+    return set_.Compile();
+  }
+  std::vector<int> Match(py::buffer buffer) const {
+    auto bytes = buffer.request();
+    auto text = FromBytes(bytes);
+    std::vector<int> matches;
+    py::gil_scoped_release release_gil;
+    set_.Match(text, &matches);
+    return matches;
+  }
+ private:
+  RE2::Set set_;
+class Filter {
+ public:
+  Filter() = default;
+  ~Filter() = default;
+  // Not copyable or movable.
+  Filter(const Filter&) = delete;
+  Filter& operator=(const Filter&) = delete;
+  int Add(py::buffer buffer, const RE2::Options& options) {
+    auto bytes = buffer.request();
+    auto pattern = FromBytes(bytes);
+    int index = -1;  // not clobbered on error
+    filter_.Add(pattern, options, &index);
+    return index;
+  }
+  bool Compile() {
+    std::vector<std::string> atoms;
+    filter_.Compile(&atoms);
+    RE2::Options options;
+    options.set_literal(true);
+    options.set_case_sensitive(false);
+    set_ = std::make_unique<RE2::Set>(options, RE2::UNANCHORED);
+    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(atoms.size()); ++i) {
+      if (set_->Add(atoms[i], /*error=*/NULL) != i) {
+        // Should never happen: the atom is a literal!
+        py::pybind11_fail("set_->Add() failed");
+      }
+    }
+    // Compiling can fail.
+    return set_->Compile();
+  }
+  std::vector<int> Match(py::buffer buffer, bool potential) const {
+    auto bytes = buffer.request();
+    auto text = FromBytes(bytes);
+    std::vector<int> atoms;
+    py::gil_scoped_release release_gil;
+    set_->Match(text, &atoms);
+    std::vector<int> matches;
+    if (potential) {
+      filter_.AllPotentials(atoms, &matches);
+    } else {
+      filter_.AllMatches(text, atoms, &matches);
+    }
+    return matches;
+  }
+  const RE2& GetRE2(int index) const {
+    return filter_.GetRE2(index);
+  }
+ private:
+  re2::FilteredRE2 filter_;
+  std::unique_ptr<RE2::Set> set_;
+PYBIND11_MODULE(_re2, module) {
+  module.def("CharLenToBytes", &CharLenToBytes);
+  module.def("BytesToCharLen", &BytesToCharLen);
+  //     class RE2
+  //         enum Anchor
+  //         class Options
+  //             enum Encoding
+  //     class Set
+  //     class Filter
+  py::class_<RE2> re2(module, "RE2");
+  py::enum_<RE2::Anchor> anchor(re2, "Anchor");
+  py::class_<RE2::Options> options(re2, "Options");
+  py::enum_<RE2::Options::Encoding> encoding(options, "Encoding");
+  py::class_<Set> set(module, "Set");
+  py::class_<Filter> filter(module, "Filter");
+  anchor.value("UNANCHORED", RE2::Anchor::UNANCHORED);
+  anchor.value("ANCHOR_START", RE2::Anchor::ANCHOR_START);
+  anchor.value("ANCHOR_BOTH", RE2::Anchor::ANCHOR_BOTH);
+  encoding.value("UTF8", RE2::Options::Encoding::EncodingUTF8);
+  encoding.value("LATIN1", RE2::Options::Encoding::EncodingLatin1);
+  options.def(py::init<>())
+      .def_property("max_mem",                          //
+                    &RE2::Options::max_mem,             //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_max_mem)         //
+      .def_property("encoding",                         //
+                    &RE2::Options::encoding,            //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_encoding)        //
+      .def_property("posix_syntax",                     //
+                    &RE2::Options::posix_syntax,        //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_posix_syntax)    //
+      .def_property("longest_match",                    //
+                    &RE2::Options::longest_match,       //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_longest_match)   //
+      .def_property("log_errors",                       //
+                    &RE2::Options::log_errors,          //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_log_errors)      //
+      .def_property("literal",                          //
+                    &RE2::Options::literal,             //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_literal)         //
+      .def_property("never_nl",                         //
+                    &RE2::Options::never_nl,            //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_never_nl)        //
+      .def_property("dot_nl",                           //
+                    &RE2::Options::dot_nl,              //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_dot_nl)          //
+      .def_property("never_capture",                    //
+                    &RE2::Options::never_capture,       //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_never_capture)   //
+      .def_property("case_sensitive",                   //
+                    &RE2::Options::case_sensitive,      //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_case_sensitive)  //
+      .def_property("perl_classes",                     //
+                    &RE2::Options::perl_classes,        //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_perl_classes)    //
+      .def_property("word_boundary",                    //
+                    &RE2::Options::word_boundary,       //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_word_boundary)   //
+      .def_property("one_line",                         //
+                    &RE2::Options::one_line,            //
+                    &RE2::Options::set_one_line);       //
+  re2.def(py::init(&RE2InitShim))
+      .def("ok", &RE2::ok)
+      .def("error", &RE2ErrorShim)
+      .def("options", &RE2::options)
+      .def("NumberOfCapturingGroups", &RE2::NumberOfCapturingGroups)
+      .def("NamedCapturingGroups", &RE2NamedCapturingGroupsShim)
+      .def("ProgramSize", &RE2::ProgramSize)
+      .def("ReverseProgramSize", &RE2::ReverseProgramSize)
+      .def("ProgramFanout", &RE2ProgramFanoutShim)
+      .def("ReverseProgramFanout", &RE2ReverseProgramFanoutShim)
+      .def("PossibleMatchRange", &RE2PossibleMatchRangeShim)
+      .def("Match", &RE2MatchShim)
+      .def_static("QuoteMeta", &RE2QuoteMetaShim);
+  set.def(py::init<RE2::Anchor, const RE2::Options&>())
+      .def("Add", &Set::Add)
+      .def("Compile", &Set::Compile)
+      .def("Match", &Set::Match);
+  filter.def(py::init<>())
+      .def("Add", &Filter::Add)
+      .def("Compile", &Filter::Compile)
+      .def("Match", &Filter::Match)
+      .def("GetRE2", &Filter::GetRE2,
+           py::return_value_policy::reference_internal);
+}  // namespace re2_python
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6d985
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+r"""A drop-in replacement for the re module.
+It uses RE2 under the hood, of course, so various PCRE features
+(e.g. backreferences, look-around assertions) are not supported.
+See for the canonical
+reference, but known syntactic "gotchas" relative to Python are:
+  * PCRE supports \Z and \z; RE2 supports \z; Python supports \z,
+    but calls it \Z. You must rewrite \Z to \z in pattern strings.
+Known differences between this module's API and the re module's API:
+  * The error class does not provide any error information as attributes.
+  * The Options class replaces the re module's flags with RE2's options as
+    gettable/settable properties. Please see re2.h for their documentation.
+  * The pattern string and the input string do not have to be the same type.
+    Any str will be encoded to UTF-8.
+  * The pattern string cannot be str if the options specify Latin-1 encoding.
+This module's LRU cache contains a maximum of 128 regular expression objects.
+Each regular expression object's underlying RE2 object uses a maximum of 8MiB
+of memory (by default). Hence, this module's LRU cache uses a maximum of 1GiB
+of memory (by default), but in most cases, it should use much less than that.
+import codecs
+import functools
+import itertools
+import _re2
+class error(Exception):
+  pass
+class Options(_re2.RE2.Options):
+  __slots__ = ()
+  NAMES = (
+      'max_mem',
+      'encoding',
+      'posix_syntax',
+      'longest_match',
+      'log_errors',
+      'literal',
+      'never_nl',
+      'dot_nl',
+      'never_capture',
+      'case_sensitive',
+      'perl_classes',
+      'word_boundary',
+      'one_line',
+  )
+def compile(pattern, options=None):
+  if isinstance(pattern, _Regexp):
+    if options:
+      raise error('pattern is already compiled, so '
+                  'options may not be specified')
+    pattern = pattern._pattern
+  options = options or Options()
+  values = tuple(getattr(options, name) for name in Options.NAMES)
+  return _Regexp._make(pattern, values)
+def search(pattern, text, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).search(text)
+def match(pattern, text, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).match(text)
+def fullmatch(pattern, text, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).fullmatch(text)
+def finditer(pattern, text, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).finditer(text)
+def findall(pattern, text, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).findall(text)
+def split(pattern, text, maxsplit=0, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).split(text, maxsplit)
+def subn(pattern, repl, text, count=0, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).subn(repl, text, count)
+def sub(pattern, repl, text, count=0, options=None):
+  return compile(pattern, options=options).sub(repl, text, count)
+def _encode(t):
+  return t.encode(encoding='utf-8')
+def _decode(b):
+  return b.decode(encoding='utf-8')
+def escape(pattern):
+  if isinstance(pattern, str):
+    encoded_pattern = _encode(pattern)
+    escaped = _re2.RE2.QuoteMeta(encoded_pattern)
+    decoded_escaped = _decode(escaped)
+    return decoded_escaped
+  else:
+    escaped = _re2.RE2.QuoteMeta(pattern)
+    return escaped
+def purge():
+  return _Regexp._make.cache_clear()
+_Anchor = _re2.RE2.Anchor
+_NULL_SPAN = (-1, -1)
+class _Regexp(object):
+  __slots__ = ('_pattern', '_regexp')
+  @classmethod
+  @functools.lru_cache(typed=True)
+  def _make(cls, pattern, values):
+    options = Options()
+    for name, value in zip(Options.NAMES, values):
+      setattr(options, name, value)
+    return cls(pattern, options)
+  def __init__(self, pattern, options):
+    self._pattern = pattern
+    if isinstance(self._pattern, str):
+      if options.encoding == Options.Encoding.LATIN1:
+        raise error('string type of pattern is str, but '
+                    'encoding specified in options is LATIN1')
+      encoded_pattern = _encode(self._pattern)
+      self._regexp = _re2.RE2(encoded_pattern, options)
+    else:
+      self._regexp = _re2.RE2(self._pattern, options)
+    if not self._regexp.ok():
+      raise error(self._regexp.error())
+  def __getstate__(self):
+    options = {name: getattr(self.options, name) for name in Options.NAMES}
+    return self._pattern, options
+  def __setstate__(self, state):
+    pattern, options = state
+    values = tuple(options[name] for name in Options.NAMES)
+    other = _Regexp._make(pattern, values)
+    self._pattern = other._pattern
+    self._regexp = other._regexp
+  def _match(self, anchor, text, pos=None, endpos=None):
+    pos = 0 if pos is None else max(0, min(pos, len(text)))
+    endpos = len(text) if endpos is None else max(0, min(endpos, len(text)))
+    if pos > endpos:
+      return
+    if isinstance(text, str):
+      encoded_text = _encode(text)
+      encoded_pos = _re2.CharLenToBytes(encoded_text, 0, pos)
+      if endpos == len(text):
+        # This is the common case.
+        encoded_endpos = len(encoded_text)
+      else:
+        encoded_endpos = encoded_pos + _re2.CharLenToBytes(
+            encoded_text, encoded_pos, endpos - pos)
+      decoded_offsets = {0: 0}
+      last_offset = 0
+      while True:
+        spans = self._regexp.Match(anchor, encoded_text, encoded_pos,
+                                   encoded_endpos)
+        if spans[0] == _NULL_SPAN:
+          break
+        # This algorithm is linear in the length of encoded_text. Specifically,
+        # no matter how many groups there are for a given regular expression or
+        # how many iterations through the loop there are for a given generator,
+        # this algorithm uses a single, straightforward pass over encoded_text.
+        offsets = sorted(set(itertools.chain(*spans)))
+        if offsets[0] == -1:
+          offsets = offsets[1:]
+        # Discard the rest of the items because they are useless now - and we
+        # could accumulate one item per str offset in the pathological case!
+        decoded_offsets = {last_offset: decoded_offsets[last_offset]}
+        for offset in offsets:
+          decoded_offsets[offset] = (
+              decoded_offsets[last_offset] +
+              _re2.BytesToCharLen(encoded_text, last_offset, offset))
+          last_offset = offset
+        def decode(span):
+          if span == _NULL_SPAN:
+            return span
+          return decoded_offsets[span[0]], decoded_offsets[span[1]]
+        decoded_spans = [decode(span) for span in spans]
+        yield _Match(self, text, pos, endpos, decoded_spans)
+        if encoded_pos == encoded_endpos:
+          break
+        elif encoded_pos == spans[0][1]:
+          # We matched the empty string at encoded_pos and would be stuck, so
+          # in order to make forward progress, increment the str offset.
+          encoded_pos += _re2.CharLenToBytes(encoded_text, encoded_pos, 1)
+        else:
+          encoded_pos = spans[0][1]
+    else:
+      while True:
+        spans = self._regexp.Match(anchor, text, pos, endpos)
+        if spans[0] == _NULL_SPAN:
+          break
+        yield _Match(self, text, pos, endpos, spans)
+        if pos == endpos:
+          break
+        elif pos == spans[0][1]:
+          # We matched the empty string at pos and would be stuck, so in order
+          # to make forward progress, increment the bytes offset.
+          pos += 1
+        else:
+          pos = spans[0][1]
+  def search(self, text, pos=None, endpos=None):
+    return next(self._match(_Anchor.UNANCHORED, text, pos, endpos), None)
+  def match(self, text, pos=None, endpos=None):
+    return next(self._match(_Anchor.ANCHOR_START, text, pos, endpos), None)
+  def fullmatch(self, text, pos=None, endpos=None):
+    return next(self._match(_Anchor.ANCHOR_BOTH, text, pos, endpos), None)
+  def finditer(self, text, pos=None, endpos=None):
+    return self._match(_Anchor.UNANCHORED, text, pos, endpos)
+  def findall(self, text, pos=None, endpos=None):
+    empty = type(text)()
+    items = []
+    for match in self.finditer(text, pos, endpos):
+      if not self.groups:
+        item =
+      elif self.groups == 1:
+        item = match.groups(default=empty)[0]
+      else:
+        item = match.groups(default=empty)
+      items.append(item)
+    return items
+  def _split(self, cb, text, maxsplit=0):
+    if maxsplit < 0:
+      return [text], 0
+    elif maxsplit > 0:
+      matchiter = itertools.islice(self.finditer(text), maxsplit)
+    else:
+      matchiter = self.finditer(text)
+    pieces = []
+    end = 0
+    numsplit = 0
+    for match in matchiter:
+      pieces.append(text[end:match.start()])
+      pieces.extend(cb(match))
+      end = match.end()
+      numsplit += 1
+    pieces.append(text[end:])
+    return pieces, numsplit
+  def split(self, text, maxsplit=0):
+    cb = lambda match: [match[group] for group in range(1, self.groups + 1)]
+    pieces, _ = self._split(cb, text, maxsplit)
+    return pieces
+  def subn(self, repl, text, count=0):
+    cb = lambda match: [repl(match) if callable(repl) else match.expand(repl)]
+    empty = type(text)()
+    pieces, numsplit = self._split(cb, text, count)
+    joined_pieces = empty.join(pieces)
+    return joined_pieces, numsplit
+  def sub(self, repl, text, count=0):
+    joined_pieces, _ = self.subn(repl, text, count)
+    return joined_pieces
+  @property
+  def pattern(self):
+    return self._pattern
+  @property
+  def options(self):
+    return self._regexp.options()
+  @property
+  def groups(self):
+    return self._regexp.NumberOfCapturingGroups()
+  @property
+  def groupindex(self):
+    groups = self._regexp.NamedCapturingGroups()
+    if isinstance(self._pattern, str):
+      decoded_groups = [(_decode(group), index) for group, index in groups]
+      return dict(decoded_groups)
+    else:
+      return dict(groups)
+  @property
+  def programsize(self):
+    return self._regexp.ProgramSize()
+  @property
+  def reverseprogramsize(self):
+    return self._regexp.ReverseProgramSize()
+  @property
+  def programfanout(self):
+    return self._regexp.ProgramFanout()
+  @property
+  def reverseprogramfanout(self):
+    return self._regexp.ReverseProgramFanout()
+  def possiblematchrange(self, maxlen):
+    ok, min, max = self._regexp.PossibleMatchRange(maxlen)
+    if not ok:
+      raise error('failed to compute match range')
+    return min, max
+class _Match(object):
+  __slots__ = ('_regexp', '_text', '_pos', '_endpos', '_spans')
+  def __init__(self, regexp, text, pos, endpos, spans):
+    self._regexp = regexp
+    self._text = text
+    self._pos = pos
+    self._endpos = endpos
+    self._spans = spans
+  # Python prioritises three-digit octal numbers over group escapes.
+  # For example, \100 should not be handled the same way as \g<10>0.
+  _OCTAL_RE = compile('\\\\[0-7][0-7][0-7]')
+  # Python supports \1 through \99 (inclusive) and \g<...> syntax.
+  _GROUP_RE = compile('\\\\[1-9][0-9]?|\\\\g<\\w+>')
+  @classmethod
+  @functools.lru_cache(typed=True)
+  def _split(cls, template):
+    if isinstance(template, str):
+      backslash = '\\'
+    else:
+      backslash = b'\\'
+    empty = type(template)()
+    pieces = [empty]
+    index = template.find(backslash)
+    while index != -1:
+      piece, template = template[:index], template[index:]
+      pieces[-1] += piece
+      octal_match = cls._OCTAL_RE.match(template)
+      group_match = cls._GROUP_RE.match(template)
+      if (not octal_match) and group_match:
+        index = group_match.end()
+        piece, template = template[:index], template[index:]
+        pieces.extend((piece, empty))
+      else:
+        # 2 isn't enough for \o, \x, \N, \u and \U escapes, but none of those
+        # should contain backslashes, so break them here and then fix them at
+        # the beginning of the next loop iteration or right before returning.
+        index = 2
+        piece, template = template[:index], template[index:]
+        pieces[-1] += piece
+      index = template.find(backslash)
+    pieces[-1] += template
+    return pieces
+  def expand(self, template):
+    if isinstance(template, str):
+      unescape = codecs.unicode_escape_decode
+    else:
+      unescape = codecs.escape_decode
+    empty = type(template)()
+    # Make a copy so that we don't clobber the cached pieces!
+    pieces = list(self._split(template))
+    for index, piece in enumerate(pieces):
+      if not index % 2:
+        pieces[index], _ = unescape(piece)
+      else:
+        if len(piece) <= 3:  # \1 through \99 (inclusive)
+          group = int(piece[1:])
+        else:  # \g<...>
+          group = piece[3:-1]
+          try:
+            group = int(group)
+          except ValueError:
+            pass
+        pieces[index] = self.__getitem__(group) or empty
+    joined_pieces = empty.join(pieces)
+    return joined_pieces
+  def __getitem__(self, group):
+    if not isinstance(group, int):
+      try:
+        group = self._regexp.groupindex[group]
+      except KeyError:
+        raise IndexError('bad group name')
+    if not 0 <= group <= self._regexp.groups:
+      raise IndexError('bad group index')
+    span = self._spans[group]
+    if span == _NULL_SPAN:
+      return None
+    return self._text[span[0]:span[1]]
+  def group(self, *groups):
+    if not groups:
+      groups = (0,)
+    items = (self.__getitem__(group) for group in groups)
+    return next(items) if len(groups) == 1 else tuple(items)
+  def groups(self, default=None):
+    items = []
+    for group in range(1, self._regexp.groups + 1):
+      item = self.__getitem__(group)
+      items.append(default if item is None else item)
+    return tuple(items)
+  def groupdict(self, default=None):
+    items = []
+    for group, index in self._regexp.groupindex.items():
+      item = self.__getitem__(index)
+      items.append((group, default) if item is None else (group, item))
+    return dict(items)
+  def start(self, group=0):
+    if not 0 <= group <= self._regexp.groups:
+      raise IndexError('bad group index')
+    return self._spans[group][0]
+  def end(self, group=0):
+    if not 0 <= group <= self._regexp.groups:
+      raise IndexError('bad group index')
+    return self._spans[group][1]
+  def span(self, group=0):
+    if not 0 <= group <= self._regexp.groups:
+      raise IndexError('bad group index')
+    return self._spans[group]
+  @property
+  def re(self):
+    return self._regexp
+  @property
+  def string(self):
+    return self._text
+  @property
+  def pos(self):
+    return self._pos
+  @property
+  def endpos(self):
+    return self._endpos
+  @property
+  def lastindex(self):
+    max_end = -1
+    max_group = None
+    # We look for the rightmost right parenthesis by keeping the first group
+    # that ends at max_end because that is the leftmost/outermost group when
+    # there are nested groups!
+    for group in range(1, self._regexp.groups + 1):
+      end = self._spans[group][1]
+      if max_end < end:
+        max_end = end
+        max_group = group
+    return max_group
+  @property
+  def lastgroup(self):
+    max_group = self.lastindex
+    if not max_group:
+      return None
+    for group, index in self._regexp.groupindex.items():
+      if max_group == index:
+        return group
+    return None
+class Set(object):
+  """A Pythonic wrapper around RE2::Set."""
+  __slots__ = ('_set')
+  def __init__(self, anchor, options=None):
+    options = options or Options()
+    self._set = _re2.Set(anchor, options)
+  @classmethod
+  def SearchSet(cls, options=None):
+    return cls(_Anchor.UNANCHORED, options=options)
+  @classmethod
+  def MatchSet(cls, options=None):
+    return cls(_Anchor.ANCHOR_START, options=options)
+  @classmethod
+  def FullMatchSet(cls, options=None):
+    return cls(_Anchor.ANCHOR_BOTH, options=options)
+  def Add(self, pattern):
+    if isinstance(pattern, str):
+      encoded_pattern = _encode(pattern)
+      index = self._set.Add(encoded_pattern)
+    else:
+      index = self._set.Add(pattern)
+    if index == -1:
+      raise error('failed to add %r to Set' % pattern)
+    return index
+  def Compile(self):
+    if not self._set.Compile():
+      raise error('failed to compile Set')
+  def Match(self, text):
+    if isinstance(text, str):
+      encoded_text = _encode(text)
+      matches = self._set.Match(encoded_text)
+    else:
+      matches = self._set.Match(text)
+    return matches or None
+class Filter(object):
+  """A Pythonic wrapper around FilteredRE2."""
+  __slots__ = ('_filter', '_patterns')
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._filter = _re2.Filter()
+    self._patterns = []
+  def Add(self, pattern, options=None):
+    options = options or Options()
+    if isinstance(pattern, str):
+      encoded_pattern = _encode(pattern)
+      index = self._filter.Add(encoded_pattern, options)
+    else:
+      index = self._filter.Add(pattern, options)
+    if index == -1:
+      raise error('failed to add %r to Filter' % pattern)
+    self._patterns.append(pattern)
+    return index
+  def Compile(self):
+    if not self._filter.Compile():
+      raise error('failed to compile Filter')
+  def Match(self, text, potential=False):
+    if isinstance(text, str):
+      encoded_text = _encode(text)
+      matches = self._filter.Match(encoded_text, potential)
+    else:
+      matches = self._filter.Match(text, potential)
+    return matches or None
+  def re(self, index):
+    if not 0 <= index < len(self._patterns):
+      raise IndexError('bad index')
+    proxy = object.__new__(_Regexp)
+    proxy._pattern = self._patterns[index]
+    proxy._regexp = self._filter.GetRE2(index)
+    return proxy
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86aa9ae
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@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Tests for google3.third_party.re2.python.re2."""
+import collections
+import pickle
+import re
+from absl.testing import absltest
+from absl.testing import parameterized
+import re2
+class OptionsTest(parameterized.TestCase):
+  @parameterized.parameters(*re2.Options.NAMES)
+  def test_option(self, name):
+    options = re2.Options()
+    value = getattr(options, name)
+    if isinstance(value, re2.Options.Encoding):
+      value = next(v for v in type(value).__members__.values() if v != value)
+    elif isinstance(value, bool):
+      value = not value
+    elif isinstance(value, int):
+      value = value + 1
+    else:
+      raise TypeError('option {!r}: {!r} {!r}'.format(name, type(value), value))
+    setattr(options, name, value)
+    self.assertEqual(value, getattr(options, name))
+class Re2CompileTest(parameterized.TestCase):
+  """Contains tests that apply to the re2 module only.
+  We disagree with Python on the string types of group names,
+  so there is no point attempting to verify consistency.
+  """
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'(foo*)(?P<bar>qux+)', 2, [(u'bar', 2)]),
+      (b'(foo*)(?P<bar>qux+)', 2, [(b'bar', 2)]),
+      (u'(foo*)(?P<中文>qux+)', 2, [(u'中文', 2)]),
+  )
+  def test_compile(self, pattern, expected_groups, expected_groupindex):
+    regexp = re2.compile(pattern)
+    self.assertIs(regexp, re2.compile(pattern))  # cached
+    self.assertIs(regexp, re2.compile(regexp))  # cached
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(re2.error,
+                                ('pattern is already compiled, so '
+                                 'options may not be specified')):
+      options = re2.Options()
+      options.log_errors = not options.log_errors
+      re2.compile(regexp, options=options)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(regexp.options)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_groups, regexp.groups)
+    self.assertDictEqual(dict(expected_groupindex), regexp.groupindex)
+  def test_compile_with_options(self):
+    options = re2.Options()
+    options.max_mem = 100
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(re2.error, 'pattern too large'):
+      re2.compile('.{1000}', options=options)
+  def test_programsize_reverseprogramsize(self):
+    regexp = re2.compile('a+b')
+    self.assertEqual(7, regexp.programsize)
+    self.assertEqual(7, regexp.reverseprogramsize)
+  def test_programfanout_reverseprogramfanout(self):
+    regexp = re2.compile('a+b')
+    self.assertListEqual([1, 1], regexp.programfanout)
+    self.assertListEqual([3], regexp.reverseprogramfanout)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'abc', 0, None),
+      (b'abc', 0, None),
+      (u'abc', 10, (b'abc', b'abc')),
+      (b'abc', 10, (b'abc', b'abc')),
+      (u'ab*c', 10, (b'ab', b'ac')),
+      (b'ab*c', 10, (b'ab', b'ac')),
+      (u'ab+c', 10, (b'abb', b'abc')),
+      (b'ab+c', 10, (b'abb', b'abc')),
+      (u'ab?c', 10, (b'abc', b'ac')),
+      (b'ab?c', 10, (b'abc', b'ac')),
+      (u'.*', 10, (b'', b'\xf4\xbf\xbf\xc0')),
+      (b'.*', 10, None),
+      (u'\\C*', 10, None),
+      (b'\\C*', 10, None),
+  )
+  def test_possiblematchrange(self, pattern, maxlen, expected_min_max):
+    # For brevity, the string type of pattern determines the encoding.
+    # It would otherwise be possible to have bytes with UTF8, but as per
+    # the module docstring, it isn't permitted to have str with LATIN1.
+    options = re2.Options()
+    if isinstance(pattern, str):
+      options.encoding = re2.Options.Encoding.UTF8
+    else:
+      options.encoding = re2.Options.Encoding.LATIN1
+    regexp = re2.compile(pattern, options=options)
+    if expected_min_max:
+      self.assertEqual(expected_min_max, regexp.possiblematchrange(maxlen))
+    else:
+      with self.assertRaisesRegex(re2.error, 'failed to compute match range'):
+        regexp.possiblematchrange(maxlen)
+Params = collections.namedtuple(
+    'Params', ('pattern', 'text', 'spans', 'search', 'match', 'fullmatch'))
+    Params(u'\\d+', u'Hello, world.', None, False, False, False),
+    Params(b'\\d+', b'Hello, world.', None, False, False, False),
+    Params(u'\\s+', u'Hello, world.', [(6, 7)], True, False, False),
+    Params(b'\\s+', b'Hello, world.', [(6, 7)], True, False, False),
+    Params(u'\\w+', u'Hello, world.', [(0, 5)], True, True, False),
+    Params(b'\\w+', b'Hello, world.', [(0, 5)], True, True, False),
+    Params(u'(\\d+)?', u'Hello, world.', [(0, 0), (-1, -1)], True, True, False),
+    Params(b'(\\d+)?', b'Hello, world.', [(0, 0), (-1, -1)], True, True, False),
+    Params(u'youtube(_device|_md|_gaia|_multiday|_multiday_gaia)?',
+           u'youtube_ads', [(0, 7), (-1, -1)], True, True, False),
+    Params(b'youtube(_device|_md|_gaia|_multiday|_multiday_gaia)?',
+           b'youtube_ads', [(0, 7), (-1, -1)], True, True, False),
+def upper(match):
+  return
+class ReRegexpTest(parameterized.TestCase):
+  """Contains tests that apply to the re and re2 modules."""
+  MODULE = re
+  @parameterized.parameters((p.pattern,) for p in PARAMS)
+  def test_pickle(self, pattern):
+    regexp = self.MODULE.compile(pattern)
+    rick = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(regexp))
+    self.assertEqual(regexp.pattern, rick.pattern)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (p.pattern, p.text, (p.spans if else None)) for p in PARAMS)
+  def test_search(self, pattern, text, expected_spans):
+    match =, text)
+    if expected_spans is None:
+      self.assertIsNone(match)
+    else:
+      spans = [match.span(group) for group in range( + 1)]
+      self.assertListEqual(expected_spans, spans)
+  def test_search_with_pos_and_endpos(self):
+    regexp = self.MODULE.compile(u'.+')  # empty string NOT allowed
+    text = u'I \u2665 RE2!'
+    # Note that len(text) is the position of the empty string at the end of
+    # text, so range() stops at len(text) + 1 in order to include len(text).
+    for pos in range(len(text) + 1):
+      for endpos in range(pos, len(text) + 1):
+        match =, pos=pos, endpos=endpos)
+        if pos == endpos:
+          self.assertIsNone(match)
+        else:
+          self.assertEqual(pos, match.pos)
+          self.assertEqual(endpos, match.endpos)
+          self.assertEqual(pos, match.start())
+          self.assertEqual(endpos, match.end())
+          self.assertTupleEqual((pos, endpos), match.span())
+  def test_search_with_bogus_pos_and_endpos(self):
+    regexp = self.MODULE.compile(u'.*')  # empty string allowed
+    text = u'I \u2665 RE2!'
+    match =, pos=-100)
+    self.assertEqual(0, match.pos)
+    match =, pos=100)
+    self.assertEqual(8, match.pos)
+    match =, endpos=-100)
+    self.assertEqual(0, match.endpos)
+    match =, endpos=100)
+    self.assertEqual(8, match.endpos)
+    match =, pos=100, endpos=-100)
+    self.assertIsNone(match)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (p.pattern, p.text, (p.spans if p.match else None)) for p in PARAMS)
+  def test_match(self, pattern, text, expected_spans):
+    match = self.MODULE.match(pattern, text)
+    if expected_spans is None:
+      self.assertIsNone(match)
+    else:
+      spans = [match.span(group) for group in range( + 1)]
+      self.assertListEqual(expected_spans, spans)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (p.pattern, p.text, (p.spans if p.fullmatch else None)) for p in PARAMS)
+  def test_fullmatch(self, pattern, text, expected_spans):
+    match = self.MODULE.fullmatch(pattern, text)
+    if expected_spans is None:
+      self.assertIsNone(match)
+    else:
+      spans = [match.span(group) for group in range( + 1)]
+      self.assertListEqual(expected_spans, spans)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'', u'', [(0, 0)]),
+      (b'', b'', [(0, 0)]),
+      (u'', u'x', [(0, 0), (1, 1)]),
+      (b'', b'x', [(0, 0), (1, 1)]),
+      (u'', u'xy', [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]),
+      (b'', b'xy', [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]),
+      (u'.', u'xy', [(0, 1), (1, 2)]),
+      (b'.', b'xy', [(0, 1), (1, 2)]),
+      (u'x', u'xy', [(0, 1)]),
+      (b'x', b'xy', [(0, 1)]),
+      (u'y', u'xy', [(1, 2)]),
+      (b'y', b'xy', [(1, 2)]),
+      (u'z', u'xy', []),
+      (b'z', b'xy', []),
+      (u'\\w*', u'Hello, world.', [(0, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6), (7, 12), (12, 12),
+                                   (13, 13)]),
+      (b'\\w*', b'Hello, world.', [(0, 5), (5, 5), (6, 6), (7, 12), (12, 12),
+                                   (13, 13)]),
+  )
+  def test_finditer(self, pattern, text, expected_matches):
+    matches = [match.span() for match in self.MODULE.finditer(pattern, text)]
+    self.assertListEqual(expected_matches, matches)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'\\w\\w+', u'Hello, world.', [u'Hello', u'world']),
+      (b'\\w\\w+', b'Hello, world.', [b'Hello', b'world']),
+      (u'(\\w)\\w+', u'Hello, world.', [u'H', u'w']),
+      (b'(\\w)\\w+', b'Hello, world.', [b'H', b'w']),
+      (u'(\\w)(\\w+)', u'Hello, world.', [(u'H', u'ello'), (u'w', u'orld')]),
+      (b'(\\w)(\\w+)', b'Hello, world.', [(b'H', b'ello'), (b'w', b'orld')]),
+      (u'(\\w)(\\w+)?', u'Hello, w.', [(u'H', u'ello'), (u'w', u'')]),
+      (b'(\\w)(\\w+)?', b'Hello, w.', [(b'H', b'ello'), (b'w', b'')]),
+  )
+  def test_findall(self, pattern, text, expected_matches):
+    matches = self.MODULE.findall(pattern, text)
+    self.assertListEqual(expected_matches, matches)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'\\W+', u'Hello, world.', -1, [u'Hello, world.']),
+      (b'\\W+', b'Hello, world.', -1, [b'Hello, world.']),
+      (u'\\W+', u'Hello, world.', 0, [u'Hello', u'world', u'']),
+      (b'\\W+', b'Hello, world.', 0, [b'Hello', b'world', b'']),
+      (u'\\W+', u'Hello, world.', 1, [u'Hello', u'world.']),
+      (b'\\W+', b'Hello, world.', 1, [b'Hello', b'world.']),
+      (u'(\\W+)', u'Hello, world.', -1, [u'Hello, world.']),
+      (b'(\\W+)', b'Hello, world.', -1, [b'Hello, world.']),
+      (u'(\\W+)', u'Hello, world.', 0, [u'Hello', u', ', u'world', u'.', u'']),
+      (b'(\\W+)', b'Hello, world.', 0, [b'Hello', b', ', b'world', b'.', b'']),
+      (u'(\\W+)', u'Hello, world.', 1, [u'Hello', u', ', u'world.']),
+      (b'(\\W+)', b'Hello, world.', 1, [b'Hello', b', ', b'world.']),
+  )
+  def test_split(self, pattern, text, maxsplit, expected_pieces):
+    pieces = self.MODULE.split(pattern, text, maxsplit)
+    self.assertListEqual(expected_pieces, pieces)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'\\w+', upper, u'Hello, world.', -1, u'Hello, world.', 0),
+      (b'\\w+', upper, b'Hello, world.', -1, b'Hello, world.', 0),
+      (u'\\w+', upper, u'Hello, world.', 0, u'HELLO, WORLD.', 2),
+      (b'\\w+', upper, b'Hello, world.', 0, b'HELLO, WORLD.', 2),
+      (u'\\w+', upper, u'Hello, world.', 1, u'HELLO, world.', 1),
+      (b'\\w+', upper, b'Hello, world.', 1, b'HELLO, world.', 1),
+      (u'\\w+', u'MEEP', u'Hello, world.', -1, u'Hello, world.', 0),
+      (b'\\w+', b'MEEP', b'Hello, world.', -1, b'Hello, world.', 0),
+      (u'\\w+', u'MEEP', u'Hello, world.', 0, u'MEEP, MEEP.', 2),
+      (b'\\w+', b'MEEP', b'Hello, world.', 0, b'MEEP, MEEP.', 2),
+      (u'\\w+', u'MEEP', u'Hello, world.', 1, u'MEEP, world.', 1),
+      (b'\\w+', b'MEEP', b'Hello, world.', 1, b'MEEP, world.', 1),
+      (u'\\\\', u'\\\\\\\\', u'Hello,\\world.', 0, u'Hello,\\\\world.', 1),
+      (b'\\\\', b'\\\\\\\\', b'Hello,\\world.', 0, b'Hello,\\\\world.', 1),
+  )
+  def test_subn_sub(self, pattern, repl, text, count, expected_joined_pieces,
+                    expected_numsplit):
+    joined_pieces, numsplit = self.MODULE.subn(pattern, repl, text, count)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_joined_pieces, joined_pieces)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_numsplit, numsplit)
+    joined_pieces = self.MODULE.sub(pattern, repl, text, count)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_joined_pieces, joined_pieces)
+class Re2RegexpTest(ReRegexpTest):
+  """Contains tests that apply to the re2 module only."""
+  MODULE = re2
+  def test_compile_with_latin1_encoding(self):
+    options = re2.Options()
+    options.encoding = re2.Options.Encoding.LATIN1
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(re2.error,
+                                ('string type of pattern is str, but '
+                                 'encoding specified in options is LATIN1')):
+      re2.compile(u'.?', options=options)
+    # ... whereas this is fine, of course.
+    re2.compile(b'.?', options=options)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'\\p{Lo}', u'\u0ca0_\u0ca0', [(0, 1), (2, 3)]),
+      (b'\\p{Lo}', b'\xe0\xb2\xa0_\xe0\xb2\xa0', [(0, 3), (4, 7)]),
+  )
+  def test_finditer_with_utf8(self, pattern, text, expected_matches):
+    matches = [match.span() for match in self.MODULE.finditer(pattern, text)]
+    self.assertListEqual(expected_matches, matches)
+  def test_purge(self):
+    re2.compile('Goodbye, world.')
+    self.assertGreater(re2._Regexp._make.cache_info().currsize, 0)
+    re2.purge()
+    self.assertEqual(re2._Regexp._make.cache_info().currsize, 0)
+class Re2EscapeTest(parameterized.TestCase):
+  """Contains tests that apply to the re2 module only.
+  We disagree with Python on the escaping of some characters,
+  so there is no point attempting to verify consistency.
+  """
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'a*b+c?', u'a\\*b\\+c\\?'),
+      (b'a*b+c?', b'a\\*b\\+c\\?'),
+  )
+  def test_escape(self, pattern, expected_escaped):
+    escaped = re2.escape(pattern)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_escaped, escaped)
+class ReMatchTest(parameterized.TestCase):
+  """Contains tests that apply to the re and re2 modules."""
+  MODULE = re
+  def test_expand(self):
+    pattern = u'(?P<S>[\u2600-\u26ff]+).*?(?P<P>[^\\s\\w]+)'
+    text = u'I \u2665 RE2!\n'
+    match =, text)
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665\n!', match.expand(u'\\1\\n\\2'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665\n!', match.expand(u'\\g<1>\\n\\g<2>'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665\n!', match.expand(u'\\g<S>\\n\\g<P>'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\\1\\2\n\u2665!', match.expand(u'\\\\1\\\\2\\n\\1\\2'))
+  def test_expand_with_octal(self):
+    pattern = u'()()()()()()()()()(\\w+)'
+    text = u'Hello, world.'
+    match =, text)
+    self.assertEqual(u'Hello\n', match.expand(u'\\g<0>\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'Hello\n', match.expand(u'\\g<10>\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\x00\n', match.expand(u'\\0\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\x00\n', match.expand(u'\\00\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\x00\n', match.expand(u'\\000\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\x000\n', match.expand(u'\\0000\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'\n', match.expand(u'\\1\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'Hello\n', match.expand(u'\\10\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'@\n', match.expand(u'\\100\\n'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'@0\n', match.expand(u'\\1000\\n'))
+  def test_getitem_group_groups_groupdict(self):
+    pattern = u'(?P<S>[\u2600-\u26ff]+).*?(?P<P>[^\\s\\w]+)'
+    text = u'Hello, world.\nI \u2665 RE2!\nGoodbye, world.\n'
+    match =, text)
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665 RE2!', match[0])
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665', match[1])
+    self.assertEqual(u'!', match[2])
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665', match[u'S'])
+    self.assertEqual(u'!', match[u'P'])
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665 RE2!',
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665 RE2!',
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665',
+    self.assertEqual(u'!',
+    self.assertEqual(u'\u2665','S'))
+    self.assertEqual(u'!','P'))
+    self.assertTupleEqual((u'\u2665', u'!'),, 2))
+    self.assertTupleEqual((u'\u2665', u'!'),'S', u'P'))
+    self.assertTupleEqual((u'\u2665', u'!'), match.groups())
+    self.assertDictEqual({u'S': u'\u2665', u'P': u'!'}, match.groupdict())
+  def test_bogus_group_start_end_and_span(self):
+    pattern = u'(?P<S>[\u2600-\u26ff]+).*?(?P<P>[^\\s\\w]+)'
+    text = u'I \u2665 RE2!\n'
+    match =, text)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError,, -1)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError,, 3)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError,, 'X')
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, match.start, -1)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, match.start, 3)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, match.end, -1)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, match.end, 3)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, match.span, -1)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError, match.span, 3)
+  @parameterized.parameters(
+      (u'((a)(b))((c)(d))', u'foo bar qux', None, None),
+      (u'(?P<one>(a)(b))((c)(d))', u'foo abcd qux', 4, None),
+      (u'(?P<one>(a)(b))(?P<four>(c)(d))', u'foo abcd qux', 4, 'four'),
+  )
+  def test_lastindex_lastgroup(self, pattern, text, expected_lastindex,
+                               expected_lastgroup):
+    match =, text)
+    if expected_lastindex is None:
+      self.assertIsNone(match)
+    else:
+      self.assertEqual(expected_lastindex, match.lastindex)
+      self.assertEqual(expected_lastgroup, match.lastgroup)
+class Re2MatchTest(ReMatchTest):
+  """Contains tests that apply to the re2 module only."""
+  MODULE = re2
+class SetTest(absltest.TestCase):
+  def test_search(self):
+    s = re2.Set.SearchSet()
+    self.assertEqual(0, s.Add('\\d+'))
+    self.assertEqual(1, s.Add('\\s+'))
+    self.assertEqual(2, s.Add('\\w+'))
+    self.assertRaises(re2.error, s.Add, '(MEEP')
+    s.Compile()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([1, 2], s.Match('Hello, world.'))
+  def test_match(self):
+    s = re2.Set.MatchSet()
+    self.assertEqual(0, s.Add('\\d+'))
+    self.assertEqual(1, s.Add('\\s+'))
+    self.assertEqual(2, s.Add('\\w+'))
+    self.assertRaises(re2.error, s.Add, '(MEEP')
+    s.Compile()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([2], s.Match('Hello, world.'))
+  def test_fullmatch(self):
+    s = re2.Set.FullMatchSet()
+    self.assertEqual(0, s.Add('\\d+'))
+    self.assertEqual(1, s.Add('\\s+'))
+    self.assertEqual(2, s.Add('\\w+'))
+    self.assertRaises(re2.error, s.Add, '(MEEP')
+    s.Compile()
+    self.assertIsNone(s.Match('Hello, world.'))
+class FilterTest(absltest.TestCase):
+  def test_match(self):
+    f = re2.Filter()
+    self.assertEqual(0, f.Add('Hello, \\w+\\.'))
+    self.assertEqual(1, f.Add('\\w+, world\\.'))
+    self.assertEqual(2, f.Add('Goodbye, \\w+\\.'))
+    self.assertRaises(re2.error, f.Add, '(MEEP')
+    f.Compile()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([0, 1], f.Match('Hello, world.', potential=True))
+    self.assertItemsEqual([0, 1], f.Match('HELLO, WORLD.', potential=True))
+    self.assertItemsEqual([0, 1], f.Match('Hello, world.'))
+    self.assertIsNone(f.Match('HELLO, WORLD.'))
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError,, -1)
+    self.assertRaises(IndexError,, 3)
+    self.assertEqual('Goodbye, \\w+\\.',
+    # Verify whether the underlying RE2 object is usable.
+    self.assertEqual(0,
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  absltest.main()
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0cbd5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import os
+import setuptools
+import setuptools.command.build_ext
+import shutil
+import sys
+long_description = r"""A drop-in replacement for the re module.
+It uses RE2 under the hood, of course, so various PCRE features
+(e.g. backreferences, look-around assertions) are not supported.
+See for the canonical
+reference, but known syntactic "gotchas" relative to Python are:
+  * PCRE supports \Z and \z; RE2 supports \z; Python supports \z,
+    but calls it \Z. You must rewrite \Z to \z in pattern strings.
+Known differences between this module's API and the re module's API:
+  * The error class does not provide any error information as attributes.
+  * The Options class replaces the re module's flags with RE2's options as
+    gettable/settable properties. Please see re2.h for their documentation.
+  * The pattern string and the input string do not have to be the same type.
+    Any str will be encoded to UTF-8.
+  * The pattern string cannot be str if the options specify Latin-1 encoding.
+Known issues with regard to building the C++ extension:
+  * Building requires RE2 to be installed on your system.
+    On Debian, for example, install the libre2-dev package.
+  * Building requires pybind11 to be installed on your system OR venv.
+    On Debian, for example, install the pybind11-dev package.
+    For a venv, install the pybind11 package from PyPI.
+  * Building on macOS is known to work, but has been known to fail.
+    For example, the system Python may not know which compiler flags
+    to set when building bindings for software installed by Homebrew;
+    see
+  * Building on Windows has not been tested yet and will probably fail.
+class BuildExt(setuptools.command.build_ext.build_ext):
+  def build_extension(self, ext):
+    if 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' not in os.environ:
+      return super().build_extension(ext)
+    # For @pybind11_bazel's `python_configure()`.
+    os.environ['PYTHON_BIN_PATH'] = sys.executable
+    cmd = ['bazel', 'clean', '--expunge']
+    self.spawn(cmd)
+    cmd = ['bazel', 'build']
+    if 'BAZEL_CPU' in os.environ:
+      cmd.append(f'--cpu={os.environ["BAZEL_CPU"].lower()}')
+    cmd += ['--compilation_mode=opt', '--', ':all']
+    self.spawn(cmd)
+    # This ensures that f'_re2.{importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES[0]}'
+    # is the filename in the destination directory, which is what's needed.
+    shutil.copyfile('../bazel-bin/python/',
+                    self.get_ext_fullpath(
+def include_dirs():
+  try:
+    import pybind11
+    yield pybind11.get_include()
+  except ModuleNotFoundError:
+    pass
+ext_module = setuptools.Extension(
+    name='_re2',
+    sources=[''],
+    include_dirs=list(include_dirs()),
+    libraries=['re2'],
+    extra_compile_args=['-fvisibility=hidden'],
+    name='google-re2',
+    version='1.0',
+    description='RE2 Python bindings',
+    long_description=long_description,
+    long_description_content_type='text/plain',
+    author='The RE2 Authors',
+    author_email='',
+    url='',
+    py_modules=['re2'],
+    ext_modules=[ext_module],
+    classifiers=[
+        'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
+        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+        'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
+        'Programming Language :: C++',
+        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
+    ],
+    cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExt},
+    python_requires='~=3.7',
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 1509909..f6fbca3 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ int Bitmap256::FindNextSetBit(int c) const {
     case 1:
       if (words_[1] != 0)
         return (1 * 64) + FindLSBSet(words_[1]);
     case 2:
       if (words_[2] != 0)
         return (2 * 64) + FindLSBSet(words_[2]);
     case 3:
       if (words_[3] != 0)
         return (3 * 64) + FindLSBSet(words_[3]);
       return -1;
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 877e548..38a0b87 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ class BitState {
   // The usual Search prototype.
   // Can only call Search once per BitState.
-  bool Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-              bool anchored, bool longest,
-              StringPiece* submatch, int nsubmatch);
+  bool Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context, bool anchored,
+              bool longest, absl::string_view* submatch, int nsubmatch);
   inline bool ShouldVisit(int id, const char* p);
@@ -53,14 +52,14 @@ class BitState {
   bool TrySearch(int id, const char* p);
   // Search parameters
-  Prog* prog_;              // program being run
-  StringPiece text_;        // text being searched
-  StringPiece context_;     // greater context of text being searched
-  bool anchored_;           // whether search is anchored at text.begin()
-  bool longest_;            // whether search wants leftmost-longest match
-  bool endmatch_;           // whether match must end at text.end()
-  StringPiece* submatch_;   // submatches to fill in
-  int nsubmatch_;           //   # of submatches to fill in
+  Prog* prog_;                   // program being run
+  absl::string_view text_;       // text being searched
+  absl::string_view context_;    // greater context of text being searched
+  bool anchored_;                // whether search is anchored at text.begin()
+  bool longest_;                 // whether search wants leftmost-longest match
+  bool endmatch_;                // whether match must end at text.end()
+  absl::string_view* submatch_;  // submatches to fill in
+  int nsubmatch_;                //   # of submatches to fill in
   // Search state
   static constexpr int kVisitedBits = 64;
@@ -256,9 +255,9 @@ bool BitState::TrySearch(int id0, const char* p0) {
         if (submatch_[0].data() == NULL ||
             (longest_ && p > submatch_[0].data() + submatch_[0].size())) {
           for (int i = 0; i < nsubmatch_; i++)
-            submatch_[i] =
-                StringPiece(cap_[2 * i],
-                            static_cast<size_t>(cap_[2 * i + 1] - cap_[2 * i]));
+            submatch_[i] = absl::string_view(
+                cap_[2 * i],
+                static_cast<size_t>(cap_[2 * i + 1] - cap_[2 * i]));
         // If going for first match, we're done.
@@ -285,9 +284,9 @@ bool BitState::TrySearch(int id0, const char* p0) {
 // Search text (within context) for prog_.
-bool BitState::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                      bool anchored, bool longest,
-                      StringPiece* submatch, int nsubmatch) {
+bool BitState::Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                      bool anchored, bool longest, absl::string_view* submatch,
+                      int nsubmatch) {
   // Search parameters.
   text_ = text;
   context_ = context;
@@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ bool BitState::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
   submatch_ = submatch;
   nsubmatch_ = nsubmatch;
   for (int i = 0; i < nsubmatch_; i++)
-    submatch_[i] = StringPiece();
+    submatch_[i] = absl::string_view();
   // Allocate scratch space.
   int nvisited = prog_->list_count() * static_cast<int>(text.size()+1);
@@ -353,16 +352,13 @@ bool BitState::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
 // Bit-state search.
-bool Prog::SearchBitState(const StringPiece& text,
-                          const StringPiece& context,
-                          Anchor anchor,
-                          MatchKind kind,
-                          StringPiece* match,
-                          int nmatch) {
+bool Prog::SearchBitState(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                          Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
+                          absl::string_view* match, int nmatch) {
   // If full match, we ask for an anchored longest match
   // and then check that match[0] == text.
   // So make sure match[0] exists.
-  StringPiece sp0;
+  absl::string_view sp0;
   if (kind == kFullMatch) {
     anchor = kAnchored;
     if (nmatch < 1) {
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 03bffab..aa79887 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include <unordered_map>
 #include <utility>
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ class Compiler : public Regexp::Walker<Frag> {
   int64_t max_mem_;    // Total memory budget.
-  std::unordered_map<uint64_t, int> rune_cache_;
+  absl::flat_hash_map<uint64_t, int> rune_cache_;
   Frag rune_range_;
   RE2::Anchor anchor_;  // anchor mode for RE2::Set
@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ static uint64_t MakeRuneCacheKey(uint8_t lo, uint8_t hi, bool foldcase,
 int Compiler::CachedRuneByteSuffix(uint8_t lo, uint8_t hi, bool foldcase,
                                    int next) {
   uint64_t key = MakeRuneCacheKey(lo, hi, foldcase, next);
-  std::unordered_map<uint64_t, int>::const_iterator it = rune_cache_.find(key);
+  absl::flat_hash_map<uint64_t, int>::const_iterator it = rune_cache_.find(key);
   if (it != rune_cache_.end())
     return it->second;
   int id = UncachedRuneByteSuffix(lo, hi, foldcase, next);
@@ -1243,7 +1244,7 @@ Prog* Compiler::CompileSet(Regexp* re, RE2::Anchor anchor, int64_t max_mem) {
   // Make sure DFA has enough memory to operate,
   // since we're not going to fall back to the NFA.
   bool dfa_failed = false;
-  StringPiece sp = "hello, world";
+  absl::string_view sp = "hello, world";
   prog->SearchDFA(sp, sp, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kManyMatch,
                   NULL, &dfa_failed, NULL);
   if (dfa_failed) {
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 55def2b..a177596 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -28,23 +28,25 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <atomic>
 #include <deque>
-#include <mutex>
 #include <new>
 #include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <unordered_set>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include "absl/base/call_once.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
+#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
+#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
+#include "absl/types/span.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/mix.h"
-#include "util/mutex.h"
 #include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/sparse_set.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 // Silence "zero-sized array in struct/union" warning for DFA::State::next_.
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
@@ -88,9 +90,9 @@ class DFA {
   //   returning the leftmost end of the match instead of the rightmost one.
   // If the DFA cannot complete the search (for example, if it is out of
   //   memory), it sets *failed and returns false.
-  bool Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-              bool anchored, bool want_earliest_match, bool run_forward,
-              bool* failed, const char** ep, SparseSet* matches);
+  bool Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context, bool anchored,
+              bool want_earliest_match, bool run_forward, bool* failed,
+              const char** ep, SparseSet* matches);
   // Builds out all states for the entire DFA.
   // If cb is not empty, it receives one callback per state built.
@@ -114,6 +116,18 @@ class DFA {
   struct State {
     inline bool IsMatch() const { return (flag_ & kFlagMatch) != 0; }
+    template <typename H>
+    friend H AbslHashValue(H h, const State& a) {
+      const absl::Span<const int> ainst(a.inst_, a.ninst_);
+      return H::combine(std::move(h), a.flag_, ainst);
+    }
+    friend bool operator==(const State& a, const State& b) {
+      const absl::Span<const int> ainst(a.inst_, a.ninst_);
+      const absl::Span<const int> binst(b.inst_, b.ninst_);
+      return &a == &b || (a.flag_ == b.flag_ && ainst == binst);
+    }
     int* inst_;         // Instruction pointers in the state.
     int ninst_;         // # of inst_ pointers.
     uint32_t flag_;     // Empty string bitfield flags in effect on the way
@@ -124,11 +138,11 @@ class DFA {
 // (
 #if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ == 6 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1
     std::atomic<State*> next_[0];   // Outgoing arrows from State,
+                                    // one per input byte class
     std::atomic<State*> next_[];    // Outgoing arrows from State,
+                                    // one per input byte class
-                        // one per input byte class
   enum {
@@ -143,11 +157,7 @@ class DFA {
   struct StateHash {
     size_t operator()(const State* a) const {
       DCHECK(a != NULL);
-      HashMix mix(a->flag_);
-      for (int i = 0; i < a->ninst_; i++)
-        mix.Mix(a->inst_[i]);
-      mix.Mix(0);
-      return mix.get();
+      return absl::Hash<State>()(*a);
@@ -155,24 +165,15 @@ class DFA {
     bool operator()(const State* a, const State* b) const {
       DCHECK(a != NULL);
       DCHECK(b != NULL);
-      if (a == b)
-        return true;
-      if (a->flag_ != b->flag_)
-        return false;
-      if (a->ninst_ != b->ninst_)
-        return false;
-      for (int i = 0; i < a->ninst_; i++)
-        if (a->inst_[i] != b->inst_[i])
-          return false;
-      return true;
+      return *a == *b;
-  typedef std::unordered_set<State*, StateHash, StateEqual> StateSet;
+  typedef absl::flat_hash_set<State*, StateHash, StateEqual> StateSet;
   // Make it easier to swap in a scalable reader-writer mutex.
-  using CacheMutex = Mutex;
+  using CacheMutex = absl::Mutex;
   enum {
     // Indices into start_ for unanchored searches.
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ class DFA {
   // Search parameters
   struct SearchParams {
-    SearchParams(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+    SearchParams(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                  RWLocker* cache_lock)
       : text(text),
@@ -252,8 +253,8 @@ class DFA {
         matches(NULL) {}
-    StringPiece text;
-    StringPiece context;
+    absl::string_view text;
+    absl::string_view context;
     bool anchored;
     bool can_prefix_accel;
     bool want_earliest_match;
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ class DFA {
   Prog::MatchKind kind_;    // The kind of DFA.
   bool init_failed_;        // initialization failed (out of memory)
-  Mutex mutex_;  // mutex_ >= cache_mutex_.r
+  absl::Mutex mutex_;  // mutex_ >= cache_mutex_.r
   // Scratch areas, protected by mutex_.
   Workq* q0_;             // Two pre-allocated work queues.
@@ -428,7 +429,7 @@ DFA::DFA(Prog* prog, Prog::MatchKind kind, int64_t max_mem)
     mem_budget_(max_mem) {
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nkind %d\n%s\n", kind_, prog_->DumpUnanchored().c_str());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "\nkind %d\n%s\n", kind_, prog_->DumpUnanchored());
   int nmark = 0;
   if (kind_ == Prog::kLongestMatch)
     nmark = prog_->size();
@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ std::string DFA::DumpWorkq(Workq* q) {
       s += "|";
       sep = "";
     } else {
-      s += StringPrintf("%s%d", sep, *it);
+      s += absl::StrFormat("%s%d", sep, *it);
       sep = ",";
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ std::string DFA::DumpState(State* state) {
     return "*";
   std::string s;
   const char* sep = "";
-  s += StringPrintf("(%p)", state);
+  s += absl::StrFormat("(%p)", state);
   for (int i = 0; i < state->ninst_; i++) {
     if (state->inst_[i] == Mark) {
       s += "|";
@@ -524,11 +525,11 @@ std::string DFA::DumpState(State* state) {
       s += "||";
       sep = "";
     } else {
-      s += StringPrintf("%s%d", sep, state->inst_[i]);
+      s += absl::StrFormat("%s%d", sep, state->inst_[i]);
       sep = ",";
-  s += StringPrintf(" flag=%#x", state->flag_);
+  s += absl::StrFormat(" flag=%#x", state->flag_);
   return s;
@@ -596,16 +597,35 @@ DFA::State* DFA::WorkqToCachedState(Workq* q, Workq* mq, uint32_t flag) {
   // Construct array of instruction ids for the new state.
-  // Only ByteRange, EmptyWidth, and Match instructions are useful to keep:
-  // those are the only operators with any effect in
-  // RunWorkqOnEmptyString or RunWorkqOnByte.
+  // In some cases, kInstAltMatch may trigger an upgrade to FullMatchState.
+  // Otherwise, "compress" q down to list heads for storage; StateToWorkq()
+  // will "decompress" it for computation by exploring from each list head.
+  //
+  // Historically, only kInstByteRange, kInstEmptyWidth and kInstMatch were
+  // useful to keep, but it turned out that kInstAlt was necessary to keep:
+  //
+  // > [*] kInstAlt would seem useless to record in a state, since
+  // > we've already followed both its arrows and saved all the
+  // > interesting states we can reach from there.  The problem
+  // > is that one of the empty-width instructions might lead
+  // > back to the same kInstAlt (if an empty-width operator is starred),
+  // > producing a different evaluation order depending on whether
+  // > we keep the kInstAlt to begin with.  Sigh.
+  // > A specific case that this affects is /(^|a)+/ matching "a".
+  // > If we don't save the kInstAlt, we will match the whole "a" (0,1)
+  // > but in fact the correct leftmost-first match is the leading "" (0,0).
+  //
+  // Recall that flattening transformed the Prog from "tree" form to "list"
+  // form: in the former, kInstAlt existed explicitly... and abundantly; in
+  // the latter, it's implied between the instructions that compose a list.
+  // Thus, because the information wasn't lost, the bug doesn't remanifest.
   PODArray<int> inst(q->size());
   int n = 0;
   uint32_t needflags = 0;  // flags needed by kInstEmptyWidth instructions
   bool sawmatch = false;   // whether queue contains guaranteed kInstMatch
   bool sawmark = false;    // whether queue contains a Mark
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "WorkqToCachedState %s [%#x]", DumpWorkq(q).c_str(), flag);
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "WorkqToCachedState %s [%#x]", DumpWorkq(q), flag);
   for (Workq::iterator it = q->begin(); it != q->end(); ++it) {
     int id = *it;
     if (sawmatch && (kind_ == Prog::kFirstMatch || q->is_mark(id)))
@@ -630,10 +650,10 @@ DFA::State* DFA::WorkqToCachedState(Workq* q, Workq* mq, uint32_t flag) {
             (kind_ != Prog::kLongestMatch || !sawmark) &&
             (flag & kFlagMatch)) {
           if (ExtraDebug)
-            fprintf(stderr, " -> FullMatchState\n");
+            absl::FPrintF(stderr, " -> FullMatchState\n");
           return FullMatchState;
         // Record iff id is the head of its list, which must
         // be the case if id-1 is the last of *its* list. :)
@@ -676,7 +696,7 @@ DFA::State* DFA::WorkqToCachedState(Workq* q, Workq* mq, uint32_t flag) {
   // if the state is *not* a matching state.
   if (n == 0 && flag == 0) {
     if (ExtraDebug)
-      fprintf(stderr, " -> DeadState\n");
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, " -> DeadState\n");
     return DeadState;
@@ -740,25 +760,29 @@ DFA::State* DFA::CachedState(int* inst, int ninst, uint32_t flag) {
   StateSet::iterator it = state_cache_.find(&state);
   if (it != state_cache_.end()) {
     if (ExtraDebug)
-      fprintf(stderr, " -cached-> %s\n", DumpState(*it).c_str());
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, " -cached-> %s\n", DumpState(*it));
     return *it;
   // Must have enough memory for new state.
   // In addition to what we're going to allocate,
-  // the state cache hash table seems to incur about 40 bytes per
-  // State*, empirically.
-  const int kStateCacheOverhead = 40;
+  // the state cache hash table seems to incur about 18 bytes per
+  // State*. Worst case for non-small sets is it being half full, where each
+  // value present takes up 1 byte hash sample plus the pointer itself.
+  const int kStateCacheOverhead = 18;
   int nnext = prog_->bytemap_range() + 1;  // + 1 for kByteEndText slot
-  int mem = sizeof(State) + nnext*sizeof(std::atomic<State*>) +
-            ninst*sizeof(int);
-  if (mem_budget_ < mem + kStateCacheOverhead) {
+  int mem = sizeof(State) + nnext*sizeof(std::atomic<State*>);
+  int instmem = ninst*sizeof(int);
+  if (mem_budget_ < mem + instmem + kStateCacheOverhead) {
     mem_budget_ = -1;
     return NULL;
-  mem_budget_ -= mem + kStateCacheOverhead;
+  mem_budget_ -= mem + instmem + kStateCacheOverhead;
   // Allocate new state along with room for next_ and inst_.
+  // inst_ is stored separately since it's colder; this also
+  // means that the States for a given DFA are the same size
+  // class, so the allocator can hopefully pack them better.
   char* space = std::allocator<char>().allocate(mem);
   State* s = new (space) State;
   (void) new (s->next_) std::atomic<State*>[nnext];
@@ -766,12 +790,13 @@ DFA::State* DFA::CachedState(int* inst, int ninst, uint32_t flag) {
   // (
   for (int i = 0; i < nnext; i++)
     (void) new (s->next_ + i) std::atomic<State*>(NULL);
-  s->inst_ = new (s->next_ + nnext) int[ninst];
-  memmove(s->inst_, inst, ninst*sizeof s->inst_[0]);
+  s->inst_ = std::allocator<int>().allocate(ninst);
+  (void) new (s->inst_) int[ninst];
+  memmove(s->inst_, inst, instmem);
   s->ninst_ = ninst;
   s->flag_ = flag;
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, " -> %s\n", DumpState(s).c_str());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, " -> %s\n", DumpState(s));
   // Put state in cache and return it.
@@ -785,12 +810,12 @@ void DFA::ClearCache() {
   while (begin != end) {
     StateSet::iterator tmp = begin;
+    // Deallocate the instruction array, which is stored separately as above.
+    std::allocator<int>().deallocate((*tmp)->inst_, (*tmp)->ninst_);
     // Deallocate the blob of memory that we allocated in DFA::CachedState().
     // We recompute mem in order to benefit from sized delete where possible.
-    int ninst = (*tmp)->ninst_;
     int nnext = prog_->bytemap_range() + 1;  // + 1 for kByteEndText slot
-    int mem = sizeof(State) + nnext*sizeof(std::atomic<State*>) +
-              ninst*sizeof(int);
+    int mem = sizeof(State) + nnext*sizeof(std::atomic<State*>);
     std::allocator<char>().deallocate(reinterpret_cast<char*>(*tmp), mem);
@@ -985,8 +1010,8 @@ void DFA::RunWorkqOnByte(Workq* oldq, Workq* newq,
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s on %d[%#x] -> %s [%d]\n",
-            DumpWorkq(oldq).c_str(), c, flag, DumpWorkq(newq).c_str(), *ismatch);
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "%s on %d[%#x] -> %s [%d]\n",
+                  DumpWorkq(oldq), c, flag, DumpWorkq(newq), *ismatch);
 // Processes input byte c in state, returning new state.
@@ -994,7 +1019,7 @@ void DFA::RunWorkqOnByte(Workq* oldq, Workq* newq,
 DFA::State* DFA::RunStateOnByteUnlocked(State* state, int c) {
   // Keep only one RunStateOnByte going
   // even if the DFA is being run by multiple threads.
-  MutexLock l(&mutex_);
+  absl::MutexLock l(&mutex_);
   return RunStateOnByte(state, c);
@@ -1134,9 +1159,9 @@ DFA::RWLocker::RWLocker(CacheMutex* mu) : mu_(mu), writing_(false) {
-// This function is marked as NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS because
+// This function is marked as ABSL_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS because
 // the annotations don't support lock upgrade.
-void DFA::RWLocker::LockForWriting() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+void DFA::RWLocker::LockForWriting() ABSL_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
   if (!writing_) {
@@ -1246,7 +1271,7 @@ DFA::StateSaver::~StateSaver() {
 DFA::State* DFA::StateSaver::Restore() {
   if (is_special_)
     return special_;
-  MutexLock l(&dfa_->mutex_);
+  absl::MutexLock l(&dfa_->mutex_);
   State* s = dfa_->CachedState(inst_, ninst_, flag_);
   if (s == NULL)
     LOG(DFATAL) << "StateSaver failed to restore state.";
@@ -1342,13 +1367,13 @@ inline bool DFA::InlinedSearchLoop(SearchParams* params) {
   State* s = start;
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "@stx: %s\n", DumpState(s).c_str());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "@stx: %s\n", DumpState(s));
   if (s->IsMatch()) {
     matched = true;
     lastmatch = p;
     if (ExtraDebug)
-      fprintf(stderr, "match @stx! [%s]\n", DumpState(s).c_str());
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, "match @stx! [%s]\n", DumpState(s));
     if (params->matches != NULL && kind_ == Prog::kManyMatch) {
       for (int i = s->ninst_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
         int id = s->inst_[i];
@@ -1365,7 +1390,7 @@ inline bool DFA::InlinedSearchLoop(SearchParams* params) {
   while (p != ep) {
     if (ExtraDebug)
-      fprintf(stderr, "@%td: %s\n", p - bp, DumpState(s).c_str());
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, "@%d: %s\n", p - bp, DumpState(s));
     if (can_prefix_accel && s == start) {
       // In start state, only way out is to find the prefix,
@@ -1465,7 +1490,7 @@ inline bool DFA::InlinedSearchLoop(SearchParams* params) {
         lastmatch = p + 1;
       if (ExtraDebug)
-        fprintf(stderr, "match @%td! [%s]\n", lastmatch - bp, DumpState(s).c_str());
+        absl::FPrintF(stderr, "match @%d! [%s]\n", lastmatch - bp, DumpState(s));
       if (params->matches != NULL && kind_ == Prog::kManyMatch) {
         for (int i = s->ninst_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
           int id = s->inst_[i];
@@ -1484,7 +1509,7 @@ inline bool DFA::InlinedSearchLoop(SearchParams* params) {
   // Process one more byte to see if it triggers a match.
   // (Remember, matches are delayed one byte.)
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "@etx: %s\n", DumpState(s).c_str());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "@etx: %s\n", DumpState(s));
   int lastbyte;
   if (run_forward) {
@@ -1532,7 +1557,7 @@ inline bool DFA::InlinedSearchLoop(SearchParams* params) {
     matched = true;
     lastmatch = p;
     if (ExtraDebug)
-      fprintf(stderr, "match @etx! [%s]\n", DumpState(s).c_str());
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, "match @etx! [%s]\n", DumpState(s));
     if (params->matches != NULL && kind_ == Prog::kManyMatch) {
       for (int i = s->ninst_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
         int id = s->inst_[i];
@@ -1623,8 +1648,8 @@ bool DFA::FastSearchLoop(SearchParams* params) {
 // state for the DFA search loop.  Fills in params and returns true on success.
 // Returns false on failure.
 bool DFA::AnalyzeSearch(SearchParams* params) {
-  const StringPiece& text = params->text;
-  const StringPiece& context = params->context;
+  absl::string_view text = params->text;
+  absl::string_view context = params->context;
   // Sanity check: make sure that text lies within context.
   if (BeginPtr(text) < BeginPtr(context) || EndPtr(text) > EndPtr(context)) {
@@ -1694,9 +1719,9 @@ bool DFA::AnalyzeSearch(SearchParams* params) {
     params->can_prefix_accel = true;
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "anchored=%d fwd=%d flags=%#x state=%s can_prefix_accel=%d\n",
-            params->anchored, params->run_forward, flags,
-            DumpState(params->start).c_str(), params->can_prefix_accel);
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "anchored=%d fwd=%d flags=%#x state=%s can_prefix_accel=%d\n",
+                  params->anchored, params->run_forward, flags,
+                  DumpState(params->start), params->can_prefix_accel);
   return true;
@@ -1709,7 +1734,7 @@ bool DFA::AnalyzeSearchHelper(SearchParams* params, StartInfo* info,
   if (start != NULL)
     return true;
-  MutexLock l(&mutex_);
+  absl::MutexLock l(&mutex_);
   start = info->start.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
   if (start != NULL)
     return true;
@@ -1728,14 +1753,9 @@ bool DFA::AnalyzeSearchHelper(SearchParams* params, StartInfo* info,
 // The actual DFA search: calls AnalyzeSearch and then FastSearchLoop.
-bool DFA::Search(const StringPiece& text,
-                 const StringPiece& context,
-                 bool anchored,
-                 bool want_earliest_match,
-                 bool run_forward,
-                 bool* failed,
-                 const char** epp,
-                 SparseSet* matches) {
+bool DFA::Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                 bool anchored, bool want_earliest_match, bool run_forward,
+                 bool* failed, const char** epp, SparseSet* matches) {
   *epp = NULL;
   if (!ok()) {
     *failed = true;
@@ -1744,9 +1764,9 @@ bool DFA::Search(const StringPiece& text,
   *failed = false;
   if (ExtraDebug) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nprogram:\n%s\n", prog_->DumpUnanchored().c_str());
-    fprintf(stderr, "text %s anchored=%d earliest=%d fwd=%d kind %d\n",
-            std::string(text).c_str(), anchored, want_earliest_match, run_forward, kind_);
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "\nprogram:\n%s\n", prog_->DumpUnanchored());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "text %s anchored=%d earliest=%d fwd=%d kind %d\n",
+                  text, anchored, want_earliest_match, run_forward, kind_);
   RWLocker l(&cache_mutex_);
@@ -1770,7 +1790,7 @@ bool DFA::Search(const StringPiece& text,
     return true;
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "start %s\n", DumpState(params.start).c_str());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "start %s\n", DumpState(params.start));
   bool ret = FastSearchLoop(&params);
   if (params.failed) {
     *failed = true;
@@ -1789,17 +1809,17 @@ DFA* Prog::GetDFA(MatchKind kind) {
   // "longest match" DFA, because RE2 never does reverse
   // "first match" searches.
   if (kind == kFirstMatch) {
-    std::call_once(dfa_first_once_, [](Prog* prog) {
+    absl::call_once(dfa_first_once_, [](Prog* prog) {
       prog->dfa_first_ = new DFA(prog, kFirstMatch, prog->dfa_mem_ / 2);
     }, this);
     return dfa_first_;
   } else if (kind == kManyMatch) {
-    std::call_once(dfa_first_once_, [](Prog* prog) {
+    absl::call_once(dfa_first_once_, [](Prog* prog) {
       prog->dfa_first_ = new DFA(prog, kManyMatch, prog->dfa_mem_);
     }, this);
     return dfa_first_;
   } else {
-    std::call_once(dfa_longest_once_, [](Prog* prog) {
+    absl::call_once(dfa_longest_once_, [](Prog* prog) {
       if (!prog->reversed_)
         prog->dfa_longest_ = new DFA(prog, kLongestMatch, prog->dfa_mem_ / 2);
@@ -1823,12 +1843,11 @@ void Prog::DeleteDFA(DFA* dfa) {
 // This is the only external interface (class DFA only exists in this file).
-bool Prog::SearchDFA(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
-                     Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, StringPiece* match0,
+bool Prog::SearchDFA(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                     Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match0,
                      bool* failed, SparseSet* matches) {
   *failed = false;
-  StringPiece context = const_context;
   if ( == NULL)
     context = text;
   bool caret = anchor_start();
@@ -1889,10 +1908,10 @@ bool Prog::SearchDFA(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
   if (match0) {
     if (reversed_)
       *match0 =
-          StringPiece(ep, static_cast<size_t>( + text.size() - ep));
+          absl::string_view(ep, static_cast<size_t>( + text.size() - ep));
       *match0 =
-          StringPiece(, static_cast<size_t>(ep -;
+          absl::string_view(, static_cast<size_t>(ep -;
   return true;
@@ -1905,7 +1924,7 @@ int DFA::BuildAllStates(const Prog::DFAStateCallback& cb) {
   // Pick out start state for unanchored search
   // at beginning of text.
   RWLocker l(&cache_mutex_);
-  SearchParams params(StringPiece(), StringPiece(), &l);
+  SearchParams params(absl::string_view(), absl::string_view(), &l);
   params.anchored = false;
   if (!AnalyzeSearch(&params) ||
       params.start == NULL ||
@@ -1915,7 +1934,7 @@ int DFA::BuildAllStates(const Prog::DFAStateCallback& cb) {
   // Add start state to work queue.
   // Note that any State* that we handle here must point into the cache,
   // so we can simply depend on pointer-as-a-number hashing and equality.
-  std::unordered_map<State*, int> m;
+  absl::flat_hash_map<State*, int> m;
   std::deque<State*> q;
   m.emplace(params.start, static_cast<int>(m.size()));
@@ -1989,11 +2008,11 @@ bool DFA::PossibleMatchRange(std::string* min, std::string* max, int maxlen) {
   // Also note that previously_visited_states[UnseenStatePtr] will, in the STL
   // tradition, implicitly insert a '0' value at first use. We take advantage
   // of that property below.
-  std::unordered_map<State*, int> previously_visited_states;
+  absl::flat_hash_map<State*, int> previously_visited_states;
   // Pick out start state for anchored search at beginning of text.
   RWLocker l(&cache_mutex_);
-  SearchParams params(StringPiece(), StringPiece(), &l);
+  SearchParams params(absl::string_view(), absl::string_view(), &l);
   params.anchored = true;
   if (!AnalyzeSearch(&params))
     return false;
@@ -2033,7 +2052,7 @@ bool DFA::PossibleMatchRange(std::string* min, std::string* max, int maxlen) {
   // Build minimum prefix.
   State* s = params.start;
-  MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
+  absl::MutexLock lock(&mutex_);
   for (int i = 0; i < maxlen; i++) {
     if (previously_visited_states[s] > kMaxEltRepetitions)
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 5df9745..49cf686 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/prefilter.h"
 #include "re2/prefilter_tree.h"
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ FilteredRE2& FilteredRE2::operator=(FilteredRE2&& other) {
   return *this;
-RE2::ErrorCode FilteredRE2::Add(const StringPiece& pattern,
+RE2::ErrorCode FilteredRE2::Add(absl::string_view pattern,
                                 const RE2::Options& options, int* id) {
   RE2* re = new RE2(pattern, options);
   RE2::ErrorCode code = re->error_code();
@@ -85,14 +84,14 @@ void FilteredRE2::Compile(std::vector<std::string>* atoms) {
   compiled_ = true;
-int FilteredRE2::SlowFirstMatch(const StringPiece& text) const {
+int FilteredRE2::SlowFirstMatch(absl::string_view text) const {
   for (size_t i = 0; i < re2_vec_.size(); i++)
     if (RE2::PartialMatch(text, *re2_vec_[i]))
       return static_cast<int>(i);
   return -1;
-int FilteredRE2::FirstMatch(const StringPiece& text,
+int FilteredRE2::FirstMatch(absl::string_view text,
                             const std::vector<int>& atoms) const {
   if (!compiled_) {
     LOG(DFATAL) << "FirstMatch called before Compile.";
@@ -106,10 +105,9 @@ int FilteredRE2::FirstMatch(const StringPiece& text,
   return -1;
-bool FilteredRE2::AllMatches(
-    const StringPiece& text,
-    const std::vector<int>& atoms,
-    std::vector<int>* matching_regexps) const {
+bool FilteredRE2::AllMatches(absl::string_view text,
+                             const std::vector<int>& atoms,
+                             std::vector<int>* matching_regexps) const {
   std::vector<int> regexps;
   prefilter_tree_->RegexpsGivenStrings(atoms, &regexps);
@@ -119,9 +117,8 @@ bool FilteredRE2::AllMatches(
   return !matching_regexps->empty();
-void FilteredRE2::AllPotentials(
-    const std::vector<int>& atoms,
-    std::vector<int>* potential_regexps) const {
+void FilteredRE2::AllPotentials(const std::vector<int>& atoms,
+                                std::vector<int>* potential_regexps) const {
   prefilter_tree_->RegexpsGivenStrings(atoms, potential_regexps);
diff --git a/re2/filtered_re2.h b/re2/filtered_re2.h
index dd618c7..a9abd69 100644
--- a/re2/filtered_re2.h
+++ b/re2/filtered_re2.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class FilteredRE2 {
   // Uses RE2 constructor to create a RE2 object (re). Returns
   // re->error_code(). If error_code is other than NoError, then re is
   // deleted and not added to re2_vec_.
-  RE2::ErrorCode Add(const StringPiece& pattern,
+  RE2::ErrorCode Add(absl::string_view pattern,
                      const RE2::Options& options,
                      int* id);
@@ -63,17 +64,17 @@ class FilteredRE2 {
   // Returns -1 on no match. Can be called prior to Compile.
   // Does not do any filtering: simply tries to Match the
   // regexps in a loop.
-  int SlowFirstMatch(const StringPiece& text) const;
+  int SlowFirstMatch(absl::string_view text) const;
   // Returns the index of the first matching regexp.
   // Returns -1 on no match. Compile has to be called before
   // calling this.
-  int FirstMatch(const StringPiece& text,
+  int FirstMatch(absl::string_view text,
                  const std::vector<int>& atoms) const;
   // Returns the indices of all matching regexps, after first clearing
   // matched_regexps.
-  bool AllMatches(const StringPiece& text,
+  bool AllMatches(absl::string_view text,
                   const std::vector<int>& atoms,
                   std::vector<int>* matching_regexps) const;
diff --git a/re2/fuzzing/ b/re2/fuzzing/
index b39ea3d..b42db55 100644
--- a/re2/fuzzing/
+++ b/re2/fuzzing/
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
 #include "re2/set.h"
 #include "re2/walker-inl.h"
-using re2::StringPiece;
 // NOT static, NOT signed.
 uint8_t dummy = 0;
@@ -97,8 +95,8 @@ class SubstringWalker : public re2::Regexp::Walker<int> {
   SubstringWalker& operator=(const SubstringWalker&) = delete;
-void TestOneInput(StringPiece pattern, const RE2::Options& options,
-                  RE2::Anchor anchor, StringPiece text) {
+void TestOneInput(absl::string_view pattern, const RE2::Options& options,
+                  RE2::Anchor anchor, absl::string_view text) {
   // Crudely limit the use of ., \p, \P, \d, \D, \s, \S, \w and \W.
   // Otherwise, we will waste time on inputs that have long runs of various
   // character classes. The fuzzer has shown itself to be easily capable of
@@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ void TestOneInput(StringPiece pattern, const RE2::Options& options,
   if (re.NumberOfCapturingGroups() == 0) {
     // Avoid early return due to too many arguments.
-    StringPiece sp = text;
+    absl::string_view sp = text;
     RE2::FullMatch(sp, re);
     RE2::PartialMatch(sp, re);
     RE2::Consume(&sp, re);
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@ void TestOneInput(StringPiece pattern, const RE2::Options& options,
   } else {
     // Okay, we have at least one capturing group...
     // Try conversion for variously typed arguments.
-    StringPiece sp = text;
+    absl::string_view sp = text;
     short s;
     RE2::FullMatch(sp, re, &s);
     long l;
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index b1d6a51..ac0c69d 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 // Regexp::MimicsPCRE checks for any of these conditions.
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 #include "re2/walker-inl.h"
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index c7339f8..a655884 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -60,9 +60,8 @@ class NFA {
   // Submatch[0] is the entire match.  When there is a choice in
   // which text matches each subexpression, the submatch boundaries
   // are chosen to match what a backtracking implementation would choose.
-  bool Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-              bool anchored, bool longest,
-              StringPiece* submatch, int nsubmatch);
+  bool Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context, bool anchored,
+              bool longest, absl::string_view* submatch, int nsubmatch);
   struct Thread {
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ class NFA {
   // Enqueues only the ByteRange instructions that match byte c.
   // context is used (with p) for evaluating empty-width specials.
   // p is the current input position, and t0 is the current thread.
-  void AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, const StringPiece& context,
+  void AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, absl::string_view context,
                     const char* p, Thread* t0);
   // Run runq on byte c, appending new states to nextq.
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ class NFA {
   // p-1 will be used when processing Match instructions.
   // Frees all the threads on runq.
   // If there is a shortcut to the end, returns that shortcut.
-  int Step(Threadq* runq, Threadq* nextq, int c, const StringPiece& context,
+  int Step(Threadq* runq, Threadq* nextq, int c, absl::string_view context,
            const char* p);
   // Returns text version of capture information, for debugging.
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ void NFA::Decref(Thread* t) {
 // Enqueues only the ByteRange instructions that match byte c.
 // context is used (with p) for evaluating empty-width specials.
 // p is the current input position, and t0 is the current thread.
-void NFA::AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, const StringPiece& context,
+void NFA::AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, absl::string_view context,
                        const char* p, Thread* t0) {
   if (id0 == 0)
@@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ void NFA::AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, const StringPiece& context,
     if (q->has_index(id)) {
       if (ExtraDebug)
-        fprintf(stderr, "  [%d%s]\n", id, FormatCapture(t0->capture).c_str());
+        absl::FPrintF(stderr, "  [%d%s]\n", id, FormatCapture(t0->capture));
@@ -288,7 +287,7 @@ void NFA::AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, const StringPiece& context,
       t = Incref(t0);
       *tp = t;
       if (ExtraDebug)
-        fprintf(stderr, " + %d%s\n", id, FormatCapture(t0->capture).c_str());
+        absl::FPrintF(stderr, " + %d%s\n", id, FormatCapture(t0->capture));
       if (ip->hint() == 0)
@@ -300,7 +299,7 @@ void NFA::AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, const StringPiece& context,
       t = Incref(t0);
       *tp = t;
       if (ExtraDebug)
-        fprintf(stderr, " ! %d%s\n", id, FormatCapture(t0->capture).c_str());
+        absl::FPrintF(stderr, " ! %d%s\n", id, FormatCapture(t0->capture));
       if (ip->last())
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ void NFA::AddToThreadq(Threadq* q, int id0, int c, const StringPiece& context,
 // p-1 will be used when processing Match instructions.
 // Frees all the threads on runq.
 // If there is a shortcut to the end, returns that shortcut.
-int NFA::Step(Threadq* runq, Threadq* nextq, int c, const StringPiece& context,
+int NFA::Step(Threadq* runq, Threadq* nextq, int c, absl::string_view context,
               const char* p) {
@@ -435,23 +434,22 @@ std::string NFA::FormatCapture(const char** capture) {
     if (capture[i] == NULL)
       s += "(?,?)";
     else if (capture[i+1] == NULL)
-      s += StringPrintf("(%td,?)",
-                        capture[i] - btext_);
+      s += absl::StrFormat("(%d,?)",
+                           capture[i] - btext_);
-      s += StringPrintf("(%td,%td)",
-                        capture[i] - btext_,
-                        capture[i+1] - btext_);
+      s += absl::StrFormat("(%d,%d)",
+                           capture[i] - btext_,
+                           capture[i+1] - btext_);
   return s;
-bool NFA::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
-            bool anchored, bool longest,
-            StringPiece* submatch, int nsubmatch) {
+bool NFA::Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                 bool anchored, bool longest, absl::string_view* submatch,
+                 int nsubmatch) {
   if (start_ == 0)
     return false;
-  StringPiece context = const_context;
   if ( == NULL)
     context = text;
@@ -497,8 +495,8 @@ bool NFA::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
   etext_ = + text.size();
   if (ExtraDebug)
-    fprintf(stderr, "NFA::Search %s (context: %s) anchored=%d longest=%d\n",
-            std::string(text).c_str(), std::string(context).c_str(), anchored, longest);
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "NFA::Search %s (context: %s) anchored=%d longest=%d\n",
+                  text, context, anchored, longest);
   // Set up search.
   Threadq* runq = &q0_;
@@ -517,14 +515,14 @@ bool NFA::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
       else if (p < etext_)
         c = p[0] & 0xFF;
-      fprintf(stderr, "%c:", c);
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, "%c:", c);
       for (Threadq::iterator i = runq->begin(); i != runq->end(); ++i) {
         Thread* t = i->value();
         if (t == NULL)
-        fprintf(stderr, " %d%s", i->index(), FormatCapture(t->capture).c_str());
+        absl::FPrintF(stderr, " %d%s", i->index(), FormatCapture(t->capture));
-      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, "\n");
     // This is a no-op the first time around the loop because runq is empty.
@@ -592,7 +590,7 @@ bool NFA::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
     // If all the threads have died, stop early.
     if (runq->size() == 0) {
       if (ExtraDebug)
-        fprintf(stderr, "dead\n");
+        absl::FPrintF(stderr, "dead\n");
@@ -616,27 +614,26 @@ bool NFA::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& const_context,
   if (matched_) {
     for (int i = 0; i < nsubmatch; i++)
-      submatch[i] =
-          StringPiece(match_[2 * i],
-                      static_cast<size_t>(match_[2 * i + 1] - match_[2 * i]));
+      submatch[i] = absl::string_view(
+          match_[2 * i],
+          static_cast<size_t>(match_[2 * i + 1] - match_[2 * i]));
     if (ExtraDebug)
-      fprintf(stderr, "match (%td,%td)\n",
-              match_[0] - btext_,
-              match_[1] - btext_);
+      absl::FPrintF(stderr, "match (%d,%d)\n",
+                    match_[0] - btext_,
+                    match_[1] - btext_);
     return true;
   return false;
-Prog::SearchNFA(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
-                StringPiece* match, int nmatch) {
+bool Prog::SearchNFA(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                     Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match,
+                     int nmatch) {
   if (ExtraDebug)
   NFA nfa(this);
-  StringPiece sp;
+  absl::string_view sp;
   if (kind == kFullMatch) {
     anchor = kAnchored;
     if (nmatch == 0) {
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 2639746..7931cf9 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/container/fixed_array.h"
+#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/sparse_set.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 // Silence "zero-sized array in struct/union" warning for OneState::action.
 #ifdef _MSC_VER
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void OnePass_Checks() {
                 "kMaxCap disagrees with kMaxOnePassCapture");
-static bool Satisfy(uint32_t cond, const StringPiece& context, const char* p) {
+static bool Satisfy(uint32_t cond, absl::string_view context, const char* p) {
   uint32_t satisfied = Prog::EmptyFlags(context, p);
   if (cond & kEmptyAllFlags & ~satisfied)
     return false;
@@ -211,10 +211,9 @@ static inline OneState* IndexToNode(uint8_t* nodes, int statesize,
   return reinterpret_cast<OneState*>(nodes + statesize*nodeindex);
-bool Prog::SearchOnePass(const StringPiece& text,
-                         const StringPiece& const_context,
+bool Prog::SearchOnePass(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                          Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
-                         StringPiece* match, int nmatch) {
+                         absl::string_view* match, int nmatch) {
   if (anchor != kAnchored && kind != kFullMatch) {
     LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot use SearchOnePass for unanchored matches.";
     return false;
@@ -234,7 +233,6 @@ bool Prog::SearchOnePass(const StringPiece& text,
   for (int i = 0; i < ncap; i++)
     matchcap[i] = NULL;
-  StringPiece context = const_context;
   if ( == NULL)
     context = text;
   if (anchor_start() && BeginPtr(context) != BeginPtr(text))
@@ -339,13 +337,12 @@ done:
   if (!matched)
     return false;
   for (int i = 0; i < nmatch; i++)
-    match[i] =
-        StringPiece(matchcap[2 * i],
-                    static_cast<size_t>(matchcap[2 * i + 1] - matchcap[2 * i]));
+    match[i] = absl::string_view(
+        matchcap[2 * i],
+        static_cast<size_t>(matchcap[2 * i + 1] - matchcap[2 * i]));
   return true;
 // Analysis to determine whether a given regexp program is one-pass.
 // If ip is not on workq, adds ip to work queue and returns true.
@@ -404,16 +401,17 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
   int stacksize = inst_count(kInstCapture) +
                   inst_count(kInstEmptyWidth) +
                   inst_count(kInstNop) + 1;  // + 1 for start inst
-  PODArray<InstCond> stack(stacksize);
+  absl::FixedArray<InstCond, 64> stack_storage(stacksize);
+  InstCond* stack =;
   int size = this->size();
-  PODArray<int> nodebyid(size);  // indexed by ip
-  memset(, 0xFF, size*sizeof nodebyid[0]);
+  absl::FixedArray<int, 128> nodebyid_storage(size, -1);  // indexed by ip
+  int* nodebyid =;
   // Originally, nodes was a uint8_t[maxnodes*statesize], but that was
   // unnecessarily optimistic: why allocate a large amount of memory
   // upfront for a large program when it is unlikely to be one-pass?
-  std::vector<uint8_t> nodes;
+  absl::InlinedVector<uint8_t, 2048> nodes;
   Instq tovisit(size), workq(size);
   AddQ(&tovisit, start());
@@ -462,7 +460,7 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
           if (nextindex == -1) {
             if (nalloc >= maxnodes) {
               if (ExtraDebug)
-                LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
+                LOG(ERROR) << absl::StrFormat(
                     "Not OnePass: hit node limit %d >= %d", nalloc, maxnodes);
               goto fail;
@@ -487,7 +485,7 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
               node->action[b] = newact;
             } else if (act != newact) {
               if (ExtraDebug)
-                LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
+                LOG(ERROR) << absl::StrFormat(
                     "Not OnePass: conflict on byte %#x at state %d", c, *it);
               goto fail;
@@ -508,7 +506,7 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
                 node->action[b] = newact;
               } else if (act != newact) {
                 if (ExtraDebug)
-                  LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
+                  LOG(ERROR) << absl::StrFormat(
                       "Not OnePass: conflict on byte %#x at state %d", c, *it);
                 goto fail;
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
           // If already on work queue, (1) is violated: bail out.
           if (!AddQ(&workq, ip->out())) {
             if (ExtraDebug)
-              LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
+              LOG(ERROR) << absl::StrFormat(
                   "Not OnePass: multiple paths %d -> %d", *it, ip->out());
             goto fail;
@@ -560,7 +558,7 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
           if (matched) {
             // (3) is violated
             if (ExtraDebug)
-              LOG(ERROR) << StringPrintf(
+              LOG(ERROR) << absl::StrFormat(
                   "Not OnePass: multiple matches from %d", *it);
             goto fail;
@@ -597,15 +595,15 @@ bool Prog::IsOnePass() {
       if (nodeindex == -1)
       OneState* node = IndexToNode(, statesize, nodeindex);
-      dump += StringPrintf("node %d id=%d: matchcond=%#x\n",
-                           nodeindex, id, node->matchcond);
+      dump += absl::StrFormat("node %d id=%d: matchcond=%#x\n",
+                              nodeindex, id, node->matchcond);
       for (int i = 0; i < bytemap_range_; i++) {
         if ((node->action[i] & kImpossible) == kImpossible)
-        dump += StringPrintf("  %d cond %#x -> %d id=%d\n",
-                             i, node->action[i] & 0xFFFF,
-                             node->action[i] >> kIndexShift,
-                             idmap[node->action[i] >> kIndexShift]);
+        dump += absl::StrFormat("  %d cond %#x -> %d id=%d\n",
+                                i, node->action[i] & 0xFFFF,
+                                node->action[i] >> kIndexShift,
+                                idmap[node->action[i] >> kIndexShift]);
     LOG(ERROR) << "nodes:\n" << dump;
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index d7a9fe5..67a4857 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -25,13 +25,11 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 #include "re2/unicode_casefold.h"
 #include "re2/unicode_groups.h"
 #include "re2/walker-inl.h"
@@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ void Regexp::FUZZING_ONLY_set_maximum_repeat_count(int i) {
 class Regexp::ParseState {
-  ParseState(ParseFlags flags, const StringPiece& whole_regexp,
+  ParseState(ParseFlags flags, absl::string_view whole_regexp,
              RegexpStatus* status);
@@ -107,18 +105,18 @@ class Regexp::ParseState {
   // Pushes a repeat operator regexp onto the stack.
   // A valid argument for the operator must already be on the stack.
   // s is the name of the operator, for use in error messages.
-  bool PushRepeatOp(RegexpOp op, const StringPiece& s, bool nongreedy);
+  bool PushRepeatOp(RegexpOp op, absl::string_view s, bool nongreedy);
   // Pushes a repetition regexp onto the stack.
   // A valid argument for the operator must already be on the stack.
-  bool PushRepetition(int min, int max, const StringPiece& s, bool nongreedy);
+  bool PushRepetition(int min, int max, absl::string_view s, bool nongreedy);
   // Checks whether a particular regexp op is a marker.
   bool IsMarker(RegexpOp op);
   // Processes a left parenthesis in the input.
   // Pushes a marker onto the stack.
-  bool DoLeftParen(const StringPiece& name);
+  bool DoLeftParen(absl::string_view name);
   bool DoLeftParenNoCapture();
   // Processes a vertical bar in the input.
@@ -142,24 +140,23 @@ class Regexp::ParseState {
   // Parse a character class into *out_re.
   // Removes parsed text from s.
-  bool ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s, Regexp** out_re,
+  bool ParseCharClass(absl::string_view* s, Regexp** out_re,
                       RegexpStatus* status);
   // Parse a character class character into *rp.
   // Removes parsed text from s.
-  bool ParseCCCharacter(StringPiece* s, Rune *rp,
-                        const StringPiece& whole_class,
+  bool ParseCCCharacter(absl::string_view* s, Rune* rp,
+                        absl::string_view whole_class,
                         RegexpStatus* status);
   // Parse a character class range into rr.
   // Removes parsed text from s.
-  bool ParseCCRange(StringPiece* s, RuneRange* rr,
-                    const StringPiece& whole_class,
+  bool ParseCCRange(absl::string_view* s, RuneRange* rr,
+                    absl::string_view whole_class,
                     RegexpStatus* status);
   // Parse a Perl flag set or non-capturing group from s.
-  bool ParsePerlFlags(StringPiece* s);
+  bool ParsePerlFlags(absl::string_view* s);
   // Finishes the current concatenation,
   // collapsing it into a single regexp on the stack.
@@ -177,7 +174,7 @@ class Regexp::ParseState {
   ParseFlags flags_;
-  StringPiece whole_regexp_;
+  absl::string_view whole_regexp_;
   RegexpStatus* status_;
   Regexp* stacktop_;
   int ncap_;  // number of capturing parens seen
@@ -192,7 +189,7 @@ const RegexpOp kLeftParen = static_cast<RegexpOp>(kMaxRegexpOp+1);
 const RegexpOp kVerticalBar = static_cast<RegexpOp>(kMaxRegexpOp+2);
 Regexp::ParseState::ParseState(ParseFlags flags,
-                               const StringPiece& whole_regexp,
+                               absl::string_view whole_regexp,
                                RegexpStatus* status)
   : flags_(flags), whole_regexp_(whole_regexp),
     status_(status), stacktop_(NULL), ncap_(0) {
@@ -269,7 +266,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::PushRegexp(Regexp* re) {
 // Searches the case folding tables and returns the CaseFold* that contains r.
 // If there isn't one, returns the CaseFold* with smallest f->lo bigger than r.
 // If there isn't one, returns NULL.
-const CaseFold* LookupCaseFold(const CaseFold *f, int n, Rune r) {
+const CaseFold* LookupCaseFold(const CaseFold* f, int n, Rune r) {
   const CaseFold* ef = f + n;
   // Binary search for entry containing r.
@@ -297,7 +294,7 @@ const CaseFold* LookupCaseFold(const CaseFold *f, int n, Rune r) {
 // Returns the result of applying the fold f to the rune r.
-Rune ApplyFold(const CaseFold *f, Rune r) {
+Rune ApplyFold(const CaseFold* f, Rune r) {
   switch (f->delta) {
       return r + f->delta;
@@ -305,7 +302,7 @@ Rune ApplyFold(const CaseFold *f, Rune r) {
     case EvenOddSkip:  // even <-> odd but only applies to every other
       if ((r - f->lo) % 2)
         return r;
     case EvenOdd:  // even <-> odd
       if (r%2 == 0)
         return r + 1;
@@ -314,7 +311,7 @@ Rune ApplyFold(const CaseFold *f, Rune r) {
     case OddEvenSkip:  // odd <-> even but only applies to every other
       if ((r - f->lo) % 2)
         return r;
     case OddEven:  // odd <-> even
       if (r%2 == 1)
         return r + 1;
@@ -472,7 +469,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::PushSimpleOp(RegexpOp op) {
 // Pushes a repeat operator regexp onto the stack.
 // A valid argument for the operator must already be on the stack.
 // The char c is the name of the operator, for use in error messages.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::PushRepeatOp(RegexpOp op, const StringPiece& s,
+bool Regexp::ParseState::PushRepeatOp(RegexpOp op, absl::string_view s,
                                       bool nongreedy) {
   if (stacktop_ == NULL || IsMarker(stacktop_->op())) {
@@ -565,8 +562,7 @@ int RepetitionWalker::ShortVisit(Regexp* re, int parent_arg) {
 // Pushes a repetition regexp onto the stack.
 // A valid argument for the operator must already be on the stack.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::PushRepetition(int min, int max,
-                                        const StringPiece& s,
+bool Regexp::ParseState::PushRepetition(int min, int max, absl::string_view s,
                                         bool nongreedy) {
   if ((max != -1 && max < min) ||
       min > maximum_repeat_count ||
@@ -609,7 +605,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::IsMarker(RegexpOp op) {
 // Processes a left parenthesis in the input.
 // Pushes a marker onto the stack.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::DoLeftParen(const StringPiece& name) {
+bool Regexp::ParseState::DoLeftParen(absl::string_view name) {
   Regexp* re = new Regexp(kLeftParen, flags_);
   re->cap_ = ++ncap_;
   if ( != NULL)
@@ -774,8 +770,8 @@ Regexp* Regexp::RemoveLeadingRegexp(Regexp* re) {
 // Returns the leading string that re starts with.
 // The returned Rune* points into a piece of re,
 // so it must not be used after the caller calls re->Decref().
-Rune* Regexp::LeadingString(Regexp* re, int *nrune,
-                            Regexp::ParseFlags *flags) {
+Rune* Regexp::LeadingString(Regexp* re, int* nrune,
+                            Regexp::ParseFlags* flags) {
   while (re->op() == kRegexpConcat && re->nsub() > 0)
     re = re->sub()[0];
@@ -806,7 +802,7 @@ void Regexp::RemoveLeadingString(Regexp* re, int n) {
   Regexp* stk[4];
   size_t d = 0;
   while (re->op() == kRegexpConcat) {
-    if (d < arraysize(stk))
+    if (d < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(stk))
       stk[d++] = re;
     re = re->sub()[0];
@@ -1325,7 +1321,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::MaybeConcatString(int r, ParseFlags flags) {
 // Parses a decimal integer, storing it in *np.
 // Sets *s to span the remainder of the string.
-static bool ParseInteger(StringPiece* s, int* np) {
+static bool ParseInteger(absl::string_view* s, int* np) {
   if (s->empty() || !isdigit((*s)[0] & 0xFF))
     return false;
   // Disallow leading zeros.
@@ -1351,10 +1347,10 @@ static bool ParseInteger(StringPiece* s, int* np) {
 // sets *hi to -1 to signify this.
 // {,2} is NOT a valid suffix.
 // The Maybe in the name signifies that the regexp parse
-// doesn't fail even if ParseRepetition does, so the StringPiece
+// doesn't fail even if ParseRepetition does, so the string_view
 // s must NOT be edited unless MaybeParseRepetition returns true.
-static bool MaybeParseRepetition(StringPiece* sp, int* lo, int* hi) {
-  StringPiece s = *sp;
+static bool MaybeParseRepetition(absl::string_view* sp, int* lo, int* hi) {
+  absl::string_view s = *sp;
   if (s.empty() || s[0] != '{')
     return false;
   s.remove_prefix(1);  // '{'
@@ -1385,12 +1381,13 @@ static bool MaybeParseRepetition(StringPiece* sp, int* lo, int* hi) {
   return true;
-// Removes the next Rune from the StringPiece and stores it in *r.
+// Removes the next Rune from the string_view and stores it in *r.
 // Returns number of bytes removed from sp.
 // Behaves as though there is a terminating NUL at the end of sp.
 // Argument order is backwards from usual Google style
 // but consistent with chartorune.
-static int StringPieceToRune(Rune *r, StringPiece *sp, RegexpStatus* status) {
+static int StringViewToRune(Rune* r, absl::string_view* sp,
+                            RegexpStatus* status) {
   // fullrune() takes int, not size_t. However, it just looks
   // at the leading byte and treats any length >= 4 the same.
   if (fullrune(sp->data(), static_cast<int>(std::min(size_t{4}, sp->size())))) {
@@ -1411,18 +1408,18 @@ static int StringPieceToRune(Rune *r, StringPiece *sp, RegexpStatus* status) {
   if (status != NULL) {
-    status->set_error_arg(StringPiece());
+    status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view());
   return -1;
 // Returns whether name is valid UTF-8.
 // If not, sets status to kRegexpBadUTF8.
-static bool IsValidUTF8(const StringPiece& s, RegexpStatus* status) {
-  StringPiece t = s;
+static bool IsValidUTF8(absl::string_view s, RegexpStatus* status) {
+  absl::string_view t = s;
   Rune r;
   while (!t.empty()) {
-    if (StringPieceToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
+    if (StringViewToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
       return false;
   return true;
@@ -1450,23 +1447,23 @@ static int UnHex(int c) {
 // Parse an escape sequence (e.g., \n, \{).
 // Sets *s to span the remainder of the string.
 // Sets *rp to the named character.
-static bool ParseEscape(StringPiece* s, Rune* rp,
+static bool ParseEscape(absl::string_view* s, Rune* rp,
                         RegexpStatus* status, int rune_max) {
   const char* begin = s->data();
   if (s->empty() || (*s)[0] != '\\') {
     // Should not happen - caller always checks.
-    status->set_error_arg(StringPiece());
+    status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view());
     return false;
   if (s->size() == 1) {
-    status->set_error_arg(StringPiece());
+    status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view());
     return false;
   Rune c, c1;
   s->remove_prefix(1);  // backslash
-  if (StringPieceToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
+  if (StringViewToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
     return false;
   int code;
   switch (c) {
@@ -1492,7 +1489,7 @@ static bool ParseEscape(StringPiece* s, Rune* rp,
       // Single non-zero octal digit is a backreference; not supported.
       if (s->empty() || (*s)[0] < '0' || (*s)[0] > '7')
         goto BadEscape;
     case '0':
       // consume up to three octal digits; already have one.
       code = c - '0';
@@ -1516,7 +1513,7 @@ static bool ParseEscape(StringPiece* s, Rune* rp,
     case 'x':
       if (s->empty())
         goto BadEscape;
-      if (StringPieceToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
+      if (StringViewToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
         return false;
       if (c == '{') {
         // Any number of digits in braces.
@@ -1525,7 +1522,7 @@ static bool ParseEscape(StringPiece* s, Rune* rp,
         // Perl accepts any text at all; it ignores all text
         // after the first non-hex digit.  We require only hex digits,
         // and at least one.
-        if (StringPieceToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
+        if (StringViewToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
           return false;
         int nhex = 0;
         code = 0;
@@ -1536,7 +1533,7 @@ static bool ParseEscape(StringPiece* s, Rune* rp,
             goto BadEscape;
           if (s->empty())
             goto BadEscape;
-          if (StringPieceToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
+          if (StringViewToRune(&c, s, status) < 0)
             return false;
         if (c != '}' || nhex == 0)
@@ -1547,7 +1544,7 @@ static bool ParseEscape(StringPiece* s, Rune* rp,
       // Easy case: two hex digits.
       if (s->empty())
         goto BadEscape;
-      if (StringPieceToRune(&c1, s, status) < 0)
+      if (StringViewToRune(&c1, s, status) < 0)
         return false;
       if (!IsHex(c) || !IsHex(c1))
         goto BadEscape;
@@ -1593,7 +1590,7 @@ BadEscape:
   // Unrecognized escape sequence.
-      StringPiece(begin, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() - begin)));
+      absl::string_view(begin, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() - begin)));
   return false;
@@ -1621,21 +1618,21 @@ void CharClassBuilder::AddRangeFlags(
 // Look for a group with the given name.
-static const UGroup* LookupGroup(const StringPiece& name,
-                                 const UGroup *groups, int ngroups) {
+static const UGroup* LookupGroup(absl::string_view name,
+                                 const UGroup* groups, int ngroups) {
   // Simple name lookup.
   for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; i++)
-    if (StringPiece(groups[i].name) == name)
+    if (absl::string_view(groups[i].name) == name)
       return &groups[i];
   return NULL;
 // Look for a POSIX group with the given name (e.g., "[:^alpha:]")
-static const UGroup* LookupPosixGroup(const StringPiece& name) {
+static const UGroup* LookupPosixGroup(absl::string_view name) {
   return LookupGroup(name, posix_groups, num_posix_groups);
-static const UGroup* LookupPerlGroup(const StringPiece& name) {
+static const UGroup* LookupPerlGroup(absl::string_view name) {
   return LookupGroup(name, perl_groups, num_perl_groups);
@@ -1646,16 +1643,16 @@ static URange32 any32[] = { { 65536, Runemax } };
 static UGroup anygroup = { "Any", +1, any16, 1, any32, 1 };
 // Look for a Unicode group with the given name (e.g., "Han")
-static const UGroup* LookupUnicodeGroup(const StringPiece& name) {
+static const UGroup* LookupUnicodeGroup(absl::string_view name) {
   // Special case: "Any" means any.
-  if (name == StringPiece("Any"))
+  if (name == absl::string_view("Any"))
     return &anygroup;
   return LookupGroup(name, unicode_groups, num_unicode_groups);
 // Add a UGroup or its negation to the character class.
-static void AddUGroup(CharClassBuilder *cc, const UGroup *g, int sign,
+static void AddUGroup(CharClassBuilder* cc, const UGroup* g, int sign,
                       Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags) {
   if (sign == +1) {
     for (int i = 0; i < g->nr16; i++) {
@@ -1705,16 +1702,17 @@ static void AddUGroup(CharClassBuilder *cc, const UGroup *g, int sign,
 // not the Perl empty-string classes (\b \B \A \Z \z).
 // On success, sets *s to span the remainder of the string
 // and returns the corresponding UGroup.
-// The StringPiece must *NOT* be edited unless the call succeeds.
-const UGroup* MaybeParsePerlCCEscape(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags) {
+// The string_view must *NOT* be edited unless the call succeeds.
+const UGroup* MaybeParsePerlCCEscape(absl::string_view* s,
+                                     Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags) {
   if (!(parse_flags & Regexp::PerlClasses))
     return NULL;
   if (s->size() < 2 || (*s)[0] != '\\')
     return NULL;
-  // Could use StringPieceToRune, but there aren't
+  // Could use StringViewToRune, but there aren't
   // any non-ASCII Perl group names.
-  StringPiece name(s->data(), 2);
-  const UGroup *g = LookupPerlGroup(name);
+  absl::string_view name(s->data(), 2);
+  const UGroup* g = LookupPerlGroup(name);
   if (g == NULL)
     return NULL;
@@ -1729,9 +1727,9 @@ enum ParseStatus {
 // Maybe parses a Unicode character group like \p{Han} or \P{Han}
 // (the latter is a negated group).
-ParseStatus ParseUnicodeGroup(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
-                              CharClassBuilder *cc,
-                              RegexpStatus* status) {
+ParseStatus ParseUnicodeGroup(absl::string_view* s,
+                              Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
+                              CharClassBuilder* cc, RegexpStatus* status) {
   // Decide whether to parse.
   if (!(parse_flags & Regexp::UnicodeGroups))
     return kParseNothing;
@@ -1745,34 +1743,34 @@ ParseStatus ParseUnicodeGroup(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
   int sign = +1;  // -1 = negated char class
   if (c == 'P')
     sign = -sign;
-  StringPiece seq = *s;  // \p{Han} or \pL
-  StringPiece name;  // Han or L
+  absl::string_view seq = *s;  // \p{Han} or \pL
+  absl::string_view name;  // Han or L
   s->remove_prefix(2);  // '\\', 'p'
-  if (!StringPieceToRune(&c, s, status))
+  if (!StringViewToRune(&c, s, status))
     return kParseError;
   if (c != '{') {
     // Name is the bit of string we just skipped over for c.
     const char* p = + 2;
-    name = StringPiece(p, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() - p));
+    name = absl::string_view(p, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() - p));
   } else {
     // Name is in braces. Look for closing }
     size_t end = s->find('}', 0);
-    if (end == StringPiece::npos) {
+    if (end == absl::string_view::npos) {
       if (!IsValidUTF8(seq, status))
         return kParseError;
       return kParseError;
-    name = StringPiece(s->data(), end);  // without '}'
+    name = absl::string_view(s->data(), end);  // without '}'
     s->remove_prefix(end + 1);  // with '}'
     if (!IsValidUTF8(name, status))
       return kParseError;
   // Chop seq where s now begins.
-  seq = StringPiece(, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() -;
+  seq = absl::string_view(, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() -;
   if (!name.empty() && name[0] == '^') {
     sign = -sign;
@@ -1781,7 +1779,7 @@ ParseStatus ParseUnicodeGroup(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
 #if !defined(RE2_USE_ICU)
   // Look up the group in the RE2 Unicode data.
-  const UGroup *g = LookupUnicodeGroup(name);
+  const UGroup* g = LookupUnicodeGroup(name);
   if (g == NULL) {
@@ -1819,9 +1817,9 @@ ParseStatus ParseUnicodeGroup(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
 // Parses a character class name like [:alnum:].
 // Sets *s to span the remainder of the string.
 // Adds the ranges corresponding to the class to ranges.
-static ParseStatus ParseCCName(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
-                               CharClassBuilder *cc,
-                               RegexpStatus* status) {
+static ParseStatus ParseCCName(absl::string_view* s,
+                               Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
+                               CharClassBuilder* cc, RegexpStatus* status) {
   // Check begins with [:
   const char* p = s->data();
   const char* ep = s->data() + s->size();
@@ -1839,9 +1837,9 @@ static ParseStatus ParseCCName(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
   // Got it.  Check that it's valid.
   q += 2;
-  StringPiece name(p, static_cast<size_t>(q - p));
+  absl::string_view name(p, static_cast<size_t>(q - p));
-  const UGroup *g = LookupPosixGroup(name);
+  const UGroup* g = LookupPosixGroup(name);
   if (g == NULL) {
@@ -1857,8 +1855,8 @@ static ParseStatus ParseCCName(StringPiece* s, Regexp::ParseFlags parse_flags,
 // There are fewer special characters here than in the rest of the regexp.
 // Sets *s to span the remainder of the string.
 // Sets *rp to the character.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCCharacter(StringPiece* s, Rune *rp,
-                                          const StringPiece& whole_class,
+bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCCharacter(absl::string_view* s, Rune* rp,
+                                          absl::string_view whole_class,
                                           RegexpStatus* status) {
   if (s->empty()) {
@@ -1872,7 +1870,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCCharacter(StringPiece* s, Rune *rp,
     return ParseEscape(s, rp, status, rune_max_);
   // Otherwise take the next rune.
-  return StringPieceToRune(rp, s, status) >= 0;
+  return StringViewToRune(rp, s, status) >= 0;
 // Parses a character class character, or, if the character
@@ -1880,10 +1878,10 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCCharacter(StringPiece* s, Rune *rp,
 // For single characters, rr->lo == rr->hi.
 // Sets *s to span the remainder of the string.
 // Sets *rp to the character.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCRange(StringPiece* s, RuneRange* rr,
-                                      const StringPiece& whole_class,
+bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCRange(absl::string_view* s, RuneRange* rr,
+                                      absl::string_view whole_class,
                                       RegexpStatus* status) {
-  StringPiece os = *s;
+  absl::string_view os = *s;
   if (!ParseCCCharacter(s, &rr->lo, whole_class, status))
     return false;
   // [a-] means (a|-), so check for final ].
@@ -1893,8 +1891,8 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCRange(StringPiece* s, RuneRange* rr,
       return false;
     if (rr->hi < rr->lo) {
-      status->set_error_arg(
-          StringPiece(, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() -;
+      status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view(
+, static_cast<size_t>(s->data() -;
       return false;
   } else {
@@ -1906,14 +1904,13 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCCRange(StringPiece* s, RuneRange* rr,
 // Parses a possibly-negated character class expression like [^abx-z[:digit:]].
 // Sets *s to span the remainder of the string.
 // Sets *out_re to the regexp for the class.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s,
-                                        Regexp** out_re,
+bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCharClass(absl::string_view* s, Regexp** out_re,
                                         RegexpStatus* status) {
-  StringPiece whole_class = *s;
+  absl::string_view whole_class = *s;
   if (s->empty() || (*s)[0] != '[') {
     // Caller checked this.
-    status->set_error_arg(StringPiece());
+    status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view());
     return false;
   bool negated = false;
@@ -1935,16 +1932,16 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s,
     // Except that Perl allows - anywhere.
     if ((*s)[0] == '-' && !first && !(flags_&PerlX) &&
         (s->size() == 1 || (*s)[1] != ']')) {
-      StringPiece t = *s;
+      absl::string_view t = *s;
       t.remove_prefix(1);  // '-'
       Rune r;
-      int n = StringPieceToRune(&r, &t, status);
+      int n = StringViewToRune(&r, &t, status);
       if (n < 0) {
         return false;
-      status->set_error_arg(StringPiece(s->data(), 1+n));
+      status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view(s->data(), 1+n));
       return false;
@@ -1979,7 +1976,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s,
     // Look for Perl character class symbols (extension).
-    const UGroup *g = MaybeParsePerlCCEscape(s, flags_);
+    const UGroup* g = MaybeParsePerlCCEscape(s, flags_);
     if (g != NULL) {
       AddUGroup(re->ccb_, g, g->sign, flags_);
@@ -2014,7 +2011,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s,
 // Returns whether name is a valid capture name.
-static bool IsValidCaptureName(const StringPiece& name) {
+static bool IsValidCaptureName(absl::string_view name) {
   if (name.empty())
     return false;
@@ -2028,17 +2025,17 @@ static bool IsValidCaptureName(const StringPiece& name) {
   // if they start doing that for capture names, we won't follow suit.
   static const CharClass* const cc = []() {
     CharClassBuilder ccb;
-    for (StringPiece group :
+    for (absl::string_view group :
          {"Lu", "Ll", "Lt", "Lm", "Lo", "Nl", "Mn", "Mc", "Nd", "Pc"})
       AddUGroup(&ccb, LookupGroup(group, unicode_groups, num_unicode_groups),
                 +1, Regexp::NoParseFlags);
     return ccb.GetCharClass();
-  StringPiece t = name;
+  absl::string_view t = name;
   Rune r;
   while (!t.empty()) {
-    if (StringPieceToRune(&r, &t, NULL) < 0)
+    if (StringViewToRune(&r, &t, NULL) < 0)
       return false;
     if (cc->Contains(r))
@@ -2052,8 +2049,8 @@ static bool IsValidCaptureName(const StringPiece& name) {
 // The caller must check that s begins with "(?".
 // Returns true on success.  If the Perl flag is not
 // well-formed or not supported, sets status_ and returns false.
-bool Regexp::ParseState::ParsePerlFlags(StringPiece* s) {
-  StringPiece t = *s;
+bool Regexp::ParseState::ParsePerlFlags(absl::string_view* s) {
+  absl::string_view t = *s;
   // Caller is supposed to check this.
   if (!(flags_ & PerlX) || t.size() < 2 || t[0] != '(' || t[1] != '?') {
@@ -2082,7 +2079,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParsePerlFlags(StringPiece* s) {
   if (t.size() > 2 && t[0] == 'P' && t[1] == '<') {
     // Pull out name.
     size_t end = t.find('>', 2);
-    if (end == StringPiece::npos) {
+    if (end == absl::string_view::npos) {
       if (!IsValidUTF8(*s, status_))
         return false;
@@ -2091,8 +2088,8 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParsePerlFlags(StringPiece* s) {
     // t is "P<name>...", t[end] == '>'
-    StringPiece capture(, end+3);  // "(?P<name>"
-    StringPiece name(, end-2);     // "name"
+    absl::string_view capture(, end+3);  // "(?P<name>"
+    absl::string_view name(, end-2);     // "name"
     if (!IsValidUTF8(name, status_))
       return false;
     if (!IsValidCaptureName(name)) {
@@ -2118,7 +2115,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParsePerlFlags(StringPiece* s) {
   for (bool done = false; !done; ) {
     if (t.empty())
       goto BadPerlOp;
-    if (StringPieceToRune(&c, &t, status_) < 0)
+    if (StringViewToRune(&c, &t, status_) < 0)
       return false;
     switch (c) {
@@ -2191,7 +2188,7 @@ bool Regexp::ParseState::ParsePerlFlags(StringPiece* s) {
-      StringPiece(s->data(), static_cast<size_t>( - s->data())));
+      absl::string_view(s->data(), static_cast<size_t>( - s->data())));
   return false;
@@ -2199,7 +2196,7 @@ BadPerlOp:
 // into UTF8 encoding in string.
 // Can't use EncodingUtils::EncodeLatin1AsUTF8 because it is
 // deprecated and because it rejects code points 0x80-0x9F.
-void ConvertLatin1ToUTF8(const StringPiece& latin1, std::string* utf) {
+void ConvertLatin1ToUTF8(absl::string_view latin1, std::string* utf) {
   char buf[UTFmax];
@@ -2214,7 +2211,7 @@ void ConvertLatin1ToUTF8(const StringPiece& latin1, std::string* utf) {
 // returning the corresponding Regexp tree.
 // The caller must Decref the return value when done with it.
 // Returns NULL on error.
-Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
+Regexp* Regexp::Parse(absl::string_view s, ParseFlags global_flags,
                       RegexpStatus* status) {
   // Make status non-NULL (easier on everyone else).
   RegexpStatus xstatus;
@@ -2222,7 +2219,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
     status = &xstatus;
   ParseState ps(global_flags, s, status);
-  StringPiece t = s;
+  absl::string_view t = s;
   // Convert regexp to UTF-8 (easier on the rest of the parser).
   if (global_flags & Latin1) {
@@ -2236,7 +2233,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
     // Special parse loop for literal string.
     while (!t.empty()) {
       Rune r;
-      if (StringPieceToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
+      if (StringViewToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
         return NULL;
       if (!ps.PushLiteral(r))
         return NULL;
@@ -2244,13 +2241,13 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
     return ps.DoFinish();
-  StringPiece lastunary = StringPiece();
+  absl::string_view lastunary = absl::string_view();
   while (!t.empty()) {
-    StringPiece isunary = StringPiece();
+    absl::string_view isunary = absl::string_view();
     switch (t[0]) {
       default: {
         Rune r;
-        if (StringPieceToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
+        if (StringViewToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
           return NULL;
         if (!ps.PushLiteral(r))
           return NULL;
@@ -2269,7 +2266,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
           if (!ps.DoLeftParenNoCapture())
             return NULL;
         } else {
-          if (!ps.DoLeftParen(StringPiece()))
+          if (!ps.DoLeftParen(absl::string_view()))
             return NULL;
         t.remove_prefix(1);  // '('
@@ -2325,7 +2322,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
         op = kRegexpQuest;
         goto Rep;
-        StringPiece opstr = t;
+        absl::string_view opstr = t;
         bool nongreedy = false;
         t.remove_prefix(1);  // '*' or '+' or '?'
         if (ps.flags() & PerlX) {
@@ -2338,14 +2335,14 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
             //   a** is a syntax error, not a double-star.
             // (and a++ means something else entirely, which we don't support!)
-            status->set_error_arg(StringPiece(
+            status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view(
                 static_cast<size_t>( -;
             return NULL;
-        opstr = StringPiece(,
-                            static_cast<size_t>( -;
+        opstr = absl::string_view(,
+                                  static_cast<size_t>( -;
         if (!ps.PushRepeatOp(op, opstr, nongreedy))
           return NULL;
         isunary = opstr;
@@ -2354,7 +2351,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
       case '{': {  // Counted repetition.
         int lo, hi;
-        StringPiece opstr = t;
+        absl::string_view opstr = t;
         if (!MaybeParseRepetition(&t, &lo, &hi)) {
           // Treat like a literal.
           if (!ps.PushLiteral('{'))
@@ -2371,14 +2368,14 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
           if (!lastunary.empty()) {
             // Not allowed to stack repetition operators.
-            status->set_error_arg(StringPiece(
+            status->set_error_arg(absl::string_view(
                 static_cast<size_t>( -;
             return NULL;
-        opstr = StringPiece(,
-                            static_cast<size_t>( -;
+        opstr = absl::string_view(,
+                                  static_cast<size_t>( -;
         if (!ps.PushRepetition(lo, hi, opstr, nongreedy))
           return NULL;
         isunary = opstr;
@@ -2428,7 +2425,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
               Rune r;
-              if (StringPieceToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
+              if (StringViewToRune(&r, &t, status) < 0)
                 return NULL;
               if (!ps.PushLiteral(r))
                 return NULL;
@@ -2454,7 +2451,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags global_flags,
-        const UGroup *g = MaybeParsePerlCCEscape(&t, ps.flags());
+        const UGroup* g = MaybeParsePerlCCEscape(&t, ps.flags());
         if (g != NULL) {
           Regexp* re = new Regexp(kRegexpCharClass, ps.flags() & ~FoldCase);
           re->ccb_ = new CharClassBuilder;
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 37b0cf8..3c7886f 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/unicode_casefold.h"
@@ -664,7 +663,7 @@ std::string Prefilter::DebugString() const {
   switch (op_) {
       LOG(DFATAL) << "Bad op in Prefilter::DebugString: " << op_;
-      return StringPrintf("op%d", op_);
+      return absl::StrFormat("op%d", op_);
     case NONE:
       return "*no-matches*";
     case ATOM:
diff --git a/re2/prefilter.h b/re2/prefilter.h
index e149e59..b2545e1 100644
--- a/re2/prefilter.h
+++ b/re2/prefilter.h
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 namespace re2 {
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 409794e..41f65a3 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/prefilter.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
@@ -80,14 +79,14 @@ Prefilter* PrefilterTree::CanonicalNode(NodeMap* nodes, Prefilter* node) {
 std::string PrefilterTree::NodeString(Prefilter* node) const {
   // Adding the operation disambiguates AND/OR/atom nodes.
-  std::string s = StringPrintf("%d", node->op()) + ":";
+  std::string s = absl::StrFormat("%d", node->op()) + ":";
   if (node->op() == Prefilter::ATOM) {
     s += node->atom();
   } else {
     for (size_t i = 0; i < node->subs()->size(); i++) {
       if (i > 0)
         s += ',';
-      s += StringPrintf("%d", (*node->subs())[i]->unique_id());
+      s += absl::StrFormat("%d", (*node->subs())[i]->unique_id());
   return s;
@@ -380,7 +379,7 @@ std::string PrefilterTree::DebugNodeString(Prefilter* node) const {
     for (size_t i = 0; i < node->subs()->size(); i++) {
       if (i > 0)
         node_string += ',';
-      node_string += StringPrintf("%d", (*node->subs())[i]->unique_id());
+      node_string += absl::StrFormat("%d", (*node->subs())[i]->unique_id());
       node_string += ":";
       node_string += DebugNodeString((*node->subs())[i]);
diff --git a/re2/prefilter_tree.h b/re2/prefilter_tree.h
index 6de1c38..3eb8056 100644
--- a/re2/prefilter_tree.h
+++ b/re2/prefilter_tree.h
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "re2/prefilter.h"
 #include "re2/sparse_array.h"
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ class PrefilterTree {
   typedef SparseArray<int> IntMap;
-  // TODO(junyer): Use std::unordered_set<Prefilter*> instead?
+  // TODO(junyer): Use absl::flat_hash_set<Prefilter*> instead?
   // It should be trivial to get rid of the stringification...
   typedef std::map<std::string, Prefilter*> NodeMap;
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 3b9596a..6cadcfa 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -19,11 +19,10 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/bitmap256.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -74,34 +73,34 @@ void Prog::Inst::InitFail() {
 std::string Prog::Inst::Dump() {
   switch (opcode()) {
-      return StringPrintf("opcode %d", static_cast<int>(opcode()));
+      return absl::StrFormat("opcode %d", static_cast<int>(opcode()));
     case kInstAlt:
-      return StringPrintf("alt -> %d | %d", out(), out1_);
+      return absl::StrFormat("alt -> %d | %d", out(), out1_);
     case kInstAltMatch:
-      return StringPrintf("altmatch -> %d | %d", out(), out1_);
+      return absl::StrFormat("altmatch -> %d | %d", out(), out1_);
     case kInstByteRange:
-      return StringPrintf("byte%s [%02x-%02x] %d -> %d",
-                          foldcase() ? "/i" : "",
-                          lo_, hi_, hint(), out());
+      return absl::StrFormat("byte%s [%02x-%02x] %d -> %d",
+                             foldcase() ? "/i" : "",
+                             lo_, hi_, hint(), out());
     case kInstCapture:
-      return StringPrintf("capture %d -> %d", cap_, out());
+      return absl::StrFormat("capture %d -> %d", cap_, out());
     case kInstEmptyWidth:
-      return StringPrintf("emptywidth %#x -> %d",
-                          static_cast<int>(empty_), out());
+      return absl::StrFormat("emptywidth %#x -> %d",
+                             static_cast<int>(empty_), out());
     case kInstMatch:
-      return StringPrintf("match! %d", match_id());
+      return absl::StrFormat("match! %d", match_id());
     case kInstNop:
-      return StringPrintf("nop -> %d", out());
+      return absl::StrFormat("nop -> %d", out());
     case kInstFail:
-      return StringPrintf("fail");
+      return absl::StrFormat("fail");
@@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ static std::string ProgToString(Prog* prog, Workq* q) {
   for (Workq::iterator i = q->begin(); i != q->end(); ++i) {
     int id = *i;
     Prog::Inst* ip = prog->inst(id);
-    s += StringPrintf("%d. %s\n", id, ip->Dump().c_str());
+    s += absl::StrFormat("%d. %s\n", id, ip->Dump());
     AddToQueue(q, ip->out());
     if (ip->opcode() == kInstAlt || ip->opcode() == kInstAltMatch)
       AddToQueue(q, ip->out1());
@@ -156,9 +155,9 @@ static std::string FlattenedProgToString(Prog* prog, int start) {
   for (int id = start; id < prog->size(); id++) {
     Prog::Inst* ip = prog->inst(id);
     if (ip->last())
-      s += StringPrintf("%d. %s\n", id, ip->Dump().c_str());
+      s += absl::StrFormat("%d. %s\n", id, ip->Dump());
-      s += StringPrintf("%d+ %s\n", id, ip->Dump().c_str());
+      s += absl::StrFormat("%d+ %s\n", id, ip->Dump());
   return s;
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ std::string Prog::DumpByteMap() {
     while (c < 256-1 && bytemap_[c+1] == b)
     int hi = c;
-    map += StringPrintf("[%02x-%02x] -> %d\n", lo, hi, b);
+    map += absl::StrFormat("[%02x-%02x] -> %d\n", lo, hi, b);
   return map;
@@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ void Prog::Optimize() {
-uint32_t Prog::EmptyFlags(const StringPiece& text, const char* p) {
+uint32_t Prog::EmptyFlags(absl::string_view text, const char* p) {
   int flags = 0;
   // ^ and \A
@@ -813,7 +812,7 @@ void Prog::EmitList(int root, SparseArray<int>* rootmap,
         flat->back().out1_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(flat->size())+1;
       case kInstAlt:
diff --git a/re2/prog.h b/re2/prog.h
index 72c9856..41923f3 100644
--- a/re2/prog.h
+++ b/re2/prog.h
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <functional>
-#include <mutex>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
 #include <type_traits>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/call_once.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class Prog {
   // Returns the set of kEmpty flags that are in effect at
   // position p within context.
-  static uint32_t EmptyFlags(const StringPiece& context, const char* p);
+  static uint32_t EmptyFlags(absl::string_view context, const char* p);
   // Returns whether byte c is a word character: ASCII only.
   // Used by the implementation of \b and \B.
@@ -274,15 +274,15 @@ class Prog {
   // If a particular submatch is not matched during the regexp match,
   // it is set to NULL.
-  // Matching text == StringPiece(NULL, 0) is treated as any other empty
+  // Matching text == absl::string_view() is treated as any other empty
   // string, but note that on return, it will not be possible to distinguish
   // submatches that matched that empty string from submatches that didn't
   // match anything.  Either way, match[i] == NULL.
   // Search using NFA: can find submatches but kind of slow.
-  bool SearchNFA(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                 Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
-                 StringPiece* match, int nmatch);
+  bool SearchNFA(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                 Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match,
+                 int nmatch);
   // Search using DFA: much faster than NFA but only finds
   // end of match and can use a lot more memory.
@@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ class Prog {
   // If the DFA runs out of memory, sets *failed to true and returns false.
   // If matches != NULL and kind == kManyMatch and there is a match,
   // SearchDFA fills matches with the match IDs of the final matching state.
-  bool SearchDFA(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                 Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, StringPiece* match0,
+  bool SearchDFA(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                 Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match0,
                  bool* failed, SparseSet* matches);
   // The callback issued after building each DFA state with BuildEntireDFA().
@@ -321,16 +321,16 @@ class Prog {
   // but much faster than NFA (competitive with PCRE)
   // for those expressions.
   bool IsOnePass();
-  bool SearchOnePass(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                     Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
-                     StringPiece* match, int nmatch);
+  bool SearchOnePass(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                     Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match,
+                     int nmatch);
   // Bit-state backtracking.  Fast on small cases but uses memory
   // proportional to the product of the list count and the text size.
   bool CanBitState() { return != NULL; }
-  bool SearchBitState(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                      Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
-                      StringPiece* match, int nmatch);
+  bool SearchBitState(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                      Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match,
+                      int nmatch);
   static const int kMaxOnePassCapture = 5;  // $0 through $4
@@ -340,10 +340,9 @@ class Prog {
   // It is also recursive, so can't use in production (will overflow stacks).
   // The name "Unsafe" here is supposed to be a flag that
   // you should not be using this function.
-  bool UnsafeSearchBacktrack(const StringPiece& text,
-                             const StringPiece& context,
+  bool UnsafeSearchBacktrack(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                              Anchor anchor, MatchKind kind,
-                             StringPiece* match, int nmatch);
+                             absl::string_view* match, int nmatch);
   // Computes range for any strings matching regexp. The min and max can in
   // some cases be arbitrarily precise, so the caller gets to specify the
@@ -444,8 +443,8 @@ class Prog {
   uint8_t bytemap_[256];    // map from input bytes to byte classes
-  std::once_flag dfa_first_once_;
-  std::once_flag dfa_longest_once_;
+  absl::once_flag dfa_first_once_;
+  absl::once_flag dfa_longest_once_;
   Prog(const Prog&) = delete;
   Prog& operator=(const Prog&) = delete;
@@ -455,10 +454,10 @@ class Prog {
 // that don't allow comparisons between different objects - not even if
 // those objects are views into the same string! Thus, we provide these
 // conversion functions for convenience.
-static inline const char* BeginPtr(const StringPiece& s) {
+static inline const char* BeginPtr(absl::string_view s) {
-static inline const char* EndPtr(const StringPiece& s) {
+static inline const char* EndPtr(absl::string_view s) {
   return + s.size();
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index b24c6d6..c0011e9 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <atomic>
 #include <iterator>
-#include <mutex>
 #include <string>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/container/fixed_array.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ static RE2::ErrorCode RegexpErrorToRE2(re2::RegexpStatusCode code) {
   return RE2::ErrorInternal;
-static std::string trunc(const StringPiece& pattern) {
+static std::string trunc(absl::string_view pattern) {
   if (pattern.size() < 100)
     return std::string(pattern);
   return std::string(pattern.substr(0, 100)) + "...";
@@ -144,11 +145,11 @@ RE2::RE2(const std::string& pattern) {
   Init(pattern, DefaultOptions);
-RE2::RE2(const StringPiece& pattern) {
+RE2::RE2(absl::string_view pattern) {
   Init(pattern, DefaultOptions);
-RE2::RE2(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
+RE2::RE2(absl::string_view pattern, const Options& options) {
   Init(pattern, options);
@@ -196,9 +197,9 @@ int RE2::Options::ParseFlags() const {
   return flags;
-void RE2::Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
-  static std::once_flag empty_once;
-  std::call_once(empty_once, []() {
+void RE2::Init(absl::string_view pattern, const Options& options) {
+  static absl::once_flag empty_once;
+  absl::call_once(empty_once, []() {
     (void) new (empty_storage) EmptyStorage;
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ void RE2::Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
   // We used to compute this lazily, but it's used during the
   // typical control flow for a match call, so we now compute
-  // it eagerly, which avoids the overhead of std::once_flag.
+  // it eagerly, which avoids the overhead of absl::once_flag.
   num_captures_ = suffix_regexp_->NumCaptures();
   // Could delay this until the first match call that
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ void RE2::Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options) {
 // Returns rprog_, computing it if needed.
 re2::Prog* RE2::ReverseProg() const {
-  std::call_once(rprog_once_, [](const RE2* re) {
+  absl::call_once(rprog_once_, [](const RE2* re) {
     re->rprog_ =
         re->suffix_regexp_->CompileToReverseProg(re->options_.max_mem() / 3);
     if (re->rprog_ == NULL) {
@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ int RE2::ReverseProgramFanout(std::vector<int>* histogram) const {
 // Returns named_groups_, computing it if needed.
 const std::map<std::string, int>& RE2::NamedCapturingGroups() const {
-  std::call_once(named_groups_once_, [](const RE2* re) {
+  absl::call_once(named_groups_once_, [](const RE2* re) {
     if (re->suffix_regexp_ != NULL)
       re->named_groups_ = re->suffix_regexp_->NamedCaptures();
     if (re->named_groups_ == NULL)
@@ -393,7 +394,7 @@ const std::map<std::string, int>& RE2::NamedCapturingGroups() const {
 // Returns group_names_, computing it if needed.
 const std::map<int, std::string>& RE2::CapturingGroupNames() const {
-  std::call_once(group_names_once_, [](const RE2* re) {
+  absl::call_once(group_names_once_, [](const RE2* re) {
     if (re->suffix_regexp_ != NULL)
       re->group_names_ = re->suffix_regexp_->CaptureNames();
     if (re->group_names_ == NULL)
@@ -404,17 +405,17 @@ const std::map<int, std::string>& RE2::CapturingGroupNames() const {
 /***** Convenience interfaces *****/
-bool RE2::FullMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re,
+bool RE2::FullMatchN(absl::string_view text, const RE2& re,
                      const Arg* const args[], int n) {
   return re.DoMatch(text, ANCHOR_BOTH, NULL, args, n);
-bool RE2::PartialMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re,
+bool RE2::PartialMatchN(absl::string_view text, const RE2& re,
                         const Arg* const args[], int n) {
   return re.DoMatch(text, UNANCHORED, NULL, args, n);
-bool RE2::ConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
+bool RE2::ConsumeN(absl::string_view* input, const RE2& re,
                    const Arg* const args[], int n) {
   size_t consumed;
   if (re.DoMatch(*input, ANCHOR_START, &consumed, args, n)) {
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ bool RE2::ConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
-bool RE2::FindAndConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
+bool RE2::FindAndConsumeN(absl::string_view* input, const RE2& re,
                           const Arg* const args[], int n) {
   size_t consumed;
   if (re.DoMatch(*input, UNANCHORED, &consumed, args, n)) {
@@ -438,12 +439,12 @@ bool RE2::FindAndConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
 bool RE2::Replace(std::string* str,
                   const RE2& re,
-                  const StringPiece& rewrite) {
-  StringPiece vec[kVecSize];
+                  absl::string_view rewrite) {
+  absl::string_view vec[kVecSize];
   int nvec = 1 + MaxSubmatch(rewrite);
   if (nvec > 1 + re.NumberOfCapturingGroups())
     return false;
-  if (nvec > static_cast<int>(arraysize(vec)))
+  if (nvec > static_cast<int>(ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(vec)))
     return false;
   if (!re.Match(*str, 0, str->size(), UNANCHORED, vec, nvec))
     return false;
@@ -460,12 +461,12 @@ bool RE2::Replace(std::string* str,
 int RE2::GlobalReplace(std::string* str,
                        const RE2& re,
-                       const StringPiece& rewrite) {
-  StringPiece vec[kVecSize];
+                       absl::string_view rewrite) {
+  absl::string_view vec[kVecSize];
   int nvec = 1 + MaxSubmatch(rewrite);
   if (nvec > 1 + re.NumberOfCapturingGroups())
     return false;
-  if (nvec > static_cast<int>(arraysize(vec)))
+  if (nvec > static_cast<int>(ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(vec)))
     return false;
   const char* p = str->data();
@@ -528,15 +529,15 @@ int RE2::GlobalReplace(std::string* str,
   return count;
-bool RE2::Extract(const StringPiece& text,
+bool RE2::Extract(absl::string_view text,
                   const RE2& re,
-                  const StringPiece& rewrite,
+                  absl::string_view rewrite,
                   std::string* out) {
-  StringPiece vec[kVecSize];
+  absl::string_view vec[kVecSize];
   int nvec = 1 + MaxSubmatch(rewrite);
   if (nvec > 1 + re.NumberOfCapturingGroups())
     return false;
-  if (nvec > static_cast<int>(arraysize(vec)))
+  if (nvec > static_cast<int>(ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(vec)))
     return false;
   if (!re.Match(text, 0, text.size(), UNANCHORED, vec, nvec))
     return false;
@@ -545,7 +546,7 @@ bool RE2::Extract(const StringPiece& text,
   return re.Rewrite(out, rewrite, vec, nvec);
-std::string RE2::QuoteMeta(const StringPiece& unquoted) {
+std::string RE2::QuoteMeta(absl::string_view unquoted) {
   std::string result;
   result.reserve(unquoted.size() << 1);
@@ -644,11 +645,11 @@ static int ascii_strcasecmp(const char* a, const char* b, size_t len) {
 /***** Actual matching and rewriting code *****/
-bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
+bool RE2::Match(absl::string_view text,
                 size_t startpos,
                 size_t endpos,
                 Anchor re_anchor,
-                StringPiece* submatch,
+                absl::string_view* submatch,
                 int nsubmatch) const {
   if (!ok()) {
     if (options_.log_errors())
@@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
     return false;
-  StringPiece subtext = text;
+  absl::string_view subtext = text;
   subtext.remove_suffix(text.size() - endpos);
@@ -673,8 +674,8 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
   // Don't ask for the location if we won't use it.
   // SearchDFA can do extra optimizations in that case.
-  StringPiece match;
-  StringPiece* matchp = &match;
+  absl::string_view match;
+  absl::string_view* matchp = &match;
   if (nsubmatch == 0)
     matchp = NULL;
@@ -857,7 +858,7 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
     if (ncap == 1)
       submatch[0] = match;
   } else {
-    StringPiece subtext1;
+    absl::string_view subtext1;
     if (skipped_test) {
       // DFA ran out of memory or was skipped:
       // need to search in entire original text.
@@ -895,17 +896,17 @@ bool RE2::Match(const StringPiece& text,
   // Adjust overall match for required prefix that we stripped off.
   if (prefixlen > 0 && nsubmatch > 0)
-    submatch[0] = StringPiece(submatch[0].data() - prefixlen,
-                              submatch[0].size() + prefixlen);
+    submatch[0] = absl::string_view(submatch[0].data() - prefixlen,
+                                    submatch[0].size() + prefixlen);
   // Zero submatches that don't exist in the regexp.
   for (int i = ncap; i < nsubmatch; i++)
-    submatch[i] = StringPiece();
+    submatch[i] = absl::string_view();
   return true;
-// Internal matcher - like Match() but takes Args not StringPieces.
-bool RE2::DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
+// Internal matcher - like Match() but takes Args not string_views.
+bool RE2::DoMatch(absl::string_view text,
                   Anchor re_anchor,
                   size_t* consumed,
                   const Arg* const* args,
@@ -928,19 +929,10 @@ bool RE2::DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
     nvec = n+1;
-  StringPiece* vec;
-  StringPiece stkvec[kVecSize];
-  StringPiece* heapvec = NULL;
-  if (nvec <= static_cast<int>(arraysize(stkvec))) {
-    vec = stkvec;
-  } else {
-    vec = new StringPiece[nvec];
-    heapvec = vec;
-  }
+  absl::FixedArray<absl::string_view, kVecSize> vec_storage(nvec);
+  absl::string_view* vec =;
   if (!Match(text, 0, text.size(), re_anchor, vec, nvec)) {
-    delete[] heapvec;
     return false;
@@ -949,27 +941,24 @@ bool RE2::DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
   if (n == 0 || args == NULL) {
     // We are not interested in results
-    delete[] heapvec;
     return true;
   // If we got here, we must have matched the whole pattern.
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-    const StringPiece& s = vec[i+1];
+    absl::string_view s = vec[i+1];
     if (!args[i]->Parse(, s.size())) {
       // TODO: Should we indicate what the error was?
-      delete[] heapvec;
       return false;
-  delete[] heapvec;
   return true;
 // Checks that the rewrite string is well-formed with respect to this
 // regular expression.
-bool RE2::CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
+bool RE2::CheckRewriteString(absl::string_view rewrite,
                              std::string* error) const {
   int max_token = -1;
   for (const char *s =, *end = s + rewrite.size();
@@ -998,7 +987,7 @@ bool RE2::CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
   if (max_token > NumberOfCapturingGroups()) {
-    *error = StringPrintf(
+    *error = absl::StrFormat(
         "Rewrite schema requests %d matches, but the regexp only has %d "
         "parenthesized subexpressions.",
         max_token, NumberOfCapturingGroups());
@@ -1009,7 +998,7 @@ bool RE2::CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
 // Returns the maximum submatch needed for the rewrite to be done by Replace().
 // E.g. if rewrite == "foo \\2,\\1", returns 2.
-int RE2::MaxSubmatch(const StringPiece& rewrite) {
+int RE2::MaxSubmatch(absl::string_view rewrite) {
   int max = 0;
   for (const char *s =, *end = s + rewrite.size();
        s < end; s++) {
@@ -1029,8 +1018,8 @@ int RE2::MaxSubmatch(const StringPiece& rewrite) {
 // Append the "rewrite" string, with backslash subsitutions from "vec",
 // to string "out".
 bool RE2::Rewrite(std::string* out,
-                  const StringPiece& rewrite,
-                  const StringPiece* vec,
+                  absl::string_view rewrite,
+                  const absl::string_view* vec,
                   int veclen) const {
   for (const char *s =, *end = s + rewrite.size();
        s < end; s++) {
@@ -1049,7 +1038,7 @@ bool RE2::Rewrite(std::string* out,
         return false;
-      StringPiece snip = vec[n];
+      absl::string_view snip = vec[n];
       if (!snip.empty())
         out->append(, snip.size());
     } else if (c == '\\') {
@@ -1081,9 +1070,9 @@ bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, std::string* dest) {
 template <>
-bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, StringPiece* dest) {
+bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, absl::string_view* dest) {
   if (dest == NULL) return true;
-  *dest = StringPiece(str, n);
+  *dest = absl::string_view(str, n);
   return true;
diff --git a/re2/re2.h b/re2/re2.h
index 449162a..5ac5c46 100644
--- a/re2/re2.h
+++ b/re2/re2.h
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 // have succeeded or one conversion has failed.
 // On conversion failure, the pointees will be in an indeterminate state
 // because the caller has no way of knowing which conversion failed.
-// However, conversion cannot fail for types like string and StringPiece
+// However, conversion cannot fail for types like string and string_view
 // that do not inspect the submatch contents. Hence, in the common case
 // where all of the pointees are of such types, failure is always due to
 // match failure and thus none of the pointees will have been modified.
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 // The "Consume" operation may be useful if you want to repeatedly
 // match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over
-// them as they match.  This requires use of the "StringPiece" type,
+// them as they match.  This requires use of the string_view type,
 // which represents a sub-range of a real string.
 // Example: read lines of the form "var = value" from a string.
-//      std::string contents = ...;     // Fill string somehow
-//      StringPiece input(contents);    // Wrap a StringPiece around it
+//      std::string contents = ...;         // Fill string somehow
+//      absl::string_view input(contents);  // Wrap a string_view around it
 //      std::string var;
 //      int value;
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <map>
-#include <mutex>
 #include <string>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <vector>
@@ -215,6 +214,9 @@
 #include <TargetConditionals.h>
+#include "absl/base/call_once.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
+#include "absl/types/optional.h"
 #include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -273,11 +275,11 @@ class RE2 {
   // Need to have the const char* and const std::string& forms for implicit
   // conversions when passing string literals to FullMatch and PartialMatch.
-  // Otherwise the StringPiece form would be sufficient.
+  // Otherwise the absl::string_view form would be sufficient.
   RE2(const char* pattern);
   RE2(const std::string& pattern);
-  RE2(const StringPiece& pattern);
-  RE2(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options);
+  RE2(absl::string_view pattern);
+  RE2(absl::string_view pattern, const Options& options);
   // Not copyable.
@@ -336,13 +338,13 @@ class RE2 {
   // the functions whose names are the prefix before the 'N'. It is sometimes
   // useful to invoke them directly, but the syntax is awkward, so the 'N'-less
   // versions should be preferred.
-  static bool FullMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re,
+  static bool FullMatchN(absl::string_view text, const RE2& re,
                          const Arg* const args[], int n);
-  static bool PartialMatchN(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re,
+  static bool PartialMatchN(absl::string_view text, const RE2& re,
                             const Arg* const args[], int n);
-  static bool ConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
+  static bool ConsumeN(absl::string_view* input, const RE2& re,
                        const Arg* const args[], int n);
-  static bool FindAndConsumeN(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re,
+  static bool FindAndConsumeN(absl::string_view* input, const RE2& re,
                               const Arg* const args[], int n);
@@ -374,10 +376,10 @@ class RE2 {
   // The provided pointer arguments can be pointers to any scalar numeric
   // type, or one of:
-  //    std::string     (matched piece is copied to string)
-  //    StringPiece     (StringPiece is mutated to point to matched piece)
-  //    T               (where "bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, size_t)" exists)
-  //    (void*)NULL     (the corresponding matched sub-pattern is not copied)
+  //    std::string        (matched piece is copied to string)
+  //    absl::string_view  (string_view is mutated to point to matched piece)
+  //    T                  ("bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, size_t)" must exist)
+  //    (void*)NULL        (the corresponding matched sub-pattern is not copied)
   // Returns true iff all of the following conditions are satisfied:
   //   a. "text" matches "re" fully - from the beginning to the end of "text".
@@ -395,7 +397,7 @@ class RE2 {
   //    int number;
   //    RE2::FullMatch("abc", "[a-z]+(\\d+)?", &number);
   template <typename... A>
-  static bool FullMatch(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
+  static bool FullMatch(absl::string_view text, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
     return Apply(FullMatchN, text, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
@@ -411,7 +413,7 @@ class RE2 {
   //      number of sub-patterns, the "i"th captured sub-pattern is
   //      ignored.
   template <typename... A>
-  static bool PartialMatch(const StringPiece& text, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
+  static bool PartialMatch(absl::string_view text, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
     return Apply(PartialMatchN, text, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
@@ -429,7 +431,7 @@ class RE2 {
   //      number of sub-patterns, the "i"th captured sub-pattern is
   //      ignored.
   template <typename... A>
-  static bool Consume(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
+  static bool Consume(absl::string_view* input, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
     return Apply(ConsumeN, input, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
@@ -447,7 +449,7 @@ class RE2 {
   //      number of sub-patterns, the "i"th captured sub-pattern is
   //      ignored.
   template <typename... A>
-  static bool FindAndConsume(StringPiece* input, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
+  static bool FindAndConsume(absl::string_view* input, const RE2& re, A&&... a) {
     return Apply(FindAndConsumeN, input, re, Arg(std::forward<A>(a))...);
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ class RE2 {
   // false otherwise.
   static bool Replace(std::string* str,
                       const RE2& re,
-                      const StringPiece& rewrite);
+                      absl::string_view rewrite);
   // Like Replace(), except replaces successive non-overlapping occurrences
   // of the pattern in the string with the rewrite. E.g.
@@ -483,7 +485,7 @@ class RE2 {
   // Returns the number of replacements made.
   static int GlobalReplace(std::string* str,
                            const RE2& re,
-                           const StringPiece& rewrite);
+                           absl::string_view rewrite);
   // Like Replace, except that if the pattern matches, "rewrite"
   // is copied into "out" with substitutions.  The non-matching
@@ -493,9 +495,9 @@ class RE2 {
   // successfully;  if no match occurs, the string is left unaffected.
   // REQUIRES: "text" must not alias any part of "*out".
-  static bool Extract(const StringPiece& text,
+  static bool Extract(absl::string_view text,
                       const RE2& re,
-                      const StringPiece& rewrite,
+                      absl::string_view rewrite,
                       std::string* out);
   // Escapes all potentially meaningful regexp characters in
@@ -504,7 +506,7 @@ class RE2 {
   //           1.5-2.0?
   // may become:
   //           1\.5\-2\.0\?
-  static std::string QuoteMeta(const StringPiece& unquoted);
+  static std::string QuoteMeta(absl::string_view unquoted);
   // Computes range for any strings matching regexp. The min and max can in
   // some cases be arbitrarily precise, so the caller gets to specify the
@@ -565,15 +567,15 @@ class RE2 {
   // Doesn't make sense to use nsubmatch > 1 + NumberOfCapturingGroups(),
   // but will be handled correctly.
-  // Passing text == StringPiece(NULL, 0) will be handled like any other
+  // Passing text == absl::string_view() will be handled like any other
   // empty string, but note that on return, it will not be possible to tell
   // whether submatch i matched the empty string or did not match:
   // either way, submatch[i].data() == NULL.
-  bool Match(const StringPiece& text,
+  bool Match(absl::string_view text,
              size_t startpos,
              size_t endpos,
              Anchor re_anchor,
-             StringPiece* submatch,
+             absl::string_view* submatch,
              int nsubmatch) const;
   // Check that the given rewrite string is suitable for use with this
@@ -584,12 +586,12 @@ class RE2 {
   //     '\' followed by anything other than a digit or '\'.
   // A true return value guarantees that Replace() and Extract() won't
   // fail because of a bad rewrite string.
-  bool CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
+  bool CheckRewriteString(absl::string_view rewrite,
                           std::string* error) const;
   // Returns the maximum submatch needed for the rewrite to be done by
   // Replace(). E.g. if rewrite == "foo \\2,\\1", returns 2.
-  static int MaxSubmatch(const StringPiece& rewrite);
+  static int MaxSubmatch(absl::string_view rewrite);
   // Append the "rewrite" string, with backslash substitutions from "vec",
   // to string "out".
@@ -597,8 +599,8 @@ class RE2 {
   // rewrite string.  CheckRewriteString guarantees that the rewrite will
   // be sucessful.
   bool Rewrite(std::string* out,
-               const StringPiece& rewrite,
-               const StringPiece* vec,
+               absl::string_view rewrite,
+               const absl::string_view* vec,
                int veclen) const;
   // Constructor options
@@ -757,9 +759,9 @@ class RE2 {
   static void FUZZING_ONLY_set_maximum_global_replace_count(int i);
-  void Init(const StringPiece& pattern, const Options& options);
+  void Init(absl::string_view pattern, const Options& options);
-  bool DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
+  bool DoMatch(absl::string_view text,
                Anchor re_anchor,
                size_t* consumed,
                const Arg* const args[],
@@ -792,9 +794,9 @@ class RE2 {
   // Map from capture indices to names
   mutable const std::map<int, std::string>* group_names_;
-  mutable std::once_flag rprog_once_;
-  mutable std::once_flag named_groups_once_;
-  mutable std::once_flag group_names_once_;
+  mutable absl::once_flag rprog_once_;
+  mutable absl::once_flag named_groups_once_;
+  mutable absl::once_flag group_names_once_;
 /***** Implementation details *****/
@@ -805,7 +807,7 @@ namespace re2_internal {
 template <typename T> struct Parse3ary : public std::false_type {};
 template <> struct Parse3ary<void> : public std::true_type {};
 template <> struct Parse3ary<std::string> : public std::true_type {};
-template <> struct Parse3ary<StringPiece> : public std::true_type {};
+template <> struct Parse3ary<absl::string_view> : public std::true_type {};
 template <> struct Parse3ary<char> : public std::true_type {};
 template <> struct Parse3ary<signed char> : public std::true_type {};
 template <> struct Parse3ary<unsigned char> : public std::true_type {};
@@ -829,6 +831,42 @@ template <> struct Parse4ary<unsigned long long> : public std::true_type {};
 template <typename T>
 bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, T* dest, int radix);
+// Support absl::optional<T> for all T with a stock parser.
+template <typename T> struct Parse3ary<absl::optional<T>> : public Parse3ary<T> {};
+template <typename T> struct Parse4ary<absl::optional<T>> : public Parse4ary<T> {};
+template <typename T>
+bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, absl::optional<T>* dest) {
+  if (str == NULL) {
+    if (dest != NULL)
+      dest->reset();
+    return true;
+  }
+  T tmp;
+  if (Parse(str, n, &tmp)) {
+    if (dest != NULL)
+      dest->emplace(std::move(tmp));
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+template <typename T>
+bool Parse(const char* str, size_t n, absl::optional<T>* dest, int radix) {
+  if (str == NULL) {
+    if (dest != NULL)
+      dest->reset();
+    return true;
+  }
+  T tmp;
+  if (Parse(str, n, &tmp, radix)) {
+    if (dest != NULL)
+      dest->emplace(std::move(tmp));
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
 }  // namespace re2_internal
 class RE2::Arg {
@@ -955,7 +993,7 @@ class LazyRE2 {
   // Named accessor/initializer:
   RE2* get() const {
-    std::call_once(once_, &LazyRE2::Init, this);
+    absl::call_once(once_, &LazyRE2::Init, this);
     return ptr_;
@@ -965,7 +1003,7 @@ class LazyRE2 {
   NoArg barrier_against_excess_initializers_;
   mutable RE2* ptr_;
-  mutable std::once_flag once_;
+  mutable absl::once_flag once_;
   static void Init(const LazyRE2* lazy_re2) {
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 74ecb31..3cfb5ae 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -12,16 +12,15 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <map>
-#include <mutex>
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/call_once.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/mutex.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 #include "re2/walker-inl.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -76,12 +75,12 @@ bool Regexp::QuickDestroy() {
 // Similar to EmptyStorage in
 struct RefStorage {
-  Mutex ref_mutex;
+  absl::Mutex ref_mutex;
   std::map<Regexp*, int> ref_map;
 alignas(RefStorage) static char ref_storage[sizeof(RefStorage)];
-static inline Mutex* ref_mutex() {
+static inline absl::Mutex* ref_mutex() {
   return &reinterpret_cast<RefStorage*>(ref_storage)->ref_mutex;
@@ -93,20 +92,20 @@ int Regexp::Ref() {
   if (ref_ < kMaxRef)
     return ref_;
-  MutexLock l(ref_mutex());
+  absl::MutexLock l(ref_mutex());
   return (*ref_map())[this];
 // Increments reference count, returns object as convenience.
 Regexp* Regexp::Incref() {
   if (ref_ >= kMaxRef-1) {
-    static std::once_flag ref_once;
-    std::call_once(ref_once, []() {
+    static absl::once_flag ref_once;
+    absl::call_once(ref_once, []() {
       (void) new (ref_storage) RefStorage;
     // Store ref count in overflow map.
-    MutexLock l(ref_mutex());
+    absl::MutexLock l(ref_mutex());
     if (ref_ == kMaxRef) {
       // already overflowed
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ Regexp* Regexp::Incref() {
 void Regexp::Decref() {
   if (ref_ == kMaxRef) {
     // Ref count is stored in overflow map.
-    MutexLock l(ref_mutex());
+    absl::MutexLock l(ref_mutex());
     int r = (*ref_map())[this] - 1;
     if (r < kMaxRef) {
       ref_ = static_cast<uint16_t>(r);
@@ -519,7 +518,7 @@ static const char *kErrorStrings[] = {
 std::string RegexpStatus::CodeText(enum RegexpStatusCode code) {
-  if (code < 0 || code >= arraysize(kErrorStrings))
+  if (code < 0 || code >= ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(kErrorStrings))
     code = kRegexpInternalError;
   return kErrorStrings[code];
diff --git a/re2/regexp.h b/re2/regexp.h
index b6446f9..df49894 100644
--- a/re2/regexp.h
+++ b/re2/regexp.h
@@ -92,10 +92,9 @@
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -195,10 +194,10 @@ class RegexpStatus {
   ~RegexpStatus() { delete tmp_; }
   void set_code(RegexpStatusCode code) { code_ = code; }
-  void set_error_arg(const StringPiece& error_arg) { error_arg_ = error_arg; }
+  void set_error_arg(absl::string_view error_arg) { error_arg_ = error_arg; }
   void set_tmp(std::string* tmp) { delete tmp_; tmp_ = tmp; }
   RegexpStatusCode code() const { return code_; }
-  const StringPiece& error_arg() const { return error_arg_; }
+  absl::string_view error_arg() const { return error_arg_; }
   bool ok() const { return code() == kRegexpSuccess; }
   // Copies state from status.
@@ -213,9 +212,9 @@ class RegexpStatus {
   std::string Text() const;
-  RegexpStatusCode code_;  // Kind of error
-  StringPiece error_arg_;  // Piece of regexp containing syntax error.
-  std::string* tmp_;       // Temporary storage, possibly where error_arg_ is.
+  RegexpStatusCode code_;        // Kind of error.
+  absl::string_view error_arg_;  // Piece of regexp containing syntax error.
+  std::string* tmp_;             // Temporary storage, possibly for error_arg_.
   RegexpStatus(const RegexpStatus&) = delete;
   RegexpStatus& operator=(const RegexpStatus&) = delete;
@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ class Regexp {
   // Parses string s to produce regular expression, returned.
   // Caller must release return value with re->Decref().
   // On failure, sets *status (if status != NULL) and returns NULL.
-  static Regexp* Parse(const StringPiece& s, ParseFlags flags,
+  static Regexp* Parse(absl::string_view s, ParseFlags flags,
                        RegexpStatus* status);
   // Returns a _new_ simplified version of the current regexp.
@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ class Regexp {
   // Parses the regexp src and then simplifies it and sets *dst to the
   // string representation of the simplified form.  Returns true on success.
   // Returns false and sets *status (if status != NULL) on parse error.
-  static bool SimplifyRegexp(const StringPiece& src, ParseFlags flags,
+  static bool SimplifyRegexp(absl::string_view src, ParseFlags flags,
                              std::string* dst, RegexpStatus* status);
   // Returns the number of capturing groups in the regexp.
@@ -467,7 +466,7 @@ class Regexp {
   class ParseState;
   friend class ParseState;
-  friend bool ParseCharClass(StringPiece* s, Regexp** out_re,
+  friend bool ParseCharClass(absl::string_view* s, Regexp** out_re,
                              RegexpStatus* status);
   // Helper for testing [sic].
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index fe0ea05..b9c918e 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -52,7 +50,7 @@ RE2::Set& RE2::Set::operator=(Set&& other) {
   return *this;
-int RE2::Set::Add(const StringPiece& pattern, std::string* error) {
+int RE2::Set::Add(absl::string_view pattern, std::string* error) {
   if (compiled_) {
     LOG(DFATAL) << "RE2::Set::Add() called after compiling";
     return -1;
@@ -121,11 +119,11 @@ bool RE2::Set::Compile() {
   return prog_ != nullptr;
-bool RE2::Set::Match(const StringPiece& text, std::vector<int>* v) const {
+bool RE2::Set::Match(absl::string_view text, std::vector<int>* v) const {
   return Match(text, v, NULL);
-bool RE2::Set::Match(const StringPiece& text, std::vector<int>* v,
+bool RE2::Set::Match(absl::string_view text, std::vector<int>* v,
                      ErrorInfo* error_info) const {
   if (!compiled_) {
     if (error_info != NULL)
diff --git a/re2/set.h b/re2/set.h
index 8d64f30..3fe419b 100644
--- a/re2/set.h
+++ b/re2/set.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class RE2::Set {
   // Indices are assigned in sequential order starting from 0.
   // Errors do not increment the index; if error is not NULL, *error will hold
   // the error message from the parser.
-  int Add(const StringPiece& pattern, std::string* error);
+  int Add(absl::string_view pattern, std::string* error);
   // Compiles the set in preparation for matching.
   // Returns false if the compiler runs out of memory.
@@ -61,12 +62,12 @@ class RE2::Set {
   // Returns true if text matches at least one of the regexps in the set.
   // Fills v (if not NULL) with the indices of the matching regexps.
   // Callers must not expect v to be sorted.
-  bool Match(const StringPiece& text, std::vector<int>* v) const;
+  bool Match(absl::string_view text, std::vector<int>* v) const;
   // As above, but populates error_info (if not NULL) when none of the regexps
   // in the set matched. This can inform callers when DFA execution fails, for
   // example, because they might wish to handle that case differently.
-  bool Match(const StringPiece& text, std::vector<int>* v,
+  bool Match(absl::string_view text, std::vector<int>* v,
              ErrorInfo* error_info) const;
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 0df9051..8cd10cf 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ namespace re2 {
 // Parses the regexp src and then simplifies it and sets *dst to the
 // string representation of the simplified form.  Returns true on success.
 // Returns false and sets *error (if error != NULL) on error.
-bool Regexp::SimplifyRegexp(const StringPiece& src, ParseFlags flags,
+bool Regexp::SimplifyRegexp(absl::string_view src, ParseFlags flags,
                             std::string* dst, RegexpStatus* status) {
   Regexp* re = Parse(src, flags, status);
   if (re == NULL)
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2e287..0000000
--- a/re2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2004 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
-#include <ostream>
-#include "util/util.h"
-namespace re2 {
-const StringPiece::size_type StringPiece::npos;  // initialized in stringpiece.h
-StringPiece::size_type StringPiece::copy(char* buf, size_type n,
-                                         size_type pos) const {
-  size_type ret = std::min(size_ - pos, n);
-  memcpy(buf, data_ + pos, ret);
-  return ret;
-StringPiece StringPiece::substr(size_type pos, size_type n) const {
-  if (pos > size_) pos = size_;
-  if (n > size_ - pos) n = size_ - pos;
-  return StringPiece(data_ + pos, n);
-StringPiece::size_type StringPiece::find(const StringPiece& s,
-                                         size_type pos) const {
-  if (pos > size_) return npos;
-  const_pointer result = std::search(data_ + pos, data_ + size_,
-                                     s.data_, s.data_ + s.size_);
-  size_type xpos = result - data_;
-  return xpos + s.size_ <= size_ ? xpos : npos;
-StringPiece::size_type StringPiece::find(char c, size_type pos) const {
-  if (size_ <= 0 || pos >= size_) return npos;
-  const_pointer result = std::find(data_ + pos, data_ + size_, c);
-  return result != data_ + size_ ? result - data_ : npos;
-StringPiece::size_type StringPiece::rfind(const StringPiece& s,
-                                          size_type pos) const {
-  if (size_ < s.size_) return npos;
-  if (s.size_ == 0) return std::min(size_, pos);
-  const_pointer last = data_ + std::min(size_ - s.size_, pos) + s.size_;
-  const_pointer result = std::find_end(data_, last, s.data_, s.data_ + s.size_);
-  return result != last ? result - data_ : npos;
-StringPiece::size_type StringPiece::rfind(char c, size_type pos) const {
-  if (size_ <= 0) return npos;
-  for (size_t i = std::min(pos + 1, size_); i != 0;) {
-    if (data_[--i] == c) return i;
-  }
-  return npos;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const StringPiece& p) {
-  o.write(, p.size());
-  return o;
-}  // namespace re2
diff --git a/re2/stringpiece.h b/re2/stringpiece.h
index b9d6661..6d11d16 100644
--- a/re2/stringpiece.h
+++ b/re2/stringpiece.h
@@ -1,212 +1,23 @@
-// Copyright 2001-2010 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
+// Copyright 2022 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// A string-like object that points to a sized piece of memory.
-// Functions or methods may use const StringPiece& parameters to accept either
-// a "const char*" or a "string" value that will be implicitly converted to
-// a StringPiece.  The implicit conversion means that it is often appropriate
-// to include this .h file in other files rather than forward-declaring
-// StringPiece as would be appropriate for most other Google classes.
-// Systematic usage of StringPiece is encouraged as it will reduce unnecessary
-// conversions from "const char*" to "string" and back again.
-// Arghh!  I wish C++ literals were "string".
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <string>
-#ifdef __cpp_lib_string_view
-#include <string_view>
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 namespace re2 {
-class StringPiece {
- public:
-  typedef std::char_traits<char> traits_type;
-  typedef char value_type;
-  typedef char* pointer;
-  typedef const char* const_pointer;
-  typedef char& reference;
-  typedef const char& const_reference;
-  typedef const char* const_iterator;
-  typedef const_iterator iterator;
-  typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
-  typedef const_reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
-  typedef size_t size_type;
-  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
-  static const size_type npos = static_cast<size_type>(-1);
-  // We provide non-explicit singleton constructors so users can pass
-  // in a "const char*" or a "string" wherever a "StringPiece" is
-  // expected.
-  StringPiece()
-      : data_(NULL), size_(0) {}
-#ifdef __cpp_lib_string_view
-  StringPiece(const std::string_view& str)
-      : data_(, size_(str.size()) {}
-  StringPiece(const std::string& str)
-      : data_(, size_(str.size()) {}
-  StringPiece(const char* str)
-      : data_(str), size_(str == NULL ? 0 : strlen(str)) {}
-  StringPiece(const char* str, size_type len)
-      : data_(str), size_(len) {}
-  const_iterator begin() const { return data_; }
-  const_iterator end() const { return data_ + size_; }
-  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
-    return const_reverse_iterator(data_ + size_);
-  }
-  const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
-    return const_reverse_iterator(data_);
-  }
-  size_type size() const { return size_; }
-  size_type length() const { return size_; }
-  bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
-  const_reference operator[](size_type i) const { return data_[i]; }
-  const_pointer data() const { return data_; }
-  void remove_prefix(size_type n) {
-    data_ += n;
-    size_ -= n;
-  }
-  void remove_suffix(size_type n) {
-    size_ -= n;
-  }
-  void set(const char* str) {
-    data_ = str;
-    size_ = str == NULL ? 0 : strlen(str);
-  }
-  void set(const char* str, size_type len) {
-    data_ = str;
-    size_ = len;
-  }
-#ifdef __cpp_lib_string_view
-  // Converts to `std::basic_string_view`.
-  operator std::basic_string_view<char, traits_type>() const {
-    if (!data_) return {};
-    return std::basic_string_view<char, traits_type>(data_, size_);
-  }
-  // Converts to `std::basic_string`.
-  template <typename A>
-  explicit operator std::basic_string<char, traits_type, A>() const {
-    if (!data_) return {};
-    return std::basic_string<char, traits_type, A>(data_, size_);
-  }
-  std::string as_string() const {
-    return std::string(data_, size_);
-  }
-  // We also define ToString() here, since many other string-like
-  // interfaces name the routine that converts to a C++ string
-  // "ToString", and it's confusing to have the method that does that
-  // for a StringPiece be called "as_string()".  We also leave the
-  // "as_string()" method defined here for existing code.
-  std::string ToString() const {
-    return std::string(data_, size_);
-  }
-  void CopyToString(std::string* target) const {
-    target->assign(data_, size_);
-  }
-  void AppendToString(std::string* target) const {
-    target->append(data_, size_);
-  }
-  size_type copy(char* buf, size_type n, size_type pos = 0) const;
-  StringPiece substr(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos) const;
-  int compare(const StringPiece& x) const {
-    size_type min_size = std::min(size(), x.size());
-    if (min_size > 0) {
-      int r = memcmp(data(),, min_size);
-      if (r < 0) return -1;
-      if (r > 0) return 1;
-    }
-    if (size() < x.size()) return -1;
-    if (size() > x.size()) return 1;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // Does "this" start with "x"?
-  bool starts_with(const StringPiece& x) const {
-    return x.empty() ||
-           (size() >= x.size() && memcmp(data(),, x.size()) == 0);
-  }
-  // Does "this" end with "x"?
-  bool ends_with(const StringPiece& x) const {
-    return x.empty() ||
-           (size() >= x.size() &&
-            memcmp(data() + (size() - x.size()),, x.size()) == 0);
-  }
-  bool contains(const StringPiece& s) const {
-    return find(s) != npos;
-  }
-  size_type find(const StringPiece& s, size_type pos = 0) const;
-  size_type find(char c, size_type pos = 0) const;
-  size_type rfind(const StringPiece& s, size_type pos = npos) const;
-  size_type rfind(char c, size_type pos = npos) const;
- private:
-  const_pointer data_;
-  size_type size_;
-inline bool operator==(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
-  StringPiece::size_type len = x.size();
-  if (len != y.size()) return false;
-  return == || len == 0 ||
-         memcmp(,, len) == 0;
-inline bool operator!=(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
-  return !(x == y);
-inline bool operator<(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
-  StringPiece::size_type min_size = std::min(x.size(), y.size());
-  int r = min_size == 0 ? 0 : memcmp(,, min_size);
-  return (r < 0) || (r == 0 && x.size() < y.size());
-inline bool operator>(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
-  return y < x;
-inline bool operator<=(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
-  return !(x > y);
-inline bool operator>=(const StringPiece& x, const StringPiece& y) {
-  return !(x < y);
-// Allow StringPiece to be logged.
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const StringPiece& p);
+// RE2 has two versions: "sans Abseil" in the main branch; and "avec Abseil" in
+// the abseil branch. This has led to a diamond dependency problem for projects
+// like Envoy: as per, GoogleTest took
+// a dependency on RE2 avec Abseil, but other things depend on RE2 sans Abseil.
+// To resolve this conflict until both versions can migrate to std::string_view
+// (C++17), those other things must be able to #include "re2/stringpiece.h" and
+// use re2::StringPiece. (This is a hack, obviously, but it beats telling every
+// project in this situation that they have to perform source transformations.)
+using StringPiece = absl::string_view;
 }  // namespace re2
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 920a453..90071bb 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/pod_array.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ class Backtracker {
   explicit Backtracker(Prog* prog);
-  bool Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-              bool anchored, bool longest,
-              StringPiece* submatch, int nsubmatch);
+  bool Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context, bool anchored,
+              bool longest, absl::string_view* submatch, int nsubmatch);
   // Explores from instruction id at string position p looking for a match.
@@ -69,14 +68,14 @@ class Backtracker {
   bool Try(int id, const char* p);
   // Search parameters
-  Prog* prog_;              // program being run
-  StringPiece text_;        // text being searched
-  StringPiece context_;     // greater context of text being searched
-  bool anchored_;           // whether search is anchored at text.begin()
-  bool longest_;            // whether search wants leftmost-longest match
-  bool endmatch_;           // whether search must end at text.end()
-  StringPiece *submatch_;   // submatches to fill in
-  int nsubmatch_;           //   # of submatches to fill in
+  Prog* prog_;                   // program being run
+  absl::string_view text_;       // text being searched
+  absl::string_view context_;    // greater context of text being searched
+  bool anchored_;                // whether search is anchored at text.begin()
+  bool longest_;                 // whether search wants leftmost-longest match
+  bool endmatch_;                // whether search must end at text.end()
+  absl::string_view* submatch_;  // submatches to fill in
+  int nsubmatch_;                // # of submatches to fill in
   // Search state
   const char* cap_[64];         // capture registers
@@ -96,9 +95,9 @@ Backtracker::Backtracker(Prog* prog)
 // Runs a backtracking search.
-bool Backtracker::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+bool Backtracker::Search(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                          bool anchored, bool longest,
-                         StringPiece* submatch, int nsubmatch) {
+                         absl::string_view* submatch, int nsubmatch) {
   text_ = text;
   context_ = context;
   if ( == NULL)
@@ -112,17 +111,17 @@ bool Backtracker::Search(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
   endmatch_ = prog_->anchor_end();
   submatch_ = submatch;
   nsubmatch_ = nsubmatch;
-  CHECK_LT(2*nsubmatch_, static_cast<int>(arraysize(cap_)));
+  CHECK_LT(2*nsubmatch_, static_cast<int>(ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(cap_)));
   memset(cap_, 0, sizeof cap_);
   // We use submatch_[0] for our own bookkeeping,
   // so it had better exist.
-  StringPiece sp0;
+  absl::string_view sp0;
   if (nsubmatch < 1) {
     submatch_ = &sp0;
     nsubmatch_ = 1;
-  submatch_[0] = StringPiece();
+  submatch_[0] = absl::string_view();
   // Allocate new visited_ bitmap -- size is proportional
   // to text, so have to reallocate on each call to Search.
@@ -203,7 +202,7 @@ bool Backtracker::Try(int id, const char* p) {
     case kInstCapture:
       if (0 <= ip->cap() &&
-          ip->cap() < static_cast<int>(arraysize(cap_))) {
+          ip->cap() < static_cast<int>(ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(cap_))) {
         // Capture p to register, but save old value.
         const char* q = cap_[ip->cap()];
         cap_[ip->cap()] = p;
@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ bool Backtracker::Try(int id, const char* p) {
           (longest_ && p > submatch_[0].data() + submatch_[0].size())) {
         // First match so far - or better match.
         for (int i = 0; i < nsubmatch_; i++)
-          submatch_[i] = StringPiece(
+          submatch_[i] = absl::string_view(
               cap_[2 * i], static_cast<size_t>(cap_[2 * i + 1] - cap_[2 * i]));
       return true;
@@ -243,16 +242,14 @@ bool Backtracker::Try(int id, const char* p) {
 // Runs a backtracking search.
-bool Prog::UnsafeSearchBacktrack(const StringPiece& text,
-                                 const StringPiece& context,
-                                 Anchor anchor,
-                                 MatchKind kind,
-                                 StringPiece* match,
+bool Prog::UnsafeSearchBacktrack(absl::string_view text,
+                                 absl::string_view context, Anchor anchor,
+                                 MatchKind kind, absl::string_view* match,
                                  int nmatch) {
   // If full match, we ask for an anchored longest match
   // and then check that match[0] == text.
   // So make sure match[0] exists.
-  StringPiece sp0;
+  absl::string_view sp0;
   if (kind == kFullMatch) {
     anchor = kAnchored;
     if (nmatch < 1) {
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 9c2a32f..ad95d6c 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -88,25 +90,25 @@ static CCTest tests[] = {
 template <typename CharClass>
 static void Broke(const char *desc, const CCTest* t, CharClass* cc) {
   if (t == NULL) {
-    printf("\t%s:", desc);
+    absl::PrintF("\t%s:", desc);
   } else {
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("CharClass added: [%s]", desc);
+    absl::PrintF("\n");
+    absl::PrintF("CharClass added: [%s]", desc);
     for (int k = 0; t->add[k].lo >= 0; k++)
-      printf(" %d-%d", t->add[k].lo, t->add[k].hi);
-    printf("\n");
+      absl::PrintF(" %d-%d", t->add[k].lo, t->add[k].hi);
+    absl::PrintF("\n");
     if (t->remove >= 0)
-      printf("Removed > %d\n", t->remove);
-    printf("\twant:");
+      absl::PrintF("Removed > %d\n", t->remove);
+    absl::PrintF("\twant:");
     for (int k = 0; t->final[k].lo >= 0; k++)
-      printf(" %d-%d", t->final[k].lo, t->final[k].hi);
-    printf("\n");
-    printf("\thave:");
+      absl::PrintF(" %d-%d", t->final[k].lo, t->final[k].hi);
+    absl::PrintF("\n");
+    absl::PrintF("\thave:");
   for (typename CharClass::iterator it = cc->begin(); it != cc->end(); ++it)
-    printf(" %d-%d", it->lo, it->hi);
-  printf("\n");
+    absl::PrintF(" %d-%d", it->lo, it->hi);
+  absl::PrintF("\n");
 bool ShouldContain(CCTest *t, int x) {
@@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ bool CorrectCC(CharClass *cc, CCTest *t, const char *desc) {
   if (cc->size() != size) {
     Broke(desc, t, cc);
-    printf("wrong size: want %d have %d\n", size, cc->size());
+    absl::PrintF("wrong size: want %d have %d\n", size, cc->size());
     return false;
@@ -164,8 +166,8 @@ bool CorrectCC(CharClass *cc, CCTest *t, const char *desc) {
       j = Runemax;
     if (ShouldContain(t, j) != cc->Contains(j)) {
       Broke(desc, t, cc);
-      printf("want contains(%d)=%d, got %d\n",
-             j, ShouldContain(t, j), cc->Contains(j));
+      absl::PrintF("want contains(%d)=%d, got %d\n",
+                   j, ShouldContain(t, j), cc->Contains(j));
       return false;
@@ -177,16 +179,16 @@ bool CorrectCC(CharClass *cc, CCTest *t, const char *desc) {
     if (ShouldContain(t, j) == ncc->Contains(j)) {
       Broke(desc, t, cc);
       Broke("ncc", NULL, ncc);
-      printf("want ncc contains(%d)!=%d, got %d\n",
-             j, ShouldContain(t, j), ncc->Contains(j));
+      absl::PrintF("want ncc contains(%d)!=%d, got %d\n",
+                   j, ShouldContain(t, j), ncc->Contains(j));
       return false;
     if (ncc->size() != Runemax+1 - cc->size()) {
       Broke(desc, t, cc);
       Broke("ncc", NULL, ncc);
-      printf("ncc size should be %d is %d\n",
-             Runemax+1 - cc->size(), ncc->size());
+      absl::PrintF("ncc size should be %d is %d\n",
+                   Runemax+1 - cc->size(), ncc->size());
       return false;
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ bool CorrectCC(CharClass *cc, CCTest *t, const char *desc) {
 TEST(TestCharClassBuilder, Adds) {
   int nfail = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     CharClassBuilder ccb;
     CCTest* t = &tests[i];
     for (int j = 0; t->add[j].lo >= 0; j++)
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 4718830..f6899d3 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ static Test tests[] = {
 TEST(TestRegexpCompileToProg, Simple) {
   int failed = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     const re2::Test& t = tests[i];
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(t.regexp, Regexp::PerlX|Regexp::Latin1, NULL);
     if (re == NULL) {
@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ TEST(TestRegexpCompileToProg, Simple) {
   EXPECT_EQ(failed, 0);
-static void DumpByteMap(StringPiece pattern, Regexp::ParseFlags flags,
+static void DumpByteMap(absl::string_view pattern, Regexp::ParseFlags flags,
                         std::string* bytemap) {
   Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(pattern, flags, NULL);
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ TEST(TestCompile, InsufficientMemory) {
-static void Dump(StringPiece pattern, Regexp::ParseFlags flags,
+static void Dump(absl::string_view pattern, Regexp::ParseFlags flags,
                  std::string* forward, std::string* reverse) {
   Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(pattern, flags, NULL);
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 842daaf..b0759f7 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
 #include <thread>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/malloc_counter.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -20,9 +21,9 @@
 static const bool UsingMallocCounter = false;
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, size, 8, "log2(number of DFA nodes)");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, repeat, 2, "Repetition count.");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, threads, 4, "number of threads");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, size, 8, "log2(number of DFA nodes)");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, repeat, 2, "Repetition count.");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, threads, 4, "number of threads");
 namespace re2 {
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ static void DoBuild(Prog* prog) {
 TEST(Multithreaded, BuildEntireDFA) {
   // Create regexp with 2^FLAGS_size states in DFA.
   std::string s = "a";
-  for (int i = 0; i < GetFlag(FLAGS_size); i++)
+  for (int i = 0; i < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_size); i++)
     s += "[ab]";
   s += "b";
   Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(s, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
@@ -68,14 +69,14 @@ TEST(Multithreaded, BuildEntireDFA) {
   // Build the DFA simultaneously in a bunch of threads.
-  for (int i = 0; i < GetFlag(FLAGS_repeat); i++) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_repeat); i++) {
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
     ASSERT_TRUE(prog != NULL);
     std::vector<std::thread> threads;
-    for (int j = 0; j < GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
+    for (int j = 0; j < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
       threads.emplace_back(DoBuild, prog);
-    for (int j = 0; j < GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
+    for (int j = 0; j < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
     // One more compile, to make sure everything is okay.
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ TEST(SingleThreaded, SearchDFA) {
   // Empirically, n = 18 is a good compromise between the two.
   const int n = 18;
-  Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(StringPrintf("0[01]{%d}$", n),
+  Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(absl::StrFormat("0[01]{%d}$", n),
                              Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
@@ -172,12 +173,14 @@ TEST(SingleThreaded, SearchDFA) {
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       bool matched = false;
       bool failed = false;
-      matched = prog->SearchDFA(match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
-                                Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
+      matched =
+          prog->SearchDFA(match, absl::string_view(), Prog::kUnanchored,
+                          Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
-      matched = prog->SearchDFA(no_match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
-                                Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
+      matched =
+          prog->SearchDFA(no_match, absl::string_view(), Prog::kUnanchored,
+                          Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
@@ -201,17 +204,19 @@ TEST(SingleThreaded, SearchDFA) {
 // Helper function: searches for match, which should match,
 // and no_match, which should not.
-static void DoSearch(Prog* prog, const StringPiece& match,
-                     const StringPiece& no_match) {
+static void DoSearch(Prog* prog, absl::string_view match,
+                     absl::string_view no_match) {
   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
     bool matched = false;
     bool failed = false;
-    matched = prog->SearchDFA(match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
-                              Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
+    matched =
+        prog->SearchDFA(match, absl::string_view(), Prog::kUnanchored,
+                        Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
-    matched = prog->SearchDFA(no_match, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
-                              Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
+    matched =
+        prog->SearchDFA(no_match, absl::string_view(), Prog::kUnanchored,
+                        Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
@@ -224,7 +229,7 @@ TEST(Multithreaded, SearchDFA) {
   // Same as single-threaded test above.
   const int n = 18;
-  Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(StringPrintf("0[01]{%d}$", n),
+  Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(absl::StrFormat("0[01]{%d}$", n),
                              Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
   std::string no_match = DeBruijnString(n);
@@ -243,14 +248,14 @@ TEST(Multithreaded, SearchDFA) {
   // Run the search simultaneously in a bunch of threads.
   // Reuse same flags for Multithreaded.BuildDFA above.
-  for (int i = 0; i < GetFlag(FLAGS_repeat); i++) {
+  for (int i = 0; i < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_repeat); i++) {
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(1<<n);
     ASSERT_TRUE(prog != NULL);
     std::vector<std::thread> threads;
-    for (int j = 0; j < GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
+    for (int j = 0; j < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
       threads.emplace_back(DoSearch, prog, match, no_match);
-    for (int j = 0; j < GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
+    for (int j = 0; j < absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_threads); j++)
     delete prog;
@@ -281,15 +286,16 @@ ReverseTest reverse_tests[] = {
 TEST(DFA, ReverseMatch) {
   int nfail = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(reverse_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(reverse_tests); i++) {
     const ReverseTest& t = reverse_tests[i];
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(t.regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     ASSERT_TRUE(re != NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToReverseProg(0);
     ASSERT_TRUE(prog != NULL);
     bool failed = false;
-    bool matched = prog->SearchDFA(t.text, StringPiece(), Prog::kUnanchored,
-                                   Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
+    bool matched =
+        prog->SearchDFA(t.text, absl::string_view(), Prog::kUnanchored,
+                        Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL);
     if (matched != t.match) {
       LOG(ERROR) << t.regexp << " on " << t.text << ": want " << t.match;
@@ -336,7 +342,7 @@ CallbackTest callback_tests[] = {
 TEST(DFA, Callback) {
   int nfail = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(callback_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(callback_tests); i++) {
     const CallbackTest& t = callback_tests[i];
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(t.regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     ASSERT_TRUE(re != NULL);
@@ -349,7 +355,7 @@ TEST(DFA, Callback) {
         dump += " ";
       dump += match ? "[[" : "[";
       for (int b = 0; b < prog->bytemap_range() + 1; b++)
-        dump += StringPrintf("%d,", next[b]);
+        dump += absl::StrFormat("%d,", next[b]);
       dump += match ? "]]" : "]";
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index cad0910..5cddd23 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ static const char* kOpcodeNames[] = {
 // Create string representation of regexp with explicit structure.
 // Nothing pretty, just for testing.
 static void DumpRegexpAppending(Regexp* re, std::string* s) {
-  if (re->op() < 0 || re->op() >= arraysize(kOpcodeNames)) {
-    *s += StringPrintf("op%d", re->op());
+  if (re->op() < 0 || re->op() >= ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(kOpcodeNames)) {
+    *s += absl::StrFormat("op%d", re->op());
   } else {
     switch (re->op()) {
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ static void DumpRegexpAppending(Regexp* re, std::string* s) {
       DumpRegexpAppending(re->sub()[0], s);
     case kRegexpRepeat:
-      s->append(StringPrintf("%d,%d ", re->min(), re->max()));
+      s->append(absl::StrFormat("%d,%d ", re->min(), re->max()));
       DumpRegexpAppending(re->sub()[0], s);
     case kRegexpCharClass: {
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ static void DumpRegexpAppending(Regexp* re, std::string* s) {
         RuneRange rr = *it;
         if (rr.lo == rr.hi)
-          s->append(StringPrintf("%#x", rr.lo));
+          s->append(absl::StrFormat("%#x", rr.lo));
-          s->append(StringPrintf("%#x-%#x", rr.lo, rr.hi));
+          s->append(absl::StrFormat("%#x-%#x", rr.lo, rr.hi));
         sep = " ";
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index eef2dae..9337989 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h"
 namespace re2 {
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index ae89ece..14f629d 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h"
 namespace re2 {
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 1fe46b6..de703c0 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h"
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 514fd90..5e586f1 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 // Exhaustive testing of regular expression matching.
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h"
 namespace re2 {
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index b0409c3..a57f700 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include "util/test.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h"
 #include "re2/testing/tester.h"
@@ -25,15 +26,15 @@
 #define LOGGING 0
-DEFINE_FLAG(bool, show_regexps, false, "show regexps during testing");
+ABSL_FLAG(bool, show_regexps, false, "show regexps during testing");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, max_bad_regexp_inputs, 1,
-            "Stop testing a regular expression after finding this many "
-            "strings that break it.");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, max_bad_regexp_inputs, 1,
+          "Stop testing a regular expression after finding this many "
+          "strings that break it.");
 namespace re2 {
-static char* escape(const StringPiece& sp) {
+static char* escape(absl::string_view sp) {
   static char buf[512];
   char* p = buf;
   *p++ = '\"';
@@ -55,20 +56,21 @@ static char* escape(const StringPiece& sp) {
   return buf;
-static void PrintResult(const RE2& re, const StringPiece& input, RE2::Anchor anchor, StringPiece *m, int n) {
+static void PrintResult(const RE2& re, absl::string_view input,
+                        RE2::Anchor anchor, absl::string_view* m, int n) {
   if (!re.Match(input, 0, input.size(), anchor, m, n)) {
-    printf("-");
+    absl::PrintF("-");
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (i > 0)
-      printf(" ");
+      absl::PrintF(" ");
     if (m[i].data() == NULL)
-      printf("-");
+      absl::PrintF("-");
-      printf("%td-%td",
-             BeginPtr(m[i]) - BeginPtr(input),
-             EndPtr(m[i]) - BeginPtr(input));
+      absl::PrintF("%d-%d",
+                   BeginPtr(m[i]) - BeginPtr(input),
+                   EndPtr(m[i]) - BeginPtr(input));
@@ -79,11 +81,13 @@ void ExhaustiveTester::HandleRegexp(const std::string& const_regexp) {
   std::string regexp = const_regexp;
   if (!topwrapper_.empty()) {
-    regexp = StringPrintf(topwrapper_.c_str(), regexp.c_str());
+    auto fmt = absl::ParsedFormat<'s'>::New(topwrapper_);
+    CHECK(fmt != nullptr);
+    regexp = absl::StrFormat(*fmt, regexp);
-  if (GetFlag(FLAGS_show_regexps)) {
-    printf("\r%s", regexp.c_str());
+  if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_regexps)) {
+    absl::PrintF("\r%s", regexp);
@@ -93,32 +97,32 @@ void ExhaustiveTester::HandleRegexp(const std::string& const_regexp) {
     if (randomstrings_)
       LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot log with random strings.";
     if (regexps_ == 1) {  // first
-      printf("strings\n");
+      absl::PrintF("strings\n");
       while (strgen_.HasNext())
-        printf("%s\n", escape(strgen_.Next()));
-      printf("regexps\n");
+        absl::PrintF("%s\n", escape(strgen_.Next()));
+      absl::PrintF("regexps\n");
-    printf("%s\n", escape(regexp));
+    absl::PrintF("%s\n", escape(regexp));
     RE2 re(regexp);
     RE2::Options longest;
     RE2 relongest(regexp, longest);
     int ngroup = re.NumberOfCapturingGroups()+1;
-    StringPiece* group = new StringPiece[ngroup];
+    absl::string_view* group = new absl::string_view[ngroup];
     while (strgen_.HasNext()) {
-      StringPiece input = strgen_.Next();
+      absl::string_view input = strgen_.Next();
       PrintResult(re, input, RE2::ANCHOR_BOTH, group, ngroup);
-      printf(";");
+      absl::PrintF(";");
       PrintResult(re, input, RE2::UNANCHORED, group, ngroup);
-      printf(";");
+      absl::PrintF(";");
       PrintResult(relongest, input, RE2::ANCHOR_BOTH, group, ngroup);
-      printf(";");
+      absl::PrintF(";");
       PrintResult(relongest, input, RE2::UNANCHORED, group, ngroup);
-      printf("\n");
+      absl::PrintF("\n");
     delete[] group;
@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ void ExhaustiveTester::HandleRegexp(const std::string& const_regexp) {
     if (!tester.TestInput(strgen_.Next())) {
-      if (++bad_inputs >= GetFlag(FLAGS_max_bad_regexp_inputs))
+      if (++bad_inputs >= absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_max_bad_regexp_inputs))
@@ -164,8 +168,8 @@ void ExhaustiveTest(int maxatoms, int maxops,
   if (!LOGGING) {
-    printf("%d regexps, %d tests, %d failures [%d/%d str]\n",
-           t.regexps(), t.tests(), t.failures(), maxstrlen, (int)stralphabet.size());
+    absl::PrintF("%d regexps, %d tests, %d failures [%d/%d str]\n",
+                 t.regexps(), t.tests(), t.failures(), maxstrlen, stralphabet.size());
   EXPECT_EQ(0, t.failures());
@@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ void EgrepTest(int maxatoms, int maxops, const std::string& alphabet,
                const std::string& wrapper) {
   const char* tops[] = { "", "^(?:%s)", "(?:%s)$", "^(?:%s)$" };
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tops); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tops); i++) {
     ExhaustiveTest(maxatoms, maxops,
                    Split("", alphabet),
diff --git a/re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h b/re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h
index 3a14282..906be0c 100644
--- a/re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h
+++ b/re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "re2/testing/regexp_generator.h"
 #include "re2/testing/string_generator.h"
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index add935e..a8d2dfc 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/filtered_re2.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
@@ -185,14 +186,14 @@ bool CheckExpectedAtoms(const char* atoms[],
 TEST(FilteredRE2Test, AtomTests) {
   int nfail = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(atom_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(atom_tests); i++) {
     FilterTestVars v;
     AtomTest* t = &atom_tests[i];
     size_t nregexp, natom;
-    for (nregexp = 0; nregexp < arraysize(t->regexps); nregexp++)
+    for (nregexp = 0; nregexp < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(t->regexps); nregexp++)
       if (t->regexps[nregexp] == NULL)
-    for (natom = 0; natom < arraysize(t->atoms); natom++)
+    for (natom = 0; natom < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(t->atoms); natom++)
       if (t->atoms[natom] == NULL)
     AddRegexpsAndCompile(t->regexps, nregexp, &v);
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ TEST(FilteredRE2Test, MatchEmptyPattern) {
   // the index we use for the test is for the correct test.
   EXPECT_EQ("CheckEmptyPattern", std::string(t->testname));
   size_t nregexp;
-  for (nregexp = 0; nregexp < arraysize(t->regexps); nregexp++)
+  for (nregexp = 0; nregexp < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(t->regexps); nregexp++)
     if (t->regexps[nregexp] == NULL)
   AddRegexpsAndCompile(t->regexps, nregexp, &v);
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ TEST(FilteredRE2Test, MatchTests) {
   // for this test.
   EXPECT_EQ("SubstrAtomRemovesSuperStrInOr", std::string(t->testname));
   size_t nregexp;
-  for (nregexp = 0; nregexp < arraysize(t->regexps); nregexp++)
+  for (nregexp = 0; nregexp < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(t->regexps); nregexp++)
     if (t->regexps[nregexp] == NULL)
   AddRegexpsAndCompile(t->regexps, nregexp, &v);
@@ -288,8 +289,8 @@ TEST(FilteredRE2Test, EmptyStringInStringSetBug) {
   FilterTestVars v(0);  // override the minimum atom length
   const char* regexps[] = {"-R.+(|ADD=;AA){12}}"};
   const char* atoms[] = {"", "-r", "add=;aa", "}"};
-  AddRegexpsAndCompile(regexps, arraysize(regexps), &v);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckExpectedAtoms(atoms, arraysize(atoms),
+  AddRegexpsAndCompile(regexps, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(regexps), &v);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(CheckExpectedAtoms(atoms, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(atoms),
                                  "EmptyStringInStringSetBug", &v));
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 01ab41e..829659d 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ static PCRETest tests[] = {
 TEST(MimicsPCRE, SimpleTests) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     const PCRETest& t = tests[i];
     for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
       Regexp::ParseFlags flags = Regexp::LikePerl;
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 2bdea02..745364b 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 #include "re2/walker-inl.h"
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index e571127..9d39544 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ void TestParse(const Test* tests, int ntests, Regexp::ParseFlags flags,
 // Test that regexps parse to expected structures.
 TEST(TestParse, SimpleRegexps) {
-  TestParse(tests, arraysize(tests), kTestFlags, "simple");
+  TestParse(tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests), kTestFlags, "simple");
 Test foldcase_tests[] = {
@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ Test foldcase_tests[] = {
 // Test that parsing with FoldCase works.
 TEST(TestParse, FoldCase) {
-  TestParse(foldcase_tests, arraysize(foldcase_tests), Regexp::FoldCase, "foldcase");
+  TestParse(foldcase_tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(foldcase_tests), Regexp::FoldCase, "foldcase");
 Test literal_tests[] = {
@@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ Test literal_tests[] = {
 // Test that parsing with Literal works.
 TEST(TestParse, Literal) {
-  TestParse(literal_tests, arraysize(literal_tests), Regexp::Literal, "literal");
+  TestParse(literal_tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(literal_tests), Regexp::Literal, "literal");
 Test matchnl_tests[] = {
@@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ Test matchnl_tests[] = {
 // Test that parsing with MatchNL works.
 // (Also tested above during simple cases.)
 TEST(TestParse, MatchNL) {
-  TestParse(matchnl_tests, arraysize(matchnl_tests), Regexp::MatchNL, "with MatchNL");
+  TestParse(matchnl_tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(matchnl_tests), Regexp::MatchNL, "with MatchNL");
 Test nomatchnl_tests[] = {
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ Test nomatchnl_tests[] = {
 // Test that parsing without MatchNL works.
 TEST(TestParse, NoMatchNL) {
-  TestParse(nomatchnl_tests, arraysize(nomatchnl_tests), Regexp::NoParseFlags, "without MatchNL");
+  TestParse(nomatchnl_tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(nomatchnl_tests), Regexp::NoParseFlags, "without MatchNL");
 Test prefix_tests[] = {
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@ Test prefix_tests[] = {
 // Test that prefix factoring works.
 TEST(TestParse, Prefix) {
-  TestParse(prefix_tests, arraysize(prefix_tests), Regexp::PerlX, "prefix");
+  TestParse(prefix_tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(prefix_tests), Regexp::PerlX, "prefix");
 Test nested_tests[] = {
@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ Test nested_tests[] = {
 // Test that nested repetition works.
 TEST(TestParse, Nested) {
-  TestParse(nested_tests, arraysize(nested_tests), Regexp::PerlX, "nested");
+  TestParse(nested_tests, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(nested_tests), Regexp::PerlX, "nested");
 // Invalid regular expressions
@@ -428,20 +429,20 @@ const char* only_posix[] = {
 // Test that parser rejects bad regexps.
 TEST(TestParse, InvalidRegexps) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(badtests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(badtests); i++) {
     ASSERT_TRUE(Regexp::Parse(badtests[i], Regexp::PerlX, NULL) == NULL)
       << " " << badtests[i];
     ASSERT_TRUE(Regexp::Parse(badtests[i], Regexp::NoParseFlags, NULL) == NULL)
       << " " << badtests[i];
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(only_posix); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(only_posix); i++) {
     ASSERT_TRUE(Regexp::Parse(only_posix[i], Regexp::PerlX, NULL) == NULL)
       << " " << only_posix[i];
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(only_posix[i], Regexp::NoParseFlags, NULL);
     ASSERT_TRUE(re != NULL) << " " << only_posix[i];
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(only_perl); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(only_perl); i++) {
     ASSERT_TRUE(Regexp::Parse(only_perl[i], Regexp::NoParseFlags, NULL) == NULL)
       << " " << only_perl[i];
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(only_perl[i], Regexp::PerlX, NULL);
@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ TEST(TestParse, InvalidRegexps) {
 // Test that ToString produces original regexp or equivalent one.
 TEST(TestToString, EquivalentParse) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     RegexpStatus status;
     Regexp::ParseFlags f = kTestFlags;
     if (tests[i].flags != 0) {
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 0ec90ae..fe199c6 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -107,12 +108,12 @@ static PrefixTest tests[] = {
 TEST(PossibleMatchRange, HandWritten) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
       const PrefixTest& t = tests[i];
       std::string min, max;
       if (j == 0) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "Checking regexp=" << CEscape(t.regexp);
+        LOG(INFO) << "Checking regexp=" << absl::CEscape(t.regexp);
         Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(t.regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
         ASSERT_TRUE(re != NULL);
         Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
@@ -142,26 +143,26 @@ TEST(PossibleMatchRange, Failures) {
   // are no valid UTF-8 strings beginning with byte 0xFF.
   EXPECT_FALSE(RE2("[\\s\\S]+", RE2::Latin1).
                PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
   EXPECT_FALSE(RE2("[\\0-\xFF]+", RE2::Latin1).
                PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
   EXPECT_FALSE(RE2(".+hello", RE2::Latin1).
                PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
   EXPECT_FALSE(RE2(".*hello", RE2::Latin1).
                PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
   EXPECT_FALSE(RE2(".*", RE2::Latin1).
                PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
                PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
   // Fails because it's a malformed regexp.
   EXPECT_FALSE(RE2("*hello").PossibleMatchRange(&min, &max, 10))
-      << "min=" << CEscape(min) << ", max=" << CEscape(max);
+      << "min=" << absl::CEscape(min) << ", max=" << absl::CEscape(max);
 // Exhaustive test: generate all regexps within parameters,
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ class PossibleMatchTester : public RegexpGenerator {
 void PossibleMatchTester::HandleRegexp(const std::string& regexp) {
-  VLOG(3) << CEscape(regexp);
+  VLOG(3) << absl::CEscape(regexp);
   RE2 re(regexp, RE2::Latin1);
   ASSERT_EQ(re.error(), "");
@@ -213,12 +214,12 @@ void PossibleMatchTester::HandleRegexp(const std::string& regexp) {
     // complicated expressions.
     if(strstr(regexp.c_str(), "\\C*"))
-    LOG(QFATAL) << "PossibleMatchRange failed on: " << CEscape(regexp);
+    LOG(QFATAL) << "PossibleMatchRange failed on: " << absl::CEscape(regexp);
   while (strgen_.HasNext()) {
-    const StringPiece& s = strgen_.Next();
+    absl::string_view s = strgen_.Next();
     if (!RE2::FullMatch(s, re))
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 44712eb..d076b39 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "re2/testing/exhaustive_tester.h"
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, regexpseed, 404, "Random regexp seed.");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, regexpcount, 100, "How many random regexps to generate.");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, stringseed, 200, "Random string seed.");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, stringcount, 100, "How many random strings to generate.");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, regexpseed, 404, "Random regexp seed.");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, regexpcount, 100, "How many random regexps to generate.");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, stringseed, 200, "Random string seed.");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, stringcount, 100, "How many random strings to generate.");
 namespace re2 {
@@ -38,12 +39,12 @@ static void RandomTest(int maxatoms, int maxops,
   ExhaustiveTester t(maxatoms, maxops, alphabet, ops,
                      maxstrlen, stralphabet, wrapper, "");
-  t.RandomStrings(GetFlag(FLAGS_stringseed),
-                  GetFlag(FLAGS_stringcount));
-  t.GenerateRandom(GetFlag(FLAGS_regexpseed),
-                   GetFlag(FLAGS_regexpcount));
-  printf("%d regexps, %d tests, %d failures [%d/%d str]\n",
-         t.regexps(), t.tests(), t.failures(), maxstrlen, (int)stralphabet.size());
+  t.RandomStrings(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_stringseed),
+                  absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_stringcount));
+  t.GenerateRandom(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_regexpseed),
+                   absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_regexpcount));
+  absl::PrintF("%d regexps, %d tests, %d failures [%d/%d str]\n",
+               t.regexps(), t.tests(), t.failures(), maxstrlen, stralphabet.size());
   EXPECT_EQ(0, t.failures());
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index f62e17c..4b00be3 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ const SuccessTable kSuccessTable[] = {
 { "18446744073709551616", 0,    { false, false, false, false, false, false }},
-const int kNumStrings = arraysize(kSuccessTable);
+const int kNumStrings = ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(kSuccessTable);
 // It's ugly to use a macro, but we apparently can't use the EXPECT_EQ
 // macro outside of a TEST block and this seems to be the only way to
@@ -157,4 +158,26 @@ TEST(RE2ArgTest, ParseFromTest) {
+TEST(RE2ArgTest, OptionalDoubleTest) {
+  absl::optional<double> opt;
+  RE2::Arg arg(&opt);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(arg.Parse(NULL, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(opt.has_value());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(arg.Parse("", 0));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(arg.Parse("28.30", 5));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(opt.has_value());
+  EXPECT_EQ(*opt, 28.30);
+TEST(RE2ArgTest, OptionalIntWithCRadixTest) {
+  absl::optional<int> opt;
+  RE2::Arg arg = RE2::CRadix(&opt);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(arg.Parse(NULL, 0));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(opt.has_value());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(arg.Parse("", 0));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(arg.Parse("0xb0e", 5));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(opt.has_value());
+  EXPECT_EQ(*opt, 2830);
 }  // namespace re2
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index b1f7d73..151525f 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
 #include <unistd.h>  /* for sysconf */
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ TEST(RE2, Consume) {
   std::string word;
   std::string s("   aaa b!@#$@#$cccc");
-  StringPiece input(s);
+  absl::string_view input(s);
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::Consume(&input, r, &word));
   ASSERT_EQ(word, "aaa") << " input: " << input;
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ TEST(RE2, Consume) {
 TEST(RE2, ConsumeN) {
   const std::string s(" one two three 4");
-  StringPiece input(s);
+  absl::string_view input(s);
   RE2::Arg argv[2];
   const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };
@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ TEST(RE2, FindAndConsume) {
   std::string word;
   std::string s("   aaa b!@#$@#$cccc");
-  StringPiece input(s);
+  absl::string_view input(s);
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&input, r, &word));
   ASSERT_EQ(word, "aaa");
@@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ TEST(RE2, FindAndConsume) {
 TEST(RE2, FindAndConsumeN) {
   const std::string s(" one two three 4");
-  StringPiece input(s);
+  absl::string_view input(s);
   RE2::Arg argv[2];
   const RE2::Arg* const args[2] = { &argv[0], &argv[1] };
@@ -345,17 +346,17 @@ TEST(RE2, MatchNumberPeculiarity) {
 TEST(RE2, Match) {
   RE2 re("((\\w+):([0-9]+))");   // extracts host and port
-  StringPiece group[4];
+  absl::string_view group[4];
   // No match.
-  StringPiece s = "zyzzyva";
+  absl::string_view s = "zyzzyva";
-      re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, group, arraysize(group)));
+      re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, group, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(group)));
   // Matches and extracts.
   s = "a chrisr:9000 here";
-      re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, group, arraysize(group)));
+      re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, group, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(group)));
   ASSERT_EQ(group[0], "chrisr:9000");
   ASSERT_EQ(group[1], "chrisr:9000");
   ASSERT_EQ(group[2], "chrisr");
@@ -528,7 +529,7 @@ TEST(EmptyCharset, Fuzz) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(empties); i++)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(empties); i++)
     ASSERT_FALSE(RE2(empties[i]).Match("abc", 0, 3, RE2::UNANCHORED, NULL, 0));
@@ -542,8 +543,8 @@ TEST(EmptyCharset, BitstateAssumptions) {
     "((((()))))" "([^\\S\\s]|[^\\S\\s])?",
     "((((()))))" "(([^\\S\\s]|[^\\S\\s])|)"
-  StringPiece group[6];
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(nop_empties); i++)
+  absl::string_view group[6];
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(nop_empties); i++)
     ASSERT_TRUE(RE2(nop_empties[i]).Match("", 0, 0, RE2::UNANCHORED, group, 6));
@@ -672,15 +673,15 @@ TEST(RE2, FullMatchIntegerArg) {
 TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringArg) {
   std::string s;
-  // String-arg
+  // string-arg
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", &s));
   ASSERT_EQ(s, std::string("ell"));
-TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringPieceArg) {
+TEST(RE2, FullMatchStringViewArg) {
   int i;
-  // StringPiece-arg
-  StringPiece sp;
+  absl::string_view sp;
+  // string_view-arg
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("ruby:1234", "(\\w+):(\\d+)", &sp, &i));
   ASSERT_EQ(sp.size(), 4);
   ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(, "ruby", 4) == 0);
@@ -742,7 +743,7 @@ TEST(RE2, FullMatchTypedNullArg) {
   // Ignore non-void* NULL arg
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "he(.*)lo", (char*)NULL));
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (std::string*)NULL));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (StringPiece*)NULL));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("hello", "h(.*)o", (absl::string_view*)NULL));
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234", "(.*)", (int*)NULL));
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1234567890123456", "(.*)", (long long*)NULL));
   ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("123.4567890123456", "(.*)", (double*)NULL));
@@ -777,7 +778,8 @@ TEST(RE2, NULTerminated) {
   v[pagesize - 1] = '1';
   x = 0;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(StringPiece(v + pagesize - 1, 1), "(.*)", &x));
+      RE2::FullMatch(absl::string_view(v + pagesize - 1, 1), "(.*)", &x));
   ASSERT_EQ(x, 1);
@@ -914,10 +916,10 @@ TEST(RE2, FloatingPointFullMatchTypes) {
     // implementation of strtof(3). And apparently MSVC too. Sigh.
 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
     ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0.1", "(.*)", &v));
-    ASSERT_EQ(v, 0.1f) << StringPrintf("%.8g != %.8g", v, 0.1f);
+    ASSERT_EQ(v, 0.1f) << absl::StrFormat("%.8g != %.8g", v, 0.1f);
     ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("6700000000081920.1", "(.*)", &v));
     ASSERT_EQ(v, 6700000000081920.1f)
-      << StringPrintf("%.8g != %.8g", v, 6700000000081920.1f);
+      << absl::StrFormat("%.8g != %.8g", v, 6700000000081920.1f);
@@ -929,10 +931,10 @@ TEST(RE2, FloatingPointFullMatchTypes) {
     ASSERT_EQ(v, double(1e23));
     ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("0.1", "(.*)", &v));
-    ASSERT_EQ(v, 0.1) << StringPrintf("%.17g != %.17g", v, 0.1);
+    ASSERT_EQ(v, 0.1) << absl::StrFormat("%.17g != %.17g", v, 0.1);
     ASSERT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch("1.00000005960464485", "(.*)", &v));
     ASSERT_EQ(v, 1.0000000596046448)
-      << StringPrintf("%.17g != %.17g", v, 1.0000000596046448);
+      << absl::StrFormat("%.17g != %.17g", v, 1.0000000596046448);
@@ -1242,21 +1244,21 @@ TEST(RE2, DeepRecursion) {
 // not implementing case-folding.
 TEST(CaseInsensitive, MatchAndConsume) {
   std::string text = "A fish named *Wanda*";
-  StringPiece sp(text);
-  StringPiece result;
+  absl::string_view sp(text);
+  absl::string_view result;
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch(text, "(?i)([wand]{5})", &result));
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FindAndConsume(&sp, "(?i)([wand]{5})", &result));
-// RE2 should permit implicit conversions from string, StringPiece, const char*,
+// RE2 should permit implicit conversions from string, string_view, const char*,
 // and C string literals.
 TEST(RE2, ImplicitConversions) {
   std::string re_string(".");
-  StringPiece re_stringpiece(".");
-  const char* re_cstring = ".";
+  absl::string_view re_string_view(".");
+  const char* re_c_string = ".";
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_string));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_stringpiece));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_cstring));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_string_view));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", re_c_string));
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::PartialMatch("e", "."));
@@ -1309,7 +1311,7 @@ static struct ErrorTest {
   { "zz(?P<name\377>abc)", RE2::ErrorBadUTF8, "" },
 TEST(RE2, ErrorCodeAndArg) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(error_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(error_tests); i++) {
     RE2 re(error_tests[i].regexp, RE2::Quiet);
     EXPECT_EQ(re.error_code(), error_tests[i].error_code) << re.error();
@@ -1332,13 +1334,13 @@ static struct NeverTest {
 TEST(RE2, NeverNewline) {
   RE2::Options opt;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(never_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(never_tests); i++) {
     const NeverTest& t = never_tests[i];
     RE2 re(t.regexp, opt);
     if (t.match == NULL) {
       EXPECT_FALSE(re.PartialMatch(t.text, re));
     } else {
-      StringPiece m;
+      absl::string_view m;
       EXPECT_TRUE(re.PartialMatch(t.text, re, &m));
       EXPECT_EQ(m, t.match);
@@ -1371,7 +1373,7 @@ TEST(RE2, BitstateCaptureBug) {
   RE2::Options opt;
   RE2 re("(_________$)", opt);
-  StringPiece s = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_________x";
+  absl::string_view s = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_________x";
   EXPECT_FALSE(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, NULL, 0));
@@ -1450,10 +1452,10 @@ TEST(RE2, NullVsEmptyString) {
   RE2 re(".*");
-  StringPiece null;
+  absl::string_view null;
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(null, re));
-  StringPiece empty("");
+  absl::string_view empty("");
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::FullMatch(empty, re));
@@ -1465,25 +1467,25 @@ TEST(RE2, NullVsEmptyStringSubmatches) {
   // matches[0] is overall match, [1] is (), [2] is (foo), [3] is nonexistent.
-  StringPiece matches[4];
+  absl::string_view matches[4];
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(matches); i++)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(matches); i++)
     matches[i] = "bar";
-  StringPiece null;
+  absl::string_view null;
   EXPECT_TRUE(re.Match(null, 0, null.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
-                       matches, arraysize(matches)));
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(matches); i++) {
+                       matches, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(matches)));
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(matches); i++) {
     EXPECT_TRUE(matches[i].data() == NULL);  // always null
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(matches); i++)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(matches); i++)
     matches[i] = "bar";
-  StringPiece empty("");
+  absl::string_view empty("");
   EXPECT_TRUE(re.Match(empty, 0, empty.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
-                       matches, arraysize(matches)));
+                       matches, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(matches)));
   EXPECT_TRUE(matches[0].data() != NULL);  // empty, not null
   EXPECT_TRUE(matches[1].data() != NULL);  // empty, not null
@@ -1497,7 +1499,7 @@ TEST(RE2, NullVsEmptyStringSubmatches) {
 // Issue 1816809
 TEST(RE2, Bug1816809) {
   RE2 re("(((((llx((-3)|(4)))(;(llx((-3)|(4))))*))))");
-  StringPiece piece("llx-3;llx4");
+  absl::string_view piece("llx-3;llx4");
   std::string x;
   EXPECT_TRUE(RE2::Consume(&piece, re, &x));
@@ -1615,7 +1617,7 @@ TEST(RE2, Bug26356109) {
   std::string s = "abc";
-  StringPiece m;
+  absl::string_view m;
   ASSERT_TRUE(re.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, &m, 1));
   ASSERT_EQ(m, s) << " (UNANCHORED) got m='" << m << "', want '" << s << "'";
@@ -1645,7 +1647,7 @@ TEST(RE2, Issue310) {
   // (?:|a)* matched more text than (?:|a)+ did.
   std::string s = "aaa";
-  StringPiece m;
+  absl::string_view m;
   RE2 star("(?:|a)*");
   ASSERT_TRUE(star.Match(s, 0, s.size(), RE2::UNANCHORED, &m, 1));
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 3eeb098..5352b31 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -9,19 +9,18 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string>
 #include <thread>
-#include <unordered_map>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/benchmark.h"
-#include "util/test.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
+#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/malloc_counter.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
-#include "util/mutex.h"
 #include "util/pcre.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ void Test() {
   const char* text = "650-253-0001";
-  StringPiece sp[4];
+  absl::string_view sp[4];
   CHECK(prog->SearchOnePass(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
   CHECK_EQ(sp[0], "650-253-0001");
   CHECK_EQ(sp[1], "650");
@@ -61,22 +60,22 @@ void MemoryUsage() {
     // Can't pass mc.HeapGrowth() and mc.PeakHeapGrowth() to LOG(INFO) directly,
     // because LOG(INFO) might do a big allocation before they get evaluated.
-    fprintf(stderr, "Regexp: %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "Regexp: %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Prog:   %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "Prog:   %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
-    StringPiece sp[4];
+    absl::string_view sp[4];
     CHECK(prog->SearchOnePass(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
-    fprintf(stderr, "Search: %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "Search: %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     delete prog;
@@ -85,22 +84,22 @@ void MemoryUsage() {
     MallocCounter mc(MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
     PCRE re(regexp, PCRE::UTF8);
-    fprintf(stderr, "RE:     %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "RE:     %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     PCRE::FullMatch(text, re);
-    fprintf(stderr, "RE:     %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "RE:     %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     MallocCounter mc(MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
     PCRE* re = new PCRE(regexp, PCRE::UTF8);
-    fprintf(stderr, "PCRE*:  %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "PCRE*:  %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     PCRE::FullMatch(text, *re);
-    fprintf(stderr, "PCRE*:  %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "PCRE*:  %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     delete re;
@@ -108,15 +107,15 @@ void MemoryUsage() {
     MallocCounter mc(MallocCounter::THIS_THREAD_ONLY);
     RE2 re(regexp);
-    fprintf(stderr, "RE2:    %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "RE2:    %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
     RE2::FullMatch(text, re);
-    fprintf(stderr, "RE2:    %7lld bytes (peak=%lld)\n",
-            mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
+    absl::FPrintF(stderr, "RE2:    %7d bytes (peak=%d)\n",
+                  mc.HeapGrowth(), mc.PeakHeapGrowth());
-  fprintf(stderr, "sizeof: PCRE=%zd RE2=%zd Prog=%zd Inst=%zd\n",
-          sizeof(PCRE), sizeof(RE2), sizeof(Prog), sizeof(Prog::Inst));
+  absl::FPrintF(stderr, "sizeof: PCRE=%d RE2=%d Prog=%d Inst=%d\n",
+                sizeof(PCRE), sizeof(RE2), sizeof(Prog), sizeof(Prog::Inst));
 int NumCPUs() {
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ int NumCPUs() {
 // and not interesting.
 typedef void SearchImpl(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                        const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                        absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                         bool expect_match);
 SearchImpl SearchDFA, SearchNFA, SearchOnePass, SearchBitState, SearchPCRE,
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ SearchImpl SearchDFA, SearchNFA, SearchOnePass, SearchBitState, SearchPCRE,
     SearchCachedBitState, SearchCachedPCRE, SearchCachedRE2;
 typedef void ParseImpl(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                       const StringPiece& text);
+                       absl::string_view text);
 ParseImpl Parse1NFA, Parse1OnePass, Parse1BitState, Parse1PCRE, Parse1RE2,
     Parse1Backtrack, Parse1CachedNFA, Parse1CachedOnePass, Parse1CachedBitState,
@@ -318,8 +317,8 @@ void FindAndConsume(benchmark::State& state) {
   s.append("Hello World");
   RE2 re("((Hello World))");
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    StringPiece t = s;
-    StringPiece u;
+    absl::string_view t = s;
+    absl::string_view u;
     CHECK(RE2::FindAndConsume(&t, re, &u));
     CHECK_EQ(u, "Hello World");
@@ -442,7 +441,7 @@ BENCHMARK_RANGE(Search_AltMatch_CachedRE2,      8, 16<<20)->ThreadRange(1, NumCP
 // Benchmark: use regexp to find phone number.
 void SearchDigits(benchmark::State& state, SearchImpl* search) {
-  StringPiece s("650-253-0001");
+  absl::string_view s("650-253-0001");
   search(state, "([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)", s, Prog::kAnchored, true);
@@ -467,7 +466,7 @@ BENCHMARK(Search_Digits_BitState)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void Parse3Digits(benchmark::State& state,
                   void (*parse3)(benchmark::State&, const char*,
-                                 const StringPiece&)) {
+                                 absl::string_view)) {
   parse3(state, "([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)", "650-253-0001");
@@ -506,7 +505,7 @@ BENCHMARK(Parse_CachedDigits_BitState)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void Parse3DigitDs(benchmark::State& state,
                    void (*parse3)(benchmark::State&, const char*,
-                                  const StringPiece&)) {
+                                  absl::string_view)) {
   parse3(state, "(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)", "650-253-0001");
@@ -547,7 +546,7 @@ BENCHMARK(Parse_CachedDigitDs_BitState)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void Parse1Split(benchmark::State& state,
                  void (*parse1)(benchmark::State&, const char*,
-                                const StringPiece&)) {
+                                absl::string_view)) {
   parse1(state, "[0-9]+-(.*)", "650-253-0001");
@@ -584,7 +583,7 @@ BENCHMARK(Parse_CachedSplit_BitState)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void Parse1SplitHard(benchmark::State& state,
                      void (*run)(benchmark::State&, const char*,
-                                 const StringPiece&)) {
+                                 absl::string_view)) {
   run(state, "[0-9]+.(.*)", "650-253-0001");
@@ -619,7 +618,7 @@ BENCHMARK(Parse_CachedSplitHard_Backtrack)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void Parse1SplitBig1(benchmark::State& state,
                      void (*run)(benchmark::State&, const char*,
-                                 const StringPiece&)) {
+                                 absl::string_view)) {
   std::string s;
   s.append(100000, 'x');
@@ -639,7 +638,7 @@ BENCHMARK(Parse_CachedSplitBig1_RE2)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void Parse1SplitBig2(benchmark::State& state,
                      void (*run)(benchmark::State&, const char*,
-                                 const StringPiece&)) {
+                                 absl::string_view)) {
   std::string s;
   s.append(100000, '0');
@@ -756,20 +755,20 @@ void RunBuild(benchmark::State& state, const std::string& regexp,
 }  // namespace re2
-DEFINE_FLAG(std::string, compile_regexp, "(.*)-(\\d+)-of-(\\d+)",
-            "regexp for compile benchmarks");
+ABSL_FLAG(std::string, compile_regexp, "(.*)-(\\d+)-of-(\\d+)",
+          "regexp for compile benchmarks");
 namespace re2 {
-void BM_PCRE_Compile(benchmark::State& state)             { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompilePCRE); }
-void BM_Regexp_Parse(benchmark::State& state)             { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), ParseRegexp); }
-void BM_Regexp_Simplify(benchmark::State& state)          { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), SimplifyRegexp); }
-void BM_CompileToProg(benchmark::State& state)            { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileToProg); }
-void BM_CompileByteMap(benchmark::State& state)           { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileByteMap); }
-void BM_Regexp_Compile(benchmark::State& state)           { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileRegexp); }
-void BM_Regexp_SimplifyCompile(benchmark::State& state)   { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), SimplifyCompileRegexp); }
-void BM_Regexp_NullWalk(benchmark::State& state)          { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), NullWalkRegexp); }
-void BM_RE2_Compile(benchmark::State& state)              { RunBuild(state, GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileRE2); }
+void BM_PCRE_Compile(benchmark::State& state)             { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompilePCRE); }
+void BM_Regexp_Parse(benchmark::State& state)             { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), ParseRegexp); }
+void BM_Regexp_Simplify(benchmark::State& state)          { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), SimplifyRegexp); }
+void BM_CompileToProg(benchmark::State& state)            { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileToProg); }
+void BM_CompileByteMap(benchmark::State& state)           { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileByteMap); }
+void BM_Regexp_Compile(benchmark::State& state)           { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileRegexp); }
+void BM_Regexp_SimplifyCompile(benchmark::State& state)   { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), SimplifyCompileRegexp); }
+void BM_Regexp_NullWalk(benchmark::State& state)          { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), NullWalkRegexp); }
+void BM_RE2_Compile(benchmark::State& state)              { RunBuild(state, absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compile_regexp), CompileRE2); }
 #ifdef USEPCRE
 BENCHMARK(BM_PCRE_Compile)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
@@ -859,7 +858,7 @@ DO24(MY_BENCHMARK_WITH_ARG, CacheFillDFA)
 // Anchored says whether to run an anchored search.
 void SearchDFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+               absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                bool expect_match) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
@@ -867,8 +866,8 @@ void SearchDFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
     bool failed = false;
-    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchDFA(text, StringPiece(), anchor, Prog::kFirstMatch,
-                             NULL, &failed, NULL),
+    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchDFA(text, absl::string_view(), anchor,
+                             Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL),
     delete prog;
@@ -877,15 +876,15 @@ void SearchDFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchNFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+               absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                bool expect_match) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchNFA(text, StringPiece(), anchor, Prog::kFirstMatch,
-                             NULL, 0),
+    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchNFA(text, absl::string_view(), anchor,
+                             Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, 0),
     delete prog;
@@ -893,7 +892,7 @@ void SearchNFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchOnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                   const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                   absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                    bool expect_match) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
@@ -909,7 +908,7 @@ void SearchOnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchBitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                    const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                    absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                     bool expect_match) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
@@ -925,7 +924,7 @@ void SearchBitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                 bool expect_match) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE re(regexp, PCRE::UTF8);
@@ -938,7 +937,7 @@ void SearchPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+               absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                bool expect_match) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2 re(regexp);
@@ -955,9 +954,9 @@ void SearchRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 // search time without the per-regexp overhead.
 Prog* GetCachedProg(const char* regexp) {
-  static auto& mutex = *new Mutex;
-  MutexLock lock(&mutex);
-  static auto& cache = *new std::unordered_map<std::string, Prog*>;
+  static auto& mutex = *new absl::Mutex;
+  absl::MutexLock lock(&mutex);
+  static auto& cache = *new absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, Prog*>;
   Prog* prog = cache[regexp];
   if (prog == NULL) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
@@ -973,9 +972,9 @@ Prog* GetCachedProg(const char* regexp) {
 PCRE* GetCachedPCRE(const char* regexp) {
-  static auto& mutex = *new Mutex;
-  MutexLock lock(&mutex);
-  static auto& cache = *new std::unordered_map<std::string, PCRE*>;
+  static auto& mutex = *new absl::Mutex;
+  absl::MutexLock lock(&mutex);
+  static auto& cache = *new absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, PCRE*>;
   PCRE* re = cache[regexp];
   if (re == NULL) {
     re = new PCRE(regexp, PCRE::UTF8);
@@ -986,9 +985,9 @@ PCRE* GetCachedPCRE(const char* regexp) {
 RE2* GetCachedRE2(const char* regexp) {
-  static auto& mutex = *new Mutex;
-  MutexLock lock(&mutex);
-  static auto& cache = *new std::unordered_map<std::string, RE2*>;
+  static auto& mutex = *new absl::Mutex;
+  absl::MutexLock lock(&mutex);
+  static auto& cache = *new absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, RE2*>;
   RE2* re = cache[regexp];
   if (re == NULL) {
     re = new RE2(regexp);
@@ -999,31 +998,31 @@ RE2* GetCachedRE2(const char* regexp) {
 void SearchCachedDFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                     absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                      bool expect_match) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
     bool failed = false;
-    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchDFA(text, StringPiece(), anchor, Prog::kFirstMatch,
-                             NULL, &failed, NULL),
+    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchDFA(text, absl::string_view(), anchor,
+                             Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, &failed, NULL),
 void SearchCachedNFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                     absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                      bool expect_match) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchNFA(text, StringPiece(), anchor, Prog::kFirstMatch,
-                             NULL, 0),
+    CHECK_EQ(prog->SearchNFA(text, absl::string_view(), anchor,
+                             Prog::kFirstMatch, NULL, 0),
 void SearchCachedOnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                         const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                         absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                          bool expect_match) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
@@ -1034,7 +1033,7 @@ void SearchCachedOnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchCachedBitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                          const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                          absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                           bool expect_match) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
@@ -1045,7 +1044,7 @@ void SearchCachedBitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchCachedPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                      const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                      absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                       bool expect_match) {
   PCRE& re = *GetCachedPCRE(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
@@ -1057,7 +1056,7 @@ void SearchCachedPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void SearchCachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
+                     absl::string_view text, Prog::Anchor anchor,
                      bool expect_match) {
   RE2& re = *GetCachedRE2(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
@@ -1072,14 +1071,14 @@ void SearchCachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 // extracting three submatches.  Expects match always.
 void Parse3NFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text) {
+               absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
-    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, StringPiece(), Prog::kAnchored,
+    absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, absl::string_view(), Prog::kAnchored,
                           Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
     delete prog;
@@ -1087,14 +1086,14 @@ void Parse3NFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse3OnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                   const StringPiece& text) {
+                   absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
     CHECK(prog->SearchOnePass(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
     delete prog;
@@ -1102,14 +1101,14 @@ void Parse3OnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse3BitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                    const StringPiece& text) {
+                    absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
     CHECK(prog->SearchBitState(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
     delete prog;
@@ -1117,13 +1116,13 @@ void Parse3BitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse3Backtrack(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text) {
+                     absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
     CHECK(prog->UnsafeSearchBacktrack(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
     delete prog;
@@ -1131,77 +1130,77 @@ void Parse3Backtrack(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse3PCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                const StringPiece& text) {
+                absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE re(regexp, PCRE::UTF8);
     CHECK_EQ(re.error(), "");
-    StringPiece sp1, sp2, sp3;
+    absl::string_view sp1, sp2, sp3;
     CHECK(PCRE::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1, &sp2, &sp3));
 void Parse3RE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text) {
+               absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2 re(regexp);
     CHECK_EQ(re.error(), "");
-    StringPiece sp1, sp2, sp3;
+    absl::string_view sp1, sp2, sp3;
     CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1, &sp2, &sp3));
 void Parse3CachedNFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text) {
+                     absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, StringPiece(), Prog::kAnchored,
+    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, absl::string_view(), Prog::kAnchored,
                           Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
 void Parse3CachedOnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                         const StringPiece& text) {
+                         absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(prog->SearchOnePass(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
 void Parse3CachedBitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                          const StringPiece& text) {
+                          absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(prog->SearchBitState(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
 void Parse3CachedBacktrack(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                           const StringPiece& text) {
+                           absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[4];  // 4 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(prog->UnsafeSearchBacktrack(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 4));
 void Parse3CachedPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                      const StringPiece& text) {
+                      absl::string_view text) {
   PCRE& re = *GetCachedPCRE(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp1, sp2, sp3;
+  absl::string_view sp1, sp2, sp3;
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(PCRE::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1, &sp2, &sp3));
 void Parse3CachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text) {
+                     absl::string_view text) {
   RE2& re = *GetCachedRE2(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp1, sp2, sp3;
+  absl::string_view sp1, sp2, sp3;
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1, &sp2, &sp3));
@@ -1211,14 +1210,14 @@ void Parse3CachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 // extracting three submatches.  Expects match always.
 void Parse1NFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text) {
+               absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
-    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, StringPiece(), Prog::kAnchored,
+    absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, absl::string_view(), Prog::kAnchored,
                           Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
     delete prog;
@@ -1226,14 +1225,14 @@ void Parse1NFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse1OnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                   const StringPiece& text) {
+                   absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
     CHECK(prog->SearchOnePass(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
     delete prog;
@@ -1241,14 +1240,14 @@ void Parse1OnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse1BitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                    const StringPiece& text) {
+                    absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(regexp, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     Prog* prog = re->CompileToProg(0);
-    StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+    absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
     CHECK(prog->SearchBitState(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
     delete prog;
@@ -1256,114 +1255,114 @@ void Parse1BitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
 void Parse1PCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                const StringPiece& text) {
+                absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE re(regexp, PCRE::UTF8);
     CHECK_EQ(re.error(), "");
-    StringPiece sp1;
+    absl::string_view sp1;
     CHECK(PCRE::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1));
 void Parse1RE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-               const StringPiece& text) {
+               absl::string_view text) {
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2 re(regexp);
     CHECK_EQ(re.error(), "");
-    StringPiece sp1;
+    absl::string_view sp1;
     CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1));
 void Parse1CachedNFA(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text) {
+                     absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, StringPiece(), Prog::kAnchored,
+    CHECK(prog->SearchNFA(text, absl::string_view(), Prog::kAnchored,
                           Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
 void Parse1CachedOnePass(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                         const StringPiece& text) {
+                         absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(prog->SearchOnePass(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
 void Parse1CachedBitState(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                          const StringPiece& text) {
+                          absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(prog->SearchBitState(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
 void Parse1CachedBacktrack(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                           const StringPiece& text) {
+                           absl::string_view text) {
   Prog* prog = GetCachedProg(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
+  absl::string_view sp[2];  // 2 because sp[0] is whole match.
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(prog->UnsafeSearchBacktrack(text, text, Prog::kAnchored, Prog::kFullMatch, sp, 2));
 void Parse1CachedPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                      const StringPiece& text) {
+                      absl::string_view text) {
   PCRE& re = *GetCachedPCRE(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp1;
+  absl::string_view sp1;
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(PCRE::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1));
 void Parse1CachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                     const StringPiece& text) {
+                     absl::string_view text) {
   RE2& re = *GetCachedRE2(regexp);
-  StringPiece sp1;
+  absl::string_view sp1;
   for (auto _ : state) {
     CHECK(RE2::FullMatch(text, re, &sp1));
 void SearchParse2CachedPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                            const StringPiece& text) {
+                            absl::string_view text) {
   PCRE& re = *GetCachedPCRE(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    StringPiece sp1, sp2;
+    absl::string_view sp1, sp2;
     CHECK(PCRE::PartialMatch(text, re, &sp1, &sp2));
 void SearchParse2CachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                           const StringPiece& text) {
+                           absl::string_view text) {
   RE2& re = *GetCachedRE2(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    StringPiece sp1, sp2;
+    absl::string_view sp1, sp2;
     CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch(text, re, &sp1, &sp2));
 void SearchParse1CachedPCRE(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                            const StringPiece& text) {
+                            absl::string_view text) {
   PCRE& re = *GetCachedPCRE(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    StringPiece sp1;
+    absl::string_view sp1;
     CHECK(PCRE::PartialMatch(text, re, &sp1));
 void SearchParse1CachedRE2(benchmark::State& state, const char* regexp,
-                           const StringPiece& text) {
+                           absl::string_view text) {
   RE2& re = *GetCachedRE2(regexp);
   for (auto _ : state) {
-    StringPiece sp1;
+    absl::string_view sp1;
     CHECK(RE2::PartialMatch(text, re, &sp1));
@@ -1409,7 +1408,7 @@ static std::string http_text =
   "alksdjfhasdlkfhasdlkjfhasdljkfhadsjklf HTTP/1.1";
 void HTTPPartialMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   PCRE re("(?-s)^(?:GET|POST) +([^ ]+) HTTP");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE::PartialMatch(http_text, re, &a);
@@ -1417,7 +1416,7 @@ void HTTPPartialMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
 void HTTPPartialMatchRE2(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   RE2 re("(?-s)^(?:GET|POST) +([^ ]+) HTTP");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2::PartialMatch(http_text, re, &a);
@@ -1433,7 +1432,7 @@ static std::string smallhttp_text =
   "GET /abc HTTP/1.1";
 void SmallHTTPPartialMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   PCRE re("(?-s)^(?:GET|POST) +([^ ]+) HTTP");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE::PartialMatch(smallhttp_text, re, &a);
@@ -1441,7 +1440,7 @@ void SmallHTTPPartialMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
 void SmallHTTPPartialMatchRE2(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   RE2 re("(?-s)^(?:GET|POST) +([^ ]+) HTTP");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2::PartialMatch(smallhttp_text, re, &a);
@@ -1454,7 +1453,7 @@ BENCHMARK(SmallHTTPPartialMatchPCRE)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 BENCHMARK(SmallHTTPPartialMatchRE2)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void DotMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   PCRE re("(?-s)^(.+)");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE::PartialMatch(http_text, re, &a);
@@ -1462,7 +1461,7 @@ void DotMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
 void DotMatchRE2(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   RE2 re("(?-s)^(.+)");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2::PartialMatch(http_text, re, &a);
@@ -1475,7 +1474,7 @@ BENCHMARK(DotMatchPCRE)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 BENCHMARK(DotMatchRE2)->ThreadRange(1, NumCPUs());
 void ASCIIMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   PCRE re("(?-s)^([ -~]+)");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     PCRE::PartialMatch(http_text, re, &a);
@@ -1483,7 +1482,7 @@ void ASCIIMatchPCRE(benchmark::State& state) {
 void ASCIIMatchRE2(benchmark::State& state) {
-  StringPiece a;
+  absl::string_view a;
   RE2 re("(?-s)^([ -~]+)");
   for (auto _ : state) {
     RE2::PartialMatch(http_text, re, &a);
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 3eeda25..b1761ed 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/testing/regexp_generator.h"
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& RegexpGenerator::EgrepOps() {
-  static std::vector<std::string> v(ops, ops + arraysize(ops));
+  static std::vector<std::string> v(ops, ops + ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(ops));
   return v;
@@ -199,19 +201,21 @@ void RegexpGenerator::RunPostfix(const std::vector<std::string>& post) {
       case 1: {
+        auto fmt = absl::ParsedFormat<'s'>::New(post[i]);
+        CHECK(fmt != nullptr);
         std::string a =;
-        regexps.push("(?:" + StringPrintf(post[i].c_str(), a.c_str()) + ")");
+        regexps.push("(?:" + absl::StrFormat(*fmt, a) + ")");
       case 2: {
+        auto fmt = absl::ParsedFormat<'s', 's'>::New(post[i]);
+        CHECK(fmt != nullptr);
         std::string b =;
         std::string a =;
-        regexps.push("(?:" +
-                     StringPrintf(post[i].c_str(), a.c_str(), b.c_str()) +
-                     ")");
+        regexps.push("(?:" + absl::StrFormat(*fmt, a, b) + ")");
@@ -219,13 +223,13 @@ void RegexpGenerator::RunPostfix(const std::vector<std::string>& post) {
   if (regexps.size() != 1) {
     // Internal error - should never happen.
-    printf("Bad regexp program:\n");
+    absl::PrintF("Bad regexp program:\n");
     for (size_t i = 0; i < post.size(); i++) {
-      printf("  %s\n", CEscape(post[i]).c_str());
+      absl::PrintF("  %s\n", absl::CEscape(post[i]));
-    printf("Stack after running program:\n");
+    absl::PrintF("Stack after running program:\n");
     while (!regexps.empty()) {
-      printf("  %s\n", CEscape(;
+      absl::PrintF("  %s\n", absl::CEscape(;
     LOG(FATAL) << "Bad regexp program.";
@@ -238,7 +242,7 @@ void RegexpGenerator::RunPostfix(const std::vector<std::string>& post) {
 // Split s into an vector of strings, one for each UTF-8 character.
-std::vector<std::string> Explode(const StringPiece& s) {
+std::vector<std::string> Explode(absl::string_view s) {
   std::vector<std::string> v;
   for (const char *q =; q < + s.size(); ) {
@@ -253,7 +257,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> Explode(const StringPiece& s) {
 // Split string everywhere a substring is found, returning
 // vector of pieces.
-std::vector<std::string> Split(const StringPiece& sep, const StringPiece& s) {
+std::vector<std::string> Split(absl::string_view sep, absl::string_view s) {
   std::vector<std::string> v;
   if (sep.empty())
@@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> Split(const StringPiece& sep, const StringPiece& s) {
   const char *p =;
   for (const char *q =; q + sep.size() <= + s.size(); q++) {
-    if (StringPiece(q, sep.size()) == sep) {
+    if (absl::string_view(q, sep.size()) == sep) {
       v.push_back(std::string(p, q - p));
       p = q + sep.size();
       q = p - 1;  // -1 for ++ in loop
diff --git a/re2/testing/regexp_generator.h b/re2/testing/regexp_generator.h
index 7d72aff..e1be1a9 100644
--- a/re2/testing/regexp_generator.h
+++ b/re2/testing/regexp_generator.h
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -66,11 +65,11 @@ class RegexpGenerator {
 // Helpers for preparing arguments to RegexpGenerator constructor.
 // Returns one string for each character in s.
-std::vector<std::string> Explode(const StringPiece& s);
+std::vector<std::string> Explode(absl::string_view s);
 // Splits string everywhere sep is found, returning
 // vector of pieces.
-std::vector<std::string> Split(const StringPiece& sep, const StringPiece& s);
+std::vector<std::string> Split(absl::string_view sep, absl::string_view s);
 }  // namespace re2
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index f7e7e92..ef8f59d 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 60a11f8..231fd34 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ static PrefixTest tests[] = {
 TEST(RequiredPrefix, SimpleTests) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     const PrefixTest& t = tests[i];
     for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
       Regexp::ParseFlags flags = Regexp::LikePerl;
@@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ static PrefixTest for_accel_tests[] = {
 TEST(RequiredPrefixForAccel, SimpleTests) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(for_accel_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(for_accel_tests); i++) {
     const PrefixTest& t = for_accel_tests[i];
     for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
       Regexp::ParseFlags flags = Regexp::LikePerl;
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ static const char* prefix_accel_tests[] = {
 TEST(PrefixAccel, SimpleTests) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(prefix_accel_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(prefix_accel_tests); i++) {
     const char* pattern = prefix_accel_tests[i];
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(pattern, Regexp::LikePerl, NULL);
     ASSERT_TRUE(re != NULL);
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 5d86dbf..166652a 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 #include "re2/testing/tester.h"
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ RegexpTest simple_tests[] = {
 TEST(Regexp, SearchTests) {
   int failures = 0;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(simple_tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(simple_tests); i++) {
     const RegexpTest& t = simple_tests[i];
     if (!TestRegexpOnText(t.regexp, t.text))
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 5a760c4..fdbc0b2 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/set.h"
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 9dcd4ac..d2c136a 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ static Test tests[] = {
 TEST(TestSimplify, SimpleRegexps) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); i++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(tests); i++) {
     RegexpStatus status;
     VLOG(1) << "Testing " << tests[i].regexp;
     Regexp* re = Regexp::Parse(tests[i].regexp,
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index 44837fe..1891b14 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/testing/string_generator.h"
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ bool StringGenerator::RandomDigits() {
 // currently described by digits_.  Calls IncrementDigits
 // after computing the string, so that it knows the answer
 // for subsequent HasNext() calls.
-const StringPiece& StringGenerator::Next() {
+absl::string_view StringGenerator::Next() {
   if (generate_null_) {
     generate_null_ = false;
-    sp_ = StringPiece();
+    sp_ = absl::string_view();
     return sp_;
diff --git a/re2/testing/string_generator.h b/re2/testing/string_generator.h
index 73fbb51..0d6f5fc 100644
--- a/re2/testing/string_generator.h
+++ b/re2/testing/string_generator.h
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/util.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 namespace re2 {
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ class StringGenerator {
   StringGenerator(int maxlen, const std::vector<std::string>& alphabet);
   ~StringGenerator() {}
-  const StringPiece& Next();
+  absl::string_view Next();
   bool HasNext() { return hasnext_; }
   // Resets generator to start sequence over.
@@ -45,11 +44,11 @@ class StringGenerator {
   std::vector<std::string> alphabet_;  // Alphabet, one string per letter.
   // Iteration state.
-  StringPiece sp_;           // Last StringPiece returned by Next().
-  std::string s_;            // String data in last StringPiece returned by Next().
+  absl::string_view sp_;     // Last string_view returned by Next().
+  std::string s_;            // String data in last string_view returned by Next().
   bool hasnext_;             // Whether Next() can be called again.
   std::vector<int> digits_;  // Alphabet indices for next string.
-  bool generate_null_;       // Whether to generate a NULL StringPiece next.
+  bool generate_null_;       // Whether to generate a NULL string_view next.
   bool random_;              // Whether generated strings are random.
   int nrandom_;              // Number of random strings left to generate.
   std::minstd_rand0 rng_;    // Random number generator.
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index d0f84f4..b1273d9 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/testing/string_generator.h"
 #include "re2/testing/regexp_generator.h"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static void RunTest(int len, const std::string& alphabet, bool donull) {
   if (donull) {
-    StringPiece sp = g.Next();
+    absl::string_view sp = g.Next();
     EXPECT_EQ(, static_cast<const char*>(NULL));
     EXPECT_EQ(sp.size(), 0);
diff --git a/re2/testing/ b/re2/testing/
index b0c22f2..a094cb4 100644
--- a/re2/testing/
+++ b/re2/testing/
@@ -9,24 +9,25 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <string>
-#include "util/util.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "re2/testing/tester.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
-DEFINE_FLAG(bool, dump_prog, false, "dump regexp program");
-DEFINE_FLAG(bool, log_okay, false, "log successful runs");
-DEFINE_FLAG(bool, dump_rprog, false, "dump reversed regexp program");
+ABSL_FLAG(bool, dump_prog, false, "dump regexp program");
+ABSL_FLAG(bool, log_okay, false, "log successful runs");
+ABSL_FLAG(bool, dump_rprog, false, "dump reversed regexp program");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, max_regexp_failures, 100,
-            "maximum number of regexp test failures (-1 = unlimited)");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, max_regexp_failures, 100,
+          "maximum number of regexp test failures (-1 = unlimited)");
-DEFINE_FLAG(std::string, regexp_engines, "",
-            "pattern to select regexp engines to test");
+ABSL_FLAG(std::string, regexp_engines, "",
+          "pattern to select regexp engines to test");
 namespace re2 {
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ const char* engine_names[kEngineMax] = {
 // Returns the name of the engine.
 static const char* EngineName(Engine e) {
   CHECK_GE(e, 0);
-  CHECK_LT(e, arraysize(engine_names));
+  CHECK_LT(e, ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(engine_names));
   CHECK(engine_names[e] != NULL);
   return engine_names[e];
@@ -63,11 +64,11 @@ static uint32_t Engines() {
   if (did_parse)
     return cached_engines;
-  if (GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_engines).empty()) {
+  if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_engines).empty()) {
     cached_engines = ~0;
   } else {
     for (Engine i = static_cast<Engine>(0); i < kEngineMax; i++)
-      if (GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_engines).find(EngineName(i)) != std::string::npos)
+      if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_engines).find(EngineName(i)) != std::string::npos)
         cached_engines |= 1<<i;
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ struct TestInstance::Result {
   void ClearSubmatch() {
     for (int i = 0; i < kMaxSubmatch; i++)
-      submatch[i] = StringPiece();
+      submatch[i] = absl::string_view();
   bool skipped;         // test skipped: wasn't applicable
@@ -105,24 +106,24 @@ struct TestInstance::Result {
   bool untrusted;       // don't really trust the answer
   bool have_submatch;   // computed all submatch info
   bool have_submatch0;  // computed just submatch[0]
-  StringPiece submatch[kMaxSubmatch];
+  absl::string_view submatch[kMaxSubmatch];
 typedef TestInstance::Result Result;
 // Formats a single capture range s in text in the form (a,b)
 // where a and b are the starting and ending offsets of s in text.
-static std::string FormatCapture(const StringPiece& text,
-                                 const StringPiece& s) {
+static std::string FormatCapture(absl::string_view text,
+                                 absl::string_view s) {
   if ( == NULL)
     return "(?,?)";
-  return StringPrintf("(%td,%td)",
-                      BeginPtr(s) - BeginPtr(text),
-                      EndPtr(s) - BeginPtr(text));
+  return absl::StrFormat("(%d,%d)",
+                         BeginPtr(s) - BeginPtr(text),
+                         EndPtr(s) - BeginPtr(text));
 // Returns whether text contains non-ASCII (>= 0x80) bytes.
-static bool NonASCII(const StringPiece& text) {
+static bool NonASCII(absl::string_view text) {
   for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++)
     if ((uint8_t)text[i] >= 0x80)
       return true;
@@ -174,15 +175,15 @@ static ParseMode parse_modes[] = {
 static std::string FormatMode(Regexp::ParseFlags flags) {
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(parse_modes); i++)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(parse_modes); i++)
     if (parse_modes[i].parse_flags == flags)
       return parse_modes[i].desc;
-  return StringPrintf("%#x", static_cast<uint32_t>(flags));
+  return absl::StrFormat("%#x", static_cast<uint32_t>(flags));
 // Constructs and saves all the matching engines that
 // will be required for the given tests.
-TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
+TestInstance::TestInstance(absl::string_view regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
                            Regexp::ParseFlags flags)
   : regexp_str_(regexp_str),
@@ -195,14 +196,14 @@ TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
     re2_(NULL) {
-  VLOG(1) << CEscape(regexp_str);
+  VLOG(1) << absl::CEscape(regexp_str);
   // Compile regexp to prog.
   // Always required - needed for backtracking (reference implementation).
   RegexpStatus status;
   regexp_ = Regexp::Parse(regexp_str, flags, &status);
   if (regexp_ == NULL) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Cannot parse: " << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+    LOG(INFO) << "Cannot parse: " << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_)
               << " mode: " << FormatMode(flags);
     error_ = true;
@@ -210,14 +211,14 @@ TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
   num_captures_ = regexp_->NumCaptures();
   prog_ = regexp_->CompileToProg(0);
   if (prog_ == NULL) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Cannot compile: " << CEscape(regexp_str_);
+    LOG(INFO) << "Cannot compile: " << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_);
     error_ = true;
-  if (GetFlag(FLAGS_dump_prog)) {
+  if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dump_prog)) {
     LOG(INFO) << "Prog for "
               << " regexp "
-              << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+              << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_)
               << " (" << FormatKind(kind_)
               << ", " << FormatMode(flags_)
               << ")\n"
@@ -228,11 +229,11 @@ TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
   if (Engines() & ((1<<kEngineDFA)|(1<<kEngineDFA1))) {
     rprog_ = regexp_->CompileToReverseProg(0);
     if (rprog_ == NULL) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Cannot reverse compile: " << CEscape(regexp_str_);
+      LOG(INFO) << "Cannot reverse compile: " << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_);
       error_ = true;
-    if (GetFlag(FLAGS_dump_rprog))
+    if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dump_rprog))
       LOG(INFO) << rprog_->Dump();
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
     re2_ = new RE2(re, options);
     if (!re2_->error().empty()) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Cannot RE2: " << CEscape(re);
+      LOG(INFO) << "Cannot RE2: " << absl::CEscape(re);
       error_ = true;
@@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ TestInstance::TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp_str, Prog::MatchKind kind,
     // add one more layer of parens.
     re_ = new PCRE("("+re+")", o);
     if (!re_->error().empty()) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Cannot PCRE: " << CEscape(re);
+      LOG(INFO) << "Cannot PCRE: " << absl::CEscape(re);
       error_ = true;
@@ -301,11 +302,9 @@ TestInstance::~TestInstance() {
 // Runs a single search using the named engine type.
 // This interface hides all the irregularities of the various
 // engine interfaces from the rest of this file.
-void TestInstance::RunSearch(Engine type,
-                             const StringPiece& orig_text,
-                             const StringPiece& orig_context,
-                             Prog::Anchor anchor,
-                             Result* result) {
+void TestInstance::RunSearch(Engine type, absl::string_view orig_text,
+                             absl::string_view orig_context,
+                             Prog::Anchor anchor, Result* result) {
   if (regexp_ == NULL) {
     result->skipped = true;
@@ -314,8 +313,8 @@ void TestInstance::RunSearch(Engine type,
   if (nsubmatch > kMaxSubmatch)
     nsubmatch = kMaxSubmatch;
-  StringPiece text = orig_text;
-  StringPiece context = orig_context;
+  absl::string_view text = orig_text;
+  absl::string_view context = orig_context;
   switch (type) {
@@ -368,8 +367,8 @@ void TestInstance::RunSearch(Engine type,
                                &result->skipped, NULL)) {
           LOG(ERROR) << "Reverse DFA inconsistency: "
-                     << CEscape(regexp_str_)
-                     << " on " << CEscape(text);
+                     << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_)
+                     << " on " << absl::CEscape(text);
           result->matched = false;
@@ -438,19 +437,19 @@ void TestInstance::RunSearch(Engine type,
       // whitespace, not just vertical tab. Regexp::MimicsPCRE() is
       // unable to handle all cases of this, unfortunately, so just
       // catch them here. :(
-      if (regexp_str_.find("\\v") != StringPiece::npos &&
-          (text.find('\n') != StringPiece::npos ||
-           text.find('\f') != StringPiece::npos ||
-           text.find('\r') != StringPiece::npos)) {
+      if (regexp_str_.find("\\v") != absl::string_view::npos &&
+          (text.find('\n') != absl::string_view::npos ||
+           text.find('\f') != absl::string_view::npos ||
+           text.find('\r') != absl::string_view::npos)) {
         result->skipped = true;
       // PCRE 8.34 or so started allowing vertical tab to match \s,
       // following a change made in Perl 5.18. RE2 does not.
-      if ((regexp_str_.find("\\s") != StringPiece::npos ||
-           regexp_str_.find("\\S") != StringPiece::npos) &&
-          text.find('\v') != StringPiece::npos) {
+      if ((regexp_str_.find("\\s") != absl::string_view::npos ||
+           regexp_str_.find("\\S") != absl::string_view::npos) &&
+          text.find('\v') != absl::string_view::npos) {
         result->skipped = true;
@@ -513,7 +512,7 @@ static bool ResultOkay(const Result& r, const Result& correct) {
 // Runs a single test.
-bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+bool TestInstance::RunCase(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                            Prog::Anchor anchor) {
   // Backtracking is the gold standard.
   Result correct;
@@ -521,12 +520,12 @@ bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
   if (correct.skipped) {
     if (regexp_ == NULL)
       return true;
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Skipped backtracking! " << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Skipped backtracking! " << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_)
                << " " << FormatMode(flags_);
     return false;
-  VLOG(1) << "Try: regexp " << CEscape(regexp_str_)
-          << " text " << CEscape(text)
+  VLOG(1) << "Try: regexp " << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_)
+          << " text " << absl::CEscape(text)
           << " (" << FormatKind(kind_)
           << ", " << FormatAnchor(anchor)
           << ", " << FormatMode(flags_)
@@ -541,7 +540,7 @@ bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
     Result r;
     RunSearch(i, text, context, anchor, &r);
     if (ResultOkay(r, correct)) {
-      if (GetFlag(FLAGS_log_okay))
+      if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_log_okay))
         LogMatch(r.skipped ? "Skipped: " : "Okay: ", i, text, context, anchor);
@@ -571,14 +570,14 @@ bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
       if (r.submatch[i].data() != correct.submatch[i].data() ||
           r.submatch[i].size() != correct.submatch[i].size()) {
         LOG(INFO) <<
-          StringPrintf("   $%d: should be %s is %s",
-                       i,
-                       FormatCapture(text, correct.submatch[i]).c_str(),
-                       FormatCapture(text, r.submatch[i]).c_str());
+          absl::StrFormat("   $%d: should be %s is %s",
+                          i,
+                          FormatCapture(text, correct.submatch[i]),
+                          FormatCapture(text, r.submatch[i]));
       } else {
         LOG(INFO) <<
-          StringPrintf("   $%d: %s ok", i,
-                       FormatCapture(text, r.submatch[i]).c_str());
+          absl::StrFormat("   $%d: %s ok", i,
+                          FormatCapture(text, r.submatch[i]));
@@ -586,7 +585,7 @@ bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
   if (!all_okay) {
     // This will be initialised once (after flags have been initialised)
     // and that is desirable because we want to enforce a global limit.
-    static int max_regexp_failures = GetFlag(FLAGS_max_regexp_failures);
+    static int max_regexp_failures = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_max_regexp_failures);
     if (max_regexp_failures > 0 && --max_regexp_failures == 0)
       LOG(QFATAL) << "Too many regexp failures.";
@@ -595,22 +594,22 @@ bool TestInstance::RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
 void TestInstance::LogMatch(const char* prefix, Engine e,
-                            const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+                            absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                             Prog::Anchor anchor) {
   LOG(INFO) << prefix
     << EngineName(e)
     << " regexp "
-    << CEscape(regexp_str_)
+    << absl::CEscape(regexp_str_)
     << " "
-    << CEscape(regexp_->ToString())
+    << absl::CEscape(regexp_->ToString())
     << " text "
-    << CEscape(text)
+    << absl::CEscape(text)
     << " ("
     << BeginPtr(text) - BeginPtr(context)
     << ","
     << EndPtr(text) - BeginPtr(context)
     << ") of context "
-    << CEscape(context)
+    << absl::CEscape(context)
     << " (" << FormatKind(kind_)
     << ", " << FormatAnchor(anchor)
     << ", " << FormatMode(flags_)
@@ -624,10 +623,10 @@ static Prog::MatchKind kinds[] = {
 // Test all possible match kinds and parse modes.
-Tester::Tester(const StringPiece& regexp) {
+Tester::Tester(absl::string_view regexp) {
   error_ = false;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kinds); i++) {
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < arraysize(parse_modes); j++) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(kinds); i++) {
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(parse_modes); j++) {
       TestInstance* t = new TestInstance(regexp, kinds[i],
       error_ |= t->error();
@@ -641,8 +640,8 @@ Tester::~Tester() {
     delete v_[i];
-bool Tester::TestCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                         Prog::Anchor anchor) {
+bool Tester::TestCase(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                      Prog::Anchor anchor) {
   bool okay = true;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < v_.size(); i++)
     okay &= (!v_[i]->error() && v_[i]->RunCase(text, context, anchor));
@@ -654,10 +653,10 @@ static Prog::Anchor anchors[] = {
-bool Tester::TestInput(const StringPiece& text) {
+bool Tester::TestInput(absl::string_view text) {
   bool okay = TestInputInContext(text, text);
   if (!text.empty()) {
-    StringPiece sp;
+    absl::string_view sp;
     sp = text;
     okay &= TestInputInContext(sp, text);
@@ -668,16 +667,16 @@ bool Tester::TestInput(const StringPiece& text) {
   return okay;
-bool Tester::TestInputInContext(const StringPiece& text,
-                                const StringPiece& context) {
+bool Tester::TestInputInContext(absl::string_view text,
+                                absl::string_view context) {
   bool okay = true;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(anchors); i++)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(anchors); i++)
     okay &= TestCase(text, context, anchors[i]);
   return okay;
-bool TestRegexpOnText(const StringPiece& regexp,
-                      const StringPiece& text) {
+bool TestRegexpOnText(absl::string_view regexp,
+                      absl::string_view text) {
   Tester t(regexp);
   return t.TestInput(text);
diff --git a/re2/testing/tester.h b/re2/testing/tester.h
index 47d0c43..59be5ea 100644
--- a/re2/testing/tester.h
+++ b/re2/testing/tester.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include <vector>
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #include "re2/prog.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 #include "re2/re2.h"
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class TestInstance {
   struct Result;
-  TestInstance(const StringPiece& regexp, Prog::MatchKind kind,
+  TestInstance(absl::string_view regexp, Prog::MatchKind kind,
                Regexp::ParseFlags flags);
   Regexp::ParseFlags flags() { return flags_; }
@@ -59,20 +59,18 @@ class TestInstance {
   // Runs a single test case: search in text, which is in context,
   // using the given anchoring.
-  bool RunCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+  bool RunCase(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                Prog::Anchor anchor);
   // Runs a single search using the named engine type.
-  void RunSearch(Engine type,
-                 const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
-                 Prog::Anchor anchor,
-                 Result *result);
+  void RunSearch(Engine type, absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
+                 Prog::Anchor anchor, Result* result);
-  void LogMatch(const char* prefix, Engine e, const StringPiece& text,
-                const StringPiece& context, Prog::Anchor anchor);
+  void LogMatch(const char* prefix, Engine e, absl::string_view text,
+                absl::string_view context, Prog::Anchor anchor);
-  const StringPiece regexp_str_;    // regexp being tested
+  absl::string_view regexp_str_;    // regexp being tested
   Prog::MatchKind kind_;            // kind of match
   Regexp::ParseFlags flags_;        // flags for parsing regexp_str_
   bool error_;                      // error during constructor?
@@ -91,21 +89,21 @@ class TestInstance {
 // A group of TestInstances for all possible configurations.
 class Tester {
-  explicit Tester(const StringPiece& regexp);
+  explicit Tester(absl::string_view regexp);
   bool error() { return error_; }
   // Runs a single test case: search in text, which is in context,
   // using the given anchoring.
-  bool TestCase(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context,
+  bool TestCase(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context,
                 Prog::Anchor anchor);
   // Run TestCase(text, text, anchor) for all anchoring modes.
-  bool TestInput(const StringPiece& text);
+  bool TestInput(absl::string_view text);
   // Run TestCase(text, context, anchor) for all anchoring modes.
-  bool TestInputInContext(const StringPiece& text, const StringPiece& context);
+  bool TestInputInContext(absl::string_view text, absl::string_view context);
   bool error_;
@@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ class Tester {
 // Run all possible tests using regexp and text.
-bool TestRegexpOnText(const StringPiece& regexp, const StringPiece& text);
+bool TestRegexpOnText(absl::string_view regexp, absl::string_view text);
 }  // namespace re2
diff --git a/re2/ b/re2/
index 9c1c038..33179fd 100644
--- a/re2/
+++ b/re2/
@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <string>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
 #include "re2/walker-inl.h"
@@ -216,11 +215,11 @@ int ToStringWalker::PostVisit(Regexp* re, int parent_arg, int pre_arg,
     case kRegexpRepeat:
       if (re->max() == -1)
-        t_->append(StringPrintf("{%d,}", re->min()));
+        t_->append(absl::StrFormat("{%d,}", re->min()));
       else if (re->min() == re->max())
-        t_->append(StringPrintf("{%d}", re->min()));
+        t_->append(absl::StrFormat("{%d}", re->min()));
-        t_->append(StringPrintf("{%d,%d}", re->min(), re->max()));
+        t_->append(absl::StrFormat("{%d,%d}", re->min(), re->max()));
       if (re->parse_flags() & Regexp::NonGreedy)
       if (prec < PrecUnary)
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ int ToStringWalker::PostVisit(Regexp* re, int parent_arg, int pre_arg,
       // There's no syntax accepted by the parser to generate
       // this node (it is generated by RE2::Set) so make something
       // up that is readable but won't compile.
-      t_->append(StringPrintf("(?HaveMatch:%d)", re->match_id()));
+      t_->append(absl::StrFormat("(?HaveMatch:%d)", re->match_id()));
@@ -332,10 +331,10 @@ static void AppendCCChar(std::string* t, Rune r) {
   if (r < 0x100) {
-    *t += StringPrintf("\\x%02x", static_cast<int>(r));
+    *t += absl::StrFormat("\\x%02x", static_cast<int>(r));
-  *t += StringPrintf("\\x{%x}", static_cast<int>(r));
+  *t += absl::StrFormat("\\x{%x}", static_cast<int>(r));
 static void AppendCCRange(std::string* t, Rune lo, Rune hi) {
diff --git a/re2/unicode_casefold.h b/re2/unicode_casefold.h
index 8bdbb42..4acad68 100644
--- a/re2/unicode_casefold.h
+++ b/re2/unicode_casefold.h
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 namespace re2 {
diff --git a/re2/unicode_groups.h b/re2/unicode_groups.h
index 75f55da..6dc6532 100644
--- a/re2/unicode_groups.h
+++ b/re2/unicode_groups.h
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include <stdint.h>
-#include "util/util.h"
 #include "util/utf.h"
 namespace re2 {
diff --git a/re2/walker-inl.h b/re2/walker-inl.h
index 4d064a0..45763a7 100644
--- a/re2/walker-inl.h
+++ b/re2/walker-inl.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include <stack>
+#include "absl/base/macros.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "re2/regexp.h"
@@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ template<typename T> T Regexp::Walker<T>::WalkInternal(Regexp* re, T top_arg,
           s->child_args = &s->child_arg;
         else if (re->nsub_ > 1)
           s->child_args = new T[re->nsub_];
       default: {
         if (re->nsub_ > 0) {
diff --git a/ b/
index 1ea3ff0..6a177c6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ if(UNIX)
   find_dependency(Threads REQUIRED)
+find_dependency(absl REQUIRED)
   find_dependency(ICU REQUIRED COMPONENTS uc)
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index e39c334..0000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <chrono>
-#include "util/benchmark.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
-#include "re2/re2.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-using ::testing::Benchmark;
-static Benchmark* benchmarks[10000];
-static int nbenchmarks;
-void Benchmark::Register() {
-  lo_ = std::max(1, lo_);
-  hi_ = std::max(lo_, hi_);
-  benchmarks[nbenchmarks++] = this;
-static int64_t nsec() {
-  return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(
-             std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch())
-      .count();
-static int64_t t0;
-static int64_t ns;
-static int64_t bytes;
-static int64_t items;
-void StartBenchmarkTiming() {
-  if (t0 == 0) {
-    t0 = nsec();
-  }
-void StopBenchmarkTiming() {
-  if (t0 != 0) {
-    ns += nsec() - t0;
-    t0 = 0;
-  }
-void SetBenchmarkBytesProcessed(int64_t b) { bytes = b; }
-void SetBenchmarkItemsProcessed(int64_t i) { items = i; }
-static void RunFunc(Benchmark* b, int iters, int arg) {
-  t0 = nsec();
-  ns = 0;
-  bytes = 0;
-  items = 0;
-  b->func()(iters, arg);
-  StopBenchmarkTiming();
-static int round(int n) {
-  int base = 1;
-  while (base * 10 < n) base *= 10;
-  if (n < 2 * base) return 2 * base;
-  if (n < 5 * base) return 5 * base;
-  return 10 * base;
-static void RunBench(Benchmark* b, int arg) {
-  int iters, last;
-  // Run once just in case it's expensive.
-  iters = 1;
-  RunFunc(b, iters, arg);
-  while (ns < (int)1e9 && iters < (int)1e9) {
-    last = iters;
-    if (ns / iters == 0) {
-      iters = (int)1e9;
-    } else {
-      iters = (int)1e9 / static_cast<int>(ns / iters);
-    }
-    iters = std::max(last + 1, std::min(iters + iters / 2, 100 * last));
-    iters = round(iters);
-    RunFunc(b, iters, arg);
-  }
-  char mb[100];
-  char suf[100];
-  mb[0] = '\0';
-  suf[0] = '\0';
-  if (ns > 0 && bytes > 0)
-    snprintf(mb, sizeof mb, "\t%7.2f MB/s",
-             ((double)bytes / 1e6) / ((double)ns / 1e9));
-  if (b->has_arg()) {
-    if (arg >= (1 << 20)) {
-      snprintf(suf, sizeof suf, "/%dM", arg / (1 << 20));
-    } else if (arg >= (1 << 10)) {
-      snprintf(suf, sizeof suf, "/%dK", arg / (1 << 10));
-    } else {
-      snprintf(suf, sizeof suf, "/%d", arg);
-    }
-  }
-  printf("%s%s\t%8d\t%10lld ns/op%s\n", b->name(), suf, iters,
-         (long long)ns / iters, mb);
-  fflush(stdout);
-static bool WantBench(const char* name, int argc, const char** argv) {
-  if (argc == 1) return true;
-  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
-    if (RE2::PartialMatch(name, argv[i]))
-      return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < nbenchmarks; i++) {
-    Benchmark* b = benchmarks[i];
-    if (!WantBench(b->name(), argc, argv))
-      continue;
-    for (int arg = b->lo(); arg <= b->hi(); arg <<= 1)
-      RunBench(b, arg);
-  }
diff --git a/util/benchmark.h b/util/benchmark.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d97b49e..0000000
--- a/util/benchmark.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <functional>
-#include "util/logging.h"
-#include "util/util.h"
-// Globals for the old benchmark API.
-void StartBenchmarkTiming();
-void StopBenchmarkTiming();
-void SetBenchmarkBytesProcessed(int64_t b);
-void SetBenchmarkItemsProcessed(int64_t i);
-namespace benchmark {
-// The new benchmark API implemented as a layer over the old benchmark API.
-// (Please refer to for documentation.)
-class State {
- private:
-  class Iterator {
-   public:
-    // Benchmark code looks like this:
-    //
-    //   for (auto _ : state) {
-    //     // ...
-    //   }
-    //
-    // We try to avoid compiler warnings about such variables being unused.
-    struct ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED Value {};
-    explicit Iterator(int64_t iters) : iters_(iters) {}
-    bool operator!=(const Iterator& that) const {
-      if (iters_ != that.iters_) {
-        return true;
-      } else {
-        // We are about to stop the loop, so stop timing.
-        StopBenchmarkTiming();
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    Value operator*() const {
-      return Value();
-    }
-    Iterator& operator++() {
-      --iters_;
-      return *this;
-    }
-   private:
-    int64_t iters_;
-  };
- public:
-  explicit State(int64_t iters)
-      : iters_(iters), arg_(0), has_arg_(false) {}
-  State(int64_t iters, int64_t arg)
-      : iters_(iters), arg_(arg), has_arg_(true) {}
-  Iterator begin() {
-    // We are about to start the loop, so start timing.
-    StartBenchmarkTiming();
-    return Iterator(iters_);
-  }
-  Iterator end() {
-    return Iterator(0);
-  }
-  void SetBytesProcessed(int64_t b) { SetBenchmarkBytesProcessed(b); }
-  void SetItemsProcessed(int64_t i) { SetBenchmarkItemsProcessed(i); }
-  int64_t iterations() const { return iters_; }
-  // Pretend to support multiple arguments.
-  int64_t range(int pos) const { CHECK(has_arg_); return arg_; }
- private:
-  int64_t iters_;
-  int64_t arg_;
-  bool has_arg_;
-  State(const State&) = delete;
-  State& operator=(const State&) = delete;
-}  // namespace benchmark
-namespace testing {
-class Benchmark {
- public:
-  Benchmark(const char* name, void (*func)(benchmark::State&))
-      : name_(name),
-        func_([func](int iters, int arg) {
-          benchmark::State state(iters);
-          func(state);
-        }),
-        lo_(0),
-        hi_(0),
-        has_arg_(false) {
-    Register();
-  }
-  Benchmark(const char* name, void (*func)(benchmark::State&), int lo, int hi)
-      : name_(name),
-        func_([func](int iters, int arg) {
-          benchmark::State state(iters, arg);
-          func(state);
-        }),
-        lo_(lo),
-        hi_(hi),
-        has_arg_(true) {
-    Register();
-  }
-  // Pretend to support multiple threads.
-  Benchmark* ThreadRange(int lo, int hi) { return this; }
-  const char* name() const { return name_; }
-  const std::function<void(int, int)>& func() const { return func_; }
-  int lo() const { return lo_; }
-  int hi() const { return hi_; }
-  bool has_arg() const { return has_arg_; }
- private:
-  void Register();
-  const char* name_;
-  std::function<void(int, int)> func_;
-  int lo_;
-  int hi_;
-  bool has_arg_;
-  Benchmark(const Benchmark&) = delete;
-  Benchmark& operator=(const Benchmark&) = delete;
-}  // namespace testing
-#define BENCHMARK(f)                     \
-  ::testing::Benchmark* _benchmark_##f = \
-      (new ::testing::Benchmark(#f, f))
-#define BENCHMARK_RANGE(f, lo, hi)       \
-  ::testing::Benchmark* _benchmark_##f = \
-      (new ::testing::Benchmark(#f, f, lo, hi))
-#endif  // UTIL_BENCHMARK_H_
diff --git a/util/flags.h b/util/flags.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3386b72..0000000
--- a/util/flags.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef UTIL_FLAGS_H_
-#define UTIL_FLAGS_H_
-// Simplified version of Google's command line flags.
-// Does not support parsing the command line.
-// If you want to do that, see
-#define DEFINE_FLAG(type, name, deflt, desc) \
-	namespace re2 { type FLAGS_##name = deflt; }
-#define DECLARE_FLAG(type, name) \
-	namespace re2 { extern type FLAGS_##name; }
-namespace re2 {
-template <typename T>
-T GetFlag(const T& flag) {
-  return flag;
-}  // namespace re2
-#endif  // UTIL_FLAGS_H_
diff --git a/util/logging.h b/util/logging.h
index 5b2217f..946962b 100644
--- a/util/logging.h
+++ b/util/logging.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <ostream>
 #include <sstream>
-#include "util/util.h"
+#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
 // Debug-only checking.
 #define DCHECK(condition) assert(condition)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class LogMessageFatal : public LogMessage {
   LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line)
       : LogMessage(file, line) {}
-  ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN ~LogMessageFatal() {
diff --git a/util/mix.h b/util/mix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d85c172..0000000
--- a/util/mix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef UTIL_MIX_H_
-#define UTIL_MIX_H_
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <limits>
-namespace re2 {
-// Silence "truncation of constant value" warning for kMul in 32-bit mode.
-// Since this is a header file, push and then pop to limit the scope.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4309)
-class HashMix {
- public:
-  HashMix() : hash_(1) {}
-  explicit HashMix(size_t val) : hash_(val + 83) {}
-  void Mix(size_t val) {
-    static const size_t kMul = static_cast<size_t>(0xdc3eb94af8ab4c93ULL);
-    hash_ *= kMul;
-    hash_ = ((hash_ << 19) |
-             (hash_ >> (std::numeric_limits<size_t>::digits - 19))) + val;
-  }
-  size_t get() const { return hash_; }
- private:
-  size_t hash_;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(pop)
-}  // namespace re2
-#endif  // UTIL_MIX_H_
diff --git a/util/mutex.h b/util/mutex.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c5732..0000000
--- a/util/mutex.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef UTIL_MUTEX_H_
-#define UTIL_MUTEX_H_
- * A simple mutex wrapper, supporting locks and read-write locks.
- * You should assume the locks are *not* re-entrant.
- */
-#ifdef RE2_NO_THREADS
-#include <assert.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-// Requires Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 at minimum.
-#include <windows.h>
-#if defined(WINVER) && WINVER >= 0x0600
-#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
-#include <unistd.h>
-typedef int MutexType;
-#elif defined(MUTEX_IS_WIN32_SRWLOCK)
-typedef SRWLOCK MutexType;
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-typedef pthread_rwlock_t MutexType;
-#include <shared_mutex>
-typedef std::shared_mutex MutexType;
-namespace re2 {
-class Mutex {
- public:
-  inline Mutex();
-  inline ~Mutex();
-  inline void Lock();    // Block if needed until free then acquire exclusively
-  inline void Unlock();  // Release a lock acquired via Lock()
-  // Note that on systems that don't support read-write locks, these may
-  // be implemented as synonyms to Lock() and Unlock().  So you can use
-  // these for efficiency, but don't use them anyplace where being able
-  // to do shared reads is necessary to avoid deadlock.
-  inline void ReaderLock();   // Block until free or shared then acquire a share
-  inline void ReaderUnlock(); // Release a read share of this Mutex
-  inline void WriterLock() { Lock(); }     // Acquire an exclusive lock
-  inline void WriterUnlock() { Unlock(); } // Release a lock from WriterLock()
- private:
-  MutexType mutex_;
-  // Catch the error of writing Mutex when intending MutexLock.
-  Mutex(Mutex *ignored);
-  Mutex(const Mutex&) = delete;
-  Mutex& operator=(const Mutex&) = delete;
-Mutex::Mutex()             : mutex_(0) { }
-Mutex::~Mutex()            { assert(mutex_ == 0); }
-void Mutex::Lock()         { assert(--mutex_ == -1); }
-void Mutex::Unlock()       { assert(mutex_++ == -1); }
-void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { assert(++mutex_ > 0); }
-void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { assert(mutex_-- > 0); }
-#elif defined(MUTEX_IS_WIN32_SRWLOCK)
-Mutex::Mutex()             : mutex_(SRWLOCK_INIT) { }
-Mutex::~Mutex()            { }
-void Mutex::Lock()         { AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&mutex_); }
-void Mutex::Unlock()       { ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(&mutex_); }
-void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { AcquireSRWLockShared(&mutex_); }
-void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { ReleaseSRWLockShared(&mutex_); }
-#define SAFE_PTHREAD(fncall)    \
-  do {                          \
-    if ((fncall) != 0) abort(); \
-  } while (0)
-Mutex::Mutex()             { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_init(&mutex_, NULL)); }
-Mutex::~Mutex()            { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_destroy(&mutex_)); }
-void Mutex::Lock()         { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&mutex_)); }
-void Mutex::Unlock()       { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_unlock(&mutex_)); }
-void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&mutex_)); }
-void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { SAFE_PTHREAD(pthread_rwlock_unlock(&mutex_)); }
-Mutex::Mutex()             { }
-Mutex::~Mutex()            { }
-void Mutex::Lock()         { mutex_.lock(); }
-void Mutex::Unlock()       { mutex_.unlock(); }
-void Mutex::ReaderLock()   { mutex_.lock_shared(); }
-void Mutex::ReaderUnlock() { mutex_.unlock_shared(); }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Some helper classes
-// MutexLock(mu) acquires mu when constructed and releases it when destroyed.
-class MutexLock {
- public:
-  explicit MutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->Lock(); }
-  ~MutexLock() { mu_->Unlock(); }
- private:
-  Mutex * const mu_;
-  MutexLock(const MutexLock&) = delete;
-  MutexLock& operator=(const MutexLock&) = delete;
-// ReaderMutexLock and WriterMutexLock do the same, for rwlocks
-class ReaderMutexLock {
- public:
-  explicit ReaderMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->ReaderLock(); }
-  ~ReaderMutexLock() { mu_->ReaderUnlock(); }
- private:
-  Mutex * const mu_;
-  ReaderMutexLock(const ReaderMutexLock&) = delete;
-  ReaderMutexLock& operator=(const ReaderMutexLock&) = delete;
-class WriterMutexLock {
- public:
-  explicit WriterMutexLock(Mutex *mu) : mu_(mu) { mu_->WriterLock(); }
-  ~WriterMutexLock() { mu_->WriterUnlock(); }
- private:
-  Mutex * const mu_;
-  WriterMutexLock(const WriterMutexLock&) = delete;
-  WriterMutexLock& operator=(const WriterMutexLock&) = delete;
-// Catch bug where variable name is omitted, e.g. MutexLock (&mu);
-#define MutexLock(x) static_assert(false, "MutexLock declaration missing variable name")
-#define ReaderMutexLock(x) static_assert(false, "ReaderMutexLock declaration missing variable name")
-#define WriterMutexLock(x) static_assert(false, "WriterMutexLock declaration missing variable name")
-}  // namespace re2
-#endif  // UTIL_MUTEX_H_
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index b689851..82b4f59 100644
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <utility>
-#include "util/util.h"
-#include "util/flags.h"
+#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
+#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
 #include "util/logging.h"
 #include "util/pcre.h"
-#include "util/strutil.h"
 // Silence warnings about the wacky formatting in the operator() functions.
 #if !defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 6
@@ -33,10 +32,10 @@
 // not exceed main thread stacks.  Note that other threads
 // often have smaller stacks, and therefore tightening
 // regexp_stack_limit may frequently be necessary.
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, regexp_stack_limit, 256 << 10,
-            "default PCRE stack limit (bytes)");
-DEFINE_FLAG(int, regexp_match_limit, 1000000,
-            "default PCRE match limit (function calls)");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, regexp_stack_limit, 256 << 10,
+          "default PCRE stack limit (bytes)");
+ABSL_FLAG(int, regexp_match_limit, 1000000,
+          "default PCRE match limit (function calls)");
 #ifndef USEPCRE
@@ -191,24 +190,11 @@ pcre* PCRE::Compile(Anchor anchor) {
 /***** Convenience interfaces *****/
-bool PCRE::FullMatchFunctor::operator ()(const StringPiece& text,
-                                       const PCRE& re,
-                                       const Arg& a0,
-                                       const Arg& a1,
-                                       const Arg& a2,
-                                       const Arg& a3,
-                                       const Arg& a4,
-                                       const Arg& a5,
-                                       const Arg& a6,
-                                       const Arg& a7,
-                                       const Arg& a8,
-                                       const Arg& a9,
-                                       const Arg& a10,
-                                       const Arg& a11,
-                                       const Arg& a12,
-                                       const Arg& a13,
-                                       const Arg& a14,
-                                       const Arg& a15) const {
+bool PCRE::FullMatchFunctor::operator()(
+    absl::string_view text, const PCRE& re, const Arg& a0, const Arg& a1,
+    const Arg& a2, const Arg& a3, const Arg& a4, const Arg& a5, const Arg& a6,
+    const Arg& a7, const Arg& a8, const Arg& a9, const Arg& a10, const Arg& a11,
+    const Arg& a12, const Arg& a13, const Arg& a14, const Arg& a15) const {
   const Arg* args[kMaxArgs];
   int n = 0;
   if (&a0 == &no_more_args)  goto done; args[n++] = &a0;
@@ -234,24 +220,11 @@ done:
   return re.DoMatchImpl(text, ANCHOR_BOTH, &consumed, args, n, vec, kVecSize);
-bool PCRE::PartialMatchFunctor::operator ()(const StringPiece& text,
-                                          const PCRE& re,
-                                          const Arg& a0,
-                                          const Arg& a1,
-                                          const Arg& a2,
-                                          const Arg& a3,
-                                          const Arg& a4,
-                                          const Arg& a5,
-                                          const Arg& a6,
-                                          const Arg& a7,
-                                          const Arg& a8,
-                                          const Arg& a9,
-                                          const Arg& a10,
-                                          const Arg& a11,
-                                          const Arg& a12,
-                                          const Arg& a13,
-                                          const Arg& a14,
-                                          const Arg& a15) const {
+bool PCRE::PartialMatchFunctor::operator()(
+    absl::string_view text, const PCRE& re, const Arg& a0, const Arg& a1,
+    const Arg& a2, const Arg& a3, const Arg& a4, const Arg& a5, const Arg& a6,
+    const Arg& a7, const Arg& a8, const Arg& a9, const Arg& a10, const Arg& a11,
+    const Arg& a12, const Arg& a13, const Arg& a14, const Arg& a15) const {
   const Arg* args[kMaxArgs];
   int n = 0;
   if (&a0 == &no_more_args)  goto done; args[n++] = &a0;
@@ -277,24 +250,11 @@ done:
   return re.DoMatchImpl(text, UNANCHORED, &consumed, args, n, vec, kVecSize);
-bool PCRE::ConsumeFunctor::operator ()(StringPiece* input,
-                                     const PCRE& pattern,
-                                     const Arg& a0,
-                                     const Arg& a1,
-                                     const Arg& a2,
-                                     const Arg& a3,
-                                     const Arg& a4,
-                                     const Arg& a5,
-                                     const Arg& a6,
-                                     const Arg& a7,
-                                     const Arg& a8,
-                                     const Arg& a9,
-                                     const Arg& a10,
-                                     const Arg& a11,
-                                     const Arg& a12,
-                                     const Arg& a13,
-                                     const Arg& a14,
-                                     const Arg& a15) const {
+bool PCRE::ConsumeFunctor::operator()(
+    absl::string_view* input, const PCRE& pattern, const Arg& a0, const Arg& a1,
+    const Arg& a2, const Arg& a3, const Arg& a4, const Arg& a5, const Arg& a6,
+    const Arg& a7, const Arg& a8, const Arg& a9, const Arg& a10, const Arg& a11,
+    const Arg& a12, const Arg& a13, const Arg& a14, const Arg& a15) const {
   const Arg* args[kMaxArgs];
   int n = 0;
   if (&a0 == &no_more_args)  goto done; args[n++] = &a0;
@@ -326,24 +286,11 @@ done:
-bool PCRE::FindAndConsumeFunctor::operator ()(StringPiece* input,
-                                            const PCRE& pattern,
-                                            const Arg& a0,
-                                            const Arg& a1,
-                                            const Arg& a2,
-                                            const Arg& a3,
-                                            const Arg& a4,
-                                            const Arg& a5,
-                                            const Arg& a6,
-                                            const Arg& a7,
-                                            const Arg& a8,
-                                            const Arg& a9,
-                                            const Arg& a10,
-                                            const Arg& a11,
-                                            const Arg& a12,
-                                            const Arg& a13,
-                                            const Arg& a14,
-                                            const Arg& a15) const {
+bool PCRE::FindAndConsumeFunctor::operator()(
+    absl::string_view* input, const PCRE& pattern, const Arg& a0, const Arg& a1,
+    const Arg& a2, const Arg& a3, const Arg& a4, const Arg& a5, const Arg& a6,
+    const Arg& a7, const Arg& a8, const Arg& a9, const Arg& a10, const Arg& a11,
+    const Arg& a12, const Arg& a13, const Arg& a14, const Arg& a15) const {
   const Arg* args[kMaxArgs];
   int n = 0;
   if (&a0 == &no_more_args)  goto done; args[n++] = &a0;
@@ -375,9 +322,8 @@ done:
-bool PCRE::Replace(std::string *str,
-                 const PCRE& pattern,
-                 const StringPiece& rewrite) {
+bool PCRE::Replace(std::string* str, const PCRE& pattern,
+                   absl::string_view rewrite) {
   int vec[kVecSize] = {};
   int matches = pattern.TryMatch(*str, 0, UNANCHORED, true, vec, kVecSize);
   if (matches == 0)
@@ -393,9 +339,8 @@ bool PCRE::Replace(std::string *str,
   return true;
-int PCRE::GlobalReplace(std::string *str,
-                      const PCRE& pattern,
-                      const StringPiece& rewrite) {
+int PCRE::GlobalReplace(std::string* str, const PCRE& pattern,
+                        absl::string_view rewrite) {
   int count = 0;
   int vec[kVecSize] = {};
   std::string out;
@@ -451,10 +396,8 @@ int PCRE::GlobalReplace(std::string *str,
   return count;
-bool PCRE::Extract(const StringPiece &text,
-                 const PCRE& pattern,
-                 const StringPiece &rewrite,
-                 std::string *out) {
+bool PCRE::Extract(absl::string_view text, const PCRE& pattern,
+                   absl::string_view rewrite, std::string* out) {
   int vec[kVecSize] = {};
   int matches = pattern.TryMatch(text, 0, UNANCHORED, true, vec, kVecSize);
   if (matches == 0)
@@ -463,7 +406,7 @@ bool PCRE::Extract(const StringPiece &text,
   return pattern.Rewrite(out, rewrite, text, vec, matches);
-std::string PCRE::QuoteMeta(const StringPiece& unquoted) {
+std::string PCRE::QuoteMeta(absl::string_view unquoted) {
   std::string result;
   result.reserve(unquoted.size() << 1);
@@ -508,12 +451,8 @@ void PCRE::ClearHitLimit() {
   hit_limit_ = 0;
-int PCRE::TryMatch(const StringPiece& text,
-                   size_t startpos,
-                   Anchor anchor,
-                   bool empty_ok,
-                   int *vec,
-                   int vecsize) const {
+int PCRE::TryMatch(absl::string_view text, size_t startpos, Anchor anchor,
+                   bool empty_ok, int* vec, int vecsize) const {
   pcre* re = (anchor == ANCHOR_BOTH) ? re_full_ : re_partial_;
   if (re == NULL) {
     PCREPORT(ERROR) << "Matching against invalid re: " << *error_;
@@ -522,12 +461,12 @@ int PCRE::TryMatch(const StringPiece& text,
   int match_limit = match_limit_;
   if (match_limit <= 0) {
-    match_limit = GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_match_limit);
+    match_limit = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_match_limit);
   int stack_limit = stack_limit_;
   if (stack_limit <= 0) {
-    stack_limit = GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_stack_limit);
+    stack_limit = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_regexp_stack_limit);
   pcre_extra extra = { 0 };
@@ -604,12 +543,8 @@ int PCRE::TryMatch(const StringPiece& text,
   return rc;
-bool PCRE::DoMatchImpl(const StringPiece& text,
-                       Anchor anchor,
-                       size_t* consumed,
-                       const Arg* const* args,
-                       int n,
-                       int* vec,
+bool PCRE::DoMatchImpl(absl::string_view text, Anchor anchor, size_t* consumed,
+                       const Arg* const* args, int n, int* vec,
                        int vecsize) const {
   assert((1 + n) * 3 <= vecsize);  // results + PCRE workspace
   if (NumberOfCapturingGroups() < n) {
@@ -654,11 +589,8 @@ bool PCRE::DoMatchImpl(const StringPiece& text,
   return true;
-bool PCRE::DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
-                   Anchor anchor,
-                   size_t* consumed,
-                   const Arg* const args[],
-                   int n) const {
+bool PCRE::DoMatch(absl::string_view text, Anchor anchor, size_t* consumed,
+                   const Arg* const args[], int n) const {
   assert(n >= 0);
   const int vecsize = (1 + n) * 3;  // results + PCRE workspace
                                     // (as for kVecSize)
@@ -668,8 +600,8 @@ bool PCRE::DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
   return b;
-bool PCRE::Rewrite(std::string *out, const StringPiece &rewrite,
-                 const StringPiece &text, int *vec, int veclen) const {
+bool PCRE::Rewrite(std::string* out, absl::string_view rewrite,
+                   absl::string_view text, int* vec, int veclen) const {
   int number_of_capturing_groups = NumberOfCapturingGroups();
   for (const char *s =, *end = s + rewrite.size();
        s < end; s++) {
@@ -704,7 +636,7 @@ bool PCRE::Rewrite(std::string *out, const StringPiece &rewrite,
   return true;
-bool PCRE::CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
+bool PCRE::CheckRewriteString(absl::string_view rewrite,
                               std::string* error) const {
   int max_token = -1;
   for (const char *s =, *end = s + rewrite.size();
@@ -733,7 +665,7 @@ bool PCRE::CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
   if (max_token > NumberOfCapturingGroups()) {
-    *error = StringPrintf(
+    *error = absl::StrFormat(
         "Rewrite schema requests %d matches, but the regexp only has %d "
         "parenthesized subexpressions.",
         max_token, NumberOfCapturingGroups());
@@ -742,7 +674,6 @@ bool PCRE::CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
   return true;
 // Return the number of capturing subpatterns, or -1 if the
 // regexp wasn't valid on construction.
 int PCRE::NumberOfCapturingGroups() const {
@@ -774,9 +705,9 @@ bool PCRE::Arg::parse_string(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest) {
   return true;
-bool PCRE::Arg::parse_stringpiece(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest) {
+bool PCRE::Arg::parse_string_view(const char* str, size_t n, void* dest) {
   if (dest == NULL) return true;
-  *(reinterpret_cast<StringPiece*>(dest)) = StringPiece(str, n);
+  *(reinterpret_cast<absl::string_view*>(dest)) = absl::string_view(str, n);
   return true;
diff --git a/util/pcre.h b/util/pcre.h
index f0a7180..c270942 100644
--- a/util/pcre.h
+++ b/util/pcre.h
@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@
 // The "Consume" operation may be useful if you want to repeatedly
 // match regular expressions at the front of a string and skip over
-// them as they match.  This requires use of the "StringPiece" type,
+// them as they match.  This requires use of the string_view type,
 // which represents a sub-range of a real string.
 // Example: read lines of the form "var = value" from a string.
-//      std::string contents = ...;     // Fill string somehow
-//      StringPiece input(contents);    // Wrap a StringPiece around it
+//      std::string contents = ...;         // Fill string somehow
+//      absl::string_view input(contents);  // Wrap a string_view around it
 //      std::string var;
 //      int value;
@@ -161,8 +161,7 @@
 //         Octal(&a), Hex(&b), CRadix(&c), CRadix(&d));
 // will leave 64 in a, b, c, and d.
-#include "util/util.h"
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
+#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
 #ifdef USEPCRE
 #include <pcre.h>
@@ -246,10 +245,10 @@ class PCRE {
   // The provided pointer arguments can be pointers to any scalar numeric
   // type, or one of:
-  //    std::string     (matched piece is copied to string)
-  //    StringPiece     (StringPiece is mutated to point to matched piece)
-  //    T               (where "bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, size_t)" exists)
-  //    (void*)NULL     (the corresponding matched sub-pattern is not copied)
+  //    std::string        (matched piece is copied to string)
+  //    absl::string_view  (string_view is mutated to point to matched piece)
+  //    T                  ("bool T::ParseFrom(const char*, size_t)" must exist)
+  //    (void*)NULL        (the corresponding matched sub-pattern is not copied)
   // Returns true iff all of the following conditions are satisfied:
   //   a. "text" matches "pattern" exactly
@@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ class PCRE {
   //    int number;
   //    PCRE::FullMatch("abc", "[a-z]+(\\d+)?", &number);
   struct FullMatchFunctor {
-    bool operator ()(const StringPiece& text, const PCRE& re, // 3..16 args
+    bool operator ()(absl::string_view text, const PCRE& re,  // 3..16 args
                      const Arg& ptr1 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr2 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr3 = no_more_args,
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ class PCRE {
   // Exactly like FullMatch(), except that "pattern" is allowed to match
   // a substring of "text".
   struct PartialMatchFunctor {
-    bool operator ()(const StringPiece& text, const PCRE& re, // 3..16 args
+    bool operator ()(absl::string_view text, const PCRE& re,  // 3..16 args
                      const Arg& ptr1 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr2 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr3 = no_more_args,
@@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ class PCRE {
   // match a prefix of "text", and "input" is advanced past the matched
   // text.  Note: "input" is modified iff this routine returns true.
   struct ConsumeFunctor {
-    bool operator ()(StringPiece* input, const PCRE& pattern, // 3..16 args
+    bool operator ()(absl::string_view* input, const PCRE& pattern,  // 3..16 args
                      const Arg& ptr1 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr2 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr3 = no_more_args,
@@ -342,7 +341,7 @@ class PCRE {
   // "input".  For example, "FindAndConsume(s, "(\\w+)", &word)" finds the next
   // word in "s" and stores it in "word".
   struct FindAndConsumeFunctor {
-    bool operator ()(StringPiece* input, const PCRE& pattern,
+    bool operator ()(absl::string_view* input, const PCRE& pattern,  // 3..16 args
                      const Arg& ptr1 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr2 = no_more_args,
                      const Arg& ptr3 = no_more_args,
@@ -376,9 +375,8 @@ class PCRE {
   // Returns true if the pattern matches and a replacement occurs,
   // false otherwise.
-  static bool Replace(std::string *str,
-                      const PCRE& pattern,
-                      const StringPiece& rewrite);
+  static bool Replace(std::string* str, const PCRE& pattern,
+                      absl::string_view rewrite);
   // Like Replace(), except replaces all occurrences of the pattern in
   // the string with the rewrite.  Replacements are not subject to
@@ -390,9 +388,8 @@ class PCRE {
   // will leave "s" containing "yada dada doo"
   // Returns the number of replacements made.
-  static int GlobalReplace(std::string *str,
-                           const PCRE& pattern,
-                           const StringPiece& rewrite);
+  static int GlobalReplace(std::string* str, const PCRE& pattern,
+                           absl::string_view rewrite);
   // Like Replace, except that if the pattern matches, "rewrite"
   // is copied into "out" with substitutions.  The non-matching
@@ -400,10 +397,8 @@ class PCRE {
   // Returns true iff a match occurred and the extraction happened
   // successfully;  if no match occurs, the string is left unaffected.
-  static bool Extract(const StringPiece &text,
-                      const PCRE& pattern,
-                      const StringPiece &rewrite,
-                      std::string *out);
+  static bool Extract(absl::string_view text, const PCRE& pattern,
+                      absl::string_view rewrite, std::string* out);
   // Check that the given @p rewrite string is suitable for use with
   // this PCRE.  It checks that:
@@ -418,8 +413,7 @@ class PCRE {
   // @param error An error message is recorded here, iff we return false.
   //              Otherwise, it is unchanged.
   // @return true, iff @p rewrite is suitable for use with the PCRE.
-  bool CheckRewriteString(const StringPiece& rewrite,
-                          std::string* error) const;
+  bool CheckRewriteString(absl::string_view rewrite, std::string* error) const;
   // Returns a copy of 'unquoted' with all potentially meaningful
   // regexp characters backslash-escaped.  The returned string, used
@@ -428,7 +422,7 @@ class PCRE {
   //           1.5-2.0?
   //  becomes:
   //           1\.5\-2\.0\?
-  static std::string QuoteMeta(const StringPiece& unquoted);
+  static std::string QuoteMeta(absl::string_view unquoted);
   /***** Generic matching interface (not so nice to use) *****/
@@ -441,9 +435,7 @@ class PCRE {
   // General matching routine.  Stores the length of the match in
   // "*consumed" if successful.
-  bool DoMatch(const StringPiece& text,
-               Anchor anchor,
-               size_t* consumed,
+  bool DoMatch(absl::string_view text, Anchor anchor, size_t* consumed,
                const Arg* const* args, int n) const;
   // Return the number of capturing subpatterns, or -1 if the
@@ -465,29 +457,17 @@ class PCRE {
   // against "foo", "bar", and "baz" respectively.
   // When matching PCRE("(foo)|hello") against "hello", it will return 1.
   // But the values for all subpattern are filled in into "vec".
-  int TryMatch(const StringPiece& text,
-               size_t startpos,
-               Anchor anchor,
-               bool empty_ok,
-               int *vec,
-               int vecsize) const;
+  int TryMatch(absl::string_view text, size_t startpos, Anchor anchor,
+               bool empty_ok, int* vec, int vecsize) const;
   // Append the "rewrite" string, with backslash subsitutions from "text"
   // and "vec", to string "out".
-  bool Rewrite(std::string *out,
-               const StringPiece &rewrite,
-               const StringPiece &text,
-               int *vec,
-               int veclen) const;
+  bool Rewrite(std::string* out, absl::string_view rewrite,
+               absl::string_view text, int* vec, int veclen) const;
   // internal implementation for DoMatch
-  bool DoMatchImpl(const StringPiece& text,
-                   Anchor anchor,
-                   size_t* consumed,
-                   const Arg* const args[],
-                   int n,
-                   int* vec,
-                   int vecsize) const;
+  bool DoMatchImpl(absl::string_view text, Anchor anchor, size_t* consumed,
+                   const Arg* const args[], int n, int* vec, int vecsize) const;
   // Compile the regexp for the specified anchoring mode
   pcre* Compile(Anchor anchor);
@@ -586,7 +566,7 @@ class PCRE::Arg {
   MAKE_PARSER(float,              parse_float);
   MAKE_PARSER(double,             parse_double);
   MAKE_PARSER(std::string,        parse_string);
-  MAKE_PARSER(StringPiece,        parse_stringpiece);
+  MAKE_PARSER(absl::string_view,  parse_string_view);
   MAKE_PARSER(short,              parse_short);
   MAKE_PARSER(unsigned short,     parse_ushort);
@@ -613,14 +593,14 @@ class PCRE::Arg {
   void*         arg_;
   Parser        parser_;
-  static bool parse_null          (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_char          (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_schar         (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_uchar         (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_float         (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_double        (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_string        (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
-  static bool parse_stringpiece   (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_null        (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_char        (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_schar       (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_uchar       (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_float       (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_double      (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_string      (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
+  static bool parse_string_view (const char* str, size_t n, void* dest);
 #define DECLARE_INTEGER_PARSER(name)                                       \
  private:                                                                  \
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index fb7e6b1..da06f85 100644
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -2,79 +2,10 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
 #include "util/strutil.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
 namespace re2 {
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CEscapeString()
-//    Copies 'src' to 'dest', escaping dangerous characters using
-//    C-style escape sequences.  'src' and 'dest' should not overlap.
-//    Returns the number of bytes written to 'dest' (not including the \0)
-//    or (size_t)-1 if there was insufficient space.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static size_t CEscapeString(const char* src, size_t src_len,
-                            char* dest, size_t dest_len) {
-  const char* src_end = src + src_len;
-  size_t used = 0;
-  for (; src < src_end; src++) {
-    if (dest_len - used < 2)   // space for two-character escape
-      return (size_t)-1;
-    unsigned char c = *src;
-    switch (c) {
-      case '\n': dest[used++] = '\\'; dest[used++] = 'n';  break;
-      case '\r': dest[used++] = '\\'; dest[used++] = 'r';  break;
-      case '\t': dest[used++] = '\\'; dest[used++] = 't';  break;
-      case '\"': dest[used++] = '\\'; dest[used++] = '\"'; break;
-      case '\'': dest[used++] = '\\'; dest[used++] = '\''; break;
-      case '\\': dest[used++] = '\\'; dest[used++] = '\\'; break;
-      default:
-        // Note that if we emit \xNN and the src character after that is a hex
-        // digit then that digit must be escaped too to prevent it being
-        // interpreted as part of the character code by C.
-        if (c < ' ' || c > '~') {
-          if (dest_len - used < 5)   // space for four-character escape + \0
-            return (size_t)-1;
-          snprintf(dest + used, 5, "\\%03o", c);
-          used += 4;
-        } else {
-          dest[used++] = c; break;
-        }
-    }
-  }
-  if (dest_len - used < 1)   // make sure that there is room for \0
-    return (size_t)-1;
-  dest[used] = '\0';   // doesn't count towards return value though
-  return used;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CEscape()
-//    Copies 'src' to result, escaping dangerous characters using
-//    C-style escape sequences.  'src' and 'dest' should not overlap.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-std::string CEscape(const StringPiece& src) {
-  const size_t dest_len = src.size() * 4 + 1; // Maximum possible expansion
-  char* dest = new char[dest_len];
-  const size_t used = CEscapeString(, src.size(),
-                                    dest, dest_len);
-  std::string s = std::string(dest, used);
-  delete[] dest;
-  return s;
 void PrefixSuccessor(std::string* prefix) {
   // We can increment the last character in the string and be done
   // unless that character is 255, in which case we have to erase the
@@ -92,58 +23,4 @@ void PrefixSuccessor(std::string* prefix) {
-static void StringAppendV(std::string* dst, const char* format, va_list ap) {
-  // First try with a small fixed size buffer
-  char space[1024];
-  // It's possible for methods that use a va_list to invalidate
-  // the data in it upon use.  The fix is to make a copy
-  // of the structure before using it and use that copy instead.
-  va_list backup_ap;
-  va_copy(backup_ap, ap);
-  int result = vsnprintf(space, sizeof(space), format, backup_ap);
-  va_end(backup_ap);
-  if ((result >= 0) && (static_cast<size_t>(result) < sizeof(space))) {
-    // It fit
-    dst->append(space, result);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Repeatedly increase buffer size until it fits
-  int length = sizeof(space);
-  while (true) {
-    if (result < 0) {
-      // Older behavior: just try doubling the buffer size
-      length *= 2;
-    } else {
-      // We need exactly "result+1" characters
-      length = result+1;
-    }
-    char* buf = new char[length];
-    // Restore the va_list before we use it again
-    va_copy(backup_ap, ap);
-    result = vsnprintf(buf, length, format, backup_ap);
-    va_end(backup_ap);
-    if ((result >= 0) && (result < length)) {
-      // It fit
-      dst->append(buf, result);
-      delete[] buf;
-      return;
-    }
-    delete[] buf;
-  }
-std::string StringPrintf(const char* format, ...) {
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start(ap, format);
-  std::string result;
-  StringAppendV(&result, format, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  return result;
 }  // namespace re2
diff --git a/util/strutil.h b/util/strutil.h
index a69908a..f5d87a5 100644
--- a/util/strutil.h
+++ b/util/strutil.h
@@ -7,14 +7,9 @@
 #include <string>
-#include "re2/stringpiece.h"
-#include "util/util.h"
 namespace re2 {
-std::string CEscape(const StringPiece& src);
 void PrefixSuccessor(std::string* prefix);
-std::string StringPrintf(const char* format, ...);
 }  // namespace re2
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 028616b..0000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "util/test.h"
-namespace testing {
-std::string TempDir() { return "/tmp/"; }
-}  // namespace testing
-struct Test {
-  void (*fn)(void);
-  const char *name;
-static Test tests[10000];
-static int ntests;
-void RegisterTest(void (*fn)(void), const char *name) {
-  tests[ntests].fn = fn;
-  tests[ntests++].name = name;
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < ntests; i++) {
-    printf("%s\n", tests[i].name);
-    tests[i].fn();
-  }
-  printf("PASS\n");
-  return 0;
diff --git a/util/test.h b/util/test.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 54e6f8f..0000000
--- a/util/test.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef UTIL_TEST_H_
-#define UTIL_TEST_H_
-#include "util/util.h"
-#include "util/logging.h"
-namespace testing {
-std::string TempDir();
-}  // namespace testing
-#define TEST(x, y) \
-	void x##y(void); \
-	TestRegisterer r##x##y(x##y, # x "." # y); \
-	void x##y(void)
-void RegisterTest(void (*)(void), const char*);
-class TestRegisterer {
- public:
-  TestRegisterer(void (*fn)(void), const char *s) {
-    RegisterTest(fn, s);
-  }
-// fatal assertions
-#define ASSERT_FALSE(x) CHECK(!(x))
-// nonfatal assertions
-// TODO(rsc): Do a better job?
-#define EXPECT_FALSE(x) CHECK(!(x))
-#endif  // UTIL_TEST_H_
diff --git a/util/util.h b/util/util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 56e46c1..0000000
--- a/util/util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The RE2 Authors.  All Rights Reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef UTIL_UTIL_H_
-#define UTIL_UTIL_H_
-#define arraysize(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#define ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
-#if defined(__clang__)
-#define FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED [[clang::fallthrough]]
-#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 7
-#define FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED [[gnu::fallthrough]]
-#define FALLTHROUGH_INTENDED do {} while (0)
-#endif  // UTIL_UTIL_H_

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