Codebase list aisleriot / f9feeed
hamilton: Add new 'Hamilton' game Toby Goodwin authored 9 years ago Christian Persch committed 8 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 511 addition(s) and 8 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4444 gold-mine.scm \
4545 golf.scm \
4646 gypsy.scm \
47 hamilton.scm \
4748 helsinki.scm \
4849 hopscotch.scm \
4950 isabel.scm \
0 ; AisleRiot - hamilton.scm
1 ; Copyright (C) 1999, 2011, 2014 Timothy Goodwin <>
2 ; hamilton.scm is based on klondike.scm, which is
3 ; Copyright (C) 1998, 2003 Jonathan Blandford <>
4 ;
5 ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 ; (at your option) any later version.
9 ;
10 ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ; GNU General Public License for more details.
14 ;
15 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 ; along with this program. If not, see <>.
18 (use-modules (aisleriot interface) (aisleriot api))
20 ;; For append-map, drop-right, every, find, last:
21 (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
23 ;; Setup
25 (define stock 0)
26 (define chooser 1)
27 (define foundation '(2 3 4 5))
28 (define tableau '(6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
30 (def-save-var choices 0)
31 (def-save-var start-value 0)
33 (define (new-game)
34 (initialize-playing-area)
35 (set-ace-low)
37 (make-standard-deck)
38 (shuffle-deck)
40 (add-normal-slot DECK 'stock)
41 (add-normal-slot '() 'chooser)
42 (add-blank-slot)
43 (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)
44 (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)
45 (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)
46 (add-normal-slot '() 'foundation)
47 (add-carriage-return-slot)
49 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
50 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
51 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
52 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
53 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
54 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
55 (add-extended-slot '() down 'tableau)
57 (deal-tableau tableau)
59 (set! choices 3)
60 (set! start-value 0)
62 (give-status-message) ; this isn't actually displayed at the moment
64 (list 7 3.25) ; width and height of playing area
65 )
67 (define (deal-tableau tableau)
68 (if (not (null? tableau))
69 (begin
70 (deal-cards-face-up stock tableau)
71 (deal-tableau (cdr tableau)))))
73 ;; Status messages
75 (define (give-status-message)
76 (set-statusbar-message (string-append (get-stock-no-string)
77 " "
78 (get-start-value-string))))
80 (define (get-value-name value)
81 (cond ((eq? value ace) (_"ace"))
82 ((eq? value 2) (_"two"))
83 ((eq? value 3) (_"three"))
84 ((eq? value 4) (_"four"))
85 ((eq? value 5) (_"five"))
86 ((eq? value 6) (_"six"))
87 ((eq? value 7) (_"seven"))
88 ((eq? value 8) (_"eight"))
89 ((eq? value 9) (_"nine"))
90 ((eq? value 10) (_"ten"))
91 ((eq? value jack) (_"jack"))
92 ((eq? value queen) (_"queen"))
93 ((eq? value king) (_"king"))
94 (#t (_"Unknown value"))))
96 (define (get-start-value-string)
97 (if
98 (> start-value 0)
99 (string-append (_"Start card:") " " (get-value-name start-value))
100 (string-append (_"Choices left:") " " (number->string choices))))
102 (define (get-stock-no-string)
103 (string-append (_"Stock left:") " "
104 (number->string (length (get-cards 0)))))
106 ;; Interactions
108 (define (button-pressed start-slot card-list)
109 (cond ((= start-slot stock) #f)
110 ((= 0 start-value) (= start-slot chooser))
111 (else (valid-list? card-list))))
113 (define (button-released start-slot card-list end-slot)
114 (if (droppable? start-slot card-list end-slot)
115 (complete-transaction start-slot card-list end-slot)
116 #f))
118 (define (button-clicked start-slot)
119 (cond ((not (= start-slot stock)) #f)
120 ((> choices 0) (choose-next))
121 ((= 0 start-value) #f)
122 ((not (empty-slot? stock)) (do-deal-next-cards))
123 (else #f)))
125 ; find the longest prefix of xs which satisfies the predicate p (p is applied
126 ; to the entire list, not to individual elements); return a pair, first element
127 ; is the prefix, second element is the remainder of the list
128 (define (split-with-list-pred p xs)
129 (define (helper a b)
130 (cond ((null? a) (cons a b))
131 ((p a) (cons a b))
132 (else (helper (drop-right a 1) (append (take-right a 1) b)))))
133 (helper xs '()))
135 (define (button-double-clicked start-slot)
136 (cond
137 ((= start-slot stock) #f) ; cannot happen - actually deals twice
138 ((empty-slot? start-slot) #f)
139 ((member start-slot foundation) #f)
140 ((= start-slot chooser)
141 (complete-transaction chooser
142 (list (remove-card chooser))
143 (car foundation)))
144 ((= 0 start-value) #f)
145 ((let ((end-slot (find-foundation-for (get-top-card start-slot))))
146 (if end-slot
147 (let ((split (split-with-list-pred valid-list?
148 (get-cards start-slot))))
149 (set-cards! start-slot (cdr split))
150 (complete-transaction start-slot (car split) end-slot))
151 #f)))
152 (else #f)))
154 ;; Rules
156 (define (choose-next)
157 (set! choices (- choices 1))
158 (if (not (empty-slot? chooser))
159 (set-cards! stock (append (get-cards stock)
160 (list (flip-card (remove-card chooser))))))
161 (flip-stock stock chooser 2 1)
162 #t)
164 (define (dealable?)
165 (and
166 (not (= 0 start-value))
167 (> (length (get-cards stock)) 0)))
169 (define (do-deal-next-cards)
170 (deal-cards-face-up stock
171 (if (= (length (get-cards stock)) 2)
172 (list-head tableau 2)
173 tableau))
174 #t)
176 (define (find-foundation-for card)
177 (let ((value (get-value card))
178 (suit (get-suit card)))
179 (if (= start-value value)
180 (find empty-slot? foundation)
181 (let ((found (find (lambda (f)
182 (and (not (empty-slot? f))
183 (= suit (get-suit (get-top-card f)))))
184 foundation)))
185 (if (and found
186 (value-ok? value (get-value (get-top-card found))))
187 found
188 #f)))))
190 (define (complete-transaction start-slot card-list end-slot)
191 (add-cards! end-slot
192 (if (member end-slot foundation)
193 (reverse card-list) card-list))
194 (if (member start-slot foundation)
195 (add-to-score! -1)) ; can't move more than one off
196 (if (member end-slot foundation)
197 (begin
198 (add-to-score! (length card-list))
199 (if (= start-value 0)
200 (begin
201 (set! choices 0)
202 (set! start-value (get-value (car card-list)))))))
203 #t)
205 (define (value-ok? x y)
206 (and
207 (not (= start-value x))
208 (or
209 (= x (+ y 1))
210 (and (= x ace) (= y king)))))
212 (define (in-sequence? l)
213 (or
214 (= (length l) 1)
215 (and
216 (value-ok? (cadr l) (car l))
217 (in-sequence? (cdr l)))))
219 (define (valid-list? lyst)
220 (let ((suit (get-suit (car lyst))))
221 (and
222 (every (lambda (c) (= suit (get-suit c))) lyst)
223 (in-sequence? (map get-value lyst)))))
225 (define (colour-match? a b)
226 (and (eq? (is-red? a) (is-red? b))
227 (value-ok? (get-value a) (get-value b))))
229 (define (suit-match? a b)
230 (and (eq? (get-suit a) (get-suit b))
231 (value-ok? (get-value a) (get-value b))))
233 (define (droppable? start-slot card-list end-slot)
234 (cond
235 ((member end-slot (list start-slot stock chooser)) #f)
236 ((member end-slot tableau)
237 (and (> start-value 0)
238 (or (empty-slot? end-slot)
239 (colour-match? (get-top-card end-slot) (last card-list)))))
240 ; at this point, end-slot must be a member of foundation
241 ((= start-value 0) (= start-slot chooser))
242 ((empty-slot? end-slot) (= start-value (get-value (car card-list))))
243 (else (suit-match? (car card-list) (get-top-card end-slot)))))
245 ;; Hints
247 ; These hints are simple-minded: they suggest possible moves, but don't
248 ; look ahead to find winning moves. They don't even attempt to find
249 ; suitable cards to fill empty slots. Having exhausted all suit matches,
250 ; they will recommend any possible colour match. Also, there are
251 ; occasions when a colour match is actually preferable to a suit match.
252 ; However, the "Deal another round" hint is only displayed when there
253 ; are no more moves.
255 (define (cartesian-product xs ys)
256 (append-map (lambda (x) (map (lambda (y) (cons x y)) ys)) xs))
258 ; all tableau-foundation pairs
259 (define t-f-pairs (cartesian-product tableau foundation))
261 ; all tableau-tableau pairs
262 (define t-t-pairs
263 (filter (lambda (x) (not (= (car x) (cdr x))))
264 (cartesian-product tableau tableau)))
266 (define card #f)
267 (define color 0)
268 (define suit 0)
269 (define value 0)
270 (define slot-id1 0)
272 (define (not-chosen)
273 (and
274 (= start-value 0)
275 (if (= choices 3)
276 (hint-click chooser (_"Turn over the top card of the stock."))
277 (hint-move chooser 1 (car foundation)))))
279 (define (valid-move? start end)
280 (and
281 (not (empty-slot? start))
282 (droppable? start (list (get-top-card start)) end)))
284 ; Given a slot, return the longest moveable sequence of cards in it
285 (define (get-moveable slot)
286 (car (split-with-list-pred valid-list? (get-cards slot))))
288 ; Given a pair of slots, start and end, hint if there is a valid move from
289 ; start to end. If the end slot is a foundation, the hint is just the first
290 ; card. If in the tableau, the hint must be the longest moveable list of cards.
291 (define (maybe-hint p)
292 (letrec ((start (car p))
293 (end (cdr p))
294 (cards (if (member end foundation)
295 (list (get-top-card start))
296 (get-moveable start))))
297 (and
298 (not (empty-slot? start))
299 (droppable? start cards end)
300 (hint-move start (length cards) end))))
302 (define (hint-foundation)
303 (or-map maybe-hint t-f-pairs))
305 (define (maybe-suit p)
306 (and
307 (not (empty-slot? (car p)))
308 (not (empty-slot? (cdr p)))
309 (= (get-suit (get-top-card (car p)))
310 (get-suit (get-top-card (cdr p))))
311 (maybe-hint p)))
313 (define (get-hint)
314 (or
315 (not-chosen)
316 ; Move to foundation?
317 (or-map maybe-hint t-f-pairs)
318 ; Match within suit?
319 (or-map maybe-suit t-t-pairs)
320 ; Empty slot?
321 (and
322 (or-map empty-slot? tableau)
323 (list 0 (_"Fill an empty slot.")))
324 ; Colour matches are the last resort...
325 (or-map maybe-hint t-t-pairs)
326 ; ... apart from dealing, of course.
327 (and
328 (not (empty-slot? stock))
329 (hint-click stock (_"Deal a new round.")))
330 ; If all else fails.
331 (list 0 (_"Try moving cards down from the foundations."))))
333 (define (game-won) (= (get-score) 52))
335 ; We never say "game over".
336 (define (game-over)
337 (give-status-message)
338 (not (game-won)))
340 (define (get-options) #f)
342 (define (apply-options options) #f)
344 (define (timeout) #f)
346 (set-features dealable-feature droppable-feature)
348 (set-lambda new-game button-pressed button-released button-clicked button-double-clicked game-over game-won get-hint get-options apply-options timeout droppable? dealable? do-deal-next-cards)
350 ; This game is sometimes called Agnes, but I call it Hamilton after my
351 ; father, Geoffrey Hamilton Goodwin (b. 1937), who taught me the game
352 ; many many years ago. #t
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
1 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
2 "" [
3 ]>
4 <sect1 id="Hamilton"> <!--<sect1info>
5 <copyright>
6 <year>2014</year>
7 <holder>Timothy Goodwin</holder>
8 </copyright>
9 <author>
10 <firstname>Timothy</firstname>
11 <surname>Goodwin</surname></author>
12 <address><email></email></address>
13 </sect1info>-->
15 <title>Hamilton</title>
17 <para>Written by Timothy Goodwin</para>
19 <sect2><title>Setup</title>
21 <informaltable>
22 <tgroup cols="2">
23 <tbody>
24 <row>
25 <entry>Type of Deck</entry>
26 <entry>Standard Deck</entry>
27 </row>
28 <row>
29 <entry>Stock</entry>
30 <entry>
31 Top left pile. The rest of the deck is placed here after
32 dealing the Tableau. The first three cards may be turned
33 over one at a time to Chooser. After choosing a Start card,
34 clicking on Stock deals one card face up to each pile in the
35 Tableau.
36 </entry>
37 </row>
38 <row>
39 <entry>Chooser</entry>
40 <entry>
41 Top left, next to Stock. While the Start card is being
42 chosen, clicking Stock deals the top card face up to
43 Chooser. The card in Chooser can be moved to a Foundation.
44 Or if Stock is clicked again, it is returned face down to
45 the bottom of Stock, and the next card moved to Chooser.
46 </entry>
47 </row>
48 <row>
49 <entry>Foundation</entry>
50 <entry>
51 Four piles top right. To be built up in suit from the
52 chosen Start card to King, then Ace to the card with value
53 one less than the Start Card.
54 </entry>
55 </row>
56 <row>
57 <entry>Tableau</entry>
58 <entry>
59 Seven piles. Deal one card face up to each pile. Start the
60 second row on the second pile in the Tableau, and deal one
61 card face up to each pile except the first. Repeat, till
62 there are seven cards in the last pile. The Tableau can be
63 built down by matching color. Groups of cards in order and
64 in suit can be moved. Empty piles can be filled by any card
65 or group of cards in order and in suit.
66 </entry>
67 </row>
68 </tbody>
69 </tgroup>
70 </informaltable>
72 </sect2>
74 <sect2><title>Goal</title>
75 <para>
76 Move all cards to the Foundation piles.
77 </para>
78 </sect2>
80 <sect2><title>Rules</title>
81 <para>
82 To start the game, one card is flipped over from the Stock to the
83 Chooser. This card can be moved to a Foundation, in which case it
84 is the Start card for this game. Otherwise, the card in the Chooser
85 is returned face down to the bottom of the stock, and the next card
86 flipped over from Stock to Chooser. If none of the first three
87 cards is chosen, the game is over. Double clicking on the Chooser
88 will move the card there to a Foundation.
89 </para>
90 <para>
91 Cards in the Tableau are built down by color. A King may be placed
92 on an Ace (unless the Start card is Ace). Groups of cards that are
93 in suit can be moved. An empty pile in the Tableau can be filled
94 with any card, or with a group of cards that are in order and all
95 the same suit.
96 </para>
97 <para>
98 Foundations are built up in suit from the Start card to King, then
99 Ace, Two, and so on to one less than the Start card. For example,
100 if the Start card is Seven, the Foundations are built up from Seven
101 to King, Ace to Six. Cards in Foundations are still in play.
102 </para>
103 <para>
104 A group of cards that are in order and all the same suit can be
105 moved to a Foundation in a single move. Double clicking on a pile
106 in the Tableau will move all possible cards from that pile to the
107 Foundation.
108 </para>
109 </sect2>
111 <sect2><title>Scoring</title>
112 <para>
113 Each card removed scores one point.
114 </para>
115 <para>
116 Maximum possible score: 52
117 </para>
118 </sect2>
120 <sect2><title>Strategy</title>
121 <para>
122 Choose wisely. If you cannot move to the Foundation all visible
123 cards of the Start value, you are unlikely to win. An empty slot in
124 the Tableau is invaluable.
125 </para>
126 </sect2>
128 <sect2><title>Dedication</title>
129 <para>
130 This game is dedicated to, and named for, my father: Geoffrey
131 Hamilton Goodwin (b. 1937). He taught me many patience (or
132 solitaire) games; we both consider Hamilton the most interesting
133 single-pack game.
134 </para>
135 </sect2>
137 <sect2><title>References</title>
138 <para>
139 This game is found under the name <emphasis>Agnes</emphasis> in the book
140 <emphasis>Games of Patience</emphasis> by <emphasis>Basil
141 Dalton</emphasis>, London 1924.
142 </para>
143 </sect2>
144 </sect1>
245245 <xi:include href="gold_mine.xml" />
246246 <xi:include href="golf.xml" />
247247 <xi:include href="gypsy.xml" />
248 <xi:include href="hamilton.xml" />
248249 <xi:include href="helsinki.xml" />
249250 <xi:include href="hopscotch.xml" />
250251 <xi:include href="isabel.xml" />
4848 glenwood.xml \
4949 golf.xml \
5050 gypsy.xml \
51 hamilton.xml \
5152 helsinki.xml \
5253 hopscotch.xml \
5354 isabel.xml \
5555 Cover, Elevator, Fortress, Giant, Spider, Gaps, Bakers Dozen, Whitehead,
5656 Freecell, Helsinki, Spider Three Decks, Scuffle, Poker, Klondike Three Decks,
5757 Valentine, Royal East, Thumb And Pouch, Klondike, Doublets, Template, Golf,
58 Westhaven, Beleaguered Castle, Hopscotch, Eliminator, Aunt Mary
58 Westhaven, Beleaguered Castle, Hopscotch, Eliminator, Aunt Mary,
59 Hamilton
5960 .RE
6060 games/gold-mine.scm
6161 games/golf.scm
6262 games/gypsy.scm
63 games/hamilton.scm
6364 games/helsinki.scm
6465 games/hopscotch.scm
6566 games/isabel.scm
283283 locale, use that; otherwise you can translate this string
284284 freely, literally, or not at all, at your option.
285285 */
286 N_("Hamilton")
288 /* Translators: this string is the name of a game of patience.
289 If there is an established standard name for this game in your
290 locale, use that; otherwise you can translate this string
291 freely, literally, or not at all, at your option.
292 */
286293 N_("Helsinki")
288295 /* Translators: this string is the name of a game of patience.
346353 locale, use that; otherwise you can translate this string
347354 freely, literally, or not at all, at your option.
348355 */
349 N_("Klondike Three Decks")
351 /* Translators: this string is the name of a game of patience.
352 If there is an established standard name for this game in your
353 locale, use that; otherwise you can translate this string
354 freely, literally, or not at all, at your option.
355 */
356356 N_("Labyrinth")
358358 /* Translators: this string is the name of a game of patience.