[2022-10-29 19:26:33] Opening branch at https://salsa.debian.org/fonts-team/fonts-cardo.git/,branch=master [2022-10-29 19:26:34] Using cached branch https://janitor.debian.net/git/cardo/,branch=debian%2Flatest [2022-10-29 19:26:36] Total 56 (delta 28), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 [2022-10-29 19:26:37] Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 [2022-10-29 19:26:37] Workspace ready - starting. [2022-10-29 19:26:54] Running ['lintian-brush'] Fixer 'old-override-info-format' made no changes. (took: 0.06s) Fixer 'file-contains-trailing-whitespace' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-control-has-unusual-field-spacing' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'rules-not-executable' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'no-copyright-file' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'insecure-copyright-format-uri' made changes. (took 0.12s) Fixer 'unversioned-copyright-format-uri' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'copyright-has-crs' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'copyright-continued-lines-with-space' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'desktop-entry-file-has-crs' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'executable-desktop-file' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'package-has-no-description' made no changes. (took: 0.03s) Fixer 'extended-description-contains-empty-paragraph' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'empty-debian-tests-control' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'field-name-typo-in-tests-control' made no changes. (took: 0.03s) Fixer 'out-of-date-copyright-format-uri' made no changes. (took: 0.03s) Fixer 'obsolete-field-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'comma-separated-files-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'common-license' made no changes. (took: 0.05s) Fixer 'ancient-python-version-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'build-depends-on-build-essential' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'build-depends-on-obsolete-package' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'control-file-with-CRLF-EOLs' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'debhelper-but-no-misc-depends' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debhelper-tools-from-autotools-dev-are-deprecated' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-changelog-line-too-long' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-changelog-file-contains-obsolete-user-emacs-settings' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'changelog-has-duplicate-line' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-control-has-empty-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-control-has-obsolete-dbg-package' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-pycompat-is-obsolete' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-pyversions-is-obsolete' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-should-not-use-pwd' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-source-options-has-custom-compression-settings' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-tests-control-autodep8-is-obsolete' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-upstream-obsolete-path' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-watch-file-old-format' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-watch-contains-dh_make-template' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'dep5-file-paragraph-references-header-paragraph' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'dh-clean-k-is-deprecated' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'empty-debian-source-options' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'empty-debian-patches-series' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'homepage-in-binary-package' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri' made changes. (took 0.45s) Fixer 'libmodule-build-perl-needs-to-be-in-build-depends' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'maintainer-script-without-set-e' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'ancient-maintscript-entry' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'dm-upload-allowed' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'init.d-script-needs-depends-on-lsb-base' made changes but not high enough certainty (was 'possible', needed 'certain'). (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'maintainer-also-in-uploaders' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'vcs-field-for-maintainer' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'python-teams-merged' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'source-format' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'dh-quilt-addon-but-quilt-source-format' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'missing-build-dependency-for-dh_-command' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'missing-vcs-browser-field' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'obsolete-url-in-packaging' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'no-homepage-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'orphaned-package-should-not-have-uploaders' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'declares-possibly-conflicting-debhelper-compat-versions' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debhelper-compat-wrong-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'package-uses-deprecated-source-override-location' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version' made changes. (took 0.47s) Fixer 'uses-debhelper-compat-file' made changes. (took 0.17s) Fixer 'patch-file-present-but-not-mentioned-in-series' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'possible-missing-colon-in-closes' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'priority-extra-is-replaced-by-priority-optional' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'public-upstream-key-not-minimal' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'public-upstream-keys-in-multiple-locations' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'public-upstream-key-binary' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'quilt-series-without-trailing-newline' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'renamed-tag' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'malformed-override' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'space-in-std-shortname-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'systemd-service-file-pidfile-refers-to-var-run' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'systemd-service-file-shutdown-problems' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'systemd-service-alias-without-extension' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'systemd-service-file-refers-to-obsolete-bindto' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'systemd-service-file-refers-to-obsolete-target' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'transitional-package-should-be-oldlibs-optional' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'unnecessary-team-upload' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'unnecessary-testsuite-autopkgtest-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'upstream-metadata-invalid' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'field-name-typo-in-upstream-metadata' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'copyright-missing-upstream-info' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Distribution data outdated. Please check for an update for distro-info-data. See /usr/share/doc/distro-info-data/README.Debian for details. Fixer 'upstream-metadata-file' made no changes. (took: 4.74s) Fixer 'debian-watch-file-is-missing' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'useless-autoreconf-build-depends' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'vcs-field-invalid-branch' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'vcs-field-uses-insecure-uri' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'vcs-field-uses-not-recommended-uri-format' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'wrong-debian-qa-group-name' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'xc-package-type-in-debian-control' made no changes. (took: 0.67s) Fixer 'xs-testsuite-field-in-debian-control' made no changes. (took: 0.06s) Fixer 'xs-vcs-field-in-debian-control' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file' made no changes. (took: 0.03s) Fixer 'field-name-typo-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'license-file-listed-in-debian-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'unused-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'global-files-wildcard-not-first-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'invalid-short-name-in-dep5-copyright' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'copyright-refers-to-symlink-license' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'vcs-field-bitrotted' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'vcs-field-mismatch' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'vcs-field-not-canonical' made changes. (took 0.06s) Fixer 'vcs-broken-uri' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'debian-watch-file-uses-deprecated-githubredir' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-watch-file-uses-old-github-pattern' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-watch-file-uses-github-releases' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'quilt-series-but-no-build-dep' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'unused-build-dependency-on-cdbs' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'typo-in-debhelper-override-target' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'debian-rules-uses-unnecessary-dh-argument' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'upstream-metadata-has-obsolete-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'package-contains-linda-override' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'excessive-priority-for-library-package' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-sets-dpkg-architecture-variable' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'built-using-for-golang' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'obsolete-runtime-tests-restriction' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-changelog-has-wrong-day-of-week' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-contains-unnecessary-get-orig-source-target' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'font-package-not-multi-arch-foreign' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-not-executable' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'no-priority-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'no-section-field' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'no-maintainer-field' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'wrong-section-according-to-package-name' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-missing-recommended-target' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debug-symbol-migration-possibly-complete' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'invalid-standards-version' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Fixer 'out-of-date-standards-version' made changes. (took 0.07s) Fixer 'autotools-pkg-config-macro-not-cross-compilation-safe' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'unused-override' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'upstream-metadata-in-native-source' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'uses-deprecated-adttmp' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'binary-control-field-duplicates-source' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'rules-requires-root-missing' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'maintainer-script-empty' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'pkg-perl-vcs' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'pkg-perl-testsuite' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'public-upstream-key-in-native-package' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'pubkey' made no changes. (took: 0.04s) Fixer 'debian-rules-uses-as-needed-linker-flag' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-uses-special-shell-variable' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'debian-rules-parses-dpkg-parsechangelog' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'field-name-typo-in-control' made no changes. (took: 0.01s) Fixer 'pkg-js-tools-test-is-missing' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'obsolete-vim-addon-manager' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'new-package-uses-date-based-version-number' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'initial-upload-closes-no-bugs' made no changes. (took: 0.00s) Fixer 'missing-prerequisite-for-pyproject-backend' made no changes. (took: 0.02s) Lintian tags fixed: {'vcs-field-not-canonical', 'out-of-date-standards-version', 'uses-debhelper-compat-file', 'homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri', 'insecure-copyright-format-uri', 'package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version'} [2022-10-29 19:27:03] Actual command: ['lintian-brush'] [2022-10-29 19:27:28] Opened schroot session unstable-amd64-sbuild-251e21e8-a4c9-4ba6-958c-62c901a142b2 (from unstable-amd64-sbuild) [2022-10-29 19:27:28] Using fixers: [PgBuildExtOutOfDateControlFixer(), SimpleBuildFixer(MissingConfigure, fix_missing_configure), SimpleBuildFixer(MissingAutomakeInput, fix_missing_automake_input), SimpleBuildFixer(MissingConfigStatusInput, fix_missing_config_status_input), SimpleBuildFixer(MissingPerlFile, fix_missing_makefile_pl), SimpleBuildFixer(DebcargoUnacceptablePredicate, debcargo_coerce_unacceptable_prerelease), SimpleBuildFixer(DebcargoUnacceptableComparator, debcargo_coerce_unacceptable_prerelease), DependencyBuildFixer(AptFetchFailure, retry_apt_failure), PackageDependencyFixer(AptResolver(, [functools.partial(, , ''), BuildDependencyTieBreaker(LocalApt('/var/run/schroot/mount/unstable-amd64-sbuild-251e21e8-a4c9-4ba6-958c-62c901a142b2')), ]))] [2022-10-29 19:27:28] Building debian packages, running 'sbuild -A -s -v'. [2022-10-29 19:30:41] Built ['cardo_1.04-4~jan+lint1_amd64.changes']. [2022-10-29 19:30:42] Running lintian [2022-10-29 19:30:46] Pushing result branch to 'https://janitor.debian.net/git/cardo' [2022-10-29 19:30:47] Backing off import_branches_git(...) for 0.8s (breezy.errors.ConnectionReset: Connection closed: Connection closed early The remote server unexpectedly closed the connection.) [2022-10-29 19:30:49] Pushing packaging branch cache to https://janitor.debian.net/git/cardo,branch=debian%2Flatest [2022-10-29 19:30:50] All done.