
Codebase Campaign Stage Start Time Duration Description
rust-lua52-sys unchanged None 2023-02-16T23:40 1m56s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-utf8parse fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-30T19:21 29m33s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-regex-automata unchanged None 2023-02-19T16:23 2h43m Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-macro-attr unchanged None 2023-02-12T07:17 46m25s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-commoncrypto unchanged None 2023-02-12T11:55 45m16s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-grep-regex fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-01T12:28 47m56s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-coreutils unchanged None 2023-02-13T08:44 2m24s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-quickcheck-macros fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-05T04:26 31m46s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-findshlibs-upstream debianize None 2023-03-09T17:53 2m53s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-lua52-sys lintian-fixes None 2022-11-03T04:45 3m1s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-gdkx11 lintian-fixes None 2022-07-10T12:34 12m9s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-sys-info lintian-fixes None 2022-09-01T16:08 13m55s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-rspotify fresh-snapshots None 2023-01-31T07:54 1h57m Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-rspotify fresh-releases None 2023-01-31T07:53 52m40s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-commoncrypto-sys unchanged None 2023-02-14T22:07 14m18s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-yaml unchanged None 2023-02-17T16:45 2m3s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-freetype fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-09T21:21 24m25s Debcargo failed
rust-percent-encoding fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-05T04:45 3h2m Debcargo failed
rust-grep-cli fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-29T09:41 3h0m Debcargo failed
rust-vte-generate-state-changes fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-07T13:40 3h6m Debcargo failed
rust-libz-sys-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T06:42 3m58s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-sha1collisiondetection-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T06:58 2m27s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-backtrace-sys-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T03:59 2m25s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-macro-attr-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T08:27 2m28s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-tree-sitter-config-upstream debianize None 2023-08-01T16:50 2m39s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-tree-sitter-loader-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T08:25 2m59s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-tree-sitter-highlight-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T08:17 1m41s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-signal-hook-mio-upstream debianize None 2023-03-31T08:47 3m20s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-zoxide fresh-releases None 2022-03-10T15:00 33m56s Debcargo failed
rust-parse-arg fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-29T22:49 32m42s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-rand-hc fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-09T18:50 3h20m Debcargo failed
rust-tree-sitter-upstream debianize None 2023-04-01T03:58 4m3s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-lock-api fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-29T11:58 3h41m Debcargo failed
rust-tree-sitter-config fresh-snapshots None 2022-07-16T19:26 2m58s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-aliasable fresh-snapshots None 2022-07-16T23:34 2m2s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-ignore fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-30T07:50 2h57m Debcargo failed
rust-net2 fresh-releases None 2023-01-19T08:44 47m51s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-typed-arena fresh-releases None 2022-03-18T18:57 2h51m Debcargo failed
rust-starship-module-config-derive fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-29T04:00 30m55s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-tree-sitter-loader fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-29T20:43 20m42s Debcargo failed
rust-pbr unchanged None 2023-02-12T18:39 44m17s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-grep-pcre2 fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-15T08:47 28m45s Debcargo failed
rust-macro-attr fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-15T10:05 3h14m Debcargo failed
rust-fuchsia-cprng lintian-fixes None 2022-07-17T09:00 13m48s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-markup5ever-rcdom fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-04T17:27 3h16m Debcargo failed
rust-backtrace-upstream debianize None 2023-03-09T20:43 56s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-walkdir-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T07:40 2m32s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-kstring fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-29T11:55 28m29s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-osmesa-sys lintian-fixes None 2022-07-12T02:10 11m28s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-tree-sitter-tags fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-05T04:56 2m6s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-cloudabi fresh-snapshots None 2023-02-25T16:17 2m10s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-libsodium-sys fresh-releases None 2023-01-31T05:00 3m45s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-libsodium-sys fresh-snapshots None 2023-01-31T05:04 4m6s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-serial unchanged None 2023-02-19T07:35 3m27s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-ordermap fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-01T08:29 3h2m Debcargo failed
rust-form-urlencoded fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-30T19:10 1m25s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-fasteval-upstream debianize None 2023-03-09T23:00 2m40s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-data-encoding-macro-internal fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-04T19:13 30m58s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-libz-sys fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-04T17:27 13m55s Debcargo failed
rust-idna fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-06T22:43 3h5m Debcargo failed
rust-pretty-env-logger lintian-fixes None 2022-09-02T11:01 9m8s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-dns-parser fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-01T08:15 2h51m Debcargo failed
rust-rand-core fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-09T18:44 3h23m Debcargo failed
rust-inflector fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-30T19:13 19m58s Debcargo failed
rust-idna fresh-releases None 2022-03-14T13:58 2h37m Debcargo failed
rust-wasm-bindgen fresh-releases None 2022-03-14T01:49 11m47s Debcargo failed
rust-commoncrypto lintian-fixes None 2022-11-24T14:13 1h45m Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-netlink-packet-route fresh-snapshots None 2023-01-25T03:18 2m12s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-ivf fresh-snapshots None 2023-01-20T14:50 5m56s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-newtype-derive-upstream debianize None 2023-03-09T20:43 2m24s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-smallvec fresh-releases None 2022-03-14T01:47 17m50s Debcargo failed
rust-tree-magic-mini lintian-fixes None 2022-09-01T16:51 10m10s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-vm-superio lintian-fixes None 2022-09-01T17:03 11m11s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-cssparser-macros fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-09T06:46 3h6m Debcargo failed
rust-nodrop-union fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-08T01:46 12m42s Debcargo failed
rust-xml5ever fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-08T11:49 3h16m Debcargo failed
rust-grep-printer fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-30T01:07 34m11s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-grep-matcher fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-01T08:16 2h53m Debcargo failed
rust-shellwords fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-08T01:47 3h3m Debcargo failed
rust-once-cell-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T00:38 2m29s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-expat-sys-upstream debianize None 2023-03-10T07:26 2m35s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-tree-sitter-tags-upstream debianize None 2023-03-09T21:20 3m21s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-rand-chacha fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-08T11:38 3h25m Debcargo failed
rust-tree-sitter-highlight fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-09T09:02 12m4s Debcargo failed
rust-cargo-platform fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-15T07:31 30m47s Debcargo failed
rust-neli-proc-macros lintian-fixes None 2022-07-06T12:58 12m56s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-signal-hook-mio fresh-snapshots None 2022-04-01T08:33 1m27s Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-regex-automata fresh-snapshots None 2022-06-14T07:13 1h21m Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run
rust-rand-pcg fresh-snapshots None 2022-03-30T17:56 3h4m Debcargo failed
rust-regex-automata fresh-releases None 2022-12-26T12:31 2h9m Debcargo failed: Debcargo failed to run