Codebase list acedb / HEAD wac

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This is the AC library - a C interface to acedb
Authors: Mark Sienkiewicz, Jean Thierry-Mieg (2003)

There are two implementations here:  

acclient is a client library.  It is known to work with RPC servers
(e.g. gifacemblyserver) and AceTCP servers (tgifacemblyserver).  It has
code to support Sanger Acedb 4.9, but that support is incomplete.

acinside provides the same interface, but it runs inside the database
(either in tace or a server) and takes advantage of direct access to
database functions to improve performance.  It is fully tested [11/2003]

If you limit yourself to using only AC calls, your code can run equally
correctly either inside or outside the database.

Note that you might expect acinside to always be significantly faster,
but in fact many applications use a pattern of transactions where the time
spent transmitting data between the client and server is dwarfed by the
time spent performing the actual query.

Compiling with AC

Your program should
	#include <wac/ac.h>

wac/acctest.c contains test code that exercizes the library.  It can also
serve as sample code for some of the features.

To compile your application:

	in the AceDB makefile:
		include $(LINK_ACC) in your dependencies
		include $(LINK_ACC) in the list of object files to include

	outside the AceDB makefile
		get the value of LINK_ACC from wmake/truemake and link
		with those object files

Compiling the actual library

You can compile the library by the command
make libaccl.a libacs.a
or, relying on dependencies, by compiling a program that uses it, e.g.
make accmd

The supported transport mechanisms are selected by defines in
wac/acclient_.h; you can add/remove transports as you wish.  The
dependencies are correct for this library, so it is sufficient to
change the include file and re-compile.

Test code

acctest is the "ac client test" program.  
acstest is the "ac autonamous test" program.  

1) initialize the database:

	pushd wac/testdb
	sh init

2) test the autonomous ac code type

   bin*/acstest wac/testdb all | tee acstest.out

3) test the client ac code type
  a) Start a server
    bin*/saceserver wac/testdb -port 65432

  b) run the client code

    bin*/acctest s:localhost:65432:: all | tee acctest.out
4) verify the outputs, they may differ from the standard out put by dates and machine names

   diff  wac/testdb/acstest_correct_output acstest.out 
   diff  wac/testdb/acctest_correct_output acctest.out 

The last paramenter (here all) is a list of tests to run in order.  
Test "all" performs a test of much of the library, and the expected output is available.

If you change the test program or library, you must update that file.

5) clean up

   pushd wac/testdb ; sh ./clean_up ; popd

Files here

	Common code

		common include file.  clients only need this file

		internals common to both library implementations.  If you are
		adding something, chances are that it does not really belong

		AC_TABLE section of the code - used in both libraries

	Client library

		the AC client code.

	// acclient_rpc.c removed, mieg may 17 2003
		Ace network protocol implementations.  all of these files are
		included in acclient.c, but each file is mostly ifdefed out
		if it's protocol is not wanted

		code for acclient_socket.c to talk to the socket server - copied
		from Sanger's Ace-Conn and hacked extensively to work in our system.

		a test program for testing the database client code.  uses the
		database in testdb

		sends commands to the database using ac_command().  This is much
		like aceclient, and will replace aceclient eventually.

	Internal library

		the AC inside-the-database implementation


		this file

		checklist of which features are present in each implementation

		description of the "show -C" format used by the client library

		some notes on database commands that an alternate
		implementation of the client library might use

		scripts to initialize a test database.  The database contains
		exact data that acctest expects to find.