Codebase list azure-kusto-python / HEAD

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# Microsoft Azure Kusto  (Azure Data Explorer) SDK  for Python

[*azure-kusto-data*]("") Package provides the capability to query Kusto clusters with Python.<br>
[![PyPI version](](
[*azure-kusto-ingest*]("") Package allows sending data to Kusto service - i.e. ingest data.<br>
[![PyPI version](](

## Install
### Option 1: Via PyPi
To install via the Python Package Index (PyPI), type:

* `pip install azure-kusto-data`
* `pip install azure-kusto-ingest`

### Option 2: Source Via Git
To get the source code of the SDK via git just type:

git clone
cd ./azure-kusto-python/azure-kusto-data
python3 install
cd ../azure-kusto-ingest
python3 install

### Option 3: Source Zip
Download a zip of the code via GitHub or PyPi. Then follow the same instructions in option 2.

### Optionals:
* [_Pandas_]( - Package provides extra functionality for use with pandas. Since these are optional dependencies, install with pandas:
    * `pip install azure-kusto-data[pandas]`
    * `pip install azure-kusto-ingest[pandas]`

## Minimum Requirements
* Python 3.5 and above
* See for dependencies

## Authentication methods:

* AAD Username/password - Provide your AAD username and password to Kusto client (**check the notice below**).
* AAD application - Provide app ID and app secret to Kusto client.
* AAD code - Provide only your AAD username, and authenticate yourself using a code, generated by ADAL.
* AZ CLI - For those already using [azure-cli](, provide access token for the logged in user`.

User authentication (using username and password) has a major caveat:
Sometimes users are required to use Multi-Factor Authentication. In such a case, this flow won't work for them.
It is a limitation of the AAD library we are using under the hood. There are [several bugs reported](

There is also a feature request for the adal team to work on implementing IWA (Intergrated Windows Auth) so that signed in users won't have to authenticate. Feel free to [upvote]( if it is relevant in your case.

## Samples:

* [Kusto Quick Start Sample App](

* [Kusto query sample snippets](

* [Data ingest sample snippets](

## Best Practices
See the SDK [best practices guide](, which though written for the .NET SDK, applies similarly here.

## Need Support?
- **Have a feature request for SDKs?** Please post it on [User Voice]( to help us prioritize
- **Have a technical question?** Ask on [Stack Overflow with tag "azure-data-explorer"](
- **Need Support?** Every customer with an active Azure subscription has access to [support]( with guaranteed response time.  Consider submitting a ticket and get assistance from Microsoft support team
- **Found a bug?** Please help us fix it by thoroughly documenting it and [filing an issue](

## Looking for SDKs for other languages/platforms?
- [Node](
- [Java](
- [.NET](
- [Go](

# Contribute

We gladly accept community contributions.

- Issues: Please report bugs using the Issues section of GitHub
- Forums: Interact with the development teams on StackOverflow or the Microsoft Azure Forums
- Source Code Contributions: If you would like to become an active contributor to this project please follow the instructions provided in [](

This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact []( with any additional questions or comments.

For general suggestions about Microsoft Azure please use our [UserVoice forum](