Codebase list barrnap / fbeda77
Default to 1 thread - @martibartfast Torsten Seemann 6 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
204204 {OPT=>"citation",VAR=>\&show_citation, DESC=>"Print citation for referencing $EXE"},
205205 {OPT=>"kingdom=s", VAR=>\$kingdom, DEFAULT=>'bac', DESC=>"Kingdom: ".join(' ', values %KINGDOM) },
206206 {OPT=>"quiet!", VAR=>\$quiet, DEFAULT=>0, DESC=>"No screen output"},
207 {OPT=>"threads=i", VAR=>\$threads, DEFAULT=>8, DESC=>"Number of threads/cores/CPUs to use"},
207 {OPT=>"threads=i", VAR=>\$threads, DEFAULT=>1, DESC=>"Number of threads/cores/CPUs to use"},
208208 {OPT=>"lencutoff=f",VAR=>\$lencutoff, DEFAULT=>0.8, DESC=>"Proportional length threshold to label as partial"},
209209 {OPT=>"reject=f",VAR=>\$reject, DEFAULT=>0.5, DESC=>"Proportional length threshold to reject prediction"},
210210 {OPT=>"evalue=f",VAR=>\$evalue, DEFAULT=>1E-6, DESC=>"Similarity e-value cut-off"},