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# aiodogstatsd

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An asyncio-based client for sending metrics to StatsD with support of [DogStatsD]( extension.

Library fully tested with [statsd_exporter]( and supports `gauge`, `counter`, `histogram`, `distribution` and `timing` types.

`aiodogstatsd` client by default uses _9125_ port. It's a default port for [statsd_exporter]( and it's different from _8125_ which is used by default in StatsD and [DataDog]( Initialize the client with the proper port you need if it's different from _9125_.

## Installation

Just type:

$ pip install aiodogstatsd

## At a glance

Just simply use client as a context manager and send any metric you want:

import asyncio

import aiodogstatsd

async def main():
    async with aiodogstatsd.Client() as client:

Please follow [documentation]( or look at [`examples/`]( directory to find more examples of library usage, e.g. integration with [`AIOHTTP`]( or [`Starlette`]( frameworks.

## Contributing

To work on the `aiodogstatsd` codebase, you'll want to clone the project locally and install the required dependencies via [poetry](

$ git clone
$ make install

To run tests and linters use command below:

$ make lint && make test

If you want to run only tests or linters you can explicitly specify which test environment you want to run, e.g.:

$ make lint-black

## License

`aiodogstatsd` is licensed under the MIT license. See the license file for details.