Codebase list bluez-firmware / 9e96d9d0-038c-4ac3-a6c1-4a4e014a9fd8/main broadcom / bcm_changeid

Tree @9e96d9d0-038c-4ac3-a6c1-4a4e014a9fd8/main (Download .tar.gz)

bcm_changeid @9e96d9d0-038c-4ac3-a6c1-4a4e014a9fd8/mainraw · history · blame


# This is a tool to change the usb product id and vendor id. It won't
# work on older version of firmware
# Usage:
# firmware.hex mapfile.m51 xxXXyyYY
# firmware.hex is the intel hex file of the firmware that need be changed.
# xxXXyyYY is the pidvid, e.g. a5c & 2039 become 0a5c2039
# The firmware.hex will be modified.


$address = 0;
$length  = 0;


$pidvid_start_addr = "";


$outFileName = "";

if( $#ARGV != 2 )
    print "Usage: change_id firmware.hex mapfile.m51 xxXXyyYY\n";
    # get the in file name, we are going to use it as out file too
    $outFileName = shift ARGV ;

    ParseOneFile( \@FirmwareImage, $outFileName );

    ($C_INITSEG_START, $C_INITSEG_END, $pidvid_start_addr) = ParseMapFile( shift ARGV );

    print "start_address is " , $pidvid_start_addr,"\n";

    $pidvid = "01" . uc(shift ARGV);

    print "pidvid = $pidvid\n";

    open( outFileHndl, ">$outFileName") || 
                die "Can't open $outFileName for output\n";

    # look for the target address, 

    foreach $item (@FirmwareImage )
        $address = hex $item->{"addr"};
        $length  = hex $item->{"len"};

        if(( $address > $C_INITSEG_START  ) &&
           ( $address  < $C_INITSEG_END) )
#            print $item->{"addr"},"-->", $item->{"data"},"\n";

            # So we found something that is in C_INITSEG
            if( $item->{"data"} =~ /(\w*?)($pidvid_start_addr)(.{10})(.*)/)
                # we find the starting address
#                print $item->{"data"},"\n";

#                print "$1--$2--$3--$4\n";

                $item->{"data"} = "$1$2$pidvid$4";

#                print "before calc. ", $item->{"data"},":\n";

                CalcChecksum( $item );
#                print $item->{"data"}, $item->{"checksum"};

        #generate intel hex file output

       print outFileHndl  ":",$item->{"len"},



sub ParseMapFile()
    local($filename) = shift @_;

    open( file, $filename ) || die "Can't open $filename\n";

    while( $line = <file> )
        # look for C_INITSEG
        if( $line =~ /C_INITSEG/ )
            $line =~ /^(\W*)CODE(\W*)([\d|A-F]*)H(\W*)([\d|A-F]*)/;
            $C_INITSEG_START = hex $3;
            $C_INITSEG_END  = $C_INITSEG_START + hex $5;
            if( $3 == 0 )
                # this could be a multi-bank code
                $line =~ /^(\W*)BANK1(\W*)([\d|A-F]*)H(\W*)([\d|A-F]*)/;
                $C_INITSEG_START = hex $3;
                $C_INITSEG_END  = $C_INITSEG_START + hex $5;

#            print "C_INITSEG_START = $C_INITSEG_START: $C_INITSEG_END\n";

        # look for bbinit_pid_vid
        if( $line =~ /bbinit_pid_vid/ )
            $line =~ /^(\W)*(X:)([\d|A-F]*)/;
            $start_address = $3;
#            print "start_address = :$start_address:\n";
#            print "$line";
            return( $C_INITSEG_START, $C_INITSEG_END, $start_address);
    return ();

sub ParseOneFile()
    local ( $image ) = shift @_;
    local($filename) = shift @_;
    local ($line);

    open( file, $filename ) || die "Can't open $filename\n";

    while( $line = <file> )
        $record = {};

        $line =~ /:(\w\w)(\w{4})(\w\w)(.*)(\w\w)/;

        $record->{"len"} = $1;
        $record->{"addr"} = $2;
        $record->{"type"} = $3;
        $record->{"data"} = $4;
        $record->{"checksum"} = $5;

        push @$image, $record;



sub CalcChecksum()
    local ($record) = @_;
    local ($tmp = 0 ); 
    local ($i = 0);
    local ($str = "");

    $tmp = hex $record->{"len"};

    $record->{"addr"} =~ /(\w\w)(\w\w)/;

    $tmp += hex $1;

    $tmp +=  hex $2;

    $tmp += hex $record->{"type"};

    # now let's work on the data part
    $str = $record->{"data"} ;
    for($i = 0; $i < length($str ) ; $i +=2 )
        $tmp += hex( substr( $str , $i, 2 ) );


    # take the modulo
    $tmp = $tmp % 256 ;

    $tmp = 0x100 - $tmp;

    # handle case when checksum is zero
    $tmp = $tmp % 256 ;

    $record->{"checksum"} = sprintf("%02X",$tmp);