Codebase list android-platform-build-kati / 7a72c36
Update the package description Andrej Shadura 1 year, 3 months ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
2222 Depends:
2323 ${misc:Depends},
2424 ${shlibs:Depends}
25 Description: Experimental GNU make clone
25 Description: experimental GNU make clone
2626 The main goal of this tool is to speed up incremental build of Android.
27 Currently, kati does not offer a faster build by itself. It instead converts
28 your Makefile to a ninja file.
27 Currently, kati does not offer a faster build by itself. Instead, it
28 converts your Makefile to a ninja file.
2929 .
3030 ckati is the C++ version of kati.