Codebase list admesh / 55ef2a1
New upstream version 0.98.3 Anton Gladky 7 years ago
6 changed file(s) with 27 addition(s) and 14 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 language: c
1 compiler: gcc
1 matrix:
2 include:
3 - compiler: gcc
4 os: linux
5 env: EXTRA=--enable-werror
6 - compiler: clang
7 os: linux
8 - compiler: clang
9 os: osx
311 script:
412 - ./
5 - ./configure --enable-werror
13 - ./configure $EXTRA
614 - make
715 - cd .libs
8 - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.
16 - if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == linux ]]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. && export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; fi
17 - if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == osx ]]; then DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. && export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ; fi
918 - ./admesh ../block.stl
1010 Don't patch this project downstream but use this code, so all can benefit from
1111 the changes. Pull requests are welcome, but be sure to generate no warnings.
13 Grab the 0.98.2 tarball:
13 Grab the 0.98.3 tarball:
1616 About ADMesh:
1717 -------------
4848 ADMesh outputs the following statistics after processing:
5050 ````
51 ================= Results produced by ADMesh version 0.98.2 =================
51 ================= Results produced by ADMesh version 0.98.3 =================
5252 Input file : sphere.stl
5353 File type : Binary STL file
54 Header : Processed by ADMesh version 0.98.2
54 Header : Processed by ADMesh version 0.98.3
5555 ============== Size ==============
5656 Min X = -1.334557, Max X = 1.370952
5757 Min Y = -1.377953, Max Y = 1.377230
66 # ====================
77 m4_define([admesh_version_major],[0])
88 m4_define([admesh_version_minor],[98])
9 m4_define([admesh_version_micro],[2])
9 m4_define([admesh_version_micro],[3])
1010 m4_define([admesh_version_suffix],[])
1111 m4_define([admesh_version],[admesh_version_major.admesh_version_minor.admesh_version_micro''admesh_version_suffix])
804804 vnot2 = stl->neighbors_start[facet].which_vertex_not[edge2];
805805 vnot3 = stl->neighbors_start[facet].which_vertex_not[edge3];
807 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor1].neighbor[(vnot1 + 1) % 3] = neighbor2;
808 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor2].neighbor[(vnot2 + 1) % 3] = neighbor1;
809 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor1].which_vertex_not[(vnot1 + 1) % 3] = vnot2;
810 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor2].which_vertex_not[(vnot2 + 1) % 3] = vnot1;
807 if(neighbor1 != -1){
808 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor1].neighbor[(vnot1 + 1) % 3] = neighbor2;
809 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor1].which_vertex_not[(vnot1 + 1) % 3] = vnot2;
810 }
811 if(neighbor2 != -1){
812 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor2].neighbor[(vnot2 + 1) % 3] = neighbor1;
813 stl->neighbors_start[neighbor2].which_vertex_not[(vnot2 + 1) % 3] = vnot1;
814 }
812816 stl_remove_facet(stl, facet);
268268 if (stl->error) return;
270270 /* Open the file */
271 fp = fopen(file, "w");
271 fp = fopen(file, "wb");
272272 if(fp == NULL) {
273273 error_msg = (char*)
274274 malloc(81 + strlen(file)); /* Allow 80 chars+file size for message */
179179 /* Allocate memory for the neighbors list */
180180 stl->neighbors_start = (stl_neighbors*)
181181 calloc(stl->stats.number_of_facets, sizeof(stl_neighbors));
182 if(stl->facet_start == NULL) perror("stl_initialize");
182 if(stl->neighbors_start == NULL) perror("stl_initialize");
183183 }
185185 void