New Upstream Snapshot - r-cran-natserv

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 1.0.0+git20220909.1.ef8d717+dfsg (was: 1.0.0+dfsg).

Resulting package

Built on 2023-01-19T05:41 (took 13m7s)

The resulting binary packages can be installed (if you have the apt repository enabled) by running one of:

apt install -t fresh-snapshots r-cran-natserv

Lintian Result


index 467fe0c..6bf8135 100644
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ Title: 'NatureServe' Interface
 Description: Interface to 'NatureServe' (<>).
     Includes methods to get data, image metadata, search taxonomic names,
     and make maps.
-Version: 1.0.0
 License: MIT + file LICENSE
 Authors@R: c(
@@ -16,21 +16,19 @@ Authors@R: c(
         role = "fnd",
         comment = ""))
 LazyData: true
-VignetteBuilder: knitr
 Language: en-US
 Encoding: UTF-8
+Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
 Depends: R(>= 3.2.1)
 Imports: crul (>= 0.7.0), jsonlite, tibble
-Suggests: testthat, knitr, vcr
-RoxygenNote: 7.1.0
+Suggests: testthat, vcr
+RoxygenNote: 7.1.1 Taxonomy taxonomy, species, API, web-services,
         NatureServe, metadata, maps
 NeedsCompilation: no
-Packaged: 2020-05-15 21:02:58 UTC; sckott
+Packaged: 2023-01-19 05:35:26 UTC; root
 Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] (<>),
   rOpenSci [fnd] (
 Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <>
-Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2020-05-16 22:30:07 UTC
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index d99b2f4..0555ec9 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-YEAR: 2020
-COPYRIGHT HOLDER: Scott Chamberlain
+YEAR: 2021
+COPYRIGHT HOLDER: natserv authors
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
deleted file mode 100644
index 87f04bb..0000000
--- a/MD5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-7766597c2fd896bc6833673a1c17d58b *DESCRIPTION
-35bd8606c71dfbfad3ad27387e177ad4 *LICENSE
-aee627b2c6d28b18479b018fe5f4df26 *NAMESPACE
-df909438e8a262c5b624428bc79f2c5d *
-9495e27eac4003c7cbeb500f51982d76 *R/globals.R
-ba0e99dff32bcd7a1776bcc461201bcd *R/http.R
-da8fd42bbe38df64779ffc855d14a152 *R/natserv-package.R
-a9e012039f4c579bf7f9ab21c861fdcd *R/ns_altid.R
-a4214a37db02077d75280bb097f49367 *R/ns_ecohier.R
-2b6954731a13a89a3cf1d56f1c75ad2a *R/ns_export.R
-6bfd4f4e6f9d0548bc29b9d3f174df00 *R/ns_id.R
-47c31719d90923dad276870e1bac8d22 *R/ns_search_comb.R
-0fb835fae00cb6f206f10923eef4d7fc *R/ns_search_eco.R
-c62e1590c00b5b14a86fd26d9de662c7 *R/ns_search_spp.R
-b4a88193b5b7ade50c9edabd338220da *R/search_helpers.R
-9c655c60012e6b52b3e5cd2b1378d876 *R/zzz.R
-e49167c6d95bc150301a90f271fe5432 *
-24d332f2136cec13615ac5eb2e801944 *build/vignette.rds
-4b1a9d05899601061c9c77559b355ea6 *data/sysdata.rda
-ec49ca345b45cdddbf29f3e23b3d46d7 *inst/doc/natserv.Rmd
-38cfc8b776bd6b731ebae8c321ad3542 *inst/doc/natserv.html
-261ab8141a7c1af05f3fb5ae49812e48 *man/figures/plot.states-1.png
-8d931892f247107c1481db419f33bace *man/figures/
-d92c19a3a9b42e179c0b6048fa7e3ef6 *man/nat_states.Rd
-169ff40c44c8317a3ef66fedb72eb0a1 *man/natserv-package.Rd
-067a3763f5c093956f1a473d924b3d80 *man/ns_altid.Rd
-3cd8ae356e6a631292183c06aa5c3981 *man/ns_ecohier.Rd
-301c309e3837e35d319979960e2d50c4 *man/ns_export.Rd
-df7f1351d3c608fff3dc9dcabc8c4405 *man/ns_id.Rd
-c40f3de17da3378bbd61e3b2fb59cf4c *man/ns_search_comb.Rd
-01868aad8d5ace96042f378537086e87 *man/ns_search_eco.Rd
-9465a0aebde997b3af1116516b09e315 *man/ns_search_spp.Rd
-a8ef46e02db19b8fb9f0fe94b049d6bc *tests/fixtures/ns_altid.yml
-240290805c5b603a97286d5b7befea60 *tests/fixtures/ns_ecohier.yml
-63ecd6029ebb8d6c74bcf5c411c0a2d5 *tests/fixtures/ns_export.yml
-5385adda58f16ad63805fd6220f8f406 *tests/fixtures/ns_export_status.yml
-06a0207f2552c30f983ba4d97791fc9a *tests/fixtures/ns_id.yml
-a0b371a3abd3e43c65cc3cdc2855bd5d *tests/fixtures/ns_search_comb.yml
-a641c9c7113407a16e4d874ba5b00049 *tests/fixtures/ns_search_eco.yml
-a19ce441bbb6696936a534337bccac1d *tests/fixtures/ns_search_spp.yml
-12d4e215a6ba314ad17833f38d1906e9 *tests/test-all.R
-261d034dd036bf8744438521232a4f0f *tests/testthat/helper-natserv.R
-e68b8dbe91386c4c9a51b5bc7a0bad34 *tests/testthat/test-ns_altid.R
-04a66952878fbd50609b3cea681a4af7 *tests/testthat/test-ns_ecohier.R
-7d2bd14cebc3dd7367dd9108937109ab *tests/testthat/test-ns_export.R
-be7236f3cca71736a3d62c72fc68dd2d *tests/testthat/test-ns_id.R
-0655e9382f2b56ea1ac2df96502f9f7e *tests/testthat/test-ns_search_comb.R
-6eec18c9058a66b77f3f55f1951967f7 *tests/testthat/test-ns_search_eco.R
-2286685b5d0df3a749358d410206fa28 *tests/testthat/test-ns_search_spp.R
-6fb26008d86fd24bcbc65ebbc0be05c2 *tests/testthat/test-utils.R
-ec49ca345b45cdddbf29f3e23b3d46d7 *vignettes/natserv.Rmd
-018c95f54183881785c3aed595243d19 *vignettes/natserv.Rmd.og
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc4dd3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+[![cran checks](](
+[![cran version](](
+[![rstudio mirror downloads](](
+`natserv` NatureServe R client
+NatureServe is a non-profit organization that provides wildlife conservation related data to various groups including the public.
+* NatureServe site:
+* NatureServe API docs:
+All functions in this package are prefixed with `ns_` to prevent
+collision with other pkgs.
+You no longer need an API key.
+See also the taxize book ( for 
+a manual on working with taxonomic data in R, including with NatureServe data.
+## Installation
+Stable version from CRAN
+Development version
+## Search
+ns_search_comb(text = "robin", page = 0, per_page = 5)
+#> $results
+#> # A tibble: 5 x 15
+#>   recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
+#>   <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
+#> 1 SPECIES             100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau…
+#> 2 SPECIES             102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi  
+#> 3 SPECIES             102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
+#> 4 SPECIES             105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
+#> 5 SPECIES             105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa…
+#> # … with 23 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
+#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
+#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
+#> #   classificationStatus <chr>, speciesGlobal$usesaCode <lgl>,
+#> #   $cosewicCode <lgl>, $saraCode <lgl>, $synonyms <list>,
+#> #   $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>, $taxclass <chr>,
+#> #   $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>, $taxonomicComments <chr>,
+#> #   $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>, $completeDistribution <lgl>,
+#> #   gRank <chr>
+#> $resultsSummary
+#>                            name value
+#> 1                          page     0
+#> 2                recordsPerPage     5
+#> 3                    totalPages    26
+#> 4                  totalResults   126
+#> 5                 species_total   103
+#> 6                         total    23
+#> 7                       classes     0
+#> 8                    subclasses     0
+#> 9                    formations     0
+#> 10                    divisions     0
+#> 11                  macrogroups     1
+#> 12                       groups     1
+#> 13                    alliances     3
+#> 14                 associations    18
+#> 15 terrestrialEcologicalSystems     0
+See the vignette ( for more examples.
+## Meta
+* Please [report any issues or bugs](
+* License: MIT
+* Get citation information for `natserv` in R doing `citation(package = 'natserv')`
+* Please note that this package is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
diff --git a/ b/
index f9eb2d6..a09c462 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,103 +1,3 @@
+[![Project Status: Abandoned](](
-[![cran checks](](
-[![Build Status](](
-[![Build status](](
-[![cran version](](
-[![rstudio mirror downloads](](
-`natserv` NatureServe R client
-NatureServe is a non-profit organization that provides wildlife conservation related data to various groups including the public.
-* NatureServe site:
-* NatureServe API docs:
-All functions in this package are prefixed with `ns_` to prevent
-collision with other pkgs.
-You no longer need an API key.
-See also the taxize book ( for 
-a manual on working with taxonomic data in R, including with NatureServe data.
-## Installation
-Stable version from CRAN
-Development version
-## Search
-ns_search_comb(text = "robin", page = 0, per_page = 5)
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 5 x 14
-#>   recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>   <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#> 1 SPECIES             100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau…
-#> 2 SPECIES             102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi  
-#> 3 SPECIES             102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
-#> 4 SPECIES             105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
-#> 5 SPECIES             105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa…
-#> # … with 22 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   speciesGlobal$usesaCode <lgl>, $cosewicCode <lgl>, $saraCode <lgl>,
-#> #   $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>,
-#> #   $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>,
-#> #   $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>                            name value
-#> 1                          page     0
-#> 2                recordsPerPage     5
-#> 3                    totalPages    26
-#> 4                  totalResults   126
-#> 5                 species_total   103
-#> 6                         total    23
-#> 7                       classes     0
-#> 8                    subclasses     0
-#> 9                    formations     0
-#> 10                    divisions     0
-#> 11                  macrogroups     1
-#> 12                       groups     1
-#> 13                    alliances     3
-#> 14                 associations    18
-#> 15 terrestrialEcologicalSystems     0
-See the vignette ( for more examples.
-## Meta
-* Please [report any issues or bugs](
-* License: MIT
-* Get citation information for `natserv` in R doing `citation(package = 'natserv')`
-* Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct][coc]. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
+This package has been archived. The former README is now in [README-not](<
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a3f17e..0000000
Binary files a/build/vignette.rds and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 58fead3..5e03da1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+r-cran-natserv (1.0.0+git20220909.1.ef8d717+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Thu, 19 Jan 2023 05:36:00 -0000
 r-cran-natserv (1.0.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream version
diff --git a/inst/doc/natserv.Rmd b/inst/doc/natserv.Rmd
deleted file mode 100644
index c67897a..0000000
--- a/inst/doc/natserv.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-title: "natserv introduction"
-author: "Scott Chamberlain"
-date: "2020-05-15"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
-  %\VignetteIndexEntry{natserv introduction}
-  %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
-  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-`natserv` is an R package that interacts with the API services of the non-profit organization NatureServe ( If you want to read the full API documentation, you can find it at
-See also the taxize book ( for 
-a manual on working with taxonomic data in R, including with NatureServe data.
-This tutorial will walk you through installing `natserv` and using its functions. 
-## A quick introduction to NatureServe
-NatureServe is a non-profit organization that provides biodiversity data freely online. 
-They maintain a database comprised of data from natural heritage programs and conservation data centers - this database includes information about the conservation status, taxonomy, geographic distribution, and life history information for over 70,000 species of plants, animals, and fungi in Canada and the United States.
-You can find information about their data coverage (, and data sources ( on their website. NatureServe also hosts data on ecological communities/systems and their conservation status.  
-While small amounts of data can be easily collected using their online NatureServe explorer site (, downloading species data this way would be incredibly slow. 
-Thus `natserv` was born. 
-This R package can access NatureServe's online API for rapid downloading of conservation data, allows for easy access to multiple species' data sets, and  loads the data directly into your R session. 
-## Installing `natserv` from CRAN or GitHub
-Stable version:
-Development version:
-After successful installation, load the package into the environment:
-## `natserv` functions
-All of `natserv`'s functions are prefixed with `ns_` to avoid confusion with other packages - here are the functions provided by `natserv`:
-cat(paste(" -", paste(sprintf("`%s`", sort(getNamespaceExports("natserv"))), collapse = "\n - ")))
-#>  - `ns_altid`
-#>  - `ns_ecohier`
-#>  - `ns_export`
-#>  - `ns_export_status`
-#>  - `ns_id`
-#>  - `ns_search_comb`
-#>  - `ns_search_eco`
-#>  - `ns_search_spp`
-## Search
-There's three functions for search:
-- combined: supports searching for both species and ecosystems using search criteria which are applicable to both types of records
-- species: supports searching for only species; extends the search criteria available through the Combined Search to include support for additional criteria which are only applicable to species records
-- ecosystem: supports searching for only ecosystems; extends the search criteria available through the Combined Search to include support for additional criteria which are only applicable to ecosystems records
-Combined search
-ns_search_comb(text = "robin", page = 0, per_page = 5)
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 5 x 14
-#>   recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>   <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#> 1 SPECIES             100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau…
-#> 2 SPECIES             102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi  
-#> 3 SPECIES             102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
-#> 4 SPECIES             105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
-#> 5 SPECIES             105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa…
-#> # … with 22 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   speciesGlobal$usesaCode <lgl>, $cosewicCode <lgl>, $saraCode <lgl>,
-#> #   $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>,
-#> #   $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>,
-#> #   $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>                            name value
-#> 1                          page     0
-#> 2                recordsPerPage     5
-#> 3                    totalPages    26
-#> 4                  totalResults   126
-#> 5                 species_total   103
-#> 6                         total    23
-#> 7                       classes     0
-#> 8                    subclasses     0
-#> 9                    formations     0
-#> 10                    divisions     0
-#> 11                  macrogroups     1
-#> 12                       groups     1
-#> 13                    alliances     3
-#> 14                 associations    18
-#> 15 terrestrialEcologicalSystems     0
-Species search
-ns_search_spp(species_taxonomy = list(scientificTaxonomy = "Animalia", level = "kingdom"))
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 20 x 14
-#>    recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>    <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#>  1 SPECIES             828458 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAABC… Acris blancha…
-#>  2 SPECIES             828419 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAABC… Acris crepita…
-#>  3 SPECIES             103292 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAABC… Acris gryllus 
-#>  4 SPECIES             104324 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma ann…
-#>  5 SPECIES             100100 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma bar…
-#>  6 SPECIES             802300 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma bis…
-#>  7 SPECIES             104488 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma cal…
-#>  8 SPECIES             802301 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma cin…
-#>  9 SPECIES             103251 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma gra…
-#> 10 SPECIES             100401 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma jef…
-#> 11 SPECIES             102149 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma lat…
-#> 12 SPECIES            1143335 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma lat…
-#> 13 SPECIES            1143337 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma lat…
-#> 14 SPECIES             101261 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mab…
-#> 15 SPECIES             106403 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 16 SPECIES             101632 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 17 SPECIES             103392 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 18 SPECIES             104239 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 19 SPECIES             100115 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 20 SPECIES             103039 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> # … with 22 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   speciesGlobal$usesaCode <chr>, $cosewicCode <chr>, $saraCode <chr>,
-#> #   $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>,
-#> #   $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>,
-#> #   $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>             name value
-#> 1           page     0
-#> 2 recordsPerPage    20
-#> 3     totalPages  2586
-#> 4   totalResults 51705
-#> 5  species_total 51705
-Ecosystem search
-ns_search_eco(ecosystem_taxonomy = "M067")
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 20 x 14
-#>    recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>    <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#>  1 ECOSYSTEM           899525 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3401  Eleocharis el…
-#>  2 ECOSYSTEM           899121 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1372  Fimbristylis …
-#>  3 ECOSYSTEM           899126 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1389  Spartina bake…
-#>  4 ECOSYSTEM           899744 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3692  Spartina pate…
-#>  5 ECOSYSTEM           899523 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3399  Typha dominge…
-#>  6 ECOSYSTEM           899526 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3402  Andropogon ca…
-#>  7 ECOSYSTEM           899517 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3393  Aristida palu…
-#>  8 ECOSYSTEM           899132 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1429  Eleocharis sp…
-#>  9 ECOSYSTEM           899512 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3388  Hypericum cha…
-#> 10 ECOSYSTEM           899133 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1430  Juncus milita…
-#> 11 ECOSYSTEM           899122 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1379  Panicum hemit…
-#> 12 ECOSYSTEM           899124 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1383  Rhynchospora …
-#> 13 ECOSYSTEM           899518 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3394  Rhynchospora …
-#> 14 ECOSYSTEM          1146914 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A4404  Rhynchospora …
-#> 15 ECOSYSTEM           899521 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3397  Rhynchospora …
-#> 16 ECOSYSTEM           899125 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1384  Rhynchospora …
-#> 17 ECOSYSTEM           899530 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3406  Cladium maris…
-#> 18 ECOSYSTEM           899120 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1369  Cladium maris…
-#> 19 ECOSYSTEM           899720 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3668  Hottonia infl…
-#> 20 ECOSYSTEM           900115 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A4065  Orontium aqua…
-#> # … with 18 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   ecosystemGlobal$translatedScientificName <chr>, $taxclassCode <chr>,
-#> #   $taxsubclassCode <chr>, $formationCode <chr>, $divisionCode <chr>,
-#> #   $macrogroupKey <chr>, $taxgroupKey <chr>, $allianceKey <lgl>,
-#> #   $ecosystemType <chr>, $classificationCode <chr>, $parentName <chr>,
-#> #   gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>                            name value
-#> 1                          page     0
-#> 2                recordsPerPage    20
-#> 3                    totalPages    11
-#> 4                  totalResults   210
-#> 5                         total   210
-#> 6                       classes     0
-#> 7                    subclasses     0
-#> 8                    formations     0
-#> 9                     divisions     0
-#> 10                  macrogroups     1
-#> 11                       groups     6
-#> 12                    alliances    33
-#> 13                 associations   154
-#> 14 terrestrialEcologicalSystems    16
-## Get taxon by id
-w <- ns_id("ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701")
-str(w, max.level = 1)
-#> List of 40
-#>  $ elementGlobalId                        : int 154701
-#>  $ circumscripConfidence                  : NULL
-#>  $ classificationLevel                    :List of 4
-#>  $ classificationStatus                   :List of 4
-#>  $ iucn                                   :List of 5
-#>  $ nameCategory                           :List of 6
-#>  $ rankMethodUsed                         :List of 4
-#>  $ formattedScientificName                : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ scientificName                         : chr "Hydrastis canadensis"
-#>  $ scientificNameAuthor                   : chr "L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonName                      : chr "Goldenseal"
-#>  $ relatedItisNames                       : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> L. (TSN 18781)"
-#>  $ uniqueId                               : chr "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701"
-#>  $ elcode                                 : chr "PDRAN0F010"
-#>  $ conceptRefFullCitation                 : chr "Kartesz, J.T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. "| __truncated__
-#>  $ conceptName                            : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ taxonomicComments                      : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> occurs in eastern North America and is a monotypic genus. In the most current taxon"| __truncated__
-#>  $ roundedGRank                           : chr "G3"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionDate   : chr "2013-04-29"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionAuthors: chr "Oliver, L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonNameLanguage              : chr "EN"
-#>  $ recordType                             : chr "SPECIES"
-#>  $ elementNationals                       :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  7 variables:
-#>  $ lastModified                           : chr "2020-05-14T04:31:58.480462Z"
-#>  $ lastPublished                          : chr "2020-05-14T02:14:14.569584Z"
-#>  $ nsxUrl                                 : chr "/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701/Hydrastis_canadensis"
-#>  $ grank                                  : chr "G3G4"
-#>  $ grankReviewDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankChangeDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankReasons                           : chr "Goldenseal, <i>Hydrastis canadensis, </i>an herbaceous understory species of the eastern deciduous forest, with"| __truncated__
-#>  $ rankInfo                               :List of 27
-#>  $ animalCharacteristics                  : NULL
-#>  $ occurrenceDelineations                 :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  17 variables:
-#>  $ plantCharacteristics                   :List of 7
-#>  $ elementManagement                      :List of 14
-#>  $ occurrenceViabilities                  :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  12 variables:
-#>  $ references                             :'data.frame':	97 obs. of  6 variables:
-#>  $ otherCommonNames                       :'data.frame':	6 obs. of  3 variables:
-#>  $ speciesGlobal                          :List of 29
-#>  $ speciesCharacteristics                 :List of 13
-By alternate id
-x <- ns_altid(uid = "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701")
-str(x, max.level = 1)
-#> List of 40
-#>  $ elementGlobalId                        : int 154701
-#>  $ circumscripConfidence                  : NULL
-#>  $ classificationLevel                    :List of 4
-#>  $ classificationStatus                   :List of 4
-#>  $ iucn                                   :List of 5
-#>  $ nameCategory                           :List of 6
-#>  $ rankMethodUsed                         :List of 4
-#>  $ formattedScientificName                : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ scientificName                         : chr "Hydrastis canadensis"
-#>  $ scientificNameAuthor                   : chr "L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonName                      : chr "Goldenseal"
-#>  $ relatedItisNames                       : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> L. (TSN 18781)"
-#>  $ uniqueId                               : chr "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701"
-#>  $ elcode                                 : chr "PDRAN0F010"
-#>  $ conceptRefFullCitation                 : chr "Kartesz, J.T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. "| __truncated__
-#>  $ conceptName                            : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ taxonomicComments                      : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> occurs in eastern North America and is a monotypic genus. In the most current taxon"| __truncated__
-#>  $ roundedGRank                           : chr "G3"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionDate   : chr "2013-04-29"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionAuthors: chr "Oliver, L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonNameLanguage              : chr "EN"
-#>  $ recordType                             : chr "SPECIES"
-#>  $ elementNationals                       :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  7 variables:
-#>  $ lastModified                           : chr "2020-05-14T04:31:58.480462Z"
-#>  $ lastPublished                          : chr "2020-05-14T02:14:14.569584Z"
-#>  $ nsxUrl                                 : chr "/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701/Hydrastis_canadensis"
-#>  $ grank                                  : chr "G3G4"
-#>  $ grankReviewDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankChangeDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankReasons                           : chr "Goldenseal, <i>Hydrastis canadensis, </i>an herbaceous understory species of the eastern deciduous forest, with"| __truncated__
-#>  $ rankInfo                               :List of 27
-#>  $ animalCharacteristics                  : NULL
-#>  $ occurrenceDelineations                 :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  17 variables:
-#>  $ plantCharacteristics                   :List of 7
-#>  $ elementManagement                      :List of 14
-#>  $ occurrenceViabilities                  :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  12 variables:
-#>  $ references                             :'data.frame':	97 obs. of  6 variables:
-#>  $ otherCommonNames                       :'data.frame':	6 obs. of  3 variables:
-#>  $ speciesGlobal                          :List of 29
-#>  $ speciesCharacteristics                 :List of 13
-## Get a summary of the upper level hierarchy for an Ecosystem record
-#>                  uniqueId
-#> 1 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860217
-#> 2 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860227
-#> 3 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860241
-#> 4 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860284
-#> 5 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.838501
-#> 6 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.833279
-#> 7 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.899395
-#>                                                            name
-#> 1                                             Forest & Woodland
-#> 2                          Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland
-#> 3                              Cool Temperate Forest & Woodland
-#> 4                      Eastern North American Forest & Woodland
-#> 5         Southern & South-Central Oak - Pine Forest & Woodland
-#> 6 South-Central Interior Shortleaf Pine - Oak Forest & Woodland
-#> 7                  Ozark-Ouachita Shortleaf Pine - Oak Woodland
-#>                                                                                                                 nsxUrl
-#> 1                                                     /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860217/Mesomorphic_Tree_Vegetation_Class
-#> 2                                             /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860227/Temperate_Boreal_Forest_Woodland_Subclass
-#> 3                                              /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860241/Cool_Temperate_Forest_Woodland_Formation
-#> 4           /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860284/Acer_saccharum_-_Fagus_grandifolia_-_Quercus_rubra_Forest_Woodland_Division
-#> 5            /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.838501/Quercus_alba_-_Quercus_falcata_-_Pinus_echinata_Forest_Woodland_Macrogroup
-#> 6             /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.833279/Pinus_echinata_-_Quercus_falcata_-_Quercus_stellata_Forest_Woodland_Group
-#> 7 /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.899395/Pinus_echinata_-_Quercus_stellata_-_Quercus_velutina_Ozark-Ouachita_Woodland_Alliance
-#>   ecosystemType classificationCode
-#> 1         CLASS                  1
-#> 2      SUBCLASS                1.B
-#> 3     FORMATION              1.B.2
-#> 4      DIVISION           1.B.2.Na
-#> 5    MACROGROUP               M016
-#> 6         GROUP               G012
-#> 7      ALLIANCE              A3271
-## Search exports
-`ns_export()` uses the same search interface as the `ns_search*` functions, but instead of downloading data immediately, `ns_export()` creates a "download job", which eventually provides a compressed JSON file that you can download.
-x <- ns_export(text = "robin")
-#> [1] "7a107bea-b98d-4b5a-87b3-456ea2194f07"
-You can pass the output of `ns_export()` to `ns_export_status()` to get the status of the job
-res <- ns_export_status(x)
-#> $state
-#> [1] "Finished"
-#> $data
-#> $data$success
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $percentComplete
-#> [1] 100
-#> $successful
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $error
-#> ...
-When state equals "Finished", you can read the data into R, e.g, with `jsonlite`:
-#> [1] ""
-#> # A tibble: 126 x 14
-#>    elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName formattedScient… primaryCommonNa… primaryCommonNa… roundedGRank
-#>              <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>          <chr>            <chr>            <chr>            <chr>
-#>  1          100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau… <i>Copsychus sa… Oriental Magpie… EN               G5
-#>  2          102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi   <i>Turdus grayi… Clay-colored Th… EN               G5
-#>  3          102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat… <i>Turdus migra… American Robin   EN               G5
-#>  4          105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat… <i>Turdus migra… Western America… EN               TU
-#>  5          105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa… <i>Turdus rufop… Rufous-backed R… EN               G5
-#>  6          100589 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Peristedion g… <i>Peristedion … Slender Searobin EN               GNR
-#>  7          105826 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus ala… <i>Prionotus al… Spiny Searobin   EN               GNR
-#>  8          101394 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus car… <i>Prionotus ca… Northern Searob… EN               G5
-#>  9          100276 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus evo… <i>Prionotus ev… Striped Searobin EN               G5
-#> 10          103595 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus lon… <i>Prionotus lo… Bigeye Searobin  EN               G5
-#> # … with 116 more rows, and 29 more variables: nations <list>, lastModified <chr>, speciesGlobal$usesaCode <chr>,
-#> #   $cosewicCode <chr>, $saraCode <chr>, $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>, $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>,
-#> #   $infraspecies <lgl>, $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>, ecosystemGlobal$translatedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclassCode <chr>, $taxsubclassCode <chr>, $formationCode <chr>, $divisionCode <chr>, $macrogroupKey <chr>,
-#> #   $taxgroupKey <chr>, $allianceKey <chr>, $ecosystemType <chr>, $classificationCode <chr>, $parentName <chr>
diff --git a/tests/testthat/helper-natserv.R b/tests/testthat/helper-natserv.R
index ddeed28..7cd190a 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/helper-natserv.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/helper-natserv.R
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-vcr_configure(dir = "../fixtures")
+vcr::vcr_configure(dir = "../fixtures")
diff --git a/vignettes/natserv.Rmd b/vignettes/natserv.Rmd
deleted file mode 100644
index c67897a..0000000
--- a/vignettes/natserv.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-title: "natserv introduction"
-author: "Scott Chamberlain"
-date: "2020-05-15"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
-  %\VignetteIndexEntry{natserv introduction}
-  %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
-  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-`natserv` is an R package that interacts with the API services of the non-profit organization NatureServe ( If you want to read the full API documentation, you can find it at
-See also the taxize book ( for 
-a manual on working with taxonomic data in R, including with NatureServe data.
-This tutorial will walk you through installing `natserv` and using its functions. 
-## A quick introduction to NatureServe
-NatureServe is a non-profit organization that provides biodiversity data freely online. 
-They maintain a database comprised of data from natural heritage programs and conservation data centers - this database includes information about the conservation status, taxonomy, geographic distribution, and life history information for over 70,000 species of plants, animals, and fungi in Canada and the United States.
-You can find information about their data coverage (, and data sources ( on their website. NatureServe also hosts data on ecological communities/systems and their conservation status.  
-While small amounts of data can be easily collected using their online NatureServe explorer site (, downloading species data this way would be incredibly slow. 
-Thus `natserv` was born. 
-This R package can access NatureServe's online API for rapid downloading of conservation data, allows for easy access to multiple species' data sets, and  loads the data directly into your R session. 
-## Installing `natserv` from CRAN or GitHub
-Stable version:
-Development version:
-After successful installation, load the package into the environment:
-## `natserv` functions
-All of `natserv`'s functions are prefixed with `ns_` to avoid confusion with other packages - here are the functions provided by `natserv`:
-cat(paste(" -", paste(sprintf("`%s`", sort(getNamespaceExports("natserv"))), collapse = "\n - ")))
-#>  - `ns_altid`
-#>  - `ns_ecohier`
-#>  - `ns_export`
-#>  - `ns_export_status`
-#>  - `ns_id`
-#>  - `ns_search_comb`
-#>  - `ns_search_eco`
-#>  - `ns_search_spp`
-## Search
-There's three functions for search:
-- combined: supports searching for both species and ecosystems using search criteria which are applicable to both types of records
-- species: supports searching for only species; extends the search criteria available through the Combined Search to include support for additional criteria which are only applicable to species records
-- ecosystem: supports searching for only ecosystems; extends the search criteria available through the Combined Search to include support for additional criteria which are only applicable to ecosystems records
-Combined search
-ns_search_comb(text = "robin", page = 0, per_page = 5)
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 5 x 14
-#>   recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>   <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#> 1 SPECIES             100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau…
-#> 2 SPECIES             102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi  
-#> 3 SPECIES             102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
-#> 4 SPECIES             105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat…
-#> 5 SPECIES             105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa…
-#> # … with 22 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   speciesGlobal$usesaCode <lgl>, $cosewicCode <lgl>, $saraCode <lgl>,
-#> #   $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>,
-#> #   $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>,
-#> #   $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>                            name value
-#> 1                          page     0
-#> 2                recordsPerPage     5
-#> 3                    totalPages    26
-#> 4                  totalResults   126
-#> 5                 species_total   103
-#> 6                         total    23
-#> 7                       classes     0
-#> 8                    subclasses     0
-#> 9                    formations     0
-#> 10                    divisions     0
-#> 11                  macrogroups     1
-#> 12                       groups     1
-#> 13                    alliances     3
-#> 14                 associations    18
-#> 15 terrestrialEcologicalSystems     0
-Species search
-ns_search_spp(species_taxonomy = list(scientificTaxonomy = "Animalia", level = "kingdom"))
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 20 x 14
-#>    recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>    <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#>  1 SPECIES             828458 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAABC… Acris blancha…
-#>  2 SPECIES             828419 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAABC… Acris crepita…
-#>  3 SPECIES             103292 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAABC… Acris gryllus 
-#>  4 SPECIES             104324 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma ann…
-#>  5 SPECIES             100100 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma bar…
-#>  6 SPECIES             802300 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma bis…
-#>  7 SPECIES             104488 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma cal…
-#>  8 SPECIES             802301 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma cin…
-#>  9 SPECIES             103251 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma gra…
-#> 10 SPECIES             100401 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma jef…
-#> 11 SPECIES             102149 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma lat…
-#> 12 SPECIES            1143335 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma lat…
-#> 13 SPECIES            1143337 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma lat…
-#> 14 SPECIES             101261 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mab…
-#> 15 SPECIES             106403 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 16 SPECIES             101632 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 17 SPECIES             103392 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 18 SPECIES             104239 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 19 SPECIES             100115 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> 20 SPECIES             103039 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AAAAA… Ambystoma mac…
-#> # … with 22 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   speciesGlobal$usesaCode <chr>, $cosewicCode <chr>, $saraCode <chr>,
-#> #   $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>,
-#> #   $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>, $infraspecies <lgl>,
-#> #   $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>             name value
-#> 1           page     0
-#> 2 recordsPerPage    20
-#> 3     totalPages  2586
-#> 4   totalResults 51705
-#> 5  species_total 51705
-Ecosystem search
-ns_search_eco(ecosystem_taxonomy = "M067")
-#> $results
-#> # A tibble: 20 x 14
-#>    recordType elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName
-#>    <chr>                <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         
-#>  1 ECOSYSTEM           899525 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3401  Eleocharis el…
-#>  2 ECOSYSTEM           899121 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1372  Fimbristylis …
-#>  3 ECOSYSTEM           899126 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1389  Spartina bake…
-#>  4 ECOSYSTEM           899744 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3692  Spartina pate…
-#>  5 ECOSYSTEM           899523 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3399  Typha dominge…
-#>  6 ECOSYSTEM           899526 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3402  Andropogon ca…
-#>  7 ECOSYSTEM           899517 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3393  Aristida palu…
-#>  8 ECOSYSTEM           899132 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1429  Eleocharis sp…
-#>  9 ECOSYSTEM           899512 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3388  Hypericum cha…
-#> 10 ECOSYSTEM           899133 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1430  Juncus milita…
-#> 11 ECOSYSTEM           899122 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1379  Panicum hemit…
-#> 12 ECOSYSTEM           899124 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1383  Rhynchospora …
-#> 13 ECOSYSTEM           899518 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3394  Rhynchospora …
-#> 14 ECOSYSTEM          1146914 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A4404  Rhynchospora …
-#> 15 ECOSYSTEM           899521 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3397  Rhynchospora …
-#> 16 ECOSYSTEM           899125 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1384  Rhynchospora …
-#> 17 ECOSYSTEM           899530 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3406  Cladium maris…
-#> 18 ECOSYSTEM           899120 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A1369  Cladium maris…
-#> 19 ECOSYSTEM           899720 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A3668  Hottonia infl…
-#> 20 ECOSYSTEM           900115 ELEMENT… /Taxo… A4065  Orontium aqua…
-#> # … with 18 more variables: formattedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   primaryCommonName <chr>, primaryCommonNameLanguage <chr>,
-#> #   roundedGRank <chr>, nations <list>, lastModified <chr>,
-#> #   ecosystemGlobal$translatedScientificName <chr>, $taxclassCode <chr>,
-#> #   $taxsubclassCode <chr>, $formationCode <chr>, $divisionCode <chr>,
-#> #   $macrogroupKey <chr>, $taxgroupKey <chr>, $allianceKey <lgl>,
-#> #   $ecosystemType <chr>, $classificationCode <chr>, $parentName <chr>,
-#> #   gRank <chr>
-#> $resultsSummary
-#>                            name value
-#> 1                          page     0
-#> 2                recordsPerPage    20
-#> 3                    totalPages    11
-#> 4                  totalResults   210
-#> 5                         total   210
-#> 6                       classes     0
-#> 7                    subclasses     0
-#> 8                    formations     0
-#> 9                     divisions     0
-#> 10                  macrogroups     1
-#> 11                       groups     6
-#> 12                    alliances    33
-#> 13                 associations   154
-#> 14 terrestrialEcologicalSystems    16
-## Get taxon by id
-w <- ns_id("ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701")
-str(w, max.level = 1)
-#> List of 40
-#>  $ elementGlobalId                        : int 154701
-#>  $ circumscripConfidence                  : NULL
-#>  $ classificationLevel                    :List of 4
-#>  $ classificationStatus                   :List of 4
-#>  $ iucn                                   :List of 5
-#>  $ nameCategory                           :List of 6
-#>  $ rankMethodUsed                         :List of 4
-#>  $ formattedScientificName                : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ scientificName                         : chr "Hydrastis canadensis"
-#>  $ scientificNameAuthor                   : chr "L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonName                      : chr "Goldenseal"
-#>  $ relatedItisNames                       : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> L. (TSN 18781)"
-#>  $ uniqueId                               : chr "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701"
-#>  $ elcode                                 : chr "PDRAN0F010"
-#>  $ conceptRefFullCitation                 : chr "Kartesz, J.T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. "| __truncated__
-#>  $ conceptName                            : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ taxonomicComments                      : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> occurs in eastern North America and is a monotypic genus. In the most current taxon"| __truncated__
-#>  $ roundedGRank                           : chr "G3"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionDate   : chr "2013-04-29"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionAuthors: chr "Oliver, L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonNameLanguage              : chr "EN"
-#>  $ recordType                             : chr "SPECIES"
-#>  $ elementNationals                       :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  7 variables:
-#>  $ lastModified                           : chr "2020-05-14T04:31:58.480462Z"
-#>  $ lastPublished                          : chr "2020-05-14T02:14:14.569584Z"
-#>  $ nsxUrl                                 : chr "/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701/Hydrastis_canadensis"
-#>  $ grank                                  : chr "G3G4"
-#>  $ grankReviewDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankChangeDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankReasons                           : chr "Goldenseal, <i>Hydrastis canadensis, </i>an herbaceous understory species of the eastern deciduous forest, with"| __truncated__
-#>  $ rankInfo                               :List of 27
-#>  $ animalCharacteristics                  : NULL
-#>  $ occurrenceDelineations                 :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  17 variables:
-#>  $ plantCharacteristics                   :List of 7
-#>  $ elementManagement                      :List of 14
-#>  $ occurrenceViabilities                  :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  12 variables:
-#>  $ references                             :'data.frame':	97 obs. of  6 variables:
-#>  $ otherCommonNames                       :'data.frame':	6 obs. of  3 variables:
-#>  $ speciesGlobal                          :List of 29
-#>  $ speciesCharacteristics                 :List of 13
-By alternate id
-x <- ns_altid(uid = "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701")
-str(x, max.level = 1)
-#> List of 40
-#>  $ elementGlobalId                        : int 154701
-#>  $ circumscripConfidence                  : NULL
-#>  $ classificationLevel                    :List of 4
-#>  $ classificationStatus                   :List of 4
-#>  $ iucn                                   :List of 5
-#>  $ nameCategory                           :List of 6
-#>  $ rankMethodUsed                         :List of 4
-#>  $ formattedScientificName                : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ scientificName                         : chr "Hydrastis canadensis"
-#>  $ scientificNameAuthor                   : chr "L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonName                      : chr "Goldenseal"
-#>  $ relatedItisNames                       : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> L. (TSN 18781)"
-#>  $ uniqueId                               : chr "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701"
-#>  $ elcode                                 : chr "PDRAN0F010"
-#>  $ conceptRefFullCitation                 : chr "Kartesz, J.T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. "| __truncated__
-#>  $ conceptName                            : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i>"
-#>  $ taxonomicComments                      : chr "<i>Hydrastis canadensis</i> occurs in eastern North America and is a monotypic genus. In the most current taxon"| __truncated__
-#>  $ roundedGRank                           : chr "G3"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionDate   : chr "2013-04-29"
-#>  $ conservationStatusFactorsEditionAuthors: chr "Oliver, L."
-#>  $ primaryCommonNameLanguage              : chr "EN"
-#>  $ recordType                             : chr "SPECIES"
-#>  $ elementNationals                       :'data.frame':	2 obs. of  7 variables:
-#>  $ lastModified                           : chr "2020-05-14T04:31:58.480462Z"
-#>  $ lastPublished                          : chr "2020-05-14T02:14:14.569584Z"
-#>  $ nsxUrl                                 : chr "/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701/Hydrastis_canadensis"
-#>  $ grank                                  : chr "G3G4"
-#>  $ grankReviewDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankChangeDate                        : chr "2012-11-30"
-#>  $ grankReasons                           : chr "Goldenseal, <i>Hydrastis canadensis, </i>an herbaceous understory species of the eastern deciduous forest, with"| __truncated__
-#>  $ rankInfo                               :List of 27
-#>  $ animalCharacteristics                  : NULL
-#>  $ occurrenceDelineations                 :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  17 variables:
-#>  $ plantCharacteristics                   :List of 7
-#>  $ elementManagement                      :List of 14
-#>  $ occurrenceViabilities                  :'data.frame':	1 obs. of  12 variables:
-#>  $ references                             :'data.frame':	97 obs. of  6 variables:
-#>  $ otherCommonNames                       :'data.frame':	6 obs. of  3 variables:
-#>  $ speciesGlobal                          :List of 29
-#>  $ speciesCharacteristics                 :List of 13
-## Get a summary of the upper level hierarchy for an Ecosystem record
-#>                  uniqueId
-#> 1 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860217
-#> 2 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860227
-#> 3 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860241
-#> 4 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860284
-#> 5 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.838501
-#> 6 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.833279
-#> 7 ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.899395
-#>                                                            name
-#> 1                                             Forest & Woodland
-#> 2                          Temperate & Boreal Forest & Woodland
-#> 3                              Cool Temperate Forest & Woodland
-#> 4                      Eastern North American Forest & Woodland
-#> 5         Southern & South-Central Oak - Pine Forest & Woodland
-#> 6 South-Central Interior Shortleaf Pine - Oak Forest & Woodland
-#> 7                  Ozark-Ouachita Shortleaf Pine - Oak Woodland
-#>                                                                                                                 nsxUrl
-#> 1                                                     /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860217/Mesomorphic_Tree_Vegetation_Class
-#> 2                                             /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860227/Temperate_Boreal_Forest_Woodland_Subclass
-#> 3                                              /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860241/Cool_Temperate_Forest_Woodland_Formation
-#> 4           /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.860284/Acer_saccharum_-_Fagus_grandifolia_-_Quercus_rubra_Forest_Woodland_Division
-#> 5            /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.838501/Quercus_alba_-_Quercus_falcata_-_Pinus_echinata_Forest_Woodland_Macrogroup
-#> 6             /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.833279/Pinus_echinata_-_Quercus_falcata_-_Quercus_stellata_Forest_Woodland_Group
-#> 7 /Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.899395/Pinus_echinata_-_Quercus_stellata_-_Quercus_velutina_Ozark-Ouachita_Woodland_Alliance
-#>   ecosystemType classificationCode
-#> 1         CLASS                  1
-#> 2      SUBCLASS                1.B
-#> 3     FORMATION              1.B.2
-#> 4      DIVISION           1.B.2.Na
-#> 5    MACROGROUP               M016
-#> 6         GROUP               G012
-#> 7      ALLIANCE              A3271
-## Search exports
-`ns_export()` uses the same search interface as the `ns_search*` functions, but instead of downloading data immediately, `ns_export()` creates a "download job", which eventually provides a compressed JSON file that you can download.
-x <- ns_export(text = "robin")
-#> [1] "7a107bea-b98d-4b5a-87b3-456ea2194f07"
-You can pass the output of `ns_export()` to `ns_export_status()` to get the status of the job
-res <- ns_export_status(x)
-#> $state
-#> [1] "Finished"
-#> $data
-#> $data$success
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $percentComplete
-#> [1] 100
-#> $successful
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $error
-#> ...
-When state equals "Finished", you can read the data into R, e.g, with `jsonlite`:
-#> [1] ""
-#> # A tibble: 126 x 14
-#>    elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName formattedScient… primaryCommonNa… primaryCommonNa… roundedGRank
-#>              <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>          <chr>            <chr>            <chr>            <chr>
-#>  1          100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau… <i>Copsychus sa… Oriental Magpie… EN               G5
-#>  2          102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi   <i>Turdus grayi… Clay-colored Th… EN               G5
-#>  3          102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat… <i>Turdus migra… American Robin   EN               G5
-#>  4          105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat… <i>Turdus migra… Western America… EN               TU
-#>  5          105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa… <i>Turdus rufop… Rufous-backed R… EN               G5
-#>  6          100589 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Peristedion g… <i>Peristedion … Slender Searobin EN               GNR
-#>  7          105826 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus ala… <i>Prionotus al… Spiny Searobin   EN               GNR
-#>  8          101394 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus car… <i>Prionotus ca… Northern Searob… EN               G5
-#>  9          100276 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus evo… <i>Prionotus ev… Striped Searobin EN               G5
-#> 10          103595 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus lon… <i>Prionotus lo… Bigeye Searobin  EN               G5
-#> # … with 116 more rows, and 29 more variables: nations <list>, lastModified <chr>, speciesGlobal$usesaCode <chr>,
-#> #   $cosewicCode <chr>, $saraCode <chr>, $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>, $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>,
-#> #   $infraspecies <lgl>, $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>, ecosystemGlobal$translatedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclassCode <chr>, $taxsubclassCode <chr>, $formationCode <chr>, $divisionCode <chr>, $macrogroupKey <chr>,
-#> #   $taxgroupKey <chr>, $allianceKey <chr>, $ecosystemType <chr>, $classificationCode <chr>, $parentName <chr>
diff --git a/vignettes/natserv.Rmd.og b/vignettes/natserv.Rmd.og
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9eac6..0000000
--- a/vignettes/natserv.Rmd.og
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-title: "natserv introduction"
-author: "Scott Chamberlain"
-date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
-  %\VignetteIndexEntry{natserv introduction}
-  %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
-  \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-```{r, echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}
-NOT_CRAN <- identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
-  collapse  =  TRUE,
-  comment  =  "#>",
-  warning = FALSE,
-  message = FALSE,
-  purl  =  NOT_CRAN,
-  eval  =  NOT_CRAN,
-  fig.path = "../man/figures/"
-`natserv` is an R package that interacts with the API services of the non-profit organization NatureServe ( If you want to read the full API documentation, you can find it at
-See also the taxize book ( for 
-a manual on working with taxonomic data in R, including with NatureServe data.
-This tutorial will walk you through installing `natserv` and using its functions. 
-## A quick introduction to NatureServe
-NatureServe is a non-profit organization that provides biodiversity data freely online. 
-They maintain a database comprised of data from natural heritage programs and conservation data centers - this database includes information about the conservation status, taxonomy, geographic distribution, and life history information for over 70,000 species of plants, animals, and fungi in Canada and the United States.
-You can find information about their data coverage (, and data sources ( on their website. NatureServe also hosts data on ecological communities/systems and their conservation status.  
-While small amounts of data can be easily collected using their online NatureServe explorer site (, downloading species data this way would be incredibly slow. 
-Thus `natserv` was born. 
-This R package can access NatureServe's online API for rapid downloading of conservation data, allows for easy access to multiple species' data sets, and  loads the data directly into your R session. 
-## Installing `natserv` from CRAN or GitHub
-Stable version:
-```{r eval=FALSE}
-Development version:
-```{r eval=FALSE}
-After successful installation, load the package into the environment:
-## `natserv` functions
-All of `natserv`'s functions are prefixed with `ns_` to avoid confusion with other packages - here are the functions provided by `natserv`:
-cat(paste(" -", paste(sprintf("`%s`", sort(getNamespaceExports("natserv"))), collapse = "\n - ")))
-## Search
-There's three functions for search:
-- combined: supports searching for both species and ecosystems using search criteria which are applicable to both types of records
-- species: supports searching for only species; extends the search criteria available through the Combined Search to include support for additional criteria which are only applicable to species records
-- ecosystem: supports searching for only ecosystems; extends the search criteria available through the Combined Search to include support for additional criteria which are only applicable to ecosystems records
-Combined search
-ns_search_comb(text = "robin", page = 0, per_page = 5)
-Species search
-ns_search_spp(species_taxonomy = list(scientificTaxonomy = "Animalia", level = "kingdom"))
-Ecosystem search
-ns_search_eco(ecosystem_taxonomy = "M067")
-## Get taxon by id
-w <- ns_id("ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701")
-str(w, max.level = 1)
-By alternate id
-x <- ns_altid(uid = "ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.154701")
-str(x, max.level = 1)
-## Get a summary of the upper level hierarchy for an Ecosystem record
-## Search exports
-`ns_export()` uses the same search interface as the `ns_search*` functions, but instead of downloading data immediately, `ns_export()` creates a "download job", which eventually provides a compressed JSON file that you can download.
-```{r eval=FALSE}
-x <- ns_export(text = "robin")
-#> [1] "7a107bea-b98d-4b5a-87b3-456ea2194f07"
-You can pass the output of `ns_export()` to `ns_export_status()` to get the status of the job
-```{r eval=FALSE}
-res <- ns_export_status(x)
-#> $state
-#> [1] "Finished"
-#> $data
-#> $data$success
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $percentComplete
-#> [1] 100
-#> $successful
-#> [1] TRUE
-#> $error
-#> ...
-When state equals "Finished", you can read the data into R, e.g, with `jsonlite`:
-```{r eval=FALSE}
-#> [1] ""
-#> # A tibble: 126 x 14
-#>    elementGlobalId uniqueId nsxUrl elcode scientificName formattedScient… primaryCommonNa… primaryCommonNa… roundedGRank
-#>              <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>          <chr>            <chr>            <chr>            <chr>
-#>  1          100637 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Copsychus sau… <i>Copsychus sa… Oriental Magpie… EN               G5
-#>  2          102323 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus grayi   <i>Turdus grayi… Clay-colored Th… EN               G5
-#>  3          102179 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat… <i>Turdus migra… American Robin   EN               G5
-#>  4          105536 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus migrat… <i>Turdus migra… Western America… EN               TU
-#>  5          105850 ELEMENT… /Taxo… ABPBJ… Turdus rufopa… <i>Turdus rufop… Rufous-backed R… EN               G5
-#>  6          100589 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Peristedion g… <i>Peristedion … Slender Searobin EN               GNR
-#>  7          105826 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus ala… <i>Prionotus al… Spiny Searobin   EN               GNR
-#>  8          101394 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus car… <i>Prionotus ca… Northern Searob… EN               G5
-#>  9          100276 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus evo… <i>Prionotus ev… Striped Searobin EN               G5
-#> 10          103595 ELEMENT… /Taxo… AFC4B… Prionotus lon… <i>Prionotus lo… Bigeye Searobin  EN               G5
-#> # … with 116 more rows, and 29 more variables: nations <list>, lastModified <chr>, speciesGlobal$usesaCode <chr>,
-#> #   $cosewicCode <chr>, $saraCode <chr>, $synonyms <list>, $otherCommonNames <list>, $kingdom <chr>, $phylum <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclass <chr>, $taxorder <chr>, $family <chr>, $genus <chr>, $taxonomicComments <chr>, $informalTaxonomy <chr>,
-#> #   $infraspecies <lgl>, $completeDistribution <lgl>, gRank <chr>, ecosystemGlobal$translatedScientificName <chr>,
-#> #   $taxclassCode <chr>, $taxsubclassCode <chr>, $formationCode <chr>, $divisionCode <chr>, $macrogroupKey <chr>,
-#> #   $taxgroupKey <chr>, $allianceKey <chr>, $ecosystemType <chr>, $classificationCode <chr>, $parentName <chr>


[The following lists of changes regard files as different if they have different names, permissions or owners.]

Files in first set of .debs but not in second

-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/natserv/Meta/vignette.rds
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/natserv/doc/index.html
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/natserv/doc/natserv.Rmd

Control files: lines which differ (wdiff format)

  • Depends: r-base-core (>=,, r-api-4.0, r-cran-crul (>= 0.7.0), r-cran-jsonlite, r-cran-tibble
  • Suggests: r-cran-knitr

More details

Full run details