Codebase list augur / fdb627c
d/control: demote iqtree as a Recommends. iqtree is not available on arm64 platforms, but augur seems to be able to operate without it. Étienne Mollier 1 year, 7 months ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4545 python3-ipdb,
4646 python3-bcbio-gff,
4747 mafft,
48 iqtree,
4948 raxml,
5049 fasttree,
5150 vcftools,
5251 python3-xopen
52 Recommends: iqtree
5353 Description: pipeline components for real-time virus analysis
5454 The nextstrain project is an attempt to make flexible informatic
5555 pipelines and visualization tools to track ongoing pathogen evolution as