New Upstream Snapshot - libchi-perl

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 0.241+git20220107.1.4e59ee1 (was: 0.61).

Resulting package

Built on 2022-10-14T15:18 (took 7m35s)

The resulting binary packages can be installed (if you have the apt repository enabled) by running one of:

apt install -t fresh-snapshots libchi-perl

Lintian Result


diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 034145f..e13a3e8 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,486 +1,491 @@
-Revision history for CHI
-** denotes an incompatible change
-0.61  Oct 13, 2021
-* Fixes
-  - Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated - RT #125596, #115022
-  - Missing dependency on Module::Mask - RT #114665
-* Tests
-  - Added continuous integration (CI) via GitHub Actions
-* Docs
-  - improved POD
-0.60  Jun 7, 2015
-* Fixes
-  - Switch JSON backends from to JSON::MaybeXS - (Karen Etheridge)
-0.59  Jan 7, 2015
-* Improvements
-  - Pass driver to expire_if - (rouzier)
-* Fixes
-  - Fix DiscardPolicy type - RT #95291 (Josh Rosenbaum)
-  - Don't mandate that get_namespaces returns in same order - RT #89892 (nhorne)
-0.58  May 18, 2014
-* Implementation
-  - Use Moo instead of Moose for object system.  This should be fully compatible
-    with existing code, including Moose drivers or other extensions.  This
-    reduces the startup time and memory overhead.
-* Improvements
-  - The Memory and RawMemory drivers now support zero as a valid value for
-    the global argument causing a new hashref datastore to be created. (Aran
-    Deltac)
-* Fixes
-  - Fix busted packaging
-  - Fix the loading of additional roles or traits (jrouzierinverse)
-0.57  Jan 26, 2014
-* Improvements
-  - Use nfreeze instead of freeze for network portability - RT #74188 (Jeffrey Fuller)
-0.56  Oct 22, 2012
-* Fixes
-  - Mention testing_driver_class in CHI/Driver/ - RT #78921 (Nigel Horne)
-* Tests
-  - Add test_multiple_processes for testing drivers under concurrent writes - RT #79132 (Nigel Horne)
-* Docs
-  - Mention that driver tests are responsible for their own cleanup - RT #79100 (Nigel Horne)
-  - Various spelling fixes thanks to Pod::Spell
-0.55  Jul 3, 2012
-* Improvements
-  - Compute derived/aggregate stats in CHI::Stats::parse_stats_logs
-* Fixes
-  - Eliminate "=for html" POD entries, which were mangling output (Pedro Melo)
-0.54  May 30, 2012
-** Incompatible Changes **
-  - ** Switch CHI::Stats format to JSON for easier generation and parsing
-0.53  May 30, 2012
-* Improvements
-  - Measure time elapsed in get, set, and compute; record in logs and stats. Only
-    measure when debug logging or stats are enabled.
-  - compute() now handles list or scalar caller context
-  - The driver parameter now accepts full classes prefixed by '+', as is standard.
-    driver_class is still accepted for backward compatibility but no longer documented.
-* Fixes
-  - compute() no longer modifies passed-in options hashref
-  - Fix get_multi_* with partially empty l1 cache - perl-chi/pull/12 (Mike Cartmell)
-  - Fix get_keys when file_extension set on CHI::Driver::File - RT #76489 (Vitaliy Tokarev)
-  - Have set_multi call store_multi underneath as documented in Development.pod - RT
-    #76621 (Oliver Paukstadt)
-  - Minor POD fixes (Alessandro Ghedini)
-0.52  Mar 7, 2012
-* Improvements
-  - Subclasses inherit configuration from their parents unless they also call config()
-* Fixes
-  - Fix Config test to not require memcached
-0.51  Mar 4, 2012
-* Improvements
-  - Add CHI->config() to register storage types, and set core and per-namespace defaults
-* Fixes
-  - Fix new test_max_key_length test to work on drivers that do not support get_keys
-0.50  Nov 30, 2011
-* Docs
-  - Clarify busy_lock doc, add obj_ref doc (perlover)
-* Fixes
-  - Override set() rather than set_object() in Role/ so that
-    keys are not double-transformed when set in l1 or mirror caches. This is
-    simpler and should be more robust.
-  - Remove htdocs which were accidentally added into dist
-0.49  Jun 23, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Go back to generating version numbers for all sub-modules again
-0.48  Jun 15, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Disregard default expires_at and expires_in if either are provided - RT #67970 (spjw)
-0.47  Apr 28, 2011
-* Improvements
-  - Allow compute() to take get options - expire_if and busy_lock
-  - Add atomic operations: add, append, replace (alpha)
-0.46  Apr 22, 2011
-* Other
-  - Only generate version numbers for .pm files with documentation, to reduce inter-version churn
-0.45  Apr 18, 2011
-* Improvements
-  - Add expires_on_backend parameter
-0.44  Mar 17, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Recreate tarball so that it can be read with older tars
-  - Remove more unnecessary packages from CPAN index
-0.43  Mar 17, 2011
-* Improvements
-  - Add compress_threshold parameter
-0.42  Mar 3, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Put parens around qw in various places to fix for perl 5.13+
-* Improvements
-  - Improve accuracy of benchmarks (nothingmuch)
-0.41  Mar 1, 2011
-* Improvements
-  - Add RawMemory driver, a faster version of Memory that does not serialize/deserialize
-    values
-  - Add etc/bench/ for benchmarking CHI and non-CHI caches
-  - Publish current benchmarking results in CHI::Benchmarks
-* Testing
-  - Stop using test counts (
-0.40  Feb 27, 2011
-* Improvements
-  - Reverse order of 2nd and 3rd arguments in compute() (old order will still work)
-  - Throw error if arguments passed to clear() 
-* Fixes
-  - Fix CHI::Driver::Metacache::meta_cache to build lazily, eliminating intermittent bug
-    and making compatible with Moose 1.99+ (autarch)
-  - Check if get_object defined in purge - RT #63699 (forrest)
-0.39  Feb 6, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Put missing module names back in POD
-0.38  Feb 6, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Move some smoke tests back to author tests
-0.37  Feb 6, 2011
-* Fixes
-  - Eliminate Module::Load::Conditional which was causing problems with - RT
-    #64900 - reported by
-* Implementation
-  - Switch to Dist::Zilla
-0.36  Jun 9, 2010
-* Fixes
-  - Only encode keys with wide characters
-  - In escape_for_filename, replace \w with A-Za-z0-9_ to avoid The Unicode Bug
-0.35  Jun 4, 2010
-* Improvements
-  - Automatically serialize keys that are references
-  - Automatically digest long keys, based on max_key_length and key_digester
-  - Handle utf-8 characters in keys and values
-* Fixes
-  - Add Test::Builder and Test::Log::Dispatch to dependencies - RT #57091 - reported by Doug Bell
-  - Add line about installing Cache::FastMmap in CHI::Driver::FastMmap - RT #55920 - reported by RSAVAGE
-0.34  Feb 9, 2010
-* Improvements
-  - Add statistics recording with CHI::Stats
-  - Add max_build_depth to ward off accidental infinite subcache recursion
-* Fixes
-  - Change unique_id so as not to seg fault with threads - RT #53591 - reported by Marc Tobias
-  - Eliminate existence check in File remove(), as it is prone to race condition - RT #50104 - reported by Aran Deltac
-  - In File clear(), rename directory before removing to reduce chance of conflict
-0.33  Nov 29, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - In CacheContainer, ensure that fetch returns scalar
-  - Include Role::IsSubcache attributes in CHI::Driver->non_common_constructor_params
-0.32  Nov 24, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - get_keys not supported in File driver when key_digest is used, for now
-  - Replace deprecated Class::MOP get_attribute_map with get_attribute_list - RT #52019 -
-    reported by Todd Caine
-  - Include Role::HasSubcaches and Role::IsSizeAware attributes in
-    CHI::Driver->non_common_constructor_params
-0.31  Nov 17, 2009
-* Improvements
-  - ** Rename file_digest to key_digest, so it can be made a generic driver feature later on
-  - Allow key_digest to be passed as a string, hash or object
-  - Create Digest object once per CHI object, rather than once per read/write
-0.30  Nov 5, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Fix bug with size-aware L1 cache not keeping track of size
-  - Fix description of never-expiring set in logs and errors
-* Improvements
-  - Add file_digest and file_extension options to File driver
-  - Improve l1 cache performance by reusing packed CacheObject data
-  - Document options that cannot be overriden by subcache, and warn if user tries to override these
-0.29  Oct 14, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Make sure Memory cache is cleared when multiple objects use the same datastore, or when datastore hash itself is emptied
-  - Fix synopsis of Memory cache in main docs - RT #50360 - reported by zloyrusskiy
-  - Fix get_namespaces when File root dir doesn't exist
-  - Fix tests to use label for log matching
-0.28  Aug 31, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Add Test::Exception, Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch to dependencies
-  - Remove use of no-longer-existent CHI::Test::Logger from test modules - RT #49252
-  - Fix get_multi_* when $@ already contains an error - RT #48988 - reported by Sergey Panteleev
-  - Fix docs to mention root_dir - RT #43409 - reported by anirvan
-* Implementation
-  - Remove private debugging methods dp and dps
-0.27  Aug 27, 2009
-** Incompatible Changes **
-  - ** Switch to using Log::Any for controlling logging, instead of custom CHI->logger()
-* Implementation
-  - Move internal tests to xt/release, as per standard
-0.26  Jul 14, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Eliminate is_subcache redefinition of attribute (causes CHI to fail to load under latest Moose)
-* Implementation
-  - Make sure that tests are only using keys from a particular list; this is necessary for
-    memcached tests, which has to simulate get_keys by checking for all the possible ones
-0.25  Jun 2, 2009
-* Improvements
-  - Non-Moose drivers should be fully functional again (reversing the change in 0.23)
-* Implementation
-  - Moved role composition to factory (ala MooseX::Traits), so that each role can have its
-    own attributes and initialization
-  - Moved all Moose types to CHI::Types
-  - Replaced require_dynamic with Class::MOP::load_class
-0.241  May 26, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Actually add Moose to requirements, in place of Any::Moose
-0.24  May 26, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Reverted test scripts to previous format, as they were causing problems with other
-    driver distributions
-0.23  May 24, 2009
-** Incompatible Changes **
-  - ** Drivers must now be Moose based to be fully functional, since we use Moose roles to
-    implement various features. For backward compatibility, non-Moose drivers will still work
-    at a basic level (for now).
-* Improvements
-  - Added concepts of size awareness, maximum size, and discard policies for any driver.
-    See "Size Awareness" section of docs.
-* Implementation
-  - Added a metacache, which resides in a separate _CHI_META namespace and stores meta-information
-    about caches. Initially for tracking size for size-aware caches.
-  - Added dependency on Carp::Assert
-  - Eliminate boilerplate in test scripts
-* Fixes
-  - Croak if specify both 'global' and 'datastore' for memory driver
-0.22  May 13, 2009
-* Implementation
-  - Switch from Mouse back to Moose - six week experiment over. Once we started using roles,
-    Mouse became increasingly unattractive and the Moose community encouraged us not to go
-    further with it. We can hope (or help ensure) that Moose installation and startup time improves.
-  - Moved subcache code to a separate role, CHI::Driver::Role::HasSubcaches. API remains
-    the same -- activated via l1_cache and mirror_cache options to CHI->new.
-0.21  May 5, 2009
-** Incompatible Changes **
-  - ** Deprecate get_multi_array - silly to have this along with get_multi_arrayref
-  - ** CHI::Driver::Memory will no longer use a global datastore by default - it was too easy
-    to accidentally share the same datstore in unrelated code. Either a datastore or the
-    'global' flag must be specified. Right now the absence of either will issue a warning,
-    eventually this may become an error.
-* Improvements
-  - To implement get_multi_*, drivers now define the simpler fetch_multi_hashref
-  - Made get_multi_* work optimally with l1 caches
-* Fixes
-  - Eliminated t/Multilevel.t which was causing test failures on new installations
-  - Fixed get_namespaces for File driver to ignore non-standard dir names
-* Docs
-  - Tidied pod with Pod::Tidy
-  - Added Features section and mention of Chris Leishman's Cache to docs
-0.2  Apr 25, 2009
-** Incompatibile Changes **
-  - ** Removed CHI::Driver::Multilevel, replaced with subcaches
-  - ** ref($driver) is no longer simply the driver class, it is an auto-generated wrapper
-    class like CHI::Wrapped::CHI::Driver::Memory - this is so that certain driver methods
-    can be automatically wrapped
-* Improvements
-  - Added a more practical and intuitive multi-level cache mechanism: subcaches. l1_cache
-    and mirror_cache are the first two supported subcaches
-  - Added customizable cache label, used in logs and error messages
-0.102  Mar 6, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Skip get_namespaces in tests with drivers that don't support it
-  - Eliminate unconditional use of Data::Serializer in tests; improve error when Data::Serializer not installed
-0.101  Mar 2, 2009
-* Fixes
-  - Don't use Data::Serializer up front
-0.10  Feb 28, 2009
-- ** Deprecate expire_if method - this can easily be done manually, and it now differs
-    deceptively from the expire_if option to get()
-- ** Change expire_if option to simply return undef, without actually expiring the item
-- Switch to Mouse instead of Moose, to reduce install dependencies and overhead. Eliminate
-  Moose-isms as needed. Eventually may switch to Any::Moose but want to get comfortable
-  with Mouse first.
-- Eliminate dependencies on Data::Serializer, File::Slurp, and Module::Find
-- Revert Memory driver implementation to more readable and illustrative form
-- Handle value-too-large errors in FastMmap driver
-- When serializer passed as a string, use raw=>1 so as not to hex-encode or insert token
-- Allow serializer to be passed as a hashref
-- Fix bug when specifying serializer with multilevel driver
-0.091 Jan 2, 2009
-- Ensure that unlink_on_exit=0 is being passed to FastMmap
-- Allow serializer to be passed as a simple string
-- Documentation fixes
-0.09  Dec 30, 2008
-- Moved source to git
-- Added Null driver
-- Fixed main docs regarding Memcached driver
-- Changed FastMmap driver to pass all unrecognized options onto Cache::FastMmap, to better
-  handle future FastMmap versions
-- Fixed small get_keys bug in File driver
-- Added expires time to set logs
-- Added get_multi_array alongside get_multi_arrayref
-- Added test for get_namespaces
-0.081  Sep 24, 2008
-- Fix t/Driver/ test so it does not depend on specific OS error message
-0.08  Sep 23, 2008
-- ** Move CHI::Driver::Memcached to its own distribution
-- Many internal changes to make greater use of Moose (Dave Rolsky).
-- Add serializer option, allowing control over how data is serialized/deserialized
-- The FastMmap driver was not actually making use of the init_file,
-  cache_size, page_size, or num_pages options. Reported by Mike
-  Astle. RT #35819. (Dave Rolsky)
-- Allow suppression of renames in CHI::Driver::File by overriding
-  generate_temporary_filename
-0.07  Mar 12, 2008
-- Add Date::Parse to build dependencies
-0.06  Feb 29, 2008
-- Created separate manual for developing drivers (CHI::Driver::Development)
-- Made standard CHI driver tests easily available to external drivers
-- Fixed clear() in Memcached driver - RT #32859 - reported by Justin Ellison
-- Add size to set logs
-0.05  Jan 30, 2008
-- Switched to Moose
-- Added maximum full path length check to File driver, mainly for MSWin32
-- Added TODO to pod
-0.04  Jan 25, 2008
-- Default unlink_on_exit to 0 for Cache::FastMmap to conform to the CHI API
-0.03  Jan 23, 2008
-- ** Eliminated automatic namespace selection based on caller; namespace now defaults to
-  'Default', as in Cache::Cache.
-- Added 5.6.0 requirement
-- Made Memcached test internal-only for now, since test success depends on presence and
-  configuration of an external server
-- Changed README to generate from
-0.02  Jan 19, 2008
-- Changed Multilevel-Single test to use a temporary root dir
-- Eliminated non-portable file permissions test
-- Concealed use of test package name (Foo::Bar) from PAUSE indexer
-0.01  Jan 15, 2008
-- Initial version
+Revision history for CHI
+** denotes an incompatible change
+* Improvements
+  - Replace List::MoreUtils with List::Util to reduce dependencies - PR #34
+0.61  Oct 13, 2021
+* Fixes
+  - Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated - RT #125596, #115022
+  - Missing dependency on Module::Mask - RT #114665
+* Tests
+  - Added continuous integration (CI) via GitHub Actions
+* Docs
+  - improved POD
+0.60  Jun 7, 2015
+* Fixes
+  - Switch JSON backends from to JSON::MaybeXS - (Karen Etheridge)
+0.59  Jan 7, 2015
+* Improvements
+  - Pass driver to expire_if - (rouzier)
+* Fixes
+  - Fix DiscardPolicy type - RT #95291 (Josh Rosenbaum)
+  - Don't mandate that get_namespaces returns in same order - RT #89892 (nhorne)
+0.58  May 18, 2014
+* Implementation
+  - Use Moo instead of Moose for object system.  This should be fully compatible
+    with existing code, including Moose drivers or other extensions.  This
+    reduces the startup time and memory overhead.
+* Improvements
+  - The Memory and RawMemory drivers now support zero as a valid value for
+    the global argument causing a new hashref datastore to be created. (Aran
+    Deltac)
+* Fixes
+  - Fix busted packaging
+  - Fix the loading of additional roles or traits (jrouzierinverse)
+0.57  Jan 26, 2014
+* Improvements
+  - Use nfreeze instead of freeze for network portability - RT #74188 (Jeffrey Fuller)
+0.56  Oct 22, 2012
+* Fixes
+  - Mention testing_driver_class in CHI/Driver/ - RT #78921 (Nigel Horne)
+* Tests
+  - Add test_multiple_processes for testing drivers under concurrent writes - RT #79132 (Nigel Horne)
+* Docs
+  - Mention that driver tests are responsible for their own cleanup - RT #79100 (Nigel Horne)
+  - Various spelling fixes thanks to Pod::Spell
+0.55  Jul 3, 2012
+* Improvements
+  - Compute derived/aggregate stats in CHI::Stats::parse_stats_logs
+* Fixes
+  - Eliminate "=for html" POD entries, which were mangling output (Pedro Melo)
+0.54  May 30, 2012
+** Incompatible Changes **
+  - ** Switch CHI::Stats format to JSON for easier generation and parsing
+0.53  May 30, 2012
+* Improvements
+  - Measure time elapsed in get, set, and compute; record in logs and stats. Only
+    measure when debug logging or stats are enabled.
+  - compute() now handles list or scalar caller context
+  - The driver parameter now accepts full classes prefixed by '+', as is standard.
+    driver_class is still accepted for backward compatibility but no longer documented.
+* Fixes
+  - compute() no longer modifies passed-in options hashref
+  - Fix get_multi_* with partially empty l1 cache - perl-chi/pull/12 (Mike Cartmell)
+  - Fix get_keys when file_extension set on CHI::Driver::File - RT #76489 (Vitaliy Tokarev)
+  - Have set_multi call store_multi underneath as documented in Development.pod - RT
+    #76621 (Oliver Paukstadt)
+  - Minor POD fixes (Alessandro Ghedini)
+0.52  Mar 7, 2012
+* Improvements
+  - Subclasses inherit configuration from their parents unless they also call config()
+* Fixes
+  - Fix Config test to not require memcached
+0.51  Mar 4, 2012
+* Improvements
+  - Add CHI->config() to register storage types, and set core and per-namespace defaults
+* Fixes
+  - Fix new test_max_key_length test to work on drivers that do not support get_keys
+0.50  Nov 30, 2011
+* Docs
+  - Clarify busy_lock doc, add obj_ref doc (perlover)
+* Fixes
+  - Override set() rather than set_object() in Role/ so that
+    keys are not double-transformed when set in l1 or mirror caches. This is
+    simpler and should be more robust.
+  - Remove htdocs which were accidentally added into dist
+0.49  Jun 23, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Go back to generating version numbers for all sub-modules again
+0.48  Jun 15, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Disregard default expires_at and expires_in if either are provided - RT #67970 (spjw)
+0.47  Apr 28, 2011
+* Improvements
+  - Allow compute() to take get options - expire_if and busy_lock
+  - Add atomic operations: add, append, replace (alpha)
+0.46  Apr 22, 2011
+* Other
+  - Only generate version numbers for .pm files with documentation, to reduce inter-version churn
+0.45  Apr 18, 2011
+* Improvements
+  - Add expires_on_backend parameter
+0.44  Mar 17, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Recreate tarball so that it can be read with older tars
+  - Remove more unnecessary packages from CPAN index
+0.43  Mar 17, 2011
+* Improvements
+  - Add compress_threshold parameter
+0.42  Mar 3, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Put parens around qw in various places to fix for perl 5.13+
+* Improvements
+  - Improve accuracy of benchmarks (nothingmuch)
+0.41  Mar 1, 2011
+* Improvements
+  - Add RawMemory driver, a faster version of Memory that does not serialize/deserialize
+    values
+  - Add etc/bench/ for benchmarking CHI and non-CHI caches
+  - Publish current benchmarking results in CHI::Benchmarks
+* Testing
+  - Stop using test counts (
+0.40  Feb 27, 2011
+* Improvements
+  - Reverse order of 2nd and 3rd arguments in compute() (old order will still work)
+  - Throw error if arguments passed to clear() 
+* Fixes
+  - Fix CHI::Driver::Metacache::meta_cache to build lazily, eliminating intermittent bug
+    and making compatible with Moose 1.99+ (autarch)
+  - Check if get_object defined in purge - RT #63699 (forrest)
+0.39  Feb 6, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Put missing module names back in POD
+0.38  Feb 6, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Move some smoke tests back to author tests
+0.37  Feb 6, 2011
+* Fixes
+  - Eliminate Module::Load::Conditional which was causing problems with - RT
+    #64900 - reported by
+* Implementation
+  - Switch to Dist::Zilla
+0.36  Jun 9, 2010
+* Fixes
+  - Only encode keys with wide characters
+  - In escape_for_filename, replace \w with A-Za-z0-9_ to avoid The Unicode Bug
+0.35  Jun 4, 2010
+* Improvements
+  - Automatically serialize keys that are references
+  - Automatically digest long keys, based on max_key_length and key_digester
+  - Handle utf-8 characters in keys and values
+* Fixes
+  - Add Test::Builder and Test::Log::Dispatch to dependencies - RT #57091 - reported by Doug Bell
+  - Add line about installing Cache::FastMmap in CHI::Driver::FastMmap - RT #55920 - reported by RSAVAGE
+0.34  Feb 9, 2010
+* Improvements
+  - Add statistics recording with CHI::Stats
+  - Add max_build_depth to ward off accidental infinite subcache recursion
+* Fixes
+  - Change unique_id so as not to seg fault with threads - RT #53591 - reported by Marc Tobias
+  - Eliminate existence check in File remove(), as it is prone to race condition - RT #50104 - reported by Aran Deltac
+  - In File clear(), rename directory before removing to reduce chance of conflict
+0.33  Nov 29, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - In CacheContainer, ensure that fetch returns scalar
+  - Include Role::IsSubcache attributes in CHI::Driver->non_common_constructor_params
+0.32  Nov 24, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - get_keys not supported in File driver when key_digest is used, for now
+  - Replace deprecated Class::MOP get_attribute_map with get_attribute_list - RT #52019 -
+    reported by Todd Caine
+  - Include Role::HasSubcaches and Role::IsSizeAware attributes in
+    CHI::Driver->non_common_constructor_params
+0.31  Nov 17, 2009
+* Improvements
+  - ** Rename file_digest to key_digest, so it can be made a generic driver feature later on
+  - Allow key_digest to be passed as a string, hash or object
+  - Create Digest object once per CHI object, rather than once per read/write
+0.30  Nov 5, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Fix bug with size-aware L1 cache not keeping track of size
+  - Fix description of never-expiring set in logs and errors
+* Improvements
+  - Add file_digest and file_extension options to File driver
+  - Improve l1 cache performance by reusing packed CacheObject data
+  - Document options that cannot be overriden by subcache, and warn if user tries to override these
+0.29  Oct 14, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Make sure Memory cache is cleared when multiple objects use the same datastore, or when datastore hash itself is emptied
+  - Fix synopsis of Memory cache in main docs - RT #50360 - reported by zloyrusskiy
+  - Fix get_namespaces when File root dir doesn't exist
+  - Fix tests to use label for log matching
+0.28  Aug 31, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Add Test::Exception, Log::Any::Adapter::Dispatch to dependencies
+  - Remove use of no-longer-existent CHI::Test::Logger from test modules - RT #49252
+  - Fix get_multi_* when $@ already contains an error - RT #48988 - reported by Sergey Panteleev
+  - Fix docs to mention root_dir - RT #43409 - reported by anirvan
+* Implementation
+  - Remove private debugging methods dp and dps
+0.27  Aug 27, 2009
+** Incompatible Changes **
+  - ** Switch to using Log::Any for controlling logging, instead of custom CHI->logger()
+* Implementation
+  - Move internal tests to xt/release, as per standard
+0.26  Jul 14, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Eliminate is_subcache redefinition of attribute (causes CHI to fail to load under latest Moose)
+* Implementation
+  - Make sure that tests are only using keys from a particular list; this is necessary for
+    memcached tests, which has to simulate get_keys by checking for all the possible ones
+0.25  Jun 2, 2009
+* Improvements
+  - Non-Moose drivers should be fully functional again (reversing the change in 0.23)
+* Implementation
+  - Moved role composition to factory (ala MooseX::Traits), so that each role can have its
+    own attributes and initialization
+  - Moved all Moose types to CHI::Types
+  - Replaced require_dynamic with Class::MOP::load_class
+0.241  May 26, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Actually add Moose to requirements, in place of Any::Moose
+0.24  May 26, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Reverted test scripts to previous format, as they were causing problems with other
+    driver distributions
+0.23  May 24, 2009
+** Incompatible Changes **
+  - ** Drivers must now be Moose based to be fully functional, since we use Moose roles to
+    implement various features. For backward compatibility, non-Moose drivers will still work
+    at a basic level (for now).
+* Improvements
+  - Added concepts of size awareness, maximum size, and discard policies for any driver.
+    See "Size Awareness" section of docs.
+* Implementation
+  - Added a metacache, which resides in a separate _CHI_META namespace and stores meta-information
+    about caches. Initially for tracking size for size-aware caches.
+  - Added dependency on Carp::Assert
+  - Eliminate boilerplate in test scripts
+* Fixes
+  - Croak if specify both 'global' and 'datastore' for memory driver
+0.22  May 13, 2009
+* Implementation
+  - Switch from Mouse back to Moose - six week experiment over. Once we started using roles,
+    Mouse became increasingly unattractive and the Moose community encouraged us not to go
+    further with it. We can hope (or help ensure) that Moose installation and startup time improves.
+  - Moved subcache code to a separate role, CHI::Driver::Role::HasSubcaches. API remains
+    the same -- activated via l1_cache and mirror_cache options to CHI->new.
+0.21  May 5, 2009
+** Incompatible Changes **
+  - ** Deprecate get_multi_array - silly to have this along with get_multi_arrayref
+  - ** CHI::Driver::Memory will no longer use a global datastore by default - it was too easy
+    to accidentally share the same datstore in unrelated code. Either a datastore or the
+    'global' flag must be specified. Right now the absence of either will issue a warning,
+    eventually this may become an error.
+* Improvements
+  - To implement get_multi_*, drivers now define the simpler fetch_multi_hashref
+  - Made get_multi_* work optimally with l1 caches
+* Fixes
+  - Eliminated t/Multilevel.t which was causing test failures on new installations
+  - Fixed get_namespaces for File driver to ignore non-standard dir names
+* Docs
+  - Tidied pod with Pod::Tidy
+  - Added Features section and mention of Chris Leishman's Cache to docs
+0.2  Apr 25, 2009
+** Incompatibile Changes **
+  - ** Removed CHI::Driver::Multilevel, replaced with subcaches
+  - ** ref($driver) is no longer simply the driver class, it is an auto-generated wrapper
+    class like CHI::Wrapped::CHI::Driver::Memory - this is so that certain driver methods
+    can be automatically wrapped
+* Improvements
+  - Added a more practical and intuitive multi-level cache mechanism: subcaches. l1_cache
+    and mirror_cache are the first two supported subcaches
+  - Added customizable cache label, used in logs and error messages
+0.102  Mar 6, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Skip get_namespaces in tests with drivers that don't support it
+  - Eliminate unconditional use of Data::Serializer in tests; improve error when Data::Serializer not installed
+0.101  Mar 2, 2009
+* Fixes
+  - Don't use Data::Serializer up front
+0.10  Feb 28, 2009
+- ** Deprecate expire_if method - this can easily be done manually, and it now differs
+    deceptively from the expire_if option to get()
+- ** Change expire_if option to simply return undef, without actually expiring the item
+- Switch to Mouse instead of Moose, to reduce install dependencies and overhead. Eliminate
+  Moose-isms as needed. Eventually may switch to Any::Moose but want to get comfortable
+  with Mouse first.
+- Eliminate dependencies on Data::Serializer, File::Slurp, and Module::Find
+- Revert Memory driver implementation to more readable and illustrative form
+- Handle value-too-large errors in FastMmap driver
+- When serializer passed as a string, use raw=>1 so as not to hex-encode or insert token
+- Allow serializer to be passed as a hashref
+- Fix bug when specifying serializer with multilevel driver
+0.091 Jan 2, 2009
+- Ensure that unlink_on_exit=0 is being passed to FastMmap
+- Allow serializer to be passed as a simple string
+- Documentation fixes
+0.09  Dec 30, 2008
+- Moved source to git
+- Added Null driver
+- Fixed main docs regarding Memcached driver
+- Changed FastMmap driver to pass all unrecognized options onto Cache::FastMmap, to better
+  handle future FastMmap versions
+- Fixed small get_keys bug in File driver
+- Added expires time to set logs
+- Added get_multi_array alongside get_multi_arrayref
+- Added test for get_namespaces
+0.081  Sep 24, 2008
+- Fix t/Driver/ test so it does not depend on specific OS error message
+0.08  Sep 23, 2008
+- ** Move CHI::Driver::Memcached to its own distribution
+- Many internal changes to make greater use of Moose (Dave Rolsky).
+- Add serializer option, allowing control over how data is serialized/deserialized
+- The FastMmap driver was not actually making use of the init_file,
+  cache_size, page_size, or num_pages options. Reported by Mike
+  Astle. RT #35819. (Dave Rolsky)
+- Allow suppression of renames in CHI::Driver::File by overriding
+  generate_temporary_filename
+0.07  Mar 12, 2008
+- Add Date::Parse to build dependencies
+0.06  Feb 29, 2008
+- Created separate manual for developing drivers (CHI::Driver::Development)
+- Made standard CHI driver tests easily available to external drivers
+- Fixed clear() in Memcached driver - RT #32859 - reported by Justin Ellison
+- Add size to set logs
+0.05  Jan 30, 2008
+- Switched to Moose
+- Added maximum full path length check to File driver, mainly for MSWin32
+- Added TODO to pod
+0.04  Jan 25, 2008
+- Default unlink_on_exit to 0 for Cache::FastMmap to conform to the CHI API
+0.03  Jan 23, 2008
+- ** Eliminated automatic namespace selection based on caller; namespace now defaults to
+  'Default', as in Cache::Cache.
+- Added 5.6.0 requirement
+- Made Memcached test internal-only for now, since test success depends on presence and
+  configuration of an external server
+- Changed README to generate from
+0.02  Jan 19, 2008
+- Changed Multilevel-Single test to use a temporary root dir
+- Eliminated non-portable file permissions test
+- Concealed use of test package name (Foo::Bar) from PAUSE indexer
+0.01  Jan 15, 2008
+- Initial version
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index dac593a..ba5a0ec 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest v6.024.
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest v6.025.
diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
index cbe85d1..86f6c09 100644
--- a/META.json
+++ b/META.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       "Jonathan Swartz <>"
    "dynamic_config" : 0,
-   "generated_by" : "Dist::Zilla version 6.024, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
+   "generated_by" : "Dist::Zilla version 6.025, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
    "license" : [
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
             "File::Spec" : "0.80",
             "Hash::MoreUtils" : "0",
             "JSON::MaybeXS" : "1.003003",
-            "List::MoreUtils" : "0.13",
+            "List::Util" : "1.45",
             "Log::Any" : "0.08",
             "Moo" : "1.003",
             "MooX::Types::MooseLike" : "0.23",
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
    "version" : "0.61",
-   "x_generated_by_perl" : "v5.30.2",
-   "x_serialization_backend" : "Cpanel::JSON::XS version 4.19",
+   "x_generated_by_perl" : "v5.34.0",
+   "x_serialization_backend" : "Cpanel::JSON::XS version 4.32",
    "x_spdx_expression" : "Artistic-1.0-Perl OR GPL-1.0-or-later"
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index 58181ec..05bc1d5 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ build_requires:
   ExtUtils::MakeMaker: '0'
 dynamic_config: 0
-generated_by: 'Dist::Zilla version 6.024, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
+generated_by: 'Dist::Zilla version 6.025, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
 license: perl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ requires:
   File::Spec: '0.80'
   Hash::MoreUtils: '0'
   JSON::MaybeXS: '1.003003'
-  List::MoreUtils: '0.13'
+  List::Util: '1.45'
   Log::Any: '0.08'
   Moo: '1.003'
   MooX::Types::MooseLike: '0.23'
@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ resources:
   repository: git://
 version: '0.61'
-x_generated_by_perl: v5.30.2
+x_generated_by_perl: v5.34.0
 x_serialization_backend: 'YAML::Tiny version 1.73'
 x_spdx_expression: 'Artistic-1.0-Perl OR GPL-1.0-or-later'
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index 954be02..1052152 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker v6.024.
+# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker v6.025.
 use strict;
 use warnings;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
     "File::Spec" => "0.80",
     "Hash::MoreUtils" => 0,
     "JSON::MaybeXS" => "1.003003",
-    "List::MoreUtils" => "0.13",
+    "List::Util" => "1.45",
     "Log::Any" => "0.08",
     "Moo" => "1.003",
     "MooX::Types::MooseLike" => "0.23",
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ my %FallbackPrereqs = (
   "File::Spec" => "0.80",
   "Hash::MoreUtils" => 0,
   "JSON::MaybeXS" => "1.003003",
-  "List::MoreUtils" => "0.13",
+  "List::Util" => "1.45",
   "Log::Any" => "0.08",
   "Module::Mask" => 0,
   "Moo" => "1.003",
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9898fd5..3421eb0 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+libchi-perl (0.241+git20220107.1.4e59ee1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:14:00 -0000
 libchi-perl (0.61-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Damyan Ivanov ]
diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Adapt-to-changes-in-Cache-FastMmap-1.45.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Adapt-to-changes-in-Cache-FastMmap-1.45.patch
index f1a382f..2542bc9 100644
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Adapt-to-changes-in-Cache-FastMmap-1.45.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Adapt-to-changes-in-Cache-FastMmap-1.45.patch
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ Bug-Debian:
  lib/CHI/t/Driver/ |  6 +++++-
  2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
---- a/lib/CHI/Driver/
-+++ b/lib/CHI/Driver/
-@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@
+Index: libchi-perl.git/lib/CHI/Driver/
+--- libchi-perl.git.orig/lib/CHI/Driver/
++++ libchi-perl.git/lib/CHI/Driver/
+@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ sub BUILD {
      mkpath( $self->root_dir, 0, $self->dir_create_mode )
        if !-d $self->root_dir;
      $self->{fm_params} = {
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ Bug-Debian:
          unlink_on_exit => 0,
          share_file     => catfile(
-@@ -107,8 +111,8 @@
+@@ -107,8 +111,8 @@ though not between hosts.
  To support namespaces, this driver takes a directory parameter rather than a
  file, and creates one Cache::FastMMap file for each namespace.
@@ -50,9 +52,11 @@ Bug-Debian:
  all cache files are permanent.
---- a/lib/CHI/t/Driver/
-+++ b/lib/CHI/t/Driver/
-@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@
+Index: libchi-perl.git/lib/CHI/t/Driver/
+--- libchi-perl.git.orig/lib/CHI/t/Driver/
++++ libchi-perl.git/lib/CHI/t/Driver/
+@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@ sub test_fm_cache : Tests {
      my %defaults = (
          unlink_on_exit => 0,
          empty_on_exit  => 0,
diff --git a/etc/bench/ b/etc/bench/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index fd36649..0638b18
--- a/etc/bench/
+++ b/etc/bench/
@@ -1,376 +1,375 @@
-# Compare various cache backends
-use Benchmark qw(:hireswallclock timethese);
-use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
-use Cwd qw(realpath);
-use Data::Dump qw(dump);
-use DBI;
-use DBD::mysql;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Path;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Hash::MoreUtils qw(slice_def);
-use List::Util qw(sum);
-use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
-use Pod::Usage;
-use Text::Table;
-use Try::Tiny;
-use YAML::Any qw(DumpFile);
-use Module::Runtime qw(require_module);
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-my %cache_generators = cache_generators();
-sub usage {
-    pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => "NOEXIT" );
-    print "Valid drivers: " . join( ", ", sort keys(%cache_generators) ) . "\n";
-    print "To install all requirements:\n  cpanm "
-      . join( " ",
-        sort( uniq( map { @{ $_->{req} || [] } } values(%cache_generators) ) ) )
-      . "\n";
-    exit(1);
-my $time = 2;
-my ( $complex, $drivers_pattern, $help, $incs, $sort_by_name );
-usage() if !@ARGV;
-    'd|drivers=s' => \$drivers_pattern,
-    'h|help'      => \$help,
-    'n'           => \$sort_by_name,
-    't|time=s'    => \$time,
-    'x|complex'   => \$complex,
-) or usage();
-usage() if $help || !$drivers_pattern;
-my $value =
-  $complex
-  ? { map { ( $_, scalar( $_ x 100 ) ) } qw(a b c d e) }
-  : scalar( 'x' x 500 );
-my $num_keys = 1000;
-require CHI;
-print "CHI version $CHI::VERSION\n" if $CHI::VERSION;
-my $cwd  = dirname( realpath($0) );
-my $data = "$cwd/data";
-mkpath( $data, 0, 0775 );
-my %common_chi_opts = ( on_get_error => 'die', on_set_error => 'die' );
-my %caches;
-foreach my $name ( grep { /$drivers_pattern/ } keys(%cache_generators) ) {
-    try {
-        if ( my $req = $cache_generators{$name}->{req} ) {
-            require_module($_) foreach @$req;
-        }
-        $caches{$name} = $cache_generators{$name}->{code}->();
-    }
-    catch {
-        warn "error initializing '$name', will skip - $_";
-    };
-my @names = sort( keys(%caches) );
-print "Drivers: " . join( ", ", @names ) . "\n";
-my %counts;
-# Sets
-my $set_results;
-print "Benchmarking sets\n";
-$set_results = timethese(
-    -1 * $time,
-    {
-        map {
-            my $name  = $_;
-            my $cache = $caches{$name};
-            my $key   = 0;
-            (
-                $name,
-                sub {
-                    my $key = ( $counts{$name}++ % 100 );
-                    $cache->set( $key, $value );
-                }
-            );
-          } @names
-    }
-# Gets
-my $get_results;
-print "Benchmarking gets\n";
-$get_results = timethese(
-    -1 * $time,
-    {
-        map {
-            my $name  = $_;
-            my $cache = $caches{$name};
-            my $key   = 0;
-            (
-                $name,
-                sub {
-                    my $key = ( $counts{$name}++ % 100 );
-                    $cache->get($key);
-                }
-            );
-          } @names
-    }
-my %colvalues;
-foreach my $name (@names) {
-    my $generator = $cache_generators{$name};
-    my $get       = ms_time( $get_results->{$name} );
-    my $set       = ms_time( $set_results->{$name} );
-    my @colvalues = ( $name, $get . "ms", $set . "ms", $generator->{desc}, );
-    $colvalues{$name} = \@colvalues;
-my $tb = Text::Table->new(
-    'Cache',
-    "Get time\n&right",
-    "Set time\n&right",
-    'Description'
-my $sort_field = $sort_by_name ? 0 : 1;
-my @rows =
-  sort { $colvalues{$a}->[$sort_field] cmp $colvalues{$b}->[$sort_field] }
-  keys(%colvalues);
-$tb->add( @{ $colvalues{$_} } ) for @rows;
-print $tb;
-sub ms_time {
-    my $result = shift;
-    return sprintf( "%0.3f", ( $result->[0] / $result->[5] ) * 1000 );
-sub cache_generators {
-    return (
-        cache_cache_file => {
-            req  => ['Cache::FileCache'],
-            desc => 'Cache::FileCache',
-            code => sub {
-                Cache::FileCache->new(
-                    {
-                        cache_root  => "$data/cachecache/file",
-                        cache_depth => 2,
-                    }
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        cache_cache_memory => {
-            req  => ['Cache::MemoryCache'],
-            desc => 'Cache::MemoryCache',
-            code => sub {
-                Cache::MemoryCache->new();
-              }
-        },
-        cache_fastmmap => {
-            req  => ['Cache::FastMmap'],
-            desc => 'Cache::FastMmap',
-            code => sub {
-                my $fastmmap_file = "$data/";
-                Cache::FastMmap->new( share_file => $fastmmap_file, );
-              }
-        },
-        cache_memcached_lib => {
-            req  => ['Cache::Memcached::libmemcached'],
-            desc => 'Cache::Memcached::libmemcached',
-            code => sub {
-                Cache::Memcached::libmemcached->new(
-                    { servers => ["localhost:11211"] },
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        cache_memcached_fast => {
-            req  => ['Cache::Memcached::Fast'],
-            desc => 'Cache::Memcached::Fast',
-            code => sub {
-                Cache::Memcached::Fast->new(
-                    { servers => ["localhost:11211"] } );
-              }
-        },
-        cache_memcached_std => {
-            req  => ['Cache::Memcached'],
-            desc => 'Cache::Memcached',
-            code => sub {
-                Cache::Memcached->new( { servers => ["localhost:11211"] } );
-              }
-        },
-        cache_ref => {
-            req  => ['Cache::Ref::CART'],
-            desc => 'Cache::Ref (CART)',
-            code => sub {
-                Cache::Ref::CART->new( size => 10000 );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_berkeleydb => {
-            req  => ['CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB'],
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver   => 'BerkeleyDB',
-                    root_dir => "$data/chi/berkeleydb",
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_dbi_mysql => {
-            req  => [ 'CHI::Driver::DBI', 'DBD::mysql' ],
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::DBI (mysql)',
-            code => sub {
-                my $mysql_dbh =
-                  DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=chibench;host=localhost",
-                    "chibench", "chibench" );
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver       => 'DBI',
-                    dbh          => $mysql_dbh,
-                    create_table => 1,
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_dbi_sqlite => {
-            req  => [ 'CHI::Driver::DBI', 'DBD::SQLite' ],
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::DBI (sqlite)',
-            code => sub {
-                my $sqlite_dbh =
-                  DBI->connect( "DBI:SQLite:dbname=$data/sqlite.db",
-                    "chibench", "chibench" );
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver       => 'DBI',
-                    dbh          => $sqlite_dbh,
-                    create_table => 1,
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_fastmmap => {
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::FastMmap',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver   => 'FastMmap',
-                    root_dir => "$data/chi/fastmmap",
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_file => {
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::File',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver   => 'File',
-                    root_dir => "$data/chi/file",
-                    depth    => 2
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_memcached_fast => {
-            req  => ['CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast'],
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver  => 'Memcached::Fast',
-                    servers => ["localhost:11211"],
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_memcached_lib => {
-            req  => ['CHI::Driver::Memcached::libmemcached'],
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memcached::libmemcached',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver  => 'Memcached::libmemcached',
-                    servers => ["localhost:11211"],
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_memcached_std => {
-            req  => ['CHI::Driver::Memcached'],
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memcached',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver  => 'Memcached',
-                    servers => ["localhost:11211"],
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_memory => {
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memory',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver    => 'Memory',
-                    datastore => {},
-                );
-              }
-        },
-        chi_memory_raw => {
-            desc => 'CHI::Driver::RawMemory',
-            code => sub {
-                CHI->new(
-                    %common_chi_opts,
-                    driver    => 'RawMemory',
-                    datastore => {},
-                );
-            },
-        },
-    );
-=head1 NAME
- -- Benchmark cache modules against each other
-Uses L<Benchmark> to compare a variety of CHI and non-CHI caches in terms of
-raw reading and writing speed. Sorts results by read performance. Does not
-attempt to test discard policies.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- -d driver_regex [options]
-=head1 OPTIONS
-  -d driver_regex    Run drivers matching this regex (required) - use '.' for all
-  -h --help          Print help message
-  -n                 Sort results by name instead of by read performance
-  -t time            Number of seconds to benchmark each operation (default 2)
-  -x|--complex       Use a complex data structure instead of a scalar
-Run with no arguemnts to get a full list of available drivers.
-=item *
-For the mysql drivers, run this as mysql root:
-    create database chibench;
-    grant all privileges on chibench.* to 'chibench'@'localhost' identified by 'chibench';
-=item *
-For the memcached drivers, you'll need to start memcached on the default port (11211).
+# Compare various cache backends
+use Benchmark qw(:hireswallclock timethese);
+use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
+use Cwd qw(realpath);
+use Data::Dump qw(dump);
+use DBI;
+use DBD::mysql;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Hash::MoreUtils qw(slice_def);
+use List::Util qw(uniq);
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Text::Table;
+use Try::Tiny;
+use YAML::Any qw(DumpFile);
+use Module::Runtime qw(require_module);
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+my %cache_generators = cache_generators();
+sub usage {
+    pod2usage( -verbose => 1, -exitval => "NOEXIT" );
+    print "Valid drivers: " . join( ", ", sort keys(%cache_generators) ) . "\n";
+    print "To install all requirements:\n  cpanm "
+      . join( " ",
+        sort( uniq( map { @{ $_->{req} || [] } } values(%cache_generators) ) ) )
+      . "\n";
+    exit(1);
+my $time = 2;
+my ( $complex, $drivers_pattern, $help, $incs, $sort_by_name );
+usage() if !@ARGV;
+    'd|drivers=s' => \$drivers_pattern,
+    'h|help'      => \$help,
+    'n'           => \$sort_by_name,
+    't|time=s'    => \$time,
+    'x|complex'   => \$complex,
+) or usage();
+usage() if $help || !$drivers_pattern;
+my $value =
+  $complex
+  ? { map { ( $_, scalar( $_ x 100 ) ) } qw(a b c d e) }
+  : scalar( 'x' x 500 );
+my $num_keys = 1000;
+require CHI;
+print "CHI version $CHI::VERSION\n" if $CHI::VERSION;
+my $cwd  = dirname( realpath($0) );
+my $data = "$cwd/data";
+mkpath( $data, 0, 0775 );
+my %common_chi_opts = ( on_get_error => 'die', on_set_error => 'die' );
+my %caches;
+foreach my $name ( grep { /$drivers_pattern/ } keys(%cache_generators) ) {
+    try {
+        if ( my $req = $cache_generators{$name}->{req} ) {
+            require_module($_) foreach @$req;
+        }
+        $caches{$name} = $cache_generators{$name}->{code}->();
+    }
+    catch {
+        warn "error initializing '$name', will skip - $_";
+    };
+my @names = sort( keys(%caches) );
+print "Drivers: " . join( ", ", @names ) . "\n";
+my %counts;
+# Sets
+my $set_results;
+print "Benchmarking sets\n";
+$set_results = timethese(
+    -1 * $time,
+    {
+        map {
+            my $name  = $_;
+            my $cache = $caches{$name};
+            my $key   = 0;
+            (
+                $name,
+                sub {
+                    my $key = ( $counts{$name}++ % 100 );
+                    $cache->set( $key, $value );
+                }
+            );
+          } @names
+    }
+# Gets
+my $get_results;
+print "Benchmarking gets\n";
+$get_results = timethese(
+    -1 * $time,
+    {
+        map {
+            my $name  = $_;
+            my $cache = $caches{$name};
+            my $key   = 0;
+            (
+                $name,
+                sub {
+                    my $key = ( $counts{$name}++ % 100 );
+                    $cache->get($key);
+                }
+            );
+          } @names
+    }
+my %colvalues;
+foreach my $name (@names) {
+    my $generator = $cache_generators{$name};
+    my $get       = ms_time( $get_results->{$name} );
+    my $set       = ms_time( $set_results->{$name} );
+    my @colvalues = ( $name, $get . "ms", $set . "ms", $generator->{desc}, );
+    $colvalues{$name} = \@colvalues;
+my $tb = Text::Table->new(
+    'Cache',
+    "Get time\n&right",
+    "Set time\n&right",
+    'Description'
+my $sort_field = $sort_by_name ? 0 : 1;
+my @rows =
+  sort { $colvalues{$a}->[$sort_field] cmp $colvalues{$b}->[$sort_field] }
+  keys(%colvalues);
+$tb->add( @{ $colvalues{$_} } ) for @rows;
+print $tb;
+sub ms_time {
+    my $result = shift;
+    return sprintf( "%0.3f", ( $result->[0] / $result->[5] ) * 1000 );
+sub cache_generators {
+    return (
+        cache_cache_file => {
+            req  => ['Cache::FileCache'],
+            desc => 'Cache::FileCache',
+            code => sub {
+                Cache::FileCache->new(
+                    {
+                        cache_root  => "$data/cachecache/file",
+                        cache_depth => 2,
+                    }
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        cache_cache_memory => {
+            req  => ['Cache::MemoryCache'],
+            desc => 'Cache::MemoryCache',
+            code => sub {
+                Cache::MemoryCache->new();
+              }
+        },
+        cache_fastmmap => {
+            req  => ['Cache::FastMmap'],
+            desc => 'Cache::FastMmap',
+            code => sub {
+                my $fastmmap_file = "$data/";
+                Cache::FastMmap->new( share_file => $fastmmap_file, );
+              }
+        },
+        cache_memcached_lib => {
+            req  => ['Cache::Memcached::libmemcached'],
+            desc => 'Cache::Memcached::libmemcached',
+            code => sub {
+                Cache::Memcached::libmemcached->new(
+                    { servers => ["localhost:11211"] },
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        cache_memcached_fast => {
+            req  => ['Cache::Memcached::Fast'],
+            desc => 'Cache::Memcached::Fast',
+            code => sub {
+                Cache::Memcached::Fast->new(
+                    { servers => ["localhost:11211"] } );
+              }
+        },
+        cache_memcached_std => {
+            req  => ['Cache::Memcached'],
+            desc => 'Cache::Memcached',
+            code => sub {
+                Cache::Memcached->new( { servers => ["localhost:11211"] } );
+              }
+        },
+        cache_ref => {
+            req  => ['Cache::Ref::CART'],
+            desc => 'Cache::Ref (CART)',
+            code => sub {
+                Cache::Ref::CART->new( size => 10000 );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_berkeleydb => {
+            req  => ['CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB'],
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver   => 'BerkeleyDB',
+                    root_dir => "$data/chi/berkeleydb",
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_dbi_mysql => {
+            req  => [ 'CHI::Driver::DBI', 'DBD::mysql' ],
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::DBI (mysql)',
+            code => sub {
+                my $mysql_dbh =
+                  DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=chibench;host=localhost",
+                    "chibench", "chibench" );
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver       => 'DBI',
+                    dbh          => $mysql_dbh,
+                    create_table => 1,
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_dbi_sqlite => {
+            req  => [ 'CHI::Driver::DBI', 'DBD::SQLite' ],
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::DBI (sqlite)',
+            code => sub {
+                my $sqlite_dbh =
+                  DBI->connect( "DBI:SQLite:dbname=$data/sqlite.db",
+                    "chibench", "chibench" );
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver       => 'DBI',
+                    dbh          => $sqlite_dbh,
+                    create_table => 1,
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_fastmmap => {
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::FastMmap',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver   => 'FastMmap',
+                    root_dir => "$data/chi/fastmmap",
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_file => {
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::File',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver   => 'File',
+                    root_dir => "$data/chi/file",
+                    depth    => 2
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_memcached_fast => {
+            req  => ['CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast'],
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memcached::Fast',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver  => 'Memcached::Fast',
+                    servers => ["localhost:11211"],
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_memcached_lib => {
+            req  => ['CHI::Driver::Memcached::libmemcached'],
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memcached::libmemcached',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver  => 'Memcached::libmemcached',
+                    servers => ["localhost:11211"],
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_memcached_std => {
+            req  => ['CHI::Driver::Memcached'],
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memcached',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver  => 'Memcached',
+                    servers => ["localhost:11211"],
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_memory => {
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::Memory',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver    => 'Memory',
+                    datastore => {},
+                );
+              }
+        },
+        chi_memory_raw => {
+            desc => 'CHI::Driver::RawMemory',
+            code => sub {
+                CHI->new(
+                    %common_chi_opts,
+                    driver    => 'RawMemory',
+                    datastore => {},
+                );
+            },
+        },
+    );
+=head1 NAME
+ -- Benchmark cache modules against each other
+Uses L<Benchmark> to compare a variety of CHI and non-CHI caches in terms of
+raw reading and writing speed. Sorts results by read performance. Does not
+attempt to test discard policies.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ -d driver_regex [options]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+  -d driver_regex    Run drivers matching this regex (required) - use '.' for all
+  -h --help          Print help message
+  -n                 Sort results by name instead of by read performance
+  -t time            Number of seconds to benchmark each operation (default 2)
+  -x|--complex       Use a complex data structure instead of a scalar
+Run with no arguemnts to get a full list of available drivers.
+=item *
+For the mysql drivers, run this as mysql root:
+    create database chibench;
+    grant all privileges on chibench.* to 'chibench'@'localhost' identified by 'chibench';
+=item *
+For the memcached drivers, you'll need to start memcached on the default port (11211).
diff --git a/lib/CHI/Driver/Base/ b/lib/CHI/Driver/Base/
index fdbfb7d..c0163d3 100644
--- a/lib/CHI/Driver/Base/
+++ b/lib/CHI/Driver/Base/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 package CHI::Driver::Base::CacheContainer;
 $CHI::Driver::Base::CacheContainer::VERSION = '0.61';
 use Moo;
-use List::MoreUtils qw( all );
 use strict;
 use warnings;
diff --git a/lib/CHI/ b/lib/CHI/
index 1dfaacc..2fc05a9 100644
--- a/lib/CHI/
+++ b/lib/CHI/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 package CHI::Test;
 $CHI::Test::VERSION = '0.61';
 use Log::Any::Test;    # as early as possible
-use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
 use Module::Runtime qw(require_module);
 use CHI;
 use CHI::Driver::Memory;
diff --git a/lib/CHI/t/ b/lib/CHI/t/
index d683a6a..ac32f90 100644
--- a/lib/CHI/t/
+++ b/lib/CHI/t/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use warnings;
 use CHI::Test;
 use CHI::Util qw(unique_id parse_memory_size);
 use CHI::Test::Util qw(random_string);
-use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
+use List::Util qw(uniq);
 use base qw(CHI::Test::Class);
 # The inevitably lame unique_id test
diff --git a/t/00-load.t b/t/00-load.t
index 9067ff6..30da15d 100644
--- a/t/00-load.t
+++ b/t/00-load.t
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-    use_ok('CHI');
-diag("Testing CHI $CHI::VERSION, Perl $], $^X");
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+    use_ok('CHI');
+diag("Testing CHI $CHI::VERSION, Perl $], $^X");
diff --git a/t/Bugs.t b/t/Bugs.t
index 97369ce..0892ee1 100644
--- a/t/Bugs.t
+++ b/t/Bugs.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Bugs;
+use CHI::t::Bugs;
diff --git a/t/Config.t b/t/Config.t
index 6116205..f986355 100644
--- a/t/Config.t
+++ b/t/Config.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Config;
+use CHI::t::Config;
diff --git a/t/Constants.t b/t/Constants.t
index e5899b0..bf26aa9 100644
--- a/t/Constants.t
+++ b/t/Constants.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Constants;
+use CHI::t::Constants;
diff --git a/t/Driver-Memory.t b/t/Driver-Memory.t
index 2c1fc4a..8da6455 100644
--- a/t/Driver-Memory.t
+++ b/t/Driver-Memory.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Driver::Memory;
+use CHI::t::Driver::Memory;
diff --git a/t/Driver-RawMemory.t b/t/Driver-RawMemory.t
index 51cba7d..8118f60 100644
--- a/t/Driver-RawMemory.t
+++ b/t/Driver-RawMemory.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Driver::RawMemory;
+use CHI::t::Driver::RawMemory;
diff --git a/t/GetError.t b/t/GetError.t
index 2d45848..e1b6304 100644
--- a/t/GetError.t
+++ b/t/GetError.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::GetError;
+use CHI::t::GetError;
diff --git a/t/Initialize.t b/t/Initialize.t
index 63f9371..d08ff2e 100644
--- a/t/Initialize.t
+++ b/t/Initialize.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Initialize;
+use CHI::t::Initialize;
diff --git a/t/Sanity.t b/t/Sanity.t
index 54b67d8..483ee4e 100644
--- a/t/Sanity.t
+++ b/t/Sanity.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Sanity;
+use CHI::t::Sanity;
diff --git a/t/SetError.t b/t/SetError.t
index ff4497a..040b1e3 100644
--- a/t/SetError.t
+++ b/t/SetError.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::SetError;
+use CHI::t::SetError;
diff --git a/t/Subcache.t b/t/Subcache.t
index 24cd7b4..5d0266d 100644
--- a/t/Subcache.t
+++ b/t/Subcache.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Subcache;
+use CHI::t::Subcache;
diff --git a/t/Subclass.t b/t/Subclass.t
index 0d88749..b774026 100644
--- a/t/Subclass.t
+++ b/t/Subclass.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Subclass;
+use CHI::t::Subclass;
diff --git a/t/Util.t b/t/Util.t
index f5760f7..55ab559 100644
--- a/t/Util.t
+++ b/t/Util.t
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-use CHI::t::Util;
+use CHI::t::Util;
diff --git a/t/author-03-pod.t b/t/author-03-pod.t
index 5d19799..97e7f1d 100644
--- a/t/author-03-pod.t
+++ b/t/author-03-pod.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   unless ($ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}) {
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ BEGIN {
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Pod;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Pod;
diff --git a/t/author-RequiredModules.t b/t/author-RequiredModules.t
index 2ac050d..02d6211 100644
--- a/t/author-RequiredModules.t
+++ b/t/author-RequiredModules.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   unless ($ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}) {
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::RequiredModules;
+use CHI::t::RequiredModules;
diff --git a/t/author-file-driver.t b/t/author-file-driver.t
index f33137f..8415726 100644
--- a/t/author-file-driver.t
+++ b/t/author-file-driver.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   unless ($ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}) {
@@ -7,67 +7,67 @@ BEGIN {
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use File::Basename;
-use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
-use Test::More;
-use Test::Exception;
-use CHI;
-my $root_dir = tempdir( "file-digest-XXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 );
-my $cache;
-my ( $keys, $values ) = set_standard_keys_and_values();
-my @keynames = sort keys(%$keys);
-plan tests => ( scalar(@keynames) * 2 + 1 );
-# Test key_digest (old name for key_digester) and file_extension
-$cache = CHI->new(
-    driver         => 'File',
-    root_dir       => $root_dir,
-    key_digest     => 'SHA-1',
-    file_extension => '.sha'
-my $key  = scalar( 'ab' x 256 );
-my $file = basename( $cache->path_to_key( $cache->transform_key($key) ) );
-is( $file, 'db62ffe116024a7a4e1bd949c0e30dbae9b5db77.sha', 'SHA-1 digest' );
-# Test that we can retrieve from a permanent cache in this directory.  If
-# key escaping or metadata format changes between versions, this will break
-# - we at least want to know about it to warn users.
-my $perm_cache = CHI->new( driver => 'File', root_dir => "t/permcache" );
-foreach my $keyname (@keynames) {
-    is( $perm_cache->get( $keys->{$keyname} ),
-        $values->{$keyname}, "get $keyname from perm test cache" );
-    my $obj = $perm_cache->get_object( $keys->{$keyname} );
-    is( $obj->created_at, 1275657865 );
-sub set_standard_keys_and_values {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ( %keys, %values );
-    my @mixed_chars = ( 32 .. 48, 57 .. 65, 90 .. 97, 122 .. 126, 240 );
-    %keys = (
-        'space'   => ' ',
-        'newline' => "\n",
-        'char'    => 'a',
-        'zero'    => 0,
-        'one'     => 1,
-        'medium'  => 'medium',
-        'mixed'   => join( "", map { chr($_) } @mixed_chars ),
-        'empty'   => 'empty',
-    );
-    %values = map {
-        ( $_, ref( $keys{$_} ) ? $keys{$_} : scalar( reverse( $keys{$_} ) ) )
-    } keys(%keys);
-    $values{empty} = '';
-    return ( \%keys, \%values );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use CHI;
+my $root_dir = tempdir( "file-digest-XXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 );
+my $cache;
+my ( $keys, $values ) = set_standard_keys_and_values();
+my @keynames = sort keys(%$keys);
+plan tests => ( scalar(@keynames) * 2 + 1 );
+# Test key_digest (old name for key_digester) and file_extension
+$cache = CHI->new(
+    driver         => 'File',
+    root_dir       => $root_dir,
+    key_digest     => 'SHA-1',
+    file_extension => '.sha'
+my $key  = scalar( 'ab' x 256 );
+my $file = basename( $cache->path_to_key( $cache->transform_key($key) ) );
+is( $file, 'db62ffe116024a7a4e1bd949c0e30dbae9b5db77.sha', 'SHA-1 digest' );
+# Test that we can retrieve from a permanent cache in this directory.  If
+# key escaping or metadata format changes between versions, this will break
+# - we at least want to know about it to warn users.
+my $perm_cache = CHI->new( driver => 'File', root_dir => "t/permcache" );
+foreach my $keyname (@keynames) {
+    is( $perm_cache->get( $keys->{$keyname} ),
+        $values->{$keyname}, "get $keyname from perm test cache" );
+    my $obj = $perm_cache->get_object( $keys->{$keyname} );
+    is( $obj->created_at, 1275657865 );
+sub set_standard_keys_and_values {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( %keys, %values );
+    my @mixed_chars = ( 32 .. 48, 57 .. 65, 90 .. 97, 122 .. 126, 240 );
+    %keys = (
+        'space'   => ' ',
+        'newline' => "\n",
+        'char'    => 'a',
+        'zero'    => 0,
+        'one'     => 1,
+        'medium'  => 'medium',
+        'mixed'   => join( "", map { chr($_) } @mixed_chars ),
+        'empty'   => 'empty',
+    );
+    %values = map {
+        ( $_, ref( $keys{$_} ) ? $keys{$_} : scalar( reverse( $keys{$_} ) ) )
+    } keys(%keys);
+    $values{empty} = '';
+    return ( \%keys, \%values );
diff --git a/t/author-no-data-serializer.t b/t/author-no-data-serializer.t
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index ac78aa6..060fbb6
--- a/t/author-no-data-serializer.t
+++ b/t/author-no-data-serializer.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   unless ($ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}) {
@@ -7,38 +7,38 @@ BEGIN {
-# Tests that things work ok (with warning) without Data::Serializer installed
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-use Test::Exception;
-use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load);
-    package
-        MaskNativeMessage;
-    use base qw(Module::Mask);
-    my $test_module = "NonExistantModule" . time;
-    my $native_message = do { eval "require $test_module"; $@ };
-    sub message {
-        my ($class, $filename) = @_;
-        (my $message = $native_message) =~ s/\Q$$filename/;
-        return $message;
-    }
-    $::mask = $::mask = MaskNativeMessage->new('Data::Serializer');
-use CHI;
-require CHI::Driver;
-my $cache;
-throws_ok {
-    $cache =
-      CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', serializer => 'Data::Dumper', global => 1 );
-qr/Could not load/, "dies with serializer";
-lives_ok { $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', global => 1 ) }
-"lives with no serializer";
-$cache->set( 'foo', 5 );
-is( $cache->get('foo'), 5, 'cache get ok' );
+# Tests that things work ok (with warning) without Data::Serializer installed
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 3;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load);
+    package
+        MaskNativeMessage;
+    use base qw(Module::Mask);
+    my $test_module = "NonExistantModule" . time;
+    my $native_message = do { eval "require $test_module"; $@ };
+    sub message {
+        my ($class, $filename) = @_;
+        (my $message = $native_message) =~ s/\Q$$filename/;
+        return $message;
+    }
+    $::mask = $::mask = MaskNativeMessage->new('Data::Serializer');
+use CHI;
+require CHI::Driver;
+my $cache;
+throws_ok {
+    $cache =
+      CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', serializer => 'Data::Dumper', global => 1 );
+qr/Could not load/, "dies with serializer";
+lives_ok { $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', global => 1 ) }
+"lives with no serializer";
+$cache->set( 'foo', 5 );
+is( $cache->get('foo'), 5, 'cache get ok' );
diff --git a/t/release-dependent.t b/t/release-dependent.t
index 1501231..254b991 100644
--- a/t/release-dependent.t
+++ b/t/release-dependent.t
@@ -6,63 +6,63 @@ BEGIN {
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-  plan skip_all => <<'END_HELP' unless $ENV{CHI_TEST_MD};
-This test will not run unless you set CHI_TEST_MD to a true value.
-use Test::DependentModules qw(test_modules);
-#$ENV{CHI_REDIS_SERVER} = 1;       # CHI::Driver::Redis
-# extra dep: Cache::Memcached::libmemcached
-  CGI::Application::Plugin::CHI
-  CHI::Cascade
-  CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB
-  CHI::Driver::DBI
-  CHI::Driver::Memcached
-  CHI::Driver::Redis
-  CHI::Driver::SharedMem
-  CHI::Memoize
-  Cache::Profile
-  Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI
-  Dancer::Session::CHI
-  Dezi::Bot
-  Dist::Zilla::Role::MetaCPANInterfacer
-  Elastic::Model
-  File::DataClass
-  Mason::Plugin::Cache
-  Metabase
-  Mojito
-  Mojolicious::Plugin::CHI
-  Parallel::ForkControl
-  Perlanet
-  RDF::Helper::Properties
-  Rose::DBx::Object::Cached::CHI
-  Search::OpenSearch
-  Tapper::Reports::DPath
-  Tie::CHI
-  Yukki
-#Mojolicious::Plugin::Cache # broken
-#Text::Corpus::CNN # broken
-#Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica # broken
-#Geo::Heatmap # Image::Magick
-#CHI::Driver::Ping # no useful tests, also insane
-#CHI::Driver::MemcachedFast # tests broken
-#CHI::Driver::HandlerSocket # missing dep Net::HandlerSocket
-#App::ListPrereqs # no useful tests
-#Poet # broken dep
-#Plack::Middleware::ActiveMirror # no tests
-#Apache2::AutoTicketLDAP # apache
-#Net::FullAuto # wtf
-#CHI::Driver::TokyoTyrant # darkpan
-#Tapper::Testplan # tests broken
-#Template::Provider::Amazon::S3 # no useful tests
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+  plan skip_all => <<'END_HELP' unless $ENV{CHI_TEST_MD};
+This test will not run unless you set CHI_TEST_MD to a true value.
+use Test::DependentModules qw(test_modules);
+#$ENV{CHI_REDIS_SERVER} = 1;       # CHI::Driver::Redis
+# extra dep: Cache::Memcached::libmemcached
+  CGI::Application::Plugin::CHI
+  CHI::Cascade
+  CHI::Driver::BerkeleyDB
+  CHI::Driver::DBI
+  CHI::Driver::Memcached
+  CHI::Driver::Redis
+  CHI::Driver::SharedMem
+  CHI::Memoize
+  Cache::Profile
+  Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI
+  Dancer::Session::CHI
+  Dezi::Bot
+  Dist::Zilla::Role::MetaCPANInterfacer
+  Elastic::Model
+  File::DataClass
+  Mason::Plugin::Cache
+  Metabase
+  Mojito
+  Mojolicious::Plugin::CHI
+  Parallel::ForkControl
+  Perlanet
+  RDF::Helper::Properties
+  Rose::DBx::Object::Cached::CHI
+  Search::OpenSearch
+  Tapper::Reports::DPath
+  Tie::CHI
+  Yukki
+#Mojolicious::Plugin::Cache # broken
+#Text::Corpus::CNN # broken
+#Text::Corpus::VoiceOfAmerica # broken
+#Geo::Heatmap # Image::Magick
+#CHI::Driver::Ping # no useful tests, also insane
+#CHI::Driver::MemcachedFast # tests broken
+#CHI::Driver::HandlerSocket # missing dep Net::HandlerSocket
+#App::ListPrereqs # no useful tests
+#Poet # broken dep
+#Plack::Middleware::ActiveMirror # no tests
+#Apache2::AutoTicketLDAP # apache
+#Net::FullAuto # wtf
+#CHI::Driver::TokyoTyrant # darkpan
+#Tapper::Testplan # tests broken
+#Template::Provider::Amazon::S3 # no useful tests
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 77bdfcd..61e04ad
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-# Write permcache - for xt/author/file-driver.t and possibly other tests.
-use CHI;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-sub set_standard_keys_and_values {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my ( %keys, %values );
-    my @mixed_chars = ( 32 .. 48, 57 .. 65, 90 .. 97, 122 .. 126, 240 );
-    %keys = (
-        'space'   => ' ',
-        'newline' => "\n",
-        'char'    => 'a',
-        'zero'    => 0,
-        'one'     => 1,
-        'medium'  => 'medium',
-        'mixed'   => join( "", map { chr($_) } @mixed_chars ),
-        'large'   => scalar( 'ab' x 256 ),
-        'empty'   => 'empty',
-    );
-    %values = map {
-        ( $_, ref( $keys{$_} ) ? $keys{$_} : scalar( reverse( $keys{$_} ) ) )
-    } keys(%keys);
-    $values{empty} = '';
-    return ( \%keys, \%values );
-my ( $keys, $values ) = set_standard_keys_and_values();
-my $perm_cache =
-  CHI->new( driver => 'File', root_dir => "permcache", on_set_error => 'die' );
-foreach my $keyname ( sort keys(%$keys) ) {
-    $perm_cache->set( $keys->{$keyname}, $values->{$keyname} );
-    use d;
-    dp [ $keys->{$keyname}, $perm_cache->path_to_key( $keys->{$keyname} ) ];
+# Write permcache - for xt/author/file-driver.t and possibly other tests.
+use CHI;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+sub set_standard_keys_and_values {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( %keys, %values );
+    my @mixed_chars = ( 32 .. 48, 57 .. 65, 90 .. 97, 122 .. 126, 240 );
+    %keys = (
+        'space'   => ' ',
+        'newline' => "\n",
+        'char'    => 'a',
+        'zero'    => 0,
+        'one'     => 1,
+        'medium'  => 'medium',
+        'mixed'   => join( "", map { chr($_) } @mixed_chars ),
+        'large'   => scalar( 'ab' x 256 ),
+        'empty'   => 'empty',
+    );
+    %values = map {
+        ( $_, ref( $keys{$_} ) ? $keys{$_} : scalar( reverse( $keys{$_} ) ) )
+    } keys(%keys);
+    $values{empty} = '';
+    return ( \%keys, \%values );
+my ( $keys, $values ) = set_standard_keys_and_values();
+my $perm_cache =
+  CHI->new( driver => 'File', root_dir => "permcache", on_set_error => 'die' );
+foreach my $keyname ( sort keys(%$keys) ) {
+    $perm_cache->set( $keys->{$keyname}, $values->{$keyname} );
+    use d;
+    dp [ $keys->{$keyname}, $perm_cache->path_to_key( $keys->{$keyname} ) ];
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-CacheCache.t b/t/smoke-Driver-CacheCache.t
index cd047e4..40def25 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-CacheCache.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-CacheCache.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::CacheCache;
+use CHI::t::Driver::CacheCache;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-FastMmap.t b/t/smoke-Driver-FastMmap.t
index f737d69..83eda8a 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-FastMmap.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-FastMmap.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::FastMmap;
+use CHI::t::Driver::FastMmap;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-File-DepthZero.t b/t/smoke-Driver-File-DepthZero.t
index 5090269..feba68e 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-File-DepthZero.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-File-DepthZero.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::File::DepthZero;
+use CHI::t::Driver::File::DepthZero;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-File.t b/t/smoke-Driver-File.t
index a1f6a3d..95530b9 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-File.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-File.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::File;
+use CHI::t::Driver::File;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-NonMoose.t b/t/smoke-Driver-NonMoose.t
index 5bf436a..92652e0 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-NonMoose.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-NonMoose.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::NonMoose;
+use CHI::t::Driver::NonMoose;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-l1_cache.t b/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-l1_cache.t
index 811f2a4..c398ad0 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-l1_cache.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-l1_cache.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::Subcache::l1_cache;
+use CHI::t::Driver::Subcache::l1_cache;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-mirror_cache.t b/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-mirror_cache.t
index 3262a38..3ce2d33 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-mirror_cache.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Driver-Subcache-mirror_cache.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Driver::Subcache::mirror_cache;
+use CHI::t::Driver::Subcache::mirror_cache;
diff --git a/t/smoke-Null.t b/t/smoke-Null.t
index a53c820..f4ac802 100644
--- a/t/smoke-Null.t
+++ b/t/smoke-Null.t
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!perl -w
+#!perl -w
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ BEGIN {
-use CHI::t::Null;
+use CHI::t::Null;


File lists identical (after any substitutions)

No differences were encountered in the control files

More details

Full run details