New Upstream Release - pymeeus

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 0.5.12+dfsg1 (was: 0.5.11+dfsg1).

Resulting package

Built on 2022-12-18T08:13 (took 3m20s)

The resulting binary packages can be installed (if you have the apt repository enabled) by running one of:

apt install -t fresh-releases python3-pymeeus

Lintian Result


diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index c2a9062..f68d737 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,253 +1,12 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: PyMeeus
-Version: 0.5.11
+Version: 0.5.12
 Summary: Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines
 Author: Dagoberto Salazar
 License: LGPLv3
-Description: PyMeeus
-        =======
-           **Library of astronomical algorithms in Python**.
-        PyMeeus is a Python implementation of the astronomical algorithms
-        described in the classical book 'Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition,
-        Willmann-Bell Inc. (1998)' by Jean Meeus.
-        There are great astronomical libraries out there. For instance, if
-        you're looking for high precision and speed you should take a look at
-        `libnova <>`__. For a set of python
-        modules aimed at professional astronomers, you should look at
-        `Astropy <>`__. On the other hand, the advantages
-        of PyMeeus are its simplicity, ease of use, ease of reading, ease of
-        installation (it has the minimum amount of dependencies) and abundant
-        documentation.
-        Installation
-        ------------
-        The easiest way of installing PyMeeus is using pip:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip install pymeeus
-        Or, for a per-user installation:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip install --user pymeeus
-        If you prefer Python3, you can use:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip3 install --user pymeeus
-        If you have PyMeeus already installed, but want to upgrade to the latest
-        version:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip3 install -U pymeeus
-        Meta
-        ----
-        Author: Dagoberto Salazar
-        Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3). See
-        ``LICENSE.txt`` and ``COPYING.LESSER`` for more information.
-        Documentation:
-        GitHub:
-        If you have Sphinx installed, you can generate your own, latest
-        documentation going to directory 'docs' and issuing:
-        .. code:: sh
-           make html
-        Then the HTML documentation pages can be found in 'build/html'.
-        Contributing
-        ------------
-        The preferred method to contribute is through forking and pull requests:
-        1. Fork it (
-        2. Create your feature branch (``git checkout -b feature/fooBar``)
-        3. Commit your changes (``git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'``)
-        4. Push to the branch (``git push origin feature/fooBar``)
-        5. Create a new Pull Request
-        Please bear in mind that PyMeeus follows the PEP8 style guide for Python
-        code `(PEP8) <>`__. We suggest
-        you install and use a linter like
-        `Flake8 <>`__ before contributing.
-        Additionally, PyMeeus makes heavy use of automatic tests. As a general
-        rule, every function or method added must have a corresponding test in
-        the proper place in ``tests`` directory.
-        Finally, documentation is also a big thing here. Add proper and abundant
-        documentation to your new code. This also includes in-line comments!!!.
-        Contributors
-        ------------
-        -  `Neil Freeman <>`__ - Fixed undefined
-           variable in Epoch.tt2ut
-        -  `molsen234 <>`__ - Fixed bug when using
-           fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days
-        -  `Sebastian Veigl <>`__ - Added
-           functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  Sophie Scholz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  Vittorio Serra - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  Michael Lutz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  `Ben Dilday <>`__ - Added ``__hash__()``
-           method to class Epoch
-        What's new
-        ----------
-        -  0.5.11
-           -  Added parameter ``local`` to the ``Epoch`` class constructor and
-              the methods ``get_date()`` and ``get_full_date()``.
-        -  0.5.10
-           -  Added methods ``moon_librations()`` and
-              ``moon_position_angle_axis()``.
-        -  0.5.9
-           -  Added method ``moon_maximum_declination()``.
-        -  0.5.8
-           -  Fixed several bugs in ``Epoch`` class, and added method ``doy()``.
-        -  0.5.7
-           -  Added method ``moon_passage_nodes()``.
-        -  0.5.6
-           -  Added method ``moon_perigee_apogee()``.
-        -  0.5.5
-           -  Added method ``moon_phase()``.
-        -  0.5.4
-           -  Added methods ``illuminated_fraction_disk()`` and
-              ``position_bright_limb()`` to ``Moon`` class.
-        -  0.5.3
-           -  Fixed error in the return type of method
-              ``Sun.equation_of_time()``.
-        -  0.5.2
-           -  Added methods to compute the Moon's longitude of ascending node
-              and perigee.
-        -  0.5.1
-           -  Changes in the organization of the documentation.
-        -  0.5.0
-           -  Added ``Moon`` class and ``position()`` methods.
-        -  0.4.3
-           -  Added method ``ring_parameters()`` to Saturn class.
-        -  0.4.2
-           -  Added method ``__hash__()`` to Epoch. Now Epoch objects can be
-              used as keys in a dictionary.
-        -  0.4.1
-           -  Added funtionality to compute the positions of Jupiter's Galilean
-              moons.
-        -  0.4.0
-           -  Added methods to compute Saturn's ring inclination and longitude
-              of ascending node.
-        -  0.3.13
-           -  Additional encoding changes.
-        -  0.3.12
-           -  Deleted ``encoding`` keyword from, which was giving
-              problems.
-        -  0.3.11
-           -  Added encoding specification to
-        -  0.3.10
-           -  Fixed characters with the wrong encoding.
-        -  0.3.9
-           -  Relaxed requirements, added contributor molsen234, and fixed
-              format problems showed by flake8.
-        -  0.3.8
-           -  Fixed undefined variable in ``Epoch.tt2ut``.
-        -  0.3.7
-           -  Fix bug when using fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days,
-              plus documentation improvements.
-        -  0.3.6
-           -  Add method to compute rising and setting times of the Sun.
-        -  0.3.5
-           -  Add method ``magnitude()`` to planet classes.
-        -  0.3.4
-           -  Add method to compute the parallax correction to Earth class.
-        -  0.3.3
-           -  Add methods to compute the passage through the nodes.
-        -  0.3.2
-           -  Add methods to compute the perihelion and aphelion of all planets.
-        -  0.3.1
-           -  Fix errors in the elongation computation, add tests and examples
-              of use of methods ``geocentric_position()``, and tests and
-              examples for ``Pluto`` class.
-        -  0.3.0
-           -  Added ``Pluto`` class.
 Keywords: Meeus astronomy module library
 Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
@@ -260,3 +19,330 @@ Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
 Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
+License-File: LICENSE.txt
+   **Library of astronomical algorithms in Python**.
+PyMeeus is a Python implementation of the astronomical algorithms
+described in the classical book 'Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition,
+Willmann-Bell Inc. (1998)' by Jean Meeus.
+There are great astronomical libraries out there. For instance, if
+you're looking for high precision and speed you should take a look at
+`libnova <>`__. For a set of python
+modules aimed at professional astronomers, you should look at
+`Astropy <>`__. On the other hand, the advantages
+of PyMeeus are its simplicity, ease of use, ease of reading, ease of
+installation (it has the minimum amount of dependencies) and abundant
+The easiest way of installing PyMeeus is using pip:
+.. code:: sh
+   pip install pymeeus
+Or, for a per-user installation:
+.. code:: sh
+   pip install --user pymeeus
+If you prefer Python3, you can use:
+.. code:: sh
+   pip3 install --user pymeeus
+If you have PyMeeus already installed, but want to upgrade to the latest
+.. code:: sh
+   pip3 install -U pymeeus
+Properly Using PyMeeus
+It is very common to try to run PyMeeus like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus
+   mydate = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+But if you do that, you'll get an error like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     File "/home/user/test/", line 3, in <module>
+       epoch = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+   AttributeError: module 'pymeeus' has no attribute 'Epoch'
+This issue points to a misunderstanding that is very common in the
+Python world. The keyword ``import`` is used to import **MODULES**\ ...
+but PyMeeus is **NOT** a module: It is a **LIBRARY** composed of
+**MULTIPLE** modules (``Angle``, ``Epoch``, ``Coordinates``, etc). As of
+today, the library Pymeeus has 19 different modules (if you look into
+the directory where ``pip`` stores the library, you'll find one ".py"
+file per module).
+Therefore if you want to use, for example, the module ``Angle`` you
+should use:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+I.e., your *module* is ``pymeeus.Angle``, and not just ``Angle``.
+But there is more! When you use ``import`` to fetch a module, you must
+then use the *dot* notation to access the components of the module
+(classes, functions, etc). For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+   i = pymeeus.Angle.Angle(11.94524)
+In this case, you are telling the Python interpreter that you want to
+use the class ``Angle`` (with parameter '11.94524') from the module
+``Angle`` belonging to the library ``pymeeus``.
+There is, however, a more practical (and common) way to handle modules
+using the statement ``from <MODULE> import <COMPONENT>``. For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Angle import Angle
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch, JDE2000
+   from math import sin, cos, tan, acos, atan2, sqrt, radians, log10
+This way is preferred because, among other reasons, only the required
+components are loaded into memory instead of the whole module. Also, now
+the component is directly added to your execution environment, which
+means that you no longer need to use the *dot* notation.
+Therefore, the script at the beginning would become:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch
+   mydate = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+Author: Dagoberto Salazar
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3). See
+``LICENSE.txt`` and ``COPYING.LESSER`` for more information.
+If you have Sphinx installed, you can generate your own, latest
+documentation going to directory 'docs' and issuing:
+.. code:: sh
+   make html
+Then the HTML documentation pages can be found in 'build/html'.
+The preferred method to contribute is through forking and pull requests:
+1. Fork it (
+2. Create your feature branch (``git checkout -b feature/fooBar``)
+3. Commit your changes (``git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'``)
+4. Push to the branch (``git push origin feature/fooBar``)
+5. Create a new Pull Request
+Please bear in mind that PyMeeus follows the PEP8 style guide for Python
+code `(PEP8) <>`__. We suggest
+you install and use a linter like
+`Flake8 <>`__ before contributing.
+Additionally, PyMeeus makes heavy use of automatic tests. As a general
+rule, every function or method added must have a corresponding test in
+the proper place in ``tests`` directory.
+Finally, documentation is also a big thing here. Add proper and abundant
+documentation to your new code. This also includes in-line comments!!!.
+-  `Neil Freeman <>`__ - Fixed undefined
+   variable in Epoch.tt2ut
+-  `molsen234 <>`__ - Fixed bug when using
+   fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days
+-  `Sebastian Veigl <>`__ - Added
+   functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  Sophie Scholz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  Vittorio Serra - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  Michael Lutz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  `Ben Dilday <>`__ - Added ``__hash__()``
+   method to class Epoch
+-  `Zivoslav <>`__ - Bug report of winter
+   solstice
+-  `Devid <>`__, `Hugo van
+   Kemenade <>`__ - Test suggestions
+What's new
+-  0.5.12
+   -  Fixed a bug in the computation of the winter solstice. Added new
+      tests and information about proper use of the library.
+-  0.5.11
+   -  Added parameter ``local`` to the ``Epoch`` class constructor and
+      the methods ``get_date()`` and ``get_full_date()``.
+-  0.5.10
+   -  Added methods ``moon_librations()`` and
+      ``moon_position_angle_axis()``.
+-  0.5.9
+   -  Added method ``moon_maximum_declination()``.
+-  0.5.8
+   -  Fixed several bugs in ``Epoch`` class, and added method ``doy()``.
+-  0.5.7
+   -  Added method ``moon_passage_nodes()``.
+-  0.5.6
+   -  Added method ``moon_perigee_apogee()``.
+-  0.5.5
+   -  Added method ``moon_phase()``.
+-  0.5.4
+   -  Added methods ``illuminated_fraction_disk()`` and
+      ``position_bright_limb()`` to ``Moon`` class.
+-  0.5.3
+   -  Fixed error in the return type of method
+      ``Sun.equation_of_time()``.
+-  0.5.2
+   -  Added methods to compute the Moon's longitude of ascending node
+      and perigee.
+-  0.5.1
+   -  Changes in the organization of the documentation.
+-  0.5.0
+   -  Added ``Moon`` class and ``position()`` methods.
+-  0.4.3
+   -  Added method ``ring_parameters()`` to Saturn class.
+-  0.4.2
+   -  Added method ``__hash__()`` to Epoch. Now Epoch objects can be
+      used as keys in a dictionary.
+-  0.4.1
+   -  Added funtionality to compute the positions of Jupiter's Galilean
+      moons.
+-  0.4.0
+   -  Added methods to compute Saturn's ring inclination and longitude
+      of ascending node.
+-  0.3.13
+   -  Additional encoding changes.
+-  0.3.12
+   -  Deleted ``encoding`` keyword from, which was giving
+      problems.
+-  0.3.11
+   -  Added encoding specification to
+-  0.3.10
+   -  Fixed characters with the wrong encoding.
+-  0.3.9
+   -  Relaxed requirements, added contributor molsen234, and fixed
+      format problems showed by flake8.
+-  0.3.8
+   -  Fixed undefined variable in ``Epoch.tt2ut``.
+-  0.3.7
+   -  Fix bug when using fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days,
+      plus documentation improvements.
+-  0.3.6
+   -  Add method to compute rising and setting times of the Sun.
+-  0.3.5
+   -  Add method ``magnitude()`` to planet classes.
+-  0.3.4
+   -  Add method to compute the parallax correction to Earth class.
+-  0.3.3
+   -  Add methods to compute the passage through the nodes.
+-  0.3.2
+   -  Add methods to compute the perihelion and aphelion of all planets.
+-  0.3.1
+   -  Fix errors in the elongation computation, add tests and examples
+      of use of methods ``geocentric_position()``, and tests and
+      examples for ``Pluto`` class.
+-  0.3.0
+   -  Added ``Pluto`` class.
diff --git a/PyMeeus.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/PyMeeus.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index c2a9062..f68d737 100644
--- a/PyMeeus.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PyMeeus.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,253 +1,12 @@
-Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: PyMeeus
-Version: 0.5.11
+Version: 0.5.12
 Summary: Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines
 Author: Dagoberto Salazar
 License: LGPLv3
-Description: PyMeeus
-        =======
-           **Library of astronomical algorithms in Python**.
-        PyMeeus is a Python implementation of the astronomical algorithms
-        described in the classical book 'Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition,
-        Willmann-Bell Inc. (1998)' by Jean Meeus.
-        There are great astronomical libraries out there. For instance, if
-        you're looking for high precision and speed you should take a look at
-        `libnova <>`__. For a set of python
-        modules aimed at professional astronomers, you should look at
-        `Astropy <>`__. On the other hand, the advantages
-        of PyMeeus are its simplicity, ease of use, ease of reading, ease of
-        installation (it has the minimum amount of dependencies) and abundant
-        documentation.
-        Installation
-        ------------
-        The easiest way of installing PyMeeus is using pip:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip install pymeeus
-        Or, for a per-user installation:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip install --user pymeeus
-        If you prefer Python3, you can use:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip3 install --user pymeeus
-        If you have PyMeeus already installed, but want to upgrade to the latest
-        version:
-        .. code:: sh
-           pip3 install -U pymeeus
-        Meta
-        ----
-        Author: Dagoberto Salazar
-        Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3). See
-        ``LICENSE.txt`` and ``COPYING.LESSER`` for more information.
-        Documentation:
-        GitHub:
-        If you have Sphinx installed, you can generate your own, latest
-        documentation going to directory 'docs' and issuing:
-        .. code:: sh
-           make html
-        Then the HTML documentation pages can be found in 'build/html'.
-        Contributing
-        ------------
-        The preferred method to contribute is through forking and pull requests:
-        1. Fork it (
-        2. Create your feature branch (``git checkout -b feature/fooBar``)
-        3. Commit your changes (``git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'``)
-        4. Push to the branch (``git push origin feature/fooBar``)
-        5. Create a new Pull Request
-        Please bear in mind that PyMeeus follows the PEP8 style guide for Python
-        code `(PEP8) <>`__. We suggest
-        you install and use a linter like
-        `Flake8 <>`__ before contributing.
-        Additionally, PyMeeus makes heavy use of automatic tests. As a general
-        rule, every function or method added must have a corresponding test in
-        the proper place in ``tests`` directory.
-        Finally, documentation is also a big thing here. Add proper and abundant
-        documentation to your new code. This also includes in-line comments!!!.
-        Contributors
-        ------------
-        -  `Neil Freeman <>`__ - Fixed undefined
-           variable in Epoch.tt2ut
-        -  `molsen234 <>`__ - Fixed bug when using
-           fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days
-        -  `Sebastian Veigl <>`__ - Added
-           functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  Sophie Scholz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  Vittorio Serra - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  Michael Lutz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
-        -  `Ben Dilday <>`__ - Added ``__hash__()``
-           method to class Epoch
-        What's new
-        ----------
-        -  0.5.11
-           -  Added parameter ``local`` to the ``Epoch`` class constructor and
-              the methods ``get_date()`` and ``get_full_date()``.
-        -  0.5.10
-           -  Added methods ``moon_librations()`` and
-              ``moon_position_angle_axis()``.
-        -  0.5.9
-           -  Added method ``moon_maximum_declination()``.
-        -  0.5.8
-           -  Fixed several bugs in ``Epoch`` class, and added method ``doy()``.
-        -  0.5.7
-           -  Added method ``moon_passage_nodes()``.
-        -  0.5.6
-           -  Added method ``moon_perigee_apogee()``.
-        -  0.5.5
-           -  Added method ``moon_phase()``.
-        -  0.5.4
-           -  Added methods ``illuminated_fraction_disk()`` and
-              ``position_bright_limb()`` to ``Moon`` class.
-        -  0.5.3
-           -  Fixed error in the return type of method
-              ``Sun.equation_of_time()``.
-        -  0.5.2
-           -  Added methods to compute the Moon's longitude of ascending node
-              and perigee.
-        -  0.5.1
-           -  Changes in the organization of the documentation.
-        -  0.5.0
-           -  Added ``Moon`` class and ``position()`` methods.
-        -  0.4.3
-           -  Added method ``ring_parameters()`` to Saturn class.
-        -  0.4.2
-           -  Added method ``__hash__()`` to Epoch. Now Epoch objects can be
-              used as keys in a dictionary.
-        -  0.4.1
-           -  Added funtionality to compute the positions of Jupiter's Galilean
-              moons.
-        -  0.4.0
-           -  Added methods to compute Saturn's ring inclination and longitude
-              of ascending node.
-        -  0.3.13
-           -  Additional encoding changes.
-        -  0.3.12
-           -  Deleted ``encoding`` keyword from, which was giving
-              problems.
-        -  0.3.11
-           -  Added encoding specification to
-        -  0.3.10
-           -  Fixed characters with the wrong encoding.
-        -  0.3.9
-           -  Relaxed requirements, added contributor molsen234, and fixed
-              format problems showed by flake8.
-        -  0.3.8
-           -  Fixed undefined variable in ``Epoch.tt2ut``.
-        -  0.3.7
-           -  Fix bug when using fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days,
-              plus documentation improvements.
-        -  0.3.6
-           -  Add method to compute rising and setting times of the Sun.
-        -  0.3.5
-           -  Add method ``magnitude()`` to planet classes.
-        -  0.3.4
-           -  Add method to compute the parallax correction to Earth class.
-        -  0.3.3
-           -  Add methods to compute the passage through the nodes.
-        -  0.3.2
-           -  Add methods to compute the perihelion and aphelion of all planets.
-        -  0.3.1
-           -  Fix errors in the elongation computation, add tests and examples
-              of use of methods ``geocentric_position()``, and tests and
-              examples for ``Pluto`` class.
-        -  0.3.0
-           -  Added ``Pluto`` class.
 Keywords: Meeus astronomy module library
 Platform: UNKNOWN
 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
@@ -260,3 +19,330 @@ Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
 Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy
+License-File: LICENSE.txt
+   **Library of astronomical algorithms in Python**.
+PyMeeus is a Python implementation of the astronomical algorithms
+described in the classical book 'Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition,
+Willmann-Bell Inc. (1998)' by Jean Meeus.
+There are great astronomical libraries out there. For instance, if
+you're looking for high precision and speed you should take a look at
+`libnova <>`__. For a set of python
+modules aimed at professional astronomers, you should look at
+`Astropy <>`__. On the other hand, the advantages
+of PyMeeus are its simplicity, ease of use, ease of reading, ease of
+installation (it has the minimum amount of dependencies) and abundant
+The easiest way of installing PyMeeus is using pip:
+.. code:: sh
+   pip install pymeeus
+Or, for a per-user installation:
+.. code:: sh
+   pip install --user pymeeus
+If you prefer Python3, you can use:
+.. code:: sh
+   pip3 install --user pymeeus
+If you have PyMeeus already installed, but want to upgrade to the latest
+.. code:: sh
+   pip3 install -U pymeeus
+Properly Using PyMeeus
+It is very common to try to run PyMeeus like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus
+   mydate = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+But if you do that, you'll get an error like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     File "/home/user/test/", line 3, in <module>
+       epoch = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+   AttributeError: module 'pymeeus' has no attribute 'Epoch'
+This issue points to a misunderstanding that is very common in the
+Python world. The keyword ``import`` is used to import **MODULES**\ ...
+but PyMeeus is **NOT** a module: It is a **LIBRARY** composed of
+**MULTIPLE** modules (``Angle``, ``Epoch``, ``Coordinates``, etc). As of
+today, the library Pymeeus has 19 different modules (if you look into
+the directory where ``pip`` stores the library, you'll find one ".py"
+file per module).
+Therefore if you want to use, for example, the module ``Angle`` you
+should use:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+I.e., your *module* is ``pymeeus.Angle``, and not just ``Angle``.
+But there is more! When you use ``import`` to fetch a module, you must
+then use the *dot* notation to access the components of the module
+(classes, functions, etc). For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+   i = pymeeus.Angle.Angle(11.94524)
+In this case, you are telling the Python interpreter that you want to
+use the class ``Angle`` (with parameter '11.94524') from the module
+``Angle`` belonging to the library ``pymeeus``.
+There is, however, a more practical (and common) way to handle modules
+using the statement ``from <MODULE> import <COMPONENT>``. For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Angle import Angle
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch, JDE2000
+   from math import sin, cos, tan, acos, atan2, sqrt, radians, log10
+This way is preferred because, among other reasons, only the required
+components are loaded into memory instead of the whole module. Also, now
+the component is directly added to your execution environment, which
+means that you no longer need to use the *dot* notation.
+Therefore, the script at the beginning would become:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch
+   mydate = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+Author: Dagoberto Salazar
+Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3). See
+``LICENSE.txt`` and ``COPYING.LESSER`` for more information.
+If you have Sphinx installed, you can generate your own, latest
+documentation going to directory 'docs' and issuing:
+.. code:: sh
+   make html
+Then the HTML documentation pages can be found in 'build/html'.
+The preferred method to contribute is through forking and pull requests:
+1. Fork it (
+2. Create your feature branch (``git checkout -b feature/fooBar``)
+3. Commit your changes (``git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'``)
+4. Push to the branch (``git push origin feature/fooBar``)
+5. Create a new Pull Request
+Please bear in mind that PyMeeus follows the PEP8 style guide for Python
+code `(PEP8) <>`__. We suggest
+you install and use a linter like
+`Flake8 <>`__ before contributing.
+Additionally, PyMeeus makes heavy use of automatic tests. As a general
+rule, every function or method added must have a corresponding test in
+the proper place in ``tests`` directory.
+Finally, documentation is also a big thing here. Add proper and abundant
+documentation to your new code. This also includes in-line comments!!!.
+-  `Neil Freeman <>`__ - Fixed undefined
+   variable in Epoch.tt2ut
+-  `molsen234 <>`__ - Fixed bug when using
+   fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days
+-  `Sebastian Veigl <>`__ - Added
+   functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  Sophie Scholz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  Vittorio Serra - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  Michael Lutz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
+-  `Ben Dilday <>`__ - Added ``__hash__()``
+   method to class Epoch
+-  `Zivoslav <>`__ - Bug report of winter
+   solstice
+-  `Devid <>`__, `Hugo van
+   Kemenade <>`__ - Test suggestions
+What's new
+-  0.5.12
+   -  Fixed a bug in the computation of the winter solstice. Added new
+      tests and information about proper use of the library.
+-  0.5.11
+   -  Added parameter ``local`` to the ``Epoch`` class constructor and
+      the methods ``get_date()`` and ``get_full_date()``.
+-  0.5.10
+   -  Added methods ``moon_librations()`` and
+      ``moon_position_angle_axis()``.
+-  0.5.9
+   -  Added method ``moon_maximum_declination()``.
+-  0.5.8
+   -  Fixed several bugs in ``Epoch`` class, and added method ``doy()``.
+-  0.5.7
+   -  Added method ``moon_passage_nodes()``.
+-  0.5.6
+   -  Added method ``moon_perigee_apogee()``.
+-  0.5.5
+   -  Added method ``moon_phase()``.
+-  0.5.4
+   -  Added methods ``illuminated_fraction_disk()`` and
+      ``position_bright_limb()`` to ``Moon`` class.
+-  0.5.3
+   -  Fixed error in the return type of method
+      ``Sun.equation_of_time()``.
+-  0.5.2
+   -  Added methods to compute the Moon's longitude of ascending node
+      and perigee.
+-  0.5.1
+   -  Changes in the organization of the documentation.
+-  0.5.0
+   -  Added ``Moon`` class and ``position()`` methods.
+-  0.4.3
+   -  Added method ``ring_parameters()`` to Saturn class.
+-  0.4.2
+   -  Added method ``__hash__()`` to Epoch. Now Epoch objects can be
+      used as keys in a dictionary.
+-  0.4.1
+   -  Added funtionality to compute the positions of Jupiter's Galilean
+      moons.
+-  0.4.0
+   -  Added methods to compute Saturn's ring inclination and longitude
+      of ascending node.
+-  0.3.13
+   -  Additional encoding changes.
+-  0.3.12
+   -  Deleted ``encoding`` keyword from, which was giving
+      problems.
+-  0.3.11
+   -  Added encoding specification to
+-  0.3.10
+   -  Fixed characters with the wrong encoding.
+-  0.3.9
+   -  Relaxed requirements, added contributor molsen234, and fixed
+      format problems showed by flake8.
+-  0.3.8
+   -  Fixed undefined variable in ``Epoch.tt2ut``.
+-  0.3.7
+   -  Fix bug when using fractional seconds, minutes, hours or days,
+      plus documentation improvements.
+-  0.3.6
+   -  Add method to compute rising and setting times of the Sun.
+-  0.3.5
+   -  Add method ``magnitude()`` to planet classes.
+-  0.3.4
+   -  Add method to compute the parallax correction to Earth class.
+-  0.3.3
+   -  Add methods to compute the passage through the nodes.
+-  0.3.2
+   -  Add methods to compute the perihelion and aphelion of all planets.
+-  0.3.1
+   -  Fix errors in the elongation computation, add tests and examples
+      of use of methods ``geocentric_position()``, and tests and
+      examples for ``Pluto`` class.
+-  0.3.0
+   -  Added ``Pluto`` class.
diff --git a/PyMeeus.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/PyMeeus.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 5fdfe3a..0ca4645 100644
--- a/PyMeeus.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/PyMeeus.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ docs/build/html/_sources/examples/ex-Coordinates.rst.txt
@@ -109,7 +110,6 @@ docs/build/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ docs/build/html/examples/ex-Coordinates.html
@@ -180,6 +181,7 @@ docs/source/examples/ex-Coordinates.rst
diff --git a/ b/
index 88d269e..6493b42 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -39,6 +39,64 @@ If you have PyMeeus already installed, but want to upgrade to the latest version
 pip3 install -U pymeeus
+## Properly Using PyMeeus
+It is very common to try to run PyMeeus like this:
+import pymeeus
+mydate = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+But if you do that, you'll get an error like this:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "/home/user/test/", line 3, in <module>
+    epoch = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+AttributeError: module 'pymeeus' has no attribute 'Epoch'
+This issue points to a misunderstanding that is very common in the Python world. The keyword ``import`` is used to import **MODULES**... but PyMeeus is **_NOT_** a module: It is a **LIBRARY** composed of **MULTIPLE** modules (``Angle``, ``Epoch``, ``Coordinates``, etc). As of today, the library Pymeeus has 19 different modules (if you look into the directory where ``pip`` stores the library, you'll find one ".py" file per module).
+Therefore if you want to use, for example, the module ``Angle`` you should use:
+import pymeeus.Angle
+I.e., your _module_ is ``pymeeus.Angle``, and not just ``Angle``.
+But there is more! When you use ``import`` to fetch a module, you must then use the _dot_ notation to access the components of the module (classes, functions, etc). For instance:
+import pymeeus.Angle
+i = pymeeus.Angle.Angle(11.94524)
+In this case, you are telling the Python interpreter that you want to use the class ``Angle`` (with parameter '11.94524') from the module ``Angle`` belonging to the library ``pymeeus``.
+There is, however, a more practical (and common) way to handle modules using the statement ``from <MODULE> import <COMPONENT>``. For instance:
+from pymeeus.Angle import Angle
+from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch, JDE2000
+from math import sin, cos, tan, acos, atan2, sqrt, radians, log10
+This way is preferred because, among other reasons, only the required components are loaded into memory instead of the whole module. Also, now the component is directly added to your execution environment, which means that you no longer need to use the _dot_ notation.
+Therefore, the script at the beginning would become:
+from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch
+mydate = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
 ## Meta
 Author: Dagoberto Salazar
@@ -89,9 +147,13 @@ documentation to your new code. This also includes in-line comments!!!.
 * Vittorio Serra - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
 * Michael Lutz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
 * [Ben Dilday]( - Added `__hash__()` method to class Epoch
+* [Zivoslav]( - Bug report of winter solstice
+* [Devid](, [Hugo van Kemenade]( - Test suggestions
 ## What's new
+* 0.5.12
+    * Fixed a bug in the computation of the winter solstice. Added new tests and information about proper use of the library.
 * 0.5.11
     * Added parameter `local` to the `Epoch` class constructor and the methods `get_date()` and `get_full_date()`.
 * 0.5.10
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 2f47e51..7a1ebda 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -44,6 +44,79 @@ version:
    pip3 install -U pymeeus
+Properly Using PyMeeus
+It is very common to try to run PyMeeus like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus
+   mydate = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+But if you do that, you'll get an error like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     File "/home/user/test/", line 3, in <module>
+       epoch = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+   AttributeError: module 'pymeeus' has no attribute 'Epoch'
+This issue points to a misunderstanding that is very common in the
+Python world. The keyword ``import`` is used to import **MODULES**\ ...
+but PyMeeus is **NOT** a module: It is a **LIBRARY** composed of
+**MULTIPLE** modules (``Angle``, ``Epoch``, ``Coordinates``, etc). As of
+today, the library Pymeeus has 19 different modules (if you look into
+the directory where ``pip`` stores the library, you'll find one ".py"
+file per module).
+Therefore if you want to use, for example, the module ``Angle`` you
+should use:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+I.e., your *module* is ``pymeeus.Angle``, and not just ``Angle``.
+But there is more! When you use ``import`` to fetch a module, you must
+then use the *dot* notation to access the components of the module
+(classes, functions, etc). For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+   i = pymeeus.Angle.Angle(11.94524)
+In this case, you are telling the Python interpreter that you want to
+use the class ``Angle`` (with parameter '11.94524') from the module
+``Angle`` belonging to the library ``pymeeus``.
+There is, however, a more practical (and common) way to handle modules
+using the statement ``from <MODULE> import <COMPONENT>``. For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Angle import Angle
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch, JDE2000
+   from math import sin, cos, tan, acos, atan2, sqrt, radians, log10
+This way is preferred because, among other reasons, only the required
+components are loaded into memory instead of the whole module. Also, now
+the component is directly added to your execution environment, which
+means that you no longer need to use the *dot* notation.
+Therefore, the script at the beginning would become:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch
+   mydate = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
@@ -102,10 +175,19 @@ Contributors
 -  Michael Lutz - Added functionality for Jupiter's moons
 -  `Ben Dilday <>`__ - Added ``__hash__()``
    method to class Epoch
+-  `Zivoslav <>`__ - Bug report of winter
+   solstice
+-  `Devid <>`__, `Hugo van
+   Kemenade <>`__ - Test suggestions
 What's new
+-  0.5.12
+   -  Fixed a bug in the computation of the winter solstice. Added new
+      tests and information about proper use of the library.
 -  0.5.11
    -  Added parameter ``local`` to the ``Epoch`` class constructor and
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 3178af4..9e0f9f6 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-pymeeus (0.5.11+dfsg1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+pymeeus (0.5.12+dfsg1-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Update standards version to 4.6.1, no changes needed.
+  * New upstream release.
- -- Debian Janitor <>  Wed, 16 Nov 2022 00:06:16 -0000
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Sun, 18 Dec 2022 08:11:06 -0000
 pymeeus (0.5.11+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index 8552b55..21ca89f 100644
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ author = u'Dagoberto Salazar'
 # built documents.
 # The short X.Y version.
-version = u'0.5.11'
+version = u'0.5.12'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = u'0.5.11'
+release = u'0.5.12'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
diff --git a/docs/source/examples/ex-General.rst b/docs/source/examples/ex-General.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a217ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/examples/ex-General.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Properly Using PyMeeus
+It is very common to try to run PyMeeus like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus
+   mydate = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+But if you do that, you'll get an error like this:
+.. code:: sh
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+     File "/home/user/test/", line 3, in <module>
+       epoch = pymeeus.Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
+   AttributeError: module 'pymeeus' has no attribute 'Epoch'
+This issue points to a misunderstanding that is very common in the
+Python world. The keyword ``import`` is used to import **MODULES**\ ...
+but PyMeeus is **NOT** a module: It is a **LIBRARY** composed of
+**MULTIPLE** modules (``Angle``, ``Epoch``, ``Coordinates``, etc). As of
+today, the library Pymeeus has 19 different modules (if you look into
+the directory where ``pip`` stores the library, you'll find one ".py"
+file per module).
+Therefore if you want to use, for example, the module ``Angle`` you
+should use:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+I.e., your *module* is ``pymeeus.Angle``, and not just ``Angle``.
+But there is more! When you use ``import`` to fetch a module, you must
+then use the *dot* notation to access the components of the module
+(classes, functions, etc). For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   import pymeeus.Angle
+   i = pymeeus.Angle.Angle(11.94524)
+In this case, you are telling the Python interpreter that you want to
+use the class ``Angle`` (with parameter '11.94524') from the module
+``Angle`` belonging to the library ``pymeeus``.
+There is, however, a more practical (and common) way to handle modules
+using the statement ``from <MODULE> import <COMPONENT>``. For instance:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Angle import Angle
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch, JDE2000
+   from math import sin, cos, tan, acos, atan2, sqrt, radians, log10
+This way is preferred because, among other reasons, only the required
+components are loaded into memory instead of the whole module. Also, now
+the component is directly added to your execution environment, which
+means that you no longer need to use the *dot* notation.
+Therefore, the script at the beginning would become:
+.. code:: sh
+   from pymeeus.Epoch import Epoch
+   mydate = Epoch(1992, 10, 13.0)
diff --git a/docs/source/examples/index.rst b/docs/source/examples/index.rst
index 1db17a9..9c9074e 100644
--- a/docs/source/examples/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/examples/index.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Usage Examples
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+   ex-General
diff --git a/pymeeus/ b/pymeeus/
index 60902f1..9596da4 100644
--- a/pymeeus/
+++ b/pymeeus/
@@ -1175,8 +1175,8 @@ def equatorial2galactic(right_ascension, declination):
 def galactic2equatorial(longitude, latitude):
-    """This function converts from galactic coordinates (longitude and latitude)
-    to equatorial coordinates (right ascension and declination).
+    """This function converts from galactic coordinates (longitude and
+    latitude) to equatorial coordinates (right ascension and declination).
     The current galactic system of coordinates was defined by the International
     Astronomical Union in 1959, using the standard equatorial system of epoch
diff --git a/pymeeus/ b/pymeeus/
index 5b84f00..47be9a9 100644
--- a/pymeeus/
+++ b/pymeeus/
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ class Sun(object):
                                                       + y * 0.00074))))
             elif target == "winter":
                 jde0 = (1721414.39987
-                        + y * (363242.88257 + y * (-0.00769
+                        + y * (365242.88257 + y * (-0.00769
                                                    + y * (-0.00933
                                                           - y * 0.00006))))
         elif (year >= 1000) and (year <= 3000):
diff --git a/ b/
index 0522012..7c7d6e6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ with open(path.join(here, 'README.rst'), 'rb') as f:
 config = {
   'name': 'PyMeeus',
-  'version': '0.5.11',
+  'version': '0.5.12',
   'description': 'Python implementation of Jean Meeus astronomical routines',
   'long_description': long_description,
   'keywords': 'Meeus astronomy module library',


[The following lists of changes regard files as different if they have different names, permissions or owners.]

Files in second set of .debs but not in first

-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyMeeus-0.5.12.egg-info/PKG-INFO
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyMeeus-0.5.12.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyMeeus-0.5.12.egg-info/top_level.txt

Files in first set of .debs but not in second

-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyMeeus-0.5.11.egg-info/PKG-INFO
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyMeeus-0.5.11.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyMeeus-0.5.11.egg-info/top_level.txt

No differences were encountered in the control files

More details

Full run details