New Upstream Snapshot - modus-themes

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 2.7.0+git20221021.1.8ce12ca (was: 1.5.0).

Resulting package

Built on 2022-10-21T13:22 (took 13m8s)

The resulting binary packages can be installed (if you have the apt repository enabled) by running one of:

apt install -t fresh-snapshots elpa-modus-themes


diff --git a/ b/
index 12a93b7..5979abd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,21 +1,3166 @@
 #+TITLE: Change log of the Modus Themes for GNU Emacs
 #+AUTHOR: Protesilaos Stavrou
 #+OPTIONS: ':nil toc:nil num:nil author:nil email:nil
 This document contains the release notes that are included in each
 tagged commit on the project's main git repository:
 The newest release is at the top.  Since the notes are meant to be in
 plain text format, I copy them verbatim.
 For further details, please consult these additional resources:
-+ Manual :: <>
-+ Screenshots :: <>
++ Manual :: <>
++ Screenshots :: <>
+* 2.7.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:4d86106c-1df5-4f5f-bc6c-f14f5d13403b
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.7.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-10-01
+Support for packages or faces
+,* Reinstated support for 'centaur-tabs'.  I had removed it in commit
+  2235ce5 (done on 2022-08-02) for version 2.5.0 of the modus-themes.
+  At the time I wrote:
+      centaur-tabs has a bug where it cannot read the value of a face if it
+      uses the standard ':inherit' attribute.  I have sent a patch to fix it,
+      but have received no response since February:
+      <>.
+      Relevant reports:
+      - <>
+      - <>
+      - <>
+      I am happy to reinstate support for centaur-tabs as soon as the package
+      gets the maintenance it needs.
+  My patch/pull-request is now merged and the package is actively
+  maintained once again.  Hence the decision to bring back support for
+  it, as promised.
+,* Applied styles for the 'icon-button' face of Emacs 29.
+,* Styled the 'log-edit-headers-separator' face of Emacs 29 (it was
+  introduced upstream by a patch of mine).
+,* Made the 'gnus-summary-low-unread' face inherit from the 'italic'
+  face like the rest of that subgroup of faces.  This helps
+  differentiate it from the 'gnus-summary-high-unread' face.  Thanks
+  to Mark Simpson for pointing out the possibility of conflating those
+  two faces: <>.
+,* Covered the 'read-multiple-choice-face' by adding a noticeable
+  background colour to it.  The default attributes it has, which look
+  like other key bindings (bold and blue) plus an underline are
+  technically okay, though the context of this face is in the echo
+  area which is one line tall.  Moreover, the highlighted keys are
+  inlined with other text.  These make it difficult to spot the
+  highlights without some extra spacing.  I use the addition of a
+  background in Org's export dispatcher interface which also has some
+  unique requirements (the 'org-dispatcher-highlight' face).  The
+  principle is to have theme-wide consistency (e.g. "all key bindings
+  must look the same") EXCEPT when the specifics require a different
+  set of styles in the interest of usability.
+,* Extended the coverage of the 'auctex' package's faces to include the
+  'font-latex-underline-face'.  Thanks to Luis Miguel Castañeda for
+  reporting a typo I made which caused an error:
+  <>
+,* Added support for 'crontab-mode'.  Thanks to Antonio Ruiz for the
+  patch: <>.  It
+  is below the ~15 line threshold and thus requires no copyright
+  assignment to the Free Software Foundation.
+,* Extended support for the 'company' package's 'company-scrollbar-bg'
+  and 'company-scrollbar-fg' faces.
+,* Added support for the 'spell-fu' package.  Thanks to Antonio Ruiz
+  for the patch: <>.
+  Same as further above for Antonio's copyright status.
+,* Moved the 'selectrum-prescient' faces to the 'prescient' group, to
+  be consistent with changes in the respective upstream packages.
+  Thanks to okamsn for the contribution, which was done in pull
+  request 41 on the GitHub mirror: <>.
+  The user okamsn has assigned copyright assignment to the Free
+  Software Foundation, although this patch is within the allowed
+  limits.
+Change to 'fill-column-indicator'
+Made the 'fill-column-indicator' face more noticeable.  It is what the
+'display-fill-column-indicator-mode' uses to draw a line on where the
+'fill-column' is.
+This change is in response to private messages I received as well as
+this, at parts impolite and toxic, thread that I refrained from
+participating in:
+[ I do not follow that mailing list, by the way.  All my projects have
+  multiple communication channels and I always reply in a timely
+  fashion.  Social media, fora about Emacs, generic mailing lists,
+  etc. are not among those channels.
+  <>. ]
+The core idea is that the previous design was (1) considered
+"invisible" and (2) it prevented the customisation of the user option
+I am addressing point 1, but point 2 puts us in an awkward spot as we
+would then not be allowed to use a background and a height value.  Not
+doing so produces a dashed line by default, with the dashes further
+apart the greater the line-spacing is (especially in, say, Org
+headings that can have a greater height than paragraph text).  It
+looks broken and I keep getting requests to fix what is not the
+themes' fault.  So no, the themes will remain opinionated in this
+regard by ignoring 'display-fill-column-indicator-character' through
+the styling they apply to make the line contiguous.
+For context, also read Emacs bug#57424 and please don't take my words
+in a private message out of context.  If I need to state my opinion in
+a public setting, I know how to do it.
+Refinement to modus-vivendi 'bg-diff-focus-removed' colour
+Made the default removed diff background slightly more luminant.  The
+colour is seen in diff-mode, ediff, and the Magit focused diff hunk.
+When the user option 'modus-themes-diffs' is set to either 'bg-only' or
+'desaturated', this colour is used to highlight word-wise ("refined")
+changes.  The increased luminance lets it stand out more compared to the
+more subtle backdrop.
+Thanks to Kévin Le Gouguec for bringing this issue to my attention and
+for discussing it with me:
+Note about 'goto-address-mode'
+Quote from the manual:
+    The built-in 'goto-address-mode' uses heuristics to identify URLs and
+    email addresses in the current buffer.  It then applies a face to them
+    to change their style.  Some packages, such as 'notmuch', use this
+    minor-mode automatically.
+    The faces are not declared with 'defface', meaning that it is better
+    that the theme does not modify them.  The user is thus encouraged to
+    consider including (or equivalent) this in their setup:
+        (setq goto-address-url-face 'link
+              goto-address-url-mouse-face 'highlight
+              goto-address-mail-face 'link
+              goto-address-mail-mouse-face 'highlight)
+    My personal preference is to set 'goto-address-mail-face' to nil, as
+    it otherwise adds too much visual noise to the buffer (email addresses
+    stand out more, due to the use of the uncommon '@' character but also
+    because they are often enclosed in angled brackets).
+Changes to the manual
+,* Fixed a few typos and ensured that spelling using American English
+  as that is what emacs.git requires.
+,* Added the missing ':config' keywords from the example configuration
+  of the 'circadian' package.  Thanks to Koen van Greevenbroek for the
+  patch: <>.
+* 2.6.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:fc108f65-3e0b-4e28-8030-86c797cb2b25
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.6.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-08-19
+Changes to supported faces or face groups
+,* Made the 'font-lock-warning-face' adapt to comments.  This changes the
+  face from a yellow to a red hue when the user adds a value to
+  'modus-themes-syntax' which includes 'yellow-comments' property.
+  Before, this face was indistinguishable from yellow comments due to a
+  regression in version 2.5.0 of the themes.  Thanks to Augusto Stoffel
+  and Manuel Uberti for their feedback on the mailing list:
+  <>.
+,* Applied a consistent foreground color (a not-so-intense yellow hue) to
+  the 'org-checkbox' and 'markdown-gfm-checkbox-face'.  The change comes
+  from the discussion on the mailing list where it became apparent that
+  a bit of colour is needed for such constructs:
+  <>.
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič, Christian Tietze, and Karthik Chikmagalur
+  for their participation.
+,* Added support for the 'mu4e-related-face'.  Thanks to Simon Pugnet for
+  the feedback on the mailing list:
+  <>.
+,* Included support for the 'consult-preview-insertion' face.  There are
+  two reasons for adding this:
+  1. It decouples it from the 'region' face, which means that the user
+     option 'modus-themes-region' no longer has an unintended effect on
+     it.
+  2. It makes it look consistent with the 'rectangle-preview' face (see
+     it in action with C-x SPC, move point down a few lines, type C-t
+     and then insert some text).  I feel these sort of previews need to
+     look the same, though I don't have a strong attachment to the style
+     now in use.
+Removed support for the 'solaire' package
+The 'solaire-mode' package dims the background of what it considers
+ancillary "UI" buffers, such as the minibuffer and Dired buffers.  The
+Modus themes used to support Solaire on the premise that the user was
+(i) opting in to it, (ii) understood why certain buffers were more gray,
+and (iii) knew what other adjustments had to be made to prevent broken
+visuals (e.g. the default style of the 'modus-themes-completions' uses a
+subtle gray background for the selection, which with Solaire becomes
+practically invisible).
+However, the assumption that users opt in to this feature does not
+always hold true.  There are cases where it is enabled by default such
+as in the popular Doom Emacs configuration.  Thus, the unsuspecting user
+who loads 'modus-operandi' or 'modus-vivendi' without the requisite
+customizations is getting a sub-par experience; an experience that we
+did not intend and cannot genuinely fix.
+[ Relevant reading about "The case of git-gutter, the modus-themes, and
+  Doom Emacs":
+  <> ]
+Because the Modus themes are meant to work everywhere, we cannot make an
+exception for Doom Emacs and/or Solaire users.  Furthermore, we shall
+not introduce hacks, such as by adding a check in all relevant faces to
+be adjusted based on Solaire or whatever other package.  Hacks of this
+sort are unsustainable and penalize the entire userbase.  Besides, the
+themes are built into Emacs and we must keep their standard high.
+The fundamental constraint with Solaire is that Emacs does not have a
+real distinction between "content" and "UI" buffers.  For themes to work
+with Solaire, they need to be designed around that package.  Such is an
+arrangement that compromises on our accessibility standards and/or
+hinders our efforts to provide the best possible experience while using
+the Modus themes.
+As such, 'solaire-mode' is not---and will not be---supported by the
+Modus themes (or any other of my themes, for that matter).  Users who
+want it must style the faces manually.  Below is some sample code, based
+on what we cover at length in the manual:
+    (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+      (modus-themes-with-colors
+        (custom-set-faces
+         `(solaire-default-face ((,class :inherit default :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+         `(solaire-line-number-face ((,class :inherit solaire-default-face :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+         `(solaire-hl-line-face ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+         `(solaire-org-hide-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt))))))
+    (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+Changes to the manual
+,* Added a missing parenthesis to a sample code block.  Thanks to Paul
+  David for the contribution in pull request 39 on the GitHub mirror:
+  <>.
+,* Clarified the wording of individual statements pertaining to the need
+  of reloading a theme for changes to user options to become effective.
+* 2.5.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:32438044-6eee-4909-8e5a-860ce1457049
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.5.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-08-03
+This entry documents the changes made to the project since the
+publication of version 2.4.0 on 2022-06-01.  It spans more than 60
+commits to an already stable project.
+The 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes are built into Emacs-28
+(latest stable release) or later, and are available on GNU ELPA as well
+as other archives.  Emacs-28 ships version 1.6.0, while the current
+'master' branch (i.e. Emacs-29) and, by extension, GNU ELPA include the
+latest tagged release.  The packaged version is available as
+Read the manual inside Emacs by evaluating:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+Or visit: <> (the website only
+documents the latest version).
+Enhancement to the user option 'modus-themes-headings'
+The user option 'modus-themes-headings' now reads a level 0 heading in
+addition to numbers 1--8.  Heading 0 accepts the same list of properties
+as all other levels (please consult the doc string of the user option or
+the corresponding entry in the manual).  Currently only the value of the
+Org #+title is affected (face is 'org-document-title'), but we may cover
+more faces if needed.
+Sample configuration:
+    ;; The `modus-themes-headings' is an alist with lots of possible
+    ;; combinations, including per-heading-level tweaks: read the
+    ;; manual or its doc string.
+    (setq modus-themes-headings
+          '((0 . (variable-pitch light (height 2.2)))
+            (1 . (rainbow variable-pitch light (height 1.6)))
+            (2 . (rainbow variable-pitch light (height 1.4)))
+            (3 . (rainbow variable-pitch regular (height 1.3)))
+            (4 . (rainbow regular (height 1.2)))
+            (5 . (rainbow (height 1.1)))
+            (t . (variable-pitch extrabold)))
+Given this change, I am also tweaking the default foreground value of
+the 'org-document-title'.  It is a bit more saturated than before, but
+remains close to the spirit of the previous one.
+Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for proposing the idea on the mailing list:
+Stylistic tweak to the user option 'modus-themes-syntax'
+Prevented the 'alt-syntax' property from desaturating the effect of the
+'yellow-comments' property when the two would be combined.  Such as:
+    (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax yellow-comments))
+The previous design was incorrect because it was always using the faint
+variant of the yellow comments, as if the user had specified:
+    (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax faint yellow-comments))
+[ Read the doc string of 'modus-themes-syntax' or the manual for an
+  explanation of all properties and their combinations. ]
+Review of the Isearch (and related) colours
+Emacs' standard search has a face for the currently matched query and
+all its inactive matches.  The faces are 'isearch' and 'lazy-highlight',
+respectively.  Before, we were using a green background by default for
+the 'isearch' face and a cyan background for the 'lazy-highlight'.  This
+was a choice that was made in the early days of the project when the
+palette was not yet fully realised.
+Green and cyan do not always contrast well side-by-side (subject to
+hardware capabilities and environmental lighting), so the 'isearch' face
+also had an added bold weight.  This was not my preference, but it was
+necessary under the circumstances.  The previous combinations were also
+not ideal when the user option 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' was set to a
+non-nil value: the blue background which was used instead of the green
+one could be conflated with the subtle teal of the 'lazy-highlight'
+under certain circumstances, such as poor colour reproduction at the
+monitor level or in terminal emulators with limited colour support.
+The new colours (intense yellow for active matches and subtle cyan for
+lazy ones) are complementary, meaning that they are naturally easy to
+tell apart.
+[ Read "Colour theory and techniques used in the Modus themes":
+  <> ]
+These specific hues are also well-suited for users with red-green colour
+deficiency: yellow stays as-is, while the cyan colour becomes a bit more
+grey though remains distinct.  As such, we do not need to run the helper
+function 'modus-themes--deuteran' to set the style based on the value of
+The new colours do not clash with the style of the relevant 'match' face
+(used by 'M-x occur', 'M-x grep', and related), nor with the various
+permutations of the 'region' face (subject to the user option
+Finally, the bold weight has been removed from the 'isearch' face.  It
+was always a kludge.  Also, it would make paragraphs rendered in the
+'variable-pitch' face (or proportional fonts in general) jump around as
+the user would move between the matches, because bold letters occupy
+more space than their regular weight counterparts so they affect the
+length of the line.  This problem was reported by Augusto Stoffel on the
+mailing list: <>.
+Rewrote parts of the colour preview commands
+The 'modus-themes-list-colors', 'modus-themes-list-colors-current' are
+commands that produce a buffer which shows previews of every entry in
+the palette.  Their code has been simplified and they now produce a
+warning when the display terminal has limited colour support.
+Furthermore, they read any overrides as specified in the user options
+'modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides', 'modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides'.
+The "summertime" re-spin of colour overrides
+The manual now includes a complete hand-crafted example of a pair of
+themes that override the default palette.  This is done as a technology
+demonstration.  It is not considered an "official" extension of the
+Modus themes and will never be part of the code base as it does not
+conform with our lofty accessibility standards.  However, I took great
+care in picking the colour overrides in the hope that users will (i)
+have a usable theme, should they opt for it, and (ii) they recognise the
+potential of our colour-overriding feature.
+Screenshots and related information:
+Thanks to user “Summer Emacs” for (i) suggesting the name “summertime”,
+(ii) testing variants of this in her setup, and (iii) sending me
+feedback on possible tweaks and refinements. All errors are my own.
+The idea for this project came from an exchange where Summer discovered
+an old theme of mine (from my pre-Emacs days) and asked if I had
+anything like it for Emacs.  Voilà!
+[ This information is shared with permission. ]
+As for whether I have more plans... "Perhaps!" ;)
+Removed support for certain packages or face groups
+I periodically install and use the packages we support to see if they
+have any updates we need to cover but also to confirm that they work.
+Usually, the user does not learn about this work, as I don't need to
+make any changes or will make some minor tweaks.  When I think that the
+package is not in a good shape, I remove it from the list of explicitly
+supported packages, meaning that the modus-themes no longer cover the
+faces it defines.  The removal of any package is done on a case-by-case
+basis.  If you disagree with this decision, please inform me about and I
+shall reconsider.
+,* centaur-tabs :: Those of you who have been reading these release notes
+  are aware of a bug in centaur-tabs which basically prevents us from
+  using the standard ':inherit' attribute to style the centaur-tabs
+  faces.  I have sent a patch to fix it, but have received no response
+  since February: <>.
+  To me, this gives the package the "unmaintained" status, though I am
+  happy to revert the change as soon as it gets the maintenance it
+  needs.
+  Relevant reports (and I got many others in my private inbox):
+  - <>
+  - <>
+  - <>
+,* cursor-flash :: its default face should be visible enough.
+,* dynamic-ruler :: The package does not build on my Emacs 29.  Also, its
+  default faces are usable even without our recolouring.
+,* emacs-dashboard :: Its default faces inherit from basic faces that we
+  already support.
+,* frog-menu :: I have not seen this package being used anywhere.  I
+  suspect it is because it has not found a niche between transient,
+  hydra, and embark.
+,* mct :: A few months ago I announced that its development is
+  discontinued.  Either use vertico or switch to what Emacs provides as
+  a built-in option: <>.
+,* org-treescope :: The package points to a GitHub repo, which is
+  archived.  The current source is on GitLab, but the package is not
+  updated accordingly.  This makes me believe it is not actively
+  maintained and am thus removing it from the list.
+,* paradox :: When I tried paradox, it took over my C-c g binding which I
+  have for Magit.  As an Emacs user, I consider this an unacceptable
+  transgression.  Looking at paradox's git repo, the project is not
+  maintained.  If things change, I am happy to reinstate support for it.
+,* vc-annotate (built-in) :: It has not been working properly for a long
+  time now.  Colours are unset and are not re-applied when switching
+  between the 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes.
+  Furthermore, the way 'vc-annotate-color-map' intersects with
+  'vc-annotate-background-mode' puts us in an awkward spot: when the
+  mode is non-nil, the mapped values are used as backgrounds WITHOUT
+  giving us the chance to make the appropriate adjustments to the
+  foreground (so we end up with inaccessible colour combinations).  This
+  means that we must fix a problem which is not ours by overriding the
+  user option of the background altogether.  A theme outright disabling
+  user options is bad form.
+  Even documenting a user-level set of configurations will not suffice,
+  as the results are unreliable.  I tried the code which I copy further
+  below to test annotation with/without background, plus the change in
+  values when switching between modus-operandi and modus-vivendi.
+  Again, colours are not updated properly (I know the buffer of 'M-x
+  vc-annotate' needs to be generated again), as 'modus-operandi' may
+  retain the values set by 'modus-vivendi' or vice-versa.
+  Ultimately, I feel 'vc-annotate' needs to be refactored to use
+  ordinary faces in ordinary ways.  Or, at least, not try to outsmart
+  the user/theme about the choice of colours.
+  Thanks to Philip Kaludercic for starting the thread about the
+  'vc-annotate-background-mode' which reminded me about this problem:
+  <>.
+  The code I alluded to:
+      (setq vc-annotate-background-mode nil)
+      (defun my-modus-themes-vc-annotate ()
+        ;; Actual values are for demo purposes
+        (modus-themes-with-colors
+          (if vc-annotate-background-mode
+              (setq vc-annotate-background bg-alt
+                    vc-annotate-color-map
+                    `((20 .  ,red-intense-bg)
+                      (40 .  ,red-subtle-bg)
+                      (60 .  ,red-refine-bg)
+                      (80 .  ,yellow-intense-bg)
+                      (100 . ,yellow-subtle-bg)
+                      (120 . ,yellow-refine-bg)
+                      (140 . ,magenta-intense-bg)
+                      (160 . ,magenta-subtle-bg)
+                      (180 . ,magenta-refine-bg)
+                      (200 . ,cyan-intense-bg)
+                      (220 . ,cyan-subtle-bg)
+                      (240 . ,cyan-refine-bg)
+                      (260 . ,green-intense-bg)
+                      (280 . ,green-subtle-bg)
+                      (300 . ,green-refine-bg)
+                      (320 . ,blue-intense-bg)
+                      (340 . ,blue-subtle-bg)
+                      (360 . ,blue-refine-bg)))
+            (setq vc-annotate-background nil
+                  vc-annotate-color-map
+                  `((20 . ,red)
+                    (40 . ,magenta)
+                    (60 . ,magenta-alt)
+                    (80 . ,red-alt)
+                    (100 . ,yellow)
+                    (120 . ,yellow-alt)
+                    (140 . ,fg-special-warm)
+                    (160 . ,fg-special-mild)
+                    (180 . ,green)
+                    (200 . ,green-alt)
+                    (220 . ,cyan-alt-other)
+                    (240 . ,cyan-alt)
+                    (260 . ,cyan)
+                    (280 . ,fg-special-cold)
+                    (300 . ,blue)
+                    (320 . ,blue-alt)
+                    (340 . ,blue-alt-other)
+                    (360 . ,magenta-alt-other))))))
+      (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-vc-annotate)
+Revised supported faces or face groups
+,* Enhanced the default background colour of the current date in the Org
+  agenda.  This is a subtle change, all things considered, which makes
+  it easier to discern where the highlight is while it remains close to
+  the spirit of the previous design.  The idea is to not add too much
+  saturation here, because the buffer is already "busy" with lots of
+  highlights.  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for the feedback on the mailing
+  list: <>.
+,* Restyled the 'M-x man' and 'M-x woman' faces to have a bit more
+  saturation.  A while ago I desaturated the 'Man-overstrike' and
+  'woman-bold' faces on the premise that the added bold weight would be
+  sufficient.  However, the bold weight may sometimes not draw the
+  desired attention, such as at small point sizes or with certain font
+  configurations.  As such, the added intensity in colour is necessary.
+,* Changed the Selectrum quick key faces ('selectrum-quick-keys-match'
+  and 'selectrum-quick-keys-highlight') to have the same style as Avy,
+  Vertico's own "quick keys", and related.  For a technical analysis,
+  read "Modus themes: case study on Avy faces and colour combinations":
+  <>.
+,* Made internal adjustments so that 'M-x list-packages' inherits from
+  the standard 'success', 'warning', and 'error' faces instead of adding
+  its own face attributes.  In practice, the user will notice a change
+  for new packages in the listing if 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' is
+  non-nil.
+,* Introduced the same inheritance rules as above for the 'syslog'
+  package (mutatis mutandis).
+,* Increased the saturation of the 'package-status-available' face, which
+  is shown in the 'M-x list-packages' buffer.  The overall effect is
+  subtle, though sufficiently noticeable.
+,* Revised the faces of the 'deft' package to make it look consistent
+  with the rest of the theme's relevant interfaces (to the extent
+  possible as Deft uses a non-standard presentation).
+,* Aligned the 'speedbar-highlight-face' with the user option
+  'modus-themes-intense-mouseovers'.
+,* Refined the 'highlight-thing' face (see package of the same name).
+  This makes it stand out more and it also aligns it with the standard
+  'match' face, which is pertinent here.
+,* Amplified the saturation of the 'dired-git-info' face.  Makes it
+  easier to differentiate the Git commit text from the Dired listing,
+  without drawing too much attention to itself.
+,* Adjusted the hue of the 'easy-jekyll-help-face' from teal to blue.
+  This makes it look more like the standard 'help-key-binding' face,
+  although 'easy-jekyll' does not align with upstream Emacs in this
+  regard.
+,* Intensified the background of 'rectangle-preview' to work even in
+  cases where a grey background is already on display.  This face is
+  used for the 'string-rectangle' command (e.g. C-x SPC to draw a
+  rectangle and C-t to insert text in its stead---works as a simple
+  "multiple cursors" on a straight line).
+Support for new faces or face groups
+,* chart (built-in)
+,* denote
+,* edmacro-label (Emacs 29)
+,* info+
+,* leerzeichen
+A comment on 'info+'.  As is the case with PACKAGE+ packages from the
+Emacs Wiki, info+ defines lots of faces that hardcode colour values
+instead of inheriting from basic faces.  It does so for no good reason
+and the results will likely not look decent in any theme.  Furthermore,
+these faces colourise too much even when the colour values can be
+appropriately combined (ceteris paribus), making the buffer harder to
+The support I add for info+ is consistent with the design principles of
+the modus-themes, one of which is to avoid exaggerations as those
+indirectly affect legibility.  As such, some of the changes I introduce
+here outright remove colouration, while others align the various
+constructs with the overall aesthetic of the themes.
+Note that, by default, info+ adds clickable buttons to glossary terms.
+This produces awkward combinations such as by buttonising the "string"
+component inside of what actually is a function's argument.  So you
+have, say, FORMAT-[STRING] where "[]" represents the button: the FORMAT
+gets one face and the [STRING] another, even though they are part of a
+single argument.  To me this looks broken and is counter-productive,
+though it is not up to the theme to decide how packages fontify the
+various constructs.  At any rate, button styles at the theme level are
+controlled by the user option 'modus-themes-box-buttons'.
+Thanks to Jonas Collberg for the feedback in issue 33 over at the GitHub
+mirror: <>.
+,* Named the mailing list address as the =Maintainer:= of Denote.
+  Together with the other package headers, they help the user find our
+  primary sources and/or communication channels.  This change conforms
+  with work being done upstream in package.el by Philip Kaludercic.  I
+  was informed about it here:
+  <>.
+,* Addressed byte compilation warnings in doc strings pertaining to the
+  use of literal quotes.  Thanks to Matt Armstrong and Rudolf Adamkovič
+  for the feedback on the mailing list:
+  <>.
+,* Fixed the ':link' value in the declaration of the user options
+  'modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides', 'modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides'.
+  It once again directs to the correct heading in the manual.
+,* Documented all the aforementioned, where necessary.
+,* Mentioned my 'fontaine' and 'lin' packages in the relevant sections of
+  the manual.  The former helps set fonts and switch between font
+  presents.  The latter is a stylistic variant of hl-line (its
+  documentation explains its raison d'être).
+* 2.4.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:ee0dcce9-3481-4533-8ded-a9a1f5269a41
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.4.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-06-01
+This entry documents the changes made to the project since the
+publication of version 2.3.0 on 2022-04-01.  It spans more than 60
+commits to an already stable project.
+The 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes are built into Emacs-28
+(next stable release) or later, and are available on GNU ELPA as well as
+other archives.  Emacs-28 ships version 1.6.0, while the current
+'master' branch (i.e. Emacs-29) and, by extension, GNU ELPA include the
+latest tagged release.  The packaged version is available as
+Read the manual inside Emacs by evaluating:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+Or visit: <>.
+Migration to SourceHut
+The sources of the project are as follows:
+- Git repo on SourceHut: <>
+  - Mirrors:
+    - GitHub: <>
+    - GitLab: <>
+- Mailing list: <>
+- Official manual: <>
+- Change log: <>
+- Colour palette: <>
+- Sample pictures: <>
+It is still possible to open issues on either of the mirrors and I will
+handle them in a timely fashion, though I encourage you to at least try
+the mailing list workflow---it is ordinary email (just remember to
+"reply to all").
+Further reading that is relevant to SourceHut:
+- Moving all my Emacs projects to SourceHut:
+  <>
+- Primer on formatting Git patches with Emacs (Magit):
+  <>
+Problems with byte compilation on Emacs 29
+For some time between mid-April to mid-May, users of Emacs 29 could not
+byte compile the Modus themes.  This has now been fixed in emacs.git,
+per bug#55414: <>.
+Thanks to everyone involved (A-Z): Alan Mackenzie, Eli Zaretskii, Lars
+Ingebrigtsen, Mattias Engdegård, Stefan Monnier.
+Messages about invalid face attributes while using the centaur-tabs
+I mentioned this issue in the previous change log as well: upstream does
+not allow us to use indirection in faces (the ':inherit' attribute).
+This is not our bug.  It is standard behaviour for themes to use
+I have an open pull request on the matter (since 2022-02-24):
+Relevant reports:
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+Support for new faces or face groups
+Directly supported
+These are packages whose faces we override to make them work with the
+- 'calibredb'.  I have tried to limit the wanton use of colour in the
+  relevant buffers and also align the package with the overall style of
+  the themes.  The currently selected line is affected by the user
+  option 'modus-themes-hl-line'.
+  Thanks to Ivan Popovych for the feedback on the official mailing list:
+  <>.
+  Ivan also introduced some new faces to 'calibredb', which I helped
+  test.  See: <>.
+- 'ein' (Emacs IPython Notebook).  We support its code blocks with the
+  appropriate colouration, while avoiding exaggerations.  Thanks to
+  Maxime Tréca for the feedback in issue 31 over at the GitHub mirror:
+  <>.
+- 'tree-sitter'.  My intent was to reduce the overall colouration
+  produced by the default 'tree-sitter' faces.  These tweaks give us
+  good results, though there still are some cases where 'tree-sitter'
+  exaggerates the styles it uses, such as by combining types with
+  constants to produce ad-hoc (anonymous) faces.  We cannot do anything
+  about anonymous faces at the theme level.  As such, we may get an
+  additional bold weight (when 'modus-themes-bold-constructs' is
+  non-nil) when we would rather not have it and/or a different colour
+  than the one desired.
+  Thanks to Przemysław Kryger for the feedback in issue 303 over at the
+  GitLab mirror: <>.
+  If you are involved in the 'tree-sitter' project, please eliminate all
+  anonymous faces and replace them with symbols (i.e. defface) that are
+  editable by the user/theme.  You are welcome to contact me if you need
+  help/ideas.
+- 'vundo'
+Indirectly supported
+These are packages that either (i) inherit from base faces we already
+support, or (ii) use colours from the Modus themes' palette.  A list of
+them is available in the manual.
+- egerrit.  an in-development package by Niklas Eklund which provides an
+  Emacs interface to Gerrit: <>.
+Changes to supported face
+- Reworked the internal functions that handle the styling of diffs to
+  allow the user option 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' to combine with the
+  styles of the 'modus-themes-diffs' option.
+  Before, when 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' was non-nil it would affect
+  diffs by forcibly applying the default style of 'modus-themes-diffs'
+  (fairly prominent background colours) with the primary difference of
+  replacing greens with blues.
+  Now all combinations work as expected.  For example:
+      (setq modus-themes-deuteranopia t
+            modus-themes-diffs 'desaturated) ; nil, 'desaturated, 'bg-only
+  Thanks to Kevin Le Gouguec for the feedback on the mailing list:
+  <>
+- Conducted a major (and highly demanding) review of the colours used by
+  Avy in the interest of optimising the contrast between its constructs.
+  Read the analysis: <>.
+  Thanks to Daniel Mendler and Damien Cassou for their feedback on the
+  mailing list:
+  - <>
+  - <>
+- Updated the 'vertico-quick' faces to be consistent with Avy.
+- Made the 'line-number' face conform with the user option
+  'modus-themes-mixed-fonts'.  This means that if the user option is
+  non-nil, line numbers of 'display-line-numbers-mode' will use a
+  monospaced typeface at all times (inheriting the 'fixed-pitch' face,
+  as explained in the themes' manual).  Otherwise they use whatever font
+  the 'default' face has.  This makes it better when the user enables
+  'variable-pitch-mode' but still wants spacing-sensitive constructs to
+  remain monospaced.
+  Thanks to Christopher League for the feedback in issue 302 over at the
+  GitLab mirror: <>.
+- Aligned the regexp construct faces with the meaning of the user option
+  'modus-themes-bold-constructs'.  They will use a bold weight only when
+  the user option is non-nil.  This design is consistent with all other
+  aspects of syntax highlighting.  These specific faces were
+  unconditionally bold due to a mistake of mine.
+  Remember to check the manual on what "a bold weight" means, as we make
+  everything easy to customise (e.g. if you prefer a semibold weight):
+  <>.
+- Removed the typographic emphasis from the 'file-name-shadow' face by
+  no longer inheriting the 'italic' face.  Thanks to Nicolas De Jaeghere
+  for the patch.
+  [ Nicolas has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation. ]
+- Stopped using the 'inverse-video' face attribute in 'powerline'.  We
+  now apply the colours directly.  The reason is that 'inverse-video'
+  makes it tricky to override the face as it swaps the foreground with
+  the background.  That behaviour is only needed in special cases:
+  'powerline' is not one of them.
+  Thanks to Thibaut Verron for the feedback in issue 305 over at the
+  GitLab mirror: <>.
+- Ensured that git commit/rebase comments (as seen in the workflow of
+  the 'magit' package) inherit from appropriate font-lock faces.  This
+  makes it possible to customise 'font-lock-comment-face' and have the
+  changes apply to those elements as well.  Such a customisation can,
+  for example, involve the change of the font family or the addition of
+  a background colour.  We want the whole comment block, including those
+  special keywords from Git, to look consistent. This change also makes
+  git-{commit,rebase}-comment-heading attain the foreground colour of
+  comments, instead of the default one (black or white), making it look
+  part of the comment block.
+- Tweaked the 'fountain' package comments to be the same as all others.
+  This avoids inconsistencies, such as when the user opts for something
+  like the following:
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(yellow-comments))
+- Disabled padding in the 'keycast' package, meaning that the box around
+  the key indicator always has the same height, even if the user opts
+  for a padding value in 'modus-themes-mode-line' (read the manual or
+  its doc string for how to assign a padding).
+  This is in response to a change upstream that introduces the
+  'keycast-tab-bar-mode', which re-uses the faces that were originally
+  intended for the mode line in the tab-bar.  Ideally, upstream will
+  provide distinct faces for each context so that we can have padding in
+  the mode line but not the tab-bar.  However, I have not had the
+  opportunity to suggest such a change and/or prepare the relevant patch
+  (it is not straightforward).
+- Refined some colour combinations for the "alternative syntax" style
+  that is available when the user option 'modus-themes-syntax' includes
+  the 'alt-syntax' property.  These tweaks pertain to changes in hue
+  that improve the appearance of certain faces in their context.
+- Enabled conditional use of 'fixed-pitch' for key bindings.  This
+  happens when the user option 'modus-themes-mixed-fonts' is non-nil
+  (all spacing-sensitive elements become monospaced even if the user
+  opts for a default font that is proportionately spaced or activates
+  the 'variable-pitch-mode').  Thanks to Manuel Giraud for the patch.
+  [ Manuel has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation. ]
+- Covered the face rotation option of 'highlight-changes-mode'.  It is
+  done with the 'highlight-changes-rotate-faces' command when
+  'highlight-changes-mode' is enabled (the mode is built into Emacs).
+  Thanks to Philip Kaludercic for the feedback on the mailing list:
+Updates to the manual
+- Acknowledged Andrew Tropin as one of the contributors to the Guix
+  package of the Modus themes.  The latest patch to that end:
+  <>.
+- Rewrote the note on 'fill-column-indicator' to show how the user can
+  use a thicker line than the one we style by default.
+- Wrote a note in manual about 'php-mode' multiline comments which use
+  the 'font-lock-doc-face' instead of 'font-lock-comment-face'.  Sample
+  code is provided to ensure consistency between all types of comments.
+- Added note about custom 'hl-todo' colours, specifically the user
+  option 'hl-todo-keyword-faces' (which the themes customise as an
+  exception to the rule, otherwise the default colours would not always
+  be accessible).
+  This is in relation to the mailing list thread on the matter with
+  feedback from Vincent Foley and Christian Tietze:
+  <>.
+- Elaborated on the style of 'git-gutter' faces in Doom Emacs, which are
+  not as the Modus themes intend.  Basically, the problem is that Doom
+  changes the way that package draws its bitmaps: the faces we configure
+  no longer appear as intended and sensitive colouration is lost.
+  Thanks to Gonçalo Marrafa for reporting the issue, testing the code we
+  recommend on Doom Emacs, and suggesting the inclusion of the reference
+  to the 'after!' call (a macro that Doom defines).
+- Dedicated the colours of the Modus themes---just the colours---to the
+  public domain.  The Emacs package as a whole is still distributed
+  under the terms of the GNU General Public License.  The announcement:
+  <>
+- Stopped using a timestamp in the modus-themes.el file.  It could lead
+  to situations where there was a mismatch between the latest change and
+  the recorded time.  It also introduced a barrier to entry for
+  contributors, as they need to set up 'time-stamp.el'.
+- Removed the unnecessary 'require' call to the 'seq' library and made
+  the necessary changes.  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for the patch.
+  [ Daniel has assigned copyright to the Free Software Foundation. ]
+- Applied the correct order of inheritance for all markup faces.  This
+  fixes a problem where not all typographic attributes where applied to
+  the faces when 'modus-themes-mixed-fonts' was non-nil and the value of
+  'modus-themes-markup' included '(bold italic)'.
+- Tweaked how 'org-date' conditionally uses 'fixed-pitch'.  Basically,
+  we remove an internal stylistic inconsistency.  There is no
+  user-facing change.  Thanks to Manuel Giraud for the patch.
+- Implemented the command 'modus-themes-report-bug'.  It might help
+  users find the email address of the mailing list and get started with
+  the email-centric workflow of SourceHut.  Note this is but a first
+  step in that direction.  If you think it can be improved, please
+  report as much (or send a patch).
+- Included the command 'modus-themes-version', which prints in the echo
+  area the current version of the package.  With an optional prefix
+  argument, it inserts the string at point.
+  The version either is the last tagged release, such as '2.4.0', or an
+  in-development version like '2.5.0-dev'.  As we use semantic
+  versioning, tags of the '2.4.1' sort are not considered: those would
+  count as part of '2.5.0-dev'.
+* 2.3.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:f95fb7e2-fcc8-43f6-bde5-27fe51b1bdd5
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.3.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-04-01
+This entry documents the changes made to the project since the
+publication of version 2.2.0 on 2022-02-23.  It spans more than 70
+To access the URL of the manual visit:
+<>.  Or read it in the Emacs
+Info reader by evaluating:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+The 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes are built into Emacs-28
+(next stable release) or later, and are available on GNU ELPA as well as
+other archives.  Emacs-28 ships version 1.6.0, while the current
+'master' branch (i.e. Emacs-29) and, by extension, GNU ELPA include the
+latest tagged release.
+Customisation options
+,* The 'modus-themes-completions' now accepts a 'text-also' property for
+  the 'selection' key.  This has the effect of colourising the current
+  line's text.  Whereas the default does not change the text colour,
+  re-using whatever underlying colours are available.  Consult the doc
+  string of this user option, as it provides for fine-grained control of
+  how completion UIs may look.  Thanks to Morgan Willcock whose feedback
+  in issue 278 inspired me to add the 'text-also' property:
+  <>.
+,* The 'modus-themes-box-buttons' now accepts an 'all-buttons' property.
+  It applies whatever other style is used for the boxed buttons to the
+  generic 'widget.el'.  By default, the faces of 'widget.el' do not look
+  like graphical buttons: they have a bold weight and a foreground
+  colour instead.  Examples where those are used are the Notmuch "hello"
+  buffer and the main view of the 'elfeed-summary' package.  Thanks to
+  Daniel Mendler, Rudolf Adamkovič, and Tony Zorman for their feedback
+  in issue 296: <>.
+,* The 'modus-themes-intense-mouseovers' is a boolean user option which
+  makes mouse hover effects more intense when set to a non-nil value.
+  By default, mouseovers use a cyan background value.  This changes it
+  to a more prominent blue.  Thanks to John Haman for the feedback in
+  issue 290: <>.
+,* The user options 'modus-themes-box-buttons', 'modus-themes-mode-line',
+  'modus-themes-org-agenda', and 'modus-themes-headings' can now read a
+  number value as a cons cell.  The old method of a plain number
+  continues to work.  This makes it possible to be more descriptive on
+  what a given value signifies.  Each doc string describes the
+  technicalities.  Here are samples that yield identical results:
+      (setq modus-themes-mode-line '(accented 0.9 borderless 2))
+      (setq modus-themes-mode-line '(accented (heigh 0.9) borderless (padding 2)))
+  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for proposing this idea in issue 282:
+  <>
+Attempted bug fix for byte compiled files
+Quoting from the git log:
+    commit f067d2ef39c22174b95584f2cba7942aaf03bcca
+    Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <>
+    Date:   Thu Mar 3 06:52:31 2022 +0200
+        Reify themes with eval-and-compile
+        This is an attempt to fix a bug that has existed since version 1.2.0 of
+        the themes or even earlier.
+        The bug is about a mismatch between compiled code and runtime
+        dependencies.  The runtime expects the current version while the
+        compiled code only furnishes an outdated one, thus resulting in an
+        error.  This only happens when:
+        1. Private functions change to accept more/fewer arguments.
+        2. Variables change their acceptable value (e.g. from symbol to list).
+        3. The user is installing the package via the package.el mechanism which
+           takes care of byte compilation (though anything that mimics
+           package.el should exhibit the same behaviour).
+        My understanding is that the cause was the limited scope of the
+        'eval-and-compile' we had before: it would run the 'require' also at
+        compile time, whereas the 'modus-themes-theme' macro, which reifies the
+        actual theme, would only be evaluated at runtime.  Hence the mismatch as
+        'require' would read the already installed byte code while the macro
+        would expect newer forms.
+        Wrapping everything in the 'eval-and-compile' should address this
+        problem.  Hopefully it will not engender new ones...
+        ,* * *
+        The latest reports about this bug:
+        ,* GitLab issue 287 with Mark Bestley and Daniel Mendler:
+          <>.
+        ,* GitHub issue 22 with Rytis Paškauskas:
+          <>.
+     doc/   | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
+     doc/    | 15 ++++++++-------
+     modus-operandi-theme.el | 10 +++++-----
+     modus-vivendi-theme.el  | 10 +++++-----
+     4 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
+After nearly one month, no problem has been observed as a result of this
+Newly supported packages
+These are added to the already comprehensive coverage we guarantee.
+Directly supported:
+,* devdocs.  Thanks to Augusto Stoffel, its developer, for the feedback
+  which was sent via email.
+,* mini-modeline.  Thanks to Julio C. Villasante for the feedback in
+  issue 24 over at the GitHub mirror:
+  <>.
+Indirectly supported (they use faces that we already cover):
+,* elfeed-summary
+,* undo-hl
+Changes to supported faces or packages
+,* Improved the colours used by 'avy' to always guarantee constrast in
+  hueness between side-by-side characters with a variety of user
+  settings.  I tried various styles, such as:
+      (setq avy-style 'pre)
+      (setq avy-style 'at-full)
+  For the sake of completeness, I also ran tests by modifying the
+  'avy-lead-faces' (which is a 'defconst', not a 'defcustom'):
+      (setq avy-lead-faces
+            '(avy-lead-face
+              avy-lead-face-0
+              avy-lead-face-2
+              avy-lead-face
+              avy-lead-face-0
+              avy-lead-face-2))
+      (setq avy-lead-faces
+            '(avy-lead-face
+              avy-lead-face-1
+              avy-lead-face-1
+              avy-lead-face-1
+              avy-lead-face-1))
+      (setq avy-lead-faces
+            '(avy-lead-face
+              avy-lead-face-2
+              avy-lead-face-2
+              avy-lead-face-2
+              avy-lead-face-2))
+,* Updated the 'vertico-quick' faces to keep them aligned with the new
+  Avy styles.  Thanks to Daniel Mendler (Vertico's developer) for the
+  reminder:
+  <>.
+,* Applied warmer though still not saturated colours for Org clocking
+  overlays.  The previous style could be mistaken for a mouse highlight
+  or the highlighted line if 'modus-themes-hl-line' included the
+  properties 'intense' and 'accented'.  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for
+  the feedback in issue 293:
+  <>.
+,* Broadened coverage of the built-in 'shr.el' library to include the new
+  'shr-code' face (Emacs 29).
+,* Expanded support for the 'embark' package by covering its new
+  'embark-collect-marked' face.  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for the
+  feedback in issue 299:
+  <>.
+,* Made the 'fill-column-indicator' a contiguous line.  It was a dashed
+  line before, per the Emacs defaults, which led to awkward results
+  depending on the font family and value of 'line-spacing'.  Thanks to
+  Daniel Mendler for the feedback in issue 297:
+  <>.
+,* Added explicit support for the built-in 'separator-line' face in order
+  to refine its presentation.  This is present in 'M-x shortdoc' buffers
+  (Emacs 28).  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for the feedback in issue 297:
+  <>.
+,* Applied explicit styling to the generic 'underline' face in order to
+  ensure its consistent colouration.  The problem before was that an
+  underline that spanned text with distinct colours would inherit the
+  colour of the affected character.  A uniform presentation makes
+  everything easier to read.
+,* The 'ement.el' Matrix client now uses a subtle background for username
+  mentions and/or quoted text.  This is consistent with how other Matrix
+  clients style such constructs.  Thanks to Adam Porter (aka
+  "alphapapa"), the developer of ement.el, for explaining the
+  technicalities and providing the relevant feedback in issue 25 over at
+  the GitHub mirror: <>.
+,* Enforced consistency between 'icomplete' and 'ido'.  The first match
+  was coloured differently in 'ido-mode' by mistake.  Thanks to Morgan
+  Willcock for the feedback in issue 278:
+  <>.
+,* Used the main foreground for Company's tooltip.  This is how it should
+  have been.  Corfu is designed that way as well.  Thanks to user okamsn
+  for the feedback in issue 278:
+  <>.
+,* Corrected an omission whereby the AUCTeX verbatim face was not
+  consistent with other such faces.  Now it too is governed by the user
+  option 'modus-themes-markup'.
+,* Fixed the 'centaur-tabs' invalid background message.  Thanks to
+  Lennart C. Karssen for reporting the bug in issue 288:
+  <>.  Note,
+  however, that the problem is due to some decisions made upstream.  My
+  patch has not been merged yet (open since 2022-02-24):
+  <>.  Given this
+  opportunity, always anticipate that faces may ':inherit' from others
+  and thus functions like 'face-background' might return an undesirable
+  nil value if used without a fallback.
+,* Made the 'modus-themes--current-theme' return the first Modus theme
+  instead of the 'car' of 'custom-enabled-themes'.  This makes the
+  themes work at all times even when the user has multiple of them
+  enabled.  Thanks to Pierre Téchoueyres for the patch, which was sent
+  via email with regard to Emacs bug#54598:
+  <>.
+,* Implemented compile-time requirement for built-in libraries to be sure
+  that the themes work in all cases.  Thanks to Antonio Hernández Blas
+  for reporting in issue 292 the bug with the old design that assumed
+  the 'cl-lib' and 'subr-x' as already loaded:
+  <>.
+,* Wrote in the manual how to achieve a monochrome style (with
+  permutations) for code syntax highlighting.  Thanks to Augusto Stoffel
+  for sharing the idea via an email exchange (this information is
+  divulged with permission).
+,* Clarified some statements in the manual's section about the nuances in
+  "enabling" and "loading" a theme.
+,* Documented how the applicable palette affects the outer boundaries of
+  the colour range that terminal emulators set when Emacs is ran without
+  a GUI.  Here "the palette" refers to the relevant 16 ANSI escape
+  sequences (terminal colours 0 through 15).  For the sake of
+  convenience, the node includes ready-to-use palettes for XTerm, which
+  can be adapted to other terminal emulators.  This entry complements an
+  existing one on improving the colour accuracy in terminal emulators.
+,* Used American English constructions in a few places such as "color"
+  instead of "colour" as that is what core Emacs expects (and the themes
+  are part of emacs.git).
+,* Updated the description of the themes to be more user-friendly.
+  Instead of "Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA)" we now have "Elegant,
+  highly legible and customizable themes".  Nothing changes in terms of
+  substance.  Thanks to Jorge Morais for the feedback.
+,* Clarified that the version of the themes which is built into Emacs
+  does not use 'require'.  It is in response to this thread:
+  <>.
+  Thanks to Philip Kaludercic for bringing the issue to my attention.
+,* Improved the code samples that show how to set up the package.
+,* Wrote the correct symbols for some obsoletion forms.
+Thanks once again to everyone involved!
+* 2.2.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:251849ee-3328-48c7-af5f-d1d6daca3a97
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.2.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-02-23
+The present entry records the changes made to the project since the
+publication of version 2.1.0 on 2022-02-17.  This spans about 10 commits
+(though one of them is massive).  Normally the release cycle occurs over
+periods of 4-5 weeks.  This is a necessary exception.
+To access the URL of the manual visit this web page:
+<>.  Or read it in the Emacs
+Info reader by evaluating this form:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+The 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes are built into Emacs-28
+(next stable release) or later, and are available on GNU ELPA as well as
+other archives.  Emacs-28 ships version 1.6.0, while the current
+'master' branch (i.e. Emacs-29) and, by extension, GNU ELPA include the
+latest tagged release.
+Initialisation of user options
+Removed a superfluous default value that hampered the initialisation of
+defcustom forms in the M-x customize interface.  Things would still
+work, but the interface was not looking right while editing the relevant
+variables.  Thanks to Gustavo Barros for reporting the bug in issue 267:
+Refactor 'modus-themes-completions'
+Implemented thoroughgoing reforms across all completion User Interfaces
+(UIs) in order to make them more flexible/powerful and harmonise their
+'modus-themes-completions' now accepts an alist instead of a symbol.
+Each cons cell is in the form of '(key . list-of-properties)'.  The doc
+string describes all the details.
+In terms of out-of-the-box appearences, all completion UIs have a subtle
+aesthetic.  This was always the case for the likes of Vertico, Icomplete
+(Fido), and related, though it constitutes a marked departure from what
+Ivy and Helm used to look like.  Users of the latter two can still get
+the more colourful or intense style with something like this:
+    (setq modus-themes-completions '((matches . (background intense))
+                                     (selection . (accented intense))
+                                     (popup . (accented intense))))
+Or simply:
+    (setq modus-themes-completions '((t background intense accented)))
+The documentation explains all those associations in-depth.  There also
+are other styles on offer (and combinations thereof).
+Furthermore, the new 'modus-themes-completions' encompasses more UIs
+than its predecessor, including Company and Corfu.
+In the interest of theme-wide consistency, all applicable faces have
+been reviewed.
+Finally, note that the previous tagged release also made changes on this
+front, but it did not disrupt the status quo that was in place from
+before the release of version 1.0.0 of the themes (more than a year
+ago).  In other words, it tried to make unnecessary compromises within
+the confines of an outdated design that did not fit in with the rest of
+the code base.  The new 'modus-themes-completions' might require manual
+intervention from users who want to customise things to their liking,
+though I feel this change is to our long-term benefit.
+Thanks to Daniel Mendler and Rudolf Adamkovič for their feedback in
+issue 278: <>.
+And thanks to Kenta Usami for recommending the use of a warning in issue
+286: <>.
+Miscellaneous changes
++ Removed the pseudo-button effect from the 'org-checkbox' face.  It was
+  not up-to-date with the current style of the rest of the themes,
+  including the Org constructs for source block delimiters, the TODO
+  keywords, the priority cookies (e.g. '[#A]'), and others.
++ Introduced a section in the manual which provides an alternative to
+  the standard 'modus-themes-toggle' that leverages 'enable-theme'
+  instead of 'load-theme' under the hood.  These technicalities are all
+  explained in the manual.
++ Provided an alternative greyscale palette subset for 'modus-operandi'
+  in the manual's section about overriding colours.
++ Added support for the built-in 'custom-variable-obsolete' face.
++ Fixed typo in the 'modus-themes-box-buttons' variable.  Thanks to
+  Illia Ostapyshyn for the patch in merge request 58:
+  <>.
+* 2.1.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:15098250-7b41-404b-86e1-9a99984976b9
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.1.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2022-02-17
+The present entry records the changes made to the project since the
+publication of version 2.0.0 on 2021-12-24.  There have been more than
+110 commits in the meantime (and this log is close to 5000 words).
+All modifications of colour combinations mentioned herein are made in
+accordance with the primary accessibility objective of the themes for a
+minimum contrast ratio of 7:1 between background and foreground values
+in their given combination (the WCAG AAA standard for relative colour
+luminance).  Edits also account for colour-coding that is optimised for
+the needs of users with red-green colour deficiency (deuteranopia).
+To access the URL of the manual visit this web page:
+<>.  Or read it in the Emacs
+Info reader by evaluating this form:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+The 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes are built into Emacs-28
+(next stable release) or later, and are available on GNU ELPA as well as
+other archives.  Emacs-28 ships version 1.6.0, while the current
+'master' branch (i.e. Emacs-29) and, by extension, GNU ELPA include the
+latest tagged release.
+The following produce a buffer that previews the colour palette of the
+given theme ('modus-operandi' or 'modus-vivendi').
+,* 'modus-themes-list-colors' prompts for a theme before producing the
+  preview.
+,* 'modus-themes-list-colors-current' uses the current Modus theme.
+These commands are useful to anyone who wants to reference a named
+colour from the themes or copy a colour value, such as for the purposes
+of user-level customisation (as documented at length in the manual
+across several use-cases and with the inclusion of custom code).
+The commands are not bound to any key.
+Customisation options
+,* Implemented the 'modus-themes-markup' variable, which supersedes the
+  now-deprecated 'modus-themes-intense-markup'.  The new user option
+  accepts a list of properties (symbols).  It affects constructs such as
+  Org's =verbatim=, ~code~, and macro (with three pairs of braces).  By
+  default, when this user option is either nil or an empty list, the
+  affected constructs only have a foreground colour (e.g. Org verbatim
+  is magenta).  Properties that change this style are:
+  1. 'italic' for an added slant to the text.
+  2. 'bold' for a heavier weight.
+  3. 'background' to add a background colour.
+  4. 'intense' to amplify the colouration (especially of 'background').
+  As with all user options which accept a list of properties, the order
+  of the symbols is no significant.  In user configurations it may look
+  like this:
+      (setq modus-themes-markup '(background intense bold))
+  [ Read the manual for bold and italic fonts.  We do not hardcode a
+    :weight or :slant, instead giving the user the option to set their
+    own values.  The defaults are what you would normally expect from
+    "bold" and "italic". ]
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for reporting some problems with the old
+  design in issue 274:
+  <>.
+,* Added the 'modus-themes-box-buttons' which affects all pseudo
+  graphical buttons, such as those found in Custom UI buffers or EWW web
+  pages which include search forms and the like.  The variable accepts a
+  list of properties as its value.  By default (nil or empty list),
+  buttons have a grey background and the familiar 3D effect.  Valid
+  properties are:
+  1. 'flat' to remove the 3D effect.
+  2. 'accented' to shift the colouration away from grey.
+  3. 'faint' to reduce the overall colouration (e.g. grey becomes white).
+  4. 'variable-pitch' to apply a proportionately spaced font.
+  5. 'underline' to draw a line instead of applying a 3D or flat box
+     (particularly useful for those who use Emacs in a terminal emulator).
+  6. The symbol of a font weight, such as 'bold', 'semibold', 'light' or
+     any one among those included in the 'modus-themes-weights' constant
+     (the underlying font family has to support the given weight).
+  7. A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g. 0.9), which adjusts
+     the height of the button’s text to that many times the base font
+     size.  The default height is the same as 1.0, though it need not be
+     explicitly stated.
+  The order in which those symbols appear in the list is not
+  significant.  If 'underline' and 'flat' are both specified, the former
+  takes precedence.  In user init files the form may look like this:
+    (setq modus-themes-box-buttons '(variable-pitch flat semilight 0.9))
+  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for suggesting this user option and providing
+  the relevant feedback in issue 282:
+  <>.
+,* Expanded the 'modus-themes-mail-citations' with an 'intense' variant.
+  For example:
+      (setq modus-themes-mail-citations 'intense)
+  The default is a moderately coloured style.  Other variants include
+  'faint' for subtle colouration and 'monochrome' for an all-grey look.
+,* Reviewed the 'modus-themes-completion' option and harmonised all the
+  face specifications it governs.  The variable now accepts a fourth
+  stylistic variant in 'super-opinionated': it is like the 'opinionated'
+  one though some details are even more pronounced.  Other noteworthy
+  items:
+  [ Remember to read the doc string of 'modus-themes-completions', which
+    explains the grouping of the completion UIs. ]
+  - The (setq modus-themes-completions 'moderate) style is more-or-less
+    the same across all completion UIs.  The highlight applied to the
+    current line is a bespoke shade of blue, the characters are less
+    saturated than before and their hues are different, though the
+    overall effect should still feel "sufficiently colourful, but not
+    overdone".
+  - The (setq modus-themes-completions nil) is the same as before.
+    However:
+      - The current line in Ivy now uses a shade of blue that is
+        specific to completion UIs instead of an intense cyan
+        background.  This is for theme-wide consistency.
+      - Helm's current line has the same bespoke blue for its current
+        line instead of another shade of blue it was using before.
+  - The (setq modus-themes-completions 'opinionated) should be the same
+    as before, notwithstanding the aforementioned tweaks to Ivy/Helm.
+  - The (setq modus-themes-completions 'super-opinionated) for
+    Icomplete, Vertico, Selectrum, Mct uses the same blue for the
+    current line as is the default of Ivy and Helm.
+  Miscellaneous:
+  - The relevant private helper functions were rewritten.
+  - We declare a few faces to help streamline certain styles.
+  - Ivy action keys now inherit from 'modus-themes-key-binding'.  We
+    generally try to make all keys look the same, except when that would
+    be detrimental to the usability of the given context/interface.
+  - Some Ivy faces are simplified or otherwise tweaked to fit in with
+    the rest of the theme.
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for the feedback about Vertico in issues
+  214 and 278 which prompted me to review all completion UIs:
+  - <>
+  - <>
+,* Adjusted the applicable hues in some 'modus-themes-syntax' variants.  In
+  particular:
+  - The strings' hue has more hints of blue when 'modus-themes-syntax'
+    includes the 'green-strings' property.  Such as:
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(green-strings))
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax green-strings))
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax green-strings faint))
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax green-strings faint yellow-comments))
+  - Strings are more orange/yellow than red when 'modus-themes-syntax'
+    includes the 'alt-syntax' property but NOT the 'green-strings'.  For
+    example:
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax))
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax yellow-comments))
+      (setq modus-themes-syntax '(alt-syntax yellow-comments faint))
+  - Backslashes for regexp constructs are coloured appropriately to look
+    distinct from the rest of the string and from the escaped construct in
+    all cases.
+,* Removed background colours from the the default style of Org block
+  delimiters.
+  As I explained in Emacs bug#52587,[1] Org has code that overrides
+  themes which prefer not to extend the block delimiter faces to the
+  edge of the window (as we would like to do by default).  This
+  practically means that we cannot have backgrounds for those lines and
+  keep them limited to the stretch of area covered by their text.
+  As such, the default for Org block delimiter lines now is a gray
+  foreground with no distinct background colour.  The user option
+  'modus-themes-org-blocks' provides "blocky" alternatives that use
+  background colours---those extend to the edge of the window.
+  [1] <>
+,* Deleted the compatibility layer for all user options that used to
+  accept symbols in the past but now expect a list of symbols.  The
+  manual contains a snippet with all customisation options for those who
+  do not want to read all the relevant doc strings.  Evaluate this:
+      (info "(modus-themes) Customization Options")
+  Or visit: <>.
+  The original plan was to remove those during the transition to version
+  2.0.0 (about a month ago) though I changed my mind thinking they would
+  not pose a longer-term problem.
+  New information by Mark Bestley in issue 272 shows that this kind of
+  complexity can lead to errors:
+  <>.
+  So it is better to keep things simple and ask users to configure all
+  user options based on the up-to-date documentation.
+  Also thanks to Saša Janiška for the feedback in issue 272.
+New packages, faces, or face groups
+,* all-the-icons-dired.
+,* all-the-icons-ibuffer.
+,* 'child-frame-border' face (Emacs 28).
+,* 'citar' package.  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for the feedback in issue
+  280: <>.
+,* 'elisp-shorthand-font-lock-face' (Emacs 29).  Read the manual by
+  evaluating:
+      (info "(elisp) Shorthands")
+,* 'ement' (ement.el) Matrix client, though it is not listed in any
+  archive yet: <>.
+  Thanks to Samuel Culpepper for the feedback in issue 279:
+  <>.
+  Also check the Ement issue tracker on the matter:
+  <>.
+,* 'mct' package.
+,* 'menu' face (built-in) which is used in the menu-bar when Emacs runs
+  without a graphical toolkit.
+,* 'pgtk-im-0' face (Emacs 29).  This is shown as a single-character-long
+  block when you type the Compose key followed by the composable
+  characters.
+,* 'pyim' (an input method for CJK characters).  Thanks to Yuanchen Xie for
+  the contribution in merge request 57:
+  <>.
+  The patch is small and is thus excluded from the requirement for
+  copyright assignment to the FSF (remember that the themes are built
+  into Emacs and any major contribution needs such copyright
+  assignment---read the relevant entry in the themes' manual).
+,* 'slime' and 'sly' packages.  Thanks to John Haman for the feedback
+  which was done via email due to some problems with the web UI on
+  GitLab (this information is shared with permission).  Please note that
+  I am not familiar with Common Lisp and could not test these
+  thoroughly.  Any mistakes or omissions are my own.
+  Concerning the web UI, there is a fully functional mirror of the
+  themes on GitHub, while email is always an option.  Use whatever works
+  for you to report an issue or send a patch.
+,* 'textsec' package (Emacs 29).
+New indirectly supported packages
+These inherit from base faces and look good enough already or use
+appropriate colours from the Modus themes:
+,* dtache
+,* org-remark
+Changes to supported faces or face groups
+,* Stopped making key bindings look like boxes.  We revert to the old
+  style we were using before the introduction of the 'help-key-binding'
+  face (Emacs 28).
+  By default Emacs 28 or higher will render all key bindings it
+  identifies with a box around them.  The idea is to make them look like
+  keys on a keyboard, which I never really liked because without
+  generous padding you get a very tight space between the character and
+  the box's borders which can look weird at small point sizes (Emacs
+  faces do not have padding in the same way CSS does).
+  I tried following the default style for a few months and have concluded
+  that it is not good enough for our purposes (my preferences
+  notwithstanding):
+  - The box attribute does not work in terminal emulators.  This means
+    that keys only get a subtle grey background and the default
+    foreground, which can be hard to make them stand out from their
+    surrounding text if the font height is small and/or the keybinding is
+    short (e.g. a single character).
+  - The box and grey background combination limits our options when we
+    need to colour-code different types of keys.  For example, the
+    'which-key' package can show TAB as T and applies to it a different
+    face to make the distinction obvious.  In that case, the presence of
+    the tight box makes the use of a bold weight inappropriate: the
+    character and the box's borders seem to overlap.  While the grey
+    background limits our choice of colour as, for instance, yellow
+    never looks good against it.  Same principle for interfaces that can
+    have colour-coded keys like 'transient' and 'hydra', where we lose
+    much-needed flexibility.
+,* Adjusted the brightness of the 'which-key-special-key-face'.  This is
+  the face that applies to special keys.  For example:
+      (setq which-key-special-keys '("SPC" "TAB" "RET" "ESC" "DEL"))
+,* Made 'transient' faces which are supposed to be de-emphasise certain
+  elements inherit the 'shadow' face.  This is an implicit customisation
+  option, as it allows the user to adjust the foreground value of all
+  "less important" constructs simply by changing the 'shadow' face.
+,* Covered the 'transient-purple' face (these are like the colour-coding
+  of 'hydra').
+,* Tweaked the 'transient-argument' and 'transient-value' faces to make
+  things look a bit more consistent with the other transient faces.
+  This is to avoid potential conflicts with the highlighted key
+  bindings, especially when transient uses hydra-style colour-coded
+  keys.
+,* Applied the same metaphors for key bindings to 'marginalia-key'
+  ('marginalia' package) and 'embark-keybinding' ('embark' package).
+  They inherit the 'modus-themes-key-binding' when possible.  The only
+  exception is with (setq modus-themes-completions nil) where conflicts
+  may arise between the key's style and matching characters of the
+  ongoing completion session.
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for pointing out the inconsistency in issue
+  278: <>.
+,* Refrained from treating LaTeX sections as headings.  This is because
+  unlike Org/Outline/Markdown Latex is basically source code, so the
+  sectioning does not work the same way it does for those lightweight
+  markup/outlining modes.
+  Furthermore, font-latex.el defines 'font-latex-fontify-sectioning'
+  which can be used to control the scale of those sections.  It makes
+  sense for the themes to not interfere with that design and just allow
+  users to customise things uniformly regardless of the active theme.
+  Thanks to Gustavo Barros for the detailed feedback in issue 265:
+  <>.
+,* Reviewed the hues of 'all-the-icons' and related packages.
+,* Applied the correct style to 'info-menu-header', meaning that it now
+  only uses a bold weight as it is not a real heading, instead of being
+  affected by the user option 'modus-themes-headings'.
+,* Included new 'telega-entity-type-spoiler' face.  Thanks to bit9tream
+  for informing me about it in issue 271:
+  <>.  The
+  conclusion:
+      Tricky though perhaps dull
+      I understand this is not an interesting topic and it probably is
+      too difficult to relate to the various data points without
+      visualising them and comparing the before and after
+      states. Furthermore, data can be deceptive and I have always
+      maintained that theme development stands at the intersection of
+      science and art (at least for the purposes of conforming with the
+      rigorous accessibility standards of the Modus themes).
+      That granted, I wanted to shed light on the “behind the scenes”
+      work that is not immediately obvious when one checks a diff that
+      introduces some seemingly trivial tweaks like '#49d239'->'#49c029'
+      or '#7fcfff'->'#8fbfff'.
+,* Tweaked the hues of all graph colours, which are used in the
+  'org-habit' table.  The changes are subtle and should improve the
+  overall usability of the graph.  For the technicalities, read:
+  <>.
+  Also thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for reporting the problem with white
+  text on yellow background in issue 270:
+  <>.
+,* Styled the 'markdown-highlighting-face'.  This is the face used for
+  text in between double equals signs when the user option
+  'markdown-enable-highlighting-syntax' is non-nil.
+,* Amplified the overall colouration of Eldoc's current argument.  It is
+  a yellow foreground with a tinted background.  The blue foreground
+  which was applied before could be hard to tell apart in some cases,
+  especially because it is a common colour that is used elsewhere in the
+  themes.  Whereas the warmer hues are easier to discern, especially
+  while relying only on peripheral vision.
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for the feedback in issue 275:
+  <>.
+,* Instructed Geiser to use the same style for its argument as Eldoc
+  (edited the faces 'geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg' and
+  'geiser-font-lock-autodoc-identifier').
+,* Made the 'keycast-key' face work when 'modus-themes-mode-line' has a
+  padding value (read the latter doc string or consult the manual).
+,* Refined the 'magit' faces for bisect, reflog, sequence, and signature
+  views.  They get a bold weight and, where appropriate, are made to
+  comply with the 'modus-theems-deueteranopia' option (meaning that
+  greens turn into blues).
+,* Recoloured 'elfeed' tags from a shade of cyan to magenta, in the
+  interest of theme-wide consistency but also to make them easier to
+  tell apart from the name of the feed.  Also updated the faces used in
+  the header-line to look better in context.
+,* Removed the hardcoded ':slant italic' from the 'italic' face, which is
+  consistent with how we do not hardcode ':weight bold' in the 'bold'
+  face.
+  Such a design allows users to configure those faces and have the
+  desired slant/weight (and even font family) apply consistently
+  throughout the theme.  Read the manual for further details:
+  <>.
+  Thanks to user derek-upham for pointing out the inconsistency in issue
+  21 over at the GitHub mirror:
+  <>.
+,* Improved the styles that apply to compilation buffers and related.
+  The overarching intent was to reduce the excess colouration, without
+  upsetting expectations and affecting the overall presentation.
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for the feedback in issue 277:
+  <>.
+  Note that compilation buffers apply an underline by default.  The
+  manual explains how to change that:
+  <>.
+,* Ensured a consistent style for the 'highlight' face across all
+  contexts (typically used for mouse hover effects).  The mode line has
+  an exception when its style includes an accented background (per
+  'modus-themes-mode-line').
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for the feedback in issue 214:
+  <>.
+,* Changed the foreground of 'mode-line-emphasis' from blue to purple, in
+  order to avoid potential (albeit unlikely) confusion with other
+  indicators.
+,* Desaturated the 'man' and 'woman' foreground value of the bold
+  constructs and tweaked other faces to avoid potential inconsistencies.
+  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for the feedback:
+  <>.
+,* Removed certain exaggerations from widgets as seen in the Custom UI
+  and EWW.  Specifically:
+  - 'widget-field' does not need to ':extend', as that typically does
+    not look good.
+  - 'custom-state' gets a warmer colour to convey its message more
+    effectively.
+  - 'eww-form-text' no longer uses a ':box' because that breaks when the
+    widget occupies more than one line.
+  - 'eww-form-textarea' can now inherit from 'eww-form-text'.
+  Thanks to Daniel Mendler for the feedback on the style of those faces in
+  issue 284: <>.
+The manual
+,* Clarified the wording of 'shr' fonts, which affect 'eww', 'elfeed',
+  'ement', and possibly others.
+,* Wrote section on custom Org emphasis faces.  It includes code samples.
+,* Answered a Frequently Asked Question on whether the Modus themes are
+  "colour schemes"---they are not and it is important to understand why.
+,* Addressed another Frequently Asked Question about porting the themes
+  to other platforms or editors.  Relevant blog posts which explain how
+  complex the issue is and why porting requires the same attention to
+  detail as this project:
+  - <>.
+  - <>.
+,* Improved the sample code in the section about the backdrop of PDF
+  files while using 'pdf-tools'.  Thanks to Utkarsh Singh for the patch,
+  which was sent via email.
+,* Provided sample code on an alternative style for Ediff.
+  There was a discussion with Philip Kaludercic in issue 273 about making
+  this a defcustom: <>.
+  I first entertained the notion and did set up a branch for testing
+  purposes.  However, I ultimately decided that such a course of action
+  would establish a bad precedent because then every conceivable stylistic
+  tweak could, in principle, become a user option.  Furthermore, the
+  potential defcustom would introduce too much complexity as Ediff would
+  have to continue to behave as other diffs (per 'modus-themes-diffs') if
+  the user did not want the alternative style.
+  As such, documenting how a user can achieve this is the right choice.
+,* Fixed internal link in the manual.  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for
+  reporting the problem in issue 277:
+  <>.
+,* Covered workaround for improving the accuracy of colour reproduction
+  in terminal emulators.  The results are still not as good as the
+  graphical version of Emacs, though they are considerably better than
+  before.  Thanks to gitrj95's issue 18 at the GitHub mirror, which
+  prompted me to research this topic:
+  <>.
+,* Helped report a bug in the PGTK build of Emacs where a new emacsclient
+  window with the 'modus-vivendi' face would not show the cursor:
+  <>.  Thanks to
+  contributed to the discussion on issue 7 over at the GitHub mirror:
+  <>
+,* Shifted the hue of the intense 'hl-line' from a grey-cyan to a more
+  vivid blue by reducing the relative contribution of the green channel
+  of light.
+  The change affects these styles:
+      (setq modus-themes-hl-line '(accented intense))
+      (setq modus-themes-hl-line '(accented intense underline))
+  Thanks to Rudolf Adamkovič for suggesting a more vivid colour in issue
+  214: <>.
+,* Recalibrated the 'modus-vivendi' named colour 'bg-paren-match'.
+  I wanted to increase its distance relative to the main background,
+  just to be sure that it is easier to spot.  This is achieved by moving
+  the hueness from the yellow to the magenta side of the spectrum.
+  Overall, the change is subtle and has no major impact on the contrast
+  ratio relative to the main background and foreground (we need to
+  consider both due to the specifics of show-paren-mode (and related)).
+  The results (#5f362f is the old, #6f3355 the new):
+      |         | #000000 | #ffffff | #000000 | #ffffff |
+      |---------+---------+---------+---------+---------|
+      | #5f362f |    2.06 |   10.22 |   37904 |  333060 |
+      | #6f3355 |    2.28 |    9.21 |   58282 |  291037 |
+  The TBLFM formula for this table (org-mode notation):
+      $2='(Λ $1 @1$2);%.2f :: $3='(Λ $1 @1$3);%.2f :: $4='(Δ $1 @1$4) :: $5='(Δ $1 @1$5)
+  The Greek letters mean:
+      (defalias 'Λ #'modus-themes-contrast)
+      (defalias 'Δ #'color-distance)
+,* Expanded the "special" subset of the palette with faint variants of
+  the four backgrounds.  These are reserved for special circumstances,
+  as the name implies.  Below are the contrast values (see
+  'modus-themes-contrast').
+      Modus Operandi main accept colours against faint special backgrounds:
+      |         | #f0f1ff | #ebf5eb | #fef2ea | #faeff9 |
+      |---------+---------+---------+---------+---------|
+      | #a60000 |    7.15 |    7.17 |    7.29 |    7.16 |
+      | #972500 |    7.26 |    7.28 |    7.40 |    7.28 |
+      | #a0132f |    7.13 |    7.15 |    7.27 |    7.14 |
+      | #7f1010 |    9.44 |    9.47 |    9.63 |    9.47 |
+      | #702f00 |    8.94 |    8.97 |    9.12 |    8.96 |
+      | #7f002f |    9.64 |    9.67 |    9.83 |    9.66 |
+      | #005e00 |    7.20 |    7.23 |    7.34 |    7.22 |
+      | #315b00 |    7.13 |    7.15 |    7.27 |    7.15 |
+      | #145c33 |    7.18 |    7.20 |    7.32 |    7.20 |
+      | #104410 |   10.09 |   10.12 |   10.29 |   10.12 |
+      | #30440f |    9.56 |    9.59 |    9.75 |    9.58 |
+      | #0f443f |    9.76 |    9.79 |    9.96 |    9.79 |
+      | #813e00 |    7.14 |    7.17 |    7.28 |    7.16 |
+      | #70480f |    7.14 |    7.17 |    7.28 |    7.16 |
+      | #863927 |    7.13 |    7.15 |    7.27 |    7.15 |
+      | #5f4400 |    8.10 |    8.12 |    8.26 |    8.12 |
+      | #5d5000 |    7.17 |    7.19 |    7.31 |    7.19 |
+      | #5e3a20 |    8.91 |    8.94 |    9.09 |    8.93 |
+      | #0031a9 |    9.31 |    9.34 |    9.49 |    9.33 |
+      | #2544bb |    7.14 |    7.16 |    7.28 |    7.16 |
+      | #0000c0 |   10.64 |   10.67 |   10.85 |   10.66 |
+      | #003497 |    9.66 |    9.70 |    9.86 |    9.69 |
+      | #0f3d8c |    9.06 |    9.09 |    9.24 |    9.09 |
+      | #001087 |   13.15 |   13.20 |   13.42 |   13.19 |
+      | #721045 |    9.99 |   10.02 |   10.19 |   10.01 |
+      | #8f0075 |    7.72 |    7.75 |    7.88 |    7.74 |
+      | #5317ac |    8.98 |    9.01 |    9.16 |    9.00 |
+      | #752f50 |    8.22 |    8.25 |    8.38 |    8.24 |
+      | #7b206f |    8.22 |    8.25 |    8.38 |    8.24 |
+      | #55348e |    8.26 |    8.29 |    8.42 |    8.28 |
+      | #00538b |    7.18 |    7.20 |    7.32 |    7.19 |
+      | #30517f |    7.18 |    7.20 |    7.32 |    7.20 |
+      | #005a5f |    7.13 |    7.15 |    7.27 |    7.15 |
+      | #005077 |    7.76 |    7.79 |    7.91 |    7.78 |
+      | #354f6f |    7.49 |    7.52 |    7.64 |    7.51 |
+      | #125458 |    7.69 |    7.72 |    7.85 |    7.71 |
+      Modus Vivendi main accept colours against faint special backgrounds:
+      |         | #0e183a | #001f1a | #241613 | #251232 |
+      |---------+---------+---------+---------+---------|
+      | #ff8059 |    7.01 |    7.01 |    7.07 |    7.00 |
+      | #ef8b50 |    7.01 |    7.00 |    7.07 |    7.00 |
+      | #ff9077 |    7.85 |    7.85 |    7.93 |    7.85 |
+      | #ffa0a0 |    8.91 |    8.91 |    9.00 |    8.91 |
+      | #f5aa80 |    9.04 |    9.04 |    9.13 |    9.04 |
+      | #ff9fbf |    9.06 |    9.05 |    9.14 |    9.05 |
+      | #44bc44 |    7.04 |    7.04 |    7.11 |    7.04 |
+      | #70b900 |    7.13 |    7.13 |    7.20 |    7.12 |
+      | #00c06f |    7.24 |    7.24 |    7.31 |    7.24 |
+      | #78bf78 |    7.87 |    7.86 |    7.94 |    7.86 |
+      | #99b56f |    7.60 |    7.59 |    7.67 |    7.59 |
+      | #88bf99 |    8.23 |    8.22 |    8.30 |    8.22 |
+      | #d0bc00 |    8.98 |    8.98 |    9.07 |    8.98 |
+      | #c0c530 |    9.31 |    9.31 |    9.40 |    9.30 |
+      | #d3b55f |    8.71 |    8.71 |    8.79 |    8.71 |
+      | #d2b580 |    8.81 |    8.80 |    8.89 |    8.80 |
+      | #cabf77 |    9.28 |    9.27 |    9.36 |    9.27 |
+      | #d0ba95 |    9.20 |    9.20 |    9.29 |    9.20 |
+      | #2fafff |    7.18 |    7.18 |    7.25 |    7.18 |
+      | #79a8ff |    7.32 |    7.32 |    7.39 |    7.31 |
+      | #00bcff |    7.96 |    7.96 |    8.04 |    7.96 |
+      | #82b0ec |    7.74 |    7.74 |    7.81 |    7.74 |
+      | #a0acef |    7.97 |    7.96 |    8.04 |    7.96 |
+      | #80b2f0 |    7.89 |    7.88 |    7.96 |    7.88 |
+      | #feacd0 |    9.94 |    9.93 |   10.03 |    9.93 |
+      | #f78fe7 |    8.29 |    8.29 |    8.37 |    8.29 |
+      | #b6a0ff |    7.82 |    7.81 |    7.89 |    7.81 |
+      | #e0b2d6 |    9.51 |    9.50 |    9.60 |    9.50 |
+      | #ef9fe4 |    8.88 |    8.88 |    8.96 |    8.87 |
+      | #cfa6ff |    8.72 |    8.71 |    8.80 |    8.71 |
+      | #00d3d0 |    9.28 |    9.27 |    9.36 |    9.27 |
+      | #4ae2f0 |   11.09 |   11.09 |   11.20 |   11.09 |
+      | #6ae4b9 |   11.08 |   11.07 |   11.18 |   11.07 |
+      | #90c4ed |    9.34 |    9.34 |    9.43 |    9.33 |
+      | #a0bfdf |    9.10 |    9.09 |    9.18 |    9.09 |
+      | #a4d0bb |   10.18 |   10.17 |   10.27 |   10.17 |
+,* Add docs on color overrides through blending.  Thanks to Alex Griffin
+  for the contribution in issue 269 and the subsequent patch in merge
+  request 56 (the patch is exempt from copyright assignment):
+  - <>.
+  - <>.
+,* Fixed typo in the ':group' value of some faces defined in
+  modus-themes.el.  Thanks to Gustavo Barros for reporting it in issue
+  266: <>
+,* Updated copyright statement in all .el files to use the same wording
+  as all other files that are built into Emacs.
+,* Made all sorts of tweaks and refinements to doc strings and nodes in the
+  manual.
+Thanks again to everyone involved!  This has been yet another cycle of
+intense work which further iterated on an already solid base.
+* 2.0.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:46d92baa-eff3-4973-bac0-cf762b457e2d
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 2.0.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2021-12-24
+This entry covers the changes made to the project since the publication
+of version 1.7.0 on 2021-11-18.  There have been more than 90 commits in
+the meantime.  This is a major upgrade with some backward-incompatible
+changes, even though most work was done behind the scenes (i.e. not in
+git commits but local testing) to guarantee the relevance of all
+user-facing styles, code practices, et cetera.
+All modifications of colour combinations mentioned herein are made in
+accordance with the primary accessibility objective of the themes for a
+minimum contrast ratio of 7:1 between background and foreground values
+in their given combination (the WCAG AAA standard for relative colour
+luminance).  Edits also account for colour-coding that is optimised for
+the needs of users with red-green colour deficiency (deuteranopia).
+To access the URL of the manual visit this web page:
+<>.  Or read it in the Emacs
+Info reader by evaluating this form:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+The 'modus-operandi' and 'modus-vivendi' themes are built into Emacs-28
+(next stable release) or later, and are available on GNU ELPA as well as
+other archives.  Emacs-28 ships version 1.6.0, while the current
+'master' branch (i.e. Emacs-29) and, by extension, GNU ELPA include the
+latest tagged release.
+A fully fledged org-mode file with the annotated task list for Modus
+themes version 2.0.0 is supplied as complementary material to the
+present entry.  It should be annexed below this text on the announcement
+page: <>.
+Customisation options
+There are some breaking changes that were necessary to improve the code
+base and make things easier as well as more efficient for end users.
+Please read carefully and apologies in advance for whatever
+,* The 'modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings' no longer has any effect.
+  Instead, users can specify a 'variable-pitch' property to the list
+  they pass to the 'modus-themes-headings' or 'modus-themes-org-agenda'
+  (examples below).
+,* All 'modus-themes-scale-*' options are removed.  Scaling of headings
+  is now handled directly by the user options 'modus-themes-headings'
+  and 'modus-themes-org-agenda' (code samples below).
+,* The 'modus-themes-headings' option now accepts a floating point (see
+  function 'floatp') that represents the multiplier relative to the base
+  font size.  This can be used to scale headings accordingly.  Since
+  this option can target individual heading levels (for 1 through 8),
+  users can now implement their desired scale with greater precision.
+  Whereas before it was limited to the first four levels, admittedly for
+  no good reason.
+  The newly introduced 'variable-pitch' property can also be applied on
+  a per-level basis (making it easy to combine with existing properties,
+  such as a custom weight, for maximum control).  Example:
+      ;; This is an alist: read the manual or its doc string.
+      (setq modus-themes-headings
+            '((1 . (variable-pitch light 1.6))
+              (2 . (overline semibold 1.4))
+              (3 . (monochrome overline 1.2))
+              (4 . (overline 1.1))
+              (t . (rainbow 1.05))))
+,* The 'modus-themes-org-agenda' follows the same design as the
+  'modus-themes-headings' where appropriate.  Headings that can be
+  scaled accept a floating point, while those that may be rendered in a
+  proportionately spaced font accept the 'variable-pitch' property.  In
+  addition, a custom font weight is also supported in the relevant
+  places (just as with 'modus-themes-headings').  Overall, the interface
+  can now be tailored to the user's preferences with greater precision.
+      ;; This is an alist: read the manual or its doc string.
+      (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
+            '((header-block . (variable-pitch light 1.6))
+              (header-date . (bold-today grayscale underline-today 1.2))
+              (event . (accented varied))
+              (scheduled . uniform)
+              (habit . traffic-light)))
+,* The 'modus-themes-scale-small' that was used in the Org agenda
+  interface has been removed.  No replacement is provided, as the
+  downsizing had the undesired effect of breaking the otherwise neat
+  alignment of elements on the grid.
+,* The 'modus-themes-mode-line-padding' option has been removed.
+  Instead, users can specify a natural number (positive integer)
+  directly in the list of properties passed to the
+  'modus-themes-mode-line' variable.  This has no effect when the
+  'moody' property is also set, because the Moody library applies its
+  own padding.  For example:
+      (setq modus-themes-mode-line '(borderless accented 4))
+  Though not related to changes on our end, users of Emacs 29 must now
+  set 'x-use-underline-position-properties' to nil for padding to work
+  properly (due to other adjustments upstream).  This relates to Emacs
+  bug#52324 we had reported:
+  <>.
+,* All deuteranopia styles are consolidated in a single toggle:
+  'modus-themes-deuteranopia'.  The 'modus-themes-success-deuteranopia'
+  is thus rendered obsolete and superseded, while the individual
+  deuteranopia-friendly styles for diffs ('modus-themes-diffs') and the
+  Org agenda's habit graph ('modus-themes-org-agenda') are altogether
+  removed.  As opposed to top-level forms, there is no clean way to
+  notify the user of the deprecation of individual values of a user
+  option.
+,* The "foreground only" style has been altogether removed from the user
+  option 'modus-themes-diffs'.  It never was up to the aesthetic
+  standard of the themes even though the colours met the minimum 7:1
+  contrast ratio.  There is a new section in the manual which documents
+  how to implement such a style with user-level configurations.  Short
+  version:
+      (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+        (modus-themes-with-colors
+          (custom-set-faces
+           `(modus-themes-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+           `(modus-themes-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground ,fg-diff-added)))
+           ;; `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added-deuteran :foreground ,fg-diff-added-deuteran)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+           `(modus-themes-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,yellow)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,red)))
+           `(modus-themes-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+           `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+           `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+           `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+           `(magit-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green-faint)))
+           `(magit-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow-faint)))
+           `(magit-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red-faint)))
+           `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim))))))
+      ;; This is so that the changes persist when switching between
+      ;; modus-operandi and modus-vivendi
+      (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+Removed support for packages
+The following are no longer supported by the themes.  The reasons vary
+in each case, though they boil down to (i) the package being obsoleted,
+or (ii) the package's faces inheriting from base faces that we already
+support (e.g. font-lock).  Each case was carefully considered as part of
+the comprehensive review of all packages supported by the themes, though
+chances are that some mistake was made regardless.  If you believe a
+package should not have been removed, please report as much.
+,* ag
+,* apt-sources-list
+,* apt-sources-list
+,* buffer-expose
+,* counsel-org-capture-string
+,* define-word
+,* diredc
+,* disk-usage
+,* easy-kill
+,* flyspell-correct
+,* git-gutter{,fringe}+
+,* git-lens
+,* git-walktree
+,* highlight-blocks
+,* highlight-defined
+,* highlight-escape-sequences
+,* highlight-symbol
+,* highlight-tail
+,* hyperlist-mode
+,* isl (isearch-light)
+,* minibuffer-line
+,* mu4e-conversation
+,* no-emoji
+,* objed
+,* parrot
+,* phi-search
+,* pkgbuild-mode
+,* rainbow-identifiers
+,* sallet
+,* spell-fu
+,* spray
+,* swoop
+,* vdiff
+,* volatile-highlights
+Changes to supported faces or face groups
+,* Eliminated any possible exaggerations in wgrep faces.  Those no longer
+  use coloured backgrounds.  Instead they have colour-coded foreground
+  colours as well as a bold weight (they ultimately inherit from the
+  'bold' face, which is a "hidden" customisation option, as explained in
+  the manual).
+,* Forced Org block delimiters to not extend their background by default
+  (though check 'modus-themes-org-blocks').  That was the intended
+  design all along, but now it needs to be made explicit.  See, for
+  example, bug#52587 for Emacs:
+  <>
+,* Revised the 'org-sexp-date' face so that it no longer looks like
+  'org-date'.  Dates are clickable buttons: they work like links, so
+  they have an underline by default and are subject to the
+  'modus-themes-links' user option.  Whereas the 'org-sexp-date' is not
+  applied to interactive elements and must thus be visually distinct.
+  This face is used for diary-style entries in Org files.  For example:
+      %%(diary-anniversary 2000 12 25) NAME %d%s birthday
+,* Rewrote several Auctex/Tex faces to inherit from base faces where
+  relevant (e.g. 'bold', 'success') as well as from font-lock faces.  In
+  the latter case, the end-result makes Auctex/Tex subject to the
+  'modus-themes-syntax' option.  These refinements promote theme-wide
+  consistency without detracting from the established styles.
+,* Improved Git (Magit) commit faces for warnings or errors.  This
+  concerns two cases:
+  1. The summary line exceeds the recommended limit of 50 characters.
+     This now uses a yellow foreground colour which contrasts well with
+     the summary line's new blue hue (blue and yellow are complementary
+     for our purposes, meaning that they have good contrast in hueness).
+  2. The second line (the one right below the summary) has text that
+     should not be there.  This one is coloured in a shade of red, which
+     again contrasts well with blue.
+  Thanks to Damien Cassou for noticing in issue 261 that the previous
+  style of applying tinted backgrounds did not work well when
+  'hl-line-mode' was enabled ('hl-line-mode' overrides backgrounds and
+  so the warnings/errors where not always obvious):
+  <>.
+,* Added support for the new 'magit-branch-warning' face that we helped
+  upstream define: <>.  It
+  disambiguates warnings in Magit status buffers from the generic and
+  often inappropriate for such a context 'font-lock-warning-face'.
+,* Simplified all the Apropos faces.  They no longer look like buttons or
+  links as that makes the presentation of 'M-x apropos' very busy.
+  Instead, they now only have a foreground colour.
+,* Updated support for org-roam faces by removing old entries and
+  covering new ones.
+,* Replaced old company-mode faces with their new aliases:
+  - company-scrollbar-bg => company-tooltip-scrollbar-thumb
+  - company-scrollbar-fg => company-tooltip-scrollbar-track
+,* Made 'org-column-title' inherit from 'fixed-pitch' when the user
+  option 'modus-themes-mixed-fonts' is non-nil.  This is needed to line
+  up columns correctly.  Thanks to Björn Lindström for the contribution
+  in merge request 52:
+  <>.
+,* Forced the 'org-colview' faces to use the same height, even when
+  headings are scaled (see 'modus-themes-headings').  This ensures that
+  the columns are aligned properly and text fits on the same row.
+  Thanks to Björn Lindström for the contribution in merge request 53:
+  <>.
+,* Refrained from applying a bold weight to the Org date selection
+  indicator in the calendar. The use of bold has the potential to create
+  problems with the alignment of dates for certain typefaces that do not
+  have a proper bold variant.  Also, there is no need for added emphasis
+  given that we already use a prominent background colour.
+,* Made 'M-x org-table-header-line-mode' or the third-party package
+  'org-table-sticky-header' use colours that fit better with those of
+  tables.
+,* Removed explicit styling of the 'magit-branch-current' face because
+  its definition checks if the ':box' attribute can be set and if not, it
+  uses ':inverse-video'.  Useful for terminal emulators.
+,* Expanded support for the 'mode-line-active' face for Emacs29.  The
+  face upstream basically adds proportionately spaced fonts (the
+  'variable-pitch' face) to the mode line.  The themes can already use
+  that if the user option 'modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui' is non-nil.
+  Thanks to Manuel Uberti for the feedback in issue 257:
+  <>.
+,* Implemented some stylistic refinements for ERC and Rcirc to ensure
+  theme-wide consistency (e.g. timestamps are a shade of cyan).
+,* Tweaked adoc-mode faces for stylistic theme-wide consistency.
+,* Refashioned all the git faces of Treemacs so that they are more
+  consistent with other such contexts or uses.  The new styles also
+  conform with the 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' option.
+,* Ended the wanton use of internal functions in places that did not
+  require them.  Instead, the themes define faces that evaluate such
+  functions once and pass their results to the relevant entries.  Cases
+  include:
+    - Symlink and/or broken link faces in contexts such as Dired,
+      Eshell, Helm, Trashed.
+    - Tabbed interfaces (tab-bar, tab-line, centaur-tabs).
+    - Verbatim markup or that of inline code in Org, Markdown, Asciidoc,
+      etc.
+    - The optional use of 'variable-pitch' for User Interface elements
+      (see 'modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui').
+,* Refined the dedicated diff background colours of modus-vivendi that
+  are used when the user option 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' is non-nil.
+  The changes improve the distinction between all red and yellow
+  constructs in contexts where they appear together (e.g. smerge-mode).
+  Basically, yellows will look more bright, while reds appear as
+  brown. The corresponding blues are toned down a bit to be consistent
+  with the other colours.  Consequently, the standard shades of green
+  for added lines (when 'modus-themes-deuteranopia' is nil) are
+  recalibrated to combine well with all other values.
+,* Made several faces return an 'unspecified' value instead of nil for
+  their unused attributes under certain circumstances.  This is to guard
+  against third-party code that unconditionally expects a non-nil value.
+,* Omitted {over,under}line attributes from the mode line when the
+  'padded' property is added to the 'modus-themes-mode-line' user
+  option.  Those are not necessary in that context.  Thanks to Illia
+  Ostapyshyn for the contribution in merge request 54:
+  <>
+,* Rewrote several internal functions in the interest of consistency and
+  clarity.
+,* Deleted two user options that were long obsolete: (i)
+  'modus-themes-org-habit' has been superseded by
+  'modus-themes-org-agenda' since version 1.5.0 of the themes and (ii)
+  'modus-themes-intense-hl-line' has been replaced by
+  'modus-themes-hl-line' since version 1.3.0.
+,* Removed parentheses from headings in the manual as they are invalid
+  characters for some version of Texinfo.  See Emacs bug#52126:
+  <>.
+,* Updated all doc strings so that quoted lists yield valid syntax in
+  Help buffers; syntax that can be directly evaluated (otherwise Emacs
+  prettifies straight quotes as curly ones, which break the code).
+  Thanks to Christian Tietze for bringing this issue to my attention:
+  <>.
+,* Rewrote all sections of the manual to document the current state of
+  the project as pertains to valid user options, explicitly supported
+  face groups, and so on.
+* 1.7.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:22de7065-f54c-4944-b47f-3cc8a30551c8
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 1.7.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2021-11-18
+The present entry records the changes made to the project since the
+release of version 1.6.0 on 2021-09-29.  There have been more than 60
+commits since then.
+Every modification pertaining to colour combinations referenced herein
+is implemented in accordance with the primary accessibility objective of
+the themes for a minimum contrast ratio of 7:1 between background and
+foreground values in their given combination (the WCAG AAA standard).
+Edits also account for colour-coding that is optimised for the needs of
+users with red-green colour deficiency (deuteranopia).
+To access the URL of the manual visit this web page:
+<>.  Or read it from Emacs by
+evaluating this form:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+The themes are built into Emacs version 28 (next stable release), and
+are available on GNU ELPA as well as other archives.  This release is
+the first one that is included with Emacs 29, or else the 'master'
+branch in emacs.git.
+Customisation options
++ The 'modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts' has been deprecated and replaced by
+  the 'modus-themes-mixed-fonts'.  This is a breaking change for users
+  who want to use "mixed fonts": they must set the new variable to
+  non-nil.
+  As the name implies, the new variable changes the meaning of the
+  feature to make it opt-in by default.  This is consistent with the
+  principle of least surprise, as users may not know why some fonts look
+  different than others in certain cases.
+  Thanks to Christian Tietze for clarifying the doc string of this new
+  user option in merge request 51:
+  <>.
+  For context, "mixed fonts" refers to a design where spacing-sensitive
+  constructs, such as code blocks and Org tables, inherit from the
+  'fixed-pitch' face to remain monospaced (and properly aligned) at all
+  times.  Depending on the user's configurations, the 'fixed-pitch' face
+  may not use the typeface that the user expects.
+  The manual provides information on how to set the desired fonts by
+  editing the 'default', 'fixed-pitch', and 'variable-pitch' faces.
++ The new 'modus-themes-mode-line-padding' can be used to control the
+  apparent padding of the mode line when the user option
+  'modus-themes-mode-line' includes the 'padded' property.  The padding
+  must be a positive integer (otherwise the code would be needlessly
+  complex to guard against values that make the mode line look awkward,
+  like anything lower than -3 or maybe even -2).
+  Thanks to Guilherme Semente and Manuel Uberti for the feedback in
+  issue 245: <>.
+  Note that the out-of-the-box style of the themes has a padding of 1
+  (technically a ':line-width' of 1 for the ':box' attribute), whereas
+  the default style of Emacs has it at -1.  This is a design choice to
+  avoid an overlap between the outer boundaries of a font's glyphs and
+  the borders of the mode line, when using certain common typefaces at
+  various point sizes.  Such an overlap can hinder readability.
+  The manual contains a new Do-It-Yourself (DIY) section with detailed
+  code samples on how to apply a negative value.
++ The new 'modus-themes-intense-markup' option can be set to non-nil to
+  make constructs such as inline code and verbatim text more colourful.
+  This has a general utility, though its consideration was prompted by a
+  phenomenon reported by Stefan Kangas in issue 238 where the overlay of
+  the 'hl-line-face' overrides the subtle background these constructs
+  use and can thus make them virtually indistinguishable from ordinary
+  text: <>.
+  Such is the standard behaviour of 'hl-line-mode' and there is nothing
+  a theme can (or rather "should") do about it.  Thanks to Stefan Kangas
+  for the feedback.
++ The 'modus-themes-headings' option can now accept and apply an exact
+  font weight such as 'semibold' or 'light'.  (The list of available
+  weights is the value of the 'modus-themes--heading-weights' internal
+  variable.)  This supersedes the now-deprecated 'no-bold' property:
+  'no-bold' is henceforth understood as the presence of a 'regular'
+  weight.
+  Recall that this user option is an alist and can be used to target
+  heading levels individually, which further reinforces the utility of
+  this new property.
+  Thanks to Christian Tietze for suggesting this idea in issue 248:
+  <>.  And
+  thanks to Daniel Mendler for refining its implementation in commit
+  54bfd62, which was sent as a patch file (yes, we accept those and I
+  actually prefer them over a web app's UI).
++ The 'modus-themes-org-agenda' has seen improvements to its 'event' key
+  (this is an alist that has multiple keys).  It now accepts a 'varied'
+  property which differentiates between (i) plain timestamp entries and
+  (ii) entries that are generated from either the diary or a symbolic
+  expression.  The 'varied' property combines with the other available
+  properties to particularise their effects.  Consult the doc string or
+  the manual for the technicalities.
+  Thanks to Gustavo Barros for the detailed commentary in issue 241:
+  <>.
++ The 'modus-themes-lang-checkers' now accepts a 'faint' property.  This
+  has the effect of toning down the colours in use.  By default, the
+  only colour is that of the underline, though more can be added by
+  combining the properties accepted by this user option.  Consult its
+  doc string or the manual for further details.
+  Thanks to Morgan Smith for suggesting the idea in issue 239:
+  <>.
+Add support for new packages or face groups
++ 'company-tooltip-deprecated' face.  Thanks to Roman Rudakov for the
+   feedback in issue 247: <>.
++ 'corfu-default' face.  Thanks to Daniel Mendler (Corfu's developer)
+  for the feedback in issue 254:
+  <>.
++ 'image-dired' package (Emacs 29).  Thanks to Stefan Kangas for making it
+  happen in emacs.git and for the feedback in issue 250:
+  <>.
++ 'nano-modeline' package.
++ 'vertico-quick' package.  Thanks to Nicolas De Jaeghere for the
+  contribution in merge request 48:
+  <>.
+Changes to existing faces or face groups
++ Added support for the new Org agenda faces that improve the
+  contextuality of various views.  We implemented those upstream for Org
+  version 9.5 in close cooperation with Gustavo Barros.  Thanks to
+  Gustavo for the detailed feedback in issue 241:
+  <>.  The
+  thread about the patch upstream:
+  <>
++ Refined Org agenda date faces in the interest of consistency and in
+  accordance with the aforementioned change.  Thanks again to Gustavo
+  Barros for the discussion in issue 241.
++ Applied the 'shadow' face more consistently across all contexts where
+  only a subtle foreground value is expected.  This design choice makes
+  it possible for users to manually edit the foreground colour of
+  'shadow' to something even more subtle than the 'fg-alt' palette
+  variable we use, which maps to a gray colour (e.g. they could use
+  "gray50").
++ Implemented a subtle background colour to the 'widget-inactive' face.
+  This makes it easier to discern inactive buttons, checkboxes, and the
+  like, in contexts such as the Customize User Interface.  Thanks to
+  Stefan Kangas for the feedback in issue 242:
+  <>.
++ Tweaked 'file-name-shadow' to also use italics (inherit from the
+  'italic' face) in order to be more easy to distinguish it from
+  ordinary text in the minibuffer.
+  Recall that the manual documents the meaning of inheriting from the
+  'bold' and 'italic' faces instead of hardcoding a bold weight and an
+  italic slant, respectively.  In short: users can change the weight to
+  what they want (e.g. semibold) and/or use distinct font families.
++ Amplified the style of Version Control (VC) warnings and errors to let
+  them draw more attention to themselves (because these indicators need
+  to be acted upon).
++ Recoloured the 'custom-group-tag' face to make it fit better in its
+  context and be consistent with the rest of the themes' established
+  patterns.
++ Made marks for selection in Dired, Ibuffer, and related, conform with
+  the 'modus-themes-success-deuteranopia' option.  This means that they
+  use blue colours when the option is non-nil, instead of their default
+  shades of green.
++ Adjusted the box width of key bindings for Emacs 28 or higher.  They
+  should no longer cause any alignment issues.  This style is now used
+  throughout the themes, including in transient views (e.g. Magit) which
+  were the exception before.  Thanks to Manuel Uberti and Kevin Fleming
+  for the feedback in issue 232:
+  <>.
++ Wrote a brief description of every user option in the manual.  Also
+  covered its type, as in boolean, alist, et cetera.
++ Corrected the mode line border width for one combination of properties
+  in the 'modus-themes-mode-line' option.  This should now have the same
+  height as all others:
+      (setq modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless))
++ Ensured that mode line attributes would not be set to nil, but kept at
+  an 'unspecified' value instead, where relevant.  This avoids problems
+  with [faulty] code that unconditionally depends on something that does
+  not exist, as in the following while ':box' is nil:
+      (face-attribute 'mode-line :box)
++ Expanded, reworded, or otherwise improved the manual, based on the
+  aforementioned.
+Thanks once again to everyone involved!
+* 1.6.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:e4b9945c-1db8-4626-abc9-372469b19253
+#+begin_src text
+Modus themes version 1.6.0
+By Protesilaos Stavrou <> on 2021-09-29
+This entry records the changes made to the project since the release of
+version 1.5.0 on 2021-07-15.  There have been around 70 commits since
+Every colour-related modification referenced herein is always
+implemented in accordance with the primary accessibility objective of
+the themes for a minimum contrast ratio of 7:1 between background and
+foreground values in their given combination (the WCAG AAA standard).
+Such edits also account for colour-coding that is optimised for the
+needs of users with red-green colour deficiency (deuteranopia or
+Here is the URL of the manual: <>.
+Or read it from Emacs by evaluating this form:
+    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
+The themes are built into Emacs version 28 (current development target),
+and are available on GNU ELPA as well as other archives.  This release
+is the final one for the emacs-28 branch, as that gets cut as the next
+stable release of GNU Emacs.  Future releases will target Emacs 29 once
+that becomes the new 'master' branch.
+Customisation options
+[ Themes need to be reloaded for changes to take effect. ]
++ Introduced the new 'modus-themes-tabs-accented' boolean option.  When
+  set to non-nil, it renders the background of all tab interfaces in a
+  shade of blue.  Those interfaces are tab-bar (built-in), tab-line
+  (built-in), and Centaur tabs.
+  - The background "accented" colour is the same as the one used for
+    mode lines when 'modus-themes-mode-line' is configured accordingly.
++ Tweaked the 'modus-themes-mode-line' to accept a 'padded' symbol as
+  part of the list of properties it can read.  This will increase the
+  spacing around the mode lines' text, making the line taller overall
+  but also more spacious.
+  Thanks to Manuel Uberti for making the proposal and providing feedback
+  in issue 228: <>.
++ Added the 'modus-themes-scale-small' which complements the existing
+  scale values with one that is meant to be smaller than the base
+  height.  This option is reserved for special cases and is currently
+  only used as an opt-in feature in the Org agenda.
++ Expanded the 'modus-themes-org-agenda' with more parameters:
+  - The current date can now also be underlined.
+  - Date headings can be scaled/enlarged in size.
+  - Events, like those of the Diary or sexp entries, can be customised.
+  Consult the manual or the variable's doc string for the details.
++ Removed the obsoleted aliases 'modus-themes-slanted-constructs' and
+  'modus-themes-scale-5'.  Those are superseded by the more
+  appropriately named 'modus-themes-italic-constructs' and
+  'modus-themes-scale-title'.
+  Thanks to Nicolas De Jaeghere for the patch in merge request 47:
+  <>.
+Faces and face groups
++ Make the 'prodigy' faces for red/green/yellow inherit from the faces
+  'error'/'success'/'warning', respectively.  This is done to (i) avoid
+  duplication and (ii) ensure that the green/success colour coding is
+  consistent with the goal of the themes to empower users with red-green
+  colour deficiency.  The boolean option that changes all such greens to
+  shades of blue is 'modus-themes-success-deuteranopia'.
++ Assigned the ':extend' attribute to the 'org-code' face.  This is
+  necessary when the Org source contains lines that start with a colon
+  sign.  Those are interpreted as code blocks.  For example:
+      :  #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+      :    (defun in-interval (bounds el)
+      :      (and (>= el (car bounds)) (<= el (cadr bounds))))
+      :  #+END_SRC
+  With the ':extend' in place, the background stretches to the edge of
+  the window, thus giving those lines a uniform rectangular shape.  For
+  inline uses of 'org-code', the background should remain limited to the
+  span of the text.
++ Broadened support for 'marginalia' faces in two phases.
+  - The first pertained to the file permissions that are shown when
+    completing against file paths.  Their style is similar to what
+    'dired+' or the 'direfl' packages provide, however we have taken
+    care to optimise the interface for the purposes of completion
+    UIs---where things can look like Dired, we make them alike, but
+    where they must differ, we differentiate the designs accordingly.
+    There can be no compromises or arbitrary constraints.
+    Also read: <>.
+  - The second batch covered all sorts of extra classes that provide
+    granular control over the appearance of Marginalia instances.
+    Refinements also had to be made to already-supported faces for the
+    sake of achieving consistency across the various Marginalia
+    interfaces.
+    Also read: <>.
++ Refined 'diredfl' and 'dired+' faces.  For the various "priv" faces,
+  the intent is to increase the difference in hueness between adjacent
+  file permissions (the changes are minor, but they do change the
+  overall result).  Numbers are toned down so that they do not clash
+  with dates.  The file suffix no longer uses cyan to stand out more in
+  detailed views.
++ Made 'icomplete-selected-match' (Emacs28) more legible by aligning its
+  presentation with metaphors that are estaslished across the
+  modus-themes.  Thanks to Kévin Le Gouguec (peniblec) for noting the
+  inconsistency with the new face upstream and for writing the patch for
+  it in merge request 50:
+  <>.
+  Also thanks to Manuel Uberti for confirming that things would look
+  consistent in the comments' section of that merge request.
++ Fixed faulty inheritance for the 'web-mode-keyword-face'.  It should
+  now properly copy the attributes of 'font-lock-keyword-face'.
++ Made inheritance of the new 'help-key-binding' (Emacs28 key) the
+  default for all faces that need to style key bindings.
+  In Emacs 28 all key bindings are automatically displayed with the face
+  'help-key-binding' which uses some new face attributes to draw a
+  cleaner box around it.  Given that the themes must work with earlier
+  versions of Emacs, we cannot inherit it unconditionally so we added
+  the relevant conditionality.  It is nice to offer this feature to
+  those who use the themes on Emacs 28.  Older versions retain the
+  previous style of a blue colour coupled with a bold weight.
+  The exception to this rule is the transient.el faces (this is the
+  pop-up window used by Magit, among others---transient.el is now built
+  into Emacs).  The box effect creates unpredictable misalignments, so
+  we default to the old key binding style for those.
+  Thanks to Manuel Uberti and Kevin Fleming for their feedback in issue
+  232: <>.
++ Added support for the new 'notmuch-jump-key' face.  I contributed this
+  face in commits c37c9912, 5cc106b0 to the Notmuch git repo:
+  <>.
++ Updated the 'bookmark-face' (Emacs28) as it has been changed upstream
+  to be a fringe indicator instead of an in-buffer, line-wide background
+  highlight.
++ Aligned Ediff faces with other 'modus-themes-diffs' styles.  Before we
+  would differentiate a "focus state", though that is now considered
+  surplus to requirements.  The notion of a "focus state" only make
+  sense in Magit which applies variegated colour-coding to diff hunks
+  based on their state.  Whereas non-active Ediff changes are grayed
+  out, so there is no need for further colour-coding nuances.  The most
+  noticeable change is with:
+      (setq modus-themes-diffs 'bg-only)
+  As noted in the commit message of 64c74ae (from 2021-09-04):
+      If users think this change is for the worse, we can always define a
+      helper function like this:
+          (defun modus-themes--ediff-style (bgonly default)
+            "Diff style for Ediff.
+          BGONLY and DEFAULT depend on the value of `modus-themes-diffs'.
+          The former is more subtle."
+            (if (eq modus-themes-diffs 'bg-only)
+                (list bgonly)
+              (list default)))
+      And apply it thus:
+          `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--ediff-style
+                                                      'modus-themes-diff-removed
+                                                      'modus-themes-diff-focus-removed))))
+  No feedback was received towards that end in about a month, so we
+  consider the change to be acceptable, without prejudice to the
+  possibility of future updates.
++ Unified the styles of 'org-agenda-calendar-sexp', 'org-agenda-diary',
+  and 'org-agenda-calendar-event'.  This is not a user-facing change but
+  an internal refactoring to avoid repetition.  It also makes things
+  easier for the implementation of the 'modus-themes-org-agenda' (as
+  mentioned above).
++ Ensured that the 'bookmark-menu-bookmark' face inherits from the
+  'bold' face.  By default it hardcodes the bold weight, whereas we
+  instruct it to inherit the 'bold' face.  A user can thus change the
+  ':weight' of that face to whatever they want, like semibold,
+  extrabold, etc.  We do this throughout the themes for bold and
+  italics---consider it a "hidden feature" of sorts.  Check the manual
+  for more on the matter:
+      (info "(modus-themes) Configure bold and italic faces (DIY)")
++ Provided support for tab-bar groups (Emacs28).  Specifically the faces
+  'tab-bar-tab-group-current' and 'tab-bar-tab-group-inactive'.
+  Thanks to Adam Porter (alphapapa) for the feedback in issue 8 over at
+  the Github mirror: <>.
++ Decoupled the 'stripes' face from that of 'hl-line-face'.  This is
+  because the stripes are not meant to change depending on the value of
+  the user option 'modus-themes-hl-line'.
++ Revised the red shade of "flagged" entries in mu4e and notmuch.  Those
+  are now consistent with Gnus.  The shade of red that was used before
+  was closer to the orange side of the spectrum whereas the current has
+  hints of blue (a cherry colour) and thus combines better with the cyan
+  and blue that prevail in those interfaces.  These are fine margins,
+  though the effect is noticeable regardless.
++ Configured the new 'ansi-color' faces (Emacs28) which are used by
+  shells and terminals (among others).  Thanks to Manuel Uberti for
+  reporting the changes to upstream Emacs in issue 236:
+  <>.
++ Expanded support for EMMS faces, pertaining to its browser views.
+  Thanks to Feng Shu (tumashu) for bringing those to my attention in
+  issue 11 over at the Github mirror:
+  <>.
++ Styled the new 'tab-line-tab-modified' face (Emacs28).  It should now
+  use a faint red colour to denote changes to the underlying file.
+  Thanks to Adam Porter (alphapapa) for bringing it to my attention in
+  issue 12 over at the Github mirror:
+  <>.
++ Configured the single face that the 'cursor-flash' package has to
+  offer.  Thanks to Manuel Uberti for the feedback in issue 231:
+  <>.
++ Included 'elpher' in the list of supported packages by means of
+  covering the heading faces it implements.
++ Recalibrated certain dedicated colours for inactive tabs and tweaked
+  tab faces to (i) marginally improve the default aesthetic and (ii)
+  harmonise it with the style of 'modus-themes-tabs-accented'.
++ Removed the foreground attribute from all markup faces that are meant
+  to denote emphasis in italics.  That is because such faces are
+  typically composed with others, so we do not wish to inadvertently
+  override any other colour that would otherwise have taken effect.
++ Wrote the faces for upstream Org that improve the contextuality of
+  various agenda views (included in version 9.5).  This was done in
+  close collaboration with Gustavo Barros who offered detailed feedback
+  in issue 208 (which also led to the creation and eventual expansion of
+  the 'modus-themes-org-agenda' user option):
+  <>.
+  Four new faces improve certain styles and offer more flexibility for
+  some Org agenda views: 'org-agenda-date-weekend-today',
+  'org-imminent-deadline', 'org-agenda-structure-secondary',
+  'org-agenda-structure-filter'.  They inherit from existing faces in
+  order to remain backward-compatible.
+  Quoting from <>:
+      + The 'org-imminent-deadline' is useful to disambiguate generic
+        warnings from deadlines.  For example, a warning could be
+        rendered in a yellow colored text and have a bold weight,
+        whereas a deadline might be red and styled with italics.
+      + The 'org-agenda-structure-filter' applies to all tag/term
+        filters in agenda views that search for keywords or patterns.
+        It is designed to inherit from 'org-agenda-structure' in
+        addition to the 'org-warning' face that was present before (and
+        removes the generic 'warning' face from one place).  This offers
+        the benefit of consistency, as, say, an increase in font height
+        or a change in font family in 'org-agenda-structure' will
+        propagate to the filter as well.  The whole header line thus
+        looks part of a singular design.
+      + The 'org-agenda-structure-secondary' complements the above for
+        those same views where a description follows the header.  For
+        instance, the tags view provides information to "Press N r" to
+        filter by a numbered tag.  Themes/users may prefer to
+        disambiguate this line from the header above it, such as by
+        using a less intense color or by reducing its height relative to
+        the 'org-agenda-structure'.
+      + The 'org-agenda-date-weekend-today' provides the option to
+        differentiate the current date on a weekend from the current
+        date on weekdays.
+Other patches I have made to, inter alia, emacs.git and org.git with
+regard to faces are documented in previous change log entries.
++ Removed references to old versions of the themes from before their
+  refactoring in version 1.0.0.  Those old packages no longer exist.
+  Users must install the 'modus-themes' and then load either of
+  'modus-operandi' or 'modus-vivendi'.
++ Included various extensions of the Vertico package in the list of
+  indirectly supported packages.  Those define faces which either
+  inherit from basic ones that we already support or use colours that
+  are consistent with our accessibility target.
++ Referenced 'side-hustle', 'tide', 'bufler' as an indirectly supported
+  packages for the same reasons.
++ Simplified time-stamp local variables that are used in modus-themes.el
+  to show the time the file was edited.  We apply 'time-stamp-pattern'
+  instead of setting multiple time-stamp variables.  Thanks to Stephen
+  Gildea for the patch, which was sent to me via email (yes, you can
+  always do that).
++ Updated the manual's "acknowledgements" section to name all new
+  contributors to code/ideas/feedback.
++ Furnished information on how to configure the 'highlight-parentheses'
+  package and extend its faces for use with the themes.  The entry
+  provides a complete Elisp implementation.
++ Improved the code samples for the prism.el setup that users may wish
+  to set up by themselves.  The new lists of colours work better when
+  Prism's colouration is limited to a small set of hues.
++ Deleted trailing whitespace in the manual which had adverse effects
+  when trying to compile the over at emacs.git.  Thanks
+  to Philip Kaludercic for the patch in merge request 49:
+  <>.
+Thanks again to everyone involved.  Looking forward to see the Modus
+themes, version 1.6.0, as part of the next stable release of Emacs.
 * 1.5.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:05fc633d-69d6-4b5e-aade-1f9e4ba30ed3
 #+begin_src text
 Modus themes version 1.5.0
@@ -34,7 +3179,7 @@ Such edits also account for colour-coding that is optimised for the
 needs of users with red-green colour deficiency (deuteranopia or
-Here is the URL of the manual: <>.
+Here is the URL of the manual: <>.
 Or read it from Emacs by evaluating this form:
     (info "(modus-themes) Top")
@@ -175,20 +3320,20 @@ New variables
   with some keys expecting a symbol and others a list of properties.
   The minutia are covered in its doc string.  A possible configuration
   can look like this:
       (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
             '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
               (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
               (scheduled . uniform)
               (habit . traffic-light)))
   'modus-themes-org-agenda' supersedes the old variable that was specific
   to the Org habit graph: 'modus-themes-org-habit'.  There now is a
   'habit' key which accepts the same values as before, plus a new style
   that is optimised for users with red-green colour deficiency:
   'traffic-light-deuteranopia'.  Please consult the doc string of
   'modus-themes-org-agenda' or the relevant entry to the manual.
   Thanks to Gustavo Barros for contributing to the creation of this
   variable as well as to all other changes in the relevant faces that
   were done in the interest of usability.  A full report about
@@ -450,10 +3595,13 @@ Miscellaneous
 Thanks again to everyone involved!
 * 1.4.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:4c643e3c-5284-4fab-97e8-217bc1c02f5d
 #+begin_src text
 Modus themes version 1.4.0
@@ -473,7 +3621,7 @@ overarching accessibility objective of the themes for a minimum contrast
 ratio of 7:1 between background and foreground values in their given
 combination (the WCAG AAA standard).
-URL of the official manual: <>.  Or
+URL of the official manual: <>.  Or
 read it with Emacs' Info reader by evaluating this form:
     (info "(modus-themes) Top")
@@ -770,6 +3918,9 @@ Miscellaneous
 * 1.3.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:5063c0c5-832e-4577-936e-d602b07d6d79
 #+begin_src text
 Modus themes version 1.3.0
@@ -786,7 +3937,7 @@ ratio of 7:1 between background and foreground values in their given
 combination (the WCAG AAA standard).
 As the official manual is referenced several times throughout this log,
-make sure to store its URL: <>.  Or
+make sure to store its URL: <>.  Or
 read it from Emacs' Info reader by evaluating this form:
     (info "(modus-themes) Top")
@@ -1136,6 +4287,9 @@ Thanks once again to everyone involved!
 * 1.2.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:751083a7-3514-40f5-9928-17a11de5b439
 #+begin_src text
 Modus themes version 1.2.0
@@ -1152,7 +4306,7 @@ ratio of 7:1 between background and foreground values in their given
 combination (the WCAG AAA standard).
 As the official manual is referenced several times throughout this log,
-make sure to store its URL: <>.  Or
+make sure to store its URL: <>.  Or
 read it from Emacs' Info reader by evaluating this form:
     (info "(modus-themes) Top")
@@ -1486,6 +4640,9 @@ Miscellaneous
 * 1.1.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:bb0e16a9-8a8b-4b1b-9d62-b1715295247b
 #+begin_src text
 Modus themes version 1.1.0
@@ -1503,7 +4660,7 @@ contrast ratio of 7:1 between background and foreground values in their
 given combination (conformance with the WCAG AAA standard).
 As the official manual is referenced several times, make sure to store
-its URL: <>.
+its URL: <>.
 If you are coming from older versions, please consult the change log
 entry for version 1.0.0.
@@ -1944,6 +5101,9 @@ terms of face coverage, and (iv) meticulously designed throughout.
 * 1.0.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:94b5915e-1085-4859-ac9f-daf91e007741
 #+begin_src text
 Modus themes version 1.0.0
@@ -1961,7 +5121,7 @@ given combination (conformance with the WCAG AAA standard).
 Expect to find examples of basic and advanced customisations in the
 comprehensive Info manual bundled with the themes, which is also
-available at: <>.
+available at: <>.
 Overview of major changes
@@ -2348,6 +5508,9 @@ it may have introduced.
 * 0.13.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:b529ec46-2a9f-4844-9760-4708d2ca575b
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.13.0
@@ -2370,7 +5533,7 @@ Overview
 1. There is a new Info manual that documents the customisation options
    as well as every other piece of information pertinent to the themes.
    You will find it in the Info pages inside of Emacs.  Or browse it
-   online: <>.
+   online: <>.
 2. New customisation options grant users more power to further adapt the
    active theme to their preferences.
@@ -2383,10 +5546,10 @@ Overview
    carefully designed).
 5. A new page hosts all pictures that demo the themes across a wide
-   range of scenaria: <>.
+   range of scenaria: <>.
 6. Similarly, the change log also has its own dedicated web page:
-   <>.
+   <>.
 New customisation options
@@ -2876,6 +6039,9 @@ Thanks again to everyone who helped improve the themes!
 * 0.12.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:9d9394c1-84b6-4c23-8936-fe4f2f43301d
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.12.0
@@ -3151,7 +6317,7 @@ Final notes
 There now exists an HTML version of the README, which will hopefully
-make things easier for users:
+make things easier for users:
 Other changes are not user-facing.  For example, using 'pcase' instead
 of 'cond' to make relevant expressions more succinct.  Or defining a
@@ -3177,6 +6343,9 @@ their thoughts.  The people already mentioned herein:
 * 0.11.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:7a453154-3486-45a8-9249-9183ad49ff42
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.11.0
@@ -3438,6 +6607,9 @@
 * 0.10.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:de114a53-7cbd-49aa-bf24-d1f1f0bf342e
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.10.0
@@ -3557,6 +6729,9 @@ My thanks to Basil and André for their contributions!
 * 0.9.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:96ccc8b9-2d5e-4857-bf25-4e094e17bfed
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.9.0
@@ -3712,6 +6887,9 @@ Added support for
 * 0.8.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:afa34aec-7079-4c45-8e16-ab4e7cc8cd6a
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.8.0
@@ -3883,6 +7061,9 @@ Miscellaneous changes and concluding remarks
 * 0.7.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:353114b7-6980-4622-8057-b8cbb8361a8a
 #+begin_src text
 Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi version 0.7.0
@@ -4113,6 +7294,9 @@ Software Foundation.
 * 0.6.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:c8c33ff2-6f75-4642-a27e-ee6e8abc493e
 #+begin_src text
 This release contains lots of refinements and additions.
@@ -4211,6 +7395,9 @@ list of supported packages.
 * 0.5.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:dffc2bd4-6597-4be4-88f6-b349be7ebc6e
 #+begin_src text
 This release contains support for several new packages and lots of
@@ -4293,6 +7480,9 @@ Refinements:
 * 0.4.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:1597e301-f9df-4aac-8ec5-b8ecf34f2930
 #+begin_src text
 This is an overview of the changes since version 0.3.0 (2019-12-25).
@@ -4343,6 +7533,9 @@ Miscellaneous:
 * 0.3.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:cb0ca8dc-3960-4490-b3c4-27d10cf6ed44
 #+begin_src text
 Overview of changes since 0.2.0 (2019-12-18):
@@ -4403,6 +7596,9 @@ Overview of changes since 0.2.0 (2019-12-18):
 * 0.2.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:c9746d04-adf4-41b1-9b7c-6caaf17f8816
 #+begin_src text
 Overview of changes since 0.1.0 (2019-12-09):
@@ -4434,6 +7630,9 @@ contrast between the elements.
 * 0.1.0
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:e14e612e-6951-4812-bc88-62c498bd5644
 #+begin_src text
 First stable release of Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi.
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
index 4a8a104..3810989 100644
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Copyright (C) 2019-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
   If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
 notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    modus-themes  Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    modus-themes  Copyright (C) 2019-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
     This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
diff --git a/ b/
index da27cbe..bd34680 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,11 +17,61 @@ also distributed in several packages formats.
 For some demo content, check:
-+ The screenshots of the themes <>.
++ The screenshots of the themes <>.
 + My videos on Emacs <>.
++ Package name (GNU ELPA): `modus-themes` (also built into Emacs >= 28)
++ Official manual: <>
++ Change log: <>
++ Colour palette: <>
++ Git repo on SourceHut: <>
+  - Mirrors:
+    + GitHub: <>
+    + GitLab: <>
++ Mailing list: <>
 ## Quick setup for the latest version
+### Built-in version
+For the themes that are built into Emacs you cannot `require` the
+package.  Use the following instead.
+With `use-package`:
+(use-package emacs
+  :init
+  ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+  (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+        modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+        modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+  :config
+  ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+  (load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+  :bind ("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
+Without `use-package`:
+;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+      modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+;; Load the theme of your choice:
+(load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+(define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
+### Packaged version
+With `use-package`:
 (use-package modus-themes
@@ -39,6 +89,25 @@ For some demo content, check:
   :bind ("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
+Without `use-package`:
+(require 'modus-themes)
+;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+      modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
+;; Load the theme of your choice:
+(modus-themes-load-operandi) ;; OR (modus-themes-load-vivendi)
+(define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
 Note: make sure that you **do not customise** `custom-theme-load-path`
 or `custom-theme-directory` _after_ the themes' package declaration.
 That will lead to failures in loading the files.  If you must change
@@ -54,9 +123,12 @@ demonstration:
 (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
       modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
-      modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts nil
+      modus-themes-mixed-fonts nil
       modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers nil
-      modus-themes-success-deuteranopia t
+      modus-themes-intense-mouseovers nil
+      modus-themes-deuteranopia t
+      modus-themes-tabs-accented t
+      modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
       modus-themes-inhibit-reload t ; only applies to `customize-set-variable' and related
       modus-themes-fringes nil ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
@@ -64,14 +136,24 @@ demonstration:
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-lang-checkers' are either nil (the
       ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
       ;; symbols: `straight-underline', `text-also', `background',
-      ;; `intense'
+      ;; `intense' OR `faint'.
       modus-themes-lang-checkers nil
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-mode-line' are either nil, or a list
       ;; that can combine any of `3d' OR `moody', `borderless',
-      ;; `accented'.  The variable's doc string shows all possible
-      ;; combinations.
-      modus-themes-mode-line '(3d accented)
+      ;; `accented', a natural number for extra padding (or a cons cell
+      ;; of padding and NATNUM), and a floating point for the height of
+      ;; the text relative to the base font size (or a cons cell of
+      ;; height and FLOAT)
+      modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless (padding . 4) (height . 0.9))
+      ;; Same as above:
+      ;; modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless 4 0.9)
+      ;; Options for `modus-themes-markup' are either nil, or a list
+      ;; that can combine any of `bold', `italic', `background',
+      ;; `intense'.
+      modus-themes-markup '(background italic)
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-syntax' are either nil (the default),
       ;; or a list of properties that may include any of those symbols:
@@ -94,70 +176,67 @@ demonstration:
       ;; `bold', `italic', `background'
       modus-themes-links '(neutral-underline background)
+      ;; Options for `modus-themes-box-buttons' are either nil (the
+      ;; default), or a list that can combine any of `flat', `accented',
+      ;; `faint', `variable-pitch', `underline', `all-buttons', the
+      ;; symbol of any font weight as listed in `modus-themes-weights',
+      ;; and a floating point number (e.g. 0.9) for the height of the
+      ;; button's text.
+      modus-themes-box-buttons '(variable-pitch flat faint 0.9)
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-prompts' are either nil (the
       ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
       ;; symbols: `background', `bold', `gray', `intense', `italic'
       modus-themes-prompts '(intense bold)
-      modus-themes-completions 'moderate ; {nil,'moderate,'opinionated}
-      modus-themes-mail-citations nil ; {nil,'faint,'monochrome}
+      ;; The `modus-themes-completions' is an alist that reads three
+      ;; keys: `matches', `selection', `popup'.  Each accepts a nil
+      ;; value (or empty list) or a list of properties that can include
+      ;; any of the following (for WEIGHT read further below):
+      ;;
+      ;; `matches' - `background', `intense', `underline', `italic', WEIGHT
+      ;; `selection' - `accented', `intense', `underline', `italic', `text-also' WEIGHT
+      ;; `popup' - same as `selected'
+      ;; `t' - applies to any key not explicitly referenced (check docs)
+      ;;
+      ;; WEIGHT is a symbol such as `semibold', `light', or anything
+      ;; covered in `modus-themes-weights'.  Bold is used in the absence
+      ;; of an explicit WEIGHT.
+      modus-themes-completions '((matches . (extrabold))
+                                 (selection . (semibold accented))
+                                 (popup . (accented intense)))
+      modus-themes-mail-citations nil ; {nil,'intense,'faint,'monochrome}
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-region' are either nil (the default),
       ;; or a list of properties that may include any of those symbols:
       ;; `no-extend', `bg-only', `accented'
       modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend)
-      ;; Options for `modus-themes-diffs': nil, 'desaturated,
-      ;; 'bg-only, 'deuteranopia, 'fg-only-deuteranopia
-      modus-themes-diffs 'fg-only-deuteranopia
+      ;; Options for `modus-themes-diffs': nil, 'desaturated, 'bg-only
+      modus-themes-diffs 'desaturated
       modus-themes-org-blocks 'gray-background ; {nil,'gray-background,'tinted-background}
       modus-themes-org-agenda ; this is an alist: read the manual or its doc string
-      '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
-        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+      '((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.3))
+        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.1))
+        (event . (accented varied))
         (scheduled . uniform)
-        (habit . traffic-light-deuteranopia))
+        (habit . traffic-light))
       modus-themes-headings ; this is an alist: read the manual or its doc string
-      '((1 . (overline background))
-        (2 . (rainbow overline))
-        (t . (no-bold)))
-      modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
-      modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings t
-      modus-themes-scale-headings t
-      modus-themes-scale-1 1.1
-      modus-themes-scale-2 1.15
-      modus-themes-scale-3 1.21
-      modus-themes-scale-4 1.27
-      modus-themes-scale-title 1.33)
+      '((1 . (overline background variable-pitch 1.3))
+        (2 . (rainbow overline 1.1))
+        (t . (semibold))))
 ## Further information
-Read the [Info manual HTML](
+Read the [Info manual HTML](
 version for how to install, load, enable, and customise the themes.  If
 you are using the latest version of the themes, you already have the
 manual installed: evaluate `(info "(modus-themes) Top")` to start
 reading it.
 The themes cover a broad range of packages and are highly customisable.
-## NOTE about old packages
-Users coming from version `0.13.0` or earlier, are advised to read the
-announcement on the emacs-devel mailing list:
-Or read issue 174: <>.
-The web page of the change log is also available:
-An Info manual should be distributed with the `modus-themes` package.
-Evaluate this form to access it directly:
-    (info "(modus-themes) Top")
-Or visit it at: <>.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9cf8167..0764583 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-modus-themes (1.5.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+modus-themes (2.7.0+git20221021.1.8ce12ca-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  [ Dhavan Vaidya ]
   * New upstream version 1.5.0
   * Change release of 1.0.2-1 to `unstable`
- -- Dhavan Vaidya <>  Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:52:35 +0530
+  [ Debian Janitor ]
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+ -- Dhavan Vaidya <>  Fri, 21 Oct 2022 13:15:05 -0000
 modus-themes (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index acb8023..a0bbd72 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.7 from
+This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.8 from
-Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
      document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs misc features
-* Modus Themes: (modus-themes). Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA).
+* Modus Themes: (modus-themes). Elegant, highly legible and customizable themes.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ File:,  Node: Top,  Next: Overview,  Up: (dir)
 Modus themes for GNU Emacs
-Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
      document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
@@ -43,11 +43,15 @@ customization options for the ‘modus-operandi’ and ‘modus-vivendi’
 themes, and provides every other piece of information pertinent to them.
    The documentation furnished herein corresponds to stable version
-1.5.0, released on 2021-07-15.  Any reference to a newer feature which
+2.7.0, released on 2022-10-01.  Any reference to a newer feature which
 does not yet form part of the latest tagged commit, is explicitly marked
 as such.
-   Current development target is 1.6.0-dev.
+   Current development target is 2.8.0-dev.
+   • Homepage: <>.
+   • Git repository: <>.
+   • Mailing list: <>.
 * Menu:
@@ -55,13 +59,13 @@ as such.
 * Installation::
 * Enable and load::
 * Customization Options::
-* Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)::
+* Advanced customization::
 * Face coverage::
 * Notes on individual packages::
-* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)::
+* Frequently Asked Questions::
 * Contributing::
 * Acknowledgements::
-* Meta::
+* Other notes about the project::
 * GNU Free Documentation License::
 * Indices::
@@ -77,6 +81,7 @@ Installation
 * Install manually from source::
 * Install from the archives::
 * Install on GNU/Linux::
+* Dealing with byte compilation errors::
 Install on GNU/Linux
@@ -85,57 +90,68 @@ Install on GNU/Linux
 Enable and load
-* Sample configuration for use-package::
+* Sample configuration with and without use-package::
 * Differences between loading and enabling::
 Customization Options
 * Custom reload theme::          Toggle auto-reload of the theme when setting custom variables
-* Success' color-code::          Toggle blue color for success or done states
+* Deuteranopia style::           Toggle red/blue color-coding instead of red/green
 * Bold constructs::              Toggle bold constructs in code
 * Italic constructs::            Toggle italic font constructs in code
 * Syntax styles::                Choose the overall aesthetic of code syntax
-* No mixed fonts::               Toggle mixing of font families
+* Mixed fonts::                  Toggle mixing of font families
 * Link styles::                  Choose among several styles, with or without underline
+* Box buttons::                  Choose among several styles for buttons
 * Command prompts::              Choose among plain, subtle, or intense prompts
 * Mode line::                    Choose among several styles, with or without borders
-* Completion UIs::               Choose among standard, moderate, or opinionated looks
+* Tab style::                    Toggle accented background for tabs
+* Completion UIs::               Choose among several styles for completion UIs
 * Mail citations::               Choose among colorful, desaturated, monochrome citations
 * Fringes::                      Choose among invisible, subtle, or intense fringe styles
 * Language checkers::            Control the style of language checkers/linters
 * Line highlighting::            Choose style of current line (hl-line-mode)
 * Line numbers::                 Toggle subtle style for line numbers
+* Mouse hover effects::          Toggle intense style for mouseover highlights
+* Markup::                       Choose style for markup in Org and others
 * Matching parentheses::         Choose between various styles for matching delimiters/parentheses
 * Active region::                Choose between various styles for the active region
-* Diffs::                        Choose among intense, desaturated, or text-only diffs
+* Diffs::                        Choose among intense, desaturated, or background-only diffs
 * Org mode blocks::              Choose among plain, gray, or tinted backgrounds
 * Org agenda::                   Control each element in the presentation of the agenda
 * Heading styles::               Choose among several styles, also per heading level
-* Scaled headings::              Toggle scaling of headings
 * UI typeface::                  Toggle the use of variable-pitch across the User Interface
-* Headings' typeface::           Toggle the use of variable-pitch in headings
-Scaled headings
-* Scaled heading sizes::         Specify rate of increase for scaled headings
-Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
-* Per-theme customization settings (DIY)::
-* Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY)::
-* Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY)::
-* Remap face with local value (DIY)::
-* Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY)::
-* Override colors (DIY)::
-* Override color saturation (DIY)::
-* Font configurations for Org and others (DIY)::
-* Configure bold and italic faces (DIY)::
-* Custom Org user faces (DIY)::
-* Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY)::
-* Measure color contrast (DIY)::
-* Load theme depending on time of day (DIY)::
-* Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY)::
-* A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY)::
+Advanced customization
+* More accurate colors in terminal emulators::
+* Range of color with terminal emulators::
+* Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::
+* Per-theme customization settings::
+* Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette::
+* Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::
+* Remap face with local value::
+* Cycle through arbitrary colors::
+* Override colors::
+* Override color saturation::
+* Override colors through blending::
+* Override colors completely::
+* Font configurations for Org and others::
+* Configure bold and italic faces::
+* Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces::
+* Custom Org emphasis faces::
+* Update Org block delimiter fontification::
+* Measure color contrast::
+* Load theme depending on time of day::
+* Backdrop for pdf-tools::
+* Decrease mode line height::
+* Toggle themes without reloading them::
+* A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading::
+* Diffs with only the foreground::
+* Ediff without diff color-coding::
+* Near-monochrome syntax highlighting::
+* Custom hl-todo colors::
+* Add support for solaire-mode::
 Face coverage
@@ -144,12 +160,14 @@ Face coverage
 Notes on individual packages
-* Note on avy hints::
 * Note on calendar.el weekday and weekend colors: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors.
+* Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs::
+* Note on php-mode multiline comments::
 * Note on underlines in compilation buffers::
 * Note on inline Latex in Org buffers::
 * Note on dimmer.el: Note on dimmerel.
 * Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode::
+* Note on highlight-parentheses.el: Note on highlight-parenthesesel.
 * Note on mmm-mode.el background colors: Note on mmm-modeel background colors.
 * Note for prism::
 * Note for god-mode::
@@ -157,17 +175,21 @@ Notes on individual packages
 * Note on ERC escaped color sequences::
 * Note on powerline or spaceline::
 * Note on SHR colors::
-* Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts)::
+* Note on SHR fonts::
+* Note on Ement colors and fonts::
 * Note on Helm grep::
-* Note on vc-annotate-background-mode::
 * Note on pdf-tools link hints::
+* Note on the Notmuch logo::
+* Note on goto-address-mode faces::
-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+Frequently Asked Questions
 * Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?::
 * What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?::
 * Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?.
 * What is the best setup for legibility?::
+* Are these color schemes?::
+* Port the Modus themes to other platforms?::
@@ -210,9 +232,24 @@ themes strive to achieve as close to full face coverage as possible
 (*note Face coverage::).
    Furthermore, the themes are designed to empower users with red-green
-color deficiency (deuteranopia).  This is achieved through customization
-options which have the effect of replacing all relevant instances of
-green with a variant of blue (*note Customization Options::).
+color deficiency (deuteranopia).  This is achieved in three ways:
+  1. The conformance with the highest legibility standard means that
+     text is always readable no matter the perception of its hue.
+  2. Most contexts use colors on the blue-cyan-magenta-purple side of
+     the spectrum.  Put differently, green and/or red are seldom used,
+     thus minimizing the potential for confusion.
+     *note Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?: Why
+     are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?.
+  3. In contexts where a red/green color-coding is unavoidable, we
+     provide a universal toggle to customize the themes so that a
+     red/blue scheme is used instead.
+     *note Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia:
+     Deuteranopia style.
    Starting with version 0.12.0 and onwards, the themes are built into
 GNU Emacs.
@@ -229,8 +266,8 @@ File:,  Node: How do the themes look like,  Next: Learn about
 Check the web page with the screen shots
-(  There are lots of
-scenarios on display that draw attention to details and important
+(  There are lots
+of scenarios on display that draw attention to details and important
 aspects in the design of the themes.  They also showcase the numerous
 customization options.
@@ -243,8 +280,9 @@ File:,  Node: Learn about the latest changes,  Prev: How do th
 Please refer to the web page with the change log
-(  It is comprehensive
-and covers everything that goes into every tagged release of the themes.
+(  It is
+comprehensive and covers everything that goes into every tagged release
+of the themes.
 File:,  Node: Installation,  Next: Enable and load,  Prev: Overview,  Up: Top
@@ -262,6 +300,7 @@ packages for distributions of GNU/Linux.
 * Install manually from source::
 * Install from the archives::
 * Install on GNU/Linux::
+* Dealing with byte compilation errors::
 File:,  Node: Install manually from source,  Next: Install from the archives,  Up: Installation
@@ -294,19 +333,15 @@ File:,  Node: Install from the archives,  Next: Install on GNU
 The ‘modus-themes’ package is available from the GNU ELPA archive, which
 is configured by default.
-   Prior to querying any package archive, make sure to have updated the
-index, with ‘M-x package-refresh-contents’.  Then all you need to do is
-type ‘M-x package-install’ and specify the ‘modus-themes’.
-   Note that older versions of the themes used to be distributed as
-standalone packages.  This practice has been discontinued starting with
-version 1.0.0 of this project.
+   Prior to querying any package archive, make sure to update the index,
+with ‘M-x package-refresh-contents’.  Then all you need to do is type
+‘M-x package-install’ and specify the ‘modus-themes’.
    Once installed, the themes are ready to be used: *note Enable and
-File:,  Node: Install on GNU/Linux,  Prev: Install from the archives,  Up: Installation
+File:,  Node: Install on GNU/Linux,  Next: Dealing with byte compilation errors,  Prev: Install from the archives,  Up: Installation
 2.3 Install on GNU/Linux
@@ -333,6 +368,9 @@ The themes are part of Debian 11 Bullseye.  Get them with:
    They are now ready to be used: *note Enable and load::.
+   NOTE that Debian’s package is severely out-of-date as of this writing
+2022-07-24 09:57 +0300.
 File:,  Node: GNU Guix,  Prev: Debian 11 Bullseye,  Up: Install on GNU/Linux
@@ -345,20 +383,49 @@ Users of Guix can get the themes with this command:
    They are now ready to be used: *note Enable and load::.
+File:,  Node: Dealing with byte compilation errors,  Prev: Install on GNU/Linux,  Up: Installation
+2.4 Dealing with byte compilation errors
+From time to time, we receive bug reports pertaining to errors with byte
+compilation.  These seldom have to do with faulty code in the themes: it
+might be a shortcoming of ‘package.el’, some regression in the current
+development target of Emacs, a misconfiguration in an otherwise exotic
+setup, and the like.
+   The common solution with a stable version of Emacs is to:
+  1. Delete the ‘modus-themes’ package.
+  2. Close the current Emacs session.
+  3. Install the ‘modus-themes’ again.
+   For those building Emacs directly from source, the solution may
+involve reverting to an earlier commit in emacs.git.
+   At any rate, if you encounter such an issue please report it: we will
+either fix the bug on our end if it is truly ours, or help forward it to
+the relevant upstream maintainer.  Whatever you do, please understand
+that a build failure does not mean we are necessarily doing something
+   *note Issues you can help with::.
 File:,  Node: Enable and load,  Next: Customization Options,  Prev: Installation,  Up: Top
 3 Enable and load
-Users of the built-in themes can load and automatically enable the theme
-of their preference by adding either form to their init file:
+Users of the built-in themes cannot ‘require’ the package as usual
+because there is no package to speak of.  Instead, things are simpler as
+all one needs is to load the theme of their preference by adding either
+form to their init file:
      (load-theme 'modus-operandi)            ; Light theme
      (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)             ; Dark theme
-   This is all one needs.
    Users of packaged variants of the themes must add a few more lines to
 ensure that everything works as intended.  First, one has to require the
 main library before loading either theme:
@@ -381,26 +448,42 @@ activate a theme with either of the following expressions:
    Changes to the available customization options must always be
 evaluated before loading a theme (*note Customization Options::).  An
 exception to this norm is when using the various Custom interfaces or
-with commands like ‘M-x customize-set-variable’, which automatically
-reload the theme by default (*note Option for inhibiting theme reload:
-Custom reload theme.).  This is how a basic setup could look like:
+with commands like ‘M-x customize-set-variable’, which can optionally
+automatically reload the theme (*note Option for inhibiting theme
+reload: Custom reload theme.).
+   This is how a basic setup could look like:
+     ;;; For the built-in themes which cannot use `require':
+     ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+     (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+           modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+           modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+     ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+     (load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+     (define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
+     ;;; For packaged versions which must use `require':
      (require 'modus-themes)
-     ;; Your customisations here.  For example:
-     (setq modus-themes-bold-constructs t
-           modus-themes-mode-line '3d)
+     ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+     (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+           modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+           modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
-     ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme (else you get an error).
+     ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
-     ;; Enable the theme of your preference:
-     (modus-themes-load-operandi)
+     ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+     (modus-themes-load-operandi) ;; OR (modus-themes-load-vivendi)
-     ;; Optionally add a key binding for the toggle between the themes:
      (define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
-   *note Sample configuration for use-package::.
+   *note Sample configuration with and without use-package::.
    With those granted, bear in mind a couple of technical points on
 ‘modus-themes-load-operandi’ and ‘modus-themes-load-vivendi’, as well as
@@ -412,41 +495,86 @@ Custom reload theme.).  This is how a basic setup could look like:
   2. The functions will run the ‘modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook’ as
      their final step.  This can be employed for bespoke configurations
-     (*note Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)::).  Experienced
-     users may not wish to rely on such a hook and the functions that
-     run it: they may prefer a custom solution (*note A theme-agnostic
-     hook for theme loading: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading
-     (DIY).).
+     (*note Advanced customization::).  Experienced users may not wish
+     to rely on such a hook and the functions that run it: they may
+     prefer a custom solution (*note A theme-agnostic hook for theme
+     loading::).
 * Menu:
-* Sample configuration for use-package::
+* Sample configuration with and without use-package::
 * Differences between loading and enabling::
-File:,  Node: Sample configuration for use-package,  Next: Differences between loading and enabling,  Up: Enable and load
+File:,  Node: Sample configuration with and without use-package,  Next: Differences between loading and enabling,  Up: Enable and load
-3.1 Sample configuration for use-package
+3.1 Sample configuration with and without use-package
 It is common for Emacs users to rely on ‘use-package’ for declaring
 package configurations in their setup.  We use this as an example:
+     ;;; For the built-in themes which cannot use `require':
+     (use-package emacs
+       :init
+       ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+       (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+             modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+             modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+       :config
+       ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+       (load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+       :bind ("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
+     ;;; For packaged versions which must use `require':
      (use-package modus-themes
-       :ensure                         ; omit this to use the built-in themes
+       :ensure
        ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
        (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
              modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
              modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
-       ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme (else you get an error).
+       ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
        ;; Load the theme of your choice:
        (modus-themes-load-operandi) ;; OR (modus-themes-load-vivendi)
        :bind ("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
+   The same without ‘use-package’:
+     ;;; For the built-in themes which cannot use `require':
+     ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+     (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+           modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+           modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+     ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+     (load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+     (define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
+     ;;; For packaged versions which must use `require':
+     (require 'modus-themes)
+     ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+     (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+           modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+           modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+     ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
+     (modus-themes-load-themes)
+     ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+     (modus-themes-load-operandi) ;; OR (modus-themes-load-vivendi)
+     (define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
    *note Differences between loading and enabling::.
    Note: make sure not to customize the variable
@@ -456,14 +584,14 @@ If either or both of those variables need to be changed, their values
 should be defined before the package declaration of the themes.
-File:,  Node: Differences between loading and enabling,  Prev: Sample configuration for use-package,  Up: Enable and load
+File:,  Node: Differences between loading and enabling,  Prev: Sample configuration with and without use-package,  Up: Enable and load
 3.2 Differences between loading and enabling
 The reason we recommend ‘load-theme’ instead of the other option of
 ‘enable-theme’ is that the former does a kind of “reset” on the face
-specs.  It quite literally loads (or re-loads) the theme.  Whereas the
+specs.  It quite literally loads (or reloads) the theme.  Whereas the
 latter simply puts an already loaded theme at the top of the list of
 enabled items, re-using whatever state was last loaded.
@@ -477,8 +605,8 @@ so it might appear to the unsuspecting user that the themes are somehow
 broken whenever they try to assign a new value to a customization option
 or some face.
-   This “reset” that ‘load-theme’ conducts does, however, come at the
-cost of being somewhat slower than ‘enable-theme’.  Users who have a
+   This “reset” that ‘load-theme’ brings about does, however, come at
+the cost of being somewhat slower than ‘enable-theme’.  Users who have a
 stable setup and who seldom update their variables during a given Emacs
 session, are better off using something like this:
@@ -488,20 +616,20 @@ session, are better off using something like this:
      (enable-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
-   *note Sample configuration for use-package::.
+   *note Toggle themes without reloading them::.
+   *note Sample configuration with and without use-package::.
    With the above granted, other sections of the manual discuss how to
 configure custom faces, where ‘load-theme’ is expected, though
 ‘enable-theme’ could still apply in stable setups:
-   *note Case-by-case face specs using the themes’ palette: Case-by-case
-face specs using the themes' palette (DIY).
+   *note Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette::.
-   *note Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette: Face specs at
-scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
-File:,  Node: Customization Options,  Next: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself),  Prev: Enable and load,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Customization Options,  Next: Advanced customization,  Prev: Enable and load,  Up: Top
 4 Customization Options
@@ -511,16 +639,21 @@ without any further tweaks.  By default, all customization options are
 set to nil, unless otherwise noted in this manual.
    Remember that all customization options must be evaluated before
-loading a theme (*note Enable and load::).
+loading a theme (*note Enable and load::).  If the theme is already
+active, it must be reloaded for changes in user options to come into
    Below is a summary of what you will learn in the subsequent sections
 of this manual.
      (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
            modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
-           modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts nil
+           modus-themes-mixed-fonts nil
            modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers nil
-           modus-themes-success-deuteranopia t
+           modus-themes-intense-mouseovers nil
+           modus-themes-deuteranopia t
+           modus-themes-tabs-accented t
+           modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
            modus-themes-inhibit-reload t ; only applies to `customize-set-variable' and related
            modus-themes-fringes nil ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
@@ -528,14 +661,24 @@ of this manual.
            ;; Options for `modus-themes-lang-checkers' are either nil (the
            ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
            ;; symbols: `straight-underline', `text-also', `background',
-           ;; `intense'
+           ;; `intense' OR `faint'.
            modus-themes-lang-checkers nil
            ;; Options for `modus-themes-mode-line' are either nil, or a list
            ;; that can combine any of `3d' OR `moody', `borderless',
-           ;; `accented'.  The variable's doc string shows all possible
-           ;; combinations.
-           modus-themes-mode-line '(3d accented)
+           ;; `accented', a natural number for extra padding (or a cons cell
+           ;; of padding and NATNUM), and a floating point for the height of
+           ;; the text relative to the base font size (or a cons cell of
+           ;; height and FLOAT)
+           modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless (padding . 4) (height . 0.9))
+           ;; Same as above:
+           ;; modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless 4 0.9)
+           ;; Options for `modus-themes-markup' are either nil, or a list
+           ;; that can combine any of `bold', `italic', `background',
+           ;; `intense'.
+           modus-themes-markup '(background italic)
            ;; Options for `modus-themes-syntax' are either nil (the default),
            ;; or a list of properties that may include any of those symbols:
@@ -558,80 +701,99 @@ of this manual.
            ;; `bold', `italic', `background'
            modus-themes-links '(neutral-underline background)
+           ;; Options for `modus-themes-box-buttons' are either nil (the
+           ;; default), or a list that can combine any of `flat', `accented',
+           ;; `faint', `variable-pitch', `underline', `all-buttons', the
+           ;; symbol of any font weight as listed in `modus-themes-weights',
+           ;; and a floating point number (e.g. 0.9) for the height of the
+           ;; button's text.
+           modus-themes-box-buttons '(variable-pitch flat faint 0.9)
            ;; Options for `modus-themes-prompts' are either nil (the
            ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
            ;; symbols: `background', `bold', `gray', `intense', `italic'
            modus-themes-prompts '(intense bold)
-           modus-themes-completions 'moderate ; {nil,'moderate,'opinionated}
-           modus-themes-mail-citations nil ; {nil,'faint,'monochrome}
+           ;; The `modus-themes-completions' is an alist that reads three
+           ;; keys: `matches', `selection', `popup'.  Each accepts a nil
+           ;; value (or empty list) or a list of properties that can include
+           ;; any of the following (for WEIGHT read further below):
+           ;;
+           ;; `matches' - `background', `intense', `underline', `italic', WEIGHT
+           ;; `selection' - `accented', `intense', `underline', `italic', `text-also' WEIGHT
+           ;; `popup' - same as `selected'
+           ;; `t' - applies to any key not explicitly referenced (check docs)
+           ;;
+           ;; WEIGHT is a symbol such as `semibold', `light', or anything
+           ;; covered in `modus-themes-weights'.  Bold is used in the absence
+           ;; of an explicit WEIGHT.
+           modus-themes-completions '((matches . (extrabold))
+                                      (selection . (semibold accented))
+                                      (popup . (accented intense)))
+           modus-themes-mail-citations nil ; {nil,'intense,'faint,'monochrome}
            ;; Options for `modus-themes-region' are either nil (the default),
            ;; or a list of properties that may include any of those symbols:
            ;; `no-extend', `bg-only', `accented'
            modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend)
-           ;; Options for `modus-themes-diffs': nil, 'desaturated,
-           ;; 'bg-only, 'deuteranopia, 'fg-only-deuteranopia
-           modus-themes-diffs 'fg-only-deuteranopia
+           ;; Options for `modus-themes-diffs': nil, 'desaturated, 'bg-only
+           modus-themes-diffs 'desaturated
            modus-themes-org-blocks 'gray-background ; {nil,'gray-background,'tinted-background}
            modus-themes-org-agenda ; this is an alist: read the manual or its doc string
-           '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
-             (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+           '((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.3))
+             (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.1))
+             (event . (accented varied))
              (scheduled . uniform)
-             (habit . traffic-light-deuteranopia))
+             (habit . traffic-light))
            modus-themes-headings ; this is an alist: read the manual or its doc string
-           '((1 . (overline background))
-             (2 . (rainbow overline))
-             (t . (no-bold)))
-           modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
-           modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings t
-           modus-themes-scale-headings t
-           modus-themes-scale-1 1.1
-           modus-themes-scale-2 1.15
-           modus-themes-scale-3 1.21
-           modus-themes-scale-4 1.27
-           modus-themes-scale-title 1.33)
+           '((1 . (overline background variable-pitch 1.3))
+             (2 . (rainbow overline 1.1))
+             (t . (semibold))))
 * Menu:
 * Custom reload theme::          Toggle auto-reload of the theme when setting custom variables
-* Success' color-code::          Toggle blue color for success or done states
+* Deuteranopia style::           Toggle red/blue color-coding instead of red/green
 * Bold constructs::              Toggle bold constructs in code
 * Italic constructs::            Toggle italic font constructs in code
 * Syntax styles::                Choose the overall aesthetic of code syntax
-* No mixed fonts::               Toggle mixing of font families
+* Mixed fonts::                  Toggle mixing of font families
 * Link styles::                  Choose among several styles, with or without underline
+* Box buttons::                  Choose among several styles for buttons
 * Command prompts::              Choose among plain, subtle, or intense prompts
 * Mode line::                    Choose among several styles, with or without borders
-* Completion UIs::               Choose among standard, moderate, or opinionated looks
+* Tab style::                    Toggle accented background for tabs
+* Completion UIs::               Choose among several styles for completion UIs
 * Mail citations::               Choose among colorful, desaturated, monochrome citations
 * Fringes::                      Choose among invisible, subtle, or intense fringe styles
 * Language checkers::            Control the style of language checkers/linters
 * Line highlighting::            Choose style of current line (hl-line-mode)
 * Line numbers::                 Toggle subtle style for line numbers
+* Mouse hover effects::          Toggle intense style for mouseover highlights
+* Markup::                       Choose style for markup in Org and others
 * Matching parentheses::         Choose between various styles for matching delimiters/parentheses
 * Active region::                Choose between various styles for the active region
-* Diffs::                        Choose among intense, desaturated, or text-only diffs
+* Diffs::                        Choose among intense, desaturated, or background-only diffs
 * Org mode blocks::              Choose among plain, gray, or tinted backgrounds
 * Org agenda::                   Control each element in the presentation of the agenda
 * Heading styles::               Choose among several styles, also per heading level
-* Scaled headings::              Toggle scaling of headings
 * UI typeface::                  Toggle the use of variable-pitch across the User Interface
-* Headings' typeface::           Toggle the use of variable-pitch in headings
-File:,  Node: Custom reload theme,  Next: Success' color-code,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Custom reload theme,  Next: Deuteranopia style,  Up: Customization Options
 4.1 Option for inhibiting theme reload
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-inhibit-reload’
+Brief: Toggle reloading of the active theme when an option is changed
+through the Customize UI.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-inhibit-reload’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
@@ -642,43 +804,54 @@ Symbol: ‘modus-themes-inhibit-reload’
 Custom interfaces or with ‘M-x customize-set-variable’ will not reload
 the currently active Modus theme.
-   Enable this behaviour by setting this variable to ‘nil’.
+   Enable this behavior by setting this variable to ‘nil’.
+   Regardless of this option, the active theme must be reloaded for
+changes to user options to take effect (*note Enable and load::).
-File:,  Node: Success' color-code,  Next: Bold constructs,  Prev: Custom reload theme,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Deuteranopia style,  Next: Bold constructs,  Prev: Custom reload theme,  Up: Customization Options
+4.2 Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia
-4.2 Option for color-coding success state (deuteranopia)
+Brief: When non-nil use red/blue color-coding instead of red/green,
+where appropriate.
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-success-deuteranopia’
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-deuteranopia’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
   1. ‘nil’ (default)
   2. ‘t’
-   The default is to colorise all faces that denote “success”, “done”,
-or similar with a variant of green.
+   This is to account for red-green color deficiency, also know as
+deuteranopia and variants.  It applies to all contexts where there can
+be a color-coded distinction between failure or success, a to-do or done
+state, a mark for deletion versus a mark for selection (e.g.  in Dired),
+current and lazily highlighted search matches, removed lines in diffs as
+opposed to added ones, and so on.
-   With a non-nil value (‘t’), use variants of blue instead of green.
-This is meant to empower users with red-green color deficiency.
+   Note that this does not change all colors throughout the active
+theme, but only applies to cases that have color-coding significance.
+For example, regular code syntax highlighting is not affected.  There is
+no such need because of the themes’ overarching commitment to the
+highest legibility standard, which ensures that text is readable
+regardless of hue, as well as the predominance of colors on the
+blue-cyan-magenta-purple side of the spectrum.
-   The present customization option should apply to all contexts where
-there can be a color-coded distinction between success and failure,
-to-do and done, and so on.
-   Diffs, which have a red/green dichotomy by default, can also be
-configured to conform with deuteranopia.
-   *note Option for diff buffer looks: Diffs.
+   *note Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?: Why are
+colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?.
-File:,  Node: Bold constructs,  Next: Italic constructs,  Prev: Success' color-code,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Bold constructs,  Next: Italic constructs,  Prev: Deuteranopia style,  Up: Customization Options
 4.3 Option for more bold constructs
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-bold-constructs’
+Brief: Use bold for code syntax highlighting and related.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-bold-constructs’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
@@ -696,8 +869,7 @@ prompts.
    Advanced users may also want to configure the exact attributes of the
 ‘bold’ face.
-   *note Configure bold and italic faces: Configure bold and italic
-faces (DIY).
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
 File:,  Node: Italic constructs,  Next: Syntax styles,  Prev: Bold constructs,  Up: Customization Options
@@ -705,7 +877,9 @@ File:,  Node: Italic constructs,  Next: Syntax styles,  Prev:
 4.4 Option for more italic constructs
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-italic-constructs’
+Brief: Use italics for code syntax highlighting and related.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-italic-constructs’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
@@ -721,16 +895,17 @@ This typically affects documentation strings and code comments.
    Advanced users may also want to configure the exact attributes of the
 ‘italic’ face.
-   *note Configure bold and italic faces: Configure bold and italic
-faces (DIY).
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
-File:,  Node: Syntax styles,  Next: No mixed fonts,  Prev: Italic constructs,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Syntax styles,  Next: Mixed fonts,  Prev: Italic constructs,  Up: Customization Options
 4.5 Option for syntax highlighting
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-syntax’
+Brief: Set the overall style of code syntax highlighting.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-syntax’ (‘choice’ type, list of properties)
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -782,41 +957,47 @@ bold weight or italic text: ‘modus-themes-bold-constructs’ and
    *note Option for more italic constructs: Italic constructs.
-File:,  Node: No mixed fonts,  Next: Link styles,  Prev: Syntax styles,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Mixed fonts,  Next: Link styles,  Prev: Syntax styles,  Up: Customization Options
-4.6 Option for no font mixing
+4.6 Option for font mixing
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts’
+Brief: Toggle the use of monospaced fonts for spacing-sensitive
+constructs (affects font families).
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-mixed-fonts’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
   1. ‘nil’ (default)
   2. ‘t’
-   By default, the themes configure some spacing-sensitive faces like
-Org tables and code blocks to always inherit from the ‘fixed-pitch’
-face.  This is to ensure that those constructs remain monospaced even
-when users opt for a mode that remaps typeface families, such as the
-built-in ‘M-x variable-pitch-mode’.  Otherwise the layout would appear
-broken, due to how spacing is done.  To disable this behaviour, set the
-option to ‘t’.
+   When set to non-nil (‘t’), configure some spacing-sensitive faces
+like Org tables and code blocks to always inherit from the ‘fixed-pitch’
+face.  This is to ensure that certain constructs like code blocks and
+tables remain monospaced even when users opt for a mode that remaps
+typeface families, such as the built-in ‘M-x variable-pitch-mode’.
+Otherwise the layout would appear broken, due to how spacing is done.
+   For a consistent experience, user may need to specify the font family
+of the ‘fixed-pitch’ face.
-   Users may prefer to use another package for handling mixed typeface
-configurations, rather than letting the theme do it, perhaps because a
-purpose-specific package has extra functionality.  Two possible options
-are ‘org-variable-pitch’ and ‘mixed-pitch’.
+   *note Font configurations for Org and others::.
-   *note Font configurations for Org and others: Font configurations for
-Org and others (DIY).
+   Furthermore, users may prefer to use another package for handling
+mixed typeface configurations, rather than letting the theme do it,
+perhaps because a purpose-specific package has extra functionality.  Two
+possible options are ‘org-variable-pitch’ and ‘mixed-pitch’.
-File:,  Node: Link styles,  Next: Command prompts,  Prev: No mixed fonts,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Link styles,  Next: Box buttons,  Prev: Mixed fonts,  Up: Customization Options
 4.7 Option for links
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-links’
+Brief: Control the style of links to web pages, files, buffers...
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-links’ (‘choice’ type, list of properties)
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -878,12 +1059,106 @@ controlled by ‘x-use-underline-position-properties’,
 to their documentation strings.
-File:,  Node: Command prompts,  Next: Mode line,  Prev: Link styles,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Box buttons,  Next: Command prompts,  Prev: Link styles,  Up: Customization Options
+4.8 Option for box buttons
+Brief: Control the style of buttons in the Custom UI and related.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-box-buttons’ (‘choice’ type, list of
+   Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
+‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
+   • ‘flat’
+   • ‘accented’
+   • ‘faint’
+   • ‘variable-pitch’
+   • ‘underline’
+   • A font weight, which must be supported by the underlying typeface:
+        • ‘thin’
+        • ‘ultralight’
+        • ‘extralight’
+        • ‘light’
+        • ‘semilight’
+        • ‘regular’
+        • ‘medium’
+        • ‘semibold’
+        • ‘bold’
+        • ‘heavy’
+        • ‘extrabold’
+        • ‘ultrabold’
+   • A floating point as a height multiple of the default or a cons cell
+     in the form of ‘(height . FLOAT)’
+   • ‘all-buttons’
+   The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a gray background
+combined with a pseudo three-dimensional effect.
+   The ‘flat’ property makes the button two dimensional.
+   The ‘accented’ property changes the background from gray to an accent
+   The ‘faint’ property reduces the overall coloration.
+   The ‘variable-pitch’ property applies a proportionately spaced
+typeface to the button~s text.
+   *note Font configurations for Org and others::.
+   The ‘underline’ property draws a line below the affected text and
+removes whatever box effect.  This is optimal when Emacs runs inside a
+terminal emulator (*note More accurate colors in terminal emulators::).
+If ‘flat’ and ‘underline’ are defined together, the latter takes
+   The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the button
+accordingly, such as ‘light’, ‘semibold’, etc.  Valid symbols are
+defined in the variable ‘modus-themes-weights’.
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
-4.8 Option for command prompt styles
+   A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g.  ‘0.9’), adjusts the
+height of the button’s text to that many times the base font size.  The
+default height is the same as ‘1.0’, though it need not be explicitly
+stated.  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the
+form of a cons cell like ‘(height . FLOAT)’ or ‘(height FLOAT)’, where
+FLOAT is the given number.
+   The ‘all-buttons’ property extends the box button effect (or the
+aforementioned properties) to the faces of the generic widget library.
+By default, those do not look like the buttons of the Custom UI as they
+are ordinary text wrapped in square brackets.
+   Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like
+in these examples:
+     (flat)
+     (variable-pitch flat)
+     (variable-pitch flat semibold 0.9)
+     (variable-pitch flat semibold (height 0.9)) ; same as above
+     (variable-pitch flat semibold (height . 0.9)) ; same as above
+   The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
+   In user configuration files the form may look like this:
+     (setq modus-themes-box-buttons '(variable-pitch flat 0.9))
+File:,  Node: Command prompts,  Next: Mode line,  Prev: Box buttons,  Up: Customization Options
+4.9 Option for command prompt styles
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-prompts’
+Brief: Control the style of command prompts (e.g.  minibuffer, shell,
+IRC clients).
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-prompts’ (‘choice’ type, list of properties)
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -929,12 +1204,14 @@ in these examples:
      (setq modus-themes-prompts '(background gray))
-File:,  Node: Mode line,  Next: Completion UIs,  Prev: Command prompts,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Mode line,  Next: Tab style,  Prev: Command prompts,  Up: Customization Options
-4.9 Option for mode line presentation
+4.10 Option for mode line presentation
+Brief: Control the style of the mode lines.
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-mode-line’
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-mode-line’ (‘choice’ type, list of properties)
    Possible values, which can be expressed as a list of combinations of
 box effect, color, and border visibility:
@@ -944,6 +1221,10 @@ box effect, color, and border visibility:
         • ‘moody’
    • ‘accented’
    • ‘borderless’
+   • A natural number > 1 for extra padding or a cons cell in the form
+     of ‘(padding . NATNUM)’.
+   • A floating point to set the height of the mode line’s text.  It can
+     also be a cons cell in the form of ‘(height . FLOAT)’.
    The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a two-dimensional
 rectangle with a border around it.  The active and the inactive mode
@@ -969,6 +1250,27 @@ the background, effectively creating some padding.
    The ‘accented’ property ensures that the active mode line uses a
 colored background instead of the standard shade of gray.
+   A positive integer (natural number or natnum) applies a padding
+effect of NATNUM pixels at the boundaries of the mode lines.  The
+default value is 1 and does not need to be specified explicitly.  The
+padding has no effect when the ‘moody’ property is also used, because
+Moody already applies its own tweaks.  To ensure that the underline is
+placed at the bottom of the mode line, set ‘x-underline-at-descent-line’
+to non-nil (this is not needed when the ‘borderless’ property is also
+set).  For users on Emacs 29, the ‘x-use-underline-position-properties’
+variable must also be set to nil.
+   The padding can also be expressed as a cons cell in the form of
+‘(padding . NATNUM)’ or ‘(padding NATNUM)’ where the key is constant and
+NATNUM is the desired natural number.
+   A floating point applies an adjusted height to the mode line’s text
+as a multiple of the main font size.  The default rate is 1.0 and does
+not need to be specified.  Apart from a floating point, the height may
+also be expressed as a cons cell in the form of ‘(height . FLOAT)’ or
+‘(height FLOAT)’ where the key is constant and the FLOAT is the desired
    Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like
 in these examples:
@@ -976,11 +1278,18 @@ in these examples:
      (borderless 3d)
      (moody accented borderless)
+   Same as above, using the padding and height as an example (these all
+yield the same result):
+     (accented borderless 4 0.9)
+     (accented borderless (padding . 4) (height . 0.9))
+     (accented borderless (padding 4) (height 0.9))
    The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
    In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-     (setq modus-themes-prompts '(borderless accented))
+     (setq modus-themes-mode-line '(borderless accented))
    Note that Moody does not expose any faces that the themes could style
 directly.  Instead it re-purposes existing ones to render its tabs and
@@ -1003,76 +1312,159 @@ default colors (which have been carefully designed to be highly
    Furthermore, because Moody expects an underline and overline instead
-of a box style, it is advised to set ‘x-underline-at-descent-line’ to a
-non-nil value.
+of a box style, it is strongly advised to set
+‘x-underline-at-descent-line’ to a non-nil value.
+   Finally, note that various packages which heavily modify the mode
+line, such as ‘doom-modeline’, ‘nano-modeline’, ‘powerline’, ‘spaceline’
+may not look as intended with all possible combinations of this user
-File:,  Node: Completion UIs,  Next: Mail citations,  Prev: Mode line,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Tab style,  Next: Completion UIs,  Prev: Mode line,  Up: Customization Options
-4.10 Option for completion framework aesthetics
+4.11 Option for accented background in tab interfaces
+Brief: Toggle accent colors for tabbed interfaces.
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-completions’
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-tabs-accented’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
-  1. ‘nil’ (default)
-  2. ‘moderate’
-  3. ‘opinionated’
-   This is a special option that has different effects depending on the
-completion UI.  The interfaces can be grouped in two categories, based
-on their default aesthetics: (i) those that only or mostly use
-foreground colors for their interaction model, and (ii) those that
-combine background and foreground values for some of their metaphors.
-The former category encompasses Icomplete, Ido, Selectrum, Vertico, as
-well as pattern matching styles like Orderless and Flx.  The latter
-covers Helm, Ivy, and Sallet.
-   A value of ‘nil’ (the default) will simply respect the metaphors of
-each completion framework.
-   Option ‘moderate’ applies a combination of background and foreground
-that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and friends this constitutes a
-departure from their default aesthetics, however the difference is
-small.  While Helm, Ivy et al appear slightly different than their
-original looks, as they are toned down a bit.
-   Option ‘opinionated’ uses color combinations that refashion the
-completion UI.  For the Icomplete camp this means that intense
-background and foreground combinations are used: in effect their looks
-emulate those of Helm, Ivy and co.  in their original style.  Whereas
-the other group of packages will revert to an even more nuanced
-aesthetic with some additional changes to the choice of hues.
-   To appreciate the scope of this customization option, you should
-spend some time with every one of the ‘nil’ (default), ‘moderate’, and
-‘opinionated’ possibilities.
+   • ‘nil’ (default)
+   • ‘t’
+   By default, all tab interfaces use backgrounds which are shades of
+gray.  When this option is set to non-nil, the backgrounds become
+   This affects the built-in ‘tab-bar-mode’ and ‘tab-line-mode’, as well
+as the Centaur tabs package.
+File:,  Node: Completion UIs,  Next: Mail citations,  Prev: Tab style,  Up: Customization Options
+4.12 Option for completion framework aesthetics
+Brief: Set the overall style of completion framework interfaces.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-completions’ (‘alist’ type properties)
+   This affects Company, Corfu, Flx, Helm, Icomplete/Fido, Ido, Ivy,
+Orderless, Selectrum, Vertico.  The value is an alist that takes the
+form of a ‘(key . properties)’ combination.  Here is a sample, followed
+by a description of the particularities:
+     (setq modus-themes-completions
+           '((matches . (extrabold background intense))
+             (selection . (semibold accented intense))
+             (popup . (accented))))
+   The ‘matches’ key refers to the highlighted characters that
+correspond to the user’s input.  By default (nil or an empty list), they
+have a bold weight and a colored foreground.  The list of properties may
+include any of the following symbols regardless of the order they may
+appear in:
+   • ‘background’ to add a background color;
+   • ‘intense’ to increase the overall coloration (also amplifies the
+     ‘background’, if present);
+   • ‘underline’ to draw a line below the characters;
+   • ‘italic’ to use a slanted font (italic or oblique forms);
+   • The symbol of a font weight attribute such as ‘light’, ‘semibold’,
+     et cetera.  Valid symbols are defined in the ‘modus-themes-weights’
+     variable.  The absence of a weight means that bold will be used.
+   The ‘selection’ key applies to the current line or currently matched
+candidate, depending on the specifics of the User Interface.  By default
+(nil or an empty list), it has a subtle gray background, a bold weight,
+and the base foreground value for the text.  The list of properties it
+accepts is as follows (order is not significant):
+   • ‘accented’ to make the background colorful instead of gray;
+   • ‘text-also’ to apply extra color to the text of the selected line;
+   • ‘intense’ to increase the overall coloration;
+   • ‘underline’ to draw a line below the characters;
+   • ‘italic’ to use a slanted font (italic or oblique forms);
+   • The symbol of a font weight attribute such as ‘light’, ‘semibold’,
+     et cetera.  Valid symbols are defined in the ‘modus-themes-weights’
+     variable.  The absence of a weight means that bold will be used.
+   The ‘popup’ key takes the same values as ‘selection’.
+   Apart from specifying each key separately, a fallback list is
+accepted.  This is only useful when the desired aesthetic is the same
+across all keys that are not explicitly referenced.  For example, this:
+     (setq modus-themes-completions
+           '((t . (extrabold intense))))
+   Is the same as:
+     (setq modus-themes-completions
+           '((matches . (extrabold intense))
+             (selection . (extrabold intense))
+             (popup . (extrabold intense))))
+   In the case of the fallback, any property that does not apply to the
+corresponding key is simply ignored (‘matches’ does not have ‘accented’
+and ‘text-also’, while ‘selection’ and ‘popup’ do not have
+   A concise expression of those associations can be written as follows,
+where the ‘car’ is always the key and the ‘cdr’ is the list of
+properties (whatever order they may appear in):
+     (setq modus-themes-completions
+           '((matches extrabold background intense)
+             (selection semibold accented intense)
+             (popup accented)))
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
+   Also refer to the Orderless documentation for its intersection with
+Company (if you choose to use those in tandem).
 File:,  Node: Mail citations,  Next: Fringes,  Prev: Completion UIs,  Up: Customization Options
-4.11 Option for mail citations
+4.13 Option for mail citations
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-mail-citations’
+Brief: Set the overall style of citations/quotes when composing emails.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-mail-citations’ (‘choice’ type)
    Possible values:
   1. ‘nil’ (default)
-  2. ‘faint’
-  3. ‘monochrome’
+  2. ‘intense’
+  3. ‘faint’
+  4. ‘monochrome’
+   By default (a nil value) citations are styled with contrasting hues
+to denote their depth.  Colors are easy to tell apart because they
+complement each other, but they otherwise are not very prominent.
-   By default, citations in email-related buffers apply contrasting hues
-to different levels of depth in cited text.  The colors are fairly easy
-to tell apart.
+   Option ‘intense’ is similar to the default in terms of using
+contrasting and complementary hues, but applies more saturated colors.
-   A value of ‘faint’ makes all citation levels less intense, while
-retaining the default style of contrasting hues (albeit very subtle
+   Option ‘faint’ maintains the same color-based distinction between
+citation levels though the colors it uses have subtle differences
+between them.
-   Option ‘monochrome’ turns all citations in to a uniform shade of
+   Option ‘monochrome’ turns all quotes into a shade of gray.
    Whatever the value assigned to this variable, citations in emails are
 controlled by typographic elements or indentation, which the themes do
@@ -1081,10 +1473,12 @@ not touch.
 File:,  Node: Fringes,  Next: Language checkers,  Prev: Mail citations,  Up: Customization Options
-4.12 Option for fringe visibility
+4.14 Option for fringe visibility
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-fringes’
+Brief: Control the overall coloration of the fringes.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-fringes’ (‘choice’ type)
    Possible values:
@@ -1103,10 +1497,14 @@ their names imply.
 File:,  Node: Language checkers,  Next: Line highlighting,  Prev: Fringes,  Up: Customization Options
-4.13 Option for language checkers
+4.15 Option for language checkers
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-lang-checkers’
+Brief: Control the style of in-buffer warnings and errors produced by
+spell checkers, code linters, and the like.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-lang-checkers’ (‘choice’ type, list of
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -1115,7 +1513,9 @@ symbols:
    • ‘straight-underline’
    • ‘text-also’
    • ‘background’
-   • ‘intense’
+   • Overall coloration:
+        • ‘intense’
+        • ‘faint’
    The default (a ‘nil’ value or an empty list) applies a color-coded
 underline to the affected text, while it leaves the original foreground
@@ -1131,12 +1531,12 @@ the affected text.
    The property ‘background’ adds a color-coded background.
    The property ‘intense’ amplifies the applicable colors if
-‘background’ and/or ‘text-only’ are set.  If ‘intense’ is set on its
-own, then it implies ‘text-only’.
+‘background’ and/or ‘text-also’ are set.  If ‘intense’ is set on its
+own, then it implies ‘text-also’.
-   To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to
-variables ‘flymake-fringe-indicator-position’ and
-‘flycheck-indication-mode’, respectively.
+   The property ‘faint’ uses nuanced colors for the underline and for
+the foreground when ‘text-also’ is included.  If both ‘faint’ and
+‘intense’ are specified, the former takes precedence.
    Combinations of any of those properties can be expressed in a list,
 as in those examples:
@@ -1156,13 +1556,19 @@ style, is controlled by the built-in variables
 ‘underline-minimum-offset’, ‘x-underline-at-descent-line’,
+   To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to
+variables ‘flymake-fringe-indicator-position’ and
+‘flycheck-indication-mode’, respectively.
 File:,  Node: Line highlighting,  Next: Line numbers,  Prev: Language checkers,  Up: Customization Options
-4.14 Option for line highlighting (hl-line-mode)
+4.16 Option for line highlighting
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-hl-line’
+Brief: Control the style of the current line of ‘hl-line-mode’.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-hl-line’ (‘choice’ type, list of properties)
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -1203,13 +1609,18 @@ results with underlines.
    This style affects several packages that enable ‘hl-line-mode’, such
 as ‘elfeed’, ‘notmuch’, and ‘mu4e’.
+   [ Also check the ‘lin’ package on GNU ELPA (by the author of the
+modus-themes) for a stylistic enhancement to ‘hl-line-mode’.  ]
-File:,  Node: Line numbers,  Next: Matching parentheses,  Prev: Line highlighting,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Line numbers,  Next: Mouse hover effects,  Prev: Line highlighting,  Up: Customization Options
+4.17 Option for line numbers
-4.15 Option for line numbers (display-line-numbers-mode)
+Brief: Toggle subtle line numbers.
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers’
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible value:
@@ -1231,12 +1642,87 @@ with the rest of the buffer.  Foreground values for all relevant faces
 are updated to accommodate this aesthetic.
-File:,  Node: Matching parentheses,  Next: Active region,  Prev: Line numbers,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Mouse hover effects,  Next: Markup,  Prev: Line numbers,  Up: Customization Options
+4.18 Option for mouseover effects
+Brief: Toggle intense mouse hover effects.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-intense-mouseovers’ (‘boolean’ type)
+   Possible value:
+  1. ‘nil’ (default)
+  2. ‘t’
+   By default all mouseover effects apply a highlight with a subtle
+colored background.  When non-nil, these have a more pronounced effect.
+   Note that this affects the generic ‘highlight’ which, strictly
+speaking, is not limited to mouse usage.
+File:,  Node: Markup,  Next: Matching parentheses,  Prev: Mouse hover effects,  Up: Customization Options
+4.19 Option for markup style in Org and others
-4.16 Option for parenthesis matching (show-paren-mode)
+Brief: Choose style of markup in Org, Markdown, and others (affects
+constructs such as Org’s ‘=verbatim=’ and ‘~code~’).
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-paren-match’
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-markup’ (‘boolean’ type)
+   Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
+‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
+  1. ‘bold’
+  2. ‘italic’
+  3. ‘background’
+  4. ‘intense’
+   The ‘italic’ property applies a typographic slant (italics).
+   The ‘bold’ property applies a heavier typographic weight.
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
+   The ‘background’ property adds a background color.  The background is
+a shade of gray, unless the ‘intense’ property is also set.
+   The ‘intense’ property amplifies the existing coloration.  When
+‘background’ is used, the background color is enhanced as well and
+becomes tinted instead of being gray.
+   Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like
+in these examples:
+     (bold)
+     (bold italic)
+     (bold italic intense)
+     (bold italic intense background)
+   The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
+   In user configuration files the form may look like this:
+     (setq modus-themes-markup '(bold italic))
+   Also check the variables ‘org-hide-emphasis-markers’,
+File:,  Node: Matching parentheses,  Next: Active region,  Prev: Markup,  Up: Customization Options
+4.20 Option for parenthesis matching
+Brief: Control the style of matching delimiters produced by
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-paren-match’ (‘choice’ type, list of
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -1277,10 +1763,12 @@ and the ‘smartparens’ package.
 File:,  Node: Active region,  Next: Diffs,  Prev: Matching parentheses,  Up: Customization Options
-4.17 Option for active region
+4.21 Option for active region
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-region’
+Brief: Control the style of the region.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-region’ (‘choice’ type, list of properties)
    Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is
 ‘nil’ or an empty list).  The list can include any of the following
@@ -1319,21 +1807,21 @@ in these examples:
 File:,  Node: Diffs,  Next: Org mode blocks,  Prev: Active region,  Up: Customization Options
-4.18 Option for diff buffer looks
+4.22 Option for diff buffer looks
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-diffs’
+Brief: Set the overall style of diffs.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-diffs’ (‘choice’ type)
    Possible values:
   1. ‘nil’ (default)
   2. ‘desaturated’
   3. ‘bg-only’
-  4. ‘deuteranopia’
-  5. ‘fg-only-deuteranopia’
    The default (‘nil’) uses fairly intense color combinations for diffs,
-by applying prominently colored backgrounds, with appropriate
+by applying prominently colored backgrounds, with appropriately tinted
    Option ‘desaturated’ follows the same principles as with the default
@@ -1342,32 +1830,35 @@ foregrounds.
    Option ‘bg-only’ applies a background but does not override the
 text’s foreground.  This makes it suitable for a non-nil value passed to
 ‘diff-font-lock-syntax’ (note: Magit does not support syntax
-highlighting in diffs—last checked on 2021-04-21).
-   Option ‘deuteranopia’ is like the default (‘nil’) in terms of using
-prominently colored backgrounds, except that it also accounts for
-red-green color defficiency by replacing all instances of green with
-colors on the blue side of the spectrum.  Other stylistic changes are
-made in the interest of optimizing for such a use-case.
-   Option ‘fg-only-deuteranopia’ removes all colored backgrounds, except
-from word-wise or refined changes.  Instead, it only uses color-coded
-foreground values to differentiate between added, removed, and changed
-lines.  If a background is necessary to denote context, a subtle
-grayscale value is applied.  The color used for added lines is a variant
-of blue to account for red-green color defficiency but also because
-green text alone is hard to discern in the diff’s context (hard for our
-accessibility purposes).  The ‘fg-only’ option that existed in older
-versions of the themes is now an alias of ‘fg-only-deuteranopia’, in the
-interest of backward compatibility.
+highlighting in diffs—last checked on 2021-12-02).
+   When the user option ‘modus-themes-deuteranopia’ is non-nil, all
+diffs will use a red/blue color-coding system instead of the standard
+red/green.  Other stylistic changes are made in the interest of
+optimizing for such a use-case.
+   *note Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia:
+Deuteranopia style.
+   In versions before ‘2.0.0’ there was an option for foreground-only
+diffs.  This is no longer supported at the theme level because there are
+cases where the perceived contrast and overall contextuality were not
+good enough although the applied colors were technically above the 7:1
+contrast threshold.
+   *note Diffs with only the foreground::.
+   *note Ediff without diff color-coding::.
 File:,  Node: Org mode blocks,  Next: Org agenda,  Prev: Diffs,  Up: Customization Options
-4.19 Option for org-mode block styles
+4.23 Option for org-mode block styles
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-org-blocks’
+Brief: Set the overall style of Org code blocks, quotes, and the like.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-org-blocks’ (‘choice’ type)
    Possible values:
@@ -1377,28 +1868,34 @@ Symbol: ‘modus-themes-org-blocks’
   3. ‘tinted-background’ (value ‘rainbow’ exists for backward
-   The default means that the block has no distinct background of its
-own and uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.
+   Nil (the default) means that the block has no background of its own:
+it uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.  In this case,
+the delimiter lines have a gray color for their text, making them look
+exactly like all other Org properties.
    Option ‘gray-background’ applies a subtle gray background to the
-block’s contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the block:
-their background extends to the edge of the window for Emacs version >=
-27 where the ‘:extend’ keyword is recognized by ‘set-face-attribute’
-(this is contingent on the variable
+block’s contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the block
+as they get another shade of gray as their background, which
+differentiates them from the contents of the block.  All background
+colors extend to the edge of the window, giving the area a rectangular,
+“blocky” presentation.
    Option ‘tinted-background’ uses a slightly colored background for the
 contents of the block.  The exact color will depend on the programming
 language and is controlled by the variable ‘org-src-block-faces’ (refer
 to the theme’s source code for the current association list).  For this
-to take effect, Org must be restarted with ‘M-x org-mode-restart’.
+to take effect, the Org buffer needs to be restarted with
+‘org-mode-restart’.  In this scenario, it may be better to inhibit the
+extension of the delimiter lines’ background to the edge of the window
+because Org does not provide a mechanism to update their colors
+depending on the contents of the block.  Disable the extension of such
+backgrounds by setting ‘org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line’ to nil.
    Code blocks use their major mode’s colors only when the variable
 ‘org-src-fontify-natively’ is non-nil.  While quote/verse blocks require
 setting ‘org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks’ to a non-nil value.
-   *note Update Org block delimiter fontification: Update Org block
-delimiter fontification (DIY).
+   *note Update Org block delimiter fontification::.
    Older versions of the themes provided options ‘grayscale’ (or
 ‘greyscale’) and ‘rainbow’.  Those will continue to work as they are
@@ -1407,18 +1904,22 @@ aliases for ‘gray-background’ and ‘tinted-background’, respectively.
 File:,  Node: Org agenda,  Next: Heading styles,  Prev: Org mode blocks,  Up: Customization Options
-4.20 Option for Org agenda constructs
+4.24 Option for Org agenda constructs
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-org-agenda’
+Brief: Control the style of the Org agenda.  Multiple parameters are
+available, each with its own options.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-org-agenda’ (‘alist’ type, multiple styles)
    This is an alist that accepts a ‘(key . value)’ combination.  Some
 values are specified as a list.  Here is a sample, followed by a
 description of all possible combinations:
      (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
-           '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
-             (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+           '((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
+             (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.2))
+             (event . (accented italic varied))
              (scheduled . uniform)
              (habit . traffic-light)))
@@ -1430,20 +1931,37 @@ values come in the form of a list that can include either or both of
 those properties:
    • ‘variable-pitch’ to use a proportionately spaced typeface;
-   • ‘scale-title’ to increase the size to the number assigned to
-     ‘modus-themes-scale-title’ (*note Control the scale of headings:
-     Scaled heading sizes.) or ‘no-scale’ to make the font use the same
-     height as the rest of the buffer.
-   In case both ‘scale-title’ and ‘no-scale’ are in the list, the latter
-takes precedence.
+   • A number as a floating point (e.g.  1.5) to set the height of the
+     text to that many times the default font height.  A float of 1.0 or
+     the symbol ‘no-scale’ have the same effect of making the font the
+     same height as the rest of the buffer.  When neither a number nor
+     ‘no-scale’ are present, the default is a small increase in height
+     (a value of 1.15).
+     Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the form
+     of a cons cell like ‘(height . FLOAT)’ or ‘(height FLOAT)’, where
+     FLOAT is the given number.
+   • The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the heading
+     accordingly, such as ‘light’, ‘semibold’, etc.  Valid symbols are
+     defined in the variable ‘modus-themes-weights’.  The absence of a
+     weight means that bold will be used by virtue of inheriting the
+     ‘bold’ face.
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
+   In case both a number and ‘no-scale’ are in the list, the latter
+takes precedence.  If two numbers are specified, the first one is
    Example usage:
      (header-block . nil)
-     (header-block . (scale-title))
+     (header-block . (1.5))
      (header-block . (no-scale))
-     (header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
+     (header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
+     (header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5 semibold))
    A ‘header-date’ key covers date headings.  Dates use only a
 foreground color by default (a ‘nil’ value), with weekdays and weekends
@@ -1453,11 +1971,24 @@ of the following properties:
    • ‘grayscale’ to make weekdays use the main foreground color and
      weekends a more subtle gray;
    • ‘workaholic’ to make weekdays and weekends look the same in terms
      of color;
    • ‘bold-today’ to apply a bold typographic weight to the current
-   • ‘bold-all’ to render all date headings in a bold weight.
+   • ‘bold-all’ to render all date headings in a bold weight;
+   • ‘underline-today’ applies an underline to the current date while
+     removing the background it has by default;
+   • A number as a floating point (e.g.  1.2) to set the height of the
+     text to that many times the default font height.  The default is
+     the same as the base font height (the equivalent of 1.0).  Instead
+     of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the form of a
+     cons cell like ‘(height . FLOAT)’ or ‘(height FLOAT)’, where FLOAT
+     is the given number.
    For example:
@@ -1466,6 +1997,37 @@ of the following properties:
      (header-date . (grayscale bold-all))
      (header-date . (grayscale workaholic))
      (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+     (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today scale-heading))
+   An ‘event’ key covers (i) headings with a plain time stamp that are
+shown on the agenda, also known as events, (ii) entries imported from
+the diary, and (iii) other items that derive from a symbolic expression
+or sexp (phases of the moon, holidays, etc.).  By default all those look
+the same and have a subtle foreground color (the default is a nil value
+or an empty list).  This key accepts a list of properties.  Those are:
+   • ‘accented’ applies an accent value to the event’s foreground,
+     replacing the original gray.  It makes all entries stand out more.
+   • ‘italic’ adds a slant to the font’s forms (italic or oblique forms,
+     depending on the typeface).
+   • ‘varied’ differentiates between events with a plain time stamp and
+     entries that are generated from either the diary or a symbolic
+     expression.  It generally puts more emphasis on events.  When
+     ‘varied’ is combined with ‘accented’, it makes only events use an
+     accent color, while diary/sexp entries retain their original subtle
+     foreground.  When ‘varied’ is used in tandem with ‘italic’, it
+     applies a slant only to diary and sexp entries, not events.  And
+     when ‘varied’ is the sole property passed to the ‘event’ key, it
+     has the same meaning as the list (italic varied).  The combination
+     of ‘varied’, ‘accented’, ‘italic’ covers all of the aforementioned
+     cases.
+   For example:
+     (event . nil)
+     (event . (italic))
+     (event . (accented italic))
+     (event . (accented italic varied))
    A ‘scheduled’ key applies to tasks with a scheduled date.  By default
 (a ‘nil’ value), those use varying shades of yellow to denote (i) a past
@@ -1508,9 +2070,13 @@ are passed as a symbol.  Those are:
      ready and clear states is attenuated by painting both of them using
      shades of green.  This option thus highlights the alert and overdue
-   • ‘traffic-light-deuteranopia’ is like the ‘traffic-light’ except its
-     three colors are red, yellow, and blue to be suitable for users
-     with red-green color deficiency (deuteranopia).
+   • When ‘modus-themes-deuteranopia’ is non-nil the exact style of the
+     habit graph adapts to the needs of users with red-green color
+     deficiency by substituting every instance of green with blue or
+     cyan (depending on the specifics).
+   *note Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia:
+Deuteranopia style.
    For example:
@@ -1520,35 +2086,46 @@ are passed as a symbol.  Those are:
    Putting it all together, the alist can look like this:
-     '((header-block . (scale-title variable-pitch))
+     '((header-block . (1.5 variable-pitch))
        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+       (event . (accented varied))
        (scheduled . uniform)
        (habit . traffic-light))
      ;; Or else:
      (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
-           '((header-block . (scale-title variable-pitch))
+           '((header-block . (1.5 variable-pitch))
              (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+             (event . (accented varied))
              (scheduled . uniform)
              (habit . traffic-light)))
-File:,  Node: Heading styles,  Next: Scaled headings,  Prev: Org agenda,  Up: Customization Options
+File:,  Node: Heading styles,  Next: UI typeface,  Prev: Org agenda,  Up: Customization Options
-4.21 Option for the headings’ overall style
+4.25 Option for the headings’ overall style
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-headings’
+Brief: Heading styles with optional list of values for levels 0-8.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-headings’ (‘alist’ type, multiple properties)
    This is an alist that accepts a ‘(key . list-of-values)’ combination.
-The key is either a number, representing the heading’s level or ‘t’,
-which pertains to the fallback style.  The list of values covers symbols
-that refer to properties, as described below.  Here is a sample,
-followed by a presentation of all available properties:
+The key is either a number, representing the heading’s level (0-8) or t,
+which pertains to the fallback style.
+   Level 0 is a special heading: it is used for what counts as a
+document title or equivalent, such as the ‘#+title’ construct we find in
+Org files.  Levels 1-8 are regular headings.
+   The list of values covers symbols that refer to properties, as
+described below.  Here is a complete sample, followed by a presentation
+of all available properties:
      (setq modus-themes-headings
-           '((1 . (background overline))
-             (2 . (overline rainbow))
+           '((1 . (background overline variable-pitch 1.5))
+             (2 . (overline rainbow 1.3))
+             (3 . (overline 1.1))
              (t . (monochrome))))
@@ -1556,8 +2133,23 @@ followed by a presentation of all available properties:
    • ‘rainbow’
    • ‘overline’
    • ‘background’
-   • ‘no-bold’
    • ‘monochrome’
+   • A font weight, which must be supported by the underlying typeface:
+        • ‘thin’
+        • ‘ultralight’
+        • ‘extralight’
+        • ‘light’
+        • ‘semilight’
+        • ‘regular’
+        • ‘medium’
+        • ‘semibold’
+        • ‘bold’
+        • ‘heavy’
+        • ‘extrabold’
+        • ‘ultrabold’
+   • ‘no-bold’ (deprecated alias of a ‘regular’ weight)
+   • A floating point as a height multiple of the default or a cons cell
+     in the form of ‘(height . FLOAT)’.
    By default (a ‘nil’ value for this variable), all headings have a
 bold typographic weight and use a desaturated text color.
@@ -1569,28 +2161,48 @@ bold typographic weight and use a desaturated text color.
    A ‘background’ property adds a subtle tinted color to the background
 of the heading.
-   A ‘no-bold’ property removes the bold weight from the heading’s text.
+   A ‘monochrome’ property makes the heading the same as the base color,
+which is that of the ‘default’ face’s foreground.  When ‘background’ is
+also set, ‘monochrome’ changes its color to gray.  If both ‘monochrome’
+and ‘rainbow’ are set, the former takes precedence.
+   A ‘variable-pitch’ property changes the font family of the heading to
+that of the ‘variable-pitch’ face (normally a proportionately spaced
+   The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the heading
+accordingly, such as ‘light’, ‘semibold’, etc.  Valid symbols are
+defined in the variable ‘modus-themes-weights’.  The absence of a weight
+means that bold will be used by virtue of inheriting the ‘bold’ face.
+For backward compatibility, the ‘no-bold’ value is accepted, though
+users are encouraged to specify a ‘regular’ weight instead.
-   A ‘monochrome’ property makes all headings the same base color, which
-is that of the default for the active theme (black/white).  When
-‘background’ is also set, ‘monochrome’ changes its color to gray.  If
-both ‘monochrome’ and ‘rainbow’ are set, the former takes precedence.
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
+   A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g.  1.5), adjusts the
+height of the heading to that many times the base font size.  The
+default height is the same as 1.0, though it need not be explicitly
+stated.  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the
+form of a cons cell like ‘(height . FLOAT)’ or ‘(height FLOAT)’, where
+FLOAT is the given number.
    Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like
 in these examples:
-     (no-bold)
+     (semibold)
      (rainbow background)
-     (overline monochrome no-bold)
+     (overline monochrome semibold 1.3)
+     (overline monochrome semibold (height 1.3)) ; same as above
+     (overline monochrome semibold (height . 1.3)) ; same as above
    The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
    In user configuration files the form may look like this:
      (setq modus-themes-headings
-           '((1 . (background overline rainbow))
-             (2 . (background overline))
-             (t . (overline no-bold))))
+           '((1 . (background overline rainbow 1.5))
+             (2 . (background overline 1.3))
+             (t . (overline semibold))))
    When defining the styles per heading level, it is possible to pass a
 non-nil value (‘t’) instead of a list of properties.  This will retain
@@ -1603,7 +2215,7 @@ the original aesthetic for that level.  For example:
      (setq modus-themes-headings
            '((1 . (background overline))
-             (2 . (rainbow no-bold))
+             (2 . (rainbow semibold))
              (t . t))) ; default style for all other levels
    For Org users, the extent of the heading depends on the variable
@@ -1611,104 +2223,16 @@ the original aesthetic for that level.  For example:
 ‘background’ properties.  Depending on the version of Org, there may be
 others, such as ‘org-fontify-done-headline’.
-   *note Option for scaled headings: Scaled headings.
-   *note Option for variable-pitch font in headings: Headings' typeface.
-File:,  Node: Scaled headings,  Next: UI typeface,  Prev: Heading styles,  Up: Customization Options
-4.22 Option for scaled headings
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-scale-headings’
-   Possible values:
-  1. ‘nil’ (default)
-  2. ‘t’
-   The default is to use the same size for headings and paragraph text.
-   With a non-nil value (‘t’) make headings larger in height relative to
-the main text.  This is noticeable in modes like Org, Markdown, and
-* Menu:
-* Scaled heading sizes::         Specify rate of increase for scaled headings
-File:,  Node: Scaled heading sizes,  Up: Scaled headings
-4.22.1 Control the scale of headings
-In addition to the toggle for enabling scaled headings, users can also
-specify a number of their own.
-   • If it is a floating point, say, ‘1.5’, it is interpreted as a
-     multiple of the base font size.  This is the recommended method,
-     because it will always adapt to changes in the base font size, such
-     as while using the ‘text-scale-adjust’ command.
-   • If it is an integer, it is read as an absolute font height that is
-     1/10 of the typographic point size.  Thus a value of ‘18pt’ must be
-     expressed as ‘180’.  Setting an absolute value is discouraged, as
-     it will break the layout in cases where the base font size must
-     change, such as with the ‘text-scale-adjust’ command (*note Font
-     configurations: Font configurations for Org and others (DIY).).
-     While we discourage using absolute values, we still provide for
-     this option for users who do not need to perform text-scaling
-     operations or who are content with whatever discrepancies in
-     height.
-   Below are the variables in their default values, using the floating
-point paradigm.  The numbers are very conservative, but one is free to
-change them to their liking, such as ‘1.2’, ‘1.4’, ‘1.6’, ‘1.8’,
-‘2.0’—or use a resource for finding a consistent scale:
-     (setq modus-themes-scale-1 1.05
-           modus-themes-scale-2 1.1
-           modus-themes-scale-3 1.15
-           modus-themes-scale-4 1.2
-           modus-themes-scale-title 1.3)
-   As for the application of that scale, the variables that range from
-‘modus-themes-scale-1’ up to ‘modus-themes-scale-4’ apply to regular
-headings within the context of the given major mode.  The former is the
-smallest, while the latter is the largest.  “Regular headings” are those
-that have a standard syntax for their scale, such as Org mode’s eight
-levels of asterisks or Markdown’s six columns.
-   Whereas ‘modus-themes-scale-title’ is applied to special headings
-that do not conform with the aforementioned syntax, yet which are
-expected to be larger than the largest value on that implied scale or at
-least have some unique purpose in the buffer.  Put concretely, Org’s
-‘#+title’ meta datum is not part of the eight levels of headings in an
-Org file, yet is supposed to signify the primary header.  Similarly, the
-Org Agenda’s structure headings are not part of a recognisable scale and
-so they also get ‘modus-themes-scale-title’ (*note Option for Org agenda
-constructs: Org agenda.).
-   Users who wish to maintain scaled headings for the normal syntax
-while preventing special headings from standing out, can assign a value
-of ‘1.0’ to ‘modus-themes-scale-title’ to make it the same as body text
-(or whatever value would render it indistinguishable from the desired
-point of reference).
-   Note that in earlier versions of Org, scaling would only increase the
-size of the heading, but not of keywords that were added to it, like
-“TODO”.  The issue has been fixed upstream:
+File:,  Node: UI typeface,  Prev: Heading styles,  Up: Customization Options
-File:,  Node: UI typeface,  Next: Headings' typeface,  Prev: Scaled headings,  Up: Customization Options
-4.23 Option for variable-pitch font in UI elements
+4.26 Option for variable-pitch font in UI elements
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui’
+Brief: Toggle the use of proportionately spaced (‘variable-pitch’) fonts
+in the User Interface.
+   Symbol: ‘modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui’ (‘boolean’ type)
    Possible values:
@@ -1726,36 +2250,13 @@ usually is a monospaced family.
 This is done by assigning the ‘variable-pitch’ face to the relevant
-   *note Font configurations for Org and others: Font configurations for
-Org and others (DIY).
-File:,  Node: Headings' typeface,  Prev: UI typeface,  Up: Customization Options
-4.24 Option for variable-pitch font in headings
-Symbol: ‘modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings’
-   Possible values:
-  1. ‘nil’ (default)
-  2. ‘t’
-   The default is to use the main font family, which typically is
-   With a non-nil value (‘t’) apply a proportionately spaced typeface,
-else “variable-pitch”, to headings (such as in Org mode).
-   *note Font configurations for Org and others: Font configurations for
-Org and others (DIY).
+   *note Font configurations for Org and others::.
-File:,  Node: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself),  Next: Face coverage,  Prev: Customization Options,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Advanced customization,  Next: Face coverage,  Prev: Customization Options,  Up: Top
-5 Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+5 Advanced customization
 Unlike the predefined customization options which follow a clear pattern
 of allowing the user to quickly specify their preference, the themes
@@ -1765,32 +2266,163 @@ things with precision (*note Customization Options::).
    This section is of interest only to users who are prepared to
 maintain their own local tweaks and who are willing to deal with any
 possible incompatibilities between versioned releases of the themes.  As
-such, they are labelled as “do-it-yourself” or “DIY”.
+such, they are labeled as “do-it-yourself” or “DIY”.
 * Menu:
-* Per-theme customization settings (DIY)::
-* Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY)::
-* Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY)::
-* Remap face with local value (DIY)::
-* Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY)::
-* Override colors (DIY)::
-* Override color saturation (DIY)::
-* Font configurations for Org and others (DIY)::
-* Configure bold and italic faces (DIY)::
-* Custom Org user faces (DIY)::
-* Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY)::
-* Measure color contrast (DIY)::
-* Load theme depending on time of day (DIY)::
-* Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY)::
-* A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY)::
+* More accurate colors in terminal emulators::
+* Range of color with terminal emulators::
+* Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::
+* Per-theme customization settings::
+* Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette::
+* Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::
+* Remap face with local value::
+* Cycle through arbitrary colors::
+* Override colors::
+* Override color saturation::
+* Override colors through blending::
+* Override colors completely::
+* Font configurations for Org and others::
+* Configure bold and italic faces::
+* Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces::
+* Custom Org emphasis faces::
+* Update Org block delimiter fontification::
+* Measure color contrast::
+* Load theme depending on time of day::
+* Backdrop for pdf-tools::
+* Decrease mode line height::
+* Toggle themes without reloading them::
+* A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading::
+* Diffs with only the foreground::
+* Ediff without diff color-coding::
+* Near-monochrome syntax highlighting::
+* Custom hl-todo colors::
+* Add support for solaire-mode::
-File:,  Node: Per-theme customization settings (DIY),  Next: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: More accurate colors in terminal emulators,  Next: Range of color with terminal emulators,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.1 More accurate colors in terminal emulators
+[ This is based on partial information.  Please help verify and/or
+expand these findings.  ]
+   The graphical version of Emacs can reproduce color values accurately.
+Whereas things get more tricky when Emacs is used in a terminal
+emulator, because the terminals’ own capabilities determine the number
+of colors that may be displayed: the Modus themes don’t look as good in
+that case.
+   There is, however, a way to instruct supported terminal emulators to
+use more accurate colors.  In a shell prompt type ‘toe -a | grep direct’
+to get a list of relevant terminfo entries.  There should be items such
+as ‘xterm-direct’, ‘alacritty-direct’, ‘kitty-direct’.  Once you find
+the one that corresponds to your terminal, call Emacs with an
+environment variable like ‘TERM=xterm-direct’.  Example that can be
+adapted to shell aliases:
+     TERM=xterm-direct emacsclient -nw
-5.1 Per-theme customization settings (DIY)
+   Another example that can be bound to a key:
+     TERM=xterm-direct uxterm -e emacsclient -nw
+File:,  Node: Range of color with terminal emulators,  Next: Visualize the active Modus theme's palette,  Prev: More accurate colors in terminal emulators,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.2 Range of color with terminal emulators
+[ This is based on partial information.  Please help verify and/or
+expand these findings.  ]
+   When Emacs runs in a non-windowed session its color reproduction
+capacity is framed or determined by the underlying terminal emulator
+(*note More accurate colors in terminal emulators::).  Emacs cannot
+produce a color that lies outside the range of what the terminal’s color
+palette renders possible.
+   This is immediately noticeable when the terminal’s first 16 codes do
+not include a pure black value for the ‘termcol0’ entry and a pure white
+for ‘termcol15’.  Emacs cannot set the correct background (white for
+‘modus-operandi’; black for ‘modus-vivendi’) or foreground (inverse of
+the background).  It thus falls back to the closest approximation, which
+seldom is appropriate for the purposes of the Modus themes.
+   In such a case, the user is expected to update their terminal’s color
+palette such as by adapting these resources:
+     ! Theme: modus-operandi
+     ! Description: XTerm port of modus-operandi (Modus themes for GNU Emacs)
+     ! Author: Protesilaos Stavrou, <>
+     xterm*background: #ffffff
+     xterm*foreground: #000000
+     xterm*color0:     #000000
+     xterm*color1:     #a60000
+     xterm*color2:     #005e00
+     xterm*color3:     #813e00
+     xterm*color4:     #0031a9
+     xterm*color5:     #721045
+     xterm*color6:     #00538b
+     xterm*color7:     #bfbfbf
+     xterm*color8:     #595959
+     xterm*color9:     #972500
+     xterm*color10:    #315b00
+     xterm*color11:    #70480f
+     xterm*color12:    #2544bb
+     xterm*color13:    #5317ac
+     xterm*color14:    #005a5f
+     xterm*color15:    #ffffff
+     ! Theme: modus-vivendi
+     ! Description: XTerm port of modus-vivendi (Modus themes for GNU Emacs)
+     ! Author: Protesilaos Stavrou, <>
+     xterm*background: #000000
+     xterm*foreground: #ffffff
+     xterm*color0:     #000000
+     xterm*color1:     #ff8059
+     xterm*color2:     #44bc44
+     xterm*color3:     #d0bc00
+     xterm*color4:     #2fafff
+     xterm*color5:     #feacd0
+     xterm*color6:     #00d3d0
+     xterm*color7:     #bfbfbf
+     xterm*color8:     #595959
+     xterm*color9:     #ef8b50
+     xterm*color10:    #70b900
+     xterm*color11:    #c0c530
+     xterm*color12:    #79a8ff
+     xterm*color13:    #b6a0ff
+     xterm*color14:    #6ae4b9
+     xterm*color15:    #ffffff
+File:,  Node: Visualize the active Modus theme's palette,  Next: Per-theme customization settings,  Prev: Range of color with terminal emulators,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.3 Visualize the active Modus theme’s palette
+The command ‘modus-themes-list-colors’ prompts for a choice between
+‘modus-operandi’ and ‘modus-vivendi’ to produce a help buffer that shows
+a preview of each variable in the given theme’s color palette.  The
+command ‘modus-themes-list-colors-current’ skips the prompt, using the
+current Modus theme.
+   Each row shows a foreground and background coloration using the
+underlying value it references.  For example a line with ‘#a60000’ (a
+shade of red) will show red text followed by a stripe with that same
+color as a backdrop.
+   The name of the buffer describes the given Modus theme.  It is thus
+called ‘*modus-operandi-list-colors*’ or ‘*modus-vivendi-list-colors*’.
+File:,  Node: Per-theme customization settings,  Next: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette,  Prev: Visualize the active Modus theme's palette,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.4 Per-theme customization settings
 If you prefer to maintain different customization options between the
 two themes, it is best you write your own functions that first set those
 options and then load the relevant theme.  The following code does
@@ -1820,14 +2452,14 @@ equivalent the themes provide.
 of ‘modus-themes-toggle’ and relevant functions.
-File:,  Node: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY),  Next: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY),  Prev: Per-theme customization settings (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette,  Next: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette,  Prev: Per-theme customization settings,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.2 Case-by-case face specs using the themes’ palette (DIY)
+5.5 Case-by-case face specs using the themes’ palette
 This section is about tweaking individual faces.  If you plan to do
 things at scale, consult the next section: *note Set multiple faces:
-Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+Face specs at scale using the themes' palette.
    We already covered in previous sections how to toggle between the
 themes and how to configure options prior to loading.  We also explained
@@ -1855,7 +2487,11 @@ theme.
        (modus-themes-color 'blue))           ; "#2fafff" for `modus-vivendi'
    Do ‘C-h v’ on the aforementioned variables to check all the available
-symbols that can be passed to this function.
+symbols that can be passed to this function.  Or simply invoke the
+command ‘modus-themes-list-colors’ to produce a buffer with a preview of
+each entry in the palette.
+   *note Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::.
    With that granted, let us expand the example to actually change the
 ‘cursor’ face’s background property.  We employ the built-in function of
@@ -1880,8 +2516,7 @@ that tweaks two faces and then gets added to the hook:
      (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
-   *note A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading: A theme-agnostic hook
-for theme loading (DIY).
+   *note A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading::.
    Using this principle, it is possible to override the styles of faces
 without having to find color values for each case.
@@ -1913,21 +2548,23 @@ first for ‘modus-operandi’ then ‘modus-vivendi’.
      (set-face-attribute 'cursor nil :background (modus-themes-color-alts 'blue 'red))
-File:,  Node: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY),  Next: Remap face with local value (DIY),  Prev: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette,  Next: Remap face with local value,  Prev: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.3 Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette (DIY)
+5.6 Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette
 The examples here are for large scale operations.  For simple, one-off
 tweaks, you may prefer the approach documented in the previous section
-(*note Case-by-case face specs using the themes’ palette: Case-by-case
-face specs using the themes' palette (DIY).).
+(*note Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette::).
    The ‘modus-themes-with-colors’ macro lets you retrieve multiple color
 values by employing the backquote/backtick and comma notation.  The
 values are stored in the alists ‘modus-themes-operandi-colors’ and
 ‘modus-themes-vivendi-colors’, while the macro always queries that of
-the active Modus theme.
+the active Modus theme (preview the current palette with the command
+   *note Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::.
    Here is an abstract example that just returns a list of color values
 while ‘modus-operandi’ is enabled:
@@ -1997,8 +2634,7 @@ function and then assign that function to the hook.  Thus:
      (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
-   *note A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading: A theme-agnostic hook
-for theme loading (DIY).
+   *note A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading::.
    To discover the faces defined by all loaded libraries, you may do
 ‘M-x list-faces-display’.  Be warned that when you ‘:inherit’ a face you
@@ -2022,10 +2658,10 @@ the previous section.  Adapt the above example like this:
-File:,  Node: Remap face with local value (DIY),  Next: Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY),  Prev: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Remap face with local value,  Next: Cycle through arbitrary colors,  Prev: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.4 Remap face with local value (DIY)
+5.7 Remap face with local value
 There are cases where we need to change the buffer-local attributes of a
 face.  This might be because we have our own minor mode that re-uses a
@@ -2035,8 +2671,7 @@ buffers.  This is where ‘face-remap-add-relative’ can be applied and may
 be combined with ‘modus-themes-with-colors’ to deliver consistent
-   *note Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette: Face specs at
-scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
    In this example we will write a simple interactive function that
 adjusts the background color of the ‘region’ face.  This is the sample
@@ -2078,15 +2713,15 @@ this example:
    Whenever we enter a ‘diff-mode’ buffer, we now get a magenta-colored
-   Perhaps you may wish to generalise those findings in to a set of
+   Perhaps you may wish to generalize those findings in to a set of
 functions that also accept an arbitrary face.  We shall leave the
 experimentation up to you.
-File:,  Node: Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY),  Next: Override colors (DIY),  Prev: Remap face with local value (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Cycle through arbitrary colors,  Next: Override colors,  Prev: Remap face with local value,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.5 Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY)
+5.8 Cycle through arbitrary colors
 Users may opt to customize individual faces of the themes to accommodate
 their particular needs.  One such case is with the color intensity of
@@ -2097,14 +2732,13 @@ contrast on an on-demand basis.
    One way to achieve this is to design a command that cycles through
 three distinct levels of intensity, though the following can be adapted
-to any kind of cyclic behaviour, such as to switch between red, green,
+to any kind of cyclic behavior, such as to switch between red, green,
 and blue.
    In the following example, we employ the ‘modus-themes-color’ function
 which reads a symbol that represents an entry in the active theme’s
-color palette (*note Case-by-case face specs using the themes’ palette:
-Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY).). Those are
-stored in ‘my-modus-themes-comment-colors’.
+color palette (*note Case-by-case face specs using the themes'
+palette::).  Those are stored in ‘my-modus-themes-comment-colors’.
      (defvar my-modus-themes-comment-colors
        ;; We are abusing the palette here, as those colors have their own
@@ -2205,8 +2839,8 @@ active Modus theme):
    The effect of the above configurations on ‘font-lock-comment-face’ is
 global.  To make it buffer-local, one must tweak the code to employ the
-function ‘face-remap-add-relative’ (*note Remap face with local value:
-Remap face with local value (DIY).).
+function ‘face-remap-add-relative’ (*note Remap face with local
    So this form in ‘my-modus-themes--comment-foreground’:
@@ -2241,19 +2875,21 @@ Remap face with local value (DIY).).
-File:,  Node: Override colors (DIY),  Next: Override color saturation (DIY),  Prev: Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Override colors,  Next: Override color saturation,  Prev: Cycle through arbitrary colors,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.6 Override colors (DIY)
+5.9 Override colors
 The themes provide a mechanism for overriding their color values.  This
 is controlled by the variables ‘modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides’
 and ‘modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides’, which are alists that should
 mirror a subset of the associations in ‘modus-themes-operandi-colors’
 and ‘modus-themes-vivendi-colors’ respectively.  As with all
-customisations, overriding must be done before loading the affected
+customizations, overriding must be done before loading the affected
+   *note Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::.
    Let us approach the present topic one step at a time.  Here is a
 simplified excerpt of the default palette for Modus Operandi with some
 basic background values that apply to buffers and the mode line
@@ -2305,10 +2941,8 @@ both themes and expands to some more assosiations in the palette:
                    (bg-inactive . "#f6ece5")
                    (bg-region . "#c6bab1")
                    (bg-header . "#ede3e0")
-                   (bg-tab-bar . "#dcd3d3")
                    (bg-tab-active . "#fdf6eb")
-                   (bg-tab-inactive . "#c8bab8")
-                   (fg-unfocused . "#55556f"))
+                   (bg-tab-inactive . "#c8bab8"))
                  '((bg-main . "#100b17")
                    (bg-dim . "#161129")
@@ -2318,25 +2952,41 @@ both themes and expands to some more assosiations in the palette:
                    (bg-inactive . "#1a1e39")
                    (bg-region . "#393a53")
                    (bg-header . "#202037")
-                   (bg-tab-bar . "#262b41")
                    (bg-tab-active . "#120f18")
-                   (bg-tab-inactive . "#3a3a5a")
-                   (fg-unfocused . "#9a9aab")))
+                   (bg-tab-inactive . "#3a3a5a")))
          (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
                modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))
-   With this in place, one can invoke ‘M-x my-modus-themes-tinted’ and
+   A more neutral style for ‘modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides’ can
+look like this:
+     '((bg-main . "#f7f7f7")
+       (bg-dim . "#f2f2f2")
+       (bg-alt . "#e8e8e8")
+       (bg-hl-line . "#eaeaef")
+       (bg-active . "#e0e0e0")
+       (bg-inactive . "#e6e6e6")
+       (bg-region . "#b5b5b5")
+       (bg-header . "#e4e4e4")
+       (bg-tab-active . "#f5f5f5")
+       (bg-tab-inactive . "#c0c0c0"))
+   With those in place, one can use ‘M-x my-modus-themes-tinted’ and
 then load the Modus theme of their choice.  The new palette subset will
-come into effect: subtle ochre tints for Modus Operandi and night sky
-shades for Modus Vivendi.  Switching between the two themes, such as
-with ‘M-x modus-themes-toggle’ will also use the overrides.
+come into effect: subtle ochre tints (or shades of gray) for Modus
+Operandi and night sky blue shades for Modus Vivendi.  Switching between
+the two themes, such as with ‘M-x modus-themes-toggle’ will also use the
-   Given that this is a user-level customisation, one is free to
+   Given that this is a user-level customization, one is free to
 implement whatever color values they desire, even if the possible
 combinations fall below the minimum 7:1 contrast ratio that governs the
 design of the themes (the WCAG AAA legibility standard).  Alternatively,
-this can also be done programmatically (*note Override color saturation:
-Override color saturation (DIY).).
+this can also be done programmatically (*note Override color
+   The above are expanded into a fully fledged derivative elsewhere in
+this document (*note Override colors completely::).
    For manual interventions it is advised to inspect the source code of
 ‘modus-themes-operandi-colors’ and ‘modus-themes-vivendi-colors’ for the
@@ -2345,23 +2995,23 @@ subset is.
    Furthermore, users may benefit from the ‘modus-themes-contrast’
 function that we provide: *note test color combinations: Measure color
-contrast (DIY). It measures the contrast ratio between two color values,
-so it can help in overriding the palette (or a subset thereof) without
+contrast.  It measures the contrast ratio between two color values, so
+it can help in overriding the palette (or a subset thereof) without
 making the end result inaccessible.
-File:,  Node: Override color saturation (DIY),  Next: Font configurations for Org and others (DIY),  Prev: Override colors (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Override color saturation,  Next: Override colors through blending,  Prev: Override colors,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.7 Override color saturation (DIY)
+5.10 Override color saturation
 In the previous section we documented how one can override color values
-manually (*note Override colors: Override colors (DIY).). Here we use a
-programmatic approach which leverages the built-in ‘color-saturate-name’
-function to adjust the saturation of all color values used by the active
-Modus theme.  Our goal is to prepare a counterpart of the active theme’s
-palette that holds modified color values, adjusted for a percent change
-in saturation.  A positive number amplifies the effect, while a negative
+manually (*note Override colors::).  Here we use a programmatic approach
+which leverages the built-in ‘color-saturate-name’ function to adjust
+the saturation of all color values used by the active Modus theme.  Our
+goal is to prepare a counterpart of the active theme’s palette that
+holds modified color values, adjusted for a percent change in
+saturation.  A positive number amplifies the effect, while a negative
 one will move towards a grayscale spectrum.
    We start with a function that can be either called from Lisp or
@@ -2464,22 +3114,363 @@ inspiration from the ‘modus-themes-toggle’ we already provide:
          ('modus-vivendi (modus-themes-load-vivendi))))
-File:,  Node: Font configurations for Org and others (DIY),  Next: Configure bold and italic faces (DIY),  Prev: Override color saturation (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Override colors through blending,  Next: Override colors completely,  Prev: Override color saturation,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.8 Font configurations for Org and others (DIY)
+5.11 Override colors through blending
+This is yet another method of overriding color values.
+   *note Override colors::.
+   *note Override color saturation::.
+   Building on ideas and concepts from the previous sections, this
+method blends the entire palette at once with the chosen colors.  The
+function ‘my-modus-themes-interpolate’ blends two colors, taking a value
+from the themes and mixing it with a user-defined color to arrive at a
+midpoint.  This scales to all background and foreground colors with the
+help of the ‘my-modus-themes-tint-palette’ function.
+     (setq my-modus-operandi-bg-blend "#fbf1c7"
+           my-modus-operandi-fg-blend "#3a6084"
+           my-modus-vivendi-bg-blend "#3a4042"
+           my-modus-vivendi-fg-blend "#d7b765")
+     ;; Adapted from the `kurecolor-interpolate' function of kurecolor.el
+     (defun my-modus-themes-interpolate (color1 color2)
+       (cl-destructuring-bind (r g b)
+           (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (* (/ n 2) 255.0))
+                   (cl-mapcar '+ (color-name-to-rgb color1) (color-name-to-rgb color2)))
+         (format "#%02X%02X%02X" r g b)))
+     (defun my-modus-themes-tint-palette (palette bg-blend fg-blend)
+       "Modify Modus PALETTE programmatically and return a new palette.
+     Blend background colors with BG-BLEND and foreground colors with FG-BLEND."
+       (let (name cons colors)
+         (dolist (cons palette)
+           (let ((blend (if (string-match "bg" (symbol-name (car cons)))
+                            bg-blend
+                          fg-blend)))
+             (setq name (my-modus-themes-interpolate (cdr cons) blend)))
+           (setq name (format "%s" name))
+           (setq cons `(,(car cons) . ,name))
+           (push cons colors))
+         colors))
+     (define-minor-mode modus-themes-tinted-mode
+       "Tweak some Modus themes colors."
+       :init-value nil
+       :global t
+       (if modus-themes-tinted-mode
+           (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides
+                 (my-modus-themes-tint-palette modus-themes-operandi-colors
+                                               my-modus-operandi-bg-blend
+                                               my-modus-operandi-fg-blend)
+                 modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides
+                 (my-modus-themes-tint-palette modus-themes-vivendi-colors
+                                               my-modus-vivendi-bg-blend
+                                               my-modus-vivendi-fg-blend))
+         (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
+               modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))
+     (modus-themes-tinted-mode 1)
+File:,  Node: Override colors completely,  Next: Font configurations for Org and others,  Prev: Override colors through blending,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.12 Override colors completely
+Based on the ideas we have already covered in these sections, the
+following code block provides a complete, bespoke pair of color palettes
+which override the defaults.  They are implemented as a minor mode, as
+explained before (*note Override colors::).  We call them “Summertime”
+for convenience.
+     ;; Read the relevant blog post:
+     ;; <>
+     (define-minor-mode modus-themes-summertime
+       "Refashion the Modus themes by overriding their colors.
+     This is a complete technology demonstration to show how to
+     manually override the colors of the Modus themes.  I have taken
+     good care of those overrides to make them work as a fully fledged
+     color scheme that is compatible with all user options of the
+     Modus themes.
+     These overrides are usable by those who (i) like something more
+     fancy than the comparatively austere looks of the Modus themes,
+     and (ii) can cope with a lower contrast ratio.
+     The overrides are set up as a minor mode, so that the user can
+     activate the effect on demand.  Those who want to load the
+     overrides at all times can either add them directly to their
+     configuration or enable `modus-themes-summertime' BEFORE loading
+     either of the Modus themes (if the overrides are evaluated after
+     the theme, the theme must be reloaded).
+     Remember that all changes to theme-related variables require a
+     reload of the theme to take effect (the Modus themes have lots of
+     user options, apart from those overrides).
+     The `modus-themes-summertime' IS NOT an official extension to the
+     Modus themes and DOES NOT comply with its lofty accessibility
+     standards.  It is included in the official manual as guidance for
+     those who want to make use of the color overriding facility we
+     provide."
+       :init-value nil
+       :global t
+       (if modus-themes-summertime
+           (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides
+                 '((bg-main . "#fff0f2")
+                   (bg-dim . "#fbe6ef")
+                   (bg-alt . "#f5dae6")
+                   (bg-hl-line . "#fad8e3")
+                   (bg-active . "#efcadf")
+                   (bg-inactive . "#f3ddef")
+                   (bg-active-accent . "#ffbbef")
+                   (bg-region . "#dfc5d1")
+                   (bg-region-accent . "#efbfef")
+                   (bg-region-accent-subtle . "#ffd6ef")
+                   (bg-header . "#edd3e0")
+                   (bg-tab-active . "#ffeff2")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive . "#f8d3ef")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive-accent . "#ffd9f5")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#e5c0d5")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent . "#f3cce0")
+                   (fg-main . "#543f78")
+                   (fg-dim . "#5f476f")
+                   (fg-alt . "#7f6f99")
+                   (fg-unfocused . "#8f6f9f")
+                   (fg-active . "#563068")
+                   (fg-inactive . "#8a5698")
+                   (fg-docstring . "#5f5fa7")
+                   (fg-comment-yellow . "#a9534f")
+                   (fg-escape-char-construct . "#8b207f")
+                   (fg-escape-char-backslash . "#a06d00")
+                   (bg-special-cold . "#d3e0f4")
+                   (bg-special-faint-cold . "#e0efff")
+                   (bg-special-mild . "#c4ede0")
+                   (bg-special-faint-mild . "#e0f0ea")
+                   (bg-special-warm . "#efd0c4")
+                   (bg-special-faint-warm . "#ffe4da")
+                   (bg-special-calm . "#f0d3ea")
+                   (bg-special-faint-calm . "#fadff9")
+                   (fg-special-cold . "#405fb8")
+                   (fg-special-mild . "#407f74")
+                   (fg-special-warm . "#9d6f4f")
+                   (fg-special-calm . "#af509f")
+                   (bg-completion . "#ffc5e5")
+                   (bg-completion-subtle . "#f7cfef")
+                   (red . "#ed2f44")
+                   (red-alt . "#e0403d")
+                   (red-alt-other . "#e04059")
+                   (red-faint . "#ed4f44")
+                   (red-alt-faint . "#e0603d")
+                   (red-alt-other-faint . "#e06059")
+                   (green . "#217a3c")
+                   (green-alt . "#417a1c")
+                   (green-alt-other . "#006f3c")
+                   (green-faint . "#318a4c")
+                   (green-alt-faint . "#518a2c")
+                   (green-alt-other-faint . "#20885c")
+                   (yellow . "#b06202")
+                   (yellow-alt . "#a95642")
+                   (yellow-alt-other . "#a06f42")
+                   (yellow-faint . "#b07232")
+                   (yellow-alt-faint . "#a96642")
+                   (yellow-alt-other-faint . "#a08042")
+                   (blue . "#275ccf")
+                   (blue-alt . "#475cc0")
+                   (blue-alt-other . "#3340ef")
+                   (blue-faint . "#476ce0")
+                   (blue-alt-faint . "#575ccf")
+                   (blue-alt-other-faint . "#3f60d7")
+                   (magenta . "#bf317f")
+                   (magenta-alt . "#d033c0")
+                   (magenta-alt-other . "#844fe4")
+                   (magenta-faint . "#bf517f")
+                   (magenta-alt-faint . "#d053c0")
+                   (magenta-alt-other-faint . "#846fe4")
+                   (cyan . "#007a9f")
+                   (cyan-alt . "#3f709f")
+                   (cyan-alt-other . "#107f7f")
+                   (cyan-faint . "#108aaf")
+                   (cyan-alt-faint . "#3f80af")
+                   (cyan-alt-other-faint . "#3088af")
+                   (red-active . "#cd2f44")
+                   (green-active . "#116a6c")
+                   (yellow-active . "#993602")
+                   (blue-active . "#475ccf")
+                   (magenta-active . "#7f2ccf")
+                   (cyan-active . "#007a8f")
+                   (red-nuanced-bg . "#ffdbd0")
+                   (red-nuanced-fg . "#ed6f74")
+                   (green-nuanced-bg . "#dcf0dd")
+                   (green-nuanced-fg . "#3f9a4c")
+                   (yellow-nuanced-bg . "#fff3aa")
+                   (yellow-nuanced-fg . "#b47232")
+                   (blue-nuanced-bg . "#e3e3ff")
+                   (blue-nuanced-fg . "#201f6f")
+                   (magenta-nuanced-bg . "#fdd0ff")
+                   (magenta-nuanced-fg . "#c0527f")
+                   (cyan-nuanced-bg . "#dbefff")
+                   (cyan-nuanced-fg . "#0f3f60")
+                   (bg-diff-heading . "#b7cfe0")
+                   (fg-diff-heading . "#041645")
+                   (bg-diff-added . "#d6f0d6")
+                   (fg-diff-added . "#004520")
+                   (bg-diff-changed . "#fcefcf")
+                   (fg-diff-changed . "#524200")
+                   (bg-diff-removed . "#ffe0ef")
+                   (fg-diff-removed . "#891626")
+                   (bg-diff-refine-added . "#84cfa4")
+                   (fg-diff-refine-added . "#002a00")
+                   (bg-diff-refine-changed . "#cccf8f")
+                   (fg-diff-refine-changed . "#302010")
+                   (bg-diff-refine-removed . "#da92b0")
+                   (fg-diff-refine-removed . "#500010")
+                   (bg-diff-focus-added . "#a6e5c6")
+                   (fg-diff-focus-added . "#002c00")
+                   (bg-diff-focus-changed . "#ecdfbf")
+                   (fg-diff-focus-changed . "#392900")
+                   (bg-diff-focus-removed . "#efbbcf")
+                   (fg-diff-focus-removed . "#5a0010"))
+                 modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides
+                 '((bg-main . "#25152a")
+                   (bg-dim . "#2a1930")
+                   (bg-alt . "#382443")
+                   (bg-hl-line . "#332650")
+                   (bg-active . "#463358")
+                   (bg-inactive . "#2d1f3a")
+                   (bg-active-accent . "#50308f")
+                   (bg-region . "#5d4a67")
+                   (bg-region-accent . "#60509f")
+                   (bg-region-accent-subtle . "#3f285f")
+                   (bg-header . "#3a2543")
+                   (bg-tab-active . "#26162f")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive . "#362647")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive-accent . "#36265a")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#3e2f5a")
+                   (bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent . "#3e2f6f")
+                   (fg-main . "#debfe0")
+                   (fg-dim . "#d0b0da")
+                   (fg-alt . "#ae85af")
+                   (fg-unfocused . "#8e7f9f")
+                   (fg-active . "#cfbfef")
+                   (fg-inactive . "#b0a0c0")
+                   (fg-docstring . "#c8d9f7")
+                   (fg-comment-yellow . "#cf9a70")
+                   (fg-escape-char-construct . "#ff75aa")
+                   (fg-escape-char-backslash . "#dbab40")
+                   (bg-special-cold . "#2a3f58")
+                   (bg-special-faint-cold . "#1e283f")
+                   (bg-special-mild . "#0f3f31")
+                   (bg-special-faint-mild . "#0f281f")
+                   (bg-special-warm . "#44331f")
+                   (bg-special-faint-warm . "#372213")
+                   (bg-special-calm . "#4a314f")
+                   (bg-special-faint-calm . "#3a223f")
+                   (fg-special-cold . "#c0b0ff")
+                   (fg-special-mild . "#bfe0cf")
+                   (fg-special-warm . "#edc0a6")
+                   (fg-special-calm . "#ff9fdf")
+                   (bg-completion . "#502d70")
+                   (bg-completion-subtle . "#451d65")
+                   (red . "#ff5f6f")
+                   (red-alt . "#ff8f6d")
+                   (red-alt-other . "#ff6f9d")
+                   (red-faint . "#ffa0a0")
+                   (red-alt-faint . "#f5aa80")
+                   (red-alt-other-faint . "#ff9fbf")
+                   (green . "#51ca5c")
+                   (green-alt . "#71ca3c")
+                   (green-alt-other . "#51ca9c")
+                   (green-faint . "#78bf78")
+                   (green-alt-faint . "#99b56f")
+                   (green-alt-other-faint . "#88bf99")
+                   (yellow . "#f0b262")
+                   (yellow-alt . "#f0e242")
+                   (yellow-alt-other . "#d0a272")
+                   (yellow-faint . "#d2b580")
+                   (yellow-alt-faint . "#cabf77")
+                   (yellow-alt-other-faint . "#d0ba95")
+                   (blue . "#778cff")
+                   (blue-alt . "#8f90ff")
+                   (blue-alt-other . "#8380ff")
+                   (blue-faint . "#82b0ec")
+                   (blue-alt-faint . "#a0acef")
+                   (blue-alt-other-faint . "#80b2f0")
+                   (magenta . "#ff70cf")
+                   (magenta-alt . "#ff77f0")
+                   (magenta-alt-other . "#ca7fff")
+                   (magenta-faint . "#e0b2d6")
+                   (magenta-alt-faint . "#ef9fe4")
+                   (magenta-alt-other-faint . "#cfa6ff")
+                   (cyan . "#30cacf")
+                   (cyan-alt . "#60caff")
+                   (cyan-alt-other . "#40b79f")
+                   (cyan-faint . "#90c4ed")
+                   (cyan-alt-faint . "#a0bfdf")
+                   (cyan-alt-other-faint . "#a4d0bb")
+                   (red-active . "#ff6059")
+                   (green-active . "#64dc64")
+                   (yellow-active . "#ffac80")
+                   (blue-active . "#4fafff")
+                   (magenta-active . "#cf88ff")
+                   (cyan-active . "#50d3d0")
+                   (red-nuanced-bg . "#440a1f")
+                   (red-nuanced-fg . "#ffcccc")
+                   (green-nuanced-bg . "#002904")
+                   (green-nuanced-fg . "#b8e2b8")
+                   (yellow-nuanced-bg . "#422000")
+                   (yellow-nuanced-fg . "#dfdfb0")
+                   (blue-nuanced-bg . "#1f1f5f")
+                   (blue-nuanced-fg . "#bfd9ff")
+                   (magenta-nuanced-bg . "#431641")
+                   (magenta-nuanced-fg . "#e5cfef")
+                   (cyan-nuanced-bg . "#042f49")
+                   (cyan-nuanced-fg . "#a8e5e5")
+                   (bg-diff-heading . "#304466")
+                   (fg-diff-heading . "#dae7ff")
+                   (bg-diff-added . "#0a383a")
+                   (fg-diff-added . "#94ba94")
+                   (bg-diff-changed . "#2a2000")
+                   (fg-diff-changed . "#b0ba9f")
+                   (bg-diff-removed . "#50163f")
+                   (fg-diff-removed . "#c6adaa")
+                   (bg-diff-refine-added . "#006a46")
+                   (fg-diff-refine-added . "#e0f6e0")
+                   (bg-diff-refine-changed . "#585800")
+                   (fg-diff-refine-changed . "#ffffcc")
+                   (bg-diff-refine-removed . "#952838")
+                   (fg-diff-refine-removed . "#ffd9eb")
+                   (bg-diff-focus-added . "#1d4c3f")
+                   (fg-diff-focus-added . "#b4dfb4")
+                   (bg-diff-focus-changed . "#424200")
+                   (fg-diff-focus-changed . "#d0daaf")
+                   (bg-diff-focus-removed . "#6f0f39")
+                   (fg-diff-focus-removed . "#eebdba")))
+         (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
+               modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))
-The themes are designed to cope well with mixed font configurations.
+File:,  Node: Font configurations for Org and others,  Next: Configure bold and italic faces,  Prev: Override colors completely,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.13 Font configurations for Org and others
-   *note Option for no font mixing: No mixed fonts.
+The themes are designed to optionally cope well with mixed font
+configurations.  This mostly concerns ‘org-mode’ and ‘markdown-mode’,
+though expect to find it elsewhere like in ‘Info-mode’.
-   This mostly concerns ‘org-mode’ and ‘markdown-mode’, though expect to
-find it elsewhere like in ‘Info-mode’.
+   *note Option for font mixing: Mixed fonts.
    In practice it means that the user can safely opt for a more
 prose-friendly proportionately spaced typeface as their default, while
-letting spacing-sensitive elements like tables and inline code always
-use a monospaced font, by inheriting from the ‘fixed-pitch’ face.
+spacing-sensitive elements like tables and inline code always use a
+monospaced font, by inheriting from the ‘fixed-pitch’ face.
    Users can try the built-in ‘M-x variable-pitch-mode’ to see the
 effect in action.
@@ -2489,6 +3480,9 @@ configure the ‘variable-pitch’ (proportional spacing) and ‘fixed-pitch’
 (monospaced) faces respectively.  It may also be convenient to set your
 main typeface by configuring the ‘default’ face the same way.
+   [ The ‘fontaine’ package on GNU ELPA (by the author of the
+modus-themes) is designed to handle this case.  ]
    Put something like this in your initialization file (also consider
 reading the doc string of ‘set-face-attribute’):
@@ -2499,26 +3493,31 @@ reading the doc string of ‘set-face-attribute’):
      (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Serif" :height 1.0)
      ;; Monospaced typeface
-     (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 1.0)
+     (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 1.5)
+   Or employ the ‘face-attribute’ function to read an existing value,
+such as if you want to make ‘fixed-pitch’ use the font family of the
+‘default’ face:
+     (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family (face-attribute 'default :family))
    The next section shows how to make those work in a more elaborate
 setup that is robust to changes between the Modus themes.
-   *note Configure bold and italic faces: Configure bold and italic
-faces (DIY).
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
    Note the differences in the ‘:height’ property.  The ‘default’ face
 must specify an absolute value, which is the point size × 10.  So if you
 want to use a font at point size ‘11’, you set the height to ‘110’.(1)
-Whereas every other face must have a value that is relative to the
-default, represented as a floating point (if you use an integer, then
-that means an absolute height).  This is of paramount importance: it
-ensures that all fonts can scale gracefully when using something like
-the ‘text-scale-adjust’ command which only operates on the base font
-size (i.e.  the ‘default’ face’s absolute height).
+Whereas every other face must either not specify a height or have a
+value that is relative to the default, represented as a floating point.
+If you use an integer, then that means an absolute height.  This is of
+paramount importance: it ensures that all fonts can scale gracefully
+when using something like the ‘text-scale-adjust’ command which only
+operates on the base font size (i.e.  the ‘default’ face’s absolute
-   *note Note for EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts): Note on EWW and
-Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts).
+   *note Note for EWW and Elfeed fonts: Note on SHR fonts.
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
@@ -2527,10 +3526,10 @@ the likes of ‘115’ are perfectly valid—some typefaces will change to
 account for those finer increments.
-File:,  Node: Configure bold and italic faces (DIY),  Next: Custom Org user faces (DIY),  Prev: Font configurations for Org and others (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Configure bold and italic faces,  Next: Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces,  Prev: Font configurations for Org and others,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.9 Configure bold and italic faces (DIY)
+5.14 Configure bold and italic faces
 The Modus themes do not hardcode a ‘:weight’ or ‘:slant’ attribute in
 the thousands of faces they cover.  Instead, they configure the generic
@@ -2558,10 +3557,9 @@ and ‘italic’ faces.  Cases where that can be useful include:
    To achieve those effects, one must first be sure that the fonts they
 use have support for those features.  It then is a matter of following
-the instructions for all face tweaks.
+the instructions for all typeface tweaks.
-   *note Font configurations for Org and others: Font configurations for
-Org and others (DIY).
+   *note Font configurations for Org and others::.
    In this example, we set the default font family to Fira Code, while
 we choose to render italics in the Hack typeface (obviously you need to
@@ -2581,20 +3579,21 @@ pick fonts that work well together):
    To ensure that the effects persist after switching between the Modus
 themes (such as with ‘M-x modus-themes-toggle’), the user needs to write
-their configurations to a function and hook it up to the
-‘modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook’.  This is necessary because the
-themes set the default styles of faces (otherwise changing themes would
-not be possible).
+their configurations to a function and pass it to the
+‘modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook’.  This is necessary because themes
+set the styles of faces upon activation, overriding prior values where
+conflicts occur between the previous and the current states (otherwise
+changing themes would not be possible).
-   *note A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading: A theme-agnostic hook
-for theme loading (DIY).
+   *note A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading::.
    This is a minimal setup to preserve font configurations across theme
-load phases.  For a more permanent setup, it is better to employ the
+load phases.  For a more permanent setup, it is better to rely on the
 ‘custom-set-faces’ function: ‘set-face-attribute’ works just fine,
-though it is more convenient for quick previews or for smaller scale
-operations (‘custom-set-faces’ follows the format used in the source
-code of the themes).
+though it probably is better suited for quick previews or for smaller
+scale operations (‘custom-set-faces’ follows the format used in the
+source code of the themes, which can make it easier to redefine faces in
      ;; our generic function
      (defun my-modes-themes-bold-italic-faces ()
@@ -2612,11 +3611,13 @@ code of the themes).
      ;; and here is the hook
      (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modes-themes-bold-italic-faces)
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
-File:,  Node: Custom Org user faces (DIY),  Next: Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY),  Prev: Configure bold and italic faces (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces,  Next: Custom Org emphasis faces,  Prev: Configure bold and italic faces,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.10 Custom Org user faces (DIY)
+5.15 Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces
 Users of ‘org-mode’ have the option to configure various keywords and
 priority cookies to better match their workflow.  User options are
@@ -2648,9 +3649,9 @@ applied by the ‘org-todo’ face (in case there is a difference between
 the two):
      (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
-           '(("MEET" . '(font-lock-preprocessor-face org-todo))
-             ("STUDY" . '(font-lock-variable-name-face org-todo))
-             ("WRITE" . '(font-lock-type-face org-todo))))
+           '(("MEET" . '(bold org-todo))
+             ("STUDY" . '(warning org-todo))
+             ("WRITE" . '(shadow org-todo))))
    This will refashion the keywords you specify, while letting the other
 items in ‘org-todo-keywords’ use their original styles (which are
@@ -2678,7 +3679,7 @@ need a quoted list.  A pattern of ‘keyword . face’ will suffice.
 configuration of the priority cookies:
      (setq org-priority-faces
-           '((?A . '(org-scheduled-today org-priority))
+           '((?A . '(bold org-priority))
              (?B . org-priority)
              (?C . '(shadow org-priority))))
@@ -2691,15 +3692,135 @@ Their documentation strings will offer you further guidance.
 Do it if you plan to control face attributes.
    *note Custom face specs using the themes’ palette: Case-by-case face
-specs using the themes' palette (DIY).
+specs using the themes' palette.
-   *note Check color combinations: Measure color contrast (DIY).
+   *note Check color combinations: Measure color contrast.
-File:,  Node: Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY),  Next: Measure color contrast (DIY),  Prev: Custom Org user faces (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Custom Org emphasis faces,  Next: Update Org block delimiter fontification,  Prev: Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.11 Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY)
+5.16 Custom Org emphasis faces
+Org provides the user option ‘org-emphasis-alist’ which associates a
+character with a face, list of faces, or face attributes.  The default
+specification of that variable looks like this:
+     (setq org-emphasis-alist
+           '(("*" bold)
+             ("/" italic)
+             ("_" underline)
+             ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
+             ("~" org-code verbatim)
+             ("+" (:strike-through t))))
+   With the exception of ‘org-verbatim’ and ‘org-code’ faces, everything
+else uses the corresponding type of emphasis: a bold typographic weight,
+or italicised, underlined, and struck through text.
+   The best way for users to add some extra attributes, such as a
+foreground color, is to define their own faces and assign them to the
+given emphasis marker/character.
+   This is a custom face that extends the standard ‘bold’ face with a
+red foreground value (so it colorises the text in addition to the bold
+     (defface my-org-emphasis-bold
+       '((default :inherit bold)
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+          :foreground "#a60000")
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+          :foreground "#ff8059"))
+       "My bold emphasis for Org.")
+   This face definition reads as follows:
+   • Always inherit the ‘bold’ face (*note Configure bold and italic
+     faces::).
+   • For versions of Emacs that support at least 88 colors (graphical
+     Emacs, for example) and use a light background, apply the ‘#a60000’
+     value.
+   • For the same kind of Emacs that has a dark background use the
+     ‘#ff8059’ color instead.
+   Same principle for how to extend ‘italic’ and ‘underline’ with, for
+example, green and yellow hues, respectively:
+     (defface my-org-emphasis-italic
+       '((default :inherit italic)
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+          :foreground "#005e00")
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+          :foreground "#44bc44"))
+       "My italic emphasis for Org.")
+     (defface my-org-emphasis-underline
+       '((default :inherit underline)
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+          :foreground "#813e00")
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+          :foreground "#d0bc00"))
+       "My underline emphasis for Org.")
+   In the case of a strike-through effect, we have no generic face to
+inherit from, so we can write it as follows to also change the
+foreground to a more subtle gray:
+     (defface my-org-emphasis-strike-through
+       '((default :strike-through t)
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+          :foreground "#505050")
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+          :foreground "#a8a8a8"))
+       "My strike-through emphasis for Org.")
+   Or we can just change the color of the line that strikes through the
+text to, for example, a shade of red:
+     (defface my-org-emphasis-strike-through
+       '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+          :strike-through "#972500")
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+          :strike-through "#ef8b50"))
+       "My strike-through emphasis for Org.")
+   It is possible to combine those effects:
+     (defface my-org-emphasis-strike-through
+       '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+          :strike-through "#972500" :foreground "#505050")
+         (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+          :strike-through "#ef8b50" :foreground "#a8a8a8"))
+       "My strike-through emphasis for Org.")
+   One may inspect the variables ‘modus-themes-operandi-colors’ and
+‘modus-themes-vivendi-colors’ for possible color values.  Or call the
+command ‘modus-themes-list-colors’ to show a buffer that previews each
+entry in the palette.
+   *note Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::.
+   Once we have defined the faces we need, we must update the
+‘org-emphasis-alist’.  Given that ‘org-verbatim’ and ‘org-code’ are
+already styled by the themes, it probably is best not to edit them:
+     (setq org-emphasis-alist
+           '(("*" my-org-emphasis-bold)
+             ("/" my-org-emphasis-italic)
+             ("_" my-org-emphasis-underline)
+             ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
+             ("~" org-code verbatim)
+             ("+" my-org-emphasis-strike-through)))
+   That’s it!  For changes to take effect in already visited Org files,
+invoke ‘M-x org-mode-restart’.
+File:,  Node: Update Org block delimiter fontification,  Next: Measure color contrast,  Prev: Custom Org emphasis faces,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.17 Update Org block delimiter fontification
 As noted in the section about ‘modus-themes-org-blocks’, Org contains a
 variable that determines whether the block’s begin and end lines are
@@ -2736,10 +3857,10 @@ intervention can be circumvented by tweaking the function thus:
-File:,  Node: Measure color contrast (DIY),  Next: Load theme depending on time of day (DIY),  Prev: Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Measure color contrast,  Next: Load theme depending on time of day,  Prev: Update Org block delimiter fontification,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.12 Measure color contrast (DIY)
+5.18 Measure color contrast
 The themes provide the functions ‘modus-themes-wcag-formula’ and
 ‘modus-themes-contrast’.  The former is a direct implementation of the
@@ -2766,7 +3887,7 @@ kind).
      ;; Pure black with pure green
      (modus-themes-contrast "#000000" "#00ff00")
      ;; => 15.3
-     ;; That is is a highly accessible combo
+     ;; That is a highly accessible combo
    It does not matter which color value comes first.  The ratio is
 always the same.
@@ -2798,13 +3919,13 @@ in combination with some others.  Consult the source code for the
 minutia and relevant commentary.
    Such knowledge may prove valuable while attempting to override some
-of the themes’ colors: *note Override colors: Override colors (DIY).
+of the themes’ colors: *note Override colors::.
-File:,  Node: Load theme depending on time of day (DIY),  Next: Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY),  Prev: Measure color contrast (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Load theme depending on time of day,  Next: Backdrop for pdf-tools,  Prev: Measure color contrast,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.13 Load theme depending on time of day (DIY)
+5.19 Load theme depending on time of day
 While we do provide ‘modus-themes-toggle’ to manually switch between the
 themes, users may also set up their system to perform such a task
@@ -2822,15 +3943,16 @@ location using the built-in ‘solar.el’ and then configuring the
      (use-package circadian                  ; you need to install this
        :after solar
+       :config
        (setq circadian-themes '((:sunrise . modus-operandi)
                                 (:sunset  . modus-vivendi)))
-File:,  Node: Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY),  Next: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY),  Prev: Load theme depending on time of day (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Backdrop for pdf-tools,  Next: Decrease mode line height,  Prev: Load theme depending on time of day,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.14 Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY)
+5.20 Backdrop for pdf-tools
 Most PDF files use a white background for their page, making it
 impossible to discern the file’s boundaries in the buffer while using
@@ -2842,7 +3964,7 @@ to be the case for the time being.  We must thus employ the face
 remapping technique that is documented elsewhere in this document to
 change the buffer-local value of the ‘default’ face.
-   *note Remap face with local value: Remap face with local value (DIY).
+   *note Remap face with local value::.
    To remap the buffer’s backdrop, we start with a function like this
@@ -2879,19 +4001,142 @@ example:
            (pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode -1))
+     (defun my-pdf-tools-themes-toggle ()
+       (mapc
+        (lambda (buf)
+          (with-current-buffer buf
+            (my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)))
+        (buffer-list)))
      (add-hook 'pdf-tools-enabled-hook #'my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)
-     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-pdf-tools-themes-toggle)
    With those in place, PDFs have a distinct backdrop for their page,
-while they automatically switch to their dark mode when
-‘modus-themes-toggle’ is called from inside a buffer whose major-mode is
+while buffers with major-mode as ‘pdf-view-mode’ automatically switches
+to dark mode when ‘modus-themes-toggle’ is called.
-File:,  Node: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY),  Prev: Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY),  Up: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+File:,  Node: Decrease mode line height,  Next: Toggle themes without reloading them,  Prev: Backdrop for pdf-tools,  Up: Advanced customization
-5.15 A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY)
+5.21 Decrease mode line height
+By default, the mode line of the Modus themes is set to 1 pixel width
+for its ‘:box’ attribute.  In contrast, the mode line of stock Emacs is
+-1 pixel.  This small difference is considered necessary for the
+purposes of accessibility as our out-of-the-box design has a prominent
+color around the mode line (a border) to make its boundaries clear.
+With a negative width the border and the text on the mode line can feel
+a bit more difficult to read under certain scenaria.
+   Furthermore, the user option ‘modus-themes-mode-line’ (*note Mode
+line::) does not allow for such a negative value because there are many
+edge cases that simply make for a counter-intuitive set of
+possibilities, such as a ‘0’ value not being acceptable by the
+underlying face infrastructure, and negative values greater than ‘-2’
+not being particularly usable.
+   For these reasons, users who wish to decrease the overall height of
+the mode line must handle things on their own by implementing the
+methods for face customization documented herein.
+   *note Basic face customization: Case-by-case face specs using the
+themes' palette.
+   One such method is to create a function that configures the desired
+faces and hook it to ‘modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook’ so that it
+persists while switching between the Modus themes with the command
+   This one simply disables the box altogether, which will reduce the
+height of the mode lines, but also remove their border:
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :box nil)
+       (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :box nil))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   The above relies on the ‘set-face-attribute’ function, though users
+who plan to re-use colors from the theme and do so at scale are better
+off with the more streamlined combination of the
+‘modus-themes-with-colors’ macro and ‘custom-set-faces’.
+   *note Face customization at scale: Face specs at scale using the
+themes' palette.
+   As explained before in this document, this approach has a syntax that
+is consistent with the source code of the themes, so it probably is
+easier to re-use parts of the design.
+   The following emulates the stock Emacs style, while still using the
+colors of the Modus themes (whichever attribute is not explicitly stated
+is inherited from the underlying theme):
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(mode-line ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button))))
+          `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-region)))))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   And this one is like the out-of-the-box style of the Modus themes,
+but with the -1 height instead of 1:
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(mode-line ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,fg-alt))))
+          `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-region)))))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   Finally, to also change the background color of the active mode line,
+such as that it looks like the “accented” variant which is possible via
+the user option ‘modus-themes-mode-line’, the ‘:background’ attribute
+needs to be specified as well:
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(mode-line ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,fg-alt) :background ,bg-active-accent)))
+          `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-region)))))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+File:,  Node: Toggle themes without reloading them,  Next: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading,  Prev: Decrease mode line height,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.22 Toggle themes without reloading them
+Users who have a stable setup and who only ever need to toggle between
+the themes without triggering a full reload, are better off defining
+their own command which calls ‘enable-theme’ instead of ‘load-theme’:
+     (defun my-modus-themes-toggle ()
+       "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes.
+     This uses `enable-theme' instead of the standard method of
+     `load-theme'.  The technicalities are covered in the Modus themes
+     manual."
+       (interactive)
+       (pcase (modus-themes--current-theme)
+         ('modus-operandi (progn (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+                                 (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
+         ('modus-vivendi (progn (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+                                 (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
+         (_ (error "No Modus theme is loaded; evaluate `modus-themes-load-themes' first"))))
+   *note Differences between loading and enabling::.
+   Recall that ‘modus-themes-toggle’ uses ‘load-theme’.
+File:,  Node: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading,  Next: Diffs with only the foreground,  Prev: Toggle themes without reloading them,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.23 A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading
 The themes are designed with the intent to be useful to Emacs users of
 varying skill levels, from beginners to experts.  This means that we try
@@ -2938,7 +4183,316 @@ setup of the Modus themes (it is generally a good idea to understand
 what the implications are of advising a function).
-File:,  Node: Face coverage,  Next: Notes on individual packages,  Prev: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself),  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Diffs with only the foreground,  Next: Ediff without diff color-coding,  Prev: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.24 Diffs with only the foreground
+Buffers that show differences between versions of a file or buffer, such
+as in ‘diff-mode’ and ‘ediff’ always use color-coded background and
+foreground combinations.
+   *note Option for diff buffer looks: Diffs.
+   User may, however, prefer a style that removes the color-coded
+backgrounds from regular changes while keeping them for word-wise (aka
+“refined”) changes—backgrounds for word-wise diffs are helpful in
+context.  To make this happen, one can use the
+‘modus-themes-with-colors’ macro (*note Face specs at scale using the
+themes' palette::):
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(modus-themes-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+          `(modus-themes-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground ,fg-diff-added)))
+          ;; `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added-deuteran :foreground ,fg-diff-added-deuteran)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+          `(modus-themes-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,yellow)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,red)))
+          `(modus-themes-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+          `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+          `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+          `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+          `(magit-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green-faint)))
+          `(magit-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow-faint)))
+          `(magit-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red-faint)))
+          `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim))))))
+     ;; This is so that the changes persist when switching between
+     ;; `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'.
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   This used to be an optional style of ‘modus-themes-diffs’, but has
+been removed since version ‘2.0.0’ to ensure that the accessibility
+standard and aesthetic quality of the themes is not compromised.
+File:,  Node: Ediff without diff color-coding,  Next: Near-monochrome syntax highlighting,  Prev: Diffs with only the foreground,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.25 Ediff without diff color-coding
+Ediff uses the same color-coding as ordinary diffs in ‘diff-mode’,
+Magit, etc.  (*note Option for diff buffer looks: Diffs.).  This is
+consistent with the principle of least surprise.
+   Users may, however, prefer to treat Ediff differently on the premise
+that it does not need any particular color-coding to show added or
+removed lines/words: it does not use the ‘+’ or ‘-’ markers, after all.
+   This can be achieved by customizing the Ediff faces with color
+combinations that do not carry the same connotations as those of diffs.
+Consider this example, which leverages the ‘modus-themes-with-colors’
+macro (*note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::):
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-faint-cold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+          `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-faint-warm :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+          `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-faint-calm :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+          `(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+          `(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-warm :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+          `(ediff-fine-diff-C ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-calm :foreground ,fg-special-calm))))))
+     ;; This is so that the changes persist when switching between
+     ;; `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'.
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   Remove the ‘:foreground’ and its value to preserve the underlying
+   *note Visualize the active Modus theme's palette::.
+File:,  Node: Near-monochrome syntax highlighting,  Next: Custom hl-todo colors,  Prev: Ediff without diff color-coding,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.26 Near-monochrome syntax highlighting
+While the Modus themes do provide a user option to control the overall
+style of syntax highlighting in programming major modes, they do not
+cover the possibility of a monochromatic or near-monochromatic design
+(*note Option for syntax highlighting: Syntax styles.).  This is due to
+the multitude of preferences involved: one may like comments to be
+styled with an accent value, another may want certain constructs to be
+bold, a third may apply italics to doc strings but not comments... The
+possibilities are virtually endless.  As such, this sort of design is
+best handled at the user level in accordance with the information
+furnished elsewhere in this manual.
+   *note Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette::.
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
+   The gist is that we want to override the font-lock faces.  For our
+changes to persist while switching between ‘modus-operandi’ and
+‘modus-vivendi’ we wrap our face overrides in a function that we hook to
+   Users who want to replicate the structure of the themes’ source code
+are advised to use the examples with ‘custom-set-faces’.  Those who
+prefer a different approach can use the snippets which call
+‘set-face-attribute’.  Below are the code blocks.
+   The following uses a yellow accent value for comments and green hues
+for strings.  Regexp grouping constructs have color values that work in
+the context of a green string.  All other elements use the main
+foreground color, except warnings such as the ‘user-error’ function in
+Elisp buffers which gets a subtle red tint (not to be confused with the
+‘warning’ face which is used for genuine warnings).  Furthermore, notice
+the ‘modus-themes-bold’ and ‘modus-themes-slant’ which apply the
+preference set in the user options ‘modus-themes-bold-constructs’ and
+‘modus-themes-italic-constructs’, respectively.  Users who do not want
+this conditionally must replace these faces with ‘bold’ and ‘italic’
+respectively (or ‘unspecified’ to disable the effect altogether).
+     ;; This is the hook.  It will not be replicated across all code samples.
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax)
+     (defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+          `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :inherit unspecified :foreground ,fg-comment-yellow)))
+          `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+          `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+          `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+          `(font-lock-string-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+          `(font-lock-type-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg))))))
+     ;; Same as above with `set-face-attribute' instead of `custom-set-faces'
+     (defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-builtin-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face nil :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :inherit 'unspecified :foreground fg-comment-yellow)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-constant-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-doc-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-slant :foreground fg-special-mild)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-function-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-negation-char-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-preprocessor-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash nil :inherit 'bold :foreground yellow)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct nil :inherit 'bold :foreground blue-alt-other)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-string-face nil :foreground green-alt-other)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-type-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-warning-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground red-nuanced-fg)))
+   The following sample is the same as above, except strings are blue
+and comments are gray.  Regexp constructs are adapted accordingly.
+     (defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+          `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :inherit unspecified :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+          `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-docstring)))
+          `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-escape-char-backslash)))
+          `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+          `(font-lock-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+          `(font-lock-type-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+          `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg))))))
+     ;; Same as above with `set-face-attribute' instead of `custom-set-faces'
+     (defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-builtin-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face nil :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :inherit 'unspecified :foreground fg-alt)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-constant-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-doc-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-slant :foreground fg-docstring)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-function-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-negation-char-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-preprocessor-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash nil :inherit 'bold :foreground fg-escape-char-backslash)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct nil :inherit 'bold :foreground fg-escape-char-construct)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-string-face nil :foreground blue-alt)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-type-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+         (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-warning-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground red-nuanced-fg)))
+File:,  Node: Custom hl-todo colors,  Next: Add support for solaire-mode,  Prev: Near-monochrome syntax highlighting,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.27 Custom hl-todo colors
+The ‘hl-todo’ package provides the user option ‘hl-todo-keyword-faces’:
+it specifies a pair of keyword and corresponding color value.  The Modus
+themes configure that option in the interest of legibility.  While this
+works for our purposes, users may still prefer to apply their custom
+values, in which case the following approach is necessary:
+     (defun my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces ()
+       (setq hl-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" . "#ff0000")
+                                     ("HACK" . "#ffff00")
+                                     ("XXX" . "#00ffff")
+                                     ("NOTE" . "#ff00ff"))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces)
+   Or include a ‘let’ form, if needed:
+     (defun my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces ()
+       (let ((red "#ff0000")
+             (blue "#0000ff"))
+         (setq hl-todo-keyword-faces `(("TODO" . ,blue)
+                                       ("HACK" . ,red)
+                                       ("XXX" . ,red)
+                                       ("NOTE" . ,blue)))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces)
+   Normally, we do not touch user options, though this is an exception:
+otherwise the defaults are not always legible.
+File:,  Node: Add support for solaire-mode,  Prev: Custom hl-todo colors,  Up: Advanced customization
+5.28 Add support for solaire-mode
+The ‘solaire-mode’ package dims the background of what it considers
+ancillary “UI” buffers, such as the minibuffer and Dired buffers.  The
+Modus themes used to support Solaire on the premise that the user was
+(i) opting in to it, (ii) understood why certain buffers were more gray,
+and (iii) knew what other adjustments had to be made to prevent broken
+visuals (e.g.  the default style of the ‘modus-themes-completions’ uses
+a subtle gray background for the selection, which with Solaire becomes
+practically invisible).
+   However, the assumption that users opt in to this feature does not
+always hold true.  There are cases where it is enabled by defaultsuch as
+in the popular Doom Emacs configuration.  Thus, the unsuspecting user
+who loads ‘modus-operandi’ or ‘modus-vivendi’ without the requisite
+customizations is getting a sub-par experience; an experience that we
+did not intend and cannot genuinely fix.
+   Because the Modus themes are meant to work everywhere, we cannot make
+an exception for Doom Emacs and/or Solaire users.  Furthermore, we shall
+not introduce hacks, such as by adding a check in all relevant faces to
+be adjusted based on Solaire or whatever other package.  Hacks of this
+sort are unsustainable and penalize the entire userbase.  Besides, the
+themes are built into Emacs and we must keep their standard high.
+   The fundamental constraint with Solaire is that Emacs does not have a
+real distinction between “content” and “UI” buffers.  For themes to work
+with Solaire, they need to be designed around that package.  Such is an
+arrangement that compromises on our accessibility standards and/or
+hinders our efforts to provide the best possible experience while using
+the Modus themes.
+   As such, ‘solaire-mode’ is not—and will not be—supported by the Modus
+themes (or any other of my themes, for that matter).  Users who want it
+must style the faces manually.  Below is some sample code, based on what
+we cover at length elsewhere in this manual:
+   *note Advanced customization::.
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          `(solaire-default-face ((,class :inherit default :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+          `(solaire-line-number-face ((,class :inherit solaire-default-face :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+          `(solaire-hl-line-face ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+          `(solaire-org-hide-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt))))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
+File:,  Node: Face coverage,  Next: Notes on individual packages,  Prev: Advanced customization,  Up: Top
 6 Face coverage
@@ -2964,13 +4518,14 @@ affected face groups.  The items with an appended asterisk ‘*’ tend to
 have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • ace-window
-   • ag
    • alert
    • all-the-icons
+   • all-the-icons-dired
+   • all-the-icons-ibuffer
    • annotate
+   • ansi-color
    • anzu
    • apropos
-   • apt-sources-list
    • artbollocks-mode
    • auctex and TeX
    • auto-dim-other-buffers
@@ -2983,15 +4538,17 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • boon
    • bookmark
    • breakpoint (provided by the built-in ‘gdb-mi.el’ library)
-   • buffer-expose
    • calendar and diary
    • calfw
+   • calibredb
    • centaur-tabs
    • cfrs
    • change-log and log-view (such as ‘vc-print-log’,
+   • chart
    • cider
    • circe
+   • citar
    • color-rg
    • column-enforce-mode
    • company-mode*
@@ -3000,21 +4557,22 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • completions
    • consult
    • corfu
+   • corfu-quick
    • counsel*
    • counsel-css
-   • counsel-org-capture-string
    • cov
    • cperl-mode
+   • crontab-mode
    • css-mode
    • csv-mode
    • ctrlf
    • custom (what you get with ‘M-x customize’)
    • dap-mode
-   • dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
    • deadgrep
    • debbugs
-   • define-word
    • deft
+   • denote
+   • devdocs
    • dictionary
    • diff-hl
    • diff-mode
@@ -3026,23 +4584,22 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • dired-git-info
    • dired-narrow
    • dired-subtree
-   • diredc
    • diredfl
    • diredp (dired+)
-   • disk-usage
    • display-fill-column-indicator-mode
    • doom-modeline
-   • dynamic-ruler
    • easy-jekyll
-   • easy-kill
    • ebdb
    • ediff
+   • ein (Emacs IPython Notebook)
    • eglot
    • el-search
    • eldoc-box
    • elfeed
    • elfeed-score
+   • elpher
    • embark
+   • ement
    • emms
    • enh-ruby-mode (enhanced-ruby-mode)
    • epa
@@ -3069,10 +4626,8 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • flycheck-posframe
    • flymake
    • flyspell
-   • flyspell-correct
    • flx
    • freeze-it
-   • frog-menu
    • focus
    • fold-this
    • font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
@@ -3081,10 +4636,8 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • geiser
    • git-commit
    • git-gutter (and variants)
-   • git-lens
    • git-rebase
    • git-timemachine
-   • git-walktree
    • gnus
    • gotest
    • golden-ratio-scroll-screen
@@ -3093,34 +4646,31 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • helm-switch-shell
    • helm-xref
    • helpful
-   • highlight-blocks
-   • highlight-defined
-   • highlight-escape-sequences (‘hes-mode’)
    • highlight-indentation
    • highlight-numbers
-   • highlight-symbol
-   • highlight-tail
+   • highlight-parentheses (*note Note on highlight-parentheses.el: Note
+     on highlight-parenthesesel.)
    • highlight-thing
    • hl-defined
    • hl-fill-column
    • hl-line-mode
    • hl-todo
    • hydra
-   • hyperlist
    • ibuffer
    • icomplete
    • icomplete-vertical
    • ido-mode
    • iedit
    • iflipb
+   • image-dired
    • imenu-list
    • indium
    • info
+   • info+ (info-plus)
    • info-colors
    • interaction-log
    • ioccur
    • isearch, occur, etc.
-   • isl (isearch-light)
    • ivy*
    • ivy-posframe
    • jira (org-jira)
@@ -3131,6 +4681,7 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • kaocha-runner
    • keycast
    • ledger-mode
+   • leerzeichen
    • line numbers (‘display-line-numbers-mode’ and global variant)
    • lsp-mode
    • lsp-ui
@@ -3144,7 +4695,7 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • markup-faces (‘adoc-mode’)
    • mentor
    • messages
-   • minibuffer-line
+   • mini-modeline
    • minimap
    • mmm-mode
    • mode-line
@@ -3152,14 +4703,12 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • moody
    • mpdel
    • mu4e
-   • mu4e-conversation
    • multiple-cursors
+   • nano-modeline
    • neotree
-   • no-emoji
    • notmuch
    • num3-mode
    • nxml-mode
-   • objed
    • orderless
    • org*
    • org-journal
@@ -3170,35 +4719,31 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • org-superstar
    • org-table-sticky-header
    • org-tree-slide
-   • org-treescope
    • origami
    • outline-mode
    • outline-minor-faces
    • package (what you get with ‘M-x list-packages’)
    • page-break-lines
    • pandoc-mode
-   • paradox
    • paren-face
-   • parrot
    • pass
    • pdf-tools
    • persp-mode
    • perspective
    • phi-grep
-   • phi-search
-   • pkgbuild-mode
    • pomidor
    • popup
    • powerline
    • powerline-evil
    • prism (*note Note for prism.el: Note for prism.)
+   • prescient
    • proced
    • prodigy
    • pulse
+   • pyim
    • quick-peek
    • racket-mode
    • rainbow-blocks
-   • rainbow-identifiers
    • rainbow-delimiters
    • rcirc
    • recursion-indicator
@@ -3207,7 +4752,6 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • ripgrep
    • rmail
    • ruler-mode
-   • sallet
    • selectrum
    • selectrum-prescient
    • semantic
@@ -3219,19 +4763,18 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • side-notes
    • sieve-mode
    • skewer-mode
+   • slime (slbd)
+   • sly
    • smart-mode-line
    • smartparens
    • smerge
-   • solaire
    • spaceline
    • speedbar
    • spell-fu
-   • spray
    • stripes
    • suggest
    • switch-window
    • swiper
-   • swoop
    • sx
    • symbol-overlay
    • syslog-mode
@@ -3243,23 +4786,24 @@ have lots of extensions, so the “full support” may not be 100% true…
    • telephone-line
    • terraform-mode
    • term
+   • textsec
    • tomatinho
    • transient (pop-up windows such as Magit’s)
    • trashed
+   • tree-sitter
    • treemacs
    • tty-menu
    • tuareg
    • typescript
    • undo-tree
    • vc (vc-dir.el, vc-hooks.el)
-   • vc-annotate (the output of ‘C-x v g’)
-   • vdiff
    • vertico
+   • vertico-quick
    • vimish-fold
    • visible-mark
    • visual-regexp
-   • volatile-highlights
    • vterm
+   • vundo
    • wcheck-mode
    • web-mode
    • wgrep
@@ -3290,20 +4834,48 @@ These do not require any extra styles because they are configured to
 inherit from some basic faces or their dependencies which are directly
 supported by the themes.
+   • ag
+   • apt-sources-list
+   • buffer-expose
+   • bufler
    • counsel-notmuch
+   • counsel-org-capture-string
+   • dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
+   • define-word
+   • disk-usage
+   • dtache
+   • dynamic-ruler
+   • easy-kill
    • edit-indirect
+   • egerrit
+   • elfeed-summary
    • evil-owl
+   • flyspell-correct
    • fortran-mode
+   • git-walktree
    • goggles
+   • highlight-defined
+   • highlight-escape-sequences (‘hes-mode’)
    • i3wm-config-mode
+   • minibuffer-line
+   • no-emoji
+   • org-remark
+   • parrot
    • perl-mode
    • php-mode
    • rjsx-mode
+   • side-hustle
+   • spell-fu
    • swift-mode
    • tab-bar-echo-area
+   • tide
+   • undo-hl
+   • vdiff
+   • vertico-indexed
+   • vertico-mouse
-File:,  Node: Notes on individual packages,  Next: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),  Prev: Face coverage,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Notes on individual packages,  Next: Frequently Asked Questions,  Prev: Face coverage,  Up: Top
 7 Notes on individual packages
@@ -3313,12 +4885,14 @@ individual packages.
 * Menu:
-* Note on avy hints::
 * Note on calendar.el weekday and weekend colors: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors.
+* Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs::
+* Note on php-mode multiline comments::
 * Note on underlines in compilation buffers::
 * Note on inline Latex in Org buffers::
 * Note on dimmer.el: Note on dimmerel.
 * Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode::
+* Note on highlight-parentheses.el: Note on highlight-parenthesesel.
 * Note on mmm-mode.el background colors: Note on mmm-modeel background colors.
 * Note for prism::
 * Note for god-mode::
@@ -3326,46 +4900,17 @@ individual packages.
 * Note on ERC escaped color sequences::
 * Note on powerline or spaceline::
 * Note on SHR colors::
-* Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts)::
+* Note on SHR fonts::
+* Note on Ement colors and fonts::
 * Note on Helm grep::
-* Note on vc-annotate-background-mode::
 * Note on pdf-tools link hints::
+* Note on the Notmuch logo::
+* Note on goto-address-mode faces::
-File:,  Node: Note on avy hints,  Next: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.1 Note on avy hints
-Hints can appear everywhere, in wildly varying contexts, hence, their
-appearance, by necessity, is a compromise.  However, there are various
-options for making them stand out.  First is dimming the surroundings:
-     (setq avy-background t)
-   Dimming works well when you find it difficult to spot hints, any
-hint.  Second is limiting the number of faces used by hints:
-     (setq avy-lead-faces
-           '(avy-lead-face
-             avy-lead-face-1
-             avy-lead-face-1
-             avy-lead-face-1
-             avy-lead-face-1))
-   Limiting the number of faces works well with longer hints when you
-find it difficult to identify individual hints, especially with hints
-touching each other.  The first character of the hint will have an
-intense color, the remaining ones the same neutral color.
-   Third is preferring commands that produce fewer candidates.  Fewer
-hints is less noise: ‘avy-goto-char-timer’ is an excellent alternative
-to ‘avy-goto-char’.
-File:,  Node: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors,  Next: Note on underlines in compilation buffers,  Prev: Note on avy hints,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors,  Next: Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.2 Note on calendar.el weekday and weekend colors
+7.1 Note on calendar.el weekday and weekend colors
 By default, the ‘M-x calendar’ interface differentiates weekdays from
@@ -3391,31 +4936,98 @@ of weekends uniformly.
-File:,  Node: Note on underlines in compilation buffers,  Next: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers,  Prev: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs,  Next: Note on php-mode multiline comments,  Prev: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+7.2 Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs
+The ‘git-gutter’ and ‘git-gutter-fr’ packages default to drawing bitmaps
+for the indicators they display (e.g.  bitmap of a plus sign for added
+lines).  In Doom Emacs, these bitmaps are replaced with contiguous lines
+which may look nicer, but require a change to the foreground of the
+relevant faces to yield the desired color combinations.
+   Since this is Doom-specific, we urge users to apply changes in their
+local setup.  Below is some sample code, based on what we cover at
+length elsewhere in this manual:
+   *note Advanced customization::.
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
+     (defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          ;; Replace green with blue if you use `modus-themes-deuteranopia'.
+          `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :foreground ,green-fringe-bg)))
+          `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :foreground ,red-fringe-bg)))
+          `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-fringe-bg))))))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+   As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
+   If the above does not work, try this instead:
+     (after! modus-themes
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         (custom-set-faces
+          ;; Replace green with blue if you use `modus-themes-deuteranopia'.
+          `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :foreground ,green-fringe-bg)))
+          `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :foreground ,red-fringe-bg)))
+          `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-fringe-bg))))))
+   Replace ‘green-fringe-bg’ with ‘blue-fringe-bg’ if you want to
+optimize for red-green color deficiency.
+   *note Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia:
+Deuteranopia style.
+File:,  Node: Note on php-mode multiline comments,  Next: Note on underlines in compilation buffers,  Prev: Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+7.3 Note on php-mode multiline comments
+Depending on your build of Emacs and/or the environment it runs in,
+multiline comments in PHP with the ‘php-mode’ package use the
+‘font-lock-doc-face’ instead of ‘font-lock-comment-face’.
+   This seems to make all comments use the appropriate face:
+     (defun my-multine-comments ()
+       (setq-local c-doc-face-name 'font-lock-comment-face))
+     (add-hook 'php-mode-hook #'my-multine-comments)
+   As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
+File:,  Node: Note on underlines in compilation buffers,  Next: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers,  Prev: Note on php-mode multiline comments,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.3 Note on underlines in compilation buffers
+7.4 Note on underlines in compilation buffers
 Various buffers that produce compilation results or run tests on code
 apply an underline to the file names they reference or to relevant
 messages.  Users may consider this unnecessary or excessive.
-   To outright disable the effect, use this:
+   To outright disable the effect, use this (buffers need to be
+generated anew):
      (setq compilation-message-face nil)
    If some element of differentiation is still desired, a good option is
-to render the affected text using the ‘italic’ face:
+to render the affected text with the ‘italic’ face:
      (setq compilation-message-face 'italic)
-   *note Configure bold and italic faces: Configure bold and italic
-faces (DIY).
+   *note Configure bold and italic faces::.
 File:,  Node: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers,  Next: Note on dimmerel,  Prev: Note on underlines in compilation buffers,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.4 Note on inline Latex in Org buffers
+7.5 Note on inline Latex in Org buffers
 Org can work with inline latex and related syntax.  To actually fontify
@@ -3429,7 +5041,7 @@ the desired list of values (per its doc string).  For example:
 File:,  Node: Note on dimmerel,  Next: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode,  Prev: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.5 Note on dimmer.el
+7.6 Note on dimmer.el
 The ‘dimmer.el’ library by Neil Okamoto can be configured to
@@ -3462,42 +5074,164 @@ gray.  This inadvertently leads to the opposite of the intended utility
 of this package: it draws too much attention to unfocused windows.
-File:,  Node: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode,  Next: Note on mmm-modeel background colors,  Prev: Note on dimmerel,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode,  Next: Note on highlight-parenthesesel,  Prev: Note on dimmerel,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.6 Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode
+7.7 Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode
-While designing the style for ‘display-fill-column-indicator-mode’, we
-stayed close to the mode’s defaults: to apply a subtle foreground color
-to the ‘fill-column-indicator’ face, which blends well with the rest of
-theme and is consistent with the role of that mode.  This is to not
-upset the expectations of users.
-   Nevertheless, ‘display-fill-column-indicator-mode’ has some known
-limitations pertaining to its choice of using typographic characters to
-draw its indicator.  What should be a continuous vertical line might
-appear as a series of dashes in certain contexts or under specific
-conditions: a non-default value for ‘line-spacing’, scaled and/or
-variable-pitch headings have been observed to cause this effect.
-   Given that we cannot control such factors, it may be better for
-affected users to deviate from the default style of the
-‘fill-column-indicator’ face.  Instead of setting a foreground color,
-one could use a background and have the foreground be indistinguishable
-from it.  For example:
+The ‘display-fill-column-indicator-mode’ uses a typographic character to
+draw its line.  This has the downside of creating a dashed line.  The
+dashes are further apart depending on how tall the font’s glyph height
+is and what integer the ‘line-spacing’ is set to.
+   At the theme level we eliminate this effect by making the character
+one pixel tall: the line is contiguous.  Users who prefer the dashed
+line are advised to change the ‘fill-column-indicator’ face, as
+explained elsewhere in this document.  For example:
-        `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :background ,bg-inactive
-                                         :foreground ,bg-inactive)))))
+        `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :foreground ,bg-active)))))
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
+   To make the line thicker, set the height to be equal to the base font
+size instead of the one pixel we use.  This is done by specifying a rate
+instead of an absolute number, as in ‘:height 1.0’ versus ‘:height 1’.
+For example:
+     (modus-themes-with-colors
+       (custom-set-faces
+        `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :height 1.0 :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,bg-inactive)))))
+File:,  Node: Note on highlight-parenthesesel,  Next: Note on mmm-modeel background colors,  Prev: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+7.8 Note on highlight-parentheses.el
+The ‘highlight-parentheses’ package provides contextual coloration of
+surrounding parentheses, highlighting only those which are around the
+point.  The package expects users to customize the applicable colors on
+their own by configuring certain variables.
+   To make the Modus themes work as expected with this, we need to use
+some of the techniques that are discussed at length in the various
+“Do-It-Yourself” (DIY) sections, which provide insight into the more
+advanced customization options of the themes.
+   *note Advanced customization::.
+   In the following example, we are assuming that the user wants to (i)
+re-use color variables provided by the themes, (ii) be able to retain
+their tweaks while switching between ‘modus-operandi’ and
+‘modus-vivendi’, and (iii) have the option to highlight either the
+foreground of the parentheses or the background as well.
+   We start by defining our own variable, which will serve as a toggle
+between foreground and background coloration styles:
+     (defvar my-highlight-parentheses-use-background t
+       "Prefer `highlight-parentheses-background-colors'.")
+   Then we can update our preference with this:
-   *note Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette: Face specs at
-scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+     ;; Set to nil to disable backgrounds.
+     (setq my-highlight-parentheses-use-background nil)
+   To re-use colors from the themes, we must wrap our code in the
+‘modus-themes-with-colors’ macro.  Our implementation must interface
+with the variables ‘highlight-parentheses-background-colors’ and/or
+   So we can have something like this (the doc string of
+‘modus-themes-with-colors’ explains where the names of the colors can be
+     (modus-themes-with-colors
+         ;; Our preference for setting either background or foreground
+         ;; styles, depending on `my-highlight-parentheses-use-background'.
+         (if my-highlight-parentheses-use-background
+             ;; Here we set color combinations that involve both a background
+             ;; and a foreground value.
+             (setq highlight-parentheses-background-colors (list cyan-refine-bg
+                                                                 magenta-refine-bg
+                                                                 green-refine-bg
+                                                                 yellow-refine-bg)
+                   highlight-parentheses-colors (list cyan-refine-fg
+                                                      magenta-refine-fg
+                                                      green-refine-fg
+                                                      yellow-refine-fg))
+           ;; And here we pass only foreground colors while disabling any
+           ;; backgrounds.
+           (setq highlight-parentheses-colors (list green-intense
+                                                    magenta-intense
+                                                    blue-intense
+                                                    red-intense)
+                 highlight-parentheses-background-colors nil)))
+     ;; Include this if you also want to make the parentheses bold:
+     (set-face-attribute 'highlight-parentheses-highlight nil :inherit 'bold)
+     ;; Our changes must be evaluated before enabling the relevant mode, so
+     ;; this comes last.
+     (global-highlight-parentheses-mode 1)
+   For our changes to persist while switching between the Modus themes,
+we need to include them in a function which can then get passed to
+‘modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook’.  This is the complete
+     ;; Configurations for `highlight-parentheses':
+     (require 'highlight-parentheses)
+     (defvar my-highlight-parentheses-use-background t
+       "Prefer `highlight-parentheses-background-colors'.")
+     (setq my-highlight-parentheses-use-background nil) ; Set to nil to disable backgrounds
+     (defun my-modus-themes-highlight-parentheses ()
+       (modus-themes-with-colors
+         ;; Our preference for setting either background or foreground
+         ;; styles, depending on `my-highlight-parentheses-use-background'.
+         (if my-highlight-parentheses-use-background
+             ;; Here we set color combinations that involve both a background
+             ;; and a foreground value.
+             (setq highlight-parentheses-background-colors (list cyan-refine-bg
+                                                                 magenta-refine-bg
+                                                                 green-refine-bg
+                                                                 yellow-refine-bg)
+                   highlight-parentheses-colors (list cyan-refine-fg
+                                                      magenta-refine-fg
+                                                      green-refine-fg
+                                                      yellow-refine-fg))
+           ;; And here we pass only foreground colors while disabling any
+           ;; backgrounds.
+           (setq highlight-parentheses-colors (list green-intense
+                                                    magenta-intense
+                                                    blue-intense
+                                                    red-intense)
+                 highlight-parentheses-background-colors nil)))
+       ;; Include this if you also want to make the parentheses bold:
+       (set-face-attribute 'highlight-parentheses-highlight nil :inherit 'bold)
+       ;; Our changes must be evaluated before enabling the relevant mode, so
+       ;; this comes last.
+       (global-highlight-parentheses-mode 1))
+     (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-highlight-parentheses)
+   As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
-File:,  Node: Note on mmm-modeel background colors,  Next: Note for prism,  Prev: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on mmm-modeel background colors,  Next: Note for prism,  Prev: Note on highlight-parenthesesel,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.7 Note on mmm-mode.el background colors
+7.9 Note on mmm-mode.el background colors
 The faces used by ‘mmm-mode.el’ are expected to have a colorful
@@ -3527,8 +5261,7 @@ still offer a sense of added context.
 in relative luminance (the accessibility target we conform with), can
 opt to configure the relevant faces on their own.
-   *note Face specs at scale using the themes’ palette: Face specs at
-scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+   *note Face specs at scale using the themes' palette::.
    This example uses more vivid background colors, though it comes at
 the very high cost of degraded legibility.
@@ -3547,22 +5280,22 @@ the very high cost of degraded legibility.
 File:,  Node: Note for prism,  Next: Note for god-mode,  Prev: Note on mmm-modeel background colors,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.8 Note on prism.el
+7.10 Note on prism.el
 This package by Adam Porter, aka “alphapapa” or “github-alphapapa”,
 implements an alternative to the typical coloration of code.  Instead of
 highlighting the syntactic constructs, it applies color to different
 levels of depth in the code structure.
-   As ‘prism.el’ offers a broad range of customisations, we cannot style
+   As ‘prism.el’ offers a broad range of customizations, we cannot style
 it directly at the theme level: that would run contrary to the spirit of
 the package.  Instead, we may offer preset color schemes.  Those should
 offer a starting point for users to adapt to their needs.
    In the following code snippets, we employ the
 ‘modus-themes-with-colors’ macro: *note Face specs at scale using the
-themes’ palette: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+themes' palette::.
    These are the minimum recommended settings with 16 colors:
@@ -3597,7 +5330,7 @@ themes’ palette: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
        :desaturations '(0) ; do not change---may lower the contrast ratio
        :lightens '(0)      ; same
        :colors (modus-themes-with-colors
-                 (list fg-special-cold
+                 (list blue
@@ -3615,10 +5348,10 @@ closest to the themes’ default aesthetic:
        :desaturations '(0) ; do not change---may lower the contrast ratio
        :lightens '(0)      ; same
        :colors (modus-themes-with-colors
-                 (list fg-main
-                       cyan-alt-other
+                 (list blue
+                       magenta
-                       magenta)))
+                       green-alt)))
    If you need to apply desaturation and lightening, you can use what
 the ‘prism.el’ documentation recommends, like this (adapting to the
@@ -3636,15 +5369,15 @@ examples with the 4, 8, 16 colors):
 File:,  Node: Note for god-mode,  Next: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up,  Prev: Note for prism,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.9 Note on god-mode.el
+7.11 Note on god-mode.el
 The ‘god-mode’ library does not provide faces that could be configured
 by the Modus themes.  Users who would like to get some visual feedback
 on the status of ‘M-x god-mode’ are instead encouraged by upstream to
 set up their own configurations, such as by changing the ‘mode-line’
-face (*note Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)::).  This is an
-adaptation of the approach followed in the upstream README:
+face (*note Advanced customization::).  This is an adaptation of the
+approach followed in the upstream README:
      (defun my-god-mode-update-mode-line ()
        "Make `mode-line' blue if God local mode is active."
@@ -3663,15 +5396,14 @@ adaptation of the approach followed in the upstream README:
    We employ the ‘modus-themes-with-colors’ which provides access to
 color variables defined by the active theme.  Its use is covered
-elsewhere in this manual (*note Face specs at scale using the themes’
-palette: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY).). As for
-the attributes that can be passed to each face, start by consulting the
-documentation string of ‘set-face-attribute’.
+elsewhere in this manual (*note Face specs at scale using the themes'
+palette::).  As for the attributes that can be passed to each face,
+start by consulting the documentation string of ‘set-face-attribute’.
 File:,  Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up,  Next: Note on ERC escaped color sequences,  Prev: Note for god-mode,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.10 Note on company-mode overlay pop-up
+7.12 Note on company-mode overlay pop-up
 By default, the ‘company-mode’ pop-up that lists completion candidates
@@ -3692,7 +5424,7 @@ instead of overlays.(1)(2)
 File:,  Node: Note on ERC escaped color sequences,  Next: Note on powerline or spaceline,  Prev: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.11 Note on ERC escaped color sequences
+7.13 Note on ERC escaped color sequences
 The built-in IRC client ‘erc’ has the ability to colorise any text using
@@ -3730,7 +5462,7 @@ Emacs: <>
 File:,  Node: Note on powerline or spaceline,  Next: Note on SHR colors,  Prev: Note on ERC escaped color sequences,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.12 Note on powerline or spaceline
+7.14 Note on powerline or spaceline
 Both Powerline and Spaceline package users will likely need to use the
@@ -3738,37 +5470,78 @@ command ‘powerline-reset’ whenever they make changes to their themes
 and/or mode line setup.
-File:,  Node: Note on SHR colors,  Next: Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts),  Prev: Note on powerline or spaceline,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on SHR colors,  Next: Note on SHR fonts,  Prev: Note on powerline or spaceline,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.13 Note on SHR colors
+7.15 Note on SHR colors
 Emacs’ HTML rendering library (‘shr.el’) may need explicit configuration
 to respect the theme’s colors instead of whatever specifications the
 webpage provides.
-   Consult ‘C-h v shr-use-colors’.
+   Consult the doc string of ‘shr-use-colors’.
-File:,  Node: Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts),  Next: Note on Helm grep,  Prev: Note on SHR colors,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on SHR fonts,  Next: Note on Ement colors and fonts,  Prev: Note on SHR colors,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.14 Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts)
+7.16 Note on SHR fonts
+By default, packages that build on top of the Simple HTML Remember
+(‘shr’) use proportionately spaced fonts.  This is controlled by the
+user option ‘shr-use-fonts’, which is set to non-nil by default.  To use
+the standard font instead, set that variable to nil.
+   *note Font configurations for Org and others::.
+   Packages affected by this are:
+   • elfeed
+   • ement
+   • eww
+   This is a non-exhaustive list.
+File:,  Node: Note on Ement colors and fonts,  Next: Note on Helm grep,  Prev: Note on SHR fonts,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+7.17 Note on Ement colors and fonts
+The ‘ement.el’ library by Adam Porter (also known as “alphapapa”)
+defaults to a method of colorizing usernames in a rainbow style.  This
+is controlled by the user option ‘ement-room-prism’ and can be disabled
+     (setq ement-room-prism nil)
+   The contrast ratio of these colors is governed by another user
+option: ‘ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast’.  By default, it is set to 6
+which is slightly below our nominal target.  Try this instead:
+     (setq ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast 7)
+   With regard to fonts, Ement depends on ‘shr’ (*note Note on SHR
+   Since we are here, here is an excerpt from Ement’s source code:
-EWW and Elfeed rely on the Simple HTML Renderer to display their
-content.  The ‘shr.el’ library contains the variable ‘shr-use-fonts’
-that controls whether the text in the buffer is set to a
-‘variable-pitch’ typeface (proportionately spaced) or if just retains
-whatever the default font family is.  Its default value is non-nil,
-which means that ‘variable-pitch’ is applied.
+     (defcustom ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast 6
+       "Attempt to enforce this minimum contrast ratio for user faces.
+     This should be a reasonable number from, e.g. 0-7 or so."
+       ;; Prot would almost approve of this default.  :) I would go all the way
+       ;; to 7, but 6 already significantly dilutes the colors in some cases.
+       :type 'number)
-   *note Font configurations for Org and others: Font configurations for
-Org and others (DIY).
+   Yes, I do approve of that default.  Even a 4.5 (the WCAG AA rating)
+would be a good baseline for many themes and/or user configurations.
+Our target is the highest of the sort, though we do not demand that
+everyone conforms with it.
-File:,  Node: Note on Helm grep,  Next: Note on vc-annotate-background-mode,  Prev: Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts),  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on Helm grep,  Next: Note on pdf-tools link hints,  Prev: Note on Ement colors and fonts,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.15 Note on Helm grep
+7.18 Note on Helm grep
 There is one face from the Helm package that is meant to highlight the
@@ -3797,28 +5570,9 @@ ANSI color number 1 (red) from the already-supported array of
-File:,  Node: Note on vc-annotate-background-mode,  Next: Note on pdf-tools link hints,  Prev: Note on Helm grep,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+File:,  Node: Note on pdf-tools link hints,  Next: Note on the Notmuch logo,  Prev: Note on Helm grep,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.16 Note on vc-annotate-background-mode
-Due to the unique way ‘vc-annotate’ (‘C-x v g’) applies colors, support
-for its background mode (‘vc-annotate-background-mode’) is disabled at
-the theme level.
-   Normally, such a drastic measure should not belong in a theme:
-assuming the user’s preferences is bad practice.  However, it has been
-deemed necessary in the interest of preserving color contrast
-accessibility while still supporting a useful built-in tool.
-   If there actually is a way to avoid such a course of action, without
-prejudice to the accessibility standard of this project, then please
-report as much or send patches (*note Contributing::).
-File:,  Node: Note on pdf-tools link hints,  Prev: Note on vc-annotate-background-mode,  Up: Notes on individual packages
-7.17 Note on pdf-tools link hints
+7.19 Note on pdf-tools link hints
 Hints are drawn by ImageMagick (, not Emacs,
@@ -3865,10 +5619,48 @@ your initialization file after you’ve customized any faces.
                  "-draw"       "text %X,%Y '%c'"))))
-File:,  Node: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),  Next: Contributing,  Prev: Notes on individual packages,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Note on the Notmuch logo,  Next: Note on goto-address-mode faces,  Prev: Note on pdf-tools link hints,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+7.20 Note on the Notmuch logo
+By default, the “hello” buffer of Notmuch includes a header with the
+programs’ logo and a couple of buttons.  The logo has the effect of
+enlarging the height of the line, which negatively impacts the shape of
+those buttons.  Disabling the logo fixes the problem:
+     (setq notmuch-show-logo nil)
+File:,  Node: Note on goto-address-mode faces,  Prev: Note on the Notmuch logo,  Up: Notes on individual packages
+7.21 Note on goto-address-mode faces
+The built-in ‘goto-address-mode’ uses heuristics to identify URLs and
+email addresses in the current buffer.  It then applies a face to them
+to change their style.  Some packages, such as ‘notmuch’, use this
+minor-mode automatically.
+   The faces are not declared with ‘defface’, meaning that it is better
+that the theme does not modify them.  The user is thus encouraged to
+consider including (or equivalent) this in their setup:
+     (setq goto-address-url-face 'link
+           goto-address-url-mouse-face 'highlight
+           goto-address-mail-face 'link
+           goto-address-mail-mouse-face 'highlight)
+   My personal preference is to set ‘goto-address-mail-face’ to nil, as
+it otherwise adds too much visual noise to the buffer (email addresses
+stand out more, due to the use of the uncommon ‘@’ character but also
+because they are often enclosed in angled brackets).
+File:,  Node: Frequently Asked Questions,  Next: Contributing,  Prev: Notes on individual packages,  Up: Top
-8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+8 Frequently Asked Questions
 In this section we provide answers related to some aspects of the Modus
 themes’ design and application.
@@ -3879,9 +5671,11 @@ themes’ design and application.
 * What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?::
 * Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?.
 * What is the best setup for legibility?::
+* Are these color schemes?::
+* Port the Modus themes to other platforms?::
-File:,  Node: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?,  Next: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+File:,  Node: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?,  Next: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions
 8.1 Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?
@@ -3909,7 +5703,7 @@ be colored differently.  They would still be legible though, which is
 the primary objective of the Modus themes.
-File:,  Node: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?,  Next: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?,  Prev: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+File:,  Node: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?,  Next: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?,  Prev: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions
 8.2 What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?
@@ -3942,7 +5736,7 @@ magenta can suffice to tell things apart and avoid excess coloration: a
 harmonious rhythm.
-File:,  Node: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?,  Next: What is the best setup for legibility?,  Prev: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+File:,  Node: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?,  Next: What is the best setup for legibility?,  Prev: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions
 8.3 Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?
@@ -3978,7 +5772,7 @@ luminated, while black is ‘#000000’ meaning that no light is present
      | blue    | #0000ff |    8.59 |    2.44 |
      | magenta | #ff00ff |    3.14 |    6.70 |
-   *note Measure color contrast: Measure color contrast (DIY).
+   *note Measure color contrast::.
    By reading this table we learn that every color that has a high level
 of green light (green, yellow, cyan) is virtually unreadable against a
@@ -3992,8 +5786,8 @@ and hints of green give us suitable shades of purple.
    Due to the need of maintaining some difference in hueness between
 adjacent colors, it is not possible to make red, green, and yellow the
-primary colors, because blue could not be used to control their
-luminance and, thus the relevant space would shrink considerably.
+main colors, because blue cannot be used to control their luminance and,
+thus the relevant space will shrink considerably.
    *note Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?::
@@ -4030,7 +5824,7 @@ completely different than ‘modus-operandi’, to the effect that the two
 could not be properly considered part of the same project.
-File:,  Node: What is the best setup for legibility?,  Prev: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+File:,  Node: What is the best setup for legibility?,  Next: Are these color schemes?,  Prev: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions
 8.4 What is the best setup for legibility?
@@ -4046,7 +5840,7 @@ latter case.
    ‘modus-operandi’ is best used outdoors or in a room that either gets
 direct sunlight or has plenty of light.  Whereas ‘modus-vivendi’ works
 better when there is not a lot of sunshine or the room has a source of
-light, preferably a faint or warm one.  It is possible to use
+light that is preferably a faint and/or warm one.  It is possible to use
 ‘modus-operandi’ at night and ‘modus-vivendi’ during the day, though
 that will depend on several variables, such as one’s overall perception
 of color, the paint on the walls and how that contributes to the
@@ -4080,7 +5874,140 @@ accessibility, though the remaining contributing factors in each case
 need to be considered in full.
-File:,  Node: Contributing,  Next: Acknowledgements,  Prev: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Are these color schemes?,  Next: Port the Modus themes to other platforms?,  Prev: What is the best setup for legibility?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions
+8.5 Are these color schemes?
+No, the Modus themes are not color schemes.
+   A color scheme is a collection of colors.  A good color scheme is a
+combination of colors with an inner logic or abstract structure.
+   A theme is a set of patterns that are applied across different
+contexts.  A good theme is one that does so with consistency, though not
+   In practical terms, a color scheme is what one uses when, for
+example, they edit the first sixteen escape sequences of a terminal
+emulator to the hues of their preference.  The terminal offers the
+option to choose, say, the exact value of what counts as “red”, but does
+not provide the means to control where that is mapped to and whether it
+should also have other qualities such as a bold weight for the
+underlying text or an added background color.  In contradistinction,
+Emacs uses constructs known as “faces” which allow the user/developer to
+specify where a given color will be used and whether it should be
+accompanied by other typographic or stylistic attributes.
+   By configuring the multitude of faces on offer we thus control both
+which colors are applied and how they appear in their context.  When a
+package wants to render each instance of “foo” with the “bar” face, it
+is not requesting a specific color, which makes things considerably more
+flexible as we can treat “bar” in its own right without necessarily
+having to use some color value that we hardcoded somewhere.
+   Which brings us to the distinction between consistency and uniformity
+where our goal is always the former: we want things to look similar
+across all interfaces, but we must never force a visual identity where
+that runs contrary to the functionality of the given interface.  For
+instance, all links are underlined by default yet there are cases such
+as when viewing listings of emails in Gnus (and Mu4e, Notmuch) where (i)
+it is already understood that one must follow the indicator or headline
+to view its contents and (ii) underlining everything would make the
+interface virtually unusable.
+   *note Option for links: Link styles.
+   Again, one must exercise judgement in order to avoid discrimination,
+where “discrimination” refers to:
+   • The treatment of substantially different magnitudes as if they were
+     of the same class.
+   • Or the treatment of the same class of magnitudes as if they were of
+     a different class.
+   (To treat similar things differently; to treat dissimilar things
+   If, in other words, one was to enforce uniformity without accounting
+for the particular requirements of each case—the contextual demands for
+usability beyond matters of color—they would be making a not-so-obvious
+error of treating different cases as if they were the same.
+   The Modus themes prioritize “thematic consistency” over abstract
+harmony or regularity among their applicable colors.  In concrete terms,
+we do not claim that, say, our yellows are the best complements for our
+blues because we generally avoid using complementary colors
+side-by-side, so it is wrong to optimize for a decontextualised
+blue+yellow combination.  Not to imply that our colors do not work well
+together because they do, just to clarify that consistency of context is
+what themes must strive for, and that requires widening the scope of the
+design beyond the particularities of a color scheme.
+   Long story short: color schemes and themes have different
+requirements.  Please do not conflate the two.
+File:,  Node: Port the Modus themes to other platforms?,  Prev: Are these color schemes?,  Up: Frequently Asked Questions
+8.6 Port the Modus themes to other platforms?
+There is no plan to port the themes to other platforms or text editors.
+I (Protesilaos) only use GNU Emacs and thus cannot maintain code that
+targets software I am either not familiar with or am not using on a
+daily basis.
+   While it is possible to produce a simulacrum based on a given
+template, doing so would run contrary to how this project is maintained
+where details matter greatly.
+   Each program has its own requirements so it won’t always be
+possible—or indeed desirable—to have 1:1 correspondence between what
+applies to Emacs and what should be done elsewhere.  No port should ever
+strive to be a faithful copy of the Emacs implementation, as no other
+program is an Emacs equivalent, but instead try to follow the spirit of
+the design.  For example, some of the customization options accept a
+list as their value, or an alist, which may not be possible to reproduce
+on other platforms.
+   *note Customization options: Customization Options.
+   In other words, if something must be done differently on a certain
+editor then that is acceptable so long as (i) the accessibility
+standards are not compromised and (ii) the overall character of the
+themes remains consistent.
+   The former criterion should be crystal clear as it pertains to the
+scientific foundations of the themes: high legibility and taking care of
+the needs of users with red-green color deficiency (deuteranopia) by
+avoiding red+green color coding paradigms and/or by providing red+blue
+   The latter criterion is the “je ne sais quoi” of the artistic aspect
+of the themes, which is partially fleshed out in this manual.
+   *note Frequently Asked Questions::.
+   With regard to the artistic aspect (where “art” qua skill may amount
+to an imprecise science), there is no hard-and-fast rule in effect as it
+requires one to exercise discretion and make decisions based on
+context-dependent information or constraints.  As is true with most
+things in life, when in doubt, do not cling on to the letter of the law
+but try to understand its spirit.
+   For a trivial example: the curly underline that Emacs draws for
+spelling errors is thinner than, e.g., what a graphical web browser has,
+so if I was to design for an editor than has a thicker curly underline I
+would make the applicable colors less intense to counterbalance the
+typographic intensity of the added thickness.
+   With those granted, if anyone is willing to develop a port of the
+themes, they are welcome to contact me and I will do my best to help
+them in their efforts.
+File:,  Node: Contributing,  Next: Acknowledgements,  Prev: Frequently Asked Questions,  Up: Top
 9 Contributing
@@ -4100,18 +6027,17 @@ File:,  Node: Sources of the themes,  Next: Issues you can hel
 9.1 Sources of the themes
-The ‘modus-operandi’ and ‘modus-vivendi’ themes are built into Emacs.
-Currently they are in Emacs’ git main branch (trunk), which is tracking
-the next development release target.
+The ‘modus-operandi’ and ‘modus-vivendi’ themes are built into Emacs 28.
-   The source code of the themes is available on Gitlab
-(, for the time being.  A
-mirror on Github ( is also
-on offer.
+   The source code of the themes is available on SourceHut
+(  Or check the GitLab
+mirror (former main source)
+( and the GitHub mirror
    An HTML version of this manual is provided as an extension of the
-author’s personal website ( (does
-not rely on any non-free code).
+author’s personal website (
+(does not rely on any non-free code).
 File:,  Node: Issues you can help with,  Next: Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF,  Prev: Sources of the themes,  Up: Contributing
@@ -4119,7 +6045,10 @@ File:,  Node: Issues you can help with,  Next: Patches require
 9.2 Issues you can help with
-A few tasks you can help with:
+A few tasks you can help with by sending an email to the general
+modus-themes public mailing list
+( (or use the command
    • Suggest refinements to packages that are covered.
    • Report packages not covered thus far.
@@ -4127,7 +6056,8 @@ A few tasks you can help with:
    • Help expand the documentation of covered-but-not-styled packages.
    • Suggest refinements to the color palette.
    • Help expand this document or any other piece of documentation.
-   • Merge requests for code refinements.
+   • Send patches for code refinements (if you need, ask me for help
+     with Git—we all start out as beginners).
    *note Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF::.
@@ -4135,6 +6065,9 @@ A few tasks you can help with:
 or short videos, as well as further instructions to reproduce a given
 setup.  Though this is not a requirement.
+   Also consider mentioning the version of the themes you are using,
+such as by invoking the command ‘modus-themes-version’.
    Whatever you do, bear in mind the overarching objective of the Modus
 themes: to keep a contrast ratio that is greater or equal to 7:1 between
 background and foreground colors.  If a compromise is ever necessary
@@ -4166,7 +6099,7 @@ you to make contributions to Emacs in general.
      Please use your full legal name (in ASCII characters) as the subject
      line of the message.
-     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]
@@ -4204,7 +6137,7 @@ you to make contributions to Emacs in general.
-File:,  Node: Acknowledgements,  Next: Meta,  Prev: Contributing,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Acknowledgements,  Next: Other notes about the project,  Prev: Contributing,  Up: Top
 10 Acknowledgements
@@ -4215,52 +6148,68 @@ Author/maintainer
      Protesilaos Stavrou.
 Contributions to code or documentation
-     Anders Johansson, Basil L. Contovounesios, Carlo Zancanaro, Eli
-     Zaretskii, Fritz Grabo, Kostadin Ninev, Madhavan Krishnan, Markus
-     Beppler, Matthew Stevenson, Mauro Aranda, Nicolas De Jaeghere,
-     Philip Kaludercic, Rudolf Adamkovič, Shreyas Ragavan, Stefan
-     Kangas, Vincent Murphy, Xinglu Chen.
+     Alex Griffin, Anders Johansson, Antonio Ruiz, Basil L.
+     Contovounesios, Björn Lindström, Carlo Zancanaro, Christian Tietze,
+     Daniel Mendler, Eli Zaretskii, Fritz Grabo, Illia Ostapyshyn, Kévin
+     Le Gouguec, Koen van Greevenbroek, Kostadin Ninev, Madhavan
+     Krishnan, Manuel Giraud, Markus Beppler, Matthew Stevenson, Mauro
+     Aranda, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Paul David, Philip Kaludercic, Pierre
+     Téchoueyres, Rudolf Adamkovič, Stephen Gildea, Shreyas Ragavan,
+     Stefan Kangas, Utkarsh Singh, Vincent Murphy, Xinglu Chen, Yuanchen
+     Xie, okamsn.
 Ideas and user feedback
-     Aaron Jensen, Adam Spiers, Adrian Manea, Alex Griffin, Alex
-     Peitsinis, Alexey Shmalko, Alok Singh, Anders Johansson, André
-     Alexandre Gomes, Arif Rezai, Basil L. Contovounesios, Burgess
-     Chang, Christian Tietze, Christopher Dimech, Damien Cassou, Daniel
-     Mendler, Dario Gjorgjevski, David Edmondson, Davor Rotim, Divan
-     Santana, Emanuele Michele Alberto Monterosso, Farasha Euker,
-     Gautier Ponsinet, Gerry Agbobada, Gianluca Recchia, Gustavo Barros,
-     Hörmetjan Yiltiz, Ilja Kocken, Iris Garcia, Jeremy Friesen, Jerry
-     Zhang, John Haman, Joshua O’Connor, Kevin Fleming, Kévin Le
-     Gouguec, Kostadin Ninev, Len Trigg, Manuel Uberti, Mark Burton,
-     Markus Beppler, Mauro Aranda, Michael Goldenberg, Morgan Smith,
-     Murilo Pereira, Nicky van Foreest, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Paul
-     Poloskov, Pengji Zhang, Pete Kazmier, Peter Wu, Philip Kaludercic,
-     Pierre Téchoueyres, Roman Rudakov, Ryan Phillips, Rudolf Adamkovič,
-     Sam Kleinman, Shreyas Ragavan, Simon Pugnet, Tassilo Horn, Thibaut
-     Verron, Thomas Heartman, Trey Merkley, Togan Muftuoglu, Toon Claes,
-     Uri Sharf, Utkarsh Singh, Vincent Foley.  As well as users: Ben,
-     CsBigDataHub1, Emacs Contrib, Eugene, Fourchaux, Fredrik, Moesasji,
-     Nick, TheBlob42, Trey, bepolymathe, doolio, fleimgruber, iSeeU,
-     jixiuf, okamsn, pRot0ta1p.
+     Aaron Jensen, Adam Porter, Adam Spiers, Adrian Manea, Alex Griffin,
+     Alex Koen, Alex Peitsinis, Alexey Shmalko, Alok Singh, Anders
+     Johansson, André Alexandre Gomes, Andrew Tropin, Antonio Hernández
+     Blas, Arif Rezai, Augusto Stoffel, Basil L. Contovounesios, Burgess
+     Chang, Christian Tietze, Christopher Dimech, Christopher League,
+     Damien Cassou, Daniel Mendler, Dario Gjorgjevski, David Edmondson,
+     Davor Rotim, Divan Santana, Eliraz Kedmi, Emanuele Michele Alberto
+     Monterosso, Farasha Euker, Feng Shu, Gautier Ponsinet, Gerry
+     Agbobada, Gianluca Recchia, Gonçalo Marrafa, Guilherme Semente,
+     Gustavo Barros, Hörmetjan Yiltiz, Ilja Kocken, Iris Garcia, Ivan
+     Popovych, Jeremy Friesen, Jerry Zhang, Johannes Grødem, John Haman,
+     Jonas Collberg, Jorge Morais, Joshua O’Connor, Julio C.
+     Villasante, Kenta Usami, Kevin Fleming, Kévin Le Gouguec, Kevin
+     Kainan Li, Kostadin Ninev, Len Trigg, Lennart C.  Karssen, Luis
+     Miguel Castañeda, Magne Hov, Manuel Uberti, Mark Bestley, Mark
+     Burton, Mark Simpson, Markus Beppler, Matt Armstrong, Mauro Aranda,
+     Maxime Tréca, Michael Goldenberg, Morgan Smith, Morgan Willcock,
+     Murilo Pereira, Nicky van Foreest, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Pablo
+     Stafforini, Paul Poloskov, Pengji Zhang, Pete Kazmier, Peter Wu,
+     Philip Kaludercic, Pierre Téchoueyres, Przemysław Kryger, Robert
+     Hepple, Roman Rudakov, Ryan Phillips, Rytis Paškauskas, Rudolf
+     Adamkovič, Sam Kleinman, Samuel Culpepper, Saša Janiška, Shreyas
+     Ragavan, Simon Pugnet, Tassilo Horn, Thibaut Verron, Thomas
+     Heartman, Togan Muftuoglu, Tony Zorman, Trey Merkley, Tomasz
+     Hołubowicz, Toon Claes, Uri Sharf, Utkarsh Singh, Vincent Foley.
+     As well as users: Ben, CsBigDataHub1, Emacs Contrib, Eugene,
+     Fourchaux, Fredrik, Moesasji, Nick, Summer Emacs, TheBlob42, Trey,
+     bepolymathe, bit9tream, derek-upham, doolio, fleimgruber, gitrj95,
+     iSeeU, jixiuf, okamsn, pRot0ta1p.
      Basil L. Contovounesios, Eli Zaretskii, Glenn Morris, Mauro Aranda,
      Richard Stallman, Stefan Kangas (core Emacs), Stefan Monnier (GNU
-     Elpa), André Alexandre Gomes, Dimakakos Dimos, Morgan Smith,
-     Nicolas Goaziou (Guix), Dhavan Vaidya (Debian).
+     Elpa), André Alexandre Gomes, Andrew Tropin, Dimakakos Dimos,
+     Morgan Smith, Nicolas Goaziou (Guix), Dhavan Vaidya (Debian).
 Inspiration for certain features
      Bozhidar Batsov (zenburn-theme), Fabrice Niessen (leuven-theme).
-   Special thanks, in no particular order, to Manuel Uberti, Gustavo
-Barros, and Omar Antolín Camarena for their long time contributions and
-insightful commentary.
+   Special thanks (from A-Z) to Daniel Mendler, Gustavo Barros, Manuel
+Uberti, Nicolas De Jaeghere, and Omar Antolín Camarena for their long
+time contributions and insightful commentary on key aspects of the
+themes’ design and/or aspects of their functionality.
+   All errors are my own.
-File:,  Node: Meta,  Next: GNU Free Documentation License,  Prev: Acknowledgements,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: Other notes about the project,  Next: GNU Free Documentation License,  Prev: Acknowledgements,  Up: Top
-11 Meta
+11 Other notes about the project
 If you are curious about the principles that govern the development of
 this project read the essay On the design of the Modus themes
@@ -4295,18 +6244,37 @@ details of this sort):
    • The Modus themes now cover deuteranopia in diffs
-   And here are the canonical sources of this project’s documentation:
+   • Introducing the variable modus-themes-org-agenda
+     (
+     (2021-06-02)
+   • Modus themes: review of the org-habit graph colours
+     (
+     (2022-01-02)
+   • Re: VSCode or Vim ports of the Emacs modus-themes?
+     (
+     (2022-01-03)
+   • Modus themes: case study on Avy faces and colour combinations
+     (
+     (2022-04-20)
+   • Emacs: colour theory and techniques used in the Modus themes
+     (
+     (2022-04-21)
+   And here are the canonical sources of this project:
-     <>
+     <>
 Change Log
-     <>
+     <>
-     <>
+     <>
+Git repository
+     <>
+Mailing list
+     <>
-File:,  Node: GNU Free Documentation License,  Next: Indices,  Prev: Meta,  Up: Top
+File:,  Node: GNU Free Documentation License,  Next: Indices,  Prev: Other notes about the project,  Up: Top
 Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License
@@ -4808,20 +6776,28 @@ B.1 Function index
 * Menu:
-* modus-themes-color:                    Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY).
-                                                                (line 6)
-* modus-themes-color-alts:               Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY).
-                                                                (line 6)
-* modus-themes-contrast:                 Measure color contrast (DIY).
-                                                                (line 6)
-* modus-themes-load-operandi:            Enable and load.       (line 6)
-* modus-themes-load-themes:              Enable and load.       (line 6)
-* modus-themes-load-vivendi:             Enable and load.       (line 6)
-* modus-themes-toggle:                   Enable and load.       (line 6)
-* modus-themes-wcag-formula:             Measure color contrast (DIY).
-                                                                (line 6)
-* modus-themes-with-colors:              Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
-                                                                (line 6)
+* modus-themes-color:                    Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-color-alts:               Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-contrast:                 Measure color contrast.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-list-colors:              Visualize the active Modus theme's palette.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-list-colors-current:      Visualize the active Modus theme's palette.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-load-operandi:            Enable and load.      (line  6)
+* modus-themes-load-themes:              Enable and load.      (line  6)
+* modus-themes-load-vivendi:             Enable and load.      (line  6)
+* modus-themes-report-bug:               Issues you can help with.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-toggle:                   Enable and load.      (line  6)
+* modus-themes-version:                  Issues you can help with.
+                                                               (line 26)
+* modus-themes-wcag-formula:             Measure color contrast.
+                                                               (line  6)
+* modus-themes-with-colors:              Face specs at scale using the themes' palette.
+                                                               (line  6)
 File:,  Node: Variable index,  Next: Concept index,  Prev: Function index,  Up: Indices
@@ -4834,31 +6810,33 @@ B.2 Variable index
 * modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook:    Enable and load.       (line 6)
 * modus-themes-bold-constructs:          Bold constructs.       (line 6)
+* modus-themes-box-buttons:              Box buttons.           (line 6)
 * modus-themes-completions:              Completion UIs.        (line 6)
+* modus-themes-deuteranopia:             Deuteranopia style.    (line 6)
 * modus-themes-diffs:                    Diffs.                 (line 6)
 * modus-themes-fringes:                  Fringes.               (line 6)
 * modus-themes-headings:                 Heading styles.        (line 6)
 * modus-themes-hl-line:                  Line highlighting.     (line 6)
 * modus-themes-inhibit-reload:           Custom reload theme.   (line 6)
+* modus-themes-intense-mouseovers:       Mouse hover effects.   (line 6)
 * modus-themes-italic-constructs:        Italic constructs.     (line 6)
 * modus-themes-lang-checkers:            Language checkers.     (line 6)
 * modus-themes-links:                    Link styles.           (line 6)
 * modus-themes-mail-citations:           Mail citations.        (line 6)
+* modus-themes-markup:                   Markup.                (line 6)
+* modus-themes-mixed-fonts:              Mixed fonts.           (line 6)
 * modus-themes-mode-line:                Mode line.             (line 6)
-* modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts:           No mixed fonts.        (line 6)
-* modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides: Override colors (DIY). (line 6)
+* modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides: Override colors.       (line 6)
 * modus-themes-org-agenda:               Org agenda.            (line 6)
 * modus-themes-org-blocks:               Org mode blocks.       (line 6)
 * modus-themes-paren-match:              Matching parentheses.  (line 6)
 * modus-themes-prompts:                  Command prompts.       (line 6)
 * modus-themes-region:                   Active region.         (line 6)
-* modus-themes-scale-headings:           Scaled headings.       (line 6)
 * modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers:      Line numbers.          (line 6)
-* modus-themes-success-deuteranopia:     Success' color-code.   (line 6)
 * modus-themes-syntax:                   Syntax styles.         (line 6)
-* modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings:  Headings' typeface.    (line 6)
+* modus-themes-tabs-accented:            Tab style.             (line 6)
 * modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui:        UI typeface.           (line 6)
-* modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides:  Override colors (DIY). (line 6)
+* modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides:  Override colors.       (line 6)
 File:,  Node: Concept index,  Prev: Variable index,  Up: Indices
@@ -4871,32 +6849,42 @@ B.3 Concept index
 * Avoiding exaggerations in design:      What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Bold and italic fonts:                 Configure bold and italic faces (DIY).
+* Bold and italic fonts:                 Configure bold and italic faces.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Change a theme’s color saturation:     Override color saturation.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Change a theme’s color saturation:     Override color saturation (DIY).
+* Change a theme’s colors:               Override colors.       (line 6)
+* Change theme colors through blending:  Override colors through blending.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Change a theme’s colors:               Override colors (DIY). (line 6)
 * Changelog:                             Learn about the latest changes.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Color contrast:                        Measure color contrast (DIY).
+* Color accuracy of terminal emulators:  More accurate colors in terminal emulators.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Color contrast:                        Measure color contrast.
                                                                 (line 6)
 * Contrast between adjacent colors:      Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?.
                                                                 (line 6)
 * Contributing:                          Issues you can help with.
                                                                 (line 6)
 * Contributors:                          Acknowledgements.      (line 6)
-* Cycle colors:                          Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY).
+* Cycle colors:                          Cycle through arbitrary colors.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Decrease mode line height:             Decrease mode line height.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Development notes:                     Other notes about the project.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Development notes:                     Meta.                  (line 6)
 * Essential configuration:               Enable and load.       (line 6)
 * Explicitly supported packages:         Supported packages.    (line 6)
-* Extracting colors en masse:            Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY).
+* Extracting colors en masse:            Face specs at scale using the themes' palette.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Extracting individual colors:          Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Extracting individual colors:          Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY).
+* Font configurations:                   Font configurations for Org and others.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Font configurations:                   Font configurations for Org and others (DIY).
+* Fonts in EWW, Elfeed, Ement, and SHR:  Note on SHR fonts.     (line 6)
+* Foreground-only diffs:                 Diffs with only the foreground.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
+* Frequently Asked Questions:            Frequently Asked Questions.
                                                                 (line 6)
 * General setup for readability:         What is the best setup for legibility?.
                                                                 (line 6)
@@ -4906,117 +6894,154 @@ B.3 Concept index
                                                                 (line 6)
 * load-theme VS enable-theme:            Differences between loading and enabling.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Org extra faces:                       Custom Org user faces (DIY).
+* Monochrome code syntax:                Near-monochrome syntax highlighting.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Remapping faces:                       Remap face with local value (DIY).
+* Org custom emphasis faces:             Custom Org emphasis faces.
                                                                 (line 6)
-* Remapping pdf-tools backdrop:          Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY).
+* Org custom todo faces:                 Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Porting the themes to other editors:   Port the Modus themes to other platforms?.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Preview color values:                  Visualize the active Modus theme's palette.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Pure white and pure black in terminal emulators: Range of color with terminal emulators.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Remapping faces:                       Remap face with local value.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Remapping pdf-tools backdrop:          Backdrop for pdf-tools.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* sample configuration:                  Sample configuration with and without use-package.
                                                                 (line 6)
 * Screenshots:                           How do the themes look like.
                                                                 (line 6)
 * Sources of the themes:                 Sources of the themes. (line 6)
-* use-package configuration:             Sample configuration for use-package.
+* Switch themes without load-theme:      Toggle themes without reloading them.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* Themes, not color schemes:             Are these color schemes?.
+                                                                (line 6)
+* use-package configuration:             Sample configuration with and without use-package.
                                                                 (line 6)
 Tag Table:
-Node: Top860
-Node: Overview6838
-Node: How do the themes look like8381
-Node: Learn about the latest changes8889
-Node: Installation9271
-Node: Install manually from source9752
-Node: Install from the archives10577
-Node: Install on GNU/Linux11354
-Node: Debian 11 Bullseye11802
-Node: GNU Guix12112
-Node: Enable and load12395
-Node: Sample configuration for use-package15384
-Node: Differences between loading and enabling16762
-Node: Customization Options18802
-Node: Custom reload theme25214
-Node: Success' color-code25749
-Node: Bold constructs26686
-Node: Italic constructs27475
-Node: Syntax styles28193
-Node: No mixed fonts30226
-Node: Link styles31321
-Node: Command prompts33692
-Node: Mode line35385
-Node: Completion UIs38890
-Node: Mail citations40761
-Node: Fringes41614
-Node: Language checkers42276
-Node: Line highlighting44297
-Node: Line numbers45812
-Node: Matching parentheses46890
-Node: Active region48182
-Node: Diffs49511
-Node: Org mode blocks51450
-Node: Org agenda53328
-Node: Heading styles58820
-Node: Scaled headings61862
-Node: Scaled heading sizes62465
-Node: UI typeface65721
-Node: Headings' typeface66567
-Node: Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)67191
-Node: Per-theme customization settings (DIY)68596
-Node: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY)69942
-Node: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY)74406
-Node: Remap face with local value (DIY)79223
-Node: Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY)81748
-Node: Override colors (DIY)88314
-Node: Override color saturation (DIY)93207
-Node: Font configurations for Org and others (DIY)98960
-Ref: Font configurations for Org and others (DIY)-Footnote-1101608
-Node: Configure bold and italic faces (DIY)101795
-Node: Custom Org user faces (DIY)105841
-Node: Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY)109597
-Node: Measure color contrast (DIY)111557
-Node: Load theme depending on time of day (DIY)114351
-Node: Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY)115391
-Node: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY)118180
-Node: Face coverage120570
-Node: Supported packages121039
-Node: Indirectly covered packages127842
-Node: Notes on individual packages128396
-Node: Note on avy hints129385
-Node: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors130553
-Node: Note on underlines in compilation buffers131736
-Node: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers132585
-Node: Note on dimmerel133195
-Node: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode134680
-Node: Note on mmm-modeel background colors136301
-Node: Note for prism138680
-Node: Note for god-mode141906
-Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up143578
-Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-1144268
-Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-2144335
-Node: Note on ERC escaped color sequences144390
-Ref: Note on ERC escaped color sequences-Footnote-1145818
-Node: Note on powerline or spaceline145928
-Node: Note on SHR colors146342
-Node: Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts)146777
-Node: Note on Helm grep147522
-Node: Note on vc-annotate-background-mode149009
-Node: Note on pdf-tools link hints149894
-Node: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)152326
-Node: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?152900
-Node: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?154413
-Node: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?156248
-Node: What is the best setup for legibility?160595
-Node: Contributing163202
-Node: Sources of the themes163605
-Node: Issues you can help with164343
-Node: Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF165543
-Node: Acknowledgements167838
-Node: Meta170379
-Node: GNU Free Documentation License172376
-Node: Indices197728
-Node: Function index197907
-Node: Variable index199144
-Node: Concept index201285
+Node: Top872
+Node: Overview7796
+Node: How do the themes look like9920
+Node: Learn about the latest changes10434
+Node: Installation10822
+Node: Install manually from source11344
+Node: Install from the archives12169
+Node: Install on GNU/Linux12768
+Node: Debian 11 Bullseye13261
+Node: GNU Guix13671
+Node: Dealing with byte compilation errors13954
+Node: Enable and load15112
+Node: Sample configuration with and without use-package18651
+Node: Differences between loading and enabling21556
+Node: Customization Options23565
+Node: Custom reload theme31945
+Node: Deuteranopia style32734
+Node: Bold constructs34165
+Node: Italic constructs34999
+Node: Syntax styles35766
+Node: Mixed fonts37898
+Node: Link styles39162
+Node: Box buttons41636
+Node: Command prompts44933
+Node: Mode line46754
+Node: Tab style52249
+Node: Completion UIs52912
+Node: Mail citations56762
+Node: Fringes57908
+Node: Language checkers58648
+Node: Line highlighting61090
+Node: Line numbers62828
+Node: Mouse hover effects63909
+Node: Markup64524
+Node: Matching parentheses66124
+Node: Active region67501
+Node: Diffs68914
+Node: Org mode blocks70565
+Node: Org agenda72955
+Node: Heading styles81771
+Node: UI typeface86683
+Node: Advanced customization87582
+Node: More accurate colors in terminal emulators89342
+Node: Range of color with terminal emulators90583
+Node: Visualize the active Modus theme's palette93288
+Node: Per-theme customization settings94284
+Node: Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette95640
+Node: Face specs at scale using the themes' palette100188
+Node: Remap face with local value104989
+Node: Cycle through arbitrary colors107414
+Node: Override colors113841
+Node: Override color saturation119083
+Node: Override colors through blending124764
+Node: Override colors completely127609
+Node: Font configurations for Org and others141111
+Ref: Font configurations for Org and others-Footnote-1144038
+Node: Configure bold and italic faces144225
+Node: Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces148373
+Node: Custom Org emphasis faces152046
+Node: Update Org block delimiter fontification156847
+Node: Measure color contrast158764
+Node: Load theme depending on time of day161487
+Node: Backdrop for pdf-tools162495
+Node: Decrease mode line height165347
+Node: Toggle themes without reloading them169469
+Node: A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading170748
+Node: Diffs with only the foreground173150
+Node: Ediff without diff color-coding176264
+Node: Near-monochrome syntax highlighting178403
+Node: Custom hl-todo colors187400
+Node: Add support for solaire-mode188921
+Node: Face coverage191839
+Node: Supported packages192291
+Node: Indirectly covered packages198867
+Node: Notes on individual packages199995
+Node: Note on calendarel weekday and weekend colors201139
+Node: Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs202287
+Node: Note on php-mode multiline comments204375
+Node: Note on underlines in compilation buffers205128
+Node: Note on inline Latex in Org buffers205965
+Node: Note on dimmerel206575
+Node: Note on display-fill-column-indicator-mode208060
+Node: Note on highlight-parenthesesel209458
+Node: Note on mmm-modeel background colors215508
+Node: Note for prism217823
+Node: Note for god-mode220979
+Node: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up222583
+Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-1223273
+Ref: Note on company-mode overlay pop-up-Footnote-2223340
+Node: Note on ERC escaped color sequences223395
+Ref: Note on ERC escaped color sequences-Footnote-1224823
+Node: Note on powerline or spaceline224933
+Node: Note on SHR colors225347
+Node: Note on SHR fonts225771
+Node: Note on Ement colors and fonts226404
+Node: Note on Helm grep227903
+Node: Note on pdf-tools link hints229373
+Node: Note on the Notmuch logo231820
+Node: Note on goto-address-mode faces232358
+Node: Frequently Asked Questions233470
+Node: Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?234101
+Node: What does it mean to avoid exaggerations?235608
+Node: Why are colors mostly variants of blue magenta cyan?237437
+Node: What is the best setup for legibility?241743
+Node: Are these color schemes?244388
+Node: Port the Modus themes to other platforms?248108
+Node: Contributing250889
+Node: Sources of the themes251286
+Node: Issues you can help with251985
+Node: Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF253557
+Node: Acknowledgements255777
+Node: Other notes about the project259385
+Node: GNU Free Documentation License262383
+Node: Indices287760
+Node: Function index287939
+Node: Variable index289742
+Node: Concept index292029
 End Tag Table
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 5bb230f..c264384 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
-#+title: Modus themes for GNU Emacs
-#+author: Protesilaos Stavrou
-#+language: en
-#+options: ':t toc:nil author:t email:t num:t
-#+startup: content
-#+macro: stable-version 1.5.0
-#+macro: release-date 2021-07-15
-#+macro: development-version 1.6.0-dev
-#+macro: file @@texinfo:@file{@@$1@@texinfo:}@@
-#+macro: space @@texinfo:@: @@
-#+macro: kbd @@texinfo:@kbd{@@$1@@texinfo:}@@
-#+texinfo_dir_category: Emacs misc features
-#+texinfo_dir_title: Modus Themes: (modus-themes)
-#+texinfo_dir_desc: Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA)
-#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERSITE @uref{,maintainer webpage}
-#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINER Protesilaos Stavrou
-#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINEREMAIL @email{}
-#+texinfo_header: @set MAINTAINERCONTACT @uref{,contact the maintainer}
+#+title:                 Modus themes for GNU Emacs
+#+author:                Protesilaos Stavrou
+#+language:              en
+#+options:               ':t toc:nil author:t email:t num:t
+#+startup:               content
+#+macro:                 stable-version 2.7.0
+#+macro:                 release-date 2022-10-01
+#+macro:                 development-version 2.8.0-dev
+#+macro:                 file @@texinfo:@file{@@$1@@texinfo:}@@
+#+macro:                 space @@texinfo:@: @@
+#+macro:                 kbd @@texinfo:@kbd{@@$1@@texinfo:}@@
+#+texinfo_dir_category:  Emacs misc features
+#+texinfo_dir_title:     Modus Themes: (modus-themes)
+#+texinfo_dir_desc:      Elegant, highly legible and customizable themes
+#+texinfo_header:        @set MAINTAINERSITE @uref{,maintainer webpage}
+#+texinfo_header:        @set MAINTAINER Protesilaos Stavrou
+#+texinfo_header:        @set MAINTAINEREMAIL @email{}
+#+texinfo_header:        @set MAINTAINERCONTACT @uref{,contact the maintainer}
 #+texinfo: @insertcopying
@@ -34,6 +32,10 @@ explicitly marked as such.
 Current development target is {{{development-version}}}.
++ Homepage:
++ Git repository:
++ Mailing list:
 #+toc: headlines 8 insert TOC here, with eight headline levels
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ Current development target is {{{development-version}}}.
 :custom_id: h:b14c3fcb-13dd-4144-9d92-2c58b3ed16d3
-Copyright (C) 2020-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2020-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
@@ -82,9 +84,22 @@ themes strive to achieve as close to full face coverage as possible
 ([[#h:a9c8f29d-7f72-4b54-b74b-ddefe15d6a19][Face coverage]]).
 Furthermore, the themes are designed to empower users with red-green
-color deficiency (deuteranopia).  This is achieved through customization
-options which have the effect of replacing all relevant instances of
-green with a variant of blue ([[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customization Options]]).
+color deficiency (deuteranopia).  This is achieved in three ways:
+1. The conformance with the highest legibility standard means that text
+   is always readable no matter the perception of its hue.
+2. Most contexts use colors on the blue-cyan-magenta-purple side of the
+   spectrum.  Put differently, green and/or red are seldom used, thus
+   minimizing the potential for confusion.
+   [[#h:0b26cb47-9733-4cb1-87d9-50850cb0386e][Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?]].
+3. In contexts where a red/green color-coding is unavoidable, we provide
+   a universal toggle to customize the themes so that a red/blue scheme
+   is used instead.
+   [[#h:3ed03a48-20d8-4ce7-b214-0eb7e4c79abe][Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia]].
 Starting with version 0.12.0 and onwards, the themes are built into GNU
@@ -95,7 +110,7 @@ Emacs.
 #+cindex: Screenshots
-Check the web page with [[][the screen shots]].  There are lots of scenarios
+Check the web page with [[][the screen shots]].  There are lots of scenarios
 on display that draw attention to details and important aspects in the
 design of the themes.  They also showcase the numerous customization
@@ -108,7 +123,7 @@ options.
 #+cindex: Changelog
-Please refer to the [[][web page with the change log]].  It is comprehensive
+Please refer to the [[][web page with the change log]].  It is comprehensive
 and covers everything that goes into every tagged release of the themes.
 * Installation
@@ -152,14 +167,10 @@ The themes are now ready to be used: [[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][
 The ~modus-themes~ package is available from the GNU ELPA archive, which
 is configured by default.
-Prior to querying any package archive, make sure to have updated the
-index, with {{{kbd(M-x package-refresh-contents)}}}.  Then all you need to do
+Prior to querying any package archive, make sure to update the index,
+with {{{kbd(M-x package-refresh-contents)}}}.  Then all you need to do
 is type {{{kbd(M-x package-install)}}} and specify the ~modus-themes~.
-Note that older versions of the themes used to be distributed as
-standalone packages.  This practice has been discontinued starting with
-version 1.0.0 of this project.
 Once installed, the themes are ready to be used: [[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]].
 ** Install on GNU/Linux
@@ -185,6 +196,9 @@ sudo apt install elpa-modus-themes
 They are now ready to be used: [[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]].
+NOTE that Debian's package is severely out-of-date as of this writing
+2022-07-24 09:57 +0300.
 *** GNU Guix
 :custom_id: h:a4ca52cd-869f-46a5-9e16-4d9665f5b88e
@@ -198,6 +212,34 @@ guix package -i emacs-modus-themes
 They are now ready to be used: [[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]].
+** Dealing with byte compilation errors
+:custom_id: h:e6268471-e847-4c9d-998f-49a83257b7f1
+From time to time, we receive bug reports pertaining to errors with byte
+compilation.  These seldom have to do with faulty code in the themes: it
+might be a shortcoming of =package.el=, some regression in the current
+development target of Emacs, a misconfiguration in an otherwise exotic
+setup, and the like.
+The common solution with a stable version of Emacs is to:
+1. Delete the =modus-themes= package.
+2. Close the current Emacs session.
+3. Install the =modus-themes= again.
+For those building Emacs directly from source, the solution may involve
+reverting to an earlier commit in emacs.git.
+At any rate, if you encounter such an issue please report it: we will
+either fix the bug on our end if it is truly ours, or help forward it to
+the relevant upstream maintainer.  Whatever you do, please understand
+that a build failure does not mean we are necessarily doing something
+[[#h:6536c8d5-3f98-43ab-a787-b94120e735e8][Issues you can help with]].
 * Enable and load
 :custom_id: h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9
@@ -209,16 +251,16 @@ They are now ready to be used: [[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable
 #+cindex: Essential configuration
 #+vindex: modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook
-Users of the built-in themes can load and automatically enable the theme
-of their preference by adding either form to their init file:
+Users of the built-in themes cannot ~require~ the package as usual
+because there is no package to speak of.  Instead, things are simpler as
+all one needs is to load the theme of their preference by adding either
+form to their init file:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (load-theme 'modus-operandi)            ; Light theme
 (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)             ; Dark theme
-This is all one needs.
 Users of packaged variants of the themes must add a few more lines to
 ensure that everything works as intended.  First, one has to require the
 main library before loading either theme:
@@ -247,28 +289,43 @@ a theme with either of the following expressions:
 Changes to the available customization options must always be evaluated
 before loading a theme ([[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customization Options]]).  An exception to this
 norm is when using the various Custom interfaces or with commands like
-{{{kbd(M-x customize-set-variable)}}}, which automatically reload the theme by
-default ([[#h:9001527a-4e2c-43e0-98e8-3ef72d770639][Option for inhibiting theme reload]]).  This is how a basic setup
-could look like:
+{{{kbd(M-x customize-set-variable)}}}, which can optionally
+automatically reload the theme ([[#h:9001527a-4e2c-43e0-98e8-3ef72d770639][Option for inhibiting theme reload]]).
+This is how a basic setup could look like:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;;; For the built-in themes which cannot use `require':
+;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+      modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+;; Load the theme of your choice:
+(load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+(define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
+;;; For packaged versions which must use `require':
 (require 'modus-themes)
-;; Your customisations here.  For example:
-(setq modus-themes-bold-constructs t
-      modus-themes-mode-line '3d)
+;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+      modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
-;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme (else you get an error).
+;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
-;; Enable the theme of your preference:
+;; Load the theme of your choice:
+(modus-themes-load-operandi) ;; OR (modus-themes-load-vivendi)
-;; Optionally add a key binding for the toggle between the themes:
 (define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
-[[#h:e979734c-a9e1-4373-9365-0f2cd36107b8][Sample configuration for use-package]].
+[[#h:e979734c-a9e1-4373-9365-0f2cd36107b8][Sample configuration with and without use-package]].
 With those granted, bear in mind a couple of technical points on
 ~modus-themes-load-operandi~ and ~modus-themes-load-vivendi~, as well as
@@ -279,29 +336,45 @@ With those granted, bear in mind a couple of technical points on
 2. The functions will run the ~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~ as
    their final step.  This can be employed for bespoke configurations
-   ([[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)]]).  Experienced users may not
-   wish to rely on such a hook and the functions that run it: they may
-   prefer a custom solution ([[#h:86f6906b-f090-46cc-9816-1fe8aeb38776][A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading]]).
+   ([[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization]]).  Experienced users may not wish to rely on
+   such a hook and the functions that run it: they may prefer a custom
+   solution ([[#h:86f6906b-f090-46cc-9816-1fe8aeb38776][A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading]]).
-** Sample configuration for use-package
+** Sample configuration with and without use-package
 :custom_id: h:e979734c-a9e1-4373-9365-0f2cd36107b8
 #+cindex: use-package configuration
+#+cindex: sample configuration
 It is common for Emacs users to rely on ~use-package~ for declaring
 package configurations in their setup.  We use this as an example:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;;; For the built-in themes which cannot use `require':
+(use-package emacs
+  :init
+  ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+  (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+        modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+        modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+  :config
+  ;; Load the theme of your choice:
+  (load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+  :bind ("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
+;;; For packaged versions which must use `require':
 (use-package modus-themes
-  :ensure                         ; omit this to use the built-in themes
+  :ensure
   ;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
   (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
         modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
         modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
-  ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme (else you get an error).
+  ;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
   ;; Load the theme of your choice:
@@ -309,6 +382,39 @@ package configurations in their setup.  We use this as an example:
   :bind ("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
+The same without ~use-package~:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;;; For the built-in themes which cannot use `require':
+;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+      modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+;; Load the theme of your choice:
+(load-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+(define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
+;;; For packaged versions which must use `require':
+(require 'modus-themes)
+;; Add all your customizations prior to loading the themes
+(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
+      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
+      modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))
+;; Load the theme files before enabling a theme
+;; Load the theme of your choice:
+(modus-themes-load-operandi) ;; OR (modus-themes-load-vivendi)
+(define-key global-map (kbd "<f5>") #'modus-themes-toggle)
 [[#h:e68560b3-7fb0-42bc-a151-e015948f8a35][Differences between loading and enabling]].
 Note: make sure not to customize the variable ~custom-theme-load-path~
@@ -325,7 +431,7 @@ package declaration of the themes.
 The reason we recommend ~load-theme~ instead of the other option of
 ~enable-theme~ is that the former does a kind of "reset" on the face
-specs.  It quite literally loads (or re-loads) the theme.  Whereas the
+specs.  It quite literally loads (or reloads) the theme.  Whereas the
 latter simply puts an already loaded theme at the top of the list of
 enabled items, re-using whatever state was last loaded.
@@ -339,9 +445,9 @@ it might appear to the unsuspecting user that the themes are somehow
 broken whenever they try to assign a new value to a customization option
 or some face.
-This "reset" that ~load-theme~ conducts does, however, come at the cost
-of being somewhat slower than ~enable-theme~.  Users who have a stable
-setup and who seldom update their variables during a given Emacs
+This "reset" that ~load-theme~ brings about does, however, come at the
+cost of being somewhat slower than ~enable-theme~.  Users who have a
+stable setup and who seldom update their variables during a given Emacs
 session, are better off using something like this:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
@@ -352,7 +458,9 @@ session, are better off using something like this:
 (enable-theme 'modus-operandi) ;; OR (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
-[[#h:e979734c-a9e1-4373-9365-0f2cd36107b8][Sample configuration for use-package]].
+[[#h:b40aca50-a3b2-4c43-be58-2c26fcd14237][Toggle themes without reloading them]].
+[[#h:e979734c-a9e1-4373-9365-0f2cd36107b8][Sample configuration with and without use-package]].
 With the above granted, other sections of the manual discuss how to
 configure custom faces, where ~load-theme~ is expected, though
@@ -372,7 +480,8 @@ without any further tweaks.  By default, all customization options are
 set to nil, unless otherwise noted in this manual.
 Remember that all customization options must be evaluated before loading
-a theme ([[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]]).
+a theme ([[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]]).  If the theme is already active, it must be
+reloaded for changes in user options to come into force.
 Below is a summary of what you will learn in the subsequent sections of
 this manual.
@@ -380,9 +489,12 @@ this manual.
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
       modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
-      modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts nil
+      modus-themes-mixed-fonts nil
       modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers nil
-      modus-themes-success-deuteranopia t
+      modus-themes-intense-mouseovers nil
+      modus-themes-deuteranopia t
+      modus-themes-tabs-accented t
+      modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
       modus-themes-inhibit-reload t ; only applies to `customize-set-variable' and related
       modus-themes-fringes nil ; {nil,'subtle,'intense}
@@ -390,14 +502,24 @@ this manual.
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-lang-checkers' are either nil (the
       ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
       ;; symbols: `straight-underline', `text-also', `background',
-      ;; `intense'
+      ;; `intense' OR `faint'.
       modus-themes-lang-checkers nil
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-mode-line' are either nil, or a list
       ;; that can combine any of `3d' OR `moody', `borderless',
-      ;; `accented'.  The variable's doc string shows all possible
-      ;; combinations.
-      modus-themes-mode-line '(3d accented)
+      ;; `accented', a natural number for extra padding (or a cons cell
+      ;; of padding and NATNUM), and a floating point for the height of
+      ;; the text relative to the base font size (or a cons cell of
+      ;; height and FLOAT)
+      modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless (padding . 4) (height . 0.9))
+      ;; Same as above:
+      ;; modus-themes-mode-line '(accented borderless 4 0.9)
+      ;; Options for `modus-themes-markup' are either nil, or a list
+      ;; that can combine any of `bold', `italic', `background',
+      ;; `intense'.
+      modus-themes-markup '(background italic)
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-syntax' are either nil (the default),
       ;; or a list of properties that may include any of those symbols:
@@ -420,45 +542,59 @@ this manual.
       ;; `bold', `italic', `background'
       modus-themes-links '(neutral-underline background)
+      ;; Options for `modus-themes-box-buttons' are either nil (the
+      ;; default), or a list that can combine any of `flat', `accented',
+      ;; `faint', `variable-pitch', `underline', `all-buttons', the
+      ;; symbol of any font weight as listed in `modus-themes-weights',
+      ;; and a floating point number (e.g. 0.9) for the height of the
+      ;; button's text.
+      modus-themes-box-buttons '(variable-pitch flat faint 0.9)
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-prompts' are either nil (the
       ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
       ;; symbols: `background', `bold', `gray', `intense', `italic'
       modus-themes-prompts '(intense bold)
-      modus-themes-completions 'moderate ; {nil,'moderate,'opinionated}
-      modus-themes-mail-citations nil ; {nil,'faint,'monochrome}
+      ;; The `modus-themes-completions' is an alist that reads three
+      ;; keys: `matches', `selection', `popup'.  Each accepts a nil
+      ;; value (or empty list) or a list of properties that can include
+      ;; any of the following (for WEIGHT read further below):
+      ;;
+      ;; `matches' - `background', `intense', `underline', `italic', WEIGHT
+      ;; `selection' - `accented', `intense', `underline', `italic', `text-also' WEIGHT
+      ;; `popup' - same as `selected'
+      ;; `t' - applies to any key not explicitly referenced (check docs)
+      ;;
+      ;; WEIGHT is a symbol such as `semibold', `light', or anything
+      ;; covered in `modus-themes-weights'.  Bold is used in the absence
+      ;; of an explicit WEIGHT.
+      modus-themes-completions '((matches . (extrabold))
+                                 (selection . (semibold accented))
+                                 (popup . (accented intense)))
+      modus-themes-mail-citations nil ; {nil,'intense,'faint,'monochrome}
       ;; Options for `modus-themes-region' are either nil (the default),
       ;; or a list of properties that may include any of those symbols:
       ;; `no-extend', `bg-only', `accented'
       modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend)
-      ;; Options for `modus-themes-diffs': nil, 'desaturated,
-      ;; 'bg-only, 'deuteranopia, 'fg-only-deuteranopia
-      modus-themes-diffs 'fg-only-deuteranopia
+      ;; Options for `modus-themes-diffs': nil, 'desaturated, 'bg-only
+      modus-themes-diffs 'desaturated
       modus-themes-org-blocks 'gray-background ; {nil,'gray-background,'tinted-background}
       modus-themes-org-agenda ; this is an alist: read the manual or its doc string
-      '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
-        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+      '((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.3))
+        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.1))
+        (event . (accented varied))
         (scheduled . uniform)
-        (habit . traffic-light-deuteranopia))
+        (habit . traffic-light))
       modus-themes-headings ; this is an alist: read the manual or its doc string
-      '((1 . (overline background))
-        (2 . (rainbow overline))
-        (t . (no-bold)))
-      modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
-      modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings t
-      modus-themes-scale-headings t
-      modus-themes-scale-1 1.1
-      modus-themes-scale-2 1.15
-      modus-themes-scale-3 1.21
-      modus-themes-scale-4 1.27
-      modus-themes-scale-title 1.33)
+      '((1 . (overline background variable-pitch 1.3))
+        (2 . (rainbow overline 1.1))
+        (t . (semibold))))
 ** Option for inhibiting theme reload
@@ -469,48 +605,59 @@ this manual.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-inhibit-reload
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-inhibit-reload~
+Brief: Toggle reloading of the active theme when an option is changed
+through the Customize UI.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-inhibit-reload~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible values:
-1. ~nil~ 
+1. ~nil~
 2. ~t~ (default)
 By default, customizing a theme-related user option through the Custom
 interfaces or with {{{kbd(M-x customize-set-variable)}}} will not reload the
 currently active Modus theme.
-Enable this behaviour by setting this variable to ~nil~.
+Enable this behavior by setting this variable to ~nil~.
+Regardless of this option, the active theme must be reloaded for changes
+to user options to take effect ([[#h:3f3c3728-1b34-437d-9d0c-b110f5b161a9][Enable and load]]).
-** Option for color-coding success state (deuteranopia)
+** Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia
-:alt_title: Success' color-code
-:description: Toggle blue color for success or done states
+:alt_title: Deuteranopia style
+:description: Toggle red/blue color-coding instead of red/green
 :custom_id: h:3ed03a48-20d8-4ce7-b214-0eb7e4c79abe
-#+vindex: modus-themes-success-deuteranopia
+#+vindex: modus-themes-deuteranopia
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-success-deuteranopia~
+Brief: When non-nil use red/blue color-coding instead of red/green,
+where appropriate.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-deuteranopia~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible values:
 1. ~nil~ (default)
 2. ~t~
-The default is to colorise all faces that denote "success", "done", or
-similar with a variant of green.
-With a non-nil value (~t~), use variants of blue instead of green.  This
-is meant to empower users with red-green color deficiency.
+This is to account for red-green color deficiency, also know as
+deuteranopia and variants.  It applies to all contexts where there can
+be a color-coded distinction between failure or success, a to-do or done
+state, a mark for deletion versus a mark for selection (e.g. in Dired),
+current and lazily highlighted search matches, removed lines in diffs as
+opposed to added ones, and so on.
-The present customization option should apply to all contexts where
-there can be a color-coded distinction between success and failure,
-to-do and done, and so on.
+Note that this does not change all colors throughout the active theme,
+but only applies to cases that have color-coding significance.  For
+example, regular code syntax highlighting is not affected.  There is no
+such need because of the themes' overarching commitment to the highest
+legibility standard, which ensures that text is readable regardless of
+hue, as well as the predominance of colors on the
+blue-cyan-magenta-purple side of the spectrum.
-Diffs, which have a red/green dichotomy by default, can also be
-configured to conform with deuteranopia.
-[[#h:ea7ac54f-5827-49bd-b09f-62424b3b6427][Option for diff buffer looks]].
+[[#h:0b26cb47-9733-4cb1-87d9-50850cb0386e][Why are colors mostly variants of blue, magenta, cyan?]].
 ** Option for more bold constructs
@@ -520,7 +667,9 @@ configured to conform with deuteranopia.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-bold-constructs
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-bold-constructs~
+Brief: Use bold for code syntax highlighting and related.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-bold-constructs~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible values:
@@ -548,7 +697,9 @@ Advanced users may also want to configure the exact attributes of the
 #+vindex: modus-themes-italic-constructs
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-italic-constructs~
+Brief: Use italics for code syntax highlighting and related.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-italic-constructs~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible values:
@@ -574,7 +725,9 @@ Advanced users may also want to configure the exact attributes of the
 #+vindex: modus-themes-syntax
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-syntax~
+Brief: Set the overall style of code syntax highlighting.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-syntax~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -628,45 +781,52 @@ weight or italic text: ~modus-themes-bold-constructs~ and
 [[#h:977c900d-0d6d-4dbb-82d9-c2aae69543d6][Option for more italic constructs]].
-** Option for no font mixing
+** Option for font mixing
-:alt_title: No mixed fonts
+:alt_title: Mixed fonts
 :description: Toggle mixing of font families
 :custom_id: h:115e6c23-ee35-4a16-8cef-e2fcbb08e28b
-#+vindex: modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts
+#+vindex: modus-themes-mixed-fonts
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts~
+Brief: Toggle the use of monospaced fonts for spacing-sensitive
+constructs (affects font families).
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-mixed-fonts~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible values:
 1. ~nil~ (default)
 2. ~t~
-By default, the themes configure some spacing-sensitive faces like Org
+When set to non-nil (~t~), configure some spacing-sensitive faces like Org
 tables and code blocks to always inherit from the ~fixed-pitch~ face.
-This is to ensure that those constructs remain monospaced even when
-users opt for a mode that remaps typeface families, such as the built-in
-{{{kbd(M-x variable-pitch-mode)}}}.  Otherwise the layout would appear
-broken, due to how spacing is done.  To disable this behaviour, set the
-option to ~t~.
+This is to ensure that certain constructs like code blocks and tables
+remain monospaced even when users opt for a mode that remaps typeface
+families, such as the built-in {{{kbd(M-x variable-pitch-mode)}}}.  Otherwise
+the layout would appear broken, due to how spacing is done.
-Users may prefer to use another package for handling mixed typeface
-configurations, rather than letting the theme do it, perhaps because a
-purpose-specific package has extra functionality.  Two possible options
-are ~org-variable-pitch~ and ~mixed-pitch~.
+For a consistent experience, user may need to specify the font family of
+the ~fixed-pitch~ face.
 [[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].
+Furthermore, users may prefer to use another package for handling mixed
+typeface configurations, rather than letting the theme do it, perhaps
+because a purpose-specific package has extra functionality.  Two
+possible options are ~org-variable-pitch~ and ~mixed-pitch~.
 ** Option for links
 :alt_title: Link styles
 :description: Choose among several styles, with or without underline
-:custom_id: h:c119d7b2-fcd4-4e44-890e-5e25733d5e52
+:custom_id: h:5808be52-361a-4d18-88fd-90129d206f9b
 #+vindex: modus-themes-links
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-links~
+Brief: Control the style of links to web pages, files, buffers...
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-links~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -729,6 +889,101 @@ controlled by ~x-use-underline-position-properties~,
 ~x-underline-at-descent-line~, ~underline-minimum-offset~.  Please refer to
 their documentation strings.
+** Option for box buttons
+:alt_title: Box buttons
+:description: Choose among several styles for buttons
+:custom_id: h:8b85f711-ff40-45b0-b7fc-4727503cd2ec
+#+vindex: modus-themes-box-buttons
+Brief: Control the style of buttons in the Custom UI and related.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-box-buttons~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
+Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
+an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
++ ~flat~
++ ~accented~
++ ~faint~
++ ~variable-pitch~
++ ~underline~
++ A font weight, which must be supported by the underlying typeface:
+  - ~thin~
+  - ~ultralight~
+  - ~extralight~
+  - ~light~
+  - ~semilight~
+  - ~regular~
+  - ~medium~
+  - ~semibold~
+  - ~bold~
+  - ~heavy~
+  - ~extrabold~
+  - ~ultrabold~
++ A floating point as a height multiple of the default or a cons cell in
+  the form of =(height . FLOAT)=
++ ~all-buttons~
+The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a gray background combined
+with a pseudo three-dimensional effect.
+The ~flat~ property makes the button two dimensional.
+The ~accented~ property changes the background from gray to an accent
+The ~faint~ property reduces the overall coloration.
+The ~variable-pitch~ property applies a proportionately spaced typeface
+to the button~s text.
+[[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].
+The ~underline~ property draws a line below the affected text and
+removes whatever box effect.  This is optimal when Emacs runs inside a
+terminal emulator ([[#h:fbb5e254-afd6-4313-bb05-93b3b4f67358][More accurate colors in terminal emulators]]).  If
+~flat~ and ~underline~ are defined together, the latter takes
+The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the button
+accordingly, such as ~light~, ~semibold~, etc.  Valid symbols are
+defined in the variable ~modus-themes-weights~.
+[[#h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375][Configure bold and italic faces]].
+A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g. =0.9=), adjusts the height
+of the button's text to that many times the base font size.  The default
+height is the same as =1.0=, though it need not be explicitly stated.
+Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the form of a
+cons cell like =(height . FLOAT)= or =(height FLOAT)=, where FLOAT is
+the given number.
+The ~all-buttons~ property extends the box button effect (or the
+aforementioned properties) to the faces of the generic widget library.
+By default, those do not look like the buttons of the Custom UI as they
+are ordinary text wrapped in square brackets.
+Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
+like in these examples:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(variable-pitch flat)
+(variable-pitch flat semibold 0.9)
+(variable-pitch flat semibold (height 0.9)) ; same as above
+(variable-pitch flat semibold (height . 0.9)) ; same as above
+The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
+In user configuration files the form may look like this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-themes-box-buttons '(variable-pitch flat 0.9))
 ** Option for command prompt styles
 :alt_title: Command prompts
@@ -737,7 +992,10 @@ their documentation strings.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-prompts
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-prompts~
+Brief: Control the style of command prompts (e.g. minibuffer, shell, IRC
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-prompts~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -793,7 +1051,9 @@ In user configuration files the form may look like this:
 #+vindex: modus-themes-mode-line
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-mode-line~
+Brief: Control the style of the mode lines.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-mode-line~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values, which can be expressed as a list of combinations of box
 effect, color, and border visibility:
@@ -803,34 +1063,58 @@ effect, color, and border visibility:
   - ~moody~
 + ~accented~
 + ~borderless~
++ A natural number > 1 for extra padding or a cons cell in the form of
+  ~(padding . NATNUM)~.
++ A floating point to set the height of the mode line's text.  It can
+  also be a cons cell in the form of ~(height . FLOAT)~.
 The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a two-dimensional
-rectangle with a border around it.  The active and the inactive
-mode lines use different shades of grayscale values for the
-background, foreground, border.
-The ~3d~ property applies a three-dimensional effect to the
-active mode line.  The inactive mode lines remain two-dimensional
-and are toned down a bit, relative to the default style.
-The ~moody~ property optimizes the mode line for use with the
-library of the same name (hereinafter referred to as 'Moody').
-In practice, it removes the box effect and replaces it with
-underline and overline properties.  It also tones down the
-inactive mode lines.  Despite its intended purpose, this option
-can also be used without the Moody library (please consult the
-themes' manual on this point for more details).  If both ~3d~ and
-~moody~ properties are set, the latter takes precedence.
-The ~borderless~ property removes the color of the borders.  It
-does not actually remove the borders, but only makes their color
-the same as the background, effectively creating some padding.
-The ~accented~ property ensures that the active mode line uses a
-colored background instead of the standard shade of gray.
+rectangle with a border around it.  The active and the inactive mode
+lines use different shades of grayscale values for the background,
+foreground, border.
+The ~3d~ property applies a three-dimensional effect to the active mode
+line.  The inactive mode lines remain two-dimensional and are toned down
+a bit, relative to the default style.
+The ~moody~ property optimizes the mode line for use with the library of
+the same name (hereinafter referred to as 'Moody').  In practice, it
+removes the box effect and replaces it with underline and overline
+properties.  It also tones down the inactive mode lines.  Despite its
+intended purpose, this option can also be used without the Moody library
+(please consult the themes' manual on this point for more details).  If
+both ~3d~ and ~moody~ properties are set, the latter takes precedence.
+The ~borderless~ property removes the color of the borders.  It does not
+actually remove the borders, but only makes their color the same as the
+background, effectively creating some padding.
+The ~accented~ property ensures that the active mode line uses a colored
+background instead of the standard shade of gray.
+A positive integer (natural number or natnum) applies a padding effect
+of NATNUM pixels at the boundaries of the mode lines.  The default value
+is 1 and does not need to be specified explicitly.  The padding has no
+effect when the ~moody~ property is also used, because Moody already
+applies its own tweaks.  To ensure that the underline is placed at the
+bottom of the mode line, set ~x-underline-at-descent-line~ to non-nil
+(this is not needed when the ~borderless~ property is also set).  For
+users on Emacs 29, the ~x-use-underline-position-properties~ variable must
+also be set to nil.
+The padding can also be expressed as a cons cell in the form of
+=(padding . NATNUM)= or =(padding NATNUM)= where the key is constant and
+NATNUM is the desired natural number.
+A floating point applies an adjusted height to the mode line's text as a
+multiple of the main font size.  The default rate is 1.0 and does not
+need to be specified.  Apart from a floating point, the height may also
+be expressed as a cons cell in the form of =(height . FLOAT)= or
+=(height FLOAT)= where the key is constant and the FLOAT is the desired
-Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
-like in these examples:
+Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like in
+these examples:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
@@ -838,12 +1122,21 @@ like in these examples:
 (moody accented borderless)
+Same as above, using the padding and height as an example (these
+all yield the same result):
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(accented borderless 4 0.9)
+(accented borderless (padding . 4) (height . 0.9))
+(accented borderless (padding 4) (height 0.9))
 The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq modus-themes-prompts '(borderless accented))
+(setq modus-themes-mode-line '(borderless accented))
 Note that Moody does not expose any faces that the themes could style
@@ -865,53 +1158,139 @@ high, because it has the adverse effect of always overriding the default
 colors (which have been carefully designed to be highly accessible).
 Furthermore, because Moody expects an underline and overline instead of
-a box style, it is advised to set ~x-underline-at-descent-line~ to a
-non-nil value.
+a box style, it is strongly advised to set ~x-underline-at-descent-line~
+to a non-nil value.
+Finally, note that various packages which heavily modify the mode line,
+such as =doom-modeline=, =nano-modeline=, =powerline=, =spaceline= may not look
+as intended with all possible combinations of this user option.
+** Option for accented background in tab interfaces
+:alt_title: Tab style
+:description: Toggle accented background for tabs
+:custom_id: h:27cef8f5-dc4e-4c93-ba41-b899e650d936
+#+vindex: modus-themes-tabs-accented
+Brief: Toggle accent colors for tabbed interfaces.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-tabs-accented~ (=boolean= type)
+Possible values:
++ ~nil~ (default)
++ ~t~
+By default, all tab interfaces use backgrounds which are shades of gray.
+When this option is set to non-nil, the backgrounds become colorful.
+This affects the built-in ~tab-bar-mode~ and ~tab-line-mode~, as well as the
+Centaur tabs package.
 ** Option for completion framework aesthetics
 :alt_title: Completion UIs
-:description: Choose among standard, moderate, or opinionated looks
+:description: Choose among several styles for completion UIs
 :custom_id: h:f1c20c02-7b34-4c35-9c65-99170efb2882
 #+vindex: modus-themes-completions
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-completions~
+Brief: Set the overall style of completion framework interfaces.
-Possible values:
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-completions~ (=alist= type properties)
-1. ~nil~ (default)
-2. ~moderate~
-3. ~opinionated~
-This is a special option that has different effects depending on the
-completion UI.  The interfaces can be grouped in two categories, based
-on their default aesthetics: (i) those that only or mostly use
-foreground colors for their interaction model, and (ii) those that
-combine background and foreground values for some of their metaphors.
-The former category encompasses Icomplete, Ido, Selectrum, Vertico, as
-well as pattern matching styles like Orderless and Flx.  The latter
-covers Helm, Ivy, and Sallet.
-A value of ~nil~ (the default) will simply respect the metaphors of each
-completion framework.
-Option ~moderate~ applies a combination of background and foreground that
-is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and friends this constitutes a
-departure from their default aesthetics, however the difference is
-small.  While Helm, Ivy et al appear slightly different than their
-original looks, as they are toned down a bit.
-Option ~opinionated~ uses color combinations that refashion the completion
-UI.  For the Icomplete camp this means that intense background and
-foreground combinations are used: in effect their looks emulate those of
-Helm, Ivy and co. in their original style.  Whereas the other group of
-packages will revert to an even more nuanced aesthetic with some
-additional changes to the choice of hues.
-To appreciate the scope of this customization option, you should spend
-some time with every one of the ~nil~ (default), ~moderate~, and ~opinionated~
+This affects Company, Corfu, Flx, Helm, Icomplete/Fido, Ido, Ivy,
+Orderless, Selectrum, Vertico.  The value is an alist that takes the
+form of a =(key . properties)= combination.  Here is a sample, followed
+by a description of the particularities:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-themes-completions
+      '((matches . (extrabold background intense))
+        (selection . (semibold accented intense))
+        (popup . (accented))))
+The ~matches~ key refers to the highlighted characters that correspond
+to the user's input.  By default (nil or an empty list), they have a
+bold weight and a colored foreground.  The list of properties may
+include any of the following symbols regardless of the order they may
+appear in:
+- ~background~ to add a background color;
+- ~intense~ to increase the overall coloration (also amplifies
+  the ~background~, if present);
+- ~underline~ to draw a line below the characters;
+- ~italic~ to use a slanted font (italic or oblique forms);
+- The symbol of a font weight attribute such as ~light~, ~semibold~, et
+  cetera.  Valid symbols are defined in the ~modus-themes-weights~
+  variable.  The absence of a weight means that bold will be used.
+The ~selection~ key applies to the current line or currently matched
+candidate, depending on the specifics of the User Interface.  By default
+(nil or an empty list), it has a subtle gray background, a bold weight,
+and the base foreground value for the text. The list of properties it
+accepts is as follows (order is not significant):
+- ~accented~ to make the background colorful instead of gray;
+- ~text-also~ to apply extra color to the text of the selected line;
+- ~intense~ to increase the overall coloration;
+- ~underline~ to draw a line below the characters;
+- ~italic~ to use a slanted font (italic or oblique forms);
+- The symbol of a font weight attribute such as ~light~, ~semibold~, et
+  cetera.  Valid symbols are defined in the ~modus-themes-weights~
+  variable.  The absence of a weight means that bold will be used.
+The ~popup~ key takes the same values as ~selection~.
+Apart from specifying each key separately, a fallback list is accepted.
+This is only useful when the desired aesthetic is the same across all
+keys that are not explicitly referenced.  For example, this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-themes-completions
+      '((t . (extrabold intense))))
+Is the same as:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-themes-completions
+      '((matches . (extrabold intense))
+        (selection . (extrabold intense))
+        (popup . (extrabold intense))))
+In the case of the fallback, any property that does not apply to the
+corresponding key is simply ignored (~matches~ does not have ~accented~
+and ~text-also~, while ~selection~ and ~popup~ do not have
+A concise expression of those associations can be written as follows,
+where the ~car~ is always the key and the ~cdr~ is the list of
+properties (whatever order they may appear in):
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-themes-completions
+      '((matches extrabold background intense)
+        (selection semibold accented intense)
+        (popup accented)))
+[[#h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375][Configure bold and italic faces]].
+Also refer to the Orderless documentation for its intersection with
+Company (if you choose to use those in tandem).
 ** Option for mail citations
@@ -921,22 +1300,29 @@ possibilities.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-mail-citations
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-mail-citations~
+Brief: Set the overall style of citations/quotes when composing
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-mail-citations~ (=choice= type)
 Possible values:
 1. ~nil~ (default)
-2. ~faint~
-3. ~monochrome~
+2. ~intense~
+3. ~faint~
+4. ~monochrome~
+By default (a nil value) citations are styled with contrasting hues to
+denote their depth.  Colors are easy to tell apart because they
+complement each other, but they otherwise are not very prominent.
-By default, citations in email-related buffers apply contrasting hues to
-different levels of depth in cited text.  The colors are fairly easy to
-tell apart.
+Option ~intense~ is similar to the default in terms of using contrasting
+and complementary hues, but applies more saturated colors.
-A value of ~faint~ makes all citation levels less intense, while retaining
-the default style of contrasting hues (albeit very subtle ones).
+Option ~faint~ maintains the same color-based distinction between citation
+levels though the colors it uses have subtle differences between them.
-Option ~monochrome~ turns all citations in to a uniform shade of gray.
+Option ~monochrome~ turns all quotes into a shade of gray.
 Whatever the value assigned to this variable, citations in emails are
 controlled by typographic elements or indentation, which the themes do
@@ -950,7 +1336,9 @@ not touch.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-fringes
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-fringes~
+Brief: Control the overall coloration of the fringes.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-fringes~ (=choice= type)
 Possible values:
@@ -974,7 +1362,10 @@ names imply.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-lang-checkers
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-lang-checkers~
+Brief: Control the style of in-buffer warnings and errors produced by
+spell checkers, code linters, and the like.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-lang-checkers~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -982,7 +1373,9 @@ an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
 + ~straight-underline~
 + ~text-also~
 + ~background~
-+ ~intense~
++ Overall coloration:
+  - ~intense~
+  - ~faint~
 The default (a ~nil~ value or an empty list) applies a color-coded
 underline to the affected text, while it leaves the original foreground
@@ -998,15 +1391,15 @@ affected text.
 The property ~background~ adds a color-coded background.
 The property ~intense~ amplifies the applicable colors if ~background~
-and/or ~text-only~ are set.  If ~intense~ is set on its own, then it implies
+and/or ~text-also~ are set.  If ~intense~ is set on its own, then it implies
-To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to variables
-~flymake-fringe-indicator-position~ and ~flycheck-indication-mode~,
+The property ~faint~ uses nuanced colors for the underline and for the
+foreground when ~text-also~ is included.  If both ~faint~ and ~intense~ are
+specified, the former takes precedence.
-Combinations of any of those properties can be expressed in a
-list, as in those examples:
+Combinations of any of those properties can be expressed in a list, as
+in those examples:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
@@ -1026,7 +1419,11 @@ NOTE: The placement of the straight underline, though not the wave
 style, is controlled by the built-in variables ~underline-minimum-offset~,
 ~x-underline-at-descent-line~, ~x-use-underline-position-properties~.
-** Option for line highlighting (hl-line-mode)
+To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to variables
+~flymake-fringe-indicator-position~ and ~flycheck-indication-mode~,
+** Option for line highlighting
 :alt_title: Line highlighting
 :description: Choose style of current line (hl-line-mode)
@@ -1034,7 +1431,9 @@ style, is controlled by the built-in variables ~underline-minimum-offset~,
 #+vindex: modus-themes-hl-line
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-hl-line~
+Brief: Control the style of the current line of ~hl-line-mode~.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-hl-line~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -1078,7 +1477,10 @@ with underlines.
 This style affects several packages that enable ~hl-line-mode~, such as
 =elfeed=, =notmuch=, and =mu4e=.
-** Option for line numbers (display-line-numbers-mode)
+[ Also check the =lin= package on GNU ELPA (by the author of the
+  modus-themes) for a stylistic enhancement to ~hl-line-mode~. ]
+** Option for line numbers
 :alt_title: Line numbers
 :description: Toggle subtle style for line numbers
@@ -1086,7 +1488,9 @@ This style affects several packages that enable ~hl-line-mode~, such as
 #+vindex: modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers~
+Brief: Toggle subtle line numbers.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible value:
@@ -1107,7 +1511,85 @@ Instead they retain the primary background of the theme, blending with
 the rest of the buffer.  Foreground values for all relevant faces are
 updated to accommodate this aesthetic.
-** Option for parenthesis matching (show-paren-mode)
+** Option for mouseover effects
+:alt_title: Mouse hover effects
+:description: Toggle intense style for mouseover highlights
+:custom_id: h:9b869620-fcc5-4b5f-9ab8-225d73b7f22f
+#+vindex: modus-themes-intense-mouseovers
+Brief: Toggle intense mouse hover effects.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-intense-mouseovers~ (=boolean= type)
+Possible value:
+1. ~nil~ (default)
+2. ~t~
+By default all mouseover effects apply a highlight with a subtle colored
+background.  When non-nil, these have a more pronounced effect.
+Note that this affects the generic ~highlight~ which, strictly speaking,
+is not limited to mouse usage.
+** Option for markup style in Org and others
+:alt_title: Markup
+:description: Choose style for markup in Org and others
+:custom_id: h:9d9a4e64-99ac-4018-8f66-3051b9c43fd7
+#+vindex: modus-themes-markup
+Brief: Choose style of markup in Org, Markdown, and others (affects
+constructs such as Org's ==verbatim== and =~code~=).
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-markup~ (=boolean= type)
+Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
+an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
+1. ~bold~
+2. ~italic~
+3. ~background~
+4. ~intense~
+The ~italic~ property applies a typographic slant (italics).
+The ~bold~ property applies a heavier typographic weight.
+[[#h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375][Configure bold and italic faces]].
+The ~background~ property adds a background color.  The background is a
+shade of gray, unless the ~intense~ property is also set.
+The ~intense~ property amplifies the existing coloration.  When
+~background~ is used, the background color is enhanced as well and
+becomes tinted instead of being gray.
+Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
+like in these examples:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(bold italic)
+(bold italic intense)
+(bold italic intense background)
+The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
+In user configuration files the form may look like this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq modus-themes-markup '(bold italic))
+Also check the variables ~org-hide-emphasis-markers~,
+** Option for parenthesis matching
 :alt_title: Matching parentheses
 :description: Choose between various styles for matching delimiters/parentheses
@@ -1115,7 +1597,10 @@ updated to accommodate this aesthetic.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-paren-match
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-paren-match~
+Brief: Control the style of matching delimiters produced by
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-paren-match~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -1162,7 +1647,9 @@ This customization variable affects the built-in ~show-paren-mode~ and the
 #+vindex: modus-themes-region
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-region~
+Brief: Control the style of the region.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-region~ (=choice= type, list of properties)
 Possible values are expressed as a list of properties (default is ~nil~ or
 an empty list).  The list can include any of the following symbols:
@@ -1203,23 +1690,24 @@ In user configuration files the form may look like this:
 ** Option for diff buffer looks
 :alt_title: Diffs
-:description: Choose among intense, desaturated, or text-only diffs
+:description: Choose among intense, desaturated, or background-only diffs
 :custom_id: h:ea7ac54f-5827-49bd-b09f-62424b3b6427
 #+vindex: modus-themes-diffs
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-diffs~
+Brief: Set the overall style of diffs.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-diffs~ (=choice= type)
 Possible values:
 1. ~nil~ (default)
 2. ~desaturated~
 3. ~bg-only~
-4. ~deuteranopia~
-5. ~fg-only-deuteranopia~
 The default (~nil~) uses fairly intense color combinations for diffs, by
-applying prominently colored backgrounds, with appropriate foregrounds.
+applying prominently colored backgrounds, with appropriately tinted
 Option ~desaturated~ follows the same principles as with the default
 (~nil~), though it tones down all relevant colors.
@@ -1227,24 +1715,24 @@ Option ~desaturated~ follows the same principles as with the default
 Option ~bg-only~ applies a background but does not override the text's
 foreground.  This makes it suitable for a non-nil value passed to
 ~diff-font-lock-syntax~ (note: Magit does not support syntax highlighting
-in diffs---last checked on 2021-04-21).
-Option ~deuteranopia~ is like the default (~nil~) in terms of using
-prominently colored backgrounds, except that it also accounts for
-red-green color defficiency by replacing all instances of green with
-colors on the blue side of the spectrum.  Other stylistic changes are
-made in the interest of optimizing for such a use-case.
-Option ~fg-only-deuteranopia~ removes all colored backgrounds, except from
-word-wise or refined changes.  Instead, it only uses color-coded
-foreground values to differentiate between added, removed, and changed
-lines.  If a background is necessary to denote context, a subtle
-grayscale value is applied.  The color used for added lines is a variant
-of blue to account for red-green color defficiency but also because
-green text alone is hard to discern in the diff's context (hard for our
-accessibility purposes).  The ~fg-only~ option that existed in older
-versions of the themes is now an alias of ~fg-only-deuteranopia~, in the
-interest of backward compatibility.
+in diffs---last checked on 2021-12-02).
+When the user option ~modus-themes-deuteranopia~ is non-nil, all diffs
+will use a red/blue color-coding system instead of the standard
+red/green.  Other stylistic changes are made in the interest of
+optimizing for such a use-case.
+[[#h:3ed03a48-20d8-4ce7-b214-0eb7e4c79abe][Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia]].
+In versions before =2.0.0= there was an option for foreground-only diffs.
+This is no longer supported at the theme level because there are cases
+where the perceived contrast and overall contextuality were not good
+enough although the applied colors were technically above the 7:1
+contrast threshold.
+[[#h:e2aed9eb-5e1e-45ec-bbd7-bc4faeab3236][Diffs with only the foreground]].
+[[#h:b0b31802-0216-427e-b071-1a47adcfe608][Ediff without diff color-coding]].
 ** Option for org-mode block styles
@@ -1254,7 +1742,9 @@ interest of backward compatibility.
 #+vindex: modus-themes-org-blocks
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-org-blocks~
+Brief: Set the overall style of Org code blocks, quotes, and the like.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-org-blocks~ (=choice= type)
 Possible values:
@@ -1262,20 +1752,28 @@ Possible values:
 2. ~gray-background~ (value ~grayscale~ exists for backward compatibility)
 3. ~tinted-background~ (value ~rainbow~ exists for backward compatibility)
-The default means that the block has no distinct background of its own
-and uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.
+Nil (the default) means that the block has no background of its own: it
+uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.  In this case, the
+delimiter lines have a gray color for their text, making them look
+exactly like all other Org properties.
 Option ~gray-background~ applies a subtle gray background to the block's
-contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the block: their
-background extends to the edge of the window for Emacs version >= 27
-where the ~:extend~ keyword is recognized by ~set-face-attribute~ (this is
-contingent on the variable ~org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line~).
+contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the block as they
+get another shade of gray as their background, which differentiates them
+from the contents of the block.  All background colors extend to the
+edge of the window, giving the area a rectangular, "blocky"
 Option ~tinted-background~ uses a slightly colored background for the
 contents of the block.  The exact color will depend on the programming
 language and is controlled by the variable ~org-src-block-faces~ (refer to
 the theme's source code for the current association list).  For this to
-take effect, Org must be restarted with {{{kbd(M-x org-mode-restart)}}}.
+take effect, the Org buffer needs to be restarted with ~org-mode-restart~.
+In this scenario, it may be better to inhibit the extension of the
+delimiter lines' background to the edge of the window because Org does
+not provide a mechanism to update their colors depending on the contents
+of the block.  Disable the extension of such backgrounds by setting
+~org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line~ to nil.
 Code blocks use their major mode's colors only when the variable
 ~org-src-fontify-natively~ is non-nil.  While quote/verse blocks require
@@ -1295,7 +1793,10 @@ and ~rainbow~.  Those will continue to work as they are aliases for
 #+vindex: modus-themes-org-agenda
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-org-agenda~
+Brief: Control the style of the Org agenda.  Multiple parameters are
+available, each with its own options.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-org-agenda~ (=alist= type, multiple styles)
 This is an alist that accepts a =(key . value)= combination.  Some values
 are specified as a list.  Here is a sample, followed by a description of
@@ -1303,8 +1804,9 @@ all possible combinations:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
-      '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
-        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+      '((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
+        (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.2))
+        (event . (accented italic varied))
         (scheduled . uniform)
         (habit . traffic-light)))
@@ -1317,20 +1819,37 @@ come in the form of a list that can include either or both of those
 - ~variable-pitch~ to use a proportionately spaced typeface;
-- ~scale-title~ to increase the size to the number assigned to
-  ~modus-themes-scale-title~ ([[#h:6868baa1-beba-45ed-baa5-5fd68322ccb3][Control the scale of headings]]) or ~no-scale~
-  to make the font use the same height as the rest of the buffer.
-In case both ~scale-title~ and ~no-scale~ are in the list, the latter takes
+- A number as a floating point (e.g. 1.5) to set the height of the text
+  to that many times the default font height.  A float of 1.0 or the
+  symbol ~no-scale~ have the same effect of making the font the same
+  height as the rest of the buffer.  When neither a number nor
+  `no-scale' are present, the default is a small increase in height (a
+  value of 1.15).
+  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the form of
+  a cons cell like =(height . FLOAT)= or =(height FLOAT)=, where FLOAT
+  is the given number.
+- The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the heading
+  accordingly, such as ~light~, ~semibold~, etc.  Valid symbols are
+  defined in the variable ~modus-themes-weights~.  The absence of a
+  weight means that bold will be used by virtue of inheriting the ~bold~
+  face.
+[[#h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375][Configure bold and italic faces]].
+In case both a number and ~no-scale~ are in the list, the latter takes
+precedence.  If two numbers are specified, the first one is applied.
 Example usage:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (header-block . nil)
-(header-block . (scale-title))
+(header-block . (1.5))
 (header-block . (no-scale))
-(header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
+(header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
+(header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5 semibold))
 A ~header-date~ key covers date headings.  Dates use only a foreground
@@ -1341,11 +1860,24 @@ the following properties:
 - ~grayscale~ to make weekdays use the main foreground color and
   weekends a more subtle gray;
 - ~workaholic~ to make weekdays and weekends look the same in
   terms of color;
 - ~bold-today~ to apply a bold typographic weight to the current
-- ~bold-all~ to render all date headings in a bold weight.
+- ~bold-all~ to render all date headings in a bold weight;
+- ~underline-today~ applies an underline to the current date while
+  removing the background it has by default;
+- A number as a floating point (e.g. 1.2) to set the height of the text
+  to that many times the default font height.  The default is the same
+  as the base font height (the equivalent of 1.0).  Instead of a
+  floating point, an acceptable value can be in the form of a cons cell
+  like =(height . FLOAT)= or =(height FLOAT)=, where FLOAT is the given
+  number.
 For example:
@@ -1355,6 +1887,38 @@ For example:
 (header-date . (grayscale bold-all))
 (header-date . (grayscale workaholic))
 (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+(header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today scale-heading))
+An ~event~ key covers (i) headings with a plain time stamp that are
+shown on the agenda, also known as events, (ii) entries imported from
+the diary, and (iii) other items that derive from a symbolic expression
+or sexp (phases of the moon, holidays, etc.).  By default all those look
+the same and have a subtle foreground color (the default is a nil value
+or an empty list).  This key accepts a list of properties.  Those are:
+- ~accented~ applies an accent value to the event's foreground,
+  replacing the original gray.  It makes all entries stand out more.
+- ~italic~ adds a slant to the font's forms (italic or oblique forms,
+  depending on the typeface).
+- ~varied~ differentiates between events with a plain time stamp and
+  entries that are generated from either the diary or a symbolic
+  expression.  It generally puts more emphasis on events.  When ~varied~
+  is combined with ~accented~, it makes only events use an accent color,
+  while diary/sexp entries retain their original subtle foreground.
+  When ~varied~ is used in tandem with ~italic~, it applies a slant only
+  to diary and sexp entries, not events.  And when ~varied~ is the sole
+  property passed to the ~event~ key, it has the same meaning as the
+  list (italic varied).  The combination of ~varied~, ~accented~,
+  ~italic~ covers all of the aforementioned cases.
+For example:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(event . nil)
+(event . (italic))
+(event . (accented italic))
+(event . (accented italic varied))
 A ~scheduled~ key applies to tasks with a scheduled date.  By default (a
@@ -1399,9 +1963,12 @@ passed as a symbol.  Those are:
   being too late.  The difference between ready and clear states is
   attenuated by painting both of them using shades of green.  This
   option thus highlights the alert and overdue states.
-- ~traffic-light-deuteranopia~ is like the ~traffic-light~ except its three
-  colors are red, yellow, and blue to be suitable for users with
-  red-green color deficiency (deuteranopia).
+- When ~modus-themes-deuteranopia~ is non-nil the exact style of the habit
+  graph adapts to the needs of users with red-green color deficiency by
+  substituting every instance of green with blue or cyan (depending on
+  the specifics).
+[[#h:3ed03a48-20d8-4ce7-b214-0eb7e4c79abe][Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia]].
 For example:
@@ -1414,15 +1981,17 @@ For example:
 Putting it all together, the alist can look like this:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
-'((header-block . (scale-title variable-pitch))
+'((header-block . (1.5 variable-pitch))
   (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+  (event . (accented varied))
   (scheduled . uniform)
   (habit . traffic-light))
 ;; Or else:
 (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
-      '((header-block . (scale-title variable-pitch))
+      '((header-block . (1.5 variable-pitch))
         (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+        (event . (accented varied))
         (scheduled . uniform)
         (habit . traffic-light)))
@@ -1435,18 +2004,27 @@ Putting it all together, the alist can look like this:
 #+vindex: modus-themes-headings
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-headings~
+Brief: Heading styles with optional list of values for levels 0-8.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-headings~ (=alist= type, multiple properties)
+This is an alist that accepts a =(key . list-of-values)= combination.
+The key is either a number, representing the heading's level (0-8) or t,
+which pertains to the fallback style.
-This is an alist that accepts a =(key . list-of-values)= combination.  The
-key is either a number, representing the heading's level or ~t~, which
-pertains to the fallback style.  The list of values covers symbols that
-refer to properties, as described below.  Here is a sample, followed by
-a presentation of all available properties:
+Level 0 is a special heading: it is used for what counts as a document
+title or equivalent, such as the =#+title= construct we find in Org
+files.  Levels 1-8 are regular headings.
+The list of values covers symbols that refer to properties, as described
+below.  Here is a complete sample, followed by a presentation of all
+available properties:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq modus-themes-headings
-      '((1 . (background overline))
-        (2 . (overline rainbow))
+      '((1 . (background overline variable-pitch 1.5))
+        (2 . (overline rainbow 1.3))
+        (3 . (overline 1.1))
         (t . (monochrome))))
@@ -1455,8 +2033,23 @@ Properties:
 + ~rainbow~
 + ~overline~
 + ~background~
-+ ~no-bold~
 + ~monochrome~
++ A font weight, which must be supported by the underlying typeface:
+  - ~thin~
+  - ~ultralight~
+  - ~extralight~
+  - ~light~
+  - ~semilight~
+  - ~regular~
+  - ~medium~
+  - ~semibold~
+  - ~bold~
+  - ~heavy~
+  - ~extrabold~
+  - ~ultrabold~
++ ~no-bold~ (deprecated alias of a ~regular~ weight)
++ A floating point as a height multiple of the default or a cons cell in
+  the form of =(height . FLOAT)=.
 By default (a ~nil~ value for this variable), all headings have a bold
 typographic weight and use a desaturated text color.
@@ -1468,20 +2061,39 @@ An ~overline~ property draws a line above the area of the heading.
 A ~background~ property adds a subtle tinted color to the background of
 the heading.
-A ~no-bold~ property removes the bold weight from the heading's text.
+A ~monochrome~ property makes the heading the same as the base color,
+which is that of the ~default~ face's foreground.  When ~background~ is also
+set, ~monochrome~ changes its color to gray.  If both ~monochrome~ and
+~rainbow~ are set, the former takes precedence.
-A ~monochrome~ property makes all headings the same base color, which is
-that of the default for the active theme (black/white).  When ~background~
-is also set, ~monochrome~ changes its color to gray.  If both ~monochrome~
-and ~rainbow~ are set, the former takes precedence.
+A ~variable-pitch~ property changes the font family of the heading to that
+of the ~variable-pitch~ face (normally a proportionately spaced typeface).
+The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the heading
+accordingly, such as ~light~, ~semibold~, etc.  Valid symbols are
+defined in the variable ~modus-themes-weights~.  The absence of a weight
+means that bold will be used by virtue of inheriting the ~bold~ face.
+For backward compatibility, the ~no-bold~ value is accepted, though
+users are encouraged to specify a ~regular~ weight instead.
+[[#h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375][Configure bold and italic faces]].
+A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g. 1.5), adjusts the height
+of the heading to that many times the base font size.  The default
+height is the same as 1.0, though it need not be explicitly stated.
+Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the form of a
+cons cell like =(height . FLOAT)= or =(height FLOAT)=, where FLOAT is
+the given number.
 Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list, like in
 these examples:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (rainbow background)
-(overline monochrome no-bold)
+(overline monochrome semibold 1.3)
+(overline monochrome semibold (height 1.3)) ; same as above
+(overline monochrome semibold (height . 1.3)) ; same as above
 The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
@@ -1490,9 +2102,9 @@ In user configuration files the form may look like this:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq modus-themes-headings
-      '((1 . (background overline rainbow))
-        (2 . (background overline))
-        (t . (overline no-bold))))
+      '((1 . (background overline rainbow 1.5))
+        (2 . (background overline 1.3))
+        (t . (overline semibold))))
 When defining the styles per heading level, it is possible to pass a
@@ -1500,109 +2112,21 @@ non-nil value (~t~) instead of a list of properties.  This will retain the
 original aesthetic for that level.  For example:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq modus-themes-headings
-      '((1 . t)           ; keep the default style
-        (2 . (background overline))
-        (t . (rainbow)))) ; style for all other headings
-(setq modus-themes-headings
-      '((1 . (background overline))
-        (2 . (rainbow no-bold))
-        (t . t))) ; default style for all other levels
-For Org users, the extent of the heading depends on the variable
-~org-fontify-whole-heading-line~.  This affects the ~overline~ and
-~background~ properties.  Depending on the version of Org, there may be
-others, such as ~org-fontify-done-headline~.
-[[#h:075eb022-37a6-41a4-a040-cc189f6bfa1f][Option for scaled headings]].
-[[#h:97caca76-fa13-456c-aef1-a2aa165ea274][Option for variable-pitch font in headings]].
-** Option for scaled headings
-:alt_title: Scaled headings
-:description: Toggle scaling of headings
-:custom_id: h:075eb022-37a6-41a4-a040-cc189f6bfa1f
-#+vindex: modus-themes-scale-headings
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-scale-headings~
-Possible values:
-1. ~nil~ (default)
-2. ~t~
-The default is to use the same size for headings and paragraph text.
-With a non-nil value (~t~) make headings larger in height relative to the
-main text.  This is noticeable in modes like Org, Markdown, and Info.
+(setq modus-themes-headings
+      '((1 . t)           ; keep the default style
+        (2 . (background overline))
+        (t . (rainbow)))) ; style for all other headings
-*** Control the scale of headings
-:alt_title: Scaled heading sizes
-:description: Specify rate of increase for scaled headings
-:custom_id: h:6868baa1-beba-45ed-baa5-5fd68322ccb3
+(setq modus-themes-headings
+      '((1 . (background overline))
+        (2 . (rainbow semibold))
+        (t . t))) ; default style for all other levels
-In addition to the toggle for enabling scaled headings, users can also
-specify a number of their own.
-+ If it is a floating point, say, =1.5=, it is interpreted as a multiple
-  of the base font size.  This is the recommended method, because it
-  will always adapt to changes in the base font size, such as while
-  using the ~text-scale-adjust~ command.
-+ If it is an integer, it is read as an absolute font height that is
-  1/10 of the typographic point size.  Thus a value of =18pt= must be
-  expressed as =180=.  Setting an absolute value is discouraged, as it
-  will break the layout in cases where the base font size must change,
-  such as with the ~text-scale-adjust~ command ([[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations]]).
-  While we discourage using absolute values, we still provide for this
-  option for users who do not need to perform text-scaling operations or
-  who are content with whatever discrepancies in height.
-Below are the variables in their default values, using the floating
-point paradigm.  The numbers are very conservative, but one is free to
-change them to their liking, such as =1.2=, =1.4=, =1.6=, =1.8=, =2.0=---or use a
-resource for finding a consistent scale:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq modus-themes-scale-1 1.05
-      modus-themes-scale-2 1.1
-      modus-themes-scale-3 1.15
-      modus-themes-scale-4 1.2
-      modus-themes-scale-title 1.3)
-As for the application of that scale, the variables that range from
-~modus-themes-scale-1~ up to ~modus-themes-scale-4~ apply to regular
-headings within the context of the given major mode.  The former is the
-smallest, while the latter is the largest.  "Regular headings" are those
-that have a standard syntax for their scale, such as Org mode's eight
-levels of asterisks or Markdown's six columns.
-Whereas ~modus-themes-scale-title~ is applied to special headings that do
-not conform with the aforementioned syntax, yet which are expected to be
-larger than the largest value on that implied scale or at least have
-some unique purpose in the buffer.  Put concretely, Org's =#+title= meta
-datum is not part of the eight levels of headings in an Org file, yet is
-supposed to signify the primary header.  Similarly, the Org Agenda's
-structure headings are not part of a recognisable scale and so they also
-get ~modus-themes-scale-title~ ([[#h:68f481bc-5904-4725-a3e6-d7ecfa7c3dbc][Option for Org agenda constructs]]).
-Users who wish to maintain scaled headings for the normal syntax while
-preventing special headings from standing out, can assign a value of =1.0=
-to ~modus-themes-scale-title~ to make it the same as body text (or
-whatever value would render it indistinguishable from the desired point
-of reference).
-Note that in earlier versions of Org, scaling would only increase the
-size of the heading, but not of keywords that were added to it, like
-"TODO".  The issue has been fixed upstream:
+For Org users, the extent of the heading depends on the variable
+~org-fontify-whole-heading-line~.  This affects the ~overline~ and
+~background~ properties.  Depending on the version of Org, there may be
+others, such as ~org-fontify-done-headline~.
 ** Option for variable-pitch font in UI elements
@@ -1612,7 +2136,10 @@ size of the heading, but not of keywords that were added to it, like
 #+vindex: modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui~
+Brief: Toggle the use of proportionately spaced (~variable-pitch~) fonts
+in the User Interface.
+Symbol: ~modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui~ (=boolean= type)
 Possible values:
@@ -1631,30 +2158,7 @@ is done by assigning the ~variable-pitch~ face to the relevant items.
 [[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].
-** Option for variable-pitch font in headings
-:alt_title: Headings' typeface
-:description: Toggle the use of variable-pitch in headings
-:custom_id: h:97caca76-fa13-456c-aef1-a2aa165ea274
-#+vindex: modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings
-Symbol: ~modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings~
-Possible values:
-1. ~nil~ (default)
-2. ~t~
-The default is to use the main font family, which typically is
-With a non-nil value (~t~) apply a proportionately spaced typeface, else
-"variable-pitch", to headings (such as in Org mode).
-[[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].
-* Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)
+* Advanced customization
 :custom_id: h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb
@@ -1667,9 +2171,131 @@ things with precision ([[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customization
 This section is of interest only to users who are prepared to maintain
 their own local tweaks and who are willing to deal with any possible
 incompatibilities between versioned releases of the themes.  As such,
-they are labelled as "do-it-yourself" or "DIY".
+they are labeled as "do-it-yourself" or "DIY".
+** More accurate colors in terminal emulators
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:fbb5e254-afd6-4313-bb05-93b3b4f67358
+#+cindex: Color accuracy of terminal emulators
+[ This is based on partial information.  Please help verify and/or
+  expand these findings. ]
+The graphical version of Emacs can reproduce color values accurately.
+Whereas things get more tricky when Emacs is used in a terminal
+emulator, because the terminals' own capabilities determine the number
+of colors that may be displayed: the Modus themes don't look as good in
+that case.
+There is, however, a way to instruct supported terminal emulators to use
+more accurate colors.  In a shell prompt type =toe -a | grep direct= to
+get a list of relevant terminfo entries.  There should be items such as
+=xterm-direct=, =alacritty-direct=, =kitty-direct=.  Once you find the one
+that corresponds to your terminal, call Emacs with an environment
+variable like =TERM=xterm-direct=.  Example that can be adapted to shell
+: TERM=xterm-direct emacsclient -nw
+Another example that can be bound to a key:
+: TERM=xterm-direct uxterm -e emacsclient -nw
+** Range of color with terminal emulators
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:6b8211b0-d11b-4c00-9543-4685ec3b742f
+#+cindex: Pure white and pure black in terminal emulators
+[ This is based on partial information.  Please help verify and/or
+  expand these findings. ]
+When Emacs runs in a non-windowed session its color reproduction
+capacity is framed or determined by the underlying terminal emulator
+([[#h:fbb5e254-afd6-4313-bb05-93b3b4f67358][More accurate colors in terminal emulators]]).  Emacs cannot produce a
+color that lies outside the range of what the terminal's color palette
+renders possible.
+This is immediately noticeable when the terminal's first 16 codes do not
+include a pure black value for the =termcol0= entry and a pure white for
+=termcol15=.  Emacs cannot set the correct background (white for
+~modus-operandi~; black for ~modus-vivendi~) or foreground (inverse of
+the background).  It thus falls back to the closest approximation, which
+seldom is appropriate for the purposes of the Modus themes.
+In such a case, the user is expected to update their terminal's color
+palette such as by adapting these resources:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+! Theme: modus-operandi
+! Description: XTerm port of modus-operandi (Modus themes for GNU Emacs)
+! Author: Protesilaos Stavrou, <>
+xterm*background: #ffffff
+xterm*foreground: #000000
+xterm*color0:     #000000
+xterm*color1:     #a60000
+xterm*color2:     #005e00
+xterm*color3:     #813e00
+xterm*color4:     #0031a9
+xterm*color5:     #721045
+xterm*color6:     #00538b
+xterm*color7:     #bfbfbf
+xterm*color8:     #595959
+xterm*color9:     #972500
+xterm*color10:    #315b00
+xterm*color11:    #70480f
+xterm*color12:    #2544bb
+xterm*color13:    #5317ac
+xterm*color14:    #005a5f
+xterm*color15:    #ffffff
+! Theme: modus-vivendi
+! Description: XTerm port of modus-vivendi (Modus themes for GNU Emacs)
+! Author: Protesilaos Stavrou, <>
+xterm*background: #000000
+xterm*foreground: #ffffff
+xterm*color0:     #000000
+xterm*color1:     #ff8059
+xterm*color2:     #44bc44
+xterm*color3:     #d0bc00
+xterm*color4:     #2fafff
+xterm*color5:     #feacd0
+xterm*color6:     #00d3d0
+xterm*color7:     #bfbfbf
+xterm*color8:     #595959
+xterm*color9:     #ef8b50
+xterm*color10:    #70b900
+xterm*color11:    #c0c530
+xterm*color12:    #79a8ff
+xterm*color13:    #b6a0ff
+xterm*color14:    #6ae4b9
+xterm*color15:    #ffffff
+** Visualize the active Modus theme's palette
+:custom_id: h:f4d4b71b-2ca5-4c3d-b0b4-9bfd7aa7fb4d
+#+findex: modus-themes-list-colors
+#+findex: modus-themes-list-colors-current
+#+cindex: Preview color values
+The command ~modus-themes-list-colors~ prompts for a choice between
+=modus-operandi= and =modus-vivendi= to produce a help buffer that shows a
+preview of each variable in the given theme's color palette.  The
+command ~modus-themes-list-colors-current~ skips the prompt, using the
+current Modus theme.
+Each row shows a foreground and background coloration using the
+underlying value it references.  For example a line with =#a60000= (a
+shade of red) will show red text followed by a stripe with that same
+color as a backdrop.
-** Per-theme customization settings (DIY)
+The name of the buffer describes the given Modus theme.  It is thus
+called =*modus-operandi-list-colors*= or =*modus-vivendi-list-colors*=.
+** Per-theme customization settings
 :custom_id: h:a897b302-8e10-4a26-beab-3caaee1e1193
@@ -1704,7 +2330,7 @@ equivalent the themes provide.
 For a more elaborate design, it is better to inspect the source code of
 ~modus-themes-toggle~ and relevant functions.
-** Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette (DIY)
+** Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette
 :custom_id: h:1487c631-f4fe-490d-8d58-d72ffa3bd474
@@ -1744,7 +2370,11 @@ The function always extracts the color value of the active Modus theme.
 Do {{{kbd(C-h v)}}} on the aforementioned variables to check all the available
-symbols that can be passed to this function.
+symbols that can be passed to this function.  Or simply invoke the
+command ~modus-themes-list-colors~ to produce a buffer with a preview of
+each entry in the palette.
+[[#h:f4d4b71b-2ca5-4c3d-b0b4-9bfd7aa7fb4d][Visualize the active Modus theme's palette]].
 With that granted, let us expand the example to actually change the
 ~cursor~ face's background property.  We employ the built-in function of
@@ -1808,7 +2438,7 @@ Take the previous example with the ~cursor~ face:
 (set-face-attribute 'cursor nil :background (modus-themes-color-alts 'blue 'red))
-** Face specs at scale using the themes' palette (DIY)
+** Face specs at scale using the themes' palette
 :custom_id: h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae
@@ -1823,7 +2453,10 @@ The ~modus-themes-with-colors~ macro lets you retrieve multiple color
 values by employing the backquote/backtick and comma notation.  The
 values are stored in the alists ~modus-themes-operandi-colors~ and
 ~modus-themes-vivendi-colors~, while the macro always queries that of the
-active Modus theme.
+active Modus theme (preview the current palette with the command
+[[#h:f4d4b71b-2ca5-4c3d-b0b4-9bfd7aa7fb4d][Visualize the active Modus theme's palette]].
 Here is an abstract example that just returns a list of color values
 while ~modus-operandi~ is enabled:
@@ -1923,7 +2556,7 @@ the previous section.  Adapt the above example like this:
-** Remap face with local value (DIY)
+** Remap face with local value
 :custom_id: h:7a93cb6f-4eca-4d56-a85c-9dcd813d6b0f
@@ -1981,11 +2614,11 @@ this example:
 Whenever we enter a ~diff-mode~ buffer, we now get a magenta-colored
-Perhaps you may wish to generalise those findings in to a set of
+Perhaps you may wish to generalize those findings in to a set of
 functions that also accept an arbitrary face.  We shall leave the
 experimentation up to you.
-** Cycle through arbitrary colors (DIY)
+** Cycle through arbitrary colors
 :custom_id: h:77dc4a30-b96a-4849-85a8-fee3c2995305
@@ -2000,8 +2633,7 @@ contrast on an on-demand basis.
 One way to achieve this is to design a command that cycles through three
 distinct levels of intensity, though the following can be adapted to any
-kind of cyclic behaviour, such as to switch between red, green, and
+kind of cyclic behavior, such as to switch between red, green, and blue.
 In the following example, we employ the ~modus-themes-color~ function
 which reads a symbol that represents an entry in the active theme's
@@ -2149,7 +2781,7 @@ Must become this:
-** Override colors (DIY)
+** Override colors
 :custom_id: h:307d95dd-8dbd-4ece-a543-10ae86f155a6
@@ -2161,9 +2793,11 @@ The themes provide a mechanism for overriding their color values.  This
 is controlled by the variables ~modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides~ and
 ~modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides~, which are alists that should
 mirror a subset of the associations in ~modus-themes-operandi-colors~ and
-~modus-themes-vivendi-colors~ respectively.  As with all customisations,
+~modus-themes-vivendi-colors~ respectively.  As with all customizations,
 overriding must be done before loading the affected theme.
+[[#h:f4d4b71b-2ca5-4c3d-b0b4-9bfd7aa7fb4d][Visualize the active Modus theme's palette]].
 Let us approach the present topic one step at a time.  Here is a
 simplified excerpt of the default palette for Modus Operandi with some
 basic background values that apply to buffers and the mode line
@@ -2222,10 +2856,8 @@ both themes and expands to some more assosiations in the palette:
               (bg-inactive . "#f6ece5")
               (bg-region . "#c6bab1")
               (bg-header . "#ede3e0")
-              (bg-tab-bar . "#dcd3d3")
               (bg-tab-active . "#fdf6eb")
-              (bg-tab-inactive . "#c8bab8")
-              (fg-unfocused . "#55556f"))
+              (bg-tab-inactive . "#c8bab8"))
             '((bg-main . "#100b17")
               (bg-dim . "#161129")
@@ -2235,26 +2867,44 @@ both themes and expands to some more assosiations in the palette:
               (bg-inactive . "#1a1e39")
               (bg-region . "#393a53")
               (bg-header . "#202037")
-              (bg-tab-bar . "#262b41")
               (bg-tab-active . "#120f18")
-              (bg-tab-inactive . "#3a3a5a")
-              (fg-unfocused . "#9a9aab")))
+              (bg-tab-inactive . "#3a3a5a")))
     (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
           modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))
-With this in place, one can invoke {{{kbd(M-x my-modus-themes-tinted)}}} and
-then load the Modus theme of their choice.  The new palette subset will
-come into effect: subtle ochre tints for Modus Operandi and night sky
-shades for Modus Vivendi.  Switching between the two themes, such as
-with {{{kbd(M-x modus-themes-toggle)}}} will also use the overrides.
+A more neutral style for ~modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides~ can
+look like this:
-Given that this is a user-level customisation, one is free to implement
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+'((bg-main . "#f7f7f7")
+  (bg-dim . "#f2f2f2")
+  (bg-alt . "#e8e8e8")
+  (bg-hl-line . "#eaeaef")
+  (bg-active . "#e0e0e0")
+  (bg-inactive . "#e6e6e6")
+  (bg-region . "#b5b5b5")
+  (bg-header . "#e4e4e4")
+  (bg-tab-active . "#f5f5f5")
+  (bg-tab-inactive . "#c0c0c0"))
+With those in place, one can use {{{kbd(M-x my-modus-themes-tinted)}}}
+and then load the Modus theme of their choice.  The new palette subset
+will come into effect: subtle ochre tints (or shades of gray) for Modus
+Operandi and night sky blue shades for Modus Vivendi.  Switching between
+the two themes, such as with {{{kbd(M-x modus-themes-toggle)}}} will
+also use the overrides.
+Given that this is a user-level customization, one is free to implement
 whatever color values they desire, even if the possible combinations
 fall below the minimum 7:1 contrast ratio that governs the design of the
 themes (the WCAG AAA legibility standard).  Alternatively, this can also
 be done programmatically ([[#h:4589acdc-2505-41fc-9f5e-699cfc45ab00][Override color saturation]]).
+The above are expanded into a fully fledged derivative elsewhere in this
+document ([[#h:736c0ff5-8c9c-4565-82cf-989e57d07d4a][Override colors completely]]).
 For manual interventions it is advised to inspect the source code of
 ~modus-themes-operandi-colors~ and ~modus-themes-vivendi-colors~ for the
 inline commentary: it explains what the intended use of each palette
@@ -2265,7 +2915,7 @@ that we provide: [[#h:02e25930-e71a-493d-828a-8907fc80f874][test color combinati
 ratio between two color values, so it can help in overriding the palette
 (or a subset thereof) without making the end result inaccessible.
-** Override color saturation (DIY)
+** Override color saturation
 :custom_id: h:4589acdc-2505-41fc-9f5e-699cfc45ab00
@@ -2321,8 +2971,8 @@ Using the above has an immediate effect, as it reloads the active Modus
 The =my-modus-themes-saturate= function stores new color values in the
-variables =modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides= and
-=modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides=, meaning that it undoes changes
+variables ~modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides~ and
+~modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides~, meaning that it undoes changes
 implemented by the user on individual colors.  To have both automatic
 saturation adjustment across the board and retain per-case edits to the
 palette, some tweaks to the above function are required.  For example:
@@ -2385,23 +3035,367 @@ inspiration from the ~modus-themes-toggle~ we already provide:
     ('modus-vivendi (modus-themes-load-vivendi))))
-** Font configurations for Org and others (DIY)
+** Override colors through blending
+:custom_id: h:80c326bf-fe32-47b2-8c59-58022256fd6e
+#+cindex: Change theme colors through blending
+This is yet another method of overriding color values.
+[[#h:307d95dd-8dbd-4ece-a543-10ae86f155a6][Override colors]].
+[[#h:4589acdc-2505-41fc-9f5e-699cfc45ab00][Override color saturation]].
+Building on ideas and concepts from the previous sections, this method
+blends the entire palette at once with the chosen colors.  The function
+~my-modus-themes-interpolate~ blends two colors, taking a value from the
+themes and mixing it with a user-defined color to arrive at a midpoint.
+This scales to all background and foreground colors with the help of the
+~my-modus-themes-tint-palette~ function.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq my-modus-operandi-bg-blend "#fbf1c7"
+      my-modus-operandi-fg-blend "#3a6084"
+      my-modus-vivendi-bg-blend "#3a4042"
+      my-modus-vivendi-fg-blend "#d7b765")
+;; Adapted from the `kurecolor-interpolate' function of kurecolor.el
+(defun my-modus-themes-interpolate (color1 color2)
+  (cl-destructuring-bind (r g b)
+      (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (* (/ n 2) 255.0))
+              (cl-mapcar '+ (color-name-to-rgb color1) (color-name-to-rgb color2)))
+    (format "#%02X%02X%02X" r g b)))
+(defun my-modus-themes-tint-palette (palette bg-blend fg-blend)
+  "Modify Modus PALETTE programmatically and return a new palette.
+Blend background colors with BG-BLEND and foreground colors with FG-BLEND."
+  (let (name cons colors)
+    (dolist (cons palette)
+      (let ((blend (if (string-match "bg" (symbol-name (car cons)))
+                       bg-blend
+                     fg-blend)))
+        (setq name (my-modus-themes-interpolate (cdr cons) blend)))
+      (setq name (format "%s" name))
+      (setq cons `(,(car cons) . ,name))
+      (push cons colors))
+    colors))
+(define-minor-mode modus-themes-tinted-mode
+  "Tweak some Modus themes colors."
+  :init-value nil
+  :global t
+  (if modus-themes-tinted-mode
+      (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides
+            (my-modus-themes-tint-palette modus-themes-operandi-colors
+                                          my-modus-operandi-bg-blend
+                                          my-modus-operandi-fg-blend)
+            modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides
+            (my-modus-themes-tint-palette modus-themes-vivendi-colors
+                                          my-modus-vivendi-bg-blend
+                                          my-modus-vivendi-fg-blend))
+    (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
+          modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))
+(modus-themes-tinted-mode 1)
+** Override colors completely
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:736c0ff5-8c9c-4565-82cf-989e57d07d4a
+Based on the ideas we have already covered in these sections, the
+following code block provides a complete, bespoke pair of color palettes
+which override the defaults.  They are implemented as a minor mode, as
+explained before ([[#h:307d95dd-8dbd-4ece-a543-10ae86f155a6][Override colors]]).  We call them "Summertime" for
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Read the relevant blog post:
+;; <>
+(define-minor-mode modus-themes-summertime
+  "Refashion the Modus themes by overriding their colors.
+This is a complete technology demonstration to show how to
+manually override the colors of the Modus themes.  I have taken
+good care of those overrides to make them work as a fully fledged
+color scheme that is compatible with all user options of the
+Modus themes.
+These overrides are usable by those who (i) like something more
+fancy than the comparatively austere looks of the Modus themes,
+and (ii) can cope with a lower contrast ratio.
+The overrides are set up as a minor mode, so that the user can
+activate the effect on demand.  Those who want to load the
+overrides at all times can either add them directly to their
+configuration or enable `modus-themes-summertime' BEFORE loading
+either of the Modus themes (if the overrides are evaluated after
+the theme, the theme must be reloaded).
+Remember that all changes to theme-related variables require a
+reload of the theme to take effect (the Modus themes have lots of
+user options, apart from those overrides).
+The `modus-themes-summertime' IS NOT an official extension to the
+Modus themes and DOES NOT comply with its lofty accessibility
+standards.  It is included in the official manual as guidance for
+those who want to make use of the color overriding facility we
+  :init-value nil
+  :global t
+  (if modus-themes-summertime
+      (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides
+            '((bg-main . "#fff0f2")
+              (bg-dim . "#fbe6ef")
+              (bg-alt . "#f5dae6")
+              (bg-hl-line . "#fad8e3")
+              (bg-active . "#efcadf")
+              (bg-inactive . "#f3ddef")
+              (bg-active-accent . "#ffbbef")
+              (bg-region . "#dfc5d1")
+              (bg-region-accent . "#efbfef")
+              (bg-region-accent-subtle . "#ffd6ef")
+              (bg-header . "#edd3e0")
+              (bg-tab-active . "#ffeff2")
+              (bg-tab-inactive . "#f8d3ef")
+              (bg-tab-inactive-accent . "#ffd9f5")
+              (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#e5c0d5")
+              (bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent . "#f3cce0")
+              (fg-main . "#543f78")
+              (fg-dim . "#5f476f")
+              (fg-alt . "#7f6f99")
+              (fg-unfocused . "#8f6f9f")
+              (fg-active . "#563068")
+              (fg-inactive . "#8a5698")
+              (fg-docstring . "#5f5fa7")
+              (fg-comment-yellow . "#a9534f")
+              (fg-escape-char-construct . "#8b207f")
+              (fg-escape-char-backslash . "#a06d00")
+              (bg-special-cold . "#d3e0f4")
+              (bg-special-faint-cold . "#e0efff")
+              (bg-special-mild . "#c4ede0")
+              (bg-special-faint-mild . "#e0f0ea")
+              (bg-special-warm . "#efd0c4")
+              (bg-special-faint-warm . "#ffe4da")
+              (bg-special-calm . "#f0d3ea")
+              (bg-special-faint-calm . "#fadff9")
+              (fg-special-cold . "#405fb8")
+              (fg-special-mild . "#407f74")
+              (fg-special-warm . "#9d6f4f")
+              (fg-special-calm . "#af509f")
+              (bg-completion . "#ffc5e5")
+              (bg-completion-subtle . "#f7cfef")
+              (red . "#ed2f44")
+              (red-alt . "#e0403d")
+              (red-alt-other . "#e04059")
+              (red-faint . "#ed4f44")
+              (red-alt-faint . "#e0603d")
+              (red-alt-other-faint . "#e06059")
+              (green . "#217a3c")
+              (green-alt . "#417a1c")
+              (green-alt-other . "#006f3c")
+              (green-faint . "#318a4c")
+              (green-alt-faint . "#518a2c")
+              (green-alt-other-faint . "#20885c")
+              (yellow . "#b06202")
+              (yellow-alt . "#a95642")
+              (yellow-alt-other . "#a06f42")
+              (yellow-faint . "#b07232")
+              (yellow-alt-faint . "#a96642")
+              (yellow-alt-other-faint . "#a08042")
+              (blue . "#275ccf")
+              (blue-alt . "#475cc0")
+              (blue-alt-other . "#3340ef")
+              (blue-faint . "#476ce0")
+              (blue-alt-faint . "#575ccf")
+              (blue-alt-other-faint . "#3f60d7")
+              (magenta . "#bf317f")
+              (magenta-alt . "#d033c0")
+              (magenta-alt-other . "#844fe4")
+              (magenta-faint . "#bf517f")
+              (magenta-alt-faint . "#d053c0")
+              (magenta-alt-other-faint . "#846fe4")
+              (cyan . "#007a9f")
+              (cyan-alt . "#3f709f")
+              (cyan-alt-other . "#107f7f")
+              (cyan-faint . "#108aaf")
+              (cyan-alt-faint . "#3f80af")
+              (cyan-alt-other-faint . "#3088af")
+              (red-active . "#cd2f44")
+              (green-active . "#116a6c")
+              (yellow-active . "#993602")
+              (blue-active . "#475ccf")
+              (magenta-active . "#7f2ccf")
+              (cyan-active . "#007a8f")
+              (red-nuanced-bg . "#ffdbd0")
+              (red-nuanced-fg . "#ed6f74")
+              (green-nuanced-bg . "#dcf0dd")
+              (green-nuanced-fg . "#3f9a4c")
+              (yellow-nuanced-bg . "#fff3aa")
+              (yellow-nuanced-fg . "#b47232")
+              (blue-nuanced-bg . "#e3e3ff")
+              (blue-nuanced-fg . "#201f6f")
+              (magenta-nuanced-bg . "#fdd0ff")
+              (magenta-nuanced-fg . "#c0527f")
+              (cyan-nuanced-bg . "#dbefff")
+              (cyan-nuanced-fg . "#0f3f60")
+              (bg-diff-heading . "#b7cfe0")
+              (fg-diff-heading . "#041645")
+              (bg-diff-added . "#d6f0d6")
+              (fg-diff-added . "#004520")
+              (bg-diff-changed . "#fcefcf")
+              (fg-diff-changed . "#524200")
+              (bg-diff-removed . "#ffe0ef")
+              (fg-diff-removed . "#891626")
+              (bg-diff-refine-added . "#84cfa4")
+              (fg-diff-refine-added . "#002a00")
+              (bg-diff-refine-changed . "#cccf8f")
+              (fg-diff-refine-changed . "#302010")
+              (bg-diff-refine-removed . "#da92b0")
+              (fg-diff-refine-removed . "#500010")
+              (bg-diff-focus-added . "#a6e5c6")
+              (fg-diff-focus-added . "#002c00")
+              (bg-diff-focus-changed . "#ecdfbf")
+              (fg-diff-focus-changed . "#392900")
+              (bg-diff-focus-removed . "#efbbcf")
+              (fg-diff-focus-removed . "#5a0010"))
+            modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides
+            '((bg-main . "#25152a")
+              (bg-dim . "#2a1930")
+              (bg-alt . "#382443")
+              (bg-hl-line . "#332650")
+              (bg-active . "#463358")
+              (bg-inactive . "#2d1f3a")
+              (bg-active-accent . "#50308f")
+              (bg-region . "#5d4a67")
+              (bg-region-accent . "#60509f")
+              (bg-region-accent-subtle . "#3f285f")
+              (bg-header . "#3a2543")
+              (bg-tab-active . "#26162f")
+              (bg-tab-inactive . "#362647")
+              (bg-tab-inactive-accent . "#36265a")
+              (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#3e2f5a")
+              (bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent . "#3e2f6f")
+              (fg-main . "#debfe0")
+              (fg-dim . "#d0b0da")
+              (fg-alt . "#ae85af")
+              (fg-unfocused . "#8e7f9f")
+              (fg-active . "#cfbfef")
+              (fg-inactive . "#b0a0c0")
+              (fg-docstring . "#c8d9f7")
+              (fg-comment-yellow . "#cf9a70")
+              (fg-escape-char-construct . "#ff75aa")
+              (fg-escape-char-backslash . "#dbab40")
+              (bg-special-cold . "#2a3f58")
+              (bg-special-faint-cold . "#1e283f")
+              (bg-special-mild . "#0f3f31")
+              (bg-special-faint-mild . "#0f281f")
+              (bg-special-warm . "#44331f")
+              (bg-special-faint-warm . "#372213")
+              (bg-special-calm . "#4a314f")
+              (bg-special-faint-calm . "#3a223f")
+              (fg-special-cold . "#c0b0ff")
+              (fg-special-mild . "#bfe0cf")
+              (fg-special-warm . "#edc0a6")
+              (fg-special-calm . "#ff9fdf")
+              (bg-completion . "#502d70")
+              (bg-completion-subtle . "#451d65")
+              (red . "#ff5f6f")
+              (red-alt . "#ff8f6d")
+              (red-alt-other . "#ff6f9d")
+              (red-faint . "#ffa0a0")
+              (red-alt-faint . "#f5aa80")
+              (red-alt-other-faint . "#ff9fbf")
+              (green . "#51ca5c")
+              (green-alt . "#71ca3c")
+              (green-alt-other . "#51ca9c")
+              (green-faint . "#78bf78")
+              (green-alt-faint . "#99b56f")
+              (green-alt-other-faint . "#88bf99")
+              (yellow . "#f0b262")
+              (yellow-alt . "#f0e242")
+              (yellow-alt-other . "#d0a272")
+              (yellow-faint . "#d2b580")
+              (yellow-alt-faint . "#cabf77")
+              (yellow-alt-other-faint . "#d0ba95")
+              (blue . "#778cff")
+              (blue-alt . "#8f90ff")
+              (blue-alt-other . "#8380ff")
+              (blue-faint . "#82b0ec")
+              (blue-alt-faint . "#a0acef")
+              (blue-alt-other-faint . "#80b2f0")
+              (magenta . "#ff70cf")
+              (magenta-alt . "#ff77f0")
+              (magenta-alt-other . "#ca7fff")
+              (magenta-faint . "#e0b2d6")
+              (magenta-alt-faint . "#ef9fe4")
+              (magenta-alt-other-faint . "#cfa6ff")
+              (cyan . "#30cacf")
+              (cyan-alt . "#60caff")
+              (cyan-alt-other . "#40b79f")
+              (cyan-faint . "#90c4ed")
+              (cyan-alt-faint . "#a0bfdf")
+              (cyan-alt-other-faint . "#a4d0bb")
+              (red-active . "#ff6059")
+              (green-active . "#64dc64")
+              (yellow-active . "#ffac80")
+              (blue-active . "#4fafff")
+              (magenta-active . "#cf88ff")
+              (cyan-active . "#50d3d0")
+              (red-nuanced-bg . "#440a1f")
+              (red-nuanced-fg . "#ffcccc")
+              (green-nuanced-bg . "#002904")
+              (green-nuanced-fg . "#b8e2b8")
+              (yellow-nuanced-bg . "#422000")
+              (yellow-nuanced-fg . "#dfdfb0")
+              (blue-nuanced-bg . "#1f1f5f")
+              (blue-nuanced-fg . "#bfd9ff")
+              (magenta-nuanced-bg . "#431641")
+              (magenta-nuanced-fg . "#e5cfef")
+              (cyan-nuanced-bg . "#042f49")
+              (cyan-nuanced-fg . "#a8e5e5")
+              (bg-diff-heading . "#304466")
+              (fg-diff-heading . "#dae7ff")
+              (bg-diff-added . "#0a383a")
+              (fg-diff-added . "#94ba94")
+              (bg-diff-changed . "#2a2000")
+              (fg-diff-changed . "#b0ba9f")
+              (bg-diff-removed . "#50163f")
+              (fg-diff-removed . "#c6adaa")
+              (bg-diff-refine-added . "#006a46")
+              (fg-diff-refine-added . "#e0f6e0")
+              (bg-diff-refine-changed . "#585800")
+              (fg-diff-refine-changed . "#ffffcc")
+              (bg-diff-refine-removed . "#952838")
+              (fg-diff-refine-removed . "#ffd9eb")
+              (bg-diff-focus-added . "#1d4c3f")
+              (fg-diff-focus-added . "#b4dfb4")
+              (bg-diff-focus-changed . "#424200")
+              (fg-diff-focus-changed . "#d0daaf")
+              (bg-diff-focus-removed . "#6f0f39")
+              (fg-diff-focus-removed . "#eebdba")))
+    (setq modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides nil
+          modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil)))
+** Font configurations for Org and others
 :custom_id: h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929
 #+cindex: Font configurations
-The themes are designed to cope well with mixed font configurations.
+The themes are designed to optionally cope well with mixed font
+configurations.  This mostly concerns ~org-mode~ and ~markdown-mode~, though
+expect to find it elsewhere like in ~Info-mode~.
-[[#h:115e6c23-ee35-4a16-8cef-e2fcbb08e28b][Option for no font mixing]].
-This mostly concerns ~org-mode~ and ~markdown-mode~, though expect to find
-it elsewhere like in ~Info-mode~.
+[[#h:115e6c23-ee35-4a16-8cef-e2fcbb08e28b][Option for font mixing]].
 In practice it means that the user can safely opt for a more
 prose-friendly proportionately spaced typeface as their default, while
-letting spacing-sensitive elements like tables and inline code always
-use a monospaced font, by inheriting from the ~fixed-pitch~ face.
+spacing-sensitive elements like tables and inline code always use a
+monospaced font, by inheriting from the ~fixed-pitch~ face.
 Users can try the built-in {{{kbd(M-x variable-pitch-mode)}}} to see the
 effect in action.
@@ -2411,6 +3405,9 @@ the ~variable-pitch~ (proportional spacing) and ~fixed-pitch~ (monospaced)
 faces respectively.  It may also be convenient to set your main typeface
 by configuring the ~default~ face the same way.
+[ The =fontaine= package on GNU ELPA (by the author of the modus-themes)
+  is designed to handle this case. ]
 Put something like this in your initialization file (also consider
 reading the doc string of ~set-face-attribute~):
@@ -2422,7 +3419,14 @@ reading the doc string of ~set-face-attribute~):
 (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Serif" :height 1.0)
 ;; Monospaced typeface
-(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 1.0)
+(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 1.5)
+Or employ the ~face-attribute~ function to read an existing value, such as
+if you want to make ~fixed-pitch~ use the font family of the ~default~ face:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family (face-attribute 'default :family))
 The next section shows how to make those work in a more elaborate setup
@@ -2435,16 +3439,17 @@ specify an absolute value, which is the point size × 10.  So if you want
 to use a font at point size =11=, you set the height to =110=.[fn:: ~:height~
 values do not need to be rounded to multiples of ten: the likes of =115=
 are perfectly valid—some typefaces will change to account for those
-finer increments.]  Whereas every other face must have a value that is
-relative to the default, represented as a floating point (if you use an
-integer, then that means an absolute height).  This is of paramount
-importance: it ensures that all fonts can scale gracefully when using
-something like the ~text-scale-adjust~ command which only operates on the
-base font size (i.e. the ~default~ face's absolute height).
+finer increments.]  Whereas every other face must either not specify a
+height or have a value that is relative to the default, represented as a
+floating point.  If you use an integer, then that means an absolute
+height.  This is of paramount importance: it ensures that all fonts can
+scale gracefully when using something like the ~text-scale-adjust~ command
+which only operates on the base font size (i.e. the ~default~ face's
+absolute height).
-[[#h:e6c5451f-6763-4be7-8fdb-b4706a422a4c][Note for EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts)]].
+[[#h:e6c5451f-6763-4be7-8fdb-b4706a422a4c][Note for EWW and Elfeed fonts]].
-** Configure bold and italic faces (DIY)
+** Configure bold and italic faces
 :custom_id: h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375
@@ -2476,7 +3481,7 @@ it means for a construct to be bold/italic, by tweaking the ~bold~ and
 To achieve those effects, one must first be sure that the fonts they use
 have support for those features.  It then is a matter of following the
-instructions for all face tweaks.
+instructions for all typeface tweaks.
 [[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].
@@ -2504,19 +3509,20 @@ To reset the font family, one can use this:
 To ensure that the effects persist after switching between the Modus
 themes (such as with {{{kbd(M-x modus-themes-toggle)}}}), the user needs to
-write their configurations to a function and hook it up to the
-~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~.  This is necessary because the
-themes set the default styles of faces (otherwise changing themes would
-not be possible).
+write their configurations to a function and pass it to the
+~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~.  This is necessary because themes
+set the styles of faces upon activation, overriding prior values where
+conflicts occur between the previous and the current states (otherwise
+changing themes would not be possible).
 [[#h:86f6906b-f090-46cc-9816-1fe8aeb38776][A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading]].
 This is a minimal setup to preserve font configurations across theme
-load phases.  For a more permanent setup, it is better to employ the
+load phases.  For a more permanent setup, it is better to rely on the
 ~custom-set-faces~ function: ~set-face-attribute~ works just fine, though it
-is more convenient for quick previews or for smaller scale operations
-(~custom-set-faces~ follows the format used in the source code of the
+probably is better suited for quick previews or for smaller scale
+operations (~custom-set-faces~ follows the format used in the source code
+of the themes, which can make it easier to redefine faces in bulk).
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 ;; our generic function
@@ -2536,11 +3542,13 @@ themes).
 (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modes-themes-bold-italic-faces)
-** Custom Org user faces (DIY)
+[[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]].
+** Custom Org todo keyword and priority faces
 :custom_id: h:89f0678d-c5c3-4a57-a526-668b2bb2d7ad
-#+cindex: Org extra faces
+#+cindex: Org custom todo faces
 Users of ~org-mode~ have the option to configure various keywords and
 priority cookies to better match their workflow.  User options are
@@ -2574,9 +3582,9 @@ two):
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
-      '(("MEET" . '(font-lock-preprocessor-face org-todo))
-        ("STUDY" . '(font-lock-variable-name-face org-todo))
-        ("WRITE" . '(font-lock-type-face org-todo))))
+      '(("MEET" . '(bold org-todo))
+        ("STUDY" . '(warning org-todo))
+        ("WRITE" . '(shadow org-todo))))
 This will refashion the keywords you specify, while letting the other
@@ -2607,7 +3615,7 @@ configuration of the priority cookies:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq org-priority-faces
-      '((?A . '(org-scheduled-today org-priority))
+      '((?A . '(bold org-priority))
         (?B . org-priority)
         (?C . '(shadow org-priority))))
@@ -2624,7 +3632,140 @@ it if you plan to control face attributes.
 [[#h:02e25930-e71a-493d-828a-8907fc80f874][Check color combinations]].
-** Update Org block delimiter fontification (DIY)
+** Custom Org emphasis faces
+:custom_id: h:26026302-47f4-4471-9004-9665470e7029
+#+cindex: Org custom emphasis faces
+Org provides the user option ~org-emphasis-alist~ which associates a
+character with a face, list of faces, or face attributes.  The default
+specification of that variable looks like this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq org-emphasis-alist
+      '(("*" bold)
+        ("/" italic)
+        ("_" underline)
+        ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
+        ("~" org-code verbatim)
+        ("+" (:strike-through t))))
+With the exception of ~org-verbatim~ and ~org-code~ faces, everything else
+uses the corresponding type of emphasis: a bold typographic weight, or
+italicised, underlined, and struck through text.
+The best way for users to add some extra attributes, such as a
+foreground color, is to define their own faces and assign them to the
+given emphasis marker/character.
+This is a custom face that extends the standard ~bold~ face with a red
+foreground value (so it colorises the text in addition to the bold
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defface my-org-emphasis-bold
+  '((default :inherit bold)
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+     :foreground "#a60000")
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+     :foreground "#ff8059"))
+  "My bold emphasis for Org.")
+This face definition reads as follows:
++ Always inherit the ~bold~ face ([[#h:2793a224-2109-4f61-a106-721c57c01375][Configure bold and italic faces]]).
++ For versions of Emacs that support at least 88 colors (graphical
+  Emacs, for example) and use a light background, apply the =#a60000=
+  value.
++ For the same kind of Emacs that has a dark background use the =#ff8059=
+  color instead.
+Same principle for how to extend ~italic~ and ~underline~ with, for example,
+green and yellow hues, respectively:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defface my-org-emphasis-italic
+  '((default :inherit italic)
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+     :foreground "#005e00")
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+     :foreground "#44bc44"))
+  "My italic emphasis for Org.")
+(defface my-org-emphasis-underline
+  '((default :inherit underline)
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+     :foreground "#813e00")
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+     :foreground "#d0bc00"))
+  "My underline emphasis for Org.")
+In the case of a strike-through effect, we have no generic face to
+inherit from, so we can write it as follows to also change the
+foreground to a more subtle gray:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defface my-org-emphasis-strike-through
+  '((default :strike-through t)
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+     :foreground "#505050")
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+     :foreground "#a8a8a8"))
+  "My strike-through emphasis for Org.")
+Or we can just change the color of the line that strikes through the
+text to, for example, a shade of red:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defface my-org-emphasis-strike-through
+  '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+     :strike-through "#972500")
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+     :strike-through "#ef8b50"))
+  "My strike-through emphasis for Org.")
+It is possible to combine those effects:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defface my-org-emphasis-strike-through
+  '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+     :strike-through "#972500" :foreground "#505050")
+    (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+     :strike-through "#ef8b50" :foreground "#a8a8a8"))
+  "My strike-through emphasis for Org.")
+One may inspect the variables ~modus-themes-operandi-colors~ and
+~modus-themes-vivendi-colors~ for possible color values.  Or call the
+command ~modus-themes-list-colors~ to show a buffer that previews each
+entry in the palette.
+[[#h:f4d4b71b-2ca5-4c3d-b0b4-9bfd7aa7fb4d][Visualize the active Modus theme's palette]].
+Once we have defined the faces we need, we must update the
+~org-emphasis-alist~.  Given that ~org-verbatim~ and ~org-code~ are already
+styled by the themes, it probably is best not to edit them:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq org-emphasis-alist
+      '(("*" my-org-emphasis-bold)
+        ("/" my-org-emphasis-italic)
+        ("_" my-org-emphasis-underline)
+        ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
+        ("~" org-code verbatim)
+        ("+" my-org-emphasis-strike-through)))
+That's it!  For changes to take effect in already visited Org files,
+invoke {{{kbd(M-x org-mode-restart)}}}.
+** Update Org block delimiter fontification
 :custom_id: h:f44cc6e3-b0f1-4a5e-8a90-9e48fa557b50
@@ -2666,7 +3807,7 @@ Run this function at the post theme load phase, such as with the
-** Measure color contrast (DIY)
+** Measure color contrast
 :custom_id: h:02e25930-e71a-493d-828a-8907fc80f874
@@ -2700,7 +3841,7 @@ A couple of examples (rounded numbers):
 ;; Pure black with pure green
 (modus-themes-contrast "#000000" "#00ff00")
 ;; => 15.3
-;; That is is a highly accessible combo
+;; That is a highly accessible combo
 It does not matter which color value comes first.  The ratio is always
@@ -2739,7 +3880,7 @@ minutia and relevant commentary.
 Such knowledge may prove valuable while attempting to override some of
 the themes' colors: [[#h:307d95dd-8dbd-4ece-a543-10ae86f155a6][Override colors]].
-** Load theme depending on time of day (DIY)
+** Load theme depending on time of day
 :custom_id: h:1d1ef4b4-8600-4a09-993c-6de3af0ddd26
@@ -2761,12 +3902,13 @@ package:
 (use-package circadian                  ; you need to install this
   :after solar
+  :config
   (setq circadian-themes '((:sunrise . modus-operandi)
                            (:sunset  . modus-vivendi)))
-** Backdrop for pdf-tools (DIY)
+** Backdrop for pdf-tools
 :custom_id: h:ff69dfe1-29c0-447a-915c-b5ff7c5509cd
@@ -2820,62 +3962,512 @@ at something like the following, which builds on the above example:
       (pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode -1))
-(add-hook 'pdf-tools-enabled-hook #'my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)
-(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)
+(defun my-pdf-tools-themes-toggle ()
+  (mapc
+   (lambda (buf)
+     (with-current-buffer buf
+       (my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)))
+   (buffer-list)))
+(add-hook 'pdf-tools-enabled-hook #'my-pdf-tools-midnight-mode-toggle)
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-pdf-tools-themes-toggle)
+With those in place, PDFs have a distinct backdrop for their page, while
+buffers with major-mode as ~pdf-view-mode~ automatically switches to dark
+mode when ~modus-themes-toggle~ is called.
+** Decrease mode line height
+:custom_id: h:03be4438-dae1-4961-9596-60a307c070b5
+#+cindex: Decrease mode line height
+By default, the mode line of the Modus themes is set to 1 pixel width
+for its =:box= attribute.  In contrast, the mode line of stock Emacs is -1
+pixel.  This small difference is considered necessary for the purposes
+of accessibility as our out-of-the-box design has a prominent color
+around the mode line (a border) to make its boundaries clear.  With a
+negative width the border and the text on the mode line can feel a bit
+more difficult to read under certain scenaria.
+Furthermore, the user option ~modus-themes-mode-line~ ([[#h:27943af6-d950-42d0-bc23-106e43f50a24][Mode line]]) does not
+allow for such a negative value because there are many edge cases that
+simply make for a counter-intuitive set of possibilities, such as a =0=
+value not being acceptable by the underlying face infrastructure, and
+negative values greater than =-2= not being particularly usable.
+For these reasons, users who wish to decrease the overall height of the
+mode line must handle things on their own by implementing the methods
+for face customization documented herein.
+[[#h:1487c631-f4fe-490d-8d58-d72ffa3bd474][Basic face customization]].
+One such method is to create a function that configures the desired
+faces and hook it to ~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~ so that it
+persists while switching between the Modus themes with the command
+This one simply disables the box altogether, which will reduce the
+height of the mode lines, but also remove their border:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :box nil)
+  (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :box nil))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+The above relies on the ~set-face-attribute~ function, though users who
+plan to re-use colors from the theme and do so at scale are better off
+with the more streamlined combination of the ~modus-themes-with-colors~
+macro and ~custom-set-faces~.
+[[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face customization at scale]].
+As explained before in this document, this approach has a syntax that is
+consistent with the source code of the themes, so it probably is easier
+to re-use parts of the design.
+The following emulates the stock Emacs style, while still using the
+colors of the Modus themes (whichever attribute is not explicitly stated
+is inherited from the underlying theme):
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(mode-line ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button))))
+     `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-region)))))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+And this one is like the out-of-the-box style of the Modus themes, but
+with the -1 height instead of 1:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(mode-line ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,fg-alt))))
+     `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-region)))))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+Finally, to also change the background color of the active mode line,
+such as that it looks like the "accented" variant which is possible via
+the user option ~modus-themes-mode-line~, the =:background= attribute needs
+to be specified as well:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(mode-line ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,fg-alt) :background ,bg-active-accent)))
+     `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,bg-region)))))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+** Toggle themes without reloading them
+:custom_id: h:b40aca50-a3b2-4c43-be58-2c26fcd14237
+#+cindex: Switch themes without load-theme
+Users who have a stable setup and who only ever need to toggle between
+the themes without triggering a full reload, are better off defining
+their own command which calls ~enable-theme~ instead of ~load-theme~:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-toggle ()
+  "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes.
+This uses `enable-theme' instead of the standard method of
+`load-theme'.  The technicalities are covered in the Modus themes
+  (interactive)
+  (pcase (modus-themes--current-theme)
+    ('modus-operandi (progn (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+                            (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
+    ('modus-vivendi (progn (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)
+                            (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
+    (_ (error "No Modus theme is loaded; evaluate `modus-themes-load-themes' first"))))
+[[#h:e68560b3-7fb0-42bc-a151-e015948f8a35][Differences between loading and enabling]].
+Recall that ~modus-themes-toggle~ uses ~load-theme~.
+** A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading
+:custom_id: h:86f6906b-f090-46cc-9816-1fe8aeb38776
+The themes are designed with the intent to be useful to Emacs users of
+varying skill levels, from beginners to experts.  This means that we try
+to make things easier by not expecting anyone reading this document to
+be proficient in Emacs Lisp or programming in general.
+Such a case is with the use of the ~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~,
+which runs after ~modus-themes-toggle~, ~modus-themes-load-operandi~, or
+~modus-themes-load-vivendi~ is evaluated.  We recommend using that hook
+for advanced customizations, because (1) we know for sure that it is
+available once the themes are loaded, and (2) anyone consulting this
+manual, especially the sections on enabling and loading the themes, will
+be in a good position to benefit from that hook.
+Advanced users who have a need to switch between the Modus themes and
+other items will find that such a hook does not meet their requirements:
+it only works with the Modus themes and only with the aforementioned
+A theme-agnostic setup can be configured thus:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defvar after-enable-theme-hook nil
+   "Normal hook run after enabling a theme.")
+(defun run-after-enable-theme-hook (&rest _args)
+   "Run `after-enable-theme-hook'."
+   (run-hooks 'after-enable-theme-hook))
+(advice-add 'enable-theme :after #'run-after-enable-theme-hook)
+This creates the ~after-enable-theme-hook~ and makes it run after each
+call to ~enable-theme~, which means that it will work for all themes and
+also has the benefit that it does not depend on functions such as
+~modus-themes-toggle~ and the others mentioned above.  ~enable-theme~ is
+called internally by ~load-theme~, so the hook works everywhere.
+Now this specific piece of Elisp may be simple for experienced users,
+but it is not easy to read for newcomers, including the author of the
+Modus themes for the first several months of their time as an Emacs
+user.  Hence our hesitation to recommend it as part of the standard
+setup of the Modus themes (it is generally a good idea to understand
+what the implications are of advising a function).
+** Diffs with only the foreground
+:custom_id: h:e2aed9eb-5e1e-45ec-bbd7-bc4faeab3236
+#+cindex: Foreground-only diffs
+Buffers that show differences between versions of a file or buffer, such
+as in ~diff-mode~ and ~ediff~ always use color-coded background and
+foreground combinations.
+[[#h:ea7ac54f-5827-49bd-b09f-62424b3b6427][Option for diff buffer looks]].
+User may, however, prefer a style that removes the color-coded
+backgrounds from regular changes while keeping them for word-wise (aka
+"refined") changes---backgrounds for word-wise diffs are helpful in
+context.  To make this happen, one can use the ~modus-themes-with-colors~
+macro ([[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]]):
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(modus-themes-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+     `(modus-themes-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added :foreground ,fg-diff-added)))
+     ;; `(modus-themes-diff-refine-added ((,class :background ,bg-diff-added-deuteran :foreground ,fg-diff-added-deuteran)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-refine-changed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-changed :foreground ,fg-diff-changed)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-refine-removed ((,class :background ,bg-diff-removed :foreground ,fg-diff-removed)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-focus-added ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+     `(modus-themes-diff-focus-changed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,yellow)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-focus-removed ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,red)))
+     `(modus-themes-diff-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+     `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :foreground ,green))) ; OR ,blue for deuteranopia
+     `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+     `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+     `(magit-diff-added ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,green-faint)))
+     `(magit-diff-changed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,yellow-faint)))
+     `(magit-diff-removed ((,class :background unspecified :foreground ,red-faint)))
+     `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim))))))
+;; This is so that the changes persist when switching between
+;; `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'.
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+This used to be an optional style of ~modus-themes-diffs~, but has been
+removed since version =2.0.0= to ensure that the accessibility standard
+and aesthetic quality of the themes is not compromised.
+** Ediff without diff color-coding
+:custom_id: h:b0b31802-0216-427e-b071-1a47adcfe608
+Ediff uses the same color-coding as ordinary diffs in ~diff-mode~, Magit,
+etc. ([[#h:ea7ac54f-5827-49bd-b09f-62424b3b6427][Option for diff buffer looks]]).  This is consistent with the
+principle of least surprise.
+Users may, however, prefer to treat Ediff differently on the premise
+that it does not need any particular color-coding to show added or
+removed lines/words: it does not use the =+= or =-= markers, after all.
+This can be achieved by customizing the Ediff faces with color
+combinations that do not carry the same connotations as those of diffs.
+Consider this example, which leverages the ~modus-themes-with-colors~
+macro ([[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]]):
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-faint-cold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+     `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-faint-warm :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+     `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-faint-calm :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+     `(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+     `(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-warm :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+     `(ediff-fine-diff-C ((,class :inherit unspecified :background ,bg-special-calm :foreground ,fg-special-calm))))))
+;; This is so that the changes persist when switching between
+;; `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'.
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
-With those in place, PDFs have a distinct backdrop for their page, while
-they automatically switch to their dark mode when ~modus-themes-toggle~ is
-called from inside a buffer whose major-mode is ~pdf-view-mode~.
+Remove the =:foreground= and its value to preserve the underlying
-** A theme-agnostic hook for theme loading (DIY)
+[[#h:f4d4b71b-2ca5-4c3d-b0b4-9bfd7aa7fb4d][Visualize the active Modus theme's palette]].
+** Near-monochrome syntax highlighting
-:custom_id: h:86f6906b-f090-46cc-9816-1fe8aeb38776
+:custom_id: h:c1f3fa8e-7a63-4a6f-baf3-a7febc0661f0
+#+cindex: Monochrome code syntax
+While the Modus themes do provide a user option to control the overall
+style of syntax highlighting in programming major modes, they do not
+cover the possibility of a monochromatic or near-monochromatic design
+([[#h:c119d7b2-fcd4-4e44-890e-5e25733d5e52][Option for syntax highlighting]]).  This is due to the multitude of
+preferences involved: one may like comments to be styled with an accent
+value, another may want certain constructs to be bold, a third may apply
+italics to doc strings but not comments...  The possibilities are
+virtually endless.  As such, this sort of design is best handled at the
+user level in accordance with the information furnished elsewhere in
+this manual.
-The themes are designed with the intent to be useful to Emacs users of
-varying skill levels, from beginners to experts.  This means that we try
-to make things easier by not expecting anyone reading this document to
-be proficient in Emacs Lisp or programming in general.
+[[#h:1487c631-f4fe-490d-8d58-d72ffa3bd474][Case-by-case face specs using the themes' palette]].
-Such a case is with the use of the ~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~,
-which runs after ~modus-themes-toggle~, ~modus-themes-load-operandi~, or
-~modus-themes-load-vivendi~ is evaluated.  We recommend using that hook
-for advanced customizations, because (1) we know for sure that it is
-available once the themes are loaded, and (2) anyone consulting this
-manual, especially the sections on enabling and loading the themes, will
-be in a good position to benefit from that hook.
+[[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]].
-Advanced users who have a need to switch between the Modus themes and
-other items will find that such a hook does not meet their requirements:
-it only works with the Modus themes and only with the aforementioned
+The gist is that we want to override the font-lock faces.  For our
+changes to persist while switching between ~modus-operandi~ and
+~modus-vivendi~ we wrap our face overrides in a function that we hook to
+Users who want to replicate the structure of the themes' source code are
+advised to use the examples with ~custom-set-faces~.  Those who prefer a
+different approach can use the snippets which call ~set-face-attribute~.
+Below are the code blocks.
+The following uses a yellow accent value for comments and green hues for
+strings.  Regexp grouping constructs have color values that work in the
+context of a green string.  All other elements use the main foreground
+color, except warnings such as the ~user-error~ function in Elisp
+buffers which gets a subtle red tint (not to be confused with the
+~warning~ face which is used for genuine warnings).  Furthermore, notice
+the ~modus-themes-bold~ and ~modus-themes-slant~ which apply the
+preference set in the user options ~modus-themes-bold-constructs~ and
+~modus-themes-italic-constructs~, respectively.  Users who do not want
+this conditionally must replace these faces with ~bold~ and ~italic~
+respectively (or ~unspecified~ to disable the effect altogether).
-A theme-agnostic setup can be configured thus:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; This is the hook.  It will not be replicated across all code samples.
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax)
+(defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+     `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :inherit unspecified :foreground ,fg-comment-yellow)))
+     `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+     `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+     `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+     `(font-lock-string-face ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+     `(font-lock-type-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg))))))
+;; Same as above with `set-face-attribute' instead of `custom-set-faces'
+(defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-builtin-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face nil :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :inherit 'unspecified :foreground fg-comment-yellow)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-constant-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-doc-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-slant :foreground fg-special-mild)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-function-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-negation-char-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-preprocessor-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash nil :inherit 'bold :foreground yellow)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct nil :inherit 'bold :foreground blue-alt-other)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-string-face nil :foreground green-alt-other)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-type-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-warning-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground red-nuanced-fg)))
+The following sample is the same as above, except strings are blue and
+comments are gray.  Regexp constructs are adapted accordingly.
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(defvar after-enable-theme-hook nil
-   "Normal hook run after enabling a theme.")
+(defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+     `(font-lock-comment-face ((,class :inherit unspecified :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+     `(font-lock-constant-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-docstring)))
+     `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-negation-char-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-escape-char-backslash)))
+     `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
+     `(font-lock-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+     `(font-lock-type-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
+     `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg))))))
+;; Same as above with `set-face-attribute' instead of `custom-set-faces'
+(defun my-modus-themes-subtle-syntax ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-builtin-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face nil :inherit 'font-lock-comment-face)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-comment-face nil :inherit 'unspecified :foreground fg-alt)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-constant-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-doc-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-slant :foreground fg-docstring)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-function-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-keyword-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-negation-char-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-preprocessor-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash nil :inherit 'bold :foreground fg-escape-char-backslash)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct nil :inherit 'bold :foreground fg-escape-char-construct)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-string-face nil :foreground blue-alt)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-type-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-variable-name-face nil :foreground 'unspecified)
+    (set-face-attribute 'font-lock-warning-face nil :inherit 'modus-themes-bold :foreground red-nuanced-fg)))
-(defun run-after-enable-theme-hook (&rest _args)
-   "Run `after-enable-theme-hook'."
-   (run-hooks 'after-enable-theme-hook))
+** Custom hl-todo colors
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:2ef83a21-2f0a-441e-9634-473feb940743
-(advice-add 'enable-theme :after #'run-after-enable-theme-hook)
+The =hl-todo= package provides the user option ~hl-todo-keyword-faces~:
+it specifies a pair of keyword and corresponding color value.  The Modus
+themes configure that option in the interest of legibility.  While this
+works for our purposes, users may still prefer to apply their custom
+values, in which case the following approach is necessary:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces ()
+  (setq hl-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" . "#ff0000")
+                                ("HACK" . "#ffff00")
+                                ("XXX" . "#00ffff")
+                                ("NOTE" . "#ff00ff"))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces)
-This creates the ~after-enable-theme-hook~ and makes it run after each
-call to ~enable-theme~, which means that it will work for all themes and
-also has the benefit that it does not depend on functions such as
-~modus-themes-toggle~ and the others mentioned above.  ~enable-theme~ is
-called internally by ~load-theme~, so the hook works everywhere.
+Or include a ~let~ form, if needed:
-Now this specific piece of Elisp may be simple for experienced users,
-but it is not easy to read for newcomers, including the author of the
-Modus themes for the first several months of their time as an Emacs
-user.  Hence our hesitation to recommend it as part of the standard
-setup of the Modus themes (it is generally a good idea to understand
-what the implications are of advising a function).
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces ()
+  (let ((red "#ff0000")
+        (blue "#0000ff"))
+    (setq hl-todo-keyword-faces `(("TODO" . ,blue)
+                                  ("HACK" . ,red)
+                                  ("XXX" . ,red)
+                                  ("NOTE" . ,blue)))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-hl-todo-faces)
+Normally, we do not touch user options, though this is an exception:
+otherwise the defaults are not always legible.
+** Add support for solaire-mode
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:439c9e46-52e2-46be-b1dc-85841dd99671
+The =solaire-mode= package dims the background of what it considers
+ancillary "UI" buffers, such as the minibuffer and Dired buffers.  The
+Modus themes used to support Solaire on the premise that the user was
+(i) opting in to it, (ii) understood why certain buffers were more gray,
+and (iii) knew what other adjustments had to be made to prevent broken
+visuals (e.g. the default style of the ~modus-themes-completions~ uses a
+subtle gray background for the selection, which with Solaire becomes
+practically invisible).
+However, the assumption that users opt in to this feature does not
+always hold true.  There are cases where it is enabled by defaultsuch as
+in the popular Doom Emacs configuration.  Thus, the unsuspecting user
+who loads ~modus-operandi~ or ~modus-vivendi~ without the requisite
+customizations is getting a sub-par experience; an experience that we
+did not intend and cannot genuinely fix.
+Because the Modus themes are meant to work everywhere, we cannot make an
+exception for Doom Emacs and/or Solaire users.  Furthermore, we shall
+not introduce hacks, such as by adding a check in all relevant faces to
+be adjusted based on Solaire or whatever other package.  Hacks of this
+sort are unsustainable and penalize the entire userbase.  Besides, the
+themes are built into Emacs and we must keep their standard high.
+The fundamental constraint with Solaire is that Emacs does not have a
+real distinction between "content" and "UI" buffers.  For themes to work
+with Solaire, they need to be designed around that package.  Such is an
+arrangement that compromises on our accessibility standards and/or
+hinders our efforts to provide the best possible experience while using
+the Modus themes.
+As such, =solaire-mode= is not---and will not be---supported by the
+Modus themes (or any other of my themes, for that matter).  Users who
+want it must style the faces manually.  Below is some sample code, based
+on what we cover at length elsewhere in this manual:
+[[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization]].
+[[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]].
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     `(solaire-default-face ((,class :inherit default :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+     `(solaire-line-number-face ((,class :inherit solaire-default-face :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+     `(solaire-hl-line-face ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+     `(solaire-org-hide-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt))))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
 * Face coverage
@@ -2900,13 +4492,14 @@ affected face groups.  The items with an appended asterisk =*= tend to
 have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + ace-window
-+ ag
 + alert
 + all-the-icons
++ all-the-icons-dired
++ all-the-icons-ibuffer
 + annotate
++ ansi-color
 + anzu
 + apropos
-+ apt-sources-list
 + artbollocks-mode
 + auctex and TeX
 + auto-dim-other-buffers
@@ -2919,14 +4512,16 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + boon
 + bookmark
 + breakpoint (provided by the built-in {{{file(gdb-mi.el)}}} library)
-+ buffer-expose
 + calendar and diary
 + calfw
++ calibredb
 + centaur-tabs
 + cfrs
 + change-log and log-view (such as ~vc-print-log~, ~vc-print-root-log~)
++ chart
 + cider
 + circe
++ citar
 + color-rg
 + column-enforce-mode
 + company-mode*
@@ -2935,21 +4530,22 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + completions
 + consult
 + corfu
++ corfu-quick
 + counsel*
 + counsel-css
-+ counsel-org-capture-string
 + cov
 + cperl-mode
++ crontab-mode
 + css-mode
 + csv-mode
 + ctrlf
 + custom (what you get with {{{kbd(M-x customize)}}})
 + dap-mode
-+ dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
 + deadgrep
 + debbugs
-+ define-word
 + deft
++ denote
++ devdocs
 + dictionary
 + diff-hl
 + diff-mode
@@ -2961,23 +4557,22 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + dired-git-info
 + dired-narrow
 + dired-subtree
-+ diredc
 + diredfl
 + diredp (dired+)
-+ disk-usage
 + display-fill-column-indicator-mode
 + doom-modeline
-+ dynamic-ruler
 + easy-jekyll
-+ easy-kill
 + ebdb
 + ediff
++ ein (Emacs IPython Notebook)
 + eglot
 + el-search
 + eldoc-box
 + elfeed
 + elfeed-score
++ elpher
 + embark
++ ement
 + emms
 + enh-ruby-mode (enhanced-ruby-mode)
 + epa
@@ -3004,10 +4599,8 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + flycheck-posframe
 + flymake
 + flyspell
-+ flyspell-correct
 + flx
 + freeze-it
-+ frog-menu
 + focus
 + fold-this
 + font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
@@ -3016,10 +4609,8 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + geiser
 + git-commit
 + git-gutter (and variants)
-+ git-lens
 + git-rebase
 + git-timemachine
-+ git-walktree
 + gnus
 + gotest
 + golden-ratio-scroll-screen
@@ -3028,34 +4619,30 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + helm-switch-shell
 + helm-xref
 + helpful
-+ highlight-blocks
-+ highlight-defined
-+ highlight-escape-sequences (~hes-mode~)
 + highlight-indentation
 + highlight-numbers
-+ highlight-symbol
-+ highlight-tail
++ highlight-parentheses ([[#h:24bab397-dcb2-421d-aa6e-ec5bd622b913][Note on highlight-parentheses.el]])
 + highlight-thing
 + hl-defined
 + hl-fill-column
 + hl-line-mode
 + hl-todo
 + hydra
-+ hyperlist
 + ibuffer
 + icomplete
 + icomplete-vertical
 + ido-mode
 + iedit
 + iflipb
++ image-dired
 + imenu-list
 + indium
 + info
++ info+ (info-plus)
 + info-colors
 + interaction-log
 + ioccur
 + isearch, occur, etc.
-+ isl (isearch-light)
 + ivy*
 + ivy-posframe
 + jira (org-jira)
@@ -3066,6 +4653,7 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + kaocha-runner
 + keycast
 + ledger-mode
++ leerzeichen
 + line numbers (~display-line-numbers-mode~ and global variant)
 + lsp-mode
 + lsp-ui
@@ -3079,7 +4667,7 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + markup-faces (~adoc-mode~)
 + mentor
 + messages
-+ minibuffer-line
++ mini-modeline
 + minimap
 + mmm-mode
 + mode-line
@@ -3087,14 +4675,12 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + moody
 + mpdel
 + mu4e
-+ mu4e-conversation
 + multiple-cursors
++ nano-modeline
 + neotree
-+ no-emoji
 + notmuch
 + num3-mode
 + nxml-mode
-+ objed
 + orderless
 + org*
 + org-journal
@@ -3105,35 +4691,31 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + org-superstar
 + org-table-sticky-header
 + org-tree-slide
-+ org-treescope
 + origami
 + outline-mode
 + outline-minor-faces
 + package (what you get with {{{kbd(M-x list-packages)}}})
 + page-break-lines
 + pandoc-mode
-+ paradox
 + paren-face
-+ parrot
 + pass
 + pdf-tools
 + persp-mode
 + perspective
 + phi-grep
-+ phi-search
-+ pkgbuild-mode
 + pomidor
 + popup
 + powerline
 + powerline-evil
 + prism ([[#h:a94272e0-99da-4149-9e80-11a7e67a2cf2][Note for prism.el]])
++ prescient
 + proced
 + prodigy
 + pulse
++ pyim
 + quick-peek
 + racket-mode
 + rainbow-blocks
-+ rainbow-identifiers
 + rainbow-delimiters
 + rcirc
 + recursion-indicator
@@ -3142,7 +4724,6 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + ripgrep
 + rmail
 + ruler-mode
-+ sallet
 + selectrum
 + selectrum-prescient
 + semantic
@@ -3154,19 +4735,18 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + side-notes
 + sieve-mode
 + skewer-mode
++ slime (slbd)
++ sly
 + smart-mode-line
 + smartparens
 + smerge
-+ solaire
 + spaceline
 + speedbar
 + spell-fu
-+ spray
 + stripes
 + suggest
 + switch-window
 + swiper
-+ swoop
 + sx
 + symbol-overlay
 + syslog-mode
@@ -3178,23 +4758,24 @@ have lots of extensions, so the "full support" may not be 100% true…
 + telephone-line
 + terraform-mode
 + term
++ textsec
 + tomatinho
 + transient (pop-up windows such as Magit's)
 + trashed
++ tree-sitter
 + treemacs
 + tty-menu
 + tuareg
 + typescript
 + undo-tree
 + vc (vc-dir.el, vc-hooks.el)
-+ vc-annotate (the output of {{{kbd(C-x v g)}}})
-+ vdiff
 + vertico
++ vertico-quick
 + vimish-fold
 + visible-mark
 + visual-regexp
-+ volatile-highlights
 + vterm
++ vundo
 + wcheck-mode
 + web-mode
 + wgrep
@@ -3225,17 +4806,45 @@ These do not require any extra styles because they are configured to
 inherit from some basic faces or their dependencies which are directly
 supported by the themes.
++ ag
++ apt-sources-list
++ buffer-expose
++ bufler
 + counsel-notmuch
++ counsel-org-capture-string
++ dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
++ define-word
++ disk-usage
++ dtache
++ dynamic-ruler
++ easy-kill
 + edit-indirect
++ egerrit
++ elfeed-summary
 + evil-owl
++ flyspell-correct
 + fortran-mode
++ git-walktree
 + goggles
++ highlight-defined
++ highlight-escape-sequences (~hes-mode~)
 + i3wm-config-mode
++ minibuffer-line
++ no-emoji
++ org-remark
++ parrot
 + perl-mode
 + php-mode
 + rjsx-mode
++ side-hustle
++ spell-fu
 + swift-mode
 + tab-bar-echo-area
++ tide
++ undo-hl
++ vdiff
++ vertico-indexed
++ vertico-mouse
 * Notes on individual packages
@@ -3245,40 +4854,6 @@ supported by the themes.
 This section covers information that may be of interest to users of
 individual packages.
-** Note on avy hints
-:custom_id: h:2fdce705-6de7-44e6-ab7f-18f59af99e01
-Hints can appear everywhere, in wildly varying contexts, hence, their
-appearance, by necessity, is a compromise.  However, there are various
-options for making them stand out. First is dimming the surroundings:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq avy-background t)
-Dimming works well when you find it difficult to spot hints, any hint.
-Second is limiting the number of faces used by hints:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq avy-lead-faces
-      '(avy-lead-face
-        avy-lead-face-1
-        avy-lead-face-1
-        avy-lead-face-1
-        avy-lead-face-1))
-Limiting the number of faces works well with longer hints when you find
-it difficult to identify individual hints, especially with hints
-touching each other.  The first character of the hint will have an
-intense color, the remaining ones the same neutral color.
-Third is preferring commands that produce fewer candidates.  Fewer hints
-is less noise: ~avy-goto-char-timer~ is an excellent alternative to
 ** Note on calendar.el weekday and weekend colors
 :custom_id: h:b2db46fb-32f4-44fd-8e11-d2b261cf51ae
@@ -3308,6 +4883,76 @@ weekends uniformly.
 For changes to take effect, the Calendar buffer needs to be generated
+** Note on git-gutter in Doom Emacs
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:a195e37c-e58c-4148-b254-8ba1ed8a731a
+The =git-gutter= and =git-gutter-fr= packages default to drawing bitmaps
+for the indicators they display (e.g. bitmap of a plus sign for added
+lines).  In Doom Emacs, these bitmaps are replaced with contiguous lines
+which may look nicer, but require a change to the foreground of the
+relevant faces to yield the desired color combinations.
+Since this is Doom-specific, we urge users to apply changes in their
+local setup.  Below is some sample code, based on what we cover at
+length elsewhere in this manual:
+[[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization]].
+[[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]].
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-modus-themes-custom-faces ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     ;; Replace green with blue if you use `modus-themes-deuteranopia'.
+     `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :foreground ,green-fringe-bg)))
+     `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :foreground ,red-fringe-bg)))
+     `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-fringe-bg))))))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-custom-faces)
+As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
+If the above does not work, try this instead:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(after! modus-themes
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    (custom-set-faces
+     ;; Replace green with blue if you use `modus-themes-deuteranopia'.
+     `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :foreground ,green-fringe-bg)))
+     `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :foreground ,red-fringe-bg)))
+     `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-fringe-bg))))))
+Replace ~green-fringe-bg~ with ~blue-fringe-bg~ if you want to optimize
+for red-green color deficiency.
+[[#h:3ed03a48-20d8-4ce7-b214-0eb7e4c79abe][Option for red-green color deficiency or deuteranopia]].
+** Note on php-mode multiline comments
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:d0a3157b-9c04-46e8-8742-5fb2a7ae8798
+Depending on your build of Emacs and/or the environment it runs in,
+multiline comments in PHP with the =php-mode= package use the
+~font-lock-doc-face~ instead of ~font-lock-comment-face~.
+This seems to make all comments use the appropriate face:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun my-multine-comments ()
+  (setq-local c-doc-face-name 'font-lock-comment-face))
+(add-hook 'php-mode-hook #'my-multine-comments)
+As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
 ** Note on underlines in compilation buffers
 :custom_id: h:420f5a33-c7a9-4112-9b04-eaf2cbad96bd
@@ -3317,14 +4962,15 @@ Various buffers that produce compilation results or run tests on code
 apply an underline to the file names they reference or to relevant
 messages.  Users may consider this unnecessary or excessive.
-To outright disable the effect, use this:
+To outright disable the effect, use this (buffers need to be generated
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq compilation-message-face nil)
 If some element of differentiation is still desired, a good option is to
-render the affected text using the ~italic~ face:
+render the affected text with the ~italic~ face:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq compilation-message-face 'italic)
@@ -3388,33 +5034,166 @@ package: it draws too much attention to unfocused windows.
 :custom_id: h:2a602816-bc1b-45bf-9675-4cbbd7bf6cab
-While designing the style for ~display-fill-column-indicator-mode~, we
-stayed close to the mode's defaults: to apply a subtle foreground color
-to the ~fill-column-indicator~ face, which blends well with the rest of
-theme and is consistent with the role of that mode.  This is to not
-upset the expectations of users.
-Nevertheless, ~display-fill-column-indicator-mode~ has some known
-limitations pertaining to its choice of using typographic characters to
-draw its indicator.  What should be a continuous vertical line might
-appear as a series of dashes in certain contexts or under specific
-conditions: a non-default value for ~line-spacing~, scaled and/or
-variable-pitch headings have been observed to cause this effect.
+The ~display-fill-column-indicator-mode~ uses a typographic character to
+draw its line.  This has the downside of creating a dashed line.  The
+dashes are further apart depending on how tall the font's glyph height
+is and what integer the ~line-spacing~ is set to.
-Given that we cannot control such factors, it may be better for affected
-users to deviate from the default style of the ~fill-column-indicator~
-face.  Instead of setting a foreground color, one could use a background
-and have the foreground be indistinguishable from it.  For example:
+At the theme level we eliminate this effect by making the character one
+pixel tall: the line is contiguous.  Users who prefer the dashed line
+are advised to change the ~fill-column-indicator~ face, as explained
+elsewhere in this document.  For example:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
-   `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :background ,bg-inactive
-                                    :foreground ,bg-inactive)))))
+   `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :foreground ,bg-active)))))
 [[#h:51ba3547-b8c8-40d6-ba5a-4586477fd4ae][Face specs at scale using the themes' palette]].
+To make the line thicker, set the height to be equal to the base font
+size instead of the one pixel we use.  This is done by specifying a rate
+instead of an absolute number, as in =:height 1.0= versus =:height 1=.
+For example:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+  (custom-set-faces
+   `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :height 1.0 :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,bg-inactive)))))
+** Note on highlight-parentheses.el
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:24bab397-dcb2-421d-aa6e-ec5bd622b913
+The =highlight-parentheses= package provides contextual coloration of
+surrounding parentheses, highlighting only those which are around the
+point.  The package expects users to customize the applicable colors on
+their own by configuring certain variables.
+To make the Modus themes work as expected with this, we need to use some
+of the techniques that are discussed at length in the various
+"Do-It-Yourself" (DIY) sections, which provide insight into the more
+advanced customization options of the themes.
+[[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization]].
+In the following example, we are assuming that the user wants to (i)
+re-use color variables provided by the themes, (ii) be able to retain
+their tweaks while switching between ~modus-operandi~ and ~modus-vivendi~,
+and (iii) have the option to highlight either the foreground of the
+parentheses or the background as well.
+We start by defining our own variable, which will serve as a toggle
+between foreground and background coloration styles:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defvar my-highlight-parentheses-use-background t
+  "Prefer `highlight-parentheses-background-colors'.")
+Then we can update our preference with this:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Set to nil to disable backgrounds.
+(setq my-highlight-parentheses-use-background nil)
+To re-use colors from the themes, we must wrap our code in the
+~modus-themes-with-colors~ macro.  Our implementation must interface with
+the variables ~highlight-parentheses-background-colors~ and/or
+So we can have something like this (the doc string of
+~modus-themes-with-colors~ explains where the names of the colors can be
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+    ;; Our preference for setting either background or foreground
+    ;; styles, depending on `my-highlight-parentheses-use-background'.
+    (if my-highlight-parentheses-use-background
+        ;; Here we set color combinations that involve both a background
+        ;; and a foreground value.
+        (setq highlight-parentheses-background-colors (list cyan-refine-bg
+                                                            magenta-refine-bg
+                                                            green-refine-bg
+                                                            yellow-refine-bg)
+              highlight-parentheses-colors (list cyan-refine-fg
+                                                 magenta-refine-fg
+                                                 green-refine-fg
+                                                 yellow-refine-fg))
+      ;; And here we pass only foreground colors while disabling any
+      ;; backgrounds.
+      (setq highlight-parentheses-colors (list green-intense
+                                               magenta-intense
+                                               blue-intense
+                                               red-intense)
+            highlight-parentheses-background-colors nil)))
+;; Include this if you also want to make the parentheses bold:
+(set-face-attribute 'highlight-parentheses-highlight nil :inherit 'bold)
+;; Our changes must be evaluated before enabling the relevant mode, so
+;; this comes last.
+(global-highlight-parentheses-mode 1)
+For our changes to persist while switching between the Modus themes, we
+need to include them in a function which can then get passed to
+~modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook~.  This is the complete
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+;; Configurations for `highlight-parentheses':
+(require 'highlight-parentheses)
+(defvar my-highlight-parentheses-use-background t
+  "Prefer `highlight-parentheses-background-colors'.")
+(setq my-highlight-parentheses-use-background nil) ; Set to nil to disable backgrounds
+(defun my-modus-themes-highlight-parentheses ()
+  (modus-themes-with-colors
+    ;; Our preference for setting either background or foreground
+    ;; styles, depending on `my-highlight-parentheses-use-background'.
+    (if my-highlight-parentheses-use-background
+        ;; Here we set color combinations that involve both a background
+        ;; and a foreground value.
+        (setq highlight-parentheses-background-colors (list cyan-refine-bg
+                                                            magenta-refine-bg
+                                                            green-refine-bg
+                                                            yellow-refine-bg)
+              highlight-parentheses-colors (list cyan-refine-fg
+                                                 magenta-refine-fg
+                                                 green-refine-fg
+                                                 yellow-refine-fg))
+      ;; And here we pass only foreground colors while disabling any
+      ;; backgrounds.
+      (setq highlight-parentheses-colors (list green-intense
+                                               magenta-intense
+                                               blue-intense
+                                               red-intense)
+            highlight-parentheses-background-colors nil)))
+  ;; Include this if you also want to make the parentheses bold:
+  (set-face-attribute 'highlight-parentheses-highlight nil :inherit 'bold)
+  ;; Our changes must be evaluated before enabling the relevant mode, so
+  ;; this comes last.
+  (global-highlight-parentheses-mode 1))
+(add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'my-modus-themes-highlight-parentheses)
+As always, re-load the theme for changes to take effect.
 ** Note on mmm-mode.el background colors
 :custom_id: h:99cf0d6c-e478-4e26-9932-3bf3427d13f6
@@ -3476,7 +5255,7 @@ implements an alternative to the typical coloration of code.  Instead of
 highlighting the syntactic constructs, it applies color to different
 levels of depth in the code structure.
-As {{{file(prism.el)}}} offers a broad range of customisations, we cannot
+As {{{file(prism.el)}}} offers a broad range of customizations, we cannot
 style it directly at the theme level: that would run contrary to the
 spirit of the package.  Instead, we may offer preset color schemes.
 Those should offer a starting point for users to adapt to their needs.
@@ -3520,7 +5299,7 @@ With 8 colors:
   :desaturations '(0) ; do not change---may lower the contrast ratio
   :lightens '(0)      ; same
   :colors (modus-themes-with-colors
-            (list fg-special-cold
+            (list blue
@@ -3540,10 +5319,10 @@ to the themes' default aesthetic:
   :desaturations '(0) ; do not change---may lower the contrast ratio
   :lightens '(0)      ; same
   :colors (modus-themes-with-colors
-            (list fg-main
-                  cyan-alt-other
+            (list blue
+                  magenta
-                  magenta)))
+                  green-alt)))
 If you need to apply desaturation and lightening, you can use what the
@@ -3571,8 +5350,8 @@ The ~god-mode~ library does not provide faces that could be configured by
 the Modus themes.  Users who would like to get some visual feedback on
 the status of {{{kbd(M-x god-mode)}}} are instead encouraged by upstream to
 set up their own configurations, such as by changing the ~mode-line~ face
-([[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization (do-it-yourself)]]).  This is an adaptation of the
-approach followed in the upstream README:
+([[#h:f4651d55-8c07-46aa-b52b-bed1e53463bb][Advanced customization]]).  This is an adaptation of the approach
+followed in the upstream README:
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (defun my-god-mode-update-mode-line ()
@@ -3664,22 +5443,68 @@ Emacs' HTML rendering library ({{{file(shr.el)}}}) may need explicit
 configuration to respect the theme's colors instead of whatever
 specifications the webpage provides.
-Consult {{{kbd(C-h v shr-use-colors)}}}.
+Consult the doc string of ~shr-use-colors~.
-** Note on EWW and Elfeed fonts (SHR fonts)
+** Note on SHR fonts
 :custom_id: h:e6c5451f-6763-4be7-8fdb-b4706a422a4c
+#+cindex: Fonts in EWW, Elfeed, Ement, and SHR
-EWW and Elfeed rely on the Simple HTML Renderer to display their
-content.  The {{{file(shr.el)}}} library contains the variable ~shr-use-fonts~
-that controls whether the text in the buffer is set to a ~variable-pitch~
-typeface (proportionately spaced) or if just retains whatever the
-default font family is.  Its default value is non-nil, which means that
-~variable-pitch~ is applied.
+By default, packages that build on top of the Simple HTML Remember (=shr=)
+use proportionately spaced fonts.  This is controlled by the user option
+~shr-use-fonts~, which is set to non-nil by default.  To use the standard
+font instead, set that variable to nil.
 [[#h:defcf4fc-8fa8-4c29-b12e-7119582cc929][Font configurations for Org and others]].
+Packages affected by this are:
++ elfeed
++ ement
++ eww
+This is a non-exhaustive list.
+** Note on Ement colors and fonts
+:custom_id: h:8e636056-356c-4ca7-bc78-ebe61031f585
+The =ement.el= library by Adam Porter (also known as "alphapapa") defaults
+to a method of colorizing usernames in a rainbow style.  This is
+controlled by the user option ~ement-room-prism~ and can be disabled with:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq ement-room-prism nil)
+The contrast ratio of these colors is governed by another user option:
+~ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast~.  By default, it is set to 6 which is
+slightly below our nominal target.  Try this instead:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast 7)
+With regard to fonts, Ement depends on =shr= ([[#h:e6c5451f-6763-4be7-8fdb-b4706a422a4c][Note on SHR fonts]]).
+Since we are here, here is an excerpt from Ement's source code:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defcustom ement-room-prism-minimum-contrast 6
+  "Attempt to enforce this minimum contrast ratio for user faces.
+This should be a reasonable number from, e.g. 0-7 or so."
+  ;; Prot would almost approve of this default.  :) I would go all the way
+  ;; to 7, but 6 already significantly dilutes the colors in some cases.
+  :type 'number)
+Yes, I do approve of that default.  Even a 4.5 (the WCAG AA rating)
+would be a good baseline for many themes and/or user configurations.
+Our target is the highest of the sort, though we do not demand that
+everyone conforms with it.
 ** Note on Helm grep
 :custom_id: h:d28879a2-8e4b-4525-986e-14c0f873d229
@@ -3712,24 +5537,6 @@ candidates.  That style still meets the contrast ratio target of >= 7:1
 ANSI color number 1 (red) from the already-supported array of
-** Note on vc-annotate-background-mode
-:custom_id: h:5095cbd1-e17a-419c-93e8-951c186362a3
-Due to the unique way ~vc-annotate~ ({{{kbd(C-x v g)}}}) applies colors, support
-for its background mode (~vc-annotate-background-mode~) is disabled at the
-theme level.
-Normally, such a drastic measure should not belong in a theme: assuming
-the user's preferences is bad practice.  However, it has been deemed
-necessary in the interest of preserving color contrast accessibility
-while still supporting a useful built-in tool.
-If there actually is a way to avoid such a course of action, without
-prejudice to the accessibility standard of this project, then please
-report as much or send patches ([[#h:9c3cd842-14b7-44d7-84b2-a5c8bc3fc3b1][Contributing]]).
 ** Note on pdf-tools link hints
 :custom_id: h:2659d13e-b1a5-416c-9a89-7c3ce3a76574
@@ -3780,11 +5587,51 @@ you've customized any faces.
             "-draw"       "text %X,%Y '%c'"))))
-* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+** Note on the Notmuch logo
+:custom_id: h:636af312-54a5-4918-84a6-0698e85a3c6d
+By default, the "hello" buffer of Notmuch includes a header with the
+programs' logo and a couple of buttons.  The logo has the effect of
+enlarging the height of the line, which negatively impacts the shape of
+those buttons.  Disabling the logo fixes the problem:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq notmuch-show-logo nil)
+** Note on goto-address-mode faces
+:CUSTOM_ID: h:2d74236a-e41c-4616-8735-75f949a67334
+The built-in ~goto-address-mode~ uses heuristics to identify URLs and
+email addresses in the current buffer.  It then applies a face to them
+to change their style.  Some packages, such as =notmuch=, use this
+minor-mode automatically.
+The faces are not declared with ~defface~, meaning that it is better
+that the theme does not modify them.  The user is thus encouraged to
+consider including (or equivalent) this in their setup:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq goto-address-url-face 'link
+      goto-address-url-mouse-face 'highlight
+      goto-address-mail-face 'link
+      goto-address-mail-mouse-face 'highlight)
+My personal preference is to set ~goto-address-mail-face~ to nil, as
+it otherwise adds too much visual noise to the buffer (email addresses
+stand out more, due to the use of the uncommon =@= character but also
+because they are often enclosed in angled brackets).
+* Frequently Asked Questions
 :custom_id: h:b3384767-30d3-4484-ba7f-081729f03a47
-#+cindex: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
+#+cindex: Frequently Asked Questions
 In this section we provide answers related to some aspects of the Modus
 themes' design and application.
@@ -3903,8 +5750,8 @@ and hints of green give us suitable shades of purple.
 Due to the need of maintaining some difference in hueness between
 adjacent colors, it is not possible to make red, green, and yellow the
-primary colors, because blue could not be used to control their
-luminance and, thus the relevant space would shrink considerably.
+main colors, because blue cannot be used to control their luminance and,
+thus the relevant space will shrink considerably.
 [[#h:5ce7ae2e-9348-4e55-b4cf-9302345b1826][Is the contrast ratio about adjacent colors?]]
@@ -3958,7 +5805,7 @@ latter case.
 ~modus-operandi~ is best used outdoors or in a room that either gets
 direct sunlight or has plenty of light.  Whereas ~modus-vivendi~ works
 better when there is not a lot of sunshine or the room has a source of
-light, preferably a faint or warm one.  It is possible to use
+light that is preferably a faint and/or warm one.  It is possible to use
 ~modus-operandi~ at night and ~modus-vivendi~ during the day, though that
 will depend on several variables, such as one's overall perception of
 color, the paint on the walls and how that contributes to the impression
@@ -3991,6 +5838,139 @@ The color combinations may have been optimized for accessibility, though
 the remaining contributing factors in each case need to be considered in
+** Are these color schemes?
+:custom_id: h:a956dbd3-8fd2-4f5d-8b01-5f881268cf2b
+#+cindex: Themes, not color schemes
+No, the Modus themes are not color schemes.
+A color scheme is a collection of colors.  A good color scheme is a
+combination of colors with an inner logic or abstract structure.
+A theme is a set of patterns that are applied across different contexts.
+A good theme is one that does so with consistency, though not
+In practical terms, a color scheme is what one uses when, for example,
+they edit the first sixteen escape sequences of a terminal emulator to
+the hues of their preference.  The terminal offers the option to choose,
+say, the exact value of what counts as "red", but does not provide the
+means to control where that is mapped to and whether it should also have
+other qualities such as a bold weight for the underlying text or an
+added background color.  In contradistinction, Emacs uses constructs
+known as "faces" which allow the user/developer to specify where a given
+color will be used and whether it should be accompanied by other
+typographic or stylistic attributes.
+By configuring the multitude of faces on offer we thus control both
+which colors are applied and how they appear in their context.  When a
+package wants to render each instance of "foo" with the "bar" face, it
+is not requesting a specific color, which makes things considerably more
+flexible as we can treat "bar" in its own right without necessarily
+having to use some color value that we hardcoded somewhere.
+Which brings us to the distinction between consistency and uniformity
+where our goal is always the former: we want things to look similar
+across all interfaces, but we must never force a visual identity where
+that runs contrary to the functionality of the given interface.  For
+instance, all links are underlined by default yet there are cases such
+as when viewing listings of emails in Gnus (and Mu4e, Notmuch) where (i)
+it is already understood that one must follow the indicator or headline
+to view its contents and (ii) underlining everything would make the
+interface virtually unusable.
+[[#h:5808be52-361a-4d18-88fd-90129d206f9b][Option for links]].
+Again, one must exercise judgement in order to avoid discrimination,
+where "discrimination" refers to:
++ The treatment of substantially different magnitudes as if they were of
+  the same class.
++ Or the treatment of the same class of magnitudes as if they were of a
+  different class.
+(To treat similar things differently; to treat dissimilar things alike.)
+If, in other words, one was to enforce uniformity without accounting for
+the particular requirements of each case---the contextual demands for
+usability beyond matters of color---they would be making a
+not-so-obvious error of treating different cases as if they were the
+The Modus themes prioritize "thematic consistency" over abstract harmony
+or regularity among their applicable colors.  In concrete terms, we do
+not claim that, say, our yellows are the best complements for our blues
+because we generally avoid using complementary colors side-by-side, so
+it is wrong to optimize for a decontextualised blue+yellow combination.
+Not to imply that our colors do not work well together because they do,
+just to clarify that consistency of context is what themes must strive
+for, and that requires widening the scope of the design beyond the
+particularities of a color scheme.
+Long story short: color schemes and themes have different requirements.
+Please do not conflate the two.
+** Port the Modus themes to other platforms?
+:custom_id: h:7156b949-917d-488e-9a72-59f70d80729c
+#+cindex: Porting the themes to other editors
+There is no plan to port the themes to other platforms or text editors.
+I (Protesilaos) only use GNU Emacs and thus cannot maintain code that
+targets software I am either not familiar with or am not using on a
+daily basis.
+While it is possible to produce a simulacrum based on a given template,
+doing so would run contrary to how this project is maintained where
+details matter greatly.
+Each program has its own requirements so it won't always be
+possible---or indeed desirable---to have 1:1 correspondence between what
+applies to Emacs and what should be done elsewhere.  No port should ever
+strive to be a faithful copy of the Emacs implementation, as no other
+program is an Emacs equivalent, but instead try to follow the spirit of
+the design.  For example, some of the customization options accept a
+list as their value, or an alist, which may not be possible to reproduce
+on other platforms.
+[[#h:bf1c82f2-46c7-4eb2-ad00-dd11fdd8b53f][Customization options]].
+In other words, if something must be done differently on a certain
+editor then that is acceptable so long as (i) the accessibility
+standards are not compromised and (ii) the overall character of the
+themes remains consistent.
+The former criterion should be crystal clear as it pertains to the
+scientific foundations of the themes: high legibility and taking care of
+the needs of users with red-green color deficiency (deuteranopia) by
+avoiding red+green color coding paradigms and/or by providing red+blue
+The latter criterion is the "je ne sais quoi" of the artistic aspect of
+the themes, which is partially fleshed out in this manual.
+[[#h:b3384767-30d3-4484-ba7f-081729f03a47][Frequently Asked Questions]].
+With regard to the artistic aspect (where "art" qua skill may amount to
+an imprecise science), there is no hard-and-fast rule in effect as it
+requires one to exercise discretion and make decisions based on
+context-dependent information or constraints.  As is true with most
+things in life, when in doubt, do not cling on to the letter of the law
+but try to understand its spirit.
+For a trivial example: the curly underline that Emacs draws for spelling
+errors is thinner than, e.g., what a graphical web browser has, so if I
+was to design for an editor than has a thicker curly underline I would
+make the applicable colors less intense to counterbalance the
+typographic intensity of the added thickness.
+With those granted, if anyone is willing to develop a port of the
+themes, they are welcome to contact me and I will do my best to help
+them in their efforts.
 * Contributing
 :custom_id: h:9c3cd842-14b7-44d7-84b2-a5c8bc3fc3b1
@@ -4005,15 +5985,13 @@ in which you can contribute to their ongoing development.
 #+cindex: Sources of the themes
-The ~modus-operandi~ and ~modus-vivendi~ themes are built into Emacs.
-Currently they are in Emacs' git main branch (trunk), which is tracking
-the next development release target.
+The ~modus-operandi~ and ~modus-vivendi~ themes are built into Emacs 28.
-The source code of the themes is [[][available on Gitlab]], for the time
-being.  A [[][mirror on Github]] is also on offer.
+The source code of the themes is [[][available on SourceHut]].  Or check the
+[[][GitLab mirror (former main source)]] and the [[][GitHub mirror]].
 An HTML version of this manual is provided as an extension of the
-[[][author's personal website]] (does not rely on any non-free code).
+[[][author's personal website]] (does not rely on any non-free code).
 ** Issues you can help with
@@ -4021,7 +5999,10 @@ An HTML version of this manual is provided as an extension of the
 #+cindex: Contributing
-A few tasks you can help with:
+#+findex: modus-themes-report-bug
+A few tasks you can help with by sending an email to the general
+[[][modus-themes public mailing list]] (or use the command
 + Suggest refinements to packages that are covered.
 + Report packages not covered thus far.
@@ -4029,7 +6010,8 @@ A few tasks you can help with:
 + Help expand the documentation of covered-but-not-styled packages.
 + Suggest refinements to the color palette.
 + Help expand this document or any other piece of documentation.
-+ Merge requests for code refinements.
++ Send patches for code refinements (if you need, ask me for help with
+  Git---we all start out as beginners).
 [[#h:111773e2-f26f-4b68-8c4f-9794ca6b9633][Patches require copyright assignment to the FSF]].
@@ -4037,6 +6019,10 @@ It is preferable that your feedback includes some screenshots, GIFs, or
 short videos, as well as further instructions to reproduce a given
 setup.  Though this is not a requirement.
+#+findex: modus-themes-version
+Also consider mentioning the version of the themes you are using, such
+as by invoking the command ~modus-themes-version~.
 Whatever you do, bear in mind the overarching objective of the Modus
 themes: to keep a contrast ratio that is greater or equal to 7:1 between
 background and foreground colors.  If a compromise is ever necessary
@@ -4068,7 +6054,7 @@ will send you the assignment form for your past and future changes.
 Please use your full legal name (in ASCII characters) as the subject
 line of the message.
 [What is the name of the program or package you're contributing to?]
@@ -4116,47 +6102,63 @@ The Modus themes are a collective effort.  Every bit of work matters.
 + Author/maintainer :: Protesilaos Stavrou.
-+ Contributions to code or documentation :: Anders Johansson, Basil
-  L.{{{space()}}} Contovounesios, Carlo Zancanaro, Eli Zaretskii, Fritz Grabo,
-  Kostadin Ninev, Madhavan Krishnan, Markus Beppler, Matthew Stevenson,
-  Mauro Aranda, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Philip Kaludercic, Rudolf
-  Adamkovič, Shreyas Ragavan, Stefan Kangas, Vincent Murphy, Xinglu
-  Chen.
-+ Ideas and user feedback :: Aaron Jensen, Adam Spiers, Adrian Manea,
-  Alex Griffin, Alex Peitsinis, Alexey Shmalko, Alok Singh, Anders
-  Johansson, André Alexandre Gomes, Arif Rezai, Basil L.{{{space()}}}
-  Contovounesios, Burgess Chang, Christian Tietze, Christopher Dimech,
-  Damien Cassou, Daniel Mendler, Dario Gjorgjevski, David Edmondson,
-  Davor Rotim, Divan Santana, Emanuele Michele Alberto Monterosso,
-  Farasha Euker, Gautier Ponsinet, Gerry Agbobada, Gianluca Recchia,
-  Gustavo Barros, Hörmetjan Yiltiz, Ilja Kocken, Iris Garcia, Jeremy
-  Friesen, Jerry Zhang, John Haman, Joshua O'Connor, Kevin Fleming,
-  Kévin Le Gouguec, Kostadin Ninev, Len Trigg, Manuel Uberti, Mark
-  Burton, Markus Beppler, Mauro Aranda, Michael Goldenberg, Morgan
-  Smith, Murilo Pereira, Nicky van Foreest, Nicolas De Jaeghere, Paul
-  Poloskov, Pengji Zhang, Pete Kazmier, Peter Wu, Philip Kaludercic,
-  Pierre Téchoueyres, Roman Rudakov, Ryan Phillips, Rudolf Adamkovič,
-  Sam Kleinman, Shreyas Ragavan, Simon Pugnet, Tassilo Horn, Thibaut
-  Verron, Thomas Heartman, Trey Merkley, Togan Muftuoglu, Toon Claes,
-  Uri Sharf, Utkarsh Singh, Vincent Foley.  As well as users: Ben,
-  CsBigDataHub1, Emacs Contrib, Eugene, Fourchaux, Fredrik, Moesasji,
-  Nick, TheBlob42, Trey, bepolymathe, doolio, fleimgruber, iSeeU,
-  jixiuf, okamsn, pRot0ta1p.
-+ Packaging :: Basil L.{{{space()}}} Contovounesios, Eli Zaretskii, Glenn
-  Morris, Mauro Aranda, Richard Stallman, Stefan Kangas (core Emacs),
-  Stefan Monnier (GNU Elpa), André Alexandre Gomes, Dimakakos Dimos,
-  Morgan Smith, Nicolas Goaziou (Guix), Dhavan Vaidya (Debian).
++ Contributions to code or documentation :: Alex Griffin, Anders
+  Johansson, Antonio Ruiz, Basil L.{{{space()}}} Contovounesios, Björn
+  Lindström, Carlo Zancanaro, Christian Tietze, Daniel Mendler, Eli
+  Zaretskii, Fritz Grabo, Illia Ostapyshyn, Kévin Le Gouguec, Koen van
+  Greevenbroek, Kostadin Ninev, Madhavan Krishnan, Manuel Giraud,
+  Markus Beppler, Matthew Stevenson, Mauro Aranda, Nicolas De
+  Jaeghere, Paul David, Philip Kaludercic, Pierre Téchoueyres, Rudolf
+  Adamkovič, Stephen Gildea, Shreyas Ragavan, Stefan Kangas, Utkarsh
+  Singh, Vincent Murphy, Xinglu Chen, Yuanchen Xie, okamsn.
++ Ideas and user feedback :: Aaron Jensen, Adam Porter, Adam Spiers,
+  Adrian Manea, Alex Griffin, Alex Koen, Alex Peitsinis, Alexey
+  Shmalko, Alok Singh, Anders Johansson, André Alexandre Gomes, Andrew
+  Tropin, Antonio Hernández Blas, Arif Rezai, Augusto Stoffel, Basil
+  L.{{{space()}}} Contovounesios, Burgess Chang, Christian Tietze,
+  Christopher Dimech, Christopher League, Damien Cassou, Daniel
+  Mendler, Dario Gjorgjevski, David Edmondson, Davor Rotim, Divan
+  Santana, Eliraz Kedmi, Emanuele Michele Alberto Monterosso, Farasha
+  Euker, Feng Shu, Gautier Ponsinet, Gerry Agbobada, Gianluca Recchia,
+  Gonçalo Marrafa, Guilherme Semente, Gustavo Barros, Hörmetjan
+  Yiltiz, Ilja Kocken, Iris Garcia, Ivan Popovych, Jeremy Friesen,
+  Jerry Zhang, Johannes Grødem, John Haman, Jonas Collberg, Jorge
+  Morais, Joshua O'Connor, Julio C. Villasante, Kenta Usami, Kevin
+  Fleming, Kévin Le Gouguec, Kevin Kainan Li, Kostadin Ninev, Len
+  Trigg, Lennart C. Karssen, Luis Miguel Castañeda, Magne Hov, Manuel
+  Uberti, Mark Bestley, Mark Burton, Mark Simpson, Markus Beppler,
+  Matt Armstrong, Mauro Aranda, Maxime Tréca, Michael Goldenberg,
+  Morgan Smith, Morgan Willcock, Murilo Pereira, Nicky van Foreest,
+  Nicolas De Jaeghere, Pablo Stafforini, Paul Poloskov, Pengji Zhang,
+  Pete Kazmier, Peter Wu, Philip Kaludercic, Pierre Téchoueyres,
+  Przemysław Kryger, Robert Hepple, Roman Rudakov, Ryan Phillips,
+  Rytis Paškauskas, Rudolf Adamkovič, Sam Kleinman, Samuel Culpepper,
+  Saša Janiška, Shreyas Ragavan, Simon Pugnet, Tassilo Horn, Thibaut
+  Verron, Thomas Heartman, Togan Muftuoglu, Tony Zorman, Trey Merkley,
+  Tomasz Hołubowicz, Toon Claes, Uri Sharf, Utkarsh Singh, Vincent
+  Foley.  As well as users: Ben, CsBigDataHub1, Emacs Contrib, Eugene,
+  Fourchaux, Fredrik, Moesasji, Nick, Summer Emacs, TheBlob42, Trey,
+  bepolymathe, bit9tream, derek-upham, doolio, fleimgruber, gitrj95,
+  iSeeU, jixiuf, okamsn, pRot0ta1p.
++ Packaging :: Basil L.{{{space()}}} Contovounesios, Eli Zaretskii,
+  Glenn Morris, Mauro Aranda, Richard Stallman, Stefan Kangas (core
+  Emacs), Stefan Monnier (GNU Elpa), André Alexandre Gomes, Andrew
+  Tropin, Dimakakos Dimos, Morgan Smith, Nicolas Goaziou (Guix), Dhavan
+  Vaidya (Debian).
 + Inspiration for certain features :: Bozhidar Batsov (zenburn-theme),
   Fabrice Niessen (leuven-theme).
-Special thanks, in no particular order, to Manuel Uberti, Gustavo
-Barros, and Omar Antolín Camarena for their long time contributions and
-insightful commentary.
+Special thanks (from A-Z) to Daniel Mendler, Gustavo Barros, Manuel
+Uberti, Nicolas De Jaeghere, and Omar Antolín Camarena for their long
+time contributions and insightful commentary on key aspects of the
+themes' design and/or aspects of their functionality.
+All errors are my own.
-* Meta
+* Other notes about the project
 :custom_id: h:13752581-4378-478c-af17-165b6e76bc1b
@@ -4178,12 +6180,19 @@ of this sort):
 + [[][Modus themes: review rainbow-delimiters faces]] (2020-12-27)
 + [[][Modus themes: review of select "faint" colours]] (2021-01-11)
 + [[][The Modus themes now cover deuteranopia in diffs]] (2021-02-25)
-And here are the canonical sources of this project's documentation:
-+ Manual :: <>
-+ Change Log :: <>
-+ Screenshots :: <>
++ [[][Introducing the variable modus-themes-org-agenda]] (2021-06-02)
++ [[][Modus themes: review of the org-habit graph colours]] (2022-01-02)
++ [[][Re: VSCode or Vim ports of the Emacs modus-themes?]] (2022-01-03)
++ [[][Modus themes: case study on Avy faces and colour combinations]] (2022-04-20)
++ [[][Emacs: colour theory and techniques used in the Modus themes]] (2022-04-21)
+And here are the canonical sources of this project:
++ Manual :: <>
++ Change Log :: <>
++ Screenshots :: <>
++ Git repository ::
++ Mailing list ::
 * GNU Free Documentation License
diff --git a/modus-operandi-theme.el b/modus-operandi-theme.el
index a946d74..c981e8b 100644
--- a/modus-operandi-theme.el
+++ b/modus-operandi-theme.el
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
-;;; modus-operandi-theme.el --- Accessible light theme (WCAG AAA) -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
+;;; modus-operandi-theme.el --- Elegant, highly legible and customizable light theme -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2019-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <>
-;; URL:
-;; Version: 1.5.0
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
+;; Maintainer: Modus-Themes Development <~protesilaos/>
+;; URL:
+;; Mailing-List:
+;; Version: 2.7.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
 ;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-;; your option) any later version.
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -56,17 +58,20 @@
                (equal (file-name-directory load-file-name)
                       (expand-file-name "themes/" data-directory))
                (require-theme 'modus-themes t))
-    (require 'modus-themes)))
+    (require 'modus-themes))
-(deftheme modus-operandi
-  "Accessible and customizable light theme (WCAG AAA standard).
+  (deftheme modus-operandi
+    "Elegant, highly legible and customizable light theme.
 Conforms with the highest legibility standard for color contrast
 between background and foreground in any given piece of text,
 which corresponds to a minimum contrast in relative luminance of
+7:1 (WCAG AAA standard).")
-(modus-themes-theme modus-operandi)
+  (modus-themes-theme modus-operandi)
-(provide-theme 'modus-operandi)
+  (provide-theme 'modus-operandi))
+(put 'modus-operandi 'theme-properties '(:background-mode light :kind color-scheme :family modus))
 ;;; modus-operandi-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/modus-themes.el b/modus-themes.el
index b9fe4a3..ba87490 100644
--- a/modus-themes.el
+++ b/modus-themes.el
@@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
-;;; modus-themes.el --- Highly accessible themes (WCAG AAA) -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
+;;; modus-themes.el --- Elegant, highly legible and customizable themes -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2019-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <>
-;; URL:
-;; Version: 1.5.0
-;; Last-Modified: <2021-07-15 13:21:55 +0300>
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
+;; Maintainer: Modus-Themes Development <~protesilaos/>
+;; URL:
+;; Mailing-List:
+;; Version: 2.7.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
 ;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-;; your option) any later version.
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -31,43 +32,35 @@
 ;; This file contains all customization variables, helper functions,
 ;; interactive commands, and face specifications.  Please refer to the
 ;; official Info manual for further documentation (distributed with the
-;; themes, or available at: <>).
+;; themes, or available at: <>).
 ;; The themes share the following customization variables:
+;;     modus-themes-completions                    (alist)
+;;     modus-themes-headings                       (alist)
+;;     modus-themes-org-agenda                     (alist)
+;;     modus-themes-bold-constructs                (boolean)
+;;     modus-themes-deuteranopia                   (boolean)
 ;;     modus-themes-inhibit-reload                 (boolean)
+;;     modus-themes-intense-mouseovers             (boolean)
 ;;     modus-themes-italic-constructs              (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-bold-constructs                (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings        (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui              (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-scale-headings                 (boolean)
+;;     modus-themes-mixed-fonts                    (boolean)
 ;;     modus-themes-subtle-line-numbers            (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-success-deuteranopia           (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts                 (boolean)
-;;     modus-themes-headings                       (alist)
+;;     modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui              (boolean)
+;;     modus-themes-box-buttons                    (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-diffs                          (choice)
 ;;     modus-themes-fringes                        (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-hl-line                        (choice)
 ;;     modus-themes-lang-checkers                  (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-org-agenda                     (alist)
-;;     modus-themes-org-blocks                     (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-prompts                        (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-links                          (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-mail-citations                 (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-markup                         (choice)
 ;;     modus-themes-mode-line                      (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-diffs                          (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-syntax                         (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-hl-line                        (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-org-blocks                     (choice)
 ;;     modus-themes-paren-match                    (choice)
+;;     modus-themes-prompts                        (choice)
 ;;     modus-themes-region                         (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-links                          (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-completions                    (choice)
-;;     modus-themes-mail-citations                 (choice)
-;; The default scale for headings is as follows (it can be customized as
-;; well---remember, no scaling takes place by default):
-;;     modus-themes-scale-1                        1.05
-;;     modus-themes-scale-2                        1.1
-;;     modus-themes-scale-3                        1.15
-;;     modus-themes-scale-4                        1.2
-;;     modus-themes-scale-title                    1.3
+;;     modus-themes-syntax                         (choice)
 ;; There also exist two unique customization variables for overriding
 ;; color palette values.  The specifics are documented in the manual.
@@ -76,321 +69,8 @@
 ;;     modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides       (alist)
 ;;     modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides        (alist)
-;; Below is the list of explicitly supported packages or face groups
-;; (there are implicitly supported packages as well, which inherit from
-;; font-lock or some basic group).  You are encouraged to report any
-;; missing package or change you would like to see.
-;;     ace-window
-;;     ag
-;;     alert
-;;     all-the-icons
-;;     annotate
-;;     anzu
-;;     apropos
-;;     apt-sources-list
-;;     artbollocks-mode
-;;     auctex and TeX
-;;     auto-dim-other-buffers
-;;     avy
-;;     awesome-tray
-;;     bbdb
-;;     binder
-;;     bm
-;;     bongo
-;;     boon
-;;     bookmark
-;;     breakpoint (provided by built-in gdb-mi.el)
-;;     buffer-expose
-;;     calendar and diary
-;;     calfw
-;;     centaur-tabs
-;;     cfrs
-;;     change-log and log-view (`vc-print-log' and `vc-print-root-log')
-;;     cider
-;;     circe
-;;     color-rg
-;;     column-enforce-mode
-;;     company-mode
-;;     company-posframe
-;;     compilation-mode
-;;     completions
-;;     consult
-;;     corfu
-;;     counsel
-;;     counsel-css
-;;     counsel-org-capture-string
-;;     cov
-;;     cperl-mode
-;;     css-mode
-;;     csv-mode
-;;     ctrlf
-;;     custom (M-x customize)
-;;     dap-mode
-;;     dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
-;;     deadgrep
-;;     debbugs
-;;     define-word
-;;     deft
-;;     dictionary
-;;     diff-hl
-;;     diff-mode
-;;     dim-autoload
-;;     dir-treeview
-;;     dired
-;;     dired-async
-;;     dired-git
-;;     dired-git-info
-;;     dired-narrow
-;;     dired-subtree
-;;     diredc
-;;     diredfl
-;;     diredp (dired+)
-;;     disk-usage
-;;     display-fill-column-indicator-mode
-;;     doom-modeline
-;;     dynamic-ruler
-;;     easy-jekyll
-;;     easy-kill
-;;     ebdb
-;;     ediff
-;;     eglot
-;;     el-search
-;;     eldoc
-;;     eldoc-box
-;;     elfeed
-;;     elfeed-score
-;;     embark
-;;     emms
-;;     enh-ruby-mode (enhanced-ruby-mode)
-;;     epa
-;;     equake
-;;     erc
-;;     eros
-;;     ert
-;;     eshell
-;;     eshell-fringe-status
-;;     eshell-git-prompt
-;;     eshell-prompt-extras (epe)
-;;     eshell-syntax-highlighting
-;;     evil (evil-mode)
-;;     evil-goggles
-;;     evil-snipe
-;;     evil-visual-mark-mode
-;;     eww
-;;     exwm
-;;     eyebrowse
-;;     fancy-dabbrev
-;;     flycheck
-;;     flycheck-color-mode-line
-;;     flycheck-indicator
-;;     flycheck-posframe
-;;     flymake
-;;     flyspell
-;;     flyspell-correct
-;;     flx
-;;     freeze-it
-;;     frog-menu
-;;     focus
-;;     fold-this
-;;     font-lock (generic syntax highlighting)
-;;     forge
-;;     fountain (fountain-mode)
-;;     geiser
-;;     git-commit
-;;     git-gutter (and variants)
-;;     git-lens
-;;     git-rebase
-;;     git-timemachine
-;;     git-walktree
-;;     gnus
-;;     gotest
-;;     golden-ratio-scroll-screen
-;;     helm
-;;     helm-ls-git
-;;     helm-switch-shell
-;;     helm-xref
-;;     helpful
-;;     highlight-blocks
-;;     highlight-defined
-;;     highlight-escape-sequences (`hes-mode')
-;;     highlight-indentation
-;;     highlight-numbers
-;;     highlight-symbol
-;;     highlight-tail
-;;     highlight-thing
-;;     hl-defined
-;;     hl-fill-column
-;;     hl-line-mode
-;;     hl-todo
-;;     hydra
-;;     hyperlist
-;;     ibuffer
-;;     icomplete
-;;     ido-mode
-;;     iedit
-;;     iflipb
-;;     imenu-list
-;;     indium
-;;     info
-;;     info-colors
-;;     interaction-log
-;;     ioccur
-;;     isearch, occur, etc.
-;;     isl (isearch-light)
-;;     ivy
-;;     ivy-posframe
-;;     jira (org-jira)
-;;     journalctl-mode
-;;     js2-mode
-;;     julia
-;;     jupyter
-;;     kaocha-runner
-;;     keycast
-;;     ledger-mode
-;;     line numbers (`display-line-numbers-mode' and global variant)
-;;     lsp-mode
-;;     lsp-ui
-;;     macrostep
-;;     magit
-;;     magit-imerge
-;;     make-mode
-;;     man
-;;     marginalia
-;;     markdown-mode
-;;     markup-faces (`adoc-mode')
-;;     mentor
-;;     messages
-;;     minibuffer-line
-;;     minimap
-;;     mmm-mode
-;;     mode-line
-;;     mood-line
-;;     mpdel
-;;     mu4e
-;;     mu4e-conversation
-;;     multiple-cursors
-;;     neotree
-;;     no-emoji
-;;     notmuch
-;;     num3-mode
-;;     nxml-mode
-;;     objed
-;;     orderless
-;;     org
-;;     org-journal
-;;     org-noter
-;;     org-pomodoro
-;;     org-recur
-;;     org-roam
-;;     org-superstar
-;;     org-table-sticky-header
-;;     org-tree-slide
-;;     org-treescope
-;;     origami
-;;     outline-mode
-;;     outline-minor-faces
-;;     package (M-x list-packages)
-;;     page-break-lines
-;;     pandoc-mode
-;;     paradox
-;;     paren-face
-;;     parrot
-;;     pass
-;;     pdf-tools
-;;     persp-mode
-;;     perspective
-;;     phi-grep
-;;     phi-search
-;;     pkgbuild-mode
-;;     pomidor
-;;     popup
-;;     powerline
-;;     powerline-evil
-;;     prism (see "Note for prism.el" in the manual)
-;;     proced
-;;     prodigy
-;;     pulse
-;;     quick-peek
-;;     racket-mode
-;;     rainbow-blocks
-;;     rainbow-identifiers
-;;     rainbow-delimiters
-;;     rcirc
-;;     recursion-indicator
-;;     regexp-builder (also known as `re-builder')
-;;     rg
-;;     ripgrep
-;;     rmail
-;;     ruler-mode
-;;     sallet
-;;     selectrum
-;;     selectrum-prescient
-;;     semantic
-;;     sesman
-;;     shell-script-mode
-;;     shortdoc
-;;     show-paren-mode
-;;     shr
-;;     side-notes
-;;     sieve-mode
-;;     skewer-mode
-;;     smart-mode-line
-;;     smartparens
-;;     smerge
-;;     spaceline
-;;     speedbar
-;;     spell-fu
-;;     spray
-;;     stripes
-;;     suggest
-;;     switch-window
-;;     swiper
-;;     swoop
-;;     sx
-;;     symbol-overlay
-;;     syslog-mode
-;;     tab-bar-groups
-;;     tab-bar-mode
-;;     tab-line-mode
-;;     table (built-in table.el)
-;;     telega
-;;     telephone-line
-;;     terraform-mode
-;;     term
-;;     tomatinho
-;;     transient (pop-up windows like Magit's)
-;;     trashed
-;;     treemacs
-;;     tty-menu
-;;     tuareg
-;;     typescript
-;;     undo-tree
-;;     vc (vc-dir.el, vc-hooks.el)
-;;     vc-annotate (C-x v g)
-;;     vdiff
-;;     vertico
-;;     vimish-fold
-;;     visible-mark
-;;     visual-regexp
-;;     volatile-highlights
-;;     vterm
-;;     wcheck-mode
-;;     web-mode
-;;     wgrep
-;;     which-function-mode
-;;     which-key
-;;     whitespace-mode
-;;     window-divider-mode
-;;     winum
-;;     writegood-mode
-;;     woman
-;;     xah-elisp-mode
-;;     xref
-;;     xterm-color (and ansi-colors)
-;;     yaml-mode
-;;     yasnippet
-;;     ztree
+;; Check the manual for all supported packages (there are hundreds of
+;; them).
 ;; For a complete view of the project, also refer to the following files
 ;; (should be distributed in the same repository/directory as the
@@ -403,7 +83,9 @@
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+  (require 'cl-lib)
+  (require 'subr-x))
 (defgroup modus-themes ()
   "Options for `modus-operandi', `modus-vivendi'.
@@ -421,12 +103,42 @@ cover the blue-cyan-magenta side of the spectrum."
   :tag "Modus Themes")
 (defgroup modus-themes-faces ()
-  "Faces defined my `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'."
+  "Faces defined by `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi'."
   :group 'modus-themes
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Top")
   :prefix "modus-themes-"
   :tag "Modus Themes Faces")
+(defvar modus-themes--version "2.8.0-dev"
+  "Current version of the Modus themes.
+The version either is the last tagged release, such as '1.0.0',
+or an in-development version like '1.1.0-dev'.  As we use
+semantic versioning, tags of the '1.0.1' sort are not reported:
+those would count as part of '1.1.0-dev'.")
+(defun modus-themes-version (&optional insert)
+  "Print `modus-themes--version' in the echo area.
+If optional INSERT argument is provided from Lisp or as a prefix
+argument, insert the `modus-themes--version' at point."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if-let ((version modus-themes--version)
+           ((or insert current-prefix-arg)))
+      (insert version)
+    (message version)))
+(defun modus-themes-report-bug ()
+  "Submit a bug report or issue to the Modus themes developers."
+  (interactive)
+  (reporter-submit-bug-report
+   "~protesilaos/"
+   (format "modus-themes (%s)\n" modus-themes--version)
+   ;; I am just getting started with this.  Let's first see what people
+   ;; think about it.
+   nil nil nil nil))
 ;;; Variables for each theme variant
 ;;;; Modus Operandi
@@ -448,10 +160,10 @@ cover the blue-cyan-magenta side of the spectrum."
     ;; highlighted constructs; they must either be used as pairs based
     ;; on their name or each can be combined with {fg,bg}-{main,alt,dim}
     ;; always in accordance with their role as background or foreground
-    (bg-special-cold . "#dde3f4") (fg-special-cold . "#093060")
-    (bg-special-mild . "#c4ede0") (fg-special-mild . "#184034")
-    (bg-special-warm . "#f0e0d4") (fg-special-warm . "#5d3026")
-    (bg-special-calm . "#f8ddea") (fg-special-calm . "#61284f")
+    (bg-special-cold . "#dde3f4") (bg-special-faint-cold . "#f0f1ff") (fg-special-cold . "#093060")
+    (bg-special-mild . "#c4ede0") (bg-special-faint-mild . "#ebf5eb") (fg-special-mild . "#184034")
+    (bg-special-warm . "#f0e0d4") (bg-special-faint-warm . "#fef2ea") (fg-special-warm . "#5d3026")
+    (bg-special-calm . "#f8ddea") (bg-special-faint-calm . "#faeff9") (fg-special-calm . "#61284f")
     ;; foregrounds that can be combined with bg-main, bg-dim, bg-alt
     (red . "#a60000")
     (red-alt . "#972500")
@@ -531,18 +243,18 @@ cover the blue-cyan-magenta side of the spectrum."
     ;; those background values should only be used for graphs or similar
     ;; applications where colored blocks are expected to be positioned
     ;; next to each other
-    (red-graph-0-bg . "#ef6f79")
-    (red-graph-1-bg . "#ff9f9f")
-    (green-graph-0-bg . "#49d239")
-    (green-graph-1-bg . "#6dec6d")
-    (yellow-graph-0-bg . "#efec08")
-    (yellow-graph-1-bg . "#dbff4e")
-    (blue-graph-0-bg . "#55a2f0")
-    (blue-graph-1-bg . "#7fcfff")
-    (magenta-graph-0-bg . "#ba86ef")
-    (magenta-graph-1-bg . "#e7afff")
-    (cyan-graph-0-bg . "#30d3f0")
-    (cyan-graph-1-bg . "#6fefff")
+    (red-graph-0-bg . "#ef7969")
+    (red-graph-1-bg . "#ffaab4")
+    (green-graph-0-bg . "#4faa09")
+    (green-graph-1-bg . "#8fef00")
+    (yellow-graph-0-bg . "#ffcf00")
+    (yellow-graph-1-bg . "#f9ff00")
+    (blue-graph-0-bg . "#7090ff")
+    (blue-graph-1-bg . "#9fc6ff")
+    (magenta-graph-0-bg . "#e07fff")
+    (magenta-graph-1-bg . "#fad0ff")
+    (cyan-graph-0-bg . "#70d3f0")
+    (cyan-graph-1-bg . "#afefff")
     ;; the following are for cases where both the foreground and the
     ;; background need to have a similar hue and so must be combined
     ;; with themselves, even though the foregrounds can be paired with
@@ -581,8 +293,8 @@ cover the blue-cyan-magenta side of the spectrum."
     ;; while bg-tab-inactive should be combined with fg-dim, whereas
     ;; bg-tab-inactive-alt goes together with fg-main
-    ;; bg-tab-bar is only intended for the bar that holds the tabs and
-    ;; can only be combined with fg-main
+    ;; bg-completion-* and bg-char-* variants are meant to be combined
+    ;; with fg-main
     ;; fg-escape-char-construct and fg-escape-char-backslash can
     ;; be combined bg-main, bg-dim, bg-alt
@@ -603,7 +315,7 @@ cover the blue-cyan-magenta side of the spectrum."
     ;; all pairs are combinable with themselves
     (bg-hl-line . "#f2eff3")
     (bg-hl-line-intense . "#e0e0e0")
-    (bg-hl-line-intense-accent . "#b9e1ef")
+    (bg-hl-line-intense-accent . "#cfe2ff")
     (bg-hl-alt . "#fbeee0")
     (bg-hl-alt-intense . "#e8dfd1")
     (bg-paren-match . "#e0af82")
@@ -613,10 +325,18 @@ cover the blue-cyan-magenta side of the spectrum."
     (bg-region-accent . "#afafef")
     (bg-region-accent-subtle . "#efdfff")
-    (bg-tab-bar . "#d5d5d5")
+    (bg-completion . "#b7dbff")
+    (bg-completion-subtle . "#def3ff")
+    (bg-char-0 . "#7feaff")
+    (bg-char-1 . "#ffaaff")
+    (bg-char-2 . "#dff000")
     (bg-tab-active . "#f6f6f6")
-    (bg-tab-inactive . "#bdbdbd")
-    (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#999999")
+    (bg-tab-inactive . "#b7b7b7")
+    (bg-tab-inactive-accent . "#a9b4f6")
+    (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#9f9f9f")
+    (bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent . "#9fa6d0")
     (red-tab . "#680000")
     (green-tab . "#003900")
@@ -691,10 +411,10 @@ symbol and the latter as a string.")
     ;; highlighted constructs; they must either be used as pairs based
     ;; on their name or each can be combined with {fg,bg}-{main,alt,dim}
     ;; always in accordance with their role as background or foreground
-    (bg-special-cold . "#203448") (fg-special-cold . "#c6eaff")
-    (bg-special-mild . "#00322e") (fg-special-mild . "#bfebe0")
-    (bg-special-warm . "#382f27") (fg-special-warm . "#f8dec0")
-    (bg-special-calm . "#392a48") (fg-special-calm . "#fbd6f4")
+    (bg-special-cold . "#203448") (bg-special-faint-cold . "#0e183a") (fg-special-cold . "#c6eaff")
+    (bg-special-mild . "#00322e") (bg-special-faint-mild . "#001f1a") (fg-special-mild . "#bfebe0")
+    (bg-special-warm . "#382f27") (bg-special-faint-warm . "#241613") (fg-special-warm . "#f8dec0")
+    (bg-special-calm . "#392a48") (bg-special-faint-calm . "#251232") (fg-special-calm . "#fbd6f4")
     ;; foregrounds that can be combined with bg-main, bg-dim, bg-alt
     (red . "#ff8059")
     (red-alt . "#ef8b50")
@@ -774,18 +494,18 @@ symbol and the latter as a string.")
     ;; those background values should only be used for graphs or similar
     ;; applications where colored blocks are expected to be positioned
     ;; next to each other
-    (red-graph-0-bg . "#af0404")
-    (red-graph-1-bg . "#801f2f")
-    (green-graph-0-bg . "#24ba2f")
-    (green-graph-1-bg . "#0f8f07")
-    (yellow-graph-0-bg . "#ffd03e")
-    (yellow-graph-1-bg . "#d7d800")
-    (blue-graph-0-bg . "#406fff")
-    (blue-graph-1-bg . "#2f50c8")
-    (magenta-graph-0-bg . "#af7bee")
-    (magenta-graph-1-bg . "#7f59cf")
-    (cyan-graph-0-bg . "#47dcfa")
-    (cyan-graph-1-bg . "#0bc0df")
+    (red-graph-0-bg . "#b52c2c")
+    (red-graph-1-bg . "#702020")
+    (green-graph-0-bg . "#4fd100")
+    (green-graph-1-bg . "#007800")
+    (yellow-graph-0-bg . "#f1e00a")
+    (yellow-graph-1-bg . "#b08600")
+    (blue-graph-0-bg . "#2fafef")
+    (blue-graph-1-bg . "#1f2f8f")
+    (magenta-graph-0-bg . "#bf94fe")
+    (magenta-graph-1-bg . "#5f509f")
+    (cyan-graph-0-bg . "#47dfea")
+    (cyan-graph-1-bg . "#00808f")
     ;; the following are for cases where both the foreground and the
     ;; background need to have a similar hue and so must be combined
     ;; with themselves, even though the foregrounds can be paired with
@@ -824,8 +544,8 @@ symbol and the latter as a string.")
     ;; while bg-tab-inactive should be combined with fg-dim, whereas
     ;; bg-tab-inactive-alt goes together with fg-main
-    ;; bg-tab-bar is only intended for the bar that holds the tabs and
-    ;; can only be combined with fg-main
+    ;; bg-completion-* and bg-char-* variants are meant to be combined
+    ;; with fg-main
     ;; fg-escape-char-construct and fg-escape-char-backslash can
     ;; be combined bg-main, bg-dim, bg-alt
@@ -846,20 +566,28 @@ symbol and the latter as a string.")
     ;; all pairs are combinable with themselves
     (bg-hl-line . "#151823")
     (bg-hl-line-intense . "#292929")
-    (bg-hl-line-intense-accent . "#00353f")
+    (bg-hl-line-intense-accent . "#002a4f")
     (bg-hl-alt . "#181732")
     (bg-hl-alt-intense . "#282e46")
-    (bg-paren-match . "#5f362f")
+    (bg-paren-match . "#6f3355")
     (bg-paren-match-intense . "#7416b5")
     (bg-paren-expression . "#221044")
     (bg-region . "#3c3c3c")
     (bg-region-accent . "#4f3d88")
     (bg-region-accent-subtle . "#240f55")
-    (bg-tab-bar . "#2c2c2c")
+    (bg-completion . "#142f69")
+    (bg-completion-subtle . "#0e194b")
+    (bg-char-0 . "#0050af")
+    (bg-char-1 . "#7f1f7f")
+    (bg-char-2 . "#625a00")
     (bg-tab-active . "#0e0e0e")
-    (bg-tab-inactive . "#3d3d3d")
+    (bg-tab-inactive . "#424242")
+    (bg-tab-inactive-accent . "#35398f")
     (bg-tab-inactive-alt . "#595959")
+    (bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent . "#505588")
     (red-tab . "#ffc0bf")
     (green-tab . "#88ef88")
@@ -903,10 +631,10 @@ symbol and the latter as a string.")
     (bg-diff-refine-changed . "#585800") (fg-diff-refine-changed . "#ffffcc")
     (bg-diff-refine-removed . "#852828") (fg-diff-refine-removed . "#ffd9eb")
-    (bg-diff-focus-added . "#203d20") (fg-diff-focus-added . "#b4ddb4")
-    (bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran . "#00405f") (fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran . "#bfe4ff")
-    (bg-diff-focus-changed . "#4a3a10") (fg-diff-focus-changed . "#d0daaf")
-    (bg-diff-focus-removed . "#5e2526") (fg-diff-focus-removed . "#eebdba")
+    (bg-diff-focus-added . "#1d3c25") (fg-diff-focus-added . "#b4ddb4")
+    (bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran . "#003959") (fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran . "#bfe4ff")
+    (bg-diff-focus-changed . "#424200") (fg-diff-focus-changed . "#d0daaf")
+    (bg-diff-focus-removed . "#601f29") (fg-diff-focus-removed . "#eebdba")
     (bg-mark-sel . "#002f2f") (fg-mark-sel . "#60cfa2")
     (bg-mark-del . "#5a0000") (fg-mark-del . "#ff99aa")
@@ -928,7 +656,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-subtle-green nil
   "Subtle green background combined with a dimmed foreground.
@@ -936,7 +664,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-subtle-yellow nil
   "Subtle yellow background combined with a dimmed foreground.
@@ -944,7 +672,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-subtle-blue nil
   "Subtle blue background combined with a dimmed foreground.
@@ -952,7 +680,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-subtle-magenta nil
   "Subtle magenta background combined with a dimmed foreground.
@@ -960,7 +688,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-subtle-cyan nil
   "Subtle cyan background combined with a dimmed foreground.
@@ -968,7 +696,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-subtle-neutral nil
   "Subtle gray background combined with a dimmed foreground.
@@ -976,7 +704,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-red nil
   "Intense red background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -984,7 +712,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-green nil
   "Intense green background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -992,7 +720,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-yellow nil
   "Intense yellow background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -1000,7 +728,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-blue nil
   "Intense blue background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -1008,7 +736,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-magenta nil
   "Intense magenta background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -1016,7 +744,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-cyan nil
   "Intense cyan background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -1024,7 +752,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-intense-neutral nil
   "Intense gray background combined with the main foreground.
@@ -1032,7 +760,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-refine-red nil
   "Combination of accented red background and foreground.
@@ -1040,7 +768,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-refine-green nil
   "Combination of accented green background and foreground.
@@ -1048,7 +776,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-refine-yellow nil
   "Combination of accented yellow background and foreground.
@@ -1056,7 +784,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-refine-blue nil
   "Combination of accented blue background and foreground.
@@ -1064,7 +792,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-refine-magenta nil
   "Combination of accented magenta background and foreground.
@@ -1072,7 +800,7 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-refine-cyan nil
   "Combination of accented cyan background and foreground.
@@ -1080,91 +808,91 @@ This is used for general purpose highlighting, mostly in buffers
 or for completion interfaces.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-active-red nil
   "A red background meant for use on the mode line or similar.
 This is combined with the mode lines primary foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-active-green nil
   "A green background meant for use on the mode line or similar.
 This is combined with the mode lines primary foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-active-yellow nil
   "A yellow background meant for use on the mode line or similar.
 This is combined with the mode lines primary foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-active-blue nil
   "A blue background meant for use on the mode line or similar.
 This is combined with the mode lines primary foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-active-magenta nil
   "A magenta background meant for use on the mode line or similar.
 This is combined with the mode lines primary foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-active-cyan nil
   "A cyan background meant for use on the mode line or similar.
 This is combined with the mode lines primary foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fringe-red nil
   "A red background meant for use on the fringe or similar.
 This is combined with the main foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fringe-green nil
   "A green background meant for use on the fringe or similar.
 This is combined with the main foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fringe-yellow nil
   "A yellow background meant for use on the fringe or similar.
 This is combined with the main foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fringe-blue nil
   "A blue background meant for use on the fringe or similar.
 This is combined with the main foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fringe-magenta nil
   "A magenta background meant for use on the fringe or similar.
 This is combined with the main foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fringe-cyan nil
   "A cyan background meant for use on the fringe or similar.
 This is combined with the main foreground value.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-nuanced-red nil
   "A nuanced red background.
@@ -1174,7 +902,7 @@ headings, and any other surface that needs to retain the colors
 on display.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-nuanced-green nil
   "A nuanced green background.
@@ -1184,7 +912,7 @@ headings, and any other surface that needs to retain the colors
 on display.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-nuanced-yellow nil
   "A nuanced yellow background.
@@ -1194,7 +922,7 @@ headings, and any other surface that needs to retain the colors
 on display.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-nuanced-blue nil
   "A nuanced blue background.
@@ -1204,7 +932,7 @@ headings, and any other surface that needs to retain the colors
 on display.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-nuanced-magenta nil
   "A nuanced magenta background.
@@ -1214,7 +942,7 @@ headings, and any other surface that needs to retain the colors
 on display.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-nuanced-cyan nil
   "A nuanced cyan background.
@@ -1224,115 +952,115 @@ headings, and any other surface that needs to retain the colors
 on display.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-special-cold nil
-  "Combines the 'special cold' background and foreground values.
+  "Combines the special cold background and foreground values.
 This is intended for cases when a neutral gray background is not
 suitable and where a combination of more saturated colors would
 not be appropriate.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-special-mild nil
-  "Combines the 'special mild' background and foreground values.
+  "Combines the special mild background and foreground values.
 This is intended for cases when a neutral gray background is not
 suitable and where a combination of more saturated colors would
 not be appropriate.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-special-warm nil
-  "Combines the 'special warm' background and foreground values.
+  "Combines the special warm background and foreground values.
 This is intended for cases when a neutral gray background is not
 suitable and where a combination of more saturated colors would
 not be appropriate.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-special-calm nil
-  "Combines the 'special calm' background and foreground values.
+  "Combines the special calm background and foreground values.
 This is intended for cases when a neutral gray background is not
 suitable and where a combination of more saturated colors would
 not be appropriate.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-added nil
-  "Combines green colors for the 'added' state in diffs.
+  "Combines green colors for the added state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-changed nil
-  "Combines yellow colors for the 'changed' state in diffs.
+  "Combines yellow colors for the changed state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-removed nil
-  "Combines red colors for the 'removed' state in diffs.
+  "Combines red colors for the removed state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-refine-added nil
-  "Combines green colors for word-wise 'added' state in diffs.
+  "Combines green colors for word-wise added state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-refine-changed nil
-  "Combines yellow colors for word-wise 'changed' state in diffs.
+  "Combines yellow colors for word-wise changed state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-refine-removed nil
-  "Combines red colors for word-wise 'removed' state in diffs.
+  "Combines red colors for word-wise removed state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-focus-added nil
-  "Combines green colors for the focused 'added' state in diffs.
+  "Combines green colors for the focused added state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-focus-changed nil
-  "Combines yellow colors for the focused 'changed' state in.
+  "Combines yellow colors for the focused changed state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-focus-removed nil
-  "Combines red colors for the focused 'removed' state in diffs.
+  "Combines red colors for the focused removed state in diffs.
 The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-diff-heading nil
   "Combines blue colors for the diff hunk heading.
@@ -1340,40 +1068,48 @@ The applied colors are contingent on the value assigned to
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-pseudo-header nil
   "Generic style for some elements that function like headings.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-mark-alt nil
   "Combines yellow colors for marking special lines.
 This is intended for use in modes such as Dired, Ibuffer, Proced.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-mark-del nil
   "Combines red colors for marking deletable lines.
 This is intended for use in modes such as Dired, Ibuffer, Proced.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-mark-sel nil
   "Combines green colors for marking lines.
 This is intended for use in modes such as Dired, Ibuffer, Proced.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-mark-symbol nil
   "Applies a blue color and other styles for mark indicators.
 This is intended for use in modes such as Dired, Ibuffer, Proced.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-heading-0 nil
+  "General purpose face for use as the document's title.
+The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
+values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-1 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 1.
@@ -1381,7 +1117,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-2 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 2.
@@ -1389,7 +1125,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-3 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 3.
@@ -1397,7 +1133,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-4 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 4.
@@ -1405,7 +1141,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-5 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 5.
@@ -1413,7 +1149,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-6 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 6.
@@ -1421,7 +1157,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-7 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 7.
@@ -1429,7 +1165,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-heading-8 nil
   "General purpose face for use in headings level 8.
@@ -1437,7 +1173,7 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-headings' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-hl-line nil
   "General purpose face for the current line.
@@ -1445,145 +1181,41 @@ The exact attributes assigned to this face are contingent on the
 values assigned to the `modus-themes-hl-line' variable.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-bold nil
   "Generic face for applying a conditional bold weight.
 This behaves in accordance with `modus-themes-bold-constructs'.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-slant nil
   "Generic face for applying a conditional slant (italics).
 This behaves in accordance with `modus-themes-italic-constructs'.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-variable-pitch nil
   "Generic face for applying a conditional `variable-pitch'.
-This behaves in accordance with `modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts',
-`modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings' for all heading levels,
-and `modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui'.
+This behaves in accordance with `modus-themes-mixed-fonts' and/or
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-fixed-pitch nil
   "Generic face for applying a conditional `fixed-pitch'.
-This behaves in accordance with `modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts'.
+This behaves in accordance with `modus-themes-mixed-fonts'.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-red-0 nil
-  "Special subdued red face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-red-1 nil
-  "Special prominent red face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui'.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-green-0 nil
-  "Special subdued green face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-green-1 nil
-  "Special prominent green face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-yellow-0 nil
-  "Special subdued yellow face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-yellow-1 nil
-  "Special prominent yellow face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-blue-0 nil
-  "Special subdued blue face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-blue-1 nil
-  "Special prominent blue face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-magenta-0 nil
-  "Special subdued magenta face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-magenta-1 nil
-  "Special prominent magenta face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-cyan-0 nil
-  "Special subdued cyan face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
-(defface modus-themes-graph-cyan-1 nil
-  "Special prominent cyan face for use in graphs.
-This is intended to be applied in contexts such as the Org agenda
-habit graph where faithfulness to the semantics of a color value
-is of paramount importance.
-The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-lang-note nil
   "Generic face for linter or spell checker notes.
@@ -1591,7 +1223,7 @@ The exact attributes and color combinations are controlled by
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-lang-warning nil
   "Generic face for linter or spell checker warnings.
@@ -1599,7 +1231,7 @@ The exact attributes and color combinations are controlled by
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-lang-error nil
   "Generic face for linter or spell checker errors.
@@ -1607,7 +1239,7 @@ The exact attributes and color combinations are controlled by
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-reset-soft nil
   "Generic face to set most face properties to nil.
@@ -1618,7 +1250,7 @@ text should not be underlined as well) yet still blend in.  Also
 see `modus-themes-reset-hard'.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-reset-hard nil
   "Generic face to set all face properties to nil.
@@ -1629,32 +1261,168 @@ text should not be underlined as well) and not blend in.  Also
 see `modus-themes-reset-soft'.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-key-binding nil
   "Generic face for key bindings.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-search-success nil
   "Generic face for successful search.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-search-success-modeline nil
   "Generic mode line indicator for successful search.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-search-success-lazy nil
   "Generic face for successful, lazily highlighted search.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
 (defface modus-themes-prompt nil
   "Generic face for command prompts.
 The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
-  :group 'modus-theme-faces)
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+;; "Grue" is "green" and "blue".
+(defface modus-themes-grue nil
+  "Generic face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' foreground.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-grue-active nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' active foreground.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-grue-nuanced nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' nuanced foreground.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-grue-background-active nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' active background.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-grue-background-intense nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' intense background.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-grue-background-subtle nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' subtle background.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-grue-background-refine nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-deuteranopia' refined background.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-link-symlink nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-links' symbolic link.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-link-broken nil
+  "Face for `modus-themes-links' broken link.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-tab-backdrop nil
+  "Face of backdrop in tabbed interfaces.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-tab-active nil
+  "Face of active tab.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-tab-inactive nil
+  "Face of inactive tab.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-markup-code nil
+  "Face of inline code markup.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-markup-macro nil
+  "Face of macro markup.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-markup-verbatim nil
+  "Face of verbatim markup.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+ 'modus-themes-completion-standard-first-match
+ 'modus-themes-completion-selected
+ "2.2.0")
+ 'modus-themes-completion-standard-selected
+ 'modus-themes-completion-selected
+ "2.2.0")
+ 'modus-themes-completion-extra-selected
+ 'modus-themes-completion-selected
+ "2.2.0")
+ 'modus-themes-completion-key-binding
+ 'modus-themes-key-binding
+ "2.2.0")
+(defface modus-themes-completion-selected nil
+  "Face for current selection in completion UIs.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-completion-selected-popup nil
+  "Face for current selection in completion UI popups.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-completion-match-0 nil
+  "Face for completions matches 0.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-completion-match-1 nil
+  "Face for completions matches 1.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-completion-match-2 nil
+  "Face for completions matches 2.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-completion-match-3 nil
+  "Face for completions matches 3.
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-box-button nil
+  "Face for widget buttons (e.g. in the Custom UI).
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
+(defface modus-themes-box-button-pressed nil
+  "Face for pressed widget buttons (e.g. in the Custom UI).
+The actual styling of the face is done by `modus-themes-faces'."
+  :group 'modus-themes-faces)
@@ -1667,7 +1435,7 @@ By default, customizing a theme-related user option through the
 Custom interfaces or with `customize-set-variable' will not
 reload the currently active Modus theme.
-Enable this behaviour by setting this variable to nil."
+Enable this behavior by setting this variable to nil."
   :group 'modus-themes
   :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
   :version "28.1"
@@ -1700,7 +1468,7 @@ For form, see `modus-themes-operandi-colors'."
   :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type color)
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Override colors (DIY)"))
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Override colors"))
 (defcustom modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides nil
   "Override colors in the Modus Vivendi palette.
@@ -1712,7 +1480,7 @@ For form, see `modus-themes-vivendi-colors'."
   :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type color)
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Override colors (DIY)"))
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Override colors"))
 ;; The byte compiler complains when a defcustom isn't a top level form
 (let* ((names (mapcar (lambda (pair)
@@ -1724,20 +1492,7 @@ For form, see `modus-themes-vivendi-colors'."
   (put 'modus-themes-vivendi-color-overrides
        'custom-options (copy-sequence colors)))
-(defcustom modus-themes-slanted-constructs nil
-  "Use slanted text in more code constructs (italics or oblique)."
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.0.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'boolean
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Slanted constructs"))
-  'modus-themes-slanted-constructs
-  'modus-themes-italic-constructs
-  "1.5.0")
+(defvaralias 'modus-themes-slanted-constructs 'modus-themes-italic-constructs)
 (defcustom modus-themes-italic-constructs nil
   "Use italic font forms in more code constructs."
@@ -1759,16 +1514,6 @@ For form, see `modus-themes-vivendi-colors'."
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Bold constructs"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings nil
-  "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in headings."
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.0.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'boolean
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Headings' typeface"))
 (defcustom modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
   "Use proportional fonts (variable-pitch) in UI elements.
 This includes the mode line, header line, tab bar, and tab line."
@@ -1780,30 +1525,58 @@ This includes the mode line, header line, tab bar, and tab line."
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) UI typeface"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts nil
-  "Disable inheritance from `fixed-pitch' in some faces.
-This is done by default to allow spacing-sensitive constructs,
-such as Org tables and code blocks, to remain monospaced when
-users opt for something like the command `variable-pitch-mode'.
-The downside with the default is that users need to explicitly
-configure the font family of `fixed-pitch' in order to get a
-consistent experience.  That may be something they do not want to
-do.  Hence this option to disable any kind of technique for
-mixing fonts."
+(defcustom modus-themes-mixed-fonts nil
+  "Non-nil to enable inheritance from `fixed-pitch' in some faces.
+This is done to allow spacing-sensitive constructs, such as Org
+tables and code blocks, to remain monospaced when users opt for
+something like the command `variable-pitch-mode'.
+Users may need to explicitly configure the font family of
+`fixed-pitch' in order to get a consistent experience."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.0.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.7.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type 'boolean
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) No mixed fonts"))
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Mixed fonts"))
+(defcustom modus-themes-intense-mouseovers nil
+  "When non-nil use more intense style for mouse hover effects.
+This affects the generic `highlight' face which, strictly
+speaking, is not limited to mouse usage."
+  :group 'modus-themes
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.3.0")
+  :version "29.1"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
+  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Mouse hover effects"))
 (defconst modus-themes--headings-choice
   '(set :tag "Properties" :greedy t
         (const :tag "Background color" background)
+        (const :tag "Proportionately spaced font (variable-pitch)" variable-pitch)
         (const :tag "Overline" overline)
-        (const :tag "No bold weight" no-bold)
+        (choice :tag "Font weight (must be supported by the typeface)"
+                (const :tag "Bold (default)" nil)
+                (const :tag "Thin" thin)
+                (const :tag "Ultra-light" ultralight)
+                (const :tag "Extra-light" extralight)
+                (const :tag "Light" light)
+                (const :tag "Semi-light" semilight)
+                (const :tag "Regular" regular)
+                (const :tag "Medium" medium)
+                (const :tag "Semi-bold" semibold)
+                (const :tag "Extra-bold" extrabold)
+                (const :tag "Ultra-bold" ultrabold))
+        (radio :tag "Height"
+               (float :tag "Floating point to adjust height by")
+               (cons :tag "Cons cell of `(height . FLOAT)'"
+                     (const :tag "The `height' key (constant)" height)
+                     (float :tag "Floating point")))
         (choice :tag "Colors"
                 (const :tag "Subtle colors" nil)
                 (const :tag "Rainbow colors" rainbow)
@@ -1812,85 +1585,109 @@ mixing fonts."
 This is a helper variable intended for internal use.")
 (defcustom modus-themes-headings nil
-  "Heading styles with optional list of values for levels 1-8.
+  "Heading styles with optional list of values for levels 0-8.
 This is an alist that accepts a (key . list-of-values)
 combination.  The key is either a number, representing the
-heading's level or t, which pertains to the fallback style.  The
-list of values covers symbols that refer to properties, as
-described below.  Here is a sample, followed by a presentation of
-all available properties:
+heading's level (0-8) or t, which pertains to the fallback style.
+Level 0 is a special heading: it is used for what counts as a
+document title or equivalent, such as the #+title construct we
+find in Org files.  Levels 1-8 are regular headings.
+The list of values covers symbols that refer to properties, as
+described below.  Here is a complete sample, followed by a
+presentation of all available properties:
     (setq modus-themes-headings
-          '((1 . (background overline))
-            (2 . (overline rainbow))
-            (t . (monochrome))))
+          (quote ((1 . (background overline variable-pitch 1.5))
+                  (2 . (overline rainbow 1.3))
+                  (3 . (overline 1.1))
+                  (t . (monochrome)))))
 By default (a nil value for this variable), all headings have a
-bold typographic weight and use a desaturated text color.
+bold typographic weight, use a desaturated text color, have a
+font family that is the same as the `default' face (typically
+monospaced), and a height that is equal to the `default' face's
 A `rainbow' property makes the text color more saturated.
 An `overline' property draws a line above the area of the
-A `background' property adds a subtle tinted color to the
+A `background' property applies a subtle tinted color to the
 background of the heading.
-A `no-bold' property removes the bold weight from the heading's
-A `monochrome' property makes all headings the same base color,
-which is that of the default for the active theme (black/white).
-When `background' is also set, `monochrome' changes its color to
-gray.  If both `monochrome' and `rainbow' are set, the former
-takes precedence.
+A `monochrome' property makes the heading the same as the base
+color, which is that of the `default' face's foreground.  When
+`background' is also set, `monochrome' changes its color to gray.
+If both `monochrome' and `rainbow' are set, the former takes
+A `variable-pitch' property changes the font family of the
+heading to that of the `variable-pitch' face (normally a
+proportionately spaced typeface).
+The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the heading
+accordingly, such as `light', `semibold', etc.  Valid symbols are
+defined in the variable `modus-themes-weights'.  The absence of a
+weight means that bold will be used by virtue of inheriting the
+`bold' face (check the manual for tweaking bold and italic
+faces).  For backward compatibility, the `no-bold' value is
+accepted, though users are encouraged to specify a `regular'
+weight instead.
+A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g. 1.5), adjusts the
+height of the heading to that many times the base font size.  The
+default height is the same as 1.0, though it need not be
+explicitly stated.  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable
+value can be in the form of a cons cell like (height . FLOAT)
+or (height FLOAT), where FLOAT is the given number.
 Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
 like in these examples:
-    (no-bold)
+    (semibold)
     (rainbow background)
-    (overline monochrome no-bold)
+    (overline monochrome semibold 1.3)
+    (overline monochrome semibold (height 1.3)) ; same as above
+    (overline monochrome semibold (height . 1.3)) ; same as above
 The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
     (setq modus-themes-headings
-          '((1 . (background overline rainbow))
-            (2 . (background overline))
-            (t . (overline no-bold))))
+          (quote ((1 . (background overline rainbow 1.5))
+                  (2 . (background overline 1.3))
+                  (t . (overline semibold)))))
 When defining the styles per heading level, it is possible to
 pass a non-nil value (t) instead of a list of properties.  This
 will retain the original aesthetic for that level.  For example:
     (setq modus-themes-headings
-          '((1 . t)           ; keep the default style
-            (2 . (background overline))
-            (t . (rainbow)))) ; style for all other headings
+          (quote ((1 . t)           ; keep the default style
+                  (2 . (background overline))
+                  (t . (rainbow))))) ; style for all other headings
     (setq modus-themes-headings
-          '((1 . (background overline))
-            (2 . (rainbow no-bold))
-            (t . t))) ; default style for all other levels
+          (quote ((1 . (background overline))
+                  (2 . (rainbow semibold))
+                  (t . t)))) ; default style for all other levels
 For Org users, the extent of the heading depends on the variable
 `org-fontify-whole-heading-line'.  This affects the `overline'
 and `background' properties.  Depending on the version of Org,
-there may be others, such as `org-fontify-done-headline'.
-Also read `modus-themes-scale-headings' to change the height of
-headings and `modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings' to make them
-use a proportionately spaced font."
+there may be others, such as `org-fontify-done-headline'."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.5.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type `(alist
           :options ,(mapcar (lambda (el)
                               (list el modus-themes--headings-choice))
-                            '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t))
+                            '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t))
           :key-type symbol
           :value-type ,modus-themes--headings-choice)
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
@@ -1905,10 +1702,11 @@ is a sample, followed by a description of all possible
     (setq modus-themes-org-agenda
-          '((header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
-            (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
-            (scheduled . uniform)
-            (habit . traffic-light)))
+          (quote ((header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5 semibold))
+                  (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.2))
+                  (event . (accented italic varied))
+                  (scheduled . uniform)
+                  (habit . traffic-light))))
 A `header-block' key applies to elements that concern the
 headings which demarcate blocks in the structure of the agenda.
@@ -1918,19 +1716,36 @@ font size.  Acceptable values come in the form of a list that can
 include either or both of those properties:
 - `variable-pitch' to use a proportionately spaced typeface;
-- `scale-title' to increase height to `modus-themes-scale-title'
-  OR `no-scale' to set the font to the same height as the rest of
-  the buffer.
-In case both `scale-title' and `no-scale' are in the list, the
-latter takes precedence.
+- A number as a floating point (e.g. 1.5) to set the height of
+  the text to that many times the default font height.  A float
+  of 1.0 or the symbol `no-scale' have the same effect of making
+  the font the same height as the rest of the buffer.  When
+  neither a number nor `no-scale' are present, the default is a
+  small increase in height (a value of 1.15).
+  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be in the
+  form of a cons cell like (height . FLOAT) or (height FLOAT),
+  where FLOAT is the given number.
+- The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the
+  heading accordingly, such as `light', `semibold', etc.  Valid
+  symbols are defined in the variable `modus-themes-weights'.
+  The absence of a weight means that bold will be used by virtue
+  of inheriting the `bold' face (check the manual for tweaking
+  bold and italic faces).
+In case both a number and `no-scale' are in the list, the latter
+takes precedence.  If two numbers are specified, the first one is
 Example usage:
     (header-block . nil)
-    (header-block . (scale-title))
+    (header-block . (1.5))
     (header-block . (no-scale))
-    (header-block . (variable-pitch scale-title))
+    (header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5))
+    (header-block . (variable-pitch 1.5 semibold))
 A `header-date' key covers date headings.  Dates use only a
 foreground color by default (a nil value), with weekdays and
@@ -1940,11 +1755,24 @@ that can include any of the following properties:
 - `grayscale' to make weekdays use the main foreground color and
   weekends a more subtle gray;
 - `workaholic' to make weekdays and weekends look the same in
   terms of color;
 - `bold-today' to apply a bold typographic weight to the current
-- `bold-all' to render all date headings in a bold weight.
+- `bold-all' to render all date headings in a bold weight;
+- `underline-today' applies an underline to the current date
+  while removing the background it has by default;
+- A number as a floating point (e.g. 1.2) to set the height of
+  the text to that many times the default font height.  The
+  default is the same as the base font height (the equivalent of
+  1.0).  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable value can be
+  in the form of a cons cell like (height . FLOAT) or (height
+  FLOAT), where FLOAT is the given number.
 For example:
@@ -1953,6 +1781,38 @@ For example:
     (header-date . (grayscale bold-all))
     (header-date . (grayscale workaholic))
     (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today))
+    (header-date . (grayscale workaholic bold-today 1.2))
+An `event' key covers (i) headings with a plain time stamp that
+are shown on the agenda, also known as events, (ii) entries
+imported from the diary, and (iii) other items that derive from a
+symbolic expression or sexp (phases of the moon, holidays, etc.).
+By default all those look the same and have a subtle foreground
+color (the default is a nil value or an empty list).  This key
+accepts a list of properties.  Those are:
+- `accented' applies an accent value to the event's foreground,
+  replacing the original gray.  It makes all entries stand out more.
+- `italic' adds a slant to the font's forms (italic or oblique
+  forms, depending on the typeface).
+- `varied' differentiates between events with a plain time stamp
+  and entries that are generated from either the diary or a
+  symbolic expression.  It generally puts more emphasis on
+  events.  When `varied' is combined with `accented', it makes
+  only events use an accent color, while diary/sexp entries
+  retain their original subtle foreground.  When `varied' is used
+  in tandem with `italic', it applies a slant only to diary and
+  sexp entries, not events.  And when `varied' is the sole
+  property passed to the `event' key, it has the same meaning as
+  the list (italic varied).  The combination of `varied',
+  `accented', `italic' covers all of the aforementioned cases.
+For example:
+    (event . nil)
+    (event . (italic))
+    (event . (accented italic))
+    (event . (accented italic varied))
 A `scheduled' key applies to tasks with a scheduled date.  By
 default (a nil value), these use varying shades of yellow to
@@ -1981,6 +1841,7 @@ value are passed as a symbol.  Those are:
   yellow, green, blue, in tinted and shaded versions.  They cover
   the full set of information provided by the `org-habit'
   consistency graph.
 - `simplified' is like the default except that it removes the
   dichotomy between current and future variants by applying
   uniform color-coded values.  It applies a total of four colors:
@@ -1989,18 +1850,21 @@ value are passed as a symbol.  Those are:
   the default.  The intent is to shift focus towards the
   distinction between the four states of a habit task, rather
   than each state's present/future outlook.
 - `traffic-light' further reduces the available colors to red,
   yellow, and green.  As in `simplified', present and future
-  variants appear uniformly, but differently from it, the 'clear'
+  variants appear uniformly, but differently from it, the CLEAR
   state is rendered in a green hue, instead of the original blue.
   This is meant to capture the use-case where a habit task being
-  \"too early\" is less important than it being \"too late\".
-  The difference between ready and clear states is attenuated by
+  too early is less important than it being too late.  The
+  difference between READY and CLEAR states is attenuated by
   painting both of them using shades of green.  This option thus
   highlights the alert and overdue states.
-- `traffic-light-deuteranopia' is like the `traffic-light' except
-  its three colors are red, yellow, and blue to be suitable for
-  users with red-green color deficiency (deuteranopia).
+- When `modus-themes-deuteranopia' is non-nil the exact style of
+  the habit graph adapts to the needs of users with red-green
+  color deficiency by substituting every instance of green with
+  blue or cyan (depending on the specifics).
 For example:
@@ -2008,8 +1872,8 @@ For example:
     (habit . simplified)
     (habit . traffic-light)"
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.3.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type '(set
           (cons :tag "Block header"
                 (const header-block)
@@ -2017,17 +1881,45 @@ For example:
                      (choice :tag "Font style"
                              (const :tag "Use the original typeface (default)" nil)
                              (const :tag "Use `variable-pitch' font" variable-pitch))
-                     (choice :tag "Scaling"
+                     (choice :tag "Font weight (must be supported by the typeface)"
+                             (const :tag "Bold (default)" nil)
+                             (const :tag "Thin" thin)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-light" ultralight)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-light" extralight)
+                             (const :tag "Light" light)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-light" semilight)
+                             (const :tag "Regular" regular)
+                             (const :tag "Medium" medium)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-bold" semibold)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-bold" extrabold)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-bold" ultrabold))
+                     (radio :tag "Scaling"
                              (const :tag "Slight increase in height (default)" nil)
                              (const :tag "Do not scale" no-scale)
-                             (const :tag "Scale to match `modus-themes-scale-title'" scale-title))))
+                             (radio :tag "Number (float) to adjust height by"
+                                    (float :tag "Just the number")
+                                    (cons :tag "Cons cell of `(height . FLOAT)'"
+                                          (const :tag "The `height' key (constant)" height)
+                                          (float :tag "Floating point"))))))
           (cons :tag "Date header" :greedy t
                 (const header-date)
                 (set :tag "Header presentation" :greedy t
                      (const :tag "Use grayscale for date headers" grayscale)
                      (const :tag "Do not differentiate weekdays from weekends" workaholic)
                      (const :tag "Make today bold" bold-today)
-                     (const :tag "Make all dates bold" bold-all)))
+                     (const :tag "Make all dates bold" bold-all)
+                     (const :tag "Make today underlined; remove the background" underline-today)
+                     (radio :tag "Number (float) to adjust height by"
+                                    (float :tag "Just the number")
+                                    (cons :tag "Cons cell of `(height . FLOAT)'"
+                                          (const :tag "The `height' key (constant)" height)
+                                          (float :tag "Floating point")))))
+          (cons :tag "Event entry" :greedy t
+                (const event)
+                (set :tag "Text presentation" :greedy t
+                     (const :tag "Apply an accent color" accented)
+                     (const :tag "Italic font slant (oblique forms)" italic)
+                     (const :tag "Differentiate events from diary/sexp entries" varied)))
           (cons :tag "Scheduled tasks"
                 (const scheduled)
                 (choice (const :tag "Yellow colors to distinguish current and future tasks (default)" nil)
@@ -2037,184 +1929,11 @@ For example:
                 (const habit)
                 (choice (const :tag "Follow the original design of `org-habit' (default)" nil)
                         (const :tag "Do not distinguish between present and future variants" simplified)
-                        (const :tag "Use only red, yellow, green" traffic-light)
-                        (const :tag "Use only red, yellow, blue" traffic-light-deuteranopia))))
+                        (const :tag "Use only red, yellow, green" traffic-light))))
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Org agenda"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-headings nil
-  "Use font scaling for headings.
-For regular headings the scale is controlled by the variables
-`modus-themes-scale-1' (smallest) and its variants all the way up
-to `modus-themes-scale-4' (larger).
-While `modus-themes-scale-title' is reserved for special headings
-that nominally are the largest on the scale (though that is not a
-A special heading is, in this context, one that does not fit into
-the syntax for heading levels that apply to the given mode.  For
-example, Org's #+title keyword lies outside the normal eight
-levels of headings.  Whereas, say, Markdown does not have such a
-special heading."
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.2.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'boolean
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled headings"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-1 1.05
-  "Font size that is slightly larger than the base value.
-This size is used for level 4 headings, such as in Org and
-Markdown files.
-The default value is a floating point that is interpreted as a
-multiple of the base font size.  It is recommended to use such a
-However, the variable also accepts an integer, understood as an
-absolute height that is 1/10 of the typeface's point size (e.g. a
-value of 140 is the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
-This will ignore the base font size and, thus, will not scale in
-accordance with it in cases where it changes, such as while using
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.2.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'number
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled heading sizes"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-2 1.1
-  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-themes-scale-1'.
-This size is used for level 3 headings, such as in Org and
-Markdown files.
-The default value is a floating point that is interpreted as a
-multiple of the base font size.  It is recommended to use such a
-However, the variable also accepts an integer, understood as an
-absolute height that is 1/10 of the typeface's point size (e.g. a
-value of 140 is the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
-This will ignore the base font size and, thus, will not scale in
-accordance with it in cases where it changes, such as while using
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.2.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'number
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled heading sizes"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-3 1.15
-  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-themes-scale-2'.
-This size is used for level 2 headings, such as in Org and
-Markdown files.
-The default value is a floating point that is interpreted as a
-multiple of the base font size.  It is recommended to use such a
-However, the variable also accepts an integer, understood as an
-absolute height that is 1/10 of the typeface's point size (e.g. a
-value of 140 is the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
-This will ignore the base font size and, thus, will not scale in
-accordance with it in cases where it changes, such as while using
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.2.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'number
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled heading sizes"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-4 1.2
-  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-themes-scale-3'.
-This size is used for level 1 headings, such as in Org and
-Markdown files.
-The default value is a floating point that is interpreted as a
-multiple of the base font size.  It is recommended to use such a
-However, the variable also accepts an integer, understood as an
-absolute height that is 1/10 of the typeface's point size (e.g. a
-value of 140 is the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
-This will ignore the base font size and, thus, will not scale in
-accordance with it in cases where it changes, such as while using
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.2.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'number
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled heading sizes"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-5 1.3
-  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-themes-scale-4'.
-This size is only used for 'special' top level headings, such as
-Org's file title heading, denoted by the #+title key word, and
-the Org agenda structure headers.
-The default value is a floating point that is interpreted as a
-multiple of the base font size.  It is recommended to use such a
-However, the variable also accepts an integer, understood as an
-absolute height that is 1/10 of the typeface's point size (e.g. a
-value of 140 is the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
-This will ignore the base font size and, thus, will not scale in
-accordance with it in cases where it changes, such as while using
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.2.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'number
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled heading sizes"))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'modus-themes-scale-5 'modus-themes-scale-title "1.5.0")
-(defcustom modus-themes-scale-title 1.3
-  "Font size slightly larger than `modus-themes-scale-4'.
-This size is only used for 'special' top level headings, such as
-Org's file title heading, denoted by the #+title key word, and
-the Org agenda structure headers (see `modus-themes-org-agenda').
-The default value is a floating point that is interpreted as a
-multiple of the base font size.  It is recommended to use such a
-However, the variable also accepts an integer, understood as an
-absolute height that is 1/10 of the typeface's point size (e.g. a
-value of 140 is the same as setting the font at 14 point size).
-This will ignore the base font size and, thus, will not scale in
-accordance with it in cases where it changes, such as while using
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'number
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Scaled heading sizes"))
 (defcustom modus-themes-fringes nil
   "Define the visibility of fringes.
@@ -2251,12 +1970,12 @@ to the affected text.
 The property `background' adds a color-coded background.
 The property `intense' amplifies the applicable colors if
-`background' and/or `text-only' are set.  If `intense' is set on
-its own, then it implies `text-only'.
+`background' and/or `text-also' are set.  If `intense' is set on
+its own, then it implies `text-also'.
-To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to
-variables `flymake-fringe-indicator-position' and
-`flycheck-indication-mode', respectively.
+The property `faint' uses nuanced colors for the underline and
+for the foreground when `text-also' is included.  If both `faint'
+and `intense' are specified, the former takes precedence.
 Combinations of any of those properties can be expressed in a
 list, as in those examples:
@@ -2269,44 +1988,57 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-lang-checkers '(text-also background))
+    (setq modus-themes-lang-checkers (quote (text-also background)))
 NOTE: The placement of the straight underline, though not the
 wave style, is controlled by the built-in variables
 `underline-minimum-offset', `x-underline-at-descent-line',
+To disable fringe indicators for Flymake or Flycheck, refer to
+variables `flymake-fringe-indicator-position' and
+`flycheck-indication-mode', respectively."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.7.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type '(set :tag "Properties" :greedy t
               (const :tag "Straight underline" straight-underline)
               (const :tag "Colorise text as well" text-also)
-              (const :tag "Increase color intensity" intense)
-              (const :tag "With background" background))
+              (const :tag "With background" background)
+              (choice :tag "Overall coloration"
+                      (const :tag "Intense colors" intense)
+                      (const :tag "Faint colors" faint)))
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Language checkers"))
 (defcustom modus-themes-org-blocks nil
-  "Use a subtle gray or color-coded background for Org blocks.
+  "Set the overall style of Org code blocks, quotes, and the like.
-Nil (the default) means that the block has no distinct background
-of its own and uses the one that applies to the rest of the
+Nil (the default) means that the block has no background of its
+own: it uses the one that applies to the rest of the buffer.  In
+this case, the delimiter lines have a gray color for their text,
+making them look exactly like all other Org properties.
 Option `gray-background' applies a subtle gray background to the
 block's contents.  It also affects the begin and end lines of the
-block: their background extends to the edge of the window for
-Emacs version >= 27 where the ':extend' keyword is recognized by
-`set-face-attribute' (this is contingent on the variable
+block as they get another shade of gray as their background,
+which differentiates them from the contents of the block.  All
+background colors extend to the edge of the window, giving the
+area a rectangular, \"blocky\" presentation.
 Option `tinted-background' uses a slightly colored background for
 the contents of the block.  The exact color will depend on the
 programming language and is controlled by the variable
 `org-src-block-faces' (refer to the theme's source code for the
 current association list).  For this to take effect, the Org
-buffer needs to be restarted with `org-mode-restart'.
+buffer needs to be restarted with `org-mode-restart'.  In this
+scenario, it may be better to inhibit the extension of the
+delimiter lines' background to the edge of the window because Org
+does not provide a mechanism to update their colors depending on
+the contents of the block.  Disable the extension of such
+backgrounds by setting `org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line'
+to nil.
 Code blocks use their major mode's colors only when the variable
 `org-src-fontify-natively' is non-nil.  While quote/verse blocks
@@ -2318,7 +2050,7 @@ Older versions of the themes provided options `grayscale' (or
 are aliases for `gray-background' and `tinted-background',
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.4.0")
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.1.0")
   :version "28.1"
   :type '(choice
           (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "No Org block background (default)" nil)
@@ -2331,50 +2063,6 @@ respectively."
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Org mode blocks"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-org-habit nil
-  "Deprecated in version 1.5.0 favor of `modus-themes-org-agenda'.
-Control the presentation of the `org-habit' graph.
-The default is meant to conform with the original aesthetic of
-`org-habit'.  It employs all four color codes that correspond to
-the org-habit states---clear, ready, alert, and overdue---while
-distinguishing between their present and future variants.  This
-results in a total of eight colors in use: red, yellow, green,
-blue, in tinted and shaded versions.  They cover the full set of
-information provided by the `org-habit' consistency graph.
-Option `simplified' is like the default except that it removes
-the dichotomy between current and future variants by applying
-uniform color-coded values.  It applies a total of four colors:
-red, yellow, green, blue.  They produce a simplified consistency
-graph that is more legible (or less \"busy\") than the default.
-The intent is to shift focus towards the distinction between the
-four states of a habit task, rather than each state's
-present/future outlook.
-Option `traffic-light' further reduces the available colors to
-red, yellow, and green.  As in `simplified', present and future
-variants appear uniformly, but differently from it, the 'clear'
-state is rendered in a green hue, instead of the original blue.
-This is meant to capture the use-case where a habit task being
-\"too early\" is less important than it being \"too late\".  The
-difference between ready and clear states is attenuated by
-painting both of them using shades of green.  This option thus
-highlights the alert and overdue states."
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.1.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type '(choice
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Respect the original design of org-habit (default)" nil)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Like the default, but do not distinguish between present and future variants" simplified)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Like `simplified', but only use red, yellow, green" traffic-light))
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Org agenda habits"))
-(make-obsolete 'modus-themes-org-habit 'modus-themes-org-agenda "1.5.0")
 (defcustom modus-themes-mode-line nil
   "Control the overall style of the mode line.
@@ -2389,7 +2077,7 @@ active mode line.  The inactive mode lines remain two-dimensional
 and are toned down a bit, relative to the default style.
 The `moody' property optimizes the mode line for use with the
-library of the same name (hereinafter referred to as 'Moody').
+library of the same name (hereinafter referred to as Moody).
 In practice, it removes the box effect and replaces it with
 underline and overline properties.  It also tones down the
 inactive mode lines.  Despite its intended purpose, this option
@@ -2404,6 +2092,28 @@ the same as the background, effectively creating some padding.
 The `accented' property ensures that the active mode line uses a
 colored background instead of the standard shade of gray.
+A positive integer (natural number or natnum) applies a padding
+effect of NATNUM pixels at the boundaries of the mode lines.  The
+default value is 1 and does not need to be specified explicitly.
+The padding has no effect when the `moody' property is also used,
+because Moody already applies its own tweaks.  To ensure that the
+underline is placed at the bottom of the mode line, set
+`x-underline-at-descent-line' to non-nil (this is not needed when
+the `borderless' property is also set).  For users on Emacs 29,
+the `x-use-underline-position-properties' variable must also be
+set to nil.
+The padding can also be expressed as a cons cell in the form
+of (padding . NATNUM) or (padding NATNUM) where the key is
+constant and NATNUM is the desired natural number.
+A floating point (e.g. 0.9) applies an adjusted height to the
+mode line's text as a multiple of the main font size.  The
+default rate is 1.0 and does not need to be specified.  Apart
+from a floating point, the height may also be expressed as a cons
+cell in the form of (height . FLOAT) or (height FLOAT) where the
+key is constant and the FLOAT is the desired number.
 Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
 like in these examples:
@@ -2411,11 +2121,18 @@ like in these examples:
     (borderless 3d)
     (moody accented borderless)
+Same as above, using the padding and height as an example (these
+all yield the same result):
+    (accented borderless 4 0.9)
+    (accented borderless (padding . 4) (height . 0.9))
+    (accented borderless (padding 4) (height 0.9))
 The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-mode-line '(borderless accented))
+    (setq modus-themes-mode-line (quote (borderless accented)))
 Note that Moody does not expose any faces that the themes could
 style directly.  Instead it re-purposes existing ones to render
@@ -2439,18 +2156,28 @@ default colors (which have been carefully designed to be highly
 Furthermore, because Moody expects an underline and overline
-instead of a box style, it is advised to set
+instead of a box style, it is strongly advised to set
 `x-underline-at-descent-line' to a non-nil value."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.3.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type '(set :tag "Properties" :greedy t
               (choice :tag "Overall style"
                       (const :tag "Rectangular Border" nil)
                       (const :tag "3d borders" 3d)
                       (const :tag "No box effects (Moody-compatible)" moody))
               (const :tag "Colored background" accented)
-              (const :tag "Without border color" borderless))
+              (const :tag "Without border color" borderless)
+              (radio :tag "Padding"
+               (natnum :tag "Natural number (e.g. 4)")
+               (cons :tag "Cons cell of `(padding . NATNUM)'"
+                     (const :tag "The `padding' key (constant)" padding)
+                     (natnum :tag "Natural number")))
+              (radio :tag "Height"
+               (float :tag "Floating point (e.g. 0.9)")
+               (cons :tag "Cons cell of `(height . FLOAT)'"
+                     (const :tag "The `height' key (constant)" height)
+                     (float :tag "Floating point"))))
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Mode line"))
@@ -2460,7 +2187,7 @@ instead of a box style, it is advised to set
 The default (nil) uses fairly intense color combinations for
 diffs, by applying prominently colored backgrounds, with
-appropriate foregrounds.
+appropriately tinted foregrounds.
 Option `desaturated' follows the same principles as with the
 default (nil), though it tones down all relevant colors.
@@ -2468,81 +2195,178 @@ default (nil), though it tones down all relevant colors.
 Option `bg-only' applies a background but does not override the
 text's foreground.  This makes it suitable for a non-nil value
 passed to `diff-font-lock-syntax' (note: Magit does not support
-syntax highlighting in diffs---last checked on 2021-04-21).
-Option `deuteranopia' is like the default (nil) in terms of using
-prominently colored backgrounds, except that it also accounts for
-red-green color defficiency by replacing all instances of green
-with colors on the blue side of the spectrum.  Other stylistic
-changes are made in the interest of optimizing for such a
-Option `fg-only-deuteranopia' removes all colored backgrounds,
-except from word-wise or refined changes.  Instead, it only uses
-color-coded foreground values to differentiate between added,
-removed, and changed lines.  If a background is necessary to
-denote context, a subtle grayscale value is applied.  The color
-used for added lines is a variant of blue to account for
-red-green color defficiency but also because green text alone is
-hard to discern in the diff's context (hard for our accessibility
-purposes).  The `fg-only' option that existed in older versions
-of the themes is now an alias of `fg-only-deuteranopia', in the
-interest of backward compatibility."
+syntax highlighting in diffs---last checked on 2021-12-02).
+When the user option `modus-themes-deuteranopia' is non-nil, all
+diffs will use a red/blue color-coding system instead of the
+standard red/green.  Other stylistic changes are made in the
+interest of optimizing for such a use-case."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.4.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.0.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type '(choice
           (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Intensely colored backgrounds (default)" nil)
           (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Slightly accented backgrounds with tinted text" desaturated)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Apply color-coded backgrounds; keep syntax colors intact" bg-only)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Like the default (nil), though optimized for red-green color defficiency" deuteranopia)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "No backgrounds, except for refined diffs" fg-only-deuteranopia)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Alias of `fg-only-deuteranopia' for backward compatibility" fg-only))
+          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Apply color-coded backgrounds; keep syntax colors intact" bg-only))
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Diffs"))
 (defcustom modus-themes-completions nil
-  "Control the style of the completion framework's interface.
-This is a special option that has different effects depending on
-the completion UI.  The interfaces can be grouped in two
-categories, based on their default aesthetics: (i) those that
-only or mostly use foreground colors for their interaction model,
-and (ii) those that combine background and foreground values for
-some of their metaphors.  The former category encompasses
-Icomplete, Ido, Selectrum, Vertico, as well as pattern matching
-styles like Orderless and Flx.  The latter covers Helm, Ivy, and
-A value of nil (the default) will simply respect the metaphors of
-each completion framework.
-Option `moderate' applies a combination of background and
-foreground that is fairly subtle.  For Icomplete and friends this
-constitutes a departure from their default aesthetics, however
-the difference is small.  While Helm, Ivy et al appear slightly
-different than their original looks, as they are toned down a
-Option `opinionated' uses color combinations that refashion the
-completion UI.  For the Icomplete camp this means that intense
-background and foreground combinations are used: in effect their
-looks emulate those of Helm, Ivy and company in their original
-style.  Whereas the other group of packages will revert to an
-even more nuanced aesthetic with some additional changes to the
-choice of hues.
-To appreciate the scope of this customization option, you should
-spend some time with every one of the nil (default), `moderate',
-and `opinionated' possibilities."
+  "Control the style of completion user interfaces.
+This affects Company, Corfu, Flx, Helm, Icomplete/Fido, Ido, Ivy,
+Mct, Orderless, Selectrum, Vertico.  The value is an alist that
+takes the form of a (key . properties) combination.  Here is a
+sample, followed by a description of the particularities:
+    (setq modus-themes-completions
+          (quote ((matches . (extrabold background intense))
+                  (selection . (semibold accented intense))
+                  (popup . (accented)))))
+The `matches' key refers to the highlighted characters that
+correspond to the user's input.  By default (nil or an empty
+list), they have a bold weight and a colored foreground.  The
+list of properties may include any of the following symbols
+regardless of the order they may appear in:
+- `background' to add a background color;
+- `intense' to increase the overall coloration (also amplifies
+  the `background', if present);
+- `underline' to draw a line below the characters;
+- `italic' to use a slanted font (italic or oblique forms);
+- The symbol of a font weight attribute such as `light',
+  `semibold', et cetera.  Valid symbols are defined in the
+  variable `modus-themes-weights'.  The absence of a weight means
+  that bold will be used.
+The `selection' key applies to the current line or currently
+matched candidate, depending on the specifics of the User
+Interface.  By default (nil or an empty list), it has a subtle
+gray background, a bold weight, and the base foreground value
+for the text.  The list of properties it accepts is as
+follows (order is not significant):
+- `accented' to make the background colorful instead of gray;
+- `text-also' to apply extra color to the text of the selected
+  line;
+- `intense' to increase the overall coloration;
+- `underline' to draw a line below the characters;
+- `italic' to use a slanted font (italic or oblique forms);
+- The symbol of a font weight attribute such as `light',
+  `semibold', et cetera.  Valid symbols are defined in the
+  variable `modus-themes-weights'.  The absence of a weight means
+  that bold will be used.
+The `popup' key takes the same values as `selection'.
+Apart from specifying each key separately, a fallback list is
+accepted.  This is only useful when the desired aesthetic is the
+same across all keys that are not explicitly referenced.  For
+example, this:
+    (setq modus-themes-completions
+          (quote ((t . (extrabold intense)))))
+Is the same as:
+    (setq modus-themes-completions
+          (quote ((matches . (extrabold intense))
+                  (selection . (extrabold intense))
+                  (popup . (extrabold intense)))))
+In the case of the fallback, any property that does not apply to
+the corresponding key is simply ignored (`matches' does not have
+`accented' and `text-also', while `selection' and `popup' do not
+have `background').
+A concise expression of those associations can be written as
+follows, where the `car' is always the key and the `cdr' is the
+list of properties (whatever order they may appear in):
+    (setq modus-themes-completions
+          (quote ((matches extrabold background intense)
+                  (selection semibold accented intense)
+                  (popup accented))))
+Check the manual for tweaking `bold' and `italic' faces: Info
+node `(modus-themes) Configure bold and italic faces'.
+Also refer to the Orderless documentation for its intersection
+with Company (if you choose to use those in tandem)."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.0.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type '(choice
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Respect the framework's established aesthetic (default)" nil)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Subtle backgrounds for various elements" moderate)
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Radical alternative to the framework's looks" opinionated))
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.3.0")
+  :version "29.1"
+  :type `(set
+          (cons :tag "Matches"
+                (const matches)
+                (set :tag "Style of matches" :greedy t
+                     (choice :tag "Font weight (must be supported by the typeface)"
+                             (const :tag "Bold (default)" nil)
+                             (const :tag "Thin" thin)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-light" ultralight)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-light" extralight)
+                             (const :tag "Light" light)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-light" semilight)
+                             (const :tag "Regular" regular)
+                             (const :tag "Medium" medium)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-bold" semibold)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-bold" extrabold)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-bold" ultrabold))
+                     (const :tag "With added background" background)
+                     (const :tag "Increased coloration" intense)
+                     (const :tag "Italic font (oblique or slanted forms)" italic)
+                     (const :tag "Underline" underline)))
+          (cons :tag "Selection"
+                (const selection)
+                (set :tag "Style of selection" :greedy t
+                     (choice :tag "Font weight (must be supported by the typeface)"
+                             (const :tag "Bold (default)" nil)
+                             (const :tag "Thin" thin)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-light" ultralight)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-light" extralight)
+                             (const :tag "Light" light)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-light" semilight)
+                             (const :tag "Regular" regular)
+                             (const :tag "Medium" medium)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-bold" semibold)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-bold" extrabold)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-bold" ultrabold))
+                     (const :tag "Apply color to the line's text" text-also)
+                     (const :tag "With accented background" accented)
+                     (const :tag "Increased coloration" intense)
+                     (const :tag "Italic font (oblique or slanted forms)" italic)
+                     (const :tag "Underline" underline)))
+          (cons :tag "Popup"
+                (const popup)
+                (set :tag "Style of completion pop-ups" :greedy t
+                     (choice :tag "Font weight (must be supported by the typeface)"
+                             (const :tag "Bold (default)" nil)
+                             (const :tag "Thin" thin)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-light" ultralight)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-light" extralight)
+                             (const :tag "Light" light)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-light" semilight)
+                             (const :tag "Regular" regular)
+                             (const :tag "Medium" medium)
+                             (const :tag "Semi-bold" semibold)
+                             (const :tag "Extra-bold" extrabold)
+                             (const :tag "Ultra-bold" ultrabold))
+                     (const :tag "Apply color to the line's text" text-also)
+                     (const :tag "With accented background" accented)
+                     (const :tag "Increased coloration" intense)
+                     (const :tag "Italic font (oblique or slanted forms)" italic)
+                     (const :tag "Underline" underline))))
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Completion UIs"))
@@ -2582,7 +2406,7 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-prompts '(background gray))"
+    (setq modus-themes-prompts (quote (background gray)))"
   :group 'modus-themes
   :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
   :version "28.1"
@@ -2596,18 +2420,6 @@ In user configuration files the form may look like this:
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Command prompts"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-intense-hl-line nil
-  "Use a more prominent background for command `hl-line-mode'."
-  :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.0.0")
-  :version "28.1"
-  :type 'boolean
-  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
-  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Line highlighting"))
-(make-obsolete 'modus-themes-intense-hl-line 'modus-themes-hl-line "1.3.0")
 (defcustom modus-themes-hl-line nil
   "Control the current line highlight of HL-line mode.
@@ -2636,7 +2448,7 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-hl-line '(underline accented))
+    (setq modus-themes-hl-line (quote (underline accented)))
 Set `x-underline-at-descent-line' to a non-nil value for better
 results with underlines."
@@ -2661,6 +2473,57 @@ results with underlines."
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Line numbers"))
+(defcustom modus-themes-markup nil
+  "Style markup in Org, Markdown, and others.
+This affects constructs such as Org's =verbatim= and ~code~.
+The value is a list of properties, each designated by a symbol.
+The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a foreground
+The `italic' property applies a typographic slant (italics).
+The `bold' property applies a heavier typographic weight.
+The `background' property adds a background color.  The
+background is a shade of gray, unless the `intense' property is
+also set.
+The `intense' property amplifies the existing coloration.  When
+`background' is used, the background color is enhanced as well
+and becomes tinted instead of being gray.
+Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
+like in these examples:
+    (bold)
+    (bold italic)
+    (bold italic intense)
+    (bold italic intense background)
+The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
+In user configuration files the form may look like this:
+    (setq modus-themes-markup (quote (bold italic)))
+Also check the variables `org-hide-emphasis-markers',
+  :group 'modus-themes
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.1.0")
+  :version "29.1"
+  :type '(set :tag "Properties" :greedy t
+              (const :tag "Added background" background)
+              (const :tag "Intense colors" intense)
+              (const :tag "Bold weight" bold)
+              (const :tag "Italics (slanted text)" italic))
+  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
+  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Markup"))
+(make-obsolete 'modus-themes-intense-markup 'modus-themes-markup "2.1.0")
 (defcustom modus-themes-paren-match nil
   "Control the style of matching parentheses or delimiters.
@@ -2688,7 +2551,7 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-paren-match '(bold intense))"
+    (setq modus-themes-paren-match (quote (bold intense)))"
   :group 'modus-themes
   :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
   :version "28.1"
@@ -2736,7 +2599,7 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-syntax '(faint alt-syntax))
+    (setq modus-themes-syntax (quote (faint alt-syntax)))
 Independent of this variable, users may also control the use of a
 bold weight or italic text: `modus-themes-bold-constructs' and
@@ -2795,7 +2658,7 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-links '(neutral-underline background))
+    (setq modus-themes-links (quote (neutral-underline background)))
 The placement of the underline, meaning its proximity to the
 text, is controlled by `x-use-underline-position-properties',
@@ -2849,7 +2712,7 @@ The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
 In user configuration files the form may look like this:
-    (setq modus-themes-region '(bg-only no-extend))"
+    (setq modus-themes-region (quote (bg-only no-extend)))"
   :group 'modus-themes
   :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.5.0")
   :version "28.1"
@@ -2861,43 +2724,60 @@ In user configuration files the form may look like this:
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Active region"))
-(defcustom modus-themes-success-deuteranopia nil
-  "Color-code 'success' or 'done' as blue instead of green.
-This is to account for red-green color deficiency.
-The present customization option should apply to all contexts where
-there can be a color-coded distinction between success and failure,
-to-do and done, and so on.
-Diffs, which have a red/green dichotomy by default, can also be
-configured to conform with deuteranopia: `modus-themes-diffs'."
+(defcustom modus-themes-deuteranopia nil
+  "When non-nil use red/blue color-coding instead of red/green.
+This is to account for red-green color deficiency, also know as
+deuteranopia and variants.  It applies to all contexts where
+there can be a color-coded distinction between failure or
+success, a to-do or done state, a mark for deletion versus a mark
+for selection (e.g. in Dired), current and lazily highlighted
+search matches, removed lines in diffs as opposed to added ones,
+and so on.
+Note that this does not change all colors throughout the active
+theme, but only applies to cases that have color-coding
+significance.  For example, regular code syntax highlighting is
+not affected.  There is no such need because of the themes'
+overarching commitment to the highest legibility standard, which
+ensures that text is readable regardless of hue, as well as the
+predominance of colors on the blue-cyan-magenta-purple side of
+the spectrum."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.4.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.0.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type 'boolean
   :set #'modus-themes--set-option
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
-  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Success' color-code"))
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Deuteranopia style"))
 (defcustom modus-themes-mail-citations nil
-  "Control the color of citations in messages or email clients.
+  "Control the color of citations/quotes in messages or emails.
-Nil (the default) means to use a variety of contrasting hues to
-denote depth in nested citations.  Colors are fairly easy to tell
+By default (a nil value) citations are styled with contrasting
+hues to denote their depth.  Colors are easy to tell apart
+because they complement each other, but they otherwise are not
+very prominent.
-Option `faint' maintains a color-based distinction between
-citation levels but the colors it applies have very subtle
-differences between them.
+Option `intense' is similar to the default in terms of using
+contrasting and complementary hues, but applies more saturated
-Option `monochrome' turns all citations that would otherwise be
-colored into a uniform shade of shade of gray."
+Option `faint' maintains the same color-based distinction between
+citation levels though the colors it uses have subtle differences
+between them.
+Option `monochrome' turns all quotes into a shade of gray.
+Whatever the value assigned to this variable, citations in emails
+are controlled by typographic elements and/or indentation, which
+the themes do not touch."
   :group 'modus-themes
-  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.4.0")
-  :version "28.1"
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.1.0")
+  :version "29.1"
   :type '(choice
-          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Colorful mail citations with contrasting hues (default)" nil)
+          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Colorful email citations with contrasting hues (default)" nil)
+          (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Like the default, but with more saturated colors" intense)
           (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Like the default, but with less saturated colors" faint)
           (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Deprecated alias of `faint'" desaturated)
           (const :format "[%v] %t\n" :tag "Uniformly gray mail citations" monochrome))
@@ -2905,10 +2785,133 @@ colored into a uniform shade of shade of gray."
   :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
   :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Mail citations"))
+(defcustom modus-themes-tabs-accented nil
+  "Toggle accented tab backgrounds, instead of the default gray.
+This affects the built-in tab-bar mode and tab-line mode, as well
+as the Centaur tabs package."
+  :group 'modus-themes
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "1.6.0")
+  :version "28.1"
+  :type 'boolean
+  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
+  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Tab style"))
+(defcustom modus-themes-box-buttons nil
+  "Control the style of buttons in the Custom UI and related.
+The value is a list of properties, each designated by a symbol.
+The default (a nil value or an empty list) is a gray background
+combined with a pseudo three-dimensional effect.
+The `flat' property makes the button two dimensional.
+The `accented' property changes the background from gray to an
+accent color.
+The `faint' property reduces the overall coloration.
+The `variable-pitch' property applies a proportionately spaced
+typeface to the button's text.
+The `underline' property draws a line below the affected text and
+removes whatever box effect.  This is optimal when Emacs runs
+inside a terminal emulator.  If `flat' and `underline' are
+defined together, the latter takes precedence.
+The symbol of a weight attribute adjusts the font of the button
+accordingly, such as `light', `semibold', etc.  Valid symbols are
+defined in the variable `modus-themes-weights'.
+A number, expressed as a floating point (e.g. 0.9), adjusts the
+height of the button's text to that many times the base font
+size.  The default height is the same as 1.0, though it need not
+be explicitly stated.  Instead of a floating point, an acceptable
+value can be in the form of a cons cell like (height . FLOAT)
+or (height FLOAT), where FLOAT is the given number.
+The `all-buttons' property extends the box button effect (or the
+aforementioned properties) to the faces of the generic widget
+library.  By default, those do not look like the buttons of the
+Custom UI as they are ordinary text wrapped in square brackets.
+Combinations of any of those properties are expressed as a list,
+like in these examples:
+    (flat)
+    (variable-pitch flat)
+    (variable-pitch flat semibold 0.9)
+    (variable-pitch flat semibold (height 0.9)) ; same as above
+    (variable-pitch flat semibold (height . 0.9)) ; same as above
+The order in which the properties are set is not significant.
+In user configuration files the form may look like this:
+    (setq modus-themes-box-buttons (quote (variable-pitch flat 0.9)))"
+  :group 'modus-themes
+  :package-version '(modus-themes . "2.3.0")
+  :version "29.1"
+  :type '(set :tag "Properties" :greedy t
+              (const :tag "Two-dimensional button" flat)
+              (const :tag "Accented background instead of gray" accented)
+              (const :tag "Reduce overall coloration" faint)
+              (const :tag "Proportionately spaced font (variable-pitch)" variable-pitch)
+              (const :tag "Underline instead of a box effect" underline)
+              (const :tag "Apply box button style to generic widget faces" all-buttons)
+              (choice :tag "Font weight (must be supported by the typeface)"
+                      (const :tag "Thin" thin)
+                      (const :tag "Ultra-light" ultralight)
+                      (const :tag "Extra-light" extralight)
+                      (const :tag "Light" light)
+                      (const :tag "Semi-light" semilight)
+                      (const :tag "Regular (default)" nil)
+                      (const :tag "Medium" medium)
+                      (const :tag "Bold" bold)
+                      (const :tag "Semi-bold" semibold)
+                      (const :tag "Extra-bold" extrabold)
+                      (const :tag "Ultra-bold" ultrabold))
+              (radio :tag "Height"
+                     (float :tag "Floating point to adjust height by")
+                     (cons :tag "Cons cell of `(height . FLOAT)'"
+                           (const :tag "The `height' key (constant)" height)
+                           (float :tag "Floating point"))))
+  :set #'modus-themes--set-option
+  :initialize #'custom-initialize-default
+  :link '(info-link "(modus-themes) Box buttons"))
 ;;; Internal functions
+(defun modus-themes--warn (option)
+  "Warn that OPTION has changed."
+  (prog1 nil
+    (display-warning
+     'modus-themes
+     (format "`%s' has changed; please read the updated documentation" option)
+     :warning)))
+(defun modus-themes--list-or-warn (option)
+  "Return list or nil value of OPTION, else `modus-themes--warn'."
+  (let* ((value (symbol-value option)))
+    (if (or (null value) (listp value))
+        value
+      (modus-themes--warn option))))
+(defun modus-themes--property-lookup (properties alist-key list-pred default)
+  "Return value from property alist or list.
+Check PROPERTIES for an alist value that corresponds to
+ALIST-KEY.  If no alist is present, search the PROPERTIES
+list given LIST-PRED, using DEFAULT as a fallback."
+  (if-let* ((val (or (alist-get alist-key properties)
+                     (cl-loop for x in properties
+                              if (funcall list-pred x) return x)
+                     default))
+            ((listp val)))
+      (car val)
+    val))
 (defun modus-themes--palette (theme)
   "Return color palette for Modus theme THEME.
 THEME is a symbol, either `modus-operandi' or `modus-vivendi'."
@@ -2947,8 +2950,12 @@ Those are stored in `modus-themes-faces' and
        (custom-theme-set-variables ',name ,@modus-themes-custom-variables))))
 (defun modus-themes--current-theme ()
-  "Return current theme."
-  (car custom-enabled-themes))
+  "Return current modus theme."
+  (car
+   (seq-filter
+    (lambda (theme)
+      (string-match-p "^modus" (symbol-name theme)))
+    custom-enabled-themes)))
 ;; Helper functions that are meant to ease the implementation of the
 ;; above customization variables.
@@ -2959,20 +2966,14 @@ Those are stored in `modus-themes-faces' and
 (defun modus-themes--slant ()
   "Conditional use of italics for slant attribute."
-  (if modus-themes-italic-constructs
-      (list 'italic)
-    (list 'normal)))
+  (when modus-themes-italic-constructs
+    (list :inherit 'italic)))
 (defun modus-themes--fixed-pitch ()
   "Conditional application of `fixed-pitch' inheritance."
-  (unless modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts
+  (when modus-themes-mixed-fonts
     (list :inherit 'fixed-pitch)))
-(defun modus-themes--variable-pitch ()
-  "Conditional use of `variable-pitch' in headings."
-  (when modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings
-    (list :inherit 'variable-pitch)))
 (defun modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui ()
   "Conditional use of `variable-pitch' in UI elements."
   (when modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui
@@ -2995,49 +2996,85 @@ combines with the theme's primary background (white/black)."
       (list :background (or altbg 'unspecified) :foreground altfg)
     (list :background mainbg :foreground mainfg)))
-(defun modus-themes--lang-check (underline subtlefg intensefg intensefg-alt subtlebg intensebg)
+(defun modus-themes--markup (mainfg intensefg subtlebg intensebg)
+  "Conditional use of colors for markup in Org and others.
+MAINFG is the default foreground.  SUBTLEBG is a gray background.
+INTENSEBG is a colorful background for use with the main
+foreground.  INTENSEFG is an alternative to the default."
+  (let ((properties modus-themes-markup))
+    (list
+     :inherit
+     (cond
+      ((and (memq 'bold properties)
+            (memq 'italic properties))
+       (list 'bold-italic 'modus-themes-fixed-pitch))
+      ((memq 'italic properties)
+       (list 'italic 'modus-themes-fixed-pitch))
+      ((memq 'bold properties)
+       (list 'bold 'modus-themes-fixed-pitch))
+      (t 'modus-themes-fixed-pitch))
+     :background
+     (cond
+      ((and (memq 'background properties)
+            (memq 'intense properties))
+       intensebg)
+      ((memq 'background properties)
+       subtlebg)
+      (t
+       'unspecified))
+     :foreground
+     (cond
+      ((and (memq 'background properties)
+            (memq 'intense properties))
+       mainfg)
+      ((memq 'intense properties)
+       intensefg)
+      (t
+       mainfg)))))
+(defun modus-themes--lang-check (underline subtlefg intensefg intensefg-alt subtlebg intensebg faintfg)
   "Conditional use of foreground colors for language checkers.
 UNDERLINE is a color-code value for the affected text's underline
 property.  SUBTLEFG and INTENSEFG follow the same color-coding
 pattern and represent a value that is faint or vibrant
 respectively.  INTENSEFG-ALT is used when the intensity is high.
 SUBTLEBG and INTENSEBG are color-coded background colors that
-differ in overall intensity."
-  (let ((modus-themes-lang-checkers
-         (if (listp modus-themes-lang-checkers)
-             modus-themes-lang-checkers
-           (pcase modus-themes-lang-checkers
-             ('colored-background '(background intense))
-             ('intense-foreground '(intense))
-             ('intense-foreground-straight-underline '(intense straight-underline))
-             ('subtle-foreground '(text-also))
-             ('subtle-foreground-straight-underline '(text-also straight-underline))
-             ('straight-underline '(straight-underline))))))
+differ in overall intensity.  FAINTFG is a nuanced color."
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-lang-checkers)))
     (list :underline
           (list :color
-                underline
+                (if (memq 'faint properties)
+                    faintfg underline)
-                (if (memq 'straight-underline modus-themes-lang-checkers)
+                (if (memq 'straight-underline properties)
                     'line 'wave))
-           ((and (memq 'background modus-themes-lang-checkers)
-                 (memq 'intense modus-themes-lang-checkers))
+           ((and (memq 'background properties)
+                 (memq 'faint properties))
+            subtlebg)
+           ((and (memq 'background properties)
+                 (memq 'intense properties))
-           ((memq 'background modus-themes-lang-checkers)
-            subtlebg))
+           ((memq 'background properties)
+            subtlebg)
+           ('unspecified))
-           ((and (memq 'background modus-themes-lang-checkers)
-                 (memq 'intense modus-themes-lang-checkers))
+           ((and (memq 'faint properties)
+                 (memq 'text-also properties))
+            faintfg)
+           ((and (memq 'background properties)
+                 (memq 'intense properties))
-           ((memq 'intense modus-themes-lang-checkers)
+           ((memq 'intense properties)
-           ((memq 'text-also modus-themes-lang-checkers)
-            subtlefg)))))
+           ((memq 'text-also properties)
+            subtlefg)
+           ('unspecified)))))
 (defun modus-themes--prompt (mainfg intensefg grayfg subtlebg intensebg intensebg-fg subtlebggray intensebggray)
-  "Conditional use of colors for prompts.
+  "Conditional use of colors for text prompt faces.
 MAINFG is the prompt's standard foreground.  INTENSEFG is a more
 prominent alternative to the main foreground, while GRAYFG is a
 less luminant shade of gray.
@@ -3051,84 +3088,63 @@ should be combinable with INTENSEBG-FG.
 SUBTLEBGGRAY and INTENSEBGGRAY are background values.  The former
 can be combined with GRAYFG, while the latter only works with the
 theme's fallback text color."
-  (let ((modus-themes-prompts
-         (if (listp modus-themes-prompts)
-             modus-themes-prompts
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-prompts
-             ;; `subtle' is the same as `subtle-accented', while `intense' is
-             ;; equal to `intense-accented' for backward compatibility
-             ('subtle '(background))
-             ('subtle-accented '(background))
-             ('subtle-gray '(background gray))
-             ('intense '(background intense))
-             ('intense-accented '(background intense))
-             ('intense-gray '(background intense gray))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-prompts)))
     (list :foreground
-           ((and (memq 'gray modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'intense modus-themes-prompts))
+           ((and (memq 'gray properties)
+                 (memq 'intense properties))
-           ((memq 'gray modus-themes-prompts)
+           ((memq 'gray properties)
-           ((and (memq 'background modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'intense modus-themes-prompts))
+           ((and (memq 'background properties)
+                 (memq 'intense properties))
-           ((memq 'intense modus-themes-prompts)
+           ((memq 'intense properties)
-           ((and (memq 'gray modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'background modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'intense modus-themes-prompts))
+           ((and (memq 'gray properties)
+                 (memq 'background properties)
+                 (memq 'intense properties))
-           ((and (memq 'gray modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'background modus-themes-prompts))
+           ((and (memq 'gray properties)
+                 (memq 'background properties))
-           ((and (memq 'background modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'intense modus-themes-prompts))
+           ((and (memq 'background properties)
+                 (memq 'intense properties))
-           ((memq 'background modus-themes-prompts)
+           ((memq 'background properties)
-           ((and (memq 'bold modus-themes-prompts)
-                 (memq 'italic modus-themes-prompts))
+           ((and (memq 'bold properties)
+                 (memq 'italic properties))
-           ((memq 'italic modus-themes-prompts)
+           ((memq 'italic properties)
-           ((memq 'bold modus-themes-prompts)
+           ((memq 'bold properties)
 (defun modus-themes--paren (normalbg intensebg)
   "Conditional use of intense colors for matching parentheses.
-NORMALBG should be the special palette color 'bg-paren-match' or
+NORMALBG should be the special palette color bg-paren-match or
 something similar.  INTENSEBG must be easier to discern next to
 other backgrounds, such as the special palette color
-  (let ((modus-themes-paren-match
-         (if (listp modus-themes-paren-match)
-             modus-themes-paren-match
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-paren-match
-             ;; `subtle' is the same as `subtle-accented', while `intense' is
-             ;; equal to `intense-accented' for backward compatibility
-             ('intense-bold '(intense bold))
-             ('subtle-bold '(bold))
-             ('intense '(intense))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-paren-match)))
     (list :inherit
-          (if (memq 'bold modus-themes-paren-match)
+          (if (memq 'bold properties)
-          (if (memq 'intense modus-themes-paren-match)
+          (if (memq 'intense properties)
-          (if (memq 'underline modus-themes-paren-match)
+          (if (memq 'underline properties)
@@ -3136,21 +3152,10 @@ other backgrounds, such as the special palette color
   "Apply foreground value to code syntax.
 FG is the default.  FAINT is typically the same color in its
 desaturated version."
-  (let ((modus-themes-syntax
-         (if (listp modus-themes-syntax)
-             modus-themes-syntax
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-syntax
-             ('faint '(faint))
-             ('faint-yellow-comments '(faint yellow-comments))
-             ('green-strings '(green-strings))
-             ('yellow-comments '(yellow-comments))
-             ('yellow-comments-green-strings '(green-strings yellow-comments))
-             ('alt-syntax '(alt-syntax))
-             ('alt-syntax-yellow-comments '(alt-syntax yellow-comments))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-syntax)))
     (list :foreground
-           ((memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
@@ -3159,26 +3164,15 @@ desaturated version."
 FG is the default.  FAINT is typically the same color in its
 desaturated version.  ALT is another hue while optional FAINT-ALT
 is its subtle alternative."
-  (let ((modus-themes-syntax
-         (if (listp modus-themes-syntax)
-             modus-themes-syntax
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-syntax
-             ('faint '(faint))
-             ('faint-yellow-comments '(faint yellow-comments))
-             ('green-strings '(green-strings))
-             ('yellow-comments '(yellow-comments))
-             ('yellow-comments-green-strings '(green-strings yellow-comments))
-             ('alt-syntax '(alt-syntax))
-             ('alt-syntax-yellow-comments '(alt-syntax yellow-comments))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-syntax)))
     (list :foreground
-           ((and (memq 'alt-syntax modus-themes-syntax)
-                 (memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax))
+           ((and (memq 'alt-syntax properties)
+                 (memq 'faint properties))
             (or faint-alt alt))
-           ((memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
-           ((memq 'alt-syntax modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'alt-syntax properties)
@@ -3189,31 +3183,20 @@ desaturated version.  GREEN is a color variant in that side of
 the spectrum.  ALT is another hue.  Optional FAINT-GREEN is a
 subtle alternative to GREEN.  Optional FAINT-ALT is a subtle
 alternative to ALT."
-  (let ((modus-themes-syntax
-         (if (listp modus-themes-syntax)
-             modus-themes-syntax
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-syntax
-             ('faint '(faint))
-             ('faint-yellow-comments '(faint yellow-comments))
-             ('green-strings '(green-strings))
-             ('yellow-comments '(yellow-comments))
-             ('yellow-comments-green-strings '(green-strings yellow-comments))
-             ('alt-syntax '(alt-syntax))
-             ('alt-syntax-yellow-comments '(alt-syntax yellow-comments))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-syntax)))
     (list :foreground
-           ((and (memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax)
-                 (memq 'green-strings modus-themes-syntax))
+           ((and (memq 'faint properties)
+                 (memq 'green-strings properties))
             (or faint-green green))
-           ((and (memq 'alt-syntax modus-themes-syntax)
-                 (memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax))
+           ((and (memq 'alt-syntax properties)
+                 (memq 'faint properties))
             (or faint-alt faint))
-           ((memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
-           ((memq 'green-strings modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'green-strings properties)
-           ((memq 'alt-syntax modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'alt-syntax properties)
@@ -3222,30 +3205,19 @@ alternative to ALT."
 FG is the default.  YELLOW is a color variant of that name while
 optional FAINT-YELLOW is its subtle variant.  Optional FAINT is
 an alternative to the default value."
-  (let ((modus-themes-syntax
-         (if (listp modus-themes-syntax)
-             modus-themes-syntax
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-syntax
-             ('faint '(faint))
-             ('faint-yellow-comments '(faint yellow-comments))
-             ('green-strings '(green-strings))
-             ('yellow-comments '(yellow-comments))
-             ('yellow-comments-green-strings '(green-strings yellow-comments))
-             ('alt-syntax '(alt-syntax))
-             ('alt-syntax-yellow-comments '(alt-syntax yellow-comments))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-syntax)))
     (list :foreground
-           ((and (memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax)
-                 (memq 'yellow-comments modus-themes-syntax))
+           ((and (memq 'faint properties)
+                 (memq 'yellow-comments properties))
             (or faint-yellow yellow))
-           ((and (memq 'alt-syntax modus-themes-syntax)
-                 (memq 'yellow-comments modus-themes-syntax)
-                 (not (memq 'green-strings modus-themes-syntax)))
-            (or faint-yellow yellow))
-           ((memq 'yellow-comments modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((and (memq 'alt-syntax properties)
+                 (memq 'yellow-comments properties)
+                 (not (memq 'green-strings properties)))
+            yellow)
+           ((memq 'yellow-comments properties)
-           ((memq 'faint modus-themes-syntax)
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
             (or faint fg))
@@ -3253,6 +3225,23 @@ an alternative to the default value."
   "Get cdr of KEY in ALIST."
   (cdr (assoc key alist)))
+  'modus-themes--heading-weights
+  'modus-themes-weights
+  "2.1.0")
+(defconst modus-themes-weights
+  '( thin ultralight extralight light semilight regular medium
+     semibold bold heavy extrabold ultrabold)
+  "List of font weights.")
+(defun modus-themes--weight (list)
+  "Search for `modus-themes--heading' weight in LIST."
+  (catch 'found
+    (dolist (elt list)
+      (when (memq elt modus-themes-weights)
+        (throw 'found elt)))))
 (defun modus-themes--heading (level fg fg-alt bg bg-gray border)
   "Conditional styles for `modus-themes-headings'.
@@ -3264,56 +3253,41 @@ values.  BG-GRAY is a gray background.  BORDER is a color value
 that combines well with the background and foreground."
   (let* ((key (modus-themes--key-cdr level modus-themes-headings))
          (style (or key (modus-themes--key-cdr t modus-themes-headings)))
-         (modus-themes-headings
-          (if (listp style)
-              style
-            ;; translation layer for legacy values
-            (pcase style
-              ('highlight '(background))
-              ('highlight-no-bold '(background no-bold))
-              ('line '(overline))
-              ('line-no-bold '(no-bold overline))
-              ('no-bold '(no-bold))
-              ('no-color '(monochrome))
-              ('no-color-no-bold '(no-bold monochrome))
-              ('rainbow '(rainbow))
-              ('rainbow-highlight '(rainbow background))
-              ('rainbow-highlight-no-bold '(no-bold rainbow background))
-              ('rainbow-line '(rainbow overline))
-              ('rainbow-no-bold '(no-bold rainbow))
-              ('rainbow-line-no-bold '(rainbow overline no-bold))
-              ('rainbow-section '(rainbow overline background))
-              ('rainbow-section-no-bold '(no-bold rainbow background overline))
-              ('section '(background overline))
-              ('section-no-bold '(background overline no-bold)))))
-         (var (if modus-themes-variable-pitch-headings
-                  'variable-pitch
-                'unspecified))
+         (style-listp (listp style))
+         (properties style)
+         (var (when (memq 'variable-pitch properties) 'variable-pitch))
          (varbold (if var
                       (append (list 'bold) (list var))
-                    'bold)))
+                    'bold))
+         (weight (when style-listp (modus-themes--weight style))))
     (list :inherit
-           ((memq 'no-bold modus-themes-headings)
+           ;; `no-bold' is for backward compatibility because we cannot
+           ;; deprecate a variable's value.
+           ((or weight (memq 'no-bold properties))
-           ((and (memq 'monochrome modus-themes-headings)
-                 (memq 'background modus-themes-headings))
+           ((and (memq 'monochrome properties)
+                 (memq 'background properties))
-           ((memq 'background modus-themes-headings)
+           ((memq 'background properties)
-           ((memq 'monochrome modus-themes-headings)
+           ((memq 'monochrome properties)
-           ((memq 'rainbow modus-themes-headings)
+           ((memq 'rainbow properties)
+          :height
+          (modus-themes--property-lookup properties 'height #'floatp 'unspecified)
+          :weight
+          (or weight 'unspecified)
-          (if (memq 'overline modus-themes-headings)
+          (if (memq 'overline properties)
@@ -3321,42 +3295,94 @@ that combines well with the background and foreground."
   "Control the style of the Org agenda structure.
 FG is the foreground color to use."
   (let* ((properties (modus-themes--key-cdr 'header-block modus-themes-org-agenda))
-         (inherit (cond ((memq 'variable-pitch properties)
-                         (list 'bold 'variable-pitch))
-                        ('bold)))
-         (height (cond ((memq 'no-scale properties)
-                        1.0)
-                       ((memq 'scale-title properties)
-                        modus-themes-scale-title)
-                       (1.15))))
-    (list :inherit inherit
-          :height height
+         (weight (modus-themes--weight properties)))
+    (list :inherit
+          (cond
+           ((and weight (memq 'variable-pitch properties))
+            'variable-pitch)
+           (weight 'unspecified)
+           ((memq 'variable-pitch properties)
+            (list 'bold 'variable-pitch))
+           ('bold))
+          :weight
+          (or weight 'unspecified)
+          :height
+          (cond ((memq 'no-scale properties) 'unspecified)
+                ((modus-themes--property-lookup properties 'height #'floatp 1.15)))
           :foreground fg)))
-(defun modus-themes--agenda-date (defaultfg grayscalefg &optional bold workaholicfg grayscaleworkaholicfg)
+(defun modus-themes--agenda-date (defaultfg grayscalefg &optional workaholicfg grayscaleworkaholicfg bg bold ul)
   "Control the style of date headings in Org agenda buffers.
 DEFAULTFG is the original accent color for the foreground.
-GRAYSCALEFG is a neutral color.  Optional BOLD applies a bold
-alternative foreground colors."
-  (let* ((properties (modus-themes--key-cdr 'header-date modus-themes-org-agenda))
-         (weight (cond ((memq 'bold-all properties)
-                        'bold)
-                       ((and bold (memq 'bold-today properties))
-                        'bold)
-                       (t
-                        nil)))
-         (fg (cond ((and (memq 'grayscale properties)
-                         (memq 'workaholic properties))
-                    (or grayscaleworkaholicfg grayscalefg))
-                   ((memq 'grayscale properties)
-                    grayscalefg)
-                   ((memq 'workaholic properties)
-                    (or workaholicfg defaultfg))
-                   (t
-                    defaultfg))))
-    (list :inherit weight
-          :foreground fg)))
+GRAYSCALEFG is a neutral color.  Optional WORKAHOLICFG and
+GRAYSCALEWORKAHOLICFG are alternative foreground colors.
+Optional BG is a background color.  Optional BOLD applies a bold
+weight.  Optional UL applies an underline."
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--key-cdr 'header-date modus-themes-org-agenda)))
+    (list :inherit
+          (cond
+           ((or (memq 'bold-all properties)
+                (and bold (memq 'bold-today properties)))
+            'bold)
+           (t
+            'unspecified))
+          :background
+          (cond
+           ((memq 'underline-today properties)
+            'unspecified)
+           ((or bg 'unspecified)))
+          :foreground
+          (cond
+           ((and (memq 'grayscale properties)
+                 (memq 'workaholic properties))
+            (or grayscaleworkaholicfg grayscalefg))
+           ((memq 'grayscale properties)
+            grayscalefg)
+           ((memq 'workaholic properties)
+            (or workaholicfg defaultfg))
+           (t
+            defaultfg))
+          :height
+          (modus-themes--property-lookup properties 'height #'floatp 'unspecified)
+          :underline
+          (if (and ul (memq 'underline-today properties))
+              t
+            'unspecified))))
+(defun modus-themes--agenda-event (fg-accent &optional varied)
+  "Control the style of the Org agenda events.
+FG-ACCENT is the accent color to use.  Optional VARIED is a
+toggle to behave in accordance with the semantics of the `varied'
+property that the `event' key accepts in
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--key-cdr 'event modus-themes-org-agenda)))
+    (list :foreground
+          (cond
+           ((or (and (memq 'varied properties) varied)
+                (and (memq 'accented properties)
+                     (memq 'varied properties)
+                     varied))
+            'unspecified)
+           ((memq 'accented properties)
+            fg-accent)
+           ('unspecified))
+          :inherit
+          (cond
+           ((and (memq 'italic properties)
+                 (memq 'varied properties)
+                 varied)
+            '(shadow italic))
+           ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                 (memq 'varied properties)
+                 varied)
+            'shadow)
+           ((or (and (memq 'varied properties) varied)
+                (and (memq 'italic properties) varied))
+            '(shadow italic))
+           ((and (memq 'italic properties)
+                 (not (memq 'varied properties)))
+            '(shadow italic))
+           ('shadow)))))
 (defun modus-themes--agenda-scheduled (defaultfg uniformfg rainbowfg)
   "Control the style of the Org agenda scheduled tasks.
@@ -3370,17 +3396,28 @@ clearly distinguishes past, present, future tasks."
     ('rainbow (list :foreground rainbowfg))
     (_ (list :foreground defaultfg))))
-(defun modus-themes--agenda-habit (default traffic simple &optional traffic-deuteran)
+(defun modus-themes--agenda-habit (default traffic simple &optional default-d traffic-d simple-d)
   "Specify background values for `modus-themes-org-agenda' habits.
 DEFAULT is the original foregrounc color.  TRAFFIC is to be used
-when the 'traffic-light' style is applied, while SIMPLE
-corresponds to the 'simplified style'.  Optional TRAFFIC-DEUTERAN
-is an alternative to TRAFFIC, meant for deuteranopia."
-  (pcase (modus-themes--key-cdr 'habit modus-themes-org-agenda)
-    ('traffic-light (list :background traffic))
-    ('traffic-light-deuteranopia (list :background (or traffic-deuteran traffic)))
-    ('simplified (list :background simple))
-    (_ (list :background default))))
+when the traffic-light style is applied, while SIMPLE corresponds
+to the simplified style.
+Optional DEFAULT-D, TRAFFIC-D, SIMPLE-D are alternatives to the
+main colors, meant for dopia when `modus-themes-deuteranopia' is
+  (let ((habit (modus-themes--key-cdr 'habit modus-themes-org-agenda)))
+    (cond
+     ((and modus-themes-deuteranopia (null habit))
+      (list :background (or default-d default)))
+     ((and modus-themes-deuteranopia (eq habit 'traffic-light))
+      (list :background (or traffic-d traffic)))
+     ((and modus-themes-deuteranopia (eq habit 'simplified))
+      (list :background (or simple-d simple)))
+     (t
+      (pcase habit
+        ('traffic-light (list :background traffic))
+        ('simplified (list :background simple))
+        (_ (list :background default)))))))
 (defun modus-themes--org-block (bgblk fgdefault &optional fgblk)
   "Conditionally set the background of Org blocks.
@@ -3416,11 +3453,12 @@ set to `rainbow'."
     ('gray-background (list :background bg :foreground fg :extend t))
     ('grayscale (list :background bg :foreground fg :extend t))
     ('greyscale (list :background bg :foreground fg :extend t))
-    ('rainbow (list :background bgaccent :foreground fgaccent))
-    (_ (list :background bg :foreground fg))))
+    ('tinted-background (list :background bgaccent :foreground fgaccent :extend nil))
+    ('rainbow (list :background bgaccent :foreground fgaccent :extend nil))
+    (_ (list :foreground fg :extend nil))))
 (defun modus-themes--mode-line-attrs
-    (fg bg fg-alt bg-alt fg-accent bg-accent border border-3d &optional alt-style border-width fg-distant)
+    (fg bg fg-alt bg-alt fg-accent bg-accent border border-3d &optional alt-style fg-distant)
   "Color combinations for `modus-themes-mode-line'.
 FG and BG are the default colors.  FG-ALT and BG-ALT are meant to
@@ -3432,74 +3470,85 @@ three-dimensional effect, where BORDER-3D is used instead.
 Optional ALT-STYLE applies an appropriate style to the mode
 line's box property.
-Optional BORDER-WIDTH specifies an integer for the width of the
-rectangle that produces the box effect.
 Optional FG-DISTANT should be close to the main background
 values.  It is intended to be used as a distant-foreground
-  (let ((modus-themes-mode-line
-         (if (listp modus-themes-mode-line)
-             modus-themes-mode-line
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (alist-get modus-themes-mode-line
-                      '((3d . (3d))
-                        (moody . (moody))
-                        (borderless . (borderless))
-                        (borderless-3d . (borderless 3d))
-                        (borderless-moody . (borderless moody))
-                        (accented . (accented))
-                        (accented-3d . (accented 3d))
-                        (accented-moody . (accented moody))
-                        (borderless-accented . (borderless accented))
-                        (borderless-accented-3d . (borderless accented 3d))
-                        (borderless-accented-moody . (borderless accented moody)))))))
-    (let ((base (cond ((memq 'accented modus-themes-mode-line)
-                       (cons fg-accent bg-accent))
-                      ((and (or (memq 'moody modus-themes-mode-line)
-                                (memq '3d modus-themes-mode-line))
-                            (not (memq 'borderless modus-themes-mode-line)))
-                       (cons fg-alt bg-alt))
-                      ((cons fg bg))))
-          (box (cond ((memq 'moody modus-themes-mode-line)
-                      nil)
-                     ((memq '3d modus-themes-mode-line)
-                      (list :line-width (or border-width 1)
-                            :color
-                            (cond ((and (memq 'accented modus-themes-mode-line)
-                                        (memq 'borderless modus-themes-mode-line))
-                                   bg-accent)
-                                  ((memq 'borderless modus-themes-mode-line) bg)
-                                  (border-3d))
-                            :style (and alt-style 'released-button)))
-                     ((or (memq 'borderless modus-themes-mode-line)
-                          (memq 'moody modus-themes-mode-line))
+  (let* ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-mode-line))
+         (padding (modus-themes--property-lookup properties 'padding #'natnump 1))
+         (height (modus-themes--property-lookup properties 'height #'floatp 'unspecified))
+         (padded (> padding 1))
+         (base (cond ((memq 'accented properties)
+                      (cons fg-accent bg-accent))
+                     ((and (or (memq 'moody properties)
+                               (memq '3d properties))
+                           (not (memq 'borderless properties)))
+                      (cons fg-alt bg-alt))
+                     ((cons fg bg))))
+         (line (cond ((not (or (memq 'moody properties) padded))
+                      'unspecified)
+                     ((and (not (memq 'moody properties))
+                           padded
+                           (memq 'borderless properties))
+                      'unspecified)
+                     ((and (memq 'borderless properties)
+                           (memq 'accented properties))
+                      bg-accent)
+                     ((memq 'borderless properties)
-                     (border)))
-          (line (cond ((not (memq 'moody modus-themes-mode-line))
-                       nil)
-                      ((and (memq 'borderless modus-themes-mode-line)
-                            (memq 'accented modus-themes-mode-line))
-                       bg-accent)
-                      ((memq 'borderless modus-themes-mode-line)
-                       bg)
-                      (border))))
-      (list :foreground (car base)
-            :background (cdr base)
-            :box box
-            :overline line
-            :underline line
-            :distant-foreground
-            (and (memq 'moody modus-themes-mode-line)
-                 fg-distant)))))
-(defun modus-themes--diff
-    (fg-only-bg fg-only-fg mainbg mainfg altbg altfg &optional deuteranbg deuteranfg  bg-only-fg)
-  "Color combinations for `modus-themes-diffs'.
+                     (border))))
+    (list :foreground (car base)
+          :background (cdr base)
+          :height height
+          :box
+          (cond ((memq 'moody properties)
+                 'unspecified)
+                ((and (memq '3d properties) padded)
+                 (list :line-width padding
+                       :color
+                       (cond ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                                   (memq 'borderless properties))
+                              bg-accent)
+                             ((or (memq 'accented properties)
+                                  (memq 'borderless properties))
+                              bg)
+                             (bg-alt))
+                       :style (when alt-style 'released-button)))
+                ((and (memq 'accented properties) padded)
+                 (list :line-width padding :color bg-accent))
+                ((memq '3d properties)
+                 (list :line-width padding
+                       :color
+                       (cond ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                                   (memq 'borderless properties))
+                              bg-accent)
+                             ((memq 'borderless properties) bg)
+                             (border-3d))
+                       :style (when alt-style 'released-button)))
+                ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                      (memq 'borderless properties))
+                 (list :line-width padding :color bg-accent))
+                ((or (memq 'borderless properties) padded)
+                 (list :line-width padding :color bg))
+                (border))
+          :overline line
+          :underline line
+          :distant-foreground
+          (if (memq 'moody properties)
+              fg-distant
+            'unspecified))))
-FG-ONLY-BG should be similar or the same as the main background.
-FG-ONLY-FG should be a saturated accent value that can be
-combined with the former.
+;; Basically this is just for the keycast key indicator.
+(defun modus-themes--mode-line-padded-box (color)
+  "Set padding of mode line box attribute with given COLOR."
+  (list :box (list :color color
+                   :line-width
+                   (or (cl-loop
+                        for x in modus-themes-mode-line
+                        if (natnump x) return x)
+                       1))))
+(defun modus-themes--diff (mainbg mainfg altbg altfg &optional deubg deufg deualtbg deualtfg bg-only-fg)
+  "Color combinations for `modus-themes-diffs'.
 MAINBG must be one of the dedicated backgrounds for diffs while
 MAINFG must be the same for the foreground.
@@ -3508,68 +3557,118 @@ ALTBG needs to be a slightly accented background that is meant to
 be combined with ALTFG.  Both must be less intense than MAINBG
 and MAINFG respectively.
-DEUTERANBG and DEUTERANFG must be combinations of colors that account
-for red-green color defficiency (deuteranopia).
-Optional BG-ONLY-FG applies ALTFG else leaves the foreground
-  (pcase modus-themes-diffs
-    ('fg-only (list :background fg-only-bg :foreground fg-only-fg))
-    ('fg-only-deuteranopia (list :background fg-only-bg :foreground fg-only-fg))
-    ('desaturated (list :background altbg :foreground altfg))
-    ('deuteranopia (list :background (or deuteranbg mainbg) :foreground (or deuteranfg mainfg)))
-    ('bg-only (list :background altbg :foreground (if bg-only-fg altfg 'unspecified)))
-    (_ (list :background mainbg :foreground mainfg))))
-(defun modus-themes--diff-deuteran (deuteran main)
-  "Determine whether the DEUTERAN or MAIN color should be used.
-This is based on whether `modus-themes-diffs' has the value
-  (if (or (eq modus-themes-diffs 'deuteranopia)
-          (eq modus-themes-diffs 'fg-only-deuteranopia)
-          (eq modus-themes-diffs 'fg-only))
-      (list deuteran)
-    (list main)))
-(defun modus-themes--success-deuteran (deuteran main)
+DEUBG and DEUFG must be combinations of colors that account for
+red-green color defficiency (deuteranopia).  They are the
+equivalent of MAINBG and MAINFG.
+DEUALTBG and DEUALTFG are the equivalent of ALTBG and ALTFG for
+Optional non-nil BG-ONLY-FG applies ALTFG else leaves the
+foreground unspecified."
+  (if modus-themes-deuteranopia
+      (pcase modus-themes-diffs
+        ('desaturated (list :background (or deualtbg altbg) :foreground (or deualtfg altfg)))
+        ('bg-only (list :background (or deualtbg altbg) :foreground (if bg-only-fg (or deualtfg altfg) 'unspecified)))
+        (_ (list :background (or deubg mainbg) :foreground (or deufg mainfg))))
+    (pcase modus-themes-diffs
+      ('desaturated (list :background altbg :foreground altfg))
+      ('bg-only (list :background altbg :foreground (if bg-only-fg altfg 'unspecified)))
+      (_ (list :background mainbg :foreground mainfg)))))
+(defun modus-themes--deuteran (deuteran main)
   "Determine whether to color-code success as DEUTERAN or MAIN."
-  (if modus-themes-success-deuteranopia
+  (if modus-themes-deuteranopia
       (list deuteran)
     (list main)))
-(defun modus-themes--standard-completions (mainfg subtlebg intensebg intensefg)
-  "Combinations for `modus-themes-completions'.
-MAINFG is an accented foreground value.  SUBTLEBG is an accented
-background value that can be combined with MAINFG.  INTENSEBG and
-INTENSEFG are accented colors that are designed to be used in
-These are intended for Icomplete, Ido, and related."
-  (pcase modus-themes-completions
-    ('opinionated (list :background intensebg :foreground intensefg))
-    ('moderate (list :background subtlebg :foreground mainfg))
-    (_ (list :foreground mainfg))))
-(defun modus-themes--extra-completions (subtleface intenseface altface &optional altfg bold)
-  "Combinations for `modus-themes-completions'.
-SUBTLEFACE and INTENSEFACE are custom theme faces that combine a
-background and foreground value.  The difference between the two
-is a matter of degree.
-ALTFACE is a combination of colors that represents a departure
-from the UI's default aesthetics.  Optional ALTFG is meant to be
-used in tandem with it.
-Optional BOLD will apply a heavier weight to the text.
-These are intended for Helm, Ivy, etc."
-  (pcase modus-themes-completions
-    ('opinionated (list :inherit (list altface bold)
-                        :foreground (or altfg 'unspecified)))
-    ('moderate (list :inherit (list subtleface bold)))
-    (_ (list :inherit (list intenseface bold)))))
+(make-obsolete 'modus-themes--completion 'modus-themes--completion-line "2.3.0")
+(make-obsolete 'modus-themes--completion 'modus-themes--completion-match "2.3.0")
+(defun modus-themes--completion-line (key bg fg bgintense fgintense &optional bgaccent bgaccentintense)
+  "Styles for `modus-themes-completions'.
+KEY is the key of a cons cell.  BG and FG are the main colors.
+BGINTENSE works with the main foreground.  FGINTENSE works on its
+own.  BGACCENT and BGACCENTINTENSE are colorful variants of the
+other backgrounds."
+  (let* ((var (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-completions))
+         (properties (or (alist-get key var) (alist-get t var)))
+         (popup (eq key 'popup))
+         (selection (eq key 'selection))
+         (line (or popup selection))
+         (text (memq 'text-also properties))
+         (accented (memq 'accented properties))
+         (intense (memq 'intense properties))
+         (italic (memq 'italic properties))
+         (weight (modus-themes--weight properties))
+         (bold (when (and weight (eq weight 'bold)) 'bold)))
+    (list
+     :inherit
+     (cond
+      ((and italic weight (not (eq weight 'bold)))
+       'italic)
+      ((and weight (not (eq weight 'bold)))
+       'unspecified)
+      (italic 'bold-italic)
+      ('bold))
+     :background
+     (cond
+      ((and accented intense line)
+       bgaccentintense)
+      ((and accented line)
+       bgaccent)
+      (intense bgintense)
+      (bg))
+     :foreground
+     (cond
+      ((and line text intense)
+       fgintense)
+      ((and line text)
+       fg)
+      ('unspecified))
+     :underline
+     (if (memq 'underline properties) t 'unspecified)
+     :weight
+     (if (and weight (null bold)) weight 'unspecified))))
+(defun modus-themes--completion-match (key bg fg bgintense fgintense)
+  "Styles for `modus-themes-completions'.
+KEY is the key of a cons cell.  BG and FG are the main colors.
+BGINTENSE works with the main foreground.  FGINTENSE works on its
+  (let* ((var (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-completions))
+         (properties (or (alist-get key var) (alist-get t var)))
+         (background (memq 'background properties))
+         (intense (memq 'intense properties))
+         (italic (memq 'italic properties))
+         (weight (modus-themes--weight properties))
+         (bold (when (and weight (eq weight 'bold)) 'bold)))
+    (list
+     :inherit
+     (cond
+      ((and italic weight (not (eq weight 'bold)))
+       'italic)
+      ((and weight (not (eq weight 'bold)))
+       'unspecified)
+      (italic 'bold-italic)
+      ('bold))
+     :background
+     (cond
+      ((and background intense)
+       bgintense)
+      (background bg)
+      ('unspecified))
+     :foreground
+     (cond
+      ((and background intense)
+       'unspecified)
+      (background fg)
+      (intense fgintense)
+      (fg))
+     :underline
+     (if (memq 'underline properties) t 'unspecified)
+     :weight
+     (if (and weight (null bold)) weight 'unspecified))))
 (defun modus-themes--link (fg fgfaint underline bg bgneutral)
   "Conditional application of link styles.
@@ -3577,86 +3676,60 @@ FG is the link's default color for its text and underline
 property.  FGFAINT is a desaturated color for the text and
 underline.  UNDERLINE is a gray color only for the undeline.  BG
 is a background color and BGNEUTRAL is its fallback value."
-  (let ((modus-themes-links
-         (if (listp modus-themes-links)
-             modus-themes-links
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-links
-             ('faint '(faint))
-             ('neutral-underline '(neutral-underline))
-             ('faint-neutral-underline '(neutral-underline faint))
-             ('no-underline '(no-underline))
-             ('underline-only '(no-color))
-             ('neutral-underline-only '(no-color neutral-underline))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-links)))
     (list :inherit
-           ((and (memq 'bold modus-themes-links)
-                 (memq 'italic modus-themes-links))
+           ((and (memq 'bold properties)
+                 (memq 'italic properties))
-           ((memq 'italic modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'italic properties)
-           ((memq 'bold modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'bold properties)
-           ((and (memq 'no-color modus-themes-links)
-                 (memq 'no-underline modus-themes-links))
+           ((and (memq 'no-color properties)
+                 (memq 'no-underline properties))
-           ((memq 'background modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'background properties)
-           ((memq 'no-color modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'no-color properties)
-           ((memq 'faint modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
-           ((memq 'no-underline modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'no-underline properties)
-           ((memq 'neutral-underline modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'neutral-underline properties)
 (defun modus-themes--link-color (fg fgfaint &optional neutralfg)
-  "Extends `modus-themes--link'.
+  "Extend `modus-themes--link'.
 FG is the main accented foreground.  FGFAINT is also accented,
 yet desaturated.  Optional NEUTRALFG is a gray value."
-  (let ((modus-themes-links
-         (if (listp modus-themes-links)
-             modus-themes-links
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-links
-             ('faint '(faint))
-             ('neutral-underline '(neutral-underline))
-             ('faint-neutral-underline '(neutral-underline faint))
-             ('no-underline '(no-underline))
-             ('underline-only '(no-color))
-             ('neutral-underline-only '(no-color neutral-underline))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-links)))
     (list :foreground
-           ((memq 'no-color modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'no-color properties)
             (or neutralfg 'unspecified))
-           ((memq 'faint modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
-           ((memq 'no-underline modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'no-underline properties)
-           ((memq 'neutral-underline modus-themes-links)
+           ((memq 'neutral-underline properties)
             (or neutralfg 'unspecified))
-(defun modus-themes--scale (amount)
-  "Scale heading by AMOUNT.
-AMOUNT is a customization option."
-  (when modus-themes-scale-headings
-    (list :height amount)))
 (defun modus-themes--region (bg fg bgsubtle bgaccent bgaccentsubtle)
   "Apply `modus-themes-region' styles.
@@ -3665,37 +3738,28 @@ is a subtle background value that can be combined with all colors
 used to fontify text and code syntax.  BGACCENT is a colored
 background that combines well with FG.  BGACCENTSUBTLE can be
 combined with all colors used to fontify text."
-  (let ((modus-themes-region
-         (if (listp modus-themes-region)
-             modus-themes-region
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-region
-             ('bg-only '(bg-only))
-             ('bg-only-no-extend '(bg-only no-extend))
-             ('accent '(accented))
-             ('accent-no-extend '(accented no-extend))
-             ('no-extend '(no-extend))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-region)))
     (list :background
-           ((and (memq 'accented modus-themes-region)
-                 (memq 'bg-only modus-themes-region))
+           ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                 (memq 'bg-only properties))
-           ((memq 'accented modus-themes-region)
+           ((memq 'accented properties)
-           ((memq 'bg-only modus-themes-region)
+           ((memq 'bg-only properties)
-           ((and (memq 'accented modus-themes-region)
-                 (memq 'bg-only modus-themes-region))
+           ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                 (memq 'bg-only properties))
-           ((memq 'bg-only modus-themes-region)
+           ((memq 'bg-only properties)
-           ((memq 'no-extend modus-themes-region)
+           ((memq 'no-extend properties)
@@ -3710,59 +3774,194 @@ LINEACCENT are color values that can remain distinct against the
 buffer's possible backgrounds: the former is neutral, the latter
 more prominent alternatives."
-  (let ((modus-themes-hl-line
-         (if (listp modus-themes-hl-line)
-             modus-themes-hl-line
-           ;; translation layer for legacy values
-           (pcase modus-themes-hl-line
-             ('intense-background '(intense))
-             ('accented-background '(accented))
-             ('underline-neutral '(underline))
-             ('underline-accented '(underline accented))
-             ('underline-only-neutral '(underline)) ; only underline styles have been removed
-             ('underline-only-accented '(underline accented))))))
+  (let ((properties (modus-themes--list-or-warn 'modus-themes-hl-line)))
     (list :background
-           ((and (memq 'intense modus-themes-hl-line)
-                 (memq 'accented modus-themes-hl-line))
+           ((and (memq 'intense properties)
+                 (memq 'accented properties))
-           ((memq 'accented modus-themes-hl-line)
+           ((memq 'accented properties)
-           ((memq 'intense modus-themes-hl-line)
+           ((memq 'intense properties)
-           ((and (memq 'intense modus-themes-hl-line)
-                 (memq 'accented modus-themes-hl-line)
-                 (memq 'underline modus-themes-hl-line))
+           ((and (memq 'intense properties)
+                 (memq 'accented properties)
+                 (memq 'underline properties))
-           ((and (memq 'accented modus-themes-hl-line)
-                 (memq 'underline modus-themes-hl-line))
+           ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                 (memq 'underline properties))
-           ((and (memq 'intense modus-themes-hl-line)
-                 (memq 'underline modus-themes-hl-line))
+           ((and (memq 'intense properties)
+                 (memq 'underline properties))
-           ((or (memq 'no-background modus-themes-hl-line)
-                (memq 'underline modus-themes-hl-line))
+           ((or (memq 'no-background properties)
+                (memq 'underline properties))
-(defun modus-themes--mail-cite (mainfg subtlefg)
+(defun modus-themes--mail-cite (mainfg intensefg subtlefg)
   "Combinations for `modus-themes-mail-citations'.
 MAINFG is an accented foreground value.  SUBTLEFG is its
-desaturated counterpart."
+desaturated counterpart.  INTENSEFG is a more saturated variant."
   (pcase modus-themes-mail-citations
     ('monochrome (list :inherit 'shadow))
+    ('intense (list :foreground intensefg))
     ('faint (list :foreground subtlefg))
     ('desaturated (list :foreground subtlefg))
     (_ (list :foreground mainfg))))
+(defun modus-themes--tab (bg &optional bgaccent fg fgaccent box-p bold-p var-p)
+  "Helper function for tabs.
+BG is the default background, while BGACCENT is its more colorful
+alternative.  Optional FG is a foreground color that combines
+with BG.  Same principle FGACCENT.
+BOX-P and BOLD-P determine the use of a box property and the
+application of a bold weight, respectively.  VAR-P controls the
+application of a variable-pitch font."
+  (let ((background (if modus-themes-tabs-accented (or bgaccent bg) bg))
+        (foreground (if modus-themes-tabs-accented (or fgaccent fg) fg)))
+    (list
+     :inherit (cond
+               ((and bold-p var-p)
+                (if modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui
+                    '(variable-pitch bold)
+                  '(bold)))
+               (bold-p 'bold)
+               (var-p (when modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui 'variable-pitch))
+               ('unspecified))
+     :background background
+     :foreground (or foreground 'unspecified)
+     :box (if box-p (list :line-width 2 :color background) 'unspecified))))
+(defun modus-themes--button (bg bgfaint bgaccent bgaccentfaint border &optional pressed-button-p)
+  "Apply `modus-themes-box-buttons' styles.
+BG is the main background.  BGFAINT is its subtle alternative.
+BGACCENT is its accented variant and BGACCENTFAINT is the same
+but less intense.  BORDER is the color around the box.
+When optional PRESSED-BUTTON-P is non-nil, the box uses the
+pressed button style, else the released button."
+  (let* ((properties modus-themes-box-buttons)
+         (weight (modus-themes--weight properties)))
+    (list :inherit
+          (cond
+           ((and (memq 'variable-pitch properties)
+                 (eq weight 'bold))
+            (list 'bold 'variable-pitch))
+           ((memq 'variable-pitch properties)
+            'variable-pitch)
+           ((eq weight 'bold)
+            'bold)
+           ('unspecified))
+          :background
+          (cond
+           ((and (memq 'accented properties)
+                 (memq 'faint properties)
+                 bgaccentfaint))
+           ((memq 'faint properties)
+            bgfaint)
+           ((memq 'accented properties)
+            bgaccent)
+           (bg))
+          :box
+          (cond
+           ((memq 'underline properties)
+            'unspecified)
+           ((memq 'flat properties)
+            (list :line-width -1 :color border))
+           ((list :line-width -1
+                  :style (if pressed-button-p
+                             'pressed-button
+                           'released-button)
+                  :color border)))
+          :weight
+          (cond
+           ((eq weight 'bold)
+            'unspecified) ; we :inherit the `bold' face above
+           (weight weight)
+           ('unspecified))
+          :height
+          (modus-themes--property-lookup properties 'height #'floatp 'unspecified)
+          :underline
+          (if (memq 'underline properties)
+              t
+            'unspecified))))
 ;;;; Utilities for DIY users
+;;;;; List colors (a variant of M-x list-colors-display)
+(defun modus-themes--list-colors-render (buffer theme &rest _)
+  "Render colors in BUFFER from THEME.
+Routine for `modus-themes-list-colors'."
+  (let ((palette (seq-uniq (modus-themes--palette theme)
+                           (lambda (x y)
+                             (eq (car x) (car y)))))
+        (current-buffer buffer)
+        (current-theme theme))
+    (with-help-window buffer
+      (with-current-buffer standard-output
+        (erase-buffer)
+        (when (<= (display-color-cells) 256)
+          (insert (concat "Your display terminal may not render all color previews!\n"
+                          "It seems to only support <= 256 colors.\n\n"))
+          (put-text-property (point-min) (point) 'face 'warning))
+        ;; We need this to properly render the first line.
+        (insert " ")
+        (dolist (cell palette)
+          (let* ((name (car cell))
+                 (color (cdr cell))
+                 (fg (readable-foreground-color color))
+                 (pad (make-string 5 ?\s)))
+            (let ((old-point (point)))
+              (insert (format "%s %s" color pad))
+              (put-text-property old-point (point) 'face `( :foreground ,color)))
+            (let ((old-point (point)))
+              (insert (format " %s %s %s\n" color pad name))
+              (put-text-property old-point (point)
+                                 'face `( :background ,color
+                                          :foreground ,fg
+                                          :extend t)))
+            ;; We need this to properly render the last line.
+            (insert " ")))
+        (setq-local revert-buffer-function
+                    (lambda (_ignore-auto _noconfirm)
+                       (modus-themes--list-colors-render current-buffer current-theme)))))))
+(defvar modus-themes--list-colors-prompt-history '()
+  "Minibuffer history for `modus-themes--list-colors-prompt'.")
+(defun modus-themes--list-colors-prompt ()
+  "Prompt for Modus theme.
+Helper function for `modus-themes-list-colors'."
+  (let ((def (format "%s" (modus-themes--current-theme))))
+    (completing-read
+     (format "Use palette from theme [%s]: " def)
+     '(modus-operandi modus-vivendi) nil t nil
+     'modus-themes--list-colors-prompt-history def)))
+(defun modus-themes-list-colors (theme)
+  "Preview palette of the Modus THEME of choice."
+  (interactive (list (intern (modus-themes--list-colors-prompt))))
+  (modus-themes--list-colors-render
+   (format "*%s-list-colors*" theme)
+   theme))
+(defun modus-themes-list-colors-current ()
+  "Call `modus-themes-list-colors' for the current Modus theme."
+  (interactive)
+  (modus-themes-list-colors (modus-themes--current-theme)))
+;;;;; Formula to measure relative luminance
 ;; This is the WCAG formula:
 (defun modus-themes-wcag-formula (hex)
   "Get WCAG value of color value HEX.
@@ -3782,6 +3981,8 @@ C1 and C2 are color values written in hexadecimal RGB."
                (+ (modus-themes-wcag-formula c2) 0.05))))
     (max ct (/ ct))))
+;;;;; Retrieve colors from the themes
 (defun modus-themes-current-palette ()
   "Return current color palette."
   (modus-themes--palette (modus-themes--current-theme)))
@@ -3846,34 +4047,11 @@ as when they are declared in the `:config' phase)."
 (defvar modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook nil
   "Hook that runs after the `modus-themes-toggle' routines.")
-;; The reason we use `load-theme' instead of `enable-theme' is that the
-;; former does a kind of "reset" on the face specs.  So it plays nicely
-;; with `custom-set-faces', as well as defcustom user customizations,
-;; including the likes of `modus-themes-operandi-color-overrides'.
-;; Tests show that `enable-theme' does not re-read those variables, so
-;; it might appear to the unsuspecting user that the themes are somehow
-;; broken.
-;; This "reset", however, comes at the cost of being a bit slower than
-;; `enable-theme'.  User who have a stable setup and seldom update their
-;; variables during a given Emacs session, are better off using
-;; something like this:
-;; (defun modus-themes-toggle-enabled ()
-;;   "Toggle between `modus-operandi' and `modus-vivendi' themes."
-;;   (interactive)
-;;   (pcase (modus-themes--current-theme)
-;;     ('modus-operandi (progn (enable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
-;;                             (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)))
-;;     ('modus-vivendi (progn (enable-theme 'modus-operandi)
-;;                             (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)))
-;;     (_ (error "No Modus theme is loaded; evaluate `modus-themes-load-themes' first"))))
 (defun modus-themes-load-operandi ()
   "Load `modus-operandi' and disable `modus-vivendi'.
 Also run `modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook'."
+  (interactive)
   (disable-theme 'modus-vivendi)
   (load-theme 'modus-operandi t)
   (run-hooks 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook))
@@ -3882,6 +4060,7 @@ Also run `modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook'."
 (defun modus-themes-load-vivendi ()
   "Load `modus-vivendi' and disable `modus-operandi'.
 Also run `modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook'."
+  (interactive)
   (disable-theme 'modus-operandi)
   (load-theme 'modus-vivendi t)
   (run-hooks 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook))
@@ -3978,88 +4157,102 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     ;; intended for `diff-mode' or equivalent
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-main blue-alt-other
                   bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added
                   green-nuanced-bg fg-diff-added
-                  bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran))))
+                  bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran
+                  blue-nuanced-bg fg-diff-added-deuteran))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-main yellow
                   bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed
                   yellow-nuanced-bg fg-diff-changed))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-main red
                   bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed
                   red-nuanced-bg fg-diff-removed))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-diff-added-deuteran fg-diff-added-deuteran
                   bg-diff-refine-added fg-diff-refine-added
                   bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added
-                  bg-diff-refine-added-deuteran fg-diff-refine-added-deuteran))))
+                  bg-diff-refine-added-deuteran fg-diff-refine-added-deuteran
+                  bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
                   bg-diff-refine-changed fg-diff-refine-changed
                   bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
                   bg-diff-refine-removed fg-diff-refine-removed
                   bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-dim blue-alt-other
                   bg-diff-focus-added fg-diff-focus-added
                   bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
-                  bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran))))
+                  bg-diff-focus-added-deuteran fg-diff-focus-added-deuteran
+                  bg-diff-added-deuteran fg-diff-added-deuteran))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-dim yellow
                   bg-diff-focus-changed fg-diff-focus-changed
                   bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-dim red
                   bg-diff-focus-removed fg-diff-focus-removed
                   bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                  bg-alt fg-main
                   bg-diff-heading fg-diff-heading
                   cyan-nuanced-bg cyan-nuanced-fg
                   bg-header fg-main
+                  bg-header fg-main
+;;;;; deuteranopia-specific
+    `(modus-themes-grue ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--deuteran blue green))))
+    `(modus-themes-grue-active ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--deuteran blue-active green-active))))
+    `(modus-themes-grue-nuanced ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--deuteran blue-nuanced-fg green-nuanced-fg))))
+    `(modus-themes-grue-background-active ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--deuteran
+                                                               'modus-themes-fringe-blue
+                                                               'modus-themes-fringe-green))))
+    `(modus-themes-grue-background-intense ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--deuteran
+                                                                'modus-themes-intense-blue
+                                                                'modus-themes-intense-green))))
+    `(modus-themes-grue-background-subtle ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--deuteran
+                                                               'modus-themes-subtle-blue
+                                                               'modus-themes-subtle-green))))
+    `(modus-themes-grue-background-subtle ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--deuteran
+                                                               'modus-themes-refine-blue
+                                                               'modus-themes-refine-green))))
 ;;;;; mark indicators
     ;; color combinations intended for Dired, Ibuffer, or equivalent
     `(modus-themes-pseudo-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(modus-themes-mark-alt ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-alt :foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
     `(modus-themes-mark-del ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-del :foreground ,fg-mark-del)))
-    `(modus-themes-mark-sel ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-mark-sel :foreground ,fg-mark-sel)))
+    `(modus-themes-mark-sel ((,class :inherit bold
+                                     :background ,@(modus-themes--deuteran
+                                                    cyan-refine-bg
+                                                    bg-mark-sel)
+                                     :foreground ,fg-mark-sel)))
     `(modus-themes-mark-symbol ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; heading levels
     ;; styles for regular headings used in Org, Markdown, Info, etc.
+    `(modus-themes-heading-0
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
+                  0 cyan-alt-other blue-alt
+                  cyan-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
                   1 fg-main magenta-alt-other
-                  magenta-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region)
-               ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
+                  magenta-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
                   2 fg-special-warm magenta-alt
-                  red-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region)
-               ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-3))))
+                  red-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
                   3 fg-special-cold blue
-                  blue-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region)
-               ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-2))))
+                  blue-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
                   4 fg-special-mild cyan
-                  cyan-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region)
-               ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-1))))
+                  cyan-nuanced-bg bg-alt bg-region))))
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
                   5 fg-special-calm green-alt-other
@@ -4076,58 +4269,96 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
       ((,class ,@(modus-themes--heading
                   8 magenta-nuanced-fg magenta
                   bg-alt bg-alt bg-region))))
-;;;;; graph-specific faces
-    `(modus-themes-graph-red-0 ((,class :background ,red-graph-0-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-red-1 ((,class :background ,red-graph-1-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-green-0 ((,class :background ,green-graph-0-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-green-1 ((,class :background ,green-graph-1-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-yellow-0 ((,class :background ,yellow-graph-0-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-yellow-1 ((,class :background ,yellow-graph-1-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-blue-0 ((,class :background ,blue-graph-0-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-blue-1 ((,class :background ,blue-graph-1-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-magenta-0 ((,class :background ,magenta-graph-0-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-magenta-1 ((,class :background ,magenta-graph-1-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-cyan-0 ((,class :background ,cyan-graph-0-bg)))
-    `(modus-themes-graph-cyan-1 ((,class :background ,cyan-graph-1-bg)))
 ;;;;; language checkers
     `(modus-themes-lang-error ((,class ,@(modus-themes--lang-check
                                           fg-lang-underline-error fg-lang-error
-                                          red red-refine-fg red-nuanced-bg red-refine-bg))))
+                                          red red-refine-fg red-nuanced-bg red-refine-bg red-faint))))
     `(modus-themes-lang-note ((,class ,@(modus-themes--lang-check
                                          fg-lang-underline-note fg-lang-note
-                                         blue-alt blue-refine-fg blue-nuanced-bg blue-refine-bg))))
+                                         blue-alt blue-refine-fg blue-nuanced-bg blue-refine-bg blue-faint))))
     `(modus-themes-lang-warning ((,class ,@(modus-themes--lang-check
                                             fg-lang-underline-warning fg-lang-warning
-                                            yellow yellow-refine-fg yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-refine-bg))))
-;;;;; other custom faces
+                                            yellow yellow-refine-fg yellow-nuanced-bg yellow-refine-bg yellow-faint))))
+;;;;; links
+    `(modus-themes-link-broken ((,class :inherit button ,@(modus-themes--link-color red red-faint))))
+    `(modus-themes-link-symlink ((,class :inherit button ,@(modus-themes--link-color cyan cyan-faint))))
+;;;;; markup
+    `(modus-themes-markup-code
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--markup cyan-alt-other cyan-intense bg-alt
+                                       bg-special-faint-mild))))
+    `(modus-themes-markup-macro
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--markup magenta-alt-other purple-intense bg-alt
+                                       bg-special-faint-cold))))
+    `(modus-themes-markup-verbatim
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--markup magenta-alt magenta-intense bg-alt
+                                       bg-special-faint-calm))))
+;;;;; search
+    `(modus-themes-search-success ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-yellow)))
+    `(modus-themes-search-success-lazy ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-cyan)))
+    `(modus-themes-search-success-modeline ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--deuteran
+                                                                   blue-active
+                                                                   green-active))))
+;;;;; tabs
+    `(modus-themes-tab-active ((,class ,@(modus-themes--tab bg-tab-active nil nil nil t t))))
+    `(modus-themes-tab-backdrop ((,class ,@(modus-themes--tab bg-active bg-active-accent nil nil nil nil t))))
+    `(modus-themes-tab-inactive ((,class ,@(modus-themes--tab bg-tab-inactive bg-tab-inactive-accent fg-dim nil t))))
+;;;;; completion frameworks
+    `(modus-themes-completion-match-0
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--completion-match
+                  'matches bg-special-faint-calm magenta-alt
+                  magenta-subtle-bg magenta-intense))))
+    `(modus-themes-completion-match-1
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--completion-match
+                  'matches bg-special-faint-cold cyan
+                  cyan-subtle-bg cyan-intense))))
+    `(modus-themes-completion-match-2
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--completion-match
+                  'matches bg-special-faint-mild green
+                  green-subtle-bg green-intense))))
+    `(modus-themes-completion-match-3
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--completion-match
+                  'matches bg-special-faint-warm yellow
+                  yellow-subtle-bg orange-intense))))
+    `(modus-themes-completion-selected
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--completion-line
+                  'selection bg-inactive blue-alt
+                  bg-active blue-active
+                  bg-completion-subtle bg-completion))))
+    `(modus-themes-completion-selected-popup
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--completion-line
+                  'popup bg-active blue-alt
+                  bg-region blue-active
+                  cyan-subtle-bg cyan-refine-bg))))
+;;;;; buttons
+    `(modus-themes-box-button
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--button bg-active bg-main bg-active-accent
+                                       bg-special-cold bg-region))))
+    `(modus-themes-box-button-pressed
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--button bg-active bg-main bg-active-accent
+                                       bg-special-cold bg-region t))))
+;;;;; typography
     `(modus-themes-bold ((,class ,@(modus-themes--bold-weight))))
+    `(modus-themes-fixed-pitch ((,class ,@(modus-themes--fixed-pitch))))
+    `(modus-themes-slant ((,class ,@(modus-themes--slant))))
+    `(modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui))))
+;;;;; other custom faces
     `(modus-themes-hl-line ((,class ,@(modus-themes--hl-line
                                        bg-hl-line bg-hl-line-intense
                                        bg-hl-line-intense-accent blue-nuanced-bg
                                        bg-region blue-intense-bg
-                                       fg-alt cyan-intense)
+                                       fg-alt blue-intense)
                                     :extend t)))
-    `(modus-themes-key-binding ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+    `(modus-themes-key-binding ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-fixed-pitch)
+                                        :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(modus-themes-prompt ((,class ,@(modus-themes--prompt
                                       cyan-alt-other blue-alt-other fg-alt
                                       cyan-nuanced-bg blue-refine-bg fg-main
                                       bg-alt bg-active))))
-    `(modus-themes-reset-hard ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch modus-themes-reset-soft))))
+    `(modus-themes-reset-hard ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch modus-themes-reset-soft)
+                                       :family ,(face-attribute 'default :family))))
     `(modus-themes-reset-soft ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main
                                        :weight normal :slant normal :strike-through nil
                                        :box nil :underline nil :overline nil :extend nil)))
-    `(modus-themes-search-success ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                       'modus-themes-intense-blue
-                                                       'modus-themes-intense-green))))
-    `(modus-themes-search-success-lazy ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                            'modus-themes-special-mild
-                                                            'modus-themes-refine-cyan))))
-    `(modus-themes-search-success-modeline ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                                   blue-active
-                                                                   green-active))))
-    `(modus-themes-slant ((,class :inherit italic :slant ,@(modus-themes--slant))))
-    `(modus-themes-variable-pitch ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch))))
-    `(modus-themes-fixed-pitch ((,class ,@(modus-themes--fixed-pitch))))
 ;;;; standard faces
 ;;;;; absolute essentials
     `(default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -4138,34 +4369,43 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;;; basic and/or ungrouped styles
     `(bold ((,class :weight bold)))
     `(bold-italic ((,class :inherit (bold italic))))
+    `(underline ((,class :underline ,fg-alt)))
     `(buffer-menu-buffer ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(child-frame-border ((,class :background ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
     `(comint-highlight-input ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
+    `(confusingly-reordered ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
+    `(edmacro-label ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(elisp-shorthand-font-lock-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
     `(error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
     `(escape-glyph ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
-    `(file-name-shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-    `(header-line ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui)
+    `(file-name-shadow ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(header-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch
                            :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
-    `(header-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-blue)))
+    `(header-line-highlight ((,class :inherit highlight)))
     `(help-argument-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(help-key-binding ((,class :box (:line-width (1 . -1) :color ,bg-region) ; NOTE: box syntax is for Emacs28
-                                :background ,bg-inactive)))
+    `(help-key-binding ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
     `(homoglyph ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-faint)))
     `(ibuffer-locked-buffer ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other-faint)))
+    `(icon-button ((,class :inherit modus-themes-box-button)))
     `(italic ((,class :slant italic)))
     `(nobreak-hyphen ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct)))
     `(nobreak-space ((,class :foreground ,fg-escape-char-construct :underline t)))
+    `(menu ((,class :inverse-video unspecified :inherit modus-themes-intense-neutral)))
     `(minibuffer-prompt ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
     `(mm-command-output ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(mm-uu-extract ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
     `(next-error ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red :extend t)))
-    `(rectangle-preview ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-mild)))
+    `(pgtk-im-0 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-cyan)))
+    `(read-multiple-choice-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-mark-alt))))
+    `(rectangle-preview ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
     `(region ((,class ,@(modus-themes--region bg-region fg-main
                                               bg-hl-alt-intense bg-region-accent
     `(secondary-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
+    `(separator-line ((,class :underline ,bg-region)))
     `(shadow ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-    `(success ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran blue green))))
+    `(success ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-grue))))
     `(trailing-whitespace ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg)))
     `(warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; buttons, links, widgets
@@ -4177,15 +4417,16 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
                                magenta-alt-other magenta-alt-other-faint fg-alt))))
     `(tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(widget-button ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(widget-button-pressed ((,class :inherit widget-button :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(widget-button ((,class ,@(if (memq 'all-buttons modus-themes-box-buttons)
+                                   (list :inherit 'modus-themes-box-button)
+                                 (list :inherit 'bold :foreground blue-alt)))))
+    `(widget-button-pressed ((,class ,@(if (memq 'all-buttons modus-themes-box-buttons)
+                                           (list :inherit 'modus-themes-box-button-pressed)
+                                         (list :inherit 'bold :foreground magenta-alt)))))
     `(widget-documentation ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(widget-field ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(widget-inactive ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(widget-field ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main :extend nil)))
+    `(widget-inactive ((,class :inherit shadow :background ,bg-dim)))
     `(widget-single-line-field ((,class :inherit widget-field)))
-;;;;; ag
-    `(ag-hit-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(ag-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
 ;;;;; alert
     `(alert-high-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
     `(alert-low-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
@@ -4193,121 +4434,124 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(alert-trivial-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
     `(alert-urgent-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-intense)))
 ;;;;; all-the-icons
-    `(all-the-icons-blue ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+    `(all-the-icons-blue ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(all-the-icons-blue-alt ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(all-the-icons-cyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(all-the-icons-cyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
     `(all-the-icons-cyan-alt ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dorange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dred ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(all-the-icons-dyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(all-the-icons-green ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lorange ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lred ((,class :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(all-the-icons-lyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
-    `(all-the-icons-maroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(all-the-icons-orange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(all-the-icons-pink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(all-the-icons-purple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(all-the-icons-purple-alt ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(all-the-icons-red ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(all-the-icons-red-alt ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dgreen ((,class :foreground ,green)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dorange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dred ((,class :foreground ,red-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dsilver ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-dyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-green ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lblue ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lcyan ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lgreen ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lmaroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lorange ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lpink ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lpurple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lred ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lsilver ((,class :foreground ,fg-docstring)))
+    `(all-the-icons-lyellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+    `(all-the-icons-maroon ((,class :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
+    `(all-the-icons-orange ((,class :foreground ,orange-intense)))
+    `(all-the-icons-pink ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+    `(all-the-icons-purple ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(all-the-icons-purple-alt ((,class :foreground ,purple-intense)))
+    `(all-the-icons-red ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
+    `(all-the-icons-red-alt ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(all-the-icons-silver ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(all-the-icons-yellow ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; all-the-icons-dired
+    `(all-the-icons-dired-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+;;;;; all-the-icons-ibuffer
+    `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-dir-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-file-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-faint)))
+    `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-mode-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(all-the-icons-ibuffer-size-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; annotate
     `(annotate-annotation ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-blue)))
     `(annotate-annotation-secondary ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-green)))
     `(annotate-highlight ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :underline ,blue-intense)))
     `(annotate-highlight-secondary ((,class :background ,green-nuanced-bg :underline ,green-intense)))
+;;;;; ansi-color
+    ;; Those are in Emacs28.
+    `(ansi-color-black ((,class :background "black" :foreground "black")))
+    `(ansi-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
+    `(ansi-color-bold ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-black ((,class :background "gray35" :foreground "gray35")))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-blue ((,class :background ,blue-alt :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan-alt-other :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-green ((,class :background ,green-alt-other :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta-alt-other :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-red ((,class :background ,red-alt :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-white ((,class :background "white" :foreground "white")))
+    `(ansi-color-bright-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-alt :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+    `(ansi-color-cyan ((,class :background ,cyan :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(ansi-color-green ((,class :background ,green :foreground ,green)))
+    `(ansi-color-magenta ((,class :background ,magenta :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(ansi-color-red ((,class :background ,red :foreground ,red)))
+    `(ansi-color-white ((,class :background "gray65" :foreground "gray65")))
+    `(ansi-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; anzu
     `(anzu-match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-cyan)))
     `(anzu-match-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
     `(anzu-match-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-yellow)))
     `(anzu-mode-line ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-search-success-modeline))))
     `(anzu-mode-line-no-match ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(anzu-replace-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow :underline t)))
-    `(anzu-replace-to ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success bold))))
+    `(anzu-replace-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-red :underline t)))
+    `(anzu-replace-to ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
 ;;;;; apropos
-    `(apropos-button ((,class :inherit button
-                              ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                 magenta-alt-other magenta-alt-other-faint))))
-    `(apropos-function-button ((,class :inherit button
-                                       ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                          magenta magenta-faint))))
+    `(apropos-button ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(apropos-function-button ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(apropos-keybinding ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
-    `(apropos-misc-button ((,class :inherit button
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                      cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-other-faint))))
+    `(apropos-misc-button ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
     `(apropos-property ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(apropos-symbol ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
-    `(apropos-user-option-button ((,class :inherit button
-                                          ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                             cyan cyan-faint))))
-    `(apropos-variable-button ((,class :inherit button
-                                       ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                          blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
-;;;;; apt-sources-list
-    `(apt-sources-list-components ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(apt-sources-list-options ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(apt-sources-list-suite ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(apt-sources-list-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(apt-sources-list-uri ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+    `(apropos-user-option-button ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(apropos-variable-button ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; artbollocks-mode
     `(artbollocks-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-note)))
     `(artbollocks-lexical-illusions-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,red-alt :underline t)))
     `(artbollocks-passive-voice-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-warning)))
     `(artbollocks-weasel-words-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
 ;;;;; auctex and Tex
-    `(font-latex-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-    `(font-latex-doctex-documentation-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-    `(font-latex-italic-face ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-    `(font-latex-math-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(font-latex-script-char-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(font-latex-sectioning-0-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(font-latex-sectioning-1-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(font-latex-sectioning-2-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(font-latex-sectioning-3-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(font-latex-sectioning-4-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(font-latex-sedate-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(font-latex-slide-title-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,cyan-nuanced-fg
-                                           ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
+    `(font-latex-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(font-latex-doctex-documentation-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-doc-face)))
+    `(font-latex-doctex-preprocessor-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)))
+    `(font-latex-italic-face ((,class :inherit italic)))
+    `(font-latex-math-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
+    `(font-latex-script-char-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)))
+    `(font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
+    `(font-latex-sedate-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
+    `(font-latex-slide-title-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
     `(font-latex-string-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
     `(font-latex-subscript-face ((,class :height 0.95)))
     `(font-latex-superscript-face ((,class :height 0.95)))
-    `(font-latex-verbatim-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+    `(font-latex-underline-face ((,class :inherit underline)))
+    `(font-latex-verbatim-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
     `(font-latex-warning-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
-    `(tex-match ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(tex-verbatim ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+    `(tex-verbatim ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
     `(texinfo-heading ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(TeX-error-description-error ((,class :inherit error)))
-    `(TeX-error-description-help ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
-    `(TeX-error-description-tex-said ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+    `(TeX-error-description-help ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(TeX-error-description-tex-said ((,class :inherit success)))
     `(TeX-error-description-warning ((,class :inherit warning)))
 ;;;;; auto-dim-other-buffers
     `(auto-dim-other-buffers-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
 ;;;;; avy
     `(avy-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim :extend t)))
-    `(avy-goto-char-timer-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-yellow bold))))
-    `(avy-lead-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-magenta bold modus-themes-reset-soft))))
-    `(avy-lead-face-0 ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-refine-cyan bold modus-themes-reset-soft))))
-    `(avy-lead-face-1 ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-neutral bold modus-themes-reset-soft))))
-    `(avy-lead-face-2 ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-refine-red bold modus-themes-reset-soft))))
+    `(avy-goto-char-timer-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-neutral bold))))
+    `(avy-lead-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-0)))
+    `(avy-lead-face-0 ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-1)))
+    `(avy-lead-face-1 ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-special-warm modus-themes-reset-soft))))
+    `(avy-lead-face-2 ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-reset-soft) :background ,bg-char-2)))
 ;;;;; aw (ace-window)
     `(aw-background-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
     `(aw-key-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
@@ -4351,7 +4595,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(bongo-marked-track ((,class :foreground ,fg-mark-alt)))
     `(bongo-marked-track-line ((,class :background ,bg-mark-alt)))
     `(bongo-played-track ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused :strike-through t)))
-    `(bongo-track-length ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(bongo-track-length ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(bongo-track-title ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
     `(bongo-unfilled-seek-bar ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; boon
@@ -4360,14 +4604,11 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(boon-modeline-off ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-yellow)))
     `(boon-modeline-spc ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-green)))
 ;;;;; bookmark
-    `(bookmark-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm :extend t)))
+    `(bookmark-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-cyan)))
+    `(bookmark-menu-bookmark ((,class :inherit bold)))
 ;;;;; breakpoint (built-in gdb-mi.el)
     `(breakpoint-disabled ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(breakpoint-enabled ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
-;;;;; buffer-expose
-    `(buffer-expose-ace-char-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(buffer-expose-mode-line-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
-    `(buffer-expose-selected-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-mild)))
 ;;;;; calendar and diary
     `(calendar-month-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
     `(calendar-today ((,class :inherit bold :underline t)))
@@ -4390,15 +4631,34 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(cfw:face-saturday ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(cfw:face-select ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
     `(cfw:face-sunday ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(cfw:face-title ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch
-                              :foreground ,fg-special-cold
-                              ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-title))))
+    `(cfw:face-title ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1 :background ,bg-main :overline nil :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(cfw:face-today ((,class :background ,bg-inactive)))
     `(cfw:face-today-title ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
     `(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
     `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class :inherit bold :background ,blue-nuanced-bg
                                           :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+;;;;; calibredb
+    `(calibredb-archive-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
+    `(calibredb-author-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-faint)))
+    `(calibredb-comment-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(calibredb-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(calibredb-edit-annotation-header-title-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(calibredb-favorite-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(calibredb-file-face (( )))
+    `(calibredb-format-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
+    `(calibredb-highlight-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(calibredb-id-face (( )))
+    `(calibredb-ids-face (( )))
+    `(calibredb-search-header-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-hl-line)))
+    `(calibredb-search-header-library-name-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
+    `(calibredb-search-header-library-path-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(calibredb-search-header-sort-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+    `(calibredb-search-header-total-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+    `(calibredb-search-header-filter-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(calibredb-mark-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
+    `(calibredb-size-face (( )))
+    `(calibredb-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
 ;;;;; centaur-tabs
     `(centaur-tabs-active-bar-face ((,class :background ,blue-active)))
     `(centaur-tabs-close-mouse-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active :underline t)))
@@ -4406,15 +4666,15 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(centaur-tabs-close-unselected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-unselected)))
     `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-selected)))
     `(centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected ((,class :inherit centaur-tabs-unselected)))
-    `(centaur-tabs-default ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
-    `(centaur-tabs-selected ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(centaur-tabs-selected-modified ((,class :inherit italic :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(centaur-tabs-unselected ((,class :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(centaur-tabs-unselected-modified ((,class :inherit italic :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+    `(centaur-tabs-default ((,class :background ,bg-main)))
+    `(centaur-tabs-selected ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-active)))
+    `(centaur-tabs-selected-modified ((,class :inherit (italic centaur-tabs-selected))))
+    `(centaur-tabs-unselected ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-inactive)))
+    `(centaur-tabs-unselected-modified ((,class :inherit (italic centaur-tabs-unselected))))
 ;;;;; cfrs
     `(cfrs-border-color ((,class :background ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
 ;;;;; change-log and log-view (`vc-print-log' and `vc-print-root-log')
-    `(change-log-acknowledgment ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(change-log-acknowledgment ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(change-log-conditionals ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(change-log-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(change-log-email ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
@@ -4423,6 +4683,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(change-log-list ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(change-log-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(log-edit-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+    `(log-edit-headers-separator ((,class :height 1 :background ,fg-window-divider-inner :extend t)))
     `(log-edit-summary ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
     `(log-edit-unknown-header ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(log-view-commit-body ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
@@ -4454,15 +4715,13 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(cider-stacktrace-filter-active-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt :underline t)))
     `(cider-stacktrace-filter-inactive-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
     `(cider-stacktrace-fn-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(cider-stacktrace-ns-face ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(cider-stacktrace-ns-face ((,class :inherit (shadow italic))))
     `(cider-stacktrace-promoted-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 :color ,fg-alt :style released-button) :foreground ,red)))
     `(cider-stacktrace-suppressed-button-face ((,class :box (:line-width 3 :color ,fg-alt :style pressed-button)
                                                        :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
     `(cider-test-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red)))
     `(cider-test-failure-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-red bold))))
-    `(cider-test-success-face ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                   'modus-themes-intense-blue
-                                                   'modus-themes-intense-green))))
+    `(cider-test-success-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-intense)))
     `(cider-traced-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,cyan :style nil) :background ,bg-dim)))
     `(cider-warning-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow :underline t)))
 ;;;;; circe (and lui)
@@ -4473,6 +4732,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(lui-button-face ((,class :inherit button)))
     `(lui-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(lui-time-stamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
+;;;;; citar
+    `(citar ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(citar-highlight (( )))
 ;;;;; color-rg
     `(color-rg-font-lock-column-number ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(color-rg-font-lock-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -4491,44 +4753,40 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;;; column-enforce-mode
     `(column-enforce-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
 ;;;;; company-mode
-    `(company-echo-common ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(company-echo-common ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
     `(company-preview ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(company-preview-common ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(company-preview-common ((,class :inherit company-echo-common)))
     `(company-preview-search ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
+    `(company-template-field ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-magenta)))
     `(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
     `(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class :background ,fg-active)))
-    `(company-template-field ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-magenta)))
-    `(company-tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-    `(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(company-tooltip-common ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
+    `(company-tooltip ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+    `(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class :inherit completions-annotations)))
+    `(company-tooltip-common ((,class :inherit company-echo-common)))
+    `(company-tooltip-deprecated ((,class :inherit company-tooltip :strike-through t)))
+    `(company-tooltip-mouse ((,class :inherit highlight)))
+    `(company-tooltip-scrollbar-thumb ((,class :background ,fg-active)))
+    `(company-tooltip-scrollbar-track ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
     `(company-tooltip-search ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success-lazy bold))))
-    `(company-tooltip-search-selection ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success bold) :underline t)))
-    `(company-tooltip-selection ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-subtle-cyan bold))))
+    `(company-tooltip-search-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success :underline t)))
+    `(company-tooltip-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected-popup)))
 ;;;;; company-posframe
     `(company-posframe-active-backend-name ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active :foreground ,blue-active)))
     `(company-posframe-inactive-backend-name ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-active)))
     `(company-posframe-metadata ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
-;;;;; compilation feedback
-    `(compilation-column-number ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+;;;;; compilation
+    `(compilation-column-number ((,class :inherit compilation-line-number)))
     `(compilation-error ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red)))
     `(compilation-info ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(compilation-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(compilation-mode-line-exit ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+    `(compilation-mode-line-exit ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(compilation-mode-line-fail ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
-    `(compilation-warning ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+    `(compilation-warning ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
 ;;;;; completions
     `(completions-annotations ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,cyan-faint)))
-    `(completions-common-part ((,class ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                          blue-alt blue-nuanced-bg
-                                          cyan-refine-bg cyan-refine-fg))))
-    `(completions-first-difference ((,class :inherit bold
-                                            ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                               magenta-alt blue-nuanced-bg
-                                               magenta-intense-bg fg-main))))
+    `(completions-common-part ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(completions-first-difference ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-1)))
 ;;;;; consult
     `(consult-async-running ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
     `(consult-async-split ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
@@ -4540,13 +4798,15 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(consult-line-number-prefix ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
     `(consult-narrow-indicator ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(consult-preview-cursor ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
-    `(consult-preview-error ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
-    `(consult-preview-line ((,class :background ,bg-hl-alt-intense)))
+    `(consult-preview-insertion ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
 ;;;;; corfu
-    `(corfu-background ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
-    `(corfu-current ((,class :inherit bold :background ,cyan-subtle-bg)))
+    `(corfu-current ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected-popup)))
     `(corfu-bar ((,class :background ,fg-alt)))
     `(corfu-border ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
+    `(corfu-default ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+;;;;; corfu-quick
+    `(corfu-quick1 ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-char-0)))
+    `(corfu-quick2 ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-char-1)))
 ;;;;; counsel
     `(counsel-active-mode ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(counsel-application-name ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
@@ -4568,8 +4828,6 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-5 ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(counsel-css-selector-depth-face-6 ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-;;;;; counsel-org-capture-string
-    `(counsel-org-capture-string-template-body-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; cov
     `(cov-coverage-not-run-face ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
     `(cov-coverage-run-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
@@ -4581,35 +4839,40 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(cperl-nonoverridable-face ((,class :foreground unspecified)))
     `(cperl-array-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
     `(cperl-hash-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+;;;;; crontab-mode
+    `(crontab-minute ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(crontab-hour ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(crontab-month-day ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(crontab-month ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
+    `(crontab-week-day ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(crontab-predefined ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; css-mode
     `(css-property ((,class :inherit font-lock-type-face)))
     `(css-selector ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
 ;;;;; csv-mode
     `(csv-separator-face ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
 ;;;;; ctrlf
-    `(ctrlf-highlight-active ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success bold))))
+    `(ctrlf-highlight-active ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
     `(ctrlf-highlight-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-hl-line)))
     `(ctrlf-highlight-passive ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success-lazy)))
 ;;;;; custom (M-x customize)
-    `(custom-button ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style released-button)
-                             :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(custom-button-mouse ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style released-button)
-                                   :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-active)))
-    `(custom-button-pressed ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color nil :style pressed-button)
-                                     :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(custom-button ((,class :inherit modus-themes-box-button)))
+    `(custom-button-mouse ((,class :inherit (highlight custom-button))))
+    `(custom-button-pressed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-box-button-pressed)))
     `(custom-changed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-cyan)))
     `(custom-comment ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(custom-comment-tag ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
     `(custom-face-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-intense)))
-    `(custom-group-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-intense)))
+    `(custom-group-tag ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(custom-group-tag-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
     `(custom-invalid ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-red bold))))
     `(custom-modified ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-cyan)))
     `(custom-rogue ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
     `(custom-set ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(custom-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(custom-state ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-faint)))
     `(custom-themed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-blue)))
-    `(custom-variable-tag ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(custom-variable-obsolete ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(custom-variable-tag ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; dap-mode
     `(dap-mouse-eval-thing-face ((,class :box (:line-width -1 :color ,blue-active :style nil)
                                          :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -4624,12 +4887,6 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(dap-ui-sessions-stack-frame-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(dap-ui-sessions-terminated-active-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
     `(dap-ui-sessions-terminated-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-;;;;; dashboard (emacs-dashboard)
-    `(dashboard-banner-logo-title ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(dashboard-footer ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(dashboard-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(dashboard-navigator ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(dashboard-text-banner ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
 ;;;;; deadgrep
     `(deadgrep-filename-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(deadgrep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
@@ -4649,17 +4906,18 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(debbugs-gnu-stale-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
     `(debbugs-gnu-stale-5 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
     `(debbugs-gnu-tagged ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-;;;;; define-word
-    `(define-word-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(define-word-face-2 ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; deft
-    `(deft-filter-string-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-red)))
-    `(deft-filter-string-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
-    `(deft-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(deft-separator-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(deft-summary-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-    `(deft-time-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(deft-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(deft-filter-string-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
+    `(deft-header-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+    `(deft-separator-face ((,class :foreground "gray50")))
+    `(deft-summary-face ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-slant))))
+    `(deft-time-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(deft-title-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+;;;;; denote
+    `(denote-faces-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(denote-faces-keywords ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+;;;;; devdocs
+    `(devdocs-code-block ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :background ,bg-dim :extend t)))
 ;;;;; dictionary
     `(dictionary-button-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(dictionary-reference-face ((,class :inherit button)))
@@ -4673,13 +4931,12 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(diff-hl-dired-ignored ((,class :inherit dired-ignored)))
     `(diff-hl-dired-insert ((,class :inherit diff-hl-insert)))
     `(diff-hl-dired-unknown ((,class :inherit dired-ignored)))
-    `(diff-hl-insert ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran
-                                          'modus-themes-fringe-blue
-                                          'modus-themes-fringe-green))))
+    `(diff-hl-insert ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-active)))
     `(diff-hl-reverted-hunk-highlight ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
 ;;;;; diff-mode
     `(diff-added ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-added)))
     `(diff-changed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-changed :extend t)))
+    `(diff-changed-unspecified ((,class :inherit diff-changed)))
     `(diff-context ((,class ,@(unless (eq modus-themes-diffs 'bg-only) (list :foreground fg-unfocused)))))
     `(diff-error ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
     `(diff-file-header ((,class :inherit (bold diff-header))))
@@ -4687,8 +4944,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(diff-header ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(diff-hunk-header ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-diff-heading))))
     `(diff-index ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :inherit (diff-added bold)
-                                    :foreground ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran blue green))))
+    `(diff-indicator-added ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-grue diff-added bold))))
     `(diff-indicator-changed ((,class :inherit (diff-changed bold) :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(diff-indicator-removed ((,class :inherit (diff-removed bold) :foreground ,red)))
     `(diff-nonexistent ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-neutral bold))))
@@ -4705,7 +4961,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(dir-treeview-audio-icon-face ((,class :inherit dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(dir-treeview-control-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(dir-treeview-control-mouse-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
-    `(dir-treeview-default-icon-face ((,class :inherit bold :family "Font Awesome" :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(dir-treeview-default-icon-face ((,class :inherit (shadow bold) :family "Font Awesome")))
     `(dir-treeview-default-filename-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(dir-treeview-directory-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(dir-treeview-directory-icon-face ((,class :inherit dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,blue-alt)))
@@ -4716,13 +4972,11 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(dir-treeview-indent-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(dir-treeview-label-mouse-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
     `(dir-treeview-start-dir-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
-    `(dir-treeview-symlink-face ((,class :inherit button
-                                         ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                            cyan cyan-faint))))
+    `(dir-treeview-symlink-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-symlink)))
     `(dir-treeview-video-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(dir-treeview-video-icon-face ((,class :inherit dir-treeview-default-icon-face :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; dired
-    `(dired-broken-symlink ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,red)))
+    `(dired-broken-symlink ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-broken)))
     `(dired-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(dired-flagged ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-del)))
     `(dired-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
@@ -4730,9 +4984,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(dired-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-symbol)))
     `(dired-marked ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
     `(dired-perm-write ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(dired-symlink ((,class :inherit button
-                             ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                cyan-alt cyan-alt-faint))))
+    `(dired-symlink ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-symlink)))
     `(dired-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
 ;;;;; dired-async
     `(dired-async-failures ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
@@ -4742,7 +4994,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(dired-git-branch-else ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(dired-git-branch-master ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; dired-git-info
-    `(dgi-commit-message-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+    `(dgi-commit-message-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; dired-narrow
     `(dired-narrow-blink ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-subtle-cyan bold))))
 ;;;;; dired-subtree
@@ -4756,33 +5008,28 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(dired-subtree-depth-4-face (()))
     `(dired-subtree-depth-5-face (()))
     `(dired-subtree-depth-6-face (()))
-;;;;; diredc
-    `(diredc-face-chmod-font-lock-dir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(diredc-face-chmod-font-lock-exec ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(diredc-face-chmod-font-lock-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(diredc-face-chmod-font-lock-write ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; diredfl
     `(diredfl-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
     `(diredfl-compressed-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(diredfl-compressed-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(diredfl-date-time ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(diredfl-date-time ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(diredfl-deletion ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-del)))
     `(diredfl-deletion-file-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-del)))
     `(diredfl-dir-heading ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
     `(diredfl-dir-name ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
     `(diredfl-dir-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(diredfl-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(diredfl-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(diredfl-executable-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(diredfl-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(diredfl-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(diredfl-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(diredfl-flag-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
     `(diredfl-flag-mark-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
     `(diredfl-ignored-file-name ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(diredfl-link-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(diredfl-no-priv ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(diredfl-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+    `(diredfl-no-priv ((,class :foreground "gray50")))
+    `(diredfl-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other-faint)))
     `(diredfl-other-priv ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(diredfl-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(diredfl-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(diredfl-read-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(diredfl-symlink ((,class :inherit dired-symlink)))
     `(diredfl-tagged-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
@@ -4791,40 +5038,33 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(diredp-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
     `(diredp-compressed-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(diredp-compressed-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(diredp-date-time ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(diredp-date-time ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(diredp-deletion ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-del)))
     `(diredp-deletion-file-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-del)))
     `(diredp-dir-heading ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
     `(diredp-dir-name ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
     `(diredp-dir-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(diredp-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(diredp-exec-priv ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(diredp-executable-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(diredp-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(diredp-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(diredp-file-suffix ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(diredp-flag-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
     `(diredp-flag-mark-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
     `(diredp-ignored-file-name ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(diredp-link-priv ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(diredp-mode-line-flagged ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(diredp-mode-line-marked ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
-    `(diredp-no-priv ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(diredp-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+    `(diredp-no-priv ((,class :foreground "gray50")))
+    `(diredp-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other-faint)))
     `(diredp-omit-file-name ((,class :inherit shadow :strike-through t)))
     `(diredp-other-priv ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(diredp-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(diredp-rare-priv ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(diredp-read-priv ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(diredp-symlink ((,class :inherit dired-symlink)))
     `(diredp-tagged-autofile-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
     `(diredp-write-priv ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-;;;;; disk-usage
-    `(disk-usage-children ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(disk-usage-inaccessible ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
-    `(disk-usage-percent ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(disk-usage-size ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(disk-usage-symlink ((,class :inherit button)))
-    `(disk-usage-symlink-directory ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
 ;;;;; display-fill-column-indicator-mode
-    `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :foreground ,bg-active)))
+    `(fill-column-indicator ((,class :height 1 :background ,bg-region :foreground ,bg-region)))
 ;;;;; doom-modeline
     `(doom-modeline-bar ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-blue)))
     `(doom-modeline-bar-inactive ((,class :background ,fg-inactive :foreground ,bg-main)))
@@ -4853,9 +5093,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(doom-modeline-host ((,class :inherit italic)))
     `(doom-modeline-info ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
     `(doom-modeline-lsp-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(doom-modeline-lsp-success ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                                      blue-active
-                                                                      green-active))))
+    `(doom-modeline-lsp-success ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-grue-active))))
     `(doom-modeline-lsp-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
     `(doom-modeline-panel ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-blue)))
     `(doom-modeline-persp-buffer-not-in-persp ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,yellow-active)))
@@ -4866,14 +5104,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(doom-modeline-unread-number ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-active)))
     `(doom-modeline-urgent ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(doom-modeline-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
-;;;;; dynamic-ruler
-    `(dynamic-ruler-negative-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-neutral)))
-    `(dynamic-ruler-positive-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-yellow)))
 ;;;;; easy-jekyll
-    `(easy-jekyll-help-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-;;;;; easy-kill
-    `(easy-kill-origin ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red)))
-    `(easy-kill-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-yellow)))
+    `(easy-jekyll-help-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; ebdb
     `(ebdb-address-default ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
     `(ebdb-defunct ((,class :inherit shadow)))
@@ -4887,13 +5119,12 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(ebdb-phone-default ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(eieio-custom-slot-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
 ;;;;; ediff
-    `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-focus-removed)))
+    `(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-removed)))
     `(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                                              bg-alt fg-special-cold
                                               bg-special-cold fg-special-cold
                                               blue-nuanced-bg blue))))
-    `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-focus-added)))
-    `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-focus-changed)))
+    `(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-added)))
+    `(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-changed)))
     `(ediff-even-diff-A ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(ediff-even-diff-B ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
@@ -4906,6 +5137,13 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor ((,class :inherit ediff-even-diff-Ancestor)))
     `(ediff-odd-diff-B ((,class :inherit ediff-even-diff-B)))
     `(ediff-odd-diff-C ((,class :inherit ediff-even-diff-C)))
+;;;;; ein (Emacs IPython Notebook)
+    `(ein:basecell-input-area-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :extend t)))
+    `(ein:cell-output-area (( )))
+    `(ein:cell-output-area-error ((,class :background ,red-nuanced-bg :extend t)))
+    `(ein:cell-output-stderr ((,class :background ,red-nuanced-bg :extend t)))
+    `(ein:markdowncell-input-area-face (( )))
+    `(ein:notification-tab-normal ((,class :underline t)))
 ;;;;; eglot
     `(eglot-mode-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
 ;;;;; el-search
@@ -4915,7 +5153,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(el-search-occur-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
 ;;;;; eldoc
     ;; NOTE: see
-    (list 'eldoc-highlight-function-argument `((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+    (list 'eldoc-highlight-function-argument `((,class :inherit bold
+                                                       :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                                       :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; eldoc-box
     `(eldoc-box-body ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(eldoc-box-border ((,class :background ,fg-alt)))
@@ -4928,10 +5168,10 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(elfeed-search-date-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(elfeed-search-feed-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-faint)))
     `(elfeed-search-filter-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
-    `(elfeed-search-last-update-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
-    `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(elfeed-search-last-update-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+    `(elfeed-search-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
     `(elfeed-search-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(elfeed-search-unread-count-face ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+    `(elfeed-search-unread-count-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-active)))
     `(elfeed-search-unread-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; elfeed-score
     `(elfeed-score-date-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
@@ -4939,9 +5179,32 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(elfeed-score-error-level-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(elfeed-score-info-level-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(elfeed-score-warn-level-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; elpher
+    `(elpher-gemini-heading1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
+    `(elpher-gemini-heading2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
+    `(elpher-gemini-heading3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
 ;;;;; embark
     `(embark-keybinding ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
+    `(embark-collect-marked ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
+;;;;; ement (ement.el)
+    `(ement-room-fully-read-marker ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg)))
+    `(ement-room-membership ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(ement-room-mention ((,class :background ,bg-hl-alt-intense)))
+    `(ement-room-name ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(ement-room-reactions ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(ement-room-read-receipt-marker ((,class :background ,yellow-subtle-bg)))
+    `(ement-room-self ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(ement-room-self-message ((,class :foreground ,magenta-faint)))
+    `(ement-room-timestamp ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(ement-room-timestamp-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(ement-room-user ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
 ;;;;; emms
+    `(emms-browser-album-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(emms-browser-artist-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(emms-browser-composer-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(emms-browser-performer-face ((,class :inherit emms-browser-artist-face)))
+    `(emms-browser-track-face ((,class :inherit emms-playlist-track-face)))
+    `(emms-browser-year/genre-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(emms-playlist-track-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
     `(emms-playlist-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(emms-metaplaylist-mode-current-face ((,class :inherit emms-playlist-selected-face)))
@@ -4973,28 +5236,28 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(equake-tab-active ((,class :background ,fg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
     `(equake-tab-inactive ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
 ;;;;; erc
-    `(erc-action-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(erc-action-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(erc-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(erc-button ((,class :inherit button)))
     `(erc-command-indicator-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(erc-current-nick-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(erc-current-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
     `(erc-dangerous-host-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
-    `(erc-direct-msg-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(erc-direct-msg-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(erc-error-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
-    `(erc-fool-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+    `(erc-fool-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(erc-header-line ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
-    `(erc-input-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+    `(erc-input-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(erc-inverse-face ((,class :inherit erc-default-face :inverse-video t)))
-    `(erc-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(erc-keyword-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(erc-my-nick-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(erc-my-nick-prefix-face ((,class :inherit erc-my-nick-face)))
     `(erc-nick-default-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
-    `(erc-nick-msg-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+    `(erc-nick-msg-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(erc-nick-prefix-face ((,class :inherit erc-nick-default-face)))
-    `(erc-notice-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-    `(erc-pal-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(erc-notice-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
+    `(erc-pal-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(erc-prompt-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
-    `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
+    `(erc-timestamp-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(erc-underline-face ((,class :underline t)))
     `(bg:erc-color-face0 ((,class :background "white")))
     `(bg:erc-color-face1 ((,class :background "black")))
@@ -5044,7 +5307,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(eshell-ls-product ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(eshell-ls-readonly ((,class :foreground ,yellow-faint)))
     `(eshell-ls-special ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(eshell-ls-symlink ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-symlink)))
     `(eshell-ls-unreadable ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
     `(eshell-prompt ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
 ;;;;; eshell-fringe-status
@@ -5084,7 +5347,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(evil-ex-lazy-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success-lazy)))
     `(evil-ex-search ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
     `(evil-ex-substitute-matches ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow :underline t)))
-    `(evil-ex-substitute-replacement ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success bold))))
+    `(evil-ex-substitute-replacement ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
 ;;;;; evil-goggles
     `(evil-goggles-change-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
     `(evil-goggles-commentary-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-subtle-neutral modus-themes-slant))))
@@ -5112,10 +5375,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(eww-form-checkbox ((,class :inherit eww-form-text)))
     `(eww-form-file ((,class :inherit eww-form-submit)))
     `(eww-form-select ((,class :inherit eww-form-submit)))
-    `(eww-form-submit ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
-                               :background ,bg-active)))
-    `(eww-form-text ((,class :box ,bg-active :background ,bg-alt)))
-    `(eww-form-textarea ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+    `(eww-form-submit ((,class :inherit modus-themes-box-button)))
+    `(eww-form-text ((,class :inherit widget-field)))
+    `(eww-form-textarea ((,class :inherit eww-form-text)))
 ;;;;; eyebrowse
     `(eyebrowse-mode-line-active ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
 ;;;;; fancy-dabbrev
@@ -5150,10 +5412,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(flycheck-indicator-error ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(flycheck-indicator-info ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
     `(flycheck-indicator-running ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
-    `(flycheck-indicator-success ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold
-                                          :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                         blue-active
-                                                         green-active))))
+    `(flycheck-indicator-success ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-bold modus-themes-grue-active))))
     `(flycheck-indicator-warning ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
 ;;;;; flycheck-posframe
     `(flycheck-posframe-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
@@ -5169,24 +5428,10 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;;; flyspell
     `(flyspell-duplicate ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-warning)))
     `(flyspell-incorrect ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
-;;;;; flyspell-correct
-    `(flyspell-correct-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-green)))
 ;;;;; flx
-    `(flx-highlight-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                     'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                                     'modus-themes-intense-magenta
-                                     'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                                     magenta-alt
-                                     'bold))))
+    `(flx-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
 ;;;;; freeze-it
     `(freeze-it-show ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-;;;;; frog-menu
-    `(frog-menu-action-keybinding-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
-    `(frog-menu-actions-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(frog-menu-border ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
-    `(frog-menu-candidates-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(frog-menu-posframe-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
-    `(frog-menu-prompt-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; focus
     `(focus-unfocused ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
 ;;;;; fold-this
@@ -5206,7 +5451,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(font-lock-doc-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant
                                      fg-docstring fg-special-cold
-                                     fg-special-mild magenta-nuanced-fg
+                                     fg-special-mild fg-special-calm
                                      fg-special-mild magenta-nuanced-fg))))
     `(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--syntax-extra
                                                magenta magenta-faint
@@ -5220,30 +5465,31 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
                                                yellow yellow-faint))))
     `(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--syntax-extra
                                               red-alt-other red-alt-other-faint
-                                              blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
-    `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit bold
+                                              cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-faint))))
+    `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold
                                                       fg-escape-char-backslash yellow-alt-faint
-                                                      yellow magenta-alt
-                                                      yellow-faint red-faint))))
-    `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit bold
+                                                      yellow-alt magenta-alt
+                                                      red-faint green-alt-other-faint))))
+    `(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold
                                                       fg-escape-char-construct red-alt-other-faint
-                                                      blue blue-alt-other
+                                                      red-alt-other blue-alt-other
                                                       blue-faint blue-alt-other-faint))))
     `(font-lock-string-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--syntax-string
                                         blue-alt blue-alt-faint
-                                        green red
-                                        green-faint red-faint))))
+                                        green-alt-other red-alt-other
+                                        green-alt-faint red-alt-faint))))
     `(font-lock-type-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--syntax-foreground
-                                      cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-faint))))
+                                   ,@(modus-themes--syntax-extra
+                                      cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-faint
+                                      magenta-alt-other magenta-alt-other-faint))))
     `(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--syntax-extra
                                                cyan cyan-faint
-                                               blue-alt-other blue-alt-other-faint))))
+                                               blue-alt blue-alt-faint))))
     `(font-lock-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold
-                                         yellow-active red-active red-faint yellow-faint))))
+                                         yellow red yellow-alt-faint red-faint))))
 ;;;;; forge
     `(forge-post-author ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(forge-post-date ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
@@ -5254,7 +5500,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(forge-topic-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; fountain-mode
     `(fountain-character ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(fountain-comment ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(fountain-comment ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
     `(fountain-dialog ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
     `(fountain-metadata-key ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
     `(fountain-metadata-value ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
@@ -5273,8 +5519,10 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(fountain-synopsis ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
     `(fountain-trans ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; geiser
-    `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
-    `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-identifier ((,class :inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
+    `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg ((,class :inherit bold
+                                                    :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg
+                                                    :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+    `(geiser-font-lock-autodoc-identifier ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(geiser-font-lock-doc-button ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,fg-docstring)))
     `(geiser-font-lock-doc-link ((,class :inherit button)))
     `(geiser-font-lock-error-link ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,red)))
@@ -5286,69 +5534,36 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(geiser-font-lock-xref-link ((,class :inherit button)))
 ;;;;; git-commit
     `(git-commit-comment-action ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
-    `(git-commit-comment-branch-local ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(git-commit-comment-branch-remote ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(git-commit-comment-detached ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(git-commit-comment-file ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant
-                                       ,@(modus-themes--syntax-comment
-                                          fg-special-cold red-nuanced-fg))))
-    `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-slant)
-                                          ,@(modus-themes--syntax-comment
-                                             fg-dim fg-special-warm))))
+    `(git-commit-comment-branch-local ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(git-commit-comment-branch-remote ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(git-commit-comment-detached ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+    `(git-commit-comment-file ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(git-commit-comment-heading ((,class :inherit (bold font-lock-comment-face))))
     `(git-commit-keyword ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(git-commit-known-pseudo-header ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(git-commit-nonempty-second-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
-    `(git-commit-overlong-summary ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
+    `(git-commit-nonempty-second-line ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(git-commit-overlong-summary ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(git-commit-pseudo-header ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
-    `(git-commit-summary ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(git-commit-summary ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
 ;;;;; git-gutter
-    `(git-gutter:added ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran
-                                            'modus-themes-fringe-blue
-                                            'modus-themes-fringe-green))))
+    `(git-gutter:added ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-active)))
     `(git-gutter:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-red)))
     `(git-gutter:modified ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-yellow)))
     `(git-gutter:separator ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-cyan)))
     `(git-gutter:unchanged ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-magenta)))
 ;;;;; git-gutter-fr
-    `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran
-                                               'modus-themes-fringe-blue
-                                               'modus-themes-fringe-green))))
+    `(git-gutter-fr:added ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-active)))
     `(git-gutter-fr:deleted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-red)))
     `(git-gutter-fr:modified ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-yellow)))
-;;;;; git-{gutter,fringe}+
-    `(git-gutter+-added ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran
-                                          'modus-themes-fringe-blue
-                                          'modus-themes-fringe-green))))
-    `(git-gutter+-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-red)))
-    `(git-gutter+-modified ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-yellow)))
-    `(git-gutter+-separator ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-cyan)))
-    `(git-gutter+-unchanged ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-magenta)))
-    `(git-gutter-fr+-added ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-green)))
-    `(git-gutter-fr+-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-red)))
-    `(git-gutter-fr+-modified ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fringe-yellow)))
-;;;;; git-lens
-    `(git-lens-added ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran blue green))))
-    `(git-lens-deleted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
-    `(git-lens-header ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.1 :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(git-lens-modified ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(git-lens-renamed ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
 ;;;;; git-rebase
-    `(git-rebase-comment-hash ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant
-                                       ,@(modus-themes--syntax-comment
-                                          fg-special-cold red-nuanced-fg))))
-    `(git-rebase-comment-heading  ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-slant)
-                                           ,@(modus-themes--syntax-comment
-                                              fg-dim fg-special-warm))))
+    `(git-rebase-comment-hash ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(git-rebase-comment-heading  ((,class :inherit (bold font-lock-comment-face))))
     `(git-rebase-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(git-rebase-hash ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; git-timemachine
     `(git-timemachine-commit ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
     `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-author-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(git-timemachine-minibuffer-detail-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-;;;;; git-walktree
-    `(git-walktree-commit-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(git-walktree-symlink-face ((,class :inherit button)))
-    `(git-walktree-tree-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
 ;;;;; gnus
     `(gnus-button ((,class :inherit button)))
     `(gnus-cite-1 ((,class :inherit message-cited-text-1)))
@@ -5416,7 +5631,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-alt)))
     `(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,red-refine-fg)))
     `(gnus-summary-low-undownloaded ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
-    `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+    `(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
     `(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
@@ -5460,11 +5675,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(helm-eshell-prompts-promptidx ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(helm-etags-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim :underline t)))
     `(helm-ff-backup-file ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(helm-ff-denied ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                 'modus-themes-subtle-red
-                                 'modus-themes-intense-red
-                                 'modus-themes-nuanced-red
-                                 red))))
+    `(helm-ff-denied ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
     `(helm-ff-directory ((,class :inherit helm-buffer-directory)))
     `(helm-ff-dirs ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(helm-ff-dotted-directory ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
@@ -5472,92 +5683,40 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(helm-ff-executable ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(helm-ff-file ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(helm-ff-file-extension ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class :inherit button
-                                       ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                          red red-faint))))
-    `(helm-ff-pipe ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                               'modus-themes-refine-magenta
-                               'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                               'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                               magenta))))
-    `(helm-ff-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                 'modus-themes-refine-yellow
-                                 'modus-themes-subtle-yellow
-                                 'modus-themes-nuanced-yellow
-                                 yellow-alt-other))))
+    `(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-broken)))
+    `(helm-ff-pipe ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
+    `(helm-ff-prefix ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
     `(helm-ff-socket ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-    `(helm-ff-suid ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                               'modus-themes-subtle-red
-                               'modus-themes-refine-red
-                               'modus-themes-nuanced-yellow
-                               red-alt))))
-    `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class :inherit button
-                               ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                  cyan cyan-faint))))
+    `(helm-ff-suid ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
+    `(helm-ff-symlink ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-symlink)))
     `(helm-ff-truename ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(helm-fd-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+    `(helm-fd-finish ((,class :inherit success)))
     `(helm-grep-cmd-line ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
     `(helm-grep-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(helm-grep-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
+    `(helm-grep-finish ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(helm-grep-lineno ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(helm-grep-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
     `(helm-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(helm-header-line-left-margin ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
-    `(helm-history-deleted ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                       'modus-themes-subtle-red
-                                       'modus-themes-intense-red
-                                       'modus-themes-nuanced-red
-                                       red
-                                       'bold))))
+    `(helm-history-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
     `(helm-history-remote ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-    `(helm-lisp-completion-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                            'modus-themes-subtle-yellow
-                                            'modus-themes-refine-yellow
-                                            'modus-themes-nuanced-yellow
-                                            yellow
-                                            'bold))))
-    `(helm-locate-finish ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
-    `(helm-match ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                             'modus-themes-subtle-cyan
-                             'modus-themes-refine-cyan
-                             'modus-themes-nuanced-cyan
-                             cyan
-                             'bold))))
-    `(helm-match-item ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                  'modus-themes-subtle-neutral
-                                  'modus-themes-subtle-cyan
-                                  'modus-themes-nuanced-cyan
-                                  cyan-alt-other))))
+    `(helm-lisp-completion-info ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+    `(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-warm)))
+    `(helm-locate-finish ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(helm-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(helm-match-item ((,class :inherit helm-match)))
     `(helm-minibuffer-prompt ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
-    `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class :inherit button
-                                  ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                     cyan-alt-other cyan-alt-other-faint))))
-    `(helm-mode-prefix ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                   'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                                   'modus-themes-intense-magenta
-                                   'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                                   magenta-alt
-                                   'bold))))
+    `(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(helm-mode-prefix ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
     `(helm-non-file-buffer ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(helm-prefarg ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(helm-resume-need-update ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                          'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                                          'modus-themes-refine-magenta
-                                          'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                                          magenta-alt-other))))
-    `(helm-selection ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                 'modus-themes-subtle-blue
-                                 'modus-themes-refine-blue
-                                 'modus-themes-special-cold
-                                 nil
-                                 'bold))))
-    `(helm-selection-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
+    `(helm-resume-need-update ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
+    `(helm-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
+    `(helm-selection-line ((,class :background ,bg-hl-alt-intense)))
     `(helm-separator ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
     `(helm-time-zone-current ((,class :foreground ,green)))
     `(helm-time-zone-home ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(helm-source-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
-                                  ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
+    `(helm-source-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(helm-top-columns ((,class :inherit helm-header)))
     `(helm-ucs-char ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
     `(helm-visible-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-cyan)))
@@ -5572,64 +5731,66 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(helm-ls-git-renamed-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(helm-ls-git-untracked-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; helm-switch-shell
-    `(helm-switch-shell-new-shell-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                                   'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                                                   'modus-themes-refine-magenta
-                                                   'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                                                   magenta-alt-other
-                                                   'bold))))
+    `(helm-switch-shell-new-shell-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
 ;;;;; helm-xref
-    `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+    `(helm-xref-file-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; helpful
     `(helpful-heading ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
 ;;;;; highlight region or ad-hoc regexp
-    `(hi-aquamarine ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(hi-black-b ((,class :inherit bold :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
-    `(hi-black-hb ((,class :inherit bold :background ,fg-alt :foreground ,bg-main)))
-    `(hi-blue ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    ;; HACK 2022-06-23: The :inverse-video prevents hl-line-mode from
+    ;; overriding the background.  Such an override really defeats the
+    ;; purpose of setting those highlights.
+    ;;
+    ;; NOTE 2022-10-04: We do not use the ,class here but instead
+    ;; hardcode color values.  We have to do this as the themes lack
+    ;; entries in their palette for such an edge case.  Defining those
+    ;; entries is not appropriate.
+    `(hi-aquamarine ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                      :background "white" :foreground "#227f9f" :inverse-video t)
+                     (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                      :background "black" :foreground "#66cbdc" :inverse-video t)))
+    `(hi-black-b ((,class :inverse-video t)))
+    `(hi-black-hb ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-alt :inverse-video t)))
+    `(hi-blue ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                :background "white" :foreground "#3366dd" :inverse-video t)
+               (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                :background "black" :foreground "#aaccff" :inverse-video t)))
     `(hi-blue-b ((,class :inherit (bold hi-blue))))
-    `(hi-green ((,class :background ,green-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(hi-green ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                  :background "white" :foreground "#008a00" :inverse-video t)
+                 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                  :background "black" :foreground "#66dd66" :inverse-video t)))
     `(hi-green-b ((,class :inherit (bold hi-green))))
-    `(hi-pink ((,class :background ,magenta-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(hi-pink-b ((,class :inherit (bold hi-pink))))
-    `(hi-red-b ((,class :inherit bold :background ,red-intense-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(hi-salmon ((,class :background ,red-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(hi-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(hi-pink ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                  :background "white" :foreground "#bd30aa" :inverse-video t)
+                 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                  :background "black" :foreground "#ff88ee" :inverse-video t)))
+    `(hi-red-b ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                  :background "white" :foreground "#dd0000" :inverse-video t)
+                 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                  :background "black" :foreground "#f06666" :inverse-video t)))
+    `(hi-salmon ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                  :background "white" :foreground "#bf555a" :inverse-video t)
+                 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                  :background "black" :foreground "#e08a50" :inverse-video t)))
+    `(hi-yellow ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
+                  :background "white" :foreground "#af6400" :inverse-video t)
+                 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
+                  :background "black" :foreground "#faea00" :inverse-video t)))
+    `(highlight ((,class ,@(if modus-themes-intense-mouseovers
+                               (list :background blue-intense-bg :foreground fg-main)
+                             (list :background cyan-subtle-bg :foreground fg-main)))))
     `(highlight-changes ((,class :foreground ,red-alt :underline nil)))
     `(highlight-changes-delete ((,class :background ,red-nuanced-bg
                                         :foreground ,red :underline t)))
     `(hl-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-hl-line)))
-;;;;; highlight-blocks
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-1-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-2-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-3-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-4-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-calm :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-5-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-warm :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-6-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-mild :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-7-face ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class :background ,cyan-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
-;;;;; highlight-defined
-    `(highlight-defined-builtin-function-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(highlight-defined-face-name-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(highlight-defined-function-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(highlight-defined-macro-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(highlight-defined-special-form-name-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(highlight-defined-variable-name-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-;;;;; highlight-escape-sequences (`hes-mode')
-    `(hes-escape-backslash-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct)))
-    `(hes-escape-sequence-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash)))
 ;;;;; highlight-indentation
     `(highlight-indentation-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-hl-line)))
     `(highlight-indentation-current-column-face ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
 ;;;;; highlight-numbers
     `(highlight-numbers-number ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-;;;;; highlight-symbol
-    `(highlight-symbol-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-mild)))
 ;;;;; highlight-thing
-    `(highlight-thing ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(highlight-thing ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
 ;;;;; hl-defined
     `(hdefd-functions ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(hdefd-undefined ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
@@ -5644,42 +5805,27 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(hydra-face-pink ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
     `(hydra-face-red ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-faint)))
     `(hydra-face-teal ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-;;;;; hyperlist
-    `(hyperlist-condition ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(hyperlist-hashtag ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(hyperlist-operator ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(hyperlist-paren ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(hyperlist-quote ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(hyperlist-ref ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(hyperlist-stars ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(hyperlist-tag ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(hyperlist-toplevel ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; icomplete
-    `(icomplete-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
-                                     ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                        magenta bg-alt
-                                        bg-active fg-main))))
+    `(icomplete-first-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(icomplete-selected-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
 ;;;;; icomplete-vertical
     `(icomplete-vertical-separator ((,class :inherit shadow)))
 ;;;;; ido-mode
-    `(ido-first-match ((,class :inherit bold
-                               ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                  magenta bg-alt
-                                  bg-active fg-main))))
+    `(ido-first-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
     `(ido-incomplete-regexp ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(ido-indicator ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-yellow)))
-    `(ido-only-match ((,class :inherit bold
-                              ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                 green green-nuanced-bg
-                                 green-intense-bg fg-main))))
+    `(ido-only-match ((,class :inherit ido-first-match)))
     `(ido-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
-    `(ido-virtual ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+    `(ido-virtual ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; iedit
     `(iedit-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue)))
     `(iedit-read-only-occurrence ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-yellow)))
 ;;;;; iflipb
     `(iflipb-current-buffer-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
     `(iflipb-other-buffer-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+;;;;; image-dired
+    `(image-dired-thumb-flagged ((,class :background ,red-intense-bg)))
+    `(image-dired-thumb-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-intense)))
 ;;;;; imenu-list
     `(imenu-list-entry-face-0 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(imenu-list-entry-face-1 ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
@@ -5691,27 +5837,46 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(imenu-list-entry-subalist-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other :underline t)))
 ;;;;; indium
     `(indium-breakpoint-face ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(indium-frame-url-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(indium-frame-url-face ((,class :inherit (shadow button))))
     `(indium-keyword-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
     `(indium-litable-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(indium-repl-error-face ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(indium-repl-prompt-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
     `(indium-repl-stdout-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
 ;;;;; info
-    `(Info-quoted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch ; the capitalization is canonical
-                           :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-    `(info-header-node ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(Info-quoted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim))) ; the capitalization is canonical
+    `(info-header-node ((,class :inherit (shadow bold))))
     `(info-header-xref ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
     `(info-index-match ((,class :inherit match)))
-    `(info-menu-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
+    `(info-menu-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
     `(info-menu-star ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(info-node ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(info-title-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
     `(info-title-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
     `(info-title-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
     `(info-title-4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-4)))
+;;;;; info+ (info-plus)
+    `(info-command-ref-item ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
+    `(info-constant-ref-item ((,class :inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
+    `(info-custom-delimited ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
+    `(info-double-quoted-name ((,class :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+    `(info-file (( )))
+    `(info-function-ref-item ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
+    `(info-glossary-word ((,class :inherit modus-themes-box-button)))
+    `(info-indented-text (( )))
+    `(info-isolated-backquote (( )))
+    `(info-isolated-quote (( )))
+    `(info-macro-ref-item ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
+    `(info-menu ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(info-quoted-name ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
+    `(info-reference-item ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(info-special-form-ref-item ((,class :inherit warning)))
+    `(info-string ((,class :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+    `(info-syntax-class-item ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-code)))
+    `(info-user-option-ref-item ((,class :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+    `(info-variable-ref-item ((,class :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
 ;;;;; info-colors
-    `(info-colors-lisp-code-block ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+    `(info-colors-lisp-code-block ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch)))
     `(info-colors-ref-item-command ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
     `(info-colors-ref-item-constant ((,class :inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
     `(info-colors-ref-item-function ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
@@ -5737,83 +5902,32 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(ioccur-num-line-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(ioccur-overlay-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue :extend t)))
     `(ioccur-regexp-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-magenta bold))))
-    `(ioccur-title-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
-                                 ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
+    `(ioccur-title-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; isearch, occur, and the like
-    `(isearch ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success bold))))
+    `(isearch ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
     `(isearch-fail ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-red)))
     `(isearch-group-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue)))
     `(isearch-group-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
     `(lazy-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success-lazy)))
     `(match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
-    `(query-replace ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-yellow bold))))
-;;;;; isl (isearch-light)
-    `(isl-line ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                    'modus-themes-subtle-blue
-                                    'modus-themes-subtle-green))))
-    `(isl-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success-lazy)))
-    `(isl-number ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-bold modus-themes-search-success-modeline))))
-    `(isl-on ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-search-success))))
-    `(isl-string ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+    `(query-replace ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
 ;;;;; ivy
-    `(ivy-action ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(ivy-completions-annotations ((,class :inherit completions-annotations)))
-    `(ivy-confirm-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(ivy-current-match ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                    'modus-themes-refine-cyan
-                                    'modus-themes-intense-cyan
-                                    'modus-themes-special-cold
-                                    nil
-                                    'bold))))
+    `(ivy-action ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
+    `(ivy-confirm-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(ivy-current-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
     `(ivy-cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
-    `(ivy-grep-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(ivy-grep-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(ivy-highlight-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(ivy-match-required-face ((,class :inherit error)))
-    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                              'modus-themes-subtle-neutral
-                                              'modus-themes-intense-neutral
-                                              'modus-themes-nuanced-cyan
-                                              fg-alt))))
-    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                              'modus-themes-subtle-green
-                                              'modus-themes-refine-green
-                                              'modus-themes-nuanced-green
-                                              green-alt-other
-                                              'bold))))
-    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                              'modus-themes-subtle-blue
-                                              'modus-themes-refine-blue
-                                              'modus-themes-nuanced-blue
-                                              blue-alt-other
-                                              'bold))))
-    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                              'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                                              'modus-themes-refine-magenta
-                                              'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                                              magenta-alt-other
-                                              'bold))))
-    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                                 'modus-themes-subtle-cyan
-                                                 'modus-themes-intense-cyan
-                                                 'modus-themes-nuanced-cyan
-                                                 cyan-alt-other
-                                                 'bold))))
-    `(ivy-modified-buffer ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(ivy-modified-outside-buffer ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
+    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 (( )))
+    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-1)))
+    `(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-2)))
     `(ivy-org ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(ivy-prompt-match ((,class :inherit ivy-current-match)))
     `(ivy-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(ivy-separator ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(ivy-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+    `(ivy-subdir ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(ivy-virtual ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(ivy-yanked-word ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                  'modus-themes-subtle-blue
-                                  'modus-themes-refine-blue
-                                  'modus-themes-nuanced-blue
-                                  blue-alt))))
 ;;;;; ivy-posframe
-    `(ivy-posframe ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(ivy-posframe-border ((,class :background ,fg-window-divider-inner)))
     `(ivy-posframe-cursor ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
 ;;;;; jira (org-jira)
@@ -5863,7 +5977,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(kaocha-runner-warning-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
 ;;;;; keycast
     `(keycast-command ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
-    `(keycast-key ((,class :background ,blue-active :foreground ,bg-main)))
+    ;; FIXME 2022-05-03: The padding breaks `keycast-tab-bar-mode'
+    `(keycast-key ((,class ;; ,@(modus-themes--mode-line-padded-box blue-active)
+                           :background ,blue-active :foreground ,bg-main)))
 ;;;;; ledger-mode
     `(ledger-font-auto-xact-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(ledger-font-account-name-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
@@ -5875,24 +5991,29 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(ledger-font-payee-pending-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(ledger-font-payee-uncleared-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(ledger-font-xact-highlight-face ((,class :background ,bg-hl-alt)))
+;;;;; leerzeichen
+    `(leerzeichen ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground ,fg-whitespace)))
 ;;;;; line numbers (display-line-numbers-mode and global variant)
+    ;; Here we cannot inherit `modus-themes-fixed-pitch'.  We need to
+    ;; fall back to `default' otherwise line numbers do not scale when
+    ;; using `text-scale-adjust'.
-      ((,class :inherit default
+      ((,class :inherit ,(if modus-themes-mixed-fonts '(fixed-pitch default) 'default)
                   fg-alt bg-dim
-      ((,class :inherit (bold default)
+      ((,class :inherit (bold line-number)
                   fg-main bg-active
-      ((,class :inherit (bold default)
+      ((,class :inherit (bold line-number)
                   yellow-nuanced-fg yellow-nuanced-bg
-      ((,class :inherit (bold default)
+      ((,class :inherit (bold line-number)
                   fg-alt bg-inactive
@@ -5918,7 +6039,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(lsp-face-semhl-variable ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(lsp-face-semhl-variable-local ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(lsp-face-semhl-variable-parameter ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(lsp-lens-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(lsp-lens-face ((,class  :inherit shadow :height 0.8)))
     `(lsp-lens-mouse-face ((,class :height 0.8 :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
     `(lsp-ui-doc-background ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(lsp-ui-doc-header ((,class :background ,bg-header :foreground ,fg-header)))
@@ -5945,9 +6066,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(macrostep-gensym-5 ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta :box t)))
     `(macrostep-macro-face ((,class :inherit button :foreground ,green-alt)))
 ;;;;; magit
-    `(magit-bisect-bad ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-    `(magit-bisect-good ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
-    `(magit-bisect-skip ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
+    `(magit-bisect-bad ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(magit-bisect-good ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(magit-bisect-skip ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(magit-blame-date ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(magit-blame-dimmed ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-reset-hard))))
     `(magit-blame-hash ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
@@ -5956,11 +6077,17 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(magit-blame-margin ((,class :inherit (magit-blame-highlight modus-themes-reset-hard))))
     `(magit-blame-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(magit-blame-summary ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(magit-branch-current ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :box t)))
+    ;; ;; NOTE 2021-11-23: we do not set the `magit-branch-current'
+    ;; ;; because its definition checks if the :box attribute can be set
+    ;; ;; and if not, it uses :inverse-video.  Useful for terminal
+    ;; ;; emulators.
+    ;;
+    ;; `(magit-branch-current ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :box t)))
     `(magit-branch-local ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
     `(magit-branch-remote ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(magit-branch-remote-head ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :box t)))
     `(magit-branch-upstream ((,class :inherit italic)))
+    `(magit-branch-warning ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(magit-cherry-equivalent ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
     `(magit-cherry-unmatched ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
     ;; NOTE: here we break from the pattern of inheriting from the
@@ -5968,19 +6095,17 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     ;; not the highlighted ones.  This is because Magit's interaction
     ;; model relies on highlighting the current diff hunk.
     `(magit-diff-added ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                                   bg-main blue-alt-other
                                    bg-diff-added fg-diff-added
                                    green-nuanced-bg fg-diff-added
-                                   bg-diff-added-deuteran fg-diff-added-deuteran))))
+                                   bg-diff-added-deuteran fg-diff-added-deuteran
+                                   blue-nuanced-bg fg-diff-added-deuteran))))
     `(magit-diff-added-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-focus-added)))
     `(magit-diff-base ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                                  bg-main yellow
                                   bg-diff-changed fg-diff-changed
                                   yellow-nuanced-bg fg-diff-changed))))
     `(magit-diff-base-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-focus-changed)))
     `(magit-diff-context ((,class ,@(unless (eq modus-themes-diffs 'bg-only) (list :foreground fg-unfocused)))))
     `(magit-diff-context-highlight ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                                               bg-dim fg-dim
                                                bg-inactive fg-inactive
                                                bg-dim fg-alt
                                                bg-dim fg-alt))))
@@ -5991,25 +6116,26 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     ;; modus-themes-diff-* faces.
     `(magit-diff-hunk-heading ((,class :inherit bold
-                                          bg-alt fg-alt
                                           bg-active fg-inactive
                                           bg-inactive fg-inactive
                                           bg-inactive fg-inactive
+                                          nil nil
+    ;; NOTE: we do not follow the pattern of inheriting from
+    ;; modus-themes-grue-* faces, as this is a special case.
       ((,class :inherit bold
-               :background ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran bg-active bg-diff-heading)
-               :foreground ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran fg-main fg-diff-heading))))
+               :background ,@(modus-themes--deuteran bg-active bg-diff-heading)
+               :foreground ,@(modus-themes--deuteran fg-main fg-diff-heading))))
     `(magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue)))
     `(magit-diff-hunk-region ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(magit-diff-lines-boundary ((,class :background ,fg-main)))
     `(magit-diff-lines-heading ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
     `(magit-diff-removed ((,class ,@(modus-themes--diff
-                                     bg-main red
                                      bg-diff-removed fg-diff-removed
                                      red-nuanced-bg fg-diff-removed))))
     `(magit-diff-removed-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-focus-removed)))
-    `(magit-diffstat-added ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran blue green))))
+    `(magit-diffstat-added ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue)))
     `(magit-diffstat-removed ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(magit-dimmed ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
     `(magit-filename ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
@@ -6023,19 +6149,19 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(magit-log-author ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(magit-log-date ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(magit-log-graph ((,class :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(magit-mode-line-process ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
+    `(magit-mode-line-process ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(magit-mode-line-process-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(magit-process-ng ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(magit-process-ok ((,class :inherit success)))
-    `(magit-reflog-amend ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-checkout ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,blue-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-cherry-pick ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,green-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-commit ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,green-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-merge ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,green-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-other ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-rebase ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-remote ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,cyan-intense)))
-    `(magit-reflog-reset ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,red-intense)))
+    `(magit-reflog-amend ((,class :inherit warning)))
+    `(magit-reflog-checkout ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(magit-reflog-cherry-pick ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(magit-reflog-commit ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(magit-reflog-merge ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(magit-reflog-other ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(magit-reflog-rebase ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(magit-reflog-remote ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(magit-reflog-reset ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(magit-refname ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(magit-refname-pullreq ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(magit-refname-stash ((,class :inherit shadow)))
@@ -6044,25 +6170,21 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(magit-section-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(magit-section-heading-selection ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-refine-cyan bold))))
     `(magit-section-highlight ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
-    `(magit-sequence-done ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                  blue
-                                                  green))))
-    `(magit-sequence-drop ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(magit-sequence-exec ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(magit-sequence-head ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(magit-sequence-onto ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(magit-sequence-part ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
-    `(magit-sequence-pick ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(magit-sequence-stop ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(magit-signature-bad ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
-    `(magit-signature-error ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(magit-signature-expired ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(magit-sequence-done ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(magit-sequence-drop ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(magit-sequence-exec ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(magit-sequence-head ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
+    `(magit-sequence-onto ((,class :inherit (bold shadow))))
+    `(magit-sequence-part ((,class :inherit warning)))
+    `(magit-sequence-pick ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(magit-sequence-stop ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(magit-signature-bad ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(magit-signature-error ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(magit-signature-expired ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(magit-signature-expired-key ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(magit-signature-good ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                   blue
-                                                   green))))
-    `(magit-signature-revoked ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(magit-signature-untrusted ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(magit-signature-good ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(magit-signature-revoked ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(magit-signature-untrusted ((,class :inherit (bold shadow))))
     `(magit-tag ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; magit-imerge
     `(magit-imerge-overriding-value ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
@@ -6070,31 +6192,39 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(makefile-makepp-perl ((,class :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg)))
     `(makefile-space ((,class :background ,magenta-nuanced-bg)))
 ;;;;; man
-    `(Man-overstrike ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(Man-overstrike ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(Man-reverse ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-magenta)))
-    `(Man-underline ((,class :foreground ,cyan :underline t)))
+    `(Man-underline ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other :underline t)))
 ;;;;; marginalia
-    `(marginalia-archive ((,class :foreground ,green-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(marginalia-date ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(marginalia-char ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(marginalia-documentation ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold :inherit modus-themes-slant)))
-    `(marginalia-file-modes ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(marginalia-file-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(marginalia-file-owner ((,class :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg)))
-    ;; Here we make an exception of not applying the bespoke
-    ;; `modus-themes-key-binding' for two reasons: (1) completion
-    ;; highlights can be fairly intense, so we do not want more
-    ;; components to compete with them for attention, (2) the
-    ;; `marginalia-key' may not be used for key bindings specifically,
-    ;; so we might end up applying styles in places we should not.
-    `(marginalia-key ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
-    `(marginalia-mode ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
-    `(marginalia-modified ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
-    `(marginalia-number ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
-    `(marginalia-size ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
-    `(marginalia-type ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(marginalia-variable ((,class :foreground ,yellow-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(marginalia-version ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
+    `(marginalia-archive ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(marginalia-char ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(marginalia-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(marginalia-documentation ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-docstring)))
+    `(marginalia-file-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-file-owner ((,class :foreground ,red-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-dir ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-exec ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-link ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-no ((,class :foreground "gray50")))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-other ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-rare ((,class :foreground ,red)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-read ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(marginalia-file-priv-write ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(marginalia-function ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-key ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
+    `(marginalia-lighter ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(marginalia-list ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-mode ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(marginalia-modified ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-null ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(marginalia-number ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(marginalia-size ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-string ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(marginalia-symbol ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other-faint)))
+    `(marginalia-true ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(marginalia-type ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(marginalia-value ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(marginalia-version ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; markdown-mode
     `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(markdown-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
@@ -6102,7 +6232,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(markdown-comment-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
     `(markdown-footnote-marker-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
     `(markdown-footnote-text-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(markdown-gfm-checkbox-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(markdown-gfm-checkbox-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
     `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,fg-dim)))
     `(markdown-header-face ((t nil)))
     `(markdown-header-face-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
@@ -6112,6 +6242,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(markdown-header-face-5 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-5)))
     `(markdown-header-face-6 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-6)))
     `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
+    `(markdown-highlighting-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
     `(markdown-hr-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(markdown-html-attr-name-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
                                             :foreground ,cyan)))
@@ -6123,9 +6254,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
                                                 :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
     `(markdown-html-tag-name-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
                                            :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
-                                         :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-    `(markdown-italic-face ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+    `(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
+    `(markdown-italic-face ((,class :inherit italic)))
     `(markdown-language-info-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
                                            :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
@@ -6152,19 +6282,17 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(markup-bold-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg)))
     `(markup-code-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(markup-comment-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
-    `(markup-complex-replacement-face ((,class :background ,magenta-nuanced-bg
-                                               :foreground ,magenta-alt-other
-                                               :underline ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(markup-complex-replacement-face ((,class :background ,magenta-nuanced-bg :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(markup-emphasis-face ((,class :inherit markup-italic-face)))
     `(markup-error-face ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(markup-gen-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(markup-internal-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt :underline ,bg-region)))
-    `(markup-italic-face ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+    `(markup-internal-reference-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(markup-italic-face ((,class :inherit italic)))
     `(markup-list-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
-    `(markup-meta-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(markup-meta-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-fixed-pitch shadow))))
     `(markup-meta-hide-face ((,class :foreground "gray50")))
-    `(markup-reference-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :underline ,bg-region)))
-    `(markup-replacement-face ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(markup-reference-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,blue-alt)))
+    `(markup-replacement-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,red-alt)))
     `(markup-secondary-text-face ((,class :height 0.9 :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(markup-small-face ((,class :inherit markup-gen-face :height 0.9)))
     `(markup-strong-face ((,class :inherit markup-bold-face)))
@@ -6173,24 +6301,13 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(markup-table-cell-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-neutral)))
     `(markup-table-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-neutral)))
     `(markup-table-row-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
-    `(markup-title-0-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch)
-                                   :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-title))))
-    `(markup-title-1-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch)
-                                   :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-1))))
-    `(markup-title-2-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch)
-                                   :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-2))))
-    `(markup-title-3-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch)
-                                   :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-3))))
-    `(markup-title-4-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch)
-                                   :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg
-                                   ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
-    `(markup-title-5-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch)
-                                   :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(markup-verbatim-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+    `(markup-title-0-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
+    `(markup-title-1-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
+    `(markup-title-2-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
+    `(markup-title-3-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-4)))
+    `(markup-title-4-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-5)))
+    `(markup-title-5-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-6)))
+    `(markup-verbatim-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :background ,bg-alt)))
 ;;;;; mentor
     `(mentor-download-message ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(mentor-download-name ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
@@ -6202,10 +6319,10 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(mentor-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-blue)))
     `(mentor-tracker-name ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
 ;;;;; messages
-    `(message-cited-text-1 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite blue-faint fg-alt))))
-    `(message-cited-text-2 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite green-faint fg-comment-yellow))))
-    `(message-cited-text-3 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite red-faint fg-special-cold))))
-    `(message-cited-text-4 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite yellow-faint fg-special-calm))))
+    `(message-cited-text-1 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite blue-faint blue fg-special-cold))))
+    `(message-cited-text-2 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite yellow-faint yellow yellow-alt-faint))))
+    `(message-cited-text-3 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite magenta-alt-faint magenta-alt fg-special-calm))))
+    `(message-cited-text-4 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--mail-cite cyan-alt-other-faint cyan-alt-other fg-special-mild))))
     `(message-header-cc ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(message-header-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(message-header-newsgroups ((,class :inherit message-header-other)))
@@ -6215,8 +6332,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(message-header-xheader ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
     `(message-mml ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(message-separator ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-neutral)))
-;;;;; minibuffer-line
-    `(minibuffer-line ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
+;;;;; mini-modeline
+    `(mini-modeline-mode-line ((,class :background ,blue-intense :height 0.14)))
+    `(mini-modeline-mode-line-inactive ((,class :background ,fg-window-divider-inner :height 0.1)))
 ;;;;; minimap
     `(minimap-active-region-background ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
     `(minimap-current-line-face ((,class :background ,cyan-intense-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -6230,17 +6348,20 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(mmm-output-submode-face ((,class :background ,red-nuanced-bg)))
     `(mmm-special-submode-face ((,class :background ,green-nuanced-bg)))
 ;;;;; mode-line
-    `(mode-line ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui)
+    `(mode-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch
                             fg-active bg-active
                             fg-dim bg-active
                             fg-main bg-active-accent
                             fg-alt bg-active
-                            'alt-style nil bg-main))))
+                            'alt-style bg-main))))
+    `(mode-line-active ((,class :inherit mode-line)))
     `(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class :inherit bold)))
-    `(mode-line-emphasis ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
-    `(mode-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-blue :box (:line-width -1 :style pressed-button))))
-    `(mode-line-inactive ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui)
+    `(mode-line-emphasis ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+    `(mode-line-highlight ((,class ,@(if modus-themes-intense-mouseovers
+                                         (list :inherit 'modus-themes-active-blue)
+                                       (list :inherit 'highlight)))))
+    `(mode-line-inactive ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch
                                      fg-inactive bg-inactive
                                      fg-alt bg-dim
@@ -6251,9 +6372,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(mood-line-status-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(mood-line-status-info ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(mood-line-status-neutral ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
-    `(mood-line-status-success ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                       blue-active
-                                                       green-active))))
+    `(mood-line-status-success ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-active)))
     `(mood-line-status-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-active)))
     `(mood-line-unimportant ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
 ;;;;; mpdel
@@ -6273,7 +6392,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(mu4e-contact-face ((,class :inherit message-header-to)))
     `(mu4e-context-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
     `(mu4e-draft-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(mu4e-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(mu4e-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(mu4e-footer-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(mu4e-forwarded-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(mu4e-header-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
@@ -6288,31 +6407,31 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(mu4e-moved-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(mu4e-ok-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
     `(mu4e-region-code ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
+    `(mu4e-related-face ((,class :inherit (italic shadow))))
     `(mu4e-replied-face ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(mu4e-special-header-value-face ((,class :inherit message-header-subject)))
     `(mu4e-system-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-mark-del)))
     `(mu4e-title-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(mu4e-trashed-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(mu4e-unread-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
-    `(mu4e-url-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(mu4e-url-number-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(mu4e-view-body-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(mu4e-warning-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
-;;;;; mu4e-conversation
-    `(mu4e-conversation-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-1 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-2 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-3 ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-4 ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-5 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-refine-fg)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-6 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-refine-fg)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-7 ((,class :foreground ,green-refine-fg)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-8 ((,class :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-sender-me ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(mu4e-conversation-unread ((,class :inherit bold)))
 ;;;;; multiple-cursors
     `(mc/cursor-bar-face ((,class :height 1 :background ,fg-main)))
     `(mc/cursor-face ((,class :inverse-video t)))
     `(mc/region-face ((,class :inherit region)))
+;;;;; nano-modeline
+    `(nano-modeline-active-primary ((,class :inherit mode-line :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+    `(nano-modeline-active-secondary ((,class :inherit mode-line :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+    `(nano-modeline-active-status-** ((,class :inherit mode-line :background ,yellow-subtle-bg)))
+    `(nano-modeline-active-status-RO ((,class :inherit mode-line :background ,red-subtle-bg)))
+    `(nano-modeline-active-status-RW ((,class :inherit mode-line :background ,cyan-subtle-bg)))
+    `(nano-modeline-inactive-primary ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+    `(nano-modeline-inactive-secondary ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+    `(nano-modeline-inactive-status-** ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive :foreground ,yellow-active)))
+    `(nano-modeline-inactive-status-RO ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive :foreground ,red-active)))
+    `(nano-modeline-inactive-status-RW ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive :foreground ,cyan-active)))
 ;;;;; neotree
     `(neo-banner-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(neo-button-face ((,class :inherit button)))
@@ -6321,8 +6440,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(neo-file-link-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(neo-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(neo-root-dir-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(neo-vc-added-face ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran blue green))))
-    `(neo-vc-conflict-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+    `(neo-vc-added-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue)))
+    `(neo-vc-conflict-face ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(neo-vc-default-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(neo-vc-edited-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(neo-vc-ignored-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
@@ -6333,8 +6452,6 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(neo-vc-unlocked-changes-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue)))
     `(neo-vc-up-to-date-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(neo-vc-user-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-;;;;; no-emoji
-    `(no-emoji ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
 ;;;;; notmuch
     `(notmuch-crypto-decryption ((,class :inherit (shadow bold))))
     `(notmuch-crypto-part-header ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
@@ -6343,10 +6460,11 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(notmuch-hello-logo-background ((,class :background "gray50")))
+    `(notmuch-jump-key ((,class :inherit modus-themes-key-binding)))
     `(notmuch-message-summary-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-nuanced-cyan))))
     `(notmuch-search-count ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(notmuch-search-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(notmuch-search-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(notmuch-search-flagged-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(notmuch-search-matching-authors ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(notmuch-search-non-matching-authors ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(notmuch-search-subject ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -6392,48 +6510,35 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(nxml-prolog-keyword ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
     `(nxml-ref ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
     `(rng-error ((,class :inherit error)))
-;;;;; objed
-    `(objed-hl ((,class :background ,(if modus-themes-hl-line bg-hl-alt-intense bg-hl-alt))))
-    `(objed-mark ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
-    `(objed-mode-line ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
 ;;;;; orderless
-    `(orderless-match-face-0 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                      ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                         blue-alt-other blue-nuanced-bg
-                                         blue-refine-bg blue-refine-fg))))
-    `(orderless-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                      ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                         magenta-alt magenta-nuanced-bg
-                                         magenta-refine-bg magenta-refine-fg))))
-    `(orderless-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                      ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                         green green-nuanced-bg
-                                         green-refine-bg green-refine-fg))))
-    `(orderless-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit bold
-                                      ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                                         yellow yellow-nuanced-bg
-                                         yellow-refine-bg yellow-refine-fg))))
+    `(orderless-match-face-0 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(orderless-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-1)))
+    `(orderless-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-2)))
+    `(orderless-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-3)))
 ;;;;; org
-    `(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-slant shadow))))
-    `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold :extend t)))
+    `(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-event blue-alt))))
+    `(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-event blue-alt t))))
+    `(org-agenda-clocking ((,class :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg :foreground ,red-alt)))
     `(org-agenda-column-dateline ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(org-agenda-current-time ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other-faint)))
-    `(org-agenda-date ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date cyan fg-main nil))))
-    `(org-agenda-date-today ((,class :background ,bg-active
-                                     ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date blue-active fg-main t cyan-active))))
-    `(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date cyan-alt-other fg-alt nil cyan fg-main))))
-    `(org-agenda-diary ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(org-agenda-date ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date cyan fg-main))))
+    `(org-agenda-date-today
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date cyan fg-main nil nil bg-special-cold t t))))
+    `(org-agenda-date-weekend
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date cyan-alt-other-faint fg-alt cyan fg-main))))
+    `(org-agenda-date-weekend-today
+      ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-date cyan-alt-other-faint fg-alt cyan fg-main bg-special-cold t t))))
+    `(org-agenda-diary ((,class :inherit org-agenda-calendar-sexp)))
     `(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(org-agenda-done ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                              blue-nuanced-fg
-                                              green-nuanced-fg))))
+    `(org-agenda-done ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-nuanced)))
     `(org-agenda-filter-category ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(org-agenda-filter-effort ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(org-agenda-filter-regexp ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(org-agenda-filter-tags ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
     `(org-agenda-structure ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-structure blue-alt))))
+    `(org-agenda-structure-filter ((,class :inherit org-agenda-structure :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(org-agenda-structure-secondary ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(org-archived ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
     `(org-block ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
                          ,@(modus-themes--org-block bg-dim fg-main))))
@@ -6442,28 +6547,23 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
                                        bg-dim fg-special-cold
                                        bg-alt fg-alt))))
     `(org-block-end-line ((,class :inherit org-block-begin-line)))
-    `(org-checkbox ((,class :box (:line-width 1 :color ,bg-active)
-                            :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-active)))
+    `(org-checkbox ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
     `(org-checkbox-statistics-done ((,class :inherit org-done)))
     `(org-checkbox-statistics-todo ((,class :inherit org-todo)))
-    `(org-clock-overlay ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
-    `(org-code ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
-                        :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(org-column ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
-    `(org-column-title ((,class :inherit bold :underline t :background ,bg-alt)))
-    `(org-date ((,class :inherit ,(if modus-themes-no-mixed-fonts
-                                      'button
-                                    '(button fixed-pitch))
-                        ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                           cyan cyan-faint))))
-    `(org-date-selected ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt :inverse-video t)))
+    `(org-clock-overlay ((,class :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg :foreground ,red-alt-faint)))
+    `(org-code ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-code :extend t)))
+    `(org-column ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-fixed-pitch default)
+                          :background ,bg-alt)))
+    `(org-column-title ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-fixed-pitch default)
+                                :underline t :background ,bg-alt)))
+    `(org-date ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-link-symlink modus-themes-fixed-pitch))))
+    `(org-date-selected ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt :inverse-video t)))
     `(org-dispatcher-highlight ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-mark-alt))))
     `(org-document-info ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-    `(org-document-title ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :foreground ,fg-special-cold
-                                  ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-title))))
-    `(org-done ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran blue green))))
-    `(org-drawer ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(org-document-info-keyword ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-fixed-pitch))))
+    `(org-document-title ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-0)))
+    `(org-done ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue)))
+    `(org-drawer ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-fixed-pitch))))
     `(org-ellipsis (())) ; inherits from the heading's color
     `(org-footnote ((,class :inherit button
@@ -6472,7 +6572,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(org-habit-alert-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-habit
-                                       yellow-graph-1-bg))))
+                                       yellow-graph-1-bg)
+                                    :foreground "black"))) ; special case
     `(org-habit-alert-future-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-habit
@@ -6481,11 +6582,14 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
-                                       blue-graph-1-bg))))
+                                       blue-graph-1-bg
+                                       blue-graph-1-bg)
+                                    :foreground "black"))) ; special case
     `(org-habit-clear-future-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-habit
+                                              blue-graph-1-bg
     `(org-habit-overdue-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-habit
@@ -6499,20 +6603,23 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
-                                       blue-graph-0-bg))))
+                                       cyan-graph-0-bg
+                                       blue-graph-0-bg
+                                       cyan-graph-1-bg)
+                                    :foreground "black"))) ; special case
     `(org-habit-ready-future-face ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-habit
-                                              blue-graph-0-bg))))
-    `(org-headline-done ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch
-                                 :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                blue-nuanced-fg
-                                                green-nuanced-fg))))
+                                              cyan-graph-1-bg
+                                              blue-graph-0-bg
+                                              cyan-graph-1-bg))))
+    `(org-headline-done ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-variable-pitch modus-themes-grue-nuanced))))
     `(org-headline-todo ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch :foreground ,red-nuanced-fg)))
     `(org-hide ((,class :foreground ,bg-main)))
     `(org-indent ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch org-hide))))
-    `(org-latex-and-related ((,class :foreground ,magenta-refine-fg)))
+    `(org-imminent-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
+    `(org-latex-and-related ((,class :foreground ,magenta-faint)))
     `(org-level-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
     `(org-level-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
     `(org-level-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
@@ -6523,9 +6630,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(org-level-8 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-8)))
     `(org-link ((,class :inherit button)))
     `(org-list-dt ((,class :inherit bold)))
-    `(org-macro ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
-                         :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg :foreground ,cyan-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(org-meta-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(org-macro ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-macro)))
+    `(org-meta-line ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-fixed-pitch))))
     `(org-mode-line-clock ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(org-priority ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
@@ -6534,19 +6640,18 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(org-scheduled ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-scheduled yellow-faint fg-special-warm magenta-alt))))
     `(org-scheduled-previously ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-scheduled yellow fg-special-warm yellow-alt-other))))
     `(org-scheduled-today ((,class ,@(modus-themes--agenda-scheduled yellow fg-special-warm magenta-alt-other))))
-    `(org-sexp-date ((,class :inherit org-date)))
-    `(org-special-keyword ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(org-sexp-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(org-special-keyword ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-fixed-pitch))))
     `(org-table ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(org-table-header ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch modus-themes-intense-neutral))))
+    `(org-table-header ((,class :inherit (fixed-pitch modus-themes-special-cold))))
     `(org-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-nuanced-fg)))
     `(org-tag-group ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-nuanced-fg)))
     `(org-target ((,class :underline t)))
-    `(org-time-grid ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+    `(org-time-grid ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(org-todo ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(org-upcoming-distant-deadline ((,class :foreground ,red-faint)))
-    `(org-verbatim ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch
-                            :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
+    `(org-verbatim ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
     `(org-verse ((,class :inherit org-quote)))
     `(org-warning ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; org-journal
@@ -6554,8 +6659,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(org-journal-calendar-scheduled-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
     `(org-journal-highlight ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
 ;;;;; org-noter
-    `(org-noter-no-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
-    `(org-noter-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green-active)))
+    `(org-noter-no-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(org-noter-notes-exist-face ((,class :inherit success)))
 ;;;;; org-pomodoro
     `(org-pomodoro-mode-line ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(org-pomodoro-mode-line-break ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
@@ -6563,32 +6668,21 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;;; org-recur
     `(org-recur ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
 ;;;;; org-roam
-    `(org-roam-link ((,class :inherit button
-                             ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                green green-faint))))
-    `(org-roam-link-current ((,class :inherit button
-                                     ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                        green-alt green-alt-faint))))
-    `(org-roam-link-invalid ((,class :inherit button
-                                     ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                        red red-faint))))
-    `(org-roam-link-shielded ((,class :inherit button
-                                      ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                         yellow yellow-faint))))
-    `(org-roam-tag ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(org-roam-dim ((,class :foreground "gray50")))
+    `(org-roam-header-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-active)))
+    `(org-roam-olp ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(org-roam-preview-heading ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-neutral)))
+    `(org-roam-preview-heading-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-neutral)))
+    `(org-roam-preview-heading-selection ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
+    `(org-roam-preview-region ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(org-roam-title ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
 ;;;;; org-superstar
     `(org-superstar-item ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(org-superstar-leading ((,class :foreground ,fg-whitespace)))
 ;;;;; org-table-sticky-header
-    `(org-table-sticky-header-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-neutral)))
+    `(org-table-sticky-header-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; org-tree-slide
-    `(org-tree-slide-header-overlay-face
-      ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-variable-pitch) :background ,bg-main
-               :foreground ,fg-special-cold :overline nil
-               ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-title))))
-;;;;; org-treescope
-    `(org-treescope-faces--markerinternal-midday ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
-    `(org-treescope-faces--markerinternal-range ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-mild)))
+    `(org-tree-slide-header-overlay-face ((,class :inherit org-document-title)))
 ;;;;; origami
     `(origami-fold-header-face ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim :box t)))
     `(origami-fold-replacement-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
@@ -6605,19 +6699,19 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(outline-minor-0 (()))
 ;;;;; package (M-x list-packages)
     `(package-description ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(package-help-section-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(package-help-section-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(package-name ((,class :inherit button)))
-    `(package-status-avail-obso ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
-    `(package-status-available ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
+    `(package-status-available ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(package-status-avail-obso ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(package-status-built-in ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(package-status-dependency ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(package-status-disabled ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red)))
     `(package-status-external ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(package-status-held ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
-    `(package-status-incompat ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(package-status-incompat ((,class :inherit warning)))
     `(package-status-installed ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(package-status-new ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
-    `(package-status-unsigned ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(package-status-new ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(package-status-unsigned ((,class :inherit error)))
 ;;;;; page-break-lines
     `(page-break-lines ((,class :inherit default :foreground ,fg-window-divider-outer)))
 ;;;;; pandoc-mode
@@ -6626,23 +6720,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(pandoc-directive-braces-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(pandoc-directive-contents-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(pandoc-directive-type-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-;;;;; paradox
-    `(paradox-archive-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(paradox-comment-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
-    `(paradox-commit-tag-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta :box t)))
-    `(paradox-description-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(paradox-description-face-multiline ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(paradox-download-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(paradox-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(paradox-homepage-button-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
-    `(paradox-mode-line-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-active)))
-    `(paradox-name-face ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
-    `(paradox-star-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(paradox-starred-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
 ;;;;; paren-face
     `(parenthesis ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-;;;;; parrot
-    `(parrot-rotate-rotation-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
 ;;;;; pass
     `(pass-mode-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(pass-mode-entry-face ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -6658,42 +6737,32 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;;; perspective
     `(persp-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-active)))
 ;;;;; phi-grep
-    `(phi-grep-heading-face  ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
-                                      ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
+    `(phi-grep-heading-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(phi-grep-line-number-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(phi-grep-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-calm)))
     `(phi-grep-modified-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
     `(phi-grep-overlay-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue)))
-;;;;; phi-search
-    `(phi-replace-preview-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-magenta)))
-    `(phi-search-failpart-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-red)))
-    `(phi-search-match-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success-lazy)))
-    `(phi-search-selection-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-search-success bold))))
-;;;;; pkgbuild-mode
-    `(pkgbuild-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
 ;;;;; pomidor
     `(pomidor-break-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(pomidor-overwork-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
-    `(pomidor-skip-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-alt)))
-    `(pomidor-work-face ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                blue-alt
-                                                green-alt-other))))
+    `(pomidor-skip-face ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-slant))))
+    `(pomidor-work-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue)))
 ;;;;; popup
     `(popup-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(popup-isearch-match ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-refine-cyan bold))))
-    `(popup-menu-mouse-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
-    `(popup-menu-selection-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-subtle-cyan bold))))
+    `(popup-isearch-match ((,class :inherit modus-themes-search-success)))
+    `(popup-menu-mouse-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
+    `(popup-menu-selection-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected-popup)))
     `(popup-scroll-bar-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
     `(popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
     `(popup-summary-face ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
     `(popup-tip-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
 ;;;;; powerline
-    `(powerline-active0 ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,blue-faint :inverse-video t)))
-    `(powerline-active1 ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(powerline-active2 ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-active)))
-    `(powerline-inactive0 ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(powerline-inactive1 ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
-    `(powerline-inactive2 ((,class :background ,bg-inactive :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
+    `(powerline-active0 ((,class :background ,fg-unfocused :foreground ,bg-main)))
+    `(powerline-active1 ((,class :inherit mode-line-active)))
+    `(powerline-active2 ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive)))
+    `(powerline-inactive0 ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(powerline-inactive1 ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(powerline-inactive2 ((,class :inherit mode-line-inactive)))
 ;;;;; powerline-evil
     `(powerline-evil-base-face ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,bg-main)))
     `(powerline-evil-emacs-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-magenta)))
@@ -6703,16 +6772,23 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(powerline-evil-operator-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-yellow)))
     `(powerline-evil-replace-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-red)))
     `(powerline-evil-visual-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-cyan)))
+;;;;; prescient
+    `(prescient-primary-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(prescient-secondary-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-1)))
 ;;;;; proced
     `(proced-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-symbol)))
     `(proced-marked ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-alt)))
     `(proced-sort-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-calm :underline t)))
 ;;;;; prodigy
-    `(prodigy-green-face ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(prodigy-red-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(prodigy-yellow-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(prodigy-green-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(prodigy-red-face ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(prodigy-yellow-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
 ;;;;; pulse
     `(pulse-highlight-start-face ((,class :background ,bg-active-accent :extend t)))
+;;;;; pyim
+    `(pyim-page ((,class :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-active)))
+    `(pyim-page-selection ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-active :foreground ,blue-active)))
+    `(pyim-page-subword ((,class :background ,bg-inactive)))
 ;;;;; quick-peek
     `(quick-peek-background-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(quick-peek-border-face ((,class :background ,fg-window-divider-inner :height 1)))
@@ -6725,7 +6801,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
                                         :foreground ,green)))
     `(racket-here-string-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
     `(racket-keyword-argument-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(racket-logger-config-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(racket-logger-config-face ((,class :inherit (shadow modus-themes-slant))))
     `(racket-logger-debug-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(racket-logger-info-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-lang-note)))
     `(racket-logger-topic-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,magenta)))
@@ -6742,22 +6818,6 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(rainbow-blocks-depth-8-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
     `(rainbow-blocks-depth-9-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
     `(rainbow-blocks-unmatched-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-;;;;; rainbow-identifiers
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-1 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt-other)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-2 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-3 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-4 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-5 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-6 ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-7 ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-8 ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-9 ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-10 ((,class :foreground ,green)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-11 ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-12 ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-13 ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-14 ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(rainbow-identifiers-identifier-15 ((,class :foreground ,red-alt)))
 ;;;;; rainbow-delimiters
     `(rainbow-delimiters-base-error-face ((,class :background ,red-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(rainbow-delimiters-base-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -6773,16 +6833,19 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(rainbow-delimiters-mismatched-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-refine-yellow))))
     `(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-refine-red))))
 ;;;;; rcirc
-    `(rcirc-bright-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
+    `(rcirc-bright-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-intense)))
     `(rcirc-dim-nick ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(rcirc-monospace-text ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
     `(rcirc-my-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
-    `(rcirc-nick-in-message ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(rcirc-other-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
+    `(rcirc-nick-in-message ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
+    `(rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(rcirc-other-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
     `(rcirc-prompt ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
-    `(rcirc-server ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-    `(rcirc-timestamp ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(rcirc-url ((,class :foreground ,blue :underline t)))
+    `(rcirc-server ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(rcirc-timestamp ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
+    `(rcirc-track-keyword ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(rcirc-track-nick ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
+    `(rcirc-url ((,class :inherit link)))
 ;;;;; recursion-indicator
     `(recursion-indicator-general ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
     `(recursion-indicator-minibuffer ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
@@ -6825,72 +6888,11 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(ruler-mode-margins ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground ,bg-main)))
     `(ruler-mode-pad ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :background ,bg-active :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
     `(ruler-mode-tab-stop ((,class :inherit ruler-mode-default :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-;;;;; sallet
-    `(sallet-buffer-compressed ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,yellow-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-default-directory ((,class :foreground ,cyan-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-help ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-modified ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-ordinary ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-read-only ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-size ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-calm)))
-    `(sallet-buffer-special ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(sallet-flx-match ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                   'modus-themes-subtle-cyan
-                                   'modus-themes-refine-cyan
-                                   'modus-themes-nuanced-cyan
-                                   cyan-alt-other))))
-    `(sallet-recentf-buffer-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(sallet-recentf-file-path ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-mild)))
-    `(sallet-regexp-match ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                      'modus-themes-subtle-magenta
-                                      'modus-themes-refine-magenta
-                                      'modus-themes-nuanced-magenta
-                                      magenta-alt-other))))
-    `(sallet-source-header ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
-                                    ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
-    `(sallet-substring-match ((,class ,@(modus-themes--extra-completions
-                                         'modus-themes-subtle-blue
-                                         'modus-themes-refine-blue
-                                         'modus-themes-nuanced-blue
-                                         blue-alt-other))))
 ;;;;; selectrum
-    ;; NOTE 2021-02-22: The `selectrum-primary-highlight' and
-    ;; `selectrum-secondary-highlight' are deprecated upstream in favour
-    ;; of their selectrum-prescient counterparts.  We shall remove those
-    ;; faces from the themes once we are certain that they are no longer
-    ;; relevant.
-    `(selectrum-current-candidate
-      ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main
-               :background ,@(pcase modus-themes-completions
-                               ('opinionated (list bg-active))
-                               (_ (list bg-inactive))))))
+    `(selectrum-current-candidate ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
     `(selectrum-mouse-highlight ((,class :inherit highlight)))
-    `(selectrum-primary-highlight
-      ((,class :inherit bold
-               ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                  magenta-alt magenta-nuanced-bg
-                  magenta-refine-bg magenta-refine-fg))))
-    `(selectrum-secondary-highlight
-      ((,class :inherit bold
-               ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                  cyan-alt-other cyan-nuanced-bg
-                  cyan-refine-bg cyan-refine-fg))))
-    `(selectrum-quick-keys-highlight
-      ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-red)))
-    `(selectrum-quick-keys-match
-      ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-search-success))))
-;;;;; selectrum-prescient
-    `(selectrum-prescient-primary-highlight
-      ((,class :inherit bold
-               ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                  magenta-alt magenta-nuanced-bg
-                  magenta-refine-bg magenta-refine-fg))))
-    `(selectrum-prescient-secondary-highlight
-      ((,class :inherit bold
-               ,@(modus-themes--standard-completions
-                  cyan-alt-other cyan-nuanced-bg
-                  cyan-refine-bg cyan-refine-fg))))
+    `(selectrum-quick-keys-highlight ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-char-0)))
+    `(selectrum-quick-keys-match ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-char-1)))
 ;;;;; semantic
     `(semantic-complete-inline-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :underline t)))
     `(semantic-decoration-on-fileless-includes ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-green)))
@@ -6904,8 +6906,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(semantic-tag-boundary-face ((,class :overline ,blue-intense)))
     `(semantic-unmatched-syntax-face ((,class :underline ,fg-lang-error)))
 ;;;;; sesman
-    `(sesman-browser-button-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other :underline t)))
-    `(sesman-browser-highligh-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-blue)))
+    `(sesman-browser-button-face ((,class :inherit button)))
+    `(sesman-browser-highligh-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
     `(sesman-buffer-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(sesman-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
     `(sesman-project-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
@@ -6922,13 +6924,14 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(show-paren-match-expression ((,class :background ,bg-paren-expression)))
     `(show-paren-mismatch ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
 ;;;;; shr
+    `(shr-abbreviation ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-note)))
+    `(shr-code ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
     `(shr-h1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-1)))
     `(shr-h2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-2)))
     `(shr-h3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-3)))
     `(shr-h4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-4)))
     `(shr-h5 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-5)))
     `(shr-h6 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-heading-6)))
-    `(shr-abbreviation ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-note)))
     `(shr-selected-link ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red)))
 ;;;;; side-notes
     `(side-notes ((,class :background ,bg-dim :foreground ,fg-dim)))
@@ -6939,6 +6942,33 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(sieve-test-commands ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
 ;;;;; skewer-mode
     `(skewer-error-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
+;;;;; slime (sldb)
+    `(sldb-condition-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)))
+    `(sldb-restart-number-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(sldb-restart-type-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-type-face)))
+    `(sldb-restartable-frame-line-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(sldb-section-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-pseudo-header)))
+    `(slime-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
+    `(slime-note-face ((,class :underline t)))
+    `(slime-repl-input-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
+    `(slime-repl-inputed-output-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+    `(slime-repl-output-mouseover-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
+    `(slime-repl-prompt-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
+    `(slime-style-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-note)))
+    `(slime-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-warning)))
+;;;;; sly
+    `(sly-action-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-type-face)))
+    `(sly-db-condition-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)))
+    `(sly-db-restartable-frame-line-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(sly-error-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
+    `(sly-mode-line ((,class :inherit mode-line-emphasis)))
+    `(sly-mrepl-output-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+    `(sly-mrepl-output-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-string-face)))
+    `(sly-mrepl-prompt-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-prompt)))
+    `(sly-note-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-note)))
+    `(sly-stickers-placed-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-neutral)))
+    `(sly-style-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-note)))
+    `(sly-warning-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-warning)))
 ;;;;; smart-mode-line
     `(sml/charging ((,class :foreground ,green-active)))
     `(sml/discharging ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
@@ -6984,11 +7014,6 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(smerge-refined-changed (()))
     `(smerge-refined-removed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-refine-removed)))
     `(smerge-upper ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-removed)))
-;;;;; solaire
-    `(solaire-default-face ((,class :inherit default :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(solaire-line-number-face ((,class :inherit solaire-default-face :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-    `(solaire-hl-line-face ((,class :background ,bg-active)))
-    `(solaire-org-hide-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,bg-alt)))
 ;;;;; spaceline
     `(spaceline-evil-emacs ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-magenta)))
     `(spaceline-evil-insert ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-green)))
@@ -7008,40 +7033,29 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(speedbar-button-face ((,class :inherit button)))
     `(speedbar-directory-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
     `(speedbar-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(speedbar-highlight-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-blue)))
+    `(speedbar-highlight-face ((,class :inherit highlight)))
     `(speedbar-selected-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(speedbar-separator-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-neutral)))
     `(speedbar-tag-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; spell-fu
     `(spell-fu-incorrect-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
-;;;;; spray
-    `(spray-accent-face ((,class :foreground ,red-intense)))
-    `(spray-base-face ((,class :inherit default :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
 ;;;;; stripes
-    `(stripes ((,class :inherit modus-themes-hl-line)))
-;;;;; success
+    `(stripes ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
+;;;;; suggest
     `(suggest-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; switch-window
     `(switch-window-background ((,class :background ,bg-dim)))
     `(switch-window-label ((,class :height 3.0 :foreground ,blue-intense)))
 ;;;;; swiper
-    `(swiper-background-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-neutral)))
-    `(swiper-background-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-cyan)))
-    `(swiper-background-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-magenta)))
-    `(swiper-background-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
-    `(swiper-line-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-cold)))
-    `(swiper-match-face-1 ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-intense-neutral))))
-    `(swiper-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-intense-green))))
-    `(swiper-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-intense-blue))))
-    `(swiper-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit (bold modus-themes-intense-red))))
-;;;;; swoop
-    `(swoop-face-header-format-line ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt
-                                             ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-3))))
-    `(swoop-face-line-buffer-name ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt
-                                           ,@(modus-themes--scale modus-themes-scale-4))))
-    `(swoop-face-line-number ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(swoop-face-target-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue :extend t)))
-    `(swoop-face-target-words ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-cyan)))
+    `(swiper-background-match-face-1 (( )))
+    `(swiper-background-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(swiper-background-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-1)))
+    `(swiper-background-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-2)))
+    `(swiper-line-face ((,class :background ,bg-hl-alt-intense)))
+    `(swiper-match-face-1 (( )))
+    `(swiper-match-face-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-0)))
+    `(swiper-match-face-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-1)))
+    `(swiper-match-face-4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-match-2)))
 ;;;;; sx
     `(sx-inbox-item-type ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(sx-inbox-item-type-unread ((,class :inherit (sx-inbox-item-type bold))))
@@ -7066,7 +7080,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(sx-question-mode-score-downvoted ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(sx-question-mode-score-upvoted ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(sx-question-mode-title ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(sx-question-mode-title-comments ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-alt)))
+    `(sx-question-mode-title-comments ((,class :inherit (shadow bold))))
     `(sx-tag ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(sx-user-name ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
     `(sx-user-reputation ((,class :inherit shadow)))
@@ -7082,56 +7096,52 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(symbol-overlay-face-8 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-cyan)))
 ;;;;; syslog-mode
     `(syslog-debug ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(syslog-error ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red)))
+    `(syslog-error ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(syslog-file ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(syslog-hide ((,class :background ,bg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(syslog-hour ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(syslog-info ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
+    `(syslog-info ((,class :inherit success)))
     `(syslog-ip ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-special-mild :underline t)))
     `(syslog-su ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
-    `(syslog-warn ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(syslog-warn ((,class :inherit warning)))
 ;;;;; tab-bar-groups
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-1 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,blue-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-2 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,red-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-3 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,green-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-4 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,orange-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-5 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,purple-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-6 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,cyan-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-7 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,yellow-tab)))
-    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-8 ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui) :foreground ,magenta-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,blue-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-2 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,red-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-3 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,green-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-4 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,orange-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-5 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,purple-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-6 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,cyan-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-7 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,yellow-tab)))
+    `(tab-bar-groups-tab-8 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-ui-variable-pitch :foreground ,magenta-tab)))
 ;;;;; tab-bar-mode
-    `(tab-bar ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui)
-                       :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(tab-bar-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color ,bg-tab-active)
-                           :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color ,bg-tab-inactive)
-                                    :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground ,fg-dim)))
+    `(tab-bar ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-backdrop)))
+    `(tab-bar-tab-group-current ((,class ,@(modus-themes--tab bg-tab-active)
+                                         :box (:line-width (2 . -2) :color "gray50"))))
+    `(tab-bar-tab-group-inactive ((,class ,@(modus-themes--tab bg-tab-inactive bg-tab-inactive-accent fg-dim)
+                                          :box (:line-width (2 . -2) :color "gray50"))))
+    `(tab-bar-tab ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-active)))
+    `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-inactive)))
 ;;;;; tab-line-mode
-    `(tab-line ((,class ,@(modus-themes--variable-pitch-ui)
-                        :height 0.95 :background ,bg-tab-bar :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(tab-line ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-backdrop :height 0.95)))
     `(tab-line-close-highlight ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(tab-line-highlight ((,class :background ,blue-subtle-bg :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(tab-line-tab ((,class :inherit bold :box (:line-width 2 :color ,bg-tab-active)
-                            :background ,bg-tab-active :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(tab-line-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-active-blue)))
+    `(tab-line-tab ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-active)))
     `(tab-line-tab-current ((,class :inherit tab-line-tab)))
-    `(tab-line-tab-inactive ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color ,bg-tab-inactive)
-                                     :background ,bg-tab-inactive :foreground ,fg-dim)))
-    `(tab-line-tab-inactive-alternate ((,class :box (:line-width 2 :color ,bg-tab-inactive-alt)
-                                               :background ,bg-tab-inactive-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
+    `(tab-line-tab-inactive ((,class :inherit modus-themes-tab-inactive)))
+    `(tab-line-tab-inactive-alternate ((,class ,@(modus-themes--tab bg-tab-inactive-alt
+                                                                    bg-tab-inactive-alt-accent fg-main nil t))))
+    `(tab-line-tab-modified ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other-faint)))
 ;;;;; table (built-in table.el)
     `(table-cell ((,class :background ,blue-nuanced-bg)))
 ;;;;; telega
-    ;; FIXME 2021-03-28: Some aspects of `telega' are not fully
-    ;; supported or have not been tested thoroughly.  Please understand
-    ;; that I do not use that service because it requires a smartphone
-    ;; and I have none.  Help with testing is appreciated.
     `(telega-button ((,class :box t :foreground ,blue)))
     `(telega-button-active ((,class :box ,blue-intense-bg :background ,blue-intense-bg :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(telega-button-highlight ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-magenta)))
     `(telega-chat-prompt ((,class :inherit bold)))
-    `(telega-entity-type-code ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+    `(telega-entity-type-code ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-verbatim)))
     `(telega-entity-type-mention ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(telega-entity-type-pre ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch)))
+    `(telega-entity-type-pre ((,class :inherit modus-themes-markup-code)))
+    `(telega-entity-type-spoiler ((,class :background ,fg-main :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(telega-msg-heading ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(telega-msg-self-title ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(telega-root-heading ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-neutral)))
@@ -7140,9 +7150,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(telega-user-online-status ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(telega-username ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
     `(telega-webpage-chat-link ((,class :background ,bg-alt)))
-    `(telega-webpage-fixed ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :height 0.85)))
+    `(telega-webpage-fixed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :height 0.85)))
     `(telega-webpage-header ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch :height 1.3)))
-    `(telega-webpage-preformatted ((,class :inherit fixed-pitch :background ,bg-alt)))
+    `(telega-webpage-preformatted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-fixed-pitch :background ,bg-alt)))
     `(telega-webpage-subheader ((,class :inherit modus-themes-variable-pitch :height 1.15)))
 ;;;;; telephone-line
     `(telephone-line-accent-active ((,class :background ,fg-inactive :foreground ,bg-inactive)))
@@ -7178,6 +7188,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(term-color-white ((,class :background "gray65" :foreground "gray65")))
     `(term-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(term-underline ((,class :underline t)))
+;;;;; textsec
+    `(textsec-suspicious (()))
 ;;;;; tomatinho
     `(tomatinho-ok-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-intense)))
     `(tomatinho-pause-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-intense)))
@@ -7185,12 +7197,12 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;;; transient
     `(transient-active-infix ((,class :inherit modus-themes-special-mild)))
     `(transient-amaranth ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,yellow-alt)))
-    `(transient-argument ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,green)))
+    ;; Placate the compiler for what is a spurious warning.  We also
+    ;; have to do this with `eldoc-highlight-function-argument'.
+    (list 'transient-argument `((,class :inherit bold :background ,cyan-nuanced-bg :foreground ,cyan)))
     `(transient-blue ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue)))
     `(transient-disabled-suffix ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
-    `(transient-enabled-suffix ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                    'modus-themes-subtle-blue
-                                                    'modus-themes-subtle-green))))
+    `(transient-enabled-suffix ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-subtle)))
     `(transient-heading ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(transient-inactive-argument ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(transient-inactive-value ((,class :inherit shadow)))
@@ -7198,45 +7210,59 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(transient-mismatched-key ((,class :underline t)))
     `(transient-nonstandard-key ((,class :underline t)))
     `(transient-pink ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-faint)))
+    `(transient-purple ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(transient-red ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-faint)))
     `(transient-teal ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
-    `(transient-unreachable ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-    `(transient-unreachable-key ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
-    `(transient-value ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
+    `(transient-unreachable ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(transient-unreachable-key ((,class :inherit shadow)))
+    `(transient-value ((,class :inherit bold :background ,yellow-nuanced-bg :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
 ;;;;; trashed
     `(trashed-deleted ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-del)))
     `(trashed-directory ((,class :foreground ,blue)))
     `(trashed-mark ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-symbol)))
     `(trashed-marked ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-alt)))
     `(trashed-restored ((,class :inherit modus-themes-mark-sel)))
-    `(trashed-symlink ((,class :inherit button
-                               ,@(modus-themes--link-color
-                                  cyan-alt cyan-alt-faint))))
+    `(trashed-symlink ((,class :inherit modus-themes-link-symlink)))
+;;;;; tree-sitter
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:attribute ((,class :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:constant.builtin ((,class :inherit tree-sitter-hl-face:constant)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:escape ((,class :inherit font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:function ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
+    `( ((,class :inherit tree-sitter-hl-face:function)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:label (( )))
+    `( (( )))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:operator ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:property (( )))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:property.definition ((,class :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation (( )))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation.bracket (( )))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation.delimiter (( )))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation.special ((,class :inherit font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:string.special ((,class :inherit tree-sitter-hl-face:string)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:tag ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
+    `(tree-sitter-hl-face:type.argument (( )))
 ;;;;; treemacs
     `(treemacs-directory-collapsed-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(treemacs-directory-face ((,class :inherit dired-directory)))
     `(treemacs-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(treemacs-fringe-indicator-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(treemacs-git-added-face ((,class :foreground ,green-intense)))
-    `(treemacs-git-conflict-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-red bold))))
+    `(treemacs-git-added-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(treemacs-git-conflict-face ((,class :inherit error)))
     `(treemacs-git-ignored-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(treemacs-git-modified-face ((,class :foreground ,yellow-alt-other)))
-    `(treemacs-git-renamed-face ((,class :foreground ,cyan-alt-other)))
+    `(treemacs-git-modified-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
+    `(treemacs-git-renamed-face ((,class :inherit italic)))
     `(treemacs-git-unmodified-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(treemacs-git-untracked-face ((,class :foreground ,red-alt-other)))
+    `(treemacs-git-untracked-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(treemacs-help-column-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-bold :foreground ,magenta-alt-other :underline t)))
     `(treemacs-help-title-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(treemacs-on-failure-pulse-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-red)))
-    `(treemacs-on-success-pulse-face ((,class :inherit ,@(modus-themes--success-deuteran
-                                                          'modus-themes-intense-blue
-                                                          'modus-themes-intense-green))))
+    `(treemacs-on-success-pulse-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue-background-intense)))
     `(treemacs-root-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,blue-alt-other :height 1.2 :underline t)))
     `(treemacs-root-remote-disconnected-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-remote-face :foreground ,yellow)))
     `(treemacs-root-remote-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-face :foreground ,magenta)))
     `(treemacs-root-remote-unreadable-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-unreadable-face)))
     `(treemacs-root-unreadable-face ((,class :inherit treemacs-root-face :strike-through t)))
     `(treemacs-tags-face ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt)))
-    `(treemacs-tags-face ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
 ;;;;; tty-menu
     `(tty-menu-disabled-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-alt)))
     `(tty-menu-enabled-face ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,fg-main)))
@@ -7281,10 +7307,10 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(vc-dir-header-value ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
     `(vc-dir-mark-indicator ((,class :foreground ,blue-alt-other)))
     `(vc-dir-status-edited ((,class :foreground ,yellow)))
-    `(vc-dir-status-ignored ((,class :foreground ,fg-unfocused)))
+    `(vc-dir-status-ignored ((,class :inherit shadow)))
     `(vc-dir-status-up-to-date ((,class :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(vc-dir-status-warning ((,class :foreground ,red)))
-    `(vc-conflict-state ((,class :inherit modus-themes-slant :foreground ,red-active)))
+    `(vc-dir-status-warning ((,class :inherit error)))
+    `(vc-conflict-state ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(vc-edited-state ((,class :foreground ,yellow-active)))
     `(vc-locally-added-state ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(vc-locked-state ((,class :foreground ,blue-active)))
@@ -7293,19 +7319,11 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(vc-removed-state ((,class :foreground ,red-active)))
     `(vc-state-base ((,class :foreground ,fg-active)))
     `(vc-up-to-date-state ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
-;;;;; vdiff
-    `(vdiff-addition-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-added)))
-    `(vdiff-change-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-changed)))
-    `(vdiff-closed-fold-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-heading)))
-    `(vdiff-refine-added ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-refine-added)))
-    `(vdiff-refine-changed ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-refine-changed)))
-    `(vdiff-subtraction-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-diff-removed)))
-    `(vdiff-target-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
 ;;;;; vertico
-    `(vertico-current ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,fg-main
-                               :background ,@(pcase modus-themes-completions
-                                               ('opinionated (list bg-active))
-                                               (_ (list bg-inactive))))))
+    `(vertico-current ((,class :inherit modus-themes-completion-selected)))
+;;;;; vertico-quick
+    `(vertico-quick1 ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-char-0)))
+    `(vertico-quick2 ((,class :inherit bold :background ,bg-char-1)))
 ;;;;; vimish-fold
     `(vimish-fold-fringe ((,class :foreground ,cyan-active)))
     `(vimish-fold-mouse-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-blue)))
@@ -7323,8 +7341,6 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(vr/match-0 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
     `(vr/match-1 ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
     `(vr/match-separator-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-neutral bold))))
-;;;;; volatile-highlights
-    `(vhl/default-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg :extend t)))
 ;;;;; vterm
     `(vterm-color-black ((,class :background "gray35" :foreground "gray35")))
     `(vterm-color-blue ((,class :background ,blue :foreground ,blue)))
@@ -7337,6 +7353,8 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(vterm-color-underline ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm :underline t)))
     `(vterm-color-white ((,class :background "gray65" :foreground "gray65")))
     `(vterm-color-yellow ((,class :background ,yellow :foreground ,yellow)))
+;;;;; vundo
+    `(vundo-highlight ((,class :inherit (bold vundo-node) :foreground ,red-intense)))
 ;;;;; wcheck-mode
     `(wcheck-default-face ((,class :foreground ,red :underline t)))
 ;;;;; web-mode
@@ -7397,7 +7415,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(web-mode-jsx-depth-3-face ((,class :background ,bg-special-cold :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(web-mode-jsx-depth-4-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue-refine-fg)))
     `(web-mode-jsx-depth-5-face ((,class :background ,bg-alt :foreground ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
-    `(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class :inherit :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
+    `(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)))
     `(web-mode-param-name-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
     `(web-mode-part-comment-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-comment-face)))
     `(web-mode-part-face ((,class :inherit web-mode-block-face)))
@@ -7414,11 +7432,11 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(web-mode-warning-face ((,class :inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
     `(web-mode-whitespace-face ((,class :background ,bg-whitespace :foreground ,fg-whitespace)))
 ;;;;; wgrep
-    `(wgrep-delete-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-yellow)))
-    `(wgrep-done-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-blue)))
-    `(wgrep-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-refine-green)))
+    `(wgrep-delete-face ((,class :inherit warning)))
+    `(wgrep-done-face ((,class :inherit success)))
+    `(wgrep-face ((,class :inherit bold)))
     `(wgrep-file-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
-    `(wgrep-reject-face ((,class :inherit (modus-themes-intense-red bold))))
+    `(wgrep-reject-face ((,class :inherit error)))
 ;;;;; which-function-mode
     `(which-func ((,class :foreground ,magenta-active)))
 ;;;;; which-key
@@ -7429,7 +7447,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(which-key-local-map-description-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
     `(which-key-note-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-special-warm)))
     `(which-key-separator-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
-    `(which-key-special-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,orange-intense)))
+    `(which-key-special-key-face ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,red-alt)))
 ;;;;; whitespace-mode
     `(whitespace-big-indent ((,class :inherit modus-themes-subtle-red)))
     `(whitespace-empty ((,class :inherit modus-themes-intense-magenta)))
@@ -7454,9 +7472,9 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(writegood-weasels-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-lang-error)))
 ;;;;; woman
     `(woman-addition ((,class :foreground ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(woman-bold ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta)))
+    `(woman-bold ((,class :inherit bold :foreground ,magenta-alt)))
     `(woman-italic ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,cyan)))
-    `(woman-unknown ((,class :inherit italic :foreground ,yellow)))
+    `(woman-unknown ((,class :foreground ,green-alt)))
 ;;;;; xah-elisp-mode
     `(xah-elisp-at-symbol ((,class :inherit font-lock-warning-face)))
     `(xah-elisp-cap-variable ((,class :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)))
@@ -7474,7 +7492,7 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
     `(ztreep-arrow-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-inactive)))
     `(ztreep-diff-header-face ((,class :inherit bold :height 1.2 :foreground ,fg-special-cold)))
     `(ztreep-diff-header-small-face ((,class :foreground ,fg-main)))
-    `(ztreep-diff-model-add-face ((,class :foreground ,@(modus-themes--diff-deuteran blue green))))
+    `(ztreep-diff-model-add-face ((,class :inherit modus-themes-grue)))
     `(ztreep-diff-model-diff-face ((,class :foreground ,red)))
     `(ztreep-diff-model-ignored-face ((,class :inherit shadow :strike-through t)))
     `(ztreep-diff-model-normal-face ((,class :inherit shadow)))
@@ -7493,21 +7511,24 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
 ;;;; awesome-tray
     `(awesome-tray-mode-line-active-color ,blue)
     `(awesome-tray-mode-line-inactive-color ,bg-active)
+;;;; chart
+    `(chart-face-color-list
+      '( ,red-graph-0-bg ,green-graph-0-bg ,yellow-graph-0-bg ,blue-graph-0-bg ,magenta-graph-0-bg ,cyan-graph-0-bg
+         ,red-graph-1-bg ,green-graph-1-bg ,yellow-graph-1-bg ,blue-graph-1-bg ,magenta-graph-1-bg ,cyan-graph-1-bg))
 ;;;; exwm
     `(exwm-floating-border-color ,fg-window-divider-inner)
 ;;;; flymake fringe indicators
     `(flymake-error-bitmap '(flymake-double-exclamation-mark modus-themes-fringe-red))
     `(flymake-warning-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-themes-fringe-yellow))
     `(flymake-note-bitmap '(exclamation-mark modus-themes-fringe-cyan))
+;;;; highlight-changes
+    `(highlight-changes-colors nil)
+    `(highlight-changes-face-list '(success warning error bold bold-italic))
 ;;;; ibuffer
     `(ibuffer-deletion-face 'modus-themes-mark-del)
     `(ibuffer-filter-group-name-face 'modus-themes-pseudo-header)
     `(ibuffer-marked-face 'modus-themes-mark-sel)
     `(ibuffer-title-face 'default)
-;;;; highlight-tail
-    `(highlight-tail-colors
-      '((,green-subtle-bg . 0)
-        (,cyan-subtle-bg . 20)))
 ;;;; hl-todo
       '(("HOLD" . ,yellow-alt)
@@ -7528,38 +7549,31 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
         ("XXX+" . ,red-alt)
         ("REVIEW" . ,cyan-alt-other)
         ("DEPRECATED" . ,blue-nuanced-fg)))
+;;;; mini-modeline
+    `(mini-modeline-face-attr '(:background unspecified))
 ;;;; pdf-tools
       '(,fg-main . ,bg-dim))
-;;;; vc-annotate (C-x v g)
-    `(vc-annotate-background nil)
-    `(vc-annotate-background-mode nil)
-    `(vc-annotate-color-map
-      '((20 . ,red)
-        (40 . ,magenta)
-        (60 . ,magenta-alt)
-        (80 . ,red-alt)
-        (100 . ,yellow)
-        (120 . ,yellow-alt)
-        (140 . ,fg-special-warm)
-        (160 . ,fg-special-mild)
-        (180 . ,green)
-        (200 . ,green-alt)
-        (220 . ,cyan-alt-other)
-        (240 . ,cyan-alt)
-        (260 . ,cyan)
-        (280 . ,fg-special-cold)
-        (300 . ,blue)
-        (320 . ,blue-alt)
-        (340 . ,blue-alt-other)
-        (360 . ,magenta-alt-other)))
-    `(vc-annotate-very-old-color nil)
+;;;; wid-edit
+    `(widget-link-prefix ,(if (memq 'all-buttons modus-themes-box-buttons)
+                              " "
+                            "["))
+    `(widget-link-suffix ,(if (memq 'all-buttons modus-themes-box-buttons)
+                              " "
+                            "]"))
+    `(widget-mouse-face '(highlight widget-button))
+    `(widget-push-button-prefix ,(if (memq 'all-buttons modus-themes-box-buttons)
+                                     " "
+                                   "["))
+    `(widget-push-button-suffix ,(if (memq 'all-buttons modus-themes-box-buttons)
+                                     " "
+                                   "]"))
 ;;;; xterm-color
     `(xterm-color-names ["black" ,red ,green ,yellow ,blue ,magenta ,cyan "gray65"])
     `(xterm-color-names-bright ["gray35" ,red-alt ,green-alt ,yellow-alt ,blue-alt ,magenta-alt ,cyan-alt "white"])
     (if (or (eq modus-themes-org-blocks 'tinted-background)
             (eq modus-themes-org-blocks 'rainbow))
-        `(org-src-block-faces              ; TODO this list should be expanded
+        `(org-src-block-faces
           `(("emacs-lisp" modus-themes-nuanced-magenta)
             ("elisp" modus-themes-nuanced-magenta)
             ("clojure" modus-themes-nuanced-magenta)
@@ -7588,11 +7602,4 @@ by virtue of calling either of `modus-themes-load-operandi' and
       (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path dir))))
 (provide 'modus-themes)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; time-stamp-start: "Last-Modified:[ \t]+\\\\?[\"<]"
-;; time-stamp-end: "\\\\?[\">]"
-;; time-stamp-format: "%Y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M:%02S %5z"
-;; End:
 ;;; modus-themes.el ends here
diff --git a/modus-vivendi-theme.el b/modus-vivendi-theme.el
index 6ff359d..746a008 100644
--- a/modus-vivendi-theme.el
+++ b/modus-vivendi-theme.el
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
-;;; modus-vivendi-theme.el --- Accessible dark theme (WCAG AAA) -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
+;;; modus-vivendi-theme.el --- Elegant, highly legible and customizable dark theme -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2019-2021  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2019-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <>
-;; URL:
-;; Version: 1.5.0
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
+;; Maintainer: Modus-Themes Development <~protesilaos/>
+;; URL:
+;; Mailing-List:
+;; Version: 2.7.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
 ;; Keywords: faces, theme, accessibility
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
-;; your option) any later version.
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.
 ;;; Commentary:
@@ -56,17 +58,20 @@
                (equal (file-name-directory load-file-name)
                       (expand-file-name "themes/" data-directory))
                (require-theme 'modus-themes t))
-    (require 'modus-themes)))
+    (require 'modus-themes))
-(deftheme modus-vivendi
-  "Accessible and customizable dark theme (WCAG AAA standard).
+  (deftheme modus-vivendi
+    "Elegant, highly legible and customizable dark theme.
 Conforms with the highest legibility standard for color contrast
 between background and foreground in any given piece of text,
 which corresponds to a minimum contrast in relative luminance of
+7:1 (WCAG AAA standard).")
-(modus-themes-theme modus-vivendi)
+  (modus-themes-theme modus-vivendi)
-(provide-theme 'modus-vivendi)
+  (provide-theme 'modus-vivendi))
+(put 'modus-vivendi 'theme-properties '(:background-mode dark :kind color-scheme :family modus))
 ;;; modus-vivendi-theme.el ends here


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