Codebase list adapta-kde / b1945f3
news with upstream changes #79 varlesh 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
22  <sup><sub>Screenshot: Engine: <a href="">Kvantum</a> | Kvantum Theme: Adapta Nokto | Aurorae decoration: Adapta | Plasma Theme: Adapta | Icons: <a href="">Papirus-Adapta-Nokto</a> | File Manager: Dolphin | Dock: <a href="">Latte Dock</a> | Calendar: <a href="">Event Calendar</a></sub></sup>
33 </p>
5 Adapta KDE - This is a port of the popular [GTK theme Adapta]( for Plasma 5 desktop with a few additions and extras.
5 Adapta KDE - This is a port of the popular [GTK theme Adapta 3.94]( for Plasma 5 desktop with a few additions and extras.
7 # NOTE
9 New version Adapta 3.95 and higher not supported with Adapta KDE. More info see [here]( and [here](
711 In this repository you'll find: