Codebase list avahi / 16857a0
gir1.2-avahi-0.6 Provides gir1.2-avahicore-0.6, reflecting its contents This matches the naming scheme from the g-i mini-policy, and lets us stop suppressing some Lintian warnings. Simon McVittie 3 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
454454 Depends: ${gir:Depends},
455455 ${shlibs:Depends},
456456 ${misc:Depends}
457 Provides: gir1.2-avahicore-0.6
457458 Description: GObject introspection data for Avahi
458459 This package contains introspection data for Avahi using libavahi-gobject.
459460 .
debian/gir1.2-avahi-0.6.lintian-overrides less more
0 # We deliberately don't split the AvahiCore and Avahi typelib files into separate packages as they belong together
1 gir1.2-avahi-0.6: typelib-package-name-does-not-match usr/lib/*/girepository-1.0/AvahiCore-0.6.typelib gir1.2-avahicore-0.6
debian/libavahi-gobject-dev.lintian-overrides less more
0 # AvahiCore-0.6.gir is provided by gir1.2-avahi-0.6
1 libavahi-gobject-dev: gir-missing-typelib-dependency usr/share/gir-1.0/AvahiCore-0.6.gir gir1.2-avahicore-0.6