diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
index 3762a51..bb35f8e 100644
--- a/META.json
+++ b/META.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
       "Bryan Jurish"
    "dynamic_config" : 1,
-   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.44, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
+   "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010",
    "license" : [
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
index 80e4b6b..e4abb78 100644
--- a/META.yml
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ build_requires:
   PDL: '0'
 dynamic_config: 1
-generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.44, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
+generated_by: 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.62, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
 license: perl
   url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html
diff --git a/Utils/Utils.pm b/Utils/Utils.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb9987..0000000
--- a/Utils/Utils.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,879 +0,0 @@
-# GENERATED WITH PDL::PP! Don't modify!
-package PDL::VectorValued::Utils;
-@EXPORT_OK  = qw( PDL::PP vv_rlevec PDL::PP vv_rldvec PDL::PP vv_enumvec PDL::PP vv_enumvecg PDL::PP vv_rleseq PDL::PP vv_rldseq PDL::PP vv_vsearchvec PDL::PP vv_cmpvec vv_qsortvec vv_qsortveci PDL::PP vv_union PDL::PP vv_intersect PDL::PP vv_setdiff PDL::PP v_union PDL::PP v_intersect PDL::PP v_setdiff PDL::PP vv_vcos );
-use PDL::Core;
-use PDL::Exporter;
-use DynaLoader;
-   $PDL::VectorValued::Utils::VERSION = 1.0.20;
-   @ISA    = ( 'PDL::Exporter','DynaLoader' );
-   push @PDL::Core::PP, __PACKAGE__;
-   bootstrap PDL::VectorValued::Utils $VERSION;
-use strict;
-=head1 NAME
-PDL::VectorValued::Utils - Low-level utilities for vector-valued PDLs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use PDL;
- use PDL::VectorValued::Utils;
- ##---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## ... stuff happens
-=head1 Vector-Based Run-Length Encoding and Decoding
-=head2 vv_rlevec
-=for sig
-  Signature: (c(M,N); indx [o]a(N); [o]b(M,N))
-Run-length encode a set of vectors.
-Higher-order rle(), for use with qsortvec().
-Given set of vectors $c, generate a vector $a with the number of occurrences of each element
-(where an "element" is a vector of length $M ocurring in $c),
-and a set of vectors $b containing the unique values.
-As for rle(), only the elements up to the first instance of 0 in $a should be considered.
-Can be used together with clump() to run-length encode "values" of arbitrary dimensions.
-Can be used together with rotate(), cat(), append(), and qsortvec() to count N-grams
-over a 1d PDL.
-See also: PDL::Slices::rle, PDL::Ufunc::qsortvec, PDL::Primitive::uniqvec
-=for bad
-vv_rlevec does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-*vv_rlevec = \&PDL::vv_rlevec;
-=head2 vv_rldvec
-=for sig
-  Signature: (int a(N); b(M,N); [o]c(M,N))
-Run-length decode a set of vectors, akin to a higher-order rld().
-Given a vector $a() of the number of occurrences of each row, and a set $c()
-of row-vectors each of length $M, run-length decode to $c().
-Can be used together with clump() to run-length decode "values" of arbitrary dimensions.
-See also: PDL::Slices::rld.
-=for bad
-vv_rldvec does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-sub PDL::vv_rldvec {
-  my ($a,$b,$c) = @_;
-  if (!defined($c)) {
-# XXX Need to improve emulation of threading in auto-generating c
-    my ($rowlen) = $b->dim(0);
-    my ($size) = $a->sumover->max;
-    my (@dims) = $a->dims;
-    shift(@dims);
-    $c = $b->zeroes($b->type,$rowlen,$size,@dims);
-  }
-  &PDL::_vv_rldvec_int($a,$b,$c);
-  return $c;
-*vv_rldvec = \&PDL::vv_rldvec;
-=head2 vv_enumvec
-=for sig
-  Signature: (v(M,N); int [o]k(N))
-Enumerate a list of vectors with locally unique keys.
-Given a sorted list of vectors $v, generate a vector $k containing locally unique keys for the elements of $v
-(where an "element" is a vector of length $M ocurring in $v).
-Note that the keys returned in $k are only unique over a run of a single vector in $v,
-so that each unique vector in $v has at least one 0 (zero) index in $k associated with it.
-If you need global keys, see enumvecg().
-=for bad
-vv_enumvec does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-*vv_enumvec = \&PDL::vv_enumvec;
-=head2 vv_enumvecg
-=for sig
-  Signature: (v(M,N); int [o]k(N))
-Enumerate a list of vectors with globally unique keys.
-Given a sorted list of vectors $v, generate a vector $k containing globally unique keys for the elements of $v
-(where an "element" is a vector of length $M ocurring in $v).
-Basically does the same thing as:
- $k = $v->vsearchvec($v->uniqvec);
-... but somewhat more efficiently.
-=for bad
-vv_enumvecg does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-*vv_enumvecg = \&PDL::vv_enumvecg;
-=head2 vv_rleseq
-=for sig
-  Signature: (c(N); indx [o]a(N); [o]b(N))
-Run-length encode a vector of subsequences.
-Given a vector of $c() of concatenated variable-length, variable-offset subsequences,
-generate a vector $a containing the length of each subsequence
-and a vector $b containing the subsequence offsets.
-As for rle(), only the elements up to the first instance of 0 in $a should be considered.
-See also PDL::Slices::rle.
-=for bad
-vv_rleseq does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-*vv_rleseq = \&PDL::vv_rleseq;
-=head2 vv_rldseq
-=for sig
-  Signature: (int a(N); b(N); [o]c(M))
-Run-length decode a subsequence vector.
-Given a vector $a() of sequence lengths
-and a vector $b() of corresponding offsets,
-decode concatenation of subsequences to $c(),
-as for:
- $c = null;
- $c = $c->append($b($_)+sequence($a->type,$a($_))) foreach (0..($N-1));
-See also: PDL::Slices::rld.
-=for bad
-vv_rldseq does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-sub PDL::vv_rldseq {
-  my ($a,$b,$c) = @_;
-  if (!defined($c)) {
-    my $size   = $a->sumover->max;
-    my (@dims) = $a->dims;
-    shift(@dims);
-    $c = $b->zeroes($b->type,$size,@dims);
-  }
-  &PDL::_vv_rldseq_int($a,$b,$c);
-  return $c;
-*vv_rldseq = \&PDL::vv_rldseq;
-=head2 vv_vsearchvec
-=for sig
-  Signature: (find(M); which(M,N); int [o]found())
-=for ref
-Routine for searching N-dimensional values - akin to vsearch() for vectors.
-=for usage
- $found   = vsearchvec($find, $which);
- $nearest = $which->dice_axis(1,$found);
-Returns for each row-vector in C<$find> the index along dimension N
-of the least row vector of C<$which>
-greater or equal to it.
-C<$which> should be sorted in increasing order.
-If the value of C<$find> is larger
-than any member of C<$which>, the index to the last element of C<$which> is
-See also: PDL::Primitive::vsearch().
-=for bad
-vv_vsearchvec does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-*vv_vsearchvec = \&PDL::vv_vsearchvec;
-=head1 Vector-Valued Sorting and Comparison
-The following functions are provided for lexicographic sorting of
-vectors, rsp. axis indices.   As of PDL::VectorValued v1.0.12, vv_qsortvec() and
-vv_qsortveci() are just deprecated aliases for the builtin PDL functions of the same names.
-Older versions of this module used a dedicated implementation as a workaround
-for a bug in PDL-2.4.3, which has long since been fixed.
-=head2 vv_cmpvec
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(N); b(N); int [o]cmp())
-=for ref
-Lexicographically compare a pair of vectors.
-=for bad
-vv_cmpvec does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
-*vv_cmpvec = \&PDL::vv_cmpvec;
-=head2 vv_qsortvec
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(n,m); [o]b(n,m))
-=for ref
-Deprecated alias for L<PDL::Ufunc::qsortvec()|PDL::Ufunc/qsortvec>,
-which see for details.
-=head2 vv_qsortveci
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(n,m); indx [o]ix(m))
-=for ref
-Deprecated alias for L<PDL::Ufunc::qsortveci()|PDL::Ufunc/qsortveci>,
-which see for details.
-  *vv_qsortvec = *PDL::vv_qsortvec = *PDL::qsortvec;
-  *vv_qsortveci = *PDL::vv_qsortveci = *PDL::qsortveci;
-=head1 Vector-Valued Set Operations
-The following functions are provided for set operations on
-sorted vector-valued PDLs.
-=head2 vv_union
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(M,NA); b(M,NB); [o]c(M,NC); int [o]nc())
-Union of two vector-valued PDLs.  Input PDLs $a() and $b() B<MUST> be
-sorted in lexicographic order.
-On return, $nc() holds the actual number of vector-values in the union.
-In scalar context, slices $c() to the actual number of elements in the union
-and returns the sliced PDL.
-=for bad
-vv_union does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
- sub PDL::vv_union {
-   my ($a,$b,$c,$nc) = @_;
-   $c = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-   $nc = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-   &PDL::_vv_union_int($a,$b,$c,$nc);
-   return ($c,$nc) if (wantarray);
-   return $c->slice(",0:".($nc->max-1));
- }
-*vv_union = \&PDL::vv_union;
-=head2 vv_intersect
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(M,NA); b(M,NB); [o]c(M,NC); int [o]nc())
-Intersection of two vector-valued PDLs.
-Input PDLs $a() and $b() B<MUST> be sorted in lexicographic order.
-On return, $nc() holds the actual number of vector-values in the intersection.
-In scalar context, slices $c() to the actual number of elements in the intersection
-and returns the sliced PDL.
-=for bad
-vv_intersect does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
- sub PDL::vv_intersect {
-   my ($a,$b,$c,$nc) = @_;
-   $c = PDL->null if (!defined($c));
-   $nc = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-   &PDL::_vv_intersect_int($a,$b,$c,$nc);
-   return ($c,$nc) if (wantarray);
-   my $nc_max = $nc->max;
-   return ($nc_max > 0
-	   ? $c->slice(",0:".($nc_max-1))
-	   : $c->reshape($c->dim(0), 0, ($c->dims)[2..($c->ndims-1)]));
- }
-*vv_intersect = \&PDL::vv_intersect;
-=head2 vv_setdiff
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(M,NA); b(M,NB); [o]c(M,NC); int [o]nc())
-Set-difference ($a() \ $b()) of two vector-valued PDLs.
-Input PDLs $a() and $b() B<MUST> be sorted in lexicographic order.
-On return, $nc() holds the actual number of vector-values in the computed vector set.
-In scalar context, slices $c() to the actual number of elements in the output vector set
-and returns the sliced PDL.
-=for bad
-vv_setdiff does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
- sub PDL::vv_setdiff {
-  my ($a,$b,$c,$nc) = @_;
-  $c = PDL->null if (!defined($c));
-  $nc = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-  &PDL::_vv_setdiff_int($a,$b,$c,$nc);
-  return ($c,$nc) if (wantarray);
-  my $nc_max = $nc->max;
-  return ($nc_max > 0
-	  ? $c->slice(",0:".($nc_max-1))
-	  : $c->reshape($c->dim(0), 0, ($c->dims)[2..($c->ndims-1)]));
- }
-*vv_setdiff = \&PDL::vv_setdiff;
-=head1 Sorted Vector Set Operations
-The following functions are provided for set operations on
-flat sorted PDLs with unique values.  They may be more efficient to compute
-than the corresponding implementations via PDL::Primitive::setops().
-=head2 v_union
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(NA); b(NB); [o]c(NC); int [o]nc())
-Union of two flat sorted unique-valued PDLs.
-Input PDLs $a() and $b() B<MUST> be sorted in lexicographic order and contain no duplicates.
-On return, $nc() holds the actual number of values in the union.
-In scalar context, reshapes $c() to the actual number of elements in the union and returns it.
-=for bad
-v_union does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
- sub PDL::v_union {
-   my ($a,$b,$c,$nc) = @_;
-   $c = PDL->null if (!defined($c));
-   $nc = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-   &PDL::_v_union_int($a,$b,$c,$nc);
-   return ($c,$nc) if (wantarray);
-   return $c->slice("0:".($nc->max-1));
- }
-*v_union = \&PDL::v_union;
-=head2 v_intersect
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(NA); b(NB); [o]c(NC); int [o]nc())
-Intersection of two flat sorted unique-valued PDLs.
-Input PDLs $a() and $b() B<MUST> be sorted in lexicographic order and contain no duplicates.
-On return, $nc() holds the actual number of values in the intersection.
-In scalar context, reshapes $c() to the actual number of elements in the intersection and returns it.
-=for bad
-v_intersect does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
- sub PDL::v_intersect {
-   my ($a,$b,$c,$nc) = @_;
-   $c = PDL->null if (!defined($c));
-   $nc = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-   &PDL::_v_intersect_int($a,$b,$c,$nc);
-   return ($c,$nc) if (wantarray);
-   my $nc_max = $nc->max;
-   return ($nc_max > 0
-	   ? $c->slice("0:".($nc_max-1))
-	   : $c->reshape(0, ($c->dims)[1..($c->ndims-1)]));
- }
-*v_intersect = \&PDL::v_intersect;
-=head2 v_setdiff
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(NA); b(NB); [o]c(NC); int [o]nc())
-Set-difference ($a() \ $b()) of two flat sorted unique-valued PDLs.
-Input PDLs $a() and $b() B<MUST> be sorted in lexicographic order and contain no duplicate values.
-On return, $nc() holds the actual number of values in the computed vector set.
-In scalar context, reshapes $c() to the actual number of elements in the difference set and returns it.
-=for bad
-v_setdiff does not process bad values.
-It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles.
- sub PDL::v_setdiff {
-   my ($a,$b,$c,$nc) = @_;
-   $c = PDL->null if (!defined($c));
-   $nc = PDL->null if (!defined($nc));
-   &PDL::_v_setdiff_int($a,$b,$c,$nc);
-   return ($c,$nc) if (wantarray);
-   my $nc_max = $nc->max;
-   return ($nc_max > 0
-	   ? $c->slice("0:".($nc_max-1))
-	   : $c->reshape(0, ($c->dims)[1..($c->ndims-1)]));
- }
-*v_setdiff = \&PDL::v_setdiff;
-=head1 Miscellaneous Vector-Valued Operations
-=head2 vv_vcos
-=for sig
-  Signature: (a(M,N);b(M);float+ [o]vcos(N))
-Computes the vector cosine similarity of a dense vector $b() with respect to each row $a(*,i)
-of a dense PDL $a().  This is basically the same thing as:
- ($a * $b)->sumover / ($a->pow(2)->sumover->sqrt * $b->pow(2)->sumover->sqrt)
-... but should be must faster to compute, and avoids allocating potentially large temporaries for
-the vector magnitudes.  Output values in $vcos() are cosine similarities in the range [-1,1],
-except for zero-magnitude vectors which will result in NaN values in $vcos().
-You can use PDL threading to batch-compute distances for multiple $b() vectors simultaneously:
-  $bx   = random($M, $NB);   ##-- get $NB random vectors of size $N
-  $vcos = vv_vcos($a,$bx);   ##-- $vcos(i,j) ~ sim($a(,i),$b(,j))
-=for bad
-vv_vcos() will set the bad status flag on the output piddle $vcos() if it is set on either of the input
-piddles $a() or $b(), but BAD values will otherwise be ignored for computing the cosine similarity.
-*vv_vcos = \&PDL::vv_vcos;
-=over 4
-=item *
-Perl by Larry Wall
-=item *
-PDL by Karl Glazebrook, Tuomas J. Lukka, Christian Soeller, and others.
-=item *
-Code for rlevec() and rldvec() derived from the PDL builtin functions
-rle() and rld() in $PDL_SRC_ROOT/Basic/Slices/slices.pd
-=head1 KNOWN BUGS
-Probably many.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt>
-=over 4
-=item *
-Code for qsortvec() copyright (C) Tuomas J. Lukka 1997.
-Contributions by Christian Soeller (c.soeller@auckland.ac.nz)
-and Karl Glazebrook (kgb@aaoepp.aao.gov.au).  All rights
-reserved. There is no warranty. You are allowed to redistribute this
-software / documentation under certain conditions. For details, see
-the file COPYING in the PDL distribution. If this file is separated
-from the PDL distribution, the copyright notice should be included in
-the file.
-=item *
-All other parts copyright (c) 2007-2022, Bryan Jurish.  All rights reserved.
-This package is free software, and entirely without warranty.
-You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), PDL(3perl)
-# Exit with OK status
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 8579a89..ddcdb96 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+libpdl-vectorvalued-perl (1.0.20+git20220520.1.b0ae0d1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+ -- Debian Janitor <janitor@jelmer.uk>  Sat, 21 May 2022 14:58:03 -0000
 libpdl-vectorvalued-perl (1.0.20-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.