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# -*- mode:org -*-
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* Version: 0.11.6 2019-05-21
  Git rev: 979883c627973a3a2e4b9243a2504c6c060940ac
  Changes since 0.11.5:

  - Drop support for Python 3.4

  - New landing page with link to Wiki

  - Set LimitNOFILE for systemd

  - Improved language names

  - Update some language pair tests

* Version: 0.11.5 2018-10-11
  Git rev: 9192785ca30d5ff9b25043192c1c8ccbee934b5b
  Changes since 0.11.4:

  - Add language_names/ to source distribution

* Version: 0.11.4 2018-09-29
  Git rev: 7b447ac93c839ddf7ad18149f3eb23ba31a38937
  Changes since 0.11.3:

  - Fix --log-path option and related logging redirection

  - Add Silesian related language names

  - Allow API keys to be passed as a JSON file

  - Add Dockerfile

* Version: 0.11.3 2018-04-04
  Git rev: 0c0d3c72ce8e8b93affd9b76a69878a052120c26
  Changes since 0.11.2:

  - Install to `share` instead of directly `sys.prefix`

* Version: 0.11.2 2018-04-04
  Git rev: e92cc48f1ae5ce06fb8f7ead9f5736048e8bc10a
  Changes since 0.11.1:

  - Include langNames.db and tools in installed version
    (previously only included with source distribution)

  - Improvements to work better with Debian install

  - Proper cld2 dependency naming and new [full] extra

* Version: 0.11.1, 2018-04-02
  Git rev: d75edb71fb9caaf00773cfceeaa5352fd8f09830
  Changes since 0.11.0:

  - Support Tornado 5.0

* Version: 0.11.0, 2018-04-01
  Git rev: a92a112a26a22885ee7c6a5dc5fb26612774b790
  Changes since 0.10.1:

  - PyPi packaging

  - Added requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt

  - Improved READMEs

  - Dropped support for Tornado v3, supporting >=4.2.1,<5

  - Fix to allow /listLanguageNames request without locale

  - Make apertium-streamparser an optional dependency

  - Fix Python 3.4 support without typing library backport

  - Numerous internal changes including widespread code refactoring,
    naming changes, improved testing, faster continuous integration,
    more consistent code style, more linting, and coverage calculation

* Version 0.10.0, 2018-01-01
  Git rev: 7bd5c0327cdac0e75126da3d8681cb7553698d97

  Changes since 0.9.1:

  - Various minor cleanups and lints

  - User=apertium and expect data in /usr/share/apertium like the debian version

  - Friendlier 400 messages

  - Improve translate/ formatting interface, add rtf formatting handler

  - Move new formatting functinality to new function getFormat

  - Better URL rebasing

  - Fix URL base for empty src

  - New language names from

  - Remove soft hyphen

  - Updated various tests

  - Gagauz in some languages

  - Case fixes

  - Add more language names

  - Remove support for Python 3.2

* Version 0.9.1, 2016-06-10
  Git rev: 3c536b37def552d073ddda4d27d9358103e304c4

  Changes since 0.9.0:

  - Various minor cleanups and lints

  - systemd watchdog  if APY was started by systemd and the .service
    file has e.g. WatchdogSec=10s, we send a watchdog ping every <10s.
    See tools/systemd for example .service file.

  - rewrote missingFreqs-handling to fix locking (in its own class
    now); and don't try to close missingFreqsDb unless it was actually

  - Handle .mode files from newest Apertium (which now quotes paths
    correctly there)

  - fix #14 false was sent by getPairOrError instead of None

* Version 0.9.0, 2016-02-11
  Git rev: 1d0e110cd1e9a74f0099138823ec31f4c145ea73

  Changes since r61425 / 0dd2cd:

  - First official release with a version number :-)

  - Should now be compatible with all Python versions from 3.2 to
    3.5-dev (raises StopIteration in 3.2, returns from generator in
    higher versions)

  - APY now has some simple regression tests and Continuous
    Integration. See t/README if you want to run them yourself, but
    they are also run at on
    every pull request or push to

  - /translateDoc now accepts optional argument &markUnknown which can
    be either "yes" or "no", as /translate already does. Defaults to
    "yes", which will put a "*" in front of any unknown word.

  - New, *experimental* endpoint
    /translatePage?url=URL&langpair=FROM|TO which will retrieve an URL
    and return HTML with translated text. Like /translate, accepts
    optional argument &markUnknown which can be either "yes" or "no",
    and does not block other requests (but if there are few pipelines
    per pair, long page translations may currently hold up shorter
    requests to the same language pair, since we translate the whole
    page in one go instead of splitting it up).

  - New/improved language name localisations (Kyrgyz, Uzbek,
    Qaraqalpaq, Kazakh, Basque, Crimean Tatar, )

  - More information in /stats: Now shows number of requests, chars
    and time spent actively translating during the last N seconds
    (defaults to 3600, changable with new optional argument -T /
    --stat-period-max-age), and total server uptime.

  - Now does NUL-flushing (keeps pipelines open) even if the pair uses
    hfst-proc or lrx-proc (NUL-flushing works in those programs as of

  - Analysis/generation now both use translateSimple, less duplicate

  - tools/apertium-viewer.html  a simple one-page HTML interface to
    APY translation, meant for debugging  now does translate as you

  - tools/ updated to do a healthcheck on all pairs
    currently running on

  - Minor cleanups suggested by flake8.

* r61425, 2015-08-13
  Git rev: 0dd2cdba544e228b6268f0c0babbdf1698af27f8

  - Unofficial release, but in Debian sid as 0.1.0~r61425-1

  - See for an overview of what APY
    can do.