New Upstream Release - rpi.gpio

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 0.7.1 (was: 0.7.1~a4).


diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index c395135..fba62d2 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
 Change Log
-Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
-Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
-Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
+- Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
+- Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
+- Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
 - Fix docstrings to not include licence
 - Remove Debian/Raspbian stretch packaging support
 - Use setuptools instead of distutils
+- Added detection of Zero 2 W
+- Tested and working with Python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 6586ba1..9473cd9 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,259 +1,11 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: RPi.GPIO
-Version: 0.7.1a4
+Version: 0.7.1
 Summary: A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels
 Author: Ben Croston
 License: MIT
-Description: This package provides a Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
-        Note that this module is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications.  This is because you
-        can not predict when Python will be busy garbage collecting.  It also runs under the Linux kernel which
-        is not suitable for real time applications - it is multitasking O/S and another process may be given
-        priority over the CPU, causing jitter in your program.  If you are after true real-time performance and
-        predictability, buy yourself an Arduino !
-        Note that the current release does not support SPI, I2C, hardware PWM or serial functionality on the RPi yet.
-        This is planned for the near future - watch this space!  One-wire functionality is also planned.
-        Although hardware PWM is not available yet, software PWM is available to use on all channels.
-        For examples and documentation, visit
-        Change Log
-        ==========
-        0.7.1a4
-        -------
-        Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
-        0.7.1a3
-        -------
-        Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
-        0.7.1a2
-        -------
-        Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
-        0.7.1a1
-        -------
-        - Fix docstrings to not include licence
-        - Remove Debian/Raspbian stretch packaging support
-        - Use setuptools instead of distutils
-        0.7.0
-        -----
-        - Updated RPI_INFO to include RPi 4B
-        - Fixed pull up/down for Pi4 (issue 168)
-        - Fix spelling mistake in docstrings
-        - Tested and working on Raspbian Buster + Python 3.8.0b2
-        - Fix board detection for aarch64 (Issues 161 / 165)
-        - Fix checking mmap return value in c_gpio.c (issue 166)
-        0.6.5
-        -----
-        - Fix exception on re-export of /sys/class/gpio/gpioNN
-        0.6.4
-        -----
-        - Event cleanup bug (issue 145)
-        - Raise exception for duplicate PWM objects (issue 54 - Thijs Schreijer <>)
-        - Fix build warnings (Issue 146 - Dominik George) 
-        - runs unchanged for both python 2+3
-        - Soft PWM stops running fix (Issues 94, 111, 154)
-        - Soft PWM segfault fix (Luke Allen pull request)
-        0.6.3
-        -----
-        - Fix code so it builds under PyPy (Gasper Zejn)
-        - os.system breaks event detection - Matt Kimball (issue 127)
-        0.6.2
-        -----
-        - Rewrote Debian packaging mechanism
-        - RPI_INFO reports Pi 3
-        - Changed module layout - moved C components to RPi._GPIO
-        0.6.1
-        -----
-        - Update RPI_INFO to detect more board types
-        - Issue 118 - add_event_detect sometimes gives runtime error with unpriv user 
-        - Issue 120 - setmode() remembers invalid mode
-        0.6.0a3
-        -------
-        - Now uses /dev/gpiomem if available to avoid being run as root
-        - Fix warnings with pull up/down on pins 3/5
-        - Correct base address on Pi 2 when devicetree is disabled
-        - caddr_t error on compile (Issue 109)
-        - Error on invalid parameters to setup() (issue 93)
-        - Add timeout parameter to wait_for_edge() (issue 91)
-        0.5.11
-        ------
-        - Fix - pins > 26 missing when using BOARD mode
-        - Add getmode()
-        - Raise exception when a mix of modes is used
-        - GPIO.cleanaup() unsets the current pin mode
-        0.5.10
-        ------
-        - Issue 95 - support RPi 2 boards
-        - Introduce RPI_INFO
-        - Deprecate RPI_REVISION
-        - Issue 97 - fixed docstring for setup()
-        0.5.9
-        -----
-        - Issue 87 - warn about pull up/down on i2c pins
-        - Issue 86/75 - wait_for_edge() bugfix
-        - Issue 84 - recognise RPi properly when using a custom kernel
-        - Issue 90 - cleanup() on a list/tuple of channels
-        0.5.8
-        -----
-        - Allow lists/tuples of channels in GPIO.setup()
-        - GPIO.output() now allows lists/tuples of values
-        - GPIO.wait_for_edge() bug fixes (issue 78)
-        0.5.7
-        -----
-        - Issue 67 - speed up repeated calls to GPIO.wait_for_event()
-        - Added bouncetime keyword to GPIO.wait_for_event()
-        - Added extra edge/interrupt unit tests
-        - GPIO.wait_for_event() can now be mixed with GPIO.add_event_detect()
-        - Improved cleanups of events
-        - Issue 69 resolved
-        0.5.6
-        -----
-        - Issue 68 - support for RPi Model B+
-        - Fix gpio_function()
-        0.5.5
-        -----
-        - Issue 52 - 'unallocate' a channel
-        - Issue 35 - use switchbounce with GPIO.event_detected()
-        - Refactored events code
-        - Rewrote tests to use unittest mechanism and new test board with loopbacks
-        - Fixed adding events after a GPIO.cleanup()
-        - Issue 64 - misleading /dev/mem permissions error
-        - Issue 59 - name collision with PWM constant and class
-        0.5.4
-        -----
-        - Changed release status (from alpha to full release)
-        - Warn when GPIO.cleanup() used with nothing to clean up (issue 44)
-        - Avoid collisions in constants (e.g. HIGH / RISING / PUD_DOWN)
-        - Accept BOARD numbers in gpio_function (issue 34)
-        - More return values for gpio_function (INPUT, OUTPUT, SPI, I2C, PWM, SERIAL, UNKNOWN)
-        - Tidy up docstrings
-        - Fix /dev/mem access error with gpio_function
-        0.5.3a
-        ------
-        - Allow pydoc for non-root users (issue 27)
-        - Fix add_event_detect error when run as daemon (issue 32)
-        - Simplified exception types
-        - Changed from distribute to pip
-        0.5.2a
-        ------
-        - Added software PWM (experimental)
-        - Added switch bounce handling to event callbacks
-        - Added channel number parameter to event callbacks (issue 31)
-        - Internal refactoring and code tidy up
-        0.5.1a
-        ------
-        - Fixed callbacks for multiple GPIOs (issue 28)
-        0.5.0a
-        ------
-        - Added new edge detection events (interrupt handling)
-          - Added add_event_detect()
-          - Added remove_event_detect()
-          - Added add_event_callback()
-          - Added wait_for_edge()
-        - Removed old experimental event functions
-          - Removed set_rising_event()
-          - Removed set_falling_event()
-          - Removed set_high_event()
-          - Removed set_low_event()
-        - Changed event_detected() for new edge detection functionality
-        - input() now returns 0/LOW == False or 1/HIGH == True (integers) instead of False or True (booleans).
-        - Fix error on repeated import (issue 3)
-        - Change SetupException to a RuntimeError so it can be caught on import (issue 25, Chris Hager <>)
-        - Improved docstrings of functions
-        0.4.2a
-        ------
-        - Fix for installing on Arch Linux (Python 3.3) (issue 20)
-        - Initial value when setting a channel as an output (issue 19)
-        0.4.1a
-        ------
-        - Added VERSION
-        - Permit input() of channels set as outputs (Eric Ptak <>)
-        0.4.0a
-        ------
-        - Added support for Revision 2 boards
-        - Added RPI_REVISION
-        - Added cleanup() function and removed automatic reset functionality on program exit
-        - Added get_function() to read existing GPIO channel functionality (suggestion from Eric Ptak <>)
-        - Added set_rising_event()
-        - Added set_falling_event()
-        - Added set_high_event()
-        - Added set_low_event()
-        - Added event_detected()
-        - Added test/
-        - Converted debian to armhf
-        - Fixed C function short_wait() (thanks to Thibault Porteboeuf <>)
-        0.3.1a
-        ------
-        - Fixed critical bug with swapped high/low state on outputs
-        - Added pull-up / pull-down setup functionality for inputs
-        0.3.0a
-        ------
-        - Rewritten as a C extension
-        - Now uses /dev/mem and SoC registers instead of /sys/class/gpio
-        - Faster!
-        - Make call to GPIO.setmode() mandatory
-        - Added GPIO.HIGH and GPIO.LOW constants
-        0.2.0
-        -----
-        - Changed status from alpha to beta
-        - Added setmode() to be able to use BCM GPIO 00.nn channel numbers
-        - Renamed InvalidPinException to InvalidChannelException
-        0.1.0
-        ------
-        - Fixed direction bug
-        - Added (to include missing file)
-        - Changed GPIO channel number to pin number
-        - Tested and working!
-        0.0.3a
-        ------
-        - Added GPIO table
-        - Refactored
-        - Fixed a few critical bugs
-        - Still completely untested!
-        0.0.2a
-        ------
-        - Internal refactoring.  Still completely untested!
-        0.0.1a
-        ------
-        - First version.  Completely untested until I can get hold of a Raspberry Pi!
 Keywords: Raspberry Pi GPIO
 Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -265,3 +17,247 @@ Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
 Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
 Classifier: Topic :: Home Automation
 Classifier: Topic :: System :: Hardware
+License-File: LICENCE.txt
+This package provides a Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
+Note that this module is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications.  This is because you
+can not predict when Python will be busy garbage collecting.  It also runs under the Linux kernel which
+is not suitable for real time applications - it is multitasking O/S and another process may be given
+priority over the CPU, causing jitter in your program.  If you are after true real-time performance and
+predictability, buy yourself an Arduino !
+Note that the current release does not support SPI, I2C, hardware PWM or serial functionality on the RPi yet.
+This is planned for the near future - watch this space!  One-wire functionality is also planned.
+Although hardware PWM is not available yet, software PWM is available to use on all channels.
+For examples and documentation, visit
+Change Log
+- Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
+- Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
+- Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
+- Fix docstrings to not include licence
+- Remove Debian/Raspbian stretch packaging support
+- Use setuptools instead of distutils
+- Added detection of Zero 2 W
+- Tested and working with Python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
+- Updated RPI_INFO to include RPi 4B
+- Fixed pull up/down for Pi4 (issue 168)
+- Fix spelling mistake in docstrings
+- Tested and working on Raspbian Buster + Python 3.8.0b2
+- Fix board detection for aarch64 (Issues 161 / 165)
+- Fix checking mmap return value in c_gpio.c (issue 166)
+- Fix exception on re-export of /sys/class/gpio/gpioNN
+- Event cleanup bug (issue 145)
+- Raise exception for duplicate PWM objects (issue 54 - Thijs Schreijer <>)
+- Fix build warnings (Issue 146 - Dominik George) 
+- runs unchanged for both python 2+3
+- Soft PWM stops running fix (Issues 94, 111, 154)
+- Soft PWM segfault fix (Luke Allen pull request)
+- Fix code so it builds under PyPy (Gasper Zejn)
+- os.system breaks event detection - Matt Kimball (issue 127)
+- Rewrote Debian packaging mechanism
+- RPI_INFO reports Pi 3
+- Changed module layout - moved C components to RPi._GPIO
+- Update RPI_INFO to detect more board types
+- Issue 118 - add_event_detect sometimes gives runtime error with unpriv user 
+- Issue 120 - setmode() remembers invalid mode
+- Now uses /dev/gpiomem if available to avoid being run as root
+- Fix warnings with pull up/down on pins 3/5
+- Correct base address on Pi 2 when devicetree is disabled
+- caddr_t error on compile (Issue 109)
+- Error on invalid parameters to setup() (issue 93)
+- Add timeout parameter to wait_for_edge() (issue 91)
+- Fix - pins > 26 missing when using BOARD mode
+- Add getmode()
+- Raise exception when a mix of modes is used
+- GPIO.cleanaup() unsets the current pin mode
+- Issue 95 - support RPi 2 boards
+- Introduce RPI_INFO
+- Deprecate RPI_REVISION
+- Issue 97 - fixed docstring for setup()
+- Issue 87 - warn about pull up/down on i2c pins
+- Issue 86/75 - wait_for_edge() bugfix
+- Issue 84 - recognise RPi properly when using a custom kernel
+- Issue 90 - cleanup() on a list/tuple of channels
+- Allow lists/tuples of channels in GPIO.setup()
+- GPIO.output() now allows lists/tuples of values
+- GPIO.wait_for_edge() bug fixes (issue 78)
+- Issue 67 - speed up repeated calls to GPIO.wait_for_event()
+- Added bouncetime keyword to GPIO.wait_for_event()
+- Added extra edge/interrupt unit tests
+- GPIO.wait_for_event() can now be mixed with GPIO.add_event_detect()
+- Improved cleanups of events
+- Issue 69 resolved
+- Issue 68 - support for RPi Model B+
+- Fix gpio_function()
+- Issue 52 - 'unallocate' a channel
+- Issue 35 - use switchbounce with GPIO.event_detected()
+- Refactored events code
+- Rewrote tests to use unittest mechanism and new test board with loopbacks
+- Fixed adding events after a GPIO.cleanup()
+- Issue 64 - misleading /dev/mem permissions error
+- Issue 59 - name collision with PWM constant and class
+- Changed release status (from alpha to full release)
+- Warn when GPIO.cleanup() used with nothing to clean up (issue 44)
+- Avoid collisions in constants (e.g. HIGH / RISING / PUD_DOWN)
+- Accept BOARD numbers in gpio_function (issue 34)
+- More return values for gpio_function (INPUT, OUTPUT, SPI, I2C, PWM, SERIAL, UNKNOWN)
+- Tidy up docstrings
+- Fix /dev/mem access error with gpio_function
+- Allow pydoc for non-root users (issue 27)
+- Fix add_event_detect error when run as daemon (issue 32)
+- Simplified exception types
+- Changed from distribute to pip
+- Added software PWM (experimental)
+- Added switch bounce handling to event callbacks
+- Added channel number parameter to event callbacks (issue 31)
+- Internal refactoring and code tidy up
+- Fixed callbacks for multiple GPIOs (issue 28)
+- Added new edge detection events (interrupt handling)
+  - Added add_event_detect()
+  - Added remove_event_detect()
+  - Added add_event_callback()
+  - Added wait_for_edge()
+- Removed old experimental event functions
+  - Removed set_rising_event()
+  - Removed set_falling_event()
+  - Removed set_high_event()
+  - Removed set_low_event()
+- Changed event_detected() for new edge detection functionality
+- input() now returns 0/LOW == False or 1/HIGH == True (integers) instead of False or True (booleans).
+- Fix error on repeated import (issue 3)
+- Change SetupException to a RuntimeError so it can be caught on import (issue 25, Chris Hager <>)
+- Improved docstrings of functions
+- Fix for installing on Arch Linux (Python 3.3) (issue 20)
+- Initial value when setting a channel as an output (issue 19)
+- Added VERSION
+- Permit input() of channels set as outputs (Eric Ptak <>)
+- Added support for Revision 2 boards
+- Added cleanup() function and removed automatic reset functionality on program exit
+- Added get_function() to read existing GPIO channel functionality (suggestion from Eric Ptak <>)
+- Added set_rising_event()
+- Added set_falling_event()
+- Added set_high_event()
+- Added set_low_event()
+- Added event_detected()
+- Added test/
+- Converted debian to armhf
+- Fixed C function short_wait() (thanks to Thibault Porteboeuf <>)
+- Fixed critical bug with swapped high/low state on outputs
+- Added pull-up / pull-down setup functionality for inputs
+- Rewritten as a C extension
+- Now uses /dev/mem and SoC registers instead of /sys/class/gpio
+- Faster!
+- Make call to GPIO.setmode() mandatory
+- Added GPIO.HIGH and GPIO.LOW constants
+- Changed status from alpha to beta
+- Added setmode() to be able to use BCM GPIO 00.nn channel numbers
+- Renamed InvalidPinException to InvalidChannelException
+- Fixed direction bug
+- Added (to include missing file)
+- Changed GPIO channel number to pin number
+- Tested and working!
+- Added GPIO table
+- Refactored
+- Fixed a few critical bugs
+- Still completely untested!
+- Internal refactoring.  Still completely untested!
+- First version.  Completely untested until I can get hold of a Raspberry Pi!
diff --git a/RPi.GPIO.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/RPi.GPIO.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 6586ba1..9473cd9 100644
--- a/RPi.GPIO.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/RPi.GPIO.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,259 +1,11 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: RPi.GPIO
-Version: 0.7.1a4
+Version: 0.7.1
 Summary: A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels
 Author: Ben Croston
 License: MIT
-Description: This package provides a Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
-        Note that this module is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications.  This is because you
-        can not predict when Python will be busy garbage collecting.  It also runs under the Linux kernel which
-        is not suitable for real time applications - it is multitasking O/S and another process may be given
-        priority over the CPU, causing jitter in your program.  If you are after true real-time performance and
-        predictability, buy yourself an Arduino !
-        Note that the current release does not support SPI, I2C, hardware PWM or serial functionality on the RPi yet.
-        This is planned for the near future - watch this space!  One-wire functionality is also planned.
-        Although hardware PWM is not available yet, software PWM is available to use on all channels.
-        For examples and documentation, visit
-        Change Log
-        ==========
-        0.7.1a4
-        -------
-        Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
-        0.7.1a3
-        -------
-        Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
-        0.7.1a2
-        -------
-        Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
-        0.7.1a1
-        -------
-        - Fix docstrings to not include licence
-        - Remove Debian/Raspbian stretch packaging support
-        - Use setuptools instead of distutils
-        0.7.0
-        -----
-        - Updated RPI_INFO to include RPi 4B
-        - Fixed pull up/down for Pi4 (issue 168)
-        - Fix spelling mistake in docstrings
-        - Tested and working on Raspbian Buster + Python 3.8.0b2
-        - Fix board detection for aarch64 (Issues 161 / 165)
-        - Fix checking mmap return value in c_gpio.c (issue 166)
-        0.6.5
-        -----
-        - Fix exception on re-export of /sys/class/gpio/gpioNN
-        0.6.4
-        -----
-        - Event cleanup bug (issue 145)
-        - Raise exception for duplicate PWM objects (issue 54 - Thijs Schreijer <>)
-        - Fix build warnings (Issue 146 - Dominik George) 
-        - runs unchanged for both python 2+3
-        - Soft PWM stops running fix (Issues 94, 111, 154)
-        - Soft PWM segfault fix (Luke Allen pull request)
-        0.6.3
-        -----
-        - Fix code so it builds under PyPy (Gasper Zejn)
-        - os.system breaks event detection - Matt Kimball (issue 127)
-        0.6.2
-        -----
-        - Rewrote Debian packaging mechanism
-        - RPI_INFO reports Pi 3
-        - Changed module layout - moved C components to RPi._GPIO
-        0.6.1
-        -----
-        - Update RPI_INFO to detect more board types
-        - Issue 118 - add_event_detect sometimes gives runtime error with unpriv user 
-        - Issue 120 - setmode() remembers invalid mode
-        0.6.0a3
-        -------
-        - Now uses /dev/gpiomem if available to avoid being run as root
-        - Fix warnings with pull up/down on pins 3/5
-        - Correct base address on Pi 2 when devicetree is disabled
-        - caddr_t error on compile (Issue 109)
-        - Error on invalid parameters to setup() (issue 93)
-        - Add timeout parameter to wait_for_edge() (issue 91)
-        0.5.11
-        ------
-        - Fix - pins > 26 missing when using BOARD mode
-        - Add getmode()
-        - Raise exception when a mix of modes is used
-        - GPIO.cleanaup() unsets the current pin mode
-        0.5.10
-        ------
-        - Issue 95 - support RPi 2 boards
-        - Introduce RPI_INFO
-        - Deprecate RPI_REVISION
-        - Issue 97 - fixed docstring for setup()
-        0.5.9
-        -----
-        - Issue 87 - warn about pull up/down on i2c pins
-        - Issue 86/75 - wait_for_edge() bugfix
-        - Issue 84 - recognise RPi properly when using a custom kernel
-        - Issue 90 - cleanup() on a list/tuple of channels
-        0.5.8
-        -----
-        - Allow lists/tuples of channels in GPIO.setup()
-        - GPIO.output() now allows lists/tuples of values
-        - GPIO.wait_for_edge() bug fixes (issue 78)
-        0.5.7
-        -----
-        - Issue 67 - speed up repeated calls to GPIO.wait_for_event()
-        - Added bouncetime keyword to GPIO.wait_for_event()
-        - Added extra edge/interrupt unit tests
-        - GPIO.wait_for_event() can now be mixed with GPIO.add_event_detect()
-        - Improved cleanups of events
-        - Issue 69 resolved
-        0.5.6
-        -----
-        - Issue 68 - support for RPi Model B+
-        - Fix gpio_function()
-        0.5.5
-        -----
-        - Issue 52 - 'unallocate' a channel
-        - Issue 35 - use switchbounce with GPIO.event_detected()
-        - Refactored events code
-        - Rewrote tests to use unittest mechanism and new test board with loopbacks
-        - Fixed adding events after a GPIO.cleanup()
-        - Issue 64 - misleading /dev/mem permissions error
-        - Issue 59 - name collision with PWM constant and class
-        0.5.4
-        -----
-        - Changed release status (from alpha to full release)
-        - Warn when GPIO.cleanup() used with nothing to clean up (issue 44)
-        - Avoid collisions in constants (e.g. HIGH / RISING / PUD_DOWN)
-        - Accept BOARD numbers in gpio_function (issue 34)
-        - More return values for gpio_function (INPUT, OUTPUT, SPI, I2C, PWM, SERIAL, UNKNOWN)
-        - Tidy up docstrings
-        - Fix /dev/mem access error with gpio_function
-        0.5.3a
-        ------
-        - Allow pydoc for non-root users (issue 27)
-        - Fix add_event_detect error when run as daemon (issue 32)
-        - Simplified exception types
-        - Changed from distribute to pip
-        0.5.2a
-        ------
-        - Added software PWM (experimental)
-        - Added switch bounce handling to event callbacks
-        - Added channel number parameter to event callbacks (issue 31)
-        - Internal refactoring and code tidy up
-        0.5.1a
-        ------
-        - Fixed callbacks for multiple GPIOs (issue 28)
-        0.5.0a
-        ------
-        - Added new edge detection events (interrupt handling)
-          - Added add_event_detect()
-          - Added remove_event_detect()
-          - Added add_event_callback()
-          - Added wait_for_edge()
-        - Removed old experimental event functions
-          - Removed set_rising_event()
-          - Removed set_falling_event()
-          - Removed set_high_event()
-          - Removed set_low_event()
-        - Changed event_detected() for new edge detection functionality
-        - input() now returns 0/LOW == False or 1/HIGH == True (integers) instead of False or True (booleans).
-        - Fix error on repeated import (issue 3)
-        - Change SetupException to a RuntimeError so it can be caught on import (issue 25, Chris Hager <>)
-        - Improved docstrings of functions
-        0.4.2a
-        ------
-        - Fix for installing on Arch Linux (Python 3.3) (issue 20)
-        - Initial value when setting a channel as an output (issue 19)
-        0.4.1a
-        ------
-        - Added VERSION
-        - Permit input() of channels set as outputs (Eric Ptak <>)
-        0.4.0a
-        ------
-        - Added support for Revision 2 boards
-        - Added RPI_REVISION
-        - Added cleanup() function and removed automatic reset functionality on program exit
-        - Added get_function() to read existing GPIO channel functionality (suggestion from Eric Ptak <>)
-        - Added set_rising_event()
-        - Added set_falling_event()
-        - Added set_high_event()
-        - Added set_low_event()
-        - Added event_detected()
-        - Added test/
-        - Converted debian to armhf
-        - Fixed C function short_wait() (thanks to Thibault Porteboeuf <>)
-        0.3.1a
-        ------
-        - Fixed critical bug with swapped high/low state on outputs
-        - Added pull-up / pull-down setup functionality for inputs
-        0.3.0a
-        ------
-        - Rewritten as a C extension
-        - Now uses /dev/mem and SoC registers instead of /sys/class/gpio
-        - Faster!
-        - Make call to GPIO.setmode() mandatory
-        - Added GPIO.HIGH and GPIO.LOW constants
-        0.2.0
-        -----
-        - Changed status from alpha to beta
-        - Added setmode() to be able to use BCM GPIO 00.nn channel numbers
-        - Renamed InvalidPinException to InvalidChannelException
-        0.1.0
-        ------
-        - Fixed direction bug
-        - Added (to include missing file)
-        - Changed GPIO channel number to pin number
-        - Tested and working!
-        0.0.3a
-        ------
-        - Added GPIO table
-        - Refactored
-        - Fixed a few critical bugs
-        - Still completely untested!
-        0.0.2a
-        ------
-        - Internal refactoring.  Still completely untested!
-        0.0.1a
-        ------
-        - First version.  Completely untested until I can get hold of a Raspberry Pi!
 Keywords: Raspberry Pi GPIO
 Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
@@ -265,3 +17,247 @@ Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
 Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
 Classifier: Topic :: Home Automation
 Classifier: Topic :: System :: Hardware
+License-File: LICENCE.txt
+This package provides a Python module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
+Note that this module is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications.  This is because you
+can not predict when Python will be busy garbage collecting.  It also runs under the Linux kernel which
+is not suitable for real time applications - it is multitasking O/S and another process may be given
+priority over the CPU, causing jitter in your program.  If you are after true real-time performance and
+predictability, buy yourself an Arduino !
+Note that the current release does not support SPI, I2C, hardware PWM or serial functionality on the RPi yet.
+This is planned for the near future - watch this space!  One-wire functionality is also planned.
+Although hardware PWM is not available yet, software PWM is available to use on all channels.
+For examples and documentation, visit
+Change Log
+- Better RPi board + peri_addr detection (issue 190 / 191)
+- Fix PyEval_InitThreads deprecation warning for Python 3.9 (issue 188)
+- Fix build using GCC 10 (issue 187)
+- Fix docstrings to not include licence
+- Remove Debian/Raspbian stretch packaging support
+- Use setuptools instead of distutils
+- Added detection of Zero 2 W
+- Tested and working with Python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
+- Updated RPI_INFO to include RPi 4B
+- Fixed pull up/down for Pi4 (issue 168)
+- Fix spelling mistake in docstrings
+- Tested and working on Raspbian Buster + Python 3.8.0b2
+- Fix board detection for aarch64 (Issues 161 / 165)
+- Fix checking mmap return value in c_gpio.c (issue 166)
+- Fix exception on re-export of /sys/class/gpio/gpioNN
+- Event cleanup bug (issue 145)
+- Raise exception for duplicate PWM objects (issue 54 - Thijs Schreijer <>)
+- Fix build warnings (Issue 146 - Dominik George) 
+- runs unchanged for both python 2+3
+- Soft PWM stops running fix (Issues 94, 111, 154)
+- Soft PWM segfault fix (Luke Allen pull request)
+- Fix code so it builds under PyPy (Gasper Zejn)
+- os.system breaks event detection - Matt Kimball (issue 127)
+- Rewrote Debian packaging mechanism
+- RPI_INFO reports Pi 3
+- Changed module layout - moved C components to RPi._GPIO
+- Update RPI_INFO to detect more board types
+- Issue 118 - add_event_detect sometimes gives runtime error with unpriv user 
+- Issue 120 - setmode() remembers invalid mode
+- Now uses /dev/gpiomem if available to avoid being run as root
+- Fix warnings with pull up/down on pins 3/5
+- Correct base address on Pi 2 when devicetree is disabled
+- caddr_t error on compile (Issue 109)
+- Error on invalid parameters to setup() (issue 93)
+- Add timeout parameter to wait_for_edge() (issue 91)
+- Fix - pins > 26 missing when using BOARD mode
+- Add getmode()
+- Raise exception when a mix of modes is used
+- GPIO.cleanaup() unsets the current pin mode
+- Issue 95 - support RPi 2 boards
+- Introduce RPI_INFO
+- Deprecate RPI_REVISION
+- Issue 97 - fixed docstring for setup()
+- Issue 87 - warn about pull up/down on i2c pins
+- Issue 86/75 - wait_for_edge() bugfix
+- Issue 84 - recognise RPi properly when using a custom kernel
+- Issue 90 - cleanup() on a list/tuple of channels
+- Allow lists/tuples of channels in GPIO.setup()
+- GPIO.output() now allows lists/tuples of values
+- GPIO.wait_for_edge() bug fixes (issue 78)
+- Issue 67 - speed up repeated calls to GPIO.wait_for_event()
+- Added bouncetime keyword to GPIO.wait_for_event()
+- Added extra edge/interrupt unit tests
+- GPIO.wait_for_event() can now be mixed with GPIO.add_event_detect()
+- Improved cleanups of events
+- Issue 69 resolved
+- Issue 68 - support for RPi Model B+
+- Fix gpio_function()
+- Issue 52 - 'unallocate' a channel
+- Issue 35 - use switchbounce with GPIO.event_detected()
+- Refactored events code
+- Rewrote tests to use unittest mechanism and new test board with loopbacks
+- Fixed adding events after a GPIO.cleanup()
+- Issue 64 - misleading /dev/mem permissions error
+- Issue 59 - name collision with PWM constant and class
+- Changed release status (from alpha to full release)
+- Warn when GPIO.cleanup() used with nothing to clean up (issue 44)
+- Avoid collisions in constants (e.g. HIGH / RISING / PUD_DOWN)
+- Accept BOARD numbers in gpio_function (issue 34)
+- More return values for gpio_function (INPUT, OUTPUT, SPI, I2C, PWM, SERIAL, UNKNOWN)
+- Tidy up docstrings
+- Fix /dev/mem access error with gpio_function
+- Allow pydoc for non-root users (issue 27)
+- Fix add_event_detect error when run as daemon (issue 32)
+- Simplified exception types
+- Changed from distribute to pip
+- Added software PWM (experimental)
+- Added switch bounce handling to event callbacks
+- Added channel number parameter to event callbacks (issue 31)
+- Internal refactoring and code tidy up
+- Fixed callbacks for multiple GPIOs (issue 28)
+- Added new edge detection events (interrupt handling)
+  - Added add_event_detect()
+  - Added remove_event_detect()
+  - Added add_event_callback()
+  - Added wait_for_edge()
+- Removed old experimental event functions
+  - Removed set_rising_event()
+  - Removed set_falling_event()
+  - Removed set_high_event()
+  - Removed set_low_event()
+- Changed event_detected() for new edge detection functionality
+- input() now returns 0/LOW == False or 1/HIGH == True (integers) instead of False or True (booleans).
+- Fix error on repeated import (issue 3)
+- Change SetupException to a RuntimeError so it can be caught on import (issue 25, Chris Hager <>)
+- Improved docstrings of functions
+- Fix for installing on Arch Linux (Python 3.3) (issue 20)
+- Initial value when setting a channel as an output (issue 19)
+- Added VERSION
+- Permit input() of channels set as outputs (Eric Ptak <>)
+- Added support for Revision 2 boards
+- Added cleanup() function and removed automatic reset functionality on program exit
+- Added get_function() to read existing GPIO channel functionality (suggestion from Eric Ptak <>)
+- Added set_rising_event()
+- Added set_falling_event()
+- Added set_high_event()
+- Added set_low_event()
+- Added event_detected()
+- Added test/
+- Converted debian to armhf
+- Fixed C function short_wait() (thanks to Thibault Porteboeuf <>)
+- Fixed critical bug with swapped high/low state on outputs
+- Added pull-up / pull-down setup functionality for inputs
+- Rewritten as a C extension
+- Now uses /dev/mem and SoC registers instead of /sys/class/gpio
+- Faster!
+- Make call to GPIO.setmode() mandatory
+- Added GPIO.HIGH and GPIO.LOW constants
+- Changed status from alpha to beta
+- Added setmode() to be able to use BCM GPIO 00.nn channel numbers
+- Renamed InvalidPinException to InvalidChannelException
+- Fixed direction bug
+- Added (to include missing file)
+- Changed GPIO channel number to pin number
+- Tested and working!
+- Added GPIO table
+- Refactored
+- Fixed a few critical bugs
+- Still completely untested!
+- Internal refactoring.  Still completely untested!
+- First version.  Completely untested until I can get hold of a Raspberry Pi!
diff --git a/RPi/GPIO/ b/RPi/GPIO/
index 3b22426..b309025 100644
--- a/RPi/GPIO/
+++ b/RPi/GPIO/
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@
 from RPi._GPIO import *
-VERSION = '0.7.1a4'
+VERSION = '0.7.1'
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index de5feec..6b36eba 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+rpi.gpio (0.7.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Sun, 26 Feb 2023 06:10:09 -0000
 rpi.gpio (0.7.1~a4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version. (Closes: #976114)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5a0fadd..239018a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ classifiers = ['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
                'Topic :: System :: Hardware']
 setup(name             = 'RPi.GPIO',
-      version          = '0.7.1a4',
+      version          = '0.7.1',
       author           = 'Ben Croston',
       author_email     = '',
       description      = 'A module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels',
diff --git a/source/cpuinfo.c b/source/cpuinfo.c
index 7e46a2f..426d4f6 100644
--- a/source/cpuinfo.c
+++ b/source/cpuinfo.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
 /* See the following for up to date information:
- *
+ *
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ int get_rpi_info(rpi_info *info)
             switch (revision[len-2]) {
                case '0': info->type = "Compute Module 3+"; info->p1_revision = 0; break;
                case '1': info->type = "Pi 4 Model B"; info->p1_revision = 3; break;
+               case '2': info->type = "Zero 2 W"; info->p1_revision = 3; break;
                case '3': info->type = "Pi 400"; info->p1_revision = 3; break;
                case '4': info->type = "Compute Module 4"; info->p1_revision = 0; break;
                default : info->type = "Unknown"; info->p1_revision = 3; break;

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