Codebase list ariba / 74d1bf9
Imported Upstream version 1.0.1 Sascha Steinbiss 7 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 51 addition(s) and 11 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 Disclaimer
1 ==========
3 This is pre-publication software that is currently under active development.
4 Use it at your own risk. Bug reports are welcome, but
5 user support is not provided at this time.
19 =====
311 Antibiotic Resistance Identification By Assembly
514 For how to use ARIBA, please see the [ARIBA wiki page][ARIBA wiki].
5059 Otherwise ARIBA looks in your `$PATH` for the default name. This applies
5160 to the following dependencies.
53 | Dependency | Default | Environment variable name |
62 | Dependency | Default executable | Environment variable name |
5463 |----------------|------------------------|---------------------------|
5564 | BCFtools | `bcftools` | `$ARIBA_BCFTOOLS` |
5665 | Bowtie2 | `bowtie2` | `$ARIBA_BOWTIE2` |
6271 | SSPACE | `` | `$ARIBA_SSPACE` |
65 For example, you could specify an exact version of Samtools using
66 (assuming BASH):
74 For example, you could specify an exact version of a Samtools executable
75 that you compiled and downloaded in your home directory (assuming BASH):
68 export ARIBA_SAMTOOLS=/path/to/samtools
77 export ARIBA_SAMTOOLS=$HOME/samtools-1.2/samtools
70 The path need not be absolute. ARIBA looks for the value of the variable
71 in your $PATH. For example, suppose you have `samtools-0.1.19` and
72 `samtools-1.3` installed. You could use this:
79 ### Temporary files
74 export ARIBA_SAMTOOLS=samtools-1.3
81 ARIBA can temporarily make a large number of files whilst running, which
82 are put in a temporary directory made by ARIBA. The total size of these
83 files is small, but there can be a many of them. This can be a
84 problem when running large numbers (100s or 1000s) of jobs simultaneously
85 on the same file system.
86 By default, ARIBA creates a temporary directory for these files
87 inside the output directory of each run.
89 Each temporary directory
90 is unique to one run of ARIBA, and is automatically deleted at the end
91 of the run (even if ARIBA was killed by the user or crashed).
92 The parent directory of the temporary
93 directory can be changed using the environment variable
94 `$ARIBA_TMPDIR`. The temporary directory for each run will be made
95 inside `$ARIBA_TMPDIR`. For example,
97 export $ARIBA_TMPDIR=/tmp
99 will result in the creation of a new directory inside `/tmp`, which
100 will have a name of the form
102 /tmp/ariba.tmp.abcdef
104 where the suffix `abcdef` is a random string of characters, chosen
105 such that `/tmp/ariba.tmp.abcdef` does not already exist.
107 The temporary directory can also be changed using the option
108 `--tmp_dir` when running `ariba run`. Using this option takes precedence
109 over the environment variable `$ARIBA_TMPDIR`. If neither are
110 set, then ARIBA creates the temporary directory inside
111 the output directory given to `ariba run`.
113 The exception to the above is if the option `--noclean` is used.
114 This forces the temporary directory to be placed in the output
115 directory, and temporary files are kept. It is intended for
116 debugging.
114114 '-o', self.assembler_dir,
115115 '-k', str(self.assembly_kmer),
116116 '--threads 1', # otherwise defaults to 16!
117 '--untrusted-contigs', self.ref_fasta,
118117 ])
119118 if self.spades_other_options is not None:
120119 cmd += ' ' + self.spades_other_options
2020 assembly_group = parser.add_argument_group('Assembly options')
2121 assembly_group.add_argument('--assembly_cov', type=int, help='Target read coverage when sampling reads for assembly [%(default)s]', default=50, metavar='INT')
2222 assembly_group.add_argument('--assembler_k', type=int, help='kmer size to use with assembler. You can use 0 to set kmer to 2/3 of the read length. Warning - lower kmers are usually better. [%(default)s]', metavar='INT', default=21)
23 assembly_group.add_argument('--spades_other', help='Put options string to be used with spades in quotes. This will NOT be sanity checked. Do not use -k (see --assembler_k), --untrusted-contigs (it is always used), or -t [%(default)s]', default="--only-assembler -m 4", metavar="OPTIONS")
23 assembly_group.add_argument('--spades_other', help='Put options string to be used with spades in quotes. This will NOT be sanity checked. Do not use -k (see --assembler_k), or -t (use ariba option --threads) [%(default)s]', default="--only-assembler -m 4", metavar="OPTIONS")
2424 assembly_group.add_argument('--min_scaff_depth', type=int, help='Minimum number of read pairs needed as evidence for scaffold link between two contigs. This is also the value used for sspace -k when scaffolding [%(default)s]', default=10, metavar='INT')
2626 other_group = parser.add_argument_group('Other options')
77 setup(
88 name='ariba',
9 version='1.0.0',
9 version='1.0.1',
1010 description='ARIBA: Antibiotic Resistance Identification By Assembly',
1111 packages = find_packages(),
1212 package_data={'ariba': ['test_run_data/*']},