Codebase list amtk / 6a08f89
docs: wrap paragraph at 80 columns, not 90 I forgot to update my gedit config after modifying Vala code in gnome-latex :-) Sébastien Wilmet 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 4 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
3030 Development and maintenance
3131 ---------------------------
33 If you want to see Amtk improved, you are encouraged to contribute. The maintainer will do
34 its best at reviewing merge requests. However, contributions need to follow the roadmap of
35 Amtk or the general philosophy of the project. Any help will be welcomed!
33 If you want to see Amtk improved, you are encouraged to contribute. The
34 maintainer will do its best at reviewing merge requests. However, contributions
35 need to follow the roadmap of Amtk or the general philosophy of the project. Any
36 help will be welcomed!