New Upstream Snapshot - r-cran-wikidatar

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 2.3.3+git20171223.1.647d2af (was: 2.3.3).

Resulting package

Built on 2023-01-19T06:07 (took 7m1s)

The resulting binary packages can be installed (if you have the apt repository enabled) by running one of:

apt install -t fresh-snapshots r-cran-wikidatar

Lintian Result


index 0a1cacd..e70f7aa 100644
@@ -1,40 +1,19 @@
 Package: WikidataR
 Type: Package
-Title: Read-Write API Client Library for Wikidata
-Version: 2.3.3
-Date: 2021-11-16
-Authors@R: c(
-            person("Thomas", "Shafee", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-2298-7593")),
-            person("Os", "Keyes", role = "aut", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5196-609X")),
-            person("Serena", "Signorelli", role = "aut"),
-            person("Alex", "Lum", role = "ctb", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-9295-9053")),
-            person("Christian", "Graul", role = "ctb"),
-            person("Mikhail", "Popov", role = "ctb", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0145-8948"))
-           )
-Description: Read from, interogate, and write to Wikidata <> -
-    the multilingual, interdisciplinary, semantic knowledgebase. Includes functions to:
-    read from wikidata (single items, properties, or properties); query wikidata (retrieving
-    all items that match a set of criterial via Wikidata SPARQL query service); write to
-    Wikidata (adding new items or statements via QuickStatements); and handle and manipulate
-    Wikidata objects (as lists and tibbles). Uses the Wikidata and Quickstatements APIs. 
+Title: API Client Library for 'Wikidata'
+Version: 1.4.0
+Date: 2017-09-21
+Author: Oliver Keyes [aut, cre], Serena Signorelli [aut, cre],
+        Christian Graul [ctb], Mikhail Popov [ctb]
+Maintainer: Oliver Keyes <>
+Description: An API client for the Wikidata <> store of
+    semantic data.
 License: MIT + file LICENSE
-Imports: httr, jsonlite, WikipediR, WikidataQueryServiceR, tibble,
-        dplyr, stringr, Hmisc, progress, pbapply, stats, readr, crayon,
-        utils
-Suggests: markdown, testthat, tidyverse, knitr, pageviews
-RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
-Encoding: UTF-8
-Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
+Imports: httr, jsonlite, WikipediR (>= 1.4.0), utils
+Suggests: testthat, knitr, pageviews
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
+RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
 NeedsCompilation: no
-Packaged: 2021-11-16 11:48:41 UTC; thoma
-Author: Thomas Shafee [aut, cre] (<>),
-  Os Keyes [aut] (<>),
-  Serena Signorelli [aut],
-  Alex Lum [ctb] (<>),
-  Christian Graul [ctb],
-  Mikhail Popov [ctb] (<>)
-Maintainer: Thomas Shafee <>
-Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2021-11-16 13:00:06 UTC
+Packaged: 2023-01-19 06:03:59 UTC; root
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index bec4cd5..ebbb227 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-YEAR: 2014
+YEAR: 2014
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e93eb2..0000000
--- a/MD5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-790e3888e447fa9a7cbcc4d63a96b73d *DESCRIPTION
-e327f9c01b333b34d5f1a7df9f173d5a *LICENSE
-edc3fe338aaa0a05a77de0419855160a *NAMESPACE
-cddf305289a1e1a3ef6ebf883c837099 *NEWS
-e434dc5488a1f4c6a1a329f28081e92e *R/WikidataR.R
-4427c2b2674e6691ce8bce8eca7c3201 *R/data.R
-b5dd335b1351459def84bbee4a4c7fbf *R/disambiguators.R
-eda7a783d092d2fe5ddef012b2f97aa7 *R/geo.R
-edb3a4badb64a5e8090f9317b0df9950 *R/gets.R
-3a59c9490177b80be8f70bd0d885aed1 *R/prints.R
-c926dcca2171eac71df0ce33805b6c32 *R/queries.R
-0afb790db53229f7c7ced84e8c1a6660 *R/schol.R
-2e515ebb78ab420087651f1d336c1692 *R/sysdata.rda
-6e5b17a1dbb375f035e75f017ef3de83 *R/utils.R
-506a63c3a3139139b13846f2b8088103 *R/writes.R
-bca3ae5e8073b1446ef1e5a094793c79 *R/zzz.R
-d0767f261839cda82c31e07ef225b78f *
-7b80f30bc55674afdc5d922f57c5beec *inst/extdata/WD.globalvar.RDS
-6860eea8ad3721e4908e2b502b3c3377 *man/WD.globalvar.Rd
-4a2caab720ab4e94b699fe3a94df9a10 *man/WikidataR.Rd
-0361847cf40b847a86ce83b36c53c412 *man/as_pid.Rd
-7b4b40dce6e03e8b6463c3d637b44d47 *man/as_qid.Rd
-3357c8e90b7f2690477d86473b762aac *man/as_quot.Rd
-531097258c237c46b236e2b53d25e2e6 *man/as_sid.Rd
-cddc41eea6eaa0e969bbbbd081e39638 *man/check_input.Rd
-2c66c01974d576fbf99367ad1dfcbc9c *man/createrows.Rd
-cd291c37840b51a97ac0a71cca7753cb *man/createrows.tidy.Rd
-8fe82fbcd237a91657fdce38c5670aba *man/disambiguate_QIDs.Rd
-33c8946335d2d0b1565fe105ba0cd9cd *man/extract_claims.Rd
-d112f271f0b87e8cef2dec363d850d08 *man/extract_para.Rd
-e0030038b4df6950f409be20eab80eb7 *man/filter_qids.Rd
-f2cc8655e1ba912968b179de7e9e9dbd *man/find_item.Rd
-f875fadb7f30a3d35b12231407537947 *man/get_example.Rd
-ee011e5fc7af618b1b550f41d56a4b29 *man/get_geo_box.Rd
-1c0a2897ecae8d1461995400d2f35ccb *man/get_geo_entity.Rd
-d3e0400de3aeab4a298388b1d7afc723 *man/get_item.Rd
-6e11fe213d4462d36f1d688d35cced46 *man/get_names_from_properties.Rd
-9031d5dda3632005d8c399c9d349b23f *man/get_random.Rd
-280815e5921db5a91fdaa23095917333 *man/identifier_from_identifier.Rd
-9ca4ffe38247b0677dfcab081ae687cf *man/initials.Rd
-a06f92081d2c3e1ebf3ef9180861af4f *man/list_properties.Rd
-44c26e612f3e769d6c900ba002988c64 *man/print.find_item.Rd
-6ecc3a748e722646dee1af7c8412486c *man/print.find_property.Rd
-183c6117fd084489ac06b9e9abdf14c4 *man/print.wikidata.Rd
-fa760b5c26963fa55e7cc0efef5de4e1 *man/qid_from_DOI.Rd
-bbe2fc3a9e1b2ad52363a1701e1b79f8 *man/qid_from_ORCID.Rd
-e4bd57eb112c64daa8c70dfa7eeb87e5 *man/qid_from_identifier.Rd
-c89910c2f09ba27bfda77af169aad79c *man/qid_from_name.Rd
-b3e9f1a3feac2408792ade21a573f736 *man/query_wikidata.Rd
-54839ca3cc109f0f1552f7d10dea1dc4 *man/searcher.Rd
-b04adb27fcb15281dde99d1a3d2dbd45 *man/sparql_query.Rd
-3b0fadfe82ab967a623565ef1760a910 *man/unspecial.Rd
-9490a2332a673b27ede31f6b9a13776c *man/url_to_id.Rd
-be43e60ae24e7dfa179dc5cb71b51048 *man/wd_query.Rd
-3f905ae62e3178a2481a7840c28bc02b *man/wd_rand_query.Rd
-57403c2a9da6f93453029ab09ae5ea88 *man/write_wikidata.Rd
-6802883083c1500ce37088c6349f4652 *tests/testthat.R
-aae0d0411ae5b12ac04c1e77e9874f85 *tests/testthat/test_geo.R
-c6d0feb03de5a1ecc904e7acd6d41736 *tests/testthat/test_gets.R
-b8ced9b08d59231a6b29fdcfb5ccbc85 *tests/testthat/test_search.R
index 2f0b1bc..a40769d 100644
@@ -3,57 +3,17 @@
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index cde719e..84e9813 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,61 +1,33 @@
-* New disambiguate_QIDs() function for manual item-by-item disambiguation
-* Outputs as tibbles by default with vector options where relevant
-* Additional 'website' output format option for write_wikidata() to submit to Quickstatements website
-* Patches to make writing wikidata statements with dates more reliable
-* Updated release on CRAN
-* Expected property values and constraints from 2.1.0 now just stored as a data file, since onAttach function caused issues
-* Upon loading the package, it will check whether property values are expected to be strings, numbers, dates or QIDs
-* Write_wikidata() allows you to write to wikidata via the 'quickstatements' format
-* Outputs as tibbles where relevant
-* Switch maintatiner to Thomas Shafee
-* First release on CRAN!
-* Extract_claims() allows you to, well, extract claims.
-* SPARQL syntax bug with some geo queries now fixed (thanks to Mikhail Popov)
-* Vectorisation of get_*() functions
-* Geographic data for entities that exist relative to other Wikidata items can now be retrieved
-  with get_geo_entity and get_geo_box, courtesy of excellent Serena Signorelli's excellent
-  QueryWikidataR package.
-* A bug in printing returned objects is now fixed.
-* You can now retrieve multiple random properties or items with get_random_item and get_random_property
-* Various documentation and metadata improvements.
-* Fix a bug in get_* functions due to a parameter name mismatch
-* Print methods added by Christian Graul
-* This is the initial release! See the explanatory vignettes.
+* extract_claims() allows you to, well, extract claims.
+* SPARQL syntax bug with some geo queries now fixed (thanks to Mikhail Popov)
+* get_* functions are now vectorised
+* geographic data for entities that exist relative to other Wikidata items can now be retrieved
+with get_geo_entity and get_geo_box, courtesy of excellent Serena Signorelli's excellent
+QueryWikidataR package.
+* A bug in printing returned objects is now fixed.
+* You can now retrieve multiple random properties or items with get_random_item and get_random_property
+* Various documentation and metadata improvements.
+* Fix a bug in get_* functions due to a parameter name mismatch
+* Print methods added by Christian Graul
+* This is the initial release! See the explanatory vignettes.
diff --git a/R/WikidataR.R b/R/WikidataR.R
index 3eb18f3..9614e67 100644
--- a/R/WikidataR.R
+++ b/R/WikidataR.R
@@ -1,29 +1,15 @@
-#' @title API client library for Wikidata
-#' @description This package serves as an API client for reading and writing
-#' to and from \href{}{Wikidata}, (including 
-#' via the \href{}{QuickStatements} format),
-#' as well as for reading from \href{}{Wikipedia}.
-#' @name WikidataR
-#' @docType package
-#' @seealso \code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
-#' \code{\link{get_item}} for a /specific/ item or property, or \code{\link{find_item}}
-#' for using search functionality to pull out item or property IDs where the descriptions
-#' or aliases match a particular search term.
-#' @import WikidataQueryServiceR
-#' @import tibble
-#' @import dplyr
-#' @import stringr
-#' @import pbapply
-#' @import progress
-#' @import crayon
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom readr format_tsv
-#' @importFrom readr format_delim
-#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
-#' @importFrom stats var
-#' @importFrom stats cor
-#' @importFrom WikipediR page_content random_page query
-#' @importFrom httr user_agent
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @aliases WikidataR WikidataR-package
+#' @title API client library for Wikidata
+#' @description This package serves as an API client for \href{Wikidata}{}.
+#' See the accompanying vignette for more details.
+#' @name WikidataR
+#' @docType package
+#'@seealso \code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
+#'\code{\link{get_item}} for a /specific/ item or property, or \code{\link{find_item}}
+#'for using search functionality to pull out item or property IDs where the descriptions
+#'or aliases match a particular search term.
+#' @importFrom WikipediR page_content random_page query
+#' @importFrom httr user_agent
+#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
+#' @aliases WikidataR WikidataR-package
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/data.R b/R/data.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 87e046c..0000000
--- a/R/data.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#' @name WD.globalvar
-#' @title Global variables for Wikidata properties
-#' @description A dataset of Wikidata global variables.
-#' @format A list of tibbles documenting key property constraints from wikidata  
-#' \describe{
-#'   \item{SID.valid}{valid reference source properties}
-#'   \item{PID.datatype}{required data type for each property}
-#'   \item{PID.constraint}{expected regex match for each property}
-#'   \item{lang.abbrev}{language abbreviations}
-#'   \item{}{language abbreviations for current wikis}
-#'   \item{}{Wikimedia abbreviations for current wikis}
-#'   ...
-#' }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/disambiguators.R b/R/disambiguators.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bce992..0000000
--- a/R/disambiguators.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-# -------- Disambiguator functions --------
-#'@title Disambiguate QIDs
-#'@description Interactive function that presents alternative possible QID matches for a list of text
-#'strings and provides options for choosing between alternatives, rejecting all presented alternatives,
-#'or creating new items. Useful in cases where a list of text strings may have either missing wikidata items
-#'or multiple alternative potential matches that need to be manually disambuguated. Can also used on
-#'lists of lists (see examples). For long lists of items, the process can be stopped partway through and
-#'the returned vector will indicate where the process was stopped. 
-#'@param list a list or vector of text strings to find potential QID matches to.
-#'            Can also be a list of lists (see examples)
-#'@param variablename type of items in the list that are being disambiguated (used in messages)
-#'@param variableinfo additional information about items that are being disambiguated (used in messages)
-#'@param filter_property property to filter on (e.g. "P31" to filter on "instance of")
-#'@param filter_variable values of that property to use to filter out (e.g. "Q571" to filter out books)
-#'@param filter_firsthit apply filter to the first match presented or only if alternatives requested?
-#'                       (default = FALSE, note: true is slower if filter not needed on most matches)
-#'@param limit number of alternative possible wikidata items to present if multiple potential matches
-#'@return a vector of:
-#' \describe{
-#'   \item{QID}{Selected QID (for when an appropriate Wikidata match exists)}
-#'   \item{CREATE}{Mark that a new Wikidata item should be created (for when no appropriate Wikidata match yet exists)}
-#'   \item{NA}{Mark that no Wikidata item is needed}
-#'   \item{STOP}{Mark that the process was halted at this point (so that output can be used as input to the function later)}
-#' }
-#'#Disambiguating possible QID matches for these music genres
-#'#Results should be:
-#'# "Q22731" as the first match
-#'# "Q147538" as the first match
-#'# "Q3947" as the second alternative match
-#'                  variablename="music genre")
-#'#Disambiguating possible QID matches for these three words, but not the music genres
-#'#This will take longer as the filtering step is slower
-#'#Results should be:
-#'# "Q22731" (the material) as the first match
-#'# "Q147538" (the soft drink) as the second alternative match
-#'# "Q3947" (the building) as the first match
-#'                  filter_property="instance of",
-#'                  filter_variable="music genre",
-#'                  filter_firsthit=TRUE,
-#'                  variablename="concept, not the music genre")
-#'#Disambiguating possible QID matches for the multiple expertise of
-#'#these three people as list of lists
-#'                            barry=list("history"),
-#'                            clair=list("law","genetics","ethics")),
-#'                  variablename="expertise")
-disambiguate_QIDs <- function(list,
-                              variablename="variables",
-                              variableinfo=NULL,
-                              filter_property=NULL,
-                              filter_variable=NULL,
-                              filter_firsthit=FALSE,
-                              limit=10){
-  #make list is formatted as a list (e.g. if vector)
-  if(!all(class(list)=="list")){list <- as.list(list)}
-  if(!is.null(filter_property)){filter_property <- as_pid(filter_property)[[1]][1]}
-  if(!is.null(filter_variable)){filter_variable <- as_qid(filter_variable)[[1]][1]}
-  #is the list the outut from a previous half-done run?
-  if(any(unlist(lapply(list,function(x) x=="STOP")),na.rm = TRUE)){
-    item_to_start_from    <- which(unlist(lapply(list,function(x) any(x=="STOP"))))
-    subitem_to_start_from <- first(which(list == "STOP"))
-    output <- list
-  }else{
-    item_to_start_from    <- 1
-    subitem_to_start_from <- 1
-    output <- blank_output_list(list)
-  }
-  #create output
-  pb_main <- progress_bar$new(total = sum(unlist(output,recursive = TRUE)==""|unlist(output,recursive = TRUE)=="STOP"),
-                              format     = ":bar :percent eta::eta \n",
-                              current    = "|",
-                              width      = 90,
-                              show_after = 0)
-  for(item in item_to_start_from:length(list)){
-    for(subitem in subitem_to_start_from:length(list[[item]])){
-      #check item to search
-      tosearch <- list[[item]][subitem]
-      if({break}                                   #skip NAs
-      if(tosearch=="STOP"|tosearch==""){tosearch<-names(tosearch)} #use name for items not done in previous run (stored as "STOP" and "")
-      if(grepl("^[Qq][0-9]+$",tosearch)){break}                    #skip if already a QID
-      if(is.null(tosearch)){break}                                 #skip nulls or empty items with no name (usually errors)
-      list[[item]][subitem] <- tosearch                            #if no skips, place that text back in the list
-      #announce choice to be made
-      message_header(list,item,subitem,variablename,variableinfo)
-      pb_main$tick()
-      #execute search and record choice
-      if(filter_firsthit){
-        first_hit_qid <- firsthit(list[[item]][subitem],filter_property,filter_variable)
-      }else{
-        first_hit_qid <- firsthit(list[[item]][subitem])
-      }
-      choice <- makechoice(qid = first_hit_qid,
-                                              text= names(first_hit_qid),
-                                              filter_property=filter_property,
-                                              filter_variable=filter_variable,
-                                              limit=limit)
-      output[[item]][[subitem]] <- choice
-      names(output[[item]])[[subitem]] <- names(choice)
-      #check if stop request made
-      if(![[item]][[subitem]])){if(output[[item]][[subitem]]=="STOP"){
-        done_so_far <- item
-        message_stop(done_so_far,total = length(list))
-        break
-      }}
-    }
-    subitem_to_start_from <- 1 # reset the subitem to start from if completed a full item
-    if(![[item]][[subitem]])){if(output[[item]][[subitem]]=="STOP"){break}}
-  }
-  return(output)
-# When provided with a QID, interactively make a decision on whether the output should be that qid or some other value
-makechoice <- function(qid=NULL,
-                       text=NULL,
-                       table=NULL,
-                       filter_property=NULL,
-                       filter_variable=NULL,
-                       limit=10){
-  if(is.null(text)){
-    text <- names(qid)
-  }
-  # announce item for disambig
-  suppressWarnings(invisible(selection <- readline()))
-  if      (selection=="s"|selection=="stop"){                   #s = stop
-    output <- "STOP"
-    names(output) <- text
-  }else if(selection=="y"|selection=="yes"){                    #y = accept
-    output <- qid
-    names(output) <- text
-  }else if(selection=="n"|selection=="no"|selection==""){       #n = reject
-    output <- NA
-    names(output) <- text
-  }else if(selection=="c"|selection=="create"){                 #c = create
-    output <- "CREATE"
-    names(output) <- text
-  }else if(selection=="?"){                                     #? = loop up in browser
-    browseURL(paste0("",qid))
-    output <- makechoice(qid,text,table,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-  }else if(grepl("^[Qq][0-9]+$",selection)){                    #Q123 = id
-    output <- selection
-    names(output) <- paste0("-> ",selection)
-  }else if(grepl("^[Qq][0-9]+?$",selection)){                   #Q123? = search that id
-    browseURL(paste0("",
-                     gsub("\\?","",selection)))
-    output <- makechoice(qid,text,table,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-  }else if(grepl("^[0-9]+$",selection) & !is.null(table)){      #number = select row
-    output <- table$qid[as.numeric(selection)]
-    label  <- table$label[as.numeric(selection)]
-  }else if(grepl("^[0-9]+\\?$",selection)& !is.null(table)){    #number? = loop up row in browser
-    browseURL(paste0("",
-                     table$qid[as.numeric(gsub("\\?","",selection))]))
-    output <- makechoice(qid,text,table,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-    label  <- table$label[as.numeric(selection)]
-  }else if((selection=="a"|selection=="alt") & !is.null(text)){ #a = alternative
-    table  <- choices_alt(text,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-    output <- makechoice(qid,text,table,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-    if(!is.null(names(output)) & !is.null(text)){if(names(output)!=text){
-      names(output) <- paste0(text," -> ",names(output))
-    }}
-  }else{                                                        #freetext = freetext to search
-    table  <- choices_alt(selection,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-    output <- makechoice(qid,selection,table,filter_property,filter_variable,limit)
-    if(!is.null(names(output)) & !is.null(text)){if(names(output)!=text){
-      names(output) <- paste0(text," -> ",names(output))
-    }}
-  }
-  return(output)
-# -------- Messages --------
-# Clear console and show standard header for
-message_header <- function(list,
-                           i,
-                           j,
-                           variablename=NULL,
-                           variableinfo=NULL){
-  list         <- as.list(list)
-  name         <- bold$cyan(names(list)[[i]])
-  variables    <- list[[i]]
-  variables[j] <- bold$white$underline(variables[j])
-  variables    <- paste(variables,collapse = " | ")
-  if(!is.null(variablename)){
-    variablename <- paste0("the ",variablename," of ")
-  }else{
-    variablename <- NULL
-  }
-  if(!is.null(variableinfo)){
-    variableinfo <- paste0(variableinfo,"\n")
-  }else{
-    variableinfo <- NULL
-  }
-  message("\014",
-          "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n",
-          "Let's disambiguate ",variablename,
-          name, ": \n",
-          variableinfo,
-          variables)
-message_choices <- function(){
-  message(bold(" y    "),"-> accept the presented match \n",
-          bold(" n    "),"-> reject the presented match and move on to the next \n",
-          bold(" a    "),"-> request alternative possible matches \n",
-          bold(" Q123 "),"-> use this as the wikidata QID \n",
-          bold(" text "),"-> try this text as alternative search term \n",
-          bold(" c    "),"-> create a new item for this later \n",
-          bold(" s    "),"-> stop here, save those done so far and come back later \n",
-          bold(" ?    "),"-> check the presented match in your browser")
-message_choices_na <- function(){
-  message(bold(" y/n  "),"-> leave as 'NA' \n",
-          bold(" Q123 "),"-> use this as the wikidata QID \n",
-          bold(" text "),"-> try this text as alternative search term \n",
-          bold(" c    "),"-> create a new item for this later \n",
-          bold(" s    "),"-> stop here, save those done so far and come back later")
-message_choices_alt <- function(table){
-  message("Are any of these appropriate?")
-  print(data.frame(table),right=FALSE)
-  message(bold(" number "),"-> select one of the matches presented (include ",bold("?")," to check an item in your browser) \n",
-          bold(" Q123   "),"-> use this as the wikidata QID \n",
-          bold(" text   "),"-> try this text as alternative search term \n",
-          bold(" c      "),"-> create a new item for this later \n",
-          bold(" s      "),"-> stop here, save those done so far and come back later")
-message_stop <- function(done_so_far,total){
-  message("Stopping. You've completed ",
-          bold$white(done_so_far - 1),
-          " so far (",
-          bold$white(total - done_so_far + 1),
-          " remaining). \n",
-          "To restart from where you left off, use the output from this function as the list for disambiguate_QIDs()")
-# -------- Misc. support --------
-# pulling and formatting the first hit from wikidata
-# and presenting appropriate choice text options in prep for makechoice()
-firsthit <- function(text,
-                     filter_property=NULL,
-                     filter_variable=NULL,
-                     limit=10){
-  if(!is.null(filter_property) & !is.null(filter_variable)){
-    filtered_items <- filter_qids(ids=sapply(find_item(text,limit = limit),"[[",1),
-                                  property=filter_property,
-                                  filter=filter_variable,
-                                  message="Checking for item that doesn't match the filter ")
-    if(!$qid[1])){
-      qid   <- filtered_items$qid[1]
-      label <- filtered_items$label[1]
-      desc  <- filtered_items$desc[1]
-      message(white(qid,"   ",label,"   ",desc,sep=""))
-      message_choices()
-    }else{
-      qid <- NA
-      message(white("No good match found that matches filters"))
-      message_choices_na()
-    }
-  }else{
-    item <- find_item(text,limit = 1)
-    if(length(item)>0){
-      if(is.null(item[[1]]$description)){
-        desc <- "no description"
-      }else{
-        desc <- item[[1]]$description
-      }
-      if(is.null(item[[1]]$label)){
-        label <- "no label"
-      }else{
-        label <- item[[1]]$label
-      }
-      qid <- item[[1]]$id
-      message(white(qid,"   ",label,"   ",desc,sep=""))
-      message_choices()
-    }else{
-      qid <- NA
-      message(white("No good match found"))
-      message_choices_na()
-    }
-  }
-  names(qid) <- text
-  return(qid)
-blank_output_list <- function(list){
-  make_attr_names <- function(x){
-    x1 <- list[[x]]
-    attr(x1, 'names') <- x1
-    x1
-  }
-  if(all(is.null(names(list)))){
-    output <- list
-    names(output) <- list
-  }else{
-    output <- lapply(names(list), make_attr_names)
-    names(output) <- names(list)
-  }
-  output <- rapply(output,function(x) ifelse(,NA,""),how = 'replace')
-  return(output)
-restarted_output_list <- function(list){
-  make_attr_names_rev <- function(x){
-    x1 <- list[[x]]
-    x1 <- attr(x1, 'names')
-    x1
-  }
-  listnames <- lapply(names(list), make_attr_names_rev)
-  output <- rapply(output,function(x) ifelse(,NA,""),how = 'replace')
-  return(output)
-choices_alt <- function(selection,filter_property,filter_variable,limit){
-  altqids <- unlist(lapply(find_item(selection,limit=limit),function(x) x$id))
-  if(is.null(altqids)){
-    message("Searching for ",bold$white(selection)," as an alternative term")
-    results <- tibble(qid=NA,
-                      label=NA,
-                      desc="No current matching Wikidata item")
-  }else{
-    message("Searching for ",bold$white(selection)," as an alternative term")
-    results <- filter_qids(ids = altqids,
-                           property = filter_property,
-                           filter = filter_variable)
-  }
-  if(all($qid))){
-    message(white("No good match found"))
-    message_choices_na()
-    return(NULL)
-  }else{
-    message_choices_alt(results)
-    names(results$qid) <- results$label
-    return(results)
-  }
diff --git a/R/geo.R b/R/geo.R
index a993fa6..37efdff 100644
--- a/R/geo.R
+++ b/R/geo.R
@@ -1,189 +1,182 @@
-#'@title Retrieve geographic information from Wikidata
-#'@description \code{get_geo_entity} retrieves the item ID, latitude
-#'and longitude of any object with geographic data associated with \emph{another}
-#'object with geographic data (example: all the locations around/near/associated with
-#'a city).
-#'@param entity a Wikidata item (\code{Q...}) or series of items, to check
-#'for associated geo-tagged items.
-#'@param language the two-letter language code to use for the name
-#'of the item. "en" by default, because we're imperialist
-#'anglocentric westerners.
-#'@param radius optionally, a radius (in kilometers) around \code{entity}
-#'to restrict the search to.
-#'@param limit the maximum number of results to return.
-#'@param \\dots further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
-#'@return a data.frame of 5 columns:
-#'  \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
-#'  \code{entity}.}
-#'  \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
-#'  is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
-#'  \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
-#'  \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
-#'  \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
-#'  queries).}
-#'# All entities
-#'\donttest{sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")}
-#'# Entities with French, rather than English, names
-#'\donttest{sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")}
-#'# Entities within 1km
-#'\donttest{sf_close_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)}
-#'# Multiple entities
-#'\donttest{multi_entity <- get_geo_entity(entity = c("Q62", "Q64"))}
-#'@seealso \code{\link{get_geo_box}} for using a bounding box
-#'rather than an unrestricted search or simple radius.
-get_geo_entity <- function(entity, language = "en", radius = NULL, limit=100, ...){
-  entity <- check_input(entity, "Q")
-  if(is.null(radius)){
-    query <- paste0("SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?name ?coord ?propertyLabel WHERE {
-                      ?item wdt:P131* wd:", entity, ". ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
-                      SERVICE wikibase:label {
-                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"", language, "\" .
-                        ?item rdfs:label ?name
-                      }
-                    }
-                    ORDER BY ASC (?name)
-                    LIMIT ", limit)
-  } else {
-    query <- paste0("SELECT ?item ?name ?coord
-                    WHERE {
-                      wd:", entity, " wdt:P625 ?mainLoc .
-                      SERVICE wikibase:around { 
-                        ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
-                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:center ?mainLoc .
-                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:radius \"", radius,
-                        "\" .
-                      }
-                      SERVICE wikibase:label {
-                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"", language, "\" .
-                        ?item rdfs:label ?name
-                      }
-                    } ORDER BY ASC (?name)
-                    LIMIT ",limit)
-  }
-  if(length(query) > 1){
-     return("rbind", mapply(function(query, entity, ...){
-      output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query, ...)$results$bindings)
-      output$entity <- entity
-      return(output)
-    }, query = query, entity = entity, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, ...)))
-  }
-  output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query)$results$bindings)
-  if(length(output)==0){warning("Query timeout. Possibly try again with lower 'limit='")}
-  output$entity <- entity
-  return(output)
-#'@title Get geographic entities based on a bounding box
-#'@description \code{get_geo_box} retrieves all geographic entities in
-#'Wikidata that fall between a bounding box between two existing items
-#'with geographic attributes (usually cities).
-#'@param first_city_code a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
-#'one corner of the bounding box.
-#'@param first_corner the direction of \code{first_city_code} relative
-#'to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").
-#'@param second_city_code a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
-#'one corner of the bounding box.
-#'@param second_corner the direction of \code{second_city_code} relative
-#'to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").
-#'@param language the two-letter language code to use for the name
-#'of the item. "en" by default.
-#'@param \\dots further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
-#'@return a data.frame of 5 columns:
-#'  \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
-#'  \code{entity}.}
-#'  \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
-#'  is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
-#'  \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
-#'  \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
-#'  \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
-#'  queries).}
-#'# Simple bounding box
-#'\donttest{bruges_box <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest")}
-#'# Custom language
-#'\donttest{bruges_box_fr <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest",
-#'                                         language = "fr")}
-#'@seealso \code{\link{get_geo_entity}} for using an unrestricted search or simple radius,
-#'rather than a bounding box.
-get_geo_box <- function(first_city_code, first_corner, second_city_code, second_corner,
-                        language = "en", ...){
-  # Input checks
-  first_city_code <- check_input(first_city_code, "Q")
-  second_city_code <- check_input(second_city_code, "Q")
-  # Construct query
-  query <- paste0("SELECT ?item ?name ?coord WHERE {
-                    wd:", first_city_code, " wdt:P625 ?Firstloc .
-                    wd:", second_city_code, " wdt:P625 ?Secondloc .
-                    SERVICE wikibase:box {
-                      ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
-                      bd:serviceParam wikibase:corner", first_corner, " ?Firstloc .
-                      bd:serviceParam wikibase:corner", second_corner, " ?Secondloc .
-                    }
-                    SERVICE wikibase:label {
-                      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"", language, "\" .
-                      ?item rdfs:label ?name
-                    }
-                  }ORDER BY ASC (?name)")
-  # Vectorise if necessary, or not if not!
-  if(length(query) > 1){
-    return("rbind", mapply(function(query, ...){
-      output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query, ...)$results$bindings)
-      return(output)
-    }, query = query, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
-  }
-  output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query)$results$bindings)
-  return(output)
-# Cleanup function
-clean_geo <- function(results){
-"rbind", lapply(results, function(item){
-    point <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(x = item$coord$value, pattern = "(Point\\(|\\))", replacement = ""),
-                             " "))
-    wd_id <- gsub(x = item$item$value, pattern = "",
-                  replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
-    return(data.frame(item = wd_id,
-                      name = ifelse(item$name$value == wd_id, NA, item$name$value),
-                      latitutde = as.numeric(point[1]),
-                      longitude = as.numeric(point[2]),
-                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
-  }))
+clean_geo <- function(results){
+"rbind", lapply(results, function(item){
+    point <- unlist(strsplit(gsub(x = item$coord$value, pattern = "(Point\\(|\\))", replacement = ""),
+                             " "))
+    wd_id <- gsub(x = item$item$value, pattern = "",
+                  replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
+    return(data.frame(item = wd_id,
+                      name = ifelse(item$name$value == wd_id, NA, item$name$value),
+                      latitutde = as.numeric(point[1]),
+                      longitude = as.numeric(point[2]),
+                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
+  }))
+#'@title Retrieve geographic information from Wikidata
+#'@description \code{get_geo_entity} retrieves the item ID, latitude
+#'and longitude of any object with geographic data associated with \emph{another}
+#'object with geographic data (example: all the locations around/near/associated with
+#'a city).
+#'@param entity a Wikidata item (\code{Q...}) or series of items, to check
+#'for associated geo-tagged items.
+#'@param language the two-letter language code to use for the name
+#'of the item. "en" by default, because we're imperialist
+#'anglocentric westerners.
+#'@param radius optionally, a radius (in kilometers) around \code{entity}
+#'to restrict the search to.
+#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
+#'@return a data.frame of 5 columns:
+#'  \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
+#'  \code{entity}.}
+#'  \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
+#'  is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
+#'  \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
+#'  \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
+#'  \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
+#'  queries).}
+#'# All entities
+#'sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")
+#'# Entities with French, rather than English, names
+#'sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")
+#'# Entities within 1km
+#'sf_close_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)
+#'# Multiple entities
+#'multi_entity <- get_geo_entity(entity = c("Q62", "Q64"))
+#'@seealso \code{\link{get_geo_box}} for using a bounding box
+#'rather than an unrestricted search or simple radius.
+get_geo_entity <- function(entity, language = "en", radius = NULL, ...){
+  entity <- check_input(entity, "Q")
+  if(is.null(radius)){
+    query <- paste0("SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?name ?coord ?propertyLabel WHERE {
+                      ?item wdt:P131* wd:", entity, ". ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
+                      SERVICE wikibase:label {
+                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"", language, "\" .
+                        ?item rdfs:label ?name
+                      }
+                    }
+                    ORDER BY ASC (?name)")
+  } else {
+    query <- paste0("SELECT ?item ?name ?coord
+                    WHERE {
+                      wd:", entity, " wdt:P625 ?mainLoc .
+                      SERVICE wikibase:around { 
+                        ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
+                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:center ?mainLoc .
+                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:radius \"", radius,
+                        "\" .
+                      }
+                      SERVICE wikibase:label {
+                        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"", language, "\" .
+                        ?item rdfs:label ?name
+                      }
+                    } ORDER BY ASC (?name)")
+  }
+  if(length(query) > 1){
+     return("rbind", mapply(function(query, entity, ...){
+      output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query, ...)$results$bindings)
+      output$entity <- entity
+      return(output)
+    }, query = query, entity = entity, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
+  }
+  output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query)$results$bindings)
+  output$entity <- entity
+  return(output)
+#'@title Get geographic entities based on a bounding box
+#'@description \code{get_geo_box} retrieves all geographic entities in
+#'Wikidata that fall between a bounding box between two existing items
+#'with geographic attributes (usually cities).
+#'@param first_city_code a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
+#'one corner of the bounding box.
+#'@param first_corner the direction of \code{first_city_code} relative
+#'to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").
+#'@param second_city_code a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
+#'one corner of the bounding box.
+#'@param second_corner the direction of \code{second_city_code} relative
+#'to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").
+#'@param language the two-letter language code to use for the name
+#'of the item. "en" by default.
+#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
+#'@return a data.frame of 5 columns:
+#'  \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
+#'  \code{entity}.}
+#'  \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
+#'  is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
+#'  \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
+#'  \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
+#'  \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
+#'  queries).}
+#'# Simple bounding box
+#'bruges_box <- WikidataR:::get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest")
+#'# Custom language
+#'bruges_box_fr <- WikidataR:::get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest",
+#'                                         language = "fr")
+#'@seealso \code{\link{get_geo_entity}} for using an unrestricted search or simple radius,
+#'rather than a bounding box.
+get_geo_box <- function(first_city_code, first_corner, second_city_code, second_corner,
+                        language = "en", ...){
+  # Input checks
+  first_city_code <- check_input(first_city_code, "Q")
+  second_city_code <- check_input(second_city_code, "Q")
+  # Construct query
+  query <- paste0("SELECT ?item ?name ?coord WHERE {
+                    wd:", first_city_code, " wdt:P625 ?Firstloc .
+                    wd:", second_city_code, " wdt:P625 ?Secondloc .
+                    SERVICE wikibase:box {
+                      ?item wdt:P625 ?coord .
+                      bd:serviceParam wikibase:corner", first_corner, " ?Firstloc .
+                      bd:serviceParam wikibase:corner", second_corner, " ?Secondloc .
+                    }
+                    SERVICE wikibase:label {
+                      bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"", language, "\" .
+                      ?item rdfs:label ?name
+                    }
+                  }ORDER BY ASC (?name)")
+  # Vectorise if necessary, or not if not!
+  if(length(query) > 1){
+    return("rbind", mapply(function(query, ...){
+      output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query, ...)$results$bindings)
+      return(output)
+    }, query = query, ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)))
+  }
+  output <- clean_geo(sparql_query(query)$results$bindings)
+  return(output)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/gets.R b/R/gets.R
index 4ec01b9..2a9c5ce 100644
--- a/R/gets.R
+++ b/R/gets.R
@@ -1,205 +1,127 @@
-# -------- Gets --------
-#'@title Retrieve specific Wikidata items or properties
-#'@description \code{get_item} and \code{get_property} allow you to retrieve the data associated
-#'with individual Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
-#'other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
-#'to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
-#'@param id the ID number(s) of the item or property you're looking for. This can be in
-#'various formats; either a numeric value ("200"), the full name ("Q200") or
-#'even with an included namespace ("Property:P10") - the function will format
-#'it appropriately. This function is vectorised and will happily accept
-#'multiple IDs.
-#'@param \\dots further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
-#'@seealso \code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
-#'or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
-#'item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
-#'search term.
-#'#Retrieve a specific item
-#'adams_metadata <- get_item("42")
-#'#Retrieve a specific property
-#'object_is_child <- get_property("P40")
-#'@aliases get_item get_property
-#'@rdname get_item
-get_item <- function(id, ...){
-  id <- check_input(id, "Q")
-  output <- (lapply(id, wd_query, ...))
-  class(output) <- "wikidata"
-  return(output)
-#'@rdname get_item
-get_property <- function(id, ...){
-  has_grep <- grepl("^P(?!r)",id, perl = TRUE)
-  id[has_grep] <- paste0("Property:", id[has_grep])
-  id <- check_input(id, "Property:P")
-  output <- (lapply(id, wd_query, ...))
-  class(output) <- "wikidata"
-  return(output)
-#'@title Retrieve randomly-selected Wikidata items or properties
-#'@description \code{get_random_item} and \code{get_random_property} allow you to retrieve the data
-#'associated with randomly-selected Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
-#'other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
-#'to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
-#'@param limit how many random items to return. 1 by default, but can be higher.
-#'@param \\dots arguments to pass to httr's GET.
-#'@seealso \code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property,
-#'or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
-#'item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
-#'search term.
-#'#Random item
-#'random_item <- get_random_item()
-#'#Random property
-#'random_property <- get_random_property()
-#'@aliases get_random get_random_item get_random_property
-#'@rdname get_random
-get_random_item <- function(limit = 1, ...){
-  return(wd_rand_query(ns = 0, limit = limit, ...))
-#'@rdname get_random
-get_random_property <- function(limit = 1, ...){
-  return(wd_rand_query(ns = 120, limit = limit, ...))
-#' @title Get an example SPARQL query from Wikidata
-#' @description Gets the specified example(s) from
-#'   [SPARQL query service examples page](
-#'   using [Wikidata's MediaWiki API](
-#' @details If you are planning on extracting multiple examples, please provide
-#'   all the names as a single vector for efficiency.
-#' @param example_name the names of the examples as they appear on
-#'   [this page](
-#' @return The SPARQL query as a character vector.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' sparql_query <- extract_example(c("Cats", "Horses"))
-#' query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#' # returns a named list with two data frames
-#' # one called "Cats" and one called "Horses"
-#' sparql_query <- extract_example("Largest cities with female mayor")
-#' cat(sparql_query)
-#' query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#' }
-#' @seealso [query_wikidata]
-#' @export
-get_example <- function(example_name){
-  content <- WikipediR::page_content(
-    domain = "",
-    page_name = "Wikidata:SPARQL query service/queries/examples",
-    as_wikitext = TRUE
-  )
-  wiki <- strsplit(content$parse$wikitext$`*`, "\n")[[1]]
-  wiki <- wiki[wiki != ""]
-  return(vapply(example_name, function(example_name){
-    heading_line <- which(grepl(paste0("^===\\s?", example_name, "\\s?===$"), wiki, fixed = FALSE))
-    start_line <- which(grepl("{{SPARQL", wiki[(heading_line + 1):length(wiki)], fixed = TRUE))[1]
-    end_line <- which(grepl("}}", wiki[(heading_line + start_line + 1):length(wiki)], fixed = TRUE))[1]
-    query <- paste0(wiki[(heading_line + start_line):(heading_line + start_line + end_line - 1)], collapse = "\n")
-    return(sub("^\\s*\\{\\{SPARQL2?\\n?\\|query\\=", "", query))
-  }, ""))
-# -------- Finds --------
-#'@title Search for Wikidata items or properties that match a search term
-#'@description \code{find_item} and \code{find_property} allow you to retrieve a set
-#'of Wikidata items or properties where the aliase or descriptions match a particular
-#'search term.  As with other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available;
-#'use \code{\link{str}} to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
-#'@param search_term a term to search for.
-#'@param language the language to return the labels and descriptions in; this should
-#'consist of an ISO language code. Set to "en" by default.
-#'@param limit the number of results to return; set to 10 by default.
-#'@param \\dots further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
-#'@seealso \code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
-#'or \code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property.
-#'#Check for entries relating to Douglas Adams in some way
-#'adams_items <- find_item("Douglas Adams")
-#'#Check for properties involving the peerage
-#'peerage_props <- find_property("peerage")
-#'@aliases find_item find_property
-#'@rdname find_item
-find_item <- function(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10, ...){
-  res <- searcher(search_term, language, limit, "item")
-  class(res) <- "find_item"
-  return(res)
-#'@rdname find_item
-find_property <- function(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10){
-  res <- searcher(search_term, language, limit, "property")
-  class(res) <- "find_property"
-  return(res)
-#Generic, direct access to Wikidata's search functionality.
-#'@title Convert an input to a item QID
-#'@description Convert an input string to the most likely item QID
-#'@param search_term a term to search for.
-#'@param language the language to return the labels and descriptions in; this should
-#'consist of an ISO language code. Set to "en" by default.
-#'@param limit the number of results to return; set to 10 by default.
-#'@param type type of wikidata object to return (default = "item")
-#'@param \\dots Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]
-#'@return If the inputted string matches an item label, return its QID.
-#'If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple items, return the QID of the first hit.
-#'If the inputted string is already a QID, return the string.
-#'# if input string is a valid QID
-#'# if input string matches multiple item labels
-#'as_qid("Douglas Adams")
-#'# if input string matches a single unique label
-#'as_qid("Douglas Adams and the question of arterial blood pressure in mammals")
-searcher <- function(search_term, language, limit, type, ...){
-  result <- WikipediR::query(url = "", out_class = "list", clean_response = FALSE,
-                             query_param = list(
-                               action   = "wbsearchentities", 
-                               type     = type,
-                               language = language,
-                               limit    = limit,
-                               search   = search_term
-                             ),
-                             ...)
-  result <- result$search
-  return(result)
+#'@title Retrieve specific Wikidata items or properties
+#'@description \code{get_item} and \code{get_property} allow you to retrieve the data associated
+#'with individual Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
+#'other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
+#'to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
+#'@param id the ID number(s) of the item or property you're looking for. This can be in
+#'various formats; either a numeric value ("200"), the full name ("Q200") or
+#'even with an included namespace ("Property:P10") - the function will format
+#'it appropriately. This function is vectorised and will happily accept
+#'multiple IDs.
+#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
+#'@seealso \code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
+#'or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
+#'item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
+#'search term.
+#'#Retrieve a specific item
+#'adams_metadata <- get_item("42")
+#'#Retrieve a specific property
+#'object_is_child <- get_property("P40")
+#'@aliases get_item get_property
+#'@rdname get_item
+get_item <- function(id, ...){
+  id <- check_input(id, "Q")
+  output <- (lapply(id, wd_query, ...))
+  class(output) <- "wikidata"
+  return(output)
+#'@rdname get_item
+get_property <- function(id, ...){
+  has_grep <- grepl("^P(?!r)",id, perl = TRUE)
+  id[has_grep] <- paste0("Property:", id[has_grep])
+  id <- check_input(id, "Property:P")
+  output <- (lapply(id, wd_query, ...))
+  class(output) <- "wikidata"
+  return(output)
+#'@title Retrieve randomly-selected Wikidata items or properties
+#'@description \code{get_random_item} and \code{get_random_property} allow you to retrieve the data
+#'associated with randomly-selected Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
+#'other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
+#'to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
+#'@param limit how many random items to return. 1 by default, but can be higher.
+#'@param ... arguments to pass to httr's GET.
+#'@seealso \code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property,
+#'or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
+#'item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
+#'search term.
+#'#Random item
+#'random_item <- get_random_item()
+#'#Random property
+#'random_property <- get_random_property()
+#'@aliases get_random get_random_item get_random_property
+#'@rdname get_random
+get_random_item <- function(limit = 1, ...){
+  return(wd_rand_query(ns = 0, limit = limit, ...))
+#'@rdname get_random
+get_random_property <- function(limit = 1, ...){
+  return(wd_rand_query(ns = 120, limit = limit, ...))
+#'@title Search for Wikidata items or properties that match a search term
+#'@description \code{find_item} and \code{find_property} allow you to retrieve a set
+#'of Wikidata items or properties where the aliase or descriptions match a particular
+#'search term.  As with other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available;
+#'use \code{\link{str}} to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
+#'@param search_term a term to search for.
+#'@param language the language to return the labels and descriptions in; this should
+#'consist of an ISO language code. Set to "en" by default.
+#'@param limit the number of results to return; set to 10 by default.
+#'@param ... further arguments to pass to httr's GET.
+#'@seealso \code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
+#'or \code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property.
+#'#Check for entries relating to Douglas Adams in some way
+#'adams_items <- find_item("Douglas Adams")
+#'#Check for properties involving the peerage
+#'peerage_props <- find_property("peerage")
+#'@aliases find_item find_property
+#'@rdname find_item
+find_item <- function(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10, ...){
+  res <- searcher(search_term, language, limit, "item")
+  class(res) <- "find_item"
+  return(res)
+#'@rdname find_item
+find_property <- function(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10){
+  res <- searcher(search_term, language, limit, "property")
+  class(res) <- "find_property"
+  return(res)
diff --git a/R/prints.R b/R/prints.R
index 070c3a9..261287d 100644
--- a/R/prints.R
+++ b/R/prints.R
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
-#'@title Print method for find_item
-#'@description print found items.
-#'@param x find_item object with search results
-#'@param \dots Arguments to be passed to methods
-#'@method print find_item
-print.find_item <- function(x, ...) {
-  cat("\n\tWikidata item search\n\n")
-  # number of results
-  num_results <- length(x)
-  cat("Number of results:\t", num_results, "\n\n")
-  # results
-  if(num_results > 0) {
-    cat("Results:\n")
-    for(i in 1:num_results) {
-      if(is.null(x[[i]]$description)){
-        desc <- "\n"
-      }
-      else {
-        desc <- paste("-", x[[i]]$description, "\n")
-      }
-      cat(i, "\t", x[[i]]$label, paste0("(", x[[i]]$id, ")"), desc)
-    }
-  }
-#'@title Print method for find_property
-#'@description print found properties.
-#'@param x find_property object with search results
-#'@param \dots Arguments to be passed to methods
-#'@method print find_property
-print.find_property <- function(x, ...) {
-  cat("\n\tWikidata property search\n\n")
-  # number of results
-  num_results <- length(x)
-  cat("Number of results:\t", num_results, "\n\n")
-  # results
-  if(num_results > 0) {
-    cat("Results:\n")
-    for(i in seq_len(num_results)) {
-      if(is.null(x[[i]]$description)){
-        desc <- "\n"
-      }
-      else {
-        desc <- paste("-", x[[i]]$description, "\n")
-      }
-      cat(i, "\t", x[[i]]$label, paste0("(", x[[i]]$id, ")"), desc)
-    }
-  }
-wd_print_base <- function(x, ...){
-  cat("\n\tWikidata", x$type, x$id, "\n\n")
-  # labels
-  num.labels <- length(x$labels)
-  if(num.labels>0) {
-    lbl <- x$labels[[1]]$value
-    if(num.labels==1) cat("Label:\t\t", lbl, "\n")
-    else {
-      if(!is.null(x$labels$en)) lbl <- x$labels$en$value
-      cat("Label:\t\t", lbl, paste0("\t[", num.labels-1, " other languages available]\n"))
-    }
-  }
-  # aliases
-  num_aliases <- length(x$aliases)
-  if(num_aliases > 0) {
-    al <- unique(unlist(lapply(x$aliases, function(xl){return(xl$value)})))
-    cat("Aliases:\t", paste(al, collapse = ", "), "\n")
-  }
-  # descriptions
-  num_desc <- length(x$descriptions)
-  if(num_desc > 0) {
-    desc <- x$descriptions[[1]]$value
-    if(num_desc == 1){
-      cat("Description:", desc, "\n")
-    }
-    else {
-      if(!is.null(x$descriptions$en)){
-        desc <- x$descriptions$en$value
-      }
-      cat("Description:", desc, paste0("\t[", (num_desc - 1), " other languages available]\n"))
-    }
-  }
-  # num claims
-  num_claims <- length(x$claims)
-  if(num_claims > 0){
-    cat("Claims:\t\t", num_claims, "\n")
-  }
-  # num sitelinks
-  num_links <- length(x$sitelinks)
-  if(num_links > 0){
-    cat("Sitelinks:\t", num_links, "\n")
-  }
-#'@title Print method for Wikidata objects
-#'@description print found objects generally.
-#'@param x wikidata object from get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property
-#'@param \dots Arguments to be passed to methods
-#'@seealso get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property
-#'@method print wikidata
-print.wikidata <- function(x, ...){
-  lapply(x, wd_print_base, ...)
-  return(invisible())
+#'@title Print method for find_item
+#'@description print found items.
+#'@param x find_item object with search results
+#'@param \dots Arguments to be passed to methods
+#'@method print find_item
+print.find_item <- function(x, ...) {
+  cat("\n\tWikidata item search\n\n")
+  # number of results
+  num_results <- length(x)
+  cat("Number of results:\t", num_results, "\n\n")
+  # results
+  if(num_results > 0) {
+    cat("Results:\n")
+    for(i in 1:num_results) {
+      if(is.null(x[[i]]$description)){
+        desc <- "\n"
+      }
+      else {
+        desc <- paste("-", x[[i]]$description, "\n")
+      }
+      cat(i, "\t", x[[i]]$label, paste0("(", x[[i]]$id, ")"), desc)
+    }
+  }
+#'@title Print method for find_property
+#'@description print found properties.
+#'@param x find_property object with search results
+#'@param \dots Arguments to be passed to methods
+#'@method print find_property
+print.find_property <- function(x, ...) {
+  cat("\n\tWikidata property search\n\n")
+  # number of results
+  num_results <- length(x)
+  cat("Number of results:\t", num_results, "\n\n")
+  # results
+  if(num_results > 0) {
+    cat("Results:\n")
+    for(i in seq_len(num_results)) {
+      if(is.null(x[[i]]$description)){
+        desc <- "\n"
+      }
+      else {
+        desc <- paste("-", x[[i]]$description, "\n")
+      }
+      cat(i, "\t", x[[i]]$label, paste0("(", x[[i]]$id, ")"), desc)
+    }
+  }
+wd_print_base <- function(x, ...){
+  cat("\n\tWikidata", x$type, x$id, "\n\n")
+  # labels
+  num.labels <- length(x$labels)
+  if(num.labels>0) {
+    lbl <- x$labels[[1]]$value
+    if(num.labels==1) cat("Label:\t\t", lbl, "\n")
+    else {
+      if(!is.null(x$labels$en)) lbl <- x$labels$en$value
+      cat("Label:\t\t", lbl, paste0("\t[", num.labels-1, " other languages available]\n"))
+    }
+  }
+  # aliases
+  num_aliases <- length(x$aliases)
+  if(num_aliases > 0) {
+    al <- unique(unlist(lapply(x$aliases, function(xl){return(xl$value)})))
+    cat("Aliases:\t", paste(al, collapse = ", "), "\n")
+  }
+  # descriptions
+  num_desc <- length(x$descriptions)
+  if(num_desc > 0) {
+    desc <- x$descriptions[[1]]$value
+    if(num_desc == 1){
+      cat("Description:", desc, "\n")
+    }
+    else {
+      if(!is.null(x$descriptions$en)){
+        desc <- x$descriptions$en$value
+      }
+      cat("Description:", desc, paste0("\t[", (num_desc - 1), " other languages available]\n"))
+    }
+  }
+  # num claims
+  num_claims <- length(x$claims)
+  if(num_claims > 0){
+    cat("Claims:\t\t", num_claims, "\n")
+  }
+  # num sitelinks
+  num_links <- length(x$sitelinks)
+  if(num_links > 0){
+    cat("Sitelinks:\t", num_links, "\n")
+  }
+#'@title Print method for Wikidata objects
+#'@description print found objects generally.
+#'@param x wikidata object from get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property
+#'@param \dots Arguments to be passed to methods
+#'@seealso get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property
+#'@method print wikidata
+print.wikidata <- function(x, ...){
+  lapply(x, wd_print_base, ...)
+  return(invisible())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/queries.R b/R/queries.R
deleted file mode 100644
index ba27784..0000000
--- a/R/queries.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#Generic queryin' function for direct Wikidata calls. Wraps around WikipediR::page_content. - Ironholds
-#'@title Download a Wikidata item
-#'@description Utility wrapper for wikidata API to download item.
-#'Used by \code{get_item} and \code{get_property}
-#'@param title the wikidata item or property as a string
-#'@param \\dots Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]
-#'@return a download of the full wikidata object (item or property) formatted as a nested json list
-wd_query <- function(title, ...){
-  result <- WikipediR::page_content(domain = "", page_name = title, as_wikitext = TRUE,
-                                    httr::user_agent("WikidataR -"),
-                                    ...)
-  output <- jsonlite::fromJSON(result$parse$wikitext[[1]])
-  return(output)
-# Query for a random item in "namespace" (ns). Essentially a wrapper around WikipediR::random_page. - Ironholds
-#'@title Download random Wikidata items
-#'@description Utility wrapper for wikidata API to download random items. Used by \code{random_item}
-#'@param ns string indicating namespace, most commonly "Main" for QID items, "Property" for PID properties
-#'@param limit how many random objesct to return
-#'@param \\dots Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]
-#'@return a download of the full wikidata objects (items or properties) formatted as nested json lists
-wd_rand_query <- function(ns, limit, ...){
-  result <- WikipediR::random_page(domain = "", as_wikitext = TRUE, namespaces = ns,
-                                   httr::user_agent("WikidataR -"),
-                                   limit = limit, ...)
-  output <- lapply(result, function(x){jsonlite::fromJSON(x$wikitext[[1]])})
-  class(output) <- "wikidata"
-  return(output)
-#sparql query function for direct Wikidata calls.
-#'@title Download full Wikidata items matching a sparql query 
-#'@description Utility wrapper for wikidata spargle endpoint to download items.
-#'Used by \code{get_geo_entity} and \code{get_geo_box}
-#'@param query the sparql query as a string
-#'@param \\dots Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]
-#'@return a download of the full wikidata objects formatted as a nested json list
-sparql_query <- function(query, ...){
-  result <- httr::GET("",
-                      query = list(query = query),
-                      httr::user_agent("WikidataR -"),
-                      ...)
-  httr::stop_for_status(result)
-  return(httr::content(result, as = "parsed", type = "application/json"))
-#Wrapper around WikidataQueryServiceR::query_wikidata
-#' @title Send one or more SPARQL queries to WDQS
-#' @description Makes a POST request to Wikidata Query Service SPARQL endpoint.
-#' @param sparql_query SPARQL query (can be a vector of queries)
-#' @param format
-#'   `tibble` (default) returns a pure character data frame,
-#'   `simple` returns a pure character vector, while
-#'   `smart` fetches JSON-formatted data and returns a tibble with datetime
-#'   columns converted to `POSIXct`
-#' @param \\dots Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]
-#' @return A `tibble` or `vector`. Note: QID values will be returned as QIDs, rather than URLs.
-#' @section Query limits:
-#' There is a hard query deadline configured which is set to 60 seconds. There
-#' are also following limits:
-#' - One client (user agent + IP) is allowed 60 seconds of processing time each
-#'   60 seconds
-#' - One client is allowed 30 error queries per minute
-#' See [query limits section](
-#' in the WDQS user manual for more information.
-#' @examples
-#' # R's versions and release dates:
-#' sparql_query <- 'SELECT DISTINCT
-#'   ?softwareVersion ?publicationDate
-#'   WHERE {
-#'     BIND(wd:Q206904 AS ?R)
-#'     ?R p:P348 [
-#'       ps:P348 ?softwareVersion;
-#'       pq:P577 ?publicationDate
-#'     ] .
-#' }'
-#' query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # "smart" format converts all datetime columns to POSIXct
-#' query_wikidata(sparql_query, format = "smart")
-#' }
-#' @export
-query_wikidata <- function(sparql_query,format="tibble",...) {
-  if(format=="simple"){simplify<-TRUE}else{simplify<-FALSE}
-  if(format=="tibble"){format<-"simple"}
-  output <- WikidataQueryServiceR::query_wikidata(sparql_query=sparql_query,format=format,...)
-  output <- suppressWarnings(mapply(url_to_id,data.frame(output),SIMPLIFY=simplify))
-  output <- tibble(data.frame(output))
-  if(nrow(output)==0){output<-tibble(value=NA)}
-  output
-#' @title QID from identifier
-#' @description convert unique identifiers to QIDs (for items in wikidata). 
-#' @param property the identifier property to search (for caveats, see \code{as_pid})
-#' @param value the identifier value to match
-#' @return vector of QIDs corresponding to identifiers submitted
-#' @examples
-#' qid_from_identifier('ISBN-13','978-0-262-53817-6')
-#' @export
-qid_from_identifier <- function(property = 'DOI',
-                                value    = c('10.15347/WJM/2019.001','10.15347/WJM/2020.002')){
-  property <- as_pid(property)
-  qid_from_property1 <- function(value,property){out <- paste('SELECT ?value WHERE {?value wdt:',
-                                                       property,
-                                                       ' "',
-                                                       value,
-                                                       '"}',
-                                                       sep='')
-                                                 names(out)<-value
-                                                 return(out)}
-  qid_from_property2 <- function(x){out <- as.character(query_wikidata(x)[[1]])
-                                    names(out) <- names(x)
-                                    return(out)}
-  sparql_query <- lapply(value,property,FUN=qid_from_property1)
-  if(length(value)>1){
-    output <- unlist(pblapply(sparql_query,qid_from_property2))
-  }else{
-    output <- as.character(unlist(lapply(sparql_query,FUN=query_wikidata)))
-    names(output) <- value
-  }
-  if(length(value)!=length(output)){message("Caution! Some supplied values returned more than one QID.")}
-  return(output)
-#' @title identifier from identifier
-#' @description convert unique identifiers to other unique identifiers 
-#' @param property the identifier property to search (for caveats, see \code{as_pid})
-#' @param return the identifier property to convert to
-#' @param value the identifier value to match
-#' @return vector of identifiers corresponding to identifiers submitted
-#' @examples
-#' identifier_from_identifier('ORCID iD','IMDb ID',c('0000-0002-7865-7235','0000-0003-1079-5604'))
-#' @export
-identifier_from_identifier <- function(property = 'ORCID iD',
-                                       return   = 'IMDb ID',
-                                       value    = "0000-0002-7865-7235"){
-  property <- as_pid(property)
-  return   <- as_pid(return)
-  qid_from_property1 <- function(value,return,property){paste('SELECT ?return WHERE { ?value wdt:',
-                                                       property,
-                                                       ' "',
-                                                       value,
-                                                       '". ?value wdt:',
-                                                       return,
-                                                       ' ?return.}',
-                                                       sep='')}
-  sparql_query <- lapply(value,return,property,FUN=qid_from_property1)
-  output       <- if(length(value)>1){
-    unlist(pbapply::pblapply(sparql_query,function(x) as.character(query_wikidata(x)[[1]])))
-  }else{
-    as.character(unlist(lapply(sparql_query,FUN=query_wikidata)))
-  }
-  names(output) <- value
-  return(output)
diff --git a/R/schol.R b/R/schol.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 84f9d4b..0000000
--- a/R/schol.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#' @title QID from DOI
-#' @description simple converter from DOIs to QIDs (for items in wikidata)
-#' @param DOI digital object identifiers submitted as strings
-#' @return vector of QIDs corresponding to DOIs submitted
-#' @export
-qid_from_DOI <- function(DOI = '10.15347/WJM/2019.001'){
-  article.qid <- qid_from_identifier(property = 'P356',value = DOI)
-  return(article.qid)
-#' @title QID from label name
-#' @description simple converter from label names to QIDs (for items in wikidata).
-#' Essentially a simplification of \code{find_item}
-#' @param name name labels submitted as strings
-#' @param limit if multiple QIDs match each submitted name, how many to return
-#' @param format output format ('vector' to return a simple vector, or 'list' to return a nested list)
-#' @return vector of QIDs corresponding to names submitted. Note: some names may return multiple QIDs.
-#' @export
-qid_from_name <- function(name   = "Thomas Shafee",
-                          limit  = 100,
-                          format = "vector"){
-  qid_from_name_nest1 <- function(x){lapply(x,"[[","id")}
-  item.qs  <- lapply(name,find_item, limit=limit)
-  item.qid <- lapply(item.qs,qid_from_name_nest1)
-  names(item.qid) <- name
-  if(format=="vector"){item.qid <- unlist(item.qid)}
-  if(format=="list")  {item.qid <- item.qid}
-  return(item.qid)
-#' @title QID from ORCID
-#' @description simple converter from ORCIDs to QIDs (for items in wikidata)
-#' @param ORCID digital object identifiers submitted as strings
-#' @return vector of QIDs corresponding to ORCIDs submitted
-#' @export
-qid_from_ORCID <- function(ORCID = '0000-0002-2298-7593'){
-  author.qid   <- qid_from_identifier(property = 'P496',value = ORCID)
-  return(author.qid)
diff --git a/R/sysdata.rda b/R/sysdata.rda
deleted file mode 100644
index 50d313b..0000000
Binary files a/R/sysdata.rda and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/R/utils.R b/R/utils.R
index dc58e4c..ffde3cc 100644
--- a/R/utils.R
+++ b/R/utils.R
@@ -1,549 +1,90 @@
-# -------- Format checkers --------
-# Simple tests of strings for whether they adhere to common wikidata formats
-is.qid     <- function(x){grepl("^[Qq][0-9]+$",x)}     <- function(x){gsub("S","P",x) %in% as.matrix(WD.globalvar$PID.datatype$property)}
-is.sid     <- function(x){gsub("S","P",x) %in% as.matrix(WD.globalvar$SID.valid$Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_source)}    <- function(x){grepl("[0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}",x)}
-is.quot    <- function(x){grepl("^\".+\"$",x)}
-is.empty   <- function(x){x==""}
-is.coord   <- function(x){grepl("@-?([1-8]?\\d(\\.\\d+)?|90(\\.0+)?)/-?(180(\\.0+)?|((1[0-7]\\d)|([1-9]?\\d))(\\.\\d+)?)$",x)}
-is.wdURL   <- function(x){grepl("[PpQq][0-9]+$",x)}
-is.create  <- function(x){grepl("^CREATE",x)}
-is.createx <- function(x){grepl("^CREATE.+",x)}
-is.last    <- function(x){grepl("^LAST$",x)}
-is.special <- function(x){
-  if(grepl("^[LAD]",x)){
-    substr(x,2,100) %in% as.matrix(WD.globalvar$lang.abbrev)
-  }else if(grepl("^S",x)){
-    substr(x,2,100) %in% as.matrix(WD.globalvar$
-  }else{
-    FALSE
-  }
-check.PID.WikibaseItem <- function(x){
-  x %in% WD.globalvar$PID.datatype$property[WD.globalvar$PID.datatype$wbtype=="WikibaseItem"]}
-check.PID.constraint <- function(x){
-  check.PID.constraint.nest1 <- function(x){
-    out <- as.character(WD.globalvar$PID.constraint$fmt[WD.globalvar$PID.constraint$Wikidata_property==x])
-    if(length(out)!=0){out}else{NA}
-    }
-  sapply(x,check.PID.constraint.nest1)
-#'@title Extract an identifier from a wikidata URL
-#'@description Convert a URL ending in an identifier (returned by SPARQL queries) to just
-#'the plain identifier (QID or PID).
-#'@param x a strings representing a wikidata URL
-#'@return if the URL ends in a QID or PID, return that PID or QID, else return the original string
-url_to_id <- function (x){
-  if(is.wdURL(x)){x <- sapply(sapply(x,pattern = "/",stringr::str_split),tail,1)}
-  output <- x
-  output
-#Generic input checker. Needs additional stuff for property-based querying
-#because namespaces are weird, yo. - Ironholds
-#'@title Generic input checker
-#'@description Utility function to handle namespaces. Used by \code{get_item} and \code{get_property}
-#'@param input string to check
-#'@param substitution string for what's been looked for
-#'@return boolian indicating whether the checked string contains a match for the substitution string 
-check_input <- function(input, substitution){
-  in_fit <- grepl("^\\d+$",input)
-  if(any(in_fit)){
-    input[in_fit] <- paste0(substitution, input[in_fit])
-  }
-  return(input)
-# -------- Format converters --------
-# Simple functions to convert plain text descriptions into their most likely QID/PIDs
-#'@title Convert an input to a item QID
-#'@description Convert an input string to the most likely item QID
-#'@param x a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings representaing wikidata items
-#'@return if the inputted string is a valid QID, return the string.
-#'If the inputted string matches an item label, return its QID.
-#'If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple items, return the QID of the first hit.
-#'# if input string is a valid QID
-#'# if input string matches multiple item labels
-#'as_qid("Douglas Adams")
-#'# if input string matches a single unique label
-#'as_qid("Douglas Adams and the question of arterial blood pressure in mammals")
-as_qid <- function(x){
-  as_qid_nest1 <- function(x){
-    as_qid_nest2 <- function(x){
-      if(is.qid(x)||is.quot(x)||is.null(x)|is.empty(x)|is.createx(x)|is.create(x)|is.last(x)){
-        x
-      }else{
-        temp <- find_item(x,limit = 100)
-        if(length(temp)==0){
-          out <- NA
-          message (paste0("no sufficiently close match for \"",x,"\". Returned \"NA\"."))
-        }else{
-          toinclude    <- sapply(temp,function(temp,x){temp$label==x},x)
-          toinclude[1] <- TRUE
-          temp         <- temp[toinclude]
-          out          <- temp[[1]]$id
-          names(out)   <- temp[[1]]$label
-          if(x!=temp[[1]]$label){message(paste0(
-            "Inexact match for \"",x,
-            "\", closest match = ",temp[[1]]$label,
-            " (",out,") "))}
-          if(length(temp)>1){
-            message(paste0(
-            "Multiple exact matches for \"",x,"\""))
-            message(paste0(
-              "  match ",1:length(temp),
-              " = (",sapply(temp,function(temp){temp$id}),
-              ") ",sapply(temp,function(temp){temp$description}),
-              "\n"))}
-          }
-        out
-      }
-    }
-    out <- unlist(lapply(x,as_qid_nest2))
-    out
-  }
-  output <- bind_cols(lapply(tibble(x),as_qid_nest1))
-  return(output)
-#'@title Convert an input to a property PID
-#'@description Convert an input string to the most likely property PID
-#'@param x a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings representaing wikidata properties
-#'@return if the inputted string is a valid PID, return the string.
-#'If the inputted string matches a property label, return its PID.
-#'If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple properties, return the PID of the first hit.
-#'# if input string is a valid PID
-#'# if input string matches multiple item labels
-#'# if input string matches a single unique label
-#'as_pid("Scopus author ID")
-as_pid <- function(x){
-  as_pid_nest1 <- function(x){
-    as_pid_nest2 <- function(x){
-      if(||is.quot(x)||is.null(x)|is.empty(x)|is.special(x)){
-        x
-      }else{
-        temp <- find_property(x,limit = 2)
-        if(length(temp)==0){
-            out <- NA
-            message (paste0("no sufficiently close match for \"",x,"\". Returned \"NA\"."))
-          }else{
-            out        <- temp[[1]]$id
-            names(out) <- temp[[1]]$label
-            if(x!=temp[[1]]$label){message(paste0(
-              "Inexact match for \"",x,
-              "\", closest match = ",temp[[1]]$label,
-              " (",out,")."))}
-            }
-        out
-      }
-    }
-    out <- unlist(lapply(x,as_pid_nest2))
-    out
-  }
-  output <- bind_cols(lapply(tibble(x),as_pid_nest1))
-  return(output)
-#'@title Convert an input to a source property SID
-#'@description Convert an input string to the most likely source SID (equivalent to PID)
-#'@param x a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings representaing wikidata source properties
-#'@return if the inputted string is a valid SID, return the string.
-#'If the inputted string matches a property label, return its SID
-#'If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple properties, return the SID of the first hit.
-#'# if input string is a valid SID
-#'# if input string matches multiple item labels
-#'# if input string matches a single unique label
-#'as_pid("Reference URL")
-as_sid <- function(x){
-  as_sid_nest1 <- function(x){
-    as_sid_nest2 <- function(x){
-      if(is.sid(x)||is.quot(x)||is.null(x)|is.empty(x)){
-        x
-      }else if(all({
-        gsub("P","S",x, = 1)
-      }else{
-        gsub("P","S",find_property(x)[[1]]$id)
-      }
-    }
-    out <- unlist(lapply(x,as_sid_nest2))
-    out
-  }
-  output <- bind_cols(lapply(tibble(x),as_sid_nest1))
-  return(output)
-#'@title Add quotations marks
-#'@description Add escaped quotation marks around strings that need them ready for submision to an API
-#'@param x a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings
-#'@param format either "tibble" / "csv" to use plain quotation marks (default), or "api" / "website" to use '\%22'
-#'@return tibble of items inside of escaped quotation marks
-#'unless they are already in escaped quotation marks, is a QID, (in which chase it is returned unchanged) 
-as_quot <- function(x,format="tibble"){
-  if(is.null(x)){
-    return(NULL)
-  }else if(format=="api"|format=="website"){
-    q_mark <- '%22'
-  }else if(format=="tibble"|format=="csv"){
-    q_mark <- '"'
-  }
-  as_quot_nest1 <- function(x){
-    as_quot_nest2 <- function(x){
-      if(!(is.qid(x)|is.quot(x)|||is.empty(x)|is.numeric(x)))
-      {paste0(q_mark,x,q_mark)}
-      else
-      {x}
-    }
-    out <- unlist(lapply(x,as_quot_nest2))
-    out
-  }
-  output <- bind_cols(lapply(tibble(x),as_quot_nest1))
-  return(output)
-#'@title Extract an identifier from a wikidata URL
-#'@description Convert a URL ending in an identifier (returned by SPARQL queries)
-#'to just the plan identifier (QID or PID).
-#'@param x a vector of strings representing wikidata URLs
-#'@return QID or PID
-url_to_id <- function(x){
-  sapply(sapply(x,pattern = "/|:",stringr::str_split),tail,1)
-# -------- Wikidata object manipulation --------
-#'@title Extract Claims from Returned Item Data
-#'@description extract claim information from data returned using
-#'@param items a list of one or more Wikidata items returned with
-#'@param claims a vector of claims (in the form "P321", "P12") to look for
-#'and extract.
-#'@return a list containing one sub-list for each entry in \code{items},
-#'and (below that) the found data for each claim. In the event a claim
-#'cannot be found for an item, an \code{NA} will be returned
-#'# Get item data
-#'adams_data <- get_item("42")
-#'# Get claim data
-#'claims <- extract_claims(adams_data, "P31")
-extract_claims <- function (items,
-                            claims){
-  claims <- sapply(claims,as_pid)
-  output <- lapply(items, function(x, claims){
-    return(lapply(claims, function(claim, obj){
-      which_match <- which(names(obj$claims) == claim)
-      if (!length(which_match)){
-        return(NA)
-      }
-      return(obj$claims[[which_match[1]]])
-    }, obj = x))
-  }, claims = claims)
-  return(output)
-#'@title List properties of a Wikidata item
-#'@description for a downloaded wikidata item, list the properties of all statements
-#'@param item a list of one or more Wikidata items returned with
-#'@param names a boolian for whether to return property names, or just P numbers
-#'and extract.
-#'@return a list containing one sub-list for each entry in \code{items},
-#'and (below that) the found data for each claim. In the event a claim
-#'cannot be found for an item, an \code{NA} will be returned
-#'# Get item data
-#'adams_data <- get_item("42")
-#'# Get claim data
-#'claims <- extract_claims(adams_data, "P31")
-list_properties <- function (item,
-                             names=FALSE){
-  properties.p <- lapply(lapply(item,"[[","claims"),names)
-  if(names){
-    if(length(item)==1){
-      names(properties.p) <- unlist(lapply(lapply(lapply(get_property(properties.p),"[[","labels"),"[[","en"),"[[","value"))
-    }
-  }
-  return(properties.p)
-#Note: This one isn't very well named. not really the property names, more the predicate names, but you get the idea
-#'@title Get names of properties
-#'@description For a claim or set of claims, return the names of the properties  
-#'@param properties a claims list from \code{extract_claims}
-#'@return tibble of labels for each property for a set of claims
-get_names_from_properties <- function(properties){
-  get_names_from_properties_nest1 <- function(x){
-    out <- lapply(lapply(lapply(lapply(x,"[[","mainsnak"),"[[","datavalue"),"[[","value"),"[[","id")
-    names(out) <- lapply(lapply(lapply(x,"[[","mainsnak"),"[[","property"),"[[",1)
-    return(out)
-  }
-  get_names_from_properties_nest2 <- function(x){
-    out <- lapply(x,get_item)
-    return(out)
-  }
-  get_names_from_properties_nest3.1 <- function(x){
-    out <- lapply(lapply(lapply(x,"[[","labels"),"[[","en"),"[[","value")
-    names(out) <- lapply(x,"[[","id")
-    return(out)
-  }
-  get_names_from_properties_nest3 <- function(x){
-    out <- lapply(x,get_names_from_properties_nest3.1)
-    return(out)
-  }
-  property_values.qid <- lapply(properties,get_names_from_properties_nest1)
-  property_values.q   <- lapply(property_values.qid,get_names_from_properties_nest2)
-  property_names      <- lapply(property_values.q, get_names_from_properties_nest3)
-  property_names      <- lapply(lapply(property_names,unlist),enframe,name = "QID") 
-  return(property_names)
-#'@title Filter QIDs
-#'@description For a QID or vector of QIDs, remove ones that match a particular statement
-#'(e.g. remove all that are instances of academic publications or books).
-#'@param ids QIDs to check
-#'@param property property to check (default = P31 to filter on "instance of")
-#'@param filter values of that property to use to filter out
-#'(default = Q737498, Q5633421, Q7725634, Q13442814, and Q18918145 to remove academic
-#'publications or books)
-#'@param message message to return (useful for disambiguate_QIDs function)
-#'@return a vector of QIDs that do not match the property filter
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # Filter three items called "Earth Science" to show only those that aren't
-#' # books, journals or journal articles
-#' filter_qids(ids = c("Q96695546","Q8008","Q58966429"),
-#'             property = "P31",
-#'             filter = c("Q737498","Q5633421","Q7725634","Q13442814","Q18918145"))
-#' }
-filter_qids <- function (ids,
-                         property = "P31",
-                         filter = c("Q737498",
-                                    "Q5633421",
-                                    "Q7725634",
-                                    "Q13442814",
-                                    "Q18918145"),
-                         message=NULL){
-  out <- NULL
-  pb <- progress_bar$new(total  = length(ids),
-                         format = paste0(message,":bar :percent eta::eta"),
-                         width  = 75,
-                         show_after = 0)
-  if(is.null(property)|is.null(filter)){
-    for (i in 1:length(ids)){
-      pb$tick()
-      qid   <- ids[i]
-      item  <- find_item(qid,limit=1)
-      label <- item[[1]]$label
-      if(length(item[[1]]$description)>0){
-        if(!is.null(item[[1]]$description)){
-          desc <- item[[1]]$description
-        }else{
-          desc <- item[[1]]$description
-        }
-      }else{
-        desc <- "no description"
-      }
-      out <- bind_rows(out,tibble(qid=qid,label=label,desc=desc))
-    }
-  }else{
-    for (i in 1:length(ids)){
-      pb$tick()
-      qid  <- ids[i]
-      item <- get_item(qid)
-      P31  <- item[[1]]$claims[[property]]$mainsnak$datavalue$value$id
-      if(all(is.null(P31))){P31<-"other"}
-      if(!any(P31 %in% filter)){
-        label <- item[[1]]$labels[[1]]$value
-        if(length(item[[1]]$descriptions)>0){
-          if(!is.null(item[[1]]$descriptions$en$value)){
-            desc <- item[[1]]$descriptions$en$value
-          }else{
-            desc <- item[[1]]$descriptions[[1]]$value
-          }
-        }else{
-          desc <- "no description"
-        }
-        if(length(item[[1]]$labels)>0){
-          if(!is.null(item[[1]]$labels$en$value)){
-            label <- item[[1]]$labels$en$value
-          }else{
-            label <- item[[1]]$labels[[1]]$value
-          }
-        }else{
-          label <- "no label"
-        }
-        out <- bind_rows(out,tibble(qid=qid,label=label,desc=desc))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(is.null(out)){
-    out <- tibble(qid=NA,
-                  label=NA,
-                  desc="No current matching Wikidata item")
-  }
-  return(out)
-# -------- Misc. string manipulation --------
-#'@title Format short form person names
-#'@description Converting names into first initial and surname, or just initials
-#'@param x a vector of people's names as strings
-#'@param format a vector of strings of either "FLast" or "FL" to indicate the output format
-#'@return the inputted name strings with first names shortened based on the
-#'selected format.
-initials <- function(x,format="FLast"){
-  if (format=="FLast"){
-    gsub("^([A-Za-z]).* ([A-Za-z]*)", "\\1 \\2", x)
-  }else{
-    gsub("(.)\\S* *", "\\1", x)
-  }
-#'@title Remove special characters
-#'@description Special characters can otherwise mess up wikidata read-writes
-#'@param x a vector of strings to check for special characters
-#'@return the inputted strings with special characters replaced with
-#'closest match plan characters.
-unspecial <- function(x){
-  out <- x
-  for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
-    out[[i]] <- iconv(x[[i]],to = 'ASCII//TRANSLIT')
-    if([[i]])){
-      out[[i]] <- as.numeric(out[[i]])
-    }else{
-      out[[i]] <- as.factor(out[[i]])
-    } 
-  }
-  return(as_tibble(out))
-#'@title Extract a paragraph of text
-#'@description Return the nth paragraph of a section of text
-#'Useful for extracting information from wikipedia or other wikimarkup text
-#'@param text the input text as a string
-#'@param para number indicating which paragraph(s) to return (default=1)
-#'@param templ an optional string specifying a mediawikitemplate within
-#'which to restrict the search restrict search 
-#'@return the nth paragraph of the input text.
-extract_para <- function(text,
-                         para=1,
-                         templ=NULL){
-  extract_para_nest1 <- function(x,y){
-    out <- lapply(x,gsub,pattern=".*= *| *\\|",replacement="")
-    names(out) <- y
-    return(out)
-  }
-  templ <- gsub(" ","_",templ)
-  tosearch <- gsub("( |\\\\n|\\\\t)+"," ",text)
-  if(!is.null(templ)){
-    templates <- regmatches(tosearch, gregexpr("\\{(?:[^{}]+|(?R))*+\\}",
-                                               tosearch, perl=TRUE,[[1]]
-    name_lens <- regexpr(" *\\|| *\\}",templates) - 1 
-    templates <- paste0(gsub(" ","_",substr(templates,1,regexpr(" *\\|| *\\}",templates)-1)),
-                        substr(templates,regexpr("*\\||*\\}",templates),nchar(templates)))
-    tosearch  <- unlist(str_extract_all(templates,
-                                       paste0("(?i)\\{\\{ *?",templ,".*?\\}\\}")))
-    names(tosearch) <- paste0(templ,"_",1:length(tosearch))
-  }
-  match_paras <- lapply(tosearch,
-                        str_extract_all,
-                        paste0("\\| *?",para," *?=.*?\\|"))
-  match_exact <- lapply(match_paras,extract_para_nest1,para)
-  return(match_exact)
-#'@title "CREATE" rows 
-#'@description Add in empty lines for QuickStatements CREATE rows that mint new QIDs.
-#'This is a slightly messy quirk of the QuickStatements format that mints new QIDs via a line
-#'containing only "CREATE", so this function is a way to approximate that bevaviour in a tibble
-#'@param items a vector, data frame or tibble of items (which may or may not contain the keyword "CREATE")
-#'@param vector a vector of properties or values which may be expanded based on the items vector
-#'@return if the vector is NULL, return NULL. Otherwise, if the "CREATE" keyword appears in the
-#'items vector, insert blank strings at those positions in the vector.
-createrows <- function(items,vector){
-  if(is.null(vector)){
-    return(NULL)
-  }
-  if(any(items=="CREATE",na.rm = 1)){
-    #expand vector to full length if just intending to repeat a single value 
-    if(length(unlist(vector))==1){
-      vector <- rep(vector,sum(items!="CREATE"))
-    }
-    vector <- tibble(vector)
-    newQID <- which(items=="CREATE")
-    val    <- bind_rows(vector,tibble(data.frame(array("",dim=c(length(newQID),ncol(vector)),dimnames = list(NULL,colnames(vector))))))
-    id     <- c(1:nrow(vector), newQID-seq_along(newQID)+0.5)
-    out    <- tibble(val[order(id),])
-    return(out)
-  }else{
-    return(tibble(vector))
-  }
-#'@title "CREATE" rows from tidy format
-#'@description Add in QuickStatements CREATE rows that mint new QIDs from tidy input data.
-#'New items are created by any item starting that starts with the text "CREATE" followed
-#'by any unique ID.
-#'@param QS.tib a tibble of items, values and properties (optionally qualifiers and sources).
-#'@return a tibble, with items that start with "CREATE" followed by any unique text causing the
-#'addition of a "Create" line above, being replaced with "LAST" in the Quickstatemnts format
-#'to create new QIDs.
-createrows.tidy <- function(QS.tib){
-  #insert 'CREATE' blankrows above first instance of 'CREATExyz'
-  newQID <- which(!duplicated(QS.tib[,1])&sapply(QS.tib[,1],is.createx))
-  val    <- rbind(QS.tib, array("",dim=c(length(newQID),ncol(QS.tib)),dimnames = list(newQID,names(QS.tib))) )
-  id     <- c(seq_along(t(QS.tib)[1,]), newQID-0.5)
-  out    <- val[order(id),]
-  #replace 'CREATEXYZ' with 'LAST'
-  out[sapply(out[,1],is.createx),1] <- "LAST"
-  #replace new empty rows with 'CREATE' row
-  out[apply(is.empty(out),all,MARGIN=1),1] <- "CREATE"
-  return(out)
+#Generic queryin' function for direct Wikidata calls. Wraps around WikipediR::page_content.
+wd_query <- function(title, ...){
+  result <- WikipediR::page_content(domain = "", page_name = title, as_wikitext = TRUE,
+                                    httr::user_agent("WikidataR -"),
+                                    ...)
+  output <- jsonlite::fromJSON(result$parse$wikitext[[1]])
+  return(output)
+#Query for a random item in "namespace" (ns). Essentially a wrapper around WikipediR::random_page.
+wd_rand_query <- function(ns, limit, ...){
+  result <- WikipediR::random_page(domain = "", as_wikitext = TRUE, namespaces = ns,
+                                   httr::user_agent("WikidataR -"),
+                                   limit = limit, ...)
+  output <- lapply(result, function(x){jsonlite::fromJSON(x$wikitext[[1]])})
+  class(output) <- "wikidata"
+  return(output)
+#Generic input checker. Needs additional stuff for property-based querying
+#because namespaces are weird, yo.
+check_input <- function(input, substitution){
+  in_fit <- grepl("^\\d+$",input)
+  if(any(in_fit)){
+    input[in_fit] <- paste0(substitution, input[in_fit])
+  }
+  return(input)
+#Generic, direct access to Wikidata's search functionality.
+searcher <- function(search_term, language, limit, type, ...){
+  result <- WikipediR::query(url = "", out_class = "list", clean_response = FALSE,
+                             query_param = list(
+                               action   = "wbsearchentities", 
+                               type     = type,
+                               language = language,
+                               limit    = limit,
+                               search   = search_term
+                             ),
+                             ...)
+  result <- result$search
+  return(result)
+sparql_query <- function(params, ...){
+  result <- httr::GET("",
+                      query = list(query = params),
+                      httr::user_agent("WikidataR -"),
+                      ...)
+  httr::stop_for_status(result)
+  return(httr::content(result, as = "parsed", type = "application/json"))
+#'@title Extract Claims from Returned Item Data
+#'@description extract claim information from data returned using
+#'@param items a list of one or more Wikidata items returned with
+#'@param claims a vector of claims (in the form "P321", "P12") to look for
+#'and extract.
+#'@return a list containing one sub-list for each entry in \code{items},
+#'and (below that) the found data for each claim. In the event a claim
+#'cannot be found for an item, an \code{NA} will be returned
+#'# Get item data
+#'adams_data <- get_item("42")
+#'# Get claim data
+#'claims <- extract_claims(adams_data, "P31")
+extract_claims <- function(items, claims){
+  output <- lapply(items, function(x, claims){
+    return(lapply(claims, function(claim, obj){
+      which_match <- which(names(obj$claims) == claim)
+      if(!length(which_match)){
+        return(NA)
+      }
+      return(obj$claims[[which_match[1]]])
+    }, obj = x))
+  }, claims = claims)
+  return(output)
diff --git a/R/writes.R b/R/writes.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 37a7f62..0000000
--- a/R/writes.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-# -------- Writes --------
-#'@title Write statements to Wikidata
-#'@description Upload data to wikidata, including creating items,
-#'adding statements to existing items (via the quickstatements format and API).
-#'@param items a vector of strings indicating the items to which to add statements (as QIDs or labels).
-#'Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-#'(see \code{as_qid} function), so use with caution.
-#'New QIDs can be created by using the "CREATE_xyz", where "_xyz" is any unique string.
-#'Using the same id will add additional statemnts to those new items 
-#'@param properties a vector of strings indicating the properties to add as statements (as PIDs or labels).
-#'Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-#'(see \code{as_pid} function), so use with caution.
-#'Four special properties can also be used: labels, aliases, descriptions and sitelinks.
-#'See [this link](,_aliases,_descriptions_and_sitelinks) for the syntax.
-#'@param values a vector of strings indicating the values to add as statements (as QIDs or strings).
-#'Note: if strings are provided, they will be treated as plain text.
-#'@param a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the properties to add as qualifiers to statements (as PIDs or labels).
-#'Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-#'(see \code{as_pid} function), so use with caution.
-#'@param qual.values a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the values to add as statements (as QIDs or strings).
-#'Note: if strings are provided, they will be treated as plain text.
-#'@param a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the properties to add as reference sources to statements (as SIDs or labels).
-#'Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-#'(see \code{as_sid} function), so use with caution.
-#'@param src.values a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the values to add reference sources to statements (as QIDs or strings).
-#'Note: if strings are provided, they will be treated as plain text.
-#'@param remove a vector of boolians for each statemnt indicating whether it should
-#'be removed from the item rather than added (default = FALSE)
-#'@param format output format as a string. Options include:
-#' \describe{
-#'   \item{tibble}{easiest format to further manuipulation in R}
-#'   \item{csv}{can be copy-pasted to [the QuickStatements website]( (or manipulated in a spreadsheet programs)}
-#'   \item{api}{a url that can be copy-pasted into a web browser, or automatically submitted (see \code{api.submit} parameter)}
-#'   \item{website}{open a [QuickStatements]( web browser window summarising the edits to be made to Wikidata)}
-#' }
-#'@param api.username a string indicating your wikimedia username 
-#'@param api.token a string indicating your api token (the unique identifier that you can find listed at [your user page](
-#'@param api.format a string indicateing which version of the quickstatement format used to submit the api (default = "v1")
-#'@param api.batchname a string create a named batch (listed at [your batch history page]( and tag in the edit summaries
-#'@param api.submit boolian indicating whether to submit instruction directly to wikidata (else returns the URL that can be copy-pasted into a web browser)
-#'@return data formatted to upload to wikidata (via quickstatemsnts),
-#'optionally also directly uploded to wikidata (see \code{format} parameter). 
-#'# Add a statement to the "Wikidata sandbox" item (Q4115189)
-#'# to say that it is an "instance of" (P31) of Q1 (the universe).
-#'# The instruction will submit directly to wikidata via the API
-#'# (if you include your wikimedia username and token)
-#' \donttest{write_wikidata(items        = "Wikidata Sandbox",
-#'                properties   = "instance of",
-#'                values       = "Q1",
-#'                format       = "api",
-#'                api.username = "myusername", 
-#'                api.token    = , #REDACTED#
-#'                )}
-write_wikidata <- function(items,
-                           properties      = NULL,
-                           values          = NULL,
-                  = NULL,
-                           qual.values     = NULL,
-                   = NULL,
-                           src.values      = NULL,
-                           remove          = FALSE,
-                           format          = "tibble",
-                           api.username    = NULL,
-                           api.token       = NULL, # Find yours from [your user page](
-                           api.format      = "v1",
-                           api.batchname   = NULL,
-                           api.submit      = TRUE
-  # Check if username and token provided
-  if(format=="api"){
-    if(is.null(api.username)){stop("Enter your Wikimedia username")}
-    if(is.null(api.token))   {stop("Enter your api.token (Find yours at")}
-  }
-  # Place all the quickstatements variables into a list 
-  QS <- list(items           = items,
-             properties      = properties,
-             values          = values,
-    =,
-             qual.values     = qual.values,
-     =,
-             src.values      = src.values)
-  QS <- lapply(QS,function(x){if(!is.null(x)){tibble(x)}})
-  # If new QIDs are being created via the "CREATE" keyword, need to insert blank lines across the other parameters to align correctly into rows
-  # This is the most similar to the standard quickstatements method, though the "CREATExyz" method is preferred (see createrows.tidy function later)
-  QS$properties      <- createrows(QS$items,QS$properties)
-  QS$values          <- createrows(QS$items,QS$values)
-  QS$ <- createrows(QS$items,QS$
-  QS$qual.values     <- createrows(QS$items,QS$qual.values)
-  QS$  <- createrows(QS$items,QS$
-  QS$src.values      <- createrows(QS$items,QS$src.values)
-  # If same number of rows as the rowmax, do nothing
-  # If only one row, repeat it rowmax times
-  # If wrong number of rows, stop with an error message
-  rowcount <- unlist(lapply(QS,nrow))
-  rowmax   <- max(rowcount)
-  stoprun  <- FALSE
-  if(var(unlist(rowcount))!=0){
-    for (x in 1:length(QS)){
-      if(nrow(QS[[x]])==rowmax){ 
-        QS[[x]] <- QS[[x]]
-      }else if (nrow(QS[[x]])==1){ 
-        QS[[x]] <- slice(QS[[x]],rep(1:n(), each=rowmax)) 
-      }else{
-        stoprun<-TRUE
-        warning(paste0("Not all quickstatement columns have equal rows: ",
-                       nrow(QS$items)," items (including ",
-                       sum(is.create(unlist(QS$items)))," new QIDs to CREATE) were provided, but ",
-                       names(QS)[x],
-                       " has ",
-                       nrow(QS[[x]]),
-                       " rows (expecting ",
-                       nrow(QS$items),
-                       ")."))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(stoprun){stop("Therefore stopping")}
-  # Convert values to QIDs where possible and identify which (if any) to remove
-  QS$items           <- as_qid(QS$items)
-  QS$items[remove,]  <- paste0("-",unlist(QS$items[remove,]))
-  # Convert properties to PIDs where possible, unless special functions (such as lables and aliases)
-  QS$properties      <- as_pid(QS$properties)
-  # Convert values to QIDs where possible, unless property is expecting a string
-  QS$values          <- tibble(QS$values)
-  if(any(sapply(QS$properties,check.PID.WikibaseItem))){
-    QS$values[sapply(QS$properties,check.PID.WikibaseItem),] <- as_qid(QS$values[sapply(QS$properties,check.PID.WikibaseItem),])
-  }
-  QS$values          <- as_quot(QS$values,format)
-  # Convert first three columns into tibble (tibbulate?)
-  colnames(QS$items)      <- "Item"
-  colnames(QS$properties) <- "Prop"
-  colnames(QS$values)     <- "Value"
-  QS.tib <- bind_cols(QS$items,
-                      QS$properties,
-                      QS$values)  
-  # optionally, append columns for qualifier properties and qualifier values for those statements
-  if(!is.null(QS$|!is.null(QS$qual.values)){
-    QS$ <- as_pid(QS$
-    QS$qual.values     <- as_quot(QS$qual.values,format)
-    colnames(QS$ <- paste0("Qual.prop.",1:ncol(QS$
-    colnames(QS$qual.values)     <- paste0("Qual.value.",1:ncol(QS$qual.values))
-    QSq <- list(QS$,
-                QS$qual.values)
-    QSq.check  <- var(sapply(c(QS,QSq),function(x){if(is.null(dim(x))){length(x)}else{nrow(x)}}))==0
-    if(!QSq.check){stop("Incorrect number of qualifiers provided. If no qualifers needed for a statement, use NA or \"\".")}
-    QS.qual.tib <- as_tibble(cbind(QSq[[1]],QSq[[2]])[,c(rbind(1:ncol(QSq[[1]]),ncol(QSq[[1]])+1:ncol(QSq[[2]])))])
-    QS.tib <- tibble(QS.tib,
-                     QS.qual.tib)
-  }
-  # optionally, append columns for source properties and source values for those statements
-  if(!is.null(|!is.null(src.values)){
-    QS$ <- as_sid(QS$
-    QS$src.values     <- as_quot(QS$src.values,format)
-    colnames(QS$ <- paste0("Src.prop.",1:ncol(QS$
-    colnames(QS$src.values)     <- paste0("Src.values.",1:ncol(QS$src.values))
-    QSs <- list(QS$,
-                QS$src.values)
-    QSs.check  <- var(sapply(c(QS,QSs),function(x){if(is.null(dim(x))){length(x)}else{nrow(x)}}))==0
-    if(!QSs.check){stop("incorrect number of sources provided")}
-    QS.src.tib <- as_tibble(cbind(QSs[[1]],QSs[[2]])[,c(rbind(1:ncol(QSs[[1]]),ncol(QSs[[1]])+1:ncol(QSs[[2]])))])
-    QS.tib <- tibble(QS.tib,
-                     QS.src.tib)
-  }
-  # if new QIDs are being created via tidy "CREATExyz" keywords, need to insert CREATE lines above and replace subsequent "CREATExyz" with "LAST"
-  QS.tib <- createrows.tidy(QS.tib)
-  # output
-  if (format=="csv"){
-    write.table(QS.tib,quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,sep = ",")
-  }
-  # format up the output
-  if (format=="tibble"){
-    return(QS.tib)
-  }
-  if (format=="api"|format=="website"){
-    api.temp1 <- format_tsv(QS.tib, col_names = FALSE)
-    api.temp2 <- gsub("\t", "%7C",api.temp1) # Replace TAB with "%7C"
-    api.temp3 <- gsub("\n", "%7C%7C",api.temp2) # Replace end-of-line with "%7C%7C"
-    api.temp4 <- gsub(" ",  "%20",api.temp3) # Replace space with "%20"
-    api.temp5 <- gsub("\\+","%2B",api.temp4) # Replace plus with "%2B"
-  <- gsub("/",  "%2F",api.temp5) # Replace slash with "%2F"
-    if (format=="api"){
-      if (is.null(api.token)){stop("API token needed. Find yours at")}
-      url <- paste0("",
-                    "?action=",   "import",
-                    "&submit=",   "1",
-                    "&format=",   api.format,
-                    "&batchname=",api.batchname,
-                    "&username=", api.username,
-                    "&token=",    api.token,
-                    "&data=",
-    }
-    if (format=="website"){
-      url <- paste0("",
-                    "&data=",
-    }
-    if(api.submit){
-      browseURL(url)
-    }else{
-      return(url)
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 65056d4..0000000
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# # ----------- Validation checks -----------
-# # Below are the queries used to generate sysdata.rda within the R package
-# # Ideally run these on startup or something? The parameters will change not frequently.
-# # Useful for checking whether quickstatements inputs will be valid to warn early.
-# .onAttach <- function(){
-#   message('Updating key variables from wikidata (estimated time <1 min)')
-#   # Valid reference source properties
-#   message(' ... Checking valid reference source properties')
-#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_source ?Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_sourceLabel WHERE {
-#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
-#                       ?Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_source wdt:P31 wd:Q18608359.
-#                    }'
-#   SID.valid <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#   # The required data type for each property
-#   message(' ... Checking required data type for each property')
-#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?property ?propertyLabel ?wbtype WHERE {
-#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
-#                       ?property rdf:type               wikibase:Property.
-#                       ?property wikibase:propertyType  ?wbtype.
-#                    }'
-#   PID.datatype <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#   PID.datatype$wbtype <- gsub("ontology#","",PID.datatype$wbtype)
-#   # The expected regex match for each property
-#   message(' ... Checking expected regex match for each property')
-#   # Those with a 'format as a regular expression' (P1793) listed as a qualifier of their 'property constraint' (P2302)
-#   sparql_query1 <- 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Wikidata_property ?Wikidata_propertyLabel ?fmt WHERE {
-#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
-#                       ?Wikidata_property wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18616576.
-#                       ?Wikidata_property p:P2302 [pq:P1793 ?fmt].
-#                     }'
-#   # Those with a 'format as a regular expression' (P1793) only listed as a property statement
-#   sparql_query2 <- 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Wikidata_property ?Wikidata_propertyLabel ?fmt WHERE {
-#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
-#                       ?Wikidata_property wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18616576.
-#                       ?Wikidata_property wdt:P1793 ?fmt
-#                       MINUS{?Wikidata_property p:P2302 [pq:P1793 ?fmtmain]}.
-#                    }'
-#   PID.constraint  <- add_row(query_wikidata(sparql_query1),
-#                              query_wikidata(sparql_query2))
-#   # Language abbreviations
-#   message(' ... Checking language abbreviations')
-#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?abbrev WHERE {
-#                       ?language wdt:P305 ?abbrev.
-#                    }'
-#   lang.abbrev <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#   # Language abbreviations for current wikis
-#   message(' ... Checking language abbreviations for current wikis')
-#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?abbrev WHERE {
-#                       ?Wikipedia_language_edition wdt:P31 wd:Q10876391.
-#                       ?Wikipedia_language_edition wdt:P424 ?abbrev.
-#                    }'
-# <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#   # Wikimedia abbreviations for current wikis
-#   message(' ... Checking Wikimedia abbreviations for current wikis')
-#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?abbrev WHERE {
-#                       ?Wiki_edition wdt:P1800 ?abbrev.
-#                    }'
-# <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
-#   # #example
-#   # grep(as.matrix(PID.constraint[PID.constraint$Wikidata_property=="P968","fmt"]),
-#   #      "",
-#   #      perl=TRUE)
-#   assign(x = "WD.globalvar",
-#          envir = .GlobalEnv,
-#          value = list(SID.valid        = SID.valid,
-#                       PID.datatype     = PID.datatype,
-#                       PID.constraint   = PID.constraint,
-#                       lang.abbrev      = lang.abbrev,
-#              =,
-#                   =
-#   )
-#   message('Update complete (data saved as WD.globalvar)')
-# }
-# # Below used to save as system data within an R package
-# save(list="WD.globalvar",file="R//sysdata.rda", compress = "xz")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index dbe8aa2..e38a002 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,201 +1,38 @@
-An combined R package for reading, writing and handling Wikidata semantic data (via APIs).
-__Authors:__ [Thomas Shafee]( (aut., maint.), [Os Keys]( (aut., cre.)  
-__License:__ [MIT](  
-__Status:__ Stable
-WikidataR includes functions to:
-- read from wikidata (single items, properties, or properties)
-- query wikidata (retrieving all items that match a set of criterial via [Wikidata SPARQL query service](
-- write to Wikidata (adding new items or statements via [QuickStatements]( 
-- Handle and manipulate Wikidata objects (as lists and tibbles)
-For details on how to best use it, see the examples below.
-To download WikidataR from CRAN:
-    install.packages("WikidataR","WikidataQueryServiceR")
-To get the current development version from github:
-    install.packages("devtools")
-    devtools::install_github("r-lib/httr")
-### Search Wikidata to see if an item exists (example: pharmaceuticals)
-For cases where you don't already know the QID of an item or the PID of a property, you can search wikidata by name. Note that some search terms will return multiple possible items. You can also specify a language (defaults to Engligh).
-``` r
-find_property("medical condition treated")
-Which returns the lists: 
-    acetaminophen (Q57055) - common drug for pain and fever  
-    Paracetamol (Q36716177) - scientific article published on July 1980  
-    Paracetamol (Q54982056) - musical group  
-    ...
-    medical condition treated (P2175) - disease that this pharmaceutical drug, procedure, or therapy is used to treat 
-Elements within those lists include basic information from wikidata (ID, description, labels). The QID or PID can then be used to get the full data for the item (see below).
-### Convert between identifiers
-Wikidata is an excellent thesaurus for different identifiers. For example it's possible to convert from any identifier to wikidata QIDs or between different identifiers
-``` r
-identifier_from_identifier('ORCID iD','IMDb ID',c('0000-0002-7865-7235','0000-0003-1079-5604'))
-Which returns the lists: 
-    978-0-262-53817-6 Q102035721 Wikipedia @ 20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution
-    # A tibble: 2 x 2
-      value               return   
-      <chr>               <fct>    
-    1 0000-0002-7865-7235 nm2118834
-    2 0000-0003-1079-5604 nm1821217
-### Get full items from Wikidata (example: journal articles)
-In this example, we search for three articles using their DOIs ([P356](, find their QIDs, download their full wikidata entries, and then extract the "main topics" (note PID didn't have to be used).
-``` r
-article.qid      <- qid_from_DOI(c('10.15347/WJM/2017.007','10.15347/WJM/2019.001','10.15347/WJM/2019.007'))
-article.q        <- get_item(article.qid)
-article.topics.p <- extract_claims(article.q, "main topic")
-Which returns a tibble for each of the journal articles, listing the main topics of each and their QIDs.
-    $`10.15347/WJM/2017.007`
-    # A tibble: 1 x 2
-      QID          value    
-      <chr>        <chr>    
-    1 P921.Q164778 rotavirus
-    $`10.15347/WJM/2019.001`
-    # A tibble: 2 x 2
-      QID            value                               
-      <chr>          <chr>                               
-    1 P921.Q15989108 Western African Ebola virus epidemic
-    2 P921.Q10538943 Ebola virus                         
-    $`10.15347/WJM/2019.007`
-    # A tibble: 2 x 2
-      QID            value                          
-      <chr>          <chr>                          
-    1 P921.Q1820650  readability                    
-    2 P921.Q16235120 health information on Wikipedia
-### Query Wikidata with complex searches (example: movie genres)
-In this example, we search Wikidata for any items that are an "instance of" ([P31]( "film" ([Q11424]( that has the label "The Cabin in the Woods" ([Q45394](, and ask for the item's genres ([P136](
-``` r
-query_wikidata('SELECT DISTINCT
-  ?genre ?genreLabel
-  ?film wdt:P31 wd:Q11424.
-  ?film rdfs:label "The Cabin in the Woods"@en.
-  ?film wdt:P136 ?genre.
-  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
-Which returns a tibble:
-    # A tibble: 6 x 2
-      genre                                   genreLabel          
-      <chr>                                   <chr>               
-    1 zombie film         
-    2  science fiction film
-    3  comedy-drama        
-    4 monster film        
-    5  slasher film        
-    6  comedy horror    
-For more example SPARQL queries, see [this page]( on [Wikidata](
-`query_wikidata()` can accept multiple queries, returning a (potentially named) list of data frames. If the vector of SPARQL queries is named, the results will inherit those names.
-#### Links for learning SPARQL  
--   [A beginner-friendly course for SPARQL](
--   Building a SPARQL query: [Museums on Instagram](
--   [SPARQL Query Examples]( for WDQS
--   [Using SPARQL to access Linked Open Data]( by Matthew Lincoln
--   Interesting or illustrative [SPARQL queries]( for Wikidata
--   Wikidata [2016 SPARQL Workshop](
--   [Wikidata SPARQL Query video tutorial]( by Navino Evans
--   *[Learning SPARQL](* by Bob DuCharme
--   [WDQS User Manual](
-### Write to Wikidata (example: paintings)  
-In this example we'll write directly to wikidata via the [QuickStatements]( format.
-``` r
-write_wikidata(items      = c("Q4115189","Q13406268"),
-               properties = "author",
-               values     = c("Q762","Q41406"),
-               format     = "api",
-               api.username = "myusername", # Enter your Wikimedia username here
-               api.token  = "" #REDACTED# Find yours from
-               )
-Results in the statements being directly added to wikidata under your username via the API.  
-> The Mona Lisa (Q12418) has the Creator (P170) of Leonardo da Vinci (Q762)  
-> The Scream (Q471379) has the Creator (P170) of Edvard Munch (Q41406)  
-Alternatively, you can print via <code>format=tibble</code> and paste into the [QuickStatements]( website.
-### Combining all of the above (example: journal articles)
-The example below finds all articles in a journal, works out the URL for their peer reviews, and writes those URLs into those articles' wikidata items.
-``` r
-sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?Article ?ArticleLabel ?JLabel ?T ?peer_review_URL WHERE {
-  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
-  ?Article wdt:P1433 wd:Q24657325.
-  OPTIONAL { ?Article wdt:P1433 ?J. }
-  OPTIONAL { ?Article wdt:P1476 ?T. }
-  OPTIONAL { ?Article wdt:P7347 ?peer_review_URL. }}
-LIMIT 10000'
-articles.qr <- as_tibble(query_wikidata(sparql_query))
-articles.qr <- articles.qr[articles.qr$peer_review_URL=="",] #omit those with review URLs listed
-review.URLs <- paste0('',
-                      articles.qr$JLabel,
-                      "/",
-                      articles.qr$T
-                     )
-review.URLs <- gsub(" ","_",review.URLs)
-write_wikidata(items      = sapply(sapply(articles.qr$Article,pattern = "/",stringr::str_split),tail,1),
-               properties = "Peer review URL",
-               values     = review.URLs,
-               format     = "tibble",
-               )
-write_wikidata(items        = sapply(sapply(articles.qr$Article,pattern = "/",stringr::str_split),tail,1),
-               properties   = "Peer review URL",
-               values       = review.URLs,
-               format       = "api",
-               api.username = "myusername", 
-               api.token    = , #REDACTED# Find yours from
-               )
-### Acknowledgements
-This package combines and builds on the utilities of Os Keyes' [WikidataR](, Christian Graul's
-[rwikidata](, Mikhail Popov's [WikidataQueryServiceR](, and Serena Signorelli's [QueryWikidataR]( packages. It also uses the Magnus Manske's [QuickStatements]( tool.
+An R API wrapper for the Wikidata store of semantic data.
+__Author:__ Oliver Keyes, Serena Signorelli & Christian Graul<br/> 
+__License:__ [MIT](<br/>
+__Status:__ Stable
+[![Travis-CI Build Status](](![downloads](
+WikidataR is a wrapper around the Wikidata API. It is written in and for R, and was inspired by Christian Graul's
+[rwikidata]( project. For details on how to best use it, see the [explanatory
+Please note that this project is released with a
+[Contributor Code of Conduct](
+By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
+For the most recent CRAN version:
+    install.packages("WikidataR")
+For the development version:
+    library(devtools)
+    devtools::install_github("ironholds/WikidataR")
+* R. Doy.
+* [httr]( and its dependencies.
+* [WikipediR](
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8401ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index b325a4b..191f922 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-r-cran-wikidatar (2.3.3-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+r-cran-wikidatar (2.3.3+git20171223.1.647d2af-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  [ Andreas Tille ]
   * Disable reprotest
- -- Andreas Tille <>  Sat, 04 Dec 2021 08:27:35 +0100
+  [ Debian Janitor ]
+  * New upstream snapshot.
+ -- Andreas Tille <>  Thu, 19 Jan 2023 06:04:03 -0000
 r-cran-wikidatar (2.3.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/inst/doc/Introduction.R b/inst/doc/Introduction.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9761ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/Introduction.R
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
+#  #Retrieve an item
+#  item <- get_item(id = 1)
+#  #Get information about the property of the first claim it has.
+#  first_claim <- get_property(id = names(item$claims)[1])
+#  #Do we succeed? Dewey!
+## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
+#  #Retrieve a random item
+#  rand_item <- get_random_item()
+#  #Retrieve a random property
+#  rand_prop <- get_random_property()
+## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
+#  #Retrieve 42 random items
+#  rand_item <- get_random_item(limit = 42)
+#  #Retrieve 42 random properties
+#  rand_prop <- get_random_property(limit = 42)
+## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
+#  #Find item - find defaults to "en" as a language.
+#  aarons <- find_item("Aaron Halfaker")
+#  #Find a property - also defaults to "en"
+#  first_names <- find_property("first name")
+## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
+#  #Find item.
+#  all_aarons <- find_item("Aaron Halfaker")
+#  #Grab the ID code for the first entry and retrieve the associated item data.
+#  first_aaron <- get_item(all_aarons[[1]]$id)
diff --git a/inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd b/inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e22aae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to WikidataR}
+# WikidataR: the API client library for Wikidata
+Wikidata is a wonderful and irreplaceable resource for linked data, containing information on pretty much any subject. If there's a Wikipedia article on it, there's almost certainly a Wikidata item for it.
+<code>WikidataR</code> - following the naming scheme of [WikipediR]( - is an API client library for Wikidata, written in and accessible from R.
+## Items and properties
+The two basic component pieces of Wikidata are "items" and "properties". An "item" is a thing - a concept, object or
+topic that exists in the real world, such as "Rush". These items each have statements associated with them - for
+example, "Rush is an instance of: Rock Band". In that statement, "Rock Band" is a property: a class or trait
+that items can hold. Wikidata items are organised as descriptors of the item, in various languages, and references to the properties that that item holds.
+## Retrieving specific items or properties
+Items and properties are both identified by numeric IDs, prefaced with "Q" in the case of items,
+and "P" in the case of properties. WikipediR can be used to retrieve items or properties with specific
+ID numbers, using the <code>get\_item</code> and <code>get\_property</code> functions:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Retrieve an item 
+item <- get_item(id = 1)
+#Get information about the property of the first claim it has.
+first_claim <- get_property(id = names(item$claims)[1])
+#Do we succeed? Dewey!
+These functions are capable of accepting various forms for the ID, including (as examples), "Q100" or "100"
+for items, and "Property:P100", "P100" or "100" for properties. They're also vectorised - pass them as many IDs as you want!
+## Retrieving randomly-selected items or properties
+As well as retrieving specific items or properties, Wikidata's API also allows for the retrieval of *random*
+elements. With WikidataR, this can be achieved through:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Retrieve a random item
+rand_item <- get_random_item()
+#Retrieve a random property
+rand_prop <- get_random_property()
+These also allow you to retrieve *sets* of random elements - not just one at a time, but say, 50 at a time - by including the "limit" argument:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Retrieve 42 random items
+rand_item <- get_random_item(limit = 42)
+#Retrieve 42 random properties
+rand_prop <- get_random_property(limit = 42)
+## Search
+Wikidata's search functionality can also be used, either to find items or to find properties. All you need is
+a search string (which is run over the names and descriptions of items or properties) and a language code
+(since Wikidata's descriptions can be in many languages):
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Find item - find defaults to "en" as a language.
+aarons <- find_item("Aaron Halfaker")
+#Find a property - also defaults to "en"
+first_names <- find_property("first name")
+The resulting search entries have the ID as a key, making it trivial to then retrieve the full corresponding
+items or properties:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Find item.
+all_aarons <- find_item("Aaron Halfaker")
+#Grab the ID code for the first entry and retrieve the associated item data.
+first_aaron <- get_item(all_aarons[[1]]$id)
+## Other and future functionality
+If you have ideas for other types of useful Wikidata access, the best approach
+is to either [request it]( or [add it](!
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/Introduction.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
+<title>WikidataR: the API client library for Wikidata</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
+<script src=",npm/@xiee/utils/js/load-highlight.js" async></script>
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+  font-family: 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Droid Sans Mono', 'Lucida Console', Consolas, Monaco, monospace;
+a:visited { color: #80007f; }
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+thead, tfoot, tr:nth-child(even) { background: #eee; }
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+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to WikidataR}
+<h1>WikidataR: the API client library for Wikidata</h1>
+<p>Wikidata is a wonderful and irreplaceable resource for linked data, containing information on pretty much any subject. If there’s a Wikipedia article on it, there’s almost certainly a Wikidata item for it.</p>
+<p><code>WikidataR</code> - following the naming scheme of <a href="">WikipediR</a> - is an API client library for Wikidata, written in and accessible from R.</p>
+<h2>Items and properties</h2>
+<p>The two basic component pieces of Wikidata are “items” and “properties”. An “item” is a thing - a concept, object or
+topic that exists in the real world, such as “Rush”. These items each have statements associated with them - for
+example, “Rush is an instance of: Rock Band”. In that statement, “Rock Band” is a property: a class or trait
+that items can hold. Wikidata items are organised as descriptors of the item, in various languages, and references to the properties that that item holds.</p>
+<h2>Retrieving specific items or properties</h2>
+<p>Items and properties are both identified by numeric IDs, prefaced with “Q” in the case of items,
+and “P” in the case of properties. WikipediR can be used to retrieve items or properties with specific
+ID numbers, using the <code>get_item</code> and <code>get_property</code> functions:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-r">#Retrieve an item 
+item &lt;- get_item(id = 1)
+#Get information about the property of the first claim it has.
+first_claim &lt;- get_property(id = names(item$claims)[1])
+#Do we succeed? Dewey!
+<p>These functions are capable of accepting various forms for the ID, including (as examples), “Q100” or “100”
+for items, and “Property:P100”, “P100” or “100” for properties. They’re also vectorised - pass them as many IDs as you want!</p>
+<h2>Retrieving randomly-selected items or properties</h2>
+<p>As well as retrieving specific items or properties, Wikidata’s API also allows for the retrieval of <em>random</em>
+elements. With WikidataR, this can be achieved through:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-r">#Retrieve a random item
+rand_item &lt;- get_random_item()
+#Retrieve a random property
+rand_prop &lt;- get_random_property()
+<p>These also allow you to retrieve <em>sets</em> of random elements - not just one at a time, but say, 50 at a time - by including the “limit” argument:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-r">#Retrieve 42 random items
+rand_item &lt;- get_random_item(limit = 42)
+#Retrieve 42 random properties
+rand_prop &lt;- get_random_property(limit = 42)
+<p>Wikidata’s search functionality can also be used, either to find items or to find properties. All you need is
+a search string (which is run over the names and descriptions of items or properties) and a language code
+(since Wikidata’s descriptions can be in many languages):</p>
+<pre><code class="language-r">#Find item - find defaults to &quot;en&quot; as a language.
+aarons &lt;- find_item(&quot;Aaron Halfaker&quot;)
+#Find a property - also defaults to &quot;en&quot;
+first_names &lt;- find_property(&quot;first name&quot;)
+<p>The resulting search entries have the ID as a key, making it trivial to then retrieve the full corresponding
+items or properties:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-r">#Find item.
+all_aarons &lt;- find_item(&quot;Aaron Halfaker&quot;)
+#Grab the ID code for the first entry and retrieve the associated item data.
+first_aaron &lt;- get_item(all_aarons[[1]]$id)
+<h2>Other and future functionality</h2>
+<p>If you have ideas for other types of useful Wikidata access, the best approach
+is to either <a href="">request it</a> or <a href="">add it</a>!</p>
+<script src="" async></script>
diff --git a/inst/extdata/WD.globalvar.RDS b/inst/extdata/WD.globalvar.RDS
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e7836..0000000
Binary files a/inst/extdata/WD.globalvar.RDS and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/man/WD.globalvar.Rd b/man/WD.globalvar.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c65d7e..0000000
--- a/man/WD.globalvar.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/data.R
-\title{Global variables for Wikidata properties}
-A list of tibbles documenting key property constraints from wikidata  
-  \item{SID.valid}{valid reference source properties}
-  \item{PID.datatype}{required data type for each property}
-  \item{PID.constraint}{expected regex match for each property}
-  \item{lang.abbrev}{language abbreviations}
-  \item{}{language abbreviations for current wikis}
-  \item{}{Wikimedia abbreviations for current wikis}
-  ...
-A dataset of Wikidata global variables.
diff --git a/man/WikidataR.Rd b/man/WikidataR.Rd
index c21bd17..2ea9768 100644
--- a/man/WikidataR.Rd
+++ b/man/WikidataR.Rd
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/WikidataR.R
-\title{API client library for Wikidata}
-This package serves as an API client for reading and writing
-to and from \href{}{Wikidata}, (including 
-via the \href{}{QuickStatements} format),
-as well as for reading from \href{}{Wikipedia}.
-\code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
-\code{\link{get_item}} for a /specific/ item or property, or \code{\link{find_item}}
-for using search functionality to pull out item or property IDs where the descriptions
-or aliases match a particular search term.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/WikidataR.R
+\title{API client library for Wikidata}
+This package serves as an API client for \href{Wikidata}{}.
+See the accompanying vignette for more details.
+\code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
+\code{\link{get_item}} for a /specific/ item or property, or \code{\link{find_item}}
+for using search functionality to pull out item or property IDs where the descriptions
+or aliases match a particular search term.
diff --git a/man/as_pid.Rd b/man/as_pid.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 02bbe2b..0000000
--- a/man/as_pid.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Convert an input to a property PID}
-\item{x}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings representaing wikidata properties}
-if the inputted string is a valid PID, return the string.
-If the inputted string matches a property label, return its PID.
-If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple properties, return the PID of the first hit.
-Convert an input string to the most likely property PID
-# if input string is a valid PID
-# if input string matches multiple item labels
-# if input string matches a single unique label
-as_pid("Scopus author ID")
diff --git a/man/as_qid.Rd b/man/as_qid.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index b61cb54..0000000
--- a/man/as_qid.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Convert an input to a item QID}
-\item{x}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings representaing wikidata items}
-if the inputted string is a valid QID, return the string.
-If the inputted string matches an item label, return its QID.
-If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple items, return the QID of the first hit.
-Convert an input string to the most likely item QID
-# if input string is a valid QID
-# if input string matches multiple item labels
-as_qid("Douglas Adams")
-# if input string matches a single unique label
-as_qid("Douglas Adams and the question of arterial blood pressure in mammals")
diff --git a/man/as_quot.Rd b/man/as_quot.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a2e1c..0000000
--- a/man/as_quot.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Add quotations marks}
-as_quot(x, format = "tibble")
-\item{x}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings}
-\item{format}{either "tibble" / "csv" to use plain quotation marks (default), or "api" / "website" to use '\%22'}
-tibble of items inside of escaped quotation marks
-unless they are already in escaped quotation marks, is a QID, (in which chase it is returned unchanged)
-Add escaped quotation marks around strings that need them ready for submision to an API
diff --git a/man/as_sid.Rd b/man/as_sid.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f35584..0000000
--- a/man/as_sid.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Convert an input to a source property SID}
-\item{x}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings representaing wikidata source properties}
-if the inputted string is a valid SID, return the string.
-If the inputted string matches a property label, return its SID
-If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple properties, return the SID of the first hit.
-Convert an input string to the most likely source SID (equivalent to PID)
-# if input string is a valid SID
-# if input string matches multiple item labels
-# if input string matches a single unique label
-as_pid("Reference URL")
diff --git a/man/check_input.Rd b/man/check_input.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad8499..0000000
--- a/man/check_input.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Generic input checker}
-check_input(input, substitution)
-\item{input}{string to check}
-\item{substitution}{string for what's been looked for}
-boolian indicating whether the checked string contains a match for the substitution string
-Utility function to handle namespaces. Used by \code{get_item} and \code{get_property}
diff --git a/man/createrows.Rd b/man/createrows.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index fa15515..0000000
--- a/man/createrows.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{"CREATE" rows}
-createrows(items, vector)
-\item{items}{a vector, data frame or tibble of items (which may or may not contain the keyword "CREATE")}
-\item{vector}{a vector of properties or values which may be expanded based on the items vector}
-if the vector is NULL, return NULL. Otherwise, if the "CREATE" keyword appears in the
-items vector, insert blank strings at those positions in the vector.
-Add in empty lines for QuickStatements CREATE rows that mint new QIDs.
-This is a slightly messy quirk of the QuickStatements format that mints new QIDs via a line
-containing only "CREATE", so this function is a way to approximate that bevaviour in a tibble
diff --git a/man/createrows.tidy.Rd b/man/createrows.tidy.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0650bd9..0000000
--- a/man/createrows.tidy.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{"CREATE" rows from tidy format}
-\item{QS.tib}{a tibble of items, values and properties (optionally qualifiers and sources).}
-a tibble, with items that start with "CREATE" followed by any unique text causing the
-addition of a "Create" line above, being replaced with "LAST" in the Quickstatemnts format
-to create new QIDs.
-Add in QuickStatements CREATE rows that mint new QIDs from tidy input data.
-New items are created by any item starting that starts with the text "CREATE" followed
-by any unique ID.
diff --git a/man/disambiguate_QIDs.Rd b/man/disambiguate_QIDs.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 773938c..0000000
--- a/man/disambiguate_QIDs.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/disambiguators.R
-\title{Disambiguate QIDs}
-  list,
-  variablename = "variables",
-  variableinfo = NULL,
-  filter_property = NULL,
-  filter_variable = NULL,
-  filter_firsthit = FALSE,
-  limit = 10
-\item{list}{a list or vector of text strings to find potential QID matches to.
-Can also be a list of lists (see examples)}
-\item{variablename}{type of items in the list that are being disambiguated (used in messages)}
-\item{variableinfo}{additional information about items that are being disambiguated (used in messages)}
-\item{filter_property}{property to filter on (e.g. "P31" to filter on "instance of")}
-\item{filter_variable}{values of that property to use to filter out (e.g. "Q571" to filter out books)}
-\item{filter_firsthit}{apply filter to the first match presented or only if alternatives requested?
-(default = FALSE, note: true is slower if filter not needed on most matches)}
-\item{limit}{number of alternative possible wikidata items to present if multiple potential matches}
-a vector of:
-  \item{QID}{Selected QID (for when an appropriate Wikidata match exists)}
-  \item{CREATE}{Mark that a new Wikidata item should be created (for when no appropriate Wikidata match yet exists)}
-  \item{NA}{Mark that no Wikidata item is needed}
-  \item{STOP}{Mark that the process was halted at this point (so that output can be used as input to the function later)}
-Interactive function that presents alternative possible QID matches for a list of text
-strings and provides options for choosing between alternatives, rejecting all presented alternatives,
-or creating new items. Useful in cases where a list of text strings may have either missing wikidata items
-or multiple alternative potential matches that need to be manually disambuguated. Can also used on
-lists of lists (see examples). For long lists of items, the process can be stopped partway through and
-the returned vector will indicate where the process was stopped.
-#Disambiguating possible QID matches for these music genres
-#Results should be:
-# "Q22731" as the first match
-# "Q147538" as the first match
-# "Q3947" as the second alternative match
-                 variablename="music genre")
-#Disambiguating possible QID matches for these three words, but not the music genres
-#This will take longer as the filtering step is slower
-#Results should be:
-# "Q22731" (the material) as the first match
-# "Q147538" (the soft drink) as the second alternative match
-# "Q3947" (the building) as the first match
-                 filter_property="instance of",
-                 filter_variable="music genre",
-                 filter_firsthit=TRUE,
-                 variablename="concept, not the music genre")
-#Disambiguating possible QID matches for the multiple expertise of
-#these three people as list of lists
-                           barry=list("history"),
-                           clair=list("law","genetics","ethics")),
-                 variablename="expertise")
diff --git a/man/extract_claims.Rd b/man/extract_claims.Rd
index 7a311dc..7f32f98 100644
--- a/man/extract_claims.Rd
+++ b/man/extract_claims.Rd
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Extract Claims from Returned Item Data}
-extract_claims(items, claims)
-\item{items}{a list of one or more Wikidata items returned with
-\item{claims}{a vector of claims (in the form "P321", "P12") to look for
-and extract.}
-a list containing one sub-list for each entry in \code{items},
-and (below that) the found data for each claim. In the event a claim
-cannot be found for an item, an \code{NA} will be returned
-extract claim information from data returned using
-# Get item data
-adams_data <- get_item("42")
-# Get claim data
-claims <- extract_claims(adams_data, "P31")
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
+\title{Extract Claims from Returned Item Data}
+extract_claims(items, claims)
+\item{items}{a list of one or more Wikidata items returned with
+\item{claims}{a vector of claims (in the form "P321", "P12") to look for
+and extract.}
+a list containing one sub-list for each entry in \code{items},
+and (below that) the found data for each claim. In the event a claim
+cannot be found for an item, an \code{NA} will be returned
+extract claim information from data returned using
+# Get item data
+adams_data <- get_item("42")
+# Get claim data
+claims <- extract_claims(adams_data, "P31")
diff --git a/man/extract_para.Rd b/man/extract_para.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a73c51f..0000000
--- a/man/extract_para.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Extract a paragraph of text}
-extract_para(text, para = 1, templ = NULL)
-\item{text}{the input text as a string}
-\item{para}{number indicating which paragraph(s) to return (default=1)}
-\item{templ}{an optional string specifying a mediawikitemplate within
-which to restrict the search restrict search}
-the nth paragraph of the input text.
-Return the nth paragraph of a section of text
-Useful for extracting information from wikipedia or other wikimarkup text
diff --git a/man/filter_qids.Rd b/man/filter_qids.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d14792..0000000
--- a/man/filter_qids.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Filter QIDs}
-  ids,
-  property = "P31",
-  filter = c("Q737498", "Q5633421", "Q7725634", "Q13442814", "Q18918145"),
-  message = NULL
-\item{ids}{QIDs to check}
-\item{property}{property to check (default = P31 to filter on "instance of")}
-\item{filter}{values of that property to use to filter out
-(default = Q737498, Q5633421, Q7725634, Q13442814, and Q18918145 to remove academic
-publications or books)}
-\item{message}{message to return (useful for disambiguate_QIDs function)}
-a vector of QIDs that do not match the property filter
-For a QID or vector of QIDs, remove ones that match a particular statement
-(e.g. remove all that are instances of academic publications or books).
-# Filter three items called "Earth Science" to show only those that aren't
-# books, journals or journal articles
-filter_qids(ids = c("Q96695546","Q8008","Q58966429"),
-            property = "P31",
-            filter = c("Q737498","Q5633421","Q7725634","Q13442814","Q18918145"))
diff --git a/man/find_item.Rd b/man/find_item.Rd
index 92b5b08..d2af2bd 100644
--- a/man/find_item.Rd
+++ b/man/find_item.Rd
@@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
-\title{Search for Wikidata items or properties that match a search term}
-find_item(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10, ...)
-find_property(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10)
-\item{search_term}{a term to search for.}
-\item{language}{the language to return the labels and descriptions in; this should
-consist of an ISO language code. Set to "en" by default.}
-\item{limit}{the number of results to return; set to 10 by default.}
-\item{\\dots}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
-\code{find_item} and \code{find_property} allow you to retrieve a set
-of Wikidata items or properties where the aliase or descriptions match a particular
-search term.  As with other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available;
-use \code{\link{str}} to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
-#Check for entries relating to Douglas Adams in some way
-adams_items <- find_item("Douglas Adams")
-#Check for properties involving the peerage
-peerage_props <- find_property("peerage")
-\code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
-or \code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
+\title{Search for Wikidata items or properties that match a search term}
+find_item(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10, ...)
+find_property(search_term, language = "en", limit = 10)
+\item{search_term}{a term to search for.}
+\item{language}{the language to return the labels and descriptions in; this should
+consist of an ISO language code. Set to "en" by default.}
+\item{limit}{the number of results to return; set to 10 by default.}
+\item{...}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
+\code{find_item} and \code{find_property} allow you to retrieve a set
+of Wikidata items or properties where the aliase or descriptions match a particular
+search term.  As with other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available;
+use \code{\link{str}} to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
+#Check for entries relating to Douglas Adams in some way
+adams_items <- find_item("Douglas Adams")
+#Check for properties involving the peerage
+peerage_props <- find_property("peerage")
+\code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
+or \code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property.
diff --git a/man/get_example.Rd b/man/get_example.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 944831b..0000000
--- a/man/get_example.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
-\title{Get an example SPARQL query from Wikidata}
-\item{example_name}{the names of the examples as they appear on
-[this page](}
-The SPARQL query as a character vector.
-Gets the specified example(s) from
-  [SPARQL query service examples page](
-  using [Wikidata's MediaWiki API](
-If you are planning on extracting multiple examples, please provide
-  all the names as a single vector for efficiency.
-sparql_query <- extract_example(c("Cats", "Horses"))
-# returns a named list with two data frames
-# one called "Cats" and one called "Horses"
-sparql_query <- extract_example("Largest cities with female mayor")
diff --git a/man/get_geo_box.Rd b/man/get_geo_box.Rd
index c69c741..899c005 100644
--- a/man/get_geo_box.Rd
+++ b/man/get_geo_box.Rd
@@ -1,64 +1,58 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/geo.R
-\title{Get geographic entities based on a bounding box}
-  first_city_code,
-  first_corner,
-  second_city_code,
-  second_corner,
-  language = "en",
-  ...
-\item{first_city_code}{a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
-one corner of the bounding box.}
-\item{first_corner}{the direction of \code{first_city_code} relative
-to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").}
-\item{second_city_code}{a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
-one corner of the bounding box.}
-\item{second_corner}{the direction of \code{second_city_code} relative
-to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").}
-\item{language}{the two-letter language code to use for the name
-of the item. "en" by default.}
-\item{\\dots}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
-a data.frame of 5 columns:
- \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
- \code{entity}.}
- \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
- is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
- \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
- \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
- \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
- queries).}
-\code{get_geo_box} retrieves all geographic entities in
-Wikidata that fall between a bounding box between two existing items
-with geographic attributes (usually cities).
-# Simple bounding box
-\donttest{bruges_box <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest")}
-# Custom language
-\donttest{bruges_box_fr <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest",
-                                        language = "fr")}
-\code{\link{get_geo_entity}} for using an unrestricted search or simple radius,
-rather than a bounding box.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/geo.R
+\title{Get geographic entities based on a bounding box}
+get_geo_box(first_city_code, first_corner, second_city_code, second_corner,
+  language = "en", ...)
+\item{first_city_code}{a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
+one corner of the bounding box.}
+\item{first_corner}{the direction of \code{first_city_code} relative
+to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").}
+\item{second_city_code}{a Wikidata item, or series of items, to use for
+one corner of the bounding box.}
+\item{second_corner}{the direction of \code{second_city_code} relative
+to \code{city} (eg "NorthWest", "SouthEast").}
+\item{language}{the two-letter language code to use for the name
+of the item. "en" by default.}
+\item{...}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
+a data.frame of 5 columns:
+ \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
+ \code{entity}.}
+ \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
+ is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
+ \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
+ \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
+ \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
+ queries).}
+\code{get_geo_box} retrieves all geographic entities in
+Wikidata that fall between a bounding box between two existing items
+with geographic attributes (usually cities).
+# Simple bounding box
+bruges_box <- WikidataR:::get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest")
+# Custom language
+bruges_box_fr <- WikidataR:::get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest",
+                                        language = "fr")
+\code{\link{get_geo_entity}} for using an unrestricted search or simple radius,
+rather than a bounding box.
diff --git a/man/get_geo_entity.Rd b/man/get_geo_entity.Rd
index 5b82a7e..ccec09e 100644
--- a/man/get_geo_entity.Rd
+++ b/man/get_geo_entity.Rd
@@ -1,60 +1,58 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/geo.R
-\title{Retrieve geographic information from Wikidata}
-get_geo_entity(entity, language = "en", radius = NULL, limit = 100, ...)
-\item{entity}{a Wikidata item (\code{Q...}) or series of items, to check
-for associated geo-tagged items.}
-\item{language}{the two-letter language code to use for the name
-of the item. "en" by default, because we're imperialist
-anglocentric westerners.}
-\item{radius}{optionally, a radius (in kilometers) around \code{entity}
-to restrict the search to.}
-\item{limit}{the maximum number of results to return.}
-\item{\\dots}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
-a data.frame of 5 columns:
- \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
- \code{entity}.}
- \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
- is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
- \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
- \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
- \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
- queries).}
-\code{get_geo_entity} retrieves the item ID, latitude
-and longitude of any object with geographic data associated with \emph{another}
-object with geographic data (example: all the locations around/near/associated with
-a city).
-# All entities
-\donttest{sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")}
-# Entities with French, rather than English, names
-\donttest{sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")}
-# Entities within 1km
-\donttest{sf_close_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)}
-# Multiple entities
-\donttest{multi_entity <- get_geo_entity(entity = c("Q62", "Q64"))}
-\code{\link{get_geo_box}} for using a bounding box
-rather than an unrestricted search or simple radius.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/geo.R
+\title{Retrieve geographic information from Wikidata}
+get_geo_entity(entity, language = "en", radius = NULL, ...)
+\item{entity}{a Wikidata item (\code{Q...}) or series of items, to check
+for associated geo-tagged items.}
+\item{language}{the two-letter language code to use for the name
+of the item. "en" by default, because we're imperialist
+anglocentric westerners.}
+\item{radius}{optionally, a radius (in kilometers) around \code{entity}
+to restrict the search to.}
+\item{...}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
+a data.frame of 5 columns:
+ \item{item}{ the Wikidata identifier of each object associated with
+ \code{entity}.}
+ \item{name}{ the name of the item, if available, in the requested language. If it
+ is not available, \code{NA} will be returned instead.}
+ \item{latitude}{ the latitude of \code{item}}
+ \item{longitude}{ the longitude of \code{item}}
+ \item{entity}{ the entity the item is associated with (necessary for multi-entity
+ queries).}
+\code{get_geo_entity} retrieves the item ID, latitude
+and longitude of any object with geographic data associated with \emph{another}
+object with geographic data (example: all the locations around/near/associated with
+a city).
+# All entities
+sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")
+# Entities with French, rather than English, names
+sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")
+# Entities within 1km
+sf_close_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)
+# Multiple entities
+multi_entity <- get_geo_entity(entity = c("Q62", "Q64"))
+\code{\link{get_geo_box}} for using a bounding box
+rather than an unrestricted search or simple radius.
diff --git a/man/get_item.Rd b/man/get_item.Rd
index f9b78ab..830d4f5 100644
--- a/man/get_item.Rd
+++ b/man/get_item.Rd
@@ -1,41 +1,42 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
-\title{Retrieve specific Wikidata items or properties}
-get_item(id, ...)
-get_property(id, ...)
-\item{id}{the ID number(s) of the item or property you're looking for. This can be in
-various formats; either a numeric value ("200"), the full name ("Q200") or
-even with an included namespace ("Property:P10") - the function will format
-it appropriately. This function is vectorised and will happily accept
-multiple IDs.}
-\item{\\dots}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
-\code{get_item} and \code{get_property} allow you to retrieve the data associated
-with individual Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
-other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
-to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
-#Retrieve a specific item
-adams_metadata <- get_item("42")
-#Retrieve a specific property
-object_is_child <- get_property("P40")
-\code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
-or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
-item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
-search term.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
+\title{Retrieve specific Wikidata items or properties}
+get_item(id, ...)
+get_property(id, ...)
+\item{id}{the ID number(s) of the item or property you're looking for. This can be in
+various formats; either a numeric value ("200"), the full name ("Q200") or
+even with an included namespace ("Property:P10") - the function will format
+it appropriately. This function is vectorised and will happily accept
+multiple IDs.}
+\item{...}{further arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
+\code{get_item} and \code{get_property} allow you to retrieve the data associated
+with individual Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
+other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
+to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
+#Retrieve a specific item
+adams_metadata <- get_item("42")
+#Retrieve a specific property
+object_is_child <- get_property("P40")
+\code{\link{get_random}} for selecting a random item or property,
+or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
+item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
+search term.
diff --git a/man/get_names_from_properties.Rd b/man/get_names_from_properties.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 12520ee..0000000
--- a/man/get_names_from_properties.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Get names of properties}
-\item{properties}{a claims list from \code{extract_claims}}
-tibble of labels for each property for a set of claims
-For a claim or set of claims, return the names of the properties
diff --git a/man/get_random.Rd b/man/get_random.Rd
index 78a5cda..7edfaf1 100644
--- a/man/get_random.Rd
+++ b/man/get_random.Rd
@@ -1,38 +1,39 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
-\title{Retrieve randomly-selected Wikidata items or properties}
-get_random_item(limit = 1, ...)
-get_random_property(limit = 1, ...)
-\item{limit}{how many random items to return. 1 by default, but can be higher.}
-\item{\\dots}{arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
-\code{get_random_item} and \code{get_random_property} allow you to retrieve the data
-associated with randomly-selected Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
-other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
-to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
-#Random item
-random_item <- get_random_item()
-#Random property
-random_property <- get_random_property()
-\code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property,
-or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
-item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
-search term.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
+\title{Retrieve randomly-selected Wikidata items or properties}
+get_random_item(limit = 1, ...)
+get_random_property(limit = 1, ...)
+\item{limit}{how many random items to return. 1 by default, but can be higher.}
+\item{...}{arguments to pass to httr's GET.}
+\code{get_random_item} and \code{get_random_property} allow you to retrieve the data
+associated with randomly-selected Wikidata items and properties, respectively. As with
+other \code{WikidataR} code, custom print methods are available; use \code{\link{str}}
+to manipulate and see the underlying structure of the data.
+#Random item
+random_item <- get_random_item()
+#Random property
+random_property <- get_random_property()
+\code{\link{get_item}} for selecting a specific item or property,
+or \code{\link{find_item}} for using search functionality to pull out
+item or property IDs where the descriptions or aliases match a particular
+search term.
diff --git a/man/identifier_from_identifier.Rd b/man/identifier_from_identifier.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a736ccf..0000000
--- a/man/identifier_from_identifier.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/queries.R
-\title{identifier from identifier}
-  property = "ORCID iD",
-  return = "IMDb ID",
-  value = "0000-0002-7865-7235"
-\item{property}{the identifier property to search (for caveats, see \code{as_pid})}
-\item{return}{the identifier property to convert to}
-\item{value}{the identifier value to match}
-vector of identifiers corresponding to identifiers submitted
-convert unique identifiers to other unique identifiers
-identifier_from_identifier('ORCID iD','IMDb ID',c('0000-0002-7865-7235','0000-0003-1079-5604'))
diff --git a/man/initials.Rd b/man/initials.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fef6f1..0000000
--- a/man/initials.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Format short form person names}
-initials(x, format = "FLast")
-\item{x}{a vector of people's names as strings}
-\item{format}{a vector of strings of either "FLast" or "FL" to indicate the output format}
-the inputted name strings with first names shortened based on the
-selected format.
-Converting names into first initial and surname, or just initials
diff --git a/man/list_properties.Rd b/man/list_properties.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 67ae560..0000000
--- a/man/list_properties.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{List properties of a Wikidata item}
-list_properties(item, names = FALSE)
-\item{item}{a list of one or more Wikidata items returned with
-\item{names}{a boolian for whether to return property names, or just P numbers
-and extract.}
-a list containing one sub-list for each entry in \code{items},
-and (below that) the found data for each claim. In the event a claim
-cannot be found for an item, an \code{NA} will be returned
-for a downloaded wikidata item, list the properties of all statements
-# Get item data
-adams_data <- get_item("42")
-# Get claim data
-claims <- extract_claims(adams_data, "P31")
diff --git a/man/print.find_item.Rd b/man/print.find_item.Rd
index 62ade1a..0bfbccc 100644
--- a/man/print.find_item.Rd
+++ b/man/print.find_item.Rd
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/prints.R
-\title{Print method for find_item}
-\method{print}{find_item}(x, ...)
-\item{x}{find_item object with search results}
-\item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods}
-print found items.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prints.R
+\title{Print method for find_item}
+\method{print}{find_item}(x, ...)
+\item{x}{find_item object with search results}
+\item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods}
+print found items.
diff --git a/man/print.find_property.Rd b/man/print.find_property.Rd
index 23b8c2d..a7f4e4f 100644
--- a/man/print.find_property.Rd
+++ b/man/print.find_property.Rd
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/prints.R
-\title{Print method for find_property}
-\method{print}{find_property}(x, ...)
-\item{x}{find_property object with search results}
-\item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods}
-print found properties.
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prints.R
+\title{Print method for find_property}
+\method{print}{find_property}(x, ...)
+\item{x}{find_property object with search results}
+\item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods}
+print found properties.
diff --git a/man/print.wikidata.Rd b/man/print.wikidata.Rd
index 7b5232a..8e3b076 100644
--- a/man/print.wikidata.Rd
+++ b/man/print.wikidata.Rd
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/prints.R
-\title{Print method for Wikidata objects}
-\method{print}{wikidata}(x, ...)
-\item{x}{wikidata object from get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property}
-\item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods}
-print found objects generally.
-get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/prints.R
+\title{Print method for Wikidata objects}
+\method{print}{wikidata}(x, ...)
+\item{x}{wikidata object from get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property}
+\item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods}
+print found objects generally.
+get_item, get_random_item, get_property or get_random_property
diff --git a/man/qid_from_DOI.Rd b/man/qid_from_DOI.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 67508a2..0000000
--- a/man/qid_from_DOI.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/schol.R
-\title{QID from DOI}
-qid_from_DOI(DOI = "10.15347/WJM/2019.001")
-\item{DOI}{digital object identifiers submitted as strings}
-vector of QIDs corresponding to DOIs submitted
-simple converter from DOIs to QIDs (for items in wikidata)
diff --git a/man/qid_from_ORCID.Rd b/man/qid_from_ORCID.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 186f3e2..0000000
--- a/man/qid_from_ORCID.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/schol.R
-\title{QID from ORCID}
-qid_from_ORCID(ORCID = "0000-0002-2298-7593")
-\item{ORCID}{digital object identifiers submitted as strings}
-vector of QIDs corresponding to ORCIDs submitted
-simple converter from ORCIDs to QIDs (for items in wikidata)
diff --git a/man/qid_from_identifier.Rd b/man/qid_from_identifier.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 11aa2d9..0000000
--- a/man/qid_from_identifier.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/queries.R
-\title{QID from identifier}
-  property = "DOI",
-  value = c("10.15347/WJM/2019.001", "10.15347/WJM/2020.002")
-\item{property}{the identifier property to search (for caveats, see \code{as_pid})}
-\item{value}{the identifier value to match}
-vector of QIDs corresponding to identifiers submitted
-convert unique identifiers to QIDs (for items in wikidata).
diff --git a/man/qid_from_name.Rd b/man/qid_from_name.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index d369f2e..0000000
--- a/man/qid_from_name.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/schol.R
-\title{QID from label name}
-qid_from_name(name = "Thomas Shafee", limit = 100, format = "vector")
-\item{name}{name labels submitted as strings}
-\item{limit}{if multiple QIDs match each submitted name, how many to return}
-\item{format}{output format ('vector' to return a simple vector, or 'list' to return a nested list)}
-vector of QIDs corresponding to names submitted. Note: some names may return multiple QIDs.
-simple converter from label names to QIDs (for items in wikidata).
-Essentially a simplification of \code{find_item}
diff --git a/man/query_wikidata.Rd b/man/query_wikidata.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ad604f..0000000
--- a/man/query_wikidata.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/queries.R
-\title{Send one or more SPARQL queries to WDQS}
-query_wikidata(sparql_query, format = "tibble", ...)
-\item{sparql_query}{SPARQL query (can be a vector of queries)}
-\item{format}{`tibble` (default) returns a pure character data frame,
-`simple` returns a pure character vector, while
-`smart` fetches JSON-formatted data and returns a tibble with datetime
-columns converted to `POSIXct`}
-\item{\\dots}{Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]}
-A `tibble` or `vector`. Note: QID values will be returned as QIDs, rather than URLs.
-Makes a POST request to Wikidata Query Service SPARQL endpoint.
-\section{Query limits}{
-There is a hard query deadline configured which is set to 60 seconds. There
-are also following limits:
-- One client (user agent + IP) is allowed 60 seconds of processing time each
-  60 seconds
-- One client is allowed 30 error queries per minute
-See [query limits section](
-in the WDQS user manual for more information.
-# R's versions and release dates:
-sparql_query <- 'SELECT DISTINCT
-  ?softwareVersion ?publicationDate
-  WHERE {
-    BIND(wd:Q206904 AS ?R)
-    ?R p:P348 [
-      ps:P348 ?softwareVersion;
-      pq:P577 ?publicationDate
-    ] .
-# "smart" format converts all datetime columns to POSIXct
-query_wikidata(sparql_query, format = "smart")
diff --git a/man/searcher.Rd b/man/searcher.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a486495..0000000
--- a/man/searcher.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/gets.R
-\title{Convert an input to a item QID}
-searcher(search_term, language, limit, type, ...)
-\item{search_term}{a term to search for.}
-\item{language}{the language to return the labels and descriptions in; this should
-consist of an ISO language code. Set to "en" by default.}
-\item{limit}{the number of results to return; set to 10 by default.}
-\item{type}{type of wikidata object to return (default = "item")}
-\item{\\dots}{Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]}
-If the inputted string matches an item label, return its QID.
-If the inputted string matches multiple labels of multiple items, return the QID of the first hit.
-If the inputted string is already a QID, return the string.
-Convert an input string to the most likely item QID
-# if input string is a valid QID
-# if input string matches multiple item labels
-as_qid("Douglas Adams")
-# if input string matches a single unique label
-as_qid("Douglas Adams and the question of arterial blood pressure in mammals")
diff --git a/man/sparql_query.Rd b/man/sparql_query.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index c1eaed9..0000000
--- a/man/sparql_query.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/queries.R
-\title{Download full Wikidata items matching a sparql query}
-sparql_query(query, ...)
-\item{query}{the sparql query as a string}
-\item{\\dots}{Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]}
-a download of the full wikidata objects formatted as a nested json list
-Utility wrapper for wikidata spargle endpoint to download items.
-Used by \code{get_geo_entity} and \code{get_geo_box}
diff --git a/man/unspecial.Rd b/man/unspecial.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e48add0..0000000
--- a/man/unspecial.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Remove special characters}
-\item{x}{a vector of strings to check for special characters}
-the inputted strings with special characters replaced with
-closest match plan characters.
-Special characters can otherwise mess up wikidata read-writes
diff --git a/man/url_to_id.Rd b/man/url_to_id.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e45a55..0000000
--- a/man/url_to_id.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/utils.R
-\title{Extract an identifier from a wikidata URL}
-\item{x}{a vector of strings representing wikidata URLs}
-if the URL ends in a QID or PID, return that PID or QID, else return the original string
-Convert a URL ending in an identifier (returned by SPARQL queries) to just
-the plain identifier (QID or PID).
-Convert a URL ending in an identifier (returned by SPARQL queries)
-to just the plan identifier (QID or PID).
diff --git a/man/wd_query.Rd b/man/wd_query.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a7481d7..0000000
--- a/man/wd_query.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/queries.R
-\title{Download a Wikidata item}
-wd_query(title, ...)
-\item{title}{the wikidata item or property as a string}
-\item{\\dots}{Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]}
-a download of the full wikidata object (item or property) formatted as a nested json list
-Utility wrapper for wikidata API to download item.
-Used by \code{get_item} and \code{get_property}
diff --git a/man/wd_rand_query.Rd b/man/wd_rand_query.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a7441e3..0000000
--- a/man/wd_rand_query.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/queries.R
-\title{Download random Wikidata items}
-wd_rand_query(ns, limit, ...)
-\item{ns}{string indicating namespace, most commonly "Main" for QID items, "Property" for PID properties}
-\item{limit}{how many random objesct to return}
-\item{\\dots}{Additional parameters to supply to [httr::POST]}
-a download of the full wikidata objects (items or properties) formatted as nested json lists
-Utility wrapper for wikidata API to download random items. Used by \code{random_item}
diff --git a/man/write_wikidata.Rd b/man/write_wikidata.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9d4cc..0000000
--- a/man/write_wikidata.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/writes.R
-\title{Write statements to Wikidata}
-  items,
-  properties = NULL,
-  values = NULL,
- = NULL,
-  qual.values = NULL,
- = NULL,
-  src.values = NULL,
-  remove = FALSE,
-  format = "tibble",
-  api.username = NULL,
-  api.token = NULL,
-  api.format = "v1",
-  api.batchname = NULL,
-  api.submit = TRUE
-\item{items}{a vector of strings indicating the items to which to add statements (as QIDs or labels).
-Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-(see \code{as_qid} function), so use with caution.
-New QIDs can be created by using the "CREATE_xyz", where "_xyz" is any unique string.
-Using the same id will add additional statemnts to those new items}
-\item{properties}{a vector of strings indicating the properties to add as statements (as PIDs or labels).
-Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-(see \code{as_pid} function), so use with caution.
-Four special properties can also be used: labels, aliases, descriptions and sitelinks.
-See [this link](,_aliases,_descriptions_and_sitelinks) for the syntax.}
-\item{values}{a vector of strings indicating the values to add as statements (as QIDs or strings).
-Note: if strings are provided, they will be treated as plain text.}
-\item{}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the properties to add as qualifiers to statements (as PIDs or labels).
-Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-(see \code{as_pid} function), so use with caution.}
-\item{qual.values}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the values to add as statements (as QIDs or strings).
-Note: if strings are provided, they will be treated as plain text.}
-\item{}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the properties to add as reference sources to statements (as SIDs or labels).
-Note: if labels are provided, and multiple items match, the first matching item will be used
-(see \code{as_sid} function), so use with caution.}
-\item{src.values}{a vector, data frame, or tibble of strings indicating the values to add reference sources to statements (as QIDs or strings).
-Note: if strings are provided, they will be treated as plain text.}
-\item{remove}{a vector of boolians for each statemnt indicating whether it should
-be removed from the item rather than added (default = FALSE)}
-\item{format}{output format as a string. Options include:
-  \item{tibble}{easiest format to further manuipulation in R}
-  \item{csv}{can be copy-pasted to [the QuickStatements website]( (or manipulated in a spreadsheet programs)}
-  \item{api}{a url that can be copy-pasted into a web browser, or automatically submitted (see \code{api.submit} parameter)}
-  \item{website}{open a [QuickStatements]( web browser window summarising the edits to be made to Wikidata)}
-\item{api.username}{a string indicating your wikimedia username}
-\item{api.token}{a string indicating your api token (the unique identifier that you can find listed at [your user page](}
-\item{api.format}{a string indicateing which version of the quickstatement format used to submit the api (default = "v1")}
-\item{api.batchname}{a string create a named batch (listed at [your batch history page]( and tag in the edit summaries}
-\item{api.submit}{boolian indicating whether to submit instruction directly to wikidata (else returns the URL that can be copy-pasted into a web browser)}
-data formatted to upload to wikidata (via quickstatemsnts),
-optionally also directly uploded to wikidata (see \code{format} parameter).
-Upload data to wikidata, including creating items,
-adding statements to existing items (via the quickstatements format and API).
-# Add a statement to the "Wikidata sandbox" item (Q4115189)
-# to say that it is an "instance of" (P31) of Q1 (the universe).
-# The instruction will submit directly to wikidata via the API
-# (if you include your wikimedia username and token)
-\donttest{write_wikidata(items        = "Wikidata Sandbox",
-               properties   = "instance of",
-               values       = "Q1",
-               format       = "api",
-               api.username = "myusername", 
-               api.token    = , #REDACTED#
-               )}
diff --git a/tests/testthat.R b/tests/testthat.R
index e4633de..34fbd73 100644
--- a/tests/testthat.R
+++ b/tests/testthat.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_geo.R b/tests/testthat/test_geo.R
index 2192ecd..ac7e88b 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_geo.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_geo.R
@@ -1,50 +1,48 @@
-testthat::context("Geographic queries")
-# Have had to comment out tests. Wikidata query service having timeout issues that cause tests to fail
-# testthat::test_that("Simple entity-based geo lookups work", {
-#   field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
-#   sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")
-#   testthat::expect_true(
-#   testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
-#   testthat::expect_true(unique(sf_locations$entity) == "Q62")
-# })
-# testthat::test_that("Language-variant entity-based geo lookups work", {
-#   field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
-#   sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")
-#   testthat::expect_true(
-#   testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
-#   testthat::expect_true(unique(sf_locations$entity) == "Q62")
-# })
-# testthat::test_that("Radius restricted entity-based geo lookups work", {
-#   field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
-#   sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)
-#   testthat::expect_true(
-#   testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
-#   testthat::expect_true(unique(sf_locations$entity) == "Q62")
-# })
-# testthat::test_that("multi-entity geo lookups work", {
-#   field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
-#   sf_locations <- get_geo_entity(c("Q62", "Q64"), radius = 1)
-#   testthat::expect_true(
-#   testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
-#   testthat::expect_equal(length(unique(sf_locations$entity)), 2)
-# })
-# testthat::test_that("Simple bounding lookups work", {
-#   field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude")
-#   bruges_box <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest")
-#   testthat::expect_true(
-#   testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(bruges_box)))
-# })
-# testthat::test_that("Language-variant bounding lookups work", {
-#   field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude")
-#   bruges_box <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest",
-#                             language = "fr")
-#   testthat::expect_true(
-#   testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(bruges_box)))
-# })
\ No newline at end of file
+testthat::context("Geographic queries")
+testthat::test_that("Simple entity-based geo lookups work", {
+  field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
+  sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62")
+  testthat::expect_true(
+  testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
+  testthat::expect_true(unique(sf_locations$entity) == "Q62")
+testthat::test_that("Language-variant entity-based geo lookups work", {
+  field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
+  sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", language = "fr")
+  testthat::expect_true(
+  testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
+  testthat::expect_true(unique(sf_locations$entity) == "Q62")
+testthat::test_that("Radius restricted entity-based geo lookups work", {
+  field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
+  sf_locations <- get_geo_entity("Q62", radius = 1)
+  testthat::expect_true(
+  testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
+  testthat::expect_true(unique(sf_locations$entity) == "Q62")
+testthat::test_that("multi-entity geo lookups work", {
+  field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude", "entity")
+  sf_locations <- get_geo_entity(c("Q62", "Q64"), radius = 1)
+  testthat::expect_true(
+  testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(sf_locations)))
+  testthat::expect_equal(length(unique(sf_locations$entity)), 2)
+testthat::test_that("Simple bounding lookups work", {
+  field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude")
+  bruges_box <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest")
+  testthat::expect_true(
+  testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(bruges_box)))
+testthat::test_that("Language-variant bounding lookups work", {
+  field_names <- c("item", "name", "latitutde", "longitude")
+  bruges_box <- get_geo_box("Q12988", "NorthEast", "Q184287", "SouthWest",
+                            language = "fr")
+  testthat::expect_true(
+  testthat::expect_true(all(field_names == names(bruges_box)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_gets.R b/tests/testthat/test_gets.R
index e3d6514..2164d4b 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_gets.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_gets.R
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-context("Direct Wikidata get functions")
-test_that("A specific item can be retrieved with an entire item code", {
-  expect_true({get_item("Q100");TRUE})
-test_that("A specific item can be retrieved with a partial entire item code", {
-  expect_true({get_item("100");TRUE})
-test_that("A specific property can be retrieved with an entire prop code + namespace", {
-  expect_true({get_property("Property:P10");TRUE})
-test_that("A specific property can be retrieved with an entire prop code + namespace", {
-  expect_true({get_property("P10");TRUE})
-test_that("A specific property can be retrieved with a partial prop code", {
-  expect_true({get_property("10");TRUE})
-test_that("A randomly-selected item can be retrieved",{
-  expect_true({get_random_item();TRUE})
-test_that("A randomly-selected property can be retriveed",{
-  expect_true({get_random_property();TRUE})
+context("Direct Wikidata get functions")
+test_that("A specific item can be retrieved with an entire item code", {
+  expect_true({get_item("Q100");TRUE})
+test_that("A specific item can be retrieved with a partial entire item code", {
+  expect_true({get_item("100");TRUE})
+test_that("A specific property can be retrieved with an entire prop code + namespace", {
+  expect_true({get_property("Property:P10");TRUE})
+test_that("A specific property can be retrieved with an entire prop code + namespace", {
+  expect_true({get_property("P10");TRUE})
+test_that("A specific property can be retrieved with a partial prop code", {
+  expect_true({get_property("10");TRUE})
+test_that("A randomly-selected item can be retrieved",{
+  expect_true({get_random_item();TRUE})
+test_that("A randomly-selected property can be retriveed",{
+  expect_true({get_random_property();TRUE})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_search.R b/tests/testthat/test_search.R
index d487170..3588f82 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_search.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_search.R
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-context("Search functions")
-test_that("English-language search works",{
-  expect_true({find_item("Wonder Girls", "en");TRUE})
-test_that("Non-English-language search works",{
-  expect_true({find_item("Wonder Girls", "es");TRUE})
-test_that("Property search works",{
-  expect_true({find_property("Music", "en");TRUE})
+context("Search functions")
+test_that("English-language search works",{
+  expect_true({find_item("Wonder Girls", "en");TRUE})
+test_that("Non-English-language search works",{
+  expect_true({find_item("Wonder Girls", "es");TRUE})
+test_that("Search with limit modding works",{
+  expect_that(length(find_item("Wonder Girls", "en", 3)), equals(3))
+test_that("Property search works",{
+  expect_true({find_property("Music", "en");TRUE})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd b/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e22aae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to WikidataR}
+# WikidataR: the API client library for Wikidata
+Wikidata is a wonderful and irreplaceable resource for linked data, containing information on pretty much any subject. If there's a Wikipedia article on it, there's almost certainly a Wikidata item for it.
+<code>WikidataR</code> - following the naming scheme of [WikipediR]( - is an API client library for Wikidata, written in and accessible from R.
+## Items and properties
+The two basic component pieces of Wikidata are "items" and "properties". An "item" is a thing - a concept, object or
+topic that exists in the real world, such as "Rush". These items each have statements associated with them - for
+example, "Rush is an instance of: Rock Band". In that statement, "Rock Band" is a property: a class or trait
+that items can hold. Wikidata items are organised as descriptors of the item, in various languages, and references to the properties that that item holds.
+## Retrieving specific items or properties
+Items and properties are both identified by numeric IDs, prefaced with "Q" in the case of items,
+and "P" in the case of properties. WikipediR can be used to retrieve items or properties with specific
+ID numbers, using the <code>get\_item</code> and <code>get\_property</code> functions:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Retrieve an item 
+item <- get_item(id = 1)
+#Get information about the property of the first claim it has.
+first_claim <- get_property(id = names(item$claims)[1])
+#Do we succeed? Dewey!
+These functions are capable of accepting various forms for the ID, including (as examples), "Q100" or "100"
+for items, and "Property:P100", "P100" or "100" for properties. They're also vectorised - pass them as many IDs as you want!
+## Retrieving randomly-selected items or properties
+As well as retrieving specific items or properties, Wikidata's API also allows for the retrieval of *random*
+elements. With WikidataR, this can be achieved through:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Retrieve a random item
+rand_item <- get_random_item()
+#Retrieve a random property
+rand_prop <- get_random_property()
+These also allow you to retrieve *sets* of random elements - not just one at a time, but say, 50 at a time - by including the "limit" argument:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Retrieve 42 random items
+rand_item <- get_random_item(limit = 42)
+#Retrieve 42 random properties
+rand_prop <- get_random_property(limit = 42)
+## Search
+Wikidata's search functionality can also be used, either to find items or to find properties. All you need is
+a search string (which is run over the names and descriptions of items or properties) and a language code
+(since Wikidata's descriptions can be in many languages):
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Find item - find defaults to "en" as a language.
+aarons <- find_item("Aaron Halfaker")
+#Find a property - also defaults to "en"
+first_names <- find_property("first name")
+The resulting search entries have the ID as a key, making it trivial to then retrieve the full corresponding
+items or properties:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+#Find item.
+all_aarons <- find_item("Aaron Halfaker")
+#Grab the ID code for the first entry and retrieve the associated item data.
+first_aaron <- get_item(all_aarons[[1]]$id)
+## Other and future functionality
+If you have ideas for other types of useful Wikidata access, the best approach
+is to either [request it]( or [add it](!


[The following lists of changes regard files as different if they have different names, permissions or owners.]

Files in second set of .debs but not in first

-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/Meta/vignette.rds
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/doc/Introduction.R
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/doc/Introduction.Rmd
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/doc/Introduction.html
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/doc/index.html

Files in first set of .debs but not in second

-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/R/sysdata.rdb
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/R/sysdata.rdx
-rw-r--r--  root/root   /usr/lib/R/site-library/WikidataR/extdata/WD.globalvar.RDS

Control files: lines which differ (wdiff format)

  • Depends: r-base-core (>=, r-api-4.0, r-cran-httr, r-cran-jsonlite, r-cran-wikipedir, r-cran-wikidataqueryservicer, r-cran-tibble, r-cran-dplyr, r-cran-stringr, r-cran-hmisc, r-cran-progress, r-cran-pbapply, r-cran-readr, r-cran-crayon r-cran-wikipedir (>= 1.4.0)
  • Suggests: r-cran-markdown, r-cran-tidyverse, r-cran-knitr

More details

Full run details