Codebase list aisleriot / af6592d
cards: Add Simplistic card deck Christian Persch 2 years ago
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0 Creative Commons Legal Code
2 CC0 1.0 Universal
13 Statement of Purpose
15 The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer
16 exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator
17 and subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of
18 authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
20 Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for
21 the purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and
22 scientific works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear
23 of later claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other
24 works, reuse and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever
25 and for any purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes.
26 These owners may contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free
27 culture and the further production of creative, cultural and scientific
28 works, or to gain reputation or greater distribution for their Work in
29 part through the use and efforts of others.
31 For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any
32 expectation of additional consideration or compensation, the person
33 associating CC0 with a Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she
34 is an owner of Copyright and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily
35 elects to apply CC0 to the Work and publicly distribute the Work under its
36 terms, with knowledge of his or her Copyright and Related Rights in the
37 Work and the meaning and intended legal effect of CC0 on those rights.
39 1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be
40 protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and
41 Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not
42 limited to, the following:
44 i. the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display,
45 communicate, and translate a Work;
46 ii. moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
47 iii. publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or
48 likeness depicted in a Work;
49 iv. rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work,
50 subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
51 v. rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data
52 in a Work;
53 vi. database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the
54 European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal
55 protection of databases, and under any national implementation
56 thereof, including any amended or successor version of such
57 directive); and
58 vii. other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the
59 world based on applicable law or treaty, and any national
60 implementations thereof.
62 2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention
63 of, applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently,
64 irrevocably and unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of
65 Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights and associated claims and causes
66 of action, whether now known or unknown (including existing as well as
67 future claims and causes of action), in the Work (i) in all territories
68 worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or
69 treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or future
70 medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever,
71 including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional
72 purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes the Waiver for the benefit of each
73 member of the public at large and to the detriment of Affirmer's heirs and
74 successors, fully intending that such Waiver shall not be subject to
75 revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or any other legal or
76 equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work by the public
77 as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
79 3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason
80 be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the
81 Waiver shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into
82 account Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the
83 extent the Waiver is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected
84 person a royalty-free, non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive,
85 irrevocable and unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and
86 Related Rights in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the
87 maximum duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future
88 time extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number
89 of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without
90 limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the
91 "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as of the date CC0 was
92 applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the License for any
93 reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such
94 partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder
95 of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she
96 will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related
97 Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims and causes of
98 action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to Affirmer's
99 express Statement of Purpose.
101 4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
103 a. No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
104 surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
105 b. Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or
106 warranties of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied,
107 statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of
108 title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non
109 infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or
110 the present or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable, all to
111 the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
112 c. Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons
113 that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without
114 limitation any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work.
115 Further, Affirmer disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary
116 consents, permissions or other rights required for any use of the
117 Work.
118 d. Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a
119 party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to
120 this CC0 or use of the Work.
0 Simplistic card deck (Bridge-sized cards)
1 No court card imgages, just letters. 2 indices per card.
3 Made with Adrian Kennard's SVG card generator
7 Original license: Creative Commons CC0 1.0
11 Modifications and porting by Vincent Bermel
12 (C) Vincent Bermel 2022
14 License of the modified version: GNU LGPL 3.0 or later
16 Cf. COPYING.LGPL3 file or
3737 'ornamental.svg',
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3939 'rheinland.svg',
40 'simplistic.svg',
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318 <use id="use863" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
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320 </g>
321 </g>
322 <g id="heart_3" transform="translate(426.365 660.36)">
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332 </g>
333 </g>
334 <g id="club_4" transform="translate(639.307 .48)">
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345 </g>
346 </g>
347 <g id="heart_4" transform="translate(639.307 660.36)">
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358 </g>
359 </g>
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370 <use id="use1035" transform="translate(-.95 -8.452)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
371 </g>
372 </g>
373 <g id="club_5" transform="translate(852.249 .48)">
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385 </g>
386 </g>
387 <g id="spade_5" transform="translate(852.249 990.3)">
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399 </g>
400 </g>
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414 </g>
415 </g>
416 <g id="heart_6" transform="translate(1065.19 660.36)">
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429 </g>
430 </g>
431 <g id="spade_6" transform="translate(1065.19 990.3)">
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437 <use id="use1231" transform="translate(.95)" x="-72.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
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443 <use id="use1241" transform="translate(-.95 -8.452)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
444 </g>
445 </g>
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460 </g>
461 </g>
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476 </g>
477 </g>
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493 </g>
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510 </g>
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536 <use id="use1501" transform="translate(-.91)" x="18.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
537 <g id="g1513" transform="scale(-1)">
538 <use id="use1503" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VS8"/>
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541 <use id="use1509" transform="translate(-.95 -8.452)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
542 <use id="use1511" transform="translate(0 -4.226)" x="-27" y="-78.833" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
543 </g>
544 </g>
545 <g id="club_9" transform="translate(1704.02 .48)">
546 <rect id="rect1517" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
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548 <use id="use1521" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
549 <use id="use1523" transform="translate(.95 -8.5)" x="-72.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
550 <use id="use1525" transform="translate(-.91 -8.5)" x="18.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
551 <use id="use1527" transform="translate(.95 -2.894)" x="-72.167" y="-61.578" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
552 <use id="use1529" transform="translate(-.91 -2.894)" x="18.167" y="-61.578" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
553 <use id="use1531" x="-27" y="-32.4" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
554 <g id="g1545" transform="scale(-1)">
555 <use id="use1533" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VC9"/>
556 <use id="use1535" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
557 <use id="use1537" transform="translate(.91 -8.452)" x="-72.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
558 <use id="use1539" transform="translate(-.95 -8.452)" x="18.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
559 <use id="use1541" transform="translate(.91 -2.847)" x="-72.167" y="-61.578" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
560 <use id="use1543" transform="translate(-.95 -2.847)" x="18.167" y="-61.578" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
561 </g>
562 </g>
563 <g id="heart_9" transform="translate(1704.02 660.36)">
564 <rect id="rect1603" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
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567 <use id="use1609" transform="translate(.95 -8.5)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
568 <use id="use1611" transform="translate(-.91 -8.5)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
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571 <use id="use1617" x="-27" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
572 <g id="g1631" transform="scale(-1)">
573 <use id="use1619" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VH9"/>
574 <use id="use1621" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
575 <use id="use1623" transform="translate(.91 -8.452)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
576 <use id="use1625" transform="translate(-.95 -8.452)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
577 <use id="use1627" transform="translate(.91 -2.802)" x="-72.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
578 <use id="use1629" transform="translate(-.95 -2.802)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
579 </g>
580 </g>
581 <g id="spade_9" transform="translate(1704.02 990.3)">
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586 <use id="use1643" transform="translate(-.91 -8.5)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
587 <use id="use1645" transform="translate(.95 -2.85)" x="-72.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
588 <use id="use1647" transform="translate(-.91 -2.85)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
589 <use id="use1649" x="-27" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
590 <g id="g1663" transform="scale(-1)">
591 <use id="use1651" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VS9"/>
592 <use id="use1653" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
593 <use id="use1655" transform="translate(.91 -8.452)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
594 <use id="use1657" transform="translate(-.95 -8.452)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
595 <use id="use1659" transform="translate(.91 -2.802)" x="-72.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
596 <use id="use1661" transform="translate(-.95 -2.802)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
597 </g>
598 </g>
599 <g id="club_jack">
600 <g id="g7100" transform="translate(2129.9 .48)">
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603 <use id="use411" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VCJ"/>
604 <use id="use413" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
605 <g id="g419" transform="scale(-1)">
606 <use id="use415" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VCJ"/>
607 <use id="use417" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
608 </g>
609 </g>
610 <use id="use4311" transform="translate(2126.14 -12.746)" x="-72.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
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612 </g>
613 <g id="club_queen">
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619 <g id="g555" transform="scale(-1)">
620 <use id="use551" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VCQ"/>
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622 </g>
623 </g>
624 <use id="use6618" transform="translate(2339.06 -12.746)" x="-72.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
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626 </g>
627 <g id="club_king">
628 <g id="g7219" transform="translate(2555.79 .48)">
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633 <g id="g7217" transform="scale(-1)">
634 <use id="use7213" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VCK"/>
635 <use id="use7215" x="-97.783997" y="-108.5" width="26.768999" height="26.768999" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
636 </g>
637 </g>
638 <use id="use7221" transform="translate(2552.01,-12.746)" x="-72.167" y="-130.735" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SCA"/>
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640 </g>
641 <g id="heart_jack">
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645 <use id="use447" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VHJ"/>
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647 <g id="g455" transform="scale(-1)">
648 <use id="use451" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VHJ"/>
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650 </g>
651 </g>
652 <use id="use7201" transform="translate(2126.16 647.16)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
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654 </g>
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661 <g id="g591" transform="scale(-1)">
662 <use id="use587" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VHQ"/>
663 <use id="use589" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
664 </g>
665 </g>
666 <use id="use7527" transform="translate(2339.06 647.16)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
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668 </g>
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675 <g id="g523" transform="scale(-1)">
676 <use id="use519" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VHK"/>
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678 </g>
679 </g>
680 <use id="use7630" transform="translate(2552.01 647.16)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SHA"/>
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682 </g>
683 <g id="spade_jack">
684 <g id="g8325" transform="translate(2129.9 990.3)">
685 <rect id="rect459" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
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687 <use id="use463" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VSJ"/>
688 <use id="use465" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
689 <g id="g471" transform="scale(-1)">
690 <use id="use467" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VSJ"/>
691 <use id="use469" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
692 </g>
693 </g>
694 <use id="use7874" transform="translate(2126.12 977.101)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
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696 </g>
697 <g id="spade_queen">
698 <g id="g8311" transform="translate(2342.84 990.3)">
699 <rect id="rect595" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
700 <use id="use597" x="-68.4" y="-68.4" width="136.8" height="136.8" xlink:href="#VSQ"/>
701 <use id="use599" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VSQ"/>
702 <use id="use601" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
703 <g id="g607" transform="scale(-1)">
704 <use id="use603" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VSQ"/>
705 <use id="use605" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
706 </g>
707 </g>
708 <use id="use8178" transform="translate(2339.06 977.101)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
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710 </g>
711 <g id="spade_king">
712 <g id="g8297" transform="translate(2555.79 990.3)">
713 <rect id="rect527" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
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715 <use id="use531" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VSK"/>
716 <use id="use533" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
717 <g id="g539" transform="scale(-1)">
718 <use id="use535" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VSK"/>
719 <use id="use537" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
720 </g>
721 </g>
722 <use id="use8281" transform="translate(2552.01 977.101)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
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724 </g>
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728 <use id="use7609" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
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730 <use id="use7613" transform="translate(-.978 -9.431)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
731 <use id="use7615" transform="translate(.976 -3.155)" x="-72.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
732 <use id="use7617" transform="translate(-.978 -3.155)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
733 <use id="use7619" transform="translate(0 -6.293)" x="-27" y="-96.111" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
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736 <use id="use7623" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
737 <use id="use7625" transform="translate(.978 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
738 <use id="use7627" transform="translate(-.976 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
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740 <use id="use7631" transform="translate(-.976 -3.123)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
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742 </g>
743 </g>
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752 </g>
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756 </g>
757 </g>
758 <g id="diamond_queen">
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761 <use id="use7019" transform="translate(2342.84 330.411)" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VDQ-6"/>
762 <use id="use7021" transform="translate(2342.84 330.411)" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
763 <g id="g7027" transform="rotate(180 1171.42 165.206)">
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766 </g>
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768 </g>
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773 <use id="use6651" transform="translate(2555.8 330.411)" x="-68.4" y="-68.4" width="136.8" height="136.8" xlink:href="#VDK-3"/>
774 <use id="use6653" transform="translate(2555.8 330.411)" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VDK-3"/>
775 <use id="use6655" transform="translate(2555.8 330.411)" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
776 <g id="g6661" transform="rotate(180 1277.9 165.206)">
777 <use id="use6657" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VDK-3"/>
778 <use id="use6659" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
779 </g>
780 </g>
781 </g>
782 <use id="use13027" transform="translate(212.957)" width="100%" height="100%" xlink:href="#use13023"/>
783 </g>
784 <g id="diamond_9" transform="translate(1704.02 330.411)">
785 <rect id="rect15242" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" ry="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.976"/>
786 <use id="use15244" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD9-3"/>
787 <use id="use15246" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
788 <use id="use15248" transform="translate(.974 -9.431)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
789 <use id="use15250" transform="translate(-.98 -9.431)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
790 <use id="use15252" transform="translate(.974 -3.155)" x="-72.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
791 <use id="use15254" transform="translate(-.98 -3.155)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
792 <use id="use15256" x="-27" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
793 <g id="g15270" transform="scale(-1)">
794 <use id="use15258" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD9-3"/>
795 <use id="use15260" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
796 <use id="use15262" transform="translate(.98 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
797 <use id="use15264" transform="translate(-.974 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
798 <use id="use15266" transform="translate(.98 -3.123)" x="-72.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
799 <use id="use15268" transform="translate(-.974 -3.123)" x="18.167" y="-61.555" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
800 </g>
801 </g>
802 <g id="diamond_8" transform="translate(1491.08 330.411)">
803 <rect id="rect16000" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" ry="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.976"/>
804 <use id="use16002" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD8-5"/>
805 <use id="use16004" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
806 <use id="use16006" transform="translate(.971 -9.431)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
807 <use id="use16008" transform="translate(-.982 -9.431)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
808 <use id="use16010" transform="translate(0 -4.716)" x="-27" y="-78.833" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
809 <use id="use16012" transform="translate(.971)" x="-72.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
810 <use id="use16014" transform="translate(-.982)" x="18.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
811 <g id="g16026" transform="scale(-1)">
812 <use id="use16016" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD8-5"/>
813 <use id="use16018" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
814 <use id="use16020" transform="translate(.982 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
815 <use id="use16022" transform="translate(-.971 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
816 <use id="use16024" transform="translate(0 -4.7)" x="-27" y="-78.833" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
817 </g>
818 </g>
819 <g id="diamond_7" transform="translate(1278.13 330.411)">
820 <rect id="rect17777" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" ry="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.976"/>
821 <use id="use17779" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD7-6"/>
822 <use id="use17781" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
823 <use id="use17783" transform="translate(1.014 -9.431)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
824 <use id="use17785" transform="translate(-.846 -9.431)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
825 <use id="use17787" transform="translate(.979)" x="-72.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
826 <use id="use17789" transform="translate(-.88)" x="18.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
827 <use id="use17791" transform="translate(0 -4.716)" x="-27" y="-78.833" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
828 <g id="g17801" transform="scale(-1)">
829 <use id="use17793" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD7-6"/>
830 <use id="use17795" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
831 <use id="use17797" transform="translate(.88 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
832 <use id="use17799" transform="translate(-.927 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
833 </g>
834 </g>
835 <g id="diamond_6" transform="translate(1065.19 330.411)">
836 <rect id="rect19526" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" ry="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.976"/>
837 <use id="use19528" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD6-2"/>
838 <use id="use19530" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
839 <use id="use19532" transform="translate(1.014 -9.431)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
840 <use id="use19534" transform="translate(-.977 -9.431)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
841 <use id="use19536" transform="translate(.976)" x="-72.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
842 <use id="use19538" transform="translate(-.977)" x="18.167" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
843 <g id="g19548" transform="scale(-1)">
844 <use id="use19540" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD6-2"/>
845 <use id="use19542" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
846 <use id="use19544" transform="translate(.977 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
847 <use id="use19546" transform="translate(-.976 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
848 </g>
849 </g>
850 <g id="diamond_5" transform="translate(852.249 330.411)">
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852 <use id="use21099" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD5-9"/>
853 <use id="use21101" transform="translate(.011)" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
854 <use id="use21103" transform="translate(.975 -9.431)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
855 <use id="use21105" transform="translate(-.979 -9.431)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
856 <use id="use21107" x="-27" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
857 <g id="g21117" transform="scale(-1)">
858 <use id="use21109" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD5-9"/>
859 <use id="use21111" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
860 <use id="use21113" transform="translate(.979 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
861 <use id="use21115" transform="translate(-.975 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
862 </g>
863 </g>
864 <g id="diamond_4" transform="translate(639.307 330.411)">
865 <rect id="rect22661" x="-105.5" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" ry="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.976"/>
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870 <g id="g22679" transform="scale(-1)">
871 <use id="use22671" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD4-1"/>
872 <use id="use22673" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
873 <use id="use22675" transform="translate(.979 -9.4)" x="-72.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
874 <use id="use22677" transform="translate(-.974 -9.4)" x="18.167" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
875 </g>
876 </g>
877 <g id="diamond_3" transform="translate(426.365 330.411)">
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880 <use id="use24224" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
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883 <g id="g24236" transform="scale(-1)">
884 <use id="use24230" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD3-2"/>
885 <use id="use24232" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
886 <use id="use24234" transform="translate(0 -9.4)" x="-27" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
887 </g>
888 </g>
889 <g id="diamond_2" transform="translate(213.423 330.411)">
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892 <use id="use25778" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
893 <use id="use25780" transform="translate(0 -9.431)" x="-27" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
894 <g id="g25788" transform="scale(-1)">
895 <use id="use25782" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VD2-7"/>
896 <use id="use25784" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
897 <use id="use25786" transform="translate(0 -9.4)" x="-27" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
898 </g>
899 </g>
900 <g id="diamond_1" transform="translate(.488 330.411)">
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902 <use id="use27424" x="-27" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
903 <use id="use27426" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VDA-0"/>
904 <use id="use27428" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
905 <g id="g27434" transform="scale(-1)">
906 <use id="use27430" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" xlink:href="#VDA-0"/>
907 <use id="use27432" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SDA"/>
908 </g>
909 </g>
910 <g id="spade_3" transform="translate(426.865 990.292)">
911 <rect id="rect10" x="-106" y="-164" width="211" height="328" rx="19" ry="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.976"/>
912 <use id="use12" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" fill="none" xlink:href="#VS3-6"/>
913 <use id="use14" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
914 <use id="use16" transform="translate(0 -8.491)" x="-27" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
915 <use id="use18" x="-27" y="-27" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
916 <g id="g26" transform="scale(-1)">
917 <use id="use20" x="-100.4" y="-145.5" width="32" height="32" fill="none" xlink:href="#VS3-6"/>
918 <use id="use22" x="-97.784" y="-108.5" width="26.769" height="26.769" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
919 <use id="use24" transform="translate(0 -8.459)" x="-27" y="-130.667" width="54" height="54" xlink:href="#SSA"/>
920 </g>
921 </g>
922 <g id="joker_black">
923 <rect id="rect307" x="-105.02" y="1156.24" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
924 <g id="text309" transform="rotate(60 -1143.12 660.536)" fill="#333333">
925 <path id="path1718" transform="matrix(.49074 -.84999 .84798 .48958 -1339.06 -650.156)" d="m101.154 1431.04-35.506 20.549c-5.788 3.35-10.543 2.61-13.273-2.131-1.223-2.123-2.219-5.32-2.371-7.873l-5.354.834c-.064 3.81.94 7.192 2.652 10.164 4.81 8.35 12.834 10.025 22.364 4.51l34.87-20.18-3.382-5.873zm-11.541 30.506c-3.844-.057-7.949 1.057-12.025 3.416-10.518 6.087-13.78 16.277-8.196 25.97 5.787 10.048 16.97 12.634 27.84 6.342 10.518-6.086 13.667-16.306 8.084-26-3.617-6.28-9.297-9.632-15.703-9.728zm.752 6.074c3.997.05 7.409 1.996 9.562 5.735 3.79 6.58 1.033 14.213-6.732 18.707-7.482 4.33-14.787 3.086-18.414-3.211-3.79-6.58-1.064-14.103 6.771-18.637 3.069-1.776 6.078-2.628 8.813-2.594zm47.1 19.108-52.166 30.187 3.261 5.662 17.98-10.406-8.81 26.326 4.319 7.5 9.181-27.146 23.948 5.898-3.874-6.72-24.457-6.036 33.877-19.605-3.26-5.66zm-4.559 50.078c-3.773.01-7.785 1.123-11.703 3.39-10.87 6.291-13.706 16.893-7.47 27.719 2.24 3.892 5.604 7.606 8.98 9.709l3.361-3.643c-2.779-1.882-5.47-4.758-7.182-7.73-4.144-7.195-2.482-14.236 4.323-19.295l13.693 23.774c1.14-.472 3.692-1.76 5.033-2.536 8.541-4.943 11.141-13.994 6.291-22.414-3.413-5.926-9.037-8.987-15.326-8.974zm1.342 5.8c3.747-.03 6.81 1.83 8.94 5.528 3.341 5.802 1.556 11.363-4.938 15.12l-10.844-18.823c2.463-1.195 4.76-1.807 6.842-1.825zm26.89 27.215-34.025 19.69 3.262 5.662 24.254-14.037c4.274.473 8.015 2.902 10.218 6.728.775 1.345 1.297 2.74 1.526 4.117l6.037-1.607c-.362-1.772-.936-3.422-1.832-4.979-2.359-4.094-6.515-6.77-11.322-7.435l4.572-3.469z" stroke-width="1.02"/>
926 </g>
927 <path id="path311" d="m-76.176 1169.75a15.21 15.18 0 00-15.21 15.18 15.21 15.18 0 0015.21 15.18 15.21 15.18 0 0015.21-15.18 15.21 15.18 0 00-15.21-15.18zm0 2.938 2.958 8.522 9.31.08-7.483 5.347 2.797 8.572-7.582-5.217-7.582 5.217 2.797-8.572-7.484-5.347 9.31-.08z" fill="#333333" stroke-dashoffset="4" stroke-opacity=".358" stroke-width="2.481"/>
928 <use id="use1780" transform="rotate(180 .48 1320.24)" width="100%" height="100%" xlink:href="#path311"/>
929 </g>
930 <g id="joker_red">
931 <rect id="rect317" x="107.923" y="1156.24" width="211" height="328" rx="19" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1.961"/>
932 <g id="text319" transform="rotate(60 -1036.65 844.949)" fill="#e31227">
933 <path id="path1786" transform="matrix(.49074 -.84999 .84798 .48958 -1445.53 -465.742)" d="m318.115 1431.04-35.506 20.549c-5.788 3.35-10.545 2.61-13.275-2.131-1.223-2.123-2.216-5.32-2.37-7.873l-5.355.834c-.064 3.81.943 7.192 2.654 10.164 4.81 8.35 12.834 10.025 22.364 4.51l34.87-20.18zm-11.543 30.506c-3.844-.057-7.949 1.057-12.025 3.416-10.518 6.087-13.78 16.277-8.196 25.97 5.787 10.048 16.971 12.634 27.842 6.342 10.518-6.086 13.667-16.306 8.084-26-3.617-6.28-9.299-9.632-15.705-9.728zm.754 6.074c3.997.05 7.407 1.996 9.56 5.735 3.79 6.58 1.035 14.213-6.73 18.707-7.482 4.33-14.787 3.086-18.414-3.211-3.79-6.58-1.064-14.103 6.771-18.637 3.069-1.776 6.078-2.628 8.813-2.594zm47.1 19.108-52.166 30.187 3.26 5.662 17.982-10.406-8.813 26.326 4.32 7.5 9.182-27.146 23.945 5.898-3.87-6.72-24.458-6.036 33.877-19.605zm-4.561 50.078c-3.773.01-7.785 1.123-11.703 3.39-10.87 6.291-13.704 16.893-7.469 27.719 2.242 3.892 5.605 7.606 8.98 9.709l3.362-3.643c-2.779-1.882-5.472-4.758-7.184-7.73-4.144-7.195-2.479-14.234 4.325-19.293l13.69 23.772c1.141-.472 3.695-1.76 5.036-2.536 8.541-4.943 11.139-13.994 6.29-22.414-3.414-5.926-9.038-8.987-15.327-8.974zm1.344 5.8c3.747-.03 6.808 1.83 8.937 5.528 3.342 5.802 1.557 11.363-4.937 15.12l-10.842-18.823c2.462-1.194 4.76-1.807 6.842-1.825zm26.888 27.215-34.023 19.69 3.26 5.662 24.254-14.037c4.275.472 8.014 2.902 10.218 6.728.775 1.345 1.297 2.74 1.526 4.117l6.039-1.607c-.362-1.772-.936-3.422-1.832-4.979-2.359-4.094-6.516-6.77-11.324-7.435l4.572-3.469z" stroke-width="1.02"/>
934 </g>
935 <path id="path323" d="m136.766 1169.75a15.21 15.18 0 00-15.21 15.18 15.21 15.18 0 0015.21 15.18 15.21 15.18 0 0015.21-15.18 15.21 15.18 0 00-15.21-15.18zm0 2.938 2.958 8.522 9.311.08-7.484 5.347 2.797 8.572-7.582-5.217-7.582 5.217 2.797-8.572-7.484-5.347 9.311-.08z" fill="#e31227" stroke-dashoffset="4" stroke-opacity=".358" stroke-width="2.481"/>
936 <use id="use1962" transform="rotate(180 213.423 1320.24)" width="100%" height="100%" xlink:href="#path323"/>
937 </g>
938 </svg>
382382 /* FIXMEchpe: who did the Bonded cards? */
383383 /* Tango Nuevo */
384384 "\"Thom-10\"",
385 /* Tango Nuevo, Rheinland, Ancient French,
385 /* Tango Nuevo, Rheinland, Ancient French, Simplistic,
386386 * fixes and improvements to other decks.
387387 */
388388 "Vincent Bermel",