diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 0161bd7..0000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 95643db..0000000
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
-cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 NEW)
-find_package(LibGit2 REQUIRED)
-find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
-Init # needed for the kdeinit cmake macro
-plasma_install_package(plasmoid org.kde.kupapplet)
-find_package(KF5I18n CONFIG REQUIRED)
diff --git a/LICENSES/GPL-2.0-only.txt b/LICENSES/GPL-2.0-only.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3d641..0000000
--- a/LICENSES/GPL-2.0-only.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-Version 2, June 1991
-Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 
-51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
-document, but changing it is not allowed.
-The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share
-and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to
-guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
-software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to
-most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose
-authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software
-is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply
-it to your programs, too.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our
-General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom
-to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you
-wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you
-can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that
-you know you can do these things.
-To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to
-deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions
-translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of
-the software, or if you modify it.
-For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or
-for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You
-must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you
-must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2)
-offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
-and/or modify the software.
-Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that
-everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If
-the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients
-to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced
-by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations.
-Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We
-wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually
-obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent
-this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification
-0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice
-placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms
-of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program
-or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any
-derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the
-Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation
-in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered
-by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program
-is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its
-contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been
-made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program
-1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code
-as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately
-publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty;
-keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence
-of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this
-License along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you
-may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it,
-thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications
-or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all
-of these conditions:
-a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
-you changed the files and the date of any change.
-b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or
-in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be
-licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this
-c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run,
-you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most
-ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate
-copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that
-you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License.
-(Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print
-such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print
-an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable
-sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably
-considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License,
-and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as
-separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole
-which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be
-on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend
-to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your
-rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise
-the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based
-on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with
-the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage
-or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this
-3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section
-2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above
-provided that you also do one of the following:
-a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code,
-which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-customarily used for software interchange; or,
-b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give
-any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing
-source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding
-source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on
-a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute
-corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial
-distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable
-form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
-modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all
-the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface
-definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation
-of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed
-need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or
-binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself
-accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to
-copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code,
-even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with
-the object code.
-4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except
-as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify,
-sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate
-your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated
-so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed
-it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the
-Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you
-do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program
-(or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License
-to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program),
-the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor
-to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions.
-You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of
-the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance
-by third parties to this License.
-7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement
-or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed
-on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the
-conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of
-this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your
-obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as
-a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a
-patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program
-by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the
-only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely
-from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and
-the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents
-or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims;
-this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free
-software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices.
-Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software
-distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to
-distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose
-that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a
-consequence of the rest of this License.
-8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain
-countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright
-holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical
-distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is
-permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this
-License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
-the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar
-in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
-problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies
-a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version",
-you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version
-or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the
-Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose
-any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
-10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs
-whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for
-permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation,
-write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.
-Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse
-of software generally.
-How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible
-use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software
-which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach
-them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion
-of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a
-pointer to where the full notice is found.
-<one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does.>
-Copyright (C)< yyyy> <name of author>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
-Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when
-it starts in an interactive mode:
-Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes
-with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software,
-and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show
-c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be
-called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks
-or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here
-is a sample; alter the names:
-Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision'
-(which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-<signature of Ty Coon >, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General
-Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary
-programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more
-useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this
-is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead
-of this License.
diff --git a/LICENSES/GPL-2.0-or-later.txt b/LICENSES/GPL-2.0-or-later.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d80ac3..0000000
--- a/LICENSES/GPL-2.0-or-later.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-Version 2, June 1991
-Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 
-51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
-document, but changing it is not allowed.
-The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share
-and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to
-guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
-software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to
-most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose
-authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software
-is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply
-it to your programs, too.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our
-General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom
-to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you
-wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you
-can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that
-you know you can do these things.
-To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to
-deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions
-translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of
-the software, or if you modify it.
-For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or
-for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You
-must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you
-must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2)
-offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
-and/or modify the software.
-Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that
-everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If
-the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients
-to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced
-by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations.
-Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We
-wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually
-obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent
-this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
-free use or not licensed at all.
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification
-0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice
-placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms
-of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program
-or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any
-derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the
-Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
-into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation
-in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered
-by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program
-is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its
-contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been
-made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program
-1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code
-as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately
-publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty;
-keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence
-of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this
-License along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you
-may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it,
-thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications
-or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all
-of these conditions:
-a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
-you changed the files and the date of any change.
-b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or
-in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be
-licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this
-c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run,
-you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most
-ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate
-copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that
-you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License.
-(Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print
-such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print
-an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable
-sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably
-considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License,
-and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as
-separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole
-which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be
-on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend
-to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your
-rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise
-the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based
-on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with
-the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage
-or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this
-3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section
-2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above
-provided that you also do one of the following:
-a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code,
-which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-customarily used for software interchange; or,
-b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give
-any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing
-source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding
-source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on
-a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute
-corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial
-distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable
-form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
-modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all
-the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface
-definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation
-of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed
-need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or
-binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself
-accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to
-copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
-source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code,
-even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with
-the object code.
-4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except
-as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify,
-sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate
-your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies,
-or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated
-so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed
-it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the
-Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you
-do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program
-(or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License
-to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program),
-the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor
-to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions.
-You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of
-the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance
-by third parties to this License.
-7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement
-or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed
-on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the
-conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of
-this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your
-obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as
-a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a
-patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program
-by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the
-only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely
-from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
-particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and
-the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents
-or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims;
-this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free
-software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices.
-Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software
-distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to
-distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose
-that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a
-consequence of the rest of this License.
-8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain
-countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright
-holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical
-distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is
-permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this
-License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
-the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar
-in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
-problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies
-a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version",
-you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version
-or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the
-Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose
-any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
-10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs
-whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for
-permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation,
-write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.
-Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
-of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse
-of software generally.
-How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible
-use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software
-which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach
-them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion
-of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a
-pointer to where the full notice is found.
-<one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does.>
-Copyright (C) <yyyy> <name of author>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
-Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when
-it starts in an interactive mode:
-Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes
-with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software,
-and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show
-c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be
-called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks
-or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here
-is a sample; alter the names:
-Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision'
-(which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General
-Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary
-programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more
-useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this
-is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead
-of this License.
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-Version 3, 29 June 2007
-Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
-document, but changing it is not allowed.
-The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and
-other kinds of works.
-The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take
-away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General
-Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all
-versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users.
-We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most
-of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its
-authors. You can apply it to your programs, too.
-When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our
-General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom
-to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that
-you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change
-the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you
-can do these things.
-To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights
-or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities
-if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities
-to respect the freedom of others.
-For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or
-for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received.
-You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And
-you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
-Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert
-copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal
-permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
-For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that
-there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and authors'
-sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so that
-their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions.
-Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified
-versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so.
-This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users' freedom
-to change the software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the
-area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most
-unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit
-the practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in other
-domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future
-versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
-Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States
-should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose
-computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that
-patents applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To
-prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program
-The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification
-   0. Definitions.
-   "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
-"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works,
-such as semiconductor masks.
-"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License.
-Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and "recipients" may be individuals
-or organizations.
-To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in
-a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact
-copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the earlier work
-or a work "based on" the earlier work.
-A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the
-To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without permission,
-would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable
-copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy.
-Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification),
-making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as
-To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties
-to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer
-network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
-An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" to the
-extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that
-(1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that
-there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are
-provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how
-to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands
-or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
-   1. Source Code.
-The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
-modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source form of a work.
-A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official standard
-defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified
-for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers
-working in that language.
-The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other than
-the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging
-a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b)
-serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement
-a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public
-in source code form. A "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential
-component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce
-the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
-The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all the source
-code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object
-code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities.
-However, it does not include the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose
-tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing
-those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding
-Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked
-subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by
-intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and
-other parts of the work.
-The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate
-automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source.
-   The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work.
-   2. Basic Permissions.
-All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright
-on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met.
-This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified
-Program. The output from running a covered work is covered by this License
-only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License
-acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright
-You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without
-conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey
-covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications
-exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works,
-provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material
-for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered
-works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
-and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted
-material outside their relationship with you.
-Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions
-stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary.
-   3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
-No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure
-under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO
-copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting
-or restricting circumvention of such measures.
-When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention
-of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by
-exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and
-you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work
-as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties'
-legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.
-   4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
-You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive
-it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish
-on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating
-that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section
-7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty;
-and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
-You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you
-may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
-   5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
-You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce
-it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section
-4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and
-giving a relevant date.
-b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under
-this License and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies
-the requirement in section 4 to "keep intact all notices".
-c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone
-who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along
-with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work,
-and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives
-no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate
-such permission if you have separately received it.
-d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate
-Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do
-not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so.
-A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works,
-which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are
-not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the compilation
-and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights
-of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion
-of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to
-the other parts of the aggregate.
-   6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
-You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections
-4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding
-Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways:
-a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including
-a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source fixed
-on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange.
-b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including
-a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for
-at least three years and valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer
-support for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code
-either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
-product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily
-used for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost
-of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
-Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
-c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written
-offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only
-occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code
-with such an offer, in accord with subsection 6b.
-d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place (gratis
-or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source
-in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not
-require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object
-code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding
-Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that
-supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions
-next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless
-of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure
-that it is available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
-e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform
-other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are
-being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d.
-A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from
-the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying
-the object code work.
-A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any tangible
-personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household
-purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling.
-In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall
-be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular
-user, "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of product,
-regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the
-particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.
-A product is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
-commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the
-only significant mode of use of the product.
-"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, procedures,
-authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified
-versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of
-its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the
-continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented
-or interfered with solely because modification has been made.
-If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically
-for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction
-in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred
-to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the
-transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this
-section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement
-does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed
-in ROM).
-The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement
-to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that
-has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in
-which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied
-when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation
-of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across
-the network.
-Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord
-with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with
-an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require
-no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying.
-   7. Additional Terms.
-"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this License
-by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions
-that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though they
-were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable
-law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part
-may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains
-governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions.
-When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any
-additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional
-permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when
-you modify the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added
-by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright
-Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add
-to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that
-material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
-a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of
-sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
-b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author
-attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed
-by works containing it; or
-c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring
-that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different
-from the original version; or
-d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors
-of the material; or
-e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names,
-trademarks, or service marks; or
-f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by
-anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual
-assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual
-assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors.
-All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further restrictions"
-within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any
-part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License
-along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term.
-If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing
-or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed
-by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction
-does not survive such relicensing or conveying.
-If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place,
-in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply
-to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the applicable terms.
-Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form
-of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements
-apply either way.
-   8. Termination.
-You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided
-under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void,
-and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including
-any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11).
-However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from
-a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and
-until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license,
-and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation
-by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation.
-Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently
-if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means,
-this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License
-(for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior
-to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.
-Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses
-of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License.
-If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do
-not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10.
-   9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
-You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy
-of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as
-a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise
-does not require acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants
-you permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions infringe
-copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating
-a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
-   10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
-Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives
-a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work,
-subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance
-by third parties with this License.
-An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an organization,
-or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging
-organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction,
-each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives
-whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding
-Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has
-it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
-You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights
-granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a
-license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under
-this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim
-or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed
-by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or
-any portion of it.
-   11. Patents.
-A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License
-of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed
-is called the contributor's "contributor version".
-A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims owned or controlled
-by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would
-be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using,
-or selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be
-infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the contributor
-version. For purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to
-grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this
-Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent
-license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell,
-offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents
-of its contributor version.
-In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express agreement
-or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express
-permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement).
-To "grant" such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement
-or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party.
-If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the
-Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free
-of charge and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available
-network server or other readily accessible means, then you must either (1)
-cause the Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive
-yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular work, or
-(3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License,
-to extend the patent license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying"
-means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying
-the covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country
-that you have reason to believe are valid.
-If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement,
-you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a covered work, and grant
-a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered work authorizing
-them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work,
-then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all recipients
-of the covered work and works based on it.
-A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within the scope
-of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise
-of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License.
-You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with
-a third party that is in the business of distributing software, under which
-you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your activity of
-conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
-parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent
-license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you
-(or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection
-with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless
-you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, prior
-to 28 March 2007.
-Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied
-license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available
-to you under applicable patent law.
-   12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
-If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise)
-that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from
-the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as
-to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other
-pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all.
-For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty
-for further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only
-way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain
-entirely from conveying the Program.
-   13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
-Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to
-link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the
-GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey
-the resulting work. The terms of this License will continue to apply to the
-part which is the covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero
-General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network
-will apply to the combination as such.
-   14. Revised Versions of this License.
-The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the
-GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar
-in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new
-problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies
-that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License "or any
-later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
-conditions either of that numbered version or of any later version published
-by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version
-number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever
-published by the Free Software Foundation.
-If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of
-the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement
-of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version
-for the Program.
-Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However,
-no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as
-a result of your choosing to follow a later version.
-   15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
-   16. Limitation of Liability.
-   17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
-If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot
-be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall
-apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil
-liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption
-of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee. END OF
-How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible
-use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software
-which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach
-them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion
-of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a
-pointer to where the full notice is found.
-<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like
-this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-<program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
-This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
-conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands might
-be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For
-more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
-into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public
-License instead of this License. But first, please read <https://www.gnu.org/
-licenses /why-not-lgpl.html>.
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index 60a2dff..0000000
--- a/LICENSES/LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
-the license or (at your option) at any later version that is
-accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor
-approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a
-proxy as defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d5c5c..0000000
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-Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
diff --git a/Messages.sh b/Messages.sh
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index 7a70124..0000000
--- a/Messages.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-$EXTRACTRC `find . -name '*.rc' -o -name '*.ui' -o -name '*.kcfg' | grep -v 'libgit2'` >> rc.cpp
-$XGETTEXT `find . -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.qml' | grep -v 'libgit2'` -o $podir/kup.pot
-rm -f rc.cpp
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9896e9f..d962d3c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,57 +1,7 @@
-# Kup Backup System #
+# Kup has moved #
-Kup is created for helping people to keep up-to-date backups of their personal files. Connecting a USB hard drive is the primary supported way to store files, but saving files to a server over a network connection is also possible for advanced users.
+Bugs and feature requests can be reported at [https://bugs.kde.org](https://bugs.kde.org). (If that is inconvenient you may still open an issue here)
-When you plug in your external hard drive Kup will automatically start copying your latest changes, but of course it will only do so if you have been active on your computer for some number of hours since the last time you took a backup (and it can of course ask you first, before copying anything).
-In general Kup tries to not disturb you needlessly.
+All development of kup happens at [https://invent.kde.org/kde/kup](https://invent.kde.org/kde/kup).
-There are two types of backup schemes supported, one which keeps the backup folder completely in sync with what you have on your computer, deleting from the backup any file that you have deleted on your computer etc. The other scheme also keeps older versions of your files in the backup folder. When using this, only the small parts of your files that has actually changed since last backup will be saved and therefore incremental backups are very cheap. This is especially useful if you are working on big files. At the same time it's as easy to access your files as if a complete backup was taken every time; every backup contains a complete version of your directories. Behind the scenes all the content that is actually the same is only stored once. To make this happen Kup runs the backup program "bup" in the background, look at https://github.com/bup/bup for more details.
-## What the Kup backup system consists of ##
-- Configuration module, available in your system settings. Here you can configure backup plans, what to include, where to store the backup and how often. You can also see the status for the backup plans here.
-- A small program running in the background. It will monitor to see when your backup destination is available, schedule and run your backup plans.
-- Kioslave for accessing bup archives. This allows you to open files and folders directly from an archive, with any KDE application.
-- A file browsing application for bup archives, allowing you to locate the file you want to restore more easily than with the kioslave. It also helps you restore files or folders.
-## Detailed list of features ##
-- backup types:
-  - Synchronized folders with the use of "rsync".
-  - Incremental backup archive with the use of "bup"
-- backup destinations:
-  - local filesystem, monitored for availability. That means you can set a destination folder which only exist when perhaps a network shared drive is mounted and Kup will detect when it becomes available.
-  - external storage, like usb hard drives. Also monitored for availability.
-- schedules:
-  - manual only (triggered from system tray applet)
-  - interval (suggests new backup after some time has passed since last backup)
-  - usage based (suggests new backup after you have been active on your computer for some hours since last backup).
-## Needed backup programs ##
-To actually create backups of your data you will need either "bup" or "rsync" installed. They
-provide the implementations for the two different types of backups that Kup supports.
-## Compiling from source ##
-To compile you need:
-- CMake
-- extra-cmake-modules
-- The following libraries (including their development headers):
-  - qt5-base
-  - kcoreaddons
-  - kdbusaddons
-  - ki18n
-  - kio
-  - solid
-  - kidletime
-  - knotifications
-  - kconfig
-  - kinit
-  - kjobwidgets
-Run from the source directory:
-mkdir build
-cd build
-sudo make install
diff --git a/daemon/CMakeLists.txt b/daemon/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c5ef45f..0000000
--- a/daemon/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-    HEADER kupdaemon_debug.h
-    CATEGORY_NAME kup.daemon
-kf5_add_kdeinit_executable(kup-daemon ${kupdaemon_SRCS})
-########### install files ###############
-install(TARGETS kdeinit_kup-daemon ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS})
-install(FILES kup-daemon.desktop DESTINATION ${AUTOSTART_INSTALL_DIR})
-install(FILES kupdaemon.notifyrc DESTINATION ${KNOTIFYRC_INSTALL_DIR})
diff --git a/daemon/backupjob.cpp b/daemon/backupjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c96c834..0000000
--- a/daemon/backupjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "backupjob.h"
-#include "bupjob.h"
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include "rsyncjob.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <utility>
-BackupJob::BackupJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, QString pDestinationPath, QString pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   :mBackupPlan(pBackupPlan), mDestinationPath(std::move(pDestinationPath)), mLogFilePath(std::move(pLogFilePath)), mKupDaemon(pKupDaemon)
-	mLogFile.setFileName(mLogFilePath);
-	mLogFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate);
-	mLogStream.setDevice(&mLogFile);
-void BackupJob::start() {
-	mKupDaemon->registerJob(this);
-	QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &BackupJob::performJob);
-void BackupJob::makeNice(int pPid) {
-#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
-	// See linux documentation Documentation/block/ioprio.txt for details of the syscall
-	syscall(SYS_ioprio_set, 1, pPid, 3 << 13 | 7);
-	setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, static_cast<uint>(pPid), 19);
-QString BackupJob::quoteArgs(const QStringList &pCommand) {
-	QString lResult;
-	bool lFirst = true;
-	foreach(const QString &lArg, pCommand) {
-		if(lFirst) {
-			lResult.append(lArg);
-			lFirst = false;
-		} else {
-			lResult.append(QStringLiteral(" \""));
-			lResult.append(lArg);
-			lResult.append(QStringLiteral("\""));
-		}
-	}
-	return lResult;
-void BackupJob::jobFinishedSuccess() {
-	// unregistring a job will normally show a UI notification that it the job was completed
-	// setting the error code to indicate that the user canceled the job makes the UI not show
-	// any notification. We want that since we want to trigger our own notification which has
-	// more buttons and stuff.
-	setError(KilledJobError);
-	mKupDaemon->unregisterJob(this);
-	// The error code is still used by our internal logic, for triggering our own notification.
-	// So make sure to set it correctly.
-	setError(NoError);
-	emitResult();
-void BackupJob::jobFinishedError(BackupJob::ErrorCodes pErrorCode, const QString &pErrorText) {
-	// if job has already set the error that it was killed by the user then ignore any fault
-	// we get here as that fault is surely about the process exit code was not zero.
-	// And we don't want to report about that (with our notification) in this case.
-	bool lWasKilled = (error() == KilledJobError);
-	setError(KilledJobError);
-	mKupDaemon->unregisterJob(this);
-	if(!lWasKilled) {
-		setError(pErrorCode);
-		setErrorText(pErrorText);
-	}
-	emitResult();
diff --git a/daemon/backupjob.h b/daemon/backupjob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fe7b133..0000000
--- a/daemon/backupjob.h
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef BACKUPJOB_H
-#define BACKUPJOB_H
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include <KJob>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QTextStream>
-class KupDaemon;
-class BackupJob : public KJob
-	enum ErrorCodes {
-		ErrorWithLog = UserDefinedError,
-		ErrorWithoutLog,
-		ErrorSuggestRepair
-	};
-	void start() override;
-protected slots:
-	virtual void performJob() = 0;
-	BackupJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, QString pDestinationPath, QString pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-	static void makeNice(int pPid);
-	static QString quoteArgs(const QStringList &pCommand);
-	void jobFinishedSuccess();
-	void jobFinishedError(ErrorCodes pErrorCode, const QString &pErrorText);
-	BackupPlan &mBackupPlan;
-	QString mDestinationPath;
-	QString mLogFilePath;
-	QFile mLogFile;
-	QTextStream mLogStream;
-	KupDaemon *mKupDaemon;
-#endif // BACKUPJOB_H
diff --git a/daemon/bupjob.cpp b/daemon/bupjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ebedf8d..0000000
--- a/daemon/bupjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "bupjob.h"
-#include <csignal>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QRegularExpression>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <QThread>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-BupJob::BupJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath, const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   :BackupJob(pBackupPlan, pDestinationPath, pLogFilePath, pKupDaemon)
-	mFsckProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	mIndexProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	mSaveProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	mPar2Process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	setCapabilities(KJob::Suspendable);
-	mHarmlessErrorCount = 0;
-	mAllErrorsHarmless = false;
-void BupJob::performJob() {
-	KProcess lPar2Process;
-	lPar2Process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	lPar2Process << QStringLiteral("bup") << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("--par2-ok");
-	int lExitCode = lPar2Process.execute();
-	if(lExitCode < 0) {
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithoutLog, xi18nc("@info notification",
-		                                         "The <application>bup</application> program is "
-		                                         "needed but could not be found, maybe it is not installed?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mBackupPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo && lExitCode != 0) {
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithoutLog, xi18nc("@info notification",
-		                                         "The <application>par2</application> program is "
-		                                         "needed but could not be found, maybe it is not installed?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup is starting bup backup job at ")
-	           << QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime())
-	           << endl << endl;
-	KProcess lInitProcess;
-	lInitProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	lInitProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-	lInitProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-	lInitProcess << QStringLiteral("init");
-	mLogStream << quoteArgs(lInitProcess.program()) << endl;
-	if(lInitProcess.execute() != 0) {
-		mLogStream << QString::fromUtf8(lInitProcess.readAllStandardError()) << endl;
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup did not successfully complete the bup backup job: "
-		                             "failed to initialize backup destination.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Backup destination could not be initialised. "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mBackupPlan.mCheckBackups) {
-		mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-		mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-		mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("--quick");
-		mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("-j") << QString::number(qMin(4, QThread::idealThreadCount()));
-		connect(&mFsckProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotCheckingDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-		connect(&mFsckProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotCheckingStarted()));
-		mLogStream << quoteArgs(mFsckProcess.program()) << endl;
-		mFsckProcess.start();
-		mInfoRateLimiter.start();
-	} else {
-		slotCheckingDone(0, QProcess::NormalExit);
-	}
-void BupJob::slotCheckingStarted() {
-	makeNice(mFsckProcess.pid());
-	emit description(this, i18n("Checking backup integrity"));
-void BupJob::slotCheckingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	QString lErrors = QString::fromUtf8(mFsckProcess.readAllStandardError());
-	if(!lErrors.isEmpty()) {
-		mLogStream << lErrors << endl;
-	}
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || pExitCode != 0) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup did not successfully complete the bup backup job: "
-		                             "failed integrity check. Your backups could be "
-		                             "corrupted! See above for details.") << endl;
-		if(mBackupPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo) {
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorSuggestRepair, xi18nc("@info notification",
-			                                            "Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! "
-			                                            "See log file for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"));
-		} else {
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification",
-			                                      "Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! "
-			                                      "See log file for more details."));
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	mIndexProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-	mIndexProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-	mIndexProcess << QStringLiteral("index") << QStringLiteral("-u");
-	foreach(QString lExclude, mBackupPlan.mPathsExcluded) {
-		mIndexProcess << QStringLiteral("--exclude");
-		mIndexProcess << lExclude;
-	}
-	QString lExcludesPath = mBackupPlan.absoluteExcludesFilePath();
-	if(mBackupPlan.mExcludePatterns && QFileInfo::exists(lExcludesPath)) {
-		mIndexProcess << QStringLiteral("--exclude-rx-from") << lExcludesPath;
-	}
-	mIndexProcess << mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded;
-	connect(&mIndexProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotIndexingDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-	connect(&mIndexProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotIndexingStarted()));
-	mLogStream << quoteArgs(mIndexProcess.program()) << endl;
-	mIndexProcess.start();
-void BupJob::slotIndexingStarted() {
-	makeNice(mIndexProcess.pid());
-	emit description(this, i18n("Checking what to copy"));
-void BupJob::slotIndexingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	QString lErrors = QString::fromUtf8(mIndexProcess.readAllStandardError());
-	if(!lErrors.isEmpty()) {
-		mLogStream << lErrors << endl;
-	}
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || pExitCode != 0) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup did not successfully complete the bup backup job: failed to index everything.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Failed to analyze files. "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-		return;
-	}
-	mSaveProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-	mSaveProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-	mSaveProcess << QStringLiteral("save");
-	mSaveProcess << QStringLiteral("-n") << QStringLiteral("kup") << QStringLiteral("-vv");
-	mSaveProcess << mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded;
-	mLogStream << quoteArgs(mSaveProcess.program()) << endl;
-	connect(&mSaveProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotSavingDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-	connect(&mSaveProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotSavingStarted()));
-	connect(&mSaveProcess, &KProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, &BupJob::slotReadBupErrors);
-	mSaveProcess.setEnv(QStringLiteral("BUP_FORCE_TTY"), QStringLiteral("2"));
-	mSaveProcess.start();
-void BupJob::slotSavingStarted() {
-	makeNice(mSaveProcess.pid());
-	emit description(this, i18n("Saving backup"));
-void BupJob::slotSavingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	slotReadBupErrors();
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || pExitCode != 0) {
-		if(mAllErrorsHarmless) {
-			mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Only harmless errors detected by Kup.") << endl;
-		} else {
-			mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup did not successfully complete the bup backup job: "
-			                             "failed to save everything.") << endl;
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Failed to save backup. "
-			                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	if(mBackupPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo) {
-		mPar2Process << QStringLiteral("bup");
-		mPar2Process << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-		mPar2Process << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("-g");
-		mPar2Process << QStringLiteral("-j") << QString::number(qMin(4, QThread::idealThreadCount()));
-		connect(&mPar2Process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotRecoveryInfoDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-		connect(&mPar2Process, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotRecoveryInfoStarted()));
-		mLogStream << quoteArgs(mPar2Process.program()) << endl;
-		mPar2Process.start();
-	} else {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup successfully completed the bup backup job at ")
-		           << QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) << endl;
-		jobFinishedSuccess();
-	}
-void BupJob::slotRecoveryInfoStarted() {
-	makeNice(mPar2Process.pid());
-	emit description(this, i18n("Generating recovery information"));
-void BupJob::slotRecoveryInfoDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	QString lErrors = QString::fromUtf8(mPar2Process.readAllStandardError());
-	if(!lErrors.isEmpty()) {
-		mLogStream << lErrors << endl;
-	}
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || pExitCode != 0) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup did not successfully complete the bup backup job: "
-		                             "failed to generate recovery info.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-	} else {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup successfully completed the bup backup job.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedSuccess();
-	}
-void BupJob::slotReadBupErrors() {
-	bool lValidInfo = false, lValidFileName = false;
-	qulonglong lCopiedKBytes = 0, lTotalKBytes = 0, lCopiedFiles = 0, lTotalFiles = 0;
-	ulong lSpeedKBps = 0, lPercent = 0;
-	QString lFileName;
-	QRegularExpression lProgressRegExp(QStringLiteral("(\\d+)/(\\d+)k, (\\d+)/(\\d+) files\\) \\S* (?:(\\d+)k/s|)"));
-	QRegularExpression lErrorCountRegExp(QStringLiteral("WARNING: (\\d+) errors encountered while saving."));
-	QTextStream lStream(mSaveProcess.readAllStandardError());
-	QString lRawLine;
-	while(lStream.readLineInto(&lRawLine)) {
-		const QStringList lList = lRawLine.split(QChar::CarriageReturn);
-		for(const QString &lLine: lList) {
-			//		mLogStream << "read a line: " << lLine << endl;
-			if(lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("Reading index:")) || lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("bloom:"))
-			        || lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("midx:"))) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			if(lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("Saving:"))) {
-				QRegularExpressionMatch lMatch = lProgressRegExp.match(lLine);
-				if(lMatch.hasMatch()) {
-					lCopiedKBytes = lMatch.captured(1).toULongLong();
-					lTotalKBytes = lMatch.captured(2).toULongLong();
-					lCopiedFiles = lMatch.captured(3).toULongLong();
-					lTotalFiles = lMatch.captured(4).toULongLong();
-					lSpeedKBps = lMatch.captured(5).toULong();
-					if(lTotalKBytes != 0) {
-						lPercent = qMax(100*lCopiedKBytes/lTotalKBytes, static_cast<qulonglong>(1));
-					}
-					lValidInfo = true;
-				}
-			} else if(lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("[Errno 2]"))) {
-				mHarmlessErrorCount++;
-				mLogStream << lLine << endl;
-			} else if(lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("WARNING:"))) {
-				QRegularExpressionMatch lMatch = lErrorCountRegExp.match(lLine);
-				if(lMatch.hasMatch()) {
-					int lTotalErrors = lMatch.captured(1).toInt();
-					mAllErrorsHarmless = lTotalErrors == mHarmlessErrorCount;
-				}
-				mLogStream << lLine << endl;
-			} else if((lLine.at(0) == ' ' || lLine.at(0) == 'A' || lLine.at(0) == 'M') && lLine.at(1) == ' ' && lLine.at(2) == '/') {
-				lFileName = lLine;
-				lFileName.remove(0, 2);
-				lValidFileName = true;
-			} else if(!lLine.startsWith(QStringLiteral("D /"))) {
-				mLogStream << lLine << endl;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(mInfoRateLimiter.hasExpired(200)) {
-		if(lValidInfo) {
-			setPercent(lPercent);
-			setTotalAmount(KJob::Bytes, lTotalKBytes*1024);
-			setTotalAmount(KJob::Files, lTotalFiles);
-			setProcessedAmount(KJob::Bytes, lCopiedKBytes*1024);
-			setProcessedAmount(KJob::Files, lCopiedFiles);
-			emitSpeed(lSpeedKBps * 1024);
-		}
-		if(lValidFileName) {
-			emit description(this, i18n("Saving backup"),
-			                 qMakePair(i18nc("Label for file currently being copied", "File"), lFileName));
-		}
-		mInfoRateLimiter.start();
-	}
-bool BupJob::doSuspend() {
-	if(mFsckProcess.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mFsckProcess.pid(), SIGSTOP);
-	}
-	if(mIndexProcess.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mIndexProcess.pid(), SIGSTOP);
-	}
-	if(mSaveProcess.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mSaveProcess.pid(), SIGSTOP);
-	}
-	if(mPar2Process.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mPar2Process.pid(), SIGSTOP);
-	}
-	return false;
-bool BupJob::doResume() {
-	if(mFsckProcess.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mFsckProcess.pid(), SIGCONT);
-	}
-	if(mIndexProcess.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mIndexProcess.pid(), SIGCONT);
-	}
-	if(mSaveProcess.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mSaveProcess.pid(), SIGCONT);
-	}
-	if(mPar2Process.state() == KProcess::Running) {
-		return 0 == ::kill(mPar2Process.pid(), SIGCONT);
-	}
-	return false;
diff --git a/daemon/bupjob.h b/daemon/bupjob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc0352..0000000
--- a/daemon/bupjob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef BUPJOB_H
-#define BUPJOB_H
-#include "backupjob.h"
-#include <KProcess>
-#include <QElapsedTimer>
-class KupDaemon;
-class BupJob : public BackupJob
-	BupJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath, const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-protected slots:
-	void performJob() override;
-	void slotCheckingStarted();
-	void slotCheckingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	void slotIndexingStarted();
-	void slotIndexingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	void slotSavingStarted();
-	void slotSavingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	void slotRecoveryInfoStarted();
-	void slotRecoveryInfoDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	void slotReadBupErrors();
-	bool doSuspend() override;
-	bool doResume() override;
-	KProcess mFsckProcess;
-	KProcess mIndexProcess;
-	KProcess mSaveProcess;
-	KProcess mPar2Process;
-	QElapsedTimer mInfoRateLimiter;
-	int mHarmlessErrorCount;
-	bool mAllErrorsHarmless;
-#endif /*BUPJOB_H*/
diff --git a/daemon/buprepairjob.cpp b/daemon/buprepairjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ce9227a..0000000
--- a/daemon/buprepairjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "buprepairjob.h"
-#include <QThread>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-BupRepairJob::BupRepairJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath,
-                                       const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   : BackupJob(pBackupPlan, pDestinationPath, pLogFilePath, pKupDaemon){
-	mFsckProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-void BupRepairJob::performJob() {
-	KProcess lPar2Process;
-	lPar2Process.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	lPar2Process << QStringLiteral("bup") << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("--par2-ok");
-	int lExitCode = lPar2Process.execute();
-	if(lExitCode < 0) {
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithoutLog, xi18nc("@info notification",
-		                                         "The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-		                                         "maybe it is not installed?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mBackupPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo && lExitCode != 0) {
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithoutLog, xi18nc("@info notification",
-		                                         "The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-		                                         "maybe it is not installed?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup is starting bup repair job at ")
-	           << QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime())
-	           << endl << endl;
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("-r");
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("-j") << QString::number(qMin(4, QThread::idealThreadCount()));
-	connect(&mFsckProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotRepairDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-	connect(&mFsckProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotRepairStarted()));
-	mLogStream << mFsckProcess.program().join(QStringLiteral(" ")) << endl;
-	mFsckProcess.start();
-void BupRepairJob::slotRepairStarted() {
-	makeNice(mFsckProcess.pid());
-void BupRepairJob::slotRepairDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	QString lErrors = QString::fromUtf8(mFsckProcess.readAllStandardError());
-	if(!lErrors.isEmpty()) {
-		mLogStream << lErrors << endl;
-	}
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Repair failed (the repair process crashed). Your backups could be "
-		                             "corrupted! See above for details.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-	} else if(pExitCode == 100) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Repair succeeded. See above for details.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."));
-	} else if(pExitCode == 0) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Repair was not necessary. Your backups are fine. See "
-		                             "above for details.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-	} else {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Repair failed. Your backups could still be "
-		                             "corrupted! See above for details.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-	}
diff --git a/daemon/buprepairjob.h b/daemon/buprepairjob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b3da74..0000000
--- a/daemon/buprepairjob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "backupjob.h"
-#include <KProcess>
-class KupDaemon;
-class BupRepairJob : public BackupJob
-	BupRepairJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath, const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-protected slots:
-	void performJob() override;
-	void slotRepairStarted();
-	void slotRepairDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	KProcess mFsckProcess;
diff --git a/daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp b/daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2419d..0000000
--- a/daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "bupverificationjob.h"
-#include <QThread>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-BupVerificationJob::BupVerificationJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath,
-                                       const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   : BackupJob(pBackupPlan, pDestinationPath, pLogFilePath, pKupDaemon){
-	mFsckProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-void BupVerificationJob::performJob() {
-	KProcess lVersionProcess;
-	lVersionProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	lVersionProcess << QStringLiteral("bup") << QStringLiteral("version");
-	if(lVersionProcess.execute() < 0) {
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithoutLog, xi18nc("@info notification",
-		                                         "The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-		                                         "maybe it is not installed?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup is starting bup verification job at ")
-	           << QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime())
-	           << endl << endl;
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mDestinationPath;
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("--quick");
-	mFsckProcess << QStringLiteral("-j") << QString::number(qMin(4, QThread::idealThreadCount()));
-	connect(&mFsckProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotCheckingDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-	connect(&mFsckProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotCheckingStarted()));
-	mLogStream << mFsckProcess.program().join(QStringLiteral(" ")) << endl;
-	mFsckProcess.start();
-void BupVerificationJob::slotCheckingStarted() {
-	makeNice(mFsckProcess.pid());
-void BupVerificationJob::slotCheckingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	QString lErrors = QString::fromUtf8(mFsckProcess.readAllStandardError());
-	if(!lErrors.isEmpty()) {
-		mLogStream << lErrors << endl;
-	}
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Integrity check failed (the process crashed). Your backups could be "
-		                             "corrupted! See above for details.") << endl;
-		if(mBackupPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo) {
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorSuggestRepair, xi18nc("@info notification",
-			                                    "Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! "
-			                                    "See log file for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"));
-		} else {
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! "
-			                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-		}
-	} else if(pExitCode == 0) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Backup integrity test was successful. "
-		                             "Your backups are fine. See above for details.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Backup integrity test was successful. "
-		                                                            "Your backups are fine."));
-	} else {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Integrity check failed. Your backups are "
-		                             "corrupted! See above for details.") << endl;
-		if(mBackupPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo) {
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorSuggestRepair, xi18nc("@info notification",
-			                                            "Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! "
-			                                            "See log file for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"));
-		} else {
-			jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! "
-			                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/daemon/bupverificationjob.h b/daemon/bupverificationjob.h
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index f1f606c..0000000
--- a/daemon/bupverificationjob.h
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "backupjob.h"
-#include <KProcess>
-class KupDaemon;
-class BupVerificationJob : public BackupJob
-	BupVerificationJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath, const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-protected slots:
-	void performJob() override;
-	void slotCheckingStarted();
-	void slotCheckingDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	KProcess mFsckProcess;
diff --git a/daemon/edexecutor.cpp b/daemon/edexecutor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a5910ae..0000000
--- a/daemon/edexecutor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "edexecutor.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include <QAction>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QMenu>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <KDiskFreeSpaceInfo>
-#include <KIO/DirectorySizeJob>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KNotification>
-#include <Solid/DeviceNotifier>
-#include <Solid/DeviceInterface>
-#include <Solid/StorageDrive>
-#include <Solid/StorageVolume>
-EDExecutor::EDExecutor(BackupPlan *pPlan, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   :PlanExecutor(pPlan, pKupDaemon), mStorageAccess(nullptr), mWantsToRunBackup(false), mWantsToShowFiles(false)
-	connect(Solid::DeviceNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceAdded(QString)), SLOT(deviceAdded(QString)));
-	connect(Solid::DeviceNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(QString)), SLOT(deviceRemoved(QString)));
-void EDExecutor::checkStatus() {
-	QList<Solid::Device> lDeviceList = Solid::Device::listFromType(Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageVolume);
-	foreach (const Solid::Device &lDevice, lDeviceList) {
-		deviceAdded(lDevice.udi());
-	}
-	updateAccessibility();
-void EDExecutor::deviceAdded(const QString &pUdi) {
-	Solid::Device lDevice(pUdi);
-	if(!lDevice.is<Solid::StorageVolume>()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	auto *lVolume = lDevice.as<Solid::StorageVolume>();
-	QString lUUID = lVolume->uuid();
-	if(lUUID.isEmpty()) { //seems to happen for vfat partitions
-		Solid::Device lDriveDevice;
-		if(lDevice.is<Solid::StorageDrive>()) {
-			lDriveDevice = lDevice;
-		} else {
-			lDriveDevice = lDevice.parent();
-		}
-		lUUID += lDriveDevice.description();
-		lUUID += QStringLiteral("|");
-		lUUID += lVolume->label();
-	}
-	if(mPlan->mExternalUUID == lUUID) {
-		mCurrentUdi = pUdi;
-		mStorageAccess = lDevice.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
-		enterAvailableState();
-	}
-void EDExecutor::deviceRemoved(const QString &pUdi) {
-	if(mCurrentUdi == pUdi) {
-		mWantsToRunBackup = false;
-		mCurrentUdi.clear();
-		mStorageAccess = nullptr;
-		enterNotAvailableState();
-	}
-void EDExecutor::updateAccessibility() {
-	if(mWantsToRunBackup) {
-		startBackup(); // run startBackup again now that it has been mounted
-	} else if(mWantsToShowFiles) {
-		showBackupFiles();
-	}
-void EDExecutor::startBackup() {
-	if(!mStorageAccess) {
-		exitBackupRunningState(false);
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mStorageAccess->isAccessible()) {
-		if(!mStorageAccess->filePath().isEmpty()) {
-			mDestinationPath = mStorageAccess->filePath();
-			mDestinationPath += QStringLiteral("/");
-			mDestinationPath += mPlan->mExternalDestinationPath;
-			QDir lDir(mDestinationPath);
-			if(!lDir.exists()) {
-				lDir.mkdir(mDestinationPath);
-			}
-			QFileInfo lInfo(mDestinationPath);
-			if(lInfo.isWritable()) {
-				BackupJob *lJob = createBackupJob();
-				if(lJob == nullptr) {
-					KNotification::event(KNotification::Error, xi18nc("@title:window", "Problem"),
-					                     xi18nc("notification", "Invalid type of backup in configuration."));
-					exitBackupRunningState(false);
-					return;
-				}
-				connect(lJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotBackupDone(KJob*)));
-				lJob->start();
-				mWantsToRunBackup = false; //reset, only used to retrigger this state-entering if drive wasn't already mounted
-			} else {
-				KNotification::event(KNotification::Error, xi18nc("@title:window", "Problem"),
-				                     xi18nc("notification", "You don't have write permission to backup destination."));
-				exitBackupRunningState(false);
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	} else { //not mounted yet. trigger mount and come back to this startBackup again later
-		mWantsToRunBackup = true;
-		connect(mStorageAccess, SIGNAL(accessibilityChanged(bool,QString)), SLOT(updateAccessibility()));
-		mStorageAccess->setup(); //try to mount it, fail silently for now.
-	}
-void EDExecutor::slotBackupDone(KJob *pJob) {
-	if(pJob->error()) {
-		if(pJob->error() != KJob::KilledJobError) {
-			notifyBackupFailed(pJob);
-		}
-		exitBackupRunningState(false);
-	} else {
-		notifyBackupSucceeded();
-		mPlan->mLastCompleteBackup = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
-		KDiskFreeSpaceInfo lSpaceInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(mDestinationPath);
-		if(lSpaceInfo.isValid())
-			mPlan->mLastAvailableSpace = static_cast<double>(lSpaceInfo.available());
-		else
-			mPlan->mLastAvailableSpace = -1.0; //unknown size
-		KIO::DirectorySizeJob *lSizeJob = KIO::directorySize(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mDestinationPath));
-		connect(lSizeJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotBackupSizeDone(KJob*)));
-		lSizeJob->start();
-	}
-void EDExecutor::slotBackupSizeDone(KJob *pJob) {
-	if(pJob->error()) {
-		KNotification::event(KNotification::Error, xi18nc("@title:window", "Problem"), pJob->errorText());
-		mPlan->mLastBackupSize = -1.0; //unknown size
-	} else {
-		auto *lSizeJob = qobject_cast<KIO::DirectorySizeJob *>(pJob);
-		mPlan->mLastBackupSize = static_cast<double>(lSizeJob->totalSize());
-	}
-	mPlan->save();
-	exitBackupRunningState(pJob->error() == 0);
-void EDExecutor::showBackupFiles() {
-	if(!mStorageAccess)
-		return;
-	if(mStorageAccess->isAccessible()) {
-		if(!mStorageAccess->filePath().isEmpty()) {
-			mDestinationPath = mStorageAccess->filePath();
-			mDestinationPath += QStringLiteral("/");
-			mDestinationPath += mPlan->mExternalDestinationPath;
-			QFileInfo lDestinationInfo(mDestinationPath);
-			if(lDestinationInfo.exists() && lDestinationInfo.isDir()) {
-				mWantsToShowFiles = false; //reset, only used to retrigger this state-entering if drive wasn't already mounted
-				PlanExecutor::showBackupFiles();
-			}
-		}
-	} else { //not mounted yet. trigger mount and come back to this startBackup again later
-		mWantsToShowFiles = true;
-		connect(mStorageAccess, SIGNAL(accessibilityChanged(bool,QString)), SLOT(updateAccessibility()));
-		mStorageAccess->setup(); //try to mount it, fail silently for now.
-	}
diff --git a/daemon/edexecutor.h b/daemon/edexecutor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a191381..0000000
--- a/daemon/edexecutor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "planexecutor.h"
-#include <Solid/Device>
-#include <Solid/StorageAccess>
-class BackupPlan;
-class KJob;
-// Plan executor that stores the backup to an external disk.
-// Uses libsolid to monitor for when it becomes available.
-class EDExecutor: public PlanExecutor
-	EDExecutor(BackupPlan *pPlan, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-public slots:
-	void checkStatus() override;
-	void showBackupFiles() override;
-protected slots:
-	void deviceAdded(const QString &pUdi);
-	void deviceRemoved(const QString &pUdi);
-	void updateAccessibility();
-	void startBackup() override;
-	void slotBackupDone(KJob *pJob);
-	void slotBackupSizeDone(KJob *pJob);
-	Solid::StorageAccess *mStorageAccess;
-	QString mCurrentUdi;
-	bool mWantsToRunBackup;
-	bool mWantsToShowFiles;
-#endif // EDEXECUTOR_H
diff --git a/daemon/fsexecutor.cpp b/daemon/fsexecutor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ceda4db..0000000
--- a/daemon/fsexecutor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "fsexecutor.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include <QAction>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <KDirWatch>
-#include <KDiskFreeSpaceInfo>
-#include <KIO/DirectorySizeJob>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KNotification>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-FSExecutor::FSExecutor(BackupPlan *pPlan, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   :PlanExecutor(pPlan, pKupDaemon)
-	mDestinationPath = QDir::cleanPath(mPlan->mFilesystemDestinationPath.toLocalFile());
-	mDirWatch = new KDirWatch(this);
-	connect(mDirWatch, SIGNAL(deleted(QString)), SLOT(checkStatus()));
-	mMountWatcher.start();
-FSExecutor::~FSExecutor() {
-	mMountWatcher.terminate();
-	mMountWatcher.wait();
-void FSExecutor::checkStatus() {
-	static bool lComingBackLater = false;
-	if(!mWatchedParentDir.isEmpty() && !lComingBackLater) {
-		// came here because something happened to a parent folder,
-		// come back in a few seconds, give a new mount some time before checking
-		// status of destination folder
-		QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(checkStatus()));
-		lComingBackLater = true;
-		return;
-	}
-	lComingBackLater = false;
-	QDir lDir(mDestinationPath);
-	if(!lDir.exists()) {
-		// Destination doesn't exist, find nearest existing parent folder and
-		// watch that for dirty or deleted
-		if(mDirWatch->contains(mDestinationPath)) {
-			mDirWatch->removeDir(mDestinationPath);
-		}
-		QString lExisting = mDestinationPath;
-		do {
-			lExisting += QStringLiteral("/..");
-			lDir = QDir(QDir::cleanPath(lExisting));
-		} while(!lDir.exists());
-		lExisting = lDir.canonicalPath();
-		if(lExisting != mWatchedParentDir) { // new parent to watch
-			if(!mWatchedParentDir.isEmpty()) { // were already watching a parent
-				mDirWatch->removeDir(mWatchedParentDir);
-			} else { // start watching a parent
-				connect(mDirWatch, SIGNAL(dirty(QString)), SLOT(checkStatus()));
-				connect(&mMountWatcher, SIGNAL(mountsChanged()), SLOT(checkMountPoints()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-			}
-			mWatchedParentDir = lExisting;
-			mDirWatch->addDir(mWatchedParentDir);
-		}
-		if(mState != NOT_AVAILABLE) {
-			enterNotAvailableState();
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Destination exists... only watch for delete
-		if(!mWatchedParentDir.isEmpty()) {
-			disconnect(mDirWatch, SIGNAL(dirty(QString)), this, SLOT(checkStatus()));
-			disconnect(&mMountWatcher, SIGNAL(mountsChanged()), this, SLOT(checkMountPoints()));
-			mDirWatch->removeDir(mWatchedParentDir);
-			mWatchedParentDir.clear();
-		}
-		mDirWatch->addDir(mDestinationPath);
-		QFileInfo lInfo(mDestinationPath);
-		if(lInfo.isWritable() && mState == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
-			enterAvailableState();
-		}else if(!lInfo.isWritable() && mState != NOT_AVAILABLE) {
-			enterNotAvailableState();
-		}
-	}
-void FSExecutor::startBackup() {
-	BackupJob *lJob = createBackupJob();
-	if(lJob == nullptr) {
-		KNotification::event(KNotification::Error, xi18nc("@title:window", "Problem"),
-		                     xi18nc("notification", "Invalid type of backup in configuration."));
-		exitBackupRunningState(false);
-		return;
-	}
-	connect(lJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotBackupDone(KJob*)));
-	lJob->start();
-void FSExecutor::slotBackupDone(KJob *pJob) {
-	if(pJob->error()) {
-		if(pJob->error() != KJob::KilledJobError) {
-			notifyBackupFailed(pJob);
-		}
-		exitBackupRunningState(false);
-	} else {
-		notifyBackupSucceeded();
-		mPlan->mLastCompleteBackup = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
-		KDiskFreeSpaceInfo lSpaceInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(mDestinationPath);
-		if(lSpaceInfo.isValid())
-			mPlan->mLastAvailableSpace = static_cast<double>(lSpaceInfo.available());
-		else
-			mPlan->mLastAvailableSpace = -1.0; //unknown size
-		KIO::DirectorySizeJob *lSizeJob = KIO::directorySize(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mDestinationPath));
-		connect(lSizeJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotBackupSizeDone(KJob*)));
-		lSizeJob->start();
-	}
-void FSExecutor::slotBackupSizeDone(KJob *pJob) {
-	if(pJob->error()) {
-		KNotification::event(KNotification::Error, xi18nc("@title:window", "Problem"), pJob->errorText());
-		mPlan->mLastBackupSize = -1.0; //unknown size
-	} else {
-		auto *lSizeJob = qobject_cast<KIO::DirectorySizeJob *>(pJob);
-		mPlan->mLastBackupSize = static_cast<double>(lSizeJob->totalSize());
-	}
-	mPlan->save();
-	exitBackupRunningState(pJob->error() == 0);
-void FSExecutor::checkMountPoints() {
-	QFile lMountsFile(QStringLiteral("/proc/mounts"));
-	if(!lMountsFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
-		return;
-	}
-	// don't use atEnd() to detect when finished reading file, size of
-	// this special file is 0 but still returns data when read.
-	forever {
-		QByteArray lLine = lMountsFile.readLine();
-		if(lLine.isEmpty()) {
-			break;
-		}
-		QTextStream lTextStream(lLine);
-		QString lDevice, lMountPoint;
-		lTextStream >> lDevice >> lMountPoint;
-		if(lMountPoint == mWatchedParentDir) {
-			checkStatus();
-		}
-	}
-void MountWatcher::run() {
-	int lMountsFd = open("/proc/mounts", O_RDONLY);
-	fd_set lFdSet;
-	forever {
-		FD_ZERO(&lFdSet);
-		FD_SET(lMountsFd, &lFdSet);
-		if(select(lMountsFd+1, nullptr, nullptr, &lFdSet, nullptr) > 0) {
-			emit mountsChanged();
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/daemon/fsexecutor.h b/daemon/fsexecutor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9cc16..0000000
--- a/daemon/fsexecutor.h
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "planexecutor.h"
-#include <QThread>
-class BackupPlan;
-class KDirWatch;
-class KJob;
-class QTimer;
-// KDirWatch (well, inotify) does not detect when something gets mounted on a watched directory.
-// work around this problem by monitoring the mounts of the system in a separate thread.
-class MountWatcher: public QThread {
-	void mountsChanged();
-	void run() override;
-// Plan executor that stores the backup to a path in the local
-// filesystem, uses KDirWatch to monitor for when the folder
-// becomes available/unavailable. Can be used for external
-// drives or networked filesystems if you always mount it at
-// the same mountpoint.
-class FSExecutor: public PlanExecutor
-	FSExecutor(BackupPlan *pPlan, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-	~FSExecutor() override;
-public slots:
-	void checkStatus() override;
-protected slots:
-	void startBackup() override;
-	void slotBackupDone(KJob *pJob);
-	void slotBackupSizeDone(KJob *pJob);
-	void checkMountPoints();
-	QString mWatchedParentDir;
-	KDirWatch *mDirWatch;
-	MountWatcher mMountWatcher;
-#endif // FSEXECUTOR_H
diff --git a/daemon/kup-daemon.desktop b/daemon/kup-daemon.desktop
deleted file mode 100755
index ce77065..0000000
--- a/daemon/kup-daemon.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Name[cs]=Proces služby Kup
-GenericName=Backup Monitor
-GenericName[ca]=Supervisor per a còpia de seguretat
-GenericName[ca@valencia]=Supervisor per a còpia de seguretat
-GenericName[en_GB]=Backup Monitor
-GenericName[es]=Monitor de copias de seguridad
-GenericName[et]=Varundamise jälgimine
-GenericName[eu]=Babes-kopia begiralea
-GenericName[fr]=Moniteur de sauvegarde
-GenericName[it]=Monitor delle copie di sicurezza
-GenericName[nl]=Monitor van back-ups
-GenericName[pt]=Monitor de Cópias de Segurança
-GenericName[pt_BR]=Monitor de backup
-GenericName[sk]=Monitor záloh
-GenericName[sv]=Övervakning av säkerhetskopior
-GenericName[uk]=Монітор резервного копіювання
-GenericName[x-test]=xxBackup Monitorxx
-X-KDE-autostart-condition=kuprc:Kup settings:Backups enabled:true
diff --git a/daemon/kupdaemon.cpp b/daemon/kupdaemon.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0847627..0000000
--- a/daemon/kupdaemon.cpp
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@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include "kupsettings.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include "edexecutor.h"
-#include "fsexecutor.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QDBusConnection>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QJsonArray>
-#include <QJsonDocument>
-#include <QJsonObject>
-#include <QLocalServer>
-#include <QLocalSocket>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QSessionManager>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <KIdleTime>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KUiServerJobTracker>
-KupDaemon::KupDaemon() {
-	mWaitingToReloadConfig = false;
-	mConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kuprc"));
-	mSettings = new KupSettings(mConfig, this);
-	mJobTracker = new KUiServerJobTracker(this);
-	mLocalServer = new QLocalServer(this);
-KupDaemon::~KupDaemon() {
-	while(!mExecutors.isEmpty()) {
-		delete mExecutors.takeFirst();
-	}
-	KIdleTime::instance()->removeAllIdleTimeouts();
-bool KupDaemon::shouldStart() {
-	return mSettings->mBackupsEnabled;
-void KupDaemon::setupGuiStuff() {
-	// timer to update logged time and also trigger warning if too long
-	// time has now passed since last backup
-	mUsageAccTimer = new QTimer(this);
-	mUsageAccTimer->setInterval(KUP_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL_S * 1000);
-	mUsageAccTimer->start();
-	KIdleTime *lIdleTime = KIdleTime::instance();
-	lIdleTime->addIdleTimeout(KUP_IDLE_TIMEOUT_S * 1000);
-	connect(lIdleTime, SIGNAL(timeoutReached(int)), mUsageAccTimer, SLOT(stop()));
-	connect(lIdleTime, SIGNAL(timeoutReached(int)), lIdleTime, SLOT(catchNextResumeEvent()));
-	connect(lIdleTime, SIGNAL(resumingFromIdle()), mUsageAccTimer, SLOT(start()));
-	mStatusUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this);
-	// delay status update to avoid sending a status to plasma applet
-	// that will be changed again just a microsecond later anyway
-	mStatusUpdateTimer->setInterval(500);
-	mStatusUpdateTimer->setSingleShot(true);
-	connect(mStatusUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this]{
-		foreach(QLocalSocket *lSocket, mSockets) {
-			sendStatus(lSocket);
-		}
-		if(mWaitingToReloadConfig) {
-			// quite likely the config can be reloaded now, give it a try.
-			QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(reloadConfig()));
-		}
-	});
-	QDBusConnection lDBus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
-	if(lDBus.isConnected()) {
-		if(lDBus.registerService(KUP_DBUS_SERVICE_NAME)) {
-			lDBus.registerObject(KUP_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH, this, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots);
-		}
-	}
-	QString lSocketName = QStringLiteral("kup-daemon-");
-	lSocketName += QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("USER"));
-	connect(mLocalServer, &QLocalServer::newConnection, this, [this]{
-		QLocalSocket *lSocket = mLocalServer->nextPendingConnection();
-		if(lSocket == nullptr) {
-			return;
-		}
-		sendStatus(lSocket);
-		mSockets.append(lSocket);
-		connect(lSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, [this,lSocket]{handleRequests(lSocket);});
-		connect(lSocket, &QLocalSocket::disconnected, this, [this,lSocket]{
-			mSockets.removeAll(lSocket);
-			lSocket->deleteLater();
-		});
-	});
-	// remove old socket first in case it's still there, otherwise listen() fails.
-	QLocalServer::removeServer(lSocketName);
-	mLocalServer->listen(lSocketName);
-	reloadConfig();
-void KupDaemon::reloadConfig() {
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExecutor, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExecutor->busy()) {
-			mWaitingToReloadConfig = true;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	mWaitingToReloadConfig = false;
-	mSettings->load();
-	while(!mExecutors.isEmpty()) {
-		delete mExecutors.takeFirst();
-	}
-	if(!mSettings->mBackupsEnabled)
-		qApp->quit();
-	setupExecutors();
-	// Juuuust in case all those executors for some reason never
-	// triggered an updated status... Doesn't hurt anyway.
-	mStatusUpdateTimer->start();
-// This method is exposed over DBus so that filedigger can call it
-void KupDaemon::runIntegrityCheck(const QString& pPath) {
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExecutor, mExecutors) {
-		// if caller passes in an empty path, startsWith will return true and we will try to check
-		// all backup plans.
-		if(lExecutor->mDestinationPath.startsWith(pPath)) {
-			lExecutor->startIntegrityCheck();
-		}
-	}
-void KupDaemon::registerJob(KJob *pJob) {
-	mJobTracker->registerJob(pJob);
-void KupDaemon::unregisterJob(KJob *pJob) {
-	mJobTracker->unregisterJob(pJob);
-void KupDaemon::slotShutdownRequest(QSessionManager &pManager) {
-	// this will make session management not try (and fail because of KDBusService starting only
-	// one instance) to start this daemon. We have autostart for the purpose of launching this
-	// daemon instead.
-	pManager.setRestartHint(QSessionManager::RestartNever);
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExecutor, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExecutor->busy() && pManager.allowsErrorInteraction()) {
-			QMessageBox lMessageBox;
-			QPushButton *lContinueButton = lMessageBox.addButton(i18n("Continue"),
-			                                                     QMessageBox::RejectRole);
-			lMessageBox.addButton(i18n("Stop"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
-			lMessageBox.setText(i18nc("%1 is a text explaining the current activity",
-			                          "Currently busy: %1", lExecutor->currentActivityTitle()));
-			lMessageBox.setInformativeText(i18n("Do you really want to stop?"));
-			lMessageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
-			lMessageBox.setWindowIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("kup")));
-			lMessageBox.setWindowTitle(i18n("User Backups"));
-			lMessageBox.exec();
-			if(lMessageBox.clickedButton() == lContinueButton) {
-				pManager.cancel();
-			}
-			return; //only ask for one active executor.
-		}
-	}
-void KupDaemon::setupExecutors() {
-	for(int i = 0; i < mSettings->mNumberOfPlans; ++i) {
-		PlanExecutor *lExecutor;
-		auto *lPlan = new BackupPlan(i+1, mConfig, this);
-		if(lPlan->mPathsIncluded.isEmpty()) {
-			delete lPlan;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(lPlan->mDestinationType == 0) {
-			lExecutor = new FSExecutor(lPlan, this);
-		} else if(lPlan->mDestinationType == 1) {
-			lExecutor = new EDExecutor(lPlan, this);
-		} else {
-			delete lPlan;
-			continue;
-		}
-		connect(lExecutor, &PlanExecutor::stateChanged, this, [this]{mStatusUpdateTimer->start();});
-		connect(lExecutor, &PlanExecutor::backupStatusChanged, this, [this]{mStatusUpdateTimer->start();});
-		connect(mUsageAccTimer, &QTimer::timeout,
-		        lExecutor, &PlanExecutor::updateAccumulatedUsageTime);
-		lExecutor->checkStatus();
-		mExecutors.append(lExecutor);
-	}
-void KupDaemon::handleRequests(QLocalSocket *pSocket) {
-	if(pSocket->bytesAvailable() <= 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QJsonDocument lDoc = QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData(pSocket->readAll());
-	if(!lDoc.isObject()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QJsonObject lCommand = lDoc.object();
-	QString lOperation = lCommand["operation name"].toString();
-	if(lOperation == QStringLiteral("get status")) {
-		sendStatus(pSocket);
-		return;
-	}
-	int lPlanNumber = lCommand["plan number"].toInt(-1);
-	if(lPlanNumber < 0 || lPlanNumber >= mExecutors.count()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if(lOperation == QStringLiteral("save backup")) {
-		mExecutors.at(lPlanNumber)->startBackupSaveJob();
-	}
-	if(lOperation == QStringLiteral("show log file")) {
-		mExecutors.at(lPlanNumber)->showLog();
-	}
-	if(lOperation == QStringLiteral("show backup files")) {
-		mExecutors.at(lPlanNumber)->showBackupFiles();
-	}
-void KupDaemon::sendStatus(QLocalSocket *pSocket) {
-	bool lTrayIconActive = false;
-	bool lAnyPlanBusy = false;
-	// If all backup plans have status == NO_STATUS then tooltip title will be empty
-	QString lToolTipTitle;
-	QString lToolTipSubTitle = i18nc("status in tooltip", "Backup destination not available");
-	QString lToolTipIconName = QStringLiteral("kup");
-	if(mExecutors.isEmpty()) {
-		lToolTipTitle = i18n("No backup plans configured");
-		lToolTipSubTitle.clear();
-	}
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExec, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExec->destinationAvailable()) {
-			lToolTipSubTitle = i18nc("status in tooltip", "Backup destination available");
-			if(lExec->scheduleType() == BackupPlan::MANUAL) {
-				lTrayIconActive = true;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExec, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExec->mPlan->backupStatus() == BackupPlan::GOOD) {
-			lToolTipIconName = BackupPlan::iconName(BackupPlan::GOOD);
-			lToolTipTitle = i18nc("status in tooltip", "Backup status OK");
-		}
-	}
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExec, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExec->mPlan->backupStatus() == BackupPlan::MEDIUM) {
-			lToolTipIconName = BackupPlan::iconName(BackupPlan::MEDIUM);
-			lToolTipTitle = i18nc("status in tooltip", "New backup suggested");
-		}
-	}
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExec, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExec->mPlan->backupStatus() == BackupPlan::BAD) {
-			lToolTipIconName = BackupPlan::iconName(BackupPlan::BAD);
-			lToolTipTitle = i18nc("status in tooltip", "New backup needed");
-			lTrayIconActive = true;
-		}
-	}
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExecutor, mExecutors) {
-		if(lExecutor->busy()) {
-			lToolTipIconName = QStringLiteral("kup");
-			lToolTipTitle = lExecutor->currentActivityTitle();
-			lToolTipSubTitle = lExecutor->mPlan->mDescription;
-			lAnyPlanBusy = true;
-		}
-	}
-	if(lToolTipTitle.isEmpty() && !lToolTipSubTitle.isEmpty()) {
-		lToolTipTitle = lToolTipSubTitle;
-		lToolTipSubTitle.clear();
-	}
-	QJsonObject lStatus;
-	lStatus["event"] = QStringLiteral("status update");
-	lStatus["tray icon active"] = lTrayIconActive;
-	lStatus["tooltip icon name"] = lToolTipIconName;
-	lStatus["tooltip title"] = lToolTipTitle;
-	lStatus["tooltip subtitle"] = lToolTipSubTitle;
-	lStatus["any plan busy"] = lAnyPlanBusy;
-	lStatus["no plan reason"] = mExecutors.isEmpty()
-	      ? i18n("No backup plans configured")
-	       : QString();
-	QJsonArray lPlans;
-	foreach(PlanExecutor *lExecutor, mExecutors) {
-		QJsonObject lPlan;
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("description")] = lExecutor->mPlan->mDescription;
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("destination available")] = lExecutor->destinationAvailable();
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("status heading")] = lExecutor->currentActivityTitle();
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("status details")] = lExecutor->mPlan->statusText();
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("icon name")] = BackupPlan::iconName(lExecutor->mPlan->backupStatus());
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("log file exists")] = QFileInfo::exists(lExecutor->mLogFilePath);
-		lPlan[QStringLiteral("busy")] = lExecutor->busy();
-		lPlans.append(lPlan);
-	}
-	lStatus["plans"] = lPlans;
-	QJsonDocument lDoc(lStatus);
-	pSocket->write(lDoc.toBinaryData());
diff --git a/daemon/kupdaemon.h b/daemon/kupdaemon.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8de5ca..0000000
--- a/daemon/kupdaemon.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef KUPDAEMON_H
-#define KUPDAEMON_H
-#include <KSharedConfig>
-#define KUP_DBUS_SERVICE_NAME QStringLiteral("org.kde.kupdaemon")
-#define KUP_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH QStringLiteral("/DaemonControl")
-class KupSettings;
-class PlanExecutor;
-class KJob;
-class KUiServerJobTracker;
-class QLocalServer;
-class QLocalSocket;
-class QSessionManager;
-class QTimer;
-class KupDaemon : public QObject
-	KupDaemon();
-	~KupDaemon() override;
-	bool shouldStart();
-	void setupGuiStuff();
-	void slotShutdownRequest(QSessionManager &pManager);
-	void registerJob(KJob *pJob);
-	void unregisterJob(KJob *pJob);
-public slots:
-	void reloadConfig();
-	void runIntegrityCheck(const QString& pPath);
-	void setupExecutors();
-	void handleRequests(QLocalSocket *pSocket);
-	void sendStatus(QLocalSocket *pSocket);
-	KSharedConfigPtr mConfig;
-	KupSettings *mSettings;
-	QList<PlanExecutor *> mExecutors;
-	QTimer *mUsageAccTimer{};
-	QTimer *mStatusUpdateTimer{};
-	bool mWaitingToReloadConfig;
-	KUiServerJobTracker *mJobTracker;
-	QLocalServer *mLocalServer;
-	QList<QLocalSocket *> mSockets;
-#endif /*KUPDAEMON_H*/
diff --git a/daemon/kupdaemon.notifyrc b/daemon/kupdaemon.notifyrc
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index 608b16b..0000000
--- a/daemon/kupdaemon.notifyrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-Name[cs]=Proces služby Kup
-Comment=Kup Backup System
-Comment[ca]=Sistema de còpia de seguretat Kup
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Sistema de còpia de seguretat Kup
-Comment[en_GB]=Kup Backup System
-Comment[es]=Sistema de copias de seguridad Kup
-Comment[et]=Kupi süsteemi varundamine
-Comment[eu]=Kup babes-kopia sistema
-Comment[fr]=Système de sauvegarde Kup
-Comment[it]=Sistema di copie di sicurezza Kup
-Comment[nl]=Kup systeem voor back-up
-Comment[pt]=Sistema de Cópias de Segurança Kup
-Comment[pt_BR]=Sistema de backups Kup
-Comment[sv]=Kup säkerhetskopieringssystem
-Comment[uk]=Система резервного копіювання Kup
-Comment[x-test]=xxKup Backup Systemxx
-Comment[zh_TW]=Kup 備份系統
-Name=Start taking backup
-Name[ca]=Comença a fer la còpia de seguretat
-Name[ca@valencia]=Comença a fer la còpia de seguretat
-Name[en_GB]=Start taking backup
-Name[es]=Empezar a crear una copia de seguridad
-Name[et]=Varundamise alustamine
-Name[eu]=Hasi babes-kopia egiten
-Name[fr]=Démarrer la sauvegarde
-Name[it]=Avvia le creazione della copia di sicurezza
-Name[nl]=Begin met maken van back-up
-Name[pt]=Iniciar a criação da cópia de segurança
-Name[sv]=Starta säkerhetskopiera
-Name[uk]=Початок створення резервної копії
-Name[x-test]=xxStart taking backupxx
-Comment=A question if user wants to start taking a backup
-Comment[ca]=Una pregunta per a si l'usuari vol començar a fer una còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Una pregunta per a si l'usuari vol començar a fer una còpia de seguretat
-Comment[en_GB]=A question if user wants to start taking a backup
-Comment[es]=Preguntar si el usuario quiere empezar a crear una copia de seguridad
-Comment[et]=Küsimine, kas kasutaja tahab varundamist alustada
-Comment[eu]=Erabiltzaileak babes-kopia bat egiten hasi nahi duen galdera bat
-Comment[fr]=Une question s'il un utilisateur souhaite démarrer une sauvegarde
-Comment[it]=Una domanda se l'utente vuole iniziare a creare una copia di sicurezza
-Comment[nl]=Een vraag of gebruiker wil beginnen met het maken van een backup
-Comment[pt]=Uma pergunta se o utilizador deseja iniciar o processo da cópia de segurança
-Comment[sv]=En fråga om användaren vill starta en säkerhetskopiering
-Comment[uk]=Запитання щодо того, чи хоче користувач створити резервну копію
-Comment[x-test]=xxA question if user wants to start taking a backupxx
-Name=Backup succeeded
-Name[ca]=La còpia de seguretat ha tingut èxit
-Name[ca@valencia]=La còpia de seguretat ha tingut èxit
-Name[de]=Sicherung erfolgreich
-Name[en_GB]=Backup succeeded
-Name[es]=Copia de seguridad creada con éxito
-Name[et]=Varundamine õnnestus
-Name[eu]=Babes-kopia ondo burutu da
-Name[fr]=Sauvegarde réussie
-Name[it]=Copia di sicurezza riuscita
-Name[nl]=Backup maken is gelukt
-Name[pt]=Cópia de segurança com sucesso
-Name[sv]=Säkerhetskopiering lyckades
-Name[uk]=Резервну копію успішно створено
-Name[x-test]=xxBackup succeededxx
-Comment=Saving of backup successfully completed
-Comment[ca]=S'ha finalitzat correctament el desament de la còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=S'ha finalitzat correctament el desament de la còpia de seguretat
-Comment[de]=Speichern der Sicherung erfolgreich abgeschlossen
-Comment[en_GB]=Saving of backup successfully completed
-Comment[es]=El guardado de la copia de seguridad acabó satisfactoriamente
-Comment[et]=Varukoopia salvestamine lõpetati edukalt
-Comment[eu]=Babes-kopia gordetzea ondo burutu da
-Comment[fr]=Enregistrement de la sauvegarde terminée avec succès
-Comment[it]=Salvataggio della copia di sicurezza completato correttamente
-Comment[nl]=Opslaan van back-up met succes voltooid
-Comment[pt]=A gravação da cópia de segurança terminou com sucesso
-Comment[sv]=Säkerhetskopieringen har avslutats med lyckat resultat
-Comment[uk]=Збереження резервної копії успішно завершено
-Comment[x-test]=xxSaving of backup successfully completedxx
-Name=Backup failed
-Name[ca]=Ha fallat la còpia de seguretat
-Name[ca@valencia]=Ha fallat la còpia de seguretat
-Name[de]=Sicherung fehlgeschlagen
-Name[en_GB]=Backup failed
-Name[es]=La copia de seguridad falló
-Name[et]=Varundamine nurjus
-Name[eu]=Babes-kopiak huts egin du
-Name[fr]=Échec de la sauvegarde
-Name[it]=Copia di sicurezza non riuscita
-Name[nl]=Back-up maken is mislukt
-Name[pt]=Cópia de segurança sem sucesso
-Name[sk]=Záloha zlyhala
-Name[sv]=Säkerhetskopiering misslyckades
-Name[uk]=Не вдалося виконати резервне копіювання
-Name[x-test]=xxBackup failedxx
-Comment=Saving of backup failed, offer user to see log file
-Comment[ca]=Ha fallat el desament de la còpia de seguretat, s'ofereix a l'usuari el fitxer del registre
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Ha fallat el desament de la còpia de seguretat, s'ofereix a l'usuari el fitxer del registre
-Comment[en_GB]=Saving of backup failed, offer user to see log file
-Comment[es]=El guardado de la copia de seguridad falló, ofreciendo al usuario ver los registros
-Comment[et]=Varukoopia salvestamine nurjus, kasutajal palutakse uurida logifaili
-Comment[eu]=Babes-kopia gordetzea huts egin du, eskaini erabiltzaileari egunkari fitxategia ikustea
-Comment[fr]=Échec de l'enregistrement de la sauvegarde, l'utilisateur est invité à regarder le fichier de journal
-Comment[it]=Salvataggio del backup non riuscito, permetti all'utente di vedere il file di registro
-Comment[nl]=Opslaan van back-up is mislukt, biedt de gebruiker om het logbestand te zien
-Comment[pt]=A gravação da cópia de segurança falhou; permitir ao utilizador ver o ficheiro de registo
-Comment[sv]=Misslyckades spara säkerhetskopia, erbjud användaren att titta på loggfilen
-Comment[uk]=Не вдалося зберегти резервну копію, користувачеві запропоновано переглянути файл журналу
-Comment[x-test]=xxSaving of backup failed, offer user to see log filexx
-Name=Integrity check completed
-Name[ca]=S'ha completat el control de la integritat
-Name[ca@valencia]=S'ha completat el control de la integritat
-Name[de]=Integritätsprüfung abgeschlossen
-Name[en_GB]=Integrity check completed
-Name[es]=Comprobación de integridad completada
-Name[et]=Terviklikkuse kontroll lõpetati
-Name[eu]=Osotasun egiaztatzea osatu da
-Name[fr]=Vérification d'intégrité terminée
-Name[it]=Controllo di integrità completato
-Name[nl]=Integriteitscontrole afgerond
-Name[pt]=Verificação de integridade completa
-Name[sv]=Integritetskontroll klar
-Name[uk]=Перевірку цілісності завершено
-Name[x-test]=xxIntegrity check completedxx
-Comment=Finished checking integrity of backup archive
-Comment[ca]=S'ha acabat de verificar la integritat de l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=S'ha acabat de verificar la integritat de l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat
-Comment[en_GB]=Finished checking integrity of backup archive
-Comment[es]=Se terminó de comprobar la integridad de la copia de seguridad
-Comment[et]=Varukoopa terviklikkuse kontrollimine lõpetati
-Comment[eu]=Babes-kopia artxiboaren osotasun egiaztatzea amaitu da
-Comment[fr]=Fin de vérification d'intégrité de l'archive de sauvegarde
-Comment[it]=Controllo di integrità dell'archivio della copia di sicurezza terminato
-Comment[nl]=Controleren van integriteit van back-up-archief is beëindigd
-Comment[pt]=Terminou a verificação de integridade do pacote da cópia de segurança
-Comment[sv]=Avslutade kontroll av säkerhetskopieringsarkivets integritet
-Comment[uk]=Перевірку цілісності архіву резервної копії завершено
-Comment[x-test]=xxFinished checking integrity of backup archivexx
-Name=Repair completed
-Name[ca]=Reparació finalitzada
-Name[ca@valencia]=Reparació finalitzada
-Name[cs]=Oprava dokončena
-Name[de]=Reparatur abgeschlossen
-Name[en_GB]=Repair completed
-Name[es]=Reparación completa
-Name[et]=Parandamine lõpetati
-Name[eu]=Konponketa osatu da
-Name[fr]=Réparation terminée
-Name[it]=Riparazione completata
-Name[nl]=Reparatie afgerond
-Name[pt]=Reparação completa
-Name[pt_BR]=Reparo concluído
-Name[sv]=Reparation klar
-Name[uk]=Виправлення завершено
-Name[x-test]=xxRepair completedxx
-Comment=Finished repairing backup archive
-Comment[ca]=S'ha acabat la reparació de l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=S'ha acabat la reparació de l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat
-Comment[en_GB]=Finished repairing backup archive
-Comment[es]=Se terminó de reparar la copia de seguridad
-Comment[et]=Varukoopia parandamine lõpetati
-Comment[eu]=Babes-kopiaren artxiboa konpontzen amaitu da
-Comment[fr]=Fin de réparation de l'archive de sauvegarde
-Comment[it]=Riparazione dell'archivio della copia di sicurezza terminata
-Comment[nl]=Repareren van back-up-archief is beëindigd
-Comment[pt]=Terminou a reparação do pacote da cópia de segurança
-Comment[sv]=Avslutade reparation av säkerhetskopieringsarkivet
-Comment[uk]=Завершено відновлення резервної копії з архіву
-Comment[x-test]=xxFinished repairing backup archivexx
diff --git a/daemon/main.cpp b/daemon/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e5391f..0000000
--- a/daemon/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include "kupdaemon_debug.h"
-#include <KAboutData>
-#include <KDBusService>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QCommandLineParser>
-extern "C" int Q_DECL_EXPORT kdemain(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	QApplication lApp(argc, argv);
-	QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false);
-	QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true);
-	KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("kup");
-	qCDebug(KUPDAEMON) << "Running Kup daemon...";
-	auto *lDaemon = new KupDaemon();
-	if(!lDaemon->shouldStart()) {
-		qCCritical(KUPDAEMON) << xi18nc("@info:shell Error message at startup",
-										"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the "
-										"system settings module. You can do that by running "
-										"<command>kcmshell5 kup</command>");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	KAboutData lAbout(QStringLiteral("kupdaemon"), xi18nc("@title", "Kup Daemon"), QStringLiteral("0.7.3"),
-	                  i18n("Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-	                       "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-	                       "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."),
-	                  KAboutLicense::GPL, i18n("Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"));
-	lAbout.addAuthor(i18n("Simon Persson"), i18n("Maintainer"), "simon.persson@mykolab.com");
-	lAbout.setTranslator(xi18nc("NAME OF TRANSLATORS", "Your names"), xi18nc("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS", "Your emails"));
-	KAboutData::setApplicationData(lAbout);
-	QCommandLineParser lParser;
-	lAbout.setupCommandLine(&lParser);
-	lParser.process(lApp);
-	lAbout.processCommandLine(&lParser);
-	// This call will exit() if an instance is already running
-	KDBusService lService(KDBusService::Unique);
-	lDaemon->setupGuiStuff();
-	KupDaemon::connect(&lApp, &QApplication::commitDataRequest, lDaemon, [lDaemon](QSessionManager &pManager) {
-		lDaemon->slotShutdownRequest(pManager);
-	});
-	return QApplication::exec();
diff --git a/daemon/planexecutor.cpp b/daemon/planexecutor.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 280deb0..0000000
--- a/daemon/planexecutor.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "planexecutor.h"
-#include "bupjob.h"
-#include "bupverificationjob.h"
-#include "buprepairjob.h"
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include "kupdaemon_debug.h"
-#include "rsyncjob.h"
-#include <QDBusConnection>
-#include <QDBusReply>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <KFormat>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KNotification>
-#include <KRun>
-static const QString cPwrMgmtServiceName = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.PowerManagement");
-static const QString cPwrMgmtPath = QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/PowerManagement");
-static const QString cPwrMgmtInhibitInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit");
-static const QString cPwrMgmtInterface = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.PowerManagement");
-PlanExecutor::PlanExecutor(BackupPlan *pPlan, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   :QObject(pKupDaemon), mState(NOT_AVAILABLE), mPlan(pPlan), mQuestion(nullptr),
-     mFailNotification(nullptr), mIntegrityNotification(nullptr), mRepairNotification(nullptr),
-     mLastState(NOT_AVAILABLE), mKupDaemon(pKupDaemon), mSleepCookie(0)
-	QString lCachePath = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME").constData());
-	if(lCachePath.isEmpty()) {
-		lCachePath = QDir::homePath();
-		lCachePath.append(QStringLiteral("/.cache"));
-	}
-	lCachePath.append(QStringLiteral("/kup"));
-	QDir lCacheDir(lCachePath);
-	if(!lCacheDir.exists()) {
-		if(!lCacheDir.mkpath(lCachePath)) {
-			lCachePath = QStringLiteral("/tmp");
-		}
-	}
-	mLogFilePath = lCachePath;
-	mLogFilePath.append(QStringLiteral("/kup_plan"));
-	mLogFilePath.append(QString::number(mPlan->planNumber()));
-	mLogFilePath.append(QStringLiteral(".log"));
-	mSchedulingTimer = new QTimer(this);
-	mSchedulingTimer->setSingleShot(true);
-	connect(mSchedulingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(enterAvailableState()));
-PlanExecutor::~PlanExecutor() = default;
-QString PlanExecutor::currentActivityTitle() {
-	switch(mState) {
-		return i18nc("status in tooltip", "Saving backup");
-		return i18nc("status in tooltip", "Checking backup integrity");
-		return i18nc("status in tooltip", "Repairing backups");
-	default:;
-	}
-	switch (mPlan->backupStatus()) {
-	case BackupPlan::GOOD:
-		return i18nc("status in tooltip", "Backup status OK");
-	case BackupPlan::MEDIUM:
-		return i18nc("status in tooltip", "New backup suggested");
-	case BackupPlan::BAD:
-		return i18nc("status in tooltip", "New backup needed");
-	default:;
-	}
-	return QString();
-// dispatcher code for entering one of the available states
-void PlanExecutor::enterAvailableState() {
-	if(mState == NOT_AVAILABLE) {
-		mState = WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BACKUP; //initial child state of "Available" state
-		emit stateChanged();
-	}
-	QDateTime lNow = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
-	switch(mPlan->mScheduleType) {
-	case BackupPlan::MANUAL:
-		break;
-	case BackupPlan::INTERVAL: {
-		QDateTime lNextTime = mPlan->nextScheduledTime();
-		if(!lNextTime.isValid() || lNextTime < lNow) {
-			if(!mPlan->mLastCompleteBackup.isValid())
-				askUserOrStart(xi18nc("@info", "Do you want to save a first backup now?"));
-			else {
-				QString t = KFormat().formatSpelloutDuration(static_cast<quint64>(mPlan->mLastCompleteBackup.secsTo(lNow)) * 1000);
-				askUserOrStart(xi18nc("@info", "It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-				                               "Save a new backup now?", t));
-			}
-		} else {
-			// schedule a wakeup for asking again when the time is right.
-			mSchedulingTimer->start(static_cast<int>(lNow.secsTo(lNextTime)*1000));
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	case BackupPlan::USAGE:
-		if(!mPlan->mLastCompleteBackup.isValid()) {
-			askUserOrStart(xi18nc("@info", "Do you want to save a first backup now?"));
-		} else if(mPlan->mAccumulatedUsageTime > static_cast<quint32>(mPlan->mUsageLimit) * 3600) {
-			QString t = KFormat().formatSpelloutDuration(mPlan->mAccumulatedUsageTime * 1000);
-			askUserOrStart(xi18nc("@info", "You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-			                               "Save a new backup now?", t));
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::askUserOrStart(const QString& pUserQuestion) {
-	// Only ask the first time after destination has become available.
-	// Always ask if power saving is active.
-	if( (mPlan->mAskBeforeTakingBackup && mState == WAITING_FOR_FIRST_BACKUP) ||
-	    powerSaveActive()) {
-		askUser(pUserQuestion);
-	} else {
-		startBackupSaveJob();
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::enterNotAvailableState() {
-	discardUserQuestion();
-	mSchedulingTimer->stop();
-	emit stateChanged();
-void PlanExecutor::askUser(const QString &pQuestion) {
-	discardUserQuestion();
-	mQuestion = new KNotification(QStringLiteral("StartBackup"), KNotification::Persistent);
-	mQuestion->setTitle(mPlan->mDescription);
-	mQuestion->setText(pQuestion);
-	QStringList lAnswers;
-	lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "Yes") << xi18nc("@action:button", "No");
-	mQuestion->setActions(lAnswers);
-	connect(mQuestion, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), SLOT(startBackupSaveJob()));
-	connect(mQuestion, SIGNAL(action2Activated()), SLOT(discardUserQuestion()));
-	connect(mQuestion, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(discardUserQuestion()));
-	connect(mQuestion, SIGNAL(ignored()), SLOT(discardUserQuestion()));
-	// enter this "do nothing" state, if user answers "no" or ignores, remain there
-	emit stateChanged();
-	mQuestion->sendEvent();
-void PlanExecutor::discardUserQuestion() {
-	if(mQuestion) {
-		mQuestion->deleteLater();
-		mQuestion = nullptr;
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::notifyBackupFailed(KJob *pFailedJob) {
-	discardFailNotification();
-	mFailNotification = new KNotification(QStringLiteral("BackupFailed"), KNotification::Persistent);
-	mFailNotification->setTitle(xi18nc("@title:window", "Saving of Backup Failed"));
-	mFailNotification->setText(pFailedJob->errorText());
-	QStringList lAnswers;
-	if(pFailedJob->error() == BackupJob::ErrorWithLog) {
-		lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "Show log file");
-		connect(mFailNotification, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), SLOT(showLog()));
-	} else if(pFailedJob->error() == BackupJob::ErrorSuggestRepair) {
-		lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "Yes");
-		lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "No");
-		connect(mFailNotification, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), SLOT(startRepairJob()));
-	}
-	mFailNotification->setActions(lAnswers);
-	connect(mFailNotification, SIGNAL(action2Activated()), SLOT(discardFailNotification()));
-	connect(mFailNotification, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(discardFailNotification()));
-	connect(mFailNotification, SIGNAL(ignored()), SLOT(discardFailNotification()));
-	mFailNotification->sendEvent();
-void PlanExecutor::discardFailNotification() {
-	if(mFailNotification) {
-		mFailNotification->deleteLater();
-		mFailNotification = nullptr;
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::notifyBackupSucceeded() {
-	auto *lNotification = new KNotification(QStringLiteral("BackupSucceeded"));
-	lNotification->setTitle(xi18nc("@title:window", "Backup Saved"));
-	lNotification->setText(xi18nc("@info notification", "Saving backup completed successfully."));
-	lNotification->sendEvent();
-void PlanExecutor::showLog() {
-	KRun::runUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mLogFilePath), QStringLiteral("text/x-log"), nullptr, KRun::RunFlags());
-void PlanExecutor::startIntegrityCheck() {
-	if(mPlan->mBackupType != BackupPlan::BupType || busy() || !destinationAvailable()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	KJob *lJob = new BupVerificationJob(*mPlan, mDestinationPath, mLogFilePath, mKupDaemon);
-	connect(lJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(integrityCheckFinished(KJob*)));
-	lJob->start();
-	mLastState = mState;
-	emit stateChanged();
-	startSleepInhibit();
-void PlanExecutor::startRepairJob() {
-	if(mPlan->mBackupType != BackupPlan::BupType || busy() || !destinationAvailable()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	KJob *lJob = new BupRepairJob(*mPlan, mDestinationPath, mLogFilePath, mKupDaemon);
-	connect(lJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(repairFinished(KJob*)));
-	lJob->start();
-	mLastState = mState;
-	mState = REPAIRING;
-	emit stateChanged();
-	startSleepInhibit();
-void PlanExecutor::startBackupSaveJob() {
-	if(busy() || !destinationAvailable()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	discardUserQuestion();
-	emit stateChanged();
-	startSleepInhibit();
-	startBackup();
-void PlanExecutor::integrityCheckFinished(KJob *pJob) {
-	endSleepInhibit();
-	discardIntegrityNotification();
-	mIntegrityNotification = new KNotification(QStringLiteral("IntegrityCheckCompleted"), KNotification::Persistent);
-	mIntegrityNotification->setTitle(xi18nc("@title:window", "Integrity Check Completed"));
-	mIntegrityNotification->setText(pJob->errorText());
-	QStringList lAnswers;
-	if(pJob->error() == BackupJob::ErrorWithLog) {
-		lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "Show log file");
-		connect(mIntegrityNotification, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), SLOT(showLog()));
-	} else if(pJob->error() == BackupJob::ErrorSuggestRepair) {
-		lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "Yes");
-		lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "No");
-		connect(mIntegrityNotification, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), SLOT(startRepairJob()));
-	}
-	mIntegrityNotification->setActions(lAnswers);
-	connect(mIntegrityNotification, SIGNAL(action2Activated()), SLOT(discardIntegrityNotification()));
-	connect(mIntegrityNotification, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(discardIntegrityNotification()));
-	connect(mIntegrityNotification, SIGNAL(ignored()), SLOT(discardIntegrityNotification()));
-	mIntegrityNotification->sendEvent();
-	if(mState == INTEGRITY_TESTING) { //only restore if nothing has changed during the run
-		mState = mLastState;
-	}
-	emit stateChanged();
-void PlanExecutor::discardIntegrityNotification() {
-	if(mIntegrityNotification) {
-		mIntegrityNotification->deleteLater();
-		mIntegrityNotification = nullptr;
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::repairFinished(KJob *pJob) {
-	endSleepInhibit();
-	discardRepairNotification();
-	mRepairNotification = new KNotification(QStringLiteral("RepairCompleted"), KNotification::Persistent);
-	mRepairNotification->setTitle(xi18nc("@title:window", "Repair Completed"));
-	mRepairNotification->setText(pJob->errorText());
-	QStringList lAnswers;
-	lAnswers << xi18nc("@action:button", "Show log file");
-	mRepairNotification->setActions(lAnswers);
-	connect(mRepairNotification, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), SLOT(showLog()));
-	connect(mRepairNotification, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(discardRepairNotification()));
-	connect(mRepairNotification, SIGNAL(ignored()), SLOT(discardRepairNotification()));
-	mRepairNotification->sendEvent();
-	if(mState == REPAIRING) { //only restore if nothing has changed during the run
-		mState = mLastState;
-	}
-	emit stateChanged();
-void PlanExecutor::discardRepairNotification() {
-	if(mRepairNotification) {
-		mRepairNotification->deleteLater();
-		mRepairNotification = nullptr;
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::startSleepInhibit() {
-	if(mSleepCookie != 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QDBusMessage lMsg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(cPwrMgmtServiceName,
-	                                                   cPwrMgmtPath,
-	                                                   cPwrMgmtInhibitInterface,
-	                                                   QStringLiteral("Inhibit"));
-	lMsg << i18n("Kup Backup System");
-	lMsg << currentActivityTitle();
-	QDBusReply<uint> lReply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(lMsg);
-	mSleepCookie = lReply.value();
-void PlanExecutor::endSleepInhibit() {
-	if(mSleepCookie == 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QDBusMessage lMsg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(cPwrMgmtServiceName,
-	                                                  cPwrMgmtPath,
-	                                                  cPwrMgmtInhibitInterface,
-	                                                  QStringLiteral("UnInhibit"));
-	lMsg << mSleepCookie;
-	QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(lMsg);
-	mSleepCookie = 0;
-void PlanExecutor::exitBackupRunningState(bool pWasSuccessful) {
-	endSleepInhibit();
-	if(pWasSuccessful) {
-		if(mPlan->mScheduleType == BackupPlan::USAGE) {
-			//reset usage time after successful backup
-			mPlan->mAccumulatedUsageTime =0;
-			mPlan->save();
-		}
-		emit stateChanged();
-		//don't know if status actually changed, potentially did... so trigger a re-read of status
-		emit backupStatusChanged();
-		// re-enter the main "available" state dispatcher
-		enterAvailableState();
-	} else {
-		emit stateChanged();
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::updateAccumulatedUsageTime() {
-	if(mState == BACKUP_RUNNING) { //usage time during backup doesn't count...
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mPlan->mScheduleType == BackupPlan::USAGE) {
-		mPlan->mAccumulatedUsageTime += KUP_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL_S;
-		mPlan->save();
-	}
-	// trigger refresh of backup status, potentially changed since some time has passed...
-	// this is the reason why this slot is called repeatedly even when
-	// not in BackupPlan::USAGE mode
-	emit backupStatusChanged();
-	//if we're waiting to run backup again, check if it is time now.
-	if(mPlan->mScheduleType == BackupPlan::USAGE &&
-		enterAvailableState();
-	}
-void PlanExecutor::showBackupFiles() {
-	if(mState == NOT_AVAILABLE)
-		return;
-	if(mPlan->mBackupType == BackupPlan::BupType) {
-		QStringList lArgs;
-		lArgs << QStringLiteral("--title") << mPlan->mDescription;
-		lArgs << mDestinationPath;
-		KProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("kup-filedigger"), lArgs);
-	} else if(mPlan->mBackupType == BackupPlan::RsyncType) {
-		KRun::runUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mDestinationPath), QStringLiteral("inode/directory"), nullptr, KRun::RunFlags());
-	}
-BackupJob *PlanExecutor::createBackupJob() {
-	if(mPlan->mBackupType == BackupPlan::BupType) {
-		return new BupJob(*mPlan, mDestinationPath, mLogFilePath, mKupDaemon);
-	}
-	if(mPlan->mBackupType == BackupPlan::RsyncType) {
-		return new RsyncJob(*mPlan, mDestinationPath, mLogFilePath, mKupDaemon);
-	}
-	qCWarning(KUPDAEMON) << "Invalid backup type in configuration!";
-	return nullptr;
-bool PlanExecutor::powerSaveActive() {
-	QDBusMessage lMsg = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(cPwrMgmtServiceName,
-	                                                   cPwrMgmtPath,
-	                                                   cPwrMgmtInterface,
-	                                                   QStringLiteral("GetPowerSaveStatus"));
-	QDBusReply<bool> lReply = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().call(lMsg);
-	return lReply.value();
diff --git a/daemon/planexecutor.h b/daemon/planexecutor.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7068a2c..0000000
--- a/daemon/planexecutor.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include "backupjob.h"
-#include <KProcess>
-class KupDaemon;
-class KRun;
-class KNotification;
-class KProcess;
-class QTimer;
-// Accumulate usage time every KUP_USAGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL_S while user is active.
-// Consider user inactive after KUP_IDLE_TIMEOUT_S s of no keyboard or mouse activity.
-#define KUP_IDLE_TIMEOUT_S 30
-class PlanExecutor : public QObject
-	PlanExecutor(BackupPlan *pPlan, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-	~PlanExecutor() override;
-	BackupPlan::ScheduleType scheduleType() {
-		return static_cast<BackupPlan::ScheduleType>(mPlan->mScheduleType);
-	}
-	bool busy() {
-		return mState == BACKUP_RUNNING || mState == INTEGRITY_TESTING || mState == REPAIRING;
-	}
-	bool destinationAvailable() {
-		return mState != NOT_AVAILABLE;
-	}
-	QString currentActivityTitle();
-		                 INTEGRITY_TESTING, REPAIRING};
-	ExecutorState mState;
-	QString mDestinationPath;
-	QString mLogFilePath;
-	BackupPlan *mPlan;
-public slots:
-	virtual void checkStatus() = 0;
-	virtual void showBackupFiles();
-	void updateAccumulatedUsageTime();
-	void startIntegrityCheck();
-	void startRepairJob();
-	void startBackupSaveJob();
-	void showLog();
-	void stateChanged();
-	void backupStatusChanged();
-protected slots:
-	virtual void startBackup() = 0;
-	void exitBackupRunningState(bool pWasSuccessful);
-	void enterAvailableState();
-	void askUserOrStart(const QString& pUserQuestion);
-	void enterNotAvailableState();
-	void askUser(const QString &pQuestion);
-	void discardUserQuestion();
-	void notifyBackupFailed(KJob *pFailedJob);
-	void discardFailNotification();
-	static void notifyBackupSucceeded();
-	void integrityCheckFinished(KJob *pJob);
-	void discardIntegrityNotification();
-	void repairFinished(KJob *pJob);
-	void discardRepairNotification();
-	void startSleepInhibit();
-	void endSleepInhibit();
-	BackupJob *createBackupJob();
-	static bool powerSaveActive();
-	KNotification *mQuestion;
-	QTimer *mSchedulingTimer;
-	KNotification *mFailNotification;
-	KNotification *mIntegrityNotification;
-	KNotification *mRepairNotification;
-	ExecutorState mLastState;
-	KupDaemon *mKupDaemon;
-	uint mSleepCookie;
diff --git a/daemon/rsyncjob.cpp b/daemon/rsyncjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 514bbcd..0000000
--- a/daemon/rsyncjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "rsyncjob.h"
-#include "kuputils.h"
-#include <csignal>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QRegularExpression>
-#include <QTextStream>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-RsyncJob::RsyncJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath,
-                   const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon)
-   :BackupJob(pBackupPlan, pDestinationPath, pLogFilePath, pKupDaemon)
-	mRsyncProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	setCapabilities(KJob::Suspendable | KJob::Killable);
-void RsyncJob::performJob() {
-	KProcess lVersionProcess;
-	lVersionProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	lVersionProcess << QStringLiteral("rsync") << QStringLiteral("--version");
-	if(lVersionProcess.execute() < 0) {
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithoutLog,
-		                 xi18nc("@info notification",
-		                        "The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but "
-		                        "could not be found, maybe it is not installed?"));
-		return;
-	}
-	// Remove this and the performMigration method when it is likely that all users of pre 0.8 kup have now started using post 0.8.
-	if(mBackupPlan.mBackupVersion < 1 && mBackupPlan.mLastCompleteBackup.isValid() && mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded.length() == 1) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Migrating saved files to new location, after update to version 0.8 of Kup.") << endl;
-		if(!performMigration()) {
-			mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Migration failed. Continuing backup save regardless, may result in files stored twice.") << endl;
-		}
-	}
-	mBackupPlan.mBackupVersion = 1;
-	mBackupPlan.save();
-	mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup is starting rsync backup job at ")
-	           << QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime())
-	           << endl;
-	emit description(this, i18n("Checking what to copy"));
-	mRsyncProcess << QStringLiteral("rsync") << QStringLiteral("-avX")
-	              << QStringLiteral("--delete-excluded") << QStringLiteral("--delete-before")
-	              << QStringLiteral("--info=progress2");
-	QStringList lIncludeNames;
-	foreach(const QString &lInclude, mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded) {
-		lIncludeNames << lastPartOfPath(lInclude);
-	}
-	if(lIncludeNames.removeDuplicates() > 0) {
-		// There would be a naming conflict in the destination folder, instead use full paths.
-		mRsyncProcess << QStringLiteral("-R");
-		foreach(const QString &lExclude, mBackupPlan.mPathsExcluded) {
-			mRsyncProcess << QStringLiteral("--exclude") << lExclude;
-		}
-	} else {
-		// when NOT using -R, need to then strip parent paths from excludes, everything above the
-		// include. Leave the leading slash!
-		foreach(QString lExclude, mBackupPlan.mPathsExcluded) {
-			for(int i = 0; i < mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded.length(); ++i) {
-				const QString &lInclude = mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded.at(i);
-				QString lIncludeWithSlash = lInclude;
-				ensureTrailingSlash(lIncludeWithSlash);
-				if(lExclude.startsWith(lIncludeWithSlash)) {
-					lExclude.remove(0, lInclude.length() - lIncludeNames.at(i).length() - 1);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			mRsyncProcess << QStringLiteral("--exclude") << lExclude;
-		}
-	}
-	QString lExcludesPath = mBackupPlan.absoluteExcludesFilePath();
-	if(mBackupPlan.mExcludePatterns && QFileInfo::exists(lExcludesPath)) {
-		mRsyncProcess << QStringLiteral("--exclude-from") << lExcludesPath;
-	}
-	mRsyncProcess << mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded;
-	mRsyncProcess << mDestinationPath;
-	connect(&mRsyncProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotRsyncStarted()));
-	connect(&mRsyncProcess, &KProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &RsyncJob::slotReadRsyncOutput);
-	connect(&mRsyncProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)),
-	        SLOT(slotRsyncFinished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-	mLogStream << quoteArgs(mRsyncProcess.program()) << endl;
-	mRsyncProcess.start();
-	mInfoRateLimiter.start();
-void RsyncJob::slotRsyncStarted() {
-	makeNice(mRsyncProcess.pid());
-void RsyncJob::slotRsyncFinished(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	QString lErrors = QString::fromUtf8(mRsyncProcess.readAllStandardError());
-	if(!lErrors.isEmpty()) {
-		mLogStream << lErrors << endl;
-	}
-	mLogStream << "Exit code: " << pExitCode << endl;
-	// exit code 24 means source files disappeared during copying. No reason to worry about that.
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || (pExitCode != 0 && pExitCode != 24)) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup did not successfully complete the rsync backup job.") << endl;
-		jobFinishedError(ErrorWithLog, xi18nc("@info notification", "Failed to save backup. "
-		                                                            "See log file for more details."));
-	} else {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Kup successfully completed the rsync backup job at ")
-		           << QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) << endl;
-		jobFinishedSuccess();
-	}
-void RsyncJob::slotReadRsyncOutput() {
-	bool lValidInfo = false;
-	bool lValidFileName = false;
-	QString lFileName;
-	ulong lPercent{};
-	qulonglong lTransfered{};
-	double lSpeed{};
-	QChar lUnit;
-	QRegularExpression lProgressInfoExp(QStringLiteral("^\\s+([\\d,\\.]+)\\s+(\\d+)%\\s+(\\d*[,\\.]\\d+)(\\S)"));
-	// very ugly and rough indication that this is a file path... what else to do..
-	QRegularExpression lNotFileNameExp(QStringLiteral("^(building file list|done$|deleting \\S+|.+/$|$)"));
-	QString lLine;
-	QTextStream lStream(mRsyncProcess.readAllStandardOutput());
-	while(lStream.readLineInto(&lLine, 500)) {
-		QRegularExpressionMatch lMatch = lProgressInfoExp.match(lLine);
-		if(lMatch.hasMatch()) {
-			lValidInfo = true;
-			lTransfered = lMatch.captured(1).remove(',').remove('.').toULongLong();
-			lPercent = qMax(lMatch.captured(2).toULong(), 1UL);
-			lSpeed = QLocale().toDouble(lMatch.captured(3));
-			lUnit = lMatch.captured(4).at(0);
-		} else {
-			lMatch = lNotFileNameExp.match(lLine);
-			if(!lMatch.hasMatch()) {
-				lValidFileName = true;
-				lFileName = lLine;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if(mInfoRateLimiter.hasExpired(200)) {
-		if(lValidInfo) {
-			setPercent(lPercent);
-			if(lUnit == 'k') {
-				lSpeed *= 1e3;
-			} else if(lUnit == 'M') {
-				lSpeed *= 1e6;
-			} else if(lUnit == 'G') {
-				lSpeed *= 1e9;
-			}
-			emitSpeed(static_cast<ulong>(lSpeed));
-			if(lPercent > 5) { // the rounding to integer percent gives big error with small percentages
-				setProcessedAmount(KJob::Bytes, lTransfered);
-				setTotalAmount(KJob::Bytes, lTransfered*100/lPercent);
-			}
-		}
-		if(lValidFileName) {
-			emit description(this, i18n("Saving backup"),
-			                 qMakePair(i18nc("Label for file currently being copied", "File"), lFileName));
-		}
-		mInfoRateLimiter.start();
-	}
-bool RsyncJob::doKill() {
-	setError(KilledJobError);
-	if(0 == ::kill(mRsyncProcess.pid(), SIGINT)) {
-		return mRsyncProcess.waitForFinished();
-	}
-	return false;
-bool RsyncJob::doSuspend() {
-	return 0 == ::kill(mRsyncProcess.pid(), SIGSTOP);
-bool RsyncJob::doResume() {
-	return 0 == ::kill(mRsyncProcess.pid(), SIGCONT);
-// This migration moves files from being stored directly in destination folder, to
-// being stored in a subfolder of the destination. The subfolder is named same as the
-// source folder. This migration will only be done if there is exactly one source folder.
-bool RsyncJob::performMigration() {
-	QString lSourceDirName = lastPartOfPath(mBackupPlan.mPathsIncluded.first()); //only one included
-	QDir lDestDir = QDir(mDestinationPath);
-	mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Creating directory named ") << lSourceDirName << " inside of " << mDestinationPath << endl;
-	if(!lDestDir.mkdir(lSourceDirName)) {
-		mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Failed to create directory, aborting migration.") << endl;
-		return false;
-	}
-	foreach(const QString &lContent, lDestDir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
-		if(lContent != lSourceDirName) {
-			QString lDest = lSourceDirName + QLatin1Char('/') + lContent;
-			mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Renaming ") << lContent << " to " << lDest << endl;
-			if(!lDestDir.rename(lContent, lDest)) {
-				mLogStream << QStringLiteral("Failed to rename, aborting migration.") << endl;
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	mLogStream << QStringLiteral("File migration completed.") << endl;
-	return true;
diff --git a/daemon/rsyncjob.h b/daemon/rsyncjob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 960104b..0000000
--- a/daemon/rsyncjob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef RSYNCJOB_H
-#define RSYNCJOB_H
-#include "backupjob.h"
-#include <KProcess>
-#include <QElapsedTimer>
-class KupDaemon;
-class RsyncJob : public BackupJob
-	RsyncJob(BackupPlan &pBackupPlan, const QString &pDestinationPath, const QString &pLogFilePath, KupDaemon *pKupDaemon);
-protected slots:
-	void performJob() override;
-protected slots:
-	void slotRsyncStarted();
-	void slotRsyncFinished(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	void slotReadRsyncOutput();
-	bool doKill() override;
-	bool doSuspend() override;
-	bool doResume() override;
-	bool performMigration();
-	KProcess mRsyncProcess;
-	QElapsedTimer mInfoRateLimiter;
-#endif // RSYNCJOB_H
diff --git a/dataengine/CMakeLists.txt b/dataengine/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a45f56..0000000
--- a/dataengine/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-#this is a library so it needs to enforce it's translation domain, not use the application's domain.
-# Plasma Data Engine
-	kupengine.cpp
-	kupservice.cpp
-	kupjob.cpp
-	)
-add_library(plasma_engine_kup MODULE ${plasma_engine_kup_SRCS})
-	Qt5::Network
-	KF5::Plasma
-kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json(plasma_engine_kup plasma-dataengine-kup.desktop)
-install(TARGETS plasma_engine_kup DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}/plasma/dataengine)
-install(FILES plasma-dataengine-kup.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICES5DIR})
-install(FILES kupservice.operations DESTINATION ${PLASMA_DATA_INSTALL_DIR}/services)
diff --git a/dataengine/kupengine.cpp b/dataengine/kupengine.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e5cef9..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupengine.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupengine.h"
-#include "kupservice.h"
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include <QJsonArray>
-#include <QJsonDocument>
-#include <QTimer>
-KupEngine::KupEngine(QObject *pParent, const QVariantList &pArgs)
-: Plasma::DataEngine(pParent, pArgs)
-	mSocketName = QStringLiteral("kup-daemon-");
-	mSocketName += QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("USER"));
-	mSocket = new QLocalSocket(this);
-	connect(mSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, &KupEngine::processData);
-	connect(mSocket, &QLocalSocket::stateChanged, this, &KupEngine::checkConnection);
-	// wait 5 seconds before trying to connect first time
-	QTimer::singleShot(5000, mSocket, [&]{mSocket->connectToServer(mSocketName);});
-	setData(QStringLiteral("common"), QStringLiteral("plan count"), 0);
-Plasma::Service *KupEngine::serviceForSource(const QString &pSource) {
-	bool lIntOk;
-	int lPlanNumber = pSource.toInt(&lIntOk);
-	if(lIntOk) {
-		return new KupService(lPlanNumber, mSocket, this);
-	}
-	return nullptr;
-void KupEngine::processData() {
-	if(mSocket->bytesAvailable() <= 0) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QJsonDocument lDoc = QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData(mSocket->readAll());
-	if(!lDoc.isObject()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QJsonObject lEvent = lDoc.object();
-	if(lEvent["event"] == QStringLiteral("status update")) {
-		QJsonArray lPlans = lEvent["plans"].toArray();
-		setData(QStringLiteral("common"), QStringLiteral("plan count"), lPlans.count());
-		setCommonData(lEvent, QStringLiteral("tray icon active"));
-		setCommonData(lEvent, QStringLiteral("tooltip icon name"));
-		setCommonData(lEvent, QStringLiteral("tooltip title"));
-		setCommonData(lEvent, QStringLiteral("tooltip subtitle"));
-		setCommonData(lEvent, QStringLiteral("any plan busy"));
-		setCommonData(lEvent, QStringLiteral("no plan reason"));
-		for(int i = 0; i < lPlans.count(); ++i) {
-			QJsonObject lPlan = lPlans[i].toObject();
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("description"));
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("destination available"));
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("status heading"));
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("status details"));
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("icon name"));
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("log file exists"));
-			setPlanData(i, lPlan, QStringLiteral("busy"));
-		}
-	}
-void KupEngine::checkConnection(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketState pState) {
-	if(pState != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState && pState != QLocalSocket::ConnectingState) {
-		QTimer::singleShot(10000, mSocket, [&]{mSocket->connectToServer(mSocketName);});
-	}
-	if(pState == QLocalSocket::UnconnectedState) {
-		// Don't bother to translate this error message, guessing the error string from qt
-		// is not translated also.
-		QString lErrorText = QStringLiteral("Error, no connection to kup-daemon: ");
-		lErrorText += mSocket->errorString();
-		setData(QStringLiteral("common"), QStringLiteral("no plan reason"), lErrorText);
-	}
-void KupEngine::setPlanData(int i, const QJsonObject &pPlan, const QString &pKey) {
-	setData(QString(QStringLiteral("plan %1")).arg(i), pKey, pPlan[pKey].toVariant());
-void KupEngine::setCommonData(const QJsonObject &pCommonStatus, const QString &pKey) {
-	setData(QStringLiteral("common"), pKey, pCommonStatus[pKey].toVariant());
-K_EXPORT_PLASMA_DATAENGINE_WITH_JSON(backups, KupEngine, "plasma-dataengine-kup.json")
-#include "kupengine.moc"
diff --git a/dataengine/kupengine.h b/dataengine/kupengine.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c731e3..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupengine.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef KUPENGINE_H
-#define KUPENGINE_H
-#include <Plasma/DataEngine>
-#include <QLocalSocket>
-class KupEngine : public Plasma::DataEngine
-	KupEngine(QObject *pParent, const QVariantList &pArgs);
-	Plasma::Service *serviceForSource (const QString &pSource) override;
-public slots:
-//	void refresh();
-	void processData();
-	void checkConnection(QLocalSocket::LocalSocketState pState);
-	void setPlanData(int i, const QJsonObject &pPlan, const QString &pKey);
-	void setCommonData(const QJsonObject &pCommonStatus, const QString &pKey);
-	QLocalSocket *mSocket;
-	QString mSocketName;
-#endif // KUPENGINE_H
diff --git a/dataengine/kupjob.cpp b/dataengine/kupjob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ec513c7..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupjob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupjob.h"
-#include <QJsonObject>
-#include <QJsonDocument>
-#include <QLocalSocket>
-KupJob::KupJob(int pPlanNumber, QLocalSocket *pSocket, const QString &pOperation,
-               QMap<QString, QVariant> &pParameters, QObject *pParent)
-   : ServiceJob(pParent->objectName(), pOperation, pParameters, pParent), mSocket(pSocket),
-     mPlanNumber(pPlanNumber)
-void KupJob::start() {
-	if(mSocket->state() != QLocalSocket::ConnectedState) {
-		return;
-	}
-	QJsonObject lCommand;
-	lCommand["plan number"] = mPlanNumber;
-	lCommand["operation name"] = operationName();
-	QJsonDocument lDoc(lCommand);
-	mSocket->write(lDoc.toBinaryData());
-	setResult(false);
diff --git a/dataengine/kupjob.h b/dataengine/kupjob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce793b2..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupjob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef KUPJOB_H
-#define KUPJOB_H
-#include <Plasma/ServiceJob>
-class QLocalSocket;
-class KupJob : public Plasma::ServiceJob
-	KupJob(int pPlanNumber, QLocalSocket *pSocket, const QString &pOperation,
-	       QMap<QString, QVariant> &pParameters, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	void start() override;
-	QLocalSocket *mSocket;
-	int mPlanNumber;
diff --git a/dataengine/kupservice.cpp b/dataengine/kupservice.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 42ce4d4..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupservice.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupservice.h"
-#include "kupjob.h"
-#include <QLocalSocket>
-KupService::KupService(int pPlanNumber, QLocalSocket *pSocket, QObject *pParent)
-   : Plasma::Service(pParent), mSocket(pSocket), mPlanNumber(pPlanNumber)
-	setName(QStringLiteral("kupservice"));
-ServiceJob *KupService::createJob(const QString &pOperation, QMap<QString, QVariant> &pParameters) {
-	return new KupJob(mPlanNumber, mSocket, pOperation, pParameters, this);
diff --git a/dataengine/kupservice.h b/dataengine/kupservice.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 315cea1..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupservice.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <Plasma/Service>
-#include <Plasma/ServiceJob>
-using namespace Plasma;
-class QLocalSocket;
-class KupService : public Plasma::Service
-	 KupService(int pPlanNumber, QLocalSocket *pSocket, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	 ServiceJob *createJob(const QString &pOperation, QMap<QString, QVariant> &pParameters) override;
-	 QLocalSocket *mSocket;
-	 int mPlanNumber;
-#endif // KUPSERVICE_H
diff --git a/dataengine/kupservice.operations b/dataengine/kupservice.operations
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f40d86..0000000
--- a/dataengine/kupservice.operations
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE kcfg SYSTEM "http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd">
-<group name="save backup"></group>
-<group name="show log file"></group>
-<group name="show backup files"></group>
diff --git a/dataengine/plasma-dataengine-kup.desktop b/dataengine/plasma-dataengine-kup.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba8531..0000000
--- a/dataengine/plasma-dataengine-kup.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Simon Persson
-Name[ca]=Còpies de seguretat
-Name[ca@valencia]=Còpies de seguretat
-Name[es]=Copias de seguridad
-Name[it]=Copie di sicurezza
-Name[pt]=Cópias de Segurança
-Name[uk]=Резервні копії
-Comment=Status of backup plans
-Comment[ca]=Estat dels plans per a còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Estat dels plans per a còpia de seguretat
-Comment[en_GB]=Status of backup plans
-Comment[es]=Estado de la planificación de copias de seguridad
-Comment[et]=Varukoopiakavade olek
-Comment[eu]=Babes-kopia egitasmoen egoera
-Comment[fr]=État des plans de sauvegarde
-Comment[it]=Stato dei piani di copia di sicurezza
-Comment[nl]=Status van back-up-plannen
-Comment[pt]=Estado dos planos de cópias de segurança
-Comment[sv]=Säkerhetskopieringsplanernas status
-Comment[uk]=Стан планів резервного копіювання
-Comment[x-test]=xxStatus of backup plansxx
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 59e687e..c36e9f6 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+kup-backup (0.8.0+git20200413.1.c5a97ea-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+ -- Debian Janitor <janitor@jelmer.uk>  Sun, 20 Mar 2022 00:32:53 -0000
 kup-backup (0.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release (Closes: #971566).
diff --git a/filedigger/CMakeLists.txt b/filedigger/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b0a35f..0000000
--- a/filedigger/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-    HEADER kupfiledigger_debug.h
-    CATEGORY_NAME kup.filedigger
-ki18n_wrap_ui(filedigger_SRCS restoredialog.ui)
-add_executable(kup-filedigger ${filedigger_SRCS})
-########### install files ###############
-install(TARGETS kup-filedigger ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS})
diff --git a/filedigger/filedigger.cpp b/filedigger/filedigger.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c76b00..0000000
--- a/filedigger/filedigger.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "filedigger.h"
-#include "mergedvfsmodel.h"
-#include "restoredialog.h"
-#include "versionlistmodel.h"
-#include "versionlistdelegate.h"
-#include <KDirOperator>
-#include <KFilePlacesView>
-#include <KFilePlacesModel>
-#include <KGuiItem>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageBox>
-#include <KRun>
-#include <KStandardAction>
-#include <KToolBar>
-#include <QGuiApplication>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QListView>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QSplitter>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QTreeView>
-#include <QVBoxLayout>
-#include <utility>
-FileDigger::FileDigger(QString pRepoPath, QString pBranchName, QWidget *pParent)
-    : KMainWindow(pParent), mRepoPath(std::move(pRepoPath)), mBranchName(std::move(pBranchName)), mDirOperator(nullptr)
-    setWindowIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("kup")));
-    KToolBar *lAppToolBar = toolBar();
-    lAppToolBar->addAction(KStandardAction::quit(this, SLOT(close()), this));
-    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this]{repoPathAvailable();});
-QSize FileDigger::sizeHint() const {
-    return QSize(800, 600);
-void FileDigger::updateVersionModel(const QModelIndex &pCurrent, const QModelIndex &pPrevious) {
-	Q_UNUSED(pPrevious)
-	mVersionModel->setNode(MergedVfsModel::node(pCurrent));
-	mVersionView->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(mVersionModel->index(0,0),
-	                                                QItemSelectionModel::Select);
-void FileDigger::open(const QModelIndex &pIndex) {
-	KRun::runUrl(pIndex.data(VersionBupUrlRole).toUrl(),
-	             pIndex.data(VersionMimeTypeRole).toString(), this, KRun::RunFlags());
-void FileDigger::restore(const QModelIndex &pIndex) {
-	auto lDialog = new RestoreDialog(pIndex.data(VersionSourceInfoRole).value<BupSourceInfo>(), this);
-	lDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
-	lDialog->show();
-void FileDigger::repoPathAvailable() {
-	if(mRepoPath.isEmpty()) {
-		createSelectionView();
-	} else {
-		QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
-		MergedRepository *lRepository = createRepo();
-		if(lRepository != nullptr) {
-			createRepoView(lRepository);
-		}
-		QGuiApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
-	}
-void FileDigger::checkFileWidgetPath() {
-	KFileItemList lList = mDirOperator->selectedItems();
-	if(lList.isEmpty()) {
-		mRepoPath = mDirOperator->url().toLocalFile();
-	} else {
-		mRepoPath = lList.first().url().toLocalFile();
-	}
-	mBranchName = QStringLiteral("kup");
-	repoPathAvailable();
-void FileDigger::enterUrl(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	mDirOperator->setUrl(pUrl, true);
-MergedRepository *FileDigger::createRepo() {
-    auto lRepository = new MergedRepository(nullptr, mRepoPath, mBranchName);
-    if(!lRepository->open()) {
-        KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, xi18nc("@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path",
-                                       "The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. "
-                                       "Check if the backups really are located there.",
-                                       mRepoPath));
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    if(!lRepository->readBranch()) {
-        if(!lRepository->permissionsOk()) {
-            KMessageBox::sorry(nullptr, xi18nc("@info messagebox",
-                                           "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."));
-        } else {
-            MergedRepository::askForIntegrityCheck();
-        }
-        return nullptr;
-    }
-    return lRepository;
-void FileDigger::createRepoView(MergedRepository *pRepository) {
-    auto lSplitter = new QSplitter();
-    mMergedVfsModel = new MergedVfsModel(pRepository, this);
-    mMergedVfsView = new QTreeView();
-    mMergedVfsView->setHeaderHidden(true);
-    mMergedVfsView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-    mMergedVfsView->setModel(mMergedVfsModel);
-    lSplitter->addWidget(mMergedVfsView);
-    connect(mMergedVfsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
-            this, SLOT(updateVersionModel(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)));
-	mVersionView = new QListView();
-	mVersionView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-	mVersionModel = new VersionListModel(this);
-	mVersionView->setModel(mVersionModel);
-	auto lVersionDelegate = new VersionListDelegate(mVersionView,this);
-	mVersionView->setItemDelegate(lVersionDelegate);
-	lSplitter->addWidget(mVersionView);
-	connect(lVersionDelegate, SIGNAL(openRequested(QModelIndex)), SLOT(open(QModelIndex)));
-	connect(lVersionDelegate, SIGNAL(restoreRequested(QModelIndex)), SLOT(restore(QModelIndex)));
-	mMergedVfsView->setFocus();
-	//expand all levels from the top until the node has more than one child
-	QModelIndex lIndex;
-	forever {
-		mMergedVfsView->expand(lIndex);
-		if(mMergedVfsModel->rowCount(lIndex) == 1) {
-			lIndex = mMergedVfsModel->index(0, 0, lIndex);
-		} else {
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	mMergedVfsView->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(mMergedVfsModel->index(0, 0, lIndex), QItemSelectionModel::Select);
-	setCentralWidget(lSplitter);
-void FileDigger::createSelectionView() {
-	if(mDirOperator != nullptr) {
-		return;
-	}
-	auto lLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Select location of backup archive to open."));
-	auto lPlaces = new KFilePlacesView;
-	lPlaces->setModel(new KFilePlacesModel);
-	mDirOperator = new KDirOperator();
-	mDirOperator->setView(KFile::Tree);
-	mDirOperator->setMode(KFile::Directory);
-	mDirOperator->setEnableDirHighlighting(true);
-	mDirOperator->setShowHiddenFiles(true);
-	connect(lPlaces, &KFilePlacesView::urlChanged, this, &FileDigger::enterUrl);
-	auto lOkButton = new QPushButton(this);
-	KGuiItem::assign(lOkButton, KStandardGuiItem::ok());
-	connect(lOkButton, &QPushButton::pressed, this, &FileDigger::checkFileWidgetPath);
-	auto lSelectionView = new QWidget;
-	auto lVLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout;
-	auto lSplitter = new QSplitter;
-	lVLayout1->addWidget(lLabel);
-	lSplitter->addWidget(lPlaces);
-	lSplitter->addWidget(mDirOperator);
-	lVLayout1->addWidget(lSplitter, 1);
-	lVLayout1->addWidget(lOkButton);
-	lSelectionView->setLayout(lVLayout1);
-	setCentralWidget(lSelectionView);
diff --git a/filedigger/filedigger.h b/filedigger/filedigger.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d566710..0000000
--- a/filedigger/filedigger.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <KMainWindow>
-#include <QUrl>
-class KDirOperator;
-class MergedVfsModel;
-class MergedRepository;
-class VersionListModel;
-class QListView;
-class QModelIndex;
-class QTreeView;
-class FileDigger : public KMainWindow
-	explicit FileDigger(QString pRepoPath, QString pBranchName, QWidget *pParent = nullptr);
-	QSize sizeHint() const override;
-protected slots:
-	void updateVersionModel(const QModelIndex &pCurrent, const QModelIndex &pPrevious);
-	void open(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-	void restore(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-	void repoPathAvailable();
-	void checkFileWidgetPath();
-	void enterUrl(const QUrl &pUrl);
-	MergedRepository *createRepo();
-	void createRepoView(MergedRepository *pRepository);
-	void createSelectionView();
-	MergedVfsModel *mMergedVfsModel{};
-	QTreeView *mMergedVfsView{};
-	VersionListModel *mVersionModel{};
-	QListView *mVersionView{};
-	QString mRepoPath;
-	QString mBranchName;
-	KDirOperator *mDirOperator;
-#endif // FILEDIGGER_H
diff --git a/filedigger/main.cpp b/filedigger/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 92d05da..0000000
--- a/filedigger/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "filedigger.h"
-#include "mergedvfs.h"
-#include <git2/global.h>
-#include <KAboutData>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QCommandLineOption>
-#include <QCommandLineParser>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QTextStream>
-int main(int pArgCount, char **pArgArray) {
-	QApplication lApp(pArgCount, pArgArray);
-	QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true);
-	KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("kup");
-	KAboutData lAbout(QStringLiteral("kupfiledigger"), xi18nc("@title", "File Digger"), QStringLiteral("0.7.3"),
-	                  i18n("Browser for bup archives."),
-	                  KAboutLicense::GPL, i18n("Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"));
-	lAbout.addAuthor(i18n("Simon Persson"), i18n("Maintainer"), "simon.persson@mykolab.com");
-	lAbout.setTranslator(xi18nc("NAME OF TRANSLATORS", "Your names"), xi18nc("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS", "Your emails"));
-	KAboutData::setApplicationData(lAbout); //this calls qApp.setApplicationName, setVersion, etc.
-	QCommandLineParser lParser;
-	lParser.addOption(QCommandLineOption(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("b") << QStringLiteral("branch"),
-	                                     i18n("Name of the branch to be opened."),
-	                                     QStringLiteral("branch name"), QStringLiteral("kup")));
-	lParser.addPositionalArgument(QStringLiteral("<repository path>"), i18n("Path to the bup repository to be opened."));
-	lAbout.setupCommandLine(&lParser);
-	lParser.process(lApp);
-	lAbout.processCommandLine(&lParser);
-	QString lRepoPath;
-	QStringList lPosArgs = lParser.positionalArguments();
-	if(!lPosArgs.isEmpty()) {
-		lRepoPath = lPosArgs.takeFirst();
-	}
-	// This needs to be called first thing, before any other calls to libgit2.
-	git_libgit2_init();
-	auto lFileDigger = new FileDigger(lRepoPath, lParser.value(QStringLiteral("branch")));
-	lFileDigger->show();
-	int lRetVal = QApplication::exec();
-	git_libgit2_shutdown();
-	return lRetVal;
diff --git a/filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp b/filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6114045..0000000
--- a/filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "mergedvfs.h"
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include "vfshelpers.h"
-#include "kupfiledigger_debug.h"
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageBox>
-#include <QDBusInterface>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QGuiApplication>
-#include <utility>
-#include <git2/branch.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-using NameMap = QMap<QString, MergedNode *>;
-using NameMapIterator = QMapIterator<QString, MergedNode *>;
-git_repository *MergedNode::mRepository = nullptr;
-bool mergedNodeLessThan(const MergedNode *a, const MergedNode *b) {
-	if(a->isDirectory() != b->isDirectory()) {
-		return a->isDirectory();
-	}
-	return a->objectName() < b->objectName();
-bool versionGreaterThan(const VersionData *a, const VersionData *b) {
-	return a->mModifiedDate > b->mModifiedDate;
-MergedNode::MergedNode(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, uint pMode)
-   :QObject(pParent)
-	mSubNodes = nullptr;
-	setObjectName(pName);
-	mMode = pMode;
-void MergedNode::getBupUrl(int pVersionIndex, QUrl *pComplete, QString *pRepoPath,
-                           QString *pBranchName, qint64 *pCommitTime, QString *pPathInRepo) const {
-	QList<const MergedNode *> lStack;
-	const MergedNode *lNode = this;
-	while(lNode != nullptr) {
-		lStack.append(lNode);
-		lNode = qobject_cast<const MergedNode *>(lNode->parent());
-	}
-	const auto lRepo = qobject_cast<const MergedRepository *>(lStack.takeLast());
-	if(pComplete) {
-		pComplete->setUrl("bup://" + lRepo->objectName() + lRepo->mBranchName + '/' +
-		                  vfsTimeToString(static_cast<git_time_t>(mVersionList.at(pVersionIndex)->mCommitTime)));
-	}
-	if(pRepoPath) {
-		*pRepoPath = lRepo->objectName();
-	}
-	if(pBranchName) {
-		*pBranchName = lRepo->mBranchName;
-	}
-	if(pCommitTime) {
-		*pCommitTime = mVersionList.at(pVersionIndex)->mCommitTime;
-	}
-	if(pPathInRepo) {
-		pPathInRepo->clear();
-	}
-	while(!lStack.isEmpty()) {
-		QString lPathComponent = lStack.takeLast()->objectName();
-		if(pComplete) {
-			pComplete->setPath(pComplete->path() + '/' + lPathComponent);
-		}
-		if(pPathInRepo) {
-			pPathInRepo->append(QLatin1Char('/'));
-			pPathInRepo->append(lPathComponent);
-		}
-	}
-MergedNodeList &MergedNode::subNodes() {
-	if(mSubNodes == nullptr) {
-		mSubNodes = new MergedNodeList();
-		if(S_ISDIR(mMode)) {
-			QGuiApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
-			generateSubNodes();
-			QGuiApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
-		}
-	}
-	return *mSubNodes;
-void MergedNode::askForIntegrityCheck() {
-	int lAnswer = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(nullptr, xi18nc("@info messagebox",
-	                                                         "Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files "
-	                                                         "have become corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity "
-	                                                         "check to test this?"));
-	if(lAnswer == KMessageBox::Yes) {
-		if(lInterface.isValid()) {
-			lInterface.call(QStringLiteral("runIntegrityCheck"),
-			                QDir::cleanPath(QString::fromLocal8Bit(git_repository_path(mRepository))));
-		}
-	}
-void MergedNode::generateSubNodes() {
-	NameMap lSubNodeMap;
-	foreach(VersionData *lCurrentVersion, mVersionList) {
-		git_tree *lTree;
-		if(0 != git_tree_lookup(&lTree, mRepository, &lCurrentVersion->mOid)) {
-			askForIntegrityCheck();
-			continue; // try to be fault tolerant by not aborting...
-		}
-		git_blob *lMetadataBlob = nullptr;
-		VintStream *lMetadataStream = nullptr;
-		const git_tree_entry *lTreeEntry = git_tree_entry_byname(lTree, ".bupm");
-		if(lTreeEntry != nullptr && 0 == git_blob_lookup(&lMetadataBlob, mRepository, git_tree_entry_id(lTreeEntry))) {
-			lMetadataStream = new VintStream(git_blob_rawcontent(lMetadataBlob), static_cast<int>(git_blob_rawsize(lMetadataBlob)), this);
-			Metadata lMetadata;
-			readMetadata(*lMetadataStream, lMetadata); // the first entry is metadata for the directory itself, discard it.
-		}
-		ulong lEntryCount = git_tree_entrycount(lTree);
-		for(uint i = 0; i < lEntryCount; ++i) {
-			uint lMode;
-			const git_oid *lOid;
-			QString lName;
-			bool lChunked;
-			const git_tree_entry *lTreeEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(lTree, i);
-			getEntryAttributes(lTreeEntry, lMode, lChunked, lOid, lName);
-			if(lName == QStringLiteral(".bupm")) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			MergedNode *lSubNode = lSubNodeMap.value(lName, nullptr);
-			if(lSubNode == nullptr) {
-				lSubNode = new MergedNode(this, lName, lMode);
-				lSubNodeMap.insert(lName, lSubNode);
-				mSubNodes->append(lSubNode);
-			} else if((S_IFMT & lMode) != (S_IFMT & lSubNode->mMode)) {
-				if(S_ISDIR(lMode)) {
-					lName.append(xi18nc("added after folder name in some cases", " (folder)"));
-				} else if(S_ISLNK(lMode)) {
-					lName.append(xi18nc("added after file name in some cases", " (symlink)"));
-				} else {
-					lName.append(xi18nc("added after file name in some cases", " (file)"));
-				}
-				lSubNode = lSubNodeMap.value(lName, nullptr);
-				if(lSubNode == nullptr) {
-					lSubNode = new MergedNode(this, lName, lMode);
-					lSubNodeMap.insert(lName, lSubNode);
-					mSubNodes->append(lSubNode);
-				}
-			}
-			bool lAlreadySeen = false;
-			foreach(VersionData *lVersion, lSubNode->mVersionList) {
-				if(lVersion->mOid == *lOid) {
-					lAlreadySeen = true;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if(S_ISDIR(lMode)) {
-				if(!lAlreadySeen) {
-					lSubNode->mVersionList.append(new VersionData(lOid, lCurrentVersion->mCommitTime,
-					                                              lCurrentVersion->mModifiedDate, 0));
-				}
-			} else {
-				qint64 lModifiedDate = lCurrentVersion->mModifiedDate;
-				qint64 lSize = -1;
-				Metadata lMetadata;
-				if(lMetadataStream != nullptr && 0 == readMetadata(*lMetadataStream, lMetadata)) {
-					lModifiedDate = lMetadata.mMtime;
-					lSize = lMetadata.mSize;
-				}
-				if(!lAlreadySeen) {
-					VersionData *lVersionData;
-					if(lSize >= 0) {
-						lVersionData = new VersionData(lOid, lCurrentVersion->mCommitTime, lModifiedDate, static_cast<quint64>(lSize));
-					} else {
-						lVersionData = new VersionData(lChunked, lOid, lCurrentVersion->mCommitTime, lModifiedDate);
-					}
-					lSubNode->mVersionList.append(lVersionData);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if(lMetadataStream != nullptr) {
-			delete lMetadataStream;
-			git_blob_free(lMetadataBlob);
-		}
-		git_tree_free(lTree);
-	}
-	std::sort(mSubNodes->begin(), mSubNodes->end(), mergedNodeLessThan);
-	foreach(MergedNode *lNode, *mSubNodes) {
-		std::sort(lNode->mVersionList.begin(), lNode->mVersionList.end(), versionGreaterThan);
-	}
-MergedRepository::MergedRepository(QObject *pParent, const QString &pRepositoryPath, QString pBranchName)
-   : MergedNode(pParent, pRepositoryPath, DEFAULT_MODE_DIRECTORY), mBranchName(std::move(pBranchName))
-	if(!objectName().endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
-		setObjectName(objectName() + QLatin1Char('/'));
-	}
-MergedRepository::~MergedRepository() {
-	if(mRepository != nullptr) {
-		git_repository_free(mRepository);
-	}
-bool MergedRepository::open() {
-	if(0 != git_repository_open(&mRepository, objectName().toLocal8Bit())) {
-		qCWarning(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "could not open repository " << objectName();
-		mRepository = nullptr;
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-bool MergedRepository::readBranch() {
-	if(mRepository == nullptr) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	git_revwalk *lRevisionWalker;
-	if(0 != git_revwalk_new(&lRevisionWalker, mRepository)) {
-		qCWarning(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "could not create a revision walker in repository " << objectName();
-		return false;
-	}
-	QString lCompleteBranchName = QStringLiteral("refs/heads/");
-	lCompleteBranchName.append(mBranchName);
-	if(0 != git_revwalk_push_ref(lRevisionWalker, lCompleteBranchName.toLocal8Bit())) {
-		qCWarning(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Unable to read branch " << mBranchName << " in repository " << objectName();
-		git_revwalk_free(lRevisionWalker);
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool lEmptyList = true;
-	git_oid lOid;
-	while(0 == git_revwalk_next(&lOid, lRevisionWalker)) {
-		git_commit *lCommit;
-		if(0 != git_commit_lookup(&lCommit, mRepository, &lOid)) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		git_time_t lTime = git_commit_time(lCommit);
-		mVersionList.append(new VersionData(git_commit_tree_id(lCommit), lTime, lTime, 0));
-		lEmptyList = false;
-		git_commit_free(lCommit);
-	}
-	git_revwalk_free(lRevisionWalker);
-	return !lEmptyList;
-bool MergedRepository::permissionsOk() {
-	if(mRepository == nullptr) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	QDir lRepoDir(objectName());
-	if(!lRepoDir.exists()) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	QList<QDir> lDirectories;
-	lDirectories << lRepoDir;
-	while(!lDirectories.isEmpty()) {
-		QDir lDir = lDirectories.takeFirst();
-		foreach(QFileInfo lFileInfo, lDir.entryInfoList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
-			if(!lFileInfo.isReadable()) {
-				return false;
-			}
-			if(lFileInfo.isDir()) {
-				lDirectories << QDir(lFileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
-uint qHash(git_oid pOid) {
-	return qHash(QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pOid.id), GIT_OID_RAWSZ));
-bool operator ==(const git_oid &pOidA, const git_oid &pOidB) {
-	QByteArray a = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pOidA.id), GIT_OID_RAWSZ);
-	QByteArray b = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(pOidB.id), GIT_OID_RAWSZ);
-	return a == b;
-quint64 VersionData::size() {
-	if(mSizeIsValid) {
-		return mSize;
-	}
-	if(mChunkedFile) {
-		mSize = calculateChunkFileSize(&mOid, MergedNode::mRepository);
-	} else {
-		git_blob *lBlob;
-		if(0 == git_blob_lookup(&lBlob, MergedNode::mRepository, &mOid)) {
-			mSize = static_cast<quint64>(git_blob_rawsize(lBlob));
-			git_blob_free(lBlob);
-		} else {
-			mSize = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	mSizeIsValid = true;
-	return mSize;
diff --git a/filedigger/mergedvfs.h b/filedigger/mergedvfs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 555ebee..0000000
--- a/filedigger/mergedvfs.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef MERGEDVFS_H
-#define MERGEDVFS_H
-#include <git2.h>
-uint qHash(git_oid pOid);
-bool operator ==(const git_oid &pOidA, const git_oid &pOidB);
-#include <QHash>
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QUrl>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-struct VersionData {
-	VersionData(bool pChunkedFile, const git_oid *pOid, qint64 pCommitTime, qint64 pModifiedDate)
-	   :mChunkedFile(pChunkedFile), mOid(*pOid), mCommitTime(pCommitTime), mModifiedDate(pModifiedDate)
-	{
-		mSizeIsValid = false;
-	}
-	VersionData(const git_oid *pOid, qint64 pCommitTime, qint64 pModifiedDate, quint64 pSize)
-	   :mOid(*pOid), mCommitTime(pCommitTime), mModifiedDate(pModifiedDate), mSize(pSize)
-	{
-		mSizeIsValid = true;
-	}
-	quint64 size();
-	bool mSizeIsValid;
-	bool mChunkedFile;
-	git_oid mOid;
-	qint64 mCommitTime;
-	qint64 mModifiedDate;
-	quint64 mSize;
-class MergedNode;
-typedef QList<MergedNode*> MergedNodeList;
-typedef QListIterator<MergedNode*> MergedNodeListIterator;
-typedef QList<VersionData *> VersionList;
-typedef QListIterator<VersionData *> VersionListIterator;
-class MergedNode: public QObject {
-	friend struct VersionData;
-	MergedNode(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, uint pMode);
-	~MergedNode() override {
-		delete mSubNodes;
-		while (!mVersionList.isEmpty()) delete mVersionList.takeFirst();
-	}
-	bool isDirectory() const { return S_ISDIR(mMode); }
-	void getBupUrl(int pVersionIndex, QUrl *pComplete, QString *pRepoPath = nullptr, QString *pBranchName = nullptr,
-	               qint64 *pCommitTime = nullptr, QString *pPathInRepo = nullptr) const;
-	virtual MergedNodeList &subNodes();
-	const VersionList *versionList() const { return &mVersionList; }
-	uint mode() const { return mMode; }
-	static void askForIntegrityCheck();
-	virtual void generateSubNodes();
-	static git_repository *mRepository;
-	uint mMode;
-	VersionList mVersionList;
-	MergedNodeList *mSubNodes;
-class MergedRepository: public MergedNode {
-	MergedRepository(QObject *pParent, const QString &pRepositoryPath, QString pBranchName);
-	~MergedRepository() override;
-	bool open();
-	bool readBranch();
-	bool permissionsOk();
-	QString mBranchName;
-#endif // MERGEDVFS_H
diff --git a/filedigger/mergedvfsmodel.cpp b/filedigger/mergedvfsmodel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c027e8..0000000
--- a/filedigger/mergedvfsmodel.cpp
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@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "mergedvfsmodel.h"
-#include "mergedvfs.h"
-#include "vfshelpers.h"
-#include <KIO/Global>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QMimeDatabase>
-#include <QMimeType>
-#include <QPixmap>
-MergedVfsModel::MergedVfsModel(MergedRepository *pRoot, QObject *pParent) :
-   QAbstractItemModel(pParent), mRoot(pRoot)
-MergedVfsModel::~MergedVfsModel() {
-	delete mRoot;
-int MergedVfsModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &pParent) const {
-	Q_UNUSED(pParent)
-	return 1;
-QVariant MergedVfsModel::data(const QModelIndex &pIndex, int pRole) const {
-	if(!pIndex.isValid()) {
-		return QVariant();
-	}
-	auto *lNode = static_cast<MergedNode *>(pIndex.internalPointer());
-	switch (pRole) {
-	case Qt::DisplayRole:
-		return lNode->objectName();
-	case Qt::DecorationRole: {
-		QString lIconName = KIO::iconNameForUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(lNode->objectName()));
-		if(lNode->isDirectory()) {
-			QMimeDatabase db;
-			lIconName = db.mimeTypeForName(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")).iconName();
-		}
-		return QIcon::fromTheme(lIconName);
-	}
-	default:
-		return QVariant();
-	}
-QModelIndex MergedVfsModel::index(int pRow, int pColumn, const QModelIndex &pParent) const {
-	if(pColumn != 0 || pRow < 0) {
-		return {}; // invalid
-	}
-	if(!pParent.isValid()) {
-		if(pRow >= mRoot->subNodes().count()) {
-			return {}; // invalid
-		}
-		return createIndex(pRow, 0, mRoot->subNodes().at(pRow));
-	}
-	auto lParentNode = static_cast<MergedNode *>(pParent.internalPointer());
-	if(pRow >= lParentNode->subNodes().count()) {
-		return {}; // invalid
-	}
-	return createIndex(pRow, 0, lParentNode->subNodes().at(pRow));
-QModelIndex MergedVfsModel::parent(const QModelIndex &pChild) const {
-	if(!pChild.isValid()) {
-		return {};
-	}
-	auto lChild = static_cast<MergedNode *>(pChild.internalPointer());
-	auto lParent = qobject_cast<MergedNode *>(lChild->parent());
-	if(lParent == nullptr || lParent == mRoot) {
-		return {}; //invalid
-	}
-	auto lGrandParent = qobject_cast<MergedNode *>(lParent->parent());
-	if(lGrandParent == nullptr) {
-		return {}; //invalid
-	}
-	return createIndex(lGrandParent->subNodes().indexOf(lParent), 0, lParent);
-int MergedVfsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &pParent) const {
-	if(!pParent.isValid()) {
-		return mRoot->subNodes().count();
-	}
-	auto lParent = static_cast<MergedNode *>(pParent.internalPointer());
-	if(lParent == nullptr) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return lParent->subNodes().count();
-const VersionList *MergedVfsModel::versionList(const QModelIndex &pIndex) {
-	auto lNode = static_cast<MergedNode *>(pIndex.internalPointer());
-	return lNode->versionList();
-const MergedNode *MergedVfsModel::node(const QModelIndex &pIndex) {
-	return static_cast<MergedNode *>(pIndex.internalPointer());
diff --git a/filedigger/mergedvfsmodel.h b/filedigger/mergedvfsmodel.h
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index b6699e4..0000000
--- a/filedigger/mergedvfsmodel.h
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QAbstractItemModel>
-#include "mergedvfs.h"
-class MergedVfsModel : public QAbstractItemModel
-	explicit MergedVfsModel(MergedRepository *pRoot, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	~MergedVfsModel() override;
-	int columnCount(const QModelIndex &pParent) const override;
-	QVariant data(const QModelIndex &pIndex, int pRole) const override;
-	QModelIndex index(int pRow, int pColumn, const QModelIndex &pParent) const override;
-	QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &pChild) const override;
-	int rowCount(const QModelIndex &pParent) const override;
-	static const VersionList *versionList(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-	static const MergedNode *node(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-	MergedRepository *mRoot;
diff --git a/filedigger/restoredialog.cpp b/filedigger/restoredialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef1b0d..0000000
--- a/filedigger/restoredialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "restoredialog.h"
-#include "ui_restoredialog.h"
-#include "restorejob.h"
-#include "dirselector.h"
-#include "kuputils.h"
-#include "kupfiledigger_debug.h"
-#include <KIO/CopyJob>
-#include <KDiskFreeSpaceInfo>
-#include <KFileWidget>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageBox>
-#include <KMessageWidget>
-#include <KProcess>
-#include <KRun>
-#include <KWidgetJobTracker>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QInputDialog>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <utility>
-static const QString cKupTempRestoreFolder = QStringLiteral("_kup_temporary_restore_folder_");
-RestoreDialog::RestoreDialog(BupSourceInfo pPathInfo, QWidget *parent)
-   : QDialog(parent), mUI(new Ui::RestoreDialog), mSourceInfo(std::move(pPathInfo))
-	mSourceFileName = mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo.section(QDir::separator(), -1);
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Starting restore dialog for repo: " << mSourceInfo.mRepoPath
-	                       << ", restoring: " << mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo;
-	mUI->setupUi(this);
-	mFileWidget = nullptr;
-	mDirSelector = nullptr;
-	mJobTracker = nullptr;
-	mUI->mRestoreOriginalButton->setMinimumHeight(mUI->mRestoreOriginalButton->sizeHint().height() * 2);
-	mUI->mRestoreCustomButton->setMinimumHeight(mUI->mRestoreCustomButton->sizeHint().height() * 2);
-	connect(mUI->mRestoreOriginalButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setOriginalDestination()));
-	connect(mUI->mRestoreCustomButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(setCustomDestination()));
-	mMessageWidget = new KMessageWidget(this);
-	mMessageWidget->setWordWrap(true);
-	mUI->mTopLevelVLayout->insertWidget(0, mMessageWidget);
-	mMessageWidget->hide();
-	connect(mUI->mDestBackButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mMessageWidget, SLOT(hide()));
-	connect(mUI->mDestNextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(checkDestinationSelection()));
-	connect(mUI->mDestBackButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this]{mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);});
-	connect(mUI->mOverwriteBackButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this]{mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);});
-	connect(mUI->mConfirmButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(fileOverwriteConfirmed()));
-	connect(mUI->mOpenDestinationButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(openDestinationFolder()));
-RestoreDialog::~RestoreDialog() {
-	delete mUI;
-void RestoreDialog::changeEvent(QEvent *pEvent) {
-	QDialog::changeEvent(pEvent);
-	switch (pEvent->type()) {
-	case QEvent::LanguageChange:
-		mUI->retranslateUi(this);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::setOriginalDestination() {
-	if(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory) {
-		// the path in repo could have had slashes appended below, we are back here because user clicked "back"
-		ensureNoTrailingSlash(mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo);
-		//select parent of folder to be restored
-		mDestination.setFile(mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo.section(QDir::separator(), 0, -2));
-	} else {
-		mDestination.setFile(mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo);
-	}
-	startPrechecks();
-void RestoreDialog::setCustomDestination() {
-	if(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory && mDirSelector == nullptr) {
-		mDirSelector = new DirSelector(this);
-		mDirSelector->setRootUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		QString lDirPath = mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo.section(QDir::separator(), 0, -2);
-		mDirSelector->expandToUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(lDirPath));
-		mUI->mDestinationVLayout->insertWidget(0, mDirSelector);
-		auto lNewFolderButton = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("folder-new")),
-		                                                xi18nc("@action:button","New Folder..."));
-		connect(lNewFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(createNewFolder()));
-		mUI->mDestinationHLayout->insertWidget(0, lNewFolderButton);
-	} else if(!mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory && mFileWidget == nullptr) {
-		QFileInfo lFileInfo(mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo);
-		do {
-			lFileInfo.setFile(lFileInfo.absolutePath()); // check the file's directory first, not the file.
-		} while(!lFileInfo.exists());
-		QUrl lStartSelection = QUrl::fromLocalFile(lFileInfo.absoluteFilePath() + '/' + mSourceFileName);
-		mFileWidget = new KFileWidget(lStartSelection, this);
-		mFileWidget->setOperationMode(KFileWidget::Saving);
-		mFileWidget->setMode(KFile::File | KFile::LocalOnly);
-		mUI->mDestinationVLayout->insertWidget(0, mFileWidget);
-	}
-	mUI->mDestNextButton->setFocus();
-	mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
-void RestoreDialog::checkDestinationSelection() {
-	if(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory) {
-		QUrl lUrl = mDirSelector->url();
-		if(!lUrl.isEmpty()) {
-			mDestination.setFile(lUrl.path());
-			startPrechecks();
-		} else {
-			mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-			                              "No destination was selected, please select one."));
-			mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-			mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-		}
-	} else {
-		connect(mFileWidget, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(checkDestinationSelection2()));
-		mFileWidget->slotOk(); // will emit accepted() if selection is valid, continue below then
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::checkDestinationSelection2() {
-	mFileWidget->accept(); // This call is needed for selectedFile() to return something.
-	QString lFilePath = mFileWidget->selectedFile();
-	if(!lFilePath.isEmpty()) {
-		mDestination.setFile(lFilePath);
-		startPrechecks();
-	} else {
-		mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-		                              "No destination was selected, please select one."));
-		mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-		mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::startPrechecks() {
-	mUI->mFileConflictList->clear();
-	mSourceSize = 0;
-	mFileSizes.clear();
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Destination has been selected: " << mDestination.absoluteFilePath();
-	if(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory) {
-		mDirectoriesCount = 1; // the folder being restored, rest will be added during listing.
-		mRestorationPath = mDestination.absoluteFilePath();
-		mFolderToCreate = QFileInfo(mDestination.absoluteFilePath() + QDir::separator() + mSourceFileName);
-		mSavedWorkingDirectory.clear();
-		if(mFolderToCreate.exists()) {
-			if(mFolderToCreate.isDir()) {
-				// destination dir exists, first restore to a subfolder, then move files up.
-				mRestorationPath = mFolderToCreate.absoluteFilePath();
-				QDir lDir(mFolderToCreate.absoluteFilePath());
-				lDir.setFilter(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::Hidden | QDir::System | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
-				if(lDir.count() > 0) { // destination dir exists and is non-empty.
-					mRestorationPath.append(QDir::separator());
-					mRestorationPath.append(cKupTempRestoreFolder);
-				}
-				// make bup not restore the source folder itself but instead it's contents
-				mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo.append(QDir::separator());
-				// folder already exists, need to check for files about to be overwritten.
-				// will create QFileInfos with relative paths during listing and compare with listed source entries.
-				mSavedWorkingDirectory = QDir::currentPath();
-				QDir::setCurrent(mFolderToCreate.absoluteFilePath());
-			} else {
-				mUI->mFileConflictList->addItem(mFolderToCreate.absoluteFilePath());
-				mRestorationPath.append(QDir::separator());
-				mRestorationPath.append(cKupTempRestoreFolder);
-			}
-		}
-		qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Starting source file listing job on: " << mSourceInfo.mBupKioPath;
-		KIO::ListJob *lListJob = KIO::listRecursive(mSourceInfo.mBupKioPath, KIO::HideProgressInfo);
-		auto lJobTracker = new KWidgetJobTracker(this);
-		lJobTracker->registerJob(lListJob);
-		QWidget *lProgressWidget = lJobTracker->widget(lListJob);
-		mUI->mSourceScanLayout->insertWidget(2, lProgressWidget);
-		lProgressWidget->show();
-		connect(lListJob, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList)),
-		        SLOT(collectSourceListing(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList)));
-		connect(lListJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(sourceListingCompleted(KJob*)));
-		lListJob->start();
-		mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(4);
-	} else {
-		mDirectoriesCount = 0;
-		mSourceSize = mSourceInfo.mSize;
-		mFileSizes.insert(mSourceFileName, mSourceInfo.mSize);
-		mRestorationPath = mDestination.absolutePath();
-		if(mDestination.exists() || mDestination.fileName() != mSourceFileName) {
-			mRestorationPath.append(QDir::separator());
-			mRestorationPath.append(cKupTempRestoreFolder);
-			if(mDestination.exists()) {
-				mUI->mFileConflictList->addItem(mDestination.absoluteFilePath());
-			}
-		}
-		completePrechecks();
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::collectSourceListing(KIO::Job *pJob, const KIO::UDSEntryList &pEntryList) {
-	Q_UNUSED(pJob)
-	KIO::UDSEntryList::ConstIterator it = pEntryList.begin();
-	const KIO::UDSEntryList::ConstIterator end = pEntryList.end();
-	for(; it != end; ++it) {
-		QString lEntryName = it->stringValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME);
-		if(it->isDir()) {
-			if(lEntryName != QStringLiteral(".") && lEntryName != QStringLiteral("..")) {
-				mDirectoriesCount++;
-			}
-		} else {
-			if(!it->isLink()) {
-				auto lEntrySize = static_cast<quint64>(it->numberValue(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE));
-				mSourceSize += lEntrySize;
-				mFileSizes.insert(mSourceFileName + QDir::separator() + lEntryName, lEntrySize);
-			}
-			if(!mSavedWorkingDirectory.isEmpty()) {
-				if(QFileInfo::exists(lEntryName)) {
-					mUI->mFileConflictList->addItem(lEntryName);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::sourceListingCompleted(KJob *pJob) {
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Source listing job completed. Exit status: " << pJob->error();
-	if(!mSavedWorkingDirectory.isEmpty()) {
-		QDir::setCurrent(mSavedWorkingDirectory);
-	}
-	if(pJob->error() != 0) {
-		mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-		                              "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1",
-		                              pJob->errorString()));
-		mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-		mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-		mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
-	} else {
-		completePrechecks();
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::completePrechecks() {
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Starting free disk space check on: " << mDestination.absolutePath();
-	KDiskFreeSpaceInfo lSpaceInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(mDestination.absolutePath());
-	if(lSpaceInfo.isValid() && lSpaceInfo.available() < mSourceSize) {
-		mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-		                              "The destination does not have enough space available. "
-		                              "Please choose a different destination or free some space."));
-		mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-		mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-		mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
-	} else if(mUI->mFileConflictList->count() > 0) {
-		qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Detected file conflicts.";
-		if(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory) {
-			QString lDateString = QLocale().toString(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(static_cast<qint64>(mSourceInfo.mCommitTime)).toLocalTime());
-			lDateString.replace(QLatin1Char('/'), QLatin1Char('-')); // make sure no slashes in suggested folder name
-			mUI->mNewFolderNameEdit->setText(mSourceFileName +
-			                                 xi18nc("added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup was saved",
-			                                       " - saved at %1", lDateString));
-			mUI->mConflictTitleLabel->setText(xi18nc("@info", "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"));
-		} else {
-			mUI->mOverwriteRadioButton->setChecked(true);
-			mUI->mOverwriteRadioButton->hide();
-			mUI->mNewNameRadioButton->hide();
-			mUI->mNewFolderNameEdit->hide();
-			mUI->mConflictTitleLabel->setText(xi18nc("@info", "File already exists"));
-		}
-		mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);
-	} else {
-		startRestoring();
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::fileOverwriteConfirmed() {
-	if(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory && mUI->mNewNameRadioButton->isChecked()) {
-		QFileInfo lNewFolderInfo(mDestination.absoluteFilePath() + QDir::separator() + mUI->mNewFolderNameEdit->text());
-		if(lNewFolderInfo.exists()) {
-			mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-			                              "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."));
-			mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-			mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-			return;
-		}
-		mFolderToCreate = QFileInfo(mDestination.absoluteFilePath() + QDir::separator() + mUI->mNewFolderNameEdit->text());
-		mRestorationPath = mFolderToCreate.absoluteFilePath();
-		if(!mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo.endsWith(QDir::separator())) {
-			mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo.append(QDir::separator());
-		}
-	}
-	startRestoring();
-void RestoreDialog::startRestoring() {
-	QString lSourcePath(QDir::separator());
-	lSourcePath.append(mSourceInfo.mBranchName);
-	lSourcePath.append(QDir::separator());
-	QDateTime lCommitTime = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(static_cast<qint64>(mSourceInfo.mCommitTime));
-	lSourcePath.append(lCommitTime.toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss")));
-	lSourcePath.append(mSourceInfo.mPathInRepo);
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Starting restore. Source path: " << lSourcePath << ", restore path: " << mRestorationPath;
-	auto lRestoreJob = new RestoreJob(mSourceInfo.mRepoPath, lSourcePath, mRestorationPath,
-	                                         mDirectoriesCount, mSourceSize, mFileSizes);
-	if(mJobTracker == nullptr) {
-		mJobTracker = new KWidgetJobTracker(this);
-	}
-	mJobTracker->registerJob(lRestoreJob);
-	QWidget *lProgressWidget = mJobTracker->widget(lRestoreJob);
-	mUI->mRestoreProgressLayout->insertWidget(2, lProgressWidget);
-	lProgressWidget->show();
-	connect(lRestoreJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(restoringCompleted(KJob*)));
-	lRestoreJob->start();
-	mUI->mCloseButton->hide();
-	mUI->mStackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(3);
-void RestoreDialog::restoringCompleted(KJob *pJob) {
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Restore job completed. Exit status: " << pJob->error();
-	if(pJob->error() != 0) {
-		mUI->mRestorationOutput->setPlainText(pJob->errorText());
-		mUI->mRestorationStackWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
-		mUI->mCloseButton->show();
-	} else {
-		if(!mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory && mSourceFileName != mDestination.fileName()) {
-			QUrl lSourceUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(mRestorationPath + '/' + mSourceFileName);
-			QUrl lDestinationUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(mRestorationPath + '/' + mDestination.fileName());
-			KIO::CopyJob *lFileMoveJob = KIO::move(lSourceUrl, lDestinationUrl, KIO::HideProgressInfo);
-			connect(lFileMoveJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(fileMoveCompleted(KJob*)));
-			qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Starting file move job from: " << lSourceUrl << ", to: " << lDestinationUrl;
-			lFileMoveJob->start();
-		} else {
-			moveFolder();
-		}
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::fileMoveCompleted(KJob *pJob) {
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "File move job completed. Exit status: " << pJob->error();
-	if(pJob->error() != 0) {
-		mUI->mRestorationOutput->setPlainText(pJob->errorText());
-		mUI->mRestorationStackWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
-	} else {
-		moveFolder();
-	}
-void RestoreDialog::createNewFolder() {
-	bool lUserAccepted;
-	QUrl lUrl = mDirSelector->url();
-	QString lNameSuggestion = xi18nc("default folder name when creating a new folder", "New Folder");
-	if(QFileInfo::exists(lUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path() + '/' + lNameSuggestion)) {
-		lNameSuggestion = KIO::suggestName(lUrl, lNameSuggestion);
-	}
-	QString lSelectedName = QInputDialog::getText(this, xi18nc("@title:window", "New Folder" ),
-	                                              xi18nc("@label:textbox", "Create new folder in:\n%1", lUrl.path()),
-	                                              QLineEdit::Normal, lNameSuggestion, &lUserAccepted);
-	if (!lUserAccepted)
-		return;
-	QUrl lPartialUrl(lUrl);
-	const QStringList lDirectories = lSelectedName.split(QDir::separator(), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-	foreach(QString lSubDirectory, lDirectories) {
-		QDir lDir(lPartialUrl.path());
-		if(lDir.exists(lSubDirectory)) {
-			lPartialUrl = lPartialUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
-			lPartialUrl.setPath(lPartialUrl.path() + '/' + (lSubDirectory));
-			KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("A folder named %1 already exists.", lPartialUrl.path()));
-			return;
-		}
-		if(!lDir.mkdir(lSubDirectory)) {
-			lPartialUrl = lPartialUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
-			lPartialUrl.setPath(lPartialUrl.path() + '/' + (lSubDirectory));
-			KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have permission to create %1.", lPartialUrl.path()));
-			return;
-		}
-		lPartialUrl = lPartialUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
-		lPartialUrl.setPath(lPartialUrl.path() + '/' + (lSubDirectory));
-	}
-	mDirSelector->expandToUrl(lPartialUrl);
-void RestoreDialog::openDestinationFolder() {
-	KRun::runUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(mSourceInfo.mIsDirectory ?
-	                                    mFolderToCreate.absoluteFilePath() :
-	                                    mDestination.absolutePath()),
-	             QStringLiteral("inode/directory"), nullptr, KRun::RunFlags());
-void RestoreDialog::moveFolder() {
-	if(!mRestorationPath.endsWith(cKupTempRestoreFolder)) {
-		mUI->mRestorationStackWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);
-		mUI->mCloseButton->show();
-		qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Overall restore operation completed.";
-		return;
-	}
-	QUrl lSourceUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(mRestorationPath);
-	QUrl lDestinationUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(mRestorationPath.section(QDir::separator(), 0, -2));
-	KIO::CopyJob *lFolderMoveJob = KIO::moveAs(lSourceUrl, lDestinationUrl, KIO::Overwrite | KIO::HideProgressInfo);
-	connect(lFolderMoveJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(folderMoveCompleted(KJob*)));
-	mJobTracker->registerJob(lFolderMoveJob);
-	QWidget *lProgressWidget = mJobTracker->widget(lFolderMoveJob);
-	mUI->mRestoreProgressLayout->insertWidget(1, lProgressWidget);
-	lProgressWidget->show();
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Starting folder move job from: " << lSourceUrl << ", to: " << lDestinationUrl;
-	lFolderMoveJob->start();
-void RestoreDialog::folderMoveCompleted(KJob *pJob) {
-	qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Folder move job completed. Exit status: " << pJob->error();
-	mUI->mCloseButton->show();
-	if(pJob->error() != 0) {
-		mUI->mRestorationOutput->setPlainText(pJob->errorText());
-		mUI->mRestorationStackWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
-	} else {
-		qCDebug(KUPFILEDIGGER) << "Overall restore operation completed.";
-		mUI->mRestorationStackWidget->setCurrentIndex(2);
-	}
diff --git a/filedigger/restoredialog.h b/filedigger/restoredialog.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4841913..0000000
--- a/filedigger/restoredialog.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "versionlistmodel.h"
-#include <KIO/Job>
-#include <QDialog>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-namespace Ui {
-class RestoreDialog;
-class DirSelector;
-class KFileWidget;
-class KMessageWidget;
-class KWidgetJobTracker;
-class QTreeWidget;
-class RestoreDialog : public QDialog
-	explicit RestoreDialog(BupSourceInfo pPathInfo, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
-	~RestoreDialog() override;
-	void changeEvent(QEvent *pEvent) override;
-protected slots:
-	void setOriginalDestination();
-	void setCustomDestination();
-	void checkDestinationSelection();
-	void checkDestinationSelection2();
-	void startPrechecks();
-	void collectSourceListing(KIO::Job *pJob, const KIO::UDSEntryList &pEntryList);
-	void sourceListingCompleted(KJob *pJob);
-	void completePrechecks();
-	void fileOverwriteConfirmed();
-	void startRestoring();
-	void restoringCompleted(KJob *pJob);
-	void fileMoveCompleted(KJob *pJob);
-	void folderMoveCompleted(KJob *pJob);
-	void createNewFolder();
-	void openDestinationFolder();
-	void checkForExistingFiles(const KIO::UDSEntryList &pEntryList);
-	void moveFolder();
-	Ui::RestoreDialog *mUI;
-	KFileWidget *mFileWidget;
-	DirSelector *mDirSelector;
-	QFileInfo mDestination;
-	QFileInfo mFolderToCreate;
-	QString mRestorationPath; // not necessarily same as destination
-	BupSourceInfo mSourceInfo;
-	quint64 mDestinationSize{}; //size of files about to be overwritten
-	quint64 mSourceSize{}; //size of files about to be read
-	KMessageWidget *mMessageWidget;
-	QString mSavedWorkingDirectory;
-	QString mSourceFileName;
-	QHash<QString, quint64> mFileSizes;
-	int mDirectoriesCount{};
-	KWidgetJobTracker *mJobTracker;
diff --git a/filedigger/restoredialog.ui b/filedigger/restoredialog.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 4220952..0000000
--- a/filedigger/restoredialog.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>600</width>
-    <height>400</height>
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-  <property name="windowTitle">
-   <string comment="@title:window">Restore Guide</string>
-  </property>
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-   <item>
-    <widget class="QStackedWidget" name="mStackedWidget">
-     <property name="currentIndex">
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <widget class="QWidget" name="mRestoreLocationPage">
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-       <item>
-        <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
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-          <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-             <width>20</width>
-             <height>40</height>
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-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mRestoreOriginalButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button">Restore to original location</string>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="verticalSpacer_3">
-           <property name="orientation">
-            <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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-             <height>40</height>
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-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mRestoreCustomButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button">Choose where to restore</string>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="verticalSpacer">
-           <property name="orientation">
-            <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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-       <item>
-        <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
-         <property name="orientation">
-          <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-         <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-          <size>
-           <width>40</width>
-           <height>20</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-        </spacer>
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </widget>
-     <widget class="QWidget" name="mDestinationPage">
-      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="mDestinationVLayout">
-       <item>
-        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="mDestinationHLayout">
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_5">
-           <property name="orientation">
-            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-           </property>
-           <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
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-             <width>40</width>
-             <height>20</height>
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-           </property>
-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mDestBackButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button">Back</string>
-           </property>
-           <property name="icon">
-            <iconset theme="arrow-left">
-             <normaloff>.</normaloff>.</iconset>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mDestNextButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button">Next</string>
-           </property>
-           <property name="icon">
-            <iconset theme="arrow-right">
-             <normaloff>.</normaloff>.</iconset>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-        </layout>
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </widget>
-     <widget class="QWidget" name="mConfirmOverwritePage">
-      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_6">
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="mConflictTitleLabel">
-         <property name="font">
-          <font>
-           <weight>75</weight>
-           <bold>true</bold>
-          </font>
-         </property>
-         <property name="text">
-          <string/>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QRadioButton" name="mNewNameRadioButton">
-         <property name="text">
-          <string comment="@option:radio ">Restore the folder under a new name</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="checked">
-          <bool>true</bool>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_6">
-         <item>
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-            <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
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-             <width>20</width>
-             <height>20</height>
-            </size>
-           </property>
-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QLineEdit" name="mNewFolderNameEdit"/>
-         </item>
-        </layout>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QRadioButton" name="mOverwriteRadioButton">
-         <property name="text">
-          <string comment="@option:radio">Merge folders</string>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_5">
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_8">
-           <property name="orientation">
-            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-            <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
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-           <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-            <size>
-             <width>20</width>
-             <height>20</height>
-            </size>
-           </property>
-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="mOverwriteListboxLayout">
-           <item>
-            <widget class="QLabel" name="mConfirmOverwriteLabel">
-             <property name="enabled">
-              <bool>false</bool>
-             </property>
-             <property name="text">
-              <string comment="@info Question to user, in dialog">The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to continue.</string>
-             </property>
-             <property name="wordWrap">
-              <bool>true</bool>
-             </property>
-            </widget>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <widget class="QListWidget" name="mFileConflictList">
-             <property name="enabled">
-              <bool>false</bool>
-             </property>
-            </widget>
-           </item>
-          </layout>
-         </item>
-        </layout>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
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-            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-             <width>40</width>
-             <height>20</height>
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-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mOverwriteBackButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button go to previous page in dialog">Back</string>
-           </property>
-           <property name="icon">
-            <iconset theme="arrow-left">
-             <normaloff>.</normaloff>.</iconset>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mConfirmButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button User answers &quot;yes I confirm: overwrite files&quot;">Confirm</string>
-           </property>
-           <property name="icon">
-            <iconset theme="dialog-ok-apply">
-             <normaloff>.</normaloff>.</iconset>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-        </layout>
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </widget>
-     <widget class="QWidget" name="mRestorationProgressPage">
-      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="mRestorationVLayout">
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QStackedWidget" name="mRestorationStackWidget">
-         <property name="currentIndex">
-          <number>0</number>
-         </property>
-         <widget class="QWidget" name="page">
-          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="mRestoreProgressLayout">
-           <item>
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-             <property name="orientation">
-              <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-             </property>
-             <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-              <size>
-               <width>20</width>
-               <height>40</height>
-              </size>
-             </property>
-            </spacer>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
-             <property name="text">
-              <string comment="Title above progress bar">Restoring files</string>
-             </property>
-             <property name="alignment">
-              <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
-             </property>
-            </widget>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <spacer name="verticalSpacer_5">
-             <property name="orientation">
-              <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-             </property>
-             <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
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-               <width>20</width>
-               <height>40</height>
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-         </widget>
-         <widget class="QWidget" name="page_2">
-          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
-           <item>
-            <widget class="QLabel" name="mErrorLabel">
-             <property name="text">
-              <string comment="@label above the detailed error message">An error occurred while restoring:</string>
-             </property>
-            </widget>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <widget class="QPlainTextEdit" name="mRestorationOutput">
-             <property name="readOnly">
-              <bool>true</bool>
-             </property>
-            </widget>
-           </item>
-          </layout>
-         </widget>
-         <widget class="QWidget" name="page_3">
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-              <size>
-               <width>20</width>
-               <height>149</height>
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-             </property>
-            </spacer>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
-             <property name="text">
-              <string comment="@label">Restoration completed successfully!</string>
-             </property>
-             <property name="alignment">
-              <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
-             </property>
-            </widget>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <spacer name="verticalSpacer_8">
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-             <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-              <size>
-               <width>20</width>
-               <height>20</height>
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-           <item>
-            <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
-             <item>
-              <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_7">
-               <property name="orientation">
-                <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-                 <width>192</width>
-                 <height>20</height>
-                </size>
-               </property>
-              </spacer>
-             </item>
-             <item>
-              <widget class="QPushButton" name="mOpenDestinationButton">
-               <property name="text">
-                <string>Open Destination</string>
-               </property>
-               <property name="icon">
-                <iconset theme="folder">
-                 <normaloff>.</normaloff>.</iconset>
-               </property>
-              </widget>
-             </item>
-             <item>
-              <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_6">
-               <property name="orientation">
-                <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-               </property>
-               <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
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-                 <width>192</width>
-                 <height>20</height>
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-               </property>
-              </spacer>
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-            </layout>
-           </item>
-           <item>
-            <spacer name="verticalSpacer_7">
-             <property name="orientation">
-              <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
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-             <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-              <size>
-               <width>20</width>
-               <height>149</height>
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-            </spacer>
-           </item>
-          </layout>
-         </widget>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_4">
-           <property name="orientation">
-            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-           <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-            <size>
-             <width>40</width>
-             <height>20</height>
-            </size>
-           </property>
-          </spacer>
-         </item>
-         <item>
-          <widget class="QPushButton" name="mCloseButton">
-           <property name="text">
-            <string comment="@action:button">Close</string>
-           </property>
-           <property name="icon">
-            <iconset theme="dialog-close">
-             <normaloff>.</normaloff>.</iconset>
-           </property>
-           <property name="default">
-            <bool>true</bool>
-           </property>
-          </widget>
-         </item>
-        </layout>
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </widget>
-     <widget class="QWidget" name="mSourceScanProgressPage">
-      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="mSourceScanLayout">
-       <item>
-        <spacer name="verticalSpacer_9">
-         <property name="orientation">
-          <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-         </property>
-         <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-          <size>
-           <width>20</width>
-           <height>176</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-        </spacer>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
-         <property name="text">
-          <string comment="Title above progress bar">Checking file sizes</string>
-         </property>
-         <property name="alignment">
-          <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
-         </property>
-        </widget>
-       </item>
-       <item>
-        <spacer name="verticalSpacer_10">
-         <property name="orientation">
-          <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-         </property>
-         <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-          <size>
-           <width>20</width>
-           <height>176</height>
-          </size>
-         </property>
-        </spacer>
-       </item>
-      </layout>
-     </widget>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <tabstops>
-  <tabstop>mRestoreOriginalButton</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mRestoreCustomButton</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mDestNextButton</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mOverwriteBackButton</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mDestBackButton</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mFileConflictList</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mConfirmButton</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mRestorationOutput</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>mCloseButton</tabstop>
- </tabstops>
- <resources/>
- <connections>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>mCloseButton</sender>
-   <signal>clicked()</signal>
-   <receiver>RestoreDialog</receiver>
-   <slot>accept()</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>590</x>
-     <y>390</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>236</x>
-     <y>199</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>mOverwriteRadioButton</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>mFileConflictList</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>299</x>
-     <y>99</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>312</x>
-     <y>241</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>mOverwriteRadioButton</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>mConfirmOverwriteLabel</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>299</x>
-     <y>99</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>312</x>
-     <y>122</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
-  <connection>
-   <sender>mNewNameRadioButton</sender>
-   <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
-   <receiver>mNewFolderNameEdit</receiver>
-   <slot>setEnabled(bool)</slot>
-   <hints>
-    <hint type="sourcelabel">
-     <x>299</x>
-     <y>45</y>
-    </hint>
-    <hint type="destinationlabel">
-     <x>312</x>
-     <y>72</y>
-    </hint>
-   </hints>
-  </connection>
- </connections>
diff --git a/filedigger/restorejob.cpp b/filedigger/restorejob.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a8f57..0000000
--- a/filedigger/restorejob.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "restorejob.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <utility>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-RestoreJob::RestoreJob(QString pRepositoryPath, QString pSourcePath, QString pRestorationPath,
-                       int pTotalDirCount, quint64 pTotalFileSize, const QHash<QString, quint64> &pFileSizes)
- : mRepositoryPath(std::move(pRepositoryPath)), mSourcePath(std::move(pSourcePath)), mRestorationPath(std::move(pRestorationPath)),
-   mTotalDirCount(pTotalDirCount), mTotalFileSize(pTotalFileSize), mFileSizes(pFileSizes)
-	setCapabilities(Killable);
-	mRestoreProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
-	int lOffset = mSourcePath.endsWith(QDir::separator()) ? -2: -1;
-	mSourceFileName = mSourcePath.section(QDir::separator(), lOffset, lOffset);
-void RestoreJob::start() {
-	setTotalAmount(Bytes, mTotalFileSize);
-	setProcessedAmount(Bytes, 0);
-	setTotalAmount(Files, static_cast<quint64>(mFileSizes.count()));
-	setProcessedAmount(Files, 0);
-	setTotalAmount(Directories, static_cast<quint64>(mTotalDirCount));
-	setProcessedAmount(Directories, 0);
-	setPercent(0);
-	mRestoreProcess << QStringLiteral("bup");
-	mRestoreProcess << QStringLiteral("-d") << mRepositoryPath;
-	mRestoreProcess << QStringLiteral("restore") << QStringLiteral("-vv");
-	mRestoreProcess << QStringLiteral("-C") << mRestorationPath;
-	mRestoreProcess << mSourcePath;
-	connect(&mRestoreProcess, SIGNAL(started()), SLOT(slotRestoringStarted()));
-	connect(&mRestoreProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(slotRestoringDone(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
-	mRestoreProcess.start();
-	mTimerId = startTimer(100);
-void RestoreJob::slotRestoringStarted() {
-	makeNice(mRestoreProcess.pid());
-void RestoreJob::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *pTimerEvent) {
-	Q_UNUSED(pTimerEvent)
-	quint64 lProcessedDirectories = processedAmount(Directories);
-	quint64 lProcessedFiles = processedAmount(Files);
-	quint64 lProcessedBytes = processedAmount(Bytes);
-	bool lDirWasUpdated = false;
-	bool lFileWasUpdated = false;
-	QString lLastFileName;
-	while(mRestoreProcess.canReadLine()) {
-		QString lFileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(mRestoreProcess.readLine()).trimmed();
-		if(lFileName.count() == 0) {
-			break;
-		}
-		if(lFileName.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) { // it's a directory
-			lProcessedDirectories++;
-			lDirWasUpdated = true;
-		} else {
-			if(mSourcePath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) {
-				lFileName.prepend(QDir::separator());
-				lFileName.prepend(mSourceFileName);
-			}
-			lProcessedBytes += mFileSizes.value(lFileName);
-			lProcessedFiles++;
-			lLastFileName = lFileName;
-			lFileWasUpdated = true;
-		}
-	}
-	if(lDirWasUpdated) {
-		setProcessedAmount(Directories, lProcessedDirectories);
-	}
-	if(lFileWasUpdated) {
-		emit description(this, xi18nc("progress report, current operation", "Restoring"),
-		                 qMakePair(xi18nc("progress report, label", "File"), lLastFileName));
-		setProcessedAmount(Files, lProcessedFiles);
-		setProcessedAmount(Bytes, lProcessedBytes); // this will also call emitPercent()
-	}
-void RestoreJob::slotRestoringDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus) {
-	killTimer(mTimerId);
-	if(pExitStatus != QProcess::NormalExit || pExitCode != 0) {
-		setError(1);
-		setErrorText(QString::fromUtf8(mRestoreProcess.readAllStandardError()));
-	}
-	emitResult();
-void RestoreJob::makeNice(int pPid) {
-#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
-	// See linux documentation Documentation/block/ioprio.txt for details of the syscall
-	syscall(SYS_ioprio_set, 1, pPid, 3 << 13 | 7);
-	setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, static_cast<uint>(pPid), 19);
diff --git a/filedigger/restorejob.h b/filedigger/restorejob.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a214065..0000000
--- a/filedigger/restorejob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "versionlistmodel.h"
-#include <KJob>
-#include <KProcess>
-class RestoreJob : public KJob
-	explicit RestoreJob(QString pRepositoryPath, QString pSourcePath, QString pRestorationPath,
-	                    int pTotalDirCount, quint64 pTotalFileSize, const QHash<QString, quint64> &pFileSizes);
-	void start() override;
-protected slots:
-	void slotRestoringStarted();
-	void slotRestoringDone(int pExitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus pExitStatus);
-	void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *pTimerEvent) override;
-	static void makeNice(int pPid);
-	void moveFolder();
-	KProcess mRestoreProcess;
-	QString mRepositoryPath;
-	QString mSourcePath;
-	QString mRestorationPath;
-	QString mSourceFileName;
-	int mTotalDirCount;
-	quint64 mTotalFileSize;
-	const QHash<QString, quint64> &mFileSizes;
-	int mTimerId{};
-#endif // RESTOREJOB_H
diff --git a/filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp b/filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1219a..0000000
--- a/filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "versionlistdelegate.h"
-#include "versionlistmodel.h"
-#include <KFormat>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <QAbstractItemView>
-#include <QAbstractItemModel>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QMouseEvent>
-#include <QParallelAnimationGroup>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QGraphicsOpacityEffect>
-#include <QPropertyAnimation>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QtMath>
-#include <utility>
-static const int cMargin = 4;
-Button::Button(QString pText, QWidget *pParent) {
-	// intentionally don't make this QObject owned by pParent
-	mStyleOption.initFrom(pParent);
-	mStyleOption.features = QStyleOptionButton::None;
-	mStyleOption.state = QStyle::State_Enabled;
-	mStyleOption.text = std::move(pText);
-	const QSize lContentsSize = mStyleOption.fontMetrics.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, mStyleOption.text);
-	mStyleOption.rect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0),
-	                          QApplication::style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_PushButton,
-	                                                                  &mStyleOption, lContentsSize));
-	mPushed = false;
-	mParent = pParent;
-void Button::setPosition(const QPoint &pTopRight) {
-	mStyleOption.rect.moveTopRight(pTopRight);
-void Button::paint(QPainter *pPainter, float pOpacity) {
-	pPainter->setOpacity(static_cast<qreal>(pOpacity));
-	QApplication::style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, &mStyleOption, pPainter);
-bool Button::event(QEvent *pEvent) {
-	auto lMouseEvent = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent *>(pEvent);
-	bool lActivated = false;
-	switch(pEvent->type()) {
-	case QEvent::MouseMove:
-		if(mStyleOption.rect.contains(lMouseEvent->pos())) {
-			if(!(mStyleOption.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)) {
-				mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver;
-				if(mPushed) {
-					mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
-					mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_Raised;
-				}
-				mParent->update(mStyleOption.rect);
-			}
-		} else {
-			if(mStyleOption.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
-				mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;
-				if(mPushed) {
-					mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_Sunken;
-					mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_Raised;
-				}
-				mParent->update(mStyleOption.rect);
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
-		if(lMouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton && !mPushed &&
-		        (mStyleOption.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)) {
-			mPushed = true;
-			mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
-			mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_Raised;
-			mParent->update(mStyleOption.rect);
-		}
-		break;
-	case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
-		if(lMouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
-			if(mPushed && (mStyleOption.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)) {
-				lActivated = true;
-			}
-			mPushed = false;
-			mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_Sunken;
-			mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_Raised;
-			mParent->update(mStyleOption.rect);
-		}
-		break;
-	case QEvent::KeyPress: {
-		auto lKeyEvent = dynamic_cast<QKeyEvent *>(pEvent);
-		if((mStyleOption.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus)) {
-			if(lKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Left || lKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Right) {
-				mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-				emit focusChangeRequested(lKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Right);
-				mParent->update(mStyleOption.rect);
-			} else if(lKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space || lKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return
-			          || lKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) {
-				lActivated = true;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	return lActivated;
-VersionItemAnimation::VersionItemAnimation(QWidget *pParent)
-   : QParallelAnimationGroup(pParent)
-	mParent = pParent;
-	mExtraHeight = 0;
-	mOpacity = 0;
-	mOpenButton = new Button(xi18nc("@action:button", "Open"), pParent);
-	connect(mOpenButton, SIGNAL(focusChangeRequested(bool)), SLOT(changeFocus(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-	mRestoreButton = new Button(xi18nc("@action:button", "Restore"), pParent);
-	connect(mRestoreButton, SIGNAL(focusChangeRequested(bool)), SLOT(changeFocus(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
-	auto lHeightAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "extraHeight", this);
-	lHeightAnimation->setStartValue(0.0);
-	lHeightAnimation->setEndValue(1.0);
-	lHeightAnimation->setDuration(300);
-	lHeightAnimation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InOutBack);
-	addAnimation(lHeightAnimation);
-	auto lWidgetOpacityAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "opacity", this);
-	lWidgetOpacityAnimation->setStartValue(0.0);
-	lWidgetOpacityAnimation->setEndValue(1.0);
-	lWidgetOpacityAnimation->setDuration(300);
-	addAnimation(lWidgetOpacityAnimation);
-void VersionItemAnimation::setExtraHeight(qreal pExtraHeight) {
-	mExtraHeight = pExtraHeight;
-	emit sizeChanged(mIndex);
-void VersionItemAnimation::changeFocus(bool pForward) {
-	Q_UNUSED(pForward)
-	if(sender() == mOpenButton) {
-		mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-		mParent->update(mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.rect);
-	} else if(sender() == mRestoreButton) {
-		mOpenButton->mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-		mParent->update(mOpenButton->mStyleOption.rect);
-	}
-void VersionItemAnimation::setFocus(bool pFocused) {
-	if(!pFocused) {
-		mOpenButton->mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-		mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-	} else {
-		mOpenButton->mStyleOption.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-		mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.state &= ~QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-	}
-	mParent->update(mOpenButton->mStyleOption.rect);
-	mParent->update(mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.rect);
-VersionListDelegate::VersionListDelegate(QAbstractItemView *pItemView, QObject *pParent) :
-   QAbstractItemDelegate(pParent)
-	mView = pItemView;
-	mModel = pItemView->model();
-	connect(pItemView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
-	        SLOT(updateCurrent(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)));
-	connect(pItemView->model(), SIGNAL(modelReset()), SLOT(reset()));
-	pItemView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); //mouse events
-	pItemView->installEventFilter(this); //keyboard events
-	pItemView->viewport()->setMouseTracking(true);
-void VersionListDelegate::paint(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &pOption, const QModelIndex &pIndex) const {
-	QStyle * lStyle = QApplication::style();
-	lStyle->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &pOption, pPainter);
-	pPainter->save();
-	pPainter->setPen(pOption.palette.color(pOption.state & QStyle::State_Selected
-	                                       ? QPalette::HighlightedText: QPalette::Text));
-	QRect lMarginRect = pOption.rect.adjusted(cMargin, cMargin, -cMargin, -cMargin);
-	QRect lSizeDisplayBounds;
-	if(!pIndex.data(VersionIsDirectoryRole).toBool()) {
-		QString lSizeText = KFormat().formatByteSize(static_cast<double>(pIndex.data(VersionSizeRole).toULongLong()));
-		pPainter->drawText(lMarginRect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, lSizeText, &lSizeDisplayBounds);
-	}
-	QString lDateText = pOption.fontMetrics.elidedText(pIndex.data().toString(), Qt::ElideRight,
-	                                                   lMarginRect.width() - lSizeDisplayBounds.width());
-	pPainter->drawText(lMarginRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, lDateText);
-	pPainter->restore();
-	VersionItemAnimation *lAnimation = mActiveAnimations.value(pIndex);
-	if(lAnimation != nullptr) {
-		pPainter->save();
-		pPainter->setClipRect(pOption.rect);
-		lAnimation->mRestoreButton->setPosition(pOption.rect.topRight() +
-		                                       QPoint(-cMargin,
-		                                              pOption.fontMetrics.height() + 2*cMargin));
-		lAnimation->mRestoreButton->paint(pPainter, lAnimation->opacity());
-		lAnimation->mOpenButton->setPosition(lAnimation->mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.rect.topLeft() +
-		                                    QPoint(-cMargin , 0));
-		lAnimation->mOpenButton->paint(pPainter, lAnimation->opacity());
-		pPainter->restore();
-	}
-QSize VersionListDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &pOption, const QModelIndex &pIndex) const {
-	int lExtraHeight = 0;
-	int lExtraWidth = 0;
-	VersionItemAnimation *lAnimation = mActiveAnimations.value(pIndex);
-	if(lAnimation != nullptr) {
-		int lButtonHeight = lAnimation->mOpenButton->mStyleOption.rect.height();
-		lExtraHeight = qCeil(lAnimation->extraHeight() * (lButtonHeight + cMargin));
-		lExtraWidth = lAnimation->mOpenButton->mStyleOption.rect.width() +
-		              lAnimation->mRestoreButton->mStyleOption.rect.width();
-	}
-	return {lExtraWidth, cMargin*2 + pOption.fontMetrics.height() + lExtraHeight};
-bool VersionListDelegate::eventFilter(QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent) {
-	foreach (VersionItemAnimation *lAnimation, mActiveAnimations) {
-		if(lAnimation->mOpenButton->event(pEvent)) {
-			emit openRequested(lAnimation->mIndex);
-		}
-		if(lAnimation->mRestoreButton->event(pEvent)) {
-			emit restoreRequested(lAnimation->mIndex);
-		}
-	}
-	return QAbstractItemDelegate::eventFilter(pObject, pEvent);
-void VersionListDelegate::updateCurrent(const QModelIndex &pCurrent, const QModelIndex &pPrevious) {
-	if(pPrevious.isValid()) {
-		VersionItemAnimation *lPrevAnim = mActiveAnimations.value(pPrevious);
-		if(lPrevAnim != nullptr) {
-			lPrevAnim->setDirection(QAbstractAnimation::Backward);
-			lPrevAnim->start();
-			lPrevAnim->setFocus(false);
-		}
-	}
-	if(pCurrent.isValid()) {
-		VersionItemAnimation *lCurAnim = mActiveAnimations.value(pCurrent);
-		if(lCurAnim == nullptr) {
-			if(!mInactiveAnimations.isEmpty()) {
-				lCurAnim = mInactiveAnimations.takeFirst();
-			} else {
-				lCurAnim = new VersionItemAnimation(mView->viewport());
-				connect(lCurAnim, SIGNAL(sizeChanged(QModelIndex)), SIGNAL(sizeHintChanged(QModelIndex)));
-				connect(lCurAnim, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(reclaimAnimation()));
-			}
-			lCurAnim->mIndex = pCurrent;
-			mActiveAnimations.insert(pCurrent, lCurAnim);
-		}
-		lCurAnim->setDirection(QAbstractAnimation::Forward);
-		lCurAnim->start();
-		lCurAnim->setFocus(true);
-	}
-void VersionListDelegate::reset() {
-	mInactiveAnimations.append(mActiveAnimations.values());
-	mActiveAnimations.clear();
-void VersionListDelegate::reclaimAnimation() {
-	auto lAnimation = qobject_cast<VersionItemAnimation *>(sender());
-	if(lAnimation->direction() == QAbstractAnimation::Backward) {
-		mInactiveAnimations.append(lAnimation);
-		foreach(VersionItemAnimation *lActiveAnimation, mActiveAnimations) {
-			if(lActiveAnimation == lAnimation) {
-				mActiveAnimations.remove(lAnimation->mIndex);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/filedigger/versionlistdelegate.h b/filedigger/versionlistdelegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b50bc3..0000000
--- a/filedigger/versionlistdelegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QAbstractItemDelegate>
-#include <QParallelAnimationGroup>
-class Button : public QObject {
-	Button(QString pText, QWidget *pParent);
-	bool mPushed;
-	QStyleOptionButton mStyleOption;
-	QWidget *mParent;
-	void setPosition(const QPoint &pTopRight);
-	void paint(QPainter *pPainter, float pOpacity);
-	bool event(QEvent *pEvent) override;
-	void focusChangeRequested(bool pForward);
-class VersionItemAnimation : public QParallelAnimationGroup
-	Q_PROPERTY(float extraHeight READ extraHeight WRITE setExtraHeight)
-	Q_PROPERTY(float opacity READ opacity WRITE setOpacity)
-	explicit VersionItemAnimation(QWidget *pParent);
-	~VersionItemAnimation() {
-		delete mOpenButton;
-		delete mRestoreButton;
-	}
-	qreal extraHeight() {return mExtraHeight;}
-	float opacity() {return mOpacity;}
-	void sizeChanged(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-public slots:
-	void setExtraHeight(qreal pExtraHeight);
-	void setOpacity(float pOpacity) {mOpacity = pOpacity;}
-	void changeFocus(bool pForward);
-	void setFocus(bool pFocused);
-	QPersistentModelIndex mIndex;
-	qreal mExtraHeight;
-	float mOpacity;
-	Button *mOpenButton;
-	Button *mRestoreButton;
-	QWidget *mParent;
-class VersionListDelegate : public QAbstractItemDelegate
-	explicit VersionListDelegate(QAbstractItemView *pItemView, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	~VersionListDelegate() override;
-	void paint(QPainter *pPainter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &pOption, const QModelIndex &pIndex) const override;
-	QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &pOption, const QModelIndex &pIndex) const override;
-	bool eventFilter(QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent) override;
-	void openRequested(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-	void restoreRequested(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-public slots:
-	void updateCurrent(const QModelIndex &pCurrent, const QModelIndex &pPrevious);
-	void reset();
-	void reclaimAnimation();
-	void initialize();
-	QAbstractItemView *mView;
-	QAbstractItemModel *mModel;
-	QHash<QPersistentModelIndex, VersionItemAnimation *> mActiveAnimations;
-	QList<VersionItemAnimation *> mInactiveAnimations;
diff --git a/filedigger/versionlistmodel.cpp b/filedigger/versionlistmodel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d385b5..0000000
--- a/filedigger/versionlistmodel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "versionlistmodel.h"
-#include "vfshelpers.h"
-#include <KFormat>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <QLocale>
-#include <QMimeDatabase>
-#include <QMimeType>
-VersionListModel::VersionListModel(QObject *parent) :
-   QAbstractListModel(parent)
-	mVersionList = nullptr;
-void VersionListModel::setNode(const MergedNode *pNode) {
-	beginResetModel();
-	mNode = pNode;
-	mVersionList = mNode->versionList();
-	endResetModel();
-int VersionListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &pParent) const {
-	Q_UNUSED(pParent)
-	if(mVersionList != nullptr) {
-		return mVersionList->count();
-	}
-	return 0;
-QVariant VersionListModel::data(const QModelIndex &pIndex, int pRole) const {
-	if(!pIndex.isValid() || mVersionList == nullptr) {
-		return QVariant();
-	}
-	QMimeDatabase db;
-	KFormat lFormat;
-	VersionData *lData = mVersionList->at(pIndex.row());
-	switch (pRole) {
-	case Qt::DisplayRole:
-		return lFormat.formatRelativeDateTime(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(static_cast<qint64>(lData->mModifiedDate)), QLocale::ShortFormat);
-	case VersionBupUrlRole: {
-		QUrl lUrl;
-		mNode->getBupUrl(pIndex.row(), &lUrl);
-		return lUrl;
-	}
-	case VersionMimeTypeRole:
-		if(mNode->isDirectory()) {
-			return QString(QStringLiteral("inode/directory"));
-		}
-		return db.mimeTypeForFile(mNode->objectName(), QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension).name();
-	case VersionSizeRole:
-		return lData->size();
-	case VersionSourceInfoRole: {
-		BupSourceInfo lSourceInfo;
-		mNode->getBupUrl(pIndex.row(), &lSourceInfo.mBupKioPath, &lSourceInfo.mRepoPath, &lSourceInfo.mBranchName,
-		                 &lSourceInfo.mCommitTime, &lSourceInfo.mPathInRepo);
-		lSourceInfo.mIsDirectory = mNode->isDirectory();
-		lSourceInfo.mSize = lData->size();
-		return QVariant::fromValue<BupSourceInfo>(lSourceInfo);
-	}
-	case VersionIsDirectoryRole:
-		return mNode->isDirectory();
-	default:
-		return QVariant();
-	}
diff --git a/filedigger/versionlistmodel.h b/filedigger/versionlistmodel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c5ec7..0000000
--- a/filedigger/versionlistmodel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QAbstractListModel>
-#include "mergedvfs.h"
-struct BupSourceInfo {
-	QUrl mBupKioPath;
-	QString mRepoPath;
-	QString mBranchName;
-	QString mPathInRepo;
-	qint64 mCommitTime;
-	quint64 mSize;
-	bool mIsDirectory;
-class VersionListModel : public QAbstractListModel
-	explicit VersionListModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
-	void setNode(const MergedNode *pNode);
-	int rowCount(const QModelIndex &pParent) const override;
-	QVariant data(const QModelIndex &pIndex, int pRole) const override;
-	const VersionList *mVersionList;
-	const MergedNode *mNode{};
-enum VersionDataRole {
-	VersionBupUrlRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, // QUrl
-	VersionMimeTypeRole, // QString
-	VersionSizeRole, // quint64
-	VersionSourceInfoRole, // PathInfo
-	VersionIsDirectoryRole // bool
diff --git a/icons/CMakeLists.txt b/icons/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b7b2f68..0000000
--- a/icons/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-    sc-apps-kup.svgz
-    THEME hicolor
diff --git a/icons/sc-apps-kup.svgz b/icons/sc-apps-kup.svgz
deleted file mode 100644
index 40dba5f..0000000
Binary files a/icons/sc-apps-kup.svgz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/kcm/CMakeLists.txt b/kcm/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f9241a..0000000
--- a/kcm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-add_library(kcm_kup MODULE ${kcm_kup_SRCS})
-#this is a library so it needs to enforce it's translation domain, not use the application's domain.
-########### install files ###############
diff --git a/kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp b/kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a66cab4..0000000
--- a/kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,942 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "backupplanwidget.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include "folderselectionmodel.h"
-#include "dirselector.h"
-#include "driveselection.h"
-#include "kbuttongroup.h"
-#include <QAction>
-#include <QBoxLayout>
-#include <QCheckBox>
-#include <QCoreApplication>
-#include <QDialogButtonBox>
-#include <QEvent>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QRadioButton>
-#include <QSpinBox>
-#include <QThread>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QTreeView>
-#include <KComboBox>
-#include <KConfigDialogManager>
-#include <KConfigGroup>
-#include <KLineEdit>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageWidget>
-#include <KPageWidget>
-#include <KRun>
-#include <KUrlCompletion>
-#include <KUrlRequester>
-#include <utility>
-class ScanFolderEvent : public QEvent {
-	ScanFolderEvent(QString pPath): QEvent(eventType), mPath(std::move(pPath)) {}
-	QString mPath;
-	static const QEvent::Type eventType = static_cast<QEvent::Type>(QEvent::User + 1);
-FileScanner::FileScanner() {
-	// create a timer that will call a slot to send the pending updates to UI, one second
-	// after the last update comes in, just to minimize risk of showing incomplete
-	// information to the user.
-	mUnreadablesTimer = new QTimer(this);
-	mUnreadablesTimer->setSingleShot(true);
-	mUnreadablesTimer->setInterval(1000);
-	connect(mUnreadablesTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FileScanner::sendPendingUnreadables);
-	mSymlinkTimer = new QTimer(this);
-	mSymlinkTimer->setSingleShot(true);
-	mSymlinkTimer->setInterval(1000);
-	connect(mSymlinkTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FileScanner::sendPendingSymlinks);
-bool FileScanner::event(QEvent *pEvent) {
-	if(pEvent->type() == ScanFolderEvent::eventType) {
-		auto lEvent = dynamic_cast<ScanFolderEvent *>(pEvent);
-		if(isPathIncluded(lEvent->mPath)) {
-			scanFolder(lEvent->mPath);
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	return QObject::event(pEvent);
-void FileScanner::includePath(const QString &pPath) {
-	if(!mExcludedFolders.remove(pPath)) {
-		mIncludedFolders += pPath;
-	}
-	checkPathForProblems(QFileInfo(pPath));
-	QMutableHashIterator<QString, QString> i(mSymlinksNotOk);
-	while(i.hasNext()) {
-		i.next();
-		if(isPathIncluded(i.value())) {
-			mSymlinksOk.insert(i.key(), i.value());
-			i.remove();
-			mSymlinkTimer->start();
-		}
-	}
-void FileScanner::excludePath(const QString &pPath) {
-	if(!mIncludedFolders.remove(pPath)) {
-		mExcludedFolders += pPath;
-	}
-	QString lPath = pPath + QStringLiteral("/");
-	QSet<QString>::iterator it = mUnreadableFiles.begin();
-	while(it != mUnreadableFiles.end()) {
-		if(it->startsWith(lPath)) {
-			mUnreadablesTimer->start();
-			it = mUnreadableFiles.erase(it);
-		} else {
-			++it;
-		}
-	}
-	it = mUnreadableFolders.begin();
-	while(it != mUnreadableFolders.end()) {
-		if(it->startsWith(lPath) || *it == pPath) {
-			mUnreadablesTimer->start();
-			it = mUnreadableFolders.erase(it);
-		} else {
-			++it;
-		}
-	}
-	QMutableHashIterator<QString, QString> i(mSymlinksNotOk);
-	while(i.hasNext()) {
-		if(!isPathIncluded(i.next().key())) {
-			i.remove();
-			mSymlinkTimer->start();
-		}
-	}
-	i = mSymlinksOk;
-	while(i.hasNext()) {
-		i.next();
-		if(!isPathIncluded(i.key())) {
-			i.remove();
-		} else if(isSymlinkProblematic(i.value())) {
-			mSymlinksNotOk.insert(i.key(), i.value());
-			mSymlinkTimer->start();
-			i.remove();
-		}
-	}
-void FileScanner::sendPendingUnreadables() {
-	emit unreadablesChanged(QPair<QSet<QString>, QSet<QString>>(mUnreadableFolders, mUnreadableFiles));
-void FileScanner::sendPendingSymlinks() {
-	emit symlinkProblemsChanged(mSymlinksNotOk);
-bool FileScanner::isPathIncluded(const QString &pPath) {
-	int lLongestInclude = 0;
-	foreach(const QString &lPath, mIncludedFolders) {
-		bool lMatches = pPath == lPath || pPath.startsWith(lPath + QStringLiteral("/"));
-		if(lMatches && lPath.length() > lLongestInclude) {
-			lLongestInclude = lPath.length();
-		}
-	}
-	int lLongestExclude = 0;
-	foreach(const QString &lPath, mExcludedFolders) {
-		bool lMatches = pPath == lPath || pPath.startsWith(lPath + QStringLiteral("/"));
-		if(lMatches && lPath.length() > lLongestExclude) {
-			lLongestExclude = lPath.length();
-		}
-	}
-	return lLongestInclude > lLongestExclude;
-void FileScanner::checkPathForProblems(const QFileInfo &pFileInfo) {
-	if(pFileInfo.isSymLink()) {
-		if(isSymlinkProblematic(pFileInfo.symLinkTarget())) {
-			mSymlinksNotOk.insert(pFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), pFileInfo.symLinkTarget());
-			mSymlinkTimer->start();
-		} else {
-			mSymlinksOk.insert(pFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), pFileInfo.symLinkTarget());
-		}
-	} else if(pFileInfo.isDir()) {
-		QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new ScanFolderEvent(pFileInfo.absoluteFilePath()),
-		                            Qt::LowEventPriority);
-	} else {
-		if(!pFileInfo.isReadable()) {
-			mUnreadableFiles += pFileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
-			mUnreadablesTimer->start();
-		}
-	}
-bool FileScanner::isSymlinkProblematic(const QString &pTarget) {
-	QFileInfo lTargetInfo(pTarget);
-	return lTargetInfo.exists() && !isPathIncluded(pTarget)
-	        && pTarget.startsWith(QStringLiteral("/home/"));
-void FileScanner::scanFolder(const QString &pPath) {
-	QDir lDir(pPath);
-	if(!lDir.isReadable()) {
-		mUnreadableFolders += pPath;
-		mUnreadablesTimer->start();
-	} else {
-		QFileInfoList lInfoList = lDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Hidden| QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
-		foreach(const QFileInfo &lFileInfo, lInfoList) {
-			checkPathForProblems(lFileInfo);
-		}
-	}
-ConfigIncludeDummy::ConfigIncludeDummy(FolderSelectionModel *pModel, FolderSelectionWidget *pParent)
-   : QWidget(pParent), mModel(pModel), mTreeView(pParent)
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::includedPathAdded, this, &ConfigIncludeDummy::includeListChanged);
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::includedPathRemoved, this, &ConfigIncludeDummy::includeListChanged);
-	KConfigDialogManager::changedMap()->insert(QStringLiteral("ConfigIncludeDummy"),
-	                                           SIGNAL(includeListChanged()));
-QStringList ConfigIncludeDummy::includeList() {
-	QStringList lList = mModel->includedPaths().values();
-	lList.sort();
-	return lList;
-void ConfigIncludeDummy::setIncludeList(QStringList pIncludeList) {
-	for(int i = 0; i < pIncludeList.count(); ++i) {
-		if(!QFile::exists(pIncludeList.at(i))) {
-			pIncludeList.removeAt(i--);
-		}
-	}
-	mModel->setIncludedPaths(QSet<QString>::fromList(pIncludeList));
-	mTreeView->expandToShowSelections();
-ConfigExcludeDummy::ConfigExcludeDummy(FolderSelectionModel *pModel, FolderSelectionWidget *pParent)
-   : QWidget(pParent), mModel(pModel), mTreeView(pParent)
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::excludedPathAdded, this, &ConfigExcludeDummy::excludeListChanged);
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::excludedPathRemoved, this, &ConfigExcludeDummy::excludeListChanged);
-	KConfigDialogManager::changedMap()->insert(QStringLiteral("ConfigExcludeDummy"),
-	                                           SIGNAL(excludeListChanged()));
-QStringList ConfigExcludeDummy::excludeList() {
-	QStringList lList = mModel->excludedPaths().values();
-	lList.sort();
-	return lList;
-void ConfigExcludeDummy::setExcludeList(QStringList pExcludeList) {
-	for(int i = 0; i < pExcludeList.count(); ++i) {
-		if(!QFile::exists(pExcludeList.at(i))) {
-			pExcludeList.removeAt(i--);
-		}
-	}
-	mModel->setExcludedPaths(QSet<QString>::fromList(pExcludeList));
-	mTreeView->expandToShowSelections();
-FolderSelectionWidget::FolderSelectionWidget(FolderSelectionModel *pModel, QWidget *pParent)
-   : QWidget(pParent), mModel(pModel)
-	mMessageWidget = new KMessageWidget(this);
-	mMessageWidget->setCloseButtonVisible(false);
-	mMessageWidget->setWordWrap(true);
-	mMessageWidget->hide();
-	mTreeView = new QTreeView(this);
-	auto lVLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	lVLayout->addWidget(mMessageWidget);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(mTreeView, 1);
-	setLayout(lVLayout);
-	connect(mMessageWidget, &KMessageWidget::hideAnimationFinished,
-	        this, &FolderSelectionWidget::updateMessage);
-	mExcludeAction = new QAction(xi18nc("@action:button", "Exclude Folder"), this);
-	connect(mExcludeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &FolderSelectionWidget::executeExcludeAction);
-	mIncludeAction = new QAction(xi18nc("@action:button", "Include Folder"), this);
-	connect(mIncludeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &FolderSelectionWidget::executeIncludeAction);
-	mModel->setRootPath(QStringLiteral("/"));
-	mModel->setParent(this);
-	mTreeView->setAnimated(true);
-	mTreeView->setModel(mModel);
-	mTreeView->setHeaderHidden(true);
-	// always expand the root, prevents problem with empty include&exclude lists.
-	mTreeView->expand(mModel->index(QStringLiteral("/")));
-	auto lIncludeDummy = new ConfigIncludeDummy(mModel, this);
-	lIncludeDummy->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Paths included"));
-	auto lExcludeDummy = new ConfigExcludeDummy(mModel, this);
-	lExcludeDummy->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Paths excluded"));
-	qRegisterMetaType<QPair<QSet<QString>,QSet<QString>>>("QPair<QSet<QString>,QSet<QString>>");
-	qRegisterMetaType<QHash<QString,QString>>("QHash<QString,QString>");
-	mWorkerThread = new QThread(this);
-	auto lFileScanner = new FileScanner;
-	lFileScanner->moveToThread(mWorkerThread);
-	connect(mWorkerThread, &QThread::finished, lFileScanner, &QObject::deleteLater);
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::includedPathAdded,
-	        lFileScanner, &FileScanner::includePath);
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::excludedPathRemoved,
-	        lFileScanner, &FileScanner::includePath);
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::excludedPathAdded,
-	        lFileScanner, &FileScanner::excludePath);
-	connect(mModel, &FolderSelectionModel::includedPathRemoved,
-	        lFileScanner, &FileScanner::excludePath);
-	connect(lFileScanner, &FileScanner::unreadablesChanged,
-	        this, &FolderSelectionWidget::setUnreadables);
-	connect(lFileScanner, &FileScanner::symlinkProblemsChanged,
-	        this, &FolderSelectionWidget::setSymlinks);
-	mWorkerThread->start();
-FolderSelectionWidget::~FolderSelectionWidget() {
-	mWorkerThread->quit();
-	mWorkerThread->wait();
-void FolderSelectionWidget::setHiddenFoldersVisible(bool pVisible) {
-	mModel->setHiddenFoldersVisible(pVisible);
-	// give the filesystem model some time to refresh after changing filtering
-	// before expanding folders again.
-	if(pVisible) {
-		QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(expandToShowSelections()));
-	}
-void FolderSelectionWidget::expandToShowSelections() {
-	foreach(const QString& lFolder,  mModel->includedPaths() + mModel->excludedPaths()) {
-		QFileInfo lFolderInfo(lFolder);
-		bool lShouldBeShown = true;
-		while(lFolderInfo.absoluteFilePath() != QStringLiteral("/")) {
-			if(lFolderInfo.isHidden() && !mModel->hiddenFoldersVisible()) {
-				lShouldBeShown = false; // skip if this folder should not be shown.
-				break;
-			}
-			lFolderInfo = lFolderInfo.absolutePath(); // move up one level
-		}
-		if(lShouldBeShown) {
-			QModelIndex lIndex = mModel->index(lFolder).parent();
-			while(lIndex.isValid()) {
-				mTreeView->expand(lIndex);
-				lIndex = lIndex.parent();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void FolderSelectionWidget::setUnreadables(const QPair<QSet<QString>, QSet<QString> > &pUnreadables) {
-	mUnreadableFolders = pUnreadables.first.values();
-	mUnreadableFiles = pUnreadables.second.values();
-	updateMessage();
-void FolderSelectionWidget::setSymlinks(QHash<QString, QString> pSymlinks) {
-	mSymlinkProblems = std::move(pSymlinks);
-	updateMessage();
-void FolderSelectionWidget::updateMessage() {
-	if(mMessageWidget->isVisible() || mMessageWidget->isHideAnimationRunning()) {
-		mMessageWidget->animatedHide();
-		return;
-	}
-	mMessageWidget->removeAction(mExcludeAction);
-	mMessageWidget->removeAction(mIncludeAction);
-	if(!mUnreadableFolders.isEmpty()) {
-		mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-		mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-		                              "You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>"
-		                              "It cannot be included in the source selection. "
-		                              "If it does not contain anything important to you, one possible "
-		                              "solution is to exclude the folder from the backup plan.",
-		                              mUnreadableFolders.first()));
-		mExcludeActionPath = mUnreadableFolders.first();
-		mMessageWidget->addAction(mExcludeAction);
-		mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-	} else if(!mUnreadableFiles.isEmpty()) {
-		mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Error);
-		mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-		                              "You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>"
-		                              "It cannot be included in the source selection. "
-		                              "If the file is not important to you, one possible solution is "
-		                              "to exclude the whole folder where the file is stored from the backup plan.",
-		                              mUnreadableFiles.first()));
-		QFileInfo lFileInfo = mUnreadableFiles.first();
-		mExcludeActionPath = lFileInfo.absolutePath();
-		mMessageWidget->addAction(mExcludeAction);
-		mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-	} else if(!mSymlinkProblems.isEmpty()) {
-		mMessageWidget->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Warning);
-		QHashIterator<QString,QString> i(mSymlinkProblems);
-		i.next();
-		QFileInfo lFileInfo =i.value();
-		if(lFileInfo.isDir()) {
-			mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-			                              "The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it points "
-			                              "to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably not "
-			                              "what you want. One solution is to simply include the target folder in the "
-			                              "backup plan.",
-			                              i.key(), i.value()));
-			mIncludeActionPath = i.value();
-		} else {
-			mMessageWidget->setText(xi18nc("@info message bar appearing on top",
-			                              "The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it points "
-			                              "to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably not "
-			                              "what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the file "
-			                              "is stored in the backup plan.",
-			                              i.key(), i.value()));
-			mIncludeActionPath = lFileInfo.absolutePath();
-		}
-		mMessageWidget->addAction(mIncludeAction);
-		mMessageWidget->animatedShow();
-	}
-void FolderSelectionWidget::executeExcludeAction() {
-	mModel->excludePath(mExcludeActionPath);
-void FolderSelectionWidget::executeIncludeAction() {
-	mModel->includePath(mIncludeActionPath);
-DirDialog::DirDialog(const QUrl &pRootDir, const QString &pStartSubDir, QWidget *pParent)
-   : QDialog(pParent)
-	setWindowTitle(xi18nc("@title:window","Select Folder"));
-	mDirSelector = new DirSelector(this);
-	mDirSelector->setRootUrl(pRootDir);
-	QUrl lSubUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(pRootDir.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path() + '/' +
-	                                    pStartSubDir);
-	mDirSelector->expandToUrl(lSubUrl);
-	auto lButtonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
-	connect(lButtonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));
-	connect(lButtonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()));
-	auto lNewFolderButton = new QPushButton(xi18nc("@action:button", "New Folder..."));
-	connect(lNewFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), mDirSelector, SLOT(createNewFolder()));
-	lButtonBox->addButton(lNewFolderButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
-	QPushButton *lOkButton = lButtonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
-	lOkButton->setDefault(true);
-	lOkButton->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Return);
-	auto lMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	lMainLayout->addWidget(mDirSelector);
-	lMainLayout->addWidget(lButtonBox);
-	setLayout(lMainLayout);
-	mDirSelector->setFocus();
-QUrl DirDialog::url() const {
-	return mDirSelector->url();
-BackupPlanWidget::BackupPlanWidget(BackupPlan *pBackupPlan, const QString &pBupVersion,
-                                   const QString &pRsyncVersion, bool pPar2Available)
-   : mBackupPlan(pBackupPlan)
-	mDescriptionEdit = new KLineEdit;
-	mDescriptionEdit->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Description"));
-	mDescriptionEdit->setClearButtonEnabled(true);
-	auto lDescriptionLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@label", "Description:"));
-	lDescriptionLabel->setBuddy(mDescriptionEdit);
-	mConfigureButton = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("go-previous-view")),
-	                                   xi18nc("@action:button", "Back to overview"));
-	connect(mConfigureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(requestOverviewReturn()));
-	mConfigPages = new KPageWidget;
-	mConfigPages->addPage(createTypePage(pBupVersion, pRsyncVersion));
-	mConfigPages->addPage(createSourcePage());
-	mConfigPages->addPage(createDestinationPage());
-	mConfigPages->addPage(createSchedulePage());
-	mConfigPages->addPage(createAdvancedPage(pPar2Available));
-	auto lHLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout;
-	lHLayout1->addWidget(mConfigureButton);
-	lHLayout1->addStretch();
-	lHLayout1->addWidget(lDescriptionLabel);
-	lHLayout1->addWidget(mDescriptionEdit);
-	auto lVLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout;
-	lVLayout1->addLayout(lHLayout1);
-	lVLayout1->addWidget(mConfigPages);
-	lVLayout1->setSpacing(0);
-	setLayout(lVLayout1);
-void BackupPlanWidget::saveExtraData() {
-	mDriveSelection->saveExtraData();
-KPageWidgetItem *BackupPlanWidget::createTypePage(const QString &pBupVersion, const QString &pRsyncVersion) {
-	mVersionedRadio = new QRadioButton;
-	QString lVersionedInfo = xi18nc("@info", "This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both "
-	                               "the latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. "
-	                               "Using this type of backup allows you to recover older versions of your "
-	                               "files, or files which were deleted on your computer at a later time. "
-	                               "The storage space needed is minimized by looking for common parts of "
-	                               "your files between versions and only storing those parts once. "
-	                               "Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>"
-	                               "Also important to know is that the files in the archive can not be accessed "
-	                               "directly with a general file manager, a special program is needed.");
-	auto lVersionedInfoLabel = new QLabel(lVersionedInfo);
-	lVersionedInfoLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lVersionedWidget = new QWidget;
-	lVersionedWidget->setVisible(false);
-	QObject::connect(mVersionedRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lVersionedWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	if(pBupVersion.isEmpty()) {
-		mVersionedRadio->setText(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Versioned Backup (not available "
-		                                                 "because <application>bup</application> is not installed)"));
-		mVersionedRadio->setEnabled(false);
-		lVersionedWidget->setEnabled(false);
-	} else {
-		mVersionedRadio->setText(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Versioned Backup (recommended)"));
-	}
-	mSyncedRadio = new QRadioButton;
-	QString lSyncedInfo = xi18nc("@info",
-	                            "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your "
-	                            "selected source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the "
-	                            "backup destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as "
-	                            "they are now and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a "
-	                            "source folder it will get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>"
-	                            "This type of backup can protect you against data loss due to a broken "
-	                            "hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own mistakes.");
-	auto lSyncedInfoLabel = new QLabel(lSyncedInfo);
-	lSyncedInfoLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lSyncedWidget = new QWidget;
-	lSyncedWidget->setVisible(false);
-	QObject::connect(mSyncedRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lSyncedWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	if(pRsyncVersion.isEmpty()) {
-		mSyncedRadio->setText(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Synchronized Backup (not available "
-		                                              "because <application>rsync</application> is not installed)"));
-		mSyncedRadio->setEnabled(false);
-		lSyncedWidget->setEnabled(false);
-	} else {
-		mSyncedRadio->setText(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Synchronized Backup"));
-	}
-	auto lButtonGroup = new KButtonGroup;
-	lButtonGroup->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Backup type"));
-	lButtonGroup->setFlat(true);
-	int lIndentation = lButtonGroup->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth) +
-	                   lButtonGroup->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_RadioButtonLabelSpacing);
-	auto lVersionedVLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lVersionedVLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lVersionedVLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lVersionedVLayout->addWidget(lVersionedInfoLabel, 0, 1);
-	lVersionedWidget->setLayout(lVersionedVLayout);
-	auto lSyncedVLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lSyncedVLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lSyncedVLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lSyncedVLayout->addWidget(lSyncedInfoLabel, 0, 1);
-	lSyncedWidget->setLayout(lSyncedVLayout);
-	auto lVLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	lVLayout->addWidget(mVersionedRadio);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lVersionedWidget);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(mSyncedRadio);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lSyncedWidget);
-	lVLayout->addStretch();
-	lButtonGroup->setLayout(lVLayout);
-	auto lPage = new KPageWidgetItem(lButtonGroup);
-	lPage->setName(xi18nc("@title", "Backup Type"));
-	lPage->setHeader(xi18nc("@label", "Select what type of backup you want"));
-	lPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("folder-sync")));
-	return lPage;
-KPageWidgetItem *BackupPlanWidget::createSourcePage() {
-	mSourceSelectionWidget = new FolderSelectionWidget(new FolderSelectionModel(mBackupPlan->mShowHiddenFolders), this);
-	auto lPage = new KPageWidgetItem(mSourceSelectionWidget);
-	lPage->setName(xi18nc("@title", "Sources"));
-	lPage->setHeader(xi18nc("@label", "Select which folders to include in backup"));
-	lPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("cloud-upload")));
-	return lPage;
-KPageWidgetItem *BackupPlanWidget::createDestinationPage() {
-	auto lButtonGroup = new KButtonGroup(this);
-	lButtonGroup->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Destination type"));
-	lButtonGroup->setFlat(true);
-	int lIndentation = lButtonGroup->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth) +
-	                   lButtonGroup->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_RadioButtonLabelSpacing);
-	auto lVLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	auto lFileSystemRadio = new QRadioButton(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Filesystem Path"));
-	auto lDriveRadio = new QRadioButton(xi18nc("@option:radio", "External Storage"));
-	auto lFileSystemWidget = new QWidget;
-	lFileSystemWidget->setVisible(false);
-	QObject::connect(lFileSystemRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lFileSystemWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lFileSystemInfoLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info",
-	                                              "You can use this option for backing up to a secondary "
-	                                              "internal harddrive, an external eSATA drive or networked "
-	                                              "storage. The requirement is just that you always mount "
-	                                              "it at the same path in the filesystem. The path "
-	                                              "specified here does not need to exist at all times, its "
-	                                              "existence will be monitored."));
-	lFileSystemInfoLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lFileSystemLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@label:textbox", "Destination Path for Backup:"));
-	auto lFileSystemUrlEdit = new KUrlRequester;
-	lFileSystemUrlEdit->setMode(KFile::Directory | KFile::LocalOnly);
-	lFileSystemUrlEdit->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Filesystem destination path"));
-	auto lFileSystemVLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lFileSystemVLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lFileSystemVLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lFileSystemVLayout->addWidget(lFileSystemInfoLabel, 0, 1);
-	auto lFileSystemHLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-	lFileSystemHLayout->addWidget(lFileSystemLabel);
-	lFileSystemHLayout->addWidget(lFileSystemUrlEdit, 1);
-	lFileSystemVLayout->addLayout(lFileSystemHLayout, 1, 1);
-	lFileSystemWidget->setLayout(lFileSystemVLayout);
-	auto lDriveWidget = new QWidget;
-	lDriveWidget->setVisible(false);
-	QObject::connect(lDriveRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lDriveWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lDriveInfoLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info",
-	                                         "Use this option if you want to backup your "
-	                                         "files on an external storage that can be plugged in "
-	                                         "to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory "
-	                                         "stick."));
-	lDriveInfoLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	mDriveSelection = new DriveSelection(mBackupPlan);
-	mDriveSelection->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_External drive UUID"));
-	mDriveDestEdit = new KLineEdit;
-	mDriveDestEdit->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_External drive destination path"));
-	mDriveDestEdit->setToolTip(xi18nc("@info:tooltip",
-	                                  "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."));
-	mDriveDestEdit->setClearButtonEnabled(true);
-	auto lDriveDestLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@label:textbox", "Folder on Destination Drive:"));
-	lDriveDestLabel->setToolTip(xi18nc("@info:tooltip",
-	                                   "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."));
-	lDriveDestLabel->setBuddy(mDriveDestEdit);
-	auto lDriveDestButton = new QPushButton;
-	lDriveDestButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-open")));
-	int lButtonSize = lDriveDestButton->sizeHint().expandedTo(mDriveDestEdit->sizeHint()).height();
-	lDriveDestButton->setFixedSize(lButtonSize, lButtonSize);
-	lDriveDestButton->setToolTip(xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Open dialog to select a folder"));
-	lDriveDestButton->setEnabled(false);
-	connect(mDriveSelection, SIGNAL(selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(bool)), lDriveDestButton, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
-	connect(lDriveDestButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(openDriveDestDialog()));
-	auto lDriveDestWidget = new QWidget;
-	lDriveDestWidget->setVisible(false);
-	connect(mDriveSelection, SIGNAL(driveIsSelectedChanged(bool)), lDriveDestWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	connect(mSyncedRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), mDriveSelection, SLOT(updateSyncWarning(bool)));
-	auto lDriveVLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lDriveVLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lDriveVLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lDriveVLayout->addWidget(lDriveInfoLabel, 0, 1);
-	lDriveVLayout->addWidget(mDriveSelection, 1, 1);
-	auto lDriveHLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-	lDriveHLayout->addWidget(lDriveDestLabel);
-	lDriveHLayout->addWidget(mDriveDestEdit, 1);
-	lDriveHLayout->addWidget(lDriveDestButton);
-	lDriveDestWidget->setLayout(lDriveHLayout);
-	lDriveVLayout->addWidget(lDriveDestWidget, 2, 1);
-	lDriveWidget->setLayout(lDriveVLayout);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lFileSystemRadio);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lFileSystemWidget);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lDriveRadio);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lDriveWidget, 1);
-	lVLayout->addStretch();
-	lButtonGroup->setLayout(lVLayout);
-	auto lPage = new KPageWidgetItem(lButtonGroup);
-	lPage->setName(xi18nc("@title", "Destination"));
-	lPage->setHeader(xi18nc("@label", "Select the backup destination"));
-	lPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("cloud-download")));
-	return lPage;
-KPageWidgetItem *BackupPlanWidget::createSchedulePage() {
-	auto lTopWidget = new QWidget(this);
-	auto lTopLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	auto lButtonGroup = new KButtonGroup;
-	lButtonGroup->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Schedule type"));
-	lButtonGroup->setFlat(true);
-	int lIndentation = lButtonGroup->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth) +
-	                   lButtonGroup->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_RadioButtonLabelSpacing);
-	auto lVLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	lVLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	auto lManualRadio = new QRadioButton(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Manual Activation"));
-	auto lIntervalRadio = new QRadioButton(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Interval"));
-	auto lUsageRadio = new QRadioButton(xi18nc("@option:radio", "Active Usage Time"));
-	auto lManualLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info", "Backups are only saved when manually requested. "
-	                                               "This can be done by using the popup menu from "
-	                                               "the backup system tray icon."));
-	lManualLabel->setVisible(false);
-	lManualLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	connect(lManualRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lManualLabel, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lManualLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lManualLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lManualLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lManualLayout->addWidget(lManualLabel, 0, 1);
-	auto lIntervalWidget = new QWidget;
-	lIntervalWidget->setVisible(false);
-	connect(lIntervalRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lIntervalWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lIntervalLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info", "New backup will be triggered when backup "
-	                                                 "destination becomes available and more than "
-	                                                 "the configured interval has passed since the "
-	                                                 "last backup was saved."));
-	lIntervalLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lIntervalVertLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lIntervalVertLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lIntervalVertLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lIntervalVertLayout->addWidget(lIntervalLabel, 0, 1);
-	auto lIntervalLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-	lIntervalLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	auto lIntervalSpinBox = new QSpinBox;
-	lIntervalSpinBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Schedule interval"));
-	lIntervalSpinBox->setMinimum(1);
-	lIntervalLayout->addWidget(lIntervalSpinBox);
-	auto lIntervalUnit = new KComboBox;
-	lIntervalUnit->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Schedule interval unit"));
-	lIntervalUnit->addItem(xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Minutes"));
-	lIntervalUnit->addItem(xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Hours"));
-	lIntervalUnit->addItem(xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Days"));
-	lIntervalUnit->addItem(xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Weeks"));
-	lIntervalLayout->addWidget(lIntervalUnit);
-	lIntervalLayout->addStretch();
-	lIntervalVertLayout->addLayout(lIntervalLayout, 1, 1);
-	lIntervalWidget->setLayout(lIntervalVertLayout);
-	auto lUsageWidget = new QWidget;
-	lUsageWidget->setVisible(false);
-	connect(lUsageRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lUsageWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lUsageLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info",
-	                                     "New backup will be triggered when backup destination "
-	                                     "becomes available and you have been using your "
-	                                     "computer actively for more than the configured "
-	                                     "time limit since the last backup was saved."));
-	lUsageLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lUsageVertLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lUsageVertLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lUsageVertLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lUsageVertLayout->addWidget(lUsageLabel, 0, 1);
-	auto lUsageLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-	lUsageLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	auto lUsageSpinBox = new QSpinBox;
-	lUsageSpinBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Usage limit"));
-	lUsageSpinBox->setMinimum(1);
-	lUsageLayout->addWidget(lUsageSpinBox);
-	lUsageLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Hours")));
-	lUsageLayout->addStretch();
-	lUsageVertLayout->addLayout(lUsageLayout, 1, 1);
-	lUsageWidget->setLayout(lUsageVertLayout);
-	auto lAskFirstCheckBox = new QCheckBox(xi18nc("@option:check",
-	                                                    "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"));
-	lAskFirstCheckBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Ask first"));
-	connect(lManualRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lAskFirstCheckBox, SLOT(setHidden(bool)));
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lManualRadio);
-	lVLayout->addLayout(lManualLayout);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lIntervalRadio);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lIntervalWidget);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lUsageRadio);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lUsageWidget);
-	lButtonGroup->setLayout(lVLayout);
-	lTopLayout->addWidget(lButtonGroup);
-	lTopLayout->addSpacing(lAskFirstCheckBox->fontMetrics().height());
-	lTopLayout->addWidget(lAskFirstCheckBox);
-	lTopLayout->addStretch();
-	lTopWidget->setLayout(lTopLayout);
-	auto lPage = new KPageWidgetItem(lTopWidget);
-	lPage->setName(xi18nc("@title", "Schedule"));
-	lPage->setHeader(xi18nc("@label", "Specify the backup schedule"));
-	lPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-calendar")));
-	return lPage;
-KPageWidgetItem *BackupPlanWidget::createAdvancedPage(bool pPar2Available) {
-	auto lAdvancedWidget = new QWidget(this);
-	auto lAdvancedLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	int lIndentation = lAdvancedWidget->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth) +
-	                   lAdvancedWidget->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_CheckBoxLabelSpacing);
-	auto lShowHiddenWidget = new QWidget;
-	auto lShowHiddenCheckBox = new QCheckBox(xi18nc("@option:check",
-	                                                "Show hidden folders in source selection"));
-	lShowHiddenCheckBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Show hidden folders"));
-	connect(lShowHiddenCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
-	        mSourceSelectionWidget, SLOT(setHiddenFoldersVisible(bool)));
-	auto lShowHiddenLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info",
-	                                          "This makes it possible to explicitly include or "
-	                                          "exclude hidden folders in the backup source "
-	                                          "selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts "
-	                                          "with a dot. They are typically located in your home "
-	                                          "folder and are used to store settings and temporary "
-	                                          "files for your applications."));
-	lShowHiddenLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lShowHiddenLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lShowHiddenLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lShowHiddenLayout->setSpacing(0);
-	lShowHiddenLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lShowHiddenLayout->addWidget(lShowHiddenCheckBox, 0, 0, 1, 2);
-	lShowHiddenLayout->addWidget(lShowHiddenLabel, 1, 1);
-	lShowHiddenWidget->setLayout(lShowHiddenLayout);
-	auto lRecoveryWidget = new QWidget;
-	lRecoveryWidget->setVisible(false);
-	auto lRecoveryCheckBox = new QCheckBox;
-	lRecoveryCheckBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Generate recovery info"));
-	auto lRecoveryLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info",
-	                                        "This will make your backups use around 10% more storage "
-	                                        "space and saving backups will take slightly longer time. In "
-	                                        "return it will be possible to recover from a partially corrupted "
-	                                        "backup."));
-	lRecoveryLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	if(pPar2Available) {
-		lRecoveryCheckBox->setText(xi18nc("@option:check", "Generate recovery information"));
-	} else {
-		lRecoveryCheckBox->setText(xi18nc("@option:check", "Generate recovery information (not available "
-		                                                   "because <application>par2</application> is not installed)"));
-		lRecoveryCheckBox->setEnabled(false);
-		lRecoveryLabel->setEnabled(false);
-	}
-	auto lRecoveryLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lRecoveryLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lRecoveryLayout->setSpacing(0);
-	lRecoveryLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lRecoveryLayout->addWidget(lRecoveryCheckBox,0, 0, 1, 2);
-	lRecoveryLayout->addWidget(lRecoveryLabel, 1, 1);
-	lRecoveryWidget->setLayout(lRecoveryLayout);
-	connect(mVersionedRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lRecoveryWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lVerificationWidget = new QWidget;
-	lVerificationWidget->setVisible(false);
-	auto lVerificationCheckBox = new QCheckBox(xi18nc("@option:check", "Verify integrity of backups"));
-	lVerificationCheckBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Check backups"));
-	auto lVerificationLabel = new QLabel(xi18nc("@info",
-	                                            "Checks the whole backup archive for corruption "
-	                                            "every time you save new data. Saving backups will take a "
-	                                            "little bit longer time but it allows you to catch corruption "
-	                                            "problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, "
-	                                            "at that time it could be too late."));
-	lVerificationLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	auto lVerificationLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lVerificationLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lVerificationLayout->setSpacing(0);
-	lVerificationLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lVerificationLayout->addWidget(lVerificationCheckBox,0, 0, 1, 2);
-	lVerificationLayout->addWidget(lVerificationLabel, 1, 1);
-	lVerificationWidget->setLayout(lVerificationLayout);
-	connect(mVersionedRadio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), lVerificationWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
-	auto lExcludesWidget = new QWidget;
-	auto lExcludesCheckBox = new QCheckBox(xi18nc("@option:check", "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"));
-	lExcludesCheckBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Exclude patterns"));
-	auto lExcludesLabel = new QLabel();
-	lExcludesLabel->setWordWrap(true);
-	lExcludesLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
-	lExcludesLabel->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction);
-	connect(lExcludesLabel, &QLabel::linkActivated, this, [this](QString pLink){
-		// call runUrl ourselves instead of QLabel and QDesktopService doing it, just
-		// so that we can give a .html file ending to the temp file. Required for QWebEngine
-		// to understand that the file has html content. Firefox works either way.
-		KRun::runUrl(QUrl(pLink), QStringLiteral("text/html"), this, KRun::RunFlags(), QStringLiteral("manpage.html"));
-	});
-	auto lLabelUpdater = [lExcludesLabel](bool pVersioned){
-		QString lHelpUrl = pVersioned ? QStringLiteral("man:///bup-index") : QStringLiteral("man:///rsync");
-		lExcludesLabel->setText(xi18nc("@label:textbox",
-		                               "Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. "
-		                               "Files and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be "
-		                               "excluded from the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>.",
-		                               lHelpUrl));
-	};
-	lLabelUpdater(false);
-	connect(mVersionedRadio, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, lLabelUpdater);
-	auto lExcludesEdit = new KLineEdit;
-	lExcludesEdit->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Exclude patterns file path"));
-	lExcludesEdit->setEnabled(false);
-	lExcludesEdit->setClearButtonEnabled(true);
-	lExcludesEdit->setCompletionObject(new KUrlCompletion);
-	lExcludesEdit->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject(true);
-	auto lExcludesButton = new QPushButton;
-	lExcludesButton->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-open")));
-	int lButtonSize = lExcludesButton->sizeHint().expandedTo(lExcludesEdit->sizeHint()).height();
-	lExcludesButton->setFixedSize(lButtonSize, lButtonSize);
-	lExcludesButton->setEnabled(false);
-	lExcludesButton->setToolTip(xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Open dialog to select a file"));
-	connect(lExcludesButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this,lExcludesEdit]{
-		QString lNewFilePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, i18n("Select pattern file"), lExcludesEdit->text());
-		if(!lNewFilePath.isEmpty()) {
-			lExcludesEdit->setText(lNewFilePath);
-		}
-	});
-	connect(lExcludesCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, lExcludesEdit, &KLineEdit::setEnabled);
-	connect(lExcludesCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, lExcludesButton, &QPushButton::setEnabled);
-	auto lExcludesLayout = new QGridLayout;
-	lExcludesLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-	lExcludesLayout->setSpacing(0);
-	lExcludesLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, lIndentation);
-	lExcludesLayout->addWidget(lExcludesCheckBox, 0, 0, 1, 3);
-	lExcludesLayout->addWidget(lExcludesLabel, 1, 1, 1, 2);
-	lExcludesLayout->addWidget(lExcludesEdit, 2, 1);
-	lExcludesLayout->addWidget(lExcludesButton, 2, 2);
-	lExcludesWidget->setLayout(lExcludesLayout);
-	lAdvancedLayout->addWidget(lShowHiddenWidget);
-	lAdvancedLayout->addWidget(lVerificationWidget);
-	lAdvancedLayout->addWidget(lRecoveryWidget);
-	lAdvancedLayout->addWidget(lExcludesWidget);
-	lAdvancedLayout->addStretch();
-	lAdvancedLayout->setSpacing(lIndentation);
-	lAdvancedWidget->setLayout(lAdvancedLayout);
-	auto lPage = new KPageWidgetItem(lAdvancedWidget);
-	lPage->setName(xi18nc("@title", "Advanced"));
-	lPage->setHeader(xi18nc("@label", "Extra options for advanced users"));
-	lPage->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("preferences-other")));
-	return lPage;
-void BackupPlanWidget::openDriveDestDialog() {
-	QString lMountPoint = mDriveSelection->mountPathOfSelectedDrive();
-	QString lSelectedPath;
-	QPointer<DirDialog> lDirDialog = new DirDialog(QUrl::fromLocalFile(lMountPoint), mDriveDestEdit->text(), this);
-	if(lDirDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
-		lSelectedPath = lDirDialog->url().path();
-		lSelectedPath.remove(0, lMountPoint.length());
-		while(lSelectedPath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
-			lSelectedPath.remove(0, 1);
-		}
-		mDriveDestEdit->setText(lSelectedPath);
-	}
-	delete lDirDialog;
diff --git a/kcm/backupplanwidget.h b/kcm/backupplanwidget.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d39e71a..0000000
--- a/kcm/backupplanwidget.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QDialog>
-#include <QSet>
-#include <QWidget>
-class BackupPlan;
-class DirSelector;
-class DriveSelection;
-class FolderSelectionModel;
-class KLineEdit;
-class KMessageWidget;
-class KPageWidget;
-class KPageWidgetItem;
-class QAction;
-class QFileInfo;
-class QPushButton;
-class QRadioButton;
-class QThread;
-class QTimer;
-class QTreeView;
-class FileScanner : public QObject {
-	FileScanner();
-	bool event(QEvent *pEvent) override;
-public slots:
-	void includePath(const QString &pPath);
-	void excludePath(const QString &pPath);
-	void unreadablesChanged(QPair<QSet<QString>, QSet<QString>>);
-	void symlinkProblemsChanged(QHash<QString,QString>);
-protected slots:
-	void sendPendingUnreadables();
-	void sendPendingSymlinks();
-	bool isPathIncluded(const QString &pPath);
-	void checkPathForProblems(const QFileInfo &pFileInfo);
-	bool isSymlinkProblematic(const QString &pTarget);
-	void scanFolder(const QString &pPath);
-	QSet<QString> mIncludedFolders;
-	QSet<QString> mExcludedFolders;
-	QSet<QString> mUnreadableFolders;
-	QSet<QString> mUnreadableFiles;
-	QTimer *mUnreadablesTimer;
-	QHash<QString,QString> mSymlinksNotOk;
-	QHash<QString,QString> mSymlinksOk;
-	QTimer *mSymlinkTimer;
-class FolderSelectionWidget : public QWidget {
-	explicit FolderSelectionWidget(FolderSelectionModel *pModel, QWidget *pParent = nullptr);
-	virtual ~FolderSelectionWidget();
-public slots:
-	void setHiddenFoldersVisible(bool pVisible);
-	void expandToShowSelections();
-	void setUnreadables(const QPair<QSet<QString>, QSet<QString>> &pUnreadables);
-	void setSymlinks(QHash<QString,QString> pSymlinks);
-	void updateMessage();
-	void executeExcludeAction();
-	void executeIncludeAction();
-	QTreeView *mTreeView;
-	FolderSelectionModel *mModel;
-	KMessageWidget *mMessageWidget;
-	QThread *mWorkerThread;
-	QStringList mUnreadableFolders;
-	QStringList mUnreadableFiles;
-	QString mExcludeActionPath;
-	QAction *mExcludeAction;
-	QHash<QString,QString> mSymlinkProblems;
-	QString mIncludeActionPath;
-	QAction *mIncludeAction;
-class ConfigIncludeDummy : public QWidget {
-	void includeListChanged();
-	Q_PROPERTY(QStringList includeList READ includeList WRITE setIncludeList USER true)
-	ConfigIncludeDummy(FolderSelectionModel *pModel, FolderSelectionWidget *pParent);
-	QStringList includeList();
-	void setIncludeList(QStringList pIncludeList);
-	FolderSelectionModel *mModel;
-	FolderSelectionWidget *mTreeView;
-class ConfigExcludeDummy : public QWidget {
-	void excludeListChanged();
-	Q_PROPERTY(QStringList excludeList READ excludeList WRITE setExcludeList USER true)
-	ConfigExcludeDummy(FolderSelectionModel *pModel, FolderSelectionWidget *pParent);
-	QStringList excludeList();
-	void setExcludeList(QStringList pExcludeList);
-	FolderSelectionModel *mModel;
-	FolderSelectionWidget *mTreeView;
-class DirDialog: public QDialog
-	explicit DirDialog(const QUrl &pRootDir, const QString &pStartSubDir, QWidget *pParent = nullptr);
-	QUrl url() const;
-	DirSelector *mDirSelector;
-class BackupPlanWidget : public QWidget
-	BackupPlanWidget(BackupPlan *pBackupPlan, const QString &pBupVersion,
-	                 const QString &pRsyncVersion, bool pPar2Available);
-	void saveExtraData();
-	KPageWidgetItem *createTypePage(const QString &pBupVersion, const QString &pRsyncVersion);
-	KPageWidgetItem *createSourcePage();
-	KPageWidgetItem *createDestinationPage();
-	KPageWidgetItem *createSchedulePage();
-	KPageWidgetItem *createAdvancedPage(bool pPar2Available);
-	KLineEdit *mDescriptionEdit;
-	QPushButton *mConfigureButton;
-	KPageWidget *mConfigPages;
-	BackupPlan *mBackupPlan;
-	DriveSelection *mDriveSelection{};
-	KLineEdit *mDriveDestEdit{};
-	QRadioButton *mVersionedRadio{};
-	QRadioButton *mSyncedRadio{};
-	FolderSelectionWidget *mSourceSelectionWidget{};
-protected slots:
-	void openDriveDestDialog();
-	void requestOverviewReturn();
diff --git a/kcm/dirselector.cpp b/kcm/dirselector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c6e2b66..0000000
--- a/kcm/dirselector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "dirselector.h"
-#include <KDirLister>
-#include <KDirModel>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageBox>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QInputDialog>
-DirSelector::DirSelector(QWidget *pParent) : QTreeView(pParent) {
-	mDirModel = new KDirModel(this);
-	mDirModel->dirLister()->setDirOnlyMode(true);
-	setModel(mDirModel);
-	for (int i = 1; i < mDirModel->columnCount(); ++i) {
-		hideColumn(i);
-	}
-	setHeaderHidden(true);
-	connect(mDirModel, SIGNAL(expand(QModelIndex)), SLOT(expand(QModelIndex)));
-	connect(mDirModel, SIGNAL(expand(QModelIndex)), SLOT(selectEntry(QModelIndex)));
-QUrl DirSelector::url() const {
-	const KFileItem lFileItem = mDirModel->itemForIndex(currentIndex());
-	return !lFileItem.isNull() ? lFileItem.url() : QUrl();
-void DirSelector::createNewFolder() {
-	bool lUserAccepted;
-	QString lNameSuggestion = xi18nc("default folder name when creating a new folder", "New Folder");
-	if(QFileInfo::exists(url().adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path() + '/' + lNameSuggestion)) {
-		lNameSuggestion = KIO::suggestName(url(), lNameSuggestion);
-	}
-	QString lSelectedName = QInputDialog::getText(this, xi18nc("@title:window", "New Folder" ),
-	                                              xi18nc("@label:textbox", "Create new folder in:\n%1", url().path()),
-	                                              QLineEdit::Normal, lNameSuggestion, &lUserAccepted);
-	if (!lUserAccepted)
-		return;
-	QUrl lPartialUrl(url());
-	const QStringList lDirectories = lSelectedName.split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-	foreach(QString lSubDirectory, lDirectories) {
-		QDir lDir(lPartialUrl.path());
-		if(lDir.exists(lSubDirectory)) {
-			lPartialUrl = lPartialUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
-			lPartialUrl.setPath(lPartialUrl.path() + '/' + (lSubDirectory));
-			KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("A folder named %1 already exists.", lPartialUrl.path()));
-			return;
-		}
-		if(!lDir.mkdir(lSubDirectory)) {
-			lPartialUrl = lPartialUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
-			lPartialUrl.setPath(lPartialUrl.path() + '/' + (lSubDirectory));
-			KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have permission to create %1.", lPartialUrl.path()));
-			return;
-		}
-		lPartialUrl = lPartialUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash);
-		lPartialUrl.setPath(lPartialUrl.path() + '/' + (lSubDirectory));
-	}
-	mDirModel->expandToUrl(lPartialUrl);
-void DirSelector::selectEntry(QModelIndex pIndex) {
-	selectionModel()->clearSelection();
-	selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(pIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent);
-	scrollTo(pIndex);
-void DirSelector::expandToUrl(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	mDirModel->expandToUrl(pUrl);
-void DirSelector::setRootUrl(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	mDirModel->dirLister()->openUrl(pUrl);
diff --git a/kcm/dirselector.h b/kcm/dirselector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 090691d..0000000
--- a/kcm/dirselector.h
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QTreeView>
-class KDirModel;
-class DirSelector : public QTreeView
-	explicit DirSelector(QWidget *pParent = nullptr);
-	QUrl url() const;
-public slots:
-	void createNewFolder();
-	void selectEntry(QModelIndex pIndex);
-	void expandToUrl(const QUrl &pUrl);
-	void setRootUrl(const QUrl &pUrl);
-	KDirModel *mDirModel;
-#endif // DIRSELECTOR_H
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3e68f61..0000000
--- a/kcm/driveselection.cpp
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@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "driveselection.h"
-#include "driveselectiondelegate.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include <QItemSelectionModel>
-#include <QList>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QStandardItemModel>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <KConfigDialogManager>
-#include <KDiskFreeSpaceInfo>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <Solid/Device>
-#include <Solid/DeviceNotifier>
-#include <Solid/StorageAccess>
-#include <Solid/StorageDrive>
-#include <Solid/StorageVolume>
-bool deviceLessThan(const Solid::Device &a, const Solid::Device &b) {
-	return a.udi() < b.udi();
-DriveSelection::DriveSelection(BackupPlan *pBackupPlan, QWidget *parent)
-   : QListView(parent), mBackupPlan(pBackupPlan), mSelectedAndAccessible(false), mSyncedBackupType(false)
-	KConfigDialogManager::changedMap()->insert(QStringLiteral("DriveSelection"),
-	                                           SIGNAL(selectedDriveChanged(QString)));
-	mDrivesModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);
-	setModel(mDrivesModel);
-	setItemDelegate(new DriveSelectionDelegate(this));
-	setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-	setWordWrap(true);
-	if(!mBackupPlan->mExternalUUID.isEmpty()) {
-		auto *lItem = new QStandardItem();
-		lItem->setEditable(false);
-		lItem->setData(QString(), DriveSelection::UDI);
-		lItem->setData(mBackupPlan->mExternalUUID, DriveSelection::UUID);
-		lItem->setData(0, DriveSelection::UsedSpace);
-		lItem->setData(mBackupPlan->mExternalPartitionNumber, DriveSelection::PartitionNumber);
-		lItem->setData(mBackupPlan->mExternalPartitionsOnDrive, DriveSelection::PartitionsOnDrive);
-		lItem->setData(mBackupPlan->mExternalDeviceDescription, DriveSelection::DeviceDescription);
-		lItem->setData(mBackupPlan->mExternalVolumeCapacity, DriveSelection::TotalSpace);
-		lItem->setData(mBackupPlan->mExternalVolumeLabel, DriveSelection::Label);
-		mDrivesModel->appendRow(lItem);
-	}
-	QList<Solid::Device> lDeviceList = Solid::Device::listFromType(Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive);
-	foreach (const Solid::Device &lDevice, lDeviceList) {
-		deviceAdded(lDevice.udi());
-	}
-	connect(Solid::DeviceNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceAdded(QString)), SLOT(deviceAdded(QString)));
-	connect(Solid::DeviceNotifier::instance(), SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(QString)), SLOT(deviceRemoved(QString)));
-	connect(selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
-	        this, SLOT(updateSelection(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)));
-QString DriveSelection::mountPathOfSelectedDrive() const {
-	if(mSelectedAndAccessible) {
-		QStandardItem *lItem;
-		findItem(DriveSelection::UUID, mSelectedUuid, &lItem);
-		if(lItem != nullptr) {
-			Solid::Device lDevice(lItem->data(DriveSelection::UDI).toString());
-			auto *lAccess = lDevice.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
-			if(lAccess) {
-				return lAccess->filePath();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return QString();
-void DriveSelection::deviceAdded(const QString &pUdi) {
-	Solid::Device lDevice(pUdi);
-	if(!lDevice.is<Solid::StorageDrive>()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	auto *lDrive = lDevice.as<Solid::StorageDrive>();
-	if(!lDrive->isHotpluggable() && !lDrive->isRemovable()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if(mDrivesToAdd.contains(pUdi)) {
-		return;
-	}
-	mDrivesToAdd.append(pUdi);
-	QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(delayedDeviceAdded()));
-void DriveSelection::delayedDeviceAdded() {
-	if(mDrivesToAdd.isEmpty()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	Solid::Device lParentDevice(mDrivesToAdd.takeFirst());
-	QList<Solid::Device> lDeviceList = Solid::Device::listFromType(Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageVolume,
-	                                                               lParentDevice.udi());
-	// check for when there is no partitioning scheme, then the drive is also the storage volume
-	if(lParentDevice.is<Solid::StorageVolume>()) {
-		lDeviceList.append(lParentDevice);
-	}
-	// filter out some volumes that should not be visible
-	QList<Solid::Device> lVolumeDeviceList;
-	foreach(Solid::Device lVolumeDevice, lDeviceList) {
-		auto *lVolume = lVolumeDevice.as<Solid::StorageVolume>();
-		if(lVolume && !lVolume->isIgnored() && (
-		         lVolume->usage() == Solid::StorageVolume::FileSystem ||
-		         lVolume->usage() == Solid::StorageVolume::Encrypted)) {
-			lVolumeDeviceList.append(lVolumeDevice);
-		}
-	}
-	// simplest attempt at getting the same partition numbering every time a device is plugged in
-	std::sort(lVolumeDeviceList.begin(), lVolumeDeviceList.end(), deviceLessThan);
-	int lPartitionNumber = 1;
-	foreach(Solid::Device lVolumeDevice, lVolumeDeviceList) {
-		auto *lVolume = lVolumeDevice.as<Solid::StorageVolume>();
-		QString lUuid = lVolume->uuid();
-		if(lUuid.isEmpty()) { //seems to happen for vfat partitions
-			lUuid += lParentDevice.description();
-			lUuid += QStringLiteral("|");
-			lUuid += lVolume->label();
-		}
-		QStandardItem *lItem;
-		bool lNeedsToBeAdded = false;
-		findItem(DriveSelection::UUID, lUuid, &lItem);
-		if(lItem == nullptr) {
-			lItem = new QStandardItem();
-			lItem->setEditable(false);
-			lItem->setData(lUuid, DriveSelection::UUID);
-			lItem->setData(0, DriveSelection::TotalSpace);
-			lItem->setData(0, DriveSelection::UsedSpace);
-			lNeedsToBeAdded = true;
-		}
-		lItem->setData(lParentDevice.description(), DriveSelection::DeviceDescription);
-		lItem->setData(lVolume->label(), DriveSelection::Label);
-		lItem->setData(lVolumeDevice.udi(), DriveSelection::UDI);
-		lItem->setData(lPartitionNumber, DriveSelection::PartitionNumber);
-		lItem->setData(lVolumeDeviceList.count(), DriveSelection::PartitionsOnDrive);
-		lItem->setData(lVolume->fsType(), DriveSelection::FileSystem);
-		lItem->setData(mSyncedBackupType && (lVolume->fsType() == QStringLiteral("vfat") ||
-		                                     lVolume->fsType() == QStringLiteral("ntfs")),
-		               DriveSelection::PermissionLossWarning);
-		lItem->setData(mSyncedBackupType && lVolume->fsType() == QStringLiteral("vfat"),
-		               DriveSelection::SymlinkLossWarning);
-		auto *lAccess = lVolumeDevice.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
-		connect(lAccess, SIGNAL(accessibilityChanged(bool,QString)), SLOT(accessabilityChanged(bool,QString)));
-		if(lAccess->isAccessible()) {
-			KDiskFreeSpaceInfo lInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(lAccess->filePath());
-			if(lInfo.isValid()) {
-				lItem->setData(lInfo.size(), DriveSelection::TotalSpace);
-				lItem->setData(lInfo.used(), DriveSelection::UsedSpace);
-			}
-			if(lUuid == mSelectedUuid) {
-				// Selected volume was just added, could not have been accessible before.
-				mSelectedAndAccessible = true;
-				emit selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(true);
-			}
-		} else if(lVolume->usage() != Solid::StorageVolume::Encrypted) {
-			// Don't bother the user with password prompt just for sake of storage volume space info
-			lAccess->setup();
-		}
-		if(lNeedsToBeAdded) {
-			mDrivesModel->appendRow(lItem);
-			if(mDrivesModel->rowCount() == 1) {
-				selectionModel()->select(mDrivesModel->index(0, 0), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
-			}
-		}
-		lPartitionNumber++;
-	}
-void DriveSelection::deviceRemoved(const QString &pUdi) {
-	QStandardItem *lItem;
-	int lRow = findItem(DriveSelection::UDI, pUdi, &lItem);
-	if(lRow >= 0) {
-		QString lUuid = lItem->data(DriveSelection::UUID).toString();
-		if(lUuid == mBackupPlan->mExternalUUID) {
-			// let the selected and saved item stay in the list
-			// just clear the UDI so that it will be shown as disconnected.
-			lItem->setData(QString(), DriveSelection::UDI);
-		} else {
-			mDrivesModel->removeRow(lRow);
-		}
-		if(lUuid == mSelectedUuid && mSelectedAndAccessible) {
-			mSelectedAndAccessible = false;
-			emit selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(false);
-		}
-	}
-void DriveSelection::accessabilityChanged(bool pAccessible, const QString &pUdi) {
-	QStandardItem *lItem;
-	findItem(DriveSelection::UDI, pUdi, &lItem);
-	if(lItem != nullptr) {
-		if(pAccessible) {
-			Solid::Device lDevice(pUdi);
-			auto *lAccess = lDevice.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
-			if(lAccess) {
-				KDiskFreeSpaceInfo lInfo = KDiskFreeSpaceInfo::freeSpaceInfo(lAccess->filePath());
-				if(lInfo.isValid()) {
-					lItem->setData(lInfo.size(), DriveSelection::TotalSpace);
-					lItem->setData(lInfo.used(), DriveSelection::UsedSpace);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		bool lSelectedAndAccessible = (lItem->data(DriveSelection::UUID).toString() == mSelectedUuid && pAccessible);
-		if(lSelectedAndAccessible != mSelectedAndAccessible) {
-			mSelectedAndAccessible = lSelectedAndAccessible;
-			emit selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(lSelectedAndAccessible);
-		}
-	}
-void DriveSelection::updateSelection(const QItemSelection &pSelected, const QItemSelection &pDeselected) {
-	Q_UNUSED(pDeselected)
-	if(!pSelected.indexes().isEmpty()) {
-		QModelIndex lIndex = pSelected.indexes().first();
-		if(mSelectedUuid.isEmpty()) {
-			emit driveIsSelectedChanged(true);
-		}
-		mSelectedUuid = lIndex.data(DriveSelection::UUID).toString();
-		emit selectedDriveChanged(mSelectedUuid);
-		// check if the newly selected volume is accessible, compare to previous selection
-		bool lIsAccessible = false;
-		QString lUdiOfSelected = lIndex.data(DriveSelection::UDI).toString();
-		if(!lUdiOfSelected.isEmpty()) {
-			Solid::Device lDevice(lUdiOfSelected);
-			auto *lAccess = lDevice.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
-			if(lAccess != nullptr) {
-				lIsAccessible = lAccess->isAccessible();
-			}
-		}
-		if(mSelectedAndAccessible != lIsAccessible) {
-			mSelectedAndAccessible = lIsAccessible;
-			emit selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(mSelectedAndAccessible);
-		}
-	} else {
-		mSelectedUuid.clear();
-		emit selectedDriveChanged(mSelectedUuid);
-		emit driveIsSelectedChanged(false);
-		mSelectedAndAccessible = false;
-		emit selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(false);
-	}
-void DriveSelection::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pPaintEvent) {
-	QListView::paintEvent(pPaintEvent);
-	if(mDrivesModel->rowCount() == 0) {
-		QPainter lPainter(viewport());
-		style()->drawItemText(&lPainter, rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, palette(), false,
-		                      xi18nc("@label Only shown if no drives are detected", "Plug in the external "
-		                            "storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."), QPalette::Text);
-	}
-void DriveSelection::setSelectedDrive(const QString &pUuid) {
-	if(pUuid == mSelectedUuid) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if(pUuid.isEmpty()) {
-		clearSelection();
-	} else {
-		QStandardItem *lItem;
-		findItem(DriveSelection::UUID, pUuid, &lItem);
-		if(lItem != nullptr) {
-			setCurrentIndex(mDrivesModel->indexFromItem(lItem));
-		}
-	}
-void DriveSelection::saveExtraData() {
-	QStandardItem *lItem;
-	findItem(DriveSelection::UUID, mSelectedUuid, &lItem);
-	if(lItem != nullptr) {
-		mBackupPlan->mExternalDeviceDescription = lItem->data(DriveSelection::DeviceDescription).toString();
-		mBackupPlan->mExternalPartitionNumber = lItem->data(DriveSelection::PartitionNumber).toInt();
-		mBackupPlan->mExternalPartitionsOnDrive = lItem->data(DriveSelection::PartitionsOnDrive).toInt();
-		mBackupPlan->mExternalVolumeCapacity = lItem->data(DriveSelection::TotalSpace).toULongLong();
-		mBackupPlan->mExternalVolumeLabel = lItem->data(DriveSelection::Label).toString();
-	}
-void DriveSelection::updateSyncWarning(bool pSyncBackupSelected) {
-	mSyncedBackupType = pSyncBackupSelected;
-	for(int i = 0; i < mDrivesModel->rowCount(); ++i) {
-		QString lFsType = mDrivesModel->item(i)->data(DriveSelection::FileSystem).toString();
-		mDrivesModel->item(i)->setData(mSyncedBackupType && (lFsType == QStringLiteral("vfat") ||
-		                                                     lFsType == QStringLiteral("ntfs")),
-		                               DriveSelection::PermissionLossWarning);
-		mDrivesModel->item(i)->setData(mSyncedBackupType && lFsType == QStringLiteral("vfat"),
-		                               DriveSelection::SymlinkLossWarning);
-	}
-int DriveSelection::findItem(const DriveSelection::DataType pField, const QString &pSearchString,
-                             QStandardItem **pReturnedItem) const {
-	for(int lRow = 0; lRow < mDrivesModel->rowCount(); ++lRow) {
-		QStandardItem *lItem = mDrivesModel->item(lRow);
-		if(lItem->data(pField).toString() == pSearchString) {
-			if(pReturnedItem != nullptr) {
-				*pReturnedItem = lItem;
-			}
-			return lRow;
-		}
-	}
-	if(pReturnedItem != nullptr) {
-		*pReturnedItem = nullptr;
-	}
-	return -1;
diff --git a/kcm/driveselection.h b/kcm/driveselection.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3407f01..0000000
--- a/kcm/driveselection.h
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@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QListView>
-#include <QStringList>
-class QStandardItem;
-class QStandardItemModel;
-class BackupPlan;
-class DriveSelection : public QListView
-	Q_PROPERTY(QString selectedDrive READ selectedDrive WRITE setSelectedDrive NOTIFY selectedDriveChanged USER true)
-	Q_PROPERTY(bool driveIsSelected READ driveIsSelected NOTIFY driveIsSelectedChanged)
-	Q_PROPERTY(bool selectedDriveIsAccessible READ selectedDriveIsAccessible NOTIFY selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged)
-	enum DataType {
-		UUID = Qt::UserRole + 1,
-		UDI,
-		TotalSpace,
-		UsedSpace,
-		Label,
-		DeviceDescription,
-		PartitionNumber,
-		PartitionsOnDrive,
-		FileSystem,
-		PermissionLossWarning,
-		SymlinkLossWarning
-	};
-	explicit DriveSelection(BackupPlan *pBackupPlan, QWidget *parent=nullptr);
-	QString selectedDrive() const {return mSelectedUuid;}
-	bool driveIsSelected() const {return !mSelectedUuid.isEmpty();}
-	bool selectedDriveIsAccessible() const {return mSelectedAndAccessible;}
-	QString mountPathOfSelectedDrive() const;
-public slots:
-	void setSelectedDrive(const QString &pUuid);
-	void saveExtraData();
-	void updateSyncWarning(bool pSyncBackupSelected);
-	void selectedDriveChanged(const QString &pSelectedDrive);
-	void driveIsSelectedChanged(bool pDriveIsSelected);
-	void selectedDriveIsAccessibleChanged(bool pDriveIsSelectedAndAccessible);
-protected slots:
-	void deviceAdded(const QString &pUdi);
-	void delayedDeviceAdded();
-	void deviceRemoved(const QString &pUdi);
-	void accessabilityChanged(bool pAccessible, const QString &pUdi);
-	void updateSelection(const QItemSelection &pSelected, const QItemSelection &pDeselected);
-	void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pPaintEvent) override;
-	int findItem(const DataType pField, const QString &pSearchString, QStandardItem **pReturnedItem = nullptr) const;
-	QStandardItemModel *mDrivesModel;
-	QString mSelectedUuid;
-	BackupPlan *mBackupPlan;
-	QStringList mDrivesToAdd;
-	bool mSelectedAndAccessible;
-	bool mSyncedBackupType;
diff --git a/kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp b/kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e54be6..0000000
--- a/kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp
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@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "driveselectiondelegate.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include "driveselection.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QStyle>
-#include <KCapacityBar>
-#include <KFormat>
-#include <KIO/Global>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-static const int cMargin = 6;
-DriveSelectionDelegate::DriveSelectionDelegate(QListView *pParent)
-   : QStyledItemDelegate(pParent), mListView(pParent)
-	mCapacityBar = new KCapacityBar(KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline);
-void DriveSelectionDelegate::paint(QPainter* pPainter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& pOption,
-                                   const QModelIndex& pIndex) const {
-	pPainter->save();
-	pPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-	QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &pOption, pPainter);
-	auto lTotalSize = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::TotalSpace).toULongLong();
-	auto lUsedSize = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::UsedSpace).toULongLong();
-	bool lIsDisconnected = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::UDI).toString().isEmpty();
-	if(lTotalSize == 0 || lIsDisconnected) {
-		mCapacityBar->setValue(0);
-	} else {
-		mCapacityBar->setValue(static_cast<int>((lUsedSize * 100) / lTotalSize));
-	}
-	mCapacityBar->drawCapacityBar(pPainter, pOption.rect.adjusted(cMargin,
-	                                                              cMargin+QApplication::fontMetrics().height()+cMargin,
-	                                                              -cMargin,
-	                                                              4*cMargin + QApplication::fontMetrics().height() -
-	                                                              pOption.rect.height()));
-	if (pOption.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
-		pPainter->setPen(pOption.palette.color(QPalette::HighlightedText));
-	else
-		pPainter->setPen(pOption.palette.color(QPalette::Text));
-	KFormat lFormat;
-	QString lDisplayLabel, lPartitionLabel, lDisconnectedLabel;
-	int lTextEnd = pOption.rect.right() - cMargin;
-	if(lIsDisconnected) {
-		lDisconnectedLabel = xi18nc("@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected", " (disconnected)");
-	} else {
-		lDisconnectedLabel = QString();
-		if(lTotalSize > 0) {
-			QString lFreeSpace = xi18nc("@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive","%1 free",
-			                            lFormat.formatByteSize(lTotalSize - lUsedSize));
-			int lTextWidth = QApplication::fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(lFreeSpace);
-			lTextEnd -= lTextWidth + cMargin;
-			QPoint lOffset = QPoint(-cMargin - lTextWidth, cMargin + QApplication::fontMetrics().height());
-			pPainter->drawText(pOption.rect.topRight() + lOffset, lFreeSpace);
-		}
-	}
-	QString lDeviceDescription = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::DeviceDescription).toString();
-	QString lLabel = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::Label).toString();
-	int lPartitionNumber = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::PartitionNumber).toInt();
-	if(lLabel.isEmpty() || lLabel == lDeviceDescription) {
-		if(pIndex.data(DriveSelection::PartitionsOnDrive).toInt() > 1) {
-			lPartitionLabel = xi18nc("@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text",
-			                        "Partition %1 on %2%3", lPartitionNumber, lDeviceDescription, lDisconnectedLabel);
-		} else {
-			lPartitionLabel = xi18nc("@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text",
-			                        "%1%2", lDeviceDescription, lDisconnectedLabel);
-		}
-	} else {
-		lPartitionLabel = xi18nc("@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text",
-		                        "%1 on %2%3", lLabel, lDeviceDescription, lDisconnectedLabel);
-	}
-	if(lTotalSize == 0) {
-		lDisplayLabel = lPartitionLabel;
-	} else {
-		lDisplayLabel = xi18nc("@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity",
-		                      "%1: %2 total capacity", lPartitionLabel, lFormat.formatByteSize(lTotalSize));
-	}
-	lDisplayLabel = QApplication::fontMetrics().elidedText(lDisplayLabel, Qt::ElideMiddle, lTextEnd - pOption.rect.left() - cMargin);
-	pPainter->drawText(pOption.rect.topLeft() + QPoint(cMargin, cMargin+QApplication::fontMetrics().height()), lDisplayLabel);
-	int lIconSize = 48;
-	QRect lWarningRect = warningRect(pOption.rect.adjusted(lIconSize + cMargin, 0, 0, 0), pIndex);
-	if(!lWarningRect.isEmpty()) {
-		QIcon lIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("dialog-warning"));
-		lIcon.paint(pPainter, lWarningRect.left() - cMargin - lIconSize, lWarningRect.top(), lIconSize, lIconSize);
-		pPainter->drawText(lWarningRect, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap, warningText(pIndex));
-	}
-	pPainter->restore();
-QSize DriveSelectionDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& pOption, const QModelIndex& pIndex) const {
-	Q_UNUSED(pOption)
-	QSize lSize;
-	lSize.setWidth(cMargin*2 + QApplication::fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(pIndex.data().toString()));
-	lSize.setHeight(cMargin*5 + QApplication::fontMetrics().height());
-	int lIconSize = 48;
-	QRect lWarningRect = warningRect(mListView->rect().adjusted(lIconSize + cMargin, 0, 0, 0), pIndex);
-	if(!lWarningRect.isEmpty()) {
-		lSize.setHeight(lSize.height() + 2*cMargin + lWarningRect.height());
-	}
-	return lSize;
-QRect DriveSelectionDelegate::warningRect(const QRect &pRect, const QModelIndex &pIndex) const {
-	QRect lTextLocation = pRect.adjusted(cMargin, 5*cMargin + QApplication::fontMetrics().height(), -cMargin, -cMargin);
-	QString lWarningText = warningText(pIndex);
-	if(lWarningText.isEmpty()) {
-		return {};
-	}
-	QRect lTextBoundary = QApplication::fontMetrics().boundingRect(lTextLocation, Qt::TextWordWrap, lWarningText);
-	int lIconSize = 48;
-	if(lTextBoundary.height() < lIconSize) {
-		lTextBoundary.setHeight(lIconSize);
-	}
-	return lTextBoundary;
-QString DriveSelectionDelegate::warningText(const QModelIndex &pIndex) {
-	bool lPermissionWarning = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::PermissionLossWarning).toBool();
-	bool lSymlinkWarning = pIndex.data(DriveSelection::SymlinkLossWarning).toBool();
-	if(lPermissionWarning && lSymlinkWarning) {
-		return xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved "
-		                                 "to this file system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one "
-		                                 "user of this computer or if you are backing up executable program files.");
-	}
-	if(lPermissionWarning) {
-		return xi18nc("@item:inlistbox", "Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file "
-		                                 "system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one "
-		                                 "user of this computer or if you are backing up executable program files.");
-	}
-	return {};
diff --git a/kcm/driveselectiondelegate.h b/kcm/driveselectiondelegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ea1fff..0000000
--- a/kcm/driveselectiondelegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
-class QListView;
-class KCapacityBar;
-class DriveSelectionDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
-	explicit DriveSelectionDelegate(QListView *pParent);
-	void paint(QPainter* pPainter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& pOption, const QModelIndex& pIndex) const override;
-	QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& pOption, const QModelIndex& pIndex) const override;
-	QRect warningRect(const QRect &pRect, const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
-	static QString warningText(const QModelIndex &pIndex);
-	KCapacityBar *mCapacityBar;
-	QListView *mListView;
diff --git a/kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp b/kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b0dbe4..0000000
--- a/kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Scott Wheeler <wheeler@kde.org>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Max Howell <max.howell@methylblue.com>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Mark Kretschmann <markey@web.de>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Seb Ruiz <ruiz@kde.org>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@kde.org>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-#include "folderselectionmodel.h"
-#include "kuputils.h"
-#include <QBrush>
-#include <QColor>
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QFileInfo>
-#include <QIcon>
-#include <QPalette>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-namespace {
-bool setContainsSubdir(const QSet<QString> &pSet, const QString &pParentDir) {
-	// we need the trailing slash to be able to use the startsWith() function to check for parent dirs.
-	QString lPathWithSlash = pParentDir;
-	ensureTrailingSlash(lPathWithSlash);
-	foreach(QString lTestedPath, pSet) {
-		if(lTestedPath.startsWith(lPathWithSlash)) {
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-FolderSelectionModel::FolderSelectionModel(bool pHiddenFoldersVisible, QObject *pParent)
-   : QFileSystemModel(pParent)
-	setHiddenFoldersVisible(pHiddenFoldersVisible);
-Qt::ItemFlags FolderSelectionModel::flags(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const {
-	Qt::ItemFlags lFlags = QFileSystemModel::flags(pIndex);
-	lFlags |= Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
-	return lFlags;
-QVariant FolderSelectionModel::data(const QModelIndex& pIndex, int pRole) const {
-	if(!pIndex.isValid() || pIndex.column() != 0) {
-		return QFileSystemModel::data(pIndex, pRole);
-	}
-	const QString lPath = filePath(pIndex);
-	const InclusionState lState = inclusionState(lPath);
-	switch(pRole) {
-	case Qt::CheckStateRole: {
-		switch(lState) {
-		case StateIncluded:
-		case StateIncludeInherited:
-			if(setContainsSubdir(mExcludedPaths, lPath)) {
-				return Qt::PartiallyChecked;
-			}
-			return Qt::Checked;
-		default:
-			return Qt::Unchecked;
-		}
-	}
-	case IncludeStateRole:
-		return inclusionState(pIndex);
-	case Qt::ForegroundRole: {
-		switch(lState) {
-		case StateIncluded:
-		case StateIncludeInherited:
-			return QVariant::fromValue(QPalette().brush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
-		default:
-			if(setContainsSubdir(mIncludedPaths, lPath)) {
-				return QVariant::fromValue(QPalette().brush( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
-			}
-			return QVariant::fromValue(QPalette().brush( QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text));
-		}
-	}
-	case Qt::ToolTipRole: {
-		switch(lState) {
-		case StateIncluded:
-		case StateIncludeInherited:
-			if(setContainsSubdir(mExcludedPaths, lPath)) {
-				return xi18nc("@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview",
-				             "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except "
-				             "for unchecked subfolders", filePath(pIndex));
-			}
-			return xi18nc("@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview",
-			             "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup", filePath(pIndex));
-		default:
-			if(setContainsSubdir(mIncludedPaths, lPath)) {
-				return xi18nc("@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview",
-				             "<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included "
-				             "in the backup but contains folders that will", filePath(pIndex));
-			}
-			return xi18nc("@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview",
-			             "<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included "
-			             "in the backup", filePath(pIndex));
-		}
-	}
-	case Qt::DecorationRole:
-		if(lPath == QDir::homePath()) {
-			return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("user-home"));
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return QFileSystemModel::data(pIndex, pRole);
-bool FolderSelectionModel::setData(const QModelIndex& pIndex, const QVariant& pValue, int pRole) {
-	if(!pIndex.isValid() || pIndex.column() != 0 || pRole != Qt::CheckStateRole) {
-		return QFileSystemModel::setData(pIndex, pValue, pRole);
-	}
-	// here we ignore the check value, we treat it as a toggle
-	// This is due to our using the Qt checking system in a virtual way
-	const QString lPath = filePath(pIndex);
-	const InclusionState lState = inclusionState(lPath);
-	switch(lState) {
-	case StateIncluded:
-	case StateIncludeInherited:
-		excludePath(lPath);
-		break;
-	default:
-		includePath(lPath);
-	}
-	QModelIndex lRecurseIndex = pIndex;
-	while(lRecurseIndex.isValid()) {
-		emit dataChanged(lRecurseIndex, lRecurseIndex);
-		lRecurseIndex = lRecurseIndex.parent();
-	}
-	return true;
-void FolderSelectionModel::includePath(const QString &pPath) {
-	const InclusionState lState = inclusionState(pPath);
-	if(lState == StateIncluded) {
-		return;
-	}
-	removeSubDirs(pPath);
-	if(lState == StateNone || lState == StateExcludeInherited) {
-		mIncludedPaths.insert(pPath);
-		emit includedPathAdded(pPath);
-	}
-	emit dataChanged(index(pPath), findLastLeaf(index(pPath)));
-void FolderSelectionModel::excludePath(const QString& pPath) {
-	const InclusionState lState = inclusionState(pPath);
-	if(lState == StateExcluded) {
-		return;
-	}
-	removeSubDirs(pPath);
-	if(lState == StateIncludeInherited) {
-		mExcludedPaths.insert(pPath);
-		emit excludedPathAdded(pPath);
-	}
-	emit dataChanged(index(pPath), findLastLeaf(index(pPath)));
-void FolderSelectionModel::setIncludedPaths(const QSet<QString> &pIncludedPaths) {
-	beginResetModel();
-	QSet<QString> lRemoved = mIncludedPaths - pIncludedPaths;
-	QSet<QString> lAdded = pIncludedPaths - mIncludedPaths;
-	mIncludedPaths = pIncludedPaths;
-	foreach(const QString &lRemovedPath, lRemoved) {
-		emit includedPathRemoved(lRemovedPath);
-	}
-	foreach(const QString &lAddedPath, lAdded) {
-		emit includedPathAdded(lAddedPath);
-	}
-	endResetModel();
-void FolderSelectionModel::setExcludedPaths(const QSet<QString> &pExcludedPaths) {
-	beginResetModel();
-	QSet<QString> lRemoved = mExcludedPaths - pExcludedPaths;
-	QSet<QString> lAdded = pExcludedPaths - mExcludedPaths;
-	mExcludedPaths = pExcludedPaths;
-	foreach(const QString &lRemovedPath, lRemoved) {
-		emit excludedPathRemoved(lRemovedPath);
-	}
-	foreach(const QString &lAddedPath, lAdded) {
-		emit excludedPathAdded(lAddedPath);
-	}
-	endResetModel();
-QSet<QString> FolderSelectionModel::includedPaths() const {
-	return mIncludedPaths;
-QSet<QString> FolderSelectionModel::excludedPaths() const {
-	return mExcludedPaths;
-FolderSelectionModel::InclusionState FolderSelectionModel::inclusionState(const QModelIndex& pIndex) const {
-	return inclusionState(filePath(pIndex));
-FolderSelectionModel::InclusionState FolderSelectionModel::inclusionState(const QString& pPath) const {
-	if(mIncludedPaths.contains(pPath)) {
-		return StateIncluded;
-	}
-	if(mExcludedPaths.contains(pPath)) {
-		return StateExcluded;
-	}
-	QString lParent = pPath.section(QDir::separator(), 0, -2, QString::SectionSkipEmpty|QString::SectionIncludeLeadingSep);
-	if(lParent.isEmpty()) {
-		return StateNone;
-	}
-	InclusionState state = inclusionState(lParent);
-	if(state == StateNone) {
-		return StateNone;
-	}
-	if(state == StateIncluded || state == StateIncludeInherited) {
-		return StateIncludeInherited;
-	}
-	return StateExcludeInherited;
-bool FolderSelectionModel::hiddenFoldersVisible() const {
-	return filter() & QDir::Hidden;
-void FolderSelectionModel::setHiddenFoldersVisible(bool pVisible){
-	if(pVisible) {
-		setFilter(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Hidden);
-	} else {
-		setFilter(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
-	}
-QModelIndex FolderSelectionModel::findLastLeaf(const QModelIndex &pIndex) {
-	QModelIndex lIndex = pIndex;
-	forever {
-		int lRowCount = rowCount(lIndex);
-		if(lRowCount > 0) {
-			lIndex = index(lRowCount-1, 0, lIndex);
-		} else {
-			return lIndex;
-		}
-	}
-void FolderSelectionModel::removeSubDirs(const QString& pPath) {
-	QSet<QString>::iterator it = mExcludedPaths.begin();
-	QString lPath = pPath + QStringLiteral("/");
-	while(it != mExcludedPaths.end()) {
-		if(*it == pPath || it->startsWith(lPath)) {
-			QString lPathCopy = *it;
-			it = mExcludedPaths.erase(it);
-			emit excludedPathRemoved(lPathCopy);
-		} else {
-			++it;
-		}
-	}
-	it = mIncludedPaths.begin();
-	while(it != mIncludedPaths.end()) {
-		if(*it == pPath || it->startsWith(lPath)) {
-			QString lPathCopy = *it;
-			it = mIncludedPaths.erase(it);
-			emit includedPathRemoved(lPathCopy);
-		} else {
-			++it;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/kcm/folderselectionmodel.h b/kcm/folderselectionmodel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0230b6d..0000000
--- a/kcm/folderselectionmodel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003 Scott Wheeler <wheeler@kde.org>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Max Howell <max.howell@methylblue.com>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Mark Kretschmann <markey@web.de>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Seb Ruiz <ruiz@kde.org>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Sebastian Trueg <trueg@kde.org>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-#include <QFileSystemModel>
-#include <QSet>
-class FolderSelectionModel : public QFileSystemModel
-	explicit FolderSelectionModel(bool pHiddenFoldersVisible = false, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	enum InclusionState {
-		StateNone,
-		StateIncluded,
-		StateExcluded,
-		StateIncludeInherited,
-		StateExcludeInherited
-	};
-	enum CustomRoles {
-		IncludeStateRole = 7777
-	};
-	Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const override;
-	QVariant data(const QModelIndex& pIndex, int pRole = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
-	bool setData(const QModelIndex& pIndex, const QVariant& pValue, int pRole = Qt::EditRole) override;
-	void setIncludedPaths(const QSet<QString> &pIncludedPaths);
-	void setExcludedPaths(const QSet<QString> &pExcludedPaths);
-	QSet<QString> includedPaths() const;
-	QSet<QString> excludedPaths() const;
-	/**
-	* Include the specified path. All subdirs will be reset.
-	*/
-	void includePath(const QString &pPath);
-	/**
-	* Exclude the specified path. All subdirs will be reset.
-	*/
-	void excludePath(const QString &pPath);
-	int columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const override { return 1; }
-	InclusionState inclusionState(const QModelIndex &pIndex) const;
-	InclusionState inclusionState(const QString &pPath) const;
-	bool hiddenFoldersVisible() const;
-public slots:
-	void setHiddenFoldersVisible(bool pVisible);
-	void includedPathAdded(const QString &pPath);
-	void excludedPathAdded(const QString &pPath);
-	void includedPathRemoved(const QString &pPath);
-	void excludedPathRemoved(const QString &pPath);
-	QModelIndex findLastLeaf(const QModelIndex& index);
-	void removeSubDirs(const QString& path);
-	QSet<QString> mIncludedPaths;
-	QSet<QString> mExcludedPaths;
diff --git a/kcm/kbuttongroup.cpp b/kcm/kbuttongroup.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f42717..0000000
--- a/kcm/kbuttongroup.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Pino Toscano <toscano.pino@tiscali.it>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kbuttongroup.h"
-#include <QChildEvent>
-#include <QHash>
-#include <QAbstractButton>
-#include <QSignalMapper>
-class KButtonGroup::Private
-    Private(KButtonGroup *q) :
-        q(q),
-        currentId(-1),
-        nextId(0),
-        wantToBeId(-1)
-    {
-        connect(&clickedMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), q, SLOT(slotClicked(int)));
-        connect(&pressedMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), q, SIGNAL(pressed(int)));
-        connect(&releasedMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), q, SIGNAL(released(int)));
-    }
-    void slotClicked(int id);
-    KButtonGroup *q;
-    QSignalMapper clickedMapper;
-    QSignalMapper pressedMapper;
-    QSignalMapper releasedMapper;
-    QHash<QObject *, int> btnMap;
-    int currentId;
-    int nextId;
-    int wantToBeId;
-KButtonGroup::KButtonGroup(QWidget *parent) : QGroupBox(parent), d(new Private(this))
-    delete d;
-void KButtonGroup::setSelected(int id)
-    if (!testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Polished)) {
-        d->wantToBeId = id;
-        ensurePolished();
-        return;
-    }
-    QHash<QObject *, int>::Iterator it = d->btnMap.begin();
-    QHash<QObject *, int>::Iterator itEnd = d->btnMap.end();
-    QAbstractButton *button = nullptr;
-    for (; it != itEnd; ++it) {
-        if ((it.value() == id) && (button = qobject_cast<QAbstractButton *>(it.key()))) {
-            button->setChecked(true);
-            d->currentId = id;
-            emit changed(id);
-            d->wantToBeId = -1;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    // button not found, it might still show up though, eg. because of premature polishing above
-    d->wantToBeId = id;
-int KButtonGroup::selected() const
-    return d->currentId;
-void KButtonGroup::childEvent(QChildEvent *event)
-    if (event->polished()) {
-        auto button = qobject_cast<QAbstractButton *>(event->child());
-        if (!d->btnMap.contains(event->child()) && button) {
-            connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), &d->clickedMapper, SLOT(map()));
-            d->clickedMapper.setMapping(button, d->nextId);
-            connect(button, SIGNAL(pressed()), &d->pressedMapper, SLOT(map()));
-            d->pressedMapper.setMapping(button, d->nextId);
-            connect(button, SIGNAL(released()), &d->releasedMapper, SLOT(map()));
-            d->releasedMapper.setMapping(button, d->nextId);
-            d->btnMap[button] = d->nextId;
-            if (d->nextId == d->wantToBeId) {
-                d->currentId = d->wantToBeId;
-                d->wantToBeId = -1;
-                button->setChecked(true);
-                emit changed(d->currentId);
-            }
-            ++d->nextId;
-        }
-    } else if (event->removed()) {
-        QObject *obj = event->child();
-        QHash<QObject *, int>::ConstIterator it = d->btnMap.constFind(obj);
-        if (it != d->btnMap.constEnd()) {
-            d->clickedMapper.removeMappings(obj);
-            d->pressedMapper.removeMappings(obj);
-            d->releasedMapper.removeMappings(obj);
-            if (it.value() == d->currentId) {
-                d->currentId = -1;
-            }
-            d->btnMap.remove(obj);
-        }
-    }
-    // be transparent
-    QGroupBox::childEvent(event);
-int KButtonGroup::id(QAbstractButton *button) const
-    QHash<QObject *, int>::ConstIterator it = d->btnMap.constFind(button);
-    if (it != d->btnMap.constEnd()) {
-        return it.value();
-    }
-    return -1;
-void KButtonGroup::Private::slotClicked(int id)
-    currentId = id;
-    emit q->clicked(id);
-    emit q->changed(id);
-#include "moc_kbuttongroup.cpp"
diff --git a/kcm/kbuttongroup.h b/kcm/kbuttongroup.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21b34f7..0000000
--- a/kcm/kbuttongroup.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006 Pino Toscano <toscano.pino@tiscali.it>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QGroupBox>
-class QAbstractButton;
- * @deprecated since 5.0, use QGroupBox and QButtonGroup instead
- *
- * @short Group box with index of the selected button
- * KButtonGroup is a simple group box that can keep track of the current selected
- * button of the ones added to it.
- *
- * Use normally as you would with a QGroupBox.
- *
- * \image html kbuttongroup.png "KDE Button Group containing 3 KPushButtons"
- *
- * @author Pino Toscano <toscano.pino@tiscali.it>
- */
-class KButtonGroup : public QGroupBox
-    Q_PROPERTY(int current READ selected WRITE setSelected NOTIFY changed USER true)
-    /**
-     * Construct a new empty KGroupBox.
-     */
-    explicit KButtonGroup(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
-    /**
-     * Destroys the widget.
-     */
-    ~KButtonGroup() override;
-    /**
-     * Return the index of the selected QAbstractButton, among the QAbstractButton's
-     * added to the widget.
-     * @return the index of the selected button
-     */
-    int selected() const;
-    /**
-     * @return the index of @p button.
-     * @since 4.3
-     */
-    int id(QAbstractButton *button) const;
-public Q_SLOTS:
-    /**
-     * Select the \p id -th button
-     */
-    void setSelected(int id);
-    /**
-     * The button with index \p id was clicked
-     */
-    void clicked(int id);
-    /**
-     * The button with index \p id was pressed
-     */
-    void pressed(int id);
-    /**
-     * The button with index \p id was released
-     */
-    void released(int id);
-    /**
-     * Emitted when anything (a click on a button, or calling setSelected())
-     * change the id of the current selected. \p id is the index of the new
-     * selected button.
-     */
-    void changed(int id);
-    /**
-     * Reimplemented from QGroupBox.
-     */
-    void childEvent(QChildEvent *event) override;
-    Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotClicked(int id))
-    class Private;
-    friend class Private;
-    Private *const d;
diff --git a/kcm/kcm_kup.desktop b/kcm/kcm_kup.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index c160df4..0000000
--- a/kcm/kcm_kup.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=kcmshell5 kcm_kup
-Name[ca]=Còpies de seguretat
-Name[ca@valencia]=Còpies de seguretat
-Name[es]=Copias de seguridad
-Name[it]=Copie di sicurezza
-Name[pt]=Cópias de Segurança
-Name[uk]=Резервні копії
-Comment=Configure backup plans
-Comment[ca]=Configura els plans de còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Configura els plans de còpia de seguretat
-Comment[en_GB]=Configure backup plans
-Comment[es]=Configurar planificación de copias de seguridad
-Comment[et]=Varukoopiakavade seadistamine
-Comment[eu]=Konfiguratu babes-kopia egitasmoak
-Comment[fr]=Configurer les plans de sauvegarde
-Comment[it]=Configura i piani di copia di sicurezza
-Comment[nl]=Back-up-plannen configureren
-Comment[pt]=Configurar os planos de cópias de segurança
-Comment[sv]=Anpassa säkerhetskopieringsplaner
-Comment[uk]=Налаштовування планів резервного копіювання
-Comment[x-test]=xxConfigure backup plansxx
-X-KDE-Keywords[ca]=còpia de seguretat,recuperació,seguretat
-X-KDE-Keywords[ca@valencia]=còpia de seguretat,recuperació,seguretat
-X-KDE-Keywords[es]=copiado, recuperación, seguridad
-X-KDE-Keywords[fr]=Sauvegarde, récupération, sécurité
-X-KDE-Keywords[it]=copia di sicurezza,ripristino,sicurezza
diff --git a/kcm/kupkcm.cpp b/kcm/kupkcm.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 947108e..0000000
--- a/kcm/kupkcm.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupkcm.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include "backupplanwidget.h"
-#include "kupdaemon.h"
-#include "kupsettings.h"
-#include "planstatuswidget.h"
-#include <QCheckBox>
-#include <QDBusInterface>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <QScrollArea>
-#include <QStackedLayout>
-#include <KAboutData>
-#include <KConfigDialogManager>
-#include <Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator>
-#include <KLineEdit>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KMessageBox>
-#include <KPluginFactory>
-#include <KProcess>
-K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(KupKcmFactory, registerPlugin<KupKcm>();)
-KupKcm::KupKcm(QWidget *pParent, const QVariantList &pArgs)
-    : KCModule(pParent, pArgs)
-	KAboutData lAbout(QStringLiteral("kcm_kup"), i18n("Kup Configuration Module"),
-	                  QStringLiteral("0.7.3"),
-	                  i18n("Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"),
-	                  KAboutLicense::GPL, i18n("Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"));
-	lAbout.addAuthor(i18n("Simon Persson"), i18n("Maintainer"), "simon.persson@mykolab.com");
-	lAbout.setTranslator(xi18nc("NAME OF TRANSLATORS", "Your names"),
-	                     xi18nc("EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS", "Your emails"));
-	setAboutData(new KAboutData(lAbout));
-	setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcm_kup")); //needed for the kconfigdialogmanager magic
-	setButtons((Apply | buttons()) & ~Default);
-	KProcess lBupProcess;
-	lBupProcess << QStringLiteral("bup") << QStringLiteral("version");
-	lBupProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::MergedChannels);
-	int lExitCode = lBupProcess.execute();
-	if(lExitCode >= 0) {
-		mBupVersion = QString::fromUtf8(lBupProcess.readAllStandardOutput());
-		KProcess lPar2Process;
-		lPar2Process << QStringLiteral("bup") << QStringLiteral("fsck") << QStringLiteral("--par2-ok");
-		mPar2Available = lPar2Process.execute() == 0;
-	} else {
-		mPar2Available = false;
-	}
-	KProcess lRsyncProcess;
-	lRsyncProcess << QStringLiteral("rsync") << QStringLiteral("--version");
-	lRsyncProcess.setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::MergedChannels);
-	lExitCode = lRsyncProcess.execute();
-	if(lExitCode >= 0) {
-		QString lOutput = QString::fromLocal8Bit(lRsyncProcess.readLine());
-		mRsyncVersion = lOutput.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts).at(2);
-	}
-	if(mBupVersion.isEmpty() && mRsyncVersion.isEmpty()) {
-		auto lSorryIcon = new QLabel;
-		lSorryIcon->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("dialog-error")).pixmap(64, 64));
-		QString lInstallMessage = i18n("<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2>"
-		                               "<p>Before you can activate any backup plan you need to "
-		                               "install either of</p>"
-		                               "<ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</li>"
-		                               "<li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>");
-		auto lSorryText = new QLabel(lInstallMessage);
-		lSorryText->setWordWrap(true);
-		auto lHLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-		lHLayout->addWidget(lSorryIcon);
-		lHLayout->addWidget(lSorryText, 1);
-		setLayout(lHLayout);
-	} else {
-		Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator lMigrator(QStringLiteral("kup"));
-		lMigrator.setConfigFiles(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("kuprc"));
-		lMigrator.migrate();
-		mConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kuprc"));
-		mSettings = new KupSettings(mConfig, this);
-		for(int i = 0; i < mSettings->mNumberOfPlans; ++i) {
-			mPlans.append(new BackupPlan(i+1, mConfig, this));
-			mConfigManagers.append(nullptr);
-			mPlanWidgets.append(nullptr);
-			mStatusWidgets.append(nullptr);
-		}
-		createSettingsFrontPage();
-		addConfig(mSettings, mFrontPage);
-		mStackedLayout = new QStackedLayout;
-		mStackedLayout->addWidget(mFrontPage);
-		setLayout(mStackedLayout);
-	}
-QSize KupKcm::sizeHint() const {
-	int lBaseWidth = fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance('M');
-	return {lBaseWidth * 65, lBaseWidth * 35};
-void KupKcm::load() {
-	if(mBupVersion.isEmpty() && mRsyncVersion.isEmpty()) {
-		return;
-	}
-	// status will be set correctly after construction, set to checked here to
-	// match the enabled status of other widgets
-	mEnableCheckBox->setChecked(true);
-	for(int i = 0; i < mSettings->mNumberOfPlans; ++i) {
-		if(!mConfigManagers.at(i))
-			createPlanWidgets(i);
-		mConfigManagers.at(i)->updateWidgets();
-	}
-	for(int i = mSettings->mNumberOfPlans; i < mPlans.count();) {
-		completelyRemovePlan(i);
-	}
-	KCModule::load();
-	// this call is needed because it could have been set true before, now load() is called
-	// because user pressed reset button. need to manually reset the "changed" state to false
-	// in this case.
-	unmanagedWidgetChangeState(false);
-void KupKcm::save() {
-	KConfigDialogManager *lManager;
-	BackupPlan *lPlan;
-	int lPlansRemoved = 0;
-	for(int i=0; i < mPlans.count(); ++i) {
-		lPlan = mPlans.at(i);
-		lManager = mConfigManagers.at(i);
-		if(lManager != nullptr) {
-			if(lPlansRemoved != 0) {
-				lPlan->removePlanFromConfig();
-				lPlan->setPlanNumber(i + 1);
-				// config manager does not detect a changed group name of the config items.
-				// To work around, read default settings - config manager will then notice
-				// changed values and save current widget status into the config using the
-				// new group name. If all settings for the plan already was default then
-				// nothing was saved anyway, either under old or new group name.
-				lPlan->setDefaults();
-			}
-			mPlanWidgets.at(i)->saveExtraData();
-			lManager->updateSettings();
-			mStatusWidgets.at(i)->updateIcon();
-			if(lPlan->mDestinationType == 1 && lPlan->mExternalUUID.isEmpty()) {
-				KMessageBox::information(this, xi18nc("@title:window", "Warning"),
-				                         xi18nc("@info %1 is the name of the backup plan",
-				                                "%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>"
-				                                "No backups will be saved by this plan.",
-				                                lPlan->mDescription),
-				                         QString(), KMessageBox::Dangerous);
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			lPlan->removePlanFromConfig();
-			delete mPlans.takeAt(i);
-			mConfigManagers.removeAt(i);
-			mStatusWidgets.removeAt(i);
-			mPlanWidgets.removeAt(i);
-			++lPlansRemoved;
-			--i;
-		}
-	}
-	mSettings->mNumberOfPlans = mPlans.count();
-	mSettings->save();
-	KCModule::save();
-	if(lInterface.isValid()) {
-		lInterface.call(QStringLiteral("reloadConfig"));
-	} else {
-		KProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("kup-daemon"));
-	}
-void KupKcm::updateChangedStatus() {
-	bool lHasUnmanagedChanged = false;
-	foreach(KConfigDialogManager *lConfigManager, mConfigManagers) {
-		if(!lConfigManager || lConfigManager->hasChanged()) {
-			lHasUnmanagedChanged = true;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if(mPlanWidgets.count() != mSettings->mNumberOfPlans)
-		lHasUnmanagedChanged = true;
-	unmanagedWidgetChangeState(lHasUnmanagedChanged);
-void KupKcm::showFrontPage() {
-	mStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(0);
-void KupKcm::createSettingsFrontPage() {
-	mFrontPage = new QWidget;
-	auto lHLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-	auto lVLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	auto lScrollArea = new QScrollArea;
-	auto lCentralWidget = new QWidget(lScrollArea);
-	mVerticalLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
-	lScrollArea->setWidget(lCentralWidget);
-	lScrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true);
-	lScrollArea->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame);
-	auto lAddPlanButton = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("list-add")),
-	                                              xi18nc("@action:button", "Add New Plan"));
-	connect(lAddPlanButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [this]{
-		mPlans.append(new BackupPlan(mPlans.count() + 1, mConfig, this));
-		if(mBupVersion.isEmpty()) mPlans.last()->mBackupType = 1;
-		mConfigManagers.append(nullptr);
-		mPlanWidgets.append(nullptr);
-		mStatusWidgets.append(nullptr);
-		createPlanWidgets(mPlans.count() - 1);
-		updateChangedStatus();
-		emit mStatusWidgets.at(mPlans.count() - 1)->configureMe();
-	});
-	mEnableCheckBox = new QCheckBox(xi18nc("@option:check", "Backups Enabled"));
-	mEnableCheckBox->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("kcfg_Backups enabled"));
-	connect(mEnableCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled, lAddPlanButton, &QPushButton::setEnabled);
-	lHLayout->addWidget(mEnableCheckBox);
-	lHLayout->addStretch();
-	lHLayout->addWidget(lAddPlanButton);
-	lVLayout->addLayout(lHLayout);
-	lVLayout->addWidget(lScrollArea);
-	mFrontPage->setLayout(lVLayout);
-	auto lFilediggerButton = new QPushButton(xi18nc("@action:button", "Open and restore from existing backups"));
-	connect(lFilediggerButton, &QPushButton::clicked, []{KProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("kup-filedigger"));});
-	mVerticalLayout->addWidget(lFilediggerButton);
-	mVerticalLayout->addStretch(1);
-	lCentralWidget->setLayout(mVerticalLayout);
-void KupKcm::createPlanWidgets(int pIndex) {
-	auto lPlanWidget = new BackupPlanWidget(mPlans.at(pIndex), mBupVersion,
-	                                         mRsyncVersion, mPar2Available);
-	connect(lPlanWidget, SIGNAL(requestOverviewReturn()), this, SLOT(showFrontPage()));
-	auto lConfigManager = new KConfigDialogManager(lPlanWidget, mPlans.at(pIndex));
-	lConfigManager->setObjectName(objectName());
-	connect(lConfigManager, SIGNAL(widgetModified()), this, SLOT(updateChangedStatus()));
-	auto lStatusWidget = new PlanStatusWidget(mPlans.at(pIndex));
-	connect(lStatusWidget, &PlanStatusWidget::removeMe, this, [this,pIndex]{
-		if(pIndex < mSettings->mNumberOfPlans)
-			partiallyRemovePlan(pIndex);
-		else
-			completelyRemovePlan(pIndex);
-		updateChangedStatus();
-	});
-	connect(lStatusWidget, &PlanStatusWidget::configureMe, this, [this,pIndex]{
-		mStackedLayout->setCurrentIndex(pIndex + 1);
-	});
-	connect(lStatusWidget, &PlanStatusWidget::duplicateMe, this, [this,pIndex]{
-		auto lNewPlan = new BackupPlan(mPlans.count() + 1, mConfig, this);
-		lNewPlan->copyFrom(*mPlans.at(pIndex));
-		mPlans.append(lNewPlan);
-		mConfigManagers.append(nullptr);
-		mPlanWidgets.append(nullptr);
-		mStatusWidgets.append(nullptr);
-		createPlanWidgets(mPlans.count() - 1);
-		// crazy trick to make the config system realize that stuff has changed
-		// and will need to be saved.
-		lNewPlan->setDefaults();
-		updateChangedStatus();
-	});
-	connect(mEnableCheckBox, &QCheckBox::toggled,
-	        lStatusWidget, &PlanStatusWidget::setEnabled);
-	connect(lPlanWidget->mDescriptionEdit, &KLineEdit::textChanged,
-	        lStatusWidget->mDescriptionLabel, &QLabel::setText);
-	mConfigManagers[pIndex] = lConfigManager;
-	mPlanWidgets[pIndex] = lPlanWidget;
-	mStackedLayout->insertWidget(pIndex + 1, lPlanWidget);
-	mStatusWidgets[pIndex] = lStatusWidget;
-	mVerticalLayout->insertWidget(pIndex, lStatusWidget);
-void KupKcm::completelyRemovePlan(int pIndex) {
-	mVerticalLayout->removeWidget(mStatusWidgets.at(pIndex));
-	mStackedLayout->removeWidget(mPlanWidgets.at(pIndex));
-	delete mConfigManagers.takeAt(pIndex);
-	delete mStatusWidgets.takeAt(pIndex);
-	delete mPlanWidgets.takeAt(pIndex);
-	delete mPlans.takeAt(pIndex);
-void KupKcm::partiallyRemovePlan(int pIndex) {
-	mVerticalLayout->removeWidget(mStatusWidgets.at(pIndex));
-	mStackedLayout->removeWidget(mPlanWidgets.at(pIndex));
-	mConfigManagers.at(pIndex)->deleteLater();
-	mConfigManagers[pIndex] = nullptr;
-	mStatusWidgets.at(pIndex)->deleteLater();
-	mStatusWidgets[pIndex] = nullptr;
-	mPlanWidgets.at(pIndex)->deleteLater();
-	mPlanWidgets[pIndex] = nullptr;
-#include "kupkcm.moc"
diff --git a/kcm/kupkcm.h b/kcm/kupkcm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6948860..0000000
--- a/kcm/kupkcm.h
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef KUPKCM_H
-#define KUPKCM_H
-#include <KCModule>
-#include <KSharedConfig>
-class BackupPlan;
-class BackupPlanWidget;
-class KupSettings;
-class KupSettingsWidget;
-class PlanStatusWidget;
-class KAssistantDialog;
-class KPageWidgetItem;
-class QPushButton;
-class QCheckBox;
-class QStackedLayout;
-class QVBoxLayout;
-class KupKcm : public KCModule
-	KupKcm(QWidget *pParent, const QVariantList &pArgs);
-	QSize sizeHint() const override;
-public slots:
-	void load() override;
-	void save() override;
-	void updateChangedStatus();
-	void showFrontPage();
-	void createSettingsFrontPage();
-	void createPlanWidgets(int pIndex);
-	void completelyRemovePlan(int pIndex);
-	void partiallyRemovePlan(int pIndex);
-	KSharedConfigPtr mConfig;
-	KupSettings *mSettings;
-	QWidget *mFrontPage{};
-	QList<BackupPlan *> mPlans;
-	QList<BackupPlanWidget *> mPlanWidgets;
-	QList<PlanStatusWidget *> mStatusWidgets;
-	QList<KConfigDialogManager *> mConfigManagers;
-	QStackedLayout *mStackedLayout;
-	QVBoxLayout *mVerticalLayout{};
-	QCheckBox *mEnableCheckBox{};
-	QString mBupVersion;
-	QString mRsyncVersion;
-	bool mPar2Available;
-#endif // KUPKCM_H
diff --git a/kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp b/kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a057bc..0000000
--- a/kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "planstatuswidget.h"
-#include "kupsettings.h"
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include <QBoxLayout>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <QPushButton>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-PlanStatusWidget::PlanStatusWidget(BackupPlan *pPlan, QWidget *pParent)
-    : QGroupBox(pParent), mPlan(pPlan)
-	auto lVLayout1 = new QVBoxLayout;
-	auto lVLayout2 = new QVBoxLayout;
-	auto lHLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout;
-	auto lHLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout;
-	mDescriptionLabel = new QLabel(mPlan->mDescription);
-	QFont lDescriptionFont = mDescriptionLabel->font();
-	lDescriptionFont.setPointSizeF(lDescriptionFont.pointSizeF() + 2.0);
-	lDescriptionFont.setBold(true);
-	mDescriptionLabel->setFont(lDescriptionFont);
-	mStatusIconLabel = new QLabel();
-	//TODO: add dbus interface to be notified from daemon when this is updated.
-	mStatusTextLabel = new QLabel(mPlan->statusText());
-	auto lConfigureButton = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("configure")),
-	                                                xi18nc("@action:button", "Configure"));
-	connect(lConfigureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(configureMe()));
-	auto lRemoveButton = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("list-remove")),
-	                                             xi18nc("@action:button", "Remove"));
-	connect(lRemoveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(removeMe()));
-	auto lCopyButton = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-duplicate")),
-	                                           xi18nc("@action:button", "Duplicate"));
-	connect(lCopyButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &PlanStatusWidget::duplicateMe);
-	lVLayout2->addWidget(mDescriptionLabel);
-	lVLayout2->addWidget(mStatusTextLabel);
-	lHLayout1->addLayout(lVLayout2);
-	lHLayout1->addStretch();
-	lHLayout1->addWidget(mStatusIconLabel);
-	lVLayout1->addLayout(lHLayout1);
-	lHLayout2->addStretch();
-	lHLayout2->addWidget(lCopyButton);
-	lHLayout2->addWidget(lConfigureButton);
-	lHLayout2->addWidget(lRemoveButton);
-	lVLayout1->addLayout(lHLayout2);
-	setLayout(lVLayout1);
-	updateIcon();
-void PlanStatusWidget::updateIcon() {
-	mStatusIconLabel->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme(BackupPlan::iconName(mPlan->backupStatus())).pixmap(64,64));
diff --git a/kcm/planstatuswidget.h b/kcm/planstatuswidget.h
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index dbaed3e..0000000
--- a/kcm/planstatuswidget.h
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QGroupBox>
-class BackupPlan;
-class KupSettings;
-class QPushButton;
-class QLabel;
-class PlanStatusWidget: public QGroupBox
-	explicit PlanStatusWidget(BackupPlan *pPlan, QWidget *pParent = nullptr);
-	BackupPlan *plan() const {return mPlan;}
-	BackupPlan *mPlan;
-	QLabel *mDescriptionLabel;
-	QLabel *mStatusIconLabel;
-	QLabel *mStatusTextLabel;
-public slots:
-	void updateIcon();
-	void removeMe();
-	void configureMe();
-	void duplicateMe();
diff --git a/kioslave/CMakeLists.txt b/kioslave/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d693c9..0000000
--- a/kioslave/CMakeLists.txt
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-    HEADER kupkio_debug.h
-    CATEGORY_NAME kup.kio
-add_library(kio_bup MODULE ${bupslave_SRCS})
diff --git a/kioslave/bup.protocol b/kioslave/bup.protocol
deleted file mode 100644
index eb08b37..0000000
--- a/kioslave/bup.protocol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Description=A kioslave for bup backup repositories
-Description[ca]=Un esclau «kio» per als repositoris de còpia de seguretat de «bup»
-Description[ca@valencia]=Un esclau «kio» per als repositoris de còpia de seguretat de «bup»
-Description[en_GB]=A kioslave for bup backup repositories
-Description[es]=Un «kioslave» para los repositorios de copia de seguridad de bup
-Description[et]=bup varukoopiahoidlate KIO-moodul
-Description[eu]=Bup backup gordetegietarako «kioslave» bat
-Description[fr]=Un module d'entrées / sorties pour vos dépôts de sauvegarde de Kup
-Description[it]=Un kioslave per i depositi delle copie di sicurezza di bup
-Description[nl]=Een kioslave voor bup back-up-opslagruimten
-Description[pt]=Um 'kioslave' para os repositórios de cópias de segurança do 'bup'
-Description[sv]=En I/O-slav för bup säkerhetskopieringsarkiv
-Description[uk]=Допоміжний засіб введення-виведення для сховищ резервних копій bup
-Description[x-test]=xxA kioslave for bup backup repositoriesxx
diff --git a/kioslave/bupslave.cpp b/kioslave/bupslave.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b18bd6a..0000000
--- a/kioslave/bupslave.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "bupvfs.h"
-#include <QCoreApplication>
-#include <QFile>
-#include <QVarLengthArray>
-#include <KIO/SlaveBase>
-using namespace KIO;
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <KProcess>
-#include <grp.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-class BupSlave : public SlaveBase
-	BupSlave(const QByteArray &pPoolSocket, const QByteArray &pAppSocket);
-	~BupSlave() override;
-	void close() override;
-	void get(const QUrl &pUrl) override;
-	void listDir(const QUrl &pUrl) override ;
-	void open(const QUrl &pUrl, QIODevice::OpenMode pMode) override;
-	void read(filesize_t pSize) override;
-	void seek(filesize_t pOffset) override;
-	void stat(const QUrl &pUrl) override;
-	void mimetype(const QUrl &pUrl) override;
-	bool checkCorrectRepository(const QUrl &pUrl, QStringList &pPathInRepository);
-	QString getUserName(uid_t pUid);
-	QString getGroupName(gid_t pGid);
-	void createUDSEntry(Node *pNode, KIO::UDSEntry & pUDSEntry, int pDetails);
-	QHash<uid_t, QString> mUsercache;
-	QHash<gid_t, QString> mGroupcache;
-	Repository *mRepository;
-	File *mOpenFile;
-BupSlave::BupSlave(const QByteArray &pPoolSocket, const QByteArray &pAppSocket)
-   : SlaveBase("bup", pPoolSocket, pAppSocket)
-	mRepository = nullptr;
-	mOpenFile = nullptr;
-	git_libgit2_init();
-BupSlave::~BupSlave() {
-	delete mRepository;
-	git_libgit2_shutdown();
-void BupSlave::close() {
-	mOpenFile = nullptr;
-	emit finished();
-void BupSlave::get(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	QStringList lPathInRepo;
-	if(!checkCorrectRepository(pUrl, lPathInRepo)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("No bup repository found.\n%1", pUrl.toDisplayString()));
-		return;
-	}
-	// Assume that a symlink should be followed.
-	// Kio will never call get() on a symlink if it actually wants to copy a
-	// symlink, it would just create a symlink on the destination kioslave using the
-	// target it already got from calling stat() on this one.
-	Node *lNode = mRepository->resolve(lPathInRepo, true);
-	if(lNode == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	File *lFile = qobject_cast<File *>(lNode);
-	if(lFile == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	emit mimeType(lFile->mMimeType);
-	// Emit total size AFTER mimetype
-	emit totalSize(lFile->size());
-	//make sure file is at the beginning
-	lFile->seek(0);
-	KIO::filesize_t lProcessedSize = 0;
-	const QString lResumeOffset = metaData(QStringLiteral("resume"));
-	if(!lResumeOffset.isEmpty()) {
-		bool ok;
-        quint64 lOffset = lResumeOffset.toULongLong(&ok);
-        if (ok && lOffset < lFile->size()) {
-			if(0 == lFile->seek(lOffset)) {
-				emit canResume();
-				lProcessedSize = lOffset;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	QByteArray lResultArray;
-	int lRetVal;
-	while(0 == (lRetVal = lFile->read(lResultArray))) {
-		emit data(lResultArray);
-        lProcessedSize += static_cast<quint64>(lResultArray.length());
-		emit processedSize(lProcessedSize);
-	}
-	if(lRetVal == KIO::ERR_NO_CONTENT) {
-		emit data(QByteArray());
-		emit processedSize(lProcessedSize);
-		emit finished();
-	} else {
-		emit error(lRetVal, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-	}
-void BupSlave::listDir(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	QStringList lPathInRepo;
-	if(!checkCorrectRepository(pUrl, lPathInRepo)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("No bup repository found.\n%1", pUrl.toDisplayString()));
-		return;
-	}
-	Node *lNode = mRepository->resolve(lPathInRepo, true);
-	if(lNode == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	auto lDir = qobject_cast<Directory *>(lNode);
-	if(lDir == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_IS_FILE, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	// give the directory a chance to reload if necessary.
-	lDir->reload();
-	const QString sDetails = metaData(QStringLiteral("details"));
-	const int lDetails = sDetails.isEmpty() ? 2 : sDetails.toInt();
-	NodeMapIterator i(lDir->subNodes());
-	UDSEntry lEntry;
-	while(i.hasNext()) {
-		createUDSEntry(i.next().value(), lEntry, lDetails);
-		emit listEntry(lEntry);
-	}
-	emit finished();
-void BupSlave::open(const QUrl &pUrl, QIODevice::OpenMode pMode) {
-	if(pMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITING, pUrl.toDisplayString());
-		return;
-	}
-	QStringList lPathInRepo;
-	if(!checkCorrectRepository(pUrl, lPathInRepo)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("No bup repository found.\n%1", pUrl.toDisplayString()));
-		return;
-	}
-	Node *lNode = mRepository->resolve(lPathInRepo, true);
-	if(lNode == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	File *lFile = qobject_cast<File *>(lNode);
-	if(lFile == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_IS_DIRECTORY, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	if(0 != lFile->seek(0)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, pUrl.toDisplayString());
-		return;
-	}
-	mOpenFile = lFile;
-	emit mimeType(lFile->mMimeType);
-	emit totalSize(lFile->size());
-	emit position(0);
-	emit opened();
-void BupSlave::read(filesize_t pSize) {
-	if(mOpenFile == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_READ, QString());
-		return;
-	}
-	QByteArray lResultArray;
-	int lRetVal = 0;
-    while(pSize > 0 && 0 == (lRetVal = mOpenFile->read(lResultArray, static_cast<int>(pSize)))) {
-        pSize -= static_cast<quint64>(lResultArray.size());
-		emit data(lResultArray);
-	}
-	if(lRetVal == 0) {
-		emit data(QByteArray());
-		emit finished();
-	} else {
-		emit error(lRetVal, mOpenFile->completePath());
-	}
-void BupSlave::seek(filesize_t pOffset) {
-	if(mOpenFile == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_SEEK, QString());
-		return;
-	}
-	if(0 != mOpenFile->seek(pOffset)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_SEEK, mOpenFile->completePath());
-		return;
-	}
-	emit position(pOffset);
-void BupSlave::stat(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	QStringList lPathInRepo;
-	if(!checkCorrectRepository(pUrl, lPathInRepo)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("No bup repository found.\n%1", pUrl.toDisplayString()));
-		return;
-	}
-	Node *lNode = mRepository->resolve(lPathInRepo);
-	if(lNode == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	const QString sDetails = metaData(QStringLiteral("details"));
-	const int lDetails = sDetails.isEmpty() ? 2 : sDetails.toInt();
-	UDSEntry lUDSEntry;
-	createUDSEntry(lNode, lUDSEntry, lDetails);
-	emit statEntry(lUDSEntry);
-	emit finished();
-void BupSlave::mimetype(const QUrl &pUrl) {
-	QStringList lPathInRepo;
-	if(!checkCorrectRepository(pUrl, lPathInRepo)) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED, i18n("No bup repository found.\n%1", pUrl.toDisplayString()));
-		return;
-	}
-	Node *lNode = mRepository->resolve(lPathInRepo);
-	if(lNode == nullptr) {
-		emit error(KIO::ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, lPathInRepo.join(QStringLiteral("/")));
-		return;
-	}
-	emit mimeType(lNode->mMimeType);
-	emit finished();
-bool BupSlave::checkCorrectRepository(const QUrl &pUrl, QStringList &pPathInRepository) {
-	// make this slave accept most URLs.. even incorrect ones. (no slash (wrong),
-	// one slash (correct), two slashes (wrong), three slashes (correct))
-	QString lPath;
-	if(!pUrl.host().isEmpty()) {
-		lPath = QStringLiteral("/") + pUrl.host() + pUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path() + '/';
-	} else {
-		lPath = pUrl.adjusted(QUrl::StripTrailingSlash).path() + '/';
-		if(!lPath.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
-			lPath.prepend(QLatin1Char('/'));
-		}
-	}
-	if(mRepository && mRepository->isValid()) {
-		if(lPath.startsWith(mRepository->objectName())) {
-			lPath.remove(0, mRepository->objectName().length());
-			pPathInRepository = lPath.split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-			return true;
-		}
-		delete mRepository;
-		mRepository = nullptr;
-	}
-	pPathInRepository = lPath.split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-	QString lRepoPath = QStringLiteral("/");
-	while(!pPathInRepository.isEmpty()) {
-		// make sure the repo path will end with a slash
-		lRepoPath += pPathInRepository.takeFirst();
-		lRepoPath += QStringLiteral("/");
-		if((QFile::exists(lRepoPath + QStringLiteral("objects")) &&
-		    QFile::exists(lRepoPath + QStringLiteral("refs"))) ||
-		      (QFile::exists(lRepoPath + QStringLiteral(".git/objects")) &&
-		       QFile::exists(lRepoPath + QStringLiteral(".git/refs")))) {
-			mRepository = new Repository(nullptr, lRepoPath);
-			return mRepository->isValid();
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
-QString BupSlave::getUserName(uid_t pUid) {
-	if(!mUsercache.contains(pUid)) {
-		struct passwd *lUserInfo = getpwuid(pUid);
-		if(lUserInfo) {
-			mUsercache.insert(pUid, QString::fromLocal8Bit(lUserInfo->pw_name));
-		}
-		else {
-			return QString::number(pUid);
-		}
-	}
-	return mUsercache.value(pUid);
-QString BupSlave::getGroupName(gid_t pGid) {
-	if(!mGroupcache.contains(pGid)) {
-		struct group *lGroupInfo = getgrgid(pGid);
-		if(lGroupInfo) {
-			mGroupcache.insert(pGid, QString::fromLocal8Bit(lGroupInfo->gr_name));
-		}
-		else {
-			return QString::number( pGid );
-		}
-	}
-	return mGroupcache.value(pGid);
-void BupSlave::createUDSEntry(Node *pNode, UDSEntry &pUDSEntry, int pDetails) {
-	pUDSEntry.clear();
-	pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_NAME, pNode->objectName());
-	if(!pNode->mSymlinkTarget.isEmpty()) {
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_LINK_DEST, pNode->mSymlinkTarget);
-		if(pDetails > 1) {
-			Node *lNode = qobject_cast<Node *>(pNode->parent())->resolve(pNode->mSymlinkTarget, true);
-			if(lNode != nullptr) { // follow symlink only if details > 1 and it leads to something
-				pNode = lNode;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_FILE_TYPE, pNode->mMode & S_IFMT);
-	pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS, pNode->mMode & 07777);
-	if(pDetails > 0) {
-        quint64 lSize = 0;
-		File *lFile = qobject_cast<File *>(pNode);
-		if(lFile != nullptr) {
-			lSize = lFile->size();
-		}
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_SIZE, static_cast<qint64>(lSize));
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MIME_TYPE, pNode->mMimeType);
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_ACCESS_TIME, pNode->mAtime);
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME, pNode->mMtime);
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_USER, getUserName(static_cast<uint>(pNode->mUid)));
-		pUDSEntry.fastInsert(KIO::UDSEntry::UDS_GROUP, getGroupName(static_cast<uint>(pNode->mGid)));
-	}
-extern "C" int Q_DECL_EXPORT kdemain(int pArgc, char **pArgv) {
-	QCoreApplication lApp(pArgc, pArgv);
-	QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(QStringLiteral("kio_bup"));
-	KLocalizedString::setApplicationDomain("kup");
-	if(pArgc != 4) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_bup protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n");
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	BupSlave lSlave(pArgv[2], pArgv[3]);
-	lSlave.dispatchLoop();
-	return 0;
diff --git a/kioslave/bupvfs.cpp b/kioslave/bupvfs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 483dfce..0000000
--- a/kioslave/bupvfs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "bupvfs.h"
-#include "kupkio_debug.h"
-#include <git2/blob.h>
-#include <git2/branch.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <QMimeDatabase>
-git_revwalk *Node::mRevisionWalker = nullptr;
-git_repository *Node::mRepository = nullptr;
-Node::Node(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-   :QObject(pParent), Metadata(pMode)
-	setObjectName(pName);
-int Node::readMetadata(VintStream &pMetadataStream) {
-	return ::readMetadata(pMetadataStream, *this);
-Node *Node::resolve(const QString &pPath, bool pFollowLinks) {
-	Node *lParentNode = this;
-	QString lTarget = pPath;
-	if(lTarget.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
-		lTarget.remove(0, 1);
-		lParentNode = parentCommit();
-	}
-	return lParentNode->resolve(lTarget.split(QLatin1Char('/'), QString::SkipEmptyParts), pFollowLinks);
-Node *Node::resolve(const QStringList &pPathList, bool pFollowLinks) {
-	Node *lNode = this;
-	foreach(QString lPathComponent, pPathList) {
-		if(lPathComponent == QStringLiteral(".")) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(lPathComponent == QStringLiteral("..")) {
-			lNode = qobject_cast<Node *>(lNode->parent());
-		} else {
-			auto lDir = qobject_cast<Directory *>(lNode);
-			if(lDir == nullptr) {
-				return nullptr;
-			}
-			lNode = lDir->subNodes().value(lPathComponent, nullptr);
-		}
-		if(lNode == nullptr) {
-			return nullptr;
-		}
-	}
-	if(pFollowLinks && !lNode->mSymlinkTarget.isEmpty()) {
-		return qobject_cast<Node *>(lNode->parent())->resolve(lNode->mSymlinkTarget, true);
-	}
-	return lNode;
-QString Node::completePath() {
-	QString lCompletePath;
-	Node *lNode = this;
-	while(lNode != nullptr) {
-		Node *lNewNode = qobject_cast<Node *>(lNode->parent());
-		if(lNewNode	== nullptr) { //this must be the repository, already starts and ends with slash.
-			QString lObjectName = lNode->objectName();
-			lObjectName.chop(1);
-			lCompletePath.prepend(lObjectName);
-		} else {
-			lCompletePath.prepend(lNode->objectName());
-			lCompletePath.prepend(QStringLiteral("/"));
-		}
-		lNode = lNewNode;
-	}
-	return lCompletePath;
-Node *Node::parentCommit() {
-	Node *lNode = this;
-	while(lNode != nullptr && qobject_cast<Branch *>(lNode->parent()) == nullptr) {
-		lNode = qobject_cast<Node *>(lNode->parent());
-	}
-	return lNode;
-//Node *Node::parentRepository() {
-//	Node *lNode = this;
-//	while(lNode->parent() != nullptr && qobject_cast<Repository *>(lNode) == nullptr) {
-//		lNode = qobject_cast<Node *>(lNode->parent());
-//	}
-//	return lNode;
-Directory::Directory(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-   :Node(pParent, pName, pMode)
-	mSubNodes = nullptr;
-	mMimeType = QStringLiteral("inode/directory");
-NodeMap Directory::subNodes() {
-	if(mSubNodes == nullptr) {
-		mSubNodes = new NodeMap();
-		generateSubNodes();
-	}
-	return *mSubNodes;
-int File::readMetadata(VintStream &pMetadataStream) {
-	int lRetVal = Node::readMetadata(pMetadataStream);
-	QByteArray lContent, lNextData;
-	seek(0);
-	while(lContent.size() < 1000 && 0 == read(lNextData)) {
-		lContent.append(lNextData);
-	}
-	seek(0);
-	QMimeDatabase db;
-	if(!lContent.isEmpty()) {
-		mMimeType = db.mimeTypeForFileNameAndData(objectName(), lContent).name();
-	} else {
-		mMimeType = db.mimeTypeForFile(objectName()).name();
-	}
-	return lRetVal;
-BlobFile::BlobFile(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-   : File(pParent, pName, pMode), mOid(*pOid), mBlob(nullptr)
-BlobFile::~BlobFile() {
-    git_blob_free(mBlob);
-int BlobFile::read(QByteArray &pChunk, qint64 pReadSize) {
-	if(mOffset >= size()) {
-		return KIO::ERR_NO_CONTENT;
-	}
-	git_blob *lBlob = cachedBlob();
-	if(lBlob == nullptr) {
-	}
-	quint64 lAvailableSize = size() - mOffset;
-	quint64 lReadSize = lAvailableSize;
-	if(pReadSize > 0 && static_cast<quint64>(pReadSize) < lAvailableSize) {
-		lReadSize = static_cast<quint64>(pReadSize);
-	}
-	pChunk = QByteArray::fromRawData(static_cast<const char *>(git_blob_rawcontent(lBlob)) + mOffset, static_cast<int>(lReadSize));
-	mOffset += lReadSize;
-	return 0;
-git_blob *BlobFile::cachedBlob() {
-	if(mBlob == nullptr) {
-		git_blob_lookup(&mBlob, mRepository, &mOid);
-	}
-	return mBlob;
-quint64 BlobFile::calculateSize() {
-	if(mSize >= 0) {
-		return static_cast<quint64>(mSize);
-	}
-	git_blob *lBlob = cachedBlob();
-	if(lBlob == nullptr) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return static_cast<quint64>(git_blob_rawsize(lBlob));
-ChunkFile::ChunkFile(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-   : File(pParent, pName, pMode), mOid(*pOid), mCurrentBlob(nullptr), mValidSeekPosition(false)
-	seek(0);
-ChunkFile::~ChunkFile() {
-	if(mCurrentBlob != nullptr) {
-		git_blob_free(mCurrentBlob);
-	}
-int ChunkFile::seek(quint64 pOffset) {
-	if(pOffset >= size()) {
-	}
-	if(mOffset == pOffset && mValidSeekPosition) {
-		return 0; // nothing to do, success
-	}
-	mOffset = pOffset;
-	mValidSeekPosition = false;
-	while(!mPositionStack.isEmpty()) {
-		delete mPositionStack.takeLast();
-	}
-	if(mCurrentBlob != nullptr) {
-		git_blob_free(mCurrentBlob);
-		mCurrentBlob = nullptr;
-	}
-	git_tree *lTree;
-	if(0 != git_tree_lookup(&lTree, mRepository, &mOid)) {
-	}
-	auto lCurrentPos = new TreePosition(lTree);
-	mPositionStack.append(lCurrentPos);
-	quint64 lLocalOffset = mOffset;
-	while(true) {
-		ulong lLower = 0;
-		const git_tree_entry *lLowerEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(lCurrentPos->mTree, lLower);
-		ulong lLowerOffset = 0;
-		ulong lUpper = git_tree_entrycount(lCurrentPos->mTree);
-		while(lUpper - lLower > 1) {
-			ulong lToCheck = lLower + (lUpper - lLower)/2;
-			const git_tree_entry *lCheckEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(lCurrentPos->mTree, lToCheck);
-			quint64 lCheckOffset;
-			if(!offsetFromName(lCheckEntry, lCheckOffset)) {
-				return KIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_SEEK;
-			}
-			if(lCheckOffset > lLocalOffset) {
-				lUpper = lToCheck;
-			} else {
-				lLower = lToCheck;
-				lLowerEntry = lCheckEntry;
-				lLowerOffset = lCheckOffset;
-			}
-		}
-		lCurrentPos->mIndex = lLower;
-		// the remainder of the offset will be a local offset into the blob or into the subtree.
-		lLocalOffset -= lLowerOffset;
-		if(S_ISDIR(git_tree_entry_filemode(lLowerEntry))) {
-			git_tree *lTree;
-			if(0 != git_tree_lookup(&lTree, mRepository, git_tree_entry_id(lLowerEntry))) {
-				return KIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_SEEK;
-			}
-			lCurrentPos = new TreePosition(lTree);
-			mPositionStack.append(lCurrentPos);
-		} else {
-			lCurrentPos->mSkipSize = lLocalOffset;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	mValidSeekPosition = true;
-	return 0; // success.
-int ChunkFile::read(QByteArray &pChunk, qint64 pReadSize) {
-	if(mOffset >= size()) {
-		return KIO::ERR_NO_CONTENT;
-	}
-	if(!mValidSeekPosition) {
-	}
-	TreePosition *lCurrentPos = mPositionStack.last();
-	if(mCurrentBlob != nullptr && lCurrentPos->mSkipSize == 0) {
-		// skipsize has been reset, this means current blob has been exhausted. Free it
-		// now as we're about to fetch a new one.
-		git_blob_free(mCurrentBlob);
-		mCurrentBlob = nullptr;
-	}
-	if(mCurrentBlob == nullptr) {
-		const git_tree_entry *lTreeEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(lCurrentPos->mTree, lCurrentPos->mIndex);
-		if(0 != git_blob_lookup(&mCurrentBlob, mRepository, git_tree_entry_id(lTreeEntry))) {
-		}
-	}
-	auto lTotalSize = static_cast<quint64>(git_blob_rawsize(mCurrentBlob));
-	if(lTotalSize < lCurrentPos->mSkipSize) { // this must mean a corrupt bup tree somehow
-	}
-	quint64 lAvailableSize = lTotalSize - lCurrentPos->mSkipSize;
-	quint64 lReadSize = lAvailableSize;
-	if(pReadSize > 0 && static_cast<quint64>(pReadSize) < lAvailableSize) {
-		lReadSize = static_cast<quint64>(pReadSize);
-	}
-	pChunk = QByteArray::fromRawData(static_cast<const char *>(git_blob_rawcontent(mCurrentBlob)) + lCurrentPos->mSkipSize, static_cast<int>(lReadSize));
-	mOffset += lReadSize;
-	lCurrentPos->mSkipSize += lReadSize;
-	// check if it's time to find next blob.
-	if(lCurrentPos->mSkipSize == lTotalSize) {
-		lCurrentPos->mSkipSize = 0;
-		lCurrentPos->mIndex++;
-		while(true) {
-			if(lCurrentPos->mIndex < git_tree_entrycount(lCurrentPos->mTree)) {
-				const git_tree_entry *lTreeEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(lCurrentPos->mTree, lCurrentPos->mIndex);
-				if(S_ISDIR(git_tree_entry_filemode(lTreeEntry))) {
-					git_tree *lTree;
-					if(0 != git_tree_lookup(&lTree, mRepository, git_tree_entry_id(lTreeEntry))) {
-						return KIO::ERR_COULD_NOT_READ;
-					}
-					lCurrentPos = new TreePosition(lTree); // will have index and skipsize initialized to zero.
-					mPositionStack.append(lCurrentPos);
-				} else {
-					// it's a blob
-					break;
-				}
-			} else {
-				delete mPositionStack.takeLast();
-				if(mPositionStack.isEmpty()) {
-					Q_ASSERT(mOffset == size());
-					break;
-				}
-				lCurrentPos = mPositionStack.last();
-				lCurrentPos->mIndex++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 0; // success.
-quint64 ChunkFile::calculateSize() {
-	if(mSize >= 0) {
-		return static_cast<quint64>(mSize);
-	}
-	return calculateChunkFileSize(&mOid, mRepository);
-ChunkFile::TreePosition::TreePosition(git_tree *pTree) {
-	mTree = pTree;
-	mIndex = 0;
-	mSkipSize = 0;
-ChunkFile::TreePosition::~TreePosition() {
-	git_tree_free(mTree);
-ArchivedDirectory::ArchivedDirectory(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-   : Directory(pParent, pName, pMode)
-	mOid = *pOid;
-	mMetadataStream = nullptr;
-	mTree = nullptr;
-	if(0 != git_tree_lookup(&mTree, mRepository, &mOid)) {
-		return;
-	}
-	const git_tree_entry *lTreeEntry = git_tree_entry_byname(mTree, ".bupm");
-	if(lTreeEntry != nullptr && 0 == git_blob_lookup(&mMetadataBlob, mRepository, git_tree_entry_id(lTreeEntry))) {
-		mMetadataStream = new VintStream(git_blob_rawcontent(mMetadataBlob), static_cast<int>(git_blob_rawsize(mMetadataBlob)), this);
-		readMetadata(*mMetadataStream); // the first entry is metadata for the directory itself
-	}
-void ArchivedDirectory::generateSubNodes() {
-	if(mTree == nullptr) {
-		return;
-	}
-	ulong lEntryCount = git_tree_entrycount(mTree);
-	for(uint i = 0; i < lEntryCount; ++i) {
-		uint lMode;
-		const git_oid *lOid;
-		QString lName;
-		bool lChunked;
-		const git_tree_entry *lTreeEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(mTree, i);
-		getEntryAttributes(lTreeEntry, lMode, lChunked, lOid, lName);
-		if(lName == QStringLiteral(".bupm")) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		Node *lSubNode = nullptr;
-		if(S_ISDIR(lMode)) {
-			lSubNode = new ArchivedDirectory(this, lOid, lName, lMode);
-		} else if(S_ISLNK(lMode)) {
-			lSubNode = new Symlink(this, lOid, lName, lMode);
-		} else if(lChunked) {
-			lSubNode = new ChunkFile(this, lOid, lName, lMode);
-		} else {
-			lSubNode = new BlobFile(this, lOid, lName, lMode);
-		}
-		mSubNodes->insert(lName, lSubNode);
-		if(!S_ISDIR(lMode) && mMetadataStream != nullptr) {
-			lSubNode->readMetadata(*mMetadataStream);
-		}
-	}
-	if(mMetadataStream != nullptr) {
-		delete mMetadataStream;
-		mMetadataStream = nullptr;
-		git_blob_free(mMetadataBlob);
-		mMetadataBlob = nullptr;
-	}
-	git_tree_free(mTree);
-	mTree = nullptr;
-Branch::Branch(Node *pParent, const char *pName)
-   : Directory(pParent, QString::fromLocal8Bit(pName).remove(0, 11), DEFAULT_MODE_DIRECTORY)
-	mRefName = QByteArray(pName);
-	QByteArray lPath = parent()->objectName().toLocal8Bit();
-	lPath.append(mRefName);
-	struct stat lStat;
-	if(0 == stat(lPath, &lStat)) {
-		mAtime = lStat.st_atime;
-		mMtime = lStat.st_mtime;
-	}
-void Branch::reload() {
-	if(mSubNodes == nullptr) {
-		mSubNodes = new NodeMap();
-	}
-	// potentially changed content in a branch, generateSubNodes is written so
-	// that it can be called repeatedly.
-	generateSubNodes();
-void Branch::generateSubNodes() {
-	if(0 != git_revwalk_push_ref(mRevisionWalker, mRefName)) {
-		return;
-	}
-	git_oid lOid;
-	while(0 == git_revwalk_next(&lOid, mRevisionWalker)) {
-		git_commit *lCommit;
-		if(0 != git_commit_lookup(&lCommit, mRepository, &lOid)) {
-			continue;
-		}
-		QString lCommitTimeLocal = vfsTimeToString(git_commit_time(lCommit));
-		if(!mSubNodes->contains(lCommitTimeLocal)) {
-			Directory * lDirectory = new ArchivedDirectory(this, git_commit_tree_id(lCommit),
-			                                               lCommitTimeLocal, DEFAULT_MODE_DIRECTORY);
-			lDirectory->mMtime = git_commit_time(lCommit);
-			mSubNodes->insert(lCommitTimeLocal, lDirectory);
-		}
-		git_commit_free(lCommit);
-	}
-Repository::Repository(QObject *pParent, const QString &pRepositoryPath)
-   : Directory(pParent, pRepositoryPath, DEFAULT_MODE_DIRECTORY)
-	if(!objectName().endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
-		setObjectName(objectName() + QLatin1Char('/'));
-	}
-	if(0 != git_repository_open(&mRepository, pRepositoryPath.toLocal8Bit())) {
-		qCWarning(KUPKIO) << "could not open repository " << pRepositoryPath;
-		mRepository = nullptr;
-		return;
-	}
-	git_strarray lBranchNames;
-	git_reference_list(&lBranchNames, mRepository);
-	for(uint i = 0; i < lBranchNames.count; ++i) {
-		QString lRefName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(lBranchNames.strings[i]);
-		if(lRefName.startsWith(QStringLiteral("refs/heads/"))) {
-			QString lPath = objectName();
-			lPath.append(lRefName);
-			struct stat lStat;
-			stat(lPath.toLocal8Bit(), &lStat);
-			if(lStat.st_atime > mAtime) {
-				mAtime = lStat.st_atime;
-			}
-			if(lStat.st_mtime > mMtime) {
-				mMtime = lStat.st_mtime;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	git_strarray_free(&lBranchNames);
-	if(0 != git_revwalk_new(&mRevisionWalker, mRepository)) {
-		qCWarning(KUPKIO) << "could not create a revision walker in repository " << pRepositoryPath;
-		mRevisionWalker = nullptr;
-		return;
-	}
-Repository::~Repository() {
-	if(mRepository != nullptr) {
-		git_repository_free(mRepository);
-	}
-	if(mRevisionWalker != nullptr) {
-		git_revwalk_free(mRevisionWalker);
-	}
-void Repository::generateSubNodes() {
-	git_strarray lBranchNames;
-	git_reference_list(&lBranchNames, mRepository);
-	for(uint i = 0; i < lBranchNames.count; ++i) {
-		auto lRefName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(lBranchNames.strings[i]);
-		if(lRefName.startsWith(QStringLiteral("refs/heads/"))) {
-			auto lBranch = new Branch(this, lBranchNames.strings[i]);
-			mSubNodes->insert(lBranch->objectName(), lBranch);
-		}
-	}
-	git_strarray_free(&lBranchNames);
diff --git a/kioslave/bupvfs.h b/kioslave/bupvfs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6119154..0000000
--- a/kioslave/bupvfs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef BUPVFS_H
-#define BUPVFS_H
-#include <QHash>
-#include <QObject>
-#include <kio/global.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "vfshelpers.h"
-class Node: public QObject, public Metadata {
-	Node(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode);
-	~Node() override {}
-	virtual int readMetadata(VintStream &pMetadataStream);
-	Node *resolve(const QString &pPath, bool pFollowLinks = false);
-	Node *resolve(const QStringList &pPathList, bool pFollowLinks = false);
-	QString completePath();
-	Node *parentCommit();
-//	Node *parentRepository();
-	QString mMimeType;
-	static git_revwalk *mRevisionWalker;
-	static git_repository *mRepository;
-typedef QHash<QString, Node*> NodeMap;
-typedef QHashIterator<QString, Node*> NodeMapIterator;
-class Directory: public Node {
-	Directory(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode);
-	~Directory() override {
-		delete mSubNodes;
-	}
-	virtual NodeMap subNodes();
-	virtual void reload() {}
-	virtual void generateSubNodes() {}
-	NodeMap *mSubNodes;
-class File: public Node {
-	File(QObject *pParent, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-	   :Node(pParent, pName, pMode)
-	{
-		mOffset = 0;
-		mCachedSize = 0;
-	}
-	virtual quint64 size() {
-		if(mCachedSize == 0) {
-			mCachedSize = calculateSize();
-		}
-		return mCachedSize;
-	}
-	virtual int seek(quint64 pOffset) {
-		if(pOffset >= size()) {
-		}
-		mOffset = pOffset;
-		return 0; // success
-	}
-	virtual int read(QByteArray &pChunk, qint64 pReadSize = -1) = 0;
-	int readMetadata(VintStream &pMetadataStream) override;
-	virtual quint64 calculateSize() = 0;
-	quint64 mOffset;
-	quint64 mCachedSize;
-class BlobFile: public File {
-	BlobFile(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode);
-	~BlobFile() override;
-	int read(QByteArray &pChunk, qint64 pReadSize = -1) override;
-	git_blob *cachedBlob();
-	quint64 calculateSize() override;
-	git_oid mOid{};
-	git_blob *mBlob;
-class Symlink: public BlobFile {
-	Symlink(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode)
-	   : BlobFile(pParent, pOid, pName, pMode)
-	{
-		QByteArray lArray;
-		if(0 == read(lArray)) {
-			mSymlinkTarget = QString::fromUtf8(lArray.data(), lArray.size());
-			seek(0);
-		}
-	}
-class ChunkFile: public File {
-	ChunkFile(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode);
-	~ChunkFile() override;
-	int seek(quint64 pOffset) override;
-	int read(QByteArray &pChunk, qint64 pReadSize = -1) override;
-	quint64 calculateSize() override;
-	git_oid mOid;
-	git_blob *mCurrentBlob;
-	struct TreePosition {
-		TreePosition(git_tree *pTree);
-		~TreePosition();
-		git_tree *mTree;
-		ulong mIndex;
-		quint64 mSkipSize;
-	};
-	QList<TreePosition *> mPositionStack;
-	bool mValidSeekPosition;
-class ArchivedDirectory: public Directory {
-	ArchivedDirectory(Node *pParent, const git_oid *pOid, const QString &pName, qint64 pMode);
-	void generateSubNodes() override;
-	git_oid mOid{};
-	git_blob *mMetadataBlob{};
-	git_tree *mTree;
-	VintStream *mMetadataStream;
-class Branch: public Directory {
-	Branch(Node *pParent, const char *pName);
-	void reload() override;
-	void generateSubNodes() override;
-	QByteArray mRefName;
-class Repository: public Directory {
-	Repository(QObject *pParent, const QString &pRepositoryPath);
-	~Repository() override;
-	bool isValid() {
-		return mRepository != nullptr && mRevisionWalker != nullptr;
-	}
-	void generateSubNodes() override;
-#endif // BUPVFS_H
diff --git a/kioslave/vfshelpers.cpp b/kioslave/vfshelpers.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8a565..0000000
--- a/kioslave/vfshelpers.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "vfshelpers.h"
-#include <QBuffer>
-#include <QByteArray>
-#include <QDateTime>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-static const int cRecordEnd = 0;
-//static const int cRecordPath = 1;
-static const int cRecordCommonV1 = 2; // times, user, group, type, perms, etc. (legacy version 1)
-static const int cRecordSymlinkTarget = 3;
-//static const int cRecordPosix1eAcl = 4; // getfacl(1), setfacl(1), etc.
-//static const int cRecordNfsV4Acl = 5; // intended to supplant posix1e acls?
-//static const int cRecordLinuxAttr = 6; // lsattr(1) chattr(1)
-//static const int cRecordLinuxXattr = 7; // getfattr(1) setfattr(1)
-//static const int cRecordHardlinkTarget = 8;
-static const int cRecordCommonV2 = 9; // times, user, group, type, perms, etc.
-static const int cRecordCommonV3 = 10; // times, user, group, type, perms, etc.
-VintStream::VintStream(const void *pData, int pSize, QObject *pParent)
-   : QObject(pParent)
-	mByteArray = QByteArray::fromRawData(static_cast<const char *>(pData), pSize);
-	mBuffer = new QBuffer(&mByteArray, this);
-	mBuffer->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);
-VintStream &VintStream::operator>>(qint64 &pInt) {
-	char c;
-	if(!mBuffer->getChar(&c)) {
-		throw 1;
-	}
-	int lOffset = 6;
-	bool lNegative = (c & 0x40);
-	pInt = c & 0x3F;
-	while(c & 0x80) {
-		if(!mBuffer->getChar(&c)) {
-			throw 1;
-		}
-		pInt |= (c & 0x7F) << lOffset;
-		lOffset += 7;
-	}
-	if(lNegative) {
-		pInt = -pInt;
-	}
-	return *this;
-VintStream &VintStream::operator >>(quint64 &pUint) {
-	char c;
-	int lOffset = 0;
-	pUint = 0;
-	do {
-		if(!mBuffer->getChar(&c)) {
-			throw 1;
-		}
-		pUint |= static_cast<quint64>((c & 0x7F) << lOffset);
-		lOffset += 7;
-	} while(c & 0x80);
-	return *this;
-VintStream &VintStream::operator >>(QString &pString) {
-	QByteArray lBytes;
-	*this >> lBytes;
-	pString = QString::fromUtf8(lBytes);
-	return *this;
-VintStream &VintStream::operator >>(QByteArray &pByteArray) {
-	quint64 lByteCount;
-	*this >> lByteCount;
-	pByteArray.resize(static_cast<int>(lByteCount));
-	if(mBuffer->read(pByteArray.data(), pByteArray.length()) < pByteArray.length()) {
-		throw 1;
-	}
-	return *this;
-qint64 Metadata::mDefaultUid;
-qint64 Metadata::mDefaultGid;
-bool Metadata::mDefaultsResolved = false;
-Metadata::Metadata(qint64 pMode) {
-	mMode = pMode;
-	mAtime = 0;
-	mMtime = 0;
-	if(!mDefaultsResolved) {
-		mDefaultUid = getuid();
-		mDefaultGid = getgid();
-		mDefaultsResolved = true;
-	}
-	mUid = mDefaultUid;
-	mGid = mDefaultGid;
-	mSize = -1;
-int readMetadata(VintStream &pMetadataStream, Metadata &pMetadata) {
-	try {
-		quint64 lTag;
-		do {
-			pMetadataStream >> lTag;
-			switch(lTag) {
-			case cRecordCommonV1: {
-				qint64 lNotUsedInt;
-				quint64 lNotUsedUint, lTempUint;
-				QString lNotUsedString;
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedUint >> lTempUint;
-				pMetadata.mMode = static_cast<qint64>(lTempUint);
-				pMetadataStream >> lTempUint >> lNotUsedString; // user name
-				pMetadata.mUid = static_cast<qint64>(lTempUint);
-				pMetadataStream >> lTempUint >> lNotUsedString; // group name
-				pMetadata.mGid = static_cast<qint64>(lTempUint);
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedUint; // device number
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mAtime >> lNotUsedUint; //nanoseconds
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mMtime >> lNotUsedUint; // nanoseconds
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedInt >> lNotUsedUint; // status change time
-				break;
-			}
-			case cRecordCommonV2: {
-				qint64 lNotUsedInt;
-				quint64 lNotUsedUint;
-				QString lNotUsedString;
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedUint >> pMetadata.mMode;
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mUid >> lNotUsedString; // user name
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mGid >> lNotUsedString; // group name
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedInt; // device number
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mAtime >> lNotUsedUint; //nanoseconds
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mMtime >> lNotUsedUint; // nanoseconds
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedInt >> lNotUsedUint; // status change time
-				break;
-			}
-			case cRecordCommonV3: {
-				qint64 lNotUsedInt;
-				quint64 lNotUsedUint;
-				QString lNotUsedString;
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedUint >> pMetadata.mMode;
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mUid >> lNotUsedString; // user name
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mGid >> lNotUsedString; // group name
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedInt; // device number
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mAtime >> lNotUsedUint; //nanoseconds
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mMtime >> lNotUsedUint; // nanoseconds
-				pMetadataStream >> lNotUsedInt >> lNotUsedUint; // status change time
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mSize;
-				break;
-			}
-			case cRecordSymlinkTarget: {
-				pMetadataStream >> pMetadata.mSymlinkTarget;
-				break;
-			}
-			default: {
-				if(lTag != cRecordEnd) {
-					QByteArray lNotUsed;
-					pMetadataStream >> lNotUsed;
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			}
-		} while(lTag != cRecordEnd);
-	} catch(int) {
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0; // success
-quint64 calculateChunkFileSize(const git_oid *pOid, git_repository *pRepository) {
-	quint64 lLastChunkOffset = 0;
-	quint64 lLastChunkSize = 0;
-	uint lMode;
-	do {
-		git_tree *lTree;
-		if(0 != git_tree_lookup(&lTree, pRepository, pOid)) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-		ulong lEntryCount = git_tree_entrycount(lTree);
-		const git_tree_entry *lEntry = git_tree_entry_byindex(lTree, lEntryCount - 1);
-		quint64 lEntryOffset;
-		if(!offsetFromName(lEntry, lEntryOffset)) {
-			git_tree_free(lTree);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		lLastChunkOffset += lEntryOffset;
-		pOid = git_tree_entry_id(lEntry);
-		lMode = git_tree_entry_filemode(lEntry);
-		git_tree_free(lTree);
-	} while(S_ISDIR(lMode));
-	git_blob *lBlob;
-	if(0 != git_blob_lookup(&lBlob, pRepository, pOid)) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	lLastChunkSize = static_cast<quint64>(git_blob_rawsize(lBlob));
-	git_blob_free(lBlob);
-	return lLastChunkOffset + lLastChunkSize;
-bool offsetFromName(const git_tree_entry *pEntry, quint64 &pUint) {
-	bool lParsedOk;
-	pUint = QString::fromUtf8(git_tree_entry_name(pEntry)).toULongLong(&lParsedOk, 16);
-	return lParsedOk;
-void getEntryAttributes(const git_tree_entry *pTreeEntry, uint &pMode, bool &pChunked, const git_oid *&pOid, QString &pName) {
-	pMode = git_tree_entry_filemode(pTreeEntry);
-	pOid = git_tree_entry_id(pTreeEntry);
-	pName = QString::fromUtf8(git_tree_entry_name(pTreeEntry));
-	pChunked = false;
-	if(pName.endsWith(QStringLiteral(".bupl"))) {
-		pName.chop(5);
-	} else if(pName.endsWith(QStringLiteral(".bup"))) {
-		pName.chop(4);
-		pChunked = true;
-	}
-QString vfsTimeToString(git_time_t pTime) {
-	QDateTime lDateTime;
-	lDateTime.setSecsSinceEpoch(pTime);
-	return lDateTime.toLocalTime().toString(QStringLiteral("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"));
diff --git a/kioslave/vfshelpers.h b/kioslave/vfshelpers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index baa8196..0000000
--- a/kioslave/vfshelpers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QString>
-class QBuffer;
-#include <git2.h>
-#define DEFAULT_MODE_FILE 0100644
-class VintStream: public QObject {
-	VintStream(const void *pData, int pSize, QObject *pParent);
-	VintStream &operator>>(qint64 &pInt);
-	VintStream &operator>>(quint64 &pUint);
-	VintStream &operator>>(QString &pString);
-	VintStream &operator>>(QByteArray &pByteArray);
-	QByteArray mByteArray;
-	QBuffer *mBuffer;
-struct Metadata {
-	Metadata() {}
-	Metadata(qint64 pMode);
-	qint64 mMode;
-	qint64 mUid;
-	qint64 mGid;
-	qint64 mAtime;
-	qint64 mMtime;
-	qint64 mSize; //negative if invalid
-	QString mSymlinkTarget;
-	static qint64 mDefaultUid;
-	static qint64 mDefaultGid;
-	static bool mDefaultsResolved;
-int readMetadata(VintStream &pMetadataStream, Metadata &pMetadata);
-quint64 calculateChunkFileSize(const git_oid *pOid, git_repository *pRepository);
-bool offsetFromName(const git_tree_entry *pEntry, quint64 &pUint);
-void getEntryAttributes(const git_tree_entry *pTreeEntry, uint &pMode, bool &pChunked, const git_oid *&pOid, QString &pName);
-QString vfsTimeToString(git_time_t pTime);
-#endif // VFSHELPERS_H
diff --git a/logo.png b/logo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e2abfaa..0000000
Binary files a/logo.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/org.kde.kup.appdata.xml b/org.kde.kup.appdata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ab349..0000000
--- a/org.kde.kup.appdata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<component type="addon">
-  <id>org.kde.kup</id>
-  <extends>org.kde.plasmashell</extends>
-  <metadata_license>FSFAP</metadata_license>
-  <project_license>GPL-2.0+</project_license>
-  <name>Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="ca">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="ca-valencia">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="cs">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="en-GB">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="es">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="et">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="eu">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="fr">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="id">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="it">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="nl">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="pt">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="pt-BR">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="ru">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="sk">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="sv">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="uk">Kup</name>
-  <name xml:lang="x-test">xxKupxx</name>
-  <name xml:lang="zh-TW">Kup</name>
-  <summary>Backup scheduler for KDE's Plasma desktop</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="ca">Planificador de la còpia de seguretat per a l'escriptori Plasma del KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="ca-valencia">Planificador de la còpia de seguretat per a l'escriptori Plasma del KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="en-GB">Backup scheduler for KDE's Plasma desktop</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="es">Organizador de copias de seguridad para el escritorio KDE Plasma</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="et">KDE Plasma töölaua varukoopiate tegemise ajakava</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="eu">Babes-kopia antolatzailea KDEko Plasma mahaigainerako</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="fr">Planificateur de sauvegarde pour le bureau Plasma de KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="id">Penjadwalan cadangan untuk desktop Plasma KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="it">Pianificatore di copie di sicurezza per il desktop Plasma di KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="nl">Planner van back-ups voor Plasma bureaublad van KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="pt">Agendamento de cópias de segurança para a área de trabalho do Plasma</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="pt-BR">Agendador de backups para a área de trabalho Plasma da KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="sv">Schemaläggning av säkerhetskopiering för KDE:s Plasma-skrivbord</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="uk">Засіб планування резервного копіювання для стільниці Плазми KDE</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="x-test">xxBackup scheduler for KDE's Plasma desktopxx</summary>
-  <summary xml:lang="zh-TW">KDE Plasma 桌面的備份排程工具</summary>
-  <description>
-    <p>Kup can help you remember to keep up-to-date backups of your personal files. It provides:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="ca">El Kup ajuda a recordar el mantenir actualitzades les còpies de seguretat dels fitxers personals. Proporciona:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="ca-valencia">El Kup ajuda a recordar el mantindre actualitzades les còpies de seguretat dels fitxers personals. Proporciona:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="en-GB">Kup can help you remember to keep up-to-date backups of your personal files. It provides:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="es">Kup puede ayudarle a mantener copias de seguridad actualizadas de sus archivos personales. Proporciona:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="et">Kup aitab sul meeles pidada vajadust varundada aegsasti oma isiklikke faile. See võimaldab:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="eu">Kup-ek zure fitxategi propioen babes-kopiak egunean mantentzea gogoratzen lagunduko dizu. Hau ematen du:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="fr">Kup peut vous aider à vous conserver vos sauvegardes à jour pour vos fichiers personnels. Il propose :</p>
-    <p xml:lang="id">Kup bisa membantu kamu mengingatkan agar pencadangan tetap terbarukan pada file-file personalmu. Ini menyediakan:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="it">Kup può aiutarti a ricordare di mantenere aggiornate le copie di sicurezza dei tuoi file personali. Fornisce:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="nl">Kup kan u helpen te herinneren om up-to-date back-ups van uw persoonlijke bestanden te maken. Het biedt:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="pt">O Kup pode ajudá-lo a recordar-se das cópias de segurança actualizadas dos seus ficheiros pessoais. Oferece:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="pt-BR">O Kup pode ajudá-lo a lembrar de manter backups atualizados de seus arquivos pessoais. Ele fornece:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="sv">Kup kan hjälpa till att komma ihåg att ha aktuella säkerhetskopior av personliga filer. Det tillhandahåller:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="uk">Kup може допомогти вам у підтриманні актуальності резервних копій ваших особистих файлів. Програма має такі можливості:</p>
-    <p xml:lang="x-test">xxKup can help you remember to keep up-to-date backups of your personal files. It provides:xx</p>
-    <ul>
-      <li>Incremental backup archive with the use of "bup".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca">Arxiu per a còpia de seguretat incremental emprant «bup».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca-valencia">Arxiu per a còpia de seguretat incremental emprant «bup».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="en-GB">Incremental backup archive with the use of "bup".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="es">Copias de seguridad incrementales usando «bup».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="et">Inkrementvarundamist "bup" abil.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="eu">Babes-kopia artxibo inkrementalak «bup» erabiliz.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="fr">Une archive incrémentale de sauvegarde avec l'utilisation de « bup ».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="id">Arsip cadangan tambahan dengan penggunaan "bup".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="it">Archivi di copie di sicurezza incrementali mediante l'uso di «bup».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="nl">Incrementeel back-uparchief met gebruik van "bup".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="pt">Cópias de segurança incrementais com o uso do "bup".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="sv">Inkrementellt säkerhetskopieringsarkiv med användning av "bup".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="uk">Створення нарощувальних резервних копій за допомогою програми bup.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="x-test">xxIncremental backup archive with the use of "bup".xx</li>
-      <li xml:lang="zh-TW">使用「bup」增量備份封存檔。</li>
-      <li>Synchronized folders with the use of "rsync".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca">Carpetes sincronitzades emprant «rsync».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca-valencia">Carpetes sincronitzades emprant «rsync».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="en-GB">Synchronised folders with the use of "rsync".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="es">Carpetas sincronizadas usando «rsync»</li>
-      <li xml:lang="et">Kataloogide sünkroonimist "rsync" abil.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="eu">Karpeta sinkronizatuak «rsync» erabiliz.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="fr">Dossiers synchronisés avec l'utilisation de « rsync ».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="id">Folder-folder yang tersinkronisasikan dengan penggunaan "rsync".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="it">Cartelle sincronizzate mediante l'uso di «rsync».</li>
-      <li xml:lang="nl">Gesynchroniseerde mappen met gebruik van "rsync".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="pt">Pastas sincronizadas com o uso do "rsync".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="sv">Synkroniserade kataloger med användning av "rsync".</li>
-      <li xml:lang="uk">Синхронізація тек за допомогою програми rsync.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="x-test">xxSynchronized folders with the use of "rsync".xx</li>
-      <li xml:lang="zh-TW">使用「rsync」同步資料夾。</li>
-      <li>Support for local filesystem or external usb storage.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca">Suport per a sistema de fitxers local o emmagatzematge extern USB.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca-valencia">Suport per a sistema de fitxers local o emmagatzematge extern USB.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="en-GB">Support for local filesystem or external USB storage.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="es">Soporte para sistema de archivos local o almacenaje USB externo.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="et">Salvestamist kohalikku failisüsteemi või välisele USB-pulgale.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="eu">Fitxategi-sistema lokaleko edo kanpoko USBko biltegiratze euskarria.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="fr">La prise en charge du système local de fichiers ou sur un stockage USB externe.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="id">Dukungan untuk filesystem lokal atau penyimpanan usb eksternal.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="it">Supporto per file i filesystem locali oppure per le memorie usb esterne.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="nl">Ondersteuning voor een lokale bestandssysteem of externe usb-opslag.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="pt">Suporte para o sistema de ficheiros local ou para o armazenamento externo em USB.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="sv">Stöd för lokala filsystem eller extern USB-lagring</li>
-      <li xml:lang="uk">Підтримка локальних файлових систем та зовнішніх сховищ даних USB.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="x-test">xxSupport for local filesystem or external usb storage.xx</li>
-      <li>Monitor availability of backup destinations, like for example a mounted network storage.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca">Supervisa la disponibilitat de les destinacions per a còpia de seguretat, com ara un emmagatzematge de xarxa muntat.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca-valencia">Supervisa la disponibilitat de les destinacions per a còpia de seguretat, com ara un emmagatzematge de xarxa muntat.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="en-GB">Monitor availability of backup destinations, like for example a mounted network storage.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="es">Monitorización de disponibilidad de destinos para las copias de seguridad, como por ejemplo almacenamiento de red.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="et">Varundamise sihtkohtade saadavuse jälgimist, mis on oluline näiteks ühendamist vajava võrgusalvesti puhul.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="eu">Gainbegiratu babes-kopia jomugen eskuragarritasuna, muntatutako sareko biltegiratze bat esaterako.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="fr">Surveillance de la disponibilité des destinations de sauvegarde, comme par exemple, un stockage monté en réseau.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="id">Memantau ketersediaan tujuan cadangan, seperti misalnya tempat penyimpanan jaringan yang terkaitkan.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="it">Controllo della disponibilità delle destinazioni della copia di sicurezza, ad esempio delle unità di memorizzazione di rete montate.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="nl">Beschikbaarheid van bestemmingen voor back-ups te monitoren, zoals bijvoorbeeld voor aangekoppelde netwerkopslag.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="pt">Monitorização da disponibilidade dos destinos das cópias de segurança, como por exemplo um armazenamento na rede montado.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="sv">Övervakning av säkerhetskopieringsmål, som exempelvis monterad nätverkslagring.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="uk">Спостереження за доступністю місць зберігання резервних копій, зокрема змонтованих сховищ даних у локальній мережі.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="x-test">xxMonitor availability of backup destinations, like for example a mounted network storage.xx</li>
-      <li>Integration into KDE's Plasma desktop.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca">Integració amb l'escriptori Plasma del KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="ca-valencia">Integració amb l'escriptori Plasma del KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="en-GB">Integration into KDE's Plasma desktop.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="es">Integración con el escritorio KDE Plasma.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="et">Lõimimist KDE Plasma töölauga.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="eu">KDEren Plasma mahaigainean bateratzea.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="fr">Intégration avec le bureau Plasma de KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="id">Integrasi ke dalam desktop Plasma KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="it">Integrazione col desktop Plasma di KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="nl">Integratie in het bureaublad Plasma van KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="pt">Integração na área de trabalho Plasma do KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="sv">Integration med KDE:s Plasma-skrivbord.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="uk">Інтеграція із стільницею Плазми KDE.</li>
-      <li xml:lang="x-test">xxIntegration into KDE's Plasma desktop.xx</li>
-      <li xml:lang="zh-TW">整合至 KDE Plasma 桌面</li>
-    </ul>
-  </description>
-  <icon type="stock">kup</icon>
-  <screenshots>
-    <screenshot type="default">
-      <image>https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/kup/kup.png</image>
-    </screenshot>
-  </screenshots>
-  <project_group>KDE</project_group>
-  <developer_name>Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="ca">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="ca-valencia">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="en-GB">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="es">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="et">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="eu">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="fr">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="id">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="it">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="nl">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="pt">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="pt-BR">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="sv">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="uk">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="x-test">xxSimon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;xx</developer_name>
-  <developer_name xml:lang="zh-TW">Simon Persson &lt;simon.persson@mykolab.com&gt;</developer_name>
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce264d..0000000
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
-import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
-import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
-import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
-Item {
-	Layout.minimumWidth: units.gridUnit * 12
-	Layout.minimumHeight: units.gridUnit * 12
-	PlasmaExtras.Heading {
-		width: parent.width
-		level: 3
-		opacity: 0.6
-		text: getCommonStatus("no plan reason", "")
-		visible: planCount == 0
-	}
-	ColumnLayout {
-		anchors.fill: parent
-		PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea {
-			Layout.fillWidth: true
-			Layout.fillHeight: true
-			ListView {
-				model: planCount
-				delegate: planDelegate
-				boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Component {
-		id: planDelegate
-		Column {
-			width: parent.width
-			spacing: theme.defaultFont.pointSize
-			RowLayout {
-				width: parent.width
-				Column {
-					Layout.fillWidth: true
-					PlasmaExtras.Heading {
-						level: 3
-						text: getPlanStatus(index, "description")
-					}
-					PlasmaExtras.Heading {
-						level: 4
-						text: getPlanStatus(index, "status heading")
-					}
-					PlasmaExtras.Paragraph {
-						text: getPlanStatus(index, "status details")
-					}
-				}
-				PlasmaCore.IconItem {
-					source: getPlanStatus(index, "icon name")
-					Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignTop
-					Layout.preferredWidth: units.iconSizes.huge
-					Layout.preferredHeight: units.iconSizes.huge
-				}
-			}
-			Flow {
-				width: parent.width
-				spacing: theme.defaultFont.pointSize
-				PlasmaComponents.Button {
-					text: i18nd("kup", "Save new backup")
-					visible: getPlanStatus(index, "destination available") &&
-								!getPlanStatus(index, "busy")
-					onClicked: startOperation(index, "save backup")
-				}
-				PlasmaComponents.Button {
-					text: i18nd("kup", "Show files")
-					visible: getPlanStatus(index, "destination available")
-					onClicked: startOperation(index, "show backup files")
-				}
-				PlasmaComponents.Button {
-					text: i18nd("kup", "Show log file")
-					visible: getPlanStatus(index, "log file exists")
-					onClicked: startOperation(index, "show log file")
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function getPlanStatus(planNumber, key){
-		return backupPlans.data["plan " + planNumber.toString()][key];
-	}
-	function startOperation(i, name) {
-		var service = backupPlans.serviceForSource(i.toString());
-		var operation = service.operationDescription(name);
-		service.startOperationCall(operation);
-	}
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Main.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Main.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index eb08314..0000000
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Main.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
-import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
-Item {
-	Plasmoid.switchWidth: units.gridUnit * 10
-	Plasmoid.switchHeight: units.gridUnit * 10
-	Plasmoid.toolTipMainText: getCommonStatus("tooltip title", "Error")
-	Plasmoid.toolTipSubText: getCommonStatus("tooltip subtitle", "No connection")
-	Plasmoid.icon: getCommonStatus("tooltip icon name", "kup")
-	Plasmoid.status: getCommonStatus("tray icon active", false)
-						  ? PlasmaCore.Types.ActiveStatus
-						  : PlasmaCore.Types.PassiveStatus
-	PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-		id: backupPlans
-		engine: "backups"
-		connectedSources: sources
-		onSourceAdded: {
-			disconnectSource(source);
-			connectSource(source);
-		}
-		onSourceRemoved: {
-			disconnectSource(source);
-		}
-	}
-	function getCommonStatus(key, def){
-		var result = backupPlans.data["common"][key];
-		if(result === undefined) {
-			result = def;
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	property int planCount: backupPlans.data["common"]["plan count"]
-	Plasmoid.fullRepresentation: FullRepresentation {}
-	Plasmoid.compactRepresentation: PlasmaCore.IconItem {
-		source: "kup"
-		width: units.iconSizes.medium;
-		height: units.iconSizes.medium;
-		MouseArea {
-			anchors.fill: parent
-			onClicked: plasmoid.expanded = !plasmoid.expanded
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/plasmoid/metadata.desktop b/plasmoid/metadata.desktop
deleted file mode 100644
index 1397a02..0000000
--- a/plasmoid/metadata.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Simon Persson
-X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=System Information
-Name=Backup Status
-Name[ca]=Estat de la còpia de seguretat
-Name[ca@valencia]=Estat de la còpia de seguretat
-Name[en_GB]=Backup Status
-Name[es]=Estado de la copia de seguridad
-Name[et]=Varundamise olek
-Name[eu]=Babes-kopiaren egoera
-Name[fr]=État de sauvegarde
-Name[it]=Stato della copia di sicurezza
-Name[nl]=Status van back-up
-Name[pt]=Estado da Cópia de Segurança
-Name[pt_BR]=Status do backup
-Name[sk]=Stav záloh
-Name[uk]=Стан резервного копіювання
-Name[x-test]=xxBackup Statusxx
-Comment=Displays status of backup plans
-Comment[ca]=Mostra l'estat dels plans per a còpia de seguretat
-Comment[ca@valencia]=Mostra l'estat dels plans per a còpia de seguretat
-Comment[en_GB]=Displays status of backup plans
-Comment[es]=Muestra el estado de las planificaciones de las copias de seguridad
-Comment[et]=Varukoopiakavade oleku näitamine
-Comment[eu]=Azaldu babes-kopia egitasmoen egoera
-Comment[fr]=Affiche l'état des plans de sauvegarde
-Comment[it]=Visualizza lo stato dei piani delle copie di sicurezza
-Comment[nl]=Status van back-up-plannen tonen
-Comment[pt]=Mostra o estado dos planos de cópias de segurança
-Comment[sv]=Visar status för säkerhetskopieringsplaner
-Comment[uk]=Показує стан планів резервного копіювання
-Comment[x-test]=xxDisplays status of backup plansxx
diff --git a/po/bs/kup.po b/po/bs/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f6cda1..0000000
--- a/po/bs/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1479 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Asmer Mlaćo <asmerovski@gmail.com>, 2015
-# Asmer Mlaćo <asmerovski@gmail.com>, 2016-2017
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-31 05:49+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (http://www.transifex.com/"
-"Language: bs_BA\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
-"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Aplikacija<application>bup</application> potrebna za rad, ali nije nađena. "
-"Možda nije instalirana?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Aplikacija<application>par2</application> potrebna za rad, ali nije nađena. "
-"Možda nije instalirana?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Odredište za pohranu backupa ne može biti inicijalizirano. Za detaljan info, "
-"pogledajte log datoteku"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Provjeravam integritet backupa"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera integriteta backupa neuspješna. Vaši backupi su vjerovatno "
-"oštećeni. Pogledajte log datoteku. Da li želite pokušati popravak backup "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera integriteta backupa neuspješna. Vaši backupi su vjerovatno "
-"oštećeni. Pogledajte log datoteku za detalje."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Neuspješan završetak backupa. Za detaljan info, pogledajte log datoteku."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Kreiraj informacije za oporavak"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Generisanje recovery informacije nije uspjelo. Za više informacija, "
-"pogledajte log datoteku."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datoteka"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Popravka backup arhive nije uspjela. Backupi su vjerovatno oštećeni! "
-"Provjerite log datoteku."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Popravke na backupu su uspješne. Za detaljan info, pogledajte log datoteku."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Popravljanje backupa nije potrebno. Backupi nisu oštećeni. Za detelje, "
-"provjerite log datoteku."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Popravka backupa neuspješna. Backupi su najvjerovatnije oštećeni! Provjerite "
-"log datoteku za detalje."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera integriteta backupa neuspješna. Backupi su oštećeni! Provjerite log "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info notification"
-#| msgid "Backup integrity test was successful, Your backups are fine."
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr "Test integriteta backupa usješan. Backupi su ispravni."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Provjera integriteta backupa neuspješna. Vaši backupi su oštećeni. "
-"Pogledajte log datoteku. Da li želite pokušati popravak backup datoteka?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Tip backupa u konfiguraciji nije validan."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Nemate permisije da pišete na backup odredište"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Dalje"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Zaustavi"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Backupi"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Odredište za backup nije dostupno"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Odredište za backup dostupno"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Status backupa: OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Predlažem novi backup"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Potreban novi backup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup nije omogućen, omogućite ga kroz System Setting modul. Možete to uraditi "
-"pokretanjem sljedeće komande: <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup daemon"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup je fleksibilno backup rješenje koje koristi bup system pohrane podataka. "
-"To mu omogućava da brzo izvrši inkementalne backupe, pomoću kojih se "
-"spašavaju samo dijelovi datoteka koji su se promijenili od zadnjeg backupa."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Održavatelj"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Vaša imena"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "Vaši e-mailovi"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Provjeravam integritet backupa"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Popravljam backupe"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Da li želite sada pokrenuti prvi backup?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Već je prošlo %1 od zadnjeg backupa.\n"
-"Da li želite pokrenuti novi backup?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Da"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ne"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Neuspješna pohrana backupa"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Prikaži log datoteku"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Pohrana backupa završena"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Provjera integriteta završena"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Popravka završena"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup Backup System"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Aplikacija<application>rsync</application> potrebna za rad, ali nije nađena. "
-"Možda nije instalirana?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened.Check if "
-#| "the backups really are located there."
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup arhiva <filename>%1</filename> se ne može otvoriti. Provjerite da li "
-"su backupi stvarno locirani tamo."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Nemate permisije potrebne za čitanje ove backup arhive."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "File Digger"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Pretraživač bup arhiva"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Ime grane koju treba otvoriti."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Putanja do bup repozitorija koju treba otvoriti."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Nije moguće pročitati ovu backup arhivu. Možda su datoteke oštećene. Da li "
-"želite pokrenuti provjeru integriteta arhive?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (folder)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (simbolički link)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(datoteka)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Novi folder..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Nije odabrano odredište, molim odaberite ga."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Desio se problem kod dobavljanja liste datoteka za restore: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Odredište nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora. Molim odaberite drugo odredište, "
-"ili oslobodite prostora na trenutnom odredištu."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- spašeno u %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Folder već postoji, odaberite rješenje"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Datoteka već postoji"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Ime koje ste unijeli već postoji, molim odaberite drugo ime."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Novi folder"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Novi folder"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Kreirajte novi folder u:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Folder sa nazivom %1 već postoji."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Nemate permisije da kreirate %1"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Vodič za povratak podataka"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Vratite na originalnu lokaciju"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Odaberite gdje vratiti"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Nazad"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Naprijed"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Vrati folder pod novim imenom"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Udruži foldere"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Navedene datoteke će biti prepisane, molim potvrdite da želite nastaviti."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Nazad"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Potvrdi"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Vraćam"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-#| msgid "An error occured while restoring:"
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Greška prilikom vraćanja podataka:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Vraćanje podataka uspjelo!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Otvori odredište"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zatvori"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Vraćam"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datoteka"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Otvori"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Vrati"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Isključi mapu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Uključi mapu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nemate dozvolu da čitate ovu mapu: <filename>%1</filename><nl/> Nije ju "
-"moguće uključiti u odabir. Ako ne sadrži ništa bitno za vas, jedno od "
-"mogućih rješenja je da je isključite iz plana za izradu sigurnosne kopije."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nemate dozvolu da čitate ovu datoteku: <filename>%1</filename><nl/> Nije ju "
-"moguće uključiti u odabir. Ako ne sadrži ništa bitno za vas, jedno od "
-"mogućih rješenja je da je isključite iz plana za izradu sigurnosne kopije."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Simbolički link <filename>%1</filename> je uključen u izradu kopije, ali "
-"pokazuje na mapu koja nije uključena u izradu kopije: <filename>%2</"
-"filename>.<nl/>Ovov vjerovatno nije ono što želite. Moguće rješenje je da "
-"uključite i povezanu mapu u izradu kopije."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Simbolički link <filename>%1</filename> je uključen u izradu kopije, ali "
-"pokazuje na datoteku koja nije uključena u izradu kopije: <filename>%2</"
-"filename>.<nl/>Ovo vjerovatno nije ono što želite. Moguće rješenje je da "
-"uključite i povezanu mapu u izradu kopije."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Odaberi folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Opis"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Nazad na pregled"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj tip backupa je <emphasis>arhiva</emphasis>. On sadrži zadnju, i sve "
-"prethodne verzije datoteka koje ste spasili. Korištenje ovog tipa backupa "
-"dozvoljava vraćanje starijih verzija vaših datoteka, ili datoteka koje su "
-"pobrisane sa vašeg kompjutera. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Verzionirani backup (nije dostupan jer <application>bup</application> nije "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Backup sa verzijama (preporučeno)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-#| "source folders. Taking a backup simply means making the backup "
-#| "destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now "
-#| "and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will "
-#| "get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect "
-#| "you against data loss due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you "
-#| "to recover from your own mistakes."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Ovaj tip backupa je ustvari folder koji je sinhroniziran sa izvornim "
-"folderom kojeg želite spasiti. Odredišna datoteka sadrži identičnu kopiju "
-"izvornih foldera i ništa drugo. Ako izbrišete datoteku u izvornom folderu, "
-"datoteka će biti pobrisana i na odredištu. Ovaj tip backup-a može vas "
-"zaštititi od slučajnog gubitka podataka zbog oštećenog hard diska, ali ne "
-"može vas zaštititi od vlatitih grešaka."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Backup sa sinhronizacijom (nije dostupan, jer <application>rsync</"
-"application> nije instaliran)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Sinhronizirani backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tip backup-a"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Odaberite koji tip backup-a želite"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Izvorišta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Odaberite foldere koje želite uključiti u backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Putanja na file sistemu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Vanjska pohrana"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, "
-#| "an external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just "
-#| "that you always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path "
-#| "specified here does not need to exist at all times, its existance will be "
-#| "monitored."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Ovu opciju možete koristiti za backup na drugi hard disk, eksterni eSATA "
-"disk ili na mrežni uređaj. Jedino što je potrebno je da ga mountate uvijek "
-"na istu putanju. Putanja koju specificirate ovdje ne mora postojati, ali će "
-"biti monitorirana."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Odredišna putanja za backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Koristite ovu opciju ako želite backup na eksterni disk koji je priključen "
-"na vaš kompjuter, kao što su USB hard disk i stik."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Navedeni folder će biti kreiran ako ne postoji."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Folder na odredišnom disku:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Otvorite dijalog da odaberete folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Odredište"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Odaberite odredište za backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Ručna aktivacija"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Aktivno vrijeme korištenja"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backups are only taken when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-#| "the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Backupi će se izvršiti samo ako je to manualno zatraženo. Za ovo možete "
-"korititi meni u ikoni sistemskih obavještenja."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup "
-#| "was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Novi backup će se pokrenuti kada odredište postane dostupno, i ako je prošlo "
-"više od konfigurisanog intervala otkako se desio zadnji backup."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Sati"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dana"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Sedmica"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and you have been using your computer actively for more than the "
-#| "configured time limit since the last backup was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Novi backup će se pokrenuti kada odredište postane dostupno, i ako je prošlo "
-"više od konfigurisanog intervala otkako aktivno koristite računar."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Traži potvrdu prije pokretanja backup-a."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Raspored"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Specificirajte raspored backup-a"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Prikaži skrivene foldere kod odabira izvora backup-a"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Ovo omogućava da se eksplicitno uključe ili isključe skrivene datoteke kod "
-"odabira šta će ići u sigurnosnu kopiju. Skrivene mape imaju imena koja "
-"počinju sa tačkom. Obično su locirani u vašoj korisničkoj mapi, i služe da "
-"se drže postavke i privremene datateke vaših aplikacija."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Ova opcija će povećati korištenje diska za 10%, i spašavanje sigurnosnih "
-"kopija će potrajati malo duže. Zbog ovoga će biti moguće spašavanje "
-"sigurnosnih kopija iz djelimično oštećenih kopija."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Kreiraj informacije za oporavak"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Generisanje inforamcija za oporavak (nije dostupno jer  <application>par2</"
-"application> nije instalirana)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Provjeri integritet backup-a"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Provjerava cijelu sigurnosnu kopiju na oštećenja svaki put kada spašavate "
-"podatke. Spašavanje kopija će trajati malo duže, ali dopušta detekciju "
-"problema u slučaju oštećenja prije trenutka kada trebate vratiti sigurnosne "
-"kopije, a tada već može biti prekasno."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Otvorite dijalog da odaberete folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Napredno"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Dodatne opcije za napredne korisnike"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Priključite vanjski disk koji želite koristiti i odaberite ga u ovoj listi"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(odspojen)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 slobodno"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Particija %1 na %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 on %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 ukupni kapacitet"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Upozorenje: Simbolički linkovi i dozvole na datotekama ne mogu biti spašene "
-"na ovaj datotečni sistem. Dozvole na datotekama su bitne samo ako ima više "
-"korisnika ovog računara ili ako spašavate programe i izvršne datoteke."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Upozorenje: Dozvole na datotekama ne mogu biti spašene na ovaj datotečni "
-"sistem. Dozvole na datotekama su bitne samo ako ima više korisnika ovog "
-"računara ili ako spašavate programe i izvršne datoteke."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>biće uključen u backup, osim subfoldera koji "
-"nemaju kvačicu."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>će biti uključen u backup"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>neće</emphasis> biti uključen u "
-"backup, ali sadrži foldere koji će biti uključeni."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>neće</emphasis> biti uključen u "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Konfiguracijski modul aplikacije Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Postavka planova za sigurnosne kopijeza Kup backup sistem"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Nedostaju programi za backup</h2><p>Prije nego možete aktivirati bilo "
-"koji plan sigurnosnih kopija, morate instalirati ili</p><ul><li>bup, za "
-"verzionirane kopije ili</li><li>rsync, za sinhronizovane kopije</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Upozorenje"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 nema odredište!<nl/>Rezervne kopije iz ove specifikacije neće biti "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Dodaj novi plan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Backupi uključeni"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Podesi"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Ukloni"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr ""
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"bup repozitorij nije pronađen.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Prikaži datoteke"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Prikaži log datoteku"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Backup plan %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Backupi"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Slobodan prostor: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Ovaj backup plan nikad nije pokrenut."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/ca/kup.po b/po/ca/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index cc8f8ff..0000000
--- a/po/ca/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1468 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of kup.po to Catalan
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 This_file_is_part_of_KDE
-# This file is distributed under the license LGPL version 2.1 or
-# version 3 or later versions approved by the membership of KDE e.V.
-# Antoni Bella Pérez <antonibella5@yahoo.com>, 2019, 2020.
-# Josep Ma. Ferrer <txemaq@gmail.com>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 10:54+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Josep Ma. Ferrer <txemaq@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Catalan <kde-i18n-ca@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: ca\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa «<application>bup</application>» és necessari però no s'ha pogut "
-"trobar. Potser no està instal lat?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa «<application>par2</application>» és necessari però no s'ha "
-"pogut trobar. Potser no està instal lat?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La destinació de la còpia de seguretat no s'ha pogut inicialitzar. Per a més "
-"detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant la integritat de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el "
-"fitxer del registre. Voleu intentar reparar els fitxers de còpia de "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el "
-"fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant què copiar"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en analitzar els fitxers. Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "S'està desant la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en desar la còpia de seguretat. Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer "
-"del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "S'està generant la informació de recuperació"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en generar la informació de recuperació per a la còpia de "
-"seguretat. Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fitxer"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en reparar la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres còpies de seguretat "
-"podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Correcte! La reparació de la còpia de seguretat ha funcionat. Per a més "
-"detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La reparació de la còpia de seguretat no ha estat necessària. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat no estan malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en reparar la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres còpies de seguretat "
-"encara podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat estan malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"La prova d'integritat de la còpia de seguretat ha sortit correcta. Les "
-"vostres còpies de seguretat estan bé."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat estan malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-"registre. Voleu intentar reparar els fitxers de còpia de seguretat?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Tipus no vàlid de còpia de seguretat a la configuració."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "No teniu permís d'escriptura a la destinació de la còpia de seguretat."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continua"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Atura"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Actualment ocupat: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "De debò voleu parar?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Còpies de seguretat de l'usuari"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "La destinació de la còpia de seguretat no està disponible"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "No s'ha configurat cap pla de còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Hi ha disponible una destinació per a còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Estat correcte de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "S'ha suggerit una còpia de seguretat nova"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Cal fer una còpia de seguretat nova"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"El Kup no està habilitat, habiliteu-lo des del mòdul de configuració del "
-"sistema. Podreu fer-ho executant <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Dimoni del Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"El Kup és una solució de suport flexible que empra el sistema "
-"d'emmagatzematge per a còpies de seguretat «bup». Permet realitzar "
-"ràpidament còpies de seguretat incrementals, desant només les parts dels "
-"fitxers que realment han canviat des que es va desar l'última còpia de "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Mantenidor"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Antoni Bella"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "antonibella5@yahoo.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "S'està desant la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant la integritat de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "S'estan reparant les còpies de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Voleu desar una primera còpia de seguretat ara?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha passat %1 des que es va desar l'última còpia de seguretat.\n"
-"Voleu desar una nova còpia de seguretat ara?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Heu estat actiu durant %1 des que es va desar l'última còpia de seguretat.\n"
-"Voleu desar una nova còpia de seguretat ara?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sí"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "No"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Ha fallat en desar la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostra el fitxer del registre"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "S'ha desat la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "El desament de la còpia de seguretat s'ha finalitzat amb èxit."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "S'ha completat el control de la integritat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparació finalitzada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Sistema de còpia de seguretat Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa «<application>rsync</application>» és necessari però no s'ha "
-"pogut trobar. Potser no està instal lat?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha pogut obrir l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat <filename>%1</filename>. "
-"Comproveu si les còpies de seguretat realment es troben allà."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "No teniu permís per llegir aquest arxiu de còpia de seguretat."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Seleccioneu la ubicació de l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat a obrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Excavador de fitxers"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Explorador per a arxius «bup»."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nom de la branca que s'obrirà."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Camí fins al repositori «bup» que s'obrirà."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha pogut llegir aquest arxiu de còpia de seguretat. Potser s'han malmès "
-"alguns fitxers. Voleu executar una comprovació de la integritat per a provar-"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (carpeta)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (enllaç simbòlic)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (fitxer)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Carpeta nova..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "No s'ha seleccionat cap destinació, trieu-ne una."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"S'ha produït un problema en obtenir una llista de tots els fitxers per "
-"restaurar: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"La destinació no té prou espai disponible. Si us plau, trieu-ne una de "
-"diferent o allibereu espai."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - desada a %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "La carpeta ja existeix, trieu una solució"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "El fitxer ja existeix"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "El nom nou que heu introduït ja existeix, introduïu-ne un de diferent."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta nova"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta nova"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Crea una carpeta nova a:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Ja existeix una carpeta anomenada %1."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "No teniu permís per a crear %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Guia de restauració"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Restaura a la ubicació original"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Trieu a on restaurar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Següent"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Restaura la carpeta sota un nom nou"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Fusiona les carpetes"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "Els següents fitxers se sobreescriuran, confirmeu que voleu continuar."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirma"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "S'està restaurant els fitxers"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en restaurar:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "La restauració s'ha completat correctament!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Obre la destinació"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Tanca"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant la mida dels fitxers"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "S'està restaurant"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fitxer"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Obre"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restaura"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Exclou la carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Inclou la carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"No teniu permís per a llegir aquesta carpeta: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>No "
-"es pot incloure a la selecció de l'origen. Si no conté res important, una "
-"possible solució és excloure-la del pla de còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"No teniu permís per a llegir aquest fitxer: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>No "
-"es pot incloure a la selecció de l'origen. Si no conté res important, una "
-"possible solució és excloure tota la carpeta on es troba emmagatzemat del "
-"pla de còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"L'enllaç simbòlic <filename>%1</filename> està actualment inclòs, però "
-"apunta a una carpeta que no ho està: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Això "
-"probablement no sigui el que voleu. Una solució és simplement incloure la "
-"carpeta de destinació en el pla de la còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"L'enllaç simbòlic <filename>%1</filename> està actualment inclòs, però "
-"apunta a un fitxer que no ho està: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Això "
-"probablement no sigui el que voleu. Una solució és simplement incloure la "
-"carpeta on resideix en el pla de la còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Selecció d'una carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descripció:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Torna al resum"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat és un <emphasis>arxiu</emphasis>. Conté "
-"l'última versió dels vostres fitxers i versions anteriors de còpia de "
-"seguretat. L'ús d'aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat permet recuperar les "
-"versions anteriors dels vostres fitxers o els fitxers que s'han anat "
-"eliminant a l'ordinador. L'espai d'emmagatzematge necessari es minimitza en "
-"cercar les parts comuns dels fitxers entre versions i només emmagatzemar "
-"aquestes parts una vegada. No obstant això, l'arxiu de la còpia de seguretat "
-"seguirà creixent en grandària a mesura que passi el temps.<nl/>També és "
-"important saber que no es pot accedir directament als fitxers a l'arxiu amb "
-"un gestor de fitxers general, es necessita un programa especial."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Còpia de seguretat amb versions (no disponible perquè no s'ha instal·lat el "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Còpia de seguretat amb versions (recomanat)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat és una carpeta que se sincronitza amb les "
-"carpetes d'origen seleccionades. En desar una còpia de seguretat simplement "
-"vol dir fer que la destinació de la còpia de seguretat contingui una còpia "
-"exacta de les vostres carpetes d'origen tal com estan ara i res més. Si s'ha "
-"suprimit un fitxer en una carpeta d'origen, se suprimirà de la carpeta a la "
-"còpia de seguretat.<nl/>Aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat protegeix contra "
-"la pèrdua de dades a causa d'un disc dur trencat, però no ajudarà a "
-"recuperar-se dels vostres propis errors."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Còpia de seguretat sincronitzada (no disponible perquè no s'ha instal·lat el "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Còpia de seguretat sincronitzada"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tipus de còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu quin tipus de còpia de seguretat voleu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Orígens"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu quines carpetes incloure a la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Camí del sistema de fitxers"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Emmagatzematge extern"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Podeu usar aquesta opció per a crear còpies de seguretat en un disc dur "
-"intern secundari, una unitat eSATA externa o un emmagatzematge en xarxa. El "
-"requisit és simplement que sempre es munti al mateix camí en el sistema de "
-"fitxers. El camí especificat aquí no necessita existir en tot moment, la "
-"seva existència serà supervisada."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Camí de destinació per a la còpia de seguretat:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Empreu aquesta opció si voleu crear una còpia de seguretat dels fitxers en "
-"un emmagatzematge extern que es pot connectar a aquest ordinador, com un "
-"disc dur USB o un dispositiu de memòria."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "La carpeta especificada es crearà si no existeix."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Carpeta a la unitat de destinació:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Obre el diàleg per a seleccionar una carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destinació"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Selecciona la destinació de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Activació manual"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Temps d'ús actiu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Les còpies de seguretat només es desen quan se sol·licitin manualment. Això "
-"es pot fer usant el menú emergent des de la icona per a la còpia de "
-"seguretat que hi ha a la safata del sistema."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"La nova còpia de seguretat s'activarà quan la destinació de la còpia de "
-"seguretat estigui disponible i hagi transcorregut més de l'interval "
-"configurat des que es va desar l'última còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuts"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Hores"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dies"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Setmanes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"La còpia de seguretat nova s'activarà quan la destinació de la còpia de "
-"seguretat estigui disponible i hàgiu estat emprant activament l'ordinador "
-"transcorregut més del temps que el limit configurat des que es va desar "
-"l'última còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Demana confirmació abans de desar la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Planificació"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Especifiqueu la planificació de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Mostra les carpetes ocultes a la selecció de l'origen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Això fa possible incloure o excloure explícitament les carpetes ocultes a la "
-"selecció de l'origen per a la còpia de seguretat. Les carpetes ocultes tenen "
-"un nom que comença amb un punt. En general, es troben a la carpeta d'inici i "
-"s'empren per emmagatzemar els ajustaments i els fitxers temporals per a les "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Això farà que les còpies de seguretat emprin al voltant d'un 10% més d'espai "
-"d'emmagatzematge i el desament de les còpies de seguretat portarà una mica "
-"més de temps. A canvi, serà possible recuperar-se d'una còpia de seguretat "
-"parcialment malmesa."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Genera la informació de recuperació"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Genera la informació de recuperació (no disponible perquè no s'ha instal·lat "
-"el <application>par2</application>)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verifica la integritat de les còpies de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Comprova la corrupció de tot l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat cada vegada que "
-"deseu dades noves. El fet de desar les còpies de seguretat portarà una mica "
-"més de temps, però permet detectar els problemes de corrupció abans que "
-"necessiteu emprar una còpia de seguretat, en aquell moment podria ser massa "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Exclou fitxers i carpetes basant-se en patrons"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Cal que els patrons estiguin llistats en un fitxer de text amb un patró per "
-"línia. Els fitxers i carpetes amb noms que coincideixin amb qualsevol dels "
-"patrons s'exclouran de la copia de seguretat. El format dels patrons està "
-"documentat <a href=\"%1\">aquí</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Obre el diàleg per a seleccionar un fitxer"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer de patrons"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avançat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Opcions addicionals per a usuaris avançats"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Connecteu l'emmagatzematge extern que vulgueu fer servir i, a continuació, "
-"seleccioneu-lo en aquesta llista."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (desconnectat)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 lliure"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partició %1 a %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 a %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: capacitat total %2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avís: els enllaços simbòlics i els permisos de fitxer no es poden desar en "
-"aquest sistema de fitxers. Els permisos dels fitxers només són importants si "
-"hi ha més d'un usuari en aquest ordinador o si esteu fent una còpia de "
-"seguretat dels fitxers de programa executables."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avís: els permisos de fitxer no es poden desar en aquest sistema de fitxers. "
-"Els permisos dels fitxers només són importants si hi ha més d'un usuari en "
-"aquest ordinador o si esteu fent una còpia de seguretat dels fitxers de "
-"programa executables."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> serà inclosa a la còpia de seguretat, excepte "
-"les subcarpetes sense marcar"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/> serà inclosa a la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>no</emphasis> serà inclosa a la còpia "
-"de seguretat, però conté carpetes que sí"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>no</emphasis> serà inclosa a la còpia "
-"de seguretat"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Mòdul de configuració del Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-"Configuració dels plans de còpia de seguretat per al sistema de còpies de "
-"seguretat Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Manquen els programes per a fer còpies de seguretat</h2><p>Abans de "
-"poder activar qualsevol pla de còpia de seguretat, haureu</"
-"p><ul><li>d'instal·lar el «bup» per a les còpies de seguretat amb versions i "
-"el «rsync»</li><li>per a les còpies de seguretat sincronitzades.</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Avís"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 no té una destinació!<nl/>Aquest pla no desarà cap còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Afegeix un pla nou"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Còpies de seguretat activades"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Obre i restaura de les còpies de seguretat existents"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configura"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Elimina"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplica"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha trobat el repositori «bup».\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Desa una còpia de seguretat nova"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Mostra els fitxers"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostra el fitxer del registre"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Pla %1 de còpia de seguretat"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Còpies de seguretat"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (copia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Desada per darrer cop: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Mida: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Espai lliure: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Aquest pla de còpia de seguretat no s'ha executat mai."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/ca@valencia/kup.po b/po/ca@valencia/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 164744a..0000000
--- a/po/ca@valencia/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1469 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of kup.po to Catalan (Valencian)
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 This_file_is_part_of_KDE
-# This file is distributed under the license LGPL version 2.1 or
-# version 3 or later versions approved by the membership of KDE e.V.
-# Antoni Bella Pérez <antonibella5@yahoo.com>, 2019, 2020.
-# Josep Ma. Ferrer <txemaq@gmail.com>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 10:54+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Josep Ma. Ferrer <txemaq@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Catalan <kde-i18n-ca@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: ca@valencia\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa «<application>bup</application>» és necessari però no s'ha pogut "
-"trobar. Potser no està instal lat?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa «<application>par2</application>» és necessari però no s'ha "
-"pogut trobar. Potser no està instal lat?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La destinació de la còpia de seguretat no s'ha pogut inicialitzar. Per a més "
-"detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant la integritat de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el "
-"fitxer del registre. Voleu intentar reparar els fitxers de còpia de "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el "
-"fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant què copiar"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en analitzar els fitxers. Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "S'està desant la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en guardar la còpia de seguretat. Per a més detalls vegeu el "
-"fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "S'està generant la informació de recuperació"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en generar la informació de recuperació per a la còpia de "
-"seguretat. Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fitxer"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en reparar la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres còpies de seguretat "
-"podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Correcte! La reparació de la còpia de seguretat ha funcionat. Per a més "
-"detalls vegeu el fitxer del registre."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La reparació de la còpia de seguretat no ha estat necessària. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat no estan malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en reparar la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres còpies de seguretat "
-"encara podrien estar malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat estan malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"La prova d'integritat de la còpia de seguretat ha eixit correcta. Les "
-"vostres còpies de seguretat estan bé."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha fallat en verificar la integritat de la còpia de seguretat. Les vostres "
-"còpies de seguretat estan malmeses! Per a més detalls vegeu el fitxer del "
-"registre. Voleu intentar reparar els fitxers de còpia de seguretat?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Tipus no vàlid de còpia de seguretat a la configuració."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "No teniu permís d'escriptura a la destinació de la còpia de seguretat."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continua"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Atura"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Actualment ocupat: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "De debò voleu parar?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Còpies de seguretat de l'usuari"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "La destinació de la còpia de seguretat no està disponible"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "No s'ha configurat cap pla de còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Hi ha disponible una destinació per a còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Estat correcte de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "S'ha suggerit una còpia de seguretat nova"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Cal fer una còpia de seguretat nova"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"El Kup no està habilitat, habiliteu-lo des del mòdul de configuració del "
-"sistema. Podreu fer-ho executant <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Dimoni del Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"El Kup és una solució de suport flexible que empra el sistema "
-"d'emmagatzematge per a còpies de seguretat «bup». Permet realitzar "
-"ràpidament còpies de seguretat incrementals, desant només les parts dels "
-"fitxers que realment han canviat des que es va guardar l'última còpia de "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Mantenidor"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Antoni Bella"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "antonibella5@yahoo.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "S'està desant la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant la integritat de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "S'estan reparant les còpies de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Voleu guardar una primera còpia de seguretat ara?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha passat %1 des que es va guardar l'última còpia de seguretat.\n"
-"Voleu guardar una nova còpia de seguretat ara?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Heu estat actiu durant %1 des que es va guardar l'última còpia de "
-"Voleu guardar una nova còpia de seguretat ara?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sí"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "No"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Ha fallat en guardar la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostra el fitxer del registre"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "S'ha guardat la còpia de seguretat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "El desament de la còpia de seguretat s'ha finalitzat amb èxit."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "S'ha completat el control de la integritat"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparació finalitzada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Sistema de còpia de seguretat Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa «<application>rsync</application>» és necessari però no s'ha "
-"pogut trobar. Potser no està instal lat?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha pogut obrir l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat <filename>%1</filename>. "
-"Comproveu si les còpies de seguretat realment es troben allà."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "No teniu permís per llegir aquest arxiu de còpia de seguretat."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Seleccioneu la ubicació de l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat a obrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Excavador de fitxers"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Explorador per a arxius «bup»."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nom de la branca que s'obrirà."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Camí fins al repositori «bup» que s'obrirà."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha pogut llegir aquest arxiu de còpia de seguretat. Potser s'han malmés "
-"alguns fitxers. Voleu executar una comprovació de la integritat per a provar-"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (carpeta)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (enllaç simbòlic)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (fitxer)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Carpeta nova..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "No s'ha seleccionat cap destinació, trieu-ne una."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"S'ha produït un problema en obtindre una llista de tots els fitxers per "
-"restaurar: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"La destinació no té prou espai disponible. Per favor, trieu-ne una de "
-"diferent o allibereu espai."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - guardada a %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "La carpeta ja existeix, trieu una solució"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "El fitxer ja existeix"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "El nom nou que heu introduït ja existeix, introduïu-ne un de diferent."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta nova"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta nova"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Crea una carpeta nova a:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Ja existeix una carpeta anomenada %1."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "No teniu permís per a crear %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Guia de restauració"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Restaura a la ubicació original"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Trieu a on restaurar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Següent"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Restaura la carpeta sota un nom nou"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Fusiona les carpetes"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "Els següents fitxers se sobreescriuran, confirmeu que voleu continuar."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirma"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "S'està restaurant els fitxers"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en restaurar:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "La restauració s'ha completat correctament!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Obri la destinació"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Tanca"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant la mida dels fitxers"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "S'està restaurant"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fitxer"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Obri"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restaura"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Exclou la carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Inclou la carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"No teniu permís per a llegir aquesta carpeta: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>No "
-"es pot incloure a la selecció de l'origen. Si no conté res important, una "
-"possible solució és excloure-la del pla de còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"No teniu permís per a llegir aquest fitxer: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>No "
-"es pot incloure a la selecció de l'origen. Si no conté res important, una "
-"possible solució és excloure tota la carpeta on es troba emmagatzemat del "
-"pla de còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"L'enllaç simbòlic <filename>%1</filename> està actualment inclòs, però "
-"apunta a una carpeta que no ho està: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Això "
-"probablement no siga el que voleu. Una solució és simplement incloure la "
-"carpeta de destinació en el pla de la còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"L'enllaç simbòlic <filename>%1</filename> està actualment inclòs, però "
-"apunta a un fitxer que no ho està: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Això "
-"probablement no siga el que voleu. Una solució és simplement incloure la "
-"carpeta on resideix en el pla de la còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Selecció d'una carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descripció:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Torna al resum"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat és un <emphasis>arxiu</emphasis>. Conté "
-"l'última versió dels vostres fitxers i versions anteriors de còpia de "
-"seguretat. L'ús d'aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat permet recuperar les "
-"versions anteriors dels vostres fitxers o els fitxers que s'han anat "
-"eliminant a l'ordinador. L'espai d'emmagatzematge necessari es minimitza en "
-"cercar les parts comuns dels fitxers entre versions i només emmagatzemar "
-"aquestes parts una vegada. No obstant això, l'arxiu de la còpia de seguretat "
-"seguirà creixent en grandària a mesura que passe el temps.<nl/>També és "
-"important saber que no es pot accedir directament als fitxers a l'arxiu amb "
-"un gestor de fitxers general, es necessita un programa especial."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Còpia de seguretat amb versions (no disponible perquè no s'ha instal·lat el "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Còpia de seguretat amb versions (recomanat)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat és una carpeta que se sincronitza amb les "
-"carpetes d'origen seleccionades. En guardar una còpia de seguretat "
-"simplement vol dir fer que la destinació de la còpia de seguretat continga "
-"una còpia exacta de les vostres carpetes d'origen tal com estan ara i res "
-"més. Si s'ha suprimit un fitxer en una carpeta d'origen, se suprimirà de la "
-"carpeta a la còpia de seguretat.<nl/>Aquest tipus de còpia de seguretat "
-"protegeix contra la pèrdua de dades a causa d'un disc dur trencat, però no "
-"ajudarà a recuperar-se dels vostres propis errors."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Còpia de seguretat sincronitzada (no disponible perquè no s'ha instal·lat el "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Còpia de seguretat sincronitzada"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tipus de còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu quin tipus de còpia de seguretat voleu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Orígens"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu quines carpetes incloure a la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Camí del sistema de fitxers"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Emmagatzematge extern"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Podeu usar aquesta opció per a crear còpies de seguretat en un disc dur "
-"intern secundari, una unitat eSATA externa o un emmagatzematge en xarxa. El "
-"requisit és simplement que sempre es munti al mateix camí en el sistema de "
-"fitxers. El camí especificat ací no necessita existir en tot moment, la seua "
-"existència serà supervisada."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Camí de destinació per a la còpia de seguretat:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Empreu aquesta opció si voleu crear una còpia de seguretat dels fitxers en "
-"un emmagatzematge extern que es pot connectar a aquest ordinador, com un "
-"disc dur USB o un dispositiu de memòria."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "La carpeta especificada es crearà si no existeix."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Carpeta a la unitat de destinació:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Obri el diàleg per a seleccionar una carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destinació"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Selecciona la destinació de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Activació manual"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Temps d'ús actiu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Les còpies de seguretat només es guarden quan se sol·licitin manualment. "
-"Això es pot fer usant el menú emergent des de la icona per a la còpia de "
-"seguretat que hi ha a la safata del sistema."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"La nova còpia de seguretat s'activarà quan la destinació de la còpia de "
-"seguretat estiga disponible i haja transcorregut més de l'interval "
-"configurat des que es va guardar l'última còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuts"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Hores"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dies"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Setmanes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"La còpia de seguretat nova s'activarà quan la destinació de la còpia de "
-"seguretat estiga disponible i hàgeu estat emprant activament l'ordinador "
-"transcorregut més del temps que el limit configurat des que es va guardar "
-"l'última còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Demana confirmació abans de guardar la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Planificació"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Especifiqueu la planificació de la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Mostra les carpetes ocultes a la selecció de l'origen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Això fa possible incloure o excloure explícitament les carpetes ocultes a la "
-"selecció de l'origen per a la còpia de seguretat. Les carpetes ocultes tenen "
-"un nom que comença amb un punt. En general, es troben a la carpeta d'inici i "
-"s'empren per emmagatzemar els ajustaments i els fitxers temporals per a les "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Això farà que les còpies de seguretat emprin al voltant d'un 10% més d'espai "
-"d'emmagatzematge i el desament de les còpies de seguretat portarà una mica "
-"més de temps. A canvi, serà possible recuperar-se d'una còpia de seguretat "
-"parcialment malmesa."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Genera la informació de recuperació"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Genera la informació de recuperació (no disponible perquè no s'ha instal·lat "
-"el <application>par2</application>)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verifica la integritat de les còpies de seguretat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Comprova la corrupció de tot l'arxiu de còpia de seguretat cada vegada que "
-"guardeu dades noves. El fet de guardar les còpies de seguretat portarà una "
-"mica més de temps, però permet detectar els problemes de corrupció abans que "
-"necessiteu emprar una còpia de seguretat, en aquell moment podria ser massa "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Exclou fitxers i carpetes basant-se en patrons"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Cal que els patrons estiguen llistats en un fitxer de text amb un patró per "
-"línia. Els fitxers i carpetes amb noms que coincidisquen amb qualsevol dels "
-"patrons s'exclouran de la copia de seguretat. El format dels patrons està "
-"documentat <a href=\"%1\">ací</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Obri el diàleg per a seleccionar un fitxer"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Selecciona un fitxer de patrons"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avançat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Opcions addicionals per a usuaris avançats"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Connecteu l'emmagatzematge extern que vulgueu fer servir i, a continuació, "
-"seleccioneu-lo en aquesta llista."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (desconnectat)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 lliure"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partició %1 a %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 a %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: capacitat total %2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avís: els enllaços simbòlics i els permisos de fitxer no es poden guardar en "
-"aquest sistema de fitxers. Els permisos dels fitxers només són importants si "
-"hi ha més d'un usuari en aquest ordinador o si esteu fent una còpia de "
-"seguretat dels fitxers de programa executables."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avís: els permisos de fitxer no es poden guardar en aquest sistema de "
-"fitxers. Els permisos dels fitxers només són importants si hi ha més d'un "
-"usuari en aquest ordinador o si esteu fent una còpia de seguretat dels "
-"fitxers de programa executables."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> serà inclosa a la còpia de seguretat, excepte "
-"les subcarpetes sense marcar"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/> serà inclosa a la còpia de seguretat"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>no</emphasis> serà inclosa a la còpia "
-"de seguretat, però conté carpetes que sí"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>no</emphasis> serà inclosa a la còpia "
-"de seguretat"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Mòdul de configuració del Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-"Configuració dels plans de còpia de seguretat per al sistema de còpies de "
-"seguretat Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Manquen els programes per a fer còpies de seguretat</h2><p>Abans de "
-"poder activar qualsevol pla de còpia de seguretat, haureu</"
-"p><ul><li>d'instal·lar el «bup» per a les còpies de seguretat amb versions i "
-"el «rsync»</li><li>per a les còpies de seguretat sincronitzades.</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Avís"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 no té una destinació!<nl/>Aquest pla no desarà cap còpia de seguretat."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Afig un pla nou"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Còpies de seguretat activades"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Obri i restaura de les còpies de seguretat existents"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configura"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Elimina"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplica"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No s'ha trobat el repositori «bup».\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Guarda una còpia de seguretat nova"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Mostra els fitxers"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostra el fitxer del registre"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Pla %1 de còpia de seguretat"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Còpies de seguretat"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (copia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Guardada per darrer cop: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Mida: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Espai lliure: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Aquest pla de còpia de seguretat no s'ha executat mai."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/cs/kup.po b/po/cs/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 473da3a..0000000
--- a/po/cs/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1431 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Pavel Borecki <pavel.borecki@gmail.com>, 2017,2019.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2018.
-# Vit Pelcak <vit@pelcak.org>, 2019, 2020.
-# Translators:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-26 17:45+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Vit Pelcak <vit@pelcak.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Czech <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: cs\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.04.1\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Je zapotřebí programu <application>bup</application> ale ten není k nalezení "
-"– nejspíš není nainstalovaný?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Je zapotřebí programu <application>par2</application> ale ten není k "
-"nalezení – nejspíš není nainstalovaný?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Cíl záloh se nepodařilo inicializovat. Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se "
-"záznamem událostí (log)."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Kontroluje se neporušenost zálohy"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrola neporušenosti zálohy nedopadla dobře. Vaše zálohy mohou být "
-"poškozené! Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem událostí. Chcete se "
-"pokusit o opravu souborů se zálohou?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrola neporušenosti zálohy nedopadla dobře. Vaše zálohy mohou být "
-"poškozené! Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem událostí."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Zjišťování toho co zkopírovat"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Analýza souborů se nezdařila. Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem "
-"událostí (log)."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Ukládání zálohy"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Zálohu se nepodařilo uložit. Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Vytváření informací pro obnovení"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Nepodařilo se vytvořit informace pro obnovení ze zálohy. Podrobnosti "
-"naleznete v souboru se záznamem události."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Soubor"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Oprava zálohy se nezdařila. Vaše zálohy mohou být poškozené! Podrobnosti "
-"naleznete v souboru se záznamem události."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Úspěch! Oprava záloh se podařila. Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se "
-"záznamem události."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Oprava záloh nebyla potřebná. Vaše zálohy jsou v pořádku. Podrobnosti "
-"naleznete v souboru se záznamem události."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Oprava zálohy se nezdařila. Vaše zálohy tak pořád mohou být poškozené! "
-"Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem události."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrola neporušenosti zálohy nedopadla dobře. Vaše zálohy jsou poškozené! "
-"Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem události."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrola neporušenosti zálohy dopadla dobře. Vaše zálohy jsou v pořádku."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrola neporušenosti zálohy nedopadla dobře. Vaše zálohy jsou poškozené! "
-"Podrobnosti naleznete v souboru se záznamem událostí. Chcete se pokusit o "
-"opravu souborů se zálohou?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problém"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "V nastaveních se nachází neplatný typ zálohy."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Chybí vám oprávnění k zápisu do cíle záloh."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Pokračovat"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Zastavit"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Nyní zaneprázdněno: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete zastavit?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Zálohy uživatelů"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Cíl záloh není dostupný"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Nejsou nastavené žádné plány záloh"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Cíl záloh je dostupný"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Záloha je v pořádku"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Je doporučeno vytvořit novou zálohu"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Je třeba novou zálohu"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup není zapnuté, zapněte ho z modulu nastavení systému. Provést je to možné "
-"spuštěním <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Proces služby Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup je přizpůsobivé zálohovací řešení využívající systém ukládání záloh "
-"„bup“. To umožňuje rychlé provádění přírůstkových záloh, kdy jsou ukládány "
-"pouze ty části souborů, které se skutečně změnily od okamžiku uložení minulé "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Správce (údržba)"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Pavel Borecki"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "pavel.borecki@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Ukládání záloh"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Kontrola neporušenosti záloh"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Oprava záloh"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Chcete nyní uložit první zálohu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Je tomu %1 od doby uložení poslední zálohy.\n"
-"Uložit nyní novou zálohu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Fungujete už %1 od doby uložení poslední zálohy.\n"
-"Uložit nyní novou zálohu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ano"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ne"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Uložení zálohy se nezdařilo"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Zobrazit soubor se záznamem událostí (log)"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Záloha uložena"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Ukládání záloh úspěšně dokončeno."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Kontrola neporušenosti dokončena"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Oprava dokončena"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Zálohovací systém Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Je zapotřebí program <application>rsync</application> ale ten není k "
-"nalezení – nejspíš není nainstalovaný?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Archiv se zálohou <filename>%1</filename> se nepodařilo otevřít. Ověřte, že "
-"se zálohy skutečně nacházejí zde."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Nemáte potřebná oprávnění pro čtení tohoto archivu se zálohou."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Vyberte umístění archivu se zálohou, kterou chcete otevřít."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Souborový archeolog"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Prohlížeč bup archivů"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Název větve kterou otevřít."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Popis umístění bup repozitáře který otevřít."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Archiv se zálohou se nepodařilo načíst. Některé soubory jsou nejspíš "
-"poškozené. Přejete si spustit test neporušenosti a ověřit to?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(složka)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(symbol. odkaz)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(soubor)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nová složka…"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Není vybrán cíl – zvolte nějaký."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Vyskytl se problém při získávání seznamu všech souborů které obnovit: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr "V cíli není dostatek volného místa. Zvolte jiný nebo místo uvolněte."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - uloženo v %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Složka už existuje, zvolte řešení"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Soubor už existuje"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Zadaný nový název už existuje, zadejte jiný."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nová složka"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nová složka"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Vytvořte novou složku v:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Složka nazvaná %1 už existuje."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Nemáte potřebná oprávnění pro vytvoření %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Průvodce obnovou"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Obnovit do původního umístění"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Zvolte kam obnovit"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Zpět"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Další"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Obnovit složku pod jiným názvem"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Sloučit složky"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "Následujíc soubory by byly přepsány, potvrďte pokud chcete pokračovat."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Zpět"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Potvrdit"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Obnovuji soubory"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Při obnovování došlo k chybě:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Obnova úspěšně dokončena!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Otevřít cíl"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zavřít"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Kontroluji velikosti souborů"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Obnovování"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Soubor"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Otevřít"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Obnovit"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Vynechat složku"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Zahrnout složku"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nemáte oprávnění pro čtení této složky: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Ta proto "
-"nemůže být zahrnutá ve výběru zdroje. Pokud neobsahuje nic pro vás důležité, "
-"jedním z možných řešení je vynechat složku z plánu záloh."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nemáte oprávnění pro čtení tohoto souboru: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Ta "
-"proto nemůže být zahrnutá ve výběru zdroje. Pokud neobsahuje nic pro vás "
-"důležité, jedním z možných řešení je vynechat složku z plánu záloh."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Symbolický odkaz <filename>%1</filename> je nyní zahrnutý ale odkazuje na "
-"složku která zahrnutá není: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>To nejspíš není to, "
-"co chcete. Jedním z řešení je prostě ji zahrnout do plánu záloh."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Symbolický odkaz %1 je nyní zahrnutý ale odkazuje na soubor který zahrnutý "
-"není: %2.To nejspíš není to, co chcete. Jedním z řešení je prostě ho "
-"zahrnout do plánu záloh."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Vyberte složku"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Popis:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Zpět na přehled"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Tento typ zálohy je <emphasis>archiv</emphasis>. Obsahuje jak nejnovější "
-"verze vašich souborů, tak ty dříve zazálohované. Pomocí tohoto typu zálohy "
-"je možné obnovit starší verze vašich souborů, nebo souborů, které byly z "
-"počítače vymazány. Spotřeba úložného prostoru je snížena vyhledáváním "
-"společných částí souborů napříč jejich verzemi a ukládáním takových částí "
-"pouze jednou. Ale i tak bude velikost archivu časem růst.<nl/>Je také "
-"důležité vědět, že k souborům k archivu se nedá přistupovat přímo z nějakého "
-"správce souborů, ale je zapotřebí speciálního programu."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Verzovaná záloha (není k dispozici protože není nainstalován "
-"<application>bup</application> )"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Verzovaná záloha (doporučeno)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Tento typ záloh je složka která je synchronizována s vybranou zdrojovou "
-"složkou. Uložení zálohy znamená vytvoření záložního umístění obsahujícího "
-"přesnou kopii zdrojových složek ve stávajícím stavu a nic víc. Pokud byl "
-"soubor smazán ve zdrojové složce, bude smazán také v záloze.<nl/>Tento typ "
-"zálohy chrání proti ztrátě dat kvůli rozbité jednotce datového úložiště ale "
-"nepomůže v případě chyby uživatele."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Synchronizovaná záloha (není k dispozici protože není nainstalován "
-"<application>rsync</application> )"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Synchronizovaná záloha"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Typ zálohy"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Vyberte který typ zálohy chcete použít"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Zdroje"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Vyberte které složky zahrnout do zálohy"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Popis umístění v souborovém systému"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Vnější datové úložiště"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Pomocí této předvolby je možné zálohovat na jinou vestavěnou jednotku "
-"datového úložiště, vnější eSATA jednotku nebo síťové úložiště. Jediné co je "
-"třeba je, aby bylo vždy připojené (mount) do stejného přípojného bodu. Zde "
-"zadaný popis umístění nemusí existovat trvale, jeho existence bude sledována."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Popis umístění cíle zálohy:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Tuto předvolbu použijte pokud chcete zálohovat své soubory na vnější "
-"úložiště, které se připojuje k počítači, jako například USB pevný disk nebo "
-"paměťová klíčenka."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "V případě že neexistuje, bude zadaná složka vytvořena."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Složka na cílovém datovém úložišti:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Otevřít dialog pro výběr složky"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Cíl"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Vyberte cíl zálohy"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Ruční aktivace"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Doba aktivního používání"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Zálohy jsou uloženy pouze na ruční požadavek. Ten je možné vyvolat pomocí "
-"kontextové nabídky ikony zálohovacího systému v oznamovací oblasti "
-"systémového panelu."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Nová záloha bude spuštěna tím, že cíl zálohování bude dostupný a uplynul "
-"nastavený interval od minulé zálohy."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minut"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Hodin"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dnů"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Týdnů"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Nová záloha bude spuštěna tím, že cíl zálohování bude dostupný a aktivně "
-"používáte počítač déle než nastavený limit od uložení minulé zálohy."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Před uložením zálohy vyžadovat potvrzení"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Naplánovat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Zadejte plán zálohování"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Ve výběru zdroje zobrazovat skryté složky"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Toto umožňuje výslovně zahrnout nebo vynechat skryté složky ve zdroji záloh. "
-"Skryté složky jsou ty, jejichž názvy začínají na tečku. Typicky se nacházejí "
-"v domovské složce a sloučí k ukládání nastavení a dočasných souborů vašich "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Tímto zálohy zaberou přibližně 10% více místa a jejich ukládání bude trvat o "
-"chvilku déle. Na druhou stranu ale bude možné provést obnovu i z částečně "
-"poškozené zálohy."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Vytvořit informace pro obnovení"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Vytvoření informace pro obnovu (není k dispozici protože není nainstalován "
-"<application>par2</application> )"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Ověřit neporušenost záloh"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Zkontroluje celý archiv se zálohou pokaždé když uložíte nová data. Ukládání "
-"záloh bude trvat o trochu déle ale podchytí to problémy s poškozením dříve, "
-"než budete zálohu potřebovat použít, což už by mohlo být pozdě."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Vyřadit soubory a složky odpovídající vzoru:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Otevřít dialog pro výběr souboru"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Vybrat soubor vzoru"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Pokročilé"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Další předvolby pro pokročilé uživatele"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Připojte vnější úložiště které chcete použít a pak ho vyberte ze seznamu."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(odpojeno)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 volné"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Oddíl %1 na %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 na %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 celkové kapacity"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Varování: symbolické odkazy a přístupová oprávnění k souborům nemohou být na "
-"tomto souborovém systému uložena. Na druhou stranu jsou důležitá pouze pokud "
-"počítač používá vícero uživatelů nebo pokud jsou zálohovány spustitelné "
-"soubory programů."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Varování: přístupová oprávnění k souborům nemohou být na tomto souborovém "
-"systému uložena. Na druhou stranu jsou důležitá pouze pokud počítač používá "
-"vícero uživatelů nebo pokud jsou zálohovány spustitelné soubory programů."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>bude zahrnuto do zálohy, s výjimkou podložek, "
-"jejichž zaškrtnutí bylo zrušeno"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>bude zahrnuto do zálohy"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> ne <emphasis>bude</emphasis> zahrnuto do zálohy "
-"ale obsahuje složky, které budou"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> ne<emphasis>bude</emphasis> zahrnuto do zálohy"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Modul pro nastavení Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Nastavení plánů záloh pro zálohovací systém Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Chybí zálohovací programy</h2><p>Aby bylo možné aktivovat plány "
-"zálohování, je třeba nainstalovat buď </p><ul><li>bup, pro verzované zálohy</"
-"li><li>rsync, pro sychnronizované zálohy</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Varování"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr "%1 nemá cíl!<nl/>Tímto plánem nebudou uloženy žádné zálohy."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Přidat nový plán"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Zálohování zapnuto"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Otevřít a obnovit z existujících záloh"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Nastavit"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Odebrat"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Zduplikovat"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nebyl nalezen bup repozitář.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Uložit novou zálohu"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Zobrazit soubory"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Zobrazit obsah souboru se záznamem událostí (log)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Plán záloh %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Zálohy"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopie)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Naposledy uloženo: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Velikost: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Volné místo: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Tento plán záloh ještě nebyl nikdy spuštěn."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/da/kup.po b/po/da/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d64893..0000000
--- a/po/da/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1370 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Peter Jespersen <flywheel@illogical.dk>, 2016-2017
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-31 05:50+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Danish (http://www.transifex.com/kup/kup/language/da/)\n"
-"Language: da\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet <application>bup</application> er påkrævet, men kan ikke findes "
-"på systemet. Er du sikker på at det er installeret?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet <application>par2</application> er påkrævet, men kan ikke findes "
-"på systemet. Er du sikker på at det er installeret?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Backupslutpunkt kunne ikke klargøres. Se logfil for detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Tjekker integriteten af sikkerhedskopi"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetstjek fejlet. Dine backupper kan være korrupte! Se logfil for "
-"detaljer. Vil du prøve at reparere backupfilerne?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetskontrol fejlet. Dine backupper kan være beskadigede! Se logfil "
-"for yderligere  detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Kontrollerer hvad der skal kopieres"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Kan ikke analysere filerne. Se logfilen for flere detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Lagrer backup"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme hele backuppen. Se logfil for detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Generer gendannelsesindformation"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Kunne ikke skabe gendannelsesinformation for backuppen. Se logfil for "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fil"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Backup kan ikke repareres. Dine backupper kan være beskadigede! Se logfil "
-"for flere detaljer."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Succes! Reparation af sikkerhedskopi virkede. Se logfil for flere detaljer."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Reperation af backup var ikke nødvendig. Dine backupper er ikke korrupte. De "
-"logfil for detaljer."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sikkerhedskopi kan ikke repareres. Dine sikkerhedskopier kan være "
-"beskadigede! Se logfil for flere detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetstjek af backup fejlet. Dine backupper er korrupte. Se logfil for "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr "Integriteten af dine sikkerhedskopier er OK."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetstjek fejlet. Dine backupper kan være korrupte! Se logfil for "
-"detaljer. Vil du prøve at reparere backupfilerne?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Ugyldig type backup i konfiguration."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Du har ikke skriverettigheder til slutpunktet."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Fortsæt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Vil du virkelig afbryde?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Sikkerhedskopier"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Backup slutpunkt ikke tilgængeligt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Ingen sikkerhedskopi er planlagt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Backup slutpunkt tilgængeligt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Backupstatus OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Ny backup foreslået"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Ny backup påkrævet"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup er deaktiveret. Aktivér denne fra systemindstillinger. Det kan du gøre "
-"ved at afvikle kommandoen <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kuptjeneste"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup er en fleksibel backup løsning, der bruger backup lagringssystemet ´BUP"
-"´. Dette gør det muligt hurtigt at udføre trinvise backupper, hvor der kun "
-"gemmes de dele af filer, der faktisk er blevet ændret siden den sidste "
-"backup blev taget."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Vedligeholdelse"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Dit navn"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "Din e-Post"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Lagrer backup"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Tjekker integriteten af backup"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Repererer sikkerhedskopi"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Ønsker du at udføre første sikkerhedskopiering nu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Det er %1 siden den sidste backup blev taget, vil du tage en backup nu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nej"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Kan ikke gemme Sikkerhedskopien"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Vis Logfil"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Backup Gemt"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Lagring af backup succesfuldt udført."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Integritetskontrol Udført"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparation Udført"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup Backupsystem"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet <application>rsync</application> er påkrævet, men kan ikke findes "
-"på systemet. Er du sikker på at det er installeret?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Find bup-arkiver"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Sti til det bup-arkiv der skal åbnes."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(mappe)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(symbolsk link)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (fil)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Ny Mappe..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Et problem opstod ved indlæsningen af en filliste til gendannelse: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - gemt ved %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Mappen eksisterer allerede, vælg venligst en løsning på problemet"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Filen eksisterer allerede"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Det indtastede navn findes allerede, indtast venligst et andet."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Ny Mappe"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Ny Mappe"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Opret ny mappe i:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Mappen %1 eksisterer allerede."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheder til at oprette %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Gendannelsesguide"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Gendan til oprindeligt sted"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Vælg sted for gendannelse"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Tilbage"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Næste"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Gendan mappen med nyt navn"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Flet mapper"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Følgende filer vil blive overskrevet, bekræft venligst at du vil fortsætte."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Tilbage"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Bekræft"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Gendanner"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "En fejl opstod ved gendannelse:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Gendannelse fuldført!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Åben slutpunkt"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Luk"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Gendanner"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fil"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Åben"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Gendan"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Ekskludér Mappe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Inkludér Mappe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Vælg Mappe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Beskrivelse:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Tilbage til oversigten"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Versioneret Sikkerhedskopiering (Ikke tilgængelig fordi at <application>bup</"
-"application> ikke er installeret)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Versioneret Sikkerhedskopi (anbefalet)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Backup-type"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Kilder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Vælg hvilke mapper der skal inkluderes i sikkerhedskopi"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Eksternt lager"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Destinationssti for Sikkerhedskopi:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Folder på måldrev:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Åben dialogboks for at vælge en mappe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Mål"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Vælg backupslutpunkt"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Manuel Aktivering"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutter"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Timer"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dage"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Uger"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Spørg for bekræftelse før der tages backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Tidsplan"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Definér tidsplan for sikkerhedskopiering"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Vis skjulte mapper i kildeudvælgelsen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Generer gendannelsesindformation"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Kontrollér integriteten af sikkerhedskopierne"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrollerer hele backuparkivet for korruption, hver gang du gemmer nye "
-"data. Lagring af backups vil tage lidt længere tid, men det giver dig "
-"mulighed for at fange korruptionsproblemer før du skal bruge backuppen, hvor "
-"det kan være for sent."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Åben dialogboks for at vælge en mappe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanceret"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Ekstra indstillinger for ekspertbrugere"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Tilslut den eksterne lagerenhed, du ønsker at bruge, og vælg det på denne "
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(frakoblet)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 frit"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partition %1 på %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 på %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 total kapacitet"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/> vil blive inkluderet i Sikkerhedskopien"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> vil <emphasis>ikke</emphasis> blive inkluderet "
-"i Sikkerhedskopien"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup Indstillingsmodul"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Indstilling af backupplaner for KUP backupsystemet."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<H2>Backupprogrammer mangler</h2><p>Før du kan aktivere nogen backupplaner, "
-"skal du installere:</p><ul><li>BUP, for versionerede backupper</li><li>rsync "
-"for synkroniserede backupper</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Advarsel"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Tilføj Ny Plan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Backup Aktiveret"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Indstil"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Fjern"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplikér"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Kan ikke finde noget bup-arkiv.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Gem ny backup"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Vis filer"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Vis logfiler"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Backupplan %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Backupper"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopi)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Sidst gemt: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Størrelse: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Fri plads: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Denne backupplan har aldrig været udført."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/de/kup.po b/po/de/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6790a..0000000
--- a/po/de/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1469 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Georg Lassnig <g.lassnig@e67-its.de>, 2013.
-# HinzundKunz <martin.tlustos@gmail.com>, 2015.
-# jrabe, 2016.
-# HinzundKunz <martin.tlustos@gmail.com>, 2015-2019.
-# Matthias Schuster Scharmer <shalokshalom@protonmail.ch>, 2015.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014,2016,2018.
-# Burkhard Lück <lueck@hube-lueck.de>, 2019.
-# Frederik Schwarzer <schwarzer@kde.org>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-07 21:57+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Frederik Schwarzer <schwarzer@kde.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: German <kde-i18n-de@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: de\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.3\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Das Programm <application>bup</application> wird benötigt, wurde aber nicht "
-"gefunden. Bitte installieren Sie bup."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Das Programm <application>par2</application> wird benötigt, wurde aber nicht "
-"gefunden. Eventuell ist es nicht installiert?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Zielverzeichnis konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Weitere Informationen "
-"finden Sie in der Log-Datei."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Zustand der Sicherung wird überprüft"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Die Integritätsprüfung ist fehlgeschlagen. Ihre Sicherung könnte fehlerhaft "
-"sein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei. Möchten Sie "
-"probieren, die Sicherungsdateien zu reparieren?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Integritätsprüfung ist fehlgeschlagen. Ihre Sicherung könnte fehlerhaft "
-"sein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Überprüfen, was kopiert werden soll"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Dateien können nicht analysiert werden. In der Log-Datei finden sich "
-"mehr Informationen dazu."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Sicherung wird gespeichert"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sicherung kann nicht gespeichert werden. In der Log-Datei finden sich mehr "
-"Informationen dazu."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellungsinformationen werden erzeugt"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Die Wiederherstellungsinformationen für die Sicherung können nicht erstellt "
-"werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datei"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Die Reparatur der Sicherungsdateien ist fehlgeschlagen. Ihre Sicherung "
-"könnte fehlerhaft sein! Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Sicherungsdateien wurden erfolgreich repariert. In den Log-Datei finden "
-"Sie weitere Informationen."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Eine Reparatur war nicht nötig. Ihre Sicherungsdateien sind nicht "
-"beschädigt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Reparatur der Sicherungsdateien ist fehlgeschlagen. Ihre Sicherung "
-"könnte immer noch fehlerhaft sein! Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Integritätsprüfung der Sicherungsdateien ist fehlgeschlagen. Ihre "
-"Sicherung ist fehlerhaft! Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Integritätsprüfung ihrer Sicherungsdateien war erfolgreich. Ihre "
-"Sicherung ist in Ordnung."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Die Integritätsprüfung ist fehlgeschlagen. Ihre Sicherung ist fehlerhaft! "
-"Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Log-Datei. Möchten Sie versuchen, "
-"die Sicherungsdateien zu reparieren?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Ungültige Art der Sicherung in der Konfiguration."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Sie haben keine Schreibrechte auf das Sicherungsziel."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Fortfahren"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Anhalten"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Beschäftigt: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Möchten Sie wirklich aufhören?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Benutzersicherungen"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Sicherungsziel nicht erreichbar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Keine Sicherungskonfiguration vorhanden"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Sicherungsziel erreichbar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Zustand der Sicherung ist in Ordnung"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Neue Sicherung empfohlen"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Neue Sicherung nötig"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup ist nicht aktiviert, bitte aktivieren sie es in den Systemeinstellungen. "
-"Alternativ können Sie <command>kcmshell5 kup</command> eingeben."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup-Hintergrundprogramm"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup ist eine flexible Lösung für Datensicherungen die auf dem "
-"Datensicherungssystem „bup“ basiert. Dies ermöglicht schnelle, inkrementelle "
-"Datensicherungen, wobei nur die Dateien erneut gesichert werden, die seit "
-"der letzten Sicherung verändert wurden."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Hauptentwickler"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Georg Lassnig"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "g.assnig@e67-its.de"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Sicherung wird gespeichert"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Zustand der Sicherung wird überprüft"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Sicherungen werden repariert"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Möchten Sie jetzt eine erste Scherung anlegen?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Es ist %1 her, seit ihre letzte Sicherung gespeichert wurde.\n"
-"Wollen Sie jetzt eine Sicherung durchführen?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sie waren seit der letzten Sicherung für %1 aktiv.\n"
-"Wollen Sie jetzt eine Sicherung durchführen?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nein"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Speicherung der Sicherungsdateien ist fehlgeschlagen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Log-Datei anzeigen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Sicherung angelegt"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Sicherung erfolgreich durchgeführt"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Integritätsprüfung abgeschlossen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparatur abgeschlossen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup-Datensicherungssystem"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Das Programm <application>rsync</application> wird benötigt, wurde aber "
-"nicht gefunden. Bitte installieren Sie rsync."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Sicherungsarchiv <filename>%1</filename> kann nicht geöffnet werden. "
-"Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Sicherungsdateien wirklich dort gespeichert "
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie haben keine ausreichenden Berechtigungen, um dieses Sicherungsarchiv zu "
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Auswahl der zu öffnenden Sicherungsdatei"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Datei-Browser"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Browser für bup-Archive."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Name des zu öffnenden Zweiges."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Pfad des zu öffnenden bup-Archivs."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Das Sicherungsarchiv kann nicht gelesen werden. Möglicherweise sind einige "
-"Dateien fehlerhaft. Möchten Sie eine Integritätsprüfung durchführen?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (Ordner)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (Symbolische Verknüpfung)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (Datei)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Neuer Ordner..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Es wurde kein Ziel angegeben, bitte wählen Sie eines aus."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Es gab ein Problem beim Erstellen einer Liste wiederherzustellender Dateien: "
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Auf dem gewählten Ziel ist nicht genügend freier Speicherplatz verfügbar. "
-"Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Ziel aus oder geben Sie etwas Speicher frei."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - gespeichert am %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Der Ordner existiert bereits, bitte wählen Sie eine Lösung aus"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Die Datei existiert bereits"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr ""
-"Der angegebene Name existiert bereits, bitte geben Sie einen anderen ein."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Neuer Ordner"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Neuer Ordner"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Neuen Ordner anlegen in:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Ein Ordner namens %1 existiert bereits."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Erstellen von %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellungsanleitung"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Zum ursprünglichen Speicherort wiederherstellen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Ziel zum Wiederherstellen wählen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Zurück"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Weiter"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Ordner unter einem neuen Namen wiederherstellen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Ordner zusammenführen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Die folgenden Dateien werden überschrieben. Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie "
-"fortfahren möchten."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Zurück"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Bestätigen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Dateien werden wiederhergestellt"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Bei der Wiederherstellung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellung erfolgreich abgeschlossen!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Zielordner öffnen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Schließen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Dateigrößen werden geprüft"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellen"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datei"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Öffnen"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Ordner ausschließen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Ordner einschließen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie haben keine Berechtigung den Ordner <filename>%1</filename><nl/> zu "
-"lesen. Er kann nicht in die Quellenauswahl aufgenommen werden. Wenn sich "
-"darin nichts Wichtiges befindet, wäre eine Lösung, ihn aus der "
-"Sicherungskonfiguration zu entfernen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie haben keine Berechtigung die Datei <filename>%1</filename><nl/> zu "
-"lesen. Sie kann nicht in die Quellenauswahl aufgenommen werden. Wenn die "
-"Datei nichts Wichtiges enthält, wäre eine Lösung, den gesamten Ordner aus "
-"der Sicherungskonfiguration zu entfernen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Die symbolische Verknüpfung <filename>%1</filename> ist zur Zeit Teil des "
-"Backups, aber der Ordner \"<filename>%2</filename>\", in der sie sich "
-"befindet, gehört nicht dazu. Das ist wahrscheinlich nicht, was Sie möchten. "
-"Eine Lösung wäre, einfach den ganzen Ordner zur Sicherungskonfiguration "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Verknüpfung <filename>%1</filename> ist zur Zeit mit eingeschlossen, "
-"aber verweist auf die Datei <filename>%2</filename>, die nicht gesichert "
-"wird.<nl/> Das ist höchstwahrscheinlich nicht, was du willst.  Eine Lösung "
-"wäre, einfach den Ordner, in dem sich die Originaldatei befindet, in die "
-"Sicherung aufzunehmen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Ordner auswählen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Beschreibung:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Zurück zur Übersicht"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Diese Art der Sicherung ist ein <emphasis>Archiv</emphasis>. Es enthält "
-"sowohl die neueste Version Ihrer Dateien und früher gesicherte Versionen. "
-"Dieser Art von Sicherung erlaubt es, ältere Versionen von Dateien, oder "
-"Dateien die auf Ihrem Computer zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt gelöscht wurden, "
-"wiederherzustellen. Der benötigte Speicherplatz wird dadurch minimiert, dass "
-"gemeinsame Teile der Dateien innerhalb der Versionen nur einmal gespeichert "
-"werden. Dennoch wird das Sicherungs-Archiv mit der Zeit wachsen.<nl/>Auch "
-"wichtig zu wissen ist, dass die Dateien in dem Archiv kann nicht direkt mit "
-"einer Dateiverwaltung angezeigt werden können, es wird ein spezielles "
-"Programm für den Zugriff benötigt."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Versionierte Datensicherung (nicht verfügbar weil <application>bup</"
-"application> nicht installiert ist)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Versionierte Datensicherung (empfohlen)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Diese Art der Sicherung ist ein Ordner, der mit dem ausgewählten Quell-"
-"Ordner abgeglichen wird. Nach einer Sicherung wird der Zielordner lediglich "
-"eine exakte Kopie des Quellordners enthalten. Wenn eine Datei in einem Quell-"
-"Ordner gelöscht wird, wird diese auch im Sicherungsordner gelöscht.<nl/"
-">Diese Art der Sicherung kann Sie gegen Datenverlust durch eine defekte "
-"Festplatte schützen, aber sie hilft nicht bei eigenen Fehlern."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Synchronisierte Datensicherung (nicht verfügbar weil <application>rsync</"
-"application> nicht installiert ist)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Synchronisierte Datensicherung"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Art der Sicherung"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Wählen Sie die Art der Datensicherung aus"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Quellen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Verzeichnisse zum Sichern auswählen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Dateisystempfad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Externer Speicher"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Sie können diese Option verwenden, um auf eine zweite interne Festplatte, "
-"eine externe eSATA-Festplatte oder einen Netzwerkspeicher zu sichern. Die "
-"einzige Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass der Speicher immer am gleichen Ort "
-"eingebunden wird. Der hier angegebene Pfad muss nicht dauerhaft existieren, "
-"kup überprüft seine Existenz."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Zielpfad für die Datensicherung:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Verwenden Sie diese Option, wenn Sie Ihre Dateien auf einem externen "
-"Speichermedium, der in diesen Computer eingesteckt werden kann, wie z. B. "
-"einer USB-Festplatte oder einem USB-Stick, sichern möchten."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-"Das angegebene Verzeichnis wird erstellt falls es noch nicht existiert."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Verzeichnis auf dem Ziellaufwerk:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Öffnet einen Dialog zur Auswahl eines Ordners"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Ziel"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Das Datensicherungsziel auswählen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Manuelle Aktivierung"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Zeitspanne"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Aktive Nutzungszeit"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Datensicherungen werden nur manuell ausgeführt. Dies kann durch das "
-"Aufklappmenü des Sicherungssymbols in der Taskleiste erfolgen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Eine neue Sicherung wird erstellt, wenn das Sicherungsziel zur Verfügung "
-"steht und das konfigurierte Zeit-Intervall seit der letzten Sicherung "
-"vergangen ist."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuten"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Stunden"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Tage"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Wochen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Eine neue Sicherung wird erstellt, wenn das Sicherungsziel zur Verfügung "
-"steht und der Computer für länger als die konfigurierte Zeitspanne aktiv war."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Nachfragen, bevor eine Datensicherung ausgeführt wird"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Zeitplan"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Geben Sie den Sicherungszeitplan an"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Versteckte Verzeichnisse in der Quellauswahl anzeigen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Dies ermöglicht es, verborgene Verzeichnisse explizit ein- oder "
-"auszuschließen. Verborgene Verzeichnisse haben einen Namen, der mit einem "
-"Punkt beginnt. Typischerweise befinden sie sich im Benutzerverzeichnis und "
-"enthalten Konfigurationsdateien und temporäre Dateien für Ihre Anwendungen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Dadurch verbraucht Ihre Sicherung etwa 10% mehr Speicherplatz und dauert "
-"etwas länger. Dafür wird es möglich, eine teilweise fehlerhafte Sicherung zu "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Wiederherstellungsinformationen erzeugen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Wiederherstellungsinformationen werden erzeugt (nicht verfügbar, weil "
-"<application>par2</application> nicht installiert ist)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Integrität der Sicherungen überprüfen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Überprüft das Sicherungsarchiv auf Fehler, wenn Sie neue Daten hinzufügen. "
-"Die Speicherung wird etwas länger dauern, dafür werden eventuelle Fehler "
-"schneller gefunden. Ansonsten könnten Fehler erst gefunden werden, wenn Sie "
-"die Sicherung wiederherstellen möchten, und dann könnte es zu spät sein."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Öffnet einen Dialog zur Auswahl einer Datei"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Musterdatei auswählen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Erweitert"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Einstellungen für erfahrene Benutzer"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Schließen Sie den externen Speicher, den Sie verwenden möchten, an und "
-"wählen Sie diesen in der Liste aus."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (getrennt)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 frei"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partition %1 auf %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 auf %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 Gesamtgröße"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Warnung: Symbolische Verknüpfungen und Dateiberechtigungen können auf diesem "
-"Dateisystem nicht gespeichert werden. Berechtigungen sind nur dann wichtig, "
-"wenn mehrere Benutzer an diesem Computer arbeiten, oder wenn Sie ausführbare "
-"Programmdateien speichern wollen."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Warnung: Berechtigungen können auf diesem Dateisystem nicht gespeichert "
-"werden. Berechtigungen sind nur dann wichtig, wenn mehrere Benutzer an "
-"diesem Computer arbeiten, oder wenn Sie ausführbare Programmdateien "
-"speichern wollen."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wird der Datensicherung hinzugefügt, außer nicht "
-"ausgewählte Unterordner."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wird der Datensicherung hinzugefügt"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> wird <emphasis>nicht</emphasis> gesichert, "
-"enthält aber Unterordner, die gesichert werden"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wird <emphasis>nicht</emphasis> zur "
-"Datensicherung hinzugefügt"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup-Konfigurationsmodul"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-"Zeitpläne für Datensicherungen mit dem Kup-Datensicherungssystem "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Datensicherungsprogramme fehlen</h2><p>Bevor Sie eine Sicherung "
-"aktivieren können, installieren Sie eines der folgenden Programme</"
-"p><ul><li>bup, für versionierte Backups</li><li>rsync, für synchronisierte "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Warnung"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 hat kein Ziel<nl/>Es werden keine Sicherungen von diesem Plan erstellt."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Neuer Datensicherungsplan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Datensicherungen aktiviert"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Öffnen und Wiederherstellen aus bestehenden Sicherungen"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Konfigurieren"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Entfernen"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplizieren"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Kein bup-Archiv gefunden.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Neue Sicherung anlegen"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Dateien anzeigen"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Log-Datei anzeigen"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Datensicherungsplan %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Datensicherungen"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopieren)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Zuletzt gesichert: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Größe: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Speicher frei: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Dieser Sicherungsplan wurde noch nie ausgeführt."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/en_GB/kup.po b/po/en_GB/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 87b6272..0000000
--- a/po/en_GB/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1430 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) YEAR This file is copyright:
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the kup package.
-# Steve Allewell <steve.allewell@gmail.com>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-09 17:16+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Steve Allewell <steve.allewell@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: British English <kde-l10n-en_gb@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: en_GB\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.07.70\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Checking backup integrity"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Checking what to copy"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Failed to analyse files. See log file for more details."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Saving backup"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Generating recovery information"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "File"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continue"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Currently busy: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Do you really want to stop?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "User Backups"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Backup destination not available"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "No backup plans configured"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Backup destination available"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Backup status OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "New backup suggested"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "New backup needed"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup Daemon"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Maintainer"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Steve Allewell"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "steve.allewell@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Saving backup"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Checking backup integrity"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Repairing backups"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Yes"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "No"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Saving of Backup Failed"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Show log file"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Backup Saved"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Saving backup completed successfully."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Integrity Check Completed"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Repair Completed"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup Backup System"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Select location of backup archive to open."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "File Digger"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Browser for bup archives."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Name of the branch to be opened."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (folder)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (symlink)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (file)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "New Folder..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "No destination was selected, please select one."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - saved at %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "File already exists"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "New Folder"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "New Folder"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "A folder named %1 already exists."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "You do not have permission to create %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Restore Guide"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Restore to original location"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Choose where to restore"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Back"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Next"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Restore the folder under a new name"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Merge folders"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Back"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirm"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Restoring files"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "An error occurred while restoring:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Restoration completed successfully!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Open Destination"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Close"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Checking file sizes"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Restoring"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "File"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Open"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restore"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Exclude Folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Include Folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"You do not have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Select Folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Description:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Back to overview"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimised by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronised with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Synchronised Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Synchronised Backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Backup Type"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Select what type of backup you want"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Sources"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Select which folders to include in backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Filesystem Path"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "External Storage"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Destination Path for Backup:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Open dialogue to select a folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destination"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Select the backup destination"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Manual Activation"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Active Usage Time"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Hours"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Days"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Weeks"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Schedule"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Specify the backup schedule"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Generate recovery information"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verify integrity of backups"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Open dialogue to select a file"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Select pattern file"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Advanced"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Extra options for advanced users"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (disconnected)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 free"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 on %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 total capacity"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unticked subfolders"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup Configuration Module"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronised backups</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Warning"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Add New Plan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Backups Enabled"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Open and restore from existing backups"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configure"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remove"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplicate"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Save new backup"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Show files"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Show log file"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Backup plan %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Backups"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (copy)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Last saved: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Size: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Free space: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "This backup plan has never been run."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/es/kup.po b/po/es/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b69c3..0000000
--- a/po/es/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1467 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Administrador de Sistemas de Koali <admin@koali.es>, 2014.
-# Alex Castilla <alex.castillap@gmail.com>, 2017.
-# Francisco García Cisneros <fgarciacis@koali.es>, 2013.
-# seryeb - <seryeb@gmail.com>, 2017.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018.
-# Victor García <victor.garcia@iberdomo.net>, 2018-2019.
-# Víctor Rodrigo Córdoba <vrcordoba@gmail.com>, 2019, 2020.
-# Eloy Cuadra <ecuadra@eloihr.net>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-04 18:19+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Víctor Rodrigo Córdoba <vrcordoba@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish <kde-l10n-es@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: es\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.3\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa <application>bup</application> es necesario pero no pudo "
-"encontrarse, ¿podría no estar instalado?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa <application>par2</application> es necesario pero no pudo "
-"encontrarse, ¿podría no estar instalado?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"No se ha podido inicializar el destino de la copia de seguridad. Consulte el "
-"archivo de registro para más detalles."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Comprobando la integridad de la copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"La comprobación de integridad de la copia de seguridad ha fallado. Sus "
-"copias de seguridad pueden estar dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro "
-"para más detalles. ¿Desea intentar reparar los archivos de copia de "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La comprobación de integridad de la copia de seguridad ha fallado. Sus "
-"copias de seguridad pueden estar dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro "
-"para más detalles."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Comprobando que copiar"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un error al analizar los archivos. Consulte el archivo de "
-"registro para más detalles."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Haciendo nueva copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"No se ha podido guardar la copia de seguridad. Consulte el archivo de "
-"registro para más detalles."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Generando información de recuperación."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un error al generar la información de recuperación de la copia "
-"de seguridad. Consulte el archivo de registro para más detalles."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Archivo"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un error al reparar la copia de seguridad. Sus copias de "
-"seguridad pueden estar dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro para más "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La copia de seguridad se ha reparado con éxito. Consulte el archivo de "
-"registro para más detalles."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"No es necesario reparar la copia de seguridad. Sus copias de seguridad no "
-"están dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro para más detalles."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un error al reparar la copia de seguridad. Sus copias de "
-"seguridad pueden continuar dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro para más "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La comprobación de integridad de la copia de seguridad ha fallado. Sus "
-"copias de seguridad están dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro para más "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"El test de integridad de las copias de seguridad tuvo éxito. Sus copias de "
-"seguridad son correctas."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"La comprobación de integridad de la copia de seguridad ha fallado. Sus "
-"copias de seguridad están dañadas. Consulte el archivo de registro para más "
-"detalles. ¿Desea intentar reparar los archivos de copia de seguridad?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Tipo incorrecto de copia en la configuración."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "No tienes permisos para acceder al destino de la copia de seguridad."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Detener"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Actualmente ocupado: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "¿Realmente quiere detener?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Copias de seguridad del usuario"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Destino de la copia de seguridad no disponible"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "No se han configurado planes de backup"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Destino de la copia de seguridad disponible"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Estado de la copia de seguridad correcto"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Recomendada nueva copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Necesaria nueva copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup no está habilitado, habilítalo desde el módulo de Preferencias del "
-"Sistema:<command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Demonio Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup es una solución de copias de seguridad flexible que usa el sistema de "
-"almacenamiento de copias de seguridad 'bup'. Esto permite realizar copias de "
-"seguridad incrementales rápidamente, sólo guardando las partes de los "
-"archivos que realmente han cambiado desde que se realizó la última copia de "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Mantenedor"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Administrador de Sistemas de Koali"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "admin@koali.es"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Haciendo nueva copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Comprobando la integridad de la copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Reparando copias de seguridad"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "¿Desea realizar la primera copia de seguridad ahora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Hace %1 desde que se realizó la última copia de seguridad.\n"
-"¿Desea realizar una copia de seguridad ahora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha estado activo con este ordenador por %1 desde que se realizó la última "
-"copia de seguridad.\n"
-" ¿Desea realizar una copia de seguridad ahora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sí"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "No"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Ha fallado al guardar la copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostrar el archivo de registro"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Copia de seguridad guardada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Terminó de guardar la copia de seguridad"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Comprobación de integridad finalizada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparación completada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Sistema de copias de seguridad Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"El programa <application>rsync</application> es necesario pero no pudo "
-"encontrarse, ¿podría no estar instalado?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"El archivo de copia de seguridad <filename>%1</filename> no puede abrirse. "
-"Compruebe si las copias están aún almacenadas ahí."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"No dispones de los permisos necesarios para leer esta copia de seguridad."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Seleccione el archivo de copia de seguridad a abrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Extractor de Archivos"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Navegador para archivos bup."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nombre de la rama a abrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Ruta al repositorio bup a abrir."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"No se puede leer el archivo de esta copia de seguridad. Es posible que "
-"algunos archivos estén dañados. ¿Desea ejecutar una prueba de integridad "
-"para comprobarlo?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(carpeta)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(enlace)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(archivo)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nueva Carpeta..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "No se seleccionó destino, por favor, seleccione uno."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Ha ocurrido un problema al obtener la lista de los archivos a restaurar: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"El destino no tiene suficiente espacio disponible. Por favor, escoja otro "
-"destino diferente o libere más espacio."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- guardado en %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "La carpeta ya existe, por favor, escoja una solución"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "El archivo ya existe"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr ""
-"El nuevo nombre introducido ya existe, por favor, introduzca uno diferente."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nueva Carpeta"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nueva Carpeta"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Crear nueva carpeta en:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Una carpeta llamada %1 ya existe."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "No tienes permiso para crear %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Guía de restauración"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Restaurar a su ubicación original"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Elegir dónde restuarar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Atrás"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Siguiente"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Restuarar la carpeta con un nuevo nombre"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Mezclar carpetas"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Los siguientes archivos van a ser sobrescritos, por favor, confirma que "
-"quieres continuar."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Atrás"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Restaurando archivos"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Ocurrió un error durante la restauración:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "¡Restauración completada con éxito!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Abrir destino"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Cerrar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Comprobando tamaño de archivos"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Restaurando"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Archivo"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Abrir"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restaurar"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta excluida"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Carpeta incluida"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"No tienes permisos para leer esta carpeta: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>No "
-"puede ser incluida el selección de origen. Si no incluye nada importante "
-"para ti, una posible solución es excluirla del plan de copia de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"No dispone de permisos para leer este archivo: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">No se puede incluir en la selección de origen. Si el archivo no es "
-"importante, una posible solución es excluir la totalidad de la carpeta donde "
-"está guardado el archivo del plan de la copia de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"El enlace simbólico <filename>%1</filename> está incluido pero apunta a una "
-"carpeta que no lo está: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/> Probablemente no es lo "
-"que quieres. Una solución es simplemente incluir la carpeta enlazada en el "
-"plan de copia de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"El enlace simbólico <filename>%1</filename> está incluido pero apunta a un "
-"archivo que no lo está: <filename>%2</filename>. <nl/>Probablemente no es lo "
-"que desee. Una solución es simplemente incluir la carpeta donde el archivo "
-"se encuentra en el plan de copia de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Seleccionar Carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descripción:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Volver a vista general"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Este tipo de copia es un <emphasis> archivo</emphasis>. Contiene tanto la "
-"última versión de sus archivos como las versiones anteriormente copiadas. "
-"Esar este tipo de copia te permite recuperar versiones antiguas de tus "
-"archivos, o archivos que fueron borrados del ordenador más tarde. El espacio "
-"necesario se minimiza buscando partes comunes en tus archivos entre "
-"versiones, sólo copiando dichas partes una única vez. Sin embargo, el "
-"archivo de copias seguirá creciendo de tamaño según el tiempo avance.<nl/"
-">También es importante saber que los archivos no pueden abrirse directamente "
-"con un gestor de archivos estándar, se necesita un programa especial."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Control de Versiones (no disponible porque <application>bup</application> no "
-"está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Control de Versiones (recomendado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Este tipo de copia de seguridad es una carpeta que está sincronizada con tus "
-"carpetas origen seleccionadas. Hacer una copia simplemente significa hacer "
-"que el destino de la copia contenga una copia exacta del origen tal cual "
-"está ahora y nada más. Si un archivo ha sido borrado en el origen, éste será "
-"borrado en la carpeta copia.<nl/>Este tipo de copia puede protegerte contra "
-"una pérdida de información por un disco duro defectuoso, pero no le ayudará "
-"a recuperarse de sus propios errores."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Copia Sincronizada (no disponible porque <application>rsync</application> no "
-"está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Copia Sincronizada"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de Copia"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Selecciona qué tipo de copia quieres"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Fuentes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Selecciona las carpetas a incluir en la copia de seguridad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Ruta del sistema de archivos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Almacenamiento externo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Puede usar esta opción para hacer una copia en un disco interno secundario, "
-"una unidad eSATA externa o en almacenamiento en red. El requisito es que "
-"siempre se monte en la misma ruta del sistema de archivos. No es necesario "
-"que la ruta especificada exista siempre, ya que será monitorizada."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Ruta de destino para la Copia:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa esta opción si quieres copiar tus archivos en un almacenamiento externo "
-"que puede ser enchufado al ordenador, como un disco duro USB o un pendrive."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "La carpeta espeficicada será creada si no existe."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Carpeta en el dispositivo de destino:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Abrir diálogo para seleccionar carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destino"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Selecciona el destino de la copia de seguridad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Activación Manual"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervalo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Tiempo de uso activo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Las copias de seguridad sólo se realizan cuando se solicita manualmente. "
-"Esto se puede hacer usando el menu contextual desde el icono de la bandeja "
-"del sistema de copias de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Una nueva copia de seguridad se lanzará cuando el destino de la copia de "
-"seguridad esté disponible y haya transcurrido un intervalo de tiempo mayor "
-"del configurado desde que se realizó la última copia de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Horas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Días"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Semanas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Se activará una nueva copia de seguridad cuando la carpeta destino esté "
-"disponible y se haya usado tu ordenador activamente más del tiempo límite "
-"configurado desde que se hizo la última copia de seguridad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Pedir confirmación antes de realizar una copia de seguridad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Calendario"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Especificar el calendario de copias de seguridad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Mostrar carpetas ocultas en la selección de orígenes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Hace posible incluir o excluir específicamente carpetas ocultas en el origen "
-"de la copia de seguridad. Las carpetas ocultas tienen un nombre que empieza "
-"por un punto. Suelen estar situadas en la carpeta personal y se usan para "
-"almacenar configuraciones y archivos temporales de las aplicaciones."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Hará que tus copias utilicen cerca de un 10% mas de espacio de "
-"almacenamiento y tomará mas tiempo guardar las copias de seguridad. Pero a "
-"cambio será posible recuperar de una copia de seguridad parcialmente "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Generar información de recuperación"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Generar información de recuperación (no disponible porque<application>par2</"
-"application> no está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verificar la integridad de las copias de seguridad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Comprobará la copia de seguridad completa en busca de corrupción cada vez "
-"que guarde nuevos datos. Tardará un poco mas pero permite detectar problemas "
-"de corrupción antes de que se necesite la copia de seguridad, cuando ya sea "
-"demasiado tarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Excluir archivos y carpetas basándose en patrones"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Los patrones deben listarse en un archivo de texto con un patrón por línea. "
-"Los archivos y carpetas con nombres que correspondan con cualquiera de los "
-"patrones se excluirán de la copia de seguridad. El formato de los patrones "
-"se encuentra documentado <a href=\"%1\">aquí</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Abrir diálogo para seleccionar carpeta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Elija un patrón de archivo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanzado"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Opciones para usuarios avanzados"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Conecta el almacenamiento externo si deseas usarlo, luego selecciónalo en "
-"esta lista."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (desconectado)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 libre"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partición %1 en %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 en %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 capacidad total"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Advertencia: Los enlaces simbólicos y los permisos de los archivos no se "
-"guardarán en este sistema de archivos. Los permisos solo importan si hay mas "
-"de un usuario en este ordenador o si está haciendo una copia de seguridad de "
-"archivos ejecutables."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Advertencia: Los permisos de los archivos no se guardarán en este sistema de "
-"archivos. Los permisos solo importan si hay más de un usuario en este "
-"ordenador o si está haciendo una copia de seguridad de archivos ejecutables."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>será incluido en la copia, excepto las carpetas "
-"no marcadas"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>será incluido en la copia de seguridad"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>no</emphasis> será incluido en la "
-"copia, pero contiene carpetas que si lo serán"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>no</emphasis> será incluido en la "
-"copia de seguridad"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Módulo de configuración de Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Planes de configuración para el sistema de copias de seguridad Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>No se encuentran los programas de copia</h2><p>Antes de que puedas "
-"activar cualquier plan de copias, necesitas instalar al menos uno de estos "
-"dos:</p><ul><li>bup, para control de versiones</li><li>rsync, para copias "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Aviso"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr "¡%1 no hay destino!<nl/>No se harán copias con este plan."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Añadir nuevo plan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Copias de seguridad Activadas"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Abrir y restaurar desde copias de seguridad existentes"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configurar"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"No se ha encontrado el repositorio bup.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Guardar nueva copia"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Mostrar archivos"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostrar el archivo de registro"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Plan de copia de seguridad %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Copias de seguridad"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (copia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Último guardado: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Tamaño: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Espacio libre: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Este plan de copias de seguridad nunca ha sido usado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/et/kup.po b/po/et/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index d75149f..0000000
--- a/po/et/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1426 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) YEAR This file is copyright:
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the kup package.
-# Marek Laane <qiilaq69@gmail.com>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 13:01+0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Marek Laane <qiilaq69@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Estonian <kde-et@lists.linux.ee>\n"
-"Language: et_EE\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.2\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vaja läheb programmi <application>bup</application>, kuid seda ei leitud. "
-"Võib-olla polegi seda paigaldatud?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vaja läheb programmi <application>par2</application>, kuid seda ei leitud. "
-"Võib-olla polegi seda paigaldatud?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia sihtkoha initsialiseerimine nurjus. Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine nurjus. Varukoopiad võivad olla "
-"rikutud! Uuri täpsemalt logifailist. Kas üritada varukoopiafaile parandada?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine nurjus. Varukoopiad võivad olla "
-"rikutud! Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Kontrollimine, mida kopeerida"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Failide analüüsimine nurjus. Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Varukoopia salvestamine"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Varukoopia salvestamine nurjus. Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Taastamisteabe genereerimine"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia taastamisteabe genereerimine nurjus. Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fail"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia parandamine nurjus. Varukoopiad võivad olla rikutud! Uuri "
-"täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Kõik õnnestus! Varukoopia parandati. Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia parandamine ei ole vajalik. Varukoopiad ei ole rikutud. Uuri "
-"täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia parandamine nurjus. Varukoopiad võivad jätkuvalt olla rikutud! "
-"Uuri täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine nurjus. Varukoopiad on rikutud! Uuri "
-"täpsemalt logifailist."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine lõppes edukalt. Sinu varukoopiad on "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine nurjus. Varukoopiad on rikutud! Uuri "
-"täpsemalt logifailist. Kas üritada varukoopiafaile parandada?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Probleem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Vigane varundamise tüüp seadistuses."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Sul ei ole varundamise sihtkohas kirjutamisõigust."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Jätka"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Peata"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Parajasti hõivatud:%1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Kas tõesti peatada?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Kasutaja varukoopiad"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Varundamise sihtkoht pole saadaval"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Varukoopiakava pole seadistatud"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Varundamise sihtkoht on saadaval"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Varundamise olek on OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Tasuks ehk teha uus varukoopia"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Vaja on teha uus varukoopia"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup ei ole lubatud, lülita see sisse Süsteemi seadistuste moodulis. Seda "
-"saab teha käsuga <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kupi deemon"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup on paindlik varukoopiate valmistamise lahendus, mis kasutab varukoopiate "
-"salvestamise süsteemi \"bup\". See lubab kiiresti sooritada "
-"inkrementvarundamist ehk teisisõnu salvestada ainult failide need osad, mida "
-"on pärast viimast varundamist muudetud."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Autoriõigus (C) 2011-2020: Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Hooldaja"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Marek Laane"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "qiilaq69@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Varukoopia salvestamine"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Varukoopia terviklikkuse kontrollimine"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Varukoopiate parandamine"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Kas salvestada esimene varukoopia kohe?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Viimase varukoopia salvestamisest on möödas %1\n"
-"Kas salvestada nüüd uus varukoopia?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Oled olnud pärast viimase varukoopia salvestamist tegev %1\n"
-"Kas salvestada nüüd uus varukoopia?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Jah"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ei"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Varukoopia salvestamine nurjus"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Näita logifaili"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Varukoopia on salvestatud"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Varukoopia salvestamine lõpetati edukalt."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Terviklikkuse kontroll on lõpetatud"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Parandamine on lõpetatud"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kupi süsteemi varundamine"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vaja läheb programmi <application>rsync</application>, kuid seda ei leitud. "
-"Võib-olla polegi seda paigaldatud?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopiaarhiivi <filename>%1</filename> avamine nurjus. Kontrolli, kas "
-"varukoopiad ikka asuvad seal."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Sul ei ole selle varukoopiaarhiivi lugemiseks õigusi."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Avatava varukoopiaarhiivi asukoha valimine."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Failikaevur"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "bup-arhiivide sirvija."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Autoriõigus (C) 2013-2020: Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Avatava haru nimi."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Avatava bup-hoidla asukoht."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopiaarhiivi lugemine nurjus. Võib-olla on mõned failid riknenud. Kas "
-"selgitada see välja terviklikkuse kontrollimisega?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (kataloog)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (nimeviit)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (fail)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Uus kataloog ..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Sihtkohta pole valitud, palun vali see."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Kõigi taastavate failide loendi hankimisel tekkis probleem: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Sihtkohas pole piisavalt ruumi. Palun vali teine sihtkoht või vabasta ruumi."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - salvestatud %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Kataloog on juba olemas, palun vali lahendus."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Fail on juba olemas"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Antud uus nimi on juba olemas, palun anna mõni muu nimi."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Uus kataloog"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Uus kataloog"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Uue kataloogi loomine asukohas:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Kataloog nimega %1 on juba olemas."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Sul ei ole õigusi luua %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Taastamine"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Taasta algsesse asukohta"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Taastamiskoht"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Tagasi"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Edasi"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Kataloogi taastamine uue nimega"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Kataloogide ühendamine"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "Järgmised failid kirjutatakse üle, palun kinnita, et soovib jätkata."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Tagasi"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Kinnitus"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Failide taastamine"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Taastamisel tekkis tõrge:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Taastamine lõpetati edukalt!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Ava sihtkoht"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sulge"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Failisuuruste kontrollimine"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Taastamine"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fail"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Ava"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Taasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Jäta kataloog välja"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Kaasa kataloog"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Sul ei ole selle kataloogi lugemiseks õigusi: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">Seda ei saa valikusse kaasata. See ei sisalda ka midagi sulle olulist, nii "
-"et üks lahendus on see lihtsalt varundamiskavast välja jätta."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Sul ei ole selle faili lugemiseks õigusi: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Seda "
-"ei saa valikusse kaasata. Kui see fail ei ole sulle oluline, siis on üks "
-"lahendus jätta varundamiskavast välja terve kataloog, kus see fail asub."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nimeviit <filename>%1</filename> on praegu kaasatud, kuid see viitab "
-"kataloogile, mida kaasa ei ole arvatud: <filename>%2</filename><nl/"
-">Tõenäoliselt sa seda tegelikult ei soovi. Üks lahendus on lihtsalt kaasata "
-"sihtkataloog varukoopiakavasse."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nimeviit <filename>%1</filename> on praegu kaasatud, kuid see viitab "
-"failile, mida kaasa ei ole arvatud: <filename>%2</filename><nl/>Tõenäoliselt "
-"sa seda tegelikult ei soovi. Üks lahendus on lihtsalt kaasata kataloog, "
-"milles fail paikneb, varukoopiakavasse."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Kataloogi valimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Kirjeldus:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Tagasi ülevaatesse"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Seda tüüpi varukoopia on <emphasis>arhiiv</emphasis>. See sisaldab nii sinu "
-"failide uusimat versiooni kui ka varem varundatud versioone. Seda tüüpi "
-"varukoopia kasutamine lubab taastada failide vanemaid versioone, isegi kui "
-"need peaksid olema vahepeal arvutist kustutatud. Salvestusruumi hoitakse "
-"võimalikult väiksema, otsides failide eri versioonide ühisosa ja seda ainult "
-"korra salvestades. Aga siiski kipuvad ka varukoopiaarhiivid aja jooksul "
-"kasvama.<nl/>Ühtlasi tasuks silmas pidada, et arhiivis leiduvatele failidele "
-"ei pääse otse (näiteks tavalise failihalduriga) ligi, tarvis läheb "
-"spetsiaalset programmi."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Versioonvarundamine (ei saa kasutada, sest <application>bup</application> ei "
-"ole paigaldatud)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Versioonvarundamine (soovitatav)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Seda tüüpi varukoopia on kataloog, mida hoitakse sünkroonis valitud "
-"lähtekataloogidega. Varundamine tähendab sel juhul lihtsalt seda, et "
-"varukoopiate asukoht kujutab endast lähtekataloogide täpset koopiat, ei "
-"midagi enamat. Kui lähtekataloogis fail kustutatakse, kustutatakse see ka "
-"varukoopiate kataloogis.<nl/>Seda tüüpi varundamine võib kaitsta näiteks "
-"vigasest kettast tingitud andmekao vastu, aga mitte enda langetatud ekslike "
-"otsuste eest."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sünkroonvarundamine (ei saa kasutada, sest <application>rsync</application> "
-"ei ole paigaldatud)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Sünkroonvarundamine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Varundamise tüüp"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Varundamise tüübi valimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Allikad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Varundatavate kataloogide valimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Failisüsteemi asukoht"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Väline salvesti"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Selle valimisel saab varundada teisele sisemisele kõvakettale, välisele "
-"eSATA kettale või võrgusalvestisse. Nõutav on ainult see, et asukoht "
-"ühendatakse failisüsteemis alati samasse kohta. Siin määratud asukoht ei pea "
-"kogu aeg olemas olema, selle olemist või mitteolemist jälgitakse."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Varundamise sihtkoht:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Selle valikuga saab faile varundada välisesse, arvutiga ühendatavasse "
-"salvestisse, näiteks USB-kõvakettale või mälupulgale."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Määratud kataloog luuakse, kui seda veel pole."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Kataloog või sihtketas:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Dialoogi avamine kataloogi valimiseks"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Sihtkoht"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Varundamise sihtkoha valimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Käsitsi aktiveerimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervall"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Aktiivne kasutusaeg"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Varukoopiad luuakse ainult käsitsi nõudmisel. Seda saab teha varundamise "
-"süsteemisalve ikooni hüpikmenüüst."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Uue varukoopia loomist alustatakse, kui varundamine sihtkoht saadavale ilmub "
-"ning viimasest varundamisest on möödunud rohkem aega kui määratud intervall."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "minutit"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "tundi"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "päeva"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "nädalat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Uue varukoopia loomist alustatakse, kui varundamise sihtkoht saadavale ilmub "
-"ning sa oled pärast viimast varundamist arvutit aktiivselt kasutanud rohkem "
-"aega kui määratud intervall."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Kinnituse küsimine enne varundamise alustamist"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Ajakava"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Varundamise ajakava määramine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Peidetud kataloogide näitamine allikavalikus"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"See võimaldab varundamise allikate valimisel peidetud katalooge otseselt "
-"kaasata või välja jätta. Peidetud kataloogid on sellised, mille nime alguses "
-"seisab punkt. Tüüpiliselt asuvad need sinu kodukataloogis ning neid "
-"kasutatakse rakenduste seadistuste ja ajutiste failide salvestamiseks."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"See muudab varundamise mahu umbes 10% suuremaks ning varundamine võtab pisut "
-"rohkem aega. Samas võimaldab see taastada ka osaliselt rikutud varukoopia "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Taastamisteabe genereerimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Taastamisteabe genereerimine (ei saa kasutada, sest <application>par2</"
-"application> ei ole paigaldatud)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Varukoopiate terviklikkuse kontrollimine"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Kogu varukoopiaarhiivi terviklikkuse kontrollimine alati uute andmete "
-"salvestamisel. Varukoopia salvestamine võtab pisut rohkem aega, kuid nii "
-"saab võimalikke riknemisprobleeme avastada juba aegsasti."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Failide ja kataloogide väljajätmine vastavalt mustrile"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Mustrid tuleb kirja panna tekstifailis, üks muster igal real. Failid ja "
-"kataloogid, mille nimi sobib ükspuha millise määratud mustriga, jäetakse "
-"varundamisest välja. Mustrivorminguga saab tutvuda <a href=\"%1\">siin</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Dialoogi avamine faili valimiseks"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Vali mustrifail"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Muu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Lisavalikud kogenud kasutajatele"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Ühenda väline salvesti, mida soovid kasutada, ja vali see siis loendist."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (pole ühendatud)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 vaba"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partitsioon %1 seadmel %2/%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 seadmel %2/%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: kogumaht %2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Hoiatus: nimeviitu ja failiõigusi ei saa selles failisüsteemis salvestada. "
-"Failiõigused lähevad korda ainult siis, kui arvutit kasutab üle ühe inimese "
-"või kui varundad ka programmide täitmisfaile."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Hoiatus: failiõigusi ei saa selles failisüsteemis salvestada. Failiõigused "
-"lähevad korda ainult siis, kui arvutit kasutab üle ühe inimese või kui "
-"varundad ka programmide täitmisfaile."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>kaasatakse varundamisse, välja arvatud märkimata "
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>kaasatakse varundamisse"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>ei</emphasis> kaasata varundamisse, "
-"kuid see sisaldab katalooge, mis kaasatakse"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>ei</emphasis> kaasata varundamisse"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kupi seadistamismoodul"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Kupi varundamissüsteemi varukoopiakavade seadistamine"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Varundamisprogrammid puuduvad</h2><p>Enne mis tahes varukoopiakava "
-"aktiveerimist tuleb paigaldada kas</p><ul><li>bup versioonvarundamise või</"
-"li><li>rsync sünkroonvarundamise jaoks</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Hoiatus"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 on ilma sihtkohata!<nl/>Selle kava järgi ei saa salvestada ühtegi "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Lisa uus kava"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Varukoopiate lubamine"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Ava ja taasta olemasolevate varukoopiate põhjal"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Seadista"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eemalda"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Klooni"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"bup-hoidlat ei leitud.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Salvesta uus varukoopia"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Näita faile"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Näita logifaili"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Varukoopiakava %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Varukoopiad"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (koopia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Viimane salvestamine: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Suurus: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Vaba ruum: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Seda varukoopiakava ei ole kunagi kasutatud."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/eu/kup.po b/po/eu/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index d706de0..0000000
--- a/po/eu/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1326 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of kup.po to Euskara/Basque (eu).
-# Copyright (C) 2020, This file is copyright:
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the kup package.
-# KDE euskaratzeko proiektuko arduraduna <xalba@euskalnet.net>.
-# Translators:
-# Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <xalba@euskalnet.net>, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-09 18:24+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Iñigo Salvador Azurmendi <xalba@euskalnet.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: Basque <kde-i18n-eu@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: eu\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.04.0\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"<application>bup</application> programa behar da baino ezin da aurkitu, "
-"agian instalatu gabe dago?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"<application>par2</application> programa behar da baino ezin da aurkitu,"
-"agiaz instalatu gabe dago?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Babes-kopiako jomuga ezin izan da hasieratu. Begiratu egunkari-fitxategia "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Babes-kopiaren osotasuna egiaztatzen"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Zer kopiatu aztertzen"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Babes-kopia gordetzen"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Berreskuratzeko informazioa sortzea"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Huts egin du babes-kopia berreskuratzeko informazioa sortzea. Begiratu "
-"egunkari-fitxategia zehaztasunetarako."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fitxategia"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Babes-kopia konpontzea huts egin du. Zure babes-kopiak hondatuta egon "
-"daitezke! Begiratu egunkari-fitxategia zehaztasunetarako."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Ondo! Babes-kopia konpontzea lortu da. Begiratu egunkari-fitxategia "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Babes-kopia konpontzea ez da beharrezkoa. Zure babes-kopiak ez daude "
-"hondatuta. Begiratu egunkari-fitxategia zehaztasunetarako."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Arazoa"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Jarraitu"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Gelditu"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Une honetan lanpetuta: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Benetan gelditu nahi duzu?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Erabiltzailearen babes-kopiak"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Babes-kopia egoera Ondo"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Bai"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ez"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Aukeratu eredu-fitxategia"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Aurreratua"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Erabiltzaile aurreratuentzako aukera gehigarriak"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Txertatu erabili nahi duzun kanpoko biltegiratzea, ondoren hautatu zerrenda "
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (deskonektatuta)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 huts"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 partizioa %2%3-n"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 %2%3(e)(a)n"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 edukiera osoa"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup konfiguratzeko modulua"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Abisua"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1(e)k ez du jomugarik!<nl/>Egitasmo honek ez du babes-kopiarik gordeko."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Gehitu egitasmo berria"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Babes-kopiak gaituta"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Ireki eta lehengoratu dagoen babes-kopiatik"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Konfiguratu"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Kendu"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Bikoiztu"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ez da bup gordetegirik aurkitu.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Gorde babes-kopia berria"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Erakutsi fitxategiak"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Erakutsi egunkari-fitxategia"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Babes-kopia egitasmoa %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Babes-kopiak"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Azkenekoz gordea: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Neurria: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Leku hutsa: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Babes-kopia egitasmo hau ez da sekula exekutatu."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/fr/kup.po b/po/fr/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f679172..0000000
--- a/po/fr/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1466 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# benoits <benoit.schwinden@free.fr>, 2014.
-# benoits <benoit.schwinden@free.fr>, 2014-2016.
-# P Rouleau <pfrouleau@gmail.com>, 2018.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018.
-# Xavier Besnard <xavier.besnard@neuf.fr>, 2020.
-# Translators:
-# MerMouY, 2015.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-27 13:25+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Xavier Besnard <xavier.besnard@neuf.fr>\n"
-"Language-Team: French <kde-francophone@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: fr_FR\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.04.1\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Le programme <application>bup</application> est requis mais n'a pu être "
-"trouvé. Est-il installé ?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Le programme <application>par2</application> est requis mais n'a pu être "
-"trouvé. Est-il installé ?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Le dossier de sauvegarde ne peut être initialisé. Voyez le fichier de log "
-"pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité de la sauvegarde"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"La vérification de la sauvegarde a échoué. Votre sauvegarde pourrait être "
-"corrompue ! Voyez le fichier de log pour plus de détails. Voulez-vous "
-"essayer de réparer le fichier de sauvegarde ?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La vérification de la sauvegarde a échoué. Votre sauvegarde pourrait être "
-"corrompue ! Voyez le fichier de log pour plus d'informations."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Recherche de ce qui doit être copié"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"L'indexation du système de fichiers a échoué. Voyez le fichier de journal "
-"pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Sauvegarde en cours"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Échec à l'enregistrement de la sauvegarde complète. Voyez le fichier de log "
-"pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Génération des informations de restauration"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Informations sur la sauvegarde non enregistrées. Voyez le fichier de log "
-"pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fichier :"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"La réparation de la sauvegarde a échoué. Vos sauvegardes pourraient être "
-"endommagées ! Voyez le fichier de log pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La réparation de la sauvegarde a réussi ! Voyez le fichier de log pour plus "
-"de détails."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La réparation de la sauvegarde n'était pas nécessaire. Vos sauvegardes ne "
-"semblent pas être corrompues. Voyez le fichier de log pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La réparation de la sauvegarde a échouée. Voyez le fichier de log pour plus "
-"de détails."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Le contrôle d'intégrité de la sauvegarde a échoué. Vos sauvegardes sont "
-"corrompues ! Voyez le fichier de log pour plus de détails."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"La vérification de l'intégrité de la sauvegarde a réussi. Vos sauvegardes "
-"sont correctes."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"La vérification de la sauvegarde a échoué. Votre sauvegarde pourrait être "
-"corrompue ! Voyez le fichier de log pour plus de détails. Voulez-vous "
-"essayer de réparer le fichier de sauvegarde ?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problème"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Type de sauvegarde non valable dans la configuration."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Vous n'avez pas la permission d'écrire dans le dossier de destination."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuer"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Arrêter"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Occupé : %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment arrêter ?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Sauvegardes"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Destination de sauvegarde indisponible"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Aucun plan de sauvegarde configuré"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Destination de sauvegarde disponible"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Succès de la sauvegarde"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Nouvelle sauvegarde recommandée"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Nouvelle sauvegarde requise"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup n'est pas activé. Activez-le depuis le module de configuration du "
-"système. Vous pouvez également l'activer en lançant <command>kcmshell5 kup</"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Démon Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup est une solution de sauvegarde flexible utilisant le système de stockage "
-"de sauvegarde « bup ». Ceci permet de faire des sauvegardes incrémentales, "
-"ne sauvegardant que les parties des fichiers qui ont changées depuis la "
-"dernière sauvegarde."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Mainteneur"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Benoit SCHWINDEN, Patrick Rouleau"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "Vos adresses de courrier électronique"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Sauvegarde en cours"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité de la sauvegarde"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Réparation des sauvegardes"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous lancer une première sauvegarde maintenant ?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Aucune sauvegarde depuis %1.\n"
-"Voulez-vous sauvegarder maintenant ?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Vous avez utilisé cet ordinateur depuis %1 depuis la dernière sauvegarde.\n"
-"Voulez-vous sauvegarder maintenant ?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Oui"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Non"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "L'enregistrement de la sauvegarde a échoué"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Voir le journal"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Sauvegarde réussie"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "La sauvegarde a réussi ! "
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Contrôle d'intégrité effectué"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Réparation effectuée"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Système de Sauvegarde Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Le programme <application>rsync</application> est requis, mais n'a pu être "
-"trouvé. Est-il installé ?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"L'archive de sauvegarde <filename>%1</filename> n'a pu être ouverte. "
-"Veuillez vérifier que les sauvegardes sont bien présentes à cet emplacement. "
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Vous n'avez pas les permissions nécessaires pour lire cette archive."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Sélectionnez l'emplacement de l'archive de sauvegarde à ouvrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Explorateur de fichiers"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Explorateur pour les archives bup"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nom de la branche à ouvrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Emplacement du dépôt « bup » à ouvrir."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de lire cette archive. Certains fichiers ont peut-être été "
-"corrompus. Voulez-vous lancer un test d'intégrité pour vérifier cette "
-"hypothèse ?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(dossier)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(lien symbolique)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(fichier)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nouveau dossier..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Aucune destination sélectionnée. Veuillez en choisir une."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Un problème est survenu lors du chargement de la liste de tous les fichiers "
-"à restaurer : %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"L'espace libre sur la destination est insuffisant. Veuillez choisir une "
-"autre destination ou libérer de l'espace."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- enregistré à l'emplacement %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Le dossier existe déjà : indiquez une solution"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Le fichier existe déjà"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Le nouveau nom saisi existe déjà. Veuillez en saisir un autre."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nouveau dossier"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nouveau dossier"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Créer un nouveau dossier dans :\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Le dossier %1 existe déjà."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Vous n'avez pas les droits pour créer %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Guide de restauration"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Restaurer à l'emplacement initial"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Choisissez l'emplacement pour la restauration"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Précédent"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Suivant"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Restaurer le dossier sous un autre nom"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Fusionner les dossiers"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Les fichiers suivant seront écrasés. Veuillez confirmer pour continuer."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Précédent"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmer"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Restauration des fichiers"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Une erreur est survenue durant la restauration :"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "La restauration a réussi ! "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Ouvrir la destination"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fermer"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Vérification des tailles de fichiers"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Restauration"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fichier"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Ouvrir"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restaurer"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Dossiers à exclure"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Dossiers à inclure"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous n'avez pas le droit de lire ce dossier : <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Il "
-"ne peut être inclus dans la sélection source. S'il ne contient rien "
-"d'important pour vous, une solution possible est d'exclure ce dossier du "
-"plan de sauvegarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous n'avez pas le droit de lire ce fichier : <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Il "
-"ne peut être inclus dans la sélection source. Si le fichier ne contient rien "
-"d'important pour vous, une solution possible est d'exclure tout le dossier "
-"contenant ce fichier du plan de sauvegarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Le lien symbolique <filename>%1</filename> est actuellement inclus mais il "
-"réfère à un dossier qu'il ne l'est pas : <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Ce "
-"n'est probablement pas ce que vous voulez. Une solution est d'inclure le "
-"dossier cible dans le plan de sauvegarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Le lien symbolique <filename>%1</filename> est actuellement inclus mais il "
-"réfère à un fichier qu'il ne l'est pas : <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Ce "
-"n'est probablement pas ce que vous voulez. Une solution est d'inclure le "
-"dossier contenant ce fichier dans le plan de sauvegarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Sélection d'un dossier"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Description :"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Retour à la vue d'ensemble"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Ce type de sauvegarde est une <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. Elle contient "
-"aussi bien les dernières versions de vos fichiers que les versions plus "
-"anciennes déjà sauvegardées. L'utilisation de ce type de sauvegarde permet "
-"de restaurer des anciennes versions de vos fichiers ou encore des fichiers "
-"effacés. L'espace disque nécessaire est minimisé car seuls les changements "
-"éventuels sont sauvegardés, les « parties communes » des fichiers étant "
-"laissées telles quelles. Néanmoins, la taille des archives de sauvegarde "
-"grossit avec le temps.<nl/>Cependant, il est important de noter que les "
-"fichiers à l'intérieur de l'archive ne seront pas accessibles directement à "
-"l'aide d'un gestionnaire de fichiers, un programme spécial est nécessaire."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde versionnée (indisponible car <application>bup</application> n'est "
-"pas installé)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Sauvegarde versionnée (recommandée)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Ce type de sauvegarde est un dossier synchronisé avec les emplacements "
-"d'origine que vous avez sélectionnés. La réalisation d'une sauvegarde "
-"signifie simplement que le dossier de sauvegarde contient une copie exacte "
-"des emplacements d'origine à l'instant de la sauvegarde et rien d'autre. Si "
-"un fichier a été effacé dans l'emplacement d'origine, il sera également "
-"effacé du dossier de sauvegarde.<nl/>Ce type de sauvegarde vous protège "
-"contre la perte de données suite à des défaillances matérielles. Cependant, "
-"il ne pourra pas vous aider à revenir en arrière en cas d'erreur ou de "
-"mauvaise manipulation."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sauvegarde synchronisée (indisponible car <application>rsync</application> "
-"n'est pas installé)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Sauvegarde synchronisée"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Type de sauvegarde"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Choisissez le type de sauvegarde souhaité"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Sources"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Sélectionnez les dossiers à inclure dans la sauvegarde"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Emplacement du système de fichiers"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Stockage externe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez utiliser cette option pour sauvegarder sur un deuxième disque "
-"interne, un disque « eSATA » externe ou un stockage réseau. Vous devez "
-"toujours le monter au même endroit dans le système de fichiers. "
-"L'emplacement spécifié ici n'a pas besoin d'exister en permanence, sa "
-"présence sera surveillée."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Emplacement de la destination pour la sauvegarde :"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilisez cette option si vous souhaitez sauvegarder vos fichiers sur un "
-"périphérique de stockage externe pouvant être connecté à cet ordinateur, "
-"comme un disque dur ou une clé USB."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Le dossier spécifié sera crée s'il n'existe pas."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Dossier sur le lecteur de destination :"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre de sélection de dossier"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destination"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Choisissez la destination de sauvegarde"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Activation manuelle"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervalle"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Temps d'utilisation active"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Les sauvegardes ne seront effectuées que de façon manuelle à partir du menu "
-"contextuel à partir de l'icône de la barre des tâches."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Une nouvelle sauvegarde sera lancée dès que la destination sera disponible "
-"et si la dernière sauvegarde est plus ancienne que l'intervalle configuré."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Heures"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Jours"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Semaines"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Une nouvelle sauvegarde sera lancée lorsque la destination sera disponible "
-"et que la durée minimale d'utilisation configurée a été dépassée depuis la "
-"dernière sauvegarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Demander une confirmation avant d'exécuter la sauvegarde"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Planifier"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Spécifiez la planification de la sauvegarde"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Afficher les dossiers cachés dans la sélection de la source"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Ceci permet d'inclure ou d'exclure explicitement les dossier cachés dans le "
-"dossier source sélectionné. Les dossier cachés ont un nom qui commence par "
-"un point. Ils se trouvent habituellement dans vous dossier personnel and ils "
-"sont utilisés pour stocker les configurations et les fichiers temporaires de "
-"vos applications."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Ceci aura comme impact que les sauvegardes utiliseront environ 10% plus "
-"d'espace disque and les sauvegardes prendront un peu plus de temps. En "
-"contrepartie il sera possible de récupérer d'une sauvegarde partiellement "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Générer les informations de restauration"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Générer information de recouvrement (non disponible parce que "
-"<application>par2</application> n'est pas installé)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Vérifier l'intégrité des sauvegardes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Vérifier tous les archives de sauvegarde pour corruption chaque fois que "
-"vous sauvegardez de nouvelles données. Les sauvegardes prendront un peu plus "
-"de temps à créer mais cela permettra de détecter des problèmes de corruption "
-"avant que vous ayez besoin d'utiliser la sauvegarde, alors qu'à ce moment il "
-"pourrait être trop tard."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Exclure les fichiers et les dossiers satisfaisants les motifs suivants"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Les motifs doivent être listés dans un fichier de type texte, avec un motif "
-"par ligne. Les fichiers et dossiers dont les noms correspondent aux motifs, "
-"seront exlcus de la sauvegarde. Le format de motif est documenté <a href="
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Ouvrir une boîte de dialogue pour sélectionner un fichier"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Sélectionner un fichier de motifs"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avancé"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Autres options pour les utilisateurs avancés"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Branchez le périphérique se stockage externe que vous souhaitez utiliser, "
-"puis sélectionnez-le dans la liste."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(déconnecté)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 libre"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partition %1 sur %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 sur %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1 : %2 capacité totale"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Attention : les permission des liens symboliques et des fichiers ne peuvent "
-"être sauvegardés sur ce système de fichiers. Les permissions des fichiers "
-"sont seulement importantes s'il y a plus qu'un utilisateur sur cet "
-"ordinateur ou si vous sauvegardez des fichiers exécutables d'applications."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Attention : les permission ne peuvent être sauvegardés sur ce système de "
-"fichiers. Les permissions des fichiers sont seulement importantes s'il y a "
-"plus qu'un utilisateur sur cet ordinateur ou si vous sauvegardez des "
-"fichiers exécutables d'applications."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>sera inclus dans la sauvegarde, à l'exception "
-"des sous-dossiers non sélectionnés"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>sera inclus dans la sauvegarde"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename> <emphasis>ne sera pas</emphasis> inclus dans la "
-"sauvegarde, mais contient des dossiers qui le seront"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>ne sera <emphasis>pas</emphasis> inclus dans la "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Module de configuration de Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-"Configuration des plans de sauvegardes pour le système de sauvegarde Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Programmes de sauvegarde manquants</h2><p>Avant de pouvoir activer un "
-"plan de sauvegarde, vous devez installer soit</p><ul><li>bup, pour les "
-"sauvegardes versionnées</li><li>rsync, pour les sauvegardes synchronisées</"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Avertissement"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 ne comporte aucune destination ! <nl/>Aucune sauvegarde ne sera exécutée "
-"par ce plan."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau plan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Sauvegardes activées"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Ouvrir et restaurer à partir de sauvegardes existantes"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configurer"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Ôter"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Dupliquer"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Aucun dépôt bup trouvé.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Créer une nouvelle sauvegarde"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Voir les fichiers"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Voir le journal"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Plan de sauvegarde %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Sauvegardes"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (copie)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Dernière sauvegarde : %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Taille : %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Espace libre : %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Ce plan de sauvegarde n'a jamais été exécuté."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/hu/kup.po b/po/hu/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index c4199fe..0000000
--- a/po/hu/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1490 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# blackPanther OS <info@blackpanther.hu>, 2019
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-31 05:51+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/kup/kup/"
-"Language: hu_HU\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"A <application>bup</application> program szükséges de nem található, talán "
-"nem lett telepítve?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"A <application>par2</application> program szükséges de nem található, talán "
-"nem lett telepítve?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"A  biztonsági mentés helyét nem lehetett előkészíteni. Nézd meg a naplófájlt "
-"a részletekért."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés integritásának ellenőrzése"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sikertelen a mentés integritásának ellenőrzése. A biztonsági mentésed "
-"sérült! Nézd meg a naplót a részletekért. Megpróbálod helyreállítani a "
-"biztonsági mentés fájljait?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sikertelen a mentés integritás ellenőrzése! Mentés megsérült! Nézd meg a "
-"naplófájlt a részletekért."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Ellenőrzi mit kell menteni"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Nem sikerült a fájlok elemzése. További részletek a naplófájlban."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Biztonsági másolat mentése"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"A biztonsági másolat mentése sikertelen. Nézd meg a naplófájlt a "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Visszaállítási információ létrehozása"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"A biztonsági mentés helyreállítási információinak létrehozása sikertelen. "
-"További részletek a naplófájlban."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fájl"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Sikertelen a mentés helyreállítása! Mentéseid továbbra is sérültek! Nézd meg "
-"a naplófájlt a részletekért."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sikeres! Mentés helyreállítás működött. Nézd meg a naplófájlt a részletekért."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"A mentés helyreállítására nincs szükség. A mentéseid nem sérültek. Nézd meg "
-"a naplófájlt a részletekért."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sikertelen a mentés helyreállítása! Mentéseid továbbra is sérültek! Nézd meg "
-"a naplófájlt a részletekért."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sikertelen a mentés integritás ellenőrzése! Mentés megsérült! Nézd meg a "
-"naplófájlt a részletekért."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"A biztonsági mentés integritásának ellenőrzése sikeres. A biztonsági "
-"mentésed rendben van."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sikertelen a mentés integritásának ellenőrzése. A biztonsági mentésed "
-"sérült! Nézd meg a naplót a részletekért. Megpróbálod helyreállítani a "
-"biztonsági mentés fájljait?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Probléma"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Érvénytelen a mentés típusa a beállításban."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Nem rendelkezel írási joggal a biztonsági mentés célhelyéhez."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Folytatás"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Megállítás"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Jelenleg foglalt: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Biztosan fel szeretnéd megállítani?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Felhasználói biztonsági másolatok"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés célhelye nem elérhető"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Nincs mentési terv beállítva"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés célhelye elérhető"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Mentési állapot rendben"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Új biztonsági mentés javasolt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Új biztonsági mentés szükséges"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"A Kup nincs engedélyezve. bekapcsolhatod a beállítóközpont modulon. "
-"Megcsinálhatod a <command>kcmshell5 kup</command> futtatásával"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup háttérprogram"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"A Kup egy rugalmas biztonsági mentés megoldás a \"bup\" biztonsági "
-"tárolórendszer használatával. Ez lehetővé teszi a növekvő biztonsági "
-"mentések gyors végrehajtását, vagy csak az utolsó biztonsági mentés óta "
-"megváltozott fájlok mentését."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Karbantartó"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Barcza Károly (blackPanther OS - www.blackpanther.hu)"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "Charles K Barcza - kbarcza@blackpanther.hu"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Biztonsági másolat mentése"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Ellenőrzi a másolat integritását"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Mentések helyreállítása"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Elindítod a első biztonsági mentést most?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Az utolsó biztonsági mentés %1 volt.\n"
-"Készítsünk egy biztonsági mentést most?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"%1 volt aktívitás az utolsó biztonsági mentés óta.\n"
-"Készítsünk egy új biztonsági mentést most?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Igen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nem"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "A másolat mentése sikertelen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Naplófájl"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Biztonsági másolat elmentve"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés sikeresen befejeződött."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "A hibák ellenőrzése kész"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Helyreállítás kész"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup Mentési Rendszer"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Az <application>rsync</application> alkalmazás szükséges de nem található, "
-"talán nem lett telepítve?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"A(z) <filename>%1</filename> biztonsági másolat archívumot nem lehet "
-"megnyitni. Ellenőrizd, hogy valóban ott vannak-e a biztonsági másolatok."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága a mentési archívum olvasásához."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Hely kiválasztása a biztonsági másolat archívumának megnyitásához"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Fájl-digger"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Böngésző a bup archívumokhoz."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "A megnyitandó ág (branch) neve."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Útvonal a bup tároló megnyitásához."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"A biztonsági mentés archívumot nem sikerült olvasni. Talán néhány fájl "
-"sérült. Szeretnéd futtatni az integritás ellenőrzését?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (könyvtár)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (szimbolikus link)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (fájl)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Új mappa..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "A megadott célhely nem lett megadva, kérlek válassz egyet."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Probléma történt az összes visszaállítandó fájl listájának beszerzése "
-"közben: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"A célhelyen nem elegendő a szabad hely. Kérlek válassz egy másik célhelyet "
-"vagy szabadíts fel területet."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - mentve ebbe %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Ilyen nevű könyvtár már létezik, válasszon egy megoldást"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Már létezik ilyen nevű fájl"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "A megadott új név már létezik, kérlek adj megy egy másikat."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Új mappa"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Új mappa"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Új könyvtár létrehozása itt:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "%1 nevű könyvtár már létezik."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Nincs jogosultsága a(z) %1 létrehozásához."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Visszaállítási kézikönyv"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Visszaállítás az eredeti helyre"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "A visszaállítás helyét válassza ki"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Vissza"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Következő"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Mappa helyreállítása egy új névvel"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Összeolvasztási mappák"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"A következő fájlok felül lesznek írva, kérjük erősítsd meg, hogy valóban "
-"folytatni szeretnéd."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Vissza"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Megerősít"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Helyreállítás"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba történt a helyreállítás közben:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Visszaállítás sikeresen befejeződött!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Cél megnyitása"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Bezárás"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Helyreállítás"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fájl"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Megnyitás"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Visszaállítás"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Könyvtár kihagyása"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Könyvtár beépítése"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nincs engedélyed ennek a mappának a olvasására: <filename>%1</filename><nl /"
-">Nem szerepelhet a forrásválasztásban. Ha nem tartalmaz semmi fontosat a "
-"számodra, az egyik lehetséges megoldás az, hogy kizárod a mappát a mentési "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nincs engedély a <filename>%1</filename> fájl olvasássához<nl />Nem "
-"szerepelhet a forrásválasztásban. Ha a fájl nem fontos számodra, egy "
-"lehetséges megoldás az, hogy kizárod az egész mappát a mentési tervből."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"A(z) <filename>%1</filename> szimbolikus link jelenleg be van építve , de "
-"egy olyan fájlra mutat, amely nincs: <filename>%2</filename>. <nl/> Ez "
-"valószínűleg nem az, amit szeretnél. Az egyik megoldás az, hogy egyszerűen "
-"bele kell tenni a célmappát is a mentési tervbe."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"A(z) <filename>%1</filename> szimbolikus link jelenleg be van építve , de "
-"egy olyan fájlra mutat, amely nincs: <filename>%2</filename>. <nl/> Ez "
-"valószínűleg nem az, amit szertenél. Az egyik megoldás az, hogy egyszerűen "
-"bele kell tenni a mappát is, hogy a biztonsági mentési terv azt is "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Könyvtár kijelölése"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Leírás:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Vissza az áttekintéshez"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Ez a típusú mentés egy <emphasis>archívum</emphasis>. Tartalmazza mind a "
-"fájlok legújabb verzióját, mind a korábbi biztonsági másolatokat. Az ilyen "
-"típusú biztonsági másolat használatával lehetővé válik a fájlok régebbi "
-"verzióinak és a számítógépről törölt fájlok helyreállítása. A szükséges "
-"tárhely minimálisra csökken, a fájlok azonos részeinek megkeresése\n"
-"a verziók között, és csak egyszer tárolja ezeket az elemeket. Mindazonáltal "
-"a biztonsági archívum folyamatosan növekszik a méretben az idő múlásával.<nl/"
-"Ugyancsak fontos tudni, hogy az archívumban lévő fájlok nem érhetők el "
-"közvetlenül egy általános fájlkezelővel, ehhez egy speciális programra van "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Verziókövetésű mentés (nem elérhető mert a <application>bup</application> "
-"nincs telepítve)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Verziókövetésű mentés (javasolt)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-#| "source folders. Taking a backup simply means making the backup "
-#| "destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now "
-#| "and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will "
-#| "get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect "
-#| "you against data loss due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you "
-#| "to recover from your own mistakes."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Ez a mentési típus olyan, amely szinkronizálva van a kiválasztott forrás "
-"mappákkal. A biztonsági mentés egyszerűen azt jelenti, hogy a biztonsági "
-"célállomás tartalmazza a forrás mappák pontos és aktuális másolatát, és "
-"semmi mást. Ha egy fájlt töröltünk egy forrásmappában, akkor a biztonsági "
-"másolat mappából is törölődni fognak.<nl/>Ez a fajta biztonsági mentés "
-"megvéd az adatvesztés ellen akár egy sérült merevlemez miatt, de nem segít "
-"abban, hogy helyrehozzuk a saját hibáinkból bekövetkezett adatvesztést."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Verziókövetésű mentés (nem elérhető mert a <application>rsync</application> "
-"nincs telepítve)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Szinkronizált mentés"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés típusa"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Kérlek add meg milyen mentés típust akarsz"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Források"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Válaszd ki a mappákat a biztonsági mentéshez"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Fájlrendszer útvonal"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Külső adattároló"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Ezzel az opcióval másodlagos belső merevlemezre, külső eSATA meghajtóra vagy "
-"hálózati tárolóra lehet biztonsági másolatot készíteni. A követelmény csak "
-"annyi, hogy a fájlrendszerben mindig ugyanazon az elérési úton legyen "
-"elérhető. Az itt megadott útvonalnak nem kell mindig léteznie, mert a "
-"megléte monitorozva lesz."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés célútvonala:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Ezt az opciót akkor használja, ha a fájljait olyan külső tárolóhoz kívánja "
-"menteni, amely erre a számítógépre csatlakoztatható, például USB merevlemez "
-"vagy memóriakártya."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "A megadott mappát hozza létre akkor, ha nem létezik."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Mappa- a céleszközön:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Ablak megnyitása a mappa kiválasztásához"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Cél"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Válassza ki a mentés helyét"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Kézi aktiválás"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Időközönként"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Aktív használati idő"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backups are only taken when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-#| "the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"A biztonsági mentés akkor indul el amikor azt kérik. Ezt a biztonsági mentés "
-"tálca ikonján található felugró menü segítségével tehetjük meg."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup "
-#| "was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Új biztonsági mentés indul, amikor a mentési cél elérhetővé válik, és több "
-"idő telt el, mint a beállított időköz az utolsó mentés óta."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Perc"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Óra"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Nap"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Hét"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and you have been using your computer actively for more than the "
-#| "configured time limit since the last backup was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Új biztonsági mentés akkor indul amikor a mentési cél elérhetővé válik, és "
-"aktívan tovább használtuk a számítógépet mint a beállított határidő, az "
-"utolsó biztonsági mentés óta."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Megerősítés kérése mielőtt a mentésbe kezd"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Ütemezés"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Adja meg a biztonsági mentés ütemezését"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "A rejtett mappák megjelenítése a forrás kiválasztásában"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Ez lehetővé teszi a rejtett mappák kifejezett beillesztését vagy kizárását a "
-"mentési forrás választásban. A rejtett mappák neve egy ponttal kezdődik. "
-"Általában a saját mappáinkban találhatók, az alkalmazásaid beállításait és "
-"ideiglenes fájljait tárolják."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Ezzel a biztonsági másolatok körülbelül 10% -kal több tárhelyet használnak "
-"fel, és a biztonsági másolatok mentése hosszabb időt vesz igénybe. Cserébe "
-"lehetőség lesz egy részlegesen sérült biztonsági másolat helyreállítására."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Visszaállítási információ létrehozása"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Helyreállítási információk létrehozása (nem elérhető mert <application>par2</"
-"application> nincs telepítve)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Mentések integritásának ellenőrzése"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"A teljes biztonsági mentési archívumot ellenőrzi minden alkalommal, amikor "
-"új adatokat ment. A másolatok mentése hosszabb időt vesz majd igénybe, de "
-"előfordulhat, hogy hamarabb elkapja a sérülési problémákat, mint akkor, "
-"amikor biztonsági másolatot kellene használnia, mert akkor már túl késő "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Ablak megnyitása a mappa kiválasztásához"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Haladó"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Speciális beállítások haladó felhasználóknak"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Csatlakoztass egy külső meghajtót amit használni szeretnél, majd válaszd ki "
-"a listából."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (szétkapcsolva)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 szabad"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 partíció a következőn: %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 / %2 %3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1 a teljes kapacitás %2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Figyelmeztetés: a szimbolikus linkek és fájlengedélyek nem menthetők el erre "
-"a fájlrendszerre. A fájlengedélyek csak akkor fontosak, ha a számítógépnek "
-"több mint egy felhasználója van, vagy ha futtatható programfájlokról "
-"készítünk biztonsági mentést."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Figyelmeztetés: a fájlengedélyek nem menthetők el erre a fájlrendszerre. A "
-"fájlengedélyek csak akkor fontosak, ha a számítógépnek több mint egy "
-"felhasználója van, vagy ha futtatható programfájlokról készítünk biztonsági "
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> be lesz építve a biztonsági mentésbe, kivéve a "
-"kijelöletlen alkönyvtárak"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/> be lesz építve a mentésbe"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>nem lesz</emphasis> beépítve a "
-"mentésbe de tartalmaz olyan mappákat, amelyek meg fogják jeleníteni"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> (<emphasis>nem lesz</emphasis> beépítve a "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup Beállítási Modul"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "A Kup backup-rendszer mentési terveinek beállítása"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>A backup-alkalmazások hiányoznak</h2><p>Mielőtt bármilyen biztonsági "
-"tervet aktiválnál, telepíteni kell ezeket</p><ul><li>A bup, verziókövetésű "
-"mentett biztonsági mentésekre,</li><li> az rsync, szinkronizált biztonsági "
-"mentésekre használható</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Figyelem"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 nincs célhely a mentéshez!<nl/>Nem lesz biztonsági másolat elmentve a "
-"ezen mentési terv által."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Új terv hozzáadása"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentés bekapcsolva"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Megnyitás és helyreállítás létező biztonsági másolatból"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Beállítás"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Eltávolítás"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplikálás"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nem találtható bup csomagforrás.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Új elmentése"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Fájlok megjelenítése"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Napló megjelenítése"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "%1 mentési terv"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Biztonsági mentések"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (másol)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Utolsó mentés: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Méret: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Szabad terület: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Ez a mentési terv még soha nem lett futtatva."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/it/kup.po b/po/it/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb7b32..0000000
--- a/po/it/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1481 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Francesco Marinucci <framari@posteo.org>, 2013.
-# Francesco Marinucci <framarinucci@gmail.com>, 2013.
-# Francesco Marinucci <framari@posteo.org>, 2014.
-# Francesco Marinucci <framari@posteo.org>, 2013-2014,2016-2017.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014,2018.
-# Tichy <eristico@cryptolab.net>, 2018-2019.
-# Vincenzo Reale <smart2128@baslug.org>, 2020.
-# Translators:
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-21 20:11+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Vincenzo Reale <smart2128@baslug.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Italian <kde-i18n-it@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: it\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.3\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Il programma <application>bup</application> è necessario ma non è stato "
-"trovato; forse non è installato?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Il programma <application>par2</application> è necessario ma non è stato "
-"trovato; forse non è installato?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"La destinazione della copia di sicurezza non può essere inizializzata. "
-"Consulta il file di registro per ulteriori dettagli."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Controllo dell'integrità della copia di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Controllo dell'integrità della copia di sicurezza non riuscito. Le tue copie "
-"di sicurezza potrebbero essere danneggiate! Controlla il file di registro "
-"per ulteriori dettagli. Vuoi provare a riparare i file delle copie di "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Controllo dell'integrità della copia di sicurezza non riuscito. Le tue copie "
-"di sicurezza potrebbero essere danneggiate! Controlla il file di registro "
-"per ulteriori dettagli."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Controllo dei file da copiare"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Analisi dei file non riuscita. Controlla il file di registro per ulteriori "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Salvataggio della copia di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Salvataggio della copia di sicurezza non riuscito. Controlla il file di "
-"registro per ulteriori dettagli."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Generazione informazioni di ripristino"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile generare le informazioni di recupero per la copia di sicurezza. "
-"Consulta il file di registro per ulteriori dettagli."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "File"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Riparazione della copia di sicurezza non riuscita. Le tue copie di sicurezza "
-"potrebbero essere danneggiate! Consulta il file di registro per ulteriori "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Fatto! La riparazione della copia di sicurezza ha funzionato. Consulta il "
-"file di registro per ulteriori dettagli."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Riparazione della copia di sicurezza non necessaria. Le  tue copie di "
-"sicurezza non sono danneggiate. Consulta il file di registro per ulteriori "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Riparazione della copia di sicurezza non riuscita. Le tue copie di sicurezza "
-"potrebbero essere ancora danneggiate! Consulta il file di registro per "
-"ulteriori dettagli."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Controllo dell'integrità della copia di sicurezza non riuscito. Le tue copie "
-"di sicurezza sono danneggiate! Controlla il file di registro per ulteriori "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Verifica dell'integrità della copia di sicurezza completata. Le tue copie di "
-"sicurezza sono corrette."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Controllo dell'integrità della copia di sicurezza non riuscito. Le tue copie "
-"di sicurezza sono danneggiate! Controlla il file di registro per ulteriori "
-"dettagli. Vuoi provare a riparare i file delle copie di sicurezza?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Tipo di copia di sicurezza non valido nelle impostazioni."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr ""
-"Non hai i permessi di scrittura per la destinazione della copia di sicurezza."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continua"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Ferma"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Attualmente occupato: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Vuoi davvero interrompere l'operazione?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Copia di sicurezza dell'utente"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Destinazione per la copia di sicurezza non disponibile"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Non sono stati configurati piani di copie di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Destinazione per la copia di sicurezza disponibile"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Stato copia di sicurezza OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Si consiglia una nuova copia di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "È necessaria una nuova copia di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup non è abilitato, puoi abilitarlo dal modulo nelle impostazioni di "
-"sistema. È possibile farlo eseguendo <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Demone di Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup è una soluzione flessibile per le copie di sicurezza che utilizza il "
-"sistema di salvataggio delle copie di sicurezza «bup». Ciò gli consente di "
-"eseguire rapidamente copie di sicurezza incrementali, salvando solo le parti "
-"dei file che sono state realmente modificate da quando è stato eseguito "
-"l'ultima copia."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Responsabile"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Vincenzo Reale,Francesco Marinucci"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "smart2128@baslug.org,"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Salvataggio della copia di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Controllo integrità della copia di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Riparazione delle copie di sicurezza"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Vuoi salvare ora la prima copia di sicurezza?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"L'ultima copia di sicurezza risale a %1.\n"
-"Vuoi salvare una nuova copia di sicurezza ora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sei stato attivo per %1 da quando è stato salvato l'ultima copia di "
-"Vuoi salvare una nuova copia di sicurezza ora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sì"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "No"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Salvataggio della copia di sicurezza non riuscito"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostra il file di registro"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Copia di sicurezza salvata"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Salvataggio della copia di sicurezza completato con successo."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Controllo dell'integrità completato"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Riparazione completata"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Sistema di copie di sicurezza Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Il programma <application>rsync</application> è necessario ma non è stato "
-"trovato; forse non è installato?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile aprire l'archivio di copie di sicurezza <filename>%1</filename>. "
-"Controlla che le copie di sicurezza si trovino effettivamente lì."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Non hai i permessi necessari per leggere questo archivio di copie di "
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Scegli la posizione dell'archivio di copie di sicurezza da aprire."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Cercatore di file"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Visualizzatore degli archivi di bup."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nome del ramo da aprire."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Percorso del deposito bup da aprire."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile leggere questo archivio di copie di sicurezza. Alcuni file "
-"potrebbero essere danneggiati. Vuoi eseguire il controllo dell'integrità per "
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(cartella)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(collegamento)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(file)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nuova cartella..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Nessuna destinazione selezionata, selezionane una."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Si è verificato un problema durante l'elaborazione dell'elenco dei file da "
-"ripristinare: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"La destinazione non ha abbastanza spazio disponibile. Seleziona una "
-"destinazione diversa o libera dello spazio."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - salvata il %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "La cartella esiste già, scegli una soluzione"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Il file esiste già"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Il nuovo nome inserito esiste già, inseriscine uno diverso."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nuova cartella"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nuova cartella"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Crea la nuova cartella in:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Esiste già una cartella di nome %1."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Non hai i permessi per creare %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Ripristino guidato"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Ripristina nella posizione originale"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Scegli dove ripristinare"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Indietro"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Avanti"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Ripristina la cartella con un nuovo nome"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Unisci cartelle"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "I seguenti file saranno sovrascritti, conferma di voler continuare."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Indietro"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Conferma"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Ripristino dei file"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante il ripristino:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Ripristino completato!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Apri destinazione"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Chiudi"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Controllo delle dimensioni dei file"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Ripristino"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "File"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Apri"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Ripristina"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Escludi Cartelle"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Includi Cartelle"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Non hai i permessi per leggere la cartella: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Non "
-"può essere inclusa nella selezione dei sorgenti. Se non contiene cose "
-"importanti, una soluzione possibile è di escludere la cartella dal piano di "
-"copie di sicurezza."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Non hai i permessi per leggere il file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Non può "
-"essere incluso nella selezione dei sorgenti. Se il file non è importante per "
-"te, una soluzione possibile è di escludere dal piano di copie di sicurezza "
-"l'intera cartella dove è memorizzato."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Il collegamento simbolico <filename>%1</filename> è attualmente incluso, ma "
-"punta ad una cartella che non lo è: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Questo non "
-"è probabilmente nelle tue intenzioni. Una soluzione è di includere "
-"semplicemente nel piano di copie di sicurezza la cartella a cui punta."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Il collegamento simbolico <filename>%1</filename> è attualmente incluso, ma "
-"punta ad un file che non lo è: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Questo non è "
-"probabilmente nelle tue intenzioni. Una soluzione è di includere "
-"semplicemente nel piano di copie di sicurezza la cartella che contiene il "
-"file a cui il collegamento punta."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Seleziona cartella"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descrizione:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Torna al riepilogo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Questo tipo di copia di sicurezza è un <emphasis>archivio</emphasis>. "
-"Contiene l'ultima versione dei tuoi file e anche quelle archiviate in "
-"precedenza. Usando questo tipo di copia di sicurezza, potrai ripristinare "
-"versioni più vecchie dei tuoi file, o file che erano stati eliminati dal "
-"computer in un secondo momento. Lo spazio di archiviazione richiesto è "
-"ridotto al minimo cercando le parti dei file in comune tra le differenti "
-"versioni e salvando tali parti solo una volta. Tuttavia, l'archivio della "
-"copia di sicurezza continuerà ad aumentare di dimensioni man mano che passa "
-"il tempo.<nl/>È importante sapere che i file nell'archivio non sono "
-"accessibili tramite un normale gestore dei file, ma è necessario un "
-"programma apposito."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Copia di sicurezza incrementale (non disponibile perché <application>bup</"
-"application> non è installato)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Copia di sicurezza incrementale (consigliata)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Questo tipo di copia di sicurezza è una cartella che viene sincronizzata con "
-"le cartelle di origine che hai selezionato. Eseguire una copia di sicurezza "
-"consiste semplicemente nel rendere la cartella di destinazione una copia "
-"esatta del contenuto delle cartelle di origine allo stato attuale e "
-"null'altro. Se un file è stato eliminato dalla cartella di origine, sarà "
-"eliminato anche dalla cartella delle copie di sicurezza.<nl/>Questo tipo di "
-"copia di sicurezza può proteggerti dalla perdita di dati dovuta a un disco "
-"rotto, ma non ti aiuta a rimediare ai tuoi stessi errori."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Copia di sicurezza sincronizzata (non disponibile perché <application>rsync</"
-"application> non è installato)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Copia di sicurezza sincronizzata"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tipo di copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Seleziona il tipo di copia di sicurezza desiderato"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Sorgenti"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Seleziona quali cartelle includere nella copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Percorso del filesystem"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Archivio esterno"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Puoi utilizzare questa opzione per effettuare la copia di sicurezza su un "
-"disco interno secondario, su un dispositivo esterno eSATA o su un archivio "
-"di rete. È solamente necessario montarlo sempre nello stesso percorso del "
-"filesystem. Il percorso indicato qui non deve necessariamente esistere "
-"sempre, la sua presenza sarà verificata."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Percorso di destinazione della copia di sicurezza:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Usa questa opzione se vuoi salvare la tua copia di sicurezza su una "
-"periferica esterna che può essere collegata a questo computer, come un disco "
-"USB o una chiavetta."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "La cartella specificata sarà creata se non esiste."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Cartella nel disco di destinazione:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Apri la finestra per selezionare una cartella"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destinazione"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Seleziona la destinazione della copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Attivazione manuale"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervallo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Tempo di utilizzo attivo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Le copie di sicurezza sono eseguite solo quando richiesto manualmente. Ciò "
-"può essere fatto utilizzando il menu a comparsa dell'icona nel vassoio di "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Una nuova copia di sicurezza sarà eseguita quando la destinazione della "
-"copia sarà disponibile e sarà trascorso un intervallo di tempo superiore a "
-"quello impostato dall'esecuzione dell'ultima copia di sicurezza."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuti"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Ore"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Giorni"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Settimane"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Una nuova copia di sicurezza sarà eseguita quando la destinazione della "
-"copia sarà disponibile e avrai utilizzato attivamente il computer per un "
-"tempo superiore a quello impostato dall'esecuzione dell'ultima copia di "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Chiedi conferma prima di salvare la copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Pianificazione"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Specifica la pianificazione della copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr ""
-"Mostra le cartelle nascoste nella schermata di selezione delle sorgenti"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Questo permette di includere o escludere esplicitamente le cartelle nascoste "
-"nella selezione delle sorgenti delle copie di sicurezza. Le cartelle "
-"nascoste hanno un nome che inizia con un punto. Normalmente sono posizionate "
-"nella tua cartella home e vengono utilizzate per salvare impostazioni e file "
-"temporanei delle tue applicazioni."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Ciò consentirà alle copie di sicurezza di utilizzare circa il 10% in più di "
-"spazio di archiviazione e il salvataggio delle copie richiederà tempi "
-"leggermente più lunghi. In cambio sarà possibile ripristinare da una copia "
-"di sicurezza parzialmente danneggiata."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Genera informazioni di ripristino"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Genera informazioni di ripristino (non disponibile perché <application>par2</"
-"application> non è installato)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verifica l'integrità delle copie di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Controlla l'intero archivio di copie di sicurezza per verificarne "
-"l'eventuale danneggiamento ogni volta che salvi nuovi dati. Il salvataggio "
-"delle copie di sicurezza richiederà un po' più tempo, ma permetterà di "
-"individuare eventuali problemi prima che sia necessario utilizzare i dati "
-"delle copie di sicurezza, momento in cui potrebbe essere troppo tardi."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Escludi i file e le cartelle sulla base di modelli"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"I modelli devono essere elencati in un file di testo con un modello per "
-"riga. I file e le cartelle con nomi corrispondenti a uno dei modelli saranno "
-"esclusi dalla copia di sicurezza. Il formato del modello è documentato <a "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Apri la finestra per selezionare un file"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Seleziona il file dei modelli"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avanzato"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Opzioni aggiuntive per utenti esperti"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Collega la periferica esterna che vuoi utilizzare , poi selezionala in "
-"questo elenco."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (disconnesso)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 liberi"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partizione %1 su %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 su %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: capacità totale %2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avviso: i collegamenti simbolici e i permessi dei file non possono essere "
-"salvati in questo filesystem. I permessi dei file sono importanti solo se "
-"più di un utente usa il computer o stai creando copie di sicurezza di file "
-"eseguibili di programmi."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Avviso: i permessi dei file non possono essere salvati in questo filesystem. "
-"I permessi dei file sono importanti solo se più di un utente usa il computer "
-"o se stai creando copie di sicurezza di file eseguibili di programmi."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>sarà incluso nella copia di sicurezza, tranne le "
-"cartelle deselezionate"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>sarà incluso nella copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>non sarà</emphasis> incluso nella "
-"copia di sicurezza, ma contiene cartelle che lo saranno"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>non</emphasis> sarà incluso nella "
-"copia di sicurezza"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Modulo di configurazione di Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-"Configurazione dei piani di creazione di copie sicurezza per il sistema di "
-"copie di Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Mancano i programmi per creare copie di sicurezza</h2><p>Prima di poter "
-"attivare qualunque piano di creazione di copie di sicurezza devi installare</"
-"p><ul><li>bup, per le copie di sicurezza incrementali, oppure</li><li>rsync, "
-"per le copie di sicurezza sincronizzate</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Attenzione"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 non ha una destinazione!<nl/>Nessuna copia di sicurezza sarà salvata da "
-"questo piano."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo piano"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Copie di sicurezza abilitate"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Apri una copia di sicurezza esistente e ripristina da essa"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configura"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Rimuovi"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplica"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nessun deposito bup trovato.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Salva nuova copia di sicurezza"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Mostra file"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostra il file di registro"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Piano di creazione di copie %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Copie di sicurezza"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (copia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Ultimo salvataggio: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Dimensione: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Spazio libero: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Questo piano di creazione di copie non è mai stato eseguito."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/lt/kup.po b/po/lt/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bc99f6..0000000
--- a/po/lt/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1482 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# dgvirtual <dgvirtual@akl.lt>, 2014-2015
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014,2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-31 05:52+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.com/kup/kup/"
-"Language: lt_LT\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n"
-"%100>=20) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%100>10 && n%100<20) ? 2 : 3);\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Reikalinga <application>bup</application> programa, tačiau jos rasti "
-"nepavyko. Gal ji neįdiegta?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Reikalinga <application>par2</application> programa, bet jos rasti nepavyko, "
-"gal ji neįdiegta?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko nuskaityti atsarginių kopijų kūrimo vietos failų. Daugiau detalių "
-"rasite žurnalo faile. "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Tikrinamas atsarginių kopijų integralumas"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Integralumo patikra nepavyko. Jūsų atsarginės kopijos gali būti sugadintos! "
-"Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile. Ar norite pamėginti sutaisyti "
-"atsarginių kopijų failus?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginių kopijų integralumo patikra rodo, kad jūsų atsarginės kopijos gali "
-"būti sugadintos! Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko indeksuoti failų sistemos. Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko įrašyti padarytos atsarginės kopijos. Daugiau informacijos "
-"ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Atkūrimo informacijos generavimas"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko sukurti atkūrimo informacijos šiai atsarginei kopijai. Daugiau "
-"informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Failas"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginės kopijos sukurti nepavyko. Jūsų atsarginės kopijos gali būti "
-"sugadintos! Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Pavyko! Atsarginė kopija sutaisyta. Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginės kopijos taisyti nereikėjo. Jūsų atsarginės kopijos nėra "
-"sugadintos. Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginės kopijos sutaisyti nepavyko. Jūsų atsarginės kopijos gali būti "
-"sugadintos! Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginių kopijų integralumo patikros rezultatas neigiamas. Jūsų atsarginės "
-"kopijos yra sugadintos! Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info notification"
-#| msgid "Backup integrity test was successful, Your backups are fine."
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginės kopijos integralumo patikros rezultatas teigiamas. Viskas gerai "
-"su jūsų atsarginėmis kopijomis."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginių kopijų integralumo patikros rezultatas neigiamas. Jūsų atsarginės "
-"kopijos yra sugadintos! Daugiau informacijos ieškokite žurnalo faile. Ar "
-"norite pamėginti pataisyti atsarginių kopijų failus?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Netinkamas tipas atsarginių kopijų konfigūracijoje."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Reikia sukurti atsarginę kopiją"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup nėra įgalinta. Įgalinkite šią programą sistemos nustatymų modulyje. Tai "
-"galite atlikti ir paleisdami komandą <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup tarnyba"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup yra lanksti atsarginių kopijų kūrimo programa, naudojanti atsarginių "
-"kopijų darymo sistemą „bup“. Pastaroji leidžia greitai daryti atsargines "
-"kopijas išsaugant tik tuos failus ir failų dalis, kurie pasikeitė palyginus "
-"su paskutine atsargine kopija."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Autorinės teisės (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Palaikytojas"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Donatas Glodenis"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "dgvirtual@akl.lt"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Tikrinamas atsarginių kopijų integralumas"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Taisomos atsarginės kopijos"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Taip"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ne"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Nepavyko įrašyti atsarginės kopijos"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Rodyti žurnalo failą"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Integralumo patikrinimas atliktas"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Taisymas atliktas"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup atsarginių kopijų sistema"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Reikia <application>rsync</application> programos, tačiau jos rasti "
-"nepavyko; gal ji nėra įdiegta?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Jūs neturi leidimų, kurių reikia norint atverti šį atsarginių kopijų archyvą."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "File Digger"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Bup archyvų naršyklė."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Autorinės teisės (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Atšakos, kurią norite atverti, pavadinimas."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Kelias iki norimos atverti pub repozitorijos."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko nuskaityti atsarginių kopijų archyvo. Gali būti, kad kai kurie "
-"failai buvo sugadinti. Ar norite paleisti integralumo patikrą?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(aplankas)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(simbolinė nuoroda)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(failas)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Naujas aplankas..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr ""
-"Nenurodytas diskas ir konkretus aplankas, į kurį bus daromos atsarginės "
-"kopijos. Prašome jį nurodyti."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Bandant gauti sąrašą atkurtinų failų susidurta su problema: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Pasirinktas diskas neturi užtektinai vietos atsarginėms kopijoms. Prašome "
-"nurodyti kitą aplanką (diską) arba atlaisvinti vietos diske."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- įrašyta %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Aplankas jau egzistuoja, prašome nurodyti sprendimą"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Failas jau egzistuoja"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Įrašytas naujasis pavadinimas jau egzistuoja, įrašykite kitą vardą."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Naujas aplankas"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Naujas aplankas"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Sukurkite naują aplanką čia:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Aplankas, pavadintas %1, jau egzistuoja."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Neturite leidimų sukurti %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Atkūrimo vadovas"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Atkurti į pirminę vietą"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Pasirinkti, kur atkurti"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Atgal"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Kitas"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Atkurti aplanką nauju pavadinimu"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Sulieti aplankus"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Žemiau išvardinti failai bus perrašyti, prašome patvirtinti, kad norite "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Atgal"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Patvirtinti"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Atkuriama"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-#| msgid "An error occured while restoring:"
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Atkuriant nutiko klaida: "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Atkūrimas baigtas sėkmingai!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Atverti tikslą"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Užverti"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Atkuriama"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Failas"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Atverti"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Atkurti"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite aplanką"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Aprašymas:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Grįžti prie apžvalgos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Šios atsarginės kopijos tipas - <emphasis>archyvas</emphasis>. Jame bus ir "
-"vėliausia jūsų failų versija, ir anksčiau padarytų atsarginių kopijų "
-"versijos. Naudojant šį atsarginių kopijų tipą bus galima atkurti senesnes "
-"failų versijas ar failus, kurie buvo anksčiau ištrinti iš jūsų kompiuterio. "
-"Reikiama saugojimui vieta yra taupoma, nes programa randa tarp skirtingų "
-"atsarginių kopijų nepasikeitusius failus ar nepasikeitusias failų dalis ir "
-"įrašo tuos failus ar jų dalis tik vieną kartą. Tačiau atsarginių kopijų "
-"archyvas vis tiek pamažu augs laikui bėgant.<nl/>Taip pat svarbu žinoti, kad "
-"failai tokiame archyve nebus pasiekiami naudojant paprastą failų naršyklę. "
-"Tuo tikslu reikės naudoti specialią programą."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginės kopijos su versijomis (neprieinama, nes <application>bup</"
-"application> nėra įdiegta)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Atsarginės kopijos su versijomis (rekomenduojama)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-#| "source folders. Taking a backup simply means making the backup "
-#| "destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now "
-#| "and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will "
-#| "get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect "
-#| "you against data loss due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you "
-#| "to recover from your own mistakes."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Šis atsarginių kopijų tipas - tai aplankas, kuris sinchronizuojamas su "
-"nurodytais šaltinių aplankais. Atsarginės kopijos padarymas reiškia, kad "
-"atsarginės kopijos tikslas turės tikslią kopiją šaltinio aplankų, tokių, "
-"kokie jie yra dabar, ir - nieko daugiau. Jei failas bus ištrintas šaltinio "
-"aplanke, jis bus ištrintas iš atsarginės kopijos aplanke.<nl/>Tokia "
-"atsarginė kopija gali apsaugoti nuo duomenų praradimo dėl sugedusio kietojo "
-"disko, tačiau ji neapsaugos nuo Jūsų pačių klaidų. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sinchruonizuojama atsarginė kopija (neprieinama, nes <application>rsync</"
-"application> nėra įdiegta)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Sinchronizuojama atsarginė kopija"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Atsarginių kopijų tipas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Nurodykite, kokio atsarginių kopijų tipo norite"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Šaltiniai"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr ""
-"Pažymėkite aplankus, kurie turėtų būti įtraukiami darant atsargines kopijas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Failų sistemos kelias"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Išorinė saugykla"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, "
-#| "an external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just "
-#| "that you always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path "
-#| "specified here does not need to exist at all times, its existance will be "
-#| "monitored."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Šią parinktį galite naudoti norėdami daryti atsarginę kopiją į antrinį "
-"vidinį kietąjį diską, išorinį eSATA diską ar tinklo saugyklą. Vienintelis "
-"reikalavimas - visuomet prijungti ją tuo pačiu vidinės failų sistemos "
-"adresu. Čia nurodytas adresas neturi egzistuoti visą laiką, jo atsiradimą "
-"sistema pati pastebės."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Kelias iki vietos, kur bus saugomos atsarginės kopijos: "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Pažymėkite šią parinktį jei norite, kad atsarginė kopija būtų daroma "
-"išorinėje laikmenoje, prijungiamoje prie šio kompiuterio, pvz., išoriniame "
-"USB diske ar atminties kortelėje."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Nurodytas aplankas bus sukurtas, jei jis neegzistuoja."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Aplankas atsarginių kopijų diske:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Atverkite dialogą ir pasirinkite aplanką"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Tikslas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite, kur bus saugomos kopijos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Rankinis aktyvavimas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervalas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Aktyvaus naudojimo laikas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backups are only taken when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-#| "the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Atsarginės kopijos daromos tik tada, kai to prašo vartotojas. Tai gali būti "
-"daroma pasinaudojus sistemos dėklo ženkliuko pasirodančiu meniu. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup "
-#| "was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Daryti naują atsarginę kopiją bus siūloma praėjus nurodytam intervalui nuo "
-"paskutinės kopijos padarymo ir prijungus atsarginių kopijų tikslą."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutės"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Valandos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dienos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Savaitės"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and you have been using your computer actively for more than the "
-#| "configured time limit since the last backup was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Jei atsarginių kopijų darymo vieta taps prieinama, ir jei būsite naudoję "
-"kompiuterį tam tikrą nustatytą laiką nuo praėjusios kopijos padarymo, "
-"sistema pasiūlys daryti naują atsarginę kopiją."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Prieš pradedant daryti atsarginę kopiją prašyti patvirtinimo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Tvarkaraštis"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Nurodyti atsarginių kopijų darymo tvarkaraštį"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Rodyti paslėptus aplankus pasirenkant šaltinį"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Ši parinktis leidžia įtraukti arba neįtraukti paslėptų aplankų renkantis, ką "
-"sistema turėtų įtraukti į atsarginę kopiją. Paslėptų aplankų pavadinimai "
-"prasideda tašku. Jie paprastai yra namų aplanke, juose saugomi programų "
-"nustatymai ir laikinieji programų failai."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Pasirinkus šią parinktį atsarginės kopijos užims maždaug 10 proc. daugiau "
-"vietos ir atsarginių kopijų įrašymas užtruks šiek tiek ilgiau. Tačiau užtat "
-"bus galima atkurti failus iš dalinai sugadintos atsarginės kopijos. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Atkūrimo informacijos generavimas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Atkūrimo informacijos generavimas (neprieinama nes <application>par2</"
-"application> programa nėra įdiegta)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Atsarginių kopijų integralumo patikrinimas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Patikrina visą atsarginių kopijų archyvą dėl galimų sugadinimų kiekvieną "
-"kartą įrašant naujus duomenis. Atsarginių kopijų įrašymas truks šiek tiek "
-"ilgiau, tačiau taip galėsite aptikti sugadinimo problemas prieš tai, kai "
-"atsarginės kopijos jums prireiks. O tuo metu jau gali būti per vėlu. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Atverkite dialogą ir pasirinkite aplanką"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Sudėtingesni nustatymai"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Papildomos parinktys pažengusiems vartotojams"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Prijunkite išorinį saugojimo diską, kurį norite naudoti, ir pasirinkite iš "
-"šio sąrašo."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(atjungta)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 laisva"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Skirsnis %1 diske %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 diske %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 visos talpos"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Perspėjimas: šioje failų sistemoje negalima išsaugoti simbolinių nuorodų ir "
-"failų leidimų. Failų leidimai svarbūs tik tuo atveju, jei kompiuteriu "
-"naudojasi daugiau nei vienas asmuo, arba, jei darote vykdomųjų programų "
-"atsargines kopijas."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Perspėjimas: šioje failų sistemoje negalima išsaugoti failų leidimų. Failų "
-"leidimai svarbūs tik tuo atveju, jei kompiuteriu naudojasi daugiau nei "
-"vienas asmuo, arba, jei darote vykdomųjų programų atsargines kopijas."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> bus įtrauktas į atsarginę kopiją, neskaitant "
-"nepažymėtų paaplankių"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>bus įtrauktas į atsarginę kopiją"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> nebus įtrauktas į atsarginę kopiją, tačiau kai "
-"kurie jame esantys aplankai bus įtraukti"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>nebus</emphasis> įtrauktas į atsarginę "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup konfigūravimo modulis"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Kup atsarginių kopijų sistemos planų konfigūravimas"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Nėra atsarginių kopijų programų</h2><p>Prieš aktyvuodami bet kurį "
-"atsarginių kopijų planą turite įdiegti</p><ul><li>bup, jei norite atsarginių "
-"kopijų su versijomis</li> arba <li>rsync, sinchronizuotai atsarginei "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Perspėjimas"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 nėra atsarginių kopijų aplanko!<nl/>Pagal šį planą nebus išsaugota "
-"atsarginių kopijų."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Pridėti naują planą"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Atsarginių kopijų galimybė įjungta"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Konfigūruoti"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Pašalinti"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr ""
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nerasta atsarginių kopijų repozitorijos.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Rodyti failus"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Rodyti žurnalo failą"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Atsarginių kopijų planas %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Atsarginės kopijos"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Šis atsarginių kopijų planas dar nebuvo paleistas."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/nl/kup.po b/po/nl/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 11aa731..0000000
--- a/po/nl/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1447 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Heimen Stoffels <vistausss@outlook.com>, 2017-2019.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2018.
-# Freek de Kruijf <freekdekruijf@kde.nl>, 2019, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 10:02+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Freek de Kruijf <freekdekruijf@kde.nl>\n"
-"Language-Team: Dutch <kde-i18n-nl@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: nl_NL\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.3\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"De vereiste applicatie <application>bup</application> is niet aangetroffen "
-"op je systeem. Is het wel geïnstalleerd?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"De vereiste applicatie <application>par2</application> is niet aangetroffen "
-"op je systeem. Is het wel geïnstalleerd?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"De back-uplocatie kan niet worden geïnitialiseerd. Bekijk het logbestand "
-"voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Bezig met controleren van back-upintegriteit"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upintegriteitscontrole mislukt. Je back-ups zijn mogelijk beschadigd! "
-"Bekijk het logbestand voor meer informatie. Wil je proberen om de back-"
-"upbestanden te repareren?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upintegriteitscontrole mislukt. Je back-ups zijn mogelijk beschadigd! "
-"Bekijk het logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Bezig met controleren van de te kopiëren items"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Bestandsanalyse mislukt. Bekijk het logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Bezig met opslaan van back-up"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Opslaan van back-up mislukt. Bekijk het logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Bezig met genereren van herstelinformatie"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Het genereren van herstelinformatie is mislukt. Bekijk het logbestand voor "
-"meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Bestand"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upreparatie mislukt. Je back-ups zijn mogelijk beschadigd! Bekijk het "
-"logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "De back-up is gerepareerd! Bekijk het logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upreparatie was niet nodig; je back-ups zijn niet beschadigd. Bekijk "
-"het logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upreparatie mislukt. Je back-ups zijn mogelijk nog steeds beschadigd! "
-"Bekijk het logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upintegriteitscontrole mislukt. Je back-ups zijn beschadigd! Bekijk het "
-"logbestand voor meer informatie."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upintegriteitscontrole met succes afgerond. Uw back-ups zijn goed."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Back-upintegriteitscontrole mislukt. Je back-ups zijn beschadigd! Bekijk het "
-"logbestand voor meer informatie. Wil je proberen om de back-upbestanden te "
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Probleem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Ongeldig type back-up in de configuratie."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Je hebt geen schrijfrechten op de back-uplocatie."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Doorgaan"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stoppen"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Momenteel bezig met: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je wilt stoppen?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Gebruikersback-ups"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "De back-uplocatie is niet beschikbaar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Er zijn geen back-upschema's ingesteld"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "De back-uplocatie is beschikbaar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Back-upstatus: IN ORDE"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Nieuwe back-up wordt aanbevolen"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Nieuwe back-up is benodigd"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup is niet ingeschakeld. Schakel Kup in via de systeeminstellingenmodule. "
-"Je kunt dit doen door <command>kcmshell5 kup</command> uit te voeren."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup-achtergronddienst"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup is een flexibel back-upsysteem dat gebruikmaakt van het opslagsysteem "
-"'bup'. Dit stelt Kup in staat om snel incrementele back-ups uit te voeren; "
-"alleen de delen die gewijzigd zijn sinds de laatste back-up worden "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Beheerder"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Heimen Stoffels"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "vistausss@outlook.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Bezig met opslaan van back-up"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Bezig met controleren van back-upintegriteit"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Bezig met repareren van back-ups"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Wil je nu je eerste back-up maken?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Het is %1 geleden sinds de laatste back-up is opgeslagen.\n"
-"Wil je nu een nieuwe back-up maken?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Je bent %1 actief geweest sinds de laatste back-up is opgeslagen.\n"
-"Wil je nu een nieuwe back-up maken?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nee"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Kan back-up niet opslaan"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Logbestand tonen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Back-up opgeslagen"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "De back-up is opgeslagen."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Integriteitscontrole afgerond"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparatie afgerond"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup back-upsysteem"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"De vereiste applicatie <application>rsync</application> is niet aangetroffen "
-"op je systeem. Is het wel geïnstalleerd?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Het back-uparchief <filename>%1</filename> kan niet worden geopend. "
-"Controleer of de back-ups zich daar wel bevinden."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Je beschikt niet over de benodigde rechten om dit back-uparchief uit te "
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Kies de locatie van het te openen back-uparchief."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Bestandsdoorzoeker"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Verkenner voor bup-archieven."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Naam van de te openen afsplitsing."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Pad van de te openen bup-bron."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Dit back-uparchief kan niet worden gelezen. Sommige bestanden zijn mogelijk "
-"beschadigd. Wil je een integriteitscontrole uitvoeren?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(map)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(zachte koppeling)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(bestand)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nieuwe map..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Geen bestemming gekozen; kies een bestemming."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens het verkrijgen van de te herstellen "
-"bestanden: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Er is onvoldoende vrije ruimte beschikbaar op de bestemming. Kies een andere "
-"bestemming of maak ruimte vrij."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- opgeslagen op %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "De map bestaat al; kies een oplossing"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Het bestand bestaat al"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "De nieuwe, ingevoerde naam bestaat al; kies een andere."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nieuwe map"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nieuwe map"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nieuwe map creëren in:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Er bestaat al een map met de naam %1."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Je hebt geen rechten om %1 te mogen creëren."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Herstelhandleiding"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Terugzetten op oorspronkelijke locatie"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Kies de herstellocatie"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Vorige"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Volgende"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Map herstellen met nieuwe naam"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Mappen samenvoegen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"De volgende bestanden worden overschreven. Bevestig dat je wilt doorgaan."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Terug"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Bevestigen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Bestanden worden hersteld"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het herstellen van:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Herstel afgerond!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Bestemming openen"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sluiten"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Bestandgroottes worden gecontroleerd"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Bezig met herstellen"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Bestand"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Openen"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Herstellen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Map uitsluiten"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Map opnemen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Je beschikt niet over de juiste rechten om deze map uit te lezen: <filename>"
-"%1</filename> <nl/>De map kan daarom niet worden opgenomen in de "
-"bronselectie. Als deze geen belangrijke inhoud bevat, dan kun je ervoor "
-"kiezen om de map uit te sluiten."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Je beschikt niet over de juiste rechten om dit bestand uit te lezen: "
-"<filename>%1</filename> <nl/>Het bestand kan daarom niet worden opgenomen in "
-"de bronselectie. Als deze geen belangrijke inhoud bevat, dan kun je ervoor "
-"kiezen om het bestand uit te sluiten."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"De zachte koppeling, <filename>%1</filename>, is momenteel opgenomen maar "
-"verwijst naar een map die niet <filename>%2</filename> is. <nl/"
-">Waarschijnlijk wil je dit niet. Je kunt ervoor kiezen om de doelmap op te "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"De zachte koppeling, <filename>%1</filename>, is momenteel opgenomen maar "
-"verwijst naar een bestand dat niet <filename>%2</filename> is. <nl/"
-">Waarschijnlijk wil je dit niet. Je kunt ervoor kiezen om de map waarin het "
-"bestand zich bevindt op te nemen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Map kiezen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Omschrijving:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Terug naar overzicht"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit type back-up is een <emphasis>archief</emphasis>. Het bevat zowel de "
-"nieuwste versie van je bestanden alsook eerder geback-upte versies. Dit type "
-"back-up stelt je in staat om oudere versies van je bestanden te herstellen "
-"of bestanden die je later verwijdert hebt van je computer. De benodigde "
-"opslagruimte wordt beperkt omdat er alleen wordt gekeken naar de "
-"veelvoorkomende delen van je bestanden tussen versies. Tóch zal het back-"
-"uparchief t.z.t. groeien. <nl/>Ook belangrijk om te weten is dat bestanden "
-"in het archief niet direct kunnen worden benaderd met een algeneme "
-"bestandsbeheerder; een speciale applicatie is hiervoor vereist."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Back-up met versiebeheer (niet beschikbaar omdat <application>bup</"
-"application> niet geïnstalleerd is)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Back-up met versiebeheer (aanbevolen)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Dit type back-up is een map die wordt gesynchroniseerd met de gekozen "
-"bronmappen. Het opslaan van een back-up betekent simpelweg dat de back-"
-"upbestemming een exacte kopie bevat van de bronmappen zoals ze op dit moment "
-"zijn. Als een bestand wordt verwijderd in de bronmap, dan wordt deze ook "
-"verwijderd uit de back-upmap. <nl/>Dit type back-up kan je beschermen tegen "
-"gegevensverlies door een kapotte harde schijf maar helpt je niet bij herstel "
-"na zelf fouten te hebben gemaakt."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Gesynchroniseerde back-up (niet beschikbaar omdat <application>rsync</"
-"application> niet geïnstalleerd is)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Gesynchroniseerde back-up"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Back-uptype"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Kies het te gebruiken back-uptype"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Bronnen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Kies de mappen die je wilt opnemen in de back-up"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Bestandssysteempad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Externe opslag"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Je kunt deze optie gebruiken om back-ups te maken naar een tweede interne "
-"harde schijf, een externe eSATA-schijf of een netwerkschijf. De enige "
-"vereiste is dat je de schijf altijd aankoppelt op hetzelfde pad in het "
-"bestandssysteem. Het hier opgegeven pad hoeft niet altijd te bestaan; het "
-"bestand wordt gemonitord."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Bestemmingspad voor back-up:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Gebruik deze optie als je je bestanden wilt back-uppen op een externe "
-"schijf, zoals een USB-schijf of -stick."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Als de opgegeven map niet bestaat, dan wordt deze gecreëerd."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Map op bestemmingsschijf:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Open het dialoogvenster om een map te kiezen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Bestemming"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Kies de back-upbestemming"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Handmatig activeren"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Tussenpoos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Actieve gebruikstijd"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Back-ups worden alleen opgeslagen als je er zelf om vraagt. Dit kun je doen "
-"via het menu van het systeemvakpictogram."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Er wordt een nieuwe back-up opgeslagen zodra de back-upbestemming "
-"beschikbaar is en er meer tijd verstreken is dan de opgegeven tussenpoos."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "minuten"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "uur"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "dagen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "weken"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Er wordt een nieuwe back-up opgeslagen zodra de back-upbestemming "
-"beschikbaar is en je de computer langer hebt gebruikt dan de opgegeven "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Om bevestiging vragen voor de back-up wordt opgeslagen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Inplannen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Geef het back-upschema op"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Verborgen mappen tonen in bronselectie"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Zo kun je verborgen mappen expliciet opnemen in of uitsluiten van de back-"
-"upbronselectie. Verborgen mappen hebben een naam die begint met een punt en "
-"zijn meestal te vinden in je persoonlijke map. Ze worden gebruikt om "
-"instellingen en tijdelijke bestanden van applicaties op te slaan."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit zorgt ervoor dat je back-ups ong. 10% meer opslagruimte in beslag nemen. "
-"Ook duurt het maken van back-ups iets langer. Wél is het hierdoor mogelijk "
-"om te herstellen van een deels beschadigde back-up."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Herstelinformatie genereren"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Herstelinformatie genereren (niet beschikbaar omdat <application>par2</"
-"application> niet is geïnstalleerd)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Integriteit van back-ups verifiëren"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Controleert het gehele back-uparchief op beschadigingen elke keer als je "
-"nieuwe gegevens back-upt. Het opslaan van back-ups duurt iets langer, maar "
-"het stelt je in staat om beschadigingen eerder op te sporen, voordat het te "
-"laat is."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Bestanden en mappen uitsluiten gebaseerd op patronen"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Patronen moeten in een lijst staat in een tekstbestand met één patroon per "
-"regel. Bestanden en mappen met namen overeenkomend met een van de patronen "
-"zullen uitgesloten worden van de back-up. Het patroonformaat is <a href="
-"\"%1\">hier</a> gedocumenteerd."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Open het dialoogvenster om een bestand te selecteren"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Patroonbestand selecteren"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Geavanceerd"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Extra opties voor geavanceerde gebruikers"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Sluit de te gebruiken externe opslag aan en kies hem daarna in deze lijst."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(verbinding verbroken)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 vrije ruimte"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partitie %1 op %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 op %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 totale opslagruimte"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Waarschuwing: zachte koppelingen en bestandsrechten kunnen niet worden "
-"opgeslagen op dit bestandssysteem. Bestandsrechten zijn alleen belangrijk "
-"als er meer dan één gebruiker aanwezig is op deze computer of als je "
-"uitvoerbare bestanden back-upt."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Waarschuwing: bestandsrechten kunnen niet worden opgeslagen op dit "
-"bestandssysteem. Bestandsrechten zijn alleen belangrijk als er meer dan één "
-"gebruiker aanwezig is op deze computer of als je uitvoerbare bestanden back-"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wordt opgenomen in de back-up, m.u.v. niet-"
-"aangevinkte submappen"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wordt opgenomen in de back-up"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wordt<emphasis>niet</emphasis>opgenomen in de "
-"back-up, maar bevat mappen die wél worden opgenomen"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>wordt<emphasis>niet</emphasis> opgenomen in de "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup-configuratiemodule"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Configuratie van back-upschema's voor het Kup-systeem"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Ontbrekende back-upapplicaties</h2><p>Voordat je een back-upschema kunt "
-"activeren, moet je het volgende installeren:</p><ul><li>bup (voor back-ups "
-"met versiebeheer)</li>of<li>rsync (voor gesynchroniseerde back-ups)</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Waarschuwing"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 heeft geen bestemming! <nl/>Er worden geen back-ups gemaakt aan de hand "
-"van dit schema."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Nieuw schema toevoegen"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Back-ups ingeschakeld"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Open en herstel bestaande back-ups"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Instellen"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Dupliceren"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Geen bup-bron gevonden.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Nieuwe back-up maken"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Bestanden tonen"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Logbestand tonen"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Back-upschema: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Back-ups"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopie)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Laatst opgeslagen: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Grootte: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Vrije ruimte: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Dit back-upschema is nog nooit gebruikt."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/pl/kup.po b/po/pl/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 046b7d0..0000000
--- a/po/pl/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1494 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Marcin Kralka <marcink96@gmail.com>, 2014
-# Marcin Kralka <marcink96@gmail.com>, 2014
-# Przemyslaw Ka. <przemyslaw.karpeta@gmail.com>, 2017,2019
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-31 05:53+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/kup/kup/language/pl/)\n"
-"Language: pl\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
-"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Program <application>bup</application> jest wymagany, ale nie może zostać "
-"odnaleziony, może nie jest zainstalowany?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Program <application>par2</application> jest wymagany, ale nie może zostać "
-"odnaleziony, może nie jest zainstalowany?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Inicjalizacja kopii w miejscu docelowym nie powiodła się. Aby uzyskać "
-"bardziej szczególowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Sprawdzanie spójności kopii"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sprawdzanie spójności kopii zapasowej nie powiodło się. Kopie zapasowe mogą "
-"być uszkodzone! Aby uzyskać bardziej szczególowe informacje, przejrzyj plik "
-"dziennika. Czy chcesz spróbować naprawić pliki kopii ?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie udało się dokonać sprawdzenia spójności kopii. Kopie zapasowe mogą być "
-"uszkodzone! Aby uzyskać bardziej szczególowe informacje, przejrzyj plik "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Poszukiwanie danych do skopiowania"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie udało się przeanalizować plików. Aby uzyskać bardziej szczególowe "
-"informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Zapisywanie kopii"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie udało się zapisać kopii. Aby uzyskać bardziej szczególowe informacje, "
-"przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Generowanie informacji ratunkowych"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Nie udało się wygenerować informacji ratunkowych dla kopii zapasowej. Aby "
-"uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Plik"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Naprawa kopii nie powiodła się. Kopie zapasowe mogą być uszkodzone! Aby "
-"uzyskać bardziej szczególowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sukces! Naprawa kopii udała się. Aby uzyskać bardziej szczególowe "
-"informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Naprawa kopii nie była potrzebna. Kopie zapasowe nie są uszkodzone. Aby "
-"uzyskać bardziej szczególowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Naprawa kopii nie powiodła się. Twoje kopie nadal mogą zawierać błędy! Aby "
-"uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sprawdzanie spójności kopii nie powiodło się. Twoje kopie zawierają błędy! "
-"Aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Test spójności kopii zakończył się sukcesem, kopie zapasowe wyglądają "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sprawdzanie spójności kopii nie powiodło się. Twoje kopie zawierają błędy! "
-"Aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, przejrzyj plik dziennika. Czy chcesz "
-"wykonać próbę naprawy plików kopii?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Nieprawidłowy typ kopii zapasowej w konfiguracji."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do zapisu kopii w miejscu docelowym."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Dalej"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Zatrzymaj"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "W tej chwili pracuje: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zatrzymać?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Kopie zapasowe użytkownika"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Miejsce docelowe kopii zapasowej nie jest dostępne"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Nie skonfigurowano żadnego planu tworzenia kopii zapasowych"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Miejsce docelowe kopii zapasowej jest dostępne"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Status kopii zapasowej: OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Zasugerowano utworzenie nowej kopii zapasowej"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Potrzebna nowa kopia zapasowa"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup nie jest włączony, należy go włączyć z poziomu modułu ustawień "
-"systemowych. Można to zrobić uruchamiając polecenie <command>kcmshell5 kup</"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Demon Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup jest elastycznym rozwiązaniem tworzenia kopii zapasowych używającym "
-"systemu przechowywania kopii 'bup'. Pozwala na szybkie wykonywanie "
-"przyrostowych kopii, zapisując tylko części plików które zostały zmienione "
-"od ostatniej zrobionej kopii zapasowej."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Opiekun"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Marcin Kralka,Jacek Baszkiewicz"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "marcink96@gmail.com,jbaszkiewicz@o2.pl"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Zapisywanie kopii"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Sprawdzanie spójności kopii"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Naprawianie kopii"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Czy chcesz teraz zapisać pierwszą kopię zapasową?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Upłynęło już %1 od kiedy została zapisana ostatnia kopia zapasowa.\n"
-"Czy chcesz zapisać kopię teraz?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Byłeś aktywny na tym komputerze przez %1 od czasu, kiedy została zapisana "
-"ostatnia kopia zapasowa.\n"
-"Czy chcesz zapisać kopię teraz?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Tak"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nie"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Zapisywanie kopii nie powiodło się"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Wyświetl plik dziennika"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Zapisano kopię"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Zapisywanie kopii zakończyło się sukcesem."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Zakończono Sprawdzanie Spójności."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Zakończono naprawę"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup System Kopii Zapasowych"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Program <application>rsync</application> jest wymagany, ale nie może zostać "
-"odnaleziony, może nie jest zainstalowany?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Archiwum kopii zapasowej <filename>%1</filename> nie mogło zostać otworzone. "
-"Upewnij się, że kopie zapasowe znajdują sie właśnie w tym miejscu."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Nie masz odpowiednich uprawnień, aby odczytać to archiwum."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Wybierz lokalizację kopii zapasowych do otwarcia."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Wyszukiwarka plików"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Przeglądarka archiwów bup"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nazwa gałęzi jaka ma być otwarta."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Ścieżka do repozytorium bup jaka ma zostać otwarta."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Nie można było odczytać tej kopii. Być może niektóre pliki uległy "
-"uszkodzeniu. Czy chcesz wykonać kontrolę spójności, aby to sprawdzić?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(folder)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(dowiązanie symboliczne)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(plik)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nowy folder..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Miejsce docelowe nie zostało wybrane, proszę wybrać jedno."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Wystąpił problem podczas pobierania listy plików do odtworzenia: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Miejsce docelowe nie posiada wystarczająco wolnego miejsca. Proszę wybrać "
-"inne miejsce docelowe lub zwolnić trochę miejsca."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- zapisano w %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Folder już istnieje, proszę wybrać inne rozwiązanie"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Plik już istnieje"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Wprowadzona nowa nazwa już istnieje, proszę podać inną."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nowy Folder"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nowy Folder"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Utwórz nowy folder w:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Folder o nazwie %1 już istnieje."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień aby utworzyć %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Przewodnik przywracania"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Przywróć do oryginalnej lokalizacji"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Wybierz gdzie chcesz przywrócić"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Wstecz"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Dalej"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Przywróć folder pod nową nazwą"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Połącz foldery"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Następujące pliki zostaną nadpisane, proszę potwierdzić czy chcesz "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Wstecz"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Potwierdź"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Przywracanie"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas przywracania:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Przywracanie zostało zakończone pomyślnie!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Otwórz miejsce docelowe"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zamknij"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Przywracanie"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Plik"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Otwórz"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Przywróć"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Wyklucz Folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Dołącz Folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie posiadasz uprawnień do odczytu tego folderu: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">Nie można go wybrać jako źródła kopii. Jeśli nie zawiera niczego ważnego, "
-"jednym z możliwych rozwiązań jest wyłączenie katalogu z planu tworzenia "
-"kopii. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Nie posiadasz uprawnień do odczytu dla tego pliku: <filename>%1</"
-"filename><nl/>Nie można go wybrać jako źródła kopii. Jeśli plik nie zawiera "
-"niczego ważnego, jednym z możliwych rozwiązań jest wyłączenie go z planu "
-"tworzenia kopii."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Dowiązanie symboliczne <filename>%1</filename> jest dołączone do kopii "
-"zapasowej, ale wskazuje na katalog, który nie jest: <filename>%2</filename>."
-"<nl/>To prawdopodobnie nie jest pożądana sytuacja. Rozwiązaniem jest "
-"dołączenie wskazywanego katalogu do planu tworzenia kopii."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Dowiązanie symboliczne <filename>%1</filename> jest dołączone do kopii "
-"zapasowej, ale wskazuje na plik, który nie jest: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">To prawdopodobnie nie jest pożądana sytuacja. Rozwiązaniem jest dołączenie "
-"wskazywanego katalogu do planu tworzenia kopii."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Wybierz folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Opis:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Wróć do przeglądu"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten typ kopii to <emphasis>archiwum</emphasis>. Zawiera zarówno ostatnią "
-"wersję twoich plików, jak i wersje zachowane poprzednio. Użycie tego typu "
-"kopii pozwala na odtworzenie starszych wersji plików bądź też plików "
-"usuniętych wcześniej z dysku. Przestrzeń dyskowa potrzebna do zachowania "
-"kopii jest minimalizowana poprzez wyszukiwanie w kolejnych wersjach plików "
-"ich części wspólnych i zapisywanie tych części tylko raz. Niemniej jednak "
-"archiwum będzie z czasem coraz większe.<nl/>Należy również pamiętać, że "
-"pliki archiwum tego typu nie będą dostępne bezpośrednio w systemowym "
-"menedżerze plików - niezbędny jest specjalny program."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Wersjonowana kopia zapasowa (nie jest dostępna ponieważ <application>bup</"
-"application> nie jest zainstalowany)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Wersjonowana kopia zapasowa (rekomendowane)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-#| "source folders. Taking a backup simply means making the backup "
-#| "destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now "
-#| "and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will "
-#| "get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect "
-#| "you against data loss due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you "
-#| "to recover from your own mistakes."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Ten typ kopii to folder docelowy synchronizowany z wybranymi folderami "
-"źródłowymi. Utworzenie kopii oznacza po prostu przekopiowanie do lokalizacji "
-"docelowej dokładnie wszystkich plików zawartych w folderach źródłowych i nic "
-"poza tym. Jeśli jakiś plik został usunięty w folderze źródłowym, to po "
-"utworzeniu kopii nie będzie go również w folderze docelowym.<nl/>Ten typ "
-"kopii zabezpiecza cię przed utratą danych na skutek uszkodzenia dysku "
-"twardego, ale nie pomoże ci odzyskać plików utraconych w wyniku twych "
-"własnych błędów.  "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Synchronizowana kopia zapasowa (nie dostępna ponieważ <application>rsync</"
-"application> nie jest zainstalowany)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Synchronizowana kopia zapasowa"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Typ kopii zapasowej"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Wybierz jaki typ kopii zapasowej chcesz"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Źródła"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Wybierz które foldery mają być zawarte w kopii zapasowej"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Ścieżka systemu plików"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Pamięć zewnętrzna"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Możesz użyć tej opcji do tworzenia kopii zapasowej na drugim dysku "
-"wewnętrznym, zewnętrznym dysku eSATA lub na dysku sieciowym. Wymogiem jest "
-"montowanie dysku zawsze w tej samej ścieżce. Określona ścieżka nie musi "
-"istnieć cały czas, jej dostępność będzie monitorowana."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Ścieżka docelowa dla kopii zapasowej:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Użyj tej opcji jeśli chcesz tworzyć kopie zapasową twoich plików na pamięci "
-"zewnętrznej, która może być podłączana do tego komputera, czyli na przykład "
-"dysk zewnętrzny lub karta pamięci."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Określony folder zostanie stworzony, jeżeli jeszcze nie istnieje."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Folder na dysku docelowym:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Otwórz okno dialogowe aby wybrać folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Miejsce docelowe"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Wybierz miejsce docelowe kopii zapasowej"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Manualna aktywacja"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interwał"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Czas aktywnego używania"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backups are only taken when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-#| "the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Kopie zapasowe są tworzone tylko ręcznie. Można je utworzyć przez menu "
-"kontekstowe ikony zasobnika systemowego."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup "
-#| "was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Nowa kopia zapasowa zostanie wywołana kiedy miejsce docelowe kopii będzie "
-"dostępne i kiedy więcej czasu minie niż w skonfigurowanym interwale od kiedy "
-"ostatnia kopia została zrobiona."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuty"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Godziny"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dni"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Tygodnie"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and you have been using your computer actively for more than the "
-#| "configured time limit since the last backup was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Nowa kopia zostanie utworzona, gdy lokalizacja docelowa stanie się dostępna, "
-"a czas aktywnego użycia komputera od chwili utworzenia ostatniej kopii "
-"przekroczy wartość podaną w konfiguracji."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Pytaj o potwierdzenie przed wykonaniem kopii zapasowej"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Harmonogram"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Określ harmonogram wykonywania kopii zapasowych"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Wyświetl ukryte foldery w wyborze ścieżki"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"To daje możliwość wybiórczego dołączenia lub wyłączenia ukrytych katalogów "
-"przy wyborze źródła dla kopii zapasowej. Ukryte katalogi mają nazwy "
-"zaczynające się od kropki. Zazwyczaj umieszczone są w Twoim katalogu domowym "
-"i używane do przechowywania ustawień oraz plików tymczasowych Twoich "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Ta opcja zwiększy rozmiar kopii zapasowych o około 10%, również ich "
-"tworzenie zajmie nieco więcej czasu. W zamian za to będzie możliwe "
-"odzyskanie danych z częściowo uszkodzonej kopii zapasowej."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Generowanie informacji ratunkowych"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Generowanie informacji ratunkowych (niedostępne z uwagi na brak "
-"zainstalowanej aplikacji <application>par2</application>)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Sprawdź spójność kopii zapasowych"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Sprawdź całe archiwum kopii zapasowej pod kątem występowania błędów za "
-"każdym razem, kiedy archiwizowane są nowe dane. Tworzenie kopii zajmie nieco "
-"więcej czasu, ale pozwoli znaleźć błędy zanim nadejdzie potrzeba użycia "
-"kopii, kiedy może być już za późno."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Otwórz okno dialogowe aby wybrać folder"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Zaawansowane"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Dodatkowe opcje dla zaawansowanych użytkowników"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Podłącz pamięć zewnętrzną którą chcesz użyć i wybierz ją na tej liście."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(rozłączono)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 wolnych"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partycja %1 na %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 na %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 całkowitej pojemności"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Uwaga: Dowiązania symboliczne i uprawnienia plików nie mogą zostać zachowane "
-"na tym systemie plików. Uprawnienia plików mają znaczenie tylko w przypadku, "
-"jeśli tego komputera używa więcej niż jedna osoba, lub archiwizowane są "
-"pliki wykonywalne."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Uwaga: Uprawnienia plików nie mogą zostać zachowane na tym systemie plików. "
-"Uprawnienia plików mają znaczenie tylko w przypadku, jeśli tego komputera "
-"używa więcej niż jedna osoba, lub archiwizowane są pliki wykonywalne."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>zostanie zarchiwizowana, za wyjątkiem "
-"podfolderów, które nie są zaznaczone"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>zostanie zawarte w kopii zapasowej"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>nie</emphasis> nie zostanie "
-"zarchiwizowany, ale zawiera foldery, które zostaną"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>nie</emphasis> zostanie zawarte w "
-"kopii zapasowej"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Moduł konfiguracji Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Konfiguracja planów kopii dla systemu kopii zapasowych Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Nie odnaleziono programów do kopii zapasowych</h2><p>Przed aktywowaniem "
-"jakiegokolwiek planu kopii zapasowych musisz zainstalować albo</"
-"p><ul><li>bup, do wersjonowanych kopii zapasowych</li><li>rsync, do "
-"synchronizowanych kopii zapasowych</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Ostrzeżenie"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 nie ma miejsca docelowego!<nl/>Żadna kopia zapasowa nie zostanie zapisana "
-"przez ten plan."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Dodaj nowy plan"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Kopie zapasowe włączone"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Otwórz i odzyskaj z istniejących kopii"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Konfiguruj"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Usuń"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplikat"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nie odnaleziono żadnego repozytorium bup.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Zapisz nową kopię"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Wyświetl pliki"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Wyświetl plik dziennika"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Plan kopii zapasowej %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Kopie zapasowe"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopiowanie)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Ostatnio zapisano: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Rozmiar: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Wolne miejsce: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Ten plan kopii zapasowej nigdy nie był uruchomiony."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/pt/kup.po b/po/pt/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 176307c..0000000
--- a/po/pt/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1465 +0,0 @@
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 17:31+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: José Nuno Coelho Pires <zepires@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese <kde-i18n-pt@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-POFile-SpellExtra: Persson rsync eSATA bup Bup kup kcmshell Kup\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"É necessário o programa <application>bup</application>, mas o mesmo não foi "
-"encontrado; talvez não esteja instalado?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"É necessário o programa <application>par2</application>, mas o mesmo não foi "
-"encontrado; talvez não esteja instalado?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível inicializar o destino das cópias de segurança. Veja o "
-"ficheiro de registo para saber mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "A verificar a integridade da cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível verificar a integridade da cópia de segurança. As suas "
-"cópias de segurança poderão estar danificadas! Veja o ficheiro de registo "
-"para saber mais detalhes. Deseja tentar reparar os ficheiros das cópias de "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível verificar a integridade da cópia de segurança. As suas "
-"cópias de segurança poderão estar danificadas! Veja o ficheiro de registo "
-"para saber mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "A verificar o que será copiado"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível analisar os ficheiros. Veja o ficheiro de registo para "
-"saber mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "A gravar a cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível gravar a cópia de segurança. Veja o ficheiro de registo "
-"para saber mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "A gerar a informação de recuperação"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível gerar os dados de recuperação da cópia de segurança. Veja o "
-"ficheiro de registo para saber mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Ficheiro"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível reparar a cópia de segurança. As suas cópias de segurança "
-"poderão estar danificadas! Veja o ficheiro de registo para saber mais "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Sucesso! A reparação da cópia de segurança resultou. Veja o ficheiro de "
-"registo para saber mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi necessária a reparação da cópia de segurança. As suas cópias de "
-"segurança não estão danificadas. Veja o ficheiro de registo para saber mais "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível reparar a cópia de segurança. As suas cópias de segurança "
-"poderão à mesma estar danificadas! Veja o ficheiro de registo para saber "
-"mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível verificar a integridade da cópia de segurança. As suas "
-"cópias de segurança estão danificadas! Veja o ficheiro de registo para saber "
-"mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"O teste da integridade das cópias de segurança decorreu com sucesso. As suas "
-"cópias de segurança estão óptimas."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível verificar a integridade da cópia de segurança. As suas "
-"cópias de segurança estão danificadas! Veja o ficheiro de registo para saber "
-"mais detalhes. Deseja tentar reparar os ficheiros das cópias de segurança?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "O tipo de cópia de segurança na configuração é inválido."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Não tem permissões de escrita para o destino das cópias de segurança."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Parar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Ocupado de momento: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Deseja realmente parar?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Cópias de Segurança do Utilizador"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "O destino das cópias de segurança não está disponível"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Não estão configurados nenhuns planos de cópias de segurança"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "O destino das cópias de segurança está disponível"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Estado da cópia de segurança OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Sugere-se uma nova cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "É necessária uma nova cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"O Kup não está activo. Active-o no módulo de configuração do sistema. Podê-"
-"lo-á fazer se executar <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Servidor do Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"O Kup é uma solução de cópias de segurança flexível que usa o sistema de "
-"armazenamento de cópias de segurança  'bup'. Isto permite-lhe efectuar "
-"rapidamente cópias de segurança incrementais, gravando apenas as partes dos "
-"ficheiros que foram alteradas de facto desde a criação da última cópia de "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 de Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Manutenção"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "José Nuno Pires"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "zepires@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "A gravar a cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "A verificar a integridade da cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "A reparar as cópias de segurança"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Deseja gravar agora uma primeira cópia de segurança?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Passaram-se %1 desde que foi gravada a última cópia de segurança.\n"
-"Deseja gravar agora uma nova cópia de segurança?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Está activo há %1 desde a gravação da última cópia de segurança.\n"
-"Deseja gravar uma nova cópia agora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sim"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Não"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Não foi possível gravar a cópia de segurança"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostrar o ficheiro de registo"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Cópia de Segurança Gravada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "A gravação da cópia de segurança terminou com sucesso."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Verificação de Integridade Completa"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparação Completa"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Sistema de Cópias de Segurança Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"É necessário o programa <application>rsync</application>, mas o mesmo não "
-"foi encontrado; talvez não esteja instalado?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível aceder ao pacote da cópia de segurança <filename>%1</"
-"filename>. Verifique se as cópias de segurança realmente se encontram lá."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Não tem as permissões necessárias para ler este pacote da cópia de segurança."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Seleccione a localização do pacote da cópia de segurança a abrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Escavador de Ficheiros"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Navegador de pacotes do 'bup'."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nome da ramificação a abrir."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "A localização do repositório 'bup' a abrir."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível ler este pacote de cópia de segurança. Talvez alguns "
-"ficheiros tenham ficado danificados. Deseja efectuar uma verificação de "
-"integridade para validar isto?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (pasta)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (ligação simbólica)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (ficheiro)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nova Pasta..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Não foi seleccionado nenhum destino; seleccione por favor um."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um problema ao obter a lista de todos os ficheiros a repor: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"O destino não tem espaço livre suficiente. Por favor escolha um destino "
-"diferente ou liberte algum espaço."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - gravada em %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "A pasta já existe; seleccione por favor uma solução"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "O ficheiro já existe"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "O novo nome introduzido já existe; seleccione por favor um diferente."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nova Pasta"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nova Pasta"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Criar uma pasta nova em:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Já existe uma pasta chamada %1."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Não tem permissões para criar o %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Guia de Reposição"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Repor na localização original"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Escolha onde repor"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Seguinte"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Repor a pasta com um novo nome"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Reunir as pastas"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Os seguintes ficheiros serão substituídos; por favor confirme que deseja "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "A repor os ficheiros"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro na reposição:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "A reposição terminou com sucesso!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Abrir o Destino"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "A verificar os tamanhos dos ficheiros"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "A repor"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Ficheiro"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Abrir"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Repor"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Excluir a Pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Incluir a Pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Não tem permissões para ler esta pasta: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Não "
-"poderá ser incluída na selecção das origens. Se não tiver nada de importante "
-"para si, uma solução possível é excluir a pasta do plano de cópia de "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Não tem permissões para ler este ficheiro: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Não "
-"poderá ser incluído na selecção das origens. Se não tiver nada de importante "
-"para si, uma solução possível é excluir por inteiro a pasta onde está "
-"guardado o ficheiro do plano de cópia de segurança."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"A ligação simbólica <filename>%1</filename> está incluída de momento mas "
-"aponta para uma pasta que não está: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">Provavelmente não é o que deseja. Uma solução será simplesmente incluir a "
-"pasta de destino no plano da cópia de segurança."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"A ligação simbólica <filename>%1</filename> está incluída de momento mas "
-"aponta para um ficheiro que não está: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">Provavelmente não é o que deseja. Uma solução será simplesmente incluir a "
-"pasta onde se encontra o ficheiro no plano da cópia de segurança."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Seleccionar a Pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descrição:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Voltar à visão geral"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Este tipo de cópia de segurança é um <emphasis>pacote</emphasis>. Ele contém "
-"tanto a última versão dos seus ficheiros como as versões anteriormente "
-"salvaguardadas. O uso deste tipo de cópia de segurança permite-lhe recuperar "
-"versões anteriores dos seus ficheiros ou os ficheiros que foram apagados no "
-"seu computador a título posterior. O espaço de armazenamento necessário é "
-"minimizado com a pesquisa pelas partes comuns dos seus ficheiros entre "
-"versões e guardando apenas uma vez essas partes. Contudo, o pacote da cópia "
-"de segurança continuará a aumentar de tamanho à medida que o tempo avança."
-"<nl/>Também é importante saber que os ficheiros no pacote não estarão "
-"directamente acessíveis com um gestor de ficheiros normal, sendo necessário "
-"um programa especial."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de Segurança com Versões (indisponível porque o <application>bup</"
-"application> não está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Cópia de Segurança com Versões (recomendada)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Este tipo de cópia de segurança é uma pasta que está sincronizada com as "
-"suas pastas de origem seleccionadas. A criação de uma cópia de segurança "
-"simplesmente fará com que o destino da cópia tenha uma cópia exacta das suas "
-"pastas de origem como estão agora, nada mais. Se um ficheiro for removido "
-"numa pasta de origem, o mesmo será removido da pasta da cópia de segurança."
-"<nl/>Este tipo de cópia de segurança podê-lo-á proteger contra a perda de "
-"dados devida a um disco rígido danificado, mas não o ajuda a recuperar dos "
-"seus próprios erros."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Cópia de Segurança Sincronizada (indisponível porque o <application>rsync</"
-"application> não está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Cópia de Segurança Sincronizada"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de Cópia de Segurança"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Seleccione o tipo de cópia de segurança que deseja"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Origens"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Seleccione as pastas a incluir na cópia de segurança"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Localização no Sistema de Ficheiros"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Armazenamento Externo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Poderá usar esta opção para criar uma cópia de segurança para um disco "
-"rígido interno secundário, para uma unidade eSATA externa ou um dispositivo "
-"de armazenamento na rede. O requisito é apenas que precisa de o montar na "
-"mesma localização do sistema de ficheiros. A localização aqui indicada não "
-"precisa de existir a toda a hora, sendo que a sua existência será "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Localização de Destino da Cópia de Segurança:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Use esta opção se quiser criar uma cópia de segurança dos seus ficheiros num "
-"armazenamento externo que possa ser ligado a este computador, como um disco "
-"rígido ou cartão de memória USB."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "A pasta seleccionada será criada se não existir."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Pasta na Unidade de Destino:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Abrir uma janela para seleccionar uma pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destino"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Seleccione o destino da cópia de segurança"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Activação Manual"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervalo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Tempo de Utilização Activo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"As cópias de segurança só são efectuadas quando tal for solicitado "
-"manualmente. Isto pode ser feito se usar o menu de contexto no ícone da "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Será desencadeada uma nova cópia de segurança quando o destino da cópia de "
-"segurança ficar disponível e já tiver decorrido mais tempo do que o "
-"intervalo configurado face à última cópia de segurança."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Horas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dias"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Semanas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Será desencadeada uma nova cópia de segurança quando o destino da cópia de "
-"segurança ficar disponível e já estiver a usar de forma activa o seu "
-"computador durante mais tempo do que o intervalo configurado face à última "
-"cópia de segurança."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Pedir a confirmação antes de gravar a cópia de segurança"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Calendário"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Seleccione o calendário de cópias de segurança"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Mostrar as partas escondidas na selecção da origem"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Isto possibilita incluir ou excluir de forma explícita as pastas escondidas "
-"na selecção das origens da cópia de segurança. As pastas escondidas têm um "
-"nome que começa por um ponto. Normalmente encontram-se na sua pasta pessoal "
-"e são usadas para gravar ficheiros de configuração e temporários para as "
-"suas aplicações."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Isto fará com que as suas cópias de segurança usem aproximadamente 10% mais "
-"espaço de armazenamento e a gravação das cópias de segurança irá levar um "
-"pouco mais de tempo. Por outro lado, será possível recuperar de uma cópia de "
-"segurança parcialmente danificada."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Gerar a informação de recuperação"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Gerar a informação de recuperação (indisponível porque o <application>par2</"
-"application> não está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verificar a integridade das cópias de segurança"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Verifica todo o pacote da cópia de segurança, à procura de danos, sempre que "
-"gravar dados novos. A gravação das cópias de segurança irá demorar um pouco "
-"mais, mas poderá descobrir problemas de danos dos pacotes mais cedo do que "
-"quando for usar uma cópia de segurança, já que nessa altura poderá ser "
-"demasiado tarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Excluir os ficheiros e pastas com base em padrões"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Os padrões têm de estar enumerados num ficheiro de texto com um padrão por "
-"cada linha. Os ficheiros e pastas cujos nomes correspondam a algum dos "
-"padrões serão excluídos da cópia de segurança. O formato dos padrões está "
-"documentado <a href=\"%1\">aqui</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Abrir uma janela para seleccionar um ficheiro"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Seleccionar o ficheiro de padrões"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avançado"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Opções extra para os utilizadores avançados"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Ligue o dispositivo de armazenamento externo que deseja usar, seleccionando-"
-"o depois nesta lista."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (desligada)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 livres"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partição %1 em %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 em %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 de capacidade total"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Atenção: Não é possível gravar as ligações simbólicas e as permissões dos "
-"ficheiro neste sistema de ficheiros. As permissões dos ficheiros só "
-"interessam quando existir mais que um utilizador deste computador ou se "
-"estiver a criar cópias de segurança de ficheiros executáveis."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Atenção: Não é possível gravar as permissões dos ficheiro neste sistema de "
-"ficheiros. As permissões dos ficheiros só interessam quando existir mais que "
-"um utilizador deste computador ou se estiver a criar cópias de segurança de "
-"ficheiros executáveis."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"A <filename>%1</filename><nl/>será incluída na cópia de segurança, excepto "
-"as sub-pastas não-assinaladas"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "A <filename>%1</filename><nl/>será incluída na cópia de segurança"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"A <filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>não</emphasis> será incluída na "
-"cópia de segurança, mas contém sub-pastas que sim"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"A <filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>não</emphasis> será incluída na "
-"cópia de segurança"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Módulo de Configuração do Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Configuração dos planos de cópias de segurança do sistema Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Faltam os programas de cópias de segurança</h2><p>Antes de poder activar "
-"qualquer plano de cópias de segurança, terá de instalar um dos seguintes</"
-"p><ul><li>bup, para as cópias de segurança com versões</li><li>rsync, para "
-"cópias de segurança sincronizadas</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Aviso"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"O %1 não tem nenhum destino!<nl/>Não serão gravadas cópias de segurança com "
-"este plano."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Adicionar um Novo Plano"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Cópias de Segurança Activas"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Abrir e repor das cópias de segurança existentes"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configurar"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remover"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi encontrado nenhum repositório do Bup.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Gravar uma nova cópia de segurança"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Mostrar os ficheiros"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Mostrar o ficheiro de registo"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Plano de cópias de segurança %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Cópias de segurança"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (cópia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Última gravação: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Tamanho: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Espaço livre: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Este plano de cópias de segurança nunca foi executado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/pt_BR/kup.po b/po/pt_BR/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a5179d..0000000
--- a/po/pt_BR/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1444 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# carlo giusepe tadei valente sasaki <carlo.gt.valente@gmail.com>, 2014-2018.
-# carlo giusepe tadei valente sasaki <carlo.gt.valente@gmail.com>, 2014.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018.
-# Luiz Fernando Ranghetti <elchevive@opensuse.org>, 2019, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 16:41-0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Luiz Fernando Ranghetti <elchevive@opensuse.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese <kde-i18n-pt_BR@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: pt_BR\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.03.80\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"O programa <application>bup</application> é necessário mas não pôde ser "
-"encontrado, talvez não esteja instalado?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"O programa <application>par2</application> é necessário mas não pôde ser "
-"encontrado, talvez não esteja instalado?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"O destino do backup não pôde ser iniciado. Veja o arquivo de log para mais "
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Verificando a integridade do backup"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"A verificação da integridade do backup falhou. Seus backups podem estar "
-"corrompidos! Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes. Deseja tentar reparar "
-"os arquivos de backup?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"A verificação da integridade do backup falhou. Seus backups podem estar "
-"corrompidos! Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Verificando o que deve ser copiado"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Falha ao analisar os arquivos. Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Salvando o backup"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Falha ao salvar o backup. Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Gerando informação de recuperação"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Falha ao gerar informações de recuperação para o backup. Veja o arquivo de "
-"log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Arquivo"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Falha ao reparar o backup. Seus backups podem estar corrompidos! Veja o "
-"arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Sucesso no reparo do backup! Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"O reparo do backup não foi necessário. Seus backups não estão corrompidos. "
-"Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Falha ao reparar o backup. Seus backups ainda podem estar corrompidos! Veja "
-"o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"A verificação da integridade do backup falhou. Seus backups estão "
-"corrompidos! Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Sucesso ao testar a integridade do backup. Tudo certo com seus backups."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"A verificação da integridade do backup falhou. Seus backups  estão "
-"corrompidos! Veja o arquivo de log para mais detalhes. Deseja tentar reparar "
-"os arquivos de backup?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problema"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Tipo inválido de backup na configuração."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Você não possui permissão de escrita para o destino do backup."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Continuar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Parar"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Ocupação atual: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Deseja realmente parar?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Backups do usuário"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Destino do backup indisponível"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Nenhum plano de backup foi configurado"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Destino do backup disponível"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Estado do backup OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Novo backup sugerido"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Novo backup necessário"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"O kup não está habilitado, habilite-o no módulo de configurações do sistema. "
-"Você pode fazê-lo executando <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Serviço Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup é uma solução flexível de backup que usa o sistema de armazenamento de "
-"backup 'bup'. Isto lhe permite realizar rapidamente backups incrementais, "
-"salvando apenas as partes dos arquivos que realmente mudaram desde o último "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Mantenedor"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Carlo Valente"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "carlo.gt.valente@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Salvando o backup"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Verificando a integridade do backup"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Reparando backups"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Quer salvar um backup inicial agora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"O último backup salvo foi há %1.\n"
-"Quer salvar um novo backup agora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Você esteve ativo por %1 desde que o último backup foi salvo.\n"
-"Quer salvar um novo backup agora?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sim"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Não"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Falha ao salvar o backup"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Exibir arquivo de log"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Backup salvo"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Backup salvo com sucesso."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Verificação de integridade completada"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Reparo completado"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Sistema de backups Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"O programa <application>rsync</application> é necessário mas não pôde ser "
-"encontrado, talvez não esteja instalado?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"O arquivo de backup <filename>%1</filename> não pôde ser aberto. Verifique "
-"se os arquivos de backup realmente estão nesse local."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"Você não possui a permissão necessária para ler esse arquivo de backup."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Selecione o local do arquivo de backup a ser aberto."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "File Digger"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Navegador para arquivos do bup."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Nome da seção a ser aberta."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Caminho ao repositório do bup a ser aberto."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Não foi possível ler esse arquivo de backup. Talvez alguns arquivos estejam "
-"corrompidos. Deseja executar uma verificação de integridade?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(pasta)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (link simbólico)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(arquivo)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nova pasta..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Nenhum destino foi selecionado, por favor selecione um."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Houve um problema ao obter uma lista de todos os arquivos a restaurar: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"O destino não possui espaço suficiente disponível. Por favor, escolha um "
-"destino diferente ou libere algum espaço."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- salvo em %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "A pasta já existe, por favor escolha uma solução"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "O arquivo já existe"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "O novo nome digitado já existe, por favor escolha outro."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nova pasta"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nova pasta"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Criar nova pasta em:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Uma pasta chamada %1 já existe."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Você não possui permissão para criar %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Guia de restauração"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Restaurar para sua localização original"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Escolha onde restaurar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Próximo"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Restaurar a pasta com um novo nome"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Mesclar pastas"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Os seguintes arquivos serão substituídos, por favor confirme seu desejo de "
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Restaurando arquivos"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao restaurar:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Restauração completada com sucesso!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Abrir destino"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Verificando o tamanho dos arquivos"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Restaurando"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Arquivo"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Abrir"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Restaurar"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Excluir pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Incluir pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Você não possui permissão para ler essa pasta: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">Ela não será incluída na seleção de fontes. Caso ela não contenha nada "
-"importante para você, uma possível solução seria excluí-la do plano de "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Você não possui permissão para ler esse arquivo: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">Ele não será incluído na seleção de fontes. Caso ele não seja importante "
-"para você, uma possível solução seria excluir toda a pasta onde ele está do "
-"plano de backup."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"O link simbólico <filename>%1</filename> está incluído no momento, mas "
-"aponta para uma pasta que não está: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">Provavelmente, não é isso o que você deseja. Uma possível solução seria "
-"simplesmente incluir a pasta alvo no plano de backup."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"O link simbólico <filename>%1</filename> está incluído no momento, mas "
-"aponta para um arquivo que não está: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">Provavelmente, não é isso o que você deseja. Uma possível solução seria "
-"simplesmente incluir a pasta onde o arquivo alvo está no plano de backup."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Selecionar pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Descrição:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Retornar à visão geral"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Esse tipo de backup é um <emphasis>pacote</emphasis>. Ele contém tanto a "
-"última versão de seus arquivos quanto versões anteriores. Usar esse tipo de "
-"backup lhe permite recuperar versões antigas de seus arquivos ou arquivos "
-"que já foram deletados do seu computador. O espaço de armazenamento "
-"necessário é minimizado ao se procurar por partes comuns dos arquivos entre "
-"as versões e salvando essas partes apenas uma vez. Apesar disso, o pacote de "
-"backup aumentará com o tempo.<nl/>Vale notar que os arquivos dentro do "
-"pacote não podem ser acessados diretamente com um gerenciador de arquivos "
-"comum, é necessário um programa especial."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Backup de versões (indisponível porque o <application>bup</application> não "
-"está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Backup de versões (recomendado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Esse tipo de backup consiste de uma pasta que é sincronizada com as pastas "
-"fonte selecionadas. Fazer um backup significa que o destino do backup "
-"conterá uma cópia exata das pastas fonte como elas são no momento e nada "
-"mais. Se um arquivo foi deletado numa pasta fonte, ele será deletado na "
-"pasta de backup.<nl/>Esse tipo de backup pode protegê-lo contra perda de "
-"dados devido a um HD defeituoso, mas não de seus próprios erros."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Backup sincronizado (indisponível porque o <application>rsync</application> "
-"não está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Backup sincronizado"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Selecione o tipo de backup que você quer"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Fontes"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Selecione quais pastas quer incluir no backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Caminho no sistema de arquivo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Armazenamento externo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Você pode usar essa opção para um backup em um HD interno secundário, um "
-"drive eSATA ou um armazenamento pela rede. O requerimento é que você sempre "
-"use o mesmo ponto de montagem para ele. O caminho especificado aqui não "
-"precisa existir sempre, sua existência será monitorada."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Caminho de destino para o backup:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Use essa opção se desejar um backup de seus arquivos num dispositivo externo "
-"que possa ser plugado em seu computador, como um HD USB ou pendrive."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "A pasta especificada será criada caso não exista."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Pasta no drive de destino:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Diálogo para seleção de uma pasta"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Destino"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Selecione o destino do backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Ativação manual"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervalo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Tempo de atividade"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Os backups serão realizados apenas quando requisitados manualmente. Isso "
-"pode ser feito usando o menu que aparece ao clicar no ícone de backup da "
-"barra do sistema."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Um novo backup será iniciado quando a pasta destino se tornar disponível e "
-"um intervalo de tempo maior que o configurado tiver passado desde o último "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutos"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Horas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dias"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Semanas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Um novo backup será iniciado quando a pasta destino se tornar disponível e "
-"você tiver usado seu computador ativamente por um tempo maior que o "
-"configurado desde o último backup."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Pedir por confirmação antes de realizar o backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Agendamento"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Especifique o horário do backup"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Mostrar pastas ocultas na seleção da fonte"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Isso torna possível incluir ou excluir pastas ocultas na seleção da fonte do "
-"backup. Pastas ocultas possuem um nome que inicia com um ponto. Elas estão "
-"geralmente localizadas em sua pasta pessoal e são usadas para armazenar "
-"configurações e arquivos temporários de seus aplicativos."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Isso fará com que seus backups usem cerca de 10% mais espaço de "
-"armazenamento e levará um pouco mais de tempo para salvá-los. Por outro "
-"lado, pode ser possível recuperar de um backup parcialmente corrompido."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Gerar informação de recuperação"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Gerar informação de recuperação (indisponível porque o <application>par2</"
-"application> não está instalado)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Verificar integridade dos backups"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Verifica se o arquivo de backup não está corrompido sempre que for salvar "
-"novos dados. Os backups levarão mais tempo, mas lhe permitirá encontrar "
-"problemas de corrupção antes que você precise usar o backup, quando poderá "
-"ser muito tarde."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Excluir arquivos e pastas baseado em padrões"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Os padrões precisam ser listados em um arquivo de texto com um padrão por "
-"linha. Os arquivos e pastas com os nomes correspondentes a qualquer dos "
-"padrões serão excluídos do backup. O formato do padrão é documentado <a href="
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Diálogo para seleção de um arquivo"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Selecionar arquivo de padrão"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avançado"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Opções extras para usuários avançados"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Plugue o armazenamento externo que deseja usar e o selecione nessa lista."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(desconectado)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 livre(s)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partição %1 em %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 em %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 capacidade total"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Atenção: links simbólicos e permissões de arquivos não podem ser salvas "
-"nesse sistema de arquivos. Permissões de arquivos só são importantes se "
-"houver mais de um usuário nesse computador ou no caso de arquivos "
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Atenção: permissões de arquivos não podem ser salvas nesse sistema de "
-"arquivos. Permissões de arquivos só são importantes se houver mais de um "
-"usuário nesse computador ou no caso de arquivos executáveis."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>será inclusa no backup, exceto as subpastas "
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>será incluso no backup"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>não</emphasis> será inclusa no backup "
-"mas contém pastas que serão"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>não</emphasis> será incluso no backup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Módulo de configuração do Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Configuração dos planos de backup para o sistema de backup Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Programas de backup estão ausentes</h2><p>Antes de ativar qualquer plano "
-"de backup, você precisa instalar</p><ul><li>bup, para backups de versões</"
-"li>ou<li>rsync, para backups sincronizados</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Aviso"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr "%1 não possui um destino<nl/>Nenhum backup será salvo nesse plano."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Adicionar novo plano"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Backups habilitados"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Abrir e restaurar a partir de backups existentes"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Configurar"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Remover"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplicar"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Nenhum repositório bup encontrado.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Salvar novo backup"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Mostrar arquivos"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Exibir arquivo de log"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Plano de backup %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Backups"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (cópia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Última cópia: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Tamanho: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Espaço livre: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Esse plano de backup nunca foi executado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/ru/kup.po b/po/ru/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ef3a3..0000000
--- a/po/ru/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1485 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Alex <lehaemail@yandex.ru>, 2015
-# Drosera Sprout <inactive+droserasprout@transifex.com>, 2015
-# Ilya Ostapenko (Jacobtey) <jacobtey@gmail.com>, 2014,2016
-# Kostiantyn_N <nagumyk.k@gmail.com>, 2018
-# Kostiantyn_N <nagumyk.k@gmail.com>, 2018
-# Sergey Suhih <post@linuxmasterclub.ru>, 2019
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-31 05:56+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/kup/kup/language/ru/)\n"
-"Language: ru\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
-"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Требуется программа <application>bup</application>, но она не найдена. "
-"Похоже, она не установлена."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Требуется программа <application>par2</application>, но она не найдена. "
-"Похоже, она не установлена."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Невозможно определить место сохранения резервной копии. Подробности в лог-"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Проверка целостности резервной копии"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Резервная копия не прошла проверку целостности. Возможно, она повреждена. "
-"Подробности в лог-файле. Попробовать восстановить резервную копию?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервная копия не прошла проверку целостности. Возможно, она повреждена. "
-"Подробности в лог-файле."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Проверка, что копировать"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не удалось проанализировать файлы. Более детальная информация в log файле."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Сохранение резервной копии"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не удалось сохранить резервную копию. Более детальная информация в log файле."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Сбор информации о восстановлении"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Не удалось сгенерировать информацию для восстановления резервной копии. "
-"Подробности в лог-файле."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Не удалось восстановить резервную копию. Возможно, она повреждена! "
-"Подробности в лог-файле."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Получилось! Система резервного копирования работает. Подробности в лог-файле."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Восстановление резервной копии не потребовалось. Ваши файлы не повреждены. "
-"Смотрите лог-файл для более детального отчёта."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не удалось восстановить резервную копию. Возможно, она всё ещё повреждена. "
-"Подробности в лог-файле."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервная копия не прошла проверку целостности и повреждена! Подробности в "
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr "Система резервного копирования успешно прошла проверку целостности."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Резервная копия не прошла проверку целостности и повреждена! Подробности в "
-"лог-файле. Попробовать восстановить резервную копию?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Проблема"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Неверно сконфигурирован тип резервного копирования."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "У вас нет прав на запись в каталог назначения."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Продолжить"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Стоп"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "В настоящее время занято: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Вы действительно хотите остановить?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Резервные копии пользователей"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Место для резервного копирования недоступно"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Планы резервного копирования не настроены"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Место для резервной копии доступно"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Статус резервного копирования OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Предлагается новая резервная копия"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Требуется новая резервная копия"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup отключён, включите его, используя модуль в системных настройках или "
-"команду <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Демон Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup является гибким решением для резервного копирования, основанным на "
-"системе 'bup'. Оно позволяет быстро выполнять пошаговое резервное "
-"копирование с сохранением только тех частей файлов, которые изменились с "
-"момента прошлого резервного копирования."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Мэйнтейнер"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Jacobtey, Alex"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "jacobtey@gmail.com, lehaemail@yandex.ru"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Сохранение резервной копии"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Проверка целостности резервной копии"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Восстановление резервных копий"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Вы хотите сохранить первую резервную копию сейчас?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Прошло %1 с момента сохранения последней резервной копии.\n"
-"Сохранить сейчас новую резервную копию?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"С момента сохранения последней резервной копии вы были активны %1.\n"
-"Сохранить сейчас новую резервную копию?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Да"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Нет"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Сохранение резервной копии не удалось"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Показать лог-файл"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Резервная копия сохранена"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Сохранение резервной копии завершено успешно."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Проверка целостности завершена"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Восстановление завершено"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Система резервного копирования Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Нужна программа <application>rsync</application>, но она не найдена. Похоже, "
-"она не установлена."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Невозможно открыть архив резервной копии <filename>%1</filename>. Проверьте "
-"его расположение."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "У вас недостаточно прав для чтения этого архива с резервной копией"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Выберите расположение архива резервной копии для открытия."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Анализ файлов"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Браузер bup-архивов."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Имя открываемой ветки."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Путь к открываемому репозиторию bup."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Невозможно прочитать этот архив с резервной копией. Возможно некоторые файлы "
-"повреждены. Запустить проверку целостности, чтобы выяснить это?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(папка)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(ссылка)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(файл)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Новая папка..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Ни одного места под хранение не выбрано. Сделайте выбор."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Возникла проблема при получении списка файлов для восстановления: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Недостаточно места для размещения резервной копии. Выберите другое место или "
-"освободите больше места здесь."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr "- сохранено в %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Папка с таким именем уже существует. Пожалуйста, выберите решение"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Файл уже существует"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Введенное имя уже существует. Нужно выбрать другое."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Новая папка"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Новая папка"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr "Создать новую папку в: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Папка с именем %1 уже существует."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Недостаточно прав для создания %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Инструкция по восстановлению"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Восстановить в исходное место"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Выбрать, куда восстановить"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Назад"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Далее"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Восстановить папку под новым именем"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Упорядочить папки"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "Следующие файлы будут перезаписаны. Продолжить?"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Назад"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Готово"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Восстановление"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Во время восстановления произошла ошибка:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Восстановление прошло успешно!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Открыть место хранения"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрыть"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Восстановление"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Открыть"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Восстановить"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Исключить папку"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Включить папку"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"У вас недостаточно прав на чтение этой папки: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">Невозможно включить ее в список ресурсов. Если в ней нет ничего важного для "
-"вас, одним из возможных решений является исключение папки из плана "
-"резервного копирования."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"У вас недостаточно прав на чтение этого файла: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">Невозможно включить его в список ресурсов. Если файл не важен для вас, "
-"одним из возможных решений является исключение всей папки, в которой "
-"хранится файл из плана резервного копирования."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"В план резервного копирования включена символическая ссылка <filename>%1</"
-"filename>, которая ссылается на папку, что в этот план не включена: "
-"<filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Это, вероятно, не то, что вы хотите. Одним из "
-"решений является простое включение целевой папки в план резервного "
-"копирования. "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"В план резервного копирования включена символическая ссылка <filename>%1</"
-"filename>, которая ссылается на файл, что в этот план не включена:  "
-"<filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>Это, вероятно, не то, что вы хотите. Одним из "
-"решений является простое включение папки, что содержащую этот файл, в план "
-"резервного копирования."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Выбрать папку"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Описание:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Назад к обзору"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Этот тип резервного копирования является <emphasis>архивом</emphasis>. Он "
-"содержит как последнюю версию файлов, так и предыдущие версии резервных "
-"копий. Использование этого типа резервного копирования позволяет "
-"восстанавливать старые версии файлов или файлы, которые впоследствии были "
-"удалены на компьютере. Требуется меньше места для хранения за счет поиска в "
-"версиях файлов одинаковых частей и сохранения их только один раз. Тем не "
-"менее, архив резервных копий со временем будет расти в размерах.<nl/>Также "
-"важно знать,  что файлы в архиве невозможно открыть обычным файловым "
-"менеджером. Для этого нужна специальная программа."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Версионное резервное копирование (недоступно, т.к. <application>bup</"
-"application> не установлен)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Версионное резервное копирование (рекомендовано)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-#| "source folders. Taking a backup simply means making the backup "
-#| "destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now "
-#| "and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will "
-#| "get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect "
-#| "you against data loss due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you "
-#| "to recover from your own mistakes."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Этот тип резервного копирования представляет собой папку, которая "
-"синхронизируется с папками, подлежащими резервному копированию. Резервное "
-"копирование при этом означает, что просто создается точная копия исходных "
-"данных, и больше ничего. Если файл был удален в исходной папке он будет "
-"удален и из папки резервного копирования.<nl/>Данный тип резервного "
-"копирования может защитить вас от потери данных в случае выхода из строя "
-"жесткого диска, но бесполезен, если восстановить предыдущее состояние "
-"потребуется для исправления допущенных вами ошибок."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Синхронное резервное копирование (недоступно, т.к. <application>rsync</"
-"application> не установлен)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Синхронное резервное копирование"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Тип резервного копирования"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Выберите тип резервного копирования"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Источники"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Выберите папки для резервного копирования"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Путь файловой системы"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Внешнее хранилище"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Можно использовать данную опцию для резервного копирования на второй "
-"внутренний жесткий диск, внешний привод eSATA или сетевое хранилище. "
-"Требуется, чтобы при монтировании в файловой системе им присваивался один и "
-"тот же путь. Путь определенный здесь будет проверятся на изменения."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Путь к месту хранения резервных копий:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Используйте эту опцию, если нужно сделать резервную копию файлов на внешние "
-"устройства хранения, которые могут быть подключены к этому компьютеру, "
-"например, жесткий диск USB или карту памяти."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Указанная папка будет создана, если она еще не существует."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Папка на диске хранилища:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Открыть диалог выбора папки"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Место хранения"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Выбрать место хранения резервной копии"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Запуск вручную"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Интервал"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Длительность работы"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backups are only taken when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-#| "the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервное копирование начнется только после активации вручную. Это можно "
-"сделано в контекстном меню значка системы резервного копирования в трее."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup "
-#| "was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Новое резервное копирование начнется с момента доступности места хранения, "
-"но не раньше, чем истечет заданный интервал времени с момента создания "
-"последней резервной копии."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Минуты"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Часы"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Дни"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Недели"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and you have been using your computer actively for more than the "
-#| "configured time limit since the last backup was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Новое резервное копирование начнется с того момента, как станет доступным "
-"назначенное место хранения, при этом время работы компьютера с момента "
-"последнего резервного копирования будет превышать заданное значение."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Запрашивать подтверждение резервного копирования"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Расписание"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Составить план резервного копирования"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr ""
-"Показать скрытые папки, содержащиеся в  каталоге, назначенном к резервному "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Это даст возможность недвусмысленно указать включены или нет скрытые папки в "
-"план резервного копирования. Название скрытых папок начинается с точки. "
-"Обычно они содержатся в домашнем каталоге пользователя и используются для "
-"хранения настроек и временных файлов установленных приложений."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Это приведет к использованию резервной копией на 10% больше места в "
-"хранилище, а сам процесс сохранения займет несколько большее время, но "
-"позволит совершить восстановление из частично поврежденной резервной копии."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Сбор информации о восстановлении"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Не удалось собрать информацию о восстановлении (не установлен "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Проверка контрольных сумм резервных копий"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Проверка всего архива резервных копий на ошибки при каждом новом "
-"резервировании данных. В этом случае потребуется чуть больше времени, чем "
-"обычно,но позволит вовремя выявить проблемы, связанные с повреждением данных "
-"при архивировании, чтобы не было слишком поздно."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Открыть диалог выбора папки"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Дополнительно"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Расширенные настройки для продвинутых пользователей"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr "Подключите внешнее хранилище и выберите его из списка."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(отключено)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 свободно"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Раздел %1 на %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 на %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 общего объема"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Предупреждение: Символические ссылки и права на файлы не могут быть "
-"сохранены в данной файловой системе. Права на файлы имеют значение, только "
-"если в системе заведено несколько пользовательских учетных записей, или если "
-"вы резервируете исполняемые программные файлы."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Предупреждение: Невозможно сохранить права на файлы в данной файловой "
-"системе. Права на файлы имеют значение, только если в системе заведено "
-"несколько пользовательских учетных записей, или если вы резервируете "
-"исполняемые программные файлы."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"Папка<filename>%1</filename><nl/>будет включена в резервную копию за "
-"исключением не отмеченных к сохранению подпапок."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "Файл <filename>%1</filename><nl/>будет включен в резервную копию"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"Папка<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>не</emphasis> будет включена в "
-"резервную копию, но содержит папки, которые будут включены"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"Файл <filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>не</emphasis> будет включен в "
-"резервную копию"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Модуль настройки Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Настройка расписания плана резервного копирования системы Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Отсутствуют программы резервного копирования</h2><p>Прежде, чем "
-"поставить на исполнение план резервного копирования, необходимо установить "
-"или</p><ul><li>bup для версионого резервного копирования</li><li> или rsync, "
-"для синхронного</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Предупреждение"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Для %1 не определено место хранения<nl/>Резервных копий по этому плану "
-"создано не будет."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Добавить новый план"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Доступно резервное копирование"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Открыть и восстановить из существующих резервных копий"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Настроить"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Удалить"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Клонировать"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Не найден репозиторий bup.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Сохранить новую резервную копию"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Показать файлы"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Показать log файл"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "План резервного копирования %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Резервные копии"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (копия)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Последнее сохранение: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Размер: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Свободное место: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Этот план резервного копирования еще не запускался."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/sk/kup.po b/po/sk/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e6565c..0000000
--- a/po/sk/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1306 +0,0 @@
-# translation of kup.po to Slovak
-# Roman Paholík <wizzardsk@gmail.com>, 2019.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-20 21:12+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Roman Paholik <wizzardsk@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Slovak <kde-sk@linux.sk>\n"
-"Language: sk\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Súbor"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problém"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Pokračovať"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Zastaviť"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Správca"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Roman Paholík"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "wizzardsk@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Áno"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nie"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (priečinok)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (súbor)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Nový priečinok..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Súbor už existuje"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nový priečinok"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Nový priečinok"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Vytvoriť nový priečinok v:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Priečinok s názvom %1 už existuje."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Späť"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Nasledujúci"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Späť"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Potvrdiť"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "@action:button"
-#| msgid "Restore"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Obnoviť"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Otvoriť cieľ"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zavrieť"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Súbor"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Otvoriť"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Obnoviť"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Vybrať priečinok"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Popis:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Späť na prehľad"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Zdroje"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Cieľ"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Interval"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minúty"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Hodiny"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dni"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Týždne"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Rozvrh"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Pokročilé"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (odpojené)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 voľných"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 na %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Upozornenie"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Nastaviť"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Odstrániť"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplikovať"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Zobraziť súbory"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kópia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Veľkosť: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Voľné miesto: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/sv/kup.po b/po/sv/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e45c2e..0000000
--- a/po/sv/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1434 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# be737b1762eba35f6d1c528e71054ca2, 2015.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2012-2014.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2017.
-# Stefan Asserhäll <stefan.asserhall@bredband.net>, 2019, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 22:39+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Stefan Asserhäll <stefan.asserhall@bredband.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: Swedish <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: sv\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.04.3\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet <application>bup</application> behövs men kunde inte hittas, det "
-"kanske inte är installerat?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet <application>par2</application> behövs men kunde inte hittas, det "
-"kanske inte är installerat?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Arkiv för säkerhetskopior kunde inte initialiseras. Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Kontrollerar säkerhetskopiornas integritet"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetskontroll misslyckades. Dina säkerhetskopior kan vara skadade! Se "
-"loggfil för detaljer. Vill du försöka reparera säkerhetskopiorna?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetskontroll misslyckades. Dina säkerhetskopior kan vara skadade! Se "
-"loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Kollar vad som ska kopieras"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Misslyckades att analysera filer. Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Sparar säkerhetskopia"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Misslyckades att spara ny säkerhetskopia. Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Genererar återställningsinformation"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Misslyckades med att generera återställningsinfo. Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fil"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Misslyckades med reparation. Dina säkerhetskopior kan vara skadade "
-"fortfarande. Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "Reparationen lyckades! Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Reparation behövdes inte, dina säkerhetskopior är ok. Se loggfil för "
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Reparationen misslyckades. Dina säkerhetskopior kan fortfarande vara "
-"skadade! Se loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetskontrollen gick dåligt, dina säkerhetskopior är skadade! Se "
-"loggfil för detaljer."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr "Integritetskontroll gick bra. Dina säkerhetskopior är i fin form."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Integritetskontrollen gick dåligt, dina säkerhetskopior är skadade! Se "
-"loggfil för detaljer. Vill du försöka reparera säkerhetskopiorna?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Problem"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Ogiltig kopieringstyp i dina inställningar."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "Du har inte skrivrättigheter till säkerhetskopians lagringsplats."
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Fortsätt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Upptagen för tillfället: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Vill du verkligen avbryta?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopior"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopians lagringsplats inte tillgänglig"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Inga planer för säkerhetskopiering"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopians lagringsplats tillgänglig"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Status OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Ny säkerhetskopia rekommenderas"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Ny säkerhetskopia behövs"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup är inte aktivt, aktivera det från modulen i systeminställningarna. Du "
-"kan göra det genom att köra <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kupdemon"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup är en flexibel lösning för säkerhetskopiering som använder programmet "
-"'bup' för lagring. Detta ger möjlighet att snabbt ta inkrementella "
-"säkerhetskopior, endast de delar av filer som verkligen har ändrats sedan "
-"förra säkerhetskopieringen sparas."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Upphovsrätt (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Underhållsansvarig"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "simonpersson1@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Sparar säkerhetskopia"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Kontrollerar integritet"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Reparerar säkerhetskopior"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Vill du spara den första säkerhetskopian nu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Det har gått %1 sedan förra säkerhetskopian sparades.\n"
-"Vill du ta en ny nu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"Du har varit aktiv i %1 sedan förra säkerhetskopieringen.\n"
-"Vill du spara en ny kopia nu?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nej"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopiering misslyckades"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Visa loggfil"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopiering färdig"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Färdig med att spara säkerhetskopia."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Färdig med integritetskontroll"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Färdig med reparation"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup Säkerhetskopiering"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet <application>rsync</application> behövs men kunde inte hittas, "
-"det kanske inte är installerat?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Arkivet med säkerhetskopior, <filename>%1</filename>, kunde inte öppnas. "
-"Kontrollera att detta verkligen är platsen där säkerhetskopiorna ligger."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "Du har inte tillräckliga rättigheter för att läsa detta arkivet."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Välj vilket arkiv med säkerhetskopior du vill öppna."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Filgrävaren"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Browser för bup arkiv"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Upphovsrätt (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Namn på arkivgren att öppna"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Sökväg till det bup-arkiv som ska öppnas"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Kunde inte läsa arkivet med säkerhetskopiorna, det kanske är någon fil som "
-"har blivit skadad. Vill du köra en integritetskontroll?"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(katalog)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(symbolisk länk)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(fil)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Ny katalog..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Ingen lagrinsgplats vald, du måste välja en."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "Det uppstod ett problem när antal filer att återställa undersöktes: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"Lagringsplatsen har inte tillräckligt med plats ledig. Välj en annan "
-"lagringsplats eller frigör först utrymme."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - sparad %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "Katalogen finns redan, välj en lösning"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Filen finns redan"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "Det nya namnet är upptaget, välj ett annat."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Ny katalog"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Skapa ny katalog"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Skapa ny katalog i:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "En katalog med namnet %1 finns redan."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "Du har inte rättighet att skapa %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Återställningsguide"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Återställ till ursprunglig plats"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Välj plats att återställa till"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Tillbaka"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Nästa"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Återställ katalogen med ett nytt namn"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Slå samman kataloger"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "Följande filer kommer överskrivas, bekräfta om du vill fortsätta."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Tillbaka"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Bekräfta"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Återställer filer"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Ett fel inträffade under återställningen:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Färdig med återställning!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Öppna lagringsplats"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Stäng"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Kontrollerar filstorlekar"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Återställer"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fil"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Öppna"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Återställ"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Exkludera katalog"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Inkludera katalog"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Du har inte rättighet att läsa katalogen: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Den "
-"kan inte inkluderas i säkerhetskopieringen. Om den inte innehåller något "
-"viktigt så kan en möjlig lösning vara att exkludera katalogen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Du har inte rättighet att läsa filen: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>Den kan "
-"inte inkluderas i säkerhetskopieringen. Om den inte innehåller något viktigt "
-"så kan en möjlig lösning vara att exkludera hela katalogen där den är lagrad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Den symboliska länken <filename>%1</filename> är inkluderad i planen men "
-"refererar till  katalogen <filename>%2</filename> som inte är med.<nl/"
-">Antagligen är detta inte något du önskar. En möjlig lösning är att helt "
-"enkelt inkludera katalogen."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Den symboliska länken <filename>%1</filename> är inkluderad i planen men "
-"refererar till  filen <filename>%2</filename> som inte är med.<nl/"
-">Antagligen är detta inte något du önskar. En möjlig lösning är att "
-"inkludera katalogen där den faktiska filen är lagrad."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Välj katalog"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Beskrivning:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Tillbaka till översikten"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Lägger dina säkerhetskopior i ett <emphasis>arkiv</emphasis>. Detta kommer "
-"innehålla både den senast sparade versionen och alla tidigare versioner av "
-"dina filer, inklusive filer som senare har tagits bort. Använt "
-"lagringsutrymme minimeras genom att leta efter gemensamma delar mellan de "
-"olika versionerna av dina filer och bara lagra dessa delarna en gång. Trots "
-"det så kommer arkivet att växa i storlek allt eftersom tiden går.<nl/>Du bör "
-"också veta att du inte kan läsa filerna i arkivet direkt med en vanlig "
-"filhanterare, ett speciellt program behövs istället."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Arkivering (inte tillgängligt eftersom <application>bup</application> inte "
-"är installerat)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Arkivering (rekommenderas)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Denna typ av säkerhetskopiering är en katalog som är synkroniserad med dina "
-"valda källkataloger. Att spara en säkerhetskopia betyder helt enkelt att "
-"säkerhetskopian innehåller en exakt kopia av dina källkataloger som de är nu "
-"och ingenting annat. Om en fil har tagits bort från en källkatalog så kommer "
-"den också tas bort från säkerhetskopian.<nl/>Denna säkerhetskopieringstyp "
-"skyddar dig från dataförlust på grund av en trasig hårddisk, men den hjälper "
-"inte till att reparera dina egna misstag."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Synkroniserade kataloger (inte tillgängligt eftersom <application>rsync</"
-"application> inte är installerat)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Synkroniserade kataloger"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Kopieringstyp"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Välj vilken typ av säkerhetskopiering du vill göra"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Källor"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Välj vilka kataloger som ska inkluderas i säkerhetskopior"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Fast plats i filsystemet"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Externt lagringsmedium"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan välja detta alternativet för att säkerhetskopiera till en annan "
-"intern hårddisk, en extern eSATA-hårddisk eller en lagringsplats på ditt "
-"nätverk. Kravet är bara att du alltid monterar disken på samma plats i "
-"filsystemet. Sökvägen som anges här behöver inte finnas tillgänglig hela "
-"tiden, dess existens kommer att övervakas."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Plats att lagra säkerhetskopiorna:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Välj detta alternativet om du vill lagra säkerhetskopiorna på en extern "
-"lagringsenhet som kopplas in direkt i denna datorn, till exempel en USB-"
-"hårddisk eller minnepinne."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Den katalog som väljs kommer att skapas om den inte redan finns."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Katalog på lagringsenheten:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Öppna dialogruta för att välja en katalog"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Lagringsplats"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Välj lagringsplats för säkerhetskopior"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Manuell aktivering"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Intervall"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Aktiv användningstid"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Säkerhetskopior sparas endast när du ber om det. Det kan göras från den "
-"sammanhangsberoende menyn när du högerklickar på ikonen i systembrickan."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"En ny säkerhetskopia kommer att sparas när lagringsplatsen är tillgänglig "
-"och mer än inställt intervall har passerat sedan förra kopian sparades."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuter"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "Timmar"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "Dagar"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "Veckor"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"En ny säkerhetskopia kommer att sparas när lagringsplatsen är tillgänglig "
-"och du har använt datorn aktivt under mer än inställd tidsgräns sedan förra "
-"kopian sparades."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Fråga innan ny säkerhetskopia sparas"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Schema"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Specificera schema för säkerhetskopiering"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Visa dolda kataloger vid val av källor"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"Detta valet gör det möjligt att uttryckligen inkludera eller exkludera dolda "
-"kataloger vid val av källor. Dolda kataloger har ett namn som börjar med en "
-"punkt. De finns typiskt i din hemkatalog och används för att lagra "
-"inställningar och temporära filer för dina applikationer."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Detta valet gör att dina säkerhetskopior använder cirka 10% mer utrymme och "
-"det kommer ta lite längre tid att lagra en ny kopia. Fördelen är att det "
-"blir möjligt att reparera delvis skadade säkerhetskopior."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Generera återställningsinformation"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Generera återställningsinformation (inte tillgängligt eftersom "
-"<application>par2</application> inte är installerat)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Automatisk integritetskontroll"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Kontrollera hela arkivet med säkerhetskopior varje gång en ny kopia ska "
-"lagras. Det gör att processen tar lite längre tid men hjälper dig genom att "
-"hitta eventuellt skadade filer så tidigt som möjligt. När du behöver använda "
-"en säkerhetskopia så är det oftast för sent."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Undanta filer och kataloger baserat på mönster"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Mönster måste listas i en textfil med ett mönster per rad. Filer och "
-"kataloger med namn som matchar några av mönstren exkluderas från "
-"säkerhetskopieringen. Mönsterformatet är dokumenterat <a href=\"%1\">här</a>."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Öppna dialogruta för att välja en fil"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Välj mönsterfil"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Avancerat"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Extra inställningar för avancerade användare"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"Koppla in den externa lagringsenhet du vill använda, välj den sen i denna "
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (frånkopplad)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 ledigt"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Partition %1 på %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 på %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 total kapacitet"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Varning: symboliska länkar och filrättigheter kan inte lagras på detta "
-"filsystemet. Filrättigheter är bara viktigt om det är flera användare på "
-"denna datorn eller om du tar säkerhetskopior av körbara programfiler."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Varning: Filrättigheter can inte lagras på detta filsystemet. Filrättigheter "
-"är bara viktigt om det är flera användare på denna datorn eller om du tar "
-"säkerhetskopior av körbara programfiler."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>kommer inkluderas, förutom avmarkerade "
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>kommer inkluderas"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>kommer <emphasis>inte</emphasis> inkluderas men "
-"innehåller inkluderade underkataloger "
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>kommer <emphasis>inte</emphasis> inkluderas"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup Konfigurationsmodul"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Konfiguration av säkerhetskopior för Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Säkerhetskopieringsprogram saknas</h2><p>Innan du kan aktivera en plan "
-"för säkerhetskopiering behöver du installera något av</p><ul><li>bup, för "
-"arkiverade säkerhetskopior</li><li>rsync, för synkroniserade kataloger</li></"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Varning"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 har ingen lagringsplats.<nl/>Inga säkerhetskopior kommer att sparas med "
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Lägg till säkerhetskopia"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopiering aktivt"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Öppna och återställ från sparade säkerhetskopior"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Konfigurera"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Ta bort"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Duplicera"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Inget bup-arkiv hittades.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Spara säkerhetskopia"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Visa filer"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Visa loggfil"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopia %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Säkerhetskopior"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (kopia)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Sist sparad: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Storlek: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Tillgängligt utrymme: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Denna säkerhetskopieringen har aldrig gjorts."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/uk/kup.po b/po/uk/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index a2a5ad5..0000000
--- a/po/uk/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1473 +0,0 @@
-# Translation of kup.po to Ukrainian
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 This_file_is_part_of_KDE
-# This file is distributed under the license LGPL version 2.1 or
-# version 3 or later versions approved by the membership of KDE e.V.
-# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>, 2019, 2020.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-01 08:48+0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor@ukr.net>\n"
-"Language-Team: Ukrainian <kde-i18n-uk@kde.org>\n"
-"Language: uk\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
-"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 20.07.70\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Для роботи потрібна програма <application>bup</application>, але її не "
-"знайдено. Можливо, її не встановлено?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Для роботи потрібна програма <application>par2</application>, але її не "
-"знайдено. Можливо, її не встановлено?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося започаткувати теку призначення резервних копій. Ознайомтеся із "
-"файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Перевіряємо цілісність резервної копії"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Резервна копія не пройшла перевірки цілісності. Резервну копію може бути "
-"пошкоджено! Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше. Хочете, щоб "
-"програма спробувала виправити файли резервних копій?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервна копія не пройшла перевірки цілісності. Резервну копію може бути "
-"пошкоджено! Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "Визначаємо дані для копіювання"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося виконати аналіз файлів. Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб "
-"дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Зберігаємо резервну копію"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося зберегти резервну копію. Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб "
-"дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "Створюємо дані для відновлення"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося створити дані для відновлення для резервної копії. Ознайомтеся із "
-"файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося виправити резервну копію. Резервну копію може бути пошкоджено! "
-"Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Успіх! Резервну копію виправлено. Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб "
-"дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Немає потреби у виправленні резервної копії. Цю резервну копію не "
-"пошкоджено. Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося виправити резервну копію. Вашу резервну копію може бути "
-"пошкоджено! Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервна копія не пройшла перевірки цілісності. Вашу резервну копію "
-"пошкоджено! Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-"Перевірку цілісності резервної копії успішно пройдено. Ваші резервні копії "
-"не пошкоджено."
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-"Резервна копія не пройшла перевірки цілісності. Вашу резервну копію "
-"пошкоджено! Ознайомтеся із файлом журналу, щоб дізнатися більше. Хочете, щоб "
-"програма спробувала виправити файли резервних копій?"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "Проблема"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "Некоректний тип резервного копіювання у налаштуваннях."
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr ""
-"У вас недостатні права доступу для запису до теки призначення резервних "
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "Продовжити"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Зупинити"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "Поточне завдання: %1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "Ви справді хочете припинити виконання дії?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "Резервні копії, створені користувачем"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "Немає доступу до теки призначення резервних копій"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "Не налаштовано жодного плану резервного копіювання"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "Доступна тека призначення резервних копій"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "Нормальний стан резервного копіювання"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "Пропонуємо нове резервне копіювання"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "Потрібне нове резервне копіювання"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup не увімкнено. Увімкніть програму за допомогою модуля «Системних "
-"параметрів». Запустити модуль можна за допомогою команди <command>kcmshell5 "
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Фонова служба Kup"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup — гнучка система резервного копіювання на основі системи сховищ "
-"резервних копій bup. Це надає їй змогу швидко виконувати нарощувальне "
-"резервне копіювання, зберігаючи лише ту частину файлів, які було змінено з "
-"моменту збереження попередньої резервної копії."
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "© Simon Persson, 2011–2020"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "Супровідник"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "Юрій Чорноіван"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "yurchor@ukr.net"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "Зберігаємо резервну копію"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "Перевіряємо цілісність резервної копії"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "Виправляємо резервні копії"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "Хочете зберегти першу резервну копію зараз?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"З моменту збереження останньої резервної копії минуло %1.\n"
-"Зберегти нову резервну копію зараз?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"З моменту збереження останньої резервної копії ви виконували активні дії "
-"протягом %1.\n"
-"Зберегти нову резервну копію зараз?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Так"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ні"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "Не вдалося зберегти резервну копію"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Показати файл журналу"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "Резервну копію збережено"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "Збереження резервної копії успішно завершено."
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "Перевірку цілісності завершено"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "Виправлення завершено"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Система резервного копіювання Kup"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Для роботи потрібна програма <application>rsync</application>, але її не "
-"знайдено. Можливо, її не встановлено?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося відкрити архів резервної копії <filename>%1</filename>. "
-"Перевірте, чи справді у архіві зберігаються резервні копії."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr ""
-"У вас недостатні права доступу для читання цього архіву резервної копії."
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "Виберіть архів резервної копії, який слід відкрити."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "Файлокопач"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Навігатор архівами bup."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "© Simon Persson, 2013–2020"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "Назва гілки, яку буде відкрито."
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "Шлях до сховища bup, яке слід відкрити."
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-"Не вдалося прочитати цей архів резервної копії. Можливо, деякі з файлів у "
-"ньому пошкоджено. Хочете виконати перевірку цілісності, щоб переконатися у "
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (тека)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr " (символічне посилання)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr " (файл)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "Створити теку…"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "Не вибрано призначення. Будь ласка, виберіть призначення."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr ""
-"Під час спроби отримати список усіх файлів для відновлення виникла проблема: "
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr ""
-"На диску призначення недостатньо вільного місця. Будь ласка, виберіть інше "
-"місце або звільніть трохи місця на поточному диску."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - збережено о %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr ""
-"Тека з такою назвою вже існує. Будь ласка, виберіть спосіб подальших дій."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "Файл вже існує"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr ""
-"Файл із новою введеною назвою вже існує. Будь ласка, вкажіть іншу назву."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Нова тека"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "Нова тека"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Створити нову теку у:\n"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Тека з назвою %1 вже існує."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "У вас немає прав доступу до створення %1."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "Путівник відновлення"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "Відновити у початковому місці"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "Виберіть місце відновлення"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Назад"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Далі"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "Відновити теку із новою назвою"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "Об'єднати теки"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr ""
-"Файли із наведеного нижче списку буде перезаписано. Будь ласка, підтвердьте, "
-"що ви хочете саме цього продовження дій."
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "Назад"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Підтвердити"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "Відновлюємо файли"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "Під час спроби відновлення сталася помилка:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "Відновлення успішно завершено!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "Відкрити місце призначення"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрити"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr "Перевіряємо розміри файлів"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "Відновлення"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Відкрити"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "Відновити"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "Виключити теку"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "Включити теку"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"У вас недостатні права доступу для читання цієї теки: <filename>%1</"
-"filename><nl/>Її не можна включати до списку джерел. Якщо у теці не "
-"міститься ніяких важливих для вас даних, одним із можливих рішень є "
-"виключення теки із плану резервного копіювання."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"У вас недостатні права доступу для читання цього файла: <filename>%1</"
-"filename><nl/>Його не можна включати до списку джерел. Якщо файл не є "
-"важливим для вас, одним із можливих рішень є виключення файла із плану "
-"резервного копіювання."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"До резервного копіювання включено символічне посилання <filename>%1</"
-"filename>, але не теку, на яку воно вказує: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">Ймовірно, такий варіант копіювання є помилковим. Одним із варіантів "
-"виправлення проблеми є просте включення теки, на яку посилається символічне "
-"посилання, до плану резервного копіювання."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"До резервного копіювання включено символічне посилання <filename>%1</"
-"filename>, але не файл, на який воно вказує: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/"
-">Ймовірно, такий варіант копіювання є помилковим. Одним із варіантів "
-"виправлення проблеми є просте включення теки, де зберігається файл, до плану "
-"резервного копіювання."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "Вибір теки"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "Опис:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "Повернутися до огляду"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"Цей тип резервної копії є <emphasis>архівом</emphasis>. У ньому міститься "
-"найсвіжіша версія ваших файлів та резервні копії попередніх версій. За "
-"допомогою цього типу резервних копій ви можете відновлювати застарілі версії "
-"ваших файлів або файли, які ви встигли вилучити на вашому комп'ютері. Для "
-"заощадження пам'яті для зберігання даних у архіві незмінні частини файлів "
-"зберігаються лише одного разу. Втім, навіть попри це, з часом розміри архіву "
-"зростають.<nl/>Крім того, важливо знати, що доступ до файлів в архіві не "
-"можна здійснювати безпосередньо за допомогою звичайної програми для "
-"керування файлами — потрібна спеціалізована програма."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Резервне копіювання із версіями (недоступне, оскільки не встановлено "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "Резервне копіювання із версіями (рекомендовано)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-"Резервною копією цього типу є тека, вміст якої синхронізується із вибраними "
-"теками початкових даних. Збереження резервної копії означає просто "
-"забезпечення точності копії даних із теки джерела у теці призначення і "
-"нічого понад це. Якщо якийсь файл вилучено із теки джерела, його буде "
-"вилучено і з теки резервної копії.<nl/>Такий тип резервного копіювання може "
-"вберегти вас від втрати даних через пошкодження диска, але не вбереже вас "
-"від власних помилок."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Синхронізоване резервне копіювання (недоступне, оскільки не встановлено "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "Синхронізована резервна копія"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "Тип резервної копії"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "Виберіть тип потрібної вам резервної копії"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "Джерела"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "Виберіть, які з тек слід включити до резервної копії"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "Шлях у файловій системі"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "Зовнішнє сховище"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"Можете скористатися цим варіантом для створення резервної копії на "
-"допоміжному внутрішньосистемному диску, зовнішньому диску eSATA або сховищі "
-"даних у мережі. Обов'язковим є лише монтування цього диска чи сховища до тої "
-"самої точки монтування у файловій системі. Вказана тут тека не обов'язково "
-"має існувати у системі увесь час — програма просто стежитиме за її наявністю."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "Каталог призначення для резервної копії:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"Скористайтеся цим варіантом, якщо вам потрібно створити резервну копію ваших "
-"файлів на зовнішньому сховищі даних, яке може бути з'єднано із цим "
-"комп'ютером, зокрема на диску USB або флешці."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "Вказану теку буде створено, якщо її ще не існує."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "Тека на диску призначення:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "Відкрити вікно для вибору теки"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "Призначення"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "Виберіть теку призначення для резервних копій"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "Активація вручну"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "Інтервал"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "Час активного використання"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-"Резервне копіювання виконуватиметься лише за запитом вручну. Надіслати запит "
-"можна за допомогою контекстного меню піктограми системи резервного "
-"копіювання у системному лотку."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Новий сеанс резервного копіювання буде запущено, коли стане доступним "
-"сховище даних призначення та мине понад один налаштований інтервал між "
-"сеансами резервного копіювання з моменту збереження останньої резервної "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "хвилини"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "години"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "дні"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "тижні"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Новий сеанс резервного копіювання буде запущено, коли стане доступним "
-"сховище даних призначення та ви активно користуватиметеся комп'ютером понад "
-"один налаштований проміжок часу з моменту збереження останньої резервної "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "Питати про підтвердження перед резервним копіюванням"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "Розклад"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "Визначити план резервного копіювання"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "Показувати приховані теки під час вибору джерела"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-"За допомогою цього пункту можна явним чином включити приховані теки до "
-"списку вибору джерела для резервного копіювання або виключити їх. Назви "
-"прихованих тек починаються із крапки. Типово, вони зберігаються у вашій "
-"домашній теці і використовуються для зберігання параметрів програм та "
-"тимчасових файлів."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-"Це збільшить розмір резервних копій на близько 10% і дещо збільшить час "
-"створення резервних копій. Натомість, ви зможете виправляти частково "
-"пошкоджені резервні копії."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "Створити дані для відновлення"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-"Створити дані для відновлення (недоступне, оскільки не встановлено "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "Перевірити цілісність резервних копій"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-"Перевіряти увесь архів резервної копії на пошкодження кожного разу під час "
-"збереження нових даних. Збереження резервних копій у такому випадку буде "
-"дещо довшим, але можна буде виявляти проблеми із пошкодженням даних на "
-"ранньому етапі, до того, як вам знадобиться резервна копія і буде вже "
-"запізно відновлювати пошкоджені дані."
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr "Виключити файли і теки на основі взірців"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-"Взірці слід зберігати у форматі списку у текстовому файлі, по одному взірцю "
-"на рядок. Файли і теки, чиї назви, збігатимуться з будь-яким із взірців, "
-"буде виключено із резервного копіювання. Формат взірців документовано <a "
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "Відкрити вікно для вибору файла"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr "Виберіть файл взірців"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Додатково"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "Додаткові параметри для досвідчених користувачів"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr ""
-"З'єднайте із комп'ютером зовнішнє сховище даних, яким ви хочете "
-"скористатися. Потім виберіть його у цьому списку."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (від'єднано)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 вільно"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "Розділ %1 на %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 на %2%3"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: загальна місткість — %2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередження: на цій файловій системі не можна зберегти символічні посилання "
-"та дані щодо прав доступу до файлів. Права доступу до файлів є важливими, "
-"лише якщо у цього комп'ютера декілька користувачів або якщо ви виконуєте "
-"резервне копіювання файлів виконуваних програм."
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-"Попередження: на цій файловій системі не можна зберегти дані щодо прав "
-"доступу до файлів. Права доступу до файлів є важливими, лише якщо у цього "
-"комп'ютера декілька користувачів або якщо ви виконуєте резервне копіювання "
-"файлів виконуваних програм."
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>буде включено до резервної копії, окрім підтек, "
-"які не позначено"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>буде включено до резервної копії"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> <emphasis>не буде</emphasis> включено до "
-"резервної копії, окрім тек, які"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/><emphasis>не буде</emphasis> включено до "
-"резервної копії"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Модуль налаштовування Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr ""
-"Налаштовування планів створення резервних копій для системи резервного "
-"копіювання Kup"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-"<h2>Не встановлено програм для резервного копіювання</h2><p>Перш ніж ви "
-"зможете скористатися якимось планом резервного копіювання, вам слід "
-"встановити</p><ul><li>bup для резервного копіювання із версіями</"
-"li><li>rsync для створення синхронізованих резервних копій</li></ul>"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Попередження"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr ""
-"Для %1 не вказано призначення!<nl/>За цим планом не буде створено жодних "
-"резервних копій."
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "Додати новий план"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "Резервне копіювання увімкнено"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "Відкрити і відновити наявні резервні копії"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "Налаштувати"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Вилучити"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "Здублювати"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Не знайдено жодного сховища bup.\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "Зберегти нову резервну копію"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "Показати файли"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "Показати файл журналу"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "План резервного копіювання %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Резервні копії"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (копія)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "Востаннє збережено: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "Розмір: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "Вільного місця: %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "Цей план резервного копіювання ще ніколи не виконувався."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/zh_CN/kup.po b/po/zh_CN/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index cd2b942..0000000
--- a/po/zh_CN/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1361 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# maz-1 <ohmygod19993@gmail.com>, 2018-2019
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2018
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kdeorg\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-09 13:50\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n"
-"Language: zh_CN\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Crowdin-Project: kdeorg\n"
-"X-Crowdin-Language: zh-CN\n"
-"X-Crowdin-File: /kf5-trunk/messages/kdereview/kup.pot\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr "需要程序<application>bup</application>但是无法找到,也许未安装?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr "需要程序<application>par2</application>但是无法找到,也许未安装?"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "备份目标无法初始化,查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "检查备份完整性"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr "备份完整性检查失败,你的备份可能已损坏!查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "勾选哪些要复制"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "分析文件失败。查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "保存备份"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "无法保存备份。查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "生成恢复信息"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr "无法为备份生成恢复信息。查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "文件"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr "备份修复失败,你的备份可能已损坏!查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "成功!备份修复已生效。查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr "不需要修复备份,你的备份未损坏。查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr "备份修复失败,你的备份可能依然是损坏的!查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr "备份完整性检查失败,你的备份已损坏!查看日志以获取更多细节。"
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "问题"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "在设置中选择了无效的备份类型。"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "你不具备对备份目标的写权限。"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "继续"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "停止"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "正忙:%1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "你确定要停止吗?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "用户备份"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "备份目标不可用"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "未配置备份计划"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "备份目标可用"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "备份状态OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "已建议新备份"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "需要新备份"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup未启用,请从系统设置模块中启用。可以运行<command>kcmshell5 kup</command>以"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup守护进程"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "维护者"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "林自源"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "ohmygod19993@gmail.com"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "正在保存备份"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "正在检查备份完整性"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "正在修复备份"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "你想要现在储存第一个备份吗?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"自上一个备份储存后已经过了 %1。\n"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "是"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "否"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "备份保存失败"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "显示日志文件"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "备份已保存"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "储存备份成功完成。"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "完整性检查已完成"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "修复已完成"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup 备份系统"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr "需要程序<application>rsync</application>但是无法找到,也许未安装?"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "你没有读取这个备份压缩文件的必须权限。"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "选择要打开的备份压缩文件路径。"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "文件挖掘器"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "Bup 归档的浏览程序。"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "所要开启的分支的名称。"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "所要开启的 bup 储存库的路径。"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr "(文件夹)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(符号链接)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(文件)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "新文件夹..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "目的地尚未选择,请选择一个。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "当要取得所有要恢复的文件的列表时发生了问题: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr "目的地没有足够的可用空间。请选择其他目的地或是释放一些空间。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "文件夹已存在,请选择一个解决方案"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "文件已存在"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "输入的新名称已存在,请输入一个不同的名称。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "新文件夹"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "新文件夹"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "名称为 %1 的文件夹已存在。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "你没有权限创建 %1 。"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "恢复向导"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "还原到原始位置"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "选择要还原的地方"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "返回"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "下一步"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "以新名称还原文件夹"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "合并文件夹"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "下列文件将会被覆盖,请确认你想要继续。"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "返回"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "确认"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr ""
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "还原成功完成!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "打开目标路径"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "关闭"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "正在还原"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "文件"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "打开"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "恢复"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "排除文件夹"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "包括文件夹"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"符号链接 <filename>%1</filename> 目前被包含在内,但是其指向的文件夹并不包含:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "选择文件夹"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "描述:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "回到概览"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr "版本控制备份(因为<application>bup</application>未安装,故不可用)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "版本控制备份(建议)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr "同步备份(因为<application>rsync</application>未安装,故不可用)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "同步备份"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "备份类型"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "选择你想要的备份类型"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "来源"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "选择你想要备份的文件夹"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "文件系统路径"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "外部存储"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "备份的目的地:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "如果指定的文件夹不存在,将会被新增。"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "目的地磁盘上的文件夹:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "打开对话框以选择一个文件夹"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "目的地"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "选择备份目的地"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "手动激活"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "间隔"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "活跃使用时间"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "分钟"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "小时"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "天"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "星期"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "计划"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "指定备份计划"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "在选择的来源中显示隐藏的文件夹"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "为备份生成恢复信息"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "检查备份的完整性"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "高级"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "进阶用户的额外选项"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr "插入你想要使用的外部存储设备,然后在这个列表中选取它。"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr "(未连接)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 可用"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "分区 %1 在 %2%3 上"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 在 %2%3上"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 总容量"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>将会被包括在备份中,除了未勾选的子文件夹"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>将会被包括在备份中"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>将<emphasis>不会</emphasis>被包括在备份中"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup配置模块"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Kup 备份系统的备份计划设置"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "警告"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr "%1 没有目的地!<nl/>这个计划中将不会有备份被储存。"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "增加新计划"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "备份已启用"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "打开已存在的备份并从中恢复"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "配置"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "移除"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "重复"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"找不到 bup 的储存库。\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "保存新备份"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "显示文件"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "显示日志文件"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "备份计划 %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "备份"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (副本)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "最后储存:%1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "大小:%1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "剩余空间:%1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "这个备份计划从未运行过。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/po/zh_TW/kup.po b/po/zh_TW/kup.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c328ec..0000000
--- a/po/zh_TW/kup.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1419 +0,0 @@
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Jeff Huang <s8321414@gmail.com>, 2014-2018.
-# Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>, 2014-2015,2018.
-# pan93412 <pan93412@gmail.com>, 2019.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: kup\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.kde.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-10 03:25+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-22 01:49+0800\n"
-"Last-Translator: pan93412 <pan93412@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Chinese <zh-l10n@lists.linux.org.tw>\n"
-"Language: zh_TW\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.11.80\n"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:35 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:24
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>bup</application> program is needed but could not be found, "
-"maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"必須的 <application>bup</application> 程式是必須的但找不到,也許它尚未被安"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:41 daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:30
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>par2</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"必須的 <application>par2</application> 程式是必須的但找不到,也許它尚未被安"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:60
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup destination could not be initialised. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "備份目的地無法被初始化。參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "正在校驗備份完整性"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:98 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:58
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr "備份完整性校驗失敗。您的備份可能已損毀!參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:129 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:51
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Checking what to copy"
-msgstr "勾選哪些要複製"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:140
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to analyze files. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "分析檔案失敗。參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:161 daemon/bupjob.cpp:277 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:167
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "正在儲存備份"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:173 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Failed to save backup. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "儲存備份失敗。參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:197
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Generating recovery information"
-msgstr "正在生成復原資訊"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:209
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed to generate recovery info for the backup. See log file for more "
-msgstr "產生備份的復原資訊失敗。參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/bupjob.cpp:278 daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:168
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Label for file currently being copied"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "檔案"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:63
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could be corrupted! See log file for more "
-msgstr "備份修復失敗。您的備份可能已損毀!參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Success! Backup repair worked. See log file for more details."
-msgstr "成功!備份修復完成。參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:71
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair was not necessary. Your backups are not corrupted. See log "
-"file for more details."
-msgstr "不需要修復備份。您的備份並無損毀。參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/buprepairjob.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Backup repair failed. Your backups could still be corrupted! See log file "
-"for more details."
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:61 daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:78
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details."
-msgstr "備份完整性校驗失敗。您的備份已損毀!參見記錄檔以取得更多詳細資訊。"
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:67
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Backup integrity test was successful. Your backups are fine."
-msgstr "備份完整性測試成功。您的備份狀態良好。"
-#: daemon/bupverificationjob.cpp:74
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"Failed backup integrity check. Your backups are corrupted! See log file for "
-"more details. Do you want to try repairing the backup files?"
-msgstr ""
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:99 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:108 daemon/edexecutor.cpp:144
-#: daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:98 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:130
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Problem"
-msgstr "問題"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:100 daemon/fsexecutor.cpp:99
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "Invalid type of backup in configuration."
-msgstr "在組態設定中無效的備份類型。"
-#: daemon/edexecutor.cpp:109
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "notification"
-msgid "You don't have write permission to backup destination."
-msgstr "您並沒有備份目的地的寫入權限。"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:155
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Continue"
-msgstr "繼續"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:157
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "停止"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:159
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is a text explaining the current activity"
-msgid "Currently busy: %1"
-msgstr "忙碌中:%1"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:160
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Do you really want to stop?"
-msgstr "您真的想要停止嗎?"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:163
-#, kde-format
-msgid "User Backups"
-msgstr "使用者備份"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:233
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination not available"
-msgstr "備份目的地不可用"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:237 daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:294
-#, kde-format
-msgid "No backup plans configured"
-msgstr "未設定備份計畫"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:243
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup destination available"
-msgstr "備份目的地可用"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:253 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:70
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Backup status OK"
-msgstr "備份狀態 OK"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:260 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:72
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup suggested"
-msgstr "已建議新備份"
-#: daemon/kupdaemon.cpp:267 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:74
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "New backup needed"
-msgstr "需要新的備份"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:27
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:shell Error message at startup"
-msgid ""
-"Kup is not enabled, enable it from the system settings module. You can do "
-"that by running <command>kcmshell5 kup</command>"
-msgstr ""
-"Kup 未啟用,在系統設定模組中啟用它。您也可以利用執行「kcmshell5 kup」來做到這"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:33
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Kup Daemon"
-msgstr "Kup 守護進程"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:34
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-#| "This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the "
-#| "parts of files that has actually changed since last backup was taken."
-msgid ""
-"Kup is a flexible backup solution using the backup storage system 'bup'. "
-"This allows it to quickly perform incremental backups, only saving the parts "
-"of files that has actually changed since last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-"Kup 是一個使用備份儲存系統「bup」的靈活的備份解決方案。讓您可以快速的進行增量"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:37 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:36
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Simon Persson"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:38 filedigger/main.cpp:28 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:37
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Maintainer"
-msgstr "維護者"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:38
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your names"
-msgstr "黃柏諺"
-#: daemon/main.cpp:39 filedigger/main.cpp:29 kcm/kupkcm.cpp:39
-#, kde-format, kde-kuit-format
-msgid "Your emails"
-msgstr "s8321414@yahoo.com.tw "
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:60
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Saving backup"
-msgstr "正在儲存備份"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:62
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Checking backup integrity"
-msgstr "正在檢查備份完整性"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:64
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "status in tooltip"
-msgid "Repairing backups"
-msgstr "正在修復備份"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:94 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:108
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Do you want to save a first backup now?"
-msgstr "您想要現在儲存第一個備份嗎?"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"It has been %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"自上一個備份儲存後已經過了 %1。\n"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:111
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You have been active for %1 since last backup was saved.\n"
-"Save a new backup now?"
-msgstr ""
-"自上次儲存備份後,你又對 %1 做了事情。\n"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:172
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:250
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "是"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:142 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:173
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:251
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "否"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:164
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Saving of Backup Failed"
-msgstr "備份儲存失敗"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:169 daemon/planexecutor.cpp:247
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:281
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "顯示記錄檔"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:193
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Backup Saved"
-msgstr "備份已儲存"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:194
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid "Saving backup completed successfully."
-msgstr "儲存備份成功完成。"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Integrity Check Completed"
-msgstr "完整性校驗完成"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:278
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Repair Completed"
-msgstr "修復完成"
-#: daemon/planexecutor.cpp:309
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Backup System"
-msgstr "Kup 備份系統"
-#: daemon/rsyncjob.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info notification"
-msgid ""
-"The <application>rsync</application> program is needed but could not be "
-"found, maybe it is not installed?"
-msgstr ""
-"必須的 <application>rsync</application> 程式是必須的但找不到,也許它尚未被安"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:95
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox, %1 is a folder path"
-msgid ""
-"The backup archive <filename>%1</filename> could not be opened. Check if the "
-"backups really are located there."
-msgstr ""
-"備份壓縮檔 <filename>%1</filename> 無法開啟。請檢查備份是否真的位於那裡。"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:103
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid "You do not have permission needed to read this backup archive."
-msgstr "您沒有讀取這個備份封存檔的必須權限。"
-#: filedigger/filedigger.cpp:152
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select location of backup archive to open."
-msgstr "選取要開啟的備份歸檔位置。"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:25
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "File Digger"
-msgstr "檔案挖掘者"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:26
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Browser for bup archives."
-msgstr "bup 檔案的瀏覽程式。"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:27
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-msgid "Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Simon Persson"
-msgstr "Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Simon Persson"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:34
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Name of the branch to be opened."
-msgstr "所要開啟分支的名稱。"
-#: filedigger/main.cpp:36
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Path to the bup repository to be opened."
-msgstr "所要開啟 bup 儲存庫的路徑。"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:97
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info messagebox"
-msgid ""
-"Could not read this backup archive. Perhaps some files have become "
-"corrupted. Do you want to run an integrity check to test this?"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:145
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after folder name in some cases"
-msgid " (folder)"
-msgstr " (資料夾)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:147
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (symlink)"
-msgstr "(符號連結)"
-#: filedigger/mergedvfs.cpp:149
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "added after file name in some cases"
-msgid " (file)"
-msgstr "(檔案)"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:98 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:434
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "New Folder..."
-msgstr "新資料夾..."
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:124 filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:143
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "No destination was selected, please select one."
-msgstr "目的地尚未選擇,請選擇一個。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:243
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "There was a problem while getting a list of all files to restore: %1"
-msgstr "當要取得所有要恢復檔案的列表時發生了問題: %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:258
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The destination does not have enough space available. Please choose a "
-"different destination or free some space."
-msgstr "目的地沒有足夠的可用空間。請選擇其他目的地或是釋放一些空間。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:270
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt ""
-#| "added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when "
-#| "backup was taken"
-#| msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgctxt ""
-"added to the suggested filename when restoring, %1 is the time when backup "
-"was saved"
-msgid " - saved at %1"
-msgstr " - 儲存在 %1"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:271
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "Folder already exists, please choose a solution"
-msgstr "資料夾已經存在,請選擇一個解決方案"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:277
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid "File already exists"
-msgstr "檔案已存在"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:290
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid "The new name entered already exists, please enter a different one."
-msgstr "輸入的新名稱已存在,請輸入不同的。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:360 kcm/dirselector.cpp:34
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "default folder name when creating a new folder"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "新資料夾"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:365 kcm/dirselector.cpp:39
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "New Folder"
-msgstr "新資料夾"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:366 kcm/dirselector.cpp:40
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Create new folder in:\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:379 kcm/dirselector.cpp:52
-#, kde-format
-msgid "A folder named %1 already exists."
-msgstr "名稱為 %1 的資料夾已存在。"
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.cpp:385 kcm/dirselector.cpp:58
-#, kde-format
-msgid "You do not have permission to create %1."
-msgstr "您沒有權限新增 %1 。"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RestoreDialog)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:14
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Restore Guide"
-msgstr "還原指南"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreOriginalButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:55
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore to original location"
-msgstr "還原到原始位置"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mRestoreCustomButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:78
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Choose where to restore"
-msgstr "選擇您要還原的地方"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:132
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "上一步"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mDestNextButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:143
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "下一步"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mNewNameRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:173
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio "
-msgid "Restore the folder under a new name"
-msgstr "以新名稱還原資料夾"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mOverwriteRadioButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:206
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Merge folders"
-msgstr "合併資料夾"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mConfirmOverwriteLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:236
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@info Question to user, in dialog"
-msgid ""
-"The following files would be overwritten, please confirm that you wish to "
-msgstr "下列檔案將會被覆寫,請確認您想要繼續。"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOverwriteBackButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:272
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button go to previous page in dialog"
-msgid "Back"
-msgstr "上一步"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mConfirmButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:283
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button User answers \"yes I confirm: overwrite files\""
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "確認"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:320
-#, fuzzy, kde-format
-#| msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-#| msgid "Restoring"
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Restoring files"
-msgstr "正在還原"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mErrorLabel)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:347
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label above the detailed error message"
-msgid "An error occurred while restoring:"
-msgstr "還原時遇到錯誤:"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:378
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Restoration completed successfully!"
-msgstr "還原成功地完成!"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mOpenDestinationButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:419
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Open Destination"
-msgstr "開啟目的地"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, mCloseButton)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:477
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "關閉"
-#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
-#: filedigger/restoredialog.ui:510
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "Title above progress bar"
-msgid "Checking file sizes"
-msgstr ""
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, current operation"
-msgid "Restoring"
-msgstr "正在還原"
-#: filedigger/restorejob.cpp:84
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "progress report, label"
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "檔案"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:121
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "開啟"
-#: filedigger/versionlistdelegate.cpp:123
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Restore"
-msgstr "還原"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:265
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Exclude Folder"
-msgstr "排除資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:268
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Include Folder"
-msgstr "包含資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:365
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this folder: <filename>%1</filename><nl/"
-">It cannot be included in the source selection. If it does not contain "
-"anything important to you, one possible solution is to exclude the folder "
-"from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:376
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"You don't have permission to read this file: <filename>%1</filename><nl/>It "
-"cannot be included in the source selection. If the file is not important to "
-"you, one possible solution is to exclude the whole folder where the file is "
-"stored from the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:392
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a folder which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is "
-"probably not what you want. One solution is to simply include the target "
-"folder in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"符號連結 <filename>%1</filename> 目前被包含在內,但是其指向的資料夾並不包含:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:400
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info message bar appearing on top"
-msgid ""
-"The symbolic link <filename>%1</filename> is currently included but it "
-"points to a file which is not: <filename>%2</filename>.<nl/>That is probably "
-"not what you want. One solution is to simply include the folder where the "
-"file is stored in the backup plan."
-msgstr ""
-"符號連結 <filename>%1</filename> 目前被包含在內,但是其指向的檔案並不包含:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:423
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Select Folder"
-msgstr "選擇資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:461
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Description:"
-msgstr "描述:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:464
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Back to overview"
-msgstr "回到概覽"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:493
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is an <emphasis>archive</emphasis>. It contains both the "
-"latest version of your files and earlier backed up versions. Using this type "
-"of backup allows you to recover older versions of your files, or files which "
-"were deleted on your computer at a later time. The storage space needed is "
-"minimized by looking for common parts of your files between versions and "
-"only storing those parts once. Nevertheless, the backup archive will keep "
-"growing in size as time goes by.<nl/>Also important to know is that the "
-"files in the archive can not be accessed directly with a general file "
-"manager, a special program is needed."
-msgstr ""
-"這種類型的備份是一個 <emphasis>封存檔</emphasis>。它同時包含了您檔案的最新版"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:508
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Versioned Backup (not available because <application>bup</application> is "
-"not installed)"
-msgstr "版本備份(因為 <application>bup</application>未安裝,故不可用)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:513
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Versioned Backup (recommended)"
-msgstr "版本控制備份(建議)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:518
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-#| "source folders. Taking a backup simply means making the backup "
-#| "destination contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now "
-#| "and nothing else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will "
-#| "get deleted from the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect "
-#| "you against data loss due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you "
-#| "to recover from your own mistakes."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This type of backup is a folder which is synchronized with your selected "
-"source folders. Saving a backup simply means making the backup destination "
-"contain an exact copy of your source folders as they are now and nothing "
-"else. If a file has been deleted in a source folder it will get deleted from "
-"the backup folder.<nl/>This type of backup can protect you against data loss "
-"due to a broken hard drive but it does not help you to recover from your own "
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:531
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid ""
-"Synchronized Backup (not available because <application>rsync</application> "
-"is not installed)"
-msgstr "同步備份(因為 <application>rsync</application> 未安裝,故不可用)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:536
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Synchronized Backup"
-msgstr "同步備份"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:564
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Backup Type"
-msgstr "備份類型"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:565
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select what type of backup you want"
-msgstr "選擇您想要備份的類型"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:573
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Sources"
-msgstr "來源"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:574
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select which folders to include in backup"
-msgstr "選擇您想要備份的資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:588
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Filesystem Path"
-msgstr "檔案系統路徑"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:589
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "External Storage"
-msgstr "外部儲存空間"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:595
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"You can use this option for backing up to a secondary internal harddrive, an "
-"external eSATA drive or networked storage. The requirement is just that you "
-"always mount it at the same path in the filesystem. The path specified here "
-"does not need to exist at all times, its existence will be monitored."
-msgstr ""
-"您可以使用此選項來使用第二個外部硬碟、外部 eSATA 磁碟或是網路儲存空間進行備"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:602
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Destination Path for Backup:"
-msgstr "備份的目的地:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:621
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Use this option if you want to backup your files on an external storage that "
-"can be plugged in to this computer, such as a USB hard drive or memory stick."
-msgstr ""
-"如果您想要將您的檔案備份到插入到這臺電腦上的外部儲存裝置,像是 USB 硬碟或是隨"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:631 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:635
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "The specified folder will be created if it does not exist."
-msgstr "指定的資料夾將會被新增,如果它不存在的話。"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:633
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid "Folder on Destination Drive:"
-msgstr "目的地硬碟上的資料夾:"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:641
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgstr "開啟對話框以選擇資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:671
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Destination"
-msgstr "目的地"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:672
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Select the backup destination"
-msgstr "選擇備份目的地"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:689
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Manual Activation"
-msgstr "手動啟動"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:690
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Interval"
-msgstr "間隔"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:691
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:radio"
-msgid "Active Usage Time"
-msgstr "活躍使用時間"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:693
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Backups are only taken when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-#| "the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Backups are only saved when manually requested. This can be done by using "
-"the popup menu from the backup system tray icon."
-msgstr "備份將只會在您手動要求時進行。這可以使用備份系統匣圖示的彈出選單完成。"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:707
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup "
-#| "was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"more than the configured interval has passed since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:724
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "分鐘"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:725 kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:752
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Hours"
-msgstr "小時"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:726
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Days"
-msgstr "天"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:727
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid "Weeks"
-msgstr "星期"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:737
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info"
-#| msgid ""
-#| "New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available "
-#| "and you have been using your computer actively for more than the "
-#| "configured time limit since the last backup was taken."
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"New backup will be triggered when backup destination becomes available and "
-"you have been using your computer actively for more than the configured time "
-"limit since the last backup was saved."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:758
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@option:check"
-#| msgid "Ask for confirmation before taking backup"
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Ask for confirmation before saving backup"
-msgstr "在進行備份前再一次確認"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:777
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Schedule"
-msgstr "排程"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:778
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Specify the backup schedule"
-msgstr "指定備份排程"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:792
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Show hidden folders in source selection"
-msgstr "在選擇的來源中顯示隱藏的資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:797
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This makes it possible to explicitly include or exclude hidden folders in "
-"the backup source selection. Hidden folders have a name that starts with a "
-"dot. They are typically located in your home folder and are used to store "
-"settings and temporary files for your applications."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:818
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"This will make your backups use around 10% more storage space and saving "
-"backups will take slightly longer time. In return it will be possible to "
-"recover from a partially corrupted backup."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:824
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Generate recovery information"
-msgstr "產生復原資訊"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:826
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid ""
-"Generate recovery information (not available because <application>par2</"
-"application> is not installed)"
-msgstr "產生復原資訊(因為<application>par2</application>未安裝,故不可用)"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:842
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Verify integrity of backups"
-msgstr "驗證備份完整性"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:846
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info"
-msgid ""
-"Checks the whole backup archive for corruption every time you save new data. "
-"Saving backups will take a little bit longer time but it allows you to catch "
-"corruption problems sooner than at the time you need to use a backup, at "
-"that time it could be too late."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:862
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Exclude files and folders based on patterns"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:878
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label:textbox"
-msgid ""
-"Patterns need to be listed in a text file with one pattern per line. Files "
-"and folders with names matching any of the patterns will be excluded from "
-"the backup. The pattern format is documented <a href=\"%1\">here</a>."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:896
-#, fuzzy, kde-kuit-format
-#| msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-#| msgid "Open dialog to select a folder"
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip"
-msgid "Open dialog to select a file"
-msgstr "開啟對話框以選擇資料夾"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:898
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Select pattern file"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:923
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title"
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "進階"
-#: kcm/backupplanwidget.cpp:924
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "Extra options for advanced users"
-msgstr "進階使用者的額外選項"
-#: kcm/driveselection.cpp:260
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label Only shown if no drives are detected"
-msgid ""
-"Plug in the external storage you wish to use, then select it in this list."
-msgstr "插入您想要使用的外部儲存空間,然後在這個列表中選取它。"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:57
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox this text is added if selected drive is disconnected"
-msgid " (disconnected)"
-msgstr " (未連線)"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:61
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label %1 is amount of free storage space of hard drive"
-msgid "%1 free"
-msgstr "%1 可用"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:76
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used for unnamed filesystems, more than one filesystem on "
-"device. %1 is partition number, %2 is device description, %3 is either empty "
-"or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "Partition %1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "分割區 %1 在 %2%3 上"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:79
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox used when there is only one unnamed filesystem on device. %1 "
-"is device description, %2 is either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1%2"
-msgstr "%1%2"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:83
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@item:inlistbox %1 is filesystem label, %2 is the device description, %3 is "
-"either empty or the \" (disconnected)\" text"
-msgid "%1 on %2%3"
-msgstr "%1 在 %2%3 上"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox %1 is drive(partition) label, %2 is storage capacity"
-msgid "%1: %2 total capacity"
-msgstr "%1: %2 總容量"
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:137
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: Symbolic links and file permissions can not be saved to this file "
-"system. File permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this "
-"computer or if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/driveselectiondelegate.cpp:142
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@item:inlistbox"
-msgid ""
-"Warning: File permissions can not be saved to this file system. File "
-"permissions only matters if there is more than one user of this computer or "
-"if you are backing up executable program files."
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:90
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup, except for "
-"unchecked subfolders"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>將會被包括在備份中,除了未勾選的子資料夾"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:94
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>will be included in the backup"
-msgstr "<filename>%1</filename><nl/>將會被包括在備份中"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:98
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup but contains folders that will"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>將 <emphasis>不會</emphasis> 被包括在備份中,但包"
-#: kcm/folderselectionmodel.cpp:102
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info:tooltip %1 is the path of the folder in a listview"
-msgid ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/> will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be included in "
-"the backup"
-msgstr ""
-"<filename>%1</filename><nl/>將 <emphasis>不會</emphasis> 被包括在備份中"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:33
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Kup Configuration Module"
-msgstr "Kup 設定模組"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:35
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Configuration of backup plans for the Kup backup system"
-msgstr "Kup 備份系統的備份計畫設定"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:69
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"<h2>Backup programs are missing</h2><p>Before you can activate any backup "
-"plan you need to install either of</p><ul><li>bup, for versioned backups</"
-"li><li>rsync, for synchronized backups</li></ul>"
-msgstr ""
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:150
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@title:window"
-msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "警告"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:152
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@info %1 is the name of the backup plan"
-msgid ""
-"%1 does not have a destination!<nl/>No backups will be saved by this plan."
-msgstr "%1 沒有目的地!<nl/>這個計畫中將不會有備份被儲存。"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:210
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Add New Plan"
-msgstr "加入新的計畫"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@option:check"
-msgid "Backups Enabled"
-msgstr "備份已啟用"
-#: kcm/kupkcm.cpp:233
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Open and restore from existing backups"
-msgstr "自既有的備份開啟並復原"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:32
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Configure"
-msgstr "設定"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:35
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "移除"
-#: kcm/planstatuswidget.cpp:38
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@action:button"
-msgid "Duplicate"
-msgstr "重製"
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:66 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:123 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:160
-#: kioslave/bupslave.cpp:223 kioslave/bupslave.cpp:245
-#, kde-format
-msgid ""
-"No bup repository found.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"找不到 bup 的儲存庫。\n"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:72
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Save new backup"
-msgstr "儲存新備份"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:78
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show files"
-msgstr "顯示檔案"
-#: plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml:83
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Show log file"
-msgstr "顯示紀錄檔"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:23
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt ""
-"@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in "
-msgid "Backup plan %1"
-msgstr "備份計畫 %1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:56
-#, kde-format
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "備份"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:90
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "default description of newly duplicated backup plan"
-msgid "%1 (copy)"
-msgstr "%1 (副本)"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:208
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is fancy formatted date"
-msgid "Last saved: %1"
-msgstr "最後儲存:%1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:213
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is storage size of archive"
-msgid "Size: %1"
-msgstr "大小:%1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:218
-#, kde-format
-msgctxt "%1 is free storage space"
-msgid "Free space: %1"
-msgstr "剩餘空間:%1"
-#: settings/backupplan.cpp:222
-#, kde-kuit-format
-msgctxt "@label"
-msgid "This backup plan has never been run."
-msgstr "這個備份計畫尚未執行過。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/settings/backupplan.cpp b/settings/backupplan.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 256b497..0000000
--- a/settings/backupplan.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "backupplan.h"
-#include "kuputils.h"
-#include <QDir>
-#include <QStandardPaths>
-#include <QString>
-#include <KFormat>
-#include <KLocalizedString>
-#include <utility>
-BackupPlan::BackupPlan(int pPlanNumber, KSharedConfigPtr pConfig, QObject *pParent)
-   :KCoreConfigSkeleton(std::move(pConfig), pParent), mPlanNumber(pPlanNumber)
-	setCurrentGroup(QString(QStringLiteral("Plan/%1")).arg(mPlanNumber));
-	addItemString(QStringLiteral("Description"), mDescription,
-	              xi18nc("@label Default name for a new backup plan, %1 is the number of the plan in order",
-	                    "Backup plan %1", pPlanNumber));
-	QStringList lDefaultIncludeList;
-	lDefaultIncludeList << QDir::homePath();
-	addItemStringList(QStringLiteral("Paths included"), mPathsIncluded, lDefaultIncludeList);
-	QStringList lDefaultExcludeList;
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.cache");
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.bup");
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.thumbnails");
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.local/share/Trash");
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.local/share/baloo");
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/tdata/temp");
-	lDefaultExcludeList << QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.config/Riot/Cache");
-	QMutableStringListIterator i(lDefaultExcludeList);
-	while(i.hasNext()) {
-		ensureNoTrailingSlash(i.next());
-	}
-	addItemStringList(QStringLiteral("Paths excluded"), mPathsExcluded, lDefaultExcludeList);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Backup type"), mBackupType);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Backup version"), mBackupVersion);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Schedule type"), mScheduleType, 2);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Schedule interval"), mScheduleInterval, 1);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Schedule interval unit"), mScheduleIntervalUnit, 3);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Usage limit"), mUsageLimit, 25);
-	addItemBool(QStringLiteral("Ask first"), mAskBeforeTakingBackup, true);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Destination type"), mDestinationType, 1);
-	addItem(new KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemUrl(currentGroup(),
-	                                         QStringLiteral("Filesystem destination path"),
-	                                         mFilesystemDestinationPath,
-	                                         QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::homePath() + QStringLiteral("/.bup"))));
-	addItemString(QStringLiteral("External drive UUID"), mExternalUUID);
-	addItemPath(QStringLiteral("External drive destination path"), mExternalDestinationPath, i18n("Backups"));
-	addItemString(QStringLiteral("External volume label"), mExternalVolumeLabel);
-	addItemULongLong(QStringLiteral("External volume capacity"), mExternalVolumeCapacity);
-	addItemString(QStringLiteral("External device description"), mExternalDeviceDescription);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("External partition number"), mExternalPartitionNumber);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("External partitions count"), mExternalPartitionsOnDrive);
-	addItemBool(QStringLiteral("Show hidden folders"), mShowHiddenFolders);
-	addItemBool(QStringLiteral("Generate recovery info"), mGenerateRecoveryInfo);
-	addItemBool(QStringLiteral("Check backups"), mCheckBackups);
-	addItemBool(QStringLiteral("Exclude patterns"), mExcludePatterns);
-	addItemString(QStringLiteral("Exclude patterns file path"), mExcludePatternsPath);
-	addItemDateTime(QStringLiteral("Last complete backup"), mLastCompleteBackup);
-	addItemDouble(QStringLiteral("Last backup size"), mLastBackupSize);
-	addItemDouble(QStringLiteral("Last available space"), mLastAvailableSpace);
-	addItemUInt(QStringLiteral("Accumulated usage time"), mAccumulatedUsageTime);
-	load();
-void BackupPlan::setPlanNumber(int pPlanNumber) {
-	mPlanNumber = pPlanNumber;
-	QString lGroupName = QString(QStringLiteral("Plan/%1")).arg(mPlanNumber);
-	foreach(KConfigSkeletonItem *lItem, items()) {
-		lItem->setGroup(lGroupName);
-	}
-void BackupPlan::removePlanFromConfig() {
-	config()->deleteGroup(QString(QStringLiteral("Plan/%1")).arg(mPlanNumber));
-void BackupPlan::copyFrom(const BackupPlan &pPlan) {
-	mDescription = i18nc("default description of newly duplicated backup plan",
-	                     "%1 (copy)", pPlan.mDescription);
-	mPathsIncluded = pPlan.mPathsIncluded;
-	mPathsExcluded = pPlan.mPathsExcluded;
-	mBackupType = pPlan.mBackupType;
-	mScheduleType = pPlan.mScheduleType;
-	mScheduleInterval = pPlan.mScheduleInterval;
-	mScheduleIntervalUnit = pPlan.mScheduleIntervalUnit;
-	mUsageLimit = pPlan.mUsageLimit;
-	mAskBeforeTakingBackup = pPlan.mAskBeforeTakingBackup;
-	mDestinationType = pPlan.mDestinationType;
-	mFilesystemDestinationPath = pPlan.mFilesystemDestinationPath;
-	mExternalUUID = pPlan.mExternalUUID;
-	mExternalDestinationPath = pPlan.mExternalDestinationPath;
-	mExternalVolumeLabel = pPlan.mExternalVolumeLabel;
-	mExternalDeviceDescription = pPlan.mExternalDeviceDescription;
-	mExternalPartitionNumber = pPlan.mExternalPartitionNumber;
-	mExternalPartitionsOnDrive = pPlan.mExternalPartitionsOnDrive;
-	mExternalVolumeCapacity = pPlan.mExternalVolumeCapacity;
-	mShowHiddenFolders = pPlan.mShowHiddenFolders;
-	mGenerateRecoveryInfo = pPlan.mGenerateRecoveryInfo;
-	mCheckBackups = pPlan.mCheckBackups;
-QDateTime BackupPlan::nextScheduledTime() {
-	Q_ASSERT(mScheduleType == 1);
-	if(!mLastCompleteBackup.isValid())
-		return QDateTime(); //plan has never been run
-	return mLastCompleteBackup.addSecs(scheduleIntervalInSeconds());
-qint64 BackupPlan::scheduleIntervalInSeconds() {
-	Q_ASSERT(mScheduleType == 1);
-	switch(mScheduleIntervalUnit) {
-	case 0:
-		return mScheduleInterval * 60;
-	case 1:
-		return mScheduleInterval * 60 * 60;
-	case 2:
-		return mScheduleInterval * 60 * 60 * 24;
-	case 3:
-		return mScheduleInterval * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
-	default:
-		return 0;
-	}
-BackupPlan::Status BackupPlan::backupStatus() {
-	if(!mLastCompleteBackup.isValid()) {
-		return BAD;
-	}
-	if(mScheduleType == MANUAL) {
-		return NO_STATUS;
-	}
-	qint64 lStatus = 5; //trigger BAD status if schedule type is something strange
-	qint64 lInterval = 1;
-	switch(mScheduleType) {
-	case INTERVAL:
-		lStatus = mLastCompleteBackup.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc());
-		lInterval = scheduleIntervalInSeconds();
-		break;
-	case USAGE:
-		lStatus = mAccumulatedUsageTime;
-		lInterval = mUsageLimit * 3600;
-		break;
-	}
-	if(lStatus < lInterval)
-		return GOOD;
-	if(lStatus < lInterval * 3)
-		return MEDIUM;
-	return BAD;
-QString BackupPlan::iconName(Status pStatus) {
-	switch(pStatus) {
-	case GOOD:
-		return QStringLiteral("security-high");
-	case MEDIUM:
-		return QStringLiteral("security-medium");
-	case BAD:
-		return QStringLiteral("security-low");
-	case NO_STATUS:
-		break;
-	}
-	return QString();
-QString BackupPlan::absoluteExcludesFilePath() {
-	if(QDir::isRelativePath(mExcludePatternsPath)) {
-		return QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + mExcludePatternsPath;
-	}
-	return mExcludePatternsPath;
-void BackupPlan::usrRead() {
-	//correct the time spec after default read routines.
-	mLastCompleteBackup.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);
-	QMutableStringListIterator lExcludes(mPathsExcluded);
-	while(lExcludes.hasNext()) {
-		ensureNoTrailingSlash(lExcludes.next());
-	}
-	QMutableStringListIterator lIncludes(mPathsIncluded);
-	while(lIncludes.hasNext()) {
-		ensureNoTrailingSlash(lIncludes.next());
-	}
-QString BackupPlan::statusText() {
-	QLocale lLocale;
-	KFormat lFormat(lLocale);
-	QString lStatus;
-	if(mLastCompleteBackup.isValid()) {
-		QDateTime lLocalTime = mLastCompleteBackup.toLocalTime();
-		lStatus += i18nc("%1 is fancy formatted date", "Last saved: %1",
-		                 lFormat.formatRelativeDate(lLocalTime.date(), QLocale::LongFormat));
-		if(mLastBackupSize > 0.0) {
-			lStatus += '\n';
-			lStatus += i18nc("%1 is storage size of archive", "Size: %1",
-			                 lFormat.formatByteSize(mLastBackupSize));
-		}
-		if(mLastAvailableSpace > 0.0) {
-			lStatus += '\n';
-			lStatus += i18nc("%1 is free storage space", "Free space: %1",
-			                 lFormat.formatByteSize(mLastAvailableSpace));
-		}
-	} else {
-		lStatus = xi18nc("@label", "This backup plan has never been run.");
-	}
-	return lStatus;
diff --git a/settings/backupplan.h b/settings/backupplan.h
deleted file mode 100644
index be87435..0000000
--- a/settings/backupplan.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
-class Schedule;
-class BackupPlan : public KCoreConfigSkeleton
-	BackupPlan(int pPlanNumber, KSharedConfigPtr pConfig, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	int planNumber() const {return mPlanNumber;}
-	virtual void setPlanNumber(int pPlanNumber);
-	QString statusText();
-	void removePlanFromConfig();
-	void copyFrom(const BackupPlan &pPlan);
-	QString mDescription;
-	QStringList mPathsIncluded;
-	QStringList mPathsExcluded;
-	enum BackupType {BupType = 0, RsyncType};
-	qint32 mBackupType{};
-	qint32 mBackupVersion{};
-	enum ScheduleType {MANUAL=0, INTERVAL, USAGE};
-	qint32 mScheduleType{};
-	qint32 mScheduleInterval{};
-	qint32 mScheduleIntervalUnit{};
-	qint32 mUsageLimit{}; // in hours
-	bool mAskBeforeTakingBackup{};
-	qint32 mDestinationType{};
-	QUrl mFilesystemDestinationPath;
-	QString mExternalUUID;
-	QString mExternalDestinationPath;
-	QString mExternalVolumeLabel;
-	QString mExternalDeviceDescription;
-	int mExternalPartitionNumber{};
-	int mExternalPartitionsOnDrive{};
-	qulonglong mExternalVolumeCapacity{};
-	bool mShowHiddenFolders{};
-	bool mGenerateRecoveryInfo{};
-	bool mCheckBackups{};
-	bool mExcludePatterns{};
-	QString mExcludePatternsPath;
-	QDateTime mLastCompleteBackup;
-	// Size of the last backup in bytes.
-	double mLastBackupSize{};
-	// Last known available space on destination
-	double mLastAvailableSpace{};
-	// How long has Kup been running since last backup (s)
-	quint32 mAccumulatedUsageTime{};
-	virtual QDateTime nextScheduledTime();
-	virtual qint64 scheduleIntervalInSeconds();
-	enum Status {GOOD, MEDIUM, BAD, NO_STATUS};
-	Status backupStatus();
-	static QString iconName(Status pStatus);
-	QString absoluteExcludesFilePath();
-	void usrRead() override;
-	int mPlanNumber;
-#endif // BACKUPPLAN_H
diff --git a/settings/kupsettings.cpp b/settings/kupsettings.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aef97e6..0000000
--- a/settings/kupsettings.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kupsettings.h"
-#include <utility>
-#include "backupplan.h"
-KupSettings::KupSettings(KSharedConfigPtr pConfig, QObject *pParent)
-   : KCoreConfigSkeleton(std::move(pConfig), pParent)
-	setCurrentGroup(QStringLiteral("Kup settings"));
-	addItemBool(QStringLiteral("Backups enabled"), mBackupsEnabled);
-	addItemInt(QStringLiteral("Number of backups"), mNumberOfPlans, 0);
diff --git a/settings/kupsettings.h b/settings/kupsettings.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 847033f..0000000
--- a/settings/kupsettings.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include <KCoreConfigSkeleton>
-#include <KSharedConfig>
-class KupSettings : public KCoreConfigSkeleton
-	explicit KupSettings(KSharedConfigPtr pConfig, QObject *pParent = nullptr);
-	// Common enable of backup plans
-	bool mBackupsEnabled{};
-	// Number of backup plans configured
-	int mNumberOfPlans{};
-#endif // KUPSETTINGS_H
diff --git a/settings/kuputils.cpp b/settings/kuputils.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b3eddec..0000000
--- a/settings/kuputils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#include "kuputils.h"
-#include <QDir>
-void ensureTrailingSlash(QString &pPath) {
-	if(!pPath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) {
-		pPath.append(QDir::separator());
-	}
-void ensureNoTrailingSlash(QString &pPath) {
-	while(pPath.endsWith(QDir::separator())) {
-		pPath.chop(1);
-	}
-QString lastPartOfPath(const QString &pPath) {
-	return pPath.section(QDir::separator(), -1, -1, QString::SectionSkipEmpty);
diff --git a/settings/kuputils.h b/settings/kuputils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b0766..0000000
--- a/settings/kuputils.h
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Simon Persson <simon.persson@mykolab.com>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
-#ifndef KUPUTILS_H
-#define KUPUTILS_H
-class QString;
-void ensureTrailingSlash(QString &pPath);
-void ensureNoTrailingSlash(QString &pPath);
-QString lastPartOfPath(const QString &pPath);
-#endif // KUPUTILS_H