New Upstream Release - fontmake

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 3.5.1 (was: 2.4.1).


diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 8801544..b68e7a4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ jobs:
     if: "! contains(toJSON(github.event.commits.*.message), '[skip ci]')"
-        python-version: [3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, "pypy-3.7"]
+        python-version: [3.7, 3.8, 3.9, "3.10", "pypy-3.7"]
         platform: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
           - platform: windows-latest
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ jobs:
         flags: unittests
         name: codecov-umbrella
         fail_ci_if_error: true
+        # see
+        token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
     # only run if the commit is tagged...
     if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 78b51a3..9ee4173 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ coverage.xml
 # Translations
diff --git a/Lib/fontmake/ b/Lib/fontmake/
index b686590..a3bde8f 100644
--- a/Lib/fontmake/
+++ b/Lib/fontmake/
@@ -13,10 +13,14 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 import logging
+import os
 import sys
 from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
+from collections import namedtuple
 from contextlib import contextmanager
+from textwrap import dedent
+from fontTools.misc.loggingTools import configLogger
 from ufo2ft import CFFOptimization
 from ufo2ft.featureWriters import loadFeatureWriterFromString
 from ufo2ft.filters import loadFilterFromString
@@ -28,11 +32,23 @@ from fontmake.font_project import INTERPOLATABLE_OUTPUTS, FontProject
 def _loadPlugins(parser, specs, from_string_func, parser_error_message):
     plugins = []
+    seen_ellipsis = False
     for s in specs:
         if s == "None":
             # magic value that means "don't write any features or don't apply
             # any filters!"
             return []
+        elif s == "...":
+            if seen_ellipsis:
+                parser.error(
+                    parser_error_message.format(
+                        "ValueError", "'...' can only be provided once"
+                    )
+                )
+            seen_ellipsis = True
+            plugins.append(...)
+            continue
         except Exception as e:
@@ -78,6 +94,69 @@ def exclude_args(parser, args, excluded_args, target, positive=True):
         del args[argname]
+_ParsedInputs = namedtuple(
+    "_ParsedInputs",
+    [
+        "glyphs_path",
+        "ufo_paths",
+        "designspace_path",
+        "format_name",
+    ],
+def parse_mutually_exclusive_inputs(parser, args):
+    glyphs_path = args.pop("glyphs_path")
+    ufo_paths = args.pop("ufo_paths") or []
+    designspace_path = args.pop("mm_designspace")
+    posargs = args.pop("posargs")
+    # assert input -flags are already mutually exclusive via argparse
+    assert sum(bool(p) for p in (glyphs_path, ufo_paths, designspace_path)) <= 1
+    input_flag = (
+        "g" if glyphs_path else "m" if designspace_path else "u" if ufo_paths else None
+    )
+    if input_flag and posargs:
+        parser.error(
+            f"argument -{input_flag} not allowed with positional input args: "
+            f"{' '.join(posargs)}"
+        )
+    for filename in posargs:
+        if filename.endswith(".glyphs") or filename.endswith(".glyphspackage"):
+            if glyphs_path:
+                parser.error("Only one *.glyphs source file is allowed")
+            glyphs_path = filename
+        elif filename.endswith(".designspace"):
+            if designspace_path:
+                parser.error("Only one *.designspace source file is allowed")
+            designspace_path = filename
+        elif (filename.endswith(".ufo") and os.path.isdir(filename)) or (
+            filename.endswith(".ufoz") and os.path.isfile(filename)
+        ):
+            ufo_paths.append(filename)
+        else:
+            parser.error(f"Unknown input file extension: '{filename}'")
+    count = sum(bool(p) for p in (glyphs_path, ufo_paths, designspace_path))
+    if count == 0:
+        parser.error("No input files specified")
+    elif count > 1:
+        parser.error(f"Expected 1, got {count} different types of inputs files")
+    format_name = (
+        "Glyphs" if glyphs_path else "designspace" if designspace_path else "UFO"
+    ) + " source"
+    return _ParsedInputs(
+        glyphs_path,
+        ufo_paths,
+        designspace_path,
+        format_name,
+    )
 def _make_tempdirs(parser, args):
     output = args["output"]
@@ -103,14 +182,29 @@ def _make_tempdirs(parser, args):
+def _configure_logging(level=None, timing=False):
+    fmt = "%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s"
+    if level is not None:
+        # NOTE: configuring the root logger with basicConfig should be done only once,
+        # preferably from inside main(); calling subsequent times has no effect.
+        logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=fmt)
+    # fontTools.subset's logger is too chatty, we set it to WARNING
+    logging.getLogger("fontTools.subset").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+    if timing:
+        # timing-related DEBUG messages get a separate configuration so we
+        # can enable them without needing to lower the global verbosity level
+        configLogger(logger="fontmake.timer", level=logging.DEBUG, format=fmt)
+        configLogger(logger="ufo2ft.timer", level=logging.DEBUG, format=fmt)
 def main(args=None):
     parser = ArgumentParser()
     parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=__version__)
     inputGroup = parser.add_argument_group(
-        title="Input arguments",
+        title="Input arguments (flags)",
         description="The following arguments are mutually exclusive (pick only one):",
-    xInputGroup = inputGroup.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    xInputGroup = inputGroup.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
         "-g", "--glyphs-path", metavar="GLYPHS", help="Path to .glyphs source file"
@@ -127,6 +221,16 @@ def main(args=None):
         help="Path to .designspace file",
+    positionalInputs = parser.add_argument_group(
+        title="Input arguments (positonal)",
+        description="Alternatively, guess source format from filename extension",
+    )
+    positionalInputs.add_argument(
+        "posargs",
+        nargs="*",
+        metavar="INPUTS",
+        help="Either one *.designspace or *.glyphs file, or one or more *.ufo",
+    )
     outputGroup = parser.add_argument_group(title="Output arguments")
@@ -153,7 +257,7 @@ def main(args=None):
         help="Output font file path. Only valid when the output is a single "
-        "file (e.g. input is a single UFO or output is variable font)",
+        "file (e.g. input is a single UFO or output is a single variable font)",
@@ -175,6 +279,24 @@ def main(args=None):
         'E.g.: -i "Noto Sans Bold"; or -i ".* UI Condensed". '
         "(for Glyphs or MutatorMath sources only). ",
+    outputGroup.add_argument(
+        "--variable-fonts",
+        nargs="?",
+        default=".*",
+        const=True,
+        metavar="VARIABLE_FONT_FILENAME",
+        help=dedent(
+            """\
+            Filter the list of variable fonts produced from the input
+            Designspace file. By default all listed variable fonts are
+            generated. To generate a specific variable font (or variable fonts)
+            that match a given "filename" attribute, you can pass as argument
+            the full filename or a regular expression. E.g.: --variable-fonts
+            "MyFontVF_WeightOnly.ttf"; or --variable-fonts
+            "MyFontVFItalic_.*.ttf".
+        """
+        ),
+    )
@@ -232,6 +354,24 @@ def main(args=None):
         help="Enable ufoLib validation on reading/writing UFO files. It is "
         "disabled by default",
+    compatibilityGroup = outputGroup.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    compatibilityGroup.add_argument(
+        "--check-compatibility",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=None,
+        help="Check if the source files are interpolatable. It is "
+        "disabled by default, but enabled when building variable fonts "
+        "or what the 'Enforce Compatibility Check' custom parameter is "
+        "set on a Glyphs file",
+    )
+    compatibilityGroup.add_argument(
+        "--no-check-compatibility",
+        action="store_false",
+        default=None,
+        dest="check_compatibility",
+        help="Turns off the compatibility checker even when building variable fonts",
+    )
@@ -240,12 +380,28 @@ def main(args=None):
         "interpolating. Use if you share feature files of masters in "
         "external files, as instances can end up elsewhere.",
+    outputGroup.add_argument(
+        "--fea-include-dir",
+        default=None,
+        help="Overrides the default directory where to search for included "
+        "feature files with relative paths. This only works when the input is a "
+        "Designspace or UFOs, not from Glyphs at the moment.",
+    )
         help="Do not auto-generate a GDEF table, but keep an existing one intact.",
+    outputGroup.add_argument(
+        "--save-ufo-as-zip",
+        dest="ufo_structure",
+        action="store_const",
+        const="zip",
+        default="package",
+        help="Save UFOs as .ufoz format. Only valid when generating UFO masters "
+        "from glyphs source or interpolating UFO instances.",
+    )
     contourGroup = parser.add_argument_group(title="Handling of contours")
@@ -290,8 +446,18 @@ def main(args=None):
-        const="",
-        help="Run ttfautohint. Can provide arguments, quoted",
+        const=True,  # without args means run ttfautohint with default options
+        help="Run ttfautohint. Can provide arguments, quoted. By default, ttfautohint "
+        "is run if the (.glyphs) source contains a 'TTFAutohint options' instance "
+        "custom parameter. This option overrides that. See --no-autohint to disable.",
+    )
+    contourGroup.add_argument(
+        "-A",
+        "--no-autohint",
+        dest="autohint",
+        action="store_false",
+        help="Do not run ttfautohint, even if source contains a 'TTFAutohint options' "
+        "custom parameter",
@@ -335,7 +501,8 @@ def main(args=None):
         "the given keyword arguments. The class and module names are "
         "separated by '::'. The option can be repeated multiple times "
         "for each filter class. The option overrides the filters specified "
-        "in the UFO lib.",
+        "in the UFO lib. You can use an ellipsis --filter='...' to keep the "
+        "latter and insert additional --filter(s), either before or after it.",
     layoutGroup = parser.add_argument_group(title="Handling of OpenType Layout")
@@ -359,7 +526,9 @@ def main(args=None):
         "separated by '::'. The option can be repeated multiple times "
         "for each writer class. A special value of 'None' will disable "
         "all automatic feature generation. The option overrides both the "
-        "default ufo2ft writers and those specified in the UFO lib.",
+        "default ufo2ft writers and those specified in the UFO lib. "
+        "You can use ellipsis --feature-writer='...' to keep the latter and "
+        "insert additional --feature-writer(s) either before or after those.",
@@ -425,8 +594,12 @@ def main(args=None):
         help="Configure the logger verbosity level. Choose between: "
         "%(choices)s. Default: INFO",
     args = vars(parser.parse_args(args))
+    level = args.pop("verbose")
+    _configure_logging(level, timing=args.pop("timing"))
     specs = args.pop("feature_writer_specs")
     if specs is not None:
         args["feature_writers"] = _loadFeatureWriters(parser, specs)
@@ -435,15 +608,10 @@ def main(args=None):
     if specs is not None:
         args["filters"] = _loadFilters(parser, specs)
-    glyphs_path = args.pop("glyphs_path")
-    ufo_paths = args.pop("ufo_paths")
-    designspace_path = args.pop("mm_designspace")
-    input_format = (
-        "Glyphs" if glyphs_path else "designspace" if designspace_path else "UFO"
-    ) + " source"
+    inputs = parse_mutually_exclusive_inputs(parser, args)
     if INTERPOLATABLE_OUTPUTS.intersection(args["output"]):
-        if not (glyphs_path or designspace_path):
+        if not (inputs.glyphs_path or inputs.designspace_path):
             parser.error("Glyphs or designspace source required for variable font")
@@ -457,7 +625,13 @@ def main(args=None):
             "variable output",
-        exclude_args(parser, args, ["optimize_gvar"], "static output", positive=False)
+        exclude_args(
+            parser,
+            args,
+            ["variable_fonts", "optimize_gvar"],
+            "static output",
+            positive=False,
+        )
     if args.get("use_mutatormath"):
         for module in ("defcon", "mutatorMath"):
@@ -469,17 +643,17 @@ def main(args=None):
                     "[mutatormath] extra"
-    PRINT_TRACEBACK = args.get("verbose", "INFO") == "DEBUG"
+    PRINT_TRACEBACK = level == "DEBUG"
-        project = FontProject(
-            timing=args.pop("timing"),
-            verbose=args.pop("verbose"),
-            validate_ufo=args.pop("validate_ufo"),
-        )
+        project = FontProject(validate_ufo=args.pop("validate_ufo"))
+        if inputs.glyphs_path:
+            # we don't support customizing include directory for .glyphs input
+            # for does not either.
+            exclude_args(parser, args, ["fea_include_dir"], inputs.format_name)
-        if glyphs_path:
             with _make_tempdirs(parser, args):
-                project.run_from_glyphs(glyphs_path, **args)
+                project.run_from_glyphs(inputs.glyphs_path, **args)
@@ -492,13 +666,13 @@ def main(args=None):
-            input_format,
+            inputs.format_name,
-            parser, args, ["write_skipexportglyphs"], input_format, positive=False
+            parser, args, ["write_skipexportglyphs"], inputs.format_name, positive=False
-        if designspace_path:
-            project.run_from_designspace(designspace_path, **args)
+        if inputs.designspace_path:
+            project.run_from_designspace(inputs.designspace_path, **args)
@@ -506,15 +680,18 @@ def main(args=None):
+                "variable_fonts",
+                "check_compatibility",
-            input_format,
+            inputs.format_name,
+        args.pop("ufo_structure", None)  # unused for UFO output
-            ufo_paths, is_instance=args.pop("masters_as_instances"), **args
+            inputs.ufo_paths, is_instance=args.pop("masters_as_instances"), **args
     except FontmakeError as e:
         if PRINT_TRACEBACK:
diff --git a/Lib/fontmake/ b/Lib/fontmake/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a164ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/fontmake/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Context:
+    def __init__(self, checker, newcontext):
+        self.checker = checker
+        self.newcontext = newcontext
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.checker.context.append(self.newcontext)
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        self.checker.context.pop()
+class CompatibilityChecker:
+    def __init__(self, fonts):
+        self.errors = []
+        self.context = []
+        self.okay = True
+        self.fonts = fonts
+    def check(self):
+        first = self.fonts[0]
+        skip_export_glyphs = set(first.lib.get("public.skipExportGlyphs", ()))
+        for glyph in first.keys():
+            if glyph in skip_export_glyphs:
+                continue
+            self.current_fonts = [font for font in self.fonts if glyph in font]
+            glyphs = [font[glyph] for font in self.current_fonts]
+            with Context(self, f"glyph {glyph}"):
+                self.check_glyph(glyphs)
+        return self.okay
+    def check_glyph(self, glyphs):
+        if self.ensure_all_same(len, glyphs, "number of contours"):
+            for ix, contours in enumerate(zip(*glyphs)):
+                with Context(self, f"contour {ix}"):
+                    self.check_contours(contours)
+        anchors = [g.anchors for g in glyphs]
+        self.ensure_all_same(
+            lambda anchors: '"' + (", ".join(sorted( for a in anchors))) + '"',
+            anchors,
+            "anchors",
+        )
+        components = [g.components for g in glyphs]
+        if self.ensure_all_same(len, components, "number of components"):
+            for ix, component in enumerate(zip(*components)):
+                with Context(self, f"component {ix}"):
+                    self.ensure_all_same(lambda c: c.baseGlyph, component, "base glyph")
+    def check_contours(self, contours):
+        if not self.ensure_all_same(len, contours, "number of points"):
+            return
+        for ix, point in enumerate(zip(*contours)):
+            with Context(self, f"point {ix}"):
+                self.ensure_all_same(lambda x: x.type, point, "point type")
+    def ensure_all_same(self, func, objs, what):
+        values = {}
+        context = ", ".join(self.context)
+        for obj, font in zip(objs, self.current_fonts):
+            values.setdefault(func(obj), []).append(self._name_for(font))
+        if len(values) < 2:
+            logger.debug(f"All fonts had same {what} in {context}")
+            return True
+        logger.error(f"Fonts had differing {what} in {context}:")
+        debug_enabled = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
+        for value, fonts in values.items():
+            if debug_enabled or len(fonts) <= 6:
+                key = ", ".join(fonts)
+            else:
+                key = f"{len(fonts)} fonts"
+            logger.error(f" * {key} had {value}")
+        self.okay = False
+        return False
+    def _name_for(self, font):
+        names = list(filter(None, [,]))
+        return " ".join(names)
diff --git a/Lib/fontmake/ b/Lib/fontmake/
index 02af1d4..2f8d6a5 100644
--- a/Lib/fontmake/
+++ b/Lib/fontmake/
@@ -45,10 +45,5 @@ class FontmakeError(Exception):
 class TTFAError(FontmakeError):
     def __init__(self, exitcode, source_file):
         self.exitcode = exitcode
-        self.source_trail = source_file
-    def __str__(self):
-        return (
-            f"ttfautohint failed for '{str(_try_relative_path(self.source_trail))}': "
-            f"error code {str(self.exitcode)}."
-        )
+        self.msg = f"ttfautohint failed with error code {str(self.exitcode)}"
+        self.source_trail = [source_file]
diff --git a/Lib/fontmake/ b/Lib/fontmake/
index c34694e..246171b 100644
--- a/Lib/fontmake/
+++ b/Lib/fontmake/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations
 import glob
 import logging
 import math
@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ import tempfile
 from collections import OrderedDict
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 from functools import partial
+from pathlib import Path
 from re import fullmatch
 import attr
@@ -28,7 +31,8 @@ import ufo2ft
 import ufo2ft.errors
 import ufoLib2
 from fontTools import designspaceLib
-from fontTools.misc.loggingTools import Timer, configLogger
+from fontTools.designspaceLib.split import splitInterpolable
+from fontTools.misc.loggingTools import Timer
 from fontTools.misc.plistlib import load as readPlist
 from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
 from fontTools.varLib.interpolate_layout import interpolate_layout
@@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ from ufo2ft.filters import FILTERS_KEY, loadFilters
 from ufo2ft.util import makeOfficialGlyphOrder
 from fontmake import instantiator
+from fontmake.compatibility import CompatibilityChecker
 from fontmake.errors import FontmakeError, TTFAError
 from fontmake.ttfautohint import ttfautohint
@@ -49,16 +54,25 @@ PUBLIC_PREFIX = "public."
 GLYPHS_PREFIX = "com.schriftgestaltung."
 # for glyphsLib < 2.3.0
 # for glyphsLib >= 2.3.0
     GLYPHS_PREFIX + "customParameter.InstanceDescriptorAsGSInstance.Keep Glyphs"
+    GLYPHS_PREFIX + "customParameter.InstanceDescriptorAsGSInstance.Remove Glyphs"
+COMPAT_CHECK_KEY = GLYPHS_PREFIX + "customParameter.GSFont.Enforce Compatibility Check"
     ["ttf-interpolatable", "otf-interpolatable", "variable", "variable-cff2"]
+    GLYPHS_PREFIX + "customParameter.InstanceDescriptorAsGSInstance.TTFAutohint options"
 def temporarily_disabling_axis_maps(designspace_path):
@@ -102,14 +116,42 @@ def temporarily_disabling_axis_maps(designspace_path):
+def needs_subsetting(ufo):
+    if KEEP_GLYPHS_OLD_KEY in ufo.lib or KEEP_GLYPHS_NEW_KEY in ufo.lib:
+        return True
+    if REMOVE_GLYPHS_OLD_KEY in ufo.lib or REMOVE_GLYPHS_NEW_KEY in ufo.lib:
+        return True
+    if any(glyph.lib.get(GLYPH_EXPORT_KEY, True) is False for glyph in ufo):
+        return True
+    return False
 class FontProject:
     """Provides methods for building fonts."""
-    def __init__(self, timing=False, verbose="INFO", validate_ufo=False):
-        logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, verbose.upper()))
-        logging.getLogger("fontTools.subset").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
-        if timing:
-            configLogger(logger=timer.logger, level=logging.DEBUG)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        timing=None,  # deprecated
+        verbose=None,  # deprecated
+        validate_ufo=False,
+    ):
+        if verbose is not None or timing is not None:
+            from warnings import warn
+            from fontmake.__main__ import _configure_logging
+            warn(
+                "The 'verbose'/'timing' arguments are deprecated. "
+                "Logging configuration is global and should not be "
+                "specified in the FontProject constructor. "
+                "Use the logging API to configure fontmake's loggers "
+                "for your application. E.g. fontmake main() function "
+                "uses logging.basicConfig().",
+                UserWarning,
+                stacklevel=2,
+            )
+            _configure_logging(verbose, timing)
             "ufoLib UFO validation is %s", "enabled" if validate_ufo else "disabled"
@@ -122,9 +164,14 @@ class FontProject:
         except Exception as e:
             raise FontmakeError("Reading UFO source failed", path) from e
-    def save_ufo_as(self, font, path):
+    def save_ufo_as(self, font, path, ufo_structure="package"):
-  , overwrite=True, validate=self.validate_ufo)
+                path,
+                overwrite=True,
+                validate=self.validate_ufo,
+                structure=ufo_structure,
+            )
         except Exception as e:
             raise FontmakeError("Writing UFO source failed", path) from e
@@ -139,6 +186,7 @@ class FontProject:
+        ufo_structure="package",
         """Build UFOs and MutatorMath designspace from Glyphs source."""
         import glyphsLib
@@ -149,22 +197,28 @@ class FontProject:
         if instance_dir is None:
             instance_dir = self._output_dir("ufo", is_instance=True)
-        if not os.path.isdir(instance_dir):
-            os.mkdir(instance_dir)
-        try:
-            font = glyphsLib.GSFont(glyphs_path)
-        except Exception as e:
-            raise FontmakeError("Loading Glyphs file failed", glyphs_path) from e
         if designspace_path is not None:
             designspace_dir = os.path.dirname(designspace_path)
             designspace_dir = master_dir
-        if os.path.isabs(instance_dir):
-            # glyphsLib.to_designspace expects instance_dir to be relative
+        # glyphsLib.to_designspace expects instance_dir to be relative to the
+        # designspace's own directory
+        try:
             instance_dir = os.path.relpath(instance_dir, designspace_dir)
-            assert not os.path.isabs(instance_dir)
+        except ValueError as e:
+            raise FontmakeError(
+                "Can't make instance_dir path relative to designspace. "
+                "If on Windows, please make sure that --instance-dir, "
+                "--master-dir and --designspace-path are on the same mount drive "
+                "(e.g. C: or D:)",
+                glyphs_path,
+            ) from e
+        try:
+            font = glyphsLib.load(glyphs_path)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise FontmakeError("Loading Glyphs file failed", glyphs_path) from e
         designspace = glyphsLib.to_designspace(
@@ -173,6 +227,8 @@ class FontProject:
+            store_editor_state=False,
+            minimal=True,
         masters = {}
@@ -195,7 +251,7 @@ class FontProject:
             self.add_mti_features_to_master_ufos(mti_source, masters)
         for ufo_path, ufo in masters.items():
-            self.save_ufo_as(ufo, ufo_path)
+            self.save_ufo_as(ufo, ufo_path, ufo_structure)
         return designspace_path
@@ -253,12 +309,11 @@ class FontProject:
+        fea_include_dir=None,
-        designspace = self._load_designspace_sources(designspace)
         if ttf:
             return ufo2ft.compileInterpolatableTTFsFromDS(
@@ -267,6 +322,7 @@ class FontProject:
+                feaIncludeDir=fea_include_dir,
@@ -278,6 +334,7 @@ class FontProject:
+                feaIncludeDir=fea_include_dir,
@@ -294,9 +351,10 @@ class FontProject:
         return self._build_interpolatable_masters(designspace, ttf=False, **kwargs)
-    def build_variable_font(
+    def build_variable_fonts(
-        designspace,
+        designspace: designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument,
+        variable_fonts: str = ".*",
@@ -308,27 +366,58 @@ class FontProject:
+        fea_include_dir=None,
-        """Build OpenType variable font from masters in a designspace."""
+        """Build OpenType variable fonts from masters in a designspace."""
         assert not (output_path and output_dir), "mutually exclusive args"
-        designspace = self._load_designspace_sources(designspace)
-        if output_path is None:
-            output_path = (
-                os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(designspace.path))[0] + "-VF"
+        vfs_in_document = designspace.getVariableFonts()
+        if not vfs_in_document:
+            logger.warning(
+                "No variable fonts in given designspace %s", designspace.path
-            ext = "ttf" if ttf else "otf"
-            output_path = self._output_path(
-                output_path, ext, is_variable=True, output_dir=output_dir
+            return {}
+        vfs_to_build = []
+        for vf in vfs_in_document:
+            # Skip variable fonts that do not match the user's inclusion regex if given.
+            if not fullmatch(variable_fonts,
+                continue
+            vfs_to_build.append(vf)
+        if not vfs_to_build:
+            logger.warning("No variable fonts matching %s", variable_fonts)
+            return {}
+        if len(vfs_to_build) > 1 and output_path:
+            raise FontmakeError(
+                "can't specify output path because there are several VFs to build",
+                designspace.path,
-"Building variable font " + output_path)
+        vf_name_to_output_path = {}
+        if len(vfs_to_build) == 1 and output_path is not None:
+            vf_name_to_output_path[vfs_to_build[0].name] = output_path
+        else:
+            for vf in vfs_to_build:
+                ext = "ttf" if ttf else "otf"
+                font_name =
+                if vf.filename is not None:
+                    font_name = Path(vf.filename).stem
+                output_path = self._output_path(
+                    font_name, ext, is_variable=True, output_dir=output_dir
+                )
+                vf_name_to_output_path[] = output_path
+            "Building variable fonts " + ", ".join(vf_name_to_output_path.values())
+        )
         if ttf:
-            font = ufo2ft.compileVariableTTF(
+            fonts = ufo2ft.compileVariableTTFs(
@@ -337,22 +426,27 @@ class FontProject:
+                feaIncludeDir=fea_include_dir,
+                variableFontNames=list(vf_name_to_output_path),
-            font = ufo2ft.compileVariableCFF2(
+            fonts = ufo2ft.compileVariableCFF2s(
+                feaIncludeDir=fea_include_dir,
+                variableFontNames=list(vf_name_to_output_path),
+        for name, font in fonts.items():
+  [name])
     def _iter_compile(self, ufos, ttf=False, debugFeatureFile=None, **kwargs):
         # generator function that calls ufo2ft compiler for each ufo and
@@ -412,6 +506,7 @@ class FontProject:
+        fea_include_dir=None,
         """Build OpenType binaries from UFOs.
@@ -419,8 +514,13 @@ class FontProject:
             ufos: Font objects to compile.
             ttf: If True, build fonts with TrueType outlines and .ttf extension.
             is_instance: If output fonts are instances, for generating paths.
-            autohint: Parameters to provide to ttfautohint. If not provided, the
-                autohinting step is skipped.
+            autohint (Union[bool, None, str]): Parameters to provide to ttfautohint.
+                If set to None (default), the UFO lib is scanned for autohinting parameters.
+                If nothing is found, the autohinting step is skipped. The lib key is
+                "com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.InstanceDescriptorAsGSInstance.TTFAutohint options".
+                If set to False, then no autohinting takes place whether or not the
+                source specifies 'TTFAutohint options'. If True, it runs ttfautohint
+                with no additional options.
             subset: Whether to subset the output according to data in the UFOs.
                 If not provided, also determined by flags in the UFOs.
             use_production_names: Whether to use production glyph names in the
@@ -462,7 +562,7 @@ class FontProject:
                 pre-filters or post-filters, called before or after the default
                 filters. The default filters are format specific and some can
                 be disabled with other arguments.
-        """
+        """  # noqa: B950
         assert not (output_path and output_dir), "mutually exclusive args"
         if output_path is not None and len(ufos) > 1:
@@ -509,6 +609,7 @@ class FontProject:
+            feaIncludeDir=fea_include_dir,
@@ -516,8 +617,6 @@ class FontProject:
             inplace=True,  # avoid extra copy
-        do_autohint = ttf and autohint is not None
         for font, ufo in zip(fonts, ufos):
             if interpolate_layout_from is not None:
                 master_locations, instance_locations = self._designspace_locations(
@@ -534,7 +633,22 @@ class FontProject:
                 if "GSUB" in gsub_src:
                     font["GSUB"] = gsub_src["GSUB"]
-            if do_autohint:
+            # Decide on autohinting and its parameters
+            autohint_thisfont = (
+                (
+                    None
+                    if autohint is False
+                    else ""  # use default options if autohint=True
+                    if autohint is True
+                    else autohint
+                    if autohint is not None
+                    else ufo.lib.get(AUTOHINTING_PARAMETERS)
+                )
+                if ttf
+                else None
+            )
+            if autohint_thisfont is not None:
                 # if we are autohinting, we save the unhinted font to a
                 # temporary path, and the hinted one to the final destination
                 fd, otf_path = tempfile.mkstemp("." + ext)
@@ -554,13 +668,10 @@ class FontProject:
             # None (default), we check the presence of custom parameters
             if subset is False:
-            elif subset is True or (
-                (KEEP_GLYPHS_OLD_KEY in ufo.lib or KEEP_GLYPHS_NEW_KEY in ufo.lib)
-                or any(glyph.lib.get(GLYPH_EXPORT_KEY, True) is False for glyph in ufo)
-            ):
+            elif subset is True or needs_subsetting(ufo):
                 self.subset_otf_from_ufo(otf_path, ufo)
-            if not do_autohint:
+            if autohint_thisfont is None:
             if output_path is not None:
@@ -570,7 +681,8 @@ class FontProject:
                     ufo, ext, is_instance, autohinted=True, output_dir=output_dir
-                ttfautohint(otf_path, hinted_otf_path, args=autohint)
+      "Autohinting %s", hinted_otf_path)
+                ttfautohint(otf_path, hinted_otf_path, args=autohint_thisfont)
             except TTFAError:
                 # copy unhinted font to destination before re-raising error
                 shutil.copyfile(otf_path, hinted_otf_path)
@@ -605,10 +717,10 @@ class FontProject:
     def subset_otf_from_ufo(self, otf_path, ufo):
-        """Subset a font using "Keep Glyphs" custom parameter and export flags as set
-        by glyphsLib.
+        """Subset a font using "Keep Glyphs"/"Remove Glyphs" custom parameters,
+        and export flags as set by glyphsLib.
-        "Export Glyphs" and "Remove Glyphs" are currently not supported:
+        "Export Glyphs" is currently not supported:
         from fontTools import subset
@@ -635,11 +747,22 @@ class FontProject:
             keep_glyphs = None
+            remove_glyphs_list = ufo.lib.get(key)
+            if remove_glyphs_list is not None:
+                remove_glyphs = set(remove_glyphs_list)
+                break
+        else:
+            remove_glyphs = None
         include = []
         for source_name, binary_name in zip(ufo_order, ot_order):
             if keep_glyphs and source_name not in keep_glyphs:
+            if remove_glyphs and source_name in remove_glyphs:
+                continue
             if source_name in ufo:
                 exported = ufo[source_name].lib.get(GLYPH_EXPORT_KEY, True)
                 if not exported:
@@ -706,9 +829,16 @@ class FontProject:
+            ufo_structure=kwargs.get("ufo_structure"),
+        # 'include' statements in features.fea should be resolved relative to
+        # the input .glyphs path, like would do, and not relative
+        # to the UFOs that are generated by glyphsLib.
+        fea_include_dir = os.path.dirname(glyphs_path)
-            self.run_from_designspace(designspace_path, **kwargs)
+            self.run_from_designspace(
+                designspace_path, fea_include_dir=fea_include_dir, **kwargs
+            )
         except FontmakeError as e:
@@ -719,6 +849,8 @@ class FontProject:
+        fea_include_dir=None,
+        ufo_structure="package",
         """Interpolate master UFOs with Instantiator and return instance UFOs.
@@ -749,56 +881,60 @@ class FontProject:
         except Exception as e:
             raise FontmakeError("Reading Designspace failed", designspace.path) from e
-        try:
-            generator = instantiator.Instantiator.from_designspace(
-                designspace, round_geometry=round_instances
-            )
-        except instantiator.InstantiatorError as e:
-            raise FontmakeError(
-                "Preparing the Designspace for interpolation failed", designspace.path
-            ) from e
-        if expand_features_to_instances:
-            logger.debug("Expanding features to instance UFOs")
-            fea_txt = parseLayoutFeatures(designspace.default.font).asFea()
-            generator = attr.evolve(generator, copy_feature_text=fea_txt)
-        for instance in designspace.instances:
-            # Skip instances that have been set to non-export in Glyphs, stored as the
-            # instance's `com.schriftgestaltung.export` lib key.
-            if not instance.lib.get("com.schriftgestaltung.export", True):
-                continue
-            # Skip instances that do not match the user's inclusion regex if given.
-            if include is not None and not fullmatch(include,
-                continue
-  'Generating instance UFO for "{}"')
+        for _location, subDoc in splitInterpolable(designspace):
-                instance.font = generator.generate_instance(instance)
+                generator = instantiator.Instantiator.from_designspace(
+                    subDoc, round_geometry=round_instances
+                )
             except instantiator.InstantiatorError as e:
                 raise FontmakeError(
-                    f"Interpolating instance '{instance.styleName}' failed.",
+                    "Preparing the Designspace for interpolation failed",
                 ) from e
-            apply_instance_data_to_ufo(instance.font, instance, designspace)
+            if expand_features_to_instances:
+                logger.debug("Expanding features to instance UFOs")
+                fea_txt = parseLayoutFeatures(
+                    subDoc.default.font, includeDir=fea_include_dir
+                ).asFea()
+                generator = attr.evolve(generator, copy_feature_text=fea_txt)
+            for instance in subDoc.instances:
+                # Skip instances that have been set to non-export in Glyphs, stored as the
+                # instance's `com.schriftgestaltung.export` lib key.
+                if not instance.lib.get("com.schriftgestaltung.export", True):
+                    continue
-            # TODO: Making filenames up on the spot is complicated, ideally don't save
-            # anything if filename is not set, but make something up when "ufo" is in
-            # output formats, but also consider output_path.
-            if instance.filename is None:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "It is currently required that instances have filenames set."
+                # Skip instances that do not match the user's inclusion regex if given.
+                if include is not None and not fullmatch(include,
+                    continue
+      'Generating instance UFO for "{}"')
+                try:
+                    instance.font = generator.generate_instance(instance)
+                except instantiator.InstantiatorError as e:
+                    raise FontmakeError(
+                        f"Interpolating instance '{instance.styleName}' failed.",
+                        designspace.path,
+                    ) from e
+                apply_instance_data_to_ufo(instance.font, instance, subDoc)
+                # TODO: Making filenames up on the spot is complicated, ideally don't save
+                # anything if filename is not set, but make something up when "ufo" is in
+                # output formats, but also consider output_path.
+                if instance.filename is None:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        "It is currently required that instances have filenames set."
+                    )
+                ufo_path = os.path.join(
+                    os.path.dirname(designspace.path), instance.filename
-            ufo_path = os.path.join(
-                os.path.dirname(designspace.path), instance.filename
-            )
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ufo_path), exist_ok=True)
-            self.save_ufo_as(instance.font, ufo_path)
+                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ufo_path), exist_ok=True)
+                self.save_ufo_as(instance.font, ufo_path, ufo_structure)
-            yield instance.font
+                yield instance.font
     def interpolate_instance_ufos_mutatormath(
@@ -806,6 +942,7 @@ class FontProject:
+        fea_include_dir=None,
         """Interpolate master UFOs with MutatorMath and return instance UFOs.
@@ -868,7 +1005,9 @@ class FontProject:
                 raise ValueError("No source is designated as the master for features.")
                 master_source_font = builder.sources[][0]
-                master_source_features = parseLayoutFeatures(master_source_font).asFea()
+                master_source_features = parseLayoutFeatures(
+                    master_source_font, includeDir=fea_include_dir
+                ).asFea()
                 for instance_ufo in instance_ufos:
                     instance_ufo.features.text = master_source_features
@@ -880,6 +1019,7 @@ class FontProject:
+        variable_fonts: str = ".*",
@@ -887,6 +1027,7 @@ class FontProject:
+        check_compatibility=None,
         """Run toolchain from a DesignSpace document to produce either static
@@ -899,6 +1040,11 @@ class FontProject:
                 match given name. The string is compiled into a regular
                 expression and matched against the "name" attribute of
                 designspace instances using `re.fullmatch`.
+            variable_fonts: if True output all variable fonts, otherwise if the
+                value is a string, only build variable fonts that match the
+                given filename. As above, the string is compiled into a regular
+                expression and matched against the "filename" attribute of
+                designspace variable fonts using `re.fullmatch`.
             masters_as_instances: If True, output master fonts as instances.
             interpolate_binary_layout: Interpolate layout tables from compiled
                 master binaries.
@@ -931,6 +1077,8 @@ class FontProject:
         except Exception as e:
             raise FontmakeError("Reading Designspace failed", designspace_path) from e
+        designspace = self._load_designspace_sources(designspace)
         # if no --feature-writers option was passed, check in the designspace's
         # <lib> element if user supplied a custom featureWriters configuration;
         # if so, use that for all the UFOs built from this designspace
@@ -941,6 +1089,25 @@ class FontProject:
             preFilters, postFilters = loadFilters(designspace)
             filters = preFilters + postFilters
+        # Since Designspace version 5, one designspace file can have discrete
+        # axes (that do not interpolate) and thus only some sub-spaces are
+        # actually compatible for interpolation.
+        for discrete_location, subDoc in splitInterpolable(designspace):
+            # glyphsLib currently stores this custom parameter on the fonts,
+            # not the designspace, so we check if it exists in any font's lib.
+            source_fonts = [source.font for source in subDoc.sources]
+            explicit_check = any(
+                font.lib.get(COMPAT_CHECK_KEY, False) for font in source_fonts
+            )
+            if check_compatibility is not False and (
+                interp_outputs or check_compatibility or explicit_check
+            ):
+                if not CompatibilityChecker(source_fonts).check():
+                    message = "Compatibility check failed"
+                    if discrete_location:
+                        message += f" in interpolable sub-space at {discrete_location}"
+                    raise FontmakeError(message, designspace.path)
             if static_outputs:
@@ -960,6 +1127,7 @@ class FontProject:
+                    variable_fonts=variable_fonts,
@@ -985,7 +1153,9 @@ class FontProject:
+        fea_include_dir=None,
+        ufo_structure="package",
         ufos = []
@@ -1000,6 +1170,7 @@ class FontProject:
+                        fea_include_dir=fea_include_dir,
@@ -1009,6 +1180,8 @@ class FontProject:
+                        fea_include_dir=fea_include_dir,
+                        ufo_structure=ufo_structure,
@@ -1016,6 +1189,9 @@ class FontProject:
             interpolate_layout_from = interpolate_layout_dir = None
             interpolate_layout_from = designspace
+            # Unload UFO fonts, we will reload them as binary
+            for s in interpolate_layout_from.sources:
+                s.font = None
             if isinstance(interpolate_binary_layout, str):
                 interpolate_layout_dir = interpolate_binary_layout
@@ -1028,17 +1204,28 @@ class FontProject:
+            fea_include_dir=fea_include_dir,
     def _run_from_designspace_interpolatable(
-        self, designspace, outputs, output_path=None, output_dir=None, **kwargs
+        self,
+        designspace,
+        outputs,
+        variable_fonts: str = ".*",
+        output_path=None,
+        output_dir=None,
+        **kwargs,
         ttf_designspace = otf_designspace = None
         if "variable" in outputs:
-            self.build_variable_font(
-                designspace, output_path=output_path, output_dir=output_dir, **kwargs
+            self.build_variable_fonts(
+                designspace,
+                variable_fonts=variable_fonts,
+                output_path=output_path,
+                output_dir=output_dir,
+                **kwargs,
         if "ttf-interpolatable" in outputs:
@@ -1046,8 +1233,9 @@ class FontProject:
             self._save_interpolatable_fonts(ttf_designspace, output_dir, ttf=True)
         if "variable-cff2" in outputs:
-            self.build_variable_font(
+            self.build_variable_fonts(
+                variable_fonts=variable_fonts,
diff --git a/Lib/fontmake/ b/Lib/fontmake/
index a7eb8a3..e5d522c 100644
--- a/Lib/fontmake/
+++ b/Lib/fontmake/
@@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ class Instantiator:
         if designspace.default is None:
             raise InstantiatorError(_error_msg_no_default(designspace))
+        if any(hasattr(axis, "values") for axis in designspace.axes):
+            raise InstantiatorError(
+                "The given designspace has one or more discrete (= non-interpolating) "
+                "axes. You should split this designspace into smaller interpolating "
+                "spaces and use the Instantiator on each. See the method "
+                "`fontTools.designspaceLib.split.splitInterpolable()`"
+            )
         if any(anisotropic(instance.location) for instance in designspace.instances):
             raise InstantiatorError(
                 "The Designspace contains anisotropic instance locations, which are "
@@ -595,7 +603,7 @@ def collect_glyph_masters(
             source.location, axis_bounds
-            (normalized_location, fontMath.MathGlyph(source_glyph))
+            (normalized_location, fontMath.MathGlyph(source_glyph, strict=True))
     # Filter out empty glyphs if the default glyph is not empty.
diff --git a/Lib/fontmake/ b/Lib/fontmake/
index 7069d41..90bc508 100644
--- a/Lib/fontmake/
+++ b/Lib/fontmake/
@@ -13,11 +13,26 @@
 # limitations under the License.
+import shutil
 import subprocess
+import sys
+from typing import List, Optional
 from fontmake.errors import FontmakeError, TTFAError
+def _which_ttfautohint() -> Optional[List[str]]:
+    # First check if ttfautohint-py is installed, else try to find the standalone
+    # ttfautohint command-line tool, or None if neither is found.
+    try:
+        import ttfautohint  # noqa: F401
+    except ImportError:
+        ttfautohint_path = shutil.which("ttfautohint")
+        return [ttfautohint_path] if ttfautohint_path else None
+    else:
+        return [sys.executable, "-m", "ttfautohint"]
 def ttfautohint(in_file, out_file, args=None, **kwargs):
     """Thin wrapper around the ttfautohint command line tool.
@@ -25,14 +40,19 @@ def ttfautohint(in_file, out_file, args=None, **kwargs):
     Python keyword arguments.
-    arg_list = ["ttfautohint"]
     file_args = [in_file, out_file]
+    ttfautohint = _which_ttfautohint()
+    if ttfautohint is None:
+        raise FontmakeError(
+            "ttfautohint not found; try `pip install ttfautohint-py`", in_file
+        )
     if args is not None:
         if kwargs:
             raise TypeError("Should not provide both cmd args and kwargs.")
-            rv = + args.split() + file_args)
+            rv = + args.split() + file_args)
         except OSError as e:
             raise FontmakeError(
                 "Could not launch ttfautohint (is it installed?)", in_file
@@ -70,6 +90,7 @@ def ttfautohint(in_file, out_file, args=None, **kwargs):
+    arg_list = []
     for option in boolean_options:
         if kwargs.pop(option, False):
             arg_list.append("--" + option.replace("_", "-"))
@@ -82,6 +103,6 @@ def ttfautohint(in_file, out_file, args=None, **kwargs):
     if kwargs:
         raise TypeError("Unexpected argument(s): " + ", ".join(kwargs.keys()))
-    rv = + file_args)
+    rv = + arg_list + file_args)
     if rv != 0:
         raise TTFAError(rv, in_file)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc2908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+![GitHub Actions Build Status][] ![Python Versions][] [![PyPI
+# fontmake
+`fontmake` compiles fonts from various sources (`.glyphs`, `.ufo`, `designspace`) into binaries (`.otf`, `.ttf`). You can use it to create static instances and variable fonts.
+## Installation
+Fontmake requires Python 3.7 or later.
+Releases are available on [PyPI][] and can be installed with [pip][].
+``` bash
+pip3 install fontmake
+Use the `-U`, `--upgrade` option to update fontmake and its dependencies
+to the newest available release:
+``` bash
+pip3 install -U fontmake
+## Basic Usage
+After installation, you will be able to use the `fontmake` executable.
+For example, to compile a variable font from a Glyphs source file, use:
+``` bash
+fontmake MyFont.glyphs -o variable
+The most important command line arguments to the `fontmake` executable are the required input, specified either as positional argument or using one of `-g`/`-u`/`-m` flags, and the optional `-o` flag, which chooses the output file format.
+### Source file format options
+There are two ways to specify the source file or files:
+One can either use the following, mutually exclusive, flags:
+* `-g filename.glyphs`: Converts a Glyphs source file to binary.
+* `-u filename.ufo ...`: Converts one or more UFO files to binary.
+* `-m filename.designspace`: Converts a Designspace file to binary. (The `-m` is for `mutatormath`, an old Python library for handling designspaces.)
+Alternatively, one can specify the input(s) as positional arguments without the flag, letting fontmake infer the source format from the file extension: e.g. ``fontmake MyFont.designspace``, etc.
+Note: if the positional arguments are preceded by an option that takes one or more arguments, you need to use the special `--` separator to mark all following
+arguments as positional (non-options), otherwise the parser gets confused. E.g., the `-i` option takes zero or one arguments (see futher below for details); without `--`, argparse thinks you didn't provide any inputs:
+fontmake -i -- MyFont.designspace
+Exactly one type of input can/must be specified, using either approaches.
+### Output file format options
+You may provide one or more output file formats after the `-o` option. For example, `-o otf ttf` creates OTF and TTF binary font files for each master in your input file.
+The following output file formats are available:
+* `otf`: Per-master OTF (CFF-outline) binaries. Placed in the `master_otf/` directory.
+* `ttf`: Per-master TTF (TrueType-outline) binaries. Placed in the `master_ttf/` directory.
+* `otf-cff2`: Per-master OTF binaries with CFF2 outlines. Placed in the `master_otf/` directory.
+* `variable`: A TrueType variable font. Placed in the `variable_ttf/` directory.
+* `variable-cff2`: A variable font with CFF2 outlines. Placed in the `variable_otf/` directory.
+The following output file formats are also available, but are generally used internally by fontmake as an intermediate step to one of the above outputs:
+* `otf-interpolatable`: OTF binaries suitable for merging into a variable font. Placed in the `master_otf_interpolatable/` directory. (These differ from `otf` in that the outlines are unoptimized.)
+* `ttf-interpolatable`: TTF binaries suitable for merging into a variable font. Placed in the `master_ttf_interpolatable/` directory. (The outlines are converted to quadratic curves in an interpolation-compatible way.)
+* `ufo`: Glyphs sources can be converted to UFO. Placed in the `master_ufo/` directory.
+If no format option is specified, the default is `-o otf ttf`.
+### Other important command line options
+* `-i` (Interpolate instances): Having per-master binaries is not always what you expect; if you have defined instances ("exports") in your Glyphs file, they will *not* be generated by default. To generate them, pass the `-i` flag, which interpolates static instances, and places them in the `instance_ttf/` or `instance_otf/` directory as appropriate.
+* `--output-dir <some_directory>`: Places all output in the given directory, instead of the per-format directories mentioned above.
+* `--output-path <filename>`: This is only valid if the output is a single binary file, and writes the output to the given filename.
+* `-f` (Flatten components): Ensures that any glyphs which contain components which *themselves* contain components are decomposed to a single level. This is recommended as certain rendering environments do not correctly handle nested components - see [this link]( for more details.
+## Advanced Usage
+See [``](
+## Troubleshooting
+See [``](
+## Developers
+Developers can get the latest version of `fontmake` by cloning the git repository:
+``` bash
+git clone
+cd fontmake
+pip install .
+Developers who want to quickly test changes to the source code without re-installing can use the "--editable" option when installing from a local source checkout:
+``` bash
+pip install -e .
+It is recommended to install fontmake inside a virtual environment to
+prevent conflicts between its dependencies and other modules installed
+You could also use the [pipx][] tool to automate the
+installation/upgrade of python apps like fontmake in isolated
+### Releasing a New Version
+0. Commit and push your final changes for the new version.
+1. Create an annotated Git tag of the version number, with a prepended "v", like so: `git tag -a v3.1.1`
+2. Write the release notes into the tag message. They will show up as release notes on the release page in GitHub.
+3. Push the tag like so: `git push origin v3.1.1`, where `origin` is the name of the usual remote you want to push the version to.
+  [GitHub Actions Build Status]:
+  [Python Versions]:
+  [PyPI Version]:
+  [1]:
+  [PyPI]:
+  [pip]:
+  [pipx]:
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a6801..0000000
--- a/README.rst
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-|GitHub Actions Build Status| |Python Versions| |PyPI Version|
-This library provides a wrapper for several other Python libraries which
-together compile fonts from various sources (.glyphs, .ufo) into
-binaries (.otf, .ttf).
-Fontmake requires Python 3.6 or later.
-Releases are available on `PyPI`_ and can be installed with `pip`_.
-.. code:: bash
-    pip install fontmake
-Use the ``-U``, ``--upgrade`` option to update fontmake and its dependencies
-to the newest available release:
-.. code:: bash
-    pip install -U fontmake
-Alternatively, you can download the git repository and install from source:
-.. code:: bash
-    git clone
-    cd fontmake
-    pip install .
-Developers who want to quickly test changes to the source code without
-re-installing, can use the "--editable" option when installing from a local
-source checkout:
-.. code:: bash
-    pip install -e .
-It is recommended to install fontmake inside a "virtual environment" to prevent
-conflicts between its dependencies and other modules installed globally.
-You could also use the `pipx`_ tool to automate the installation/upgrade of
-python apps like fontmake in isolated environments.
-After installation, you can use the ``fontmake`` console script. For example:
-.. code:: bash
-    fontmake -g MyFont.glyphs  # outputs binary font files for masters only
-Use ``fontmake -h`` to see options for specifying different types of input and
-You can also use fontmake as a module to run intermediate steps in the build
-process, via methods of the ``fontmake.font_project.FontProject`` class.
-.. _virtualenv:
-.. _venv:
-.. _pip:
-.. _pip documentation:
-.. _PyPI:
-.. _Github releases:
-.. _pipx:
-.. |GitHub Actions Build Status| image::
-.. |Python Versions| image::
-.. |PyPI Version| image::
-   :target:
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45136d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Troubleshooting
+Sometimes things go wrong with `fontmake`, and you will need to track down what happened. In such circumstances, it is best to remember that `fontmake` itself does not actually do very much; its job is merely to orchestrate calls to different Python libraries which perform the compilation steps. So:
+* If something goes wrong with converting Glyphs files to `.designspace` and `.ufo` files, that's probably a problem with [`glyphsLib`](
+* Run pre-processing filters:
+  * If something goes wrong converting cubics to quadratics, that's probably a problem with [`cu2qu`](
+  * If something goes wrong when decomposing mixed glyphs, that's probably a problem with [`ufo2ft.filters.decomposeComponents`](
+  * If something goes wrong when removing overlaps, that's probably a problem with [`booleanOperations`](
+* Anything else that goes wrong is probably a problem with [`ufo2ft`](, except...
+* ...if something goes wrong when compiling multiple files into a variable font, that's probably a problem with [`fontTools.varLib`](
+In other words, any problems you experience are generally *not* problems with `fontmake`. But it's important to know at which point things went wrong, and which Python library was handling your font at the time.
+To do this, you can follow the following troubleshooting steps: 
+## Troubleshooting steps
+* If your design source is a Glyphs file, the first step that `fontmake` will peform is to using `glyphsLib` to convert the file to masters + designspace and place them in the `master_ufo` directory. So a good start is to inspect the files in this directory and make sure that they look the way you would expect them to look. Pay particular attention to the axis ranges of multiple-axis fonts and the positions of masters and instances on these axes in the `.designspace` file. If this is correct, you can use `fontmake -m` on the `.designspace` file to skip the Glyphs conversion step on subsequent runs.
+*  Once you have UFO files (or if you started with them in the first place), it can be helpful to pass the `--validate-ufo` flag to `fontmake` to check that the UFO files are valid and correct.
+*  Next, if you receive an error from `fontmake`, you can get the full traceback by changing the log level by passing the `--verbose DEBUG` flag. Please pass this flag before filing any issues - although often the full traceback will point you to the source of the problem!
+* Finally, you can debug the operation of the feature writers by passing the `--debug-feature-file <file>` flag. This will cause `fontmake` to write out the generated feature file to a known filename, allowing you to inspect the file afterwards and check that it is as expected.
+If none of these steps are helpful, please file an issue in the `fontmake` repository, or in the repository of the Python library responsible for the problem.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e8133d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Advanced Usage
+This guide assumes that you have read the basic instructions in ``.
+## Functional overview
+`fontmake` has many more options than the basic ones outlined in ``.
+These options customize various elements of the font compilation process, and so
+to understand the options, it helps to understand the general outline of the
+process by which `fontmake` creates binary fonts.
+Here are the basic operations:
+* Convert Glyphs file to `.designspace` and `.ufo` files.
+* Run pre-processing filters. (Convert cubics to quadratics for TTF outlines, decompose mixed glyphs, remove overlaps, etc.)
+* Generate explicit feature files. (Turn anchor and kerning information in source file into Adobe feature file syntax, so that it can be compiled into OpenType layout.)
+* Create outlines.
+* Build OpenType tables.
+* Run post-processing filters. (Rename glyphs to production names.)
+For most people, the default settings will produce optimal results, but in some situations you may wish to alter the default operation.
+## General options
+* `--no-production-names`: By default, `fontmake` renames the glyphs in the output binary font file during post-processing based on the value of the `public.postscriptNames` lib key in the UFO file. (In the case of Glyphs source files, conversion to UFO populates this lib key with the production names from the Glyphs file.) Any encoded glyphs without production names are renamed to `uniXXXX` based on their Unicode code point, unencoded ligature glyphs are renamed based on the production names of their components, and other unencoded glyphs are not renamed. The `--no-production-names` flag suppresses all glyph renaming.
+* `-a`/`-a "<arguments>"`: Run ttfautohint on TrueType output binary font files. If any arguments are provided in a quoted string, these are passed to the `ttfautohint` binary.
+* `--mti-source <plist>`: Instead of generating feature files from the design sources, this takes an external plist file which links masters to Monotype FontDame feature definition files. You may safely ignore this option unless you are compiling Monotype-supplied font sources for the Noto project.
+## Options for Glyphs sources
+* `--no-write-skipexportglyphs`: When converting the Glyphs sources to UFO, all glyphs, even glyphs not set to be exported into the font, are converted to UFO format. Glyphs which are set as unexported are listed in the `public.skipExportGlyphs` lib key of the UFO and designspace files. Before this key was standardized by UFO, older versions of `fontmake` would use a private lib key, `com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.Export` instead. If you are managing a workflow which tracks files created by an older version of `fontmake`, you may wish to use this flag to use the older lib key and maintain compatibility with those files.
+* `--instance-dir <path>`: When generating static instances from Glyphs sources with the `-i` flag, `fontmake` writes UFO files representing the instances to the `instance_ufo` directory by default before compiling them to binary. This flag directs `fontmake` to write these temporary UFO files to another directory. If you pass the special value `{tmp}`, `fontmake` uses a temporary directory which it removes after processing.
+* `--master-dir <path>`: Similarly, this specifies the directory to be used when writing UFO files representing the font masters.
+* `--designspace-path <path>`: When converting the masters to UFO, `fontmake` also creates a Designspace file in the `master_ufo` directory. This option specifies the path where the Designspace file should be written.
+* `--family-name <family name>`: When this flag is provided, the masters are given the family name supplied, and only instances containing that family name are exported. For example, you can use this to create multiple optical-size-specific subfamilies from a single Glyphs file; `--family-name "MyFont 12pt"` will set the family name to `MyFont 12pt` and only export the instances which contain `MyFont 12pt` in the `familyName` custom parameter of the instance definition.
+* `--subset` / `--no-subset`: By default, `fontmake` determines whether or not to subset an instance based on the presence or absence of "Keep Glyphs" custom parameter on the instance. To turn off subsetting despite the presence of a "Keep Glyphs" custom parameter, use the `--no-subset` flag.
+## Options for TrueType outlines
+* `--keep-overlaps`: By default, `fontmake` performs overlap removal on TrueType outlines, except when producing interpolatable or variable fonts. This flag directs `fontmake` to skip the overlap removal preprocessing step.
+* `--overlaps-backend booleanOperations|pathops`: Chooses the library for overlap removal. Skia's pathops library is faster but requires an additional library to be installed, and also appears to [fail on some glyphs](, hence the default is the `booleanOperations` library.
+* `--no-optimize-gvar`: When compiling a variable font, the variation information is stored in a table called the `gvar` table inside the binary. OpenType allows fonts to omit some variations in the outlines if the variation information can be inferred from the surrounding points - for example, points along a line will often change at a rate determined by the average of the variations of their neighbours. Omitting variations for such points makes the font size smaller, so `fontmake` performs this optimization by default: this is called "Interpolation of Untouched Points", or IUP. This flag turns off the IUP optimization.
+* `--keep-direction`: Generally speaking, filled outlines in a TrueType font should have their points arranged in clockwise order and counter outlines should have their points in anti-clockwise order; design tools tend to order contours the other way around, so `fontmake` reverses the outlines when generating TrueType fonts. This flag keeps the outline direction as specified in the font source.
+* `--conversion-error ERROR`: When TrueType outlines are converted to binary, the curves are converted from cubic Béziers in the design sources to quadratic Bézier splines. However, as this conversion involves a degree reduction, it is not completely accurate, and hence the quadratic curves approximate the cubic originals. This flag controls the maximum permissible error, measured in ems. the default is 0.001, or one unit at 1000upm. Larger values will result in smaller font sizes, particularly for CJK fonts, but at the cost of fidelity to the original curves.
+* `--no-generate-GDEF`: As part of generating explicit feature files, `fontmake` uses the glyph categories in the source file to create a `table GDEF { ... } GDEF;` statement in the generated feature file; this is then compiled into the `GDEF` table of the font binaries. However, if the feature file in your source *also* contains a `table GDEF` statement, the font will fail to compile. In this case, you can add the `--no-generate-GDEF` flag to turn off writing an additional `table GDEF` statement in the generated feature file.
+## Options for CFF outlines
+* `--cff-round-tolerance FLOAT`: Controls the way that point coordinates are rounded in the CFF table. The default value of 0.5 rounds points to the nearest integer. Setting this value to 0 disables all coordinate rouding.
+* `--optimize-cff VALUE`: By default, the CFF table is compressed in two ways: in *specialization*, drawing operations are chosen which most efficiently express the contour. For example, where there is a horizontal line, it is more efficient to use the specialized `hlineto` drawing operator instead of the more general `lineto` operator, as the `lineto` operator takes two parameters (`dx dy`) and `dy` will always be zero in the case of horizontal lines, whereas `hlineto` only takes a `dx` parameter.
+Additionally, there is *subroutinization*, which places common sequences of operations into subroutines; this is somewhat similar to components, but at a lower level - for example, a stem with a serif which occurs in multiple glyphs might be subroutinized.
+This flag controls the degree of compression: 0 disables all optimizations; 1 applies specialization but disables subroutinization; and 2, the default, applies both specialization and subroutinization. You may want this flag if you are debugging CFF tables and want to compare the drawing operators more directly against the source outlines.
+* `--subroutinizer compreffor|cffsubr`: The work of CFF subroutinization, as described above, is one of the many things in `fontmake` that are outsourced to a separate Python library. The two libraries used are `compreffor` (the default for CFF1 - indeed, it only supports CFF1) and `cffsubr` (the default for CFF2). If you want to see whether `cffsubr` compresses the font better, you can use this flag to change the library used for subroutinization.
+## Options for instance generation
+* `-i <instance name>`: `-i` was introduced in the Basic Usage section for interpolating masters and generating instances. The flag may also be followed by an argument which is a string or regular expression; if this is provided, then only those instances which match the string will be generated. For example,`-i "Noto Sans Bold"`; `-i ".* UI Condensed"`.
+* `--use-mutatormath`: When generating instances from a designspace file, there are (again) two possible Python libraries which perform the interpolation: fontmake's internal `instantiator` module, and `mutatormath`. `instantiator` is a deliberately minimal implementation which works in most cases, but it does not support extrapolation (instances whose coordinates are placed outside of the range of the masters) or anisotropic locations (axes which have different degrees of variation on the X axis to the Y axis; these are not possible in OpenType variable fonts, but can be used to generate static instances in Fontlab VI and some Robofont extensions).
+* `-M`, `--masters-as-instances`: This flag causes `fontmake` to also create instance binaries for each master defined in the font, even if they are not explicitly exported as instances by default.
+* `--round-instances`: This option rounds glyph outlines when generating instances. (XXX Surely they're rounded to ints when they're written to the `glyf` table anyway. What does this actually do?)
+* `--expand-features-to-instances`: If any feature files within the design sources contain `include()` statements, and these statements contain a relative path, instances may fail to build because they are being compiled in a different directory to the original where the included feature files cannot be found. In that case, you should use this flag to expand all the `include()` statements before the instance is compiled. We know that you shouldn't have to do this by hand, and we will make it the default one day.
+* `--interpolate-binary-layout <directory>`: When `fontmake` generates instances, it creates a feature file for each master using feature writers, but it also creates an *interpolated* feature file using feature writers for static instances. But while feature writers can interpolate kerning and anchor positions, they do *not* interpolate explicit `pos` statements given in the source feature files - nor do they interpolate layout rules expressed in MonoType FontDame format. (See the `--mti-source` option.) In order to perform this interpolation, `fontmake` needs to build the binary master files and interpolate the GPOS tables directly, rather than the textual representation of layout rules. Hence, if you have explicit `pos` statements in the feature files of your masters and you need these to interpolate in instances, use this flag.
+## Outline Filtering
+As mentioned in the functional overview, `fontmake` has two "filtering" passes, a "preprocessing" pass on the UFO files which converts cubics to quadratics for TTF glyphs, removes overlaps, and so on, and a "postprocessing" pass on the output binary files. It is possible to add your own filters into this pipeline to further customize the font building process, and to achieve custom effects similar to Glyphs export filters.
+This can be done in two ways: either by writing, manually or automatically, entries into a `lib` key (`com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.filters`) in the `.designspace` or UFO file, or on the command line. For example, when converting from Glyphs to UFO, `fontmake` (via the `glyphsLib` library) adds the following entry to the UFO `lib.plist`:
+    <key>com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.filters</key>
+    <array>
+      <dict>
+        <key>name</key>
+        <string>eraseOpenCorners</string>
+        <key>namespace</key>
+        <string>glyphsLib.filters</string>
+        <key>pre</key>
+        <true/>
+      </dict>
+    </array>
+This calls the `EraseOpenCornersFilter` class from the Python module `glyphsLib.filters.eraseOpenCorners` as part of the `pre`-processing step, which converts any external open corners in the glyph outlines into plain corners.
+Any Python class inheriting from [`ufo2ft.filters.BaseFilter`]( can be used as a filter, although the `namespace` must be provided, as in this case. Filters available through the `ufo2ft` library do not require a `namespace` key, as this library is the default source of filters. Filters can be further customized through optional arguments, as described below.
+To apply filters via a command-line, use the `--filter` argument with the following syntax: `--filter "python.package::ClassName(argument,argument)`; add the pseudo-argument `pre=True` to run the filter as a preprocessing step. For example, to use the `ufostroker` library to apply "noodling" effects to open paths in a source font, use `--filter 'ufostroker::StrokeFilter(Width=50,pre=True)`.
+### Included filters
+The `ufo2ft` library provides some default filters described below. Most of the filters are called automatically as part of `fontmake`'s ordinary pipeline, but some can be added manually. The filters are run in the following order:
+* (Any manually added pre-filters are called first.)
+* `ExplodeColorLayerGlyphs`: Called automatically to create glyphs out of color layers when constructing a `COLR` font with `colorPalettes` and `colorLayerMapping` lib keys.
+* `DecomposeComponents`: Called automatically when producing OTF outlines, and called on glyphs which have components *and* outlines when producing TTF binaries.
+* `FlattenComponents`: Called automatically to flatten nested components when the `-f` flag is passed to `fontmake`.
+* `RemoveOverlaps`: Called automatically to remove overlaps.
+* `CubicToQuadratic`: Called automatically when producing TTF binaries.
+* (Any manually added post-filters are called last.)
+Other filters available as part of `ufo2ft` are:
+* `DecomposeTransformedComponents`: Decomposes any components which have a non-identity transformation matrix (i.e. which are translated or scaled). For example, a `u` glyph from an `n` component flipped horizontally. Fonts constructed in this way can have rasterizing and hinting errors (see [here]( and [here]( To fix fonts with these errors, add `--filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter` to the `fontmake` command line.
+* `PropagateAnchors`: Creates additional anchors for composite glyphs based on the anchors of their components.
+* `SortContours`: Sorts the contours based on their bounding box size. Can be added manually to alleviate overlap removal bugs, but must be manually placed in the UFO lib so that it is executed between `DecomposeComponents` and `RemoveOverlaps`.
+* `Transformations`: Similar to the Glyphs "Transformations" filter, this allows for outlines to be scaled, translated or transformed on export. For example, to scale down and raise up the glyphs "A" and "B" of a font, add this to the lib file:
+    <key>com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.filters</key>
+    <array>
+      <dict>
+        <key>name</key>
+        <string>transformations</string>
+        <key>kwargs</key>
+        <dict>
+            <key>OffsetX</key>
+            <integer>0</integer>
+            <key>OffsetY</key>
+            <integer>150</integer>
+            <key>ScaleX</key>
+            <integer>75</integer>
+            <key>ScaleY</key>
+            <integer>75</integer>
+        </dict>
+        <key>include</key>
+        <array>
+            <string>A</string>
+            <string>B</string>
+        </array>
+      </dict>
+    </array>
+## Feature writing
+In a similar vein to the filter classes, `fontmake` allows you to customize the way that kerning and anchor rules in the font sources are turned into explicit rules in the autogenerated feature file. These generated rules are written by classes called feature writers. The feature writers can also be customized with a lib key, `com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.featureWriters`.
+For example, all feature writers take the `mode` option, which takes either the value `append` or `skip`. The default is `skip`, which will skip writing the feature if the feature is already explicitly present in the design sources' features file.
+> However, note that even in `skip` mode, if the existing feature code contains the magic string `# Automatic Code`, the feature code generated by fontmake will be inserted into the feature file at the location of the comment.
+To change this to `append` for the kern feature writer (i.e. to add generated kerning rules from the kerning table onto the end of the manually supplied `kern` feature), you would add the following lib key:
+    <key>com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.featureWriters</key>
+    <array>
+        <dict>
+            <key>class</key>
+            <string>KernFeatureWriter</string>
+            <key>options</key>
+            <dict>
+                <key>mode</key>
+                <string>append</string>
+            </dict>
+        </dict>
+    </array>
+There is also a `--feature-writer` option, analogous to `--filters`, allowing you to load custom feature writers on the command line. The special value `--feature-writer "None"` disables all automatic feature generation.
+`ufo2ft` provides three feature writer classes:
+* `GdefFeatureWriter` generates the `table GDEF { } GDEF;` statement, based on the categories of the glyphs (stored in the `public.openTypeCategories` lib key of the source font) and ligature caret anchors (anchors starting with `caret_` or `vcaret_`). It has no customizable parameters. It can be disabled with the `--no-generate-GDEF` flag.
+* `KernFeatureWriter` generates kerning features (or, for certain complex scripts, `dist` features) based on the kerning information in the design sources. It has two optional parameters in addition to `mode`: `ignoreMarks`, which defaults to `True`, will emit an `LookupFlag IgnoreMarks` in the generated `kern` feature; setting this to `False` will generate kern rules which do not ignore mark glyphs. Additionally, `quantization` can be set to an integer value to round the kern rules to the nearest multiple of its value, which can help with compressing the tables.
+* `MarkFeatureWriter` generates `mark` and `mkmk` features based on the anchor information in the design sources. It has one optional parameter, `quantization`, which rounds the anchor positions to the nearest multiple of its value, which makes anchors more likely to be shared in the `GPOS` table, potentially reducing its size at the expense of some fidelity.
diff --git a/ b/
index 8e25446..446f0f5 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ set -x
 HERE="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
 PLATFORMS=(manylinux1_x86_64 macosx_10_6_intel win32 win_amd64)
-PYTHON_VERSIONS=(3.6 3.7 3.8)
+PYTHON_VERSIONS=(3.7 3.8 3.9)
 FONTMAKE_VERSION="$(python --version)"
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index e88d80b..f150af0 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+fontmake (3.5.1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Drop patch do-not-use-glyphs-private-attr.patch, present upstream.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Sat, 25 Feb 2023 16:31:07 -0000
 fontmake (2.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team Upload.
diff --git a/debian/patches/do-not-use-glyphs-private-attr.patch b/debian/patches/do-not-use-glyphs-private-attr.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7547357..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/do-not-use-glyphs-private-attr.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-commit f2ca4dc67f6b2535724758befff5e83ba7fd0a2e
-Author: Cosimo Lupo <>
-Date:   Fri Oct 28 13:25:06 2022 -0700
-    tests: don't try access private TTGlyphSet._glyph attribute
-    it's no longer there in latest fonttools
---- a/tests/
-+++ b/tests/
-@@ -28,14 +28,15 @@
-     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.ttf")
-     assert test_output_ttf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
--    glyph = test_output_ttf.getGlyphSet()["l"]._glyph
-+    glyph = test_output_ttf["glyf"]["l"]
-     assert glyph.xMin == 50
-     assert glyph.xMax == 170
-     test_output_otf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.otf")
-     assert test_output_otf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
-     glyph_set = test_output_otf.getGlyphSet()
--    glyph = glyph_set["l"]._glyph
-+    charstrings = list(test_output_otf["CFF "].cff.values())[0].CharStrings
-+    glyph = charstrings["l"]
-     x_min, _, x_max, _ = glyph.calcBounds(glyph_set)
-     assert x_min == 50
-     assert x_max == 170
-@@ -62,14 +63,15 @@
-     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.ttf")
-     assert test_output_ttf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
--    glyph = test_output_ttf.getGlyphSet()["l"]._glyph
-+    glyph = test_output_ttf["glyf"]["l"]
-     assert glyph.xMin == 50
-     assert glyph.xMax == 170
-     test_output_otf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.otf")
-     assert test_output_otf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
-     glyph_set = test_output_otf.getGlyphSet()
--    glyph = glyph_set["l"]._glyph
-+    charstrings = list(test_output_otf["CFF "].cff.values())[0].CharStrings
-+    glyph = charstrings["l"]
-     x_min, _, x_max, _ = glyph.calcBounds(glyph_set)
-     assert x_min == 50
-     assert x_max == 170
-@@ -119,14 +121,15 @@
-     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.ttf")
-     assert test_output_ttf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
--    glyph = test_output_ttf.getGlyphSet()["l"]._glyph
-+    glyph = test_output_ttf["glyf"]["l"]
-     assert glyph.xMin == 50
-     assert glyph.xMax == 170
-     test_output_otf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.otf")
-     assert test_output_otf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
-     glyph_set = test_output_otf.getGlyphSet()
--    glyph = glyph_set["l"]._glyph
-+    charstrings = list(test_output_otf["CFF "].cff.values())[0].CharStrings
-+    glyph = charstrings["l"]
-     x_min, _, x_max, _ = glyph.calcBounds(glyph_set)
-     assert x_min == 50
-     assert x_max == 170
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index d55b1af..e69de29 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index d245859..d9b41ca 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-fonttools[unicode,ufo,lxml]==4.22.0 ; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'
-fonttools[unicode,ufo]==4.22.0 ; platform_python_implementation != 'CPython'
+fonttools[unicode,ufo,lxml]==4.38.0; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'
+fonttools[unicode,ufo]==4.38.0; platform_python_implementation != 'CPython'
-defcon[lxml]==0.8.1 ; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'
-defcon==0.8.1 ; platform_python_implementation != 'CPython'
+defcon[lxml]==0.10.2; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'
+defcon==0.10.2; platform_python_implementation != 'CPython'
diff --git a/ b/
index 3ff8574..51ff2f9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -24,9 +24,21 @@ site.ENABLE_USER_SITE = "--user" in sys.argv[1:]
 needs_wheel = {"bdist_wheel"}.intersection(sys.argv)
 wheel = ["wheel"] if needs_wheel else []
-with open("README.rst", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+with open("", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
     long_description =
+extras_require = {
+    "pathops": ["skia-pathops>=0.3.0"],
+    # this is now default; kept here for backward compatibility
+    "lxml": [
+        # "lxml>=4.2.4",
+    ],
+    "mutatormath": ["MutatorMath>=2.1.2"],
+    "autohint": ["ttfautohint-py>=0.5.0"],
+# use a special 'all' key as shorthand to includes all the extra dependencies
+extras_require["all"] = sum(extras_require.values(), [])
     use_scm_version={"write_to": "Lib/fontmake/"},
@@ -34,30 +46,24 @@ setup(
         "Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType)."
+    long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
     license="Apache Software License 2.0",
     package_dir={"": "Lib"},
     entry_points={"console_scripts": ["fontmake = fontmake.__main__:main"]},
     setup_requires=wheel + ["setuptools_scm"],
-    python_requires=">=3.6",
+    python_requires=">=3.7",
-        "fonttools[ufo,lxml,unicode]>=4.21.1 ; platform_python_implementation == 'CPython'",
-        "fonttools[ufo,unicode]>=4.21.1 ; platform_python_implementation != 'CPython'",
-        "glyphsLib>=5.3.2",
-        "ufo2ft[compreffor]>=2.20.0",
-        "fontMath>=0.6.0",
-        "ufoLib2>=0.8.0",
+        "fonttools[ufo,lxml,unicode]>=4.38.0 ; implementation_name == 'cpython'",
+        "fonttools[ufo,unicode]>=4.38.0 ; implementation_name != 'cpython'",
+        "glyphsLib>=6.1.0",
+        "ufo2ft[compreffor]>=2.29.0",
+        "fontMath>=0.9.3",
+        "ufoLib2>=0.13.0",
-    extras_require={
-        "pathops": ["skia-pathops>=0.3.0"],
-        # this is now default; kept here for backward compatibility
-        "lxml": [
-            # "lxml>=4.2.4",
-        ],
-        "mutatormath": ["MutatorMath>=2.1.2"],
-    },
+    extras_require=extras_require,
         "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
         "Environment :: Console",
diff --git a/tests/data/AutohintingTest/Padyakke.glyphs b/tests/data/AutohintingTest/Padyakke.glyphs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e6423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/AutohintingTest/Padyakke.glyphs
@@ -0,0 +1,8449 @@
+.appVersion = "3091";
+copyright = "Copyright 2015 The Padyakke Project Authors (";
+customParameters = (
+name = DisableAllAutomaticBehaviour;
+value = 1;
+name = fsType;
+value = (
+name = "Use Typo Metrics";
+value = 1;
+name = license;
+value = "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:";
+name = licenseURL;
+value = "";
+name = trademark;
+value = "Padyakke is a trademark of Dunwich Type Founders.";
+name = note;
+value = "Conjunct Size: scale width to 98.3%";
+date = "2015-09-17 23:00:20 +0000";
+designer = "James Puckett";
+designerURL = "";
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+"{520, 25}",
+"{405, 20}",
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+value = 813;
+name = hheaDescender;
+value = 628;
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+value = 0;
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+position = "{10, 417}";
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+position = "{-192, -523}";
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+position = "{10, 318}";
+position = "{10, 383}";
+position = "{10, 383}";
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+type = Align;
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+"75 89 OFFCURVE",
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+"80 259 CURVE SMOOTH",
+"80 89 OFFCURVE",
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+"@MMK_R_z" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_at" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_four" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = 20;
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+"@MMK_R_A" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -65;
+"@MMK_R_X" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_b" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_four" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_two" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_x" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = 15;
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+"@MMK_L_braceright" = {
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_bracketleft" = {
+"@MMK_L_c" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_H" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_ampersand" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_at" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_braceleft" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_two" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_u" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_x" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_e" = {
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_h" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_n" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_eight" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_nine" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_two" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_V" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_b" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_nine" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_two" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_u" = 15;
+"@MMK_L_f" = {
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_S" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_T" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_X" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_ampersand" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = 60;
+"@MMK_R_b" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_backslash" = 70;
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+"@MMK_R_guillemotleft" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_parenright" = 70;
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+"@MMK_R_question" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = 50;
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+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_at" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_eight" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_nine" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_at" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_exclam" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_guillemotleft" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 30;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_three" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_two.dnom" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_guillemetright" = {
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_O" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_guillemotleft" = {
+"@MMK_R_V" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_four" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_three" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_guillemotright" = {
+"@MMK_R_J" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_O" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_four" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_x" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_z" = 10;
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+"@MMK_R_A" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_O" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_S" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = 5;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = 25;
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+"@MMK_R_u" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_x" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = 10;
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_guillemotright" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_x" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_H" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -35;
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -65;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -35;
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+"@MMK_R_knGA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -260;
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+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -260;
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+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knNA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -260;
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+"@MMK_R_knRA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knYA" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -260;
+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -260;
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+"@MMK_R_knGA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -163;
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+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knNA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -163;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -163;
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+"@MMK_R_knGA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -385;
+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -250;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -305;
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+"@MMK_R_knRA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -305;
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+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -305;
+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -305;
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+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -40;
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+"@MMK_R_bracketright" = 175;
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+"@MMK_R_knDAc2.following" = 173;
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+"@MMK_R_knLLLAc2.following" = 173;
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+"@MMK_R_knH" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -330;
+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knNA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knRA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knYA" = -327;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -327;
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+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -327;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = 5;
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+"@MMK_R_underscore" = -95;
+"@MMK_L_knLLLA" = {
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+"@MMK_R_knNA" = 10;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -35;
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+"@MMK_R_knDAc2.following" = 195;
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+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = 35;
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+"@MMK_R_knTA" = 35;
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+"@MMK_R_exclam" = -155;
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+"@MMK_R_knDA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knGA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -250;
+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knNA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knRA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knYA" = -207;
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+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -207;
+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -207;
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+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLAc2" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = 10;
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+"@MMK_R_slash" = -50;
+"@MMK_L_knPA.alt" = {
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -35;
+"@MMK_L_knPAc2" = {
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+"@MMK_R_bracketright" = 140;
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+"@MMK_R_knLLLAc2.following" = 140;
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+"@MMK_R_knPA" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = 25;
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+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_knTTHAc2.following" = 135;
+"@MMK_R_knmvR.following" = 162;
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+"@MMK_R_period" = 100;
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+"@MMK_R_knGA" = -130;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = -215;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -237;
+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -157;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -157;
+"@MMK_R_knNA" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knRA" = -157;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -125;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knYA" = -150;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -135;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -220;
+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -115;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = -50;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -190;
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+"@MMK_R_underscore" = 25;
+"@MMK_L_knRA" = {
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -35;
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+"@MMK_L_knRRE" = {
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+"@MMK_R_knGA" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -50;
+"@MMK_L_knTA" = {
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_underscore" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_knVU" = {
+"@MMK_R_knBAc2" = 320;
+"@MMK_R_knDAc2" = 200;
+"@MMK_R_knJHAc2" = 320;
+"@MMK_R_knKAc2" = 100;
+"@MMK_R_knLAc2" = 350;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLAc2" = 325;
+"@MMK_R_knPAc2" = 125;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_knVirama" = {
+"@MMK_R_exclam" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_knBA" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knI" = 5;
+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = 7;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_knNNA" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_knYA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -130;
+"@MMK_R_question" = 35;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_knZero" = {
+"@MMK_R_numbersign" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_knmAA" = {
+"@MMK_R_period" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -60;
+"@MMK_L_knmAU" = {
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+"@MMK_R_knLA" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -155;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -55;
+"@MMK_L_knmU" = {
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_exclam" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_underscore" = -40;
+"@MMK_L_knmUU" = {
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -65;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -55;
+"@MMK_L_knvE" = {
+"@MMK_R_period" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -40;
+"@MMK_L_knvO" = {
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_colon" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quotedbl" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = -50;
+"@MMK_L_l" = {
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_backslash" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_n" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_p" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_paragraph" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_section" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_n" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_H" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -65;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_backslash" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_guillemotright" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_h" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_p" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_paragraph" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_period" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_slash" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_numbersign" = {
+"@MMK_R_knBA" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = 20;
+"@MMK_L_o" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_H" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_backslash" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_colon" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_guillemotleft" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_guillemotright" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_underscore" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_one" = {
+"@MMK_R_colon" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_currency" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_percent" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_yen" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_four" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_fraction" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_three" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_two" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_paragraph" = {
+"@MMK_R_two" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_parenleft" = {
+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_U" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_X" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_b" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_four" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knPA.alt" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knZero" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_knvE" = -7;
+"@MMK_R_n" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_percent" = {
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+"@MMK_L_period" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_J" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -65;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -75;
+"@MMK_R_X" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_eight" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knDA" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knH" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -105;
+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_knLA" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -115;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_knNA" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_knPA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knRA" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_knSHA" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_knYA" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_knZero" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -50;
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+"@MMK_R_seven" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_two" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -65;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -35;
+"@MMK_L_q" = {
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -85;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_guillemotright" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_h" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_s" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_u" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_underscore" = 50;
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+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_question" = {
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_b" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_three" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_u" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_v" = 20;
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -110;
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+"@MMK_R_knvR" = -25;
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_z" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_questiondown" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_three" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_U" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_V" = 60;
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+"@MMK_R_knKHA" = -85;
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+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_knLLLA" = -70;
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+"@MMK_R_knTA" = -50;
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -40;
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+"@MMK_R_O" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_U" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_dollar" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_eight" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_question" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_sterling" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_three" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_AE" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -90;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_n" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_p" = -15;
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+"@MMK_R_s" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_section" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_underscore" = {
+"@MMK_R_U" = -75;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_four" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_knKA" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_knLLA" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_knvL" = -75;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_two" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -60;
+"@MMK_L_v" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_O" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_ampersand" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_backslash" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_guillemotright" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_h" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_p" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_paragraph" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -55;
+"@MMK_R_questiondown" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_x" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_H" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_asterisk" = 50;
+"@MMK_R_at" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_p" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_paragraph" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_questiondown" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_yen" = {
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+"@MMK_L_z" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_AE" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_H" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_ampersand" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_b" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_backslash" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_braceleft" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_guillemotleft" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 25;
+"@MMK_R_paragraph" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_zero" = {
+"@MMK_R_ampersand" = 15;
+"@MMK_R_eight" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_hyphen" = 40;
+"@MMK_R_parenright" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_period" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_quotedblleft" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_three.numr" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -10;
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+"@MMK_L_M" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_O" = {
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+"@MMK_R_J" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_P" = {
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+"@MMK_R_V" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_R" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_S" = {
+"@MMK_R_T" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_T" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -130;
+"@MMK_R_h" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_n" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -140;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -120;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_w" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -90;
+"@MMK_L_U" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_V" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -60;
+"@MMK_L_W" = {
+"@MMK_R_o" = -50;
+"@MMK_L_X" = {
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_Y" = {
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+"@MMK_R_M" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -90;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -80;
+"@MMK_L_Z" = {
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+"@MMK_R_a" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_a" = {
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+"@MMK_R_V" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_X" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_y" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_two" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 40;
+"@MMK_L_i" = {
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+"@MMK_L_j" = {
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 30;
+"@MMK_L_k" = {
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+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_n" = {
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
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+"@MMK_L_o" = {
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+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -140;
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+"@MMK_R_W" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -40;
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+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_one" = {
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+"@MMK_R_zero" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_eight" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_f" = 60;
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+"@MMK_R_g" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_six" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_t" = 60;
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+"@MMK_R_O" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_f" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_i" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_j" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_t" = 40;
+"@MMK_L_r" = {
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+"@MMK_R_g" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_s" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_six" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_six" = {
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+"@MMK_R_seven" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_t" = {
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 30;
+"@MMK_L_three" = {
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+"@MMK_L_two" = {
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+"@MMK_R_seven" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_v" = {
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -25;
+"@MMK_L_w" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -100;
+"@MMK_L_x" = {
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_y" = {
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -90;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_comma" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_z" = {
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_zero" = {
+"@MMK_R_comma" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -20;
+"3E7589AA-8194-470F-8E2F-13C1C581BE24" = {
+"@MMK_L_A" = {
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+"@MMK_R_O" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_w" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_B" = {
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_C" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 20;
+"@MMK_L_E" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_F" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -40;
+"@MMK_L_K" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -45;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_L" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -130;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -120;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = -120;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -60;
+"@MMK_L_M" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_O" = {
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+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_P" = {
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+"@MMK_R_V" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_R" = {
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_U" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_S" = {
+"@MMK_R_V" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_T" = {
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+"@MMK_R_M" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -120;
+"@MMK_R_h" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_n" = -90;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -130;
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_w" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -70;
+"@MMK_L_U" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_V" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_S" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -80;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -70;
+"@MMK_L_W" = {
+"@MMK_R_a" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -50;
+"@MMK_L_X" = {
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+"@MMK_R_a" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -50;
+"@MMK_L_Y" = {
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+"@MMK_R_M" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -110;
+"@MMK_L_Z" = {
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+"@MMK_R_a" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_u" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_a" = {
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+"@MMK_R_V" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_W" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -110;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_V" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_W" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -110;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_f" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_z" = -6;
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+"@MMK_L_f" = {
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+"@MMK_R_y" = 20;
+"@MMK_L_i" = {
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+"@MMK_L_j" = {
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 30;
+"@MMK_L_k" = {
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_l" = {
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+"@MMK_L_n" = {
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+"@MMK_R_v" = -15;
+"@MMK_L_nine" = {
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+"@MMK_R_two" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_o" = {
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+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -130;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_W" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -110;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_six" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = 40;
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+"@MMK_R_f" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_five" = 20;
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+"@MMK_R_g" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_h" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -40;
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+"@MMK_R_t" = 40;
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+"@MMK_R_w" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_y" = 20;
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+"@MMK_R_O" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_g" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_i" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_j" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_t" = 50;
+"@MMK_L_r" = {
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+"@MMK_R_g" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_s" = -10;
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+"@MMK_L_two" = {
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+"@MMK_L_v" = {
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+"@MMK_R_M" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_s" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -70;
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+"@MMK_L_x" = {
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+"@MMK_L_y" = {
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -60;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
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+"@MMK_R_y" = -40;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_T" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_w" = -20;
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+"@MMK_L_V" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -40;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -120;
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+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
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+"@MMK_R_quote" = 20;
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+"@MMK_R_y" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_i" = {
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 60;
+"@MMK_L_j" = {
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 40;
+"@MMK_L_k" = {
+"@MMK_R_a" = -15;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -25;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 20;
+"@MMK_L_l" = {
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 20;
+"@MMK_L_n" = {
+"@MMK_R_T" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -10;
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+"@MMK_L_o" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_J" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -100;
+"@MMK_R_V" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_W" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_X" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_Y" = -120;
+"@MMK_R_Z" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_f" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_j" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 0;
+"@MMK_R_t" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_v" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_x" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_y" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_z" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_one" = {
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+"@MMK_R_seven" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_quote" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_T" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_V" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_W" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_eight" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_f" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_four" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_h" = 10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_six" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_t" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_zero" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_quoteright" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -70;
+"@MMK_R_O" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_a" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_h" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_i" = 30;
+"@MMK_R_j" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_t" = 10;
+"@MMK_L_r" = {
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_seven" = {
+"@MMK_R_comma" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_four" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_one" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_six" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_six" = {
+"@MMK_R_nine" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_t" = {
+"@MMK_R_a" = -10;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -5;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = 20;
+"@MMK_R_quoteright" = 30;
+"@MMK_L_three" = {
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -30;
+"@MMK_L_two" = {
+"@MMK_R_seven" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_v" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -50;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -35;
+"@MMK_R_o" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_s" = -25;
+"@MMK_L_w" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_T" = -20;
+"@MMK_L_x" = {
+"@MMK_R_o" = -35;
+"@MMK_L_y" = {
+"@MMK_R_A" = -60;
+"@MMK_R_M" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_comma" = -40;
+"@MMK_R_g" = -30;
+"@MMK_R_o" = 0;
+"@MMK_L_z" = {
+"@MMK_R_o" = -10;
+"@MMK_L_zero" = {
+"@MMK_R_comma" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_quote" = -20;
+"@MMK_R_two" = -10;
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
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+layerId = "3E1733D9-3B83-4E6A-B1E9-6381BBE1BD3A";
+name = TallStem;
+partSelection = {
+height = 2;
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+closed = 1;
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+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = connect;
+pos = (250,0);
+associatedMasterId = "BFFFD157-90D3-4B85-B99D-9A2F366F03CA";
+layerId = "FD65D427-9013-43E2-9F74-398D99AA4763";
+name = TallStem;
+partSelection = {
+height = 2;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.layerData = {
+"Regular Nov 6 15, 18:44" = {
+anchors = (
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+baseGlyph = tmA;
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+smooth = 0;
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+lib = {
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+width = 3047;
+width = 600;
+partsSettings = (
+bottomName = Low;
+bottomValue = 0;
+name = height;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f3ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage/glyphs/a.glyph
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+glyphname = a;
+kernLeft = a;
+kernRight = a;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (184,0);
+name = ogonek;
+pos = (488,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (258,490);
+background = {
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+closed = 1;
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+layerId = "BFFFD157-90D3-4B85-B99D-9A2F366F03CA";
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+closed = 1;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (218,0);
+name = ogonek;
+pos = (423,0);
+name = top;
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+annotations = (
+pos = (427,535);
+text = "This is a text annotation";
+type = Text;
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+pos = (436,446);
+type = Arrow;
+pos = (334.937,407.08);
+type = Circle;
+width = 65.05341;
+pos = (301,49);
+type = Plus;
+pos = (372,172);
+type = Minus;
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+closed = 1;
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+layerId = "3E7589AA-8194-470F-8E2F-13C1C581BE24";
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+closed = 1;
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+width = 496;
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (369,0);
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+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
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+pos = (189,0);
+name = ogonek;
+pos = (446,0);
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b2d53
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+color = 10;
+glyphname =;
+kernLeft =;
+kernRight =;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = ogonek;
+pos = (608,0);
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+closed = 1;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = ogonek;
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
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+name = bottom;
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+name = ogonek;
+pos = (445,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (240,528);
+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+width = 478;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb0ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage/glyphs/adieresis.glyph
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+glyphname = adieresis;
+layers = (
+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
+shapes = (
+ref = a;
+pos = (39,1);
+ref = dieresis;
+width = 456;
+layerId = "3E7589AA-8194-470F-8E2F-13C1C581BE24";
+shapes = (
+ref = a;
+pos = (47,0);
+ref = dieresis;
+width = 496;
+layerId = "BFFFD157-90D3-4B85-B99D-9A2F366F03CA";
+shapes = (
+ref = a;
+pos = (-9,0);
+ref = dieresis;
+width = 518;
+unicode = 228;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0363dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage/glyphs/dieresis.glyph
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+glyphname = dieresis;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = _top;
+pos = (187,470);
+name = top;
+pos = (188,650);
+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+width = 600;
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+name = _top;
+pos = (201,480);
+name = top;
+pos = (201,700);
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+width = 600;
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+name = _top;
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+name = top;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+width = 600;
+unicode = 168;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbcf38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage/glyphs/h.glyph
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+glyphname = h;
+layers = (
+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
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+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+height = 100;
+ref = _part.stem;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+crotchDepth = -80.20097;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
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+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+height = 100;
+ref = _part.stem;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+crotchDepth = -80.20097;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
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+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+height = 100;
+ref = _part.stem;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+crotchDepth = -80.20097;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3abe78
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+glyphname = m;
+layers = (
+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.stem;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+shoulderWidth = 0;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+shoulderWidth = 0;
+pos = (264,0);
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+width = 745;
+layerId = "BFFFD157-90D3-4B85-B99D-9A2F366F03CA";
+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.stem;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+shoulderWidth = 0;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+shoulderWidth = 0;
+pos = (270,0);
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+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.stem;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+shoulderWidth = 0;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
+alignment = -1;
+piece = {
+shoulderWidth = 0;
+pos = (258,0);
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d55cb73
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+glyphname = n;
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+layers = (
+background = {
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+layerId = "BFFFD157-90D3-4B85-B99D-9A2F366F03CA";
+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.stem;
+width = 560;
+background = {
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+layerId = "3E7589AA-8194-470F-8E2F-13C1C581BE24";
+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.stem;
+width = 528;
+background = {
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+layerId = "C4872ECA-A3A9-40AB-960A-1DB2202F16DE";
+shapes = (
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.shoulder;
+alignment = -1;
+ref = _part.stem;
+width = 501;
+metricLeft = m;
+metricRight = m;
+unicode = 110;
diff --git a/tests/data/GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage/order.plist b/tests/data/GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage/order.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4023bd5
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b8851
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+table GDEF {
+  # automatic
+  GlyphClassDef
+    [A C], # Base
+    , # Liga
+    , # Mark
+    ;
+} GDEF;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e84de3
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index 0000000..9eb08db
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index 0000000..1e75fef
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801ea96
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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index 0000000..07a6772
--- /dev/null
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index 0000000..452f7d4
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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index 0000000..9833481
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+    <string>Regular</string>
+    <key>unitsPerEm</key>
+    <integer>1000</integer>
+    <key>xHeight</key>
+    <integer>500</integer>
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+<glyph name="test" format="2">
+  <advance width="500"/>
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+      <point x="219.0" y="217.0"/>
+      <point x="219.0" y="217.0"/>
+    </contour>
+  </outline>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/InstantiatorStrictMathGlyph/StrictMathGlyph.designspace
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
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+<designspace format="4.1">
+  <axes>
+    <axis tag="wght" name="Weight" minimum="100" maximum="1000" default="100"/>
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+    <source filename="SquareOne.ufo" familyname="InstatiatorStrictMathGlyph" stylename="Regular">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="100"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="SquareTwo.ufo" familyname="InstatiatorStrictMathGlyph" stylename="Bold">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+  </sources>
+  <instances>
+    <instance filename="SquareIntermediate.ufo" familyname="InstatiatorStrictMathGlyph" stylename="Medium">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+  </instances>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..affdc0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2017 Erik van Blokland
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..438e6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace
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+      </conditionset>
+      <sub name="S" with="S.closed"/>
+    </rule>
+  </rules>
+  <sources>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.LightCondensed.0" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="LightCondensed">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.BoldCondensed.1" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="BoldCondensed">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightWide.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.LightWide.2" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="LightWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.BoldWide.3" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="BoldWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.crossbar" layer="support.crossbar">
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+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
+      </location>
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+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="569.078000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSerifLightCondensed.ufo" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="SerifLightCondensed">
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+    <source filename="MutatorSerifLightWide.ufo" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="SerifLightWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="serif" xvalue="1"/>
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+        <axis-subset name="serif" uservalue="1"/>
+        <axis-subset name="width"/>
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+    </variable-font>
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+  <instances>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="327"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="327"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="569.078"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="serif" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="serif" xvalue="1"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+  </instances>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/features.fea b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/features.fea
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901a3de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/features.fea
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# this is the feature from boldcondensed.
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/fontinfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/fontinfo.plist
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index 0000000..ce38d59
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+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/fontinfo.plist
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+		<string>License same as MutatorMath. BSD 3-clause. [test-token: A]</string>
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+		<string>License same as MutatorMath. BSD 3-clause. [test-token: A]</string>
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+		<string>regular</string>
+		<key>styleName</key>
+		<string>BoldCondensed</string>
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+		<integer>1000</integer>
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+		<integer>1</integer>
+		<key>versionMinor</key>
+		<integer>2</integer>
+		<key>xHeight</key>
+		<integer>500</integer>
+		<key>year</key>
+		<integer>2004</integer>
+	</dict>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.closed.glif b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.closed.glif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..171df27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.closed.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+	<advance width="1246"/>
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+		<contour>
+			<point x="1206" y="253" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="1206" y="439"/>
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+			<point x="411" y="512"/>
+			<point x="411" y="522" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="411" y="533"/>
+			<point x="425" y="537"/>
+			<point x="514" y="537" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="695" y="537" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="812" y="537"/>
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+			<point x="844" y="482" type="curve"/>
+			<point x="1150" y="483" type="line"/>
+			<point x="1150" y="746"/>
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+			<point x="653" y="810" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="608" y="810" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="211" y="810"/>
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+			<point x="49" y="529" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="49" y="364"/>
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+			<point x="517" y="299" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="722" y="295" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="824" y="293"/>
+			<point x="841" y="289"/>
+			<point x="841" y="276" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="841" y="268"/>
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+			<point x="727" y="264" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="460" y="264" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="393" y="264"/>
+			<point x="349" y="289"/>
+			<point x="349" y="336" type="curve"/>
+			<point x="43" y="336" type="line"/>
+			<point x="17" y="69"/>
+			<point x="172" y="-10"/>
+			<point x="488" y="-10" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="779" y="-10" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="1118" y="-10"/>
+			<point x="1206" y="92"/>
+		</contour>
+	</outline>
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index 0000000..070780a
--- /dev/null
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Contrast</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Saturation</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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index 0000000..1b8857b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d959e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/glyphs/S_.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
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+	<unicode hex="0053"/>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Brightness</key>
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+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Saturation</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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+		<string>I_.narrow.glif</string>
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+		<string>I_J_.glif</string>
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+		<string>S_.glif</string>
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+					<string>bracketright</string>
+					<string>braceleft</string>
+					<string>braceright</string>
+					<string>numbersign</string>
+					<string>percent</string>
+					<string>period</string>
+					<string>comma</string>
+					<string>colon</string>
+					<string>semicolon</string>
+					<string>exclam</string>
+					<string>question</string>
+					<string>slash</string>
+					<string>backslash</string>
+					<string>bar</string>
+					<string>at</string>
+					<string>ampersand</string>
+					<string>paragraph</string>
+					<string>bullet</string>
+					<string>dollar</string>
+					<string>trademark</string>
+					<string>fi</string>
+					<string>fl</string>
+					<string>.notdef</string>
+					<string>a_b_c</string>
+					<string>Atilde</string>
+					<string>Adieresis</string>
+					<string>Acircumflex</string>
+					<string>Aring</string>
+					<string>Ccedilla</string>
+					<string>Agrave</string>
+					<string>Aacute</string>
+					<string>quotedblright</string>
+					<string>quotedblleft</string>
+				</array>
+				<key>type</key>
+				<string>glyphList</string>
+			</dict>
+		</array>
+		<key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>A</string>
+			<string>Aacute</string>
+			<string>Adieresis</string>
+			<string>B</string>
+			<string>C</string>
+			<string>D</string>
+			<string>E</string>
+			<string>F</string>
+			<string>G</string>
+			<string>H</string>
+			<string>I</string>
+			<string>J</string>
+			<string>K</string>
+			<string>L</string>
+			<string>M</string>
+			<string>N</string>
+			<string>O</string>
+			<string>P</string>
+			<string>Q</string>
+			<string>R</string>
+			<string>S</string>
+			<string>T</string>
+			<string>U</string>
+			<string>V</string>
+			<string>W</string>
+			<string>X</string>
+			<string>Y</string>
+			<string>Z</string>
+			<string>IJ</string>
+			<string>S.closed</string>
+			<string>I.narrow</string>
+			<string>J.narrow</string>
+			<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblleft</string>
+			<string>quotedblright</string>
+			<string>comma</string>
+			<string>period</string>
+			<string>colon</string>
+			<string>semicolon</string>
+			<string>dot</string>
+			<string>dieresis</string>
+			<string>acute</string>
+			<string>space</string>
+			<string>arrowdown</string>
+			<string>arrowleft</string>
+			<string>arrowright</string>
+			<string>arrowup</string>
+		</array>
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diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/metainfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo/metainfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555d9ce
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# this is the feature from BoldWide
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/fontinfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/fontinfo.plist
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
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+		<string>License same as MutatorMath. BSD 3-clause. [test-token: B]</string>
+		<key>descender</key>
+		<integer>-200</integer>
+		<key>familyName</key>
+		<string>MutatorMathTest</string>
+		<key>guidelines</key>
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+		</array>
+		<key>italicAngle</key>
+		<integer>0</integer>
+		<key>openTypeNameLicense</key>
+		<string>License same as MutatorMath. BSD 3-clause. [test-token: B]</string>
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+		<string>LTTR</string>
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+		<integer>0</integer>
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+		<string>regular</string>
+		<key>styleName</key>
+		<string>BoldWide</string>
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+		<integer>1000</integer>
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+		<integer>1</integer>
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+		<integer>2</integer>
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+		<integer>500</integer>
+		<key>year</key>
+		<integer>2004</integer>
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diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.closed.glif b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.closed.glif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8edc65f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.closed.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+	<advance width="1210"/>
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+		<contour>
+			<point x="1180" y="253" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
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+			<point x="475" y="567" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="679" y="567" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
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+			<point x="1049" y="-10"/>
+			<point x="1180" y="92"/>
+		</contour>
+	</outline>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.glif b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.glif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e5615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs.background/S_.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
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+	<unicode hex="0053"/>
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+			<point x="1283" y="253" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
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+			<point x="534" y="-10" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="747" y="-10" type="line" smooth="yes"/>
+			<point x="1152" y="-10"/>
+			<point x="1283" y="92"/>
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+	</outline>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad569c1
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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+		<key>S.closed</key>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee5683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/A_.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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+	<unicode hex="0041"/>
+	<advance width="1290"/>
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+			<point x="410" y="800" type="line"/>
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diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_.glif b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_.glif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65ac486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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+	<unicode hex="0049"/>
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+			<point x="60" y="250" type="line"/>
+		</contour>
+	</outline>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_.narrow.glif b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_.narrow.glif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f706273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_.narrow.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<glyph name="I.narrow" format="2">
+	<advance width="540"/>
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+		<contour>
+			<point x="60" y="0" type="line"/>
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+			<integer>1</integer>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_J_.glif b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_J_.glif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ede840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo/glyphs/I_J_.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<glyph name="IJ" format="2">
+	<advance width="1327"/>
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+		<contour>
+			<point x="522" y="460" type="line"/>
+			<point x="522" y="800" type="line"/>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c43b40
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Saturation</key>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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+	<unicode hex="0053"/>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Brightness</key>
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+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Saturation</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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+		<string>I_J_.glif</string>
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+					<string>Adieresis</string>
+					<string>Aring</string>
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+					<string>Ccedilla</string>
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+					<string>Eacute</string>
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+					<string>Edieresis</string>
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+					<string>G</string>
+					<string>H</string>
+					<string>I</string>
+					<string>Igrave</string>
+					<string>Iacute</string>
+					<string>Icircumflex</string>
+					<string>Idieresis</string>
+					<string>J</string>
+					<string>K</string>
+					<string>L</string>
+					<string>M</string>
+					<string>N</string>
+					<string>Ntilde</string>
+					<string>O</string>
+					<string>Ograve</string>
+					<string>Oacute</string>
+					<string>Ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>Otilde</string>
+					<string>Odieresis</string>
+					<string>P</string>
+					<string>Q</string>
+					<string>R</string>
+					<string>S</string>
+					<string>Scaron</string>
+					<string>T</string>
+					<string>U</string>
+					<string>Ugrave</string>
+					<string>Uacute</string>
+					<string>Ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>Udieresis</string>
+					<string>V</string>
+					<string>W</string>
+					<string>X</string>
+					<string>Y</string>
+					<string>Yacute</string>
+					<string>Ydieresis</string>
+					<string>Z</string>
+					<string>Zcaron</string>
+					<string>AE</string>
+					<string>Eth</string>
+					<string>Oslash</string>
+					<string>Thorn</string>
+					<string>Lslash</string>
+					<string>OE</string>
+					<string>a</string>
+					<string>agrave</string>
+					<string>aacute</string>
+					<string>acircumflex</string>
+					<string>atilde</string>
+					<string>adieresis</string>
+					<string>aring</string>
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+					<string>ccedilla</string>
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+					<string>h</string>
+					<string>i</string>
+					<string>igrave</string>
+					<string>iacute</string>
+					<string>icircumflex</string>
+					<string>idieresis</string>
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+					<string>k</string>
+					<string>l</string>
+					<string>m</string>
+					<string>n</string>
+					<string>ntilde</string>
+					<string>o</string>
+					<string>ograve</string>
+					<string>oacute</string>
+					<string>ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>otilde</string>
+					<string>odieresis</string>
+					<string>p</string>
+					<string>q</string>
+					<string>r</string>
+					<string>s</string>
+					<string>scaron</string>
+					<string>t</string>
+					<string>u</string>
+					<string>ugrave</string>
+					<string>uacute</string>
+					<string>ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>udieresis</string>
+					<string>v</string>
+					<string>w</string>
+					<string>x</string>
+					<string>y</string>
+					<string>yacute</string>
+					<string>ydieresis</string>
+					<string>z</string>
+					<string>zcaron</string>
+					<string>ordfeminine</string>
+					<string>ordmasculine</string>
+					<string>germandbls</string>
+					<string>ae</string>
+					<string>eth</string>
+					<string>oslash</string>
+					<string>thorn</string>
+					<string>dotlessi</string>
+					<string>lslash</string>
+					<string>oe</string>
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+					<string>one</string>
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+					<string>threequarters</string>
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+					<string>bracketright</string>
+					<string>braceleft</string>
+					<string>braceright</string>
+					<string>numbersign</string>
+					<string>percent</string>
+					<string>perthousand</string>
+					<string>quotesingle</string>
+					<string>quotedbl</string>
+					<string>quoteleft</string>
+					<string>quoteright</string>
+					<string>quotedblleft</string>
+					<string>quotedblright</string>
+					<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+					<string>quotedblbase</string>
+					<string>guilsinglleft</string>
+					<string>guilsinglright</string>
+					<string>guillemotleft</string>
+					<string>guillemotright</string>
+					<string>asterisk</string>
+					<string>dagger</string>
+					<string>daggerdbl</string>
+					<string>period</string>
+					<string>comma</string>
+					<string>colon</string>
+					<string>semicolon</string>
+					<string>ellipsis</string>
+					<string>exclam</string>
+					<string>exclamdown</string>
+					<string>question</string>
+					<string>questiondown</string>
+					<string>slash</string>
+					<string>backslash</string>
+					<string>fraction</string>
+					<string>bar</string>
+					<string>brokenbar</string>
+					<string>at</string>
+					<string>ampersand</string>
+					<string>section</string>
+					<string>paragraph</string>
+					<string>periodcentered</string>
+					<string>bullet</string>
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+					<string>minus</string>
+					<string>plusminus</string>
+					<string>divide</string>
+					<string>multiply</string>
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+					<string>logicalnot</string>
+					<string>mu</string>
+					<string>dollar</string>
+					<string>cent</string>
+					<string>sterling</string>
+					<string>currency</string>
+					<string>yen</string>
+					<string>Euro</string>
+					<string>florin</string>
+					<string>asciicircum</string>
+					<string>asciitilde</string>
+					<string>acute</string>
+					<string>grave</string>
+					<string>hungarumlaut</string>
+					<string>circumflex</string>
+					<string>caron</string>
+					<string>breve</string>
+					<string>tilde</string>
+					<string>macron</string>
+					<string>dieresis</string>
+					<string>dotaccent</string>
+					<string>ring</string>
+					<string>cedilla</string>
+					<string>ogonek</string>
+					<string>copyright</string>
+					<string>registered</string>
+					<string>trademark</string>
+					<string>degree</string>
+					<string>fi</string>
+					<string>fl</string>
+					<string>.notdef</string>
+					<string>a_b_c</string>
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+				<key>type</key>
+				<string>glyphList</string>
+			</dict>
+		</array>
+		<key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>A</string>
+			<string>Aacute</string>
+			<string>Adieresis</string>
+			<string>B</string>
+			<string>C</string>
+			<string>D</string>
+			<string>E</string>
+			<string>F</string>
+			<string>G</string>
+			<string>H</string>
+			<string>I</string>
+			<string>J</string>
+			<string>K</string>
+			<string>L</string>
+			<string>M</string>
+			<string>N</string>
+			<string>O</string>
+			<string>P</string>
+			<string>Q</string>
+			<string>R</string>
+			<string>S</string>
+			<string>T</string>
+			<string>U</string>
+			<string>V</string>
+			<string>W</string>
+			<string>X</string>
+			<string>Y</string>
+			<string>Z</string>
+			<string>S.closed</string>
+			<string>I.narrow</string>
+			<string>J.narrow</string>
+			<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblleft</string>
+			<string>quotedblright</string>
+			<string>comma</string>
+			<string>period</string>
+			<string>colon</string>
+			<string>semicolon</string>
+			<string>dot</string>
+			<string>dieresis</string>
+			<string>acute</string>
+			<string>space</string>
+			<string>IJ</string>
+			<string>arrowdown</string>
+			<string>arrowleft</string>
+			<string>arrowright</string>
+			<string>arrowup</string>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# this is the feature from lightCondensed
+# Hi_this_is_the_feature.
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo/fontinfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo/fontinfo.plist
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index 0000000..b215ae5
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+			<point x="175" y="700" type="line"/>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
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+	<advance width="160"/>
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+			<integer>1</integer>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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index 0000000..0215663
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
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+	<unicode hex="0053"/>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Brightness</key>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Contrast</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Saturation</key>
+			<integer>1</integer>
+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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+		<string>I_J_.glif</string>
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+		<string>S_.glif</string>
+		<key>S.closed</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_L_y</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_L_z</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_A</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_C</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_E</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_I</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_N</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_O</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_S</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_U</key>
+			<array>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_Y</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_Z</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_a</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_c</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_e</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_i</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_n</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_o</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_s</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_u</key>
+			<array>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_y</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_z</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+		</dict>
+		<key>com.typesupply.defcon.sortDescriptor</key>
+		<array>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ascending</key>
+				<array>
+					<string>space</string>
+					<string>A</string>
+					<string>Agrave</string>
+					<string>Aacute</string>
+					<string>Acircumflex</string>
+					<string>Atilde</string>
+					<string>Adieresis</string>
+					<string>Aring</string>
+					<string>B</string>
+					<string>C</string>
+					<string>Ccedilla</string>
+					<string>D</string>
+					<string>E</string>
+					<string>Egrave</string>
+					<string>Eacute</string>
+					<string>Ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>Edieresis</string>
+					<string>F</string>
+					<string>G</string>
+					<string>H</string>
+					<string>I</string>
+					<string>Igrave</string>
+					<string>Iacute</string>
+					<string>Icircumflex</string>
+					<string>Idieresis</string>
+					<string>J</string>
+					<string>K</string>
+					<string>L</string>
+					<string>M</string>
+					<string>N</string>
+					<string>Ntilde</string>
+					<string>O</string>
+					<string>Ograve</string>
+					<string>Oacute</string>
+					<string>Ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>Otilde</string>
+					<string>Odieresis</string>
+					<string>P</string>
+					<string>Q</string>
+					<string>R</string>
+					<string>S</string>
+					<string>Scaron</string>
+					<string>T</string>
+					<string>U</string>
+					<string>Ugrave</string>
+					<string>Uacute</string>
+					<string>Ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>Udieresis</string>
+					<string>V</string>
+					<string>W</string>
+					<string>X</string>
+					<string>Y</string>
+					<string>Yacute</string>
+					<string>Ydieresis</string>
+					<string>Z</string>
+					<string>Zcaron</string>
+					<string>AE</string>
+					<string>Eth</string>
+					<string>Oslash</string>
+					<string>Thorn</string>
+					<string>Lslash</string>
+					<string>OE</string>
+					<string>a</string>
+					<string>agrave</string>
+					<string>aacute</string>
+					<string>acircumflex</string>
+					<string>atilde</string>
+					<string>adieresis</string>
+					<string>aring</string>
+					<string>b</string>
+					<string>c</string>
+					<string>ccedilla</string>
+					<string>d</string>
+					<string>e</string>
+					<string>egrave</string>
+					<string>eacute</string>
+					<string>ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>edieresis</string>
+					<string>f</string>
+					<string>g</string>
+					<string>h</string>
+					<string>i</string>
+					<string>igrave</string>
+					<string>iacute</string>
+					<string>icircumflex</string>
+					<string>idieresis</string>
+					<string>j</string>
+					<string>k</string>
+					<string>l</string>
+					<string>m</string>
+					<string>n</string>
+					<string>ntilde</string>
+					<string>o</string>
+					<string>ograve</string>
+					<string>oacute</string>
+					<string>ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>otilde</string>
+					<string>odieresis</string>
+					<string>p</string>
+					<string>q</string>
+					<string>r</string>
+					<string>s</string>
+					<string>scaron</string>
+					<string>t</string>
+					<string>u</string>
+					<string>ugrave</string>
+					<string>uacute</string>
+					<string>ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>udieresis</string>
+					<string>v</string>
+					<string>w</string>
+					<string>x</string>
+					<string>y</string>
+					<string>yacute</string>
+					<string>ydieresis</string>
+					<string>z</string>
+					<string>zcaron</string>
+					<string>ordfeminine</string>
+					<string>ordmasculine</string>
+					<string>germandbls</string>
+					<string>ae</string>
+					<string>eth</string>
+					<string>oslash</string>
+					<string>thorn</string>
+					<string>dotlessi</string>
+					<string>lslash</string>
+					<string>oe</string>
+					<string>mu</string>
+					<string>zero</string>
+					<string>one</string>
+					<string>two</string>
+					<string>three</string>
+					<string>four</string>
+					<string>five</string>
+					<string>six</string>
+					<string>seven</string>
+					<string>eight</string>
+					<string>nine</string>
+					<string>onesuperior</string>
+					<string>twosuperior</string>
+					<string>threesuperior</string>
+					<string>onequarter</string>
+					<string>onehalf</string>
+					<string>threequarters</string>
+					<string>underscore</string>
+					<string>hyphen</string>
+					<string>endash</string>
+					<string>emdash</string>
+					<string>parenleft</string>
+					<string>parenright</string>
+					<string>bracketleft</string>
+					<string>bracketright</string>
+					<string>braceleft</string>
+					<string>braceright</string>
+					<string>numbersign</string>
+					<string>percent</string>
+					<string>perthousand</string>
+					<string>quotesingle</string>
+					<string>quotedbl</string>
+					<string>quoteleft</string>
+					<string>quoteright</string>
+					<string>quotedblleft</string>
+					<string>quotedblright</string>
+					<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+					<string>quotedblbase</string>
+					<string>guilsinglleft</string>
+					<string>guilsinglright</string>
+					<string>asterisk</string>
+					<string>dagger</string>
+					<string>daggerdbl</string>
+					<string>period</string>
+					<string>comma</string>
+					<string>colon</string>
+					<string>semicolon</string>
+					<string>ellipsis</string>
+					<string>exclam</string>
+					<string>exclamdown</string>
+					<string>question</string>
+					<string>questiondown</string>
+					<string>slash</string>
+					<string>backslash</string>
+					<string>fraction</string>
+					<string>bar</string>
+					<string>brokenbar</string>
+					<string>at</string>
+					<string>ampersand</string>
+					<string>section</string>
+					<string>paragraph</string>
+					<string>periodcentered</string>
+					<string>bullet</string>
+					<string>plus</string>
+					<string>minus</string>
+					<string>plusminus</string>
+					<string>divide</string>
+					<string>multiply</string>
+					<string>equal</string>
+					<string>less</string>
+					<string>greater</string>
+					<string>logicalnot</string>
+					<string>dollar</string>
+					<string>cent</string>
+					<string>sterling</string>
+					<string>currency</string>
+					<string>yen</string>
+					<string>Euro</string>
+					<string>asciicircum</string>
+					<string>asciitilde</string>
+					<string>acute</string>
+					<string>grave</string>
+					<string>hungarumlaut</string>
+					<string>circumflex</string>
+					<string>caron</string>
+					<string>breve</string>
+					<string>tilde</string>
+					<string>macron</string>
+					<string>dieresis</string>
+					<string>dotaccent</string>
+					<string>ring</string>
+					<string>cedilla</string>
+					<string>ogonek</string>
+					<string>copyright</string>
+					<string>registered</string>
+					<string>trademark</string>
+					<string>degree</string>
+					<string>florin</string>
+					<string>guillemotleft</string>
+					<string>guillemotright</string>
+					<string>fi</string>
+					<string>fl</string>
+					<string>a_b_c</string>
+					<string>.notdef</string>
+				</array>
+				<key>type</key>
+				<string>glyphList</string>
+			</dict>
+		</array>
+		<key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>A</string>
+			<string>Aacute</string>
+			<string>Adieresis</string>
+			<string>B</string>
+			<string>C</string>
+			<string>D</string>
+			<string>E</string>
+			<string>F</string>
+			<string>G</string>
+			<string>H</string>
+			<string>I</string>
+			<string>J</string>
+			<string>K</string>
+			<string>L</string>
+			<string>M</string>
+			<string>N</string>
+			<string>O</string>
+			<string>P</string>
+			<string>Q</string>
+			<string>R</string>
+			<string>S</string>
+			<string>T</string>
+			<string>U</string>
+			<string>V</string>
+			<string>W</string>
+			<string>X</string>
+			<string>Y</string>
+			<string>Z</string>
+			<string>S.closed</string>
+			<string>I.narrow</string>
+			<string>J.narrow</string>
+			<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblleft</string>
+			<string>quotedblright</string>
+			<string>comma</string>
+			<string>period</string>
+			<string>colon</string>
+			<string>semicolon</string>
+			<string>arrowleft</string>
+			<string>arrowup</string>
+			<string>arrowright</string>
+			<string>arrowdown</string>
+			<string>dot</string>
+			<string>dieresis</string>
+			<string>acute</string>
+			<string>space</string>
+			<string>IJ</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>testLibItemKey</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>a</string>
+			<string>b</string>
+			<string>c</string>
+		</array>
+	</dict>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo/metainfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo/metainfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555d9ce
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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new file mode 100644
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+# this is the feature from lightWide
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightWide.ufo/fontinfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightWide.ufo/fontinfo.plist
new file mode 100644
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+		<string>License same as MutatorMath. BSD 3-clause. [test-token: D]</string>
+		<key>descender</key>
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+		<string>License same as MutatorMath. BSD 3-clause. [test-token: D]</string>
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+		<integer>2004</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
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+	<unicode hex="0053"/>
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+			<key>com.typemytype.robofont.Image.Sharpness</key>
+			<real>0.4</real>
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+		<string>I_J_.glif</string>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_c</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_i</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_n</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_o</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
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+				<integer>1</integer>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_s</key>
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+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_u</key>
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+				<integer>1</integer>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_z</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+		<key>com.typesupply.defcon.sortDescriptor</key>
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+				<key>ascending</key>
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+					<string>space</string>
+					<string>A</string>
+					<string>Agrave</string>
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+					<string>Atilde</string>
+					<string>Adieresis</string>
+					<string>Aring</string>
+					<string>B</string>
+					<string>C</string>
+					<string>Ccedilla</string>
+					<string>D</string>
+					<string>E</string>
+					<string>Egrave</string>
+					<string>Eacute</string>
+					<string>Ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>Edieresis</string>
+					<string>F</string>
+					<string>G</string>
+					<string>H</string>
+					<string>I</string>
+					<string>Igrave</string>
+					<string>Iacute</string>
+					<string>Icircumflex</string>
+					<string>Idieresis</string>
+					<string>J</string>
+					<string>K</string>
+					<string>L</string>
+					<string>M</string>
+					<string>N</string>
+					<string>Ntilde</string>
+					<string>O</string>
+					<string>Ograve</string>
+					<string>Oacute</string>
+					<string>Ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>Otilde</string>
+					<string>Odieresis</string>
+					<string>P</string>
+					<string>Q</string>
+					<string>R</string>
+					<string>S</string>
+					<string>Scaron</string>
+					<string>T</string>
+					<string>U</string>
+					<string>Ugrave</string>
+					<string>Uacute</string>
+					<string>Ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>Udieresis</string>
+					<string>V</string>
+					<string>W</string>
+					<string>X</string>
+					<string>Y</string>
+					<string>Yacute</string>
+					<string>Ydieresis</string>
+					<string>Z</string>
+					<string>Zcaron</string>
+					<string>AE</string>
+					<string>Eth</string>
+					<string>Oslash</string>
+					<string>Thorn</string>
+					<string>Lslash</string>
+					<string>OE</string>
+					<string>a</string>
+					<string>agrave</string>
+					<string>aacute</string>
+					<string>acircumflex</string>
+					<string>atilde</string>
+					<string>adieresis</string>
+					<string>aring</string>
+					<string>b</string>
+					<string>c</string>
+					<string>ccedilla</string>
+					<string>d</string>
+					<string>e</string>
+					<string>egrave</string>
+					<string>eacute</string>
+					<string>ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>edieresis</string>
+					<string>f</string>
+					<string>g</string>
+					<string>h</string>
+					<string>i</string>
+					<string>igrave</string>
+					<string>iacute</string>
+					<string>icircumflex</string>
+					<string>idieresis</string>
+					<string>j</string>
+					<string>k</string>
+					<string>l</string>
+					<string>m</string>
+					<string>n</string>
+					<string>ntilde</string>
+					<string>o</string>
+					<string>ograve</string>
+					<string>oacute</string>
+					<string>ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>otilde</string>
+					<string>odieresis</string>
+					<string>p</string>
+					<string>q</string>
+					<string>r</string>
+					<string>s</string>
+					<string>scaron</string>
+					<string>t</string>
+					<string>u</string>
+					<string>ugrave</string>
+					<string>uacute</string>
+					<string>ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>udieresis</string>
+					<string>v</string>
+					<string>w</string>
+					<string>x</string>
+					<string>y</string>
+					<string>yacute</string>
+					<string>ydieresis</string>
+					<string>z</string>
+					<string>zcaron</string>
+					<string>ordfeminine</string>
+					<string>ordmasculine</string>
+					<string>germandbls</string>
+					<string>ae</string>
+					<string>eth</string>
+					<string>oslash</string>
+					<string>thorn</string>
+					<string>dotlessi</string>
+					<string>lslash</string>
+					<string>oe</string>
+					<string>zero</string>
+					<string>one</string>
+					<string>two</string>
+					<string>three</string>
+					<string>four</string>
+					<string>five</string>
+					<string>six</string>
+					<string>seven</string>
+					<string>eight</string>
+					<string>nine</string>
+					<string>onesuperior</string>
+					<string>twosuperior</string>
+					<string>threesuperior</string>
+					<string>onequarter</string>
+					<string>onehalf</string>
+					<string>threequarters</string>
+					<string>underscore</string>
+					<string>hyphen</string>
+					<string>endash</string>
+					<string>emdash</string>
+					<string>parenleft</string>
+					<string>parenright</string>
+					<string>bracketleft</string>
+					<string>bracketright</string>
+					<string>braceleft</string>
+					<string>braceright</string>
+					<string>numbersign</string>
+					<string>percent</string>
+					<string>perthousand</string>
+					<string>quotesingle</string>
+					<string>quotedbl</string>
+					<string>quoteleft</string>
+					<string>quoteright</string>
+					<string>quotedblleft</string>
+					<string>quotedblright</string>
+					<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+					<string>quotedblbase</string>
+					<string>guilsinglleft</string>
+					<string>guilsinglright</string>
+					<string>guillemotleft</string>
+					<string>guillemotright</string>
+					<string>asterisk</string>
+					<string>dagger</string>
+					<string>daggerdbl</string>
+					<string>period</string>
+					<string>comma</string>
+					<string>colon</string>
+					<string>semicolon</string>
+					<string>ellipsis</string>
+					<string>exclam</string>
+					<string>exclamdown</string>
+					<string>question</string>
+					<string>questiondown</string>
+					<string>slash</string>
+					<string>backslash</string>
+					<string>fraction</string>
+					<string>bar</string>
+					<string>brokenbar</string>
+					<string>at</string>
+					<string>ampersand</string>
+					<string>section</string>
+					<string>paragraph</string>
+					<string>periodcentered</string>
+					<string>bullet</string>
+					<string>plus</string>
+					<string>minus</string>
+					<string>plusminus</string>
+					<string>divide</string>
+					<string>multiply</string>
+					<string>equal</string>
+					<string>less</string>
+					<string>greater</string>
+					<string>logicalnot</string>
+					<string>mu</string>
+					<string>dollar</string>
+					<string>cent</string>
+					<string>sterling</string>
+					<string>currency</string>
+					<string>yen</string>
+					<string>Euro</string>
+					<string>florin</string>
+					<string>asciicircum</string>
+					<string>asciitilde</string>
+					<string>acute</string>
+					<string>grave</string>
+					<string>hungarumlaut</string>
+					<string>circumflex</string>
+					<string>caron</string>
+					<string>breve</string>
+					<string>tilde</string>
+					<string>macron</string>
+					<string>dieresis</string>
+					<string>dotaccent</string>
+					<string>ring</string>
+					<string>cedilla</string>
+					<string>ogonek</string>
+					<string>copyright</string>
+					<string>registered</string>
+					<string>trademark</string>
+					<string>degree</string>
+					<string>fi</string>
+					<string>fl</string>
+					<string>.notdef</string>
+					<string>a_b_c</string>
+				</array>
+				<key>type</key>
+				<string>glyphList</string>
+			</dict>
+		</array>
+		<key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>A</string>
+			<string>Aacute</string>
+			<string>Adieresis</string>
+			<string>B</string>
+			<string>C</string>
+			<string>D</string>
+			<string>E</string>
+			<string>F</string>
+			<string>G</string>
+			<string>H</string>
+			<string>I</string>
+			<string>J</string>
+			<string>K</string>
+			<string>L</string>
+			<string>M</string>
+			<string>N</string>
+			<string>O</string>
+			<string>P</string>
+			<string>Q</string>
+			<string>R</string>
+			<string>S</string>
+			<string>T</string>
+			<string>U</string>
+			<string>V</string>
+			<string>W</string>
+			<string>X</string>
+			<string>Y</string>
+			<string>Z</string>
+			<string>S.closed</string>
+			<string>I.narrow</string>
+			<string>J.narrow</string>
+			<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblleft</string>
+			<string>quotedblright</string>
+			<string>comma</string>
+			<string>period</string>
+			<string>colon</string>
+			<string>semicolon</string>
+			<string>arrowleft</string>
+			<string>arrowup</string>
+			<string>arrowright</string>
+			<string>arrowdown</string>
+			<string>dot</string>
+			<string>dieresis</string>
+			<string>acute</string>
+			<string>space</string>
+			<string>IJ</string>
+		</array>
+	</dict>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightWide.ufo/metainfo.plist b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightWide.ufo/metainfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..555d9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSansLightWide.ufo/metainfo.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+		<string>com.github.fonttools.ufoLib</string>
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diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_implicit_one_vf.designspace b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_implicit_one_vf.designspace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d46aa7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_implicit_one_vf.designspace
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<designspace format="5.0">
+  <axes elidedfallbackname="Regular">
+    <axis tag="wght" name="weight" minimum="300" maximum="700" default="300">
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+        <dimension name="width" uservalue="158.9044"/>
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+        <dimension name="width" uservalue="159.1956"/>
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+      <sub name="S" with="S.closed"/>
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+  </rules>
+  <sources>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.LightCondensed.0" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="LightCondensed">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.BoldCondensed.1" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="BoldCondensed">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightWide.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.LightWide.2" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="LightWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.BoldWide.3" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="BoldWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.crossbar" layer="support.crossbar">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.S.wide" layer="support.S.wide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.S.middle" layer="support.S.middle">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="569.078000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+    </source>
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+  <instances>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="327"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="327"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="569.078"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+  </instances>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs.designspace b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs.designspace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f87907d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs.designspace
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
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+        <condition name="width" minimum="0" maximum="328"/>
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+      <conditionset>
+        <condition name="width" minimum="0" maximum="1000"/>
+        <condition name="weight" minimum="0" maximum="500"/>
+      </conditionset>
+      <sub name="S" with="S.closed"/>
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+  </rules>
+  <sources>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.LightCondensed.0" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="LightCondensed">
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+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansBoldCondensed.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.BoldCondensed.1" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="BoldCondensed">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightWide.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.LightWide.2" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="LightWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </source>
+    <source filename="MutatorSansBoldWide.ufo" name="master.MutatorMathTest.BoldWide.3" familyname="MutatorMathTest" stylename="BoldWide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.crossbar" layer="support.crossbar">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.S.wide" layer="support.S.wide">
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+    <source filename="MutatorSansLightCondensed.ufo" name="support.S.middle" layer="support.S.middle">
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+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="700"/>
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+      <axis-subsets>
+        <axis-subset name="width"/>
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+  <instances>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="0"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="0"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
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+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="327"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="327"/>
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+    </instance>
+    <instance>
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+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="1000"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="569.078"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+    <instance>
+      <location>
+        <dimension name="weight" xvalue="500"/>
+        <dimension name="width" xvalue="1000"/>
+      </location>
+    </instance>
+  </instances>
diff --git a/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs_discrete_axis.designspace b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs_discrete_axis.designspace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b7dfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/MutatorSansLite/MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs_discrete_axis.designspace
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
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+# this is the feature from lightCondensed
+# Hi_this_is_the_feature.
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+			<key>@MMK_R_i</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_n</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_o</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_s</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+			<key>@MMK_R_u</key>
+			<array>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_y</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_z</key>
+			<array>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.5</real>
+				<real>0.25</real>
+			</array>
+		</dict>
+		<key>com.typesupply.defcon.sortDescriptor</key>
+		<array>
+			<dict>
+				<key>ascending</key>
+				<array>
+					<string>space</string>
+					<string>A</string>
+					<string>Agrave</string>
+					<string>Aacute</string>
+					<string>Acircumflex</string>
+					<string>Atilde</string>
+					<string>Adieresis</string>
+					<string>Aring</string>
+					<string>B</string>
+					<string>C</string>
+					<string>Ccedilla</string>
+					<string>D</string>
+					<string>E</string>
+					<string>Egrave</string>
+					<string>Eacute</string>
+					<string>Ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>Edieresis</string>
+					<string>F</string>
+					<string>G</string>
+					<string>H</string>
+					<string>I</string>
+					<string>Igrave</string>
+					<string>Iacute</string>
+					<string>Icircumflex</string>
+					<string>Idieresis</string>
+					<string>J</string>
+					<string>K</string>
+					<string>L</string>
+					<string>M</string>
+					<string>N</string>
+					<string>Ntilde</string>
+					<string>O</string>
+					<string>Ograve</string>
+					<string>Oacute</string>
+					<string>Ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>Otilde</string>
+					<string>Odieresis</string>
+					<string>P</string>
+					<string>Q</string>
+					<string>R</string>
+					<string>S</string>
+					<string>Scaron</string>
+					<string>T</string>
+					<string>U</string>
+					<string>Ugrave</string>
+					<string>Uacute</string>
+					<string>Ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>Udieresis</string>
+					<string>V</string>
+					<string>W</string>
+					<string>X</string>
+					<string>Y</string>
+					<string>Yacute</string>
+					<string>Ydieresis</string>
+					<string>Z</string>
+					<string>Zcaron</string>
+					<string>AE</string>
+					<string>Eth</string>
+					<string>Oslash</string>
+					<string>Thorn</string>
+					<string>Lslash</string>
+					<string>OE</string>
+					<string>a</string>
+					<string>agrave</string>
+					<string>aacute</string>
+					<string>acircumflex</string>
+					<string>atilde</string>
+					<string>adieresis</string>
+					<string>aring</string>
+					<string>b</string>
+					<string>c</string>
+					<string>ccedilla</string>
+					<string>d</string>
+					<string>e</string>
+					<string>egrave</string>
+					<string>eacute</string>
+					<string>ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>edieresis</string>
+					<string>f</string>
+					<string>g</string>
+					<string>h</string>
+					<string>i</string>
+					<string>igrave</string>
+					<string>iacute</string>
+					<string>icircumflex</string>
+					<string>idieresis</string>
+					<string>j</string>
+					<string>k</string>
+					<string>l</string>
+					<string>m</string>
+					<string>n</string>
+					<string>ntilde</string>
+					<string>o</string>
+					<string>ograve</string>
+					<string>oacute</string>
+					<string>ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>otilde</string>
+					<string>odieresis</string>
+					<string>p</string>
+					<string>q</string>
+					<string>r</string>
+					<string>s</string>
+					<string>scaron</string>
+					<string>t</string>
+					<string>u</string>
+					<string>ugrave</string>
+					<string>uacute</string>
+					<string>ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>udieresis</string>
+					<string>v</string>
+					<string>w</string>
+					<string>x</string>
+					<string>y</string>
+					<string>yacute</string>
+					<string>ydieresis</string>
+					<string>z</string>
+					<string>zcaron</string>
+					<string>ordfeminine</string>
+					<string>ordmasculine</string>
+					<string>germandbls</string>
+					<string>ae</string>
+					<string>eth</string>
+					<string>oslash</string>
+					<string>thorn</string>
+					<string>dotlessi</string>
+					<string>lslash</string>
+					<string>oe</string>
+					<string>mu</string>
+					<string>zero</string>
+					<string>one</string>
+					<string>two</string>
+					<string>three</string>
+					<string>four</string>
+					<string>five</string>
+					<string>six</string>
+					<string>seven</string>
+					<string>eight</string>
+					<string>nine</string>
+					<string>onesuperior</string>
+					<string>twosuperior</string>
+					<string>threesuperior</string>
+					<string>onequarter</string>
+					<string>onehalf</string>
+					<string>threequarters</string>
+					<string>underscore</string>
+					<string>hyphen</string>
+					<string>endash</string>
+					<string>emdash</string>
+					<string>parenleft</string>
+					<string>parenright</string>
+					<string>bracketleft</string>
+					<string>bracketright</string>
+					<string>braceleft</string>
+					<string>braceright</string>
+					<string>numbersign</string>
+					<string>percent</string>
+					<string>perthousand</string>
+					<string>quotesingle</string>
+					<string>quotedbl</string>
+					<string>quoteleft</string>
+					<string>quoteright</string>
+					<string>quotedblleft</string>
+					<string>quotedblright</string>
+					<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+					<string>quotedblbase</string>
+					<string>guilsinglleft</string>
+					<string>guilsinglright</string>
+					<string>asterisk</string>
+					<string>dagger</string>
+					<string>daggerdbl</string>
+					<string>period</string>
+					<string>comma</string>
+					<string>colon</string>
+					<string>semicolon</string>
+					<string>ellipsis</string>
+					<string>exclam</string>
+					<string>exclamdown</string>
+					<string>question</string>
+					<string>questiondown</string>
+					<string>slash</string>
+					<string>backslash</string>
+					<string>fraction</string>
+					<string>bar</string>
+					<string>brokenbar</string>
+					<string>at</string>
+					<string>ampersand</string>
+					<string>section</string>
+					<string>paragraph</string>
+					<string>periodcentered</string>
+					<string>bullet</string>
+					<string>plus</string>
+					<string>minus</string>
+					<string>plusminus</string>
+					<string>divide</string>
+					<string>multiply</string>
+					<string>equal</string>
+					<string>less</string>
+					<string>greater</string>
+					<string>logicalnot</string>
+					<string>dollar</string>
+					<string>cent</string>
+					<string>sterling</string>
+					<string>currency</string>
+					<string>yen</string>
+					<string>Euro</string>
+					<string>asciicircum</string>
+					<string>asciitilde</string>
+					<string>acute</string>
+					<string>grave</string>
+					<string>hungarumlaut</string>
+					<string>circumflex</string>
+					<string>caron</string>
+					<string>breve</string>
+					<string>tilde</string>
+					<string>macron</string>
+					<string>dieresis</string>
+					<string>dotaccent</string>
+					<string>ring</string>
+					<string>cedilla</string>
+					<string>ogonek</string>
+					<string>copyright</string>
+					<string>registered</string>
+					<string>trademark</string>
+					<string>degree</string>
+					<string>florin</string>
+					<string>guillemotleft</string>
+					<string>guillemotright</string>
+					<string>fi</string>
+					<string>fl</string>
+					<string>a_b_c</string>
+					<string>.notdef</string>
+				</array>
+				<key>type</key>
+				<string>glyphList</string>
+			</dict>
+		</array>
+		<key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>A</string>
+			<string>Aacute</string>
+			<string>Adieresis</string>
+			<string>B</string>
+			<string>C</string>
+			<string>D</string>
+			<string>E</string>
+			<string>F</string>
+			<string>G</string>
+			<string>H</string>
+			<string>I</string>
+			<string>J</string>
+			<string>K</string>
+			<string>L</string>
+			<string>M</string>
+			<string>N</string>
+			<string>O</string>
+			<string>P</string>
+			<string>Q</string>
+			<string>R</string>
+			<string>S</string>
+			<string>T</string>
+			<string>U</string>
+			<string>V</string>
+			<string>W</string>
+			<string>X</string>
+			<string>Y</string>
+			<string>Z</string>
+			<string>S.closed</string>
+			<string>I.narrow</string>
+			<string>J.narrow</string>
+			<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblleft</string>
+			<string>quotedblright</string>
+			<string>comma</string>
+			<string>period</string>
+			<string>colon</string>
+			<string>semicolon</string>
+			<string>arrowleft</string>
+			<string>arrowup</string>
+			<string>arrowright</string>
+			<string>arrowdown</string>
+			<string>dot</string>
+			<string>dieresis</string>
+			<string>acute</string>
+			<string>space</string>
+			<string>IJ</string>
+		</array>
+		<key>testLibItemKey</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>a</string>
+			<string>b</string>
+			<string>c</string>
+		</array>
+	</dict>
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+# this is the feature from lightWide
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+		<key>com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.decompose</key>
+		<false/>
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+		<key>com.typemytype.robofont.compileSettings.releaseMode</key>
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+			<real>0.5</real>
+			<real>0.7</real>
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+		<key>com.typemytype.robofont.italicSlantOffset</key>
+		<integer>0</integer>
+		<key>com.typemytype.robofont.segmentType</key>
+		<string>curve</string>
+		<key>com.typemytype.robofont.shouldAddPointsInSplineConversion</key>
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+		<key>com.typesupply.MetricsMachine4.groupColors</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_L_A</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_L_C</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_L_I</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_L_N</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_Y</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_Z</key>
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+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_a</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_c</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_e</key>
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+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>0</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_i</key>
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+				<integer>0</integer>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_n</key>
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+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<integer>1</integer>
+				<real>0.25</real>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_o</key>
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+				<integer>1</integer>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_s</key>
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+			<key>@MMK_R_z</key>
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+				<key>ascending</key>
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+					<string>space</string>
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+					<string>Agrave</string>
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+					<string>Atilde</string>
+					<string>Adieresis</string>
+					<string>Aring</string>
+					<string>B</string>
+					<string>C</string>
+					<string>Ccedilla</string>
+					<string>D</string>
+					<string>E</string>
+					<string>Egrave</string>
+					<string>Eacute</string>
+					<string>Ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>Edieresis</string>
+					<string>F</string>
+					<string>G</string>
+					<string>H</string>
+					<string>I</string>
+					<string>Igrave</string>
+					<string>Iacute</string>
+					<string>Icircumflex</string>
+					<string>Idieresis</string>
+					<string>J</string>
+					<string>K</string>
+					<string>L</string>
+					<string>M</string>
+					<string>N</string>
+					<string>Ntilde</string>
+					<string>O</string>
+					<string>Ograve</string>
+					<string>Oacute</string>
+					<string>Ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>Otilde</string>
+					<string>Odieresis</string>
+					<string>P</string>
+					<string>Q</string>
+					<string>R</string>
+					<string>S</string>
+					<string>Scaron</string>
+					<string>T</string>
+					<string>U</string>
+					<string>Ugrave</string>
+					<string>Uacute</string>
+					<string>Ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>Udieresis</string>
+					<string>V</string>
+					<string>W</string>
+					<string>X</string>
+					<string>Y</string>
+					<string>Yacute</string>
+					<string>Ydieresis</string>
+					<string>Z</string>
+					<string>Zcaron</string>
+					<string>AE</string>
+					<string>Eth</string>
+					<string>Oslash</string>
+					<string>Thorn</string>
+					<string>Lslash</string>
+					<string>OE</string>
+					<string>a</string>
+					<string>agrave</string>
+					<string>aacute</string>
+					<string>acircumflex</string>
+					<string>atilde</string>
+					<string>adieresis</string>
+					<string>aring</string>
+					<string>b</string>
+					<string>c</string>
+					<string>ccedilla</string>
+					<string>d</string>
+					<string>e</string>
+					<string>egrave</string>
+					<string>eacute</string>
+					<string>ecircumflex</string>
+					<string>edieresis</string>
+					<string>f</string>
+					<string>g</string>
+					<string>h</string>
+					<string>i</string>
+					<string>igrave</string>
+					<string>iacute</string>
+					<string>icircumflex</string>
+					<string>idieresis</string>
+					<string>j</string>
+					<string>k</string>
+					<string>l</string>
+					<string>m</string>
+					<string>n</string>
+					<string>ntilde</string>
+					<string>o</string>
+					<string>ograve</string>
+					<string>oacute</string>
+					<string>ocircumflex</string>
+					<string>otilde</string>
+					<string>odieresis</string>
+					<string>p</string>
+					<string>q</string>
+					<string>r</string>
+					<string>s</string>
+					<string>scaron</string>
+					<string>t</string>
+					<string>u</string>
+					<string>ugrave</string>
+					<string>uacute</string>
+					<string>ucircumflex</string>
+					<string>udieresis</string>
+					<string>v</string>
+					<string>w</string>
+					<string>x</string>
+					<string>y</string>
+					<string>yacute</string>
+					<string>ydieresis</string>
+					<string>z</string>
+					<string>zcaron</string>
+					<string>ordfeminine</string>
+					<string>ordmasculine</string>
+					<string>germandbls</string>
+					<string>ae</string>
+					<string>eth</string>
+					<string>oslash</string>
+					<string>thorn</string>
+					<string>dotlessi</string>
+					<string>lslash</string>
+					<string>oe</string>
+					<string>zero</string>
+					<string>one</string>
+					<string>two</string>
+					<string>three</string>
+					<string>four</string>
+					<string>five</string>
+					<string>six</string>
+					<string>seven</string>
+					<string>eight</string>
+					<string>nine</string>
+					<string>onesuperior</string>
+					<string>twosuperior</string>
+					<string>threesuperior</string>
+					<string>onequarter</string>
+					<string>onehalf</string>
+					<string>threequarters</string>
+					<string>underscore</string>
+					<string>hyphen</string>
+					<string>endash</string>
+					<string>emdash</string>
+					<string>parenleft</string>
+					<string>parenright</string>
+					<string>bracketleft</string>
+					<string>bracketright</string>
+					<string>braceleft</string>
+					<string>braceright</string>
+					<string>numbersign</string>
+					<string>percent</string>
+					<string>perthousand</string>
+					<string>quotesingle</string>
+					<string>quotedbl</string>
+					<string>quoteleft</string>
+					<string>quoteright</string>
+					<string>quotedblleft</string>
+					<string>quotedblright</string>
+					<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+					<string>quotedblbase</string>
+					<string>guilsinglleft</string>
+					<string>guilsinglright</string>
+					<string>guillemotleft</string>
+					<string>guillemotright</string>
+					<string>asterisk</string>
+					<string>dagger</string>
+					<string>daggerdbl</string>
+					<string>period</string>
+					<string>comma</string>
+					<string>colon</string>
+					<string>semicolon</string>
+					<string>ellipsis</string>
+					<string>exclam</string>
+					<string>exclamdown</string>
+					<string>question</string>
+					<string>questiondown</string>
+					<string>slash</string>
+					<string>backslash</string>
+					<string>fraction</string>
+					<string>bar</string>
+					<string>brokenbar</string>
+					<string>at</string>
+					<string>ampersand</string>
+					<string>section</string>
+					<string>paragraph</string>
+					<string>periodcentered</string>
+					<string>bullet</string>
+					<string>plus</string>
+					<string>minus</string>
+					<string>plusminus</string>
+					<string>divide</string>
+					<string>multiply</string>
+					<string>equal</string>
+					<string>less</string>
+					<string>greater</string>
+					<string>logicalnot</string>
+					<string>mu</string>
+					<string>dollar</string>
+					<string>cent</string>
+					<string>sterling</string>
+					<string>currency</string>
+					<string>yen</string>
+					<string>Euro</string>
+					<string>florin</string>
+					<string>asciicircum</string>
+					<string>asciitilde</string>
+					<string>acute</string>
+					<string>grave</string>
+					<string>hungarumlaut</string>
+					<string>circumflex</string>
+					<string>caron</string>
+					<string>breve</string>
+					<string>tilde</string>
+					<string>macron</string>
+					<string>dieresis</string>
+					<string>dotaccent</string>
+					<string>ring</string>
+					<string>cedilla</string>
+					<string>ogonek</string>
+					<string>copyright</string>
+					<string>registered</string>
+					<string>trademark</string>
+					<string>degree</string>
+					<string>fi</string>
+					<string>fl</string>
+					<string>.notdef</string>
+					<string>a_b_c</string>
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+				<key>type</key>
+				<string>glyphList</string>
+			</dict>
+		</array>
+		<key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+		<array>
+			<string>A</string>
+			<string>Aacute</string>
+			<string>Adieresis</string>
+			<string>B</string>
+			<string>C</string>
+			<string>D</string>
+			<string>E</string>
+			<string>F</string>
+			<string>G</string>
+			<string>H</string>
+			<string>I</string>
+			<string>J</string>
+			<string>K</string>
+			<string>L</string>
+			<string>M</string>
+			<string>N</string>
+			<string>O</string>
+			<string>P</string>
+			<string>Q</string>
+			<string>R</string>
+			<string>S</string>
+			<string>T</string>
+			<string>U</string>
+			<string>V</string>
+			<string>W</string>
+			<string>X</string>
+			<string>Y</string>
+			<string>Z</string>
+			<string>S.closed</string>
+			<string>I.narrow</string>
+			<string>J.narrow</string>
+			<string>quotesinglbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblbase</string>
+			<string>quotedblleft</string>
+			<string>quotedblright</string>
+			<string>comma</string>
+			<string>period</string>
+			<string>colon</string>
+			<string>semicolon</string>
+			<string>arrowleft</string>
+			<string>arrowup</string>
+			<string>arrowright</string>
+			<string>arrowdown</string>
+			<string>dot</string>
+			<string>dieresis</string>
+			<string>acute</string>
+			<string>space</string>
+			<string>IJ</string>
+		</array>
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+interpolationWeight = 400;
+instanceInterpolations = {
+"6111F4CC-71E1-4957-80C0-165C5F37B12D" = 1;
+name = Regular;
+customParameters = (
+name = "Remove Glyphs";
+value = (
+interpolationWeight = 400;
+instanceInterpolations = {
+"6111F4CC-71E1-4957-80C0-165C5F37B12D" = 1;
+name = "Subset Regular";
+interpolationWeight = 700;
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+name = Bold;
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+versionMajor = 1;
+versionMinor = 0;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2fff2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import pytest
+import ufoLib2
+from fontTools import designspaceLib
+from fontmake.__main__ import main
+from fontmake.compatibility import CompatibilityChecker
+def test_compatibility_checker(data_dir, caplog):
+    designspace = designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(
+        data_dir / "IncompatibleSans" / "IncompatibleSans.designspace"
+    )
+    designspace.loadSourceFonts(
+    CompatibilityChecker([s.font for s in designspace.sources]).check()
+    assert "differing number of contours in glyph A" in caplog.text
+    assert "Incompatible Sans Regular had 2" in caplog.text
+    assert "differing number of points in glyph B, contour 0" in caplog.text
+    assert "differing anchors in glyph A" in caplog.text
+    assert 'Incompatible Sans Bold had "foo"' in caplog.text
+    assert "Fonts had differing number of components in glyph C" in caplog.text
+    assert (
+        "Fonts had differing point type in glyph D, contour 0, point 10" in caplog.text
+    )
+def test_compatibility_cli(data_dir, caplog):
+    ds = str(data_dir / "IncompatibleSans" / "IncompatibleSans.designspace")
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+        main(["-o", "variable", "-m", ds])
+    main(["-o", "ttf", "-m", ds])
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+        main(["--check-compatibility", "-o", "ttf", "-m", ds])
+    # We stopped things before they got to the cu2qu level
+    assert "cu2qu.ufo" not in caplog.text
+    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
+        main(["--no-check-compatibility", "-o", "variable", "-m", ds])
+    # Things got to the cu2qu level (i.e. compatibility checker did not run)
+    assert "cu2qu.ufo" in caplog.text
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 93cf3bf..997f6af 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -645,3 +645,30 @@ def test_skipped_fontinfo_attributes():
         - fontmake.instantiator.UFO_INFO_ATTRIBUTES_TO_COPY_TO_INSTANCES
         == SKIPPED_ATTRS
+def test_designspace_v5_discrete_axis_raises_error(data_dir):
+    designspace = designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(
+        data_dir / "MutatorSansLite" / "MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace"
+    )
+    # The error message should advise to use `splitInterpolable()`
+    with pytest.raises(
+        fontmake.instantiator.InstantiatorError, match="splitInterpolable"
+    ):
+        fontmake.instantiator.Instantiator.from_designspace(designspace)
+def test_strict_math_glyph(data_dir):
+    designspace = designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(
+        data_dir / "InstantiatorStrictMathGlyph" / "StrictMathGlyph.designspace"
+    )
+    generator = fontmake.instantiator.Instantiator.from_designspace(
+        designspace, round_geometry=True
+    )
+    fonts = [
+        generator.generate_instance(instance) for instance in designspace.instances
+    ]
+    assert len(fonts) == 1
+    glyph = fonts[0]["test"]
+    assert len(glyph.contours) == 1
+    assert len(glyph.contours[0].points) == 16
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 78f22f6..05adf5c 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
+import logging
+import platform
+import re
 import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from textwrap import dedent
 import fontTools.designspaceLib as designspaceLib
 import fontTools.ttLib
 import pytest
 import ufoLib2
+from fontTools.misc.testTools import getXML
 import fontmake.__main__
@@ -28,19 +35,42 @@ def test_interpolation(data_dir, tmp_path):
     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.ttf")
     assert test_output_ttf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
-    glyph = test_output_ttf.getGlyphSet()["l"]._glyph
+    glyph = test_output_ttf["glyf"]["l"]
     assert glyph.xMin == 50
     assert glyph.xMax == 170
     test_output_otf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.otf")
     assert test_output_otf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
     glyph_set = test_output_otf.getGlyphSet()
-    glyph = glyph_set["l"]._glyph
+    charstrings = list(test_output_otf["CFF "].cff.values())[0].CharStrings
+    glyph = charstrings["l"]
     x_min, _, x_max, _ = glyph.calcBounds(glyph_set)
     assert x_min == 50
     assert x_max == 170
+def test_interpolation_designspace_5(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    shutil.copytree(data_dir / "MutatorSansLite", tmp_path / "sources")
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-m",
+            str(tmp_path / "sources" / "MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace"),
+            "-i",
+            ".*Light Condensed",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ]
+    )
+    assert { for p in tmp_path.glob("*.*")} == {
+        "MutatorMathTest-Sans Light Condensed.ttf",
+        "MutatorMathTest-Serif Light Condensed.otf",
+        "MutatorMathTest-Sans Light Condensed.otf",
+        "MutatorMathTest-Serif Light Condensed.ttf",
+    }
 def test_interpolation_mutatormath(data_dir, tmp_path):
     shutil.copytree(data_dir / "DesignspaceTest", tmp_path / "sources")
@@ -62,30 +92,28 @@ def test_interpolation_mutatormath(data_dir, tmp_path):
     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.ttf")
     assert test_output_ttf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
-    glyph = test_output_ttf.getGlyphSet()["l"]._glyph
+    glyph = test_output_ttf["glyf"]["l"]
     assert glyph.xMin == 50
     assert glyph.xMax == 170
     test_output_otf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.otf")
     assert test_output_otf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
     glyph_set = test_output_otf.getGlyphSet()
-    glyph = glyph_set["l"]._glyph
+    charstrings = list(test_output_otf["CFF "].cff.values())[0].CharStrings
+    glyph = charstrings["l"]
     x_min, _, x_max, _ = glyph.calcBounds(glyph_set)
     assert x_min == 50
     assert x_max == 170
 def test_interpolation_mutatormath_source_layer(data_dir, tmp_path):
-    shutil.copyfile(
-        data_dir / "MutatorSans" / "MutatorSans.designspace",
-        tmp_path / "MutatorSans.designspace",
-    )
+    shutil.copytree(data_dir / "MutatorSans", tmp_path / "layertest")
     with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match="sources with 'layer'"):
-                str(tmp_path / "MutatorSans.designspace"),
+                str(tmp_path / "layertest" / "MutatorSans.designspace"),
@@ -119,14 +147,15 @@ def test_interpolation_and_masters_as_instances(data_dir, tmp_path):
     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.ttf")
     assert test_output_ttf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
-    glyph = test_output_ttf.getGlyphSet()["l"]._glyph
+    glyph = test_output_ttf["glyf"]["l"]
     assert glyph.xMin == 50
     assert glyph.xMax == 170
     test_output_otf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Regular.otf")
     assert test_output_otf["OS/2"].usWeightClass == 400
     glyph_set = test_output_otf.getGlyphSet()
-    glyph = glyph_set["l"]._glyph
+    charstrings = list(test_output_otf["CFF "].cff.values())[0].CharStrings
+    glyph = charstrings["l"]
     x_min, _, x_max, _ = glyph.calcBounds(glyph_set)
     assert x_min == 50
     assert x_max == 170
@@ -339,6 +368,42 @@ def test_subsetting(data_dir, tmp_path, write_skipexportglyphs):
             assert font.getGlyphOrder() == [".notdef", "space", "A", "C"]
+    "write_skipexportglyphs",
+    [
+        pytest.param(True, id="default"),
+        pytest.param(False, id="no-write-skipexportglyphs"),
+    ],
+def test_keep_glyphs(data_dir, tmp_path, write_skipexportglyphs):
+    shutil.copyfile(data_dir / "TestSubset2.glyphs", tmp_path / "TestSubset2.glyphs")
+    args = [
+        "-g",
+        str(tmp_path / "TestSubset2.glyphs"),
+        "--master-dir",
+        str(tmp_path / "master_ufos"),
+        "--instance-dir",
+        str(tmp_path / "instance_ufos"),
+        "-i",
+        "Test Subset Regular",
+        "-o",
+        "ttf",
+        "otf",
+        "--output-dir",
+        str(tmp_path),
+    ]
+    if not write_skipexportglyphs:
+        args.append("--no-write-skipexportglyphs")
+    fontmake.__main__.main(args)
+    for output_format in ("ttf", "otf"):
+        for font_path in tmp_path.glob("*." + output_format):
+            font = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(font_path)
+            assert font.getGlyphOrder() == [".notdef", "space", "D"]
 def test_shared_features_expansion(data_dir, tmp_path):
     shutil.copytree(data_dir / "DesignspaceTestSharedFeatures", tmp_path / "sources")
@@ -563,6 +628,8 @@ def test_write_skipexportglyphs(data_dir, tmp_path):
         str(tmp_path / "GlyphsUnitTestSans.glyphs"),
         str(tmp_path / "master_ufos"),
+        "--instance-dir",
+        str(tmp_path / "instance_ufos"),
@@ -711,3 +778,331 @@ def test_main_with_filter(data_dir, tmp_path):
     test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(tmp_path / "MyFont-Light.ttf")
     hmtx = test_output_ttf["hmtx"]
     assert hmtx["l"] == (160, 170)
+# TODO(anthrotype): Re-enable this test once upstream issue is fixed:
+    platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy",
+    reason="ttfautohint-py doesn't work with pypy",
+    "autohint_options",
+    [
+        (),
+        ("-a",),
+        ("--autohint", "-D latn"),
+        ("-A",),
+        ("--no-autohint",),
+    ],
+def test_autohinting(data_dir, tmp_path, autohint_options):
+    shutil.copytree(data_dir / "AutohintingTest", tmp_path / "sources")
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-g",
+            str(tmp_path / "sources" / "Padyakke.glyphs"),
+            "-o",
+            "ttf",
+            "-i",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+            *autohint_options,
+        ]
+    )
+    assert { for p in tmp_path.glob("*.*")} == {
+        "PadyakkeExpandedOne-Regular.ttf",
+    }
+    test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(
+        tmp_path / "PadyakkeExpandedOne-Regular.ttf"
+    )
+    if not {"-A", "--no-autohint"}.intersection(autohint_options):
+        assert "fpgm" in test_output_ttf  # hinted
+    else:
+        assert "fpgm" not in test_output_ttf  # unhinted
+def test_main_designspace_v5_builds_STAT(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "--verbose",
+            "DEBUG",
+            "-m",
+            str(
+                data_dir
+                / "MutatorSansLite"
+                / "MutatorSans_v5_implicit_one_vf.designspace"
+            ),
+            "-o",
+            "variable",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ]
+    )
+    test_output_ttf = fontTools.ttLib.TTFont(
+        tmp_path / "MutatorSans_v5_implicit_one_vf-VF.ttf"
+    )
+    stat = test_output_ttf["STAT"]
+    assert (
+        getXML(stat.toXML)
+        == dedent(
+            """\
+            <Version value="0x00010002"/>
+            <DesignAxisRecordSize value="8"/>
+            <!-- DesignAxisCount=2 -->
+            <DesignAxisRecord>
+              <Axis index="0">
+                <AxisTag value="wght"/>
+                <AxisNameID value="274"/>
+                <AxisOrdering value="0"/>
+              </Axis>
+              <Axis index="1">
+                <AxisTag value="wdth"/>
+                <AxisNameID value="276"/>
+                <AxisOrdering value="1"/>
+              </Axis>
+            </DesignAxisRecord>
+            <!-- AxisValueCount=8 -->
+            <AxisValueArray>
+              <AxisValue index="0" Format="4">
+                <!-- AxisCount=2 -->
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="280"/>
+                <AxisValueRecord index="0">
+                  <AxisIndex value="0"/>
+                  <Value value="610.2436"/>
+                </AxisValueRecord>
+                <AxisValueRecord index="1">
+                  <AxisIndex value="1"/>
+                  <Value value="158.9044"/>
+                </AxisValueRecord>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="1" Format="4">
+                <!-- AxisCount=2 -->
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="281"/>
+                <AxisValueRecord index="0">
+                  <AxisIndex value="0"/>
+                  <Value value="642.2196"/>
+                </AxisValueRecord>
+                <AxisValueRecord index="1">
+                  <AxisIndex value="1"/>
+                  <Value value="159.1956"/>
+                </AxisValueRecord>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="2" Format="2">
+                <AxisIndex value="0"/>
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="275"/>
+                <NominalValue value="300.0"/>
+                <RangeMinValue value="300.0"/>
+                <RangeMaxValue value="400.0"/>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="3" Format="2">
+                <AxisIndex value="0"/>
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="266"/>
+                <NominalValue value="500.0"/>
+                <RangeMinValue value="400.0"/>
+                <RangeMaxValue value="600.0"/>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="4" Format="2">
+                <AxisIndex value="0"/>
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="269"/>
+                <NominalValue value="700.0"/>
+                <RangeMinValue value="600.0"/>
+                <RangeMaxValue value="700.0"/>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="5" Format="2">
+                <AxisIndex value="1"/>
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="277"/>
+                <NominalValue value="50.0"/>
+                <RangeMinValue value="50.0"/>
+                <RangeMaxValue value="75.0"/>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="6" Format="2">
+                <AxisIndex value="1"/>
+                <Flags value="2"/>  <!-- ElidableAxisValueName -->
+                <ValueNameID value="278"/>
+                <NominalValue value="100.0"/>
+                <RangeMinValue value="75.0"/>
+                <RangeMaxValue value="125.0"/>
+              </AxisValue>
+              <AxisValue index="7" Format="2">
+                <AxisIndex value="1"/>
+                <Flags value="0"/>
+                <ValueNameID value="279"/>
+                <NominalValue value="200.0"/>
+                <RangeMinValue value="125.0"/>
+                <RangeMaxValue value="200.0"/>
+              </AxisValue>
+            </AxisValueArray>
+            <ElidedFallbackNameID value="273"/>"""
+        ).splitlines()
+    )
+def test_main_designspace_v5_builds_all_vfs(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-m",
+            str(
+                data_dir
+                / "MutatorSansLite"
+                / "MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace"
+            ),
+            "-o",
+            "variable",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ]
+    )
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Weight_Width.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Weight.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Width.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSerifVariable_Width.ttf").exists()
+def test_main_designspace_v5_select_no_matching_fonts_shows_nice_message(
+    data_dir, tmp_path, caplog
+    with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
+        fontmake.__main__.main(
+            [
+                "-m",
+                str(
+                    data_dir
+                    / "MutatorSansLite"
+                    / "MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace"
+                ),
+                "--variable-fonts",
+                "NothingMatchesThisRegex",
+                "-o",
+                "variable",
+                "--output-dir",
+                str(tmp_path),
+            ]
+        )
+    assert "No variable fonts matching NothingMatchesThisRegex" in caplog.text
+    # Nothing gets built
+    assert not (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Weight_Width.ttf").exists()
+    assert not (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Weight.ttf").exists()
+    assert not (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Width.ttf").exists()
+    assert not (tmp_path / "MutatorSerifVariable_Width.ttf").exists()
+def test_main_designspace_v5_select_vfs_to_build(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-m",
+            str(
+                data_dir
+                / "MutatorSansLite"
+                / "MutatorFamily_v5_discrete_axis.designspace"
+            ),
+            "--variable-fonts",
+            "MutatorSansVariable_Weight.*",
+            "-o",
+            "variable",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ]
+    )
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Weight_Width.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Weight.ttf").exists()
+    assert not (tmp_path / "MutatorSansVariable_Width.ttf").exists()
+    assert not (tmp_path / "MutatorSerifVariable_Width.ttf").exists()
+def test_main_designspace_v5_can_use_output_path_with_1_vf(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-m",
+            str(
+                data_dir / "MutatorSansLite" / "MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs.designspace"
+            ),
+            "-o",
+            "variable",
+            "--variable-fonts",
+            "MutatorSansVariable_Width",
+            "--output-path",
+            str(tmp_path / "MySingleVF.ttf"),
+        ]
+    )
+    assert (tmp_path / "MySingleVF.ttf").exists()
+def test_main_designspace_v5_dont_interpolate_discrete_axis(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-m",
+            str(
+                data_dir
+                / "MutatorSansLite"
+                / "MutatorSans_v5_several_vfs_discrete_axis.designspace"
+            ),
+            "-o",
+            "variable",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ]
+    )
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansCondensedVariable_Weight.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "MutatorSansExtendedVariable_Weight.ttf").exists()
+def test_main_glyphspackage(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    fontmake.__main__.main(
+        [
+            "-g",
+            str(data_dir / "GlyphsUnitTestSans3.glyphspackage"),
+            "-o",
+            "ttf",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ]
+    )
+    assert (tmp_path / "GlyphsUnitTestSans-Light.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "GlyphsUnitTestSans-Regular.ttf").exists()
+    assert (tmp_path / "GlyphsUnitTestSans-Bold.ttf").exists()
+def test_timing_logger(data_dir, tmp_path):
+    # check that --timing flag logs timing-related DEBUG messages even if the
+    # logging level (as set by --verbose flag) is higher
+    result =
+        [
+            sys.executable,
+            "-m",
+            "fontmake",
+            "--timing",
+            "--verbose",
+            "CRITICAL",
+            "-m",
+            str(data_dir / "DesignspaceTest" / "DesignspaceTest.designspace"),
+            "-i",
+            "-o",
+            "ttf",
+            "--output-dir",
+            str(tmp_path),
+        ],
+        capture_output=True,
+        check=True,
+    )
+    assert
+        r"^DEBUG:fontmake.timer:Took [\.0-9]+s to run 'save_otfs'\r?$",
+        result.stderr.decode(),
+        flags=re.MULTILINE,
+    )
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 1adf378..a71ad2c 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-envlist = lint, py3{6,7,8,9}, pypy3, coverage-report
+envlist = lint, py3{7,8,9}, pypy3, coverage-report
 skip_missing_interpreters = true
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ commands =
 select = C, E, F, W, B, B9
-ignore = E203, E266, E501, W503
+ignore = E203, E266, E501, W503, B905
 max-line-length = 88
 exclude = .git, __pycache__, build, dist, .eggs, .tox, venv, venv*, .venv, .venv*

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