Codebase list atheme-services / 908721c
Setting CMODE_IMMUNE as .oimmune_mode instead of nothing, as this is the point of having the +M cmode. Xenthys authored 7 years ago GitHub committed 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
3434 .halfops_mchar = "+",
3636 .perm_mode = CMODE_PERM,
37 .oimmune_mode = 0,
37 .oimmune_mode = CMODE_IMMUNE,
3838 .ban_like_modes = "beIq",
3939 .except_mchar = 'e',
4040 .invex_mchar = 'I',