Codebase list android-platform-libcore / 061a4f8
Use javahelper to install Javadoc Kai-Chung Yan 8 years ago
8 changed file(s) with 6 addition(s) and 21 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
77 Build-Depends-Indep: default-jdk-doc,
88 gradle,
99 gradle-debian-helper,
10 javahelper,
1011 maven-repo-helper
1112 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
1213 Homepage:
2627 Section: doc
2728 Architecture: all
2829 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
29 Recommends: default-jdk-doc
30 Recommends: default-jdk-doc, ${java:Recommends}
3031 Description: Dalvik Executable Java library - Documentation
3132 Dalvik is a process virtual machine in Google's Android operating system that
3233 executes applications written for Android.
5253 Section: doc
5354 Architecture: all
5455 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
55 Recommends: default-jdk-doc
56 Recommends: default-jdk-doc, ${java:Recommends}
5657 Description: Android rewrite of the evil licensed - Documentation
5758 is a popular java library to parse and create JSON string from
5859 the author of the JSON standard Douglas Crockford. His implementation however
debian/libandroid-json-java-doc.doc-base less more
0 Document: libandroid-json-java
1 Title: Javadoc of AOSP Implementation of JSON
2 Author: The Android Open Source Project
3 Section: Programming/Java
5 Format: HTML
6 Files: /usr/share/doc/libandroid-json-java/api/*
7 Index: /usr/share/doc/libandroid-json-java/api/index.html
debian/libandroid-json-java-doc.install less more
0 json/build/docs/javadoc/* usr/share/doc/libandroid-json-java/api
0 json/build/docs/javadoc usr/share/doc/libandroid-json-java/api
debian/libdex-java-doc.doc-base less more
0 Document: libdex-java
1 Title: Dalvik Executable Java Library Javadoc
2 Author: The Android Open Source Project
3 Section: Programming/Java
5 Format: HTML
6 Files: /usr/share/doc/libdex-java/api/*
7 Index: /usr/share/doc/libdex-java/api/index.html
debian/libdex-java-doc.install less more
0 dex/build/docs/javadoc/* usr/share/doc/libdex-java/api
0 dex/build/docs/javadoc usr/share/doc/libdex-java/api
88 --settings-file debian/settings.gradle
1010 %:
11 dh $@ --with maven_repo_helper --buildsystem=gradle
11 dh $@ --with maven_repo_helper,javahelper --buildsystem=gradle
1313 override_dh_auto_build:
1414 dh_auto_build -- $(GRADLE_OPTIONS) assemble poms javadoc