New Upstream Release - zict

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 3.0.0 (was: 2.2.0).


diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
index 9d88586..bfa869c 100644
--- a/PKG-INFO
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: zict
-Version: 2.2.0
+Version: 3.0.0
 Summary: Mutable mapping tools
 Maintainer: Matthew Rocklin
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
-Requires-Python: >=3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Requires-Python: >=3.8
 Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
 License-File: LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 1eccf53..9960efb 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+zict (3.0.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Wed, 03 May 2023 07:35:36 -0000
 zict (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index c6d4535..e69de29 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 00d26fe..b69e684 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = zict
-version = 2.2.0
+version = 3.0.0
 maintainer = Matthew Rocklin
 maintainer_email =
 license = BSD
@@ -19,18 +19,17 @@ classifiers =
 	Operating System :: OS Independent
 	Programming Language :: Python
 	Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-	Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
 	Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
 	Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
 	Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
+	Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
 packages = zict
 zip_safe = False  #
 include_package_data = True
-python_requires = >=3.7
+python_requires = >=3.8
 install_requires = 
-	heapdict
 zict = 
@@ -46,13 +45,23 @@ universal = 1
 extend-ignore = E203, E266, E501
 exclude =
 ignore = 
-	E4,         # Import formatting
-	E731,       # Assigning lambda expression
-	W503,       # line break before binary operator
+	E4
+	E731
+	W503
 max-line-length = 88
-addopts = -v --doctest-modules
+addopts = 
+	-v
+	--doctest-modules
+	--durations=20
+	--strict-markers
+	--strict-config
+	-p no:legacypath
+timeout_method = thread
+timeout = 180
+markers = 
+	stress: slow-running stress test with a random component. Pass --stress <n> to change number of reruns.
@@ -62,6 +71,22 @@ force_to_top = true
 default_section = THIRDPARTY
 known_first_party = zict
+python_version = 3.9
+platform = linux
+allow_incomplete_defs = false
+allow_untyped_decorators = false
+allow_untyped_defs = false
+ignore_missing_imports = true
+no_implicit_optional = true
+show_error_codes = true
+warn_redundant_casts = true
+warn_unused_ignores = true
+warn_unreachable = true
+allow_untyped_defs = true
 tag_build = 
 tag_date = 0
diff --git a/zict.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/zict.egg-info/PKG-INFO
index 9d88586..bfa869c 100644
--- a/zict.egg-info/PKG-INFO
+++ b/zict.egg-info/PKG-INFO
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: zict
-Version: 2.2.0
+Version: 3.0.0
 Summary: Mutable mapping tools
 Maintainer: Matthew Rocklin
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
-Requires-Python: >=3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
+Requires-Python: >=3.8
 Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
 License-File: LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/zict.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/zict.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
index 63d62d9..c37cd75 100644
--- a/zict.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
+++ b/zict.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ requirements.txt
@@ -14,20 +15,24 @@ zict/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zict.egg-info/requires.txt b/zict.egg-info/requires.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d4535..0000000
--- a/zict.egg-info/requires.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index e3d5303..fcdc44b 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
-from zict.buffer import Buffer
-from zict.cache import Cache, WeakValueMapping
-from zict.file import File
-from zict.func import Func
-from zict.lmdb import LMDB
-from zict.lru import LRU
-from zict.sieve import Sieve
-from import Zip
+from zict.async_buffer import AsyncBuffer as AsyncBuffer
+from zict.buffer import Buffer as Buffer
+from zict.cache import Cache as Cache
+from zict.cache import WeakValueMapping as WeakValueMapping
+from zict.file import File as File
+from zict.func import Func as Func
+from zict.lmdb import LMDB as LMDB
+from zict.lru import LRU as LRU
+from zict.sieve import Sieve as Sieve
+from zict.utils import InsertionSortedSet as InsertionSortedSet
+from import Zip as Zip
 # Must be kept aligned with setup.cfg
-__version__ = "2.2.0"
+__version__ = "3.0.0"
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4281f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zict/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import asyncio
+import contextvars
+from import Callable, Collection
+from concurrent.futures import Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor
+from functools import wraps
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import Any, Literal
+from zict.buffer import Buffer
+from zict.common import KT, VT, T, locked
+class AsyncBuffer(Buffer[KT, VT]):
+    """Extension of :class:`~zict.Buffer` that allows offloading all reads and writes
+    from/to slow to a separate worker thread.
+    This requires ``fast`` to be fully thread-safe (e.g. a plain dict).
+    ``slow.__setitem__`` and ``slow.__getitem__`` will be called from the offloaded
+    thread, while all of its other methods (including, notably for the purpose of
+    thread-safety consideration, ``__contains__`` and ``__delitem__``) will be called
+    from the main thread.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    Buffer
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    Same as in Buffer, plus:
+    executor: concurrent.futures.Executor, optional
+        An Executor instance to use for offloading. It must not pickle/unpickle.
+        Defaults to an internal ThreadPoolExecutor.
+    nthreads: int, optional
+        Number of offloaded threads to run in parallel. Defaults to 1.
+        Mutually exclusive with executor parameter.
+    """
+    executor: Executor | None
+    nthreads: int | None
+    futures: set[asyncio.Future]
+    evicting: dict[asyncio.Future, float]
+    @wraps(Buffer.__init__)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        *args: Any,
+        executor: Executor | None = None,
+        nthreads: int = 1,
+        **kwargs: Any,
+    ) -> None:
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.executor = executor
+        self.nthreads = None if executor else nthreads
+        self._internal_executor = executor is None
+        self.futures = set()
+        self.evicting = {}
+    def close(self) -> None:
+        # Call LRU.close(), which stops LRU.evict_until_below_target() halfway through
+        super().close()
+        for future in self.futures:
+            future.cancel()
+        if self.executor is not None and self.nthreads is not None:
+            self.executor.shutdown(wait=True)
+            self.executor = None
+    def _offload(self, func: Callable[..., T], *args: Any) -> asyncio.Future[T]:
+        if self.executor is None:
+            assert self.nthreads
+            self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(
+                self.nthreads, thread_name_prefix="zict.AsyncBuffer offloader"
+            )
+        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
+        context = contextvars.copy_context()
+        future = loop.run_in_executor(self.executor,, func, *args)
+        self.futures.add(future)
+        future.add_done_callback(self.futures.remove)
+        return future  # type: ignore[return-value]
+    # Return an asyncio.Future, instead of just writing it as an async function, to make
+    # it easier for overriders to tell apart the use case when all keys were already
+    # in fast
+    @locked
+    def async_get(
+        self, keys: Collection[KT], missing: Literal["raise", "omit"] = "raise"
+    ) -> asyncio.Future[dict[KT, VT]]:
+        """Fetch one or more key/value pairs. If not all keys are available in fast,
+        offload to a worker thread moving keys from slow to fast, as well as possibly
+        moving older keys from fast to slow.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        keys:
+            collection of zero or more keys to get
+        missing: raise or omit, optional
+            raise (default)
+                If any key is missing, raise KeyError.
+            omit
+                If a key is missing, return a dict with less keys than those requested.
+        Notes
+        -----
+        All keys may be present when you call ``async_get``, but ``__delitem__`` may be
+        called on one of them before the actual data is fetched. ``__setitem__`` also
+        internally calls ``__delitem__`` in a non-atomic way, so you may get
+        ``KeyError`` when updating a value too.
+        """
+        # This block avoids spawning a thread if keys are missing from both fast and
+        # slow. It is otherwise just a performance optimization.
+        if missing == "omit":
+            keys = [key for key in keys if key in self]
+        elif missing == "raise":
+            for key in keys:
+                if key not in self:
+                    raise KeyError(key)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"missing: expected raise or omit; got {missing}")
+        # End performance optimization
+        try:
+            # Do not pull keys towards the top of the LRU unless they are all available.
+            # This matters when there is a very long queue of async_get futures.
+            d =
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            f: asyncio.Future[dict[KT, VT]] = asyncio.Future()
+            f.set_result(d)
+            return f
+        def _async_get() -> dict[KT, VT]:
+            d = {}
+            for k in keys:
+                if
+                    raise asyncio.CancelledError()
+                try:
+                    # This can cause keys to be restored and older keys to be evicted
+                    d[k] = self[k]
+                except KeyError:
+                    # Race condition: key was there when async_get was called, but got
+                    # deleted afterwards.
+                    if missing == "raise":
+                        raise
+            return d
+        return self._offload(_async_get)
+    def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
+        """Immediately set a key in fast. If this causes the total weight to exceed n,
+        asynchronously start moving keys from fast to slow in a worker thread.
+        """
+        self.set_noevict(key, value)
+        self.async_evict_until_below_target()
+    @locked
+    def async_evict_until_below_target(self, n: float | None = None) -> None:
+        """If the total weight exceeds n, asynchronously start moving keys from fast to
+        slow in a worker thread.
+        """
+        if n is None:
+            n = self.n
+        n = max(0.0, n)
+        weight = min(chain([], self.evicting.values()))
+        if weight <= n:
+            return
+        # Note: this can get cancelled by LRU.close(), which in turn is
+        # triggered by Buffer.close()
+        future = self._offload(self.evict_until_below_target, n)
+        self.evicting[future] = n
+        future.add_done_callback(self.evicting.__delitem__)
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index 1227e8a..720dd3f 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 from import Callable, Iterator, MutableMapping
 from itertools import chain
+from typing import (  # TODO import from (needs Python >=3.9)
+    ItemsView,
+    ValuesView,
-from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, flush
+from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, discard, flush, locked
 from zict.lru import LRU
@@ -20,21 +24,27 @@ class Buffer(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     fast: MutableMapping
     slow: MutableMapping
     n: float
-        Total size of fast that triggers evictions to slow
+        Number of elements to keep, or total weight if ``weight`` is used.
     weight: f(k, v) -> float, optional
         Weight of each key/value pair (default: 1)
     fast_to_slow_callbacks: list of callables
         These functions run every time data moves from the fast to the slow
-        mapping.  They take two arguments, a key and a value
+        mapping. They take two arguments, a key and a value.
         If an exception occurs during a fast_to_slow_callbacks (e.g a callback tried
         storing to disk and raised a disk full error) the key will remain in the LRU.
     slow_to_fast_callbacks: list of callables
-        These functions run every time data moves form the slow to the fast
-        mapping.
+        These functions run every time data moves form the slow to the fast mapping.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long
+    as all methods of ``fast``, plus ``slow.__contains__`` and ``slow.__delitem__``, are
+    fast. ``slow.__getitem__``, ``slow.__setitem__`` and callbacks are not protected
+    by locks.
-    >>> fast = dict()
+    >>> fast = {}
     >>> slow = Func(dumps, loads, File('storage/'))  # doctest: +SKIP
     >>> def weight(k, v):
     ...     return sys.getsizeof(v)
@@ -47,10 +57,10 @@ class Buffer(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     fast: LRU[KT, VT]
     slow: MutableMapping[KT, VT]
-    n: float
     weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float]
     fast_to_slow_callbacks: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
     slow_to_fast_callbacks: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
+    _cancel_restore: dict[KT, bool]
     def __init__(
@@ -65,17 +75,65 @@ class Buffer(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
         | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
         | None = None,
- = LRU(n, fast, weight=weight, on_evict=[self.fast_to_slow])
+        super().__init__()
+ = LRU(
+            n,
+            fast,
+            weight=weight,
+            on_evict=[self.fast_to_slow],
+            on_cancel_evict=[self._cancel_evict],
+        )
         self.slow = slow
-        self.n = n
-        # FIXME
-        self.weight = weight  # type: ignore
+        self.weight = weight
         if callable(fast_to_slow_callbacks):
             fast_to_slow_callbacks = [fast_to_slow_callbacks]
         if callable(slow_to_fast_callbacks):
             slow_to_fast_callbacks = [slow_to_fast_callbacks]
         self.fast_to_slow_callbacks = fast_to_slow_callbacks or []
         self.slow_to_fast_callbacks = slow_to_fast_callbacks or []
+        self._cancel_restore = {}
+    @property
+    def n(self) -> float:
+        """Maximum weight in the fast mapping before eviction happens.
+        Can be updated; this won't trigger eviction by itself; you should call
+        :meth:`evict_until_below_target` afterwards.
+        See also
+        --------
+        offset
+        evict_until_below_target
+        LRU.n
+        LRU.offset
+        """
+        return
+    @n.setter
+    def n(self, value: float) -> None:
+ = value
+    @property
+    def offset(self) -> float:
+        """Offset to add to the total weight in the fast buffer to determine when
+        eviction happens. Note that increasing offset is not the same as decreasing n,
+        as the latter also changes what keys qualify as "heavy" and should not be stored
+        in fast.
+        Always starts at zero and can be updated; this won't trigger eviction by itself;
+        you should call :meth:`evict_until_below_target` afterwards.
+        See also
+        --------
+        n
+        evict_until_below_target
+        LRU.n
+        LRU.offset
+        """
+        return
+    @offset.setter
+    def offset(self, value: float) -> None:
+ = value
     def fast_to_slow(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
         self.slow[key] = value
@@ -89,55 +147,112 @@ class Buffer(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     def slow_to_fast(self, key: KT) -> VT:
-        value = self.slow[key]
+        self._cancel_restore[key] = False
+        try:
+            with self.unlock():
+                value = self.slow[key]
+            if self._cancel_restore[key]:
+                raise KeyError(key)
+        finally:
+            del self._cancel_restore[key]
         # Avoid useless movement for heavy values
-        w = self.weight(key, value)  # type: ignore
+        w = self.weight(key, value)
         if w <= self.n:
+            # Multithreaded edge case:
+            # - Thread 1 starts slow_to_fast(x) and puts it at the top of fast
+            # - This causes the eviction of older key(s)
+            # - While thread 1 is evicting older keys, thread 2 is loading fast with
+            #   set_noevict()
+            # - By the time the eviction of the older key(s) is done, there is
+            #   enough weight in fast that thread 1 will spill x
+            # - If the below code was just `[key] = value; del
+            #   self.slow[key]` now the key would be in neither slow nor fast!
+  , value)
             del self.slow[key]
-  [key] = value
-        for cb in self.slow_to_fast_callbacks:
-            cb(key, value)
+        with self.unlock():
+            for cb in self.slow_to_fast_callbacks:
+                cb(key, value)
         return value
+    @locked
     def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
-        if key in
+        try:
-        elif key in self.slow:
+        except KeyError:
             return self.slow_to_fast(key)
-        else:
-            raise KeyError(key)
     def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
-        if key in self.slow:
-            del self.slow[key]
-        # This may trigger an eviction from fast to slow of older keys.
-        # If the weight is individually greater than n, then key/value will be stored
-        # into self.slow instead (see LRU.__setitem__).
+        with self.lock:
+            discard(self.slow, key)
+            if key in self._cancel_restore:
+                self._cancel_restore[key] = True[key] = value
+    @locked
+    def set_noevict(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
+        """Variant of ``__setitem__`` that does not move keys from fast to slow if the
+        total weight exceeds n
+        """
+        discard(self.slow, key)
+        if key in self._cancel_restore:
+            self._cancel_restore[key] = True
+, value)
+    def evict_until_below_target(self, n: float | None = None) -> None:
+        """Wrapper around :meth:`zict.LRU.evict_until_below_target`.
+        Presented here to allow easier overriding.
+        """
+    @locked
     def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None:
-        if key in
+        if key in self._cancel_restore:
+            self._cancel_restore[key] = True
+        try:
-        elif key in self.slow:
+        except KeyError:
             del self.slow[key]
-        else:
-            raise KeyError(key)
-    # FIXME dictionary views
-    def keys(self) -> Iterator[KT]:  # type: ignore
-        return chain(, self.slow.keys())
+    @locked
+    def _cancel_evict(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
+        discard(self.slow, key)
-    def values(self) -> Iterator[VT]:  # type: ignore
-        return chain(, self.slow.values())
+    def values(self) -> ValuesView[VT]:
+        return BufferValuesView(self)
-    def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[KT, VT]]:  # type: ignore
-        return chain(, self.slow.items())
+    def items(self) -> ItemsView[KT, VT]:
+        return BufferItemsView(self)
     def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return len( + len(self.slow)
+        with self.lock,
+            return (
+                len(
+                + len(self.slow)
+                - sum(
+                    k in and k in self.slow
+                    for k in chain(self._cancel_restore,
+                )
+            )
     def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[KT]:
-        return chain(iter(, iter(self.slow))
+        """Make sure that the iteration is not disrupted if you evict/restore a key in
+        the middle of it
+        """
+        seen = set()
+        while True:
+            try:
+                for d in (, self.slow):
+                    for key in d:
+                        if key not in seen:
+                            seen.add(key)
+                            yield key
+                return
+            except RuntimeError:
+                pass
     def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
         return key in or key in self.slow
@@ -152,3 +267,25 @@ class Buffer(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     def close(self) -> None:
         close(, self.slow)
+class BufferItemsView(ItemsView[KT, VT]):
+    _mapping: Buffer  # FIXME CPython implementation detail
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[KT, VT]]:
+        # Avoid changing the LRU
+        return chain(, self._mapping.slow.items())
+class BufferValuesView(ValuesView[VT]):
+    _mapping: Buffer  # FIXME CPython implementation detail
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __contains__(self, value: object) -> bool:
+        # Avoid changing the LRU
+        return any(value == v for v in self)
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[VT]:
+        # Avoid changing the LRU
+        return chain(, self._mapping.slow.values())
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index eb247c6..3030e51 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import weakref
-from import Iterator, KeysView, MutableMapping
+from import Iterator, MutableMapping
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
-from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, flush
+from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, discard, flush, locked
 class Cache(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
@@ -22,10 +22,16 @@ class Cache(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
         If True (default), the cache will be updated both when writing and reading.
         If False, update the cache when reading, but just invalidate it when writing.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long
+    as all methods of ``cache``, plus ``data.__delitem__``, are fast. Other methods of
+    ``data`` are not protected by locks.
     Keep the latest 100 accessed values in memory
-    >>> from zict import File, LRU
+    >>> from zict import Cache, File, LRU, WeakValueMapping
     >>> d = Cache(File('myfile'), LRU(100, {}))  # doctest: +SKIP
     Read data from disk every time, unless it was previously accessed and it's still in
@@ -36,6 +42,8 @@ class Cache(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     data: MutableMapping[KT, VT]
     cache: MutableMapping[KT, VT]
     update_on_set: bool
+    _gen: int
+    _last_updated: dict[KT, int]
     def __init__(
@@ -43,32 +51,66 @@ class Cache(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
         cache: MutableMapping[KT, VT],
         update_on_set: bool = True,
+        super().__init__() = data
         self.cache = cache
         self.update_on_set = update_on_set
+        self._gen = 0
+        self._last_updated = {}
+    @locked
     def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
             return self.cache[key]
         except KeyError:
-        value =[key]
-        self.cache[key] = value
-        return value
+        gen = self._last_updated[key]
-    def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
-        # If the item was already in cache and data.__setitem__ fails, e.g. because it's
-        # a File and the disk is full, make sure that the cache is invalidated.
-        # FIXME
-        self.cache.pop(key, None)  # type: ignore
+        with self.unlock():
+            value =[key]
-[key] = value
-        if self.update_on_set:
+        # Could another thread have called __setitem__ or __delitem__ on the
+        # same key in the meantime? If not, update the cache
+        if gen == self._last_updated.get(key):
             self.cache[key] = value
+            self._last_updated[key] += 1
+        return value
+    @locked
+    def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
+        # If the item was already in cache and data.__setitem__ fails, e.g. because
+        # it's a File and the disk is full, make sure that the cache is invalidated.
+        discard(self.cache, key)
+        gen = self._gen
+        gen += 1
+        self._last_updated[key] = self._gen = gen
+        with self.unlock():
+  [key] = value
+        if key not in self._last_updated:
+            # Another thread called __delitem__ in the meantime
+            discard(, key)
+        elif gen != self._last_updated[key]:
+            # Another thread called __setitem__ in the meantime. We have no idea which
+            # of the two ended up actually setting
+            # Case 1: the other thread did not enter this locked code block yet.
+            #         Prevent it from setting the cache.
+            self._last_updated[key] += 1
+            # Case 2: the other thread already exited this locked code block and set the
+            #         cache. Invalidate it.
+            discard(self.cache, key)
+        else:
+            # No race condition
+            self._last_updated[key] += 1
+            if self.update_on_set:
+                self.cache[key] = value
+    @locked
     def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None:
-        self.cache.pop(key, None)  # type: ignore
+        del self._last_updated[key]
+        discard(self.cache, key)
     def __len__(self) -> int:
         return len(
@@ -80,11 +122,6 @@ class Cache(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
         # Do not let MutableMapping call[key]
         return key in
-    def keys(self) -> KeysView[KT]:
-        # Return a potentially optimized set-like, instead of letting MutableMapping
-        # build it from __iter__ on the fly
-        return
     def flush(self) -> None:
@@ -93,7 +130,7 @@ class Cache(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
-    # TODO Python 3.9: remove this branch and just use [] in the implementation below
+    # TODO remove this branch and just use [] in the implementation below (needs Python >=3.9)
     class WeakValueMapping(weakref.WeakValueDictionary[KT, VT]):
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index 42648f3..ebfb1e0 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -1,67 +1,95 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from import Iterable, Mapping
+import threading
+from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import wraps
 from itertools import chain
 from typing import MutableMapping  # TODO move to (needs Python >=3.9)
-from typing import Any, TypeVar, overload
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar, cast
 T = TypeVar("T")
 KT = TypeVar("KT")
 VT = TypeVar("VT")
+    # TODO import ParamSpec from typing (needs Python >=3.10)
+    # TODO import Self from typing (needs Python >=3.11)
+    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, Self
+    P = ParamSpec("P")
+class NoDefault(Enum):
+    nodefault = None
+nodefault = NoDefault.nodefault
 class ZictBase(MutableMapping[KT, VT]):
     """Base class for zict mappings"""
-    # TODO use positional-only arguments to protect self (requires Python 3.8+)
-    @overload
-    def update(self, __m: Mapping[KT, VT], **kwargs: VT) -> None:
-        ...
-    @overload
-    def update(self, __m: Iterable[tuple[KT, VT]], **kwargs: VT) -> None:
-        ...
-    @overload
-    def update(self, **kwargs: VT) -> None:
-        ...
-    def update(*args, **kwds):
-        # Boilerplate for implementing an update() method
-        if not args:
-            raise TypeError(
-                "descriptor 'update' of MutableMapping object " "needs an argument"
-            )
-        self = args[0]
-        args = args[1:]
-        if len(args) > 1:
-            raise TypeError("update expected at most 1 arguments, got %d" % len(args))
-        items = []
-        if args:
-            other = args[0]
-            if isinstance(other, Mapping) or hasattr(other, "items"):
-                items = other.items()
-            else:
-                # Assuming (key, value) pairs
-                items = other
-        if kwds:
-            items = chain(items, kwds.items())
-        self._do_update(items)
+    lock: threading.RLock
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        self.lock = threading.RLock()
+    def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        state = self.__dict__.copy()
+        del state["lock"]
+        return state
+    def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        self.__dict__ = state
+        self.lock = threading.RLock()
+    def update(  # type: ignore[override]
+        self,
+        other: Mapping[KT, VT] | Iterable[tuple[KT, VT]] = (),
+        /,
+        **kwargs: VT,
+    ) -> None:
+        if hasattr(other, "items"):
+            other = other.items()
+        other = chain(other, kwargs.items())  # type: ignore
+        self._do_update(other)
     def _do_update(self, items: Iterable[tuple[KT, VT]]) -> None:
         # Default implementation, can be overriden for speed
         for k, v in items:
             self[k] = v
+    def discard(self, key: KT) -> None:
+        """Flush *key* if possible.
+        Not the same as ``m.pop(key, None)``, as it doesn't trigger ``__getitem__``.
+        """
+        discard(self, key)
     def close(self) -> None:
         """Release any system resources held by this object"""
-    def __enter__(self: T) -> T:
+    def __enter__(self) -> Self:
         return self
-    def __exit__(self, *args) -> None:
+    def __exit__(self, *args: Any) -> None:
+        self.close()
+    def __del__(self) -> None:
+    @contextmanager
+    def unlock(self) -> Iterator[None]:
+        """To be used in a method decorated by ``@locked``.
+        Temporarily releases the mapping's RLock.
+        """
+        self.lock.release()
+        try:
+            yield
+        finally:
+            self.lock.acquire()
 def close(*z: Any) -> None:
     """Close *z* if possible."""
@@ -75,3 +103,27 @@ def flush(*z: Any) -> None:
     for zi in z:
         if hasattr(zi, "flush"):
+def discard(m: MutableMapping[KT, VT], key: KT) -> None:
+    """Flush *key* if possible.
+    Not the same as ``m.pop(key, None)``, as it doesn't trigger ``__getitem__``.
+    """
+    try:
+        del m[key]
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+def locked(func: Callable[P, VT]) -> Callable[P, VT]:
+    """Decorator for a method of ZictBase, which wraps the whole method in a
+    instance-specific (but not key-specific) rlock.
+    """
+    @wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> VT:
+        self = cast(ZictBase, args[0])
+        with self.lock:
+            return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    return wrapper
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index ebae757..60564da 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -2,39 +2,38 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 import mmap
 import os
+import pathlib
 from import Iterator
 from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
-from zict.common import ZictBase
-def _safe_key(key: str) -> str:
-    """
-    Escape key so as to be usable on all filesystems.
-    """
-    # Even directory separators are unsafe.
-    return quote(key, safe="")
-def _unsafe_key(key: str) -> str:
-    """
-    Undo the escaping done by _safe_key().
-    """
-    return unquote(key)
+from zict.common import ZictBase, locked
 class File(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
     """Mutable Mapping interface to a directory
-    Keys must be strings, values must be bytes
+    Keys must be strings, values must be buffers
     Note this shouldn't be used for interprocess persistence, as keys
     are cached in memory.
-    directory: string
-    mode: string, ('r', 'w', 'a'), defaults to 'a'
+    directory: str
+        Directory to write to. If it already exists, existing files will be imported as
+        mapping elements. If it doesn't exists, it will be created.
+    memmap: bool (optional)
+        If True, use `mmap` for reading. Defaults to False.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long
+    as atomic disk access such as ``open``, ``os.fstat``, and ``os.remove`` is fast.
+    This is not always the case, e.g. in case of slow network mounts or spun-down
+    magnetic drives.
+    Bytes read/write in the files is not protected by locks; this could cause failures
+    on Windows, NFS, and in general whenever it's not OK to delete a file while there
+    are file descriptors open on it.
@@ -55,69 +54,105 @@ class File(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
     directory: str
-    mode: str
     memmap: bool
-    _keys: set[str]
+    filenames: dict[str, str]
+    _inc: int
-    def __init__(self, directory: str, mode: str = "a", memmap: bool = False):
- = directory
-        self.mode = mode
+    def __init__(self, directory: str | pathlib.Path, memmap: bool = False):
+        super().__init__()
+ = str(directory)
         self.memmap = memmap
-        self._keys = set()
+        self.filenames = {}
+        self._inc = 0
         if not os.path.exists(
             os.makedirs(, exist_ok=True)
-            for n in os.listdir(
-                self._keys.add(_unsafe_key(n))
+            for fn in os.listdir(
+                self.filenames[self._unsafe_key(fn)] = fn
+                self._inc += 1
+    def _safe_key(self, key: str) -> str:
+        """Escape key so that it is usable on all filesystems.
+        Append to the filenames a unique suffix that changes every time this method is
+        called. This prevents race conditions when another thread accesses the same
+        key, e.g. ``__setitem__`` on one thread and ``__getitem__`` on another.
+        """
+        # `#` is escaped by quote and is supported by most file systems
+        key = quote(key, safe="") + f"#{self._inc}"
+        self._inc += 1
+        return key
+    @staticmethod
+    def _unsafe_key(key: str) -> str:
+        """Undo the escaping done by _safe_key()"""
+        key = key.split("#")[0]
+        return unquote(key)
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        return f'<File: {}, mode="{self.mode}", {len(self)} elements>'
+        return f"<File: {}, {len(self)} elements>"
     __repr__ = __str__
-    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> bytes:
-        if key not in self._keys:
-            raise KeyError(key)
-        fn = os.path.join(, _safe_key(key))
-        with open(fn, "rb") as fh:
-            if self.memmap:
-                return memoryview(mmap.mmap(fh.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ))
-            else:
-                return
+    @locked
+    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> bytearray | memoryview:
+        fn = os.path.join(, self.filenames[key])
+        # distributed.protocol.numpy.deserialize_numpy_ndarray makes sure that, if the
+        # numpy array was writeable before serialization, remains writeable afterwards.
+        # If it receives a read-only buffer (e.g. from or from a mmap to a
+        # read-only file descriptor), it performs an expensive memcpy.
+        # Note that this is a dask-specific feature; vanilla pickle.loads will instead
+        # return an array with flags.writeable=False.
+        if self.memmap:
+            with open(fn, "r+b") as fh:
+                return memoryview(mmap.mmap(fh.fileno(), 0))
+        else:
+            with open(fn, "rb") as fh:
+                size = os.fstat(fh.fileno()).st_size
+                buf = bytearray(size)
+                with self.unlock():
+                    nread = fh.readinto(buf)
+                assert nread == size
+                return buf
+    @locked
     def __setitem__(
         key: str,
         value: bytes
         | bytearray
-        | list[bytes]
-        | list[bytearray]
-        | tuple[bytes]
-        | tuple[bytearray],
+        | memoryview
+        | list[bytes | bytearray | memoryview]
+        | tuple[bytes | bytearray | memoryview, ...],
     ) -> None:
-        fn = os.path.join(, _safe_key(key))
-        with open(fn, "wb") as fh:
+        self.discard(key)
+        fn = self._safe_key(key)
+        with open(os.path.join(, fn), "wb") as fh, self.unlock():
             if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
-        self._keys.add(key)
-    def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
-        return key in self._keys
+        if key in self.filenames:
+            # Race condition: two calls to __setitem__ from different threads on the
+            # same key at the same time
+            os.remove(os.path.join(, fn))
+        else:
+            self.filenames[key] = fn
-    # FIXME dictionary views
-    def keys(self) -> set[str]:  # type: ignore
-        return self._keys
+    def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
+        return key in self.filenames
     def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
-        return iter(self._keys)
+        return iter(self.filenames)
+    @locked
     def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
-        if key not in self._keys:
-            raise KeyError(key)
-        os.remove(os.path.join(, _safe_key(key)))
-        self._keys.remove(key)
+        fn = self.filenames.pop(key)
+        os.remove(os.path.join(, fn))
     def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return len(self._keys)
+        return len(self.filenames)
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index 00b66dc..b45cfa0 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, KeysView, MutableMapping
+from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, MutableMapping
 from typing import Generic, TypeVar
 from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, flush
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Func(ZictBase[KT, VT], Generic[KT, VT, WT]):
     >>> def halve(x):
     ...     return x / 2
-    >>> d = dict()
+    >>> d = {}
     >>> f = Func(double, halve, d)
     >>> f['x'] = 10
     >>> d
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ class Func(ZictBase[KT, VT], Generic[KT, VT, WT]):
         load: Callable[[WT], VT],
         d: MutableMapping[KT, WT],
-        # FIXME
-        self.dump = dump  # type: ignore
-        self.load = load  # type: ignore
+        super().__init__()
+        self.dump = dump
+        self.load = load
         self.d = d
     def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
-        return self.load(self.d[key])  # type: ignore
+        return self.load(self.d[key])
     def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
-        self.d[key] = self.dump(value)  # type: ignore
+        self.d[key] = self.dump(value)
     def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
         return key in self.d
@@ -63,18 +63,8 @@ class Func(ZictBase[KT, VT], Generic[KT, VT, WT]):
     def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None:
         del self.d[key]
-    def keys(self) -> KeysView[KT]:
-        return self.d.keys()
-    # FIXME dictionary views
-    def values(self) -> Iterator[VT]:  # type: ignore
-        return (self.load(v) for v in self.d.values())  # type: ignore
-    def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[KT, VT]]:  # type: ignore
-        return ((k, self.load(v)) for k, v in self.d.items())  # type: ignore
     def _do_update(self, items: Iterable[tuple[KT, VT]]) -> None:
-        it = ((k, self.dump(v)) for k, v in items)  # type: ignore
+        it = ((k, self.dump(v)) for k, v in items)
     def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[KT]:
@@ -95,7 +85,7 @@ class Func(ZictBase[KT, VT], Generic[KT, VT, WT]):
-def funcname(func) -> str:
+def funcname(func: Callable) -> str:
     """Get the name of a function."""
     while hasattr(func, "func"):
         func = func.func
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index f4ac2db..c7648e1 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
+import pathlib
 import sys
 from import Iterable, Iterator
+from typing import (  # TODO import from (needs Python >=3.9)
+    ItemsView,
+    ValuesView,
 from zict.common import ZictBase
@@ -21,7 +26,18 @@ class LMDB(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
-    directory: string
+    directory: str
+    map_size: int
+        On Linux and MacOS, maximum size of the database file on disk.
+        Defaults to 1 TiB on 64 bit systems and 1 GiB on 32 bit ones.
+        On Windows, preallocated total size of the database file on disk. Defaults to
+        10 MiB to encourage explicitly setting it.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    None of this class is thread-safe - not even normally trivial methods such as
+    ``__len__ `` or ``__contains__``.
@@ -31,24 +47,27 @@ class LMDB(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
-    def __init__(self, directory: str):
+    def __init__(self, directory: str | pathlib.Path, map_size: int | None = None):
         import lmdb
-        # map_size is the maximum database size but shouldn't fill up the
-        # virtual address space
-        map_size = 1 << 40 if sys.maxsize >= 2**32 else 1 << 28
-        # writemap requires sparse file support otherwise the whole
-        # `map_size` may be reserved up front on disk
-        writemap = sys.platform.startswith("linux")
+        super().__init__()
+        if map_size is None:
+            if sys.platform != "win32":
+                map_size = min(2**40, sys.maxsize // 4)
+            else:
+                map_size = 10 * 2**20
         self.db =
-            directory,
+            str(directory),
-            writemap=writemap,
+            writemap=True,
     def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> bytes:
+        if not isinstance(key, str):
+            raise KeyError(key)
         with self.db.begin() as txn:
             value = txn.get(_encode_key(key))
         if value is None:
@@ -56,6 +75,10 @@ class LMDB(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
         return value
     def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: bytes) -> None:
+        if not isinstance(key, str):
+            raise TypeError(key)
+        if not isinstance(value, bytes):
+            raise TypeError(value)
         with self.db.begin(write=True) as txn:
             txn.put(_encode_key(key), value)
@@ -65,30 +88,33 @@ class LMDB(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
         with self.db.begin() as txn:
             return txn.cursor().set_key(_encode_key(key))
-    # FIXME dictionary views
-    def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, bytes]]:  # type: ignore
-        cursor = self.db.begin().cursor()
-        return ((_decode_key(k), v) for k, v in cursor.iternext(keys=True, values=True))
-    def keys(self) -> Iterator[str]:  # type: ignore
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
         cursor = self.db.begin().cursor()
         return (_decode_key(k) for k in cursor.iternext(keys=True, values=False))
-    def values(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:  # type: ignore
-        cursor = self.db.begin().cursor()
-        return cursor.iternext(keys=False, values=True)
+    def items(self) -> ItemsView[str, bytes]:
+        return LMDBItemsView(self)
+    def values(self) -> ValuesView[bytes]:
+        return LMDBValuesView(self)
     def _do_update(self, items: Iterable[tuple[str, bytes]]) -> None:
         # Optimized version of update() using a single putmulti() call.
-        items_enc = [(_encode_key(k), v) for k, v in items]
+        items_enc = []
+        for key, value in items:
+            if not isinstance(key, str):
+                raise TypeError(key)
+            if not isinstance(value, bytes):
+                raise TypeError(value)
+            items_enc.append((_encode_key(key), value))
         with self.db.begin(write=True) as txn:
             consumed, added = txn.cursor().putmulti(items_enc)
             assert consumed == added == len(items_enc)
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
-        return self.keys()
     def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
+        if not isinstance(key, str):
+            raise KeyError(key)
         with self.db.begin(write=True) as txn:
             if not txn.delete(_encode_key(key)):
                 raise KeyError(key)
@@ -98,3 +124,35 @@ class LMDB(ZictBase[str, bytes]):
     def close(self) -> None:
+class LMDBItemsView(ItemsView[str, bytes]):
+    _mapping: LMDB  # FIXME CPython implementation detail
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool:
+        key: str
+        value: object
+        key, value = item  # type: ignore
+        try:
+            v = self._mapping[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return v == value
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, bytes]]:
+        cursor = self._mapping.db.begin().cursor()
+        return ((_decode_key(k), v) for k, v in cursor.iternext(keys=True, values=True))
+class LMDBValuesView(ValuesView[bytes]):
+    _mapping: LMDB  # FIXME CPython implementation detail
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __contains__(self, value: object) -> bool:
+        return any(value == v for v in self)
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
+        cursor = self._mapping.db.begin().cursor()
+        return cursor.iternext(keys=False, values=True)
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index 345ed83..c3f8b42 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 from import (
+    Collection,
@@ -9,9 +10,8 @@ from import (
-from heapdict import heapdict
-from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, flush
+from zict.common import KT, VT, NoDefault, ZictBase, close, flush, locked, nodefault
+from zict.utils import InsertionSortedSet
 class LRU(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
@@ -20,17 +20,33 @@ class LRU(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     n: int or float
-        Number of elements to keep, or total weight if weight= is used
+        Number of elements to keep, or total weight if ``weight`` is used.
+        Any individual key that is heavier than n will be automatically evicted as soon
+        as it is inserted.
+        It can be updated after initialization. See also: ``offset`` attribute.
     d: MutableMapping
-        Dict-like in which to hold elements
-    on_evict: list of callables
-        Function:: k, v -> action to call on key value pairs prior to eviction
+        Dict-like in which to hold elements. There are no expectations on its internal
+        ordering. Iteration on the LRU follows the order of the underlying mapping.
+    on_evict: callable or list of callables
+        Function:: k, v -> action to call on key/value pairs prior to eviction
         If an exception occurs during an on_evict callback (e.g a callback tried
         storing to disk and raised a disk full error) the key will remain in the LRU.
+    on_cancel_evict: callable or list of callables
+        Function:: k, v -> action to call on key/value pairs if they're deleted or
+        updated from a thread while the on_evict callables are being executed in
+        another.
+        If you're not accessing the LRU from multiple threads, ignore this parameter.
     weight: callable
         Function:: k, v -> number to determine the size of keeping the item in
         the mapping.  Defaults to ``(k, v) -> 1``
+    Notes
+    -----
+    If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long
+    as all methods of ``d`` are fast. Callbacks are not protected by locks and can be
+    arbitrarily slow.
     >>> lru = LRU(2, {}, on_evict=lambda k, v: print("Lost", k, v))
@@ -41,101 +57,196 @@ class LRU(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     d: MutableMapping[KT, VT]
-    heap: heapdict[KT, VT]
+    order: InsertionSortedSet[KT]
+    heavy: InsertionSortedSet[KT]
     on_evict: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
+    on_cancel_evict: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
     weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float]
+    #: Maximum weight before eviction is triggered, as set during initialization.
+    #: Updating this attribute doesn't trigger eviction by itself; you should call
+    #: :meth:`evict_until_below_target` explicitly afterwards.
     n: float
-    i: int
-    total_weight: float
+    #: Offset to add to ``total_weight`` to determine if key/value pairs should be
+    #: evicted. It always starts at zero and can be updated afterwards. Updating this
+    #: attribute doesn't trigger eviction by itself; you should call
+    #: :meth:`evict_until_below_target` explicitly afterwards.
+    #: Increasing ``offset`` is not the same as reducing ``n``, as the latter will also
+    #: reduce the threshold below which a value is considered "heavy" and qualifies for
+    #: immediate eviction.
+    offset: float
     weights: dict[KT, float]
+    closed: bool
+    total_weight: float
+    _cancel_evict: dict[KT, bool]
     def __init__(
         n: float,
         d: MutableMapping[KT, VT],
+        *,
         on_evict: Callable[[KT, VT], None]
         | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
         | None = None,
+        on_cancel_evict: Callable[[KT, VT], None]
+        | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]]
+        | None = None,
         weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float] = lambda k, v: 1,
+        super().__init__()
         self.d = d
         self.n = n
-        self.heap = heapdict()
-        self.i = 0
+        self.offset = 0
         if callable(on_evict):
             on_evict = [on_evict]
         self.on_evict = on_evict or []
-        # FIXME
-        self.weight = weight  # type: ignore
-        self.total_weight = 0
-        self.weights = {}
+        if callable(on_cancel_evict):
+            on_cancel_evict = [on_cancel_evict]
+        self.on_cancel_evict = on_cancel_evict or []
+        self.weight = weight
+        self.weights = {k: weight(k, v) for k, v in d.items()}
+        self.total_weight = sum(self.weights.values())
+        self.order = InsertionSortedSet(d)
+        self.heavy = InsertionSortedSet(k for k, v in self.weights.items() if v >= n)
+        self.closed = False
+        self._cancel_evict = {}
+    @locked
     def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
         result = self.d[key]
-        self.i += 1
-        self.heap[key] = self.i
+        self.order.remove(key)
+        self.order.add(key)
+        return result
+    @locked
+    def get_all_or_nothing(self, keys: Collection[KT]) -> dict[KT, VT]:
+        """If all keys exist in the LRU, update their FIFO priority and return their
+        values; this would be the same as ``{k: lru[k] for k in keys}``.
+        If any keys are missing, however, raise KeyError for the first one missing and
+        do not bring any of the available keys to the top of the LRU.
+        """
+        result = {key: self.d[key] for key in keys}
+        for key in keys:
+            self.order.remove(key)
+            self.order.add(key)
         return result
     def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
-        if key in self.d:
-            del self[key]
-        weight = self.weight(key, value)  # type: ignore
-        def set_():
-            self.d[key] = value
-            self.i += 1
-            self.heap[key] = self.i
-            self.weights[key] = weight
-            self.total_weight += weight
-            # Evicting the last key/value pair is guaranteed to fail, so don't try.
-            # This is because it is always the last one inserted by virtue of this
-            # being an LRU, which in turn means we reached this point because
-            # weight > self.n and a callbacks raised exception (e.g. disk full).
-            while self.total_weight > self.n and len(self.d) > 1:
-                self.evict()
+        self.set_noevict(key, value)
+        try:
+            self.evict_until_below_target()
+        except Exception:
+            if self.weights.get(key, 0) > self.n and key not in self.heavy:
+                # weight(value) > n and evicting the key we just inserted failed.
+                # Evict the rest of the LRU instead.
+                try:
+                    while len(self.d) > 1:
+                        self.evict()
+                except Exception:
+                    pass
+            raise
+    @locked
+    def set_noevict(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
+        """Variant of ``__setitem__`` that does not evict if the total weight exceeds n.
+        Unlike ``__setitem__``, this method does not depend on the ``on_evict``
+        functions to be thread-safe for its own thread-safety. It also is not prone to
+        re-raising exceptions from the ``on_evict`` callbacks.
+        """
+        self.discard(key)
+        weight = self.weight(key, value)
+        if key in self._cancel_evict:
+            self._cancel_evict[key] = True
+        self.d[key] = value
+        self.order.add(key)
+        if weight > self.n:
+            self.heavy.add(key)  # Mark this key to be evicted first
+        self.weights[key] = weight
+        self.total_weight += weight
-        if weight <= self.n:
-            set_()
-        else:
+    def evict_until_below_target(self, n: float | None = None) -> None:
+        """Evict key/value pairs until the total weight falls below n
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        n: float, optional
+            Total weight threshold to achieve. Defaults to self.n.
+        """
+        if n is None:
+            n = self.n
+        while self.total_weight + self.offset > n and not self.closed:
-                for cb in self.on_evict:
-                    cb(key, value)
-            except Exception:
-                # e.g. if a callback tried storing to disk and raised a disk full error
-                set_()
-                raise
+                self.evict()
+            except KeyError:
+                return  # Multithreaded race condition
-    def evict(self) -> tuple[KT, VT, float]:
-        """Evict least recently used key
+    @locked
+    def evict(
+        self, key: KT | NoDefault = nodefault
+    ) -> tuple[KT, VT, float] | tuple[None, None, float]:
+        """Evict least recently used key, or least recently inserted key with individual
+        weight > n, if any. You may also evict a specific key.
         This is typically called from internal use, but can be externally
         triggered as well.
-        k: key
-        v: value
-        w: weight
+        Tuple of (key, value, weight)
+        Or (None, None, 0) if the key that was being evicted was updated or deleted from
+        another thread while the on_evict callbacks were being executed. This outcome is
+        only possible in multithreaded access.
-        k, priority = self.heap.popitem()
-        v = self.d.pop(k)
+        if key is nodefault:
+            try:
+                key = next(iter(self.heavy or self.order))
+            except StopIteration:
+                raise KeyError("evict(): dictionary is empty")
+        if key in self._cancel_evict:
+            return None, None, 0
+        # For the purpose of multithreaded access, it's important that the value remains
+        # in self.d until all callbacks are successful.
+        # When this is used inside a Buffer, there must never be a moment when the key
+        # is neither in fast nor in slow.
+        value = self.d[key]
+        # If we are evicting a heavy key we just inserted and one of the callbacks
+        # fails, put it at the bottom of the LRU instead of the top. This way lighter
+        # keys will have a chance to be evicted first and make space.
+        self.heavy.discard(key)
+        self._cancel_evict[key] = False
-            for cb in self.on_evict:
-                cb(k, v)
-        except Exception:
-            # e.g. if a callback tried storing to disk and raised a disk full error
-            self.heap[k] = priority
-            self.d[k] = v
-            raise
+            with self.unlock():
+                # This may raise; e.g. if a callback tries storing to a full disk
+                for cb in self.on_evict:
+                    cb(key, value)
+                if self._cancel_evict[key]:
+                    for cb in self.on_cancel_evict:
+                        cb(key, value)
+                    return None, None, 0
+        finally:
+            del self._cancel_evict[key]
-        weight = self.weights.pop(k)
+        del self.d[key]
+        self.order.remove(key)
+        weight = self.weights.pop(key)
         self.total_weight -= weight
-        return k, v, weight
+        return key, value, weight
+    @locked
     def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None:
+        if key in self._cancel_evict:
+            self._cancel_evict[key] = True
         del self.d[key]
-        del self.heap[key]
+        self.order.remove(key)
+        self.heavy.discard(key)
         self.total_weight -= self.weights.pop(key)
     def keys(self) -> KeysView[KT]:
@@ -158,7 +269,7 @@ class LRU(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         sub = str(self.d) if not isinstance(self.d, dict) else "dict"
-        return f"<LRU: {self.total_weight}/{self.n} on {sub}>"
+        return f"<LRU: {self.total_weight + self.offset}/{self.n} on {sub}>"
     __repr__ = __str__
@@ -166,4 +277,5 @@ class LRU(ZictBase[KT, VT]):
     def close(self) -> None:
+        self.closed = True
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index 8640b8d..4ac4e3f 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 from collections import defaultdict
 from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, MutableMapping
-from itertools import chain
 from typing import Generic, TypeVar
-from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, flush
+from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, discard, flush, locked
 MKT = TypeVar("MKT")
@@ -23,85 +22,101 @@ class Sieve(ZictBase[KT, VT], Generic[KT, VT, MKT]):
     mappings: dict of {mapping key: MutableMapping}
     selector: callable (key, value) -> mapping key
+    Notes
+    -----
+    If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long
+    as the ``__contains__`` and ``__delitem__`` methods of all underlying mappins are
+    fast. ``__getitem__`` and ``__setitem__`` methods of the underlying mappings are not
+    protected by locks.
     >>> small = {}
     >>> large = DataBase()                        # doctest: +SKIP
     >>> mappings = {True: small, False: large}    # doctest: +SKIP
     >>> def is_small(key, value):                 # doctest: +SKIP
-            return sys.getsizeof(value) < 10000
+    ...     return sys.getsizeof(value) < 10000   # doctest: +SKIP
     >>> d = Sieve(mappings, is_small)             # doctest: +SKIP
-    See Also
-    --------
-    Buffer
     mappings: Mapping[MKT, MutableMapping[KT, VT]]
     selector: Callable[[KT, VT], MKT]
     key_to_mapping: dict[KT, MutableMapping[KT, VT]]
+    gen: int
     def __init__(
         mappings: Mapping[MKT, MutableMapping[KT, VT]],
         selector: Callable[[KT, VT], MKT],
+        super().__init__()
         self.mappings = mappings
-        # FIXME
-        self.selector = selector  # type: ignore
+        self.selector = selector
         self.key_to_mapping = {}
+        self.gen = 0
     def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:
+        # Note that this may raise KeyError if you call it in the middle of __setitem__
+        # or update for an already existing key
         return self.key_to_mapping[key][key]
+    @locked
     def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
-        old_mapping = self.key_to_mapping.get(key)
-        mkey = self.selector(key, value)  # type: ignore
+        discard(self, key)
+        mkey = self.selector(key, value)
         mapping = self.mappings[mkey]
-        if old_mapping is not None and old_mapping is not mapping:
-            del old_mapping[key]
-        mapping[key] = value
         self.key_to_mapping[key] = mapping
+        self.gen += 1
+        gen = self.gen
+        with self.unlock():
+            mapping[key] = value
+        if gen != self.gen and self.key_to_mapping.get(key) is not mapping:
+            # Multithreaded race condition
+            discard(mapping, key)
+    @locked
     def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None:
-        del self.key_to_mapping.pop(key)[key]
+        mapping = self.key_to_mapping.pop(key)
+        self.gen += 1
+        discard(mapping, key)
+    @locked
     def _do_update(self, items: Iterable[tuple[KT, VT]]) -> None:
         # Optimized update() implementation issuing a single update()
         # call per underlying mapping.
         updates = defaultdict(list)
-        mapping_ids = {id(m): m for m in self.mappings.values()}
+        self.gen += 1
+        gen = self.gen
         for key, value in items:
-            old_mapping = self.key_to_mapping.get(key)
-            mkey = self.selector(key, value)  # type: ignore
+            old_mapping = self.key_to_mapping.pop(key, None)
+            if old_mapping is not None:
+                discard(old_mapping, key)
+            mkey = self.selector(key, value)
             mapping = self.mappings[mkey]
-            if old_mapping is not None and old_mapping is not mapping:
-                del old_mapping[key]
-            # Can't hash a mutable mapping, so use its id() instead
-            updates[id(mapping)].append((key, value))
-        for mid, mitems in updates.items():
-            mapping = mapping_ids[mid]
-            mapping.update(mitems)
-            for key, _ in mitems:
-                self.key_to_mapping[key] = mapping
-    # FIXME dictionary views
-    def keys(self) -> Iterator[KT]:  # type: ignore
-        return chain.from_iterable(self.mappings.values())
-    def values(self) -> Iterator[VT]:  # type: ignore
-        return chain.from_iterable(m.values() for m in self.mappings.values())
-    def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[KT, VT]]:  # type: ignore
-        return chain.from_iterable(m.items() for m in self.mappings.values())
+            updates[mkey].append((key, value))
+            self.key_to_mapping[key] = mapping
+        with self.unlock():
+            for mkey, mitems in updates.items():
+                mapping = self.mappings[mkey]
+                mapping.update(mitems)
+        if gen != self.gen:
+            # Multithreaded race condition
+            for mkey, mitems in updates.items():
+                mapping = self.mappings[mkey]
+                for key, _ in mitems:
+                    if self.key_to_mapping.get(key) is not mapping:
+                        discard(mapping, key)
     def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return sum(map(len, self.mappings.values()))
+        return len(self.key_to_mapping)
     def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[KT]:
-        return self.keys()
+        return iter(self.key_to_mapping)
     def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
         return key in self.key_to_mapping
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395e7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import gc
+import sys
+import threading
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+import pytest
+    import psutil
+except ImportError:
+    psutil = None  # type: ignore
+def check_fd_leaks():
+    if sys.platform == "win32" or psutil is None:
+        yield
+    else:
+        proc = psutil.Process()
+        before = proc.num_fds()
+        yield
+        gc.collect()
+        assert proc.num_fds() == before
+def is_locked():
+    """Callable that returns True if the parameter zict mapping has its RLock engaged"""
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        def __is_locked(d):
+            out = d.lock.acquire(blocking=False)
+            if out:
+                d.lock.release()
+            return not out
+        def _is_locked(d):
+            return ex.submit(__is_locked, d).result()
+        yield _is_locked
+def check_thread_leaks():
+    active_threads_start = threading.enumerate()
+    yield
+    bad_threads = [
+        thread for thread in threading.enumerate() if thread not in active_threads_start
+    ]
+    if bad_threads:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Leaked thread(s): {bad_threads}")
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5165faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+import asyncio
+import contextvars
+import threading
+import time
+from collections import UserDict
+from concurrent.futures import Executor, Future
+import pytest
+from zict import AsyncBuffer, Func
+from zict.tests import utils_test
+async def test_simple(check_thread_leaks):
+    with AsyncBuffer({}, utils_test.SlowDict(0.01), n=3) as buff:
+        buff["a"] = 1
+        buff["b"] = 2
+        buff["c"] = 3
+        assert set( == {"a", "b", "c"}
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert not buff.futures
+        buff["d"] = 4
+        assert set( == {"a", "b", "c", "d"}
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert buff.futures
+        await asyncio.wait(buff.futures)
+        assert set( == {"b", "c", "d"}
+        assert set(buff.slow) == {"a"}
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target()
+        assert not buff.futures
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target(10)
+        assert not buff.futures
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target(2)
+        assert buff.futures
+        await asyncio.wait(buff.futures)
+        assert set( == {"c", "d"}
+        assert set(buff.slow) == {"a", "b"}
+        # Do not incur in threading sync cost if everything is in fast
+        assert list( == ["c", "d"]
+        future = buff.async_get(["c"])
+        assert future.done()
+        assert await future == {"c": 3}
+        assert list( == ["d", "c"]
+        # Do not disturb LRU order in case of missing keys
+        with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="m"):
+            _ = buff.async_get(["d", "m"], missing="raise")
+        assert list( == ["d", "c"]
+        future = buff.async_get(["d", "m"], missing="omit")
+        assert future.done()
+        assert await future == {"d": 4}
+        assert list( == ["c", "d"]
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+            _ = buff.async_get(["a"], missing="misspell")
+        # Asynchronously retrieve from slow
+        future = buff.async_get(["a", "b"])
+        assert not future.done()
+        assert future in buff.futures
+        assert await future == {"a": 1, "b": 2}
+        assert not buff.futures
+        assert set( == {"d", "a", "b"}
+        assert set(buff.slow) == {"c"}
+async def test_double_evict(check_thread_leaks):
+    """User calls async_evict_until_below_target() while the same is already running"""
+    with AsyncBuffer({}, utils_test.SlowDict(0.01), n=3) as buff:
+        buff["x"] = 1
+        buff["y"] = 2
+        buff["z"] = 3
+        assert len( == 3
+        assert not buff.futures
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target(2)
+        assert len(buff.futures) == 1
+        assert list(buff.evicting.values()) == [2]
+        # Evicting to the same n is a no-op
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target(2)
+        assert len(buff.futures) == 1
+        assert list(buff.evicting.values()) == [2]
+        # Evicting to a lower n while a previous eviction is still running does not
+        # cancel the previous eviction
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target(1)
+        assert len(buff.futures) == 2
+        assert list(buff.evicting.values()) == [2, 1]
+        await asyncio.wait(buff.futures, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
+        assert len(buff.futures) == 1
+        assert list(buff.evicting.values()) == [1]
+        await asyncio.wait(buff.futures)
+        assert not buff.futures
+        assert not buff.evicting
+        assert == {"z": 3}
+        assert == {"x": 1, "y": 2}
+        # Evicting to negative n while fast is empty does nothing
+        buff.evict_until_below_target(0)
+        buff.async_evict_until_below_target(-1)
+        assert not buff.futures
+        assert not buff.evicting
+async def test_close_during_evict(check_thread_leaks):
+    buff = AsyncBuffer({}, utils_test.SlowDict(0.01), n=100)
+    buff.update({i: i for i in range(100)})
+    assert not buff.futures
+    assert len( == 100
+    buff.async_evict_until_below_target(0)
+    while not buff.slow:
+        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
+    assert
+    assert buff.futures
+    buff.close()
+    await asyncio.wait(buff.futures)
+    assert not buff.futures
+    assert
+    assert buff.slow
+async def test_close_during_get(check_thread_leaks):
+    buff = AsyncBuffer({}, utils_test.SlowDict(0.01), n=100)
+{i: i for i in range(100)})
+    assert len(buff) == 100
+    assert not
+    future = buff.async_get(list(range(100)))
+    assert buff.futures
+    while not
+        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
+    buff.close()
+    with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError):
+        await future
+    await asyncio.wait(buff.futures)
+    assert not buff.futures
+    assert
+    assert buff.slow
+async def test_contextvars(check_thread_leaks):
+    ctx = contextvars.ContextVar("v", default=0)
+    in_dump = threading.Event()
+    in_load = threading.Event()
+    block_dump = threading.Event()
+    block_load = threading.Event()
+    def dump(v):
+        in_dump.set()
+        assert block_dump.wait(timeout=5)
+        return v + ctx.get()
+    def load(v):
+        in_load.set()
+        assert block_load.wait(timeout=5)
+        return v + ctx.get()
+    with AsyncBuffer({}, Func(dump, load, {}), n=0.1) as buff:
+        ctx.set(20)  # Picked up by dump
+        buff["x"] = 1
+        assert buff.futures
+        assert in_dump.wait(timeout=5)
+        ctx.set(300)  # Changed while dump runs. Won't be picked up until load.
+        block_dump.set()
+        await asyncio.wait(buff.futures)
+        assert buff.slow.d == {"x": 21}
+        fut = buff.async_get(["x"])
+        assert in_load.wait(timeout=5)
+        ctx.set(4000)  # Changed while load runs. Won't be picked up.
+        block_load.set()
+        assert await fut == {"x": 321}  # 1 + 20 (added by dump) + 300 (added by load)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("missing", ["raise", "omit"])
+async def test_race_condition_get_async_delitem(check_thread_leaks, missing):
+    """All required keys exist in slow when you call get_async(); however some are
+    deleted by the time the offloaded thread retrieves their values.
+    """
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __getitem__(self, key):
+            if key in self:
+                time.sleep(0.01)
+            return super().__getitem__(key)
+    with AsyncBuffer({}, Slow(), n=100) as buff:
+        buff.slow.update({i: i for i in range(100)})
+        assert len(buff) == 100
+        future = buff.async_get(list(range(100)), missing=missing)
+        while not
+            await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
+        assert buff.slow
+        # Don't use clear(); it uses __iter__ which would not return until restore is
+        # completed
+        for i in range(100):
+            del buff[i]
+        assert not
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert not future.done()
+        if missing == "raise":
+            with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+                await future
+        else:
+            out = await future
+            assert 0 < len(out) < 100
+async def test_multiple_offload_threads():
+    barrier = threading.Barrier(2)
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __getitem__(self, key):
+            barrier.wait(timeout=5)
+            return super().__getitem__(key)
+    with AsyncBuffer({}, Slow(), n=100, nthreads=2) as buff:
+        buff["x"] = 1
+        buff["y"] = 2
+        buff.evict_until_below_target(0)
+        assert not
+        assert set(buff.slow) == {"x", "y"}
+        out = await asyncio.gather(buff.async_get(["x"]), buff.async_get(["y"]))
+        assert out == [{"x": 1}, {"y": 2}]
+async def test_external_executor():
+    n_submit = 0
+    class MyExecutor(Executor):
+        def submit(self, fn, /, *args, **kwargs):
+            nonlocal n_submit
+            n_submit += 1
+            out = fn(*args, **kwargs)
+            f = Future()
+            f.set_result(out)
+            return f
+        def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            raise AssertionError("AsyncBuffer.close() called executor.shutdown()")
+    ex = MyExecutor()
+    buff = AsyncBuffer({}, {}, n=1, executor=ex)
+    buff["x"] = 1
+    buff["y"] = 2  # Evict x
+    assert == {"y": 2}
+    assert buff.slow == {"x": 1}
+    assert await buff.async_get(["x"]) == {"x": 1}  # Restore x, evict y
+    assert == {"x": 1}
+    assert buff.slow == {"y": 2}
+    assert n_submit == 2
+    buff.close()
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index 5211551..b5d23bd 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
+import random
+import threading
+from collections import UserDict
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
 import pytest
-import zict
+from zict import Buffer
 from zict.tests import utils_test
 def test_simple():
-    a = dict()
-    b = dict()
-    buff = zict.Buffer(a, b, n=10, weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    a = {}
+    b = {}
+    buff = Buffer(a, b, n=10, weight=lambda k, v: v)
     buff["x"] = 1
     buff["y"] = 2
@@ -64,10 +69,9 @@ def test_simple():
 def test_setitem_avoid_fast_slow_duplicate():
-    a = dict()
-    b = dict()
-    buff = zict.Buffer(a, b, n=10, weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    a = {}
+    b = {}
+    buff = Buffer(a, b, n=10, weight=lambda k, v: v)
     for first, second in [(1, 12), (12, 1)]:
         buff["a"] = first
         assert buff["a"] == first
@@ -91,10 +95,19 @@ def test_mapping():
     a = {}
     b = {}
-    buff = zict.Buffer(a, b, n=2)
+    buff = Buffer(a, b, n=2)
+    buff.clear()
+    assert not buff.slow
+    assert not buff._cancel_restore
+    assert not
+    assert not
+    assert not
+    assert not
+    assert not
 def test_callbacks():
     f2s = []
@@ -107,9 +120,9 @@ def test_callbacks():
     def s2f_cb(k, v):
-    a = dict()
-    b = dict()
-    buff = zict.Buffer(
+    a = {}
+    b = {}
+    buff = Buffer(
@@ -158,7 +171,7 @@ def test_callbacks_exception_catch():
     a = {}
     b = {}
-    buff = zict.Buffer(
+    buff = Buffer(
@@ -186,7 +199,7 @@ def test_callbacks_exception_catch():
     assert b == {"x": 1}
     # Add key > n, again total weight > n this will move everything to slow except w
-    # that stays in fast due after callback raise
+    # that stays in fast due to callback raising
     with pytest.raises(MyError):
         buff["w"] = 11
@@ -194,3 +207,219 @@ def test_callbacks_exception_catch():
     assert s2f == []
     assert a == {"w": 11}
     assert b == {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 8}
+def test_n_offset():
+    buff = Buffer({}, {}, n=5)
+    assert buff.n == 5
+    assert == 5
+    buff.n = 3
+    assert == 3
+    assert buff.offset == 0
+    assert == 0
+    buff.offset = 2
+    assert buff.offset == 2
+    assert == 2
+def test_set_noevict():
+    a = {}
+    b = {}
+    f2s = []
+    s2f = []
+    buff = Buffer(
+        a,
+        b,
+        n=5,
+        weight=lambda k, v: v,
+        fast_to_slow_callbacks=lambda k, v: f2s.append(k),
+        slow_to_fast_callbacks=lambda k, v: s2f.append(k),
+    )
+    buff.set_noevict("x", 3)
+    buff.set_noevict("y", 3)  # Would cause x to move to slow
+    buff.set_noevict("z", 6)  # >n; would be immediately evicted
+    assert a == {"x": 3, "y": 3, "z": 6}
+    assert b == {}
+    assert f2s == s2f == []
+    buff.evict_until_below_target()
+    assert a == {"y": 3}
+    assert b == {"z": 6, "x": 3}
+    assert f2s == ["z", "x"]
+    assert s2f == []
+    # set_noevict clears slow
+    f2s.clear()
+    buff.set_noevict("x", 1)
+    assert a == {"y": 3, "x": 1}
+    assert b == {"z": 6}
+    assert f2s == s2f == []
+    # Custom target; 0 != None
+    buff.evict_until_below_target(0)
+    assert a == {}
+    assert b == {"z": 6, "x": 1, "y": 3}
+    assert f2s == ["y", "x"]
+    assert s2f == []
+def test_evict_restore_during_iter():
+    """Test that __iter__ won't be disrupted if another thread evicts or restores a key"""
+    buff = Buffer({"x": 1, "y": 2}, {"z": 3}, n=5)
+    assert list(buff) == ["x", "y", "z"]
+    it = iter(buff)
+    assert next(it) == "x"
+    assert next(it) == "y"
+    assert buff["x"] == 1
+    assert next(it) == "z"
+    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
+        next(it)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("event", ("set", "set_noevict", "del"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("when", ("before", "after"))
+def test_cancel_evict(event, when):
+    """See also:
+    test_cancel_restore
+    """
+    ev1 = threading.Event()
+    ev2 = threading.Event()
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+            if when == "before":
+                ev1.set()
+                assert ev2.wait(timeout=5)
+                super().__setitem__(k, v)
+            else:
+                super().__setitem__(k, v)
+                ev1.set()
+                assert ev2.wait(timeout=5)
+    buff = Buffer({}, Slow(), n=100, weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    buff.set_noevict("x", 1)
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        fut = ex.submit(
+        assert ev1.wait(timeout=5)
+        # cb is running
+        if event == "set":
+            buff["x"] = 2
+        elif event == "set_noevict":
+            buff.set_noevict("x", 2)
+        else:
+            assert event == "del"
+            del buff["x"]
+        ev2.set()
+        assert fut.result() == (None, None, 0)
+    if event in ("set", "set_noevict"):
+        assert == {"x": 2}
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert == {"x": 2}
+        assert list( == ["x"]
+    else:
+        assert not
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert not
+        assert not
+    assert not
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("event", ("set", "set_noevict", "del"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("when", ("before", "after"))
+def test_cancel_restore(event, when):
+    """See also:
+    test_cancel_evict
+    """
+    ev1 = threading.Event()
+    ev2 = threading.Event()
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __getitem__(self, k):
+            if when == "before":
+                ev1.set()
+                assert ev2.wait(timeout=5)
+                return super().__getitem__(k)
+            else:
+                out = super().__getitem__(k)
+                ev1.set()
+                assert ev2.wait(timeout=5)
+                return out
+    buff = Buffer({}, Slow(), n=100, weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    buff.set_noevict("x", 1)
+    assert not
+    assert set(buff.slow) == {"x"}
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        fut = ex.submit(buff.__getitem__, "x")
+        assert ev1.wait(timeout=5)
+        # cb is running
+        if event == "set":
+            buff["x"] = 2
+        elif event == "set_noevict":
+            buff.set_noevict("x", 2)
+        else:
+            assert event == "del"
+            del buff["x"]
+        ev2.set()
+        with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="x"):
+            fut.result()
+    if event in ("set", "set_noevict"):
+        assert == {"x": 2}
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert == {"x": 2}
+        assert list( == ["x"]
+    else:
+        assert not
+        assert not buff.slow
+        assert not
+        assert not
+    assert not buff._cancel_restore
+def test_stress_different_keys_threadsafe():
+    # Sometimes x and y can cohexist without triggering eviction
+    # Sometimes x and y are individually <n but when they're both in they cause eviction
+    # Sometimes x or y are heavy
+    buff = Buffer(
+        {},
+        utils_test.SlowDict(0.001),
+        n=1,
+        weight=lambda k, v: random.choice([0.4, 0.9, 1.1]),
+    )
+    utils_test.check_different_keys_threadsafe(buff)
+    assert not
+    assert not buff.slow
+    utils_test.check_mapping(buff)
+def test_stress_same_key_threadsafe():
+    # Sometimes x is heavy
+    buff = Buffer(
+        {},
+        utils_test.SlowDict(0.001),
+        n=1,
+        weight=lambda k, v: random.choice([0.9, 1.1]),
+    )
+    utils_test.check_same_key_threadsafe(buff)
+    assert not
+    assert not buff.slow
+    utils_test.check_mapping(buff)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index ebdbcf1..70c61e6 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 import gc
+import threading
 from collections import UserDict
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
 import pytest
-from zict.cache import Cache, WeakValueMapping
+from zict import Cache, WeakValueMapping
+from zict.tests import utils_test
 def test_cache_get_set_del():
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ def test_do_not_read_from_data():
     class D(UserDict):
         def __getitem__(self, key):
-            assert False
+            raise AssertionError()
     d = Cache(D({1: 10, 2: 20}), {})
     assert len(d) == 2
@@ -129,3 +132,280 @@ def test_weakvaluemapping():
     b = "bbb"
     d["b"] = b
     assert "b" not in d
+def test_mapping():
+    """
+    Test mapping interface for Cache().
+    """
+    buff = Cache({}, {})
+    utils_test.check_mapping(buff)
+    utils_test.check_closing(buff)
+    buff.clear()
+    assert not buff.cache
+    assert not
+    assert not buff._last_updated
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("get_when", ("before", "after"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set_when", ("before", "after"))
+    "starts_first,seed,update_on_set",
+    [
+        ("get", True, False),
+        ("set", False, False),
+        ("set", False, True),
+        ("set", True, False),
+        ("set", True, True),
+    ],
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ends_first", ("get", "set"))
+def test_multithread_race_condition_set_get(
+    get_when, set_when, starts_first, seed, update_on_set, ends_first
+    """Test race conditions between __setitem__ and __getitem__ on the same key"""
+    in_get = threading.Event()
+    block_get = threading.Event()
+    in_set = threading.Event()
+    block_set = threading.Event()
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __getitem__(self, k):
+            if get_when == "before":
+                try:
+                    v =[k]
+                finally:
+                    in_get.set()
+                assert block_get.wait(timeout=5)
+                return v
+            else:
+                in_get.set()
+                assert block_get.wait(timeout=5)
+                return[k]
+        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+            if set_when == "before":
+      [k] = v
+                in_set.set()
+                assert block_set.wait(timeout=5)
+            else:
+                in_set.set()
+                assert block_set.wait(timeout=5)
+      [k] = v
+    z = Cache(Slow(), {}, update_on_set=update_on_set)
+    if seed:
+        block_set.set()
+        z["x"] = 1
+        in_set.clear()
+        block_set.clear()
+        assert == {"x": 1}
+        assert set(z._last_updated) == {"x"}
+        if update_on_set:
+            assert z.cache == {"x": 1}
+        else:
+            assert z.cache == {}
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as ex:
+        if starts_first == "get":
+            get_fut = ex.submit(z.__getitem__, "x")
+            assert in_get.wait(timeout=5)
+            set_fut = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", 2)
+            assert in_set.wait(timeout=5)
+        else:
+            set_fut = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", 2)
+            assert in_set.wait(timeout=5)
+            get_fut = ex.submit(z.__getitem__, "x")
+            assert in_get.wait(timeout=5)
+        if ends_first == "get":
+            block_get.set()
+            try:
+                assert get_fut.result() in (1, 2)
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            block_set.set()
+            set_fut.result()
+        else:
+            block_set.set()
+            set_fut.result()
+            block_get.set()
+            try:
+                assert get_fut.result() in (1, 2)
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+    assert == {"x": 2}
+    # The cache is either not populated or up to date
+    assert z.cache in ({}, {"x": 2})
+    assert set(z._last_updated) == {"x"}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("get_when", ("before", "after"))
+def test_multithread_race_condition_del_get(get_when):
+    """Test race conditions between __delitem__ and __getitem__ on the same key"""
+    in_get = threading.Event()
+    block_get = threading.Event()
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __getitem__(self, k):
+            if get_when == "before":
+                v =[k]
+                in_get.set()
+                assert block_get.wait(timeout=5)
+                return v
+            else:
+                in_get.set()
+                assert block_get.wait(timeout=5)
+                return[k]
+    z = Cache(Slow(), {}, update_on_set=False)
+    z["x"] = 1
+    assert == {"x": 1}
+    assert set(z._last_updated) == {"x"}
+    assert z.cache == {}
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        get_fut = ex.submit(z.__getitem__, "x")
+        assert in_get.wait(timeout=5)
+        del z["x"]
+        block_get.set()
+        if get_when == "before":
+            assert get_fut.result() == 1
+        else:
+            with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+                get_fut.result()
+    assert not
+    assert not z.cache
+    assert not z._last_updated
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set_when", ("before", "after"))
+    "seed_data,seed_cache", [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("update_on_set", [False, True])
+def test_multithread_race_condition_del_set(
+    set_when, seed_data, seed_cache, update_on_set
+    """Test race conditions between __delitem__ and __setitem__ on the same key"""
+    in_set = threading.Event()
+    block_set = threading.Event()
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+            if set_when == "before":
+      [k] = v
+                in_set.set()
+                assert block_set.wait(timeout=5)
+            else:
+                in_set.set()
+                assert block_set.wait(timeout=5)
+      [k] = v
+    z = Cache(Slow(), {}, update_on_set=update_on_set)
+    if seed_data:
+        block_set.set()
+        z["x"] = 1
+        in_set.clear()
+        block_set.clear()
+        if seed_cache and not update_on_set:
+            _ = z["x"]
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        set_fut = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", 2)
+        assert in_set.wait(timeout=5)
+        try:
+            del z["x"]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        block_set.set()
+        set_fut.result()
+    assert in ({"x": 2}, {})
+    assert z.cache in (, {})
+    assert z._last_updated.keys() ==
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set1_when", ("before", "after"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set2_when", ("before", "after"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("starts_first", (1, 2))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ends_first", (1, 2))
+    "seed_data,seed_cache", [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("update_on_set", [False, True])
+def test_multithread_race_condition_set_set(
+    set1_when, set2_when, starts_first, ends_first, seed_data, seed_cache, update_on_set
+    """Test __setitem__ in race condition with itself"""
+    when = {1: set1_when, 2: set2_when}
+    in_set = {1: threading.Event(), 2: threading.Event()}
+    block_set = {1: threading.Event(), 2: threading.Event()}
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+            if v == 0:
+                # seed
+      [k] = v
+                return
+            if when[v] == "before":
+      [k] = v
+                in_set[v].set()
+                assert block_set[v].wait(timeout=5)
+            else:
+                in_set[v].set()
+                assert block_set[v].wait(timeout=5)
+      [k] = v
+    z = Cache(Slow(), {}, update_on_set=update_on_set)
+    if seed_data:
+        z["x"] = 0
+        if seed_cache and not update_on_set:
+            _ = z["x"]
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as ex:
+        futures = {}
+        futures[starts_first] = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", starts_first)
+        assert in_set[starts_first].wait(timeout=5)
+        starts_second = 2 if starts_first == 1 else 1
+        futures[starts_second] = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", starts_second)
+        assert in_set[starts_second].wait(timeout=5)
+        block_set[ends_first].set()
+        futures[ends_first].result()
+        ends_second = 2 if ends_first == 1 else 1
+        block_set[ends_second].set()
+        futures[ends_second].result()
+    assert in ({"x": 1}, {"x": 2})
+    assert z.cache in (, {})
+    assert set(z._last_updated) == {"x"}
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("update_on_set", [False, True])
+def test_stress_different_keys_threadsafe(update_on_set):
+    buff = Cache(utils_test.SlowDict(0.001), {}, update_on_set=update_on_set)
+    utils_test.check_different_keys_threadsafe(buff)
+    assert not buff.cache
+    assert not
+    assert not buff._last_updated
+    utils_test.check_mapping(buff)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("update_on_set", [False, True])
+def test_stress_same_key_threadsafe(update_on_set):
+    buff = Cache(utils_test.SlowDict(0.001), {}, update_on_set=update_on_set)
+    utils_test.check_same_key_threadsafe(buff)
+    assert not buff.cache
+    assert not
+    assert not buff._last_updated
+    utils_test.check_mapping(buff)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d7a2b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import pickle
+import pytest
+from zict.common import locked
+from zict.tests.utils_test import SimpleDict
+def test_close_on_del():
+    closed = False
+    class D(SimpleDict):
+        def close(self):
+            nonlocal closed
+            closed = True
+    d = D()
+    del d
+    assert closed
+def test_context():
+    closed = False
+    class D(SimpleDict):
+        def close(self):
+            nonlocal closed
+            closed = True
+    d = D()
+    with d as d2:
+        assert d2 is d
+    assert closed
+def test_update():
+    items = []
+    class D(SimpleDict):
+        def _do_update(self, items_):
+            nonlocal items
+            items = items_
+    d = D()
+    d.update({"x": 1})
+    assert list(items) == [("x", 1)]
+    d.update(iter([("x", 2)]))
+    assert list(items) == [("x", 2)]
+    d.update({"x": 3}, y=4)
+    assert list(items) == [("x", 3), ("y", 4)]
+    d.update(x=5)
+    assert list(items) == [("x", 5)]
+    # Special kwargs can't overwrite positional-only parameters
+    d.update(self=1, other=2)
+    assert list(items) == [("self", 1), ("other", 2)]
+def test_discard():
+    class D(SimpleDict):
+        def __getitem__(self, key):
+            raise AssertionError()
+    d = D()
+    d["x"] = 1
+    d["z"] = 2
+    d.discard("x")
+    d.discard("y")
+    assert == {"z": 2}
+def test_pickle():
+    d = SimpleDict()
+    d["x"] = 1
+    d2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(d))
+    assert == {"x": 1}
+def test_lock(is_locked):
+    class CustomError(Exception):
+        pass
+    class D(SimpleDict):
+        @locked
+        def f(self, crash):
+            assert is_locked(self)
+            with self.unlock():
+                assert not is_locked(self)
+            assert is_locked(self)
+            # context manager re-acquires the lock on failure
+            with pytest.raises(CustomError):
+                with self.unlock():
+                    raise CustomError()
+            assert is_locked(self)
+            if crash:
+                raise CustomError()
+    d = D()
+    assert not is_locked(d)
+    d.f(crash=False)
+    assert not is_locked(d)
+    # decorator releases the lock on failure
+    with pytest.raises(CustomError):
+        d.f(crash=True)
+    assert not is_locked(d)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index a79c16d..6981f35 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,95 +1,96 @@
 import os
-import shutil
+import pathlib
+import sys
 import pytest
-from zict.file import File
+from zict import File
 from zict.tests import utils_test
-def fn():
-    filename = ".tmp"
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-        shutil.rmtree(filename)
-    yield filename
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-        shutil.rmtree(filename)
-def test_mapping(fn):
+def test_mapping(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
     Test mapping interface for File().
-    z = File(fn)
+    z = File(tmp_path)
-def test_implementation(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("dirtype", [str, pathlib.Path, lambda x: x])
+def test_implementation(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks, dirtype):
+    z = File(dirtype(tmp_path))
     assert not z
     z["x"] = b"123"
-    assert os.listdir(fn) == ["x"]
-    with open(os.path.join(fn, "x"), "rb") as f:
+    assert os.listdir(tmp_path) == ["x#0"]
+    with open(tmp_path / "x#0", "rb") as f:
         assert == b"123"
     assert "x" in z
+    out = z["x"]
+    assert isinstance(out, bytearray)
+    assert out == b"123"
-def test_memmap_implementation(fn):
-    z = File(fn, memmap=True)
+def test_memmap_implementation(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path, memmap=True)
     assert not z
-    z["x"] = b"123"
-    assert os.listdir(fn) == ["x"]
-    assert z["x"] == memoryview(b"123")
+    mv = memoryview(b"123")
+    assert "x" not in z
+    z["x"] = mv
+    assert os.listdir(tmp_path) == ["x#0"]
     assert "x" in z
+    mv2 = z["x"]
+    assert mv2 == b"123"
+    # Buffer is writeable
+    mv2[0] = mv2[1]
+    assert mv2 == b"223"
-def test_str(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
-    assert fn in str(z)
-    assert fn in repr(z)
-    assert z.mode in str(z)
-    assert z.mode in repr(z)
+def test_str(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
+    assert str(z) == repr(z) == f"<File: {tmp_path}, 0 elements>"
-def test_setitem_typeerror(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
+def test_setitem_typeerror(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         z["x"] = 123
-def test_contextmanager(fn):
-    with File(fn) as z:
+def test_contextmanager(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    with File(tmp_path) as z:
         z["x"] = b"123"
-    with open(os.path.join(fn, "x"), "rb") as f:
-        assert == b"123"
+    with open(tmp_path / "x#0", "rb") as fh:
+        assert == b"123"
-def test_delitem(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
+def test_delitem(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
     z["x"] = b"123"
-    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(, "x"))
+    assert os.listdir(tmp_path) == ["x#0"]
     del z["x"]
-    assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(, "x"))
+    assert os.listdir(tmp_path) == []
+    # File name is never repeated
+    z["x"] = b"123"
+    assert os.listdir(tmp_path) == ["x#1"]
+    # __setitem__ deletes the previous file
+    z["x"] = b"123"
+    assert os.listdir(tmp_path) == ["x#2"]
-def test_missing_key(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
+def test_missing_key(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
-def test_arbitrary_chars(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
+def test_arbitrary_chars(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
     # Avoid hitting the Windows max filename length
     chunk = 16
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ def test_arbitrary_chars(fn):
         assert list(z.items()) == [(key, b"foo")]
         assert list(z.values()) == [b"foo"]
-        zz = File(fn)
+        zz = File(tmp_path)
         assert zz[key] == b"foo"
         assert list(zz) == [key]
         assert list(zz.keys()) == [key]
@@ -117,8 +118,31 @@ def test_arbitrary_chars(fn):
-def test_write_list_of_bytes(fn):
-    z = File(fn)
+def test_write_list_of_bytes(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
     z["x"] = [b"123", b"4567"]
     assert z["x"] == b"1234567"
+def test_bad_types(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
+    utils_test.check_bad_key_types(z)
+    utils_test.check_bad_value_types(z)
+def test_stress_different_keys_threadsafe(tmp_path):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
+    utils_test.check_different_keys_threadsafe(z)
+    utils_test.check_mapping(z)
+@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="Can't delete file with open fd")
+def test_stress_same_key_threadsafe(tmp_path):
+    z = File(tmp_path)
+    utils_test.check_same_key_threadsafe(z)
+    utils_test.check_mapping(z)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index fbe89b8..f3dad4c 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def rotr(x):
 def test_simple():
-    d = dict()
+    d = {}
     f = Func(inc, dec, d)
     f["x"] = 10
     assert f["x"] == 10
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index b4f66f8..4db649c 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,67 +1,69 @@
-import gc
 import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
+import pathlib
 import pytest
-from zict.lmdb import LMDB
+from zict import LMDB
 from zict.tests import utils_test
-def fn():
-    dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test_lmdb-")
-    try:
-        yield dirname
-    finally:
-        if os.path.exists(dirname):
-            shutil.rmtree(dirname)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("dirtype", [str, pathlib.Path, lambda x: x])
+def test_dirtypes(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks, dirtype):
+    z = LMDB(tmp_path)
+    z["x"] = b"123"
+    assert z["x"] == b"123"
+    del z["x"]
-def test_mapping(fn):
+def test_mapping(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
     Test mapping interface for LMDB().
-    z = LMDB(fn)
+    z = LMDB(tmp_path)
-def test_reuse(fn):
+def test_bad_types(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = LMDB(tmp_path)
+    utils_test.check_bad_key_types(z)
+    utils_test.check_bad_value_types(z)
+def test_reuse(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
     Test persistence of a LMDB() mapping.
-    with LMDB(fn) as z:
+    with LMDB(tmp_path) as z:
         assert len(z) == 0
         z["abc"] = b"123"
-    with LMDB(fn) as z:
+    with LMDB(tmp_path) as z:
         assert len(z) == 1
         assert z["abc"] == b"123"
-def test_creates_dir(fn):
-    with LMDB(fn):
-        assert os.path.isdir(fn)
+def test_creates_dir(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    with LMDB(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+        assert os.path.isdir(tmp_path)
-def test_file_descriptors_dont_leak(fn):
-    psutil = pytest.importorskip("psutil")
-    proc = psutil.Process()
-    before = proc.num_fds()
-    z = LMDB(fn)
+def test_file_descriptors_dont_leak(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    z = LMDB(tmp_path)
     del z
-    gc.collect()
-    assert proc.num_fds() == before
-    z = LMDB(fn)
+    z = LMDB(tmp_path)
-    assert proc.num_fds() == before
-    with LMDB(fn) as z:
+    with LMDB(tmp_path) as z:
-    assert proc.num_fds() == before
+def test_map_size(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    import lmdb
+    z = LMDB(tmp_path, map_size=2**20)
+    z["x"] = b"x" * 2**19
+    with pytest.raises(lmdb.MapFullError):
+        z["y"] = b"x" * 2**20
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index 1b0a048..9da41f5 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+import random
+import threading
+import time
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
 import pytest
 from zict import LRU
@@ -5,7 +10,7 @@ from zict.tests import utils_test
 def test_simple():
-    d = dict()
+    d = {}
     lru = LRU(2, d)
     lru["x"] = 1
@@ -28,11 +33,11 @@ def test_simple():
     assert "y" not in lru
     lru["a"] = 5
-    assert set(lru.keys()) == {"z", "a"}
+    assert set(lru) == {"z", "a"}
 def test_str():
-    d = dict()
+    d = {}
     lru = LRU(2, d)
     lru["x"] = 1
@@ -56,9 +61,15 @@ def test_mapping():
+    lru.clear()
+    assert not lru.d
+    assert not lru.weights
+    assert not lru.total_weight
+    assert not lru._cancel_evict
 def test_overwrite():
-    d = dict()
+    d = {}
     lru = LRU(2, d)
     lru["x"] = 1
@@ -78,8 +89,8 @@ def test_callbacks():
     def cb(k, v):
         count[0] += 1
-    L = list()
-    d = dict()
+    L = []
+    d = {}
     lru = LRU(2, d, on_evict=[lambda k, v: L.append((k, v)), cb])
     lru["x"] = 1
@@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ def test_cb_exception_keep_on_lru():
     assert set(lru) == {"x", "y", "z"}
     assert lru.d == {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}
-    assert dict(lru.heap) == {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["x", "y", "z"]
 def test_cb_exception_keep_on_lru_weights():
@@ -165,7 +176,7 @@ def test_cb_exception_keep_on_lru_weights():
     assert set(lru) == {"y"}
     assert lru.d == {"y": 3}
-    assert dict(lru.heap) == {"y": 2}
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["y"]
     with pytest.raises(MyError):
         # value is individually heavier than n
@@ -184,11 +195,11 @@ def test_cb_exception_keep_on_lru_weights():
     assert set(lru) == {"y", "z"}
     assert lru.d == {"y": 3, "z": 4}
-    assert dict(lru.heap) == {"y": 2, "z": 3}
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["y", "z"]
 def test_weight():
-    d = dict()
+    d = {}
     weight = lambda k, v: v
     lru = LRU(10, d, weight=weight)
@@ -210,17 +221,239 @@ def test_weight():
     assert d == {"y": 4}
+def test_manual_eviction():
+    a = []
+    lru = LRU(100, {}, weight=lambda k, v: v, on_evict=lambda k, v: a.append(k))
+    lru.set_noevict("x", 70)
+    lru.set_noevict("y", 50)
+    lru.set_noevict("z", 110)
+    assert lru.total_weight == 70 + 50 + 110
+    assert lru.heavy == {"z"}
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["x", "y", "z"]
+    assert a == []
+    lru.evict_until_below_target()
+    assert dict(lru) == {"y": 50}
+    assert a == ["z", "x"]
+    assert lru.weights == {"y": 50}
+    assert lru.order == {"y"}
+    assert not lru.heavy
+    lru.evict_until_below_target()  # No-op
+    assert dict(lru) == {"y": 50}
+    lru.evict_until_below_target(50)  # Custom target
+    assert dict(lru) == {"y": 50}
+    lru.evict_until_below_target(0)  # 0 != None
+    assert not lru
+    assert not lru.order
+    assert not lru.weights
+    assert a == ["z", "x", "y"]
 def test_explicit_evict():
-    d = dict()
+    d = {}
     lru = LRU(10, d)
     lru["x"] = 1
     lru["y"] = 2
+    lru["z"] = 3
-    assert set(d) == {"x", "y"}
+    assert set(d) == {"x", "y", "z"}
-    k, v, w = lru.evict()
+    assert lru.evict() == ("x", 1, 1)
+    assert set(d) == {"y", "z"}
+    assert lru.evict("z") == ("z", 3, 1)
     assert set(d) == {"y"}
-    assert k == "x"
-    assert v == 1
-    assert w == 1
+    assert lru.evict() == ("y", 2, 1)
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"'evict\(\): dictionary is empty'"):
+        lru.evict()
+    # evict() with explicit key
+    lru["v"] = 4
+    lru["w"] = 5
+    assert lru.evict("w") == ("w", 5, 1)
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="notexist"):
+        lru.evict("notexist")
+def test_init_not_empty():
+    lru1 = LRU(100, {}, weight=lambda k, v: v * 2)
+    lru1.set_noevict(1, 10)
+    lru1.set_noevict(2, 20)
+    lru1.set_noevict(3, 30)
+    lru1.set_noevict(4, 60)
+    lru2 = LRU(100, {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 60}, weight=lambda k, v: v * 2)
+    assert lru1.d == lru2.d == {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 60}
+    assert lru1.weights == lru2.weights == {1: 20, 2: 40, 3: 60, 4: 120}
+    assert lru1.total_weight == lru2.total_weight == 240
+    assert list(lru1.order) == list(lru2.order) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
+    assert list(lru1.heavy) == list(lru2.heavy) == [4]
+def test_get_all_or_nothing():
+    lru = LRU(100, {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3})
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["x", "y", "z"]
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="w"):
+        lru.get_all_or_nothing(["x", "w", "y"])
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["x", "y", "z"]
+    assert lru.get_all_or_nothing(["y", "x"]) == {"y": 2, "x": 1}
+    assert list(lru.order) == ["z", "y", "x"]
+def test_close_aborts_eviction():
+    evicted = []
+    def cb(k, v):
+        evicted.append(k)
+        if len(evicted) == 3:
+            lru.close()
+    lru = LRU(100, {}, weight=lambda k, v: v, on_evict=cb)
+    lru["a"] = 20
+    lru["b"] = 20
+    lru["c"] = 20
+    lru["d"] = 20
+    lru["e"] = 90  # Trigger eviction of a, b, c, d
+    assert lru.closed
+    assert evicted == ["a", "b", "c"]
+    assert dict(lru) == {"d": 20, "e": 90}
+def test_flush_close():
+    flushed = 0
+    closed = False
+    class D(utils_test.SimpleDict):
+        def flush(self):
+            nonlocal flushed
+            flushed += 1
+        def close(self):
+            nonlocal closed
+            closed = True
+    with LRU(10, D()) as lru:
+        lru.flush()
+    assert flushed == 1
+    assert closed
+def test_update_n():
+    evicted = []
+    z = LRU(10, {}, on_evict=lambda k, v: evicted.append(k), weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    z["x"] = 5
+    assert not evicted
+    # Update n. This also changes what keys are considered heavy
+    # (but there isn't a full scan on the weights for already existing keys)
+    z.n = 3
+    assert not evicted
+    assert not z.heavy
+    z["y"] = 1
+    assert evicted == ["x"]
+    z["z"] = 4
+    assert evicted == ["x", "z"]
+def test_update_offset():
+    evicted = []
+    z = LRU(5, {}, on_evict=lambda k, v: evicted.append(k), weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    z.offset = 2
+    z["x"] = 1
+    # y would be a heavy key if we had reduced n by 2 instead of increasing offset
+    z["y"] = 2.5
+    assert evicted == ["x"]
+    z["z"] = 5.5  # Still heavy according to n alone
+    assert evicted == ["x", "z"]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("event", ("set", "set_noevict", "del"))
+def test_cancel_evict(event):
+    """See also:
+    """
+    ev1 = threading.Event()
+    ev2 = threading.Event()
+    log = []
+    def cb(k, v):
+        ev1.set()
+        assert ev2.wait(timeout=5)
+    def cancel_cb(k, v):
+        log.append((k, v))
+    lru = LRU(100, {}, on_evict=cb, on_cancel_evict=cancel_cb, weight=lambda k, v: v)
+    lru.set_noevict("x", 1)
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        fut = ex.submit(lru.evict)
+        assert ev1.wait(timeout=5)
+        # cb is running
+        assert lru.evict() == (None, None, 0)
+        if event == "set":
+            lru["x"] = 2
+        elif event == "set_noevict":
+            lru.set_noevict("x", 2)
+        else:
+            assert event == "del"
+            del lru["x"]
+        ev2.set()
+        assert fut.result() == (None, None, 0)
+    assert log == [("x", 1)]
+    if event in ("set", "set_noevict"):
+        assert lru.d == {"x": 2}
+        assert lru.weights == {"x": 2}
+        assert list(lru.order) == ["x"]
+    else:
+        assert not lru.d
+        assert not lru.weights
+        assert not lru.order
+    assert not lru._cancel_evict
+def slow_cb(k, v):
+    time.sleep(0.01)
+def test_stress_different_keys_threadsafe():
+    # Sometimes x and y can cohexist without triggering eviction
+    # Sometimes x and y are individually <n but when they're both in they cause eviction
+    # Sometimes x or y are heavy
+    lru = LRU(
+        1,
+        {},
+        weight=lambda k, v: random.choice([0.4, 0.9, 1.1]),
+        on_evict=slow_cb,
+        on_cancel_evict=slow_cb,
+    )
+    utils_test.check_different_keys_threadsafe(lru, allow_keyerror=True)
+    lru.n = 100
+    utils_test.check_mapping(lru)
+def test_stress_same_key_threadsafe():
+    # Sometimes x is heavy
+    lru = LRU(
+        1,
+        {},
+        weight=lambda k, v: random.choice([0.9, 1.1]),
+        on_evict=slow_cb,
+        on_cancel_evict=slow_cb,
+    )
+    utils_test.check_same_key_threadsafe(lru)
+    lru.n = 100
+    utils_test.check_mapping(lru)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index 9b6be69..fafb3ef 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+import random
+import threading
+from collections import UserDict
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+import pytest
 from zict import Sieve
 from zict.tests import utils_test
@@ -72,3 +79,146 @@ def test_mapping():
     z = Sieve(mappings, selector)
+    z.clear()
+    assert z.mappings == {0: {}, 1: {}}
+    assert not z.key_to_mapping
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ("__setitem__", "update"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set_when", ("before", "after"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", [False, "same", "different"])
+def test_multithread_race_condition_del_set(method, set_when, seed):
+    """Test race conditions between __delitem__ and __setitem__/update on the same key"""
+    in_set = threading.Event()
+    block_set = threading.Event()
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+            if set_when == "before":
+      [k] = v
+                in_set.set()
+                assert block_set.wait(timeout=5)
+            else:
+                in_set.set()
+                assert block_set.wait(timeout=5)
+      [k] = v
+    z = Sieve({0: {}, 1: Slow()}, selector=lambda k, v: v % 2)
+    if seed == "same":
+        block_set.set()
+        z["x"] = 1  # mapping 1
+        in_set.clear()
+        block_set.clear()
+    elif seed == "different":
+        z["x"] = 0  # mapping 0
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as ex:
+        if method == "__setitem__":
+            set_fut = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", 3)  # mapping 1
+        else:
+            assert method == "update"
+            set_fut = ex.submit(z.update, {"x": 3})  # mapping 1
+        assert in_set.wait(timeout=5)
+        try:
+            del z["x"]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        block_set.set()
+        set_fut.result()
+    assert not z.mappings[0]
+    assert not z.mappings[1]
+    assert not z.key_to_mapping
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set1_when", ("before", "after"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set2_when", ("before", "after"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set1_method", ("__setitem__", "update"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("set2_method", ("__setitem__", "update"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("starts_first", (1, 2))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("ends_first", (1, 2))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", [False, 0, 1, 2])
+def test_multithread_race_condition_set_set(
+    set1_when, set2_when, set1_method, set2_method, starts_first, ends_first, seed
+    """Test __setitem__/update in race condition with __setitem__/update"""
+    when = {1: set1_when, 2: set2_when}
+    method = {1: set1_method, 2: set2_method}
+    in_set = {1: threading.Event(), 2: threading.Event()}
+    block_set = {1: threading.Event(), 2: threading.Event()}
+    class Slow(UserDict):
+        def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+            if v < 3:
+                # seed
+      [k] = v
+                return
+            mkey = v % 3
+            if when[mkey] == "before":
+      [k] = v
+                in_set[mkey].set()
+                assert block_set[mkey].wait(timeout=5)
+            else:
+                in_set[mkey].set()
+                assert block_set[mkey].wait(timeout=5)
+      [k] = v
+    z = Sieve({0: {}, 1: Slow(), 2: Slow()}, selector=lambda k, v: v % 3)
+    if seed is not False:
+        z["x"] = seed
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as ex:
+        futures = {}
+        starts_second = 2 if starts_first == 1 else 1
+        for idx in (starts_first, starts_second):
+            if method[idx] == "__setitem__":
+                futures[idx] = ex.submit(z.__setitem__, "x", idx + 3)
+            else:
+                assert method[idx] == "update"
+                futures[idx] = ex.submit(z.update, {"x": idx + 3})
+            assert in_set[idx].wait(timeout=5)
+        block_set[ends_first].set()
+        futures[ends_first].result()
+        ends_second = 2 if ends_first == 1 else 1
+        block_set[ends_second].set()
+        futures[ends_second].result()
+    assert dict(z) in ({"x": 4}, {"x": 5})
+    assert z.mappings[0] == {}
+    if z["x"] == 4:
+        assert z.mappings[1] == {"x": 4}
+        assert z.mappings[2] == {}
+        assert z.key_to_mapping == {"x": z.mappings[1]}
+    else:
+        assert z.mappings[1] == {}
+        assert z.mappings[2] == {"x": 5}
+        assert z.key_to_mapping == {"x": z.mappings[2]}
+def test_stress_different_keys_threadsafe():
+    a = {}
+    b = {}
+    z = Sieve({0: a, 1: b}, lambda k, v: random.choice([0, 1]))
+    utils_test.check_different_keys_threadsafe(z)
+    assert not a
+    assert not b
+    assert not z.key_to_mapping
+    utils_test.check_mapping(z)
+def test_stress_same_key_threadsafe():
+    a = utils_test.SlowDict(0.001)
+    b = utils_test.SlowDict(0.001)
+    z = Sieve({0: a, 1: b}, lambda k, v: random.choice([0, 1]))
+    utils_test.check_same_key_threadsafe(z)
+    assert not a
+    assert not b
+    assert not z.key_to_mapping
+    utils_test.check_mapping(z)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..729f2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from threading import Barrier
+import pytest
+from zict import InsertionSortedSet
+from zict.tests import utils_test
+def test_insertion_sorted_set():
+    s = InsertionSortedSet()
+    assert not s
+    assert len(s) == 0
+    assert list(s) == []
+    assert s == set()
+    assert s != []
+    assert s == InsertionSortedSet()
+    assert 1 not in s
+    s.discard(1)
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        s.remove(1)
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        s.pop()
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        s.popleft()
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        s.popright()
+    s.add(1)
+    assert 1 in s
+    assert 2 not in s
+    assert len(s) == 1
+    assert list(s) == [1]
+    assert s == {1}
+    assert s != [1]
+    assert s & {1, 2} == {1}
+    assert s | {1, 2} == {1, 2}
+    assert s - {1, 2} == set()
+    # Add already-existing element
+    s.add(1)
+    assert len(s) == 1
+    assert list(s) == [1]
+    s.remove(1)
+    assert not s
+    s.add(1)
+    assert list(s) == [1]
+    s.discard(1)
+    assert not s
+    s.add(1)
+    assert s.pop() == 1
+    s.add(1)
+    s.clear()
+    assert not s
+    # Initialise from iterable
+    s = InsertionSortedSet(iter([3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 6, 0]))
+    assert list(s) == [3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 6, 0]
+    # Adding already-existing element does not change order
+    s.add(2)
+    assert list(s) == [3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 6, 0]
+    # Removing element does not change order
+    s.remove(2)
+    assert list(s) == [3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 0]
+    s.add(2)  # Re-added elements are added to the end
+    s.add(7)
+    assert list(s) == [3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 0, 2, 7]
+    assert [s.popleft() for _ in range(len(s))] == [3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 0, 2, 7]
+    s |= [3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 0, 2, 7]
+    assert [s.popright() for _ in range(len(s))] == [7, 2, 0, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3]
+    # pop() is an alias to popright()
+    s |= [3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 0, 2, 7]
+    assert [s.pop() for _ in range(len(s))] == [7, 2, 0, 6, 4, 5, 1, 3]
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("method,size", [("popleft", 100_000), ("popright", 5_000_000)])
+def test_insertion_sorted_set_threadsafe(method, size):
+    s = InsertionSortedSet(range(size))
+    m = getattr(s, method)
+    barrier = Barrier(2)
+    def t():
+        barrier.wait()
+        n = 0
+        prev = -1 if method == "popleft" else size
+        while True:
+            try:
+                v = m()
+                assert v > prev if method == "popleft" else v < prev, (v, prev, len(s))
+                prev = v
+                n += 1
+            except KeyError:
+                assert not s
+                return n
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as ex:
+        f1 = ex.submit(t)
+        f2 = ex.submit(t)
+        # On Linux, these are in the 38_000 ~ 62_000 range.
+        # On Windows, we've seen as little as 2300.
+        assert f1.result() > 100
+        assert f2.result() > 100
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index 5ae1753..63d25e4 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
-import os
 import zipfile
 from import MutableMapping
 import pytest
 from zict import Zip
+from zict.tests import utils_test
-def fn():
-    filename = ""
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-        os.remove(filename)
-    yield filename
-    if os.path.exists(filename):
-        os.remove(filename)
+def fn(tmp_path, check_fd_leaks):
+    yield tmp_path / ""
 def test_simple(fn):
@@ -83,3 +76,60 @@ def test_bytearray(fn):
     with Zip(fn) as z:
         assert z["x"] == b"123"
+def test_memoryview(fn):
+    data = memoryview(b"123")
+    with Zip(fn) as z:
+        z["x"] = data
+    with Zip(fn) as z:
+        assert z["x"] == b"123"
+def check_mapping(z):
+    """Shorter version of utils_test.check_mapping, as zip supports neither update nor
+    delete
+    """
+    assert isinstance(z, MutableMapping)
+    utils_test.check_empty_mapping(z)
+    z["abc"] = b"456"
+    z["xyz"] = b"12"
+    assert len(z) == 2
+    assert z["abc"] == b"456"
+    utils_test.check_items(z, [("abc", b"456"), ("xyz", b"12")])
+    assert "abc" in z
+    assert "xyz" in z
+    assert "def" not in z
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        z["def"]
+def test_mapping(fn):
+    """
+    Test mapping interface for Zip().
+    """
+    with Zip(fn) as z:
+        check_mapping(z)
+        utils_test.check_closing(z)
+def test_no_delete_update(fn):
+    with Zip(fn) as z:
+        z["x"] = b"123"
+        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+            del z["x"]
+        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+            z["x"] = b"456"
+        assert len(z) == 1
+        assert z["x"] == b"123"
+def test_bad_types(fn):
+    with Zip(fn) as z:
+        utils_test.check_bad_key_types(z, has_del=False)
+        utils_test.check_bad_value_types(z)
diff --git a/zict/tests/ b/zict/tests/
index 8b705c5..0640e2b 100644
--- a/zict/tests/
+++ b/zict/tests/
@@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
 import random
 import string
-from import MutableMapping
+import threading
+import time
+from collections import UserDict
+from import ItemsView, KeysView, MutableMapping, ValuesView
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
 import pytest
+from zict.common import ZictBase
+# How many times to repeat non-deterministic stress tests.
+# You may set it as high as 50 if you wish to run in CI.
 def generate_random_strings(n, min_len, max_len):
     r = random.Random(42)
     out = []
     chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits
-    for i in range(n):
+    for _ in range(n):
         nchars = r.randint(min_len, max_len)
         s = "".join(r.choice(chars) for _ in range(nchars))
@@ -25,7 +37,7 @@ def to_bytestring(s):
         return s.encode("latin1")
-def check_items(z, expected_items):
+def check_items(z: MutableMapping, expected_items: list[tuple[str, bytes]]) -> None:
     items = list(z.items())
     assert len(items) == len(expected_items)
     assert sorted(items) == sorted(expected_items)
@@ -34,8 +46,21 @@ def check_items(z, expected_items):
     assert list(z.values()) == [v for k, v in items]
     assert list(z) == [k for k, v in items]
+    # ItemsView, KeysView, ValuesView.__contains__()
+    assert isinstance(z.keys(), KeysView)
+    assert isinstance(z.values(), ValuesView)
+    assert isinstance(z.items(), ItemsView)
+    assert items[0] in z.items()
+    assert items[0][0] in z.keys()
+    assert items[0][0] in z
+    assert items[0][1] in z.values()
+    assert (object(), object()) not in z.items()
+    assert object() not in z.keys()
+    assert object() not in z
+    assert object() not in z.values()
-def stress_test_mapping_updates(z):
+def stress_test_mapping_updates(z: MutableMapping) -> None:
     # Certain mappings shuffle between several underlying stores
     # during updates.  This stress tests the internal mapping
     # consistency.
@@ -53,7 +78,7 @@ def stress_test_mapping_updates(z):
     assert sorted(z) == sorted(keys)
     assert sorted(z.items()) == sorted(zip(keys, values))
-    for i in range(3):
+    for _ in range(3):
         for k, v in zip(keys, values):
@@ -66,14 +91,24 @@ def stress_test_mapping_updates(z):
         check_items(z, list(zip(keys, values)))
-def check_mapping(z):
-    assert isinstance(z, MutableMapping)
+def check_empty_mapping(z: MutableMapping) -> None:
     assert not z
     assert list(z) == list(z.keys()) == []
     assert list(z.values()) == []
     assert list(z.items()) == []
     assert len(z) == 0
+    assert "x" not in z
+    assert "x" not in z.keys()
+    assert ("x", b"123") not in z.items()
+    assert b"123" not in z.values()
+def check_mapping(z: MutableMapping) -> None:
+    """See also test_zip.check_mapping"""
+    assert type(z).__name__ in str(z)
+    assert type(z).__name__ in repr(z)
+    assert isinstance(z, MutableMapping)
+    check_empty_mapping(z)
     z["abc"] = b"456"
     z["xyz"] = b"12"
@@ -85,6 +120,7 @@ def check_mapping(z):
     assert "abc" in z
     assert "xyz" in z
     assert "def" not in z
+    assert object() not in z
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
@@ -95,6 +131,18 @@ def check_mapping(z):
     check_items(z, [("abc", b"456"), ("xyz", b"654"), ("uvw", b"999")])
     z.update({"xyz": b"321"})
     check_items(z, [("abc", b"456"), ("xyz", b"321"), ("uvw", b"999")])
+    # Update with iterator (can read only once)
+    z.update(iter([("foo", b"132"), ("bar", b"887")]))
+    check_items(
+        z,
+        [
+            ("abc", b"456"),
+            ("xyz", b"321"),
+            ("uvw", b"999"),
+            ("foo", b"132"),
+            ("bar", b"887"),
+        ],
+    )
     del z["abc"]
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
@@ -102,16 +150,154 @@ def check_mapping(z):
     with pytest.raises(KeyError):
         del z["abc"]
     assert "abc" not in z
-    assert set(z) == {"uvw", "xyz"}
-    assert len(z) == 2
+    assert set(z) == {"uvw", "xyz", "foo", "bar"}
+    assert len(z) == 4
     z["def"] = b"\x00\xff"
-    assert len(z) == 3
+    assert len(z) == 5
     assert z["def"] == b"\x00\xff"
     assert "def" in z
-def check_closing(z):
+def check_different_keys_threadsafe(
+    z: MutableMapping, allow_keyerror: bool = False
+) -> None:
+    barrier = threading.Barrier(2)
+    counters = [0, 0]
+    def worker(idx, key, value):
+        barrier.wait()
+        while any(c < 10 for c in counters):
+            z[key] = value
+            try:
+                assert z[key] == value
+                del z[key]
+            except KeyError:
+                if allow_keyerror:
+                    continue  # Try again, don't inc i
+                raise
+            assert key not in z
+            with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+                _ = z[key]
+            with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+                del z[key]
+            assert len(z) in (0, 1)
+            counters[idx] += 1
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as ex:
+        f1 = ex.submit(worker, 0, "x", b"123")
+        f2 = ex.submit(worker, 1, "y", b"456")
+        f1.result()
+        f2.result()
+    assert not z
+def check_same_key_threadsafe(z: MutableMapping) -> None:
+    barrier = threading.Barrier(4)
+    counters = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+    def w_set():
+        barrier.wait()
+        while any(c < 10 for c in counters):
+            z["x"] = b"123"
+            counters[0] += 1
+    def w_update():
+        barrier.wait()
+        while any(c < 10 for c in counters):
+            z.update(x=b"456")
+            counters[1] += 1
+    def w_del():
+        barrier.wait()
+        while any(c < 10 for c in counters):
+            try:
+                del z["x"]
+                counters[2] += 1
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+    def w_get():
+        barrier.wait()
+        while any(c < 10 for c in counters):
+            try:
+                assert z["x"] in (b"123", b"456")
+                counters[3] += 1
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+    with ThreadPoolExecutor(4) as ex:
+        futures = [
+            ex.submit(w_set),
+            ex.submit(w_update),
+            ex.submit(w_del),
+            ex.submit(w_get),
+        ]
+        for f in futures:
+            f.result()
+    z.pop("x", None)
+def check_closing(z: ZictBase) -> None:
+def check_bad_key_types(z: MutableMapping, has_del: bool = True) -> None:
+    """z does not accept any Hashable as keys.
+    Test that it reacts correctly when confronted with an invalid key type.
+    """
+    bad = object()
+    assert bad not in z
+    assert bad not in z.keys()
+    assert (bad, b"123") not in z.items()
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        z[bad] = b"123"
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        z.update({bad: b"123"})
+    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+        z[bad]
+    if has_del:
+        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+            del z[bad]
+def check_bad_value_types(z: MutableMapping) -> None:
+    """z does not accept any Python object as values.
+    Test that it reacts correctly when confronted with an invalid value type.
+    """
+    bad = object()
+    assert bad not in z.values()
+    assert ("x", bad) not in z.items()
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        z["x"] = bad
+    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+        z.update({"x": bad})
+class SimpleDict(ZictBase, UserDict):
+    def __init__(self):
+        ZictBase.__init__(self)
+        UserDict.__init__(self)
+class SlowDict(UserDict):
+    def __init__(self, delay):
+        self.delay = delay
+        super().__init__(self)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        time.sleep(self.delay)
+        return super().__getitem__(key)
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        time.sleep(self.delay)
+        super().__setitem__(key, value)
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..438310b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zict/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from import Iterable, Iterator
+from typing import MutableSet  # TODO import from (needs Python >=3.9)
+from zict.common import T
+class InsertionSortedSet(MutableSet[T]):
+    """A set-like that retains insertion order, like a dict. Thread-safe.
+    Equality does not compare order or class, but only compares against the contents of
+    any other set-like, coherently with dict and the AbstractSet design.
+    """
+    _d: dict[T, None]
+    __slots__ = ("_d",)
+    def __init__(self, other: Iterable[T] = ()) -> None:
+        self._d = dict.fromkeys(other)
+    def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool:
+        return item in self._d
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T]:
+        return iter(self._d)
+    def __len__(self) -> int:
+        return len(self._d)
+    def add(self, value: T) -> None:
+        """Add element to the set. If the element is already in the set, retain original
+        insertion order.
+        """
+        self._d[value] = None
+    def discard(self, value: T) -> None:
+        # Don't trust the thread-safety of self._d.pop(value, None)
+        try:
+            del self._d[value]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    def remove(self, value: T) -> None:
+        del self._d[value]
+    def popleft(self) -> T:
+        """Pop the oldest-inserted key from the set"""
+        while True:
+            try:
+                value = next(iter(self._d))
+                del self._d[value]
+                return value
+            except StopIteration:
+                raise KeyError("pop from an empty set")
+            except (KeyError, RuntimeError):
+                # Multithreaded race condition
+                continue
+    def popright(self) -> T:
+        """Pop the latest-inserted key from the set"""
+        return self._d.popitem()[0]
+    pop = popright
+    def clear(self) -> None:
+        self._d.clear()
diff --git a/zict/ b/zict/
index b2ca84d..207349e 100644
--- a/zict/
+++ b/zict/
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ from __future__ import annotations
 import zipfile
 from import Iterator
 from typing import MutableMapping  # TODO move to (needs Python >=3.9)
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal
-    # TODO: move to typing on Python 3.8+ and 3.10+ respectively
-    from typing_extensions import Literal, TypeAlias
+    # TODO: import from typing (needs Python >=3.10)
+    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
-    FileMode: TypeAlias = Literal["r", "w", "x", "a"]
+FileMode: TypeAlias = Literal["r", "w", "x", "a"]
 class Zip(MutableMapping[str, bytes]):
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ class Zip(MutableMapping[str, bytes]):
     filename: string
     mode: string, ('r', 'w', 'a'), defaults to 'a'
+    Notes
+    -----
+    None of this class is thread-safe - not even normally trivial methods such as
+    ``__len__ `` or ``__contains__``.
     >>> z = Zip('')  # doctest: +SKIP
@@ -36,6 +41,7 @@ class Zip(MutableMapping[str, bytes]):
     _file: zipfile.ZipFile | None
     def __init__(self, filename: str, mode: FileMode = "a"):
+        super().__init__()
         self.filename = filename
         self.mode = mode
         self._file = None
@@ -49,25 +55,32 @@ class Zip(MutableMapping[str, bytes]):
         return self._file
     def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> bytes:
+        if not isinstance(key, str):
+            raise KeyError(key)
-    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: bytes) -> None:
+    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: bytes | bytearray | memoryview) -> None:
+        if not isinstance(key, str):
+            raise TypeError(key)
+        if not isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
+            raise TypeError(value)
+        if key in self:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by stdlib zipfile")
         self.file.writestr(key, value)
-    # FIXME dictionary views
-    def keys(self) -> Iterator[str]:  # type: ignore
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
         return (zi.filename for zi in self.file.filelist)
-    def values(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:  # type: ignore
-        return ( for key in self.keys())
-    def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, bytes]]:  # type: ignore
-        return ((zi.filename, for zi in self.file.filelist)
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
-        return self.keys()
+    def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
+        if not isinstance(key, str):
+            return False
+        try:
+            self.file.getinfo(key)
+            return True
+        except KeyError:
+            return False
-    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
+    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:  # pragma: nocover
         raise NotImplementedError("Not supported by stdlib zipfile")
     def __len__(self) -> int:
@@ -87,5 +100,5 @@ class Zip(MutableMapping[str, bytes]):
     def __enter__(self) -> Zip:
         return self
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback) -> None:
+    def __exit__(self, *args: Any) -> None:

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