Codebase list cafeobj / 3d603bc
Merge branch 'master' into debian Norbert Preining 8 years ago
237 changed file(s) with 46892 addition(s) and 45005 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1616 *.status
1717 *.ilg
1818 *.ind
19 *.bbl
20 *.blg
1921 *.out
2022 *.toc
2123 *.synctex.gz
4345 manual/md/
4446 manual/md/reference-manual.tex
4547 auto
48 build-stamp
49 doc/refman/reference-manual.bcf
50 doc/refman/reference-manual.epub
51 doc/refman/reference-manual.odt
52 doc/refman/
53 doc/refman/reference-manual.tex
54 install-stamp
55 make-cafeobj.lisp
56 tswd
57 version.lisp
58 xbin/
59 dumps
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:butils.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:butils.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;; **************************************************************************
4242 ;;; **************************************************************************
4444 ;;; function specs
112112 (let ((var (find-if #'(lambda (x) (variable-eq term x)) variables)))
113113 (if var
114114 var
115 #||
115 #||
116116 (if variables
117117 (with-output-panic-message-n (:p-pn-0010 (list (variable-name term)))
118118 ;; (format t "copying term, could not find var ~a"
120120 (break "type in :q for returning to top-level.")
121121 )
122122 term)
123 ||#
124 term )))
123 ||#
124 term )))
125125 ((term-is-application-form? term)
126126 (@create-application-form-term
127127 (term-head term)
216216 ;;; IS-SKOLEM : method module -> Bool
217217 ;;;
218 (defun is-skolem (meth &optional (module (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
218 (defun is-skolem (meth &optional (module (get-context-module)))
219219 (declare (type method meth)
220 (type module module)
220 (type (or null module) module)
221221 (values boolean))
222222 (memq meth (module-skolem-functions module)))
827827 (max-kept? (pn-parameter max-kept)))
828828 (declare (type fixnum max-given? max-gen? max-seconds? max-kept?))
829829 (cond ((and (not (= max-given? -1)) (>= given max-given?))
830 (setq stat :max-given-exit))
831 ((and (not (= max-seconds? -1)) (>= seconds (float max-seconds?)))
832 (setq stat :max-seconds-exit))
833 ((and (not (= max-gen? -1)) (>= gen max-gen?))
830 (setq stat :max-given-exit))
831 ((and (not (= max-seconds? -1)) (>= seconds (float max-seconds?)))
832 (setq stat :max-seconds-exit))
833 ((and (not (= max-gen? -1)) (>= gen max-gen?))
834834 (setq stat :max-gen-exit))
835835 ((and (not (= max-kept? -1)) (>= kept max-kept?))
836 (setq stat :max-kept-exit)))
836 (setq stat :max-kept-exit)))
837837 stat)))
839839 ;;; CHECK-FOR-PROOF : Clause -> Clause
13901390 (print-next)
13911391 (princ "strategy will be knuth-bendix with positive clauses in sos.")))
13921392 ||#
1393 ;; (auto-change-flag kb3 t) **************************
1394 (auto-change-flag kb2 t)
1393 ;; (auto-change-flag kb3 t) **************************
1394 (auto-change-flag kb2 t)
13951395 (when (every #'positive-clause? *usable*)
13961396 (when (pn-flag print-message)
13971397 (with-output-msg ()
14421442 (print-next)
14431443 (princ "clauses in usable")))
14441444 ||#
1445 ;; (auto-change-flag kb3 t)
1446 (auto-change-flag kb2 t)
1445 ;; (auto-change-flag kb3 t)
1446 (auto-change-flag kb2 t)
14471447 (auto-change-flag hyper-res t)
14481448 (auto-change-flag unit-deletion t)
14491449 (auto-change-flag factor t)
17871787 (princ "---"))
17881788 *full-lit-table*)))
1790 (defun show-demodulators (&optional (mod (or *current-module*
1791 *last-module*)))
1790 (defun show-demodulators (&optional (mod (get-context-module t)))
17921791 (unless mod (return-from show-demodulators nil))
17931792 (with-in-module (mod)
17941793 (let* ((psys (module-proof-system mod))
18521851 (format t " factor simplify~20t~,3f sec."
18531852 (time-in-seconds (pn-clock-value factor-simp-time)))
18541853 ;;(format t " wight cl time~20t,~3f sec."
1855 ;; (time-in-seconds (pn-clock-value weigh-cl-time)))
1854 ;; (time-in-seconds (pn-clock-value weigh-cl-time)))
18561855 ;; (format t " sort lits time~20t~,3f sec."
1857 ;; (time-in-seconds (pn-clock-value sort-lits-time)))
1856 ;; (time-in-seconds (pn-clock-value sort-lits-time)))
18581857 (print-next)
18591858 (format t " forward subsume~20t~,3f sec."
18601859 (time-in-seconds (pn-clock-value for-sub-time)))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:formula.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:formula.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 #+:chaos-debug
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
40 ;;; *************************************
41 ;;; Utility functions on CLAUSE & LITERAL
40 ;;; *************************************
41 ;;; Utility functions on CLAUSE & LITERAL
4242 ;;; *************************************
4444 ;;; IS-EQUALITY : term -> {:equal, :non-equal, :beh-equal}
11671167 (setf (svref .map-array. x) nil))
11681168 (if (map-rest c d nil)
11691169 (progn
1170 ;; every literal of c matches some literal of d
1171 ;; thus c subsumes d.
1170 ;; every literal of c matches some literal of d
1171 ;; thus c subsumes d.
11721172 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
11731173 (with-output-simple-msg ()
11741174 (princ "*subsume?: ")
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:commands.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:commands.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 #+:chaos-debug
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
40 ;;; ****************
41 ;;; PigNose Commands
42 ;;; ****************
40 ;;; ****************
41 ;;; PigNose Commands
42 ;;; ****************
4444 ;;; ==================
4949 ;;; ----------
5050 (defterm fax (%ast)
5151 :visible (sentence
52 behavioural
53 &optional goal label)
52 behavioural
53 &optional goal label)
5454 :eval eval-fax)
5656 ;;; input should be
5959 ;;;
6060 (defun pignose-process-fax-proc (input)
6161 (declare (type list input)
62 (values list))
62 (values list))
6363 (let ((lhs nil)
64 (label nil))
64 (label nil))
6565 (setq lhs (second input))
6666 (when (and (not (equal (first lhs) "("))
67 (equal (first lhs) "[")
68 (equal (third lhs) "]")
69 (equal (fourth lhs) ":"))
67 (equal (first lhs) "[")
68 (equal (third lhs) "]")
69 (equal (fourth lhs) ":"))
7070 (setf label (list (intern (string (second lhs)))))
7171 (setf lhs (nthcdr 4 lhs)))
7272 (%fax* lhs
73 (char= #\b (char (first input) 0))
74 nil
75 label))
73 (char= #\b (char (first input) 0))
74 nil
75 label))
7676 )
7878 (defun pignose-eval-fax-proc (input)
7979 (declare (type list input)
80 (values t))
80 (values t))
8181 (eval-ast (pignose-process-fax-proc input)))
8383 (defun pignose-process-goal-proc (input)
8484 (declare (type list input)
85 (values list))
85 (values list))
8686 (let ((lhs nil)
87 (label nil))
87 (label nil))
8888 (setq lhs (second input))
8989 (when (and (not (equal (first lhs) "("))
90 (equal (first lhs) "[")
91 (equal (third lhs) "]")
92 (equal (fourth lhs) ":"))
90 (equal (first lhs) "[")
91 (equal (third lhs) "]")
92 (equal (fourth lhs) ":"))
9393 (setf label (list (intern (string (second lhs)))))
9494 (setf lhs (nthcdr 4 lhs)))
9595 (%fax* lhs
96 (char= #\b (char (first input) 0))
97 t
98 label)
96 (char= #\b (char (first input) 0))
97 t
98 label)
9999 ))
101101 (defun pignose-eval-goal-proc (input)
102102 (declare (type list input)
103 (values t))
103 (values t))
104104 (eval-ast (pignose-process-goal-proc input)))
106106 ;;; sos = "{" . "," ..."}"
109109 ;;; ----------------------
110110 (defterm sos (%script)
111111 :visible (operation
112 clause-list
113 type) ; :sos or :passive
112 clause-list
113 type) ; :sos or :passive
114114 :eval eval-sos)
116116 ;;; pre-args ::= "sos" "=" "{" <real-args> "}"
117117 (defun pignose-parse-sos (pre-args)
118118 (declare (type list pre-args)
119 (values t))
119 (values t))
120120 (let ((args nil)
121 (op nil)
122 (ast nil)
123 (type (if (equal (first pre-args) "sos")
124 :sos
125 :passive)))
121 (op nil)
122 (ast nil)
123 (type (if (equal (first pre-args) "sos")
124 :sos
125 :passive)))
126126 (declare (type list args ast)
127 (type symbol op))
127 (type symbol op))
128128 (case-equal (the simple-string (second pre-args))
129 ("=" (setq op :set))
130 ("+" (setq op :add))
131 ("-" (setq op :delete))
132 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
133 (format t "sos op given ivalid op ~a" (second pre-args)))))
129 ("=" (setq op :set))
130 ("+" (setq op :add))
131 ("-" (setq op :delete))
132 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
133 (format t "sos op given ivalid op ~a" (second pre-args)))))
134134 (setq pre-args (cdddr pre-args))
135135 (dolist (a pre-args)
136136 (unless (equal "," a)
137 (push a args)))
138 (pop args) ; pop last "}"
137 (push a args)))
138 (pop args) ; pop last "}"
139139 (setq ast (%sos* op (nreverse args) type))
140140 ast))
156156 ;;;
157157 (defun pignose-parse-clause (inp)
158158 (declare (type list inp)
159 (values t))
159 (values t))
160160 (%clause-print* (cadr inp)))
162162 ;;; resolve
195195 (defun pignose-parse-list-command (inp)
196196 (declare (type list inp))
197197 (let ((arg (cadr inp))
198 (ast nil))
198 (ast nil))
199199 (declare (type t arg)
200 (type list ast))
200 (type list ast))
201201 (case-equal arg
202202 (("axioms" "axiom") (setq arg :axiom))
203203 ("sos" (setq arg :sos))
208208 (("option" "options") (setq arg :option))
209209 (("demod" "demodulator" "demodulators") (setq arg :demod))
210210 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-list-option)
211 (format t "invalid list option ~a" arg))))
211 (format t "invalid list option ~a" arg))))
212212 (setq ast (%pn-list* arg))
213213 ast))
223223 (declare (type t name))
224224 (when (equal name ".")
225225 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
226 (format t "option name `.' is not allowed.")
227 (return-from pignose-parse-save-option nil)))
226 (format t "option name `.' is not allowed.")
227 (return-from pignose-parse-save-option nil)))
228228 (%pn-option* :save name)))
230230 (defun pignose-parse-option (inp)
231231 (declare (type list inp))
232232 (let* ((arg (second inp))
233 (arg-1 (first arg)))
233 (arg-1 (first arg)))
234234 (declare (type t arg arg-1))
235235 (cond ((equal arg-1 "=")
236 (let ((name (second arg)))
237 (unless name
238 (with-output-chaos-error ('insuf-arg)
239 (princ "insufficient arguments to option command")))
240 (%pn-option* :restore name)))
241 ((or (equal arg-1 ".")
242 (equal arg-1 "reset"))
243 (%pn-option* :reset))
244 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('inv-arg)
245 (format t "invalid argument to option command ~{~a~}" arg))))))
236 (let ((name (second arg)))
237 (unless name
238 (with-output-chaos-error ('insuf-arg)
239 (princ "insufficient arguments to option command")))
240 (%pn-option* :restore name)))
241 ((or (equal arg-1 ".")
242 (equal arg-1 "reset"))
243 (%pn-option* :reset))
244 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('inv-arg)
245 (format t "invalid argument to option command ~{~a~}" arg))))))
247247 ;;; flag(name, value)
248248 ;;;
253253 (defun pignose-parse-flag (inp)
254254 (declare (type list inp))
255255 (let ((name (third inp))
256 (value (fifth inp)))
256 (value (fifth inp)))
257257 (%pn-set-flag* name value)))
259259 ;;; param(name, value)
265265 (defun pignose-parse-param (inp)
266266 (let ((name (third inp))
267 (value (fifth inp)))
267 (value (fifth inp)))
268268 (%pn-assign* name value)))
270270 ;;; sigmatch '(' M1 ')' 'to' '(' M2 ')'
277277 (defun pignose-parse-sigmatch (inp)
278278 (declare (type list inp))
279279 (let ((mod1 (parse-modexp (nth 2 inp)))
280 (mod2 (parse-modexp (nth 6 inp))))
280 (mod2 (parse-modexp (nth 6 inp))))
281281 (%sigmatch* mod1 mod2)))
283283 ;;; lex [in <MODEXP>] : '(' op1, ..., *, opn ')'
284284 (defterm pn-lex (%script)
285 :visible ( ; module : TODO***
286 ops)
285 :visible ( ; module : TODO***
286 ops)
287287 :eval eval-pn-lex)
289289 (defun pignose-parse-lex (inp)
290290 (declare (type list inp)
291 (values t))
291 (values t))
292292 (let ((ops nil)
293 (ast nil))
294 (dolist (elt (cddr inp)) ; skip "lex" "("
293 (ast nil))
294 (dolist (elt (cddr inp)) ; skip "lex" "("
295295 (unless (equal "," elt)
296 (push elt ops)))
297 (pop ops) ; last ")"
296 (push elt ops)))
297 (pop ops) ; last ")"
298298 (setq ast (%pn-lex* (nreverse ops)))
299299 ast))
303303 ;;; =============================
305305 ;;; EVAL-FAX
306 (defun eval-fax (ast)
307 (defun parse-fax-declaration (ast)
307308 (declare (type list ast))
308309 (let ((sentence (%fax-sentence ast))
309 (behavioural (%fax-behavioural ast))
310 (label (%fax-label ast))
311 (goal? (%fax-goal ast)))
312 (I-miss-current-module eval-fax)
310 (behavioural (%fax-behavioural ast))
311 (label (%fax-label ast))
312 (goal? (%fax-goal ast)))
313 (I-miss-current-module parse-fax-declaration)
313314 ;; include fopl-clause unless already be imported.
314315 (include-fopl)
315 ;;
316316 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
317317 (let ((sort *cosmos*)
318 (*parse-variables* nil)
319 (*parse-lhs-attr-vars* nil)
320 (*lhs-attrid-vars* nil)
321 (real-lhs nil)
322 (ax nil))
318 (*parse-variables* nil)
319 (*parse-lhs-attr-vars* nil)
320 (*lhs-attrid-vars* nil)
321 (real-lhs nil)
322 (ax nil))
323323 (let ((parsed-sentence (simple-parse *current-module*
324 sentence
325 sort)))
326 (when (term-ill-defined parsed-sentence)
327 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
328 (princ "no parse for FOPL formula")
329 (print-next)
330 (princ sentence)))
331 (unless (sort<= (term-sort parsed-sentence)
332 *fopl-sentence-sort*
333 (module-sort-order *current-module*))
334 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
335 (princ "sort of axiom must be (subsort of) FoplSentence.")
336 (print-next)
337 (princ sentence)))
338 #||
339 (if goal?
340 (setq real-lhs
341 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
342 (list parsed-sentence)))
343 (setq real-lhs parsed-sentence))
344 ||#
345 (setq real-lhs parsed-sentence)
346 ;;
347 (setq ax (make-pignose-axiom real-lhs
348 :behavioural behavioural
349 :label label
350 :type (if goal?
351 :pignose-goal
352 :pignose-axiom)))
353 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module*
354 ax
355 t)
356 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
357 (set-needs-rule)
358 ax))))
324 sentence
325 sort)))
326 (when (term-ill-defined parsed-sentence)
327 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
328 (princ "no parse for FOPL formula")
329 (print-next)
330 (princ sentence)))
331 (unless (sort<= (term-sort parsed-sentence)
332 *fopl-sentence-sort*
333 (module-sort-order *current-module*))
334 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
335 (princ "sort of axiom must be (subsort of) FoplSentence.")
336 (print-next)
337 (princ sentence)))
338 #||
339 (if goal?
340 (setq real-lhs
341 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
342 (list parsed-sentence)))
343 (setq real-lhs parsed-sentence))
344 ||#
345 (setq real-lhs parsed-sentence)
346 ;;
347 (setq ax (make-pignose-axiom real-lhs
348 :behavioural behavioural
349 :label label
350 :type (if goal?
351 :pignose-goal
352 :pignose-axiom)))
353 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module*
354 ax
355 t)
356 ax))))
358 (defun eval-fax (ast)
359 (let ((ax (parse-fax-declaration ast)))
360 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
361 (set-needs-rule)
362 ax))
360364 ;;; reset
361365 (defun eval-pndb (ast)
370374 ;;;
371375 (defun eval-sos (ast)
372376 (flet ((is-nat (tok)
373 (and (stringp tok)
374 (every #'digit-char-p tok))))
377 (and (stringp tok)
378 (every #'digit-char-p tok))))
375379 (let ((args (%sos-clause-list ast))
376 (op (%sos-operation ast))
377 (type (%sos-type ast))
378 (real-set nil)
379 (psys nil)
380 (put-sysgoal-in-sos nil))
380 (op (%sos-operation ast))
381 (type (%sos-type ast))
382 (real-set nil)
383 (psys nil)
384 (put-sysgoal-in-sos nil))
381385 (unless *current-module*
382 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
383 (princ "no context (current) module is set!")))
386 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
387 (princ "no context (current) module is set!")))
384388 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
385 (auto-db-reset *current-module*)
386 (setq psys (module-proof-system *current-module*))
387 #||
388 (unless psys
389 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-psys)
390 (princ "no proof system prepared, do `db reset' first!"))
391 )
392 ||#
393 ;;
394 (setq args (flatten-list args))
395 (dolist (arg args)
396 (cond ((is-nat arg)
397 (let ((cid nil)
398 (clause nil))
399 (setq cid (read-from-string arg))
400 (setq clause
401 (get-clause cid
402 (psystem-clause-hash psys)))
403 (unless clause
404 (with-output-chaos-error ('unvalid-clause-id)
405 (format t "no such claus with Id ~d." cid)))
406 (push clause real-set)))
407 ((null arg) ; setting empty
408 ; do nothing
409 )
410 (t (let ((label (intern arg))
411 (cl-list nil))
412 (declare (type symbol label)
413 (type list cl-list))
414 (if (and (eq label '|:SYSTEM-GOAL|)
415 (eq type :sos))
416 (setq put-sysgoal-in-sos t)
417 (progn
418 (setq cl-list (find-clause label psys))
419 (if cl-list
420 (dolist (cl cl-list)
421 (push cl real-set))
422 ;; assume let variable
423 (let ((val (get-bound-value arg)))
424 (unless val
425 (with-output-chaos-error ('unboud)
426 (format t "could not find let variable ~a" arg)))
427 (setq val
428 (copy-term-reusing-variables val
429 (term-variables val)))
430 ;; convert to clause form.
431 (unless (and
432 (is-valid-formula? val
433 *current-module*)
434 (check-fopl-syntax val))
435 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
436 (princ "specified term is not valid as formula.")
437 (term-print val)))
438 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1 val psys))
439 (push cl real-set)))))))))
440 )
441 ;;
442 (dolist (cl (if (eq type :sos)
443 (psystem-sos psys)
444 (psystem-passive psys)))
445 (setf (clause-container cl) nil))
446 ;;
447 (case op
448 (:set (if (eq type :sos)
449 (setf (psystem-sos psys) (nreverse real-set))
450 (setf (psystem-passive psys) (nreverse real-set))))
451 (:add (if (eq type :sos)
452 (setf (psystem-sos psys)
453 (union (psystem-sos psys)
454 (nreverse real-set)
455 :test #'clause-equal))
456 (setf (psystem-passive psys)
457 (union (psystem-passive psys)
458 (nreverse real-set)
459 :test #'clause-equal))))
460 (:delete (if (eq type :sos)
461 (setf (psystem-sos psys)
462 (set-difference (psystem-sos psys)
463 (nreverse real-set)
464 :test #'clause-equal))
465 (setf (psystem-passive psys)
466 (set-difference (psystem-passive psys)
467 (nreverse real-set)
468 :test #'clause-equal)))
469 (when put-sysgoal-in-sos
470 (setq put-sysgoal-in-sos nil)))
471 )
472 ;;
473 (if (eq type :sos)
474 (dolist (cl (psystem-sos psys))
475 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos))
476 (dolist (cl (psystem-passive psys))
477 (setf (clause-container cl) :passive)))
479 ;; setting sos/passive implies initial value of usable slot.
480 (dolist (cl (psystem-usable psys))
481 (setf (clause-container cl) nil))
482 (setf (psystem-usable psys)
483 (set-difference (psystem-axioms psys)
484 (append (psystem-passive psys)
485 (psystem-sos psys))
486 :test #'clause-equal))
487 (dolist (cl (psystem-usable psys))
488 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable))
489 ;; we sort sos usable in
490 ;; *NOT YET*
491 (setf (psystem-sos psys)
492 (sort (psystem-sos psys)
493 #'(lambda (x y)
494 (< (clause-id x) (clause-id y)))))
495 (setf (psystem-usable psys)
496 (sort (psystem-usable psys)
497 #'(lambda (x y)
498 (< (clause-id x) (clause-id y)))))
499 (setf (psystem-passive psys)
500 (sort (psystem-passive psys)
501 #'(lambda (x y)
502 (< (clause-id x) (clause-id y)))))
503 ;;
504 (when put-sysgoal-in-sos
505 (push :system-goal (psystem-sos psys)))
506 ;;
507 psys
508 ))))
389 (auto-db-reset *current-module*)
390 (setq psys (module-proof-system *current-module*))
391 (setq args (flatten-list args))
392 (dolist (arg args)
393 (cond ((is-nat arg)
394 (let ((cid nil)
395 (clause nil))
396 (setq cid (read-from-string arg))
397 (setq clause
398 (get-clause cid
399 (psystem-clause-hash psys)))
400 (unless clause
401 (with-output-chaos-error ('unvalid-clause-id)
402 (format t "no such claus with Id ~d." cid)))
403 (push clause real-set)))
404 ((null arg) ; setting empty
405 ; do nothing
406 )
407 (t (let ((label (intern arg))
408 (cl-list nil))
409 (declare (type symbol label)
410 (type list cl-list))
411 (if (and (eq label '|:SYSTEM-GOAL|)
412 (eq type :sos))
413 (setq put-sysgoal-in-sos t)
414 (progn
415 (setq cl-list (find-clause label psys))
416 (if cl-list
417 (dolist (cl cl-list)
418 (push cl real-set))
419 ;; assume let variable
420 (let ((val (get-bound-value arg)))
421 (unless val
422 (with-output-chaos-error ('unboud)
423 (format t "could not find let variable ~a" arg)))
424 (setq val
425 (copy-term-reusing-variables val
426 (term-variables val)))
427 ;; convert to clause form.
428 (unless (and
429 (is-valid-formula? val
430 *current-module*)
431 (check-fopl-syntax val))
432 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
433 (princ "specified term is not valid as formula.")
434 (term-print val)))
435 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1 val psys))
436 (push cl real-set))))))))))
437 ;;
438 (dolist (cl (if (eq type :sos)
439 (psystem-sos psys)
440 (psystem-passive psys)))
441 (setf (clause-container cl) nil))
442 ;;
443 (case op
444 (:set (if (eq type :sos)
445 (setf (psystem-sos psys) (nreverse real-set))
446 (setf (psystem-passive psys) (nreverse real-set))))
447 (:add (if (eq type :sos)
448 (setf (psystem-sos psys)
449 (union (psystem-sos psys)
450 (nreverse real-set)
451 :test #'clause-equal))
452 (setf (psystem-passive psys)
453 (union (psystem-passive psys)
454 (nreverse real-set)
455 :test #'clause-equal))))
456 (:delete (if (eq type :sos)
457 (setf (psystem-sos psys)
458 (set-difference (psystem-sos psys)
459 (nreverse real-set)
460 :test #'clause-equal))
461 (setf (psystem-passive psys)
462 (set-difference (psystem-passive psys)
463 (nreverse real-set)
464 :test #'clause-equal)))
465 (when put-sysgoal-in-sos
466 (setq put-sysgoal-in-sos nil))))
467 ;;
468 (if (eq type :sos)
469 (dolist (cl (psystem-sos psys))
470 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos))
471 (dolist (cl (psystem-passive psys))
472 (setf (clause-container cl) :passive)))
474 ;; setting sos/passive implies initial value of usable slot.
475 (dolist (cl (psystem-usable psys))
476 (setf (clause-container cl) nil))
477 (setf (psystem-usable psys)
478 (set-difference (psystem-axioms psys)
479 (append (psystem-passive psys)
480 (psystem-sos psys))
481 :test #'clause-equal))
482 (dolist (cl (psystem-usable psys))
483 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable))
484 ;; we sort sos usable in
485 ;; *NOT YET*
486 (setf (psystem-sos psys)
487 (sort (psystem-sos psys)
488 #'(lambda (x y)
489 (< (clause-id x) (clause-id y)))))
490 (setf (psystem-usable psys)
491 (sort (psystem-usable psys)
492 #'(lambda (x y)
493 (< (clause-id x) (clause-id y)))))
494 (setf (psystem-passive psys)
495 (sort (psystem-passive psys)
496 #'(lambda (x y)
497 (< (clause-id x) (clause-id y)))))
498 ;;
499 (when put-sysgoal-in-sos
500 (push :system-goal (psystem-sos psys)))
501 ;;
502 psys))))
511505 ;;;
513507 (let ((pre-term (%clause-print-term ast)))
514508 (unless *current-module*
515509 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
516 (princ "no context module is given.")))
510 (princ "no context module is given.")))
517511 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
518 #||
519 (unless (module-proof-system *current-module*)
520 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-psys)
521 (princ "no proof system prepared, do `db reset' first!")))
522 ||#
523512 (auto-db-reset *current-module*)
524513 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
525514 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
526 (term (simple-parse *current-module* pre-term *cosmos*)))
527 (when (or (null (term-sort term))
528 (sort<= (term-sort term)
529 *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
530 (return-from eval-clause-show nil))
531 (when *mel-sort*
532 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
533 (setq term (apply-sort-memb term *current-module*)))
534 (unless (check-fopl-syntax term)
535 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
536 (princ "specified term is not valid as formula.")
537 (term-print term)))
538 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1 term
539 (module-proof-system *current-module*)))
540 (print-next)
541 (print-clause cl *standard-output*)))
542 )))
515 (term (simple-parse *current-module* pre-term *cosmos*)))
516 (when (or (null (term-sort term))
517 (sort<= (term-sort term)
518 *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
519 (return-from eval-clause-show nil))
520 (when *mel-sort*
521 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
522 (setq term (apply-sort-memb term *current-module*)))
523 (unless (check-fopl-syntax term)
524 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
525 (princ "specified term is not valid as formula.")
526 (term-print term)))
527 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1 term
528 (module-proof-system *current-module*)))
529 (print-next)
530 (print-clause cl *standard-output*))))))
544532 ;;; EVAL-PN-LIST
545533 ;;;
546534 (defun eval-pn-list (ast)
547535 (let ((arg (%pn-list-arg ast))
548 (psys nil))
536 (psys nil))
549537 (unless (memq arg '(:flag :param :option))
550538 (unless *current-module*
551 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
552 (princ "no context (current) module is set.")))
539 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
540 (princ "no context (current) module is set.")))
553541 (auto-db-reset *current-module*)
554542 (setq psys (module-proof-system *current-module*))
555543 (unless psys
556 (with-output-panic-message ()
557 (princ "could not construct proof system!"))))
544 (with-output-panic-message ()
545 (princ "could not construct proof system!"))))
558546 ;;
559547 (case arg
560548 (:axiom
561549 (with-proof-context (*current-module*)
562 (format t "~% ~%** MODULE AXIOMS in CLAUSAL FORM ________")
563 (with-output-simple-msg ()
564 (princ " ")
565 (dolist (cl (psystem-axioms psys))
566 (print-next)
567 (print-clause cl *standard-output*)))
568 ))
550 (format t "~% ~%** MODULE AXIOMS in CLAUSAL FORM ________")
551 (with-output-simple-msg ()
552 (princ " ")
553 (dolist (cl (psystem-axioms psys))
554 (print-next)
555 (print-clause cl *standard-output*)))))
569556 (:sos
570557 (with-proof-context (*current-module*)
571 (print-sos-list)
572 #||
573 (dolist (cl (psystem-sos psys))
574 (print-next)
575 (print-clause cl *standard-output*))
576 ||#
577 ))
558 (print-sos-list) ))
578559 (:usable
579560 (with-proof-context (*current-module*)
580 (print-usable-list)
581 #||
582 (dolist (cl (psystem-usable psys))
583 (print-next)
584 (print-clause cl *standard-output*))
585 ||#
586 ))
561 (print-usable-list) ))
587562 (:passive
588563 (with-proof-context (*current-module*)
589 (print-passive-list)))
564 (print-passive-list)))
591565 (:flag
592566 (pr-list-of-flag))
593567 (:param
596570 (pr-list-of-option))
597571 (:demod
598572 (with-proof-context (*current-module*)
599 (print-demodulators-list)
600 #||
601 (dolist (cl (psystem-demods psys))
602 (print-next)
603 (print-clause cl *standard-output*))
604 ||#
605 ))
573 (print-demodulators-list)))
606574 (otherwise
607575 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid)
608 (format t "internal error, unknown list option ~a" arg)))
609 )))
576 (format t "internal error, unknown list option ~a" arg))))))
611578 ;;; EVAL-RESOLVE
612579 ;;;
613580 (defun eval-resolve (ast)
614 (unless *current-module*
615 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
616 (princ "no context (current module) is set!"))
617 )
618 (let ((out-file (%resolve-arg ast)))
619 (if (and out-file (not (equal out-file ".")))
620 (with-open-file (stream out-file :direction :output
621 :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
622 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
623 (do-resolve (if *open-module*
624 *last-module*
625 *current-module*))))
626 (do-resolve (if *open-module*
627 *last-module*
628 *current-module*)))))
581 (let ((eval-context (get-context-module)))
582 (let ((out-file (%resolve-arg ast)))
583 (if (and out-file (not (equal out-file ".")))
584 (with-open-file (stream out-file :direction :output
585 :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
586 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
587 (do-resolve eval-context)))
588 (do-resolve eval-context)))))
630590 (defun do-resolve (mod)
631591 (let ((time1 nil)
632 (time2 nil)
633 (time-for-run nil)
634 (ret-code nil))
592 (time2 nil)
593 (time-for-run nil)
594 (ret-code nil))
635595 (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time))
636596 (setq ret-code
637597 (infer-main mod))
638598 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
639599 (setq time-for-run
640600 (format nil "~,3f sec"
641 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)))
601 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)))
642602 (unless *chaos-quiet*
643603 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
644 (with-output-simple-msg ()
645 (format t "(total run time ~a)" time-for-run))))
604 (with-output-simple-msg ()
605 (format t "(total run time ~a)" time-for-run))))
646606 ret-code))
655615 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
656616 (let ((psys (module-proof-system *current-module*)))
657617 (let ((clauses (find-clause cl-id psys)))
658 (cond (desc
659 (dolist (cl clauses)
660 (print-next)
661 (when (clause-formula cl)
662 (princ "-- clause derived from formula:")
663 (print-next)
664 (term-print (clause-formula cl))
665 (print-next))
666 (print-clause cl *standard-output*)))
667 (t ; show
668 (dolist (cl clauses)
669 (print-next)
670 (print-clause cl *standard-output*))
671 ))))))
618 (cond (desc
619 (dolist (cl clauses)
620 (print-next)
621 (when (clause-formula cl)
622 (princ "-- clause derived from formula:")
623 (print-next)
624 (term-print (clause-formula cl))
625 (print-next))
626 (print-clause cl *standard-output*)))
627 (t ; show
628 (dolist (cl clauses)
629 (print-next)
630 (print-clause cl *standard-output*))
631 ))))))
673633 ;;;
675635 ;;;
676636 (defun eval-pn-set-flag (ast)
677637 (let ((name (%pn-set-flag-name ast))
678 (given-value (%pn-set-flag-value ast))
679 (value nil))
638 (given-value (%pn-set-flag-value ast))
639 (value nil))
680640 (let ((index (find-pn-flag-index name)))
681641 (unless index
682 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-flag)
683 (format t "no such flag name ~s" name)))
642 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-flag)
643 (format t "no such flag name ~s" name)))
684644 (when (or (equal given-value "on")
685 (equal given-value "set"))
686 (setq value t))
645 (equal given-value "set"))
646 (setq value t))
687647 (when (pn-flag print-message)
688 (with-output-msg ()
689 (format t "setting flag ~s to ~s" name given-value)))
648 (with-output-msg ()
649 (format t "setting flag ~s to ~s" name given-value)))
690650 (setf (pn-flag index) value)
691651 (dependent-flags index)
692652 ;; run hook
693 (funcall (pn-flag-hook index) value)
694 )))
653 (funcall (pn-flag-hook index) value))))
696655 ;;; SHOW-OPTION
697656 ;;;
702661 ;;;
703662 (defun eval-pn-assign (ast)
704663 (let ((name (%pn-assign-name ast))
705 (given-value (%pn-assign-value ast))
706 (index nil)
707 (value nil))
664 (given-value (%pn-assign-value ast))
665 (index nil)
666 (value nil))
708667 (setq index (find-pn-parameter-index name))
709668 (unless index
710669 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-param)
711 (format t "no such parameter name ~s" name)))
670 (format t "no such parameter name ~s" name)))
712671 (if (integerp given-value)
713 (setq value given-value)
672 (setq value given-value)
714673 (when (stringp given-value)
715 (setq value (parse-integer given-value :junk-allowed t))))
674 (setq value (parse-integer given-value :junk-allowed t))))
716675 (unless (integerp value)
717676 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
718 (format t "invalid parameter value ~s" given-value)))
677 (format t "invalid parameter value ~s" given-value)))
719678 (let ((min (pn-parameter-min index))
720 (max (pn-parameter-max index)))
679 (max (pn-parameter-max index)))
721680 (when (< value min)
722 (with-output-chaos-error ('out-of-range)
723 (format t "given value ~d is too small, minimun value allowed is ~d"
724 value min)))
681 (with-output-chaos-error ('out-of-range)
682 (format t "given value ~d is too small, minimun value allowed is ~d"
683 value min)))
725684 (when (> value max)
726 (with-output-chaos-error ('out-of-range)
727 (format t "given value ~d is too large, maximum value allowed is ~d"
728 value max)))
685 (with-output-chaos-error ('out-of-range)
686 (format t "given value ~d is too large, maximum value allowed is ~d"
687 value max)))
729688 (when (pn-flag print-message)
730 (with-output-msg ()
731 (format t "setting parameter ~s to ~d."
732 name value)))
733 (setf (pn-parameter index) value)
734 )))
689 (with-output-msg ()
690 (format t "setting parameter ~s to ~d."
691 name value)))
692 (setf (pn-parameter index) value))))
736694 ;;; option reset
737695 ;;;
738696 (defun eval-pn-option (ast)
739697 (let ((command (%pn-option-command ast))
740 (name (%pn-option-name ast)))
698 (name (%pn-option-name ast)))
741699 (case command
742700 (:reset (init-pn-options))
743701 (:save (save-option-set name))
744 (:restore (restore-option-set name))
745 )))
702 (:restore (restore-option-set name)))))
747704 ;;; DEMOD
748705 (defun perform-demodulation (ast)
749706 (let ((preterm (%demod-term ast))
750 (modexp (%demod-module ast))
751 (mode (%demod-mode ast))
752 (result-as-text (%demod-return-text ast)))
707 (modexp (%demod-module ast))
708 (mode (%demod-mode ast))
709 (result-as-text (%demod-return-text ast)))
753710 (perform-demodulation* preterm modexp mode result-as-text)))
712 ;;; *** TODO ***
713 ;;; use reducer.
755714 (defun perform-demodulation* (preterm &optional modexp mode (result-as-text nil))
756 ;; (setq $$trials 1)
757715 (let ((*consider-object* t)
758 (*rewrite-exec-mode* (eq mode :exec))
759 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
760 sort
761 time1
762 time2
763 (time-for-parse nil)
764 (time-for-reduction nil)
765 (number-matches nil))
716 (*rewrite-exec-mode* (eq mode :exec))
717 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
718 sort
719 time1
720 time2
721 (time-for-parse nil)
722 (time-for-reduction nil)
723 (number-matches nil))
766724 (let ((mod (if modexp
767 (eval-modexp modexp)
768 *last-module*)))
769 (unless (eq mod *last-module*)
770 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
725 (eval-modexp modexp)
726 (get-context-module t))))
727 (unless (eq mod (get-context-module t))
728 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
771729 (if (or (null mod) (modexp-is-error mod))
772 (if (null mod)
773 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
774 (princ "no module expression provided and no selected(current) module.")
775 )
776 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
777 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module ")
778 (print-chaos-object modexp)
779 ))
780 (progn
781 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
782 (with-in-module (mod)
783 (auto-db-reset mod))
784 (with-proof-context (mod)
785 (when *auto-context-change*
786 (change-context *last-module* mod))
787 (!setup-reduction mod)
788 (setq $$mod *current-module*)
789 (setq sort *cosmos*)
790 (when *show-stats* (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time)))
791 (setq *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
792 (and (eq mode :red)
793 (module-has-behavioural-axioms mod)))
794 ;;
795 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
796 (term (simple-parse *current-module* preterm sort)))
797 (when (or (null (term-sort term))
798 (sort<= (term-sort term) *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
799 (return-from perform-demodulation* nil))
800 (when *rewrite-stepping* (setq *steps-to-be-done* 1))
801 (when *show-stats*
802 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
803 (setf time-for-parse
804 (format nil "~,3f sec"
805 ;; (/ (float (- time2 time1)) internal-time-units-per-second)
806 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)
807 )))
808 (unless *chaos-quiet*
809 (fresh-all)
810 (flush-all)
811 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
812 (princ "-- execute in ")
813 (if (eq mode :red)
814 (princ "-- demodulate in ")
815 (princ "-- behavioural demodulate in "))
816 )
817 (print-simple-mod-name *current-module*)
818 (princ " : ")
819 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
820 (term-print term))
821 (flush-all))
822 ;; ********
823 (reset-target-term term *last-module* mod)
824 ;; ********
825 (setq $$matches 0)
826 (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time))
827 (let ((*rule-count* 0))
828 (let ((res nil))
829 (catch 'rewrite-abort
830 #||
831 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) *fopl-sentence-sort*
832 *current-sort-order*)
833 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
834 (unless (term-is-variable? sub)
835 (demod-atom sub)))
836 (setq res (demod-atom term)))
837 ||#
838 (setq res (demod-atom term))
839 )
840 (unless res (setq res $$term))
841 ;;
842 (when *mel-sort*
843 (setq res (apply-sort-memb res
844 mod))
845 (when res
846 (setq $$term res)))
847 ;;
848 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
849 (setf time-for-reduction
850 (format nil "~,3f sec"
851 ;; (/ (float (- time2 time1))
852 ;; internal-time-units-per-second)
853 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)))
854 (setf number-matches $$matches)
855 (setq $$matches 0)
856 (setq $$norm res)
857 ;; print out the result.
858 (if result-as-text
859 (let ((red-term
860 (with-output-to-string (s)
861 (let ((*standard-output* s)
862 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
863 (term-print res)
864 (print-check)
865 (princ " : ")
866 (print-sort-name (term-sort res)
867 *current-module*))
868 s
869 ))
870 (stat
871 (if *show-stats*
872 (concatenate
873 'string
874 (format nil
875 "~%(~a for parse, ~s rewrites(~a), ~d matches"
876 time-for-parse
877 *rule-count*
878 time-for-reduction
879 number-matches)
880 (if (zerop *term-memo-hash-hit*)
881 (format nil ")~%")
882 (format nil ", ~d memo hits)~%"
883 *term-memo-hash-hit*)))
884 "")))
885 (return-from perform-demodulation* (values red-term stat)))
886 (progn
887 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
888 (fresh-all)
889 (term-print res)
890 (print-check 0 3)
891 (princ " : ")
892 (print-sort-name (term-sort res)
893 *current-module*))
894 (when *show-stats*
895 (format t "~%(~a for parse, ~s rewrites(~a), ~d matches"
896 time-for-parse
897 *rule-count*
898 time-for-reduction
899 number-matches)
900 (if (zerop *term-memo-hash-hit*)
901 (format t ")~%")
902 (format t ", ~d memo hits)~%"
903 *term-memo-hash-hit*)))
904 (flush-all)))
905 ))
906 ))
907 (context-pop-and-recover))))))
730 (if (null mod)
731 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
732 (princ "no module expression provided and no selected(current) module."))
733 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
734 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module ")
735 (print-chaos-object modexp)))
736 (progn
737 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
738 (with-in-module (mod)
739 (auto-db-reset mod))
740 (with-proof-context (mod)
741 (when *auto-context-change*
742 (change-context (get-context-module t) mod))
743 (!setup-reduction mod)
744 (setq $$mod (get-context-module))
745 (setq sort *cosmos*)
746 (when *show-stats* (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time)))
747 (setq *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
748 (and (eq mode :red)
749 (module-has-behavioural-axioms mod)))
750 ;;
751 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
752 (term (simple-parse (get-context-module) preterm sort)))
753 (when (or (null (term-sort term))
754 (sort<= (term-sort term) *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
755 (return-from perform-demodulation* nil))
756 (when *rewrite-stepping* (setq *steps-to-be-done* 1))
757 (when *show-stats*
758 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
759 (setf time-for-parse
760 (format nil "~,3f sec"
761 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2))))
762 (unless *chaos-quiet*
763 (fresh-all)
764 (flush-all)
765 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
766 (princ "-- execute in ")
767 (if (eq mode :red)
768 (princ "-- demodulate in ")
769 (princ "-- behavioural demodulate in "))
770 )
771 (print-simple-mod-name (get-context-module))
772 (princ " : ")
773 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
774 (term-print term))
775 (flush-all))
776 ;; ********
777 (reset-target-term term (get-context-module) mod)
778 ;; ********
779 (setq $$matches 0)
780 (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time))
781 (let ((*rule-count* 0))
782 (let ((res nil))
783 (catch 'rewrite-abort
784 (setq res (demod-atom term)))
785 (unless res (setq res $$term))
786 ;;
787 (when *mel-sort*
788 (setq res (apply-sort-memb res
789 mod))
790 (when res
791 (setq $$term res)))
792 ;;
793 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
794 (setf time-for-reduction
795 (format nil "~,3f sec"
796 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)))
797 (setf number-matches $$matches)
798 (setq $$matches 0)
799 (setq $$norm res)
800 ;; print out the result.
801 (if result-as-text
802 (let ((red-term
803 (with-output-to-string (s)
804 (let ((*standard-output* s)
805 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
806 (term-print res)
807 (print-check)
808 (princ " : ")
809 (print-sort-name (term-sort res)
810 (get-context-module))
811 s)))
812 (stat
813 (if *show-stats*
814 (concatenate
815 'string
816 (format nil
817 "~%(~a for parse, ~s rewrites(~a), ~d matches"
818 time-for-parse
819 *rule-count*
820 time-for-reduction
821 number-matches)
822 (if (zerop *term-memo-hash-hit*)
823 (format nil ")~%")
824 (format nil ", ~d memo hits)~%"
825 *term-memo-hash-hit*)))
826 "")))
827 (return-from perform-demodulation* (values red-term stat)))
828 (progn
829 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
830 (fresh-all)
831 (term-print res)
832 (print-check 0 3)
833 (princ " : ")
834 (print-sort-name (term-sort res)
835 (get-context-module)))
836 (when *show-stats*
837 (format t "~%(~a for parse, ~s rewrites(~a), ~d matches"
838 time-for-parse
839 *rule-count*
840 time-for-reduction
841 number-matches)
842 (if (zerop *term-memo-hash-hit*)
843 (format t ")~%")
844 (format t ", ~d memo hits)~%"
845 *term-memo-hash-hit*)))
846 (flush-all)))))))
847 (context-pop-and-recover))))))
909849 ;;; SIGMATCH
910850 (defun eval-pn-sigmatch (ast)
911851 (let ((mod1 (eval-modexp (%sigmatch-mod1 ast)))
912 (mod2 (eval-modexp (%sigmatch-mod2 ast)))
913 (views nil))
852 (mod2 (eval-modexp (%sigmatch-mod2 ast)))
853 (views nil))
914854 (when (or (null mod1) (modexp-is-error mod1))
915855 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
916 (princ "no such module: ")
917 (print-modexp (%sigmatch-mod1 ast))))
856 (princ "no such module: ")
857 (print-modexp (%sigmatch-mod1 ast))))
918858 (when (or (null mod2) (modexp-is-error mod2))
919859 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
920 (princ "no such module: ")
921 (print-modexp (%sigmatch-mod2 ast))))
860 (princ "no such module: ")
861 (print-modexp (%sigmatch-mod2 ast))))
922862 (setq views (sigmatch mod1 mod2))
923 ;;
924863 (if views
925 (princ views)
926 (princ "( )"))
927 ))
864 (princ views)
865 (princ "( )"))))
929867 ;;; LEX
930868 (defun eval-pn-lex (ast)
931 (unless *current-module*
932 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
933 (princ "no context(current) module is specified.")))
934 (compile-module *current-module*)
935 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
869 (compile-module (get-context-module))
870 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
936871 (let ((optokens (%pn-lex-ops ast))
937 (prec-list nil))
872 (prec-list nil))
938873 (dolist (e optokens)
939 (cond ((equal e '("*"))
940 (push :* prec-list))
941 ((equal e '("SKOLEM"))
942 (push :skolem prec-list))
943 (t (let ((parsedop (parse-op-name e)))
944 (multiple-value-bind (ops mod)
945 (resolve-operator-reference parsedop)
946 (with-in-module (mod)
947 (dolist (opinfo ops)
948 (dolist (meth (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
949 (push meth prec-list))))))
950 )
951 ))
874 (cond ((equal e '("*"))
875 (push :* prec-list))
876 ((equal e '("SKOLEM"))
877 (push :skolem prec-list))
878 (t (let ((parsedop (parse-op-name e)))
879 (multiple-value-bind (ops mod)
880 (resolve-operator-reference parsedop)
881 (with-in-module (mod)
882 (dolist (opinfo ops)
883 (dolist (meth (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
884 (push meth prec-list)))))))))
952885 ;;
953886 (unless (memq :* prec-list)
954 (push :* prec-list))
887 (push :* prec-list))
955888 (unless (memq :skolem prec-list)
956 (push :skolem prec-list))
889 (push :skolem prec-list))
957890 (setq prec-list (nreverse prec-list))
958891 ;;
959 (setf (module-op-lex *current-module*) prec-list)
960 )))
892 (setf (module-op-lex *current-module*) prec-list))))
963894 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:demod.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:demod.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 (declaim (special .demod-target-clause.)
41 (type (or null clause) .demod-target-clause.))
41 (type (or null clause) .demod-target-clause.))
4242 (defvar .demod-target-clause. nil)
4444 (declaim (special .demod-used-clauses.)
45 (type list .demod-used-clauses.))
45 (type list .demod-used-clauses.))
4646 (defvar .demod-used-clauses. nil)
4848 (declaim (special .current-demod-clause.)
49 (type (or null clause) .current-demod-clause.))
49 (type (or null clause) .current-demod-clause.))
5050 (defvar .current-demod-clause. nil)
5252 (declaim (special .demod-to-be-used.)
53 (type list .demod-to-be-used.))
53 (type list .demod-to-be-used.))
5454 (defvar .demod-to-be-used. nil)
5656 ;;; METHOD-DEMODULATORS : Method -> List[Demodulator]
6666 (defun rule-2-demod (rule &optional (order :normal))
6767 (declare (type axiom rule)
68 (type symbol order))
68 (type symbol order))
6969 (make-demod :axiom rule
70 :order order))
70 :order order))
7272 (defun rule->demodulator (rule &optional (psys nil))
7373 (declare (type axiom rule)
74 (ignore psys)
75 (values (or null demod)))
74 (ignore psys)
75 (values (or null demod)))
7676 (let ((cond (axiom-condition rule)))
7777 (declare (type term cond))
7878 (if (is-true? cond)
79 (rule-2-demod rule :normal)
79 (rule-2-demod rule :normal)
8080 ;; I don't know how to treat this
8181 nil
8282 )))
8787 ;;;
8888 (defun cafeobj-rules->demodulators (module)
8989 (declare (type module module)
90 (values t))
90 (values t))
9191 (with-in-module (module)
9292 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators *current-module*))
93 (demod-table (psystem-demodulators (module-proof-system module))))
93 (demod-table (psystem-demodulators (module-proof-system module))))
9494 (declare (type list opinfos)
95 (type hash-table demod-table))
95 (type hash-table demod-table))
9696 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
97 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
98 (declare (type method meth))
99 (let ((rules (method-rules-with-different-top meth)))
100 (declare (type list rules))
101 (dolist (r rules)
102 (declare (type axiom r))
103 (let ((demod (rule->demodulator r)))
104 (when demod
105 (push demod (method-demodulators meth demod-table)))))))
106 ))))
97 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
98 (declare (type method meth))
99 (let ((rules (method-rules-with-different-top meth)))
100 (declare (type list rules))
101 (dolist (r rules)
102 (declare (type axiom r))
103 (let ((demod (rule->demodulator r)))
104 (when demod
105 (push demod (method-demodulators meth demod-table)))))))
106 ))))
108108 ;;; DYNAMIC-DEMODULATOR : Clause -> {:normal, :order-dep, nil}
109109 ;;; :normal -- regular demodulator
112112 ;;;
113113 (defun dynamic-demodulator (clause)
114114 (declare (type clause clause)
115 (values symbol))
115 (values symbol))
116116 (let ((l (ith-literal clause 1)))
117117 (declare (type literal l))
118118 (if (positive-eq-literal? l)
119 (let* ((atom (literal-atom l))
120 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
121 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
122 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
123 (when (term-is-identical lhs rhs)
124 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil))
125 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits l) oriented-eq-bit)
126 (if (pn-flag lrpo)
127 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :normal)
128 (when (var-subset rhs lhs)
129 (if (pn-flag dynamic-demod-all)
130 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :normal)
131 ;;
132 (let ((wt-lft (term-weight lhs))
133 (wt-rgt (term-weight rhs)))
134 (declare (type fixnum wt-lft wt-rgt))
135 (if (and (< wt-rgt (pn-parameter dynamic-demod-rhs))
136 (>= (- wt-lft wt-rgt)
137 (pn-parameter dynamic-demod-depth)))
138 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :normal)))
139 )
140 )))
141 ;;
142 (unless (pn-flag dynamic-demod-lex-dep)
143 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil))
144 ;;
145 (when (pn-flag lrpo)
146 (if (and (var-subset rhs lhs)
147 (not (term-is-identical lhs rhs)))
148 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :order-dep)
149 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil)))
150 ;;
151 (if (not (pn-flag dynamic-demod-all))
152 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil)
153 (if (and (term-ident-x-vars lhs rhs)
154 (not (term-is-identical lhs rhs)))
155 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :order-dep)
156 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil))))
119 (let* ((atom (literal-atom l))
120 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
121 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
122 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
123 (when (term-is-identical lhs rhs)
124 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil))
125 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits l) oriented-eq-bit)
126 (if (pn-flag lrpo)
127 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :normal)
128 (when (var-subset rhs lhs)
129 (if (pn-flag dynamic-demod-all)
130 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :normal)
131 ;;
132 (let ((wt-lft (term-weight lhs))
133 (wt-rgt (term-weight rhs)))
134 (declare (type fixnum wt-lft wt-rgt))
135 (if (and (< wt-rgt (pn-parameter dynamic-demod-rhs))
136 (>= (- wt-lft wt-rgt)
137 (pn-parameter dynamic-demod-depth)))
138 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :normal)))
139 )
140 )))
141 ;;
142 (unless (pn-flag dynamic-demod-lex-dep)
143 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil))
144 ;;
145 (when (pn-flag lrpo)
146 (if (and (var-subset rhs lhs)
147 (not (term-is-identical lhs rhs)))
148 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :order-dep)
149 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil)))
150 ;;
151 (if (not (pn-flag dynamic-demod-all))
152 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil)
153 (if (and (term-ident-x-vars lhs rhs)
154 (not (term-is-identical lhs rhs)))
155 (return-from dynamic-demodulator :order-dep)
156 (return-from dynamic-demodulator nil))))
157157 ;;
158158 nil)
159159 ))
164164 ;;;
165165 (defun new-demodulator (clause &optional (demod-flag nil))
166166 (declare (type clause clause)
167 (type symbol demod-flag)
168 (values demod))
167 (type symbol demod-flag)
168 (values demod))
169169 (incf (pn-stat new-demods))
170170 (let* ((atom (literal-atom (ith-literal clause 1)))
171 (lhs (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-1 atom)
172 (term-variables (term-arg-1 atom))))
173 (rhs (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-2 atom)
174 (term-variables (term-arg-2 atom)))))
171 (lhs (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-1 atom)
172 (term-variables (term-arg-1 atom))))
173 (rhs (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-2 atom)
174 (term-variables (term-arg-2 atom)))))
175175 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
176176 (let* ((ax (make-simple-axiom lhs
177 rhs
178 nil ; type
179 nil ; behavioural -> to do
180 ))
181 (demod nil))
177 rhs
178 nil ; type
179 nil ; behavioural -> to do
180 ))
181 (demod nil))
182182 (declare (type axiom ax)
183 (type (or null demod) demod))
183 (type (or null demod) demod))
184184 ;; specialization should be considered: TODO
185185 (setq demod (make-demod :axiom ax :order demod-flag
186 :clause clause))
186 :clause clause))
187187 ;; must consider `demod-flag' here, : TODO
188188 ;; or at rewriting time......
189189 (push demod (gethash (term-head lhs) *demodulators*))
198198 ;;; ===================
200200 (declaim (special *current-cafeobj-rule*)
201 (type (or null axiom) *current-cafeobj-rule*))
201 (type (or null axiom) *current-cafeobj-rule*))
202202 (defvar *current-cafeobj-rule* nil)
204204 (declaim (special *demod-is-back-demod*))
214214 (when (pn-flag trace-demod)
215215 (with-output-simple-msg ()
216216 (if (= 1 *rule-count*)
217 (progn
218 (if *demod-is-back-demod*
219 (format t "<~D> back demod: " *rule-count*)
220 (format t "<~D> demod: " *rule-count*))
221 (term-print $$term))
222 (format t "<~D>" *rule-count*))
217 (progn
218 (if *demod-is-back-demod*
219 (format t "<~D> back demod: " *rule-count*)
220 (format t "<~D> demod: " *rule-count*))
221 (term-print $$term))
222 (format t "<~D>" *rule-count*))
223223 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
224 (print-next)
225 (term-print t1)
226 (print-next)
227 (format t "-(~a)-> "
228 (if (clause-p .current-demod-clause.)
229 (clause-id .current-demod-clause.)
230 :*))
231 (term-print t2))
224 (print-next)
225 (term-print t1)
226 (print-next)
227 (format t "-(~a)-> "
228 (if (clause-p .current-demod-clause.)
229 (clause-id .current-demod-clause.)
230 :*))
231 (term-print t2))
232232 ))
233233 ;;
234234 (term-replace t1 t2)
241241 (defun apply-one-demodulator (demod term)
242242 (if (eq (demod-order demod) :builtin)
243243 (if (apply-one-rule (demod-axiom demod) term)
244 (progn (incf (pn-stat rewrites)) t)
245 nil)
244 (progn (incf (pn-stat rewrites)) t)
245 nil)
246246 (apply-one-demodulator* demod term)))
248248 (defun apply-one-demodulator* (demod term &aux (rule (demod-axiom demod)))
249249 (declare (type demod demod)
250 (type axiom rule)
251 (type term term))
250 (type axiom rule)
251 (type term term))
252252 (declare (inline demod-replace-term))
254254 ;; non-harmfull but nonsence.
256256 (return-from apply-one-demodulator* nil))
257257 ;;
258258 (let* ((*self* term)
259 (*do-unify* nil)
260 (contr nil)
261 (ok t))
259 (*do-unify* nil)
260 (contr nil)
261 (ok t))
262262 (declare (type term *self*)
263 (type (or null term) contr))
263 (type (or null term) contr))
264264 ;;
265265 (multiple-value-bind (subst no-match E-equal)
266 (pn-match (rule-lhs rule) term nil t)
266 (pn-match (rule-lhs rule) term nil t)
267267 (declare (type list subst)
268 (ignore e-equal))
268 (ignore e-equal))
269269 (incf $$matches)
270270 (when no-match (return-from apply-one-demodulator* nil))
271271 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule term)
272 (return-from apply-one-demodulator* nil))
272 (return-from apply-one-demodulator* nil))
274274 ;; match success -------------------------------------
275275 (block try-rule
276 (catch 'rule-failure
277 (setq contr (set-term-color
278 (substitution-image subst (rule-rhs rule))))
279 (when (eq (demod-order demod) :order-dep)
280 (if (pn-flag lrpo)
281 (setq ok (lrpo-greater term contr))
282 (setq ok (eq :less (lex-check contr term)))))
283 (when ok
284 (demod-replace-term term contr)
285 (return-from apply-one-demodulator* t))))
276 (catch 'rule-failure
277 (setq contr (set-term-color
278 (substitution-image subst (rule-rhs rule))))
279 (when (eq (demod-order demod) :order-dep)
280 (if (pn-flag lrpo)
281 (setq ok (lrpo-greater term contr))
282 (setq ok (eq :less (lex-check contr term)))))
283 (when ok
284 (demod-replace-term term contr)
285 (return-from apply-one-demodulator* t))))
286286 nil)))
288288 ;;; APPLY-DEMODULATOR : rule term -> Bool
293293 ;;;
294294 (defun apply-demodulator (demod term &aux (rule (demod-axiom demod)))
295295 (declare (type demod demod)
296 (type axiom rule)
297 (type term term))
296 (type axiom rule)
297 (type term term))
298298 (let ((is-applied nil)
299 (.current-demod-clause. (demod-clause demod)))
299 (.current-demod-clause. (demod-clause demod)))
300300 (declare (type (or symbol clause) .current-demod-clause.))
301301 ;; avoid self application, current implementation cannot handle
302302 ;; this situation...
303303 (when (eq .current-demod-clause.
304 .demod-target-clause.)
304 .demod-target-clause.)
305305 (return-from apply-demodulator nil))
306306 ;;
307307 (tagbody
308308 ;; now this test is useless, just a memo for future
309309 ;; versions.
310310 (when (rule-is-rule rule)
311 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
312 (go do-apply)
313 (return-from apply-demodulator nil)))
311 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
312 (go do-apply)
313 (return-from apply-demodulator nil)))
314314 ;; rule is equation
315315 (when (and (not *cexec-normalize*)
316 (term-is-applform? term)
317 (method-has-trans-rule (term-head term)))
318 (return-from apply-demodulator nil))
316 (term-is-applform? term)
317 (method-has-trans-rule (term-head term)))
318 (return-from apply-demodulator nil))
319319 ;;----
320320 do-apply
321321 ;;----
328328 ;; return t iff the rule is applied.
329329 (when is-applied
330330 (let ((cid (if (clause-p .current-demod-clause.)
331 (clause-id .current-demod-clause.)
332 :eval)))
333 (pushnew cid .demod-used-clauses.))
331 (clause-id .current-demod-clause.)
332 :eval)))
333 (pushnew cid .demod-used-clauses.))
334334 )
335335 ;;
336336 is-applied))
339339 ;;;
340340 (defun demod-apply-A-extensions (rule term top)
341341 (declare (type axiom rule)
342 (type term term)
343 (type method top))
342 (type term term)
343 (type method top))
344344 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
345345 (let ((listext (!axiom-a-extensions rule))
346 (a-ext nil)
347 (is-applied nil))
346 (a-ext nil)
347 (is-applied nil))
348348 (declare (type list litext)
349 (type (or null axiom) a-ext))
349 (type (or null axiom) a-ext))
350350 (when (null listext)
351351 ;; then need to pre-compute the extensions and store then
352352 (setq listext (compute-A-extensions rule top)))
357357 (when (setq a-ext (car listext))
358358 ;; the second extension exists
359359 (setq is-applied (or (apply-one-demodulator a-ext term)
360 is-applied)))
360 is-applied)))
361361 (setq listext (cdr listext))
362362 (when (setq a-ext (car listext))
363363 ;; the third extension exists
364364 (setq is-applied (or (apply-one-demodulator a-ext term)
365 is-applied)))
365 is-applied)))
366366 ;;
367367 is-applied))
369369 (defun demod-apply-AC-extension (rule term top)
370370 (declare (type axiom rule)
371 (type term term)
372 (type method top)
373 (values (or null t)))
371 (type term term)
372 (type method top)
373 (values (or null t)))
374374 (let ((listext (!axiom-ac-extension rule))
375 (is-applied nil))
375 (is-applied nil))
376376 (when (null listext)
377377 ;; then need to pre-compute the extensions and store then
378378 (setq listext (compute-AC-extension rule top)))
387387 ;;;
388388 (defun apply-demodulators (term strategy)
389389 (declare (type term term)
390 (type list strategy))
390 (type list strategy))
391391 (labels ((apply-dt-rules (demods)
392 (declare (type list demods))
393 (block the-end
394 (dolist (demod demods)
395 (declare (type demod demod))
396 (when (apply-demodulator demod term)
397 (return-from the-end t)))))
398 (apply-rules-internal ()
399 (let ((top (term-head term)))
400 (declare (type method top))
401 (update-lowest-parse term)
402 (if (not (eq top (term-head term)))
403 (demod-normalize-term term)
404 (if (apply-dt-rules (or .demod-to-be-used.
405 (method-demodulators top)))
406 (demod-normalize-term term)
407 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))
408 ))))
392 (declare (type list demods))
393 (block the-end
394 (dolist (demod demods)
395 (declare (type demod demod))
396 (when (apply-demodulator demod term)
397 (return-from the-end t)))))
398 (apply-rules-internal ()
399 (let ((top (term-head term)))
400 (declare (type method top))
401 (update-lowest-parse term)
402 (if (not (eq top (term-head term)))
403 (demod-normalize-term term)
404 (if (apply-dt-rules (or .demod-to-be-used.
405 (method-demodulators top)))
406 (demod-normalize-term term)
407 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))
408 ))))
409409 ;;
410410 (apply-rules-internal)
411411 ))
415415 ;;;
416416 (defun demod-reduce-term (term strategy)
417417 (declare (type term term)
418 (type list strategy))
418 (type list strategy))
419419 (let ((occ nil)
420 (top (term-head term))
421 ;; (*cexec-target* nil)
422 )
420 (top (term-head term))
421 ;; (*cexec-target* nil)
422 )
423423 (declare (type (or null fixnum) occ)
424 (type method top))
424 (type method top))
425425 (cond ((null strategy)
426 ;; no strat, or exhausted.
427 (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
428 (update-lowest-parse term)
429 (unless (method= (term-method term) top)
430 (return-from demod-reduce-term (demod-normalize-term term))))
431 (mark-term-as-reduced term)
432 )
434 ;; whole
435 ((= 0 (the fixnum (setf occ (car strategy))))
436 #||
437 (when (eq top *rwl-predicate*)
438 (setq *cexec-target* term))
439 ||#
440 (unless (term-is-reduced? term)
441 (apply-demodulators term strategy)))
443 ;; explicit lazy
444 ((< (the fixnum occ) 0)
445 (let ((d-arg (term-arg-n term (1- (abs occ)))))
446 (unless (term-is-reduced? d-arg) (mark-term-as-on-demand d-arg))
447 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy))))
449 ;; normal case, reduce specified subterm
450 #||
451 (t (if (method-is-associative top)
452 (let ((list-subterms (list-assoc-subterms term top))
453 (lowest-parsed t))
454 (declare (type list list-subterms))
455 (dolist (x list-subterms)
456 (unless (demod-normalize-term x)
457 (setf lowest-parsed nil)))
458 (unless lowest-parsed
459 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
460 (demod-reduce-term term (list 0)))
461 (progn
462 (unless (demod-normalize-term (term-arg-n term (1- occ)))
463 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
464 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))))
465 ||#
466 (t (unless (demod-normalize-term (term-arg-n term (1- occ)))
467 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
468 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))
469 )))
426 ;; no strat, or exhausted.
427 (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
428 (update-lowest-parse term)
429 (unless (method= (term-method term) top)
430 (return-from demod-reduce-term (demod-normalize-term term))))
431 (mark-term-as-reduced term)
432 )
434 ;; whole
435 ((= 0 (the fixnum (setf occ (car strategy))))
436 #||
437 (when (eq top *rwl-predicate*)
438 (setq *cexec-target* term))
439 ||#
440 (unless (term-is-reduced? term)
441 (apply-demodulators term strategy)))
443 ;; explicit lazy
444 ((< (the fixnum occ) 0)
445 (let ((d-arg (term-arg-n term (1- (abs occ)))))
446 (unless (term-is-reduced? d-arg) (mark-term-as-on-demand d-arg))
447 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy))))
449 ;; normal case, reduce specified subterm
450 #||
451 (t (if (method-is-associative top)
452 (let ((list-subterms (list-assoc-subterms term top))
453 (lowest-parsed t))
454 (declare (type list list-subterms))
455 (dolist (x list-subterms)
456 (unless (demod-normalize-term x)
457 (setf lowest-parsed nil)))
458 (unless lowest-parsed
459 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
460 (demod-reduce-term term (list 0)))
461 (progn
462 (unless (demod-normalize-term (term-arg-n term (1- occ)))
463 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
464 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))))
465 ||#
466 (t (unless (demod-normalize-term (term-arg-n term (1- occ)))
467 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
468 (demod-reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))
469 )))
471471 ;;;
474474 (defun demod-method-rewrite-strategy (meth)
475475 (let ((strat (method-rewrite-strategy meth)))
476476 (if strat
477 (if (= 0 (car (last strat)))
478 strat
479 (append strat '(0)))
477 (if (= 0 (car (last strat)))
478 strat
479 (append strat '(0)))
480480 (progn
481 (dotimes (x (cdr (method-name meth)))
482 (push (1+ x) strat))
483 (push 0 strat)
484 (nreverse strat)))))
481 (dotimes (x (cdr (method-name meth)))
482 (push (1+ x) strat))
483 (push 0 strat)
484 (nreverse strat)))))
485485 ||#
487487 (defvar .demod-strat.
501501 (defun demod-method-rewrite-strategy (meth)
502502 (let ((strat nil)
503 (num-args (cdr (method-name meth))))
503 (num-args (cdr (method-name meth))))
504504 (declare (type fixnum num-args)
505 (type list strat))
505 (type list strat))
506506 (if (<= num-args 10)
507 (aref .demod-strat. num-args)
507 (aref .demod-strat. num-args)
508508 (progn
509 (dotimes (x num-args)
510 (push (1+ x) strat))
511 (push 0 strat)
512 (nreverse strat)))))
509 (dotimes (x num-args)
510 (push (1+ x) strat))
511 (push 0 strat)
512 (nreverse strat)))))
514514 (defun demod-normalize-term (term)
515515 (declare (type term term))
516516 (let ((strategy nil))
517517 (declare (type list strategy))
518518 (cond ((term-is-reduced? term)
519 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
520 (update-lowest-parse term))
521 t)
522 ((null (setq strategy
523 (demod-method-rewrite-strategy (term-head term))))
524 (mark-term-as-reduced term)
525 t)
526 ;;
527 (t (demod-reduce-term term strategy)
528 nil))))
519 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
520 (update-lowest-parse term))
521 t)
522 ((null (setq strategy
523 (demod-method-rewrite-strategy (term-head term))))
524 (mark-term-as-reduced term)
525 t)
526 ;;
527 (t (demod-reduce-term term strategy)
528 nil))))
530530 (defun clean-reduced-flag (term)
531531 (declare (type term term)
532 (values t))
532 (values t))
533533 (when (or (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
534 (term-is-variable? term))
534 (term-is-variable? term))
535535 (return-from clean-reduced-flag nil))
536536 (mark-term-as-not-reduced term)
537537 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
541541 (defun demod-rewrite (term &optional (module *current-module*))
542542 (declare (type term term)
543 (type module module)
544 (values term))
543 (type module module)
544 (values term))
545545 ;; case of back demodulation
546546 (when .demod-to-be-used.
547547 (clean-reduced-flag term))
548548 ;;
549549 (with-in-module (module)
550550 (let ((*beh-rewrite* (and (not *rewrite-semantic-reduce*)
551 (module-has-behavioural-axioms module))))
551 (module-has-behavioural-axioms module))))
552552 (declare (special *beh-rewrite*))
553553 (set-term-color-top term)
554554 (demod-normalize-term term)))
560560 (defun demodulate-clause (clause)
561561 (declare (type clause clause))
562562 (let ((.demod-target-clause. clause)
563 (.demod-used-clauses. nil)
564 (.current-demod-clause. nil)
565 (rwc (pn-stat rewrites)))
563 (.demod-used-clauses. nil)
564 (.current-demod-clause. nil)
565 (rwc (pn-stat rewrites)))
566566 (declare (type clause .demod-target-clause.)
567 (type fixnum rwc))
567 (type fixnum rwc))
568568 (setq *term-memo-hash-hit* 0)
569569 (let ((*current-cafeobj-rule* (clause-axiom clause)))
570570 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
571 (declare (type literal lit))
572 (demod-atom (literal-atom lit))))
571 (declare (type literal lit))
572 (demod-atom (literal-atom lit))))
573573 (unless (= (pn-stat rewrites) rwc)
574574 ;; there happened some rewrites
575575 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
576 (mark-literal lit))
576 (mark-literal lit))
577577 (setf (clause-parents clause)
578 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
579 (list (cons :demod-rule (nreverse .demod-used-clauses.)))))
578 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
579 (list (cons :demod-rule (nreverse .demod-used-clauses.)))))
580580 )))
582582 (defun demod-atom (atom)
586586 #||
587587 (if (sort<= (term-sort atom) *fopl-sentence-sort* *current-sort-order*)
588588 (dolist (sub (term-subterms atom))
589 (if (not (term-is-variable? sub))
590 (demod-atom sub)))
589 (if (not (term-is-variable? sub))
590 (demod-atom sub)))
591591 (demod-rewrite atom))
592592 ||#
593593 (demod-rewrite atom)
600600 (let ((.demod-to-be-used. (list demod)))
601601 (declare (type list .demod-to-be-used.))
602602 (let ((.demod-target-clause. clause)
603 (.demod-used-clauses. nil)
604 (.current-demod-clause. nil)
605 (rwc (pn-stat rewrites)))
603 (.demod-used-clauses. nil)
604 (.current-demod-clause. nil)
605 (rwc (pn-stat rewrites)))
606606 (declare (type fixnum rwc))
607607 (setq *term-memo-hash-hit* 0)
608608 (let ((*current-cafeobj-rule* (clause-axiom clause)))
609 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
610 (declare (type literal lit))
611 (demod-atom (literal-atom lit))))
609 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
610 (declare (type literal lit))
611 (demod-atom (literal-atom lit))))
612612 (unless (= rwc (pn-stat rewrites))
613 ;; there happened some rewrites
614 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
615 (mark-literal lit))
616 (return-from apply-demod-to-clause clause))
613 ;; there happened some rewrites
614 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
615 (mark-literal lit))
616 (return-from apply-demod-to-clause clause))
617617 nil)))
619619 ;;;
621621 ;;;
622622 (defun back-demodulate (demod-list clause input list-marker)
623623 (declare (type list demod-list)
624 (type clause clause)
625 (type symbol list-marker))
624 (type clause clause)
625 (type symbol list-marker))
626626 (let ((demod (cdr (assq clause demod-list)))
627 (*demod-is-back-demod* t))
627 (*demod-is-back-demod* t))
628628 (declare (type (or null demod) demod))
629629 (when demod
630630 (let ((cls (get-clashable-clauses-from-atom
631 *full-lit-table*
632 (demod-lhs demod))))
633 (declare (type list cls))
634 (dolist (cl cls)
635 (declare (type clause cl))
636 (when (apply-demod-to-clause demod cl)
637 (incf (pn-stat cl-back-demod))
638 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
639 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-demod))
640 (with-output-simple-msg ()
641 (format t "* back demodulating ~d with ~d"
642 (clause-id cl)
643 (clause-id clause)))))
644 (clause-full-un-index-slow cl)
645 (setf (clause-container cl) nil) ; **
646 (setf (clause-parents cl)
647 (nconc (clause-parents cl)
648 (list (list :back-demod-rule (clause-id clause)))))
649 ;; (pre-process cl input list-marker)
650 (let ((new-cl (copy-clause cl)))
651 (declare (type clause new-cl))
652 (setf (clause-parents new-cl)
653 (list (cons :back-demod-rule
654 (list (clause-id clause) (clause-id cl)))))
655 (pre-process new-cl input list-marker)
656 )
657 ))
658 ))
631 *full-lit-table*
632 (demod-lhs demod))))
633 (declare (type list cls))
634 (dolist (cl cls)
635 (declare (type clause cl))
636 (when (apply-demod-to-clause demod cl)
637 (incf (pn-stat cl-back-demod))
638 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
639 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-demod))
640 (with-output-simple-msg ()
641 (format t "* back demodulating ~d with ~d"
642 (clause-id cl)
643 (clause-id clause)))))
644 (clause-full-un-index-slow cl)
645 (setf (clause-container cl) nil) ; **
646 (setf (clause-parents cl)
647 (nconc (clause-parents cl)
648 (list (list :back-demod-rule (clause-id clause)))))
649 ;; (pre-process cl input list-marker)
650 (let ((new-cl (copy-clause cl)))
651 (declare (type clause new-cl))
652 (setf (clause-parents new-cl)
653 (list (cons :back-demod-rule
654 (list (clause-id clause) (clause-id cl)))))
655 (pre-process new-cl input list-marker)
656 )
657 ))
658 ))
659659 ))
661661 #|
662662 (defun back-demodulate (demod-list clause input list-marker)
663663 (declare (type list demod-list)
664 (type clause clause)
665 (type symbol list-marker))
664 (type clause clause)
665 (type symbol list-marker))
666666 (let ((demod (cdr (assq clause demod-list)))
667 (*demod-is-back-demod* t))
667 (*demod-is-back-demod* t))
668668 (declare (type (or null demod) demod))
669669 (when demod
670670 (let ((cls (get-clashable-clauses-from-atom
671 *full-lit-table*
672 (demod-lhs demod))))
673 (declare (type list cls))
674 (dolist (cl cls)
675 (declare (type clause cl))
676 (let ((new-cl (copy-clause cl)))
677 (declare (type clause new-cl))
678 (when (apply-demod-to-clause demod new-cl)
679 (incf (pn-stat cl-back-demod))
680 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
681 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-demod))
682 (with-output-simple-msg ()
683 (format t "* back demodulating ~d with ~d"
684 (clause-id cl)
685 (clause-id clause)))))
686 (clause-full-un-index-slow cl)
687 (setf (clause-container cl) nil) ; **
688 (setf (clause-parents new-cl)
689 (list (cons :back-demod-rule
690 (list (clause-id clause) (clause-id cl)))))
691 (pre-process new-cl input list-marker)
692 )
693 ))
694 ))
671 *full-lit-table*
672 (demod-lhs demod))))
673 (declare (type list cls))
674 (dolist (cl cls)
675 (declare (type clause cl))
676 (let ((new-cl (copy-clause cl)))
677 (declare (type clause new-cl))
678 (when (apply-demod-to-clause demod new-cl)
679 (incf (pn-stat cl-back-demod))
680 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
681 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-demod))
682 (with-output-simple-msg ()
683 (format t "* back demodulating ~d with ~d"
684 (clause-id cl)
685 (clause-id clause)))))
686 (clause-full-un-index-slow cl)
687 (setf (clause-container cl) nil) ; **
688 (setf (clause-parents new-cl)
689 (list (cons :back-demod-rule
690 (list (clause-id clause) (clause-id cl)))))
691 (pre-process new-cl input list-marker)
692 )
693 ))
694 ))
695695 ))
696696 |#
705705 (defmacro pn-is-true? (atom)
706706 (once-only (atom)
707 `(or (and (term-is-application-form? ,atom)
708 (is-true? ,atom))
709 (and (term-is-variable? ,atom)
710 (sort= (term-sort ,atom) *bool-sort*)))))
707 `(or (and (term-is-application-form? ,atom)
708 (is-true? ,atom))
709 (and (term-is-variable? ,atom)
710 (sort= (term-sort ,atom) *bool-sort*)))))
712712 (defmacro safe-is-true? (term)
713713 (once-only (term)
714 `(and (term-is-applform? ,term)
715 (is-true? ,term))))
714 `(and (term-is-applform? ,term)
715 (is-true? ,term))))
717717 (defmacro safe-is-false? (term)
718718 (once-only (term)
719 `(and (term-is-applform? ,term)
720 (is-false? ,term))))
719 `(and (term-is-applform? ,term)
720 (is-false? ,term))))
722722 (defun pn-is-false? (lit)
723723 (declare (type literal lit))
731731 (format t "type = ~s" (literal-type lit)))
732732 ||#
733733 (and (term-is-application-form? atom)
734 (or (is-false? atom)
735 (and (eq-literal? lit)
736 (let ((a1 (term-arg-1 atom))
737 (a2 (term-arg-2 atom)))
738 (or (and (term-is-builtin-constant? a1)
739 (term-is-builtin-constant? a2)
740 (not (term-builtin-equal a1 a2)))
741 (and (safe-is-true? a1) (safe-is-false? a2))
742 (and (safe-is-false? a1) (safe-is-true? a2))))))))
734 (or (is-false? atom)
735 (and (eq-literal? lit)
736 (let ((a1 (term-arg-1 atom))
737 (a2 (term-arg-2 atom)))
738 (or (and (term-is-builtin-constant? a1)
739 (term-is-builtin-constant? a2)
740 (not (term-builtin-equal a1 a2)))
741 (and (safe-is-true? a1) (safe-is-false? a2))
742 (and (safe-is-false? a1) (safe-is-true? a2))))))))
743743 )
745745 (defun literal-true-false-reduce (clause)
746746 (declare (type clause clause))
747747 (let ((literals nil)
748 (delete? nil))
748 (delete? nil))
749749 (declare (type list literals))
750750 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
751751 (declare (type literal lit))
752752 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit))
753 (true? nil)
754 (false? nil))
755 (declare (type term atom))
756 (setq true? (pn-is-true? atom))
757 (setq false? (pn-is-false? lit))
758 ;;
759 (if (or true? false?)
760 (if (or (and true?
761 (positive-literal? lit))
762 (and false?
763 (negative-literal? lit)))
764 ;; literal is true, so clause is true.
765 (return-from literal-true-false-reduce t)
766 (if (or (and false?
767 (positive-literal? lit))
768 (and true?
769 (negative-literal? lit)))
770 ;; literal is false, so delete it
771 (setq delete? t)
772 ;; else store it as is
773 (push lit literals)))
774 (push lit literals))))
753 (true? nil)
754 (false? nil))
755 (declare (type term atom))
756 (setq true? (pn-is-true? atom))
757 (setq false? (pn-is-false? lit))
758 ;;
759 (if (or true? false?)
760 (if (or (and true?
761 (positive-literal? lit))
762 (and false?
763 (negative-literal? lit)))
764 ;; literal is true, so clause is true.
765 (return-from literal-true-false-reduce t)
766 (if (or (and false?
767 (positive-literal? lit))
768 (and true?
769 (negative-literal? lit)))
770 ;; literal is false, so delete it
771 (setq delete? t)
772 ;; else store it as is
773 (push lit literals)))
774 (push lit literals))))
775775 ;; done
776776 (when delete?
777777 (setf (clause-literals clause) (nreverse literals))
784784 (with-in-module (mod)
785785 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators mod)))
786786 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
787 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
788 (when (method-is-meta-demod m)
789 (let ((rules (method-all-rules m)))
790 (dolist (rule rules)
791 (let ((demod (make-demod :axiom rule
792 :order :builtin
793 :clause :builtin)))
794 (push demod (gethash (term-head (rule-lhs rule))
795 *demodulators*)))))))))))
787 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
788 (when (method-is-meta-demod m)
789 (let ((rules (method-all-rules m)))
790 (dolist (rule rules)
791 (let ((demod (make-demod :axiom rule
792 :order :builtin
793 :clause :builtin)))
794 (push demod (gethash (term-head (rule-lhs rule))
795 *demodulators*)))))))))))
00 ** -*- Mode:CafeOBJ -*-
11 **
2 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 **
44 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
330330 make FOPLE-SENTENCE
331331 (MFOPL+EQ-1(bool-as-truth-value,
332332 FOPL-BASIC+EQ-1 { sort Sentence -> FoplSentence,
333 sort Var -> Cosmos,
334 op and -> _&_,
335 op or -> _|_,
336 op imply -> (_->_),
337 op iff -> _<->_,
338 op forall -> \A[_]_,
339 op exists -> \E[_]_,
340 op not -> ~_,
341 op eq -> _=_}))
333 sort Var -> Cosmos,
334 op and -> _&_,
335 op or -> _|_,
336 op imply -> (_->_),
337 op iff -> _<->_,
338 op forall -> \A[_]_,
339 op exists -> \E[_]_,
340 op not -> ~_,
341 op eq -> _=_}))
343343 **
344344 ** We need some Lisp accessible values for PigNose engine.
379379 eq[:BDEMOD]: EQ(X:Cosmos, Y:Cosmos)
380380 = #!! (coerce-to-bool
381 (term-equational-equal x y)) .
381 (term-equational-equal x y)) .
382382 eq[:BDEMOD]: NE(X:Cosmos, Y:Cosmos)
383383 = #!! (coerce-to-bool
384 (not (term-equational-equal x y))) .
384 (not (term-equational-equal x y))) .
386386 }
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:formula.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:formula.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4242 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4444 (defvar *debug-formula* nil)
4545 (declaim (special *debug-formula-nest*)
46 (type fixnum *debug-formula-nest*))
46 (type fixnum *debug-formula-nest*))
4747 (defvar *debug-formula-nest* 0)
4949 ;;;** golobals moved to `glob.lisp'
6565 ;;;
6666 (defun pn-term-equational-equal (t1 t2)
6767 (declare (type term t1 t2)
68 (values (or null t)))
68 (values (or null t)))
6969 (or (term-eq t1 t2)
7070 (let ((t1-body (term-body t1))
71 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
72 (cond ((term$is-applform? t1-body)
73 (let ((f1 (term$head t1-body)))
74 ;; (break)
75 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
76 (method-theory-info-for-matching f1))
77 (match-with-empty-theory t1 t2)
78 (E-equal-in-theory (method-theory f1) t1 t2)))
79 )
80 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
81 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
82 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
83 ;;
84 ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
85 (setq *used==* t)
86 (or (eq t1-body t2-body)
87 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
88 (eq (variable$name t1-body) (variable$name t2-body))
89 (eq (term$sort t1-body) (term$sort t2-body)))
90 ))
91 ((term$is-variable? t2-body)
92 (setq *used==* t)
93 nil)
94 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
95 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
96 (equal (term$lisp-code-original-form t1-body)
97 (term$lisp-code-original-form t2-body))))
98 (t (break "pn-term-equational-equal: not-implemented ~s" t1))
99 ))))
71 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
72 (cond ((term$is-applform? t1-body)
73 (let ((f1 (term$head t1-body)))
74 ;; (break)
75 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
76 (method-theory-info-for-matching f1))
77 (match-with-empty-theory t1 t2)
78 (E-equal-in-theory (method-theory f1) t1 t2)))
79 )
80 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
81 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
82 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
83 ;;
84 ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
85 (setq *used==* t)
86 (or (eq t1-body t2-body)
87 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
88 (eq (variable$name t1-body) (variable$name t2-body))
89 (eq (term$sort t1-body) (term$sort t2-body)))
90 ))
91 ((term$is-variable? t2-body)
92 (setq *used==* t)
93 nil)
94 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
95 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
96 (equal (term$lisp-code-original-form t1-body)
97 (term$lisp-code-original-form t2-body))))
98 (t (break "pn-term-equational-equal: not-implemented ~s" t1))
99 ))))
101101 ;;; ========================================
106106 ;;; given a fopl sentence translates it to list of clauses.
107107 ;;;
108108 (declaim (special *current-formula*)
109 (type (or null term) *current-formula*))
109 (type (or null term) *current-formula*))
110110 (defvar *current-formula* nil)
112112 (defun formula->clause-1 (sentence psys &optional (axiom nil))
113113 (declare (type (or null term) sentence)
114 (type psystem psys)
115 (type (or null axiom) axiom)
116 (values list))
114 (type psystem psys)
115 (type (or null axiom) axiom)
116 (values list))
117117 (if sentence
118118 (let ((*current-formula* sentence))
119 ;; translate to Conjunctive Normal Form.
120 (cnf sentence psys)
121 ;; to clause list
122 (setq $$raw-clause (cnf-to-list sentence psys))
123 ;;
124 (dolist (cl $$raw-clause)
125 (setf (clause-axiom cl) axiom)
126 (cl-unique-variables cl))
127 $$raw-clause)
119 ;; translate to Conjunctive Normal Form.
120 (cnf sentence psys)
121 ;; to clause list
122 (setq $$raw-clause (cnf-to-list sentence psys))
123 ;;
124 (dolist (cl $$raw-clause)
125 (setf (clause-axiom cl) axiom)
126 (cl-unique-variables cl))
127 $$raw-clause)
128128 nil))
130130 ;;; CNF : FoplSentence -> FoplSentence'
132132 ;;;
133133 (defun cnf (sentence psys)
134134 (declare (type term sentence)
135 (type psystem psys)
136 (values term))
135 (type psystem psys)
136 (values term))
137137 (when *debug-formula*
138 (format t "~&** start formula to cnf translation **")
138 (format t "~%** start formula to cnf translation **")
139139 (print-next)
140140 (with-in-module ((psystem-module psys))
141141 (term-print sentence)))
144144 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence)))
145145 (declare (type symbol type))
146146 (when (and (memq type '(:eq :beq))
147 (term-is-lisp-form? (term-arg-2 sentence)))
147 (term-is-lisp-form? (term-arg-2 sentence)))
148148 (return-from cnf sentence)))
150150 ;; normalize quantified formula
169169 ;; convert to CNF(conjunctive normal form).
170170 (conj-normal-form sentence)
171171 (when *debug-formula*
172 (format t "~&*** done ***"))
172 (format t "~%*** done ***"))
173173 sentence
174174 )
178178 ;;; skolemize then apply nnf.
179179 (defun nnf-skolemize (sentence)
180180 (declare (type term sentence)
181 (values term))
181 (values term))
182182 (check-fopl-syntax sentence)
183183 (unique-all-variables
184184 (skolemize (neg-normal-form (normalize-quantifiers sentence))))
190190 ;;;
191191 (defun cafeobj-term->formula (f)
192192 (declare (type term f)
193 (values term))
193 (values term))
194194 (when *debug-formula*
195 (format t "~&[cafeobj-term->formula]: ")
195 (format t "~%[cafeobj-term->formula]: ")
196196 (term-print f))
197197 (let ((res nil))
198198 (declare (type (or null term) res))
199199 (cond ((term-is-application-form? f)
200 (let ((args (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cafeobj-term->formula x))
201 (term-subterms f)))
202 (head (term-head f)))
203 (declare (type list args)
204 (type method head))
205 (setq f (make-applform-simple (term-sort f)
206 head
207 args))
208 (cond ((memq head (list *bool-equal* *beh-equal* *eql-op*))
209 #||
210 (when (eq head *beh-eq-pred*)
211 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
212 (format t "=*= cannot be used: ")
213 (term-print f)))
214 ||#
215 (setq res
216 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
217 (list (term-arg-1 f)
218 (term-arg-2 f)))))
219 ((eq head *bool-nonequal*)
220 (setq res
221 (make-term-with-sort-check
222 *fopl-neg*
223 (list
224 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
225 (list (term-arg-1 f)
226 (term-arg-2 f)))))))
227 ((memq head (list *bool-and*
228 *bool-or*
229 *bool-imply*
230 *bool-iff*
231 *bool-and-also*
232 *bool-or-else*
233 ))
234 (setq res
235 (make-term-with-sort-check
236 (if (or (eq head *bool-and*)
237 (eq head *bool-and-also*))
238 *fopl-and*
239 (if (or (eq head *bool-or*)
240 (eq head *bool-or-else*))
241 *fopl-or*
242 ;; *bool-imply*
243 (if (eq head *bool-imply*)
244 *fopl-imply*
245 ;; else *bool-iff*
246 *fopl-iff*)
247 ))
248 (list (term-arg-1 f)
249 (term-arg-2 f))))
250 (when (or (eq head *bool-and-also*)
251 (eq head *bool-or-else*))
252 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
253 (format t "operator ~{~a~} is appeared in FOPL sentence, replacing..."
254 (method-symbol head))))
255 )
256 ;;
257 ((eq head *bool-not*)
258 (setq res
259 (make-term-with-sort-check
260 *fopl-neg*
261 (list (term-arg-1 f)))))
262 ((eq head *bool-xor*)
263 ;; p xor q --> (~p | ~q)&(p | q)
264 (setq res
265 (make-term-with-sort-check
266 *fopl-and*
267 (list
268 (make-term-with-sort-check
269 *fopl-or*
270 (list
271 (make-term-with-sort-check
272 *fopl-neg*
273 (list (term-arg-1 f)))
274 (make-term-with-sort-check
275 *fopl-neg*
276 (list (term-arg-2 f)))))
277 (make-term-with-sort-check
278 *fopl-or*
279 (list (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 f))
280 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 f))))))
281 ))
282 ;;;
283 #||
284 ((eq head *bool-if*)
285 (when (and (sort= (term-sort (term-arg-1 f)) *bool-sort*)
286 (sort= (term-sort (term-arg-2 f)) *bool-sort*))
287 ))
288 ||#
289 ;;;
290 ((memq head (list *bool-if*
291 *beh-eq-pred*
292 ;; *bool-and-also*
293 ;; *bool-or-else*
294 *sort-membership*))
295 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
296 (format t "you cannot use ~a: " (method-symbol head))
297 (term-print f))
298 (setq res (copy-term-reusing-variables f
299 (term-variables f))))
300 ;;
301 (t (setq res
302 (copy-term-reusing-variables f
303 (term-variables f)))))
304 ))
305 ;;
306 ((term-is-variable? f)
307 (setq res f))
308 ;;
309 (t (setq res (simple-copy-term f))))
200 (let ((args (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cafeobj-term->formula x))
201 (term-subterms f)))
202 (head (term-head f)))
203 (declare (type list args)
204 (type method head))
205 (setq f (make-applform-simple (term-sort f)
206 head
207 args))
208 (cond ((memq head (list *bool-equal* *beh-equal* *eql-op*))
209 #||
210 (when (eq head *beh-eq-pred*)
211 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
212 (format t "=*= cannot be used: ")
213 (term-print f)))
214 ||#
215 (setq res
216 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
217 (list (term-arg-1 f)
218 (term-arg-2 f)))))
219 ((eq head *bool-nonequal*)
220 (setq res
221 (make-term-with-sort-check
222 *fopl-neg*
223 (list
224 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
225 (list (term-arg-1 f)
226 (term-arg-2 f)))))))
227 ((memq head (list *bool-and*
228 *bool-or*
229 *bool-imply*
230 *bool-iff*
231 *bool-and-also*
232 *bool-or-else*
233 ))
234 (setq res
235 (make-term-with-sort-check
236 (if (or (eq head *bool-and*)
237 (eq head *bool-and-also*))
238 *fopl-and*
239 (if (or (eq head *bool-or*)
240 (eq head *bool-or-else*))
241 *fopl-or*
242 ;; *bool-imply*
243 (if (eq head *bool-imply*)
244 *fopl-imply*
245 ;; else *bool-iff*
246 *fopl-iff*)
247 ))
248 (list (term-arg-1 f)
249 (term-arg-2 f))))
250 (when (or (eq head *bool-and-also*)
251 (eq head *bool-or-else*))
252 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
253 (format t "operator ~{~a~} is appeared in FOPL sentence, replacing..."
254 (method-symbol head))))
255 )
256 ;;
257 ((eq head *bool-not*)
258 (setq res
259 (make-term-with-sort-check
260 *fopl-neg*
261 (list (term-arg-1 f)))))
262 ((eq head *bool-xor*)
263 ;; p xor q --> (~p | ~q)&(p | q)
264 (setq res
265 (make-term-with-sort-check
266 *fopl-and*
267 (list
268 (make-term-with-sort-check
269 *fopl-or*
270 (list
271 (make-term-with-sort-check
272 *fopl-neg*
273 (list (term-arg-1 f)))
274 (make-term-with-sort-check
275 *fopl-neg*
276 (list (term-arg-2 f)))))
277 (make-term-with-sort-check
278 *fopl-or*
279 (list (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 f))
280 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 f))))))
281 ))
282 ;;;
283 #||
284 ((eq head *bool-if*)
285 (when (and (sort= (term-sort (term-arg-1 f)) *bool-sort*)
286 (sort= (term-sort (term-arg-2 f)) *bool-sort*))
287 ))
288 ||#
289 ;;;
290 ((memq head (list *bool-if*
291 *beh-eq-pred*
292 ;; *bool-and-also*
293 ;; *bool-or-else*
294 *sort-membership*))
295 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
296 (format t "you cannot use ~a: " (method-symbol head))
297 (term-print f))
298 (setq res (copy-term-reusing-variables f
299 (term-variables f))))
300 ;;
301 (t (setq res
302 (copy-term-reusing-variables f
303 (term-variables f)))))
304 ))
305 ;;
306 ((term-is-variable? f)
307 (setq res f))
308 ;;
309 (t (setq res (simple-copy-term f))))
310310 (when *debug-formula*
311311 (print-next)
312312 (term-print res))
318318 (defun normalize-quantifiers (form)
319319 (declare (type term form))
320320 (let ((bound-vars nil)
321 (all-vars (term-variables form))
322 (free-vars nil)
323 (res nil))
321 (all-vars (term-variables form))
322 (free-vars nil)
323 (res nil))
324324 (declare (type list bound-vars all-vars free-vars)
325 (type (or null term) res))
325 (type (or null term) res))
326326 (labels ((nq (sentence)
327 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
328 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
329 (declare (type symbol type))
330 (when *debug-formula*
331 (format t "~&~d>[normalize-quantifiers]: "
332 *debug-formula-nest*)
333 (term-print sentence))
334 (case type
335 (:atom) ; nothing to do
336 ((:forall :exists)
337 (let ((vardecls (term-arg-1 sentence)))
338 (cond ((term-is-variable? vardecls)
339 (pushnew vardecls bound-vars
340 :test #'variable-eq)
341 sentence)
342 (t (let ((vars (reverse (term-variables vardecls)))
343 (new-form nil))
344 (dolist (v vars)
345 (pushnew v bound-vars :test #'variable-eq))
346 (setq new-form
347 (make-term-with-sort-check
348 (if (eq type :forall)
349 *fopl-forall*
350 *fopl-exists*)
351 (list (car vars)
352 (term-arg-2 sentence))))
353 (dolist (v (cdr vars))
354 (setq new-form
355 (make-term-with-sort-check
356 (if (eq type :forall)
357 *fopl-forall*
358 *fopl-exists*)
359 (list v new-form))))
360 (term-replace sentence new-form)
361 ))))
362 ;; recurse
363 (nq (term-arg-2 sentence))
364 )
365 (:not (nq (term-arg-1 sentence)))
366 (otherwise
367 (nq (term-arg-1 sentence))
368 (nq (term-arg-2 sentence))
369 ))
370 ;;
371 (when *debug-formula*
372 (format t "~&<~d " *debug-formula-nest*)
373 (term-print sentence))
374 ;;
375 sentence)))
327 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
328 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
329 (declare (type symbol type))
330 (when *debug-formula*
331 (format t "~%~d>[normalize-quantifiers]: "
332 *debug-formula-nest*)
333 (term-print sentence))
334 (case type
335 (:atom) ; nothing to do
336 ((:forall :exists)
337 (let ((vardecls (term-arg-1 sentence)))
338 (cond ((term-is-variable? vardecls)
339 (pushnew vardecls bound-vars
340 :test #'variable-eq)
341 sentence)
342 (t (let ((vars (reverse (term-variables vardecls)))
343 (new-form nil))
344 (dolist (v vars)
345 (pushnew v bound-vars :test #'variable-eq))
346 (setq new-form
347 (make-term-with-sort-check
348 (if (eq type :forall)
349 *fopl-forall*
350 *fopl-exists*)
351 (list (car vars)
352 (term-arg-2 sentence))))
353 (dolist (v (cdr vars))
354 (setq new-form
355 (make-term-with-sort-check
356 (if (eq type :forall)
357 *fopl-forall*
358 *fopl-exists*)
359 (list v new-form))))
360 (term-replace sentence new-form)
361 ))))
362 ;; recurse
363 (nq (term-arg-2 sentence))
364 )
365 (:not (nq (term-arg-1 sentence)))
366 (otherwise
367 (nq (term-arg-1 sentence))
368 (nq (term-arg-2 sentence))
369 ))
370 ;;
371 (when *debug-formula*
372 (format t "~%<~d " *debug-formula-nest*)
373 (term-print sentence))
374 ;;
375 sentence)))
376376 ;;
377377 (setq res (nq form))
378378 (setq free-vars (set-difference all-vars
379 bound-vars
380 :test #'variable-eq))
379 bound-vars
380 :test #'variable-eq))
381381 (when free-vars
382 (let ((new-form (copy-term-reusing-variables
383 (make-universal-closure free-vars res)
384 all-vars)))
385 (term-replace res new-form)))
382 (let ((new-form (copy-term-reusing-variables
383 (make-universal-closure free-vars res)
384 all-vars)))
385 (term-replace res new-form)))
386386 )))
388388 (defun make-universal-closure (var-list sentence)
389389 (declare (type list var-list)
390 (type term))
390 (type term))
391391 (let ((res nil))
392392 (declare (type (or null term) res))
393393 (dolist (var var-list)
394394 (declare (type term var))
395395 (if res
396 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-forall*
397 (list var res)))
398 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-forall*
399 (list var sentence)))))
396 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-forall*
397 (list var res)))
398 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-forall*
399 (list var sentence)))))
400400 res))
402402 ;;; NETGATE-SENTENCE : Sentence -> Sentence
406406 ;;;
407407 (defun negate-sentence (sentence &optional copy variables)
408408 (declare (type term sentence)
409 (type list variables))
409 (type list variables))
410410 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence)))
411411 (declare (type symbol type))
412412 (when *debug-formula*
413413 (with-output-msg()
414 (princ "> negate-sentence: ")
415 (term-print sentence)))
414 (princ "> negate-sentence: ")
415 (term-print sentence)))
416416 (case type
417417 (:not
418418 (let ((new-term (if copy
419 (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-1
420 sentence)
421 variables)
422 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 sentence)))))
423 ;; (term-replace sentence new-term)
424 (setq sentence new-term)))
419 (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-1
420 sentence)
421 variables)
422 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 sentence)))))
423 ;; (term-replace sentence new-term)
424 (setq sentence new-term)))
425425 (otherwise
426426 (let ((new-term (make-term-with-sort-check
427 *fopl-neg*
428 (list (if copy
429 (copy-term-reusing-variables sentence variables)
430 (allocate-new-term-cell sentence))))))
431 ;; (term-replace sentence new-term)
432 (setq sentence new-term)
433 )))
427 *fopl-neg*
428 (list (if copy
429 (copy-term-reusing-variables sentence variables)
430 (allocate-new-term-cell sentence))))))
431 ;; (term-replace sentence new-term)
432 (setq sentence new-term)
433 )))
434434 (when *debug-formula*
435435 (with-output-msg ()
436 (princ "< negate-sentence: ")
437 (term-print sentence)))
436 (princ "< negate-sentence: ")
437 (term-print sentence)))
438438 sentence))
440440 ;;; NEG-NORMAL-FORM : Sentence -> Sentence'
453453 (defun neg-normal-form (sentence &optional variables)
454454 (declare (type term sentence)
455 (type list variables))
455 (type list variables))
456456 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
457 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
457 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
458458 (declare (type symbol type))
459459 (when *debug-formula*
460 (format t "~&~d>[neg-normal-form]: "
461 *debug-formula-nest*)
460 (format t "~%~d>[neg-normal-form]: "
461 *debug-formula-nest*)
462462 (term-print sentence))
463463 (case type
464464 (:atom sentence)
465465 ;; A <-> B ---> neg-normal-form((~A | B) & (~B | A))
466466 (:iff
467467 (let ((old-arg1 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 sentence))) ; A
468 (old-arg2 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 sentence)))) ; B
469 (let* ((new-arg1 ; ~A | B
470 (make-term-with-sort-check
471 *fopl-or*
472 (list (negate-sentence old-arg1 :copy variables) ; ~A
473 (copy-term-reusing-variables old-arg2 ; B
474 variables)
475 )))
476 (new-arg2
477 (make-term-with-sort-check
478 *fopl-or*
479 (list (negate-sentence old-arg2 :copy variables) ; ~B
480 (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-1 sentence)
481 variables) ; A
482 ))))
483 (term-replace sentence
484 (make-term-with-sort-check
485 *fopl-and*
486 (list new-arg1 new-arg2)))
487 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
488 sentence)))
468 (old-arg2 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 sentence)))) ; B
469 (let* ((new-arg1 ; ~A | B
470 (make-term-with-sort-check
471 *fopl-or*
472 (list (negate-sentence old-arg1 :copy variables) ; ~A
473 (copy-term-reusing-variables old-arg2 ; B
474 variables)
475 )))
476 (new-arg2
477 (make-term-with-sort-check
478 *fopl-or*
479 (list (negate-sentence old-arg2 :copy variables) ; ~B
480 (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-1 sentence)
481 variables) ; A
482 ))))
483 (term-replace sentence
484 (make-term-with-sort-check
485 *fopl-and*
486 (list new-arg1 new-arg2)))
487 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
488 sentence)))
489489 ;; A -> B ---> neg-normal-form(~A | B)
490490 (:imply
491491 (term-replace
492 sentence
493 (make-term-with-sort-check
494 *fopl-or*
495 (list (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 sentence) :copy variables)
496 (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-2 sentence)
497 variables))))
492 sentence
493 (make-term-with-sort-check
494 *fopl-or*
495 (list (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 sentence) :copy variables)
496 (copy-term-reusing-variables (term-arg-2 sentence)
497 variables))))
498498 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
499499 sentence)
500500 ;; \A[Vars]Formula ---> \A[Vars] neg-normal-form(Formula)
501501 ;; same as for \E
502502 ((:forall :exists)
503503 (setf (term-arg-2 sentence)
504 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-2 sentence) variables))
504 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-2 sentence) variables))
505505 sentence)
506506 ;; A & B ---> neg-normal-form(A) & neg-normal-form(B)
507507 ;; same as for |
508508 ((:and :or :eq :beq)
509509 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence)
510 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-1 sentence) variables))
510 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-1 sentence) variables))
511511 (setf (term-arg-2 sentence)
512 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-2 sentence) variables))
512 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-2 sentence) variables))
513513 sentence)
514514 ;; not
515515 (:not
516516 (let* ((arg (term-arg-1 sentence))
517 (arg-type (fopl-sentence-type arg)))
518 (case arg-type
519 ;;
520 (:atom
521 ;; *******************
522 (when (term-is-applform? arg)
523 (if (is-true? arg)
524 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-false*))
525 (if (is-false? arg)
526 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-true*)))))
527 ;; *******************
528 sentence)
530 ;; ~(A -> B) --> neg-normal-form(~(~A | B))
531 (:imply
532 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence)
533 (make-term-with-sort-check
534 *fopl-or*
535 (list (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 arg) :copy variables)
536 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 arg)))))
537 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
538 sentence)
539 ;; ~(A <-> B) --> neg-normal-form((A|B) & (~A | ~B))
540 (:iff
541 (let ((old-arg1 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 arg)))
542 (old-arg2 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 arg))))
543 (term-replace
544 sentence
545 (make-term-with-sort-check
546 *fopl-and*
547 (list
548 (make-term-with-sort-check ; A | B
549 *fopl-or*
550 (list old-arg1 old-arg2))
551 (make-term-with-sort-check ; ~A | ~B
552 *fopl-or*
553 (list (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 arg) :copy variables)
554 (negate-sentence (term-arg-2 arg) :copy variables))))))
555 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
556 sentence))
557 ;; ~\A[Vars]S --> \E[Vars]neg-normal-form(~S)
558 ;; ~\E[Vars]S --> \A[Vars]neg-normal-form(~S)
559 ((:forall :exists)
560 (term-replace sentence
561 (make-term-with-sort-check
562 (if (eq arg-type :forall)
563 *fopl-exists*
564 *fopl-forall*)
565 (list (allocate-new-term-cell
566 (term-arg-1 arg)) ; var list
567 (neg-normal-form (negate-sentence
568 (term-arg-2 arg)
569 nil
570 variables)
571 variables))))
572 sentence)
573 ;; ~(A & B) --> neg-normal-form(~A) | neg-normal-form(~B)
574 ;; ~(A | B) --> neg-normal-form(~A) & neg-normal-form(~B)
575 ((:and :or)
576 (term-replace sentence
577 (make-term-with-sort-check
578 (if (eq arg-type :and)
579 *fopl-or*
580 *fopl-and*)
581 (list
582 (neg-normal-form (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 arg)
583 :copy variables)
584 variables)
585 (neg-normal-form (negate-sentence (term-arg-2 arg)
586 :copy variables)
587 variables))))
588 sentence)
589 ;; ~~A --> neg-normal-form(A)
590 (:not ; double negation
591 (term-replace sentence
592 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-1 arg) variables))
593 sentence)
594 )))
517 (arg-type (fopl-sentence-type arg)))
518 (case arg-type
519 ;;
520 (:atom
521 ;; *******************
522 (when (term-is-applform? arg)
523 (if (is-true? arg)
524 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-false*))
525 (if (is-false? arg)
526 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-true*)))))
527 ;; *******************
528 sentence)
530 ;; ~(A -> B) --> neg-normal-form(~(~A | B))
531 (:imply
532 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence)
533 (make-term-with-sort-check
534 *fopl-or*
535 (list (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 arg) :copy variables)
536 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 arg)))))
537 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
538 sentence)
539 ;; ~(A <-> B) --> neg-normal-form((A|B) & (~A | ~B))
540 (:iff
541 (let ((old-arg1 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-1 arg)))
542 (old-arg2 (allocate-new-term-cell (term-arg-2 arg))))
543 (term-replace
544 sentence
545 (make-term-with-sort-check
546 *fopl-and*
547 (list
548 (make-term-with-sort-check ; A | B
549 *fopl-or*
550 (list old-arg1 old-arg2))
551 (make-term-with-sort-check ; ~A | ~B
552 *fopl-or*
553 (list (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 arg) :copy variables)
554 (negate-sentence (term-arg-2 arg) :copy variables))))))
555 (neg-normal-form sentence variables)
556 sentence))
557 ;; ~\A[Vars]S --> \E[Vars]neg-normal-form(~S)
558 ;; ~\E[Vars]S --> \A[Vars]neg-normal-form(~S)
559 ((:forall :exists)
560 (term-replace sentence
561 (make-term-with-sort-check
562 (if (eq arg-type :forall)
563 *fopl-exists*
564 *fopl-forall*)
565 (list (allocate-new-term-cell
566 (term-arg-1 arg)) ; var list
567 (neg-normal-form (negate-sentence
568 (term-arg-2 arg)
569 nil
570 variables)
571 variables))))
572 sentence)
573 ;; ~(A & B) --> neg-normal-form(~A) | neg-normal-form(~B)
574 ;; ~(A | B) --> neg-normal-form(~A) & neg-normal-form(~B)
575 ((:and :or)
576 (term-replace sentence
577 (make-term-with-sort-check
578 (if (eq arg-type :and)
579 *fopl-or*
580 *fopl-and*)
581 (list
582 (neg-normal-form (negate-sentence (term-arg-1 arg)
583 :copy variables)
584 variables)
585 (neg-normal-form (negate-sentence (term-arg-2 arg)
586 :copy variables)
587 variables))))
588 sentence)
589 ;; ~~A --> neg-normal-form(A)
590 (:not ; double negation
591 (term-replace sentence
592 (neg-normal-form (term-arg-1 arg) variables))
593 sentence)
594 )))
595595 )
596596 ;;
597597 (when *debug-formula*
598 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
598 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
599599 (term-print sentence))
600600 ;;
601601 sentence))
609609 ;;;
610610 (defun make-skolem-function-name (sort variables)
611611 (declare (type sort* sort)
612 (type list variables))
612 (type list variables))
613613 (let* ((sname (sort-name sort))
614 (num-ent (assq sname *sk-function-num*))
615 (num nil))
614 (num-ent (assq sname *sk-function-num*))
615 (num nil))
616616 (declare (type symbol sname)
617 (type list num-ent)
618 (type (or null fixnum) num))
617 (type list num-ent)
618 (type (or null fixnum) num))
619619 (if num-ent
620 (progn
621 (setq num (the fixnum (cdr num-ent)))
622 (incf (the fixnum (cdr num-ent))))
620 (progn
621 (setq num (the fixnum (cdr num-ent)))
622 (incf (the fixnum (cdr num-ent))))
623623 (progn
624 (push (cons sname 2) *sk-function-num*)
625 (setq num 1)))
624 (push (cons sname 2) *sk-function-num*)
625 (setq num 1)))
626626 (if variables
627 (format nil "#f~d.~a" (the fixnum num) (string sname))
628 (format nil "#c~d.~a" (the fixnum num) (string sname)))
627 (format nil "#f~d@~a" (the fixnum num) (string sname))
628 (format nil "#c~d@~a" (the fixnum num) (string sname)))
629629 ))
631631 (defun skolemize (formula)
632632 (declare (type term formula)
633 (values term))
633 (values term))
634634 (let ((variables nil))
635635 (declare (type list variables))
636636 (labels ((skolem (sentence)
637 (declare (type term sentence))
638 ;; skolemize given sentence w.r.t universally quantified
639 ;; vars (assumes `variables' holds them).
640 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence)))
641 (declare (type symbol type))
642 (case type
643 ((:and :or)
644 (skolem (term-arg-1 sentence))
645 (skolem (term-arg-2 sentence)))
646 (:forall
647 (when (member (term-arg-1 sentence) variables
648 :test #'variable=)
649 ;; rename current variable, because we are
650 ;; already in the scope of universaly quantified
651 ;; variable with that name and sort.
652 (let ((new-var (pn-make-new-variable (term-arg-1 sentence))))
653 ;; in our setting, all variables are shared,
654 ;; thus we must make brand new variables here.
655 ;; and substitute every occurences with the
656 ;; new one.
657 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence)
658 (term-arg-1 sentence)
659 new-var)
660 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence) new-var)))
661 ;; entry current bound variable
662 (push (term-arg-1 sentence) variables)
663 (skolem (term-arg-2 sentence))
664 ;; delete current var
665 (pop variables))
666 (:exists
667 ;; must skolemize subformula first to avoid
668 ;; problem in \Ax...\Ey...\Ex F(x,y)
669 (skolem (term-arg-2 sentence))
670 (let* ((mod (or *current-module* *last-module*))
671 (skfun-name
672 (make-skolem-function-name (term-sort
673 (term-arg-1 sentence))
674 variables))
675 )
676 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
677 (declare-operator-in-module
678 (list skfun-name)
679 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
680 (variable-sort x))
681 (reverse variables))
682 (variable-sort (term-arg-1 sentence))
683 mod
684 nil ; constructor?
685 nil ; behavioural? always nil.
686 ;; set coherent iff having hidden sort arguments
687 (some #'(lambda (x)
688 (sort-is-hidden (variable-sort x)))
689 variables)
690 )
691 (declare (ignore op))
692 ;; we may need to check given operation is a
693 ;; skolem function at later stages.
694 (pushnew meth (module-skolem-functions mod) :test #'eq)
695 ;;
696 (let ((sk-form (make-term-with-sort-check
697 meth
698 (reverse variables))))
699 (term-replace sentence
700 (subst-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence)
701 (term-arg-1 sentence)
702 sk-form))
703 ))))
705 ;; following cases handles bad situations.
706 ;; given sentence should be a NNF.
707 (:not
708 (unless (memq (fopl-sentence-type (term-arg-1 sentence))
709 '(:atom :eq :beq))
710 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
711 (princ "skolemize gets negated non-atom")
712 (term-print sentence)))
713 sentence)
714 ((:imply :iff)
715 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
716 (princ "skolemize gets: ")
717 (term-print sentence)))
718 ;; atom.
719 (otherwise sentence))
720 ;; done
721 sentence)))
637 (declare (type term sentence))
638 ;; skolemize given sentence w.r.t universally quantified
639 ;; vars (assumes `variables' holds them).
640 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence)))
641 (declare (type symbol type))
642 (case type
643 ((:and :or)
644 (skolem (term-arg-1 sentence))
645 (skolem (term-arg-2 sentence)))
646 (:forall
647 (when (member (term-arg-1 sentence) variables
648 :test #'variable=)
649 ;; rename current variable, because we are
650 ;; already in the scope of universaly quantified
651 ;; variable with that name and sort.
652 (let ((new-var (pn-make-new-variable (term-arg-1 sentence))))
653 ;; in our setting, all variables are shared,
654 ;; thus we must make brand new variables here.
655 ;; and substitute every occurences with the
656 ;; new one.
657 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence)
658 (term-arg-1 sentence)
659 new-var)
660 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence) new-var)))
661 ;; entry current bound variable
662 (push (term-arg-1 sentence) variables)
663 (skolem (term-arg-2 sentence))
664 ;; delete current var
665 (pop variables))
666 (:exists
667 ;; must skolemize subformula first to avoid
668 ;; problem in \Ax...\Ey...\Ex F(x,y)
669 (skolem (term-arg-2 sentence))
670 (let* ((mod (get-context-module))
671 (skfun-name
672 (make-skolem-function-name (term-sort
673 (term-arg-1 sentence))
674 variables)))
675 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
676 (declare-operator-in-module
677 (list skfun-name)
678 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
679 (variable-sort x))
680 (reverse variables))
681 (variable-sort (term-arg-1 sentence))
682 mod
683 nil ; constructor?
684 nil ; behavioural? always nil.
685 ;; set coherent iff having hidden sort arguments
686 (some #'(lambda (x)
687 (sort-is-hidden (variable-sort x)))
688 variables)
689 )
690 (declare (ignore op))
691 ;; we may need to check given operation is a
692 ;; skolem function at later stages.
693 (pushnew meth (module-skolem-functions mod) :test #'eq)
694 ;;
695 (let ((sk-form (make-term-with-sort-check
696 meth
697 (reverse variables))))
698 (term-replace sentence
699 (subst-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence)
700 (term-arg-1 sentence)
701 sk-form))
702 ))))
704 ;; following cases handles bad situations.
705 ;; given sentence should be a NNF.
706 (:not
707 (unless (memq (fopl-sentence-type (term-arg-1 sentence))
708 '(:atom :eq :beq))
709 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
710 (princ "skolemize gets negated non-atom")
711 (term-print sentence)))
712 sentence)
713 ((:imply :iff)
714 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
715 (princ "skolemize gets: ")
716 (term-print sentence)))
717 ;; atom.
718 (otherwise sentence))
719 ;; done
720 sentence)))
722721 ;;
723722 (skolem formula)
724723 )))
733732 (case type
734733 ((:forall :exists)
735734 (unless (variable-eq (term-arg-1 sentence) old)
736 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence) old new)))
735 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence) old new)))
737736 (otherwise
738737 (subst-free-term sentence old new)))))
741740 ;;;
742741 (defun subst-free-formula (sentence var form)
743742 (declare (type term sentence var form)
744 (values term))
743 (values term))
745744 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence)))
746745 (declare (type symbol type))
747746 (case type
750749 sentence)
751750 ((:forall :exists)
752751 (when (variable-eq var (term-arg-1 sentence))
753 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence) form))
752 (setf (term-arg-1 sentence) form))
754753 (subst-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence) var form))
755754 ((:and :or)
756755 (subst-free-formula (term-arg-1 sentence)
757 var form)
756 var form)
758757 (subst-free-formula (term-arg-2 sentence) var form))
759758 (:not
760759 (subst-free-formula (term-arg-1 sentence) var form))
767766 )
768767 (otherwise
769768 (with-output-panic-message()
770 (princ "illegal formula appeared process subst-free-formula")
771 (term-print sentence))))
769 (princ "illegal formula appeared process subst-free-formula")
770 (term-print sentence))))
772771 sentence))
774773 (defun subst-free-term (term var form)
775774 (declare (type term term term)
776 (values term))
775 (values term))
777776 (when *debug-formula*
778 (format t "~&>[subst-free-term]:")
777 (format t "~%>[subst-free-term]:")
779778 (term-print term))
780779 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
781780 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
782781 (let ((sub (term-arg-n term x)))
783 (cond ((term-is-variable? sub)
784 (when (variable-eq var sub)
785 (setf (term-arg-n term x)
786 (copy-term-reusing-variables form))))
787 (t (subst-free-term sub var form))))))
782 (cond ((term-is-variable? sub)
783 (when (variable-eq var sub)
784 (setf (term-arg-n term x)
785 (copy-term-reusing-variables form))))
786 (t (subst-free-term sub var form))))))
788787 (when *debug-formula*
789 (format t "~&<[subst-free-term]:")
788 (format t "~%<[subst-free-term]:")
790789 (term-print term))
791790 term)
800799 (let ((variables nil))
801800 (declare (type list variables))
802801 (labels ((unique (f)
803 (declare (type term f))
804 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type f)))
805 (declare (type symbol type))
806 (when *debug-formula*
807 (format t "~&>[unique-all-variables]: ~a" type)
808 (term-print f))
809 (case type
810 (:atom) ; do nothing
811 ((:not :and :or :eq :beq)
812 (dolist (s (term-subterms f))
813 (unique s)))
814 (otherwise ; forall
815 (if (member (term-arg-1 f)
816 variables
817 :test #'variable=)
818 ;; rename current variable, because already have a
819 ;; quantified var with that name
820 (let ((new-var (pn-make-new-variable (term-arg-1 f))))
821 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 f)
822 (term-arg-1 f)
823 new-var)
824 (setf (term-arg-1 f) new-var))
825 ;; else
826 (let ((new-var (pn-make-new-variable
827 (term-arg-1 f))))
828 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 f)
829 (term-arg-1 f)
830 new-var)
831 (setf (term-arg-1 f) new-var)
832 (push (term-arg-1 f) variables)))
833 ;; recurse
834 (unique (term-arg-2 f))
835 ))
836 (when *debug-formula*
837 (format t "~&<[unique-var..]:")
838 (term-print f))
839 )))
802 (declare (type term f))
803 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type f)))
804 (declare (type symbol type))
805 (when *debug-formula*
806 (format t "~%>[unique-all-variables]: ~a" type)
807 (term-print f))
808 (case type
809 (:atom) ; do nothing
810 ((:not :and :or :eq :beq)
811 (dolist (s (term-subterms f))
812 (unique s)))
813 (otherwise ; forall
814 (if (member (term-arg-1 f)
815 variables
816 :test #'variable=)
817 ;; rename current variable, because already have a
818 ;; quantified var with that name
819 (let ((new-var (pn-make-new-variable (term-arg-1 f))))
820 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 f)
821 (term-arg-1 f)
822 new-var)
823 (setf (term-arg-1 f) new-var))
824 ;; else
825 (let ((new-var (pn-make-new-variable
826 (term-arg-1 f))))
827 (rename-free-formula (term-arg-2 f)
828 (term-arg-1 f)
829 new-var)
830 (setf (term-arg-1 f) new-var)
831 (push (term-arg-1 f) variables)))
832 ;; recurse
833 (unique (term-arg-2 f))
834 ))
835 (when *debug-formula*
836 (format t "~%<[unique-var..]:")
837 (term-print f))
838 )))
840839 ;;
841840 (unique sentence)
842841 sentence)))
848847 ;;;
849848 (defun zap-quantifiers (sentence)
850849 (declare (type term sentence)
851 (values term))
850 (values term))
852851 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
853 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
852 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
854853 (declare (type symbol type))
855854 (when *debug-formula*
856 (format t "~&~d>[zap-quantifiers]: " *debug-formula-nest*)
855 (format t "~%~d>[zap-quantifiers]: " *debug-formula-nest*)
857856 (term-print sentence))
858857 ;;
859858 (case type
860859 ((:not :and :or :eq :beq)
861860 (map nil #'(lambda (x)
862 (zap-quantifiers x))
863 (term-subterms sentence))
861 (zap-quantifiers x))
862 (term-subterms sentence))
864863 sentence)
865864 (:forall
866865 (term-replace sentence (zap-quantifiers (term-arg-2 sentence)))
868867 (:atom)
869868 (otherwise
870869 (with-output-panic-message ()
871 (format t "zap-quantifiers accepted illegal formula type ~a: " type)
872 (term-print sentence))))
870 (format t "zap-quantifiers accepted illegal formula type ~a: " type)
871 (term-print sentence))))
873872 ;;
874873 (when *debug-formula*
875 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
874 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
876875 (term-print sentence))
877876 sentence))
885884 (defun conj-normal-form (sentence)
886885 (declare (type term sentence)
887 (values term))
886 (values term))
888887 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
889 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
888 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
890889 (declare (type symbol type))
891890 (when *debug-formula*
892 (format t "~&~d>[cnj-normal-form]: " *debug-formula-nest*)
891 (format t "~%~d>[cnj-normal-form]: " *debug-formula-nest*)
893892 (term-print sentence))
894893 (case type
895894 ((:and :or)
898897 (conj-normal-form (term-arg-2 sentence))
899898 ;; then itself
900899 (cond ((eq type :and)
901 (when (pn-flag simplify-fol)
902 (conflict-tautology sentence)
903 (subsume-conjuncts sentence)))
904 (t ; or
905 ;; or ditribution
906 (distribute-or sentence))))
900 (when (pn-flag simplify-fol)
901 (conflict-tautology sentence)
902 (subsume-conjuncts sentence)))
903 (t ; or
904 ;; or ditribution
905 (distribute-or sentence))))
907906 (otherwise sentence))
908907 (when *debug-formula*
909 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
908 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
910909 (term-print sentence))
911910 sentence))
918917 ;;;
919918 (defun distribute-or (sentence)
920919 (declare (type term sentence)
921 (values term))
920 (values term))
922921 (unless (eq :or (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
923922 (return-from distribute-or sentence))
924923 (let ((*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
925924 (when *debug-formula*
926 (format t "~&~d>*distribute | over &: "
927 *debug-formula-nest*)
925 (format t "~%~d>*distribute | over &: "
926 *debug-formula-nest*)
928927 (term-print sentence))
929928 (when (pn-flag simplify-fol)
930929 ;; simplify
933932 ;;
934933 (unless (eq (fopl-sentence-type sentence) :or)
935934 (when *debug-formula*
936 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
937 (term-print sentence))
935 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
936 (term-print sentence))
938937 (return-from distribute-or sentence))
939938 (let* ((args (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head sentence)
940 sentence))
941 (and-form (find-if #'(lambda (x)
942 (eq :and
943 (fopl-sentence-type x)))
944 args)))
939 sentence))
940 (and-form (find-if #'(lambda (x)
941 (eq :and
942 (fopl-sentence-type x)))
943 args)))
945944 (if and-form
946 (setq args (delete and-form args)))
945 (setq args (delete and-form args)))
947946 (unless and-form
948 ;; there's no and-form in subterms.
949 (when *debug-formula*
950 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
951 (term-print sentence))
952 (return-from distribute-or sentence))
947 ;; there's no and-form in subterms.
948 (when *debug-formula*
949 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
950 (term-print sentence))
951 (return-from distribute-or sentence))
953952 ;;
954953 (let ((arg-1 (pop args))
955 (new-form nil))
956 (setq new-form
957 (make-term-with-sort-check
958 *fopl-and*
959 (list (distribute-or
960 (make-term-with-sort-check
961 *fopl-or*
962 (list arg-1 ; known to be not :or form
963 (distribute-or (term-arg-1 and-form))
964 )))
965 (distribute-or
966 (make-term-with-sort-check
967 *fopl-or*
968 (list (copy-term-reusing-variables arg-1)
969 (distribute-or (term-arg-2 and-form))))))))
970 (unless args
971 (term-replace sentence new-form)
972 (when *debug-formula*
973 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
974 (term-print sentence))
975 (return-from distribute-or sentence))
976 ;;
977 (setq new-form
978 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
979 *fopl-or*
980 (cons new-form args)))
981 ;;
982 (term-replace sentence
983 (distribute-or (allocate-new-term-cell new-form)))
984 (when (pn-flag simplify-fol)
985 ;; simplify
986 (conflict-tautology sentence)
987 (subsume-conjuncts sentence))
988 ;;
989 (when *debug-formula*
990 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
991 (term-print sentence))
992 sentence))))
954 (new-form nil))
955 (setq new-form
956 (make-term-with-sort-check
957 *fopl-and*
958 (list (distribute-or
959 (make-term-with-sort-check
960 *fopl-or*
961 (list arg-1 ; known to be not :or form
962 (distribute-or (term-arg-1 and-form))
963 )))
964 (distribute-or
965 (make-term-with-sort-check
966 *fopl-or*
967 (list (copy-term-reusing-variables arg-1)
968 (distribute-or (term-arg-2 and-form))))))))
969 (unless args
970 (term-replace sentence new-form)
971 (when *debug-formula*
972 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
973 (term-print sentence))
974 (return-from distribute-or sentence))
975 ;;
976 (setq new-form
977 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
978 *fopl-or*
979 (cons new-form args)))
980 ;;
981 (term-replace sentence
982 (distribute-or (allocate-new-term-cell new-form)))
983 (when (pn-flag simplify-fol)
984 ;; simplify
985 (conflict-tautology sentence)
986 (subsume-conjuncts sentence))
987 ;;
988 (when *debug-formula*
989 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
990 (term-print sentence))
991 sentence))))
995994 ;;; GATHER-SUBTERMS-WITH-TOP : op sentence -> List[sentence]
996995 ;;;
997996 (defun gather-subterms-with-top (op sentence)
998997 (declare (type method op)
999 (type term sentence))
998 (type term sentence))
1000999 (list-assoc-subterms sentence op))
10021001 ;;; CONFLICT-TAUTOLOGY : Sentence -> Sentence'
10091008 ;;;
10101009 (defun conflict-tautology (sentence)
10111010 (declare (type term sentence)
1012 (values term))
1011 (values term))
10131012 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
1014 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
1013 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
10151014 (declare (type symbol type))
10161015 (unless (or (eq type :and)
1017 (eq type :or))
1016 (eq type :or))
10181017 (return-from conflict-tautology sentence))
10191018 ;;
10201019 (when *debug-formula*
1021 (format t "~&~d>*conflict-tautology: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1020 (format t "~%~d>*conflict-tautology: " *debug-formula-nest*)
10221021 (term-print sentence))
10231022 ;;
10241023 (let ((subs (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head sentence)
1025 sentence)))
1024 sentence)))
10261025 (declare (type list subs))
10271026 (let ((org-sub-len (length subs))
1028 (confliction nil))
1029 (declare (type fixnum org-sub-len))
1030 (case type
1031 (:and (when (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1032 (is-false? x))
1033 subs)
1034 (setq confliction t))
1035 (unless confliction
1036 (setq subs (remove-if
1037 #'(lambda (x)
1038 (is-true? x))
1039 subs)))
1040 )
1041 (:or (when (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1042 (is-true? x))
1043 subs)
1044 (setq confliction t))
1045 (unless confliction
1046 (setq subs (remove-if
1047 #'(lambda (x)
1048 (is-false? x))
1049 subs)))
1050 ))
1051 ;;
1052 (unless confliction
1053 (dolist (s subs)
1054 (let ((sign (eq (fopl-sentence-type s) :not)))
1055 (when (setq confliction
1056 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1057 (and (not (eq s x))
1058 (cond (sign ; s is negation
1059 (pn-term-equational-equal
1060 (term-arg-1 s)
1061 x))
1062 (t ; s is not negation
1063 (and (eq (fopl-sentence-type x)
1064 :not)
1065 (pn-term-equational-equal
1066 s
1067 (term-arg-1 x)))))))
1068 subs))
1069 (return)))))
1070 ;;
1071 (when confliction
1072 (if (eq type :and)
1073 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-false*))
1074 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-true*)))
1075 (when *debug-formula*
1076 (format t "~&<~d: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1077 (term-print sentence))
1078 (return-from conflict-tautology sentence)
1079 )
1080 ;;
1081 (unless (= org-sub-len (the fixnum (length subs)))
1082 (let ((new-form nil))
1083 (if (cdr subs)
1084 (setq new-form
1085 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1086 (if (eq type :and)
1087 *fopl-and*
1088 *fopl-or*)
1089 subs))
1090 (if subs
1091 (setq new-form (car subs))
1092 (setq new-form
1093 (if (eq type :and)
1094 (new-term *bool-true*)
1095 (new-term *bool-false*)))))
1096 (term-replace sentence new-form)))
1097 ;;
1098 (when *debug-formula*
1099 (format t "~&<~d: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1100 (term-print sentence))
1101 sentence))))
1027 (confliction nil))
1028 (declare (type fixnum org-sub-len))
1029 (case type
1030 (:and (when (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1031 (is-false? x))
1032 subs)
1033 (setq confliction t))
1034 (unless confliction
1035 (setq subs (remove-if
1036 #'(lambda (x)
1037 (is-true? x))
1038 subs)))
1039 )
1040 (:or (when (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1041 (is-true? x))
1042 subs)
1043 (setq confliction t))
1044 (unless confliction
1045 (setq subs (remove-if
1046 #'(lambda (x)
1047 (is-false? x))
1048 subs)))
1049 ))
1050 ;;
1051 (unless confliction
1052 (dolist (s subs)
1053 (let ((sign (eq (fopl-sentence-type s) :not)))
1054 (when (setq confliction
1055 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1056 (and (not (eq s x))
1057 (cond (sign ; s is negation
1058 (pn-term-equational-equal
1059 (term-arg-1 s)
1060 x))
1061 (t ; s is not negation
1062 (and (eq (fopl-sentence-type x)
1063 :not)
1064 (pn-term-equational-equal
1065 s
1066 (term-arg-1 x)))))))
1067 subs))
1068 (return)))))
1069 ;;
1070 (when confliction
1071 (if (eq type :and)
1072 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-false*))
1073 (term-replace sentence (new-term *bool-true*)))
1074 (when *debug-formula*
1075 (format t "~%<~d: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1076 (term-print sentence))
1077 (return-from conflict-tautology sentence)
1078 )
1079 ;;
1080 (unless (= org-sub-len (the fixnum (length subs)))
1081 (let ((new-form nil))
1082 (if (cdr subs)
1083 (setq new-form
1084 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1085 (if (eq type :and)
1086 *fopl-and*
1087 *fopl-or*)
1088 subs))
1089 (if subs
1090 (setq new-form (car subs))
1091 (setq new-form
1092 (if (eq type :and)
1093 (new-term *bool-true*)
1094 (new-term *bool-false*)))))
1095 (term-replace sentence new-form)))
1096 ;;
1097 (when *debug-formula*
1098 (format t "~%<~d: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1099 (term-print sentence))
1100 sentence))))
11031102 ;;; SUBSUME-CONJUNCTS : Sentence -> Sentence'
11041103 ;;; - given a conjuction, discard weaker conjuncts.
11091108 (unless (eq (fopl-sentence-type c) :and)
11101109 (return-from subsume-conjuncts c))
11111110 (let ((subs (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head c) c))
1112 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
1111 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
11131112 (declare (type list subs))
11141113 (when *debug-formula*
1115 (format t "~&~d>*subsume-conjuncts: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1114 (format t "~%~d>*subsume-conjuncts: " *debug-formula-nest*)
11161115 (term-print c))
11171116 (let ((res (copy-list subs)))
11181117 (declare (type list res))
11191118 (dolist (s subs)
1120 (declare (type term s))
1121 (if (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1122 (and (not (term-eq s x))
1123 (gen-subsume-prop x s)))
1124 res)
1125 (setq res (delete s res))
1126 ;;
1127 (setq res (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
1128 (and (not (term-eq s x))
1129 (gen-subsume-prop s x)))
1130 res))))
1119 (declare (type term s))
1120 (if (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1121 (and (not (term-eq s x))
1122 (gen-subsume-prop x s)))
1123 res)
1124 (setq res (delete s res))
1125 ;;
1126 (setq res (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
1127 (and (not (term-eq s x))
1128 (gen-subsume-prop s x)))
1129 res))))
11311130 ;;
11321131 (unless (= (the fixnum (length subs)) (the fixnum (length res)))
1133 (if (cdr res)
1134 (let ((new-and-term
1135 (make-term-with-sort-check
1136 *fopl-and*
1137 (list (car res) (cadr res)))))
1138 (dolist (arg (cddr res))
1139 (setq new-and-term
1140 (make-term-with-sort-check
1141 *fopl-and*
1142 (list new-and-term arg))))
1143 (term-replace c new-and-term))
1144 (term-replace c (car res))))
1132 (if (cdr res)
1133 (let ((new-and-term
1134 (make-term-with-sort-check
1135 *fopl-and*
1136 (list (car res) (cadr res)))))
1137 (dolist (arg (cddr res))
1138 (setq new-and-term
1139 (make-term-with-sort-check
1140 *fopl-and*
1141 (list new-and-term arg))))
1142 (term-replace c new-and-term))
1143 (term-replace c (car res))))
11451144 ;;
11461145 (when *debug-formula*
1147 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
1148 (term-print c))
1146 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
1147 (term-print c))
11491148 ;;
11501149 c)))
11561155 ;;;
11571156 (defun subsume-disjuncts (d)
11581157 (declare (type term d)
1159 (values term))
1158 (values term))
11601159 (unless (eq (fopl-sentence-type d) :or)
11611160 (return-from subsume-disjuncts d))
11621161 (let ((subs (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head d) d))
1163 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
1162 (*debug-formula-nest* (1+ *debug-formula-nest*)))
11641163 (declare (type list subs))
11651164 (when *debug-formula*
1166 (format t "~&~d>*subsume-disjuncts: " *debug-formula-nest*)
1165 (format t "~%~d>*subsume-disjuncts: " *debug-formula-nest*)
11671166 (term-print d))
11681167 ;;
11691168 (let ((res (copy-list subs)))
11701169 (declare (type list res))
11711170 (dolist (s subs)
1172 (declare (type term s))
1173 (if (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1174 (and (not (term-eq s x))
1175 (gen-subsume-prop s x)))
1176 res)
1177 (setq res (delete s res))
1178 (setq res (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
1179 (and (not (term-eq x s))
1180 (gen-subsume-prop x s)))
1181 res))))
1171 (declare (type term s))
1172 (if (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1173 (and (not (term-eq s x))
1174 (gen-subsume-prop s x)))
1175 res)
1176 (setq res (delete s res))
1177 (setq res (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
1178 (and (not (term-eq x s))
1179 (gen-subsume-prop x s)))
1180 res))))
11821181 (unless (= (the fixnum (length res)) (the fixnum (length subs)))
1183 (if (cdr res)
1184 (let ((new-or-term
1185 (make-term-with-sort-check
1186 *fopl-or*
1187 (list (car res) (cadr res)))))
1188 (dolist (arg (cddr res))
1189 (setq new-or-term
1190 (make-term-with-sort-check
1191 *fopl-or*
1192 (list new-or-term arg))))
1193 (term-replace d new-or-term))
1194 (term-replace d (car res))))
1182 (if (cdr res)
1183 (let ((new-or-term
1184 (make-term-with-sort-check
1185 *fopl-or*
1186 (list (car res) (cadr res)))))
1187 (dolist (arg (cddr res))
1188 (setq new-or-term
1189 (make-term-with-sort-check
1190 *fopl-or*
1191 (list new-or-term arg))))
1192 (term-replace d new-or-term))
1193 (term-replace d (car res))))
11951194 ;;
11961195 (when *debug-formula*
1197 (format t "~&~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
1198 (term-print d))
1196 (format t "~%~d< " *debug-formula-nest*)
1197 (term-print d))
11991198 ;;
12001199 d)))
12111210 (defun gen-subsume-prop (c d)
12121211 (declare (type term c d))
12131212 (let ((c-type (fopl-sentence-type c))
1214 (d-type (fopl-sentence-type d)))
1213 (d-type (fopl-sentence-type d)))
12151214 (declare (type symbol c-type d-type))
12161215 (let ((res nil)
1217 (*debug-subsume-prop-nest* (1+ *debug-subsume-prop-nest*)))
1216 (*debug-subsume-prop-nest* (1+ *debug-subsume-prop-nest*)))
12181217 (when *debug-subsume-prop*
1219 (format t "~&~d>[subsume prop]: " *debug-subsume-prop-nest*)
1220 (format t "~&c = ")(term-print c)
1221 (format t "~&d = ")(term-print d))
1218 (format t "~%~d>[subsume prop]: " *debug-subsume-prop-nest*)
1219 (format t "~&c = ")(term-print c)
1220 (format t "~&d = ")(term-print d))
12221221 (setq res
1223 (if (eq c-type :or)
1224 ;; test each c_i subsumes d
1225 (every #'(lambda (x)
1226 (or (is-true? x)
1227 (gen-subsume-prop x d)))
1228 (term-subterms c))
1229 ;; c-type = :and or others
1230 (if (eq d-type :and)
1231 ;; test c subsumes each d_i
1232 (every #'(lambda (x)
1233 (gen-subsume-prop c x))
1234 (term-subterms d))
1235 (if (eq c-type :and)
1236 ;; test one c_i subsumes d
1237 (some #'(lambda (x)
1238 (or (is-false? x)
1239 (gen-subsume-prop x d)))
1240 (term-subterms c))
1241 (if (eq d-type :or)
1242 ;; test c subsumes one d_i
1243 (some #'(lambda (x)
1244 (gen-subsume-prop c x))
1245 (term-subterms d))
1246 ;; c and d are :not, :atom, :forall, or :exists
1247 (formula-is-identical c d)
1248 )))))
1222 (if (eq c-type :or)
1223 ;; test each c_i subsumes d
1224 (every #'(lambda (x)
1225 (or (is-true? x)
1226 (gen-subsume-prop x d)))
1227 (term-subterms c))
1228 ;; c-type = :and or others
1229 (if (eq d-type :and)
1230 ;; test c subsumes each d_i
1231 (every #'(lambda (x)
1232 (gen-subsume-prop c x))
1233 (term-subterms d))
1234 (if (eq c-type :and)
1235 ;; test one c_i subsumes d
1236 (some #'(lambda (x)
1237 (or (is-false? x)
1238 (gen-subsume-prop x d)))
1239 (term-subterms c))
1240 (if (eq d-type :or)
1241 ;; test c subsumes one d_i
1242 (some #'(lambda (x)
1243 (gen-subsume-prop c x))
1244 (term-subterms d))
1245 ;; c and d are :not, :atom, :forall, or :exists
1246 (formula-is-identical c d)
1247 )))))
12491248 (when *debug-subsume-prop*
1250 (format t "~&~d< ~a" *debug-subsume-prop-nest* res))
1249 (format t "~%~d< ~a" *debug-subsume-prop-nest* res))
12511250 ;;
1252 res
1253 )))
1251 res)))
12551253 ;;; FORMULA-IS-IDENTICAL : Sentence Sentence -> Bool
12561254 ;;;
12621260 ;;;
12631261 (defun term->clause (f psys)
12641262 (declare (type term f)
1265 (type psystem psys))
1263 (type psystem psys))
12661264 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type f))
1267 (c (new-clause psys *current-formula*)))
1265 (c (new-clause psys *current-formula*)))
12681266 (declare (type symbol type)
1269 (type clause c))
1267 (type clause c))
12701268 (when *debug-formula*
1271 (format t "~&>>*term->clause: ")
1269 (format t "~%>>*term->clause: ")
12721270 (term-print f))
12731271 (when (is-true? f)
12741272 (return-from term->clause nil))
12761274 (case type
12771275 ((:atom :not :eq :beq)
12781276 (let ((lit (make-literal :sign (not (eq type :not))
1279 :atom (if (not (eq type :not))
1280 f
1281 ;; ~ P
1282 (term-arg-1 f))
1283 :clause c)))
1284 (declare (type literal lit))
1285 (mark-literal lit)
1286 (if (is-false? f)
1287 ;; make empty clause
1288 (setf (clause-literals c) nil)
1289 (setf (clause-literals c) (list lit)))))
1277 :atom (if (not (eq type :not))
1278 f
1279 ;; ~ P
1280 (term-arg-1 f))
1281 :clause c)))
1282 (declare (type literal lit))
1283 (mark-literal lit)
1284 (if (is-false? f)
1285 ;; make empty clause
1286 (setf (clause-literals c) nil)
1287 (setf (clause-literals c) (list lit)))))
12901288 ;;
12911289 (:or
12921290 (let ((subs (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head f) f))
1293 (res nil))
1294 (declare (type list subs res))
1295 (dolist (sub subs)
1296 (let* ((stype (fopl-sentence-type sub))
1297 (lit (if (is-false? sub)
1298 :false
1299 (make-literal :sign (not (eq stype :not))
1300 :atom (if (not (eq stype :not))
1301 sub
1302 (term-arg-1 sub))
1303 :clause c))))
1304 (declare (type symbol stype)
1305 (type (or symbol literal) lit))
1306 (push lit res)))
1307 (setq res (delete :false res :test #'eq))
1308 (dolist (l res)
1309 (mark-literal l)
1310 (push l (clause-literals c)))
1311 ))
1291 (res nil))
1292 (declare (type list subs res))
1293 (dolist (sub subs)
1294 (let* ((stype (fopl-sentence-type sub))
1295 (lit (if (is-false? sub)
1296 :false
1297 (make-literal :sign (not (eq stype :not))
1298 :atom (if (not (eq stype :not))
1299 sub
1300 (term-arg-1 sub))
1301 :clause c))))
1302 (declare (type symbol stype)
1303 (type (or symbol literal) lit))
1304 (push lit res)))
1305 (setq res (delete :false res :test #'eq))
1306 (dolist (l res)
1307 (mark-literal l)
1308 (push l (clause-literals c)))
1309 ))
13121310 ;;
13131311 (otherwise (with-output-panic-message ()
1314 (format t "term->clause: accepted illegal formula~%")
1315 (term-print f))))
1312 (format t "term->clause: accepted illegal formula~%")
1313 (term-print f))))
13161314 ;; merge identical literals
13171315 (merge-clause c)
13181316 c))
13221320 ;;;
13231321 (defun cnf-to-list (sentence psys)
13241322 (declare (type term sentence)
1325 (type psystem psys))
1323 (type psystem psys))
13261324 (let ((stype (fopl-sentence-type sentence)))
13271325 (declare (type symbol stype))
13281326 (if (eq stype :and)
1329 (let ((subs (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head sentence)
1330 sentence))
1331 (res nil))
1332 (declare (type list subs res))
1333 (dolist (s subs)
1334 (declare (type term s))
1335 (unless (is-true? s)
1336 (setq res (nconc res
1337 (list (term->clause s psys))))))
1338 res)
1327 (let ((subs (gather-subterms-with-top (term-head sentence)
1328 sentence))
1329 (res nil))
1330 (declare (type list subs res))
1331 (dolist (s subs)
1332 (declare (type term s))
1333 (unless (is-true? s)
1334 (setq res (nconc res
1335 (list (term->clause s psys))))))
1336 res)
13391337 (let ((res (term->clause sentence psys)))
1340 (declare (type (or null clause) res))
1341 (if res
1342 (list res)
1343 nil))
1338 (declare (type (or null clause) res))
1339 (if res
1340 (list res)
1341 nil))
13441342 )))
13461344 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:glob.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:glob.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 ;;; FOPL SYNTAX ---------------------------------------------------------------
4242 ;;; ***********
44 #||
44 #|
4545 ;;; t if our logic has two diffrent types of equality.
4646 ;; (declaim (type boolean *fopl-two-equalities*))
4747 (defvar *fopl-two-equalities* nil)
7272 (defvar *clause-constructor2* nil)
7373 (defvar *fopl-sentence-seq* nil)
75 ||#
75 |#
7676 ;;; *******
7777 ;;; FORMULA ----------------------------------------------------------------
7878 ;;; *******
100100 ;;; PROOF SYSTEM
101101 ;;; ------------
102102 (declaim (special *current-proof-system*))
103 (defvar *current-proof-system* nil) ; current module
104 (defvar *current-psys* nil) ; current psystem
105 (defvar *given-clause* nil) ; current given clause
107 (defvar *pn-proof-module* nil) ; built-in for invariance check
103 (defvar *current-proof-system* nil) ; current module
104 (defvar *current-psys* nil) ; current psystem
105 (defvar *given-clause* nil) ; current given clause
107 (defvar *pn-proof-module* nil) ; built-in for invariance check
109109 (defvar *pn-refinement-check-module* nil)
110 ; built-in for refinement check
110 ; built-in for refinement check
112112 (defvar *pn-no-db-reset* nil)
117117 (defvar .pn-clause-deleted. 0)
119119 ;;; hash table of all clauses generated so far.
120 (defvar *clause-hash* nil) ; from *current-psys*
120 (defvar *clause-hash* nil) ; from *current-psys*
122122 ;;; Set of support (SOS)
123123 (declaim (type list *sos*))
124 (defvar *sos* nil) ; from *current-psys*
124 (defvar *sos* nil) ; from *current-psys*
126126 ;;; usable clauses
127127 (declaim (type list *usable*))
128 (defvar *usable* nil) ; from *current-psys*
128 (defvar *usable* nil) ; from *current-psys*
130130 ;;; demodulators
131 (defvar *demodulators* nil) ; from *current-psys*
131 (defvar *demodulators* nil) ; from *current-psys*
132132 (defvar *new-demodulator* nil)
134134 (declaim (type list *passive*))
135 (defvar *passive* nil) ; from *current-psys*
135 (defvar *passive* nil) ; from *current-psys*
137137 ;;; binds the last clause id given as input.
138138 ;;;
196196 ;;; parameter index
198 ; (defconstant REPORT 0) ; output stats and times every
199 ; n seconds
200 (defconstant MAX-GEN 0) ; stop search after this many
201 ; generated clauses
202 (defconstant MAX-KEPT 1) ; stop search after this many
203 ; kept clauses
204 (defconstant MAX-GIVEN 2) ; stop search after this many
205 ; given clauses
206 ; (defconstant MAX-LITERALS 5) ; max # of lits in kept clause
207 ; (0 -> no limit)
208 (defconstant MAX-WEIGHT 3) ; maximum weight of kept clauses
209 ; (defconstant MAX-DISTINCT-VARS 7) ; max # of variables in kept
210 ; clause
211 (defconstant PICK-GIVEN-RATIO 4) ; pick lightest n times, then
212 ; pick first
213 ;(defconstant INTERRUPT-GIVEN 9) ; call interact after this
214 ; many given cls
215 (defconstant DEMOD-LIMIT 5) ; Limit on number of rewrites
216 ; per clause
217 (defconstant MAX-PROOFS 6) ; stop search after this many
218 ; empty clauses
219 ;(defconstant MIN-BIT-WIDTH 7) ; minimum field for bit strings
220 (defconstant NEG-WEIGHT 8) ; add this value to wight of
221 ; negative literals
222 ;(defconstant PRETTY-PRINT-INDENT 9) ; indent for pretty print
223 (defconstant STATS-LEVEL 10) ; higher stats-level -> output
224 ; more statistics
225 (defconstant CHANGE-LIMIT-AFTER 11) ; replace reduce-weight-limit
226 (defconstant NEW-MAX-WEIGHT 12) ; replace reduce-weight-limit
227 ;(defconstant HEAT 13) ; maximum heat level
228 ;(defconstant DYNAMIC-HEAT-WEIGHT 14) ; max weigth of dynamic hot clause
229 (defconstant MAX-ANSWERS 13) ; maximum number of answer literals
231 ;(defconstant FSUB-HINT-ADD-WT 16) ; add to pick-given wt
232 ;(defconstant BSUB-HINT-ADD-WT 17) ; add to pick-given wt
233 ;(defconstant EQUIV-HINT-ADD-WT 23) ; add to pick-given wt
234 ;(defconstant VERBOSE-DEMOD-SKIP 24) ; debugging option
236 ;(defconstant FSUB-HINT-WT 25) ; pick-given wt
237 ;(defconstant BSUB-HINT-WT 26) ; pick-given wt
238 ;(defconstant EQUIV-HINT-WT 27) ; pick-given wt
240 ;(defconstant AGE-FACTOR 30) ; to adjust the pick-given weight
241 ;(defconstant DISTINCT-VARS-FACTOR 31) ; to adjust the pick-given weight
198 ; (defconstant REPORT 0) ; output stats and times every
199 ; n seconds
200 (defconstant MAX-GEN 0) ; stop search after this many
201 ; generated clauses
202 (defconstant MAX-KEPT 1) ; stop search after this many
203 ; kept clauses
204 (defconstant MAX-GIVEN 2) ; stop search after this many
205 ; given clauses
206 ; (defconstant MAX-LITERALS 5) ; max # of lits in kept clause
207 ; (0 -> no limit)
208 (defconstant MAX-WEIGHT 3) ; maximum weight of kept clauses
209 ; (defconstant MAX-DISTINCT-VARS 7) ; max # of variables in kept
210 ; clause
211 (defconstant PICK-GIVEN-RATIO 4) ; pick lightest n times, then
212 ; pick first
213 ;(defconstant INTERRUPT-GIVEN 9) ; call interact after this
214 ; many given cls
215 (defconstant DEMOD-LIMIT 5) ; Limit on number of rewrites
216 ; per clause
217 (defconstant MAX-PROOFS 6) ; stop search after this many
218 ; empty clauses
219 ;(defconstant MIN-BIT-WIDTH 7) ; minimum field for bit strings
220 (defconstant NEG-WEIGHT 8) ; add this value to wight of
221 ; negative literals
222 ;(defconstant PRETTY-PRINT-INDENT 9) ; indent for pretty print
223 (defconstant STATS-LEVEL 10) ; higher stats-level -> output
224 ; more statistics
225 (defconstant CHANGE-LIMIT-AFTER 11) ; replace reduce-weight-limit
226 (defconstant NEW-MAX-WEIGHT 12) ; replace reduce-weight-limit
227 ;(defconstant HEAT 13) ; maximum heat level
228 ;(defconstant DYNAMIC-HEAT-WEIGHT 14) ; max weigth of dynamic hot clause
229 (defconstant MAX-ANSWERS 13) ; maximum number of answer literals
231 ;(defconstant FSUB-HINT-ADD-WT 16) ; add to pick-given wt
232 ;(defconstant BSUB-HINT-ADD-WT 17) ; add to pick-given wt
233 ;(defconstant EQUIV-HINT-ADD-WT 23) ; add to pick-given wt
234 ;(defconstant VERBOSE-DEMOD-SKIP 24) ; debugging option
236 ;(defconstant FSUB-HINT-WT 25) ; pick-given wt
237 ;(defconstant BSUB-HINT-WT 26) ; pick-given wt
238 ;(defconstant EQUIV-HINT-WT 27) ; pick-given wt
240 ;(defconstant AGE-FACTOR 30) ; to adjust the pick-given weight
241 ;(defconstant DISTINCT-VARS-FACTOR 31) ; to adjust the pick-given weight
242242 ;(defconstant NEW-SYMBOL-LEX-POSITION 32)
243243 (defconstant MAX-SOS 14)
244 (defconstant MAX-SECONDS 15) ; stop search after this many
244 (defconstant MAX-SECONDS 15) ; stop search after this many
245245 (defconstant DYNAMIC-DEMOD-DEPTH 16)
246246 (defconstant DYNAMIC-DEMOD-RHS 17)
247247 ;;
434434 `(pignose-flag-hook (aref *pn-control-flags* ,flag-index)))
436436 ;;; IDEXES
437 (defconstant sos-queue 0) ; first clause on sos is given clause
438 (defconstant sos-stack 1) ; pick last sos clause as given clause
439 (defconstant input-sos-first 2) ; use input sos before generated sos
441 (defconstant print-given 3) ; print given clauses
442 (defconstant print-lists-at-end 4) ; print clause lists at end of run
444 (defconstant binary-res 5) ; binary resolution
445 (defconstant hyper-res 6) ; hyperresolution
446 (defconstant neg-hyper-res 7) ; negatve hyperresolution inf rule
447 ;(defconstant ur-res 8) ; UR-resolution.
448 (defconstant para-into 8) ; `into' paramodulation inference rule
449 (defconstant para-from 9) ; `from' paramodulation inference rule
450 (defconstant demod-inf 10) ; apply demodulation as an inference rule
437 (defconstant sos-queue 0) ; first clause on sos is given clause
438 (defconstant sos-stack 1) ; pick last sos clause as given clause
439 (defconstant input-sos-first 2) ; use input sos before generated sos
441 (defconstant print-given 3) ; print given clauses
442 (defconstant print-lists-at-end 4) ; print clause lists at end of run
444 (defconstant binary-res 5) ; binary resolution
445 (defconstant hyper-res 6) ; hyperresolution
446 (defconstant neg-hyper-res 7) ; negatve hyperresolution inf rule
447 ;(defconstant ur-res 8) ; UR-resolution.
448 (defconstant para-into 8) ; `into' paramodulation inference rule
449 (defconstant para-from 9) ; `from' paramodulation inference rule
450 (defconstant demod-inf 10) ; apply demodulation as an inference rule
452 (defconstant para-from-left 11) ; allow paramodulation from left sides
453 (defconstant para-from-right 12) ; allow paramodulation from right sides
454 (defconstant para-into-left 13) ; allow paramodulation into
455 ; left args of =
456 (defconstant para-into-right 14) ; allow paramodulation into
457 ; right args of =
458 (defconstant para-from-vars 15) ; allow paramodulation from variables
459 (defconstant para-into-vars 16) ; allow paramodulation into variables
460 (defconstant para-from-units-only 17) ; from clause must be unit
461 (defconstant para-into-units-only 18) ; into clause must be unit
462 (defconstant para-skip-skolem 19) ; Skolem function restriction strategy
463 (defconstant para-ones-rule 20) ; paramod only into first args of terms
464 (defconstant para-all 21) ; paramodulate all occurrences
465 ; of into term
466 ;(defconstant detailed-history 23) ; store literal position vectors
467 ;(defconstant order-history 24) ; Nucleus number first for
468 ; hyper, UR.
469 (defconstant unit-deletion 22) ; unit deletion processing
452 (defconstant para-from-left 11) ; allow paramodulation from left sides
453 (defconstant para-from-right 12) ; allow paramodulation from right sides
454 (defconstant para-into-left 13) ; allow paramodulation into
455 ; left args of =
456 (defconstant para-into-right 14) ; allow paramodulation into
457 ; right args of =
458 (defconstant para-from-vars 15) ; allow paramodulation from variables
459 (defconstant para-into-vars 16) ; allow paramodulation into variables
460 (defconstant para-from-units-only 17) ; from clause must be unit
461 (defconstant para-into-units-only 18) ; into clause must be unit
462 (defconstant para-skip-skolem 19) ; Skolem function restriction strategy
463 (defconstant para-ones-rule 20) ; paramod only into first args of terms
464 (defconstant para-all 21) ; paramodulate all occurrences
465 ; of into term
466 ;(defconstant detailed-history 23) ; store literal position vectors
467 ;(defconstant order-history 24) ; Nucleus number first for
468 ; hyper, UR.
469 (defconstant unit-deletion 22) ; unit deletion processing
470470 (defconstant delete-identical-nested-skolem 23) ; delete clauses containing
471 (defconstant sort-literals 24) ; sort literals in pre-process
472 (defconstant for-sub 25) ; forward subsumption
473 (defconstant back-sub 26) ; back subsumption
474 (defconstant factor 27) ; factor during post-process
476 ;(defconstant demod-history 31) ; build history in demodulation
477 (defconstant order-eq 28) ; flip equalities (+ and -) if
478 ; right arg heavier
479 (defconstant eq-units-both-ways 29) ; non-oriented eq units both ways
481 (defconstant dynamic-demod 30) ; dynamic addition of demodulators
482 (defconstant dynamic-demod-all 31) ; try to make all equalities
483 ; into demodulators
484 (defconstant dynamic-demod-lex-dep 32) ; allow lex-dep dynamic demodulators
485 (defconstant back-demod 33) ; back demodulation
486 (defconstant kb 34) ; Attempt Knuth-Bendix completion
487 (defconstant lrpo 35) ; lexicographic recursive path
488 ; ordering
489 (defconstant lex-order-vars 36) ; consider variables when
490 ; lex-checking terms
491 (defconstant simplify-fol 37) ; attempt to simplify during
492 ; cnf translation
471 (defconstant sort-literals 24) ; sort literals in pre-process
472 (defconstant for-sub 25) ; forward subsumption
473 (defconstant back-sub 26) ; back subsumption
474 (defconstant factor 27) ; factor during post-process
476 ;(defconstant demod-history 31) ; build history in demodulation
477 (defconstant order-eq 28) ; flip equalities (+ and -) if
478 ; right arg heavier
479 (defconstant eq-units-both-ways 29) ; non-oriented eq units both ways
481 (defconstant dynamic-demod 30) ; dynamic addition of demodulators
482 (defconstant dynamic-demod-all 31) ; try to make all equalities
483 ; into demodulators
484 (defconstant dynamic-demod-lex-dep 32) ; allow lex-dep dynamic demodulators
485 (defconstant back-demod 33) ; back demodulation
486 (defconstant kb 34) ; Attempt Knuth-Bendix completion
487 (defconstant lrpo 35) ; lexicographic recursive path
488 ; ordering
489 (defconstant lex-order-vars 36) ; consider variables when
490 ; lex-checking terms
491 (defconstant simplify-fol 37) ; attempt to simplify during
492 ; cnf translation
493493 (defconstant new-variable-name 38)
494 (defconstant process-input 39) ; process input usable and sos
494 (defconstant process-input 39) ; process input usable and sos
495495 (defconstant quiet 40)
496 (defconstant very-verbose 41) ; print generated clauses
497 (defconstant print-kept 42) ; print kept clauses
498 (defconstant print-proofs 43) ; print all proofs found
499 (defconstant print-new-demod 44) ; print new demodultors
500 (defconstant print-back-demod 45) ; print back demodulated clauses
501 (defconstant print-back-sub 46) ; print back subsumed clauses
503 (defconstant order-hyper 47) ; ordered hyperresolution
504 ; (satellites)
505 (defconstant propositional 48) ; some propositional
506 ; optimizations
507 ;(defconstant atom-wt-max-args 53) ; weight of atom is max of
508 ; weights of arguments
509 ;(defconstant term-wt-max-args 54) ; weight of term is max of
510 ; weights of arguments
511 (defconstant AUTO 49) ; select the current AUTO mode
512 ;(defconstant proof-weight 56) ; Calculate proof weight (ancestor bag).
513 (defconstant hyper-symmetry-kludge 50) ; Secret flag
514 ;(defconstant gl-demod 58) ; Delay demodulation.
496 (defconstant very-verbose 41) ; print generated clauses
497 (defconstant print-kept 42) ; print kept clauses
498 (defconstant print-proofs 43) ; print all proofs found
499 (defconstant print-new-demod 44) ; print new demodultors
500 (defconstant print-back-demod 45) ; print back demodulated clauses
501 (defconstant print-back-sub 46) ; print back subsumed clauses
503 (defconstant order-hyper 47) ; ordered hyperresolution
504 ; (satellites)
505 (defconstant propositional 48) ; some propositional
506 ; optimizations
507 ;(defconstant atom-wt-max-args 53) ; weight of atom is max of
508 ; weights of arguments
509 ;(defconstant term-wt-max-args 54) ; weight of term is max of
510 ; weights of arguments
511 (defconstant AUTO 49) ; select the current AUTO mode
512 ;(defconstant proof-weight 56) ; Calculate proof weight (ancestor bag).
513 (defconstant hyper-symmetry-kludge 50) ; Secret flag
514 ;(defconstant gl-demod 58) ; Delay demodulation.
515515 (defconstant discard-non-orientable-eq 51) ; Secret flag
516 (defconstant discard-xx-resolvable 52) ; Secret flag
517 (defconstant back-unit-deletion 53) ; like back demodulation, but
518 ; for literals
516 (defconstant discard-xx-resolvable 52) ; Secret flag
517 (defconstant back-unit-deletion 53) ; like back demodulation, but
518 ; for literals
519519 (defconstant auto2 54)
520520 (defconstant auto1 55)
521521 (defconstant auto3 56)
539539 (defconstant no-new-demod 74)
540540 ;;; new flags
541541 (defconstant prop-res 75)
542 (defconstant no-junk 76) ; obsolete
543 (defconstant no-confusion 77) ; obsolete
542 (defconstant no-junk 76) ; obsolete
543 (defconstant no-confusion 77) ; obsolete
544544 (defconstant meta-paramod 78)
545545 (defconstant debug-inv-check 79)
546546 (defconstant dist-const 80)
670670 ;;; BINARY-RES
671671 #|
672 default off
673 if set, inference rule binary resolution is used to
674 generate new clauses.
675 effected flags
676 *factor* on
677 *unit-del* on
672 default off
673 if set, inference rule binary resolution is used to
674 generate new clauses.
675 effected flags
676 *factor* on
677 *unit-del* on
678678 |#
680680 ;;; HYPER-RES
681681 #|
682 default off
683 if set, inference rule (positive) hyper resolution is used to
684 generate new clauses.
682 default off
683 if set, inference rule (positive) hyper resolution is used to
684 generate new clauses.
685685 |#
687687 ;;; NEG-HYPER-RES
688688 #|
689 default off
690 if set, inference rule negative hyper resolution is used
691 to generate new clauses.
689 default off
690 if set, inference rule negative hyper resolution is used
691 to generate new clauses.
692692 |#
694694 ;;; UR-RES
695695 #|
696 default off
697 if set, inference rule UR-resolution is used to generate
698 new clauses.
696 default off
697 if set, inference rule UR-resolution is used to generate
698 new clauses.
699699 |#
701701 ;;; PARA-INTO
702702 #|
703 default off
704 if set, inference rule "paramodulation into the given clause"
705 is used to generate new clauses.
703 default off
704 if set, inference rule "paramodulation into the given clause"
705 is used to generate new clauses.
706706 |#
708708 ;;; PARA-FROM
709709 #|
710 default off
711 if set, inference rule "paramodulation from the given clause"
712 is used to generate new clauses.
710 default off
711 if set, inference rule "paramodulation from the given clause"
712 is used to generate new clauses.
713713 |#
717717 ;;; PARA-FROM-LEFT
718718 #|
719 default set
720 if set, paramodulation is allowed from the left sides of
721 equality literals.
722 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
719 default set
720 if set, paramodulation is allowed from the left sides of
721 equality literals.
722 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
723723 |#
725725 ;;; PARA-FROM-RIGHT
726726 #|
727 default set
728 if set, paramodulation is allowed the right sides of
729 equality literals.
730 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
727 default set
728 if set, paramodulation is allowed the right sides of
729 equality literals.
730 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
731731 |#
733733 ;;; PARA-INTO-LEFT
734734 #|
735 default set
736 if set, paramodulation is allowed into left sides of
737 positive and negative literals.
738 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
735 default set
736 if set, paramodulation is allowed into left sides of
737 positive and negative literals.
738 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
739739 |#
741741 ;;; PARA-INTO-RIGHT
742742 #|
743 default set
744 if set, paramodulation is allowed into right sides of
745 positive and gengative equalities.
746 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
743 default set
744 if set, paramodulation is allowed into right sides of
745 positive and gengative equalities.
746 applied to both *para-into* and *para-from* inference rules.
747747 |#
749749 ;;; Flags handling generated clauses
753753 #|
754 default set
755 affects the parent lists in clauses that are derived by
756 *binary-res*, *para-from* or *para-into*.
757 if set, the positions of the unified literals or terms are
758 given alog with the IDs of the parents.
759 |#
754 default set
755 affects the parent lists in clauses that are derived by
756 *binary-res*, *para-from* or *para-into*.
757 if set, the positions of the unified literals or terms are
758 given alog with the IDs of the parents.
759 |#
761761 ;;; ORDER-HISTORY
762762 #|
763 default off
764 affects the order of parent lists in clauses that are derived
765 by hyperresolition, negative hyperresolution, or
766 UR-reaolution.
767 if set, the nucleus is listed first, and the satellites are
768 listed in the order in which the corresponding literals appear
769 in the nucleus.
770 if the flag is off (or if the clause was derived by some other
771 inference rule), the given clause is listed first.
763 default off
764 affects the order of parent lists in clauses that are derived
765 by hyperresolition, negative hyperresolution, or
766 UR-reaolution.
767 if set, the nucleus is listed first, and the satellites are
768 listed in the order in which the corresponding literals appear
769 in the nucleus.
770 if the flag is off (or if the clause was derived by some other
771 inference rule), the given clause is listed first.
772772 |#
774774 ;;; UNIT-DELETION
775775 #|
776 default off
777 if set, unit deletion is applied to newly generated clauses.
778 this removes a literal from a newly generated clause if
779 the literal is the negation of an instance of a unit clause
780 that ocuurs in usable or sos.
781 ex. the second literal of `p(a, x) \| q(a, x)' is removed by
782 the unit `~q(u,v)'; but it is not removed by the unit
783 `~q(u,b)', because that unification causes the instantiation of
784 x.
786 all such literals are removed from the newly generated clause,
787 even if the reslult is is the empty clauses.
788 unit deletion is not useful if all generated clauses are
789 units.
776 default off
777 if set, unit deletion is applied to newly generated clauses.
778 this removes a literal from a newly generated clause if
779 the literal is the negation of an instance of a unit clause
780 that ocuurs in usable or sos.
781 ex. the second literal of `p(a, x) \| q(a, x)' is removed by
782 the unit `~q(u,v)'; but it is not removed by the unit
783 `~q(u,b)', because that unification causes the instantiation of
784 x.
786 all such literals are removed from the newly generated clause,
787 even if the reslult is is the empty clauses.
788 unit deletion is not useful if all generated clauses are
789 units.
791791 |#
793793 ;;; FOR-SUB
794794 #|
795 default set
796 if this flag is set, forward subsumption is applied during
797 the processing of newly generated clauses -- delete the new
798 clause if it is subsumed by any clause in usable or sos.
795 default set
796 if this flag is set, forward subsumption is applied during
797 the processing of newly generated clauses -- delete the new
798 clause if it is subsumed by any clause in usable or sos.
799799 |#
801801 ;;; BACK-SUB
802802 #|
803 default set
804 if set, back subsumption is applied during the processing of
805 newly kept clauses -- delete all clauses in usable or sos
806 that are subsumed by the newly kept clause.
803 default set
804 if set, back subsumption is applied during the processing of
805 newly kept clauses -- delete all clauses in usable or sos
806 that are subsumed by the newly kept clause.
807807 |#
809809 ;;; FACTOR
810810 #|
811 default off
812 if set, factoring is applied in two ways. first, factoring is
813 applied as a simplification rule to newly generated clauses.
814 if a generated clause C has factors that subsume C, it is
815 replaced with its smallest subsuing factor.
816 second, it is applied as an inference rule to newly kept
817 clauses. note that unlike other inference rules, factoring is
818 not applied to the given clause; it is applied to a new clause
819 as soon as it is kept.
820 all factors are generated in an iterative manner.
821 if factor is set, a clause with n-literals will not cause
822 a clause with fewer than n-literals to be deleted by
823 subsumption.
811 default off
812 if set, factoring is applied in two ways. first, factoring is
813 applied as a simplification rule to newly generated clauses.
814 if a generated clause C has factors that subsume C, it is
815 replaced with its smallest subsuing factor.
816 second, it is applied as an inference rule to newly kept
817 clauses. note that unlike other inference rules, factoring is
818 not applied to the given clause; it is applied to a new clause
819 as soon as it is kept.
820 all factors are generated in an iterative manner.
821 if factor is set, a clause with n-literals will not cause
822 a clause with fewer than n-literals to be deleted by
823 subsumption.
824824 |#
826826 ;;; demodulation and ordering flags
979979 (declaim (type (simple-array fixnum (50)) *pn-stats*))
980980 (defvar *pn-stats* (make-array *pn-stat-size*
981 :element-type 'fixnum
982 :initial-element 0))
981 :element-type 'fixnum
982 :initial-element 0))
985985 ;;;
10361036 (defvar *pn-clocks* (make-array *pn-max-clocks*))
10381038 (defstruct (pn-clock (:type list))
1039 (accum 0 :type integer) ; accumlated time
1040 (curr -1 :type integer)) ; time since clock has been turned on
1039 (accum 0 :type integer) ; accumlated time
1040 (curr -1 :type integer)) ; time since clock has been turned on
10421042 (defmacro clock-start (clock-num)
10431043 `(let ((clock (aref *pn-clocks* ,clock-num)))
10441044 (if (not (= (pn-clock-curr clock) -1))
1045 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1046 (format t "clock #~d already on." ,clock-num))
1045 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1046 (format t "clock #~d already on." ,clock-num))
10471047 (setf (pn-clock-curr clock) (get-internal-real-time)))))
10491049 (defmacro clock-stop (clock-num)
10501050 `(let ((clock (aref *pn-clocks* ,clock-num)))
10511051 (if (= (pn-clock-curr clock) -1)
1052 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1053 (format t "clock #~d already stop." ,clock-num))
1052 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1053 (format t "clock #~d already stop." ,clock-num))
10541054 (progn
1055 (incf (pn-clock-accum clock)
1056 (- (get-internal-real-time) (pn-clock-curr clock)))
1057 (setf (pn-clock-curr clock) -1)))))
1055 (incf (pn-clock-accum clock)
1056 (- (get-internal-real-time) (pn-clock-curr clock)))
1057 (setf (pn-clock-curr clock) -1)))))
10591059 (defun reset-pn-clocks ()
10601060 (dotimes (x *pn-max-clocks*)
11071107 (defun pn-internal-run-time ()
11081108 (elapsed-time-in-seconds *pn-internal-start-time*
1109 (get-internal-run-time)))
1109 (get-internal-run-time)))
11111111 ;;; SETUP
11121112 ;;;
11151115 (defun setup-pignose ()
11161116 (setq .pn-ignore-ops.
11171117 (list *bool-and*
1118 *bool-or*
1119 *bool-not*
1120 *sort-membership*
1121 *bool-if*
1122 *bool-imply*
1123 *bool-iff*
1124 *bool-xor*
1125 *bool-equal*
1126 *beh-equal*
1127 *bool-nonequal*
1128 *beh-eq-pred*
1129 *bool-and-also*
1130 *bool-or-else*))
1118 *bool-or*
1119 *bool-not*
1120 *sort-membership*
1121 *bool-if*
1122 *bool-imply*
1123 *bool-iff*
1124 *bool-xor*
1125 *bool-equal*
1126 *beh-equal*
1127 *bool-nonequal*
1128 *beh-eq-pred*
1129 *bool-and-also*
1130 *bool-or-else*))
11311131 )
11331133 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:index.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:index.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;; **********
4242 ;;; **********
4444 ;;; ==========================
9494 ;;;
9595 (defun specialize-term (term module)
9696 (declare (type term term)
97 (type module module))
97 (type module module))
9898 (let* ((method (if (term-is-applform? term)
99 (term-head term)
100 nil))
101 (mmod (if method (method-module method) nil))
102 (promod (if *ignore-protected-modules*
103 nil
104 (module-protected-modules module)))
105 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table module))
106 (result nil))
99 (term-head term)
100 nil))
101 (mmod (if method (method-module method) nil))
102 (promod (if *ignore-protected-modules*
103 nil
104 (module-protected-modules module)))
105 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table module))
106 (result nil))
107107 (declare (type (or null method method))
108 (type module)
109 (type (or null module) mmod promod)
110 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
111 (type list result))
108 (type module)
109 (type (or null module) mmod promod)
110 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
111 (type list result))
112112 ;;
113113 (unless (term-is-variable? term)
114114 (setq result
115 (specialize-term-for-methods
116 term
117 (if (method-is-universal method)
118 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)
119 (remove-if #'(lambda (meth)
120 (let ((xmod (method-module meth)))
121 (and (not (eq xmod mmod))
122 (if (assq mmod (module-all-submodules xmod))
123 (memq mmod (module-protected-modules xmod))
124 (memq xmod promod)))))
125 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)))
115 (specialize-term-for-methods
116 term
117 (if (method-is-universal method)
118 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)
119 (remove-if #'(lambda (meth)
120 (let ((xmod (method-module meth)))
121 (and (not (eq xmod mmod))
122 (if (assq mmod (module-all-submodules xmod))
123 (memq mmod (module-protected-modules xmod))
124 (memq xmod promod)))))
125 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)))
126126 module)))
127127 result ))
129129 (defun get-all-methods-of-sort (sort module)
130130 (declare (type sort* sort)
131 (type module module))
131 (type module module))
132132 (let ((so (module-sort-order module))
133 (res nil))
133 (res nil))
134134 (dolist (info (module-all-operators module))
135135 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods info))
136 (unless (eq *void-method* m)
137 (when (sort<= (method-coarity m) sort so)
138 (push m res)))))
136 (unless (eq *void-method* m)
137 (when (sort<= (method-coarity m) sort so)
138 (push m res)))))
139139 res))
141141 (defun specialize-term-for-methods (term methods mod)
142142 (declare (type term term)
143 (type list methods)
144 (type module mod))
143 (type list methods)
144 (type module mod))
145145 (let ((res nil))
146146 (dolist (method methods)
147147 (declare (type method method))
148148 (when (rule-check-down mod method (term-subterms term))
149 (push method res)))
149 (push method res)))
150150 #||
151151 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
152152 (if (term-is-variable? sub)
153 (setq res
154 (nconc res (get-all-methods-of-sort (variable-sort sub) mod)))
155 (let ((meth (term-head sub)))
156 (push meth res)
157 (setq res
158 (nconc res
159 (method-lower-methods meth (module-opinfo-table mod)))))
160 ))
153 (setq res
154 (nconc res (get-all-methods-of-sort (variable-sort sub) mod)))
155 (let ((meth (term-head sub)))
156 (push meth res)
157 (setq res
158 (nconc res
159 (method-lower-methods meth (module-opinfo-table mod)))))
160 ))
161161 ||#
162162 ;;
163163 res))
170170 (defun pn-const-pat (atom)
171171 (declare (type (or term sort*) atom)
172 (values (or sort* method)))
172 (values (or sort* method)))
173173 (if (sort-p atom)
174174 atom
175175 (if (term-is-variable? atom)
176 (variable-sort atom)
176 (variable-sort atom)
177177 (term-head atom))))
179179 ;;; construct keys for adding/deleting pattern
183183 (defun pn-const-possible-pat (atom module &optional full)
184184 (declare (type term atom)
185 (type module module))
185 (type module module))
186186 (if (term-is-variable? atom)
187187 (sub-or-equal-sorts (term-sort atom) (module-sort-order module))
188188 (let ((ops (if full
189 (term-operators atom)
190 (list (term-head atom))))
191 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table module))
192 (ans nil))
189 (term-operators atom)
190 (list (term-head atom))))
191 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table module))
192 (ans nil))
193193 (declare (type list ops)
194 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
195 (type list ans))
194 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
195 (type list ans))
196196 (dolist (op ops)
197 (declare (type method op))
198 (push op ans)
199 (dolist (m (method-lower-methods op opinfo-table))
200 (pushnew m ans :test #'eq)))
197 (declare (type method op))
198 (push op ans)
199 (dolist (m (method-lower-methods op opinfo-table))
200 (pushnew m ans :test #'eq)))
201201 ans)))
203203 ;;; literal entry : literal
215215 (defun get-literal-entry-from-atom (db atom)
216216 (declare (type hash-table db) (type (or term sort*) atom)
217 (values list))
217 (values list))
218218 (get-indexed-data db (pn-const-pat atom)))
220220 (declaim (inline add-literal-to-table))
222222 (defun add-literal-to-table (table lit &optional full)
223223 (declare (type hash-table table)
224 (type literal lit))
224 (type literal lit))
225225 (let ((keys (pn-const-possible-pat (literal-atom lit) *current-module* full)))
226226 (declare (type list keys))
227227 (dolist (key keys)
232232 (defun delete-literal-from-table (table lit &optional full)
233233 (declare (type hash-table table)
234 (type literal lit))
234 (type literal lit))
235235 (let ((keys (pn-const-possible-pat (literal-atom lit) *current-module* full)))
236236 (dolist (key keys)
237237 (let ((new-data)
238 (lit-ent (get-indexed-data table key)))
239 (dolist (l lit-ent)
240 (unless (eq l lit)
241 (push l new-data)))
242 (set-to-index-table table key new-data)))
238 (lit-ent (get-indexed-data table key)))
239 (dolist (l lit-ent)
240 (unless (eq l lit)
241 (push l new-data)))
242 (set-to-index-table table key new-data)))
243243 t))
245245 (declaim (inline delete-literal-from-table-slow))
247247 (defun delete-literal-from-table-slow (table lit)
248248 (declare (type hash-table table)
249 (type literal lit))
249 (type literal lit))
250250 (maphash #'(lambda (key data)
251 (declare (type list data))
252 (setf (gethash key table)
253 (delete lit data :test #'eq)))
254 table))
251 (declare (type list data))
252 (setf (gethash key table)
253 (delete lit data :test #'eq)))
254 table))
256256 ;;; ---------------------------------------
260260 (defun add-clause-to-table (table clause)
261261 (declare (type hash-table table)
262 (type clause clause))
262 (type clause clause))
263263 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
264264 (declare (type literal lit))
265265 (add-literal-to-table table lit)))
267267 (defun delete-clause-from-table (table clause)
268268 (declare (type hash-table table)
269 (type clause clause))
269 (type clause clause))
270270 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
271271 (declare (type literal lit))
272272 (delete-literal-from-table table lit)))
332332 (defmacro get-dtree (key hash)
333333 (once-only (key hash)
334 `(or (gethash ,key ,hash)
335 (let ((new-ent (make-dtree)))
336 (setf (gethash ,key ,hash) new-ent)
337 new-ent))))
334 `(or (gethash ,key ,hash)
335 (let ((new-ent (make-dtree)))
336 (setf (gethash ,key ,hash) new-ent)
337 new-ent))))
339339 (defun is-insert (literal itable)
340340 (let ((atom (literal-atom literal)))
344344 (defun dtree-index (key value dtree)
345345 (flet ((lookup (atom dtree)
346 (or (cdr (assoc atom (dtree-atoms dtree)))
347 (let ((new (make-empty-nlist)))
348 (push (cons atom new) (dtree-atoms dtree))
349 new))))
346 (or (cdr (assoc atom (dtree-atoms dtree)))
347 (let ((new (make-empty-nlist)))
348 (push (cons atom new) (dtree-atoms dtree))
349 new))))
350350 (cond ((null key))
351 ((atom key) ; method/built-in value
352 (nlist-push value (lookup key dtree)))
353 ((not (termp key))
354 (dtree-index (first key) value
355 (or (dtree-first dtree)
356 (setf (dtree-first dtree) (make-dtree))))
357 (dtree-index (rest key) value
358 (or (dtree-rest dtree)
359 (setf (dtree-rest dtree) (make-dtree))))
360 )
361 ((term-is-applform? key)
362 (dtree-index (term-head key)
363 value
364 (or (dtree-first dtree)
365 (setf (dtree-first dtree) (make-dtree))))
366 (when (term-subterms key)
367 (unless (dtree-rest dtree)
368 (setf (dtree-rest dtree) (make-dtree)))
369 (dtree-index (term-subterms key) value (dtree-rest dtree))))
370 ((term-is-variable? key)
371 (nlist-push value (dtree-var dtree)))
372 ((term-is-builtin-constant? key)
373 (dtree-index (term-builtin-value key) value
374 (or (dtree-first dtree)
375 (setf (dtree-first dtree) (make-dtree))))
376 ;;(nlist-push value (lookup (term-builtin-value key) dtree))
377 )
378 (t (break "illegal key"))
379 ))
351 ((atom key) ; method/built-in value
352 (nlist-push value (lookup key dtree)))
353 ((not (termp key))
354 (dtree-index (first key) value
355 (or (dtree-first dtree)
356 (setf (dtree-first dtree) (make-dtree))))
357 (dtree-index (rest key) value
358 (or (dtree-rest dtree)
359 (setf (dtree-rest dtree) (make-dtree))))
360 )
361 ((term-is-applform? key)
362 (dtree-index (term-head key)
363 value
364 (or (dtree-first dtree)
365 (setf (dtree-first dtree) (make-dtree))))
366 (when (term-subterms key)
367 (unless (dtree-rest dtree)
368 (setf (dtree-rest dtree) (make-dtree)))
369 (dtree-index (term-subterms key) value (dtree-rest dtree))))
370 ((term-is-variable? key)
371 (nlist-push value (dtree-var dtree)))
372 ((term-is-builtin-constant? key)
373 (dtree-index (term-builtin-value key) value
374 (or (dtree-first dtree)
375 (setf (dtree-first dtree) (make-dtree))))
376 ;;(nlist-push value (lookup (term-builtin-value key) dtree))
377 )
378 (t (break "illegal key"))
379 ))
380380 )
382382 ;;; IS-FETCH
384384 ;;;
385385 (defun is-fetch (term is-table)
386386 (dtree-fetch term (get-dtree (term-head term) is-table)
387 nil 0 nil most-positive-fixnum))
387 nil 0 nil most-positive-fixnum))
389389 (defmacro foreach-dentry ((var dtree-ent) &body body)
390390 `(dolist (xent ,dtree-ent)
394394 (defun is-fetch-concat (term is-table)
395395 (let ((res nil))
396396 (foreach-dentry (e (is-fetch term is-table))
397 (push e res))
397 (push e res))
398398 #||
399399 (with-output-simple-msg ()
400400 (princ "fetch concat: ")
401401 (term-print term)
402402 (dolist (x res)
403 (print-next)
404 (prin1 x)))
403 (print-next)
404 (prin1 x)))
405405 ||#
406406 (nreverse res)))
412412 ;;;
413413 (defun dtree-fetch (pat dtree var-list-in var-n-in best-list best-n)
414414 (if (or (null dtree)
415 (null pat)
416 (and (termp pat) (term-is-variable? pat)))
415 (null pat)
416 (and (termp pat) (term-is-variable? pat)))
417417 (values best-list best-n)
418418 (let* ((var-nlist (dtree-var dtree))
419 (var-n (+ var-n-in (nlist-n var-nlist)))
420 (var-list (if (null (nlist-list var-nlist))
421 var-list-in
422 (cons (nlist-list var-nlist)
423 var-list-in))))
419 (var-n (+ var-n-in (nlist-n var-nlist)))
420 (var-list (if (null (nlist-list var-nlist))
421 var-list-in
422 (cons (nlist-list var-nlist)
423 var-list-in))))
424424 (cond ((>= var-n best-n) (values best-list best-n))
425 ((atom pat)
426 (dtree-atom-fetch pat
427 dtree
428 var-list
429 var-n
430 best-list
431 best-n))
432 ((not (termp pat))
433 (multiple-value-bind (list1 n1)
434 (dtree-fetch (first pat)
435 (dtree-first dtree)
436 var-list
437 var-n
438 best-list
439 best-n)
440 (dtree-fetch (rest pat)
441 (dtree-rest dtree)
442 var-list
443 var-n
444 list1
445 n1)))
446 (t (multiple-value-bind (list1 n1)
447 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? pat)
448 (dtree-fetch (term-builtin-value pat)
449 (dtree-first dtree)
450 var-list
451 var-n
452 best-list
453 best-n)
454 (dtree-fetch (term-head pat)
455 (dtree-first dtree)
456 var-list
457 var-n
458 best-list
459 best-n))
460 (dtree-fetch (term-subterms pat)
461 (dtree-rest dtree)
462 var-list
463 var-n
464 list1
465 n1))))
425 ((atom pat)
426 (dtree-atom-fetch pat
427 dtree
428 var-list
429 var-n
430 best-list
431 best-n))
432 ((not (termp pat))
433 (multiple-value-bind (list1 n1)
434 (dtree-fetch (first pat)
435 (dtree-first dtree)
436 var-list
437 var-n
438 best-list
439 best-n)
440 (dtree-fetch (rest pat)
441 (dtree-rest dtree)
442 var-list
443 var-n
444 list1
445 n1)))
446 (t (multiple-value-bind (list1 n1)
447 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? pat)
448 (dtree-fetch (term-builtin-value pat)
449 (dtree-first dtree)
450 var-list
451 var-n
452 best-list
453 best-n)
454 (dtree-fetch (term-head pat)
455 (dtree-first dtree)
456 var-list
457 var-n
458 best-list
459 best-n))
460 (dtree-fetch (term-subterms pat)
461 (dtree-rest dtree)
462 var-list
463 var-n
464 list1
465 n1))))
466466 )))
468468 (defun dtree-atom-fetch (op dtree var-list var-n best-list best-n)
474474 ;;
475475 (let ((atom-nlist (cdr (assoc op (dtree-atoms dtree)))))
476476 (cond ((or (null atom-nlist) (null (nlist-list atom-nlist)))
477 (values var-list var-n)
478 )
479 ((and atom-nlist (< (incf var-n (nlist-n atom-nlist)) best-n))
480 (values (cons (nlist-list atom-nlist) var-list) var-n))
481 (t (values best-list best-n))
482 )))
477 (values var-list var-n)
478 )
479 ((and atom-nlist (< (incf var-n (nlist-n atom-nlist)) best-n))
480 (values (cons (nlist-list atom-nlist) var-list) var-n))
481 (t (values best-list best-n))
482 )))
485485 ;;; IS-DELETE
486486 ;;;
487487 (defun dtree-delete (key value dtree test)
488488 (flet ((lookup (atom dtree)
489 (cdr (assoc atom (dtree-atoms dtree))))
490 (nlist-delete (nlist)
491 (when nlist
492 (decf (car nlist))
493 (setf (cdr nlist)
494 (delete value (cdr nlist) :count 1 :test test))
495 nlist)))
489 (cdr (assoc atom (dtree-atoms dtree))))
490 (nlist-delete (nlist)
491 (when nlist
492 (decf (car nlist))
493 (setf (cdr nlist)
494 (delete value (cdr nlist) :count 1 :test test))
495 nlist)))
496496 (when dtree
497497 (cond ((null key))
498 ((atom key)
499 (let ((nlist (lookup key dtree)))
500 (when nlist
501 (nlist-delete (lookup key dtree)))))
502 ((not (termp key))
503 (dtree-delete (first key)
504 value
505 (dtree-first dtree)
506 test)
507 (dtree-delete (rest key)
508 value
509 (dtree-rest dtree)
510 test))
511 ((term-is-applform? key)
512 (dtree-delete (term-head key)
513 value
514 (dtree-first dtree)
515 test)
516 (dtree-delete (term-subterms key) value (dtree-rest dtree)
517 test))
518 ((term-is-variable? key)
519 (dolist (ns (dtree-atoms dtree))
520 (nlist-delete ns))
521 (nlist-delete (dtree-var dtree)))
522 ((term-is-builtin-constant? key)
523 (dtree-delete value (term-builtin-value key)
524 (dtree-first dtree)
525 test)
526 ;; (nlist-delete value (lookup (term-builtin-value key) dtree))
527 )
528 (t (break "illegal key"))
529 ))
498 ((atom key)
499 (let ((nlist (lookup key dtree)))
500 (when nlist
501 (nlist-delete (lookup key dtree)))))
502 ((not (termp key))
503 (dtree-delete (first key)
504 value
505 (dtree-first dtree)
506 test)
507 (dtree-delete (rest key)
508 value
509 (dtree-rest dtree)
510 test))
511 ((term-is-applform? key)
512 (dtree-delete (term-head key)
513 value
514 (dtree-first dtree)
515 test)
516 (dtree-delete (term-subterms key) value (dtree-rest dtree)
517 test))
518 ((term-is-variable? key)
519 (dolist (ns (dtree-atoms dtree))
520 (nlist-delete ns))
521 (nlist-delete (dtree-var dtree)))
522 ((term-is-builtin-constant? key)
523 (dtree-delete value (term-builtin-value key)
524 (dtree-first dtree)
525 test)
526 ;; (nlist-delete value (lookup (term-builtin-value key) dtree))
527 )
528 (t (break "illegal key"))
529 ))
530530 ))
532532 (defun is-delete (literal itable &optional (test #'eql))
533533 (let ((atom (literal-atom literal)))
534534 (dtree-delete atom literal (get-dtree (term-head atom) itable)
535 test)
535 test)
536536 ))
538538 ;;; INDEX-ALL-LITERALS : Clause -> Void
550550 ;; (register-clause cl *current-psys*)
551551 (let ((c2 nil))
552552 (when (and (eq (clause-container cl) :passive)
553 (unit-clause? cl)
554 )
555 (let ((lit (ith-literal cl 1)))
556 (when (eq-literal? lit)
557 (setq c2 (copy-clause cl))
558 ;; (register-clause c2 *current-psys*)
559 (setf (clause-parents c2)
560 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id cl)
561 :flip-eq-rule
562 )))
563 (setq lit (ith-literal c2 1))
564 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
565 (new-atom (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
566 (list (term-arg-2 atom)
567 (term-arg-1 atom)))))
568 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom))))
569 )
553 (unit-clause? cl)
554 )
555 (let ((lit (ith-literal cl 1)))
556 (when (eq-literal? lit)
557 (setq c2 (copy-clause cl))
558 ;; (register-clause c2 *current-psys*)
559 (setf (clause-parents c2)
560 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id cl)
561 :flip-eq-rule
562 )))
563 (setq lit (ith-literal c2 1))
564 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
565 (new-atom (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
566 (list (term-arg-2 atom)
567 (term-arg-1 atom)))))
568 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom))))
569 )
570570 (dolist (lit (if c2
571 (append (clause-literals cl)
572 (clause-literals c2))
573 (clause-literals cl)))
574 (declare (type literal lit))
575 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
576 (when (and (pn-flag back-demod)
577 (not (eq (clause-container cl) :passive)))
578 (add-literal-to-table *full-lit-table* lit t))
579 (cond ((positive-literal? lit)
580 ;; (add-literal-to-table *pos-literals* lit)
581 (is-insert lit *pos-literals*)
582 )
583 (t
584 ;; (add-literal-to-table *neg-literals* lit)
585 (is-insert lit *neg-literals*)
586 ))))
571 (append (clause-literals cl)
572 (clause-literals c2))
573 (clause-literals cl)))
574 (declare (type literal lit))
575 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
576 (when (and (pn-flag back-demod)
577 (not (eq (clause-container cl) :passive)))
578 (add-literal-to-table *full-lit-table* lit t))
579 (cond ((positive-literal? lit)
580 ;; (add-literal-to-table *pos-literals* lit)
581 (is-insert lit *pos-literals*)
582 )
583 (t
584 ;; (add-literal-to-table *neg-literals* lit)
585 (is-insert lit *neg-literals*)
586 ))))
587587 )))
588588 ||#
591591 (declare (type clause cl))
592592 (let ((c2 nil))
593593 (when (and (eq (clause-container cl) :passive)
594 (unit-clause? cl))
594 (unit-clause? cl))
595595 (let ((lit (ith-literal cl 1)))
596 (when (and (eq-literal? lit)
597 ;;
598 ;; (pn-flag eq-units-both-ways)
599 ;;
600 t)
601 (setq c2 (copy-clause cl))
602 (setf (clause-parents c2)
603 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id cl)
604 :flip-eq-rule
605 )))
606 (setq lit (ith-literal c2 1))
607 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
608 (new-atom (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
609 (list (term-arg-2 atom)
610 (term-arg-1 atom)))))
611 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom))))
596 (when (and (eq-literal? lit)
597 ;;
598 ;; (pn-flag eq-units-both-ways)
599 ;;
600 t)
601 (setq c2 (copy-clause cl))
602 (setf (clause-parents c2)
603 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id cl)
604 :flip-eq-rule
605 )))
606 (setq lit (ith-literal c2 1))
607 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
608 (new-atom (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
609 (list (term-arg-2 atom)
610 (term-arg-1 atom)))))
611 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom))))
612612 )
613613 (dolist (lit (if c2
614 (append (clause-literals cl)
615 (clause-literals c2))
616 (clause-literals cl)))
614 (append (clause-literals cl)
615 (clause-literals c2))
616 (clause-literals cl)))
617617 (declare (type literal lit))
618618 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
619 (when (and (pn-flag back-demod)
620 (not (eq (clause-container cl) :passive)))
621 (add-literal-to-table *full-lit-table* lit t))
622 (cond ((positive-literal? lit)
623 ;; (add-literal-to-table *pos-literals* lit)
624 (is-insert lit *pos-literals*)
625 )
626 (t
627 ;; (add-literal-to-table *neg-literals* lit)
628 (is-insert lit *neg-literals*)
629 ))))
619 (when (and (pn-flag back-demod)
620 (not (eq (clause-container cl) :passive)))
621 (add-literal-to-table *full-lit-table* lit t))
622 (cond ((positive-literal? lit)
623 ;; (add-literal-to-table *pos-literals* lit)
624 (is-insert lit *pos-literals*)
625 )
626 (t
627 ;; (add-literal-to-table *neg-literals* lit)
628 (is-insert lit *neg-literals*)
629 ))))
630630 ))
632632 ;;; UN-IDEX-ALL-LITERALS : Clause -> Void
639639 (delete-literal-from-table *full-lit-table* lit t))
640640 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
641641 (cond ((positive-literal? lit)
642 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *pos-literals* lit)
643 (is-delete lit *pos-literals*)
644 )
645 (t
646 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *neg-literals* lit)
647 (is-delete lit *neg-literals*)
648 )
649 ))))
642 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *pos-literals* lit)
643 (is-delete lit *pos-literals*)
644 )
645 (t
646 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *neg-literals* lit)
647 (is-delete lit *neg-literals*)
648 )
649 ))))
651651 (defun un-index-all-literals-slow (clause)
652652 (declare (type clause clause))
656656 (delete-literal-from-table-slow *full-lit-table* lit))
657657 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
658658 (cond ((positive-literal? lit)
659 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *pos-literals* lit)
660 (is-delete lit *pos-literals*)
661 )
662 (t
663 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *neg-literals* lit)
664 (is-delete lit *neg-literals*)
665 )
666 ))
659 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *pos-literals* lit)
660 (is-delete lit *pos-literals*)
661 )
662 (t
663 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *neg-literals* lit)
664 (is-delete lit *neg-literals*)
665 )
666 ))
667667 ))
677677 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
678678 ;; register to clash tables
679679 (if (positive-literal? lit)
680 ;; (add-literal-to-table *clash-pos-literals* lit)
681 (is-insert lit *clash-pos-literals*)
682 ;; (add-literal-to-table *clash-neg-literals* lit)
683 (is-insert lit *clash-neg-literals*)
684 )
680 ;; (add-literal-to-table *clash-pos-literals* lit)
681 (is-insert lit *clash-pos-literals*)
682 ;; (add-literal-to-table *clash-neg-literals* lit)
683 (is-insert lit *clash-neg-literals*)
684 )
685685 (when (or (pn-flag para-from) (pn-flag para-into))
686 ;; register to paramod table
687 (index-paramodulation lit))))
686 ;; register to paramod table
687 (index-paramodulation lit))))
688688 )
695695 (declare (type literal lit))
696696 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
697697 (if (positive-literal? lit)
698 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *clash-pos-literals* lit)
699 (is-delete lit *clash-pos-literals*)
700 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *clash-neg-literals* lit)
701 (is-delete lit *clash-neg-literals*)
702 )
698 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *clash-pos-literals* lit)
699 (is-delete lit *clash-pos-literals*)
700 ;; (delete-literal-from-table *clash-neg-literals* lit)
701 (is-delete lit *clash-neg-literals*)
702 )
703703 (when (or (pn-flag para-from) (pn-flag para-into))
704 (un-index-paramodulation lit))))
704 (un-index-paramodulation lit))))
705705 )
707707 (defun un-index-clash-literals-slow (c)
710710 (declare (type literal lit))
711711 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
712712 (if (positive-literal? lit)
713 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *clash-pos-literals* lit)
714 (is-delete lit *clash-pos-literals*)
715 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *clash-neg-literals* lit)
716 (is-delete lit *clash-neg-literals*)
717 )
713 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *clash-pos-literals* lit)
714 (is-delete lit *clash-pos-literals*)
715 ;; (delete-literal-from-table-slow *clash-neg-literals* lit)
716 (is-delete lit *clash-neg-literals*)
717 )
718718 (when (or (pn-flag para-from) (pn-flag para-into))
719 (un-index-paramodulation-slow lit)
720 )))
719 (un-index-paramodulation-slow lit)
720 )))
721721 )
723723 ;;; =====================
727727 (defun get-paramod-entry (key table)
728728 (if (term-is-variable? key)
729 (get-dtree (variable-sort key) table)
729 (get-dtree (variable-sort key) table)
730730 (get-dtree (term-head key) table)))
732732 (defun is-paramod-insert (lhs paramod itable)
733733 (flet ((insert-from-var-pat (sort)
734 (push paramod (gethash sort *parafrom-var-rules*)))
735 (insert-to-var-pat (sort)
736 (push paramod (gethash sort *parainto-var-rules*)))
737 )
734 (push paramod (gethash sort *parafrom-var-rules*)))
735 (insert-to-var-pat (sort)
736 (push paramod (gethash sort *parainto-var-rules*)))
737 )
738738 (if (term-is-variable? lhs)
739 (insert-from-var-pat (variable-sort lhs))
739 (insert-from-var-pat (variable-sort lhs))
740740 (progn
741 (dtree-index lhs paramod (get-paramod-entry lhs itable))
742 (when (pn-flag para-into-vars)
743 (insert-to-var-pat (term-sort lhs))))
741 (dtree-index lhs paramod (get-paramod-entry lhs itable))
742 (when (pn-flag para-into-vars)
743 (insert-to-var-pat (term-sort lhs))))
744744 )))
746746 (defun is-paramod-delete (lhs literal itable)
747747 (flet ((delete-into-var-pat (sort)
748 (let ((ent (gethash sort *parainto-var-rules*)))
749 (setf (gethash sort *parainto-var-rules*)
750 (delete literal ent
751 :test #'(lambda (x y)
752 (eq x (paramod-literal y)))))))
753 (delete-from-var-pat (sort)
754 (let ((ent (gethash sort *parafrom-var-rules*)))
755 (setf (gethash sort *parafrom-var-rules*)
756 (delete literal ent
757 :test #'(lambda (x y)
758 (eq x (paramod-literal y))))))))
748 (let ((ent (gethash sort *parainto-var-rules*)))
749 (setf (gethash sort *parainto-var-rules*)
750 (delete literal ent
751 :test #'(lambda (x y)
752 (eq x (paramod-literal y)))))))
753 (delete-from-var-pat (sort)
754 (let ((ent (gethash sort *parafrom-var-rules*)))
755 (setf (gethash sort *parafrom-var-rules*)
756 (delete literal ent
757 :test #'(lambda (x y)
758 (eq x (paramod-literal y))))))))
759759 (if (term-is-variable? lhs)
760 (delete-from-var-pat (variable-sort lhs))
760 (delete-from-var-pat (variable-sort lhs))
761761 (progn
762 (dtree-delete lhs literal (get-paramod-entry lhs itable)
763 #'(lambda (x y)
764 (eq x (paramod-literal y))))
765 (when (pn-flag para-into-vars)
766 (delete-into-var-pat (term-sort lhs)))
767 ))))
762 (dtree-delete lhs literal (get-paramod-entry lhs itable)
763 #'(lambda (x y)
764 (eq x (paramod-literal y))))
765 (when (pn-flag para-into-vars)
766 (delete-into-var-pat (term-sort lhs)))
767 ))))
769769 (defun is-paramod-fetch (term itable)
770770 (if (term-is-variable? term)
771771 (list (gethash (variable-sort term) *parainto-var-rules*))
772772 (dtree-fetch term (get-paramod-entry term itable)
773 nil 0 nil most-positive-fixnum)))
773 nil 0 nil most-positive-fixnum)))
775775 (defun is-paramod-fetch-concat (term itable)
776776 (let ((res nil))
777777 (foreach-dentry (e (is-paramod-fetch term itable))
778 (push e res))
778 (push e res))
779779 (when (pn-flag para-from-vars)
780780 (dolist (para (gethash (term-sort term)
781 *parafrom-var-rules*))
782 (push para res)))
781 *parafrom-var-rules*))
782 (push para res)))
783783 (nreverse res)))
785785 (defun add-eq-literal (table lhs rhs lit)
786786 (declare (type hash-table table)
787 (type term lhs rhs)
788 (type literal lit))
787 (type term lhs rhs)
788 (type literal lit))
789789 (unless (or ;; (term-is-builtin-constant? lhs)
790 (term-is-lisp-form? lhs))
790 (term-is-lisp-form? lhs))
792792 (when (and (term-is-variable? lhs)
793 (not (pn-flag para-into-vars)))
793 (not (pn-flag para-into-vars)))
794794 (return-from add-eq-literal nil))
796796 (when (and (term-is-applform? lhs)
797 (pn-flag para-skip-skolem)
798 (is-skolem (term-head lhs)))
797 (pn-flag para-skip-skolem)
798 (is-skolem (term-head lhs)))
799799 (return-from add-eq-literal nil))
800800 ;;
801801 (let ((paramod (make-paramod :lhs lhs
802 :rhs rhs
803 :literal lit)))
802 :rhs rhs
803 :literal lit)))
804804 ;;
805805 #||
806806 (let ((keys (pn-const-possible-pat lhs *current-module*)))
807 (dolist (key keys)
808 (add-to-index-table table
809 key
810 paramod))
812 t)
807 (dolist (key keys)
808 (add-to-index-table table
809 key
810 paramod))
812 t)
813813 ||#
814814 (is-paramod-insert lhs paramod table)
815815 )))
817817 #||
818818 (defun add-eq-literal-to-table (table lit)
819819 (declare (type hash-table table)
820 (type literal lit))
820 (type literal lit))
821821 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
822 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
823 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
822 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
823 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
824824 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
825825 (when (or (not (pn-flag para-from-units-only))
826 (unit-clause? (literal-clause lit)))
826 (unit-clause? (literal-clause lit)))
827827 (when (pn-flag para-into-left)
828 (if (pn-flag para-from-left)
829 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
830 (not (term-is-variable? lhs)))
831 (add-eq-literal table lhs rhs lit))
832 (if (pn-flag para-from-right)
833 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
834 (not (term-is-variable? rhs)))
835 (add-eq-literal table rhs lhs lit))))
836 ))))
828 (if (pn-flag para-from-left)
829 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
830 (not (term-is-variable? lhs)))
831 (add-eq-literal table lhs rhs lit))
832 (if (pn-flag para-from-right)
833 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
834 (not (term-is-variable? rhs)))
835 (add-eq-literal table rhs lhs lit))))
836 ))))
837837 ||#
839839 (defun add-eq-literal-to-table (table lit)
840840 (declare (type hash-table table)
841 (type literal lit))
841 (type literal lit))
842842 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
843 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
844 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
843 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
844 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
845845 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
846846 (when (or (not (pn-flag para-from-units-only))
847 (unit-clause? (literal-clause lit)))
847 (unit-clause? (literal-clause lit)))
848848 (when (pn-flag para-from-left)
849 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
850 (not (term-is-variable? lhs)))
851 (add-eq-literal table lhs rhs lit)))
849 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
850 (not (term-is-variable? lhs)))
851 (add-eq-literal table lhs rhs lit)))
852852 (when (pn-flag para-from-right)
853 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
854 (not (term-is-variable? rhs)))
855 (add-eq-literal table rhs lhs lit))))
853 (if (or (pn-flag para-from-vars)
854 (not (term-is-variable? rhs)))
855 (add-eq-literal table rhs lhs lit))))
856856 ))
858858 (defun delete-eq-literal-from-table (table lit)
859859 (declare (type hash-table table)
860 (type literal lit))
860 (type literal lit))
861861 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit)))
862862 (declare (type term atom))
863863 (let ((lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
864 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
864 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
865865 (declare (type term lhs rhs))
866866 (when (pn-flag para-into-left)
867 (delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table table lhs lit))
867 (delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table table lhs lit))
868868 (when (pn-flag para-into-right)
869 (delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table table rhs lit)))))
869 (delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table table rhs lit)))))
871871 (defun delete-eq-literal-from-table-slow (table lit)
872872 (declare (type hash-table table)
873 (type literal lit))
873 (type literal lit))
874874 (maphash #'(lambda (key data)
875 (declare (type list data))
876 (setf (gethash key table)
877 (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
878 (eq lit (paramod-literal x)))
879 data)))
880 table))
875 (declare (type list data))
876 (setf (gethash key table)
877 (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
878 (eq lit (paramod-literal x)))
879 data)))
880 table))
882882 #||
883883 (defun delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table (table term lit)
884884 (declare (type hash-table table)
885 (type term term)
886 (type literal lit))
885 (type term term)
886 (type literal lit))
887887 (when (term-is-variable? term)
888888 (unless (pn-flag para-into-vars)
889889 (return-from delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table nil)))
890890 (let ((keys (pn-const-possible-pat term *current-module*)))
891891 (dolist (key keys)
892892 (let ((new-data nil))
893 (dolist (paramod (get-indexed-data table key))
894 (unless (eq lit (paramod-literal paramod))
895 (push paramod new-data)))
896 (set-to-index-table table key new-data)))
893 (dolist (paramod (get-indexed-data table key))
894 (unless (eq lit (paramod-literal paramod))
895 (push paramod new-data)))
896 (set-to-index-table table key new-data)))
897897 t))
898898 ||#
900900 (defun delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table (table term lit)
901901 (declare (type hash-table table)
902 (type term term)
903 (type literal lit))
902 (type term term)
903 (type literal lit))
904904 (when (term-is-variable? term)
905905 (unless (pn-flag para-into-vars)
906906 (return-from delete-eq-literal-atom-from-table nil)))
918918 (return-from index-paramodulation nil))
919919 ;;
920920 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
921 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
922 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
921 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
922 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
923923 (when (term-is-identical lhs rhs)
924924 (return-from index-paramodulation nil))
925925 ;;
926926 (add-eq-literal-to-table *paramod-rules*
927 lit)))
927 lit)))
930930 ;;; UN-INDEX-PARAMODULATION : Literal
937937 (unless (eq-literal? lit)
938938 (return-from un-index-paramodulation nil))
939939 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
940 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
941 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
940 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
941 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
942942 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
943943 (when (term-is-identical lhs rhs)
944944 (return-from un-index-paramodulation nil))
952952 (return-from un-index-paramodulation-slow nil))
953953 ;; (delete-eq-literal-from-table-slow *paramod-rules* lit)
954954 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
955 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
956 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
955 (lhs (term-arg-1 atom))
956 (rhs (term-arg-2 atom)))
957957 (declare (type term atom lhs rhs))
958958 (when (term-is-identical lhs rhs)
959 (return-from un-index-paramodulation-slow nil))
959 (return-from un-index-paramodulation-slow nil))
960960 (delete-eq-literal-from-table *paramod-rules* lit))
961961 )
967967 (defun get-all-demodulators (hash &optional sort)
968968 (declare (type hash-table hash))
969969 (flet ((!clause-id (cl)
970 (if (clause-p cl)
971 (clause-id cl)
972 0)))
970 (if (clause-p cl)
971 (clause-id cl)
972 0)))
973973 (let ((res nil))
974974 (declare (type list res))
975975 (maphash #'(lambda (key demod)
976 (declare (ignore key))
977 (dolist (d demod)
978 (pushnew d res :test #'eq)))
979 hash)
976 (declare (ignore key))
977 (dolist (d demod)
978 (pushnew d res :test #'eq)))
979 hash)
980980 (if sort
981 (sort res #'(lambda (x y) (< (!clause-id (demod-clause x))
982 (!clause-id (demod-clause y)))))
983 res))))
981 (sort res #'(lambda (x y) (< (!clause-id (demod-clause x))
982 (!clause-id (demod-clause y)))))
983 res))))
985985 (defun un-index-demodulator (clause)
986986 (declare (type clause clause))
987987 (let ((xdeleted nil))
988988 (maphash #'(lambda (key demods)
989 (let ((new-ent nil)
990 (deleted nil))
991 (dolist (demod demods)
992 (declare (type demod demod))
993 (if (eq (demod-clause demod) clause)
994 (setq deleted t)
995 (push demod new-ent)))
996 (when deleted
997 (setq xdeleted t)
998 (setf (gethash key *demodulators*) new-ent))))
999 *demodulators*)
989 (let ((new-ent nil)
990 (deleted nil))
991 (dolist (demod demods)
992 (declare (type demod demod))
993 (if (eq (demod-clause demod) clause)
994 (setq deleted t)
995 (push demod new-ent)))
996 (when deleted
997 (setq xdeleted t)
998 (setf (gethash key *demodulators*) new-ent))))
999 *demodulators*)
10001000 (when xdeleted
10011001 (decf (pn-stat demodulators-size)))
10021002 ))
10091009 ;;;
10101010 (defun table-to-clause-list (db)
10111011 (declare (type hash-table db)
1012 (values list))
1012 (values list))
10131013 (let ((clauses nil))
10141014 (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
1015 (declare (ignore x))
1016 (dolist (data y)
1017 (let ((lit (literal-entry-literal data)))
1018 (declare (type literal lit))
1019 (pushnew (literal-clause lit) clauses :test #'eq))))
1020 db)
1015 (declare (ignore x))
1016 (dolist (data y)
1017 (let ((lit (literal-entry-literal data)))
1018 (declare (type literal lit))
1019 (pushnew (literal-clause lit) clauses :test #'eq))))
1020 db)
10211021 clauses))
10241024 ;;;
10251025 (defun table-to-literal-list (db)
10261026 (declare (type hash-table db)
1027 (values list))
1027 (values list))
10281028 (let ((lits nil))
10291029 (declare (type list lits))
10301030 (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
1031 (declare (ignore x))
1032 (dolist (data y)
1033 (pushnew (literal-entry-literal data) lits
1034 :test #'eq)))
1035 db)
1031 (declare (ignore x))
1032 (dolist (data y)
1033 (pushnew (literal-entry-literal data) lits
1034 :test #'eq)))
1035 db)
10361036 lits))
10411041 (defun get-clashable-clauses-from-literal (db literal &optional (opt nil))
10421042 (declare (type hash-table db)
1043 (type literal literal)
1044 (ignore opt)
1045 (values list))
1043 (type literal literal)
1044 (ignore opt)
1045 (values list))
10461046 (let ((res nil)
1047 (atom (literal-atom literal))
1048 )
1047 (atom (literal-atom literal))
1048 )
10491049 (declare (type list res)
1050 (type term atom))
1050 (type term atom))
10511051 ;;
10521052 (dolist (litent (is-fetch atom db))
10531053 (dolist (lit litent)
1054 (pushnew (literal-clause lit)
1055 res
1056 :test #'eq)))
1054 (pushnew (literal-clause lit)
1055 res
1056 :test #'eq)))
10571057 ;; (setq res (delete-duplicates (mapcar #'literal-clause
1058 ;; (is-fetch-all atom db))))
1058 ;; (is-fetch-all atom db))))
10591059 ;;
10601060 #||
10611061 (with-output-simple-msg ()
10721072 ;;;
10731073 (defun get-clashable-clauses-from-atom (db atom &optional (opt nil))
10741074 (declare (type hash-table db)
1075 (type term atom)
1076 (values list))
1075 (type term atom)
1076 (values list))
10771077 (let ((res nil)
1078 (key (if (and opt (eq (term-head atom) *fopl-eq*))
1079 (or (and (not (term-is-variable? (term-arg-1 atom)))
1080 (term-arg-1 atom))
1081 (and (not (term-is-variable? (term-arg-2 atom)))
1082 (term-arg-2 atom))
1083 atom)
1084 atom)))
1078 (key (if (and opt (eq (term-head atom) *fopl-eq*))
1079 (or (and (not (term-is-variable? (term-arg-1 atom)))
1080 (term-arg-1 atom))
1081 (and (not (term-is-variable? (term-arg-2 atom)))
1082 (term-arg-2 atom))
1083 atom)
1084 atom)))
10851085 (declare (type list res)
1086 (type term key))
1086 (type term key))
10871087 (dolist (data (get-literal-entry-from-atom db key))
10881088 (pushnew (literal-clause (the literal (literal-entry-literal data)))
1089 res
1090 :test #'eq))
1089 res
1090 :test #'eq))
10911091 res))
10931093 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:infer.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:infer.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;; ******************
41 ;;; Inference Engine
41 ;;; Inference Engine
4242 ;;; ******************
4444 ;;; ==========
5353 ;; perform db reset in automatic mode.
5454 (unless *pn-no-db-reset*
5555 (if (or (pn-flag auto)
56 (pn-flag auto1)
57 (pn-flag auto2)
58 (pn-flag auto3))
59 (progn
60 (clear-all-index-tables)
61 (reset-module-proof-system mod))
62 ;;
63 (unless (module-proof-system mod)
64 (auto-db-reset mod))
65 ))
56 (pn-flag auto1)
57 (pn-flag auto2)
58 (pn-flag auto3))
59 (progn
60 (clear-all-index-tables)
61 (reset-module-proof-system mod))
62 ;;
63 (unless (module-proof-system mod)
64 (auto-db-reset mod))
65 ))
6666 ;;
6767 (with-proof-context (mod)
6868 (let ((ex-code nil))
69 (declare (type symbol ex-code))
70 (setq ex-code
71 (catch :exit-inference
72 ;; -----------
73 ;; preparation
74 ;; -----------
75 (prepare-inference mod)
76 (setq status (check-pn-stop))
77 (if (eq status :keep-searching)
78 (setq *given-clause* (extract-given-clause))
79 (setq *given-clause* nil))
80 ;; ---------------
81 ;; start main loop
82 ;; ---------------
83 (when (pn-flag print-message)
84 (format t "~% ~%** Starting PigNose _____________________~% ~%")
85 )
86 (loop
87 (unless (and *given-clause*
88 (eq status :keep-searching))
89 (return))
90 ;;
91 (incf (pn-stat cl-given))
92 (when (pn-flag print-given)
93 (with-output-simple-msg ()
94 (format t "#~d(weight=~d):"
95 (pn-stat cl-given)
96 (clause-pick-weight *given-clause*))
97 (print-next)
98 (print-clause *given-clause* *standard-output*))
99 )
100 ;;
101 (index-clash-literals *given-clause*)
102 (append-clause :usable *given-clause*)
104 ;; ************
106 ;; ************
107 (setq *new-demodulator* nil)
108 (infer *given-clause*)
109 ;;
110 #||
111 (when (and (< 0 (pn-parameter interrupt-given))
112 (= 0 (mod (pn-stat cl-given)
113 (pn-parameter interrupt-given))))
114 (when (pn-flag print-message)
115 (with-output-msg ()
116 (format t "~d clauses have been given."
117 (pn-stat cl-given))))
118 ;; todo
119 (pn-interact))
120 ||#
121 ;;
122 (setq status (check-pn-stop))
123 ;;
124 (when (eq status :keep-searching)
125 (when (= (pn-parameter change-limit-after)
126 (pn-stat cl-given))
127 (let ((new-limit (pn-parameter new-max-weight)))
128 (setf (pn-parameter max-weight) new-limit)
129 (when (pn-flag print-message)
130 (with-output-msg ()
131 (format t "reducing weight limit to ~d" new-limit)))))
132 ;; get next clause
133 (setq *given-clause* (extract-given-clause))
134 )
135 ;;
136 #|| report : not yet
137 (when (and (eq status :keep-searching)
138 *given-clause*
139 (< 0 (pn-parameter report)))
140 ;; TODO
141 ;; (pn-report)
142 )
143 (when (pn-flag print-message)
144 (print-in-progress "."))
145 ||#
146 )
148 ;; ------------------
149 ;; loop ends
150 ;; report the result
151 ;; ------------------
152 (cond ((eq status :keep-searching)
153 (setq status :sos-empty-exit)
154 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
155 (format t "~%** Search stopped because SOS is empty.~% ~%")))
156 (t (let ((reason nil))
157 (case status
158 (:max-given-exit (setq reason "max-given"))
159 (:max-gen-exit (setq reason "max-gen"))
160 (:max-kept-exit (setq reason "max-kept"))
161 (:max-seconds-exit (setq reason "max-seconds"))
162 (otherwise (setq reason "???")))
163 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
164 (format t "~%** Search stopped due to ~a option.~% ~%"
165 reason))
166 ))
167 )
168 ;;
169 (infer-clean-up)
170 status))
171 ;;
172 (when .debug-pn-memory.
173 (report-pn-memory))
174 ;;
175 (if ex-code
176 ex-code
177 status)))
69 (declare (type symbol ex-code))
70 (setq ex-code
71 (catch :exit-inference
72 ;; -----------
73 ;; preparation
74 ;; -----------
75 (prepare-inference mod)
76 (setq status (check-pn-stop))
77 (if (eq status :keep-searching)
78 (setq *given-clause* (extract-given-clause))
79 (setq *given-clause* nil))
80 ;; ---------------
81 ;; start main loop
82 ;; ---------------
83 (when (pn-flag print-message)
84 (format t "~% ~%** Starting PigNose _____________________~% ~%")
85 )
86 (loop
87 (unless (and *given-clause*
88 (eq status :keep-searching))
89 (return))
90 ;;
91 (incf (pn-stat cl-given))
92 (when (pn-flag print-given)
93 (with-output-simple-msg ()
94 (format t "#~d(weight=~d):"
95 (pn-stat cl-given)
96 (clause-pick-weight *given-clause*))
97 (print-next)
98 (print-clause *given-clause* *standard-output*))
99 )
100 ;;
101 (index-clash-literals *given-clause*)
102 (append-clause :usable *given-clause*)
104 ;; ************
106 ;; ************
107 (setq *new-demodulator* nil)
108 (infer *given-clause*)
109 ;;
110 #||
111 (when (and (< 0 (pn-parameter interrupt-given))
112 (= 0 (mod (pn-stat cl-given)
113 (pn-parameter interrupt-given))))
114 (when (pn-flag print-message)
115 (with-output-msg ()
116 (format t "~d clauses have been given."
117 (pn-stat cl-given))))
118 ;; todo
119 (pn-interact))
120 ||#
121 ;;
122 (setq status (check-pn-stop))
123 ;;
124 (when (eq status :keep-searching)
125 (when (= (pn-parameter change-limit-after)
126 (pn-stat cl-given))
127 (let ((new-limit (pn-parameter new-max-weight)))
128 (setf (pn-parameter max-weight) new-limit)
129 (when (pn-flag print-message)
130 (with-output-msg ()
131 (format t "reducing weight limit to ~d" new-limit)))))
132 ;; get next clause
133 (setq *given-clause* (extract-given-clause))
134 )
135 ;;
136 #|| report : not yet
137 (when (and (eq status :keep-searching)
138 *given-clause*
139 (< 0 (pn-parameter report)))
140 ;; TODO
141 ;; (pn-report)
142 )
143 (when (pn-flag print-message)
144 (print-in-progress "."))
145 ||#
146 )
148 ;; ------------------
149 ;; loop ends
150 ;; report the result
151 ;; ------------------
152 (cond ((eq status :keep-searching)
153 (setq status :sos-empty-exit)
154 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
155 (format t "~%** Search stopped because SOS is empty.~% ~%")))
156 (t (let ((reason nil))
157 (case status
158 (:max-given-exit (setq reason "max-given"))
159 (:max-gen-exit (setq reason "max-gen"))
160 (:max-kept-exit (setq reason "max-kept"))
161 (:max-seconds-exit (setq reason "max-seconds"))
162 (otherwise (setq reason "???")))
163 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
164 (format t "~%** Search stopped due to ~a option.~% ~%"
165 reason))
166 ))
167 )
168 ;;
169 (infer-clean-up)
170 status))
171 ;;
172 (when .debug-pn-memory.
173 (report-pn-memory))
174 ;;
175 (if ex-code
176 ex-code
177 status)))
178178 ))
180180 (defun pn-interact ()
196196 (declare (type fixnum clause-id))
197197 (let ((clause (get-clause clause-id (psystem-clause-hash *current-psys*))))
198198 (and clause
199 (clause-container clause))))
199 (clause-container clause))))
201201 (defun infer (clause)
202202 (declare (type clause clause))
203 (let ((gen-cls nil) ; clauses generated
204 (cl-id (clause-id clause)) ; identifier of given clause
205 )
203 (let ((gen-cls nil) ; clauses generated
204 (cl-id (clause-id clause)) ; identifier of given clause
205 )
206206 (declare (type list gen-cls)
207 (type fixnum cl-id))
207 (type fixnum cl-id))
208208 ;;
209209 ;; adjust max-weight
210210 ;;
215215 ;; binary resolution
216216 ;;
217217 (when (and (pn-flag binary-res)
218 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
218 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
219219 (setq gen-cls
220 (binary-resolution clause)) ; inference rule appends newly
221 ; kept clauses to *SOS* also.
220 (binary-resolution clause)) ; inference rule appends newly
221 ; kept clauses to *SOS* also.
222222 ;; post-process new clases in *SOS*
223223 ;; - may append even more clauses to *SOS*.
224224 (when gen-cls
225 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos))
225 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos))
226226 )
228228 ;; special treatment for propoitional literals
229229 (when (and (not (pn-flag binary-res))
230 (pn-flag prop-res))
230 (pn-flag prop-res))
231231 (let ((do-prop-resolve nil))
232 (setq do-prop-resolve
233 (or (pn-flag hyper-res)
234 (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)))
235 #||
236 (setq do-prop-resolve
237 (or (and (pn-flag hyper-res)
238 (not (positive-clause? clause)))
239 (and (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
240 (not (negative-clause? clause)))))
241 ||#
242 (when do-prop-resolve
243 (setq gen-cls (binary-resolution clause :propositional-only)))
244 (when gen-cls
245 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
232 (setq do-prop-resolve
233 (or (pn-flag hyper-res)
234 (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)))
235 #||
236 (setq do-prop-resolve
237 (or (and (pn-flag hyper-res)
238 (not (positive-clause? clause)))
239 (and (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
240 (not (negative-clause? clause)))))
241 ||#
242 (when do-prop-resolve
243 (setq gen-cls (binary-resolution clause :propositional-only)))
244 (when gen-cls
245 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
246246 )
248248 ;; for subsequent inference rules, check the given clause has
249249 ;; not back demodulated or back subsumed.....................
252252 ;; hyper resolution
253253 ;;
254254 (when (and (pn-flag hyper-res)
255 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
255 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
256256 (setq gen-cls (hyper-resolution clause))
257257 (when gen-cls
258 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
258 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
260260 ;;
261261 ;; negative hyper resolution
262262 ;;
263263 (when (and (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
264 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
264 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
265265 (setq gen-cls
266 (neg-hyper-resolution clause))
266 (neg-hyper-resolution clause))
267267 (when gen-cls
268 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
268 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
270270 ;;
271271 ;; ur(unit resulting) resolution
272272 ;;
273273 (when (and (pn-flag ur-res)
274 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
274 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
275275 (setq gen-cls
276 (ur-resolution clause))
276 (ur-resolution clause))
277277 (when gen-cls
278 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
278 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
280280 ;; paramudulations:
281281 ;; paramodulation-into
283283 (when (and (pn-flag para-into)
284 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
284 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
285285 (setq gen-cls
286 (paramodulation-into clause))
286 (paramodulation-into clause))
287287 (when gen-cls
288 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
288 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
290290 ;; paramodulation-from
292292 (when (and (pn-flag para-from)
293 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
293 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
294294 (setq gen-cls
295 (paramodulation-from clause))
295 (paramodulation-from clause))
296296 (when gen-cls
297 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
297 (post-proc-all gen-cls nil :sos)))
299299 ;; finally, the demodulation process
301301 (when (and (pn-flag demod-inf)
302 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
302 (given-clause-ok cl-id))
303303 (let ((c nil))
304 (declare (type (or null clause) c))
305 (setq c (copy-clause clause))
306 ;; (register-clause c *current-psys*)
307 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
308 (incf (pn-stat demod-inf-gen))
309 (setf (clause-parents (the clause c))
310 (list (list (clause-id clause))))
311 (when (pre-process c nil :sos)
312 (post-proc-all (list c) nil :sos))))
304 (declare (type (or null clause) c))
305 (setq c (copy-clause clause))
306 ;; (register-clause c *current-psys*)
307 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
308 (incf (pn-stat demod-inf-gen))
309 (setf (clause-parents (the clause c))
310 (list (list (clause-id clause))))
311 (when (pre-process c nil :sos)
312 (post-proc-all (list c) nil :sos))))
313313 ))
315315 ;;; POST-PROCESS sos-pointer input lst
324324 ;;;
325325 (defun post-process (clause input list)
326326 (declare (type clause clause)
327 (type symbol list))
327 (type symbol list))
328328 (when (and (pn-flag eq-units-both-ways)
329 (unit-clause? clause))
329 (unit-clause? clause))
330330 ;; generate a flipped copy if
331331 ;; 1. it's a (pos or neg) eq unit, and
332332 ;; 2. either
336336 (let ((lit (ith-literal clause 1)))
337337 (declare (type literal lit))
338338 (when (and (eq-literal? lit)
339 (or (not (pn-flag order-eq))
340 (not (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
341 oriented-eq-bit))))
342 (let ((c2 (copy-clause clause)))
343 (declare (type clause c2))
344 ;; (register-clause c2 *current-psys*)
345 ;; (break "a!")
346 (setf (clause-parents c2)
347 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id clause)
348 :flip-eq-rule
349 )))
350 (setq lit (ith-literal c2 1))
351 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
352 (new-atom (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
353 (list (term-arg-2 atom)
354 (term-arg-1 atom)))))
355 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom))
356 ;;
357 (pre-process c2 input list)
358 ))
339 (or (not (pn-flag order-eq))
340 (not (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
341 oriented-eq-bit))))
342 (let ((c2 (copy-clause clause)))
343 (declare (type clause c2))
344 ;; (register-clause c2 *current-psys*)
345 ;; (break "a!")
346 (setf (clause-parents c2)
347 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id clause)
348 :flip-eq-rule
349 )))
350 (setq lit (ith-literal c2 1))
351 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
352 (new-atom (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
353 (list (term-arg-2 atom)
354 (term-arg-1 atom)))))
355 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom))
356 ;;
357 (pre-process c2 input list)
358 ))
359359 ))
361361 ;; Back DEMODULATION
362362 (when (or (not (pn-flag no-new-demod))
363 input)
363 input)
364364 (when (and (pn-flag back-demod)
365 (unit-clause? clause))
365 (unit-clause? clause))
366366 (when (assq clause *new-demodulator*)
367 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
368 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-demod))
369 (with-output-simple-msg ()
370 (format t "* starting back demodulation with ~d."
371 (clause-id clause))))))
367 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
368 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-demod))
369 (with-output-simple-msg ()
370 (format t "* starting back demodulation with ~d."
371 (clause-id clause))))))
372372 (back-demodulate *new-demodulator* clause input list)
373373 )
374374 )
378378 (when (pn-flag back-sub)
379379 (let ((cp (back-subsume clause)))
380380 (dolist (e cp)
381 (declare (type clause e))
382 (incf (pn-stat cl-back-sub))
383 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
384 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-sub))
385 (with-output-msg ()
386 (format t "~d backsubsumes ~d."
387 (clause-id clause)
388 (clause-id e))
389 ;;
390 ;; (print-next)
391 ;; (print-clause e)
392 ;;
393 )
394 ))
395 ;;
396 (clause-full-un-index e)
397 )))
381 (declare (type clause e))
382 (incf (pn-stat cl-back-sub))
383 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
384 (when (or input (pn-flag print-back-sub))
385 (with-output-msg ()
386 (format t "~d backsubsumes ~d."
387 (clause-id clause)
388 (clause-id e))
389 ;;
390 ;; (print-next)
391 ;; (print-clause e)
392 ;;
393 )
394 ))
395 ;;
396 (clause-full-un-index e)
397 )))
399399 ;; FACTORING
407407 (when (and (pn-flag back-unit-deletion)
408 (unit-clause? clause))
408 (unit-clause? clause))
409409 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
410410 (when (or (pn-flag print-back-demod)
411 input)
412 (with-output-simple-msg ()
413 (format t "* starting back unit deletion with ~d."
414 (clause-id clause)))))
411 input)
412 (with-output-simple-msg ()
413 (format t "* starting back unit deletion with ~d."
414 (clause-id clause)))))
415415 (back-unit-deletion clause input)
416416 )
417417 ;;
422422 ;;;
423423 (defun post-proc-all (clauses input clause-list-marker)
424424 (declare (type list clauses)
425 (type symbol clause-list-marker))
425 (type symbol clause-list-marker))
426426 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
427427 (with-output-msg ()
428428 (princ "start[post-proc-all]:")
429429 (pr-clause-list clauses t)))
430430 (unless clauses
431431 (if (eq clause-list-marker :sos)
432 (setq clauses *sos*)
432 (setq clauses *sos*)
433433 (if (eq clause-list-marker :usable)
434 (setq clauses *usable*))))
434 (setq clauses *usable*))))
435435 (dolist (c clauses)
436436 (post-process c input clause-list-marker))
437437 ;;
450450 ;;;
451451 (defun pre-process (clause input list &optional dont-delete)
452452 (declare (type clause clause)
453 (type symbol list))
453 (type symbol list))
454454 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
455455 (with-output-msg ()
456456 (format t "start[pre-process]")
461461 ||#
462462 ;;
463463 (let ((original-input (if (clause-parents clause)
464 nil
465 (copy-clause clause)))
466 (gen-result nil))
464 nil
465 (copy-clause clause)))
466 (gen-result nil))
467467 (setq gen-result (proc-gen clause input))
468468 (unless gen-result
469469 (unless dont-delete
470 (cl-delete clause))
470 (cl-delete clause))
471471 (when original-input
472 (cl-delete original-input))
472 (cl-delete original-input))
473473 (return-from pre-process nil))
475475 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
476476 (with-output-msg ()
477 (format t "after proc-gen:")
478 (print-clause clause)))
477 (format t "after proc-gen:")
478 (print-clause clause)))
480480 (when original-input
481481 ;; when input clauses are changed (unit-del, factor-simp,
482482 ;; demod) during pre-process, we keep the original so that
483483 ;; proofs make sense.
484484 (setf (clause-parents original-input)
485 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id clause))))
485 (list (list :copy-rule (clause-id clause))))
486486 ;; (register-clause original-input *current-psys*)
487487 )
489489 ;; registering & indexing
490490 (index-all-literals clause)
491491 (when (and (eq list :usable)
492 (not (eq clause *given-clause*)))
492 (not (eq clause *given-clause*)))
493493 (index-clash-literals clause))
495495 ;; append to list
503503 #||
504504 (unless (= 0 (pn-parameter age-factor))
505505 (incf (clause-pick-weight clause)
506 (/ (pn-stat cl-given) (pn-parameter age-factor))))
506 (/ (pn-stat cl-given) (pn-parameter age-factor))))
507507 ||#
509509 #|| no yet
510510 (unless (= 0 (pn-parameter distinct-vars-factor))
511511 (incf (clause-pick-weight clause)
512 (* (clause-distinct-variables clause)
513 (pn-parameter distinct-vars-factor))))
512 (* (clause-distinct-variables clause)
513 (pn-parameter distinct-vars-factor))))
514514 ||#
515515 ;;
516516 (incf (pn-stat cl-kept))
520520 ||#
521521 ;;
522522 (when (or (and input (not (pn-flag quiet)))
523 (pn-flag print-kept))
524 (with-output-simple-msg ()
525 (format t "* kept in ~a : weight=~d" list (clause-pick-weight clause))
526 (print-next)
527 (print-clause clause))
528 )
523 (pn-flag print-kept))
524 (with-output-simple-msg ()
525 (format t "* kept in ~a : weight=~d" list (clause-pick-weight clause))
526 (print-next)
527 (print-clause clause))
528 )
530530 ;; dynamic demodulation
532532 (when (or (not (pn-flag no-new-demod))
533 input)
533 input)
534534 (when (and (or (pn-flag dynamic-demod)
535 (pn-flag demod-inf))
536 (unit-clause? clause)
537 (= 1 (the fixnum (num-literals-all clause)))
538 (or (positive-eq-literal? (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))
539 (and input
540 (not (eq-literal?
541 (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))))))
542 ;;
543 (let ((demod-flag (dynamic-demodulator clause)))
544 (declare (type symbol demod-flag))
545 (when demod-flag
546 (let ((new-demod (new-demodulator clause demod-flag)))
547 (declare (type demod new-demod))
548 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
549 (when (pn-flag print-new-demod)
550 (with-output-simple-msg ()
551 (princ "* new demodulator: ")
552 (print-next)
553 (print-demodulator new-demod))
554 ))
555 (push (cons clause new-demod) *new-demodulator*)
556 )))
557 ))
535 (pn-flag demod-inf))
536 (unit-clause? clause)
537 (= 1 (the fixnum (num-literals-all clause)))
538 (or (positive-eq-literal? (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))
539 (and input
540 (not (eq-literal?
541 (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))))))
542 ;;
543 (let ((demod-flag (dynamic-demodulator clause)))
544 (declare (type symbol demod-flag))
545 (when demod-flag
546 (let ((new-demod (new-demodulator clause demod-flag)))
547 (declare (type demod new-demod))
548 (unless (pn-flag quiet)
549 (when (pn-flag print-new-demod)
550 (with-output-simple-msg ()
551 (princ "* new demodulator: ")
552 (print-next)
553 (print-demodulator new-demod))
554 ))
555 (push (cons clause new-demod) *new-demodulator*)
556 )))
557 ))
559559 ;; check for proof
560560 (let ((e nil))
561561 (setq e (check-for-proof clause list))
562562 (when (and (not (= -1 (pn-parameter max-proofs)))
563 (>= (pn-stat empty-clauses)
564 (pn-parameter max-proofs)))
565 ;; the end
566 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
567 (format t "~%** Search stopped due to max-proofs option.~% ~%")
568 )
569 (infer-clean-up)
570 ;;
571 (exit-pn-proof :max-proofs-exit))
563 (>= (pn-stat empty-clauses)
564 (pn-parameter max-proofs)))
565 ;; the end
566 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
567 (format t "~%** Search stopped due to max-proofs option.~% ~%")
568 )
569 (infer-clean-up)
570 ;;
571 (exit-pn-proof :max-proofs-exit))
572572 (when e
573 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
574 (with-output-msg ()
575 (princ "End[pre-process]: empty clause.")))
576 (return-from pre-process nil))
573 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
574 (with-output-msg ()
575 (princ "End[pre-process]: empty clause.")))
576 (return-from pre-process nil))
577577 )
578578 ;;
579579 #|| NOT YET
580580 (when (and (not input)
581 (<= (clause-pick-weight clause)
582 (pn-parameter dynamic-heat-weight)))
581 (<= (clause-pick-weight clause)
582 (pn-parameter dynamic-heat-weight)))
583583 (hot-dynamic clause))
584584 ||#
585585 ;;
618618 ;;;
619619 (defun proc-gen (clause &optional (input nil))
620620 (declare (type clause clause)
621 (values (or null clause)))
621 (values (or null clause)))
624624 (cl-unique-variables clause)
635635 (declare (type fixnum rwc))
636636 (demodulate-clause clause)
637637 (when (and (pn-flag very-verbose)
638 (not (= rwc (pn-stat rewrites))))
638 (not (= rwc (pn-stat rewrites))))
639639 (with-output-simple-msg ()
640 (princ " * after dmodulation: ")
641 (print-next)
642 (print-clause clause)))
640 (princ " * after dmodulation: ")
641 (print-next)
642 (print-clause clause)))
643643 )
645645 ;;
674674 (when (pn-flag order-eq)
675675 (if (pn-flag lrpo)
676 (order-equalities-lrpo clause input)
676 (order-equalities-lrpo clause input)
677677 (order-equalities clause input))
678678 (when (and (not input)
679 (pn-flag discard-non-orientable-eq)
680 (unit-clause? clause)
681 (= (the fixnum (num-literals-all clause)) 1)
682 (positive-eq-literal? (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))
683 (not (test-bit (literal-stat-bits
684 (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))
685 oriented-eq-bit))
686 )
679 (pn-flag discard-non-orientable-eq)
680 (unit-clause? clause)
681 (= (the fixnum (num-literals-all clause)) 1)
682 (positive-eq-literal? (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))
683 (not (test-bit (literal-stat-bits
684 (the literal (ith-literal clause 1)))
685 oriented-eq-bit))
686 )
687687 (return-from proc-gen nil)))
691691 (when (and (pn-flag unit-deletion)
692 (> (the fixnum (num-literals clause)) 1))
692 (> (the fixnum (num-literals clause)) 1))
693693 (unit-deletion clause)
694694 )
708708 ;;
709709 ;; max-literals
710710 (when (and (not input)
711 (not (= -1 (pn-parameter max-literals))))
711 (not (= -1 (pn-parameter max-literals))))
712712 (when (< (pn-parameter max-literals) (num-literals clause))
713713 (incf (pn-stat cl-wt-delete))
714714 (return-from proc-gen nil)))
715715 #||
716716 ;; max-answers
717717 (when (and (not input)
718 (not (= -1 (pn-parameter max-answers))))
718 (not (= -1 (pn-parameter max-answers))))
719719 (when (< (pn-parameter max-answers) (num-answers clause))
720720 (incf (pn-stat cl-wt-delete))
721721 (return-from proc-gen nil)))
723723 ||#
725725 (when (and (not input)
726 (pn-flag discard-xx-resolvable)
727 (xx-resolvable clause))
726 (pn-flag discard-xx-resolvable)
727 (xx-resolvable clause))
728728 (incf (pn-stat cl-wt-delete))
729729 (return-from proc-gen nil))
739739 (when (and (not input)
740 (not (= (pn-parameter max-weight)
741 most-positive-fixnum)))
740 (not (= (pn-parameter max-weight)
741 most-positive-fixnum)))
742742 (let ((wt 0))
743743 (declare (type fixnum wt))
744744 (setq wt (weight-clause clause))
745745 (when (> wt (pn-parameter max-weight))
746 (when (pn-flag very-verbose)
747 (with-output-simple-msg ()
748 (format t " deleted because weight=~d." wt)))
749 (incf (pn-stat cl-wt-delete))
750 (return-from proc-gen nil))))
746 (when (pn-flag very-verbose)
747 (with-output-simple-msg ()
748 (format t " deleted because weight=~d." wt)))
749 (incf (pn-stat cl-wt-delete))
750 (return-from proc-gen nil))))
754754 (when (and (not input)
755 (pn-flag delete-identical-nested-skolem))
755 (pn-flag delete-identical-nested-skolem))
756756 (when (ident-nested-skolems clause)
757757 (incf (pn-stat cl-wt-delete))
758758 (return-from proc-gen nil))
772772 (let ((n 0))
773773 (declare (type fixnum n))
774774 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
775 (declare (type literal lit))
776 (incf n)
777 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) scratch-bit)
778 ;; scratch-bit meaning flipped.
779 (clear-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) scratch-bit)
780 (setf (clause-parents clause)
781 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
782 (list (list :flip-eq-rule)))))))
775 (declare (type literal lit))
776 (incf n)
777 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) scratch-bit)
778 ;; scratch-bit meaning flipped.
779 (clear-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) scratch-bit)
780 (setf (clause-parents clause)
781 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
782 (list (list :flip-eq-rule)))))))
784784 )
788788 (when (pn-flag for-sub)
789789 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
790790 (with-output-msg ()
791 (princ "*proc-gen: start forward subsumption:")
792 ))
791 (princ "*proc-gen: start forward subsumption:")
792 ))
793793 (let ((e nil))
794794 (declare (type (or null clause) e))
795795 (setq e (forward-subsume clause))
796796 (when e
797 (if (pn-flag very-verbose)
798 (with-output-simple-msg ()
799 (format t " * subsumed by ~d." (clause-id e)))
800 (when (and input (not (pn-flag quiet)))
801 (with-output-simple-msg ()
802 (format t "-- following clause subsumed by ~d during input processing:"
803 (clause-id e))
804 (print-next)
805 (print-clause clause))
806 ))
807 (incf (pn-stat cl-for-sub))
808 (when (eq (clause-container e) :sos)
809 (incf (pn-stat for-sub-sos)))
810 ;;
811 (return-from proc-gen nil)
812 ))
797 (if (pn-flag very-verbose)
798 (with-output-simple-msg ()
799 (format t " * subsumed by ~d." (clause-id e)))
800 (when (and input (not (pn-flag quiet)))
801 (with-output-simple-msg ()
802 (format t "-- following clause subsumed by ~d during input processing:"
803 (clause-id e))
804 (print-next)
805 (print-clause clause))
806 ))
807 (incf (pn-stat cl-for-sub))
808 (when (eq (clause-container e) :sos)
809 (incf (pn-stat for-sub-sos)))
810 ;;
811 (return-from proc-gen nil)
812 ))
813813 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
814814 (with-output-msg ()
815 (princ "*proc-gen: end forward subsumption.")
816 ))
815 (princ "*proc-gen: end forward subsumption.")
816 ))
817817 )
818818 ;; all over
819819 clause)
830830 ;;
831831 (if (pn-flag universal-symmetry)
832832 (let ((eqvar (make-variable-term *cosmos* (gensym "Univ"))))
833 (declare (type term eqvar))
834 (let ((symm (car (cnf-to-list
835 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
836 (list eqvar eqvar))
837 *current-psys*))))
838 (declare (type clause symm)
839 (type psystem *current-psys*))
840 (if (or (pn-flag auto)
841 (pn-flag auto1)
842 (pn-flag auto2)
843 (pn-flag auto3))
844 (push symm (psystem-axioms *current-psys*))
845 (progn (push symm (psystem-usable *current-psys*))
846 (push symm *usable*))
847 )
848 ;;
849 #||
850 (if (pn-flag simple-index)
851 (setq *universal-symmetry* nil)
852 (setq *universal-symmetry* (car symm)))
853 ||#
854 ))
833 (declare (type term eqvar))
834 (let ((symm (car (cnf-to-list
835 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
836 (list eqvar eqvar))
837 *current-psys*))))
838 (declare (type clause symm)
839 (type psystem *current-psys*))
840 (if (or (pn-flag auto)
841 (pn-flag auto1)
842 (pn-flag auto2)
843 (pn-flag auto3))
844 (push symm (psystem-axioms *current-psys*))
845 (progn (push symm (psystem-usable *current-psys*))
846 (push symm *usable*))
847 )
848 ;;
849 #||
850 (if (pn-flag simple-index)
851 (setq *universal-symmetry* nil)
852 (setq *universal-symmetry* (car symm)))
853 ||#
854 ))
855855 ;; (setq *universal-symmetry* nil)
856856 ()
857857 )
858858 ;; a dirty kludge
859859 (unless (or (pn-flag auto)
860 (pn-flag auto1)
861 (pn-flag auto2)
862 (pn-flag auto3))
860 (pn-flag auto1)
861 (pn-flag auto2)
862 (pn-flag auto3))
863863 (setf (psystem-sos *current-psys*)
864864 (remove :system-goal (psystem-sos *current-psys*) :test #'eq))
865865 (setf *sos*
877877 (if (or (pn-flag auto) (pn-flag auto1))
878878 (pn-automatic-settings-1)
879879 (if (pn-flag auto2)
880 (pn-automatic-settings-2)
880 (pn-automatic-settings-2)
881881 (if (pn-flag auto3)
882 (pn-automatic-settings-3)
883 ;; else, full manual mode:
884 ;; support setting sos implicitly by axiom label.
885 ;; (pn-automatic-sos-setting)
886 ;; NOT for now.
887 ()
888 )))
882 (pn-automatic-settings-3)
883 ;; else, full manual mode:
884 ;; support setting sos implicitly by axiom label.
885 ;; (pn-automatic-sos-setting)
886 ;; NOT for now.
887 ()
888 )))
889889 ;;
890890 (check-pn-options)
895895 ;;
896896 (cond ((pn-flag process-input)
898 (when (pn-flag print-message)
899 (format t "~% ~%** start input processing.~%")
900 )
901 (when (and (pn-flag print-message)
902 (not (pn-flag print-lists-at-end)))
903 (print-usable-list))
904 (when (pn-flag print-message)
905 (with-output-simple-msg ()
906 (format t " process usable:")))
907 (setf (pn-stats usable-size) 0)
908 (let ((list *usable*))
909 (setq *usable* nil)
910 (dolist (c list)
911 (pre-process c t :usable))
912 (post-proc-all nil t :usable))
913 (when *current-psys*
914 (setf (psystem-usable *current-psys*) *usable*))
915 ;;
916 (when (and (pn-flag print-message)
917 (not (pn-flag print-lists-at-end)))
918 (print-sos-list)
919 )
920 (when (pn-flag print-message)
921 (with-output-simple-msg ()
922 (format t " process sos:")))
923 (setf (pn-stats sos-size) 0)
924 (let ((list *sos*))
925 (setq *sos* nil)
926 (dolist (c list)
927 (pre-process c t :sos)))
928 (post-proc-all nil t :sos)
929 ;;
930 (let ((list *passive*))
931 (dolist (c list)
932 ;; index passive
933 (index-all-literals c)))
934 ;;
935 (when (and (pn-flag print-message)
936 (not (pn-flag print-lists-at-end)))
937 (print-passive-list)
938 (print-demodulators-list))
939 ;;
940 (when (pn-flag print-message)
941 (format t "~%** end process input.~%"))
942 )
943 ;;
944 (t
945 (setf (pn-stats usable-size) (length *usable*))
946 (setf (pn-stats sos-size) (length *sos*))
947 (pignose-index-all mod)
948 ))
898 (when (pn-flag print-message)
899 (format t "~% ~%** start input processing.~%")
900 )
901 (when (and (pn-flag print-message)
902 (not (pn-flag print-lists-at-end)))
903 (print-usable-list))
904 (when (pn-flag print-message)
905 (with-output-simple-msg ()
906 (format t " process usable:")))
907 (setf (pn-stats usable-size) 0)
908 (let ((list *usable*))
909 (setq *usable* nil)
910 (dolist (c list)
911 (pre-process c t :usable))
912 (post-proc-all nil t :usable))
913 (when *current-psys*
914 (setf (psystem-usable *current-psys*) *usable*))
915 ;;
916 (when (and (pn-flag print-message)
917 (not (pn-flag print-lists-at-end)))
918 (print-sos-list)
919 )
920 (when (pn-flag print-message)
921 (with-output-simple-msg ()
922 (format t " process sos:")))
923 (setf (pn-stats sos-size) 0)
924 (let ((list *sos*))
925 (setq *sos* nil)
926 (dolist (c list)
927 (pre-process c t :sos)))
928 (post-proc-all nil t :sos)
929 ;;
930 (let ((list *passive*))
931 (dolist (c list)
932 ;; index passive
933 (index-all-literals c)))
934 ;;
935 (when (and (pn-flag print-message)
936 (not (pn-flag print-lists-at-end)))
937 (print-passive-list)
938 (print-demodulators-list))
939 ;;
940 (when (pn-flag print-message)
941 (format t "~%** end process input.~%"))
942 )
943 ;;
944 (t
945 (setf (pn-stats usable-size) (length *usable*))
946 (setf (pn-stats sos-size) (length *sos*))
947 (pignose-index-all mod)
948 ))
949949 ;; weight clauses
950950 (let ((input-sos-first? (pn-flag input-sos-first)))
951951 (dolist (cl *sos*)
952952 (setf (clause-pick-weight cl)
953 (if input-sos-first?
954 most-negative-fixnum
955 (weight-clause cl)))))
953 (if input-sos-first?
954 most-negative-fixnum
955 (weight-clause cl)))))
957957 ;;
958958 (reset-memory-control)
976976 ;;;
977977 (defun check-pn-options ()
978978 (unless (or (pn-flag binary-res)
979 (pn-flag hyper-res)
980 (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
981 (pn-flag ur-res)
982 (pn-flag para-from)
983 (pn-flag para-into)
984 (pn-flag demod-inf)
985 )
979 (pn-flag hyper-res)
980 (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
981 (pn-flag ur-res)
982 (pn-flag para-from)
983 (pn-flag para-into)
984 (pn-flag demod-inf)
985 )
986986 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
987987 (princ "no inference rules are specified.")))
988988 ;;
989989 (when (and (pn-flag para-from)
990 (not (pn-flag para-from-right))
991 (not (pn-flag para-from-left)))
990 (not (pn-flag para-from-right))
991 (not (pn-flag para-from-left)))
992992 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
993 (princ "`para-from' is set, but `para-from-left' and `para-from-right' are both off.")))
993 (princ "`para-from' is set, but `para-from-left' and `para-from-right' are both off.")))
994994 ;;
995995 (when (and (pn-flag para-into)
996 (not (pn-flag para-into-right))
997 (not (pn-flag para-into-left)))
996 (not (pn-flag para-into-right))
997 (not (pn-flag para-into-left)))
998998 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
999 (princ "`para-into' is set, but `para-into-left' and `para-from-right' are both off.")))
999 (princ "`para-into' is set, but `para-into-left' and `para-from-right' are both off.")))
10001000 ;;
10011001 (when (and (not (pn-flag para-from))
1002 (not (pn-flag para-into))
1003 (pn-flag para-ones-rule))
1002 (not (pn-flag para-into))
1003 (pn-flag para-ones-rule))
10041004 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1005 (princ "`para-from', `para-into' rules are off, but `para-ones-rule' is set.")))
1005 (princ "`para-from', `para-into' rules are off, but `para-ones-rule' is set.")))
10061006 ;;
10071007 (when (and (or (pn-flag kb)
1008 (pn-flag kb2)
1009 (pn-flag kb3))
1010 (not (pn-flag lrpo)))
1008 (pn-flag kb2)
1009 (pn-flag kb3))
1010 (not (pn-flag lrpo)))
10111011 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1012 (princ "`knuth-bendix' is set and `lrpo' is off.")))
1012 (princ "`knuth-bendix' is set and `lrpo' is off.")))
10131013 ;;
10141014 (when (= (pn-parameter demod-limit) 0)
10151015 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1016 (princ "demod-limit=0; set it to -1 for no limit.")))
1016 (princ "demod-limit=0; set it to -1 for no limit.")))
10181018 (when (= (pn-parameter max-literals) 0)
10191019 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1020 (princ "max-literals=0; set it to -1 for no limit.")))
1020 (princ "max-literals=0; set it to -1 for no limit.")))
10221022 (when (= (pn-parameter max-proofs) 0)
10231023 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1024 (princ "max-proofs=0; set it to -1 for no limit.")))
1024 (princ "max-proofs=0; set it to -1 for no limit.")))
10261026 (when (not (= -1 (pn-parameter pick-given-ratio)))
10271027 (if (pn-flag sos-stack)
1028 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1029 (princ "`sos-stack' has priority over `pick-given-ratio'."))
1030 (if (pn-flag sos-queue)
1031 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1032 (princ "`sos-queue' has priority over `pick-given-ratio'.")))))
1028 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1029 (princ "`sos-stack' has priority over `pick-given-ratio'."))
1030 (if (pn-flag sos-queue)
1031 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1032 (princ "`sos-queue' has priority over `pick-given-ratio'.")))))
10331033 (when (and (pn-flag sos-stack)
1034 (pn-flag sos-queue))
1034 (pn-flag sos-queue))
10351035 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1036 (princ "`sos-queue' has priority over `sos-stack'.")))
1036 (princ "`sos-queue' has priority over `sos-stack'.")))
10371037 ;;
10381038 #||
10391039 (when (and (pn-flag para-all)
1040 (pn-flag detailed-history))
1040 (pn-flag detailed-history))
10411041 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1042 (princ "detailed paramod history is ignored when `para-all' is set.")))
1042 (princ "detailed paramod history is ignored when `para-all' is set.")))
10431043 ||#
10441044 )
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:inv.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:inv.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4949 ;;;
5050 (defstruct (inv-check-system)
51 (module nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
52 (sort nil :type (or null sort*)) ; sort of object
51 (module nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
52 (sort nil :type (or null sort*)) ; sort of object
5353 (predicate nil :type (or null method)) ; predicate representing invariance
5454 (initial-state nil :type (or null term)) ; initial state constant term
55 (object nil :type term) ; term representing target object
56 (methods nil :type list) ; methods w.r.t. hidden sort
57 (goals nil :type list) ; goals to be proved
58 (conditions nil :type list) ; filed goals
59 (after-loop 0 :type fixnum) ; loop start point
55 (object nil :type term) ; term representing target object
56 (methods nil :type list) ; methods w.r.t. hidden sort
57 (goals nil :type list) ; goals to be proved
58 (conditions nil :type list) ; filed goals
59 (after-loop 0 :type fixnum) ; loop start point
6060 (after-num 0 :type fixnum))
6262 (defun pn-get-meth-unique (module opname)
6363 (declare (type module module)
64 (type list opname)
65 (values method))
64 (type list opname)
65 (values method))
6666 (with-in-module (module)
6767 (let* ((parsedop (parse-op-name opname))
68 (ops (find-qual-operators parsedop module))
69 (op nil))
68 (ops (find-qual-operators parsedop module))
69 (op nil))
7070 (unless ops
71 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-op)
72 (format t "no such operator with name ~s" opname)))
71 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-op)
72 (format t "no such operator with name ~s" opname)))
7373 (when (cdr ops)
74 (with-output-chaos-error ('amb-op)
75 (format t "more than one operators with name ~s" opname)))
74 (with-output-chaos-error ('amb-op)
75 (format t "more than one operators with name ~s" opname)))
7676 ;;
7777 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods (car ops)))
78 (unless (method-is-error-method meth)
79 (setq op meth)
80 (return)))
78 (unless (method-is-error-method meth)
79 (setq op meth)
80 (return)))
8181 op)))
8383 (defun make-term-pat (method)
8484 (declare (type method method))
8585 (make-term-with-sort-check method
86 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
87 (make-variable-term x
88 (gensym "_V")))
89 (method-arity method))))
86 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
87 (make-variable-term x
88 (gensym "_V")))
89 (method-arity method))))
9191 (defun make-inv-check-context (methods hole target-pattern)
9292 (let ((res nil))
9393 (dolist (method methods)
9494 (let ((kernel-pat nil))
95 (setq kernel-pat
96 (make-term-with-sort-check
97 method
98 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
99 (if (not (sort-is-hidden x))
100 (make-variable-term x
101 (gensym "_V"))
102 (progn
103 (unless (sort= x (term-sort target-pattern))
104 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-sort-match)
105 (princ "unmatched hidden sorts")
106 ))
107 hole)))
108 (method-arity method))))
109 (push
110 (if (term-is-variable? target-pattern)
111 kernel-pat
112 (apply-subst (list (cons hole kernel-pat)) target-pattern))
113 res)))
95 (setq kernel-pat
96 (make-term-with-sort-check
97 method
98 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
99 (if (not (sort-is-hidden x))
100 (make-variable-term x
101 (gensym "_V"))
102 (progn
103 (unless (sort= x (term-sort target-pattern))
104 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-sort-match)
105 (princ "unmatched hidden sorts")
106 ))
107 hole)))
108 (method-arity method))))
109 (push
110 (if (term-is-variable? target-pattern)
111 kernel-pat
112 (apply-subst (list (cons hole kernel-pat)) target-pattern))
113 res)))
114114 ;;
115115 (when (pn-flag debug-inv-check)
116116 (with-output-simple-msg ()
117 (format t "** check contexts:")
118 (dolist (tp res)
119 (print-next)
120 (term-print tp))))
117 (format t "** check contexts:")
118 (dolist (tp res)
119 (print-next)
120 (term-print tp))))
121121 ;;
122122 res))
125125 (let ((res nil))
126126 (dolist (tpat target-patterns)
127127 (setq res
128 (nconc res
129 (make-inv-check-context methods hole tpat))))
128 (nconc res
129 (make-inv-check-context methods hole tpat))))
130130 res))
132132 (defun pn-expand-macro (term module)
133133 (if (module-macros module)
134134 (let ((pat-string
135 (with-output-to-string (stream)
136 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
137 (term-print term stream)))))
138 (simple-parse-from-string pat-string))
135 (with-output-to-string (stream)
136 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
137 (term-print term stream)))))
138 (simple-parse-from-string pat-string))
139139 term))
141141 (defun make-pn-inv-check-pat (predicate
142 target-pat
143 &key (make-condition nil)
144 (print-msg *error-output*)
145 (make-imply nil))
142 target-pat
143 &key (make-condition nil)
144 (print-msg *error-output*)
145 (make-imply nil))
146146 (let ((hole nil)
147 (hypo-pat nil)
148 (hole-subst nil)
149 ;; (method-pat nil)
150 (conc-pat nil)
151 (check-pat nil)
152 )
147 (hypo-pat nil)
148 (hole-subst nil)
149 ;; (method-pat nil)
150 (conc-pat nil)
151 (check-pat nil)
152 )
153153 ;;
154154 (setq hypo-pat
155155 (make-term-with-sort-check predicate
156 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
157 (let ((var (make-variable-term
158 x
159 (gensym "_V"))))
160 (when (sort-is-hidden x)
161 (push var hole))
162 (if make-imply
163 make-imply
164 var)))
165 (method-arity predicate))))
156 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
157 (let ((var (make-variable-term
158 x
159 (gensym "_V"))))
160 (when (sort-is-hidden x)
161 (push var hole))
162 (if make-imply
163 make-imply
164 var)))
165 (method-arity predicate))))
166166 (when (cdr hole)
167167 (with-output-chaos-error ('too-many-holes)
168 (princ "predicate pattern has too many hidden context")))
168 (princ "predicate pattern has too many hidden context")))
169169 (setq hole
170170 (if make-imply
171 make-imply
172 (car hole)))
171 make-imply
172 (car hole)))
173173 (setq hole-subst (list (cons hole target-pat)))
174174 (setq conc-pat (apply-subst hole-subst hypo-pat))
176176 ;; make check pattern
177177 (if make-imply
178 (setq check-pat
179 (make-term-with-sort-check
180 *fopl-imply*
181 (list hypo-pat conc-pat)))
178 (setq check-pat
179 (make-term-with-sort-check
180 *fopl-imply*
181 (list hypo-pat conc-pat)))
182182 (setq check-pat conc-pat)
183183 )
184184 ;; bound free variables
186186 ;;
187187 (when print-msg
188188 (let ((*print-indent* 7))
189 (if (stringp print-msg)
190 (setq print-msg
191 (with-output-to-string (stream)
192 (if make-condition
193 (format stream "~%~a: " make-condition)
194 (format stream "~%goal: "))
195 (term-print check-pat stream)))
196 (progn
197 (if make-condition
198 (format print-msg "~%~a: " make-condition)
199 (format print-msg "~%goal: "))
200 (term-print check-pat print-msg)))))
189 (if (stringp print-msg)
190 (setq print-msg
191 (with-output-to-string (stream)
192 (if make-condition
193 (format stream "~%~a: " make-condition)
194 (format stream "~%goal: "))
195 (term-print check-pat stream)))
196 (progn
197 (if make-condition
198 (format print-msg "~%~a: " make-condition)
199 (format print-msg "~%goal: "))
200 (term-print check-pat print-msg)))))
202202 ;; negate
203203 (unless make-condition
204204 (setq check-pat
205 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
206 (list check-pat))))
205 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
206 (list check-pat))))
207207 ;; expand macro
208208 (setq check-pat (pn-expand-macro check-pat *current-module*))
219219 (defun setup-inv-check-db (module goal preset-sos preset-passive)
220220 (when (or (pn-flag auto)
221 (pn-flag auto1)
222 (pn-flag auto2)
223 (pn-flag auto3))
221 (pn-flag auto1)
222 (pn-flag auto2)
223 (pn-flag auto3))
224224 ;; in auto mode,
225225 ;; essentially we need not do anything,
226226 ;; but make sure to force `db-reset', because new axioms
243243 ;; (setf (psystem-passive psys) preset-passive)
244244 ;; reset SOS
245245 (let ((sos nil)
246 (usable nil)
247 (passive nil)
248 (sos-pre? preset-sos)
249 ;; (passive-pre? preset-passive)
250 (put-goal-in-sos? nil))
246 (usable nil)
247 (passive nil)
248 (sos-pre? preset-sos)
249 ;; (passive-pre? preset-passive)
250 (put-goal-in-sos? nil))
251251 (when (memq :system-goal preset-sos)
252 (setq preset-sos (delete :system-goal preset-sos :test #'eq))
253 (setq put-goal-in-sos? t))
252 (setq preset-sos (delete :system-goal preset-sos :test #'eq))
253 (setq put-goal-in-sos? t))
254254 (dolist (cl (psystem-axioms psys))
255 (cond ((eq (clause-axiom cl) goal)
256 ;; generated goal
257 (if put-goal-in-sos?
258 (progn
259 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos)
260 (push cl sos))
261 ;; put the goal into usable
262 (progn
263 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable)
264 (push cl usable)))
265 )
266 ;; the following cases treat non-goal
267 (sos-pre?
268 (if (member cl preset-sos :test #'cl-member-test)
269 (progn
270 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos)
271 (push cl sos))
272 (if (member cl preset-passive :test #'cl-member-test)
273 (progn
274 (setf (clause-container cl) :passive)
275 (push cl passive))
276 (progn
277 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable)
278 (push cl usable)))))
279 (t
280 (if (member cl preset-passive :test #'cl-member-test)
281 (progn
282 (setf (clause-container cl) :passive)
283 (push cl passive))
284 (if (positive-clause? cl)
285 (progn
286 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos)
287 (push cl sos))
288 (progn
289 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable)
290 (push cl usable)))))))
255 (cond ((eq (clause-axiom cl) goal)
256 ;; generated goal
257 (if put-goal-in-sos?
258 (progn
259 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos)
260 (push cl sos))
261 ;; put the goal into usable
262 (progn
263 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable)
264 (push cl usable)))
265 )
266 ;; the following cases treat non-goal
267 (sos-pre?
268 (if (member cl preset-sos :test #'cl-member-test)
269 (progn
270 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos)
271 (push cl sos))
272 (if (member cl preset-passive :test #'cl-member-test)
273 (progn
274 (setf (clause-container cl) :passive)
275 (push cl passive))
276 (progn
277 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable)
278 (push cl usable)))))
279 (t
280 (if (member cl preset-passive :test #'cl-member-test)
281 (progn
282 (setf (clause-container cl) :passive)
283 (push cl passive))
284 (if (positive-clause? cl)
285 (progn
286 (setf (clause-container cl) :sos)
287 (push cl sos))
288 (progn
289 (setf (clause-container cl) :usable)
290 (push cl usable)))))))
291291 ;;
292292 (setf (psystem-sos psys) (reverse sos))
293293 (setf (psystem-passive psys) (reverse passive))
299299 ;;; prepare run-time env of PigNose and invoke it.
300300 ;;;
301301 (defun perform-inv-check (module
302 predicate
303 target-pat
304 conditions
305 additional-conds
306 &key dont-negate
307 type
308 hole)
302 predicate
303 target-pat
304 conditions
305 additional-conds
306 &key dont-negate
307 type
308 hole)
309309 (declare (type module module)
310 (type method predicate)
311 (type term target-pat)
312 (type list conditions)
313 (values symbol))
310 (type method predicate)
311 (type term target-pat)
312 (type list conditions)
313 (values symbol))
314314 (let ((ret-code nil)
315 (preset-sos nil)
316 (preset-passive nil)
317 (*pn-no-db-reset* t)
318 )
315 (preset-sos nil)
316 (preset-passive nil)
317 (*pn-no-db-reset* t)
318 )
319319 (declare (special *pn-no-db-reset*))
320320 (when (module-proof-system module)
321321 (setq preset-sos (psystem-sos (module-proof-system module)))
327327 (setf (module-op-lex *pn-proof-module*) (module-op-lex module))
328328 (with-in-module (*pn-proof-module*)
329329 (let ((inv-check-pat nil)
330 (goal nil)
331 (ax nil)
332 (flags (save-pn-flags))
333 (parameters (save-pn-parameters)))
334 ;; make goal
335 (setq inv-check-pat
336 (make-pn-inv-check-pat predicate
337 target-pat
338 :make-condition dont-negate
339 :make-imply (if (and (eq type :from)
340 hole)
341 hole
342 nil)))
343 (setq goal
344 (make-rule :lhs inv-check-pat
345 :rhs *bool-true*
346 :condition *bool-true*
347 :labels nil
348 :behavioural nil
349 :type :pignose-axiom))
351 ;; NOTE: we may need ......................
352 ;; the goal is added as an axiom.
353 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module*
354 goal
355 t)
356 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* goal)
358 ;; pre conditions
359 (dolist (a (append conditions additional-conds))
360 (setq ax
361 (make-rule :lhs a
362 :rhs *bool-true*
363 :condition *bool-true*
364 :labels nil
365 :behavioural nil
366 :type :pignose-axiom))
367 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module*
368 ax
369 t)
370 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax))
372 ;;
373 (set-needs-rule)
374 (compile-module *current-module*)
375 ;;
376 ;; invoke PigNose //////
377 ;; ......
378 (unless (or (pn-flag auto)
379 (pn-flag auto2)
380 (pn-flag auto3)
381 (pn-flag binary-res)
382 (pn-flag hyper-res)
383 (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
384 (pn-flag para-from)
385 (pn-flag para-into)
386 (pn-flag demod-inf))
387 (with-output-simple-msg ()
388 (princ "** NO inference rules are specified.")
389 (print-next)
390 (princ "system will use `auto' mode."))
391 (setq preset-sos nil)
392 ;; (setq preset-passive nil)
393 (auto-change-flag auto t)
394 (auto-change-flag universal-symmetry t))
395 ;; only interest the first proof
396 (setf (pn-parameter max-proofs) 1)
397 ;;
398 (setup-inv-check-db *current-module* goal preset-sos preset-passive)
399 ;; do resolve
400 (setq ret-code (do-resolve *current-module*))
401 ;; restore flags&parameters
402 (restore-pn-flags flags)
403 (restore-pn-parameters parameters)
404 ))
330 (goal nil)
331 (ax nil)
332 (flags (save-pn-flags))
333 (parameters (save-pn-parameters)))
334 ;; make goal
335 (setq inv-check-pat
336 (make-pn-inv-check-pat predicate
337 target-pat
338 :make-condition dont-negate
339 :make-imply (if (and (eq type :from)
340 hole)
341 hole
342 nil)))
343 (setq goal
344 (make-rule :lhs inv-check-pat
345 :rhs *bool-true*
346 :condition *bool-true*
347 :labels nil
348 :behavioural nil
349 :type :pignose-axiom))
351 ;; NOTE: we may need ......................
352 ;; the goal is added as an axiom.
353 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module*
354 goal
355 t)
356 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* goal)
358 ;; pre conditions
359 (dolist (a (append conditions additional-conds))
360 (setq ax
361 (make-rule :lhs a
362 :rhs *bool-true*
363 :condition *bool-true*
364 :labels nil
365 :behavioural nil
366 :type :pignose-axiom))
367 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module*
368 ax
369 t)
370 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax))
372 ;;
373 (set-needs-rule)
374 (compile-module *current-module*)
375 ;;
376 ;; invoke PigNose //////
377 ;; ......
378 (unless (or (pn-flag auto)
379 (pn-flag auto2)
380 (pn-flag auto3)
381 (pn-flag binary-res)
382 (pn-flag hyper-res)
383 (pn-flag neg-hyper-res)
384 (pn-flag para-from)
385 (pn-flag para-into)
386 (pn-flag demod-inf))
387 (with-output-simple-msg ()
388 (princ "** NO inference rules are specified.")
389 (print-next)
390 (princ "system will use `auto' mode."))
391 (setq preset-sos nil)
392 ;; (setq preset-passive nil)
393 (auto-change-flag auto t)
394 (auto-change-flag universal-symmetry t))
395 ;; only interest the first proof
396 (setf (pn-parameter max-proofs) 1)
397 ;;
398 (setup-inv-check-db *current-module* goal preset-sos preset-passive)
399 ;; do resolve
400 (setq ret-code (do-resolve *current-module*))
401 ;; restore flags&parameters
402 (restore-pn-flags flags)
403 (restore-pn-parameters parameters)
404 ))
405405 ;;
406406 ret-code ))
411411 ;;;
412412 (defun do-invariance-check (check-sys type)
413413 (let ((module (inv-check-system-module check-sys))
414 (pred (inv-check-system-predicate check-sys))
415 (init-state (inv-check-system-initial-state check-sys))
416 (object (inv-check-system-object check-sys))
417 (sort (inv-check-system-sort check-sys))
418 (success nil)
419 (skip-l (inv-check-system-after-loop check-sys))
420 (skip-num (inv-check-system-after-num check-sys)))
414 (pred (inv-check-system-predicate check-sys))
415 (init-state (inv-check-system-initial-state check-sys))
416 (object (inv-check-system-object check-sys))
417 (sort (inv-check-system-sort check-sys))
418 (success nil)
419 (skip-l (inv-check-system-after-loop check-sys))
420 (skip-num (inv-check-system-after-num check-sys)))
421421 (with-in-module (module)
422422 (case type
423 ((:from :of)
424 (let* ((ret-code nil)
425 (loops -1)
426 (max-loops (pn-parameter inv-check-max-depth))
427 (target-patterns nil)
428 (fail nil)
429 (next-goals nil)
430 (failed-goals nil)
431 (hole (make-variable-term sort
432 (gensym "_hole")))
433 (subst-pat (list
434 (cons hole
435 (or object init-state))))
437 (do-skip nil)
438 )
439 ;; set initial target pattern:
440 ;; hole will be substituted by real target.
441 (setf (inv-check-system-goals check-sys)
442 (list hole))
443 ;;
444 (catch 'inv-check-fail
445 (loop
446 (setq target-patterns (inv-check-system-goals check-sys))
447 (unless target-patterns
448 ;; we've done without failure.
449 (setq success t)
450 (return))
451 ;; check depth limit
452 (incf loops)
453 (when (and (not (= -1 max-loops))
454 (> loops max-loops))
455 (with-output-msg ()
456 (format t "stopping invariance check due to `inv-check-max-depth'")
457 (return nil)))
458 ;;
459 (let ((num 0) ; case # of current depth (loops).
460 (cur-conditions nil)
461 (cur-cond nil))
462 ;; initialy, cur-conditions contains all of the goals
463 ;; to be checked for the current depth.
464 (setq cur-conditions
465 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
466 (apply-subst subst-pat x))
467 target-patterns))
468 (do* ((targets target-patterns (cdr targets))
469 (target-pat (car targets) (car targets))
470 (reals cur-conditions (cdr reals))
471 (real-target (car reals) (car reals))
472 (hypo-str nil nil))
473 ((endp targets))
474 ;; all not-yet tested goals are used for additional
475 ;; hypothesis of the current goal,i.e. real-target.
476 (setq cur-conditions (remove real-target cur-conditions))
477 (setq cur-cond
478 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
479 (multiple-value-bind (pat pat-str)
480 (make-pn-inv-check-pat pred
481 x
482 :make-condition "hypo"
483 :print-msg ""
484 :make-imply nil)
485 (push pat-str hypo-str)
486 pat))
487 cur-conditions))
488 ;; print start message
489 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
490 (format t "~%==========")
491 (format t "~%case #~d-~d: " loops (incf num))
492 (term-print real-target)
493 (format t "~%----------")
494 ;;
495 #||
496 (with-output-simple-msg ()
497 (format t "loops=~a, num=~a, skip-l=~a, skip-num=~a"
498 loops num skip-l skip-num))
499 ||#
500 ;;
501 (if (or (< loops skip-l)
502 (and (= loops skip-l)
503 (< num skip-num)))
504 (with-output-simple-msg ()
505 (format t "** will skip real proof")
506 (setq do-skip t))
507 (setq do-skip nil))
509 #||
510 (dolist (c cur-conditions)
511 (terpri)
512 (princ "hypo: ")
513 (let ((*print-indent* 7))
514 (term-print c)))
515 ||#
516 (dolist (pst (reverse hypo-str))
517 (princ pst))
518 )
519 ;; do the check
520 (setq ret-code
521 (if do-skip
522 :skip-exit
523 (perform-inv-check module
524 pred
525 real-target
526 ;; previous
527 (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
528 ;; current
529 cur-cond
530 :hole hole
531 :type (if (zerop loops)
532 :of
533 type)))
534 )
536 ;;
537 (when (eq type :from)
538 (setq subst-pat nil))
539 ;;
540 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
541 (if (eq ret-code :max-proofs-exit)
542 ;; success
543 (progn
544 (when (zerop loops)
545 (push (if (eq type :from)
546 (make-variable-term sort (gensym "_KV"))
547 target-pat)
548 next-goals))
549 (format t "~%** success"))
550 ;; fail
551 (progn
552 (if do-skip
553 (format t "~%** SKIPPING...")
554 (format t "~%** fail"))
555 (setq fail t)
556 ;; reachability check from intial state
557 (when (and init-state
558 (eq type :of)
559 (or (not do-skip)
560 (pn-flag check-init-always)))
561 (let ((target (apply-subst (list (cons hole init-state))
562 target-pat)))
563 (terpri)
564 (princ "** check with the initial state : ")
565 (term-print target)
566 (setq ret-code
567 (perform-inv-check module
568 pred
569 target
570 (inv-check-system-conditions
571 check-sys)
572 cur-cond
573 :type type))
574 (unless (eq :max-proofs-exit ret-code)
575 (with-output-simple-msg ()
576 (princ "** fail!")
577 (print-next)
578 (princ "trying to find a counter example: "))
579 ;;
580 (setq ret-code
581 (perform-inv-check module
582 pred
583 target
584 (inv-check-system-conditions
585 check-sys)
586 cur-cond
587 :type type
588 :dont-negate "ax")
589 )
590 (when (eq :max-proofs-exit ret-code)
591 (with-output-simple-msg ()
592 (princ "** found a counter example!")
593 (print-next)
594 (princ "initial state can reach to a hazardous state.")
595 ))
596 (setq success nil)
597 (throw 'inv-check-fail nil)
598 )
599 (with-output-simple-msg ()
600 (princ "** ok, it's safe."))
601 ))
603 ;; next-goals accumurates base context patterns
604 ;; for generating goals of the next loop (depth).
605 (push target-pat next-goals)
606 ;; put the failed goal back to condition
607 ;; this will be used as hyphthesis of the
608 ;; next goal (sibling).
609 (push real-target cur-conditions)
610 )
611 ))
612 )
613 ;; end for all current target,i.e., the current depth.
614 (if (or fail (zerop loops))
615 ;; found at least one failure case, or we've just done
616 ;; for initial base case.
617 (progn
618 (setq next-goals (nreverse next-goals))
619 (setq failed-goals (nconc failed-goals next-goals))
620 (setf (inv-check-system-goals check-sys)
621 (make-inv-check-contexts (inv-check-system-methods
622 check-sys)
623 hole
624 next-goals))
625 (setf (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
626 (nconc (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
627 (mapcar
628 #'(lambda (x)
629 (make-pn-inv-check-pat pred
630 x
631 :make-condition
632 "adding axiom"
633 :print-msg *error-output*
634 :make-imply nil))
635 cur-conditions)))
636 )
637 ;; success
638 (setf (inv-check-system-goals check-sys) nil))
639 ;;
640 (setq next-goals nil)
641 ) ; done for this level
642 ;;
643 ) ; done for all
644 )
645 ;;
646 #||
647 (when (and success (eq type :of) init-state)
648 ;; we must check reachability
649 (setq success nil)
650 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
651 (format t "~%==============================")
652 (format t "~%** start reachability check **")
653 (format t "~%------------------------------"))
654 (dolist (pat failed-goals (setq success t))
655 (let ((target (apply-subst (list (cons hole init-state))
656 pat)))
657 (setq ret-code
658 (perform-inv-check module
659 pred
660 target
661 (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
662 nil))
663 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
664 (if (eq ret-code :max-proofs-exit)
665 (format t "~%*** success")
666 (progn
667 (format t "~%** fail")
668 (return nil))))))
669 )
670 ||#
671 ;;
672 (unless success
673 (if .pn-check-safety.
674 (format *error-output*
675 "~%** Failed to prove safety of ~{~a~}.~% ~%"
676 (method-symbol pred))
677 (format *error-output*
678 "~%** Failed to prove ~{~a~} is invariant.~% ~%"
679 (method-symbol pred)))
680 (return-from do-invariance-check nil))
681 ;; success!!
682 (if .pn-check-safety.
683 (format *error-output*
684 "~%** Predicate ~{~a~} is safe!!~% ~%"
685 (method-symbol pred))
686 (format *error-output*
687 "~%** Predicate ~{~a~} is invriant!!~% ~%"
688 (method-symbol pred)))
689 t
690 ))
691 ;;
692 (otherwise
693 ;; TODO
694 )
695 )
423 ((:from :of)
424 (let* ((ret-code nil)
425 (loops -1)
426 (max-loops (pn-parameter inv-check-max-depth))
427 (target-patterns nil)
428 (fail nil)
429 (next-goals nil)
430 (failed-goals nil)
431 (hole (make-variable-term sort
432 (gensym "_hole")))
433 (subst-pat (list
434 (cons hole
435 (or object init-state))))
437 (do-skip nil)
438 )
439 ;; set initial target pattern:
440 ;; hole will be substituted by real target.
441 (setf (inv-check-system-goals check-sys)
442 (list hole))
443 ;;
444 (catch 'inv-check-fail
445 (loop
446 (setq target-patterns (inv-check-system-goals check-sys))
447 (unless target-patterns
448 ;; we've done without failure.
449 (setq success t)
450 (return))
451 ;; check depth limit
452 (incf loops)
453 (when (and (not (= -1 max-loops))
454 (> loops max-loops))
455 (with-output-msg ()
456 (format t "stopping invariance check due to `inv-check-max-depth'")
457 (return nil)))
458 ;;
459 (let ((num 0) ; case # of current depth (loops).
460 (cur-conditions nil)
461 (cur-cond nil))
462 ;; initialy, cur-conditions contains all of the goals
463 ;; to be checked for the current depth.
464 (setq cur-conditions
465 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
466 (apply-subst subst-pat x))
467 target-patterns))
468 (do* ((targets target-patterns (cdr targets))
469 (target-pat (car targets) (car targets))
470 (reals cur-conditions (cdr reals))
471 (real-target (car reals) (car reals))
472 (hypo-str nil nil))
473 ((endp targets))
474 ;; all not-yet tested goals are used for additional
475 ;; hypothesis of the current goal,i.e. real-target.
476 (setq cur-conditions (remove real-target cur-conditions))
477 (setq cur-cond
478 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
479 (multiple-value-bind (pat pat-str)
480 (make-pn-inv-check-pat pred
481 x
482 :make-condition "hypo"
483 :print-msg ""
484 :make-imply nil)
485 (push pat-str hypo-str)
486 pat))
487 cur-conditions))
488 ;; print start message
489 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
490 (format t "~%==========")
491 (format t "~%case #~d-~d: " loops (incf num))
492 (term-print real-target)
493 (format t "~%----------")
494 ;;
495 #||
496 (with-output-simple-msg ()
497 (format t "loops=~a, num=~a, skip-l=~a, skip-num=~a"
498 loops num skip-l skip-num))
499 ||#
500 ;;
501 (if (or (< loops skip-l)
502 (and (= loops skip-l)
503 (< num skip-num)))
504 (with-output-simple-msg ()
505 (format t "** will skip real proof")
506 (setq do-skip t))
507 (setq do-skip nil))
509 #||
510 (dolist (c cur-conditions)
511 (terpri)
512 (princ "hypo: ")
513 (let ((*print-indent* 7))
514 (term-print c)))
515 ||#
516 (dolist (pst (reverse hypo-str))
517 (princ pst))
518 )
519 ;; do the check
520 (setq ret-code
521 (if do-skip
522 :skip-exit
523 (perform-inv-check module
524 pred
525 real-target
526 ;; previous
527 (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
528 ;; current
529 cur-cond
530 :hole hole
531 :type (if (zerop loops)
532 :of
533 type)))
534 )
536 ;;
537 (when (eq type :from)
538 (setq subst-pat nil))
539 ;;
540 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
541 (if (eq ret-code :max-proofs-exit)
542 ;; success
543 (progn
544 (when (zerop loops)
545 (push (if (eq type :from)
546 (make-variable-term sort (gensym "_KV"))
547 target-pat)
548 next-goals))
549 (format t "~%** success"))
550 ;; fail
551 (progn
552 (if do-skip
553 (format t "~%** SKIPPING...")
554 (format t "~%** fail"))
555 (setq fail t)
556 ;; reachability check from intial state
557 (when (and init-state
558 (eq type :of)
559 (or (not do-skip)
560 (pn-flag check-init-always)))
561 (let ((target (apply-subst (list (cons hole init-state))
562 target-pat)))
563 (terpri)
564 (princ "** check with the initial state : ")
565 (term-print target)
566 (setq ret-code
567 (perform-inv-check module
568 pred
569 target
570 (inv-check-system-conditions
571 check-sys)
572 cur-cond
573 :type type))
574 (unless (eq :max-proofs-exit ret-code)
575 (with-output-simple-msg ()
576 (princ "** fail!")
577 (print-next)
578 (princ "trying to find a counter example: "))
579 ;;
580 (setq ret-code
581 (perform-inv-check module
582 pred
583 target
584 (inv-check-system-conditions
585 check-sys)
586 cur-cond
587 :type type
588 :dont-negate "ax")
589 )
590 (when (eq :max-proofs-exit ret-code)
591 (with-output-simple-msg ()
592 (princ "** found a counter example!")
593 (print-next)
594 (princ "initial state can reach to a hazardous state.")
595 ))
596 (setq success nil)
597 (throw 'inv-check-fail nil)
598 )
599 (with-output-simple-msg ()
600 (princ "** ok, it's safe."))
601 ))
603 ;; next-goals accumurates base context patterns
604 ;; for generating goals of the next loop (depth).
605 (push target-pat next-goals)
606 ;; put the failed goal back to condition
607 ;; this will be used as hyphthesis of the
608 ;; next goal (sibling).
609 (push real-target cur-conditions)
610 )
611 ))
612 )
613 ;; end for all current target,i.e., the current depth.
614 (if (or fail (zerop loops))
615 ;; found at least one failure case, or we've just done
616 ;; for initial base case.
617 (progn
618 (setq next-goals (nreverse next-goals))
619 (setq failed-goals (nconc failed-goals next-goals))
620 (setf (inv-check-system-goals check-sys)
621 (make-inv-check-contexts (inv-check-system-methods
622 check-sys)
623 hole
624 next-goals))
625 (setf (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
626 (nconc (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
627 (mapcar
628 #'(lambda (x)
629 (make-pn-inv-check-pat pred
630 x
631 :make-condition
632 "adding axiom"
633 :print-msg *error-output*
634 :make-imply nil))
635 cur-conditions)))
636 )
637 ;; success
638 (setf (inv-check-system-goals check-sys) nil))
639 ;;
640 (setq next-goals nil)
641 ) ; done for this level
642 ;;
643 ) ; done for all
644 )
645 ;;
646 #||
647 (when (and success (eq type :of) init-state)
648 ;; we must check reachability
649 (setq success nil)
650 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
651 (format t "~%==============================")
652 (format t "~%** start reachability check **")
653 (format t "~%------------------------------"))
654 (dolist (pat failed-goals (setq success t))
655 (let ((target (apply-subst (list (cons hole init-state))
656 pat)))
657 (setq ret-code
658 (perform-inv-check module
659 pred
660 target
661 (inv-check-system-conditions check-sys)
662 nil))
663 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
664 (if (eq ret-code :max-proofs-exit)
665 (format t "~%*** success")
666 (progn
667 (format t "~%** fail")
668 (return nil))))))
669 )
670 ||#
671 ;;
672 (unless success
673 (if .pn-check-safety.
674 (format *error-output*
675 "~%** Failed to prove safety of ~{~a~}.~% ~%"
676 (method-symbol pred))
677 (format *error-output*
678 "~%** Failed to prove ~{~a~} is invariant.~% ~%"
679 (method-symbol pred)))
680 (return-from do-invariance-check nil))
681 ;; success!!
682 (if .pn-check-safety.
683 (format *error-output*
684 "~%** Predicate ~{~a~} is safe!!~% ~%"
685 (method-symbol pred))
686 (format *error-output*
687 "~%** Predicate ~{~a~} is invriant!!~% ~%"
688 (method-symbol pred)))
689 t
690 ))
691 ;;
692 (otherwise
693 ;; TODO
694 )
695 )
696696 )
697697 ))
702702 (defun parse-pn-check-command (args)
703703 (declare (type list args))
704704 (let ((pred-name nil)
705 (type nil)
706 (init-name nil)
707 (object-pat nil)
708 (loop-after 0)
709 (loop-after-sub 0)
710 (args-list args)
711 (e nil))
705 (type nil)
706 (init-name nil)
707 (object-pat nil)
708 (loop-after 0)
709 (loop-after-sub 0)
710 (args-list args)
711 (e nil))
712712 ;; get predicate-name
713713 (loop
714714 (unless args-list (return nil))
715715 (setq e (pop args-list))
716716 (when (member e '("of" "from" "with" "after"
717 ":of" ":from" ":with" ":after")
718 :test #'equal)
719 (return nil))
717 ":of" ":from" ":with" ":after")
718 :test #'equal)
719 (return nil))
720720 (push e pred-name))
721721 ;; get object pattern if any
722722 (when (member e '("of" ":of") :test #'equal)
723723 (setq type :of)
724724 (loop
725 (unless args-list (return nil))
726 (setq e (pop args-list))
727 (when (member e '("from" "with" "after"
728 ":from" ":with" ":after")
729 :test #'equal)
730 (return nil))
731 (push e object-pat)))
725 (unless args-list (return nil))
726 (setq e (pop args-list))
727 (when (member e '("from" "with" "after"
728 ":from" ":with" ":after")
729 :test #'equal)
730 (return nil))
731 (push e object-pat)))
732732 ;; get initial pattern or target pattern if any.
733733 (unless type
734734 (when (member e '("from" ":from") :test #'equal)
735 (setq type :from))
735 (setq type :from))
736736 (when (member e '("with" ":with") :test #'equal)
737 (setq type :with)))
737 (setq type :with)))
738738 (when (member e '(":from" ":with" "from" "with")
739 :test #'equal)
739 :test #'equal)
740740 (loop
741 (unless args-list (return nil))
742 (setq e (pop args-list))
743 (when (member e '("after" ":after") :test #'equal)
744 (return nil))
745 (push e init-name)))
741 (unless args-list (return nil))
742 (setq e (pop args-list))
743 (when (member e '("after" ":after") :test #'equal)
744 (return nil))
745 (push e init-name)))
746746 (when (member e '("after" ":after") :test #'equal)
747747 (let ((pos 0))
748 (setq e (pop args-list))
749 (multiple-value-setq (loop-after pos)
750 (parse-integer e :junk-allowed t))
751 (unless (integerp loop-after)
752 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-arg)
753 (format t "invalid `after' agument : ~s" e)))
754 (if (and (< pos (length e)))
755 (progn
756 (setq e (subseq e (1+ pos)))
757 (setq loop-after-sub (read-from-string e))
758 (unless (integerp loop-after-sub)
759 (format t "invalid `after' argument : ~s" e)))
760 (setq loop-after-sub 1))
761 ))
748 (setq e (pop args-list))
749 (multiple-value-setq (loop-after pos)
750 (parse-integer e :junk-allowed t))
751 (unless (integerp loop-after)
752 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-arg)
753 (format t "invalid `after' agument : ~s" e)))
754 (if (and (< pos (length e)))
755 (progn
756 (setq e (subseq e (1+ pos)))
757 (setq loop-after-sub (read-from-string e))
758 (unless (integerp loop-after-sub)
759 (format t "invalid `after' argument : ~s" e)))
760 (setq loop-after-sub 1))
761 ))
762762 (values (nreverse pred-name)
763 (nreverse object-pat)
764 (nreverse init-name)
765 loop-after
766 loop-after-sub
767 type)
763 (nreverse object-pat)
764 (nreverse init-name)
765 loop-after
766 loop-after-sub
767 type)
768768 ))
771771 (defun pn-check-invariance (args)
772772 (declare (type list args))
773 (let ((target-module (or *current-module*
774 *last-module*)))
775 (declare (type (or null module) target-module))
776 (unless target-module
777 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
778 (princ "check invariance: no context module is specified!")))
779 ;;
773 (let ((target-module (get-context-module)))
774 (declare (type module target-module))
780775 (compile-module target-module)
781776 (multiple-value-bind (pred-name object-pat init-name loop-after
782 loop-after-sub
783 type)
784 (parse-pn-check-command args)
777 loop-after-sub
778 type)
779 (parse-pn-check-command args)
785780 (unless (and pred-name type (or init-name object-pat))
786 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-args)
787 (format t "insufficient args for check : ~{~s~}" args)))
781 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-args)
782 (format t "insufficient args for check : ~{~s~}" args)))
788783 (let ((predicate (pn-get-meth-unique target-module
789 pred-name))
790 (init-method (if init-name
791 (pn-get-meth-unique target-module
792 init-name)
793 nil))
794 (object (if object-pat
795 (simple-parse target-module object-pat)
796 nil))
797 (hsort nil)
798 (check-sys nil))
799 (declare (type fixnum loop-after loop-after-sub))
800 ;;
801 (unless (sort= (method-coarity predicate)
802 *bool-sort*)
803 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op)
804 (princ "operator is not a predicate:")
805 (print-chaos-object predicate)))
806 (when init-method
807 (unless (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity init-method))
808 (with-output-chaos-error ('ivalid-op)
809 (princ "the value of operator ")
810 (print-chaos-object init-method)
811 (print-next)
812 (princ "is not hidden sort, only hidden valued oprators are meaningful.")
813 )))
814 ;;
815 (when (and object (term-ill-defined object))
816 (return-from pn-check-invariance nil))
817 ;;
818 (when init-method
819 (unless (member (method-coarity init-method)
820 (method-arity predicate))
821 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op)
822 (princ "given predicate and operator don't match."))))
823 ;;
824 (when (and init-method object)
825 (unless (eq (method-coarity init-method)
826 (method-coarity (term-head object)))
827 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-pat)
828 (princ "given pattern does not match with init value.")
829 (print-next)
830 (princ "init value : ")(print-chaos-object init-method)
831 (print-next)
832 (princ "pattern : ")(term-print object))))
833 ;;
834 (setq hsort
835 (if init-method
836 (method-coarity init-method)
837 (method-coarity (term-head object))))
838 ;;
839 ;; prepare initial inv-check-system
840 ;;
841 (setq check-sys
842 (make-inv-check-system
843 :module target-module
844 :sort hsort
845 :predicate predicate
846 :initial-state (if init-method
847 (make-term-pat init-method)
848 nil)
849 :object object
850 :after-loop loop-after
851 :after-num loop-after-sub))
852 ;;
853 (setf (inv-check-system-methods check-sys)
854 (nreverse
855 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
856 (sort= hsort (method-coarity x)))
857 (module-beh-methods target-module))))
858 ;;
859 ;; do check
860 ;;
861 (let ((start-time (get-internal-real-time))
862 (grand-total ""))
863 (declare (type integer start-time)
864 (type simple-string grand-total))
865 ;;
866 (do-invariance-check check-sys type)
867 ;;
868 (setq grand-total
869 (format nil "~,3f sec"
870 (elapsed-time-in-seconds start-time
871 (get-internal-real-time))))
872 (unless *chaos-quiet*
873 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
874 (with-output-simple-msg ()
875 (format t "(grand total time ~a)" grand-total)))))))))
784 pred-name))
785 (init-method (if init-name
786 (pn-get-meth-unique target-module
787 init-name)
788 nil))
789 (object (if object-pat
790 (simple-parse target-module object-pat)
791 nil))
792 (hsort nil)
793 (check-sys nil))
794 (declare (type fixnum loop-after loop-after-sub))
795 ;;
796 (unless (sort= (method-coarity predicate)
797 *bool-sort*)
798 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op)
799 (princ "operator is not a predicate:")
800 (print-chaos-object predicate)))
801 (when init-method
802 (unless (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity init-method))
803 (with-output-chaos-error ('ivalid-op)
804 (princ "the value of operator ")
805 (print-chaos-object init-method)
806 (print-next)
807 (princ "is not hidden sort, only hidden valued oprators are meaningful.")
808 )))
809 ;;
810 (when (and object (term-ill-defined object))
811 (return-from pn-check-invariance nil))
812 ;;
813 (when init-method
814 (unless (member (method-coarity init-method)
815 (method-arity predicate))
816 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op)
817 (princ "given predicate and operator don't match."))))
818 ;;
819 (when (and init-method object)
820 (unless (eq (method-coarity init-method)
821 (method-coarity (term-head object)))
822 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-pat)
823 (princ "given pattern does not match with init value.")
824 (print-next)
825 (princ "init value : ")(print-chaos-object init-method)
826 (print-next)
827 (princ "pattern : ")(term-print object))))
828 ;;
829 (setq hsort
830 (if init-method
831 (method-coarity init-method)
832 (method-coarity (term-head object))))
833 ;;
834 ;; prepare initial inv-check-system
835 ;;
836 (setq check-sys
837 (make-inv-check-system
838 :module target-module
839 :sort hsort
840 :predicate predicate
841 :initial-state (if init-method
842 (make-term-pat init-method)
843 nil)
844 :object object
845 :after-loop loop-after
846 :after-num loop-after-sub))
847 ;;
848 (setf (inv-check-system-methods check-sys)
849 (nreverse
850 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
851 (sort= hsort (method-coarity x)))
852 (module-beh-methods target-module))))
853 ;;
854 ;; do check
855 ;;
856 (let ((start-time (get-internal-real-time))
857 (grand-total ""))
858 (declare (type integer start-time)
859 (type simple-string grand-total))
860 ;;
861 (do-invariance-check check-sys type)
862 ;;
863 (setq grand-total
864 (format nil "~,3f sec"
865 (elapsed-time-in-seconds start-time
866 (get-internal-real-time))))
867 (unless *chaos-quiet*
868 (when (pn-flag print-stats)
869 (with-output-simple-msg ()
870 (format t "(grand total time ~a)" grand-total)))))))))
877872 ;;; PN-CHECK-SAFETY
878873 ;;;
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:lrpo.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:lrpo.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 (defun lrpo-lex (t1 t2)
4545 (declare (type term t1 t2))
4646 (let ((subs1 (term-subterms t1))
47 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
47 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
4848 (loop (unless subs1 (return))
4949 (unless (term-is-identical (car subs1)
50 (car subs2))
51 (return))
50 (car subs2))
51 (return))
5252 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1)
53 subs2 (cdr subs2)))
53 subs2 (cdr subs2)))
5454 (if (null subs1)
55 nil ; identical
55 nil ; identical
5656 (if (lrpo (car subs1) (car subs2))
57 ;; is t1 > each remaining arg of t2
58 (every #'(lambda (x)(lrpo t1 x))
59 (cdr subs2))
60 ;; is there a remaining arg of t1 s.t. arg == t2 or arg > t2 ?
61 (dolist (ra (cdr subs1) nil)
62 (when (or (term-is-identical ra t2)
63 (lrpo ra t2))
64 (return-from lrpo-lex t)))))))
57 ;; is t1 > each remaining arg of t2
58 (every #'(lambda (x)(lrpo t1 x))
59 (cdr subs2))
60 ;; is there a remaining arg of t1 s.t. arg == t2 or arg > t2 ?
61 (dolist (ra (cdr subs1) nil)
62 (when (or (term-is-identical ra t2)
63 (lrpo ra t2))
64 (return-from lrpo-lex t)))))))
6666 ;;; num-occurrences
6767 ;;;
7070 (defun num-occurrences (arg term)
7171 (declare (type term arg term)
72 (values fixnum))
72 (values fixnum))
7373 (let ((i 0))
7474 (declare (type fixnum i))
7575 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
7676 (when (term-is-identical sub arg)
77 (incf i)))
77 (incf i)))
7878 i))
8080 ;;; term-multiset-diff t1 t2
8181 (defun term-multiset-diff (t1 t2)
8282 (declare (type term t1 t2))
8383 (let ((done nil)
84 (diff nil))
84 (diff nil))
8585 (declare (type list diff))
8686 (dolist (sub (term-subterms t1))
8787 (unless (member sub done :test #'term-is-identical)
88 (push sub done)
89 (when (> (num-occurrences sub t1)
90 (num-occurrences sub t2))
91 (push sub diff))))
88 (push sub done)
89 (when (> (num-occurrences sub t1)
90 (num-occurrences sub t2))
91 (push sub diff))))
9292 diff))
9494 ;;; lrpo-multiset
9696 (defun lrpo-multiset (t1 t2)
9797 (declare (type term t1 t2))
9898 (let ((t1-sub (term-subterms t1))
99 (t2-sub (term-subterms t2)))
99 (t2-sub (term-subterms t2)))
100100 (declare (type list t1-sub t2-sub))
101101 (unless t1-sub (return-from lrpo-multiset nil))
102102 (unless t2-sub (return-from lrpo-multiset t))
103103 (let ((diff1 (term-multiset-diff t1 t2))
104 (diff2 (term-multiset-diff t2 t1))
105 (ok t))
104 (diff2 (term-multiset-diff t2 t1))
105 (ok t))
106106 (declare (type list diff1 diff2))
107107 (if diff2
108 (progn
109 (dolist (r2 diff2 )
110 (unless ok (return))
111 (setq ok nil)
112 (dolist (r1 diff1)
113 (when (setq ok (lrpo r1 r2))
114 (return))))
115 ok)
116 nil)
108 (progn
109 (dolist (r2 diff2 )
110 (unless ok (return))
111 (setq ok nil)
112 (dolist (r1 diff1)
113 (when (setq ok (lrpo r1 r2))
114 (return))))
115 ok)
116 nil)
117117 )))
119119 ;;; LRPO
121121 (defun lrpo (t1 t2)
122122 (declare (type term t1 t2))
123123 (let ((s1 (term-sort t1))
124 (s2 (term-sort t2)))
124 (s2 (term-sort t2)))
125125 (declare (type sort* s1 s2))
126126 (when (sort< s1 s2 *current-sort-order*)
127127 (return-from lrpo nil))
141141 (return-from lrpo (occurs-in t2 t1)))
142142 ;;
143143 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1) (term-head t2))
144 (lrpo-lex t1 t2)
145 ;; (lrpo-multiset t1 t2)
144 (lrpo-lex t1 t2)
145 ;; (lrpo-multiset t1 t2)
146146 (let ((prec (op-lex-precedence (term-head t1) (term-head t2))))
147 (declare (type symbol prec))
148 (if (eq prec :same)
149 (lrpo-multiset t1 t2)
150 (if (eq prec :greater)
151 ;; t1 > each arg of t2
152 (every #'(lambda (x) (lrpo t1 x))
153 (term-subterms t2))
154 ;; there is an arg of t1 s.t. arg = t2 or arg > t2.
155 (some #'(lambda (x)
156 (or (term-is-identical x t2)
157 (lrpo x t2)))
158 (term-subterms t1))))))
147 (declare (type symbol prec))
148 (if (eq prec :same)
149 (lrpo-multiset t1 t2)
150 (if (eq prec :greater)
151 ;; t1 > each arg of t2
152 (every #'(lambda (x) (lrpo t1 x))
153 (term-subterms t2))
154 ;; there is an arg of t1 s.t. arg = t2 or arg > t2.
155 (some #'(lambda (x)
156 (or (term-is-identical x t2)
157 (lrpo x t2)))
158 (term-subterms t1))))))
159159 ))
161161 (declaim (inline lrpo-greater))
167167 (defun order-equalities-lrpo (clause &optional input?)
168168 (declare (type clause clause)
169 (ignore input?))
169 (ignore input?))
170170 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
171171 (declare (type literal lit))
172172 (when (eq-literal? lit)
173173 (let* ((eq (literal-atom lit))
174 (alpha (term-arg-1 eq))
175 (beta (term-arg-2 eq)))
176 (declare (type term eq alpha beta))
177 (if (lrpo-greater alpha beta)
178 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) oriented-eq-bit)
179 (if (lrpo-greater beta alpha)
180 (let ((new-atom
181 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
182 (list beta alpha))))
183 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom)
184 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) scratch-bit)
185 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) oriented-eq-bit)
186 )))))))
174 (alpha (term-arg-1 eq))
175 (beta (term-arg-2 eq)))
176 (declare (type term eq alpha beta))
177 (if (lrpo-greater alpha beta)
178 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) oriented-eq-bit)
179 (if (lrpo-greater beta alpha)
180 (let ((new-atom
181 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
182 (list beta alpha))))
183 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom)
184 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) scratch-bit)
185 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit) oriented-eq-bit)
186 )))))))
188188 ;;;
189189 (defun pn-orient-term-pair (module pair)
195195 (reset-module-proof-system module)))
196196 (with-proof-context (module)
197197 (if (lrpo (car pair) (cdr pair))
198 (values (car pair) (cdr pair))
198 (values (car pair) (cdr pair))
199199 (if (lrpo (cdr pair) (car pair))
200 (values (cdr pair) (car pair))
201 (values (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
200 (values (cdr pair) (car pair))
201 (values (car pair) (cdr pair)))))
202202 )
204204 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:modconv.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:modconv.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4545 ;;;
4646 (defun make-pignose-axiom (lhs &key behavioural (type :pignose-axiom) label)
4747 (make-rule :lhs lhs
48 :rhs *bool-true*
49 :condition *bool-true*
50 :labels label
51 :behavioural behavioural
52 :type type)
48 :rhs *bool-true*
49 :condition *bool-true*
50 :labels label
51 :behavioural behavioural
52 :type type)
5353 )
5555 ;;; AXIOM->FORMULA : Axiom -> FoplSentence
7272 #||
7373 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
7474 (setq .pn-ignore-ops.
75 (list *bool-and* ; _and_
76 *bool-or* ; _or_
77 *bool-not* ; not_
78 *sort-membership* ; _:<SortId>
79 *bool-if* ; if_then_else_fi
80 *bool-imply* ; _implies_
81 *bool-iff* ; _iff_
82 *bool-xor* ; _xor_
83 *bool-equal* ; _==_
84 *beh-equal* ; _=b=_
85 *bool-nonequal* ; _=/=_
86 *beh-eq-pred* ; _=*=_
87 *bool-and-also* ; _and-also_
88 *bool-or-else*))) ; _or-else_
75 (list *bool-and* ; _and_
76 *bool-or* ; _or_
77 *bool-not* ; not_
78 *sort-membership* ; _:<SortId>
79 *bool-if* ; if_then_else_fi
80 *bool-imply* ; _implies_
81 *bool-iff* ; _iff_
82 *bool-xor* ; _xor_
83 *bool-equal* ; _==_
84 *beh-equal* ; _=b=_
85 *bool-nonequal* ; _=/=_
86 *beh-eq-pred* ; _=*=_
87 *bool-and-also* ; _and-also_
88 *bool-or-else*))) ; _or-else_
8989 ||#
9191 (defun axiom->formula (ax)
9292 (declare (type axiom ax))
9393 (when *debug-formula*
94 (format t "~&>> start axiom->formula conversion <<")
94 (format t "~%>> start axiom->formula conversion <<")
9595 (print-next)
9696 (print-chaos-object ax))
9797 ;; we ignore axioms of built-in Boolean operations
9898 ;; and, or, not, xor, ==, =/=, =b=, =*=, etc. user should be noticed.
9999 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
100 (head (if (term-is-applform? lhs)
101 (term-head (axiom-lhs ax))
102 nil))
103 (type (axiom-type ax)))
100 (head (if (term-is-applform? lhs)
101 (term-head (axiom-lhs ax))
102 nil))
103 (type (axiom-type ax)))
104104 (declare (type (or null method) head)
105 (type symbol type))
105 (type symbol type))
106106 (when (and head
107 (member head .pn-ignore-ops.
108 :test #'pn-method-is-of-same-operator))
107 (member head .pn-ignore-ops.
108 :test #'pn-method-is-of-same-operator))
109109 (when *chaos-verbose*
110 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
111 (format t "~&axiom to formula translation: ignoring axiom")
112 (print-next)
113 (print-chaos-object ax)))
110 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
111 (format t "axiom to formula translation: ignoring axiom")
112 (print-next)
113 (print-chaos-object ax)))
114114 (return-from axiom->formula nil))
115115 ;;
116116 (case type
117117 ((:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal)
118118 #|| too early !!!
119119 (when (eq type :pignose-goal)
120 ;; we negate it before taking univeraly quantified closure:
121 (setq lhs (copy-term-reusing-variables lhs
122 (term-variables lhs)))
123 (setq lhs
124 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
125 (list lhs))))
120 ;; we negate it before taking univeraly quantified closure:
121 (setq lhs (copy-term-reusing-variables lhs
122 (term-variables lhs)))
123 (setq lhs
124 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
125 (list lhs))))
126126 ||#
127127 (let ((frm-lhs (cafeobj-term->formula lhs))
128 (frm-rhs (if (eq type :equation)
129 (cafeobj-term->formula (axiom-rhs ax))))
130 (frm-cond (if (eq type :equation)
131 (if (term-is-similar? *bool-true*
132 (axiom-condition ax))
133 nil
134 (cafeobj-term->formula (axiom-condition ax)))))
135 (frm nil)
136 (*elim-tf-in-axioms*
137 (if (not (eq (axiom-type ax) :equation))
138 t
139 *elim-tf-in-axioms*)))
140 (declare (type (or null term)
141 frm-lhs frm-rhs frm-cond frm))
142 ;;
143 (when *elim-tf-in-axioms*
144 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-true* frm-lhs)
145 (setq frm-lhs nil))
146 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-true* frm-rhs)
147 (setq frm-rhs nil))
148 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-false* frm-lhs)
149 (setq frm-lhs nil)
150 (setq frm-rhs (make-term-with-sort-check
151 *fopl-neg*
152 (list frm-rhs))))
153 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-false* frm-rhs)
154 (setq frm-rhs nil)
155 (setq frm-lhs (make-term-with-sort-check
156 *fopl-neg*
157 (list frm-lhs))))
158 (unless frm-lhs
159 (setq frm-lhs frm-rhs)
160 (setq frm-rhs nil)))
161 ;;
162 (if (and frm-lhs frm-rhs)
163 (if frm-cond
164 ;; ~cond | lhs = rhs (cond -> lhs = rhs)
165 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check
166 *fopl-or*
167 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
168 *fopl-neg*
169 (list frm-cond))
170 (make-term-with-sort-check
171 (if (and *fopl-two-equalities*
172 (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
173 *fopl-beq*
174 *fopl-eq*)
175 (list frm-lhs frm-rhs)))))
176 ;; lhs = rhs
177 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check
178 (if (and *fopl-two-equalities*
179 (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
180 *fopl-beq*
181 *fopl-eq*)
182 (list frm-lhs frm-rhs))))
183 ;;
184 (if frm-cond
185 ;; ~cond | lhs
186 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check
187 *fopl-or*
188 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
189 *fopl-neg*
190 (list frm-cond))
191 frm-lhs)))
192 ;; lhs
193 (setq frm frm-lhs))
194 )
195 ;;
196 (when *debug-formula*
197 (format t "~%>> done <<")
198 (print-next)
199 (term-print frm))
201 ;; if the axioms is :pignose-goal, i.e. declared by
202 ;; `goal', negate it.
204 (when (eq type :pignose-goal)
205 (setq frm (copy-term-reusing-variables frm
206 (term-variables frm)))
207 (normalize-quantifiers frm)
208 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
209 (list frm))))
211 ;;
212 frm))
128 (frm-rhs (if (eq type :equation)
129 (cafeobj-term->formula (axiom-rhs ax))))
130 (frm-cond (if (eq type :equation)
131 (if (term-is-similar? *bool-true*
132 (axiom-condition ax))
133 nil
134 (cafeobj-term->formula (axiom-condition ax)))))
135 (frm nil)
136 (*elim-tf-in-axioms*
137 (if (not (eq (axiom-type ax) :equation))
138 t
139 *elim-tf-in-axioms*)))
140 (declare (type (or null term)
141 frm-lhs frm-rhs frm-cond frm))
142 ;;
143 (when *elim-tf-in-axioms*
144 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-true* frm-lhs)
145 (setq frm-lhs nil))
146 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-true* frm-rhs)
147 (setq frm-rhs nil))
148 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-false* frm-lhs)
149 (setq frm-lhs nil)
150 (setq frm-rhs (make-term-with-sort-check
151 *fopl-neg*
152 (list frm-rhs))))
153 (when (term-is-similar? *bool-false* frm-rhs)
154 (setq frm-rhs nil)
155 (setq frm-lhs (make-term-with-sort-check
156 *fopl-neg*
157 (list frm-lhs))))
158 (unless frm-lhs
159 (setq frm-lhs frm-rhs)
160 (setq frm-rhs nil)))
161 ;;
162 (if (and frm-lhs frm-rhs)
163 (if frm-cond
164 ;; ~cond | lhs = rhs (cond -> lhs = rhs)
165 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check
166 *fopl-or*
167 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
168 *fopl-neg*
169 (list frm-cond))
170 (make-term-with-sort-check
171 (if (and *fopl-two-equalities*
172 (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
173 *fopl-beq*
174 *fopl-eq*)
175 (list frm-lhs frm-rhs)))))
176 ;; lhs = rhs
177 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check
178 (if (and *fopl-two-equalities*
179 (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
180 *fopl-beq*
181 *fopl-eq*)
182 (list frm-lhs frm-rhs))))
183 ;;
184 (if frm-cond
185 ;; ~cond | lhs
186 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check
187 *fopl-or*
188 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
189 *fopl-neg*
190 (list frm-cond))
191 frm-lhs)))
192 ;; lhs
193 (setq frm frm-lhs))
194 )
195 ;;
196 (when *debug-formula*
197 (format t "~%>> done <<")
198 (print-next)
199 (term-print frm))
201 ;; if the axioms is :pignose-goal, i.e. declared by
202 ;; `goal', negate it.
204 (when (eq type :pignose-goal)
205 (setq frm (copy-term-reusing-variables frm
206 (term-variables frm)))
207 (normalize-quantifiers frm)
208 (setq frm (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-neg*
209 (list frm))))
211 ;;
212 frm))
213213 (otherwise
214214 (with-output-chaos-error ()
215 (format t "sorry, but transitions are not supported yet.")
216 (print-next)
217 (print-chaos-object ax)))
215 (format t "sorry, but transitions are not supported yet.")
216 (print-next)
217 (print-chaos-object ax)))
218218 )))
220220 ;;; MODULE-AXIOMS->CLAUSE : Module -> List[Clause]
221221 ;;;
222222 (defun module-all-equations (mod)
223223 (declare (type module mod)
224 (values list))
224 (values list))
225225 (let ((*seen* nil))
226226 (declare (special *seen*)
227 (type list *seen*))
227 (type list *seen*))
228228 (labels ((all-own-equations (mod)
229 (declare (type module mod))
230 (reverse (module-equations mod)))
231 (imported-equations (mod)
232 (declare (type module mod))
233 (let ((res nil)
234 (subs (nreverse (module-direct-submodules mod))))
235 (declare (type list res subs))
236 (dolist (sub subs)
237 (block next-sub
238 (let ((sm (car sub)))
239 (declare (type module sm))
240 (when (memq sm *seen*)
241 (return-from next-sub nil))
242 (push sm *seen*)
243 (when (eq :using (cdr sub))
244 (return-from next-sub nil))
245 (let ((sub-ax nil)
246 (to-be-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed mod)))
247 (dolist (ax (all-own-equations sm))
248 (push (or (cdr (assq ax to-be-fixed))
249 ax)
250 sub-ax))
251 (setq res
252 (nconc res
253 (nconc (nreverse sub-ax)
254 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
255 (or (cdr (assq x to-be-fixed))
256 x))
257 (imported-equations sm)))
258 ))))))
259 ;;
260 (delete-duplicates res :test #'eq))))
229 (declare (type module mod))
230 (reverse (module-equations mod)))
231 (imported-equations (mod)
232 (declare (type module mod))
233 (let ((res nil)
234 (subs (nreverse (module-direct-submodules mod))))
235 (declare (type list res subs))
236 (dolist (sub subs)
237 (block next-sub
238 (let ((sm (car sub)))
239 (declare (type module sm))
240 (when (memq sm *seen*)
241 (return-from next-sub nil))
242 (push sm *seen*)
243 (when (eq :using (cdr sub))
244 (return-from next-sub nil))
245 (let ((sub-ax nil)
246 (to-be-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed mod)))
247 (dolist (ax (all-own-equations sm))
248 (push (or (cdr (assq ax to-be-fixed))
249 ax)
250 sub-ax))
251 (setq res
252 (nconc res
253 (nconc (nreverse sub-ax)
254 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
255 (or (cdr (assq x to-be-fixed))
256 x))
257 (imported-equations sm)))
258 ))))))
259 ;;
260 (delete-duplicates res :test #'eq))))
261261 ;;
262262 (setq *seen* nil)
263263 (nconc (all-own-equations mod)
264 (imported-equations mod))
264 (imported-equations mod))
265265 )))
267267 ;;; MODULE-INCLUDES-FORMULA : Module -> Bool
278278 (make-term-with-sort-check
279279 method
280280 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
281 (pn-make-var-on-the-fly x))
282 (method-arity method)))))
281 (pn-make-var-on-the-fly x))
282 (method-arity method)))))
284284 ;;; COVER-SET-OF-SORT
285285 ;;;
286286 (defun cover-set-of-sort (mod sort)
287287 (declare (type module mod)
288 (type sort* sort)
289 (values list))
288 (type sort* sort)
289 (values list))
290290 (let ((constructors (sort-constructors sort))
291 (res nil))
291 (res nil))
292292 (declare (type list constructors res))
293293 (dolist (constr constructors)
294294 (push (make-pn-appl-pat mod constr) res))
298298 ;;;
299299 (defun module-cover-sets (mod &optional (no-built-in t))
300300 (declare (type module mod)
301 (values list))
301 (values list))
302302 (let ((res nil))
303303 (dolist (sort (module-all-sorts mod))
304304 (declare (type sort* sort))
305305 (block next
306 (when (and no-built-in
307 (let ((smod (sort-module sort)))
308 (or (module-is-hard-wired smod)
309 (module-is-system-module smod))))
310 (return-from next nil))
311 (let ((cset (cover-set-of-sort mod sort)))
312 (when cset
313 (push (cons sort cset) res))))
306 (when (and no-built-in
307 (let ((smod (sort-module sort)))
308 (or (module-is-hard-wired smod)
309 (module-is-system-module smod))))
310 (return-from next nil))
311 (let ((cset (cover-set-of-sort mod sort)))
312 (when cset
313 (push (cons sort cset) res))))
314314 )
315315 res))
317317 (defun get-all-methods-of-sort-strict (sort module)
318318 (declare (type sort* sort)
319 (type module module))
319 (type module module))
320320 (let ((res nil))
321321 (declare (type list res))
322322 (dolist (info (module-all-operators module))
323323 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods info))
324 (unless (or (eq *void-method* m)
325 (is-skolem m module))
326 (when (sort= (method-coarity m) sort)
327 (push m res)))))
324 (unless (or (eq *void-method* m)
325 (is-skolem m module))
326 (when (sort= (method-coarity m) sort)
327 (push m res)))))
328328 res))
330330 ;;; INTRO-EXISTS : formula ex-vars -> formula
331331 ;;;
332332 (defun intro-exists (form vars)
333333 (declare (type term form)
334 (type list vars))
334 (type list vars))
335335 (if (null vars)
336336 form
337337 (let ((var-decl nil))
338338 (declare (type (or null term)))
339339 (if (cdr vars)
340 (setq var-decl
341 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *var-decl-list*
342 vars))
343 (setq var-decl (car vars)))
340 (setq var-decl
341 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *var-decl-list*
342 vars))
343 (setq var-decl (car vars)))
344344 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-exists*
345 (list var-decl form)))))
345 (list var-decl form)))))
347347 ;;; PN-NO-JUNK
348348 ;;; genarates axioms of no-junk.
352352 #+:chaos-debug
353353 (declare (notinline op-lex-compare))
354354 (let ((csets (module-cover-sets mod))
355 (all-axioms nil))
355 (all-axioms nil))
356356 (declare (type list csets))
357357 (with-in-module (mod)
358358 (dolist (cset csets)
359 (declare (type list cset))
360 (block next
361 (let* ((sort (car cset))
362 (covers (cdr cset))
363 (axioms nil))
364 (declare (type sort* sort)
365 (type list covers axioms))
366 (let ((constrs (sort-constructors sort))
367 (methods (get-all-methods-of-sort-strict sort mod))
368 (gen-methods nil))
369 (declare (type list constrs methods gen-methods))
370 ;;
371 #|
372 (dolist (const constrs)
373 (when (method-arity const) (return-from next nil)))
374 |#
375 ;;
376 (dolist (method methods)
377 (unless (memq method constrs)
378 (let* ((arg-1 (make-pn-appl-pat mod method))
379 (vars (term-variables arg-1))
380 (pat nil)
381 (axiom-lhs nil))
382 (declare (type term arg-1)
383 (list vars pat)
384 (type (or null term) axiom-lhs))
385 (dolist (cover covers)
386 (let* ((real-cover (term-unique-vars cover))
387 (cover-vars (term-variables real-cover))
388 (eq-pat (make-term-with-sort-check
389 *fopl-eq*
390 (list
391 (copy-term-reusing-variables arg-1 vars)
392 real-cover))))
393 (if (null cover-vars)
394 (push eq-pat pat)
395 ;; cover pat contains vars.
396 ;; introduce existential quantifier.
397 (push (intro-exists eq-pat cover-vars) pat))))
399 (if (cdr pat) ; more than one pat
400 (setq axiom-lhs
401 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *fopl-or*
402 pat))
403 (setq axiom-lhs (car pat)))
404 ;;
405 (push (make-pignose-axiom axiom-lhs :label 'no-junk)
406 axioms)
407 (push method gen-methods)))
409 ) ; done for all methods for a sort
410 ;; redunduncy check. this is important
411 ;; if there are some axioms of the form
412 ;; foo(X) = bar(X)
413 ;; and
414 ;; foo > bar
415 ;; foo from axioms.
416 (let ((do-delete nil))
417 (declare (type list do-delete))
418 (dolist (ax axioms)
419 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
420 (type (fopl-sentence-type lhs))
421 (lhs-meth nil)
422 (rules nil))
423 ;; lhs ::=
424 ;; | meth(x) = constr1 ...
425 ;; | \E[...] X = Y ...
426 (when (eq type :or)
427 (setq lhs (term-arg-1 lhs))
428 (setq type (fopl-sentence-type lhs)))
429 (case type
430 (:eq (setq lhs (term-arg-1 lhs))
431 (setq lhs-meth (term-head lhs)))
432 (:exists (setq lhs (term-arg-1 (term-arg-2 lhs)))
433 (setq lhs-meth (term-head lhs)))
434 (otherwise
435 (with-output-panic-message ()
436 (format t "pn-no-junk: illegal type ~s" type)))
437 )
438 (when lhs-meth
439 (setq rules (method-rules-with-different-top lhs-meth)))
440 ;;
441 (dolist (rule rules)
442 (let* ((rhs (rule-rhs rule)))
443 (when (and (term-is-application-form? rhs)
444 (let ((rhs-meth (term-head rhs)))
445 (and (memq rhs-meth gen-methods)
446 (eq :greater
447 (op-lex-compare lhs-meth
448 (term-head rhs))))
449 ))
450 ;;
451 (pushnew ax do-delete))))))
452 (dolist (ax do-delete)
453 (setq axioms (delete ax axioms))))
454 #||
455 (unless axioms
456 ;; we make
457 ;; var = consr1 | var = constr2 ...
458 (let ((var (pn-make-var-on-the-fly sort))
459 (pat nil)
460 (axiom-lhs nil))
461 (declare (type term var))
462 (dolist (cover covers)
463 (push
464 (make-term-with-sort-check
465 *fopl-eq*
466 (list
467 var
468 (term-unique-vars cover)))
469 pat))
470 (if (cdr pat) ; more than one pat
471 (setq axiom-lhs
472 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *fopl-or*
473 pat))
474 (setq axiom-lhs (car pat)))
475 ;;
476 (push (make-pignose-axiom axiom-lhs :label 'no-junk)
477 axioms)))
478 ||#
479 )
480 ;;
481 (setq all-axioms (nconc all-axioms axioms))
482 ))) ; done for a sort
359 (declare (type list cset))
360 (block next
361 (let* ((sort (car cset))
362 (covers (cdr cset))
363 (axioms nil))
364 (declare (type sort* sort)
365 (type list covers axioms))
366 (let ((constrs (sort-constructors sort))
367 (methods (get-all-methods-of-sort-strict sort mod))
368 (gen-methods nil))
369 (declare (type list constrs methods gen-methods))
370 ;;
371 #|
372 (dolist (const constrs)
373 (when (method-arity const) (return-from next nil)))
374 |#
375 ;;
376 (dolist (method methods)
377 (unless (memq method constrs)
378 (let* ((arg-1 (make-pn-appl-pat mod method))
379 (vars (term-variables arg-1))
380 (pat nil)
381 (axiom-lhs nil))
382 (declare (type term arg-1)
383 (list vars pat)
384 (type (or null term) axiom-lhs))
385 (dolist (cover covers)
386 (let* ((real-cover (term-unique-vars cover))
387 (cover-vars (term-variables real-cover))
388 (eq-pat (make-term-with-sort-check
389 *fopl-eq*
390 (list
391 (copy-term-reusing-variables arg-1 vars)
392 real-cover))))
393 (if (null cover-vars)
394 (push eq-pat pat)
395 ;; cover pat contains vars.
396 ;; introduce existential quantifier.
397 (push (intro-exists eq-pat cover-vars) pat))))
399 (if (cdr pat) ; more than one pat
400 (setq axiom-lhs
401 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *fopl-or*
402 pat))
403 (setq axiom-lhs (car pat)))
404 ;;
405 (push (make-pignose-axiom axiom-lhs :label 'no-junk)
406 axioms)
407 (push method gen-methods)))
409 ) ; done for all methods for a sort
410 ;; redunduncy check. this is important
411 ;; if there are some axioms of the form
412 ;; foo(X) = bar(X)
413 ;; and
414 ;; foo > bar
415 ;; foo from axioms.
416 (let ((do-delete nil))
417 (declare (type list do-delete))
418 (dolist (ax axioms)
419 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
420 (type (fopl-sentence-type lhs))
421 (lhs-meth nil)
422 (rules nil))
423 ;; lhs ::=
424 ;; | meth(x) = constr1 ...
425 ;; | \E[...] X = Y ...
426 (when (eq type :or)
427 (setq lhs (term-arg-1 lhs))
428 (setq type (fopl-sentence-type lhs)))
429 (case type
430 (:eq (setq lhs (term-arg-1 lhs))
431 (setq lhs-meth (term-head lhs)))
432 (:exists (setq lhs (term-arg-1 (term-arg-2 lhs)))
433 (setq lhs-meth (term-head lhs)))
434 (otherwise
435 (with-output-panic-message ()
436 (format t "pn-no-junk: illegal type ~s" type)))
437 )
438 (when lhs-meth
439 (setq rules (method-rules-with-different-top lhs-meth)))
440 ;;
441 (dolist (rule rules)
442 (let* ((rhs (rule-rhs rule)))
443 (when (and (term-is-application-form? rhs)
444 (let ((rhs-meth (term-head rhs)))
445 (and (memq rhs-meth gen-methods)
446 (eq :greater
447 (op-lex-compare lhs-meth
448 (term-head rhs))))
449 ))
450 ;;
451 (pushnew ax do-delete))))))
452 (dolist (ax do-delete)
453 (setq axioms (delete ax axioms))))
454 #||
455 (unless axioms
456 ;; we make
457 ;; var = consr1 | var = constr2 ...
458 (let ((var (pn-make-var-on-the-fly sort))
459 (pat nil)
460 (axiom-lhs nil))
461 (declare (type term var))
462 (dolist (cover covers)
463 (push
464 (make-term-with-sort-check
465 *fopl-eq*
466 (list
467 var
468 (term-unique-vars cover)))
469 pat))
470 (if (cdr pat) ; more than one pat
471 (setq axiom-lhs
472 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *fopl-or*
473 pat))
474 (setq axiom-lhs (car pat)))
475 ;;
476 (push (make-pignose-axiom axiom-lhs :label 'no-junk)
477 axioms)))
478 ||#
479 )
480 ;;
481 (setq all-axioms (nconc all-axioms axioms))
482 ))) ; done for a sort
483483 all-axioms
484484 )))
489489 (defun pn-no-confusion (mod)
490490 (declare (type module mod))
491491 (let ((csets (module-cover-sets mod))
492 (axioms nil))
492 (axioms nil))
493493 (declare (type list csets axioms))
494494 (with-in-module (mod)
495495 (dolist (cset csets)
496 (declare (type list cset))
497 (let ((covers (cdr cset)))
498 (do ((pat-list covers (cdr pat-list)))
499 ((endp pat-list))
500 (dolist (pat2 (cdr pat-list))
501 #||
502 ;; ~(a = b)
503 (push (make-pignose-axiom
504 (make-term-with-sort-check
505 *fopl-neg*
506 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
507 *fopl-eq*
508 (list (term-unique-vars (car pat-list))
509 (term-unique-vars pat2)))))
510 :label 'no-conf)
511 axioms)
512 ||#
513 ;; (a = b) = false
514 (push (make-pignose-axiom
515 (make-term-with-sort-check
516 *fopl-eq*
517 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
518 *fopl-eq*
519 (list (term-unique-vars (car pat-list))
520 (term-unique-vars pat2)))
521 *bool-false*))
522 :label 'no-conf)
523 axioms)
524 ))))
496 (declare (type list cset))
497 (let ((covers (cdr cset)))
498 (do ((pat-list covers (cdr pat-list)))
499 ((endp pat-list))
500 (dolist (pat2 (cdr pat-list))
501 #||
502 ;; ~(a = b)
503 (push (make-pignose-axiom
504 (make-term-with-sort-check
505 *fopl-neg*
506 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
507 *fopl-eq*
508 (list (term-unique-vars (car pat-list))
509 (term-unique-vars pat2)))))
510 :label 'no-conf)
511 axioms)
512 ||#
513 ;; (a = b) = false
514 (push (make-pignose-axiom
515 (make-term-with-sort-check
516 *fopl-eq*
517 (list (make-term-with-sort-check
518 *fopl-eq*
519 (list (term-unique-vars (car pat-list))
520 (term-unique-vars pat2)))
521 *bool-false*))
522 :label 'no-conf)
523 axioms)
524 ))))
525525 axioms
526526 )))
530530 ;;;
531531 (defun module-axioms->clause (psys &aux (mod (psystem-module psys)))
532532 (declare (type psystem psys)
533 (type module mod))
533 (type module mod))
534534 (include-FOPL mod)
535535 (compile-module mod)
536536 (unless (module-includes-formula mod)
538538 (princ "module does not import FOPL-CLAUSE module.")))
539539 ;;
540540 (flet ((clause-is-valid-for-resolution (clause)
541 (declare (type clause clause))
542 (if (unit-clause? clause)
543 (let ((lit (car (clause-literals clause))))
544 (declare (type literal lit))
545 (if (positive-eq-literal? lit)
546 (if (term-is-lisp-form? (term-arg-2 (literal-atom lit)))
547 nil
548 t)
549 t))
550 t)))
541 (declare (type clause clause))
542 (if (unit-clause? clause)
543 (let ((lit (car (clause-literals clause))))
544 (declare (type literal lit))
545 (if (positive-eq-literal? lit)
546 (if (term-is-lisp-form? (term-arg-2 (literal-atom lit)))
547 nil
548 t)
549 t))
550 t)))
551551 (with-in-module (mod)
552552 (let ((axs (module-all-equations mod))
553 (ax-clauses nil)
554 (demods nil)
555 (bi-demods nil))
556 (declare (type list axs ax-clauses demods))
557 (dolist (ax axs)
558 (let ((cls nil)
559 (bi-demod nil)
560 (demod nil))
561 (declare (type list cls demod))
562 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax)))
563 (when (or (not (term-is-applform? lhs))
564 (not (method-is-meta-demod (term-head lhs))))
565 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1
566 (axiom->formula ax)
567 psys
568 ax))
569 (declare (type clause cl))
570 (if (clause-is-builtin-demod cl)
571 (push cl bi-demod)
572 (if (clause-axiom-declared-as-demodulator cl)
573 (push cl demod)
574 (when (clause-is-valid-for-resolution cl)
575 (push cl cls)))))))
576 (setq ax-clauses (nconc ax-clauses (nreverse cls)))
577 (setq demods (nconc demods (nreverse demod)))
578 (setq bi-demods (nconc bi-demods (nreverse bi-demod)))))
579 (setf (psystem-axioms psys) ax-clauses)
580 (setf (psystem-demods psys) demods)
581 (setf (psystem-bi-demods psys) bi-demods))
553 (ax-clauses nil)
554 (demods nil)
555 (bi-demods nil))
556 (declare (type list axs ax-clauses demods))
557 (dolist (ax axs)
558 (let ((cls nil)
559 (bi-demod nil)
560 (demod nil))
561 (declare (type list cls demod))
562 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax)))
563 (when (or (not (term-is-applform? lhs))
564 (not (method-is-meta-demod (term-head lhs))))
565 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1
566 (axiom->formula ax)
567 psys
568 ax))
569 (declare (type clause cl))
570 (if (clause-is-builtin-demod cl)
571 (push cl bi-demod)
572 (if (clause-axiom-declared-as-demodulator cl)
573 (push cl demod)
574 (when (clause-is-valid-for-resolution cl)
575 (push cl cls)))))))
576 (setq ax-clauses (nconc ax-clauses (nreverse cls)))
577 (setq demods (nconc demods (nreverse demod)))
578 (setq bi-demods (nconc bi-demods (nreverse bi-demod)))))
579 (setf (psystem-axioms psys) ax-clauses)
580 (setf (psystem-demods psys) demods)
581 (setf (psystem-bi-demods psys) bi-demods))
582582 ;; no junk/ no confusion axioms if required
583583 (when (pn-flag no-junk)
584 (let ((axs (pn-no-junk mod)))
585 (dolist (ax axs)
586 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1
587 (axiom->formula ax)
588 psys
589 ax))
590 (declare (type clause cl))
591 (push cl (psystem-axioms psys))))))
584 (let ((axs (pn-no-junk mod)))
585 (dolist (ax axs)
586 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1
587 (axiom->formula ax)
588 psys
589 ax))
590 (declare (type clause cl))
591 (push cl (psystem-axioms psys))))))
592592 (when (pn-flag no-confusion)
593 (let ((axs (pn-no-confusion mod)))
594 (dolist (ax axs)
595 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1
596 (axiom->formula ax)
597 psys
598 ax))
599 (declare (type clause cl))
600 (push cl (psystem-axioms psys))))))
593 (let ((axs (pn-no-confusion mod)))
594 (dolist (ax axs)
595 (dolist (cl (formula->clause-1
596 (axiom->formula ax)
597 psys
598 ax))
599 (declare (type clause cl))
600 (push cl (psystem-axioms psys))))))
601601 )))
603603 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:infer.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:infer.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;;============================================================================
41 ;;; paramodulation inference rules
41 ;;; paramodulation inference rules
4242 ;;;============================================================================
4444 (declaim (inline get-term-at))
4646 (defun get-term-at (pos term)
4747 (declare (type list pos)
48 (type term term)
49 (values term))
48 (type term term)
49 (values term))
5050 (let ((sub term))
5151 (declare (type term sub))
5252 (dolist (p (reverse pos))
5757 #||
5858 (defun apply-subst-2 (sigma atom target-term beta)
5959 (declare (type list sigma)
60 (type term atom target-term beta))
60 (type term atom target-term beta))
6161 (if (term-eq atom target-term)
6262 (apply-subst sigma beta)
6363 (cond ((term-is-variable? atom)
64 (let ((im (variable-image sigma atom)))
65 (if im ; i.e. im = sigma(term)
66 (values im t)
67 (values atom nil))))
68 ((term-is-builtin-constant? atom) atom)
69 ((term-is-constant? atom)
70 (if (term-eq atom target-term)
71 (apply-subst sigma beta)
72 (apply-subst sigma atom)))
73 ((term-is-application-form? atom)
74 (let ((l-result nil)
75 (modif-sort nil))
76 (declare (type list l-result))
77 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms atom))
78 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
79 (apply-subst-2 sigma s-t target-term beta)
80 (declare (type term image-s-t))
81 (unless same-sort
82 ;; (update-lowest-parse s-t)
83 (setq modif-sort t))
84 (push image-s-t l-result)))
85 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
86 (if modif-sort
87 (let ((term-image
88 (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head atom)
89 l-result)))
90 (values term-image
91 (sort= (term-sort atom)
92 (term-sort term-image))))
93 (values (make-applform (term-sort atom)
94 (term-head atom)
95 l-result)
96 t))))
97 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
98 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
99 (terpri)
100 (term-print atom)))))
64 (let ((im (variable-image sigma atom)))
65 (if im ; i.e. im = sigma(term)
66 (values im t)
67 (values atom nil))))
68 ((term-is-builtin-constant? atom) atom)
69 ((term-is-constant? atom)
70 (if (term-eq atom target-term)
71 (apply-subst sigma beta)
72 (apply-subst sigma atom)))
73 ((term-is-application-form? atom)
74 (let ((l-result nil)
75 (modif-sort nil))
76 (declare (type list l-result))
77 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms atom))
78 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
79 (apply-subst-2 sigma s-t target-term beta)
80 (declare (type term image-s-t))
81 (unless same-sort
82 ;; (update-lowest-parse s-t)
83 (setq modif-sort t))
84 (push image-s-t l-result)))
85 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
86 (if modif-sort
87 (let ((term-image
88 (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head atom)
89 l-result)))
90 (values term-image
91 (sort= (term-sort atom)
92 (term-sort term-image))))
93 (values (make-applform (term-sort atom)
94 (term-head atom)
95 l-result)
96 t))))
97 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
98 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
99 (terpri)
100 (term-print atom)))))
101101 )
102102 ||#
104104 (defun apply-subst-2 (sigma atom target-term beta target-pos &optional arg-pos)
105105 (declare (type list sigma)
106 (type term atom target-term beta))
106 (type term atom target-term beta))
107107 (cond ((equal target-pos arg-pos)
108 (apply-subst sigma beta))
109 ((term-is-variable? atom)
110 (let ((im (variable-image sigma atom)))
111 (if im
112 (values im t)
113 (values atom nil))))
114 ((term-is-builtin-constant? atom) atom)
115 ((term-is-constant? atom)
116 (apply-subst sigma atom))
117 ((term-is-application-form? atom)
118 (let ((l-result nil)
119 (modif-sort nil))
120 (let ((pos 0))
121 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms atom))
122 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
123 (apply-subst-2 sigma s-t target-term beta
124 target-pos
125 (cons pos arg-pos))
126 (unless same-sort
127 (setq modif-sort t))
128 (push image-s-t l-result)
129 (incf pos)))
130 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
131 (if modif-sort
132 (let ((term-image
133 (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head atom)
134 l-result)))
135 (values term-image
136 (sort= (term-sort atom)
137 (term-sort term-image))))
138 (values (make-applform (term-sort atom)
139 (term-head atom)
140 l-result)
141 t)))))
142 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
143 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
144 (terpri)
145 (term-print atom)))))
108 (apply-subst sigma beta))
109 ((term-is-variable? atom)
110 (let ((im (variable-image sigma atom)))
111 (if im
112 (values im t)
113 (values atom nil))))
114 ((term-is-builtin-constant? atom) atom)
115 ((term-is-constant? atom)
116 (apply-subst sigma atom))
117 ((term-is-application-form? atom)
118 (let ((l-result nil)
119 (modif-sort nil))
120 (let ((pos 0))
121 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms atom))
122 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
123 (apply-subst-2 sigma s-t target-term beta
124 target-pos
125 (cons pos arg-pos))
126 (unless same-sort
127 (setq modif-sort t))
128 (push image-s-t l-result)
129 (incf pos)))
130 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
131 (if modif-sort
132 (let ((term-image
133 (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head atom)
134 l-result)))
135 (values term-image
136 (sort= (term-sort atom)
137 (term-sort term-image))))
138 (values (make-applform (term-sort atom)
139 (term-head atom)
140 l-result)
141 t)))))
142 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
143 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
144 (terpri)
145 (term-print atom)))))
148148 ;;; BUILD-BIN-PARA
150150 ;;;
151151 (defun build-bin-para (rule target-term into-lit subst arg-pos)
152152 (declare (type paramod rule)
153 (type term target-term)
154 (type literal into-lit)
155 (type list subst)
156 (values clause))
153 (type term target-term)
154 (type literal into-lit)
155 (type list subst)
156 (values clause))
157157 (let ((beta (paramod-rhs rule))
158 (from-lit (paramod-literal rule))
159 (into-clause (literal-clause into-lit))
160 (new-literals nil)
161 (new-clause (new-clause *current-psys*)))
158 (from-lit (paramod-literal rule))
159 (into-clause (literal-clause into-lit))
160 (new-literals nil)
161 (new-clause (new-clause *current-psys*)))
162162 (declare (type term beta)
163 (type literal from-lit)
164 (type clause into-clause new-clause)
165 (type list new-literals))
163 (type literal from-lit)
164 (type clause into-clause new-clause)
165 (type list new-literals))
166166 (when (or (pn-flag debug-para-into)
167 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
167 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
168168 (with-output-msg ()
169 (princ "build-bin-para:")
170 (print-next)
171 (princ "target-term=")(term-print target-term)
172 (print-next)
173 (princ "subst=") (print-substitution subst)
174 (print-next)
175 ))
169 (princ "build-bin-para:")
170 (print-next)
171 (princ "target-term=")(term-print target-term)
172 (print-next)
173 (princ "subst=") (print-substitution subst)
174 (print-next)
175 ))
177177 ;; into clause
178178 (dolist (l (clause-literals into-clause))
179179 (declare (type literal l))
180180 (let ((new-atom nil)
181 (new-literal (shallow-copy-literal l new-clause)))
182 (declare (type literal new-literal)
183 (type (or null term) new-atom))
184 (if (eq l into-lit)
185 (setq new-atom (apply-subst-2 subst
186 (literal-atom l)
187 target-term
188 beta
189 arg-pos))
190 (setq new-atom (apply-subst subst (literal-atom l))))
191 (setf (literal-atom new-literal) new-atom)
192 (mark-literal new-literal)
193 (push new-literal new-literals)))
181 (new-literal (shallow-copy-literal l new-clause)))
182 (declare (type literal new-literal)
183 (type (or null term) new-atom))
184 (if (eq l into-lit)
185 (setq new-atom (apply-subst-2 subst
186 (literal-atom l)
187 target-term
188 beta
189 arg-pos))
190 (setq new-atom (apply-subst subst (literal-atom l))))
191 (setf (literal-atom new-literal) new-atom)
192 (mark-literal new-literal)
193 (push new-literal new-literals)))
194194 ;; from clause
195195 (dolist (l (clause-literals (literal-clause from-lit)))
196196 (declare (type literal l))
197197 (unless (eq l from-lit)
198 (let ((new-atom nil)
199 (new-literal (shallow-copy-literal l new-clause)))
200 (setq new-atom (apply-subst subst (literal-atom l)))
201 (setf (literal-atom new-literal) new-atom)
202 (mark-literal new-literal)
203 (push new-literal new-literals))))
198 (let ((new-atom nil)
199 (new-literal (shallow-copy-literal l new-clause)))
200 (setq new-atom (apply-subst subst (literal-atom l)))
201 (setf (literal-atom new-literal) new-atom)
202 (mark-literal new-literal)
203 (push new-literal new-literals))))
204204 ;;
205205 (setf (clause-literals new-clause) (nreverse new-literals))
206206 (when (or (pn-flag debug-para-into)
207 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
207 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
208208 (with-output-msg ()
209 (princ "build-bin-pra: new clause=")
210 (print-clause new-clause)))
209 (princ "build-bin-pra: new clause=")
210 (print-clause new-clause)))
211211 ;;
212212 ;; (register-clause new-clause *current-psys*)
213213 new-clause
217217 ;;;
218218 (defun para-into-terms-alpha (para-rule term lit &optional arg-pos)
219219 (declare (type paramod para-rule)
220 (type term term)
221 (type literal lit)
222 (list arg-pos)
223 (values list))
220 (type term term)
221 (type literal lit)
222 (list arg-pos)
223 (values list))
224224 (let ((paras nil))
225225 (declare (type list paras))
226226 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
227227 (cond ((eq (term-head term) *fopl-eq*)
228 (when (pn-flag para-into-left)
229 (setq paras
230 (nconc paras
231 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
232 (term-arg-1 term)
233 lit
234 (cons 0 arg-pos)
235 ))))
236 (when (pn-flag para-into-right)
237 (setq paras
238 (nconc paras
239 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
240 (term-arg-2 term)
241 lit
242 (cons 1 arg-pos)
243 ))))
244 (return-from para-into-terms-alpha paras))
245 ;;
246 (t (let ((pos 0))
247 (declare (type fixnum pos))
248 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms term))
249 (setq paras
250 (nconc paras
251 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
252 sub-t
253 lit
254 (cons pos arg-pos))))
255 (incf pos))))
256 ))
228 (when (pn-flag para-into-left)
229 (setq paras
230 (nconc paras
231 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
232 (term-arg-1 term)
233 lit
234 (cons 0 arg-pos)
235 ))))
236 (when (pn-flag para-into-right)
237 (setq paras
238 (nconc paras
239 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
240 (term-arg-2 term)
241 lit
242 (cons 1 arg-pos)
243 ))))
244 (return-from para-into-terms-alpha paras))
245 ;;
246 (t (let ((pos 0))
247 (declare (type fixnum pos))
248 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms term))
249 (setq paras
250 (nconc paras
251 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
252 sub-t
253 lit
254 (cons pos arg-pos))))
255 (incf pos))))
256 ))
257257 #||
258258 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
259259 (let ((pos 0))
260 (declare (type fixnum pos))
261 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms term))
262 (setq paras
263 (nconc paras
264 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
265 sub-t
266 lit
267 (cons pos arg-pos))))
268 (incf pos))))
260 (declare (type fixnum pos))
261 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms term))
262 (setq paras
263 (nconc paras
264 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule
265 sub-t
266 lit
267 (cons pos arg-pos))))
268 (incf pos))))
269269 ||#
270270 ;;
271271 ;; HEY!
272272 ;;
273273 (when (term-is-variable? term)
274274 (unless (pn-flag para-into-vars)
275 (return-from para-into-terms-alpha nil)))
275 (return-from para-into-terms-alpha nil)))
276276 ;;
277277 (let ((lhs (paramod-lhs para-rule))
278 (p-lit (paramod-literal para-rule))
279 (in-subst nil)
280 (paramod nil)
281 (same nil)
282 (junk-cl-id nil))
278 (p-lit (paramod-literal para-rule))
279 (in-subst nil)
280 (paramod nil)
281 (same nil)
282 (junk-cl-id nil))
283283 (declare (ignore same)
284 (type term lhs)
285 (type literal p-lit)
286 (type list in-subst)
287 (type (or null clause) paramod)
288 (type (or null fixnum) junk-cl-id))
284 (type term lhs)
285 (type literal p-lit)
286 (type list in-subst)
287 (type (or null clause) paramod)
288 (type (or null fixnum) junk-cl-id))
289289 ;; **
290290 (when (eq (literal-clause p-lit)
291 (literal-clause lit))
292 ;; (setq same t)
293 (multiple-value-bind (new-cl llit id)
294 (make-dummy-clause (literal-clause lit) lit)
295 (declare (ignore new-cl))
296 (setq junk-cl-id id)
297 (setq lit llit)
298 (setq term (literal-atom lit))
299 (when arg-pos
300 (setq term (get-term-at arg-pos term)))
301 ))
291 (literal-clause lit))
292 ;; (setq same t)
293 (multiple-value-bind (new-cl llit id)
294 (make-dummy-clause (literal-clause lit) lit)
295 (declare (ignore new-cl))
296 (setq junk-cl-id id)
297 (setq lit llit)
298 (setq term (literal-atom lit))
299 (when arg-pos
300 (setq term (get-term-at arg-pos term)))
301 ))
302302 ;;
303303 ;; (trace unify)
304304 ;;
305305 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
306 (unify lhs term in-subst)
307 (declare (ignore e-equal))
308 (if no-match
309 (when junk-cl-id
310 (delete-clause! junk-cl-id *current-psys*))
311 (progn
312 ;; *******
313 #||
314 (when same
315 ;; *****:
316 (with-output-msg ()
317 (princ "TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!")
318 (print-next)
319 (format t "from paramod: ~a" para-rule)
320 (print-next)
321 (format t "target cl : ")
322 (print-clause (literal-clause lit))
323 (print-next)
324 (format t "target term : ")
325 (term-print (literal-atom lit))
326 )
327 ;; (setf (pn-flag debug-para-from) t)
328 )
329 ||#
330 ;; *****
332 (when (pn-flag debug-para-from)
333 (with-output-msg ()
334 (princ "para-from: success with rule =")
335 (prin1 para-rule)
336 (print-next)
337 (princ "from clause : ") (print-clause (literal-clause p-lit))
338 (print-next)
339 (princ "target clause : ") (print-clause (literal-clause lit))
340 (print-next)
341 (princ "target literal: ") (prin1 lit)))
342 (setq paramod (build-bin-para para-rule term lit new-subst
343 arg-pos))
344 (when junk-cl-id
345 (delete-clause! junk-cl-id *current-psys*))
346 (setf (clause-parents paramod)
347 (list (list :para-from-rule
348 (clause-id (literal-clause p-lit))
349 (clause-id (literal-clause lit)))))
350 ;;
351 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
352 (incf (pn-stat para-from-gen))
353 (let ((pre-res nil))
354 (setq pre-res (pre-process paramod nil :sos))
355 (when pre-res
356 (setq paras
357 (nconc paras (list paramod)))))
358 ))))
306 (unify lhs term in-subst)
307 (declare (ignore e-equal))
308 (if no-match
309 (when junk-cl-id
310 (delete-clause! junk-cl-id *current-psys*))
311 (progn
312 ;; *******
313 #||
314 (when same
315 ;; *****:
316 (with-output-msg ()
317 (princ "TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!")
318 (print-next)
319 (format t "from paramod: ~a" para-rule)
320 (print-next)
321 (format t "target cl : ")
322 (print-clause (literal-clause lit))
323 (print-next)
324 (format t "target term : ")
325 (term-print (literal-atom lit))
326 )
327 ;; (setf (pn-flag debug-para-from) t)
328 )
329 ||#
330 ;; *****
332 (when (pn-flag debug-para-from)
333 (with-output-msg ()
334 (princ "para-from: success with rule =")
335 (prin1 para-rule)
336 (print-next)
337 (princ "from clause : ") (print-clause (literal-clause p-lit))
338 (print-next)
339 (princ "target clause : ") (print-clause (literal-clause lit))
340 (print-next)
341 (princ "target literal: ") (prin1 lit)))
342 (setq paramod (build-bin-para para-rule term lit new-subst
343 arg-pos))
344 (when junk-cl-id
345 (delete-clause! junk-cl-id *current-psys*))
346 (setf (clause-parents paramod)
347 (list (list :para-from-rule
348 (clause-id (literal-clause p-lit))
349 (clause-id (literal-clause lit)))))
350 ;;
351 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
352 (incf (pn-stat para-from-gen))
353 (let ((pre-res nil))
354 (setq pre-res (pre-process paramod nil :sos))
355 (when pre-res
356 (setq paras
357 (nconc paras (list paramod)))))
358 ))))
359359 ;;;
360360 ;;; (setf (pn-flag debug-para-from) nil)
361361 ;; (untrace unify)
366366 ;;;
367367 (defun para-from-alpha (para-rule from-lit)
368368 (declare (type paramod para-rule)
369 (type literal from-lit)
370 (values list))
369 (type literal from-lit)
370 (values list))
371371 (let ((list-para nil)
372 (lhs (paramod-lhs para-rule)))
372 (lhs (paramod-lhs para-rule)))
373373 (declare (type list list-para))
374374 (dolist (cl (if (term-is-variable? lhs)
375 *usable*
376 (get-clashable-clauses-from-atom *clash-lit-table*
377 lhs)))
375 *usable*
376 (get-clashable-clauses-from-atom *clash-lit-table*
377 lhs)))
378378 (declare (type clause cl))
379379 (when (or (not (pn-flag para-from-units-only))
380 (unit-clause? cl))
381 (dolist (lit (clause-literals cl))
382 (unless (eq lit from-lit)
383 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit)))
384 (setq list-para
385 (nconc list-para
386 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule atom lit))))
387 )
388 )
389 ))
380 (unit-clause? cl))
381 (dolist (lit (clause-literals cl))
382 (unless (eq lit from-lit)
383 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit)))
384 (setq list-para
385 (nconc list-para
386 (para-into-terms-alpha para-rule atom lit))))
387 )
388 )
389 ))
390390 list-para
391391 ))
396396 ;;;
397397 (defun paramodulation-from (clause)
398398 (declare (type clause clause)
399 (values list))
399 (values list))
400400 (let ((paras nil))
401401 (declare (type list paras))
402402 (when (or (pn-flag debug-infer)
403 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
403 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
404404 (with-output-msg ()
405 (princ "Begin[paramod-from]:")))
405 (princ "Begin[paramod-from]:")))
406406 (when (or (not (pn-flag para-from-units-only))
407 (unit-clause? clause))
407 (unit-clause? clause))
408408 (dolist (from-lit (clause-literals clause))
409 (declare (type literal from-lit))
410 (block next
411 (let ((atom (literal-atom from-lit)))
412 (declare (type term atom))
413 (when (and (positive-eq-literal? from-lit)
414 (not (term-is-identical (term-arg-1 atom)
415 (term-arg-2 atom))))
416 (let ((para-rule (make-paramod :literal from-lit)))
417 (declare (type paramod para-rule))
418 (when (pn-flag para-from-left)
419 (when (term-is-variable? (term-arg-1 atom))
420 (unless (pn-flag para-from-vars)
421 (return-from next nil)))
422 (setf (paramod-lhs para-rule) (term-arg-1 atom)
423 (paramod-rhs para-rule) (term-arg-2 atom))
424 (setq paras
425 (nconc paras
426 (para-from-alpha para-rule from-lit))))
427 (when (pn-flag para-from-right)
428 (when (term-is-variable? (term-arg-2 atom))
429 (unless (pn-flag para-from-vars)
430 (return-from next nil)))
431 (setf (paramod-lhs para-rule) (term-arg-2 atom))
432 (setf (paramod-rhs para-rule) (term-arg-1 atom))
433 (setq paras
434 (nconc paras
435 (para-from-alpha para-rule from-lit))))))
436 )) ; block next
437 ) ; dolist
409 (declare (type literal from-lit))
410 (block next
411 (let ((atom (literal-atom from-lit)))
412 (declare (type term atom))
413 (when (and (positive-eq-literal? from-lit)
414 (not (term-is-identical (term-arg-1 atom)
415 (term-arg-2 atom))))
416 (let ((para-rule (make-paramod :literal from-lit)))
417 (declare (type paramod para-rule))
418 (when (pn-flag para-from-left)
419 (when (term-is-variable? (term-arg-1 atom))
420 (unless (pn-flag para-from-vars)
421 (return-from next nil)))
422 (setf (paramod-lhs para-rule) (term-arg-1 atom)
423 (paramod-rhs para-rule) (term-arg-2 atom))
424 (setq paras
425 (nconc paras
426 (para-from-alpha para-rule from-lit))))
427 (when (pn-flag para-from-right)
428 (when (term-is-variable? (term-arg-2 atom))
429 (unless (pn-flag para-from-vars)
430 (return-from next nil)))
431 (setf (paramod-lhs para-rule) (term-arg-2 atom))
432 (setf (paramod-rhs para-rule) (term-arg-1 atom))
433 (setq paras
434 (nconc paras
435 (para-from-alpha para-rule from-lit))))))
436 )) ; block next
437 ) ; dolist
438438 )
439439 ;;
440440 (when (or (pn-flag debug-infer)
441 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
441 (pn-flag debug-para-from))
442442 (with-output-msg ()
443 (princ "End[paramod-from]:")))
443 (princ "End[paramod-from]:")))
444444 paras))
446446 ;;; PARA-INTO-TERMS
447447 ;;;
448448 (defun para-into-terms (target-term into-lit &optional arg-pos)
449449 (declare (type term target-term)
450 (type literal into-lit)
451 (type list arg-pos)
452 (values list))
450 (type literal into-lit)
451 (type list arg-pos)
452 (values list))
453453 (let ((paras nil))
454454 (declare (type list paras))
455455 (when (term-is-application-form? target-term)
456456 #||
457457 (let ((pos 0))
458 (declare (type fixnum pos))
459 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms target-term))
460 (setq paras
461 (nconc paras
462 (para-into-terms sub-t
463 into-lit
464 (cons pos arg-pos))))
465 (incf pos)))
458 (declare (type fixnum pos))
459 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms target-term))
460 (setq paras
461 (nconc paras
462 (para-into-terms sub-t
463 into-lit
464 (cons pos arg-pos))))
465 (incf pos)))
466466 ||#
467467 (cond ((eq (term-head target-term) *fopl-eq*)
468 (when (pn-flag para-into-left)
469 (setq paras
470 (nconc paras (para-into-terms (term-arg-1 target-term)
471 into-lit
472 ;; arg-pos ; '(0)
473 (cons 0 arg-pos)
474 ))))
475 (when (pn-flag para-into-right)
476 (setq paras
477 (nconc paras (para-into-terms (term-arg-2 target-term)
478 into-lit
479 ;; arg-pos ; '(1)
480 (cons 1 arg-pos)
481 ))))
482 (return-from para-into-terms paras))
483 ;;
484 (t (let ((pos 0))
485 (declare (type fixnum pos))
486 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms target-term))
487 (setq paras
488 (nconc paras
489 (para-into-terms sub-t
490 into-lit
491 (cons pos arg-pos))))
492 (incf pos))))
493 )
468 (when (pn-flag para-into-left)
469 (setq paras
470 (nconc paras (para-into-terms (term-arg-1 target-term)
471 into-lit
472 ;; arg-pos ; '(0)
473 (cons 0 arg-pos)
474 ))))
475 (when (pn-flag para-into-right)
476 (setq paras
477 (nconc paras (para-into-terms (term-arg-2 target-term)
478 into-lit
479 ;; arg-pos ; '(1)
480 (cons 1 arg-pos)
481 ))))
482 (return-from para-into-terms paras))
483 ;;
484 (t (let ((pos 0))
485 (declare (type fixnum pos))
486 (dolist (sub-t (term-subterms target-term))
487 (setq paras
488 (nconc paras
489 (para-into-terms sub-t
490 into-lit
491 (cons pos arg-pos))))
492 (incf pos))))
493 )
494494 )
495495 #||
496496 (when (and (term-is-variable? target-term)
497 (not (pn-flag para-into-vars)))
497 (not (pn-flag para-into-vars)))
498498 (return-from para-into-terms nil))
499499 ||#
500500 (when (pn-flag debug-para-into)
501501 (with-output-msg ()
502 (princ "para-into-terms: target=")
503 (term-print target-term)))
502 (princ "para-into-terms: target=")
503 (term-print target-term)))
504504 ;;
505505 (dolist (para-rule
506 #||
507 (append (get-literal-entry-from-atom *paramod-rules*
508 target-term)
509 (if (pn-flag para-from-vars)
510 (get-literal-entry-from-atom *paramod-rules*
511 (term-sort
512 target-term)))
513 nil)
514 ||#
515 (is-paramod-fetch-concat target-term *paramod-rules*)
516 )
506 #||
507 (append (get-literal-entry-from-atom *paramod-rules*
508 target-term)
509 (if (pn-flag para-from-vars)
510 (get-literal-entry-from-atom *paramod-rules*
511 (term-sort
512 target-term)))
513 nil)
514 ||#
515 (is-paramod-fetch-concat target-term *paramod-rules*)
516 )
517517 (declare (type paramod para-rule))
518518 (block next
520 (when (pn-flag debug-para-into)
521 (with-output-simple-msg ()
522 (princ "para-into: rule = ")
523 (princ para-rule)))
525 (let* ((lhs (paramod-lhs para-rule))
526 (from-lit (paramod-literal para-rule))
527 (in-subst nil)
528 (paramod nil)
529 (same nil)
530 (obso-cl-id nil))
531 (declare (ignore in-subst)
532 (type term lhs)
533 (type literal from-lit)
534 (type list in-subst)
535 (type (or null clause) paramod)
536 (ignore same)
537 (type (or null fixnum) obso-cl-id))
538 #||
539 (when (term-eq lhs target-term)
540 (return-from next nil))
541 ||#
542 ;; ***
543 (when (eq (literal-clause into-lit)
544 (literal-clause from-lit))
545 ;; (setq same t)
546 (multiple-value-bind (new-cl llit cl-id)
547 (make-dummy-clause (literal-clause into-lit) into-lit)
548 (declare (ignore new-cl)
549 (type literal llit)
550 (type fixnum cl-id))
551 (setq into-lit llit)
552 (setq obso-cl-id cl-id)
553 (setq target-term (literal-atom into-lit))
554 (when arg-pos
555 (setq target-term (get-term-at arg-pos target-term))
556 ))
557 )
558 ;; ***
559 ;; (trace unify)
560 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
561 (unify lhs target-term nil)
562 (declare (ignore e-equal)
563 (type list new-subst))
564 (when no-match
565 (when obso-cl-id
566 (delete-clause! obso-cl-id *current-psys*))
567 (return-from next nil))
568 ;;
569 #||
570 (when same
571 ;; ***
572 (with-output-msg ()
573 (princ "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!")
574 (print-next)
575 (format t "paramod : ~a" para-rule)
576 (print-next)
577 (format t "into : ")
578 (print-clause (literal-clause into-lit))
579 (print-next)
580 (format t "target term : ")
581 (term-print (literal-atom into-lit))
582 )
583 ;; (setf (pn-flag debug-para-into) t)
584 )
585 ||#
586 ;; ***
588 (when (pn-flag debug-para-into)
589 (with-output-msg ()
590 (format t "para-into-terms: matched p-rule = ")
591 (pr-paramod para-rule))
592 )
593 (setq paramod
594 (build-bin-para para-rule target-term into-lit new-subst arg-pos))
595 (when obso-cl-id
596 (delete-clause! obso-cl-id *current-psys*))
597 (setf (clause-parents paramod)
598 (list (list :para-into-rule
599 (clause-id (literal-clause into-lit))
600 (clause-id (literal-clause from-lit)))))
601 ;;
602 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
603 (incf (pn-stat para-into-gen))
604 (let ((pre-res nil))
605 (setq pre-res (pre-process paramod nil :sos))
606 (when pre-res
607 (setq paras
608 (nconc paras (list paramod)))))
609 ))))
520 (when (pn-flag debug-para-into)
521 (with-output-simple-msg ()
522 (princ "para-into: rule = ")
523 (princ para-rule)))
525 (let* ((lhs (paramod-lhs para-rule))
526 (from-lit (paramod-literal para-rule))
527 (in-subst nil)
528 (paramod nil)
529 (same nil)
530 (obso-cl-id nil))
531 (declare (ignore in-subst)
532 (type term lhs)
533 (type literal from-lit)
534 (type list in-subst)
535 (type (or null clause) paramod)
536 (ignore same)
537 (type (or null fixnum) obso-cl-id))
538 #||
539 (when (term-eq lhs target-term)
540 (return-from next nil))
541 ||#
542 ;; ***
543 (when (eq (literal-clause into-lit)
544 (literal-clause from-lit))
545 ;; (setq same t)
546 (multiple-value-bind (new-cl llit cl-id)
547 (make-dummy-clause (literal-clause into-lit) into-lit)
548 (declare (ignore new-cl)
549 (type literal llit)
550 (type fixnum cl-id))
551 (setq into-lit llit)
552 (setq obso-cl-id cl-id)
553 (setq target-term (literal-atom into-lit))
554 (when arg-pos
555 (setq target-term (get-term-at arg-pos target-term))
556 ))
557 )
558 ;; ***
559 ;; (trace unify)
560 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
561 (unify lhs target-term nil)
562 (declare (ignore e-equal)
563 (type list new-subst))
564 (when no-match
565 (when obso-cl-id
566 (delete-clause! obso-cl-id *current-psys*))
567 (return-from next nil))
568 ;;
569 #||
570 (when same
571 ;; ***
572 (with-output-msg ()
573 (princ "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!")
574 (print-next)
575 (format t "paramod : ~a" para-rule)
576 (print-next)
577 (format t "into : ")
578 (print-clause (literal-clause into-lit))
579 (print-next)
580 (format t "target term : ")
581 (term-print (literal-atom into-lit))
582 )
583 ;; (setf (pn-flag debug-para-into) t)
584 )
585 ||#
586 ;; ***
588 (when (pn-flag debug-para-into)
589 (with-output-msg ()
590 (format t "para-into-terms: matched p-rule = ")
591 (pr-paramod para-rule))
592 )
593 (setq paramod
594 (build-bin-para para-rule target-term into-lit new-subst arg-pos))
595 (when obso-cl-id
596 (delete-clause! obso-cl-id *current-psys*))
597 (setf (clause-parents paramod)
598 (list (list :para-into-rule
599 (clause-id (literal-clause into-lit))
600 (clause-id (literal-clause from-lit)))))
601 ;;
602 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
603 (incf (pn-stat para-into-gen))
604 (let ((pre-res nil))
605 (setq pre-res (pre-process paramod nil :sos))
606 (when pre-res
607 (setq paras
608 (nconc paras (list paramod)))))
609 ))))
610610 ;; :::
611611 ;; (setf (pn-flag debug-para-into) nil)
612612 ;; (untrace unify)
619619 ;;;
620620 (defun paramodulation-into (clause)
621621 (declare (type clause clause)
622 (values list))
622 (values list))
623623 (let ((list-para nil))
624624 (declare (type list list-para))
625625 (when (or (not (pn-flag para-into-units-only))
626 (unit-clause? clause))
626 (unit-clause? clause))
627627 ;;
628628 (when (or (pn-flag debug-infer)
629 (pn-flag debug-para-into))
630 (with-output-msg ()
631 (format t "Start[paramodulation-into]: ")))
629 (pn-flag debug-para-into))
630 (with-output-msg ()
631 (format t "Start[paramodulation-into]: ")))
632632 ;;
633633 (dolist (into-lit (clause-literals clause))
634 (declare (type literal into-lit))
635 (block next
636 (unless (answer-literal? into-lit)
637 (let ((atom (literal-atom into-lit)))
638 (setq list-para
639 (nconc list-para
640 (para-into-terms atom into-lit))))))))
634 (declare (type literal into-lit))
635 (block next
636 (unless (answer-literal? into-lit)
637 (let ((atom (literal-atom into-lit)))
638 (setq list-para
639 (nconc list-para
640 (para-into-terms atom into-lit))))))))
641641 ;;
642642 (when (or (pn-flag debug-infer)
643 (pn-flag debug-para-into))
643 (pn-flag debug-para-into))
644644 (with-output-msg ()
645 (format t "End[para-into]:")
646 (print-next)
647 (pr-clause-list list-para t)))
645 (format t "End[para-into]:")
646 (print-next)
647 (pr-clause-list list-para t)))
648648 ;;
649649 list-para
650650 ))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:proof-sys.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:proof-sys.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4242 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4444 ;;; extend module info
4646 (defmacro module-proof-system (_mod)
4747 `(getf (object-misc-info ,_mod) :proof-system))
4949 (defun create-module-psystem (mod)
5050 (declare (type module mod))
5151 (if (module-proof-system mod)
5252 (let ((psys (module-proof-system mod)))
53 (initialize-psystem psys mod))
53 (initialize-psystem psys mod))
5454 (setf (module-proof-system mod)
5555 (make-psystem :module mod
56 :clause-hash (make-hash-table :test #'eql)
57 :demodulators (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
56 :clause-hash (make-hash-table :test #'eql)
57 :demodulators (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
5858 ))
6060 (defun update-module-proof-system (mod &optional do-anyway)
6161 (declare (type module mod)
62 (ignore do-anyway))
62 (ignore do-anyway))
6363 (let ((clear-passive nil))
6464 (when (need-rewriting-preparation mod)
6565 (compile-module mod)
7171 (let ((psystem (create-module-psystem mod)))
7272 (when clear-passive
73 (setf (psystem-passive psystem) nil))
73 (setf (psystem-passive psystem) nil))
7474 ;; reset clause counter
7575 (reset-clause-db psystem)
7676 ;; generate axioms in clause form
9090 ;;; PN-DB-RESET
9191 ;;;
92 (defun pn-db-reset (&optional (mod (or *current-module*
93 *last-module*)))
92 (defun pn-db-reset (&optional (mod (get-context-module)))
9493 (clear-all-index-tables)
9594 (reset-module-proof-system mod))
107106 (once-only (_module_)
108107 `(block with-proof-context
109108 (block with-in-module
110 (let* ((*current-module* ,_module_)
111 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order *current-module*))
112 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table *current-module*))
113 (*current-ext-rule-table* (module-ext-rule-table *current-module*)))
114 (declare (special *current-module*
115 *current-sort-order*
116 *current-opinfo-table*
117 *current-ext-rule-table*))
118 (let* ((*current-proof-system* *current-module*)
119 (*current-psys* (module-proof-system *current-module*))
120 (*clause-hash* (psystem-clause-hash *current-psys*))
121 (*sos* (psystem-sos *current-psys*))
122 (*usable* (psystem-usable *current-psys*))
123 (*demodulators* (psystem-demodulators *current-psys*))
124 (*passive* (psystem-passive *current-psys*))
125 (*clause-given* nil)
126 )
127 (declare (special *current-proof-system*
128 *current-psys*
129 *clause-hash*
130 *sos*
131 *usable*
132 *clause-given*
133 *passive*))
134 ;;
135 ,@body)
136 )))))
109 (let* ((*current-module* ,_module_)
110 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order *current-module*))
111 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table *current-module*))
112 (*current-ext-rule-table* (module-ext-rule-table *current-module*)))
113 (declare (special *current-module*
114 *current-sort-order*
115 *current-opinfo-table*
116 *current-ext-rule-table*))
117 (let* ((*current-proof-system* *current-module*)
118 (*current-psys* (module-proof-system *current-module*))
119 (*clause-hash* (psystem-clause-hash *current-psys*))
120 (*sos* (psystem-sos *current-psys*))
121 (*usable* (psystem-usable *current-psys*))
122 (*demodulators* (psystem-demodulators *current-psys*))
123 (*passive* (psystem-passive *current-psys*))
124 (*clause-given* nil)
125 )
126 (declare (special *current-proof-system*
127 *current-psys*
128 *clause-hash*
129 *sos*
130 *usable*
131 *clause-given*
132 *passive*))
133 ;;
134 ,@body)
135 )))))
138137 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:refine.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:refine.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 (defun pn-get-image-of-axioms (view)
4545 (declare (type view-struct view))
4646 (let* ((source (view-source view))
47 (target (view-target view))
48 (morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source
49 view)))
47 (target (view-target view))
48 (morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source
49 view)))
5050 (declare (type module source target)
51 (type modmorph morph))
51 (type modmorph morph))
5252 (let ((sort-map (modmorph-sort morph))
53 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
54 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph))
55 (axs nil))
53 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
54 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph))
55 (axs nil))
5656 (dolist (ax (get-module-axioms source))
57 (let ((ax-image (modmorph-recreate-axiom target
58 sort-map
59 op-map
60 mod-map
61 ax)))
62 (push ax-image axs)))
57 (let ((ax-image (modmorph-recreate-axiom target
58 sort-map
59 op-map
60 mod-map
61 ax)))
62 (push ax-image axs)))
6363 (nreverse axs)))
6464 )
6666 (defun pn-axiom-image (ax morph target)
6767 (declare (type axiom ax)
68 (type modmorph morph)
69 (type module target))
68 (type modmorph morph)
69 (type module target))
7070 (let ((sort-map (modmorph-sort morph))
71 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
72 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph)))
71 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
72 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph)))
7373 (modmorph-recreate-axiom target
74 sort-map
75 op-map
76 mod-map
77 ax)))
74 sort-map
75 op-map
76 mod-map
77 ax)))
7979 (defun check-refine (view-expr)
8080 (let ((view (find-view-in-env (normalize-modexp view-expr)))
81 (source nil)
82 (morph nil)
83 (target-mod nil)
84 (ng-axs nil)
85 (*chaos-quiet* (if (pn-flag debug-refine)
86 nil
87 t)))
81 (source nil)
82 (morph nil)
83 (target-mod nil)
84 (ng-axs nil)
85 (*chaos-quiet* (if (pn-flag debug-refine)
86 nil
87 t)))
8888 (declare (type (or null view-struct) view)
89 (type (or null module) source target-mod)
90 (type (or null modmorph) morph)
91 (type list ng-axs))
89 (type (or null module) source target-mod)
90 (type (or null modmorph) morph)
91 (type list ng-axs))
9292 (unless view
9393 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-view)
94 (format t "no such view \"~a\"" view-expr)))
94 (format t "no such view \"~a\"" view-expr)))
9595 (setq source (view-source view))
9696 (setq morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source view))
9797 (setq target-mod (view-target view))
9898 ;;
9999 (when (pn-flag debug-refine)
100100 (let ((*chaos-quiet* nil))
101 (with-output-simple-msg ()
102 (format t "** starting refinement check with view ~a" view-expr))))
101 (with-output-simple-msg ()
102 (format t "** starting refinement check with view ~a" view-expr))))
103103 ;;
104104 (dolist (im-ax (get-module-axioms source))
105105 (block next
106 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs im-ax)))
107 (when (and (term-is-application-form? lhs)
108 (equal (method-symbol (term-head lhs))
109 (method-symbol *beh-equal*)))
110 (return-from next nil)))
111 (when (module-proof-system *pn-refinement-check-module*)
112 (initialize-psystem (module-proof-system *pn-refinement-check-module*)
113 *pn-refinement-check-module*))
114 (initialize-module *pn-refinement-check-module*)
115 (import-module *pn-refinement-check-module* :protecting target-mod)
116 (import-module *pn-refinement-check-module* :protecting
117 *fopl-sentence-module*)
118 (compile-module *pn-refinement-check-module*)
119 (with-in-module (*pn-refinement-check-module*)
120 (let ((ax (pn-axiom-image im-ax morph *current-module*))
121 (ax-form nil)
122 (ax-cls nil)
123 (psys nil)
124 (flags (save-pn-flags))
125 (parameters (save-pn-parameters))
126 (ret-code nil)
127 (*pn-no-db-reset* t))
128 ;;
129 (when (pn-flag debug-refine)
130 (let ((*chaos-quiet* nil))
131 (with-output-msg ()
132 (princ "check axiom : ")
133 (print-next)
134 (print-axiom-brief ax))))
135 ;; db reset by hand
136 (clear-all-index-tables)
137 (reset-module-proof-system *current-module*)
138 (setq psys (module-proof-system *current-module*))
139 ;; negate then convert to clause form
140 (setq ax-form (axiom->formula ax))
141 (normalize-quantifiers ax-form)
142 (setq ax-form (negate-sentence ax-form))
106 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs im-ax)))
107 (when (and (term-is-application-form? lhs)
108 (equal (method-symbol (term-head lhs))
109 (method-symbol *beh-equal*)))
110 (return-from next nil)))
111 (when (module-proof-system *pn-refinement-check-module*)
112 (initialize-psystem (module-proof-system *pn-refinement-check-module*)
113 *pn-refinement-check-module*))
114 (initialize-module *pn-refinement-check-module*)
115 (import-module *pn-refinement-check-module* :protecting target-mod)
116 (import-module *pn-refinement-check-module* :protecting
117 *fopl-sentence-module*)
118 (compile-module *pn-refinement-check-module*)
119 (with-in-module (*pn-refinement-check-module*)
120 (let ((ax (pn-axiom-image im-ax morph *current-module*))
121 (ax-form nil)
122 (ax-cls nil)
123 (psys nil)
124 (flags (save-pn-flags))
125 (parameters (save-pn-parameters))
126 (ret-code nil)
127 (*pn-no-db-reset* t))
128 ;;
129 (when (pn-flag debug-refine)
130 (let ((*chaos-quiet* nil))
131 (with-output-msg ()
132 (princ "check axiom : ")
133 (print-next)
134 (print-axiom-brief ax))))
135 ;; db reset by hand
136 (clear-all-index-tables)
137 (reset-module-proof-system *current-module*)
138 (setq psys (module-proof-system *current-module*))
139 ;; negate then convert to clause form
140 (setq ax-form (axiom->formula ax))
141 (normalize-quantifiers ax-form)
142 (setq ax-form (negate-sentence ax-form))
144 (setq ax-cls (formula->clause-1 ax-form
145 psys))
146 (dolist (a ax-cls)
147 (push a (psystem-axioms psys)))
148 ;; invoke PigNose
149 (unless (pn-flag debug-refine)
150 (setf (pn-flag print-message) nil)
151 (auto-change-flag quiet t)
152 (auto-change-flag print-proofs nil))
153 (auto-change-flag auto t)
154 (auto-change-flag universal-symmetry t)
155 (setf (pn-parameter max-proofs) 1)
156 (setq ret-code (do-resolve *current-module*))
157 ;;
158 (restore-pn-flags flags)
159 (restore-pn-parameters parameters)
160 ;;
161 (unless (eq ret-code :max-proofs-exit)
162 (push im-ax ng-axs)))
164 ))) ; done for all axioms
144 (setq ax-cls (formula->clause-1 ax-form
145 psys))
146 (dolist (a ax-cls)
147 (push a (psystem-axioms psys)))
148 ;; invoke PigNose
149 (unless (pn-flag debug-refine)
150 (setf (pn-flag print-message) nil)
151 (auto-change-flag quiet t)
152 (auto-change-flag print-proofs nil))
153 (auto-change-flag auto t)
154 (auto-change-flag universal-symmetry t)
155 (setf (pn-parameter max-proofs) 1)
156 (setq ret-code (do-resolve *current-module*))
157 ;;
158 (restore-pn-flags flags)
159 (restore-pn-parameters parameters)
160 ;;
161 (unless (eq ret-code :max-proofs-exit)
162 (push im-ax ng-axs)))
164 ))) ; done for all axioms
165165 ;;
166166 (if ng-axs
167 (values ng-axs source target-mod)
167 (values ng-axs source target-mod)
168168 (values nil source target-mod))
169169 ))
179179 )
180180 (let ((view-expr (car args)))
181181 (multiple-value-bind (ng? source-mod target-mod)
182 (check-refine view-expr)
182 (check-refine view-expr)
183183 (declare (ignore target-mod))
184184 (if ng?
185 (with-in-module (source-mod)
186 (with-output-simple-msg ()
187 (princ "no")
188 (dolist (ax ng?)
189 (print-next)
190 (print-axiom-brief ax))))
191 (with-output-simple-msg ()
192 (princ "yes"))))
185 (with-in-module (source-mod)
186 (with-output-simple-msg ()
187 (princ "no")
188 (dolist (ax ng?)
189 (print-next)
190 (print-axiom-brief ax))))
191 (with-output-simple-msg ()
192 (princ "yes"))))
193193 ))
195195 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:resolve.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:resolve.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;; ***********
4242 ;;; ***********
5050 (defun comb-clash-subst (giv-subst clash)
5151 (declare (type list giv-subst)
52 (type (or null clash) clash))
52 (type (or null clash) clash))
5353 (if clash
5454 (let ((subst nil)
55 (c clash))
56 (loop (unless c (return))
57 (let ((nsub (clash-subst c)))
58 (if nsub
59 (setq subst nsub)))
60 (setq c (clash-next c)))
61 (compose-subst giv-subst subst))
55 (c clash))
56 (loop (unless c (return))
57 (let ((nsub (clash-subst c)))
58 (if nsub
59 (setq subst nsub)))
60 (setq c (clash-next c)))
61 (compose-subst giv-subst subst))
6262 giv-subst))
6464 (defun build-hyper (clash given-subst nuc-lits nucleus giv-lits giv-sat inf-id nuc-pos)
6565 (declare (ignore nuc-pos)
66 (type (or null clash) clash)
67 (type list given-subst)
68 (type list nuc-lits)
69 (type clause nucleus)
70 (type list giv-lits)
71 (type (or null clause) giv-sat)
72 (type symbol inf-id))
66 (type (or null clash) clash)
67 (type list given-subst)
68 (type list nuc-lits)
69 (type clause nucleus)
70 (type list giv-lits)
71 (type (or null clause) giv-sat)
72 (type symbol inf-id))
7373 (let ((new-literals nil)
74 (new-clause (new-clause *current-psys*))
75 (history nil)
76 (subst nil)
77 (clashes clash))
74 (new-clause (new-clause *current-psys*))
75 (history nil)
76 (subst nil)
77 (clashes clash))
7878 (declare (type list new-literals)
79 (type clause new-clause)
80 (type list history subst)
81 (type (or null clash) clashes))
79 (type clause new-clause)
80 (type list history subst)
81 (type (or null clash) clashes))
8282 ;;
8383 (setq subst
8484 (comb-clash-subst given-subst clash))
103103 (dolist (lit giv-lits)
104104 (declare (type literal lit))
105105 (let ((new-literal (shallow-copy-literal lit new-clause)))
106 (declare (type literal new-literal))
107 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
108 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit)))
109 (push new-literal new-literals)))
106 (declare (type literal new-literal))
107 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
108 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit)))
109 (push new-literal new-literals)))
111111 (dolist (lit nuc-lits)
112112 (declare (type literal lit))
113113 (let ((new-literal (shallow-copy-literal lit new-clause)))
114 (declare (type literal new-literal))
115 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
116 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit)))
117 (push new-literal new-literals)))
114 (declare (type literal new-literal))
115 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
116 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit)))
117 (push new-literal new-literals)))
119119 (while clashes
120120 (if (clash-evaluable clashes)
121 (push :eval history)
122 (let* ((found-lit (clash-found-lit clashes))
123 (sat-clause (literal-clause found-lit))
124 )
125 (declare (type literal found-lit)
126 (type clause sat-clause))
127 (push (clause-id sat-clause) history)
128 (dolist (lit (clause-literals sat-clause))
129 (declare (type literal lit))
130 (unless (eq lit found-lit)
131 (let ((new-literal (shallow-copy-literal lit new-clause)))
132 (declare (type literal new-literal))
133 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
134 ;; clash-subst?
135 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit))
136 ;; (apply-subst (clash-subst clashes) (literal-atom lit))
137 )
138 (push new-literal new-literals))))
139 (let ((junk-id (cdr (assq :dummy-clause
140 (clause-attributes sat-clause)))))
141 (when junk-id
142 (delete-clause! junk-id *current-psys*))
143 )))
121 (push :eval history)
122 (let* ((found-lit (clash-found-lit clashes))
123 (sat-clause (literal-clause found-lit))
124 )
125 (declare (type literal found-lit)
126 (type clause sat-clause))
127 (push (clause-id sat-clause) history)
128 (dolist (lit (clause-literals sat-clause))
129 (declare (type literal lit))
130 (unless (eq lit found-lit)
131 (let ((new-literal (shallow-copy-literal lit new-clause)))
132 (declare (type literal new-literal))
133 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
134 ;; clash-subst?
135 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit))
136 ;; (apply-subst (clash-subst clashes) (literal-atom lit))
137 )
138 (push new-literal new-literals))))
139 (let ((junk-id (cdr (assq :dummy-clause
140 (clause-attributes sat-clause)))))
141 (when junk-id
142 (delete-clause! junk-id *current-psys*))
143 )))
144144 (setq clashes (clash-next clashes)))
145145 ;;
146146 (setf (clause-literals new-clause)
172172 ;;; nuc-pos : if not nil, given clause is a satelite
174174 (declaim (special _clash_so_far_)
175 (type list _clash_so_far_))
175 (type list _clash_so_far_))
176176 (defvar _clash_so_far_ nil)
178178 (declaim (inline rename-subst))
180180 (defun rename-subst (subst var-map)
181181 (declare (type list subst var-map)
182 (values list))
182 (values list))
183183 (if subst
184184 (let ((res nil))
185 (declare (list res))
186 (dolist (s subst)
187 (let ((bind (variable-image var-map (car s))))
188 (declare (type (or null term) bind))
189 (if bind
190 (progn
191 (push (cons (car s) bind) res)
192 (when (term-is-variable? bind)
193 (push (cons bind
194 (apply-subst var-map (cdr s)))
195 res))
196 )
197 (push (cons (car s)
198 (apply-subst var-map (cdr s)))
199 res))))
200 (setq res (nreverse res))
201 (dolist (vm var-map)
202 (unless (variable-image res (car vm))
203 (push vm res)))
204 res)
185 (declare (list res))
186 (dolist (s subst)
187 (let ((bind (variable-image var-map (car s))))
188 (declare (type (or null term) bind))
189 (if bind
190 (progn
191 (push (cons (car s) bind) res)
192 (when (term-is-variable? bind)
193 (push (cons bind
194 (apply-subst var-map (cdr s)))
195 res))
196 )
197 (push (cons (car s)
198 (apply-subst var-map (cdr s)))
199 res))))
200 (setq res (nreverse res))
201 (dolist (vm var-map)
202 (unless (variable-image res (car vm))
203 (push vm res)))
204 res)
205205 (if var-map
206 var-map
206 var-map
207207 nil)))
209209 (defun maximal-literal (l1)
210210 (declare (type literal l1)
211 (values symbol))
211 (values symbol))
212212 (flet ((opcompare (m1 m2)
213 (declare (type method m1 m2))
214 (if (method-w= m1 m2)
215 nil
216 (let ((p1 (method-lex-prec m1))
217 (p2 (method-lex-prec m2)))
218 (declare (type fixnum p1 p2))
219 (if (< p1 p2)
220 :less
221 nil)))))
213 (declare (type method m1 m2))
214 (if (method-w= m1 m2)
215 nil
216 (let ((p1 (method-lex-prec m1))
217 (p2 (method-lex-prec m2)))
218 (declare (type fixnum p1 p2))
219 (if (< p1 p2)
220 :less
221 nil)))))
222222 ;;
223223 (let ((atom (literal-atom l1)))
224224 (declare (type term atom))
225225 (dolist (l2 (clause-literals (literal-clause l1)) t)
226 (declare (type literal l2))
227 (if (and (not (eq l1 l2))
228 (not (answer-literal? l2)))
229 (if (and (positive-literal? l2)
230 (not (positive-literal? l1)))
231 (return nil)
232 (if (and (eq (literal-sign l1)
233 (literal-sign l2))
234 (eq :less
235 #||
236 (op-lex-compare (term-head atom)
237 (term-head (literal-atom l2)))
238 ||#
239 (opcompare (term-head atom)
240 (term-head (literal-atom l2)))
241 ))
242 (return nil))))))
226 (declare (type literal l2))
227 (if (and (not (eq l1 l2))
228 (not (answer-literal? l2)))
229 (if (and (positive-literal? l2)
230 (not (positive-literal? l1)))
231 (return nil)
232 (if (and (eq (literal-sign l1)
233 (literal-sign l2))
234 (eq :less
235 #||
236 (op-lex-compare (term-head atom)
237 (term-head (literal-atom l2)))
238 ||#
239 (opcompare (term-head atom)
240 (term-head (literal-atom l2)))
241 ))
242 (return nil))))))
243243 ))
245245 (declaim (inline compose-subst2))
247247 (defun compose-subst2 (s1 s2)
248248 (declare (type list s1 s2))
249249 (labels ((add-new (s newsl)
250 (declare (type (or null term) s)
251 (type list newsl))
252 (cond ((null s) newsl)
253 ((variable-image newsl (caar s))
254 (add-new (cdr s) newsl))
255 (t (cons (car s) (add-new (cdr s) newsl)))))
256 (composel (s1 s2)
257 (cond ((null s1) nil)
258 ;; !!!
259 ((variable-image s2 (caar s1))
260 (composel (cdr s1) s2))
261 (t (cons (cons (caar s1)
262 (apply-subst s2 (cdar s1)))
263 (composel (cdr s1) s2))))))
250 (declare (type (or null term) s)
251 (type list newsl))
252 (cond ((null s) newsl)
253 ((variable-image newsl (caar s))
254 (add-new (cdr s) newsl))
255 (t (cons (car s) (add-new (cdr s) newsl)))))
256 (composel (s1 s2)
257 (cond ((null s1) nil)
258 ;; !!!
259 ((variable-image s2 (caar s1))
260 (composel (cdr s1) s2))
261 (t (cons (cons (caar s1)
262 (apply-subst s2 (cdar s1)))
263 (composel (cdr s1) s2))))))
264264 ;;
265265 (if (car s2)
266 (add-new s2 (composel s1 s2))
266 (add-new s2 (composel s1 s2))
267267 s1)))
269269 (declaim (inline cl-occurs-in-clash))
271271 (defun cl-occurs-in-clash (clash-clause clash)
272272 (declare (type clause clash-clause)
273 (type clash))
273 (type clash))
274274 (let ((clh clash))
275275 (declare (type (or null clash) clh))
276276 (loop
277277 (setq clh (clash-prev clh))
278278 (unless clh (return-from cl-occurs-in-clash nil))
279279 (when (and (clash-found-lit clh)
280 (eq (literal-clause (clash-found-lit clh))
281 clash-clause))
282 (return-from cl-occurs-in-clash t))))
280 (eq (literal-clause (clash-found-lit clh))
281 clash-clause))
282 (return-from cl-occurs-in-clash t))))
283283 nil)
285285 (defun clash-one (clash clause-pred given-subst inf-id &optional giv-sat)
286286 (declare (type clash clash)
287 (type list given-subst)
288 (type symbol inf-id)
289 (type (or null clause) giv-sat))
287 (type list given-subst)
288 (type symbol inf-id)
289 (type (or null clause) giv-sat))
290290 #||
291291 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
292292 (with-output-msg ()
302302 (format t "giv-sat = ~s" giv-sat)))
303303 ||#
304304 (let ((clashables (if (clash-clashables clash)
305 (cdr (clash-clashables clash))
306 (setf (clash-clashables clash)
307 #||
308 (get-literal-entry-from-atom
309 (clash-db clash)
310 (literal-atom (clash-literal clash)))
311 ||#
312 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom (clash-literal clash))
313 (clash-db clash))
314 )))
315 (atom (literal-atom (clash-literal clash)))
316 (subst (if (clash-prev clash)
317 (or (get-nsubst (clash-prev clash))
318 given-subst)
319 ;; (or (clash-subst (clash-prev clash))
320 ;; given-subst)
321 given-subst)))
305 (cdr (clash-clashables clash))
306 (setf (clash-clashables clash)
307 #||
308 (get-literal-entry-from-atom
309 (clash-db clash)
310 (literal-atom (clash-literal clash)))
311 ||#
312 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom (clash-literal clash))
313 (clash-db clash))
314 )))
315 (atom (literal-atom (clash-literal clash)))
316 (subst (if (clash-prev clash)
317 (or (get-nsubst (clash-prev clash))
318 given-subst)
319 ;; (or (clash-subst (clash-prev clash))
320 ;; given-subst)
321 given-subst)))
322322 (declare (type list clashables)
323 (type term atom)
324 (type list subst))
323 (type term atom)
324 (type list subst))
325325 ;;
326326 (loop
327327 (unless clashables
328 (return nil))
328 (return nil))
329329 (block next
330 ;;
331 (let* ((lit-data (car clashables))
332 ;; (clash-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
333 (clash-lit lit-data)
334 (clash-clause (literal-clause clash-lit))
335 (junk-cl-id nil))
336 (declare (type literal clash-lit)
337 (type clause clash-clause)
338 (type (or null fixnum) junk-cl-id))
339 (when (and (funcall clause-pred clash-clause)
340 (or (not (pn-flag order-hyper))
341 (eq :ur-res-rule inf-id)
342 (maximal-literal clash-lit)))
343 (let (;; (clash-atom (literal-entry-atom clash-lit))
344 (clash-atom (literal-atom clash-lit))
345 (varmap nil)
346 (natom atom)
347 ;; (renamed nil)
348 )
349 (declare (ignore varmap)
350 (type term clash-atom natom))
351 ;;
352 (setq atom (apply-subst subst atom))
353 (when (or (eq giv-sat clash-clause)
354 (cl-occurs-in-clash clash-clause clash))
355 (unless (term-eq natom atom)
356 (multiple-value-bind (dcl tlit id)
357 (make-dummy-clause clash-clause
358 clash-lit)
359 (declare (type clause dcl)
360 (type literal tlit)
361 (type fixnum id))
362 (setq junk-cl-id id)
363 (setq clash-lit tlit)
364 (setq clash-atom (literal-atom tlit))
365 (setq clash-clause dcl))
366 ))
367 ;;
368 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
369 (with-output-msg ()
370 (princ "chash-one trying unify:")
371 (print-next)
372 (format t "clash = ~s" (literal-clause (clash-literal clash)))
373 (print-next)
374 (princ "atom = ") (term-print atom)
375 (print-next)
376 (format t "target clause = ~s " clash-clause)
377 (print-next)
378 (princ "target atom = ") (term-print clash-atom)
379 ))
380 ;;
381 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
382 (unify clash-atom
383 atom
384 ;; subst
385 nil)
386 (declare (ignore e-equal)
387 (type list new-subst))
388 ;;
389 (when no-match
390 (when junk-cl-id
391 (delete-clause! junk-cl-id *current-psys*))
392 (return-from next nil))
393 ;;
394 (if new-subst
395 (progn
396 (setq new-subst (compose-subst subst new-subst))
397 ;; (setq new-subst (compose-subst2 subst new-subst))
398 )
399 (setq new-subst subst))
400 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
401 (with-output-simple-msg ()
402 (princ "* clash-one success: ")
403 (princ "nuc = ") (print-clause
404 (literal-clause
405 (clash-literal clash)))
406 (print-next)
407 (princ "nuc atom = ") (term-print atom)
408 (print-next)
409 (princ "target(electron) = ") (term-print clash-atom)
410 (print-next)
411 (format t "target cl-id = ~D"
412 (clause-id clash-clause))
413 (print-next)
414 (princ "subst = ")
415 (print-substitution new-subst)
416 ))
418 ;; success!
419 (setf (clash-subst clash) new-subst)
420 (setf (clash-clashables clash) clashables)
421 (setf (clash-found-lit clash) clash-lit)
422 (return-from clash-one t))
423 )))
424 ) ; block next
330 ;;
331 (let* ((lit-data (car clashables))
332 ;; (clash-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
333 (clash-lit lit-data)
334 (clash-clause (literal-clause clash-lit))
335 (junk-cl-id nil))
336 (declare (type literal clash-lit)
337 (type clause clash-clause)
338 (type (or null fixnum) junk-cl-id))
339 (when (and (funcall clause-pred clash-clause)
340 (or (not (pn-flag order-hyper))
341 (eq :ur-res-rule inf-id)
342 (maximal-literal clash-lit)))
343 (let (;; (clash-atom (literal-entry-atom clash-lit))
344 (clash-atom (literal-atom clash-lit))
345 (varmap nil)
346 (natom atom)
347 ;; (renamed nil)
348 )
349 (declare (ignore varmap)
350 (type term clash-atom natom))
351 ;;
352 (setq atom (apply-subst subst atom))
353 (when (or (eq giv-sat clash-clause)
354 (cl-occurs-in-clash clash-clause clash))
355 (unless (term-eq natom atom)
356 (multiple-value-bind (dcl tlit id)
357 (make-dummy-clause clash-clause
358 clash-lit)
359 (declare (type clause dcl)
360 (type literal tlit)
361 (type fixnum id))
362 (setq junk-cl-id id)
363 (setq clash-lit tlit)
364 (setq clash-atom (literal-atom tlit))
365 (setq clash-clause dcl))
366 ))
367 ;;
368 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
369 (with-output-msg ()
370 (princ "chash-one trying unify:")
371 (print-next)
372 (format t "clash = ~s" (literal-clause (clash-literal clash)))
373 (print-next)
374 (princ "atom = ") (term-print atom)
375 (print-next)
376 (format t "target clause = ~s " clash-clause)
377 (print-next)
378 (princ "target atom = ") (term-print clash-atom)
379 ))
380 ;;
381 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
382 (unify clash-atom
383 atom
384 ;; subst
385 nil)
386 (declare (ignore e-equal)
387 (type list new-subst))
388 ;;
389 (when no-match
390 (when junk-cl-id
391 (delete-clause! junk-cl-id *current-psys*))
392 (return-from next nil))
393 ;;
394 (if new-subst
395 (progn
396 (setq new-subst (compose-subst subst new-subst))
397 ;; (setq new-subst (compose-subst2 subst new-subst))
398 )
399 (setq new-subst subst))
400 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
401 (with-output-simple-msg ()
402 (princ "* clash-one success: ")
403 (princ "nuc = ") (print-clause
404 (literal-clause
405 (clash-literal clash)))
406 (print-next)
407 (princ "nuc atom = ") (term-print atom)
408 (print-next)
409 (princ "target(electron) = ") (term-print clash-atom)
410 (print-next)
411 (format t "target cl-id = ~D"
412 (clause-id clash-clause))
413 (print-next)
414 (princ "subst = ")
415 (print-substitution new-subst)
416 ))
418 ;; success!
419 (setf (clash-subst clash) new-subst)
420 (setf (clash-clashables clash) clashables)
421 (setf (clash-found-lit clash) clash-lit)
422 (return-from clash-one t))
423 )))
424 ) ; block next
425425 ;; try next clashable
426426 (setq clashables (cdr clashables))
427 ) ; end loop
427 ) ; end loop
428428 nil))
430430 (defun get-nsubst (clashes)
431431 (if (null clashes)
432432 nil
433433 (or (clash-subst clashes)
434 (get-nsubst (clash-prev clashes)))))
434 (get-nsubst (clash-prev clashes)))))
436436 (defun hyper-clash! (c-start
437 given-subst
438 nuc-lits
439 nuc
440 giv-lits
441 giv-sat
442 sat-proc
443 inf-id
444 nuc-pos)
437 given-subst
438 nuc-lits
439 nuc
440 giv-lits
441 giv-sat
442 sat-proc
443 inf-id
444 nuc-pos)
445445 (declare (type (or null clash) c-start)
446 (type list given-subst)
447 (type list nuc-lits)
448 (type (or null clause) nuc)
449 (type list giv-lits)
450 (type (or null clause) giv-sat)
451 (type symbol inf-id)
452 (type (or null fixnum) nuc-pos))
446 (type list given-subst)
447 (type list nuc-lits)
448 (type (or null clause) nuc)
449 (type list giv-lits)
450 (type (or null clause) giv-sat)
451 (type symbol inf-id)
452 (type (or null fixnum) nuc-pos))
453453 (let ((clashes nil)
454 (list-resolvent nil)
455 (backup nil)
456 (c-end nil))
454 (list-resolvent nil)
455 (backup nil)
456 (c-end nil))
457457 (declare (type (or null clash) clashes)
458 (type list list-resolvent)
459 (type (or null clash) c-end))
458 (type list list-resolvent)
459 (type (or null clash) c-end))
460460 ;;
461461 (loop
462462 (if (not backup)
463 (if (or (null c-start)
464 (and clashes
465 (null (clash-next clashes))))
466 ;; clash is complete
467 (let ((resolvent nil))
468 (setq resolvent (build-hyper c-start ; clash list
469 given-subst
470 nuc-lits ; non-clash lits of nucleus
471 nuc ; nucleus clause
472 giv-lits
473 giv-sat
474 inf-id
475 nuc-pos
476 ))
477 (case inf-id
478 (:hyper-res-rule
479 (incf (pn-stat hyper-res-gen)))
480 (:neg-hyper-res-rule
481 (incf (pn-stat neg-hyper-res-gen)))
482 (otherwise
483 (incf (pn-stat ur-res-gen))))
484 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
485 ;; pre-process the hyper-resolvent
486 (when (pre-process resolvent nil :sos)
487 (push resolvent list-resolvent))
488 ;;
489 (setq backup t)
490 (setq c-end clashes) ; the last success clash
491 (setq clashes nil)
492 )
493 ;; else
494 (progn
495 (if (null clashes) ; just starting
496 (setq clashes c-start)
497 ;; try next clash
498 (setq clashes (clash-next clashes)))
499 (when (clash-evaluable clashes)
500 ;; (setf (clash-subst clashes) nil)
501 (let* ((lit (clash-literal clashes))
502 (atom (literal-atom lit))
503 (subst (get-nsubst clashes))
504 (inst nil))
505 ;; (setf (clash-subst clashes) subst)
506 (unless subst (setq subst given-subst))
507 (setq inst (demod-atom (apply-subst subst atom)))
508 (if (positive-literal? lit)
509 (setf (clash-evaluation clashes)
510 (is-false? inst))
511 (setf (clash-evaluation clashes)
512 (is-true? inst)))
513 (setf (clash-already-evaluated clashes) nil)))
514 ;; initialize clashsable list
515 (setf (clash-clashables clashes) nil)))
516 ;;
517 ;; else backup
518 ;;
519 (if (or (null c-start)
520 (and clashes
521 (null (clash-prev clashes))))
522 ;; done with this nucleus
523 (return-from hyper-clash! list-resolvent)
524 ;; else
525 (progn
526 (if (null clashes)
527 (progn
528 (setq clashes c-end) ; restart from the
529 ; last successed clash
530 )
531 ;; else
532 ;; back track to previous one.
533 (progn
534 (setf (clash-clashables clashes) nil)
535 (setq clashes (clash-prev clashes))))
536 ;; try again
537 (unless (clash-evaluable clashes)
538 (setf (clash-subst clashes) nil))
539 (setq backup nil))))
463 (if (or (null c-start)
464 (and clashes
465 (null (clash-next clashes))))
466 ;; clash is complete
467 (let ((resolvent nil))
468 (setq resolvent (build-hyper c-start ; clash list
469 given-subst
470 nuc-lits ; non-clash lits of nucleus
471 nuc ; nucleus clause
472 giv-lits
473 giv-sat
474 inf-id
475 nuc-pos
476 ))
477 (case inf-id
478 (:hyper-res-rule
479 (incf (pn-stat hyper-res-gen)))
480 (:neg-hyper-res-rule
481 (incf (pn-stat neg-hyper-res-gen)))
482 (otherwise
483 (incf (pn-stat ur-res-gen))))
484 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
485 ;; pre-process the hyper-resolvent
486 (when (pre-process resolvent nil :sos)
487 (push resolvent list-resolvent))
488 ;;
489 (setq backup t)
490 (setq c-end clashes) ; the last success clash
491 (setq clashes nil)
492 )
493 ;; else
494 (progn
495 (if (null clashes) ; just starting
496 (setq clashes c-start)
497 ;; try next clash
498 (setq clashes (clash-next clashes)))
499 (when (clash-evaluable clashes)
500 ;; (setf (clash-subst clashes) nil)
501 (let* ((lit (clash-literal clashes))
502 (atom (literal-atom lit))
503 (subst (get-nsubst clashes))
504 (inst nil))
505 ;; (setf (clash-subst clashes) subst)
506 (unless subst (setq subst given-subst))
507 (setq inst (demod-atom (apply-subst subst atom)))
508 (if (positive-literal? lit)
509 (setf (clash-evaluation clashes)
510 (is-false? inst))
511 (setf (clash-evaluation clashes)
512 (is-true? inst)))
513 (setf (clash-already-evaluated clashes) nil)))
514 ;; initialize clashsable list
515 (setf (clash-clashables clashes) nil)))
516 ;;
517 ;; else backup
518 ;;
519 (if (or (null c-start)
520 (and clashes
521 (null (clash-prev clashes))))
522 ;; done with this nucleus
523 (return-from hyper-clash! list-resolvent)
524 ;; else
525 (progn
526 (if (null clashes)
527 (progn
528 (setq clashes c-end) ; restart from the
529 ; last successed clash
530 )
531 ;; else
532 ;; back track to previous one.
533 (progn
534 (setf (clash-clashables clashes) nil)
535 (setq clashes (clash-prev clashes))))
536 ;; try again
537 (unless (clash-evaluable clashes)
538 (setf (clash-subst clashes) nil))
539 (setq backup nil))))
540540 ;;
541541 (unless backup
542 (if (clash-evaluable clashes)
543 (if (or (clash-already-evaluated clashes)
544 (not (clash-evaluation clashes)))
545 (setq backup t)
546 ;; set flag and proceed
547 (setf (clash-already-evaluated clashes) t))
548 (unless (clash-one clashes sat-proc given-subst inf-id giv-sat)
549 (setq backup t))))
550 ) ; loop end
542 (if (clash-evaluable clashes)
543 (if (or (clash-already-evaluated clashes)
544 (not (clash-evaluation clashes)))
545 (setq backup t)
546 ;; set flag and proceed
547 (setf (clash-already-evaluated clashes) t))
548 (unless (clash-one clashes sat-proc given-subst inf-id giv-sat)
549 (setq backup t))))
550 ) ; loop end
551551 ;; done
552552 list-resolvent))
563563 (return-from hyper-resolution nil))
564564 ;;
565565 (let ((resolvent-list nil)
566 (given-literals nil)
567 (clash-start nil)
568 (last-clash nil)
569 (nuc-literals nil)
570 (nuc-pos 0))
566 (given-literals nil)
567 (clash-start nil)
568 (last-clash nil)
569 (nuc-literals nil)
570 (nuc-pos 0))
571571 (declare (type list resolvent-list)
572 (type list given-literals)
573 (type (or null clash) clash-start)
574 (type (or null clash) last-clash)
575 (type list nuc-literals)
576 (type fixnum nuc-pos))
572 (type list given-literals)
573 (type (or null clash) clash-start)
574 (type (or null clash) last-clash)
575 (type list nuc-literals)
576 (type fixnum nuc-pos))
577577 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
578578 (with-output-simple-msg ()
579 (princ "Start[hyper-resolution]:")
580 (print-next)
581 (print-clause clause)))
579 (princ "Start[hyper-resolution]:")
580 (print-next)
581 (print-clause clause)))
582582 (cond
583583 ((not (positive-clause? clause))
584584 ;; given clause is nucleus,i.e, contains at least one
585585 ;; negative literal
586586 (setq clash-start nil
587 last-clash nil
588 nuc-literals nil)
587 last-clash nil
588 nuc-literals nil)
589589 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
590 (cond ((or (positive-literal? lit) (answer-literal? lit))
591 (push lit nuc-literals))
592 ;;
593 (t (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
594 :db *clash-pos-literals*)))
595 (declare (type clash new-clash))
596 (if (null clash-start)
597 (setq clash-start new-clash)
598 (progn
599 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
600 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
601 (when (method-is-meta-demod (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
602 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
603 (setq last-clash new-clash)))))
590 (cond ((or (positive-literal? lit) (answer-literal? lit))
591 (push lit nuc-literals))
592 ;;
593 (t (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
594 :db *clash-pos-literals*)))
595 (declare (type clash new-clash))
596 (if (null clash-start)
597 (setq clash-start new-clash)
598 (progn
599 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
600 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
601 (when (method-is-meta-demod (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
602 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
603 (setq last-clash new-clash)))))
604604 ;;
605605 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
606 nil ; subst
607 nuc-literals
608 clause
609 nil
610 nil
611 #'positive-clause?
612 :hyper-res-rule
613 nil)))
614 (when res
615 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res resolvent-list)))))
606 nil ; subst
607 nuc-literals
608 clause
609 nil
610 nil
611 #'positive-clause?
612 :hyper-res-rule
613 nil)))
614 (when res
615 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res resolvent-list)))))
616616 ;;
617617 (t
618618 ;;
619619 ;; given clause is a satellite.
620620 ;;
621621 (dolist (l3 (clause-literals clause))
622 (declare (type literal l3))
623 (when (or (not (pn-flag order-hyper))
624 (maximal-literal l3))
625 (setq given-literals nil)
626 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
627 (declare (type literal lit))
628 (unless (eq l3 lit)
629 (push lit given-literals)))
630 (let ((clashables
631 ;; (get-literal-entry-from-atom *clash-neg-literals*
632 ;; (literal-atom l3))
633 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom l3) *clash-neg-literals*)
634 )
635 )
636 (dolist (lit-data clashables)
637 (block next
638 (let* (;; (nuc-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
639 (nuc-lit lit-data)
640 (nuc (literal-clause (the literal nuc-lit))))
641 (when (not (positive-clause? nuc))
642 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
643 (unify (literal-atom l3)
644 (literal-atom nuc-lit)
645 nil)
646 (declare (ignore e-equal)
647 (type list new-subst))
648 ;;
649 (when no-match (return-from next)) ; try next
651 ;; found a nucleus
652 (setq nuc-literals nil)
653 (setq clash-start nil
654 last-clash nil)
655 (let ((i 0))
656 (declare (type fixnum i))
657 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
658 (declare (type literal lit))
659 (cond ((eq nuc-lit lit)
660 (setq nuc-pos i))
661 ((or (positive-literal? lit)
662 (answer-literal? lit))
663 (push lit nuc-literals))
664 (t
665 ;; negative literal, put into clash structure
666 (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
667 :db *clash-pos-literals*)))
668 (declare (type clash new-clash))
669 (if (null clash-start)
670 (setq clash-start new-clash)
671 (progn
672 (setf (clash-prev new-clash)
673 last-clash)
674 (setf (clash-next last-clash)
675 new-clash)))
676 (when (method-is-meta-demod
677 (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
678 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
679 (setq last-clash new-clash))))))
680 ;;
681 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
682 new-subst
683 nuc-literals
684 nuc
685 given-literals
686 clause
687 #'positive-clause?
688 :hyper-res-rule
689 nuc-pos)))
690 (when res
691 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res
692 resolvent-list)))
693 ))))) ; block next
694 )) ; done for all possible clash
695 )
696 ) ; done for all literals
622 (declare (type literal l3))
623 (when (or (not (pn-flag order-hyper))
624 (maximal-literal l3))
625 (setq given-literals nil)
626 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
627 (declare (type literal lit))
628 (unless (eq l3 lit)
629 (push lit given-literals)))
630 (let ((clashables
631 ;; (get-literal-entry-from-atom *clash-neg-literals*
632 ;; (literal-atom l3))
633 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom l3) *clash-neg-literals*)
634 )
635 )
636 (dolist (lit-data clashables)
637 (block next
638 (let* (;; (nuc-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
639 (nuc-lit lit-data)
640 (nuc (literal-clause (the literal nuc-lit))))
641 (when (not (positive-clause? nuc))
642 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
643 (unify (literal-atom l3)
644 (literal-atom nuc-lit)
645 nil)
646 (declare (ignore e-equal)
647 (type list new-subst))
648 ;;
649 (when no-match (return-from next)) ; try next
651 ;; found a nucleus
652 (setq nuc-literals nil)
653 (setq clash-start nil
654 last-clash nil)
655 (let ((i 0))
656 (declare (type fixnum i))
657 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
658 (declare (type literal lit))
659 (cond ((eq nuc-lit lit)
660 (setq nuc-pos i))
661 ((or (positive-literal? lit)
662 (answer-literal? lit))
663 (push lit nuc-literals))
664 (t
665 ;; negative literal, put into clash structure
666 (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
667 :db *clash-pos-literals*)))
668 (declare (type clash new-clash))
669 (if (null clash-start)
670 (setq clash-start new-clash)
671 (progn
672 (setf (clash-prev new-clash)
673 last-clash)
674 (setf (clash-next last-clash)
675 new-clash)))
676 (when (method-is-meta-demod
677 (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
678 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
679 (setq last-clash new-clash))))))
680 ;;
681 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
682 new-subst
683 nuc-literals
684 nuc
685 given-literals
686 clause
687 #'positive-clause?
688 :hyper-res-rule
689 nuc-pos)))
690 (when res
691 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res
692 resolvent-list)))
693 ))))) ; block next
694 )) ; done for all possible clash
695 )
696 ) ; done for all literals
697697 )
698698 )
699699 ;; done
700700 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
701701 (with-output-simple-msg ()
702 (princ "End[hyper-res]")
703 (print-next)
704 (pr-clause-list resolvent-list)))
702 (princ "End[hyper-res]")
703 (print-next)
704 (pr-clause-list resolvent-list)))
705705 ;;
706706 (nreverse resolvent-list)
707707 ))
719719 (return-from neg-hyper-resolution nil))
720720 ;;
721721 (let ((resolvent-list nil)
722 (given-literals nil)
723 (clash-start nil)
724 (last-clash nil)
725 (nuc-literals nil)
726 (nuc-pos 0))
722 (given-literals nil)
723 (clash-start nil)
724 (last-clash nil)
725 (nuc-literals nil)
726 (nuc-pos 0))
727727 (declare (type list resolvent-list)
728 (type list given-literals)
729 (type (or null clash) clash-start)
730 (type (or null clash) last-clash)
731 (type list nuc-literals)
732 (type fixnum nuc-pos))
728 (type list given-literals)
729 (type (or null clash) clash-start)
730 (type (or null clash) last-clash)
731 (type list nuc-literals)
732 (type fixnum nuc-pos))
733733 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
734734 (with-output-simple-msg ()
735 (princ "Start[neg-hyper-resolution]:")
736 (print-next)
737 (print-clause clause)))
735 (princ "Start[neg-hyper-resolution]:")
736 (print-next)
737 (print-clause clause)))
738738 (cond
739 ((not (negative-clause? clause)) ; given clause is nucleus
739 ((not (negative-clause? clause)) ; given clause is nucleus
740740 ;; given clause is nucleus,i.e, contains at least one
741741 ;; positive literal
742742 (setq clash-start nil
743 last-clash nil
744 nuc-literals nil)
743 last-clash nil
744 nuc-literals nil)
745745 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
746 (declare (type literal lit))
747 (cond ((or (negative-literal? lit) (answer-literal? lit))
748 (push lit nuc-literals))
749 ;; put positive literal into clash structure
750 (t (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
751 :db *clash-neg-literals*)))
752 (declare (type clash new-clash))
753 (if (null clash-start)
754 (setq clash-start new-clash)
755 (progn
756 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
757 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
758 (when (method-is-meta-demod (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
759 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
760 (setq last-clash new-clash)))))
746 (declare (type literal lit))
747 (cond ((or (negative-literal? lit) (answer-literal? lit))
748 (push lit nuc-literals))
749 ;; put positive literal into clash structure
750 (t (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
751 :db *clash-neg-literals*)))
752 (declare (type clash new-clash))
753 (if (null clash-start)
754 (setq clash-start new-clash)
755 (progn
756 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
757 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
758 (when (method-is-meta-demod (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
759 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
760 (setq last-clash new-clash)))))
761761 ;;
762762 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
763 nil ; subst
764 nuc-literals
765 clause
766 nil
767 nil
768 #'negative-clause?
769 :neg-hyper-res-rule
770 nil)))
771 (when res
772 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res resolvent-list)))))
763 nil ; subst
764 nuc-literals
765 clause
766 nil
767 nil
768 #'negative-clause?
769 :neg-hyper-res-rule
770 nil)))
771 (when res
772 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res resolvent-list)))))
773773 ;;
774774 ;; given clause is a sattelite.
775775 ;;
776776 (t
777777 (dolist (l3 (clause-literals clause))
778 (declare (type literal l3))
779 (when (or (not (pn-flag order-hyper))
780 (maximal-literal l3))
781 (setq given-literals nil)
782 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
783 (declare (type literal lit))
784 (unless (eq l3 lit)
785 (push lit given-literals)))
786 (let ((clashables
787 ;; (get-literal-entry-from-atom *clash-pos-literals*
788 ;; (literal-atom l3))
789 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom l3) *clash-pos-literals*)
790 )
791 )
792 (dolist (lit-data clashables)
793 (block next
794 (let* (;; (nuc-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
795 (nuc-lit lit-data)
796 (nuc (literal-clause (the literal nuc-lit))))
797 (when (not (negative-clause? nuc))
798 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
799 (unify (literal-atom l3)
800 (literal-atom nuc-lit)
801 nil)
802 (declare (ignore e-equal)
803 (type list new-subst))
804 ;;
805 (when no-match (return-from next)) ; try next
807 ;; found a nucleus
808 (setq nuc-literals nil)
809 (setq clash-start nil
810 last-clash nil)
811 (let ((i 0))
812 (declare (type fixnum i))
813 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
814 (declare (type literal lit))
815 (cond ((eq nuc-lit lit)
816 (setq nuc-pos i))
817 ((or (negative-literal? lit)
818 (answer-literal? lit))
819 (push lit nuc-literals))
820 (t
821 ;; pos literal, put into clash structure
822 (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
823 :db *clash-neg-literals*)))
824 (declare (type clash new-clash))
825 (if (null clash-start)
826 (setq clash-start new-clash)
827 (progn
828 (setf (clash-prev new-clash)
829 last-clash)
830 (setf (clash-next last-clash)
831 new-clash)))
832 (when (method-is-meta-demod
833 (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
834 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
835 (setq last-clash new-clash))))))
836 ;;
837 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
838 new-subst
839 nuc-literals
840 nuc
841 given-literals
842 clause
843 #'negative-clause?
844 :neg-hyper-res-rule
845 nuc-pos)))
846 (when res
847 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res
848 resolvent-list)))
849 ))))) ; block next
850 )) ; done for all possible clash
851 )
852 ) ; done for all literals
778 (declare (type literal l3))
779 (when (or (not (pn-flag order-hyper))
780 (maximal-literal l3))
781 (setq given-literals nil)
782 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
783 (declare (type literal lit))
784 (unless (eq l3 lit)
785 (push lit given-literals)))
786 (let ((clashables
787 ;; (get-literal-entry-from-atom *clash-pos-literals*
788 ;; (literal-atom l3))
789 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom l3) *clash-pos-literals*)
790 )
791 )
792 (dolist (lit-data clashables)
793 (block next
794 (let* (;; (nuc-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
795 (nuc-lit lit-data)
796 (nuc (literal-clause (the literal nuc-lit))))
797 (when (not (negative-clause? nuc))
798 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
799 (unify (literal-atom l3)
800 (literal-atom nuc-lit)
801 nil)
802 (declare (ignore e-equal)
803 (type list new-subst))
804 ;;
805 (when no-match (return-from next)) ; try next
807 ;; found a nucleus
808 (setq nuc-literals nil)
809 (setq clash-start nil
810 last-clash nil)
811 (let ((i 0))
812 (declare (type fixnum i))
813 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
814 (declare (type literal lit))
815 (cond ((eq nuc-lit lit)
816 (setq nuc-pos i))
817 ((or (negative-literal? lit)
818 (answer-literal? lit))
819 (push lit nuc-literals))
820 (t
821 ;; pos literal, put into clash structure
822 (let ((new-clash (make-clash :literal lit
823 :db *clash-neg-literals*)))
824 (declare (type clash new-clash))
825 (if (null clash-start)
826 (setq clash-start new-clash)
827 (progn
828 (setf (clash-prev new-clash)
829 last-clash)
830 (setf (clash-next last-clash)
831 new-clash)))
832 (when (method-is-meta-demod
833 (term-head (literal-atom lit)))
834 (setf (clash-evaluable new-clash) t))
835 (setq last-clash new-clash))))))
836 ;;
837 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
838 new-subst
839 nuc-literals
840 nuc
841 given-literals
842 clause
843 #'negative-clause?
844 :neg-hyper-res-rule
845 nuc-pos)))
846 (when res
847 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res
848 resolvent-list)))
849 ))))) ; block next
850 )) ; done for all possible clash
851 )
852 ) ; done for all literals
853853 )
854854 )
855855 ;; done
856856 (when (pn-flag debug-hyper-res)
857857 (with-output-simple-msg ()
858 (princ "End[neg-hyper-res]")
859 (print-next)
860 (pr-clause-list resolvent-list)))
858 (princ "End[neg-hyper-res]")
859 (print-next)
860 (pr-clause-list resolvent-list)))
861861 ;;
862862 (nreverse resolvent-list)
863863 ))
871871 ;;;
872872 (defun ur-resolution (clause)
873873 (let ((num-lits 0)
874 (resolvent-list nil)
875 (given-literals nil)
876 (clash-start nil)
877 (last-clash nil)
878 (nuc-literals nil)
879 (nuc-pos 0))
874 (resolvent-list nil)
875 (given-literals nil)
876 (clash-start nil)
877 (last-clash nil)
878 (nuc-literals nil)
879 (nuc-pos 0))
880880 (setq num-lits (num-literals clause))
881881 (when (= 0 num-lits)
882882 (return-from ur-resolution nil))
883 (cond ((> num-lits 1) ; given clause is nucleus
884 (setq clash-start nil ; i.e., non-unit clause
885 last-clash nil
886 nuc-literals nil)
887 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
888 (declare (type literal lit))
889 (cond ((answer-literal? lit)
890 (push lit nuc-literals))))
891 ;; setup nlits - 1 empty clash nodes
892 (dotimes (x (1- num-lits))
893 (let ((new-clash (make-clash)))
894 (if (null clash-start)
895 (setq clash-start new-clash)
896 (progn
897 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
898 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
899 (setq last-clash new-clash)))
900 (dolist (box (clause-literals clause))
901 (unless (answer-literal? box)
902 (push box nuc-literals)
903 (let ((c1 clash-start))
904 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
905 (when (and (not (eq lit box)) (not (answer-literal? lit)))
906 (setf (clash-literal c1) lit)
907 (setf (clash-db c1) (if (positive-literal? lit)
908 *clash-neg-literals*
909 *clash-pos-literals*))
910 (setq c1 (clash-next c1))))
911 (when c1
912 (with-output-panic-message ()
913 (princ "ur-res: too many clash nodes (nuc).")))
914 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
915 nil ; subst
916 nuc-literals
917 clause
918 nil
919 nil
920 #'unit-clause?
921 :ur-res-rule
922 nil)))
923 (when res
924 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res resolvent-list))))
925 (pop nuc-literals))))
926 ) ; end of case nucleus
927 ;;
928 (t ; given clause is satellite (unit).
929 ;; collect any answer literal from given satellite
930 ;; and get clashable literal (l3).
931 (let ((l3 nil))
932 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
933 (if (not (answer-literal? lit))
934 (setq l3 lit) ; the only non-answer literal
935 (progn
936 (push lit given-literals))))
937 (let ((clashables
938 #||
939 (get-literal-entry-from-atom (if (positive-literal? l3)
940 *clash-neg-literals*
941 *clash-pos-literals*)
942 (literal-atom l3))
943 ||#
944 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom l3)
945 (if (positive-literal? l3)
946 *clash-neg-literals*
947 *clash-pos-literals*))
948 ))
949 (dolist (lit-data clashables)
950 (block next
951 (let* (;; (nuc-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
952 (nuc-lit lit-data)
953 (nuc (literal-clause nuc-lit))
954 (nlits (num-literals nuc))
955 (new-subst nil)
956 (no-match nil)
957 (e-equal nil))
958 (declare (ignore e-equal))
959 (when (> nlits 1)
960 (multiple-value-setq (new-subst no-match e-equal)
961 (unify (literal-atom l3)
962 (literal-atom nuc-lit)
963 nil))
964 (when no-match (return-from next)) ; try next
965 ;; found a nucleus
966 (setq nuc-literals nil)
967 (setq clash-start nil
968 last-clash nil)
969 ;; put answer literal into nuc-literals
970 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
971 (when (answer-literal? lit)
972 (push lit nuc-literals)))
973 ;; build clash structure for this nucleus
974 ;; nlits - 2 empty clash nodes
975 (dotimes (x (- nlits 2))
976 (let ((new-clash (make-clash)))
977 (if (null clash-start)
978 (setq clash-start new-clash)
979 (progn
980 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
981 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
982 (setq last-clash new-clash))
983 )
984 (dolist (box (clause-literals nuc))
985 (let ((j 1)
986 (c1 nil))
987 ;; if not clashed or answer literal
988 (when (and (not (eq box nuc-lit))
989 (not (answer-literal? box)))
990 (setq c1 clash-start)
991 (push box nuc-literals)
992 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
993 (when (and (not (eq lit box))
994 (not (eq lit nuc-lit))
995 (not (answer-literal? lit)))
996 (setf (clash-literal c1) lit)
997 (setf (clash-db c1) (if (positive-literal? lit)
998 *clash-neg-literals*
999 *clash-pos-literals*))
1000 (setq c1 (clash-next c1))
1001 (incf j))
1002 (when (eq lit nuc-lit)
1003 (setq nuc-pos j))
1004 )
1005 (unless (null c1)
1006 (princ c1)
1007 (break "aho!")
1008 (with-output-panic-message ()
1009 (princ "ur-res: too many clash nodes (sat).")))
1010 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
1011 new-subst
1012 nuc-literals
1013 nuc
1014 given-literals
1015 clause
1016 #'unit-clause?
1017 :ur-res
1018 nuc-pos))
1019 )
1020 (when res
1021 (setq resolvent-list
1022 (nconc res resolvent-list)))
1023 ;;
1024 (pop nuc-literals)))))
1025 ))) ; block next
1026 )) ; done for all possible clash
1027 ) ; end case of satelite
1028 ))
883 (cond ((> num-lits 1) ; given clause is nucleus
884 (setq clash-start nil ; i.e., non-unit clause
885 last-clash nil
886 nuc-literals nil)
887 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
888 (declare (type literal lit))
889 (cond ((answer-literal? lit)
890 (push lit nuc-literals))))
891 ;; setup nlits - 1 empty clash nodes
892 (dotimes (x (1- num-lits))
893 (let ((new-clash (make-clash)))
894 (if (null clash-start)
895 (setq clash-start new-clash)
896 (progn
897 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
898 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
899 (setq last-clash new-clash)))
900 (dolist (box (clause-literals clause))
901 (unless (answer-literal? box)
902 (push box nuc-literals)
903 (let ((c1 clash-start))
904 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
905 (when (and (not (eq lit box)) (not (answer-literal? lit)))
906 (setf (clash-literal c1) lit)
907 (setf (clash-db c1) (if (positive-literal? lit)
908 *clash-neg-literals*
909 *clash-pos-literals*))
910 (setq c1 (clash-next c1))))
911 (when c1
912 (with-output-panic-message ()
913 (princ "ur-res: too many clash nodes (nuc).")))
914 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
915 nil ; subst
916 nuc-literals
917 clause
918 nil
919 nil
920 #'unit-clause?
921 :ur-res-rule
922 nil)))
923 (when res
924 (setq resolvent-list (nconc res resolvent-list))))
925 (pop nuc-literals))))
926 ) ; end of case nucleus
927 ;;
928 (t ; given clause is satellite (unit).
929 ;; collect any answer literal from given satellite
930 ;; and get clashable literal (l3).
931 (let ((l3 nil))
932 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
933 (if (not (answer-literal? lit))
934 (setq l3 lit) ; the only non-answer literal
935 (progn
936 (push lit given-literals))))
937 (let ((clashables
938 #||
939 (get-literal-entry-from-atom (if (positive-literal? l3)
940 *clash-neg-literals*
941 *clash-pos-literals*)
942 (literal-atom l3))
943 ||#
944 (is-fetch-concat (literal-atom l3)
945 (if (positive-literal? l3)
946 *clash-neg-literals*
947 *clash-pos-literals*))
948 ))
949 (dolist (lit-data clashables)
950 (block next
951 (let* (;; (nuc-lit (literal-entry-literal lit-data))
952 (nuc-lit lit-data)
953 (nuc (literal-clause nuc-lit))
954 (nlits (num-literals nuc))
955 (new-subst nil)
956 (no-match nil)
957 (e-equal nil))
958 (declare (ignore e-equal))
959 (when (> nlits 1)
960 (multiple-value-setq (new-subst no-match e-equal)
961 (unify (literal-atom l3)
962 (literal-atom nuc-lit)
963 nil))
964 (when no-match (return-from next)) ; try next
965 ;; found a nucleus
966 (setq nuc-literals nil)
967 (setq clash-start nil
968 last-clash nil)
969 ;; put answer literal into nuc-literals
970 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
971 (when (answer-literal? lit)
972 (push lit nuc-literals)))
973 ;; build clash structure for this nucleus
974 ;; nlits - 2 empty clash nodes
975 (dotimes (x (- nlits 2))
976 (let ((new-clash (make-clash)))
977 (if (null clash-start)
978 (setq clash-start new-clash)
979 (progn
980 (setf (clash-prev new-clash) last-clash)
981 (setf (clash-next last-clash) new-clash)))
982 (setq last-clash new-clash))
983 )
984 (dolist (box (clause-literals nuc))
985 (let ((j 1)
986 (c1 nil))
987 ;; if not clashed or answer literal
988 (when (and (not (eq box nuc-lit))
989 (not (answer-literal? box)))
990 (setq c1 clash-start)
991 (push box nuc-literals)
992 (dolist (lit (clause-literals nuc))
993 (when (and (not (eq lit box))
994 (not (eq lit nuc-lit))
995 (not (answer-literal? lit)))
996 (setf (clash-literal c1) lit)
997 (setf (clash-db c1) (if (positive-literal? lit)
998 *clash-neg-literals*
999 *clash-pos-literals*))
1000 (setq c1 (clash-next c1))
1001 (incf j))
1002 (when (eq lit nuc-lit)
1003 (setq nuc-pos j))
1004 )
1005 (unless (null c1)
1006 (princ c1)
1007 (break "aho!")
1008 (with-output-panic-message ()
1009 (princ "ur-res: too many clash nodes (sat).")))
1010 (let ((res (hyper-clash! clash-start
1011 new-subst
1012 nuc-literals
1013 nuc
1014 given-literals
1015 clause
1016 #'unit-clause?
1017 :ur-res
1018 nuc-pos))
1019 )
1020 (when res
1021 (setq resolvent-list
1022 (nconc res resolvent-list)))
1023 ;;
1024 (pop nuc-literals)))))
1025 ))) ; block next
1026 )) ; done for all possible clash
1027 ) ; end case of satelite
1028 ))
10291029 (nreverse resolvent-list)
10301030 ))
10331033 ;;; BUILD-BIN-RES : Literal1 Literal2 Subst -> Clause
10341034 ;;; - construct a binary resolvent.
10371037 ;;;
10381038 (defun build-bin-res (l1 l2 subst &optional prop)
10391039 (declare (type literal l1 l2)
1040 (type list subst))
1040 (type list subst))
10411041 (let ((new-literals nil)
1042 (new-clause (new-clause *current-psys*)))
1042 (new-clause (new-clause *current-psys*)))
10431043 (declare (type list new-literals)
1044 (type clause new-clause))
1044 (type clause new-clause))
10451045 (flet ((make-bin-res (literal)
1046 (declare (type literal literal))
1047 (dolist (lit (clause-literals (literal-clause literal)))
1048 (declare (type literal lit))
1049 (let ((new-literal nil))
1050 (declare (type (or null literal) new-literal))
1051 (unless (eq literal lit)
1052 (setq new-literal (shallow-copy-literal lit new-clause))
1053 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
1054 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit)))
1055 (push new-literal new-literals))))
1056 ))
1046 (declare (type literal literal))
1047 (dolist (lit (clause-literals (literal-clause literal)))
1048 (declare (type literal lit))
1049 (let ((new-literal nil))
1050 (declare (type (or null literal) new-literal))
1051 (unless (eq literal lit)
1052 (setq new-literal (shallow-copy-literal lit new-clause))
1053 (setf (literal-atom new-literal)
1054 (apply-subst subst (literal-atom lit)))
1055 (push new-literal new-literals))))
1056 ))
10571057 (make-bin-res l1)
10581058 (make-bin-res l2)
10591059 (setf (clause-literals new-clause) new-literals)
10601060 (setf (clause-parents new-clause)
1061 (list (list (if prop
1062 :pbinary-res-rule
1063 :binary-res-rule)
1064 (clause-id (literal-clause l1))
1065 (clause-id (literal-clause l2)))))
1061 (list (list (if prop
1062 :pbinary-res-rule
1063 :binary-res-rule)
1064 (clause-id (literal-clause l1))
1065 (clause-id (literal-clause l2)))))
10661066 new-clause
10671067 )))
10711071 ;;;
10721072 (defun binary-resolution (clause &optional prop-res?)
10731073 (declare (type clause clause)
1074 (values list))
1074 (values list))
10751075 (when (pn-flag debug-binary-res)
10761076 (with-output-msg ()
10771077 (princ "Start[binary-res]:")
10821082 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
10831083 (declare (type literal lit))
10841084 (block next
1085 (when prop-res?
1086 (unless (propositional-literal? lit)
1087 (return-from next nil)))
1088 (cond ((answer-literal? lit)
1089 ;; answer literal -- not yet
1090 )
1091 (t (let ((atom (literal-atom lit))
1092 (db (if (positive-literal? lit)
1093 ;; positive
1094 *clash-neg-literals*
1095 ;; negative
1096 *clash-pos-literals*)))
1097 (declare (type term atom)
1098 (type hash-table db))
1099 (let (;; (clashes (get-literal-entry-from-atom db atom))
1100 (clashes (is-fetch-concat atom db))
1101 (resolvent nil)
1102 (in-subst nil))
1103 (dolist (lit-data clashes)
1104 (declare (type literal lit-data))
1105 (let (;; (clash-atom (literal-entry-atom lit-data))
1106 (clash-atom (literal-atom lit-data))
1107 )
1108 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
1109 (if prop-res?
1110 (prop-unify atom clash-atom)
1111 (unify atom clash-atom in-subst))
1112 (declare (ignore e-equal)
1113 (type list new-subst))
1114 (unless no-match
1115 (when (pn-flag debug-binary-res)
1116 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1117 (format t "** binary-res:(prop-res = ~a )"
1118 (if prop-res? t nil))
1119 (print-next)
1120 (princ "atom = ")
1121 (term-print atom)
1122 (print-next)
1123 (format t "clash = ")
1124 (print-clause (literal-clause
1125 ;; (literal-entry-literal lit-data)
1126 lit-data
1127 ))
1128 (print-next)
1129 (princ "subst = ")
1130 (print-substitution new-subst)
1131 ))
1132 ;;
1133 (setq resolvent
1134 (build-bin-res lit
1135 ;; (literal-entry-literal lit-data)
1136 lit-data
1137 new-subst
1138 prop-res?))
1139 ;; (setq in-subst new-subst)
1140 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
1141 (incf (pn-stat binary-res-gen))
1142 #|| NOT YET
1143 (when (heat-is-on)
1144 (setf (clause-heat-level resolvent)
1145 (1+ (clause-heat-level clause))))
1146 ||#
1147 (let ((pre-res nil))
1148 (setq pre-res (pre-process resolvent nil :sos))
1149 (when pre-res
1150 (push resolvent resolvent-list)))
1151 ))))
1152 ))))
1153 ) ; block next
1154 ) ; end do
1085 (when prop-res?
1086 (unless (propositional-literal? lit)
1087 (return-from next nil)))
1088 (cond ((answer-literal? lit)
1089 ;; answer literal -- not yet
1090 )
1091 (t (let ((atom (literal-atom lit))
1092 (db (if (positive-literal? lit)
1093 ;; positive
1094 *clash-neg-literals*
1095 ;; negative
1096 *clash-pos-literals*)))
1097 (declare (type term atom)
1098 (type hash-table db))
1099 (let (;; (clashes (get-literal-entry-from-atom db atom))
1100 (clashes (is-fetch-concat atom db))
1101 (resolvent nil)
1102 (in-subst nil))
1103 (dolist (lit-data clashes)
1104 (declare (type literal lit-data))
1105 (let (;; (clash-atom (literal-entry-atom lit-data))
1106 (clash-atom (literal-atom lit-data))
1107 )
1108 (multiple-value-bind (new-subst no-match e-equal)
1109 (if prop-res?
1110 (prop-unify atom clash-atom)
1111 (unify atom clash-atom in-subst))
1112 (declare (ignore e-equal)
1113 (type list new-subst))
1114 (unless no-match
1115 (when (pn-flag debug-binary-res)
1116 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1117 (format t "** binary-res:(prop-res = ~a )"
1118 (if prop-res? t nil))
1119 (print-next)
1120 (princ "atom = ")
1121 (term-print atom)
1122 (print-next)
1123 (format t "clash = ")
1124 (print-clause (literal-clause
1125 ;; (literal-entry-literal lit-data)
1126 lit-data
1127 ))
1128 (print-next)
1129 (princ "subst = ")
1130 (print-substitution new-subst)
1131 ))
1132 ;;
1133 (setq resolvent
1134 (build-bin-res lit
1135 ;; (literal-entry-literal lit-data)
1136 lit-data
1137 new-subst
1138 prop-res?))
1139 ;; (setq in-subst new-subst)
1140 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
1141 (incf (pn-stat binary-res-gen))
1142 #|| NOT YET
1143 (when (heat-is-on)
1144 (setf (clause-heat-level resolvent)
1145 (1+ (clause-heat-level clause))))
1146 ||#
1147 (let ((pre-res nil))
1148 (setq pre-res (pre-process resolvent nil :sos))
1149 (when pre-res
1150 (push resolvent resolvent-list)))
1151 ))))
1152 ))))
1153 ) ; block next
1154 ) ; end do
11551155 ;;
11561156 (when (pn-flag debug-binary-res)
11571157 (with-output-msg ()
1158 (princ "End[binary-res]")
1159 (dolist (x (reverse resolvent-list))
1160 (print-next)
1161 (print-clause x))
1162 ))
1158 (princ "End[binary-res]")
1159 (dolist (x (reverse resolvent-list))
1160 (print-next)
1161 (print-clause x))
1162 ))
11631163 ;;
11641164 (nreverse resolvent-list)))
11771177 (defun next-factor (f-struct)
11781178 (declare (type factor f-struct))
11791179 (let ((factored nil)
1180 (a-factor nil)
1181 (subst nil)
1182 (no-match nil)
1183 (e-eq nil))
1180 (a-factor nil)
1181 (subst nil)
1182 (no-match nil)
1183 (e-eq nil))
11841184 (declare (type (or null clause) a-factor)
1185 (type list subst)
1186 (ignore e-eq))
1185 (type list subst)
1186 (ignore e-eq))
11871187 (setq factored
11881188 (block found
1189 (do ((l1 (car (factor-l1p f-struct))
1190 (car (factor-l1p f-struct))))
1191 ((null l1) (return-from found nil))
1192 (declare (type (or null literal) l1))
1193 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct) (cdr (factor-l2p f-struct)))
1194 (do ((l2 (car (factor-l2p f-struct))
1195 (car (factor-l2p f-struct))))
1196 ((null l2))
1197 (declare (type (or null literal) l2))
1198 (if (eq (literal-sign l1) (literal-sign l2))
1199 (progn
1200 (multiple-value-setq (subst no-match e-eq)
1201 (unify (literal-atom l1)
1202 (literal-atom l2)
1203 nil))
1204 (if no-match
1205 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct)
1206 (cdr (factor-l2p f-struct)))
1207 ;; found a factor
1208 (return-from found t)))
1209 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct)
1210 (cdr (factor-l2p f-struct)))))
1211 ;;
1212 (setf (factor-l1p f-struct) (cdr (factor-l1p f-struct)))
1213 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct) (factor-l1p f-struct)))
1214 ;; failed
1215 nil
1216 ))
1189 (do ((l1 (car (factor-l1p f-struct))
1190 (car (factor-l1p f-struct))))
1191 ((null l1) (return-from found nil))
1192 (declare (type (or null literal) l1))
1193 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct) (cdr (factor-l2p f-struct)))
1194 (do ((l2 (car (factor-l2p f-struct))
1195 (car (factor-l2p f-struct))))
1196 ((null l2))
1197 (declare (type (or null literal) l2))
1198 (if (eq (literal-sign l1) (literal-sign l2))
1199 (progn
1200 (multiple-value-setq (subst no-match e-eq)
1201 (unify (literal-atom l1)
1202 (literal-atom l2)
1203 nil))
1204 (if no-match
1205 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct)
1206 (cdr (factor-l2p f-struct)))
1207 ;; found a factor
1208 (return-from found t)))
1209 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct)
1210 (cdr (factor-l2p f-struct)))))
1211 ;;
1212 (setf (factor-l1p f-struct) (cdr (factor-l1p f-struct)))
1213 (setf (factor-l2p f-struct) (factor-l1p f-struct)))
1214 ;; failed
1215 nil
1216 ))
12171217 ;;
12181218 (when factored
12191219 (let* ((lit2 (car (factor-l2p f-struct))) ; clause to be excluded
1220 (clause (factor-clause f-struct))
1221 ;;(new-vars-list (make-var-mapping (clause-variables clause)))
1222 )
1223 (declare (type literal lit2)
1224 (type clause clause))
1225 (setq a-factor
1226 (cl-unique-variables
1227 (copy-clause (make-clause-shallow-copy clause (list lit2))
1228 *current-psys*
1229 #'(lambda (lit)
1230 (declare (type literal lit))
1231 (let ((new-lit
1232 (copy-literal lit
1233 nil
1234 ;; new-vars-list
1235 nil
1236 subst)))
1237 (declare (type literal new-lit))
1238 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
1239 oriented-eq-bit)
1240 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits new-lit)
1241 oriented-eq-bit))
1242 new-lit))
1243 )))
1244 ))
1220 (clause (factor-clause f-struct))
1221 ;;(new-vars-list (make-var-mapping (clause-variables clause)))
1222 )
1223 (declare (type literal lit2)
1224 (type clause clause))
1225 (setq a-factor
1226 (cl-unique-variables
1227 (copy-clause (make-clause-shallow-copy clause (list lit2))
1228 *current-psys*
1229 #'(lambda (lit)
1230 (declare (type literal lit))
1231 (let ((new-lit
1232 (copy-literal lit
1233 nil
1234 ;; new-vars-list
1235 nil
1236 subst)))
1237 (declare (type literal new-lit))
1238 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
1239 oriented-eq-bit)
1240 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits new-lit)
1241 oriented-eq-bit))
1242 new-lit))
1243 )))
1244 ))
12451245 ;;
12461246 (when (pn-flag debug-infer)
12471247 (when a-factor
1248 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1249 (princ "*FACTOR: ")
1250 (print-clause a-factor))))
1248 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1249 (princ "*FACTOR: ")
1250 (print-clause a-factor))))
12511251 ;;
12521252 a-factor))
12591259 (let ((factors nil))
12601260 (declare (type list factors))
12611261 (do* ((lits (clause-literals clause) (cdr lits))
1262 (lit1 (car lits) (car lits)))
1263 ((null (cdr lits)))
1262 (lit1 (car lits) (car lits)))
1263 ((null (cdr lits)))
12641264 (declare (type list lits)
1265 (type literal lit1))
1265 (type literal lit1))
12661266 (dolist (lit2 (cdr lits))
1267 (declare (type literal lit2))
1268 (when (eq (literal-sign lit1) (literal-sign lit2))
1269 (multiple-value-bind (subst no-match e-eq)
1270 (unify (literal-atom lit1) (literal-atom lit2))
1271 (declare (ignore e-eq)
1272 (type list subst))
1273 (unless no-match
1274 (let ((a-factor (make-clause-shallow-copy clause
1275 (list lit2)))
1276 ;; (new-vars-list (make-var-mapping (clause-variables clause)))
1277 )
1278 (declare (type clause a-factor))
1279 (setq a-factor (copy-clause
1280 a-factor
1281 *current-psys*
1282 #'(lambda (lit)
1283 (let ((new-lit (copy-literal
1284 lit
1285 nil
1286 nil
1287 subst)))
1288 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
1289 oriented-eq-bit)
1290 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits new-lit)
1291 oriented-eq-bit))
1292 new-lit))
1293 ))
1294 (push (cl-unique-variables a-factor) factors)))))))
1267 (declare (type literal lit2))
1268 (when (eq (literal-sign lit1) (literal-sign lit2))
1269 (multiple-value-bind (subst no-match e-eq)
1270 (unify (literal-atom lit1) (literal-atom lit2))
1271 (declare (ignore e-eq)
1272 (type list subst))
1273 (unless no-match
1274 (let ((a-factor (make-clause-shallow-copy clause
1275 (list lit2)))
1276 ;; (new-vars-list (make-var-mapping (clause-variables clause)))
1277 )
1278 (declare (type clause a-factor))
1279 (setq a-factor (copy-clause
1280 a-factor
1281 *current-psys*
1282 #'(lambda (lit)
1283 (let ((new-lit (copy-literal
1284 lit
1285 nil
1286 nil
1287 subst)))
1288 (when (test-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
1289 oriented-eq-bit)
1290 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits new-lit)
1291 oriented-eq-bit))
1292 new-lit))
1293 ))
1294 (push (cl-unique-variables a-factor) factors)))))))
12951295 (nreverse factors)))
12971297 ;;; ALL-FACTORS
12991299 ;;;
13001300 (defun all-factors (clause list)
13011301 (declare (type clause clause)
1302 (type symbol list))
1302 (type symbol list))
13031303 (let ((factors (get-factors clause)))
13041304 (declare (type list factors))
13051305 (dolist (a-factor factors)
13061306 (declare (type clause a-factor))
13071307 (setf (clause-parents a-factor)
1308 (list (list :factor-rule (clause-id clause))))
1308 (list (list :factor-rule (clause-id clause))))
13091309 (incf (pn-stat cl-generated))
13101310 (incf (pn-stat factor-gen))
13111311 (pre-process a-factor nil list))
13171317 (defun factor-simplify (clause)
13181318 (declare (type clause clause)
1319 (values (or null fixnum)))
1319 (values (or null fixnum)))
13201320 (let ((f-struct (make-factor :clause clause
1321 :l1p (clause-literals clause)
1322 :l2p (clause-literals clause)))
1323 (num 0)
1324 (a-factor nil)
1325 )
1321 :l1p (clause-literals clause)
1322 :l2p (clause-literals clause)))
1323 (num 0)
1324 (a-factor nil)
1325 )
13261326 (declare (type fixnum num)
1327 (type factor f-struct)
1328 (type (or null clause) a-factor))
1327 (type factor f-struct)
1328 (type (or null clause) a-factor))
13291329 (setq a-factor (next-factor f-struct))
13301330 (loop (unless a-factor (return))
13311331 (if (subsume? a-factor clause)
1332 (let ((f-lits (clause-literals a-factor))
1333 (c-lits (clause-literals clause)))
1334 (declare (type list f-lits c-lits))
1335 (incf num)
1336 ;; swap literals
1337 (setf (clause-literals a-factor) c-lits)
1338 (setf (clause-literals clause) f-lits)
1339 (dolist (l (clause-literals a-factor))
1340 (setf (literal-clause l) a-factor))
1341 (dolist (l (clause-literals clause))
1342 (setf (literal-clause l) clause))
1343 #||
1344 (setf (clause-parents clause)
1345 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
1346 (list (list :factor-simp-rule (clause-id a-factor)))))
1347 ||#
1348 (setf (clause-parents clause)
1349 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
1350 (list (list :factor-simp-rule))))
1351 ;;
1352 (delete-clause a-factor *current-psys*)
1353 ;;
1354 (setf (factor-l1p f-struct) (clause-literals clause)
1355 (factor-l2p f-struct) (clause-literals clause))
1356 (setq a-factor (next-factor f-struct))
1357 )
1358 ;; cl_del_non(factor)
1359 (progn
1360 (delete-clause a-factor *current-psys*)
1361 (setq a-factor (next-factor f-struct)))
1362 ))
1332 (let ((f-lits (clause-literals a-factor))
1333 (c-lits (clause-literals clause)))
1334 (declare (type list f-lits c-lits))
1335 (incf num)
1336 ;; swap literals
1337 (setf (clause-literals a-factor) c-lits)
1338 (setf (clause-literals clause) f-lits)
1339 (dolist (l (clause-literals a-factor))
1340 (setf (literal-clause l) a-factor))
1341 (dolist (l (clause-literals clause))
1342 (setf (literal-clause l) clause))
1343 #||
1344 (setf (clause-parents clause)
1345 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
1346 (list (list :factor-simp-rule (clause-id a-factor)))))
1347 ||#
1348 (setf (clause-parents clause)
1349 (nconc (clause-parents clause)
1350 (list (list :factor-simp-rule))))
1351 ;;
1352 (delete-clause a-factor *current-psys*)
1353 ;;
1354 (setf (factor-l1p f-struct) (clause-literals clause)
1355 (factor-l2p f-struct) (clause-literals clause))
1356 (setq a-factor (next-factor f-struct))
1357 )
1358 ;; cl_del_non(factor)
1359 (progn
1360 (delete-clause a-factor *current-psys*)
1361 (setq a-factor (next-factor f-struct)))
1362 ))
13631363 ;;
13641364 num ))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:sigmatch.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:sigmatch.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;;
4242 ;;; NOTE: This matcher is NOT generic one. It is specialized for
4343 ;;; matching between behavioural specs:
4444 ;;; assumes that data types (visible sorts) are fixed
6969 (defun sigmatch-set-all-ops (sst)
7070 (declare (type sigmatch-set sst)
71 (values list))
71 (values list))
7272 (let ((ops nil))
7373 (dolist (m (sigmatch-set-methods sst))
7474 (push m ops))
8383 (defun create-sigmatch-set (module)
8484 (declare (type module module)
85 (values list))
85 (values list))
8686 (with-in-module (module)
8787 (let ((sorts (module-all-sorts module))
88 (attributes (module-beh-attributes module))
89 (hidden-objects nil))
88 (attributes (module-beh-attributes module))
89 (hidden-objects nil))
9090 (declare (type list sorts attributes hidden-objects))
9191 (dolist (s sorts)
92 (declare (type sort* s))
93 (when (and (sort-is-hidden s)
94 (not (or (sort= s *huniversal-sort*)
95 (sort= s *hbottom-sort*))))
96 (push (make-sigmatch-set :sort s :module module)
97 hidden-objects)))
92 (declare (type sort* s))
93 (when (and (sort-is-hidden s)
94 (not (or (sort= s *huniversal-sort*)
95 (sort= s *hbottom-sort*))))
96 (push (make-sigmatch-set :sort s :module module)
97 hidden-objects)))
9898 ;;
9999 (dolist (ho hidden-objects)
100 (let* ((hsort (sigmatch-set-sort ho))
101 (ms (get-all-methods-of-sort hsort module)))
102 (declare (type sort* hsort)
103 (type list ms))
104 (dolist (m ms)
105 (declare (type method m))
106 (if (method-is-behavioural m)
107 (push m (sigmatch-set-methods ho))
108 (if (and (method-arity m)
109 (memq hsort (method-arity m)))
110 (push m (sigmatch-set-ops ho))
111 (push m (sigmatch-set-consts ho)))))
112 (dolist (atr attributes)
113 (declare (type method atr))
114 (when (memq hsort (method-arity atr))
115 (push atr (sigmatch-set-attributes ho))))
116 ))
100 (let* ((hsort (sigmatch-set-sort ho))
101 (ms (get-all-methods-of-sort hsort module)))
102 (declare (type sort* hsort)
103 (type list ms))
104 (dolist (m ms)
105 (declare (type method m))
106 (if (method-is-behavioural m)
107 (push m (sigmatch-set-methods ho))
108 (if (and (method-arity m)
109 (memq hsort (method-arity m)))
110 (push m (sigmatch-set-ops ho))
111 (push m (sigmatch-set-consts ho)))))
112 (dolist (atr attributes)
113 (declare (type method atr))
114 (when (memq hsort (method-arity atr))
115 (push atr (sigmatch-set-attributes ho))))
116 ))
117117 ;;
118118 hidden-objects
119119 )))
121121 (defun sigmatch (mod1 mod2)
122122 (declare (type module mod1 mod2))
123123 (let* ((ss1 (create-sigmatch-set mod1))
124 (ss2 (create-sigmatch-set mod2))
125 ;; (oal nil)
126 (views nil))
124 (ss2 (create-sigmatch-set mod2))
125 ;; (oal nil)
126 (views nil))
127127 (dolist (s1 ss1)
128128 (declare (type sigmatch-set s1))
129129 (dolist (s2 ss2)
130 (declare (type sigmatch-set s2))
131 (block next
132 (catch 'fail
133 (let ((sal (list (cons (sigmatch-set-sort s1)
134 (sigmatch-set-sort s2))))
135 (sop1 (sigmatch-set-all-ops s1))
136 (sop2 (sigmatch-set-all-ops s2))
137 (omap nil)
138 (ov nil))
139 ;; (declare (type list sal sop1 sop2 omap ov))
140 (when (setq omap (sigmatch-op sop1 sop2 sal))
141 (dolist (om omap)
142 (when (setq ov (generate-sigmatch-view mod1 mod2 sal om))
143 (push ov views))))))
144 )))
130 (declare (type sigmatch-set s2))
131 (block next
132 (catch 'fail
133 (let ((sal (list (cons (sigmatch-set-sort s1)
134 (sigmatch-set-sort s2))))
135 (sop1 (sigmatch-set-all-ops s1))
136 (sop2 (sigmatch-set-all-ops s2))
137 (omap nil)
138 (ov nil))
139 ;; (declare (type list sal sop1 sop2 omap ov))
140 (when (setq omap (sigmatch-op sop1 sop2 sal))
141 (dolist (om omap)
142 (when (setq ov (generate-sigmatch-view mod1 mod2 sal om))
143 (push ov views))))))
144 )))
147147 (defun sigmatch-op (ms1 ms2 sal)
148148 (flet ((sort-arity (arity)
149 (sort arity
150 #'(lambda (x y)
151 (string< (string (sort-name x))
152 (string (sort-name y))))))
153 (sort-list-equal (sl1 sl2)
154 (or (equal sl1 sl2)
155 (do ((sl-1 sl1 (cdr sl-1))
156 (sl-2 sl2 (cdr sl-2)))
157 ((or (null sl-1) (null sl-2))
158 (and (null sl-1) (null sl-2)))
159 (unless (eq (sort-name (car sl-1))
160 (sort-name (car sl-2)))
161 (return-from sort-list-equal nil)))
162 ))
163 (sort-equal (s1 s2)
164 (or (eq s1 s2) (eq (sort-name s1) (sort-name s2))))
165 )
149 (sort arity
150 #'(lambda (x y)
151 (string< (string (sort-name x))
152 (string (sort-name y))))))
153 (sort-list-equal (sl1 sl2)
154 (or (equal sl1 sl2)
155 (do ((sl-1 sl1 (cdr sl-1))
156 (sl-2 sl2 (cdr sl-2)))
157 ((or (null sl-1) (null sl-2))
158 (and (null sl-1) (null sl-2)))
159 (unless (eq (sort-name (car sl-1))
160 (sort-name (car sl-2)))
161 (return-from sort-list-equal nil)))
162 ))
163 (sort-equal (s1 s2)
164 (or (eq s1 s2) (eq (sort-name s1) (sort-name s2))))
165 )
166166 ;;
167167 (let ((rm nil)
168 (om nil))
168 (om nil))
169169 (dolist (m1 ms1)
170170 (let ((found nil))
171 (dolist (m2 ms2)
172 (let ((mp nil))
173 (setq mp (cons m1 m2))
174 (unless (member mp rm :test #'equal)
175 (let ((ar1 nil)
176 (ar2 (sort-arity (copy-list (method-arity m2))))
177 (co1 (or (cdr (assq (method-coarity m1) sal))
178 (method-coarity m1)))
179 (co2 (method-coarity m2))
180 )
181 (dolist (s (method-arity m1))
182 (push (or (cdr (assq s sal)) s)
183 ar1))
184 (setq ar1 (sort-arity ar1))
185 #||
186 (with-output-msg ()
187 (print-chaos-object mp)
188 (format t "~% ar1 = ~s" ar1)
189 (format t "~% ar2 = ~s" ar2)
190 (format t "~% co1 = ~s" co1)
191 (format t "~% co2 = ~s" co2))
192 ||#
193 (when (and (sort-list-equal ar1 ar2)
194 (sort-equal co1 co2))
195 (setq found t)
196 (push mp rm)
197 (push mp om)
198 (return nil))))))
199 ;;
200 (unless found (throw 'fail :not-found))
201 ))
171 (dolist (m2 ms2)
172 (let ((mp nil))
173 (setq mp (cons m1 m2))
174 (unless (member mp rm :test #'equal)
175 (let ((ar1 nil)
176 (ar2 (sort-arity (copy-list (method-arity m2))))
177 (co1 (or (cdr (assq (method-coarity m1) sal))
178 (method-coarity m1)))
179 (co2 (method-coarity m2))
180 )
181 (dolist (s (method-arity m1))
182 (push (or (cdr (assq s sal)) s)
183 ar1))
184 (setq ar1 (sort-arity ar1))
185 #||
186 (with-output-msg ()
187 (print-chaos-object mp)
188 (format t "~% ar1 = ~s" ar1)
189 (format t "~% ar2 = ~s" ar2)
190 (format t "~% co1 = ~s" co1)
191 (format t "~% co2 = ~s" co2))
192 ||#
193 (when (and (sort-list-equal ar1 ar2)
194 (sort-equal co1 co2))
195 (setq found t)
196 (push mp rm)
197 (push mp om)
198 (return nil))))))
199 ;;
200 (unless found (throw 'fail :not-found))
201 ))
202202 (list om))))
204204 (defun make-sigmatch-op-pat (meth mod &optional vm sal)
205205 (flet ((find-match-var (sort)
206 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
207 (let ((tsort (or (car (rassoc sort sal))
208 sort)))
209 (eq (sort-name tsort) (sort-name (variable-sort x)))))
210 vm))
211 )
206 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
207 (let ((tsort (or (car (rassoc sort sal))
208 sort)))
209 (eq (sort-name tsort) (sort-name (variable-sort x)))))
210 vm))
211 )
212212 (with-in-module (mod)
213213 (let ((vars nil))
214 (setq vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
215 (let ((var (find-match-var x))
216 (vn nil))
217 (if var
218 (if (sort= (variable-sort var)
219 x)
220 var
221 (make-variable-term x
222 (variable-name var)
223 (variable-name var)))
224 (progn
225 (setq vn (gensym "_sm"))
226 (make-variable-term x
227 vn
228 vn)))))
229 (method-arity meth)))
214 (setq vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
215 (let ((var (find-match-var x))
216 (vn nil))
217 (if var
218 (if (sort= (variable-sort var)
219 x)
220 var
221 (make-variable-term x
222 (variable-name var)
223 (variable-name var)))
224 (progn
225 (setq vn (gensym "_sm"))
226 (make-variable-term x
227 vn
228 vn)))))
229 (method-arity meth)))
230230 (make-term-with-sort-check meth vars)))))
232232 (defun generate-sigmatch-view (mod1 mod2 sal oal)
233233 (let ((smap nil)
234 (omap nil)
235 (bomap nil)
236 (map nil)
237 (view nil))
234 (omap nil)
235 (bomap nil)
236 (map nil)
237 (view nil))
238238 (dolist (sm sal)
239239 (push (list (sort-name (car sm)) (sort-name (cdr sm)))
240 smap))
240 smap))
241241 (dolist (om oal)
242242 (let ((m1 nil)
243 (vm1 nil)
244 (m2 nil))
245 (setq m1 (make-sigmatch-op-pat (car om) mod1))
246 (setq vm1 (term-variables m1))
247 (setq m2 (make-sigmatch-op-pat (cdr om) mod2 vm1 sal))
248 #||
249 (setq m1 (method-symbol (car om)))
250 (setq m2 (method-symbol (cdr om)))
251 ||#
252 (if (method-is-behavioural (car om))
253 (push (list m1 m2) bomap)
254 (push (list m1 m2) omap))))
243 (vm1 nil)
244 (m2 nil))
245 (setq m1 (make-sigmatch-op-pat (car om) mod1))
246 (setq vm1 (term-variables m1))
247 (setq m2 (make-sigmatch-op-pat (cdr om) mod2 vm1 sal))
248 #||
249 (setq m1 (method-symbol (car om)))
250 (setq m2 (method-symbol (cdr om)))
251 ||#
252 (if (method-is-behavioural (car om))
253 (push (list m1 m2) bomap)
254 (push (list m1 m2) omap))))
255255 (when smap
256256 (push (list '%ren-hsort smap) map))
257257 (when bomap
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:syntax.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:syntax.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4242 ;;;
4343 (defun install-fopl-sentence (mod-name
44 &key (sentence-sort "FoplSentence")
45 (vardecl-sort "VarDeclList")
46 (var-decl-list '("_" "," "_"))
47 (forall '("\\A" "[" "_" "]" "_"))
48 (exists '("\\E" "[" "_" "]" "_"))
49 (and '("_" "&" "_"))
50 (or '("_" "|" "_"))
51 (imply '("_" "->" "_"))
52 (iff '("_" "<->" "_"))
53 (not '("~" "_"))
54 (eq nil)
55 (beq nil))
44 &key (sentence-sort "FoplSentence")
45 (vardecl-sort "VarDeclList")
46 (var-decl-list '("_" "," "_"))
47 (forall '("\\A" "[" "_" "]" "_"))
48 (exists '("\\E" "[" "_" "]" "_"))
49 (and '("_" "&" "_"))
50 (or '("_" "|" "_"))
51 (imply '("_" "->" "_"))
52 (iff '("_" "<->" "_"))
53 (not '("~" "_"))
54 (eq nil)
55 (beq nil))
5656 (let ((fopl-sentence-module (eval-modexp mod-name)))
5757 (cond ((and fopl-sentence-module (not (modexp-is-error fopl-sentence-module)))
58 (setq *fopl-sentence-module* fopl-sentence-module)
59 (setf (module-type *fopl-sentence-module*) :system)
60 ;; setup sorts
61 (let ((fopl-sentence-sort
62 (find-sort-in fopl-sentence-module sentence-sort))
63 (var-decl-list-sort
64 (find-sort-in fopl-sentence-module vardecl-sort)))
65 (if fopl-sentence-sort
66 (setq *fopl-sentence-sort* fopl-sentence-sort)
67 (with-output-panic-message ()
68 (princ "could not find sort FoplSentence")))
69 (if var-decl-list-sort
70 (setq *var-decl-list-sort* var-decl-list-sort)
71 (with-output-panic-message ()
72 (princ "could not find sort VarDeclList")))
73 )
74 ;; set up operators
75 (let ((var-decl-list (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
76 var-decl-list
77 (list *cosmos*
78 *cosmos*)
79 *var-decl-list-sort*))
80 (fopl-forall (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
81 forall
82 (list *cosmos*
83 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
84 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
85 (fopl-exists (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
86 exists
87 (list *cosmos*
88 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
89 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
90 (fopl-and (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
91 and
92 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
93 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
94 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
95 (fopl-or (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
96 or
97 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
98 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
99 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
100 (fopl-imply (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
101 imply
102 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
103 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
104 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
105 (fopl-iff (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
106 iff
107 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
108 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
109 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
110 (fopl-neg (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
111 not
112 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*)
113 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
114 (fopl-eq (if eq
115 (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
116 eq
117 (list *cosmos*
118 *cosmos*)
119 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
120 :none))
121 (fopl-beq (if beq
122 (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
123 beq
124 (list *cosmos*
125 *cosmos*)
126 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
127 :none))
128 )
129 ;;
130 (if (eq fopl-beq :none)
131 (setq *fopl-two-equalities* nil)
132 (setq *fopl-two-equalities* t))
133 ;;
134 (if (and var-decl-list fopl-forall fopl-exists fopl-and fopl-or
135 fopl-imply fopl-iff fopl-neg fopl-eq fopl-beq)
136 (setq *var-decl-list* var-decl-list
137 *fopl-forall* fopl-forall
138 *fopl-exists* fopl-exists
139 *fopl-and* fopl-and
140 *fopl-or* fopl-or
141 *fopl-imply* fopl-imply
142 *fopl-iff* fopl-iff
143 *fopl-neg* fopl-neg
144 *fopl-eq* (if (not (eq fopl-eq :none))
145 fopl-eq
146 nil)
147 *fopl-beq* (if (not (eq fopl-beq :none))
148 fopl-beq
149 nil))
150 (with-output-panic-message ()
151 (princ "could not install some operators in FoplSentence"))))
152 )
153 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
154 (princ "could not find FoplSentece module")))
155 )))
58 (setq *fopl-sentence-module* fopl-sentence-module)
59 (setf (module-type *fopl-sentence-module*) :system)
60 ;; setup sorts
61 (let ((fopl-sentence-sort
62 (find-sort-in fopl-sentence-module sentence-sort))
63 (var-decl-list-sort
64 (find-sort-in fopl-sentence-module vardecl-sort)))
65 (if fopl-sentence-sort
66 (setq *fopl-sentence-sort* fopl-sentence-sort)
67 (with-output-panic-message ()
68 (princ "could not find sort FoplSentence")))
69 (if var-decl-list-sort
70 (setq *var-decl-list-sort* var-decl-list-sort)
71 (with-output-panic-message ()
72 (princ "could not find sort VarDeclList")))
73 )
74 ;; set up operators
75 (let ((var-decl-list (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
76 var-decl-list
77 (list *cosmos*
78 *cosmos*)
79 *var-decl-list-sort*))
80 (fopl-forall (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
81 forall
82 (list *cosmos*
83 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
84 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
85 (fopl-exists (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
86 exists
87 (list *cosmos*
88 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
89 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
90 (fopl-and (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
91 and
92 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
93 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
94 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
95 (fopl-or (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
96 or
97 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
98 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
99 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
100 (fopl-imply (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
101 imply
102 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
103 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
104 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
105 (fopl-iff (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
106 iff
107 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*
108 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
109 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
110 (fopl-neg (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
111 not
112 (list *fopl-sentence-sort*)
113 *fopl-sentence-sort*))
114 (fopl-eq (if eq
115 (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
116 eq
117 (list *cosmos*
118 *cosmos*)
119 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
120 :none))
121 (fopl-beq (if beq
122 (find-method-in fopl-sentence-module
123 beq
124 (list *cosmos*
125 *cosmos*)
126 *fopl-sentence-sort*)
127 :none))
128 )
129 ;;
130 (if (eq fopl-beq :none)
131 (setq *fopl-two-equalities* nil)
132 (setq *fopl-two-equalities* t))
133 ;;
134 (if (and var-decl-list fopl-forall fopl-exists fopl-and fopl-or
135 fopl-imply fopl-iff fopl-neg fopl-eq fopl-beq)
136 (setq *var-decl-list* var-decl-list
137 *fopl-forall* fopl-forall
138 *fopl-exists* fopl-exists
139 *fopl-and* fopl-and
140 *fopl-or* fopl-or
141 *fopl-imply* fopl-imply
142 *fopl-iff* fopl-iff
143 *fopl-neg* fopl-neg
144 *fopl-eq* (if (not (eq fopl-eq :none))
145 fopl-eq
146 nil)
147 *fopl-beq* (if (not (eq fopl-beq :none))
148 fopl-beq
149 nil))
150 (with-output-panic-message ()
151 (princ "could not install some operators in FoplSentence"))))
152 )
153 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
154 (princ "could not find FoplSentece module")))
155 )))
157157 (defun install-fopl-clause ()
158158 (let ((fopl-clause-module (eval-modexp "FOPL-CLAUSE")))
159159 (let ((answer-method (find-method-in fopl-clause-module
160 '("$Ans")
161 (list *cosmos*)
162 *bool-sort*)))
160 '("$Ans")
161 (list *cosmos*)
162 *bool-sort*)))
163163 (unless answer-method
164 (with-output-panic-message ()
165 (princ "could not install $Ans.")))
164 (with-output-panic-message ()
165 (princ "could not install $Ans.")))
166166 (setq *fopl-ans* answer-method))))
168168 ;;; NOT USED
169169 (defun install-fopl-clause-form ()
170170 (let ((fopl-clause-form-module (eval-modexp "FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM")))
171171 (cond ((and fopl-clause-form-module
172 (not (modexp-is-error fopl-clause-form-module)))
173 (setq *fopl-clause-form-module* fopl-clause-form-module)
174 ;; setup sorts
175 (let ((fopl-clause-sort (find-sort-in fopl-clause-form-module
176 "FoplClause"))
177 (fopl-sentence-seq-sort (find-sort-in fopl-clause-form-module
178 "FoplSentenceSeq")))
179 (if (and fopl-clause-sort fopl-sentence-seq-sort)
180 (setq *fopl-clause-sort* fopl-clause-sort
181 *fopl-sentence-seq-sort* fopl-sentence-seq-sort)
182 (with-output-panic-message ()
183 (princ "could not install some sorts of FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM"))))
184 ;; setup operators
185 (let ((clause-constructor (find-method-in fopl-clause-form-module
186 '("[" "_" "]")
187 (list *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*)
188 *fopl-clause-sort*))
189 (clause-constructor2 (find-method-in
190 fopl-clause-form-module
191 '("!" "[" "_" "]")
192 (list *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*)
193 *fopl-clause-sort*))
194 (fopl-sentence-seq (find-method-in
195 fopl-clause-form-module
196 '("_" ";" "_")
197 (list *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*
198 *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*)
199 *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*))
200 )
201 (if (and clause-constructor clause-constructor2
202 fopl-sentence-seq)
203 (setq *clause-constructor* clause-constructor
204 *clause-constructor2* clause-constructor2
205 *fopl-sentence-seq* fopl-sentence-seq)
206 (with-output-panic-message ()
207 (princ "could not install some operators in FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM")))
208 ))
209 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
210 (princ "could not find FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM")))
211 )))
172 (not (modexp-is-error fopl-clause-form-module)))
173 (setq *fopl-clause-form-module* fopl-clause-form-module)
174 ;; setup sorts
175 (let ((fopl-clause-sort (find-sort-in fopl-clause-form-module
176 "FoplClause"))
177 (fopl-sentence-seq-sort (find-sort-in fopl-clause-form-module
178 "FoplSentenceSeq")))
179 (if (and fopl-clause-sort fopl-sentence-seq-sort)
180 (setq *fopl-clause-sort* fopl-clause-sort
181 *fopl-sentence-seq-sort* fopl-sentence-seq-sort)
182 (with-output-panic-message ()
183 (princ "could not install some sorts of FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM"))))
184 ;; setup operators
185 (let ((clause-constructor (find-method-in fopl-clause-form-module
186 '("[" "_" "]")
187 (list *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*)
188 *fopl-clause-sort*))
189 (clause-constructor2 (find-method-in
190 fopl-clause-form-module
191 '("!" "[" "_" "]")
192 (list *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*)
193 *fopl-clause-sort*))
194 (fopl-sentence-seq (find-method-in
195 fopl-clause-form-module
196 '("_" ";" "_")
197 (list *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*
198 *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*)
199 *fopl-sentence-seq-sort*))
200 )
201 (if (and clause-constructor clause-constructor2
202 fopl-sentence-seq)
203 (setq *clause-constructor* clause-constructor
204 *clause-constructor2* clause-constructor2
205 *fopl-sentence-seq* fopl-sentence-seq)
206 (with-output-panic-message ()
207 (princ "could not install some operators in FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM")))
208 ))
209 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
210 (princ "could not find FOPL-CLAUSE-FORM")))
211 )))
213213 ;;; ***************
215215 ;;; ***************
217 #|
218 (defun fopl-sentence-type (sentence)
219 (cond ((term-is-variable? sentence)
220 :atom)
221 ((term-is-application-form? sentence)
222 (let ((head (term-head sentence)))
223 (cond ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-forall*)
224 :forall)
225 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-exists*)
226 :exists)
227 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-and*)
228 :and)
229 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-or*)
230 :or)
231 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-imply*)
232 :imply)
233 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-iff*)
234 :iff)
235 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-neg*)
236 :not)
237 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-eq*)
238 :eq)
239 ((method-is-of-same-operator head *fopl-beq*)
240 :beq)
241 (t :atom))))
242 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
243 (princ "sentence-type accepted a illegual sentence")
244 (print-chaos-object sentence)))
245 ))
246 |#
248 #||
249217 (defun fopl-sentence-type (sentence)
250218 (declare (type term sentence)
251 (values symbol))
252 (cond ((term-is-variable? sentence) :atom)
253 ((term-is-builtin-constant? sentence) :atom)
254 ((term-is-lisp-form? sentence) :atom)
255 ((term-is-application-form? sentence)
256 (let ((head (term-head sentence)))
257 (cond ((eq head *fopl-forall*) :forall)
258 ((eq head *fopl-exists*) :exists)
259 ((eq head *fopl-and*) :and)
260 ((eq head *fopl-or*) :or)
261 ((eq head *fopl-imply*) :imply)
262 ((eq head *fopl-iff*) :iff)
263 ((eq head *fopl-neg*) :not)
264 ((eq head *fopl-eq*) :eq)
265 ((eq head *fopl-beq*) :beq)
266 (t :atom))))
267 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
268 (princ "sentence-type accepted a illegual sentence")
269 (print-chaos-object sentence)))
270 ))
271 ||#
273 (defun fopl-sentence-type (sentence)
274 (declare (type term sentence)
275 (values symbol))
219 (values symbol))
276220 (cond ((term-is-application-form? sentence)
277 (let ((head (term-head sentence)))
278 (cond ((eq head *fopl-forall*) :forall)
279 ((eq head *fopl-exists*) :exists)
280 ((eq head *fopl-and*) :and)
281 ((eq head *fopl-or*) :or)
282 ((eq head *fopl-imply*) :imply)
283 ((eq head *fopl-iff*) :iff)
284 ((eq head *fopl-neg*) :not)
285 ((eq head *fopl-eq*) :eq)
286 ((eq head *fopl-beq*) :beq)
287 (t :atom))))
288 (t :atom)
289 ))
221 (let ((head (term-head sentence)))
222 (cond ((eq head *fopl-forall*) :forall)
223 ((eq head *fopl-exists*) :exists)
224 ((eq head *fopl-and*) :and)
225 ((eq head *fopl-or*) :or)
226 ((eq head *fopl-imply*) :imply)
227 ((eq head *fopl-iff*) :iff)
228 ((eq head *fopl-neg*) :not)
229 ((eq head *fopl-eq*) :eq)
230 ((eq head *fopl-beq*) :beq)
231 (t :atom))))
232 (t :atom)
233 ))
291235 (declaim (inline fopl-forall?
292 fopl-exists?
293 fopl-and?
294 fopl-or?
295 fopl-imply?
296 fopl-iff?
297 fopl-not?
298 fopl-eq?
299 fopl-beq?
300 ))
236 fopl-exists?
237 fopl-and?
238 fopl-or?
239 fopl-imply?
240 fopl-iff?
241 fopl-not?
242 fopl-eq?
243 fopl-beq?
244 ))
301245 (defun fopl-forall? (f)
302246 (declare (type term f))
303247 (and (term-is-application-form? f)
339283 ;;;
340284 (defun is-valid-formula? (term mod)
341285 (declare (type term term)
342 (type (or null module) mod))
286 (type (or null module) mod))
343287 (unless mod
344288 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
345289 (princ "is-valid-formua?: called with no context module given, this should not happen.")))
346290 (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort term)
347 *fopl-sentence-sort*
348 (module-sort-order mod)))
291 *fopl-sentence-sort*
292 (module-sort-order mod)))
350294 ;;;
353297 (defun check-fopl-syntax (fopl-sentence &optional report-error)
354298 (declare (type term fopl-sentence))
355299 (if (and (term? fopl-sentence)
356 (is-valid-formula? fopl-sentence *current-module*))
300 (is-valid-formula? fopl-sentence *current-module*))
357301 (check-fopl-syntax-aux fopl-sentence report-error)
358302 (if report-error
359 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sentence)
360 (princ "encoutered with illegal sentence: ")
361 (print-next)
362 (print-chaos-object fopl-sentence))
303 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sentence)
304 (princ "encoutered with illegal sentence: ")
305 (print-next)
306 (print-chaos-object fopl-sentence))
363307 nil)))
365309 (defun check-fopl-syntax-aux (fopl-sentence report-error)
366310 (labels ((check-var-decl (var-decl)
367 (cond ((term-is-variable? var-decl)
368 t)
369 ((and (term-is-application-form? var-decl)
370 (term-subterms var-decl))
371 (let ((top (term-head var-decl)))
372 (or (and (method-is-of-same-operator top
373 *var-decl-list*)
374 (every #'(lambda (x) (check-var-decl x))
375 (term-subterms var-decl)))
376 (if report-error
377 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
378 (princ "invaid formula: ")
379 (print-chaos-object fopl-sentence))
380 nil))))
381 (t (if report-error
382 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
383 (princ "encounterd with illegal formula")
384 (print-chaos-object fopl-sentence))
385 nil)))))
311 (cond ((term-is-variable? var-decl)
312 t)
313 ((and (term-is-application-form? var-decl)
314 (term-subterms var-decl))
315 (let ((top (term-head var-decl)))
316 (or (and (method-is-of-same-operator top
317 *var-decl-list*)
318 (every #'(lambda (x) (check-var-decl x))
319 (term-subterms var-decl)))
320 (if report-error
321 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
322 (princ "invaid formula: ")
323 (print-chaos-object fopl-sentence))
324 nil))))
325 (t (if report-error
326 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-formula)
327 (princ "encounterd with illegal formula")
328 (print-chaos-object fopl-sentence))
329 nil)))))
386330 ;;
387331 (if (term-is-application-form? fopl-sentence)
388 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type fopl-sentence)))
389 (case type
390 (:atom t)
391 ((:forall :exists)
392 (and (check-var-decl (term-arg-1 fopl-sentence))
393 (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-2 fopl-sentence)
394 report-error)))
395 (:not
396 (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-1 fopl-sentence)
397 report-error))
398 (otherwise
399 (and (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-1 fopl-sentence)
400 report-error)
401 (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-2 fopl-sentence)
402 report-error)))))
332 (let ((type (fopl-sentence-type fopl-sentence)))
333 (case type
334 (:atom t)
335 ((:forall :exists)
336 (and (check-var-decl (term-arg-1 fopl-sentence))
337 (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-2 fopl-sentence)
338 report-error)))
339 (:not
340 (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-1 fopl-sentence)
341 report-error))
342 (otherwise
343 (and (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-1 fopl-sentence)
344 report-error)
345 (check-fopl-syntax-aux (term-arg-2 fopl-sentence)
346 report-error)))))
403347 t)
404348 ))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:types.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:types.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4040 ;;; *********************
41 ;;; BASIC Data Structures
41 ;;; BASIC Data Structures
4242 ;;; *********************
4444 #-(or draft-ansi-cl-2 ansi-cl :clisp)
6262 (defun list->queue (list)
6363 (cons list
64 (last list)))
64 (last list)))
6666 (defmacro queue-front-ptr (q)
6767 `(car ,q))
8686 (defun queue-insert (q item)
8787 (let ((new-pair (cons item nil)))
8888 (cond ((empty-queue? q)
89 (queue-set-front-ptr q new-pair)
90 (queue-set-rear-ptr q new-pair)
91 q)
92 (t
93 (setf (cdr (queue-rear-ptr q)) new-pair)
94 (queue-set-rear-ptr q new-pair)
95 q))))
89 (queue-set-front-ptr q new-pair)
90 (queue-set-rear-ptr q new-pair)
91 q)
92 (t
93 (setf (cdr (queue-rear-ptr q)) new-pair)
94 (queue-set-rear-ptr q new-pair)
95 q))))
9797 (defun delete-queue (q)
9898 (cond ((empty-queue? q) nil)
99 (t (queue-set-front-ptr q
100 (cdr (queue-front-ptr q))))))
99 (t (queue-set-front-ptr q
100 (cdr (queue-front-ptr q))))))
102102 ;;; =======
103103 ;;; LITERAL
104104 ;;; =======
105105 (defstruct (literal (:print-function pr-literal) (:copier nil))
106 (clause nil :type (or null clause)) ; containing clause
107 (atom nil :type (or null term)) ; the body -- term
108 (sign t :type symbol) ; nil if negation
109 (type nil :type symbol) ; :pos-eq, :neg-eq, :evaluable
110 ; :conditional-demod
111 ; :normal-atom
112 (stat-bits 0 :type fixnum) ; various bit flags
106 (clause nil :type (or null clause)) ; containing clause
107 (atom nil :type (or null term)) ; the body -- term
108 (sign t :type symbol) ; nil if negation
109 (type nil :type symbol) ; :pos-eq, :neg-eq, :evaluable
110 ; :conditional-demod
111 ; :normal-atom
112 (stat-bits 0 :type fixnum) ; various bit flags
113113 )
115115 ;;; STAT-BITS
167167 (defmacro eq-literal? (literal)
168168 (once-only (literal)
169169 `(or (positive-eq-literal? ,literal)
170 (negative-eq-literal? ,literal))))
170 (negative-eq-literal? ,literal))))
173173 ;;;
182182 #||
183183 (defun pr-literal (lit stream &rest ignore)
184184 (declare (type literal lit)
185 (type stream stream)
186 (ignore ignore))
185 (type stream stream)
186 (ignore ignore))
187187 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. .printed-vars-so-far.))
188188 (unless (literal-sign lit)
189189 (princ "~(" stream)
190190 (setq .file-col. (1+ .file-col.)))
191 (with-in-module ((or *current-module* *last-module*))
191 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
192192 (cond ((eq-literal? lit)
193 (let* ((lhs (term-arg-1 (literal-atom lit)))
194 (rhs (term-arg-2 (literal-atom lit)))
195 (*print-indent* *print-indent*))
196 (setq *print-indent* (max *print-indent*
197 .file-col.))
198 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
199 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
200 (term-print lhs stream)))
201 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
202 (princ " = ")
203 #||
204 (if (print-check 0 30) ; 30?
205 (princ "= ")
206 (princ " = "))
207 ||#
208 (setq *print-indent*
209 (max *print-indent*
210 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))))
211 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
212 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
213 (term-print rhs stream)))
214 ))
215 (t (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
216 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
217 (term-print (literal-atom lit) stream))))
218 )
193 (let* ((lhs (term-arg-1 (literal-atom lit)))
194 (rhs (term-arg-2 (literal-atom lit)))
195 (*print-indent* *print-indent*))
196 (setq *print-indent* (max *print-indent*
197 .file-col.))
198 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
199 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
200 (term-print lhs stream)))
201 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
202 (princ " = ")
203 #||
204 (if (print-check 0 30) ; 30?
205 (princ "= ")
206 (princ " = "))
207 ||#
208 (setq *print-indent*
209 (max *print-indent*
210 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))))
211 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
212 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
213 (term-print rhs stream)))
214 ))
215 (t (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
216 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
217 (term-print (literal-atom lit) stream))))
218 )
219219 )
220220 (unless (literal-sign lit)
221221 (princ ")" stream))
226226 (defun pr-literal (lit stream &rest ignore)
227227 (declare (type literal lit)
228 (type stream stream)
229 (ignore ignore))
228 (type stream stream)
229 (ignore ignore))
230230 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. .printed-vars-so-far.))
231231 (unless (literal-sign lit)
232232 (princ "~(" stream)
233233 (setq .file-col. (1+ .file-col.)))
234 (with-in-module ((or *current-module* *last-module*))
234 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
235235 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
236 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
237 (term-print (literal-atom lit) stream))))
236 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
237 (term-print (literal-atom lit) stream))))
238238 (unless (literal-sign lit)
239239 (princ ")" stream))
240 .printed-vars-so-far.)
241 )
240 .printed-vars-so-far.))
243242 ;;;
244243 ;;; some gobal flags
283282 ;;; ======
285284 (defstruct (clause (:print-function print-clause)
286 ;; copier is defined in `clause.lisp'
287 (:copier nil))
288 (parents nil :type list) ; parents produces this clause
289 (literals nil :type list) ; list of literal
285 ;; copier is defined in `clause.lisp'
286 (:copier nil))
287 (parents nil :type list) ; parents produces this clause
288 (literals nil :type list) ; list of literal
290289 (id -1 :type fixnum)
291290 (pick-weight -1 :type fixnum)
292291 (attributes nil :type list)
293292 (type nil :type symbol)
294293 (bits 0 :type fixnum)
295294 (heat-level 0 :type fixnum)
296 (formula nil :type (or null term)) ; original formula
297 (axiom nil :type (or null axiom)) ; derived axiom if any.
298 (container nil :type symbol) ; containing list, one of
299 ; :sos, :usable, :other...
295 (formula nil :type (or null term)) ; original formula
296 (axiom nil :type (or null axiom)) ; derived axiom if any.
297 (container nil :type symbol) ; containing list, one of
298 ; :sos, :usable, :other...
300299 )
302301 ;;; GET-CLAUSE : id -> Clause
337336 (defun print-clause (cl &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
338337 (declare (type clause cl)
339 (type stream stream)
340 (ignore ignore))
338 (type stream stream)
339 (ignore ignore))
341340 (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
342 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil)
343 (*print-xmode* :fancy)
344 (*standard-output* stream)
345 (fcol-1 0))
341 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil)
342 (*print-xmode* :fancy)
343 (*standard-output* stream)
344 (fcol-1 0))
346345 #||
347346 (when (symbolp cl)
348347 (format stream "~a" cl)
351350 (let ((flg nil))
352351 (declare (type symbol flg))
353352 (when (<= 0 (clause-id cl))
354 (format stream "~d:" (clause-id cl)))
353 (format stream "~d:" (clause-id cl)))
355354 (setq fcol-1 (file-column stream))
356355 ;; (when (< 0 (clause-heat-level cl))
357356 ;; (format t "(heat=~D) " (clause-heat-level cl)))
358357 (princ "[" stream)
359358 (dolist (ips (clause-parents cl))
360 (declare (type list ips))
361 (dolist (ip ips)
362 (declare (type (or symbol fixnum list) ip))
363 (if (eq flg :colon)
364 (princ ":" stream)
365 (if (eq flg :comma)
366 (princ "," stream)))
367 (cond ((symbolp ip)
368 (setq flg :colon)
369 (case ip
370 (:binary-res-rule (princ "binary" stream))
371 (:pbinary-res-rule (princ "prop-res" stream))
372 (:hyper-res-rule (princ "hyper" stream))
373 (:neg-hyper-res-rule (princ "neg-hyper" stream))
374 (:ur-res-rule (princ "ur" stream))
375 (:para-into-rule (princ "para-into" stream))
376 (:para-from-rule (princ "para-from" stream))
377 (:factor-rule (princ "factor" stream))
378 ;; (:factor-simp-rule (princ "factor-simp" stream))
379 (:factor-simp-rule (princ "fsimp" stream))
380 (:distinct-constants (princ "dconst" stream))
381 (:new-demod-rule (princ "new-demod" stream))
382 (:back-demod-rule (princ "back-demod" stream))
383 (:demod-rule (princ "demod" stream))
384 (:unit-del-rule (princ "unit-del" stream))
385 (:eval-rule (princ "eval" stream))
386 (:copy-rule (princ "copy" stream))
387 (:flip-eq-rule (princ "flip" stream))
388 (:back-unit-del-rule (princ "back-unit-del" stream))
389 (otherwise (princ ip stream))))
390 ((atom ip)
391 (setq flg :comma)
392 (princ ip stream))
393 ;; list
394 (t (setq flg :comma)
395 (format stream "~a.~a" (car ip) (cdr ip)))))))
359 (declare (type list ips))
360 (dolist (ip ips)
361 (declare (type (or symbol fixnum list) ip))
362 (if (eq flg :colon)
363 (princ ":" stream)
364 (if (eq flg :comma)
365 (princ "," stream)))
366 (cond ((symbolp ip)
367 (setq flg :colon)
368 (case ip
369 (:binary-res-rule (princ "binary" stream))
370 (:pbinary-res-rule (princ "prop-res" stream))
371 (:hyper-res-rule (princ "hyper" stream))
372 (:neg-hyper-res-rule (princ "neg-hyper" stream))
373 (:ur-res-rule (princ "ur" stream))
374 (:para-into-rule (princ "para-into" stream))
375 (:para-from-rule (princ "para-from" stream))
376 (:factor-rule (princ "factor" stream))
377 ;; (:factor-simp-rule (princ "factor-simp" stream))
378 (:factor-simp-rule (princ "fsimp" stream))
379 (:distinct-constants (princ "dconst" stream))
380 (:new-demod-rule (princ "new-demod" stream))
381 (:back-demod-rule (princ "back-demod" stream))
382 (:demod-rule (princ "demod" stream))
383 (:unit-del-rule (princ "unit-del" stream))
384 (:eval-rule (princ "eval" stream))
385 (:copy-rule (princ "copy" stream))
386 (:flip-eq-rule (princ "flip" stream))
387 (:back-unit-del-rule (princ "back-unit-del" stream))
388 (otherwise (princ ip stream))))
389 ((atom ip)
390 (setq flg :comma)
391 (princ ip stream))
392 ;; list
393 (t (setq flg :comma)
394 (format stream "~a.~a" (car ip) (cdr ip)))))))
396395 ;;
397396 (princ "] " stream)
398397 (let* ((.file-col. (file-column stream))
399 (flg nil)
400 (*print-indent* *print-indent*)
401 (ind-check 0))
398 (flg nil)
399 (*print-indent* *print-indent*)
400 (ind-check 0))
402401 (declare (type symbol flg))
403402 (setq *print-indent* fcol-1)
404403 (if (print-check fcol-1 cl-print-mergine stream)
405 (setq ind-check fcol-1)
406 (setq ind-check .file-col.))
404 (setq ind-check fcol-1)
405 (setq ind-check .file-col.))
407406 (setq *print-indent* ind-check)
408407 (dolist (lit (clause-literals cl))
409 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
410 (if flg
411 (progn
412 (princ " | " stream)
413 (setq .file-col. (+ 3 .file-col.))
414 (if (print-check ind-check 20 stream)
415 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
416 )
417 )
418 (setq flg t))
419 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
420 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
421 (pr-literal lit stream))))
408 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
409 (if flg
410 (progn
411 (princ " | " stream)
412 (setq .file-col. (+ 3 .file-col.))
413 (if (print-check ind-check 20 stream)
414 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
415 )
416 )
417 (setq flg t))
418 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
419 (append .printed-vars-so-far.
420 (pr-literal lit stream))))
422421 )))
424423 #||
425424 (defun print-clause (cl &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
426425 (declare (type clause cl)
427 (type stream stream)
428 (ignore ignore))
426 (type stream stream)
427 (ignore ignore))
429428 (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
430 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil)
431 (*standard-output* stream)
432 (fcol-1 0))
429 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil)
430 (*standard-output* stream)
431 (fcol-1 0))
433432 (declare (special *print-pretty*))
434433 (let ((flg nil))
435434 (declare (type symbol flg))
439438 ;; (format t "(heat=~D) " (clause-heat-level cl)))
440439 (princ "[" stream)
441440 (dolist (ips (clause-parents cl))
442 (declare (type list ips))
443 (dolist (ip ips)
444 (declare (type (or symbol fixnum list) ip))
445 (if (eq flg :colon)
446 (princ ":" stream)
447 (if (eq flg :comma)
448 (princ "," stream)))
449 (cond ((symbolp ip)
450 (setq flg :colon)
451 (case ip
452 (:binary-res-rule (princ "binary" stream))
453 (:pbinary-res-rule (princ "prop-res" stream))
454 (:hyper-res-rule (princ "hyper" stream))
455 (:neg-hyper-res-rule (princ "neg-hyper" stream))
456 (:ur-res-rule (princ "ur" stream))
457 (:para-into-rule (princ "para-into" stream))
458 (:para-from-rule (princ "para-from" stream))
459 (:factor-rule (princ "factor" stream))
460 ;; (:factor-simp-rule (princ "factor-simp" stream))
461 (:factor-simp-rule (princ "fsimp" stream))
462 (:distinct-constants (princ "dconst" stream))
463 (:new-demod-rule (princ "new-demod" stream))
464 (:back-demod-rule (princ "back-demod" stream))
465 (:demod-rule (princ "demod" stream))
466 (:unit-del-rule (princ "unit-del" stream))
467 (:eval-rule (princ "eval" stream))
468 (:copy-rule (princ "copy" stream))
469 (:flip-eq-rule (princ "flip" stream))
470 (:back-unit-del-rule (princ "back-unit-del" stream))
471 (otherwise (princ ip stream))))
472 ((atom ip)
473 (setq flg :comma)
474 (princ ip stream))
475 ;; list
476 (t (setq flg :comma)
477 (format stream "~a.~a" (car ip) (cdr ip)))
478 ))
479 ))
441 (declare (type list ips))
442 (dolist (ip ips)
443 (declare (type (or symbol fixnum list) ip))
444 (if (eq flg :colon)
445 (princ ":" stream)
446 (if (eq flg :comma)
447 (princ "," stream)))
448 (cond ((symbolp ip)
449 (setq flg :colon)
450 (case ip
451 (:binary-res-rule (princ "binary" stream))
452 (:pbinary-res-rule (princ "prop-res" stream))
453 (:hyper-res-rule (princ "hyper" stream))
454 (:neg-hyper-res-rule (princ "neg-hyper" stream))
455 (:ur-res-rule (princ "ur" stream))
456 (:para-into-rule (princ "para-into" stream))
457 (:para-from-rule (princ "para-from" stream))
458 (:factor-rule (princ "factor" stream))
459 ;; (:factor-simp-rule (princ "factor-simp" stream))
460 (:factor-simp-rule (princ "fsimp" stream))
461 (:distinct-constants (princ "dconst" stream))
462 (:new-demod-rule (princ "new-demod" stream))
463 (:back-demod-rule (princ "back-demod" stream))
464 (:demod-rule (princ "demod" stream))
465 (:unit-del-rule (princ "unit-del" stream))
466 (:eval-rule (princ "eval" stream))
467 (:copy-rule (princ "copy" stream))
468 (:flip-eq-rule (princ "flip" stream))
469 (:back-unit-del-rule (princ "back-unit-del" stream))
470 (otherwise (princ ip stream))))
471 ((atom ip)
472 (setq flg :comma)
473 (princ ip stream))
474 ;; list
475 (t (setq flg :comma)
476 (format stream "~a.~a" (car ip) (cdr ip)))
477 ))
478 ))
480479 ;;
481480 (princ "] " stream)
482481 ))
485484 (defun pr-clause-list (cl &optional (detail nil))
486485 (declare (ignore detail)
487 (type list cl))
486 (type list cl))
488487 (dolist (c cl)
489488 (print-next)
490489 (print-clause c)
499498 ;;;
500499 (defun literals-to-term (lit-list)
501500 (declare (type list lit-list)
502 (values term))
501 (values term))
503502 (if (null lit-list)
504503 *bool-false*
505504 (let ((res nil))
506505 (declare (type (or null term) res))
507506 (do* ((lits lit-list (cdr lits))
508 (l (car lits) (car lits)))
509 ((null lits))
510 (declare (type literal l))
511 (if (literal-sign l)
512 (push (make-term-with-sort-check
513 *fopl-neg*
514 (list (literal-atom l)))
515 res)
516 (push (literal-atom l) res)))
507 (l (car lits) (car lits)))
508 ((null lits))
509 (declare (type literal l))
510 (if (literal-sign l)
511 (push (make-term-with-sort-check
512 *fopl-neg*
513 (list (literal-atom l)))
514 res)
515 (push (literal-atom l) res)))
517516 (if (cdr res)
518 (setq res (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
519 *fopl-or*
520 (nreverse res)))
521 (setq res (car res)))
517 (setq res (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
518 *fopl-or*
519 (nreverse res)))
520 (setq res (car res)))
522521 ;;
523522 res)))
525524 (defun clause-to-term (cl)
526525 (declare (type clause cl)
527 (values term))
526 (values term))
528527 (literals-to-term (clause-literals cl)))
531530 ;;;
532531 (defun copy-literal (lit &optional variables clause subst)
533532 (declare (type literal lit)
534 (type list variables subst)
535 (type (or null clause) clause)
536 (values literal))
533 (type list variables subst)
534 (type (or null clause) clause)
535 (values literal))
537536 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit)))
538537 (declare (type term atom))
539538 (when subst
540539 (setq atom (apply-subst subst atom)))
541540 (make-literal :clause (if clause
542 clause
543 (literal-clause lit))
544 :atom (if variables
545 (copy-term-using-variable atom
546 variables)
547 (copy-term-reusing-variables atom
548 (term-variables atom)))
549 :sign (literal-sign lit)
550 :type (literal-type lit)))
541 clause
542 (literal-clause lit))
543 :atom (if variables
544 (copy-term-using-variable atom
545 variables)
546 (copy-term-reusing-variables atom
547 (term-variables atom)))
548 :sign (literal-sign lit)
549 :type (literal-type lit)))
551550 )
553552 (defun shallow-copy-literal (lit &optional clause)
554553 (declare (type literal lit)
555 (type (or null clause) clause)
556 (values literal))
554 (type (or null clause) clause)
555 (values literal))
557556 (make-literal :clause (if clause
558 clause
559 (literal-clause lit))
560 :atom (literal-atom lit)
561 :sign (literal-sign lit)
562 :type (literal-type lit)))
557 clause
558 (literal-clause lit))
559 :atom (literal-atom lit)
560 :sign (literal-sign lit)
561 :type (literal-type lit)))
565564 ;;; CLAUSE-VARIABLES : Clause -> List[Variable]
566565 ;;;
567566 (defun clause-variables (clause)
568567 (declare (type clause clause)
569 (values list))
568 (values list))
570569 (let ((vars nil))
571570 (declare (type list vars))
572571 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
573572 (declare (type literal lit))
574573 (setq vars (nunion vars (term-variables (literal-atom lit))
575 :test #'!term-eq)))
574 :test #'!term-eq)))
576575 vars))
581580 (defun clause-distinct-variables (clause)
582581 (declare (type clause clause)
583 (values fixnum))
582 (values fixnum))
584583 (length (clause-variables clause)))
586585 ;;; GROUND-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
587586 ;;;
588587 (declaim (inline ground-clause?))
590589 (defun ground-clause? (clause)
591590 (declare (type clause clause))
592591 (null (clause-variables clause)))
598597 (defun num-literals (clause)
599598 (declare (type clause clause)
600 (values fixnum))
599 (values fixnum))
601600 (let ((num 0))
602601 (declare (type fixnum num))
603602 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
604603 (declare (type literal lit))
605604 (unless (answer-literal? lit)
606 (incf num)))
605 (incf num)))
607606 num))
609608 ;;; NUM-ANSWERS : Clause -> Nat
613612 (defun num-answers (clause)
614613 (declare (type clause clause)
615 (values fixnum))
614 (values fixnum))
616615 (let ((i 0))
617616 (declare (type fixnum i))
618617 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
619618 (declare (type literal lit))
620619 (when (answer-literal? lit)
621 (incf i)))
620 (incf i)))
622621 i))
624623 ;;; NUM-LITERALS-ALL : Clause -> Nat
628627 (defun num-literals-all (clause)
629628 (declare (type clause clause)
630 (values fixnum))
629 (values fixnum))
631630 (the fixnum (length (clause-literals clause))))
633632 ;;; UNIT-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
648647 (defun positive-clause? (clause)
649648 (declare (type clause clause))
650649 (every #'(lambda (lit)
651 (declare (type literal lit))
652 (or (positive-literal? lit)
653 (answer-literal? lit)))
654 (clause-literals clause)))
650 (declare (type literal lit))
651 (or (positive-literal? lit)
652 (answer-literal? lit)))
653 (clause-literals clause)))
656655 ;;; NEGATIVE-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
657656 ;;;
660659 (defun negative-clause? (clause)
661660 (declare (type clause clause))
662661 (every #'(lambda (lit)
663 (declare (type literal lit))
664 (or (negative-literal? lit)
665 (answer-literal? lit)))
666 (clause-literals clause)))
662 (declare (type literal lit))
663 (or (negative-literal? lit)
664 (answer-literal? lit)))
665 (clause-literals clause)))
668667 ;;; PROPOSITIONAL-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
669668 ;;;
672671 (defun propositional-clause? (clause)
673672 (declare (type clause clause))
674673 (every #'(lambda (lit)
675 (declare (type literal lit))
676 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit)))
677 (and (not (term-is-variable? atom))
678 (term-is-constant? atom))))
679 (clause-literals clause)))
674 (declare (type literal lit))
675 (let ((atom (literal-atom lit)))
676 (and (not (term-is-variable? atom))
677 (term-is-constant? atom))))
678 (clause-literals clause)))
681680 ;;; HORN-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
682681 ;;; t if clause is a Horn Clause (at most one positive literal).
691690 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
692691 (declare (type literal lit))
693692 (when (and (positive-literal? lit)
694 (not (answer-literal? lit)))
695 (incf i)))
693 (not (answer-literal? lit)))
694 (incf i)))
696695 (<= i 1)))
698697 ;;; EQUALITY-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
705704 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
706705 (declare (type literal lit))
707706 (if (or (positive-eq-literal? lit)
708 (negative-eq-literal? lit))
709 (return-from equality-clause? t)))
707 (negative-eq-literal? lit))
708 (return-from equality-clause? t)))
710709 nil)
712711 ;;; SYMMETRY-CLAUSE? : Clause -> Bool
719718 (unless (= 2 (num-literals clause))
720719 (return-from symmetry-clause? nil))
721720 (let ((l1 (first lits))
722 (l2 (second lits)))
721 (l2 (second lits)))
723722 (declare (type literal l1 l2))
724723 (when (eq (literal-sign l1)
725 (literal-sign l2))
726 (return-from symmetry-clause? nil))
724 (literal-sign l2))
725 (return-from symmetry-clause? nil))
727726 (and (eq-literal? l1)
728 (eq-literal? l2)
729 (let ((t1 (literal-atom l1))
730 (t2 (literal-atom l2)))
731 (and (term-is-variable? (term-arg-1 t1))
732 (variable-eq (term-arg-1 t1)
733 (term-arg-2 t2))
734 (term-is-variable? (term-arg-2 t1))
735 (variable-eq (term-arg-2 t1)
736 (term-arg-1 t2))))))))
727 (eq-literal? l2)
728 (let ((t1 (literal-atom l1))
729 (t2 (literal-atom l2)))
730 (and (term-is-variable? (term-arg-1 t1))
731 (variable-eq (term-arg-1 t1)
732 (term-arg-2 t2))
733 (term-is-variable? (term-arg-2 t1))
734 (variable-eq (term-arg-2 t1)
735 (term-arg-1 t2))))))))
738737 ;;; XX-RESOLVABLE : Clause -> Bool
739738 ;;; t if the non unit clause have a literal that can
740739 ;;; resolve with x = x.
745744 (declare (type literal lit))
746745 (when (negative-eq-literal? lit)
747746 (let* ((atom (literal-atom lit))
748 (a1 (term-arg-1 atom))
749 (a2 (term-arg-2 atom)))
750 (if (and (term-is-variable? a1)
751 (not (occurs-in a1 a2)))
752 (return-from xx-resolvable t)
753 (if (and (term-is-variable? a2)
754 (not (occurs-in a2 a1)))
755 (return-from xx-resolvable t))))))
747 (a1 (term-arg-1 atom))
748 (a2 (term-arg-2 atom)))
749 (if (and (term-is-variable? a1)
750 (not (occurs-in a1 a2)))
751 (return-from xx-resolvable t)
752 (if (and (term-is-variable? a2)
753 (not (occurs-in a2 a1)))
754 (return-from xx-resolvable t))))))
756755 nil)
760759 ;;; proof system
761760 ;;; ============
762761 (defstruct psystem
763 (module nil) ; context module
764 (sos nil) ; list of sos clause
765 (usable nil) ; list of usable clause
766 (passive nil) ; list of passive clause
767 (axioms nil) ; list of axioms in clause form
768 (demods nil) ; list of demod clauses
769 (bi-demods nil) ; list of builtin demod clauses
770 (clause-hash nil) ; hash table of clauses
771 (demodulators nil) ; (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
772 ; demodulator hash table
773 (clause-counter 1) ; clause identifier counter
762 (module nil) ; context module
763 (sos nil) ; list of sos clause
764 (usable nil) ; list of usable clause
765 (passive nil) ; list of passive clause
766 (axioms nil) ; list of axioms in clause form
767 (demods nil) ; list of demod clauses
768 (bi-demods nil) ; list of builtin demod clauses
769 (clause-hash nil) ; hash table of clauses
770 (demodulators nil) ; (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
771 ; demodulator hash table
772 (clause-counter 1) ; clause identifier counter
774773 )
776775 (defun initialize-psystem (psys mod)
777776 (declare (type psystem psys)
778 (type module mod)
779 (values psystem))
777 (type module mod)
778 (values psystem))
780779 (setf (psystem-module psys) mod
781 (psystem-sos psys) nil
782 (psystem-usable psys) nil
783 (psystem-axioms psys) nil
784 (psystem-clause-counter psys) 1)
780 (psystem-sos psys) nil
781 (psystem-usable psys) nil
782 (psystem-axioms psys) nil
783 (psystem-clause-counter psys) 1)
785784 (clrhash (psystem-clause-hash psys))
786785 (clrhash (psystem-demodulators psys))
787786 psys)
791790 ;;; allocated one for each clashable literal of nucleus.
792791 ;;;
793792 (defstruct (clash (:print-function print-clash))
794 (literal nil :type (or null literal)) ; literal from nucleus
795 (db nil :type (or null hash-table)) ; indexed table to use for
796 ; finding satellites
797 (subst nil :type list) ; unifying substitution
793 (literal nil :type (or null literal)) ; literal from nucleus
794 (db nil :type (or null hash-table)) ; indexed table to use for
795 ; finding satellites
796 (subst nil :type list) ; unifying substitution
798797 (clashables nil :type list)
799798 (found-lit nil :type (or null literal)) ; unifying literal
800 (evaluable nil) ; bi-demod
801 (evaluation nil) ; ditto
802 (already-evaluated nil) ; ditto
803 (prev nil :type (or null clash)) ; links
799 (evaluable nil) ; bi-demod
800 (evaluation nil) ; ditto
801 (already-evaluated nil) ; ditto
802 (prev nil :type (or null clash)) ; links
804803 (next nil :type (or null clash))
805804 )
807806 (defun print-clash (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*)
808 &rest ignore)
807 &rest ignore)
809808 (declare (ignore ignore))
810809 (let* ((*standard-output* stream)
811 (fcol (file-column stream))
812 (*print-indent* (if (not (= 0 fcol))
813 fcol
814 (+ *print-indent* 4))))
810 (fcol (file-column stream))
811 (*print-indent* (if (not (= 0 fcol))
812 fcol
813 (+ *print-indent* 4))))
815814 ;;
816815 (declare (type fixnum fcol *print-indent*))
817816 (do ((clash obj (clash-next clash))
818 (num 0 (1+ num)))
819 ((null clash))
817 (num 0 (1+ num)))
818 ((null clash))
820819 (declare (type fixnum num))
821820 (format t "#~d<clash: lit = " num)
822821 (prin1 (clash-literal clash))
823822 (print-next)
824823 (format t "clause-id = ~d" (clause-id (literal-clause
825 (clash-literal clash))))
824 (clash-literal clash))))
826825 (print-next)
827826 (princ "subst = ") (print-substitution (clash-subst clash))
828827 (print-next)
829828 (princ "found-lit = ") (prin1 (clash-found-lit clash))
830829 (print-next)
831830 (when (clash-found-lit clash)
832 (format t "found clause-id = ~d"
833 (clause-id (literal-clause (clash-found-lit clash)))))
831 (format t "found clause-id = ~d"
832 (clause-id (literal-clause (clash-found-lit clash)))))
834833 (when (clash-evaluable clash)
835 (format t "evaluable: value = ~a" (clash-evaluation clash))
836 (print-next)
837 (format t "already evaled? = ~a" (clash-already-evaluated clash)))
834 (format t "evaluable: value = ~a" (clash-evaluation clash))
835 (print-next)
836 (format t "already evaled? = ~a" (clash-already-evaluated clash)))
838837 (princ ">")
839838 (print-next)
840839 )))
861860 ;;; DEMODULATOR
862861 ;;;
863862 (defstruct (demod
864 (:copier nil)
865 (:constructor make-demod)
866 (:print-function print-demodulator))
863 (:copier nil)
864 (:constructor make-demod)
865 (:print-function print-demodulator))
867866 (axiom nil :type (or null axiom))
868867 (order :normal :type symbol)
869868 (clause nil)
886885 (defun print-demod-object (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
887886 (declare (ignore ignore))
888887 (format stream "#<demodulator (~a) ~a: ~x>"
889 (clause-id (demod-clause obj))
890 (demod-order obj) (addr-of obj)))
888 (clause-id (demod-clause obj))
889 (demod-order obj) (addr-of obj)))
891890 ||#
893892 (defun print-demodulator (demod &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
894893 (declare (ignore ignore))
895894 (let* ((lhs (demod-lhs demod))
896 (rhs (demod-rhs demod))
897 (clause (demod-clause demod))
898 (clause-id (if (not (clause-p clause))
899 :*
900 (clause-id clause)))
901 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
895 (rhs (demod-rhs demod))
896 (clause (demod-clause demod))
897 (clause-id (if (not (clause-p clause))
898 :*
899 (clause-id clause)))
900 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
902901 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
903 (.file-col. .file-col.)
904 (indent 0))
902 (.file-col. .file-col.)
903 (indent 0))
905904 (format t "(~a) " clause-id)
906905 (setq indent (file-column stream))
907906 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
908 (term-print lhs))
907 (term-print lhs))
909908 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
910909 (print-check indent .file-col.)
911910 (princ " --> ")
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:unify.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:unify.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 (defun compose-subst (s1 s2)
4545 (declare (type list s1 s2))
4646 (labels ((add-new (s newsl)
47 (declare (type list s newsl))
48 (cond ((null s) newsl)
49 ((variable-image newsl (caar s))
50 (add-new (cdr s) newsl))
51 (t (cons (car s) (add-new (cdr s) newsl)))))
52 (composel (s1 s2)
53 (declare (type list s1 s2))
54 (cond ((null s1) nil)
55 (t (cons (cons (caar s1)
56 (apply-subst s2 (cdar s1)))
57 (composel (cdr s1) s2))))))
47 (declare (type list s newsl))
48 (cond ((null s) newsl)
49 ((variable-image newsl (caar s))
50 (add-new (cdr s) newsl))
51 (t (cons (car s) (add-new (cdr s) newsl)))))
52 (composel (s1 s2)
53 (declare (type list s1 s2))
54 (cond ((null s1) nil)
55 (t (cons (cons (caar s1)
56 (apply-subst s2 (cdar s1)))
57 (composel (cdr s1) s2))))))
5858 ;;
5959 (if (car s2)
60 (add-new s2 (composel s1 s2))
60 (add-new s2 (composel s1 s2))
6161 s1)))
6363 #||
6464 (defun pn-decompose-terms-unify (t1 t2 ans)
6565 (macrolet ((add-bind-to-sub (v1 t1 sub)
66 `(let* ((pair (cons ,v1 ,t1))
67 (new-sub (normal-form-sub (list pair) ,sub)))
68 (unless new-sub
69 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify :fail))
70 new-sub)))
66 `(let* ((pair (cons ,v1 ,t1))
67 (new-sub (normal-form-sub (list pair) ,sub)))
68 (unless new-sub
69 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify :fail))
70 new-sub)))
7171 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
72 (when (variable-eq t1 t2)
73 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify ans))
74 (when (occurs-in t1 t2)
75 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify :fail))
76 (let ((cval (variable-image ans t1)))
77 (if cval
78 (pn-decompose-terms-unify cval t2 ans)
79 (let ((s1 (term-sort t1))
80 (s2 (term-sort t2)))
81 (if (sort<= s2 s1 *current-sort-order*)
82 (add-bind-to-sub t1 t2 ans)
83 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
84 (if (sort<= s1 s2 *current-sort-order*)
85 (add-bind-to-sub t2 t1 ans)
86 :fail)
87 :fail)))))
88 )
89 ;;
90 ((term-is-variable? t2)
91 (pn-decompose-terms-unify t2 t1 ans))
92 ;;
93 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
94 (if (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)
95 ans
96 :fail))
97 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
98 :fail)
99 ;;
100 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
101 (let ((t1-top (term-head t1))
102 (t2-top (term-head t2)))
103 (if (method-is-of-same-operator t1-top t2-top)
104 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
105 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
106 (loop
107 (unless t1-subterms (return))
108 (setq ans (pn-decompose-terms-unify (car t1-subterms)
109 (car t2-subterms)
110 ans))
111 (when (eq ans :fail) (return))
112 (setq t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms))
113 (setq t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
114 ans)
115 :fail)))
116 ;;
117 (t ;(term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
118 :fail
119 ))))
72 (when (variable-eq t1 t2)
73 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify ans))
74 (when (occurs-in t1 t2)
75 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify :fail))
76 (let ((cval (variable-image ans t1)))
77 (if cval
78 (pn-decompose-terms-unify cval t2 ans)
79 (let ((s1 (term-sort t1))
80 (s2 (term-sort t2)))
81 (if (sort<= s2 s1 *current-sort-order*)
82 (add-bind-to-sub t1 t2 ans)
83 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
84 (if (sort<= s1 s2 *current-sort-order*)
85 (add-bind-to-sub t2 t1 ans)
86 :fail)
87 :fail)))))
88 )
89 ;;
90 ((term-is-variable? t2)
91 (pn-decompose-terms-unify t2 t1 ans))
92 ;;
93 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
94 (if (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)
95 ans
96 :fail))
97 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
98 :fail)
99 ;;
100 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
101 (let ((t1-top (term-head t1))
102 (t2-top (term-head t2)))
103 (if (method-is-of-same-operator t1-top t2-top)
104 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
105 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
106 (loop
107 (unless t1-subterms (return))
108 (setq ans (pn-decompose-terms-unify (car t1-subterms)
109 (car t2-subterms)
110 ans))
111 (when (eq ans :fail) (return))
112 (setq t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms))
113 (setq t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
114 ans)
115 :fail)))
116 ;;
117 (t ;(term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
118 :fail
119 ))))
120120 ||#
122122 (declaim (special .do-occur-check.))
125125 (defun pn-decompose-terms-unify (t1 t2 ans)
126126 (declare (type term t1 t2)
127 (type (or symbol list) ans)
128 ;; (values (or (member :fail) list))
129 (values (or symbol list)))
127 (type (or symbol list) ans)
128 ;; (values (or (member :fail) list))
129 (values (or symbol list)))
130130 (macrolet ((add-binding (v1 t1 sub)
131 `(cons (cons ,v1 ,t1) ,sub)))
131 `(cons (cons ,v1 ,t1) ,sub)))
132132 ;;
133133 (labels ((occurs-check (var x bindings)
134 (declare (type term var x)
135 (list bindings))
136 (cond ((term-is-variable? x)
137 (or (term-eq var x)
138 (let ((cval (variable-image bindings x)))
139 (declare (type (or null term) cval))
140 (and cval
141 (occurs-check var cval bindings)))))
142 ((term-is-application-form? x)
143 (dolist (sub (term-subterms x))
144 (when (occurs-check var sub bindings)
145 (return-from occurs-check t)))
146 nil)
147 (t nil)))
148 (var-unify (var x bindings)
149 (declare (type term var x)
150 (type list bindings))
151 (let ((cval (variable-image bindings var))
152 ;; (x-is-var nil)
153 )
154 (declare (type (or null term) cval))
155 (when cval
156 (return-from var-unify
157 (pn-decompose-terms-unify cval x bindings)))
158 (when (term-is-variable? x)
159 ;; (setq x-is-var t)
160 (let ((cval2 (variable-image bindings x)))
161 (declare (type (or null term) cval2))
162 (when cval2
163 (return-from var-unify
164 (pn-decompose-terms-unify var cval2 bindings)))))
165 (when (and .do-occur-check.
166 (occurs-check var x bindings))
167 (return-from var-unify :fail))
168 ;;
169 (let ((s1 (term-sort var))
170 (s2 (term-sort x)))
171 (declare (type sort* s1 s2))
172 (if (sort<= s2 s1 *current-sort-order*)
173 (add-binding var x bindings)
174 #||
175 (if x-is-var
176 (if (sort<= s1 s2 *current-sort-order*)
177 (add-binding x var bindings)
178 :fail)
179 :fail)
180 ||#
181 :fail ))))
182 )
134 (declare (type term var x)
135 (list bindings))
136 (cond ((term-is-variable? x)
137 (or (term-eq var x)
138 (let ((cval (variable-image bindings x)))
139 (declare (type (or null term) cval))
140 (and cval
141 (occurs-check var cval bindings)))))
142 ((term-is-application-form? x)
143 (dolist (sub (term-subterms x))
144 (when (occurs-check var sub bindings)
145 (return-from occurs-check t)))
146 nil)
147 (t nil)))
148 (var-unify (var x bindings)
149 (declare (type term var x)
150 (type list bindings))
151 (let ((cval (variable-image bindings var))
152 ;; (x-is-var nil)
153 )
154 (declare (type (or null term) cval))
155 (when cval
156 (return-from var-unify
157 (pn-decompose-terms-unify cval x bindings)))
158 (when (term-is-variable? x)
159 ;; (setq x-is-var t)
160 (let ((cval2 (variable-image bindings x)))
161 (declare (type (or null term) cval2))
162 (when cval2
163 (return-from var-unify
164 (pn-decompose-terms-unify var cval2 bindings)))))
165 (when (and .do-occur-check.
166 (occurs-check var x bindings))
167 (return-from var-unify :fail))
168 ;;
169 (let ((s1 (term-sort var))
170 (s2 (term-sort x)))
171 (declare (type sort* s1 s2))
172 (if (sort<= s2 s1 *current-sort-order*)
173 (add-binding var x bindings)
174 #||
175 (if x-is-var
176 (if (sort<= s1 s2 *current-sort-order*)
177 (add-binding x var bindings)
178 :fail)
179 :fail)
180 ||#
181 :fail ))))
182 )
183183 ;;
184184 (cond ((term-eq t1 t2)
185 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify ans))
186 ((term-is-variable? t1)
187 (var-unify t1 t2 ans))
188 ((term-is-variable? t2)
189 (var-unify t2 t1 ans))
190 ;;
191 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
192 (if (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)
193 ans
194 :fail))
195 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
196 :fail)
197 ;;
198 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
199 (let ((t1-top (term-head t1))
200 (t2-top (term-head t2)))
201 (declare (type method t1-top t2-top))
202 (if (method-is-of-same-operator t1-top t2-top)
203 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
204 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
205 (loop
206 (unless t1-subterms (return))
207 (setq ans (pn-decompose-terms-unify (car t1-subterms)
208 (car t2-subterms)
209 ans))
210 (when (eq ans :fail) (return))
211 (setq t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms))
212 (setq t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
213 ans)
214 :fail)))
215 ;;
216 (t ;(term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
217 :fail
218 )))))
185 (return-from pn-decompose-terms-unify ans))
186 ((term-is-variable? t1)
187 (var-unify t1 t2 ans))
188 ((term-is-variable? t2)
189 (var-unify t2 t1 ans))
190 ;;
191 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
192 (if (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)
193 ans
194 :fail))
195 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
196 :fail)
197 ;;
198 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
199 (let ((t1-top (term-head t1))
200 (t2-top (term-head t2)))
201 (declare (type method t1-top t2-top))
202 (if (method-is-of-same-operator t1-top t2-top)
203 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
204 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
205 (loop
206 (unless t1-subterms (return))
207 (setq ans (pn-decompose-terms-unify (car t1-subterms)
208 (car t2-subterms)
209 ans))
210 (when (eq ans :fail) (return))
211 (setq t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms))
212 (setq t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
213 ans)
214 :fail)))
215 ;;
216 (t ;(term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
217 :fail
218 )))))
220220 (defun pn-decompose-terms-match (t1 t2 ans)
221221 (declare (type term t1 t2)
222 (type (or (member :fail) list) ans)
223 (values (or (member :fail) list)))
222 (type (or (member :fail) list) ans)
223 (values (or (member :fail) list)))
224224 (macrolet ((add-bind-to-sub (v1 t1 sub)
225 `(cons (cons ,v1 ,t1) ,sub)))
225 `(cons (cons ,v1 ,t1) ,sub)))
226226 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
227 (let ((cval (variable-image ans t1)))
228 (declare (type (or null term) cval))
229 (if cval
230 (if (term-is-identical cval t2)
231 ans
232 :fail)
233 (if (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1)
234 *current-sort-order*)
235 (add-bind-to-sub t1 t2 ans)
236 :fail)
237 )))
238 ;;
239 ((term-is-variable? t2) :fail)
240 ;;
241 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
242 (if (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)
243 ans
244 :fail))
245 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) :fail)
246 ;;
247 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
248 (let ((t1-top (term-head t1))
249 (t2-top (term-head t2)))
250 (declare (type method t1-top t2-top))
251 (if (method-is-of-same-operator t1-top t2-top)
252 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
253 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
254 (loop
255 (unless t1-subterms (return))
256 (setq ans (pn-decompose-terms-match (car t1-subterms)
257 (car t2-subterms)
258 ans))
259 (when (eq ans :fail) (return))
260 (setq t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms))
261 (setq t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
262 ans)
263 :fail)))
264 ;;
265 (t ;(term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
266 :fail
267 ))))
227 (let ((cval (variable-image ans t1)))
228 (declare (type (or null term) cval))
229 (if cval
230 (if (term-is-identical cval t2)
231 ans
232 :fail)
233 (if (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1)
234 *current-sort-order*)
235 (add-bind-to-sub t1 t2 ans)
236 :fail)
237 )))
238 ;;
239 ((term-is-variable? t2) :fail)
240 ;;
241 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
242 (if (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)
243 ans
244 :fail))
245 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) :fail)
246 ;;
247 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
248 (let ((t1-top (term-head t1))
249 (t2-top (term-head t2)))
250 (declare (type method t1-top t2-top))
251 (if (method-is-of-same-operator t1-top t2-top)
252 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
253 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
254 (loop
255 (unless t1-subterms (return))
256 (setq ans (pn-decompose-terms-match (car t1-subterms)
257 (car t2-subterms)
258 ans))
259 (when (eq ans :fail) (return))
260 (setq t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms))
261 (setq t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
262 ans)
263 :fail)))
264 ;;
265 (t ;(term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
266 :fail
267 ))))
270270 ;;;
271271 (defun unify (t1 t2 &optional subst)
272272 (declare (type term t1 t2)
273 (list subst))
273 (list subst))
274274 (if (pn-flag unify-heavy)
275275 (let ((*do-unify* t))
276 (multiple-value-bind (gst new-subst no-match e-eq)
277 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
278 (declare (ignore gst)
279 (type list new-subst))
280 (when no-match
281 (return-from unify (values nil t nil)))
282 (when e-eq
283 (return-from unify (values subst nil t)))
284 (setq subst
285 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
286 (values subst nil nil))
287 )
276 (multiple-value-bind (gst new-subst no-match e-eq)
277 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
278 (declare (ignore gst)
279 (type list new-subst))
280 (when no-match
281 (return-from unify (values nil t nil)))
282 (when e-eq
283 (return-from unify (values subst nil t)))
284 (setq subst
285 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
286 (values subst nil nil))
287 )
288288 ;; simple nonE-theory unification.
289289 (let ((ans (pn-decompose-terms-unify t1 t2 subst)))
290290 #||
291291 (when *match-debug*
292 (with-output-simple-msg ()
293 (princ "*** UNIFY")
294 (print-next)
295 (princ "t1 = ")(term-print t1)
296 (print-next)
297 (princ "t2 = ")(term-print t2))
298 )
292 (with-output-simple-msg ()
293 (princ "*** UNIFY")
294 (print-next)
295 (princ "t1 = ")(term-print t1)
296 (print-next)
297 (princ "t2 = ")(term-print t2))
298 )
299299 ||#
300300 (if (eq ans :fail)
301 (values nil t nil)
302 (if ans
303 (let ((sub (normal-form-sub ans nil))
304 ;; (sub ans)
305 )
306 #||
307 (when *match-debug*
308 (with-output-simple-msg ()
309 (princ "- UNIFY: subst = ")
310 (print-substitution sub)))
311 ||#
312 (values sub nil nil)
313 )
314 (progn
315 #||
316 (when *match-debug*
317 (with-output-simple-msg ()
318 (princ "- UNIFY: e-equal")))
319 ||#
320 (values subst nil t))))
301 (values nil t nil)
302 (if ans
303 (let ((sub (normal-form-sub ans nil))
304 ;; (sub ans)
305 )
306 #||
307 (when *match-debug*
308 (with-output-simple-msg ()
309 (princ "- UNIFY: subst = ")
310 (print-substitution sub)))
311 ||#
312 (values sub nil nil)
313 )
314 (progn
315 #||
316 (when *match-debug*
317 (with-output-simple-msg ()
318 (princ "- UNIFY: e-equal")))
319 ||#
320 (values subst nil t))))
321321 )))
323323 (declaim (inline prop-unify))
331331 (defun first-unify (t1 t2 &optional subst)
332332 (declare (type term t1 t2)
333 (type list subst))
333 (type list subst))
334334 (let ((*do-unify* t))
335335 (multiple-value-bind (gst new-subst no-match e-eq)
336 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
336 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
337337 (when no-match
338 (return-from first-unify (values nil nil t nil)))
338 (return-from first-unify (values nil nil t nil)))
339339 (when e-eq
340 (return-from first-unify (values gst subst nil t)))
340 (return-from first-unify (values gst subst nil t)))
341341 (setq subst
342 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
342 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
343343 (values gst subst nil nil))
344344 ))
352352 ;;; =======
353353 (defun pn-match (t1 t2 &optional subst one-way-match)
354354 (declare (type term t1 t2)
355 (type list subst))
355 (type list subst))
356356 #||
357357 (when *match-debug*
358358 (with-output-msg ()
362362 (print-next)
363363 (princ "t2 = ") (term-print t2)
364364 (when subst
365 (print-next)
366 (princ "subst = ") (print-substitution subst))))
365 (print-next)
366 (princ "subst = ") (print-substitution subst))))
367367 ||#
368368 (if (pn-flag unify-heavy)
369369 (let ((*do-unify* nil)
370 (*one-way-match* one-way-match))
371 (multiple-value-bind (gst new-subst no-match e-eq)
372 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
373 (declare (ignore gst)
374 (type list new-subst))
375 (when no-match
376 (return-from pn-match (values nil t nil)))
377 (when e-eq
378 (return-from pn-match (values subst nil t)))
379 (setq subst
380 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
381 (return-from pn-match (values subst nil nil))))
370 (*one-way-match* one-way-match))
371 (multiple-value-bind (gst new-subst no-match e-eq)
372 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
373 (declare (ignore gst)
374 (type list new-subst))
375 (when no-match
376 (return-from pn-match (values nil t nil)))
377 (when e-eq
378 (return-from pn-match (values subst nil t)))
379 (setq subst
380 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
381 (return-from pn-match (values subst nil nil))))
382382 ;; simple nonE-theory match
383383 (let* ((*one-way-match* one-way-match)
384 (ans (pn-decompose-terms-match t1 t2 subst)))
384 (ans (pn-decompose-terms-match t1 t2 subst)))
385385 (if (eq ans :fail)
386 (values nil t nil)
387 (if ans
388 (values ans nil nil)
389 (values subst nil t))
390 ))))
386 (values nil t nil)
387 (if ans
388 (values ans nil nil)
389 (values subst nil t))
390 ))))
392392 #||
393393 (defun pn-match-2 (t1 t2 &optional subst)
394394 (let ((*do-unify* nil)
395 (*one-way-match* t))
395 (*one-way-match* t))
396396 (multiple-value-bind (gst new-subst no-match e-eq)
397 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
397 (first-match t1 t2 subst)
398398 (declare (ignore gst))
399399 (when no-match
400 (return-from pn-match-2 (values nil t nil)))
400 (return-from pn-match-2 (values nil t nil)))
401401 (when e-eq
402 (return-from pn-match-2 (values subst nil t)))
402 (return-from pn-match-2 (values subst nil t)))
403403 (setq subst
404 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
404 (compose-subst subst new-subst))
405405 (return-from pn-match-2 (values subst nil nil)))
406406 ))
407407 ||#
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:weight.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:BigPink
33 File:weight.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7373 (defun op-lex< (op1 op2 &optional (order .op-lex-relation-table.))
7474 (declare (type method op1 op2)
75 (type hash-table .op-lex-relation-table.))
75 (type hash-table .op-lex-relation-table.))
7676 (memq op2 (superops op1 order)))
7878 (defun dump-op-lex-relation-table ()
7979 (maphash #'(lambda (op rel)
80 (with-output-msg ()
81 (format t "operator ~a " op)
82 (print-method op)
83 (print-next)
84 (format t "subs: ~{~a~}"
85 (_subops rel))
86 (print-next)
87 (format t "supers: ~{~a~}"
88 (_superops rel))
89 (print-next)))
90 .op-lex-relation-table.))
80 (with-output-msg ()
81 (format t "operator ~a " op)
82 (print-method op)
83 (print-next)
84 (format t "subs: ~{~a~}"
85 (_subops rel))
86 (print-next)
87 (format t "supers: ~{~a~}"
88 (_superops rel))
89 (print-next)))
90 .op-lex-relation-table.))
9292 (defun term-sub-operators (term)
9393 (declare (type term)
94 (values list))
94 (values list))
9595 (let ((res nil))
9696 (declare (type list res))
9797 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
9898 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
99 (when (term-is-application-form? sub)
100 (pushnew (term-head sub) res :test #'eq))))
99 (when (term-is-application-form? sub)
100 (pushnew (term-head sub) res :test #'eq))))
101101 res))
103103 ;;; ADD-OP-TO-ORDER
105105 (defun add-op-to-order (op &optional (order .op-lex-relation-table.))
106106 (declare (type method op)
107 (type hash-table .op-lex-relation-table.))
107 (type hash-table .op-lex-relation-table.))
108108 (let ((ent (get-op-relation op order)))
109109 (unless ent
110110 (add-op-relation-to-order (make-op-relation op nil nil) order))))
113113 ;;; adds the op-relation to operator-relation-table
114114 ;;;
115115 (defun gather-op-relations-from-order (relation
116 &optional
117 (order .op-lex-relation-table.))
116 &optional
117 (order .op-lex-relation-table.))
118118 (declare (type list relation)
119 (type hash-table .op-lex-relation-table.)
120 (values list))
119 (type hash-table .op-lex-relation-table.)
120 (values list))
121121 (macrolet ((pushnew-relation (__?rel __?res)
122 ` (pushnew ,__?rel ,__?res :test #'eq)))
122 ` (pushnew ,__?rel ,__?res :test #'eq)))
123123 (let ((res nil)
124 (op (op-relation-op relation))
125 (subs (_subops relation))
126 (sups (_superops relation)))
124 (op (op-relation-op relation))
125 (subs (_subops relation))
126 (sups (_superops relation)))
127127 (pushnew-relation (get-op-relation op order) res)
128128 (dolist (lops subs)
129 (pushnew-relation (get-op-relation lops order) res))
129 (pushnew-relation (get-op-relation lops order) res))
130130 (dolist (gops sups)
131 (pushnew-relation (get-op-relation gops order) res))
131 (pushnew-relation (get-op-relation gops order) res))
132132 res)))
134134 (defun add-op-relation-to-order (op-relation
135 &optional (order .op-lex-relation-table.))
135 &optional (order .op-lex-relation-table.))
136136 (let* ((op (op-relation-op op-relation))
137 (subs (_subops op-relation))
138 (supers (_superops op-relation)))
137 (subs (_subops op-relation))
138 (supers (_superops op-relation)))
139139 (macrolet ((ls-union (_s _ls)
140 ` (let (( (get-op-relation ,_s order)))
141 (pushnew ,_ls (_subops :test #'eq)))
142 (gs-union (_s _gs)
143 ` (let (( (get-op-relation ,_s order)))
144 (pushnew ,_gs (_superops :test #'eq))))
140 ` (let (( (get-op-relation ,_s order)))
141 (pushnew ,_ls (_subops :test #'eq)))
142 (gs-union (_s _gs)
143 ` (let (( (get-op-relation ,_s order)))
144 (pushnew ,_gs (_superops :test #'eq))))
145145 ;; merge new realtion
146146 (let ((o-op-rel (get-op-relation op order)))
147 (if o-op-rel
148 (progn
149 (setf (_subops o-op-rel)
150 (union subs (_subops o-op-rel) :test #'eq))
151 (setf (_superops o-op-rel)
152 (union supers (_superops o-op-rel) :test #'eq)))
153 (progn
154 (setf (get-op-relation op order) op-relation)
155 (setf o-op-rel op-relation
156 subs (_subops op-relation)
157 supers (_superops op-relation)))))
147 (if o-op-rel
148 (progn
149 (setf (_subops o-op-rel)
150 (union subs (_subops o-op-rel) :test #'eq))
151 (setf (_superops o-op-rel)
152 (union supers (_superops o-op-rel) :test #'eq)))
153 (progn
154 (setf (get-op-relation op order) op-relation)
155 (setf o-op-rel op-relation
156 subs (_subops op-relation)
157 supers (_superops op-relation)))))
158158 ;; we must gather relations which can be affected by new relation,
159159 ;; then compute transitive relations among them.
160160 (let ((rels (gather-op-relations-from-order op-relation order)))
161 (declare (type list rels))
162 (dolist (sl rels)
163 (let ((nsubs (_subops sl))
164 (nsups (_superops sl)))
165 (declare (type list nsubs nsups))
166 (dolist (s1 nsubs)
167 (dolist (s2 nsups)
168 (ls-union s2 s1)
169 (gs-union s1 s2))))))
161 (declare (type list rels))
162 (dolist (sl rels)
163 (let ((nsubs (_subops sl))
164 (nsups (_superops sl)))
165 (declare (type list nsubs nsups))
166 (dolist (s1 nsubs)
167 (dolist (s2 nsups)
168 (ls-union s2 s1)
169 (gs-union s1 s2))))))
170170 order)))
175175 (declare (type module module))
176176 (clrhash .op-lex-relation-table.)
177177 (let ((axs (module-all-equations module))
178 (opinfos (module-all-operators module))
179 ;; (ordered nil)
180 (num-ops 0)
181 )
178 (opinfos (module-all-operators module))
179 ;; (ordered nil)
180 (num-ops 0)
181 )
182182 (declare (type fixnum num-ops))
183183 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
184184 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
185 (add-op-to-order m)
186 (incf num-ops)))
185 (add-op-to-order m)
186 (incf num-ops)))
187187 (dolist (ax axs)
188188 (block next
189 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
190 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
191 (cond (axiom-condition ax)))
192 ;;
193 (unless (and (is-true? cond)
194 (term-is-application-form? rhs)
195 (not (rule-is-builtin ax)))
196 (return-from next nil))
197 ;;
198 (let ((meth1 (term-head lhs))
199 ;; (meth2 (term-head rhs))
200 ;; (rhs-methods (term-sub-operators rhs))
201 (rhs-methods (term-operators rhs)))
202 ;;
203 (setq rhs-methods (delete meth1 rhs-methods))
204 ;;
205 (let ((rel1 (make-op-relation meth1 rhs-methods)))
206 (add-op-relation-to-order rel1))
207 (dolist (lower rhs-methods)
208 (let ((rel2 (make-op-relation lower nil (list meth1))))
209 (add-op-relation-to-order rel2)))
210 ))))
189 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
190 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
191 (cond (axiom-condition ax)))
192 ;;
193 (unless (and (is-true? cond)
194 (term-is-application-form? rhs)
195 (not (rule-is-builtin ax)))
196 (return-from next nil))
197 ;;
198 (let ((meth1 (term-head lhs))
199 ;; (meth2 (term-head rhs))
200 ;; (rhs-methods (term-sub-operators rhs))
201 (rhs-methods (term-operators rhs)))
202 ;;
203 (setq rhs-methods (delete meth1 rhs-methods))
204 ;;
205 (let ((rel1 (make-op-relation meth1 rhs-methods)))
206 (add-op-relation-to-order rel1))
207 (dolist (lower rhs-methods)
208 (let ((rel2 (make-op-relation lower nil (list meth1))))
209 (add-op-relation-to-order rel2)))
210 ))))
211211 ;; check cyclicity
212212 (let ((err-p nil))
213213 (maphash #'(lambda (op op-relation)
214 (when (memq op (_subops op-relation))
215 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
216 (princ "cycle in operator lexical ordering: ")
217 (princ (method-name op)))
218 (setq err-p t)))
219 .op-lex-relation-table.)
214 (when (memq op (_subops op-relation))
215 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
216 (princ "cycle in operator lexical ordering: ")
217 (princ (method-name op)))
218 (setq err-p t)))
219 .op-lex-relation-table.)
220220 (when err-p
221 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
222 (princ "failed to construct operator lexical orderings."))))
221 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
222 (princ "failed to construct operator lexical orderings."))))
223223 ;;
224224 (when *debug-op-relation*
225225 (dump-op-lex-relation-table))
235235 (defun dump-op-lex-table ()
236236 (let ((entries nil))
237237 (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
238 (push (cons x y) entries))
239 .op-lex-prec-table.)
238 (push (cons x y) entries))
239 .op-lex-prec-table.)
240240 (setq entries (sort entries
241 #'(lambda (x y)
242 (< (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
241 #'(lambda (x y)
242 (< (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
243243 (dolist (e entries)
244244 (format t "~%meth ~s, prec = ~s" (car e) (cdr e)))
245245 ))
247247 (defun op-lex-compare (m1 m2)
248248 (declare (type method m1 m2)
249 (values symbol))
249 (values symbol))
250250 (flet ((compare-lex (name1 name2)
251 (declare (type list name1 name2))
252 (let ((n1 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
253 (concatenate 'string x y))
254 name1))
255 (n2 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
256 (concatenate 'string x y))
257 name2)))
258 (declare (type simple-string n1 n2))
259 (if (string< n1 n2)
260 :less
261 (if (string= n1 n2)
262 :same
263 :greater)))))
251 (declare (type list name1 name2))
252 (let ((n1 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
253 (concatenate 'string x y))
254 name1))
255 (n2 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
256 (concatenate 'string x y))
257 name2)))
258 (declare (type simple-string n1 n2))
259 (if (string< n1 n2)
260 :less
261 (if (string= n1 n2)
262 :same
263 :greater)))))
264264 ;;
265265 (if (op-lex< m1 m2)
266 :less
266 :less
267267 (if (op-lex< m2 m1)
268 :greater
269 ;;
270 (let* ((l1 (method-name m1))
271 (l2 (method-name m2))
272 (ar1 (cdr l1))
273 (ar2 (cdr l2)))
274 (declare (type fixnum ar1 ar2)
275 (type list l1 l2))
276 (if (< ar1 ar2)
277 (if (= 0 ar1)
278 :less ; m1 is constant
279 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2)))
280 (if (= ar1 ar2)
281 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))
282 ;; ar1 > ar2
283 (if (= 0 ar2) ; m2 is constant
284 :greater
285 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))))))
286 ))))
268 :greater
269 ;;
270 (let* ((l1 (method-name m1))
271 (l2 (method-name m2))
272 (ar1 (cdr l1))
273 (ar2 (cdr l2)))
274 (declare (type fixnum ar1 ar2)
275 (type list l1 l2))
276 (if (< ar1 ar2)
277 (if (= 0 ar1)
278 :less ; m1 is constant
279 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2)))
280 (if (= ar1 ar2)
281 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))
282 ;; ar1 > ar2
283 (if (= 0 ar2) ; m2 is constant
284 :greater
285 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))))))
286 ))))
288288 ;;; METHOD-LEX-PREC
289289 ;;;
305305 (defun order-lex-op (m1 m2)
306306 (declare (type method m1 m2))
307307 (labels ((compare-lex (name1 name2)
308 (declare (type list name1 name2))
309 (let ((n1 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
310 (concatenate 'string x y))
311 name1))
312 (n2 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
313 (concatenate 'string x y))
314 name2)))
315 (declare (type simple-string n1 n2))
316 (if (string< n1 n2)
317 :less
318 (if (string= n1 n2)
319 :same
320 :greater))))
321 (order-op ()
322 (let* ((l1 (method-name m1))
323 (l2 (method-name m2))
324 (ar1 (cdr l1))
325 (ar2 (cdr l2)))
326 (declare (type fixnum ar1 ar2)
327 (type list l1 l2))
328 (if (< ar1 ar2)
329 (if (= 0 ar1)
330 :less ; m1 is constant
331 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2)))
332 (if (= ar1 ar2)
333 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))
334 ;; ar1 > ar2
335 (if (= 0 ar2) ; m2 is constant
336 :greater
337 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))))))
338 ))
308 (declare (type list name1 name2))
309 (let ((n1 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
310 (concatenate 'string x y))
311 name1))
312 (n2 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
313 (concatenate 'string x y))
314 name2)))
315 (declare (type simple-string n1 n2))
316 (if (string< n1 n2)
317 :less
318 (if (string= n1 n2)
319 :same
320 :greater))))
321 (order-op ()
322 (let* ((l1 (method-name m1))
323 (l2 (method-name m2))
324 (ar1 (cdr l1))
325 (ar2 (cdr l2)))
326 (declare (type fixnum ar1 ar2)
327 (type list l1 l2))
328 (if (< ar1 ar2)
329 (if (= 0 ar1)
330 :less ; m1 is constant
331 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2)))
332 (if (= ar1 ar2)
333 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))
334 ;; ar1 > ar2
335 (if (= 0 ar2) ; m2 is constant
336 :greater
337 (compare-lex (car l1) (car l2))))))
338 ))
339339 ;;
340340 (let ((cmp (order-op)))
341341 (declare (type symbol cmp))
342342 (if (eq cmp :less)
343 t
344 (if (eq cmp :greater)
345 nil
346 (sort< (method-coarity m1) (method-coarity m2)
347 *current-sort-order*)))))
343 t
344 (if (eq cmp :greater)
345 nil
346 (sort< (method-coarity m1) (method-coarity m2)
347 *current-sort-order*)))))
348348 )
350350 (defun make-lexical-prec-table (module &optional (pre-ordered nil))
351351 (declare (type module module)
352 (type list pre-ordered))
352 (type list pre-ordered))
353353 (clrhash .op-lex-prec-table.)
354354 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators module))
355 (mlist nil))
355 (mlist nil))
356356 (with-in-module (module)
357357 (unless pre-ordered
358 (setq pre-ordered '(:* :skolem)))
358 (setq pre-ordered '(:* :skolem)))
359359 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
360 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
361 (push m mlist)))
360 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
361 (push m mlist)))
362362 (setq mlist (sort mlist #'order-lex-op))
363363 ;;
364364 (do* ((i 1)
365 (ml pre-ordered (cdr ml))
366 (meth (car ml) (car ml)))
367 ((endp ml))
368 (declare (type fixnum i))
369 (cond ((eq meth :*)
370 (do ((ml mlist (cdr ml)))
371 ((null ml))
372 (unless (method-lex-prec (car ml))
373 (setf (method-lex-prec (car ml)) (the fixnum (* 2 i)))
374 (incf i))))
375 (t (setf (method-lex-prec meth)
376 (the fixnum (* 2 i)))
377 (incf i)))
378 ))
365 (ml pre-ordered (cdr ml))
366 (meth (car ml) (car ml)))
367 ((endp ml))
368 (declare (type fixnum i))
369 (cond ((eq meth :*)
370 (do ((ml mlist (cdr ml)))
371 ((null ml))
372 (unless (method-lex-prec (car ml))
373 (setf (method-lex-prec (car ml)) (the fixnum (* 2 i)))
374 (incf i))))
375 (t (setf (method-lex-prec meth)
376 (the fixnum (* 2 i)))
377 (incf i)))
378 ))
379379 ;;
380380 (when *debug-op-relation*
381381 (dump-op-lex-table))
396396 #||
397397 (defun op-lex-precedence (meth1 meth2)
398398 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
399 (values symbol))
399 (values symbol))
400400 (when (method-w= meth1 meth2)
401401 (return-from op-lex-precedence :same))
402402 (if (and (method-is-constructor? meth1)
403 (not (method-is-constructor? meth2)))
403 (not (method-is-constructor? meth2)))
404404 :less
405405 (if (and (not (method-is-constructor? meth1))
406 (method-is-constructor? meth2))
407 :greater
406 (method-is-constructor? meth2))
407 :greater
408408 (if (op-lex-compare meth1 meth2)
409 :less
410 (if (op-lex-compare meth2 meth1)
411 :greater
412 (let ((p1 (method-lex-prec meth1))
413 (p2 (method-lex-prec meth2)))
414 (declare (type fixnum p1 p2))
415 (if (> p1 p2)
416 :greater
417 (if (< p1 p2)
418 :less
419 :same)))))))
409 :less
410 (if (op-lex-compare meth2 meth1)
411 :greater
412 (let ((p1 (method-lex-prec meth1))
413 (p2 (method-lex-prec meth2)))
414 (declare (type fixnum p1 p2))
415 (if (> p1 p2)
416 :greater
417 (if (< p1 p2)
418 :less
419 :same)))))))
420420 )
421421 ||#
423423 (defun op-lex-precedence (meth1 meth2)
424424 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
425 (values symbol))
425 (values symbol))
426426 (when (method-w= meth1 meth2)
427427 (return-from op-lex-precedence :same))
428428 (if (and (method-is-constructor? meth1)
429 (not (method-is-constructor? meth2)))
429 (not (method-is-constructor? meth2)))
430430 :less
431431 (if (and (not (method-is-constructor? meth1))
432 (method-is-constructor? meth2))
433 :greater
432 (method-is-constructor? meth2))
433 :greater
434434 (op-lex-compare meth1 meth2))))
436436 ;;; TERM-WEIGHT
437437 ;;;
438438 (defun term-weight (term)
439439 (declare (type term term)
440 (values fixnum))
440 (values fixnum))
441441 ;; must check answer also : TODO
442442 (cond ((term-is-variable? term) 1)
443 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) 1)
444 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) 1)
445 ((and (term-is-atom? term)
446 (null (term-subterms term)))
447 1)
448 (t (let (
449 #||
450 (max (if (term-is-atom? term)
451 (pn-flag atom-wt-max-args)
452 (pn-flag term-wt-max-args)))
453 ||#
454 (wt 0))
455 (declare (type fixnum wt))
456 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
457 (let ((w1 (term-weight sub)))
458 (declare (type fixnum w1))
459 #||
460 (if max
461 (when (> w1 wt)
462 (setq wt w1))
463 (incf wt w1))
464 ||#
465 (incf wt w1)
466 ))
467 (1+ wt)))))
443 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) 1)
444 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) 1)
445 ((and (term-is-atom? term)
446 (null (term-subterms term)))
447 1)
448 (t (let (
449 #||
450 (max (if (term-is-atom? term)
451 (pn-flag atom-wt-max-args)
452 (pn-flag term-wt-max-args)))
453 ||#
454 (wt 0))
455 (declare (type fixnum wt))
456 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
457 (let ((w1 (term-weight sub)))
458 (declare (type fixnum w1))
459 #||
460 (if max
461 (when (> w1 wt)
462 (setq wt w1))
463 (incf wt w1))
464 ||#
465 (incf wt w1)
466 ))
467 (1+ wt)))))
469469 ;;; WEIGHT-LEX-ORDER : TERM1 TERM2 -> {:greater, :less, nil}
470470 ;;;
471471 (defun weight-lex-order (t1 t2)
472472 (declare (type term t1 t2))
473473 (let ((i1 (term-weight t1))
474 (i2 (term-weight t2)))
474 (i2 (term-weight t2)))
475475 (declare (type fixnum i1 i2))
476476 (if (> i1 i2)
477 :greater
477 :greater
478478 (if (< i1 i2)
479 :less
480 (term-lex-order t1 t2)))))
479 :less
480 (term-lex-order t1 t2)))))
482482 ;;; TERM-LEX-ORDER : TERM1 TERM2 -> {:greater, :less, nil}
483483 ;;;
491491 ;; same sort
492492 ;;
493493 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
494 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
495 (if (variable-eq t1 t2)
496 :same
497 nil) ; incomparable
498 (if (occurs-in t1 t2)
499 :less
500 nil)))
501 ((term-is-variable? t2)
502 (if (occurs-in t2 t1)
503 :greater
504 nil))
505 ;;
506 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
507 (if (term-is-application-form? t2)
508 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1)
509 (term-head t2))
510 ;; same op
511 (let ((ret-code :same))
512 (do ((t1-sub (term-subterms t1) (cdr t1-sub))
513 (t2-sub (term-subterms t2) (cdr t2-sub)))
514 ((or (null t1-sub)
515 (not (eq ret-code :same)))
516 ret-code)
517 (setq ret-code
518 (term-lex-order (car t1-sub) (car t2-sub)))))
519 ;; different op
520 (op-lex-precedence (term-head t1) (term-head t2)))
521 ))
522 ((term-is-application-form? t2)
523 :less)
524 (t :greater)
525 ))
494 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
495 (if (variable-eq t1 t2)
496 :same
497 nil) ; incomparable
498 (if (occurs-in t1 t2)
499 :less
500 nil)))
501 ((term-is-variable? t2)
502 (if (occurs-in t2 t1)
503 :greater
504 nil))
505 ;;
506 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
507 (if (term-is-application-form? t2)
508 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1)
509 (term-head t2))
510 ;; same op
511 (let ((ret-code :same))
512 (do ((t1-sub (term-subterms t1) (cdr t1-sub))
513 (t2-sub (term-subterms t2) (cdr t2-sub)))
514 ((or (null t1-sub)
515 (not (eq ret-code :same)))
516 ret-code)
517 (setq ret-code
518 (term-lex-order (car t1-sub) (car t2-sub)))))
519 ;; different op
520 (op-lex-precedence (term-head t1) (term-head t2)))
521 ))
522 ((term-is-application-form? t2)
523 :less)
524 (t :greater)
525 ))
527527 (defun term-lex-order-vars (t1 t2)
528528 (declare (type term t1 t2))
533533 ;; same sort
534534 (if (term-is-variable? t1)
535535 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
536 (if (variable-eq t1 t2)
537 :same
538 ;; NOTE*!!
539 (let ((vn1 (variable-name t1))
540 (vn2 (variable-name t2)))
541 (if (< vn2 vn1)
542 :greater
543 :less)))
544 :less)
536 (if (variable-eq t1 t2)
537 :same
538 ;; NOTE*!!
539 (let ((vn1 (variable-name t1))
540 (vn2 (variable-name t2)))
541 (if (< vn2 vn1)
542 :greater
543 :less)))
544 :less)
545545 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
546 :greater
546 :greater
547547 (if (term-is-application-form? t1)
548 (if (term-is-application-form? t2)
549 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1)
550 (term-head t2))
551 ;; same op
552 (let ((ret-code :same))
553 (do ((t1-sub (term-subterms t1) (cdr t1-sub))
554 (t2-sub (term-subterms t2) (cdr t2-sub)))
555 ((or (null t1-sub)
556 (not (eq ret-code :same)))
557 ret-code)
558 (setq ret-code
559 (term-lex-order-vars (car t1-sub) (car t2-sub)))
560 ))
561 ;; different op
562 (op-lex-precedence (term-head t1) (term-head t2)))
563 :greater)
564 :less))))
548 (if (term-is-application-form? t2)
549 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1)
550 (term-head t2))
551 ;; same op
552 (let ((ret-code :same))
553 (do ((t1-sub (term-subterms t1) (cdr t1-sub))
554 (t2-sub (term-subterms t2) (cdr t2-sub)))
555 ((or (null t1-sub)
556 (not (eq ret-code :same)))
557 ret-code)
558 (setq ret-code
559 (term-lex-order-vars (car t1-sub) (car t2-sub)))
560 ))
561 ;; different op
562 (op-lex-precedence (term-head t1) (term-head t2)))
563 :greater)
564 :less))))
567567 ;;; LEX-CHECK : t1 t2 -> Bool
568568 ;;;
569569 (defun lex-check (term1 term2)
570570 (declare (type term term1 term2)
571 (inline term-lex-order-vars)
572 (inline term-lex-order))
571 (inline term-lex-order-vars)
572 (inline term-lex-order))
573573 (if (pn-flag lex-order-vars)
574574 (term-lex-order-vars term1 term2)
575575 (term-lex-order term1 term2)))
582582 ;;;
583583 (defun order-literal (lit input?)
584584 (let* ((eq (literal-atom lit))
585 (alpha (term-arg-1 eq))
586 (beta (term-arg-2 eq)))
585 (alpha (term-arg-1 eq))
586 (beta (term-arg-2 eq)))
587587 (declare (type term eq alpha beta))
588588 (and (not (term-is-identical alpha beta))
589 (let ((alpha-bigger nil)
590 (beta-bigger nil))
591 #||
592 (if (and (pn-flag symbol-elim)
593 (sym-elim alpha beta))
594 (setq alpha-bigger t)
595 (if (and (pn-flag symbol-elim)
596 (sym-elim beta alpha))
597 (setq beta-bigger t)
598 (if (term-occurs-in beta alpha)
599 (setq alpha-bigger t)
600 (if (term-occurs-in alpha beta)
601 (setq beta-bigger t)
602 (let ((rc (weight-lex-order alpha beta)))
603 (if (eq rc :greater)
604 (setq alpha-bigger t)
605 (if (eq rc :less)
606 (setq beta-bigger t))))))))
607 ||#
608 (if (or input? (term-occurs-in beta alpha))
609 (setq alpha-bigger t)
610 (if (term-occurs-in alpha beta)
611 (setq beta-bigger t)
612 (let ((rc (weight-lex-order alpha beta)))
613 (if (eq rc :greater)
614 (setq alpha-bigger t)
615 (if (eq rc :less)
616 (setq beta-bigger t))))))
617 ;;
618 (when (or alpha-bigger beta-bigger)
619 (when beta-bigger
620 (let ((new-atom
621 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
622 (list beta alpha))))
623 (declare (type term new-atom))
624 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom)
625 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
626 scratch-bit)))
627 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
628 oriented-eq-bit))
629 ))))
589 (let ((alpha-bigger nil)
590 (beta-bigger nil))
591 #||
592 (if (and (pn-flag symbol-elim)
593 (sym-elim alpha beta))
594 (setq alpha-bigger t)
595 (if (and (pn-flag symbol-elim)
596 (sym-elim beta alpha))
597 (setq beta-bigger t)
598 (if (term-occurs-in beta alpha)
599 (setq alpha-bigger t)
600 (if (term-occurs-in alpha beta)
601 (setq beta-bigger t)
602 (let ((rc (weight-lex-order alpha beta)))
603 (if (eq rc :greater)
604 (setq alpha-bigger t)
605 (if (eq rc :less)
606 (setq beta-bigger t))))))))
607 ||#
608 (if (or input? (term-occurs-in beta alpha))
609 (setq alpha-bigger t)
610 (if (term-occurs-in alpha beta)
611 (setq beta-bigger t)
612 (let ((rc (weight-lex-order alpha beta)))
613 (if (eq rc :greater)
614 (setq alpha-bigger t)
615 (if (eq rc :less)
616 (setq beta-bigger t))))))
617 ;;
618 (when (or alpha-bigger beta-bigger)
619 (when beta-bigger
620 (let ((new-atom
621 (make-term-with-sort-check *fopl-eq*
622 (list beta alpha))))
623 (declare (type term new-atom))
624 (setf (literal-atom lit) new-atom)
625 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
626 scratch-bit)))
627 (set-bit (literal-stat-bits lit)
628 oriented-eq-bit))
629 ))))
631631 (defun order-equalities (clause &optional input)
632632 (declare (type clause clause)
633 (inline order-literal))
633 (inline order-literal))
634634 (dolist (lit (clause-literals clause))
635635 (when (eq-literal? lit)
636636 (order-literal lit input))))
643643 (defun sym-elim (alpha beta)
644644 (declare (type term alpha beta))
645645 (cond ((or (term-is-variable? alpha)
646 (term-is-builtin-constant? alpha)
647 (term-is-lisp-form? alpha))
648 (return-from sym-elim nil))
649 (t (return-from sym-elim
650 (and (operator-occurs-in (term-head alpha)
651 beta)
652 (var-subset beta alpha))))))
646 (term-is-builtin-constant? alpha)
647 (term-is-lisp-form? alpha))
648 (return-from sym-elim nil))
649 (t (return-from sym-elim
650 (and (operator-occurs-in (term-head alpha)
651 beta)
652 (var-subset beta alpha))))))
654654 ;;; VAR-SUBSET : TERM1 TERM2 -> Bool
655655 ;;; t iff vars(t1) is a subset of vars(t2).
657657 (defun var-subset (t1 t2)
658658 (declare (type term t1 t2))
659659 (let ((v1 (term-variables t1))
660 (v2 (term-variables t2)))
660 (v2 (term-variables t2)))
661661 (declare (type list v1 v2))
662662 (subsetp v1 v2)))
667667 (declare (type term t1 t2))
668668 (or (term-eq t1 t2)
669669 (and (term-type-eq t1 t2)
670 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1) t)
671 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
672 (if (method-w= (term-head t1) (term-head t2))
673 (let ((subs1 (term-subterms t1))
674 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
675 (loop
676 (when (null subs1) (return t))
677 (unless (term-ident-x-vars (car subs1)
678 (car subs2))
679 (return nil))
680 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1)
681 subs2 (cdr subs2))))
682 nil))
683 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
684 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
685 ((term-is-lisp-form? t1)
686 (and (term-is-lisp-form? t2)
687 (equal (lisp-form-original-form t1)
688 (lisp-form-original-form t2))))
689 (t nil)))))
670 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1) t)
671 ((term-is-application-form? t1)
672 (if (method-w= (term-head t1) (term-head t2))
673 (let ((subs1 (term-subterms t1))
674 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
675 (loop
676 (when (null subs1) (return t))
677 (unless (term-ident-x-vars (car subs1)
678 (car subs2))
679 (return nil))
680 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1)
681 subs2 (cdr subs2))))
682 nil))
683 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
684 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
685 ((term-is-lisp-form? t1)
686 (and (term-is-lisp-form? t2)
687 (equal (lisp-form-original-form t1)
688 (lisp-form-original-form t2))))
689 (t nil)))))
691691 ;;; EOF
66 (This is the simplified BSD 2-clause license,
9 Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada and contrbutors. All rights reserved.
9 Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada and contrbutors. All rights reserved.
1111 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1212 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00 #
1 # Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 # Copyright (c) 2014, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
1 # Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 # Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
33 #
44 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
179179 doc/manual/manual.pdf \
180180 doc/RefCard/interp.pdf \
181181 doc/RefCard/syntax.pdf \
182 doc/PigNose/pnguide.pdf
182 doc/PigNose/pnguide.pdf \
183 doc/citp-manual/citp.pdf
183184 endif
185186 #
275276 doc/RefCard/interp.pdf \
276277 doc/RefCard/syntax.pdf \
277278 doc/refman/reference-manual.pdf \
279 doc/citp-manual/citp.pdf \
278280 doc/etc/cafe-citp.txt \
279281 elisp/cafeobj-mode.el \
280282 lib/icons/cafeobj-logo.png \
295297 $(MAKE) -C doc/RefCard interp.pdf
296298 doc/RefCard/syntax.pdf:
297299 $(MAKE) -C doc/RefCard syntax.pdf
300 doc/citp-manual/citp.pdf:
301 $(MAKE) -C doc/citp-manual citp.pdf
303307 -test -f doc/manual/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C doc/manual clean
304308 -test -f doc/PigNose/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C doc/PigNose clean
305309 -test -f doc/RefCard/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C doc/RefCard clean
310 -test -f doc/citp-manual/Makefile && $(MAKE) -C doc/citp-manual clean
306311 rm -rf dumps
307312 rm -f stamp-windows-prepare stamp-windows-build
308313 rm -f build-stamp
0 * CafeOBJ 1.5.4 (DEV)
1 ===============
3 - CITP changes
4 . new commands :ctf- and :csp-
5 . new command :def(ine) to turn :ctf(-) and :csp(-) into proper
6 tactics for :apply
08 * CafeOBJ 1.5.3
19 ===============
00 CafeOBJ Interpreter
11 ===================
2 *Version 1.5.2*
3 2014-10-08
2 *Version 1.5.3*
3 2015-2-26
55 CafeOBJ is a new generation algebraic specification and programming language.
66 As a direct successor of OBJ, it inherits all its features (flexible mix-fix
0 20150324 tswd
2 refactor, over 20 years old codes
3 even 20 years a go, the style was already old fashioned.
4 (1) many globals to be eliminated
5 *memoized-module* ?
6 (2) clean up and reorganize modules
7 profiler -- new
8 context
9 (3) many dumplicated/similar code fragments
10 much codes have been added in ad hoc manner
12 20150317 np
14 update manual.tex for current interpreter, add/remove options
16 ship parametrized modules in lib/para/ like
17 para/
18 para/
19 para/
20 so that one can use
21 require para/
23 pr(PARA_SET(NAT))
24 ...
026 20150225 np
228 we should add a check that a key is not define'd more than once
2248 --end-toplevel-options <args-to-cafeobj>*
2349 (Please refer to 3.2.3 Saving Core Image and 3.3 Command Line Options
2450 of the manual. )
00 ;;;
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 ;;;
33 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
5050 (setq -cafeobj-load-time- (chaos::get-time-string)))
5252 (defun cafeobj-greeting ()
53 ;; (declare (values t))
5453 (unless (or *cafeobj-batch* *cafeobj-no-banner*)
5554 (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
56 ;;(declare (special *print-pretty*))
5755 (fresh-line)
5856 (terpri)
5957 (print-centering g_line_1)
9088 (print-centering "-- Containing PigNose Extensions --")
9189 (fresh-line)
9290 )
93 (unless *cafeobj-batch*
91 (unless (or *cafeobj-batch* *cafeobj-no-banner*)
9492 (print-centering "---")
9593 (fresh-line)
9694 (print-centering (concatenate
138136 (with-chaos-top-error ()
139137 (with-chaos-error ()
140138 (cafeobj-init-files)))))
141 (with-simple-restart (nil "Exit CafeOBJ.")
142 (loop
143 (with-simple-restart (abort "Return to CafeOBJ Top level.")
144 (catch *top-level-tag*
145 (process-cafeobj-input)
146 (setq quit-flag t))
147 (when quit-flag (return :ok-exit))))))
139 (with-simple-restart (nil "Exit CafeOBJ.")
140 (loop
141 (with-simple-restart (abort "Return to CafeOBJ Top level.")
142 (catch *top-level-tag*
143 (process-cafeobj-input)
144 (setq quit-flag t))
145 (when quit-flag (return :ok-exit))))))
148146 (format t "[Leaving CafeOBJ]~%")))
149147 (finish-output))
184182 (with-chaos-top-error ()
185183 (with-chaos-error ()
186184 (cafeobj-init-files)))))
187 (with-simple-restart (nil "Exit CafeOBJ.")
188 (loop
189 (with-simple-restart (abort "Return to CafeOBJ Top level.")
190 (catch *top-level-tag*
191 (process-cafeobj-input)
192 (setq quit-flag t))
193 (when quit-flag (return :ok-exit))))))
194 (format t "[Leaving CafeOBJ]~%")))
185 (with-simple-restart (nil "Exit CafeOBJ.")
186 (loop
187 (with-simple-restart (abort "Return to CafeOBJ Top level.")
188 (catch *top-level-tag*
189 (process-cafeobj-input)
190 (setq quit-flag t))
191 (when quit-flag (return :ok-exit))))))
192 (format t "[Leaving CafeOBJ]~%")))
195193 (finish-output) ))
197195 ;;;=============================================================================
276274 ;;
277275 (let ((res (catch *top-level-tag* (cafeobj) 'ok-exit)))
278276 (if (eq res 'ok-exit)
279 (bye-bye-bye)
277 (bye-bye-bye)
280278 (progn
281 (princ "** ERROR")
282 (terpri)))))
279 (princ "** ERROR")
280 (terpri)))))
284282 #+EXCL
285283 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
44 File: command-top.lisp
55 ==============================================================================|#
66 ;;;
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
88 ;;;
99 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1010 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8888 (setq *cafeobj-initial-prelude-file* nil)
8989 (let* ((args (get-arg-string))
9090 (argc (length args)))
91 (declare (type list args))
91 (declare (type list args))
9292 (when (< 0 argc)
9393 (let ((i 0))
9494 (while (> argc i)
111111 (setq *match-debug* t))
112112 (("-view-debug")
113113 (setq *on-view-debug* t))
114 (("-h" "-help")
114 (("-h" "-help" "--help")
115115 (cafeobj-interpreter-help)
116116 (bye-bye-bye))
117117 (("-q")
193193 (if *cafeobj-initial-prelude-file*
194194 ;; load specified prelude files
195195 (progn
196 (format t "~&-- loading prelude")
196 (format t "~%-- loading prelude")
197197 ;;(format t "~&-- do `save-system' for creating system prelude pre-loaded.")
198198 (setq *cafeobj-standard-prelude-path*
199199 (load-prelude *cafeobj-initial-prelude-file* 'process-cafeobj-input)))
200200 (unless *cafeobj-standard-prelude-path*
201 (format t "~&-- loading standard prelude")
201 (format t "~%-- loading standard prelude")
202202 ;;(format t "~&-- do `save-system' for creating system prelude pre-loaded.")
203203 (setq *cafeobj-standard-prelude-path*
204204 (load-prelude "std" 'process-cafeobj-input))))
205205 (when *cafeobj-secondary-prelude-file*
206 (format t "~&-- appending prelude")
206 (format t "~%-- appending prelude")
207207 (setq *cafeobj-secondary-prelude-path*
208208 (load-prelude+ *cafeobj-secondary-prelude-file* 'process-cafeobj-input)))
209209 ;; load site init
235235 ;;;
236 (defun print-context-info ()
237 (let ((cmod (get-context-module t)))
238 (cond ((null cmod)
239 (format t "~&You are at top level, no context module is set."))
240 (*open-module*
241 (format t "~&A module ~a is open. " (get-module-print-name *open-module*))
242 (format t "In addition to toplevel commands,~%you can put any declarations of module constructs.~%")
243 (format t "Try typing '?com element' for the list of available constructs."))
244 (t
245 (format t "~&Module ~a is set as current module." (get-module-print-name cmod))))))
247 (defun print-help-help ()
248 (format t "~2%** Here are commands for CafeOBJ online help system.~%")
249 (format t "'?com [<class>]'~25T Shows available commands classified by <class>,~%")
250 (format t "~25T ommiting <classy> shows a list of <class>.~%")
251 (format t "'? <name>'~25T Gives the reference manual description of <name>~%")
252 (format t "'?ex <name>'~25T Similar to '? <name>', but in this case~%")
253 (format t "~25T also shows examples if available.~%")
254 (format t "'?ap <term> [<term>] ...'~25TSearches all available online docs for the terms passed,~%")
255 (format t "~25T type '? ?ap' for more detailed descriptions.~%")
256 (format t "** Typing 'com' will show the list of major toplevel commands.~%")
257 (format t "** URL '' privides anything you want to know about CafeOBJ."))
236259 (defun cafeobj-top-level-help (&optional com)
237260 (cond ((null (cdr com))
238 (format t "~&-- CafeOBJ top level commands :")
239 (format t "~&-- Top level definitional forms include `module'(object, theory), ~%-- `view', and `make'")
240 (format t "~& ?~20Tprint out this help")
241 (format t "~& quit -or-")
242 (format t "~& q~20Texit from CafeOBJ interpreter")
243 (format t "~& select <Modexp> ~20Tset the <Modexp> current")
244 (format t "~& show -or-")
245 (format t "~& describe~20Tprint various info., for further help, type `show ?'")
246 (format t "~&-- setting switches:")
247 (format t "~& set~20Tset toplevel switches, for further help: type `set ?'")
248 (format t "~& protect <Modexp>~20Tprevent module from redefinition")
249 (format t "~& unprotect <Modexp>~20T un-set protection of module")
250 (format t "~&-- simple semantic tools:")
251 (format t "~& check <things>~20Tcheck some properties of moudle,")
252 (format t "~& ~20Tfor further help, type `check ?'")
253 (format t "~& regularize <Modexp>~20T make the signature of <Modexp> regular")
254 (format t "~&-- term rewriting commands:")
255 (format t "~& reduce -or- ")
256 (format t "~& red [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .")
257 (format t "~& ~20Trewrite <term> using equations as rewerite rules")
258 (format t "~& ~20Toptional <Modexp> specifies the context")
259 (format t "~& exec [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .")
260 ;; (format t "~& exec+ [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .")
261 (format t "~& ~20Trewrite <term> using both equations and rules")
262 (format t "~& ~20Toptional <Modexp> specifies the context")
263 (format t "~& parse [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .")
264 (format t "~& ~20Tparse <term>, print out the result")
265 ;; (format t "~& test {reduction|execution} <term> :expect <term> . ")
266 ;; (format t "~& ~20Tdo test reduction(execution) in the current context")
267 ;; (format t "~& rew limit {<number>| .}")
268 ;; (format t "~& ~20Tset(unset) max number of rewriting")
269 ;; (format t "~& stop at [<term>] .")
270 ;; (format t "~& ~20Tset(unset) stop pattern")
271 (format t "~&-- theorem proving stuffs:")
272 (format t "~& apply~20Tapply rewrite rules to a term,~%~20Tfor further help: type `apply ?'")
273 (format t "~& start <term>~20Tset the term <term> as the target of \"apply\" command")
274 (format t "~& open {<Modexp> | .}~20T open module")
275 (format t "~& close ~20Tclose openning module")
276 (format t "~&-- reading in files:")
277 (format t "~& input -or-")
278 (format t "~& in <file>~20Tread in <file>")
279 (format t "~& require <feature> [<file>]")
280 (format t "~& ~20Trequire <feature>")
281 (format t "~& provide <feature>~20Tprovide the <feature>")
282 (format t "~&-- save/restore module definitions:")
283 (format t "~& save <file>~20Tsave current definitions of modules to <file>")
284 (format t "~& restore <file>~20Trestore definitions of modules from <file>")
285 (format t "~& reset ~20Trecover defintions of built-in modules and standard prelude")
286 (format t "~& full reset~20Treset system to initial status")
287 (format t "~&-- misc. commands")
288 (format t "~& clean memo ~20T clean up term memoization table")
289 (format t "~& dribble {<file>| .}~20T if <file> is given, begins to record the interaction")
290 (format t "~& ~20Tto the specified file, else ends the recording.")
291 (format t "~& cd <directory>~20Tchange current directory")
292 (format t "~& ls <directory>~20Tlist files in directory")
293 (format t "~& pwd~20Tprint current directory")
294 (format t "~& lisp -or-")
295 (format t "~& lispq <lisp>~20Tevaluate lisp expression <lisp>")
296 (format t "~& ! <command>~20Tfork shell <command> (Unix only)"))
261 (let ((ask (intern (car com))))
262 (case ask
263 ((|?com| |?commands|) (oldoc-list-categories nil))
264 (otherwise (print-context-info)
265 (print-help-help)))))
297266 (t (cafeobj-what-is com))))
268 (defparameter .cafeobj-main-commands.
269 "-- CafeOBJ major top level commands:
270 NOTE: Top level definitional forms include declaration of `module' and `view'.
271 -- help:
272 ? shows the current context and the brief guide for using help system.
273 -- exit:
274 quit -or- q exit from CafeOBJ interpreter.
275 -- setting working context:
276 select <Modexp> . set the module specified by a module expression <Modexp> as current module.
277 open <Modexp> . open the module specified by a module expression <Moexp>,
278 <Modexp> will be a current module.
279 close close the opening module.
280 -- term rewriting commands:
281 reduce -or-
282 red [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .
283 rewrite <term> using equations as rewerite rules
284 optional <Modexp> specifies the rewriting context (module)
285 exec [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .
286 rewrite <term> using both equations and rules
287 optional <Modexp> specifies the rewriting context (module)
288 -- term parser:
289 parse [in <Modexp> : ] <term> .
290 parse <term>, print out the result
291 optional <Modexp> specfies the parsing context (module)
292 -- inspection:
293 show -or- describe print various info., for further help, type `show ?'
294 -- setting switches:
295 set set toplevel switches, for further help: type `set ?'
296 protect <Modexp> prevent module <Modexp> from redefinition
297 unprotect <Modexp> un-set protection of module <Modexp>
298 -- reading in files:
299 input -or-
300 in <pathname> requests the system to read the file specified by the pathname.
301 The file itself may contain 'input' commands.
302 -- system intialization
303 reset restores the definitions of built-in modules and preludes,
304 but does not affect other modules.
305 full reset reinitializes the internal state of the system.
306 all supplied modules definitions are lost.
307 -- misc. commands
308 cd <directory> change the system's working directory
309 ls <directory> list files in directory
310 pwd print the current directory
311 ! <command> fork shell <command> (Unix only)"
312 )
314 (defun show-cafeobj-main-commands ()
315 (format t "~a~%" .cafeobj-main-commands.))
299317 ;;;
300318 (defparameter .?-invalid-chars. '("." "#" "'" "`"))
302 #||
303 (defun cafeobj-what-is (inp)
304 (flet ((check-pat (pat)
305 (if (not (some #'(lambda (str)
306 (member str .?-invalid-chars. :test #'string=))
307 pat))
308 t
309 (progn (format *error-output*
310 "Illegal command/switch pattern: ~{~a ~^~}" pat)
311 nil))))
312 (let* ((id (if (cddr inp)
313 (and (check-pat (cdr inp))
314 (mapcar #'read-from-string (cdr inp)))
315 (and (cadr inp)
316 (check-pat (cdr inp))
317 (read-from-string (cadr inp)))))
318 (desc (if (keywordp id)
319 (get-msg-description id)
320 (and id (get-command-description (car inp) id)))))
321 (unless id
322 (format t "~&Usage: {? | ??} {<command/switch name or pattern> | <message ID>}")
323 (return-from cafeobj-what-is nil))
324 (if desc
325 (format t desc)
326 (format t "~&Unknown command/switch or message ID: ~{~a ~^~}." (cdr inp))))))
327 ||#
329320 (defun cafeobj-what-is (inp)
330321 (let* ((ask (intern (car inp)))
331 (question (cdr inp))
332 (description nil))
322 (question (cdr inp))
323 (description nil))
333324 (case ask
334325 (|?| (setq description (oldoc-get-documentation question :main t :example nil)))
335326 (|??| (setq description (oldoc-get-documentation question :main t :example t)))
336327 ((|?ex| |?example|) (setq description (oldoc-get-documentation question :main nil :example t)))
337328 ((|?ap| |?apropos|) (setq description (oldoc-get-documentation question :apropos t)))
329 ((|?com| |?command|) (oldoc-list-categories question)
330 (return-from cafeobj-what-is nil))
338331 (otherwise
339332 ;; this cannot happen
340333 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-error)
341 (format t "Unknown help command ~a" (car inp)))))
334 (format t "Unknown help command ~a" (car inp)))))
342335 (cond (description (format t description)
343 (terpri))
344 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
345 (format t "System does not know about \"~{~a ~^~}\"." question))))))
336 (terpri))
337 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
338 (format t "System does not know about \"~{~a ~^~}\"." question))))))
347340 ;;;
348341 (defun get-command-description (level id)
392385 (defun print-cafeobj-prompt ()
393386 (fresh-all)
394387 (flush-all)
395 (cond ((eq *prompt* 'system)
396 (if *last-module*
397 (if (module-is-inconsistent *last-module*)
388 (let ((cur-module (get-context-module t)))
389 (cond ((eq *prompt* 'system)
390 (if cur-module
391 (if (module-is-inconsistent cur-module)
398392 (progn
399393 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
400394 (format t "~a is inconsistent due to changes in some of its submodules."
401 (module-name *last-module*))
395 (module-name cur-module))
402396 (print-next)
403397 (princ "resetting the `current module' of the system.."))
404 (setq *last-module* nil)
405 (format *error-output* "~&CafeOBJ> ")
406 )
398 (reset-context-module)
399 (format *error-output* "~&CafeOBJ> "))
407400 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
408 (print-simple-mod-name *last-module*)
401 (print-simple-mod-name cur-module)
409402 (princ "> ")))
410 (format *error-output* "CafeOBJ> "))
411 (setf *sub-prompt* nil))
412 ((eq *prompt* 'none))
413 (*prompt*
414 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
415 (if (atom *prompt*)
416 (princ *prompt*)
417 (print-simple-princ-open *prompt*))
418 (princ " "))))
419 (flush-all))
403 ;; no context module
404 (format *error-output* "CafeOBJ> "))
405 (setf *sub-prompt* nil))
406 ;; prompt specified to NONE
407 ((eq *prompt* 'none))
408 ;; specified prompt
409 (*prompt*
410 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
411 (if (atom *prompt*)
412 (princ *prompt*)
413 (print-simple-princ-open *prompt*))
414 (princ " "))))
415 (flush-all)))
422418 ;;;_____________________________________________________________________________
427423 (pathname (concatenate 'string topdir "/lib/")))
428424 (setq *system-ex-dir*
429425 (pathname (concatenate 'string topdir "/exs/")))
430 (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*)))
426 ;; (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*))
427 (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir*)))
432429 #-(or (and CCL (not :openmcl)) ALLEGRO (and SBCL WIN32))
433430 (defun set-cafeobj-standard-library-path (&optional topdir)
457454 (setq *system-prelude-dir* (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames "prelude/")))
458455 (setq *system-lib-dir* (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames "lib/")))
459456 (setq *system-ex-dir* (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames "exs/")))
460 (setq *chaos-libpath*
461 (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*)))))
457 ;;; (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*))
458 (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir*)))))
463460 #+(and :SBCL :win32)
464461 (defun set-cafeobj-standard-library-path (&optional topdir)
465462 (if topdir
466463 (set-cafeobj-libpath topdir)
467464 (let* ((*default-pathname-defaults* (make-pathname :host (pathname-host sb-ext:*core-pathname*)
468 :device (pathname-device sb-ext:*core-pathname*)
469 :directory (pathname-directory sb-ext:*core-pathname*))))
465 :device (pathname-device sb-ext:*core-pathname*)
466 :directory (pathname-directory sb-ext:*core-pathname*))))
470467 (setq *cafeobj-install-dir* *default-pathname-defaults*)
471468 (setq *system-prelude-dir* (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames "prelude/")))
472469 (setq *system-lib-dir* (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames "lib/")))
473470 (setq *system-ex-dir* (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames "exs/")))
474 (setq *chaos-libpath*
475 (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*)))))
471 ;;; (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*))
472 (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir*)))))
477474 ;;; patch by
478475 #+(and CCL (not :openmcl))
486483 (full-pathname (make-pathname :host "ccl" :directory "lib/")))
487484 (setq *system-ex-dir*
488485 (full-pathname (make-pathname :host "ccl" :directory "exs/")))
489 (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*)))
486 ;; (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir* *system-ex-dir*))
487 (setq *chaos-libpath* (list *system-lib-dir*)))
491489 ;;; MAIN ROUTINE
524522 (let ((com (get-command-info key)))
525523 (unless com
526524 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-commands)
527 (format t "No such command or declaration keyword '~a'." key)))
525 (format t "No such command or declaration keyword '~a'." key)))
528526 (let ((parser (comde-parser com)))
529527 (unless parser
530 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-parser)
531 (format t "No parser is defined for command ~a" key)))
528 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-parser)
529 (format t "No parser is defined for command ~a" key)))
532530 (let ((pform (funcall parser inp)))
533 (unless pform
534 (with-output-chaos-error ('parse-error)
535 (format t "Invalid argument to command ~a." key)))
536 (if (eq pform :help)
537 (print-comde-usage com)
538 (let ((evaluator (comde-evaluator com)))
539 (unless evaluator
540 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-evaluator)
541 (format t "No evaluator is defined for command ~a." key)))
542 (funcall evaluator pform)))))))
531 (unless pform
532 (with-output-chaos-error ('parse-error)
533 (format t "Invalid argument to command ~a." key)))
534 (if (eq pform :help)
535 (print-comde-usage com)
536 (let ((evaluator (comde-evaluator com)))
537 (unless evaluator
538 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-evaluator)
539 (format t "No evaluator is defined for command ~a." key)))
540 (funcall evaluator pform)))))))
544542 ;;;
545543 ;;;
546544 (defun parse-cafeobj-input-from-string (string)
547545 (let ((.reader-ch. 'space)
548 (*reader-input* *reader-void*)
549 (*print-array* nil)
550 (*print-circle* nil)
551 (*old-context* nil)
552 (*show-mode* :cafeobj))
546 (*reader-input* *reader-void*)
547 (*print-array* nil)
548 (*print-circle* nil)
549 (*old-context* nil)
550 (*show-mode* :cafeobj))
553551 (let ((inp nil)
554 (.in-in. nil))
552 (.in-in. nil))
555553 (declare (special .in-in.))
556554 (with-chaos-top-error ('handle-cafeobj-top-error)
557 (with-chaos-error ('handle-chaos-error)
558 (setq inp (cafeobj-parse-from-string string))
559 (block process-input
561 (cafeobj-evaluate-command (car inp) inp)))))))
555 (with-chaos-error ('handle-chaos-error)
556 (setq inp (cafeobj-parse-from-string string))
557 (block process-input
559 (cafeobj-evaluate-command (car inp) inp)))))))
562560 ;;;
564562 ;;;
597595 (block process-input
598596 ;; PROCESS INPUT COMMANDS ==============
599 (cafeobj-evaluate-command (car inp) inp))
597 (cafeobj-evaluate-command (car inp) inp))
600598 (setq *chaos-print-errors* t)))
601599 (when .in-in.
602600 (setq *chaos-print-errors* t)
603601 (setq .in-in. nil)))))))
605 (defun try-reduce-term (inp)
606 (perform-reduction* inp *current-module* nil nil))
608603 (defun handle-cafeobj-top-error (val)
609604 (if *chaos-input-source*
610605 (chaos-to-top val)
44 File: commands.lisp
55 ==============================================================================|#
66 ;;;
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
88 ;;;
99 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1010 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8989 ")
9191 (define ("#define")
92 :category :module-element
93 :parser identity
92 :category :element
93 :parser identity
94 :title "`#define <symbol> := <term> .`"
9495 :mdkey "sharp-define"
9596 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
9697 :doc "
9899 )
100101 (define ("--" "**")
101 :category :decl-toplevel
102 :category :decl
102103 :parser parse-comment-command
103104 :evaluator identity
104105 :title "`**`, `**>`"
113114 (define ("-->" "**>")
114 :category :decl-toplevel
115 :category :decl
115116 :parser parse-comment-command
116117 :evaluator eval-ast
117118 :title "`--`, `-->`"
188189 :evaluator cafeobj-top-level-help
189190 :title "`? [<term>]`"
190191 :mdkey "help"
191 :doc "Without any argument, lists all top-level commands.
192 :doc "Without any argument, shows the brief guide of online help system.
192193 With argument gives the reference manual description of `term`.
193194 In addition to this, many commands allow for passing `?` as argument
194195 to obtain further help.
334335 :category :library
335336 :parser parse-autoload-command
336337 :evaluator eval-ast
337 :doc "
338 :title "`autoload <module-name> <file-name>`"
339 :related ("no autoload")
340 :doc "When evaluating a <module-name> and found that
341 it is not yet declared, the system read in <file-name> then
342 retries the evaluation.
343 ")
345 (define ("no-autoload")
346 :category :library
347 :parser parse-no-autoload-command
348 :evaluator eval-ast
349 :title "`no autoload <module-name>`"
350 :related ("autoload")
351 :doc "Stop `autoload` of module with the name <module-name> .
352 Please refer to `autoload` command.
338353 ")
340355 (define ("axioms" "axiom" "axs")
341 :category :module-element
356 :category :element
342357 :parser identity
343358 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
344359 :title "`axioms { <decls> }`"
350365 ")
352367 (define ("bceq" "bcq")
353 :category :module-element
354 :parser identity
355 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
356 :title "`bceq [ <op-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .`"
368 :category :element
369 :parser identity
370 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
371 :title "`bceq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .`"
357372 :related ("eq" "ceq" "beq")
358373 :doc "Defines a behavioral conditional equation. For details see [`ceq`](#ceq).
359374 ")
361376 (define ("beq")
362 :category :module-element
363 :parser identity
364 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
365 :title "`beq [ <op-exp> ] <term> = <term> .`"
377 :category :element
378 :parser identity
379 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
380 :title "`beq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .`"
366381 :related ("eq" "ceq" "bceq")
367382 :doc "Defines a behavioral equation. For details see [`eq`](#eq).
368383 ")
370385 (define ("bctrans" "bctr")
371 :category :module-element
386 :category :element
372387 :parser identity
373388 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
374389 :title "`bctrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <bool> .`"
378393 ")
380395 (define ("bop" "bops")
381 :category :module-element
396 :category :element
382397 :parser identity
383398 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
384399 :title "`bop <op-spec> : <sorts> -> <sort>`"
391406 ")
393408 (define ("bpred" "bpreds" "bpd" "bpds")
394 :category :module-element
409 :category :element
395410 :parser identity
396411 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
397412 :title "`bpred <op-spec> : <sorts>`"
414429 ")
416431 (define ("btrans" "btr")
417 :category :module-element
432 :category :element
418433 :parser identity
419434 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
420435 :title "`btrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .`"
426441 :category :rewrite
427442 :parser parse-cbred-command
428443 :evaluator eval-ast
444 :title "`cbred [ in <mod-exp> :] <term> .`"
429445 :doc "
430446 ")
440456 ")
442458 (define ("ceq" "cq")
443 :category :module-element
444 :parser identity
445 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
446 :title "`ceq [ <op-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .`"
459 :category :element
460 :parser identity
461 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
462 :title "`ceq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .`"
447463 :related ("eq" "beq" "bceq")
448464 :doc "Defines a conditional equation. Spaces around the `if` are obligatory.
449465 `<boolterm>` needs to be a Boolean term. For other requirements
513529 :category :rewrite
514530 :parser identity
515531 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-clear-memo-proc
532 :title "`clean memo`"
516533 :mdkey "cleanmemo"
517534 :related (("clean memo switch" "`clean memo` switch"))
518535 :doc "Resets (clears) the memo storage of the system. Memorized computations
532549 :category :proof
533550 :parser parse-close-command
534551 :evaluator eval-ast
552 :title "`close`"
535553 :related ("open")
536554 :doc "This command closes a modification of a module started by `open`.
537555 ")
555573 ")
557575 (define ("ctrans" "ctr")
558 :category :module-element
559 :parser identity
560 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
561 :title "`ctrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .`"
576 :category :element
577 :parser identity
578 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
579 :title "`ctrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <term> .`"
562580 :related ("trans" "btrans" "bctrans")
563581 :doc "Defines a conditional transition. For details see [`trans`](#trans)
564582 and [`ceq`](#ceq).
570588 :evaluator eval-ast
571589 :title "`describe <something>`"
572590 :related ("show")
573 :doc "Similar to the `show` command but with more details. See `describe ?` for
591 :doc "Similar to the `show` command but with more details. Call `describe ?` for
574592 the possible set of invocations.
575593 ")
582600 ")
584602 (define ("eq")
585 :category :module-element
586 :parser identity
587 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
588 :title "`eq [ <op-exp> ]: <term> = <term> .`"
603 :category :element
604 :parser identity
605 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
606 :title "`eq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .`"
589607 :related ("ceq" "beq" "bceq")
590608 :doc "Declares an axiom, or equation.
596614 In simple words, the objects determined by the terms must be
597615 interpretable as of the same sort.
599 The optional part `<op-exp>` serves two purposes, one is to give
617 The optional part `<label-exp>` serves two purposes, one is to give
600618 an axiom an identifier, and one is to modify its behavior. The
601 `<op-exp>` is of the form:
619 `<label-exp>` is of the form:
603621 ` [ <modifier> <label> ] : `
673691 (define ("extending" "ex")
674 :category :module-element
692 :category :element
675693 :parser identity
676694 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
677695 :title "`extending ( <modexp> )`"
717735 ")
719737 (define ("imports")
720 :category :module-element
738 :category :element
721739 :parser identity
722740 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
723741 :title "`imports { <import-decl> }`"
724742 :related ("signature" "axioms" "extending" "including" "protecting"
725 "using")
743 "using")
726744 :doc "Block enclosing import of other modules (`protecting` etc).
727745 Other statements are not allowed within the `imports` block.
728746 Optional structuring of the statements in a module.
752770 ")
754772 (define ("including" "inc")
755 :category :module-element
773 :category :element
756774 :parser identity
757775 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
758776 :title "`including ( <modexp> )`"
838856 (define ("let")
839 :category :decl-toplevel
857 :category :decl
840858 :parser process-let-declaration-form
841859 :evaluator eval-ast
842860 :title "`let <identifier> = <term> .`"
920938 ")
922940 (define ("module" "mod" "module*" "mod*" "module!" "mod!" "sys:mod!" "sys:module!" "sys:mod*" "sys:module*")
923 :category :decl-toplevel
941 :category :decl
924942 :parser process-module-declaration-form
925943 :evaluator eval-ast
926944 :title "`[sys:]module[!|*] <modname> [ ( <params> ) ] [ <principal_sort_spec> ] { mod_elements ... }`"
942960 `module` introduces a module without specified semantic type.
944 If `params` are given, it is a parameterized module. See `parameterized module`
945 for more details.
962 If `params` are given, it is a parameterized module.
963 See [`parameterized module`](#parameterizedmodule) for more details.
947965 If `principal_sort_spec` is given, it has to be of the form
948966 `principal-sort <sortname>` (or `p-sort <sortname>`). The principal
10541072 ")
10561074 (define ("op" "ops")
1057 :category :module-element
1075 :category :element
10581076 :parser identity
10591077 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
10601078 :title "`op <op-spec> : <sorts> -> <sort> { <attribute-list> }`"
12151233 ")
12171235 (define ("pred" "pd" "preds" "pds")
1218 :category :module-element
1236 :category :element
12191237 :parser identity
12201238 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
12211239 :title "`pred <op-spec> : <sorts>`"
12561274 (define ("protect")
1257 :category :system
1275 :category :switch
12581276 :parser parse-protect-command
12591277 :evaluator eval-ast
12601278 :title "`protect <module-name>`"
12651283 ")
12671285 (define ("protecting" "pr")
1268 :category :module-element
1286 :category :element
12691287 :parser identity
12701288 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
12711289 :title "`protecting ( <modexp> )`"
12721290 :related ("extending" "using" "including")
12731291 :doc "Imports the object specified by `modexp` into the current
1274 module, preserving all intended models as they are. See `module expression`
1275 for format of `modexp`.
1292 module, preserving all intended models as they are.
1293 See [`module expression`](#moduleexpression) for format of `modexp`.
12761294 ")
12781296 (define ("provide")
13211339 (define ("qualified term")
13221340 :type :doc-only
13231341 :mdkey "qualified"
1324 :example "`1:NzNat` `2:Nat`"
1342 :example "`(1):NzNat` `(2):Nat`"
13251343 :related ("parse")
13261344 :doc "In case that a term can be parsed into different sort, it is possible to
13271345 qualify the term to one of the possible sorts by affixing it with
13701388 ")
13721390 (define ("regularize")
1373 :category :module
1391 :category :misc
13741392 :parser parse-regularize-command
13751393 :evaluator eval-ast
13761394 :title "`regularize <mod-name>`"
14511469 ")
1454 (define ("save-system" "save system") ; NOTE. this is obsolete.
1472 (define ("save-system" "save system") ; NOTE. this is obsolete.
14551473 :type :doc-only
14561474 :title "`save-system <pathname>`"
14571475 :related ("input" "save" "restore")
15471565 the `show` command are:
15491567 - `show [ <modexp> ]` - describes the current modules of the one specified
1550 as argument
1568 as argument
15511569 - `show module tree [ <modexp> ]` - displays submodules of <modexp> in tree format
15521570 - `show switches` - lists all possible switches
15531571 - `show term [ tree ]` - displays a term, possible in tree format
1555 See the entry for `switches` for a full list.
1573 See the entry for [`switches`](#switches) for a full list.
15561574 ")
15581576 (define ("show mode switch")
15681586 (define ("signature" "sig")
1569 :category :module-element
1587 :category :element
15701588 :parser identity
15711589 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
15721590 :title "`signature { <sig-decl> }`"
17271745 ")
17291747 (define ("trans" "tr")
1730 :category :module-element
1748 :category :element
17311749 :parser identity
17321750 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
17331751 :title "`trans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .`"
17461764 ")
17481766 (define ("unprotect")
1749 :category :system
1767 :category :switch
17501768 :parser parse-unprotect-command
17511769 :evaluator eval-ast
17521770 :title "`unprotect <module-name>`"
17571775 ")
17591777 (define ("using" "us")
1760 :category :module-element
1778 :category :element
17611779 :parser identity
17621780 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
17631781 :title "`using ( <modexp> )`"
17641782 :related ("extending" "including" "protecting")
17651783 :doc "Imports the object specified by `modexp` into the current
17661784 module without any restrictions on the models.
1767 See `module expression` for format of `modexp`.
1785 See [`module expression`](#moduleexpression) for format of `modexp`.
17681786 ")
17701788 (define ("var" "vars")
1771 :category :module-element
1789 :category :element
17721790 :parser identity
17731791 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
17741792 :title "`var <var-name> : <sort-name>`"
18011819 ")
18031821 (define ("view")
1804 :category :decl-toplevel
1822 :category :decl
18051823 :parser process-view-declaration-form
18061824 :evaluator eval-ast
18071825 :title "`view <name> from <modname> to <modname> { <viewelems> }`"
18691887 :category :rewrite
18701888 :parser parse-exec+-command
18711889 :evaluator eval-ast
1890 :title "`exec! [ in <mod-exp> : ] <term> .`"
18721891 :mdkey "execute-dash"
18731892 :doc "
18741893 exec! [in <Modexpr> :] <Term> .
19011920 ")
19031922 (define ("make")
1904 :category :decl-toplevel
1923 :category :decl
19051924 :parser parse-make-command
19061925 :evaluator eval-ast
19071926 :doc "
19151934 ")
19171936 (define ("[")
1918 :category :module-element
1937 :category :element
19191938 :parser identity
19201939 :mdkey "sortsymbol"
19211940 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
19231942 ")
19251944 (define ("*")
1926 :category :module-element
1945 :category :element
19271946 :parser identity
19281947 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
19291948 )
19311950 (define ("bsort")
1932 :category :module-element
1951 :category :element
19331952 :parser identity
19341953 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
19351954 :doc "
19361955 ")
1938 (define ("dpred") ; only for pignose
1939 :category :module-element
1940 :parser identity
1941 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1958 ; seems these are obsolete,
1959 ; (define ("dpred") ; only for pignose
1960 ; :category :element
1961 ; :parser identity
1962 ; :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1963 ; :doc "(pignose)
1964 ; ")
1966 ; (define ("dbpred") ; only for pignose
1967 ; :category :element
1968 ; :parser identity
1969 ; :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1970 ; :doc "(pignose)
1971 ; ")
1973 (define ("ax") ; pignose
1974 :category :element
1975 :parser identity
1976 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1977 :title "`ax [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term>` ."
19421978 :doc "(pignose)
19431979 ")
1945 (define ("dbpred") ; only for pignose
1946 :category :module-element
1947 :parser identity
1948 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1981 (define ("bax") ; pignose
1982 :category :element
1983 :parser identity
1984 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1985 :title "`bax [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term>` ."
19491986 :doc "(pignose)
19501987 ")
1953 (define ("ax") ; pignose
1954 :category :module-element
1955 :parser identity
1956 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1989 (define ("goal") ; pignose
1990 :category :element
1991 :parser identity
1992 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1993 :title "`goal <term> .`"
19571994 :doc "(pignose)
19581995 ")
1960 (define ("bax") ; pignose
1961 :category :module-element
1962 :parser identity
1963 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1997 (define ("bgoal") ; pignose
1998 :category :element
1999 :parser identity
2000 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2001 :title "`bgoal <term> .`"
19642002 :doc "(pignose)
19652003 ")
1967 (define ("goal") ; pignose
1968 :category :module-element
1969 :parser identity
1970 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2005 (define ("pvar" "pvars")
2006 :category :element
2007 :parser identity
2008 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2009 :title "`pvar <var-name> : <sort-name>`"
2010 :related ("var" "vars")
19712011 :doc "(pignose)
19722012 ")
1974 (define ("bgoal") ; pignose
1975 :category :module-element
1976 :parser identity
1977 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1978 :doc "(pignose)
1979 ")
1981 (define ("pvar" "pvars")
1982 :category :module-element
1983 :parser identity
1984 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1985 :doc "(pignose)
1986 ")
1989 (define ("rule" "crule")
1990 :category :module-element
1991 :parser identity
1992 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
1993 :doc "
1994 ")
1996 (define ("rl" "crl")
1997 :category :module-element
1998 :parser identity
1999 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2000 :doc "
2001 ")
2003 (define ("brule" "bcrule")
2004 :category :module-element
2005 :parser identity
2006 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2007 :doc "
2008 ")
2010 (define ("brl" "bcrl")
2011 :category :module-element
2012 :parser identity
2013 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2014 :doc "
2015 ")
2017 (define ("inspect")
2015 (define ("rule" "rl" )
2016 :category :element
2017 :parser identity
2018 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2019 :title "`rule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .`"
2020 :related ("trans")
2021 :doc "Synonym of 'trans'.
2022 ")
2024 (define ("crule" "crl")
2025 :category :element
2026 :parser identity
2027 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2028 :title "`crule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <term> .`"
2029 :related ("ctrans" "rule")
2030 :doc "Synonym of 'ctrans'
2031 ")
2033 (define ("brule" "brl")
2034 :category :element
2035 :parser identity
2036 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2037 :related ("btrans")
2038 :title "`brule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .`"
2039 :doc "Synonym of 'btrans'.
2040 ")
2042 (define ("bcrule" "bcrl")
2043 :category :element
2044 :parser identity
2045 :evaluator cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc
2046 :related ("bctrans")
2047 :title "`bcrule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <term> .`"
2048 :doc "Synonym of 'bctrans'
2049 ")
2051 (define ("inspect" "inspect-term")
20182052 :category :proof
20192053 :parser parse-inspect-term-command
20202054 :evaluator eval-ast
2021 :doc "
2055 :title "`inspect <term>`"
2056 :doc "Inspect the internal structure of <term>.
20222057 ")
20242059 (define ("pushd")
20252060 :category :misc
20262061 :parser parse-pushd-command
20272062 :evaluator eval-ast
2063 :title "`pushd <directory>`"
20282064 :doc "
20292065 ")
20322068 :category :misc
20332069 :parser parse-popd-command
20342070 :evaluator eval-ast
2071 :title "`popd`"
20352072 :doc "
20362073 ")
20622099 :category :inspect
20632100 :parser parse-name-command
20642101 :evaluator eval-ast
2102 :title "`names <mod-exp>` ."
2103 :doc "List up all the named objects in module <mod-exp>.
2104 ")
2106 (define ("scase")
2107 :category :proof
2108 :parser parse-case-command
2109 :evaluator eval-ast
2110 :title "`scase (<term>) in (<mod-exp>) as <name> { <decl> ..} : <term> .`"
20652111 :doc "
2066 show
2067 ")
2069 (define ("scase")
2070 :category :proof
2071 :parser parse-case-command
2072 :evaluator eval-ast
2073 :doc "
20742112 ")
20762114 (define ("sos" "passive")
20772115 :category :proof
20782116 :parser pignose-parse-sos
20792117 :evaluator eval-ast
2118 :title "`sos { = | + | - } { <clause> , ... }`"
20802119 :doc "(pignose)
20812120 ")
20842123 :category :proof
20852124 :parser pignose-parse-db
20862125 :evaluator eval-ast
2126 :title "`db reset`"
20872127 :doc "(pignose)
20882128 ")
20912131 :category :proof
20922132 :parser pignose-parse-clause
20932133 :evaluator eval-ast
2134 :title "`clause <term> .`"
20942135 :doc "(pignose)
20952136 ")
20982139 :category :proof
20992140 :parser pignose-parse-list-command
21002141 :evaluator eval-ast
2142 :title "`list { axiom | sos | usable | flag | param | option | demod }`"
21012143 :doc "(pignose)
21022144 ")
21052147 :category :proof
21062148 :parser pignose-parse-flag
21072149 :evaluator eval-ast
2150 :title "`flag(<name>, { on | off })`"
21082151 :doc "(pignose)
21092152 ")
21122155 :category :proof
21132156 :parser pignose-parse-param
21142157 :evaluator eval-ast
2158 :title "`param(<name>, <value>)`"
21152159 :doc "(pignose)
21162160 ")
21192163 :category :proof
21202164 :parser pignose-parse-option
21212165 :evaluator eval-ast
2166 :title "`option { reset | = <name> }`"
21222167 :doc "(pignose)
21232168 ")
21262171 :category :proof
21272172 :parser pignose-parse-resolve
21282173 :evaluator eval-ast
2174 :title "`resolve {. | <file-path> }`"
21292175 :doc "(pignose)
21302176 ")
21402186 :category :proof
21412187 :parser pignose-parse-save-option
21422188 :evaluator eval-ast
2189 :title "`save-option <name>`"
21432190 :doc "(pignose)
21442191 ")
21472194 :category :proof
21482195 :parser pignose-parse-sigmatch
21492196 :evaluator eval-ast
2197 :title "`sigmatch (<mod-exp>) to (<mod-exp>)`"
21502198 :doc "(pignose)
21512199 ")
21542202 :category :proof
21552203 :parser pignose-parse-lex
21562204 :evaluator eval-ast
2205 :title "`lex (<op>, ..., <op>)`"
21572206 :doc "(pignose)
21582207 ")
21682217 ")
21702219 ;;; CITP commands
2220 (define ("citp")
2221 :type :doc-only
2222 :title "CITP"
2223 :related (":goal" ":apply" ":ind" ":auto" ":roll" ":init" ":cp" ":equation" ":rule" ":backward" ":select" ":red" ":csp" ":csp-" ":ctf" ":ctf-" ":def" ":imp")
2224 :doc "Constructor Based Induction Theorem Prover
2226 The sub-system provides a certain level of automatization for theorem proving.
2229 ")
21712231 (define (":goal")
21722232 :category :proof
21732233 :parser citp-parse-goal
21742234 :evaluator eval-citp-goal
2175 :title "`:goal { <axiom> . ... }`"
2235 :title "`:goal { <sentence> . ... }`"
21762236 :doc "TODO"
21772237 )
21802240 :category :proof
21812241 :parser citp-parse-apply
21822242 :evaluator eval-citp-apply
2243 :related ("citp")
21832244 :title "`:apply (<tactic> ...) [to <goal-name>]`"
2184 :doc "TODO"
2245 :doc "Apply the list of tactics given within parenthesis to either
2246 the current goal, or the goal given as `<goal-name>`."
21852247 )
21872249 (define (":ind")
21882250 :category :proof
21892251 :parser citp-parse-ind-on
21902252 :evaluator eval-citp-ind-on
2253 :related ("citp")
21912254 :title "`:ind on <variable> ... .`"
2192 :doc "TODO"
2255 :doc "Defines the variable for the induction tactic of CITP."
21932256 )
21952258 (define (":auto")
21962259 :category :proof
21972260 :parser citp-parse-auto
21982261 :evaluator eval-citp-apply
2262 :related ("citp")
21992263 :title "`:auto`"
2200 :doc "TODO"
2264 :doc "Applies the following set of tactics: `(SI CA TC IP RD)`."
22012265 )
22032267 (define (":roll")
22042268 :category :proof
22052269 :parser citp-parse-roll-back
22062270 :evaluator eval-citp-roll-back
2271 :related ("citp")
22072272 :title "`:roll back`"
22082273 :doc "TODO"
22092274 )
22122277 :category :proof
22132278 :parser citp-parse-init
22142279 :evaluator eval-citp-init
2215 :title "`:init { \"[\" <label> \"]\" | \"(\" <axiom> \"\")} \"{\" <variable> <- <term>; ... \"}\"`"
2280 :related ("citp")
2281 :title "`:init { \"[\" <label> \"]\" | \"(\" <sentence> \"\")} by \"{\" <variable> <- <term>; ... \"}\"`"
22162282 :doc "TODO"
22172283 )
2285 (define (":imply" ":imp")
2286 :category :proof
2287 :parser citp-parse-imp
2288 :evaluator eval-citp-imp
2289 :related ("citp")
2290 :title "`:imp \"[\" <label> \"]\" by \"{\" <variable> <- <term>; ...\"}\"`"
2291 :doc "TODO"
2292 )
22192294 (define (":cp")
22202295 :category :proof
22212296 :parser citp-parse-critical-pair
22222297 :evaluator eval-citp-critical-pair
2223 :title "`:cp { \"[\" <label> \"]\" | \"(\" <axiom> . \")\" } >< { \"[\" <label> \"]\" | \"(\" <axiom> .\")\" }`"
2224 :doc "TODO"
2298 :related ("citp")
2299 :title "`:cp { \"[\" <label> \"]\" | \"(\" <sentense> . \")\" } >< { \"[\" <label> \"]\" | \"(\" <sentence> .\")\" }`"
2300 :doc "TODO specify critical pair"
22252301 )
22272303 (define (":equation")
22292305 :parser citp-parse-equation
22302306 :evaluator eval-citp-equation
22312307 :title "`:equation`"
2308 :related ("citp")
22322309 :doc "TODO"
22332310 )
22372314 :parser citp-parse-equation
22382315 :evaluator eval-citp-equation
22392316 :title "`:rule`"
2317 :related ("citp")
22402318 :doc "TODO"
22412319 )
22452323 :parser citp-parse-backward
22462324 :evaluator eval-citp-backward
22472325 :title "`:backward equation`"
2326 :related ("citp")
22482327 :doc "TODO"
22492328 )
22532332 :parser citp-parse-select
22542333 :evaluator eval-citp-select
22552334 :title "`:select <goal-name>`"
2256 :doc "TODO"
2335 :related ("citp")
2336 :doc "Select a goal for further application of tactics."
22572337 )
22592339 (define (":red" ":exec" ":bred")
22602340 :category :proof
22612341 :parser citp-parse-red
22622342 :evaluator eval-citp-red
2263 :title "`:lred <term> .`"
2264 :doc "TODO"
2343 :title "`{ :red | :exec | :bred } [in <goal-name> :] <term> .`"
2344 :related ("citp")
2345 :doc "reduce the term in specified goal <goal-name>. "
22652346 )
22672348 (define (":verbose")
22692350 :parser citp-parse-verbose
22702351 :evaluator eval-citp-verbose
22712352 :title "`:verbose { on | off }`"
2353 :related ("citp")
2354 :doc "Turns on verbose reporting of the CITP subsystem."
2355 )
2357 (define (":normalize")
2358 :category :proof
2359 :parser citp-parse-normalize
2360 :evaluator eval-citp-normalize
2361 :title "`:normalize { on | off}`"
2362 :related ("citp")
2363 :doc "Normalize the LHS of an instance of the axiom generated by :init command."
2364 )
2366 (define (":ctf")
2367 :category :proof
2368 :parser citp-parse-ctf
2369 :evaluator eval-citp-ctf
2370 :related ("citp" ":ctf-")
2371 :title "`:ctf { eq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .}`"
2372 :doc "TODO Applies case splitting after a set of boolean expressions."
2373 )
2375 (define (":ctf-")
2376 :category :proof
2377 :parser citp-parse-ctf
2378 :evaluator eval-citp-ctf
2379 :related ("citp" ":ctf")
2380 :title "`:ctf- { eq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .}`"
22722381 :doc "TODO"
22732382 )
2275 (define (":ctf")
2276 :category :proof
2277 :parser citp-parse-ctf
2278 :evaluator eval-citp-ctf
2279 :title "`:ctf { eq [ <op-exp> ]: <term> = <term> .`"
2384 (define (":csp")
2385 :category :proof
2386 :parser citp-parse-csp
2387 :evaluator eval-citp-csp
2388 :related ("citp" ":csp-")
2389 :title "`:csp { eq [ <label-exp>] <term> = <term> . ...}`"
2390 :doc "TODO applies case splitting after general equations TODO"
2391 )
2393 (define (":csp-")
2394 :category :proof
2395 :parser citp-parse-csp
2396 :evaluator eval-citp-csp
2397 :related ("citp" ":csp")
2398 :title "`:csp- { eq [ <label-exp>] <term> = <term> . ...}`"
22802399 :doc "TODO"
22812400 )
2283 (define (":csp")
2284 :category :proof
2285 :parser citp-parse-csp
2286 :evaluator eval-citp-csp
2287 :title "`:csp { eq [ <op-exp>]: <term> = <term> . ...}`"
2288 :doc "TODO"
2402 (define (":def" ":define")
2403 :category :proof
2404 :parser citp-parse-define
2405 :evaluator eval-citp-define
2406 :related ("citp")
2407 :title "`:def <symbol> = { <ctf> | <csp>}`"
2408 :doc "Assigns a name to a specific case splitting (`ctf` or `csp`),
2409 so that it can be used as tactics in `:apply`."
2410 :example "`````
2411 :def name-1 = ctf [ <Term> . ]
2412 :def name-2 = ctf-{ eq LHS = RHS . }
2413 :def name-3 = csp { eq lhs1 = rhs1 . eq lhs2 = rhs2 . }
2414 :def name-4 = csp-{ eq lhs3 = rhs3 . eq lhs4 = rhs4 . }
2415 :apply(SI TC name-1 name-2 name-3 name-4)
2416 `````
2417 "
22892418 )
22912420 (define (":show" ":sh")
22932422 :parser citp-parse-show
22942423 :evaluator eval-citp-show
22952424 :title "`:show <something>`"
2296 :related (":describe")
2425 :related ("citp" ":describe")
22972426 :doc "TODO")
22992428 (define (":describe" ":desc")
23012430 :parser citp-parse-show
23022431 :evaluator eval-citp-show
23032432 :title "`:describe <something>`"
2304 :related (":show")
2305 :doc "Similar to the `:show` command but with more details. See `:describe ?` for
2433 :related ("citp" ":show")
2434 :doc "Similar to the `:show` command but with more details. Call `:describe ?` for
23062435 the possible set of invocations.
23072436 ")
2438 (define (":spoiler")
2439 :category :proof
2440 :parser citp-parse-spoiler
2441 :evaluator identity
2442 :related ("citp")
2443 :title "`:spoiler { on | off}`"
2444 :doc "TODO"
2445 )
2447 (define (":set")
2448 :category :proof
2449 :parser citp-parse-set
2450 :evaluator citp-eval-set
2451 :title "`:set(<name>, { on | off | show })`"
2452 :related ("citp")
2453 :doc "Set or show various flags of CITP CafeOBJ.
2454 ")
2456 (define (":binspect")
2457 :category :proof
2458 :parser parse-citp-binspect
2459 :evaluator eval-citp-binspect
2460 :title "`:binspect [in <goal-name> :] <boolean-term> .`"
2461 :doc "TODO"
2462 )
2464 (define ("binspect")
2465 :category :proof
2466 :parser parse-citp-binspect
2467 :evaluator eval-citp-binspect
2468 :title "`binspect [in <module-name> :] <boolean-term> .`"
2469 :doc "TODO"
2470 )
2472 (define ("bresolve" ":bresolve")
2473 :category :proof
2474 :parser identity
2475 :evaluator bresolve
2476 :title "`{bresolve | :bresolve}`"
2477 :doc "TODO"
2478 )
2480 (define ("bshow" ":bshow")
2481 :category :proof
2482 :parser citp-parse-bshow
2483 :evaluator bshow
2484 :title "`{bshow | :bshow} [tree]`"
2485 :doc "TODO"
2486 )
23092487 ;;;
2310 ) ; end eval-when
2489 (define ("commands" "com")
2490 :category :help
2491 :parser identity
2492 :evaluator show-cafeobj-main-commands
2493 :title "`commands`"
2494 :mdkey "help"
2495 :doc "Print outs the list of main toplevel commands.
2496 ")
2498 (define ("?com" "?command")
2499 :category :help
2500 :parser identity
2501 :evaluator cafeobj-top-level-help
2502 :mdkey "help-commands"
2503 :title "`?com [ <term> ]`"
2504 :doc "List commands or declarations categorized by the key <term>.
2505 <term> is one of 'decl', 'module', 'parse', 'rewrite',
2506 'inspect', 'switch', 'proof', 'system', 'inspect', 'library', 'help', 'io' or 'misc'.
2507 If <term> is omitted, the list of available <term> will be printed.
2508 ")
2510 ;;;
2511 ) ; end eval-when
23112512 ;;; EOF
0 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package:CHAOS; Base:10 -*-
0 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS; Base:10 -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7171 (defparameter SortDeclaration
72 ' (|[| (:upto (< |,| |]|) :sorts)
72 '(|[| (:upto (< |,| |]|) :sorts)
7373 :append (:seq-of (:one-of (<) (|,|))
7474 (:upto (< |,| |]|) :sorts))
7575 |]|))
237237 |}|))
239239 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 ;;; *NOTE* class is not part of CafeOBJ language.
242 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 #|| -- this is obsolete
244 (defparameter R-C-Declaration
245 '((:+ record class) :symbol (:optional (:! Supers)) |{|
246 (:optional (:! Sv-pairs))
247 |}|))
248 ||#
249 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
250240 ;;; LET
251241 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
280270 (defparameter EqDeclaration
281271 '(eq :term = :term |.|))
282 ;; (defparameter EqDeclaration
283 ;; '(eq (:optional |[| (:seq-of :symbol (:upto (|]|))) |:|) :term = :term |.|))
284272 (defparameter BEqDeclaration
285273 '((:+ beq bq) :term = :term |.|))
286274 (defparameter CEQDeclaration
317305 '((:+ inc including) (:if-present as :symbol) |(| :modexp |)|))
319307 )
309 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 ;;; CITP tactics
311 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
313 (defparameter CTF
314 '((:+ |:ctf| |:ctf-|)
315 (:one-of (|{| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
316 #.BeqDeclaration
317 #.FoplAXDeclaration)
318 |}|)
319 (\[ :term |.| \]))))
321 (defparameter CSP
322 '((:+ |:csp| |:csp-|)
323 |{| (:many-of #.EqDeclaration
324 #.RlDeclaration
325 #.BeqDeclaration
326 #.BRLDeclaration
327 #.FoplAXDeclaration)
328 |}|))
330 )
321332 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
461472 (:if-present in :modexp |:|)
462473 (:seq-of :term) |.|)
463474 (version)
464 ;;
475 ;; AUTO LOAD
465476 (autoload :symbol :symbol)
477 (no-autoload :symbol)
466478 ;; (stop at :term |.|)
467479 ;; ((:+ rwt) limit :symbol)
468480 (test (:+ reduction red execution exec) (:if-present in :modexp |:|)
489501 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
490502 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
491503 (parse (:rdr #..term-delimiting-chars.
492 (:if-present in :modexp |:|) (:seq-of :term) |.|))
504 (:if-present in :modexp |:|) (:seq-of :term) |.|))
493505 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
494506 (:call (read)))
495507 (;; (:+ show sh set select describe desc) ; do
534546 (open :modexp |.|)
535547 (close)
536548 (start :term |.|)
537 ;; scase (<Term>) on (<Modexp>) as <Name> { <ModuleElements> } : <GoalTerm> .
538 (scase |(| (:seq-of :term) |)| in |(| :modexp |)| as :symbol |{|
539 (:many-of
541 ;; *NOTE* imports { ... } is not in MANUAL, and does not have
542 ;; translater to Chaos now.
543 ((:+ imports import)
544 |{|
545 (:many-of
546 #.ExDeclaration
547 #.PrDeclaration
548 #.UsDeclaration
549 #.IncDeclaration
550 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
551 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
552 )
553 |}|)
554 #.ExDeclaration
555 #.PrDeclaration
556 #.UsDeclaration
557 #.IncDeclaration
560 ((:+ sig signature) |{|
561 (:many-of
562 #.BSortDeclaration
563 #.BHSortDeclaration
564 #.HSortDeclaration
565 #.SortDeclaration
566 #.OperatorDeclaration
567 #.BOperatorDeclaration
568 #.PredicateDeclaration
569 #.BPredicateDeclaration
570 #.OperatorAttribute
571 ;; #.R-C-Declaration
572 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
573 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
574 )
575 |}|)
577 ;; AXIOMS
578 ((:+ axiom axioms axs) |{|
579 (:many-of
580 #.LetDeclaration
581 #.MacroDeclaration
582 #.VarDeclaration
583 #.VarsDeclaration
584 #.EqDeclaration
585 #.CeqDeclaration
586 #.RlDeclaration
587 #.CRlDeclaration
588 #.BeqDeclaration
589 #.BCeqDeclaration
590 #.BRLDeclaration
591 #.BCRLDeclaration
592 #.FoplAXDeclaration
593 #.FoplGoalDeclaration
594 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
595 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
596 )
597 |}|)
599 ;; Module elements without signature/axioms.
600 #.BSortDeclaration
601 #.BHSortDeclaration
602 #.SortDeclaration
603 #.HSortDeclaration
604 #.BHSortDeclaration
605 ;; #.R-C-Declaration
606 #.OperatorDeclaration
607 #.BOperatorDeclaration
608 #.PredicateDeclaration
609 #.BPredicateDeclaration
610 #.OperatorAttribute
611 #.LetDeclaration
612 #.MacroDeclaration
613 #.VarDeclaration
614 #.VarsDeclaration
615 #.EqDeclaration
616 #.BEqDeclaration
617 #.CeqDeclaration
618 #.BCeqDeclaration
619 #.RlDeclaration
620 #.CRlDeclaration
621 #.BRlDeclaration
622 #.BCRLDeclaration
623 #.FoplAXDeclaration
624 #.FoplGoalDeclaration
625 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
626 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
628 ;; Misc elements.
629 ;; (parse :term |.|)
630 ((:+ ev lisp evq lispq) (:call (read)))
631 ;; allow sole ".", and do nothing
632 (|.|)
633 )
634 |}|
635 |:| (:seq-of :term) |.|)
549 ;; scase (<Term>) on (<Modexp>) as <Name> { <ModuleElements> } : <GoalTerm> .
550 (scase |(| (:seq-of :term) |)| in |(| :modexp |)| as :symbol |{|
551 (:many-of
553 ;; *NOTE* imports { ... } is not in MANUAL, and does not have
554 ;; translater to Chaos now.
555 ((:+ imports import)
556 |{|
557 (:many-of
558 #.ExDeclaration
559 #.PrDeclaration
560 #.UsDeclaration
561 #.IncDeclaration
562 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
563 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
564 )
565 |}|)
566 #.ExDeclaration
567 #.PrDeclaration
568 #.UsDeclaration
569 #.IncDeclaration
572 ((:+ sig signature) |{|
573 (:many-of
574 #.BSortDeclaration
575 #.BHSortDeclaration
576 #.HSortDeclaration
577 #.SortDeclaration
578 #.OperatorDeclaration
579 #.BOperatorDeclaration
580 #.PredicateDeclaration
581 #.BPredicateDeclaration
582 #.OperatorAttribute
583 ;; #.R-C-Declaration
584 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
585 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
586 )
587 |}|)
589 ;; AXIOMS
590 ((:+ axiom axioms axs) |{|
591 (:many-of
592 #.LetDeclaration
593 #.MacroDeclaration
594 #.VarDeclaration
595 #.VarsDeclaration
596 #.EqDeclaration
597 #.CeqDeclaration
598 #.RlDeclaration
599 #.CRlDeclaration
600 #.BeqDeclaration
601 #.BCeqDeclaration
602 #.BRLDeclaration
603 #.BCRLDeclaration
604 #.FoplAXDeclaration
605 #.FoplGoalDeclaration
606 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
607 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
608 )
609 |}|)
611 ;; Module elements without signature/axioms.
612 #.BSortDeclaration
613 #.BHSortDeclaration
614 #.SortDeclaration
615 #.HSortDeclaration
616 #.BHSortDeclaration
617 ;; #.R-C-Declaration
618 #.OperatorDeclaration
619 #.BOperatorDeclaration
620 #.PredicateDeclaration
621 #.BPredicateDeclaration
622 #.OperatorAttribute
623 #.LetDeclaration
624 #.MacroDeclaration
625 #.VarDeclaration
626 #.VarsDeclaration
627 #.EqDeclaration
628 #.BEqDeclaration
629 #.CeqDeclaration
630 #.BCeqDeclaration
631 #.RlDeclaration
632 #.CRlDeclaration
633 #.BRlDeclaration
634 #.BCRLDeclaration
635 #.FoplAXDeclaration
636 #.FoplGoalDeclaration
637 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)
638 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
640 ;; Misc elements.
641 ;; (parse :term |.|)
642 ((:+ ev lisp evq lispq) (:call (read)))
643 ;; allow sole ".", and do nothing
644 (|.|)
645 )
646 |}|
647 |:| (:seq-of :term) |.|)
636648 ;; trace/untrace
637649 ((:+ trace untrace) :symbol)
638650 ;; apply
670682 (provide :symbol)
671683 (require :top-term)
672684 (autoload :symbol :symbol)
673 ;; for testing delimiters
674 (delimiter (:+ = + -)
675 |{|
676 (:upto (|}|) :chars)
677 :append (:seq-of (:upto (|}|) :chars))
678 |}|)
679 ;;
680 (delim)
685 ;; for testing delimiters
686 (delimiter (:+ = + -)
687 |{|
688 (:upto (|}|) :chars)
689 :append (:seq-of (:upto (|}|) :chars))
690 |}|)
691 ;;
692 (delim)
681693 ;; PigNose commands
682694 #+:bigpink (db reset)
683695 #+:bigpink ((:+ sos passive) (:+ = + -)
726738 (! :top-term) ; shell escape
727739 (|.|)
728740 ;; (chaos :args)
729 ;; new commands as of 2011/Q1
730 (? :args) ; help/messege description
741 ;; new commands as of 2011/Q1
742 (? :args) ; help/messege description
731743 (?? :args) ; detailed help
732 ;; new commands as of 2012/Q1
733 ((:+ names name) :modexp |.|)
734 (look up (:if-present in :modexp |:|) (:seq-of :top-opname))
735 ;; term inspector
736 ((:+ inspect inspect-term) :args)
737 ;; generate reference manual
738 (gendoc :symbol)
739 (?example :args)
740 (?ex :args)
741 (?apropos :comment)
742 (?ap :comment)
743 ;; CITP commands
744 (|:goal| |{| (:many-of #.EqDeclaration
745 #.CeqDeclaration
746 #.RlDeclaration
747 #.CRlDeclaration
748 #.BeqDeclaration
749 #.BCeqDeclaration
750 #.BRLDeclaration
751 #.BCRLDeclaration)
752 |}|)
753 (|:apply| (:if-present to (:symbol)) (|(| (:seq-of :symbol) |)|))
754 (|:auto|)
755 (|:ind| (:+ on |:on|) |(| (:seq-of :term) |)|)
756 (|:roll| (:+ back |:back|))
757 (|:init| (:one-of (|(| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
758 #.CeqDeclaration
759 #.RlDeclaration
760 #.CRlDeclaration
761 #.BeqDeclaration
762 #.BCeqDeclaration
763 #.BRLDeclaration
764 #.BCRLDeclaration)
765 |)|)
766 (\[ (:symbol) \]))
767 |by| |{| ((:! SubstList)) |}|)
768 (|:cp| (:one-of (|(| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
769 #.CeqDeclaration
770 #.RlDeclaration
771 #.CRlDeclaration
772 #.BeqDeclaration
773 #.BCeqDeclaration
774 #.BRLDeclaration
775 #.BCRLDeclaration)
776 |)|)
777 (\[ (:symbol) \]))
778 ><
779 (:one-of (|(| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
780 #.CeqDeclaration
781 #.RlDeclaration
782 #.CRlDeclaration
783 #.BeqDeclaration
784 #.BCeqDeclaration
785 #.BRLDeclaration
786 #.BCRLDeclaration)
787 |)|)
788 (\[ (:symbol) \])))
789 ((:+ |:equation| |:rule|))
790 (|:backward| (:+ equation rule |:equation| |:rule|))
791 (|:select| (:symbol))
792 ((:+ |:red| |lred| |:lred| |:exec| |:bred|)
793 (:rdr #..term-delimiting-chars. (:if-present in :symbol |:|)) (:seq-of :term) |.|)
794 (|:verbose| :symbol)
795 (|:ctf| |{| #.EqDeclaration |}|)
796 (|:csp| |{| (:many-of #.EqDeclaration
797 #.RlDeclaration
798 #.BeqDeclaration
799 #.BRLDeclaration)
800 |}|)
801 ((:+ |:show| |:sh| |:describe| |:desc|) :args)
802 )) ; end Top-Form
744 ;; new commands as of 2012/Q1
745 ((:+ names name) :modexp |.|)
746 (look up (:if-present in :modexp |:|) (:seq-of :top-opname))
747 ;; term inspector
748 ((:+ inspect inspect-term) :args)
749 ;; generate reference manual
750 (gendoc :symbol)
751 (?example :args)
752 (?ex :args)
753 (?apropos :comment)
754 (?ap :comment)
755 ((:+ ?com ?command) :args)
756 ((:+ command commands com))
757 ;; CITP commands
758 (|:goal| |{| (:many-of #.EqDeclaration
759 #.CeqDeclaration
760 #.RlDeclaration
761 #.CRlDeclaration
762 #.BeqDeclaration
763 #.BCeqDeclaration
764 #.BRLDeclaration
765 #.BCRLDeclaration
766 #.FoplAXDeclaration)
767 |}|)
768 (|:apply| (:if-present to (:symbol)) (|(| (:seq-of :symbol) |)|))
769 (|:auto|)
770 (|:ind| (:+ on |:on|) |(| (:seq-of :term) |)|)
771 (|:roll| (:+ back |:back|))
772 (|:init| (:one-of (|(| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
773 #.CeqDeclaration
774 #.RlDeclaration
775 #.CRlDeclaration
776 #.BeqDeclaration
777 #.BCeqDeclaration
778 #.BRLDeclaration
779 #.BCRLDeclaration
780 #.FoplAXDeclaration)
781 |)|)
782 (\[ (:symbol) \]))
783 |by| |{| ((:! SubstList)) |}|)
784 ((:+ |:imply| |:imp|) (\[ (:symbol) \])
785 |by| |{| ((:! SubstList)) |}|)
786 (|:cp| (:one-of (|(| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
787 #.CeqDeclaration
788 #.RlDeclaration
789 #.CRlDeclaration
790 #.BeqDeclaration
791 #.BCeqDeclaration
792 #.BRLDeclaration
793 #.BCRLDeclaration
794 #.FoplGoalDeclaration)
795 |)|)
796 (\[ (:symbol) \]))
797 ><
798 (:one-of (|(| (:one-of #.EqDeclaration
799 #.CeqDeclaration
800 #.RlDeclaration
801 #.CRlDeclaration
802 #.BeqDeclaration
803 #.BCeqDeclaration
804 #.BRLDeclaration
805 #.BCRLDeclaration
806 #.FoplGoalDeclaration)
807 |)|)
808 (\[ (:symbol) \])))
809 ((:+ |:equation| |:rule|))
810 (|:backward| (:+ equation rule |:equation| |:rule|))
811 (|:select| (:symbol))
812 ((:+ |:red| |lred| |:lred| |:exec| |:bred|)
813 (:rdr #..term-delimiting-chars. (:if-present in :symbol |:|)) (:seq-of :term) |.|)
814 (|:verbose| :symbol)
815 ;; (|:normalize| :symbol)
816 #.CTF
817 #.CSP
818 ((:+ |:show| |:sh| |:describe| |:desc|) :args)
819 ((:+ |:def| |:define|) :symbol = (:one-of #.CTF
820 #.CSP
821 (|(| (:seq-of :symbol) |)|)))
822 (|:spoiler| (:one-of (on) (off) (|.|)))
823 (|:binspect|
824 (:rdr #..term-delimiting-chars. (:if-present in :symbol |:|)) (:seq-of :term) |.|)
825 (binspect
826 (:rdr #..term-delimiting-chars. (:if-present in :modexp |:|)) (:seq-of :term) |.|)
827 ((:+ |:bresolve| bresolve))
828 ((:+ |:bshow| bshow) :args)
829 (|:set| |(| :symbol |,| (:+ on off set clear ? show) |)|)
830 )) ; end Top-Form
804832 ;; some separated definitions of non-terminals.
805833 ;; --------------------------------------------------
806834 ;; subterm specifier
808836 (Selector (:one-of
809 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
810 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
811 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
837 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
838 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
839 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
813841 ;; parameter part
814842 ;; (Params (\[ (:! Param) :append (:seq-of |,| (:! Param)) \]))
815843 (Param (:one-of-default
816 (:symbols |::| (:upto (|,| \] \)) :modexp))
817 ((:+ ex extending us using pr protecting inc including)
818 :symbols |::| (:upto (|,| \] \)) :modexp))))
820 ;; importation modexp
821 #|| not used
822 (ImportModexp (:symbol :modexp))
823 (IM (:one-of-default
824 (:modexp)
825 (|::| :modexp)))
826 ||#
827 ;; (sortConst
828 ;; (:one-of-default
829 ;; (:sorts)
830 ;; (:symbol = { :term |:| :sorts })))
832 #|| obsolete
833 ;; super reference.
834 (Supers (\[ (:! Super) :append (:seq-of |,| (:! Super)) \]))
835 (Super ((:upto (|,| \]) :super)))
836 ;; slot/value pairs
837 (SV-Pairs ((:! Sv-pair) :append (:seq-of (:! Sv-pair))))
838 (Sv-Pair (:one-of-default
839 (:symbol (:upto (|}|)) (:one-of (|:| :sort)
840 (= |(| :term |)| |:| :sort)))
841 ((:+ -- **) :comment)
842 ((:+ --> **>) :comment)))
843 ||#
844 (:symbols |::| (:upto (|,| \] \)) :modexp))
845 ((:+ ex extending us using pr protecting inc including)
846 :symbols |::| (:upto (|,| \] \)) :modexp))))
844848 ;; Substitution
845849 ;; variable-1 <- term-1; ... variable-n <- term-n;
846850 ;; (SubstList ((:! Subst) :append (:seq-of (:! Subst) (:upto (|}|)))))
847851 (SubstList ((:! Subst) :append (:seq-of (:! Subst))))
848852 ;; (Subst ((:term <- :term) |;|))
849853 (Subst ((:symbol <- :term) |;|))
850 )) ; end of *cafeobj-scheme*
851 ) ; end eval-when
854 )) ; end of *cafeobj-scheme*
855 ) ; end eval-when
854858 ;;; EOF
44 File: declarations.lisp
55 ==============================================================================|#
66 ;;;
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
88 ;;;
99 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1010 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
145145 :evaluator eval-ast)
147147 (define ("eq" "cq" "ceq" "rule" "rl" "crl" "crule" "trans" "ctrans" "tr" "ctr"
148 "beq" "bceq" "brule" "brl" "bcrule" "bcrl" "btrans" "btr"
149 "bctrans" "bctr")
148 "beq" "bceq" "brule" "brl" "bcrule" "bcrl" "btrans" "btr"
149 "bctrans" "bctr")
150150 :type :inner-module
151151 :category :axiom
152152 :parser process-axiom-form
237237 :evaluator eval-decl-do-nothing)
239239 ;;;
240 ) ; end eval-when
240 ) ; end eval-when
241241 ;;; EOF
44 File: define.lisp
55 ==============================================================================|#
66 ;;;
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
8 ;;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
89 ;;;
910 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1011 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
4445 (defvar *cafeobj-declarations* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
4647 (defstruct (comde (:print-function print-comde))
47 (key "" :type string) ; command/declaration keyword
48 (type nil :type symbol) ; command or declaration
49 (category nil :type symbol) ; kind of command/declaration
50 (parser nil :type symbol) ; parser function
51 (evaluator nil :type symbol) ; evaluator function
48 (key "" :type string) ; command/declaration keyword
49 (type nil :type symbol) ; command or declaration
50 (category nil :type symbol) ; kind of command/declaration
51 (parser nil :type symbol) ; parser function
52 (evaluator nil :type symbol) ; evaluator function
5253 )
5455 (defparameter .valid-comde-types. '(:top :inner-module :doc-only))
5556 (defparameter .valid-decl-categories.
56 '(:decl-toplevel ; toplevel declaration, such as 'module', 'view', e.t.c.
57 ; i.e., declarations which can apper at toplevel.
58 :signature ; signature part of module body, such as 'op' '[', e.t.c
59 :axiom ; axiom part of mdoule body, such as 'eq, ceq', e.t.c
60 :ignore ; comments, dot (.), lisp, ev, e.t.c.
61 :import ; import part of module body, such as 'protecting'
57 '(:decl-toplevel ; toplevel declaration, such as 'module', 'view', e.t.c.
58 ; i.e., declarations which can apper at toplevel.
59 :signature ; signature part of module body, such as 'op' '[', e.t.c
60 :axiom ; axiom part of mdoule body, such as 'eq, ceq', e.t.c
61 :ignore ; comments, dot (.), lisp, ev, e.t.c.
62 :import ; import part of module body, such as 'protecting'
6263 :misc
6364 ))
6566 (defparameter .valid-com-categories.
66 '(:decl-toplevel ; toplevel declaration, such as 'module', 'view', e.t.c.
67 :checker ; check command
68 :module ; apply some modifications to a module, such as regularize
69 :rewrite ; commands related to rewriting, such as 'reduce', 'execute', e.t.c.
70 :parse ; commands related to parsing terms, such as 'parse', e.t.c
71 :inspect ; commands inspecting modules, terms, such as 'show', 'match', e.t.c
72 :module-element ; declarations which can apper when a module is open.
73 :proof ; commands related to proof stuff, such as 'open', 'apply, e.t.c.
74 :switch ; 'set' commands
75 :system ; various system related commands, such as 'protect', 'reset', e.t.c.
76 :library ; library related commands, such as 'autoload', 'provide', e.t.c.
77 :help ; '?', '??'
78 :io ; 'input', 'save', e.t.c.
79 :misc ;
67 '(:decl ; toplevel declaration, such as 'module', 'view', e.t.c.
68 :checker ; check command
69 :rewrite ; commands related to rewriting, such as 'reduce', 'execute', e.t.c.
70 :parse ; commands related to parsing terms, such as 'parse', e.t.c
71 :inspect ; commands inspecting modules, terms, such as 'show', 'match', e.t.c
72 :element ; declarations which can apper when a module is open.
73 :proof ; commands related to proof stuff, such as 'open', 'apply, e.t.c.
74 :switch ; 'set' commands
75 :system ; various system related commands, such as 'protect', 'reset', e.t.c.
76 :library ; library related commands, such as 'autoload', 'provide', e.t.c.
77 :help ; '?', '??'
78 :io ; 'input', 'save', e.t.c.
79 :misc ;
8080 ))
8282 (defun print-comde (me &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
8787 (format stream "~% parser : ~a" (comde-parser me))
8888 (format stream "~% evaluator : ~a" (comde-evaluator me)))
90 (defparameter .category-descriptions.
91 '((decl "CafeOBJ top-level declarations, such as 'module', 'view'.")
92 (element "Declarations of module constructs, such as 'op', 'eq' ...")
93 (parse "Commands parsing a term in the specified context.")
94 (rewrite "Invokes term rewriting engine in various manner.")
95 (inspect "Inspecting everhthing you want.")
96 (switch "Commands controlling system's behavior.")
97 (proof "Theorem proving commands.")
98 (checker "Commands checking interesting properties of a module.")
99 (library "Library related commands.")
100 (system "System related commands.")
101 (io "File input/output commands.")
102 (misc "Miscellaneous commands.")
103 (help "Online help commands.")))
90104 ;;;
91105 ;;; get-command-info
92106 ;;;
118132 ;;; DEFINE
119133 ;;;
120134 (defmacro define ((&rest keys) &key (type :top)
121 (category :misc)
122 (parser nil)
123 (evaluator 'eval-ast)
124 (doc nil)
125 (title nil)
126 (example nil)
127 (related nil)
128 (mdkey nil))
135 (category :misc)
136 (parser nil)
137 (evaluator 'eval-ast)
138 (doc nil)
139 (title nil)
140 (example nil)
141 (related nil)
142 (mdkey nil))
129143 (case type
130144 (:top (unless (member category .valid-com-categories.)
131 (error "Internal error, invalid category ~s" category)))
145 (error "Internal error, invalid category ~s" category)))
132146 (:inner-module (unless (member category .valid-decl-categories.)
133 (error "Internal error, invalid category ~s" category)))
147 (error "Internal error, invalid category ~s" category)))
134148 (:doc-only)
135149 (:otherwise (error "Internal error, invalid type ~s" type)))
136150 (unless (eq type :doc-only)
139153 ;;
140154 `(progn
141155 (unless (eq ,type :doc-only)
142 (let ((hash (if (or (eq ,type :top)
143 (eq ,category :decl-toplevel))
144 *cafeobj-top-commands*
145 *cafeobj-declarations*)))
146 (dolist (key ',keys)
147 (setf (gethash key hash) (make-comde :key key
148 :type ',type
149 :category ',category
150 :parser ',parser
151 :evaluator ',evaluator)))))
156 (let ((hash (if (or (eq ,type :top)
157 (eq ,category :decl-toplevel))
158 *cafeobj-top-commands*
159 *cafeobj-declarations*)))
160 (dolist (key ',keys)
161 (setf (gethash key hash) (make-comde :key key
162 :type ',type
163 :category ',category
164 :parser ',parser
165 :evaluator ',evaluator)))))
152166 ;; set online help
153 (register-online-help (car ',keys) (cdr ',keys) ',title ',mdkey ',doc ',example ',related)))
167 (register-online-help (car ',keys) (cdr ',keys) ',title ',mdkey ',doc ',example ',related ',category)))
155169 (defun print-comde-usage (com)
156170 (format t "~&[Usage] ~s, not yet" com))
44 File: oldoc.lisp
55 ==============================================================================|#
66 ;;;
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
8 ;;; Copyright (c) 2014, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
7 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
8 ;;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
99 ;;;
1010 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1111 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8686 ;; (after some mangling) a list of strings as "question"
8787 ;;
8888 ;; Example:
89 ;; ? clean me
89 ;; ? clean me
9090 ;; will call the various ? related functions with
9191 ;; question = ("clean" "me")
9292 ;;
150150 (oldoc-search-all question)
151151 (let ((doc (oldoc-find-doc-entry question)))
152152 (if (not (listp doc))
153 (oldoc-format-documentation doc :raw nil :main main :example example :related related)
154 (progn
155 (if doc
156 (format t "Did you mean one of ~a~%" doc))
157 nil)))))
153 (oldoc-format-documentation doc :raw nil :main main :example example :related related)
154 (progn
155 (if doc
156 (format t "Did you mean one of ~a~%" doc))
157 nil)))))
159 ;; oldoc-list-categories
160 ;;
161 (declaim (special .category-descriptions. .valid-com-categories.))
163 (defun oldoc-list-categories (cat)
164 (unless cat
165 (format t "** ======================================================================~%")
166 (format t "COMMAND CLASSES:~%")
167 (format t "'?com <class>' shows the list of commands classified by <class>.~2%")
168 (format t "class~10Tdescription~%")
169 (format t "-------------------------------------------------------------------------~%")
170 (dolist (entry .category-descriptions.)
171 (format t "~a~10T~a~%" (first entry) (second entry)))
172 (return-from oldoc-list-categories nil))
173 ;; gather commands
174 (unless (member (car cat) .valid-com-categories.
175 :test #'(lambda (x y) (string-equal x (symbol-name y))))
176 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-category)
177 (format t "System does not know the command class '~a'.~%" (car cat))
178 (format t "Type '?cat' for the list of available class names.")))
179 (let ((docs (oldoc-get-documents-by-category (car cat))))
180 (unless docs
181 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
182 (format t "Sorry, the commands classified as '~a' not found." (car cat)))
183 (return-from oldoc-list-categories nil))
184 (format t "The list of commands classified as '~a'.~%" (car cat))
185 (format t "Type '? <command-name>' for the online document of <command-name>.~%")
186 (format t "==========================================================================")
187 (do* ((dl docs (cdr dl))
188 (doc (car dl) (car dl))
189 (n 0 (1+ n)))
190 ((endp dl))
191 (let ((key (car doc))
192 (desc (cdr doc)))
193 (format t "~%~a~% ~a" key (format-markdown (oldoc-title desc)))))))
162195 ;;
163196 ;; INTERNAL functioons
168201 (defvar *cafeobj-alias-db* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
170203 (defstruct (oldoc (:print-function print-online-document))
171 (key "" :type string) ;
172 (main "" :type string) ; document string of commad/declaration
204 (key "" :type string) ;
205 (category nil :type symbol) ; cateogry name of the subject
206 (main "" :type string) ; document string of commad/declaration
173207 (title "" :type string) ; title
174208 (rtitle "" :type string) ; reduced title for search
175209 (example "" :type string) ; examples
176210 (mdkey "" :type string) ; key written to reference manual
177 (names nil :type list) ;
211 (names nil :type list) ;
178212 (related nil :type list) ; related commands
179 (cache nil) ; formatted doc cache for online help
213 (cache nil) ; formatted doc cache for online help
180214 )
182216 (defun print-online-document (doc &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
189223 (format stream "~&example : ~a" (oldoc-example doc))
190224 (format stream "~&names : ~a" (oldoc-names doc))
191225 (format stream "~&related : ~a" (oldoc-related doc))
192 (format stream "~&cache : ~a" (oldoc-cache doc)))
226 (format stream "~&cache : ~a" (oldoc-cache doc))
227 (format stream "~&cateogry : ~a" (oldoc-category doc)))
194229 (defun oldoc-make-key (whatever)
195230 whatever)
201236 (defun oldoc-find-doc-entry (question)
202237 (let* ((redss (oldoc-reduce-string (oldoc-question-to-string question)))
203 (key (oldoc-make-key redss))
204 (docref (gethash key *cafeobj-alias-db*)))
238 (key (oldoc-make-key redss))
239 (docref (gethash key *cafeobj-alias-db*)))
205240 (if docref
206 (gethash docref *cafeobj-doc-db*)
241 (gethash docref *cafeobj-doc-db*)
207242 ;; search for similar names
208243 (let* ((similar-keys nil) (redsslen (length redss)))
209 (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
210 (if (and (>= (length (oldoc-rtitle v)) redsslen)
211 (string-equal redss (subseq (oldoc-rtitle v) 0 redsslen)))
212 (push (cons k (list (oldoc-title v))) similar-keys)
213 (dolist (n (oldoc-names v))
214 (if (and (>= (length n) redsslen)
215 (string-equal redss (subseq n 0 redsslen)))
216 (progn
217 (push (cons k (list (oldoc-title v))) similar-keys)
218 (return))))))
219 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
220 ;; if only one similar name is found, return the entry for it
221 (if (= 1 (length similar-keys))
222 (gethash (car (car similar-keys)) *cafeobj-doc-db*)
223 ;; otherwise generate the list of " quoted possible names
224 (map 'list #'(lambda (x) (concatenate 'string "\"" x "\""))
225 (apply #'append (map 'list 'cdr similar-keys))))))))
244 (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
245 (if (and (>= (length (oldoc-rtitle v)) redsslen)
246 (string-equal redss (subseq (oldoc-rtitle v) 0 redsslen)))
247 (push (cons k (list (oldoc-title v))) similar-keys)
248 (dolist (n (oldoc-names v))
249 (if (and (>= (length n) redsslen)
250 (string-equal redss (subseq n 0 redsslen)))
251 (progn
252 (push (cons k (list (oldoc-title v))) similar-keys)
253 (return))))))
254 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
255 ;; if only one similar name is found, return the entry for it
256 (if (= 1 (length similar-keys))
257 (gethash (car (car similar-keys)) *cafeobj-doc-db*)
258 ;; otherwise generate the list of " quoted possible names
259 (map 'list #'(lambda (x) (concatenate 'string "\"" x "\""))
260 (apply #'append (map 'list 'cdr similar-keys))))))))
227262 (defun oldoc-format-related (doc &key (raw nil))
228263 (let (outlist targetdoc targettitle)
229264 (dolist (r (oldoc-related doc))
230265 (if (atom r)
231 (progn
232 (setq targettitle (format nil "`~a`" r))
233 (setq targetdoc (oldoc-find-doc-entry (list r))))
234 (progn
235 (setq targettitle (car r))
236 (if (cdr r)
237 (setq targetdoc (oldoc-find-doc-entry (cdr r)))
238 (setq targetdoc (oldoc-find-doc-entry (list (car r)))))))
266 (progn
267 (setq targettitle (format nil "`~a`" r))
268 (setq targetdoc (oldoc-find-doc-entry (list r))))
269 (progn
270 (setq targettitle (car r))
271 (if (cdr r)
272 (setq targetdoc (oldoc-find-doc-entry (cdr r)))
273 (setq targetdoc (oldoc-find-doc-entry (list (car r)))))))
239274 (if (listp targetdoc)
240 ; problem - found several entries
241 (if targetdoc
242 (if raw
243 (push (format nil "\[~a\]\(\#~a\)" targettitle "multiple_targets") outlist)
244 (push (format nil "~a" targettitle) outlist))
245 (if raw
246 (push (format nil "\[~a\]\(\#~a\)" targettitle "target_not_found") outlist)
247 (push (format nil "~a" targettitle) outlist)))
248 (if raw
249 (push (format nil "\[~a\]\(\#~a\)" targettitle (oldoc-mdkey targetdoc)) outlist)
250 (push (format nil "~a" targettitle) outlist))))
275 ; problem - found several entries
276 (if targetdoc
277 (if raw
278 (push (format nil "\[~a\]\(\#~a\)" targettitle "multiple_targets") outlist)
279 (push (format nil "~a" targettitle) outlist))
280 (if raw
281 (push (format nil "\[~a\]\(\#~a\)" targettitle "target_not_found") outlist)
282 (push (format nil "~a" targettitle) outlist)))
283 (if raw
284 (push (format nil "\[~a\]\(\#~a\)" targettitle (oldoc-mdkey targetdoc)) outlist)
285 (push (format nil "~a" targettitle) outlist))))
251286 (if outlist
252 (format nil "~{~a~^, ~}" outlist)
253 "")))
287 (format nil "~{~a~^, ~}" outlist)
288 "")))
255290 (defun oldoc-format-documentation (doc &key (raw nil) (main t) (example nil) (related t))
256291 (let ((outstr "")
257 (title (oldoc-title doc))
258 (mainstr (oldoc-main doc))
259 (exstr (oldoc-example doc))
260 (relstr (oldoc-format-related doc :raw raw))
261 (usecache (and main related (not raw) (not example))))
292 (title (oldoc-title doc))
293 (mainstr (oldoc-main doc))
294 (exstr (oldoc-example doc))
295 (relstr (oldoc-format-related doc :raw raw))
296 (usecache (and main related (not raw) (not example))))
262297 (if (not raw)
263 (or (and usecache (oldoc-cache doc))
264 (progn
265 (if main
266 (setq outstr (format nil "~a~2%~a~2%" title mainstr)))
267 ; related dealing
268 (if (and related (not (string-equal relstr "")))
269 (setq outstr (format nil "~aRelated: ~a~2%" outstr relstr)))
270 ; example dealing
271 (if (not (string-equal exstr ""))
272 ; we have examples available
273 (if main
274 (if (not example)
275 (setq outstr (format nil "~a(Examples available)~2%" outstr))
276 (setq outstr (format nil "~aExamples:~%~a" outstr exstr)))
277 (if (not example)
278 ; huu? don't show main and don't show examples?
279 (setq outstr (format nil "~a(Nothing to show?)~%" outstr))
280 ; don't show main, but examples, add also title!
281 (setq outstr (format nil "Example(s) for ~a~2%~a" title exstr)))))
282 ; manage cache
283 (if usecache
284 (setf (oldoc-cache doc) (format-markdown outstr))
285 (format-markdown outstr))))
286 (progn
287 ;; case for raw output
288 (setq outstr (format nil "## ~a ## {#~a}~2%" title (oldoc-mdkey doc)))
289 (if main
290 (setq outstr (format nil "~a~a~2%" outstr mainstr)))
291 (if (and related (not (string-equal relstr "")))
292 (setq outstr (format nil "~aRelated: ~a~2%" outstr relstr)))
293 (if (and example (not (string-equal exstr "")))
294 (setq outstr (format nil "~a### Example ###~2%~a~2%" outstr exstr)))
295 outstr))))
298 (or (and usecache (oldoc-cache doc))
299 (progn
300 (if main
301 (setq outstr (format nil "~a~2%~a~2%" title mainstr)))
302 ; related dealing
303 (if (and related (not (string-equal relstr "")))
304 (setq outstr (format nil "~aRelated: ~a~2%" outstr relstr)))
305 ; example dealing
306 (if (not (string-equal exstr ""))
307 ; we have examples available
308 (if main
309 (if (not example)
310 (setq outstr (format nil "~a(Examples available)~2%" outstr))
311 (setq outstr (format nil "~aExamples:~%~a" outstr exstr)))
312 (if (not example)
313 ; huu? don't show main and don't show examples?
314 (setq outstr (format nil "~a(Nothing to show?)~%" outstr))
315 ; don't show main, but examples, add also title!
316 (setq outstr (format nil "Example(s) for ~a~2%~a" title exstr)))))
317 ; manage cache
318 (if usecache
319 (setf (oldoc-cache doc) (format-markdown outstr))
320 (format-markdown outstr))))
321 (progn
322 ;; case for raw output
323 (setq outstr (format nil "## ~a ## {#~a}~2%" title (oldoc-mdkey doc)))
324 (if main
325 (setq outstr (format nil "~a~a~2%" outstr mainstr)))
326 (if (and related (not (string-equal relstr "")))
327 (setq outstr (format nil "~aRelated: ~a~2%" outstr relstr)))
328 (if (and example (not (string-equal exstr "")))
329 (setq outstr (format nil "~a### Example ###~2%~a~2%" outstr exstr)))
330 outstr))))
298333 ; (defun show-doc-entries ()
301336 ; (setq keys (sort keys #'string<=))
302337 ; (dolist (key keys)
303338 ; (let ((oldoc (get-document-string-from-doc (gethash key *cafeobj-doc-db*))))
304 ; (format t "~s" oldoc)))))
339 ; (format t "~s" oldoc)))))
306341 ;;;
307342 ;;; search for an arbitrary regexp in all main strs, and return
325360 \\z | (?=([\\s]+)) | (?!^)(?=[\"'])
326361 )
327362 )"
328 :extended-mode t)))
363 :extended-mode t)))
329364 (map 'list #'(lambda (x) (if (not (string-equal x "")) (push (string-trim "\"'" x) outlst)))
330 (cl-ppcre:all-matches-as-strings re str))
365 (cl-ppcre:all-matches-as-strings re str))
331366 outlst))
333368 (defun oldoc-search-all (question)
334369 ; oldoc is special as ?ap is using the :comment reader, which means we
335370 ; get one string till the end of line as argument.
336371 (let ((retstr "") (matching-docs nil)
337 (matchers (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
338 (if (oldoc-is-regex x)
339 (handler-case
340 ; we might get a string that is not a proper regexp,
341 ; in this case fall back to use it as substring search
342 (let ((re (cl-ppcre:create-scanner x :case-insensitive-mode :multi-line-mode)))
343 (lambda (y) (cl-ppcre:scan re y)))
344 (cl-ppcre:ppcre-syntax-error (condition)
345 (format t "[Error] Cannot parse as regexp: ~S~%Treating it as normal string!~%"
346 (cl-ppcre:ppcre-syntax-error-string condition))
347 (lambda (y) (search x y))))
348 (lambda (y) (search x y))))
349 (oldoc-parse-to-words (car question)))))
372 (matchers (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
373 (if (oldoc-is-regex x)
374 (handler-case
375 ; we might get a string that is not a proper regexp,
376 ; in this case fall back to use it as substring search
377 (let ((re (cl-ppcre:create-scanner x :case-insensitive-mode :multi-line-mode)))
378 (lambda (y) (cl-ppcre:scan re y)))
379 (cl-ppcre:ppcre-syntax-error (condition)
380 (format t "[Error] Cannot parse as regexp: ~S~%Treating it as normal string!~%"
381 (cl-ppcre:ppcre-syntax-error-string condition))
382 (lambda (y) (search x y))))
383 (lambda (y) (search x y))))
384 (oldoc-parse-to-words (car question)))))
350385 (maphash #'(lambda (key oldoc)
351 (declare (ignore key))
352 (let* ((fullss (oldoc-reduce-string (format nil "~a~%~{~a~^~%~}~a~%~a"
353 (oldoc-title oldoc)
354 (oldoc-names oldoc)
355 (oldoc-main oldoc)
356 (oldoc-example oldoc))))
357 (found (every #'identity
358 (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
359 (apply x (list fullss))) matchers))))
360 (when found
361 (push (oldoc-title oldoc) matching-docs))))
362 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
363 ; create the return string from the list of found keys
386 (declare (ignore key))
387 (let* ((fullss (oldoc-reduce-string (format nil "~a~%~{~a~^~%~}~a~%~a"
388 (oldoc-title oldoc)
389 (oldoc-names oldoc)
390 (oldoc-main oldoc)
391 (oldoc-example oldoc))))
392 (found (every #'identity
393 (map 'list #'(lambda (x)
394 (apply x (list fullss))) matchers))))
395 (when found
396 (push (oldoc-title oldoc) matching-docs))))
397 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
398 ; create the return string from the list of found keys
364399 (when matching-docs
365400 (setq retstr (format nil "Found the following matches:~% . ~{~a~^~% . ~}" matching-docs)))
366401 (if (string= retstr "")
367 (setq retstr (format nil "No matches found!~%")))
402 (setq retstr (format nil "No matches found!~%")))
368403 retstr))
370405 ;;;
373408 ;;;
376 (defun register-online-help (mainname aliasnames title mdkey doc example related)
411 (defun register-online-help (mainname aliasnames title mdkey doc example related &optional (category 'misc))
377412 (unless doc (return-from register-online-help nil))
378413 (unless (stringp doc) (return-from register-online-help nil))
379414 ; for each key generated from any name we generate an entry
382417 (let ((mainkey (oldoc-make-key mainname)))
383418 (dolist (name (cons mainname aliasnames))
384419 (let ((key (oldoc-make-key name)))
385 (setf (gethash key *cafeobj-alias-db*) mainkey)))
420 (setf (gethash key *cafeobj-alias-db*) mainkey)))
386421 ; if the tile is not given, we use the mainname enclosed in ` `
387422 ; if the mdkey is not given, we use the mainname as is
388423 (let* ((dt (or title (concatenate 'string "`" mainname "`")))
389 (rt (oldoc-reduce-string dt)))
424 (rt (oldoc-reduce-string dt)))
390425 (setf (gethash mainkey *cafeobj-doc-db*)
391 (make-oldoc :key mainkey
392 :main doc
393 :title dt
394 :rtitle rt
395 :mdkey (or mdkey mainname)
396 :example (or example "")
397 :related related
398 :names (cons mainname aliasnames))))))
426 (make-oldoc :key mainkey
427 :main doc
428 :title dt
429 :rtitle rt
430 :mdkey (or mdkey (funcall #~s/^:/citp-/ mainname))
431 :example (or example "")
432 :related related
433 :names (cons mainname aliasnames)
434 :category category)))))
400436 ;;
401437 ;; format-markdown and oldoc-reduce-string are similar, but serve different
416452 (defun format-markdown (str)
417453 (funcall .md-replace-bq.
418 (funcall .md-replace-tilde.
419 (funcall .md-remove-code-sign.
420 (funcall .md-remove-link2.
421 (funcall .md-remove-link.
422 (funcall .md-remove-hash-hash. str)))))))
454 (funcall .md-replace-tilde.
455 (funcall .md-remove-code-sign.
456 (funcall .md-remove-link2.
457 (funcall .md-remove-link.
458 (funcall .md-remove-hash-hash. str)))))))
424460 (defun oldoc-reduce-string (str)
425461 (funcall .md-remove-bq.
426462 (funcall .md-remove-link2.
427463 (funcall .md-remove-link.
428 (funcall .md-remove-hash-hash. str)))))
464 (funcall .md-remove-hash-hash. str)))))
435471 ;;;
436472 (defvar .out-done. (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
474 ; refman-sort determines the order in the reference manual based on the
475 ; keys. For now we simply sort alphabetically but ignore leading :
476 ; from the CITP commands, so that
477 ; :foobar
478 ; is sorted near f and not at the beginning.
479 (defun refman-sort (a b)
480 (let ((aa (funcall #~s/^:// a)) (bb (funcall #~s/^:// b)))
481 (string-lessp aa bb)))
438483 (defun export-refman (&optional (output "manual/md/"))
439484 (clrhash .out-done.)
440485 (let (data)
441486 (with-open-file (out output :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
442487 (maphash #'(lambda (k oldoc)
443 (let ((docstr (oldoc-format-documentation oldoc :raw t :main t :example t)))
444 (unless docstr
445 (error "The document string not found for ~s." k))
446 ; we would like to use the reduced title as sort criteria
447 ; but in this case we get problems with entries like
448 ; [sys:]module which is sorted around [ which is bad.
449 ; TODO: add a key sort string or recognize []?
450 ; (push (cons (oldoc-rtitle oldoc) docstr) data)))
451 (push (cons k docstr) data)))
452 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
453 (setq data (sort data #'string-lessp :key #'car))
488 (let ((docstr (oldoc-format-documentation oldoc :raw t :main t :example t)))
489 (unless docstr
490 (error "The document string not found for ~s." k))
491 ; we would like to use the reduced title as sort criteria
492 ; but in this case we get problems with entries like
493 ; [sys:]module which is sorted around [ which is bad.
494 ; TODO: add a key sort string or recognize []?
495 ; (push (cons (oldoc-rtitle oldoc) docstr) data)))
496 (push (cons k docstr) data)))
497 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
498 (setq data (sort data #'refman-sort :key #'car))
454499 (dolist (d data)
455 (unless (gethash (car d) .out-done.)
456 (format out "~a" (cdr d))
457 (setf (gethash (car d) .out-done.) t))))))
500 (unless (gethash (car d) .out-done.)
501 (format out "~a" (cdr d))
502 (setf (gethash (car d) .out-done.) t))))))
459504 ;;;
460505 ;;; show-undocumented
467512 (declare (ignore ignore))
468513 (let ((docs nil))
469514 (maphash #'(lambda (key oldoc)
470 (declare (ignore key))
471 (let* ((str (oldoc-main oldoc))
472 (doc (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" str)))
473 (when (or (null doc)
474 (null (cdr doc))
475 (funcall .todo. str))
476 (push oldoc docs))))
477 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
515 (declare (ignore key))
516 (let* ((str (oldoc-main oldoc))
517 (doc (cl-ppcre:split "\\s+" str)))
518 (when (or (null doc)
519 (null (cdr doc))
520 (funcall .todo. str))
521 (push oldoc docs))))
522 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
478523 (setq docs (sort docs #'string<= :key #'oldoc-key))
479524 (format t "~%The following commands/declarations/concepts are not yet documented.")
480525 (dolist (doc docs)
481526 (format t "~%** key : ~s" (oldoc-key doc))
482527 (format t "~& names : ~s" (oldoc-names doc)))))
529 ;; oldoc-get-documents-by-category
530 ;; returns the list of
531 (defun oldoc-get-documents-by-category (cat)
532 (let ((coms nil))
533 (maphash #'(lambda (key oldoc)
534 (let ((oldoc-cat (oldoc-category oldoc)))
535 (when (string-equal cat (symbol-name oldoc-cat))
536 (push (cons key oldoc) coms))))
537 *cafeobj-doc-db*)
538 (sort coms #'ob< :key #'car)))
484540 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: cafeobj
32 File: trans-com.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: cafeobj
32 File: trans-com.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4545 ;;; *****************************
4646 (defun parse-in-context-modexp-with-term (e)
4747 (let (modexp
48 preterm)
48 preterm)
4949 (if (= 4 (length e))
50 (progn
51 (setq modexp (parse-modexp (cadr (cadr e))))
52 (setq preterm (nth 2 e)))
53 (progn
54 (setq modexp nil)
55 (setq preterm (nth 1 e))))
50 (progn
51 (setq modexp (parse-modexp (cadr (cadr e))))
52 (setq preterm (nth 2 e)))
53 (progn
54 (setq modexp nil)
55 (setq preterm (nth 1 e))))
5656 (values modexp preterm)))
5858 ;;; "reduce" [ "in" <Modexp> ":" ] <Term> .
9999 (defun parse-test-reduction (e &rest ignore)
100100 (declare (ignore ignore))
101101 (let ((mode-spec (second e))
102 (mode nil))
102 (mode nil))
103103 (case-equal mode-spec
104104 (("exec" "execute") (setq mode :exec))
105105 (("reduce" "red") (setq mode :red))
106106 (("behavioural-reduce" "bred") (setq mode :bred))
107107 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op)
108 (format t "invalid `test' command option ~S" mode))
109 ))
108 (format t "invalid `test' command option ~S" mode))
109 ))
110110 (setq e (cddr e))
111111 (let ((modexp nil)
112 (preterm nil)
113 (expect nil))
112 (preterm nil)
113 (expect nil))
114114 (cond ((and (consp (car e)) (equal "in" (caar e)))
115 (setf modexp (parse-modexp (second (car e))))
116 (setf preterm (second e))
117 (setf expect (fourth e)))
118 (t (setf modexp nil)
119 (setf preterm (first e))
120 (setf expect (third e))))
115 (setf modexp (parse-modexp (second (car e))))
116 (setf preterm (second e))
117 (setf expect (fourth e)))
118 (t (setf modexp nil)
119 (setf preterm (first e))
120 (setf expect (third e))))
121121 (%test-reduce* preterm expect modexp mode))))
123123 ;;; ****
126126 (defun parse-tram-command (inp &rest ignore)
127127 (declare (ignore ignore))
128128 (let ((args (cadr inp))
129 (command nil))
129 (command nil))
130130 (case-equal (car inp)
131131 (("red" "reduce") (setq command :reduce))
132132 (("exec" "execute") (setq command :execute))
133133 (("compile") (setq command :compile))
134134 (("reset") (setq command :reset))
135135 (otherwise (with-output-chaos-error ()
136 (format t "unknown tram command ~a" (car inp)))))
136 (format t "unknown tram command ~a" (car inp)))))
137137 (if (eq command :compile)
138 (let ((debug nil))
139 (loop
140 (case-equal (car args)
141 (("-a" "-all" "-e" "-exec")
142 (setq command :compile-all)
143 (setq args (cdr args)))
144 (("-d" "-debug")
145 (setq debug t)
146 (setq args (cdr args)))
147 (t (return nil))))
148 (%make-tram :command command :modexp args :debug debug))
149 (multiple-value-bind (modexp preterm)
150 (parse-in-context-modexp-with-term inp)
151 (%make-tram :command command :modexp modexp :term preterm)))))
138 (let ((debug nil))
139 (loop
140 (case-equal (car args)
141 (("-a" "-all" "-e" "-exec")
142 (setq command :compile-all)
143 (setq args (cdr args)))
144 (("-d" "-debug")
145 (setq debug t)
146 (setq args (cdr args)))
147 (t (return nil))))
148 (%make-tram :command command :modexp args :debug debug))
149 (multiple-value-bind (modexp preterm)
150 (parse-in-context-modexp-with-term inp)
151 (%make-tram :command command :modexp modexp :term preterm)))))
153153 ;;; ********
154154 ;;; AUTOLOAD
155155 ;;; ********
156156 (defun parse-autoload-command (inp &rest ignore)
157157 (declare (ignore ignore))
158158 (let ((mod-name (second inp))
159 (file (third inp)))
159 (file (third inp)))
160160 (%autoload* mod-name file)))
162 ;;;
164 ;;;
165 (defun parse-no-autoload-command (inp &rest ignore)
166 (declare (ignore ignore))
167 (let ((mod-name (second inp)))
168 (%no-autoload* mod-name)))
162170 ;;; ******
163171 ;;; CBREAD
164172 ;;; ******
169177 (multiple-value-bind (modexp preterm)
170178 (parse-in-context-modexp-with-term toks)
171179 (let ((lhs nil)
172 (rhs nil))
180 (rhs nil))
173181 ;;
174182 (loop (when (or (null preterm)
175 (member (car preterm)
176 '("=" "=b=" "==") :test #'equal))
177 (return))
178 (push (car preterm) lhs)
179 (setq preterm (cdr preterm)))
183 (member (car preterm)
184 '("=" "=b=" "==") :test #'equal))
185 (return))
186 (push (car preterm) lhs)
187 (setq preterm (cdr preterm)))
180188 (setq lhs (nreverse lhs))
181189 (setq rhs (cdr preterm))
182190 (unless (and lhs rhs)
183 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-command-form)
184 (princ "cbred: syntax error: ")
185 (princ toks)))
191 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-command-form)
192 (princ "cbred: syntax error: ")
193 (princ toks)))
186194 (%cbred* modexp lhs rhs))))
188196 ;;; *******
190198 ;;; *******
191199 (defun parse-in-context-modexp-with-name (e)
192200 (let (modexp
193 name)
201 name)
194202 (setq e (cddr e))
195203 (if (cdr e)
196 (progn
197 (setq modexp (parse-modexp (second (first e))))
198 (setq name (second e)))
199 (progn
200 (setq modexp nil)
201 (setq name (first e))))
204 (progn
205 (setq modexp (parse-modexp (second (first e))))
206 (setq name (second e)))
207 (progn
208 (setq modexp nil)
209 (setq name (first e))))
202210 (values modexp name)))
204212 (defun parse-look-up-command (e &rest ignore)
216224 (defun parse-case-command (expr &rest ignore)
217225 (declare (ignore ignore))
218226 (let ((case-term (nth 2 expr))
219 (modexpr (parse-modexp (nth 6 expr)))
220 (name (nth 9 expr))
221 (body (nth 11 expr))
222 (goal (nth 14 expr)))
227 (modexpr (parse-modexp (nth 6 expr)))
228 (name (nth 9 expr))
229 (body (nth 11 expr))
230 (goal (nth 14 expr)))
223231 (when (atom body)
224232 (setq body nil)
225233 (setq goal (nth 13 expr)))
245253 (let ((name (nth 1 inp))
246254 (modexp (nth 3 inp)))
247255 (%module-decl* name
248 :module
249 :user
250 (list (%import* :protecting (parse-modexp modexp))))))
256 :module
257 :user
258 (list (%import* :protecting (parse-modexp modexp))))))
252260 ;;; *****
253261 ;;; INPUT
390398 (format t "too many args ~s" (cdr inp))))
391399 (let ((num (and (cadr inp) (parse-integer (cadr inp) :junk-allowed t))))
392400 (if num
393 (setf (%popd-num _popd-pat) (cadr inp))
401 (setf (%popd-num _popd-pat) (cadr inp))
394402 (setf (%popd-num _popd-pat) nil))
395403 (eval-ast _popd-pat)
396404 (setf (%popd-num _popd-pat) nil)
491499 (let ((dat (cadr inp)))
492500 (let ((it (car dat)))
493501 (case-equal it
494 (("reg" "regular" "regularity")
495 (%check* :regularity (cdr dat)))
496 (("lazy" "laziness" "strict" "strictness")
497 (%check* :strictness (cdr dat)))
498 (("compat" "compatibility")
499 (%check* :compatibility (cdr dat)))
500 (("coherency" "coherent" "coh" "coherence")
501 (%check* :coherency (cdr dat)))
502 (("sensible" "sensibleness")
503 (%check* :sensible (cdr dat)))
504 (("rewriting" "rew")
505 (%check* :rew-coherence (cdr dat)))
506 (("invariance" "inv")
507 (%check* :invariance (cdr dat)))
508 (("safety")
509 (%check* :safety (cdr dat)))
510 (("refinement" "refine")
511 (%check* :refinement (cdr dat)))
512 (("?" "help" ":?" ":help")
513 (cafeobj-check-help)
514 (return-from parse-check-command t))))))
502 (("reg" "regular" "regularity")
503 (%check* :regularity (cdr dat)))
504 (("lazy" "laziness" "strict" "strictness")
505 (%check* :strictness (cdr dat)))
506 (("compat" "compatibility")
507 (%check* :compatibility (cdr dat)))
508 (("coherency" "coherent" "coh" "coherence")
509 (%check* :coherency (cdr dat)))
510 (("sensible" "sensibleness")
511 (%check* :sensible (cdr dat)))
512 (("rewriting" "rew")
513 (%check* :rew-coherence (cdr dat)))
514 (("invariance" "inv")
515 (%check* :invariance (cdr dat)))
516 (("safety")
517 (%check* :safety (cdr dat)))
518 (("refinement" "refine")
519 (%check* :refinement (cdr dat)))
520 (("?" "help" ":?" ":help")
521 (cafeobj-check-help)
522 (return-from parse-check-command t))))))
516524 ;;;
517525 ;;; CHECK HELP
520528 (defun cafeobj-check-help (&rest ignore)
521529 (declare (ignore ignore))
522 (format t "~& check {reg | regularity} [<Modexp>]")
530 (format t "~% check {reg | regularity} [<Modexp>]")
523531 (format t "~&~8Tcheck <Modexp> (or current module's) signagture is regular or not.")
524532 (format t "~& check {compat | compatibility} [<Modexp>]")
525533 (format t "~&~8Tcheck <Modexp> (or current module) is compatible or not.")
567575 ;;; ****
568576 (defun parse-name-command (inp)
569577 (let ((modexp (second inp))
570 (ast (%inspect* nil)))
578 (ast (%inspect* nil)))
571579 (when modexp
572580 (setf (%inspect-modexp ast) (parse-modexp modexp)))
573581 ast))
582590 ;;; ******************
583591 ;;; MODULE Constructs.
584592 ;;; ******************
594 ;;; it is an error unless a module is open.
585595 (defun cafeobj-eval-module-element-proc (inp)
586596 (if *open-module*
587 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
588 (multiple-value-bind (type ast)
589 (parse-module-element inp)
590 (declare (ignore type))
597 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
598 (multiple-value-bind (type ast)
599 (parse-module-element inp)
600 (declare (ignore type))
591601 (dolist (a ast)
592602 (eval-ast a))))
593603 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
101101 (setf ,__exp (cdr ,__exp)))
102102 (flatten-list (nreverse *__modexp)))))
103103 (let ((mode (case-equal (car imp-expr)
104 (("pr" "protecting") :protecting)
105 (("ex" "extending") :extending)
106 (("us" "using") :using)
107 (("inc" "including") :including)))
108 (alias nil)
109 (expr nil)
110 (res nil))
104 (("pr" "protecting") :protecting)
105 (("ex" "extending") :extending)
106 (("us" "using") :using)
107 (("inc" "including") :including)))
108 (alias nil)
109 (expr nil)
110 (res nil))
111111 ;;
112112 (cond ((equal (second imp-expr) "(")
113 (setq expr (scan-parenthesized-unit (cdr imp-expr))))
114 ((and (consp (second imp-expr))
115 (equal "as" (car (second imp-expr))))
116 (setq alias (second (second imp-expr)))
117 (setq expr (if (equal (third imp-expr) "(")
118 (scan-parenthesized-unit (cddr imp-expr))
119 (cddr imp-expr))))
120 (t (setq expr (cdr imp-expr))))
113 (setq expr (scan-parenthesized-unit (cdr imp-expr))))
114 ((and (consp (second imp-expr))
115 (equal "as" (car (second imp-expr))))
116 (setq alias (second (second imp-expr)))
117 (setq expr (if (equal (third imp-expr) "(")
118 (scan-parenthesized-unit (cddr imp-expr))
119 (cddr imp-expr))))
120 (t (setq expr (cdr imp-expr))))
121121 ;;
122122 (loop (unless expr (return))
123123 (if (equal (second expr) "::")
133133 (push (%make-import :mode mode
134134 :parameter param
135135 :module (parse-modexp (scan-modexp expr))
136 :alias alias)
136 :alias alias)
137137 res))
138138 ;; non parameterized importation
139139 (push (%make-import :mode mode
140140 :module (parse-modexp (scan-modexp expr))
141 :alias alias)
141 :alias alias)
142142 res))
143143 (setf expr (cdr expr)))
144144 ;;
150150 (defun parse-imports-form (e &rest ignore)
151151 (declare (ignore ignore))
152152 (let ((body nil)
153 (im-body (caddr e)))
153 (im-body (caddr e)))
154154 (unless (equal im-body "}")
155155 (dolist (elt im-body)
156 (unless (equal im-body "}")
157 (case-equal (car elt)
158 (("--" "**") nil)
159 ("-->" (setq body (nconc body
160 (list (%dyna-comment*
161 (cons "--" (cdr elt)))))))
162 ("**>" (setq body
163 (nconc body (list
164 (%dyna-comment* (cons "**" (cdr elt)))))))
165 (t (setf body (nconc body (process-importation-form elt))))))))
156 (unless (equal im-body "}")
157 (case-equal (car elt)
158 (("--" "**") nil)
159 ("-->" (setq body (nconc body
160 (list (%dyna-comment*
161 (cons "--" (cdr elt)))))))
162 ("**>" (setq body
163 (nconc body (list
164 (%dyna-comment* (cons "**" (cdr elt)))))))
165 (t (setf body (nconc body (process-importation-form elt))))))))
166166 body))
168168 ;;; *****************************
421421 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
422422 (format t "# of arguments mismatch for mixfix operator `~{~a~}', ignored."
423423 pat)
424 (format t "~% arity = ~a, coarity=~a" arity coarity)
424 (format t "~% arity = ~a, coarity=~a" arity coarity)
425425 (return-from process-operator-declaration-form nil)))))
426426 (if (equal type "op")
427427 (%make-op-decl :name pat
460460 (coarity "Bool")
461461 (attr (process-opattr-form (cadr (nth 4 e)))))
462462 (cond ((member type '("pred" "pd") :test #'equal)
463 (%make-op-decl :name pat
464 :arity arity
465 :coarity coarity
466 :attribute attr
467 :hidden nil))
468 ((member type '("bpred" "bpd") :test #'equal)
469 (%make-op-decl :name pat
470 :arity arity
471 :coarity coarity
472 :attribute attr
473 :hidden :hidden))
474 (t
475 (with-output-panic-message ()
476 (format t "unknown predicate type ~a" type)))))))
463 (%make-op-decl :name pat
464 :arity arity
465 :coarity coarity
466 :attribute attr
467 :hidden nil))
468 ((member type '("bpred" "bpd") :test #'equal)
469 (%make-op-decl :name pat
470 :arity arity
471 :coarity coarity
472 :attribute attr
473 :hidden :hidden))
474 (t
475 (with-output-panic-message ()
476 (format t "unknown predicate type ~a" type)))))))
478478 ;;; PREDS
479479 (defun process-predicates-declaration-form (decl &rest ignore)
480480 (declare (ignore ignore))
481481 (mapcar #'(lambda (pat)
482 (process-predicate-declaration-form
483 (list* "pred" (if (consp pat) pat (list pat)) (cddr decl))))
484 (group-paren-units (cadr decl))))
482 (process-predicate-declaration-form
483 (list* "pred" (if (consp pat) pat (list pat)) (cddr decl))))
484 (group-paren-units (cadr decl))))
486486 ;;; BPREDS
487487 (defun process-bpredicates-declaration-form (decl &rest ignore)
488488 (declare (ignore ignore))
489489 (mapcar #'(lambda (pat)
490 (process-predicate-declaration-form
491 (list* "bpred" (if (consp pat) pat (list pat)) (cddr decl))))
492 (group-paren-units (cadr decl))))
490 (process-predicate-declaration-form
491 (list* "bpred" (if (consp pat) pat (list pat)) (cddr decl))))
492 (group-paren-units (cadr decl))))
494494 ;;; OPS
495495 (defun process-operators-declaration-form (decl &rest ignore)
595595 (defun process-signature (e &rest ignore)
596596 (declare (ignore ignore))
597597 (let ((body nil)
598 (s-body (caddr e)))
598 (s-body (caddr e)))
599599 (unless (equal s-body "}")
600600 (dolist (elt s-body)
601 (unless (equal elt "}")
602 (multiple-value-bind (type sig)
603 (parse-module-element elt)
604 (declare (ignore type))
605 (setf body (nconc body sig))))))
601 (unless (equal elt "}")
602 (multiple-value-bind (type sig)
603 (parse-module-element elt)
604 (declare (ignore type))
605 (setf body (nconc body sig))))))
606606 body))
608608 ;;; *************************
679679 (when (and (not (equal (first lhs) "("))
680680 (equal (first lhs) "["))
681681 (let ((b-pos nil)
682 (c-pos nil))
683 (setq b-pos (position "]" lhs :test #'equal))
684 (setq c-pos (position ":" lhs :test #'equal))
685 (when (and b-pos c-pos (= 1 (- c-pos b-pos)))
686 (setf labels (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (intern (string x)))
687 (cdr (firstn lhs b-pos))))
688 (setf lhs (nthcdr (1+ c-pos) lhs)))))
682 (c-pos nil))
683 (setq b-pos (position "]" lhs :test #'equal))
684 (setq c-pos (position ":" lhs :test #'equal))
685 (when (and b-pos c-pos (= 1 (- c-pos b-pos)))
686 (setf labels (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (intern (string x)))
687 (cdr (firstn lhs b-pos))))
688 (setf lhs (nthcdr (1+ c-pos) lhs)))))
689689 (%axiom-decl* type labels lhs rhs cond behavioural)))
691691 ;;;
695695 (defun process-axioms-declaration (e &rest ignore)
696696 (declare (ignore ignore))
697697 (let ((body nil)
698 (a-body (caddr e)))
698 (a-body (caddr e)))
699699 (unless (equal a-body "}")
700700 (dolist (elt a-body)
701 (unless (equal elt "}" )
702 (multiple-value-bind (type ax)
703 (parse-module-element elt)
704 (declare (ignore type))
705 (setf body (nconc body ax))))))
701 (unless (equal elt "}" )
702 (multiple-value-bind (type ax)
703 (parse-module-element elt)
704 (declare (ignore type))
705 (setf body (nconc body ax))))))
706706 body))
708708 ;;; ********************
763763 :test #'equal)
764764 (setq psort opt))
765765 (t (setq param opt)))))
766 (4 (setq param (nth 2 decl)) ; full featured declaration
766 (4 (setq param (nth 2 decl)) ; full featured declaration
767767 (setq psort (nth 3 decl))))
769769 (setq body (nth (1+ b-pos) decl))
801801 (defun parse-module-elements (s &rest ignore)
802802 (declare (ignore ignore))
803803 (let ((body nil)
804 (sig nil)
805 (ax nil))
804 (sig nil)
805 (ax nil))
806806 (dolist (e s)
807807 (multiple-value-bind (kind elt)
808 (parse-module-element e)
809 (case kind
810 ((:ignore :misc) nil)
811 (:signature (setq sig (nconc sig elt)))
812 (:import (setq sig (nconc sig elt)))
813 (:axiom (setq ax (nconc ax elt))))))
808 (parse-module-element e)
809 (case kind
810 ((:ignore :misc) nil)
811 (:signature (setq sig (nconc sig elt)))
812 (:import (setq sig (nconc sig elt)))
813 (:axiom (setq ax (nconc ax elt))))))
814814 (setf body (append sig ax))
815815 body))
819819 (let ((decl (get-decl-info (car e))))
820820 (unless decl
821821 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-decl)
822 (format t "No such declaration '~a'" (car e))))
822 (format t "No such declaration '~a'" (car e))))
823823 (let ((parser (comde-parser decl)))
824824 (unless parser
825 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-parser)
826 (format t "No parser is defined for declaration ~a" (car e))))
825 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-parser)
826 (format t "No parser is defined for declaration ~a" (car e))))
827827 (let ((ast (funcall parser e)))
828 (declare (list ast))
829 (when (and ast (atom (car ast)))
830 (setq ast (list ast)))
831 (values (comde-category decl) ast)))))
828 (declare (list ast))
829 (when (and ast (atom (car ast)))
830 (setq ast (list ast)))
831 (values (comde-category decl) ast)))))
833833 (defun parse-module-element-1 (e &rest ignore)
834834 (multiple-value-bind (type elt)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
6060 (setf (sort-is-hidden *huniversal-sort*) t)
6161 (setf (sort-is-hidden *hbottom-sort*) t)
6262 (setq sup-universal-sort-name
63 (intern
64 (concatenate 'string (string (sort-id *universal-sort*))
63 (intern
64 (concatenate 'string (string (sort-id *universal-sort*))
6565 "."
6666 (make-module-print-name2 (sort-module *universal-sort*)))))
6767 (setq sup-huniversal-sort-name
68 (intern
69 (concatenate 'string (string (sort-id *huniversal-sort*))
68 (intern
69 (concatenate 'string (string (sort-id *huniversal-sort*))
7070 "."
7171 (make-module-print-name2 (sort-module *huniversal-sort*)))))
7272 (compile-module *universal-module*))
7979 ;; Sorts for syntax errors
8080 (let ((syntax-err (define-builtin-sort '|SyntaxErr| *parser-module*))
8181 (type-err (define-builtin-sort '|TypeErr| *parser-module*))
82 (sort-id (define-builtin-sort '|SortId| *parser-module*)))
82 (sort-id (define-builtin-sort '|SortId| *parser-module*)))
8383 (setf *syntax-err-sort* syntax-err)
8484 (setf *type-err-sort* type-err)
8585 (setf *sort-id-sort* sort-id)
155155 (defun print-ast-dict ()
156156 (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
157 (format t "~&key=~a, entries -------------------" x)
157 (format t "~%key=~a, entries -------------------" x)
158158 (dolist (elt y)
159159 (let ((ee (cdr elt)))
160160 (terpri)
186186 (defun install-chaos-hard-wired-modules ()
187187 (setq *dribble-ast* nil)
188188 (setq *ast-log* nil)
189 (setq *last-module* nil *current-module* nil)
189 (reset-context-module)
190190 (setq *include-bool* nil)
191191 (setq *include-rwl* nil)
192192 (setq *regularize-signature* nil)
198198 (eval-ast-if-need '(%module-decl "TRUTH-VALUE" :object :hard
199199 ((%psort-decl (%sort-ref "Bool" nil))
200200 (%sort-decl (%sort-ref "Bool" nil) nil)
201 (%sort-decl (%sort-ref "*Condition*" nil) nil)
202 (%subsort-decl (nil (%sort-ref "Bool" nil) :< (%sort-ref "*Condition*" nil)))
201 (%sort-decl (%sort-ref "*Condition*" nil) nil)
202 (%subsort-decl (nil (%sort-ref "Bool" nil) :< (%sort-ref "*Condition*" nil)))
203203 (%op-decl ("false") nil (%sort-ref "Bool" nil)
204204 (%opattrs nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil)
205205 nil)
280280 (%bsort-decl "String" nil nil prin1 stringp nil))))
281281 (install-string)
282282 ;;
283 ;;
284 (setq *last-module* nil *current-module* nil)
283 (reset-context-module)
285284 (setq *include-bool* t)
286285 (setq *include-rwl* t)
287286 )
302301 (setq *ast-log* nil)
303302 (setq *include-bool* t)
304303 (setq *include-rwl* t)
305 (setq *last-module* nil
306 *current-module* nil)
304 (reset-context-module)
307305 (setq *regularize-signature* nil)
308306 ;; set recover proc.
309307 (setq *system-soft-wired*
310 '((%lisp-eval (install-chaos-soft-wired-modules))))
308 '((%lisp-eval (install-chaos-soft-wired-modules))))
311309 ))
313311 (defun chaos-misc-init ()
382380 (setq *z-string-value* (get-z-module-or-panic "STRING-VALUE"))
383381 ; (setq *z-string* (get-z-module-or-panic "STRING"))
384382 (setq *tram-builtin-modules*
385 (list *z-nznat-value*
386 *z-nat-value*
387 *z-int-value*
383 (list *z-nznat-value*
384 *z-nat-value*
385 *z-int-value*
388386 ; *z-nznat* *z-nat* *z-int*
389 *z-rat-value*
387 *z-rat-value*
390388 ; *z-rat*
391 *z-float-value*
389 *z-float-value*
392390 ; *z-float*
393 ;; *z-qid*
394 *z-char-value*
391 ;; *z-qid*
392 *z-char-value*
395393 ; *z-char*
396 *z-string-value*
394 *z-string-value*
397395 ; *z-string*
398 ))
396 ))
399397 (setup-tram-bool-modules))
401399 ;;;
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives.chaos
32 File: meta.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives.chaos
32 File: meta.lisp
3333 ===============================================================================|#
3434 ;;;
3535 ;;;
5757 (defun mnth (chaos-list num)
5858 (and (chaos-list-p chaos-list)
5959 (or (nth num (chaos-list-list chaos-list))
60 *chaos-null*)))
60 *chaos-null*)))
6262 (defun mnthcdr (chaos-list num)
6363 (and (chaos-list-p chaos-list)
6464 (or (nthcdr num (chaos-list-list chaos-list))
65 *chaos-null*)))
65 *chaos-null*)))
6767 (defun mlength (chaos-list)
6868 (and (chaos-list-p chaos-list)
7272 (declare (ignore ignore))
7373 (let ((lst (chaos-list-list obj)))
7474 (if lst
75 (format stream ":[~s]" lst)
75 (format stream ":[~s]" lst)
7676 (format stream ":[]"))))
7878 ;;;
9595 (if (and (termp obj) (term-is-system-object? obj))
9696 obj
9797 (with-in-module (module)
98 (let ((sort (cond ((null obj) *chaos-void-sort*)
99 ((symbolp obj) *chaos-void-sort*)
100 ((sort-p obj) *sort-sort*)
101 ((method-p obj) *operator-sort*)
102 ((module-p obj) *module-sort*)
103 ((axiom-p obj) *axiom-sort*)
104 ((termp obj) *term-sort*)
105 ((chaos-list-p obj) *chaos-list-sort*)
106 ((subst*-p obj) *subst-sort*)
107 ((signature-struct-p obj) *signature-sort*)
108 ((axiom-set-p obj) *axiomset-sort*)
109 ((trs-p obj) *trs-sort*)
110 ((is-ast obj) *chaos-expr-sort*)
111 (t *chaos-void-sort*))))
112 (if (sort= sort *term-sort*)
113 (make-meta-term obj)
114 (if (sort= sort *chaos-void-sort*)
115 (make-system-object-term 'void *chaos-void-sort*)
116 (make-system-object-term obj sort)))))))
98 (let ((sort (cond ((null obj) *chaos-void-sort*)
99 ((symbolp obj) *chaos-void-sort*)
100 ((sort-p obj) *sort-sort*)
101 ((method-p obj) *operator-sort*)
102 ((module-p obj) *module-sort*)
103 ((axiom-p obj) *axiom-sort*)
104 ((termp obj) *term-sort*)
105 ((chaos-list-p obj) *chaos-list-sort*)
106 ((subst*-p obj) *subst-sort*)
107 ((signature-struct-p obj) *signature-sort*)
108 ((axiom-set-p obj) *axiomset-sort*)
109 ((trs-p obj) *trs-sort*)
110 ((is-ast obj) *chaos-expr-sort*)
111 (t *chaos-void-sort*))))
112 (if (sort= sort *term-sort*)
113 (make-meta-term obj)
114 (if (sort= sort *chaos-void-sort*)
115 (make-system-object-term 'void *chaos-void-sort*)
116 (make-system-object-term obj sort)))))))
118118 ;;; msubterms
119119 (defun msubterms (term)
130130 #||
131131 (defun create-list-of-objects (fun system-obj-term)
132132 (create-system-object-term (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (create-system-object-term x))
133 (funcall fun (term-system-object system-obj-term)))))
133 (funcall fun (term-system-object system-obj-term)))))
134134 ||#
136136 #||
137137 (defun create-list-of-objects (fun system-obj-term)
138138 (let ((vals (funcall fun (term-system-object system-obj-term))))
139139 (if vals
140 (create-system-object-term (make-chaos-list :list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (create-system-object-term x)) vals)))
140 (create-system-object-term (make-chaos-list :list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (create-system-object-term x)) vals)))
141141 (create-system-object-term *chaos-null*))))
142142 ||#
144144 (defun create-list-of-objects (fun system-obj-term)
145145 (let ((vals (funcall fun (term-system-object system-obj-term))))
146146 (if vals
147 (make-chaos-list :list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (create-system-object-term x)) vals))
147 (make-chaos-list :list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (create-system-object-term x)) vals))
148148 *chaos-null*)))
150150 (defun do-apply!! (fun args)
151151 (let ((rfun (symbol-function (intern (term-builtin-value fun))))
152152 (rargs (if (and (sort= *cosmos* (term-sort args))
153 (term-is-application-form? args)
154 (equal (method-symbol (term-head args)) '("_" "," "_")))
155 (list-assoc-subterms args (term-head args))
156 (list args))))
153 (term-is-application-form? args)
154 (equal (method-symbol (term-head args)) '("_" "," "_")))
155 (list-assoc-subterms args (term-head args))
156 (list args))))
157157 (if rfun
158158 (apply rfun rargs)
159159 (create-system-object-term nil))))
185185 (defun in-same-cc (s1 s2)
186186 (if (not *current-module*)
187187 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-current-module)
188 (format t "Context module is not set"))
188 (format t "Context module is not set"))
189189 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
190190 (is-in-same-connected-component s1 s2 *current-sort-order*))))
206206 (defun meta-get-context-module (module)
207207 (let ((rmod (if (termp module)
208 (cond ((and (termp module) (term-is-system-object? module))
209 (term-system-object module))
210 ((and (term-is-builtin-constant? module)
211 (sort= (term-sort module) *string-sort*))
212 (eval-modexp (term-builtin-value module)))
213 (t :invalid))
214 (if (module-p module)
215 module
216 :invalid-modexp))))
208 (cond ((and (termp module) (term-is-system-object? module))
209 (term-system-object module))
210 ((and (term-is-builtin-constant? module)
211 (sort= (term-sort module) *string-sort*))
212 (eval-modexp (term-builtin-value module)))
213 (t :invalid))
214 (if (module-p module)
215 module
216 :invalid-modexp))))
217217 (if (or (eq rmod :invalid) (eq rmod :invalid-modexp))
218 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module)
219 (format t "Invalid module specification ~S" module))
218 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module)
219 (format t "Invalid module specification ~S" module))
220220 rmod)))
222222 (defun meta-get-term (pterm &optional (module *current-module*))
226226 (with-in-module (module)
227227 (let ((rterm pterm))
228228 (cond ((sort= (term-sort pterm) *term-sort*)
229 (setq rterm (term-arg-1 pterm)))
230 ((and (term-is-builtin-constant? pterm)
231 (sort= (term-sort pterm) *string-sort*))
232 (setq rterm (simple-parse *current-module*
233 (term-builtin-value pterm)
234 *cosmos*))
235 (when (term-is-an-error rterm)
236 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
237 (format t "Could not parse: ~S" (term-builtin-value pterm)))))
238 (t rterm))
229 (setq rterm (term-arg-1 pterm)))
230 ((and (term-is-builtin-constant? pterm)
231 (sort= (term-sort pterm) *string-sort*))
232 (setq rterm (simple-parse *current-module*
233 (term-builtin-value pterm)
234 *cosmos*))
235 (when (term-is-an-error rterm)
236 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
237 (format t "Could not parse: ~S" (term-builtin-value pterm)))))
238 (t rterm))
239239 rterm)))
241241 (defun meta-get-integer (pterm &optional (module *current-module*))
242242 (let ((rterm (meta-get-term pterm module))
243 (value nil))
243 (value nil))
244244 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? rterm)
245245 (setq value (term-builtin-value rterm)))
246246 (unless (integerp value)
247247 (with-output-chaos-error ('ivalid-integer)
248 (format t "Invlid number specification ~S" pterm)))
248 (format t "Invlid number specification ~S" pterm)))
249249 value))
251251 (defun meta-get-list-integers (pterm &optional (module *current-module*))
252252 (if (and (consp pterm)
253 (every #'integerp pterm))
253 (every #'integerp pterm))
254254 pterm
255255 (let ((rterm (meta-get-term pterm module)))
256256 (unless (chaos-list-p rterm)
257 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-integers)
258 (format t "Invalid integer list ~S" pterm)))
257 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-integers)
258 (format t "Invalid integer list ~S" pterm)))
259259 (meta-get-list-integers (chaos-list-list rterm)))))
261261 (defvar *meta-match-depth* 0)
262262 (defvar *use-choose-match* nil)
264264 (defun do-meta-match (target pattern &optional (module *current-module*)
265 depth
266 (type :match)
267 (start-pos nil))
265 depth
266 (type :match)
267 (start-pos nil))
268268 (let* ((rmod (meta-get-context-module module))
269 (rtarget (meta-get-term target))
270 (rpattern (meta-get-term pattern))
271 (rdepth (if depth (meta-get-integer pattern) -1))
272 (rpos (if start-pos (meta-get-list-integers start-pos rmod) nil))
273 (*meta-match-depth* 0))
269 (rtarget (meta-get-term target))
270 (rpattern (meta-get-term pattern))
271 (rdepth (if depth (meta-get-integer pattern) -1))
272 (rpos (if start-pos (meta-get-list-integers start-pos rmod) nil))
273 (*meta-match-depth* 0))
274274 (with-in-module (rmod)
275275 (when rpos
276 (setq rtarget (get-subterm-pos rtarget rpos)))
276 (setq rtarget (get-subterm-pos rtarget rpos)))
277277 (let ((real-target (if (eq type :match)
278 (supply-psuedo-variables rtarget)
279 rtarget)))
280 (let ((first-match-meth (if (eq type :match)
281 (if *use-choose-match*
282 nil
283 '@matcher)
284 'first-unify))
285 (next-match-meth (if (eq type :match)
286 (if *use-choose-match*
287 nil
288 'next-match)
289 'next-unify))
290 ;; (result nil)
291 )
292 (when (and *use-choose-match*
293 (eq type :match))
294 (let ((meth (choose-match-method real-target *bool-true* nil)))
295 (setf first-match-meth (car meth))
296 (setf next-match-meth (cdr meth))))
297 ;;
298 (perform-meta-match* real-target rpattern rdepth first-match-meth next-match-meth))))))
278 (supply-psuedo-variables rtarget)
279 rtarget)))
280 (let ((first-match-meth (if (eq type :match)
281 (if *use-choose-match*
282 nil
283 '@matcher)
284 'first-unify))
285 (next-match-meth (if (eq type :match)
286 (if *use-choose-match*
287 nil
288 'next-match)
289 'next-unify))
290 ;; (result nil)
291 )
292 (when (and *use-choose-match*
293 (eq type :match))
294 (let ((meth (choose-match-method real-target *bool-true* nil)))
295 (setf first-match-meth (car meth))
296 (setf next-match-meth (cdr meth))))
297 ;;
298 (perform-meta-match* real-target rpattern rdepth first-match-meth next-match-meth))))))
300300 #||
301301 (defun perform-meta-match* (target pattern depth fm nm)
302302 (let
304 ;; ---- first match
305 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match e-equal)
306 (funcall first-match-meth pattern real-target)
307 (when no-match
308 (if (eq type :match)
309 (format t "~&-- no match")
310 (format t "~&-- no unify"))
311 (return-from do-meta-match *chaos-null*))
312 (if (eq type :match)
313 (format t "~&-- match success.")
314 (format t "~&-- unify success."))
315 (when e-equal
316 (format t "~&-- given terms are equational equal.")
317 (return-from do-meta-match *chaos-null*))
318 (push (make-subst* :bindings subst) result)
319 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
320 (funcall next-match-meth global-state))
321 (while (not no-match)
322 (push (make-subst* :bindings subst) result)
323 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
324 (funcall next-match-meth global-state)))
325 (make-chaos-list :list (nreverse result)))))
304 ;; ---- first match
305 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match e-equal)
306 (funcall first-match-meth pattern real-target)
307 (when no-match
308 (if (eq type :match)
309 (format t "~&-- no match")
310 (format t "~&-- no unify"))
311 (return-from do-meta-match *chaos-null*))
312 (if (eq type :match)
313 (format t "~&-- match success.")
314 (format t "~&-- unify success."))
315 (when e-equal
316 (format t "~&-- given terms are equational equal.")
317 (return-from do-meta-match *chaos-null*))
318 (push (make-subst* :bindings subst) result)
319 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
320 (funcall next-match-meth global-state))
321 (while (not no-match)
322 (push (make-subst* :bindings subst) result)
323 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
324 (funcall next-match-meth global-state)))
325 (make-chaos-list :list (nreverse result)))))
327327 ||#
329329 (defun meta-subst-image (term sub)
330330 (let ((subst (subst*-bindings sub))
331 (image nil))
331 (image nil))
332332 (setq image (substitution-image subst term))
333333 (make-meta-term image)))
338338 (defun meta-get-occur (oc)
339339 (let ((oc-list (list-assoc-subterms oc (term-head oc))))
340340 (if oc-list
341 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-builtin-value x)) oc-list)
341 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-builtin-value x)) oc-list)
342342 nil)))
344344 (defun meta-occur-at (t1 occur)
345345 (let ((term (meta-term-term t1))
346 (roccur (meta-get-occur occur))
347 (res nil))
346 (roccur (meta-get-occur occur))
347 (res nil))
348348 (setq res (subterm-op term roccur))
349349 (if res
350 (make-meta-term res)
350 (make-meta-term res)
351351 (make-meta-term nil))))
353353 ;;; TODO
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: chaos
32 File: prelude.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: chaos
32 File: prelude.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3535 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3939 (defvar *LAST-TERM-eqn-rhs* nil)
4040 (defun install-last-term ()
4141 (let* ((LAST-TERM (eval-modexp "LAST-TERM"))
42 (opinfo nil))
42 (opinfo nil))
4343 (with-in-module (last-term)
4444 (setq opinfo (find-operator '("last-term") 0 LAST-TERM))
4545 (setq *LAST-TERM-op-term* (opinfo-operator opinfo))
4646 (when *LAST-TERM-op-term*
47 (let ((meth (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
48 (when meth
49 (let ((rules (method-rules-with-different-top (car meth))))
50 (when rules
51 (setf *LAST-TERM-eqn-rhs* (rule-rhs (car rules)))))
52 ))))))
47 (let ((meth (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
48 (when meth
49 (let ((rules (method-rules-with-different-top (car meth))))
50 (when rules
51 (setf *LAST-TERM-eqn-rhs* (rule-rhs (car rules)))))
52 ))))))
5454 (defun set-last-term (term)
5555 (when *LAST-TERM-eqn-rhs*
6666 (defun is_Err (val) (declare (ignore val)) t)
6767 (defun install-err ()
6868 (setq *sort-error*
69 (find-sort-in (eval-modexp "ERR") '|Err|)))
69 (find-sort-in (eval-modexp "ERR") '|Err|)))
7272 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7373 ;;; module BUILT-IN
7474 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9797 (defun install_BUILTIN ()
9898 (setq *sort_Builtin*
99 (find-sort-in (eval-modexp "BUILT-IN") "Built-in")))
99 (find-sort-in (eval-modexp "BUILT-IN") "Built-in")))
101101 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
102102 ;;; module LISP
146146 ;;
147147 (unless *apply-ignore-modules*
148148 (setq *apply-ignore-modules*
149 (append *print-ignore-mods*
150 (mapcar #'eval-modexp
149 (append *print-ignore-mods*
150 (mapcar #'eval-modexp
152152 )
154154 ;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: boot
32 File: preproc.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: boot
32 File: preproc.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3535 ;;;*****************************************************************************
36 ;;; Support procs of
37 ;;; OBJ compatible Standard Prelude
38 ;;; +
39 ;;; Chaos specific builtin modules
36 ;;; Support procs of
37 ;;; OBJ compatible Standard Prelude
38 ;;; +
39 ;;; Chaos specific builtin modules
4040 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4242 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5454 (defun token-is-sort-id (token)
5555 (and (stringp token)
5656 (<= 1 (length token))
57 (find-all-sorts-in (or *current-module* *last-module*)
58 token)))
57 (find-all-sorts-in (get-context-module) token)))
5958 (defun create-sort-id (token) token)
6059 (defun print-sort-id (x) (princ x))
6160 (defun is-sort-Id (x)
6968 #||
7069 (defun setup-identical ()
7170 (let ((id-opinfo nil)
72 (nid-opinfo nil))
71 (nid-opinfo nil))
7372 (setf *IDENTICAL-module* (eval-modexp "IDENTICAL"))
7473 (with-in-module (*identical-module*)
7574 (setf id-opinfo (find-operator '("_" "===" "_")
76 2
77 *identical-module*))
75 2
76 *identical-module*))
7877 (setf *identical*
79 (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods id-opinfo))))
78 (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods id-opinfo))))
8079 (setf nid-opinfo (find-operator '("_" "=/==" "_") 2 *identical-module*))
8180 (setf *nonidentical*
82 (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods nid-opinfo))))
81 (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods nid-opinfo))))
8382 )))
8483 ||#
127126 (defun is-NzRat-token (token)
128127 (and (stringp token)
129128 (every #'(lambda (x)
130 (or (digit-char-p x)
131 (eql #\- x)
132 (eql #\/ x)))
133 token)
129 (or (digit-char-p x)
130 (eql #\- x)
131 (eql #\/ x)))
132 token)
134133 (let* ((first (if (eql #\- (char token 0)) 1 0))
135 (slash (position #\/ token)))
136 (and slash
137 (is-NzNat-token (subseq token first slash))
138 (is-NzNat-token (subseq token (+ slash 1)))))))
134 (slash (position #\/ token)))
135 (and slash
136 (is-NzNat-token (subseq token first slash))
137 (is-NzNat-token (subseq token (+ slash 1)))))))
139138 (defun create-NzRat (x) (read-from-string x))
140139 (defun is-NzRat (x) (and (rationalp x) (not (= 0 x))))
155154 (not (find #\. token))
156155 ;; (alpha-char-p (char token 0))
157156 (let ((pos (position #\: token))
158 (len (length token)))
159 (and (<= 1 len)
160 (if pos
161 (= pos (1- len))
162 t)))))
157 (len (length token)))
158 (and (<= 1 len)
159 (if pos
160 (= pos (1- len))
161 t)))))
163162 ;; (defun create-Id (token) (intern token))
164163 (defun create-Id (token) token)
165164 ;; (defun print-Id (x) (princ (string x)))
254253 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
255254 (defun is-Float-token (token)
256255 (and (stringp token)
257 (or (digit-char-p (char token 0))
258 (and (member (char token 0) '(#\+ #\. #\-))
259 (<= 2 (length token))
260 (digit-char-p (char token 1))))
256 (let ((chars (coerce token 'list)))
257 (and (<= 2 (length chars))
258 (member #\. chars)))
261259 (multiple-value-bind (res len) (read-from-string token)
262 (declare (ignore res))
263 (and (= (length token) len)
264 (member (type-of (read-from-string token))
265 '(float long-float short-float fixnum bignum ratio
266 single-float double-float
267 ))))))
260 (and (= (length token) len)
261 (member (type-of res)
262 '(float long-float short-float fixnum bignum ratio
263 single-float double-float))))))
268265 (defun create-Float (token)
269266 (coerce (read-from-string token) 'long-float))
270267 (defun print-Float (val) (prin1 val))
275272 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
276273 (defmacro is-compiled-chaos-value (_val)
277274 `(and (consp ,_val)
278 (eq (car ,_val) '|%Chaos|)))
275 (eq (car ,_val) '|%Chaos|)))
280277 (defun print-chaos-value (val)
281278 #||
282279 (format t "#% ~s"
283 (if (is-compiled-chaos-value val)
284 (nth 2 val)
285 val))
280 (if (is-compiled-chaos-value val)
281 (nth 2 val)
282 val))
286283 ||#
287284 (print-chaos-object val)
288285 )
317314 (prepare-for-parsing *truth-value-module*)
318315 (with-in-module (*truth-value-module*)
319316 (setq *bool-sort*
320 (find-sort-in *truth-value-module* "Bool"))
317 (find-sort-in *truth-value-module* "Bool"))
321318 (setq *condition-sort*
322319 (find-sort-in *truth-value-module* "*Condition*"))
323320 (let* ((t-opinfo (find-operator '("true") 0 *truth-value-module*))
324 (f-opinfo (find-operator '("false") 0 *truth-value-module*))
325 (t-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods t-opinfo))))
326 (f-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods f-opinfo)))))
321 (f-opinfo (find-operator '("false") 0 *truth-value-module*))
322 (t-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods t-opinfo))))
323 (f-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods f-opinfo)))))
327324 (setq *BOOL-true* (make-applform *bool-sort*
328 t-meth
329 nil))
325 t-meth
326 nil))
330327 (setq *bool-true-meth* t-meth)
331328 (setq *bool-false* (make-applform *bool-sort*
332 f-meth
333 nil))
329 f-meth
330 nil))
334331 (setq *bool-false-meth* f-meth))
335332 ))
340337 (prepare-for-parsing *truth-module*)
341338 (with-in-module (*truth-module*)
342339 (let* ((sort-mem-op-info (find-operator '("_" ":is" "_")
343 2
344 *truth-module*))
345 (sort-mem-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods sort-mem-op-info)))))
340 2
341 *truth-module*))
342 (sort-mem-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods sort-mem-op-info)))))
346343 (setq *sort-membership* sort-mem-meth))
348345 (let* ((if-op-info (find-operator '("if" "_" "then" "_" "else" "_" "fi")
349 3
350 *truth-module*))
351 (if-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods if-op-info)))))
346 3
347 *truth-module*))
348 (if-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods if-op-info)))))
352349 (setq *BOOL-if* if-meth)
353350 ;;
354351 (let* ((equal-op-info (find-operator '("_" "==" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
355 (equal-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods equal-op-info))))
356 (beq-op-info (find-operator '("_" "=*=" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
357 (beq-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods beq-op-info))))
358 (n-equal-op-info (find-operator '("_" "=/=" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
359 (n-equal-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods n-equal-op-info))))
360 (beh-eq-info (find-operator '("_" "=b=" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
361 (beh-eq-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods beh-eq-info)))))
362 (setq *bool-equal* equal-meth)
363 (setq *beh-equal* beq-meth)
364 (setq *bool-nonequal* n-equal-meth)
365 (setq *beh-eq-pred* beh-eq-meth)
366 ))))
352 (equal-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods equal-op-info))))
353 (beq-op-info (find-operator '("_" "=*=" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
354 (beq-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods beq-op-info))))
355 (n-equal-op-info (find-operator '("_" "=/=" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
356 (n-equal-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods n-equal-op-info))))
357 (beh-eq-info (find-operator '("_" "=b=" "_") 2 *truth-module*))
358 (beh-eq-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods beh-eq-info)))))
359 (setq *bool-equal* equal-meth)
360 (setq *beh-equal* beq-meth)
361 (setq *bool-nonequal* n-equal-meth)
362 (setq *beh-eq-pred* beh-eq-meth)
363 ))))
367364 ||#
369366 #||
371368 (setq *BOOL-module* (eval-modexp "BOOL"))
372369 (with-in-module (*bool-module*)
373370 (let* ((and-op-info (find-operator '("_" "and" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
374 (and-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods and-op-info)))))
371 (and-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods and-op-info)))))
375372 (setq *bool-and* and-meth))
376373 (let* ((or-op-info (find-operator '("_" "or" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
377 (or-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods or-op-info)))))
374 (or-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods or-op-info)))))
378375 (setq *bool-or* or-meth))
379376 (let* ((not-op-info (find-operator '("not" "_") 1 *bool-module*))
380 (not-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods not-op-info)))))
377 (not-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods not-op-info)))))
381378 (setq *bool-not* not-meth))
382379 (let* ((xor-op-info (find-operator '("_" "xor" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
383 (xor-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods xor-op-info)))))
380 (xor-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods xor-op-info)))))
384381 (setq *bool-xor* xor-meth))
385382 (let* ((imp-op-info (find-operator '("_" "implies" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
386 (imp-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods imp-op-info)))))
383 (imp-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods imp-op-info)))))
387384 (setq *bool-imply* imp-meth))
388385 (let* ((and-also (find-operator '("_" "and-also" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
389 (and-also-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods and-also)))))
386 (and-also-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods and-also)))))
390387 (setq *bool-and-also* and-also-meth))
391388 (let* ((or-else (find-operator '("_" "or-else" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
392 (or-else-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods or-else)))))
389 (or-else-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods or-else)))))
393390 (setq *bool-or-else* or-else-meth))
394391 (let* ((iff (find-operator '("_" "iff" "_") 2 *bool-module*))
395 (iff-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods iff)))))
392 (iff-meth (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods iff)))))
396393 (setq *bool-iff* iff-meth))
398395 ))
444441 (final-setup *rwl-module*)
445442 (with-in-module (*rwl-module*)
446443 (let* ((nat-star (find-sort-in *rwl-module* "Nat*"))
447 (rwl-op-info (find-operator '("_" "==>" "_") 2 *rwl-module*))
448 (rwl-pred (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods rwl-op-info))))
449 (rwl-op-info2 (find-operator '("_" "=" "(" "_" ")" "=>" "_")
450 3
451 *rwl-module*))
452 (rwl-pred2 (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods rwl-op-info2)))))
444 (rwl-op-info (find-operator '("_" "==>" "_") 2 *rwl-module*))
445 (rwl-pred (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods rwl-op-info))))
446 (rwl-op-info2 (find-operator '("_" "=" "(" "_" ")" "=>" "_")
447 3
448 *rwl-module*))
449 (rwl-pred2 (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods rwl-op-info2)))))
453450 (unless nat-star
454 (with-output-panic-message ()
455 (princ "could not find sort Nat*...")
456 (break)))
451 (with-output-panic-message ()
452 (princ "could not find sort Nat*...")
453 (break)))
457454 (unless rwl-pred
458 (with-output-panic-message ()
459 (princ "could not find ==> operaotr....")
460 (break)))
455 (with-output-panic-message ()
456 (princ "could not find ==> operaotr....")
457 (break)))
461458 (unless rwl-pred2
462 (with-output-panic-message ()
463 (print "could not find =(?)=> operator ....")
464 (break)))
459 (with-output-panic-message ()
460 (print "could not find =(?)=> operator ....")
461 (break)))
465462 ;;
466463 (setq *rwl-nat-star-sort* nat-star)
467464 (setq *rwl-predicate* rwl-pred)
478475 (defun install-character ()
479476 (let ((char-module (eval-modexp "CHAR-VALUE")))
480477 (if (and char-module (not (modexp-is-error char-module)))
481 (let ((c-sort (find-sort-in char-module "Character")))
482 (if c-sort
483 (setq *character-sort* c-sort)
484 (with-output-panic-message ()
485 (princ "could not find Character sort in module CHAR-VALUE"))))
486 (with-output-panic-message ()
487 (princ "Could not find module CHAR-VALUE.")
488 (break)))))
478 (let ((c-sort (find-sort-in char-module "Character")))
479 (if c-sort
480 (setq *character-sort* c-sort)
481 (with-output-panic-message ()
482 (princ "could not find Character sort in module CHAR-VALUE"))))
483 (with-output-panic-message ()
484 (princ "Could not find module CHAR-VALUE.")
485 (break)))))
490487 ;;; character-token ::= 'char'
491488 ;;; char ::= <alphanumeric>
493490 (defun is-character-token (tok)
494491 (and (stringp tok)
495492 (let ((len (length tok)))
496 (and (< 2 len)
497 (eql (char tok 0) #\')
498 (eql (char tok (1- len)) #\')
499 (let ((first-char (char tok 1)))
500 (case first-char
501 (#\\ ; escape
502 (or (every #'(lambda (x) (digit-char-p x)) (subseq tok 2 (1- len)))
503 (= len 4)))
504 (t (= len 3))))))))
493 (and (< 2 len)
494 (eql (char tok 0) #\')
495 (eql (char tok (1- len)) #\')
496 (let ((first-char (char tok 1)))
497 (case first-char
498 (#\\ ; escape
499 (or (every #'(lambda (x) (digit-char-p x)) (subseq tok 2 (1- len)))
500 (= len 4)))
501 (t (= len 3))))))))
506503 (defun create-character (tok)
507504 (let ((len (length tok)))
508505 (if (= 3 len)
509 (char tok 1)
510 (let ((first-char (char tok 2)))
511 (if (digit-char-p first-char)
512 (let ((num (read-from-string (subseq tok 2 (1- len)))))
513 (if (< num char-code-limit)
514 (code-char num)
515 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-char-code)
516 (format t "invalid character code '\\~d' is given" num)
517 )))
518 (case first-char
519 (#\n #\newline)
520 (#\l #\linefeed)
521 (#\t #\tab)
522 (#\s #\space)
523 (#\p #\page)
524 (otherwise first-char)))))))
506 (char tok 1)
507 (let ((first-char (char tok 2)))
508 (if (digit-char-p first-char)
509 (let ((num (read-from-string (subseq tok 2 (1- len)))))
510 (if (< num char-code-limit)
511 (code-char num)
512 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-char-code)
513 (format t "invalid character code '\\~d' is given" num)
514 )))
515 (case first-char
516 (#\n #\newline)
517 (#\l #\linefeed)
518 (#\t #\tab)
519 (#\s #\space)
520 (#\p #\page)
521 (otherwise first-char)))))))
526523 (defun is-character (obj) (characterp obj))
528525 (defun print-character (obj)
529526 (if (graphic-char-p obj)
530527 (if (eql obj #\space)
531 (princ "'\\s'")
532 (format t "'~a'" obj))
528 (princ "'\\s'")
529 (format t "'~a'" obj))
533530 (case obj
534 (#\newline (princ "'\\n'"))
535 ;; #-:CLISP (#\linefeed (princ "'\\l'"))
536 (#\tab (princ "'\\t'"))
537 (#\space (princ "'\\s'"))
538 (#\page (princ "'\\p'"))
539 (otherwise (format t "'\\~d'" (char-code obj))))))
531 (#\newline (princ "'\\n'"))
532 ;; #-:CLISP (#\linefeed (princ "'\\l'"))
533 (#\tab (princ "'\\t'"))
534 (#\space (princ "'\\s'"))
535 (#\page (princ "'\\p'"))
536 (otherwise (format t "'\\~d'" (char-code obj))))))
541538 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
542539 ;;; module STRING
544541 (defun install-string ()
545542 (let ((string-module (eval-modexp "STRING-VALUE")))
546543 (if (and string-module (not (modexp-is-error string-module)))
547 (let ((s-sort (find-sort-in string-module "String")))
548 (if s-sort
549 (setq *string-sort* s-sort)
550 (with-output-panic-message()
551 (princ "could not find String sort in module STRING-VALUE"))))
552 (with-output-panic-message()
553 (princ "Could not find module STRING-VALUE.")
554 (break)))))
544 (let ((s-sort (find-sort-in string-module "String")))
545 (if s-sort
546 (setq *string-sort* s-sort)
547 (with-output-panic-message()
548 (princ "could not find String sort in module STRING-VALUE"))))
549 (with-output-panic-message()
550 (princ "Could not find module STRING-VALUE.")
551 (break)))))
556553 (defun s-find (Char Str Num)
557554 (let ((C (term-builtin-value Char))
558 (S (term-builtin-value Str))
559 (N (term-builtin-value Num)))
555 (S (term-builtin-value Str))
556 (N (term-builtin-value Num)))
560557 (let ((pos (position C S :start N)))
561558 (if pos
562 (simple-parse-from-string (format nil "~s" pos))
563 (simple-parse-from-string "notFound")))))
559 (simple-parse-from-string (format nil "~s" pos))
560 (simple-parse-from-string "notFound")))))
565562 (defun s-rfind (Char Str Num)
566563 (let ((C (term-builtin-value char))
567 (S (term-builtin-value Str))
568 (N (term-builtin-value Num)))
564 (S (term-builtin-value Str))
565 (N (term-builtin-value Num)))
569566 (let ((pos (position C S :start N :from-end t)))
570567 (if pos
571 (simple-parse-from-string (format nil "~s" pos))
572 (simple-parse-from-string "notFound")))))
568 (simple-parse-from-string (format nil "~s" pos))
569 (simple-parse-from-string "notFound")))))
574571 ; ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
575572 ; ;;; module CHAOS:EXPR
577574 ; (defun install-chaos-expr ()
578575 ; (let ((module (eval-modexp "CHAOS:EXPR")))
579576 ; (labels ((sort-missing (sort-name)
580 ; (with-output-panic-message ()
581 ; (format t "missing sort ~s" sort-name))))
577 ; (with-output-panic-message ()
578 ; (format t "missing sort ~s" sort-name))))
582579 ; (macrolet ((set-sort (sym s-name)
583 ; `(or (setq ,sym (find-sort-in module ,s-name))
584 ; (sort-missing ,s-name))))
580 ; `(or (setq ,sym (find-sort-in module ,s-name))
581 ; (sort-missing ,s-name))))
585582 ; (if (and module (not (modexp-is-error module)))
586 ; (progn
587 ; (final-setup module)
588 ; (set-sort *chaos-value-sort* "ChaosObject")
589 ; (set-sort *sort-sort* "ChaosSort")
590 ; (set-sort *general-sort* "Sort")
591 ; (set-sort *and-sort* "AndSort")
592 ; (set-sort *or-sort* "OrSort")
593 ; (set-sort *err-sort* "ErrSort")
594 ; (set-sort *operator-sort* "Operator")
595 ; (set-sort *axiom-sort* "Axiom")
596 ; (set-sort *module-sort* "Module")
597 ; (set-sort *term-sort* "Term")
598 ; (set-sort *variable-sort* "Variable")
599 ; (set-sort *appl-form-sort* "ApplForm")
600 ; (set-sort *pvariable-sort* "PVariable")
601 ; (set-sort *lisp-term-sort* "LispTerm")
602 ; (set-sort *slisp-term-sort* "SlispTerm")
603 ; (set-sort *glisp-term-sort* "GlispTerm")
604 ; (set-sort *bconst-term-sort* "BconstTerm")
605 ; (set-sort *optheory-sort* "OpTheory")
606 ; (set-sort *modexpr-sort* "ModExpr")
607 ; (set-sort *chaos-list-sort* "ChaosList")
608 ; (set-sort *chaos-void-sort* "ChaosVoid")
609 ; #||
610 ; (declare-subsort-in-module
611 ; `((,*general-sort* ,*and-sort* ,*or-sort* ,*err-sort*
612 ; :< ,*sort-sort*)
613 ; (,*sort-sort* ,*operator-sort* ,*axiom-sort* ,*module-sort*
614 ; ,*term-sort* ,*modexpr-sort* ,*string-sort*
615 ; ,*qid-sort* ,*chaos-list-sort*
616 ; :< ,*chaos-value-sort*)
617 ; (,*chaos-void-sort* :< ,*general-sort* ,*and-sort* ,*or-sort* ,*err-sort*
618 ; ,*operator-sort* ,*axiom-sort*
619 ; ,*module-sort* ,*term-sort* ,*modexpr-sort*
620 ; ,*chaos-list-sort*))
621 ; module)
622 ; ||#
623 ; )
624 ; (with-output-panic-message()
625 ; (princ "Could not find module ChaosExpr.")
626 ; (break)))))))
583 ; (progn
584 ; (final-setup module)
585 ; (set-sort *chaos-value-sort* "ChaosObject")
586 ; (set-sort *sort-sort* "ChaosSort")
587 ; (set-sort *general-sort* "Sort")
588 ; (set-sort *and-sort* "AndSort")
589 ; (set-sort *or-sort* "OrSort")
590 ; (set-sort *err-sort* "ErrSort")
591 ; (set-sort *operator-sort* "Operator")
592 ; (set-sort *axiom-sort* "Axiom")
593 ; (set-sort *module-sort* "Module")
594 ; (set-sort *term-sort* "Term")
595 ; (set-sort *variable-sort* "Variable")
596 ; (set-sort *appl-form-sort* "ApplForm")
597 ; (set-sort *pvariable-sort* "PVariable")
598 ; (set-sort *lisp-term-sort* "LispTerm")
599 ; (set-sort *slisp-term-sort* "SlispTerm")
600 ; (set-sort *glisp-term-sort* "GlispTerm")
601 ; (set-sort *bconst-term-sort* "BconstTerm")
602 ; (set-sort *optheory-sort* "OpTheory")
603 ; (set-sort *modexpr-sort* "ModExpr")
604 ; (set-sort *chaos-list-sort* "ChaosList")
605 ; (set-sort *chaos-void-sort* "ChaosVoid")
606 ; #||
607 ; (declare-subsort-in-module
608 ; `((,*general-sort* ,*and-sort* ,*or-sort* ,*err-sort*
609 ; :< ,*sort-sort*)
610 ; (,*sort-sort* ,*operator-sort* ,*axiom-sort* ,*module-sort*
611 ; ,*term-sort* ,*modexpr-sort* ,*string-sort*
612 ; ,*qid-sort* ,*chaos-list-sort*
613 ; :< ,*chaos-value-sort*)
614 ; (,*chaos-void-sort* :< ,*general-sort* ,*and-sort* ,*or-sort* ,*err-sort*
615 ; ,*operator-sort* ,*axiom-sort*
616 ; ,*module-sort* ,*term-sort* ,*modexpr-sort*
617 ; ,*chaos-list-sort*))
618 ; module)
619 ; ||#
620 ; )
621 ; (with-output-panic-message()
622 ; (princ "Could not find module ChaosExpr.")
623 ; (break)))))))
628625 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
629626 ;;; Record Structure/Object
635632 (let ((oid-mod (eval-modexp "OBJECT-ID")))
636633 (when (or (null oid-mod) (modexp-is-error oid-mod))
637634 (with-output-panic-message ()
638 (princ "OBJECT-ID is missing!.")
639 (break)))
635 (princ "OBJECT-ID is missing!.")
636 (break)))
640637 (let ((oid-sort (find-sort-in oid-mod "ObjectId")))
641638 (unless oid-sort (with-output-panic-message ()
642 (princ "sort ObjectId missing!.")
643 (chaos-to-top)))
639 (princ "sort ObjectId missing!.")
640 (chaos-to-top)))
644641 (setq *object-identifier-sort* oid-sort))))
646643 ;;;
648645 ;;;
649646 (defun install-record-object ()
650647 (let ((av-pair (eval-modexp "AVPAIR"))
651 (rs (eval-modexp "RECORD-STRUCTURE"))
652 (ob (eval-modexp "OBJECT"))
653 (con (eval-modexp "STATE-CONFIGURATION"))
654 (acz-con (eval-modexp "ACZ-CONFIGURATION")))
648 (rs (eval-modexp "RECORD-STRUCTURE"))
649 (ob (eval-modexp "OBJECT"))
650 (con (eval-modexp "STATE-CONFIGURATION"))
651 (acz-con (eval-modexp "ACZ-CONFIGURATION")))
655652 (if (and av-pair (not (modexp-is-error av-pair)))
656 (let ((attrid (find-sort-in av-pair "AttrId"))
657 (attrval (find-sort-in av-pair "AttrValue"))
658 (attribute (find-sort-in av-pair "Attribute"))
659 (attribute-list (find-sort-in av-pair "Attributes")))
660 (if attrid
661 (setf *attribute-id-sort* attrid)
662 (with-output-panic-message ()
663 (princ "Panic: could not find sort AttrId")
664 (break)))
665 (if attrval
666 (setf *attr-value-sort* attrval)
667 (with-output-panic-message ()
668 (princ "Panic: counld not find sort AttrValue")
669 (break)))
670 (if attribute
671 (setf *attribute-sort* attribute)
672 (with-output-panic-message ()
673 (princ "Panic: could not find sort Attribute")
674 (break)))
675 (if attribute-list
676 (progn (setf *attribute-list-sort* attribute-list)
677 (setf *attribute-list-aux-variable*
678 (make-variable-term *attribute-list-sort*
679 '|Attr_Aux|)))
680 (with-output-panic-message ()
681 (princ "could not find sort Attributes")
682 (break)))
683 (let ((attr-constructor (find-method-in av-pair
684 '("_" "=" "_")
685 (list *attribute-id-sort*
686 *attr-value-sort*)
687 *attribute-sort*))
688 (atlist-constructor (find-method-in av-pair
689 '("_" "," "_")
690 (list *attribute-list-sort*
691 *attribute-list-sort*)
692 *attribute-list-sort*)))
693 (if attr-constructor
694 (setf *attribute-constructor* attr-constructor)
695 (with-output-panic-message ()
696 (princ "could not find attribute constructor!")
697 (break)))
698 (if atlist-constructor
699 (setf *attribute-list-constructor* atlist-constructor)
700 (with-output-panic-message ()
701 (princ "could not find attribute list constructor!")
702 (break))))
703 )
704 (with-output-panic-message ()
705 (princ "could not find module AVPAIR")))
653 (let ((attrid (find-sort-in av-pair "AttrId"))
654 (attrval (find-sort-in av-pair "AttrValue"))
655 (attribute (find-sort-in av-pair "Attribute"))
656 (attribute-list (find-sort-in av-pair "Attributes")))
657 (if attrid
658 (setf *attribute-id-sort* attrid)
659 (with-output-panic-message ()
660 (princ "Panic: could not find sort AttrId")
661 (break)))
662 (if attrval
663 (setf *attr-value-sort* attrval)
664 (with-output-panic-message ()
665 (princ "Panic: counld not find sort AttrValue")
666 (break)))
667 (if attribute
668 (setf *attribute-sort* attribute)
669 (with-output-panic-message ()
670 (princ "Panic: could not find sort Attribute")
671 (break)))
672 (if attribute-list
673 (progn (setf *attribute-list-sort* attribute-list)
674 (setf *attribute-list-aux-variable*
675 (make-variable-term *attribute-list-sort*
676 '|Attr_Aux|)))
677 (with-output-panic-message ()
678 (princ "could not find sort Attributes")
679 (break)))
680 (let ((attr-constructor (find-method-in av-pair
681 '("_" "=" "_")
682 (list *attribute-id-sort*
683 *attr-value-sort*)
684 *attribute-sort*))
685 (atlist-constructor (find-method-in av-pair
686 '("_" "," "_")
687 (list *attribute-list-sort*
688 *attribute-list-sort*)
689 *attribute-list-sort*)))
690 (if attr-constructor
691 (setf *attribute-constructor* attr-constructor)
692 (with-output-panic-message ()
693 (princ "could not find attribute constructor!")
694 (break)))
695 (if atlist-constructor
696 (setf *attribute-list-constructor* atlist-constructor)
697 (with-output-panic-message ()
698 (princ "could not find attribute list constructor!")
699 (break))))
700 )
701 (with-output-panic-message ()
702 (princ "could not find module AVPAIR")))
706703 (if rs
707 (let ((rinst (find-sort-in rs "RecordInstance"))
708 (rid (find-sort-in rs "RecordId"))
709 (constr nil)
710 void)
711 (if rinst
712 (setf *record-instance-sort* rinst)
713 (with-output-panic-message ()
714 (princ "could not find RecordInstance sort!!")))
715 (if rid
716 (setf *record-id-sort* rid)
717 (error "Panic: could not find sort RecordId"))
718 (setf constr (find-method-in rs
719 '("_" "{" "_" "}")
720 (list *record-id-sort*
721 *attribute-list-sort*)
722 *record-instance-sort*))
723 (if constr
724 (progn (setf *record-constructor-method* constr)
725 (setf *record-constructor-op*
726 (method-operator constr (module-opinfo-table rs))))
727 (error "Panic: could not find record constructor!"))
728 (setf void (find-method-in rs '("*VoidRecord*") nil *record-instance-sort*))
729 (if void
730 (setf *void-record*
731 (make-applform-simple *record-instance-sort* void))
732 (error "Panic: could not find void record operator."))
733 )
734 (error "Panic: could not find module RECORD-STRUCTURE"))
704 (let ((rinst (find-sort-in rs "RecordInstance"))
705 (rid (find-sort-in rs "RecordId"))
706 (constr nil)
707 void)
708 (if rinst
709 (setf *record-instance-sort* rinst)
710 (with-output-panic-message ()
711 (princ "could not find RecordInstance sort!!")))
712 (if rid
713 (setf *record-id-sort* rid)
714 (error "Panic: could not find sort RecordId"))
715 (setf constr (find-method-in rs
716 '("_" "{" "_" "}")
717 (list *record-id-sort*
718 *attribute-list-sort*)
719 *record-instance-sort*))
720 (if constr
721 (progn (setf *record-constructor-method* constr)
722 (setf *record-constructor-op*
723 (method-operator constr (module-opinfo-table rs))))
724 (error "Panic: could not find record constructor!"))
725 (setf void (find-method-in rs '("*VoidRecord*") nil *record-instance-sort*))
726 (if void
727 (setf *void-record*
728 (make-applform-simple *record-instance-sort* void))
729 (error "Panic: could not find void record operator."))
730 )
731 (error "Panic: could not find module RECORD-STRUCTURE"))
735732 (if ob
736 (let ((obj (find-sort-in ob "Object"))
737 (cid (find-sort-in ob "ClassId"))
738 (msg (find-sort-in ob "Message"))
739 ref
740 void
741 constr)
742 (if obj
743 (setq *object-sort* obj)
744 (error "Panic: could not find sort Object"))
745 (if cid
746 (setf *class-id-sort* cid)
747 (error "Panic: could not find sort ClassId"))
748 (if msg
749 (setf *message-sort* msg)
750 (error "Panic: could not find sort Message"))
751 (setf void (find-method-in ob '("*VoidObject*") nil *object-sort*))
752 (if void
753 (setf *void-object*
754 (make-applform-simple *object-sort* void))
755 (error "Panic: could not find void object operator."))
756 (setf ref (find-method-in ob
757 '("<" "_" ":" "_" ">")
758 (list *object-identifier-sort*
759 *class-id-sort*)
760 *object-sort*))
761 (if ref
762 (setf *object-reference-method* ref)
763 (error "Panic: could not find object reference method."))
764 (setf constr (find-method-in ob
765 '("<" "_" ":" "_" "|" "_" ">")
766 (list *object-identifier-sort*
767 *class-id-sort*
768 *attribute-list-sort*)
769 *object-sort*))
770 (if constr
771 (progn (setf *object-constructor-method* constr)
772 (setf *object-constructor-op*
773 (method-operator constr (module-opinfo-table ob))))
774 (error "Panic: could not find object constructor method."))
775 )
776 (error "Panic: could not find module OBJECT"))
733 (let ((obj (find-sort-in ob "Object"))
734 (cid (find-sort-in ob "ClassId"))
735 (msg (find-sort-in ob "Message"))
736 ref
737 void
738 constr)
739 (if obj
740 (setq *object-sort* obj)
741 (error "Panic: could not find sort Object"))
742 (if cid
743 (setf *class-id-sort* cid)
744 (error "Panic: could not find sort ClassId"))
745 (if msg
746 (setf *message-sort* msg)
747 (error "Panic: could not find sort Message"))
748 (setf void (find-method-in ob '("*VoidObject*") nil *object-sort*))
749 (if void
750 (setf *void-object*
751 (make-applform-simple *object-sort* void))
752 (error "Panic: could not find void object operator."))
753 (setf ref (find-method-in ob
754 '("<" "_" ":" "_" ">")
755 (list *object-identifier-sort*
756 *class-id-sort*)
757 *object-sort*))
758 (if ref
759 (setf *object-reference-method* ref)
760 (error "Panic: could not find object reference method."))
761 (setf constr (find-method-in ob
762 '("<" "_" ":" "_" "|" "_" ">")
763 (list *object-identifier-sort*
764 *class-id-sort*
765 *attribute-list-sort*)
766 *object-sort*))
767 (if constr
768 (progn (setf *object-constructor-method* constr)
769 (setf *object-constructor-op*
770 (method-operator constr (module-opinfo-table ob))))
771 (error "Panic: could not find object constructor method."))
772 )
773 (error "Panic: could not find module OBJECT"))
777774 (if con
778 (let ((config (find-sort-in con "Configuration")))
779 (if config
780 (setf *configuration-sort* config)
781 (error "Panic: could not find sort Configuration")))
782 (error "Panic: could not find module STATE-CONFIGURATION"))
775 (let ((config (find-sort-in con "Configuration")))
776 (if config
777 (setf *configuration-sort* config)
778 (error "Panic: could not find sort Configuration")))
779 (error "Panic: could not find module STATE-CONFIGURATION"))
783780 (if acz-con
784 (let ((acz-config (find-sort-in acz-con "ACZ-Configuration")))
785 (if acz-config
786 (setf *acz-configuration-sort* acz-config)
787 (error "Panic: could not find sort ACZ-Configuration")))
788 (error "Panic: could not find module ACZ-CONFIGURATION"))))
781 (let ((acz-config (find-sort-in acz-con "ACZ-Configuration")))
782 (if acz-config
783 (setf *acz-configuration-sort* acz-config)
784 (error "Panic: could not find sort ACZ-Configuration")))
785 (error "Panic: could not find module ACZ-CONFIGURATION"))))
790787 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:apply-rule.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:apply-rule.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4949 ;;;
5050 (defun apply-rule (rule term)
5151 (declare (type axiom rule)
52 (type term term)
53 (values (or null t)))
52 (type term term)
53 (values (or null t)))
5454 (let ((is-applied nil))
5555 (tagbody
5656 (when (rule-is-rule rule)
57 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
58 (go do-apply)
59 (return-from apply-rule nil)))
57 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
58 (go do-apply)
59 (return-from apply-rule nil)))
6060 ;; rule is equation
6161 (when (and (not *cexec-normalize*)
62 (term-is-applform? term)
63 (method-has-trans-rule (term-head term)))
64 (return-from apply-rule nil))
62 (term-is-applform? term)
63 (method-has-trans-rule (term-head term)))
64 (return-from apply-rule nil))
6565 ;;----
6666 do-apply
6767 ;;----
7272 ;; then there may be some extensions.
7373 (when (and (not is-applied) (term-is-applform? term))
74 (let ((top (term-method term)))
75 (declare (type method top))
76 (unless (let ((val (axiom-kind rule)))
77 (and val
78 (not (eq :id-theorem val))
79 (not (eq :idem-theory val))))
80 (when (method-is-associative top)
81 (if (method-is-commutative top)
82 (setq is-applied
83 (or (apply-AC-extension rule term top)
84 is-applied))
85 ;; the operator is only associative,
86 (setq is-applied
87 (or (apply-A-extensions rule term top)
88 is-applied))
89 )))))
74 (let ((top (term-method term)))
75 (declare (type method top))
76 (unless (let ((val (axiom-kind rule)))
77 (and val
78 (not (eq :id-theorem val))
79 (not (eq :idem-theory val))))
80 (when (method-is-associative top)
81 (if (method-is-commutative top)
82 (setq is-applied
83 (or (apply-AC-extension rule term top)
84 is-applied))
85 ;; the operator is only associative,
86 (setq is-applied
87 (or (apply-A-extensions rule term top)
88 is-applied))
89 )))))
9090 )
9191 ;; return t iff the rule is applied.
9292 is-applied))
103103 #-gcl
104104 (defun term-replace-dd-simple (old new)
105105 (declare (type term old new)
106 (values term))
106 (values term))
107107 (incf *rule-count*)
108108 (term-replace old new))
115115 (defmacro beh-context-ok? (rule)
116116 ` (if *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
117 (if (axiom-is-behavioural ,rule)
118 (check-beh-context)
119 t)
120 t))
117 (if (axiom-is-behavioural ,rule)
118 (check-beh-context)
119 t)
120 t))
122122 (defun apply-one-rule-simple (rule term)
123123 (declare (type axiom rule)
124 (type term term)
125 (values (or null t)))
124 (type term term)
125 (values (or null t)))
126126 (declare (inline term-replace-dd-simple))
127127 ;;
128128 (block the-end
129129 (let* ((condition nil)
130 next-match-method
131 (*self* term))
130 next-match-method
131 (*self* term))
132132 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
133 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
134 (incf $$matches)
135 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
137 ;;
138 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
139 (return-from the-end nil))
140 ;;
141 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
142 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
144 ;; match success -------------------------------------
145 ;; then, the condition must be checked
146 (block try-rule
147 (catch 'rule-failure
148 ;;
149 (when (and (is-true? (setq condition (rule-condition rule)))
150 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
151 ;; there is no condition --
152 ;; rewrite term.
153 (term-replace-dd-simple
154 term
155 ;; note that the computation of the substitution
156 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
157 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
158 (rule-rhs rule)))
159 (return-from the-end t))))
161 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
162 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
163 ;; is satisfied.
164 (setf next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
165 (loop (when no-match (return))
166 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
167 (return-from the-end nil))
168 (block try-rule
169 (catch 'rule-failure
170 (if (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
171 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
172 (rule-id-condition rule)))
173 (is-true?
174 (let (($$cond (substitution-image subst condition))
175 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
176 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
177 *rewrite-exec-mode*
178 nil)))
179 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
180 (if *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
181 (normalize-term-with-bcontext $$cond)
182 (normalize-term $$cond))
183 $$cond)))
184 ;; the condition is satisfied
185 (progn
186 (term-replace-dd-simple
187 term
188 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
189 (rule-rhs rule)))
190 (return-from the-end t))
191 nil)))
193 ;; else, try another ...
194 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
195 (progn
196 (incf $$matches)
197 (funcall next-match-method global-state)
198 ))
200 );; end loop
202 ;; In this case there is no match at all and the rule does not apply.
203 (return-from the-end nil)))))
133 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
134 (incf $$matches)
135 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
137 ;;
138 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
139 (return-from the-end nil))
140 ;;
141 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
142 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
144 ;; match success -------------------------------------
145 ;; then, the condition must be checked
146 (block try-rule
147 (catch 'rule-failure
148 ;;
149 (when (and (is-true? (setq condition (rule-condition rule)))
150 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
151 ;; there is no condition --
152 ;; rewrite term.
153 (term-replace-dd-simple
154 term
155 ;; note that the computation of the substitution
156 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
157 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
158 (rule-rhs rule)))
159 (return-from the-end t))))
161 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
162 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
163 ;; is satisfied.
164 (setf next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
165 (loop (when no-match (return))
166 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
167 (return-from the-end nil))
168 (block try-rule
169 (catch 'rule-failure
170 (if (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
171 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
172 (rule-id-condition rule)))
173 (is-true?
174 (let (($$cond (substitution-image subst condition))
175 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
176 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
177 *rewrite-exec-mode*
178 nil)))
179 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
180 (if *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
181 (normalize-term-with-bcontext $$cond)
182 (normalize-term $$cond))
183 $$cond)))
184 ;; the condition is satisfied
185 (progn
186 (term-replace-dd-simple
187 term
188 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
189 (rule-rhs rule)))
190 (return-from the-end t))
191 nil)))
193 ;; else, try another ...
194 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
195 (progn
196 (incf $$matches)
197 (funcall next-match-method global-state)
198 ))
200 );; end loop
202 ;; In this case there is no match at all and the rule does not apply.
203 (return-from the-end nil)))))
205205 ;;; INIT
206206 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
207207 (setf (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule)
208 (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule-simple)))
208 (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule-simple)))
210210 ;;; APPLY-A-EXTENSIONS : rule term method -> Bool
211211 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213213 ;;;
214214 (defun apply-A-extensions (rule term top)
215215 (declare (type axiom rule)
216 (type term term)
217 (type method top)
218 (values (or null t)))
216 (type term term)
217 (type method top)
218 (values (or null t)))
219219 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
220220 (let ((listext (!axiom-a-extensions rule))
221 (a-ext nil)
222 (is-applied nil))
221 (a-ext nil)
222 (is-applied nil))
223223 (when (null listext)
224224 ;; then need to pre-compute the extensions and store then
225225 (setq listext (compute-A-extensions rule top)))
230230 (when (setq a-ext (car listext))
231231 ;; the second extension exists
232232 (setq is-applied (or (apply-one-rule a-ext term)
233 is-applied)))
233 is-applied)))
234234 (setq listext (cdr listext))
235235 (when (setq a-ext (car listext))
236236 ;; the third extension exists
237237 (setq is-applied (or (apply-one-rule a-ext term)
238 is-applied)))
238 is-applied)))
239239 ;;
240240 is-applied))
245245 ;;;
246246 (defun apply-AC-extension (rule term top)
247247 (declare (type axiom rule)
248 (type term term)
249 (type method top)
250 (values (or null t)))
248 (type term term)
249 (type method top)
250 (values (or null t)))
251251 (let ((listext (give-AC-extension rule))
252 (is-applied nil))
252 (is-applied nil))
253253 (when (car listext)
254254 ;; the extension exists
255255 (setq is-applied (apply-one-rule (car listext) term)))
260260 ;;; really not not want to use normalize -- perhaps could use normal expressions.
261261 (defun rule-eval-id-condition (subst cond)
262262 (declare (type list subst cond)
263 (values (or null t)))
263 (values (or null t)))
264264 (cond ((eq 'and (car cond))
265 (dolist (sc (cdr cond) t)
266 (unless (rule-eval-id-condition subst sc) (return nil))))
267 ((eq 'not-equal (car cond))
268 (not (term-is-similar?
269 (rule-eval-term subst (cadr cond))
270 (rule-eval-term subst (caddr cond)))))
271 ((eq 'equal (car cond))
272 (term-is-similar?
273 (rule-eval-term subst (cadr cond))
274 (rule-eval-term subst (caddr cond))))
275 ((eq 'or (car cond))
276 (dolist (sc (cdr cond) nil)
277 (when (rule-eval-id-condition subst sc) (return t))))
278 ((eq 'not (car cond))
279 (not (rule-eval-id-condition subst (cadr cond))))
280 ((eq 'xor (car cond)) ;@@ remove?
281 (let ((res nil))
282 (dolist (sc (cdr cond))
283 (setq res (if (rule-eval-id-condition subst sc) (not res) res)))
284 res))
285 (t (break "rule-eval-id-condition: illegal condition"))
286 ))
265 (dolist (sc (cdr cond) t)
266 (unless (rule-eval-id-condition subst sc) (return nil))))
267 ((eq 'not-equal (car cond))
268 (not (term-is-similar?
269 (rule-eval-term subst (cadr cond))
270 (rule-eval-term subst (caddr cond)))))
271 ((eq 'equal (car cond))
272 (term-is-similar?
273 (rule-eval-term subst (cadr cond))
274 (rule-eval-term subst (caddr cond))))
275 ((eq 'or (car cond))
276 (dolist (sc (cdr cond) nil)
277 (when (rule-eval-id-condition subst sc) (return t))))
278 ((eq 'not (car cond))
279 (not (rule-eval-id-condition subst (cadr cond))))
280 ((eq 'xor (car cond)) ;@@ remove?
281 (let ((res nil))
282 (dolist (sc (cdr cond))
283 (setq res (if (rule-eval-id-condition subst sc) (not res) res)))
284 res))
285 (t (break "rule-eval-id-condition: illegal condition"))
286 ))
288288 ;;; RULE-EVAL-TERM : teta term -> term'
289289 ;;;
290290 (defun rule-eval-term (teta term)
291291 (declare (type list teta)
292 (type term term)
293 (values list))
292 (type term term)
293 (values list))
294294 (macrolet ((assoc% (_x _y)
295 `(let ((*_lst ,_y))
296 (loop
297 (when (null *_lst) (return nil))
298 (when (eq ,_x (caar *_lst)) (return (car *_lst)))
299 (setq *_lst (cdr *_lst))))))
295 `(let ((*_lst ,_y))
296 (loop
297 (when (null *_lst) (return nil))
298 (when (eq ,_x (caar *_lst)) (return (car *_lst)))
299 (setq *_lst (cdr *_lst))))))
300300 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
301 (let ((im (cdr (assoc% term teta))))
302 (if im;; i.e. im = teta(term)
303 im
304 ;; if variable doesn't have a binding, it evaluates to itself
305 term)))
306 (t term))))
301 (let ((im (cdr (assoc% term teta))))
302 (if im;; i.e. im = teta(term)
303 im
304 ;; if variable doesn't have a binding, it evaluates to itself
305 term)))
306 (t term))))
308308 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:cafein-top.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:cafein-top.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3535 ;;;=============================================================================
36 ;;; CafeIn Termrewriting system top-level
36 ;;; CafeIn Termrewriting system top-level
3737 ;;;=============================================================================
3939 ;;; CafeIn COMMANDS
4040 (defvar *cafein-commands* nil)
4141 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
4242 (setq *cafein-commands*
43 '((top-commands
44 (:one-of
45 ((:+ match unify) (:seq-of :term) to (:seq-of :term) |.|)
46 (parse (:if-present in :modexp |:|) (:seq-of :term) |.|)
47 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
48 (:call (read)))
49 ((:+ show sh set select describe desc) ; do
50 (:seq-of :top-opname))
51 (#\^D)
52 (eof)
53 ((:+ quit q))
54 ;; theorem proving stuff.
55 (start :term |.|)
56 ;; apply
57 (apply (:one-of-default
58 (:symbol (:upto
59 (within at)
60 (:optional with :symbol
61 = (:upto (|,| within at) :term)
62 :append
63 (:seq-of |,| :symbol
64 = (:upto (|,| within at) :term))))
65 (:+ within at)
66 (:one-of
67 ((:+ top term subterm))
68 ((:+ |(| |{| |[|)
69 :unread
70 ((:! Selector))
71 (:seq-of of ((:! Selector)))
72 |.|)))
73 (?)))
74 ;;
75 (choose (:one-of
76 ((:+ top term subterm))
77 ((:+ |(| |{| |[|)
78 :unread
79 ((:! Selector))
80 (:seq-of of ((:! Selector)))
81 |.|)))
43 '((top-commands
44 (:one-of
45 ((:+ match unify) (:seq-of :term) to (:seq-of :term) |.|)
46 (parse (:if-present in :modexp |:|) (:seq-of :term) |.|)
47 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
48 (:call (read)))
49 ((:+ show sh set select describe desc) ; do
50 (:seq-of :top-opname))
51 (#\^D)
52 (eof)
53 ((:+ quit q))
54 ;; theorem proving stuff.
55 (start :term |.|)
56 ;; apply
57 (apply (:one-of-default
58 (:symbol (:upto
59 (within at)
60 (:optional with :symbol
61 = (:upto (|,| within at) :term)
62 :append
63 (:seq-of |,| :symbol
64 = (:upto (|,| within at) :term))))
65 (:+ within at)
66 (:one-of
67 ((:+ top term subterm))
68 ((:+ |(| |{| |[|)
69 :unread
70 ((:! Selector))
71 (:seq-of of ((:! Selector)))
72 |.|)))
73 (?)))
74 ;;
75 (choose (:one-of
76 ((:+ top term subterm))
77 ((:+ |(| |{| |[|)
78 :unread
79 ((:! Selector))
80 (:seq-of of ((:! Selector)))
81 |.|)))
83 (find (:+ rule -rule +rule rules -rules +rules))
84 (cd :symbol)
85 #-(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :symbol)
86 #+(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :top-term)
87 (pwd)
88 (! :top-term)
89 (?)
90 ))
91 (Selector
92 (:one-of
93 ;; (term) (top) (subterm)
94 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
95 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
96 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
97 )))
83 (find (:+ rule -rule +rule rules -rules +rules))
84 (cd :symbol)
85 #-(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :symbol)
86 #+(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :top-term)
87 (pwd)
88 (! :top-term)
89 (?)
90 ))
91 (Selector
92 (:one-of
93 ;; (term) (top) (subterm)
94 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
95 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
96 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
97 )))
9999 (defun cafein-parse ()
100100 (reader 'top-commands *cafein-commands*))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:cbred.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:cbred.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4343 ;;; GLOBALS
4444 (declaim (special *cobasis*
45 *cobasis-ops*
46 *co-rules*))
45 *cobasis-ops*
46 *co-rules*))
4747 (defvar *cobasis* nil)
4848 (defvar *cobasis-ops* nil)
4949 (defvar *co-rules* nil)
5454 (defun make-cobasis-pattern (op)
5555 (let ((hidden-vars nil)
56 (pattern nil))
56 (pattern nil))
5757 (setq pattern
5858 (make-term-with-sort-check
5959 op
6060 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
61 (if (sort-is-hidden s)
62 (let ((hvar (make-variable-term s
63 (gensym "_H"))))
64 (push hvar hidden-vars)
65 hvar)
66 (make-variable-term s
67 (gensym "_V"))))
68 (method-arity op))))
61 (if (sort-is-hidden s)
62 (let ((hvar (make-variable-term s
63 (gensym "_H"))))
64 (push hvar hidden-vars)
65 hvar)
66 (make-variable-term s
67 (gensym "_V"))))
68 (method-arity op))))
6969 (cons (nreverse hidden-vars) pattern)
7070 ))
7575 (defun cbred-make-new-variable (var)
7676 (let ((vnam (incf varnum)))
7777 (if .cbred-new-variable-name.
78 (make-variable-term (variable-sort var)
79 vnam
80 vnam)
78 (make-variable-term (variable-sort var)
79 vnam
80 vnam)
8181 (make-variable-term (variable-sort var)
82 vnam
83 (variable-print-name var))
82 vnam
83 (variable-print-name var))
8484 )))
8585 )
8787 (defun expand-goal-by-cob (pair cob)
8888 (flet ((expand (term cob)
89 (let ((subst-vars (car cob))
90 (subst-pat (cdr cob))
91 (subst nil))
92 (dolist (v subst-vars)
93 (when (sort<= (term-sort term) (term-sort v))
94 (push (cons v term) subst)))
95 (apply-subst subst subst-pat))))
89 (let ((subst-vars (car cob))
90 (subst-pat (cdr cob))
91 (subst nil))
92 (dolist (v subst-vars)
93 (when (sort<= (term-sort term) (term-sort v))
94 (push (cons v term) subst)))
95 (apply-subst subst subst-pat))))
9696 (let ((lhs (expand (car pair) cob))
97 (rhs (expand (cdr pair) cob)))
97 (rhs (expand (cdr pair) cob)))
9898 (let ((vars (append (term-variables lhs)
99 (term-variables rhs)))
100 (subst nil))
101 (setq vars (delete-duplicates vars))
102 (dolist (v vars)
103 (push (cons v (cbred-make-new-variable v))
104 subst))
105 (setq lhs (apply-subst subst lhs))
106 (setq rhs (apply-subst subst rhs))
107 (cons lhs rhs)))
99 (term-variables rhs)))
100 (subst nil))
101 (setq vars (delete-duplicates vars))
102 (dolist (v vars)
103 (push (cons v (cbred-make-new-variable v))
104 subst))
105 (setq lhs (apply-subst subst lhs))
106 (setq rhs (apply-subst subst rhs))
107 (cons lhs rhs)))
108108 ))
110110 ;;; *CO-RULES* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
112112 (defun apply-co-rules (target)
113113 (let ((applied nil))
114114 (labels ((apply-it (term)
115 (when (term-is-applform? term)
116 (unless (memq (term-head term) *cobasis-ops*)
117 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
118 (apply-it sub)))
119 (dolist (rule *co-rules*)
120 #||
121 (format t "~%co-rule: ")
122 (print-rule-internal rule)
123 (format t "~%target: ")
124 (term-print term)
125 ||#
126 (if (apply-one-rule rule term)
127 (pushnew (car (rule-labels rule)) applied)))
128 )))
115 (when (term-is-applform? term)
116 (unless (memq (term-head term) *cobasis-ops*)
117 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
118 (apply-it sub)))
119 (dolist (rule *co-rules*)
120 #||
121 (format t "~%co-rule: ")
122 (print-rule-internal rule)
123 (format t "~%target: ")
124 (term-print term)
125 ||#
126 (if (apply-one-rule rule term)
127 (pushnew (car (rule-labels rule)) applied)))
128 )))
129129 (apply-it (car target))
130130 (apply-it (cdr target))
132132 (when applied
133 (rewrite* (car target))
134 (rewrite* (cdr target)))
133 (rewrite* (car target))
134 (rewrite* (cdr target)))
136136 (if (term-equational-equal (car target)
137 (cdr target))
138 (values t (nreverse applied))
139 (values nil (nreverse applied)))
137 (cdr target))
138 (values t (nreverse applied))
139 (values nil (nreverse applied)))
140140 )))
142142 ;;; -------------------------------
146146 (defun cbred-print-term-pair (pair &optional (stream *standard-output*))
147147 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
148148 (let* ((.file-col. (file-column stream))
149 (*print-indent* (if (= 0 .file-col.)
150 (+ 4 *print-indent*)
151 .file-col.))
152 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
149 (*print-indent* (if (= 0 .file-col.)
150 (+ 4 *print-indent*)
151 .file-col.))
152 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
153153 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
154 (term-print (car pair)))
154 (term-print (car pair)))
155155 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
156156 (if (print-check 0 .file-col.)
157 (princ "== ")
158 (princ " == "))
157 (princ "== ")
158 (princ " == "))
159159 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
160160 (if (not (= 0 .file-col.))
161 (setq *print-indent* .file-col.))
161 (setq *print-indent* .file-col.))
162162 (term-print (cdr pair))
163163 )))
172172 (defun cbred-goal (pair)
173173 (let ((rule-count *rule-count*))
174174 (let ((lhs (rewrite* (car pair)))
175 (rhs (rewrite* (cdr pair))))
175 (rhs (rewrite* (cdr pair))))
176176 (if (term-equational-equal lhs rhs)
177 (values t lhs)
178 (values nil (not (= rule-count *rule-count*)))
177 (values t lhs)
178 (values nil (not (= rule-count *rule-count*)))
179179 ))))
181181 ;;;
184184 (return-from find-occ (values occr num-if)))
185185 ;;
186186 (if (and (term-is-applform? term)
187 (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*))
187 (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*))
188188 (multiple-value-bind (occr1 num-if-1)
189 (find-occ (term-arg-2 term) predicate occr (1+ num-if))
190 (multiple-value-bind (occr2 num-if-2)
191 (find-occ (term-arg-3 term) predicate occr (1+ num-if))
192 (if (listp occr1)
193 (if (listp occr2)
194 (if (<= (length occr1) (length occr2))
195 (values occr2 num-if-2)
196 (values occr1 num-if-1))
197 (values occr1 num-if-1))
198 (if (listp occr2)
199 (values occr2 num-if-2)
200 (values :no (1+ num-if))))))
189 (find-occ (term-arg-2 term) predicate occr (1+ num-if))
190 (multiple-value-bind (occr2 num-if-2)
191 (find-occ (term-arg-3 term) predicate occr (1+ num-if))
192 (if (listp occr1)
193 (if (listp occr2)
194 (if (<= (length occr1) (length occr2))
195 (values occr2 num-if-2)
196 (values occr1 num-if-1))
197 (values occr1 num-if-1))
198 (if (listp occr2)
199 (values occr2 num-if-2)
200 (values :no (1+ num-if))))))
201201 (if (not (term-is-applform? term))
202 (values :no num-if)
202 (values :no num-if)
203203 (progn
204 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
205 (multiple-value-bind (res new-num-if)
206 (find-occ (term-arg-n term x)
207 predicate
208 (cons x occr)
209 num-if)
210 (if (listp res)
211 (return-from find-occ (values res new-num-if)))))
212 (values :no num-if))
204 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
205 (multiple-value-bind (res new-num-if)
206 (find-occ (term-arg-n term x)
207 predicate
208 (cons x occr)
209 num-if)
210 (if (listp res)
211 (return-from find-occ (values res new-num-if)))))
212 (values :no num-if))
213213 )))
215215 #||
216216 (defun cbred-orient-rule (pair)
217217 (let ((lhs (car pair))
218 (rhs (cdr pair)))
218 (rhs (cdr pair)))
219219 (return-from cbred-orient-rule (values lhs rhs))
220220 (let ((occ (find-occ lhs #'(lambda (x)
221 (and (sort-is-hidden (term-sort x))
222 (not (memq (term-head x)
223 *cobasis-ops*))))
224 nil)))
221 (and (sort-is-hidden (term-sort x))
222 (not (memq (term-head x)
223 *cobasis-ops*))))
224 nil)))
225225 (unless (listp occ) (return-from cbred-orient-rule nil))
226226 (let ((context lhs)
227 (head nil))
228 (dolist (c (reverse occ))
229 (setq context (term-arg-n context c)))
230 (setq head (term-head context))
231 (let ((rocc (find-occ rhs #'(lambda (x)
232 (and (term-is-applform? x)
233 (method-is-of-same-operator
234 head
235 (term-head x))))
236 nil)))
237 (if (or (not (listp rocc))
238 (>= (length occ) (length rocc)))
239 (values lhs rhs)
240 (values rhs lhs))
241 ))
227 (head nil))
228 (dolist (c (reverse occ))
229 (setq context (term-arg-n context c)))
230 (setq head (term-head context))
231 (let ((rocc (find-occ rhs #'(lambda (x)
232 (and (term-is-applform? x)
233 (method-is-of-same-operator
234 head
235 (term-head x))))
236 nil)))
237 (if (or (not (listp rocc))
238 (>= (length occ) (length rocc)))
239 (values lhs rhs)
240 (values rhs lhs))
241 ))
242242 )))
243243 ||#
246246 (defun cbred-orient-rule (pair)
247247 (if (featurep :bigpink)
248248 (pn-orient-term-pair *current-module*
249 pair)
249 pair)
250250 (values (car pair) (cdr pair))))
252252 #-:allegro
258258 (cbred-orient-rule pair)
259259 (unless lhs
260260 (with-output-panic-message ()
261 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
262 (princ "could not find any hidden context.")
263 (print-next)
264 (princ "this should not happen")
265 (print-next)
266 (setq .printed-vars-so-far. (term-print (car pair)))
267 (print-next)
268 (term-print (cdr pair)))))
261 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
262 (princ "could not find any hidden context.")
263 (print-next)
264 (princ "this should not happen")
265 (print-next)
266 (setq .printed-vars-so-far. (term-print (car pair)))
267 (print-next)
268 (term-print (cdr pair)))))
269269 (let ((new-crule (make-rule :lhs lhs
270 :rhs rhs
271 :condition *bool-true*
272 :labels (list (next-crule-label))
273 :behavioural t
274 :type :cbred-circle)))
270 :rhs rhs
271 :condition *bool-true*
272 :labels (list (next-crule-label))
273 :behavioural t
274 :type :cbred-circle)))
276276 (setq *co-rules*
277 (nconc *co-rules* (list new-crule)))
277 (nconc *co-rules* (list new-crule)))
278278 ;; (push new-crule *co-rules*)
279279 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
280 (with-output-simple-msg ()
281 (princ " add rule: ")
282 (print-rule-internal new-crule)))
280 (with-output-simple-msg ()
281 (princ " add rule: ")
282 (print-rule-internal new-crule)))
283283 )))
285285 (defun term-contains-beh-context (term)
286286 (or (sort-is-hidden (term-sort term))
287287 (and (term-is-applform? term)
288 (some #'(lambda (x) (term-contains-beh-context x))
289 (term-subterms term)))))
288 (some #'(lambda (x) (term-contains-beh-context x))
289 (term-subterms term)))))
291291 (defun cbred-deduce (pair)
292292 (let ((next-goals nil))
293293 (dolist (cob *cobasis*)
294294 (block next
295 (let ((target (expand-goal-by-cob pair cob)))
296 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
297 (with-output-simple-msg ()
298 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
299 (princ "---------------------------------------")
300 (print-next)
301 (princ "Target: ")
302 (cbred-print-term-pair target))))
303 (multiple-value-bind (ok? reduced)
304 (cbred-goal target)
305 (when ok?
306 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
307 (with-output-simple-msg ()
308 (princ " reduced: true")
309 (print-next)
310 (princ "nf: ")
311 (term-print reduced)))
312 (return-from next nil))
313 (when reduced
314 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
315 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
316 (with-output-simple-msg ()
317 (princ " reduced: ")
318 (cbred-print-term-pair target)))))
319 ;; try deduce with *co-rules*
320 (multiple-value-bind (ok? applied)
321 (apply-co-rules target)
322 (when ok?
323 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
324 (with-output-simple-msg ()
325 (format t " deduced~a: true" applied)
326 (print-next)
327 (princ "nf: ")
328 (term-print (car target))))
329 (return-from next nil))
330 ;;
331 #||
332 (when (and (not (term-contains-beh-context (car target)))
333 (not (term-contains-beh-context (cdr target))))
334 ;; failure
335 (throw ':fail nil))
336 ||#
337 (when (or (not (sort-is-hidden (term-sort (car target))))
338 (and (memq (term-head (car target)) *cobasis-ops*)
339 (memq (term-head (cdr target)) *cobasis-ops*)))
340 (throw ':fail nil))
341 ;; ng
342 (when applied
343 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
344 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
345 (with-output-simple-msg ()
346 (format t " deduced~a: " applied)
347 (cbred-print-term-pair target)))))
348 ;;
349 (unless (or reduced applied)
350 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
351 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
352 (princ "!! no rules were applied.")
353 (print-next)))
354 (throw ':fail nil))
355 (add-new-crule target)
356 (push target next-goals)))
357 )))
295 (let ((target (expand-goal-by-cob pair cob)))
296 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
297 (with-output-simple-msg ()
298 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
299 (princ "---------------------------------------")
300 (print-next)
301 (princ "Target: ")
302 (cbred-print-term-pair target))))
303 (multiple-value-bind (ok? reduced)
304 (cbred-goal target)
305 (when ok?
306 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
307 (with-output-simple-msg ()
308 (princ " reduced: true")
309 (print-next)
310 (princ "nf: ")
311 (term-print reduced)))
312 (return-from next nil))
313 (when reduced
314 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
315 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
316 (with-output-simple-msg ()
317 (princ " reduced: ")
318 (cbred-print-term-pair target)))))
319 ;; try deduce with *co-rules*
320 (multiple-value-bind (ok? applied)
321 (apply-co-rules target)
322 (when ok?
323 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
324 (with-output-simple-msg ()
325 (format t " deduced~a: true" applied)
326 (print-next)
327 (princ "nf: ")
328 (term-print (car target))))
329 (return-from next nil))
330 ;;
331 #||
332 (when (and (not (term-contains-beh-context (car target)))
333 (not (term-contains-beh-context (cdr target))))
334 ;; failure
335 (throw ':fail nil))
336 ||#
337 (when (or (not (sort-is-hidden (term-sort (car target))))
338 (and (memq (term-head (car target)) *cobasis-ops*)
339 (memq (term-head (cdr target)) *cobasis-ops*)))
340 (throw ':fail nil))
341 ;; ng
342 (when applied
343 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
344 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
345 (with-output-simple-msg ()
346 (format t " deduced~a: " applied)
347 (cbred-print-term-pair target)))))
348 ;;
349 (unless (or reduced applied)
350 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
351 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
352 (princ "!! no rules were applied.")
353 (print-next)))
354 (throw ':fail nil))
355 (add-new-crule target)
356 (push target next-goals)))
357 )))
358358 ;; done
359359 next-goals
360360 ))
365365 (with-in-module (module)
366366 (reset-crule-label)
367367 (let ((lhs-sort (term-sort lhs))
368 (rhs-sort (term-sort rhs))
369 (sort nil)
370 (**print-var-sort** nil))
368 (rhs-sort (term-sort rhs))
369 (sort nil)
370 (**print-var-sort** nil))
371371 #||
372372 (unless (and (sort-is-hidden lhs-sort)
373 (sort-is-hidden rhs-sort))
374 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort)
375 (princ "cbred: terms must be of hidden sort.")))
373 (sort-is-hidden rhs-sort))
374 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort)
375 (princ "cbred: terms must be of hidden sort.")))
376376 ||#
377377 (if (sort<= lhs-sort rhs-sort)
378 (setq sort rhs-sort)
379 (if (sort< rhs-sort lhs-sort)
380 (setq sort lhs-sort)
381 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-terms)
382 (princ "cbred: pair of terms must of same sort family."))))
378 (setq sort rhs-sort)
379 (if (sort< rhs-sort lhs-sort)
380 (setq sort lhs-sort)
381 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-terms)
382 (princ "cbred: pair of terms must of same sort family."))))
383383 ;;
384384 (let ((goals (list (cons lhs rhs)))
385 (*co-rules* nil)
386 (*cobasis* nil)
387 (*cobasis-ops* nil)
388 (*cbred-trace-flag* $$trace-rewrite)
389 (ok? nil))
390 (declare (special *cbred-trace-flag*)
391 (special *co-rules* *cobasis* *cobasis-ops*))
392 ;; use own tracer
393 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
394 (trace-off))
395 (dolist (cob (module-cobasis *current-module*))
396 (when (some #'(lambda (s) (sort<= sort s))
397 (method-arity cob))
398 (push (make-cobasis-pattern cob) *cobasis*)
399 (push cob *cobasis-ops*)))
400 (setq *cobasis* (nreverse *cobasis*))
401 (setq *cobasis-ops* (nreverse *cobasis-ops*))
402 ;;
403 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
404 (with-output-simple-msg ()
405 (princ "** Cobasis:")
406 (dolist (op *cobasis-ops*)
407 (print-next)
408 (print-chaos-object op))
409 (print-next)
410 (princ "-------------------------------------")
411 ))
412 ;;
413 (multiple-value-bind (ok? reduced)
414 (cbred-goal (car goals))
415 (declare (ignore reduced))
416 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
417 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
418 (with-output-simple-msg ()
419 (princ " reduced to: ")
420 (cbred-print-term-pair (car goals)))))
421 (when ok?
422 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
423 (trace-on))
424 (return-from do-cbred t)))
425 ;;
426 (add-new-crule (car goals))
427 ;;
428 ;; do the real work
429 ;;
430 (setq ok?
431 (catch ':fail
432 (loop
433 (unless goals (return t))
434 (let ((new-goals nil))
435 (dolist (pair goals)
436 (setq new-goals
437 (nconc new-goals
438 (cbred-deduce pair))))
439 (setq goals new-goals))
440 )))
441 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
442 (trace-on))
443 (values ok? goals)
444 )
385 (*co-rules* nil)
386 (*cobasis* nil)
387 (*cobasis-ops* nil)
388 (*cbred-trace-flag* $$trace-rewrite)
389 (ok? nil))
390 (declare (special *cbred-trace-flag*)
391 (special *co-rules* *cobasis* *cobasis-ops*))
392 ;; use own tracer
393 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
394 (trace-off))
395 (dolist (cob (module-cobasis *current-module*))
396 (when (some #'(lambda (s) (sort<= sort s))
397 (method-arity cob))
398 (push (make-cobasis-pattern cob) *cobasis*)
399 (push cob *cobasis-ops*)))
400 (setq *cobasis* (nreverse *cobasis*))
401 (setq *cobasis-ops* (nreverse *cobasis-ops*))
402 ;;
403 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
404 (with-output-simple-msg ()
405 (princ "** Cobasis:")
406 (dolist (op *cobasis-ops*)
407 (print-next)
408 (print-chaos-object op))
409 (print-next)
410 (princ "-------------------------------------")
411 ))
412 ;;
413 (multiple-value-bind (ok? reduced)
414 (cbred-goal (car goals))
415 (declare (ignore reduced))
416 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
417 (let ((.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
418 (with-output-simple-msg ()
419 (princ " reduced to: ")
420 (cbred-print-term-pair (car goals)))))
421 (when ok?
422 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
423 (trace-on))
424 (return-from do-cbred t)))
425 ;;
426 (add-new-crule (car goals))
427 ;;
428 ;; do the real work
429 ;;
430 (setq ok?
431 (catch ':fail
432 (loop
433 (unless goals (return t))
434 (let ((new-goals nil))
435 (dolist (pair goals)
436 (setq new-goals
437 (nconc new-goals
438 (cbred-deduce pair))))
439 (setq goals new-goals))
440 )))
441 (when *cbred-trace-flag*
442 (trace-on))
443 (values ok? goals)
444 )
445445 )
446446 )
447447 )
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:rdebug.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:rdebug.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4141 ;;;*****************************************************************************
5757 (defun cafein-pattern-match (pat term)
5858 (declare (type term pat term)
59 (values (or null t)))
59 (values (or null t)))
6060 (if (term-is-variable? pat)
6161 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) (variable-sort pat)
62 (module-sort-order *current-module*))
63 term
64 nil)
62 (module-sort-order *current-module*))
63 term
64 nil)
6565 (if (term-is-lisp-form? pat)
66 nil
67 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
68 (first-match pat term)
69 (declare (ignore gs sub eeq))
70 (unless no-match
71 (return-from cafein-pattern-match term))
72 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
73 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term) nil)
74 (let ((match (cafein-pattern-match pat sub)))
75 (when match
76 (return-from cafein-pattern-match match))))
77 nil)
78 nil))))
66 nil
67 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
68 (first-match pat term)
69 (declare (ignore gs sub eeq))
70 (unless no-match
71 (return-from cafein-pattern-match term))
72 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
73 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term) nil)
74 (let ((match (cafein-pattern-match pat sub)))
75 (when match
76 (return-from cafein-pattern-match match))))
77 nil)
78 nil))))
8080 (defvar *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil)
8282 (defun check-stop-pattern (term)
8383 (declare (type term term)
84 (values (or null t)))
84 (values (or null t)))
8585 (when *rewrite-stop-pattern*
8686 (when (eq term *matched-to-stop-pattern*)
8787 (return-from check-stop-pattern nil))
8888 (let ((matched (cafein-pattern-match *rewrite-stop-pattern* term)))
8989 (if matched
90 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
91 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* term)
92 (if (eq matched term)
93 (progn
94 (format t "~&>> term matches to stop pattern: ")
95 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
96 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
97 (format t "~&<< will stop rewriting")
98 )
99 (progn
100 (format t "~&>> subterm : ")
101 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
102 (term-print matched))
103 (format t "~& of term : ")
104 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
105 (term-print $$term))
106 (format t "~& matches to stop pattern: ")
107 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
108 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
109 (format t "~&<< will stop rewriting")
110 ))
111 (force-output))
112 ;;
113 (unless *rewrite-stepping*
114 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil))))))
90 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
91 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* term)
92 (if (eq matched term)
93 (progn
94 (format t "~&>> term matches to stop pattern: ")
95 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
96 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
97 (format t "~&<< will stop rewriting")
98 )
99 (progn
100 (format t "~&>> subterm : ")
101 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
102 (term-print matched))
103 (format t "~& of term : ")
104 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
105 (term-print $$term))
106 (format t "~& matches to stop pattern: ")
107 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
108 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
109 (format t "~&<< will stop rewriting")
110 ))
111 (force-output))
112 ;;
113 (unless *rewrite-stepping*
114 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil))))))
116116 (defun apply-one-rule-dbg (rule term)
117117 (declare (type axiom rule)
118 (type term term)
119 (values (or null t))
120 )
118 (type term term)
119 (values (or null t))
120 )
121121 ;; check stop pattern
122122 (check-stop-pattern term)
123123 ;; apply rule
124124 (setq *cafein-current-rule* rule)
125125 (if (block the-end
126 (let* ((condition nil)
127 cur-trial
128 next-match-method
129 (*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*))
130 (*print-indent* *print-indent*)
131 (*self* term))
132 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
133 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
134 (incf $$matches)
135 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
136 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
138 ;;
139 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
140 (return-from the-end nil))
142 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
143 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
145 ;; match success -------------------------------------
146 ;; then, the condition must be checked
147 (block try-rule
148 (catch 'rule-failure
149 (when (and (is-true? (setq condition (rule-condition rule)))
150 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
151 ;; there is no condition --
152 ;; rewrite term.
153 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
154 (rule-trace-flag rule))
155 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
156 (print-trace-in)
157 (princ "rule: ")
158 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
159 (print-axiom-brief rule))
160 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
161 (print-next)
162 (print-substitution subst))
163 ))
164 (term-replace-dd-dbg
165 term
166 ;; note that the computation of the substitution
167 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
168 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
169 (rule-rhs rule)))
170 (return-from the-end t))))
172 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
173 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
174 ;; is satisfied.
175 (setf next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
176 (loop (when no-match
177 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
178 (rule-trace-flag rule))
179 (print-trace-in)
180 (format t "rewrite rule exhausted (#~D)" cur-trial)
181 (force-output))
182 (return))
183 ;;
184 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
185 (return-from the-end nil))
186 ;;
187 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
188 ;;
189 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
190 (rule-trace-flag rule))
191 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
192 (setq cur-trial $$trials)
193 (incf $$trials)
194 (print-trace-in)
195 (format t "apply trial #~D" cur-trial)
196 (print-next)
197 (princ "-- rule: ")
198 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
199 (print-axiom-brief rule))
200 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
201 (print-next)
202 (print-substitution subst))
203 (force-output)))
204 (block try-rule
205 (catch 'rule-failure
206 (if (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
207 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
208 (rule-id-condition rule)))
209 (is-true?
210 (let (($$cond (substitution-image subst condition))
211 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
212 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
213 *rewrite-exec-mode*
214 nil)))
215 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
216 (if *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
217 (normalize-term-with-bcontext $$cond)
218 (normalize-term $$cond))
219 $$cond)))
220 ;; the condition is satisfied
221 (progn
222 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
223 (rule-trace-flag rule))
224 (print-trace-in)
225 (format t "match success #~D" cur-trial))
226 (term-replace-dd-dbg
227 term
228 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
229 (rule-rhs rule)))
230 (return-from the-end t))
231 nil)))
233 ;; else, try another ...
234 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
235 (progn
236 (incf $$matches)
237 (funcall next-match-method global-state)
238 ))
240 );; end loop
242 ;; In this case there is no match at all and the rule does not apply.
243 (return-from the-end nil))))
126 (let* ((condition nil)
127 cur-trial
128 next-match-method
129 (*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*))
130 (*print-indent* *print-indent*)
131 (*self* term))
132 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
133 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
134 (incf $$matches)
135 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
136 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
138 ;;
139 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
140 (return-from the-end nil))
142 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
143 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
145 ;; match success -------------------------------------
146 ;; then, the condition must be checked
147 (block try-rule
148 (catch 'rule-failure
149 (when (and (is-true? (setq condition (rule-condition rule)))
150 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
151 ;; there is no condition --
152 ;; rewrite term.
153 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
154 (rule-trace-flag rule))
155 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
156 (print-trace-in)
157 (princ "rule: ")
158 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
159 (print-axiom-brief rule))
160 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
161 (print-next)
162 (print-substitution subst))
163 ))
164 (term-replace-dd-dbg
165 term
166 ;; note that the computation of the substitution
167 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
168 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
169 (rule-rhs rule)))
170 (return-from the-end t))))
172 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
173 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
174 ;; is satisfied.
175 (setf next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
176 (loop (when no-match
177 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
178 (rule-trace-flag rule))
179 (print-trace-in)
180 (format t "rewrite rule exhausted (#~D)" cur-trial)
181 (force-output))
182 (return))
183 ;;
184 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule)
185 (return-from the-end nil))
186 ;;
187 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
188 ;;
189 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
190 (rule-trace-flag rule))
191 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
192 (setq cur-trial $$trials)
193 (incf $$trials)
194 (print-trace-in)
195 (format t "apply trial #~D" cur-trial)
196 (print-next)
197 (princ "-- rule: ")
198 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
199 (print-axiom-brief rule))
200 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
201 (print-next)
202 (print-substitution subst))
203 (force-output)))
204 (block try-rule
205 (catch 'rule-failure
206 (if (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
207 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
208 (rule-id-condition rule)))
209 (is-true?
210 (let (($$cond (substitution-image subst condition))
211 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
212 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
213 *rewrite-exec-mode*
214 nil)))
215 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
216 (if *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
217 (normalize-term-with-bcontext $$cond)
218 (normalize-term $$cond))
219 $$cond)))
220 ;; the condition is satisfied
221 (progn
222 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
223 (rule-trace-flag rule))
224 (print-trace-in)
225 (format t "match success #~D" cur-trial))
226 (term-replace-dd-dbg
227 term
228 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
229 (rule-rhs rule)))
230 (return-from the-end t))
231 nil)))
233 ;; else, try another ...
234 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
235 (progn
236 (incf $$matches)
237 (funcall next-match-method global-state)
238 ))
240 );; end loop
242 ;; In this case there is no match at all and the rule does not apply.
243 (return-from the-end nil))))
244244 ;; applied a rule.
245245 t
246246 ;; else no rule was applied
247247 (if *matched-to-stop-pattern*
248 (if *rewrite-stepping*
249 nil
250 (progn
251 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil)
252 (throw 'rewrite-abort $$term)))
253 nil)
248 (if *rewrite-stepping*
249 nil
250 (progn
251 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil)
252 (throw 'rewrite-abort $$term)))
253 nil)
254254 ))
256256 (defun term-replace-dd-dbg (old new)
257257 (declare (type term old new)
258 (values term))
258 (values term))
259259 ;;
260260 (incf *rule-count*)
271271 ;; Trace output
272272 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
273 (rule-trace-flag *cafein-current-rule*))
273 (rule-trace-flag *cafein-current-rule*))
274274 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
275275 (print-trace-out)
276276 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
277 (term-print old)
278 (print-check 0 5)
279 (princ " --> ")
280 ;; (print-check)
281 (term-print new))
277 (term-print old)
278 (print-check 0 5)
279 (princ " --> ")
280 ;; (print-check)
281 (term-print new))
282282 (unless $$trace-rewrite-whole (terpri))))
283283 ;; trace whole
284284 (if $$trace-rewrite-whole
285285 (let ((*print-with-sort* t)
286 (*fancy-print* t))
287 (if $$cond
288 (progn
289 (format t "~&[~a(cond)]: " *rule-count*)
290 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
291 (term-print $$cond)
292 (print-next)
293 (let ((res (term-replace old new)))
294 (print-check 0 5)
295 (princ " --> ")
296 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
297 ;; (print-check)
298 (term-print $$cond))
299 res)))
300 (progn
301 (format t "~&[~a]: " *rule-count*)
302 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
303 (term-print $$term))
304 (print-next)
305 (let ((res (term-replace old new)))
306 (print-check 0 5)
307 (princ "---> ")
308 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
309 ;; (print-check)
310 (term-print $$term))
311 res))))
286 (*fancy-print* t))
287 (if $$cond
288 (progn
289 (format t "~&[~a(cond)]: " *rule-count*)
290 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
291 (term-print $$cond)
292 (print-next)
293 (let ((res (term-replace old new)))
294 (print-check 0 5)
295 (princ " --> ")
296 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
297 ;; (print-check)
298 (term-print $$cond))
299 res)))
300 (progn
301 (format t "~&[~a]: " *rule-count*)
302 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
303 (term-print $$term))
304 (print-next)
305 (let ((res (term-replace old new)))
306 (print-check 0 5)
307 (princ "---> ")
308 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
309 ;; (print-check)
310 (term-print $$term))
311 res))))
312312 (term-replace old new))
313313 ;;
314314 ;; check rewrite count limit
315315 (when (and *rewrite-count-limit*
316 (<= *rewrite-count-limit* *rule-count*))
316 (<= *rewrite-count-limit* *rule-count*))
317317 (format *error-output* "~&>> aborting rewrite due to rewrite count limit (= ~d) <<"
318 *rewrite-count-limit*)
318 *rewrite-count-limit*)
319319 (throw 'rewrite-abort $$term))
320320 ;;
321321 $$term)
356356 (defun cafein-stepper (term &optional new-term)
357357 (declare (ignore new-term)
358 (type term term)
359 (values t))
358 (type term term)
359 (values t))
360360 ;; first check stop pattern or steps to be done....
361361 (if *matched-to-stop-pattern*
362362 (progn
363 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil)
364 (setq *steps-to-be-done* nil)
365 (with-output-simple-msg ()
366 (princ ">> stop because matches stop pattern.")))
363 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil)
364 (setq *steps-to-be-done* nil)
365 (with-output-simple-msg ()
366 (princ ">> stop because matches stop pattern.")))
367367 (progn
368 (when *steps-to-be-done*
369 (decf (the fixnum *steps-to-be-done*)))
370 (when (and *steps-to-be-done* (> (the fixnum *steps-to-be-done*) 0))
371 (return-from cafein-stepper nil))
372 (unless *steps-to-be-done* (return-from cafein-stepper nil))))
368 (when *steps-to-be-done*
369 (decf (the fixnum *steps-to-be-done*)))
370 (when (and *steps-to-be-done* (> (the fixnum *steps-to-be-done*) 0))
371 (return-from cafein-stepper nil))
372 (unless *steps-to-be-done* (return-from cafein-stepper nil))))
373373 ;;
374374 ;; print current term
375375 (format t "~&>> stepper term: ")
379379 (loop
380380 (block next-loop
381381 (with-chaos-top-error ()
382 (with-chaos-error ()
383 (let ((inp (get-step-command)))
384 (unless (listp inp) (return-from next-loop))
385 ;; QUIT
386 (when (member (car inp) '("eof" "q" ":q" "quit" ":quit" eof) :test #'equal)
387 (step-off)
388 (return-from cafein-stepper nil))
389 ;;
390 (let* ((key (car inp))
391 (proc (find-if #'(lambda (elt)
392 (member key (car elt) :test #'equal))
393 cafein-stepper-procs)))
394 (if proc
395 (funcall (cdr proc) inp)
396 (progn
397 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
398 (format t "unknow step command ~a." inp)
399 (print-next)
400 (format t "type :? for help."))))))))))))
382 (with-chaos-error ()
383 (let ((inp (get-step-command)))
384 (unless (listp inp) (return-from next-loop))
385 ;; QUIT
386 (when (member (car inp) '("eof" "q" ":q" "quit" ":quit" eof) :test #'equal)
387 (step-off)
388 (return-from cafein-stepper nil))
389 ;;
390 (let* ((key (car inp))
391 (proc (find-if #'(lambda (elt)
392 (member key (car elt) :test #'equal))
393 cafein-stepper-procs)))
394 (if proc
395 (funcall (cdr proc) inp)
396 (progn
397 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
398 (format t "unknow step command ~a." inp)
399 (print-next)
400 (format t "type :? for help."))))))))))))
402402 (defvar *step-commands* nil)
404404 (defun get-step-command ()
405405 (let ((.reader-ch. 'space)
406 (*reader-input* *reader-void*)
407 (*old-context* nil)
408 (top-level? (at-top-level)))
406 (*reader-input* *reader-void*)
407 (*old-context* nil)
408 (top-level? (at-top-level)))
409409 (with-chaos-top-error ()
410410 (with-chaos-error ()
411 (when top-level?
412 (format t "~&STEP[~D]? " *rule-count*)
413 (force-output))
414 (reader 'step-commands *step-commands*)))))
411 (when top-level?
412 (format t "~&STEP[~D]? " *rule-count*)
413 (force-output))
414 (reader 'step-commands *step-commands*)))))
416416 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
417417 (setq *step-commands*
418 '((step-commands
419 (:one-of
421 ;; end of step (just stop now).
422 #-CMU (#\^D)
423 #+CMU (#\)
424 (eof)
425 ((:+ q |:q|))
427 ;; continue rewriting and exit from stepping mode.
428 ((:+ c |:c| continue |:continue|))
430 ;; stop pattern
431 ((:+ stop |:stop|) :top-term)
433 ;; rewrite limit
434 ((:+ rwt rewrite |:rwt| |:rewrite|) :symbol)
436 ;; step to next
437 ((:+ n |:n| next |:next|))
439 ;; step N step
440 ((:+ g go |:g| |:go|) :int)
442 ;; abort
443 ((:+ a |:a| abort |:abort|))
445 ;; show infos
446 ((:+ r |:r| |:rule| rule))
447 ((:+ s |:s| subst |:subst|))
448 ((:+ p |:p| pattern |:pattern|))
449 ((:+ l |:l| limit |:limit|))
451 ;; some useful top level commands
452 ((:+ match unify) (:seq-of :term) to (:seq-of :term) |.|)
453 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
454 (:call (read)))
455 ((:+ show sh set describe desc)
456 (:seq-of :top-opname))
457 ;;
458 (cd :symbol)
459 #-(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :symbol)
460 #+(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :top-term)
461 (pwd)
462 (! :top-term)
463 ((+ ? |:?| |:h| h |:help| help))
464 ))
465 (Selector
466 (:one-of
467 ;; (term) (top) (subterm)
468 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
469 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
470 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
471 )))
418 '((step-commands
419 (:one-of
421 ;; end of step (just stop now).
422 #-CMU (#\^D)
423 #+CMU (#\)
424 (eof)
425 ((:+ q |:q|))
427 ;; continue rewriting and exit from stepping mode.
428 ((:+ c |:c| continue |:continue|))
430 ;; stop pattern
431 ((:+ stop |:stop|) :top-term)
433 ;; rewrite limit
434 ((:+ rwt rewrite |:rwt| |:rewrite|) :symbol)
436 ;; step to next
437 ((:+ n |:n| next |:next|))
439 ;; step N step
440 ((:+ g go |:g| |:go|) :int)
442 ;; abort
443 ((:+ a |:a| abort |:abort|))
445 ;; show infos
446 ((:+ r |:r| |:rule| rule))
447 ((:+ s |:s| subst |:subst|))
448 ((:+ p |:p| pattern |:pattern|))
449 ((:+ l |:l| limit |:limit|))
451 ;; some useful top level commands
452 ((:+ match unify) (:seq-of :term) to (:seq-of :term) |.|)
453 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
454 (:call (read)))
455 ((:+ show sh set describe desc)
456 (:seq-of :top-opname))
457 ;;
458 (cd :symbol)
459 #-(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :symbol)
460 #+(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :top-term)
461 (pwd)
462 (! :top-term)
463 ((+ ? |:?| |:h| h |:help| help))
464 ))
465 (Selector
466 (:one-of
467 ;; (term) (top) (subterm)
468 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
469 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
470 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
471 )))
474474 ;;; ("rwt" <number>)
475475 ;;;
476476 (defun cafein-rewrite-count-limit-proc (inp)
477477 (declare (type list inp)
478 (values t))
478 (values t))
479479 (let ((count (cadr inp)))
480480 (if (member count '("off" "none" ".") :test #'equal)
481 (eval-ast (%rewrite-count* 'off))
482 (eval-ast (%rewrite-count* count)))))
481 (eval-ast (%rewrite-count* 'off))
482 (eval-ast (%rewrite-count* count)))))
484484 ;;; STOP AT PATTERN
485485 ;;; ("stop" <term> ".")
522522 (declare (ignore inp))
523523 ;; (format t "~&[current rewrite rule]: ")
524524 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
525 (*print-with-sort* t))
525 (*print-with-sort* t))
526526 (print-chaos-object *cafein-current-rule*)))
528528 ;;; SHOW SUBST
568568 (declare (ignore ignore))
569569 (print-next)
570570 (format t "[rewrite limit]: ~a" (if *rewrite-count-limit*
571 *rewrite-count-limit*
572 "not specified.")))
571 *rewrite-count-limit*
572 "not specified.")))
574574 (defun cafein-show-stop-pattern (&rest ignore)
575575 (declare (ignore ignore))
577577 (format t "[stop pattern]: ")
578578 (if *rewrite-stop-pattern*
579579 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
580 (*print-with-sort* t))
581 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
580 (*print-with-sort* t))
581 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
582582 (princ "not specified.")))
584584 ;;; EOF
0 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
1 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
6 ;;; are met:
7 ;;;
8 ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9 ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
12 ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
13 ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
14 ;;; provided with the distribution.
15 ;;;
27 ;;;
28 (in-package :chaos)
29 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:reducer.lisp
33 =============================================================================|#
34 #-:chaos-debug
35 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) #-GCL (debug 0)))
36 #+:chaos-debug
37 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
40 ;;; ========
41 ;;; REDUCER
42 ;;; provides term rewriting eclosed within computing environment.
43 ;;; ========
44 (declaim (inline begin-parse end-parse time-for-parsing-in-seconds
45 begin-rewrite end-rewrite time-for-rewriting-in-seconds
46 number-metches number-rewritings number-memo-hits
47 clear-rewriting-fc prepare-term reset-rewrite-counters
48 prepare-reduction-env reducer reducer-no-stat))
51 (let ((*m-pattern-subst* nil)
52 (.rwl-context-stack. nil)
53 (.rwl-states-so-far. 0)
54 (*rewrite-exec-mode* nil)
55 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
56 ($$mod nil)
57 (*steps-to-be-done* 0)
58 ($$matches 0)
59 (*perform-on-demand-reduction* nil)
60 (*rule-count* 0)
61 (*term-memo-hash-hit* 0)
62 ($$term nil)
63 ($$term-context nil)
64 ($$cond nil)
65 ($$target-term nil)
66 ($$norm nil)
67 (*do-empty-match* nil)
68 (parse-begin-time 0)
69 (time-for-parsing 0.0)
70 (rewrite-begin-time 0)
71 (time-for-rewriting 0.0))
72 (declare (special *m-pattern-subst*
73 .rwl-context-stack.
74 .rwl-states-so-far.
75 *rewrite-exec-mode*
76 *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
77 $$mod
78 *steps-to-be-done*
79 $$matches
80 *perforom-on-demand-reduction*
81 *rule-count*
82 *term-memo-hash-hit*
83 $$target-term
84 $$term
85 $$term-context
86 $$cond
87 $$target-term
88 $$norm
89 *do-empty-match*))
90 (declare (type (or null t) *perform-on-demand-reduction* *do-empty-match*)
91 (type fixnum *steps-to-be-done* $$matches *rule-count* .rwl-states-so-far.
92 *term-memo-hash-hit*)
93 (type list *m-pattern-subst* .rwl-context-stack.)
94 (type (or null module) $$mod)
95 (type integer parse-begin-time rewrite-begin-time)
96 (type float time-for-parsing time-for-rewriting))
98 (defun reset-parse-time ()
99 (setf time-for-parsing 0.0))
101 (defun begin-parse ()
102 (setf parse-begin-time (get-internal-run-time)))
104 (defun end-parse ()
105 (setf time-for-parsing (elapsed-time-in-seconds parse-begin-time
106 (get-internal-run-time))))
108 (defun time-for-parsing-in-seconds ()
109 time-for-parsing)
111 (defun begin-rewrite ()
112 (setf rewrite-begin-time (get-internal-run-time)))
114 (defun end-rewrite ()
115 (setf time-for-rewriting (elapsed-time-in-seconds rewrite-begin-time
116 (get-internal-run-time))))
118 (defun time-for-rewriting-in-seconds ()
119 time-for-rewriting)
121 (defun number-matches ()
122 $$matches)
124 (defun number-rewritings ()
125 *rule-count*)
127 (defun number-memo-hits ()
128 *term-memo-hash-hit*)
130 ;;
131 (defun clear-rewriting-fc (module mode)
132 (setf *m-pattern-subst* nil
133 .rwl-context-stack. nil
134 .rwl-sch-context. nil
135 .rwl-states-so-far. 0
136 *steps-to-be-done* 1
137 *do-empty-match* nil
138 *rewrite-exec-mode* (or (eq mode :exec) (eq mode :exec+))
139 *rewrite-semantic-reduce* (and (eq mode :red)
140 (module-has-behavioural-axioms module))))
142 ;; prepare-term
143 ;; NOTE: this always record the time cosumed for parsing the given term.
144 (defun prepare-term (pre-term module)
145 (declare (type module module))
146 ;; be ready for parsing
147 (prepare-for-parsing module)
148 (reset-parse-time)
149 ;; setup target term
150 (if (termp pre-term)
151 (setq $$target-term pre-term)
152 ;; not yet parsed term
153 (progn
154 (begin-parse)
155 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
156 (target-term (simple-parse module pre-term *cosmos*)))
157 (end-parse)
158 (when (or (null (term-sort target-term))
159 (sort<= (term-sort target-term) *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
160 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-target-term)
161 (format t "Could not parse the reduction target ~s" pre-term)))
162 (setq $$target-term target-term))))
163 ;; setup $$term
164 (reset-target-term $$target-term module module)
165 $$target-term)
167 ;; reset-rewrite-counters
168 ;; initialize rewriting counters.
169 (defun reset-rewrite-counters ()
170 (setf $$matches 0
171 *rule-count* 0
172 *term-memo-hash-hit* 0))
174 ;; reset-term-memo-table
175 (defun reset-term-memo-table (module)
176 (unless (eq module (get-context-module t))
177 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*)))
179 ;; prepare-reduction-env
180 ;; all-in-one proc for setting up environment variables for rewriting,
181 ;; returns evaluated 'context-module'.
182 (defun prepare-reduction-env (term context-module mode stat-reset)
183 (let ((module (if (module-p context-module)
184 context-module
185 ;; we got a module expression
186 (eval-modexp context-module))))
187 (unless (module-p module)
188 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-context)
189 (format t "Invalid context module ~s" context-module)))
190 ;; initialize term memo iff proposed rewring context is different from the current one.
191 (reset-term-memo-table module)
192 ;; setup target term
193 (prepare-term term module)
194 ;; reset statistics
195 (when stat-reset (reset-rewrite-counters))
196 ;; set up various flags and counters used in rewriting process
197 (clear-rewriting-fc module mode)
198 ;; returns the evaluated context module
199 module))
201 ;; generate-statistics-form
202 (defun generate-statistics-form ()
203 (let ((stat-form ""))
204 (declare (type string stat-form))
205 (setq stat-form
206 (format nil "(~a sec for parse, ~a sec for ~d rewrites + ~d matches"
207 (format nil "~,4f" (time-for-parsing-in-seconds))
208 (format nil "~,4f" (time-for-rewriting-in-seconds))
209 (number-rewritings)
210 (number-matches)))
211 (concatenate 'string stat-form
212 (if (zerop (number-memo-hits))
213 ")"
214 (format nil ", ~d memo hits)" (number-memo-hits))))))
216 (defun generate-statistics-form-rewriting-only ()
217 (let ((stat-form ""))
218 (declare (type string stat-form))
219 (setf stat-form
220 (format nil "(consumed ~a sec, including ~d rewrites + ~d matches"
221 (format nil "~,4f" (time-for-rewriting-in-seconds))
222 (number-rewritings)
223 (number-matches)))
224 (concatenate 'string stat-form
225 (if (zerop (number-memo-hits))
226 ")"
227 (format nil ", ~d memo hits)" (number-memo-hits))))))
229 ;; REDUCER
230 ;; perform reduction
231 (defun reducer (term context-module rewrite-mode)
232 (with-in-module ((prepare-reduction-env term context-module rewrite-mode t))
233 ;; be ready for rewriting
234 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
235 ;; now start
236 (begin-rewrite)
237 ;; do the reduction
238 (catch 'rewrite-abort
239 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
240 (rewrite-exec $$target-term *current-module* rewrite-mode)
241 (rewrite $$target-term *current-module* rewrite-mode)))
242 (end-rewrite)
243 $$term))
246 ;; perform reduction, but does not maintain statistical data
247 ;; caller is responsible for calling
248 ;; (reset-rewrite-counters)-(begin-rewrite)-(end-rewrite)
249 (defun reducer-no-stat (term context-module rewrite-mode)
250 (with-in-module ((prepare-reduction-env term context-module rewrite-mode nil))
251 ;; be ready for rewriting
252 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
253 (catch 'rewrite-abort
254 (if *rewrite-exec-mode*
255 (rewrite-exec $$target-term *current-module* rewrite-mode)
256 (rewrite $$target-term *current-module* rewrite-mode))))
257 $$term)
259 (defun simplify-on-top (term context-module)
260 (declare (type term term)
261 (values t))
262 (with-in-module ((prepare-reduction-env term context-module :red nil))
263 (catch 'rewrite-abort
264 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
265 (apply-rules-with-different-top term
266 (method-rules-with-different-top
267 (term-method term)))
268 term))))
269 )
272 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:rengine.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:cafein
32 File:rengine.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5757 #-GCL (declaim (inline term-hash-equal))
5858 #-(or GCL CMU)
5959 (defun term-hash-equal (x)
60 (logand term-hash-mask (sxhash x)))
60 (logand term-hash-mask (sxhash x)))
6161 #+CMU
6262 (defun term-hash-equal (x)
63 (sxhash x))
64 #+GCL
63 (sxhash x))
64 #+GCL
6565 (si:define-inline-function term-hash-equal (x) (sxhash x))
6767 #+GCL
102102 ;; (declare (type term-hash-key x y))
103103 (the term-hash-key (logand term-hash-mask (logand term-hash-mask (+ x y)))))
105 ;#+GCL
106 ;(si:define-inline-function term-hash-comb (x y)
107 ; (make-and term-hash-mask (+ x y)))
105 ;#+GCL
106 ;(si:define-inline-function term-hash-comb (x y)
107 ; (make-and term-hash-mask (+ x y)))
109109 ;;; #+GCL
110110 ;;; (si:define-inline-function term-hash-comb (x y)
117117 ;;; (defvar *on-term-hash-debug* nil)
119119 (defstruct term-hash
120 (size term-hash-size :type (unsigned-byte 14) :read-only t)
121 (table nil :type (or null simple-array)) )
120 (size term-hash-size :type (unsigned-byte 14) :read-only t)
121 (table nil :type (or null simple-array)) )
123123 (defun hash-term (term)
124124 (cond ((term-is-applform? term)
125 (let ((res (sxhash (the symbol (method-id-symbol (term-head term))))))
126 (dolist (subterm (term-subterms term))
127 (setq res (term-hash-comb res (hash-term subterm))))
128 res))
129 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
130 (term-hash-comb (sxhash (the symbol (sort-id (term-sort term))))
131 (term-hash-equal (term-builtin-value term))))
132 ((term-is-variable? term) (term-hash-eq term))))
125 (let ((res (sxhash (the symbol (method-id-symbol (term-head term))))))
126 (dolist (subterm (term-subterms term))
127 (setq res (term-hash-comb res (hash-term subterm))))
128 res))
129 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
130 (term-hash-comb (sxhash (the symbol (sort-id (term-sort term))))
131 (term-hash-equal (term-builtin-value term))))
132 ((term-is-variable? term) (term-hash-eq term))))
134134 (defun dump-term-hash (term-hash &optional (size term-hash-size))
135 (dotimes (x size)
136 (let ((ent (svref term-hash x)))
137 (when ent
138 (format t "~%[~3d]: ~d entrie(s)" x (length ent))
139 (dotimes (y (length ent))
140 (let ((e (nth y ent)))
141 (format t "~%(~d)" y)
142 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
143 (term-print (car e))
144 (print-next)
145 (princ "==>")
146 (print-next)
147 (term-print (cdr e)))))))))
135 (dotimes (x size)
136 (let ((ent (svref term-hash x)))
137 (when ent
138 (format t "~%[~3d]: ~d entrie(s)" x (length ent))
139 (dotimes (y (length ent))
140 (let ((e (nth y ent)))
141 (format t "~%(~d)" y)
142 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
143 (term-print (car e))
144 (print-next)
145 (princ "==>")
146 (print-next)
147 (term-print (cdr e)))))))))
149149 #-GCL
150150 (declaim (inline get-hashed-term))
164164 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
165165 set-hashed-term (term term-hash value)
166166 (let ((val (hash-term term)))
167 (let ((ind (mod val term-hash-size)))
168 (let ((ent (svref term-hash ind)))
169 (let ((pr (assoc term ent :test #'term-is-similar?)))
170 (if pr (rplacd pr value)
171 (setf (svref term-hash ind) (cons (cons term value) ent))) )))))
167 (let ((ind (mod val term-hash-size)))
168 (let ((ent (svref term-hash ind)))
169 (let ((pr (assoc term ent :test #'term-is-similar?)))
170 (if pr (rplacd pr value)
171 (setf (svref term-hash ind) (cons (cons term value) ent))) )))))
173173 ;;; *TERM-MEMO-TABLE*
198198 (defun set-term-color-top (term)
199199 (if (not *beh-rewrite*)
200200 (if (sort-is-hidden (term-sort term))
201 (set-term-color term :red)
202 (set-term-color term))
201 (set-term-color term :red)
202 (set-term-color term))
203203 (set-term-color term)))
205205 (defun set-term-color (term &optional red?)
206206 (labels ((set-color (term set-red)
207 (if set-red
208 (progn
209 (term-set-red term)
210 (when (term-is-applform? term)
211 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
212 (when (sort-is-hidden (term-sort sub))
213 (set-color sub :red)))))
214 (when (term-is-applform? term)
215 (let* ((head (term-head term))
216 (is-beh-coh-context
217 (or (method-is-behavioural head)
218 (method-is-coherent head)
219 (eq head *beh-eq-pred*) ; =b=
220 (eq head *beh-equal*) ; =*=
221 (and *beh-rewrite*
222 (or (eq head *bool-equal*) ; ==
223 (eq head *bool-nonequal*) ; =/=
224 ))))
225 (i-am-red nil))
226 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
227 (if (sort-is-hidden (term-sort sub))
228 (if is-beh-coh-context
229 (progn
230 (set-color sub nil))
231 (progn
232 (setq i-am-red t)
233 (set-color sub :red)))
234 ;;
235 (set-color sub nil)))
236 (if i-am-red
237 (term-set-red term)
238 (term-set-green term)))))
239 )) ; end labels
207 (if set-red
208 (progn
209 (term-set-red term)
210 (when (term-is-applform? term)
211 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
212 (when (sort-is-hidden (term-sort sub))
213 (set-color sub :red)))))
214 (when (term-is-applform? term)
215 (let* ((head (term-head term))
216 (is-beh-coh-context
217 (or (method-is-behavioural head)
218 (method-is-coherent head)
219 (eq head *beh-eq-pred*) ; =b=
220 (eq head *beh-equal*) ; =*=
221 (and *beh-rewrite*
222 (or (eq head *bool-equal*) ; ==
223 (eq head *bool-nonequal*) ; =/=
224 ))))
225 (i-am-red nil))
226 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
227 (if (sort-is-hidden (term-sort sub))
228 (if is-beh-coh-context
229 (progn
230 (set-color sub nil))
231 (progn
232 (setq i-am-red t)
233 (set-color sub :red)))
234 ;;
235 (set-color sub nil)))
236 (if i-am-red
237 (term-set-red term)
238 (term-set-green term)))))
239 )) ; end labels
240240 ;;
241241 (unless (or *beh-rewrite* *rewrite-semantic-reduce*)
242242 (return-from set-term-color term))
253 #||
254 (defun check-beh-context (rule target-term)
255 (declare (ignore rule))
256 (or (not (term-is-red target-term))
257 (and *beh-rewrite*
258 (eq $$term target-term))))
260253 (defmacro beh-context-ok? (rule term)
261254 `(if (axiom-is-behavioural ,rule)
262 (check-beh-context ,rule ,term)
263 t))
265 ||#
267 (defmacro beh-context-ok? (rule term)
268 `(if (axiom-is-behavioural ,rule)
269 (or (not (term-is-red ,term))
270 (and *beh-rewrite*
271 (eq $$term ,term)))
255 (or (not (term-is-red ,term))
256 (and *beh-rewrite*
257 (eq $$term ,term)))
272258 t))
274260 (declaim (inline apply-rules-with-same-top apply-rules-with-different-top))
276262 ;;; ----------------------------------------
279 (defmacro term-replace-with-memo (old new)
280 (once-only (old new)
281 ` (if (and (not (term-is-builtin-constant? ,old))
282 (or *always-memo*
283 (method-has-memo (term-head ,old))))
284 (progn
285 (set-hashed-term (simple-copy-term ,old) *term-memo-table* ,new)
286 (term-replace ,old ,new))
287 (term-replace ,old ,new))))
264 (defvar *memo-debug* nil)
289266 (declaim (inline term-replace-dd-simple))
290267 #-gcl
291268 (defun term-replace-dd-simple (old new)
292269 (declare (type term old new)
293 (values term-body))
270 (values term-body))
294271 (incf *rule-count*)
295272 (term-replace old new))
299276 (incf *rule-count*)
300277 (term-replace old new))
302 #||
303 (defun apply-one-rule-simple (rule term)
304 (declare (type axiom rule)
305 (type term term)
306 (values (or null t)))
307 #||
308 (when (rule-non-exec rule)
309 (return-from apply-one-rule-simple nil))
310 ||#
311 ;; ________
312 #||
313 (when (and *rewrite-debug* (err-sort-p (term-sort term)))
314 (format t "~&..ERR_TERM: ")
315 (term-print-with-sort term))
316 ||#
317 ;; ________
318 (setq *cafein-current-rule* rule)
319 ;;
320 (let ((applied nil))
321 (setq applied
322 (block the-end
323 (let* ((condition nil)
324 (next-match-method nil)
325 (*self* term)
326 (builtin-failure nil))
327 #||
328 (when *m-pattern-subst*
329 (term-replace-dd-simple
330 term
331 (set-term-color
332 (substitution-image-simplifying *m-pattern-subst*
333 term
334 (rule-need-copy rule))))
335 (when *rewrite-debug*
336 (format t "~&[applied *m-pattern-subst*]")
337 (print-substitution *m-pattern-subst*)
338 (format t "--> ")
339 (term-print-with-sort term)))
340 ||#
341 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
342 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
343 (incf $$matches)
344 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
346 ;; check behavioural context.
347 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule term)
348 (return-from the-end nil))
350 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
351 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
353 ;; match success
354 ;; check the rule condition:
355 (setq condition (rule-condition rule))
356 (when (and (is-true? condition)
357 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
358 ;; no condition, i.e. condition = true
359 (setq builtin-failure
360 (catch 'rule-failure
361 (progn
362 ;; there is no condition --
363 ;; rewrite term.
364 (term-replace-dd-simple
365 term
366 ;; NOTE that the computation of the substitution
367 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
368 ;; NOTE also, subst... may throw 'rule-failure
369 ;; with non-nil value meaning failure of applying built-in rule.
370 (set-term-color
371 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
372 (rule-rhs rule)
373 (rule-need-copy rule))))
374 ;; return with success
375 (return-from the-end t)))))
376 ;;
377 (setq next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
378 ;;
379 (when builtin-failure
380 ;; this means that the term contains some variables:
381 ;; if we are lucky, we may find a successful match.
382 (loop
383 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
384 (progn
385 (incf $$matches)
386 (funcall next-match-method global-state)))
387 (when no-match
388 ;; no hope
389 (return-from the-end nil))
390 ;;
391 ;; ok try another case:
392 (catch 'rule-failure
393 (term-replace-dd-simple
394 term
395 (set-term-color
396 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
397 (rule-rhs rule)
398 (rule-need-copy rule))))
399 ;; good!
400 (return-from the-end t))))
402 ;; this is the case for non-simple condition:
403 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
404 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
405 ;; is satisfied.
406 ;; (setq next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
407 (loop
408 (when (and *condition-trial-limit*
409 (> $$trials *condition-trial-limit*))
410 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
411 (format t "~&Infinite loop? Evaluating rule condition, exceeds trial limit: ~d" $$trials)
412 (format t "~%terminates rewriting: ")
413 (term-print $$term))
414 (chaos-error 'too-deep))
415 ;;
416 (catch 'rule-failure
417 (when (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
418 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
419 (rule-id-condition rule)))
420 (is-true? (let (($$cond (set-term-color
421 (substitution-image-cp subst condition)))
422 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
423 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
424 *rewrite-exec-mode*
425 nil))
426 ($$trials (1+ $$trials)))
427 ;;
428 (when *rewrite-debug*
429 (princ "[COND] ")
430 (term-print $$cond))
431 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
432 (normalize-term $$cond)
433 ;; :=
434 ;;#||
435 (when *m-pattern-subst*
436 (setq subst (append *m-pattern-subst* subst))
437 (when *rewrite-debug*
438 (format t "~&[subst+] ")
439 (print-substitution subst)
440 (format t "~&[subst-updated] ")
441 (print-substitution subst)))
442 ;;||#
443 ;;
444 $$cond)))
445 ;; the condition is satisfied
446 (progn
447 #||
448 (when *m-pattern-subst*
449 (setq subst (append *m-pattern-subst* subst))
450 (when *rewrite-debug*
451 (format t "~&[m+s4] ")
452 (print-substitution subst)))
453 ||#
454 (when *rewrite-debug*
455 (format *error-output* "~&SUBST:")
456 (print-substitution subst))
457 (term-replace-dd-simple
458 term
459 (set-term-color
460 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
461 (rule-rhs rule)
462 (rule-need-copy rule))))
463 ;; successful return
464 ;; (setq *m-pattern-subst* nil)
465 (return-from the-end t))))
466 ;; else, try another ...
467 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
468 (progn
469 (incf $$matches)
470 (funcall next-match-method global-state)))
471 ;;
472 (when (or no-match
473 (not (beh-context-ok? rule term)))
474 (return-from the-end nil))
475 ) ; end loop
476 ))))
477 ;;
478 (setq *m-pattern-subst* nil)
479 applied))
480 ||#
279 (declaim (special *m-pattern-subst* $$cond))
280 (defvar *m-pat-debug* nil)
482282 (defun !apply-one-rule (rule term &aux (applied nil))
483283 (declare (type axiom rule)
492292 ;; apply rule
493293 (setq *cafein-current-rule* rule)
494 ;;
294 ;; before rewriting, check if := matching has been done in this context
495295 (when (and *m-pattern-subst* $$cond)
496296 (let ((nt (set-term-color
497 (substitution-image-simplifying *m-pattern-subst*
498 term
499 (rule-need-copy rule)))))
297 (substitution-image-simplifying *m-pattern-subst*
298 term
299 (rule-need-copy rule)))))
300 ;; substitute variables in the current target with subst obtained by := match.
500301 (term-replace term nt)
501 (when *rewrite-debug*
502 (format t "~&[applied *m-pattern-subst*]")
503 (print-substitution *m-pattern-subst*)
504 (format t "--> ")
505 (term-print-with-sort term))))
506 ;;
507 (setq applied
302 (when *m-pat-debug*
303 (format t "~&[applied *m-pattern-subst*]")
304 (print-substitution *m-pattern-subst*)
305 (format t "--> ")
306 (term-print-with-sort term))))
307 ;; start rewriting
308 (setq applied ; will be t iff a rewrite rule is applied
508309 (block the-end
509310 (let* ((condition nil)
510 (cur-trial nil)
511 (next-match-method nil)
512 (*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*))
513 (*print-indent* *print-indent*)
514 (*self* term)
515 (builtin-failure nil)
516 (rhs-instance nil))
517 #||
518 (when *rewrite-debug*
519 (format t "~&+rule-first-match-method=~a" (rule-first-match-method rule)))
520 ||#
521 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
522 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
523 (incf $$matches)
524 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
525 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
526 ;;
527 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule term)
528 (return-from the-end nil))
530 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
531 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
532 ;; match success
533 ;; then, the condition must be checked
534 (setq condition (rule-condition rule))
535 (when (and (is-true? condition)
536 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
537 (setq builtin-failure
538 (catch 'rule-failure
539 ;; there is no condition --
540 ;; rewrite term.
541 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
542 (rule-trace-flag rule))
543 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
544 (print-trace-in)
545 (princ "rule: ")
546 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
547 (print-axiom-brief rule))
548 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
549 (print-next)
550 (print-substitution subst))))
551 ;; note that the computation of the substitution
552 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
553 (setq rhs-instance (set-term-color
554 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
555 (rule-rhs rule)
556 (rule-need-copy rule))))
557 (if .trace-or-step.
558 (term-replace-dd-dbg term rhs-instance)
559 (term-replace-dd-simple term rhs-instance))
560 (return-from the-end t))))
561 ;;
562 (setq next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
563 ;;
564 (when builtin-failure
565 ;; this means that the term contains some variables:
566 ;; if we are lucky, we may find a successful match.
567 (loop
568 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
569 (rule-trace-flag rule))
570 (with-output-msg ()
571 (format t "!! built in rule failed !!")))
572 ;;
573 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
574 (progn
575 (incf $$matches)
576 (funcall next-match-method global-state)))
577 (when no-match
578 ;; no hope
579 (return-from the-end nil))
580 ;;
581 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
582 (setq cur-trial $$trials)
583 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
584 (rule-trace-flag rule))
585 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
586 (print-trace-in)
587 (princ "-- rule: ")
588 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
589 (print-axiom-brief rule))
590 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
591 (print-next)
592 (print-substitution subst))
593 (force-output)))
594 ;;
595 (catch 'rule-failure
596 (setq rhs-instance (set-term-color
597 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
598 (rule-rhs rule)
599 (rule-need-copy rule))))
600 (if .trace-or-step.
601 (term-replace-dd-dbg term rhs-instance)
602 (term-replace-dd-simple term rhs-instance))
603 (return-from the-end t))))
605 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
606 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
607 ;; is satisfied.
608 (loop
609 ;;
610 (when (and *condition-trial-limit*
611 (>= $$trials *condition-trial-limit*))
612 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
613 (format t "~&Infinite loop? Evaluating rule condition, exceeds trial limit ~d" $$trials)
614 (format t "~%terminates rewriting: ")
615 (term-print $$term))
616 (chaos-error 'too-deep))
617 ;;
618 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
619 (setq cur-trial $$trials)
620 ;;
621 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
622 (rule-trace-flag rule))
623 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
624 (print-trace-in)
625 (format t "apply trial #~D" cur-trial)
626 (print-next)
627 (princ "-- rule: ")
628 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
629 (print-axiom-brief rule))
630 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
631 (print-next)
632 (print-substitution subst))
633 (force-output)))
634 (catch 'rule-failure
635 (when (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
636 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
637 (rule-id-condition rule)))
638 (is-true?
639 (let (($$cond (set-term-color
640 (substitution-image-cp subst condition)))
641 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
642 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
643 *rewrite-exec-mode*
644 nil))
645 ($$trials (1+ $$trials)))
646 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
647 (normalize-term $$cond)
648 ;; :=
649 (when *m-pattern-subst*
650 (dolist (sub *m-pattern-subst*)
651 (push sub subst))
652 (when *rewrite-debug*
653 (format t "~&[subst-+] ")
654 (print-substitution *m-pattern-subst*)
655 (format t "~&[subst-updated] ")
656 (print-substitution subst)))
657 $$cond)))
658 ;; the condition is satisfied
659 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
660 (rule-trace-flag rule))
661 (print-trace-in)
662 (format t "match success #~D" cur-trial))
663 (setq rhs-instance (set-term-color
664 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
665 (rule-rhs rule)
666 (rule-need-copy rule))))
667 (if .trace-or-step.
668 (term-replace-dd-dbg term rhs-instance)
669 (term-replace-dd-simple term rhs-instance))
670 (return-from the-end t)))
672 ;; else, try another ...
673 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
674 (progn
675 (incf $$matches)
676 (funcall next-match-method global-state)))
677 (when no-match
678 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
679 (rule-trace-flag rule))
680 (print-trace-in)
681 (format t "rewrite rule exhausted (#~D)" cur-trial)
682 (force-output))
683 (return))
684 ;;
685 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule term)
686 (return-from the-end nil))
687 ) ; end loop
688 )))) ; end of main process
311 (cur-trial nil)
312 (next-match-method nil)
313 (*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*))
314 (*print-indent* *print-indent*)
315 (*self* term)
316 (builtin-failure nil)
317 (rhs-instance nil))
318 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
319 ;; first we find matching rewrite rule
320 (funcall (or (rule-first-match-method rule)
321 (progn
322 (when *chaos-verbose*
323 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
324 (format t "Internal, no 'matching-mehod' is assigned for:")
325 (print-next)
326 (print-axiom-brief rule)))
327 (compute-rule-method rule)
328 (rule-first-match-method rule)))
329 (rule-lhs rule)
330 term)
331 ;; stat, count up number of matching trials
332 (incf $$matches)
333 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst) ; I don't remember for what this is used
334 ;; if matching fail no hope to rewriting.
335 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
336 ;;
337 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule term)
338 (return-from the-end nil))
340 ;; technical assignation related to substitution-image.
341 (when E-equal (setq subst nil))
342 ;; match success with LHS of the rewrite rule.
343 ;; next we check condition part of the rewrite rule.
344 (setq condition (rule-condition rule))
345 (when (and (is-true? condition)
346 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
347 ;; the case of non-conditional rule.
348 ;; we generate an instance of RHS of the rule.
349 (setq builtin-failure ; will be t iff there occured an error
350 ; in making instance of RHS with builtin lisp form.
351 (catch 'rule-failure
352 ;; there is no condition --
353 ;; rewrite term.
355 ;; handle trace
356 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
357 (rule-trace-flag rule))
358 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
359 (print-trace-in)
360 (princ "rule: ")
361 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
362 (print-axiom-brief rule))
363 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
364 (print-next)
365 (print-substitution subst))))
366 ;; note that the computation of the substitution
367 ;; made a copy of the rhs.
368 (setq rhs-instance (set-term-color
369 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
370 (rule-rhs rule)
371 (rule-need-copy rule))))
372 ;; rewrite the term with the instance of RHS.
373 (if .trace-or-step.
374 (term-replace-dd-dbg term rhs-instance)
375 (term-replace-dd-simple term rhs-instance))
376 ;; successfull rewriting.
377 (return-from the-end t))))
379 ;; We come here either catching an error with builtin rule
380 ;; or, the target rewrite rule is conditional.
381 ;; both case need trying different mathing if exists
382 (setq next-match-method (rule-next-match-method rule))
383 (when builtin-failure
384 ;; this means that the term contains some variables:
385 ;; if we are lucky, we may find a successful match.
386 (loop
387 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
388 (rule-trace-flag rule))
389 (with-output-msg ()
390 (format t "!! built in rule failed !!")))
391 ;;
392 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
393 (progn
394 (incf $$matches)
395 (funcall next-match-method global-state)))
396 (when no-match
397 ;; no more match, we failed
398 (return-from the-end nil))
399 ;; found another match, try rewrite with this
400 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst) ; what is this...
401 (setq cur-trial $$trials)
402 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
403 (rule-trace-flag rule))
404 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
405 (print-trace-in)
406 (princ "-- rule: ")
407 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
408 (print-axiom-brief rule))
409 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
410 (print-next)
411 (print-substitution subst))
412 (force-output)))
413 ;;
414 (catch 'rule-failure
415 (setq rhs-instance (set-term-color
416 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
417 (rule-rhs rule)
418 (rule-need-copy rule))))
419 (if .trace-or-step.
420 (term-replace-dd-dbg term rhs-instance)
421 (term-replace-dd-simple term rhs-instance))
422 (return-from the-end t))))
424 ;; here is the case of conditional rule.
425 ;; if the condition is not trivial, we enter in a loop
426 ;; where one try to find a match such that the condition
427 ;; is satisfied.
428 (loop
429 ;;
430 (when (and *condition-trial-limit*
431 (>= $$trials *condition-trial-limit*))
432 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
433 (format t "~%Infinite loop? Evaluating rule condition, exceeds trial limit ~d" $$trials)
434 (format t "~&terminates rewriting: ")
435 (term-print $$term))
436 (chaos-error 'too-deep))
437 ;;
438 (setq *cafein-current-subst* subst)
439 (setq cur-trial $$trials)
440 (when (= 1 cur-trial) (setq *m-pattern-subst* nil)) ; !!
441 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
442 (rule-trace-flag rule))
443 (let ((*print-with-sort* t))
444 (print-trace-in)
445 (format t "apply trial #~D" cur-trial)
446 (print-next)
447 (princ "-- rule: ")
448 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
449 (print-axiom-brief rule))
450 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
451 (print-next)
452 (print-substitution subst))
453 (force-output)))
454 (catch 'rule-failure
455 (when (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
456 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
457 (rule-id-condition rule)))
458 (is-true?
459 (let (($$cond (set-term-color
460 (substitution-image-cp subst condition)))
461 (*rewrite-exec-mode*
462 (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
463 *rewrite-exec-mode*
464 nil))
465 ($$trials (1+ $$trials)))
466 ;; no simplyfing since probably wouldn't pay
467 (normalize-term $$cond)
468 ;; :=
469 (when *m-pattern-subst*
470 (dolist (sub *m-pattern-subst*)
471 (push sub subst))
472 (when *m-pat-debug*
473 (format t "~%[subst-+] ")
474 (print-substitution *m-pattern-subst*)
475 (format t "~&[subst-updated] ")
476 (print-substitution subst)))
477 $$cond)))
478 ;; the condition is satisfied
479 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
480 (rule-trace-flag rule))
481 (print-trace-in)
482 (format t "match success #~D" cur-trial))
483 (setq rhs-instance (set-term-color
484 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
485 (rule-rhs rule)
486 (rule-need-copy rule))))
487 (if .trace-or-step.
488 (term-replace-dd-dbg term rhs-instance)
489 (term-replace-dd-simple term rhs-instance))
490 (return-from the-end t)))
492 ;; else, try another ...
493 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
494 (progn
495 (incf $$matches)
496 (funcall next-match-method global-state)))
497 (when no-match
498 (when (or $$trace-rewrite
499 (rule-trace-flag rule))
500 (print-trace-in)
501 (format t "rewrite rule exhausted (#~D)" cur-trial)
502 (force-output))
503 (return))
504 ;;
505 (unless (beh-context-ok? rule term)
506 (return-from the-end nil))
507 ) ; end loop
508 )))) ; end of main process
689509 ;;
690510 (unless $$cond
511 ;; we reset := substitution
691512 (setq *m-pattern-subst* nil))
692513 ;;
693514 (if applied
703524 nil)))
705526 (defun term-replace-dd-dbg (old new)
706 (declare (type term old new)
707 ;;(values term)
708 )
709 ;;
527 (declare (type term old new))
528 ;; stat number of rewriting
710529 (incf *rule-count*)
530 ;; check if given stop pattern was matched to the resultant term.
712531 (when *matched-to-stop-pattern*
532 ;; yes
713533 (unless *rewrite-stepping*
714534 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* nil)
715535 (throw 'rewrite-abort $$term)))
727547 (term-print-with-sort old)
728548 (print-check 0 5)
729549 (princ " --> ")
730 ;; (print-check)
731550 (term-print-with-sort new))
732551 (unless $$trace-rewrite-whole (terpri))))
733552 ;; trace whole
759578 ;; (print-check)
760579 (term-print-with-sort $$term))
761580 res))))
581 ;; after tracing, we finally rewrite the target
762582 (term-replace old new))
763 ;;
764583 ;; check rewrite count limit
765584 (when (and *rewrite-count-limit*
766585 (<= *rewrite-count-limit* *rule-count*))
767 (format *error-output* "~&>> aborting rewrite due to rewrite count limit (= ~d) <<"
586 (format *error-output* "~%>> aborting rewrite due to rewrite count limit (= ~d) <<"
768587 *rewrite-count-limit*)
769588 (throw 'rewrite-abort $$term))
770589 ;;
771590 $$term)
773 ;;;
774 ;;;
775 ;;;
776 #||
777 (defun apply-rules-with-same-top (term rule-ring)
778 (declare (type term term)
779 (type rule-ring rule-ring)
780 (values (or null t)))
781 (let ((rr-ring (rule-ring-ring rule-ring))
782 applied
783 flg)
784 (when rr-ring
785 (loop (let ((rr-current rr-ring)
786 (rr-mark rr-ring)
787 rule)
788 (setq applied nil)
789 (loop (setq rule (car rr-current))
790 (when (apply-rule rule term)
791 (setq applied (or applied t)
792 rr-mark rr-current)
793 (loop (unless (apply-rule rule term) (return nil))))
794 (setq rr-current (cdr rr-current))
795 (when (eq rr-current rr-mark) (return nil)))
796 (setq flg nil)
797 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
798 (setq flg (not (normalize-term sub)))
799 (setq applied (or applied flg)))
800 (unless applied (return-from apply-rules-with-same-top nil))
801 )))))
802 ||#
804592 (defun apply-rules-with-same-top (term rule-ring)
805593 (declare (type term term)
811599 rule)
812600 (loop
813601 (setq rule (car rr-current))
814 (when (apply-rule rule term)
815 (setq rr-mark rr-current)
816 (loop (unless (apply-rule rule term) (return nil))))
817 (setq rr-current (cdr rr-current))
818 (when (eq rr-current rr-mark) (return nil)))))))
820 ;;;
821 ;;;
602 (unless (eq (axiom-kind rule) :bad-rule)
603 (when (apply-rule rule term)
604 (setq rr-mark rr-current)
605 (loop (unless (apply-rule rule term) (return nil))))
606 (setq rr-current (cdr rr-current))
607 (when (eq rr-current rr-mark) (return nil))))))))
822609 (defun apply-rules-with-different-top (term rules)
823610 (declare (type term term)
824611 (type list rules)
825612 (values (or null t)))
826613 (block the-end
827614 (dolist (rule rules nil)
828 (when (apply-rule rule term) (return-from the-end t)))))
615 (unless (eq (axiom-kind rule) :bad-rule)
616 (when (apply-rule rule term) (return-from the-end t))))))
830618 (defun apply-rules (term strategy)
831619 (declare (type term term)
832620 (type list strategy)
833621 (values (or null t)))
834622 (labels ((apply-rules-internal ()
835 (let ((top nil))
836 (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term) (update-lowest-parse term))
837 (setq top (term-head term))
838 ;; apply same top rules
839 (apply-rules-with-same-top term (method-rules-with-same-top top))
840 ;;
841 (if (not (eq top (term-head term)))
842 (progn
843 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term)
844 (normalize-term term))
845 (if (apply-rules-with-different-top term
846 (method-rules-with-different-top top))
847 (progn
848 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term)
849 (normalize-term term))
850 (reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))))))
623 (let ((top nil))
624 ;; (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term) (update-lowest-parse term))
625 (setq top (term-head term))
626 ;; apply same top rules
627 (apply-rules-with-same-top term (method-rules-with-same-top top))
628 (if (not (eq top (term-head term)))
629 (progn
630 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term)
631 (normalize-term term))
632 (if (apply-rules-with-different-top term
633 (method-rules-with-different-top top))
634 (progn
635 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term)
636 (normalize-term term))
637 (reduce-term term (cdr strategy)))))))
851638 ;;
852639 (if *memo-rewrite*
853640 ;; check memo
1013800 (setq is-applied
1014801 (or (apply-A-extensions rule term top)
1015802 is-applied))
1016 )))))) ; end tagbody
803 )))))) ; end tagbody
1017804 ;; return t iff the rule is applied.
1018805 is-applied))
1020 (defun simplify-on-top (term)
1021 (declare (type term term)
1022 (values t))
1023 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
1024 (apply-rules-with-different-top term
1025 (method-rules-with-different-top
1026 (term-method term)))
1027 term))
1029 ;;;
807 ;;;
1031809 ;;;
1033811 ;;; the following procs assumes that the runtime environment is properly set:
1038816 ;;; REWRITE : TERM -> TERM' ----------------------------------------------------
1039817 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1041 #||
1042819 (defun reduce-term (term strategy)
1043820 (declare (type term term)
1044821 (type list strategy)
1045822 (values (or null t)))
1046 ;;
1047 (when *rewrite-debug*
1048 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1049 (format t "[reduce-term](NF=~a,LP=~a): " (term-is-reduced? term) (term-is-lowest-parsed? term))
1050 (term-print-with-sort term)
1051 (format t "~% strat = ~a" strategy)))
1052 ;;
1053 (let ((occ nil)
1054 (top (term-head term))
1055 ;; (*cexec-target* nil)
1056 )
1057 (cond ((null strategy)
1058 ;; no strat, or exhausted.
1059 (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
1060 (update-lowest-parse term)
1061 (unless (method= (term-method term) top)
1062 (when *rewrite-debug*
1063 (with-output-msg ()
1064 (format t "- resetting reduced flag ...")))
1065 (reset-reduced-flag term)
1066 (return-from reduce-term (normalize-term term))))
1067 (unless (or *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
1068 *beh-rewrite*)
1069 (mark-term-as-reduced term)))
1071 ;; whole
1072 ((= 0 (the fixnum (setf occ (car strategy))))
1073 (unless (term-is-reduced? term)
1074 #||
1075 (when *parse-normalize*
1076 (term-replace term
1077 (right-associative-normal-form term)))
1078 ||#
1079 (apply-rules term strategy)))
1081 ;; explicit lazy
1082 ((< (the fixnum occ) 0)
1083 (let ((d-arg (term-arg-n term (1- (abs occ)))))
1084 (unless (term-is-reduced? d-arg) (mark-term-as-on-demand d-arg))
1085 (reduce-term term (cdr strategy))))
1087 ;; normal case, reduce specified subterm
1088 (t (if (method-is-associative top)
1089 (let ((list-subterms (list-assoc-subterms term top))
1090 (lp t))
1091 (dolist (x list-subterms)
1092 (unless (normalize-term x)
1093 (setq lp nil))
1094 )
1095 (unless lp ; nil
1096 (update-lowest-parse term)
1097 )
1098 (reduce-term term '(0)))
1099 (progn
1100 (unless (normalize-term (term-arg-n term (1- occ)))
1101 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
1102 (reduce-term term (cdr strategy))))))))
1103 ||#
1105 (defun reduce-term (term strategy)
1106 (declare (type term term)
1107 (type list strategy)
1108 (values (or null t)))
1109 ;;
1110823 (when *rewrite-debug*
1111824 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1112825 (format t "[reduce-term](NF=~a,LP=~a): " (term-is-reduced? term) (term-is-lowest-parsed? term))
1118831 (cond ((null strategy)
1119832 ;; no strat, or exhausted.
1120833 (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
1121 (update-lowest-parse term)
1122 (unless (method= (term-method term) top)
1123 (when *rewrite-debug*
1124 (with-output-msg ()
1125 (format t "- resetting reduced flag ...")))
834 (multiple-value-bind (xterm assoc?)
835 (update-lowest-parse term)
836 (declare (ignore xterm))
837 (when (or assoc?
838 (not (method= (term-method term) top)))
839 (when *rewrite-debug*
840 (with-output-msg ()
841 (format t "- resetting reduced flag ...")))
1126842 (reset-reduced-flag term)
1127 (return-from reduce-term (normalize-term term))))
843 (return-from reduce-term (normalize-term term)))))
1128844 (unless (or *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
1129845 *beh-rewrite*)
1130846 (mark-term-as-reduced term)))
1133849 ((= 0 (the fixnum (setf occ (car strategy))))
1134850 ;; (unless (term-is-reduced? term)
1135851 (apply-rules term strategy))
1136 ;; )
852 ;; )
1138854 ;; explicit lazy
1139855 ((< (the fixnum occ) 0)
1144860 ;; normal case, reduce specified subterm
1145861 (t (unless (normalize-term (term-arg-n term (1- occ)))
1146 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
1147 (reduce-term term (cdr strategy))))))
862 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed term))
863 (reduce-term term (cdr strategy))))))
1149865 ;;; THE TOP LEVEL -------------------------------------------------------------
1150866 ;;; term may be modified.
1172888 (rwl-state-term
1173889 (car (rwl-sch-context-answers .rwl-sch-context.))))
1174890 (with-output-chaos-error ()
1175 (format t "PANIC!"))
1176 ))
1177 )
891 (format t "PANIC!")))))
1179892 (otherwise
1180893 (setq $$trials 1)
1181894 (when *memo-rewrite*
1184897 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
1185898 (setq *memoized-module* module))
1186899 (let ((*trace-level* 0))
1187 (setq $$matches 0)
1188 (setq *term-memo-hash-hit* 0)
1189900 (with-in-module (module)
1190901 (let ((*beh-rewrite* (and (not *rewrite-semantic-reduce*)
1191902 (module-has-behavioural-axioms module))))
1192903 (declare (special *beh-rewrite*))
1193 ;;
1194904 (set-term-color-top term)
1195905 (normalize-term term))))))
1196906 term)
1235945 (rwl-state-term
1236946 (car (rwl-sch-context-answers .rwl-sch-context.))))
1237947 (with-output-chaos-error ()
1238 (format t "PANIC!"))
1239 ))
1240 )
948 (format t "PANIC!")))))
1242949 (otherwise
1243950 (setq $$trials 1)
1244951 (when *memo-rewrite*
1267974 ;; compute the normal form of "term"
1268975 (reduce-term term strategy)
1269976 (setq normal-form term)
1270 ;; store the normal form
1271977 (set-hashed-term term-nu *term-memo-table* normal-form))
1272978 normal-form))
1285991 (defun normalize-term (term)
1286992 (declare (type term term)
1287993 (values (or null t)))
1288 (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
1289 (update-lowest-parse term))
994 ;; (unless (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
995 ;; (update-lowest-parse term))
1290996 (when *rewrite-debug*
1291997 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1292998 (format t "[normalize-term]:(NF=~A,LP=~A,OD=~A) "
1293999 (term-is-reduced? term)
1294 (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
1000 (term-is-lowest-parsed? term)
12951001 (term-is-on-demand? term))
12961002 (term-print-with-sort term)))
12971003 (let ((strategy nil))
13251031 ;;;
13271033 ;;;*****************************************************************************
13291035 ;;;*****************************************************************************
13311037 ;;; APPLY-ONE-RULE-DBG
13351041 ;;;
13361042 ;;;
13371043 (defun print-trace-in ()
1338 (format *trace-output* "~&~d>[~a] " *trace-level* (1+ *rule-count*)))
1044 (format *trace-output* "~%~d>[~a] " *trace-level* (1+ *rule-count*)))
13401046 (defun print-trace-out ()
1341 (format *trace-output* "~&~d<[~a] " *trace-level* *rule-count*))
1047 (format *trace-output* "~%~d<[~a] " *trace-level* *rule-count*))
13431049 (defun cafein-pattern-match (pat term)
13441050 (declare (type term pat term)
13501056 nil)
13511057 (if (term-is-lisp-form? pat)
13521058 nil
1353 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1354 (first-match pat term)
1355 (declare (ignore gs sub eeq))
1356 (unless no-match
1357 (return-from cafein-pattern-match term))
1358 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
1059 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1060 (first-match pat term)
1061 (declare (ignore gs sub eeq))
1062 (unless no-match
1063 (return-from cafein-pattern-match term))
1064 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
13591065 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term) nil)
13601066 (let ((match (cafein-pattern-match pat sub)))
13611067 (when match
13621068 (return-from cafein-pattern-match match))))
13631069 nil)
1364 nil))))
1070 nil))))
13661072 (defun check-stop-pattern (term)
13671073 (declare (type term term)
13751081 (setq *matched-to-stop-pattern* term)
13761082 (if (eq matched term)
13771083 (progn
1378 (format t "~&>> term matches to stop pattern: ")
1084 (format t "~%>> term matches to stop pattern: ")
13791085 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
13801086 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
1381 (format t "~&<< will stop rewriting")
1087 (format t "~%<< will stop rewriting")
13821088 )
13831089 (progn
1384 (format t "~&>> subterm : ")
1090 (format t "~%>> subterm : ")
13851091 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
13861092 (term-print matched))
13871093 (format t "~& of term : ")
13901096 (format t "~& matches to stop pattern: ")
13911097 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 8)))
13921098 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
1393 (format t "~&<< will stop rewriting")
1099 (format t "~%<< will stop rewriting")
13941100 ))
13951101 (force-output))
13961102 ;;
14481154 (when (and *steps-to-be-done* (> (the fixnum *steps-to-be-done*) 0))
14491155 (return-from cafein-stepper nil))
14501156 (unless *steps-to-be-done* (return-from cafein-stepper nil))))
1451 ;;
14521157 ;; print current term
1453 (format t "~&>> taret: ")
1158 (format t "~%>> target: ")
14541159 (term-print term)
14551160 ;; prompt command
14561161 (catch 'cafein-stepper-exit
14871192 (with-chaos-top-error ()
14881193 (with-chaos-error ()
14891194 (when top-level?
1490 (format t "~&STEP[~D]? " *rule-count*)
1195 (format t "~%STEP[~D]? " *rule-count*)
14911196 (force-output))
14921197 (reader 'step-commands *step-commands*)))))
14941199 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
14951200 (setq *step-commands*
1496 '((step-commands
1497 (:one-of
1201 '((step-commands
1202 (:one-of
14991204 ;; end of step (just stop now).
1500 #-CMU (#\^D)
1501 #+CMU (#\)
1502 (eof)
1503 ((:+ q |:q|))
1205 #-CMU (#\^D)
1206 #+CMU (#\)
1207 (eof)
1208 ((:+ q |:q|))
15051210 ;; continue rewriting and exit from stepping mode.
1506 ((:+ c |:c| continue |:continue|))
1211 ((:+ c |:c| continue |:continue|))
15081213 ;; stop pattern
1509 ((:+ stop |:stop|) :top-term)
1214 ((:+ stop |:stop|) :top-term)
15111216 ;; rewrite limit
1512 ((:+ rwt rewrite |:rwt| |:rewrite|) :symbol)
1217 ((:+ rwt rewrite |:rwt| |:rewrite|) :symbol)
15141219 ;; step to next
1515 ((:+ n |:n| next |:next|))
1220 ((:+ n |:n| next |:next|))
15171222 ;; step N step
1518 ((:+ g go |:g| |:go|) :int)
1223 ((:+ g go |:g| |:go|) :int)
15201225 ;; abort
1521 ((:+ a |:a| abort |:abort|))
1226 ((:+ a |:a| abort |:abort|))
15231228 ;; show infos
1524 ((:+ r |:r| |:rule| rule))
1525 ((:+ s |:s| subst |:subst|))
1526 ((:+ p |:p| pattern |:pattern|))
1527 ((:+ l |:l| limit |:limit|))
1528 ((:+ x |:x| ))
1229 ((:+ r |:r| |:rule| rule))
1230 ((:+ s |:s| subst |:subst|))
1231 ((:+ p |:p| pattern |:pattern|))
1232 ((:+ l |:l| limit |:limit|))
1233 ((:+ x |:x| ))
15291234 ;; some useful top level commands
1530 ((:+ match unify) (:seq-of :term) to (:seq-of :term) |.|)
1531 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
1532 (:call (read)))
1533 ((:+ show sh set describe desc)
1534 (:seq-of :top-opname))
1235 ((:+ match unify) (:seq-of :term) to (:seq-of :term) |.|)
1236 ((:+ lisp ev eval evq lispq)
1237 (:call (read)))
1238 ((:+ show sh set describe desc)
1239 (:seq-of :top-opname))
15351240 ;;
1536 (cd :symbol)
1537 #-(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :symbol)
1538 #+(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :top-term)
1539 (pwd)
1540 (! :top-term)
1541 ((+ ? |:?| |:h| h |:help| help))
1542 ))
1241 (cd :symbol)
1242 #-(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :symbol)
1243 #+(or GCL LUCID CMU) (ls :top-term)
1244 (pwd)
1245 (! :top-term)
1246 ((+ ? |:?| |:h| h |:help| help))
1247 ))
15431248 (Selector
1544 (:one-of
1545 ;; (term) (top) (subterm)
1546 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
1547 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
1548 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
1549 )))
1249 (:one-of
1250 (|{| :int :append (:seq-of |,| :int) |}|)
1251 (|(| (:seq-of :int) |)|)
1252 (\[ :int (:optional |..| :int) \])))
1253 )))
15521256 ;;; ("rwt" <number>)
16151319 ;;;
16161320 (defun cafein-stepper-help-proc (inp)
16171321 (declare (ignore inp))
1618 (format t "~&-- Stepper command help :")
1322 (format t "~%-- Stepper command help :")
16191323 (format t "~& ?~18Tprint out this help")
16201324 (format t "~& n(ext)~18Tgo one step")
16211325 (format t "~& g(o) <number>~18Tgo <number> step")
16901394 (when (rule-non-exec rule)
16911395 (return-from apply-one-rule nil))
16921396 (let ((mandor (axiom-meta-and-or rule))
1693 (.trace-or-step. (or $$trace-rewrite-whole $$trace-rewrite *rewrite-stepping*)))
1397 (.trace-or-step. (or $$trace-rewrite-whole $$trace-rewrite *rewrite-stepping*)))
16941398 (declare (special .trace-or-step.))
16951399 (cond (mandor
1696 (let ((all-subst nil)
1697 (rhs-list nil)
1698 (new-rhs nil))
1699 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1700 (rew-matcher (rule-lhs rule) term)
1701 (declare (ignore eeq))
1702 (when no-match
1703 (return-from apply-one-rule nil))
1704 (push sub all-subst)
1705 ;;
1706 ;; try other patterns untill there's no hope
1707 (loop
1708 (multiple-value-setq (gs sub no-match)
1709 (next-match gs))
1710 (when no-match (return))
1711 (push sub all-subst)))
1712 ;;
1713 (if (cdr all-subst)
1714 (progn
1715 (when *debug-meta*
1716 (format t "~&~s[subst]" mandor))
1717 (dolist (sub all-subst)
1718 (push (set-term-color (substitution-image-simplifying sub (rule-rhs rule))) rhs-list)
1719 (when *debug-meta*
1720 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
1721 (print-next)
1722 (print-substitution sub))))
1723 ;;
1724 (setq new-rhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
1725 (case mandor
1726 ('|:m-and| *bool-and*)
1727 ('|:m-and-also| *bool-and-also*)
1728 ('|:m-or| *bool-or*)
1729 ('|:m-or-else| *bool-or-else*)
1730 (otherwise (with-output-panic-message ()
1731 (format t "internal error, invalid meta rule label ~s" mandor))))
1732 rhs-list))
1733 ;; DEBUG
1734 (when *debug-meta*
1735 (format t "~&~s[=>] " mandor)
1736 (term-print-with-sort new-rhs))
1737 ;;
1738 ;; do rewrite
1739 ;;
1740 (if .trace-or-step.
1741 (progn (term-replace-dd-dbg term new-rhs) t)
1742 (progn (term-replace-dd-simple term new-rhs) t)))
1743 (!apply-one-rule rule term))))
1744 ;; normal case
1745 (t (!apply-one-rule rule term)))))
1400 (let ((all-subst nil)
1401 (rhs-list nil)
1402 (new-rhs nil))
1403 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1404 (rew-matcher (rule-lhs rule) term)
1405 (declare (ignore eeq))
1406 (when no-match
1407 (return-from apply-one-rule nil))
1408 (push sub all-subst)
1409 ;;
1410 ;; try other patterns untill there's no hope
1411 (loop
1412 (multiple-value-setq (gs sub no-match)
1413 (next-match gs))
1414 (when no-match (return))
1415 (push sub all-subst)))
1416 ;;
1417 (if (cdr all-subst)
1418 (progn
1419 (when *debug-meta*
1420 (format t "~%~s[subst]" mandor))
1421 (dolist (sub all-subst)
1422 (push (set-term-color (substitution-image-simplifying sub (rule-rhs rule))) rhs-list)
1423 (when *debug-meta*
1424 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
1425 (print-next)
1426 (print-substitution sub))))
1427 ;;
1428 (setq new-rhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
1429 (case mandor
1430 ('|:m-and| *bool-and*)
1431 ('|:m-and-also| *bool-and-also*)
1432 ('|:m-or| *bool-or*)
1433 ('|:m-or-else| *bool-or-else*)
1434 (otherwise (with-output-panic-message ()
1435 (format t "internal error, invalid meta rule label ~s" mandor))))
1436 rhs-list))
1437 ;; DEBUG
1438 (when *debug-meta*
1439 (format t "~%~s[=>] " mandor)
1440 (term-print-with-sort new-rhs))
1441 ;;
1442 ;; do rewrite
1443 ;;
1444 (if .trace-or-step.
1445 (progn (term-replace-dd-dbg term new-rhs) t)
1446 (progn (term-replace-dd-simple term new-rhs) t)))
1447 (!apply-one-rule rule term))))
1448 ;; normal case
1449 (t (!apply-one-rule rule term)))))
17461450 ;;;
17471451 ;;; SOME MEL SUPPORT
17481452 ;;;
17691473 (setf (cdr old-ent) value)
17701474 (if (symbolp value)
17711475 (push (cons term value) .memb-term-hash.)
1772 (push (cons (simple-copy-term term) value)
1476 (push (cons (simple-copy-term term) value)
17731477 .memb-term-hash.)))))
17751479 (defun apply-sort-memb (term module)
17831487 (apply-sort-memb-internal term module)))
17841488 term)
1786 (defun sort-to-sort-id-term (sort &optional (module (or *current-module*
1787 *last-module*)))
1490 (defun sort-to-sort-id-term (sort &optional (module (get-context-module)))
17881491 (let* ((name (string (sort-id sort)))
17891492 (op (find-method-in module (list name) nil *sort-id-sort*)))
17901493 (unless op
19171620 (setq $$term saved-$$term)
19181621 term))))
1920 ;;; ****
1921 ;;; INIT
1922 ;;; ****
1923 ;;;(eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
1924 ;;; (setf (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule)
1925 ;;; #'apply-one-rule-simple))
19271623 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:axiom.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:axiom.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4343 ;;; ****************
4444 (defun make-rule (&key lhs rhs condition type id-condition behavioural
45 extensions
46 kind first-match-method
47 next-match-method
48 labels
49 (meta-and-or nil)
50 no-method-computation)
45 extensions
46 kind first-match-method
47 next-match-method
48 labels
49 (meta-and-or nil)
50 no-method-computation)
5151 (declare (type (or null term) lhs rhs)
52 (type list condition)
53 (type symbol type)
54 (type t id-condition extensions kind first-match-method
55 next-match-method labels)
56 (type (or null t) behavioural no-method-computation)
57 (values axiom))
52 (type list condition)
53 (type symbol type)
54 (type t id-condition extensions kind first-match-method
55 next-match-method labels)
56 (type (or null t) behavioural no-method-computation)
57 (values axiom))
5858 ;; *NOTE* now rewrite rule is just same to AXIOM, there are some
5959 ;; room for optimization.
6060 (let ((rule (create-axiom lhs
61 rhs
62 condition
63 type
64 behavioural
65 id-condition
66 extensions
67 kind
68 first-match-method
69 next-match-method
70 labels
71 meta-and-or)))
61 rhs
62 condition
63 type
64 behavioural
65 id-condition
66 extensions
67 kind
68 first-match-method
69 next-match-method
70 labels
71 meta-and-or)))
7272 (if (term-is-lisp-form? rhs)
73 (setf (axiom-rhs rule)
74 (convert-lisp-form-term rhs (axiom-lhs rule)))
73 (setf (axiom-rhs rule)
74 (convert-lisp-form-term rhs (axiom-lhs rule)))
7575 (if (and (term-is-builtin-constant? rhs)
76 (sort= (term-sort rhs) *chaos-value-sort*))
77 (convert-chaos-expr rhs (axiom-lhs rule))))
76 (sort= (term-sort rhs) *chaos-value-sort*))
77 (convert-chaos-expr rhs (axiom-lhs rule))))
7878 (unless no-method-computation
7979 (compute-rule-method rule))
8080 rule))
8282 (defun make-simple-axiom (lhs rhs type &optional behavioural meta-and-or)
8383 (declare (type term lhs rhs)
84 (type (or null t) behavioural))
84 (type (or null t) behavioural))
8585 (make-rule :lhs lhs
86 :rhs rhs
87 :condition *bool-true*
88 :behavioural behavioural
89 :id-condition nil
90 :type type
91 :kind nil
92 :labels nil
93 :meta-and-or meta-and-or))
86 :rhs rhs
87 :condition *bool-true*
88 :behavioural behavioural
89 :id-condition nil
90 :type type
91 :kind nil
92 :labels nil
93 :meta-and-or meta-and-or))
9494 ;;;
9595 (defun make-fun (f)
9696 #+GCL f
124124 (defun convert-lisp-form-term (term lhs)
125125 (declare (type term term lhs))
126126 (let* ((variables (term-variables lhs))
127 (form (lisp-form-original-form term))
128 (parameters (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
129 (intern (string-upcase (string (variable-name
130 v)))))
131 variables))
132 (fun-body nil)
133 (new-term nil))
127 (form (lisp-form-original-form term))
128 (parameters (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
129 (intern (string-upcase (string (variable-name
130 v)))))
131 variables))
132 (fun-body nil)
133 (new-term nil))
134134 (cond ((term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
135 (let ((s-simbol (intern (format nil "slisp-sort-~D"
136 (incf xsim-counter)))))
137 (setf (get s-simbol :sort) (term-sort lhs))
138 (setf fun-body
139 (make-fun*
140 ` (lambda (subst)
141 (invoke-simple-lisp-fun
142 ',(make-fun `(lambda ,parameters ,form))
143 ',(reverse (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
144 (variable-name x))
145 variables))
146 subst
147 ',s-simbol))
148 )
149 )))
150 ((term-is-general-lisp-form? term)
151 (setf fun-body
152 (make-fun* `(lambda (subst)
135 (let ((s-simbol (intern (format nil "slisp-sort-~D"
136 (incf xsim-counter)))))
137 (setf (get s-simbol :sort) (term-sort lhs))
138 (setf fun-body
139 (make-fun*
140 ` (lambda (subst)
141 (invoke-simple-lisp-fun
142 ',(make-fun `(lambda ,parameters ,form))
143 ',(reverse (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
144 (variable-name x))
145 variables))
146 subst
147 ',s-simbol))))))
148 ((term-is-general-lisp-form? term)
149 (setf fun-body
150 (make-fun* `(lambda (subst)
153151 (invoke-general-lisp-fun
154152 ',(make-fun `(lambda ,parameters ,form))
155153 ',(reverse (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
156 (variable-name x))
157 variables))
154 (variable-name x))
155 variables))
158156 subst)))))
159 (t (error "Internal error: invalid lisp form term ~s" term)))
157 (t (error "Internal error: invalid lisp form term ~s" term)))
160158 (setf new-term (if (term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
161 (make-simple-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form
162 term))
163 (make-general-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form
164 term))))
159 (make-simple-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form
160 term))
161 (make-general-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form
162 term))))
165163 (setf (lisp-form-function new-term) fun-body)
166164 (setf (term-sort new-term) (term-sort lhs))
167165 new-term))
169167 (defun convert-chaos-expr (term lhs)
170168 (declare (type term term lhs))
171169 (let* ((variables (term-variables lhs))
172 (form (list 'eval-ast2 (term-builtin-value term)))
173 (parameters (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
174 (intern (string-upcase (string (variable-name
175 v)))))
176 variables))
177 (fun-body nil))
170 (form (list 'eval-ast2 (term-builtin-value term)))
171 (parameters (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
172 (intern (string-upcase (string (variable-name
173 v)))))
174 variables))
175 (fun-body nil))
178176 ;;
179177 (setf fun-body
180178 (make-fun*
181179 ` (lambda (subst)
182 (eval-chaos-expr
183 ',(make-fun `(lambda ,parameters ,form))
184 ',(reverse (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
185 (variable-name x))
186 variables))
187 subst))
188 )
189 )
180 (eval-chaos-expr
181 ',(make-fun `(lambda ,parameters ,form))
182 ',(reverse (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
183 (variable-name x))
184 variables))
185 subst))))
190186 (setf (term-builtin-value term)
191187 (list '|%Chaos| fun-body (term-builtin-value term)))
192188 term))
198194 (defun invoke-general-lisp-fun (fun vars substitution)
199195 (declare (type list vars substitution))
200196 (macrolet ((subst-image-by-name (v-name)
201 ` (dolist (b substitution '((error image)))
202 (when (equal ,v-name (variable-name (car b)))
203 (return (cdr b))))))
197 ` (dolist (b substitution '((error image)))
198 (when (equal ,v-name (variable-name (car b)))
199 (return (cdr b))))))
204200 (let ((bindings nil))
205201 (dolist (v vars)
206 (push (subst-image-by-name v) bindings))
202 (push (subst-image-by-name v) bindings))
207203 (catch 'rewrite-failure
208 (values (apply fun bindings) t)))))
204 (values (apply fun bindings) t)))))
210206 (defun is-metalevel-special-sort (sort)
211207 (gethash sort *builtin-metalevel-sort*))
213209 (defun invoke-simple-lisp-fun (fun vars substitution sort-x)
214210 (declare (type function fun)
215 (type list vars substitution)
216 (type t sort-x)
217 (values t t))
211 (type list vars substitution)
212 (type t sort-x)
213 (values t t))
218214 (macrolet ((subst-image-by-name (v-name)
219 ` (dolist (b substitution nil)
220 (when (equal ,v-name (variable-name (car b)))
221 (return (cdr b)))))
222 (coerce-lisp-to-term (sort value)
223 ` (if (sort= *bool-sort* ,sort)
224 (if ,value
225 *bool-true*
226 *bool-false*)
227 (if (is-metalevel-special-sort sort)
228 ,value
229 (make-bconst-term ,sort ,value)))))
215 ` (dolist (b substitution nil)
216 (when (equal ,v-name (variable-name (car b)))
217 (return (cdr b)))))
218 (coerce-lisp-to-term (sort value)
219 ` (if (sort= *bool-sort* ,sort)
220 (if ,value
221 *bool-true*
222 *bool-false*)
223 (if (is-metalevel-special-sort sort)
224 ,value
225 (make-bconst-term ,sort ,value)))))
230226 ;;
231227 (block invoke
232228 (let ((bindings nil)
233 (sort (get sort-x :sort)))
234 (dolist (v vars)
235 (let ((value (subst-image-by-name v)))
236 (if value
237 (if (term-is-pure-builtin-constant? value)
238 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
239 (if *reduce-builtin-eager*
240 (let ((args (term-subterms value)))
241 (dolist (a args) (normalize-term a))
242 (if (every #'(lambda (x)
243 (and (term-is-builtin-constant? x)
244 (not (term-is-psuedo-constant? x))))
245 args)
246 (progn
247 (normalize-term value)
248 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? value)
249 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
250 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))))
251 (return-from invoke (values value t))))
252 (return-from invoke (values nil nil)))
253 )
254 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))
255 )))
256 (if (sort-is-builtin sort)
257 (values (make-bconst-term sort
258 (apply fun bindings))
259 t)
260 (values (coerce-lisp-to-term sort (apply fun bindings))
261 t))))))
229 (sort (get sort-x :sort)))
230 (dolist (v vars)
231 (let ((value (subst-image-by-name v)))
232 (if value
233 (if (term-is-pure-builtin-constant? value)
234 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
235 (if *reduce-builtin-eager*
236 (let ((args (term-subterms value)))
237 (dolist (a args) (normalize-term a))
238 (if (every #'(lambda (x)
239 (and (term-is-builtin-constant? x)
240 (not (term-is-psuedo-constant? x))))
241 args)
242 (progn
243 (normalize-term value)
244 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? value)
245 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
246 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))))
247 (return-from invoke (values value t))))
248 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))))
249 (return-from invoke (values nil nil)))))
250 (if (sort-is-builtin sort)
251 (values (make-bconst-term sort
252 (apply fun bindings))
253 t)
254 (values (coerce-lisp-to-term sort (apply fun bindings))
255 t))))))
263257 (defun eval-chaos-expr (fun vars substitution)
264258 (declare (type function fun)
265 (type list vars substitution)
266 (values t t))
259 (type list vars substitution)
260 (values t t))
267261 (macrolet ((subst-image-by-name (v-name)
268 ` (dolist (b substitution nil)
269 (when (equal ,v-name (variable-name (car b)))
270 (return (cdr b))))))
262 ` (dolist (b substitution nil)
263 (when (equal ,v-name (variable-name (car b)))
264 (return (cdr b))))))
271265 ;;
272266 (block invoke
273267 (let ((bindings nil)
274 (sort *chaos-value-sort*))
275 (dolist (v vars)
276 (let ((value (subst-image-by-name v)))
277 (if value
278 (if (term-is-pure-builtin-constant? value)
279 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
280 (if *reduce-builtin-eager*
281 (let ((args (term-subterms value)))
282 (dolist (a args) (normalize-term a))
283 (if (every #'(lambda (x)
284 (and (term-is-builtin-constant? x)
285 (not (term-is-psuedo-constant? x))))
286 args)
287 (progn
288 (normalize-term value)
289 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? value)
290 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
291 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))))
292 (return-from invoke (values value t))))
293 (return-from invoke (values nil nil)))
294 )
295 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))
296 )))
297 (values (make-bconst-term sort
298 (apply fun bindings))
299 t)
300 ))))
268 (sort *chaos-value-sort*))
269 (dolist (v vars)
270 (let ((value (subst-image-by-name v)))
271 (if value
272 (if (term-is-pure-builtin-constant? value)
273 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
274 (if *reduce-builtin-eager*
275 (let ((args (term-subterms value)))
276 (dolist (a args) (normalize-term a))
277 (if (every #'(lambda (x)
278 (and (term-is-builtin-constant? x)
279 (not (term-is-psuedo-constant? x))))
280 args)
281 (progn
282 (normalize-term value)
283 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? value)
284 (push (term-builtin-value value) bindings)
285 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))))
286 (return-from invoke (values value t))))
287 (return-from invoke (values nil nil))))
288 (return-from invoke (values nil nil)))))
289 (values (make-bconst-term sort
290 (apply fun bindings))
291 t)))))
302293 ;;;
303294 ;;;
305296 (defun make-ext-rule-label (ls modif)
306297 (let ((lbl (car ls)))
307298 (if lbl
308 (list (intern (format nil "~a_ext_~a" lbl modif)))
299 (list (intern (format nil "~a_ext_~a" lbl modif)))
309300 nil)))
315306 ;;;
316307 (defun compute-A-extensions (rule top)
317308 (declare (type axiom rule)
318 (type method top)
319 (values list))
309 (type method top)
310 (values list))
320311 (let ((knd (axiom-kind rule)))
321312 (when *on-axiom-debug*
322313 (format t "~%[A-extension] ")
323314 (print-chaos-object rule)
324315 (format t "~% kind=~S" knd))
325316 (if (and knd (or (eq :id-theorem knd) (eq :idem-theory knd)))
326 (setf (!axiom-A-extensions rule) '(nil nil nil))
317 (setf (!axiom-A-extensions rule) '(nil nil nil))
327318 (let ((listext nil)
328 ext-rule
329 (new-var (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'A1))
330 (new-var2 (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'A2)))
332 ;; first the left associative extension
333 (setf ext-rule
334 (make-rule
335 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
336 (cons new-var
337 (list-assoc-subterms
338 (axiom-lhs rule)
339 (term-method
340 (axiom-lhs rule)))))
341 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity top)
342 top
343 (list new-var
344 ;;(substitution-check-builtin
345 ;; (axiom-rhs rule))
346 (axiom-rhs rule)
347 ))
348 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
349 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
350 :type (axiom-type rule)
351 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "A-l")
352 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
353 :kind (if (eq :id-theorem knd)
354 :id-ext-theory
355 :A-left-theory)
356 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
357 ;; (compute-rule-method ext-rule)
358 (push ext-rule listext)
360 ;; the right associative extension:
361 (setf ext-rule
362 (make-rule
363 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
364 (append
365 (list-assoc-subterms
366 (axiom-lhs rule)
367 (term-method
368 (axiom-lhs rule)))
369 (list new-var)))
370 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity top)
371 top
372 (list (axiom-rhs rule)
373 new-var))
374 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
375 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
376 :type (axiom-type rule)
377 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
378 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "A-r")
379 :kind (if (eq :id-theorem knd)
380 :id-ext-theory
381 :A-right-theory)
382 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
383 ;; (compute-rule-method ext-rule)
384 (push ext-rule listext)
386 ;; the middle associative extension:
387 (setf ext-rule
388 (make-rule
389 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
390 (list new-var2
391 (axiom-lhs rule)
392 new-var))
393 :rhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
394 (list new-var2
395 (axiom-rhs rule)
396 new-var))
397 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
398 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
399 :type (axiom-type rule)
400 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
401 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "A-m")
402 :kind (if (eq :id-theorem knd)
403 :id-ext-theory
404 :A-middle-theory)
405 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
406 ;;
407 (push ext-rule listext)
408 (setf (axiom-A-extensions rule) listext))
409 )))
319 ext-rule
320 (new-var (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'A1))
321 (new-var2 (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'A2)))
323 ;; first the left associative extension
324 (setf ext-rule
325 (make-rule
326 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
327 (cons new-var
328 (list-assoc-subterms
329 (axiom-lhs rule)
330 (term-method
331 (axiom-lhs rule)))))
332 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity top)
333 top
334 (list new-var
335 (axiom-rhs rule)))
336 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
337 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
338 :type (axiom-type rule)
339 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "A-l")
340 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
341 :kind (if (eq :id-theorem knd)
342 :id-ext-theory
343 :A-left-theory)
344 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
345 ;; (compute-rule-method ext-rule)
346 (push ext-rule listext)
348 ;; the right associative extension:
349 (setf ext-rule
350 (make-rule
351 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
352 (append
353 (list-assoc-subterms
354 (axiom-lhs rule)
355 (term-method
356 (axiom-lhs rule)))
357 (list new-var)))
358 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity top)
359 top
360 (list (axiom-rhs rule)
361 new-var))
362 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
363 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
364 :type (axiom-type rule)
365 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
366 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "A-r")
367 :kind (if (eq :id-theorem knd)
368 :id-ext-theory
369 :A-right-theory)
370 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
371 (push ext-rule listext)
372 ;; the middle associative extension:
373 (setf ext-rule
374 (make-rule
375 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
376 (list new-var2
377 (axiom-lhs rule)
378 new-var))
379 :rhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
380 (list new-var2
381 (axiom-rhs rule)
382 new-var))
383 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
384 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
385 :type (axiom-type rule)
386 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
387 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "A-m")
388 :kind (if (eq :id-theorem knd)
389 :id-ext-theory
390 :A-middle-theory)
391 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
392 ;;
393 (push ext-rule listext)
394 (setf (axiom-A-extensions rule) listext)))))
412397 ;;; COMPUTE-AC-EXTENSION : rule method -> List[Rule]
415400 ;;;
416401 (defun compute-AC-extension (rule top)
417402 (declare (type axiom rule)
418 (type method top)
419 (values list))
403 (type method top)
404 (values list))
420405 ;;(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
421406 (let ((knd (axiom-kind rule)))
422407 (if (and knd (not (eq :id-theorem knd)) (not (eq :idem-theory knd)))
423 (setf (!axiom-AC-extension rule)
424 ;; '(nil)
425 nil)
408 (setf (!axiom-AC-extension rule)
409 ;; '(nil)
410 nil)
426411 (let (ext-rule
427 (new-var (make-variable-term (car (method-arity top))
428 ;; *cosmos*
429 'AC)))
430 (setf ext-rule
431 (make-rule
432 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
433 (cons new-var
434 (list-assoc-subterms
435 (axiom-lhs rule)
436 (term-method
437 (axiom-lhs rule)))))
438 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity top)
439 top
440 (list new-var
441 (axiom-rhs rule)
442 ))
443 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
444 :type (axiom-type rule)
445 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
446 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
447 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "AC")
448 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem knd)
449 ':id-ext-theory
450 ':ac-theory)
451 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
452 ;;
453 (setf (axiom-AC-extension rule) (list ext-rule))
454 ))))
412 (new-var (make-variable-term (car (method-arity top))
413 ;; *cosmos*
414 'AC)))
415 (setf ext-rule
416 (make-rule
417 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form top
418 (cons new-var
419 (list-assoc-subterms
420 (axiom-lhs rule)
421 (term-method
422 (axiom-lhs rule)))))
423 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity top)
424 top
425 (list new-var
426 (axiom-rhs rule)))
427 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
428 :type (axiom-type rule)
429 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
430 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition rule)
431 :labels (make-ext-rule-label (axiom-labels rule) "AC")
432 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem knd)
433 ':id-ext-theory
434 ':ac-theory)
435 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
436 ;;
437 (setf (axiom-AC-extension rule) (list ext-rule))))))
457440 ;;; GIVE-AC-EXTENSION : rule -> List[Rule]
460443 ;;;
461444 (defun give-AC-extension (rule)
462445 (declare (type axiom rule)
463 (values list))
446 (values list))
464447 (let ((listext (!axiom-AC-extension rule)))
465448 (when (or (null listext) (null (car listext)))
466449 ;; then need to pre-compute the extensions and store then
467450 (setq listext (compute-AC-extension
468 rule (term-method (axiom-lhs rule)))))
451 rule (term-method (axiom-lhs rule)))))
469452 listext))
471454 ;;; GIVE-A-EXTENSIONS : rule -> List[Rule]
474457 ;;;
475458 (defun give-A-extensions (rule)
476459 (declare (type axiom rule)
477 (values list))
460 (values list))
478461 (let ((listext (!axiom-A-extensions rule)))
479462 (when (or (null listext) (null (car listext)))
480463 ;; then need to pre-compute the extensions and store then
481464 (setq listext (compute-A-extensions
482 rule (term-method (axiom-lhs rule)))))
465 rule (term-method (axiom-lhs rule)))))
483466 listext))
485468 ;;; COMPUTE-RULE-METHOD : rule -> rule'
489472 (defun compute-rule-method (rule)
490473 (declare (type axiom rule)
491474 (values t))
475 (when *on-axiom-debug*
476 (format t "~%[CRM] compute rule method")
477 (format t "~% (~x) " (addr-of rule))
478 (print-axiom-brief rule))
492479 (let ((m (choose-match-method (axiom-lhs rule)
493480 (axiom-condition rule)
494481 (axiom-kind rule))))
495482 (setf (axiom-first-match-method rule) (car m))
496483 (setf (axiom-next-match-method rule) (cdr m))
497484 rule))
499486 ;;; RULE-COPY : rule -> rule
500487 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
501488 ;;; Returns a copy of "rule". The variable occuring in the rule are also
509496 (defun rule-copy (rule)
510497 (declare (type axiom rule)
511 (values axiom))
498 (values axiom))
512499 (let ((new-rule nil))
513500 (multiple-value-bind (new-lhs list-new-var)
514 (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables (axiom-lhs rule))
501 (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables (axiom-lhs rule))
515502 (setq new-rule (make-rule
516 :lhs new-lhs
517 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition rule))
518 *bool-true*
519 (copy-term-using-variable (axiom-condition rule)
520 list-new-var))
521 :id-condition (if (null (axiom-id-condition rule))
522 nil
523 (if (is-true? (axiom-id-condition rule))
524 *bool-true*
525 (term-copy-id-cond
526 (axiom-id-condition rule) list-new-var)))
527 :rhs (copy-term-using-variable (axiom-rhs rule)
528 list-new-var)
529 :type (axiom-type rule)
530 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
531 ;; :end-reduction (copy-list (axiom-end-reduction rule))
532 :first-match-method (axiom-first-match-method rule)
533 :next-match-method (axiom-next-match-method rule)
534 :labels (copy-list (axiom-labels rule))
535 :kind (axiom-kind rule)
536 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
503 :lhs new-lhs
504 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition rule))
505 *bool-true*
506 (copy-term-using-variable (axiom-condition rule)
507 list-new-var))
508 :id-condition (if (null (axiom-id-condition rule))
509 nil
510 (if (is-true? (axiom-id-condition rule))
511 *bool-true*
512 (term-copy-id-cond
513 (axiom-id-condition rule) list-new-var)))
514 :rhs (copy-term-using-variable (axiom-rhs rule)
515 list-new-var)
516 :type (axiom-type rule)
517 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
518 ;; :end-reduction (copy-list (axiom-end-reduction rule))
519 :first-match-method (axiom-first-match-method rule)
520 :next-match-method (axiom-next-match-method rule)
521 :labels (copy-list (axiom-labels rule))
522 :kind (axiom-kind rule)
523 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)))
537524 (compute-rule-method new-rule)
538525 new-rule)))
540527 (defun term-copy-id-cond (tm vars)
541528 (declare (type (or null term) tm)
542 (type list vars))
529 (type list vars))
543530 (cond
544531 ((null tm) nil)
545532 ((term-is-variable? tm)
546533 (let ((val (assoc tm vars)))
547534 (if val
548 (cdr val)
549 (variable-copy tm) ; This should never occur
550 )))
535 (cdr val)
536 (variable-copy tm) ; This should never occur
537 )))
551538 (t (make-applform (method-coarity (term-method tm))
552 (term-method tm)
553 (mapcar #'(lambda (stm)
554 (term-copy-id-cond stm vars))
555 (term-subterms tm))))))
539 (term-method tm)
540 (mapcar #'(lambda (stm)
541 (term-copy-id-cond stm vars))
542 (term-subterms tm))))))
558545 ;;; ******************
566553 ;;;
567554 (defun term-is-congruent-2? (t1 t2)
568555 (declare (type term t1 t2)
569 (values (or null t)))
556 (values (or null t)))
570557 (let ((t1-body (term-body t1))
571 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
558 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
572559 (cond ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
573 (or (eq t1 t2)
574 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
575 #||
576 ;; (eq (variable$name t1-body) (variable$name t2-body))
577 (sort= (variable$sort t1-body) (variable$sort t2-body))
578 ||#
579 (variable= t1 t2)
580 )))
581 ((term$is-variable? t2-body) nil)
582 ((term$is-application-form? t1-body)
583 (and (term$is-application-form? t2-body)
584 (if ;;(method-is-same-qual-method (term$method t1-body)
585 ;; (term$method t2-body))
586 (method-is-of-same-operator+ (term$method t1-body)
587 (term$method t2-body))
588 (let ((sl1 (term$subterms t1-body))
589 (sl2 (term$subterms t2-body)))
590 (loop (when (null sl1) (return (null sl2)))
591 (unless (term-is-congruent-2? (car sl1) (car sl2))
592 (return nil))
593 (setf sl1 (cdr sl1)
594 sl2 (cdr sl2))))
595 nil)))
596 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
597 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
598 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
599 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
600 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
601 (equal (term$lisp-function t1-body)
602 (term$lisp-function t2-body))))
603 ((term$is-lisp-form? t2-body) nil)
604 (t (break "Panic! unknown type of term to term-is-congruent?")))))
560 (or (eq t1 t2)
561 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
562 (variable= t1 t2))))
563 ((term$is-variable? t2-body) nil)
564 ((term$is-application-form? t1-body)
565 (and (term$is-application-form? t2-body)
566 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ (term$method t1-body)
567 (term$method t2-body))
568 (let ((sl1 (term$subterms t1-body))
569 (sl2 (term$subterms t2-body)))
570 (loop (when (null sl1) (return (null sl2)))
571 (unless (term-is-congruent-2? (car sl1) (car sl2))
572 (return nil))
573 (setf sl1 (cdr sl1)
574 sl2 (cdr sl2))))
575 nil)))
576 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
577 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
578 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
579 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
580 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
581 (equal (term$lisp-function t1-body)
582 (term$lisp-function t2-body))))
583 ((term$is-lisp-form? t2-body) nil)
584 (t (break "Panic! unknown type of term to term-is-congruent?")))))
606586 (defun rule-is-similar? (r1 r2)
607587 (declare (type axiom r1 r2)
608 (values (or null t)))
588 (values (or null t)))
609589 (and (eq (axiom-type r1) (axiom-type r2))
610590 (term-is-congruent-2? (axiom-lhs r1) (axiom-lhs r2))
611591 (term-is-congruent-2? (axiom-condition r1) (axiom-condition r2))
618598 ;;;
619599 (defun rule-member (r l)
620600 (declare (type axiom r)
621 (type list l)
622 (values (or null t)))
601 (type list l)
602 (values (or null t)))
623603 (dolist (e l nil)
624604 (when (rule-is-similar? r e) (return t))))
635615 (defun adjoin-rule (rule rs)
636616 (declare (type axiom rule)
637 (type list rs)
638 (values list))
617 (type list rs)
618 (values list))
639619 (do* ((lst rs (cdr lst))
640 (r (car lst) (car lst)))
641 ((null lst) (cons rule rs))
620 (r (car lst) (car lst)))
621 ((null lst) (cons rule rs))
642622 (when (rule-is-similar? rule r)
643 (when (and *chaos-verbose*
644 (not (eq rule r))
645 (not (member (axiom-kind rule) .ext-rule-kinds.))
646 )
647 (with-output-msg ()
648 (format t "a similar pair of axioms is found:")
649 (print-next)
650 (format t "(1:~x)" (addr-of rule))
651 (print-axiom-brief rule)
652 (print-next)
653 (format t "(2:~x)" (addr-of r))
654 (print-axiom-brief r)))
623 (when (and (or *chaos-verbose* *on-axiom-debug*)
624 (not (eq rule r))
625 (not (member (axiom-kind rule) .ext-rule-kinds.)))
626 (with-output-msg ()
627 (format t "a similar pair of axioms is found:")
628 (print-next)
629 (format t "(1:~x)" (addr-of rule))
630 (print-axiom-brief rule)
631 (print-next)
632 (format t "(2:~x)" (addr-of r))
633 (print-axiom-brief r)))
655634 (let ((newlhs (axiom-lhs rule))
656 (oldlhs (axiom-lhs r)))
657 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? newlhs))
658 (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs))
659 (not (method= (term-method newlhs) (term-method oldlhs)))
660 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs) (term-sort newlhs)))
661 (rplaca lst rule))
662 (return-from adjoin-rule rs)))))
635 (oldlhs (axiom-lhs r)))
636 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? newlhs))
637 (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs))
638 (not (method= (term-method newlhs) (term-method oldlhs)))
639 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs) (term-sort newlhs)))
640 (rplaca lst rule))
641 (return-from adjoin-rule rs)))))
664643 ;;; RULE-OCCURS : rule ruleset -> Bool
665644 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
667646 ;;;
668647 (defun rule-occurs (rule rs)
669648 (declare (type axiom rule)
670 (type list rs)
671 (values (or null t)))
649 (type list rs)
650 (values (or null t)))
672651 (let ((newlhs (axiom-lhs rule)))
673652 (do* ((lst rs (cdr lst))
674 (r (car lst) (car lst)))
675 ((null lst) nil)
653 (r (car lst) (car lst)))
654 ((null lst) nil)
676655 (when (and (rule-is-similar? rule r)
677 (let ((oldlhs (axiom-lhs r)))
678 (and (or (term-is-variable? newlhs)
679 (and (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs)) ;very defensive
680 (method= (term-head newlhs) (term-head oldlhs))))
681 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs)
682 (term-sort newlhs)))))
683 (return t)))))
656 (let ((oldlhs (axiom-lhs r)))
657 (and (or (term-is-variable? newlhs)
658 (and (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs)) ;very defensive
659 (method= (term-head newlhs) (term-head oldlhs))))
660 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs)
661 (term-sort newlhs)))))
662 (return t)))))
685664 ;;; ***************
686665 ;;; RULE-RING UTILS
690669 ;;;
691670 (defun rule-ring-member (r rr)
692671 (declare (type axiom r)
693 (type rule-ring rr)
694 (values (or null t)))
672 (type rule-ring rr)
673 (values (or null t)))
695674 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
696675 ((end-of-rule-ring rr) nil)
697676 (when (rule-is-similar? r rule) (return t))))
704683 ;;;
705684 (defun rule-ring-adjoin-rule (rr rule)
706685 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
707 (type axiom rule)
708 (values t))
686 (type axiom rule)
687 (values t))
709688 (do ((r (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
710689 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
711690 (when (rule-is-similar? r rule)
712691 ;; there exists similar rule.
713692 ;; we don't add, but keeps higher (more general) one.
714693 (unless *current-module*
715 (break "rule-ring-adjoin-rule: need current module"))
694 (break "rule-ring-adjoin-rule: need current module"))
716695 (let ((newlhs (rule-lhs rule))
717 (oldlhs (rule-lhs r)))
718 ;; compare lhs of rules.
719 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? newlhs))
720 (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs))
721 (not (method= (term-method newlhs) (term-method oldlhs)))
722 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs) (term-sort newlhs)
723 *current-sort-order*))
724 ;; we keep higher one.
725 (rplaca (rule-ring-current rr) rule))
726 (return-from rule-ring-adjoin-rule t))))
696 (oldlhs (rule-lhs r)))
697 ;; compare lhs of rules.
698 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? newlhs))
699 (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs))
700 (not (method= (term-method newlhs) (term-method oldlhs)))
701 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs) (term-sort newlhs)
702 *current-sort-order*))
703 ;; we keep higher one.
704 (rplaca (rule-ring-current rr) rule))
705 (return-from rule-ring-adjoin-rule t))))
727706 ;; No similar rules.
728707 (add-rule-to-ring rr rule)
729708 nil)
731710 ;;; ***********************
733712 ;;; ***********************
734 #||
735714 (defun add-axiom-to-module (module ax)
736 (declare (type module module)
737 (type axiom ax)
738 (values t))
739 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
740 (push ax (module-equations module))
741 (push ax (module-rules module))))
742 ||#
744 (defun add-axiom-to-module (module ax)
745 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
746 )
715 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax))
748717 (defun adjoin-axiom-to-module (module ax)
749718 (declare (type module module)
750 (type axiom ax)
751 (values t))
752 ;; (when (eq (object-context-mod ax) module)
753 ;; (let ((labels (axiom-labels ax)))
754 ;; (dolist (lab labels)
755 ;; (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
756 ;; lab
757 ;; ax)))
758 ;; )
759 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
760 (setf (module-equations module)
761 (adjoin-rule ax (module-equations module)))
719 (type axiom ax)
720 (values t))
721 (with-in-module (module)
722 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
723 (setf (module-equations module)
724 (adjoin-rule ax (module-equations module)))
762725 (setf (module-rules module)
763 (adjoin-rule ax (module-rules module)))))
726 (adjoin-rule ax (module-rules module))))))
765728 (defun add-rule-to-module (module rule)
766729 (declare (type module module)
767 (type axiom rule)
768 (values t))
769 (add-rule-to-method rule
770 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
771 (module-opinfo-table module))
772 (pushnew rule (module-rewrite-rules module)
773 :test #'rule-is-similar?))
730 (type axiom rule)
731 (values t))
732 (with-in-module (module)
733 (add-rule-to-method rule
734 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
735 (module-opinfo-table module))
736 (pushnew rule (module-rewrite-rules module)
737 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
775739 (defun add-rule-to-method (rule method
776 &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
740 &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
777741 (declare (type axiom rule)
778 (type method method)
779 (type hash-table opinfo-table))
742 (type method method)
743 (type hash-table opinfo-table))
780744 ;; set trans-rule flag.
781745 (when (eq (axiom-type rule) :rule)
782746 (setf (method-has-trans-rule method opinfo-table) t))
784748 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy method opinfo-table) nil)
785749 ;;
786750 (if (and (term-is-applform? (rule-rhs rule))
787 (method= (rule-lhs rule) (term-method (rule-rhs rule))))
751 (method= (rule-lhs rule) (term-method (rule-rhs rule))))
788752 (rule-ring-adjoin-rule (method-rules-with-same-top method opinfo-table)
789 rule)
753 rule)
790754 (setf (method-rules-with-different-top method opinfo-table)
791755 (adjoin-rule rule (method-rules-with-different-top method
792 opinfo-table)))))
756 opinfo-table)))))
794758 ;;; RULE-SUBSUMES : rule rule -> bool
795759 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
797761 ;;;
798762 (defun rule-subsumes (r1 r2)
799763 (declare (type axiom r1 r2)
800 (values (or null t)))
764 (values (or null t)))
765 (when *on-axiom-debug*
766 (format t "~%[rule-subsumes]:")
767 (format t "~% r1: ")
768 (print-axiom-brief r1)
769 (format t "~% r2: ")
770 (print-axiom-brief r2))
801771 (or (eq r1 r2)
802772 (let ((lhs1 (rule-lhs r1))
803 (lhs2 (rule-lhs r2)))
804 (or (term-is-variable? lhs1)
805 (and (term-is-application-form? lhs1)
806 (term-is-application-form? lhs2)
807 (method-is-of-same-operator (term-method lhs1)
808 (term-method lhs2))
809 (multiple-value-bind (gs subst no eeq)
810 (first-match lhs1 lhs2)
811 (declare (ignore gs))
812 (and (or eeq (not no))
813 (or (is-true? (rule-condition r1))
814 (let (($$trace-rewrite nil)
815 ($$trace-rewrite-whole nil))
816 (let ((newcond
817 (term-simplify
818 (normalize-for-identity-total
819 (substitution-partial-image
820 subst
821 (rule-condition r1))))))
822 (matches? newcond (rule-condition r2))
823 ))))))))))
773 (lhs2 (rule-lhs r2)))
774 (or (term-is-variable? lhs1)
775 (and (term-is-application-form? lhs1)
776 (term-is-application-form? lhs2)
777 (method-is-of-same-operator (term-method lhs1)
778 (term-method lhs2))
779 (multiple-value-bind (gs subst no eeq)
780 (first-match lhs1 lhs2)
781 (declare (ignore gs))
782 (and (or eeq (not no))
783 (or (is-true? (rule-condition r1))
784 (let (($$trace-rewrite nil)
785 ($$trace-rewrite-whole nil))
786 (let ((newcond
787 (term-simplify
788 (normalize-for-identity-total
789 (substitution-partial-image
790 subst
791 (rule-condition r1))))))
792 (matches? newcond (rule-condition r2))))))))))))
825794 (defun rule-strictly-subsumes (r1 r2)
826795 (declare (type axiom r1 r2)
827 (values (or null t)))
796 (values (or null t)))
828797 (and (rule-subsumes r1 r2)
829798 (not (rule-subsumes r2 r1))))
836805 ;;;
837806 (defun get-rule-numbered (mod n)
838807 (declare (type module mod)
839 (type fixnum n))
808 (type fixnum n))
840809 (!setup-reduction mod)
841810 (when (<= n 0)
842811 (with-output-chaos-error ()
843812 (format t "rule number must be greater than 0.")
844813 (chaos-to-top)))
845814 (let* ((*module-all-rules-every* t)
846 (res (nth (1- n) (get-module-axioms mod t))))
815 (res (nth (1- n) (get-module-axioms mod t))))
847816 (if (null res)
848 (with-output-chaos-error ()
849 (format t "selected rule doesn't exist, ~d" n)
850 (chaos-to-top))
851 res)))
817 (with-output-chaos-error ()
818 (format t "selected rule doesn't exist, ~d" n)
819 (chaos-to-top))
820 res)))
853822 (defun get-all-rules-labelled (mod l)
854823 (declare (type module mod)
855 (type (or symbol simple-string) l)
856 (values list))
824 (type (or symbol simple-string) l)
825 (values list))
857826 (!setup-reduction mod)
858827 (when (stringp l)
859828 (setq l (intern l)))
860829 (let ((res nil)
861 (*module-all-rules-every* t))
830 (*module-all-rules-every* t))
862831 (dolist (rul (get-module-axioms mod t))
863832 (when (memq l (axiom-labels rul))
864 (push rul res)))
833 (push rul res)))
865834 res))
867836 (defun get-rule-labelled (mod l)
868837 (declare (type module mod)
869 (type (or symbol simple-string) l))
838 (type (or symbol simple-string) l))
870839 (let ((val (get-all-rules-labelled mod l)))
871840 (if (null val)
872 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-rule)
873 (format t "No rule with label: ~a" l))
874 (if (and val (null (cdr val)))
875 (car val)
876 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-unique-rule)
877 (format t "No unique rule with label: ~a" l))))))
841 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-rule)
842 (format t "No rule with label: ~a" l))
843 (if (and val (null (cdr val)))
844 (car val)
845 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-unique-rule)
846 (format t "No unique rule with label: ~a" l))))))
879848 ;;; ************************
887856 (if (rule-is-builtin rule)
888857 rule
889858 (make-rule :lhs (axiom-rhs rule)
890 :rhs (axiom-lhs rule)
891 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
892 :labels (axiom-labels rule)
893 :kind (axiom-kind rule)
894 :type (axiom-type rule)
895 ;; :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or rule)
896 ;; :no-method-computation t
897 )))
859 :rhs (axiom-lhs rule)
860 :condition (axiom-condition rule)
861 :labels (axiom-labels rule)
862 :kind (axiom-kind rule)
863 :type (axiom-type rule))))
899865 (defun make-rule-instance (rule subst)
900866 (declare (type axiom rule)
901 (type list subst)
902 (values axiom))
867 (type list subst)
868 (values axiom))
903869 (when (and rule (rule-is-builtin rule))
904870 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-error)
905871 (format t "cannot instantiate builtin rules!")))
907873 :lhs (substitution-image! subst (axiom-lhs rule))
908874 :rhs (substitution-image! subst (axiom-rhs rule))
909875 :condition (let ((cnd (axiom-condition rule)))
910 (if (eq *bool-true* cnd)
911 cnd
912 (substitution-image! subst cnd)))
876 (if (eq *bool-true* cnd)
877 cnd
878 (substitution-image! subst cnd)))
913879 :labels (axiom-labels rule)
914880 :type (axiom-type rule)
915881 :kind (axiom-kind rule)
922888 ;;;
923889 (defun compute-action-rule (rule-spec subst-list &optional selectors)
924890 (declare (ignore selectors)
925 (type list rule-spec subst-list selectors)
926 (values axiom module))
891 (type list rule-spec subst-list selectors)
892 (values axiom module))
927893 (let ((mod (first rule-spec))
928 (rule-id (second rule-spec))
929 (rule nil)) ; the result
894 (rule-id (second rule-spec))
895 (rule nil)) ; the result
930896 (declare (type (or module modexp) mod)
931 (type simple-string rule-id))
897 (type simple-string rule-id))
932898 ;; we always need rule specifier
933899 (when (equal "" rule-id)
934900 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rule-spec)
935 (format t "No rule number or name is specified.")
936 ))
901 (format t "No rule number or name is specified.")))
937902 ;; get module in which the specified rule is looked up
938 (if (equal "" mod)
939 (setq mod *last-module*)
940 (if (and *last-module*
941 (equal "%" (module-name *last-module*))
942 (module-submodules *last-module*)
943 (equal mod
944 (module-name
945 (caar (module-submodules *last-module*)))))
946 (setq mod *last-module*)
947 ;; we also find in local modules
948 (setq mod (eval-modexp mod t))))
949 ;;
950 (unless mod
951 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
952 (princ "no context module.")))
953 ;;
954 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
955 (let ((nxt (eval-mod (list (car rule-spec)))))
956 (if (modexp-is-error nxt)
957 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module)
958 (format t "module is undefined or unreachable: ~a" (car rule-spec))
959 )
960 (setq mod nxt))))
961 ;; check context
962 (unless (eq *last-module* mod)
963 (let ((e-mod (assoc mod (module-all-submodules *last-module*))))
964 (unless e-mod
965 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-context)
966 (format t "specified module is out of current context: ")
967 (print-simple-mod-name mod)))
968 (unless (member (cdr e-mod)
969 '(:protecting :extending :using))
970 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rule-ref)
971 (format t "you cannot refer the rule ~a of module " rule-spec)
972 (print-simple-mod-name mod)
973 (princ " directly.")))))
974 ;;
975 (with-in-module (mod)
976 ;; find specified rule
977 (if (and (< 0 (length rule-id))
978 (every #'digit-char-p rule-id))
979 (setq rule (get-rule-numbered mod (str-to-int rule-id)))
980 (setq rule (get-rule-labelled mod rule-id)))
981 ;; make rule reverse order if need
903 (let ((cur-context (get-context-module t)))
904 (if (equal "" mod)
905 (setq mod cur-context)
906 (if (and cur-context
907 (equal "%" (module-name cur-context))
908 (module-submodules cur-context)
909 (equal mod
910 (module-name
911 (caar (module-submodules cur-context)))))
912 (setq mod cur-context)
913 ;; we also find in local modules
914 (setq mod (eval-modexp mod t))))
915 (unless mod
916 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
917 (princ "no context module.")))
918 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
919 (let ((nxt (eval-mod (list (car rule-spec)))))
920 (if (modexp-is-error nxt)
921 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module)
922 (format t "module is undefined or unreachable: ~a" (car rule-spec)))
923 (setq mod nxt))))
924 ;; check context
925 (unless (eq cur-context mod)
926 (let ((e-mod (assoc mod (module-all-submodules cur-context))))
927 (unless e-mod
928 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-context)
929 (format t "specified module is out of current context: ")
930 (print-simple-mod-name mod)))
931 (unless (member (cdr e-mod)
932 '(:protecting :extending :using))
933 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rule-ref)
934 (format t "you cannot refer the rule ~a of module " rule-spec)
935 (print-simple-mod-name mod)
936 (princ " directly.")))))
937 ;; do search in 'mod'
938 (with-in-module (mod)
939 ;; find specified rule
940 (if (and (< 0 (length rule-id))
941 (every #'digit-char-p rule-id))
942 (setq rule (get-rule-numbered mod (str-to-int rule-id)))
943 (setq rule (get-rule-labelled mod rule-id)))
944 ;; make rule reverse order if need
982945 (when (nth 2 rule-spec) (setq rule (make-rule-reverse rule)))
983946 ;; apply variable substitution
984947 (when subst-list
985 (setq rule
986 (make-rule-instance rule (compute-variable-substitution
987 rule subst-list))))
988 )
948 (setq rule
949 (make-rule-instance rule (compute-variable-substitution
950 rule subst-list)))))
989951 ;; the result
990 (when *on-axiom-debug*
991 (with-output-simple-msg ()
992 (princ "[compute-action-rule]: rule= ")
993 (print-chaos-object rule)))
994 ;;
995 (values rule mod)
996 ))
952 (when *on-axiom-debug*
953 (with-output-simple-msg ()
954 (princ "[compute-action-rule]: rule= ")
955 (print-chaos-object rule)))
956 (values rule mod))))
999959 ;;; CHECK-AXIOM-ERROR-METHOD : Module Axiom -> Axiom
1004964 (defun check-axiom-error-method (module axiom &optional message?)
1005965 (declare (type module module)
1006 (type axiom axiom)
1007 (type (or null t) message?)
1008 (values axiom))
966 (type axiom axiom)
967 (type (or null t) message?)
968 (values axiom))
1009969 (let ((new-axiom (cdr (assq axiom (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module))))
1010 (error-operators (module-error-methods module)))
970 (error-operators (module-error-methods module)))
1011971 (macrolet ((check-check (_eops)
1012 ` (when (every #'(lambda (x)
1013 #||
1014 (and (memq x error-operators)
1015 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method
1016 x)))
1017 ||#
1018 (memq x error-operators)
1019 )
1020 ,_eops)
1021 (setq ,_eops nil))))
972 ` (when (every #'(lambda (x)
973 (memq x error-operators))
974 ,_eops)
975 (setq ,_eops nil))))
1022976 ;;
1023977 (if new-axiom
1024 new-axiom
1025 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs axiom))
1026 (lhs-e (term-error-operators&variables lhs nil))
1027 (rhs (axiom-rhs axiom))
1028 (rhs-e (term-error-operators&variables rhs nil))
1029 (cond (axiom-condition axiom))
1030 (cond-e (term-error-operators&variables cond nil)))
1031 (when (and (or lhs-e rhs-e cond-e)
1032 message?)
1033 (when *chaos-verbose*
1034 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1035 (format t "axiom : ")
1036 (print-chaos-object axiom)
1037 (print-next)
1038 (format t "contains error operators."))))
1039 ;; check
1040 (when *optimize-error-operators*
1041 (check-check lhs-e)
1042 (check-check rhs-e)
1043 (check-check cond-e))
1044 ;;
1045 (if (or lhs-e rhs-e cond-e)
1046 (let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x x)) (term-variables lhs))))
1047 (when lhs-e
1048 (push (cons lhs
1049 (or (cdr (assq lhs
1050 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1051 (setq lhs
1052 (copy-term-using-variable lhs vars))))
1053 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1054 (when rhs-e
1055 (push (cons rhs
1056 (or (cdr (assq rhs
1057 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1058 (setq rhs
1059 (copy-term-using-variable rhs vars))))
1060 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1061 (when cond-e
1062 (push (cons cond
1063 (or (cdr (assq cond
1064 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1065 (setq cond
1066 (copy-term-using-variable cond vars))))
1067 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1068 (setq new-axiom
1069 (make-rule :lhs lhs
1070 :rhs rhs
1071 :condition cond
1072 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
1073 :type (axiom-type axiom)
1074 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
1075 :no-method-computation t
1076 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
1077 (push (cons axiom new-axiom)
1078 (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module))
1079 new-axiom)
1080 axiom))))))
978 new-axiom
979 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs axiom))
980 (lhs-e (term-error-operators&variables lhs nil))
981 (rhs (axiom-rhs axiom))
982 (rhs-e (term-error-operators&variables rhs nil))
983 (cond (axiom-condition axiom))
984 (cond-e (term-error-operators&variables cond nil)))
985 (when (and (or lhs-e rhs-e cond-e)
986 message?)
987 (when t ; *chaos-verbose* ; should always be reported.
988 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
989 (format t "axiom : ")
990 (print-chaos-object axiom)
991 (print-next)
992 (format t "contains error operators."))))
993 ;; check
994 (when *optimize-error-operators*
995 (check-check lhs-e)
996 (check-check rhs-e)
997 (check-check cond-e))
998 ;;
999 (if (or lhs-e rhs-e cond-e)
1000 (let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x x)) (term-variables lhs))))
1001 (when lhs-e
1002 (push (cons lhs
1003 (or (cdr (assq lhs
1004 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1005 (setq lhs
1006 (copy-term-using-variable lhs vars))))
1007 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1008 (when rhs-e
1009 (push (cons rhs
1010 (or (cdr (assq rhs
1011 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1012 (setq rhs
1013 (copy-term-using-variable rhs vars))))
1014 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1015 (when cond-e
1016 (push (cons cond
1017 (or (cdr (assq cond
1018 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1019 (setq cond
1020 (copy-term-using-variable cond vars))))
1021 (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)))
1022 (setq new-axiom
1023 (make-rule :lhs lhs
1024 :rhs rhs
1025 :condition cond
1026 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
1027 :type (axiom-type axiom)
1028 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
1029 :no-method-computation t
1030 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
1031 (push (cons axiom new-axiom)
1032 (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module))
1033 new-axiom)
1034 axiom))))))
10821036 ;;;
10841038 ;;;
10851039 (defun recreate-error-axiom (axiom module)
10861040 (declare (type axiom axiom)
1087 (type module module)
1088 (values axiom))
1041 (type module module)
1042 (values axiom))
10891043 (let ((new-axiom (cdr (assq axiom (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module))))
1090 (error-operators (module-error-methods module)))
1044 (error-operators (module-error-methods module)))
10911045 (declare (type (or null axiom ) new-axiom)
1092 (type list error-operators))
1046 (type list error-operators))
10931047 (macrolet ((check-check (_eops)
1094 ` (when (every #'(lambda (x)
1095 #||
1096 (and (memq x error-operators)
1097 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method
1098 x)))
1099 ||#
1100 (memq x error-operators)
1101 )
1102 ,_eops)
1103 (setq ,_eops nil))))
1048 ` (when (every #'(lambda (x)
1049 (memq x error-operators))
1050 ,_eops)
1051 (setq ,_eops nil))))
11041052 ;;
11051053 (if new-axiom
1106 new-axiom
1107 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs axiom))
1108 (lhs-e (term-error-operators&variables lhs nil))
1109 (rhs (axiom-rhs axiom))
1110 (rhs-e (term-error-operators&variables rhs nil))
1111 (cond (axiom-condition axiom))
1112 (cond-e (term-error-operators&variables cond nil))
1113 (terms-to-be-fixed nil)
1114 )
1115 (declare (type term lhs rhs cond)
1116 (type list lhs-e rhs-e terms-to-be-fixed))
1117 ;; check
1118 (when *optimize-error-operators*
1119 (check-check lhs-e)
1120 (check-check rhs-e)
1121 (check-check cond-e))
1122 ;;
1123 (when (not (or lhs-e rhs-e cond-e))
1124 (return-from recreate-error-axiom axiom))
1125 ;;
1126 (let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x x)) (term-variables lhs))))
1127 (when lhs-e
1128 (setq lhs (copy-term-using-variable lhs vars))
1129 (push lhs terms-to-be-fixed))
1130 (when rhs-e
1131 (setq rhs (copy-term-using-variable rhs vars))
1132 (push rhs terms-to-be-fixed))
1133 (when cond-e
1134 (setq cond (copy-term-using-variable cond vars))
1135 (push cond terms-to-be-fixed))
1136 ;;
1137 (with-in-module (module)
1138 (let ((name (module-name module))
1139 (op-map nil)
1140 (sort-map nil))
1141 (declare (type list op-map sort-map))
1142 (cond ((int-instantiation-p name)
1143 (let ((modmorph (views-to-modmorph
1144 (int-instantiation-module name)
1145 (int-instantiation-args name))))
1146 (setq op-map (modmorph-op modmorph))
1147 (setq sort-map (modmorph-sort modmorph))))
1148 ((int-rename-p name)
1149 (setq op-map (int-rename-op-maps name))
1150 (setq sort-map (int-rename-sort-maps name))))
1151 ;;
1152 (dolist (term terms-to-be-fixed)
1153 (replace-error-method module term op-map sort-map))))
1154 ;;
1155 (setq new-axiom
1156 (make-rule :lhs lhs
1157 :rhs rhs
1158 :condition cond
1159 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
1160 :type (axiom-type axiom)
1161 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
1162 :no-method-computation t
1163 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
1164 new-axiom))))))
1054 new-axiom
1055 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs axiom))
1056 (lhs-e (term-error-operators&variables lhs nil))
1057 (rhs (axiom-rhs axiom))
1058 (rhs-e (term-error-operators&variables rhs nil))
1059 (cond (axiom-condition axiom))
1060 (cond-e (term-error-operators&variables cond nil))
1061 (terms-to-be-fixed nil)
1062 )
1063 (declare (type term lhs rhs cond)
1064 (type list lhs-e rhs-e terms-to-be-fixed))
1065 ;; check
1066 (when *optimize-error-operators*
1067 (check-check lhs-e)
1068 (check-check rhs-e)
1069 (check-check cond-e))
1070 ;;
1071 (when (not (or lhs-e rhs-e cond-e))
1072 (return-from recreate-error-axiom axiom))
1073 ;;
1074 (let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x x)) (term-variables lhs))))
1075 (when lhs-e
1076 (setq lhs (copy-term-using-variable lhs vars))
1077 (push lhs terms-to-be-fixed))
1078 (when rhs-e
1079 (setq rhs (copy-term-using-variable rhs vars))
1080 (push rhs terms-to-be-fixed))
1081 (when cond-e
1082 (setq cond (copy-term-using-variable cond vars))
1083 (push cond terms-to-be-fixed))
1084 ;;
1085 (with-in-module (module)
1086 (let ((name (module-name module))
1087 (op-map nil)
1088 (sort-map nil))
1089 (declare (type list op-map sort-map))
1090 (cond ((int-instantiation-p name)
1091 (let ((modmorph (views-to-modmorph
1092 (int-instantiation-module name)
1093 (int-instantiation-args name))))
1094 (setq op-map (modmorph-op modmorph))
1095 (setq sort-map (modmorph-sort modmorph))))
1096 ((int-rename-p name)
1097 (setq op-map (int-rename-op-maps name))
1098 (setq sort-map (int-rename-sort-maps name))))
1099 ;;
1100 (dolist (term terms-to-be-fixed)
1101 (replace-error-method module term op-map sort-map))))
1102 ;;
1103 (setq new-axiom
1104 (make-rule :lhs lhs
1105 :rhs rhs
1106 :condition cond
1107 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
1108 :type (axiom-type axiom)
1109 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
1110 :no-method-computation t
1111 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
1112 new-axiom))))))
11661114 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: beh.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: beh.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4040 ;;; stuff supporting proof in behavioural specification.
4141 ;;;
4242 (defstruct (beh-stuff (:print-function print-beh-stuff))
43 (hs nil) ; hidden sort
44 (attributes nil) ; list of attributes
45 (methods nil) ; list of methods
46 (axioms nil) ; axioms generated.
47 (theorem nil) ; ceq t =*= t' = true
48 ; if attr(t,d) == attr(t',d) and ...
49 (assumptions nil) ; eq attr(`t,`d) = attr(`t',`d)
50 (targets nil) ; list of terms to be evaluated to true
51 ; method(`d,`t) =*= method(`d,`t')
43 (hs nil) ; hidden sort
44 (attributes nil) ; list of attributes
45 (methods nil) ; list of methods
46 (axioms nil) ; axioms generated.
47 (theorem nil) ; ceq t =*= t' = true
48 ; if attr(t,d) == attr(t',d) and ...
49 (assumptions nil) ; eq attr(`t,`d) = attr(`t',`d)
50 (targets nil) ; list of terms to be evaluated to true
51 ; method(`d,`t) =*= method(`d,`t')
5252 )
5454 (defun print-beh-stuff (obj stream &rest ignore)
5555 (declare (ignore ignore)
56 (type beh-stuff obj)
57 (type stream stream)
58 (values t))
56 (type beh-stuff obj)
57 (type stream stream)
58 (values t))
5959 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
6060 (print-next)
6161 (format t "Hidden sort : ")
6464 (format t "axioms : ")
6565 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
6666 (dolist (ax (beh-stuff-axioms obj))
67 (print-next)
68 (print-chaos-object ax)))
67 (print-next)
68 (print-chaos-object ax)))
6969 (print-next)
7070 (format t "theorem : ")
7171 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
7575 (format t "assumptions : ")
7676 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
7777 (dolist (as (beh-stuff-assumptions obj))
78 (print-next)
79 (print-chaos-object as)))
78 (print-next)
79 (print-chaos-object as)))
8080 (print-next)
8181 (format t "targets :")
8282 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
8383 (dolist (tg (beh-stuff-targets obj))
84 (print-next)
85 (print-chaos-object tg)))
86 ))
88 ;;; (defvar *beh-debug* nil)
84 (print-next)
85 (print-chaos-object tg)))))
9087 (defun construct-beh-stuff (module)
9188 (declare (type module module)
92 (values list))
93 (setf (module-beh-stuff module) nil) ; reset to initial.
89 (values list))
90 (setf (module-beh-stuff module) nil) ; reset to initial.
9491 (let ((methods (module-beh-methods module))
95 (attributes (module-beh-attributes module)))
92 (attributes (module-beh-attributes module)))
9693 (declare (type list methods attributes))
9794 (unless (and attributes
98 (or (some #'(lambda (x) (eq module (method-module x)))
99 methods)
100 (some #'(lambda (x) (eq module (method-module x)))
101 attributes)))
95 (or (some #'(lambda (x) (eq module (method-module x)))
96 methods)
97 (some #'(lambda (x) (eq module (method-module x)))
98 attributes)))
10299 (return-from construct-beh-stuff nil))
103100 ;;
104101 (let ((beh-list nil)
105 (beh nil))
102 (beh nil))
106103 (declare (type list beh-list))
107104 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
108 (when (and (sort-is-hidden s)
109 (not (or (sort= s *huniversal-sort*)
110 (sort= s *hbottom-sort*))))
111 (setq beh (make-beh-stuff :hs s))
112 ;;
113 (dolist (m methods)
114 (let ((c (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) (method-arity m))))
115 (when (sort= c s)
116 (push m (beh-stuff-methods beh)))))
117 ;;
118 (dolist (attr attributes)
119 (let ((as (dolist (x (method-arity attr))
120 (when (sort-is-hidden x) (return x)))))
121 (when (sort= as s)
122 (push attr (beh-stuff-attributes beh)))))
123 ;;
124 (when (beh-stuff-attributes beh)
125 (push beh beh-list))
127 #||
128 (if (or (null (beh-stuff-methods beh))
129 (null (beh-stuff-attributes beh)))
130 (progn
131 (unless (beh-stuff-methods beh)
132 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
133 (princ "there are no methods defined on hidden sort ")
134 (print-sort-name s module)))
135 (unless (beh-stuff-attributes beh)
136 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
137 (princ "there are no attributes defined on hidden sort ")
138 (print-sort-name s module))))
139 (push beh beh-list))
140 ||#
141 ))
105 (when (and (sort-is-hidden s)
106 (not (or (sort= s *huniversal-sort*)
107 (sort= s *hbottom-sort*))))
108 (setq beh (make-beh-stuff :hs s))
109 ;;
110 (dolist (m methods)
111 (let ((c (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) (method-arity m))))
112 (when (sort= c s)
113 (push m (beh-stuff-methods beh)))))
114 ;;
115 (dolist (attr attributes)
116 (let ((as (dolist (x (method-arity attr))
117 (when (sort-is-hidden x) (return x)))))
118 (when (sort= as s)
119 (push attr (beh-stuff-attributes beh)))))
120 ;;
121 (when (beh-stuff-attributes beh)
122 (push beh beh-list))))
142123 ;;
143124 (add-beh-equivalence module beh-list)
144125 ;;
147128 (defun add-beh-equivalence (module beh-list)
148129 (declare (type module module)
149 (type list beh-list)
150 (values t))
130 (type list beh-list)
131 (values t))
151132 ;;
152133 ;; for each hidden sort with its methods/attributes
153134 ;;
154135 (dolist (hma beh-list)
155 (let ((hs (beh-stuff-hs hma)) ; hidden sort
156 (methods (beh-stuff-methods hma)) ; methods
157 (attributes (beh-stuff-attributes hma)) ; attributes
158 (var-num 0)
159 cond
160 hvars
161 pvars
162 (th-rhs-args nil)
163 hs-pos
164 lhs-args
165 rhs-args
166 lhs
167 rhs
168 ax)
136 (let ((hs (beh-stuff-hs hma)) ; hidden sort
137 (methods (beh-stuff-methods hma)) ; methods
138 (attributes (beh-stuff-attributes hma)) ; attributes
139 (var-num 0)
140 cond
141 hvars
142 pvars
143 (th-rhs-args nil)
144 hs-pos
145 lhs-args
146 rhs-args
147 lhs
148 rhs
149 ax)
169150 (declare (type fixnum var-num))
170151 ;;
171152 (setq hvars (list (make-variable-term hs '|hs1|)
172 (make-variable-term hs '|hs2|)))
153 (make-variable-term hs '|hs2|)))
173154 (setq pvars (list (make-pvariable-term hs '|`phs-1|)
174 (make-pvariable-term hs '|`phs-2|)))
175 #||
176 (setq pvars (list (make-variable-term hs '|phs-1|)
177 (make-variable-term hs '|phs-2|)))
178 ||#
179 ;; cond (hs1 =*= hs2)
155 (make-pvariable-term hs '|`phs-2|)))
180156 (setq cond (make-term-with-sort-check *beh-equal* hvars))
181 ;;
182157 (dolist (attr attributes)
183 (let ((arity (method-arity attr)))
184 ;; first, make general axiom for each attributes.
185 ;; ceq attr(t,d) = attr(t',d) if t =*= t'.
186 ;; *NOTE* This is redundant, seems useless.
187 ;; we omit this now. Mon Mar 9 23:05:16 JST 1998
188 ;;
189 (setq hs-pos (position-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x))
190 arity))
191 (setq lhs-args
192 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
193 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
194 (car hvars)
195 (make-variable-term x
196 (intern (format nil
197 "vs~D"
198 (incf
199 var-num))))
200 ))
201 arity))
202 (setq rhs-args (copy-list lhs-args))
203 (setf (nth hs-pos rhs-args) (cadr hvars))
204 ;; lhs : attr(t,d)
205 (setq lhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr lhs-args))
206 ;; rhs : attr(t',d)
207 (setq rhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr rhs-args))
208 ;; ax : ceq attr(t,d) = attr(t',d) if t =*= t'.
209 ;; *NOTE* we don't introduce this now, see the above note.
210 #||--------------------omit-------------------
211 (setq ax
212 (check-axiom-error-method module
213 (make-rule :lhs lhs
214 :rhs rhs
215 :condition cond
216 :type ':equation
217 ;; :kind ':beh-equiv
218 )))
219 ;; we can always introcude this axiom.
220 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
221 (push ax (beh-stuff-axioms hma))
222 -----------------------omit------------------ ||#
223 ;;
224 ;; make assumption used for prove congruence relation at the later stage.
225 ;; eq attr(t,d) = attr(t',d)
226 ;; NOTE: uses psuedo constants.
227 ;;
228 (push (list lhs rhs) th-rhs-args)
229 (setq lhs-args
230 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
231 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
232 (car pvars)
233 (make-pvariable-term x
234 (intern (format nil
235 "`pvs~D"
236 (incf var-num)))
237 )
238 #||
239 (make-variable-term x
240 (intern (format nil
241 "vs~D"
242 (incf var-num))))
243 ||#
244 ))
245 arity))
246 (setf rhs-args (copy-list lhs-args))
247 (setf (nth hs-pos rhs-args) (cadr pvars))
248 (setq lhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr lhs-args))
249 (setq rhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr rhs-args))
250 (setq ax
251 (check-axiom-error-method module
252 (make-rule :lhs lhs
253 :rhs rhs
254 :condition *bool-true*
255 :type ':equation
256 :kind ':beh-equiv-assumpt)))
257 (push ax (beh-stuff-assumptions hma))
259 ))
158 (let ((arity (method-arity attr)))
159 ;; first, make general axiom for each attributes.
160 ;; ceq attr(t,d) = attr(t',d) if t =*= t'.
161 ;; *NOTE* This is redundant, seems useless.
162 ;; we omit this now. Mon Mar 9 23:05:16 JST 1998
163 (setq hs-pos (position-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x))
164 arity))
165 (setq lhs-args
166 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
167 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
168 (car hvars)
169 (make-variable-term x
170 (intern (format nil
171 "vs~D"
172 (incf
173 var-num))))
174 ))
175 arity))
176 (setq rhs-args (copy-list lhs-args))
177 (setf (nth hs-pos rhs-args) (cadr hvars))
178 ;; lhs : attr(t,d)
179 (setq lhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr lhs-args))
180 ;; rhs : attr(t',d)
181 (setq rhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr rhs-args))
182 ;; ax : ceq attr(t,d) = attr(t',d) if t =*= t'.
183 ;; *NOTE* we don't introduce this now, see the above note.
184 ;; make assumption used for prove congruence relation at the later stage.
185 ;; eq attr(t,d) = attr(t',d)
186 ;; NOTE: uses psuedo constants.
187 ;;
188 (push (list lhs rhs) th-rhs-args)
189 (setq lhs-args
190 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
191 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
192 (car pvars)
193 (make-pvariable-term x
194 (intern (format nil
195 "`pvs~D"
196 (incf var-num))))))
197 arity))
198 (setf rhs-args (copy-list lhs-args))
199 (setf (nth hs-pos rhs-args) (cadr pvars))
200 (setq lhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr lhs-args))
201 (setq rhs (make-term-with-sort-check attr rhs-args))
202 (setq ax
203 (check-axiom-error-method module
204 (make-rule :lhs lhs
205 :rhs rhs
206 :condition *bool-true*
207 :type ':equation
208 :kind ':beh-equiv-assumpt)))
209 (push ax (beh-stuff-assumptions hma))
211 ))
260212 ;;
261213 ;; make theorem to be proved
262214 ;;
264216 ;; ceq t =*= t' = true if attr(t,d) == attr(t',d) and ...
265217 ;;
266218 (when attributes
267 (setq rhs ; conjunction of each attr(t,d) == attr(t',d).
268 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
269 (make-term-with-sort-check *bool-and*
270 (list x y)))
271 (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
272 (make-term-with-sort-check *bool-equal* z))
273 th-rhs-args)))
274 (setq ax
275 (check-axiom-error-method module
276 (make-rule :lhs cond
277 :rhs *bool-true*
278 :condition rhs ; *bool-true*
279 :type ':equation
280 ;; :kind ':beh-equiv-theorem
281 )))
282 (setf (beh-stuff-theorem hma) ax)
283 )
219 (setq rhs ; conjunction of each attr(t,d) == attr(t',d).
220 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
221 (make-term-with-sort-check *bool-and*
222 (list x y)))
223 (mapcar #'(lambda (z)
224 (make-term-with-sort-check *bool-equal* z))
225 th-rhs-args)))
226 (setq ax
227 (check-axiom-error-method module
228 (make-rule :lhs cond
229 :rhs *bool-true*
230 :condition rhs ; *bool-true*
231 :type ':equation
232 ;; :kind ':beh-equiv-theorem
233 )))
234 (setf (beh-stuff-theorem hma) ax))
284235 ;; make terms to be evaluated to true in proof.
285236 (when methods
286 ;; for each methods
287 (dolist (bmeth methods)
288 (let* ((marity (method-arity bmeth))
289 (mhpos (position-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) marity)))
290 (setq lhs-args
291 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
292 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
293 (car pvars)
294 (make-pvariable-term x
295 (intern (format nil
296 "`bpvs~D"
297 (incf
298 var-num))))
299 #||
300 (make-variable-term x
301 (intern (format nil
302 "bvs~D"
303 (incf
304 var-num))))
305 ||#
306 ))
307 marity))
308 (setq rhs-args (copy-list lhs-args))
309 (setf (nth mhpos rhs-args) (cadr pvars))
310 (Setq lhs (make-term-with-sort-check bmeth lhs-args))
311 (setq rhs (make-term-with-sort-check bmeth rhs-args))
312 (push (make-term-with-sort-check *beh-equal* (list lhs rhs))
313 (beh-stuff-targets hma)))))
314 )))
316 ;;;
317 ;;; now defined in globals.lisp
318 ;;; (declaim (special *beh-proof-in-progress*))
319 ;;; (defvar *beh-proof-in-progress* nil)
321 #||
322 (let ((.beh-proof-mod-num. 0))
323 (defun make-beh-proof-mod-name ()
324 ;; (format nil " % % -~d" (incf .beh-proof-mod-num.))
325 " % % " ))
326 ||#
237 ;; for each methods
238 (dolist (bmeth methods)
239 (let* ((marity (method-arity bmeth))
240 (mhpos (position-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) marity)))
241 (setq lhs-args
242 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
243 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
244 (car pvars)
245 (make-pvariable-term x
246 (intern (format nil "`bpvs~D"
247 (incf
248 var-num))))))
249 marity))
250 (setq rhs-args (copy-list lhs-args))
251 (setf (nth mhpos rhs-args) (cadr pvars))
252 (Setq lhs (make-term-with-sort-check bmeth lhs-args))
253 (setq rhs (make-term-with-sort-check bmeth rhs-args))
254 (push (make-term-with-sort-check *beh-equal* (list lhs rhs))
255 (beh-stuff-targets hma))))))))
328257 (defun make-beh-proof-mod-name () " % % " )
337266 (return-from try-beh-proof-in nil))
338267 (when *beh-proof-in-progress* (return-from try-beh-proof-in nil))
339268 (let ((proved nil)
340 (fail nil)
341 (*beh-proof-in-progress* t)
342 (*auto-context-change* nil)
343 (*used==* nil))
269 (fail nil)
270 (*beh-proof-in-progress* t)
271 (*auto-context-change* nil)
272 (*used==* nil))
344273 (declare (special *auto-context-change*)
345 (special *used==*))
274 (special *used==*))
346275 ;; first open the module
347276 (let* ((proof-mod-nam (normalize-modexp (make-beh-proof-mod-name)))
348 (proof-mod (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
349 (create-renamed-module module proof-mod-nam))))
277 (proof-mod (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
278 (create-renamed-module module proof-mod-nam))))
350279 (setf (module-type proof-mod) :system)
351280 ;; ** strong assumption **
352281 ;; opened module is compiled & has just the same beh-to-be-proved!!!!
353282 (with-in-module (proof-mod)
354 (let ((ths (module-beh-stuff proof-mod)))
355 (declare (type list ths))
356 ;; for each beh-stuff
357 (dotimes (t-pos (length ths))
358 (declare (type fixnum t-pos))
359 (let ((th (nth t-pos ths)))
360 (when (beh-stuff-theorem th)
361 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
362 (*chaos-verbose* nil))
363 (declare (special *chaos-verbose* *chaos-quiet*))
364 ;; add theorem
365 (adjoin-axiom-to-module proof-mod
366 (check-axiom-error-method
367 proof-mod
368 (beh-stuff-theorem th)))
369 (dolist (as (beh-stuff-assumptions th))
370 (adjoin-axiom-to-module proof-mod
371 (check-axiom-error-method
372 proof-mod
373 as)))
374 (set-needs-rule proof-mod)
375 (compile-module proof-mod)
376 )
377 ;;
378 (when *chaos-verbose*
379 (with-output-simple-msg ()
380 (format t "~&>> start trial proof : ")
381 (print-chaos-object (beh-stuff-theorem th))
382 (print-next)
383 (princ "* bases : ")
384 (dolist (as (beh-stuff-assumptions th))
385 (print-next)
386 (print-chaos-object as))
387 (force-output)))
388 ;; try proof
389 (let ((failed nil))
390 (dolist (tm (beh-stuff-targets th))
391 (when *chaos-verbose*
392 (with-output-simple-msg ()
393 (print-next)
394 (princ "* case : ")
395 (print-chaos-object tm)
396 (force-output)))
397 ;; do the proof
398 (beh-rewrite tm proof-mod)
399 ;;
400 (when *chaos-verbose*
401 (print-next)
402 (princ " -> ") (term-print tm))
403 (unless (is-true? tm)
404 (setq failed t)
405 (when *chaos-verbose*
406 (with-output-simple-msg ()
407 (print-next)
408 (princ "==> fail!")))
409 (return))
410 (when *chaos-verbose*
411 (with-output-simple-msg ()
412 (print-next)
413 (princ "==> success!")))
414 )
415 (if failed
416 (progn (setq fail t) (return))
417 (push t-pos proved))
418 )))
419 ;; done for a beh-stuff
420 )
421 ;; done for each beh-stuff
422 ))
423 (clean-up-module proof-mod) ; dont need no more
424 ;;
425 ;; (eval-close-module)
426 )
283 (let ((ths (module-beh-stuff proof-mod)))
284 (declare (type list ths))
285 ;; for each beh-stuff
286 (dotimes (t-pos (length ths))
287 (declare (type fixnum t-pos))
288 (let ((th (nth t-pos ths)))
289 (when (beh-stuff-theorem th)
290 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
291 (*chaos-verbose* nil))
292 (declare (special *chaos-verbose* *chaos-quiet*))
293 ;; add theorem
294 (adjoin-axiom-to-module proof-mod
295 (check-axiom-error-method
296 proof-mod
297 (beh-stuff-theorem th)))
298 (dolist (as (beh-stuff-assumptions th))
299 (adjoin-axiom-to-module proof-mod
300 (check-axiom-error-method
301 proof-mod
302 as)))
303 (set-needs-rule proof-mod)
304 (compile-module proof-mod))
305 ;;
306 (when *chaos-verbose*
307 (with-output-simple-msg ()
308 (format t "~%>> start trial proof : ")
309 (print-chaos-object (beh-stuff-theorem th))
310 (print-next)
311 (princ "* bases : ")
312 (dolist (as (beh-stuff-assumptions th))
313 (print-next)
314 (print-chaos-object as))
315 (force-output)))
316 ;; try proof
317 (let ((failed nil))
318 (dolist (tm (beh-stuff-targets th))
319 (when *chaos-verbose*
320 (with-output-simple-msg ()
321 (print-next)
322 (princ "* case : ")
323 (print-chaos-object tm)
324 (force-output)))
325 ;; do the proof
326 (beh-rewrite tm proof-mod)
327 ;;
328 (when *chaos-verbose*
329 (print-next)
330 (princ " -> ") (term-print tm))
331 (unless (is-true? tm)
332 (setq failed t)
333 (when *chaos-verbose*
334 (with-output-simple-msg ()
335 (print-next)
336 (princ "==> fail!")))
337 (return))
338 (when *chaos-verbose*
339 (with-output-simple-msg ()
340 (print-next)
341 (princ "==> success!"))))
342 (if failed
343 (progn (setq fail t) (return))
344 (push t-pos proved)))))
345 ;; done for a beh-stuff
346 )
347 ;; done for each beh-stuff
348 ))
349 (clean-up-module proof-mod))
427350 ;; we assert proved theorem in module
428351 (let ((real-ths (module-beh-stuff module)))
429352 (if fail
430 (with-output-simple-msg ()
431 (format t "~&** system failed to prove =*= is a congruence of ")
432 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t t))
433 (with-in-module (module)
434 (with-output-simple-msg ()
353 (with-output-simple-msg ()
354 (format t "~%** system failed to prove =*= is a congruence of ")
355 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t t))
356 (with-in-module (module)
357 (with-output-simple-msg ()
435358 (if (dont-believe-=*=-proof)
436 (format t "~&** system judged \"=*=\" is a congruence of ")
437 (format t "~&** system already proved \"=*=\" is a congruence of "))
438 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t t)
439 (print-next)
440 ;;
441 (when (dont-believe-=*=-proof)
442 (princ "** NOTE: in the proof process, an equality")
443 (print-next)
444 (princ " test (== or =/= with variable/constant on one side)")
445 (print-next)
446 (princ " was performed. Because system does not run case analysis,")
447 (print-next)
448 (princ " this judgement can be wrong.")
449 (print-next)
450 (princ " Please look into the proof process by loading ")
451 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t t)
452 (princ " again")
453 (print-next)
454 (princ " after the two commands of")
455 (print-next)
456 (princ " set verbose on ")
457 (print-next)
458 (princ " set trace whole on ")
459 (print-next)
460 (princ " If you are sure that the proof is correct,")
461 (print-next)
462 (princ " you can add the following axiom(s):")))
463 (dolist (pos proved)
464 (let ((th (nth pos real-ths)))
465 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *used==*)
466 (with-output-simple-msg ()
467 (if (not (dont-believe-=*=-proof))
468 (format t "~&>> adding axiom : ")
469 (format t "~&ceq "))
470 (print-chaos-object (beh-stuff-theorem th))
471 (princ " . ")))
472 (print-next)
473 (unless (dont-believe-=*=-proof)
474 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
475 (check-axiom-error-method
476 module
477 (beh-stuff-theorem th)))
478 )
479 ))
480 (set-needs-rule module)
481 )))
482 ))
359 (format t "~%** system judged \"=*=\" is a congruence of ")
360 (format t "~%** system already proved \"=*=\" is a congruence of "))
361 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t t)
362 (print-next)
363 ;;
364 (when (dont-believe-=*=-proof)
365 (princ "** NOTE: in the proof process, an equality")
366 (print-next)
367 (princ " test (== or =/= with variable/constant on one side)")
368 (print-next)
369 (princ " was performed. Because system does not run case analysis,")
370 (print-next)
371 (princ " this judgement can be wrong.")
372 (print-next)
373 (princ " Please look into the proof process by loading ")
374 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t t)
375 (princ " again")
376 (print-next)
377 (princ " after the two commands of")
378 (print-next)
379 (princ " set verbose on ")
380 (print-next)
381 (princ " set trace whole on ")
382 (print-next)
383 (princ " If you are sure that the proof is correct,")
384 (print-next)
385 (princ " you can add the following axiom(s):")))
386 (dolist (pos proved)
387 (let ((th (nth pos real-ths)))
388 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *used==*)
389 (with-output-simple-msg ()
390 (if (not (dont-believe-=*=-proof))
391 (format t "~%>> adding axiom : ")
392 (format t "~%ceq "))
393 (print-chaos-object (beh-stuff-theorem th))
394 (princ " . ")))
395 (print-next)
396 (unless (dont-believe-=*=-proof)
397 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
398 (check-axiom-error-method
399 module
400 (beh-stuff-theorem th))))))
401 (set-needs-rule module))))))
484403 (defun beh-rewrite (term mod)
485 (let (($$term term)
486 (*rule-count* 0)
487 (*perform-on-demand-reduction* t)
488 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* (module-has-behavioural-axioms mod)))
489 (declare (special $$term)
490 (special *rewrite-semantic-reduce*))
491 (rewrite term mod)))
404 (reducer-no-stat term mod :red))
493406 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: construct
32 File: cr.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: construct
32 File: cr.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7171 ;;;
7272 (defun sort-to-id-sort (sort mod)
7373 (declare (ignore mod)
74 (type sort-struct sort)
75 (type module mod)
76 (values sort-struct))
74 (type sort-struct sort)
75 (type module mod)
76 (values sort-struct))
7777 (if (crsort-p sort)
7878 (method-coarity (crsort-id-method sort))
7979 (error "Internal error : sort-to-id-sort gets non r/c sort ~s"
80 (sort-id sort))))
80 (sort-id sort))))
8282 (defun declare-cr-sort (module name supers type &optional hidden)
8383 (declare (type module module)
84 (type t name)
85 (type list supers)
86 (type symbol type)
87 (type (or null t) hidden)
88 (values sort-struct t))
84 (type t name)
85 (type list supers)
86 (type symbol type)
87 (type (or null t) hidden)
88 (values sort-struct t))
8989 (with-in-module (module)
9090 (let ((sort (or (find-sort-in module name)
91 (declare-sort-in-module (intern name) module type hidden)))
92 spr
93 (super-refs nil))
91 (declare-sort-in-module (intern name) module type hidden)))
92 spr
93 (super-refs nil))
9494 (declare (type sort-struct sort))
9595 ;; define sort relation with super classes
9696 ;; check if supers really exist.
9797 (dolist (sup supers)
98 (if (setq spr (find-sort-in module (%super-sort sup)))
99 (progn
100 (when hidden
101 (unless (sort-is-hidden spr)
102 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-hidden-sort)
103 (format t "you cannot declare subsort relation between visible sort and hidden sort,~% the super sort ")
104 (print-sort-name spr)
105 (print-next)
106 (format t " is visible, but should be hidden in this context.")
107 )))
108 (push (list spr (%super-renames sup)) super-refs))
109 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
110 (format t "no such sort ,")
111 (print-ast sup)
112 (print-next)
113 (format t "super ")
114 (print-ast sup)
115 (print-next)
116 (format t " is ignored.")
117 )))
98 (if (setq spr (find-sort-in module (%super-sort sup)))
99 (progn
100 (when hidden
101 (unless (sort-is-hidden spr)
102 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-hidden-sort)
103 (format t "you cannot declare subsort relation between visible sort and hidden sort,~% the super sort ")
104 (print-sort-name spr)
105 (print-next)
106 (format t " is visible, but should be hidden in this context.")
107 )))
108 (push (list spr (%super-renames sup)) super-refs))
109 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
110 (format t "no such sort ,")
111 (print-ast sup)
112 (print-next)
113 (format t "super ")
114 (print-ast sup)
115 (print-next)
116 (format t " is ignored.")
117 )))
118118 (if super-refs
119 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list* sort
120 ':<
121 (mapcar #'car super-refs))))
122 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list sort ':< (if (eq type 'class-sort)
123 *object-sort*
124 *record-instance-sort*
125 )))))
119 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list* sort
120 ':<
121 (mapcar #'car super-refs))))
122 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list sort ':< (if (eq type 'class-sort)
123 *object-sort*
124 *record-instance-sort*
125 )))))
126126 (values sort super-refs))))
163163 (defun inherit-super-slots (super-ref module)
164164 (declare (type t super-ref)
165 (type module module)
166 (values list))
165 (type module module)
166 (values list))
167167 (if (null (second super-ref))
168168 ;; no slot renaming
169169 (copy-list (crsort-slots (car super-ref))) ; might be modified later.
171171 ;; slot renaming.
172172 (let* ((super-sort (car super-ref))
173 (super-slots (crsort-slots super-sort))
174 (maps (mapcar #'(lambda (m)
175 (cons (%attr-rename-source m)
176 (%attr-rename-target m)))
177 (second super-ref)))
178 (inherited-slots nil))
179 ;; a little error check
180 (dolist (ren maps)
181 (let ((slot (assoc (car ren) super-slots :test #'equal)))
182 (unless slot
183 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attributes)
184 (format t "renaming super's attribute, no such attribute ~a in super sort ~a"
185 (car ren) (sort-id (car super-ref)))
186 ))))
187 ;; do renaming
188 (dolist (sl super-slots)
189 (let ((new-name (cdr (assoc (car sl) maps :test #'equal))))
190 (if new-name
191 ;;
192 (let ((new-slot (copy-list sl))
193 (new-slot-sort-name (slot-name-to-sort-name new-name))
194 (new-slot-sort nil))
195 (setf (car new-slot) new-name)
196 (push new-slot inherited-slots)
197 (setq new-slot-sort
198 (declare-sort-in-module (intern new-slot-sort-name)
199 module))
200 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list new-slot-sort
201 ':<
202 (method-coarity
203 (cr-slot-attribute-id-method sl))))
204 module)
205 ;;
206 (multiple-value-bind (new-sl-op new-sl-method)
207 (declare-operator-in-module (list new-name)
208 nil
209 new-slot-sort
210 module)
211 (declare (ignore new-sl-op))
212 (setf (cr-slot-attribute-id new-slot)
213 (cons new-sl-method
214 (make-new-variable
215 (concatenate 'string
216 "VAR-" (string-upcase new-slot-sort-name))
217 new-slot-sort)))))
218 ;; no modification, inherit as is .
219 (push (copy-list sl) inherited-slots))))
220 (nreverse inherited-slots))))
173 (super-slots (crsort-slots super-sort))
174 (maps (mapcar #'(lambda (m)
175 (cons (%attr-rename-source m)
176 (%attr-rename-target m)))
177 (second super-ref)))
178 (inherited-slots nil))
179 ;; a little error check
180 (dolist (ren maps)
181 (let ((slot (assoc (car ren) super-slots :test #'equal)))
182 (unless slot
183 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attributes)
184 (format t "renaming super's attribute, no such attribute ~a in super sort ~a"
185 (car ren) (sort-id (car super-ref)))
186 ))))
187 ;; do renaming
188 (dolist (sl super-slots)
189 (let ((new-name (cdr (assoc (car sl) maps :test #'equal))))
190 (if new-name
191 ;;
192 (let ((new-slot (copy-list sl))
193 (new-slot-sort-name (slot-name-to-sort-name new-name))
194 (new-slot-sort nil))
195 (setf (car new-slot) new-name)
196 (push new-slot inherited-slots)
197 (setq new-slot-sort
198 (declare-sort-in-module (intern new-slot-sort-name)
199 module))
200 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list new-slot-sort
201 ':<
202 (method-coarity
203 (cr-slot-attribute-id-method sl))))
204 module)
205 ;;
206 (multiple-value-bind (new-sl-op new-sl-method)
207 (declare-operator-in-module (list new-name)
208 nil
209 new-slot-sort
210 module)
211 (declare (ignore new-sl-op))
212 (setf (cr-slot-attribute-id new-slot)
213 (cons new-sl-method
214 (make-new-variable
215 (concatenate 'string
216 "VAR-" (string-upcase new-slot-sort-name))
217 new-slot-sort)))))
218 ;; no modification, inherit as is .
219 (push (copy-list sl) inherited-slots))))
220 (nreverse inherited-slots))))
222222 ;;; PROCESS-SLOT-DECLARATIONS module super-refs slot-decls
223223 (defun process-slot-declarations (module cr-sort super-refs slot-decls)
224224 (declare (type module module)
225 (type sort-struct cr-sort)
226 (type t super-refs slot-decls)
227 (values list))
225 (type sort-struct cr-sort)
226 (type t super-refs slot-decls)
227 (values list))
228228 (with-in-module (module)
229229 (let ((super-slots nil)
230 (own-slots nil))
230 (own-slots nil))
232232 (dolist (super-ref super-refs)
233 (let ((super-sort (car super-ref)))
234 (if (crsort-p super-sort)
235 (let ((inherited-slots (inherit-super-slots super-ref module)))
236 (dolist (ihsl inherited-slots)
237 (when (assoc (car ihsl) super-slots :test #'equal)
238 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute)
239 (format t "duplicated attribute name ~a is inherited from supers."
240 (car ihsl))
241 ))
242 (push ihsl super-slots))))))
233 (let ((super-sort (car super-ref)))
234 (if (crsort-p super-sort)
235 (let ((inherited-slots (inherit-super-slots super-ref module)))
236 (dolist (ihsl inherited-slots)
237 (when (assoc (car ihsl) super-slots :test #'equal)
238 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute)
239 (format t "duplicated attribute name ~a is inherited from supers."
240 (car ihsl))
241 ))
242 (push ihsl super-slots))))))
245245 ;; May include re-defining sorts or default value of super slots.
246246 (dolist (x slot-decls)
247 (block next
248 (let* ((sort (find-sort-in module (%slot-sort x)))
249 (slot-name (%slot-name x))
250 (slot-sort-name (slot-name-to-sort-name slot-name))
251 (slot-name-sort nil)
252 (slot-name-var nil)
253 the-slot)
254 (unless sort
255 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
256 (format t "declaring record/class, no such sort ")
257 (print-sort-ref (%slot-sort x))
258 (print-next)
259 (format t "for attribute ~a." (%slot-name x))
260 ))
261 ;;
262 (when (assoc slot-name own-slots :test #'equal)
263 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute)
264 (format t "duplicated attributes ~a are declared" slot-name)
265 ))
266 ;; check sort changing or different default value.
267 (let ((sup (assoc slot-name super-slots :test #'equal)))
268 (when sup
269 (if (sort<= sort (cr-slot-sort sup) *current-sort-order*)
270 ;; ok
271 (progn
272 ;; delete slot declaration from inherited ones
273 (setq super-slots (delete sup super-slots))
274 )
275 ;;
276 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute)
277 (format t "for attribute ~a, changed sort must be a susort of ~a, but declared as ~a"
278 (car x)
279 (sort-id (cr-slot-sort sup))
280 (sort-id sort))
281 ))))
283 ;; declare slot's sort as an subsort of attribute-value
284 (unless (sort<= sort *attr-value-sort* *current-sort-order*)
285 (let ((supers (supersorts-no-err sort *current-sort-order*)))
286 (if (null supers)
287 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,sort :< ,*attr-value-sort*))
288 module)
289 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,@(maximal-sorts-no-error supers *current-sort-order*)
290 :< ,*attr-value-sort*))
291 module))))
293 ;; SORT FOR SLOT-NAME (Attribute Identifier)
294 (setq slot-name-sort
295 (or (find-sort-in module slot-sort-name)
296 (declare-sort-in-module (intern slot-sort-name)
297 module)))
298 (unless (sort<= slot-name-sort *attribute-id-sort* *current-sort-order*)
299 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list slot-name-sort
300 ':<
301 *attribute-id-sort*))
302 module))
304 ;;
305 ;; (update-sort-order (module-sort-order module)) ***
306 ;; Attribute Identifier CONSTRUCTOR
307 (multiple-value-bind (sl-op sl-method)
308 (declare-operator-in-module (list slot-name)
309 nil
310 slot-name-sort
311 module
312 :attribute-id)
313 (declare (ignore sl-op))
314 (setq slot-name-var
315 (make-new-variable
316 (concatenate 'string
317 "VAR-" (string-upcase slot-sort-name))
318 slot-name-sort))
319 (setq the-slot (list slot-name ; name
320 sort ; sort
321 (%slot-default x) ; default value
322 (cons sl-method slot-name-var) ; attribute id
323 nil ; reader
324 nil ; writer
325 ))
326 (push the-slot own-slots)
328 (let* ((slot-sort (cr-slot-sort the-slot))
329 (slot-name (cr-slot-name the-slot))
330 (reader (list slot-name))
331 (writer (list (concatenate 'string "set-" slot-name))))
332 ;; READER
333 (multiple-value-bind (r-op r-meth)
334 (declare-operator-in-module reader
335 (list cr-sort)
336 slot-sort
337 module)
338 (declare (ignore r-op))
339 (setf (cr-slot-reader the-slot) r-meth))
340 ;; WRITER
341 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
342 (declare-operator-in-module writer
343 (list cr-sort slot-sort)
344 cr-sort
345 module)
346 (setf (cr-slot-writer the-slot) meth)
347 (declare-operator-strategy op '(1 2 0)))
348 )))))
247 (block next
248 (let* ((sort (find-sort-in module (%slot-sort x)))
249 (slot-name (%slot-name x))
250 (slot-sort-name (slot-name-to-sort-name slot-name))
251 (slot-name-sort nil)
252 (slot-name-var nil)
253 the-slot)
254 (unless sort
255 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
256 (format t "declaring record/class, no such sort ")
257 (print-sort-ref (%slot-sort x))
258 (print-next)
259 (format t "for attribute ~a." (%slot-name x))
260 ))
261 ;;
262 (when (assoc slot-name own-slots :test #'equal)
263 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute)
264 (format t "duplicated attributes ~a are declared" slot-name)
265 ))
266 ;; check sort changing or different default value.
267 (let ((sup (assoc slot-name super-slots :test #'equal)))
268 (when sup
269 (if (sort<= sort (cr-slot-sort sup) *current-sort-order*)
270 ;; ok
271 (progn
272 ;; delete slot declaration from inherited ones
273 (setq super-slots (delete sup super-slots))
274 )
275 ;;
276 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute)
277 (format t "for attribute ~a, changed sort must be a susort of ~a, but declared as ~a"
278 (car x)
279 (sort-id (cr-slot-sort sup))
280 (sort-id sort))
281 ))))
283 ;; declare slot's sort as an subsort of attribute-value
284 (unless (sort<= sort *attr-value-sort* *current-sort-order*)
285 (let ((supers (supersorts-no-err sort *current-sort-order*)))
286 (if (null supers)
287 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,sort :< ,*attr-value-sort*))
288 module)
289 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,@(maximal-sorts-no-error supers *current-sort-order*)
290 :< ,*attr-value-sort*))
291 module))))
293 ;; SORT FOR SLOT-NAME (Attribute Identifier)
294 (setq slot-name-sort
295 (or (find-sort-in module slot-sort-name)
296 (declare-sort-in-module (intern slot-sort-name)
297 module)))
298 (unless (sort<= slot-name-sort *attribute-id-sort* *current-sort-order*)
299 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list slot-name-sort
300 ':<
301 *attribute-id-sort*))
302 module))
304 ;;
305 ;; (update-sort-order (module-sort-order module)) ***
306 ;; Attribute Identifier CONSTRUCTOR
307 (multiple-value-bind (sl-op sl-method)
308 (declare-operator-in-module (list slot-name)
309 nil
310 slot-name-sort
311 module
312 :attribute-id)
313 (declare (ignore sl-op))
314 (setq slot-name-var
315 (make-new-variable
316 (concatenate 'string
317 "VAR-" (string-upcase slot-sort-name))
318 slot-name-sort))
319 (setq the-slot (list slot-name ; name
320 sort ; sort
321 (%slot-default x) ; default value
322 (cons sl-method slot-name-var) ; attribute id
323 nil ; reader
324 nil ; writer
325 ))
326 (push the-slot own-slots)
328 (let* ((slot-sort (cr-slot-sort the-slot))
329 (slot-name (cr-slot-name the-slot))
330 (reader (list slot-name))
331 (writer (list (concatenate 'string "set-" slot-name))))
332 ;; READER
333 (multiple-value-bind (r-op r-meth)
334 (declare-operator-in-module reader
335 (list cr-sort)
336 slot-sort
337 module)
338 (declare (ignore r-op))
339 (setf (cr-slot-reader the-slot) r-meth))
340 ;; WRITER
341 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
342 (declare-operator-in-module writer
343 (list cr-sort slot-sort)
344 cr-sort
345 module)
346 (setf (cr-slot-writer the-slot) meth)
347 (declare-operator-strategy op '(1 2 0)))
348 )))))
349349 ;;
350350 (nconc super-slots own-slots))))
356356 ;;;
357357 (defun make-make-name (name)
358358 (declare (type (or symbol simple-string) name)
359 (values simple-string))
359 (values simple-string))
360360 (concatenate 'string "make" (string name)))
362362 (defun make-id-sort-name (name type)
363363 (declare (type (or symbol simple-string) name)
364 (type symbol type)
365 (values symbol))
364 (type symbol type)
365 (values symbol))
366366 (intern (format nil "~a~a"
367 (if (eq type 'class-sort) "Class" "Record")
368 name)))
367 (if (eq type 'class-sort) "Class" "Record")
368 name)))
370370 (defun declare-cr-internal (module name supers slot-decls type &optional hidden)
371371 (declare (type module module)
372 (type t name)
373 (type list supers slot-decls)
374 (type symbol type)
375 (type (or null t) hidden)
376 (values t))
372 (type t name)
373 (type list supers slot-decls)
374 (type symbol type)
375 (type (or null t) hidden)
376 (values t))
377377 (multiple-value-bind (cr-sort super-sorts)
378378 (declare-cr-sort module name supers type hidden)
379379 (declare (type sort-struct cr-sort)
380 (type list super-sorts))
380 (type list super-sorts))
381381 (unless (sort-struct-p cr-sort)
382382 (break "Panic non sort"))
383383 (let ((id-sort-name (make-id-sort-name name type))
384 id-sort
385 (constructor-name (if (eq type 'class-sort)
386 ;; NOTE: the order is significant
387 (list '("<" "_" ":" "_" "|" "_" ">")
388 '("<" "_" ":" "_" ">"))
389 (list '("_" "{" "_" "}")
390 '("_" "{" "}"))))
391 const-arities)
384 id-sort
385 (constructor-name (if (eq type 'class-sort)
386 ;; NOTE: the order is significant
387 (list '("<" "_" ":" "_" "|" "_" ">")
388 '("<" "_" ":" "_" ">"))
389 (list '("_" "{" "_" "}")
390 '("_" "{" "}"))))
391 const-arities)
392392 ;; RECORD&CLASS IDENTIFIER --------------------------------
393393 (setq id-sort (declare-sort-in-module id-sort-name module 'sort hidden))
394394 (setq const-arities
395 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
396 (list (list *object-identifier-sort*
397 id-sort
398 *attribute-list-sort*)
399 (list *object-identifier-sort*
400 id-sort)
401 (list *object-identifier-sort*
402 id-sort))
403 (list (list id-sort *attribute-list-sort*)
404 (list id-sort))))
395 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
396 (list (list *object-identifier-sort*
397 id-sort
398 *attribute-list-sort*)
399 (list *object-identifier-sort*
400 id-sort)
401 (list *object-identifier-sort*
402 id-sort))
403 (list (list id-sort *attribute-list-sort*)
404 (list id-sort))))
405405 (if supers
406 (let ((supers-id (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (sort-to-id-sort (car x) module))
407 super-sorts)))
408 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list* id-sort ':< supers-id))
409 module
410 hidden))
411 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list id-sort ':<
412 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
413 *class-id-sort*
414 *record-id-sort*)))
415 module))
406 (let ((supers-id (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (sort-to-id-sort (car x) module))
407 super-sorts)))
408 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list* id-sort ':< supers-id))
409 module
410 hidden))
411 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list id-sort ':<
412 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
413 *class-id-sort*
414 *record-id-sort*)))
415 module))
416416 ;; MESSAGE SORT FOR CLASS SORTS ------------------------------
417417 (when (eq type 'class-sort)
418 (let* ((msg-sort-name (format nil "~aMessage" name))
419 (msg-sort (declare-sort-in-module (intern msg-sort-name) module)))
420 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list msg-sort ':< *message-sort*))
421 module)))
418 (let* ((msg-sort-name (format nil "~aMessage" name))
419 (msg-sort (declare-sort-in-module (intern msg-sort-name) module)))
420 (declare-subsort-in-module (list (list msg-sort ':< *message-sort*))
421 module)))
422422 ;;
423423 ;; (update-sort-order (module-sort-order module))
424424 ;;
425425 ;; RECORD/CLASS ID -------------------------------------------
426426 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
427 (declare-operator-in-module (list name) () id-sort module :crid)
428 (declare (ignore op))
429 (unless meth
430 (error "PANIC! no method returned"))
431 (setf (crsort-idconstr cr-sort) (cons meth
432 (make-new-variable "RCID" id-sort)))
434 ;; CONSTRUCTOR ---------------------------------------------
435 (dotimes (x 2)
436 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
437 (declare-operator-in-module (nth x constructor-name)
438 (nth x const-arities)
439 cr-sort
440 module
441 (if (= 0 x)
442 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
443 :object
444 :record)
445 :object-ref)
446 )
447 (declare (ignore op))
448 (if (= x 0)
449 (setf (crsort-constr-method cr-sort) meth))))
451 ;; operator makeFoo ----------------------------------------
452 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
453 ;; MAKE FOR CLASS ---
454 (let ((op-name (make-make-name name)))
455 ;; (declare (ignore make-op))
456 ;; (1) makeFoo : ObjectId Attributes -> Foo
457 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
458 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name)
459 (list *object-identifier-sort*
460 *attribute-list-sort*)
461 cr-sort
462 module)
463 (declare (ignore make-op))
464 (setf (crsort-make-1 cr-sort) make-meth))
466 ;; (2) makeFoo : ObjectId -> Foo
467 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
468 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name)
469 (list *object-identifier-sort*)
470 cr-sort
471 module)
472 (declare (ignore make-op))
473 (setf (crsort-make-2 cr-sort) make-meth))
475 ;; (3) makeFoo_ : Attributes -> Foo
476 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
477 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name "_")
478 (list *attribute-list-sort*)
479 cr-sort
480 module)
481 (setf (crsort-make-3 cr-sort) make-meth)
482 (declare-operator-precedence make-op 0))
484 ;; (4) makeFoo : -> Foo
485 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
486 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name)
487 nil
488 cr-sort
489 module)
490 (declare (ignore make-op))
491 (setf (crsort-make-4 cr-sort) make-meth))
492 )
494 ;; MAKE FOR RECORD ---
495 (let ((op-name (list (make-make-name name))))
496 ;; makeFoo : Attrs -> Foo
497 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
498 (declare-operator-in-module op-name
499 (list *attribute-list-sort*)
500 cr-sort
501 module)
502 (declare (ignore make-op))
503 (setf (crsort-make-1 cr-sort) make-meth))
505 ;; makeFoo : -> Foo
506 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
507 (declare-operator-in-module op-name
508 nil
509 cr-sort
510 module)
511 (declare (ignore make-op))
512 (setf (crsort-make-2 cr-sort) make-meth))
514 )
515 )
427 (declare-operator-in-module (list name) () id-sort module :crid)
428 (declare (ignore op))
429 (unless meth
430 (error "PANIC! no method returned"))
431 (setf (crsort-idconstr cr-sort) (cons meth
432 (make-new-variable "RCID" id-sort)))
434 ;; CONSTRUCTOR ---------------------------------------------
435 (dotimes (x 2)
436 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
437 (declare-operator-in-module (nth x constructor-name)
438 (nth x const-arities)
439 cr-sort
440 module
441 (if (= 0 x)
442 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
443 :object
444 :record)
445 :object-ref)
446 )
447 (declare (ignore op))
448 (if (= x 0)
449 (setf (crsort-constr-method cr-sort) meth))))
451 ;; operator makeFoo ----------------------------------------
452 (if (eq type 'class-sort)
453 ;; MAKE FOR CLASS ---
454 (let ((op-name (make-make-name name)))
455 ;; (declare (ignore make-op))
456 ;; (1) makeFoo : ObjectId Attributes -> Foo
457 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
458 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name)
459 (list *object-identifier-sort*
460 *attribute-list-sort*)
461 cr-sort
462 module)
463 (declare (ignore make-op))
464 (setf (crsort-make-1 cr-sort) make-meth))
466 ;; (2) makeFoo : ObjectId -> Foo
467 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
468 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name)
469 (list *object-identifier-sort*)
470 cr-sort
471 module)
472 (declare (ignore make-op))
473 (setf (crsort-make-2 cr-sort) make-meth))
475 ;; (3) makeFoo_ : Attributes -> Foo
476 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
477 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name "_")
478 (list *attribute-list-sort*)
479 cr-sort
480 module)
481 (setf (crsort-make-3 cr-sort) make-meth)
482 (declare-operator-precedence make-op 0))
484 ;; (4) makeFoo : -> Foo
485 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
486 (declare-operator-in-module (list op-name)
487 nil
488 cr-sort
489 module)
490 (declare (ignore make-op))
491 (setf (crsort-make-4 cr-sort) make-meth))
492 )
494 ;; MAKE FOR RECORD ---
495 (let ((op-name (list (make-make-name name))))
496 ;; makeFoo : Attrs -> Foo
497 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
498 (declare-operator-in-module op-name
499 (list *attribute-list-sort*)
500 cr-sort
501 module)
502 (declare (ignore make-op))
503 (setf (crsort-make-1 cr-sort) make-meth))
505 ;; makeFoo : -> Foo
506 (multiple-value-bind (make-op make-meth)
507 (declare-operator-in-module op-name
508 nil
509 cr-sort
510 module)
511 (declare (ignore make-op))
512 (setf (crsort-make-2 cr-sort) make-meth))
514 )
515 )
518 ;; ATTRIBUTE IDS,READERS,WRITERS ----------------------------
519 (setf (crsort-slots cr-sort)
520 (process-slot-declarations module cr-sort super-sorts slot-decls))
521 ))
518 ;; ATTRIBUTE IDS,READERS,WRITERS ----------------------------
519 (setf (crsort-slots cr-sort)
520 (process-slot-declarations module cr-sort super-sorts slot-decls))
521 ))
522522 ;;
523523 cr-sort))
526526 ;;;
527527 (defun declare-class-in-module (module name supers slot-decls &optional hidden)
528528 (let ((class-sort (declare-cr-internal module
529 name
530 supers
531 slot-decls
532 'class-sort
533 hidden)))
529 name
530 supers
531 slot-decls
532 'class-sort
533 hidden)))
534534 class-sort))
536536 ;;; Declaring RECORD
537537 ;;;
538538 (defun declare-record-in-module (module name supers slot-decls &optional hidden)
539539 (let ((record-sort (declare-cr-internal module
540 name
541 supers
542 slot-decls
543 'record-sort
544 hidden)))
540 name
541 supers
542 slot-decls
543 'record-sort
544 hidden)))
545545 record-sort))
550550 (unless (crsort-is-a-copy sort)
551551 (with-in-module (module)
552552 (let* ((id-var (make-new-variable "OBJID" *object-identifier-sort*))
553 (cid-var (crsort-id-variable sort))
554 (attrs-var (make-new-variable "ATTRS" *attribute-list-sort*)))
555 (macrolet ((make-object-pattern (slot var)
556 ` (make-applform sort
557 (crsort-constr-method sort)
558 (list id-var
559 cid-var
560 (make-applform
561 *attribute-list-sort*
562 *attribute-list-constructor*
563 (list (make-applform
564 *attribute-sort*
565 *attribute-constructor*
566 (list
567 (cr-slot-attribute-id-variable ,slot)
568 ,var))
569 attrs-var)))))
570 )
572 (dolist (slot (crsort-slots sort))
573 (let* ((var (make-new-variable "VAL" (cr-slot-sort slot)))
574 (object-pattern (make-object-pattern slot var)))
576 ;; READER -------------------------------------------------------
577 (let (lhs
578 rhs
579 ax)
580 (setf lhs (make-applform (cr-slot-sort slot)
581 (cr-slot-reader slot)
582 (list object-pattern)))
583 (setf rhs var)
584 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :equation))
585 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
586 )
587 ;; WRITER -------------------------------------------------------
588 (let ((new-var (make-new-variable "NEW-VAL" (cr-slot-sort slot)))
589 lhs
590 rhs
591 ax)
592 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
593 (cr-slot-writer slot)
594 (list (make-object-pattern slot var)
595 new-var)))
596 (setf rhs (make-object-pattern slot new-var))
597 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
598 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax))))
600 ;; AXIOMS for makeFoo ----------------------------------------------
601 (let* ((*print-case* :upcase)
602 (*print-escape* nil)
603 (rhs-form-1 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance ~a '~s ~a)"
604 (variable-name id-var)
605 (sort-id sort)
606 (variable-name attrs-var)
607 ))
608 (rhs-form-2 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance ~a '~s)"
609 (variable-name id-var)
610 (sort-id sort)))
611 (rhs-form-3 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance-allocating-id '~s ~a)"
612 (sort-id sort)
613 (variable-name attrs-var)))
614 (rhs-form-4 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance-allocating-id '~s)"
615 (sort-id sort)))
616 lhs
617 rhs
618 ax)
619 ;; (1) makeFoo : ObjectId Attributes -> Foo
620 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
621 (crsort-make-1 sort)
622 (list id-var attrs-var)))
623 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-1))
624 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
625 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
626 ;; (2) makeFOO : ObjectID -> Foo
627 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
628 (crsort-make-2 sort)
629 (list id-var)))
630 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-2))
631 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
632 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
633 ;; (3) makeFoo_ : Attributes -> Foo
634 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
635 (crsort-make-3 sort)
636 (list attrs-var)))
637 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-3))
638 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
639 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
640 ;; (4) makeFoo : -> Foo
641 (setf lhs (make-applform sort (crsort-make-4 sort) nil))
642 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-4))
643 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
644 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
645 ))))))
553 (cid-var (crsort-id-variable sort))
554 (attrs-var (make-new-variable "ATTRS" *attribute-list-sort*)))
555 (macrolet ((make-object-pattern (slot var)
556 ` (make-applform sort
557 (crsort-constr-method sort)
558 (list id-var
559 cid-var
560 (make-applform
561 *attribute-list-sort*
562 *attribute-list-constructor*
563 (list (make-applform
564 *attribute-sort*
565 *attribute-constructor*
566 (list
567 (cr-slot-attribute-id-variable ,slot)
568 ,var))
569 attrs-var)))))
570 )
572 (dolist (slot (crsort-slots sort))
573 (let* ((var (make-new-variable "VAL" (cr-slot-sort slot)))
574 (object-pattern (make-object-pattern slot var)))
576 ;; READER -------------------------------------------------------
577 (let (lhs
578 rhs
579 ax)
580 (setf lhs (make-applform (cr-slot-sort slot)
581 (cr-slot-reader slot)
582 (list object-pattern)))
583 (setf rhs var)
584 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :equation))
585 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
586 )
587 ;; WRITER -------------------------------------------------------
588 (let ((new-var (make-new-variable "NEW-VAL" (cr-slot-sort slot)))
589 lhs
590 rhs
591 ax)
592 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
593 (cr-slot-writer slot)
594 (list (make-object-pattern slot var)
595 new-var)))
596 (setf rhs (make-object-pattern slot new-var))
597 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
598 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax))))
600 ;; AXIOMS for makeFoo ----------------------------------------------
601 (let* ((*print-case* :upcase)
602 (*print-escape* nil)
603 (rhs-form-1 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance ~a '~s ~a)"
604 (variable-name id-var)
605 (sort-id sort)
606 (variable-name attrs-var)
607 ))
608 (rhs-form-2 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance ~a '~s)"
609 (variable-name id-var)
610 (sort-id sort)))
611 (rhs-form-3 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance-allocating-id '~s ~a)"
612 (sort-id sort)
613 (variable-name attrs-var)))
614 (rhs-form-4 (format nil "#!! (make-class-instance-allocating-id '~s)"
615 (sort-id sort)))
616 lhs
617 rhs
618 ax)
619 ;; (1) makeFoo : ObjectId Attributes -> Foo
620 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
621 (crsort-make-1 sort)
622 (list id-var attrs-var)))
623 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-1))
624 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
625 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
626 ;; (2) makeFOO : ObjectID -> Foo
627 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
628 (crsort-make-2 sort)
629 (list id-var)))
630 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-2))
631 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
632 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
633 ;; (3) makeFoo_ : Attributes -> Foo
634 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
635 (crsort-make-3 sort)
636 (list attrs-var)))
637 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-3))
638 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
639 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
640 ;; (4) makeFoo : -> Foo
641 (setf lhs (make-applform sort (crsort-make-4 sort) nil))
642 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-4))
643 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :rule))
644 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
645 ))))))
647647 (defun declare-record-axioms (module sort)
648648 (unless (crsort-is-a-copy sort)
649649 (with-in-module (module)
650650 (let ((*parse-variables* nil)
651 (*print-case* :upcase)
652 (*print-escape* nil))
653 (let ((rid-var (make-new-variable "RID" (sort-to-id-sort sort *current-module*)))
654 (attrs-var (make-new-variable "ATTRS" *attribute-list-sort*)))
655 (macrolet ((make-record-pattern (slot var)
656 ` (make-applform sort
657 (crsort-constr-method sort)
658 (list rid-var
659 (make-applform
660 *attribute-list-sort*
661 *attribute-list-constructor*
662 (list
663 (make-applform
664 *attribute-sort*
665 *attribute-constructor*
666 (list
667 (cr-slot-attribute-id-variable ,slot)
668 ,var))
669 attrs-var))))))
671 (dolist (slot (crsort-slots sort))
672 (let* ((var (make-new-variable "VAL" (cr-slot-sort slot)))
673 (record-pattern (make-record-pattern slot var)))
674 ;; READER -----------------------------------------------------
675 (let (lhs
676 rhs
677 ax)
678 (setf lhs (make-applform (cr-slot-sort slot)
679 (cr-slot-reader slot)
680 (list record-pattern)))
681 (setf rhs var)
682 (setf ax (make-rule :lhs lhs :rhs rhs
683 :condition *bool-true*
684 :id-condition nil
685 :type :equation
686 :kind nil
687 :labels nil))
688 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
689 )
691 ;; WRITER ---------------------------------------------------
692 (let ((new-var (make-new-variable "NEW-VAL" *cosmos*))
693 lhs
694 rhs
695 ax)
696 (setf lhs
697 (make-applform sort
698 (cr-slot-writer slot)
699 (list (make-record-pattern slot var)
700 new-var)))
701 (setf rhs (make-record-pattern slot new-var))
702 (setf ax (make-rule :lhs lhs :rhs rhs
703 :condition *bool-true*
704 :id-condition nil
705 :type :equation
706 :kind nil
707 :labels nil))
708 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax))))
710 ;; MAKE ---------------------------------------------------------
711 (let ((rhs-form-1 (format nil "#!! (make-record-instance '~s ~a)"
712 (sort-id sort)
713 (variable-name attrs-var)
714 ))
715 (rhs-form-2 (format nil "#!! (make-record-instance '~s)"
716 (sort-id sort)))
717 lhs
718 rhs
719 ax)
720 ;; (1) makeFoo : Attributes -> Foo
721 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
722 (crsort-make-1 sort)
723 (list attrs-var)))
724 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-1))
725 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :equation))
726 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
727 ;; (2) makeFoo : -> Foo
728 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
729 (crsort-make-2 sort)
730 nil))
731 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-2))
732 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :equation))
733 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
734 )))))))
651 (*print-case* :upcase)
652 (*print-escape* nil))
653 (let ((rid-var (make-new-variable "RID" (sort-to-id-sort sort *current-module*)))
654 (attrs-var (make-new-variable "ATTRS" *attribute-list-sort*)))
655 (macrolet ((make-record-pattern (slot var)
656 ` (make-applform sort
657 (crsort-constr-method sort)
658 (list rid-var
659 (make-applform
660 *attribute-list-sort*
661 *attribute-list-constructor*
662 (list
663 (make-applform
664 *attribute-sort*
665 *attribute-constructor*
666 (list
667 (cr-slot-attribute-id-variable ,slot)
668 ,var))
669 attrs-var))))))
671 (dolist (slot (crsort-slots sort))
672 (let* ((var (make-new-variable "VAL" (cr-slot-sort slot)))
673 (record-pattern (make-record-pattern slot var)))
674 ;; READER -----------------------------------------------------
675 (let (lhs
676 rhs
677 ax)
678 (setf lhs (make-applform (cr-slot-sort slot)
679 (cr-slot-reader slot)
680 (list record-pattern)))
681 (setf rhs var)
682 (setf ax (make-rule :lhs lhs :rhs rhs
683 :condition *bool-true*
684 :id-condition nil
685 :type :equation
686 :kind nil
687 :labels nil))
688 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
689 )
691 ;; WRITER ---------------------------------------------------
692 (let ((new-var (make-new-variable "NEW-VAL" *cosmos*))
693 lhs
694 rhs
695 ax)
696 (setf lhs
697 (make-applform sort
698 (cr-slot-writer slot)
699 (list (make-record-pattern slot var)
700 new-var)))
701 (setf rhs (make-record-pattern slot new-var))
702 (setf ax (make-rule :lhs lhs :rhs rhs
703 :condition *bool-true*
704 :id-condition nil
705 :type :equation
706 :kind nil
707 :labels nil))
708 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax))))
710 ;; MAKE ---------------------------------------------------------
711 (let ((rhs-form-1 (format nil "#!! (make-record-instance '~s ~a)"
712 (sort-id sort)
713 (variable-name attrs-var)
714 ))
715 (rhs-form-2 (format nil "#!! (make-record-instance '~s)"
716 (sort-id sort)))
717 lhs
718 rhs
719 ax)
720 ;; (1) makeFoo : Attributes -> Foo
721 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
722 (crsort-make-1 sort)
723 (list attrs-var)))
724 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-1))
725 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :equation))
726 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
727 ;; (2) makeFoo : -> Foo
728 (setf lhs (make-applform sort
729 (crsort-make-2 sort)
730 nil))
731 (setf rhs (simple-parse-from-string* rhs-form-2))
732 (setf ax (make-simple-axiom lhs rhs :equation))
733 (add-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
734 )))))))
736736 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
737737 ;;; MAKE.FOO
746746 (princ " is already exists.")
747747 ))
748748 (let* ((class-sort (or (find-sort-in *current-module* class-id)
749 (error "Internal error no class ~a" class-id)))
750 (attr-list (complete-attributes class-sort attrs))
751 (cid-method (crsort-id-method class-sort))
752 (const-method (crsort-constr-method class-sort))
753 (instance nil))
749 (error "Internal error no class ~a" class-id)))
750 (attr-list (complete-attributes class-sort attrs))
751 (cid-method (crsort-id-method class-sort))
752 (const-method (crsort-constr-method class-sort))
753 (instance nil))
754754 (setf instance
755 (make-applform class-sort
756 const-method
757 (list id
758 (make-applform (method-coarity cid-method) cid-method nil)
759 attr-list)))
755 (make-applform class-sort
756 const-method
757 (list id
758 (make-applform (method-coarity cid-method) cid-method nil)
759 attr-list)))
760760 (register-instance instance)
761761 instance))
767767 (defvar *gensym-prefix* (intern "ID#-"))
768768 (defun generate-unique-identifier (&optional prefix)
769769 (cond (prefix (let ((so-far (gethash prefix *id-allocation-table*))
770 new-id)
771 (unless so-far
772 (setf so-far
773 (setf (gethash prefix *id-allocation-table*) 0)))
774 (setf new-id (intern (format nil "~a-~d" prefix so-far)))
775 (setf (gethash prefix *id-allocation-table*)
776 (1+ (the fixnum so-far)))
777 new-id))
778 (t (generate-unique-identifier *gensym-prefix*))))
770 new-id)
771 (unless so-far
772 (setf so-far
773 (setf (gethash prefix *id-allocation-table*) 0)))
774 (setf new-id (intern (format nil "~a-~d" prefix so-far)))
775 (setf (gethash prefix *id-allocation-table*)
776 (1+ (the fixnum so-far)))
777 new-id))
778 (t (generate-unique-identifier *gensym-prefix*))))
780780 #|| NOT USED
781781 (defun make-unique-object-identifier (class)
785785 (defun make-class-instance-allocating-id (class-id &optional attrs)
786786 (let ((id (make-bconst-term *identifier-sort*
787 (generate-unique-identifier class-id))))
787 (generate-unique-identifier class-id))))
788788 (make-class-instance id class-id attrs)))
790790 (defun make-record-instance (record-id &optional attrs)
791791 (let* ((record-sort (or (find-sort-in *current-module* record-id)
792 (error "Internal error no record ~a" record-id)))
793 (attr-list (complete-attributes record-sort attrs))
794 (rid-method (crsort-id-method record-sort))
795 (const-method (crsort-constr-method record-sort))
796 (instance nil))
792 (error "Internal error no record ~a" record-id)))
793 (attr-list (complete-attributes record-sort attrs))
794 (rid-method (crsort-id-method record-sort))
795 (const-method (crsort-constr-method record-sort))
796 (instance nil))
797797 ;; (break)
798798 (setf instance
799 (make-applform record-sort
800 const-method
801 (list (make-applform (method-coarity rid-method) rid-method nil)
802 attr-list)))
799 (make-applform record-sort
800 const-method
801 (list (make-applform (method-coarity rid-method) rid-method nil)
802 attr-list)))
803803 instance))
805805 ;;; ** TODO ** TYPE CHECK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
810810 ;; (format t "~& attrs = ")
811811 ;; (print-chaos-object attrs)
812812 (let* ((attr-list (cond ((and attrs
813 (sort= (term-sort attrs) *attribute-list-sort*))
814 (list-ac-subterms attrs (term-method attrs)))
815 (attrs (list attrs))
816 (t nil)))
817 (specified-slot-names (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
818 (car (method-symbol (term-head
819 (term-arg-1 x)))))
820 attr-list))
821 (slot-info (crsort-slots sort))
822 (all-slot-names (mapcar #'car slot-info))
823 (slots-to-be-filled (set-difference all-slot-names specified-slot-names
824 :test #'equal)))
813 (sort= (term-sort attrs) *attribute-list-sort*))
814 (list-ac-subterms attrs (term-method attrs)))
815 (attrs (list attrs))
816 (t nil)))
817 (specified-slot-names (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
818 (car (method-symbol (term-head
819 (term-arg-1 x)))))
820 attr-list))
821 (slot-info (crsort-slots sort))
822 (all-slot-names (mapcar #'car slot-info))
823 (slots-to-be-filled (set-difference all-slot-names specified-slot-names
824 :test #'equal)))
825825 ;; (format t "~& slots-to-be-filled = ~a" slots-to-be-filled)
826826 (let ((slots nil))
827827 (dolist (s slots-to-be-filled)
828 (let* ((sinfo (assoc s slot-info :test #'equal))
829 (dvalue (third sinfo))
830 (dterm nil))
831 (unless sinfo (error "Internal error, no slot ~a" s))
832 (cond (dvalue (setq dterm
833 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
834 (simple-parse-from-string* (format nil "~a = ~a" s dvalue)
835 *current-module*
836 *attribute-sort*)))
837 (unless dterm
838 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute-value)
839 (format t
840 "invalid initial value ~a for slot ~a of record/class ~a."
841 dvalue s (sort-id sort))
842 ))
843 (push dterm slots))
844 (t (setq dterm
845 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
846 (simple-parse-from-string* (format nil "~a = void-bottom" s)
847 *current-module*
848 *attribute-sort*)))
849 (push dterm slots)))))
828 (let* ((sinfo (assoc s slot-info :test #'equal))
829 (dvalue (third sinfo))
830 (dterm nil))
831 (unless sinfo (error "Internal error, no slot ~a" s))
832 (cond (dvalue (setq dterm
833 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
834 (simple-parse-from-string* (format nil "~a = ~a" s dvalue)
835 *current-module*
836 *attribute-sort*)))
837 (unless dterm
838 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rc-attribute-value)
839 (format t
840 "invalid initial value ~a for slot ~a of record/class ~a."
841 dvalue s (sort-id sort))
842 ))
843 (push dterm slots))
844 (t (setq dterm
845 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
846 (simple-parse-from-string* (format nil "~a = void-bottom" s)
847 *current-module*
848 *attribute-sort*)))
849 (push dterm slots)))))
850850 (if slots
851 (let ((new-attrs (append attr-list slots)))
852 (declare (type list new-attrs))
853 (if (<= 2 (the fixnum (length new-attrs)))
854 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *attribute-list-constructor*
855 new-attrs)
856 (car new-attrs)))
857 attrs))))
851 (let ((new-attrs (append attr-list slots)))
852 (declare (type list new-attrs))
853 (if (<= 2 (the fixnum (length new-attrs)))
854 (make-right-assoc-normal-form *attribute-list-constructor*
855 new-attrs)
856 (car new-attrs)))
857 attrs))))
860860 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:gen-rule.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:gen-rule.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 ;;; (defvar *gen-rule-debug* nil)
4139 ;;; GENERATE REWRITE RULES module : -> module'
4240 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4341 ;;;
4442 (defun generate-rewrite-rules (module)
4543 (declare (type module module)
46 (values t))
44 (values t))
4745 (compute-protected-modules module)
49 ;; reset rewrite rule set.
50 ;; (setf (module-all-rules module) nil)
52 ;; adds axioms for record/class
53 (dolist (s (module-sorts module))
54 (cond ((class-sort-p s)
55 (declare-class-axioms module s))
56 ((record-sort-p s)
57 (declare-record-axioms module s))))
5947 ;; install own rules.
6048 (let ((axiom-set (module-axiom-set module)))
6149 (dolist (eq (axiom-set$equations axiom-set))
6351 (dolist (rule (axiom-set$rules axiom-set))
6452 (gen-rule-internal rule module)))
66 ;; install rules of submodules
67 ;; (dolist (submodule (module-all-submodules module))
68 ;; (unless (eq 'using (cdr submodule))
69 ;; (transfer-axioms module (car submodule))))
7154 ;; specialize rules of sumodules.
7255 (dolist (rule (gather-submodule-rules module))
7356 (let ((r-rule (or (cdr (assq rule (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module)))
74 rule)))
57 rule)))
7558 (unless (memq (axiom-type r-rule) '(:pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
76 (specialize-rule r-rule module))))
59 (specialize-rule r-rule module))))
7760 module)
7962 (defun variable-occurs-in (t1 t2)
8063 (declare (type term t1 t2))
8164 (or (term-is-identical t1 t2)
8265 (and (term-is-application-form? t2)
83 (dolist (sub (term-subterms t2) nil)
84 (when (variable-occurs-in t1 sub)
85 (return-from variable-occurs-in t))))
86 ))
66 (dolist (sub (term-subterms t2) nil)
67 (when (variable-occurs-in t1 sub)
68 (return-from variable-occurs-in t))))))
8870 (defparameter non-exec-labels '(|:nonexec| |:non-exec| |:no-ex| |:noex| |:noexec|))
9072 (defun axiom-is-non-exec? (ax)
91 ;; (format t "~&labels=~s" (axiom-labels ax))
9273 (intersection (axiom-labels ax) non-exec-labels))
9475 (defun condition-has-match-condition (condition)
9879 (defun gen-rule-internal (ax module &aux (rule ax))
9980 (declare (type axiom ax)
100 (type module module)
101 (type axiom rule)
102 (values t))
81 (type module module)
82 (type axiom rule)
83 (values t))
10384 (when (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
10485 (return-from gen-rule-internal nil))
10586 ;;
10687 (setq rule (or (cdr (assq ax (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module)))
107 ax))
88 ax))
10889 ;;
10990 (when (axiom-is-non-exec? ax)
11091 (setf (axiom-non-exec ax) t)
11596 ;; for trans sole variable on LHS is allowed
11697 (when (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs rule))
11798 (when (variable-occurs-in (axiom-lhs rule)
118 (axiom-rhs rule))
119 ;; (format t "..setting rule mark `need-copy'")
120 (setf (axiom-need-copy rule) t))
121 ;;
99 (axiom-rhs rule))
100 (setf (axiom-need-copy rule) t))
122101 (unless (eq (axiom-type rule) :rule)
123 (unless (axiom-non-exec rule)
124 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
125 (princ "the LHS of axiom : ")
126 (print-next)
127 (print-chaos-object rule)
128 (print-next)
129 (princ " is just a variable, ignored as rewrite rule.")))
130 (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-rule)
131 (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-rule))
102 (unless (axiom-non-exec rule)
103 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
104 (princ "the LHS of axiom : ")
105 (print-next)
106 (print-chaos-object rule)
107 (print-next)
108 (princ " is just a variable, ignored as rewrite rule.")))
109 (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-rule)
110 (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-rule))
132111 (return-from gen-rule-internal nil))
133 ;;
134112 (let ((rhs-vars (term-variables (axiom-rhs rule)))
135 (cond-vars (term-variables (axiom-condition rule))))
113 (cond-vars (term-variables (axiom-condition rule))))
136114 (declare (type list rhs-vars cond-vars))
137115 (cond ((and lhsv
138 (or (not (subsetp rhs-vars lhsv))
139 (not (subsetp cond-vars lhsv))))
140 (when *chaos-verbose*
141 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
142 (princ "the variables in RHS of the axiom : ")
143 (print-next) (princ " ")
144 (print-chaos-object rule)
145 (print-next)
146 (princ "is not a subset of variables in LHS, system does not guarantee the result of the rewriting.")))
147 ;; (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-rule)
148 ;; (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-rule))
149 (add-rule-to-module module rule)
150 (unless (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs rule))
151 (add-associative-extensions module
152 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
153 rule)
154 (specialize-rule rule module)))
155 ;;
156 ((and (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
157 (not (and (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (axiom-lhs rule))
158 (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (axiom-rhs rule)))))
159 (when *chaos-verbose*
160 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
161 (princ "axiom violates context condition of behavioural axiom")
162 (print-next)
163 (print-chaos-object rule)))
164 (if *allow-illegal-beh-axiom*
165 (progn
166 (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-beh)
167 (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-beh)
168 (add-rule-to-module module rule)
169 (add-associative-extensions module
170 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
171 rule)
172 (specialize-rule rule module))
173 (progn
174 (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-rule)
175 (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-rule))))
176 ;;
177 ;; all is ok, we can use this axiom as a rewrite rule
178 (t (add-rule-to-module module rule)
179 (unless (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs rule))
180 (add-associative-extensions module
181 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
182 rule)
183 (specialize-rule rule module)))))))
116 (or (not (subsetp rhs-vars lhsv))
117 (not (subsetp cond-vars lhsv))))
118 (unless (or (term-contains-match-op (axiom-rhs rule))
119 (term-contains-match-op (axiom-condition rule)))
120 (when *chaos-verbose*
121 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
122 (format t "RHS of the axiom has extra variable(s) which does not occur in LHS.")
123 (print-next)
124 (print-axiom-brief rule))))
125 (add-rule-to-module module rule)
126 (unless (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs rule))
127 (add-associative-extensions module
128 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
129 rule)
130 (specialize-rule rule module)))
131 ((and (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
132 (not (and (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (axiom-lhs rule))
133 (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (axiom-rhs rule)))))
134 (when *chaos-verbose*
135 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
136 (princ "axiom violates context condition of behavioural axiom")
137 (print-next)
138 (print-chaos-object rule)))
139 (if *allow-illegal-beh-axiom*
140 (progn
141 (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-beh)
142 (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-beh)
143 (add-rule-to-module module rule)
144 (add-associative-extensions module
145 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
146 rule)
147 (specialize-rule rule module))
148 (progn
149 (setf (axiom-kind rule) ':bad-rule)
150 (setf (axiom-kind ax) ':bad-rule))))
151 ;; all is ok, we can use this axiom as a rewrite rule
152 (t (add-rule-to-module module rule)
153 (unless (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs rule))
154 (add-associative-extensions module
155 (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))
156 rule)
157 (specialize-rule rule module)))))))
185159 (defun gather-submodule-rules (module)
186160 (declare (type module module)
187 (values list))
161 (values list))
188162 (labels ((module-specific-rules (mod)
189 (let ((res nil))
190 (dolist (e (module-own-axioms mod) res)
191 #||
192 (let ((new (cdr (assq e (module-axioms-to-be-fixed mod)))))
193 (when new (setq e new))
194 (unless (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs e))
195 (push e res)))
196 ||#
197 (block next-axiom
198 (let ((lhs (rule-lhs e)))
199 (when (and (term-is-applform? lhs)
200 (method-is-error-method (term-head lhs)))
201 (return-from next-axiom nil))
202 (unless (term-is-variable? lhs)
203 (push e res))))
204 )))
205 (rule-member? (rule list-of-rule)
206 (dolist (e list-of-rule)
207 (when (rule-is-similar? rule e)
208 (return t))))
209 (union-rules (ax1 ax2)
210 (let ((res ax2))
211 (dolist (ex ax1)
212 (unless (rule-member? ex res) (push ex res)))
213 res) ))
163 (let ((res nil))
164 (dolist (e (module-own-axioms mod) res)
165 #||
166 (let ((new (cdr (assq e (module-axioms-to-be-fixed mod)))))
167 (when new (setq e new))
168 (unless (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs e))
169 (push e res)))
170 ||#
171 (block next-axiom
172 (let ((lhs (rule-lhs e)))
173 (when (and (term-is-applform? lhs)
174 (method-is-error-method (term-head lhs)))
175 (return-from next-axiom nil))
176 (unless (term-is-variable? lhs)
177 (push e res))))
178 )))
179 (rule-member? (rule list-of-rule)
180 (dolist (e list-of-rule)
181 (when (rule-is-similar? rule e)
182 (return t))))
183 (union-rules (ax1 ax2)
184 (let ((res ax2))
185 (dolist (ex ax1)
186 (unless (rule-member? ex res) (push ex res)))
187 res) ))
214188 (let ((res nil))
215189 (dolist (submodule (module-all-submodules module))
216 (unless (or (eq :using (cdr submodule))
217 (eq :modmorph (cdr submodule)))
218 (unless (module-is-ready-for-rewriting (car submodule))
219 (compile-module (car submodule)))
220 (setf res (union-rules (module-specific-rules (car submodule)) res))))
190 (unless (or (eq :using (cdr submodule))
191 (eq :modmorph (cdr submodule)))
192 (unless (module-is-ready-for-rewriting (car submodule))
193 (compile-module (car submodule)))
194 (setf res (union-rules (module-specific-rules (car submodule)) res))))
221195 res)))
223197 (defun get-dis-submodule-axioms (mod)
224198 (declare (type module mod)
225 (values list))
199 (values list))
226200 (let ((res nil))
227201 (dolist (submodule (module-all-submodules mod))
228202 (unless (or (eq :using (cdr submodule))
229 (eq :modmorph (cdr submodule)))
230 (unless (module-is-ready-for-rewriting (car submodule))
231 (compile-module (car submodule)))
232 (push (cons (car submodule)
233 (module-own-axioms (car submodule)))
234 res)))
203 (eq :modmorph (cdr submodule)))
204 (unless (module-is-ready-for-rewriting (car submodule))
205 (compile-module (car submodule)))
206 (push (cons (car submodule)
207 (module-own-axioms (car submodule)))
208 res)))
235209 res))
237211 ;;; TODO for record/class.
241215 (defun specialize-rule (r mod)
242216 (declare (type axiom r)
243 (type module mod)
244 (values t))
217 (type module mod)
218 (values t))
245219 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs r))
246 (method (if (term-is-applform? lhs)
247 (term-head lhs)
248 nil))
249 (mmod (method-module method))
250 (promod (if *ignore-protected-modules*
251 nil
252 (module-protected-modules mod)))
253 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table mod)))
220 (method (if (term-is-applform? lhs)
221 (term-head lhs)
222 nil))
223 (mmod (method-module method))
224 (promod (if *ignore-protected-modules*
225 nil
226 (module-protected-modules mod)))
227 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table mod)))
254228 (when (and method
255 (null (get-method-info method (module-opinfo-table mod))))
229 (null (get-method-info method (module-opinfo-table mod))))
256230 (return-from specialize-rule nil))
257231 ;;
258232 (when (and method (method-is-error-method method))
264238 (specialize-for-methods
265239 r
266240 (if (method-is-universal method)
267 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)
268 (remove-if #'(lambda (meth)
269 (let ((xmod (method-module meth)))
270 (and (not (eq xmod mmod))
271 (if (assq mmod (module-all-submodules xmod))
272 (memq mmod (module-protected-modules xmod))
273 (memq xmod promod)))))
274 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)))
241 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)
242 (remove-if #'(lambda (meth)
243 (let ((xmod (method-module meth)))
244 (and (not (eq xmod mmod))
245 (if (assq mmod (module-all-submodules xmod))
246 (memq mmod (module-protected-modules xmod))
247 (memq xmod promod)))))
248 (method-lower-methods method opinfo-table)))
275249 mod))))
277251 (defun specialize-for-methods (r methods mod)
278252 (declare (type axiom r)
279 (type list methods)
280 (type module mod)
281 (values t))
253 (type list methods)
254 (type module mod)
255 (values t))
282256 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs r)))
283257 (dolist (method methods)
284258 (when (rule-check-down mod method (term-subterms lhs))
285 (add-rule-to-method r method (module-opinfo-table mod))
286 (add-associative-extensions mod method r)
287 ))
259 (add-rule-to-method r method (module-opinfo-table mod))
260 (add-associative-extensions mod method r)
261 ))
288262 (add-associative-extensions mod (term-head lhs) r)
289263 mod))
291265 (defun add-associative-extensions (mod method r)
292266 (declare (type module mod)
293 (type method method)
294 (type axiom r)
295 (values t))
267 (type method method)
268 (type axiom r)
269 (values t))
296270 (when (term-is-lisp-form? (rule-rhs r))
297271 (return-from add-associative-extensions nil))
298272 (when (method-is-associative method)
299273 (dolist (method-above (list-associative-method-above method))
300274 (unless (or (method-is-error-method method-above)
301 (member r (method-all-rules method-above)))
302 (if (method-is-commutative method-above)
303 ;; AC extension
304 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term (car (method-arity method-above))
305 ;; *cosmos*
306 'ac))
307 ac-rule)
308 (setf ac-rule
309 (make-rule
310 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
311 (cons new-var
312 (list-assoc-subterms
313 (axiom-lhs r)
314 (term-head
315 (axiom-lhs r)))))
316 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity method-above)
317 method-above
318 (list new-var
319 ;;(substitution-check-builtin
320 ;; (axiom-rhs r))
321 (axiom-rhs r)
322 ))
323 :condition (axiom-condition r)
324 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
325 :labels (axiom-labels r)
326 :type (axiom-type r)
327 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
328 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
329 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
330 ':id-ext-theory
331 ':ac-theory)))
332 ;; (compute-rule-method ac-rule)
333 (add-rule-to-method ac-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod)))
335 ;; A extension.
336 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'a1))
337 (new-var2 (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'a2))
338 a-rule)
339 (setf a-rule
340 (make-rule
341 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
342 (cons new-var
343 (list-assoc-subterms
344 (axiom-lhs r)
345 (term-head
346 (axiom-lhs r)))))
347 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity method-above)
348 method-above
349 (list new-var
350 ;;(substitution-check-builtin
351 ;;(axiom-rhs r))
352 (axiom-rhs r)
353 ))
354 :condition (axiom-condition r)
355 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
356 :labels (axiom-labels r)
357 :type (axiom-type r)
358 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
359 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
360 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
361 ':id-ext-theory
362 ':a-left-theory)))
363 ;; (compute-rule-method a-rule)
364 (add-rule-to-method a-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod))
366 (setf a-rule
367 (make-rule
368 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
369 (append
370 (list-assoc-subterms
371 (axiom-lhs r)
372 (term-head (axiom-lhs r)))
373 (list new-var)))
374 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity method-above)
375 method-above
376 (list ;; (substitution-check-builtin (axiom-rhs r))
377 (axiom-rhs r)
378 new-var))
379 :condition (axiom-condition r)
380 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
381 :labels (axiom-labels r)
382 :type (axiom-type r)
383 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
384 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
385 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
386 ':id-ext-theory
387 ':a-right-theory)))
388 ;; (compute-rule-method a-rule)
389 (add-rule-to-method a-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod))
391 (setf a-rule
392 (make-rule
393 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
394 (append (list new-var2)
395 (list-assoc-subterms
396 (axiom-lhs r)
397 (term-head
398 (axiom-lhs
399 r)))
400 (list new-var)))
401 :rhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form
402 method-above
403 (list new-var2
404 ;; (substitution-check-built-in (axiom-rhs r))
405 (axiom-rhs r)
406 new-var))
407 :condition (axiom-condition r)
408 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
409 :labels (axiom-labels r)
410 :type (axiom-type r)
411 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
412 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
413 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
414 ':id-ext-theory
415 ':a-middle-theory)))
416 ;; (compute-rule-method a-rule)
417 (add-rule-to-method a-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod))))
418 ))))
275 (member r (method-all-rules method-above)))
276 (if (method-is-commutative method-above)
277 ;; AC extension
278 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term (car (method-arity method-above))
279 ;; *cosmos*
280 'ac))
281 ac-rule)
282 (setf ac-rule
283 (make-rule
284 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
285 (cons new-var
286 (list-assoc-subterms
287 (axiom-lhs r)
288 (term-head
289 (axiom-lhs r)))))
290 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity method-above)
291 method-above
292 (list new-var
293 ;;(substitution-check-builtin
294 ;; (axiom-rhs r))
295 (axiom-rhs r)
296 ))
297 :condition (axiom-condition r)
298 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
299 :labels (axiom-labels r)
300 :type (axiom-type r)
301 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
302 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
303 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
304 ':id-ext-theory
305 ':ac-theory)))
306 ;; (compute-rule-method ac-rule)
307 (add-rule-to-method ac-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod)))
309 ;; A extension.
310 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'a1))
311 (new-var2 (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'a2))
312 a-rule)
313 (setf a-rule
314 (make-rule
315 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
316 (cons new-var
317 (list-assoc-subterms
318 (axiom-lhs r)
319 (term-head
320 (axiom-lhs r)))))
321 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity method-above)
322 method-above
323 (list new-var
324 ;;(substitution-check-builtin
325 ;;(axiom-rhs r))
326 (axiom-rhs r)
327 ))
328 :condition (axiom-condition r)
329 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
330 :labels (axiom-labels r)
331 :type (axiom-type r)
332 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
333 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
334 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
335 ':id-ext-theory
336 ':a-left-theory)))
337 ;; (compute-rule-method a-rule)
338 (add-rule-to-method a-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod))
340 (setf a-rule
341 (make-rule
342 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
343 (append
344 (list-assoc-subterms
345 (axiom-lhs r)
346 (term-head (axiom-lhs r)))
347 (list new-var)))
348 :rhs (make-applform (method-coarity method-above)
349 method-above
350 (list ;; (substitution-check-builtin (axiom-rhs r))
351 (axiom-rhs r)
352 new-var))
353 :condition (axiom-condition r)
354 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
355 :labels (axiom-labels r)
356 :type (axiom-type r)
357 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
358 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
359 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
360 ':id-ext-theory
361 ':a-right-theory)))
362 (add-rule-to-method a-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod))
364 (setf a-rule
365 (make-rule
366 :lhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form method-above
367 (append (list new-var2)
368 (list-assoc-subterms
369 (axiom-lhs r)
370 (term-head
371 (axiom-lhs
372 r)))
373 (list new-var)))
374 :rhs (make-right-assoc-normal-form
375 method-above
376 (list new-var2
377 ;; (substitution-check-built-in (axiom-rhs r))
378 (axiom-rhs r)
379 new-var))
380 :condition (axiom-condition r)
381 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition r)
382 :labels (axiom-labels r)
383 :type (axiom-type r)
384 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or r)
385 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural r)
386 :kind (if (eq ':id-theorem (axiom-kind r))
387 ':id-ext-theory
388 ':a-middle-theory)))
389 (add-rule-to-method a-rule method-above (module-opinfo-table mod))))))))
420391 (defun rule-check-down (mod method terms)
421392 (declare (ignore mod)
422 (type module mod)
423 (type method method)
424 (type list terms)
425 (values (or null t)))
393 (type module mod)
394 (type method method)
395 (type list terms)
396 (values (or null t)))
426397 (not (eq ':fail
427 (compute-var-info
428 (mapcar #'cons terms (method-arity method))
429 nil))))
398 (compute-var-info
399 (mapcar #'cons terms (method-arity method))
400 nil))))
431402 ;; term-s ::= ( (term . sort) ... )
432403 ;; cvi ::= ( (variable . (sort ... )) ... )
433404 ;;
434405 (defun sort-is-general (sort)
435406 (declare (type sort-struct sort)
436 (values (or null t)))
407 (values (or null t)))
437408 (or (sort= sort *cosmos*)
438409 (sort= sort *universal-sort*)
439410 (sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)))
441412 (defun compute-var-info (term-s cvi)
442413 (declare (type list term-s cvi)
443 (values t))
414 (values t))
444415 (if (null term-s)
445416 cvi
446417 (let ((term (caar term-s))
447 (sort (cdar term-s)))
448 (declare (type term term)
449 (type sort* sort))
450 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
451 (let ((vi (cdr (assoc term cvi))))
452 (if vi
453 (if (member sort vi)
454 (compute-var-info (cdr term-s) cvi)
455 (let ((res (if (sort-is-general sort)
456 (list sort)
457 (max-minorants (cons sort vi)
458 *current-sort-order*))))
459 (if res
460 (compute-var-info
461 (cdr term-s) (cons (cons term res) cvi))
462 ;; don't really need to add new if res = [sort set] vi
463 ':fail)))
464 (let ((vs (variable-sort term)))
465 (if (sort= vs sort)
466 (compute-var-info
467 (cdr term-s) (cons (cons term (list sort)) cvi))
468 (let ((res (if (sort-is-general vs)
469 (list sort)
470 (max-minorants (list sort vs)
471 *current-sort-order*))))
472 (if res
473 (compute-var-info
474 (cdr term-s) (cons (cons term res) cvi))
475 ':fail)))))))
476 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
477 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) sort *current-sort-order*)
478 (compute-var-info (cdr term-s) cvi)
479 ':fail))
480 (t (let ((methods (highest-methods-below (term-head term) sort)))
481 (if (null methods)
482 ':fail
483 (dolist (meth methods ':fail)
484 (let ((res (compute-var-info
485 (append (mapcar #'cons
486 (term-subterms term)
487 (method-arity meth))
488 (cdr term-s))
489 cvi)))
490 (unless (eq ':fail res)
491 (return res)))))))))
492 ))
418 (sort (cdar term-s)))
419 (declare (type term term)
420 (type sort* sort))
421 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
422 (let ((vi (cdr (assoc term cvi))))
423 (if vi
424 (if (member sort vi)
425 (compute-var-info (cdr term-s) cvi)
426 (let ((res (if (sort-is-general sort)
427 (list sort)
428 (max-minorants (cons sort vi)
429 *current-sort-order*))))
430 (if res
431 (compute-var-info
432 (cdr term-s) (cons (cons term res) cvi))
433 ;; don't really need to add new if res = [sort set] vi
434 ':fail)))
435 (let ((vs (variable-sort term)))
436 (if (sort= vs sort)
437 (compute-var-info
438 (cdr term-s) (cons (cons term (list sort)) cvi))
439 (let ((res (if (sort-is-general vs)
440 (list sort)
441 (max-minorants (list sort vs)
442 *current-sort-order*))))
443 (if res
444 (compute-var-info
445 (cdr term-s) (cons (cons term res) cvi))
446 ':fail)))))))
447 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
448 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) sort *current-sort-order*)
449 (compute-var-info (cdr term-s) cvi)
450 ':fail))
451 (t (let ((methods (highest-methods-below (term-head term) sort)))
452 (if (null methods)
453 ':fail
454 (dolist (meth methods ':fail)
455 (let ((res (compute-var-info
456 (append (mapcar #'cons
457 (term-subterms term)
458 (method-arity meth))
459 (cdr term-s))
460 cvi)))
461 (unless (eq ':fail res)
462 (return res)))))))))))
494464 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
495465 (defun normalize-rules-in (mod)
496466 mod)
498468 ;;;=============================================================================
500470 ;;;_____________________________________________________________________________
502472 (let (($rule-counter 0))
505475 (defun create-rule-name (mod label)
506476 (declare (ignore mod)
507 (type simple-string label)
508 (values list))
477 (type simple-string label)
478 (values list))
509479 (prog1
510 (list (intern (format nil "~a~a" label $rule-counter)))
511 (incf $rule-counter)))
512 )
480 (list (intern (format nil "~a~a" label $rule-counter)))
481 (incf $rule-counter))))
514483 (defun add-operator-theory-axioms (module opinfo)
515484 (declare (type module module)
516 (type list opinfo)
517 (values t))
485 (type list opinfo)
486 (values t))
518487 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
519 thy
520 (var nil)
521 (l-sort nil)
522 (var2 nil)
523 (r-sort nil))
488 thy
489 (var nil)
490 (l-sort nil)
491 (var2 nil)
492 (r-sort nil))
524493 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
525494 (when (and (eq (method-module meth) module)
526 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
527 (setf thy (method-theory meth))
528 ;; IDEM
529 (when (theory-contains-idempotency thy)
530 (setq l-sort (car (method-arity meth)))
531 (setq var (make-variable-term l-sort '|U-idem|))
532 (adjoin-axiom-to-module
533 module
534 (make-rule
535 :lhs (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
536 meth
537 (list var var))
538 :rhs var
539 :condition *BOOL-TRUE*
540 :labels (create-rule-name module "idem")
541 :type ':equation
542 :kind ':IDEM-THEORY)))
543 ;; IDENT
544 (when (and (or (theory-contains-identity thy) (theory-zero thy))
545 (= 2 (the fixnum (operator-num-args op))))
546 (let* ((so (module-sort-order module))
547 (comm (theory-contains-commutativity thy))
548 (id (car (theory-zero thy)))
549 (id-sort (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? id)
550 (term-sort id))
551 ((term-is-applform? id)
552 (method-coarity (term-head id)))
553 (t (error "Internal Error, Illegal identity ~s" id)))))
554 (setq l-sort (car (method-arity meth)))
555 (setq r-sort (cadr (method-arity meth)))
556 (let ((flag nil))
557 (when id
558 ;; add axiom: id op x = x
559 (when (sort<= id-sort l-sort so)
560 (setq flag t)
561 (setq var (make-variable-term l-sort 'X-id))
562 (adjoin-axiom-to-module
563 module
564 (make-rule
565 :lhs (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
566 meth
567 (list id var))
568 :rhs var
569 :condition *BOOL-TRUE*
570 :type ':equation
571 :labels (create-rule-name module "ident")
572 :kind ':ID-THEOREM)))
573 ;; add axiom: x op id = x (possibly).
574 (unless (and flag comm)
575 (when (sort<= id-sort r-sort so)
576 (setq var2 (make-variable-term l-sort 'Y-id))
577 (adjoin-axiom-to-module
578 module
579 (make-rule
580 :lhs (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
581 meth
582 (list var2 id))
583 :rhs var2
584 :condition *BOOL-TRUE*
585 :labels (create-rule-name module "ident")
586 :type ':equation
587 :kind ':ID-THEOREM))))))))))))
495 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
496 (setf thy (method-theory meth))
497 ;; IDEM
498 (when (theory-contains-idempotency thy)
499 (setq l-sort (car (method-arity meth)))
500 (setq var (make-variable-term l-sort '|U-idem|))
501 (adjoin-axiom-to-module
502 module
503 (make-rule
504 :lhs (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
505 meth
506 (list var var))
507 :rhs var
508 :condition *BOOL-TRUE*
509 :labels (create-rule-name module "idem")
510 :type ':equation
511 :kind ':IDEM-THEORY)))
512 ;; IDENT
513 (when (and (or (theory-contains-identity thy) (theory-zero thy))
514 (= 2 (the fixnum (operator-num-args op))))
515 (let* ((so (module-sort-order module))
516 (comm (theory-contains-commutativity thy))
517 (id (car (theory-zero thy)))
518 (id-sort (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? id)
519 (term-sort id))
520 ((term-is-applform? id)
521 (method-coarity (term-head id)))
522 (t (error "Internal Error, Illegal identity ~s" id)))))
523 (setq l-sort (car (method-arity meth)))
524 (setq r-sort (cadr (method-arity meth)))
525 (let ((flag nil))
526 (when id
527 ;; add axiom: id op x = x
528 (when (sort<= id-sort l-sort so)
529 (setq flag t)
530 (setq var (make-variable-term l-sort 'X-id))
531 (adjoin-axiom-to-module
532 module
533 (make-rule
534 :lhs (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
535 meth
536 (list id var))
537 :rhs var
538 :condition *BOOL-TRUE*
539 :type ':equation
540 :labels (create-rule-name module "ident")
541 :kind ':ID-THEOREM)))
542 ;; add axiom: x op id = x (possibly).
543 (unless (and flag comm)
544 (when (sort<= id-sort r-sort so)
545 (setq var2 (make-variable-term l-sort 'Y-id))
546 (adjoin-axiom-to-module
547 module
548 (make-rule
549 :lhs (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
550 meth
551 (list var2 id))
552 :rhs var2
553 :condition *BOOL-TRUE*
554 :labels (create-rule-name module "ident")
555 :type ':equation
556 :kind ':ID-THEOREM))))))))))))
589558 (defun add-identity-completions (module)
590559 (declare (type module module)
591 (values t))
560 (values t))
561 (when *no-id-completion*
562 (return-from add-identity-completions nil))
592563 (with-in-module (module)
593564 (when (some #'(lambda (opinfo)
594 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
595 (let ((thy (method-theory meth)))
596 (when (and (theory-contains-identity thy)
597 (not (cdr (theory-zero thy))))
598 (return t)))))
599 (module-all-operators module))
565 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
566 (let ((thy (method-theory meth)))
567 (when (and (theory-contains-identity thy)
568 (not (cdr (theory-zero thy))))
569 (return t)))))
570 (module-all-operators module))
600571 (dolist (a (axiom-set$equations (module-axiom-set module)))
601 (add-identity-completions-internal a module))
572 (add-identity-completions-internal a module))
602573 (dolist (r (axiom-set$rules (module-axiom-set module)))
603 (add-identity-completions-internal r module)))))
574 (add-identity-completions-internal r module)))))
605576 (defun add-identity-completions-internal (r module)
606577 (declare (type axiom r)
607 (type module module)
608 (values t))
578 (type module module)
579 (values t))
609580 (when *gen-rule-debug*
610581 (format t "~%[id-compl] given rule ~a, of kind ~a " r (axiom-kind r))
611 (print-next)
612 (print-chaos-object r))
582 (print-next))
613583 (unless (axiom-kind r)
614584 (let (varval
615 (res nil)
616 (newres (list (list r nil nil)))
617 a-axiom
618 subst
619 val)
585 (res nil)
586 (newres (list (list r nil nil)))
587 a-axiom
588 subst
589 val)
620590 (loop
621 (setq val (car newres))
622 (setq newres (cdr newres))
623 (setq a-axiom (car val))
624 (setq subst (cadr val))
625 ;; -- res : LIST[rule subst [status]].
626 ;; -- varval : value to substitute in,
627 ;; -- a-axiom: rule generating new axioms from
628 ;; -- status : bad/good --- in res have status, but not in newres
629 (if (test-bad-axiom a-axiom)
630 (unless (rule-inf-subst-member subst res)
631 (setq res (cons (list a-axiom subst 'bad) res)))
632 (progn
633 (setq res (cons (list a-axiom subst 'good) res))
634 (let ((donesubst nil)
635 sub1
636 new-axiom
637 newsubst)
638 (loop
639 (setq varval
640 (compute-var-for-identity-completions
641 (axiom-lhs a-axiom)
642 donesubst))
643 (unless varval (return))
644 (setq sub1 (cons varval nil))
645 (setq newsubst (substitution-can (cons varval subst)))
646 (setq donesubst (cons (car sub1) donesubst))
647 (setq new-axiom (insert-val sub1 a-axiom))
648 (unless (or (null new-axiom)
649 (rule-inf-subst-member newsubst res))
650 (setq newres (cons (list new-axiom newsubst) newres)))))))
651 (unless newres (return)))
591 (setq val (car newres))
592 (setq newres (cdr newres))
593 (setq a-axiom (car val))
594 (setq subst (cadr val))
595 ;; -- res : LIST[rule subst [status]].
596 ;; -- varval : value to substitute in,
597 ;; -- a-axiom: rule generating new axioms from
598 ;; -- status : bad/good --- in res have status, but not in newres
599 (if (test-bad-axiom a-axiom)
600 (unless (rule-inf-subst-member subst res)
601 (setq res (cons (list a-axiom subst 'bad) res)))
602 (progn
603 (setq res (cons (list a-axiom subst 'good) res))
604 (let ((donesubst nil)
605 sub1
606 new-axiom
607 newsubst)
608 (loop
609 (setq varval
610 (compute-var-for-identity-completions
611 (axiom-lhs a-axiom)
612 donesubst))
613 (unless varval (return))
614 (setq sub1 (cons varval nil))
615 (setq newsubst (substitution-can (cons varval subst)))
616 (setq donesubst (cons (car sub1) donesubst))
617 (setq new-axiom (insert-val sub1 a-axiom module))
618 (unless (or (null new-axiom)
619 (rule-inf-subst-member newsubst res))
620 (setq newres (cons (list new-axiom newsubst) newres)))))))
621 (unless newres (return)))
652622 ;;
653623 (let ((errs nil)
654 (rules1 nil)
655 (rules2 nil)
656 badver)
657 (dolist (ruli res)
658 (let ((rul (car ruli)))
659 (if (eq 'bad (nth 2 ruli))
660 (push ruli errs)
661 (unless (rule-inf-member rul rules1)
662 (push ruli rules1)))))
663 ;;
664 (setq rules2 (list (list r nil)))
665 (dolist (ruli rules1)
666 (let ((rul (car ruli)))
667 (unless (or (dolist (ruli2 rules2 nil)
668 (when (rule-subsumes (car ruli2) rul)
669 (return t)))
670 (dolist (ruli2 rules1 nil) ;This is horrific
671 (let ((rul2 (car ruli2)))
672 (when (and (not (eq rul rul2))
673 (rule-strictly-subsumes rul2 rul))
674 (return t)))))
675 (push ruli rules2))))
676 ;;
677 (dolist (ruli rules2)
678 (let ((rul (car ruli))
679 (rulsubst (cadr ruli)))
680 (setq badver nil)
681 (dolist (bruli errs)
682 (when (substitution-subset-list rulsubst (cadr bruli))
683 (push (cadr bruli) badver)))
684 (let ((newrule rul)
685 (newidcond (make-id-condition
686 (term-variables (axiom-lhs rul))
687 badver)))
688 (setf (axiom-id-condition newrule) newidcond)
689 (when (and (null (axiom-labels newrule))
690 (not (eq r newrule)))
691 (setf (axiom-labels newrule)
692 (create-rule-name module "compl")))
693 ;; #||
694 (when (axiom-extensions newrule)
695 (dolist (e (axiom-a-extensions newrule))
696 (setf (axiom-id-condition e) newidcond))
697 (dolist (e (axiom-AC-extension newrule))
698 (setf (axiom-id-condition e) newidcond)))
699 ;; ||#
700 (dolist (e (axiom-extensions newrule))
701 (when e
702 (setf (axiom-id-condition e) newidcond)))
703 ;;
704 ;; (break)
705 (unless (eq r rul)
706 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module newrule)))))))))
624 (rules1 nil)
625 (rules2 nil)
626 badver)
627 (dolist (ruli res)
628 (let ((rul (car ruli)))
629 (if (eq 'bad (nth 2 ruli))
630 (push ruli errs)
631 (unless (rule-inf-member rul rules1)
632 (push ruli rules1)))))
633 ;;
634 (setq rules2 (list (list r nil)))
635 (dolist (ruli rules1)
636 (let ((rul (car ruli)))
637 (unless (or (dolist (ruli2 rules2 nil)
638 (when (rule-subsumes (car ruli2) rul)
639 (return t)))
640 (dolist (ruli2 rules1 nil)
641 (let ((rul2 (car ruli2)))
642 (when (and (not (eq rul rul2))
643 (rule-strictly-subsumes rul2 rul))
644 (return t)))))
645 (push ruli rules2))))
646 ;;
647 (when *chaos-verbose*
648 (let ((rs (reverse rules1)))
649 (format t "~%** id-completion for rule: ")
650 (print-axiom-brief r)
651 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
652 (print-next)
653 (princ "-- Generated rules:")
654 (print-next)
655 (if rs
656 (let ((*chaos-verbose* nil))
657 (dolist (r (reverse rs))
658 (print-axiom-brief (car r))
659 (print-next)))
660 (progn (princ "none") (print-next)))
661 (princ "-- Generated, but invalid rules:")
662 (print-next)
663 (if errs
664 (let ((lst (reverse errs)))
665 (loop
666 (when (null lst) (return))
667 (unless (rule-inf-member (caar lst) (cdr lst))
668 (print-axiom-brief (caar lst))
669 (print-next))
670 (setq lst (cdr lst))))
671 (progn (princ "none") (print-next)))))
672 (flush-all))
673 ;;
674 (dolist (ruli rules2)
675 (let ((rul (car ruli))
676 (rulsubst (cadr ruli)))
677 (setq badver nil)
678 (dolist (bruli errs)
679 (when (substitution-subset-list rulsubst (cadr bruli))
680 (push (cadr bruli) badver)))
681 (let ((newrule rul)
682 (newidcond (make-id-condition (term-variables (axiom-lhs rul))
683 badver)))
684 (when *chaos-verbose*
685 (unless (and (null newidcond) (eq r newrule))
686 (if (eq r newrule)
687 (format t "~% -- Modified with Id condition:~% ")
688 (if (rule-occurs newrule (module-equations module))
689 (format t "~% -- Required rule: ~% ")
690 (format t "~% -- Added rule: ~% "))))
691 (flush-all))
692 ;;
693 (setf (axiom-id-condition newrule) newidcond)
694 (when (and (null (axiom-labels newrule))
695 (not (eq r newrule)))
696 (setf (axiom-labels newrule)
697 (create-rule-name module "compl")))
698 (when (axiom-extensions newrule)
699 (dolist (e (axiom-a-extensions newrule))
700 (setf (axiom-id-condition e) newidcond))
701 (dolist (e (axiom-AC-extension newrule))
702 (setf (axiom-id-condition e) newidcond)))
703 (dolist (e (axiom-extensions newrule))
704 (when e
705 (setf (axiom-id-condition e) newidcond)))
706 ;;
707 (when *chaos-verbose*
708 (unless (and (null newidcond) (eq r rul))
709 (print-axiom-brief rul)))
710 ;;
711 (unless (eq r rul)
712 (when *gen-rule-debug*
713 (format t "~%[id-compl]=> ")
714 (print-chaos-object newrule))
715 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module newrule)))))))))
717 ;;; mark rules which brings problematic rewrting (LHS is var, infinite loop) as 'bad
718 ;;;
708719 (defun test-bad-axiom (ax)
709720 (declare (type axiom ax)
710 (values (or null t)))
721 (values (or null t)))
711722 (or (term-is-variable? (axiom-lhs ax))
712723 (and (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
713 (term-occurs-as-subterm (axiom-lhs ax) (axiom-rhs ax)))
724 (term-occurs-as-subterm (axiom-lhs ax) (axiom-rhs ax)))
714725 (term-occurs-as-subterm (axiom-lhs ax) (axiom-condition ax))
715726 (term-is-similar? (axiom-lhs ax) (axiom-rhs ax))))
717728 (defun rule-inf-member (ax riset)
718729 (declare (type axiom ax)
719 (type list riset)
720 (values (or null t)))
730 (type list riset)
731 (values (or null t)))
721732 (dolist (ax2 riset nil)
722733 (when (rule-is-similar? ax (car ax2))
723734 (return t))))
725736 (defun rule-inf-subst-member (subst riset)
726737 (declare (type list subst riset)
727 (values (or null t)))
738 (values (or null t)))
728739 (dolist (rul2 riset nil)
729740 (when (substitution-equal subst (cadr rul2))
730741 (return t))))
734745 ;;; but we are in a bind, since we don't know them at "this point".
735746 (defun term-occurs-as-subterm (t1 t2)
736747 (declare (type term t1 t2)
737 (values (or null t)))
748 (values (or null t)))
738749 (when *gen-rule-debug*
739750 (with-output-simple-msg ()
740751 (format t "[term-occurs-as-subterm]: t1 = ")
745756 (if (term-is-variable? t2)
746757 nil
747758 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
748 (multiple-value-bind (gst subs nomatch eequal)
749 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1) (term-head t2))
750 (first-match t1 t2)
751 (values nil nil t nil))
752 (declare (ignore gst subs eequal))
753 (if (not nomatch)
754 t
755 (dolist (t2st (term-subterms t2) nil)
756 (when (term-occurs-as-subterm t1 t2st) (return t)))))
757 ;;
758 nil)))
759 (multiple-value-bind (gst subs nomatch eequal)
760 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1) (term-head t2))
761 (first-match t1 t2)
762 (values nil nil t nil))
763 (declare (ignore gst subs eequal))
764 (if (not nomatch)
765 t
766 (dolist (t2st (term-subterms t2) nil)
767 (when (term-occurs-as-subterm t1 t2st) (return t)))))
768 ;;
769 nil)))
760771 (defun compute-var-for-identity-completions (term donesubst)
761772 (declare (type term term)
762 (type list donesubst))
773 (type list donesubst))
763774 (select-var-for-identity-completions term donesubst))
765776 (defun select-var-for-identity-completions (term donesubst)
766777 (declare (type term term)
767 (type list donesubst))
778 (type list donesubst))
768779 (cond ((or (term-is-variable? term) (term-is-constant? term)) nil)
769 (t (let* ((meth (term-head term))
770 (thy (method-theory meth))
771 (id-flag (and (theory-contains-identity thy)
772 (null (cdr (theory-zero thy)))))
773 (id (if id-flag (car (theory-zero thy)))))
774 (if id
775 (select-var-for-identity-completions-alt2 meth id term donesubst)
776 (dolist (sb (term-subterms term))
777 (let ((val (select-var-for-identity-completions sb donesubst)))
778 (when val (return val)))))))))
780 (t (let* ((meth (term-head term))
781 (thy (method-theory meth))
782 (id-flag (and (theory-contains-identity thy)
783 (null (cdr (theory-zero thy)))))
784 (id (if id-flag (car (theory-zero thy)))))
785 (if id
786 (select-var-for-identity-completions-alt2 meth id term donesubst)
787 (dolist (sb (term-subterms term))
788 (let ((val (select-var-for-identity-completions sb donesubst)))
789 (when val (return val)))))))))
780791 (defun select-var-for-identity-completions-alt2 (meth id term donesubst)
781792 (declare (type method meth)
782 (type t id)
783 (type term term)
784 (type list donesubst))
793 (type t id)
794 (type term term)
795 (type list donesubst))
785796 (let ((val1 (select-var-for-identity-completions-alt meth
786 id
787 (term-arg-1 term)
788 donesubst)))
797 id
798 (term-arg-1 term)
799 donesubst)))
789800 (if val1
790 val1
801 val1
791802 (let ((val2 (select-var-for-identity-completions-alt meth
792 id
793 (term-arg-2 term)
794 donesubst)))
795 val2))))
803 id
804 (term-arg-2 term)
805 donesubst)))
806 val2))))
797808 (defun select-var-for-identity-completions-alt (meth id term donesubst)
798809 (declare (type method meth)
799 (type t id)
800 (type term term)
801 (type list donesubst))
810 (type t id)
811 (type term term)
812 (type list donesubst))
802813 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
803 (let ((srt (variable-sort term))
804 (so (module-sort-order *current-module*)))
805 (when (and (not (term-is-an-error id))
806 (sort<= (term-sort id) srt so)
807 (not (occurs-var-val term id donesubst)))
808 (cons term id))))
809 ((term-is-constant? term) nil)
810 ((method= meth (term-head term))
811 (select-var-for-identity-completions-alt2 meth id term donesubst))
812 ((theory-is-empty-for-matching (method-theory (term-head term)))
813 (select-var-for-identity-completions term donesubst))
814 (t (select-var-for-identity-completions term donesubst))))
814 (let ((srt (variable-sort term))
815 (so (module-sort-order *current-module*)))
816 (when (and (not (term-is-an-error id))
817 (sort<= (term-sort id) srt so)
818 (not (occurs-var-val term id donesubst)))
819 (cons term id))))
820 ((term-is-constant? term) nil)
821 ((method= meth (term-head term))
822 (select-var-for-identity-completions-alt2 meth id term donesubst))
823 ((theory-is-empty-for-matching (method-theory (term-head term)))
824 (select-var-for-identity-completions term donesubst))
825 (t (select-var-for-identity-completions term donesubst))))
816827 (defun occurs-var-val (var val y)
817828 (declare (type term var val)
818 (type list y)
819 (values (or null t)))
829 (type list y)
830 (values (or null t)))
820831 (dolist (ye y nil)
821832 (when (and (eq var (car ye))
822 (eq val (cdr ye)))
833 (eq val (cdr ye)))
823834 (return t))))
825 (defun insert-val (subs rul)
836 (defun insert-val (subs rul &optional (module *current-module*))
826837 (declare (type list subs)
827 (type axiom rul)
828 (values (or null axiom)))
838 (type axiom rul)
839 (values (or null axiom)))
829840 (let (($$trace-rewrite nil)
830 ($$trace-rewrite-whole nil))
841 ($$trace-rewrite-whole nil)
842 (*m-pattern-subst* nil))
831843 (let ((newcond (if (is-true? (axiom-condition rul))
832 *BOOL-true*
833 (term-simplify
834 (normalize-for-identity-total
835 (substitution-partial-image subs (axiom-condition rul)))))))
844 *BOOL-true*
845 (term-simplify
846 (normalize-for-identity-total
847 (substitution-partial-image subs (axiom-condition rul)))
848 module))))
849 (when *gen-rule-debug*
850 (format t "~%[insert-val]:----------")
851 (format t "~% given rule : ")
852 (print-axiom-brief rul)
853 (format t "~% subst : ")
854 (print-substitution subs)
855 (format t "~% newcond : ")
856 (term-print-with-sort newcond))
836857 (if (is-false? newcond)
837 nil
838 (let ((rule nil)
839 (lhs (normalize-for-identity-total
840 (substitution-partial-image subs (axiom-lhs rul))))
841 (rhs (term-simplify
842 (normalize-for-identity-total
843 (substitution-partial-image subs
844 (axiom-rhs rul)))))
845 (condition (if (is-true? newcond)
847 newcond)))
848 (unless (and (term-is-really-well-defined lhs)
849 (term-is-really-well-defined rhs)
850 (term-is-really-well-defined condition))
851 (return-from insert-val nil))
852 ;;
853 (when (term-is-similar? lhs rhs)
854 (return-from insert-val nil))
855 ;;
856 (setq rule
857 (make-rule
858 :lhs lhs
859 :rhs rhs
860 :condition condition
861 :type (axiom-type rul)
862 :kind ':id-completion
863 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or rul)
864 :labels (cons (car (create-rule-name 'dummy "idcomp")) (axiom-labels rul))))
865 ;;
866 ;;
867 (when *gen-rule-debug*
868 (format t "~%invert-val: ")
869 (format t "~% given rule : ")
870 (print-chaos-object rul)
871 (format t "~% gen rule : ")
872 (print-chaos-object rule))
873 rule)))))
858 (progn
859 (when *gen-rule-debug*
860 (format t "~% newcond = ")
861 (term-print-with-sort newcond))
862 nil)
863 (let ((rule nil)
864 (lhs (normalize-for-identity-total
865 (substitution-partial-image subs (axiom-lhs rul))))
866 (rhs (term-simplify
867 (normalize-for-identity-total
868 (substitution-partial-image subs
869 (axiom-rhs rul)))
870 module))
871 (condition (if (is-true? newcond)
873 newcond)))
874 (unless (and (term-is-really-well-defined lhs)
875 (term-is-really-well-defined rhs)
876 (term-is-really-well-defined condition))
877 (when *gen-rule-debug*
878 (format t "~%<< ill defined axiom: ")
879 (format t "~% lhs: ")(term-print-with-sort lhs)
880 (format t "~% rhs: ")(term-print-with-sort rhs)
881 (format t "~% cnd: ")(term-print-with-sort condition))
882 (return-from insert-val nil))
883 (setq rule
884 (make-rule
885 :lhs lhs
886 :rhs rhs
887 :condition condition
888 :type (axiom-type rul)
889 :kind ':id-completion
890 :meta-and-or (rule-meta-and-or rul)
891 :labels (cons (car (create-rule-name 'dummy "idcomp")) (axiom-labels rul))))
892 ;;
893 (when *gen-rule-debug*
894 (format t "~% gen rule : ")
895 (print-chaos-object rule))
896 rule)))))
875898 ;;;=============================================================================
876899 (defun rule-make-or-list (l)
877900 (declare (type list l)
878 (values list))
901 (values list))
879902 (if (null (cdr l)) (car l) (cons 'or l)))
881904 (defun rule-make-and-list (l)
882905 (declare (type list l)
883 (values list))
906 (values list))
884907 (if (null (cdr l)) (car l) (cons 'and l)))
886909 (defun rule-make-eqeqeq (x)
887910 (declare (type list x)
888 (values list))
911 (values list))
889912 (list 'equal (car x) (cdr x)))
891914 (defun rule-make-or-cond (x y)
892915 (declare (type list x y)
893 (values list))
916 (values list))
894917 (if (eq nil y) x
895918 (if (and (consp y) (eq 'or (car y)))
896 (list* 'or x (cdr y))
897 (list 'or x y))))
919 (list* 'or x (cdr y))
920 (list 'or x y))))
899922 (defun rule-make-and-cond (x y)
900923 (declare (type t x y)
901 (values list))
924 (values list))
902925 (if (eq 't y) x
903926 (if (and (consp y) (eq 'and (car y)))
904 (list* 'and x (cdr y))
905 (list 'and x y))))
907 (defvar *enable-id-condition* nil)
927 (list* 'and x (cdr y))
928 (list 'and x y))))
930 (defvar *enable-id-condition* t)
909932 (defun make-id-condition (vars subs)
910933 (declare (type list vars subs)
911 (values list))
934 (values list))
912935 (when *enable-id-condition*
913936 (let ((subs2 nil))
914937 (dolist (sub subs)
915 (when sub
916 (let ((subcan (substitution-can (substitution-restrict vars sub))))
917 (when (and subcan
918 (not (member subcan subs2 :test #'substitution-equal)))
919 (push subcan subs2)))))
938 (when sub
939 (let ((subcan (substitution-can (substitution-restrict vars sub))))
940 (unless (or (null subcan)
941 (member subcan subs2 :test #'substitution-equal))
942 (push subcan subs2)))))
920943 (when subs2
921 (list 'not (make-improved-id-cond subs2)))
922 )))
944 (list 'not (make-improved-id-cond subs2))))))
924946 ;;; cond as list of substitutions
925947 (defun make-improved-id-cond (cond)
926948 (declare (type (or null term) cond))
927949 (if cond
928950 (let ((atomic (compute-atomic cond)))
929 (improve-id-cnd (elim-supersets (canonicalize-atomic cond atomic))))
951 (improve-id-cnd (elim-supersets (canonicalize-atomic cond atomic))))
930952 nil))
932954 ;;; c assumed canonicalized and in DNF
937959 (rule-make-and-list
938960 (mapcar #'rule-make-eqeqeq (car c)))
939961 (let ((freqs (compute-atomic-freq c))
940 max
941 nxt
942 p1
943 p2
944 flag)
962 max
963 nxt
964 p1
965 p2
966 flag)
945967 (declare (type (or null fixnum) max))
946968 ;;
947969 (setq nxt (caar freqs))
948970 (setq max (cdar freqs))
949971 (dolist (e (cdr freqs))
950 (when (< (the fixnum max) (the fixnum (cdr e)))
951 (setq nxt (car e) max (cdr e))))
972 (when (< (the fixnum max) (the fixnum (cdr e)))
973 (setq nxt (car e) max (cdr e))))
952974 (setq p1 nil p2 nil flag t)
953975 (dolist (s c)
954 (unless (null s)
955 (if (member-atomic nxt s)
956 (when flag
957 (let ((res (remove-atomic nxt s)))
958 (if (null res)
959 (setq flag nil
960 p1 nil)
961 (push res p1))))
962 (push s p2))))
976 (unless (null s)
977 (if (member-atomic nxt s)
978 (when flag
979 (let ((res (remove-atomic nxt s)))
980 (if (null res)
981 (setq flag nil
982 p1 nil)
983 (push res p1))))
984 (push s p2))))
963985 (when (and p1 (null flag)) (break "ERR"))
964986 (if p1
965 (setq p1 (improve-id-cnd p1))
966 (setq p1 t))
987 (setq p1 (improve-id-cnd p1))
988 (setq p1 t))
967989 (when p2 (setq p2 (improve-id-cnd p2)))
968990 (rule-make-or-cond (rule-make-and-cond (rule-make-eqeqeq nxt) p1)
969 p2))))
991 p2))))
971993 ;;; arg is list of substs
972994 (defun compute-atomic (expr)
974996 (let ((res nil))
975997 (dolist (x expr)
976998 (dolist (y x)
977 (unless (member-atomic y res)
978 (push y res))))
999 (unless (member-atomic y res)
1000 (push y res))))
9791001 res))
9811003 ;;; arg is list of substs
9821004 (defun canonicalize-atomic (e atoms)
9831005 (declare (type list e atoms)
984 (values list))
1006 (values list))
9851007 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
986 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
987 (or (member-atomic y atoms)
988 y))
989 x))
990 e))
1008 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
1009 (or (member-atomic y atoms)
1010 y))
1011 x))
1012 e))
9921014 (defun compute-atomic-freq (expr)
9931015 (declare (type list expr)
994 (values list))
1016 (values list))
9951017 (let ((res nil))
9961018 (dolist (x expr)
9971019 (dolist (y x)
998 (let ((val (assoc-atomic y res)))
999 (if val (incf (the fixnum (cdr val)))
1000 (push (cons y 1) res)))))
1020 (let ((val (assoc-atomic y res)))
1021 (if val (incf (the fixnum (cdr val)))
1022 (push (cons y 1) res)))))
10011023 res))
10031025 (defun member-atomic (x lst)
10041026 (declare (type list lst)
1005 (type t x)
1006 (values (or null t)))
1027 (type t x)
1028 (values (or null t)))
10071029 (dolist (e lst nil)
10081030 (when (same-atomic x e) (return e))))
10101032 (defun remove-atomic (x lst)
10111033 (declare (type t x)
1012 (type list lst)
1013 (values list))
1034 (type list lst)
1035 (values list))
10141036 (let ((res nil))
10151037 (dolist (e lst)
10161038 (unless (same-atomic x e)
1017 (push e res)))
1039 (push e res)))
10181040 (nreverse res)))
10201042 (defun assoc-atomic (x alist)
10211043 (declare (type t x)
1022 (list alist)
1023 (values (or null t)))
1044 (list alist)
1045 (values (or null t)))
10241046 (dolist (e alist nil)
10251047 (when (same-atomic x (car e)) (return e))))
10271049 (defun same-atomic (x y)
10281050 (declare (type list x y)
1029 (values (or null t)))
1051 (values (or null t)))
10301052 (and (consp x) (consp y)
10311053 (term-is-similar? (car x) (car y))
10321054 (term-is-similar? (cdr x) (cdr y)))
10351057 (defun elim-supersets (e)
10361058 (declare (type list e)
1037 (values list))
1059 (values list))
10381060 (let ((res nil))
10391061 (dolist (x e)
10401062 (unless (dolist (y e nil)
1041 (when (and (not (eq x y))
1042 (substitution-subset y x))
1043 (return t)))
1044 (push x res)))
1063 (when (and (not (eq x y))
1064 (substitution-subset y x))
1065 (return t)))
1066 (push x res)))
10451067 res))
10471069 (defun make-id-condition-direct (vars subs)
10481070 (declare (type list vars subs)
1049 (values list))
1071 (values list))
10501072 (let ((subs2 nil))
10511073 (dolist (sub subs)
10521074 (when sub
1053 (let ((subcan (substitution-can (substitution-restrict vars sub))))
1054 (unless (member subcan subs2 :test #'substitution-equal)
1055 (push subcan subs2)))))
1075 (let ((subcan (substitution-can (substitution-restrict vars sub))))
1076 (unless (member subcan subs2 :test #'substitution-equal)
1077 (push subcan subs2)))))
10561078 (if subs2
1057 (list
1058 'not
1059 (rule-make-or-list
1060 (mapcar #'(lambda (sub)
1061 (rule-make-and-list
1062 (mapcar #'(lambda (si)
1063 (list 'equal (car si) (cdr si)))
1064 sub)))
1065 subs2)))
1066 nil)))
1079 (list
1080 'not
1081 (rule-make-or-list
1082 (mapcar #'(lambda (sub)
1083 (rule-make-and-list
1084 (mapcar #'(lambda (si)
1085 (list 'equal (car si) (cdr si)))
1086 sub)))
1087 subs2)))
1088 nil)))
10681090 (defun normalize-for-identity-total (tm)
10691091 (declare (type term tm))
10701092 (theory-standard-form (normalize-for-identity tm)))
10721094 ;;; rules for and or not == =/= identical nonidentical must not have conditions
1073 (defun term-simplify (tm)
1095 (defun term-simplify (tm &optional (module *current-module*))
10741096 (declare (type term tm)
1075 (values (or null term)))
1097 (values (or null term)))
10761098 (if (term-is-variable? tm)
10771099 nil
1078 (if (term-is-constant? tm)
1079 nil
1080 (let ((meth (term-head tm)))
1081 (dolist (subtm (term-subterms tm))
1082 (term-simplify subtm))
1083 (if (or (eq *BOOL-and* meth)
1084 (eq *BOOL-or* meth)
1085 (eq *BOOL-not* meth)
1086 (eq *BOOL-if* meth))
1087 (simplify-on-top tm)
1088 (if (and (or (eq *BOOL-equal* meth)
1089 (eq *BOOL-nonequal* meth)
1090 (eq *identical* meth)
1091 (eq *nonidentical* meth))
1092 (term-is-ground? (term-arg-1 tm))
1093 (term-is-ground? (term-arg-2 tm)))
1094 (if (or (eq *BOOL-equal* meth)
1095 (eq *identical* meth))
1096 (if (term-is-similar? (term-arg-1 tm) (term-arg-2 tm))
1097 (term-replace tm (simple-copy-term *BOOL-true*))
1098 nil)
1099 (if (term-is-similar? (term-arg-1 tm) (term-arg-2 tm))
1100 (term-replace tm (simple-copy-term *BOOL-false*))
1101 nil))
1102 nil))
1103 )))
1100 (if (term-is-constant? tm)
1101 nil
1102 (let ((meth (term-head tm)))
1103 (dolist (subtm (term-subterms tm))
1104 (term-simplify subtm module))
1105 (if (or (eq *BOOL-and* meth)
1106 (eq *BOOL-or* meth)
1107 (eq *BOOL-not* meth)
1108 (eq *BOOL-if* meth))
1109 (simplify-on-top tm module)
1110 (if (and (or (eq *BOOL-equal* meth)
1111 (eq *BOOL-nonequal* meth)
1112 (eq *identical* meth)
1113 (eq *nonidentical* meth))
1114 (term-is-ground? (term-arg-1 tm))
1115 (term-is-ground? (term-arg-2 tm)))
1116 (if (or (eq *BOOL-equal* meth)
1117 (eq *identical* meth))
1118 (if (term-is-similar? (term-arg-1 tm) (term-arg-2 tm))
1119 (term-replace tm (simple-copy-term *BOOL-true*))
1120 nil)
1121 (if (term-is-similar? (term-arg-1 tm) (term-arg-2 tm))
1122 (term-replace tm (simple-copy-term *BOOL-false*))
1123 nil))
1124 nil)))))
11041125 tm)
11061127 (defun normalize-for-identity (term)
11071128 (declare (type term term))
11081129 (cond ((or (term-is-variable? term) (term-is-constant? term))
1109 term)
1110 (t (let* ((meth (term-head term))
1111 (thy (method-theory meth))
1112 (id-flag (and (theory-contains-identity thy)
1113 (null (cdr (theory-zero thy)))))
1114 (id (if id-flag (car (theory-zero thy))))
1115 (subs (mapcar #'normalize-for-identity
1116 (term-subterms term))))
1117 (declare (type method meth)
1118 (type list thy)
1119 (type (or null t) id-flag)
1120 (type (or null term) id)
1121 (type list subs))
1122 (if id
1123 (if (term-is-similar? (car subs) id)
1124 (cadr subs)
1125 (if (term-is-similar? (cadr subs) id)
1126 (car subs)
1127 (make-term-with-sort-check meth subs)))
1128 (make-term-with-sort-check meth subs))))))
1130 term)
1131 (t (let* ((meth (term-head term))
1132 (thy (method-theory meth))
1133 (id-flag (and (theory-contains-identity thy)
1134 (null (cdr (theory-zero thy)))))
1135 (id (if id-flag (car (theory-zero thy))))
1136 (subs (mapcar #'normalize-for-identity
1137 (term-subterms term))))
1138 (declare (type method meth)
1139 (type list thy)
1140 (type (or null t) id-flag)
1141 (type (or null term) id)
1142 (type list subs))
1143 (if id
1144 (if (term-is-similar? (car subs) id)
1145 (cadr subs)
1146 (if (term-is-similar? (cadr subs) id)
1147 (car subs)
1148 (make-term-with-sort-check meth subs)))
1149 (make-term-with-sort-check meth subs))))))
11291150 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:construct
32 File:match-method.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:construct
32 File:match-method.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6363 ;;;
6464 (defun choose-match-method (lhs cond knd)
6565 (declare (type term lhs)
66 (type term cond)
67 (type symbol knd)
68 (values list))
69 (cond ((term-is-variable? lhs) *match-empty-method*)
70 ((and (memq knd '(:id-theorem :id-ext-theory))
71 (theory-contains-identity (method-theory (term-head lhs))))
72 ;; LHS has Identity theory.
73 (let ((meth (term-head lhs)))
74 (declare (type method meth))
75 (if (method-is-associative meth)
76 (if (is-simple-AC-match-ok? lhs cond)
77 (if (method-is-commutative meth)
78 *match-id-AC-dep-method*
79 *match-id-A-dep-method*)
80 (if (method-is-commutative meth)
81 *match-id-AC-method*
82 *match-id-A-method*))
83 *match-id-gen-method*)))
66 (type term cond)
67 (type symbol knd)
68 (values list))
69 (let (match-method)
70 (when *on-operator-debug*
71 (format t "~%[choose-match-method]: kind=~s" knd)
72 (format t "~%LHS: ")
73 (term-print-with-sort lhs)
74 (format t "~%CND: ")
75 (term-print-with-sort cond))
76 (setq match-method
77 (cond ((term-is-variable? lhs) *match-empty-method*)
78 ((and (memq knd '(:id-theorem :id-ext-theory))
79 (theory-contains-identity (method-theory (term-head lhs))))
80 ;; LHS has Identity theory.
81 (let ((meth (term-head lhs)))
82 (declare (type method meth))
83 (if (method-is-associative meth)
84 (if (is-simple-AC-match-ok? lhs cond)
85 (if (method-is-commutative meth)
86 *match-id-AC-dep-method*
87 *match-id-A-dep-method*)
88 (if (method-is-commutative meth)
89 *match-id-AC-method*
90 *match-id-A-method*))
91 *match-id-gen-method*)))
85 ;; Theory is EMPTY and simple syntactical match can be applied.
86 ((simple-match-e-ok? lhs cond) *match-empty-method*)
93 ;; Theory is EMPTY and simple syntactical match can be applied.
94 ((simple-match-e-ok? lhs cond) *match-empty-method*)
88 ;; Theory has idempotency, and simple (restricted) idem matching
89 ;; can be applied.
90 ((match-is-idem-ok? lhs cond knd) *match-idem-method*)
96 ;; Theory has idempotency, and simple (restricted) idem matching
97 ;; can be applied.
98 ((match-is-idem-ok? lhs cond knd) *match-idem-method*)
92 ;; Theory has idempotency, and simple (restricted with an extension)
93 ;; idem match can be applied.
94 ((match-is-idem-ext-ok? lhs cond knd) *match-idem-ext-method*)
100 ;; Theory has idempotency, and simple (restricted with an extension)
101 ;; idem match can be applied.
102 ((match-is-idem-ext-ok? lhs cond knd) *match-idem-ext-method*)
96 ;; Theory has AC, and simple AC matching can be applied.
97 ((is-simple-AC-match-ok? lhs cond)
98 (when (null *match-dep-var*)
99 (setq *match-dep-var* (make-new-variable 'REST *cosmos*)))
100 *match-dep-method*)
104 ;; Theory has AC, and simple AC matching can be applied.
105 ((is-simple-AC-match-ok? lhs cond)
106 (when (null *match-dep-var*)
107 (setq *match-dep-var* (make-new-variable 'REST *cosmos*)))
108 *match-dep-method*)
102 ;; There are no special methods available, we use general matching
103 ;; method.
104 (t *match-default-method*) ; the default
105 ))
110 ;; There are no special methods available, we use general matching
111 ;; method.
112 (t *match-default-method*) ; the default
113 ))
114 (when *on-operator-debug*
115 (format t "~%===> ~s" match-method))
116 match-method))
129140 (declare (type term t1 t2))
130141 (first-match-with-theory
131142 (theory-code-to-info (logandc1 #..Z.
132 (the fixnum (theory-code (method-theory
133 (term-head t1))))))
143 (the fixnum (theory-code (method-theory
144 (term-head t1))))))
134145 t1 t2))
136147 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: module.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: module.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5454 (declare (type (or null module) mod))
5555 (unless mod
5656 (when *on-debug*
57 (format t "~&[create-module]: creating brand new"))
57 (format t "~%[create-module]: creating brand new"))
5858 (setf mod (module* name)))
5959 (initialize-module mod)
6060 (when *on-debug*
6161 (let ((*print-array* nil) (*print-circle* nil))
62 (format t "~&[create-module]: object=~a, name= " mod)
63 (print-chaos-object name)))
62 (format t "~%[create-module]: object=~a, name= " mod)
63 (print-chaos-object name)))
6464 (setf (module-creation-date mod) (get-universal-time))
6565 mod))
6868 (declare (type t name))
6969 (let ((mod nil))
7070 (when *on-debug*
71 (format t "~&[!create-module]: creating brand new"))
71 (format t "~%[!create-module]: creating brand new"))
7272 (setf mod (module* name))
7373 (initialize-module mod)
7474 (when *on-debug*
7575 (let ((*print-array* nil) (*print-circle* nil))
76 (format t "~&[!create-module]: object=~a, name= " mod)
77 (print-chaos-object name)))
76 (format t "~%[!create-module]: object=~a, name= " mod)
77 (print-chaos-object name)))
7878 (setf (module-creation-date mod) (get-universal-time))
7979 mod))
81 ;;; ***************
82 ;;;
8481 ;;; other useful accessors
8582 (defun module-all-methods (mod &optional (no-error-methods t))
8683 (let ((ops (module-all-operators mod))
87 (res nil))
84 (res nil))
8885 (dolist (opinfo ops)
8986 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
90 (when (or (not no-error-methods)
91 (not (method-is-error-method m)))
92 (push m res))))
87 (when (or (not no-error-methods)
88 (not (method-is-error-method m)))
89 (push m res))))
9390 (nreverse res)))
9592 ;;; methods via signature
9996 (format t "No context module is specified.")))
10097 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
10198 (let ((ops (signature$operators sig))
102 (res nil))
99 (res nil))
103100 (dolist (opinfo ops)
104 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
105 (when (or (not no-error-methods)
106 (not (method-is-error-method m)))
107 (push m res))))
101 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
102 (when (or (not no-error-methods)
103 (not (method-is-error-method m)))
104 (push m res))))
108105 (nreverse res))))
110107 ;;; ***********************************
114111 (defun compute-protected-modules (module)
115112 (declare (type module module)
116 (values list))
113 (values list))
117114 (setf (module-protected-modules module)
118 (do-compute-protected-modules module)))
120 #|
115 (do-compute-protected-modules module)))
117 ;;; TODO
121118 (defun do-compute-protected-modules (module)
122119 (declare (type module module)
123 (values list))
124 (let ((res nil))
125 (dolist (mp (module-all-submodules module) res)
126 (if (eq ':protecting (cdr mp))
127 (pushnew (car mp) res :test #'eq)
128 (if (member (car mp) res)
129 (setq res
130 (delete (car mp) res)))))))
131 |#
133 (defun do-compute-protected-modules (module)
134 (declare (type module module)
135 (values list))
120 (values list))
136121 module
137122 nil)
139124 ;;;
141126 ;;;
142 ;;; (defvar *on-change-debug* nil)
144127 (defun reconstruct-module-if-need (module)
145128 (declare (type module module)
146 (values module))
129 (values module))
147130 (cond ((module-is-inconsistent module)
148 (reconstruct-module module)
149 module)
150 (t module)))
131 (reconstruct-module module)
132 module)
133 (t module)))
152135 (defun reconstruct-module (module)
153136 (declare (type module module)
154 (values t))
137 (values t))
155138 ;; reconstruct module in a bottom up manner
156139 (when *on-change-debug*
157 (format t "~&** reconstructing module")
140 (format t "~%** reconstructing module")
158141 (prin1 module))
159142 (dag-dfs (module-dag module)
160 #'(lambda (node)
161 (let* ((datum (dag-node-datum node))
162 (mode (cdr datum))
163 (mod (car datum)))
164 (when (and (module-is-inconsistent mod)
165 (not (eq mode :modmorph)))
166 (let ((decl (module-decl-form mod)))
167 (if decl
168 (eval-ast decl)
169 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
170 (princ "Specified module is inconsistent due to some changes in its submodule(s).")
171 (print-next)
172 (princ "The system could not reconstruct it in automatic: ")
173 (if (module-name mod)
174 (prin1 mod))
175 (print-next)
176 (princ "This can happens when you redefine modules.")
177 (print-next)
178 (princ "Please redfine it from the scratch,")
179 (print-next)
180 (princ "if you are loading some file, RE-LOAD it again please.")
181 (print-next)
182 (princ "(If the switch `auto reconstrut' is on, please reset it to `off'.)")
183 (chaos-error 'reconstruct-failure)))))))))
143 #'(lambda (node)
144 (let* ((datum (dag-node-datum node))
145 (mode (cdr datum))
146 (mod (car datum)))
147 (when (and (module-is-inconsistent mod)
148 (not (eq mode :modmorph)))
149 (let ((decl (module-decl-form mod)))
150 (if decl
151 (eval-ast decl)
152 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
153 (princ "Specified module is inconsistent due to some changes in its submodule(s).")
154 (print-next)
155 (princ "The system could not reconstruct it in automatic: ")
156 (if (module-name mod)
157 (prin1 mod))
158 (print-next)
159 (princ "This can happens when you redefine modules.")
160 (print-next)
161 (princ "Please redfine it from the scratch,")
162 (print-next)
163 (princ "if you are loading some file, RE-LOAD it again please.")
164 (print-next)
165 (princ "(If the switch `auto reconstrut' is on, please reset it to `off'.)")
166 (chaos-error 'reconstruct-failure)))))))))
185168 ;;;
193176 (defun module-indirect-submodules (module)
194177 (let ((dmods (module-direct-submodules module))
195 (res (cons nil nil)))
178 (res (cons nil nil)))
196179 (dolist (dmod dmods)
197180 (unless (or (eq (cdr dmod) :modmorph)
198 (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal)
199 (module-is-parameter-theory (car dmod)))
200 (gather-submodules (car dmod) res)))
181 (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal)
182 (module-is-parameter-theory (car dmod)))
183 (gather-submodules (car dmod) res)))
201184 (car res)))
203186 (defun prepare-for-parsing (module &optional force no-error-sort)
204187 (declare (type module module)
205 (type (or null t) force no-error-sort)
206 (values t))
188 (type (or null t) force no-error-sort)
189 (values t))
207190 (let ((*on-preparing-for-parsing* t))
208191 (declare (special *on-preparing-for-parsing*))
209192 (when *auto-reconstruct*
210193 (reconstruct-module-if-need module))
211194 (with-in-module (module)
212195 (when (or (need-parsing-preparation module) force)
213 (print-in-progress "_")
214 (check-submodules module)
215 ;;
216 (let ((als (module-alias module)))
217 (dolist (sub (module-all-submodules module))
218 (unless (or (assoc sub als)
219 (not (modexp-is-simple-name (module-name (car sub)))))
220 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
221 (module-name (car sub))
222 (car sub)))))
223 ;; regularity check
224 (regularize-signature-internal module)
225 ;; implicit check regularity
226 (setf (module-is-regular module)
227 (check-regularity module t))
228 ;;
229 (when (and *check-regularity*
230 (not (module-is-theory module)))
231 (if (not (module-is-regular module))
232 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
233 (princ "signature of module ")
234 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t)
235 (princ " is not regular. ")
236 (print-next)
237 (princ "try `check regularity' command for details.")
238 (print-next))))
239 ;;
240 (unless no-error-sort
241 (let ((oerrs (generate-err-sorts (module-sort-order module))))
242 (declare (ignore oerrs))
243 (delete-error-operators-in module)))
244 ;; setup operators for various semantic relations.
245 (setup-sem-relations-in module)
246 ;; (setup-if-then-else-in module)
247 (declare-sort-id-constants module)
248 (make-operator-clusters-in module)
249 ;; (declare-sort-memb-predicates module)
250 (setup-error-operators-in module)
251 (setup-operators-in module)
252 ;; do postponed variable declarations of error sorts
253 (declare-error-variables-in module)
254 ;; sensible check
255 (when (and *check-sensibleness*
256 (not (module-is-theory module)))
257 (check-sensible module t)) ; report on
258 ;; coherency check
259 (when (and *check-rwl-coherency*
260 (not (module-is-theory module)))
261 (check-rwl-coherency module t))
263 ;; for simple-parser.
264 ;; (check-polimorphic-overloading-in module)
265 ;; (propagate-attributes module)
266 (set-operator-syntactic-properties module)
267 (update-parse-information module)
268 ;;
269 (dolist (hook-fun *prepare-for-parse-hook*)
270 (funcall hook-fun module))
271 ;;
272 )
196 (print-in-progress "_")
197 (check-submodules module)
198 ;;
199 (let ((als (module-alias module)))
200 (dolist (sub (module-all-submodules module))
201 (unless (or (assoc sub als)
202 (not (modexp-is-simple-name (module-name (car sub)))))
203 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
204 (module-name (car sub))
205 (car sub)))))
206 ;; regularity check
207 (regularize-signature-internal module)
208 ;; implicit check regularity
209 (setf (module-is-regular module)
210 (check-regularity module t))
211 ;;
212 (when (and *check-regularity*
213 (not (module-is-theory module)))
214 (if (not (module-is-regular module))
215 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
216 (princ "signature of module ")
217 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t)
218 (princ " is not regular. ")
219 (print-next)
220 (princ "try `check regularity' command for details.")
221 (print-next))))
222 ;;
223 (unless no-error-sort
224 (let ((oerrs (generate-err-sorts (module-sort-order module))))
225 (declare (ignore oerrs))
226 (delete-error-operators-in module)))
227 ;; setup operators for various semantic relations.
228 (setup-sem-relations-in module)
229 ;; (setup-if-then-else-in module)
230 (declare-sort-id-constants module)
231 (make-operator-clusters-in module)
232 ;; (declare-sort-memb-predicates module)
233 (setup-error-operators-in module)
234 (setup-operators-in module)
235 ;; do postponed variable declarations of error sorts
236 (declare-error-variables-in module)
237 ;; sensible check
238 (when (and *check-sensibleness*
239 (not (module-is-theory module)))
240 (check-sensible module t)) ; report on
241 ;; coherency check
242 (when (and *check-rwl-coherency*
243 (not (module-is-theory module)))
244 (check-rwl-coherency module t))
246 ;; for simple-parser.
247 ;; (check-polimorphic-overloading-in module)
248 ;; (propagate-attributes module)
249 (set-operator-syntactic-properties module)
250 (update-parse-information module)
251 ;;
252 (dolist (hook-fun *prepare-for-parse-hook*)
253 (funcall hook-fun module))
254 ;;
255 )
273256 (mark-module-ready-for-parsing module)
274257 ;; that's end.
275258 module)))
279262 ;;;
280263 (defvar *do-=*=-proof* t)
282 #||
283265 (defun compile-module (module &optional (force nil))
284266 (declare (type module module)
285 (type (or null t) force)
286 (values t))
287 (prepare-for-parsing module force)
288 ;; evaluate postponed psort decl.
289 (when (module-psort-declaration module)
290 (eval-psort-declaration (module-psort-declaration module) module))
291 ;;
292 (when (or force (need-rewriting-preparation module))
293 (compile-module-internal module)
294 (when *do-=*=-proof*
295 (try-beh-proof-in module))
296 )
297 (when (need-rewriting-preparation module)
298 (with-in-module (module)
299 (generate-rewrite-rules module)
300 (mapc #'(lambda (opinfo)
301 (compute-rew-strategy module opinfo)
302 (fix-strategy-and-rules module opinfo))
303 (module-all-operators module))
304 (when (and *check-compatibility*
305 (not (module-is-theory module)))
306 (when (check-compatibility module)
307 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
308 (princ "TRS of module ")
309 (print-mod-name module)
310 (princ "is not compatible.")
311 (print-next)
312 (princ "please try `check compatible' command for details."))))
313 ;;
314 (mark-module-ready-for-rewriting module))))
315 ||#
317 (defun compile-module (module &optional (force nil))
318 (declare (type module module)
319 (type (or null t) force)
320 (values t))
267 (type (or null t) force)
268 (values t))
321269 (prepare-for-parsing module force)
322270 ;; evaluate postponed psort decl.
323271 (when (module-psort-declaration module)
328276 (when *do-=*=-proof*
329277 (try-beh-proof-in module))
330278 (when (and *check-compatibility*
331 (not (module-is-theory module)))
279 (not (module-is-theory module)))
332280 (when (check-compatibility module)
333 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
334 (princ "TRS of module ")
335 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t)
336 (princ " is not compatible.")
337 (print-next)
338 (princ "please try `check compatible' command for details.")))))
281 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
282 (princ "TRS of module ")
283 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* t)
284 (princ " is not compatible.")
285 (print-next)
286 (princ "please try `check compatible' command for details.")))))
339287 module)
341289 (defun !setup-reduction (mod)
342 (declare (type module mod)
343 (values t))
344 (compile-module mod)
345 )
290 (declare (type module mod))
291 (compile-module mod))
347293 (defun final-setup (module)
348294 (declare (type module module)
349 (values t))
295 (values t))
350296 (compile-module module))
352298 (defun compile-module-internal (module)
353299 (declare (type module module)
354 (values t))
300 (values t))
355301 (with-in-module (module)
356302 (print-in-progress "*")
357303 ;; add axioms in paramters as theorems if any.
358304 ;; (add-parameter-theorem module)
359305 ;; add operator theory axioms
360306 (unless (and *open-module*
361 (equal "%" (get-module-print-name module)))
307 (equal "%" (get-module-print-name module)))
362308 (dolist (oinfo (module-all-operators module))
363 (add-operator-theory-axioms module oinfo)))
309 (add-operator-theory-axioms module oinfo)))
364310 ;;
365311 (add-identity-completions module)
366312 ;; add equations for behavioural congruence relation.
372318 ;; genrate rewrite rules
373319 (generate-rewrite-rules module)
374320 (mapc #'(lambda (opinfo)
375 (compute-rew-strategy module opinfo)
376 (fix-strategy-and-rules module opinfo))
377 (module-all-operators module))
321 (compute-rew-strategy module opinfo)
322 (fix-strategy-and-rules module opinfo))
323 (module-all-operators module))
378324 ;; TODO.
379325 (fix-rewrite-rules module)
380326 (check-behavioural-rules module)
383329 (check-operator-congruency module)
384330 ;;
385331 (let* ((*module-all-rules-every* t)
386 (axs (get-module-axioms module)))
332 (axs (get-module-axioms module)))
387333 ;; (format t "~%# axioms=~d" (length axs))
388334 (dolist (ax axs)
389 (let ((labels (axiom-labels ax)))
390 (dolist (lab labels)
391 ;; (format t " ~a" lab)
392 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
393 lab
394 ax)))))
335 (let ((labels (axiom-labels ax)))
336 (dolist (lab labels)
337 ;; (format t " ~a" lab)
338 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
339 lab
340 ax)))))
395341 ;; set status.
396 (mark-module-ready-for-rewriting module)
397 ;;
398 #||
399 (when (featurep :bigpink)
400 (create-module-psystem module))
401 ||#
402 ))
342 (mark-module-ready-for-rewriting module)))
404344 (defun check-behavioural-rules (module)
405345 (declare (type module module)
406 (values (or null t)))
346 (values (or null t)))
407347 (setf (module-has-behavioural-axioms module) nil)
408348 (dolist (rule (module-all-rules module))
409349 (when (axiom-is-behavioural rule)
413353 (defun fix-error-method-terms (module &optional clean)
414354 (declare (type module module)
415 (type (or null t) clean)
416 (values t))
417 ;; (check-module-rules module)
355 (type (or null t) clean)
356 (values t))
357 (check-module-rules module)
418358 (when (module-terms-to-be-fixed module)
419359 (with-in-module (module)
420360 (let ((name (module-name module))
421 (op-map nil)
422 (sort-map nil))
423 (cond ((int-instantiation-p name)
424 (let ((modmorph (views-to-modmorph
425 (int-instantiation-module name)
426 (int-instantiation-args name))))
427 (setq op-map (modmorph-op modmorph))
428 (setq sort-map (modmorph-sort modmorph))))
429 ((int-rename-p name)
430 (setq op-map (int-rename-op-maps name))
431 (setq sort-map (int-rename-sort-maps name))))
432 ;;
433 (dolist (term-pair (module-terms-to-be-fixed module))
434 (replace-error-method module (cdr term-pair) op-map sort-map))
435 (dolist (rule-pair (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module))
436 (compute-rule-method (cdr rule-pair)))
437 (when clean
438 (setf (module-terms-to-be-fixed module) nil
439 (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module) nil))
440 ;;
441 ))))
361 (op-map nil)
362 (sort-map nil))
363 (cond ((int-instantiation-p name)
364 (let ((modmorph (views-to-modmorph
365 (int-instantiation-module name)
366 (int-instantiation-args name))))
367 (setq op-map (modmorph-op modmorph))
368 (setq sort-map (modmorph-sort modmorph))))
369 ((int-rename-p name)
370 (setq op-map (int-rename-op-maps name))
371 (setq sort-map (int-rename-sort-maps name))))
372 ;;
373 (dolist (term-pair (module-terms-to-be-fixed module))
374 (replace-error-method module (cdr term-pair) op-map sort-map))
375 (dolist (rule-pair (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module))
376 (compute-rule-method (cdr rule-pair)))
377 (when clean
378 (setf (module-terms-to-be-fixed module) nil
379 (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module) nil))))))
443381 (defun fix-rewrite-rules (module)
444382 (declare (type module module)
445 (values t))
383 (values t))
446384 (let ((res nil)
447 (tobe-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module)))
385 (tobe-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module)))
448386 (dolist (rl (module-rewrite-rules module))
449387 (push (or (cdr (assq rl tobe-fixed))
450 rl)
451 res))
388 rl)
389 res))
452390 (setf (module-rewrite-rules module)
453 (nreverse res))))
391 (nreverse res))))
455393 (defun check-module-rules (module)
456394 (declare (type module module)
457 (values t))
395 (values t))
458396 (setf (module-terms-to-be-fixed module) nil)
459397 (setf (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module) nil)
460398 (dolist (rule (module-all-rules module))
463401 (defun module-error-check (module)
464402 (declare (type module module)
465 (values t))
403 (values t))
466404 (with-in-module (module)
467405 ;; check sort cycles
468406 (maphash #'(lambda (s sl)
469 (when (memq s (_subsorts sl))
470 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
471 (princ "!! cycle in sort structure !!")
472 (print-next)
473 (format t "the sort ")
474 (print-chaos-object s)
475 (princ " is in a cycle."))))
476 *current-sort-order*)
478 #||
479 ;; checks theory is proper for operators. not complete.
480 (dolist (op-info (module-all-operators module))
481 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods op-info))
482 (let ((thy (method-theory meth))
483 (coarity (method-coarity meth))
484 (arity (method-arity meth)))
485 (when (theory-contains-associativity thy)
486 (unless (and (= (length arity) 2) ; redundant ...
487 (sort<= coarity (car arity))
488 (sort<= coarity (cadr arity)))
489 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
490 (princ "associative operator ")
491 (print-chaos-object meth)
492 (princ " has bad rank!"))))
494 ;; the following is redundant, more strong restrictive check is
495 ;; done elsewhere.
497 (when (theory-contains-commutativity thy)
498 (unless (and (= (length arity) 2)
499 (is-in-same-connected-component* (car arity) (cadr arity)))
500 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
501 (princ "commutative operator ")
502 (print-chaos-object meth)
503 (princ " has bad rank!"))))
505 ;; identity, ??
507 (when (theory-contains-identity thy)
508 (unless (= (length arity) 2)
509 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
510 (princ "operator with identity ")
511 (print-chaos-object meth)
512 (princ " has bad rank!")))))))
513 ||#
514 ))
407 (when (memq s (_subsorts sl))
408 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
409 (princ "!! cycle in sort structure !!")
410 (print-next)
411 (format t "the sort ")
412 (print-chaos-object s)
413 (princ " is in a cycle."))))
414 *current-sort-order*)))
516416 ;; *todo* must re-import iff necessary.
517417 ;;
518418 (defun check-submodules (module)
519419 (declare (type module module)
520 (values t))
420 (values t))
521421 (dolist (mod (module-direct-submodules module))
522422 (compile-module (car mod))))
525425 ;;;
526426 (defun add-parameter-theorem (mod)
527427 (declare (type module mod)
528 (values t))
428 (values t))
529429 (let ((params (get-module-imported-parameters mod)))
530430 (declare (type list params))
531431 (dolist (param params)
532432 (let ((pmod (parameter-theory-module param)))
533 (dolist (ax (module-equations pmod))
534 (pushnew (check-axiom-error-method mod ax)
535 (module-theorems mod) :test #'eq))
536 (dolist (rl (module-rules pmod))
537 (pushnew (check-axiom-error-method mod rl)
538 (module-theorems mod) :test #'eq))
539 ))))
433 (dolist (ax (module-equations pmod))
434 (pushnew (check-axiom-error-method mod ax)
435 (module-theorems mod) :test #'eq))
436 (dolist (rl (module-rules pmod))
437 (pushnew (check-axiom-error-method mod rl)
438 (module-theorems mod) :test #'eq))))))
541440 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
548447 ;;;
549448 (defun modexp-is-submodule-of (x y)
550449 (declare (type t x y)
551 (values (or null t)))
450 (values (or null t)))
552451 (if (not (module-p y))
553452 (and (view-p y)
554 (or ;; we also lookup in local submodules..
555 ;;
556 (modexp-is-submodule-of x (eval-modexp (view-src y) t))
557 (modexp-is-submodule-of x (eval-modexp (view-target y) t))))
453 (or ;; we also lookup in local submodules..
454 ;;
455 (modexp-is-submodule-of x (eval-modexp (view-src y) t))
456 (modexp-is-submodule-of x (eval-modexp (view-target y) t))))
558457 (or (assq x (module-submodules y))
559 (let ((nm (module-name y)))
560 (when (chaos-ast? nm)
561 (cond ((%is-instantiation nm) (eq x (%instantiation-module nm)))
562 ((%is-rename nm) (eq x (%rename-module nm)))
563 (t nil))))
564 (some #'(lambda (sm)
565 (or (eq x (car sm))
566 (modexp-is-submodule-of x (car sm))))
567 (module-submodules y))
568 )))
570 ;;;
571 ;;;
572 ;;;
458 (let ((nm (module-name y)))
459 (when (chaos-ast? nm)
460 (cond ((%is-instantiation nm) (eq x (%instantiation-module nm)))
461 ((%is-rename nm) (eq x (%rename-module nm)))
462 (t nil))))
463 (some #'(lambda (sm)
464 (or (eq x (car sm))
465 (modexp-is-submodule-of x (car sm))))
466 (module-submodules y)))))
574468 (defun propagate-module-change (x)
575469 (declare (type module x)
576 (values t))
470 (values t))
577471 (mark-module-as-inconsistent x)
578472 (when (null (module-name x))
579473 (return-from propagate-module-change nil))
580474 (let ((exobj (object-all-exporting-objects x)))
581475 (clean-up-sub-objects exobj))
582476 (delete-parameters x)
583 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modexp-eval-table* x)
584 )
477 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modexp-eval-table* x))
586479 (defun delete-parameters (x)
587480 (declare (type module x)
588 (values t))
481 (values t))
589482 (when *on-change-debug*
590483 (format t "~%** start deleting parameters ~a of module ~a"
591 (module-parameters x)
592 x))
484 (module-parameters x)
485 x))
593486 (when (null (module-name x))
594487 (return-from delete-parameters nil))
595488 ;;
601494 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modules-so-far-table* pth)
602495 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modexp-local-table* pth)
603496 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modexp-normalized-table*
604 (module-name pth))
497 (module-name pth))
605498 (let ((subs (object-all-exporting-objects pth)))
606 (clean-up-module pth)
607 (clean-up-sub-objects subs)))))
499 (clean-up-module pth)
500 (clean-up-sub-objects subs)))))
609502 (defun propagate-view-change (x)
610503 (declare (type view-struct x)
611 (values t))
504 (values t))
612505 (mark-object-as-inconsistent x)
613506 (when (null (view-name x))
614507 (return-from propagate-view-change nil))
618511 (defun clean-up-sub-objects (subs)
619512 (declare (type list subs)
620 (values t))
513 (values t))
621514 (dolist (sub subs)
622515 (let ((object (car sub)))
623516 (unless (eq (cdr sub) :using)
624 (unless (object-is-inconsistent object)
625 (cond ((module-p object)
626 (if (and (module-decl-form object)
627 (modexp-is-simple-name (module-name object)))
628 (progn (mark-object-as-inconsistent object)
629 (delete-parameters object))
630 (delete-module object)))
631 ((view-p object)
632 (if (view-decl-form object)
633 (mark-object-as-inconsistent object)
634 (delete-view object)))
635 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
636 (format t "unknown type of exporting object : ")
637 (prin1 object)
638 (chaos-error 'panic))))
639 )))))
517 (unless (object-is-inconsistent object)
518 (cond ((module-p object)
519 (if (and (module-decl-form object)
520 (modexp-is-simple-name (module-name object)))
521 (progn (mark-object-as-inconsistent object)
522 (delete-parameters object))
523 (delete-module object)))
524 ((view-p object)
525 (if (view-decl-form object)
526 (mark-object-as-inconsistent object)
527 (delete-view object)))
528 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
529 (format t "unknown type of exporting object : ")
530 (prin1 object)
531 (chaos-error 'panic)))))))))
641533 (defun delete-module (x)
642534 (declare (type module x)
643 (values t))
535 (values t))
644536 (when *on-change-debug*
645537 (format t "~%!! deleting module ")
646538 (print x))
649541 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modules-so-far-table* x)
650542 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modexp-eval-table* x)
651543 (delete-parameters x)
652 (clean-up-module x)
653 )
544 (clean-up-module x))
655546 (defun delete-view (x)
656547 (declare (type view-struct x)
657 (values t))
548 (values t))
658549 (when (null (view-name x))
659550 (return-from delete-view nil))
660551 (delete-object-from-assoc-table *modexp-view-table* x)
661 (clean-up-view x)
662 )
552 (clean-up-view x))
664554 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:operator.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:operator.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 ;;; (defvar *on-operator-debug* nil)
4039 (defun on-debug-operator ()
4140 (setq *on-operator-debug* t))
4241 (defun off-debug-operator ()
4342 (setq *on-operator-debug* nil))
45 ;;; *TODO, immediately*
44 ;;; *TODO*
4645 ;;; syntax of an operator can be regular-expression.
4847 ;;; === DESCRIPTION ============================================================
4948 ;;; All of the procedures on operator, method.
5150 ;;;=============================================================================
5352 ;;;=============================================================================
5554 ;;; *****************************
7170 #-gcl
7271 (defun strategy-is-li? (strat len)
7372 (declare (type list strat)
74 (type fixnum len)
75 (values (or null t)))
73 (type fixnum len)
74 (values (or null t)))
7675 (equal strat (the-default-strategy len)))
7877 #+gcl
8685 ;;;
8786 (defun declare-operator-strategy (op strat)
8887 (declare (type operator op)
89 (type list strat)
90 (values list))
88 (type list strat)
89 (values list))
9190 (let ((num-args (operator-num-args op)))
9291 (declare (type fixnum num-args))
9392 (unless (and (listp strat)
94 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (integerp x)
95 (<= (the fixnum x) num-args)))
96 strat))
93 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (integerp x)
94 (<= (the fixnum x) num-args)))
95 strat))
9796 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
98 (format t "invalid strategy ~a for opeator ~a, ignored."
99 strat (operator-name op))
100 ))
97 (format t "invalid strategy ~a for opeator ~a, ignored."
98 strat (operator-name op))
99 ))
101100 ;;
102101 (setf (operator-strategy op) strat)))
104103 (defun complete-strategy (num-args strat)
105104 (declare (ignore num-args)
106 (type fixnum num-args)
107 (type list strat)
108 (values list))
105 (type fixnum num-args)
106 (type list strat)
107 (values list))
109108 ;; allow duplicated arg pos.
110109 ;; (setf strat (remove-duplicates strat))
111110 (let ((rest nil))
112111 #||
113112 (dotimes (x num-args)
114113 (unless (member (1+ x) strat :test #'(lambda (a b)
115 (eql (abs a) (abs b))))
116 (push (1+ x) rest)))
114 (eql (abs a) (abs b))))
115 (push (1+ x) rest)))
117116 ||#
118117 (append strat
119 (if (member 0 strat) nil '(0))
120 (nreverse rest))))
118 (if (member 0 strat) nil '(0))
119 (nreverse rest))))
122121 ;;; OPERATOR THEORY ____________________________________________________________
126125 (defvar .theory-code-table. )
127126 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
128127 (setf .theory-code-table.
129 '((:assoc . #..A.)
130 (:comm . #..C.)
131 (:idr . #..Z.)
132 (:id . #..Z.)
133 (:idem . #..I.)
134 )))
128 '((:assoc . #..A.)
129 (:comm . #..C.)
130 (:idr . #..Z.)
131 (:id . #..Z.)
132 (:idem . #..I.)
133 )))
137136 ;;; *TODO* :
138137 #||
139138 (defun declare-operator-theory (operator theory &optional (module *current-module*))
140139 (declare (type operator operator)
141 (type list theory)
142 (type module module)
143 (values list))
140 (type list theory)
141 (type module module)
142 (values list))
144143 (let ((theory (compute-theory-from-attr-decl (operator-num-args operator)
145 theory
146 (operator-theory operator)
147 module)))
144 theory
145 (operator-theory operator)
146 module)))
148147 (setf (operator-theory operator) theory) ))
149148 ||#
151150 (defun compute-theory-from-attr-decl (arity theory-decl old-theory &optional (module *current-module*))
152151 (declare (type list arity)
153 (type list theory-decl)
154 (type (or null op-theory) old-theory)
155 (type module module))
152 (type list theory-decl)
153 (type (or null op-theory) old-theory)
154 (type module module))
156155 (unless old-theory (setf old-theory *the-empty-theory*))
157156 (let ((num-args (length arity))
158 (code (theory-code old-theory))
159 (t-code 0)
160 (is-iden-r nil)
161 (id nil))
157 (code (theory-code old-theory))
158 (t-code 0)
159 (is-iden-r nil)
160 (id nil))
162161 (declare (type fixnum num-args code)
163 (type (or null fixnum) t-code))
162 (type (or null fixnum) t-code))
164163 (dolist (theory-elt theory-decl)
165164 (cond ((symbolp theory-elt)
166 (setf t-code (cdr (assq theory-elt .theory-code-table.)))
167 (unless t-code
168 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
169 (princ "invalid opertor theory ")
170 (princ theory-elt)))
171 (setf code (logior code t-code)))
172 ((and (listp theory-elt) (= 2 (length theory-elt)))
173 (setq t-code
174 (cdr (assq (car theory-elt) .theory-code-table.)))
175 (unless t-code
176 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
177 (princ "invalid operator theory ")
178 (princ theory-elt)))
179 (setq code (logior code t-code))
180 (setq id (if (consp (cadr theory-elt)) (cadr theory-elt)
181 (cdr theory-elt)))
182 (when (eq (car theory-elt) ':idr) (setq is-iden-r t)))
183 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
184 (princ "unknown opertor theory ")
185 (princ theory-elt)
186 (princ ", ignored.")))))
165 (setf t-code (cdr (assq theory-elt .theory-code-table.)))
166 (unless t-code
167 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
168 (princ "invalid opertor theory ")
169 (princ theory-elt)))
170 (setf code (logior code t-code)))
171 ((and (listp theory-elt) (= 2 (length theory-elt)))
172 (setq t-code
173 (cdr (assq (car theory-elt) .theory-code-table.)))
174 (unless t-code
175 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
176 (princ "invalid operator theory ")
177 (princ theory-elt)))
178 (setq code (logior code t-code))
179 (setq id (if (consp (cadr theory-elt)) (cadr theory-elt)
180 (cdr theory-elt)))
181 (when (eq (car theory-elt) ':idr) (setq is-iden-r t)))
182 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
183 (princ "unknown opertor theory ")
184 (princ theory-elt)
185 (princ ", ignored.")))))
187186 ;; identity
188187 (when id
189188 (prepare-for-parsing module)
190189 (let ((trm (simple-parse module id (car (maximal-sorts arity *current-sort-order*)))))
191 (when (term-ill-defined trm)
192 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
193 (format t "invalid identity term ~a" id)))
194 (setq id trm)))
190 (when (term-ill-defined trm)
191 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
192 (format t "invalid identity term ~a" id)))
193 (setq id trm)))
196195 ;; associativity
197196 (when (test-theory .A. code)
198197 (unless (= num-args 2)
199 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
200 (princ "associativity theory is meaning-less for non-binary operators, ignored")
201 (setq code (unset-theory code .A.)))))
198 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
199 (princ "associativity theory is meaning-less for non-binary operators, ignored")
200 (setq code (unset-theory code .A.)))))
203202 ;; commutativity
204203 (when (test-theory .C. code)
205204 (unless (= num-args 2)
206 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
207 (princ "commutativity theory is meaning-less for non-binary operators, ignored")
208 (setq code (unset-theory code .C.)))))
205 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
206 (princ "commutativity theory is meaning-less for non-binary operators, ignored")
207 (setq code (unset-theory code .C.)))))
210209 ;; final result.
211210 (theory-make (theory-code-to-info code)
212 (if id (cons id is-iden-r)) )))
211 (if id (cons id is-iden-r)) )))
214213 ;;; ASSOCIATIVITY_______________________________________________________________
219218 (defun declare-operator-associativity (op assoc)
220219 (declare (type operator op)
221 (type (or simple-string symbol) assoc)
222 (values t))
220 (type (or simple-string symbol) assoc)
221 (values t))
223222 (if (stringp assoc)
224223 (setf assoc (intern assoc)))
225224 (case assoc
228227 ((:r-assoc |r-assoc| :right-associative |right-associative|)
229228 (setf (operator-associativity op) ':right))
230229 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
231 (princ "unknown associativity declaration ")
232 (princ assoc)
233 (princ " for operator ")
234 (princ (operator-name op))
235 (princ ", ignored.")))))
230 (princ "unknown associativity declaration ")
231 (princ assoc)
232 (princ " for operator ")
233 (princ (operator-name op))
234 (princ ", ignored.")))))
237236 ;;; PRECEDENCE__________________________________________________________________
238237 ;;;
240239 (defun declare-operator-precedence (op prec)
241240 (declare (type operator op)
242 (type (or simple-string fixnum) prec)
243 (values t))
241 (type (or simple-string fixnum) prec)
242 (values t))
244243 (if (stringp prec)
245244 (setf prec (read-from-string prec)))
246245 (unless (and (integerp prec)
247 (>= prec parser-min-precedence)
248 (<= prec parser-max-precedence))
246 (>= prec parser-min-precedence)
247 (<= prec parser-max-precedence))
249248 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
250249 (format t "operator precedence must be a natural number less than ~d, but ~d is given, ignored." parser-max-precedence prec)
251250 (return-from declare-operator-precedence nil)))
254253 ;;; MEMO________________________________________________________________________
255254 ;;; memoize the rewriting result.
256255 (defun compute-memo (attr)
257 (if *memo-rewrite* ; (and *memo-rewrite* *always-memo*)
256 (if *memo-rewrite* ; (and *memo-rewrite* *always-memo*)
258257 t
259258 (let ((memo-decl (find-if #'(lambda (i)
260 (unless (atom i)
261 (equal "memo" (car i))))
262 attr)))
259 (unless (atom i)
260 (equal "memo" (car i))))
261 attr)))
263262 (if memo-decl t nil))))
265264 ;; (defun declare-operator-memo-attr (op memo)
280279 (defun declare-method-theory (method attr &optional (info *current-opinfo-table*))
281280 (declare (type method method)
282 (type list attr)
283 (type hash-table info)
284 (values t))
281 (type list attr)
282 (type hash-table info)
283 (values t))
285284 (let ((theory (compute-theory-from-attr-decl (method-arity method)
286 attr
287 (operator-theory (method-operator method info)))))
285 attr
286 (operator-theory (method-operator method info)))))
288287 (set-method-theory method theory info)))
290289 (defun set-method-theory (method theory
291 &optional
292 (info *current-opinfo-table*)
293 (inherit nil))
290 &optional
291 (info *current-opinfo-table*)
292 (inherit nil))
294293 (declare (type method method)
295 (type op-theory theory)
296 (type hash-table info)
297 (type (or null t) inherit)
298 (values op-theory))
294 (type op-theory theory)
295 (type hash-table info)
296 (type (or null t) inherit)
297 (values op-theory))
299298 (let ((new-th (check-method-theory-consistency method theory info inherit)))
300299 (setf (method-theory method info) new-th)
301300 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method info)
302301 new-th))
304303 (defun check-method-theory-consistency (method theory info
305 &optional inherit
306 no-merge)
304 &optional inherit
305 no-merge)
307306 (declare (type method method)
308 (type op-theory theory)
309 (type hash-table info)
310 (type (or null t) inherit no-merge)
311 (values t))
307 (type op-theory theory)
308 (type hash-table info)
309 (type (or null t) inherit no-merge)
310 (values t))
312311 (let ((arity (method-arity method))
313312 (coarity (method-coarity method))
314313 (new-code (theory-code theory))
315 (old-th (method-theory method info)))
314 (old-th (method-theory method info)))
316315 (declare (type list arity)
317 (type sort-struct coarity)
318 (type fixnum new-code)
319 (type (or null op-theory) old-th))
316 (type sort-struct coarity)
317 (type fixnum new-code)
318 (type (or null op-theory) old-th))
320319 ;;
321320 (unless no-merge
322321 (when (and old-th (not (eq theory old-th)))
323 (setq theory (merge-operator-theory-in *current-module*
324 method
325 old-th
326 theory
327 ))
328 (setq new-code (theory-code theory))))
322 (setq theory (merge-operator-theory-in *current-module*
323 method
324 old-th
325 theory))
326 (setq new-code (theory-code theory))))
329327 ;;
330328 ;; associativity
331329 ;;
332330 (when (theory-contains-associativity theory)
333331 (unless (and (is-in-same-connected-component coarity (car arity) *current-sort-order*)
334 (is-in-same-connected-component coarity (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*)
335 (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*))
336 ;; should always check
337 (unless inherit
338 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
339 (format t "rank of method ")
340 (print-chaos-object method)
341 (print-next)
342 (format t "does not allow it to be associative, ignoring `assoc' attribute.")))
343 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .A.))))
332 (is-in-same-connected-component coarity (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*)
333 (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*))
334 ;; should always check
335 (unless inherit
336 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
337 (format t "rank of method ")
338 (print-chaos-object method)
339 (print-next)
340 (format t "does not allow it to be associative, ignoring `assoc' attribute.")))
341 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .A.))))
344342 ;;
345343 ;; commutativity
346344 ;;
347345 (when (theory-contains-commutativity theory)
348346 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*)
349 ;;
350 (unless inherit
351 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
352 (princ "commutative operations, their arguments must be of the same connected component.")
353 (print-next)
354 (princ "`comm' attribute of operation ")
355 (print-chaos-object method)
356 (princ " is ignored.")))
357 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .C.))))
347 ;;
348 (unless inherit
349 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
350 (princ "commutative operations, their arguments must be of the same connected component.")
351 (print-next)
352 (princ "`comm' attribute of operation ")
353 (print-chaos-object method)
354 (princ " is ignored.")))
355 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .C.))))
358356 ;;
359357 ;; identity
360358 ;;
361359 (when (theory-contains-identity theory)
362360 (let* ((id (car (theory-zero theory)))
363 (id-sort (term-sort id)))
364 (if (not (and (= 2 (length arity))
365 (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*)
366 (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) coarity *current-sort-order*)))
367 (unless inherit
368 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
369 (princ "id: makes sense only when the operator is binary,")
370 (print-next)
371 (princ "and its arity sorts and the coarity sort are of same connected components.")
372 (print-next)
373 (princ "ignoring id:(idr:) attribute of operator ")
374 (print-chaos-object method)
375 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .Z.)))
376 (unless (and (sort<= id-sort (car (method-arity method))
377 *current-sort-order*)
378 (sort<= id-sort (cadr (method-arity method))
379 *current-sort-order*))
380 (unless inherit
381 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
382 (princ "id: makes sense the identity term belongs to the arity sort.")
383 (print-next)
384 (princ "ignoreing id:(idr:) attribute of operator ")
385 (print-chaos-object method))
386 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .Z.)))) ))))
361 (id-sort (term-sort id)))
362 (if (not (and (= 2 (length arity))
363 (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) (cadr arity) *current-sort-order*)
364 (is-in-same-connected-component (car arity) coarity *current-sort-order*)))
365 (unless inherit
366 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
367 (princ "id: makes sense only when the operator is binary,")
368 (print-next)
369 (princ "and its arity sorts and the coarity sort are of same connected components.")
370 (print-next)
371 (princ "ignoring id:(idr:) attribute of operator ")
372 (print-chaos-object method)
373 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .Z.)))
374 (unless (and (sort<= id-sort (car (method-arity method))
375 *current-sort-order*)
376 (sort<= id-sort (cadr (method-arity method))
377 *current-sort-order*))
378 (unless inherit
379 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
380 (princ "id: makes sense the identity term belongs to the arity sort.")
381 (print-next)
382 (princ "ignoreing id:(idr:) attribute of operator ")
383 (print-chaos-object method))
384 (setf new-code (unset-theory new-code .Z.)))) ))))
387385 ;;
388386 (unless (= new-code (theory-code theory))
389387 (setf theory (theory-make (theory-code-to-info new-code)
390388 (if (theory-contains-identity theory)
391 (theory-zero theory)
392 nil))))
389 (theory-zero theory)
390 nil))))
393391 ;; (format t "~%** #4 - ~a" new-code)
394392 (when (and inherit
395 (theory-contains-associativity theory)
396 (null (method-associativity method)))
393 (theory-contains-associativity theory)
394 (null (method-associativity method)))
397395 (setf (method-associativity method) :right))
398396 (setf (method-theory method info) theory)
399397 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method info)
403401 (defun merge-operator-theory-in (mod method th1 th2)
404402 (declare (ignore mod)
405 (type module mod)
406 (type method method)
407 (type (or null op-theory) th1 th2)
408 (values op-theory))
403 (type module mod)
404 (type method method)
405 (type (or null op-theory) th1 th2)
406 (values op-theory))
409407 (if (null th1)
410408 th2
411409 (let ((code1 (theory-code th1))
412 (zero1 (theory-zero th1))
413 (code2 (theory-code th2))
414 (zero2 (theory-zero th2))
415 (new-theory nil))
416 ;;
417 (if (= code1 code2)
418 th2
419 (let ((new-code (logior code1 code2))
420 (zero nil))
421 (setq new-theory (create-theory new-code nil))
422 (setq zero
423 (if (null zero1)
424 zero2
425 (if (null zero2)
426 zero1
427 (if (equal zero1 zero2)
428 zero1
429 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
430 (format t "variation in identity of method ")
431 (print-chaos-object method)
432 (print-next)
433 (format t "re setting it to ")
434 (print-chaos-object zero)
435 nil)
436 ))))
437 (setf (theory-zero new-theory) zero)
438 new-theory)))))
410 (zero1 (theory-zero th1))
411 (code2 (theory-code th2))
412 (zero2 (theory-zero th2))
413 (new-theory nil))
414 ;;
415 (if (= code1 code2)
416 th2
417 (let ((new-code (logior code1 code2))
418 (zero nil))
419 (setq new-theory (create-theory new-code nil))
420 (setq zero
421 (if (null zero1)
422 zero2
423 (if (null zero2)
424 zero1
425 (if (equal zero1 zero2)
426 zero1
427 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
428 (format t "variation in identity of method ")
429 (print-chaos-object method)
430 (print-next)
431 (format t "re setting it to ")
432 (print-chaos-object zero)
433 nil)
434 ))))
435 (setf (theory-zero new-theory) zero)
436 new-theory)))))
440438 ;;; REWRITE STRATEGY____________________________________________________________
442440 (defun declare-method-strategy (meth strat &optional (info *current-opinfo-table*))
443441 (declare (type method meth)
444 (type list strat)
445 (type hash-table info)
446 (values list))
442 (type list strat)
443 (type hash-table info)
444 (values list))
447445 (let ((num-args (operator-num-args (method-operator meth info))))
448446 (declare (type fixnum num-args))
449447 (unless (and (listp strat)
450 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (integerp x)
451 (<= (the fixnum x) num-args)))
452 strat))
448 (every #'(lambda (x) (and (integerp x)
449 (<= (the fixnum x) num-args)))
450 strat))
453451 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-attribute)
454 (princ "invalid strategy ")
455 (princ strat)
456 (princ " for operator ")
457 (princ (method-symbol meth))
458 ))
452 (princ "invalid strategy ")
453 (princ strat)
454 (princ " for operator ")
455 (princ (method-symbol meth))))
459456 ;; complete
460457 (setf (method-supplied-strategy meth) (complete-strategy num-args strat))))
464461 (defun declare-method-associativity (meth assoc)
465462 (declare (type method meth)
466 (type (or simple-string symbol) assoc)
467 (values t))
463 (type (or simple-string symbol) assoc)
464 (values t))
468465 (if (stringp assoc)
469466 (setf assoc (intern assoc)))
470467 (case assoc
473470 ((:r-assoc |r-assoc| :right-associative |right-associative|)
474471 (setf (method-associativity meth) ':right))
475472 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
476 (format t "unknown associativity declaration ~a assoc for operator ~a, ignored"
477 assoc
478 (method-symbol meth)
479 ))
473 (format t "unknown associativity declaration ~a assoc for operator ~a, ignored"
474 assoc
475 (method-symbol meth)))
480476 nil)))
482478 ;;; PRECEDENCE ___________________________________________________________________
484480 (defun declare-method-precedence (meth prec)
485481 (declare (type method meth)
486 (type (or simple-string fixnum) prec)
487 (values (or null fixnum)))
482 (type (or simple-string fixnum) prec)
483 (values (or null fixnum)))
488484 (if (stringp prec)
489485 (setf prec (read-from-string prec)))
490486 (unless (and (integerp prec)
491 (>= prec parser-min-precedence)
492 (<= prec parser-max-precedence))
487 (>= prec parser-min-precedence)
488 (<= prec parser-max-precedence))
493489 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
494490 (format t "operator precedence must be a natural number between ~d and ~d, but ~d is given, ignored."
495 parser-min-precedence parser-max-precedence
496 prec)
491 parser-min-precedence parser-max-precedence
492 prec)
497493 (return-from declare-method-precedence nil)))
498494 (setf (method-precedence meth) prec))
511507 (defun declare-method-constr (method constr)
512508 (declare (type method method)
513 (type (or null t) constr)
514 (values (or null t)))
509 (type (or null t) constr)
510 (values (or null t)))
515511 (setf (method-constructor method) constr)
516512 (when constr
517513 (pushnew method (sort-constructor (method-coarity method))
518 :test #'eq))
519 )
514 :test #'eq)))
521516 ;;; COHERENCY ---------------------------------------------------------------------
523518 (defun declare-method-coherent (method coherent)
524519 (declare (type method method)
525 (type (or null t) coherent)
526 (values (or null t)))
520 (type (or null t) coherent)
521 (values (or null t)))
527522 (setf (method-coherent method) coherent))
529 ;;; COPIER ________________________________________________________________________
530 ;;; COPY-METHOD-INFO : from-method to-method
531 ;;;
532 #|| NOT USED
533 (defun copy-method-info (from to)
534 (let (sup-strat
535 theory
536 prec
537 memo
538 assoc
539 constr)
540 (when *on-operator-debug*
541 (format t "~&[copy-method-info]:")
542 (format t "~&-- copy from ") (print-chaos-object from)
543 (format t "~& to ") (print-chaos-object to))
544 (let ((from-module (method-module from)))
545 (with-in-module (from-module)
546 (setf sup-strat (method-supplied-strategy from)
547 theory (method-theory from)
548 prec (get-method-precedence from)
549 memo (method-memo from)
550 assoc (method-associativity from)
551 constr (method-constructor from))))
552 (let ((to-module (method-module to)))
553 (with-in-module (to-module)
554 (setf (method-supplied-strategy to) sup-strat
555 (method-theory to) theory
556 (method-precedence to) prec
557 (method-memo to) memo
558 (method-associativity to) assoc
559 (method-constructor to) constr)))
560 ))
562 ||#
564524 ;;; ********************
565525 ;;; OPERATOR DECLARATION _______________________________________________________
568528 ;;; NOTE: *assumption: all sorts are registed in the module
570530 (defun declare-operator-in-module (op-name arity coarity module
571 &optional
572 constructor
573 behavioural
574 coherent
575 error-operator)
531 &optional
532 constructor
533 behavioural
534 coherent
535 error-operator)
577537 (declare (type t op-name)
578 (type list arity)
579 ;; (type (or symbol sort* list string) coarity)
580 (type (or null t) constructor behavioural coherent
581 error-operator)
582 (values (or null operator) (or null method) (or null t)))
538 (type list arity)
539 ;; (type (or symbol sort* list string) coarity)
540 (type (or null t) constructor behavioural coherent
541 error-operator)
542 (values (or null operator) (or null method) (or null t)))
583543 ;;
584544 (let* ((mod (if (module-p module)
585 module
586 (find-module-in-env module))))
545 module
546 (find-module-in-env module))))
587547 (unless mod
588548 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
589 (princ "declaring operator, no such module ")
590 (princ module)
591 ))
549 (princ "declaring operator, no such module ")
550 (princ module)))
593552 ;; check arity, coarity
594553 (with-in-module (mod)
595554 (let ((r-arity nil)
596 (r-coarity coarity))
597 (dolist (a arity)
598 (let ((s (if (sort-struct-p a) a (find-sort-in mod a))))
599 (when (and (err-sort-p s)
600 (not error-operator))
601 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
602 (values nil nil t)))
603 (unless s
604 (cond ((and (not error-operator)
605 (may-be-error-sort-ref? a))
606 ;; may declaration of error operator
607 ;; the process is postponed
608 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
609 (values nil nil t)))
610 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
611 (princ "declaring operator, no such sort ")
612 (print-sort-ref a)
613 ))))
614 (push s r-arity)))
615 (setf r-coarity (if (sort-struct-p coarity)
616 coarity
617 (find-sort-in mod coarity)))
618 (when (and (err-sort-p r-coarity)
619 (not error-operator))
620 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
621 (values nil nil t)))
622 ;;
623 (unless r-coarity
624 (cond ((and (not error-operator)
625 (may-be-error-sort-ref? coarity))
626 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
627 (values nil nil t)))
628 (t
629 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
630 (princ "declaring operator, no such sort ")
631 (print-sort-ref coarity)
632 ))))
633 ;; name conflict check with existing variables
634 #||
635 (when (and (null r-arity)
636 (find-variable-in module (car op-name)))
637 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
638 (format t "declaring op ~s" op-name)
639 (print-next)
640 (princ " there already a variable with the same name.")
641 (princ " ... ignoring"))
642 (return-from declare-operator-in-module (values nil nil nil))
643 )
644 ||#
645 ;;
646 (multiple-value-bind (x y)
647 (add-operator-declaration-to-module op-name
648 (nreverse r-arity)
649 r-coarity
650 mod
651 constructor
652 behavioural
653 coherent
654 error-operator
655 )
656 (values x y nil))))
657 ))
555 (r-coarity coarity))
556 (dolist (a arity)
557 (let ((s (if (sort-struct-p a) a (find-sort-in mod a))))
558 (when (and (err-sort-p s)
559 (not error-operator))
560 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
561 (values nil nil t)))
562 (unless s
563 (cond ((and (not error-operator)
564 (may-be-error-sort-ref? a))
565 ;; may declaration of error operator
566 ;; the process is postponed
567 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
568 (values nil nil t)))
569 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
570 (princ "declaring operator, no such sort ")
571 (print-sort-ref a)
572 ))))
573 (push s r-arity)))
574 (setf r-coarity (if (sort-struct-p coarity)
575 coarity
576 (find-sort-in mod coarity)))
577 (when (and (err-sort-p r-coarity)
578 (not error-operator))
579 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
580 (values nil nil t)))
581 ;;
582 (unless r-coarity
583 (cond ((and (not error-operator)
584 (may-be-error-sort-ref? coarity))
585 (return-from declare-operator-in-module
586 (values nil nil t)))
587 (t
588 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
589 (princ "declaring operator, no such sort ")
590 (print-sort-ref coarity)))))
591 (multiple-value-bind (x y)
592 (add-operator-declaration-to-module op-name
593 (nreverse r-arity)
594 r-coarity
595 mod
596 constructor
597 behavioural
598 coherent
599 error-operator)
600 (values x y nil))))))
659602 (defun make-operator-in-module (op-name num-args module &optional qual-name)
660603 (declare (ignore qual-name)
661 (type t op-name)
662 (type fixnum num-args)
663 (type module module)
664 (type t qual-name)
665 (values operator))
604 (type t op-name)
605 (type fixnum num-args)
606 (type module module)
607 (type t qual-name)
608 (values operator))
666609 (let ((op (make-operator-internal op-name num-args module)))
667610 op))
669612 (defun check-overloading-with-builtin (op-name arity coarity module)
670613 (unless arity
671614 (let ((opstr (car op-name))
672 (sorts (module-all-sorts module)))
673 (dolist (bi sorts)
674 (when (sort-is-builtin bi)
675 (let ((token-pred (bsort-token-predicate bi)))
676 (when (and token-pred
677 (funcall token-pred opstr)
678 (is-in-same-connected-component* coarity
679 bi
680 (module-sort-order module)))
682 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
683 (format t "operator name ~s is overloaded with built-in constant of sort " opstr)
684 (print-sort-name bi module)
685 (print-next)
686 (princ "... ignored.")
687 (return-from check-overloading-with-builtin t)
688 ))))))
689 )
690 nil)
615 (sorts (module-all-sorts module)))
616 (dolist (bi sorts nil)
617 (when (sort-is-builtin bi)
618 (let ((token-pred (bsort-token-predicate bi)))
619 (when (and token-pred
620 (funcall token-pred opstr)
621 (is-in-same-connected-component* coarity
622 bi
623 (module-sort-order module)))
625 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
626 (format t "operator name ~s is overloaded with built-in constant of sort " opstr)
627 (print-sort-name bi module)
628 (print-next)
629 (princ "... ignored.")
630 (return-from check-overloading-with-builtin t)))))))))
692632 (defun add-operator-declaration-to-module (op-name arity coarity module
693 &optional
694 constructor
695 behavioural
696 coherent
697 error-operator)
633 &optional
634 constructor
635 behavioural
636 coherent
637 error-operator)
698638 (declare (type t op-name)
699 (type list arity)
700 (type (or symbol sort-struct) coarity)
701 (type t module)
702 (type (or null t)
703 constructor behavioural coherent error-operator))
639 (type list arity)
640 (type (or symbol sort-struct) coarity)
641 (type (or null module) module))
704642 (let* ((mod (if (module-p module)
705 module
706 (find-module-in-env module)))
707 (op-infos (find-operators-in-module op-name (length arity) mod))
708 (opinfo nil)
709 (op nil))
643 module
644 (find-module-in-env module)))
645 (op-infos (find-operators-in-module op-name (length arity) mod))
646 (opinfo nil)
647 (op nil))
710648 (declare (type module mod)
711 (type list op-infos))
649 (type list op-infos))
712650 ;;
713651 (when *on-operator-debug*
714652 (format t "~%[add-operator-declaratoin-to-module]: called with")
715653 (format t "~% -- op-name = ~a, arity = ~a, coarity = ~a" op-name
716 arity coarity)
654 arity coarity)
717655 (format t "~% -- module = ~a, constructor = ~a, behavioural = ~a"
718 module constructor behavioural)
719 (format t "~% -- coherent = ~a, error-operator = ~a" coherent error-operator)
720 )
656 module constructor behavioural)
657 (format t "~% -- coherent = ~a, error-operator = ~a" coherent error-operator))
721658 ;; checks hidden sort condition
722659 (let ((hidden? nil))
723660 (dolist (as arity)
724 (when (sort-is-hidden as)
725 (if (and hidden? behavioural)
726 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
727 (format t "more than one hidden sort in the declaration of operator \"~{~a~}\""
728 op-name)
729 ))
730 (setf hidden? t)
731 #|| -----------------------------------------------
732 (when (and (not (sort= as *huniversal-sort*))
733 (not (eq module (sort-module as)))
734 behavioural)
735 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
736 (format t "behavioural operator \"~{~a~}\" has imported hidden sort " op-name)
737 (print-sort-name as)
738 (princ " in its arity.")
739 ))
740 --------------------------------------------------- ||#
741 ))
742 #|| NULL argument is acceptable...2012/6/28
743 (when (and behavioural (not hidden?))
744 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
745 (format t "behavioural operator must have exactly one hidden sort in its arity")
746 ))
747 ||#
661 (when (sort-is-hidden as)
662 (if (and hidden? behavioural)
663 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
664 (format t "more than one hidden sort in the declaration of operator \"~{~a~}\""
665 op-name)
666 ))
667 (setf hidden? t)))
748668 (when (and behavioural coherent)
749 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
750 (format t "coherency is meaningless for behavioural operator.")
751 ))
669 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
670 (format t "coherency is meaningless for behavioural operator.")
671 ))
752672 (when (and coherent (not (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) arity)))
753 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
754 (format t "coherency is only meaningfull for operator with hidden sort in its arity.")
755 ))
756 )
673 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
674 (format t "coherency is only meaningfull for operator with hidden sort in its arity."))))
758675 ;;
759676 (when *builtin-overloading-check*
760677 (when (check-overloading-with-builtin op-name arity coarity module)
761 (return-from add-operator-declaration-to-module nil)))
762 ;;
678 (return-from add-operator-declaration-to-module nil)))
764680 ;; uses pre-existing operator if it is the apropreate one,
765681 ;; i.e.,
766682 ;; (1) has method with coarity which is in the same connected component.
771687 ;;
772688 (when op-infos
773689 (dolist (x op-infos)
774 (let ((xcoarity (method-coarity (car (opinfo-methods x)))))
775 (when (or (null arity) ; constants always ...
776 (equal op-name '("if" "_" "then" "_" "else" "_" "fi"))
777 (is-in-same-connected-component* coarity
778 xcoarity
779 (module-sort-order mod)))
781 (when *chaos-verbose* ;; *on-operator-debug*
782 (with-output-simple-msg ()
783 (format t "~&declaring overloading operator ~a : "
784 (operator-name (opinfo-operator x)))
785 (when arity
786 (print-sort-list arity mod))
787 (princ " -> ")
788 (print-sort-name coarity mod)
789 (print-next)))
790 ;;
791 (setf op (opinfo-operator x))
792 (setf opinfo x)
793 (return)))))
690 (let ((xcoarity (method-coarity (car (opinfo-methods x)))))
691 (when (or (null arity) ; constants always ...
692 (equal op-name '("if" "_" "then" "_" "else" "_" "fi"))
693 (is-in-same-connected-component* coarity
694 xcoarity
695 (module-sort-order mod)))
697 (when *chaos-verbose*
698 (with-output-simple-msg ()
699 (format t "~%declaring overloading operator ~a : "
700 (operator-name (opinfo-operator x)))
701 (when arity
702 (print-sort-list arity mod))
703 (princ " -> ")
704 (print-sort-name coarity mod)
705 (print-next)))
706 ;;
707 (setf op (opinfo-operator x))
708 (setf opinfo x)
709 (return)))))
795711 ;; create a new operator iff there is not the same one.
796712 (unless op
800716 (push opinfo (module-all-operators mod))
801717 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table mod) op-name op)
802718 (when *on-operator-debug*
803 (format t "~&opdecl: created new operator ~a" (operator-name op)))
805 )
719 (format t "~%opdecl: created new operator ~a" (operator-name op))))
806720 ;;
807721 (multiple-value-bind (ent? meth)
808 (add-operator-declaration-to-table opinfo
809 arity
810 coarity
811 mod
812 constructor
813 behavioural
814 coherent
815 error-operator)
722 (add-operator-declaration-to-table opinfo
723 arity
724 coarity
725 mod
726 constructor
727 behavioural
728 coherent
729 error-operator)
816730 (declare (type (or null t) ent?)
817 (type method meth))
731 (type method meth))
818732 (when ent? (setf (method-module meth) module))
819733 (mark-need-parsing-preparation mod)
820734 (values op meth))))
825739 (once-only (?_?opname ?!?number-of-args ?$?module)
826740 `(or (find-qual-operator-in ,?$?module ,?_?opname ,?!?number-of-args)
827741 (progn (with-output-chaos-warning ()
828 (princ "no such operator ")
829 (print-chaos-object ,?_?opname)
830 (princ "in module ")
831 (print-mod-name ,?$?module))
832 nil))))
742 (princ "no such operator ")
743 (print-chaos-object ,?_?opname)
744 (princ "in module ")
745 (print-mod-name ,?$?module))
746 nil))))
834748 (defun declare-operator-strategy-in-module (op-name number-of-args
835 strategy
836 &optional
837 (module *current-module*) )
749 strategy
750 &optional
751 (module *current-module*) )
838752 (declare (type t op-name)
839 (type fixnum number-of-args)
840 (type list strategy)
841 (type module module)
842 (values t))
753 (type fixnum number-of-args)
754 (type list strategy)
755 (type module module)
756 (values t))
843757 (let ((opinfo (find-operator-or-warn op-name number-of-args module)))
844758 (unless opinfo (return-from declare-operator-strategy-in-module nil))
845759 (declare-operator-strategy (opinfo-operator opinfo) strategy)))
847761 (defun declare-operator-precedence-in-module (op-name number-of-args
848 prec
849 &optional
850 (module
851 *current-module*))
762 prec
763 &optional
764 (module
765 *current-module*))
852766 (declare (type t op-name)
853 (type fixnum number-of-args prec)
854 (type module module)
855 (values t))
767 (type fixnum number-of-args prec)
768 (type module module)
769 (values t))
856770 (let ((opinfo (find-operator-or-warn op-name number-of-args module)))
857771 (unless opinfo (return-from declare-operator-precedence-in-module nil))
858772 (declare-operator-precedence (opinfo-operator opinfo) prec)))
860 #||
861 (defun declare-operator-theory-in-module (op-name number-of-args
862 theory
863 &optional
864 (module
865 *current-module*))
774 (defun declare-operator-associativity-in-module (op-name number-of-args
775 assoc
776 &optional
777 (module
778 *current-module*))
866779 (declare (type t op-name)
867 (type fixnum number-of-args)
868 (type op-theory theory)
869 (type module module)
870 (values t))
871 (let ((opinfo (find-operator-or-warn op-name number-of-args module)))
872 (unless opinfo (return-from declare-operator-theory-in-module nil))
873 (declare-operator-theory (opinfo-operator opinfo) theory)))
874 ||#
876 (defun declare-operator-associativity-in-module (op-name number-of-args
877 assoc
878 &optional
879 (module
880 *current-module*))
881 (declare (type t op-name)
882 (type fixnum number-of-args)
883 (type symbol assoc)
884 (type module module)
885 (values t))
780 (type fixnum number-of-args)
781 (type symbol assoc)
782 (type module module)
783 (values t))
886784 (let ((opinfo (find-operator-or-warn op-name number-of-args module)))
887785 (unless opinfo
888786 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-name)
889 (format t "declaring associativity: no such operator ~a" op-name)
890 ))
787 (format t "declaring associativity: no such operator ~a" op-name)
788 ))
891789 (declare-operator-associativity (opinfo-operator opinfo) assoc)))
894792 ;;; ************
895793 ;;; METHOD-TABLE
939837 ;;;
941839 (defun make-method-table (list-of-method
942 &optional
943 (so *current-sort-order*))
840 &optional
841 (so *current-sort-order*))
944842 (declare (type list list-of-method)
945 (type hash-table so)
946 (values t))
843 (type hash-table so)
844 (values t))
947845 (let ((op (method-operator (car list-of-method))))
948846 (make-method-table-internal list-of-method
949 0
950 (operator-num-args op)
951 so)))
847 0
848 (operator-num-args op)
849 so)))
953851 (defun make-method-table-internal (list-of-method arg-pos num-args so)
954852 (declare (type list list-of-method)
955 (type fixnum arg-pos num-args)
956 (type hash-table so))
957 ;;
958 ;;(debug-msg ("~%===================================================="))
959 ;;(debug-msg ("~%arg-pos = ~d") arg-pos)
960 ;;(debug-msg ("~%mathods = ~s") list-of-method)
961 ;;;
853 (type fixnum arg-pos num-args)
854 (type hash-table so))
962855 (if (= 0 num-args)
963856 ;; we assume the signature is regular, thus, constants has only one
964857 ;; declaration and it has no declaration for erro sort.
965858 list-of-method
966859 (if (< arg-pos num-args)
967 (flet ((get-minimal-methods ()
968 (let ((sorts (mapcar #'(lambda (arity) (nth arg-pos arity))
969 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (method-arity x))
970 list-of-method)))
971 (res nil))
972 (declare (type list sorts res))
973 (dolist (m list-of-method res)
974 ;; (declare (type operator-method m))
975 (let ((m-sort (nth arg-pos (method-arity m))))
976 (when (or (not (intersection (subsorts m-sort so)
977 sorts :test #'eq))
978 (and (= arg-pos 0) (or (method-is-error-method m)
979 (method-is-universal m))))
980 (let ((pos (assoc m-sort res :test #'eq)))
981 (declare (type list pos))
982 (if pos
983 (push m (cdr pos))
984 (push (list m-sort m) res))))))))
985 (find-comparable (sort)
986 (let ((res nil))
987 (declare (type list res))
988 (dolist (m list-of-method res)
989 ;; (declare (type operator-method m))
990 (if (and (or (not (err-sort-p (method-coarity m)))
991 (not (or (sort= (method-coarity m) *universal-sort*)
992 (sort= (method-coarity m) *huniversal-sort*))))
993 (sort< sort (nth arg-pos (method-arity m)) so))
994 (push m res))))))
995 (let ((minimal-methods (get-minimal-methods)))
996 (declare (type list minimal-methods))
997 ;;(debug-msg ("~%minimal-methods: ~s") minimal-methods)
998 (let* ((num-entry (length minimal-methods))
999 (result (make-list num-entry)))
1000 (declare (type fixnum num-entry)
1001 (type list result))
1002 (dotimes (x num-entry)
1003 (declare (type fixnum x))
1004 (let* ((s-ms (nth x minimal-methods))
1005 (comparable-methods (find-comparable (car s-ms))))
1006 (declare (type list s-ms comparable-methods))
1007 ;;(debug-msg ("~%comparable-methods: ~s") comparable-methods)
1008 (setf (nth x result)
1009 (cons (cons (car s-ms)
1010 (if (= arg-pos (1- num-args))
1011 (cdr s-ms)
1012 (make-method-table-internal
1013 (append (cdr s-ms) comparable-methods)
1014 (1+ arg-pos)
1015 num-args
1016 so)))
1017 (if comparable-methods
1018 (make-method-table-internal comparable-methods
1019 arg-pos
1020 num-args
1021 so)
1022 nil)))))
1023 result)))
1024 )))
860 (flet ((get-minimal-methods ()
861 (let ((sorts (mapcar #'(lambda (arity) (nth arg-pos arity))
862 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (method-arity x))
863 list-of-method)))
864 (res nil))
865 (declare (type list sorts res))
866 (dolist (m list-of-method res)
867 ;; (declare (type operator-method m))
868 (let ((m-sort (nth arg-pos (method-arity m))))
869 (when (or (not (intersection (subsorts m-sort so)
870 sorts :test #'eq))
871 (and (= arg-pos 0) (or (method-is-error-method m)
872 (method-is-universal m))))
873 (let ((pos (assoc m-sort res :test #'eq)))
874 (declare (type list pos))
875 (if pos
876 (push m (cdr pos))
877 (push (list m-sort m) res))))))))
878 (find-comparable (sort)
879 (let ((res nil))
880 (declare (type list res))
881 (dolist (m list-of-method res)
882 ;; (declare (type operator-method m))
883 (if (and (or (not (err-sort-p (method-coarity m)))
884 (not (or (sort= (method-coarity m) *universal-sort*)
885 (sort= (method-coarity m) *huniversal-sort*))))
886 (sort< sort (nth arg-pos (method-arity m)) so))
887 (push m res))))))
888 (let ((minimal-methods (get-minimal-methods)))
889 (declare (type list minimal-methods))
890 (let* ((num-entry (length minimal-methods))
891 (result (make-list num-entry)))
892 (declare (type fixnum num-entry)
893 (type list result))
894 (dotimes (x num-entry)
895 (declare (type fixnum x))
896 (let* ((s-ms (nth x minimal-methods))
897 (comparable-methods (find-comparable (car s-ms))))
898 (declare (type list s-ms comparable-methods))
899 (setf (nth x result)
900 (cons (cons (car s-ms)
901 (if (= arg-pos (1- num-args))
902 (cdr s-ms)
903 (make-method-table-internal
904 (append (cdr s-ms) comparable-methods)
905 (1+ arg-pos)
906 num-args
907 so)))
908 (if comparable-methods
909 (make-method-table-internal comparable-methods
910 arg-pos
911 num-args
912 so)
913 nil)))))
914 result))))))
1027917 ;;; FIND-OPERATOR-METHOD operator arg-sort-list & optional opinfo-table sort-order
1028918 ;;;
1029919 (defmacro find-operator-method (?__?op ?__?arg-sort-list
1030 &optional
1031 ;; (opinfo-table '*current-opinfo-table*)
1032 (??_??sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
920 &optional
921 ;; (opinfo-table '*current-opinfo-table*)
922 (??_??sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
1033923 `(find-method-in-table ,?__?arg-sort-list
1034924 (operator-method-table ,?__?op)
1035925 ,??_??sort-order))
1038928 ;;;
1039929 (defun find-method-in-table (sort-list method-table sort-order &aux (method nil))
1040930 (declare (type list sort-list)
1041 (type list method-table)
1042 (type hash-table sort-order))
931 (type list method-table)
932 (type hash-table sort-order))
1043933 (if sort-list
1044934 (block find
1045 (dolist (method-entry method-table)
1046 ;; check for each incomparable ranks.
1047 (cond ((sort<= (car sort-list) (caar method-entry) sort-order)
1048 (if (operator-method-p (car (cdar method-entry)))
1049 (return-from find (cdar method-entry))
1050 (setf method (find-method-in-table (cdr sort-list)
1051 (cdar method-entry)
1052 sort-order)))
1053 (when method (return-from find method)))
1054 (t (setf method
1055 (find-method-in-table sort-list (cdr method-entry) sort-order))
1056 (when method (return-from find method))
1057 ))))
935 (dolist (method-entry method-table)
936 ;; check for each incomparable ranks.
937 (cond ((sort<= (car sort-list) (caar method-entry) sort-order)
938 (if (operator-method-p (car (cdar method-entry)))
939 (return-from find (cdar method-entry))
940 (setf method (find-method-in-table (cdr sort-list)
941 (cdar method-entry)
942 sort-order)))
943 (when method (return-from find method)))
944 (t (setf method
945 (find-method-in-table sort-list (cdr method-entry) sort-order))
946 (when method (return-from find method))
947 ))))
1058948 ;; constant. only one method.
1059 method-table
1060 ))
949 method-table))
1062951 ;;; *****************
1063952 ;;; ADDING NEW METHOD___________________________________________________________
1064953 ;;; *****************
1070959 ;;; They are declared separately with operator declarations.
1071960 ;;;
1072961 (defun add-operator-declaration-to-table (opinfo
1073 arity
1074 coarity
1075 &optional
1076 (module
1077 (or *current-module* *last-module*))
1078 constructor
1079 behavioural
1080 coherent
1081 error-operator)
962 arity
963 coarity
964 &optional
965 (module (get-context-module))
966 constructor
967 behavioural
968 coherent
969 error-operator)
1082970 (declare (type list opinfo arity)
1083 (type sort-struct coarity)
1084 (type module module)
1085 (type (or null t)
1086 constructor
1087 behavioural
1088 coherent
1089 error-operator)
1090 (values (or null t) method))
971 (type sort-struct coarity)
972 (type module module))
1091973 ;;
1092974 (let ((meth nil))
1093975 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1094976 (when (and (sort-list= (method-arity m) arity)
1095 (sort= (method-coarity m) coarity))
1096 (setq meth m)
1097 (return nil)))
977 (sort= (method-coarity m) coarity))
978 (setq meth m)
979 (return nil)))
1098980 (when (and meth
1099 (not (eq (method-name meth )
1100 (method-name *beh-equal*)))
1101 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
1102 ;; (and meth *on-operator-debug*)
981 (not (eq (method-name meth )
982 (method-name *beh-equal*)))
983 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
1103984 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1104 (format t "the operator of the same rank has already been declared: ")
1105 (print-next)
1106 (print-chaos-object meth)
1107 (print-next)
1108 (format t "~%... ignored.")
1109 ;; (print-next)
1110 ;; (format t "ignoring this one.")
1111 )
1112 #||
1113 (return-from add-operator-declaration-to-table
1114 (values nil meth))
1115 ||#
1116 )
985 (format t "the operator of the same rank has already been declared: ")
986 (print-next)
987 (print-chaos-object meth)
988 (print-next)
989 (format t "~%... ignored.")))
1117990 (let ((operator (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1118991 (declare (type operator operator))
1119992 (when (and meth (not (eq (method-module meth) module)))
1120 (when (and (not (method-constructor meth))
1121 constructor)
1122 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1123 (princ "operator ")
1124 (print-chaos-object meth)
1125 (print-next)
1126 (princ "was NOT constructor in module ")
1127 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
1128 (print-next)
1129 (princ "but being declared as constructor in ")
1130 (print-simple-mod-name module)
1131 (print-next)
1132 (princ "ignoring `constr' attribute.")))
1133 (unless (eq (method-is-behavioural meth) behavioural)
1134 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1135 (princ "operator ")
1136 (print-chaos-object meth)
1137 (print-next)
1138 (princ "cannot be behvioural and not at the same time")
1139 (print-next)
1140 (princ "ignoring ...")))
1141 (when (and (not (method-is-coherent meth)) coherent)
1142 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1143 (princ "operator ")
1144 (print-chaos-object meth)
1145 (print-next)
1146 (princ "was not coherent in module ")
1147 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
1148 (print-next)
1149 (princ "but being declared as coherent in ")
1150 (print-simple-mod-name module)
1151 #||
1152 (print-next)
1153 (princ "ignoring this `coherent' attribute.")
1154 ||#
1155 )))
993 ;; the method is the imported one
994 (when (and (not (method-constructor meth))
995 constructor)
996 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
997 (princ "operator ")
998 (print-chaos-object meth)
999 (print-next)
1000 (princ "was NOT constructor in module ")
1001 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
1002 (print-next)
1003 (princ "but being declared as constructor in ")
1004 (print-simple-mod-name module)
1005 (print-next)
1006 (princ "ignoring `constr' attribute.")))
1007 (unless (eq (method-is-behavioural meth) behavioural)
1008 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1009 (princ "operator ")
1010 (print-chaos-object meth)
1011 (print-next)
1012 (princ "cannot be behvioural and not at the same time")
1013 (print-next)
1014 (princ "ignoring ...")))
1015 (when (and (not (method-is-coherent meth)) coherent)
1016 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1017 (princ "operator ")
1018 (print-chaos-object meth)
1019 (print-next)
1020 (princ "was not coherent in module ")
1021 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
1022 (print-next)
1023 (princ "but being declared as coherent in ")
1024 (print-simple-mod-name module))))
11561025 (unless meth
1157 (setq meth (make-operator-method :name (operator-name operator)
1158 :arity arity
1159 :coarity coarity
1160 )))
1026 (setq meth (make-operator-method :name (operator-name operator)
1027 :arity arity
1028 :coarity coarity)))
11611029 (when (eq (method-module meth) module)
1162 (setf (method-constructor meth) constructor)
1163 (setf (method-is-behavioural meth) behavioural)
1164 ;; (setf (method-is-coherent meth) coherent)
1165 (setf (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
1166 error-operator))
1030 (setf (method-constructor meth) constructor)
1031 (setf (method-is-behavioural meth) behavioural)
1032 (setf (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
1033 error-operator))
11671034 ;;
11681035 (let ((res1 (add-method-to-table opinfo meth module)))
1169 (setf (method-is-coherent meth) coherent)
1170 (when constructor
1171 (pushnew meth (sort-constructors (method-coarity meth))
1172 :test #'eq))
1173 ;;
1174 (values res1 meth)))))
1036 (setf (method-is-coherent meth) coherent)
1037 (when constructor
1038 (pushnew meth (sort-constructors (method-coarity meth))
1039 :test #'eq))
1040 ;;
1041 (values res1 meth)))))
11771044 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11791046 (defun add-method-to-table (opinfo method module)
11801047 (declare (type list opinfo)
1181 (type method method)
1182 (type module module)
1183 (values (or null t)))
1048 (type method method)
1049 (type module module)
1050 (values (or null t)))
11841051 (let ((method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
11851052 (declare (type hash-table method-info-table))
11861053 (if (not (find method (opinfo-methods opinfo)
1187 :test #'(lambda (x y)
1188 (declare (type method x y))
1189 (and (sort-list= (method-arity x)
1190 (method-arity y))
1191 (sort= (method-coarity x)
1192 (method-coarity y))))))
1193 (progn
1194 (when *on-operator-debug*
1195 (format t "~& - add ")
1196 (print-method method)
1197 (format t " ==> ~a."
1198 (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1199 (print-mod-name (operator-module (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
1200 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
1201 (make-method-info method
1202 module ; was *current-module*
1203 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1204 (push method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1205 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
1206 (when (and (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x))
1207 (method-arity method))
1208 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
1209 (not (method-is-error-method method))))
1210 (if (method-is-behavioural method)
1211 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1212 (push method (module-beh-methods module))
1213 (push method (module-beh-attributes module)))
1214 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1215 (push method (module-non-beh-methods module))
1216 (push method (module-non-beh-attributes module)))))
1217 t)
1054 :test #'(lambda (x y)
1055 (declare (type method x y))
1056 (and (sort-list= (method-arity x)
1057 (method-arity y))
1058 (sort= (method-coarity x)
1059 (method-coarity y))))))
1060 (progn
1061 (when *on-operator-debug*
1062 (format t "~% - add ")
1063 (print-method method)
1064 (format t " ==> ~a."
1065 (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1066 (print-mod-name (operator-module (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
1067 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
1068 (make-method-info method
1069 module ; was *current-module*
1070 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1071 (push method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1072 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
1073 (when (and (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x))
1074 (method-arity method))
1075 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
1076 (not (method-is-error-method method))))
1077 (if (method-is-behavioural method)
1078 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1079 (push method (module-beh-methods module))
1080 (push method (module-beh-attributes module)))
1081 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1082 (push method (module-non-beh-methods module))
1083 (push method (module-non-beh-attributes module)))))
1084 t)
12181085 nil)))
12201087 (defun add-method-to-table-fast (opinfo method module)
12211088 (declare (type list opinfo)
1222 (type method method)
1223 (type module module)
1224 (values t))
1089 (type method method)
1090 (type module module)
1091 (values t))
12251092 (let ((method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
12261093 (when *on-operator-debug*
1227 (format t "~& - add ")
1094 (format t "~% - add ")
12281095 (print-method method)
12291096 (format t " ==> ~a."
1230 (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1097 (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
12311098 (print-mod-name (operator-module (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
12321099 (unless (get-method-info method method-info-table)
12331100 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
1234 (make-method-info method
1235 module
1236 (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
1101 (make-method-info method
1102 module
1103 (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
12371104 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
12381105 (when (and (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) (method-arity method))
1239 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
1240 (not (method-is-error-method method))))
1106 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
1107 (not (method-is-error-method method))))
12411108 (if (method-is-behavioural method)
1242 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1243 (pushnew method (module-beh-methods module) :test #'eq)
1244 (pushnew method (module-beh-attributes module) :test #'eq))
1245 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1246 (pushnew method (module-non-beh-methods module) :test #'eq)
1247 (pushnew method (module-non-beh-attributes module) :test #'eq))
1248 ))
1249 (pushnew method (opinfo-methods opinfo) :test #'eq)
1250 ))
1109 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1110 (pushnew method (module-beh-methods module) :test #'eq)
1111 (pushnew method (module-beh-attributes module) :test #'eq))
1112 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1113 (pushnew method (module-non-beh-methods module) :test #'eq)
1114 (pushnew method (module-non-beh-attributes module) :test #'eq))))
1115 (pushnew method (opinfo-methods opinfo) :test #'eq)))
12521117 (defun add-method-to-table-very-fast (opinfo method module)
12531118 (declare (type list opinfo)
1254 (type method method)
1255 (type module module)
1256 (values t))
1119 (type method method)
1120 (type module module)
1121 (values t))
12571122 (when (and (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) (method-arity method))
1258 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
1259 (not (method-is-error-method method))))
1123 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
1124 (not (method-is-error-method method))))
12601125 (if (method-is-behavioural method)
1261 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1262 (push method (module-beh-methods module))
1263 (push method (module-beh-attributes module)))
1126 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1127 (push method (module-beh-methods module))
1128 (push method (module-beh-attributes module)))
12641129 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
1265 (push method (module-non-beh-methods module))
1266 (push method (module-non-beh-attributes module)))))
1267 (push method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1268 )
1130 (push method (module-non-beh-methods module))
1131 (push method (module-non-beh-attributes module)))))
1132 (push method (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
12701134 ;;;
12711135 ;;; RECREATE-METHOD
12741138 ;;; new method.
12751139 ;;; ************************************************************
12761140 (defun recreate-method (old-module meth
1277 new-module
1278 op-symbol
1279 arity
1280 coarity &optional sort-map)
1141 new-module
1142 op-symbol
1143 arity
1144 coarity &optional sort-map)
12811145 (let (sup-strat
1282 theory
1283 prec
1284 assoc
1285 constr
1286 behavioural
1287 coherent
1288 memo
1289 id-symbol
1290 meta-demod
1291 error-operator)
1146 theory
1147 prec
1148 assoc
1149 constr
1150 behavioural
1151 coherent
1152 memo
1153 id-symbol
1154 meta-demod
1155 error-operator)
12921156 (with-in-module (old-module)
12931157 (setq sup-strat (method-supplied-strategy meth)
1294 theory (method-theory meth)
1295 prec (get-method-precedence meth)
1296 assoc (method-associativity meth)
1297 constr (method-constructor meth)
1298 behavioural (method-behavioural meth)
1299 coherent (method-coherent meth)
1300 memo (method-has-memo meth)
1301 meta-demod (method-is-meta-demod meth)
1302 id-symbol (method-id-symbol meth)
1303 error-operator (method-is-user-defined-error-method
1304 meth)))
1158 theory (method-theory meth)
1159 prec (get-method-precedence meth)
1160 assoc (method-associativity meth)
1161 constr (method-constructor meth)
1162 behavioural (method-behavioural meth)
1163 coherent (method-coherent meth)
1164 memo (method-has-memo meth)
1165 meta-demod (method-is-meta-demod meth)
1166 id-symbol (method-id-symbol meth)
1167 error-operator (method-is-user-defined-error-method
1168 meth)))
13051169 (with-in-module (new-module)
13061170 (when error-operator
1307 (let* ((o-arity (method-arity meth))
1308 (len (length o-arity))
1309 (new-arity (copy-list arity)))
1310 (dotimes (x len)
1311 (when (err-sort-p (nth x o-arity))
1312 (setf (nth x new-arity)
1313 (find-compatible-err-sort (nth x o-arity)
1314 new-module
1315 sort-map))))
1316 (setq arity new-arity)
1317 (when (err-sort-p (method-coarity meth))
1318 (setq coarity (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity meth)
1319 new-module
1320 sort-map)))))
1171 (let* ((o-arity (method-arity meth))
1172 (len (length o-arity))
1173 (new-arity (copy-list arity)))
1174 (dotimes (x len)
1175 (when (err-sort-p (nth x o-arity))
1176 (setf (nth x new-arity)
1177 (find-compatible-err-sort (nth x o-arity)
1178 new-module
1179 sort-map))))
1180 (setq arity new-arity)
1181 (when (err-sort-p (method-coarity meth))
1182 (setq coarity (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity meth)
1183 new-module
1184 sort-map)))))
13211185 ;;
13221186 (multiple-value-bind (newop newmeth)
1323 (declare-operator-in-module op-symbol
1324 arity
1325 coarity
1326 new-module
1327 constr
1328 behavioural
1329 coherent
1330 error-operator)
1331 (declare (ignore newop))
1332 (setf (method-supplied-strategy newmeth) sup-strat
1333 (method-precedence newmeth) prec
1334 (method-associativity newmeth) assoc)
1335 (setf (method-derived-from newmeth) meth)
1336 (setf (method-has-memo newmeth) memo)
1337 (setf (method-is-meta-demod newmeth) meta-demod)
1338 (setf (method-id-symbol newmeth) id-symbol)
1339 ;;
1340 ;; check identity in theory
1341 (if (theory-contains-identity theory)
1342 (let ((zero (theory-zero theory)))
1343 (setq zero (cons '%to-rename zero))
1344 (setf (method-theory newmeth)
1345 (theory-make (theory-info theory) zero))
1346 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching newmeth)
1347 )
1348 ;;
1349 (progn
1350 (setf (method-theory newmeth) theory)
1351 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching newmeth)
1352 ))
1353 ;;
1354 newmeth))))
1187 (declare-operator-in-module op-symbol
1188 arity
1189 coarity
1190 new-module
1191 constr
1192 behavioural
1193 coherent
1194 error-operator)
1195 (declare (ignore newop))
1196 (setf (method-supplied-strategy newmeth) sup-strat
1197 (method-precedence newmeth) prec
1198 (method-associativity newmeth) assoc)
1199 (setf (method-derived-from newmeth) meth)
1200 (setf (method-has-memo newmeth) memo)
1201 (setf (method-is-meta-demod newmeth) meta-demod)
1202 (setf (method-id-symbol newmeth) id-symbol)
1203 ;;
1204 ;; check identity in theory
1205 (if (theory-contains-identity theory)
1206 (let ((zero (theory-zero theory)))
1207 (setq zero (cons '%to-rename zero))
1208 (setf (method-theory newmeth)
1209 (theory-make (theory-info theory) zero))
1210 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching newmeth)
1211 )
1212 ;;
1213 (progn
1214 (setf (method-theory newmeth) theory)
1215 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching newmeth)))
1216 ;;
1217 newmeth))))
13561219 ;;; ******************************
13571220 ;;; PREPARATIONS FOR PARSING TERMS______________________________________________
13581221 ;;; ******************************
13721235 ;;;
13731236 (defun method< (meth1 meth2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
13741237 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1375 (type hash-table so)
1376 (values (or null t)))
1238 (type hash-table so)
1239 (values (or null t)))
13771240 (let ((coar1 (method-coarity meth1))
1378 (coar2 (method-coarity meth2)))
1241 (coar2 (method-coarity meth2)))
13791242 (or (sort< coar2 coar1 so)
1380 (and (sort= coar1 coar2)
1381 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth2) (method-arity meth1) so)))
1382 ))
1243 (and (sort= coar1 coar2)
1244 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth2) (method-arity meth1) so)))))
13841246 ;;;
13861248 ;;;
1387 (defun delete-error-operators-in (&optional (module (or *current-module*
1388 *last-module*)))
1249 (defun delete-error-operators-in (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
13891250 (declare (type module module)
1390 (values t))
1251 (values t))
13911252 (let ((minfo (module-opinfo-table module))
1392 (err-ops nil))
1253 (err-ops nil))
13931254 (maphash #'(lambda (meth info)
1394 (declare (ignore info))
1395 (when (and (method-is-error-method meth)
1396 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)))
1397 (push meth err-ops)))
1398 minfo)
1255 (declare (ignore info))
1256 (when (and (method-is-error-method meth)
1257 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)))
1258 (push meth err-ops)))
1259 minfo)
13991260 (dolist (m err-ops)
14001261 (remhash m minfo))
14011262 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
14021263 (setf (opinfo-methods opinfo)
1403 (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
1404 (and (method-is-error-method x)
1405 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method x))))
1406 (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
1407 ))
1264 (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
1265 (and (method-is-error-method x)
1266 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method x))))
1267 (opinfo-methods opinfo))))))
14091269 ;;;
14111271 ;;;
1412 (defun make-operator-clusters-in (&optional (module (or *current-module*
1413 *last-module*)))
1272 (defun make-operator-clusters-in (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
14141273 (declare (type module module)
1415 (values t))
1274 (values t))
14161275 (let ((result nil)
1417 (infos (module-all-operators module))
1418 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
1276 (infos (module-all-operators module))
1277 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
14191278 (when *on-operator-debug*
14201279 (format t "~%**-- all operators in module: ")
14211280 (print-chaos-object infos))
14221281 (do* ((op-infos infos (cdr op-infos))
1423 (info (car op-infos) (car op-infos)))
1424 ((endp op-infos))
1282 (info (car op-infos) (car op-infos)))
1283 ((endp op-infos))
14251284 (when (opinfo-methods info)
1426 (let ((proto-method nil)
1427 (name nil)
1428 (coar nil))
1429 (setq proto-method
1430 (or (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method-is-universal* x))
1431 (opinfo-methods info))
1432 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method-is-error-method x))
1433 (opinfo-methods info))
1434 (car (opinfo-methods info))))
1435 (setq name (method-name proto-method))
1436 (setq coar (method-coarity proto-method))
1437 (when *on-operator-debug*
1438 (format t "~%-- proto-method = ")
1439 (print-chaos-object proto-method)
1440 (format t "~% name = ~s" name)
1441 (format t "~% coar = ")
1442 (print-chaos-object coar))
1443 (let ((pre (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1444 (let ((m (car (opinfo-methods x))))
1445 (and (equal (method-name m) name)
1446 (or (equal name
1447 '(("if" "_" "then" "_"
1448 "else" "_" "fi")
1449 . 3))
1450 (is-in-same-connected-component
1451 (method-coarity m)
1452 coar
1453 sort-order)))))
1454 result)))
1455 (if pre
1456 (progn
1457 (when *on-operator-debug*
1458 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1459 (format t "~%** merging operators : ")
1460 (print-next)
1461 (princ "- pre = ")
1462 (print-chaos-object pre)
1463 (print-next)
1464 (princ "- with : ")
1465 (print-chaos-object info)))
1466 (setf (opinfo-methods pre)
1467 (delete-duplicates
1468 (nconc (opinfo-methods pre)
1469 (opinfo-methods info))))
1470 (when *on-operator-debug*
1471 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1472 (fresh-line)
1473 (princ "-- the result : ")
1474 (print-chaos-object pre)))
1475 )
1476 (push info result))))))
1285 (let ((proto-method nil)
1286 (name nil)
1287 (coar nil))
1288 (setq proto-method
1289 (or (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method-is-universal* x))
1290 (opinfo-methods info))
1291 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method-is-error-method x))
1292 (opinfo-methods info))
1293 (car (opinfo-methods info))))
1294 (setq name (method-name proto-method))
1295 (setq coar (method-coarity proto-method))
1296 (when *on-operator-debug*
1297 (format t "~%-- proto-method = ")
1298 (print-chaos-object proto-method)
1299 (format t "~% name = ~s" name)
1300 (format t "~% coar = ")
1301 (print-chaos-object coar))
1302 (let ((pre (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1303 (let ((m (car (opinfo-methods x))))
1304 (and (equal (method-name m) name)
1305 (or (equal name
1306 '(("if" "_" "then" "_"
1307 "else" "_" "fi")
1308 . 3))
1309 (is-in-same-connected-component
1310 (method-coarity m)
1311 coar
1312 sort-order)))))
1313 result)))
1314 (if pre
1315 (progn
1316 (when *on-operator-debug*
1317 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1318 (format t "~%** merging operators : ")
1319 (print-next)
1320 (princ "- pre = ")
1321 (print-chaos-object pre)
1322 (print-next)
1323 (princ "- with : ")
1324 (print-chaos-object info)))
1325 (setf (opinfo-methods pre)
1326 (delete-duplicates
1327 (nconc (opinfo-methods pre)
1328 (opinfo-methods info))))
1329 (when *on-operator-debug*
1330 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1331 (fresh-line)
1332 (princ "-- the result : ")
1333 (print-chaos-object pre))))
1334 (push info result))))))
14771335 ;;
14781336 (setf (module-all-operators module)
1479 (nreverse result))))
1337 (nreverse result))))
14821340 ;;; used for computing method's syntactic properties for `simple-parser'.
14841342 ;;;
14861344 (defun method-select-most-general-version-of (method methods
1487 sort-order
1488 &rest ignore)
1489 ; opinfo-table
1490 ; &optional mod
1345 sort-order
1346 &rest ignore)
1347 ; opinfo-table
1348 ; &optional mod
14911349 (declare (ignore ignore)
1492 (type method method)
1493 (type list methods)
1494 (type hash-table sort-order)
1495 (values method))
1350 (type method method)
1351 (type list methods)
1352 (type hash-table sort-order)
1353 (values method))
14961354 ;;
14971355 (let ((res-method method))
14981356 (dolist (meth2 methods)
14991357 (when (or (and (method-is-universal meth2)
1500 (method-is-of-same-operator res-method meth2))
1501 (method-is-instance-of res-method meth2 sort-order))
1502 (setq res-method meth2)))
1358 (method-is-of-same-operator res-method meth2))
1359 (method-is-instance-of res-method meth2 sort-order))
1360 (setq res-method meth2)))
15031361 res-method))
15051363 ;;; METHOD-MOST-GENERAL-NO-ERROR methd method-list module
15061364 ;;;
15071365 (defun method-most-general-no-error (method methods
1508 &optional
1509 (module (or *current-module*
1510 *last-module*)))
1366 &optional
1367 (module (get-context-module)))
15111368 (declare (type method method)
1512 (type list methods)
1513 (type module module)
1514 (values method))
1369 (type list methods)
1370 (type module module)
1371 (values method))
15151372 (let ((res-method method)
1516 (so (module-sort-order module)))
1373 (so (module-sort-order module)))
15171374 (dolist (meth2 methods)
15181375 (when (and (not (method-is-error-method meth2))
1519 (method-is-instance-of res-method meth2 so))
1520 (setq res-method meth2)))
1376 (method-is-instance-of res-method meth2 so))
1377 (setq res-method meth2)))
15211378 res-method))
15221379 ;;;
15241381 ;;; *NOTE* assumption : no error operators are generated in the module yet.
1525 ;;;
1382 ;;; TODO--------
15261383 (defun get-new-error-sort-name-in (module sort-name)
15271384 (declare (type module module)
1528 (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-name))
1385 (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-name))
15291386 #||
15301387 (let ((err-sort (find-error-sort-in module sort-name)))
15311388 (if err-sort
1532 (string (sort-name err-sort))
1389 (string (sort-name err-sort))
15331390 sort-name))
15341391 ||#
15351392 module
15391396 (defun setup-user-defined-error-operators-in (module)
15401397 (dolist (decl (remove-duplicates (module-error-op-decl module)
1541 :test #'equal))
1398 :test #'equal))
15421399 (eval-ast decl)))
1544 (defun setup-error-operators-in (&optional (module (or *current-module*
1545 *last-module*)))
1401 (defun setup-error-operators-in (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
15461402 (declare (type module module)
1547 (values t))
1403 (values t))
15481404 (let ((all-error-operators nil))
15491405 ;; first we create error operators explicitly declared by user
15501406 (with-in-module (module)
15511407 (dolist (eop-decl (module-error-op-decl module))
1552 (let ((proto-arity (%op-decl-arity eop-decl))
1553 (proto-coarity (%op-decl-coarity eop-decl)))
1554 (when *on-operator-debug*
1555 (format t "~%[setup-error-operators-in]:BEFORE")
1556 (format t "~& arity=~s" proto-arity)
1557 (format t "~& coarity=~s" proto-coarity))
1558 #||
1559 (setq proto-arity
1560 (mapcar #'(lambda (sref)
1561 (if (%is-sort-ref sref)
1562 (let ((name (%sort-ref-name sref)))
1563 (setf (%sort-ref-name sref)
1564 (get-new-error-sort-name-in module name)))
1565 (get-new-error-sort-name-in module sref)))
1566 proto-arity))
1567 (if (%is-sort-ref proto-coarity)
1568 (setf (%sort-ref-name proto-coarity)
1569 (get-new-error-sort-name-in module
1570 (%sort-ref-name proto-coarity)))
1571 (setq proto-coarity
1572 (get-new-error-sort-name-in module proto-coarity)))
1573 (setf (%op-decl-arity eop-decl) proto-arity)
1574 (setf (%op-decl-coarity eop-decl) proto-coarity)
1575 ||#
1576 (when *on-operator-debug*
1577 (format t "~%[setup-error-operators-in]: declaring user defind errr op")
1578 (format t "~% by decl : ") (print-chaos-object eop-decl))
1579 (let ((res (declare-operator eop-decl t)))
1580 (if (null res)
1581 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
1582 (format t "could not define error operator : ")
1583 (print-next)
1584 (print-ast res)
1585 )
1586 (push res all-error-operators))))))
1408 (let ((proto-arity (%op-decl-arity eop-decl))
1409 (proto-coarity (%op-decl-coarity eop-decl)))
1410 (when *on-operator-debug*
1411 (format t "~%[setup-error-operators-in]:BEFORE")
1412 (format t "~& arity=~s" proto-arity)
1413 (format t "~& coarity=~s" proto-coarity))
1414 (when *on-operator-debug*
1415 (format t "~%[setup-error-operators-in]: declaring user defind errr op")
1416 (format t "~% by decl : ") (print-chaos-object eop-decl))
1417 (let ((res (declare-operator eop-decl t)))
1418 (if (null res)
1419 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-decl)
1420 (format t "could not define error operator : ")
1421 (print-next)
1422 (print-ast res)
1423 )
1424 (push res all-error-operators))))))
15871425 ;; then, generates implicit ones.
15881426 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
15891427 (setq all-error-operators
1590 (nconc all-error-operators
1591 (setup-error-operator opinfo module))))
1428 (nconc all-error-operators
1429 (setup-error-operator opinfo module))))
15921430 (setf (module-error-methods module) all-error-operators)))
15941432 (defun setup-error-operator (opinfo module)
15951433 (declare (type list opinfo)
1596 (type module module)
1597 (values t))
1434 (type module module)
1435 (values t))
15981436 (when *on-operator-debug*
15991437 (format t "~%[generate-err-op]: ")
16001438 (print-chaos-object (car opinfo)))
16021440 ;; avoid generate if there already ...
1604 ;;#||
16051441 (when (some #'(lambda (x)
1606 (method-is-error-method x))
1607 (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1442 (method-is-error-method x))
1443 (opinfo-methods opinfo))
16081444 (when *on-operator-debug*
16091445 (format t "~% * already exists"))
16101446 (return-from setup-error-operator nil))
1611 ;;||#
16121447 ;;
16131448 (let ((method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module))
1614 (sort-order (module-sort-order module))
1615 (pre-errs (module-error-methods module))
1616 (all-errs nil)
1617 )
1449 (sort-order (module-sort-order module))
1450 (pre-errs (module-error-methods module))
1451 (all-errs nil))
16181452 ;; NOTE:
16191453 ;; all coarities of methods are in the same connected component.
16201454 (let ((proto-method nil)
1621 (method-name nil)
1622 (err-coarity nil)
1623 (new-arities nil)
1624 (coherent nil)
1625 )
1455 (method-name nil)
1456 (err-coarity nil)
1457 (new-arities nil)
1458 (coherent nil))
16261459 ;;
16271460 (setq proto-method
1628 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method-is-universal* x))
1629 (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
1461 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method-is-universal* x))
1462 (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
16301463 (unless proto-method
1631 (setq proto-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
1464 (setq proto-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
16331466 ;; dont need error method for constants. <-- why?
16341467 (unless (method-arity proto-method)
1635 (when (or (module-is-theory module)
1636 (module-is-regular module))
1637 (return-from setup-error-operator nil)))
1468 (when (or (module-is-theory module)
1469 (module-is-regular module))
1470 (return-from setup-error-operator nil)))
16381471 ;;
16391472 (setq method-name (method-name proto-method))
16401473 (setq err-coarity (the-err-sort (method-coarity proto-method)
1641 sort-order))
1474 sort-order))
16421475 (unless err-coarity
1643 (with-output-panic-message ()
1644 (format t "setup error operator: error sort of ")
1645 (print-sort-name (method-coarity proto-method))
1646 (format t " is not yet prepared!.")
1647 (format t "~& object=~s" (method-coarity proto-method))
1648 (format t "~% so=~s" sort-order)
1649 (pp-sort-order sort-order)))
1476 (with-output-panic-message ()
1477 (format t "setup error operator: error sort of ")
1478 (print-sort-name (method-coarity proto-method))
1479 (format t " is not yet prepared!.")
1480 (format t "~& object=~s" (method-coarity proto-method))
1481 (format t "~% so=~s" sort-order)
1482 (pp-sort-order sort-order)))
16501483 (when *on-operator-debug*
1651 (format t "~% * proto-method = ")
1652 (print-chaos-object proto-method)
1653 (format t "~% * err-coarity = ")
1654 (print-sort-name err-coarity module))
1484 (format t "~% * proto-method = ")
1485 (print-chaos-object proto-method)
1486 (format t "~% * err-coarity = ")
1487 (print-sort-name err-coarity module))
16561489 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1657 (block next-method
1658 (when (method-is-universal* meth)
1659 (return-from next-method nil)) ; skip universal
1660 (let ((coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1661 (when (or (sort= coarity *universal-sort*)
1662 (sort= coarity *huniversal-sort*)
1663 (sort= coarity *cosmos*)
1664 (sort= coarity *bottom-sort*))
1665 (return-from next-method nil))
1666 (let ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
1667 (the-err-sort x sort-order))
1668 (method-arity meth))))
1669 (pushnew ar new-arities :test #'equal))
1670 (setq coherent
1671 (or coherent (method-is-coherent meth)))
1672 )))
1490 (block next-method
1491 (when (method-is-universal* meth)
1492 (return-from next-method nil)) ; skip universal
1493 (let ((coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1494 (when (or (sort= coarity *universal-sort*)
1495 (sort= coarity *huniversal-sort*)
1496 (sort= coarity *cosmos*)
1497 (sort= coarity *bottom-sort*))
1498 (return-from next-method nil))
1499 (let ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
1500 (the-err-sort x sort-order))
1501 (method-arity meth))))
1502 (pushnew ar new-arities :test #'equal))
1503 (setq coherent
1504 (or coherent (method-is-coherent meth))))))
16731505 (dolist (arity new-arities)
1674 (when *on-operator-debug*
1675 (format t "~% * try for arity ")
1676 (print-sort-list arity module))
1677 (let ((pre (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1678 (and (equal method-name
1679 (method-name x))
1680 (sort-list= arity
1681 (method-arity x))
1682 (sort= err-coarity
1683 (method-coarity x))))
1684 pre-errs)))
1685 (if pre
1686 ;; we already have error-method imported.
1687 ;; just resuse this.
1688 (progn
1689 (when *on-operator-debug*
1690 (format t "~% * found pre defined ")
1691 (print-chaos-object pre))
1692 (push pre all-errs)
1693 (add-method-to-table-very-fast opinfo pre module)
1694 ;; we must generate new opinfo always.
1695 (setf (get-method-info pre method-info-table)
1696 (make-method-info pre
1697 module
1698 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1699 (setf (method-theory pre method-info-table)
1700 *the-empty-theory*)
1701 ;; there can be axioms for pre-defined methods.
1702 ;;
1703 (unless (eq (method-module pre) module)
1704 (let ((from-opinfo (module-opinfo-table
1705 (method-module pre)))
1706 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module))
1707 (all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
1708 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top
1709 pre
1710 from-opinfo)))
1711 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
1712 (eq pre (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
1713 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
1714 pre
1715 to-opinfo)
1716 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module)
1717 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))))
1718 ;;
1719 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching
1720 pre
1721 method-info-table)
1722 (setf (method-is-coherent pre) coherent)
1723 )
1724 ;; not yet have, generate a new one.
1725 (multiple-value-bind (ent? meth)
1726 (add-operator-declaration-to-table opinfo
1727 arity
1728 err-coarity
1729 module
1730 nil
1731 nil
1732 nil)
1733 (when *on-operator-debug*
1734 (format t "~% * generatd new: ")
1735 (print-chaos-object meth)
1736 (format t "~% -- entered? ~a" ent?))
1737 (when ent?
1738 ;;
1739 (push meth all-errs)
1740 (setf (method-theory meth method-info-table)
1741 *the-empty-theory*
1742 (method-is-behavioural meth)
1743 (method-is-behavioural proto-method))
1744 (setf (method-is-coherent meth) coherent)
1745 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching
1746 meth method-info-table)
1747 )))
1748 ))
1506 (when *on-operator-debug*
1507 (format t "~% * try for arity ")
1508 (print-sort-list arity module))
1509 (let ((pre (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1510 (and (equal method-name
1511 (method-name x))
1512 (sort-list= arity
1513 (method-arity x))
1514 (sort= err-coarity
1515 (method-coarity x))))
1516 pre-errs)))
1517 (if pre
1518 ;; we already have error-method imported.
1519 ;; just resuse this.
1520 (progn
1521 (when *on-operator-debug*
1522 (format t "~% * found pre defined ")
1523 (print-chaos-object pre))
1524 (push pre all-errs)
1525 (add-method-to-table-very-fast opinfo pre module)
1526 ;; we must generate new opinfo always.
1527 (setf (get-method-info pre method-info-table)
1528 (make-method-info pre
1529 module
1530 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1531 (setf (method-theory pre method-info-table)
1532 *the-empty-theory*)
1533 ;; there can be axioms for pre-defined methods.
1534 ;;
1535 (unless (eq (method-module pre) module)
1536 (let ((from-opinfo (module-opinfo-table
1537 (method-module pre)))
1538 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module))
1539 (all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
1540 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top
1541 pre
1542 from-opinfo)))
1543 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
1544 (eq pre (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
1545 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
1546 pre
1547 to-opinfo)
1548 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module)
1549 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))))
1550 ;;
1551 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching
1552 pre
1553 method-info-table)
1554 (setf (method-is-coherent pre) coherent))
1555 ;; not yet have, generate a new one.
1556 (multiple-value-bind (ent? meth)
1557 (add-operator-declaration-to-table opinfo
1558 arity
1559 err-coarity
1560 module
1561 nil
1562 nil
1563 nil)
1564 (when *on-operator-debug*
1565 (format t "~% * generatd new: ")
1566 (print-chaos-object meth)
1567 (format t "~% -- entered? ~a" ent?))
1568 (when ent?
1569 (push meth all-errs)
1570 (setf (method-theory meth method-info-table)
1571 *the-empty-theory*
1572 (method-is-behavioural meth)
1573 (method-is-behavioural proto-method))
1574 (setf (method-is-coherent meth) coherent)
1575 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching
1576 meth method-info-table))))))
17491577 ;; returns the list of error operators.
17501578 all-errs)))
17521580 (defun make-sem-relation-op (module meth arity coarity)
17531581 (declare (type module module)
1754 (type method meth)
1755 (type list arity)
1756 (type sort-struct coarity)
1757 (values t))
1582 (type method meth)
1583 (type list arity)
1584 (type sort-struct coarity)
1585 (values t))
17581586 (with-in-module (module)
17591587 (multiple-value-bind (op new-meth)
1760 (declare-operator-in-module (operator-symbol (method-operator meth))
1761 arity
1762 coarity
1763 module)
1588 (declare-operator-in-module (operator-symbol (method-operator meth))
1589 arity
1590 coarity
1591 module)
17641592 (declare (ignore op))
17651593 ;;
17661594 (setf (method-constructor new-meth)
1767 (method-constructor meth))
1595 (method-constructor meth))
17681596 (setf (method-is-behavioural new-meth)
1769 (method-is-behavioural meth))
1597 (method-is-behavioural meth))
17701598 (setf (method-supplied-strategy new-meth)
1771 (method-supplied-strategy meth))
1599 (method-supplied-strategy meth))
17721600 (setf (method-precedence new-meth)
1773 (method-precedence meth))
1601 (method-precedence meth))
17741602 (setf (method-associativity new-meth)
1775 (method-associativity meth))
1603 (method-associativity meth))
17761604 (setf (method-theory new-meth)
1777 (method-theory meth))
1605 (method-theory meth))
17781606 (setf (method-theory-info-for-matching new-meth)
1779 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth))
1780 )))
1607 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth)))))
17821609 (defun make-if-then-else-op (module sort)
17831610 (declare (type module module)
1784 (type sort-struct sort)
1785 (values t))
1611 (type sort-struct sort)
1612 (values t))
17861613 (with-in-module (module)
17871614 (multiple-value-bind (op new-meth)
1788 (declare-operator-in-module (operator-symbol *bool-if*)
1789 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
1790 sort
1791 module)
1615 (declare-operator-in-module (operator-symbol *bool-if*)
1616 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
1617 sort
1618 module)
17921619 (declare (ignore op))
17931620 ;;
17941621 (setf (method-constructor new-meth)
1795 (method-constructor *bool-if*))
1622 (method-constructor *bool-if*))
17961623 (setf (method-is-behavioural new-meth)
1797 (method-is-behavioural *bool-if*))
1624 (method-is-behavioural *bool-if*))
17981625 (setf (method-supplied-strategy new-meth)
1799 (method-supplied-strategy *bool-if*))
1626 (method-supplied-strategy *bool-if*))
18001627 (setf (method-precedence new-meth)
1801 (method-precedence *bool-if*))
1628 (method-precedence *bool-if*))
18021629 (setf (method-associativity new-meth)
1803 (method-associativity *bool-if*))
1630 (method-associativity *bool-if*))
18041631 (setf (method-theory new-meth)
1805 (method-theory *bool-if*))
1632 (method-theory *bool-if*))
18061633 (setf (method-theory-info-for-matching new-meth)
1807 (method-theory-info-for-matching *bool-if*))
1808 )))
1634 (method-theory-info-for-matching *bool-if*)))))
18101636 (defun setup-if-then-else-in (module)
18111637 (declare (type module module)
1812 (values t))
1638 (values t))
18131639 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules module))
18141640 (let ((sorts (get-module-top-sorts module)))
18151641 (dolist (es sorts)
1816 (make-if-then-else-op module es)))))
1642 (make-if-then-else-op module es)))))
1818 #||
18191644 (defun setup-sem-relations-in (module)
1645 (declare (type module module)
1646 (values t))
18201647 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules module))
18211648 (let ((sorts (get-module-top-sorts module)))
18221649 (dolist (es sorts)
1823 (if (sort-is-hidden es)
1824 (progn
1825 ;; _=*=_
1826 (make-sem-relation-op module
1827 *beh-equal*
1828 (list es es)
1829 *bool-sort*)
1830 ;; _=b=_
1831 (make-sem-relation-op module
1832 *beh-eq-pred*
1833 (list es es)
1834 *bool-sort*))
1835 (progn
1836 ;; _==_
1837 (make-sem-relation-op module
1838 *bool-equal*
1839 (list es es)
1840 *bool-sort*)
1841 ;; _=/=_
1842 (make-sem-relation-op module
1843 *bool-nonequal*
1844 (list es es)
1845 *bool-sort*)
1846 ))
1847 )))
1848 (when (assq *rwl-module* (module-all-submodules module))
1849 ;; _==>_
1850 (let ((sorts (get-module-top-sorts module)))
1851 (dolist (s sorts)
1852 (make-sem-relation-op module
1853 *rwl-predicate*
1854 (list s s)
1855 *bool-sort*))))
1856 )
1858 ||#
1860 (defun setup-sem-relations-in (module)
1861 (declare (type module module)
1862 (values t))
1863 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules module))
1864 (let ((sorts (get-module-top-sorts module)))
1865 (dolist (es sorts)
1866 (if (sort-is-hidden es)
1867 ;; _=*=_
1868 (make-sem-relation-op module
1869 *beh-equal*
1870 (list es es)
1871 *bool-sort*)
1872 )))))
1650 (if (sort-is-hidden es)
1651 ;; _=*=_
1652 (make-sem-relation-op module
1653 *beh-equal*
1654 (list es es)
1655 *bool-sort*))))))
18741657 (defparameter memb-predicate-name-template
18751658 '("_" ":" 'sort-name))
18821665 (defun make-sort-memb-decl-form (sort)
18831666 (let ((name (string (sort-id sort)))
1884 (pred-name (copy-tree memb-predicate-name-template))
1885 (decl-form (copy-tree memb-predicate-decl-template)))
1667 (pred-name (copy-tree memb-predicate-name-template))
1668 (decl-form (copy-tree memb-predicate-decl-template)))
18861669 (setf (third pred-name) name)
18871670 (setf (second decl-form) pred-name)
18881671 (setf (third decl-form)
1889 (list (%sort-ref* (concatenate 'string "?" name) nil)))
1672 (list (%sort-ref* (concatenate 'string "?" name) nil)))
18901673 decl-form))
18921675 (defun declare-sort-memb-predicates (module)
1893 (dolist (s (module-sorts module)) ; only for own sorts, others should be
1894 ; imported.
1676 (dolist (s (module-sorts module)) ; only for own sorts, others should be
1677 ; imported.
18951678 (let ((decl-form (make-sort-memb-decl-form s)))
18961679 (pushnew decl-form (module-error-op-decl module)
1897 :test #'equal))))
1680 :test #'equal))))
18991682 (defun declare-sort-id-constants (module)
19001683 (when (memq *sort-id-sort* (module-all-sorts module))
19011684 (dolist (sort (module-sorts module))
19021685 (let ((op-name (list (string (sort-id sort)))))
1903 (unless (find-method-in module op-name nil *sort-id-sort*)
1904 (declare-operator-in-module op-name
1905 nil
1906 *sort-id-sort*
1907 module
1908 t ; constructor
1909 ))))))
1686 (unless (find-method-in module op-name nil *sort-id-sort*)
1687 (declare-operator-in-module op-name
1688 nil
1689 *sort-id-sort*
1690 module
1691 t ; constructor
1692 ))))))
19111694 (defun setup-operators-in (module)
19121695 (declare (type module module)
1913 (values t))
1696 (values t))
19141697 (with-in-module (module)
19151698 (let ((method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module))
1916 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
1699 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
19171700 (flet ((compute-lower-methods (method methods &aux (meth-list nil))
1918 (dolist (m methods)
1919 (when (method-is-restriction-of m method sort-order)
1920 (push m meth-list)))
1921 (let ((res (topo-sort meth-list #'method-is-restriction-of)))
1922 res)
1923 )
1924 (compute-overloaded-methods (method methods &aux (meth-list nil))
1925 (dolist (m methods)
1926 (when (method-is-in-same-component method m sort-order)
1927 (push m meth-list)))
1928 ;;*** NOTE *** overloaded method is sorted
1929 ;; lower -> higher
1930 (nreverse (topo-sort meth-list #'method<))))
1931 ;;
1932 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
1933 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
1934 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
1935 ;;
1936 ;; compute default values of attributes for operator (not methods).
1937 ;;
1938 (when (or (eq (operator-module op) *current-module*)
1939 (null (operator-computed-precedence op)))
1940 (setf (operator-computed-precedence op)
1941 (compute-operator-precedence op))
1942 (unless (operator-associativity op)
1943 (if (operator-is-associative op)
1944 (setf (operator-associativity op)
1945 :right)))
1946 )
1947 ;; set (1) lowers and highers,
1948 ;; (2) memo property
1949 ;; (3) match theory.
1950 ;; (2) and (3) are module independent,
1951 ;; thus we compute these only for methods of
1952 ;; current-module. imported methods already has these values
1953 ;; set properly.
1954 (let (;; (strat (operator-strategy op))
1955 ;; strategy must be computed later.
1956 (theory (operator-theory op)))
1957 (dolist (m methods)
1958 (setf (method-lower-methods m)
1959 (compute-lower-methods m methods))
1960 (setf (method-overloaded-methods m)
1961 (compute-overloaded-methods m methods))
1962 (when (eq (method-module m) *current-module*)
1963 #||
1964 ;; (2) memo is now obsolete
1965 (unless (method-has-memo m)
1966 (setf (method-has-memo m) memo))
1967 ||#
1968 ;; ** the rewrite strategy for default methods are always eager.
1969 ;; we set the value here.
1970 (when (method-is-error-method m)
1971 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy m)
1972 (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op))))
1974 ;; (3) equational theory
1975 (unless (method-is-error-method m)
1976 (let ((m-th (method-theory m method-info-table)))
1977 (if (and m-th (not (eq m-th *the-empty-theory*)))
1978 (progn
1979 ;; we take logical or
1980 (setf (theory-info m-th)
1981 (theory-code-to-info (logior (theory-code theory)
1982 (theory-code m-th))))
1983 ;;
1984 (if (theory-zero theory)
1985 (setf (theory-zero m-th)
1986 (theory-zero theory))))
1987 ;; set the default value inherited from operator.
1988 (progn
1989 (setf (method-theory m method-info-table) theory)
1990 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching
1991 m
1992 method-info-table))
1993 ))
1994 ))
1995 ))
1997 ;; setup method lookup table.
1998 ;; *** NOT USED NOW ***
1999 ;; (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo)
2000 ;; (make-method-table (opinfo-methods opinfo)
2001 ;; *current-sort-order*))
2002 ;;
2003 #||
2004 ;; compute syntactic properties for each methods.
2005 (compute-method-syntactic-properties opinfo method-info-table)
2006 ;; set syntactic properties for error methods.
2007 (compute-error-method-syntactic-properties opinfo
2008 method-info-table)
2009 ||#
2010 ))
2011 ))))
1701 (dolist (m methods)
1702 (when (method-is-restriction-of m method sort-order)
1703 (push m meth-list)))
1704 (let ((res (topo-sort meth-list #'method-is-restriction-of)))
1705 res)
1706 )
1707 (compute-overloaded-methods (method methods &aux (meth-list nil))
1708 (dolist (m methods)
1709 (when (method-is-in-same-component method m sort-order)
1710 (push m meth-list)))
1711 ;;*** NOTE *** overloaded method is sorted
1712 ;; lower -> higher
1713 (nreverse (topo-sort meth-list #'method<))))
1714 ;;
1715 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
1716 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
1717 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
1718 ;;
1719 ;; compute default values of attributes for operator (not methods).
1720 ;;
1721 (when (or (eq (operator-module op) *current-module*)
1722 (null (operator-computed-precedence op)))
1723 (setf (operator-computed-precedence op)
1724 (compute-operator-precedence op))
1725 (unless (operator-associativity op)
1726 (if (operator-is-associative op)
1727 (setf (operator-associativity op)
1728 :right))))
1729 ;; set (1) lowers and highers,
1730 ;; (2) memo property
1731 ;; (3) match theory.
1732 ;; (2) and (3) are module independent,
1733 ;; thus we compute these only for methods of
1734 ;; current-module. imported methods already has these values
1735 ;; set properly.
1736 (let (;; (strat (operator-strategy op))
1737 ;; strategy must be computed later.
1738 (theory (operator-theory op)))
1739 (dolist (m methods)
1740 (setf (method-lower-methods m)
1741 (compute-lower-methods m methods))
1742 (setf (method-overloaded-methods m)
1743 (compute-overloaded-methods m methods))
1744 (when (eq (method-module m) *current-module*)
1745 ;; ** the rewrite strategy for default methods are always eager.
1746 ;; we set the value here.
1747 (when (method-is-error-method m)
1748 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy m)
1749 (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op))))
1751 ;; (3) equational theory
1752 (unless (method-is-error-method m)
1753 (let ((m-th (method-theory m method-info-table)))
1754 (if (and m-th (not (eq m-th *the-empty-theory*)))
1755 (progn
1756 ;; we take logical or
1757 (setf (theory-info m-th)
1758 (theory-code-to-info (logior (theory-code theory)
1759 (theory-code m-th))))
1760 ;;
1761 (if (theory-zero theory)
1762 (setf (theory-zero m-th)
1763 (theory-zero theory))))
1764 ;; set the default value inherited from operator.
1765 (progn
1766 (setf (method-theory m method-info-table) theory)
1767 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching
1768 m
1769 method-info-table))))))))))))))
20131771 (defun set-operator-syntactic-properties (module)
20141772 (with-in-module (module)
20151773 (let ((method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
20161774 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
2017 ;; compute syntactic properties for each methods.
2018 (compute-method-syntactic-properties opinfo method-info-table)
2019 ;; set syntactic properties for error methods.
2020 (compute-error-method-syntactic-properties opinfo
2021 method-info-table)
2022 ))))
1775 ;; compute syntactic properties for each methods.
1776 (compute-method-syntactic-properties opinfo method-info-table)
1777 ;; set syntactic properties for error methods.
1778 (compute-error-method-syntactic-properties opinfo
1779 method-info-table)))))
20241781 (defun make-standard-token-seq (op-name-token number-of-args)
20251782 (declare (type fixnum number-of-args)
2026 (values list))
1783 (values list))
20271784 (if (zerop number-of-args)
20281785 op-name-token
20291786 (let ((res nil))
2030 (push "(" res)
2031 (dotimes (x number-of-args)
2032 (push t res)
2033 (if (< x (1- number-of-args))
2034 (push "," res)))
2035 (push ")" res)
2036 (append op-name-token (nreverse res)))))
1787 (push "(" res)
1788 (dotimes (x number-of-args)
1789 (push t res)
1790 (if (< x (1- number-of-args))
1791 (push "," res)))
1792 (push ")" res)
1793 (append op-name-token (nreverse res)))))
20381795 (defun compute-method-syntactic-properties (opinfo
2039 method-info-table)
1796 method-info-table)
20401797 (declare (type list opinfo)
2041 (type hash-table method-info-table)
2042 (values t))
1798 (type hash-table method-info-table)
1799 (values t))
20431800 ;; here we construct a info about form of terms,
20441801 ;; used by our bottom up term parser.
20451802 ;;
20461803 ;; ** how can we manipulate variable length arguments?
20471804 ;; any smart ways?
20481805 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
2049 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
2050 (op-prec (operator-computed-precedence op))
2051 (op-assoc (operator-associativity op))
2052 (token-sequence (operator-token-sequence op))
2053 )
1806 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1807 (op-prec (operator-computed-precedence op))
1808 (op-assoc (operator-associativity op))
1809 (token-sequence (operator-token-sequence op)))
20541810 (unless (operator-is-mixfix op)
20551811 ;; operator has a standard application form.
20561812 (setf token-sequence (make-standard-token-seq token-sequence
2057 (operator-num-args op))))
1813 (operator-num-args op))))
20581814 ;; NOTE : if we do not allow overloaded methods to have different syntactic
20591815 ;; properties, things will be very simple. to be considered.
20601816 ;;
20611817 (dolist (method methods)
20621818 (let* ((prec (or (method-precedence method) op-prec))
2063 (lower-prec (if (zerop prec)
2064 0
2065 (1- prec)))
2066 (assoc-decl (or (method-associativity method)
2067 (setf (method-associativity method)
2068 ;; assoc theory is interpreted as right-associative
2069 (if (and (method-is-associative method
2070 method-info-table)
2071 (null op-assoc)
2072 )
2073 ':right
2074 op-assoc)))))
2075 (declare (type fixnum prec lower-prec)
2076 (type symbol assoc-decl))
2077 ;;
2078 (let* ((arity-list (method-arity method))
2079 (cur-item nil)
2080 (last-item nil)
2081 (next-item nil)
2082 (form nil)
2083 (res nil)
2084 (token-seq token-sequence)
2085 (gathering (compute-gathering method token-seq assoc-decl)))
2086 (declare (type list arity-list res token-seq gathering form))
2087 ;;
2088 (loop (when (null token-seq)
2089 (setq form (nreverse res))
2090 (return))
2091 (setq last-item cur-item)
2092 (setq cur-item (car token-seq))
2093 (setq next-item (cadr token-seq))
2094 (cond ((eq t cur-item)
2095 (push (list* 'argument
2096 (if (eq '& (car gathering))
2097 parser-max-precedence
2098 (if (and last-item
2099 (not (eq t last-item))
2100 next-item
2101 (not (eq t next-item)))
2102 parser-max-precedence
2103 (if (eq ':right (car gathering))
2104 lower-prec
2105 (if (eq ':left (car gathering))
2106 prec
2107 0))))
2108 (car arity-list))
2109 res)
2110 (setq arity-list (cdr arity-list)
2111 gathering (cdr gathering)))
2112 (t (push (cons 'token cur-item) res)))
2113 (setq token-seq (cdr token-seq)))
2114 ;;
2115 ; (terpri)
2116 ; (print-chaos-object method)
2117 ; (format t " :form= ~S" form)
2118 ;;
2119 (setf (method-form method) form))))))
1819 (lower-prec (if (zerop prec)
1820 0
1821 (1- prec)))
1822 (assoc-decl (or (method-associativity method)
1823 (setf (method-associativity method)
1824 ;; assoc theory is interpreted as right-associative
1825 (if (and (method-is-associative method
1826 method-info-table)
1827 (null op-assoc))
1828 ':right
1829 op-assoc)))))
1830 (declare (type fixnum prec lower-prec)
1831 (type symbol assoc-decl))
1832 ;;
1833 (let* ((arity-list (method-arity method))
1834 (cur-item nil)
1835 (last-item nil)
1836 (next-item nil)
1837 (form nil)
1838 (res nil)
1839 (token-seq token-sequence)
1840 (gathering (compute-gathering method token-seq assoc-decl)))
1841 (declare (type list arity-list res token-seq gathering form))
1842 ;;
1843 (loop (when (null token-seq)
1844 (setq form (nreverse res))
1845 (return))
1846 (setq last-item cur-item)
1847 (setq cur-item (car token-seq))
1848 (setq next-item (cadr token-seq))
1849 (cond ((eq t cur-item)
1850 (push (list* 'argument
1851 (if (eq '& (car gathering))
1852 parser-max-precedence
1853 (if (and last-item
1854 (not (eq t last-item))
1855 next-item
1856 (not (eq t next-item)))
1857 parser-max-precedence
1858 (if (eq ':right (car gathering))
1859 lower-prec
1860 (if (eq ':left (car gathering))
1861 prec
1862 0))))
1863 (car arity-list))
1864 res)
1865 (setq arity-list (cdr arity-list)
1866 gathering (cdr gathering)))
1867 (t (push (cons 'token cur-item) res)))
1868 (setq token-seq (cdr token-seq)))
1869 (setf (method-form method) form))))))
21211871 (defun compute-error-method-syntactic-properties (opinfo method-info-table)
21221872 (declare (type list opinfo)
2123 (type hash-table method-info-table)
2124 (values t))
1873 (type hash-table method-info-table)
1874 (values t))
21251875 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
21261876 (when (method-is-error-method meth)
21271877 (let ((ms (method-lower-methods meth method-info-table)))
2128 ;; assumption, lower methods (when the mehthod is strictly
2129 ;; overloaded) are ordered ...
2130 (when ms
2131 (let ((assoc (method-associativity (car ms)))
2132 (prec (get-method-precedence (car ms) method-info-table))
2133 (form (method-form (car ms))))
2134 (setf (method-associativity meth) assoc)
2135 (setf (method-precedence meth) prec)
2136 (setf (method-form meth)
2137 (compute-error-method-form meth form))))))))
1878 ;; assumption, lower methods (when the mehthod is strictly
1879 ;; overloaded) are ordered ...
1880 (when ms
1881 (let ((assoc (method-associativity (car ms)))
1882 (prec (get-method-precedence (car ms) method-info-table))
1883 (form (method-form (car ms))))
1884 (setf (method-associativity meth) assoc)
1885 (setf (method-precedence meth) prec)
1886 (setf (method-form meth)
1887 (compute-error-method-form meth form))))))))
21391889 (defun compute-error-method-form (method form)
21401890 (declare (type method method)
2141 (type list form)
2142 (values list))
1891 (type list form)
1892 (values list))
21431893 (let ((new-form nil)
2144 (arg-num 0)
2145 (arity (method-arity method)))
1894 (arg-num 0)
1895 (arity (method-arity method)))
21461896 (dolist (elt form)
21471897 (if (eq (car elt) 'argument)
2148 (progn
2149 (push (cons (car elt)
2150 (cons (second elt)
2151 (nth arg-num arity)))
2152 new-form)
2153 (incf arg-num))
2154 (push elt new-form)))
1898 (progn
1899 (push (cons (car elt)
1900 (cons (second elt)
1901 (nth arg-num arity)))
1902 new-form)
1903 (incf arg-num))
1904 (push elt new-form)))
21551905 (nreverse new-form)))
21571907 (defun compute-gathering (method token-seq assoc-decl)
21581908 (declare (type method method)
2159 (type list token-seq)
2160 (type symbol assoc-decl)
2161 (values list))
2162 ;;
2163 ; (terpri)
2164 ; (print-chaos-object method)
2165 ; (format t " : assoc=~S" (method-is-associative method))
2166 ;;
1909 (type list token-seq)
1910 (type symbol assoc-decl)
1911 (values list))
21671912 (if assoc-decl
21681913 (if (eq assoc-decl ':left)
2169 '(:left :right)
2170 '(:right :left))
1914 '(:left :right)
1915 '(:right :left))
21711916 ;; if unary prefix use :left not :right
21721917 (if (not (operator-is-mixfix (method-operator method)))
2173 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) '&) (method-arity method))
2174 (if (and (eq t (car (last token-seq)))
2175 (not (member t (butlast token-seq))))
2176 '(:left)
2177 (if (method-is-associative method)
2178 '(:right :left)
2179 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) ':left)
2180 (method-arity method)))))))
1918 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) '&) (method-arity method))
1919 (if (and (eq t (car (last token-seq)))
1920 (not (member t (butlast token-seq))))
1921 '(:left)
1922 (if (method-is-associative method)
1923 '(:right :left)
1924 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) ':left)
1925 (method-arity method)))))))
21821927 ;;;
21841929 ;;;
2185 (defun check-polimorphic-overloading-in (&optional (module (or *current-module*
2186 *last-module*)))
1930 (defun check-polimorphic-overloading-in (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
21871931 (declare (type module module)
2188 (values t))
1932 (values t))
21891933 (with-in-module (module)
21901934 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
21911935 (unless (methods-strictly-overloading (opinfo-methods opinfo))
2192 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
2193 (setf (method-strictly-overloaded m) nil))))))
1936 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1937 (setf (method-strictly-overloaded m) nil))))))
21951939 (defun methods-strictly-overloading (methods)
21961940 (declare (type list methods)
2197 (values (or null t)))
1941 (values (or null t)))
21981942 (do* ((ms methods (cdr ms))
2199 (method (car ms) (car ms)))
1943 (method (car ms) (car ms)))
22001944 ((endp ms) t)
22011945 (unless (every #'(lambda (x)
2202 (or (method-is-restriction-of method
2203 x
2204 *current-sort-order*)
2205 (method-is-restriction-of x
2206 method
2207 *current-sort-order*)))
2208 ms)
1946 (or (method-is-restriction-of method
1947 x
1948 *current-sort-order*)
1949 (method-is-restriction-of x
1950 method
1951 *current-sort-order*)))
1952 ms)
22091953 (return-from methods-strictly-overloading nil))))
22111955 ;;; ********************
22411985 (defun the-default-strategy (num-args)
22421986 (declare (type fixnum num-args)
2243 (values list))
1987 (values list))
22441988 (case num-args
22451989 (0 '(0))
22461990 (1 '(1 0))
22501994 (5 '(1 2 3 4 5 0))
22511995 (6 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0))
22521996 (t (let ((res nil))
2253 (dotimes (x num-args) (declare (type fixnum x )) (push (1+ x) res))
2254 (nreverse (cons 0 res))))))
1997 (dotimes (x num-args) (declare (type fixnum x )) (push (1+ x) res))
1998 (nreverse (cons 0 res))))))
22562000 (defun complete-method-strategy (meth strat)
22572001 (declare (ignore meth)
2258 (type list strat)
2259 (values list))
2002 (type list strat)
2003 (values list))
22602004 (if (and strat (not (eql (car (last strat)) 0)))
22612005 (append strat '(0))
22622006 strat))
22642008 (defun compute-rew-strategy (mod opinfo)
22652009 (declare (type module mod)
2266 (type list opinfo)
2267 (values list))
2010 (type list opinfo)
2011 (values list))
22682012 (with-in-module (mod)
22692013 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
2270 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
2014 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
22712015 (dolist (meth methods)
2272 ;; first inherits operator's strategy
2273 (unless (method-supplied-strategy meth)
2274 (setf (method-supplied-strategy meth) (operator-rewrite-strategy op)))
2275 ;; if the strategy is specified by the user, we don't modify it
2276 ;; this covers in particular cases 1, 2, 3, 4
2277 ;;
2278 (when (method-supplied-strategy meth)
2279 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2280 ;; patch: use supplied strategy as is.
2281 ;; (complete-method-strategy meth (method-supplied-strategy meth))
2282 (method-supplied-strategy meth)))
2284 ;; compute strategy
2285 (unless (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2286 ; this condition also covers the
2287 ; case of default method.
2288 (cond ((and (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
2289 (rule-ring-is-empty (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
2290 ;; the method has no rewrite rules
2291 ;; --> cases 5.a and 6: the operator is free from axioms.
2292 ;; *NOTE* complete-method-strategy is not neccessary here.
2293 ;; *also* the-default-strategy returns nil when num-args = 0 .
2294 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2295 ; (butlast (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op)))
2296 (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op))))
2298 ;; the method has some rewrite rules associated with it.
2299 ((or
2300 ;; case 7 : has some equational theory
2301 (not (theory-is-empty-for-matching (method-theory meth)))
2302 ;; case 8 : the method is not free constructor.
2303 (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
2304 ;; case 5.b : has rules with different top and constant
2305 ;; --> non-free constructor
2306 (null (method-arity meth)))
2307 ;; then the strategy is bottom up:
2308 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2309 (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op))))
2311 (t
2312 ;; case 9: the real work begins here.
2313 ;; this is a rather huristic optimization of reduction process.
2314 ;; the
2315 (let ((strategy nil)
2316 (end-strategy nil)
2317 (l-ar (operator-num-args op)))
2318 (declare (type fixnum l-ar))
2319 (do ((occ 0 (1+ occ)))
2320 ((<= l-ar occ))
2321 (declare (type fixnum occ))
2322 (block is-variable
2323 (let ((rr (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
2324 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
2325 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
2326 (unless (term-is-variable?
2327 (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
2328 ;; we eagarly evaluate non-variable argument.
2329 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
2330 ;; check next argument
2331 (return-from is-variable))))
2332 ;; we come here iff
2333 ;; the arguments in lhs of all rules-with-same-top are
2334 ;; variables or no rules-with-same-top.
2335 (dolist (rule (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
2336 (When
2337 (let ((argn (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
2338 (m (term-head (rule-lhs rule))))
2339 (or (not (term-is-variable? argn))
2340 ;; argn is not a variable.
2341 (rule-is-builtin rule)
2342 (not (and
2343 ;; method is maximal?
2344 ;; overloaded is necessarily a superset
2345 ;; of lower. Note, overloaded always include
2346 ;; self + default method, but lower not.
2347 ;; thus #lower = #overloaded - 2 means the
2348 ;; method is maximal.
2349 (= (length (method-lower-methods meth))
2350 (- (length (method-overloaded-methods meth)) 2))
2351 (sort<= (nth occ (method-arity m))
2352 (term-sort argn))
2353 ))))
2354 ;; method of lhs is not maximal,
2355 ;; eagarly evaluates the non-variable argument.
2356 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
2357 ;; check the next arg.
2358 (return-from is-variable)))
2359 ;; come here if the occ-th argument is a variable,or
2360 ;; method is maximal. delay the evaluation.
2361 (push (1+ occ) end-strategy)
2362 ))
2363 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2016 ;; first inherits operator's strategy
2017 (unless (method-supplied-strategy meth)
2018 (setf (method-supplied-strategy meth) (operator-rewrite-strategy op)))
2019 ;; if the strategy is specified by the user, we don't modify it
2020 ;; this covers in particular cases 1, 2, 3, 4
2021 ;;
2022 (when (method-supplied-strategy meth)
2023 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2024 ;; patch: use supplied strategy as is.
2025 ;; (complete-method-strategy meth (method-supplied-strategy meth))
2026 (method-supplied-strategy meth)))
2028 ;; compute strategy
2029 (unless (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2030 ; this condition also covers the
2031 ; case of default method.
2032 (cond ((and (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
2033 (rule-ring-is-empty (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
2034 ;; the method has no rewrite rules
2035 ;; --> cases 5.a and 6: the operator is free from axioms.
2036 ;; *NOTE* complete-method-strategy is not neccessary here.
2037 ;; *also* the-default-strategy returns nil when num-args = 0 .
2038 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2039 ; (butlast (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op)))
2040 (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op))))
2042 ;; the method has some rewrite rules associated with it.
2043 ((or
2044 ;; case 7 : has some equational theory
2045 (not (theory-is-empty-for-matching (method-theory meth)))
2046 ;; case 8 : the method is not free constructor.
2047 (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
2048 ;; case 5.b : has rules with different top and constant
2049 ;; --> non-free constructor
2050 (null (method-arity meth)))
2051 ;; then the strategy is bottom up:
2052 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
2053 (the-default-strategy (operator-num-args op))))
2055 (t
2056 ;; case 9: the real work begins here.
2057 ;; this is a rather huristic optimization of reduction process.
2058 ;; the
2059 (let ((strategy nil)
2060 (end-strategy nil)
2061 (l-ar (operator-num-args op)))
2062 (declare (type fixnum l-ar))
2063 (do ((occ 0 (1+ occ)))
2064 ((<= l-ar occ))
2065 (declare (type fixnum occ))
2066 (block is-variable
2067 (let ((rr (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
2068 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
2069 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
2070 (unless (term-is-variable?
2071 (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
2072 ;; we eagarly evaluate non-variable argument.
2073 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
2074 ;; check next argument
2075 (return-from is-variable))))
2076 ;; we come here iff
2077 ;; the arguments in lhs of all rules-with-same-top are
2078 ;; variables or no rules-with-same-top.
2079 (dolist (rule (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
2080 (When
2081 (let ((argn (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
2082 (m (term-head (rule-lhs rule))))
2083 (or (not (term-is-variable? argn))
2084 ;; argn is not a variable.
2085 (rule-is-builtin rule)
2086 (not (and
2087 ;; method is maximal?
2088 ;; overloaded is necessarily a superset
2089 ;; of lower. Note, overloaded always include
2090 ;; self + default method, but lower not.
2091 ;; thus #lower = #overloaded - 2 means the
2092 ;; method is maximal.
2093 (= (length (method-lower-methods meth))
2094 (- (length (method-overloaded-methods meth)) 2))
2095 (sort<= (nth occ (method-arity m))
2096 (term-sort argn))
2097 ))))
2098 ;; method of lhs is not maximal,
2099 ;; eagarly evaluates the non-variable argument.
2100 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
2101 ;; check the next arg.
2102 (return-from is-variable)))
2103 ;; come here if the occ-th argument is a variable,or
2104 ;; method is maximal. delay the evaluation.
2105 (push (1+ occ) end-strategy)))
2106 (setf (method-rewrite-strategy meth)
23642107 (complete-method-strategy meth
2365 (append (reverse strategy)
2366 (if (member 0 strategy) nil '(0))
2367 (reverse end-strategy))))
2368 ))))))))
2108 (append (reverse strategy)
2109 (if (member 0 strategy) nil '(0))
2110 (reverse end-strategy))))))))))))
23702112 ;;; *NOTE* assumes *current-opinfo-table* is properly bound.
23712113 ;;;
23722114 (defun fix-strategy-and-rules (module opinfo)
23732115 (declare (type module module)
2374 (type list opinfo)
2375 (values t))
2116 (type list opinfo)
2117 (values t))
23762118 (with-in-module (module)
23772119 (dolist (mth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
23782120 (let ((rr (method-rules-with-same-top mth)))
2379 (when (method-supplied-strategy mth)
2380 (unless (eql 0 (car (method-supplied-strategy mth)))
2381 (when *on-operator-debug*
2382 (princ "- merging rewrite rules of ")
2383 (print-chaos-object mth))
2384 (let ((rwst (rule-ring-to-list rr)))
2385 (setf (method-rules-with-different-top mth)
2386 (append rwst (method-rules-with-different-top mth)))
2387 (setf (rule-ring-ring rr) nil))))
2388 ;;
2389 (setf (method-rules-with-different-top mth)
2390 (sort (method-rules-with-different-top mth)
2391 #'method<=
2392 :key #'(lambda (x) (term-head (axiom-lhs x)))))
2393 ;;
2394 ))))
2121 (when (method-supplied-strategy mth)
2122 (unless (eql 0 (car (method-supplied-strategy mth)))
2123 (when *on-operator-debug*
2124 (princ "- merging rewrite rules of ")
2125 (print-chaos-object mth))
2126 (let ((rwst (rule-ring-to-list rr)))
2127 (setf (method-rules-with-different-top mth)
2128 (append rwst (method-rules-with-different-top mth)))
2129 (setf (rule-ring-ring rr) nil))))
2130 ;;
2131 (setf (method-rules-with-different-top mth)
2132 (sort (method-rules-with-different-top mth)
2133 #'method<=
2134 :key #'(lambda (x) (term-head (axiom-lhs x)))))))))
23962136 (defun propagate-attributes (module)
23972137 (declare (type module module)
2398 (values t))
2138 (values t))
23992139 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators module)))
24002140 (with-in-module (module)
24012141 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
2402 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
2403 ;; for each operator methods
2142 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
2143 ;; for each operator methods
24042144 (unless (method-is-error-method m)
24052145 (let* ((lower-ops (method-lower-methods m))
24062146 (p-theory (method-theory m))
24072147 (code (theory-info-code (theory-info p-theory)))
24082148 (id (car (theory-zero p-theory)))
24092149 (no-compl (if (cdr (theory-zero p-theory)) t nil)))
2410 (declare (type fixnum code))
2411 ;;
2412 ;; check with lower operators of m
2413 ;; p-theory : theory of method m
2414 ;; code : theory code of method m
2415 ;; id : zero for p-theory if any
2150 (declare (type fixnum code))
2151 ;;
2152 ;; check with lower operators of m
2153 ;; p-theory : theory of method m
2154 ;; code : theory code of method m
2155 ;; id : zero for p-theory if any
24162156 (dolist (lower lower-ops)
24172157 (when (method-is-restriction-of lower m)
2418 ;; seems this test is redundant...
2158 ;; seems this test is redundant...
24192159 (let ((othy (method-theory lower))
24202160 newthy)
2421 ;; othy : theory of lower method
2161 ;; othy : theory of lower method
24222162 (setq code (logior code (theory-info-code (theory-info othy))))
2423 ;; code now inherits super.
2424 (when (theory-zero othy)
2425 ;; reset id if lower method has its own.
2426 (setq id (car (theory-zero othy))))
2428 ;; check with other overloading methods.
2429 (dolist (anop lower-ops)
2430 (when (method-is-restriction-of lower anop)
2431 (let ((thy (method-theory anop)))
2432 (when (theory-contains-associativity thy)
2433 (setq code (logior code .A.)))
2434 (when (theory-contains-commutativity thy)
2435 (setq code (logior code .C.)))
2436 (when (theory-contains-idempotency thy)
2437 (setq code (logior code .I.)))
2438 (when (theory-contains-identity thy)
2439 (setq code (logior code .Z.))
2440 (when (cdr (theory-zero thy))
2441 (setq no-compl t))
2442 (if (null id)
2163 ;; code now inherits super.
2164 (when (theory-zero othy)
2165 ;; reset id if lower method has its own.
2166 (setq id (car (theory-zero othy))))
2168 ;; check with other overloading methods.
2169 (dolist (anop lower-ops)
2170 (when (method-is-restriction-of lower anop)
2171 (let ((thy (method-theory anop)))
2172 (when (theory-contains-associativity thy)
2173 (setq code (logior code .A.)))
2174 (when (theory-contains-commutativity thy)
2175 (setq code (logior code .C.)))
2176 (when (theory-contains-idempotency thy)
2177 (setq code (logior code .I.)))
2178 (when (theory-contains-identity thy)
2179 (setq code (logior code .Z.))
2180 (when (cdr (theory-zero thy))
2181 (setq no-compl t))
2182 (if (null id)
24432183 (setq id (car (theory-zero thy)))
24442184 (let ((nid (car (theory-zero thy))))
24452185 (when (and nid (not (term-is-congruent? id nid)))
24462186 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
24472187 (princ "different possible identities for operator ")
24482188 (print-chaos-object (opinfo-operator opinfo))
2449 (print-next)
2450 (term-print id) (princ " -- VS. -- ")
2451 (term-print nid)))
2452 )))
2453 )))
2454 ;;
2455 (when id
2456 (let ((idsrt (term-sort id))
2457 (ar (method-arity lower)))
2458 (when (not (or (sort<= idsrt (car ar))
2459 (sort<= idsrt (cadr ar))))
2460 ;; (break)
2461 (setq code (logxor code .Z.))
2462 (setq id nil))))
2463 ;;
2464 (setf newthy
2465 (create-theory code
2466 (when id
2467 (cons id no-compl))))
2468 (when (and no-compl
2469 (theory-zero othy)
2470 (not (cdr (theory-zero othy))))
2471 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2472 (princ "variation in id completion")
2473 (princ " for ") (print-chaos-object m)))
2474 ;;
2475 (set-method-theory lower
2476 newthy
2477 #|| set-method-theory calls this
2478 (check-method-theory-consistency
2479 lower
2480 newthy
2481 *current-opinfo-table*
2482 t)
2483 ||#
2484 *current-opinfo-table*
2485 t))
2486 ))
2487 )) ; end unless
2488 ) ; end dolist
2489 ) ; end dolist
2490 )
2491 ))
2189 (print-next)
2190 (term-print id) (princ " -- VS. -- ")
2191 (term-print nid)))))))))
2192 ;;
2193 (when id
2194 (let ((idsrt (term-sort id))
2195 (ar (method-arity lower)))
2196 (when (not (or (sort<= idsrt (car ar))
2197 (sort<= idsrt (cadr ar))))
2198 ;; (break)
2199 (setq code (logxor code .Z.))
2200 (setq id nil))))
2201 ;;
2202 (setf newthy
2203 (create-theory code
2204 (when id
2205 (cons id no-compl))))
2206 (when (and no-compl
2207 (theory-zero othy)
2208 (not (cdr (theory-zero othy))))
2209 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2210 (princ "variation in id completion")
2211 (princ " for ") (print-chaos-object m)))
2212 ;;
2213 (set-method-theory lower
2214 newthy
2215 *current-opinfo-table*
2216 t)))))))))))
24942218 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: rwl.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: rwl.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 ;;;
4545 (defun make-congruence-axiom (opinfo module)
4646 (let ((var-num 0)
47 l-arg1
48 l-arg2
49 lhs
50 rhs-subs
51 rhs)
47 l-arg1
48 l-arg2
49 lhs
50 rhs-subs
51 rhs)
5252 (declare (type fixnum var-num))
5353 ;;
5454 ;; if "oper" is 2-ary operator, then creates the following equation:
5656 ;; ceq oper(t1,t2) ==> oper(t1',t2') = true if (t1 ==> t2) and (t1' ==> t2').
5757 ;;
5858 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
59 (ms nil)
60 (result nil))
59 (ms nil)
60 (result nil))
6161 (unless (method-arity (car methods))
62 (return-from make-congruence-axiom nil)) ; this case is handled by
63 ; builtin axiom for _==>_.
62 (return-from make-congruence-axiom nil)) ; this case is handled by
63 ; builtin axiom for _==>_.
6464 (when (some #'(lambda (x) (method-is-universal* x))
65 methods)
66 (return-from make-congruence-axiom nil))
65 methods)
66 (return-from make-congruence-axiom nil))
6767 ;;
6868 (dolist (m methods)
69 (let ((pmeth nil))
70 (block next-method
71 (when (or (method-is-error-method m)
72 (module-is-hard-wired (method-module m))
73 (method-is-behavioural m)
74 (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity m)))
75 (return-from next-method nil))
76 (setq pmeth (method-most-general-no-error m methods module))
77 (unless (memq pmeth ms)
78 (push pmeth ms)))))
69 (let ((pmeth nil))
70 (block next-method
71 (when (or (method-is-error-method m)
72 (module-is-hard-wired (method-module m))
73 (method-is-behavioural m)
74 (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity m)))
75 (return-from next-method nil))
76 (setq pmeth (method-most-general-no-error m methods module))
77 (unless (memq pmeth ms)
78 (push pmeth ms)))))
7979 ;; ms contains most general methods
8080 (dolist (method ms)
81 (block next-method
82 (when (memq method (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module))
83 (return-from next-method nil))
84 (push method (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module))
85 (let ((vars1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
86 (make-variable-term
87 x
88 (intern (format nil "cv~d" (incf var-num)))))
89 (method-arity method)))
90 (vars2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
91 (make-variable-term
92 x
93 (intern (format nil "cv~d" (incf var-num)))))
94 (method-arity method))))
95 ;;
96 (setq l-arg1
97 (make-term-with-sort-check method vars1 module))
98 (setq l-arg2
99 (make-term-with-sort-check method vars2 module))
100 (setq lhs
101 (make-term-with-sort-check *rwl-predicate*
102 (list l-arg1 l-arg2)
103 module))
104 (setq rhs-subs
105 (mapcar #'(lambda (x y)
106 (make-term-with-sort-check *rwl-predicate*
107 (list x y)
108 module))
109 vars1
110 vars2))
111 (setq rhs (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
112 (make-term-with-sort-check *bool-and*
113 (list x y)))
114 rhs-subs))
115 (push
116 (make-rule :lhs lhs
117 :rhs *bool-true*
118 :condition rhs
119 :type :equation
120 :kind ':rwl-congruence)
121 result)
122 )))
81 (block next-method
82 (when (memq method (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module))
83 (return-from next-method nil))
84 (push method (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module))
85 (let ((vars1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
86 (make-variable-term
87 x
88 (intern (format nil "cv~d" (incf var-num)))))
89 (method-arity method)))
90 (vars2 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
91 (make-variable-term
92 x
93 (intern (format nil "cv~d" (incf var-num)))))
94 (method-arity method))))
95 ;;
96 (setq l-arg1
97 (make-term-with-sort-check method vars1 module))
98 (setq l-arg2
99 (make-term-with-sort-check method vars2 module))
100 (setq lhs
101 (make-term-with-sort-check *rwl-predicate*
102 (list l-arg1 l-arg2)
103 module))
104 (setq rhs-subs
105 (mapcar #'(lambda (x y)
106 (make-term-with-sort-check *rwl-predicate*
107 (list x y)
108 module))
109 vars1
110 vars2))
111 (setq rhs (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
112 (make-term-with-sort-check *bool-and*
113 (list x y)))
114 rhs-subs))
115 (push
116 (make-rule :lhs lhs
117 :rhs *bool-true*
118 :condition rhs
119 :type :equation
120 :kind ':rwl-congruence)
121 result)
122 )))
123123 ;;
124124 result)))
127127 (when (rule-is-builtin rule)
128128 (return-from make-trans-relations nil))
129129 (let ((l-arg1 (rule-lhs rule))
130 (l-arg2 (rule-rhs rule))
131 (cond (rule-condition rule))
132 lhs)
130 (l-arg2 (rule-rhs rule))
131 (cond (rule-condition rule))
132 lhs)
133133 (setq lhs
134 (make-term-with-sort-check *rwl-predicate*
135 (list l-arg1 l-arg2)
136 module)
137 )
134 (make-term-with-sort-check *rwl-predicate*
135 (list l-arg1 l-arg2)
136 module)
137 )
138138 (make-rule :lhs lhs
139 :rhs *bool-true* ; (if cond cond *bool-true*)
140 :condition (if cond cond *bool-true*) ; was *bool-true*
141 :type ':equation
142 :kind ':rwl-transition
143 :labels nil)))
139 :rhs *bool-true* ; (if cond cond *bool-true*)
140 :condition (if cond cond *bool-true*) ; was *bool-true*
141 :type ':equation
142 :kind ':rwl-transition
143 :labels nil)))
145145 #||
146146 (defun add-rwl-axioms (module)
147147 (flet ((trans-rule (rule)
148 (unless (member rule (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
149 :test #'rule-is-similar?)
150 (let ((ax (make-trans-relations rule module)))
151 (when ax
152 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
153 (push ax (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)))))
154 ))
148 (unless (member rule (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
149 :test #'rule-is-similar?)
150 (let ((ax (make-trans-relations rule module)))
151 (when ax
152 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
153 (push ax (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)))))
154 ))
155155 ;;
156156 (unless (module-includes-rwl module)
157157 (return-from add-rwl-axioms nil))
159159 (with-in-module (module)
160160 ;; add congruence rule for ==>, one for each operator:
161161 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
162 (let ((axs (make-congruence-axiom opinfo module)))
163 (dolist (ax axs)
164 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax))))
162 (let ((axs (make-congruence-axiom opinfo module)))
163 (dolist (ax axs)
164 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax))))
165165 ;; add axiom of ==> for each rule in module.
166166 (let ((tobe-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed module)))
167 (dolist (rul (module-rules module))
168 (when (eq (axiom-type rul) :rule)
169 (setq rul (or (cdr (assq rul tobe-fixed)) rul))
170 (trans-rule rul)))
171 (dolist (rul (module-rewrite-rules module))
172 ; because we called even when the own
173 ; rewrite rules are not yet set up.
174 (when (eq (axiom-type rul) :rule)
175 (setq rul (or (cdr (assq rul tobe-fixed)) rul))
176 (trans-rule rul))))
167 (dolist (rul (module-rules module))
168 (when (eq (axiom-type rul) :rule)
169 (setq rul (or (cdr (assq rul tobe-fixed)) rul))
170 (trans-rule rul)))
171 (dolist (rul (module-rewrite-rules module))
172 ; because we called even when the own
173 ; rewrite rules are not yet set up.
174 (when (eq (axiom-type rul) :rule)
175 (setq rul (or (cdr (assq rul tobe-fixed)) rul))
176 (trans-rule rul))))
177177 )))
178178 ||#
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: construct
32 File: sort.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: construct
32 File: sort.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 ;;;=============================================================================
40 ;;; SORT
40 ;;; SORT
4141 ;;;=============================================================================
4343 ;;; (defvar *on-sort-debug* nil)
5151 (defmacro make-sort-id (symbol__$$)
5252 (once-only (symbol__$$)
5353 ` (if (stringp ,symbol__$$)
54 (intern ,symbol__$$)
55 ,symbol__$$)))
54 (intern ,symbol__$$)
55 ,symbol__$$)))
5757 (defun add-sort-to-module (sort mod)
5858 ;; register sort in module
7878 ;;; make new sort term if it not exist.
7979 ;;;
8080 (defun define-sort (sort-id-symbol module
81 &optional
82 (type 'sort)
83 hidden
84 force)
81 &optional
82 (type 'sort)
83 hidden
84 force)
8585 (declare (ignore force))
8686 (setq sort-id-symbol (make-sort-id sort-id-symbol))
8787 (let ((pre (find-sort-in module sort-id-symbol))
88 #||
89 (if force
90 nil
91 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))
92 ||#
93 )
88 #||
89 (if force
90 nil
91 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))
92 ||#
93 )
9494 #||
9595 (when (and (not force) pre)
9696 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
97 (format t "sort ~s is already declared in the module "
98 sort-id-symbol)
99 (print-mod-name (sort-module pre))
100 (print-next)
101 (princ "...ignored.")
102 (return-from define-sort nil)))
97 (format t "sort ~s is already declared in the module "
98 sort-id-symbol)
99 (print-mod-name (sort-module pre))
100 (print-next)
101 (princ "...ignored.")
102 (return-from define-sort nil)))
103103 ||#
104104 (if (and pre (eq (sort-type pre) type))
105 (progn
106 (setf (sort-hidden pre) hidden)
107 pre)
108 ;;
109 (let (sort)
110 (case type
111 (record-sort
112 (setf sort (new-record-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
113 (class-sort
114 (setf sort (new-class-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
115 (sort
116 (setf sort (new-general-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
117 (and-sort
118 (setf sort (new-and-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
119 (or-sort
120 (setf sort (new-or-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
121 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
122 (format t "Unsupported type of sort ~s!" type)
123 (chaos-error 'panic))))
124 ;; (register-sort sort)
125 sort))))
105 (progn
106 (setf (sort-hidden pre) hidden)
107 pre)
108 ;;
109 (let (sort)
110 (case type
111 (record-sort
112 (setf sort (new-record-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
113 (class-sort
114 (setf sort (new-class-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
115 (sort
116 (setf sort (new-general-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
117 (and-sort
118 (setf sort (new-and-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
119 (or-sort
120 (setf sort (new-or-sort sort-id-symbol module hidden)))
121 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
122 (format t "Unsupported type of sort ~s!" type)
123 (chaos-error 'panic))))
124 ;; (register-sort sort)
125 sort))))
129129 (defun define-builtin-sort (sort-id-symbol &optional
130 (module *chaos-module*)
131 (info nil)
132 (hidden nil)
133 (force nil))
130 (module *chaos-module*)
131 (info nil)
132 (hidden nil)
133 (force nil))
134134 (setq sort-id-symbol (make-sort-id sort-id-symbol))
135135 (let ((pre (if force
136 nil
137 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol)))
138 sort)
136 nil
137 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol)))
138 sort)
139139 (if pre
140 (setf sort pre)
141 (setf sort (new-bi-sort sort-id-symbol module)))
140 (setf sort pre)
141 (setf sort (new-bi-sort sort-id-symbol module)))
142142 (setf (bsort-info sort) info)
143143 (setf (bsort-hidden sort) hidden)
144144 (add-builtin-sort sort module)
152152 #||
153153 (when (eq module *chaos-module*)
154154 (setf (symbol-function
155 (intern (format nil
156 "THE-~A-SORT" (string-upcase (sort-print-name sort)))))
157 #'(lambda () sort)))
155 (intern (format nil
156 "THE-~A-SORT" (string-upcase (sort-print-name sort)))))
157 #'(lambda () sort)))
158158 ||#
159159 (add-sort-to-module sort module)
160160 sort)
164164 (defun define-and-sort (sort-id-symbol module components &optional hidden)
165165 (setq sort-id-symbol (make-sort-id sort-id-symbol))
166166 (let ((pre (or (get-sort-named sort-id-symbol module)
167 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))))
167 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))))
168168 (if pre
169 pre
170 (let ((sort (new-and-sort sort-id-symbol module components hidden)))
171 (register-sort-cache sort)
172 sort))))
169 pre
170 (let ((sort (new-and-sort sort-id-symbol module components hidden)))
171 (register-sort-cache sort)
172 sort))))
174174 ;;; DEFINE-OR-SORT
175175 ;;;
176176 (defun define-or-sort (sort-id-symbol module components &optional hidden)
177177 (setq sort-id-symbol (make-sort-id sort-id-symbol))
178178 (let ((pre (or (get-sort-named sort-id-symbol module)
179 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))))
179 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))))
180180 (if pre
181 pre
182 (let ((sort (new-or-sort sort-id-symbol module components hidden)))
183 (register-sort-cache sort)
184 sort))))
181 pre
182 (let ((sort (new-or-sort sort-id-symbol module components hidden)))
183 (register-sort-cache sort)
184 sort))))
186186 ;;; DEFINE-ERR-SORT
187187 ;;;
188188 (defun define-err-sort (sort-id-symbol module components &optional subs hidden)
189189 (setq sort-id-symbol (make-sort-id sort-id-symbol))
190190 (let ((pre (or (get-sort-named sort-id-symbol module)
191 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))))
191 (simple-find-sort-in-local module sort-id-symbol))))
192192 (if pre
193 pre
194 (let ((sort (new-err-sort sort-id-symbol
195 module
196 components
197 subs
198 hidden)))
199 (register-sort-cache sort)
200 sort))))
193 pre
194 (let ((sort (new-err-sort sort-id-symbol
195 module
196 components
197 subs
198 hidden)))
199 (register-sort-cache sort)
200 sort))))
202202 ;;; ******
203203 ;;; COPIER ____________________________________________________________________
208208 (defun %copy-sort (sort module &optional new-name force)
209209 (let ((name (if new-name new-name (sort-id sort))))
210210 (let ((new-sort
211 (if (sort-is-builtin sort)
212 (define-builtin-sort name
213 module
214 (bsort-info sort)
215 (sort-is-hidden sort)
216 force)
217 (define-sort name
218 module
219 (sort-type sort)
220 (sort-is-hidden sort)
221 force))))
211 (if (sort-is-builtin sort)
212 (define-builtin-sort name
213 module
214 (bsort-info sort)
215 (sort-is-hidden sort)
216 force)
217 (define-sort name
218 module
219 (sort-type sort)
220 (sort-is-hidden sort)
221 force))))
222222 ;;
223223 (setf (sort-derived-from new-sort) sort)
224224 ;;
225225 (cond ((memq (sort-type sort) '(class-sort record-sort))
226 ;;
227 (setf (crsort-is-a-copy new-sort) t)
228 ;; obsolate values, but for the future.....
229 (with-output-panic-message ()
230 (princ "sorry, but copying record/class sort is not yet properly supported!"))
231 )
232 ((eq (sort-type sort) 'and-sort)
233 (setf (and-sort-components new-sort)
234 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (%copy-sort s module))
235 (and-sort-components sort)))
236 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
237 (princ "sorry, but copying `and-sort' is not yet properly supported!"))
238 )
239 ((eq (sort-type sort) 'or-sort)
240 (setf (or-sort-components new-sort)
241 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (%copy-sort s module))
242 (or-sort-components sort)))
243 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
244 (princ "sorry, but copying `or-sort' is not yet properly supported!"))
245 ))
226 ;;
227 (setf (crsort-is-a-copy new-sort) t)
228 ;; obsolate values, but for the future.....
229 (with-output-panic-message ()
230 (princ "sorry, but copying record/class sort is not yet properly supported!"))
231 )
232 ((eq (sort-type sort) 'and-sort)
233 (setf (and-sort-components new-sort)
234 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (%copy-sort s module))
235 (and-sort-components sort)))
236 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
237 (princ "sorry, but copying `and-sort' is not yet properly supported!"))
238 )
239 ((eq (sort-type sort) 'or-sort)
240 (setf (or-sort-components new-sort)
241 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (%copy-sort s module))
242 (or-sort-components sort)))
243 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
244 (princ "sorry, but copying `or-sort' is not yet properly supported!"))
245 ))
246246 ;;
247247 new-sort)))
266266 ;;; | / / \
267267 ;;; | / / \
268268 ;;; | / Zero Posint
269 ;;; | /
269 ;;; | /
270270 ;;; Bool^Natural
271271 ;;;
272272 (defun glb-sort (s1 s2
273 &optional
274 (module *current-module*)
275 (order *current-sort-order*)
276 )
273 &optional
274 (module *current-module*)
275 (order *current-sort-order*)
276 )
277277 (cond ((sort<= s1 s2) s1)
278 ((sort< s2 s1) s2)
279 (t (let ((meet (meet-of-sorts s1 s2 order))
280 sort)
281 (when (and (= 1 (length meet))
282 (and-sort-p (car meet)))
283 ;; glb already exists. we don't need to create.
284 (return-from glb-sort (car meet)))
285 ;; creates GLB
286 (setq sort (make-glb-sort (list s1 s2) module))
287 (add-sort-to-module sort module)
288 #||
289 (setq sl (make-sort-relation sort
290 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= x sort)) meet)
291 (and-sort-components sort)))
292 ||#
293 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,@(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= x sort)) meet)
294 :< ,sort :< ,@(and-sort-components sort)))
295 module)
296 sort))))
278 ((sort< s2 s1) s2)
279 (t (let ((meet (meet-of-sorts s1 s2 order))
280 sort)
281 (when (and (= 1 (length meet))
282 (and-sort-p (car meet)))
283 ;; glb already exists. we don't need to create.
284 (return-from glb-sort (car meet)))
285 ;; creates GLB
286 (setq sort (make-glb-sort (list s1 s2) module))
287 (add-sort-to-module sort module)
288 #||
289 (setq sl (make-sort-relation sort
290 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= x sort)) meet)
291 (and-sort-components sort)))
292 ||#
293 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,@(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= x sort)) meet)
294 :< ,sort :< ,@(and-sort-components sort)))
295 module)
296 sort))))
298298 ;;; MAKE-GLB-SORT components join module order
299299 ;;;
300300 (defun gather-and-components (sort)
301301 (let ((compo nil))
302302 (cond ((and-sort-p sort)
303 (setq compo (nconc compo
304 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
305 (gather-and-components x))
306 (copy-list (and-sort-components sort))))))
307 (t (setq compo (nconc compo (list sort)))))
303 (setq compo (nconc compo
304 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
305 (gather-and-components x))
306 (copy-list (and-sort-components sort))))))
307 (t (setq compo (nconc compo (list sort)))))
308308 compo))
310310 (defun canonicalize-and-components (components sort-order)
311311 (let ((canon-compo nil))
312312 (dolist (compo components)
313313 (setq canon-compo (nconc canon-compo
314 (gather-and-components compo))))
314 (gather-and-components compo))))
315315 (minimal-sorts (delete-duplicates canon-compo :test #'eq)
316 sort-order)))
316 sort-order)))
318318 (defun glb-sort-name (sorts)
319319 (let ((compo-names (sort (mapcan #'(lambda (s)
320 (if (and-sort-p s)
321 (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (sort-id x))
322 (and-sort-components s))
323 (list (sort-id s))))
324 sorts)
325 #'(lambda (x y)
326 (string< (the simple-string (string x))
327 (the simple-string (string y)))))))
320 (if (and-sort-p s)
321 (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (sort-id x))
322 (and-sort-components s))
323 (list (sort-id s))))
324 sorts)
325 #'(lambda (x y)
326 (string< (the simple-string (string x))
327 (the simple-string (string y)))))))
328328 (setf compo-names (sort
329 (mapcar #'string
330 (delete-duplicates compo-names :test #'eq))
331 #'(lambda (id1 id2)
332 (string<= (the simple-string id1)
333 (the simple-string id2)))))
329 (mapcar #'string
330 (delete-duplicates compo-names :test #'eq))
331 #'(lambda (id1 id2)
332 (string<= (the simple-string id1)
333 (the simple-string id2)))))
334334 (if (cdr compo-names)
335 (intern (format nil "~{~^~A~^^~}" compo-names))
336 (intern (format nil "^~A" (car compo-names))))))
335 (intern (format nil "~{~^~A~^^~}" compo-names))
336 (intern (format nil "^~A" (car compo-names))))))
338338 (defun make-glb-sort (components &optional
339 (module *current-module*))
339 (module *current-module*))
340340 (setq components (canonicalize-and-components components
341 (module-sort-order module)))
341 (module-sort-order module)))
342342 (let ((sort-id (glb-sort-name components))
343 (glb nil))
343 (glb nil))
344344 (setf glb (find-sort-in module sort-id))
345345 (if glb
346 glb
347 (define-and-sort sort-id module components))))
346 glb
347 (define-and-sort sort-id module components))))
349349 ;;; JOIN-OF-SORTS sort1 sor2 order
350350 ;;;
351351 (defun join-of-sorts (sort1 sort2 &optional (order *current-sort-order*))
352352 (cond ((sort= sort1 sort2) (list sort1))
353 ((sort< sort1 sort2 order) (list sort2))
354 ((sort< sort2 sort1 order) (list sort1))
355 (t (minimal-sorts (intersection (supersorts sort1 order) (supersorts
356 sort2 order))
357 order))))
353 ((sort< sort1 sort2 order) (list sort2))
354 ((sort< sort2 sort1 order) (list sort1))
355 (t (minimal-sorts (intersection (supersorts sort1 order) (supersorts
356 sort2 order))
357 order))))
359359 ;;; LUB-SORT s1 s2 module-id order
360360 ;;; Finds LUB of s1 s2, if it does not exist, create the actual LUB which have
371371 ;;;
372372 ;;; Bool|Natural
373373 ;;; / |
374 ;;; / |
374 ;;; / |
375375 ;;; Bool Natural
376376 ;;; / \
377377 ;;; / \
382382 (defmacro lub-sort-name (sorts____?)
383383 ` (intern (format nil "~{~^~A~^|~}"
384 (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (string (sort-id s)))
385 ,sorts____?)
386 #'(lambda (id1 id2)
387 (declare (type simple-string id1 id2))
388 (string< id1 id2))))))
384 (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (string (sort-id s)))
385 ,sorts____?)
386 #'(lambda (id1 id2)
387 (declare (type simple-string id1 id2))
388 (string< id1 id2))))))
390390 (defun lub-sort (s1 s2 &optional (module *current-module*) (order *current-sort-order*))
391391 (let ((join (join-of-sorts s1 s2 order)))
392392 (if (= 1 (length join))
393 ;; minimum exists. we don't nee to create.
394 (return-from lub-sort (car join))
395 ;; creates the new one.
396 (make-lub-sort (list s1 s2) join module))))
393 ;; minimum exists. we don't nee to create.
394 (return-from lub-sort (car join))
395 ;; creates the new one.
396 (make-lub-sort (list s1 s2) join module))))
398398 ;;; MAKE-LUB-SORT components join module order
400400 (defun make-lub-sort (components join
401 &optional
402 (module *current-module*))
401 &optional
402 (module *current-module*))
403403 (let* ((sort-id (lub-sort-name components))
404 (lub (define-or-sort sort-id module components)))
404 (lub (define-or-sort sort-id module components)))
405405 (add-sort-to-module lub module)
406406 (declare-subsort-in-module `((,@components :< ,lub ,@join)) module)
407407 lub))
412412 ;;; Example:
413413 ;;;
414414 ;;; NameRef ObjectID Number
415 ;;; | /| \ \ |
416 ;;; | / | \ \ |
417 ;;; | / | \ \ |
418 ;;; Identifier ... String Integer
415 ;;; | /| \ \ |
416 ;;; | / | \ \ |
417 ;;; | / | \ \ |
418 ;;; Identifier ... String Integer
419419 ;;;
420420 ;;; applying `generate-err-sorts' to this sort-order will make
421421 ;;;
422422 ;;; ?:-NameRef+Number+ObjectID --- generated err-sort
423 ;;; / | \
424 ;;; / | \
425 ;;; / | \
423 ;;; / | \
424 ;;; / | \
425 ;;; / | \
426426 ;;; NameRef ObjectID Number
427 ;;; | /| \ \ |
428 ;;; | / | \ \ |
429 ;;; | / | \ \ |
430 ;;; Identifier ... String Integer
427 ;;; | /| \ \ |
428 ;;; | / | \ \ |
429 ;;; | / | \ \ |
430 ;;; Identifier ... String Integer
431431 ;;;
432432 ;;;
433433 (defmacro make-err-sort-name (components____!?)
434434 ` (intern (format nil "?~{~^~A~^+~}"
435 (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (string (sort-id s)))
436 ,components____!?)
437 #'(lambda (x y) (string< x y))))))
435 (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (string (sort-id s)))
436 ,components____!?)
437 #'(lambda (x y) (string< x y))))))
439439 (defun generate-err-sorts (&optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*)
440 (module *current-module*))
440 (module *current-module*))
441441 (flet ((find-the-equivalent-error-sort (id components olds)
442 (find-if #'(lambda (es)
443 (let ((name (sort-id es)))
444 (and (eq id name)
445 (sort-set-equal (err-sort-components es)
446 components))))
447 olds))
448 )
442 (find-if #'(lambda (es)
443 (let ((name (sort-id es)))
444 (and (eq id name)
445 (sort-set-equal (err-sort-components es)
446 components))))
447 olds))
448 )
449449 ;;
450450 (let ((old-errs (module-error-sorts module)) ; imported + generated.
451 (all-errors nil)) ; the list of all error sort
452 ; newly generated.
451 (all-errors nil)) ; the list of all error sort
452 ; newly generated.
453453 (declare (type list old-errs))
454454 ;; first, we clear all pre-defined error sorts.
455455 (clear-err-sorts sort-order)
458458 ;; we now allow the non-filterd signature, ie, there can be multiple tops
459459 ;; for a connected component.
460460 (let ((maximal (maximal-sorts-no-error
461 (let ((res nil))
462 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
463 (declare (ignore relation))
464 (push sort res))
465 sort-order)
466 res)
467 sort-order)))
468 (while maximal
469 (let* ((s (car maximal))
470 (subs (sub-or-equal-sorts s sort-order))
471 (all-subs subs)
472 (same-compo (list s))
473 (sname nil)
474 (found nil)
475 (hidden nil)
476 err-sort)
477 ;; gather tops in the same connected component.
478 ;; if found one, we again must walk through the rest.
479 (loop (setf found nil)
480 (dolist (m (cdr maximal))
481 (let ((msub (sub-or-equal-sorts m sort-order)))
482 (when (intersection all-subs msub :test #'eq)
483 (setf all-subs (union all-subs msub :test #'eq))
484 (setf found t)
485 (push m same-compo))))
486 (setf maximal (set-difference maximal same-compo))
487 (when (or (null maximal) (not found)) (return)))
488 ;;
489 (setq hidden (sort-is-hidden (car same-compo)))
490 (setq sname (make-err-sort-name same-compo))
491 (let ((old (find-the-equivalent-error-sort
492 sname
493 same-compo
494 old-errs)))
495 ;; for debug
496 (when *on-sort-debug*
497 (with-output-simple-msg ()
498 (format t "~%[generate-err-sorts]: name = ~a" sname)
499 (format t "~%- predefined : ~a" old)
500 (when old
501 (format t "~% with compo = ~a" (err-sort-components old)))
502 ))
503 ;;
504 (if old
505 ;; use the existing one.
506 (progn
507 (setq err-sort old)
508 (setq old-errs (delete old old-errs :test #'eq)))
509 ;; we need brand new sort.
510 (setq err-sort (define-err-sort sname
511 module
512 same-compo
513 all-subs
514 hidden)))
515 (push err-sort all-errors)
516 (dolist (a all-subs)
517 (setf (the-err-sort a sort-order) err-sort)))))
518 ;; done all.
519 (setf (module-error-sorts module) all-errors)
520 ;; returns obsolete sorts.
521 old-errs))))
461 (let ((res nil))
462 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
463 (declare (ignore relation))
464 (push sort res))
465 sort-order)
466 res)
467 sort-order)))
468 (while maximal
469 (let* ((s (car maximal))
470 (subs (sub-or-equal-sorts s sort-order))
471 (all-subs subs)
472 (same-compo (list s))
473 (sname nil)
474 (found nil)
475 (hidden nil)
476 err-sort)
477 ;; gather tops in the same connected component.
478 ;; if found one, we again must walk through the rest.
479 (loop (setf found nil)
480 (dolist (m (cdr maximal))
481 (let ((msub (sub-or-equal-sorts m sort-order)))
482 (when (intersection all-subs msub :test #'eq)
483 (setf all-subs (union all-subs msub :test #'eq))
484 (setf found t)
485 (push m same-compo))))
486 (setf maximal (set-difference maximal same-compo))
487 (when (or (null maximal) (not found)) (return)))
488 ;;
489 (setq hidden (sort-is-hidden (car same-compo)))
490 (setq sname (make-err-sort-name same-compo))
491 (let ((old (find-the-equivalent-error-sort
492 sname
493 same-compo
494 old-errs)))
495 ;; for debug
496 (when *on-sort-debug*
497 (with-output-simple-msg ()
498 (format t "~%[generate-err-sorts]: name = ~a" sname)
499 (format t "~%- predefined : ~a" old)
500 (when old
501 (format t "~% with compo = ~a" (err-sort-components old)))
502 ))
503 ;;
504 (if old
505 ;; use the existing one.
506 (progn
507 (setq err-sort old)
508 (setq old-errs (delete old old-errs :test #'eq)))
509 ;; we need brand new sort.
510 (setq err-sort (define-err-sort sname
511 module
512 same-compo
513 all-subs
514 hidden)))
515 (push err-sort all-errors)
516 (dolist (a all-subs)
517 (setf (the-err-sort a sort-order) err-sort)))))
518 ;; done all.
519 (setf (module-error-sorts module) all-errors)
520 ;; returns obsolete sorts.
521 old-errs))))
523523 ;;; ****************
524524 ;;; SORT DECLARATION ___________________________________________________________
527527 ;;; DECLARE-SORT-IN-MODLE : sort-name module -> sort
528528 ;;;
529529 (defun declare-sort-in-module (sort-name &optional
530 (module *current-module*)
531 (type 'sort)
532 (hidden nil))
530 (module *current-module*)
531 (type 'sort)
532 (hidden nil))
533533 (let ((mod (if (module-p module)
534 module
535 (find-module-in-env module))))
534 module
535 (find-module-in-env module))))
536536 (unless mod
537537 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
538 (princ "declaring sort, no such module ")
539 (print-mod-name module)
540 ))
538 (princ "declaring sort, no such module ")
539 (print-mod-name module)
540 ))
541541 ;;
542542 (when (or (eq sort-name $name-cosmos)
543 (eq sort-name $name-universal)
544 (eq sort-name $name-huniversal))
543 (eq sort-name $name-universal)
544 (eq sort-name $name-huniversal))
545545 (with-output-chaos-error ('reserved-sort)
546 (format t "Sort name ~A is reserfed for the system, sorry."
547 sort-name)))
546 (format t "Sort name ~A is reserfed for the system, sorry."
547 sort-name)))
548548 ;;
549549 (set-needs-parse module)
550550 (include-BOOL module)
558558 (defun recreate-sort (module sort &optional new-name)
559559 (let ((sort-name (sort-id sort)))
560560 (when *on-sort-debug*
561 (format t "~&[recreate-sort] : given name ~s, new-name = ~s"
562 sort-name new-name))
561 (format t "~%[recreate-sort] : given name ~s, new-name = ~s"
562 sort-name new-name))
563563 ;;
564564 (let ((val (find-sort-in module (if new-name new-name sort-name))))
565565 (if val
566 val
567 (let ((newsort (%copy-sort sort module new-name)))
568 (when *on-sort-debug*
569 (format t "~& - created ~s" (sort-id newsort))
570 (format t " in ")
571 (print-modexp module))
572 newsort
573 )))))
566 val
567 (let ((newsort (%copy-sort sort module new-name)))
568 (when *on-sort-debug*
569 (format t "~% - created ~s" (sort-id newsort))
570 (format t " in ")
571 (print-modexp module))
572 newsort
573 )))))
575575 (defun recreate-sorts (module sort-list)
576576 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (recreate-sort module s))
577 sort-list))
577 sort-list))
579579 (defun !recreate-sort (module sort &optional new-name)
580580 (let ((newsort (%copy-sort sort module new-name)))
583583 (defun !recreate-sorts (module sort-list)
584584 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (!recreate-sort module s))
585 sort-list))
585 sort-list))
587587 ;;; SUBSORT DECLARATION ________________________________________________________
590590 ;;; order-decls : list of (sort supers)
591591 ;;;
592592 (defun declare-subsort-in-module (order-decls &optional (module *current-module*)
593 hidden)
593 hidden)
594594 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
595595 (let* ((mod (if (module-p module)
596 module
597 (find-module-in-env module)))
598 (sort-order (if mod (module-sort-order mod)
599 ;; internal error
600 (error "No such module: declare-subsort-in-module ~A" module))))
596 module
597 (find-module-in-env module)))
598 (sort-order (if mod (module-sort-order mod)
599 ;; internal error
600 (error "No such module: declare-subsort-in-module ~A" module))))
601601 (declare (type sort-order sort-order))
602602 (dolist (decl order-decls)
603603 (declare (type list decl))
612612 ;;;
613613 (defun adjoin-sort-relation (sl module)
614614 (let ((s (sort-relation-sort sl))
615 (rls (module-sort-relations module)))
615 (rls (module-sort-relations module)))
616616 (let ((pre (assq s rls)))
617617 (if pre
618 (progn (setf (_subsorts pre)
619 (union (_subsorts sl) (_subsorts pre) :test #'eq))
620 (setf (_supersorts pre)
621 (union (_supersorts sl) (_supersorts pre) :test #'eq)))
622 (push sl (module-sort-relations module))))))
618 (progn (setf (_subsorts pre)
619 (union (_subsorts sl) (_subsorts pre) :test #'eq))
620 (setf (_supersorts pre)
621 (union (_supersorts sl) (_supersorts pre) :test #'eq)))
622 (push sl (module-sort-relations module))))))
624624 #|| BAD THING !!!
625625 (defun clean-up-sort-relations (module)
640640 (declare (type list sls))
641641 (when sls
642642 (dolist (sl sls)
643 (adjoin-sort-relation sl module)
644 (add-relation-to-order (copy-sort-relation sl) sort-order)))))
643 (adjoin-sort-relation sl module)
644 (add-relation-to-order (copy-sort-relation sl) sort-order)))))
647647 ;;; Returns the list of sort-relations derived from the given
649649 ;;;
650650 (defun construct-sort-relations (order-decl &optional (module *current-module*) hidden)
651651 (let ((*current-module* module)
652 (res nil)
653 (tmp nil)
654 (work nil))
652 (res nil)
653 (tmp nil)
654 (work nil))
655655 (declare (type list res tmp work))
656656 (dolist (sid order-decl)
657657 ;; sid can be a list (sort-id module-name)
658658 (if (eq sid ':<)
659 (progn (push work tmp)
660 (setq work nil))
661 (let ((sort (find-sort-in module sid)))
662 (when (or (eq sort *cosmos*)
663 (eq sort *universal-sort*)
664 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*))
665 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
666 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-relation)
667 (format t "You can not specify the order with built in sort ~A."
668 (string (sort-name sort))))))
669 ;;
670 (if sort
671 (progn
672 (when hidden
673 (unless (sort-is-hidden sort)
674 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-subsort-decl)
675 (princ "you cannot declare subsort relation between hidden and visible sorts.")
676 (print-next)
677 (princ "the sort ") (print-sort-name sort)
678 (princ " is visible, but must be hidden in this context.")
679 )))
680 (push sort work))
681 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
682 (princ "constructing sort relation, no such sort with name ")
683 (if (term? sid)
684 (term-print sid)
685 (princ sid))
686 )
687 ))))
659 (progn (push work tmp)
660 (setq work nil))
661 (let ((sort (find-sort-in module sid)))
662 (when (or (eq sort *cosmos*)
663 (eq sort *universal-sort*)
664 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*))
665 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
666 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-relation)
667 (format t "You can not specify the order with built in sort ~A."
668 (string (sort-name sort))))))
669 ;;
670 (if sort
671 (progn
672 (when hidden
673 (unless (sort-is-hidden sort)
674 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-subsort-decl)
675 (princ "you cannot declare subsort relation between hidden and visible sorts.")
676 (print-next)
677 (princ "the sort ") (print-sort-name sort)
678 (princ " is visible, but must be hidden in this context.")
679 )))
680 (push sort work))
681 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
682 (princ "constructing sort relation, no such sort with name ")
683 (if (term? sid)
684 (term-print sid)
685 (princ sid))
686 )
687 ))))
688688 ;;
689689 (setq tmp (nreverse (push work tmp)))
690690 (dotimes (x (length tmp))
691691 (declare (type fixnum x))
692692 (dolist (s (nth x tmp))
693 (let ((lowers (let ((ls nil))
694 (dotimes (y x)
695 (declare (type fixnum y))
696 (setq ls (append ls (nth y tmp))))
697 ls))
698 (greaters (do* ((y (1+ x) (1+ y))
699 (res (nth y tmp)
700 (append res (nth y tmp))))
701 ((>= y (the fixnum (length tmp))) res)
702 (declare (type fixnum y)
703 (type list res)))))
704 (declare (type list lowers greaters))
705 ;; check hidden condition
706 (when hidden
707 (when (eq (sort-module s) module)
708 (dolist (ts lowers)
709 (unless (eq (sort-module ts) module)
710 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
711 (princ "declaring hidden sort ")
712 (print-sort-name s)
713 (princ " as a supersort of imported hidden sort ")
714 (print-sort-name ts))))))
715 ;;
716 (push (make-sort-relation s lowers greaters) res))))
693 (let ((lowers (let ((ls nil))
694 (dotimes (y x)
695 (declare (type fixnum y))
696 (setq ls (append ls (nth y tmp))))
697 ls))
698 (greaters (do* ((y (1+ x) (1+ y))
699 (res (nth y tmp)
700 (append res (nth y tmp))))
701 ((>= y (the fixnum (length tmp))) res)
702 (declare (type fixnum y)
703 (type list res)))))
704 (declare (type list lowers greaters))
705 ;; check hidden condition
706 (when hidden
707 (when (eq (sort-module s) module)
708 (dolist (ts lowers)
709 (unless (eq (sort-module ts) module)
710 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
711 (princ "declaring hidden sort ")
712 (print-sort-name s)
713 (princ " as a supersort of imported hidden sort ")
714 (print-sort-name ts))))))
715 ;;
716 (push (make-sort-relation s lowers greaters) res))))
717717 res))
720720 ;;;
721721 (defun update-sort-order (module)
722722 (let ((closure
723 (sort-relations-transitive-closure1 (module-sort-relations module)))
724 (so (module-sort-order module)))
723 (sort-relations-transitive-closure1 (module-sort-relations module)))
724 (so (module-sort-order module)))
725725 (dolist (sl closure)
726726 (add-relation-to-order sl so))))
729729 ;;;
730730 (defun find-compatible-err-sort (sort module &optional sortmap)
731731 (when (or (sort= sort *cosmos*)
732 (sort= sort *universal-sort*)
733 (sort= sort *bottom-sort*)
734 (sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)
735 )
732 (sort= sort *universal-sort*)
733 (sort= sort *bottom-sort*)
734 (sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)
735 )
736736 (return-from find-compatible-err-sort sort))
737737 ;;
738738 (cond ((err-sort-p sort)
739 (or (cdr (memq sort sortmap))
740 (let* ((compo (car (err-sort-components sort)))
741 (xs (if sortmap
742 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap compo)
743 compo)))
744 ;;
745 (or (the-err-sort xs (module-sort-order module))
746 sort))))
747 (t (let ((xs (if sortmap
748 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap sort)
749 sort)))
750 (the-err-sort xs (module-sort-order module))))))
739 (or (cdr (memq sort sortmap))
740 (let* ((compo (car (err-sort-components sort)))
741 (xs (if sortmap
742 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap compo)
743 compo)))
744 ;;
745 (or (the-err-sort xs (module-sort-order module))
746 sort))))
747 (t (let ((xs (if sortmap
748 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap sort)
749 sort)))
750 (the-err-sort xs (module-sort-order module))))))
752752 ;;;
756756 (defun method->sort-name (method)
757757 (let ((name (method-symbol method)))
758758 (if (cdr name)
759 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-id)
760 (format t "operator name ~s is illegal for sort name." name))
761 (car name))))
759 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-id)
760 (format t "operator name ~s is illegal for sort name." name))
761 (car name))))
763763 (defun get-sort-id-value (id-term)
764764 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? id-term)
770770 (if (term-is-variable? sort-id-term)
771771 (list (variable-sort sort-id-term))
772772 (let ((sort-name (get-sort-id-value sort-id-term)))
773 (find-all-sorts-in module sort-name))))
773 (find-all-sorts-in module sort-name))))
775775 ;;;
776776 ;;; the generic sort membership tester
779779 (defvar .test-term-sort-membership-in-progress. nil)
781781 (defun test-term-sort-membership (term sort-id-const
782 &optional
783 (module (or *current-module*
784 *last-module*)))
782 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
785784 (declare (type term term sort-id-const))
786785 (unless module
787786 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
789788 (with-in-module (module)
790789 (let ((sorts (gather-sorts-with-id sort-id-const module)))
791790 (unless sorts
792 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-sort)
793 (format t "sort membership: no such sort ~a in the current context."
794 (get-sort-id-value sort-id-const))))
791 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-sort)
792 (format t "sort membership: no such sort ~a in the current context."
793 (get-sort-id-value sort-id-const))))
796795 ;; first we compute the sort with considering sort membership
797796 ;; predicates in recursive manner.
798797 (unless .test-term-sort-membership-in-progress.
799 (let ((.test-term-sort-membership-in-progress. term))
800 (apply-sort-memb term module)))
798 (let ((.test-term-sort-membership-in-progress. term))
799 (apply-sort-memb term module)))
802801 ;; test the result.
803802 (let ((term-sort (term-sort term)))
804 (if (some #'(lambda (x)
805 (sort<= term-sort x *current-sort-order*))
806 sorts)
807 t
808 nil))))
803 (if (some #'(lambda (x)
804 (sort<= term-sort x *current-sort-order*))
805 sorts)
806 t
807 nil))))
809808 )
811810 ;;; SORT-IS-PARAMETERIZED : sort -> Bool
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:trs.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:trs.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3535 ;;; DESCRIPTION ===============================================================
3939 ;;; excepting module names.
4040 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 ;; (declaim (special *current-trs*)) ; not used now
42 ;; (declaim (special *current-trs*)) ; not used now
4343 ;; (defvar *current-trs* nil)
4545 (defun trs-get-mod-or-error (modexp)
4646 (if (module-p modexp)
4747 modexp
4848 (let ((modval nil))
49 (cond ((null modexp)
50 (setq modval (eval-mod nil)))
51 ((stringp modexp)
52 (setq modval (eval-mod (list modexp))))
53 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
54 (format t "illegal modexp ~a" modexp)
55 )))
56 (if modval
57 modval
58 (with-output-chaos-error ('unknown-mod)
59 (format t "could not evaluate modexp ~a" modexp)
60 )))))
49 (cond ((null modexp)
50 (setq modval (eval-mod nil)))
51 ((stringp modexp)
52 (setq modval (eval-mod (list modexp))))
53 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
54 (format t "illegal modexp ~a" modexp)
55 )))
56 (if modval
57 modval
58 (with-output-chaos-error ('unknown-mod)
59 (format t "could not evaluate modexp ~a" modexp)
60 )))))
6262 (defun get-module-trs-or-error (modexp)
6363 (get-module-trs (trs-get-mod-or-error modexp)))
6969 (setq module (trs-get-mod-or-error modexp))
7070 (let ((trs (module-trs module)))
7171 (when (or (need-rewriting-preparation module)
72 (null (trs$sort-name-map trs)))
73 (chaos->trs module))
72 (null (trs$sort-name-map trs)))
73 (chaos->trs module))
7474 trs))
7676 ;;;
8989 trs))
9191 (defun print-chaos-trs (trs &optional (stream *standard-output*)
92 &rest ignore)
92 &rest ignore)
9393 (declare (ignore ignore))
9494 (let ((*print-circle* nil)
95 (*print-case* :downcase)
96 (*print-escape* nil))
95 (*print-case* :downcase)
96 (*print-escape* nil))
9797 (prin1
9898 (make-trs-print-form trs)
9999 stream)
126126 (declare (type string name sup-str))
127127 (let ((nam-tok (parse-with-delimiter name #\space)))
128128 (if (cdr nam-tok)
129 (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (concatenate 'string
130 x
131 sup-str
132 y))
133 nam-tok)
134 (car nam-tok))))
129 (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (concatenate 'string
130 x
131 sup-str
132 y))
133 nam-tok)
134 (car nam-tok))))
136136 (defun trs-proper-sort-p (sort)
137137 (not (or (err-sort-p sort)
138 (memq (sort-module sort)
139 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))))
138 (memq (sort-module sort)
139 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))))
141141 (defun trs-proper-sort-p* (sort)
142142 (not (memq (sort-module sort)
143 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)))
143 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)))
145145 ;;;
146146 ;;;
158158 (defun make-trs-module-name (module)
159159 (let ((name (module-name module)))
160160 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
161 (make-module-print-name2 module)
162 (or (gethash name _trs_mod_name_hash_)
163 (prog1
164 (setq name (make-trs-module-name-internal name))
165 (setf (gethash name _trs_mod_name_hash_)
166 name))))))
161 (make-module-print-name2 module)
162 (or (gethash name _trs_mod_name_hash_)
163 (prog1
164 (setq name (make-trs-module-name-internal name))
165 (setf (gethash name _trs_mod_name_hash_)
166 name))))))
168168 (defun make-trs-sort-name (sort)
169169 (intern (concatenate 'string
170 (string-replace-space-with
171 (string (sort-id sort))
172 "$sp$")
173 "."
174 (make-trs-module-name (sort-module sort)))))
170 (string-replace-space-with
171 (string (sort-id sort))
172 "$sp$")
173 "."
174 (make-trs-module-name (sort-module sort)))))
176176 (defun make-sort-name-map (trs)
177177 (let ((so (trs$sort-order trs)))
178178 (dolist (sort (trs$sorts trs))
179179 (when (trs-proper-sort-p* sort)
180 (push (cons sort (make-trs-sort-name sort))
181 (trs$sort-name-map trs))
182 (let ((ds (direct-supersorts sort so)))
183 (when (and (null (cdr ds)) (err-sort-p (car ds))
184 (not (assq (car ds) (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
185 (push (cons (car ds) (make-trs-sort-name (car ds)))
186 (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
187 ))))
180 (push (cons sort (make-trs-sort-name sort))
181 (trs$sort-name-map trs))
182 (let ((ds (direct-supersorts sort so)))
183 (when (and (null (cdr ds)) (err-sort-p (car ds))
184 (not (assq (car ds) (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
185 (push (cons (car ds) (make-trs-sort-name (car ds)))
186 (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
187 ))))
189189 (defun map-chaos-sort-to-trs (sort trs)
190190 (cdr (assq sort (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
193193 (unless (sort-struct-p sort) (break "PANIC"))
194194 (or (map-chaos-sort-to-trs sort trs)
195195 (cond ((sort= sort *universal-sort*)
196 (sort-name *universal-sort*))
197 ((sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)
198 (sort-name *huniversal-sort*))
199 ((sort= sort *cosmos*)
200 (sort-name *cosmos*))
201 (t (if ignore-error
202 (sort-name sort)
203 (with-output-panic-message ()
204 (format t
205 "could not map sort ~a to trs" (sort-id sort))
206 nil))))))
196 (sort-name *universal-sort*))
197 ((sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)
198 (sort-name *huniversal-sort*))
199 ((sort= sort *cosmos*)
200 (sort-name *cosmos*))
201 (t (if ignore-error
202 (sort-name sort)
203 (with-output-panic-message ()
204 (format t
205 "could not map sort ~a to trs" (sort-id sort))
206 nil))))))
208208 (defun map-trs-sort-to-chaos (name trs)
209209 (when (stringp name)
210210 (setq name (intern name)))
215215 ;;;
216216 (defun make-trs-sort-graph (trs)
217217 (let ((so (trs$sort-order trs))
218 (snmlist (trs$sort-name-map trs))
219 (sub-rel nil)
220 (err-rel nil))
218 (snmlist (trs$sort-name-map trs))
219 (sub-rel nil)
220 (err-rel nil))
221221 (dolist (s (trs$sorts trs))
222222 (block next
223 (unless (trs-proper-sort-p s) (return-from next nil))
224 (let ((supers (direct-supersorts s so)))
225 (if supers
226 (if (and (null (cdr supers))
227 (err-sort-p (car supers)))
228 (push (list (cdr (assq s snmlist))
229 (cdr (assq (car supers) snmlist)))
230 err-rel)
231 ;;
232 (dolist (sup supers)
233 (push (list (cdr (assq s snmlist))
234 (cdr (assq sup snmlist)))
235 sub-rel)))))))
223 (unless (trs-proper-sort-p s) (return-from next nil))
224 (let ((supers (direct-supersorts s so)))
225 (if supers
226 (if (and (null (cdr supers))
227 (err-sort-p (car supers)))
228 (push (list (cdr (assq s snmlist))
229 (cdr (assq (car supers) snmlist)))
230 err-rel)
231 ;;
232 (dolist (sup supers)
233 (push (list (cdr (assq s snmlist))
234 (cdr (assq sup snmlist)))
235 sub-rel)))))))
236236 (setf (trs$sort-graph trs) (nreverse sub-rel))
237237 (setf (trs$err-sorts trs) (nreverse err-rel))
238238 ))
262262 (defun trs-proper-method-p (meth)
263263 (and (not (method-is-error-method meth))
264264 (not (memq (method-module meth)
265 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
265 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
266266 (not (or (eq meth *bool-if*)
267 (eq meth *bool-equal*)
268 ;; (eq meth *beh-equal*)
269 (eq meth *beh-eq-pred*)
270 (eq meth *bool-nonequal*)
271 (eq meth *rwl-predicate*)))))
267 (eq meth *bool-equal*)
268 ;; (eq meth *beh-equal*)
269 (eq meth *beh-eq-pred*)
270 (eq meth *bool-nonequal*)
271 (eq meth *rwl-predicate*)))))
273273 (defun trs-proper-method-p* (meth)
274274 (and (not (memq (method-module meth)
275 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
275 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
276276 (not (or (eq meth *bool-if*)
277 (eq meth *bool-equal*)
278 (eq meth *beh-equal*)
279 (eq meth *beh-eq-pred*)
280 (eq meth *bool-nonequal*)
281 (eq meth *rwl-predicate*)))))
277 (eq meth *bool-equal*)
278 (eq meth *beh-equal*)
279 (eq meth *beh-eq-pred*)
280 (eq meth *bool-nonequal*)
281 (eq meth *rwl-predicate*)))))
283283 (defun cmake-operator-print-name (operator)
284284 (let ((nam (operator-name operator))
285 (mixfix (operator-is-mixfix operator)))
285 (mixfix (operator-is-mixfix operator)))
286286 (if mixfix
287 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
288 (format nil "~a/~d"
289 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
290 (cdr nam)))))
287 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
288 (format nil "~a/~d"
289 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
290 (cdr nam)))))
292292 (defun make-trs-op-name (method opinfo-table)
293293 (let ((name nil))
294294 (if (get-method-info method opinfo-table)
295 (let ((op (method-operator method opinfo-table)))
296 (setq name (operator-print-name op)))
297 (let ((meth-name (method-name method)))
298 (if (member "_" (car meth-name) :test #'equal)
299 ;; mixfix
300 (setq name (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name)))
301 ;;
302 (setq name (format nil "~a/~d"
303 (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name))
304 (cdr meth-name))))))
295 (let ((op (method-operator method opinfo-table)))
296 (setq name (operator-print-name op)))
297 (let ((meth-name (method-name method)))
298 (if (member "_" (car meth-name) :test #'equal)
299 ;; mixfix
300 (setq name (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name)))
301 ;;
302 (setq name (format nil "~a/~d"
303 (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name))
304 (cdr meth-name))))))
305305 ;;
306306 (or (gethash name *trs-opname-hash*)
307 (setf (gethash name *trs-opname-hash*)
308 (let ((res nil)
309 (lim (length name))
310 (cur-tok nil))
311 (do ((pos 0 (1+ pos)))
312 ((>= pos lim))
313 (setq cur-tok (char name pos))
314 (push (or (cdr (assoc cur-tok
315 trs-operator-special-token-map
316 :test #'equal))
317 (string cur-tok))
318 res))
319 (intern (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
320 (concatenate 'string x y))
321 (nreverse res))))))))
307 (setf (gethash name *trs-opname-hash*)
308 (let ((res nil)
309 (lim (length name))
310 (cur-tok nil))
311 (do ((pos 0 (1+ pos)))
312 ((>= pos lim))
313 (setq cur-tok (char name pos))
314 (push (or (cdr (assoc cur-tok
315 trs-operator-special-token-map
316 :test #'equal))
317 (string cur-tok))
318 res))
319 (intern (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
320 (concatenate 'string x y))
321 (nreverse res))))))))
323323 (defun make-trs-op-info (method trs)
324324 (let ((module (trs$module trs)))
325325 (with-in-module (module)
326326 (let ((method-name (make-trs-op-name method *current-opinfo-table*))
327 (arity (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s
328 trs
329 t))
330 (method-arity method)))
331 (coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic
332 (method-coarity method)
333 trs
334 t))
335 (attrs (make-trs-method-attr method module)))
336 (list* method-name arity coarity attrs)))))
327 (arity (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s
328 trs
329 t))
330 (method-arity method)))
331 (coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic
332 (method-coarity method)
333 trs
334 t))
335 (attrs (make-trs-method-attr method module)))
336 (list* method-name arity coarity attrs)))))
338338 (defun make-trs-op-maps (trs)
339339 (let ((module (trs$module trs)))
340340 (let ((res nil))
341341 (dolist (ops (module-all-operators module))
342 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods ops)))
343 (dolist (m methods)
344 (let ((info (make-trs-op-info m trs)))
345 (if (method-is-error-method m)
346 (let ((rev-ent (assq (car info)
347 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
348 (if rev-ent
349 (setf (cdr rev-ent) m)
350 (push (cons (car info) m)
351 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
352 (when (trs-proper-method-p* m)
353 (push (cons m info) res)))))))
342 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods ops)))
343 (dolist (m methods)
344 (let ((info (make-trs-op-info m trs)))
345 (if (method-is-error-method m)
346 (let ((rev-ent (assq (car info)
347 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
348 (if rev-ent
349 (setf (cdr rev-ent) m)
350 (push (cons (car info) m)
351 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
352 (when (trs-proper-method-p* m)
353 (push (cons m info) res)))))))
354354 ;; make reverse op maps for builtin operators
355355 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules module))
356 (dolist (op (list *bool-equal* *bool-nonequal*
357 *beh-equal* *bool-if* *beh-eq-pred*))
358 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name op (module-opinfo-table module))
359 op)
360 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
356 (dolist (op (list *bool-equal* *bool-nonequal*
357 *beh-equal* *bool-if* *beh-eq-pred*))
358 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name op (module-opinfo-table module))
359 op)
360 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
361361 ;;
362362 (when (module-includes-rwl module)
363 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name *rwl-predicate* (module-opinfo-table module))
364 *rwl-predicate*)
365 (trs$op-rev-table trs)))
363 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name *rwl-predicate* (module-opinfo-table module))
364 *rwl-predicate*)
365 (trs$op-rev-table trs)))
366366 ;;
367367 (setf (trs$op-info-map trs)
368 (nreverse res)))))
368 (nreverse res)))))
370370 (defun make-trs-method-attr (meth module)
371371 (with-in-module (module)
372372 (let ((theory (method-theory meth))
373 (strat (method-rewrite-strategy meth))
374 (constr (method-constructor meth))
375 ;; (prec (method-precedence meth))
376 (assoc (method-associativity meth))
377 (res nil))
373 (strat (method-rewrite-strategy meth))
374 (constr (method-constructor meth))
375 ;; (prec (method-precedence meth))
376 (assoc (method-associativity meth))
377 (res nil))
378378 ;;
379379 ;; (when (and (eql 0 (car (last strat)))
380380 ;; (member 0 (butlast strat)))
381381 ;; (setq strat (butlast strat)))
382382 ;;
383383 (let ((th-info (theory-info theory))
384 (zero (theory-zero theory)))
385 (when (not (eq th-info the-e-property))
386 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
387 (theory-info-is-A th-info)
388 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
389 (theory-info-is-AZ th-info)
390 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
391 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
392 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
393 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
394 (push ':assoc res))
395 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
396 (theory-info-is-C th-info)
397 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
398 (theory-info-is-CZ th-info)
399 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
400 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
401 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
402 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
403 (push ':comm res))
404 (when (or (theory-info-is-I th-info)
405 (theory-info-is-IZ th-info)
406 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
407 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
408 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
409 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
410 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
411 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
412 (push ':idem res))
413 (when zero
414 (let ((mth (car zero))) ; to be fixed later.
415 (if (null (cdr zero))
416 (push (list ':id mth) res)
417 (push (list ':idr mth) res))))
418 ))
384 (zero (theory-zero theory)))
385 (when (not (eq th-info the-e-property))
386 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
387 (theory-info-is-A th-info)
388 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
389 (theory-info-is-AZ th-info)
390 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
391 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
392 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
393 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
394 (push ':assoc res))
395 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
396 (theory-info-is-C th-info)
397 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
398 (theory-info-is-CZ th-info)
399 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
400 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
401 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
402 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
403 (push ':comm res))
404 (when (or (theory-info-is-I th-info)
405 (theory-info-is-IZ th-info)
406 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
407 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
408 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
409 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
410 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
411 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
412 (push ':idem res))
413 (when zero
414 (let ((mth (car zero))) ; to be fixed later.
415 (if (null (cdr zero))
416 (push (list ':id mth) res)
417 (push (list ':idr mth) res))))
418 ))
419419 (when strat
420 (push (list ':strat strat) res))
420 (push (list ':strat strat) res))
421421 (when constr
422 (push ':constr res))
422 (push ':constr res))
423423 (when assoc
424 (push (if (eq :left assoc)
425 ':l-assoc
426 ':r-assoc)
427 res))
424 (push (if (eq :left assoc)
425 ':l-assoc
426 ':r-assoc)
427 res))
428428 res)))
430430 (defun fix-trs-ids (trs)
431431 (dolist (map (trs$op-info-map trs))
432432 (let* ((info (cdr map))
433 (zero (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x)
434 (or (eq (car x) :id)
435 (eq (car x) :idr))))
436 info)))
433 (zero (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x)
434 (or (eq (car x) :id)
435 (eq (car x) :idr))))
436 info)))
437437 (when zero
438 (setf (cdr zero) (list (trs$make-term-form (cadr zero) trs)))))))
438 (setf (cdr zero) (list (trs$make-term-form (cadr zero) trs)))))))
440440 (defun map-chaos-op-to-trs (method trs)
441441 (or (cadr (assq method (trs$op-info-map trs)))
442442 (with-in-module ((trs$module trs))
443 (make-trs-op-name method *current-opinfo-table*))
443 (make-trs-op-name method *current-opinfo-table*))
444444 (with-output-panic-message ()
445 (format t "cound not map operator ~a"
446 (method-symbol method))
447 (chaos-error 'panic))))
445 (format t "cound not map operator ~a"
446 (method-symbol method))
447 (chaos-error 'panic))))
449449 (defun map-chaos-op-to-trs-info (method trs)
450450 (cdr (assq method (trs$op-info-map trs))))
454454 (setq name (intern name)))
455455 (or (cdr (assoc name (trs$op-rev-table trs)))
456456 (let* ((opnam (list (string name)))
457 (opref (parse-op-name opnam))
458 (opinfos (car (find-qual-operators opref (trs$module trs)))))
459 (car (opinfo-methods opinfos)))
457 (opref (parse-op-name opnam))
458 (opinfos (car (find-qual-operators opref (trs$module trs)))))
459 (car (opinfo-methods opinfos)))
460460 (with-output-panic-message ()
461 (format t "could not find reverse map of operator symbol ~a"
462 name)
463 (chaos-error 'panic))))
461 (format t "could not find reverse map of operator symbol ~a"
462 name)
463 (chaos-error 'panic))))
465465 ;;;
467467 ;;;
468468 (defun find-trs-dummy-method (trs meth arity coarity)
469469 (cdr (assoc (list meth arity coarity)
470 (trs$dummy-methods trs)
471 :test #'equal)))
470 (trs$dummy-methods trs)
471 :test #'equal)))
473473 (defun make-trs-dummy-method (trs meth arity coarity)
474474 (or (find-trs-dummy-method trs meth arity coarity)
475475 (with-in-module ((trs$module trs))
476 (let* ((op (method-operator meth))
477 (new-meth (make-operator-method :name (operator-name op)
478 :arity arity
479 :coarity coarity)))
480 (setf (method-constructor new-meth)
481 (method-constructor meth))
482 (setf (method-is-behavioural new-meth)
483 (method-is-behavioural meth))
484 (setf (method-module new-meth)
485 *current-module*)
486 (setf (method-supplied-strategy new-meth)
487 (method-supplied-strategy meth))
488 (setf (method-precedence new-meth)
489 (method-precedence meth))
490 (setf (method-associativity new-meth)
491 (method-associativity meth))
492 (push (cons (list meth arity coarity) new-meth)
493 (trs$dummy-methods trs))
494 ;;
495 new-meth))))
476 (let* ((op (method-operator meth))
477 (new-meth (make-operator-method :name (operator-name op)
478 :arity arity
479 :coarity coarity)))
480 (setf (method-constructor new-meth)
481 (method-constructor meth))
482 (setf (method-is-behavioural new-meth)
483 (method-is-behavioural meth))
484 (setf (method-module new-meth)
485 *current-module*)
486 (setf (method-supplied-strategy new-meth)
487 (method-supplied-strategy meth))
488 (setf (method-precedence new-meth)
489 (method-precedence meth))
490 (setf (method-associativity new-meth)
491 (method-associativity meth))
492 (push (cons (list meth arity coarity) new-meth)
493 (trs$dummy-methods trs))
494 ;;
495 new-meth))))
497497 (defun make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info (trs meth arity coarity)
498498 (let ((new-meth
499 (make-trs-dummy-method trs meth arity coarity)))
499 (make-trs-dummy-method trs meth arity coarity)))
500500 ;;
501501 (let ((info (make-trs-op-info meth trs))
502 (r-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
503 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic x trs))
504 arity))
505 (r-coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic coarity trs)))
502 (r-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
503 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic x trs))
504 arity))
505 (r-coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic coarity trs)))
506506 (setf (second info) r-arity
507 (third info) r-coarity)
507 (third info) r-coarity)
508508 (cons new-meth info))))
510510 (defun make-trs-if-then-else-info (trs sort)
511511 (let ((new-meth (make-trs-dummy-method trs
512 *bool-if*
513 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
514 sort))
515 (info (make-trs-op-info *bool-if* trs))
516 (bool (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic *bool-sort* trs))
517 (s (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic sort trs))
518 )
512 *bool-if*
513 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
514 sort))
515 (info (make-trs-op-info *bool-if* trs))
516 (bool (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic *bool-sort* trs))
517 (s (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic sort trs))
518 )
519519 (setf (second info) (list bool s s))
520520 (setf (third info) s)
521521 (cons new-meth info)))
523523 (defun make-trs-if-then-else-axioms (trs sort)
524524 (let* ((var-then (make-variable-term sort 'THEN))
525 (var-else (make-variable-term sort 'ELSE))
526 (if-op (find-trs-dummy-method trs *bool-if*
527 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
528 sort))
529 (lhs-1 (make-applform sort
530 if-op
531 (list *bool-true* var-then var-else)))
532 (lhs-2 (make-applform sort
533 if-op
534 (list *bool-false* var-then var-else)))
535 (rhs-1 var-then)
536 (rhs-2 var-else))
525 (var-else (make-variable-term sort 'ELSE))
526 (if-op (find-trs-dummy-method trs *bool-if*
527 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
528 sort))
529 (lhs-1 (make-applform sort
530 if-op
531 (list *bool-true* var-then var-else)))
532 (lhs-2 (make-applform sort
533 if-op
534 (list *bool-false* var-then var-else)))
535 (rhs-1 var-then)
536 (rhs-2 var-else))
537537 (list (make-rule :lhs lhs-1 :rhs rhs-1 :condition *bool-true*
538 :type :equation
539 :no-method-computation t)
540 (make-rule :lhs lhs-2 :rhs rhs-2 :condition *bool-true*
541 :type :equation
542 :no-method-computation t))
538 :type :equation
539 :no-method-computation t)
540 (make-rule :lhs lhs-2 :rhs rhs-2 :condition *bool-true*
541 :type :equation
542 :no-method-computation t))
543543 ))
545545 (defun get-trs-top-sorts (trs)
546546 (let ((top-sorts nil))
547547 (dolist (sort (maximal-sorts (trs$sorts trs)
548 (trs$sort-order trs)))
548 (trs$sort-order trs)))
549549 (when (trs-proper-sort-p sort)
550 (push sort top-sorts)))
550 (push sort top-sorts)))
551551 top-sorts))
553553 (defun get-trs-error-sorts (trs)
554554 (let ((error-sorts nil))
555555 (dolist (ent (trs$sort-name-map trs) error-sorts)
556 (when (err-sort-p (car ent))
557 (push (car ent) error-sorts)))))
556 (when (err-sort-p (car ent))
557 (push (car ent) error-sorts)))))
559559 (defun make-trs-biopinfos (trs sorts)
560560 (let ((infos nil)
561 (axs nil))
561 (axs nil))
562562 (dolist (sort sorts)
563563 (if (sort-is-hidden sort)
564 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
565 (list sort sort)
566 *bool-sort*)
567 infos)
568 (progn
569 ;; _==_
570 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-equal*
571 (list sort sort)
572 *bool-sort*)
573 infos)
574 ;; _=b=_
575 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
576 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-eq-pred*
577 (list sort sort)
578 *bool-sort*)
579 infos))
580 ;; _=*=_
581 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
582 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
583 (list sort sort)
584 *bool-sort*)
585 infos))
586 ;; _=/=_
587 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-nonequal*
588 (list sort sort)
589 *bool-sort*)
590 infos)))
564 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
565 (list sort sort)
566 *bool-sort*)
567 infos)
568 (progn
569 ;; _==_
570 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-equal*
571 (list sort sort)
572 *bool-sort*)
573 infos)
574 ;; _=b=_
575 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
576 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-eq-pred*
577 (list sort sort)
578 *bool-sort*)
579 infos))
580 ;; _=*=_
581 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
582 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
583 (list sort sort)
584 *bool-sort*)
585 infos))
586 ;; _=/=_
587 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-nonequal*
588 (list sort sort)
589 *bool-sort*)
590 infos)))
591591 ;; if_then_else_fi
592592 (push (make-trs-if-then-else-info trs sort)
593 infos)
593 infos)
594594 (push (make-trs-if-then-else-axioms trs sort)
595 axs)
595 axs)
596596 )
597597 ;;
598598 (values infos axs)
601601 (defun make-trs-builtin-op-maps (trs)
602602 (let* ((mod (trs$module trs))
603 (top-sorts nil)
604 (rel-infos nil)
605 (if-then-axs nil)
606 )
603 (top-sorts nil)
604 (rel-infos nil)
605 (if-then-axs nil)
606 )
607607 ;;
608608 (setq top-sorts (get-trs-top-sorts trs))
609609 ;;
610610 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules mod))
611611 (multiple-value-bind (infos axs)
612 (make-trs-biopinfos trs top-sorts)
613 (setq rel-infos infos)
614 (setq if-then-axs axs))
612 (make-trs-biopinfos trs top-sorts)
613 (setq rel-infos infos)
614 (setq if-then-axs axs))
615615 )
616616 (when (assq *rwl-module* (module-all-submodules mod))
617617 ;; _==>_
618618 (dolist (sort top-sorts)
619 (unless (sort-is-hidden sort)
620 (push (cons *rwl-predicate*
621 (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs
622 *rwl-predicate*
623 (list sort sort)
624 *bool-sort*))
625 rel-infos)))
619 (unless (sort-is-hidden sort)
620 (push (cons *rwl-predicate*
621 (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs
622 *rwl-predicate*
623 (list sort sort)
624 *bool-sort*))
625 rel-infos)))
626626 )
627627 ;;
628628 (setf (trs$sem-relations trs) rel-infos)
629629 (dolist (ax if-then-axs)
630630 (let ((ax1 (car ax))
631 (ax2 (cadr ax)))
632 (push ax1 (trs$sem-axioms trs))
633 (push ax2 (trs$sem-axioms trs))))
631 (ax2 (cadr ax)))
632 (push ax1 (trs$sem-axioms trs))
633 (push ax2 (trs$sem-axioms trs))))
634634 ))
636636 ;;; ------
651651 (defun trs-set-if-then-sort (res)
652652 (if (and (eq :op (trs-term-type res))
653 (null (trs-term-sort res))
654 (eq '|if_then_else_fi| (trs-term-head res)))
653 (null (trs-term-sort res))
654 (eq '|if_then_else_fi| (trs-term-head res)))
655655 (let ((sort (trs-get-if-then-sort res)))
656 (setf (trs-term-sort res) sort)
657 sort)
656 (setf (trs-term-sort res) sort)
657 sort)
658658 (trs-term-sort res)))
660660 (defun trs-get-if-then-sort (trs-term)
661661 (let ((arg2 (second (trs-term-subterms trs-term)))
662 (sort nil))
662 (sort nil))
663663 (setq sort (trs-term-sort arg2))
664664 (unless sort
665665 (with-output-panic-message ()
666 (format t "could not set sort for if-then-else-fi!")
667 (break)
668 (chaos-error 'panic)))
666 (format t "could not set sort for if-then-else-fi!")
667 (break)
668 (chaos-error 'panic)))
669669 sort))
671671 (defun trs$make-term-form* (term trs)
672 (cond ((term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
673 (list ':lisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
674 ((term-is-general-lisp-form? term)
675 (list ':glisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
676 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
677 (list :builtin-value
678 (term-builtin-value term)
679 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)))
680 ((term-is-variable? term)
681 (list :var (variable-name term)
682 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (variable-sort term) trs)))
683 ((term-is-applform? term)
684 (list* :op
685 (map-chaos-op-to-trs (term-head term) trs)
686 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)
687 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
688 (trs$make-term-form x trs))
689 (term-subterms term))))
690 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
691 (format t "unknown term : ")
692 (term-print term)))))
672 (cond ((term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
673 (list ':lisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
674 ((term-is-general-lisp-form? term)
675 (list ':glisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
676 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
677 (list :builtin-value
678 (term-builtin-value term)
679 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)))
680 ((term-is-variable? term)
681 (list :var (variable-name term)
682 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (variable-sort term) trs)))
683 ((term-is-applform? term)
684 (list* :op
685 (map-chaos-op-to-trs (term-head term) trs)
686 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)
687 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
688 (trs$make-term-form x trs))
689 (term-subterms term))))
690 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
691 (format t "unknown term : ")
692 (term-print term)))))
694694 (defun trs-term-variables (term)
695695 (case (trs-term-type term)
696696 (:var (list term))
697697 (:op (let ((res nil))
698 (dolist (st (trs-term-subterms term) res)
699 (setq res (union res (trs-term-variables st)
700 :test #'equal)))))
698 (dolist (st (trs-term-subterms term) res)
699 (setq res (union res (trs-term-variables st)
700 :test #'equal)))))
701701 (otherwise nil)))
703703 (defun trs-re-make-term-form (trs trs-term)
704704 (with-in-module ((trs$module trs))
705705 (with-output-to-string (str)
706706 (let ((*standard-output* str))
707 (re-print-trs-term trs trs-term parser-max-precedence)
708 str))))
707 (re-print-trs-term trs trs-term parser-max-precedence)
708 str))))
710710 (defun re-print-trs-term (trs trs-term prec)
711711 (case (trs-term-type trs-term)
712712 (:var (princ (string (trs-term-head trs-term))))
713713 (:op (let ((op-name (trs-term-head trs-term)))
714 (let ((hd (trs-rev-op-name op-name trs))
715 (op nil))
716 (setq op (method-operator hd))
717 (cond ((not (operator-is-mixfix op))
718 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term)))
719 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (operator-symbol op))
720 (when subs
721 (princ "(")
722 (let ((flg nil))
723 (dolist (i subs)
724 (if flg (princ ",") (setq flg t))
725 (re-print-trs-term trs i parser-max-precedence)
726 ))
727 (princ ")"))))
728 (t (let ((prec-test (and (get-method-precedence hd)
729 (<= prec
730 (get-method-precedence hd))))
731 (assoc-test (method-is-associative hd)))
732 (when prec-test (princ "("))
733 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term))
734 (prv nil))
735 (dolist (i (operator-token-sequence op))
736 (cond
737 ((eq i t)
738 (when prv (princ " "))
739 (setq prv t)
740 (let ((tm (car subs)))
741 (re-print-trs-term
742 trs
743 tm
744 (if (and assoc-test
745 tm
746 (eq :op (trs-term-type tm))
747 (eq (trs-term-head tm)
748 (trs-term-head trs-term)))
749 parser-max-precedence
750 (or (get-method-precedence hd)
751 0)))
752 (setq subs (cdr subs))))
753 (t (when prv (princ " "))
754 (setq prv t)
755 (princ i)))))
756 (when prec-test (princ ")"))
757 ))))))
714 (let ((hd (trs-rev-op-name op-name trs))
715 (op nil))
716 (setq op (method-operator hd))
717 (cond ((not (operator-is-mixfix op))
718 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term)))
719 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (operator-symbol op))
720 (when subs
721 (princ "(")
722 (let ((flg nil))
723 (dolist (i subs)
724 (if flg (princ ",") (setq flg t))
725 (re-print-trs-term trs i parser-max-precedence)
726 ))
727 (princ ")"))))
728 (t (let ((prec-test (and (get-method-precedence hd)
729 (<= prec
730 (get-method-precedence hd))))
731 (assoc-test (method-is-associative hd)))
732 (when prec-test (princ "("))
733 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term))
734 (prv nil))
735 (dolist (i (operator-token-sequence op))
736 (cond
737 ((eq i t)
738 (when prv (princ " "))
739 (setq prv t)
740 (let ((tm (car subs)))
741 (re-print-trs-term
742 trs
743 tm
744 (if (and assoc-test
745 tm
746 (eq :op (trs-term-type tm))
747 (eq (trs-term-head tm)
748 (trs-term-head trs-term)))
749 parser-max-precedence
750 (or (get-method-precedence hd)
751 0)))
752 (setq subs (cdr subs))))
753 (t (when prv (princ " "))
754 (setq prv t)
755 (princ i)))))
756 (when prec-test (princ ")"))
757 ))))))
758758 (:builtin-value (princ (trs-term-head trs-term)))
759759 (otherwise (format t "!! not supported (~a)" trs-term)))
760760 )
767767 (defun make-trs-axioms (trs)
768768 (let ((mod (trs$module trs)))
769769 (let ((own-axs (module-own-axioms-ordered mod nil))
770 (imp-axs (module-imported-axioms mod nil))
771 (eqns nil)
772 (trns nil)
773 (val nil))
770 (imp-axs (module-imported-axioms mod nil))
771 (eqns nil)
772 (trns nil)
773 (val nil))
774774 (setq val (trs$get-axioms own-axs trs))
775775 (setq eqns (car val)
776 trns (cadr val))
776 trns (cadr val))
777777 (setq val (trs$get-axioms imp-axs trs))
778778 (setf (trs$eqns trs) (nconc eqns (car val)))
779779 (setf (trs$trns trs) (nconc trns (cadr val))))))
782782 (defun trs$get-axioms (axs trs &optional include-bad-rule)
783783 (let ((eqs nil)
784 (trns nil)
785 (tinfo nil))
784 (trns nil)
785 (tinfo nil))
786786 (dolist (ax axs
787 (list (nreverse eqs) (nreverse trns)))
787 (list (nreverse eqs) (nreverse trns)))
788788 (let ((lhs-top (term-head (axiom-lhs ax))))
789 (unless (or (eq lhs-top *bool-if*)
790 (eq lhs-top *bool-equal*)
791 (eq lhs-top *beh-eq-pred*)
792 (eq lhs-top *bool-nonequal*)
793 (eq lhs-top *rwl-predicate*))
794 (setq tinfo (get-trs-axiom ax trs include-bad-rule)))
795 (when tinfo
796 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
797 (push tinfo eqs)
798 (push tinfo trns)))))
789 (unless (or (eq lhs-top *bool-if*)
790 (eq lhs-top *bool-equal*)
791 (eq lhs-top *beh-eq-pred*)
792 (eq lhs-top *bool-nonequal*)
793 (eq lhs-top *rwl-predicate*))
794 (setq tinfo (get-trs-axiom ax trs include-bad-rule)))
795 (when tinfo
796 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
797 (push tinfo eqs)
798 (push tinfo trns)))))
799799 ))
801801 (defun get-trs-axiom (ax trs &optional include-bad-rule)
802802 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
803 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
804 (cond (axiom-condition ax))
805 (condp (not (is-true? cond)))
806 (type (axiom-type ax))
807 (behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
808 (kind (axiom-kind ax))
809 (label (axiom-labels ax)))
803 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
804 (cond (axiom-condition ax))
805 (condp (not (is-true? cond)))
806 (type (axiom-type ax))
807 (behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
808 (kind (axiom-kind ax))
809 (label (axiom-labels ax)))
810810 (when (eq kind :bad-rule)
811811 (unless include-bad-rule
812 (return-from get-trs-axiom nil)))
812 (return-from get-trs-axiom nil)))
813813 (list* (case type
814 (:equation
815 (cond (behavioural
816 (cond (condp :bceq)
817 (t :beq)))
818 (t (cond (condp :ceq)
819 (t :eq)))))
820 (t (cond (behavioural
821 (cond (condp :bctrans)
822 (t :btrans)))
823 (t (cond (condp :ctrans)
824 (t :trans))))))
825 (if label
826 (string (car label))
827 nil)
828 (trs$make-term-form lhs trs)
829 (trs$make-term-form rhs trs)
830 (if condp
831 (list (trs$make-term-form cond trs))
832 nil))))
814 (:equation
815 (cond (behavioural
816 (cond (condp :bceq)
817 (t :beq)))
818 (t (cond (condp :ceq)
819 (t :eq)))))
820 (t (cond (behavioural
821 (cond (condp :bctrans)
822 (t :btrans)))
823 (t (cond (condp :ctrans)
824 (t :trans))))))
825 (if label
826 (string (car label))
827 nil)
828 (trs$make-term-form lhs trs)
829 (trs$make-term-form rhs trs)
830 (if condp
831 (list (trs$make-term-form cond trs))
832 nil))))
834834 (defmacro trs-axiom-type (ax) `(car ,ax))
835835 (defmacro trs-axiom-label (ax) `(cadr ,ax))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:trs.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:construct
32 File:trs.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 1)))
4545 ;;; excepting module names.
4646 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 ;; (declaim (special *current-trs*)) ; not used now
48 ;; (declaim (special *current-trs*)) ; not used now
4949 ;; (defvar *current-trs* nil)
5151 (defun trs-get-mod-or-error (modexp)
5252 (if (module-p modexp)
5353 modexp
5454 (let ((modval nil))
55 (cond ((null modexp)
56 (setq modval (eval-mod nil)))
57 ((stringp modexp)
58 (setq modval (eval-mod (list modexp))))
59 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
60 (format t "illegal modexp ~a" modexp)
61 )))
62 (if modval
63 modval
64 (with-output-chaos-error ('unknown-mod)
65 (format t "could not evaluate modexp ~a" modexp)
66 )))))
55 (cond ((null modexp)
56 (setq modval (eval-mod nil)))
57 ((stringp modexp)
58 (setq modval (eval-mod (list modexp))))
59 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
60 (format t "illegal modexp ~a" modexp)
61 )))
62 (if modval
63 modval
64 (with-output-chaos-error ('unknown-mod)
65 (format t "could not evaluate modexp ~a" modexp)
66 )))))
6868 (defun get-module-trs-or-error (modexp)
6969 (get-module-trs (trs-get-mod-or-error modexp)))
7575 (setq module (trs-get-mod-or-error modexp))
7676 (let ((trs (module-trs module)))
7777 (if (need-rewriting-preparation module)
78 (progn
79 (compile-module module)
80 (chaos->trs module))
81 (if (null (trs$sort-name-map trs))
82 (chaos->trs module)))
78 (progn
79 (compile-module module)
80 (chaos->trs module))
81 (if (null (trs$sort-name-map trs))
82 (chaos->trs module)))
8383 trs))
8585 ;;;
9898 trs))
100100 (defun print-chaos-trs (trs &optional (stream *standard-output*)
101 &rest ignore)
101 &rest ignore)
102102 (declare (ignore ignore))
103103 (let ((*print-circle* nil)
104 (*print-case* :downcase)
105 (*print-escape* nil))
104 (*print-case* :downcase)
105 (*print-escape* nil))
106106 (prin1
107107 (make-trs-print-form trs)
108108 stream)
135135 (declare (type simple-string name sup-str))
136136 (let ((nam-tok (parse-with-delimiter name #\space)))
137137 (if (cdr nam-tok)
138 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
139 (declare (type simple-string x y))
140 (concatenate 'string
141 x
142 sup-str
143 y))
144 nam-tok)
145 (car nam-tok))))
138 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
139 (declare (type simple-string x y))
140 (concatenate 'string
141 x
142 sup-str
143 y))
144 nam-tok)
145 (car nam-tok))))
147147 (defun trs-proper-sort-p (sort)
148148 (or (sort= sort *sort-id-sort*)
149149 (not (or (err-sort-p sort)
150 (memq (sort-module sort)
151 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)))))
150 (memq (sort-module sort)
151 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)))))
153153 (defun trs-proper-sort-p* (sort)
154154 (or (sort= sort *sort-id-sort*)
155155 (not (memq (sort-module sort)
156 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))))
156 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))))
158158 ;;;
159159 ;;;
176176 (defun make-trs-module-name (module)
177177 (let ((name (module-name module)))
178178 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
179 (make-module-print-name2 module)
180 (or (gethash module _trs_mod_name_hash_)
181 (let ((trs-nam (make-trs-module-name-internal name)))
182 (setf (gethash module _trs_mod_name_hash_)
183 trs-nam)
184 trs-nam)))))
179 (make-module-print-name2 module)
180 (or (gethash module _trs_mod_name_hash_)
181 (let ((trs-nam (make-trs-module-name-internal name)))
182 (setf (gethash module _trs_mod_name_hash_)
183 trs-nam)
184 trs-nam)))))
186186 (defun make-trs-sort-name (sort)
187187 (let* ((org-sort (get-original-sort sort))
188 (dep-mod (sort-module org-sort)))
188 (dep-mod (sort-module org-sort)))
189189 (when (memq dep-mod *tram-builtin-modules*)
190190 (setq sort org-sort))
191191 (values
192192 (intern (concatenate 'string
193 (string-replace-space-with
194 (the simple-string (string (sort-id sort)))
195 "$sp$")
196 "."
197 (the simple-string
198 (make-trs-module-name (sort-module sort)))))
193 (string-replace-space-with
194 (the simple-string (string (sort-id sort)))
195 "$sp$")
196 "."
197 (the simple-string
198 (make-trs-module-name (sort-module sort)))))
199199 dep-mod
200200 )))
203203 (let ((so (trs$sort-order trs)))
204204 (dolist (sort (trs$sorts trs))
205205 (when (trs-proper-sort-p* sort)
206 (push (cons sort (make-trs-sort-name sort))
207 (trs$sort-name-map trs))
208 (let ((ds (direct-supersorts sort so)))
209 (when (and (null (cdr ds)) (err-sort-p (car ds))
210 (not (assq (car ds) (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
211 (push (cons (car ds) (make-trs-sort-name (car ds)))
212 (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
213 ))))
206 (push (cons sort (make-trs-sort-name sort))
207 (trs$sort-name-map trs))
208 (let ((ds (direct-supersorts sort so)))
209 (when (and (null (cdr ds)) (err-sort-p (car ds))
210 (not (assq (car ds) (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
211 (push (cons (car ds) (make-trs-sort-name (car ds)))
212 (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
213 ))))
215215 (defun map-chaos-sort-to-trs (sort trs)
216216 (cdr (assq sort (trs$sort-name-map trs))))
219219 (unless (sort-struct-p sort) (break "PANIC"))
220220 (or (map-chaos-sort-to-trs sort trs)
221221 (cond ((sort= sort *identifier-sort*)
222 '|Id.QID|) ; just for a moment
223 ((sort= sort *universal-sort*)
224 (sort-name *universal-sort*))
225 ((sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)
226 (sort-name *huniversal-sort*))
227 ((sort= sort *cosmos*)
228 (sort-name *cosmos*))
229 ((sort= sort *bottom-sort*)
230 (sort-name *bottom-sort*))
231 (t (if ignore-error
232 (sort-name sort)
233 (with-output-panic-message ()
234 (format t
235 "could not map sort ~a to trs"
236 (string (sort-id sort)))
237 nil))))))
222 '|Id.QID|) ; just for a moment
223 ((sort= sort *universal-sort*)
224 (sort-name *universal-sort*))
225 ((sort= sort *huniversal-sort*)
226 (sort-name *huniversal-sort*))
227 ((sort= sort *cosmos*)
228 (sort-name *cosmos*))
229 ((sort= sort *bottom-sort*)
230 (sort-name *bottom-sort*))
231 (t (if ignore-error
232 (sort-name sort)
233 (with-output-panic-message ()
234 (format t
235 "could not map sort ~a to trs"
236 (string (sort-id sort)))
237 nil))))))
239239 (defun map-trs-sort-to-chaos (name trs)
240240 (when (stringp name)
241241 (setq name (intern name)))
242242 (or (car (rassoc name (trs$sort-name-map trs) :test #'eq))
243243 (if (eq name '|Id.QID|)
244 *identifier-sort*
245 nil)
244 *identifier-sort*
245 nil)
246246 ))
248248 ;;;
250250 ;;;
251251 (defun make-trs-sort-graph (trs)
252252 (let ((so (trs$sort-order trs))
253 ;; (snmlist (trs$sort-name-map trs))
254 (sub-rel nil)
255 (err-rel nil))
253 ;; (snmlist (trs$sort-name-map trs))
254 (sub-rel nil)
255 (err-rel nil))
256256 (dolist (s (trs$sorts trs))
257257 (block next
258 ;; (unless (trs-proper-sort-p s) (return-from next nil))
259 (let ((supers (direct-supersorts s so)))
260 (when supers
261 (if (and (null (cdr supers))
262 (err-sort-p (car supers)))
263 (if (not (trs-proper-sort-p s))
264 (return-from next nil)
265 (push (list (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s trs)
266 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic (car supers) trs))
267 err-rel))
268 ;; else
269 (let ((s-mapped (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s trs t)))
270 (setq supers
271 (delete-if-not #'(lambda (x)
272 (trs-proper-sort-p x))
273 supers))
274 (unless supers
275 (return-from next nil))
276 (dolist (sup supers)
277 (push (list s-mapped
278 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic sup trs))
279 sub-rel))))))
280 ))
258 ;; (unless (trs-proper-sort-p s) (return-from next nil))
259 (let ((supers (direct-supersorts s so)))
260 (when supers
261 (if (and (null (cdr supers))
262 (err-sort-p (car supers)))
263 (if (not (trs-proper-sort-p s))
264 (return-from next nil)
265 (push (list (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s trs)
266 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic (car supers) trs))
267 err-rel))
268 ;; else
269 (let ((s-mapped (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s trs t)))
270 (setq supers
271 (delete-if-not #'(lambda (x)
272 (trs-proper-sort-p x))
273 supers))
274 (unless supers
275 (return-from next nil))
276 (dolist (sup supers)
277 (push (list s-mapped
278 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic sup trs))
279 sub-rel))))))
280 ))
281281 ;;
282282 (setf (trs$sort-graph trs) (nreverse sub-rel))
283283 (setf (trs$err-sorts trs) (nreverse err-rel))
315315 (defun trs-proper-method-p (meth)
316316 (and (not (method-is-error-method meth))
317317 (not (memq (method-module meth)
318 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
318 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
319319 (not (or (eq meth *bool-if*)
320 (eq meth *sort-membership*)
321 (eq meth *bool-equal*)
322 (eq meth *beh-equal*)
323 (eq meth *beh-eq-pred*)
324 (eq meth *bool-nonequal*)
325 (eq meth *rwl-predicate*)
326 (eq meth *rwl-predicate2*)))))
320 (eq meth *sort-membership*)
321 (eq meth *bool-equal*)
322 (eq meth *beh-equal*)
323 (eq meth *beh-eq-pred*)
324 (eq meth *bool-nonequal*)
325 (eq meth *rwl-predicate*)
326 (eq meth *rwl-predicate2*)))))
328328 ;;;
333333 (or (eq method *bool-true-meth*)
334334 (eq method *bool-false-meth*)
335335 (let ((mxs (cons method (method-overloaded-methods method opinfo-table))))
336 (some #'(lambda (x)
337 (let ((mmod (method-module x)))
338 (or (memq mmod *tram-bool-modules*)
339 (memq mmod *tram-builtin-modules*))))
340 mxs))))
336 (some #'(lambda (x)
337 (let ((mmod (method-module x)))
338 (or (memq mmod *tram-bool-modules*)
339 (memq mmod *tram-builtin-modules*))))
340 mxs))))
342342 (defun trs-get-real-method-if-dummy (method trs)
343343 (let ((ent (rassoc method (trs$dummy-methods trs))))
344344 (if ent
345 (caar ent)
346 method)))
345 (caar ent)
346 method)))
348348 (defun make-trs-op-name (method module &aux (trs (module-trs module)))
349349 ;; NOTE* assumption: sort name map should have been generated.
350350 ;; this is used for modifying operator name with the error-sort
351351 ;; of its coarity.
352352 (let ((name (cadr (assq method (trs$op-info-map trs))))
353 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table module))
354 (sort-name-map (trs$sort-name-map trs)))
353 (opinfo-table (module-opinfo-table module))
354 (sort-name-map (trs$sort-name-map trs)))
355355 (when name (return-from make-trs-op-name name))
356356 ;;
357357 (setq method (trs-get-real-method-if-dummy method trs))
358358 ;;
359359 (if (get-method-info method opinfo-table)
360 (let ((op (method-operator method opinfo-table)))
361 (setq name (operator-print-name op)))
362 (let ((meth-name (method-name method)))
363 (if (member "_" (car meth-name) :test #'equal)
364 ;; mixfix
365 (setq name (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name)))
366 ;;
367 (setq name (format nil "~a/~d"
368 (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name))
369 (cdr meth-name))))))
360 (let ((op (method-operator method opinfo-table)))
361 (setq name (operator-print-name op)))
362 (let ((meth-name (method-name method)))
363 (if (member "_" (car meth-name) :test #'equal)
364 ;; mixfix
365 (setq name (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name)))
366 ;;
367 (setq name (format nil "~a/~d"
368 (make-print-operator-id (car meth-name))
369 (cdr meth-name))))))
370370 ;;
371371 (when (and *trs-modify-operator-name*
372 (not (trs-check-if-builtin-op-family method opinfo-table)))
372 (not (trs-check-if-builtin-op-family method opinfo-table)))
373373 (setq name (concatenate 'string
374 name
375 (let ((err-sort (the-err-sort (method-coarity method)
376 (module-sort-order module))))
377 (string (or (cdr (assq err-sort sort-name-map))
378 (sort-id err-sort)))))))
374 name
375 (let ((err-sort (the-err-sort (method-coarity method)
376 (module-sort-order module))))
377 (string (or (cdr (assq err-sort sort-name-map))
378 (sort-id err-sort)))))))
379379 ;;
380380 (or (gethash name *trs-opname-hash*)
381 (setf (gethash name *trs-opname-hash*)
382 (let ((res nil)
383 (lim (length name))
384 (cur-tok nil))
385 (declare (type fixnum lim))
386 (do ((pos 0 (1+ pos)))
387 ((>= pos lim))
388 (declare (type fixnum pos))
389 (setq cur-tok (char name pos))
390 (push (or (cdr (assoc cur-tok
391 trs-operator-special-token-map
392 :test #'equal))
393 (string cur-tok))
394 res))
395 (intern (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
396 (declare (type simple-string x y))
397 (concatenate 'string x y))
398 (nreverse res))))))))
381 (setf (gethash name *trs-opname-hash*)
382 (let ((res nil)
383 (lim (length name))
384 (cur-tok nil))
385 (declare (type fixnum lim))
386 (do ((pos 0 (1+ pos)))
387 ((>= pos lim))
388 (declare (type fixnum pos))
389 (setq cur-tok (char name pos))
390 (push (or (cdr (assoc cur-tok
391 trs-operator-special-token-map
392 :test #'equal))
393 (string cur-tok))
394 res))
395 (intern (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
396 (declare (type simple-string x y))
397 (concatenate 'string x y))
398 (nreverse res))))))))
400400 (defun make-trs-op-info (method trs)
401401 (let ((module (trs$module trs)))
402402 (with-in-module (module)
403403 (let ((method-name (make-trs-op-name method module))
404 (arity (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s
405 trs
406 t))
407 (method-arity method)))
408 (coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic
409 (method-coarity method)
410 trs
411 t))
412 (attrs (make-trs-method-attr method module)))
413 (list* method-name arity coarity attrs)))))
404 (arity (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic s
405 trs
406 t))
407 (method-arity method)))
408 (coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic
409 (method-coarity method)
410 trs
411 t))
412 (attrs (make-trs-method-attr method module)))
413 (list* method-name arity coarity attrs)))))
415415 (defun make-trs-op-maps (trs)
416416 (let ((module (trs$module trs)))
429429 ;; getting modules from their names).
430430 ;;
431431 (dolist (ops (module-all-operators module))
432 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods ops)))
433 (dolist (m methods)
434 (let ((info (make-trs-op-info m trs)))
435 (when (or (method-is-error-method m)
436 (null (method-arity m)))
437 (let ((rev-ent (assq (car info)
438 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
439 (if rev-ent
440 (setf (cdr rev-ent) m)
441 (push (cons (car info) m)
442 (trs$op-rev-table trs)))))
443 (when (trs-proper-method-p m)
444 ;; trs-proper-method-p rejects error method.
445 (push (cons m info) res))))))
432 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods ops)))
433 (dolist (m methods)
434 (let ((info (make-trs-op-info m trs)))
435 (when (or (method-is-error-method m)
436 (null (method-arity m)))
437 (let ((rev-ent (assq (car info)
438 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
439 (if rev-ent
440 (setf (cdr rev-ent) m)
441 (push (cons (car info) m)
442 (trs$op-rev-table trs)))))
443 (when (trs-proper-method-p m)
444 ;; trs-proper-method-p rejects error method.
445 (push (cons m info) res))))))
446446 ;; make reverse op maps for builtin operators
447447 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules module))
448 (dolist (op (list *bool-equal* *bool-nonequal*
449 *sort-membership*
450 *beh-equal* *bool-if* *beh-eq-pred*))
451 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name op module)
452 op)
453 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
448 (dolist (op (list *bool-equal* *bool-nonequal*
449 *sort-membership*
450 *beh-equal* *bool-if* *beh-eq-pred*))
451 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name op module)
452 op)
453 (trs$op-rev-table trs))))
454454 ;; other optional built-ins.
455455 #|| TODO:
456456 (when (module-includes-rwl module)
457 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name *rwl-predicate* module)
458 *rwl-predicate*)
459 (trs$op-rev-table trs))
460 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name *rwl-predicate2* module)
461 *rwl-predicate2*)
462 (trs$op-rev-table trs)))
457 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name *rwl-predicate* module)
458 *rwl-predicate*)
459 (trs$op-rev-table trs))
460 (push (cons (make-trs-op-name *rwl-predicate2* module)
461 *rwl-predicate2*)
462 (trs$op-rev-table trs)))
463463 ||#
464464 ;;
465465 (setf (trs$op-info-map trs)
466 (nreverse res)))))
466 (nreverse res)))))
468468 (defun make-trs-method-attr (meth module)
469469 (with-in-module (module)
470470 (let ((theory (method-theory meth))
471 (strat (method-rewrite-strategy meth))
472 (constr (method-constructor meth))
473 ;; (prec (method-precedence meth))
474 (assoc (method-associativity meth))
475 (memo (method-has-memo meth))
476 (res nil))
471 (strat (method-rewrite-strategy meth))
472 (constr (method-constructor meth))
473 ;; (prec (method-precedence meth))
474 (assoc (method-associativity meth))
475 (memo (method-has-memo meth))
476 (res nil))
477477 ;;
478478 ;; (when (and (eql 0 (car (last strat)))
479479 ;; (member 0 (butlast strat)))
480480 ;; (setq strat (butlast strat)))
481481 ;;
482482 (let ((th-info (theory-info theory))
483 (zero (theory-zero theory)))
484 (when (not (eq th-info the-e-property))
485 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
486 (theory-info-is-A th-info)
487 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
488 (theory-info-is-AZ th-info)
489 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
490 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
491 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
492 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
493 (push ':assoc res))
494 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
495 (theory-info-is-C th-info)
496 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
497 (theory-info-is-CZ th-info)
498 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
499 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
500 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
501 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
502 (push ':comm res))
503 (when (or (theory-info-is-I th-info)
504 (theory-info-is-IZ th-info)
505 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
506 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
507 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
508 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
509 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
510 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
511 (push ':idem res))
512 (when zero
513 (let ((mth (car zero))) ; to be fixed later.
514 (if (null (cdr zero))
515 (push (list ':id mth) res)
516 (push (list ':idr mth) res))))
517 ))
483 (zero (theory-zero theory)))
484 (when (not (eq th-info the-e-property))
485 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
486 (theory-info-is-A th-info)
487 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
488 (theory-info-is-AZ th-info)
489 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
490 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
491 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
492 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
493 (push ':assoc res))
494 (when (or (theory-info-is-AC th-info)
495 (theory-info-is-C th-info)
496 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
497 (theory-info-is-CZ th-info)
498 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
499 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
500 (theory-info-is-ACZ th-info)
501 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
502 (push ':comm res))
503 (when (or (theory-info-is-I th-info)
504 (theory-info-is-IZ th-info)
505 (theory-info-is-CI th-info)
506 (theory-info-is-CIZ th-info)
507 (theory-info-is-AI th-info)
508 (theory-info-is-AIZ th-info)
509 (theory-info-is-ACI th-info)
510 (theory-info-is-ACIZ th-info))
511 (push ':idem res))
512 (when zero
513 (let ((mth (car zero))) ; to be fixed later.
514 (if (null (cdr zero))
515 (push (list ':id mth) res)
516 (push (list ':idr mth) res))))
517 ))
518518 (when strat
519 (push (list ':strat strat) res))
519 (push (list ':strat strat) res))
520520 (when memo
521 (push ':memo res))
521 (push ':memo res))
522522 (when constr
523 (push ':constr res))
523 (push ':constr res))
524524 (when assoc
525 (push (if (eq :left assoc)
526 ':l-assoc
527 ':r-assoc)
528 res))
525 (push (if (eq :left assoc)
526 ':l-assoc
527 ':r-assoc)
528 res))
529529 res)))
531531 (defun fix-trs-ids (trs)
532532 (dolist (map (trs$op-info-map trs))
533533 (let* ((info (cdr map))
534 (zero (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x)
535 (or (eq (car x) :id)
536 (eq (car x) :idr))))
537 info)))
534 (zero (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (consp x)
535 (or (eq (car x) :id)
536 (eq (car x) :idr))))
537 info)))
538538 (when zero
539 (setf (cdr zero) (list (trs$make-term-form (cadr zero) trs)))))))
539 (setf (cdr zero) (list (trs$make-term-form (cadr zero) trs)))))))
541541 (defun map-chaos-op-to-trs (method trs)
542542 (or (cadr (assq method (trs$op-info-map trs)))
543543 (make-trs-op-name method (trs$module trs))
544544 (with-output-panic-message ()
545 (format t "cound not map operator ~a"
546 (method-symbol method))
547 (chaos-error 'panic))))
545 (format t "cound not map operator ~a"
546 (method-symbol method))
547 (chaos-error 'panic))))
549549 (defun map-chaos-op-to-trs-info (method trs)
550550 (cdr (assq method (trs$op-info-map trs))))
554554 (setq name (intern name)))
555555 (or (cdr (assq name (trs$op-rev-table trs)))
556556 (let* ((opnam (list (string name)))
557 (opref (parse-op-name opnam))
558 (opinfos (car (find-qual-operators opref (trs$module trs)))))
559 (car (opinfo-methods opinfos)))
557 (opref (parse-op-name opnam))
558 (opinfos (car (find-qual-operators opref (trs$module trs)))))
559 (car (opinfo-methods opinfos)))
560560 (with-output-panic-message ()
561 (format t "could not find reverse map of operator symbol ~a"
562 name)
563 (chaos-error 'panic))))
561 (format t "could not find reverse map of operator symbol ~a"
562 name)
563 (chaos-error 'panic))))
565565 ;;;
567567 ;;;
568568 (defun find-trs-dummy-method (trs meth arity coarity)
569569 (cdr (assoc (list meth arity coarity)
570 (trs$dummy-methods trs)
571 :test #'equal)))
570 (trs$dummy-methods trs)
571 :test #'equal)))
573573 (defun make-trs-dummy-method (trs meth arity coarity)
574574 (or (find-trs-dummy-method trs meth arity coarity)
575575 (with-in-module ((trs$module trs))
576 (let* ((op (method-operator meth))
577 (new-meth (make-operator-method :name (operator-name op)
578 :arity arity
579 :coarity coarity)))
580 (setf (method-constructor new-meth)
581 (method-constructor meth))
582 (setf (method-is-behavioural new-meth)
583 (method-is-behavioural meth))
584 (setf (method-module new-meth)
585 *current-module*)
586 (setf (method-supplied-strategy new-meth)
587 (method-supplied-strategy meth))
588 (setf (method-precedence new-meth)
589 (method-precedence meth))
590 (setf (method-associativity new-meth)
591 (method-associativity meth))
592 (push (cons (list meth arity coarity) new-meth)
593 (trs$dummy-methods trs))
594 ;;
595 new-meth))))
576 (let* ((op (method-operator meth))
577 (new-meth (make-operator-method :name (operator-name op)
578 :arity arity
579 :coarity coarity)))
580 (setf (method-constructor new-meth)
581 (method-constructor meth))
582 (setf (method-is-behavioural new-meth)
583 (method-is-behavioural meth))
584 (setf (method-module new-meth)
585 *current-module*)
586 (setf (method-supplied-strategy new-meth)
587 (method-supplied-strategy meth))
588 (setf (method-precedence new-meth)
589 (method-precedence meth))
590 (setf (method-associativity new-meth)
591 (method-associativity meth))
592 (push (cons (list meth arity coarity) new-meth)
593 (trs$dummy-methods trs))
594 ;;
595 new-meth))))
597597 (defun make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info (trs meth arity coarity)
598598 (let ((new-meth
599 (make-trs-dummy-method trs meth arity coarity)))
599 (make-trs-dummy-method trs meth arity coarity)))
600600 ;;
601601 (let ((info (make-trs-op-info meth trs))
602 (r-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
603 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic x trs))
604 arity))
605 (r-coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic coarity trs)))
602 (r-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
603 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic x trs))
604 arity))
605 (r-coarity (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic coarity trs)))
606606 (setf (second info) r-arity
607 (third info) r-coarity)
607 (third info) r-coarity)
608608 (cons new-meth info))))
610610 (defun make-trs-if-then-else-info (trs sort)
611611 (let ((new-meth (make-trs-dummy-method trs
612 *bool-if*
613 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
614 sort))
615 (info (make-trs-op-info *bool-if* trs))
616 (bool (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic *bool-sort* trs))
617 (s (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic sort trs))
618 )
612 *bool-if*
613 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
614 sort))
615 (info (make-trs-op-info *bool-if* trs))
616 (bool (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic *bool-sort* trs))
617 (s (map-chaos-sort-to-trs-or-panic sort trs))
618 )
619619 (setf (second info) (list bool s s))
620620 (setf (third info) s)
621621 (cons new-meth info)))
623623 (defun make-trs-if-then-else-axioms (trs sort)
624624 (let* ((var-then (make-variable-term sort 'THEN))
625 (var-else (make-variable-term sort 'ELSE))
626 (if-op (find-trs-dummy-method trs *bool-if*
627 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
628 sort))
629 (lhs-1 (make-applform sort
630 if-op
631 (list *bool-true* var-then var-else)))
632 (lhs-2 (make-applform sort
633 if-op
634 (list *bool-false* var-then var-else)))
635 (rhs-1 var-then)
636 (rhs-2 var-else))
625 (var-else (make-variable-term sort 'ELSE))
626 (if-op (find-trs-dummy-method trs *bool-if*
627 (list *bool-sort* sort sort)
628 sort))
629 (lhs-1 (make-applform sort
630 if-op
631 (list *bool-true* var-then var-else)))
632 (lhs-2 (make-applform sort
633 if-op
634 (list *bool-false* var-then var-else)))
635 (rhs-1 var-then)
636 (rhs-2 var-else))
637637 (list (make-rule :lhs lhs-1 :rhs rhs-1 :condition *bool-true*
638 :type :equation
639 :no-method-computation t)
640 (make-rule :lhs lhs-2 :rhs rhs-2 :condition *bool-true*
641 :type :equation
642 :no-method-computation t))
638 :type :equation
639 :no-method-computation t)
640 (make-rule :lhs lhs-2 :rhs rhs-2 :condition *bool-true*
641 :type :equation
642 :no-method-computation t))
643643 ))
645645 (defun get-trs-top-sorts (trs)
646646 (let ((top-sorts nil))
647647 (dolist (sort (maximal-sorts (trs$sorts trs)
648 (trs$sort-order trs)))
648 (trs$sort-order trs)))
649649 (when (trs-proper-sort-p sort)
650 (push sort top-sorts)))
650 (push sort top-sorts)))
651651 top-sorts))
653653 (defun get-trs-error-sorts (trs)
654654 (let ((error-sorts nil))
655655 (dolist (ent (trs$sort-name-map trs) error-sorts)
656 (when (err-sort-p (car ent))
657 (push (car ent) error-sorts)))))
656 (when (err-sort-p (car ent))
657 (push (car ent) error-sorts)))))
659659 (defun make-trs-biopinfos (trs sorts)
660660 (let ((infos nil)
661 (axs nil))
661 (axs nil))
662662 (dolist (sort sorts)
663663 (if (sort-is-hidden sort)
664 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
665 (list sort sort)
666 *bool-sort*)
667 infos)
668 (progn
669 ;; _==_
670 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-equal*
671 (list sort sort)
672 *bool-sort*)
673 infos)
674 ;; _=b=_
675 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
676 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-eq-pred*
677 (list sort sort)
678 *bool-sort*)
679 infos))
680 ;; _=*=_
681 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
682 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
683 (list sort sort)
684 *bool-sort*)
685 infos))
686 ;; _=/=_
687 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-nonequal*
688 (list sort sort)
689 *bool-sort*)
690 infos)))
664 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
665 (list sort sort)
666 *bool-sort*)
667 infos)
668 (progn
669 ;; _==_
670 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-equal*
671 (list sort sort)
672 *bool-sort*)
673 infos)
674 ;; _=b=_
675 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
676 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-eq-pred*
677 (list sort sort)
678 *bool-sort*)
679 infos))
680 ;; _=*=_
681 (when (sort-is-hidden sort)
682 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *beh-equal*
683 (list sort sort)
684 *bool-sort*)
685 infos))
686 ;; _=/=_
687 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs *bool-nonequal*
688 (list sort sort)
689 *bool-sort*)
690 infos)))
691691 ;; if_then_else_fi
692692 (push (make-trs-if-then-else-info trs sort)
693 infos)
693 infos)
694694 (push (make-trs-if-then-else-axioms trs sort)
695 axs)
695 axs)
696696 )
697697 ;;
698698 (values infos axs)
701701 (defun make-trs-builtin-op-maps (trs)
702702 (let* ((mod (trs$module trs))
703 (top-sorts nil)
704 (rel-infos nil)
705 (if-then-axs nil)
706 )
703 (top-sorts nil)
704 (rel-infos nil)
705 (if-then-axs nil)
706 )
707707 ;;
708708 (setq top-sorts (get-trs-top-sorts trs))
709709 ;;
710710 (when (assq *truth-module* (module-all-submodules mod))
711711 (multiple-value-bind (infos axs)
712 (make-trs-biopinfos trs top-sorts)
713 (setq rel-infos infos)
714 (setq if-then-axs axs))
712 (make-trs-biopinfos trs top-sorts)
713 (setq rel-infos infos)
714 (setq if-then-axs axs))
715715 )
716 (when nil ; (or (eq *rwl-module* mod)
717 ; (assq *rwl-module* (module-all-submodules mod)))
716 (when nil ; (or (eq *rwl-module* mod)
717 ; (assq *rwl-module* (module-all-submodules mod)))
718718 ;; _==>_
719719 (dolist (sort top-sorts)
720 (unless (sort-is-hidden sort)
721 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs
722 *rwl-predicate*
723 (list sort sort)
724 *bool-sort*)
725 rel-infos)
726 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs
727 *rwl-predicate2*
728 (list sort
729 *rwl-nat-star-sort*
730 sort)
731 *bool-sort*)
732 rel-infos)
733 )))
720 (unless (sort-is-hidden sort)
721 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs
722 *rwl-predicate*
723 (list sort sort)
724 *bool-sort*)
725 rel-infos)
726 (push (make-trs-builtin-bin-op-info trs
727 *rwl-predicate2*
728 (list sort
729 *rwl-nat-star-sort*
730 sort)
731 *bool-sort*)
732 rel-infos)
733 )))
734734 ;;
735735 (when *on-trs-debug*
736736 (format t "~%sem-relations = ~A" rel-infos))
738738 (setf (trs$sem-relations trs) rel-infos)
739739 (dolist (ax if-then-axs)
740740 (let ((ax1 (car ax))
741 (ax2 (cadr ax)))
742 (push ax1 (trs$sem-axioms trs))
743 (push ax2 (trs$sem-axioms trs))))
741 (ax2 (cadr ax)))
742 (push ax1 (trs$sem-axioms trs))
743 (push ax2 (trs$sem-axioms trs))))
744744 ))
746746 ;;; ------
761761 (defun trs-set-if-then-sort (res)
762762 (if (and (eq :op (trs-term-type res))
763 (null (trs-term-sort res))
764 (eq '|if_then_else_fi| (trs-term-head res)))
763 (null (trs-term-sort res))
764 (eq '|if_then_else_fi| (trs-term-head res)))
765765 (let ((sort (trs-get-if-then-sort res)))
766 (setf (trs-term-sort res) sort)
767 sort)
766 (setf (trs-term-sort res) sort)
767 sort)
768768 (trs-term-sort res)))
770770 (defun trs-get-if-then-sort (trs-term)
771771 (let ((arg2 (second (trs-term-subterms trs-term)))
772 (sort nil))
772 (sort nil))
773773 (setq sort (trs-term-sort arg2))
774774 (unless sort
775775 (with-output-panic-message ()
776 (format t "could not set sort for if-then-else-fi!")
777 (break)
778 (chaos-error 'panic)))
776 (format t "could not set sort for if-then-else-fi!")
777 (break)
778 (chaos-error 'panic)))
779779 sort))
781781 (defun trs$make-term-form* (term trs)
782 (cond ((term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
783 (list ':lisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
784 ((term-is-general-lisp-form? term)
785 (list ':glisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
786 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
787 (list :builtin-value
788 (term-builtin-value term)
789 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)))
790 ((term-is-variable? term)
791 (list :var (variable-name term)
792 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (variable-sort term) trs)))
793 ((term-is-applform? term)
794 (list* :op
795 (map-chaos-op-to-trs (term-head term) trs)
796 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)
797 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
798 (trs$make-term-form x trs))
799 (term-subterms term))))
800 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
801 (format t "unknown term : ")
802 (term-print term)))))
782 (cond ((term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
783 (list ':lisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
784 ((term-is-general-lisp-form? term)
785 (list ':glisp (lisp-form-original-form term)))
786 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
787 (list :builtin-value
788 (term-builtin-value term)
789 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)))
790 ((term-is-variable? term)
791 (list :var (variable-name term)
792 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (variable-sort term) trs)))
793 ((term-is-applform? term)
794 (list* :op
795 (map-chaos-op-to-trs (term-head term) trs)
796 (map-chaos-sort-to-trs (term-sort term) trs)
797 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
798 (trs$make-term-form x trs))
799 (term-subterms term))))
800 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
801 (format t "unknown term : ")
802 (term-print term)))))
804804 (defun trs-term-variables (term)
805805 (case (trs-term-type term)
806806 (:var (list term))
807807 (:op (let ((res nil))
808 (dolist (st (trs-term-subterms term) res)
809 (setq res (union res (trs-term-variables st)
810 :test #'equal)))))
808 (dolist (st (trs-term-subterms term) res)
809 (setq res (union res (trs-term-variables st)
810 :test #'equal)))))
811811 (otherwise nil)))
813813 (defun trs-re-make-term-form (trs trs-term)
814814 (with-in-module ((trs$module trs))
815815 (with-output-to-string (str)
816816 (let ((*standard-output* str))
817 (re-print-trs-term trs trs-term parser-max-precedence)
818 str))))
817 (re-print-trs-term trs trs-term parser-max-precedence)
818 str))))
820820 (defun re-print-trs-term (trs trs-term prec)
821821 (declare (type fixnum prec))
822822 (case (trs-term-type trs-term)
823823 (:var (princ (string (trs-term-head trs-term))))
824824 (:op (let ((op-name (trs-term-head trs-term)))
825 (let ((hd (trs-rev-op-name op-name trs))
826 (op nil))
827 (setq op (method-operator hd))
828 (cond ((not (operator-is-mixfix op))
829 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term)))
830 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (operator-symbol op))
831 (when subs
832 (princ "(")
833 (let ((flg nil))
834 (dolist (i subs)
835 (if flg (princ ",") (setq flg t))
836 (re-print-trs-term trs i parser-max-precedence)
837 ))
838 (princ ")"))))
839 (t (let ((prec-test (and (get-method-precedence hd)
840 (<= prec
841 (get-method-precedence hd))))
842 (assoc-test (method-is-associative hd)))
843 (when prec-test (princ "("))
844 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term))
845 (prv nil))
846 (dolist (i (operator-token-sequence op))
847 (cond
848 ((eq i t)
849 (when prv (princ " "))
850 (setq prv t)
851 (let ((tm (car subs)))
852 (re-print-trs-term
853 trs
854 tm
855 (if (and assoc-test
856 tm
857 (eq :op (trs-term-type tm))
858 (eq (trs-term-head tm)
859 (trs-term-head trs-term)))
860 parser-max-precedence
861 (or (get-method-precedence hd)
862 0)))
863 (setq subs (cdr subs))))
864 (t (when prv (princ " "))
865 (setq prv t)
866 (princ i)))))
867 (when prec-test (princ ")"))
868 ))))))
825 (let ((hd (trs-rev-op-name op-name trs))
826 (op nil))
827 (setq op (method-operator hd))
828 (cond ((not (operator-is-mixfix op))
829 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term)))
830 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (operator-symbol op))
831 (when subs
832 (princ "(")
833 (let ((flg nil))
834 (dolist (i subs)
835 (if flg (princ ",") (setq flg t))
836 (re-print-trs-term trs i parser-max-precedence)
837 ))
838 (princ ")"))))
839 (t (let ((prec-test (and (get-method-precedence hd)
840 (<= prec
841 (get-method-precedence hd))))
842 (assoc-test (method-is-associative hd)))
843 (when prec-test (princ "("))
844 (let ((subs (trs-term-subterms trs-term))
845 (prv nil))
846 (dolist (i (operator-token-sequence op))
847 (cond
848 ((eq i t)
849 (when prv (princ " "))
850 (setq prv t)
851 (let ((tm (car subs)))
852 (re-print-trs-term
853 trs
854 tm
855 (if (and assoc-test
856 tm
857 (eq :op (trs-term-type tm))
858 (eq (trs-term-head tm)
859 (trs-term-head trs-term)))
860 parser-max-precedence
861 (or (get-method-precedence hd)
862 0)))
863 (setq subs (cdr subs))))
864 (t (when prv (princ " "))
865 (setq prv t)
866 (princ i)))))
867 (when prec-test (princ ")"))
868 ))))))
869869 (:builtin-value (princ (trs-term-head trs-term)))
870870 (otherwise (format t "!! not supported (~a)" trs-term)))
871871 )
878878 (defun make-trs-axioms (trs)
879879 (let ((mod (trs$module trs)))
880880 (let ((own-axs (module-own-axioms-ordered mod nil))
881 (imp-axs (module-imported-axioms mod nil))
882 (eqns nil)
883 (trns nil)
884 (val nil))
881 (imp-axs (module-imported-axioms mod nil))
882 (eqns nil)
883 (trns nil)
884 (val nil))
885885 (setq val (trs$get-axioms own-axs trs))
886886 (setq eqns (car val)
887 trns (cadr val))
887 trns (cadr val))
888888 (setq val (trs$get-axioms imp-axs trs))
889889 (setf (trs$eqns trs) (nconc eqns (car val)))
890890 (setf (trs$trns trs) (nconc trns (cadr val))))))
893893 (defun trs$get-axioms (axs trs &optional include-bad-rule)
894894 (let ((eqs nil)
895 (trns nil)
896 (tinfo nil))
895 (trns nil)
896 (tinfo nil))
897897 (dolist (ax axs (list eqs trns))
898898 (let ((lhs-top (term-head (axiom-lhs ax))))
899 (unless (or (eq lhs-top *bool-if*)
900 (eq lhs-top *bool-equal*)
901 (eq lhs-top *beh-eq-pred*)
902 (eq lhs-top *bool-nonequal*)
903 ;; (eq lhs-top *rwl-predicate*)
904 )
905 (setq tinfo (get-trs-axiom ax trs include-bad-rule))
906 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
907 (push tinfo eqs)
908 (push tinfo trns)))))
899 (unless (or (eq lhs-top *bool-if*)
900 (eq lhs-top *bool-equal*)
901 (eq lhs-top *beh-eq-pred*)
902 (eq lhs-top *bool-nonequal*)
903 ;; (eq lhs-top *rwl-predicate*)
904 )
905 (setq tinfo (get-trs-axiom ax trs include-bad-rule))
906 (if (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
907 (push tinfo eqs)
908 (push tinfo trns)))))
909909 ))
911911 (defun get-trs-axiom (ax trs &optional include-bad-rule)
912912 (let* ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
913 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
914 (cond (axiom-condition ax))
915 (condp (not (is-true? cond)))
916 (type (axiom-type ax))
917 (behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
918 (kind (axiom-kind ax))
919 (label (axiom-labels ax)))
913 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
914 (cond (axiom-condition ax))
915 (condp (not (is-true? cond)))
916 (type (axiom-type ax))
917 (behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax))
918 (kind (axiom-kind ax))
919 (label (axiom-labels ax)))
920920 (when (eq kind :bad-rule)
921921 (unless include-bad-rule
922 (return-from get-trs-axiom nil)))
922 (return-from get-trs-axiom nil)))
923923 (list* (case type
924 ((:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal)
925 (cond (behavioural
926 (cond (condp :bceq)
927 (t :beq)))
928 (t (cond (condp :ceq)
929 (t :eq)))))
930 (t (cond (behavioural
931 (cond (condp :bctrans)
932 (t :btrans)))
933 (t (cond (condp :ctrans)
934 (t :trans))))))
935 (if label
936 (string (car label))
937 nil)
938 (trs$make-term-form lhs trs)
939 (trs$make-term-form rhs trs)
940 (if condp
941 (list (trs$make-term-form cond trs))
942 nil))))
924 ((:equation :pignose-axiom :pignose-goal)
925 (cond (behavioural
926 (cond (condp :bceq)
927 (t :beq)))
928 (t (cond (condp :ceq)
929 (t :eq)))))
930 (t (cond (behavioural
931 (cond (condp :bctrans)
932 (t :btrans)))
933 (t (cond (condp :ctrans)
934 (t :trans))))))
935 (if label
936 (string (car label))
937 nil)
938 (trs$make-term-form lhs trs)
939 (trs$make-term-form rhs trs)
940 (if condp
941 (list (trs$make-term-form cond trs))
942 nil))))
944944 (defmacro trs-axiom-type (ax) `(car ,ax))
945945 (defmacro trs-axiom-label (ax) `(cadr ,ax))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: variable.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: construct
32 File: variable.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4343 (let ((sorts (module-all-sorts module)))
4444 (dolist (bi sorts)
4545 (when (and (sort-is-builtin bi) (not (sort= *id-sort* bi)))
46 (let ((token-pred (bsort-token-predicate bi)))
47 (when (and token-pred
48 (funcall token-pred var-name)
49 (is-in-same-connected-component* sort
50 bi
51 (module-sort-order module)))
52 (return-from check-var-name-overloading-with-builtin bi)
53 ))))
46 (let ((token-pred (bsort-token-predicate bi)))
47 (when (and token-pred
48 (funcall token-pred var-name)
49 (is-in-same-connected-component* sort
50 bi
51 (module-sort-order module)))
52 (return-from check-var-name-overloading-with-builtin bi)
53 ))))
5454 nil))
5656 (defun declare-variable-in-module (var-name sort-ref
57 &optional (module *current-module*))
57 &optional (module *current-module*))
5959 #||
6060 (when (and (consp var-name)
61 (eq (car var-name) '|String|))
61 (eq (car var-name) '|String|))
6262 ;; (setq var-name (format nil "\"~s\"" (cadr var-name)))
6363 (setq var-name (cadr var-name))
6464 )
6565 ||#
6666 (let ((mod (if (module-p module)
67 module
68 (find-module-in-env module))))
67 module
68 (find-module-in-env module))))
6969 (unless mod
7070 (with-output-panic-message ()
71 (princ "internal error, no such module ")
72 (print-mod-name module)
73 (princ ", variable declaration for ")
74 (princ var-name)
75 (princ " failed.")
76 (chaos-error 'no-such-module)))
71 (princ "internal error, no such module ")
72 (print-mod-name module)
73 (princ ", variable declaration for ")
74 (princ var-name)
75 (princ " failed.")
76 (chaos-error 'no-such-module)))
7878 (let ((sort (if (sort-struct-p sort-ref) sort-ref
79 (find-sort-in mod sort-ref))))
79 (find-sort-in mod sort-ref))))
8080 (unless sort
81 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
82 (princ "could not find sort ")
83 (princ sort-ref)
84 (princ ", variable declaration for ")
85 (princ var-name)
86 (princ " is ignored.")
87 ))
81 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
82 (princ "could not find sort ")
83 (princ sort-ref)
84 (princ ", variable declaration for ")
85 (princ var-name)
86 (princ " is ignored.")
87 ))
8888 ;; check name ---
8989 (cond ((stringp var-name)
90 ;; name conflict check with builtin constants
91 (let ((bi (check-var-name-overloading-with-builtin var-name sort module)))
92 (when bi
93 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
94 (format t "variable name ~s is conflicting with built-in constant of sort " var-name)
95 (print-sort-name bi module)
96 (print-next)
97 (princ "... ignored."))
98 (return-from declare-variable-in-module nil)))
99 #||
100 (let ((ops nil))
101 ;; name conflict check with existing op
102 (setq ops (find-all-qual-operators-in module var-name 0))
103 (when ops
104 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
105 (format t "declaring variable ~s:" var-name)
106 (print-next)
107 (format t " there already is an constant operator with the same name.")
108 (print-next)
109 (princ "... ignoring")
110 (return-from declare-variable-in-module nil)
111 ))
112 )
113 ||#
114 ;; check name --
115 (when (eql #\` (char var-name 0))
116 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-var-decl)
117 (format t "variable name must not start with \"`\",")
118 (print-next)
119 (princ "'`' is reserved for the prefix of pseudo variables declared on the fly.")
120 ))
121 ;; name must be begin with
122 (setf var-name (intern var-name)))
123 (t (unless (symbolp var-name)
124 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-variable-name)
125 (princ "invalid variable name ")
126 (princ var-name)
127 (chaos-error 'invalid-var-decl))))
128 )
90 ;; name conflict check with builtin constants
91 (let ((bi (check-var-name-overloading-with-builtin var-name sort module)))
92 (when bi
93 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
94 (format t "variable name ~s is conflicting with built-in constant of sort " var-name)
95 (print-sort-name bi module)
96 (print-next)
97 (princ "... ignored."))
98 (return-from declare-variable-in-module nil)))
99 #||
100 (let ((ops nil))
101 ;; name conflict check with existing op
102 (setq ops (find-all-qual-operators-in module var-name 0))
103 (when ops
104 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
105 (format t "declaring variable ~s:" var-name)
106 (print-next)
107 (format t " there already is an constant operator with the same name.")
108 (print-next)
109 (princ "... ignoring")
110 (return-from declare-variable-in-module nil)
111 ))
112 )
113 ||#
114 ;; check name --
115 (when (eql #\` (char var-name 0))
116 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-var-decl)
117 (format t "variable name must not start with \"`\",")
118 (print-next)
119 (princ "'`' is reserved for the prefix of pseudo variables declared on the fly.")
120 ))
121 ;; name must be begin with
122 (setf var-name (intern var-name)))
123 (t (unless (symbolp var-name)
124 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-variable-name)
125 (princ "invalid variable name ")
126 (princ var-name)
127 (chaos-error 'invalid-var-decl))))
128 )
129129 ;;
130130 (let ((old (assoc var-name (module-variables mod)))
131 var)
132 #||
133 (when (and old (sort= sort (variable-sort (cdr old))))
134 (return-from declare-variable-in-module (cdr old)))
135 ||#
136 (when old
137 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
138 (princ "variable ")
139 (princ (string var-name))
140 (princ " is already declared as sort ")
141 (princ (string (sort-id (variable-sort (cdr old)))))
142 #||
143 (princ ", but redefined as sort ")
144 (princ (string (sort-id sort)))
145 ||#
146 (princ ", ignored.")
147 (return-from declare-variable-in-module nil)
148 ))
149 (setf var (make-variable-term sort var-name))
150 (push (cons var-name var) (module-variables mod))
151 ;;
152 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table mod)
153 var-name
154 var)
155 ;;
156 var))))
131 var)
132 #||
133 (when (and old (sort= sort (variable-sort (cdr old))))
134 (return-from declare-variable-in-module (cdr old)))
135 ||#
136 (when old
137 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
138 (princ "variable ")
139 (princ (string var-name))
140 (princ " is already declared as sort ")
141 (princ (string (sort-id (variable-sort (cdr old)))))
142 #||
143 (princ ", but redefined as sort ")
144 (princ (string (sort-id sort)))
145 ||#
146 (princ ", ignored.")
147 (return-from declare-variable-in-module nil)
148 ))
149 (setf var (make-variable-term sort var-name))
150 (push (cons var-name var) (module-variables mod))
151 ;;
152 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table mod)
153 var-name
154 var)
155 ;;
156 var))))
158158 (defun declare-pvariable-in-module (var-name sort-ref
159 &optional (module *current-module*))
159 &optional (module *current-module*))
160160 (let ((mod (if (module-p module)
161 module
162 (find-module-in-env module))))
161 module
162 (find-module-in-env module))))
163163 (unless mod
164164 (with-output-panic-message ()
165 (princ "internal error, no such module ")
166 (print-mod-name module)
167 (princ ", pseud constant declaration for ")
168 (princ var-name)
169 (princ " failed.")
170 (chaos-error 'no-such-module)))
165 (princ "internal error, no such module ")
166 (print-mod-name module)
167 (princ ", pseud constant declaration for ")
168 (princ var-name)
169 (princ " failed.")
170 (chaos-error 'no-such-module)))
172172 (let ((sort (if (sort-struct-p sort-ref) sort-ref
173 (find-sort-in mod sort-ref))))
173 (find-sort-in mod sort-ref))))
174174 (unless sort
175 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
176 (princ "could not find sort ")
177 (princ sort-ref)
178 (princ ", pseud constant declaration for ")
179 (princ var-name)
180 (princ " is ignored.")
181 ))
175 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
176 (princ "could not find sort ")
177 (princ sort-ref)
178 (princ ", pseud constant declaration for ")
179 (princ var-name)
180 (princ " is ignored.")
181 ))
183183 #||
184184 ;; check name --
185185 (when (eql #\` (char (the simple-string (string var-name)) 0))
186 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-var-decl)
187 (format t "variable name must not start with \"`\",")
188 (print-next)
189 (princ "this is reserved for pseud variables declared on the fly.")
190 ))
186 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-var-decl)
187 (format t "variable name must not start with \"`\",")
188 (print-next)
189 (princ "this is reserved for pseud variables declared on the fly.")
190 ))
191191 ||#
192192 ;;
193193 (if (stringp var-name)
194 (setf var-name (intern var-name))
195 (unless (symbolp var-name)
196 (with-output-panic-message ()
197 (princ "internal error: invalid pconstant name ")
198 (princ var-name)
199 (chaos-error 'invalid-var-decl))))
194 (setf var-name (intern var-name))
195 (unless (symbolp var-name)
196 (with-output-panic-message ()
197 (princ "internal error: invalid pconstant name ")
198 (princ var-name)
199 (chaos-error 'invalid-var-decl))))
201201 (let ((old (assoc var-name (module-variables mod)))
202 var)
203 (when (and old (sort= sort (variable-sort (cdr old))))
204 (return-from declare-pvariable-in-module (cdr old)))
205 (when old
206 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
207 (princ "pseud constant ")
208 (princ (string var-name))
209 (princ " once declared as sort ")
210 (princ (string (sort-id (variable-sort (cdr old)))))
211 (princ ", but re-declared as sort ")
212 (princ (string (sort-id sort)))
213 (princ ", ignored.")
214 (return-from declare-pvariable-in-module nil)
215 ))
216 (setf var (make-pvariable-term sort var-name))
217 (push (cons var-name var) (module-variables mod))
218 ;;
219 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table mod)
220 var-name
221 var)
222 ;;
223 var))))
202 var)
203 (when (and old (sort= sort (variable-sort (cdr old))))
204 (return-from declare-pvariable-in-module (cdr old)))
205 (when old
206 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
207 (princ "pseud constant ")
208 (princ (string var-name))
209 (princ " once declared as sort ")
210 (princ (string (sort-id (variable-sort (cdr old)))))
211 (princ ", but re-declared as sort ")
212 (princ (string (sort-id sort)))
213 (princ ", ignored.")
214 (return-from declare-pvariable-in-module nil)
215 ))
216 (setf var (make-pvariable-term sort var-name))
217 (push (cons var-name var) (module-variables mod))
218 ;;
219 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table mod)
220 var-name
221 var)
222 ;;
223 var))))
225225 ;;;
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: dgram.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: dgram.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: meval.lisp
34 -- based on the implemetation of OBJ3.
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: meval.lisp
34 -- based on the implemetation of OBJ3.
3535 ==============================================================================|#
3636 #-:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6161 (defun eval-modexp+ (modexp)
6262 (let ((mod (eval-modexp modexp t nil)))
6363 (if (modexp-is-error mod)
64 nil
64 nil
6565 mod)))
6767 (defun eval-modexp (modexp &optional also-local (reconstruct-if-need t))
6969 (when (module-p modexp)
7070 (return-from eval-modexp
7171 (if reconstruct-if-need
72 (reconstruct-module-if-need modexp)
73 modexp)))
72 (reconstruct-module-if-need modexp)
73 modexp)))
7474 (let ((mod nil)
75 (me (normalize-modexp modexp)))
76 (when (and (equal me "THE-LAST-MODULE")
77 *last-module*)
78 (return-from eval-modexp
79 (if reconstruct-if-need
80 (reconstruct-module-if-need *last-module*)
81 *last-module*)))
75 (me (normalize-modexp modexp)))
76 ;; "." -> current context module
8277 (when (and (equal me ".")
83 *current-module*)
84 (return-from eval-modexp
85 *current-module*))
78 (get-context-module t))
79 (return-from eval-modexp (get-context-module t)))
8680 (when (stringp me)
81 ;; simple name
8782 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string me) :from-end t)))
88 (if pos
89 (let ((name (subseq (the simple-string me) 0 (the fixnum pos)))
90 (qual (subseq (the simple-string me) (1+ (the fixnum pos))))
91 (context nil))
92 ;; the context can itself be a local module
93 (setf context (eval-modexp qual t))
94 (if (modexp-is-error context)
95 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
96 (format t "Could not evaluate modexpr ~a, " me)
97 (format t " no such module ~a" qual)
98 )
99 (setf mod (find-module-in-env name context))))
100 (setq mod (find-module-in-env me (if also-local
101 *current-module*
102 nil))))))
83 (if pos
84 (let ((name (subseq (the simple-string me) 0 (the fixnum pos)))
85 (qual (subseq (the simple-string me) (1+ (the fixnum pos))))
86 (context nil))
87 ;; the context can itself be a local module
88 (setf context (eval-modexp qual t))
89 (if (modexp-is-error context)
90 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
91 (format t "Could not evaluate modexpr ~s, " me)
92 (when (and qual (not (equal qual "")))
93 (format t "~% no such module ~s" qual)))
94 (setf mod (find-module-in-env name context))))
95 (setq mod (find-module-in-env me (if also-local
96 (get-context-module t)
97 nil))))))
10398 (if mod
104 (if reconstruct-if-need
105 (reconstruct-module-if-need mod)
106 mod)
99 (if reconstruct-if-need
100 (reconstruct-module-if-need mod)
101 mod)
107102 ;; autoloading
108103 (let ((ent (assoc me *autoload-alist* :test #'equal)))
109 (cond ((and ent (not (equal (car ent) *on-autoload*)))
110 (let ((*on-autoload* me))
111 (declare (special *on-autoload*))
112 (!input-file (cdr ent)))
113 (setq mod (find-module-in-env me (if also-local
114 *current-module*
115 nil)))
116 (if mod
117 mod
118 (cons :error me)))
119 (t (let ((newmod (eval-modexp* me)))
120 (if (modexp-is-error newmod)
121 newmod
122 (progn
123 (add-modexp-defn me newmod)
124 newmod)))))))))
104 (cond ((and ent (not (equal (car ent) *on-autoload*)))
105 (let ((*on-autoload* me))
106 (declare (special *on-autoload*))
107 (!input-file (cdr ent)))
108 (setq mod (find-module-in-env me (if also-local
109 (get-context-module t)
110 nil)))
111 (if mod
112 mod
113 (cons :error me)))
114 (t (let ((newmod (eval-modexp* me)))
115 (if (modexp-is-error newmod)
116 newmod
117 (progn
118 (add-modexp-defn me newmod)
119 newmod)))))))))
126121 ;;; EVAL-MODEXP* : modexp -> module
127122 ;;; creates a module from a canonicalized module expression.
133128 ;;;
134129 (defun eval-modexp* (modexp)
135130 (cond ((stringp modexp)
136 (cons :error modexp)) ; simple name at this point is always
137 ; treated as invalid modexp... can be
138 ; optimized though.
139 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory modexp)
140 ; and also for (X "::" M)
141 (cons :error modexp))
143 ;; PLUS
144 ((or (%is-plus modexp) (int-plus-p modexp))
145 (compile-module (create-plus modexp) t))
147 ;; RENAME
148 ((or (%is-rename modexp) (int-rename-p modexp))
149 (compile-module (create-rename modexp) t))
152 ((or (%is-instantiation modexp) (int-instantiation-p modexp))
153 (compile-module (create-instantiation modexp) t))
155 ;; VIEW
156 ((%is-view modexp) (complete-view modexp nil))
158 ;; MODULE
159 ((module-p modexp)
160 (compile-module modexp))
162 ;; Internal Error!
163 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
164 (format t "bad modexp form ~s" modexp)))
165 ))
131 (cons :error modexp)) ; simple name at this point is always
132 ; treated as invalid modexp... can be
133 ; optimized though.
134 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory modexp)
135 ; and also for (X "::" M)
136 (cons :error modexp))
138 ;; PLUS
139 ((or (%is-plus modexp) (int-plus-p modexp))
140 (compile-module (create-plus modexp) t))
142 ;; RENAME
143 ((or (%is-rename modexp) (int-rename-p modexp))
144 (compile-module (create-rename modexp) t))
147 ((or (%is-instantiation modexp) (int-instantiation-p modexp))
148 (compile-module (create-instantiation modexp) t))
150 ;; VIEW
151 ((%is-view modexp) (complete-view modexp nil))
153 ;; MODULE
154 ((module-p modexp)
155 (compile-module modexp))
157 ;; Internal Error!
158 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
159 (format t "bad modexp form ~s" modexp)))))
167161 ;;; ************************
168162 ;;; SPECIFIC MODULE CREATORS____________________________________________________
177171 (declaim (special *copy-variables*))
178172 (defvar *copy-variables* nil)
180 #||
181174 (defun create-renamed-module (mod name)
182175 (let ((*beh-proof-in-progress* t)
183 (*copy-variables* t))
176 (*copy-variables* t)
177 (*auto-context-change* nil))
184178 (let ((newmod (eval-ast (%module-decl* (normalize-modexp name)
185 (module-kind mod)
186 :user
187 (list (%import* :using mod))))))
188 (add-modexp-defn (module-name newmod) newmod)
189 (compile-module newmod)
190 newmod)
191 ))
192 ||#
193 (defun create-renamed-module (mod name)
194 (let ((*beh-proof-in-progress* t)
195 (*copy-variables* t)
196 (*auto-context-change* nil))
197 (let ((newmod (eval-ast (%module-decl* (normalize-modexp name)
198 (module-kind mod)
199 :user
200 nil))))
179 (module-kind mod)
180 :user
181 nil))))
201182 (import-module newmod :using mod)
202183 (add-modexp-defn (module-name newmod) newmod)
203184 (compile-module newmod)
204 newmod)
205 ))
185 newmod)))
207187 (defun create-renamed-module-2 (mod name context-module)
208188 (let ((*copy-variables* t)
209 (*auto-context-change* nil))
189 (*auto-context-change* nil))
210190 (let ((newmod (eval-ast (%module-decl* (normalize-modexp name)
211 (module-kind mod)
212 :user
213 nil))))
191 (module-kind mod)
192 :user
193 nil))))
214194 (incorporate-module-copying newmod mod t nil context-module)
215195 (add-modexp-defn (module-name newmod) newmod)
216196 (compile-module newmod)
217 newmod)
218 ))
197 newmod)))
220199 ;;; ***********
221200 ;;; CREATE-PLUS : Modexp -> Module
224203 ;;;
225204 (defun create-plus (modexp)
226205 (flet ((report-error (&rest ignore)
227 (declare (ignore ignore))
228 (with-output-msg ()
229 (format t "could not evaluate plus: ")
230 (print-modexp modexp)
231 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
206 (declare (ignore ignore))
207 (with-output-msg ()
208 (format t "could not evaluate plus: ")
209 (print-modexp modexp)
210 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
232211 (with-chaos-error (#'report-error)
233 (cond ((int-plus-p modexp) ; evaluated internal rep.
234 (let ((newmod (create-module modexp)))
235 (with-in-module (newmod)
236 (dolist (mod (int-plus-args modexp))
237 (import-module-internal newmod :protecting mod))
238 (compile-module newmod))
239 newmod))
240 (t ; no yet evaluated, generate from the
241 ; scratch.
242 (let ((args (%plus-args modexp))
243 (res nil))
244 (dolist (arg args)
245 ;; arguments must not local module ..
246 (let ((val (eval-modexp arg nil)))
247 (when (modexp-is-error val)
248 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
249 (format t "could not evaluate an argument to `+' : ")
250 (print-modexp arg)
251 ))
252 (push val res)))
253 (let* ((name (make-int-plus :args res))
254 (newmod (or *modmorph-new-module* (create-module name))))
255 (setf (module-decl-form newmod) modexp)
256 (with-in-module (newmod)
257 (dolist (mod res)
258 (import-module-internal newmod :protecting mod))
259 (compile-module newmod)
260 newmod))))))))
212 (cond ((int-plus-p modexp) ; evaluated internal rep.
213 (let ((newmod (create-module modexp)))
214 (with-in-module (newmod)
215 (dolist (mod (int-plus-args modexp))
216 (import-module-internal newmod :protecting mod))
217 (compile-module newmod))
218 newmod))
219 (t ; no yet evaluated, generate from the
220 ; scratch.
221 (let ((args (%plus-args modexp))
222 (res nil))
223 (dolist (arg args)
224 ;; arguments must not local module ..
225 (let ((val (eval-modexp arg nil)))
226 (when (modexp-is-error val)
227 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
228 (format t "could not evaluate an argument to `+' : ")
229 (print-modexp arg)
230 ))
231 (push val res)))
232 (let* ((name (make-int-plus :args res))
233 (newmod (or *modmorph-new-module* (create-module name))))
234 (setf (module-decl-form newmod) modexp)
235 (with-in-module (newmod)
236 (dolist (mod res)
237 (import-module-internal newmod :protecting mod))
238 (compile-module newmod)
239 newmod))))))))
262241 ;;; ********************
264243 ;;; ********************
265244 ;;; *NOTE* apply-modmorph must use memo tables since mapping may affect
266245 ;;; sub-modules (e.g. with "protecting A[X <= Y]")
267 ;;;
268 ;;;
269 #||
270247 (defun create-instantiation (modexp)
271248 (flet ((report-error (&rest ignore)
272 (declare (ignore ignore))
273 (with-output-msg ()
274 (princ "could not evaluate instantiation: ")
275 (print-modexp modexp *standard-output* t t)
276 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
249 (declare (ignore ignore))
250 (with-output-msg ()
251 (princ "could not evaluate instantiation: ")
252 (print-modexp modexp *standard-output* t t)
253 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
277254 (with-chaos-error (#'report-error)
278255 (cond ((int-instantiation-p modexp) ; evaluated internal modexp.
279 (let ((mappg (views-to-modmorph (int-instantiation-module modexp)
280 (int-instantiation-args modexp))))
281 (apply-modmorph modexp mappg (int-instantiation-module modexp))))
282 (t ; not yet evaluated, build from the
283 ; scratch.
284 (let* ((*auto-context-change* nil)
285 ;; parameter module must be a global
286 (modpar (eval-modexp (%instantiation-module modexp))))
287 (unless (module-p modpar)
288 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-err)
289 (princ "Unknown parameterized module in instantiation: ")
290 (when (modexp-is-error modpar)
291 (princ (cdr modpar))
292 ))
293 )
294 #||
295 (when (eq *current-module* modpar)
296 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
297 (princ "module ")
298 (print-mod-name *current-module*)
299 (princ "cannot instantiate itself")
300 ))
301 ||#
302 (unless (get-module-parameters modpar)
303 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
304 (princ "module ")
305 (print-mod-name modpar)
306 (princ " has no parameters.")
307 ))
308 ;;
309 (let ((args (do ((r (%instantiation-args modexp) (cdr r))
310 (res nil))
311 ((null r) (nreverse res))
312 (push (eval-view-arg (car r)
313 modpar)
314 res))))
315 (let ((name (make-int-instantiation :module modpar
316 :args args))
317 (mappg (views-to-modmorph modpar args)))
318 (let ((module (apply-modmorph name mappg modpar)))
319 ;; (setf (module-name module) name) ; name is set by apply-modmorph.
320 (setf (module-decl-form module) modexp)
321 module)))))))))
322 ||#
324 (defun create-instantiation (modexp)
325 (flet ((report-error (&rest ignore)
326 (declare (ignore ignore))
327 (with-output-msg ()
328 (princ "could not evaluate instantiation: ")
329 (print-modexp modexp *standard-output* t t)
330 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
331 (with-chaos-error (#'report-error)
332 (cond ((int-instantiation-p modexp) ; evaluated internal modexp.
333 (let ((mappg (views-to-modmorph (int-instantiation-module modexp)
334 (int-instantiation-args modexp))))
335 (apply-modmorph modexp mappg (int-instantiation-module modexp))))
336 (t ; not yet evaluated, build from the
337 ; scratch.
338 (let* ((*auto-context-change* nil)
339 ;; parameter module must be a global
340 (modpar (eval-modexp (%instantiation-module modexp))))
341 (unless (module-p modpar)
342 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-err)
343 (princ "Unknown parameterized module in instantiation: ")
344 (when (modexp-is-error modpar)
345 (princ (cdr modpar))
346 ))
347 )
348 (unless (get-module-parameters modpar)
349 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
350 (princ "module ")
351 (print-mod-name modpar)
352 (princ " has no parameters.")
353 ))
354 ;;
355 (let ((args nil)
356 (mappg nil))
357 (push (eval-view-arg (car (%instantiation-args modexp))
358 modpar
359 nil)
360 args)
361 (setq mappg (view->modmorph modpar (car args)))
362 ;;
363 (dolist (r (cdr (%instantiation-args modexp)))
364 (push (eval-view-arg r modpar mappg) args)
365 (setq mappg
366 (modmorph-merge mappg
367 (view->modmorph modpar (car args)))))
368 (setq args (nreverse args))
369 ;;
370 (let ((name (make-int-instantiation :module modpar
371 :args args)))
372 (let ((module (apply-modmorph name mappg modpar)))
373 ;; (setf (module-name module) name) ; name is set by apply-modmorph.
374 (setf (module-decl-form module) modexp)
375 module)))))))))
256 (let ((mappg (views-to-modmorph (int-instantiation-module modexp)
257 (int-instantiation-args modexp))))
258 (apply-modmorph modexp mappg (int-instantiation-module modexp))))
259 (t ; not yet evaluated, build from the
260 ; scratch.
261 (let* ((*auto-context-change* nil)
262 ;; parameter module must be a global
263 (modpar (eval-modexp (%instantiation-module modexp))))
264 (unless (module-p modpar)
265 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-err)
266 (princ "Unknown parameterized module in instantiation: ")
267 (when (modexp-is-error modpar)
268 (princ (cdr modpar)))))
269 (unless (get-module-parameters modpar)
270 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
271 (princ "module ")
272 (print-mod-name modpar)
273 (princ " has no parameters.")))
274 ;;
275 (let ((args nil)
276 (mappg nil))
277 (push (eval-view-arg (car (%instantiation-args modexp))
278 modpar
279 nil)
280 args)
281 (setq mappg (view->modmorph modpar (car args)))
282 ;;
283 (dolist (r (cdr (%instantiation-args modexp)))
284 (push (eval-view-arg r modpar mappg) args)
285 (setq mappg
286 (modmorph-merge mappg
287 (view->modmorph modpar (car args)))))
288 (setq args (nreverse args))
289 ;;
290 (let ((name (make-int-instantiation :module modpar
291 :args args)))
292 (let ((module (apply-modmorph name mappg modpar)))
293 ;; (setf (module-name module) name) ; name is set by apply-modmorph.
294 (setf (module-decl-form module) modexp)
295 module)))))))))
377297 ;;; EVAL-VIEW-ARG : Arg Module pre-maps -> Arg'
378298 ;;; Arg == (%!arg formal-arg-name View)
381301 ;;;
382302 (defun eval-view-arg (arg mod pre-maps)
383303 (let ((arg-name (%!arg-name arg))
384 (vw (%!arg-view arg)))
385 (unless (%is-view vw) (break "Invalid view in instantition!")) ; panic
304 (vw (%!arg-view arg)))
305 (unless (%is-view vw) (break "Invalid view in instantition!")) ; panic
386306 (%!arg* arg-name
387 (complete-view vw arg-name mod pre-maps))))
307 (complete-view vw arg-name mod pre-maps))))
389309 ;;; *************
390310 ;;; CREATE-RENAME : modexp -> module
395315 (let ((sort (find-sort-in mod name)))
396316 (unless sort
397317 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
398 (princ "sort is not found for rename.")
399 (print-sort-ref name)
400 ))
318 (princ "sort is not found for rename.")
319 (print-sort-ref name)
320 ))
401321 (when (and sort (eq *chaos-module* (sort-module sort)))
402322 (with-output-chaos-error ('sort-hard-wired)
403 (format t "sorry! sort `~a' is hard-wired, cannot be renamed."
404 (string (sort-id sort)))
405 ))
323 (format t "sorry! sort `~a' is hard-wired, cannot be renamed."
324 (string (sort-id sort)))
325 ))
406326 (when (or (and (eq type :visible) (sort-is-hidden sort))
407 (and (eq type :hidden) (not (sort-is-hidden sort))))
327 (and (eq type :hidden) (not (sort-is-hidden sort))))
408328 (with-output-chaos-error ('sort-type-error)
409 (format t "~a must be ~a for `~a' renaming."
410 (string (sort-id sort))
411 type
412 (if (eq type :visible)
413 "sort"
414 "hsort")
415 )
416 ))
329 (format t "~a must be ~a for `~a' renaming."
330 (string (sort-id sort))
331 type
332 (if (eq type :visible)
333 "sort"
334 "hsort"))))
417335 sort))
419337 (defun create-rename (modexp)
420338 (flet ((report-error (&rest ignore)
421 (declare (ignore ignore))
422 (with-output-msg ()
423 (princ "could not evaluate the renaming: ")
424 (print-modexp modexp)
425 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
426 (cond ((int-rename-p modexp) ; internal evaluated
427 (let* ((newmod (!create-module modexp))
428 (target-mod (eval-modexp* (int-rename-module modexp)))
429 (modmap (acons target-mod newmod nil))
430 (map (create-modmorph modexp
431 (int-rename-sort-maps modexp)
432 (int-rename-op-maps modexp)
433 modmap)))
434 (with-in-module (newmod)
435 (apply-modmorph-internal map target-mod newmod))
436 newmod))
437 (t ; pure modexp
438 ;; create new module from the scratch.
439 (let ((target-module nil))
440 (with-chaos-error (#'report-error)
441 ;; target must be global
442 (setq target-module (eval-modexp (%rename-module modexp)))
443 (when *on-modexp-debug*
444 (with-output-msg()
445 (format t "create rename: target = ")
446 (print-modexp target-module)))
447 (when (modexp-is-error target-module)
448 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
449 (princ "no such module: ")
450 (print-modexp (%rename-module modexp))))
451 (setf (%rename-module modexp) target-module)
452 (let* ((mod target-module)
453 (ren (if (%is-rmap (%rename-map modexp))
454 (%rmap-map (%rename-map modexp))
455 (%rename-map modexp)))
456 (mod-name modexp) ; dummy at this time, will changed by
457 ; int-rename later.
458 (newmod (!create-module mod-name))
459 (modmap (acons mod newmod nil))
460 (map (create-modmorph modexp nil nil modmap)))
461 ;;
462 (let ((check (is-rename-injective ren)))
463 (when (eq check :warn)
464 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
465 (princ "rename map may not be injective: ")
466 (print-modexp modexp)))
467 (when (eq check :invalid)
468 (with-output-chaos-error ()
469 (princ "invalid rename map: ")
470 (print-modexp modexp))))
471 ;;
472 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-sort ren)))
473 (let ((sort (find-renaming-sort-in mod (car x) :visible)))
474 ;; NOTE: `rename-sort' may modify module map & sort map
475 ;; iff it generates a dummy module.
476 (rename-sort map mod newmod sort (%sort-ref-name (cadr x)))))
477 ;;
478 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort ren)))
479 (let ((sort (find-renaming-sort-in mod (car x) :hidden)))
480 (rename-sort map mod newmod sort (%sort-ref-name (cadr x)))))
482 ;; generate new operator (opinfo + methods) with making
483 ;; operator map in map.
484 ;; `rename-op' may modify module map iff it generated a dummy
485 ;; module.
486 ;; operator map is set by `rename-op'.
487 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-op ren)))
488 (let ((opinfos (find-qual-operators (car x) mod ':functional)))
489 (unless opinfos
490 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
491 (princ "operator not found in rename: ")
492 (print-ast (car x))
493 (princ " in module ") (print-modexp mod)))
494 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
495 (rename-op map mod newmod opinfo (cadr x) mod))))
496 ;;
497 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-bop ren)))
498 (let ((opinfos (find-qual-operators (car x) mod ':behavioural)))
499 (unless opinfos
500 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
501 (princ "behavioural operator not found in rename: ")
502 (print-ast (car x))
503 (princ " in module ") (print-modexp mod)))
504 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
505 (rename-op map mod newmod opinfo (cadr x) mod))))
506 ;; we must make maps of SortId constants iff the
507 ;; coressponding sort is mapped.
508 (dolist (s-map (modmorph-sort map))
509 (let* ((source (car s-map))
510 (target (cdr s-map))
511 (old-name (list (string (sort-id source))))
512 (new-name (list (string (sort-id target))))
513 (s-opinfo nil)
514 (s-method nil))
515 (setq s-opinfo (find-operators-in-module
516 old-name
517 0
518 mod
519 ':functional))
520 (when (cdr s-opinfo)
521 (with-output-chaos-error ('too-may-opinfos)
522 (princ "automatic generation of operator renaming failed")
523 (format t "~& for SortId ~a" old-name)))
524 (setq s-opinfo (car s-opinfo))
525 (with-in-module (mod)
526 (setq s-method (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods s-opinfo)))))
527 (unless (*find-method-in-map (modmorph-op map) s-method)
528 (rename-op map mod newmod s-opinfo new-name mod))))
530 ;; now we've constructed the maps,
531 ;; we can make real module name here.
532 (setq mod-name (make-int-rename :module mod
533 :sort-maps (modmorph-sort map)
534 :op-maps (modmorph-op map)))
535 (setf (module-name newmod) mod-name)
536 ;;
537 ;; finally, apply generated modmorph.
538 ;;
539 (with-in-module (newmod)
540 (apply-modmorph-internal map mod newmod))
541 (setf (module-decl-form newmod) modexp)
542 newmod )))))))
339 (declare (ignore ignore))
340 (with-output-msg ()
341 (princ "could not evaluate the renaming: ")
342 (print-modexp modexp)
343 (chaos-error 'modexp-error))))
344 (cond ((int-rename-p modexp) ; internal evaluated
345 (let* ((newmod (!create-module modexp))
346 (target-mod (eval-modexp* (int-rename-module modexp)))
347 (modmap (acons target-mod newmod nil))
348 (map (create-modmorph modexp
349 (int-rename-sort-maps modexp)
350 (int-rename-op-maps modexp)
351 modmap)))
352 (with-in-module (newmod)
353 (apply-modmorph-internal map target-mod newmod))
354 newmod))
355 (t ; pure modexp
356 ;; create new module from the scratch.
357 (let ((target-module nil))
358 (with-chaos-error (#'report-error)
359 ;; target must be global
360 (setq target-module (eval-modexp (%rename-module modexp)))
361 (when *on-modexp-debug*
362 (with-output-msg()
363 (format t "create rename: target = ")
364 (print-modexp target-module)))
365 (when (modexp-is-error target-module)
366 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
367 (princ "no such module: ")
368 (print-modexp (%rename-module modexp))))
369 (setf (%rename-module modexp) target-module)
370 (let* ((mod target-module)
371 (ren (if (%is-rmap (%rename-map modexp))
372 (%rmap-map (%rename-map modexp))
373 (%rename-map modexp)))
374 (mod-name modexp) ; dummy at this time, will changed by
375 ; int-rename later.
376 (newmod (!create-module mod-name))
377 (modmap (acons mod newmod nil))
378 (map (create-modmorph modexp nil nil modmap)))
379 ;;
380 (let ((check (is-rename-injective ren)))
381 (when (eq check :warn)
382 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
383 (princ "rename map may not be injective: ")
384 (print-modexp modexp)))
385 (when (eq check :invalid)
386 (with-output-chaos-error ()
387 (princ "invalid rename map: ")
388 (print-modexp modexp))))
389 ;;
390 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-sort ren)))
391 (let ((sort (find-renaming-sort-in mod (car x) :visible)))
392 ;; NOTE: `rename-sort' may modify module map & sort map
393 ;; iff it generates a dummy module.
394 (rename-sort map mod newmod sort (%sort-ref-name (cadr x)))))
395 ;;
396 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort ren)))
397 (let ((sort (find-renaming-sort-in mod (car x) :hidden)))
398 (rename-sort map mod newmod sort (%sort-ref-name (cadr x)))))
400 ;; generate new operator (opinfo + methods) with making
401 ;; operator map in map.
402 ;; `rename-op' may modify module map iff it generated a dummy
403 ;; module.
404 ;; operator map is set by `rename-op'.
405 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-op ren)))
406 (let ((opinfos (find-qual-operators (car x) mod ':functional)))
407 (unless opinfos
408 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
409 (princ "operator not found in rename: ")
410 (print-ast (car x))
411 (princ " in module ") (print-modexp mod)))
412 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
413 (rename-op map mod newmod opinfo (cadr x) mod))))
414 ;;
415 (dolist (x (cadr (assq '%ren-bop ren)))
416 (let ((opinfos (find-qual-operators (car x) mod ':behavioural)))
417 (unless opinfos
418 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
419 (princ "behavioural operator not found in rename: ")
420 (print-ast (car x))
421 (princ " in module ") (print-modexp mod)))
422 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
423 (rename-op map mod newmod opinfo (cadr x) mod))))
424 ;; we must make maps of SortId constants iff the
425 ;; coressponding sort is mapped.
426 (dolist (s-map (modmorph-sort map))
427 (let* ((source (car s-map))
428 (target (cdr s-map))
429 (old-name (list (string (sort-id source))))
430 (new-name (list (string (sort-id target))))
431 (s-opinfo nil)
432 (s-method nil))
433 (setq s-opinfo (find-operators-in-module
434 old-name
435 0
436 mod
437 ':functional))
438 (when (cdr s-opinfo)
439 (with-output-chaos-error ('too-may-opinfos)
440 (princ "automatic generation of operator renaming failed")
441 (format t "~% for SortId ~a" old-name)))
442 (setq s-opinfo (car s-opinfo))
443 (with-in-module (mod)
444 (setq s-method (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods s-opinfo)))))
445 (unless (*find-method-in-map (modmorph-op map) s-method)
446 (rename-op map mod newmod s-opinfo new-name mod))))
448 ;; now we've constructed the maps,
449 ;; we can make real module name here.
450 (setq mod-name (make-int-rename :module mod
451 :sort-maps (modmorph-sort map)
452 :op-maps (modmorph-op map)))
453 (setf (module-name newmod) mod-name)
454 ;;
455 ;; finally, apply generated modmorph.
456 ;;
457 (with-in-module (newmod)
458 (apply-modmorph-internal map mod newmod))
459 (setf (module-decl-form newmod) modexp)
460 newmod )))))))
544462 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mimport.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mimport.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6767 (let ((*auto-context-change* nil))
6868 (setq *import-sort-map* nil)
6969 (prog1
70 (import-module-internal im mode sub parameter nil alias)
70 (import-module-internal im mode sub parameter nil alias)
7171 (setq *import-sort-map* nil))))
7373 (defun import-module-internal (im mode sub &optional parameter theory-mod alias)
7474 (when *on-import-debug*
75 (format t "~&[import-module]: ")
75 (format t "~%[import-module]: ")
7676 (print-next)
7777 (princ " ") (print-modexp im)
7878 (format t " <==(~a)== " mode)
8080 (if parameter (format t " : ~a" parameter)))
8181 ;;
8282 (flet ((eval-modexp-or-error (modexp)
83 (let (val)
84 (if (module-p modexp)
85 (setf val modexp)
86 (progn
87 (setf val (eval-modexp modexp)) ; must be global
88 (when (modexp-is-error val)
89 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
90 (princ "importing module, cannot evaluate module expression ")
91 (print-modexp modexp)
92 ))))
93 val))
94 (is-directly-using (mod1 mod2)
95 ;; IS-DIRECTLY-USING : Module-1 Module-2 -> Bool
96 ;; returns t iff the module-1 imports module-2 directly.
97 ;; `directly' means that some own constructs of Module-2 (sors and
98 ;; operators declared in Module-2) are included in Module-1's
99 ;; constructs, i.e., Module-2 is a node of a module hierarchy with
100 ;; Module-1 at top.
101 (or (some #'(lambda (x) (eq mod2 (sort-module x)))
102 (module-all-sorts mod1))
103 (some #'(lambda (x)
104 (eq mod2 (operator-module (opinfo-operator x))))
105 (module-all-operators mod1))))
106 (create-variant-name (parent mod)
108 ;; variant name ::= (:name <module name> <natural>)
109 ;; We carete a brand new module when imported module refers some
110 ;; soncstructs of importing module. this can happen when we import an
111 ;; instantiated module with an actual parameter includes some sorts
112 ;; or operators of importing module in its module morphism. In such
113 ;; case, we create a module with the same name of importing module,
114 ;; then importing module is changed its name to `variant-name'. The
115 ;; newly created module, then imports this module.
116 (let ((modname (module-name parent))
117 (num -1))
118 (declare (type fixnum num))
119 (dolist (sm (module-submodules mod))
120 (when (eq :protecting (cdr sm))
121 (let ((smnm (module-name (car sm))))
122 (when (and (consp smnm)
123 (eq :name (car smnm))
124 (eq (cadr smnm) modname) ; by construction works
125 (< num (the fixnum (caddr smnm))))
126 (setq num (caddr smnm))))))
127 `(:name ,modname ,(1+ (the fixnum num)))
128 )))
83 (let (val)
84 (if (module-p modexp)
85 (setf val modexp)
86 (progn
87 (setf val (eval-modexp modexp)) ; must be global
88 (when (modexp-is-error val)
89 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
90 (princ "importing module, cannot evaluate module expression ")
91 (print-modexp modexp)
92 ))))
93 val))
94 (is-directly-using (mod1 mod2)
95 ;; IS-DIRECTLY-USING : Module-1 Module-2 -> Bool
96 ;; returns t iff the module-1 imports module-2 directly.
97 ;; `directly' means that some own constructs of Module-2 (sors and
98 ;; operators declared in Module-2) are included in Module-1's
99 ;; constructs, i.e., Module-2 is a node of a module hierarchy with
100 ;; Module-1 at top.
101 (or (some #'(lambda (x) (eq mod2 (sort-module x)))
102 (module-all-sorts mod1))
103 (some #'(lambda (x)
104 (eq mod2 (operator-module (opinfo-operator x))))
105 (module-all-operators mod1))))
106 (create-variant-name (parent mod)
108 ;; variant name ::= (:name <module name> <natural>)
109 ;; We carete a brand new module when imported module refers some
110 ;; soncstructs of importing module. this can happen when we import an
111 ;; instantiated module with an actual parameter includes some sorts
112 ;; or operators of importing module in its module morphism. In such
113 ;; case, we create a module with the same name of importing module,
114 ;; then importing module is changed its name to `variant-name'. The
115 ;; newly created module, then imports this module.
116 (let ((modname (module-name parent))
117 (num -1))
118 (declare (type fixnum num))
119 (dolist (sm (module-submodules mod))
120 (when (eq :protecting (cdr sm))
121 (let ((smnm (module-name (car sm))))
122 (when (and (consp smnm)
123 (eq :name (car smnm))
124 (eq (cadr smnm) modname) ; by construction works
125 (< num (the fixnum (caddr smnm))))
126 (setq num (caddr smnm))))))
127 `(:name ,modname ,(1+ (the fixnum num)))
128 )))
129129 ;;
130130 (let ((module (eval-modexp-or-error im))
131 (submodule (eval-modexp-or-error sub)))
131 (submodule (eval-modexp-or-error sub)))
132132 (unless (and (module-p module) (module-p submodule))
133 ;; (break)
134 (return-from import-module-internal nil))
133 ;; (break)
134 (return-from import-module-internal nil))
135135 (when (eq module submodule)
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-import)
137 (princ "module cannot import itself!")
138 ))
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-import)
137 (princ "module cannot import itself!")
138 ))
140140 ;; compile submodule if need
141141 (compile-module submodule)
142142 ;;
143143 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
144 (if alias
145 alias
146 (module-name submodule))
147 submodule)
144 (if alias
145 alias
146 (module-name submodule))
147 submodule)
148148 ;;
149149 #||
150150 (when (and *include-bool*
151 (assq *bool-module*
152 (module-all-submodules submodule)))
153 (include-bool module))
151 (assq *bool-module*
152 (module-all-submodules submodule)))
153 (include-bool module))
154154 ||#
155155 ;;
156156 (with-in-module (module)
157 ;;
158 ;;
159 (if parameter
161 ;; We carete a new module with name `(formal-name "::" module-object)'
162 ;; where, formal-name is the name of formal parameter name (we get
163 ;; this as the argument param), module-object is the object of
164 ;; submodule to be imported as parameter theory.
165 ;; The `parameters' module will be updated to including this
166 ;; importation, each entry is is the form of
167 ;; `((formal-name . parameter-module) . mode)
168 (let ((true-name (list parameter "::" submodule module))
169 (*include-bool* (if (memq *bool-sort* (module-all-sorts submodule))
170 t
171 nil)))
172 (let ((param-mod (create-renamed-module-2 submodule true-name module)))
173 ;; register it to local environment.
174 (add-modexp-local-defn (list parameter (module-name module))
175 param-mod)
176 (push (cons (cons parameter param-mod) mode)
177 (module-parameters module))
178 (import-module-internal module mode param-mod)
179 ))
180 ;;
182 ;;
183 (if (or (eq :using mode)
184 (not (is-directly-using submodule *current-module*)))
185 (let* ((subs (module-all-submodules module))
186 (val (assq submodule subs)))
187 (when val
188 (let ((real-mode (get-real-importing-mode submodule module)))
189 (if (and *check-import-mode*
190 (not (or (eq real-mode :using)
191 (eq (cdr val) :using)))
192 (not (eq mode real-mode)))
193 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
194 (format t "module ~a is already imported into ~a"
195 (make-module-print-name submodule)
196 (make-module-print-name module))
197 (print-next)
198 (format t "with the effective mode : ~a," real-mode)
199 (print-next)
200 (format t "this conflicts to the new mode : ~a." mode)
201 )
202 ;; we omit this importation
203 (progn
204 (when *on-import-debug*
205 (format t "~&module is already imported, skipping.."))
206 (return-from import-module-internal t)
207 ))
208 ))
209 (when *check-import-mode*
210 ;; other more complex importation check.
211 ;; checks confliction among shared submodules.
212 (let ((s-subs (mapcar #'car
213 (module-all-submodules submodule))))
214 (dolist (ms subs)
215 (when (memq (car ms) s-subs)
216 (let ((m1 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) module))
217 (m2 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) submodule)))
218 (unless (eq m1 m2)
219 (if (or (memq m1 '(:?extending :extending))
220 (memq m2 '(:?extending :extending)))
221 ;;
222 nil ; do nothing now
223 (when (not (or (eq m1 :using)
224 (eq m2 :using)))
225 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
226 (format t "confliction in importation mode of common submodule ~a"
227 (get-module-print-name (car ms)))
228 (print-next)
229 (format t "module ~a already imports with effective mode ~a,"
230 (get-module-print-name module)
231 m1)
232 (print-next)
233 (format t "module ~a imports with effective mode ~a."
234 (get-module-print-name submodule)
235 m2)
236 )))))))))
238 ;; `incorporate-module' do the real importation.
239 (incorporate-module module mode submodule theory-mod)
241 ;; imported modules are stored at `module-submodules' in a form
242 ;; (<module> <mode>), <mode> is one of :protecting, :extending,
243 ;; :using, and :including.
244 (add-imported-module module mode submodule)
245 ;;
246 module)
249 ;; imported module refers some constructs of importing module.
250 ;; current-module --> variant
251 ;;
252 (let ((newmod (make-module :name (module-name module)))
253 (modname (module-name module))
254 (submod module))
255 (initialize-module newmod)
256 (setf (module-parameters newmod)
257 (module-parameters module))
258 (setf *current-module* newmod)
259 (setf *current-sort-order* (module-sort-order newmod))
260 (setf *current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table newmod))
261 (let ((subname (create-variant-name newmod submod)))
262 (setf (module-name submod) subname)
263 ;; (add-canon-modexp subname subname)
264 (modexp-update-name subname submod))
265 (final-setup submod)
266 (add-modexp-defn modname newmod)
267 (add-imported-module newmod :protecting submod)
268 (incorporate-module newmod :protecting submod)
269 (add-imported-module newmod mode submodule)
270 (incorporate-module newmod mode submodule)
271 (dolist (par (module-parameters newmod))
272 (add-imported-module newmod (cdr par)(cdar par))
273 (incorporate-module newmod (cdr par) (cdar par)))
274 (unless *chaos-quiet* (princ ")" *error-output*))
275 newmod)))
276 ))))
157 ;;
158 ;;
159 (if parameter
161 ;; We carete a new module with name `(formal-name "::" module-object)'
162 ;; where, formal-name is the name of formal parameter name (we get
163 ;; this as the argument param), module-object is the object of
164 ;; submodule to be imported as parameter theory.
165 ;; The `parameters' module will be updated to including this
166 ;; importation, each entry is is the form of
167 ;; `((formal-name . parameter-module) . mode)
168 (let ((true-name (list parameter "::" submodule module))
169 (*include-bool* (if (memq *bool-sort* (module-all-sorts submodule))
170 t
171 nil)))
172 (let ((param-mod (create-renamed-module-2 submodule true-name module)))
173 ;; register it to local environment.
174 (add-modexp-local-defn (list parameter (module-name module))
175 param-mod)
176 (push (cons (cons parameter param-mod) mode)
177 (module-parameters module))
178 (import-module-internal module mode param-mod)
179 ))
180 ;;
182 ;;
183 (if (or (eq :using mode)
184 (not (is-directly-using submodule *current-module*)))
185 (let* ((subs (module-all-submodules module))
186 (val (assq submodule subs)))
187 (when val
188 (let ((real-mode (get-real-importing-mode submodule module)))
189 (if (and *check-import-mode*
190 (not (or (eq real-mode :using)
191 (eq (cdr val) :using)))
192 (not (eq mode real-mode)))
193 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
194 (format t "module ~a is already imported into ~a"
195 (make-module-print-name submodule)
196 (make-module-print-name module))
197 (print-next)
198 (format t "with the effective mode : ~a," real-mode)
199 (print-next)
200 (format t "this conflicts to the new mode : ~a." mode)
201 )
202 ;; we omit this importation
203 (progn
204 (when *on-import-debug*
205 (format t "~&module is already imported, skipping.."))
206 (return-from import-module-internal t)
207 ))
208 ))
209 (when *check-import-mode*
210 ;; other more complex importation check.
211 ;; checks confliction among shared submodules.
212 (let ((s-subs (mapcar #'car
213 (module-all-submodules submodule))))
214 (dolist (ms subs)
215 (when (memq (car ms) s-subs)
216 (let ((m1 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) module))
217 (m2 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) submodule)))
218 (unless (eq m1 m2)
219 (if (or (memq m1 '(:?extending :extending))
220 (memq m2 '(:?extending :extending)))
221 ;;
222 nil ; do nothing now
223 (when (not (or (eq m1 :using)
224 (eq m2 :using)))
225 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
226 (format t "confliction in importation mode of common submodule ~a"
227 (get-module-print-name (car ms)))
228 (print-next)
229 (format t "module ~a already imports with effective mode ~a,"
230 (get-module-print-name module)
231 m1)
232 (print-next)
233 (format t "module ~a imports with effective mode ~a."
234 (get-module-print-name submodule)
235 m2)
236 )))))))))
238 ;; `incorporate-module' do the real importation.
239 (incorporate-module module mode submodule theory-mod)
241 ;; imported modules are stored at `module-submodules' in a form
242 ;; (<module> <mode>), <mode> is one of :protecting, :extending,
243 ;; :using, and :including.
244 (add-imported-module module mode submodule)
245 ;;
246 module)
249 ;; imported module refers some constructs of importing module.
250 ;; current-module --> variant
251 ;;
252 (let ((newmod (make-module :name (module-name module)))
253 (modname (module-name module))
254 (submod module))
255 (initialize-module newmod)
256 (setf (module-parameters newmod)
257 (module-parameters module))
258 (setf *current-module* newmod)
259 (setf *current-sort-order* (module-sort-order newmod))
260 (setf *current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table newmod))
261 (let ((subname (create-variant-name newmod submod)))
262 (setf (module-name submod) subname)
263 ;; (add-canon-modexp subname subname)
264 (modexp-update-name subname submod))
265 (final-setup submod)
266 (add-modexp-defn modname newmod)
267 (add-imported-module newmod :protecting submod)
268 (incorporate-module newmod :protecting submod)
269 (add-imported-module newmod mode submodule)
270 (incorporate-module newmod mode submodule)
271 (dolist (par (module-parameters newmod))
272 (add-imported-module newmod (cdr par)(cdar par))
273 (incorporate-module newmod (cdr par) (cdar par)))
274 (unless *chaos-quiet* (princ ")" *error-output*))
275 newmod)))
276 ))))
278278 ;;; INCORPORATE-MODULE : Module Mode SubModule -> Module'
279279 ;;; Do the importation.
287287 (defun incorporate-module (module mode submodule &optional theory-mod)
288288 (if (memq mode '(:protecting :extending :including))
289289 (prog1 (incorporate-module-sharing module submodule theory-mod)
290 (when (eq mode :including)
291 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
292 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
293 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
294 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))))
290 (when (eq mode :including)
291 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
292 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
293 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
294 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))))
295295 (incorporate-module-copying module submodule nil theory-mod)))
297297 (defun make-sort-ref-if-need (sref)
308308 ;;-----------------------------------------------
309309 ;; import sorts
310310 (dolist (s (reverse (module-all-sorts submodule)))
311 ;; we imports only sorts user declared.
312 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? s submodule)
313 (add-sort-to-module s module)))
311 ;; we imports only sorts user declared.
312 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? s submodule)
313 (add-sort-to-module s module)))
314314 ;; import error-sorts
315315 #||
316316 (dolist (s (module-error-sorts submodule))
317 (pushnew s (module-error-sorts module) :test #'eq))
317 (pushnew s (module-error-sorts module) :test #'eq))
318318 ||#
319319 ;; import sort relations
320320 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
321 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations submodule))
322 (let ((new-sl (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation sl)))
323 (when new-sl
324 (adjoin-sort-relation new-sl module)
325 (add-relation-to-order new-sl so)))))
321 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations submodule))
322 (let ((new-sl (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation sl)))
323 (when new-sl
324 (adjoin-sort-relation new-sl module)
325 (add-relation-to-order new-sl so)))))
326326 ;; at this point, we want
327327 ;; import operators + axioms.
328328 (setf (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module)
329 (delete-duplicates (append (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module)
330 (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom
331 submodule))
332 :test #'eq))
329 (delete-duplicates (append (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module)
330 (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom
331 submodule))
332 :test #'eq))
333333 (setf (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
334 (delete-duplicates (append (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
335 (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom submodule))
336 :test #'eq))
334 (delete-duplicates (append (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
335 (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom submodule))
336 :test #'eq))
337337 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators submodule)))
338 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
339 (transfer-operator module submodule opinfo nil theory-mod))
340 )
338 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
339 (transfer-operator module submodule opinfo nil theory-mod))
340 )
341341 ;; #||
342342 ;; import error operators which might be reused.
343343 (dolist (em (module-error-methods submodule))
344 (pushnew em (module-error-methods module) :test #'eq))
344 (pushnew em (module-error-methods module) :test #'eq))
345345 ;; ||#
346346 ;; user defined error ops -----
347347 #||
348348 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
349 (when *on-import-debug*
350 (format t "~&** importing error operator decl.")
351 (dolist (edecl (module-error-op-decl submodule))
352 (print edecl)))
353 (let ((eops (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule))))
354 (dolist (ed eops)
355 (let ((e-coarity (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need (%op-decl-coarity ed))))
356 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
357 sref))
358 (e-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
359 (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need x)))
360 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
361 sref))
362 (%op-decl-arity ed)))
363 )
364 (setf (%op-decl-arity ed) e-arity)
365 (setf (%op-decl-coarity ed) e-coarity)
366 ))
367 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
368 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module) eops))
369 ))
349 (when *on-import-debug*
350 (format t "~&** importing error operator decl.")
351 (dolist (edecl (module-error-op-decl submodule))
352 (print edecl)))
353 (let ((eops (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule))))
354 (dolist (ed eops)
355 (let ((e-coarity (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need (%op-decl-coarity ed))))
356 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
357 sref))
358 (e-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
359 (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need x)))
360 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
361 sref))
362 (%op-decl-arity ed)))
363 )
364 (setf (%op-decl-arity ed) e-arity)
365 (setf (%op-decl-coarity ed) e-coarity)
366 ))
367 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
368 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module) eops))
369 ))
370370 ||#
371371 #||
372372 (dolist (edecl (module-error-op-decl submodule))
373 (eval-ast edecl))
373 (eval-ast edecl))
374374 ||#
375375 ;; import macros
376376 (dolist (macro (module-macros submodule))
377 (add-macro-to-module module macro))
377 (add-macro-to-module module macro))
378378 ;;
379379 ;; all done, anyway ...
380380 )))
382382 ;;; import module copying
383383 (defun incorporate-module-copying (module submodule
384 &optional
385 copy-parameters
386 theory-module
387 (context-module *current-module*))
384 &optional
385 copy-parameters
386 theory-module
387 (context-module *current-module*))
388388 (let ((*import-local-vars* nil)
389 (imported-params nil))
389 (imported-params nil))
390390 (labels ((import-recreate-sort (s)
391 (%copy-sort s module nil t))
392 (using-recreate-sort-if-need (sort_)
393 (if (and (eq (sort-module sort_) submodule)
394 (not (member sort_
395 (module-sorts-for-regularity submodule))))
396 (or (cdr (assq sort_ *import-sort-map*))
397 (let ((news (import-recreate-sort sort_)))
398 (when *on-import-debug*
399 (format t "~%[copy] putting ~a to *import-sort-map*"
400 (cons sort_ news)))
401 (push (cons sort_ news) *import-sort-map*)
402 news))
403 sort_))
405 (using-find-sort (_sort)
406 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*)) _sort))
408 ;; for debug
409 #||
410 (!using-find-sort (_sort)
411 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*))
412 (progn (break) _sort)))
413 ||#
414 (using-import-var (var)
415 (let ((nm (variable-name var))
416 (sort (using-find-sort (variable-sort var))))
417 (let ((val (find-variable-in module nm)))
418 (if (and val (not (sort= sort (variable-sort val))))
419 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
420 (princ "imported variable discarded due to name conflict")
421 (print-next)
422 (format t "with the existing variable: ~a" nm))
423 (unless val
424 (setq val (make-variable-term sort nm))
425 (when *copy-variables*
426 (push (cons nm val) (module-variables module)))
427 (push (cons nm val) *import-local-vars*)
428 )))))
429 ;;
430 (using-find-sort-err (s)
431 (let ((sort (cdr (assq s *import-sort-map*))))
432 (cond (sort sort)
433 ((err-sort-p s)
434 (setq sort
435 (find-compatible-err-sort s module
436 *import-sort-map*))
437 (if sort
438 (progn
439 (when *on-import-debug*
440 (format t "~%-- adding import sort map: ~a"
441 (cons s sort)))
442 (push (cons s sort) *import-sort-map*)
443 sort)
444 (with-output-panic-message ()
445 (format t "could not find compatible error sort of ~a"
446 s))))
447 (t s))))
448 ;;
449 (using-recreate-term (term)
450 (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
451 (make-bconst-term (using-find-sort-err (term-sort term))
452 (term-builtin-value term)))
453 ((term-is-variable? term)
454 (let ((var-name (variable-name term))
455 (new-sort (using-find-sort-err (variable-sort term))))
456 (let ((val2 (assq var-name *import-local-vars*)))
457 (if (and val2 (sort= new-sort
458 (variable-sort (cdr val2))))
459 (cdr val2)
460 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term
461 new-sort var-name)))
462 (push (cons var-name new-var)
463 *import-local-vars*)
464 new-var))))
465 )
466 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
467 (t (let ((head (term-head term)))
468 (let ((new-head
469 (find-method-in
470 module
471 (method-symbol head)
472 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
473 (using-find-sort-err x))
474 (method-arity head))
475 (using-find-sort-err
476 (method-coarity head)))))
477 (when (null new-head)
478 (when *on-import-debug*
479 (format t "~&!! recreate-term null new-head")
480 (with-in-module (module)
481 (print-chaos-object head)
482 (format t "~% arity = ~a" (method-arity head))
483 (format t "~% coarity = ~a"
484 (method-coarity head))))
485 (setq new-head head))
486 (make-applform (method-coarity new-head)
487 new-head
488 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
489 (using-recreate-term tm))
490 (term-subterms term))))))))
491 (using-recreate-axiom (axiom)
492 (make-rule :lhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-lhs axiom))
493 :rhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-rhs axiom))
494 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition axiom))
495 *bool-true*
496 (using-recreate-term (axiom-condition axiom)))
497 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
498 :type (axiom-type axiom)
499 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural axiom)
500 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
501 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
502 ;;
503 (using-import-sub (s mode)
504 (let ((subs (module-all-submodules module)))
505 (unless (assq s subs)
506 (if (module-is-parameter-theory s)
507 (let ((param-mod s)
508 (arg-name (car (module-name s))))
509 (push param-mod imported-params)
510 (if (and copy-parameters
511 (not (eq (fourth (module-name s))
512 context-module)))
513 (import-module-internal module
514 mode
515 param-mod
516 arg-name
517 module)
518 (progn
519 (import-module-internal module
520 mode
521 param-mod
522 nil
523 (or theory-module
524 submodule))
525 (add-modexp-local-defn (list arg-name
526 (module-name module))
527 param-mod)
528 (push (cons (cons arg-name param-mod) mode)
529 (module-parameters module))
530 )))
531 (if (eq mode :using)
532 (using-import-subs s)
533 (import-module-internal module
534 mode
535 s
536 nil
537 (or theory-module submodule)))
538 ))))
539 (using-import-subs (smod)
540 (dolist (s (reverse (module-direct-submodules smod)))
541 (using-import-sub (car s) (cdr s))))
542 )
391 (%copy-sort s module nil t))
392 (using-recreate-sort-if-need (sort_)
393 (if (and (eq (sort-module sort_) submodule)
394 (not (member sort_
395 (module-sorts-for-regularity submodule))))
396 (or (cdr (assq sort_ *import-sort-map*))
397 (let ((news (import-recreate-sort sort_)))
398 (when *on-import-debug*
399 (format t "~%[copy] putting ~a to *import-sort-map*"
400 (cons sort_ news)))
401 (push (cons sort_ news) *import-sort-map*)
402 news))
403 sort_))
405 (using-find-sort (_sort)
406 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*)) _sort))
408 ;; for debug
409 #||
410 (!using-find-sort (_sort)
411 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*))
412 (progn (break) _sort)))
413 ||#
414 (using-import-var (var)
415 (let ((nm (variable-name var))
416 (sort (using-find-sort (variable-sort var))))
417 (let ((val (find-variable-in module nm)))
418 (if (and val (not (sort= sort (variable-sort val))))
419 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
420 (princ "imported variable discarded due to name conflict")
421 (print-next)
422 (format t "with the existing variable: ~a" nm))
423 (unless val
424 (setq val (make-variable-term sort nm))
425 (when *copy-variables*
426 (push (cons nm val) (module-variables module)))
427 (push (cons nm val) *import-local-vars*)
428 )))))
429 ;;
430 (using-find-sort-err (s)
431 (let ((sort (cdr (assq s *import-sort-map*))))
432 (cond (sort sort)
433 ((err-sort-p s)
434 (setq sort
435 (find-compatible-err-sort s module
436 *import-sort-map*))
437 (if sort
438 (progn
439 (when *on-import-debug*
440 (format t "~%-- adding import sort map: ~a"
441 (cons s sort)))
442 (push (cons s sort) *import-sort-map*)
443 sort)
444 (with-output-panic-message ()
445 (format t "could not find compatible error sort of ~a"
446 s))))
447 (t s))))
448 ;;
449 (using-recreate-term (term)
450 (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
451 (make-bconst-term (using-find-sort-err (term-sort term))
452 (term-builtin-value term)))
453 ((term-is-variable? term)
454 (let ((var-name (variable-name term))
455 (new-sort (using-find-sort-err (variable-sort term))))
456 (let ((val2 (assq var-name *import-local-vars*)))
457 (if (and val2 (sort= new-sort
458 (variable-sort (cdr val2))))
459 (cdr val2)
460 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term
461 new-sort var-name)))
462 (push (cons var-name new-var)
463 *import-local-vars*)
464 new-var))))
465 )
466 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
467 (t (let ((head (term-head term)))
468 (let ((new-head
469 (find-method-in
470 module
471 (method-symbol head)
472 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
473 (using-find-sort-err x))
474 (method-arity head))
475 (using-find-sort-err
476 (method-coarity head)))))
477 (when (null new-head)
478 (when *on-import-debug*
479 (format t "~&!! recreate-term null new-head")
480 (with-in-module (module)
481 (print-chaos-object head)
482 (format t "~% arity = ~a" (method-arity head))
483 (format t "~% coarity = ~a"
484 (method-coarity head))))
485 (setq new-head head))
486 (make-applform (method-coarity new-head)
487 new-head
488 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
489 (using-recreate-term tm))
490 (term-subterms term))))))))
491 (using-recreate-axiom (axiom)
492 (make-rule :lhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-lhs axiom))
493 :rhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-rhs axiom))
494 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition axiom))
495 *bool-true*
496 (using-recreate-term (axiom-condition axiom)))
497 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
498 :type (axiom-type axiom)
499 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural axiom)
500 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
501 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
502 ;;
503 (using-import-sub (s mode)
504 (let ((subs (module-all-submodules module)))
505 (unless (assq s subs)
506 (if (module-is-parameter-theory s)
507 (let ((param-mod s)
508 (arg-name (car (module-name s))))
509 (push param-mod imported-params)
510 (if (and copy-parameters
511 (not (eq (fourth (module-name s))
512 context-module)))
513 (import-module-internal module
514 mode
515 param-mod
516 arg-name
517 module)
518 (progn
519 (import-module-internal module
520 mode
521 param-mod
522 nil
523 (or theory-module
524 submodule))
525 (add-modexp-local-defn (list arg-name
526 (module-name module))
527 param-mod)
528 (push (cons (cons arg-name param-mod) mode)
529 (module-parameters module))
530 )))
531 (if (eq mode :using)
532 (using-import-subs s)
533 (import-module-internal module
534 mode
535 s
536 nil
537 (or theory-module submodule)))
538 ))))
539 (using-import-subs (smod)
540 (dolist (s (reverse (module-direct-submodules smod)))
541 (using-import-sub (car s) (cdr s))))
542 )
543543 ;;
544544 (with-in-module (module)
545 ;; *NOTE* : the follwing code is executed in the context of given
546 ;; `module' = *current-module*.
547 ;;
548 ;; import submodules of submodule
549 ;;
550 (using-import-subs submodule)
551 ;;
552 ;; import sorts of submodule recreating
553 ;;
554 (dolist (s (reverse (module-sorts submodule)))
555 ; sorts of sub-sumodules should already be
556 ; imported at this point.
557 (let ((new-sort (using-recreate-sort-if-need s)))
558 ; thus, `if-need' is redundant though..
559 (when new-sort
560 (add-sort-to-module new-sort module))))
561 ;;
562 ;; reconstruct sort relations
563 ;;
564 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
565 (dolist (rel (module-sort-relations submodule))
566 (let* ((new-rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel))
567 (xnew-rel (when new-rel
568 (make-sort-relation
569 (using-find-sort (sort-relation-sort new-rel))
570 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
571 (_subsorts new-rel))
572 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
573 (_supersorts new-rel))))))
574 (when xnew-rel
575 (adjoin-sort-relation xnew-rel module))
576 (add-relation-to-order xnew-rel so)))
577 (generate-err-sorts so)
578 )
579 ;;
580 ;; import operators(methods) copying
581 ;;
582 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators submodule)))
583 ; again, operators(methods) of
584 ; sub-submodules already be imported at
585 ; this point.
586 ; BUT, operator object is not created
587 ; iff strictly overloaded. thus we must
588 ; check ALL operators.
589 (let ((op-symbol (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
590 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
591 (if (eq submodule (method-module meth))
592 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
593 (and (not (method-is-error-method meth))
594 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
595 (not (memq meth
596 (module-methods-for-regularity
597 submodule)))))
598 (let* ((new-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
599 (using-find-sort-err x))
600 (method-arity meth)))
601 (new-coarity (using-find-sort-err
602 (method-coarity meth)))
603 #||
604 (new-meth (recreate-method
605 submodule
606 meth
607 module
608 op-symbol
609 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
610 (using-find-sort-err x))
611 (method-arity meth))
612 (using-find-sort-err
613 (method-coarity meth))))
614 ||#
615 (new-meth nil)
616 )
617 (when *on-import-debug*
618 (format t "~%* trying to make new method ~a:"
619 op-symbol)
620 (format t "~% arity = ~a" new-arity)
621 (format t "~% coarity = ~a" new-coarity))
622 (setq new-meth (recreate-method submodule
623 meth
624 module
625 op-symbol
626 new-arity
627 new-coarity
628 *import-sort-map*))
629 (when *on-import-debug*
630 (format t "~%* created method ~a: " new-meth)
631 (print-chaos-object new-meth))
632 ;; check identity in theory
633 (let ((theory (method-theory meth (module-opinfo-table
634 submodule))))
635 (when (theory-contains-identity theory)
636 (let ((zero (theory-zero theory)))
637 (setq zero (cons (using-recreate-term (car zero))
638 (cdr zero)))
639 (setf (method-theory new-meth)
640 (theory-make (theory-info theory) zero))
641 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching new-meth)
642 )))
643 ))
644 ))))
645 ;;
646 ;; dumn it!
647 ;;
648 (dolist (e (reverse (module-opattrs submodule)))
649 (eval-ast e))
650 ;;
651 ;; vertually import variables copying
652 ;;
653 (dolist (v (nreverse (mapcar #'cdr (module-variables submodule))))
654 (using-import-var v))
655 ;; (setq *import-local-vars* (module-variables module))
656 ;; inherit principal-sort if defined.
657 ;;(break)
658 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
659 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
660 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
661 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))
662 ;;
663 ;; import error operator declarations
664 ;;
666 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
667 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
668 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module)
669 (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule)))))
671 #||
672 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
673 (when *on-import-debug*
674 (format t "~&** importing error operator decl.")
675 (dolist (edecl (module-error-op-decl submodule))
676 (print edecl)))
677 (let ((eops (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule))))
678 (dolist (ed eops)
679 (let ((e-coarity (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need (%op-decl-coarity ed))))
680 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
681 sref))
682 (e-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
683 (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need x)))
684 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
685 sref))
686 (%op-decl-arity ed)))
687 )
688 (setf (%op-decl-arity ed) e-arity)
689 (setf (%op-decl-coarity ed) e-coarity)
690 ))
691 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
692 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module) eops))
693 ))
694 ||#
695 #||
696 (dolist (eop (module-error-op-decl submodule))
697 (when *on-import-debug*
698 (with-output-msg ()
699 (format t "* evaluating imported err op decl:")
700 (print-next) (princ " ")
701 (print-chaos-object eop)))
702 (eval-ast eop))
703 ||#
704 ;;
705 ;; import variable declarations of error sorts
706 ;;
707 #||
708 (when (module-error-var-decl submodule)
709 (setf (module-error-var-decl module)
710 (nconc (module-error-var-decl module)
711 (copy-tree (module-error-var-decl submodule)))))
545 ;; *NOTE* : the follwing code is executed in the context of given
546 ;; `module' = *current-module*.
547 ;;
548 ;; import submodules of submodule
549 ;;
550 (using-import-subs submodule)
551 ;;
552 ;; import sorts of submodule recreating
553 ;;
554 (dolist (s (reverse (module-sorts submodule)))
555 ; sorts of sub-sumodules should already be
556 ; imported at this point.
557 (let ((new-sort (using-recreate-sort-if-need s)))
558 ; thus, `if-need' is redundant though..
559 (when new-sort
560 (add-sort-to-module new-sort module))))
561 ;;
562 ;; reconstruct sort relations
563 ;;
564 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
565 (dolist (rel (module-sort-relations submodule))
566 (let* ((new-rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel))
567 (xnew-rel (when new-rel
568 (make-sort-relation
569 (using-find-sort (sort-relation-sort new-rel))
570 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
571 (_subsorts new-rel))
572 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
573 (_supersorts new-rel))))))
574 (when xnew-rel
575 (adjoin-sort-relation xnew-rel module))
576 (add-relation-to-order xnew-rel so)))
577 (generate-err-sorts so)
578 )
579 ;;
580 ;; import operators(methods) copying
581 ;;
582 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators submodule)))
583 ; again, operators(methods) of
584 ; sub-submodules already be imported at
585 ; this point.
586 ; BUT, operator object is not created
587 ; iff strictly overloaded. thus we must
588 ; check ALL operators.
589 (let ((op-symbol (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
590 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
591 (if (eq submodule (method-module meth))
592 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
593 (and (not (method-is-error-method meth))
594 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
595 (not (memq meth
596 (module-methods-for-regularity
597 submodule)))))
598 (let* ((new-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
599 (using-find-sort-err x))
600 (method-arity meth)))
601 (new-coarity (using-find-sort-err
602 (method-coarity meth)))
603 #||
604 (new-meth (recreate-method
605 submodule
606 meth
607 module
608 op-symbol
609 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
610 (using-find-sort-err x))
611 (method-arity meth))
612 (using-find-sort-err
613 (method-coarity meth))))
614 ||#
615 (new-meth nil)
616 )
617 (when *on-import-debug*
618 (format t "~%* trying to make new method ~a:"
619 op-symbol)
620 (format t "~% arity = ~a" new-arity)
621 (format t "~% coarity = ~a" new-coarity))
622 (setq new-meth (recreate-method submodule
623 meth
624 module
625 op-symbol
626 new-arity
627 new-coarity
628 *import-sort-map*))
629 (when *on-import-debug*
630 (format t "~%* created method ~a: " new-meth)
631 (print-chaos-object new-meth))
632 ;; check identity in theory
633 (let ((theory (method-theory meth (module-opinfo-table
634 submodule))))
635 (when (theory-contains-identity theory)
636 (let ((zero (theory-zero theory)))
637 (setq zero (cons (using-recreate-term (car zero))
638 (cdr zero)))
639 (setf (method-theory new-meth)
640 (theory-make (theory-info theory) zero))
641 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching new-meth)
642 )))
643 ))
644 ))))
645 ;;
646 ;; dumn it!
647 ;;
648 (dolist (e (reverse (module-opattrs submodule)))
649 (eval-ast e))
650 ;;
651 ;; vertually import variables copying
652 ;;
653 (dolist (v (nreverse (mapcar #'cdr (module-variables submodule))))
654 (using-import-var v))
655 ;; (setq *import-local-vars* (module-variables module))
656 ;; inherit principal-sort if defined.
657 ;;(break)
658 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
659 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
660 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
661 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))
662 ;;
663 ;; import error operator declarations
664 ;;
666 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
667 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
668 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module)
669 (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule)))))
671 #||
672 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
673 (when *on-import-debug*
674 (format t "~&** importing error operator decl.")
675 (dolist (edecl (module-error-op-decl submodule))
676 (print edecl)))
677 (let ((eops (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule))))
678 (dolist (ed eops)
679 (let ((e-coarity (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need (%op-decl-coarity ed))))
680 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
681 sref))
682 (e-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
683 (let ((sref (make-sort-ref-if-need x)))
684 (setf (%sort-ref-qualifier sref) submodule)
685 sref))
686 (%op-decl-arity ed)))
687 )
688 (setf (%op-decl-arity ed) e-arity)
689 (setf (%op-decl-coarity ed) e-coarity)
690 ))
691 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
692 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module) eops))
693 ))
712694 ||#
713 ;;
714 ;; copy macros
715 ;;
716 (dolist (macro (module-macros submodule))
717 (let ((new-macro (make-macro :lhs (using-recreate-term
718 (macro-lhs macro))
719 :rhs (using-recreate-term
720 (macro-rhs macro)))))
721 ;; (print macro)
722 (add-macro-to-module module new-macro)))
724 ;;(eval-psort-declaration (module-psort-declaration submodule)
725 ;; module)
726 ;;
727 ;; import equations & rules copying
728 ;;
729 (prepare-for-parsing module nil t)
730 ;; in this stage, error sorts & methods are all available,
731 ;; but there can happen reorganizing operators in different ways,
732 ;; thus we need still `check-axiom-error-method'.
733 (dolist (e (reverse (module-equations submodule)))
734 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
735 (check-axiom-error-method
736 module
737 (using-recreate-axiom e))
738 ))
740 (dolist (r (reverse (module-rules submodule)))
741 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
742 (check-axiom-error-method
743 module
744 (using-recreate-axiom r))
745 ))
746 ;;
747 ;; all done, hopefully
748 ;;
749 ))))
695 #||
696 (dolist (eop (module-error-op-decl submodule))
697 (when *on-import-debug*
698 (with-output-msg ()
699 (format t "* evaluating imported err op decl:")
700 (print-next) (princ " ")
701 (print-chaos-object eop)))
702 (eval-ast eop))
703 ||#
704 ;;
705 ;; import variable declarations of error sorts
706 ;;
707 #||
708 (when (module-error-var-decl submodule)
709 (setf (module-error-var-decl module)
710 (nconc (module-error-var-decl module)
711 (copy-tree (module-error-var-decl submodule)))))
712 ||#
713 ;;
714 ;; copy macros
715 ;;
716 (dolist (macro (module-macros submodule))
717 (let ((new-macro (make-macro :lhs (using-recreate-term
718 (macro-lhs macro))
719 :rhs (using-recreate-term
720 (macro-rhs macro)))))
721 ;; (print macro)
722 (add-macro-to-module module new-macro)))
724 ;;(eval-psort-declaration (module-psort-declaration submodule)
725 ;; module)
726 ;;
727 ;; import equations & rules copying
728 ;;
729 (prepare-for-parsing module nil t)
730 ;; in this stage, error sorts & methods are all available,
731 ;; but there can happen reorganizing operators in different ways,
732 ;; thus we need still `check-axiom-error-method'.
733 (dolist (e (reverse (module-equations submodule)))
734 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
735 (check-axiom-error-method
736 module
737 (using-recreate-axiom e))
738 ))
740 (dolist (r (reverse (module-rules submodule)))
741 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
742 (check-axiom-error-method
743 module
744 (using-recreate-axiom r))
745 ))
746 ;;
747 ;; all done, hopefully
748 ;;
749 ))))
751751 ;;; TRANSFER-OPERATOR : Module Module OpInfo -> Void
752752 ;;;
753753 (defun transfer-operator (module from-module opinfo &optional (given-opinfos nil)
754 theory-mod)
754 theory-mod)
755755 (let* ((opinfos given-opinfos)
756 (from-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
757 (proto-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
758 (a-len (length (method-arity proto-method)))
759 (new-op nil)
760 (new-opinfo nil))
756 (from-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
757 (proto-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
758 (a-len (length (method-arity proto-method)))
759 (new-op nil)
760 (new-opinfo nil))
761761 ;;
762762 (when *on-import-debug*
763763 (format t "~&[transfer-operator]: ~a from " (operator-symbol from-op))
767767 ;;
768768 (unless opinfos
769769 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module (operator-symbol from-op)
770 a-len
771 module)))
770 a-len
771 module)))
772772 ;;
773773 (with-in-module (module)
774774 (let ((from-opinfo (module-opinfo-table from-module))
775 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module))
776 (so (module-sort-order module)))
777 ;; find the method group to be inserted
778 #||
779 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
780 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
781 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
782 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
783 (setq new-opinfo
784 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
785 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
786 (is-in-same-connected-component*
787 (method-coarity method)
788 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
789 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
790 so))
791 (return x))))
792 (return nil)))
793 ||#
795 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
796 (when (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
797 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
798 (setq new-opinfo
799 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
800 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
801 (is-in-same-connected-component*
802 (method-coarity method)
803 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
804 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
805 so))
806 (return x))))
807 (return nil)))
809 ;; create new operaotr info if could not find.
810 (cond (new-opinfo
811 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator new-opinfo))
812 )
813 (t
814 (when *on-import-debug*
815 (format t "~%* creating new opinfo for operator ~s : "
816 (opinfo-operator opinfo))
817 (print-chaos-object (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
818 ;;
819 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
820 (setq new-opinfo
821 (make-opinfo :operator new-op))
822 (push new-opinfo (module-all-operators module))
823 (push new-opinfo opinfos)))
824 ;;
826 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
827 ;;
828 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method) ; !!!!
829 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
830 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
831 (when *on-import-debug*
832 (format t "~&-- importing method ~s : " method)
833 (print-chaos-object method))
834 ;;
835 #||
836 (when (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
837 (when *on-import-debug*
838 (format t "~&-- importing method-theory ~s:"
839 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
840 (finish-output *error-output*)))
841 ||#
843 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
844 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
846 ;; import axioms
847 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
848 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
849 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
850 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
851 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
852 (when *on-import-debug*
853 (with-in-module (from-module)
854 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
855 (print-chaos-object rule)
856 (format t "~% for method : ")
857 (print-chaos-object method)))
858 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
859 method to-opinfo)
860 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)
861 )
862 )
863 ;;
864 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
865 from-opinfo)))
866 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
867 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
868 (when *on-import-debug*
869 (with-in-module (from-module)
870 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
871 (print-chaos-object r)
872 (format t "~% for method : ")
873 (print-chaos-object method)))
874 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
875 method to-opinfo)
876 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
877 )))
879 ;;
880 #||
881 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
882 (when (and ;; (not (method-is-error-method method))
883 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
884 (when *on-import-debug*
885 (format t "~&-- importing method ~s : " method)
886 (print-chaos-object method))
887 ;;
888 #||
889 (when (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
890 (when *on-import-debug*
891 (format t "~&-- importing method-theory ~s:"
892 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
893 (finish-output *error-output*)))
894 ||#
895 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
896 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
897 ;; import axioms
898 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
899 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
900 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
901 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
902 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
903 (when *on-import-debug*
904 (with-in-module (from-module)
905 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
906 (print-chaos-object rule)
907 (format t "~% for method : ")
908 (print-chaos-object method)))
909 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
910 method to-opinfo)
911 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)
912 )
913 )
914 ;;
915 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
916 from-opinfo)))
917 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
918 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
919 (when *on-import-debug*
920 (with-in-module (from-module)
921 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
922 (print-chaos-object r)
923 (format t "~% for method : ")
924 (print-chaos-object method)))
925 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
926 method to-opinfo)
927 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
928 )))
929 ||#
930 ;;
931 (when *on-import-debug*
932 (format t "~&* done transfer-operator"))
933 ))
775 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module))
776 (so (module-sort-order module)))
777 ;; find the method group to be inserted
778 #||
779 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
780 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
781 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
782 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
783 (setq new-opinfo
784 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
785 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
786 (is-in-same-connected-component*
787 (method-coarity method)
788 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
789 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
790 so))
791 (return x))))
792 (return nil)))
793 ||#
795 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
796 (when (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
797 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
798 (setq new-opinfo
799 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
800 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
801 (is-in-same-connected-component*
802 (method-coarity method)
803 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
804 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
805 so))
806 (return x))))
807 (return nil)))
809 ;; create new operaotr info if could not find.
810 (cond (new-opinfo
811 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator new-opinfo))
812 )
813 (t
814 (when *on-import-debug*
815 (format t "~%* creating new opinfo for operator ~s : "
816 (opinfo-operator opinfo))
817 (print-chaos-object (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
818 ;;
819 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
820 (setq new-opinfo
821 (make-opinfo :operator new-op))
822 (push new-opinfo (module-all-operators module))
823 (push new-opinfo opinfos)))
824 ;;
826 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
827 ;;
828 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method) ; !!!!
829 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
830 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
831 (when *on-import-debug*
832 (format t "~&-- importing method ~s : " method)
833 (print-chaos-object method))
834 ;;
835 #||
836 (when (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
837 (when *on-import-debug*
838 (format t "~&-- importing method-theory ~s:"
839 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
840 (finish-output *error-output*)))
841 ||#
843 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
844 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
846 ;; import axioms
847 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
848 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
849 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
850 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
851 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
852 (when *on-import-debug*
853 (with-in-module (from-module)
854 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
855 (print-chaos-object rule)
856 (format t "~% for method : ")
857 (print-chaos-object method)))
858 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
859 method to-opinfo)
860 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)
861 )
862 )
863 ;;
864 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
865 from-opinfo)))
866 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
867 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
868 (when *on-import-debug*
869 (with-in-module (from-module)
870 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
871 (print-chaos-object r)
872 (format t "~% for method : ")
873 (print-chaos-object method)))
874 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
875 method to-opinfo)
876 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
877 )))
879 ;;
880 #||
881 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
882 (when (and ;; (not (method-is-error-method method))
883 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
884 (when *on-import-debug*
885 (format t "~&-- importing method ~s : " method)
886 (print-chaos-object method))
887 ;;
888 #||
889 (when (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
890 (when *on-import-debug*
891 (format t "~&-- importing method-theory ~s:"
892 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
893 (finish-output *error-output*)))
894 ||#
895 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
896 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
897 ;; import axioms
898 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
899 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
900 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
901 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
902 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
903 (when *on-import-debug*
904 (with-in-module (from-module)
905 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
906 (print-chaos-object rule)
907 (format t "~% for method : ")
908 (print-chaos-object method)))
909 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
910 method to-opinfo)
911 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)
912 )
913 )
914 ;;
915 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
916 from-opinfo)))
917 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
918 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
919 (when *on-import-debug*
920 (with-in-module (from-module)
921 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
922 (print-chaos-object r)
923 (format t "~% for method : ")
924 (print-chaos-object method)))
925 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
926 method to-opinfo)
927 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
928 )))
929 ||#
930 ;;
931 (when *on-import-debug*
932 (format t "~&* done transfer-operator"))
933 ))
934934 ))
936936 (defun modexp-add-method-to-table (opinfo method module)
937937 (let ((pmeth (find method (opinfo-methods opinfo)
938 :test #'(lambda (x y)
939 (and (sort-list= (method-arity x)
940 (method-arity y))
941 (sort= (method-coarity x)
942 (method-coarity y))))))
943 (method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
938 :test #'(lambda (x y)
939 (and (sort-list= (method-arity x)
940 (method-arity y))
941 (sort= (method-coarity x)
942 (method-coarity y))))))
943 (method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
944944 (if (or (eq pmeth method)
945 ;; dirty kludge!
946 (and pmeth (method-is-of-same-operator method *rwl-predicate*)))
947 nil
948 (progn
949 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
950 (make-method-info method
951 module
952 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
953 (pushnew method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
954 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
955 (when (method-is-behavioural method)
956 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
957 (pushnew method (module-beh-methods module))
958 (pushnew method (module-beh-attributes module))))
959 t))))
945 ;; dirty kludge!
946 (and pmeth (method-is-of-same-operator method *rwl-predicate*)))
947 nil
948 (progn
949 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
950 (make-method-info method
951 module
952 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
953 (pushnew method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
954 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
955 (when (method-is-behavioural method)
956 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
957 (pushnew method (module-beh-methods module))
958 (pushnew method (module-beh-attributes module))))
959 t))))
961961 (defun transfer-operator-attributes (method to-module from-module
962 &optional theory-mod)
962 &optional theory-mod)
963963 ;; transfer operator theory
964964 (transfer-operator-theory method to-module from-module theory-mod)
965965 ;; transfer other attributes
966966 (transfer-operator-attrs method to-module from-module theory-mod))
968968 (defun transfer-operator-theory (method to-module from-module
969 &optional theory-mod)
969 &optional theory-mod)
970970 (let ((new-theory (modexp-merge-operator-theory method
971 to-module
972 from-module
973 theory-mod)))
971 to-module
972 from-module
973 theory-mod)))
974974 (when new-theory
975975 (setf (method-theory method (module-opinfo-table to-module))
976 new-theory)
976 new-theory)
977977 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method
978 (module-opinfo-table to-module))
978 (module-opinfo-table to-module))
979979 )))
981981 (defun modexp-merge-operator-theory (method to-module from-module
982 &optional theory-mod)
982 &optional theory-mod)
983983 (let* ((to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table to-module))
984 (th1 (method-theory method to-opinfo))
985 (from-opinfo (if theory-mod
986 (module-opinfo-table theory-mod)
987 (module-opinfo-table from-module)))
988 (th2 (method-theory method from-opinfo)))
984 (th1 (method-theory method to-opinfo))
985 (from-opinfo (if theory-mod
986 (module-opinfo-table theory-mod)
987 (module-opinfo-table from-module)))
988 (th2 (method-theory method from-opinfo)))
989989 (merge-operator-theory-in to-module method th1 th2)))
991991 (defun transfer-operator-attrs (meth to-module from-module &optional theory-mod)
992992 (declare (ignore theory-mod))
993993 (let ((coh nil)
994 (meta-demod nil))
994 (meta-demod nil))
995995 (with-in-module (from-module)
996996 (setq coh (method-is-coherent meth))
997997 (setq meta-demod (method-is-meta-demod meth)))
10201020 (defun include-BOOL (&optional (module *current-module*))
10211021 (when *include-BOOL*
10221022 (unless (memq *Bool-sort*
1023 (module-all-sorts module))
1023 (module-all-sorts module))
10241024 (with-in-module (module)
1025 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
1025 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
10261026 (include-chaos-module)
10271027 )
10281028 ||#
10301030 (defun include-BOOL (&optional (module *current-module*))
10311031 (when *include-BOOL*
10321032 (unless (assq *bool-module*
1033 (module-all-submodules module))
1033 (module-all-submodules module))
10341034 (with-in-module (module)
1035 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
1035 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
10361036 (include-chaos-module)
10371037 )
10421042 (defun include-object ()
10431043 (unless (memq *class-id-sort*
1044 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
1044 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
10451045 (eval-import-modexp *import-object-ast*)
10461046 ))
10511051 (defun include-record ()
10521052 (unless (memq *record-id-sort*
1053 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
1053 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
10541054 (eval-import-modexp *import-record-ast*)))
10561056 (defparameter *import-rwl-ast*
10571057 (%import* :protecting (%modexp* "RWL")))
1059 (defun include-rwl (&optional (module (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
1059 (defun include-rwl (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
10601060 (when *include-rwl*
10611061 (unless (module-includes-rwl module)
10621062 (with-in-module (module)
1063 (eval-import-modexp *import-rwl-ast*)
1064 )))
1065 )
1063 (eval-import-modexp *import-rwl-ast*)))))
10671065 ;;;
10711069 (let ((vs (module-variables from)))
10721070 (dolist (v vs)
10731071 (let ((s (find-sort-in to (sort-id (variable-sort v))))
1074 (name (variable-name v)))
1075 (if s
1076 (push (cons name (make-variable-term s name))
1077 (module-variables to))
1078 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1079 (format t "importing variable ~a, could not find sort ~a"
1080 name
1081 (sort-id (variable-sort v)))))))
1072 (name (variable-name v)))
1073 (if s
1074 (push (cons name (make-variable-term s name))
1075 (module-variables to))
1076 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1077 (format t "importing variable ~a, could not find sort ~a"
1078 name
1079 (sort-id (variable-sort v)))))))
10821080 ))
10841082 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mimport.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mimport.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6767 (let ((*auto-context-change* nil))
6868 (setq *import-sort-map* nil)
6969 (prog1
70 (import-module-internal im mode sub parameter nil alias)
70 (import-module-internal im mode sub parameter nil alias)
7171 (setq *import-sort-map* nil))))
7373 (defun import-module-internal (im mode sub &optional parameter theory-mod alias)
7474 (when *on-import-debug*
75 (format t "~&[import-module]: ")
75 (format t "~%[import-module]: ")
7676 (print-next)
7777 (princ " ") (print-modexp im)
7878 (format t " <==(~a)== " mode)
8080 (if parameter (format t " : ~a" parameter)))
8181 ;;
8282 (flet ((eval-modexp-or-error (modexp)
83 (let (val)
84 (if (module-p modexp)
85 (setf val modexp)
86 (progn
87 (setf val (eval-modexp modexp)) ; must be global
88 (when (modexp-is-error val)
89 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
90 (princ "importing module, cannot evaluate module expression ")
91 (print-modexp modexp)
92 ))))
93 val))
94 (is-directly-using (mod1 mod2)
95 ;; IS-DIRECTLY-USING : Module-1 Module-2 -> Bool
96 ;; returns t iff the module-1 imports module-2 directly.
97 ;; `directly' means that some own constructs of Module-2 (sors and
98 ;; operators declared in Module-2) are included in Module-1's
99 ;; constructs, i.e., Module-2 is a node of a module hierarchy with
100 ;; Module-1 at top.
101 (or (some #'(lambda (x) (eq mod2 (sort-module x)))
102 (module-all-sorts mod1))
103 (some #'(lambda (x)
104 (eq mod2 (operator-module (opinfo-operator x))))
105 (module-all-operators mod1))))
106 (create-variant-name (parent mod)
108 ;; variant name ::= (:name <module name> <natural>)
109 ;; We carete a brand new module when imported module refers some
110 ;; soncstructs of importing module. this can happen when we import an
111 ;; instantiated module with an actual parameter includes some sorts
112 ;; or operators of importing module in its module morphism. In such
113 ;; case, we create a module with the same name of importing module,
114 ;; then importing module is changed its name to `variant-name'. The
115 ;; newly created module, then imports this module.
116 (let ((modname (module-name parent))
117 (num -1))
118 (declare (type fixnum num))
119 (dolist (sm (module-submodules mod))
120 (when (eq :protecting (cdr sm))
121 (let ((smnm (module-name (car sm))))
122 (when (and (consp smnm)
123 (eq :name (car smnm))
124 (eq (cadr smnm) modname) ; by construction works
125 (< num (the fixnum (caddr smnm))))
126 (setq num (caddr smnm))))))
127 `(:name ,modname ,(1+ (the fixnum num)))
128 )))
83 (let (val)
84 (if (module-p modexp)
85 (setf val modexp)
86 (progn
87 (setf val (eval-modexp modexp)) ; must be global
88 (when (modexp-is-error val)
89 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
90 (princ "importing module, cannot evaluate module expression ")
91 (print-modexp modexp)
92 ))))
93 val))
94 (is-directly-using (mod1 mod2)
95 ;; IS-DIRECTLY-USING : Module-1 Module-2 -> Bool
96 ;; returns t iff the module-1 imports module-2 directly.
97 ;; `directly' means that some own constructs of Module-2 (sors and
98 ;; operators declared in Module-2) are included in Module-1's
99 ;; constructs, i.e., Module-2 is a node of a module hierarchy with
100 ;; Module-1 at top.
101 (or (some #'(lambda (x) (eq mod2 (sort-module x)))
102 (module-all-sorts mod1))
103 (some #'(lambda (x)
104 (eq mod2 (operator-module (opinfo-operator x))))
105 (module-all-operators mod1))))
106 (create-variant-name (parent mod)
108 ;; variant name ::= (:name <module name> <natural>)
109 ;; We carete a brand new module when imported module refers some
110 ;; soncstructs of importing module. this can happen when we import an
111 ;; instantiated module with an actual parameter includes some sorts
112 ;; or operators of importing module in its module morphism. In such
113 ;; case, we create a module with the same name of importing module,
114 ;; then importing module is changed its name to `variant-name'. The
115 ;; newly created module, then imports this module.
116 (let ((modname (module-name parent))
117 (num -1))
118 (declare (type fixnum num))
119 (dolist (sm (module-submodules mod))
120 (when (eq :protecting (cdr sm))
121 (let ((smnm (module-name (car sm))))
122 (when (and (consp smnm)
123 (eq :name (car smnm))
124 (eq (cadr smnm) modname) ; by construction works
125 (< num (the fixnum (caddr smnm))))
126 (setq num (caddr smnm))))))
127 `(:name ,modname ,(1+ (the fixnum num)))
128 )))
129129 ;;
130130 (let ((module (eval-modexp-or-error im))
131 (submodule (eval-modexp-or-error sub)))
131 (submodule (eval-modexp-or-error sub)))
132132 (unless (and (module-p module) (module-p submodule))
133 ;; (break)
134 (return-from import-module-internal nil))
133 ;; (break)
134 (return-from import-module-internal nil))
135135 (when (eq module submodule)
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-import)
137 (princ "module cannot import itself!")
138 ))
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-import)
137 (princ "module cannot import itself!")))
140139 ;; compile submodule if need
141140 (compile-module submodule)
142141 ;; alias
143142 (when alias
144 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
145 alias
146 submodule))
143 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module)
144 alias
145 submodule))
147146 ;;
148147 (dolist (al (module-alias submodule))
149 (let ((mod (car al))
150 (nm (cdr al)))
151 (add-module-alias module mod nm)))
152 ;;
153 #||
154 (when (and *include-bool*
155 (assq *bool-module*
156 (module-all-submodules submodule)))
157 (include-bool module))
158 ||#
148 (let ((mod (car al))
149 (nm (cdr al)))
150 (add-module-alias module mod nm)))
159151 ;;
160152 (with-in-module (module)
161 ;;
162 ;;
163 (if parameter
165 ;; We carete a new module with name `(formal-name "::" module-object)'
166 ;; where, formal-name is the name of formal parameter name (we get
167 ;; this as the argument param), module-object is the object of
168 ;; submodule to be imported as parameter theory.
169 ;; The `parameters' module will be updated to including this
170 ;; importation, each entry is is the form of
171 ;; `((formal-name . parameter-module) . mode)
172 (let ((true-name (list parameter "::" submodule module))
173 (*include-bool* (if (memq *bool-sort* (module-all-sorts submodule))
174 t
175 nil)))
176 (let ((param-mod (create-renamed-module-2 submodule true-name module)))
177 ;; register it to local environment.
178 (add-modexp-local-defn (list parameter (module-name module))
179 param-mod)
180 (push (cons (cons parameter param-mod) mode)
181 (module-parameters module))
182 (import-module-internal module mode param-mod)
183 ))
184 ;;
186 ;;
187 (if (or (eq :using mode)
188 (not (is-directly-using submodule *current-module*)))
189 (let* ((subs (module-all-submodules module))
190 (val (assq submodule subs)))
191 (when val
192 (let ((real-mode (get-real-importing-mode submodule module)))
193 (if (and *check-import-mode*
194 (not (or (eq real-mode :using)
195 (eq (cdr val) :using)))
196 (not (eq mode real-mode)))
197 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
198 (format t "module ~a is already imported into ~a"
199 (make-module-print-name submodule)
200 (make-module-print-name module))
201 (print-next)
202 (format t "with the effective mode : ~a," real-mode)
203 (print-next)
204 (format t "this conflicts to the new mode : ~a." mode)
205 )
206 ;; we omit this importation
207 (progn
208 (when *on-import-debug*
209 (format t "~&module is already imported, skipping.."))
210 (return-from import-module-internal t)
211 ))
212 ))
213 (when *check-import-mode*
214 ;; other more complex importation check.
215 ;; checks confliction among shared submodules.
216 (let ((s-subs (mapcar #'car
217 (module-all-submodules submodule))))
218 (dolist (ms subs)
219 (when (memq (car ms) s-subs)
220 (let ((m1 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) module))
221 (m2 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) submodule)))
222 (unless (eq m1 m2)
223 (if (or (memq m1 '(:?extending :extending))
224 (memq m2 '(:?extending :extending)))
225 ;;
226 nil ; do nothing now
227 (when (not (or (eq m1 :using)
228 (eq m2 :using)))
229 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
230 (format t "confliction in importation mode of common submodule ~a"
231 (get-module-print-name (car ms)))
232 (print-next)
233 (format t "module ~a already imports with effective mode ~a,"
234 (get-module-print-name module)
235 m1)
236 (print-next)
237 (format t "module ~a imports with effective mode ~a."
238 (get-module-print-name submodule)
239 m2)
240 )))))))))
242 ;; `incorporate-module' do the real importation.
243 (incorporate-module module mode submodule theory-mod)
245 ;; imported modules are stored at `module-submodules' in a form
246 ;; (<module> <mode>), <mode> is one of :protecting, :extending,
247 ;; :using, and :including.
248 (add-imported-module module mode submodule alias)
249 ;;
250 module)
253 ;; imported module refers some constructs of importing module.
254 ;; current-module --> variant
255 ;;
256 (let ((newmod (make-module :name (module-name module)))
257 (modname (module-name module))
258 (submod module))
259 (initialize-module newmod)
260 (setf (module-parameters newmod)
261 (module-parameters module))
262 (setf *current-module* newmod)
263 (setf *current-sort-order* (module-sort-order newmod))
264 (setf *current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table newmod))
265 (let ((subname (create-variant-name newmod submod)))
266 (setf (module-name submod) subname)
267 ;; (add-canon-modexp subname subname)
268 ;; (modexp-update-name subname submod)
269 )
270 (final-setup submod)
271 (add-modexp-defn modname newmod)
272 (add-imported-module newmod :protecting submod)
273 (incorporate-module newmod :protecting submod)
274 (add-imported-module newmod mode submodule)
275 (incorporate-module newmod mode submodule)
276 (dolist (par (module-parameters newmod))
277 (add-imported-module newmod (cdr par)(cdar par))
278 (incorporate-module newmod (cdr par) (cdar par)))
279 (unless *chaos-quiet* (princ ")" *error-output*))
280 newmod)))
281 ))))
153 (if parameter
155 ;; We carete a new module with name `(formal-name "::" module-object)'
156 ;; where, formal-name is the name of formal parameter name (we get
157 ;; this as the argument param), module-object is the object of
158 ;; submodule to be imported as parameter theory.
159 ;; The `parameters' module will be updated to including this
160 ;; importation, each entry is is the form of
161 ;; `((formal-name . parameter-module) . mode)
162 (let ((true-name (list parameter "::" submodule module))
163 (*include-bool* (if (memq *bool-sort* (module-all-sorts submodule))
164 t
165 nil)))
166 (let ((param-mod (create-renamed-module-2 submodule true-name module)))
167 ;; register it to local environment.
168 (add-modexp-local-defn (list parameter (module-name module))
169 param-mod)
170 (push (cons (cons parameter param-mod) mode)
171 (module-parameters module))
172 (import-module-internal module mode param-mod)
173 ))
174 ;;
176 ;;
177 (if (or (eq :using mode)
178 (not (is-directly-using submodule *current-module*)))
179 (let* ((subs (module-all-submodules module))
180 (val (assq submodule subs)))
181 (when val
182 (let ((real-mode (get-real-importing-mode submodule module)))
183 (if (and *check-import-mode*
184 (not (or (eq real-mode :using)
185 (eq (cdr val) :using)))
186 (not (eq mode real-mode)))
187 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
188 (format t "module ~a is already imported into ~a"
189 (make-module-print-name submodule)
190 (make-module-print-name module))
191 (print-next)
192 (format t "with the effective mode : ~a," real-mode)
193 (print-next)
194 (format t "this conflicts to the new mode : ~a." mode)
195 )
196 ;; we omit this importation
197 (progn
198 (when *on-import-debug*
199 (format t "~%module is already imported, skipping.."))
200 (return-from import-module-internal t)))))
201 (when *check-import-mode*
202 ;; other more complex importation check.
203 ;; checks confliction among shared submodules.
204 (let ((s-subs (mapcar #'car
205 (module-all-submodules submodule))))
206 (dolist (ms subs)
207 (when (memq (car ms) s-subs)
208 (let ((m1 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) module))
209 (m2 (get-real-importing-mode (car ms) submodule)))
210 (unless (eq m1 m2)
211 (if (or (memq m1 '(:?extending :extending))
212 (memq m2 '(:?extending :extending)))
213 ;;
214 nil ; do nothing now
215 (when (not (or (eq m1 :using)
216 (eq m2 :using)))
217 (with-output-chaos-error ('import-error)
218 (format t "confliction in importation mode of common submodule ~a"
219 (get-module-print-name (car ms)))
220 (print-next)
221 (format t "module ~a already imports with effective mode ~a,"
222 (get-module-print-name module)
223 m1)
224 (print-next)
225 (format t "module ~a imports with effective mode ~a."
226 (get-module-print-name submodule)
227 m2)
228 )))))))))
230 ;; `incorporate-module' do the real importation.
231 (incorporate-module module mode submodule theory-mod)
233 ;; imported modules are stored at `module-submodules' in a form
234 ;; (<module> <mode>), <mode> is one of :protecting, :extending,
235 ;; :using, and :including.
236 (add-imported-module module mode submodule alias)
237 ;;
238 module)
241 ;; imported module refers some constructs of importing module.
242 ;; current-module --> variant
243 ;;
244 (let ((newmod (make-module :name (module-name module)))
245 (modname (module-name module))
246 (submod module))
247 (initialize-module newmod)
248 (setf (module-parameters newmod)
249 (module-parameters module))
250 (setf *current-module* newmod)
251 (setf *current-sort-order* (module-sort-order newmod))
252 (setf *current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table newmod))
253 (let ((subname (create-variant-name newmod submod)))
254 (setf (module-name submod) subname)
255 ;; (add-canon-modexp subname subname)
256 ;; (modexp-update-name subname submod)
257 )
258 (final-setup submod)
259 (add-modexp-defn modname newmod)
260 (add-imported-module newmod :protecting submod)
261 (incorporate-module newmod :protecting submod)
262 (add-imported-module newmod mode submodule)
263 (incorporate-module newmod mode submodule)
264 (dolist (par (module-parameters newmod))
265 (add-imported-module newmod (cdr par)(cdar par))
266 (incorporate-module newmod (cdr par) (cdar par)))
267 (unless *chaos-quiet* (princ ")" *error-output*))
268 newmod)))))))
283270 ;;; INCORPORATE-MODULE : Module Mode SubModule -> Module'
284271 ;;; Do the importation.
292279 (defun incorporate-module (module mode submodule &optional theory-mod)
293280 (if (memq mode '(:protecting :extending :including))
294281 (prog1 (incorporate-module-sharing module submodule theory-mod)
295 (when (eq mode :including)
296 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
297 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
298 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
299 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))))
282 (when (eq mode :including)
283 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
284 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
285 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
286 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))))
300287 (incorporate-module-copying module submodule nil theory-mod)))
302289 (defun incorporate-module-sharing (module submodule &optional theory-mod)
308295 ;;-----------------------------------------------
309296 ;; import sorts
310297 (dolist (s (reverse (module-all-sorts submodule)))
311 ;; we imports only sorts user declared.
312 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? s submodule)
313 (add-sort-to-module s module)))
298 ;; we imports only sorts user declared.
299 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? s submodule)
300 (add-sort-to-module s module)))
314301 ;; import error-sorts
315302 (dolist (s (module-error-sorts submodule))
316 (pushnew s (module-error-sorts module) :test #'eq))
303 (pushnew s (module-error-sorts module) :test #'eq))
317304 ;; import sort relations
318305 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
319 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations submodule))
320 (let ((new-sl (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation sl)))
321 (when new-sl
322 (adjoin-sort-relation new-sl module)
323 (add-relation-to-order new-sl so)))))
306 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations submodule))
307 (let ((new-sl (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation sl)))
308 (when new-sl
309 (adjoin-sort-relation new-sl module)
310 (add-relation-to-order new-sl so)))))
324311 ;; at this point, we want
325312 ;; import operators + axioms.
326313 (setf (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module)
327 (delete-duplicates (append (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module)
328 (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom
329 submodule))
330 :test #'eq))
314 (delete-duplicates (append (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom module)
315 (module-methods-with-rwl-axiom
316 submodule))
317 :test #'eq))
331318 (setf (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
332 (delete-duplicates (append (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
333 (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom submodule))
334 :test #'eq))
319 (delete-duplicates (append (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom module)
320 (module-rules-with-rwl-axiom submodule))
321 :test #'eq))
335322 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators submodule)))
336 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
337 (transfer-operator module submodule opinfo nil theory-mod))
338 )
339 ;; #||
323 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
324 (transfer-operator module submodule opinfo nil theory-mod)))
340325 ;; import error operators which might be reused.
341326 ;; (dolist (em (module-error-methods submodule))
342327 ;; (when (method-is-user-defined-error-method em)
343328 ;; (pushnew em (module-error-methods module) :test #'eq)))
344329 (dolist (em (module-error-methods submodule))
345 (pushnew em (module-error-methods module) :test #'eq))
346 ;; ||#
347 ;; user defined error ops -----
348 #||
349 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
350 (format t "~&** importing error operator decl.")
351 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
352 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module)
353 (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule)))))
354 ||#
355 #||
356 (dolist (edecl (module-error-op-decl submodule))
357 (eval-ast edecl))
358 ||#
330 (pushnew em (module-error-methods module) :test #'eq))
359331 ;; import macros
360332 (dolist (macro (module-macros submodule))
361 (add-macro-to-module module macro))
333 (add-macro-to-module module macro))
362334 ;;
363335 ;; all done, anyway ...
364336 )))
366338 ;;; import module copying
367339 (defun incorporate-module-copying (module submodule
368 &optional
369 copy-parameters
370 theory-module
371 (context-module *current-module*))
340 &optional
341 copy-parameters
342 theory-module
343 (context-module *current-module*))
372344 (let ((*import-local-vars* nil)
373 (imported-params nil))
345 (imported-params nil))
374346 (labels ((import-recreate-sort (s)
375 (%copy-sort s module nil t))
376 (using-recreate-sort-if-need (sort_)
377 (if (and (eq (sort-module sort_) submodule)
378 (not (member sort_
379 (module-sorts-for-regularity submodule))))
380 (or (cdr (assq sort_ *import-sort-map*))
381 (let ((news (import-recreate-sort sort_)))
382 (when *on-import-debug*
383 (format t "~%[copy] putting ~a to *import-sort-map*"
384 (cons sort_ news)))
385 (push (cons sort_ news) *import-sort-map*)
386 news))
387 sort_))
389 (using-find-sort (_sort)
390 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*)) _sort))
392 ;; for debug
393 #||
394 (!using-find-sort (_sort)
395 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*))
396 (progn (break) _sort)))
397 ||#
398 (using-import-var (var)
399 (let ((nm (variable-name var))
400 (sort (using-find-sort (variable-sort var))))
401 (let ((val (find-variable-in module nm)))
402 (if (and val (not (sort= sort (variable-sort val))))
403 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
404 (princ "imported variable discarded due to name conflict")
405 (print-next)
406 (format t "with the existing variable: ~a" nm))
407 (unless val
408 (setq val (make-variable-term sort nm))
409 (when *copy-variables*
410 (push (cons nm val) (module-variables module)))
411 (push (cons nm val) *import-local-vars*)
412 )))))
413 ;;
414 (using-find-sort-err (s)
415 (let ((sort (cdr (assq s *import-sort-map*))))
416 (cond (sort sort)
417 ((err-sort-p s)
418 (setq sort
419 (find-compatible-err-sort s module
420 *import-sort-map*))
421 (if sort
422 (progn
423 (when *on-import-debug*
424 (format t "~%-- adding import sort map: ~a"
425 (cons s sort)))
426 (push (cons s sort) *import-sort-map*)
427 sort)
428 (with-output-panic-message ()
429 (format t "could not find compatible error sort of ~a"
430 s))))
431 (t s))))
432 ;;
433 (using-recreate-term (term)
434 (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
435 (make-bconst-term (using-find-sort-err (term-sort term))
436 (term-builtin-value term)))
437 ((term-is-variable? term)
438 (let ((var-name (variable-name term))
439 (new-sort (using-find-sort-err (variable-sort term))))
440 (let ((val2 (assq var-name *import-local-vars*)))
441 (if (and val2 (sort= new-sort
442 (variable-sort (cdr val2))))
443 (cdr val2)
444 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term
445 new-sort var-name)))
446 (push (cons var-name new-var)
447 *import-local-vars*)
448 new-var)))))
449 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
450 (t (let ((head (term-head term)))
451 (let ((new-head
452 (find-method-in
453 module
454 (method-symbol head)
455 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
456 (using-find-sort-err x))
457 (method-arity head))
458 (using-find-sort-err
459 (method-coarity head)))))
460 (when (null new-head)
461 (when *on-import-debug*
462 (format t "~&!! recreate-term null new-head~%")
463 (with-in-module (module)
464 (print-chaos-object head)
465 (format t "~% arity = ~a" (method-arity head))
466 (format t "~% coarity = ~a"
467 (method-coarity head))))
468 (setq new-head head))
469 (make-applform (method-coarity new-head)
470 new-head
471 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
472 (using-recreate-term tm))
473 (term-subterms term))))))))
474 (using-recreate-axiom (axiom)
475 (make-rule :lhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-lhs axiom))
476 :rhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-rhs axiom))
477 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition axiom))
478 *bool-true*
479 (using-recreate-term (axiom-condition axiom)))
480 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
481 :type (axiom-type axiom)
482 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural axiom)
483 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
484 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
485 ;;
486 (using-import-sub (s mode)
487 (let ((subs (module-all-submodules module)))
488 (unless (assq s subs)
489 (if (module-is-parameter-theory s)
490 (let ((param-mod s)
491 (arg-name (car (module-name s))))
492 (push param-mod imported-params)
493 (if (and copy-parameters
494 (not (eq (fourth (module-name s))
495 context-module)))
496 (import-module-internal module
497 mode
498 param-mod
499 arg-name
500 module)
501 (progn
502 (import-module-internal module
503 mode
504 param-mod
505 nil
506 (or theory-module
507 submodule))
508 (add-modexp-local-defn (list arg-name
509 (module-name module))
510 param-mod)
511 (push (cons (cons arg-name param-mod) mode)
512 (module-parameters module))
513 )))
514 (if (eq mode :using)
515 (using-import-subs s)
516 (import-module-internal module
517 mode
518 s
519 nil
520 (or theory-module submodule)))
521 ))))
522 (using-import-subs (smod)
523 (dolist (s (reverse (module-direct-submodules smod)))
524 (using-import-sub (car s) (cdr s))))
525 ) ; end labels
347 (%copy-sort s module nil t))
348 (using-recreate-sort-if-need (sort_)
349 (if (and (eq (sort-module sort_) submodule)
350 (not (member sort_
351 (module-sorts-for-regularity submodule))))
352 (or (cdr (assq sort_ *import-sort-map*))
353 (let ((news (import-recreate-sort sort_)))
354 (when *on-import-debug*
355 (format t "~%[copy] putting ~a to *import-sort-map*"
356 (cons sort_ news)))
357 (push (cons sort_ news) *import-sort-map*)
358 news))
359 sort_))
361 (using-find-sort (_sort)
362 (or (cdr (assq _sort *import-sort-map*)) _sort))
364 (using-import-var (var)
365 (let ((nm (variable-name var))
366 (sort (using-find-sort (variable-sort var))))
367 (let ((val (find-variable-in module nm)))
368 (if (and val (not (sort= sort (variable-sort val))))
369 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
370 (princ "imported variable discarded due to name conflict")
371 (print-next)
372 (format t "with the existing variable: ~a" nm))
373 (unless val
374 (setq val (make-variable-term sort nm))
375 (when *copy-variables*
376 (push (cons nm val) (module-variables module)))
377 (push (cons nm val) *import-local-vars*))))))
378 ;;
379 (using-find-sort-err (s)
380 (let ((sort (cdr (assq s *import-sort-map*))))
381 (cond (sort sort)
382 ((err-sort-p s)
383 (setq sort
384 (find-compatible-err-sort s module
385 *import-sort-map*))
386 (if sort
387 (progn
388 (when *on-import-debug*
389 (format t "~%-- adding import sort map: ~a"
390 (cons s sort)))
391 (push (cons s sort) *import-sort-map*)
392 sort)
393 (with-output-panic-message ()
394 (format t "could not find compatible error sort of ~a"
395 s))))
396 (t s))))
397 ;;
398 (using-recreate-term (term)
399 (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
400 (make-bconst-term (using-find-sort-err (term-sort term))
401 (term-builtin-value term)))
402 ((term-is-variable? term)
403 (let ((var-name (variable-name term))
404 (new-sort (using-find-sort-err (variable-sort term))))
405 (let ((val2 (assq var-name *import-local-vars*)))
406 (if (and val2 (sort= new-sort
407 (variable-sort (cdr val2))))
408 (cdr val2)
409 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term
410 new-sort var-name)))
411 (push (cons var-name new-var)
412 *import-local-vars*)
413 new-var)))))
414 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
415 (t (let ((head (term-head term)))
416 (let ((new-head
417 (find-method-in
418 module
419 (method-symbol head)
420 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
421 (using-find-sort-err x))
422 (method-arity head))
423 (using-find-sort-err
424 (method-coarity head)))))
425 (when (null new-head)
426 (when *on-import-debug*
427 (format t "~%!! recreate-term null new-head~%")
428 (with-in-module (module)
429 (print-chaos-object head)
430 (format t "~% arity = ~a" (method-arity head))
431 (format t "~% coarity = ~a"
432 (method-coarity head))))
433 (setq new-head head))
434 (make-applform (method-coarity new-head)
435 new-head
436 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
437 (using-recreate-term tm))
438 (term-subterms term))))))))
439 (using-recreate-axiom (axiom)
440 (make-rule :lhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-lhs axiom))
441 :rhs (using-recreate-term (axiom-rhs axiom))
442 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition axiom))
443 *bool-true*
444 (using-recreate-term (axiom-condition axiom)))
445 :labels (axiom-labels axiom)
446 :type (axiom-type axiom)
447 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural axiom)
448 :kind (axiom-kind axiom)
449 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or axiom)))
450 ;;
451 (using-import-sub (s mode)
452 (let ((subs (module-all-submodules module)))
453 (unless (assq s subs)
454 (if (module-is-parameter-theory s)
455 (let ((param-mod s)
456 (arg-name (car (module-name s))))
457 (push param-mod imported-params)
458 (if (and copy-parameters
459 (not (eq (fourth (module-name s))
460 context-module)))
461 (import-module-internal module
462 mode
463 param-mod
464 arg-name
465 module)
466 (progn
467 (import-module-internal module
468 mode
469 param-mod
470 nil
471 (or theory-module
472 submodule))
473 (add-modexp-local-defn (list arg-name
474 (module-name module))
475 param-mod)
476 (push (cons (cons arg-name param-mod) mode)
477 (module-parameters module))
478 )))
479 (if (eq mode :using)
480 (using-import-subs s)
481 (import-module-internal module
482 mode
483 s
484 nil
485 (or theory-module submodule)))))))
486 (using-import-subs (smod)
487 (dolist (s (reverse (module-direct-submodules smod)))
488 (using-import-sub (car s) (cdr s))))
489 ) ; end labels
526490 ;;
527491 (with-in-module (module)
528 ;; *NOTE* : the follwing code is executed in the context of given
529 ;; `module' = *current-module*.
530 ;;
531 ;; import submodules of submodule
532 ;;
533 (using-import-subs submodule)
534 ;;
535 ;; import sorts of submodule recreating
536 ;;
537 (dolist (s (reverse (module-sorts submodule)))
538 ; sorts of sub-sumodules should already be
539 ; imported at this point.
540 (let ((new-sort (using-recreate-sort-if-need s)))
541 ; thus, `if-need' is redundant though..
542 (when new-sort
543 (add-sort-to-module new-sort module))))
544 ;;
545 ;; reconstruct sort relations
546 ;;
547 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
548 (dolist (rel (module-sort-relations submodule))
549 (let* ((new-rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel))
550 (xnew-rel (when new-rel
551 (make-sort-relation
552 (using-find-sort (sort-relation-sort new-rel))
553 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
554 (_subsorts new-rel))
555 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
556 (_supersorts new-rel))))))
557 (when xnew-rel
558 (adjoin-sort-relation xnew-rel module))
559 (add-relation-to-order xnew-rel so)))
560 (generate-err-sorts so))
561 ;;
562 ;; import operators(methods) copying
563 ;;
564 (let ((m-so-far nil))
565 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators submodule)))
566 ; again, operators(methods) of
567 ; sub-submodules already be imported at
568 ; this point.
569 ; BUT, operator object is not created
570 ; iff strictly overloaded. thus we must
571 ; check ALL operators.
572 (let ((op-symbol (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
573 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
574 (when (eq submodule (method-module meth))
575 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
576 (and (not (method-is-error-method meth))
577 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
578 (not (memq meth
579 (module-methods-for-regularity
580 submodule)))))
581 (let* ((new-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
582 (using-find-sort-err x))
583 (method-arity meth)))
584 (new-coarity (using-find-sort-err
585 (method-coarity meth)))
586 (new-meth nil))
587 (when *on-import-debug*
588 (format t "~%* trying to make new method ~a:" op-symbol)
589 (format t "~% arity = ~a" new-arity)
590 (format t "~% coarity = ~a" new-coarity))
591 (setq new-meth (recreate-method submodule
592 meth
593 module
594 op-symbol
595 new-arity
596 new-coarity
597 *import-sort-map*))
598 (push (cons meth new-meth) m-so-far)
599 (when *on-import-debug*
600 (format t "~%* created method ~a: " new-meth)
601 (print-chaos-object new-meth))))))))
603 ;; check identity in theory
604 (dolist (om-nm m-so-far)
605 (let ((meth (car om-nm))
606 (new-meth (cdr om-nm)))
607 (let ((theory (method-theory meth (module-opinfo-table submodule))))
608 (when (theory-contains-identity theory)
609 (let ((zero (theory-zero theory)))
610 (setq zero (cons (using-recreate-term (car zero))
611 (cdr zero)))
612 (setf (method-theory new-meth)
613 (theory-make (theory-info theory) zero))
614 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching new-meth)))))))
615 ;;
616 ;; dumn it!
617 ;;
618 (dolist (e (reverse (module-opattrs submodule)))
619 (eval-ast e))
620 ;;
621 ;; vertually import variables copying
622 ;;
623 (dolist (v (nreverse (mapcar #'cdr (module-variables submodule))))
624 (using-import-var v))
625 ;; (setq *import-local-vars* (module-variables module))
626 ;; inherit principal-sort if defined.
627 ;;(break)
628 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
629 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
630 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
631 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))
632 ;;
633 ;; import error operator declarations
634 ;;
635 #||
636 (when (module-error-op-decl submodule)
637 (setf (module-error-op-decl module)
638 (nconc (module-error-op-decl module)
639 (copy-tree (module-error-op-decl submodule)))))
640 ||#
641 (dolist (eop (module-error-op-decl submodule))
642 (when *on-import-debug*
643 (with-output-msg ()
644 (format t "* evaluating imported err op decl:")
645 (print-next) (princ " ")
646 (print-chaos-object eop)))
647 (eval-ast eop))
649 ;;
650 ;; import variable declarations of error sorts
651 ;;
652 #||
653 (when (module-error-var-decl submodule)
654 (setf (module-error-var-decl module)
655 (nconc (module-error-var-decl module)
656 (copy-tree (module-error-var-decl submodule)))))
657 ||#
658 ;;
659 ;; copy macros
660 ;;
661 (dolist (macro (module-macros submodule))
662 (let ((new-macro (make-macro :lhs (using-recreate-term
663 (macro-lhs macro))
664 :rhs (using-recreate-term
665 (macro-rhs macro)))))
666 ;; (print macro)
667 (add-macro-to-module module new-macro)))
669 ;;(eval-psort-declaration (module-psort-declaration submodule)
670 ;; module)
671 ;;
672 ;; import equations & rules copying
673 ;;
674 (prepare-for-parsing module nil t)
675 ;; in this stage, error sorts & methods are all available,
676 ;; but there can happen reorganizing operators in different ways,
677 ;; thus we need still `check-axiom-error-method'.
678 (dolist (e (reverse (module-equations submodule)))
679 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
680 (check-axiom-error-method
681 module
682 (using-recreate-axiom e))))
684 (dolist (r (reverse (module-rules submodule)))
685 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
686 (check-axiom-error-method
687 module
688 (using-recreate-axiom r))))
689 ;;
690 ;; all done, hopefully
691 ;;
692 ))))
492 ;; *NOTE* : the follwing code is executed in the context of given
493 ;; `module' = *current-module*.
494 ;;
495 ;; import submodules of submodule
496 ;;
497 (using-import-subs submodule)
498 ;;
499 ;; import sorts of submodule recreating
500 ;;
501 (dolist (s (reverse (module-sorts submodule)))
502 ; sorts of sub-sumodules should already be
503 ; imported at this point.
504 (let ((new-sort (using-recreate-sort-if-need s)))
505 ; thus, `if-need' is redundant though..
506 (when new-sort
507 (add-sort-to-module new-sort module))))
508 ;;
509 ;; reconstruct sort relations
510 ;;
511 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
512 (dolist (rel (module-sort-relations submodule))
513 (let* ((new-rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel))
514 (xnew-rel (when new-rel
515 (make-sort-relation
516 (using-find-sort (sort-relation-sort new-rel))
517 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
518 (_subsorts new-rel))
519 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (using-find-sort x))
520 (_supersorts new-rel))))))
521 (when xnew-rel
522 (adjoin-sort-relation xnew-rel module))
523 (add-relation-to-order xnew-rel so)))
524 (generate-err-sorts so))
525 ;;
526 ;; import operators(methods) copying
527 ;;
528 (let ((m-so-far nil))
529 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators submodule)))
530 ; again, operators(methods) of
531 ; sub-submodules already be imported at
532 ; this point.
533 ; BUT, operator object is not created
534 ; iff strictly overloaded. thus we must
535 ; check ALL operators.
536 (let ((op-symbol (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
537 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
538 (when (eq submodule (method-module meth))
539 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
540 (and (not (method-is-error-method meth))
541 (not (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
542 (not (memq meth
543 (module-methods-for-regularity
544 submodule)))))
545 (let* ((new-arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
546 (using-find-sort-err x))
547 (method-arity meth)))
548 (new-coarity (using-find-sort-err
549 (method-coarity meth)))
550 (new-meth nil))
551 (when *on-import-debug*
552 (format t "~%* trying to make new method ~a:" op-symbol)
553 (format t "~% arity = ~a" new-arity)
554 (format t "~% coarity = ~a" new-coarity))
555 (setq new-meth (recreate-method submodule
556 meth
557 module
558 op-symbol
559 new-arity
560 new-coarity
561 *import-sort-map*))
562 (push (cons meth new-meth) m-so-far)
563 (when *on-import-debug*
564 (format t "~%* created method ~a: " new-meth)
565 (print-chaos-object new-meth))))))))
567 ;; check identity in theory
568 (dolist (om-nm m-so-far)
569 (let ((meth (car om-nm))
570 (new-meth (cdr om-nm)))
571 (let ((theory (method-theory meth (module-opinfo-table submodule))))
572 (when (theory-contains-identity theory)
573 (let ((zero (theory-zero theory)))
574 (setq zero (cons (using-recreate-term (car zero))
575 (cdr zero)))
576 (setf (method-theory new-meth)
577 (theory-make (theory-info theory) zero))
578 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching new-meth)))))))
579 ;;
580 ;; dumn it!
581 ;;
582 (dolist (e (reverse (module-opattrs submodule)))
583 (eval-ast e))
584 ;;
585 ;; vertually import variables copying
586 ;;
587 (dolist (v (nreverse (mapcar #'cdr (module-variables submodule))))
588 (using-import-var v))
589 ;; (setq *import-local-vars* (module-variables module))
590 ;; inherit principal-sort if defined.
591 ;;(break)
592 (when (and (module-psort-declaration submodule)
593 (null (module-psort-declaration module)))
594 (setf (module-psort-declaration module)
595 (copy-tree (module-psort-declaration submodule))))
596 ;;
597 ;; import error operator declarations
598 ;;
599 (dolist (eop (module-error-op-decl submodule))
600 (when *on-import-debug*
601 (with-output-msg ()
602 (format t "* evaluating imported err op decl:")
603 (print-next) (princ " ")
604 (print-chaos-object eop)))
605 (eval-ast eop))
607 ;;
608 ;; import variable declarations of error sorts
609 ;; nothing todo ... NO TODO
611 ;;
612 ;; copy macros
613 ;;
614 (dolist (macro (module-macros submodule))
615 (let ((new-macro (make-macro :lhs (using-recreate-term
616 (macro-lhs macro))
617 :rhs (using-recreate-term
618 (macro-rhs macro)))))
619 ;; (print macro)
620 (add-macro-to-module module new-macro)))
622 ;;
623 ;; import equations & rules copying
624 ;;
625 (prepare-for-parsing module nil t)
626 ;; in this stage, error sorts & methods are all available,
627 ;; but there can happen reorganizing operators in different ways,
628 ;; thus we need still `check-axiom-error-method'.
629 (dolist (e (reverse (module-equations submodule)))
630 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
631 (check-axiom-error-method
632 module
633 (using-recreate-axiom e))))
635 (dolist (r (reverse (module-rules submodule)))
636 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module
637 (check-axiom-error-method
638 module
639 (using-recreate-axiom r))))
640 ;;
641 ;; all done, hopefully
642 ;;
643 ))))
694645 ;;; TRANSFER-OPERATOR : Module Module OpInfo -> Void
695646 ;;;
696647 (defun transfer-operator (module from-module opinfo &optional (given-opinfos nil)
697 theory-mod)
648 theory-mod)
698649 (let* ((opinfos given-opinfos)
699 (from-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
700 (proto-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
701 (a-len (length (method-arity proto-method)))
702 (new-op nil)
703 (new-opinfo nil))
650 (from-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
651 (proto-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
652 (a-len (length (method-arity proto-method)))
653 (new-op nil)
654 (new-opinfo nil))
704655 ;;
705656 (when *on-import-debug*
706657 (format t "~&[transfer-operator]: ~a from " (operator-symbol from-op))
710661 ;;
711662 (unless opinfos
712663 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module (operator-symbol from-op)
713 a-len
714 module)))
664 a-len
665 module)))
715666 ;;
716667 (with-in-module (module)
717668 (let ((from-opinfo (module-opinfo-table from-module))
718 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module))
719 (so (module-sort-order module)))
720 ;; find the method group to be inserted
721 #||
722 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
723 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
724 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
725 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
726 (setq new-opinfo
727 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
728 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
729 (is-in-same-connected-component*
730 (method-coarity method)
731 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
732 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
733 so))
734 (return x))))
735 (return nil)))
736 ||#
737 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
738 (when (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
739 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
740 (setq new-opinfo
741 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
742 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
743 (is-in-same-connected-component*
744 (method-coarity method)
745 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
746 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
747 so))
748 (return x))))
749 (return nil)))
750 ;; create new operaotr info if could not find.
751 (cond (new-opinfo
752 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator new-opinfo))
753 )
754 (t
755 (when *on-import-debug*
756 (format t "~%* creating new opinfo for operator ~s : "
757 (opinfo-operator opinfo))
758 (print-chaos-object (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
759 ;;
760 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
761 (setq new-opinfo
762 (make-opinfo :operator new-op))
763 (push new-opinfo (module-all-operators module))
764 (push new-opinfo opinfos)))
765 ;; add to symbol table : 2012/07/15
766 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module) (first (operator-name new-op)) new-op)
767 ;;
768 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
769 ;;
770 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
771 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
772 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
773 (when *on-import-debug*
774 (format t "~&-- importing method ~s : " method)
775 (print-chaos-object method))
776 ;;
777 #||
778 (when (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
779 (when *on-import-debug*
780 (format t "~&-- importing method-theory ~s:"
781 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
782 (finish-output *error-output*)))
783 ||#
784 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
785 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
786 ;; import axioms
787 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
788 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
789 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
790 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
791 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
792 (when *on-import-debug*
793 (with-in-module (from-module)
794 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
795 (print-chaos-object rule)
796 (format t "~% for method : ")
797 (print-chaos-object method)))
798 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
799 method to-opinfo)
800 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)
801 )
802 )
803 ;;
804 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
805 from-opinfo)))
806 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
807 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
808 (when *on-import-debug*
809 (with-in-module (from-module)
810 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
811 (print-chaos-object r)
812 (format t "~% for method : ")
813 (print-chaos-object method)))
814 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
815 method to-opinfo)
816 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
817 )))
819 ;;
820 #||
821 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
822 (when (and ;; (not (method-is-error-method method))
823 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
824 (when *on-import-debug*
825 (format t "~&-- importing method ~s : " method)
826 (print-chaos-object method))
827 ;;
828 ;;#||
829 (when (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
830 (when *on-import-debug*
831 (format t "~&-- importing method-theory ~s:"
832 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
833 (finish-output *error-output*)))
834 ;; ||#
835 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
836 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
837 ;; import axioms
838 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
839 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
840 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
841 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
842 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
843 (when *on-import-debug*
844 (with-in-module (from-module)
845 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
846 (print-chaos-object rule)
847 (format t "~% for method : ")
848 (print-chaos-object method)))
849 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
850 method to-opinfo)
851 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)
852 )
853 )
854 ;;
855 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
856 from-opinfo)))
857 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
858 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
859 (when *on-import-debug*
860 (with-in-module (from-module)
861 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
862 (print-chaos-object r)
863 (format t "~% for method : ")
864 (print-chaos-object method)))
865 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
866 method to-opinfo)
867 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
868 )))
869 ||#
870 ;;
871 (when *on-import-debug*
872 (format t "~&* done transfer-operator"))
873 ))
874 ))
669 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module))
670 (so (module-sort-order module)))
671 ;; find the method group to be inserted
672 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
673 (when (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
674 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module)))
675 (setq new-opinfo
676 (dolist (x opinfos nil)
677 (when (or (null (method-arity method))
678 (is-in-same-connected-component*
679 (method-coarity method)
680 (method-coarity (or (cadr (opinfo-methods x))
681 (car (opinfo-methods x))))
682 so))
683 (return x))))
684 (return nil)))
685 ;; create new operaotr info if could not find.
686 (cond (new-opinfo
687 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator new-opinfo)))
688 (t
689 (when *on-import-debug*
690 (format t "~%* creating new opinfo for operator ~s : "
691 (opinfo-operator opinfo))
692 (print-chaos-object (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
693 ;;
694 (setq new-op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
695 (setq new-opinfo
696 (make-opinfo :operator new-op))
697 (push new-opinfo (module-all-operators module))
698 (push new-opinfo opinfos)))
699 ;; add to symbol table : 2012/07/15
700 (symbol-table-add (module-symbol-table module) (first (operator-name new-op)) new-op)
701 ;;
702 (dolist (method (reverse (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
703 ;;
704 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
705 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
706 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
707 (when *on-import-debug*
708 (format t "~%-- importing method ~s : " method)
709 (print-chaos-object method))
710 (modexp-add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
711 (transfer-operator-attributes method module from-module theory-mod)
712 ;; import axioms
713 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules module)))
714 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list
715 (method-rules-with-same-top method from-opinfo)))
716 (when (or (not (memq rule all-rules))
717 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs rule))))
718 (when *on-import-debug*
719 (with-in-module (from-module)
720 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
721 (print-chaos-object rule)
722 (format t "~% for method : ")
723 (print-chaos-object method)))
724 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
725 method to-opinfo)
726 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
727 ;;
728 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
729 from-opinfo)))
730 (when (or (not (memq r all-rules))
731 (eq method (term-head (axiom-lhs r))))
732 (when *on-import-debug*
733 (with-in-module (from-module)
734 (format t "~%-- importing axiom ")
735 (print-chaos-object r)
736 (format t "~% for method : ")
737 (print-chaos-object method)))
738 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
739 method to-opinfo)
740 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
741 )))
742 (when *on-import-debug*
743 (format t "~%* done transfer-operator"))))))
876745 (defun modexp-add-method-to-table (opinfo method module)
877746 (let ((pmeth (find method (opinfo-methods opinfo)
878 :test #'(lambda (x y)
879 (and (sort-list= (method-arity x)
880 (method-arity y))
881 (sort= (method-coarity x)
882 (method-coarity y))))))
883 (method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
884 (if (eq pmeth method) ; (or (eq pmeth method)
885 ; ;; dirty kludge!
886 ; (and pmeth (method-is-of-same-operator-safe method *rwl-predicate*)))
887 nil
747 :test #'(lambda (x y)
748 (and (sort-list= (method-arity x)
749 (method-arity y))
750 (sort= (method-coarity x)
751 (method-coarity y))))))
752 (method-info-table (module-opinfo-table module)))
753 (if (eq pmeth method)
754 nil
888755 (progn
889 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
890 (make-method-info method
891 module
892 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
893 (pushnew method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
894 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
895 (when (method-is-behavioural method)
896 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
897 (pushnew method (module-beh-methods module))
898 (pushnew method (module-beh-attributes module))))
899 t))))
756 (setf (get-method-info method method-info-table)
757 (make-method-info method
758 module
759 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
760 (pushnew method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
761 (setf (opinfo-method-table opinfo) nil)
762 (when (method-is-behavioural method)
763 (if (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity method))
764 (pushnew method (module-beh-methods module))
765 (pushnew method (module-beh-attributes module))))
766 t))))
901768 (defun transfer-operator-attributes (method to-module from-module
902 &optional theory-mod)
769 &optional theory-mod)
903770 ;; transfer operator theory
904771 (transfer-operator-theory method to-module from-module theory-mod)
905772 ;; transfer other attributes
906773 (transfer-operator-attrs method to-module from-module theory-mod))
908775 (defun transfer-operator-theory (method to-module from-module
909 &optional theory-mod)
776 &optional theory-mod)
910777 (let ((new-theory (modexp-merge-operator-theory method
911 to-module
912 from-module
913 theory-mod)))
778 to-module
779 from-module
780 theory-mod)))
914781 (when new-theory
915782 (setf (method-theory method (module-opinfo-table to-module))
916 new-theory)
783 new-theory)
917784 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method
918 (module-opinfo-table to-module))
919 )))
785 (module-opinfo-table to-module)))))
921787 (defun modexp-merge-operator-theory (method to-module from-module
922 &optional theory-mod)
788 &optional theory-mod)
923789 (let* ((to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table to-module))
924 (th1 (method-theory method to-opinfo))
925 (from-opinfo (if theory-mod
926 (module-opinfo-table theory-mod)
927 (module-opinfo-table from-module)))
928 (th2 (method-theory method from-opinfo)))
790 (th1 (method-theory method to-opinfo))
791 (from-opinfo (if theory-mod
792 (module-opinfo-table theory-mod)
793 (module-opinfo-table from-module)))
794 (th2 (method-theory method from-opinfo)))
929795 (merge-operator-theory-in to-module method th1 th2)))
931797 (defun transfer-operator-attrs (meth to-module from-module &optional theory-mod)
932798 (declare (ignore theory-mod))
933799 (let ((coh nil)
934 (meta-demod nil))
800 (meta-demod nil))
935801 (with-in-module (from-module)
936802 (setq coh (method-is-coherent meth))
937803 (setq meta-demod (method-is-meta-demod meth)))
938804 (with-in-module (to-module)
939805 (setf (method-is-coherent meth) coh)
940 (setf (method-is-meta-demod meth) meta-demod))
941 ))
806 (setf (method-is-meta-demod meth) meta-demod))))
943808 ;;; *****************************************
944809 ;;; AUTOMATIC IMPORATION OF BUILT-IN MODULES.___________________________________
956821 (with-in-module (module)
957822 (eval-import-modexp *import-hard-wired-ast*))))
959 #||
960 (defun include-BOOL (&optional (module *current-module*))
961 (when *include-BOOL*
962 (unless (memq *Bool-sort*
963 (module-all-sorts module))
964 (with-in-module (module)
965 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
966 (include-chaos-module)
967 )
968 ||#
970824 (defun include-BOOL (&optional (module *current-module*))
971825 (when *include-BOOL*
972826 (unless (assq *bool-module*
973 (module-all-submodules module))
827 (module-all-submodules module))
974828 (with-in-module (module)
975 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
976 (include-chaos-module)
977 )
829 (eval-import-modexp *import-bool-ast*))))
830 (include-chaos-module))
979832 (defparameter *import-object-ast*
980833 (%import* :extending (%modexp* "OBJECT")))
982835 (defun include-object ()
983836 (unless (memq *class-id-sort*
984 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
985 (eval-import-modexp *import-object-ast*)
986 ))
837 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
838 (eval-import-modexp *import-object-ast*)))
988840 (defparameter *import-record-ast*
989841 (%import* :extending (%modexp* "RECORD-STRUCTURE")))
991843 (defun include-record ()
992844 (unless (memq *record-id-sort*
993 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
845 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
994846 (eval-import-modexp *import-record-ast*)))
996848 (defparameter *import-rwl-ast*
997849 (%import* :protecting (%modexp* "RWL")))
999 (defun include-rwl (&optional (module (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
851 (defun include-rwl (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
1000852 (when *include-rwl*
1001853 (unless (module-includes-rwl module)
1002854 (with-in-module (module)
1003 (eval-import-modexp *import-rwl-ast*)
1004 )))
1005 )
855 (eval-import-modexp *import-rwl-ast*)))))
1007857 ;;;
1011861 (let ((vs (module-variables from)))
1012862 (dolist (v vs)
1013863 (let ((s (find-sort-in to (sort-id (variable-sort v))))
1014 (name (variable-name v)))
1015 (if s
1016 (push (cons name (make-variable-term s name))
1017 (module-variables to))
1018 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1019 (format t "importing variable ~a, could not find sort ~a"
1020 name
1021 (sort-id (variable-sort v)))))))
1022 ))
864 (name (variable-name v)))
865 (if s
866 (push (cons name (make-variable-term s name))
867 (module-variables to))
868 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
869 (format t "importing variable ~a, could not find sort ~a"
870 name
871 (sort-id (variable-sort v)))))))))
1024873 ;;; EOF
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
5252 var L : MapList
5454 eq sort X -> Y, L, sort X -> Z
55 = L, sort X -> Z .
55 = L, sort X -> Z .
5656 eq op X -> Y, L, op X -> Z
57 = L, op X -> Z .
57 = L, op X -> Z .
5858 }
6060 }
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: modmorph.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: modmorph.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5959 (defun apply-modmorph (name morph mod)
6060 (let ((newmod (cdr (assq mod (modmorph-module morph)))))
6161 (if newmod
62 ;; given mod already mapped, change its name by given one.
63 (setf (module-name newmod) name)
64 (progn
65 ;; construct new module using given name.
66 (setq newmod (or *modmorph-new-module*
67 (!create-module name)))
68 ;; register module map.
69 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
62 ;; given mod already mapped, change its name by given one.
63 (setf (module-name newmod) name)
64 (progn
65 ;; construct new module using given name.
66 (setq newmod (or *modmorph-new-module*
67 (!create-module name)))
68 ;; register module map.
69 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
7070 ;; apply the morphism
7171 (with-in-module (newmod)
7272 (apply-modmorph-internal morph mod newmod))))
7878 (defun apply-modmorph* (nm morph mod)
7979 (let ((newmod (cdr (assq mod (modmorph-module morph)))))
8080 (if newmod
81 (setf (module-name newmod) nm)
82 (progn
83 (setq newmod (create-module nm))
84 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
81 (setf (module-name newmod) nm)
82 (progn
83 (setq newmod (create-module nm))
84 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
8585 (apply-modmorph-internal morph mod newmod)))
8787 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9595 (defun apply-modmorph-internal (map mod newmod)
9696 (flet ((inherit-principal-sort (s s-mapped)
97 (when (and (null (module-principal-sort newmod))
98 (sort= s (module-principal-sort mod)))
99 ;; this will be evaluated later on compilation stage.
100 (setf (module-psort-declaration newmod)
101 (%psort-decl* s-mapped))
102 ;; the following seems redundant, but there are
103 ;; some cases the real module compilation is not done
104 ;; while evaluating modexprs, and we also want
105 ;; psort-declaration for consistency.
106 (setf (module-principal-sort newmod) s-mapped)
107 ))
108 )
97 (when (and (null (module-principal-sort newmod))
98 (sort= s (module-principal-sort mod)))
99 ;; this will be evaluated later on compilation stage.
100 (setf (module-psort-declaration newmod)
101 (%psort-decl* s-mapped))
102 ;; the following seems redundant, but there are
103 ;; some cases the real module compilation is not done
104 ;; while evaluating modexprs, and we also want
105 ;; psort-declaration for consistency.
106 (setf (module-principal-sort newmod) s-mapped))))
109107 ;;
110 (when *chaos-verbose* (princ "[")) ; now we begin.
108 (when *chaos-verbose* (princ "[")) ; now we begin.
111109 (when *on-modexp-debug*
112110 (with-output-simple-msg ()
113 (format t "[apply-modmorph] : begin ----------------------------")
114 (format t "~&- map = ")
115 (print-mapping map)
116 (format t "~& - module = ")
117 (print-modexp mod)
118 (format t "~& - new module = ")
119 (print-modexp newmod)))
111 (format t "[apply-modmorph] : begin ----------------------------")
112 (format t "~&- map = ")
113 (print-mapping map)
114 (format t "~& - module = ")
115 (print-modexp mod)
116 (format t "~& - new module = ")
117 (print-modexp newmod)))
120118 ;;
121119 (let ((amod (assq mod (modmorph-module map))))
122120 ;; newmod is depends on mod, so we set dependency relation.
126124 ;; update module map mod->newmod
127125 (if amod
128 (when (null (cdr amod)) (rplacd amod newmod))
129 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module map)))
126 (when (null (cdr amod)) (rplacd amod newmod))
127 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module map)))
131129 ;; this makes temporaly generated module for remaing trash away.
132130 (when (modmorph-is-rename map)
133 (reduce-rename-dummy map mod newmod)
134 (print-in-progress ","))
131 (reduce-rename-dummy map mod newmod)
132 (print-in-progress ","))
136134 ;; now finished simple preparation, we begin the real work.
137135 ;;
138136 (let ((sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
139 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
140 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
141 (no-error-sort nil))
143 ;; MAP SUBMODULES -----------------------------------------------------
144 ;; the first big job is to incorporate submodules.
145 ;; * need to consider sub-module-instantiation
146 ;; also apply mapping; want to memoize appropriately;
147 ;; in some sense must always apply the mapping to sub-objects
148 ;; * idea: if sub-module contains parameter as its sub-module then
149 ;; map it (should always be directly there); the other source
150 ;; of information is the name of the module; if is instantiated
151 ;; then can see if the name contains a use of the parameter
153 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map mod)
154 (print-in-progress ",")
137 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
138 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
139 (no-error-sort nil))
141 ;; MAP SUBMODULES -----------------------------------------------------
142 ;; the first big job is to incorporate submodules.
143 ;; * need to consider sub-module-instantiation
144 ;; also apply mapping; want to memoize appropriately;
145 ;; in some sense must always apply the mapping to sub-objects
146 ;; * idea: if sub-module contains parameter as its sub-module then
147 ;; map it (should always be directly there); the other source
148 ;; of information is the name of the module; if is instantiated
149 ;; then can see if the name contains a use of the parameter
151 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map mod)
152 (print-in-progress ",")
156 ;; at this point have already got a lot of sorts and operators (etc.)
157 ;; from the incorporated modules
159 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming
160 (when (modmorph-is-rename map) (fix-sort-renaming map newmod))
161 (print-in-progress ",")
154 ;; at this point have already got a lot of sorts and operators (etc.)
155 ;; from the incorporated modules
157 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming
158 (when (modmorph-is-rename map) (fix-sort-renaming map newmod))
159 (print-in-progress ",")
163 ;; now, maps may have been updated, so re-new the local cache.
164 (setq sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
165 (setq opmap (modmorph-op map))
166 (setq modmap (modmorph-module map))
168 ;; MAP SORTS, SORT RELATIONS ----------------------------------------
169 ;;
170 ;; mapping sorts
171 (dolist (x (reverse (module-all-sorts mod)))
172 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? x mod)
173 ;; reverse because want to preserve the original order
174 (let ((sortmapval (assoc x sortmap)))
175 (if sortmapval
176 (let ((ims (cdr sortmapval)))
177 (inherit-principal-sort x ims)
178 (unless (memq ims (module-all-sorts newmod))
179 (add-sort-to-module ims newmod))) ; check sort order
180 ;;
181 (if (eq mod (sort-module x))
182 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
183 modmap
184 sortmap
185 x)))
186 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
187 (unless (eq x sortim)
188 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
189 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap)
190 (setq x sortim))
191 (add-sort-to-module sortim newmod))
192 ;;
193 (let ((modv (assq (sort-module x) modmap)))
194 (if modv
195 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
196 modmap
197 sortmap
198 x)))
199 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
200 (unless (eq x sortim)
201 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
202 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap))
203 )
204 (inherit-principal-sort x x))
205 )))
206 )))
207 ;;
208 (if *chaos-verbose*
209 (print-in-progress "s") ; done mapping sorts
210 (print-in-progress ","))
161 ;; now, maps may have been updated, so re-new the local cache.
162 (setq sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
163 (setq opmap (modmorph-op map))
164 (setq modmap (modmorph-module map))
166 ;; MAP SORTS, SORT RELATIONS ----------------------------------------
167 ;;
168 ;; mapping sorts
169 (dolist (x (reverse (module-all-sorts mod)))
170 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? x mod)
171 ;; reverse because want to preserve the original order
172 (let ((sortmapval (assoc x sortmap)))
173 (if sortmapval
174 (let ((ims (cdr sortmapval)))
175 (inherit-principal-sort x ims)
176 (unless (memq ims (module-all-sorts newmod))
177 (add-sort-to-module ims newmod))) ; check sort order
178 ;;
179 (if (eq mod (sort-module x))
180 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
181 modmap
182 sortmap
183 x)))
184 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
185 (unless (eq x sortim)
186 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
187 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap)
188 (setq x sortim))
189 (add-sort-to-module sortim newmod))
190 ;;
191 (let ((modv (assq (sort-module x) modmap)))
192 (if modv
193 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
194 modmap
195 sortmap
196 x)))
197 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
198 (unless (eq x sortim)
199 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
200 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap)))
201 (inherit-principal-sort x x))))))))
202 ;;
203 (if *chaos-verbose*
204 (print-in-progress "s") ; done mapping sorts
205 (print-in-progress ","))
212 ;; sort-relation
213 (let ((self-rel (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod
214 mod
215 modmap
216 sortmap
217 (module-sort-relations
218 newmod))))
219 (setf (module-sort-relations newmod)
220 (modmorph-merge-sort-relations
221 (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod mod modmap sortmap
222 (module-sort-relations mod))
223 self-rel)))
224 (let ((so (module-sort-order newmod)))
225 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations newmod))
226 (add-relation-to-order (copy-sort-relation sl) so))
227 ;; we need error sorts
228 (when *on-modexp-debug*
229 (with-output-msg ()
230 (format t " generating error sorts")))
231 (generate-err-sorts so)
232 (setq no-error-sort t)
233 )
234 ;;
235 (if *chaos-verbose*
236 (print-in-progress "<") ; done mapping sort relations
237 (print-in-progress ","))
239 ;; MAP OPERATORS ----------------------------------------------------
240 ;;
241 (when (modmorph-is-rename map)
242 ;; operators
243 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming for
244 ;; operators too.
245 (when *on-modexp-debug*
246 (with-output-msg ()
247 (format t " fixing operator renaming ..")))
248 (fix-method-renaming map newmod))
249 ;;
250 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators mod)))
251 ;; want to preserve the original order of operators
252 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
253 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
254 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
255 (not (memq method
256 (module-methods-for-regularity mod)))))
257 (unless (assq method opmap)
258 (modmorph-recreate-method mod newmod sortmap method))
259 )))
260 ;;
261 (if *chaos-verbose*
262 (print-in-progress "o") ; done mapping operators
263 (print-in-progress ","))
265 ;; At this point all operators should exist; term recreation is possible.
266 ;; all of the error sorts & error method should be
267 ;; generated here.
268 (modmorph-prepare-for-parsing newmod map no-error-sort)
270 ;; MAP AXIOMS ------------------------------------------------------
271 ;;
272 ;; equations
273 (setf (module-equations newmod)
274 (append
275 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
276 (when *on-modexp-debug*
277 (with-in-module (mod)
278 (format t "~&* recreating the axiom :")
279 (print-rule r)))
280 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
281 (module-equations mod))
282 (module-equations newmod)))
283 ;; transitions
284 (setf (module-rules newmod)
285 (append
286 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
287 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
288 (module-rules mod))
289 (module-rules newmod)))
290 (if *chaos-verbose*
291 (print-in-progress "a") ; done mapping axioms
292 (print-in-progress ","))
294 ;; THEOREMS ---------------------------------------------------------
295 #|| NO YET
296 (setf (module-theorems newmod)
297 (append
298 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
299 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap
300 opmap modmap r))
301 (module-theorems mod))
302 (module-theorems newmod)))
303 ||#
207 ;; sort-relation
208 (let ((self-rel (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod
209 mod
210 modmap
211 sortmap
212 (module-sort-relations
213 newmod))))
214 (setf (module-sort-relations newmod)
215 (modmorph-merge-sort-relations
216 (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod mod modmap sortmap
217 (module-sort-relations mod))
218 self-rel)))
219 (let ((so (module-sort-order newmod)))
220 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations newmod))
221 (add-relation-to-order (copy-sort-relation sl) so))
222 ;; we need error sorts
223 (when *on-modexp-debug*
224 (with-output-msg ()
225 (format t " generating error sorts")))
226 (generate-err-sorts so)
227 (setq no-error-sort t))
228 ;;
229 (if *chaos-verbose*
230 (print-in-progress "<") ; done mapping sort relations
231 (print-in-progress ","))
233 ;; MAP OPERATORS ----------------------------------------------------
234 ;;
235 (when (modmorph-is-rename map)
236 ;; operators
237 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming for
238 ;; operators too.
239 (when *on-modexp-debug*
240 (with-output-msg ()
241 (format t " fixing operator renaming ..")))
242 (fix-method-renaming map newmod))
243 ;;
244 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators mod)))
245 ;; want to preserve the original order of operators
246 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
247 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
248 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
249 (not (memq method
250 (module-methods-for-regularity mod)))))
251 (unless (assq method opmap)
252 (modmorph-recreate-method mod newmod sortmap method)))))
253 ;;
254 (if *chaos-verbose*
255 (print-in-progress "o") ; done mapping operators
256 (print-in-progress ","))
258 ;; At this point all operators should exist; term recreation is possible.
259 ;; all of the error sorts & error method should be
260 ;; generated here.
261 (modmorph-prepare-for-parsing newmod map no-error-sort)
263 ;; MAP AXIOMS ------------------------------------------------------
264 ;;
265 ;; equations
266 (setf (module-equations newmod)
267 (append
268 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
269 (when *on-modexp-debug*
270 (with-in-module (mod)
271 (format t "~%* recreating the axiom :")
272 (print-rule r)))
273 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
274 (module-equations mod))
275 (module-equations newmod)))
276 ;; transitions
277 (setf (module-rules newmod)
278 (append
279 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
280 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
281 (module-rules mod))
282 (module-rules newmod)))
283 (if *chaos-verbose*
284 (print-in-progress "a") ; done mapping axioms
285 (print-in-progress ","))
287 ;; THEOREMS ---------------------------------------------------------
288 ;; NO YET
305 ;; OK we've done, nothing to be done here already.
306 ;;
307 (when *on-modexp-debug*
308 (format t "~&* apply-modmorph: DONE. generated new module ")
309 (print-mod-name newmod))
310 (if *chaos-verbose*
311 (print-in-progress "]") ; done whole work.
312 (print-in-progress ","))
313 newmod ;the final result
314 ))))
290 ;; OK we've done, nothing to be done here already.
291 ;;
292 (when *on-modexp-debug*
293 (format t "~%* apply-modmorph: DONE. generated new module ")
294 (print-mod-name newmod))
295 (if *chaos-verbose*
296 (print-in-progress "]") ; done whole work.
297 (print-in-progress ","))
298 newmod ;the final result
299 ))))
316301 (defun modmorph-prepare-for-parsing (mod map no-error-sort)
317302 (declare (ignore no-error-sort))
325310 (modmorph-update-theory mod map opinfo))
326311 (propagate-attributes mod)
327312 (update-parse-information mod)
328 (mark-module-ready-for-parsing mod)
329 )
313 (mark-module-ready-for-parsing mod))
331315 (defun fix-operator-mapping (mod map)
332316 (let ((opmap (modmorph-op map))
333 (sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
317 (sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
334318 (mapc #'(lambda (x)
335 (let ((target (cdr x)))
336 (cond ((eq (car target) :replacement)
337 (replace-error-method mod (caddr target)
338 opmap sort-map))
339 ((eq (car target) :simple-error-map)
340 (let ((method (cdr target))
341 (arity nil))
342 (dolist (s (method-arity method))
343 (if (err-sort-p s)
344 (push (find-compatible-err-sort s
345 mod
346 sort-map)
347 arity)
348 (push s arity)))
349 (setf (method-arity method) (nreverse arity))
350 (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
351 (setf (method-coarity method)
352 (find-compatible-err-sort
353 (method-coarity method)
354 mod
355 sort-map)))
356 (setf (car target) :simple-map)))
357 (t nil))))
358 opmap)))
360 #||
361 (defun modmorph-find-error-method (module method opmap &optional sortmap)
362 (declare (type module module)
363 (type method method)
364 (type list opmap sortmap)
365 (values (or null method)))
366 (or (car (memq method (module-error-methods module)))
367 (let* ((alen (length (method-arity method)))
368 (opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
369 alen
370 module)))
371 (declare (type fixnum alen)
372 (type list opinfos))
373 ;;
374 (unless opinfos
375 (let* ((name (method-symbol method))
376 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
377 (and (equal (method-symbol
378 (the method (car x)))
379 name)
380 (= (the fixnum
381 (length (method-arity (car x))))
382 alen)))
383 opmap)))
384 (when mapped?
385 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
386 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
387 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
388 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
389 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
390 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
391 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))))
392 ;;
393 (let ((opinfo nil)
394 (err-method nil))
395 (let* ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
396 (declare (type sort* x))
397 (if (err-sort-p x)
398 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
399 x))
400 (method-arity method)))
401 #||
402 (ar-names (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
403 (declare (type sort* x))
404 (sort-id x))
405 ar))
406 ||#
407 (cr (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
408 (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity method)
409 module
410 sortmap)
411 (method-coarity method)))
412 #||
413 (cr-name (sort-id cr))
414 ||#
415 )
416 (declare (type sort* cr))
417 (block find-method
418 (dolist (oi opinfos)
419 (declare (type list oi))
420 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
421 (declare (type method cand))
422 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
423 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
424 (setq opinfo oi)
425 (setq err-method cand)
426 (return-from find-method nil))
427 )))
428 ;;
429 (unless opinfo
430 ;; failed!....
431 ;; this means we need error method which are not generated
432 ;; yet. -- really?
433 ;; (break)
434 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
435 (declare (type sort* x))
436 (if (err-sort-p x)
437 (let ((compo
438 (err-sort-components x)))
439 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
440 (modmorph-assoc-image
441 sortmap
442 y))
443 compo))
444 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
445 sortmap
446 x))))
447 ar))
448 (coarity (let ((c cr))
449 (if (err-sort-p c)
450 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
451 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
452 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
453 compo))
454 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
455 (so (module-sort-order module)))
456 (declare (type sort-order so))
457 ;;
458 ;; (break)
459 ;;
460 (when (block
461 find-opinfo
462 (dolist (oi opinfos)
463 (declare (type list oi))
464 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
465 (dolist (m mm)
466 (declare (type method m))
467 (block try1
468 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
469 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
470 (declare (type list xarity)
471 (type sort* xcoarity))
472 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
473 (declare (type fixnum pos))
474 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
475 (declare (type sort* y))
476 (sort<= (the sort*
477 (nth pos xarity))
478 y
479 so))
480 (nth pos arity))
481 (return-from try1 nil)))
482 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
483 (declare (type sort* y))
484 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
485 coarity)
486 (return-from try1 nil))
487 (setq opinfo oi)
488 (return-from find-opinfo t))
489 )))))
490 ;;
491 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
492 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
493 )))
494 )
495 ;;
496 (when *on-modexp-debug*
497 (format t "~%-- finding error method for : ")
498 (print-chaos-object method)
499 (format t "~% found : ")
500 (print-chaos-object err-method))
501 ;;
502 err-method))))
503 ||#
319 (let ((target (cdr x)))
320 (cond ((eq (car target) :replacement)
321 (replace-error-method mod (caddr target)
322 opmap sort-map))
323 ((eq (car target) :simple-error-map)
324 (let ((method (cdr target))
325 (arity nil))
326 (dolist (s (method-arity method))
327 (if (err-sort-p s)
328 (push (find-compatible-err-sort s
329 mod
330 sort-map)
331 arity)
332 (push s arity)))
333 (setf (method-arity method) (nreverse arity))
334 (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
335 (setf (method-coarity method)
336 (find-compatible-err-sort
337 (method-coarity method)
338 mod
339 sort-map)))
340 (setf (car target) :simple-map)))
341 (t nil))))
342 opmap)))
505344 (defun modmorph-find-mapped-sorts (module sort-l sortmap)
506345 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
507 (declare (type sort* x))
508 (if (err-sort-p x)
509 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
510 (or (cdr (assq x sortmap)) x)))
511 sort-l))
346 (declare (type sort* x))
347 (if (err-sort-p x)
348 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
349 (or (cdr (assq x sortmap)) x)))
350 sort-l))
513352 ;;; *******
514353 (defun modmorph-copy-method-attributes (from to)
515354 (let (sup-strat
516 theory
517 prec
518 memo
519 assoc
520 constr)
355 theory
356 prec
357 memo
358 assoc
359 constr)
521360 (let ((from-module (method-module from)))
522361 (with-in-module (from-module)
523 (setf sup-strat (method-supplied-strategy from)
524 theory (method-theory from)
525 prec (get-method-precedence from)
526 memo (method-has-memo from)
527 assoc (method-associativity from)
528 constr (method-constructor from))))
362 (setf sup-strat (method-supplied-strategy from)
363 theory (method-theory from)
364 prec (get-method-precedence from)
365 memo (method-has-memo from)
366 assoc (method-associativity from)
367 constr (method-constructor from))))
529368 (let ((to-module (method-module to)))
530369 (with-in-module (to-module)
531 (setf (method-supplied-strategy to) sup-strat
532 (method-precedence to) prec
533 (method-has-memo to) memo
534 (method-associativity to) assoc
535 (method-constructor to) constr)
536 (set-method-theory to theory)
537 ))
538 ))
370 (setf (method-supplied-strategy to) sup-strat
371 (method-precedence to) prec
372 (method-has-memo to) memo
373 (method-associativity to) assoc
374 (method-constructor to) constr)
375 (set-method-theory to theory)))))
541378 (defun modmorph-find-user-defined-error-method (method module sortmap)
542379 (let ((arity (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
543 (method-arity method)
544 sortmap))
545 (coarity (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
546 (list (method-coarity method))
547 sortmap))))
380 (method-arity method)
381 sortmap))
382 (coarity (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
383 (list (method-coarity method))
384 sortmap))))
549386 (multiple-value-bind (op err-method)
550 (declare-operator-in-module
551 (method-symbol method)
552 arity
553 coarity
554 module
555 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
556 (method-is-behavioural method)
557 nil
558 t) ; error method?
387 (declare-operator-in-module
388 (method-symbol method)
389 arity
390 coarity
391 module
392 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
393 (method-is-behavioural method)
394 nil
395 t) ; error method?
559396 (declare (ignore op))
560397 (modmorph-copy-method-attributes method err-method)
561398 err-method)))
563400 (defun modmorph-find-proper-error-method (method opinfos module sortmap)
564401 (let ((opinfo nil)
565 (err-method nil))
402 (err-method nil))
566403 (let ((ar (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
567 (method-arity method)
568 sortmap))
569 (cr (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
570 (list (method-coarity method))
571 sortmap)))
572 )
404 (method-arity method)
405 sortmap))
406 (cr (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
407 (list (method-coarity method))
408 sortmap))))
573409 (declare (type sort* cr))
574410 (block find-method
575 (dolist (oi opinfos)
576 (declare (type list oi))
577 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
578 (declare (type method cand))
579 ;;-----
580 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
581 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
582 (setq opinfo oi)
583 (setq err-method cand)
584 (return-from find-method nil))
585 )))
586 ;;
411 (dolist (oi opinfos)
412 (declare (type list oi))
413 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
414 (declare (type method cand))
415 ;;-----
416 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
417 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
418 (setq opinfo oi)
419 (setq err-method cand)
420 (return-from find-method nil)))))
421 ;;
587422 (unless opinfo
588 ;; failed!....
589 ;; this means we need error method
590 ;; which are not generated yet. -- really?
591 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
592 (declare (type sort* x))
593 (if (err-sort-p x)
594 (let ((compo
595 (err-sort-components
596 x)))
597 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
598 (modmorph-assoc-image
599 sortmap
600 y))
601 compo))
602 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
603 sortmap
604 x))))
605 ar))
606 (coarity (let ((c cr))
607 (if (err-sort-p c)
608 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
609 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
610 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
611 compo))
612 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
613 (so (module-sort-order module)))
614 (declare (type sort-order so))
615 ;;
616 (when (block
617 find-opinfo
618 (dolist (oi opinfos)
619 (declare (type list oi))
620 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
621 (dolist (m mm)
622 (declare (type method m))
623 (block try1
624 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
625 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
626 (declare (type list xarity)
627 (type sort* xcoarity))
628 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
629 (declare (type fixnum pos))
630 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
631 (declare (type sort* y))
632 (sort<= (the sort*
633 (nth pos xarity))
634 y
635 so))
636 (nth pos arity))
637 (return-from try1 nil)))
638 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
639 (declare (type sort* y))
640 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
641 coarity)
642 (return-from try1 nil))
643 (setq opinfo oi)
644 (return-from find-opinfo t))
645 )))))
646 ;;
647 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
648 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
649 )
650 (unless err-method
651 ;; this means that the original method should be an
652 ;; user defined error-method...
653 ;; make sure that really is ...
654 (unless (or (some #'(lambda (x)
655 (declare (type sort* x))
656 (err-sort-p x))
657 ar)
658 (err-sort-p coarity))
659 ;; so bad ...
660 #||
661 (with-output-panic-message ()
662 (format t "well ... could not find proper error method for ")
663 (print-chaos-object method))
664 ||#
665 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
666 (format t "well ... could not find proper error method for ")
667 (print-chaos-object method))
668 (return-from modmorph-find-proper-error-method method)
669 )
670 ;; we declare err-method
671 ;; (format t "~&declaring new error method...")
672 (multiple-value-bind (o m)
673 (declare-operator-in-module
674 (method-symbol method)
675 arity
676 coarity
677 module
678 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
679 (method-is-behavioural method)
680 nil
681 t) ; error method?
682 (declare (ignore o))
683 (setq err-method m))
684 ) ; end case no err-method
685 )
686 ) ; end case no op-info
687 )
423 ;; failed!....
424 ;; this means we need error method
425 ;; which are not generated yet. -- really?
426 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
427 (declare (type sort* x))
428 (if (err-sort-p x)
429 (let ((compo
430 (err-sort-components
431 x)))
432 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
433 (modmorph-assoc-image
434 sortmap
435 y))
436 compo))
437 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
438 sortmap
439 x))))
440 ar))
441 (coarity (let ((c cr))
442 (if (err-sort-p c)
443 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
444 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
445 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
446 compo))
447 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
448 (so (module-sort-order module)))
449 (declare (type sort-order so))
450 ;;
451 (when (block
452 find-opinfo
453 (dolist (oi opinfos)
454 (declare (type list oi))
455 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
456 (dolist (m mm)
457 (declare (type method m))
458 (block try1
459 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
460 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
461 (declare (type list xarity)
462 (type sort* xcoarity))
463 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
464 (declare (type fixnum pos))
465 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
466 (declare (type sort* y))
467 (sort<= (the sort*
468 (nth pos xarity))
469 y
470 so))
471 (nth pos arity))
472 (return-from try1 nil)))
473 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
474 (declare (type sort* y))
475 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
476 coarity)
477 (return-from try1 nil))
478 (setq opinfo oi)
479 (return-from find-opinfo t)))))))
480 ;;
481 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
482 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
483 (unless err-method
484 ;; this means that the original method should be an
485 ;; user defined error-method...
486 ;; make sure that really is ...
487 (unless (or (some #'(lambda (x)
488 (declare (type sort* x))
489 (err-sort-p x))
490 ar)
491 (err-sort-p coarity))
492 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
493 (format t "well ... could not find proper error method for ")
494 (print-chaos-object method))
495 (return-from modmorph-find-proper-error-method method))
496 ;; we declare err-method
497 (multiple-value-bind (o m)
498 (declare-operator-in-module
499 (method-symbol method)
500 arity
501 coarity
502 module
503 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
504 (method-is-behavioural method)
505 nil
506 t) ; error method?
507 (declare (ignore o))
508 (setq err-method m))) ; end case no err-method
509 )))
688510 ;;
689511 (when *on-modexp-debug*
690512 (format t "~%-- finding error method for : ")
697519 (defun modmorph-find-error-method (module method opmap sortmap)
698520 (or (car (memq method (module-error-methods module)))
699521 (let* ((alen (length (method-arity method)))
700 (opinfos nil)
701 (name (method-symbol method))
702 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
703 (and (method-p (car x))
704 ;; there is a case built-in constant
705 ;; is mapped, thus need method-p here.
706 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:30:33 JST 1999
707 (equal (method-symbol
708 (the method (car x)))
709 name)
710 (= (the fixnum
711 (length (method-arity (car x))))
712 alen)))
713 opmap)))
714 (declare (type fixnum alen)
715 (type list opinfos))
716 ;;
717 (if mapped?
718 (progn
719 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
720 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
721 (when *on-modexp-debug*
722 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
723 (format t "~% mapped ~s" mapped?))
724 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
725 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
726 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
727 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
728 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))
729 ;; mot mapped
730 (progn
731 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
732 alen
733 module))
734 (when *on-modexp-debug*
735 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
736 (format t "~% not mapped, got infos : ")
737 (print-chaos-object opinfos))))
738 (cond (opinfos
739 (modmorph-find-proper-error-method method
740 opinfos
741 module
742 sortmap))
743 (t ; this means that the err method is
744 ; user defined one.
745 (modmorph-find-user-defined-error-method method
746 module
747 sortmap)))
748 )))
522 (opinfos nil)
523 (name (method-symbol method))
524 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
525 (and (method-p (car x))
526 ;; there is a case built-in constant
527 ;; is mapped, thus need method-p here.
528 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:30:33 JST 1999
529 (equal (method-symbol
530 (the method (car x)))
531 name)
532 (= (the fixnum
533 (length (method-arity (car x))))
534 alen)))
535 opmap)))
536 (declare (type fixnum alen)
537 (type list opinfos))
538 ;;
539 (if mapped?
540 (progn
541 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
542 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
543 (when *on-modexp-debug*
544 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
545 (format t "~% mapped ~s" mapped?))
546 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
547 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
548 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
549 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
550 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))
551 ;; mot mapped
552 (progn
553 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
554 alen
555 module))
556 (when *on-modexp-debug*
557 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
558 (format t "~% not mapped, got infos : ")
559 (print-chaos-object opinfos))))
560 (cond (opinfos
561 (modmorph-find-proper-error-method method
562 opinfos
563 module
564 sortmap))
565 (t ; this means that the err method is
566 ; user defined one.
567 (modmorph-find-user-defined-error-method method
568 module
569 sortmap))))))
751572 (defun replace-error-method (mod term op-map sort-map)
752573 (declare (type module mod)
753 (type term term)
754 (type list op-map sort-map)
755 (values t))
574 (type term term)
575 (type list op-map sort-map)
576 (values t))
756577 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
757578 (let ((head nil))
758 (when (or (method-is-error-method (term-head term))
759 (or (sort= (term-sort term) *universal-sort*)
760 (sort= (term-sort term) *huniversal-sort*)))
761 (setq head (modmorph-find-error-method mod (term-head term)
762 op-map sort-map))
763 (when head
764 (change-head-operator term head)))
765 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
766 (replace-error-method mod sub op-map sort-map)))
579 (when (or (method-is-error-method (term-head term))
580 (or (sort= (term-sort term) *universal-sort*)
581 (sort= (term-sort term) *huniversal-sort*)))
582 (setq head (modmorph-find-error-method mod (term-head term)
583 op-map sort-map))
584 (when head
585 (change-head-operator term head)))
586 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
587 (replace-error-method mod sub op-map sort-map)))
767588 (if (term-is-variable? term)
768 (let ((sort (variable-sort term)))
769 (when (err-sort-p sort)
770 (let ((new (find-compatible-err-sort sort mod sort-map)))
771 (if new
772 (setf (variable-sort term) new)
773 ;; may be error...but
774 nil)))))))
589 (let ((sort (variable-sort term)))
590 (when (err-sort-p sort)
591 (let ((new (find-compatible-err-sort sort mod sort-map)))
592 (if new
593 (setf (variable-sort term) new)
594 ;; may be error...but
595 nil)))))))
776597 ;;; **************
777598 ;;; MAP SUBMODULES______________________________________________________________
787608 ;;;
788609 (defun modmorph-submodule-is-mapped (modmap mod)
789610 (some #'(lambda (x)
790 (or (modmorph-module-is-mapped modmap (car x))
791 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap (car x))))
792 (module-submodules mod))
793 )
611 (or (modmorph-module-is-mapped modmap (car x))
612 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap (car x))))
613 (module-submodules mod)))
795615 ;;;=============================================================================
805625 ;;;
806626 (defun modmorph-import-submodule (mod newmod map mode submod)
807627 (let* ((modmap (modmorph-module map))
808 (direct-img (assq submod modmap)) ; is it mapped directly?
809 (submodule-image nil))
628 (direct-img (assq submod modmap)) ; is it mapped directly?
629 (submodule-image nil))
810630 (when *on-modexp-debug*
811 (format t "~&[modmorph-import-submodule]: ")
631 (format t "~%[modmorph-import-submodule]: ")
812632 (princ " ") (print-modexp newmod) (princ " <== ")
813633 (print-modexp submod)
814634 (format t "~& - img:key= ") (print-chaos-object (car direct-img))
815635 (format t "~& - img:val= ") (print-chaos-object (cdr direct-img)))
816636 ;;
817637 (setq submodule-image
818 (if direct-img
819 (cond ((or (null (cdr direct-img))
820 (is-dummy-module (cdr direct-img)))
821 ;;case of renaming
822 (when *on-modexp-debug*
823 (format t "~% - case renaming:"))
824 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod))
825 (t ;associated value is a view in general.
826 (target-of-view-arg (cdr direct-img))))
827 (if (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap submod)
828 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod)
829 submod)))
638 (if direct-img
639 (cond ((or (null (cdr direct-img))
640 (is-dummy-module (cdr direct-img)))
641 ;;case of renaming
642 (when *on-modexp-debug*
643 (format t "~% - case renaming:"))
644 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod))
645 (t ;associated value is a view in general.
646 (target-of-view-arg (cdr direct-img))))
647 (if (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap submod)
648 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod)
649 submod)))
830650 (when *on-modexp-debug*
831 (format t "~& -image ")
651 (format t "~% -image ")
832652 (print-modexp submod) (princ " --> ")
833653 (print-modexp submodule-image))
834654 ;;
835655 (if (eq ':using mode)
836 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map submodule-image)
837 #||
838 (if (module-is-parameter-theory submodule-image)
839 (let* ((mod-name (module-name submodule-image))
840 (formal-name (first mod-name))
841 (real-sub (third mod-name)))
842 (import-module newmod mode real-sub formal-name))
843 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image))
844 ||#
845 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image)
846 )
847 ))
656 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map submodule-image)
657 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image))))
849659 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
873683 (defun modmorph-map-submodule (map mod smod)
874684 (let ((parameters (get-module-parameters smod)))
875 (cond (parameters ; was (module-parameters smod)
876 (when *on-modexp-debug*
877 (format t "~%[modmorph-map-submodule]:")
878 (print-modexp smod)
879 (format t "~% sub has parameters :")
880 (print-chaos-object parameters))
881 ;; submdule has parameters,
882 ;; checks some of them is mapped or not.
883 (let ((mod-map (modmorph-module map))
884 (own-params (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (parameter-theory-module x))
885 parameters))
886 (args nil))
887 (dolist (mmod mod-map)
888 (if (memq (car mmod) own-params)
889 (push (%!arg* (car (module-name (car mmod)))
890 (cdr mmod))
891 args)))
892 (let ((new-name (%instantiation* smod args)))
893 ;; * * *
894 (apply-modmorph (normalize-modexp new-name) map smod)
895 )))
896 ;;
897 (t (let ((nm (modmorph-construct-name map
898 ;; (module-name smod)
899 smod)))
900 (let* ((me (normalize-modexp nm))
901 (val (find-modexp-eval me)))
902 (when *on-modexp-debug*
903 (format t "~&[modmorph-map-submodule]: ")
904 (print-modexp smod)
905 (princ " ==> ")
906 (print-modexp me)
907 (format t "~& - mod = ")
908 (print-modexp mod)
909 (format t "~& - map ")
910 (print-mapping map)
911 (format t "~& - val = ")
912 (print-modexp val))
913 (if val
914 (progn
915 (let ((pair (assq smod (modmorph-module map)))
916 (nmod val))
917 (when *on-modexp-debug*
918 (format t "~& - map pair : ")
919 (format t "~& key : ")(print-modexp (car pair))
920 (format t "~& val : ")(print-modexp (cdr pair)))
921 (if pair
922 (rplacd pair val)
923 (push (cons smod val) (modmorph-module map)))
924 (setf (modmorph-module map)
925 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings
926 map mod smod)
927 (modmorph-module map)))
928 nmod))
929 ;;
930 (let ((newmod (apply-modmorph me map smod)))
931 ;; (add-canon-modexp me me)
932 (add-modexp-eval me newmod)
933 (setf (modmorph-module map)
934 (cons (cons smod newmod)
935 (modmorph-module map)))
936 newmod))))))))
685 (cond (parameters ; was (module-parameters smod)
686 (when *on-modexp-debug*
687 (format t "~%[modmorph-map-submodule]:")
688 (print-modexp smod)
689 (format t "~% sub has parameters :")
690 (print-chaos-object parameters))
691 ;; submdule has parameters,
692 ;; checks some of them is mapped or not.
693 (let ((mod-map (modmorph-module map))
694 (own-params (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (parameter-theory-module x))
695 parameters))
696 (args nil))
697 (dolist (mmod mod-map)
698 (if (memq (car mmod) own-params)
699 (push (%!arg* (car (module-name (car mmod)))
700 (cdr mmod))
701 args)))
702 (let ((new-name (%instantiation* smod args)))
703 ;; * * *
704 (apply-modmorph (normalize-modexp new-name) map smod))))
705 ;;
706 (t (let ((nm (modmorph-construct-name map
707 ;; (module-name smod)
708 smod)))
709 (let* ((me (normalize-modexp nm))
710 (val (find-modexp-eval me)))
711 (when *on-modexp-debug*
712 (format t "~%[modmorph-map-submodule]: ")
713 (print-modexp smod)
714 (princ " ==> ")
715 (print-modexp me)
716 (format t "~& - mod = ")
717 (print-modexp mod)
718 (format t "~& - map ")
719 (print-mapping map)
720 (format t "~& - val = ")
721 (print-modexp val))
722 (if val
723 (progn
724 (let ((pair (assq smod (modmorph-module map)))
725 (nmod val))
726 (when *on-modexp-debug*
727 (format t "~& - map pair : ")
728 (format t "~& key : ")(print-modexp (car pair))
729 (format t "~& val : ")(print-modexp (cdr pair)))
730 (if pair
731 (rplacd pair val)
732 (push (cons smod val) (modmorph-module map)))
733 (setf (modmorph-module map)
734 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings
735 map mod smod)
736 (modmorph-module map)))
737 nmod))
738 ;;
739 (let ((newmod (apply-modmorph me map smod)))
740 ;; (add-canon-modexp me me)
741 (add-modexp-eval me newmod)
742 (setf (modmorph-module map)
743 (cons (cons smod newmod)
744 (modmorph-module map)))
745 newmod))))))))
938747 (defvar *modmorph-expanded* nil)
940749 (defun modmorph-construct-name (map smod)
941750 (cond ((modmorph-is-rename map)
942 (let ((s-name (module-name smod)))
943 ;; smod can be a direct modexp.
944 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:35:05 JST 1999
945 (cond ((modexp-is-parameter-theory s-name)
946 (normalize-modexp `(,(parameter-theory-arg-name smod)
947 "::"
948 ,(modmorph-construct-name
949 map
950 (parameter-module-theory smod))
951 ,(parameter-module-context smod))))
952 (t (normalize-modexp
953 (%rename* s-name
954 (%rename-map (modmorph-name map)))))
955 )))
956 (t (let ((*modmorph-expanded* nil))
957 (let ((val (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
958 (if (module-p smod)
959 (module-name smod)
960 smod))))
961 (if (modexp-is-view val)
962 (let ((val2 (target-of-view-arg val)))
963 (if (module-p val2)
964 (module-name val2)
965 val2))
966 val))))))
751 (let ((s-name (module-name smod)))
752 ;; smod can be a direct modexp.
753 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:35:05 JST 1999
754 (cond ((modexp-is-parameter-theory s-name)
755 (normalize-modexp `(,(parameter-theory-arg-name smod)
756 "::"
757 ,(modmorph-construct-name
758 map
759 (parameter-module-theory smod))
760 ,(parameter-module-context smod))))
761 (t (normalize-modexp
762 (%rename* s-name
763 (%rename-map (modmorph-name map))))))))
764 (t (let ((*modmorph-expanded* nil))
765 (let ((val (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
766 (if (module-p smod)
767 (module-name smod)
768 smod))))
769 (if (modexp-is-view val)
770 (let ((val2 (target-of-view-arg val)))
771 (if (module-p val2)
772 (module-name val2)
773 val2))
774 val))))))
968776 ;;; want result in canonical form
969777 (defun modmorph-reconstruct-name (map me)
970778 (when *on-modexp-debug*
971 (format t "~%[modmorph-reconstruct-name]:")
972 #||
973 (format t "~%-- given map ")
974 (print-mapping map)
975 (format t "~%-- given modexp ")
976 (print-chaos-object me)
977 ||#
978 )
779 (format t "~%[modmorph-reconstruct-name]:"))
979780 ;;
980781 (when (modexp-is-?name? me)
981782 (when *on-modexp-debug*
982 (format t "~& given modexp was ?name? ~a" me))
783 (format t "~% given modexp was ?name? ~a" me))
983784 (setq me (?name-name me)))
984785 (when (and (consp me) (equal (second me) "::"))
985786 (setq me (third me)))
986787 (cond ((or (module-p me) (stringp me))
987 (when *on-modexp-debug*
988 (if (stringp me)
989 (format t "~& given modexp is string ~s" me)
990 (progn (format t "~& given modexp is module object :")
991 (print-chaos-object me))))
992 (let ((modval (eval-modexp me)) ; must be global (not argument).
993 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
994 (when *on-modexp-debug*
995 (format t "~& evaluated value is : ")
996 (print-chaos-object modval))
997 (let ((im (assq modval modmap)))
998 (when *on-modexp-debug*
999 (if im
1000 (format t "~& evaluated modexp is mapped")
1001 (format t "~& evaluated modexp is NOT mapped")))
1002 (if im
1003 (if (memq modval *modmorph-expanded*)
1004 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1005 (format t "~& and already expanded."))
1006 modval)
1007 (progn
1008 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1009 (format t "~& but not yet expanded, reconstruct the target."))
1010 (push modval *modmorph-expanded*)
1011 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (cdr im))))
1012 (if (module-p me)
1013 (let ((name (module-name me)))
1014 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1015 (format t "~& modexp was module object."))
1016 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
1017 me
1018 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (module-name me))))
1019 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1020 (format t "~& modexp was string, returns as is."))
1021 me))))))
1022 ;; PLUS
1023 ((int-plus-p me)
1024 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1025 (format t "~& modexp is internal plus.")
1026 (pr-int-plus me))
1027 (make-int-plus :args
1028 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
1029 (int-plus-args me))))
1030 ((%is-plus me)
1031 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1032 (format t "~& modexp is plus, generate new modexp reconstructing args:")
1033 (print-next)
1034 (print-modexp me))
1035 (normalize-modexp
1036 (%plus* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
1037 (%plus-args me)))))
1039 ;; RENAME
1040 ((int-rename-p me)
1041 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1042 (format t "~& modexp is iternal rename.")
1043 (pr-int-rename me))
1044 (make-int-rename :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
1045 (int-rename-module me))
1046 :sort-maps (int-rename-sort-maps me)
1047 :op-maps (int-rename-op-maps me)))
1048 ((%is-rename me)
1049 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1050 (format t "~& modexp is rename, generate new one reconstructing args.")
1051 (print-next)
1052 (print-modexp me))
1053 (normalize-modexp
1054 (%rename* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (%rename-module me))
1055 (%rename-map me))))
1058 ((int-instantiation-p me)
1059 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1060 (format t "~& modexp is internal instantiation.")
1061 (pr-int-instantiation me))
1062 (let ((modpar (int-instantiation-module me)))
1063 (make-int-instantiation
1064 :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modpar)
1065 :args (let ((res nil))
1066 (dolist (arg (int-instantiation-args me)
1067 (nreverse res))
1068 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
1069 (%!arg-name arg)
1070 (%!arg-view arg)
1071 map
1072 modpar)
1073 res))))))
1074 ;;
1075 ((%is-instantiation me)
1076 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1077 (format t "~& modexp is instantiation, generate new one....")
1078 (print-next)
1079 (print-modexp me))
1080 (let* ((modpar (%instantiation-module me))
1081 (modparnm (if (module-p modpar)
1082 (module-name modpar)
1083 modpar)))
1084 (%instantiation* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modparnm)
1085 (let ((res nil))
1086 (dolist (arg (%instantiation-args me))
1087 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
1088 (%!arg-name arg) ; name
1089 (%!arg-view arg) ; view
1090 map
1091 modpar)
1092 res))
1093 (nreverse res)))))
1095 ;; VIEW
1096 ((view-p me)
1097 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1098 (format t "~& modexp is view structure, create new one.")
1099 (print-next)
1100 (print-modexp me))
1101 (let ((view (view-struct* (view-struct-name me))))
1102 (setf (view-struct-src view) (view-struct-src me))
1103 (setf (view-struct-target view)
1104 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (view-struct-target me)))
1105 (setf (view-struct-sort-maps view) (view-struct-sort-maps me)
1106 (view-struct-op-maps view) (view-struct-op-maps me))
1107 (setf (view-decl-form view) (view-decl-form me))
1108 view))
1109 ;;
1110 (t (break "modmorph-reconstruct-name: missing case"))
1111 ))
788 (when *on-modexp-debug*
789 (if (stringp me)
790 (format t "~% given modexp is string ~s" me)
791 (progn (format t "~% given modexp is module object :")
792 (print-chaos-object me))))
793 (let ((modval (eval-modexp me)) ; must be global (not argument).
794 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
795 (when *on-modexp-debug*
796 (format t "~% evaluated value is : ")
797 (print-chaos-object modval))
798 (let ((im (assq modval modmap)))
799 (when *on-modexp-debug*
800 (if im
801 (format t "~% evaluated modexp is mapped")
802 (format t "~% evaluated modexp is NOT mapped")))
803 (if im
804 (if (memq modval *modmorph-expanded*)
805 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
806 (format t "~% and already expanded."))
807 modval)
808 (progn
809 (when *on-modexp-debug*
810 (format t "~% but not yet expanded, reconstruct the target."))
811 (push modval *modmorph-expanded*)
812 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (cdr im))))
813 (if (module-p me)
814 (let ((name (module-name me)))
815 (when *on-modexp-debug*
816 (format t "~% modexp was module object."))
817 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
818 me
819 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (module-name me))))
820 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
821 (format t "~% modexp was string, returns as is."))
822 me))))))
823 ;; PLUS
824 ((int-plus-p me)
825 (when *on-modexp-debug*
826 (format t "~% modexp is internal plus.")
827 (pr-int-plus me))
828 (make-int-plus :args
829 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
830 (int-plus-args me))))
831 ((%is-plus me)
832 (when *on-modexp-debug*
833 (format t "~% modexp is plus, generate new modexp reconstructing args:")
834 (print-next)
835 (print-modexp me))
836 (normalize-modexp
837 (%plus* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
838 (%plus-args me)))))
840 ;; RENAME
841 ((int-rename-p me)
842 (when *on-modexp-debug*
843 (format t "~% modexp is iternal rename.")
844 (pr-int-rename me))
845 (make-int-rename :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
846 (int-rename-module me))
847 :sort-maps (int-rename-sort-maps me)
848 :op-maps (int-rename-op-maps me)))
849 ((%is-rename me)
850 (when *on-modexp-debug*
851 (format t "~% modexp is rename, generate new one reconstructing args.")
852 (print-next)
853 (print-modexp me))
854 (normalize-modexp
855 (%rename* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (%rename-module me))
856 (%rename-map me))))
859 ((int-instantiation-p me)
860 (when *on-modexp-debug*
861 (format t "~% modexp is internal instantiation.")
862 (pr-int-instantiation me))
863 (let ((modpar (int-instantiation-module me)))
864 (make-int-instantiation
865 :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modpar)
866 :args (let ((res nil))
867 (dolist (arg (int-instantiation-args me)
868 (nreverse res))
869 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
870 (%!arg-name arg)
871 (%!arg-view arg)
872 map
873 modpar)
874 res))))))
875 ;;
876 ((%is-instantiation me)
877 (when *on-modexp-debug*
878 (format t "~% modexp is instantiation, generate new one....")
879 (print-next)
880 (print-modexp me))
881 (let* ((modpar (%instantiation-module me))
882 (modparnm (if (module-p modpar)
883 (module-name modpar)
884 modpar)))
885 (%instantiation* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modparnm)
886 (let ((res nil))
887 (dolist (arg (%instantiation-args me))
888 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
889 (%!arg-name arg) ; name
890 (%!arg-view arg) ; view
891 map
892 modpar)
893 res))
894 (nreverse res)))))
896 ;; VIEW
897 ((view-p me)
898 (when *on-modexp-debug*
899 (format t "~% modexp is view structure, create new one.")
900 (print-next)
901 (print-modexp me))
902 (let ((view (view-struct* (view-struct-name me))))
903 (setf (view-struct-src view) (view-struct-src me))
904 (setf (view-struct-target view)
905 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (view-struct-target me)))
906 (setf (view-struct-sort-maps view) (view-struct-sort-maps me)
907 (view-struct-op-maps view) (view-struct-op-maps me))
908 (setf (view-decl-form view) (view-decl-form me))
909 view))
910 ;;
911 (t (break "modmorph-reconstruct-name: missing case"))))
1113913 (defun target-of-view-arg (vw)
1114914 (when (modexp-is-?name? vw)
1115915 (setq vw (?name-name vw)))
1116916 (cond ((stringp vw) vw)
1117 ((module-p vw) vw)
1118 ((view-p vw) (view-target vw))
1119 ((%is-view vw) (%view-target vw))
1120 (t (break "target-of-view-arg: unknown view argument"))
1121 ))
917 ((module-p vw) vw)
918 ((view-p vw) (view-target vw))
919 ((%is-view vw) (%view-target vw))
920 (t (break "target-of-view-arg: unknown view argument"))))
1123922 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
1124923 (declaim (type fixnum *anon-view-name*))
1135934 (print-chaos-object vw)
1136935 (chaos-error 'panic)))
1137936 (let* ((tgt (target-of-view-arg vw))
1138 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1139 (val (assq tgt modmap))
1140 (mod (view-src vw)))
937 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
938 (val (assq tgt modmap))
939 (mod (view-src vw)))
1141940 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1142 (format t "~&[reconstruct-view-arg]:arg-name=~a " arg-name)
941 (format t "~%[reconstruct-view-arg]:arg-name=~a " arg-name)
1143942 (print-next)
1144943 (print-chaos-object vw)
1145944 (force-output))
1146945 (let ((actual (or (cdr val) tgt)))
1147946 (let ((tmod (if (module-p actual)
1148 actual
1149 (target-of-view-arg actual)))
1150 (view (view-struct* (make-anon-view-name))))
1151 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1152 (format t "~&- src = ")(print-chaos-object mod)
1153 (format t "~&- tgt = ")(print-chaos-object tmod)
1154 (unless tmod (break "Oh my God!")))
1155 (setf (view-src view) mod)
1156 (setf (view-target view) tmod)
1157 (setf (view-sort-maps view)
1158 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-sort-mapping
1159 tmod
1160 map
1161 (view-sort-maps vw)))
1162 (setf (view-op-maps view)
1163 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-op-mapping
1164 tmod
1165 map
1166 (view-op-maps vw)))
1167 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1168 (format t "~&*result view=")
1169 (print-chaos-object view))
1170 (%!arg* arg-name view)))
1171 ))
947 actual
948 (target-of-view-arg actual)))
949 (view (view-struct* (make-anon-view-name))))
950 (when *on-modexp-debug*
951 (format t "~%- src = ")(print-chaos-object mod)
952 (format t "~&- tgt = ")(print-chaos-object tmod)
953 (unless tmod (break "Oh my God!")))
954 (setf (view-src view) mod)
955 (setf (view-target view) tmod)
956 (setf (view-sort-maps view)
957 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-sort-mapping
958 tmod
959 map
960 (view-sort-maps vw)))
961 (setf (view-op-maps view)
962 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-op-mapping
963 tmod
964 map
965 (view-op-maps vw)))
966 (when *on-modexp-debug*
967 (format t "~%*result view=")
968 (print-chaos-object view))
969 (%!arg* arg-name view)))))
1173971 (defun modmorph-reconstruct-view-sort-mapping (mod map s-maps)
1174972 (declare (ignore mod))
1175973 (let ((res nil)
1176 (modmorph-sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
974 (modmorph-sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
1177975 (dolist (s-map s-maps (nreverse res))
1178976 (push (cons (car s-map)
1179 (modmorph-assoc-image modmorph-sort-map
1180 (cdr s-map)))
1181 res))))
977 (modmorph-assoc-image modmorph-sort-map
978 (cdr s-map)))
979 res))))
1183981 (defun modmorph-reconstruct-view-op-mapping (mod map o-maps)
1184982 (let ((res nil)
1185 (modmorph-op-map (modmorph-op map)))
983 (modmorph-op-map (modmorph-op map)))
1186984 (dolist (o-map o-maps (nreverse res))
1187985 (push (list (car o-map)
1188 (modmorph-apply-op-map-2 mod
1189 map
1190 modmorph-op-map
1191 (cadr o-map)))
1192 res))))
986 (modmorph-apply-op-map-2 mod
987 map
988 modmorph-op-map
989 (cadr o-map)))
990 res))))
1194992 ;;; op-mapping ::= (:simple . method)
1195993 ;;; | (:replacement List[psuedo var] term)
1197995 (defun apply-op-mapping-2 (module map op-mapping term)
1198996 (if (eq ':simple-map (car op-mapping))
1199997 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check (cdr op-mapping)
1200 (term-subterms term)
1201 module)
998 (term-subterms term)
999 module)
12021000 (with-in-module (module)
1203 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) (caddr op-mapping)))))
1001 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) (caddr op-mapping)))))
12051003 (defun modmorph-apply-op-map-2 (module map op_map term)
12061004 (let ((val (assoc (term-head term) op_map)))
12071005 (if val
1208 (apply-op-mapping-2 module map (cdr val) term)
1209 (let* ((op (term-head term))
1210 (om (method-module op))
1211 (as (assoc om (modmorph-module map))))
1212 (if (and as (cdr as) (not (eq (cdr as) om)))
1213 (with-in-module (module)
1214 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) term))
1215 term)))))
1006 (apply-op-mapping-2 module map (cdr val) term)
1007 (let* ((op (term-head term))
1008 (om (method-module op))
1009 (as (assoc om (modmorph-module map))))
1010 (if (and as (cdr as) (not (eq (cdr as) om)))
1011 (with-in-module (module)
1012 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) term))
1013 term)))))
12191017 ;;;
12201018 (defun modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings (map mod smod)
12211019 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1222 (format t "~&[modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings]:")
1020 (format t "~%[modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings]:")
12231021 (format t "~& - map = ") (print-mapping map)
12241022 (format t "~& - mod = ") (print-modexp mod)
12251023 (format t "~& - smod = ") (print-modexp smod))
12261024 (let ((res nil)
1227 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
1025 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
12281026 (dolist (smp (module-submodules smod))
12291027 (let ((sm (car smp)))
1230 (cond ((and (not (eq ':using (cdr smp)))
1231 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap sm))
1232 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1233 (format t "~& - sm = ") (print-modexp sm)
1234 (format t " is mapped."))
1235 (setq res
1236 (cons (cons sm
1237 (eval-modexp (modmorph-construct-name
1238 map
1239 ;; (module-name sm)
1240 sm)))
1241 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings map mod sm)
1242 res))))
1243 ;;
1244 (t (let ((aval (assq sm modmap)))
1245 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1246 (format t "~& - aval(img) = ") (print-modexp (cdr aval)))
1247 (when (and aval
1248 (is-dummy-module (cdr aval)))
1249 (let ((newm (eval-modexp
1250 (modmorph-construct-name map
1251 ;; (module-name sm)
1252 sm))))
1253 #||
1254 (push (cons (cdr aval) newm)
1255 (modmorph-module map))
1256 ||#
1257 (rplacd aval newm))))))))
1028 (cond ((and (not (eq ':using (cdr smp)))
1029 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap sm))
1030 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1031 (format t "~& - sm = ") (print-modexp sm)
1032 (format t " is mapped."))
1033 (setq res
1034 (cons (cons sm
1035 (eval-modexp (modmorph-construct-name
1036 map
1037 ;; (module-name sm)
1038 sm)))
1039 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings map mod sm)
1040 res))))
1041 ;;
1042 (t (let ((aval (assq sm modmap)))
1043 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1044 (format t "~& - aval(img) = ") (print-modexp (cdr aval)))
1045 (when (and aval
1046 (is-dummy-module (cdr aval)))
1047 (let ((newm (eval-modexp
1048 (modmorph-construct-name map
1049 ;; (module-name sm)
1050 sm))))
1051 #||
1052 (push (cons (cdr aval) newm)
1053 (modmorph-module map))
1054 ||#
1055 (rplacd aval newm))))))))
12581056 res))
12601058 ;;; ******************
12701068 (defun modmorph-recreate-sort (mod modmap sortmap sort)
12711069 (let ((sort-name (sort-id sort))
1272 (smod (sort-module sort)))
1070 (smod (sort-module sort)))
12731071 (let* ((mmod (cdr (assq smod modmap)))
1274 (themod (if (and mmod (module-p mmod)) mmod mod))
1275 (asort (find sort-name (module-all-sorts mod)
1276 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1277 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1278 (eq themod (sort-module s)))))))
1072 (themod (if (and mmod (module-p mmod)) mmod mod))
1073 (asort (find sort-name (module-all-sorts mod)
1074 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1075 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1076 (eq themod (sort-module s)))))))
12791077 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1280 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-sort]:")
1281 (format t "~&-- modmap = ")
1282 (dolist (i modmap)
1283 (print-next)
1284 (print-modexp (car i)) (princ "-->")
1285 (print-modexp (cdr i)) (princ " "))
1286 (format t "~&-- mod = ") (print-modexp mod)
1287 (format t "~&-- thmod = ") (print-modexp themod)
1288 (format t "~&-- sort-name = ~a" (string sort-name))
1289 (format t "~&-- smod = ") (print-modexp smod))
1078 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-sort]:")
1079 (format t "~&-- modmap = ")
1080 (dolist (i modmap)
1081 (print-next)
1082 (print-modexp (car i)) (princ "-->")
1083 (print-modexp (cdr i)) (princ " "))
1084 (format t "~&-- mod = ") (print-modexp mod)
1085 (format t "~&-- thmod = ") (print-modexp themod)
1086 (format t "~&-- sort-name = ~a" (string sort-name))
1087 (format t "~&-- smod = ") (print-modexp smod))
12901088 ;;
12911089 (if asort
1292 asort
1293 (let ((newsort (!recreate-sort themod sort)))
1294 ;;
1295 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1296 (format t "~%* generated the new one!!!"))
1297 (push (cons sort newsort) sortmap)
1298 newsort)
1299 ))))
1090 asort
1091 (let ((newsort (!recreate-sort themod sort)))
1092 ;;
1093 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1094 (format t "~%* generated the new one!!!"))
1095 (push (cons sort newsort) sortmap)
1096 newsort)
1097 ))))
13011099 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13051103 (defun modmorph-recreate-sort-relations (module oldmod modmap sortmap sort-relations)
13061104 (macrolet ((reduce-sort-set (x)
1307 ` (let (($$res nil))
1308 (dolist (e ,x) (unless (memq e $$res) (push e $$res)))
1309 (nreverse $$res))))
1105 ` (let (($$res nil))
1106 (dolist (e ,x) (unless (memq e $$res) (push e $$res)))
1107 (nreverse $$res))))
13101108 (let ((res nil))
13111109 (dolist (rel sort-relations)
1312 (let ((rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel)))
1313 (when rel (push rel res))))
1110 (let ((rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel)))
1111 (when rel (push rel res))))
13141112 (mapcar #'(lambda (sl)
1315 (let ((srt (modmorph-sort-image-create
1316 module oldmod modmap sortmap
1317 (sort-relation-sort sl)))
1318 (subs (reduce-sort-set
1319 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1320 sortmap (_subsorts
1321 sl))))
1322 (sups (reduce-sort-set
1323 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1324 sortmap (_supersorts
1325 sl)))))
1326 (make-sort-relation srt subs sups)))
1327 res))))
1113 (let ((srt (modmorph-sort-image-create
1114 module oldmod modmap sortmap
1115 (sort-relation-sort sl)))
1116 (subs (reduce-sort-set
1117 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1118 sortmap (_subsorts
1119 sl))))
1120 (sups (reduce-sort-set
1121 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1122 sortmap (_supersorts
1123 sl)))))
1124 (make-sort-relation srt subs sups)))
1125 res))))
13291127 ;; *NOTE* assume all of the system generated sorts are eliminated.
13321130 (dolist (x sl1)
13331131 (let ((rel (assq (sort-relation-sort x) sl2)))
13341132 (if rel
1335 (progn
1336 (setf (_subsorts rel) (union (_subsorts x) (_subsorts rel)
1337 :test #'eq))
1338 (setf (_supersorts rel) (union (_supersorts x) (_supersorts rel)
1339 :test #'eq)))
1340 (push x sl2))))
1133 (progn
1134 (setf (_subsorts rel) (union (_subsorts x) (_subsorts rel)
1135 :test #'eq))
1136 (setf (_supersorts rel) (union (_supersorts x) (_supersorts rel)
1137 :test #'eq)))
1138 (push x sl2))))
13411139 sl2)
13431141 ;;;
13441142 ;;;
13451143 (defun modmorph-sort-image-create (module oldmod modmap sortmap sort)
13461144 (let ((s1 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap sort)))
13471145 (if (not (eq s1 sort))
1348 s1
1349 (if (is-dummy-module (sort-module sort))
1350 (let* ((mod (sort-module sort))
1351 (info (get-rename-info mod))
1352 (oldmod (car info))
1353 (modim (cdr (assq oldmod modmap))))
1354 (if modim
1355 (let ((val (let ((asrt
1356 (modmorph-find-sort-in modim (sort-id sort))))
1357 (if asrt asrt
1358 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1359 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1360 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1361 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1362 sort
1363 nil)))))
1364 (if val
1365 val
1366 (progn
1367 (setf (sort-module sort) modim)
1368 (add-sort-to-module sort modim)
1369 sort)))
1370 sort))
1371 (if (not (eq oldmod (sort-module sort)))
1372 sort
1373 (let ((newsort (modmorph-recreate-sort module
1374 modmap
1375 sortmap
1376 sort)))
1377 (add-sort-to-module newsort module)
1378 newsort))))))
1146 s1
1147 (if (is-dummy-module (sort-module sort))
1148 (let* ((mod (sort-module sort))
1149 (info (get-rename-info mod))
1150 (oldmod (car info))
1151 (modim (cdr (assq oldmod modmap))))
1152 (if modim
1153 (let ((val (let ((asrt
1154 (modmorph-find-sort-in modim (sort-id sort))))
1155 (if asrt asrt
1156 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1157 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1158 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1159 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1160 sort
1161 nil)))))
1162 (if val
1163 val
1164 (progn
1165 (setf (sort-module sort) modim)
1166 (add-sort-to-module sort modim)
1167 sort)))
1168 sort))
1169 (if (not (eq oldmod (sort-module sort)))
1170 sort
1171 (let ((newsort (modmorph-recreate-sort module
1172 modmap
1173 sortmap
1174 sort)))
1175 (add-sort-to-module newsort module)
1176 newsort))))))
13801178 (defun modmorph-sorts-image-create (module oldmod modmap sortmap sortlist)
13811179 (let ((img (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-sort-image-create module
1382 oldmod
1383 modmap
1384 sortmap
1385 x))
1386 sortlist)))
1180 oldmod
1181 modmap
1182 sortmap
1183 x))
1184 sortlist)))
13871185 img))
13891187 ;;; sort should already exist
13911189 (defun modmorph-sort-image (module sortmap sort)
13921190 (let ((s1 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap sort)))
13931191 (if (or (memq s1 (module-all-sorts module))
1394 (memq s1 (module-error-sorts module)))
1395 s1
1192 (memq s1 (module-error-sorts module)))
1193 s1
13961194 (let ((val (if (err-sort-p sort)
1397 (find-compatible-err-sort sort module sortmap)
1398 (find-sort-in module (sort-id s1)))))
1399 ;; (break)
1195 (find-compatible-err-sort sort module sortmap)
1196 (find-sort-in module (sort-id s1)))))
1197 ;; (break)
14001198 (if val
1401 val
1402 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1403 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1404 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1405 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1406 sort
1407 (unless (err-sort-p s1)
1408 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1409 (format t "image sort ~a not found in module "
1410 (string (sort-id s1)))
1411 (print-chaos-object module)
1412 ;; (break)
1413 (return-from modmorph-sort-image nil)))
1414 )))
1415 )))
1199 val
1200 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1201 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1202 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1203 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1204 sort
1205 (unless (err-sort-p s1)
1206 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1207 (format t "image sort ~a not found in module "
1208 (string (sort-id s1)))
1209 (print-chaos-object module)
1210 ;; (break)
1211 (return-from modmorph-sort-image nil)))))))))
14171213 (defun modmorph-sorts-image (module sortmap sortlist)
14181214 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-sort-image module sortmap x))
1419 sortlist))
1215 sortlist))
14211217 ;;; OPERATORS
14271223 (defun modmorph-recreate-method (oldmodule module sortmap method)
14281224 (when (or (not (method-is-error-method method))
1429 (method-is-user-defined-error-method method))
1225 (method-is-user-defined-error-method method))
14301226 (let ((op-symbol (method-symbol method))
1431 (arity (modmorph-sorts-image module
1432 sortmap
1433 (method-arity method)))
1434 (coarity (modmorph-sort-image module
1435 sortmap
1436 (method-coarity method))))
1227 (arity (modmorph-sorts-image module
1228 sortmap
1229 (method-arity method)))
1230 (coarity (modmorph-sort-image module
1231 sortmap
1232 (method-coarity method))))
14371233 (let ((val (find-method-in module op-symbol arity coarity)))
1438 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1439 (when val
1440 ;; (break)
1441 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-method] :")
1442 (format t "~&-method image is already in module ")
1443 (print-chaos-object method)))
1444 (if val
1445 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-2 oldmodule module sortmap val)
1446 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-1 oldmodule
1447 module
1448 method
1449 op-symbol
1450 arity
1451 coarity
1452 sortmap))
1453 ))))
1234 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1235 (when val
1236 ;; (break)
1237 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-method] :")
1238 (format t "~&-method image is already in module ")
1239 (print-chaos-object method)))
1240 (if val
1241 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-2 oldmodule module sortmap val)
1242 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-1 oldmodule
1243 module
1244 method
1245 op-symbol
1246 arity
1247 coarity
1248 sortmap))))))
14551250 (defun modmorph-recreate-method-aux-1 (oldmodule module
1456 method
1457 op-symbol
1458 arity
1459 coarity
1460 sort-map)
1461 (recreate-method oldmodule method module op-symbol arity coarity sort-map)
1462 )
1251 method
1252 op-symbol
1253 arity
1254 coarity
1255 sort-map)
1256 (recreate-method oldmodule method module op-symbol arity coarity sort-map))
14641258 (defun modmorph-recreate-method-aux-2 (oldmodule module sortmap method)
14651259 (declare (ignore sortmap))
14701264 (let ((minfo (module-opinfo-table mod)))
14711265 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
14721266 (let ((thy (method-theory method minfo)))
1473 (when thy
1474 (setf (method-theory method minfo)
1475 (cond ((theory-contains-identity thy)
1476 (let ((zero (theory-zero thy)))
1477 (if zero
1478 (progn
1479 ;; (break) ;
1480 (theory-make
1481 (theory-info thy)
1482 (let ((srtmap (modmorph-sort map))
1483 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
1484 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1485 (idinf (if (eq '%to-rename
1486 (car zero))
1487 (cdr zero)
1488 zero)))
1489 (cons (modmorph-recreate-term mod
1490 srtmap
1491 opmap
1492 modmap
1493 (car idinf))
1494 (cdr idinf)))))
1495 thy)))
1496 (t thy)))
1497 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method minfo))
1498 ) ; dolist
1267 (when thy
1268 (setf (method-theory method minfo)
1269 (cond ((theory-contains-identity thy)
1270 (let ((zero (theory-zero thy)))
1271 (if zero
1272 (progn
1273 ;; (break) ;
1274 (theory-make
1275 (theory-info thy)
1276 (let ((srtmap (modmorph-sort map))
1277 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
1278 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1279 (idinf (if (eq '%to-rename
1280 (car zero))
1281 (cdr zero)
1282 zero)))
1283 (cons (modmorph-recreate-term mod
1284 srtmap
1285 opmap
1286 modmap
1287 (car idinf))
1288 (cdr idinf)))))
1289 thy)))
1290 (t thy)))
1291 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method minfo))) ; dolist
14991292 )))
15011294 ;;; TERMS
15081301 ;;; *VIEW-FROM????
15091302 (defun modmorph-recreate-term (module sortmap opmap modmap term)
15101303 (cond ((term-is-an-error term) term)
1511 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1512 (make-bconst-term (modmorph-sort-image module
1513 sortmap
1514 (term-sort term))
1515 (term-builtin-value term)))
1516 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
1517 ((term-is-variable? term)
1518 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1519 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-term] finding variable ~a of sort ~a"
1520 (variable-name term)
1521 (sort-name (variable-sort term))))
1522 ;; the operator should always be found
1523 (let ((var-name (variable-name term)))
1524 (let ((img-sort (modmorph-sort-image module
1525 sortmap
1526 (variable-sort term))))
1527 (let ((val2 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1528 (and (equal var-name (variable-name x))
1529 (sort= img-sort (variable-sort x))))
1530 *modmorph-local-vars*)))
1531 (if val2
1532 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1533 (format t "~& variable found."))
1534 val2)
1535 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term img-sort var-name)))
1536 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1537 (format t "~& variable not found in *modmorph-local-vars*"))
1538 (push new-var *modmorph-local-vars*)
1539 new-var))))
1540 ))
1541 (t (let ((head (term-head term))
1542 (new-head nil))
1543 ;; look in the mapping
1544 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1545 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-term]: looking for image of ")
1546 (print-method head))
1547 ;;
1548 (let ((val (assoc head opmap)))
1549 (if val
1550 (progn
1551 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1552 (format t "~% found the image in map.")
1553 (print-chaos-object (cddr val)))
1554 (if (eq :replacement (second val))
1555 (progn (setq term (apply-op-mapping module
1556 (cdr val)
1557 term))
1558 (setq new-head (term-head term)))
1559 (setq new-head (cddr val))))
1560 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1561 (format t "~& image not found in map.")
1562 ))
1563 (unless new-head
1564 ;; method is not mapped
1565 (if (method-is-error-method head)
1566 (setq new-head
1567 (modmorph-find-error-method module
1568 head
1569 opmap
1570 sortmap))
1571 (let ((aval (assoc (method-module head) modmap)))
1572 (setq new-head
1573 (if (not aval)
1574 head
1575 (let ((lookmod
1576 (if (module-p (cdr aval))
1577 (cdr aval)
1578 (if (view-p (cdr aval))
1579 (view-target (cdr aval))
1580 (cdr aval)))))
1581 (find-method-in
1582 lookmod
1583 (method-symbol head)
1584 (modmorph-sorts-image lookmod
1585 sortmap
1586 (method-arity head))
1587 (modmorph-sort-image lookmod
1588 sortmap
1589 (method-coarity head)))
1590 ))))))
1591 ;;
1592 (unless new-head
1593 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
1594 (princ "mapping image of operator: ")
1595 (with-in-module ((method-module head))
1596 (print-method-internal head))
1597 (print-next)
1598 (princ "of module ")
1599 (print-chaos-object (method-module head))
1600 (print-next)
1601 (princ "was not found in the module ")
1602 (print-chaos-object module)
1603 ))
1604 ;;
1605 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1606 term
1607 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1608 new-head
1609 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
1610 (modmorph-recreate-term module
1611 sortmap
1612 opmap
1613 modmap
1614 tm))
1615 (term-subterms term))
1616 module))
1617 )))))
1304 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1305 (make-bconst-term (modmorph-sort-image module
1306 sortmap
1307 (term-sort term))
1308 (term-builtin-value term)))
1309 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
1310 ((term-is-variable? term)
1311 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1312 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-term] finding variable ~a of sort ~a"
1313 (variable-name term)
1314 (sort-name (variable-sort term))))
1315 ;; the operator should always be found
1316 (let ((var-name (variable-name term)))
1317 (let ((img-sort (modmorph-sort-image module
1318 sortmap
1319 (variable-sort term))))
1320 (let ((val2 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1321 (and (equal var-name (variable-name x))
1322 (sort= img-sort (variable-sort x))))
1323 *modmorph-local-vars*)))
1324 (if val2
1325 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1326 (format t "~% variable found."))
1327 val2)
1328 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term img-sort var-name)))
1329 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1330 (format t "~% variable not found in *modmorph-local-vars*"))
1331 (push new-var *modmorph-local-vars*)
1332 new-var))))))
1333 (t (let ((head (term-head term))
1334 (new-head nil))
1335 ;; look in the mapping
1336 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1337 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-term]: looking for image of ")
1338 (print-method head))
1339 ;;
1340 (let ((val (assoc head opmap)))
1341 (if val
1342 (progn
1343 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1344 (format t "~% found the image in map.")
1345 (print-chaos-object (cddr val)))
1346 (if (eq :replacement (second val))
1347 (progn (setq term (apply-op-mapping module
1348 (cdr val)
1349 term))
1350 (setq new-head (term-head term)))
1351 (setq new-head (cddr val))))
1352 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1353 (format t "~% image not found in map.")
1354 ))
1355 (unless new-head
1356 ;; method is not mapped
1357 (if (method-is-error-method head)
1358 (setq new-head
1359 (modmorph-find-error-method module
1360 head
1361 opmap
1362 sortmap))
1363 (let ((aval (assoc (method-module head) modmap)))
1364 (setq new-head
1365 (if (not aval)
1366 head
1367 (let ((lookmod
1368 (if (module-p (cdr aval))
1369 (cdr aval)
1370 (if (view-p (cdr aval))
1371 (view-target (cdr aval))
1372 (cdr aval)))))
1373 (find-method-in
1374 lookmod
1375 (method-symbol head)
1376 (modmorph-sorts-image lookmod
1377 sortmap
1378 (method-arity head))
1379 (modmorph-sort-image lookmod
1380 sortmap
1381 (method-coarity head)))))))))
1382 ;;
1383 (unless new-head
1384 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
1385 (princ "mapping image of operator: ")
1386 (with-in-module ((method-module head))
1387 (print-method-internal head))
1388 (print-next)
1389 (princ "of module ")
1390 (print-chaos-object (method-module head))
1391 (print-next)
1392 (princ "was not found in the module ")
1393 (print-chaos-object module)
1394 ))
1395 ;;
1396 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1397 term
1398 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1399 new-head
1400 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
1401 (modmorph-recreate-term module
1402 sortmap
1403 opmap
1404 modmap
1405 tm))
1406 (term-subterms term))
1407 module)))))))
16191409 ;;; AXIOMS
16271417 (with-in-module (module)
16281418 (let ((*modmorph-local-vars* nil))
16291419 (make-rule :lhs (modmorph-recreate-term module
1630 sortmap
1631 opmap
1632 modmap
1633 (axiom-lhs ax))
1634 :rhs (modmorph-recreate-term module
1635 sortmap
1636 opmap
1637 modmap
1638 (axiom-rhs ax))
1639 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
1640 *bool-true*
1641 (modmorph-recreate-term
1642 module
1643 sortmap
1644 opmap
1645 modmap
1646 (axiom-condition ax)))
1647 :labels (axiom-labels ax)
1648 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax)
1649 :type (axiom-type ax)
1650 :kind (axiom-kind ax)
1651 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or ax)))))
1420 sortmap
1421 opmap
1422 modmap
1423 (axiom-lhs ax))
1424 :rhs (modmorph-recreate-term module
1425 sortmap
1426 opmap
1427 modmap
1428 (axiom-rhs ax))
1429 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
1430 *bool-true*
1431 (modmorph-recreate-term
1432 module
1433 sortmap
1434 opmap
1435 modmap
1436 (axiom-condition ax)))
1437 :labels (axiom-labels ax)
1438 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax)
1439 :type (axiom-type ax)
1440 :kind (axiom-kind ax)
1441 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or ax)))))
16531443 ;;; *******************
16541444 ;;; MISC MODMORPH UTILS_________________________________________________________
16611451 (defun modmorph-merge (m1 m2 &optional (warn t))
16621452 (let ((nm1 (modmorph-name m1))
1663 (nm2 (modmorph-name m2)))
1453 (nm2 (modmorph-name m2)))
16641454 (create-modmorph
16651455 ;; name will need to be used for memoization
16661456 ;; the assumption here is that basic mappings have names like:
16671457 ;; (map th vw)
16681458 ;; and that other names are create by this routine
16691459 (append (if (atom (car nm1)) (list nm1) nm1)
1670 (if (atom (car nm2)) (list nm2) nm2))
1460 (if (atom (car nm2)) (list nm2) nm2))
16711461 (modmorph-merge-assoc (modmorph-sort m1) (modmorph-sort m2) warn)
16721462 (modmorph-merge-op-assoc (modmorph-op m1) (modmorph-op m2) warn)
1673 (modmorph-merge-assoc (modmorph-module m1) (modmorph-module m2) warn))
1674 ))
1463 (modmorph-merge-assoc (modmorph-module m1) (modmorph-module m2) warn))))
16761465 (defun modmorph-merge-assoc (a1 a2 &optional warn)
16771466 (let ((res a2))
16781467 (dolist (m a1)
16791468 (let ((im (assq (car m) a2)))
1680 (if (and im
1681 (not (eq (car m) (cdr m))))
1682 (progn
1683 (unless (eq (cdr im) (cdr m))
1684 (when warn
1685 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1686 (princ "instantiating module, ")
1687 (print-next)
1688 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for: ")
1689 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1690 (print-next)
1691 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1692 (print-next)
1693 (princ "target images are: ")
1694 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1695 (print-next)
1696 (print-chaos-object (cdr m))
1697 (print-next)
1698 (print-chaos-object (cdr im)))
1699 )))
1700 ;; (push (cons (car m) (cdr im)) res)
1701 )
1702 (push m res))
1703 ))
1704 res
1705 ))
1469 (if (and im
1470 (not (eq (car m) (cdr m))))
1471 (progn
1472 (unless (eq (cdr im) (cdr m))
1473 (when warn
1474 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1475 (princ "instantiating module, ")
1476 (print-next)
1477 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for: ")
1478 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1479 (print-next)
1480 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1481 (print-next)
1482 (princ "target images are: ")
1483 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1484 (print-next)
1485 (print-chaos-object (cdr m))
1486 (print-next)
1487 (print-chaos-object (cdr im)))
1488 ))))
1489 (push m res))))
1490 res))
17071492 (defun modmorph-op-map-is-ident (map)
17081493 (if (eq :simple-map (second map))
17101495 (eq (first map) (third map))
17111496 ;; map := (term :replacement vars term)
17121497 (eq (first map)
1713 (term-head (fourth map)))))
1498 (term-head (fourth map)))))
17151500 (defun modmorph-merge-op-assoc (a1 a2 &optional warn)
17161501 (let ((res a2))
17171502 (dolist (m a1)
17181503 (let ((im (assq (car m) a2)))
1719 (if (and im
1720 (not (modmorph-op-map-is-ident m)))
1721 (progn
1722 (unless (modmorph-same-op-image (cdr m) (cdr im))
1723 (when warn
1724 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1725 (princ "instantiating module,")
1726 (print-next)
1727 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for operator: ")
1728 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1729 (print-next)
1730 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1731 (print-next)
1732 (princ "images are: ")
1733 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1734 (if (eq (cadr m) :replacement)
1735 (progn
1736 (print-next)
1737 (print-chaos-object (cadddr m))
1738 (print-next)
1739 (print-chaos-object (cadddr im)))
1740 (progn
1741 (print-next)
1742 (print-chaos-object (caddr m))
1743 (print-next)
1744 (print-chaos-object (caddr m)))))
1745 )))
1746 ;; (push (cons (car m) (cdr im)) res)
1747 )
1748 (push m res))
1749 ))
1750 res
1751 ))
1504 (if (and im
1505 (not (modmorph-op-map-is-ident m)))
1506 (progn
1507 (unless (modmorph-same-op-image (cdr m) (cdr im))
1508 (when warn
1509 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1510 (princ "instantiating module,")
1511 (print-next)
1512 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for operator: ")
1513 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1514 (print-next)
1515 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1516 (print-next)
1517 (princ "images are: ")
1518 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1519 (if (eq (cadr m) :replacement)
1520 (progn
1521 (print-next)
1522 (print-chaos-object (cadddr m))
1523 (print-next)
1524 (print-chaos-object (cadddr im)))
1525 (progn
1526 (print-next)
1527 (print-chaos-object (caddr m))
1528 (print-next)
1529 (print-chaos-object (caddr m)))))
1530 ))))
1531 (push m res))))
1532 res))
17531534 ;; im1 & im2 are of the form
17541535 ;;; (:simple-map . method) -- or --
17571538 (defun modmorph-same-op-image (im1 im2)
17581539 (if (and (consp im1) (eq :simple-map (car im1)))
17591540 (or (eq (cdr im1) (cdr im2))
1760 (and (equal (method-name (cdr im1))
1761 (method-name (cdr im2)))
1762 (sort= (method-coarity (cdr im1))
1763 *sort-id-sort*)))
1541 (and (equal (method-name (cdr im1))
1542 (method-name (cdr im2)))
1543 (sort= (method-coarity (cdr im1))
1544 *sort-id-sort*)))
17641545 ;;
17651546 (if (and (consp im1) (eq :replacement (car im1)))
1766 (if (sort= (term-sort (caddr im1)) *sort-id-sort*)
1767 (and (sort= (term-sort (caddr im2)) *sort-id-sort*)
1768 (equal (method-name (term-head (caddr im1)))
1769 (method-name (term-head (caddr im2)))))
1770 (term-equational-equal (caddr im1) (caddr im2))))))
1547 (if (sort= (term-sort (caddr im1)) *sort-id-sort*)
1548 (and (sort= (term-sort (caddr im2)) *sort-id-sort*)
1549 (equal (method-name (term-head (caddr im1)))
1550 (method-name (term-head (caddr im2)))))
1551 (term-equational-equal (caddr im1) (caddr im2))))))
17721553 ;;; op modmorph-find-sort-in : Module Sort-Name -> Sort
17731554 ;;;
17741555 (defun modmorph-find-sort-in (module sort-name)
17751556 (or (find sort-name (module-all-sorts module)
1776 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1777 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1778 (eq module (sort-module s)))))
1557 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1558 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1559 (eq module (sort-module s)))))
17791560 nil))
17811562 ;;;
17821563 ;;;
17831564 (defun modmorph-find-operator-named-in (module op-symbol)
17841565 (let ((res1 (find-if #'(lambda (opinfo)
1785 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1786 (or (equal op-symbol (operator-symbol op))
1787 (and (eq module (operator-module op))
1788 (if (atom op-symbol)
1789 (equal op-symbol (car (operator-symbol op)))
1790 (and (null (cdr op-symbol))
1791 (equal (car op-symbol)
1792 (car (operator-symbol op)))))))))
1566 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1567 (or (equal op-symbol (operator-symbol op))
1568 (and (eq module (operator-module op))
1569 (if (atom op-symbol)
1570 (equal op-symbol (car (operator-symbol op)))
1571 (and (null (cdr op-symbol))
1572 (equal (car op-symbol)
1573 (car (operator-symbol op)))))))))
17931574 (module-all-operators module))))
17941575 (or res1
1795 (dolist (srt (module-all-sorts module) nil)
1796 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
1797 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-symbol)))
1798 (if res (return res)))))
1799 )))
1576 (dolist (srt (module-all-sorts module) nil)
1577 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
1578 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-symbol)))
1579 (if res (return res)))))
1580 )))
18011582 ;;; APPLY-OP-MAPPING : module op-mapping term -> term
18021583 ;;;
18061587 (defun apply-op-mapping (module op-mapping term)
18071588 (if (eq :simple-map (car op-mapping))
18081589 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check (cdr op-mapping)
1809 (term-subterms term))
1590 (term-subterms term))
18101591 (mapping-image (term-subterms term) (caddr op-mapping) module)
1811 ;caddr = dst-pattern
1592 ;caddr = dst-pattern
18121593 ))
18141595 ;;; APPLY-OP-MAP
18161597 (defun apply-op-map (module op-map term)
18171598 (let ((val (assoc (term-head term) op-map)))
18181599 (if val
1819 (apply-op-mapping module (cdr val) term)
1820 term)))
1600 (apply-op-mapping module (cdr val) term)
1601 term)))
18221603 ;;; MAPPING-IMAGE:
18231604 ;;; variables occuring in term are assumed to have numbers as names
18261607 ;;;
18271608 (defvar .mapping-debug. nil)
1829 (defun mapping-image (term-list term &optional (module (or *current-module*
1830 *last-module*)))
1610 (defun mapping-image (term-list term &optional (module (get-context-module)))
18311611 (when .mapping-debug.
1832 (format t "~&[mapping-image] term = ")
1612 (format t "~%[mapping-image] term = ")
18331613 (print-chaos-object term)
18341614 (format t "~% term-list = ")
18351615 (print-chaos-object term-list))
18361616 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
1837 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1838 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term-list)
1839 (with-output-panic-message ()
1840 (princ "mapping-image: illegal variable")
1841 (print-next)
1842 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1843 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1844 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1845 (t (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1846 (term-head term)
1847 (mapcar #'(lambda (st) (mapping-image term-list st))
1848 (term-subterms term))
1849 module)
1850 )))
1617 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1618 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term-list)
1619 (with-output-panic-message ()
1620 (princ "mapping-image: illegal variable")
1621 (print-next)
1622 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1623 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1624 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1625 (t (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1626 (term-head term)
1627 (mapcar #'(lambda (st) (mapping-image term-list st))
1628 (term-subterms term))
1629 module))))
18521631 (defun mapping-image-2 (map term_list term)
18531632 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
1854 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1855 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term_list)
1856 (with-output-panic-message ()
1857 (princ "mapping-image2: illegal variable")
1858 (print-next)
1859 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1860 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1861 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1862 (t (let* ((op (term-head term))
1863 (om (method-module op))
1864 (as (or (cdr (assoc om (modmorph-module map)))
1865 om)))
1866 (when (and (not (eq as om))
1867 (module-p as))
1868 (setq op (find-method-in as ; was (cdr as).
1869 (method-symbol op)
1870 (modmorph-sorts-image as ; (cdr as)
1871 (modmorph-sort map)
1872 (method-arity op))
1873 (modmorph-sort-image as ; (cdr as)
1874 (modmorph-sort map)
1875 (method-coarity op)))))
1876 (unless op
1877 (with-output-panic-message ()
1878 (format t "mapping term image, could not find operator image:")
1879 (print-method (term-head term))
1880 (chaos-error 'panic)))
1881 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check op
1882 (mapcar #'(lambda (st)
1883 (mapping-image-2
1884 map term_list
1885 st))
1886 (term-subterms term))
1887 (if (module-p as)
1888 as
1889 om))
1890 ))))
1633 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1634 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term_list)
1635 (with-output-panic-message ()
1636 (princ "mapping-image2: illegal variable")
1637 (print-next)
1638 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1639 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1640 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1641 (t (let* ((op (term-head term))
1642 (om (method-module op))
1643 (as (or (cdr (assoc om (modmorph-module map)))
1644 om)))
1645 (when (and (not (eq as om))
1646 (module-p as))
1647 (setq op (find-method-in as ; was (cdr as).
1648 (method-symbol op)
1649 (modmorph-sorts-image as ; (cdr as)
1650 (modmorph-sort map)
1651 (method-arity op))
1652 (modmorph-sort-image as ; (cdr as)
1653 (modmorph-sort map)
1654 (method-coarity op)))))
1655 (unless op
1656 (with-output-panic-message ()
1657 (format t "mapping term image, could not find operator image:")
1658 (print-method (term-head term))
1659 (chaos-error 'panic)))
1660 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check op
1661 (mapcar #'(lambda (st)
1662 (mapping-image-2
1663 map term_list
1664 st))
1665 (term-subterms term))
1666 (if (module-p as)
1667 as
1668 om))))))
18921670 ;;;
18931671 (defun view-get-image-of-axioms (view)
18941672 (let* ((source (view-source view))
1895 (target (view-target view))
1896 (morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source
1897 view)))
1673 (target (view-target view))
1674 (morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source
1675 view)))
18981676 (modmorph-get-image-of-axioms morph source target)))
19001678 (defun modmorph-get-image-of-axioms (morph source target)
19011679 (let ((sort-map (modmorph-sort morph))
1902 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
1903 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph))
1904 (all-axioms (get-module-axioms target))
1905 (axs nil))
1680 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
1681 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph))
1682 (all-axioms (get-module-axioms target))
1683 (axs nil))
19061684 (dolist (ax (get-module-axioms source))
19071685 (let ((ax-image (modmorph-recreate-axiom target sort-map op-map mod-map ax)))
1908 (unless (member ax-image all-axioms :test #'rule-is-similar?)
1909 (push ax-image axs))))
1686 (unless (member ax-image all-axioms :test #'rule-is-similar?)
1687 (push ax-image axs))))
19101688 (nreverse axs)))
19121690 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: modmorph.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: modmorph.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5959 (defun apply-modmorph (name morph mod)
6060 (let ((newmod (cdr (assq mod (modmorph-module morph)))))
6161 (if newmod
62 ;; given mod already mapped, change its name by given one.
63 (setf (module-name newmod) name)
64 (progn
65 ;; construct new module using given name.
66 (setq newmod (or *modmorph-new-module*
67 (!create-module name)))
68 ;; register module map.
69 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
62 ;; given mod already mapped, change its name by given one.
63 (setf (module-name newmod) name)
64 (progn
65 ;; construct new module using given name.
66 (setq newmod (or *modmorph-new-module*
67 (!create-module name)))
68 ;; register module map.
69 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
7070 ;; apply the morphism
7171 (with-in-module (newmod)
7272 (apply-modmorph-internal morph mod newmod))))
7878 (defun apply-modmorph* (nm morph mod)
7979 (let ((newmod (cdr (assq mod (modmorph-module morph)))))
8080 (if newmod
81 (setf (module-name newmod) nm)
82 (progn
83 (setq newmod (create-module nm))
84 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
81 (setf (module-name newmod) nm)
82 (progn
83 (setq newmod (create-module nm))
84 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module morph))))
8585 (apply-modmorph-internal morph mod newmod)))
8787 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9595 (defun apply-modmorph-internal (map mod newmod)
9696 (flet ((inherit-principal-sort (s s-mapped)
97 (when (and (null (module-principal-sort newmod))
98 (sort= s (module-principal-sort mod)))
99 ;; this will be evaluated later on compilation stage.
100 (setf (module-psort-declaration newmod)
101 (%psort-decl* s-mapped))
102 ;; the following seems redundant, but there are
103 ;; some cases the real module compilation is not done
104 ;; while evaluating modexprs, and we also want
105 ;; psort-declaration for consistency.
106 (setf (module-principal-sort newmod) s-mapped)
107 ))
108 )
97 (when (and (null (module-principal-sort newmod))
98 (sort= s (module-principal-sort mod)))
99 ;; this will be evaluated later on compilation stage.
100 (setf (module-psort-declaration newmod)
101 (%psort-decl* s-mapped))
102 ;; the following seems redundant, but there are
103 ;; some cases the real module compilation is not done
104 ;; while evaluating modexprs, and we also want
105 ;; psort-declaration for consistency.
106 (setf (module-principal-sort newmod) s-mapped)
107 ))
108 )
109109 ;;
110 (when *chaos-verbose* (princ "[")) ; now we begin.
110 (when *chaos-verbose* (princ "[")) ; now we begin.
111111 (when *on-modexp-debug*
112112 (with-output-simple-msg ()
113 (format t "[apply-modmorph] : begin ----------------------------")
114 (format t "~&- map = ")
115 (print-mapping map)
116 (format t "~& - module = ")
117 (print-modexp mod)
118 (format t "~& - new module = ")
119 (print-modexp newmod)))
113 (format t "[apply-modmorph] : begin ----------------------------")
114 (format t "~&- map = ")
115 (print-mapping map)
116 (format t "~& - module = ")
117 (print-modexp mod)
118 (format t "~& - new module = ")
119 (print-modexp newmod)))
120120 ;;
121121 (let ((amod (assq mod (modmorph-module map))))
122122 ;; newmod is depends on mod, so we set dependency relation.
126126 ;; update module map mod->newmod
127127 (if amod
128 (when (null (cdr amod)) (rplacd amod newmod))
129 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module map)))
128 (when (null (cdr amod)) (rplacd amod newmod))
129 (push (cons mod newmod) (modmorph-module map)))
131131 ;; this makes temporaly generated module for remaing trash away.
132132 (when (modmorph-is-rename map)
133 (reduce-rename-dummy map mod newmod)
134 (print-in-progress ","))
133 (reduce-rename-dummy map mod newmod)
134 (print-in-progress ","))
136136 ;; now finished simple preparation, we begin the real work.
137137 ;;
138138 (let ((sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
139 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
140 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
141 (no-error-sort nil))
143 ;; MAP SUBMODULES -----------------------------------------------------
144 ;; the first big job is to incorporate submodules.
145 ;; * need to consider sub-module-instantiation
146 ;; also apply mapping; want to memoize appropriately;
147 ;; in some sense must always apply the mapping to sub-objects
148 ;; * idea: if sub-module contains parameter as its sub-module then
149 ;; map it (should always be directly there); the other source
150 ;; of information is the name of the module; if is instantiated
151 ;; then can see if the name contains a use of the parameter
153 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map mod)
154 (print-in-progress ",")
139 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
140 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
141 (no-error-sort nil))
143 ;; MAP SUBMODULES -----------------------------------------------------
144 ;; the first big job is to incorporate submodules.
145 ;; * need to consider sub-module-instantiation
146 ;; also apply mapping; want to memoize appropriately;
147 ;; in some sense must always apply the mapping to sub-objects
148 ;; * idea: if sub-module contains parameter as its sub-module then
149 ;; map it (should always be directly there); the other source
150 ;; of information is the name of the module; if is instantiated
151 ;; then can see if the name contains a use of the parameter
153 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map mod)
154 (print-in-progress ",")
156 ;; at this point have already got a lot of sorts and operators (etc.)
157 ;; from the incorporated modules
159 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming
160 (when (modmorph-is-rename map) (fix-sort-renaming map newmod))
161 (print-in-progress ",")
156 ;; at this point have already got a lot of sorts and operators (etc.)
157 ;; from the incorporated modules
159 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming
160 (when (modmorph-is-rename map) (fix-sort-renaming map newmod))
161 (print-in-progress ",")
163 ;; now, maps may have been updated, so re-new the local cache.
164 (setq sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
165 (setq opmap (modmorph-op map))
166 (setq modmap (modmorph-module map))
168 ;; MAP SORTS, SORT RELATIONS ----------------------------------------
169 ;;
170 ;; mapping sorts
171 (dolist (x (reverse (module-all-sorts mod)))
172 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? x mod)
173 ;; reverse because want to preserve the original order
174 (let ((sortmapval (assoc x sortmap)))
175 (if sortmapval
176 (let ((ims (cdr sortmapval)))
177 (inherit-principal-sort x ims)
178 (unless (memq ims (module-all-sorts newmod))
179 (add-sort-to-module ims newmod))) ; check sort order
180 ;;
181 (if (eq mod (sort-module x))
182 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
183 modmap
184 sortmap
185 x)))
186 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
187 (unless (eq x sortim)
188 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
189 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap)
190 (setq x sortim))
191 (add-sort-to-module sortim newmod))
192 ;;
193 (let ((modv (assq (sort-module x) modmap)))
194 (if modv
195 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
196 modmap
197 sortmap
198 x)))
199 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
200 (unless (eq x sortim)
201 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
202 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap))
203 )
204 (inherit-principal-sort x x))
205 )))
206 )))
207 ;;
208 (if *chaos-verbose*
209 (print-in-progress "s") ; done mapping sorts
210 (print-in-progress ","))
163 ;; now, maps may have been updated, so re-new the local cache.
164 (setq sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
165 (setq opmap (modmorph-op map))
166 (setq modmap (modmorph-module map))
168 ;; MAP SORTS, SORT RELATIONS ----------------------------------------
169 ;;
170 ;; mapping sorts
171 (dolist (x (reverse (module-all-sorts mod)))
172 (unless (sort-is-for-regularity? x mod)
173 ;; reverse because want to preserve the original order
174 (let ((sortmapval (assoc x sortmap)))
175 (if sortmapval
176 (let ((ims (cdr sortmapval)))
177 (inherit-principal-sort x ims)
178 (unless (memq ims (module-all-sorts newmod))
179 (add-sort-to-module ims newmod))) ; check sort order
180 ;;
181 (if (eq mod (sort-module x))
182 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
183 modmap
184 sortmap
185 x)))
186 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
187 (unless (eq x sortim)
188 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
189 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap)
190 (setq x sortim))
191 (add-sort-to-module sortim newmod))
192 ;;
193 (let ((modv (assq (sort-module x) modmap)))
194 (if modv
195 (let ((sortim (modmorph-recreate-sort newmod
196 modmap
197 sortmap
198 x)))
199 (inherit-principal-sort x sortim)
200 (unless (eq x sortim)
201 (push (cons x sortim) sortmap)
202 (setf (modmorph-sort map) sortmap))
203 )
204 (inherit-principal-sort x x))
205 )))
206 )))
207 ;;
208 (if *chaos-verbose*
209 (print-in-progress "s") ; done mapping sorts
210 (print-in-progress ","))
212 ;; sort-relation
213 (let ((self-rel (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod
214 mod
215 modmap
216 sortmap
217 (module-sort-relations
218 newmod))))
219 (setf (module-sort-relations newmod)
220 (modmorph-merge-sort-relations
221 (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod mod modmap sortmap
222 (module-sort-relations mod))
223 self-rel)))
224 (let ((so (module-sort-order newmod)))
225 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations newmod))
226 (add-relation-to-order (copy-sort-relation sl) so))
227 ;; we need error sorts
228 (when *on-modexp-debug*
229 (with-output-msg ()
230 (format t " generating error sorts")))
231 (generate-err-sorts so)
232 (setq no-error-sort t)
233 )
234 ;;
235 (if *chaos-verbose*
236 (print-in-progress "<") ; done mapping sort relations
237 (print-in-progress ","))
239 ;; MAP OPERATORS ----------------------------------------------------
240 ;;
241 (when (modmorph-is-rename map)
242 ;; operators
243 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming for
244 ;; operators too.
245 (when *on-modexp-debug*
246 (with-output-msg ()
247 (format t " fixing operator renaming ..")))
248 (fix-method-renaming map newmod))
249 ;;
250 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators mod)))
251 ;; want to preserve the original order of operators
252 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
253 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
254 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
255 (not (memq method
256 (module-methods-for-regularity mod)))))
257 (unless (assq method opmap)
258 (modmorph-recreate-method mod newmod sortmap method))
259 )))
260 ;;
261 (if *chaos-verbose*
262 (print-in-progress "o") ; done mapping operators
263 (print-in-progress ","))
265 ;; At this point all operators should exist; term recreation is possible.
266 ;; all of the error sorts & error method should be
267 ;; generated here.
268 (modmorph-prepare-for-parsing newmod map no-error-sort)
270 ;; MAP AXIOMS ------------------------------------------------------
271 ;;
272 ;; equations
273 (setf (module-equations newmod)
274 (append
275 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
276 (when *on-modexp-debug*
277 (with-in-module (mod)
278 (format t "~&* recreating the axiom :")
279 (print-rule r)))
280 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
281 (module-equations mod))
282 (module-equations newmod)))
283 ;; transitions
284 (setf (module-rules newmod)
285 (append
286 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
287 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
288 (module-rules mod))
289 (module-rules newmod)))
290 (if *chaos-verbose*
291 (print-in-progress "a") ; done mapping axioms
292 (print-in-progress ","))
294 ;; THEOREMS ---------------------------------------------------------
295 #|| NO YET
296 (setf (module-theorems newmod)
297 (append
298 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
299 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap
300 opmap modmap r))
212 ;; sort-relation
213 (let ((self-rel (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod
214 mod
215 modmap
216 sortmap
217 (module-sort-relations
218 newmod))))
219 (setf (module-sort-relations newmod)
220 (modmorph-merge-sort-relations
221 (modmorph-recreate-sort-relations newmod mod modmap sortmap
222 (module-sort-relations mod))
223 self-rel)))
224 (let ((so (module-sort-order newmod)))
225 (dolist (sl (module-sort-relations newmod))
226 (add-relation-to-order (copy-sort-relation sl) so))
227 ;; we need error sorts
228 (when *on-modexp-debug*
229 (with-output-msg ()
230 (format t " generating error sorts")))
231 (generate-err-sorts so)
232 (setq no-error-sort t)
233 )
234 ;;
235 (if *chaos-verbose*
236 (print-in-progress "<") ; done mapping sort relations
237 (print-in-progress ","))
239 ;; MAP OPERATORS ----------------------------------------------------
240 ;;
241 (when (modmorph-is-rename map)
242 ;; operators
243 ;; after have created sub-modules need to "fix" renaming for
244 ;; operators too.
245 (when *on-modexp-debug*
246 (with-output-msg ()
247 (format t " fixing operator renaming ..")))
248 (fix-method-renaming map newmod))
249 ;;
250 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators mod)))
251 ;; want to preserve the original order of operators
252 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
253 (when (or ;; (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
254 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
255 (not (memq method
256 (module-methods-for-regularity mod)))))
257 (unless (assq method opmap)
258 (modmorph-recreate-method mod newmod sortmap method))
259 )))
260 ;;
261 (if *chaos-verbose*
262 (print-in-progress "o") ; done mapping operators
263 (print-in-progress ","))
265 ;; At this point all operators should exist; term recreation is possible.
266 ;; all of the error sorts & error method should be
267 ;; generated here.
268 (modmorph-prepare-for-parsing newmod map no-error-sort)
270 ;; MAP AXIOMS ------------------------------------------------------
271 ;;
272 ;; equations
273 (setf (module-equations newmod)
274 (append
275 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
276 (when *on-modexp-debug*
277 (with-in-module (mod)
278 (format t "~%* recreating the axiom :")
279 (print-rule r)))
280 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
281 (module-equations mod))
282 (module-equations newmod)))
283 ;; transitions
284 (setf (module-rules newmod)
285 (append
286 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
287 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap opmap modmap r))
288 (module-rules mod))
289 (module-rules newmod)))
290 (if *chaos-verbose*
291 (print-in-progress "a") ; done mapping axioms
292 (print-in-progress ","))
294 ;; THEOREMS ---------------------------------------------------------
295 #|| NO YET
296 (setf (module-theorems newmod)
297 (append
298 (mapcar #'(lambda (r)
299 (modmorph-recreate-axiom newmod sortmap
300 opmap modmap r))
301301 (module-theorems mod))
302 (module-theorems newmod)))
303 ||#
302 (module-theorems newmod)))
303 ||#
305 ;; OK we've done, nothing to be done here already.
306 ;;
307 (when *on-modexp-debug*
308 (format t "~&* apply-modmorph: DONE. generated new module ")
309 (print-mod-name newmod))
310 (if *chaos-verbose*
311 (print-in-progress "]") ; done whole work.
312 (print-in-progress ","))
313 newmod ;the final result
314 ))))
305 ;; OK we've done, nothing to be done here already.
306 ;;
307 (when *on-modexp-debug*
308 (format t "~%* apply-modmorph: DONE. generated new module ")
309 (print-mod-name newmod))
310 (if *chaos-verbose*
311 (print-in-progress "]") ; done whole work.
312 (print-in-progress ","))
313 newmod ;the final result
314 ))))
316316 (defun modmorph-prepare-for-parsing (mod map no-error-sort)
317317 (declare (ignore no-error-sort))
331331 (defun fix-operator-mapping (mod map)
332332 (let ((opmap (modmorph-op map))
333 (sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
333 (sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
334334 (mapc #'(lambda (x)
335 (let ((target (cdr x)))
336 (cond ((eq (car target) :replacement)
337 (replace-error-method mod (caddr target)
338 opmap sort-map))
339 ((eq (car target) :simple-error-map)
340 (let ((method (cdr target))
341 (arity nil))
342 (dolist (s (method-arity method))
343 (if (err-sort-p s)
344 (push (find-compatible-err-sort s
345 mod
346 sort-map)
347 arity)
348 (push s arity)))
349 (setf (method-arity method) (nreverse arity))
350 (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
351 (setf (method-coarity method)
352 (find-compatible-err-sort
353 (method-coarity method)
354 mod
355 sort-map)))
356 (setf (car target) :simple-map)))
357 (t nil))))
358 opmap)))
335 (let ((target (cdr x)))
336 (cond ((eq (car target) :replacement)
337 (replace-error-method mod (caddr target)
338 opmap sort-map))
339 ((eq (car target) :simple-error-map)
340 (let ((method (cdr target))
341 (arity nil))
342 (dolist (s (method-arity method))
343 (if (err-sort-p s)
344 (push (find-compatible-err-sort s
345 mod
346 sort-map)
347 arity)
348 (push s arity)))
349 (setf (method-arity method) (nreverse arity))
350 (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
351 (setf (method-coarity method)
352 (find-compatible-err-sort
353 (method-coarity method)
354 mod
355 sort-map)))
356 (setf (car target) :simple-map)))
357 (t nil))))
358 opmap)))
360360 #||
361361 (defun modmorph-find-error-method (module method opmap &optional sortmap)
362362 (declare (type module module)
363 (type method method)
364 (type list opmap sortmap)
365 (values (or null method)))
363 (type method method)
364 (type list opmap sortmap)
365 (values (or null method)))
366366 (or (car (memq method (module-error-methods module)))
367367 (let* ((alen (length (method-arity method)))
368 (opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
369 alen
370 module)))
371 (declare (type fixnum alen)
372 (type list opinfos))
373 ;;
374 (unless opinfos
375 (let* ((name (method-symbol method))
376 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
377 (and (equal (method-symbol
378 (the method (car x)))
379 name)
380 (= (the fixnum
381 (length (method-arity (car x))))
382 alen)))
383 opmap)))
384 (when mapped?
385 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
386 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
387 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
388 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
389 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
390 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
391 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))))
392 ;;
393 (let ((opinfo nil)
394 (err-method nil))
395 (let* ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
396 (declare (type sort* x))
397 (if (err-sort-p x)
398 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
399 x))
400 (method-arity method)))
401 #||
402 (ar-names (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
403 (declare (type sort* x))
404 (sort-id x))
405 ar))
406 ||#
407 (cr (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
408 (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity method)
409 module
410 sortmap)
411 (method-coarity method)))
412 #||
413 (cr-name (sort-id cr))
414 ||#
415 )
416 (declare (type sort* cr))
417 (block find-method
418 (dolist (oi opinfos)
419 (declare (type list oi))
420 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
421 (declare (type method cand))
422 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
423 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
424 (setq opinfo oi)
425 (setq err-method cand)
426 (return-from find-method nil))
427 )))
428 ;;
429 (unless opinfo
430 ;; failed!....
431 ;; this means we need error method which are not generated
432 ;; yet. -- really?
433 ;; (break)
434 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
435 (declare (type sort* x))
436 (if (err-sort-p x)
437 (let ((compo
438 (err-sort-components x)))
439 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
440 (modmorph-assoc-image
441 sortmap
442 y))
443 compo))
444 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
445 sortmap
446 x))))
447 ar))
448 (coarity (let ((c cr))
449 (if (err-sort-p c)
450 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
451 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
452 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
453 compo))
454 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
455 (so (module-sort-order module)))
456 (declare (type sort-order so))
457 ;;
458 ;; (break)
459 ;;
460 (when (block
461 find-opinfo
462 (dolist (oi opinfos)
463 (declare (type list oi))
464 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
465 (dolist (m mm)
466 (declare (type method m))
467 (block try1
468 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
469 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
470 (declare (type list xarity)
471 (type sort* xcoarity))
472 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
473 (declare (type fixnum pos))
474 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
475 (declare (type sort* y))
476 (sort<= (the sort*
477 (nth pos xarity))
478 y
479 so))
480 (nth pos arity))
481 (return-from try1 nil)))
482 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
483 (declare (type sort* y))
484 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
485 coarity)
486 (return-from try1 nil))
487 (setq opinfo oi)
488 (return-from find-opinfo t))
489 )))))
490 ;;
491 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
492 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
493 )))
494 )
495 ;;
496 (when *on-modexp-debug*
497 (format t "~%-- finding error method for : ")
498 (print-chaos-object method)
499 (format t "~% found : ")
500 (print-chaos-object err-method))
501 ;;
502 err-method))))
368 (opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
369 alen
370 module)))
371 (declare (type fixnum alen)
372 (type list opinfos))
373 ;;
374 (unless opinfos
375 (let* ((name (method-symbol method))
376 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
377 (and (equal (method-symbol
378 (the method (car x)))
379 name)
380 (= (the fixnum
381 (length (method-arity (car x))))
382 alen)))
383 opmap)))
384 (when mapped?
385 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
386 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
387 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
388 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
389 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
390 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
391 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))))
392 ;;
393 (let ((opinfo nil)
394 (err-method nil))
395 (let* ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
396 (declare (type sort* x))
397 (if (err-sort-p x)
398 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
399 x))
400 (method-arity method)))
401 #||
402 (ar-names (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
403 (declare (type sort* x))
404 (sort-id x))
405 ar))
406 ||#
407 (cr (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
408 (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity method)
409 module
410 sortmap)
411 (method-coarity method)))
412 #||
413 (cr-name (sort-id cr))
414 ||#
415 )
416 (declare (type sort* cr))
417 (block find-method
418 (dolist (oi opinfos)
419 (declare (type list oi))
420 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
421 (declare (type method cand))
422 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
423 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
424 (setq opinfo oi)
425 (setq err-method cand)
426 (return-from find-method nil))
427 )))
428 ;;
429 (unless opinfo
430 ;; failed!....
431 ;; this means we need error method which are not generated
432 ;; yet. -- really?
433 ;; (break)
434 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
435 (declare (type sort* x))
436 (if (err-sort-p x)
437 (let ((compo
438 (err-sort-components x)))
439 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
440 (modmorph-assoc-image
441 sortmap
442 y))
443 compo))
444 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
445 sortmap
446 x))))
447 ar))
448 (coarity (let ((c cr))
449 (if (err-sort-p c)
450 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
451 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
452 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
453 compo))
454 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
455 (so (module-sort-order module)))
456 (declare (type sort-order so))
457 ;;
458 ;; (break)
459 ;;
460 (when (block
461 find-opinfo
462 (dolist (oi opinfos)
463 (declare (type list oi))
464 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
465 (dolist (m mm)
466 (declare (type method m))
467 (block try1
468 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
469 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
470 (declare (type list xarity)
471 (type sort* xcoarity))
472 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
473 (declare (type fixnum pos))
474 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
475 (declare (type sort* y))
476 (sort<= (the sort*
477 (nth pos xarity))
478 y
479 so))
480 (nth pos arity))
481 (return-from try1 nil)))
482 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
483 (declare (type sort* y))
484 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
485 coarity)
486 (return-from try1 nil))
487 (setq opinfo oi)
488 (return-from find-opinfo t))
489 )))))
490 ;;
491 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
492 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
493 )))
494 )
495 ;;
496 (when *on-modexp-debug*
497 (format t "~%-- finding error method for : ")
498 (print-chaos-object method)
499 (format t "~% found : ")
500 (print-chaos-object err-method))
501 ;;
502 err-method))))
503503 ||#
505505 (defun modmorph-find-mapped-sorts (module sort-l sortmap)
506506 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
507 (declare (type sort* x))
508 (if (err-sort-p x)
509 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
510 (or (cdr (assq x sortmap)) x)))
511 sort-l))
507 (declare (type sort* x))
508 (if (err-sort-p x)
509 (find-compatible-err-sort x module sortmap)
510 (or (cdr (assq x sortmap)) x)))
511 sort-l))
513513 ;;; *******
514514 (defun modmorph-copy-method-attributes (from to)
515515 (let (sup-strat
516 theory
517 prec
518 memo
519 assoc
520 constr)
516 theory
517 prec
518 memo
519 assoc
520 constr)
521521 (let ((from-module (method-module from)))
522522 (with-in-module (from-module)
523 (setf sup-strat (method-supplied-strategy from)
524 theory (method-theory from)
525 prec (get-method-precedence from)
526 memo (method-has-memo from)
527 assoc (method-associativity from)
528 constr (method-constructor from))))
523 (setf sup-strat (method-supplied-strategy from)
524 theory (method-theory from)
525 prec (get-method-precedence from)
526 memo (method-has-memo from)
527 assoc (method-associativity from)
528 constr (method-constructor from))))
529529 (let ((to-module (method-module to)))
530530 (with-in-module (to-module)
531 (setf (method-supplied-strategy to) sup-strat
532 (method-precedence to) prec
533 (method-has-memo to) memo
534 (method-associativity to) assoc
535 (method-constructor to) constr)
536 (set-method-theory to theory)
537 ))
531 (setf (method-supplied-strategy to) sup-strat
532 (method-precedence to) prec
533 (method-has-memo to) memo
534 (method-associativity to) assoc
535 (method-constructor to) constr)
536 (set-method-theory to theory)
537 ))
538538 ))
541541 (defun modmorph-find-user-defined-error-method (method module sortmap)
542542 (let ((arity (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
543 (method-arity method)
544 sortmap))
545 (coarity (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
546 (list (method-coarity method))
547 sortmap))))
543 (method-arity method)
544 sortmap))
545 (coarity (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
546 (list (method-coarity method))
547 sortmap))))
549549 (multiple-value-bind (op err-method)
550 (declare-operator-in-module
551 (method-symbol method)
552 arity
553 coarity
554 module
555 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
556 (method-is-behavioural method)
557 nil
558 t) ; error method?
550 (declare-operator-in-module
551 (method-symbol method)
552 arity
553 coarity
554 module
555 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
556 (method-is-behavioural method)
557 nil
558 t) ; error method?
559559 (declare (ignore op))
560560 (modmorph-copy-method-attributes method err-method)
561561 err-method)))
563563 (defun modmorph-find-proper-error-method (method opinfos module sortmap)
564564 (let ((opinfo nil)
565 (err-method nil))
565 (err-method nil))
566566 (let ((ar (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
567 (method-arity method)
568 sortmap))
569 (cr (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
570 (list (method-coarity method))
571 sortmap)))
572 )
567 (method-arity method)
568 sortmap))
569 (cr (car (modmorph-find-mapped-sorts module
570 (list (method-coarity method))
571 sortmap)))
572 )
573573 (declare (type sort* cr))
574574 (block find-method
575 (dolist (oi opinfos)
576 (declare (type list oi))
577 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
578 (declare (type method cand))
579 ;;-----
580 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
581 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
582 (setq opinfo oi)
583 (setq err-method cand)
584 (return-from find-method nil))
585 )))
586 ;;
575 (dolist (oi opinfos)
576 (declare (type list oi))
577 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
578 (declare (type method cand))
579 ;;-----
580 (when (and (sort-list= ar (method-arity cand))
581 (sort= cr (method-coarity cand)))
582 (setq opinfo oi)
583 (setq err-method cand)
584 (return-from find-method nil))
585 )))
586 ;;
587587 (unless opinfo
588 ;; failed!....
589 ;; this means we need error method
590 ;; which are not generated yet. -- really?
591 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
592 (declare (type sort* x))
593 (if (err-sort-p x)
594 (let ((compo
595 (err-sort-components
596 x)))
597 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
598 (modmorph-assoc-image
599 sortmap
600 y))
601 compo))
602 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
603 sortmap
604 x))))
605 ar))
606 (coarity (let ((c cr))
607 (if (err-sort-p c)
608 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
609 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
610 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
611 compo))
612 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
613 (so (module-sort-order module)))
614 (declare (type sort-order so))
615 ;;
616 (when (block
617 find-opinfo
618 (dolist (oi opinfos)
619 (declare (type list oi))
620 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
621 (dolist (m mm)
622 (declare (type method m))
623 (block try1
624 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
625 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
626 (declare (type list xarity)
627 (type sort* xcoarity))
628 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
629 (declare (type fixnum pos))
630 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
631 (declare (type sort* y))
632 (sort<= (the sort*
633 (nth pos xarity))
634 y
635 so))
636 (nth pos arity))
637 (return-from try1 nil)))
638 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
639 (declare (type sort* y))
640 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
641 coarity)
642 (return-from try1 nil))
643 (setq opinfo oi)
644 (return-from find-opinfo t))
645 )))))
646 ;;
647 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
648 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
649 )
650 (unless err-method
651 ;; this means that the original method should be an
652 ;; user defined error-method...
653 ;; make sure that really is ...
654 (unless (or (some #'(lambda (x)
655 (declare (type sort* x))
656 (err-sort-p x))
657 ar)
658 (err-sort-p coarity))
659 ;; so bad ...
660 (with-output-panic-message ()
661 (format t "well ... could not find proper error method for ")
662 (print-chaos-object method)))
663 ;; we declare err-method
664 ;; (format t "~&declaring new error method...")
665 (multiple-value-bind (o m)
666 (declare-operator-in-module
667 (method-symbol method)
668 arity
669 coarity
670 module
671 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
672 (method-is-behavioural method)
673 nil
674 t) ; error method?
675 (declare (ignore o))
676 (setq err-method m))
677 ) ; end case no err-method
678 )
679 ) ; end case no op-info
588 ;; failed!....
589 ;; this means we need error method
590 ;; which are not generated yet. -- really?
591 (let ((arity (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
592 (declare (type sort* x))
593 (if (err-sort-p x)
594 (let ((compo
595 (err-sort-components
596 x)))
597 (mapcar #'(lambda(y)
598 (modmorph-assoc-image
599 sortmap
600 y))
601 compo))
602 (list (modmorph-assoc-image
603 sortmap
604 x))))
605 ar))
606 (coarity (let ((c cr))
607 (if (err-sort-p c)
608 (let ((compo (err-sort-components c)))
609 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
610 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap s))
611 compo))
612 (list (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap c)))))
613 (so (module-sort-order module)))
614 (declare (type sort-order so))
615 ;;
616 (when (block
617 find-opinfo
618 (dolist (oi opinfos)
619 (declare (type list oi))
620 (let ((mm (opinfo-methods oi)))
621 (dolist (m mm)
622 (declare (type method m))
623 (block try1
624 (let ((xarity (method-arity m))
625 (xcoarity (method-coarity m)))
626 (declare (type list xarity)
627 (type sort* xcoarity))
628 (dotimes (pos (length xarity))
629 (declare (type fixnum pos))
630 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
631 (declare (type sort* y))
632 (sort<= (the sort*
633 (nth pos xarity))
634 y
635 so))
636 (nth pos arity))
637 (return-from try1 nil)))
638 (unless (some #'(lambda (y)
639 (declare (type sort* y))
640 (sort<= xcoarity y so))
641 coarity)
642 (return-from try1 nil))
643 (setq opinfo oi)
644 (return-from find-opinfo t))
645 )))))
646 ;;
647 (setup-error-operator opinfo module)
648 (setq err-method (car (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
649 )
650 (unless err-method
651 ;; this means that the original method should be an
652 ;; user defined error-method...
653 ;; make sure that really is ...
654 (unless (or (some #'(lambda (x)
655 (declare (type sort* x))
656 (err-sort-p x))
657 ar)
658 (err-sort-p coarity))
659 ;; so bad ...
660 (with-output-panic-message ()
661 (format t "well ... could not find proper error method for ")
662 (print-chaos-object method)))
663 ;; we declare err-method
664 ;; (format t "~&declaring new error method...")
665 (multiple-value-bind (o m)
666 (declare-operator-in-module
667 (method-symbol method)
668 arity
669 coarity
670 module
671 (method-is-constructor? method) ; constructor?
672 (method-is-behavioural method)
673 nil
674 t) ; error method?
675 (declare (ignore o))
676 (setq err-method m))
677 ) ; end case no err-method
678 )
679 ) ; end case no op-info
680680 )
681681 ;;
682682 (when *on-modexp-debug*
690690 (defun modmorph-find-error-method (module method opmap sortmap)
691691 (or (car (memq method (module-error-methods module)))
692692 (let* ((alen (length (method-arity method)))
693 (opinfos nil)
694 (name (method-symbol method))
695 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
696 (and (method-p (car x))
697 ;; there is a case built-in constant
698 ;; is mapped, thus need method-p here.
699 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:30:33 JST 1999
700 (equal (method-symbol
701 (the method (car x)))
702 name)
703 (= (the fixnum
704 (length (method-arity (car x))))
705 alen)))
706 opmap)))
707 (declare (type fixnum alen)
708 (type list opinfos))
709 ;;
710 (if mapped?
711 (progn
712 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
713 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
714 (when *on-modexp-debug*
715 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
716 (format t "~% mapped ~s" mapped?))
717 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
718 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
719 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
720 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
721 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))
722 ;; mot mapped
723 (progn
724 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
725 alen
726 module))
727 (when *on-modexp-debug*
728 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
729 (format t "~% not mapped, got infos : ")
730 (print-chaos-object opinfos))))
731 (cond (opinfos
732 (modmorph-find-proper-error-method method
733 opinfos
734 module
735 sortmap))
736 (t ; this means that the err method is
737 ; user defined one.
738 (modmorph-find-user-defined-error-method method
739 module
740 sortmap)))
741 )))
693 (opinfos nil)
694 (name (method-symbol method))
695 (mapped? (find-if #'(lambda (x)
696 (and (method-p (car x))
697 ;; there is a case built-in constant
698 ;; is mapped, thus need method-p here.
699 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:30:33 JST 1999
700 (equal (method-symbol
701 (the method (car x)))
702 name)
703 (= (the fixnum
704 (length (method-arity (car x))))
705 alen)))
706 opmap)))
707 (declare (type fixnum alen)
708 (type list opinfos))
709 ;;
710 (if mapped?
711 (progn
712 ;; (method :simple-map . method)
713 ;; (mehtod :replacement pvars term)
714 (when *on-modexp-debug*
715 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
716 (format t "~% mapped ~s" mapped?))
717 (setq name (if (memq (second mapped?)
718 '(:simple-map :simple-error-map))
719 (method-symbol (the method (cddr mapped?)))
720 (method-symbol (term-head (cadddr mapped?)))))
721 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module name alen module)))
722 ;; mot mapped
723 (progn
724 (setq opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
725 alen
726 module))
727 (when *on-modexp-debug*
728 (format t "~%-- finding error method: ")
729 (format t "~% not mapped, got infos : ")
730 (print-chaos-object opinfos))))
731 (cond (opinfos
732 (modmorph-find-proper-error-method method
733 opinfos
734 module
735 sortmap))
736 (t ; this means that the err method is
737 ; user defined one.
738 (modmorph-find-user-defined-error-method method
739 module
740 sortmap)))
741 )))
744744 (defun replace-error-method (mod term op-map sort-map)
745745 (declare (type module mod)
746 (type term term)
747 (type list op-map sort-map)
748 (values t))
746 (type term term)
747 (type list op-map sort-map)
748 (values t))
749749 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
750750 (let ((head nil))
751 (when (or (method-is-error-method (term-head term))
752 (or (sort= (term-sort term) *universal-sort*)
753 (sort= (term-sort term) *huniversal-sort*)))
754 (setq head (modmorph-find-error-method mod (term-head term)
755 op-map sort-map))
756 (when head
757 (change-head-operator term head)))
758 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
759 (replace-error-method mod sub op-map sort-map)))
751 (when (or (method-is-error-method (term-head term))
752 (or (sort= (term-sort term) *universal-sort*)
753 (sort= (term-sort term) *huniversal-sort*)))
754 (setq head (modmorph-find-error-method mod (term-head term)
755 op-map sort-map))
756 (when head
757 (change-head-operator term head)))
758 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
759 (replace-error-method mod sub op-map sort-map)))
760760 (if (term-is-variable? term)
761 (let ((sort (variable-sort term)))
762 (when (err-sort-p sort)
763 (let ((new (find-compatible-err-sort sort mod sort-map)))
764 (if new
765 (setf (variable-sort term) new)
766 ;; may be error...but
767 nil)))))))
761 (let ((sort (variable-sort term)))
762 (when (err-sort-p sort)
763 (let ((new (find-compatible-err-sort sort mod sort-map)))
764 (if new
765 (setf (variable-sort term) new)
766 ;; may be error...but
767 nil)))))))
769769 ;;; **************
770770 ;;; MAP SUBMODULES______________________________________________________________
780780 ;;;
781781 (defun modmorph-submodule-is-mapped (modmap mod)
782782 (some #'(lambda (x)
783 (or (modmorph-module-is-mapped modmap (car x))
784 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap (car x))))
785 (module-submodules mod))
783 (or (modmorph-module-is-mapped modmap (car x))
784 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap (car x))))
785 (module-submodules mod))
786786 )
788788 ;;;=============================================================================
798798 ;;;
799799 (defun modmorph-import-submodule (mod newmod map mode submod)
800800 (let* ((modmap (modmorph-module map))
801 (direct-img (assq submod modmap)) ; is it mapped directly?
802 (submodule-image nil))
801 (direct-img (assq submod modmap)) ; is it mapped directly?
802 (submodule-image nil))
803803 (when *on-modexp-debug*
804 (format t "~&[modmorph-import-submodule]: ")
804 (format t "~%[modmorph-import-submodule]: ")
805805 (princ " ") (print-modexp newmod) (princ " <== ")
806806 (print-modexp submod)
807807 (format t "~& - img:key= ") (print-chaos-object (car direct-img))
808808 (format t "~& - img:val= ") (print-chaos-object (cdr direct-img)))
809809 ;;
810810 (setq submodule-image
811 (if direct-img
812 (cond ((or (null (cdr direct-img))
813 (is-dummy-module (cdr direct-img)))
814 ;;case of renaming
815 (when *on-modexp-debug*
816 (format t "~% - case renaming:"))
817 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod))
818 (t ;associated value is a view in general.
819 (target-of-view-arg (cdr direct-img))))
820 (if (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap submod)
821 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod)
822 submod)))
811 (if direct-img
812 (cond ((or (null (cdr direct-img))
813 (is-dummy-module (cdr direct-img)))
814 ;;case of renaming
815 (when *on-modexp-debug*
816 (format t "~% - case renaming:"))
817 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod))
818 (t ;associated value is a view in general.
819 (target-of-view-arg (cdr direct-img))))
820 (if (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap submod)
821 (modmorph-map-submodule map mod submod)
822 submod)))
823823 (when *on-modexp-debug*
824824 (format t "~& -image ")
825825 (print-modexp submod) (princ " --> ")
826826 (print-modexp submodule-image))
827827 ;;
828828 (if (eq ':using mode)
829 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map submodule-image)
830 #||
831 (if (module-is-parameter-theory submodule-image)
832 (let* ((mod-name (module-name submodule-image))
833 (formal-name (first mod-name))
834 (real-sub (third mod-name)))
835 (import-module newmod mode real-sub formal-name))
836 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image))
837 ||#
838 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image)
839 )
829 (modmorph-import-submodules mod newmod map submodule-image)
830 #||
831 (if (module-is-parameter-theory submodule-image)
832 (let* ((mod-name (module-name submodule-image))
833 (formal-name (first mod-name))
834 (real-sub (third mod-name)))
835 (import-module newmod mode real-sub formal-name))
836 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image))
837 ||#
838 (import-module newmod mode submodule-image)
839 )
840840 ))
842842 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
866866 (defun modmorph-map-submodule (map mod smod)
867867 (let ((parameters (get-module-parameters smod)))
868 (cond (parameters ; was (module-parameters smod)
869 (when *on-modexp-debug*
870 (format t "~%[modmorph-map-submodule]:")
871 (print-modexp smod)
872 (format t "~% sub has parameters :")
873 (print-chaos-object parameters))
874 ;; submdule has parameters,
875 ;; checks some of them is mapped or not.
876 (let ((mod-map (modmorph-module map))
877 (own-params (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (parameter-theory-module x))
878 parameters))
879 (args nil))
880 (dolist (mmod mod-map)
881 (if (memq (car mmod) own-params)
882 (push (%!arg* (car (module-name (car mmod)))
883 (cdr mmod))
884 args)))
885 (let ((new-name (%instantiation* smod args)))
886 ;; * * *
887 (apply-modmorph (normalize-modexp new-name) map smod)
888 )))
889 ;;
890 (t (let ((nm (modmorph-construct-name map
891 ;; (module-name smod)
892 smod)))
893 (let* ((me (normalize-modexp nm))
894 (val (find-modexp-eval me)))
895 (when *on-modexp-debug*
896 (format t "~&[modmorph-map-submodule]: ")
897 (print-modexp smod)
898 (princ " ==> ")
899 (print-modexp me)
900 (format t "~& - mod = ")
901 (print-modexp mod)
902 (format t "~& - map ")
903 (print-mapping map)
904 (format t "~& - val = ")
905 (print-modexp val))
906 (if val
907 (progn
908 (let ((pair (assq smod (modmorph-module map)))
909 (nmod val))
910 (when *on-modexp-debug*
911 (format t "~& - map pair : ")
912 (format t "~& key : ")(print-modexp (car pair))
913 (format t "~& val : ")(print-modexp (cdr pair)))
914 (if pair
915 (rplacd pair val)
916 (push (cons smod val) (modmorph-module map)))
917 (setf (modmorph-module map)
918 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings
919 map mod smod)
920 (modmorph-module map)))
921 nmod))
922 ;;
923 (let ((newmod (apply-modmorph me map smod)))
924 ;; (add-canon-modexp me me)
925 (add-modexp-eval me newmod)
926 (setf (modmorph-module map)
927 (cons (cons smod newmod)
928 (modmorph-module map)))
929 newmod))))))))
868 (cond (parameters ; was (module-parameters smod)
869 (when *on-modexp-debug*
870 (format t "~%[modmorph-map-submodule]:")
871 (print-modexp smod)
872 (format t "~% sub has parameters :")
873 (print-chaos-object parameters))
874 ;; submdule has parameters,
875 ;; checks some of them is mapped or not.
876 (let ((mod-map (modmorph-module map))
877 (own-params (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (parameter-theory-module x))
878 parameters))
879 (args nil))
880 (dolist (mmod mod-map)
881 (if (memq (car mmod) own-params)
882 (push (%!arg* (car (module-name (car mmod)))
883 (cdr mmod))
884 args)))
885 (let ((new-name (%instantiation* smod args)))
886 ;; * * *
887 (apply-modmorph (normalize-modexp new-name) map smod)
888 )))
889 ;;
890 (t (let ((nm (modmorph-construct-name map
891 ;; (module-name smod)
892 smod)))
893 (let* ((me (normalize-modexp nm))
894 (val (find-modexp-eval me)))
895 (when *on-modexp-debug*
896 (format t "~%[modmorph-map-submodule]: ")
897 (print-modexp smod)
898 (princ " ==> ")
899 (print-modexp me)
900 (format t "~& - mod = ")
901 (print-modexp mod)
902 (format t "~& - map ")
903 (print-mapping map)
904 (format t "~& - val = ")
905 (print-modexp val))
906 (if val
907 (progn
908 (let ((pair (assq smod (modmorph-module map)))
909 (nmod val))
910 (when *on-modexp-debug*
911 (format t "~& - map pair : ")
912 (format t "~& key : ")(print-modexp (car pair))
913 (format t "~& val : ")(print-modexp (cdr pair)))
914 (if pair
915 (rplacd pair val)
916 (push (cons smod val) (modmorph-module map)))
917 (setf (modmorph-module map)
918 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings
919 map mod smod)
920 (modmorph-module map)))
921 nmod))
922 ;;
923 (let ((newmod (apply-modmorph me map smod)))
924 ;; (add-canon-modexp me me)
925 (add-modexp-eval me newmod)
926 (setf (modmorph-module map)
927 (cons (cons smod newmod)
928 (modmorph-module map)))
929 newmod))))))))
931931 (defvar *modmorph-expanded* nil)
933933 (defun modmorph-construct-name (map smod)
934934 (cond ((modmorph-is-rename map)
935 (let ((s-name (module-name smod)))
936 ;; smod can be a direct modexp.
937 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:35:05 JST 1999
938 (cond ((modexp-is-parameter-theory s-name)
939 (normalize-modexp `(,(parameter-theory-arg-name smod)
940 "::"
941 ,(modmorph-construct-name
942 map
943 (parameter-module-theory smod))
944 ,(parameter-module-context smod))))
945 (t (normalize-modexp
946 (%rename* s-name
947 (%rename-map (modmorph-name map)))))
948 )))
949 (t (let ((*modmorph-expanded* nil))
950 (let ((val (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
951 (if (module-p smod)
952 (module-name smod)
953 smod))))
954 (if (modexp-is-view val)
955 (let ((val2 (target-of-view-arg val)))
956 (if (module-p val2)
957 (module-name val2)
958 val2))
959 val))))))
935 (let ((s-name (module-name smod)))
936 ;; smod can be a direct modexp.
937 ;; Wed Mar 3 17:35:05 JST 1999
938 (cond ((modexp-is-parameter-theory s-name)
939 (normalize-modexp `(,(parameter-theory-arg-name smod)
940 "::"
941 ,(modmorph-construct-name
942 map
943 (parameter-module-theory smod))
944 ,(parameter-module-context smod))))
945 (t (normalize-modexp
946 (%rename* s-name
947 (%rename-map (modmorph-name map)))))
948 )))
949 (t (let ((*modmorph-expanded* nil))
950 (let ((val (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
951 (if (module-p smod)
952 (module-name smod)
953 smod))))
954 (if (modexp-is-view val)
955 (let ((val2 (target-of-view-arg val)))
956 (if (module-p val2)
957 (module-name val2)
958 val2))
959 val))))))
961961 ;;; want result in canonical form
962962 (defun modmorph-reconstruct-name (map me)
972972 ;;
973973 (when (modexp-is-?name? me)
974974 (when *on-modexp-debug*
975 (format t "~& given modexp was ?name? ~a" me))
975 (format t "~% given modexp was ?name? ~a" me))
976976 (setq me (?name-name me)))
977977 (when (and (consp me) (equal (second me) "::"))
978978 (setq me (third me)))
979979 (cond ((or (module-p me) (stringp me))
980 (when *on-modexp-debug*
981 (if (stringp me)
982 (format t "~& given modexp is string ~s" me)
983 (progn (format t "~& given modexp is module object :")
984 (print-chaos-object me))))
985 (let ((modval (eval-modexp me)) ; must be global (not argument).
986 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
987 (when *on-modexp-debug*
988 (format t "~& evaluated value is : ")
989 (print-chaos-object modval))
990 (let ((im (assq modval modmap)))
991 (when *on-modexp-debug*
992 (if im
993 (format t "~& evaluated modexp is mapped")
994 (format t "~& evaluated modexp is NOT mapped")))
995 (if im
996 (if (memq modval *modmorph-expanded*)
997 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
998 (format t "~& and already expanded."))
999 modval)
1000 (progn
1001 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1002 (format t "~& but not yet expanded, reconstruct the target."))
1003 (push modval *modmorph-expanded*)
1004 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (cdr im))))
1005 (if (module-p me)
1006 (let ((name (module-name me)))
1007 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1008 (format t "~& modexp was module object."))
1009 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
1010 me
1011 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (module-name me))))
1012 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1013 (format t "~& modexp was string, returns as is."))
1014 me))))))
1015 ;; PLUS
1016 ((int-plus-p me)
1017 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1018 (format t "~& modexp is internal plus.")
1019 (pr-int-plus me))
1020 (make-int-plus :args
1021 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
1022 (int-plus-args me))))
1023 ((%is-plus me)
1024 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1025 (format t "~& modexp is plus, generate new modexp reconstructing args:")
1026 (print-next)
1027 (print-modexp me))
1028 (normalize-modexp
1029 (%plus* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
1030 (%plus-args me)))))
1032 ;; RENAME
1033 ((int-rename-p me)
1034 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1035 (format t "~& modexp is iternal rename.")
1036 (pr-int-rename me))
1037 (make-int-rename :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
1038 (int-rename-module me))
1039 :sort-maps (int-rename-sort-maps me)
1040 :op-maps (int-rename-op-maps me)))
1041 ((%is-rename me)
1042 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1043 (format t "~& modexp is rename, generate new one reconstructing args.")
1044 (print-next)
1045 (print-modexp me))
1046 (normalize-modexp
1047 (%rename* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (%rename-module me))
1048 (%rename-map me))))
1051 ((int-instantiation-p me)
1052 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1053 (format t "~& modexp is internal instantiation.")
1054 (pr-int-instantiation me))
1055 (let ((modpar (int-instantiation-module me)))
1056 (make-int-instantiation
1057 :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modpar)
1058 :args (let ((res nil))
1059 (dolist (arg (int-instantiation-args me)
1060 (nreverse res))
1061 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
1062 (%!arg-name arg)
1063 (%!arg-view arg)
1064 map
1065 modpar)
1066 res))))))
1067 ;;
1068 ((%is-instantiation me)
1069 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1070 (format t "~& modexp is instantiation, generate new one....")
1071 (print-next)
1072 (print-modexp me))
1073 (let* ((modpar (%instantiation-module me))
1074 (modparnm (if (module-p modpar)
1075 (module-name modpar)
1076 modpar)))
1077 (%instantiation* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modparnm)
1078 (let ((res nil))
1079 (dolist (arg (%instantiation-args me))
1080 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
1081 (%!arg-name arg) ; name
1082 (%!arg-view arg) ; view
1083 map
1084 modpar)
1085 res))
1086 (nreverse res)))))
1088 ;; VIEW
1089 ((view-p me)
1090 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1091 (format t "~& modexp is view structure, create new one.")
1092 (print-next)
1093 (print-modexp me))
1094 (let ((view (view-struct* (view-struct-name me))))
1095 (setf (view-struct-src view) (view-struct-src me))
1096 (setf (view-struct-target view)
1097 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (view-struct-target me)))
1098 (setf (view-struct-sort-maps view) (view-struct-sort-maps me)
1099 (view-struct-op-maps view) (view-struct-op-maps me))
1100 (setf (view-decl-form view) (view-decl-form me))
1101 view))
1102 ;;
1103 (t (break "modmorph-reconstruct-name: missing case"))
1104 ))
980 (when *on-modexp-debug*
981 (if (stringp me)
982 (format t "~% given modexp is string ~s" me)
983 (progn (format t "~% given modexp is module object :")
984 (print-chaos-object me))))
985 (let ((modval (eval-modexp me)) ; must be global (not argument).
986 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
987 (when *on-modexp-debug*
988 (format t "~% evaluated value is : ")
989 (print-chaos-object modval))
990 (let ((im (assq modval modmap)))
991 (when *on-modexp-debug*
992 (if im
993 (format t "~& evaluated modexp is mapped")
994 (format t "~& evaluated modexp is NOT mapped")))
995 (if im
996 (if (memq modval *modmorph-expanded*)
997 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
998 (format t "~% and already expanded."))
999 modval)
1000 (progn
1001 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1002 (format t "~% but not yet expanded, reconstruct the target."))
1003 (push modval *modmorph-expanded*)
1004 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (cdr im))))
1005 (if (module-p me)
1006 (let ((name (module-name me)))
1007 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1008 (format t "~% modexp was module object."))
1009 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
1010 me
1011 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (module-name me))))
1012 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1013 (format t "~% modexp was string, returns as is."))
1014 me))))))
1015 ;; PLUS
1016 ((int-plus-p me)
1017 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1018 (format t "~% modexp is internal plus.")
1019 (pr-int-plus me))
1020 (make-int-plus :args
1021 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
1022 (int-plus-args me))))
1023 ((%is-plus me)
1024 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1025 (format t "~% modexp is plus, generate new modexp reconstructing args:")
1026 (print-next)
1027 (print-modexp me))
1028 (normalize-modexp
1029 (%plus* (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-reconstruct-name map x))
1030 (%plus-args me)))))
1032 ;; RENAME
1033 ((int-rename-p me)
1034 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1035 (format t "~% modexp is iternal rename.")
1036 (pr-int-rename me))
1037 (make-int-rename :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map
1038 (int-rename-module me))
1039 :sort-maps (int-rename-sort-maps me)
1040 :op-maps (int-rename-op-maps me)))
1041 ((%is-rename me)
1042 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1043 (format t "~% modexp is rename, generate new one reconstructing args.")
1044 (print-next)
1045 (print-modexp me))
1046 (normalize-modexp
1047 (%rename* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (%rename-module me))
1048 (%rename-map me))))
1051 ((int-instantiation-p me)
1052 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1053 (format t "~% modexp is internal instantiation.")
1054 (pr-int-instantiation me))
1055 (let ((modpar (int-instantiation-module me)))
1056 (make-int-instantiation
1057 :module (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modpar)
1058 :args (let ((res nil))
1059 (dolist (arg (int-instantiation-args me)
1060 (nreverse res))
1061 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
1062 (%!arg-name arg)
1063 (%!arg-view arg)
1064 map
1065 modpar)
1066 res))))))
1067 ;;
1068 ((%is-instantiation me)
1069 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1070 (format t "~% modexp is instantiation, generate new one....")
1071 (print-next)
1072 (print-modexp me))
1073 (let* ((modpar (%instantiation-module me))
1074 (modparnm (if (module-p modpar)
1075 (module-name modpar)
1076 modpar)))
1077 (%instantiation* (modmorph-reconstruct-name map modparnm)
1078 (let ((res nil))
1079 (dolist (arg (%instantiation-args me))
1080 (push (modmorph-reconstruct-view-arg
1081 (%!arg-name arg) ; name
1082 (%!arg-view arg) ; view
1083 map
1084 modpar)
1085 res))
1086 (nreverse res)))))
1088 ;; VIEW
1089 ((view-p me)
1090 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1091 (format t "~% modexp is view structure, create new one.")
1092 (print-next)
1093 (print-modexp me))
1094 (let ((view (view-struct* (view-struct-name me))))
1095 (setf (view-struct-src view) (view-struct-src me))
1096 (setf (view-struct-target view)
1097 (modmorph-reconstruct-name map (view-struct-target me)))
1098 (setf (view-struct-sort-maps view) (view-struct-sort-maps me)
1099 (view-struct-op-maps view) (view-struct-op-maps me))
1100 (setf (view-decl-form view) (view-decl-form me))
1101 view))
1102 ;;
1103 (t (break "modmorph-reconstruct-name: missing case"))
1104 ))
11061106 (defun target-of-view-arg (vw)
11071107 (when (modexp-is-?name? vw)
11081108 (setq vw (?name-name vw)))
11091109 (cond ((stringp vw) vw)
1110 ((module-p vw) vw)
1111 ((view-p vw) (view-target vw))
1112 ((%is-view vw) (%view-target vw))
1113 (t (break "target-of-view-arg: unknown view argument"))
1114 ))
1110 ((module-p vw) vw)
1111 ((view-p vw) (view-target vw))
1112 ((%is-view vw) (%view-target vw))
1113 (t (break "target-of-view-arg: unknown view argument"))
1114 ))
11161116 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
11171117 (declaim (type fixnum *anon-view-name*))
11281128 (print-chaos-object vw)
11291129 (chaos-error 'panic)))
11301130 (let* ((tgt (target-of-view-arg vw))
1131 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1132 (val (assq tgt modmap))
1133 (mod (view-src vw)))
1131 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1132 (val (assq tgt modmap))
1133 (mod (view-src vw)))
11341134 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1135 (format t "~&[reconstruct-view-arg]:arg-name=~a " arg-name)
1135 (format t "~%[reconstruct-view-arg]:arg-name=~a " arg-name)
11361136 (print-next)
11371137 (print-chaos-object vw)
11381138 (force-output))
11391139 (let ((actual (or (cdr val) tgt)))
11401140 (let ((tmod (if (module-p actual)
1141 actual
1142 (target-of-view-arg actual)))
1143 (view (view-struct* (make-anon-view-name))))
1144 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1145 (format t "~&- src = ")(print-chaos-object mod)
1146 (format t "~&- tgt = ")(print-chaos-object tmod)
1147 (unless tmod (break "Oh my God!")))
1148 (setf (view-src view) mod)
1149 (setf (view-target view) tmod)
1150 (setf (view-sort-maps view)
1151 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-sort-mapping
1152 tmod
1153 map
1154 (view-sort-maps vw)))
1155 (setf (view-op-maps view)
1156 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-op-mapping
1157 tmod
1158 map
1159 (view-op-maps vw)))
1160 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1161 (format t "~&*result view=")
1162 (print-chaos-object view))
1163 (%!arg* arg-name view)))
1141 actual
1142 (target-of-view-arg actual)))
1143 (view (view-struct* (make-anon-view-name))))
1144 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1145 (format t "~%- src = ")(print-chaos-object mod)
1146 (format t "~&- tgt = ")(print-chaos-object tmod)
1147 (unless tmod (break "Oh my God!")))
1148 (setf (view-src view) mod)
1149 (setf (view-target view) tmod)
1150 (setf (view-sort-maps view)
1151 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-sort-mapping
1152 tmod
1153 map
1154 (view-sort-maps vw)))
1155 (setf (view-op-maps view)
1156 (modmorph-reconstruct-view-op-mapping
1157 tmod
1158 map
1159 (view-op-maps vw)))
1160 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1161 (format t "~%*result view=")
1162 (print-chaos-object view))
1163 (%!arg* arg-name view)))
11641164 ))
11661166 (defun modmorph-reconstruct-view-sort-mapping (mod map s-maps)
11671167 (declare (ignore mod))
11681168 (let ((res nil)
1169 (modmorph-sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
1169 (modmorph-sort-map (modmorph-sort map)))
11701170 (dolist (s-map s-maps (nreverse res))
11711171 (push (cons (car s-map)
1172 (modmorph-assoc-image modmorph-sort-map
1173 (cdr s-map)))
1174 res))))
1172 (modmorph-assoc-image modmorph-sort-map
1173 (cdr s-map)))
1174 res))))
11761176 (defun modmorph-reconstruct-view-op-mapping (mod map o-maps)
11771177 (let ((res nil)
1178 (modmorph-op-map (modmorph-op map)))
1178 (modmorph-op-map (modmorph-op map)))
11791179 (dolist (o-map o-maps (nreverse res))
11801180 (push (list (car o-map)
1181 (modmorph-apply-op-map-2 mod
1182 map
1183 modmorph-op-map
1184 (cadr o-map)))
1185 res))))
1181 (modmorph-apply-op-map-2 mod
1182 map
1183 modmorph-op-map
1184 (cadr o-map)))
1185 res))))
11871187 ;;; op-mapping ::= (:simple . method)
11881188 ;;; | (:replacement List[psuedo var] term)
11901190 (defun apply-op-mapping-2 (module map op-mapping term)
11911191 (if (eq ':simple-map (car op-mapping))
11921192 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check (cdr op-mapping)
1193 (term-subterms term)
1194 module)
1193 (term-subterms term)
1194 module)
11951195 (with-in-module (module)
1196 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) (caddr op-mapping)))))
1196 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) (caddr op-mapping)))))
11981198 (defun modmorph-apply-op-map-2 (module map op_map term)
11991199 (let ((val (assoc (term-head term) op_map)))
12001200 (if val
1201 (apply-op-mapping-2 module map (cdr val) term)
1202 (let* ((op (term-head term))
1203 (om (method-module op))
1204 (as (assoc om (modmorph-module map))))
1205 (if (and as (cdr as) (not (eq (cdr as) om)))
1206 (with-in-module (module)
1207 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) term))
1208 term)))))
1201 (apply-op-mapping-2 module map (cdr val) term)
1202 (let* ((op (term-head term))
1203 (om (method-module op))
1204 (as (assoc om (modmorph-module map))))
1205 (if (and as (cdr as) (not (eq (cdr as) om)))
1206 (with-in-module (module)
1207 (mapping-image-2 map (term-subterms term) term))
1208 term)))))
12121212 ;;;
12131213 (defun modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings (map mod smod)
12141214 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1215 (format t "~&[modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings]:")
1215 (format t "~%[modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings]:")
12161216 (format t "~& - map = ") (print-mapping map)
12171217 (format t "~& - mod = ") (print-modexp mod)
12181218 (format t "~& - smod = ") (print-modexp smod))
12191219 (let ((res nil)
1220 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
1220 (modmap (modmorph-module map)))
12211221 (dolist (smp (module-submodules smod))
12221222 (let ((sm (car smp)))
1223 (cond ((and (not (eq ':using (cdr smp)))
1224 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap sm))
1225 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1226 (format t "~& - sm = ") (print-modexp sm)
1227 (format t " is mapped."))
1228 (setq res
1229 (cons (cons sm
1230 (eval-modexp (modmorph-construct-name
1231 map
1232 ;; (module-name sm)
1233 sm)))
1234 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings map mod sm)
1235 res))))
1236 ;;
1237 (t (let ((aval (assq sm modmap)))
1238 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1239 (format t "~& - aval(img) = ") (print-modexp (cdr aval)))
1240 (when (and aval
1241 (is-dummy-module (cdr aval)))
1242 (let ((newm (eval-modexp
1243 (modmorph-construct-name map
1244 ;; (module-name sm)
1245 sm))))
1246 #||
1247 (push (cons (cdr aval) newm)
1248 (modmorph-module map))
1249 ||#
1250 (rplacd aval newm))))))))
1223 (cond ((and (not (eq ':using (cdr smp)))
1224 (modmorph-submodule-is-mapped modmap sm))
1225 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1226 (format t "~% - sm = ") (print-modexp sm)
1227 (format t " is mapped."))
1228 (setq res
1229 (cons (cons sm
1230 (eval-modexp (modmorph-construct-name
1231 map
1232 ;; (module-name sm)
1233 sm)))
1234 (append (modmorph-compute-submodule-mappings map mod sm)
1235 res))))
1236 ;;
1237 (t (let ((aval (assq sm modmap)))
1238 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1239 (format t "~& - aval(img) = ") (print-modexp (cdr aval)))
1240 (when (and aval
1241 (is-dummy-module (cdr aval)))
1242 (let ((newm (eval-modexp
1243 (modmorph-construct-name map
1244 ;; (module-name sm)
1245 sm))))
1246 #||
1247 (push (cons (cdr aval) newm)
1248 (modmorph-module map))
1249 ||#
1250 (rplacd aval newm))))))))
12511251 res))
12531253 ;;; ******************
12631263 (defun modmorph-recreate-sort (mod modmap sortmap sort)
12641264 (let ((sort-name (sort-id sort))
1265 (smod (sort-module sort)))
1265 (smod (sort-module sort)))
12661266 (let* ((mmod (cdr (assq smod modmap)))
1267 (themod (if (and mmod (module-p mmod)) mmod mod))
1268 (asort (find sort-name (module-all-sorts mod)
1269 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1270 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1271 (eq themod (sort-module s)))))))
1267 (themod (if (and mmod (module-p mmod)) mmod mod))
1268 (asort (find sort-name (module-all-sorts mod)
1269 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1270 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1271 (eq themod (sort-module s)))))))
12721272 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1273 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-sort]:")
1274 (format t "~&-- modmap = ")
1275 (dolist (i modmap)
1276 (print-next)
1277 (print-modexp (car i)) (princ "-->")
1278 (print-modexp (cdr i)) (princ " "))
1279 (format t "~&-- mod = ") (print-modexp mod)
1280 (format t "~&-- thmod = ") (print-modexp themod)
1281 (format t "~&-- sort-name = ~a" (string sort-name))
1282 (format t "~&-- smod = ") (print-modexp smod))
1273 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-sort]:")
1274 (format t "~&-- modmap = ")
1275 (dolist (i modmap)
1276 (print-next)
1277 (print-modexp (car i)) (princ "-->")
1278 (print-modexp (cdr i)) (princ " "))
1279 (format t "~&-- mod = ") (print-modexp mod)
1280 (format t "~&-- thmod = ") (print-modexp themod)
1281 (format t "~&-- sort-name = ~a" (string sort-name))
1282 (format t "~&-- smod = ") (print-modexp smod))
12831283 ;;
12841284 (if asort
1285 asort
1286 (let ((newsort (!recreate-sort themod sort)))
1287 ;;
1288 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1289 (format t "~%* generated the new one!!!"))
1290 (push (cons sort newsort) sortmap)
1291 newsort)
1292 ))))
1285 asort
1286 (let ((newsort (!recreate-sort themod sort)))
1287 ;;
1288 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1289 (format t "~%* generated the new one!!!"))
1290 (push (cons sort newsort) sortmap)
1291 newsort)
1292 ))))
12941294 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12981298 (defun modmorph-recreate-sort-relations (module oldmod modmap sortmap sort-relations)
12991299 (macrolet ((reduce-sort-set (x)
1300 ` (let (($$res nil))
1301 (dolist (e ,x) (unless (memq e $$res) (push e $$res)))
1302 (nreverse $$res))))
1300 ` (let (($$res nil))
1301 (dolist (e ,x) (unless (memq e $$res) (push e $$res)))
1302 (nreverse $$res))))
13031303 (let ((res nil))
13041304 (dolist (rel sort-relations)
1305 (let ((rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel)))
1306 (when rel (push rel res))))
1305 (let ((rel (elim-sys-sorts-from-relation rel)))
1306 (when rel (push rel res))))
13071307 (mapcar #'(lambda (sl)
1308 (let ((srt (modmorph-sort-image-create
1309 module oldmod modmap sortmap
1310 (sort-relation-sort sl)))
1311 (subs (reduce-sort-set
1312 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1313 sortmap (_subsorts
1314 sl))))
1315 (sups (reduce-sort-set
1316 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1317 sortmap (_supersorts
1318 sl)))))
1319 (make-sort-relation srt subs sups)))
1320 res))))
1308 (let ((srt (modmorph-sort-image-create
1309 module oldmod modmap sortmap
1310 (sort-relation-sort sl)))
1311 (subs (reduce-sort-set
1312 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1313 sortmap (_subsorts
1314 sl))))
1315 (sups (reduce-sort-set
1316 (modmorph-sorts-image-create module oldmod modmap
1317 sortmap (_supersorts
1318 sl)))))
1319 (make-sort-relation srt subs sups)))
1320 res))))
13221322 ;; *NOTE* assume all of the system generated sorts are eliminated.
13251325 (dolist (x sl1)
13261326 (let ((rel (assq (sort-relation-sort x) sl2)))
13271327 (if rel
1328 (progn
1329 (setf (_subsorts rel) (union (_subsorts x) (_subsorts rel)
1330 :test #'eq))
1331 (setf (_supersorts rel) (union (_supersorts x) (_supersorts rel)
1332 :test #'eq)))
1333 (push x sl2))))
1328 (progn
1329 (setf (_subsorts rel) (union (_subsorts x) (_subsorts rel)
1330 :test #'eq))
1331 (setf (_supersorts rel) (union (_supersorts x) (_supersorts rel)
1332 :test #'eq)))
1333 (push x sl2))))
13341334 sl2)
13361336 ;;;
13371337 ;;;
13381338 (defun modmorph-sort-image-create (module oldmod modmap sortmap sort)
13391339 (let ((s1 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap sort)))
13401340 (if (not (eq s1 sort))
1341 s1
1342 (if (is-dummy-module (sort-module sort))
1343 (let* ((mod (sort-module sort))
1344 (info (get-rename-info mod))
1345 (oldmod (car info))
1346 (modim (cdr (assq oldmod modmap))))
1347 (if modim
1348 (let ((val (let ((asrt
1349 (modmorph-find-sort-in modim (sort-id sort))))
1350 (if asrt asrt
1351 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1352 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1353 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1354 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1355 sort
1356 nil)))))
1357 (if val
1358 val
1359 (progn
1360 (setf (sort-module sort) modim)
1361 (add-sort-to-module sort modim)
1362 sort)))
1363 sort))
1364 (if (not (eq oldmod (sort-module sort)))
1365 sort
1366 (let ((newsort (modmorph-recreate-sort module
1367 modmap
1368 sortmap
1369 sort)))
1370 (add-sort-to-module newsort module)
1371 newsort))))))
1341 s1
1342 (if (is-dummy-module (sort-module sort))
1343 (let* ((mod (sort-module sort))
1344 (info (get-rename-info mod))
1345 (oldmod (car info))
1346 (modim (cdr (assq oldmod modmap))))
1347 (if modim
1348 (let ((val (let ((asrt
1349 (modmorph-find-sort-in modim (sort-id sort))))
1350 (if asrt asrt
1351 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1352 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1353 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1354 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1355 sort
1356 nil)))))
1357 (if val
1358 val
1359 (progn
1360 (setf (sort-module sort) modim)
1361 (add-sort-to-module sort modim)
1362 sort)))
1363 sort))
1364 (if (not (eq oldmod (sort-module sort)))
1365 sort
1366 (let ((newsort (modmorph-recreate-sort module
1367 modmap
1368 sortmap
1369 sort)))
1370 (add-sort-to-module newsort module)
1371 newsort))))))
13731373 (defun modmorph-sorts-image-create (module oldmod modmap sortmap sortlist)
13741374 (let ((img (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-sort-image-create module
1375 oldmod
1376 modmap
1377 sortmap
1378 x))
1379 sortlist)))
1375 oldmod
1376 modmap
1377 sortmap
1378 x))
1379 sortlist)))
13801380 img))
13821382 ;;; sort should already exist
13841384 (defun modmorph-sort-image (module sortmap sort)
13851385 (let ((s1 (modmorph-assoc-image sortmap sort)))
13861386 (if (or (memq s1 (module-all-sorts module))
1387 (memq s1 (module-error-sorts module)))
1388 s1
1387 (memq s1 (module-error-sorts module)))
1388 s1
13891389 (let ((val (if (err-sort-p sort)
1390 (find-compatible-err-sort sort module sortmap)
1391 (find-sort-in module (sort-id s1)))))
1392 ;; (break)
1390 (find-compatible-err-sort sort module sortmap)
1391 (find-sort-in module (sort-id s1)))))
1392 ;; (break)
13931393 (if val
1394 val
1395 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1396 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1397 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1398 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1399 sort
1400 (unless (err-sort-p s1)
1401 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1402 (format t "image sort ~a not found in module "
1403 (string (sort-id s1)))
1404 (print-chaos-object module)
1405 ;; (break)
1406 (return-from modmorph-sort-image nil)))
1407 )))
1408 )))
1394 val
1395 (if (or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
1396 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
1397 (eq sort *bool-sort*)
1398 (eq sort *sort-error*))
1399 sort
1400 (unless (err-sort-p s1)
1401 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1402 (format t "image sort ~a not found in module "
1403 (string (sort-id s1)))
1404 (print-chaos-object module)
1405 ;; (break)
1406 (return-from modmorph-sort-image nil)))
1407 )))
1408 )))
14101410 (defun modmorph-sorts-image (module sortmap sortlist)
14111411 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (modmorph-sort-image module sortmap x))
1412 sortlist))
1412 sortlist))
14141414 ;;; OPERATORS
14201420 (defun modmorph-recreate-method (oldmodule module sortmap method)
14211421 (when (or (not (method-is-error-method method))
1422 (method-is-user-defined-error-method method))
1422 (method-is-user-defined-error-method method))
14231423 (let ((op-symbol (method-symbol method))
1424 (arity (modmorph-sorts-image module
1425 sortmap
1426 (method-arity method)))
1427 (coarity (modmorph-sort-image module
1428 sortmap
1429 (method-coarity method))))
1424 (arity (modmorph-sorts-image module
1425 sortmap
1426 (method-arity method)))
1427 (coarity (modmorph-sort-image module
1428 sortmap
1429 (method-coarity method))))
14301430 (let ((val (find-method-in module op-symbol arity coarity)))
1431 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1432 (when val
1433 ;; (break)
1434 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-method] :")
1435 (format t "~&-method image is already in module ")
1436 (print-chaos-object method)))
1437 (if val
1438 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-2 oldmodule module sortmap val)
1439 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-1 oldmodule
1440 module
1441 method
1442 op-symbol
1443 arity
1444 coarity
1445 sortmap))
1446 ))))
1431 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1432 (when val
1433 ;; (break)
1434 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-method] :")
1435 (format t "~&-method image is already in module ")
1436 (print-chaos-object method)))
1437 (if val
1438 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-2 oldmodule module sortmap val)
1439 (modmorph-recreate-method-aux-1 oldmodule
1440 module
1441 method
1442 op-symbol
1443 arity
1444 coarity
1445 sortmap))
1446 ))))
14481448 (defun modmorph-recreate-method-aux-1 (oldmodule module
1449 method
1450 op-symbol
1451 arity
1452 coarity
1453 sort-map)
1449 method
1450 op-symbol
1451 arity
1452 coarity
1453 sort-map)
14541454 (recreate-method oldmodule method module op-symbol arity coarity sort-map)
14551455 )
14631463 (let ((minfo (module-opinfo-table mod)))
14641464 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
14651465 (let ((thy (method-theory method minfo)))
1466 (when thy
1467 (setf (method-theory method minfo)
1468 (cond ((theory-contains-identity thy)
1469 (let ((zero (theory-zero thy)))
1470 (if zero
1471 (progn
1472 ;; (break) ;
1473 (theory-make
1474 (theory-info thy)
1475 (let ((srtmap (modmorph-sort map))
1476 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
1477 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1478 (idinf (if (eq '%to-rename
1479 (car zero))
1480 (cdr zero)
1481 zero)))
1482 (cons (modmorph-recreate-term mod
1483 srtmap
1484 opmap
1485 modmap
1486 (car idinf))
1487 (cdr idinf)))))
1488 thy)))
1489 (t thy)))
1490 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method minfo))
1491 ) ; dolist
1466 (when thy
1467 (setf (method-theory method minfo)
1468 (cond ((theory-contains-identity thy)
1469 (let ((zero (theory-zero thy)))
1470 (if zero
1471 (progn
1472 ;; (break) ;
1473 (theory-make
1474 (theory-info thy)
1475 (let ((srtmap (modmorph-sort map))
1476 (opmap (modmorph-op map))
1477 (modmap (modmorph-module map))
1478 (idinf (if (eq '%to-rename
1479 (car zero))
1480 (cdr zero)
1481 zero)))
1482 (cons (modmorph-recreate-term mod
1483 srtmap
1484 opmap
1485 modmap
1486 (car idinf))
1487 (cdr idinf)))))
1488 thy)))
1489 (t thy)))
1490 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching method minfo))
1491 ) ; dolist
14921492 )))
14941494 ;;; TERMS
15011501 ;;; *VIEW-FROM????
15021502 (defun modmorph-recreate-term (module sortmap opmap modmap term)
15031503 (cond ((term-is-an-error term) term)
1504 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1505 (make-bconst-term (modmorph-sort-image module
1506 sortmap
1507 (term-sort term))
1508 (term-builtin-value term)))
1509 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
1510 ((term-is-variable? term)
1511 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1512 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-term] finding variable ~a of sort ~a"
1513 (variable-name term)
1514 (sort-name (variable-sort term))))
1515 ;; the operator should always be found
1516 (let ((var-name (variable-name term)))
1517 (let ((img-sort (modmorph-sort-image module
1518 sortmap
1519 (variable-sort term))))
1520 (let ((val2 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1521 (and (equal var-name (variable-name x))
1522 (sort= img-sort (variable-sort x))))
1523 *modmorph-local-vars*)))
1524 (if val2
1525 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1526 (format t "~& variable found."))
1527 val2)
1528 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term img-sort var-name)))
1529 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1530 (format t "~& variable not found in *modmorph-local-vars*"))
1531 (push new-var *modmorph-local-vars*)
1532 new-var))))
1533 ))
1534 (t (let ((head (term-head term))
1535 (new-head nil))
1536 ;; look in the mapping
1537 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1538 (format t "~&[modmorph-recreate-term]: looking for image of ")
1539 (print-method head))
1540 ;;
1541 (let ((val (assoc head opmap)))
1542 (if val
1543 (progn
1544 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1545 (format t "~% found the image in map.")
1546 (print-chaos-object (cddr val)))
1547 (if (eq :replacement (second val))
1548 (progn (setq term (apply-op-mapping module
1549 (cdr val)
1550 term))
1551 (setq new-head (term-head term)))
1552 (setq new-head (cddr val))))
1553 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1554 (format t "~& image not found in map.")
1555 ))
1556 (unless new-head
1557 ;; method is not mapped
1558 (if (method-is-error-method head)
1559 (setq new-head
1560 (modmorph-find-error-method module
1561 head
1562 opmap
1563 sortmap))
1564 (let ((aval (assoc (method-module head) modmap)))
1565 (setq new-head
1566 (if (not aval)
1567 head
1568 (let ((lookmod
1569 (if (module-p (cdr aval))
1570 (cdr aval)
1571 (if (view-p (cdr aval))
1572 (view-target (cdr aval))
1573 (cdr aval)))))
1574 (find-method-in
1575 lookmod
1576 (method-symbol head)
1577 (modmorph-sorts-image lookmod
1578 sortmap
1579 (method-arity head))
1580 (modmorph-sort-image lookmod
1581 sortmap
1582 (method-coarity head)))
1583 ))))))
1584 ;;
1585 (unless new-head
1586 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
1587 (princ "mapping image of operator: ")
1588 (with-in-module ((method-module head))
1589 (print-method-internal head))
1590 (print-next)
1591 (princ "of module ")
1592 (print-chaos-object (method-module head))
1593 (print-next)
1594 (princ "was not found in the module ")
1595 (print-chaos-object module)
1596 ))
1597 ;;
1598 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1599 term
1600 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1601 new-head
1602 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
1603 (modmorph-recreate-term module
1604 sortmap
1605 opmap
1606 modmap
1607 tm))
1608 (term-subterms term))
1609 module))
1610 )))))
1504 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1505 (make-bconst-term (modmorph-sort-image module
1506 sortmap
1507 (term-sort term))
1508 (term-builtin-value term)))
1509 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
1510 ((term-is-variable? term)
1511 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1512 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-term] finding variable ~a of sort ~a"
1513 (variable-name term)
1514 (sort-name (variable-sort term))))
1515 ;; the operator should always be found
1516 (let ((var-name (variable-name term)))
1517 (let ((img-sort (modmorph-sort-image module
1518 sortmap
1519 (variable-sort term))))
1520 (let ((val2 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1521 (and (equal var-name (variable-name x))
1522 (sort= img-sort (variable-sort x))))
1523 *modmorph-local-vars*)))
1524 (if val2
1525 (progn (when *on-modexp-debug*
1526 (format t "~% variable found."))
1527 val2)
1528 (let ((new-var (make-variable-term img-sort var-name)))
1529 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1530 (format t "~% variable not found in *modmorph-local-vars*"))
1531 (push new-var *modmorph-local-vars*)
1532 new-var))))
1533 ))
1534 (t (let ((head (term-head term))
1535 (new-head nil))
1536 ;; look in the mapping
1537 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1538 (format t "~%[modmorph-recreate-term]: looking for image of ")
1539 (print-method head))
1540 ;;
1541 (let ((val (assoc head opmap)))
1542 (if val
1543 (progn
1544 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1545 (format t "~% found the image in map.")
1546 (print-chaos-object (cddr val)))
1547 (if (eq :replacement (second val))
1548 (progn (setq term (apply-op-mapping module
1549 (cdr val)
1550 term))
1551 (setq new-head (term-head term)))
1552 (setq new-head (cddr val))))
1553 (when *on-modexp-debug*
1554 (format t "~% image not found in map.")))
1555 (unless new-head
1556 ;; method is not mapped
1557 (if (method-is-error-method head)
1558 (setq new-head
1559 (modmorph-find-error-method module
1560 head
1561 opmap
1562 sortmap))
1563 (let ((aval (assoc (method-module head) modmap)))
1564 (setq new-head
1565 (if (not aval)
1566 head
1567 (let ((lookmod
1568 (if (module-p (cdr aval))
1569 (cdr aval)
1570 (if (view-p (cdr aval))
1571 (view-target (cdr aval))
1572 (cdr aval)))))
1573 (find-method-in
1574 lookmod
1575 (method-symbol head)
1576 (modmorph-sorts-image lookmod
1577 sortmap
1578 (method-arity head))
1579 (modmorph-sort-image lookmod
1580 sortmap
1581 (method-coarity head)))
1582 ))))))
1583 ;;
1584 (unless new-head
1585 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
1586 (princ "mapping image of operator: ")
1587 (with-in-module ((method-module head))
1588 (print-method-internal head))
1589 (print-next)
1590 (princ "of module ")
1591 (print-chaos-object (method-module head))
1592 (print-next)
1593 (princ "was not found in the module ")
1594 (print-chaos-object module)
1595 ))
1596 ;;
1597 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1598 term
1599 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1600 new-head
1601 (mapcar #'(lambda (tm)
1602 (modmorph-recreate-term module
1603 sortmap
1604 opmap
1605 modmap
1606 tm))
1607 (term-subterms term))
1608 module))
1609 )))))
16121611 ;;; AXIOMS
16201619 (with-in-module (module)
16211620 (let ((*modmorph-local-vars* nil))
16221621 (make-rule :lhs (modmorph-recreate-term module
1623 sortmap
1624 opmap
1625 modmap
1626 (axiom-lhs ax))
1627 :rhs (modmorph-recreate-term module
1628 sortmap
1629 opmap
1630 modmap
1631 (axiom-rhs ax))
1632 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
1633 *bool-true*
1634 (modmorph-recreate-term
1635 module
1636 sortmap
1637 opmap
1638 modmap
1639 (axiom-condition ax)))
1640 :labels (axiom-labels ax)
1641 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax)
1642 :type (axiom-type ax)
1643 :kind (axiom-kind ax)
1644 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or ax)))))
1622 sortmap
1623 opmap
1624 modmap
1625 (axiom-lhs ax))
1626 :rhs (modmorph-recreate-term module
1627 sortmap
1628 opmap
1629 modmap
1630 (axiom-rhs ax))
1631 :condition (if (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
1632 *bool-true*
1633 (modmorph-recreate-term
1634 module
1635 sortmap
1636 opmap
1637 modmap
1638 (axiom-condition ax)))
1639 :labels (axiom-labels ax)
1640 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural ax)
1641 :type (axiom-type ax)
1642 :kind (axiom-kind ax)
1643 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or ax)))))
16461645 ;;; *******************
16471646 ;;; MISC MODMORPH UTILS_________________________________________________________
16541653 (defun modmorph-merge (m1 m2 &optional (warn t))
16551654 (let ((nm1 (modmorph-name m1))
1656 (nm2 (modmorph-name m2)))
1655 (nm2 (modmorph-name m2)))
16571656 (create-modmorph
16581657 ;; name will need to be used for memoization
16591658 ;; the assumption here is that basic mappings have names like:
16601659 ;; (map th vw)
16611660 ;; and that other names are create by this routine
16621661 (append (if (atom (car nm1)) (list nm1) nm1)
1663 (if (atom (car nm2)) (list nm2) nm2))
1662 (if (atom (car nm2)) (list nm2) nm2))
16641663 (modmorph-merge-assoc (modmorph-sort m1) (modmorph-sort m2) warn)
16651664 (modmorph-merge-op-assoc (modmorph-op m1) (modmorph-op m2) warn)
16661665 (modmorph-merge-assoc (modmorph-module m1) (modmorph-module m2) warn))
16701669 (let ((res a2))
16711670 (dolist (m a1)
16721671 (let ((im (assq (car m) a2)))
1673 (if (and im
1674 (not (eq (car m) (cdr m))))
1675 (progn
1676 (unless (eq (cdr im) (cdr m))
1677 (when warn
1678 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1679 (princ "instantiating module, ")
1680 (print-next)
1681 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for: ")
1682 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1683 (print-next)
1684 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1685 (print-next)
1686 (princ "target images are: ")
1687 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1688 (print-next)
1689 (print-chaos-object (cdr m))
1690 (print-next)
1691 (print-chaos-object (cdr im)))
1692 )))
1693 ;; (push (cons (car m) (cdr im)) res)
1694 )
1695 (push m res))
1696 ))
1672 (if (and im
1673 (not (eq (car m) (cdr m))))
1674 (progn
1675 (unless (eq (cdr im) (cdr m))
1676 (when warn
1677 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1678 (princ "instantiating module, ")
1679 (print-next)
1680 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for: ")
1681 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1682 (print-next)
1683 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1684 (print-next)
1685 (princ "target images are: ")
1686 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1687 (print-next)
1688 (print-chaos-object (cdr m))
1689 (print-next)
1690 (print-chaos-object (cdr im)))
1691 )))
1692 ;; (push (cons (car m) (cdr im)) res)
1693 )
1694 (push m res))
1695 ))
16971696 res
16981697 ))
17031702 (eq (first map) (third map))
17041703 ;; map := (term :replacement vars term)
17051704 (eq (first map)
1706 (term-head (fourth map)))))
1705 (term-head (fourth map)))))
17081707 (defun modmorph-merge-op-assoc (a1 a2 &optional warn)
17091708 (let ((res a2))
17101709 (dolist (m a1)
17111710 (let ((im (assq (car m) a2)))
1712 (if (and im
1713 (not (modmorph-op-map-is-ident m)))
1714 (progn
1715 (unless (modmorph-same-op-image (cdr m) (cdr im))
1716 (when warn
1717 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1718 (princ "instantiating module,")
1719 (print-next)
1720 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for operator: ")
1721 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1722 (print-next)
1723 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1724 (print-next)
1725 (princ "images are: ")
1726 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1727 (if (eq (cadr m) :replacement)
1728 (progn
1729 (print-next)
1730 (print-chaos-object (cadddr m))
1731 (print-next)
1732 (print-chaos-object (cadddr im)))
1733 (progn
1734 (print-next)
1735 (print-chaos-object (caddr m))
1736 (print-next)
1737 (print-chaos-object (caddr m)))))
1738 )))
1739 ;; (push (cons (car m) (cdr im)) res)
1740 )
1741 (push m res))
1742 ))
1711 (if (and im
1712 (not (modmorph-op-map-is-ident m)))
1713 (progn
1714 (unless (modmorph-same-op-image (cdr m) (cdr im))
1715 (when warn
1716 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1717 (princ "instantiating module,")
1718 (print-next)
1719 (princ "combined view has inconsistent mappings for operator: ")
1720 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1721 (print-next)
1722 (print-chaos-object (car m)))
1723 (print-next)
1724 (princ "images are: ")
1725 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
1726 (if (eq (cadr m) :replacement)
1727 (progn
1728 (print-next)
1729 (print-chaos-object (cadddr m))
1730 (print-next)
1731 (print-chaos-object (cadddr im)))
1732 (progn
1733 (print-next)
1734 (print-chaos-object (caddr m))
1735 (print-next)
1736 (print-chaos-object (caddr m)))))
1737 )))
1738 ;; (push (cons (car m) (cdr im)) res)
1739 )
1740 (push m res))
1741 ))
17431742 res
17441743 ))
17501749 (defun modmorph-same-op-image (im1 im2)
17511750 (if (and (consp im1) (eq :simple-map (car im1)))
17521751 (or (eq (cdr im1) (cdr im2))
1753 (and (equal (method-name (cdr im1))
1754 (method-name (cdr im2)))
1755 (sort= (method-coarity (cdr im1))
1756 *sort-id-sort*)))
1752 (and (equal (method-name (cdr im1))
1753 (method-name (cdr im2)))
1754 (sort= (method-coarity (cdr im1))
1755 *sort-id-sort*)))
17571756 ;;
17581757 (if (and (consp im1) (eq :replacement (car im1)))
1759 (if (sort= (term-sort (caddr im1)) *sort-id-sort*)
1760 (and (sort= (term-sort (caddr im2)) *sort-id-sort*)
1761 (equal (method-name (term-head (caddr im1)))
1762 (method-name (term-head (caddr im2)))))
1763 (term-equational-equal (caddr im1) (caddr im2))))))
1758 (if (sort= (term-sort (caddr im1)) *sort-id-sort*)
1759 (and (sort= (term-sort (caddr im2)) *sort-id-sort*)
1760 (equal (method-name (term-head (caddr im1)))
1761 (method-name (term-head (caddr im2)))))
1762 (term-equational-equal (caddr im1) (caddr im2))))))
17651764 ;;; op modmorph-find-sort-in : Module Sort-Name -> Sort
17661765 ;;;
17671766 (defun modmorph-find-sort-in (module sort-name)
17681767 (or (find sort-name (module-all-sorts module)
1769 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1770 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1771 (eq module (sort-module s)))))
1768 :test #'(lambda (n s)
1769 (and (equal n (sort-id s))
1770 (eq module (sort-module s)))))
17721771 nil))
17741773 ;;;
17751774 ;;;
17761775 (defun modmorph-find-operator-named-in (module op-symbol)
17771776 (let ((res1 (find-if #'(lambda (opinfo)
1778 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1779 (or (equal op-symbol (operator-symbol op))
1780 (and (eq module (operator-module op))
1781 (if (atom op-symbol)
1782 (equal op-symbol (car (operator-symbol op)))
1783 (and (null (cdr op-symbol))
1784 (equal (car op-symbol)
1785 (car (operator-symbol op)))))))))
1777 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
1778 (or (equal op-symbol (operator-symbol op))
1779 (and (eq module (operator-module op))
1780 (if (atom op-symbol)
1781 (equal op-symbol (car (operator-symbol op)))
1782 (and (null (cdr op-symbol))
1783 (equal (car op-symbol)
1784 (car (operator-symbol op)))))))))
17861785 (module-all-operators module))))
17871786 (or res1
1788 (dolist (srt (module-all-sorts module) nil)
1789 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
1790 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-symbol)))
1791 (if res (return res)))))
1792 )))
1787 (dolist (srt (module-all-sorts module) nil)
1788 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
1789 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-symbol)))
1790 (if res (return res)))))
1791 )))
17941793 ;;; APPLY-OP-MAPPING : module op-mapping term -> term
17951794 ;;;
17991798 (defun apply-op-mapping (module op-mapping term)
18001799 (if (eq :simple-map (car op-mapping))
18011800 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check (cdr op-mapping)
1802 (term-subterms term))
1801 (term-subterms term))
18031802 (mapping-image (term-subterms term) (caddr op-mapping) module)
1804 ;caddr = dst-pattern
1803 ;caddr = dst-pattern
18051804 ))
18071806 ;;; APPLY-OP-MAP
18091808 (defun apply-op-map (module op-map term)
18101809 (let ((val (assoc (term-head term) op-map)))
18111810 (if val
1812 (apply-op-mapping module (cdr val) term)
1813 term)))
1811 (apply-op-mapping module (cdr val) term)
1812 term)))
18151814 ;;; MAPPING-IMAGE:
18161815 ;;; variables occuring in term are assumed to have numbers as names
18191818 ;;;
18201819 (defvar .mapping-debug. nil)
1822 (defun mapping-image (term-list term &optional (module (or *current-module*
1823 *last-module*)))
1821 (defun mapping-image (term-list term &optional (module (get-context-module)))
18241822 (when .mapping-debug.
18251823 (format t "~&[mapping-image] term = ")
18261824 (print-chaos-object term)
18271825 (format t "~% term-list = ")
18281826 (print-chaos-object term-list))
18291827 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
1830 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1831 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term-list)
1832 (with-output-panic-message ()
1833 (princ "mapping-image: illegal variable")
1834 (print-next)
1835 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1836 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1837 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1838 (t (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1839 (term-head term)
1840 (mapcar #'(lambda (st) (mapping-image term-list st))
1841 (term-subterms term))
1842 module)
1843 )))
1828 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1829 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term-list)
1830 (with-output-panic-message ()
1831 (princ "mapping-image: illegal variable")
1832 (print-next)
1833 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1834 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1835 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1836 (t (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check
1837 (term-head term)
1838 (mapcar #'(lambda (st) (mapping-image term-list st))
1839 (term-subterms term))
1840 module)
1841 )))
18451843 (defun mapping-image-2 (map term_list term)
18461844 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
1847 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1848 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term_list)
1849 (with-output-panic-message ()
1850 (princ "mapping-image2: illegal variable")
1851 (print-next)
1852 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1853 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1854 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1855 (t (let* ((op (term-head term))
1856 (om (method-module op))
1857 (as (or (cdr (assoc om (modmorph-module map)))
1858 om)))
1859 (when (and (not (eq as om))
1860 (module-p as))
1861 (setq op (find-method-in as ; was (cdr as).
1862 (method-symbol op)
1863 (modmorph-sorts-image as ; (cdr as)
1864 (modmorph-sort map)
1865 (method-arity op))
1866 (modmorph-sort-image as ; (cdr as)
1867 (modmorph-sort map)
1868 (method-coarity op)))))
1869 (unless op
1870 (with-output-panic-message ()
1871 (format t "mapping term image, could not find operator image:")
1872 (print-method (term-head term))
1873 (chaos-error 'panic)))
1874 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check op
1875 (mapcar #'(lambda (st)
1876 (mapping-image-2
1877 map term_list
1878 st))
1879 (term-subterms term))
1880 (if (module-p as)
1881 as
1882 om))
1883 ))))
1845 (let ((nm (variable-name term)))
1846 (if (integerp nm) (nth nm term_list)
1847 (with-output-panic-message ()
1848 (princ "mapping-image2: illegal variable")
1849 (print-next)
1850 (princ "var: ") (print-chaos-object term)
1851 (chaos-error 'panic)))))
1852 ((term-is-constant? term) term)
1853 (t (let* ((op (term-head term))
1854 (om (method-module op))
1855 (as (or (cdr (assoc om (modmorph-module map)))
1856 om)))
1857 (when (and (not (eq as om))
1858 (module-p as))
1859 (setq op (find-method-in as ; was (cdr as).
1860 (method-symbol op)
1861 (modmorph-sorts-image as ; (cdr as)
1862 (modmorph-sort map)
1863 (method-arity op))
1864 (modmorph-sort-image as ; (cdr as)
1865 (modmorph-sort map)
1866 (method-coarity op)))))
1867 (unless op
1868 (with-output-panic-message ()
1869 (format t "mapping term image, could not find operator image:")
1870 (print-method (term-head term))
1871 (chaos-error 'panic)))
1872 (make-term-check-op-with-sort-check op
1873 (mapcar #'(lambda (st)
1874 (mapping-image-2
1875 map term_list
1876 st))
1877 (term-subterms term))
1878 (if (module-p as)
1879 as
1880 om))
1881 ))))
18851883 ;;;
18861884 (defun view-get-image-of-axioms (view)
18871885 (let* ((source (view-source view))
1888 (target (view-target view))
1889 (morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source
1890 view)))
1886 (target (view-target view))
1887 (morph (convert-view-to-modmorph source
1888 view)))
18911889 (modmorph-get-image-of-axioms morph source target)))
18931891 (defun modmorph-get-image-of-axioms (morph source target)
18941892 (let ((sort-map (modmorph-sort morph))
1895 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
1896 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph))
1897 (all-axioms (get-module-axioms target))
1898 (axs nil))
1893 (op-map (modmorph-op morph))
1894 (mod-map (modmorph-module morph))
1895 (all-axioms (get-module-axioms target))
1896 (axs nil))
18991897 (dolist (ax (get-module-axioms source))
19001898 (let ((ax-image (modmorph-recreate-axiom target sort-map op-map mod-map ax)))
1901 (unless (member ax-image all-axioms :test #'rule-is-similar?)
1902 (push ax-image axs))))
1899 (unless (member ax-image all-axioms :test #'rule-is-similar?)
1900 (push ax-image axs))))
19031901 (nreverse axs)))
19051903 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mrmap.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mrmap.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5656 (unless rmap-1 (return-from compose-renames rmap-2))
5757 (unless rmap-2 (return-from compose-renames rmap-1))
5858 (let ((ren1 (if (%is-rmap rmap-1)
59 (%rmap-map rmap-1)
60 rmap-2))
61 (ren2 (if (%is-rmap rmap-2)
62 (%rmap-map rmap-2)
63 rmap-2)))
59 (%rmap-map rmap-1)
60 rmap-2))
61 (ren2 (if (%is-rmap rmap-2)
62 (%rmap-map rmap-2)
63 rmap-2)))
6464 (let ((ops1 (cadr (assq '%ren-op ren1)))
65 (param1 (cadr (assq '%ren-param ren1)))
66 (sorts1 (cadr (assq '%ren-sort ren1))))
65 (param1 (cadr (assq '%ren-param ren1)))
66 (sorts1 (cadr (assq '%ren-sort ren1))))
6767 (let ((ren2map (mapcar #'(lambda (map)
68 (cond ((%is-ren-sort map)
69 (%ren-sort*
70 (nconc
71 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
72 (list (car x)
73 (image-rename-sort sorts1
74 (cadr x))))
75 (%ren-sort-maps map))
76 sorts1)))
77 ((%is-ren-op map)
78 (%ren-op*
79 (nconc
80 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
81 (list (car x)
82 (image-rename-op ops1
83 (cadr x))))
84 (%ren-op-maps map))
85 ops1)))
86 ((%is-ren-param map)
87 (%ren-param*
88 (nconc
89 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
90 (list (car x)
91 (image-rename-param param1
92 (cadr x))))
93 (%ren-op-maps map))
94 param1)))
95 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
96 (princ "renaming ")
97 (print-ast map)
98 (print-next)
99 (princ " is not implemented yet.")))))
100 ren2)))
101 (apply #'%rmap* ren2map)))
68 (cond ((%is-ren-sort map)
69 (%ren-sort*
70 (nconc
71 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
72 (list (car x)
73 (image-rename-sort sorts1
74 (cadr x))))
75 (%ren-sort-maps map))
76 sorts1)))
77 ((%is-ren-op map)
78 (%ren-op*
79 (nconc
80 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
81 (list (car x)
82 (image-rename-op ops1
83 (cadr x))))
84 (%ren-op-maps map))
85 ops1)))
86 ((%is-ren-param map)
87 (%ren-param*
88 (nconc
89 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
90 (list (car x)
91 (image-rename-param param1
92 (cadr x))))
93 (%ren-op-maps map))
94 param1)))
95 (t (with-output-chaos-warning ()
96 (princ "renaming ")
97 (print-ast map)
98 (print-next)
99 (princ " is not implemented yet.")))))
100 ren2)))
101 (apply #'%rmap* ren2map)))
102102 ))
104104 (defun rmap-sort-match (srtnm srtpat)
109109 ;;;
110110 (defun image-rename-sort (ren x)
111111 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
112 (rmap-sort-match x (car y)))
113 ren)))
112 (rmap-sort-match x (car y)))
113 ren)))
114114 (if imap
115 (cadr imap)
116 x)))
115 (cadr imap)
116 x)))
117117 ;;;
118118 (defun image-rename-op (ren x)
119119 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
120 (equal x (car y)))
121 ren)))
120 (equal x (car y)))
121 ren)))
122122 (if imap
123 (cadr imap)
124 x)))
123 (cadr imap)
124 x)))
126126 ;;;
127127 (defun image-rename-param (ren x)
128128 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
129 (equal x (car y)))
130 ren)))
129 (equal x (car y)))
130 ren)))
131131 (if imap
132 (cadr imap)
133 x)))
132 (cadr imap)
133 x)))
135135 ;;;
136136 (defun inverse-image-rename-sort (ren x)
137137 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
138 (rmap-sort-match x (car y)))
139 ren)))
138 (rmap-sort-match x (car y)))
139 ren)))
140140 (if imap
141 (cadr imap)
142 x)))
141 (cadr imap)
142 x)))
144144 ;;; Some versions for %*maps
145145 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147147 (defun *image-rename-sort (map x)
148148 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
149 (sort= x (car y)))
150 map)))
149 (sort= x (car y)))
150 map)))
151151 (if imap
152 (cdr imap)
153 x)))
152 (cdr imap)
153 x)))
155155 (defun *image-rename-sorts (map sorts)
156156 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (*image-rename-sort map x)) sorts))
158158 (defun *image-rename-method (map x)
159159 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
160 (eq x (car y)))
161 map)))
160 (eq x (car y)))
161 map)))
162162 (if imap
163 (cdr imap)
164 x)))
163 (cdr imap)
164 x)))
173173 ;;;
174174 (defun reduce-rename (mod rmap)
175175 (let ((ren (if (%is-rmap rmap)
176 (%rmap-map rmap)
177 rmap)))
176 (%rmap-map rmap)
177 rmap)))
178178 (let ((sort-res nil)
179 (op-res nil)
180 (param-res nil))
179 (op-res nil)
180 (param-res nil))
181181 (with-in-module (mod)
182 (do* ((lst ren (cdr lst))
183 (map (car lst) (car lst)))
184 ((null lst))
185 (cond ((%is-ren-sort map)
186 (dolist (x map)
187 (when (let ((s (find-sort-in mod (car x))))
188 (and s (not (sort-is-hidden s))))
189 (push x sort-res))))
190 ((%is-ren-hsort map)
191 (dolist (x map)
192 (when (let ((s (find-sort-in mod (car x))))
193 (and s (sort-is-hidden s)))
194 (push x sort-res))))
195 ((%is-ren-op map)
196 (dolist (x map)
197 (when (find-qual-operators (car x) mod :functional)
198 (push x op-res))))
199 ((%is-ren-Bop map)
200 (dolist (x map)
201 (when (find-qual-operators (car x) mod :functional)
202 (push x op-res))))
203 ((%is-ren-param map)
204 (dolist (x map)
205 (when (find-parameterized-submodule (car x) mod)
206 (push x param-res))))
207 (t nil))))
182 (do* ((lst ren (cdr lst))
183 (map (car lst) (car lst)))
184 ((null lst))
185 (cond ((%is-ren-sort map)
186 (dolist (x map)
187 (when (let ((s (find-sort-in mod (car x))))
188 (and s (not (sort-is-hidden s))))
189 (push x sort-res))))
190 ((%is-ren-hsort map)
191 (dolist (x map)
192 (when (let ((s (find-sort-in mod (car x))))
193 (and s (sort-is-hidden s)))
194 (push x sort-res))))
195 ((%is-ren-op map)
196 (dolist (x map)
197 (when (find-qual-operators (car x) mod :functional)
198 (push x op-res))))
199 ((%is-ren-Bop map)
200 (dolist (x map)
201 (when (find-qual-operators (car x) mod :functional)
202 (push x op-res))))
203 ((%is-ren-param map)
204 (dolist (x map)
205 (when (find-parameterized-submodule (car x) mod)
206 (push x param-res))))
207 (t nil))))
208208 (%rmap* (nconc (when sort-res (list (%ren-sort* (nreverse sort-res))))
209 (when op-res (list (%ren-op* (nreverse op-res))))
210 ;;; (when param-res (list (%ren-param* (nreverse param-res))))
211 ))
209 (when op-res (list (%ren-op* (nreverse op-res))))
210 ;;; (when param-res (list (%ren-param* (nreverse param-res))))
211 ))
212212 )))
214214 ;;; IS-RENAME-INJECTIVE : rmap -> bool
216216 ;;;
217217 (defun is-rename-injective (rmap)
218218 (flet ((check-map (ren)
219 (dolist (x ren)
220 (when (find-if #'(lambda (y)
221 (and (not (eq x y))
222 (not (equal (car x)
223 (car y)))
224 (equal (cadr x) (cadr y))))
225 ren)
226 (return-from check-map :warn)))
227 (dolist (x ren)
228 (when (find-if #'(lambda (y)
229 (and (not (eq x y))
230 (equal (car x) (car y))
231 (not (equal (cadr x) (cadr y)))))
232 ren)
233 (return-from check-map :invalid)))
234 :ok))
219 (dolist (x ren)
220 (when (find-if #'(lambda (y)
221 (and (not (eq x y))
222 (not (equal (car x)
223 (car y)))
224 (equal (cadr x) (cadr y))))
225 ren)
226 (return-from check-map :warn)))
227 (dolist (x ren)
228 (when (find-if #'(lambda (y)
229 (and (not (eq x y))
230 (equal (car x) (car y))
231 (not (equal (cadr x) (cadr y)))))
232 ren)
233 (return-from check-map :invalid)))
234 :ok))
235235 ;;
236236 (let* ((ren (if (%is-rmap rmap)
237 (%rmap-map rmap)
238 rmap))
239 (sort-map (cadr (assq '%ren-sort ren)))
240 (op-map (cadr (assq '%ren-op ren))))
237 (%rmap-map rmap)
238 rmap))
239 (sort-map (cadr (assq '%ren-sort ren)))
240 (op-map (cadr (assq '%ren-op ren))))
241241 (let ((sort-check (check-map sort-map))
242 (op-check (check-map op-map)))
243 (if (and (eq sort-check :ok)
244 (eq op-check :ok))
245 :ok
246 (if (or (eq sort-check :invalid)
247 (eq sort-check :invalid))
248 :invalid
249 :warn))))))
242 (op-check (check-map op-map)))
243 (if (and (eq sort-check :ok)
244 (eq op-check :ok))
245 :ok
246 (if (or (eq sort-check :invalid)
247 (eq sort-check :invalid))
248 :invalid
249 :warn))))))
251251 ;;; ******************
252252 ;;; RENAME APPLICATION__________________________________________________________
277277 (return-from rename-sort old-sort))
278278 ;;
279279 (let ((val (assq old-sort (modmorph-sort map))))
280 (if (and (null val) ; not mapped.
281 (null new-name) ; need not generate a sort.
282 (not (eq oldmod (sort-module old-sort))))
283 ;; there's no image and is not a sort of oldmod
284 ;; and we need not to generate a new sort.
285 old-sort
280 (if (and (null val) ; not mapped.
281 (null new-name) ; need not generate a sort.
282 (not (eq oldmod (sort-module old-sort))))
283 ;; there's no image and is not a sort of oldmod
284 ;; and we need not to generate a new sort.
285 old-sort
286286 ;; may have image in module morphism or in sortmap.
287287 ;; or we must generate a sort with new-name.
288288 (if (sort-struct-p (cdr val))
289 ;; has image in map, and its a sort object.
290 (cdr val)
291 ;; has no sort object image and the sort is of oldmod,
292 ;; or no image and must create with new-name.
293 (let* ((mod (sort-module old-sort))
294 (mod-image (cdr (assq mod (modmorph-module map))))
295 (old-sort-id (sort-id old-sort)))
296 ;; non nill mod-image means the sort's module is mapped by
297 ;; module morphism `map' to mod-image.
298 (let ((res (if mod-image
299 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
300 (and (equal (sort-id x) old-sort-id)
301 (eq (sort-module x) mod)))
302 (module-all-sorts mod-image)))))
303 ;;
304 (if res
305 res
306 (let ((dmod mod-image))
307 (unless dmod
308 (setq dmod
309 (if (eq mod oldmod) ; (assq mod (module-all-submodules oldmod))
310 newmod
311 (create-dummy-module-then-map map
312 (sort-module old-sort)
313 (list old-sort new-name)))))
314 (let ((newsort (!recreate-sort dmod old-sort new-name)))
315 (if val
316 (rplacd val newsort)
317 (push (cons old-sort newsort) (modmorph-sort map)))
318 (add-sort-to-module newsort dmod)
319 newsort)))))))))
289 ;; has image in map, and its a sort object.
290 (cdr val)
291 ;; has no sort object image and the sort is of oldmod,
292 ;; or no image and must create with new-name.
293 (let* ((mod (sort-module old-sort))
294 (mod-image (cdr (assq mod (modmorph-module map))))
295 (old-sort-id (sort-id old-sort)))
296 ;; non nill mod-image means the sort's module is mapped by
297 ;; module morphism `map' to mod-image.
298 (let ((res (if mod-image
299 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
300 (and (equal (sort-id x) old-sort-id)
301 (eq (sort-module x) mod)))
302 (module-all-sorts mod-image)))))
303 ;;
304 (if res
305 res
306 (let ((dmod mod-image))
307 (unless dmod
308 (setq dmod
309 (if (eq mod oldmod) ; (assq mod (module-all-submodules oldmod))
310 newmod
311 (create-dummy-module-then-map map
312 (sort-module old-sort)
313 (list old-sort new-name)))))
314 (let ((newsort (!recreate-sort dmod old-sort new-name)))
315 (if val
316 (rplacd val newsort)
317 (push (cons old-sort newsort) (modmorph-sort map)))
318 (add-sort-to-module newsort dmod)
319 newsort)))))))))
321321 (defun rename-sorts (map oldmod newmod sorts)
322322 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (rename-sort map oldmod newmod x))
323 sorts))
323 sorts))
325325 ;;; RENAME-RECORD
326326 (defun rename-record (map oldmod newmod old-sort &optional new-name)
334334 ;;;
335335 (defun rename-op (map mod newmod opinfo op-name &optional theory-mod)
336336 (let ((old-method-info-table (module-opinfo-table mod))
337 (opnm (if (%is-opref op-name)
338 (%opref-name op-name)
339 op-name)))
337 (opnm (if (%is-opref op-name)
338 (%opref-name op-name)
339 op-name)))
340340 (when (check-enclosing-parens op-name)
341341 (setq opnm (butlast (cdr op-name))))
342342 ;;
343343 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods opinfo))
344344 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
345 (not (method-is-error-method method)))
346 ;;**
347 (when *on-modexp-debug*
348 (format t "~%[rename-op] op = ~s" (method-operator method old-method-info-table))
349 (format t "~% meth [~s] " method)
350 (format t "of module ~s" (method-module method)))
351 ;; **
352 (let* ((op (method-operator method old-method-info-table))
353 (oldmod (if (eq mod (method-module method))
354 mod
355 (method-module method))))
356 (let ((amod (cdr (assq (method-module method)
357 (modmorph-module map)))))
358 (if amod
359 (setq newmod amod)
360 (setq newmod
361 (create-dummy-module-then-map map
362 (method-module method)
363 (list ':op
364 (operator-symbol op)
365 op-name)))))
366 ;;
367 (let ((arity (rename-sorts map oldmod newmod
368 (method-arity method)))
369 (coarity (rename-sort map oldmod newmod
370 (method-coarity method)))
371 (newop nil)
372 (newmeth nil))
373 (declare (type list arity)
374 (type sort* coarity))
375 (with-in-module (newmod)
376 (unless (find-operator opnm (length arity) newmod)
377 (setq newop (make-operator-internal opnm (length arity) newmod))
378 (setf (operator-theory newop)
379 (rename-recreate-theory (operator-theory op)))
380 (setf (operator-precedence newop)
381 (operator-precedence op))
382 (setf (operator-associativity newop)
383 (operator-associativity op)))
384 (unless (setq newmeth (find-method-in newmod opnm arity coarity))
385 (multiple-value-setq (newop newmeth)
386 (add-operator-declaration-to-module opnm
387 arity
388 coarity
389 newmod
390 (method-constructor method)
391 (method-behavioural method)
392 nil ;; (method-coherent method) -- set later
393 (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)))
394 (setf (method-supplied-strategy newmeth)
395 (method-supplied-strategy method))
396 (setf (method-precedence newmeth)
397 (method-precedence method))
398 (setf (method-has-memo newmeth)
399 (method-has-memo method))
400 (setf (method-is-meta-demod newmeth)
401 (method-is-meta-demod method))
402 (setf (method-associativity newmeth)
403 (method-associativity method))
404 (setf (method-theory newmeth)
405 (rename-recreate-theory
406 (method-theory method
407 (module-opinfo-table
408 (or theory-mod oldmod)))))
409 (setf (method-derived-from newmeth) method)
410 (setf (method-is-coherent newmeth)
411 (method-is-coherent method
412 (module-opinfo-table
413 (or theory-mod oldmod))))
414 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching newmeth)
415 ;; (push (cons method newmeth) (modmorph-op map))
416 (if (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
417 (push (cons method (cons :simple-error-map newmeth))
418 (modmorph-op map))
419 (push (cons method (cons :simple-map newmeth))
420 (modmorph-op map)))))))))
345 (not (method-is-error-method method)))
346 ;;**
347 (when *on-modexp-debug*
348 (format t "~%[rename-op] op = ~s" (method-operator method old-method-info-table))
349 (format t "~% meth [~s] " method)
350 (format t "of module ~s" (method-module method)))
351 ;; **
352 (let* ((op (method-operator method old-method-info-table))
353 (oldmod (if (eq mod (method-module method))
354 mod
355 (method-module method))))
356 (let ((amod (cdr (assq (method-module method)
357 (modmorph-module map)))))
358 (if amod
359 (setq newmod amod)
360 (setq newmod
361 (create-dummy-module-then-map map
362 (method-module method)
363 (list ':op
364 (operator-symbol op)
365 op-name)))))
366 ;;
367 (let ((arity (rename-sorts map oldmod newmod
368 (method-arity method)))
369 (coarity (rename-sort map oldmod newmod
370 (method-coarity method)))
371 (newop nil)
372 (newmeth nil))
373 (declare (type list arity)
374 (type sort* coarity))
375 (with-in-module (newmod)
376 (unless (find-operator opnm (length arity) newmod)
377 (setq newop (make-operator-internal opnm (length arity) newmod))
378 (setf (operator-theory newop)
379 (rename-recreate-theory (operator-theory op)))
380 (setf (operator-precedence newop)
381 (operator-precedence op))
382 (setf (operator-associativity newop)
383 (operator-associativity op)))
384 (unless (setq newmeth (find-method-in newmod opnm arity coarity))
385 (multiple-value-setq (newop newmeth)
386 (add-operator-declaration-to-module opnm
387 arity
388 coarity
389 newmod
390 (method-constructor method)
391 (method-behavioural method)
392 nil ;; (method-coherent method) -- set later
393 (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)))
394 (setf (method-supplied-strategy newmeth)
395 (method-supplied-strategy method))
396 (setf (method-precedence newmeth)
397 (method-precedence method))
398 (setf (method-has-memo newmeth)
399 (method-has-memo method))
400 (setf (method-is-meta-demod newmeth)
401 (method-is-meta-demod method))
402 (setf (method-associativity newmeth)
403 (method-associativity method))
404 (setf (method-theory newmeth)
405 (rename-recreate-theory
406 (method-theory method
407 (module-opinfo-table
408 (or theory-mod oldmod)))))
409 (setf (method-derived-from newmeth) method)
410 (setf (method-is-coherent newmeth)
411 (method-is-coherent method
412 (module-opinfo-table
413 (or theory-mod oldmod))))
414 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching newmeth)
415 ;; (push (cons method newmeth) (modmorph-op map))
416 (if (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
417 (push (cons method (cons :simple-error-map newmeth))
418 (modmorph-op map))
419 (push (cons method (cons :simple-map newmeth))
420 (modmorph-op map)))))))))
421421 map))
423423 ;;;
425425 ;;;
426426 (defun transfer-method (module from-module method)
427427 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
428 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
429 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
428 (and (not (method-is-error-method method))
429 (not (method-is-for-regularity? method from-module))))
430430 (let ((from-opinfo (module-opinfo-table from-module))
431 (so (module-sort-order module))
432 new-opinfo
433 op)
431 (so (module-sort-order module))
432 new-opinfo
433 op)
434434 (setf op (method-operator method from-opinfo))
435435 (setf new-opinfo
436 (and op
437 (dolist (x (module-all-operators module) nil)
438 (when (and (operator-eql op (opinfo-operator x))
439 (is-in-same-connected-component* (method-coarity method)
440 (method-coarity (car (opinfo-methods x)))
441 so))
442 (return x)))))
436 (and op
437 (dolist (x (module-all-operators module) nil)
438 (when (and (operator-eql op (opinfo-operator x))
439 (is-in-same-connected-component* (method-coarity method)
440 (method-coarity (car (opinfo-methods x)))
441 so))
442 (return x)))))
443443 (when *on-modexp-debug*
444 (format t "~&[transfer-method]: transfering ~a from " (operator-symbol op))
445 (print-modexp from-module)
446 (format t " to")
447 (print-modexp module))
444 (format t "~%[transfer-method]: transfering ~a from " (operator-symbol op))
445 (print-modexp from-module)
446 (format t " to")
447 (print-modexp module))
448448 (unless new-opinfo
449 (when *on-modexp-debug*
450 (format t "~& - creating new operator info for importing ~a.~a"
451 (operator-symbol op)
452 (make-module-print-name (operator-module op))))
453 (setf new-opinfo (make-opinfo :operator op))
454 (push new-opinfo (module-all-operators module)))
449 (when *on-modexp-debug*
450 (format t "~& - creating new operator info for importing ~a.~a"
451 (operator-symbol op)
452 (make-module-print-name (operator-module op))))
453 (setf new-opinfo (make-opinfo :operator op))
454 (push new-opinfo (module-all-operators module)))
455455 (with-in-module (module)
456 (let ((to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module)))
457 (let ((method-info (get-method-info method to-opinfo)))
458 (unless method-info
459 (setf (get-method-info method to-opinfo)
460 (make-method-info method module op))
461 ))
462 (when (add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
463 (setf (method-theory method to-opinfo)
464 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
465 (setf (method-theory-info-for-matching method to-opinfo)
466 (method-theory-info-for-matching method from-opinfo))
467 )
468 )))))
456 (let ((to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module)))
457 (let ((method-info (get-method-info method to-opinfo)))
458 (unless method-info
459 (setf (get-method-info method to-opinfo)
460 (make-method-info method module op))
461 ))
462 (when (add-method-to-table new-opinfo method module)
463 (setf (method-theory method to-opinfo)
464 (method-theory method from-opinfo))
465 (setf (method-theory-info-for-matching method to-opinfo)
466 (method-theory-info-for-matching method from-opinfo))
467 )
468 )))))
470470 (defun transfer-method-axioms (module from-module method)
471471 (with-in-module (module)
472472 (let ((from-opinfo (module-opinfo-table from-module))
473 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module)))
473 (to-opinfo (module-opinfo-table module)))
474474 (dolist (rule (rule-ring-to-list (method-rules-with-same-top method
475 from-opinfo)))
476 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
477 method
478 to-opinfo)
479 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?))
475 from-opinfo)))
476 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module rule)
477 method
478 to-opinfo)
479 (pushnew rule (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?))
480480 (dolist (r (reverse (method-rules-with-different-top method
481 from-opinfo)))
482 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
483 method
484 to-opinfo)
485 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?))
481 from-opinfo)))
482 (add-rule-to-method (check-axiom-error-method module r)
483 method
484 to-opinfo)
485 (pushnew r (module-all-rules module) :test #'rule-is-similar?))
486486 )))
488488 ;;;
499499 (format t "~% ... ~a --> ~a" (module-print-name mod) (module-print-name newmod))
500500 (format t "~% - map = ") (print-mapping map))
501501 ;; -------------------------------------------------------
502 (let ((modmap (modmorph-module map))) ; module map
502 (let ((modmap (modmorph-module map))) ; module map
503503 ;; sort mapping
504504 (dolist (sm (modmorph-sort map))
505 (let ((s1 (car sm)) ; source
506 (s2 (cdr sm))) ; target
507 (let* ((mod1 (sort-module s1))
508 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 modmap)))
509 (mod2 (sort-module s2)))
510 (when *on-modexp-debug*
511 (format t "~& - source = ~a.~a" (string (sort-id s1)) (module-print-name mod1))
512 ;; (print-modexp mod1)
513 (format t "~& - target = ~a.~a" (string (sort-id s2)) (module-print-name mod2))
514 ;; (print-modexp mod2)
515 (when a1
516 (format t "~& - module of sort ~a is mapped to ~a" (string (sort-id s1)) (module-print-name a1))))
517 ;;
518 (if (and a1 (not (eq a1 mod2)))
519 ;; s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
520 ;; mod1 -> a1 =/= mod2
521 ;; module of source sort is mapped and
522 ;; its image is not the same as of target sort.
523 (progn
524 ;; s2.mod2 ==> s2.a1
525 (when *on-modexp-debug*
526 (format t "~& - changes target module to ")
527 (print-modexp a1))
528 (setf (sort-module s2) a1)
529 (add-sort-to-module s2 newmod))
530 ;; source sort is generated in dummy module.
531 ;; mod1 is not mapped,
532 ;; or s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
533 ;; mod1 -> a1 == mod2
534 (if (or ;; (and a1 (eq a1 mod2))
535 ;; s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
536 ;; mod1 -> a1 = mod2
537 (module-is-rename-dummy-for mod1 mod))
538 (progn
539 (when *on-modexp-debug*
540 (format t "~& - changes target module to ~a" (module-print-name newmod))
541 (setf (sort-module s2) newmod)
542 (add-sort-to-module s2 newmod))))))))
505 (let ((s1 (car sm)) ; source
506 (s2 (cdr sm))) ; target
507 (let* ((mod1 (sort-module s1))
508 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 modmap)))
509 (mod2 (sort-module s2)))
510 (when *on-modexp-debug*
511 (format t "~% - source = ~a.~a" (string (sort-id s1)) (module-print-name mod1))
512 ;; (print-modexp mod1)
513 (format t "~& - target = ~a.~a" (string (sort-id s2)) (module-print-name mod2))
514 ;; (print-modexp mod2)
515 (when a1
516 (format t "~& - module of sort ~a is mapped to ~a" (string (sort-id s1)) (module-print-name a1))))
517 ;;
518 (if (and a1 (not (eq a1 mod2)))
519 ;; s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
520 ;; mod1 -> a1 =/= mod2
521 ;; module of source sort is mapped and
522 ;; its image is not the same as of target sort.
523 (progn
524 ;; s2.mod2 ==> s2.a1
525 (when *on-modexp-debug*
526 (format t "~% - changes target module to ")
527 (print-modexp a1))
528 (setf (sort-module s2) a1)
529 (add-sort-to-module s2 newmod))
530 ;; source sort is generated in dummy module.
531 ;; mod1 is not mapped,
532 ;; or s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
533 ;; mod1 -> a1 == mod2
534 (if (or ;; (and a1 (eq a1 mod2))
535 ;; s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
536 ;; mod1 -> a1 = mod2
537 (module-is-rename-dummy-for mod1 mod))
538 (progn
539 (when *on-modexp-debug*
540 (format t "~% - changes target module to ~a" (module-print-name newmod))
541 (setf (sort-module s2) newmod)
542 (add-sort-to-module s2 newmod))))))))
543543 ;;
544544 ;; operator mapping
545545 ;; (method1 :simple-map . method2)
546546 (dolist (om (modmorph-op map))
547 (let ((method-1 (car om)) ; source
548 (method-2 (cddr om))) ; target
549 (let* ((mod1 (method-module method-1))
550 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 modmap))))
551 (if (and a1
552 (not (eq a1 (method-module method-2))))
553 (progn
554 (setf (method-module method-2) a1)
555 (modmorph-check-rank newmod mod map method-2)
556 (transfer-method newmod mod method-2))
557 (if (or ;; (and a1 (is-dummy-module a1))
558 (module-is-rename-dummy-for mod1 mod))
559 (progn
560 (setf (method-module method-2) newmod)
561 (modmorph-check-rank newmod mod map method-2)
562 (transfer-method newmod mod method-2)))))))))
547 (let ((method-1 (car om)) ; source
548 (method-2 (cddr om))) ; target
549 (let* ((mod1 (method-module method-1))
550 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 modmap))))
551 (if (and a1
552 (not (eq a1 (method-module method-2))))
553 (progn
554 (setf (method-module method-2) a1)
555 (modmorph-check-rank newmod mod map method-2)
556 (transfer-method newmod mod method-2))
557 (if (or ;; (and a1 (is-dummy-module a1))
558 (module-is-rename-dummy-for mod1 mod))
559 (progn
560 (setf (method-module method-2) newmod)
561 (modmorph-check-rank newmod mod map method-2)
562 (transfer-method newmod mod method-2)))))))))
565565 ;;; fix the following situation:
568568 ;;;
569569 (defun fix-sort-renaming (map newmod)
570570 (dolist (sm (modmorph-sort map))
571 (let ((s1 (car sm)) ; source
572 (s2 (cdr sm))) ; target
571 (let ((s1 (car sm)) ; source
572 (s2 (cdr sm))) ; target
573573 (let* ((mod1 (sort-module s1))
574 (mod2 (sort-module s2))
575 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 (modmorph-module map)))))
576 ;; s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
577 ;; mod1 -> a1
578 ;;
579 (when (and a1 (not (eq a1 (sort-module s2))))
580 ;;---
581 (when *on-modexp-debug*
582 (format t "~&fix-sort-renaming : ")
583 (format t "~& - ~a." (string (sort-id s1)))
584 (print-modexp mod1)
585 (format t "~& (=> ") (print-modexp a1)
586 (format t ") --> ~a." (string (sort-id s2))) (print-modexp mod2))
587 ;;--
588 (setf (module-sorts newmod) (remove s2 (module-sorts newmod)))
589 (setf (module-all-sorts newmod) (remove s2 (module-all-sorts newmod)))
590 (let ((srt (or (modmorph-find-sort-in a1 (sort-id s2))
591 (modmorph-find-sort-in mod2 (sort-id s2))
592 )))
593 ;; (break)
594 (unless srt (error "Sorry, PANIC! no sort image, could not fix."))
595 (add-sort-to-module srt newmod)
596 (rplacd sm srt)
597 (setf (sort-derived-from srt) s1)
598 )
599 )
600 ))
574 (mod2 (sort-module s2))
575 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 (modmorph-module map)))))
576 ;; s1.mod1 -> s2.mod2
577 ;; mod1 -> a1
578 ;;
579 (when (and a1 (not (eq a1 (sort-module s2))))
580 ;;---
581 (when *on-modexp-debug*
582 (format t "~%fix-sort-renaming : ")
583 (format t "~& - ~a." (string (sort-id s1)))
584 (print-modexp mod1)
585 (format t "~& (=> ") (print-modexp a1)
586 (format t ") --> ~a." (string (sort-id s2))) (print-modexp mod2))
587 ;;--
588 (setf (module-sorts newmod) (remove s2 (module-sorts newmod)))
589 (setf (module-all-sorts newmod) (remove s2 (module-all-sorts newmod)))
590 (let ((srt (or (modmorph-find-sort-in a1 (sort-id s2))
591 (modmorph-find-sort-in mod2 (sort-id s2))
592 )))
593 ;; (break)
594 (unless srt (error "Sorry, PANIC! no sort image, could not fix."))
595 (add-sort-to-module srt newmod)
596 (rplacd sm srt)
597 (setf (sort-derived-from srt) s1)
598 )
599 )
600 ))
601601 ))
607607 (let ((modmap (modmorph-module map)))
608608 (dolist (om (modmorph-op map))
609609 (let ((method-1 (car om))
610 (method-2 (cddr om))) ; (source :simple-map . target)
610 (method-2 (cddr om))) ; (source :simple-map . target)
611611 (let* ((mod1 (method-module method-1))
612612 (a1 (cdr (assq mod1 modmap))))
613613 (when (and a1 (not (eq a1 (method-module method-2))))
614 #||
615 (with-output-panic-message ()
616 (break)
617 (princ "sorry, please e-mail to, say \"this happens\"")
618 (chaos-to-top))
619 ||#
620 (setf (method-module method-2) a1) ; is this really right?
621 ))))))
614 #||
615 (with-output-panic-message ()
616 (break)
617 (princ "sorry, please e-mail to, say \"this happens\"")
618 (chaos-to-top))
619 ||#
620 (setf (method-module method-2) a1) ; is this really right?
621 ))))))
624624 ;;;
625625 (defun rename-recreate-theory (thy)
626626 (if thy
627627 (if (theory-contains-identity thy)
628 (let ((zero (theory-zero thy)))
629 ;; (break)
630 (setq zero (cons '%to-rename zero))
631 (theory-make (theory-info thy) zero))
632 thy)
628 (let ((zero (theory-zero thy)))
629 ;; (break)
630 (setq zero (cons '%to-rename zero))
631 (theory-make (theory-info thy) zero))
632 thy)
633633 nil))
636636 ;;;
637637 (defun find-some-method-in (module arity coarity theory)
638638 (declare (type module module)
639 (type list arity)
640 (type sort* coarity)
641 (type op-theory theory))
639 (type list arity)
640 (type sort* coarity)
641 (type op-theory theory))
642642 (macrolet ((is-similar-theory? (th1_? th2_?)
643 (once-only (th1_? th2_?)
644 ` (and (if (theory-contains-associativity ,th1_?)
645 (theory-contains-associativity ,th2_?)
646 t)
647 (if (theory-contains-commutativity ,th1_?)
648 (theory-contains-commutativity ,th2_?)
649 t)
650 (if (theory-contains-identity ,th1_?)
651 (theory-contains-identity ,th2_?)
652 t)))))
643 (once-only (th1_? th2_?)
644 ` (and (if (theory-contains-associativity ,th1_?)
645 (theory-contains-associativity ,th2_?)
646 t)
647 (if (theory-contains-commutativity ,th1_?)
648 (theory-contains-commutativity ,th2_?)
649 t)
650 (if (theory-contains-identity ,th1_?)
651 (theory-contains-identity ,th2_?)
652 t)))))
653653 (let ((opinfos (find-operators-num-args module (length arity))))
654654 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
655 (let ((val (remove-if-not
656 #'(lambda (method)
657 (and (sort= coarity (method-coarity method))
658 (= (the fixnum (length arity))
659 (the fixnum (length (method-arity method))))
660 (every #'(lambda (s1 s2)
661 (and s1 s2
662 (equal (sort-id s1) (sort-id s2))))
663 arity
664 (method-arity method))
665 (is-similar-theory? theory
666 (method-theory method
667 (module-opinfo-table
668 module)))
669 ))
670 (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
671 (when (and val (null (cdr val)))
672 (return-from find-some-method-in (car val)))))
655 (let ((val (remove-if-not
656 #'(lambda (method)
657 (and (sort= coarity (method-coarity method))
658 (= (the fixnum (length arity))
659 (the fixnum (length (method-arity method))))
660 (every #'(lambda (s1 s2)
661 (and s1 s2
662 (equal (sort-id s1) (sort-id s2))))
663 arity
664 (method-arity method))
665 (is-similar-theory? theory
666 (method-theory method
667 (module-opinfo-table
668 module)))
669 ))
670 (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
671 (when (and val (null (cdr val)))
672 (return-from find-some-method-in (car val)))))
673673 nil)))
675675 (defun recreate-renamed-sort (mod ren srt)
676676 (let ((num 0)
677 (srtnm (sort-id srt))
678 (im nil))
677 (srtnm (sort-id srt))
678 (im nil))
679679 (declare (type fixnum num))
680680 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts mod))
681681 (when (equal srtnm (sort-id s))
682 (unless im (setq im s))
683 (incf num)))
682 (unless im (setq im s))
683 (incf num)))
684684 (if (= 1 num)
685 im
686 (let ((renmod (eval-modexp (%rename* (sort-module srt) ren))))
687 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts renmod))
688 (when (and (eq renmod (sort-module s))
689 (equal srtnm (sort-id s)))
690 (return s)))
691 ))))
685 im
686 (let ((renmod (eval-modexp (%rename* (sort-module srt) ren))))
687 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts renmod))
688 (when (and (eq renmod (sort-module s))
689 (equal srtnm (sort-id s)))
690 (return s)))
691 ))))
693693 #|| the followings are not yet implemented properly.
695695 (defun find-renamed-method-named-in (srtmap mod opn)
696696 (let ((opnm (if (check-enclosing-parens opn) (butlast (cdr opn)) opn)))
697697 (if (member "->" (member ":" opnm :test #'equal) :test #'equal)
698 (let* ((pos1 (position ":" opnm :from-end t :test #'equal))
699 (pos2 (position "->" opnm :from-end t :test #'equal))
700 (op-symbol (subseq opnm 0 pos1))
701 (ar (subseq opnm (1+ pos1) pos2))
702 (coar (nth (1+ pos2) opnm)))
703 (let ((val (find-method-from-rank ; * TO DO *--------
704 mod
705 (append
706 op-symbol '(":")
707 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
708 (sort-id (*image-rename-sort srtmap x)))
709 ar)
710 '("->")
711 (sort-id (*image-rename-sort srtmap coar)))
712 )))
713 (when val (list val))))
714 (find-method-named-in mod opn))))
698 (let* ((pos1 (position ":" opnm :from-end t :test #'equal))
699 (pos2 (position "->" opnm :from-end t :test #'equal))
700 (op-symbol (subseq opnm 0 pos1))
701 (ar (subseq opnm (1+ pos1) pos2))
702 (coar (nth (1+ pos2) opnm)))
703 (let ((val (find-method-from-rank ; * TO DO *--------
704 mod
705 (append
706 op-symbol '(":")
707 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
708 (sort-id (*image-rename-sort srtmap x)))
709 ar)
710 '("->")
711 (sort-id (*image-rename-sort srtmap coar)))
712 )))
713 (when val (list val))))
714 (find-method-named-in mod opn))))
716716 (defun find-renamed-method-named-in-sort (srtmap mod srt opn)
717717 (declare (ignore srtmap mod srt opn))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mutils.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: mutils.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5050 (do ((r l (cdr r))
5151 (i 0 (1+ i))
5252 (res nil (cons (make-variable-term (term-sort (car r)) i)
53 res)))
53 res)))
5454 ((null r) (nreverse res))
5555 (declare (type fixnum i))))
6767 (defun appropriate-method (srcmod module op)
6868 (when (or (null module)
69 (not (member op
70 (module-all-operators module)
71 :test #'(lambda (x y)
72 (operator= x (opinfo-operator y)))
73 )))
69 (not (member op
70 (module-all-operators module)
71 :test #'(lambda (x y)
72 (operator= x (opinfo-operator y)))
73 )))
7474 (setq module (operator-module op)))
7575 (let ((arnum (operator-num-args op))
76 ;; (theory (operator-theory op)) ; not used now
77 )
76 ;; (theory (operator-theory op)) ; not used now
77 )
7878 (declare (type fixnum arnum))
7979 (let ((val (remove-if-not
80 #'(lambda (opinfo)
81 (let ((opr (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
82 (and (= arnum (the fixnum (operator-num-args opr)))
80 #'(lambda (opinfo)
81 (let ((opr (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
82 (and (= arnum (the fixnum (operator-num-args opr)))
8383 ;; * todo * is-similar-theory
84 ;; (is-similar-theory (operator-theory opr) theory)
85 (eq srcmod (operator-module opr)))))
86 (module-all-operators srcmod))))
84 ;; (is-similar-theory (operator-theory opr) theory)
85 (eq srcmod (operator-module opr)))))
86 (module-all-operators srcmod))))
8787 (if val
88 (if (null (cdr val))
89 (car val)
90 nil)
91 nil))))
88 (if (null (cdr val))
89 (car val)
90 nil)
91 nil))))
9393 (defun modexp-eval-principal-op (mod)
9494 (let ((all-ops (module-all-operators mod)))
101101 ;;;
102102 (defun modmorph-check-rank (newmod oldmod map method)
103103 (let ((modmap (modmorph-module map))
104 (sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
105 (ar (method-arity method))
106 (coar (method-coarity method)))
104 (sortmap (modmorph-sort map))
105 (ar (method-arity method))
106 (coar (method-coarity method)))
107107 (setf (method-arity method)
108 (modmorph-sorts-image-create newmod
109 oldmod
110 modmap
111 sortmap
112 ar))
108 (modmorph-sorts-image-create newmod
109 oldmod
110 modmap
111 sortmap
112 ar))
113113 (setf (method-coarity method)
114 (modmorph-sort-image-create newmod
115 oldmod
116 modmap
117 sortmap
118 coar))
114 (modmorph-sort-image-create newmod
115 oldmod
116 modmap
117 sortmap
118 coar))
119119 ))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: view.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: deCafe
32 File: view.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5454 (defun views-to-modmorph (mod args &optional (warn t))
5555 (let* ((morphs (mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
56 (view->modmorph mod arg))
57 args))
58 (m-morph (car morphs)))
56 (view->modmorph mod arg))
57 args))
58 (m-morph (car morphs)))
5959 (dolist (m (cdr morphs))
6060 (setq m-morph (modmorph-merge m-morph m warn)))
6161 m-morph))
6363 (defun view->modmorph (mod arg)
6464 (let ((arg-name (%!arg-name arg)))
6565 (when (and (consp arg-name)
66 (cdr arg-name))
66 (cdr arg-name))
6767 (setq arg-name
68 (cons (car arg-name)
69 ;; also local
70 (eval-modexp (cdr arg-name) t))))
68 (cons (car arg-name)
69 ;; also local
70 (eval-modexp (cdr arg-name) t))))
7171 (let ((ath (find-parameterized-submodule arg-name mod))
72 (vw (%!arg-view arg)))
72 (vw (%!arg-view arg)))
7373 (when (or (modexp-is-error ath) (null ath))
74 (with-output-panic-message ()
75 (format t "could not find theory module specified by the argument ~s"
76 (%!arg-name arg))
77 (chaos-error 'panic)))
74 (with-output-panic-message ()
75 (format t "could not find theory module specified by the argument ~s"
76 (%!arg-name arg))
77 (chaos-error 'panic)))
7878 (convert-view-to-modmorph ath vw))))
9191 (setq avw (make-real-view ath avw)))
9292 ;;
9393 (let ((modm (acons ath
94 avw ; needs to be the view itself
95 ; to allow proper composition.
96 nil))
97 (sortm (view-sort-maps avw))
98 (opm (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
99 (if (operator-method-p (car x))
100 ;; no need to convert
101 x
102 (cons (term-head (car x))
103 `(:replacement ,(term-subterms (car x))
104 ,(cadr x)))))
105 (view-op-maps avw)))
106 (modmorph nil))
94 avw ; needs to be the view itself
95 ; to allow proper composition.
96 nil))
97 (sortm (view-sort-maps avw))
98 (opm (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
99 (if (operator-method-p (car x))
100 ;; no need to convert
101 x
102 (cons (term-head (car x))
103 `(:replacement ,(term-subterms (car x))
104 ,(cadr x)))))
105 (view-op-maps avw)))
106 (modmorph nil))
107107 (setq modmorph (create-modmorph `(%map ,ath ,avw) sortm opm modm))
108108 ;;
109109 #||
110110 (when (int-instantiation-p (view-target avw))
111111 ;; target is another instantiation
112112 (let ((mappg (views-to-modmorph (int-instantiation-module (view-target avw))
113 (int-instantiation-args (view-target avw))
114 nil)))
115 (setq modmorph (modmorph-merge modmorph mappg nil))))
113 (int-instantiation-args (view-target avw))
114 nil)))
115 (setq modmorph (modmorph-merge modmorph mappg nil))))
116116 ||#
117117 modmorph
118118 ))
124124 #||
125125 (defun make-real-view (ath avw)
126126 (labels ((find-sort-or-error (sort)
127 (or (find-sort-in ath (sort-id sort))
128 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
129 (format t "constructing view, no such sort ~a in " (sort-id sort))
130 (print-mod-name ath *standard-output* t t)
131 )))
132 (find-method-or-error (method)
133 (or (find-method-in (method-symbol ath)
134 (mapcar #'find-sort-or-error (method-arity method))
135 (find-sort-or-error (method-coarity method)))
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
137 (princ "constructing view:")
138 (print-next)
139 (princ "~&no such operator ")
140 (print-chaos-object method)
141 (print-next)
142 (princ "in module ")
143 (print-mod-name ath *standard-output* t t)
144 )))
145 )
127 (or (find-sort-in ath (sort-id sort))
128 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
129 (format t "constructing view, no such sort ~a in " (sort-id sort))
130 (print-mod-name ath *standard-output* t t)
131 )))
132 (find-method-or-error (method)
133 (or (find-method-in (method-symbol ath)
134 (mapcar #'find-sort-or-error (method-arity method))
135 (find-sort-or-error (method-coarity method)))
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
137 (princ "constructing view:")
138 (print-next)
139 (princ "~%no such operator ")
140 (print-chaos-object method)
141 (print-next)
142 (princ "in module ")
143 (print-mod-name ath *standard-output* t t)
144 )))
145 )
146146 (let (sort-mapping
147 op-mapping
148 new-view)
147 op-mapping
148 new-view)
149149 (setq sort-mapping
150 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
151 (cons (find-sort-or-error (car x))
152 (cdr x)))
153 (view-sort-maps avw)))
150 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
151 (cons (find-sort-or-error (car x))
152 (cdr x)))
153 (view-sort-maps avw)))
154154 (setq op-mapping
155 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
156 (cons (term-head (car x))
157 `(:replacement ,(term-subterms (car x)) ,(cdr x))))
158 (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
159 (cons (let ((method (term-head (car v))))
160 (make-term-check-op
161 (find-method-or-error method
162 ath
163 (method-symbol method)
164 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
165 (find-sort-in ath
166 (sort-id s)))
167 (method-arity method))
168 (find-sort-in ath
169 (sort-id (method-coarity
170 method))))
171 (term-subterms (car v))))
172 (cadr v)))
173 (view-op-maps avw))))
155 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
156 (cons (term-head (car x))
157 `(:replacement ,(term-subterms (car x)) ,(cdr x))))
158 (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
159 (cons (let ((method (term-head (car v))))
160 (make-term-check-op
161 (find-method-or-error method
162 ath
163 (method-symbol method)
164 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
165 (find-sort-in ath
166 (sort-id s)))
167 (method-arity method))
168 (find-sort-in ath
169 (sort-id (method-coarity
170 method))))
171 (term-subterms (car v))))
172 (cadr v)))
173 (view-op-maps avw))))
174174 (setq new-view (view-struct* (view-struct-name avw)))
175175 (setf (view-src new-view) ath)
176176 (setf (view-target new-view) (view-target avw))
200200 (defun view-map-image-sort (mod x sort-map)
201201 (let ((val (find-if #'(lambda (v) (sort= x (car v))) sort-map)))
202202 (if val
203 (cdr val)
204 (if (memq x (module-all-sorts mod))
205 x
206 (let ((val2 (find-sort-in mod (sort-id x))))
207 (if val2 val2 x))))))
203 (cdr val)
204 (if (memq x (module-all-sorts mod))
205 x
206 (let ((val2 (find-sort-in mod (sort-id x))))
207 (if val2 val2 x))))))
209209 (defun view-map-image-sorts (mod l sort-map)
210210 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (view-map-image-sort mod x sort-map))
211 l))
211 l))
213213 ;;;
214214 ;;; COMPLETE-VIEW
215215 ;;;
216216 (defun complete-view (vw &optional arg-name mod pre-map)
217217 (let ((view nil)
218 (source-module nil))
218 (source-module nil))
219219 ;;
220220 ;; construct the view object to be used for instantiation process.
221221 ;;
222222 (let ((target (if (eq 'none (%view-target vw))
223 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
224 (princ "target module cannot be omitted in view.")
225 )
226 (%view-target vw))))
223 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
224 (princ "target module cannot be omitted in view.")
225 )
226 (%view-target vw))))
227227 ;; evaluate source
228 (cond (arg-name ;formal argument name --> theory module
229 ;; resolve qualification in arg-name
230 (when (and (consp arg-name) (cdr arg-name))
231 ;; qualified view (arg-name . context)
232 (setq arg-name (cons (car arg-name)
233 ;; also local
234 (eval-modexp (cdr arg-name) t)))
235 (when (modexp-is-error (cdr arg-name))
236 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
237 (format t "error in argument name : no such module ~a." (cdr arg-name))
238 )))
239 (setq source-module (find-parameterized-submodule arg-name mod)))
240 (t (setq source-module (eval-modexp (%view-module vw) t))))
228 (cond (arg-name ;formal argument name --> theory module
229 ;; resolve qualification in arg-name
230 (when (and (consp arg-name) (cdr arg-name))
231 ;; qualified view (arg-name . context)
232 (setq arg-name (cons (car arg-name)
233 ;; also local
234 (eval-modexp (cdr arg-name) t)))
235 (when (modexp-is-error (cdr arg-name))
236 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
237 (format t "error in argument name : no such module ~a." (cdr arg-name))
238 )))
239 (setq source-module (find-parameterized-submodule arg-name mod)))
240 (t (setq source-module (eval-modexp (%view-module vw) t))))
241241 (when (modexp-is-error source-module)
242 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
243 (cond (arg-name
244 (format t "no such parameter ~a" (if (consp arg-name)
245 (car arg-name)
246 arg-name))
247 (print-next)
248 (princ "in module ")
249 (print-mod-name mod))
250 (t (format t "could not evaluate view source module ~a" (%view-module vw))))
251 ))
242 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
243 (cond (arg-name
244 (format t "no such parameter ~a" (if (consp arg-name)
245 (car arg-name)
246 arg-name))
247 (print-next)
248 (princ "in module ")
249 (print-mod-name mod))
250 (t (format t "could not evaluate view source module ~a" (%view-module vw))))
251 ))
252252 ;;
253253 (when (modexp-is-?name? target)
254 (setq target (?name-name target)))
254 (setq target (?name-name target)))
255255 ;; target can be a predefined view name.
256256 (when (stringp target)
257 (setq view (find-view-in-env (normalize-modexp target)))
258 (when (and view (view-is-inconsistent view))
259 ;; reconstruct from the scratch
260 ;; view will be updated by side-effect.
261 (eval-modexp (view-decl-form view))
262 ;; set dependency relation
263 (add-depend-relation mod :view view)))
257 (setq view (find-view-in-env (normalize-modexp target)))
258 (when (and view (view-is-inconsistent view))
259 ;; reconstruct from the scratch
260 ;; view will be updated by side-effect.
261 (eval-modexp (view-decl-form view))
262 ;; set dependency relation
263 (add-depend-relation mod :view view)))
264264 ;;
265265 (if view
266 view
267 ;; we construct a brand new view object.
268 (progn
269 (setq view (create-view source-module
270 target
271 (%view-map vw)
272 pre-map))
273 (mark-view-as-consistent view)
274 (setf (view-decl-form view) vw)
275 view)))))
266 view
267 ;; we construct a brand new view object.
268 (progn
269 (setq view (create-view source-module
270 target
271 (%view-map vw)
272 pre-map))
273 (mark-view-as-consistent view)
274 (setf (view-decl-form view) vw)
275 view)))))
277277 ;;;
278278 ;;; CREATE-VIEW
280280 (defun principal-sort (module)
281281 (or (module-principal-sort module)
282282 (let ((sorts (module-all-sorts module)))
283 (if (null (cdr sorts))
284 (car sorts)
285 (if (not (module-is-hard-wired module))
286 (progn
287 (setq sorts
288 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (module-is-hard-wired (sort-module x)))
289 sorts))
290 (if (null (cdr sorts))
291 (car sorts)
292 nil))
293 nil)))))
283 (if (null (cdr sorts))
284 (car sorts)
285 (if (not (module-is-hard-wired module))
286 (progn
287 (setq sorts
288 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (module-is-hard-wired (sort-module x)))
289 sorts))
290 (if (null (cdr sorts))
291 (car sorts)
292 nil))
293 nil)))))
295295 #||
296296 (defun create-view (th mod rename-map)
297297 (let ((vw-map (if (%is-rmap rename-map)
298 (%rmap-map rename-map)
299 rename-map)))
298 (%rmap-map rename-map)
299 rename-map)))
300300 ;;
301301 ;; eval source & target module
302302 ;;
303 (let ((src-mod (eval-modexp th t)) ; should already evaluated but..
304 (dst-mod (eval-modexp mod t))) ; really evaluate the target.
303 (let ((src-mod (eval-modexp th t)) ; should already evaluated but..
304 (dst-mod (eval-modexp mod t))) ; really evaluate the target.
305305 (when (or (modexp-is-error src-mod) (modexp-is-error dst-mod))
306 ;; error, ivalid args as modules
307 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
308 (princ "Cannot evaluate module in view: ")
309 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
310 (princ "view source = ")
311 (print-modexp th))
312 (when (modexp-is-error dst-mod)
313 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
314 (princ ", and "))
315 (princ "view target = ")
316 (print-modexp mod))
317 ))
306 ;; error, ivalid args as modules
307 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
308 (princ "Cannot evaluate module in view: ")
309 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
310 (princ "view source = ")
311 (print-modexp th))
312 (when (modexp-is-error dst-mod)
313 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
314 (princ ", and "))
315 (princ "view target = ")
316 (print-modexp mod))
317 ))
318318 ;;
319319 ;; compute mappings.
320320 ;;
321321 (let ((sort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-sort vw-map)))
322 (op-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-op vw-map)))
323 (hsort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort vw-map)))
324 (bop-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-bop vw-map)))
325 (vars (cadr (assq '%vars vw-map)))
326 (pr (principal-sort src-mod))
327 ; NOW we support. May/'97
328 )
329 ;;
330 ;; ** compute sort mappings ---------------------------------
331 ;;
332 (let ((sort-mapping (compute-sort-mappings src-mod
333 dst-mod
334 sort-maps
335 hsort-maps)))
336 ;; make sort mappings with completing sort maps not explicitly
337 ;; specified.
338 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts src-mod))
339 (unless (*find-sort-in-map sort-mapping s)
340 ;; map is not specified.
341 (let ((val (find-sort-in dst-mod (sort-id s) t)))
342 (when (eq s pr) ; is this the principal sort?
343 (let ((pval (principal-sort dst-mod)))
344 (when pval
345 (setq val pval))))
346 ;; find compatible same name sort ---
347 ;; should check types,i.e., visible & hidden.
348 (if val
349 (unless (sort= s val)
350 (push (cons s val) sort-mapping))
351 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
352 (princ "view incomplete for sort ")
353 (print-chaos-object s)
354 (print-next)
355 (princ "view from ")
356 (print-chaos-object src-mod)
357 (princ " to ")
358 (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
359 (print-next)
360 (princ "!! MAY BE HARMFUL !!")
361 ;; (chaos-error 'modexp-eval)
362 )
363 )
364 )))
365 ;;
366 ;; ** compute operator mapping ------------------------------------
367 ;;
368 (let* ((src-vars
369 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
370 (let ((sort (find-sort-in src-mod
371 (cadr x))))
372 (unless sort
373 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
374 (format t "sort ~a not found in view variable"
375 (cadr x))
376 ))
377 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
378 (make-variable-term sort
379 (if (stringp y)
380 (intern y)
381 y)))
382 (car x))))
383 vars))
384 (dst-vars
385 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
386 (let ((val (cdr (assq (variable-sort x)
387 sort-mapping))))
388 (if val
389 (make-variable-term val (variable-name x))
390 x)))
391 src-vars))
392 ;;
393 (op-mapping (compute-op-mappings src-mod
394 dst-mod
395 sort-mapping
396 op-maps
397 bop-maps
398 src-vars
399 dst-vars
400 )))
401 ;; now op-mapping is in form of ( op-map ... ),
402 ;; where op-map is
403 ;; (source-pattern target-pattern)
404 ;; this will be converted to operator map of modmorhp:
405 ;; (method :replacement List[psuedo-var] target-pattern)
406 ;; >> *NOTE* we do not use ':simple-map for view.
407 ;; we are now about to complete method mapping.
408 ;; >> *NOTE* handle constants last.
409 ;; make method map with the same name iff not mapped already.
410 ;;
411 (dolist (oinfo (module-all-operators src-mod))
412 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods oinfo))
413 (block next-method
414 (let ((target-method nil))
415 (when (and
416 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
417 (not (method-is-error-method method)))
418 (let ((xmod (method-module method)))
419 (not
420 (memq xmod *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
421 ))
422 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping method)
423 ;;
424 ;; not in the map
425 ;;
426 (when *on-view-debug*
427 (format t "~&[create-view] :")
428 (format t "~&-find non-specified method ")
429 (print-method method)
430 (format t "~&-try finding in module ")
431 (print-mod-name dst-mod))
432 ;; find in destination module with
433 ;; name, arity and coarity mapped by sort-map.
434 (unless (sort= (method-coarity method) *sort-id-sort*)
435 (setq target-method
436 (find-method-in dst-mod
437 (method-symbol method)
438 (view-map-image-sorts
439 dst-mod
440 (method-arity method)
441 sort-mapping)
442 (view-map-image-sort
443 dst-mod
444 (method-coarity method)
445 sort-mapping)))
446 (unless target-method
447 ;; failed to find.
448 ;; we continue, but may cause big problem later
449 ;; so gives a warning.
450 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
451 (princ "view incomplete for operator ")
452 (print-method method)
453 (princ " of ")
454 (print-mod-name src-mod)
455 (print-next)
456 (princ "view to ")
457 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
458 (print-next)
459 (princ "!! MAY CAUSE PANIC LATER !!"))
460 (return-from next-method nil)
461 )
463 ;;
464 ;; found the target-method in dst-mod,
465 ;; i.e., with the same name & has proper rank.
466 ;;
467 (unless (eq method target-method)
468 ;; construct map iff they are different object.
469 (let ((vars (make-psuedo-vars-from-sorts
470 (method-arity method))))
471 (when *on-view-debug*
472 (format t "~&-*creating new op-mapping ")
473 (format t "~& from ")
474 (print-method method)
475 (format t "~& to ")
476 (print-method target-method))
477 (push (list (make-term-check-op method vars src-mod)
478 (make-term-check-op target-method
479 vars
480 dst-mod))
481 op-mapping)
482 )
483 ;;
484 (let ((thy1 (method-theory method
485 (module-opinfo-table src-mod)))
486 (thy2 (method-theory target-method
487 (module-opinfo-table dst-mod))))
488 (let ((z1 (car (theory-zero thy1)))
489 (z2 (car (theory-zero thy2))))
490 (when (and z1
491 (not (*find-method-in-map op-mapping
492 (term-head z1)))
493 z2
494 (term-is-constant? z1)
495 (term-is-constant? z2))
496 (push (list z1 z2)
497 op-mapping))))))))))))
498 ;;
499 ;; make SortId op mappings
500 ;;
501 (let ((s-op nil)
502 (t-op nil)
503 (ignore-these (list *cosmos* *universal-sort*
504 *huniversal-sort* *bottom-sort*)))
505 (dolist (s-map sort-mapping)
506 (let ((source (car s-map))
507 (target (cdr s-map)))
508 (break)
509 (unless (or (err-sort-p source)
510 (memq source ignore-these)
511 (memq target ignore-these))
512 (setq s-op (find-method-in src-mod
513 (string (sort-id source))
514 nil
515 *sort-id-sort*))
516 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping s-op)
517 (setq t-op (find-method-in dst-mod
518 (string (sort-id target))
519 nil
520 *sort-id-sort*))
521 (push (list (make-term-check-op s-op nil src-mod)
522 (make-term-check-op t-op nil dst-mod))
523 op-mapping))))))
525 ;;
526 ;; final result
527 ;;
528 (let ((view (view-struct* :anon-view)))
529 (initialize-view view)
530 (setf (view-src view) src-mod
531 (view-target view) dst-mod
532 (view-sort-maps view) sort-mapping
533 (view-op-maps view) op-mapping)
534 ;;
535 (when *on-view-debug*
536 (format t "~%[generated view]:")
537 (format t "~& source = ") (print-chaos-object src-mod)
538 (format t "~& target = ") (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
539 (format t "~& sort-map = ")
540 (dolist (smap sort-mapping)
541 (terpri)
542 (print-chaos-object smap))
543 (format t "~& op-map =")
544 (dolist (opmap op-mapping)
545 (terpri)
546 (print-term-method (car opmap))
547 (princ " --> ")
548 (princ (cdr opmap))
549 ;; (print-chaos-object opmap)
550 ))
551 ;;
552 view)
553 ))))))
322 (op-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-op vw-map)))
323 (hsort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort vw-map)))
324 (bop-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-bop vw-map)))
325 (vars (cadr (assq '%vars vw-map)))
326 (pr (principal-sort src-mod))
327 ; NOW we support. May/'97
328 )
329 ;;
330 ;; ** compute sort mappings ---------------------------------
331 ;;
332 (let ((sort-mapping (compute-sort-mappings src-mod
333 dst-mod
334 sort-maps
335 hsort-maps)))
336 ;; make sort mappings with completing sort maps not explicitly
337 ;; specified.
338 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts src-mod))
339 (unless (*find-sort-in-map sort-mapping s)
340 ;; map is not specified.
341 (let ((val (find-sort-in dst-mod (sort-id s) t)))
342 (when (eq s pr) ; is this the principal sort?
343 (let ((pval (principal-sort dst-mod)))
344 (when pval
345 (setq val pval))))
346 ;; find compatible same name sort ---
347 ;; should check types,i.e., visible & hidden.
348 (if val
349 (unless (sort= s val)
350 (push (cons s val) sort-mapping))
351 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
352 (princ "view incomplete for sort ")
353 (print-chaos-object s)
354 (print-next)
355 (princ "view from ")
356 (print-chaos-object src-mod)
357 (princ " to ")
358 (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
359 (print-next)
360 (princ "!! MAY BE HARMFUL !!")
361 ;; (chaos-error 'modexp-eval)
362 )
363 )
364 )))
365 ;;
366 ;; ** compute operator mapping ------------------------------------
367 ;;
368 (let* ((src-vars
369 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
370 (let ((sort (find-sort-in src-mod
371 (cadr x))))
372 (unless sort
373 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
374 (format t "sort ~a not found in view variable"
375 (cadr x))
376 ))
377 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
378 (make-variable-term sort
379 (if (stringp y)
380 (intern y)
381 y)))
382 (car x))))
383 vars))
384 (dst-vars
385 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
386 (let ((val (cdr (assq (variable-sort x)
387 sort-mapping))))
388 (if val
389 (make-variable-term val (variable-name x))
390 x)))
391 src-vars))
392 ;;
393 (op-mapping (compute-op-mappings src-mod
394 dst-mod
395 sort-mapping
396 op-maps
397 bop-maps
398 src-vars
399 dst-vars
400 )))
401 ;; now op-mapping is in form of ( op-map ... ),
402 ;; where op-map is
403 ;; (source-pattern target-pattern)
404 ;; this will be converted to operator map of modmorhp:
405 ;; (method :replacement List[psuedo-var] target-pattern)
406 ;; >> *NOTE* we do not use ':simple-map for view.
407 ;; we are now about to complete method mapping.
408 ;; >> *NOTE* handle constants last.
409 ;; make method map with the same name iff not mapped already.
410 ;;
411 (dolist (oinfo (module-all-operators src-mod))
412 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods oinfo))
413 (block next-method
414 (let ((target-method nil))
415 (when (and
416 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
417 (not (method-is-error-method method)))
418 (let ((xmod (method-module method)))
419 (not
420 (memq xmod *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
421 ))
422 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping method)
423 ;;
424 ;; not in the map
425 ;;
426 (when *on-view-debug*
427 (format t "~%[create-view] :")
428 (format t "~&-find non-specified method ")
429 (print-method method)
430 (format t "~&-try finding in module ")
431 (print-mod-name dst-mod))
432 ;; find in destination module with
433 ;; name, arity and coarity mapped by sort-map.
434 (unless (sort= (method-coarity method) *sort-id-sort*)
435 (setq target-method
436 (find-method-in dst-mod
437 (method-symbol method)
438 (view-map-image-sorts
439 dst-mod
440 (method-arity method)
441 sort-mapping)
442 (view-map-image-sort
443 dst-mod
444 (method-coarity method)
445 sort-mapping)))
446 (unless target-method
447 ;; failed to find.
448 ;; we continue, but may cause big problem later
449 ;; so gives a warning.
450 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
451 (princ "view incomplete for operator ")
452 (print-method method)
453 (princ " of ")
454 (print-mod-name src-mod)
455 (print-next)
456 (princ "view to ")
457 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
458 (print-next)
459 (princ "!! MAY CAUSE PANIC LATER !!"))
460 (return-from next-method nil)
461 )
463 ;;
464 ;; found the target-method in dst-mod,
465 ;; i.e., with the same name & has proper rank.
466 ;;
467 (unless (eq method target-method)
468 ;; construct map iff they are different object.
469 (let ((vars (make-psuedo-vars-from-sorts
470 (method-arity method))))
471 (when *on-view-debug*
472 (format t "~%-*creating new op-mapping ")
473 (format t "~& from ")
474 (print-method method)
475 (format t "~& to ")
476 (print-method target-method))
477 (push (list (make-term-check-op method vars src-mod)
478 (make-term-check-op target-method
479 vars
480 dst-mod))
481 op-mapping)
482 )
483 ;;
484 (let ((thy1 (method-theory method
485 (module-opinfo-table src-mod)))
486 (thy2 (method-theory target-method
487 (module-opinfo-table dst-mod))))
488 (let ((z1 (car (theory-zero thy1)))
489 (z2 (car (theory-zero thy2))))
490 (when (and z1
491 (not (*find-method-in-map op-mapping
492 (term-head z1)))
493 z2
494 (term-is-constant? z1)
495 (term-is-constant? z2))
496 (push (list z1 z2)
497 op-mapping))))))))))))
498 ;;
499 ;; make SortId op mappings
500 ;;
501 (let ((s-op nil)
502 (t-op nil)
503 (ignore-these (list *cosmos* *universal-sort*
504 *huniversal-sort* *bottom-sort*)))
505 (dolist (s-map sort-mapping)
506 (let ((source (car s-map))
507 (target (cdr s-map)))
508 (break)
509 (unless (or (err-sort-p source)
510 (memq source ignore-these)
511 (memq target ignore-these))
512 (setq s-op (find-method-in src-mod
513 (string (sort-id source))
514 nil
515 *sort-id-sort*))
516 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping s-op)
517 (setq t-op (find-method-in dst-mod
518 (string (sort-id target))
519 nil
520 *sort-id-sort*))
521 (push (list (make-term-check-op s-op nil src-mod)
522 (make-term-check-op t-op nil dst-mod))
523 op-mapping))))))
525 ;;
526 ;; final result
527 ;;
528 (let ((view (view-struct* :anon-view)))
529 (initialize-view view)
530 (setf (view-src view) src-mod
531 (view-target view) dst-mod
532 (view-sort-maps view) sort-mapping
533 (view-op-maps view) op-mapping)
534 ;;
535 (when *on-view-debug*
536 (format t "~%[generated view]:")
537 (format t "~& source = ") (print-chaos-object src-mod)
538 (format t "~& target = ") (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
539 (format t "~& sort-map = ")
540 (dolist (smap sort-mapping)
541 (terpri)
542 (print-chaos-object smap))
543 (format t "~& op-map =")
544 (dolist (opmap op-mapping)
545 (terpri)
546 (print-term-method (car opmap))
547 (princ " --> ")
548 (princ (cdr opmap))
549 ;; (print-chaos-object opmap)
550 ))
551 ;;
552 view)
553 ))))))
555555 ||#
557557 (defun create-view (th mod rename-map pre-map)
558558 (let ((vw-map (if (%is-rmap rename-map)
559 (%rmap-map rename-map)
560 rename-map)))
559 (%rmap-map rename-map)
560 rename-map)))
561561 ;;
562562 ;; eval source & target module
563563 ;;
564 (let ((src-mod (eval-modexp th t)) ; should already evaluated but..
565 (dst-mod (eval-modexp mod t))) ; really evaluate the target.
564 (let ((src-mod (eval-modexp th t)) ; should already evaluated but..
565 (dst-mod (eval-modexp mod t))) ; really evaluate the target.
566566 (when (or (modexp-is-error src-mod) (modexp-is-error dst-mod))
567 ;; error, ivalid args as modules
568 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
569 (princ "Cannot evaluate module in view: ")
570 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
571 (princ "view source = ")
572 (print-modexp th))
573 (when (modexp-is-error dst-mod)
574 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
575 (princ ", and "))
576 (princ "view target = ")
577 (print-modexp mod))
578 ))
567 ;; error, ivalid args as modules
568 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
569 (princ "Cannot evaluate module in view: ")
570 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
571 (princ "view source = ")
572 (print-modexp th))
573 (when (modexp-is-error dst-mod)
574 (when (modexp-is-error src-mod)
575 (princ ", and "))
576 (princ "view target = ")
577 (print-modexp mod))
578 ))
579579 ;;
580580 ;; compute mappings.
581581 ;;
582582 (let ((pre-sort-mapping nil)
583 (pre-op-mapping nil)
584 )
585 ;;
586 (when pre-map
587 (setq pre-sort-mapping (modmorph-sort pre-map))
588 (setq pre-op-mapping (modmorph-op pre-map)))
589 #||
590 (when (int-instantiation-p dst-mod)
591 (let ((mappg (views-to-modmorph (int-instantiation-module dst-mod)
592 (int-instantiation-args dst-mod))))
593 (setq pre-sort-mapping (modmorph-sort mappg))
594 (setq pre-op-mapping (modmorph-op mappg))))
595 ||#
596 ;;
598 (let ((sort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-sort vw-map)))
599 (op-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-op vw-map)))
600 (hsort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort vw-map)))
601 (bop-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-bop vw-map)))
602 (vars (cadr (assq '%vars vw-map)))
603 (pr (principal-sort src-mod))
604 ; NOW we support. May/'97
605 )
606 ;;
607 ;; ** compute sort mappings ---------------------------------
608 ;;
609 (let ((sort-mapping (compute-sort-mappings src-mod
610 dst-mod
611 sort-maps
612 hsort-maps)))
613 #||
614 (when pre-sort-mapping
615 (setq sort-mapping
616 (modmorph-merge-assoc sort-mapping pre-sort-mapping nil)))
617 ||#
618 ;; make sort mappings with completing sort maps not explicitly
619 ;; specified.
620 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts src-mod))
621 (unless (*find-sort-in-map sort-mapping s)
622 ;; map is not specified.
623 ;; we prefer map in pre-sort-mapping iff given.
624 (let ((pre (assq s pre-sort-mapping)))
625 (if pre
626 (push pre sort-mapping)
627 ;; else find by `the same name principle.'
628 (let ((val (find-sort-in dst-mod (sort-id s) t)))
629 (when (eq s pr) ; is this the principal sort?
630 (let ((pval (principal-sort dst-mod)))
631 (when pval
632 (setq val pval))))
633 ;; find compatible same name sort ---
634 ;; should check types,i.e., visible & hidden.
635 (if val
636 (unless (sort= s val)
637 (push (cons s val) sort-mapping))
638 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
639 (princ "view incomplete for sort ")
640 (print-chaos-object s)
641 (print-next)
642 (princ "view from ")
643 (print-chaos-object src-mod)
644 (princ " to ")
645 (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
646 (print-next)
647 (princ "!! this can cause panic.")
648 ;; (chaos-error 'modexp-eval)
649 )))
650 ))))
651 ;;
652 ;; ** compute operator mapping ------------------------------------
653 ;;
654 (let* ((src-vars
655 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
656 (let ((sort (find-sort-in src-mod
657 (cadr x))))
658 (unless sort
659 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
660 (format t "sort ~a not found in view variable"
661 (cadr x))
662 ))
663 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
664 (make-variable-term sort
665 (if (stringp y)
666 (intern y)
667 y)))
668 (car x))))
669 vars))
670 (dst-vars
671 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
672 (let ((val (cdr (assq (variable-sort x)
673 sort-mapping))))
674 (if val
675 (make-variable-term val (variable-name x))
676 x)))
677 src-vars))
678 ;;
679 (op-mapping (compute-op-mappings src-mod
680 dst-mod
681 sort-mapping
682 op-maps
683 bop-maps
684 src-vars
685 dst-vars
686 )))
687 #||
688 (when pre-op-mapping
689 (setq op-mapping
690 (modmorph-merge-op-assoc op-mapping
691 pre-op-mapping)))
692 ||#
693 ;; now op-mapping is in form of ( op-map ... ),
694 ;; where op-map is
695 ;; (source-pattern target-pattern)
696 ;; this will be converted to operator map of modmorhp:
697 ;; (method :replacement List[psuedo-var] target-pattern)
698 ;; >> *NOTE* we do not use ':simple-map for view.
699 ;; we are now about to complete method mapping.
700 ;; >> *NOTE* handle constants last.
701 ;; make method map with the same name iff not mapped already.
702 ;;
703 (dolist (oinfo (module-all-operators src-mod))
704 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods oinfo))
705 (block next-method
706 (let ((target-method nil))
707 (when (and
708 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
709 ;; t
710 (not (method-is-error-method method)))
711 (let ((xmod (method-module method)))
712 (not
713 (memq xmod *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
714 ))
715 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping method)
716 ;;
717 ;; not in the map
718 ;;
719 (when *on-view-debug*
720 (format t "~&[create-view] :")
721 (format t "~&-find non-specified method ")
722 (print-method method)
723 (format t "~&-try finding in module ")
724 (print-mod-name dst-mod))
725 ;; check in pre-op-mapping,
726 ;; if found use this map.
727 (let ((pre (*find-method-in-map pre-op-mapping method)))
728 (if pre
729 (push pre op-mapping)
730 ;; find in destination module with
731 ;; name, arity and coarity mapped by sort-map.
732 (unless (sort= (method-coarity method)
733 *sort-id-sort*)
734 (setq target-method
735 (find-method-in dst-mod
736 (method-symbol method)
737 (view-map-image-sorts
738 dst-mod
739 (method-arity method)
740 sort-mapping)
741 (view-map-image-sort
742 dst-mod
743 (method-coarity method)
744 sort-mapping)))
745 (unless target-method
746 ;; failed to find.
747 ;; we continue, but may cause big problem later
748 ;; so gives a warning.
749 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
750 (princ "view incomplete for operator ")
751 (print-method method)
752 (princ " of ")
753 (print-mod-name src-mod)
754 (print-next)
755 (princ "view to ")
756 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
757 (print-next)
758 (princ "can cause panic later !!"))
759 (return-from next-method nil)
760 )
761 ;;
762 ;; found the target-method in dst-mod,
763 ;; i.e., with the same name & has proper rank.
764 ;;
765 (unless (eq method target-method)
766 ;; construct map iff they are different object.
767 (let ((vars (make-psuedo-vars-from-sorts
768 (method-arity method))))
769 (when *on-view-debug*
770 (format t "~&-*creating new op-mapping ")
771 (format t "~& from ")
772 (print-method method)
773 (format t "~& to ")
774 (print-method target-method))
775 (push (list (make-term-check-op
776 method
777 vars
778 src-mod)
779 (make-term-check-op
780 target-method
781 vars
782 dst-mod))
783 op-mapping)
784 )
785 ;;
786 (let ((thy1 (method-theory
787 method
788 (module-opinfo-table src-mod)))
789 (thy2 (method-theory
790 target-method
791 (module-opinfo-table dst-mod))))
792 (let ((z1 (car (theory-zero thy1)))
793 (z2 (car (theory-zero thy2))))
794 (when (and z1
795 (not (*find-method-in-map
796 op-mapping
797 (term-head z1)))
798 z2
799 (term-is-constant? z1)
800 (term-is-constant? z2))
801 (push (list z1 z2)
802 op-mapping))))))))))))))
803 ;;
804 ;; make SortId op mappings
805 ;;
806 (let ((s-op nil)
807 (t-op nil))
808 (dolist (s-map sort-mapping)
809 (let ((source (car s-map))
810 (target (cdr s-map))
811 (ignore-these (list *cosmos* *universal-sort*
812 *huniversal-sort*
813 *bottom-sort*)))
814 (unless (or (err-sort-p source)
815 (memq source ignore-these)
816 (memq target ignore-these))
817 (setq s-op (find-method-in src-mod
818 (string (sort-id source))
819 nil
820 *sort-id-sort*))
821 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping s-op)
822 (setq t-op (find-method-in dst-mod
823 (string (sort-id target))
824 nil
825 *sort-id-sort*))
826 (push (list (make-term-check-op s-op nil src-mod)
827 (make-term-check-op t-op nil dst-mod))
828 op-mapping))))))
829 ;;
830 ;; final result
831 ;;
832 (let ((view (view-struct* :anon-view)))
833 (initialize-view view)
834 (setf (view-src view) src-mod
835 (view-target view) dst-mod
836 (view-sort-maps view) sort-mapping
837 (view-op-maps view) op-mapping)
838 ;;
839 (when *on-view-debug*
840 (format t "~%[generated view]:")
841 (format t "~& source = ") (print-chaos-object src-mod)
842 (format t "~& target = ") (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
843 (format t "~& sort-map = ")
844 (dolist (smap sort-mapping)
845 (terpri)
846 (print-chaos-object smap))
847 (format t "~& op-map =")
848 (dolist (opmap op-mapping)
849 (terpri)
850 (print-term-method (car opmap))
851 (princ " --> ")
852 (princ (cdr opmap))
853 ;; (print-chaos-object opmap)
854 ))
855 ;;
856 view)
857 )))))))
583 (pre-op-mapping nil)
584 )
585 ;;
586 (when pre-map
587 (setq pre-sort-mapping (modmorph-sort pre-map))
588 (setq pre-op-mapping (modmorph-op pre-map)))
589 #||
590 (when (int-instantiation-p dst-mod)
591 (let ((mappg (views-to-modmorph (int-instantiation-module dst-mod)
592 (int-instantiation-args dst-mod))))
593 (setq pre-sort-mapping (modmorph-sort mappg))
594 (setq pre-op-mapping (modmorph-op mappg))))
595 ||#
596 ;;
598 (let ((sort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-sort vw-map)))
599 (op-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-op vw-map)))
600 (hsort-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort vw-map)))
601 (bop-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-bop vw-map)))
602 (vars (cadr (assq '%vars vw-map)))
603 (pr (principal-sort src-mod))
604 ; NOW we support. May/'97
605 )
606 ;;
607 ;; ** compute sort mappings ---------------------------------
608 ;;
609 (let ((sort-mapping (compute-sort-mappings src-mod
610 dst-mod
611 sort-maps
612 hsort-maps)))
613 #||
614 (when pre-sort-mapping
615 (setq sort-mapping
616 (modmorph-merge-assoc sort-mapping pre-sort-mapping nil)))
617 ||#
618 ;; make sort mappings with completing sort maps not explicitly
619 ;; specified.
620 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts src-mod))
621 (unless (*find-sort-in-map sort-mapping s)
622 ;; map is not specified.
623 ;; we prefer map in pre-sort-mapping iff given.
624 (let ((pre (assq s pre-sort-mapping)))
625 (if pre
626 (push pre sort-mapping)
627 ;; else find by `the same name principle.'
628 (let ((val (find-sort-in dst-mod (sort-id s) t)))
629 (when (eq s pr) ; is this the principal sort?
630 (let ((pval (principal-sort dst-mod)))
631 (when pval
632 (setq val pval))))
633 ;; find compatible same name sort ---
634 ;; should check types,i.e., visible & hidden.
635 (if val
636 (unless (sort= s val)
637 (push (cons s val) sort-mapping))
638 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
639 (princ "view incomplete for sort ")
640 (print-chaos-object s)
641 (print-next)
642 (princ "view from ")
643 (print-chaos-object src-mod)
644 (princ " to ")
645 (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
646 (print-next)
647 (princ "!! this can cause panic.")
648 ;; (chaos-error 'modexp-eval)
649 )))
650 ))))
651 ;;
652 ;; ** compute operator mapping ------------------------------------
653 ;;
654 (let* ((src-vars
655 (mapcan #'(lambda (x)
656 (let ((sort (find-sort-in src-mod
657 (cadr x))))
658 (unless sort
659 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
660 (format t "sort ~a not found in view variable"
661 (cadr x))
662 ))
663 (mapcar #'(lambda (y)
664 (make-variable-term sort
665 (if (stringp y)
666 (intern y)
667 y)))
668 (car x))))
669 vars))
670 (dst-vars
671 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
672 (let ((val (cdr (assq (variable-sort x)
673 sort-mapping))))
674 (if val
675 (make-variable-term val (variable-name x))
676 x)))
677 src-vars))
678 ;;
679 (op-mapping (compute-op-mappings src-mod
680 dst-mod
681 sort-mapping
682 op-maps
683 bop-maps
684 src-vars
685 dst-vars
686 )))
687 #||
688 (when pre-op-mapping
689 (setq op-mapping
690 (modmorph-merge-op-assoc op-mapping
691 pre-op-mapping)))
692 ||#
693 ;; now op-mapping is in form of ( op-map ... ),
694 ;; where op-map is
695 ;; (source-pattern target-pattern)
696 ;; this will be converted to operator map of modmorhp:
697 ;; (method :replacement List[psuedo-var] target-pattern)
698 ;; >> *NOTE* we do not use ':simple-map for view.
699 ;; we are now about to complete method mapping.
700 ;; >> *NOTE* handle constants last.
701 ;; make method map with the same name iff not mapped already.
702 ;;
703 (dolist (oinfo (module-all-operators src-mod))
704 (dolist (method (opinfo-methods oinfo))
705 (block next-method
706 (let ((target-method nil))
707 (when (and
708 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method method)
709 ;; t
710 (not (method-is-error-method method)))
711 (let ((xmod (method-module method)))
712 (not
713 (memq xmod *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
714 ))
715 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping method)
716 ;;
717 ;; not in the map
718 ;;
719 (when *on-view-debug*
720 (format t "~%[create-view] :")
721 (format t "~&-find non-specified method ")
722 (print-method method)
723 (format t "~&-try finding in module ")
724 (print-mod-name dst-mod))
725 ;; check in pre-op-mapping,
726 ;; if found use this map.
727 (let ((pre (*find-method-in-map pre-op-mapping method)))
728 (if pre
729 (push pre op-mapping)
730 ;; find in destination module with
731 ;; name, arity and coarity mapped by sort-map.
732 (unless (sort= (method-coarity method)
733 *sort-id-sort*)
734 (setq target-method
735 (find-method-in dst-mod
736 (method-symbol method)
737 (view-map-image-sorts
738 dst-mod
739 (method-arity method)
740 sort-mapping)
741 (view-map-image-sort
742 dst-mod
743 (method-coarity method)
744 sort-mapping)))
745 (unless target-method
746 ;; failed to find.
747 ;; we continue, but may cause big problem later
748 ;; so gives a warning.
749 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
750 (princ "view incomplete for operator ")
751 (print-method method)
752 (princ " of ")
753 (print-mod-name src-mod)
754 (print-next)
755 (princ "view to ")
756 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
757 (print-next)
758 (princ "can cause panic later !!"))
759 (return-from next-method nil)
760 )
761 ;;
762 ;; found the target-method in dst-mod,
763 ;; i.e., with the same name & has proper rank.
764 ;;
765 (unless (eq method target-method)
766 ;; construct map iff they are different object.
767 (let ((vars (make-psuedo-vars-from-sorts
768 (method-arity method))))
769 (when *on-view-debug*
770 (format t "~%-*creating new op-mapping ")
771 (format t "~& from ")
772 (print-method method)
773 (format t "~& to ")
774 (print-method target-method))
775 (push (list (make-term-check-op
776 method
777 vars
778 src-mod)
779 (make-term-check-op
780 target-method
781 vars
782 dst-mod))
783 op-mapping)
784 )
785 ;;
786 (let ((thy1 (method-theory
787 method
788 (module-opinfo-table src-mod)))
789 (thy2 (method-theory
790 target-method
791 (module-opinfo-table dst-mod))))
792 (let ((z1 (car (theory-zero thy1)))
793 (z2 (car (theory-zero thy2))))
794 (when (and z1
795 (not (*find-method-in-map
796 op-mapping
797 (term-head z1)))
798 z2
799 (term-is-constant? z1)
800 (term-is-constant? z2))
801 (push (list z1 z2)
802 op-mapping))))))))))))))
803 ;;
804 ;; make SortId op mappings
805 ;;
806 (let ((s-op nil)
807 (t-op nil))
808 (dolist (s-map sort-mapping)
809 (let ((source (car s-map))
810 (target (cdr s-map))
811 (ignore-these (list *cosmos* *universal-sort*
812 *huniversal-sort*
813 *bottom-sort*)))
814 (unless (or (err-sort-p source)
815 (memq source ignore-these)
816 (memq target ignore-these))
817 (setq s-op (find-method-in src-mod
818 (string (sort-id source))
819 nil
820 *sort-id-sort*))
821 (unless (*find-method-in-map op-mapping s-op)
822 (setq t-op (find-method-in dst-mod
823 (string (sort-id target))
824 nil
825 *sort-id-sort*))
826 (push (list (make-term-check-op s-op nil src-mod)
827 (make-term-check-op t-op nil dst-mod))
828 op-mapping))))))
829 ;;
830 ;; final result
831 ;;
832 (let ((view (view-struct* :anon-view)))
833 (initialize-view view)
834 (setf (view-src view) src-mod
835 (view-target view) dst-mod
836 (view-sort-maps view) sort-mapping
837 (view-op-maps view) op-mapping)
838 ;;
839 (when *on-view-debug*
840 (format t "~%[generated view]:")
841 (format t "~& source = ") (print-chaos-object src-mod)
842 (format t "~& target = ") (print-chaos-object dst-mod)
843 (format t "~& sort-map = ")
844 (dolist (smap sort-mapping)
845 (terpri)
846 (print-chaos-object smap))
847 (format t "~& op-map =")
848 (dolist (opmap op-mapping)
849 (terpri)
850 (print-term-method (car opmap))
851 (princ " --> ")
852 (princ (cdr opmap))
853 ;; (print-chaos-object opmap)
854 ))
855 ;;
856 view)
857 )))))))
859859 (defun *find-sort-in-map (map x)
860860 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (y)
861 (sort= x (car y)))
862 map)))
861 (sort= x (car y)))
862 map)))
863863 (if imap
864 (cdr imap)
865 nil)))
864 (cdr imap)
865 nil)))
867867 (defun *find-method-in-map (op-mapping method)
868868 ;;
869869 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (if (operator-method-p (car x))
870 (eq method (car x))
871 (eq method (term-head (car x)))))
872 op-mapping))
870 (eq method (car x))
871 (eq method (term-head (car x)))))
872 op-mapping))
874874 ;;; ***********************
886886 ;;;
887887 (defun compute-sort-mappings (src-mod dst-mod sort-maps hsort-maps)
888888 (let ((res (nconc (mapcan
889 #'(lambda (x)
890 (compute-sort-mapping src-mod dst-mod x :visible))
891 sort-maps)
892 (mapcan
893 #'(lambda (x)
894 (compute-sort-mapping src-mod dst-mod x :hidden))
895 hsort-maps)))
896 (f-so (module-sort-order src-mod))
897 (t-so (module-sort-order dst-mod))
898 (err-map nil))
889 #'(lambda (x)
890 (compute-sort-mapping src-mod dst-mod x :visible))
891 sort-maps)
892 (mapcan
893 #'(lambda (x)
894 (compute-sort-mapping src-mod dst-mod x :hidden))
895 hsort-maps)))
896 (f-so (module-sort-order src-mod))
897 (t-so (module-sort-order dst-mod))
898 (err-map nil))
899899 ;; make implicit mapping for error sorts, if not specified.
900900 (dolist (map res)
901901 (let ((s-err (the-err-sort (car map) f-so))
902 (t-err (the-err-sort (cdr map) t-so)))
903 (unless (assq s-err res)
904 (push (cons s-err t-err) err-map))))
902 (t-err (the-err-sort (cdr map) t-so)))
903 (unless (assq s-err res)
904 (push (cons s-err t-err) err-map))))
905905 (when err-map
906906 (setq res (nconc res err-map)))
907907 ;;
910910 (defun compute-sort-mapping (src-mod dst-mod sort-map &optional (type :visible))
911911 (let ((srcs (find-sort-in src-mod (car sort-map)))
912 (tgts (find-sort-in dst-mod (cadr sort-map))))
912 (tgts (find-sort-in dst-mod (cadr sort-map))))
913913 (unless srcs
914914 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
915 (princ "in view from ")
916 (print-mod-name src-mod)
917 (princ " to ")
918 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
919 (print-next)
920 (princ "source sort not recognized : ")
921 (print-sort-ref (car sort-map))
922 ))
915 (princ "in view from ")
916 (print-mod-name src-mod)
917 (princ " to ")
918 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
919 (print-next)
920 (princ "source sort not recognized : ")
921 (print-sort-ref (car sort-map))
922 ))
923923 (unless tgts
924924 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
925 (princ "in view from ")
926 (print-mod-name src-mod)
927 (princ " to ")
928 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
929 (print-next)
930 (princ "target sort not recognized: ")
931 (print-sort-ref (cadr sort-map))
932 ))
925 (princ "in view from ")
926 (print-mod-name src-mod)
927 (princ " to ")
928 (print-mod-name dst-mod)
929 (print-next)
930 (princ "target sort not recognized: ")
931 (print-sort-ref (cadr sort-map))
932 ))
933933 (case type
934934 (:visible (unless (and (sort-is-visible srcs)
935 (sort-is-visible tgts))
936 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
937 (format t "both source(~A) and target(~A) sorts must be visible for `sort' map"
938 (sort-id srcs)
939 (sort-id tgts))
940 )))
935 (sort-is-visible tgts))
936 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
937 (format t "both source(~A) and target(~A) sorts must be visible for `sort' map"
938 (sort-id srcs)
939 (sort-id tgts))
940 )))
941941 (otherwise (unless (and (sort-is-hidden srcs)
942 (sort-is-hidden tgts))
943 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
944 (format t "both source(~A) and target(~A) sort must be hidden for `hsort' map."
945 (sort-id srcs)
946 (sort-id tgts))
947 ))))
942 (sort-is-hidden tgts))
943 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
944 (format t "both source(~A) and target(~A) sort must be hidden for `hsort' map."
945 (sort-id srcs)
946 (sort-id tgts))
947 ))))
948948 ;;
949949 (list (cons srcs tgts))))
969969 (defun compute-op-mappings (src-mod dst-mod sort-maps op-maps bop-maps src-vars dst-vars)
970970 (nconc (mapcan #'(lambda (opmap)
971 (compute-op-mapping src-mod
972 dst-mod
973 sort-maps
974 opmap
975 src-vars
976 dst-vars
977 :functional
978 ))
979 op-maps)
980 (mapcan #'(lambda (opmap)
981 (compute-op-mapping src-mod
982 dst-mod
983 sort-maps
984 opmap
985 src-vars
986 dst-vars
987 :behavioural
988 ))
989 bop-maps)))
971 (compute-op-mapping src-mod
972 dst-mod
973 sort-maps
974 opmap
975 src-vars
976 dst-vars
977 :functional
978 ))
979 op-maps)
980 (mapcan #'(lambda (opmap)
981 (compute-op-mapping src-mod
982 dst-mod
983 sort-maps
984 opmap
985 src-vars
986 dst-vars
987 :behavioural
988 ))
989 bop-maps)))
991991 (defun resolve-op-pattern-as-term (mod pat vars)
992992 (let ((pparsed (let ((*parse-variables* (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
993 (cons (variable-name x) x))
994 vars)))
995 (if (and (term? pat)
996 (term-is-application-form? pat))
997 pat
998 (parse-quiet-parse mod pat))
999 )
1000 ))
993 (cons (variable-name x) x))
994 vars)))
995 (if (and (term? pat)
996 (term-is-application-form? pat))
997 pat
998 (parse-quiet-parse mod pat))
999 )
1000 ))
10011001 (if (term-is-an-error pparsed)
1002 (when *on-view-debug*
1003 (with-in-module (mod)
1004 (print-term-tree pparsed)
1005 nil))
1006 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? pparsed)
1007 (values pparsed
1008 (term-builtin-value pparsed)
1009 nil
1010 nil)
1011 (values pparsed
1012 (term-head pparsed)
1013 (term-variables pparsed)
1014 (make-psuedo-vars (term-subterms pparsed)))
1015 ))))
1002 (when *on-view-debug*
1003 (with-in-module (mod)
1004 (print-term-tree pparsed)
1005 nil))
1006 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? pparsed)
1007 (values pparsed
1008 (term-builtin-value pparsed)
1009 nil
1010 nil)
1011 (values pparsed
1012 (term-head pparsed)
1013 (term-variables pparsed)
1014 (make-psuedo-vars (term-subterms pparsed)))
1015 ))))
10171017 (defun split-str (str)
10181018 (let ((len (length str))
1019 (index 0)
1020 (r nil))
1019 (index 0)
1020 (r nil))
10211021 (dotimes (i len (progn (unless (= index len)
1022 (push (subseq str index) r))
1023 (reverse r)))
1022 (push (subseq str index) r))
1023 (reverse r)))
10241024 (when (char= (char str i) #\_)
1025 (unless (= index i)
1026 (push (subseq str index i) r))
1027 (push "_" r)
1028 (setf index (1+ i)))
1025 (unless (= index i)
1026 (push (subseq str index i) r))
1027 (push "_" r)
1028 (setf index (1+ i)))
10291029 )))
10311031 (defun delimit-op-pat (pat)
10321032 (let ((res nil))
10331033 (dolist (p pat)
10371037 (defun resolve-op-pattern-as-reference (mod pat)
10381038 (setq pat (delimit-op-pat pat))
10391039 (let ((*modexp-parse-input* (append pat '(".")))
1040 (new-pat nil)
1041 (info nil)
1042 (res nil))
1040 (new-pat nil)
1041 (info nil)
1042 (res nil))
10431043 (setq new-pat (parse-operator-reference '(".")))
10441044 (setq info (find-qual-operators new-pat mod))
10451045 #||
10461046 (when (cdr info)
10471047 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1048 (format t "operator reference ~A is ambiguous" pat)
1049 ;;(print-ast new-pat)
1050 (print-next)
1051 (princ "in the context: ")
1052 (print-mod-name mod *standard-output* t)
1053 ))
1048 (format t "operator reference ~A is ambiguous" pat)
1049 ;;(print-ast new-pat)
1050 (print-next)
1051 (princ "in the context: ")
1052 (print-mod-name mod *standard-output* t)
1053 ))
10541054 ||#
10551055 ;; we only need methods
10561056 (dolist (i info)
10571057 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods i))
1058 (push m res)))
1058 (push m res)))
10591059 (if res
1060 (list 'dummy-op (nreverse res))
1061 nil)))
1060 (list 'dummy-op (nreverse res))
1061 nil)))
10631063 (defun compute-op-mapping (src-mod dst-mod sort-maps op-map src-vars dst-vars
1064 &optional (type :functional))
1064 &optional (type :functional))
10651065 (let ((src-opex (car op-map))
1066 (dst-opex (cadr op-map))
1067 (src-opinfo nil)
1068 (dst-opinfo nil)
1069 (mappings nil)
1070 (source-map-type :term)
1071 (target-map-type :term)
1072 )
1066 (dst-opex (cadr op-map))
1067 (src-opinfo nil)
1068 (dst-opinfo nil)
1069 (mappings nil)
1070 (source-map-type :term)
1071 (target-map-type :term)
1072 )
10731073 (multiple-value-bind (src-pat src-method src-varbs src-p-vars)
1074 ;;
1075 ;; source op pattern
1076 ;;
1077 ;; first we assume pattern is given as term.
1078 (resolve-op-pattern-as-term src-mod src-opex src-vars)
1074 ;;
1075 ;; source op pattern
1076 ;;
1077 ;; first we assume pattern is given as term.
1078 (resolve-op-pattern-as-term src-mod src-opex src-vars)
10791079 ;;
10801080 (when src-pat
1081 (unless (every #'(lambda (x) (term-is-variable? x))
1082 (term-subterms src-pat))
1083 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-map)
1084 (princ "mapping operator: ")
1085 (print-method (term-head src-pat))
1086 (print-next)
1087 (princ "source pattern must not have non-variable subterms:")
1088 ))
1089 ;; construct a generic pattern with psuedo variables:
1090 (unless (term-is-builtin-constant? src-pat)
1091 (setq src-pat
1092 (make-term-check-op src-method src-p-vars src-mod)))
1093 (setq source-map-type :term))
1081 (unless (every #'(lambda (x) (term-is-variable? x))
1082 (term-subterms src-pat))
1083 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-op-map)
1084 (princ "mapping operator: ")
1085 (print-method (term-head src-pat))
1086 (print-next)
1087 (princ "source pattern must not have non-variable subterms:")
1088 ))
1089 ;; construct a generic pattern with psuedo variables:
1090 (unless (term-is-builtin-constant? src-pat)
1091 (setq src-pat
1092 (make-term-check-op src-method src-p-vars src-mod)))
1093 (setq source-map-type :term))
10941094 ;;
10951095 ;; also try,
10961096 ;; given source op pattern may be a operator reference.
10971097 ;;
10981098 (unless src-pat
1099 (setq src-opinfo (resolve-op-pattern-as-reference src-mod src-opex)))
1099 (setq src-opinfo (resolve-op-pattern-as-reference src-mod src-opex)))
11001100 (if src-opinfo
1101 (setq source-map-type :op-ref)
1102 (unless src-pat
1103 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
1104 (format t "could not resolve source operator pattern : ~a"
1105 src-opex)
1106 )))
1101 (setq source-map-type :op-ref)
1102 (unless src-pat
1103 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
1104 (format t "could not resolve source operator pattern : ~a"
1105 src-opex)
1106 )))
11071107 ;;
11081108 ;; target pattern
11091109 ;;
11101110 (multiple-value-bind (dst-pat dst-method dst-varbs dst-p-vars)
1111 (if src-pat
1112 (resolve-op-pattern-as-term dst-mod dst-opex dst-vars)
1113 nil)
1114 (declare (ignore dst-method dst-p-vars))
1115 (when dst-pat
1116 ;; construct generic target pattern:
1117 ;; replaces
1118 (let ((subst nil)
1119 (src-vn (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (variable-name x))
1120 src-varbs)))
1121 (dolist (dv dst-varbs)
1122 (let* ((vm (variable-name dv))
1123 (vpos (position-if #'(lambda (x) (equal vm x)) src-vn)))
1124 (if vpos (push (cons dv (nth vpos src-p-vars)) subst))))
1125 (setq dst-pat
1126 (substitution-simple-image subst dst-pat))
1127 (setq target-map-type :term)))
1128 ;;
1129 (when src-opinfo
1130 (setq dst-opinfo (resolve-op-pattern-as-reference dst-mod dst-opex))
1131 (if dst-opinfo
1132 (setq target-map-type :op-ref)
1133 (unless dst-pat
1134 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
1135 (format t "could not resolve operator target pattern : ~a"
1136 dst-opex)
1137 ))))
1138 ;;
1139 ;; make mapping
1140 ;;
1141 (cond ((and src-opinfo dst-opinfo)
1142 ;; construct mappings, target must be always a term.
1143 (let ((tm-list (opinfo-methods dst-opinfo)))
1144 (dolist (sm (opinfo-methods src-opinfo))
1145 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method sm)
1146 (not (method-is-error-method sm)))
1147 (let ((tm (find-method-mapped sm
1148 sort-maps
1149 tm-list
1150 src-mod
1151 dst-mod)))
1152 (if tm
1153 (let ((vars (make-psuedo-vars-from-sorts
1154 (method-arity sm))))
1155 (push (list (make-term-check-op sm vars src-mod)
1156 (make-term-check-op tm vars dst-mod))
1157 mappings))
1158 ;;
1159 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
1160 (format t "Operator mapping is not injective, the declaration")
1161 (print-next)
1162 (print-method sm src-mod)
1163 (print-next)
1164 (princ "has no proper image in the target,")
1165 (print-next)
1166 (princ "wrt the sort mappings:")
1167 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1168 (dolist (smap sort-maps)
1169 (print-next)
1170 (print-sort-name (car smap) src-mod)
1171 (princ " --> ")
1172 (print-sort-name (cdr smap) dst-mod)))
1173 )))))))
1174 ((and src-pat dst-pat)
1175 ;; must check rank is properly mapped.
1176 (let ((src-method (if (term-is-applform? src-pat)
1177 (term-head src-pat)
1178 nil))
1179 (dst-method (if (term-is-applform? dst-pat)
1180 (term-head dst-pat)
1181 nil)))
1182 (declare (ignore dst-method))
1183 (let ((coarity-mapped (*image-rename-sort sort-maps
1184 (term-sort src-pat)))
1185 (arity-mapped (if src-method
1186 (*image-rename-sorts sort-maps
1187 (method-arity
1188 src-method))
1189 nil)))
1190 (declare (ignore arity-mapped))
1191 (unless (sort= coarity-mapped (term-sort dst-pat))
1192 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1193 (princ "operator mapping is not strict wrt sort map:")
1194 (print-next)
1195 (princ "* sort map")
1196 (print-next)
1197 (princ "- ")
1198 (print-sort-name (term-sort src-pat) src-mod)
1199 (princ " --> ")
1200 (print-sort-name coarity-mapped dst-mod)
1201 (print-next)
1202 (princ "* operator map")
1203 (print-next)
1204 (princ "- source: ")
1205 (with-in-module (src-mod)
1206 (cond ((term-is-applform? src-pat)
1207 (print-chaos-object (term-head src-pat)))
1208 ((term-is-builtin-constant? src-pat)
1209 (print-chaos-object src-pat)
1210 (princ " : ")
1211 (print-sort-name (term-sort src-pat)))
1212 (t (print-chaos-object src-pat))))
1213 (print-next)
1214 (princ "- target: ")
1215 (with-in-module (dst-mod)
1216 (cond ((term-is-applform? dst-pat)
1217 (print-chaos-object (term-head dst-pat)))
1218 ((term-is-builtin-constant? dst-pat)
1219 (print-chaos-object dst-pat)
1220 (princ " : ")
1221 (print-sort-name (term-sort dst-pat)))
1222 (t (print-chaos-object dst-pat)))))))
1223 )
1224 ;; construct complex pattern mapping
1225 (push (list src-pat dst-pat) mappings))
1226 ;;; *************
1227 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
1228 ;; some useful message will going here....
1229 (princ "source and target of operator mapping must be the same type:")
1230 (print-next)
1231 (format t "- source type: ~a, target type: ~a"
1232 (if (eq source-map-type :term)
1233 'term
1234 "operator name")
1235 (if (eq target-map-type :term)
1236 'term
1237 "operator name"))
1238 )
1239 ))))
1111 (if src-pat
1112 (resolve-op-pattern-as-term dst-mod dst-opex dst-vars)
1113 nil)
1114 (declare (ignore dst-method dst-p-vars))
1115 (when dst-pat
1116 ;; construct generic target pattern:
1117 ;; replaces
1118 (let ((subst nil)
1119 (src-vn (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (variable-name x))
1120 src-varbs)))
1121 (dolist (dv dst-varbs)
1122 (let* ((vm (variable-name dv))
1123 (vpos (position-if #'(lambda (x) (equal vm x)) src-vn)))
1124 (if vpos (push (cons dv (nth vpos src-p-vars)) subst))))
1125 (setq dst-pat
1126 (substitution-simple-image subst dst-pat))
1127 (setq target-map-type :term)))
1128 ;;
1129 (when src-opinfo
1130 (setq dst-opinfo (resolve-op-pattern-as-reference dst-mod dst-opex))
1131 (if dst-opinfo
1132 (setq target-map-type :op-ref)
1133 (unless dst-pat
1134 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-map)
1135 (format t "could not resolve operator target pattern : ~a"
1136 dst-opex)
1137 ))))
1138 ;;
1139 ;; make mapping
1140 ;;
1141 (cond ((and src-opinfo dst-opinfo)
1142 ;; construct mappings, target must be always a term.
1143 (let ((tm-list (opinfo-methods dst-opinfo)))
1144 (dolist (sm (opinfo-methods src-opinfo))
1145 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method sm)
1146 (not (method-is-error-method sm)))
1147 (let ((tm (find-method-mapped sm
1148 sort-maps
1149 tm-list
1150 src-mod
1151 dst-mod)))
1152 (if tm
1153 (let ((vars (make-psuedo-vars-from-sorts
1154 (method-arity sm))))
1155 (push (list (make-term-check-op sm vars src-mod)
1156 (make-term-check-op tm vars dst-mod))
1157 mappings))
1158 ;;
1159 (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
1160 (format t "Operator mapping is not injective, the declaration")
1161 (print-next)
1162 (print-method sm src-mod)
1163 (print-next)
1164 (princ "has no proper image in the target,")
1165 (print-next)
1166 (princ "wrt the sort mappings:")
1167 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1168 (dolist (smap sort-maps)
1169 (print-next)
1170 (print-sort-name (car smap) src-mod)
1171 (princ " --> ")
1172 (print-sort-name (cdr smap) dst-mod)))
1173 )))))))
1174 ((and src-pat dst-pat)
1175 ;; must check rank is properly mapped.
1176 (let ((src-method (if (term-is-applform? src-pat)
1177 (term-head src-pat)
1178 nil))
1179 (dst-method (if (term-is-applform? dst-pat)
1180 (term-head dst-pat)
1181 nil)))
1182 (declare (ignore dst-method))
1183 (let ((coarity-mapped (*image-rename-sort sort-maps
1184 (term-sort src-pat)))
1185 (arity-mapped (if src-method
1186 (*image-rename-sorts sort-maps
1187 (method-arity
1188 src-method))
1189 nil)))
1190 (declare (ignore arity-mapped))
1191 (unless (sort<= (term-sort dst-pat) coarity-mapped
1192 (module-sort-order dst-mod))
1193 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1194 (princ "operator mapping is not strict wrt sort map:")
1195 (print-next)
1196 (princ "* sort map")
1197 (print-next)
1198 (princ "- ")
1199 (print-sort-name (term-sort src-pat) src-mod)
1200 (princ " --> ")
1201 (print-sort-name coarity-mapped dst-mod)
1202 (print-next)
1203 (princ "* operator map")
1204 (print-next)
1205 (princ "- source: ")
1206 (with-in-module (src-mod)
1207 (cond ((term-is-applform? src-pat)
1208 (print-chaos-object (term-head src-pat)))
1209 ((term-is-builtin-constant? src-pat)
1210 (print-chaos-object src-pat)
1211 (princ " : ")
1212 (print-sort-name (term-sort src-pat)))
1213 (t (print-chaos-object src-pat))))
1214 (print-next)
1215 (princ "- target: ")
1216 (with-in-module (dst-mod)
1217 (cond ((term-is-applform? dst-pat)
1218 (print-chaos-object (term-head dst-pat)))
1219 ((term-is-builtin-constant? dst-pat)
1220 (print-chaos-object dst-pat)
1221 (princ " : ")
1222 (print-sort-name (term-sort dst-pat)))
1223 (t (print-chaos-object dst-pat)))))))
1224 )
1225 ;; construct complex pattern mapping
1226 (push (list src-pat dst-pat) mappings))
1227 ;;; *************
1228 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('modexp-eval)
1229 ;; some useful message will going here....
1230 (princ "source and target of operator mapping must be the same type:")
1231 (print-next)
1232 (format t "- source type: ~a, target type: ~a"
1233 (if (eq source-map-type :term)
1234 'term
1235 "operator name")
1236 (if (eq target-map-type :term)
1237 'term
1238 "operator name"))
1239 )
1240 ))))
12401241 (when *on-view-debug*
1241 (format t "~&[compute op mapping]:")
1242 (format t "~%[compute op mapping]:")
12421243 (let* ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2))
1243 (map (car mappings))
1244 (src (first map))
1245 (pvars (term-subterms src))
1246 (dst (second map)))
1247 (with-in-module (src-mod)
1248 (print-next)
1249 (princ "src-pattern : ")
1250 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? src)
1251 (progn (term-print src)
1252 (format t " of built-in sort ")
1253 (print-sort-name (term-sort src)))
1254 (print-method (term-head src)))
1255 (print-next)
1256 (princ "p-vars : ")
1257 (print-chaos-object pvars))
1258 (with-in-module (dst-mod)
1259 (print-next)
1260 (princ "tgt-pattern : ")
1261 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? dst)
1262 (progn (term-print dst)
1263 (format t " of built-in sort ")
1264 (print-sort-name (term-sort dst)))
1265 (print-method (term-head dst)))
1266 (princ "(") (princ dst) (princ ")"))
1267 ))
1244 (map (car mappings))
1245 (src (first map))
1246 (pvars (term-subterms src))
1247 (dst (second map)))
1248 (with-in-module (src-mod)
1249 (print-next)
1250 (princ "src-pattern : ")
1251 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? src)
1252 (progn (term-print src)
1253 (format t " of built-in sort ")
1254 (print-sort-name (term-sort src)))
1255 (print-method (term-head src)))
1256 (print-next)
1257 (princ "p-vars : ")
1258 (print-chaos-object pvars))
1259 (with-in-module (dst-mod)
1260 (print-next)
1261 (princ "tgt-pattern : ")
1262 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? dst)
1263 (progn (term-print dst)
1264 (format t " of built-in sort ")
1265 (print-sort-name (term-sort dst)))
1266 (print-method (term-head dst)))
1267 (princ "(") (princ dst) (princ ")"))
1268 ))
12681269 ;; check all at once
12691270 (let ((error nil))
12701271 (dolist (map mappings)
1271 (let ((src (first map))
1272 (dst (second map)))
1273 (case type
1274 (:functional ; both should be functional operators
1275 (unless (and (term-is-of-functional? src)
1276 (term-is-of-functional? dst))
1277 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1278 (format t "[Error] source and target must be non-behavioural for `op' map:")
1279 (format t "~&- source ") (print-term-method src src-mod)
1280 (format t "~&- target ") (print-term-method dst dst-mod)
1281 (setq error t))))
1282 (otherwise
1283 (unless (and (term-is-of-behavioural*? src (module-opinfo-table
1284 src-mod))
1285 (term-is-of-behavioural*? dst (module-opinfo-table
1286 dst-mod)))
1287 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1288 (format t "[Error] source and target must be behavioural for `bop' map:")
1289 (format t "~&- source ") (print-term-method src src-mod)
1290 (format t "~&- target ") (print-term-method dst dst-mod)
1291 (setq error t)))))))
1272 (let ((src (first map))
1273 (dst (second map)))
1274 (case type
1275 (:functional ; both should be functional operators
1276 (unless (and (term-is-of-functional? src)
1277 (term-is-of-functional? dst))
1278 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1279 (format t "[Error] source and target must be non-behavioural for `op' map:")
1280 (format t "~&- source ") (print-term-method src src-mod)
1281 (format t "~&- target ") (print-term-method dst dst-mod)
1282 (setq error t))))
1283 (otherwise
1284 (unless (and (term-is-of-behavioural*? src (module-opinfo-table
1285 src-mod))
1286 (term-is-of-behavioural*? dst (module-opinfo-table
1287 dst-mod)))
1288 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1289 (format t "[Error] source and target must be behavioural for `bop' map:")
1290 (format t "~&- source ") (print-term-method src src-mod)
1291 (format t "~&- target ") (print-term-method dst dst-mod)
1292 (setq error t)))))))
12921293 (when error (chaos-to-top)))
12931294 ;;
12941295 mappings))
12981299 (defun find-method-mapped (src-method sort-maps method-list src-mod dst-mod)
12991300 (macrolet ((is-similar-theory? (th1_? th2_?)
1300 (once-only (th1_? th2_?)
1301 ` (and (if (theory-contains-associativity ,th1_?)
1302 (theory-contains-associativity ,th2_?)
1303 t)
1304 (if (theory-contains-commutativity ,th1_?)
1305 (theory-contains-commutativity ,th2_?)
1306 t)
1307 (if (theory-contains-identity ,th1_?)
1308 (theory-contains-identity ,th2_?)
1309 t)))))
1301 (once-only (th1_? th2_?)
1302 ` (and (if (theory-contains-associativity ,th1_?)
1303 (theory-contains-associativity ,th2_?)
1304 t)
1305 (if (theory-contains-commutativity ,th1_?)
1306 (theory-contains-commutativity ,th2_?)
1307 t)
1308 (if (theory-contains-identity ,th1_?)
1309 (theory-contains-identity ,th2_?)
1310 t)))))
13101311 (flet ((filter-method (arity coarity theory so)
1311 (declare (ignore theory))
1312 (remove-if-not
1313 #'(lambda (method)
1314 (and (if *view-map-operator-strictly*
1315 (sort= (method-coarity method) coarity)
1316 (sort<= (method-coarity method) coarity so))
1317 (if *view-map-operator-strictly*
1318 (sort-list= (method-arity method) arity)
1319 (sort-list<= (method-arity method) arity so))
1320 #|| ignore operator theory now.
1321 (is-similar-theory? theory
1322 (method-theory method
1323 (module-opinfo-table
1324 dst-mod)))
1325 ||#
1326 ))
1327 method-list))
1328 (most-general-method (methods sort-order)
1329 (when *on-view-debug*
1330 (format t "~&[most-general-method]")
1331 (dolist (x methods)
1332 (print-next)
1333 (princ "- ")
1334 (print-chaos-object x)))
1335 (let ((res (car methods)))
1336 (dolist (x (cdr methods))
1337 (when (method< x res sort-order)
1338 (setq res x)))
1339 (when *on-view-debug*
1340 (format t "~&* result = ")
1341 (print-chaos-object res))
1342 res))
1343 )
1312 (declare (ignore theory))
1313 (remove-if-not
1314 #'(lambda (method)
1315 (and (if *view-map-operator-strictly*
1316 (sort= (method-coarity method) coarity)
1317 (sort<= (method-coarity method) coarity so))
1318 (if *view-map-operator-strictly*
1319 (sort-list= (method-arity method) arity)
1320 (sort-list<= (method-arity method) arity so))
1321 #|| ignore operator theory now.
1322 (is-similar-theory? theory
1323 (method-theory method
1324 (module-opinfo-table
1325 dst-mod)))
1326 ||#
1327 ))
1328 method-list))
1329 (most-general-method (methods sort-order)
1330 (when *on-view-debug*
1331 (format t "~&[most-general-method]")
1332 (dolist (x methods)
1333 (print-next)
1334 (princ "- ")
1335 (print-chaos-object x)))
1336 (let ((res (car methods)))
1337 (dolist (x (cdr methods))
1338 (when (method< x res sort-order)
1339 (setq res x)))
1340 (when *on-view-debug*
1341 (format t "~%* result = ")
1342 (print-chaos-object res))
1343 res)))
13441344 ;;
13451345 (let ((coarity (*image-rename-sort sort-maps (method-coarity src-method)))
1346 (arity (*image-rename-sorts sort-maps (method-arity src-method)))
1347 (theory (method-theory src-method (module-opinfo-table src-mod)))
1348 (sort-order (module-sort-order dst-mod)))
1349 (let ((val (filter-method arity coarity theory sort-order))
1350 (result nil))
1351 (if (and val (null (cdr val)))
1352 (setq result (car val))
1353 (if val
1354 (setq result (most-general-method val sort-order))
1355 (progn
1356 (setq arity (find-sorts-image* (method-arity src-method)
1357 sort-maps
1358 dst-mod))
1359 (setq coarity (find-sort-image*
1360 (method-coarity src-method)
1361 sort-maps
1362 dst-mod))
1363 (setq val (filter-method arity coarity theory sort-order))
1364 (if (and val (null (cdr val)))
1365 (setq result (car val))
1366 (if (cdr val)
1367 (setq result (most-general-method val sort-order))
1368 (setq result nil))))))
1369 ;;
1370 (when result
1371 (unless (and (sort= (method-coarity result) coarity)
1372 (sort-list= (method-arity result) arity))
1373 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1374 (princ "operator mapping is not strict wrt sort map:")
1375 (print-next)
1376 (princ "* sort map")
1377 (dotimes (x (length arity))
1378 (print-next)
1379 (princ "- ")
1380 (print-sort-name (nth x (method-arity src-method))
1381 src-mod)
1382 (princ " --> ")
1383 (print-sort-name (nth x arity) dst-mod))
1384 (print-next)
1385 (princ "- ")
1386 (print-sort-name (method-coarity src-method) src-mod)
1387 (princ " --> ")
1388 (print-sort-name coarity dst-mod)
1389 (print-next)
1390 (princ "* operator map")
1391 (print-next)
1392 (princ "- source: ")
1393 (with-in-module (src-mod)
1394 (print-chaos-object src-method))
1395 (print-next)
1396 (princ "- target: ")
1397 (with-in-module (dst-mod)
1398 (print-chaos-object result))
1399 (fresh-line))))
1400 ;;
1401 result)))))
1346 (arity (*image-rename-sorts sort-maps (method-arity src-method)))
1347 (theory (method-theory src-method (module-opinfo-table src-mod)))
1348 (sort-order (module-sort-order dst-mod)))
1349 (let ((val (filter-method arity coarity theory sort-order))
1350 (result nil))
1351 (if (and val (null (cdr val)))
1352 (setq result (car val))
1353 (if val
1354 (setq result (most-general-method val sort-order))
1355 (progn
1356 (setq arity (find-sorts-image* (method-arity src-method)
1357 sort-maps
1358 dst-mod))
1359 (setq coarity (find-sort-image*
1360 (method-coarity src-method)
1361 sort-maps
1362 dst-mod))
1363 (setq val (filter-method arity coarity theory sort-order))
1364 (if (and val (null (cdr val)))
1365 (setq result (car val))
1366 (if (cdr val)
1367 (setq result (most-general-method val sort-order))
1368 (setq result nil))))))
1369 ;;
1370 (when result
1371 (unless (and (sort= (method-coarity result) coarity)
1372 (sort-list= (method-arity result) arity))
1373 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1374 (princ "operator mapping is not strict wrt sort map:")
1375 (print-next)
1376 (princ "* sort map")
1377 (dotimes (x (length arity))
1378 (print-next)
1379 (princ "- ")
1380 (print-sort-name (nth x (method-arity src-method))
1381 src-mod)
1382 (princ " --> ")
1383 (print-sort-name (nth x arity) dst-mod))
1384 (print-next)
1385 (princ "- ")
1386 (print-sort-name (method-coarity src-method) src-mod)
1387 (princ " --> ")
1388 (print-sort-name coarity dst-mod)
1389 (print-next)
1390 (princ "* operator map")
1391 (print-next)
1392 (princ "- source: ")
1393 (with-in-module (src-mod)
1394 (print-chaos-object src-method))
1395 (print-next)
1396 (princ "- target: ")
1397 (with-in-module (dst-mod)
1398 (print-chaos-object result))
1399 (fresh-line))))
1400 ;;
1401 result)))))
14031403 (defun find-sorts-image* (sorts sort-map mod)
14041404 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (find-sort-image* s sort-map mod)) sorts))
14061406 (defun find-sort-image* (sort sort-map mod)
14071407 (let ((imap (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= sort (car x))) sort-map)))
14081408 (if imap
1409 (cdr imap)
1410 (find-sort-in mod (sort-id sort)))))
1409 (cdr imap)
1410 (find-sort-in mod (sort-id sort)))))
14121412 #||
14131413 ;;; MODEXP-REPLACE-MAPPING view mapping
14151415 (defun modexp-replace-mapping (vm map)
14161416 (if (memq (ast-type vm) '(%view-from '%view-mapping))
14171417 (progn (setf (ast-type vm) '%view-mapping)
1418 (setf (%view-mapping-map vm) map))
1418 (setf (%view-mapping-map vm) map))
14191419 (break "Internal Error : Misuse of modexp-replace-mapping.")))
14201420 ||#
00 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: CommonLisp Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-a.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-a.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
122122 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
123123 match-associative-simplify (sub1 sub2)
124124 (declare (type list sub1 sub2)
125 (values (or null t)))
125 (values (or null t)))
126126 ;;
127127 (do ((t1 (car sub1) (car sub1))
128128 (t2 (car sub2) (car sub2)))
129129 ((or (null sub1)
130 (null sub2)
131 (term-is-variable? t1)
132 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
130 (null sub2)
131 (term-is-variable? t1)
132 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
133133 (declare (type term t1 t2))
134134 (pop sub1)
135135 (pop sub2))
136136 ;;
137137 (setq sub1 (nreverse sub1)
138 sub2 (nreverse sub2))
138 sub2 (nreverse sub2))
139139 (do ((t1 (car sub1) (car sub1))
140140 (t2 (car sub2) (car sub2)))
141141 ((or (null sub1)
142 (null sub2)
143 (term-is-variable? t1)
144 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
142 (null sub2)
143 (term-is-variable? t1)
144 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
145145 (declare (type term t1 t2))
146146 (pop sub1)
147147 (pop sub2))
152152 (declare (type term x1))
153153 (when (term-is-variable? x1) (incf numvars)))
154154 (if (and (<= 2 numvars)
155 (<= 3 (the fixnum (length sub1)))
156 (<= 5 (the fixnum (length sub2))))
157 (if (block test1
158 (dolist (x1 sub1 nil)
159 (declare (type term x1))
160 (unless (term-is-variable? x1)
161 (dolist (x2 sub2 (return-from test1 t))
162 (declare (type term x2))
163 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? x2))
164 (possibly-matches-nonvar x1 x2))
165 (return))))))
166 (values nil nil t)
167 (values (nreverse sub1) (nreverse sub2) nil))
168 (values (nreverse sub1) (nreverse sub2) nil))))
155 (<= 3 (the fixnum (length sub1)))
156 (<= 5 (the fixnum (length sub2))))
157 (if (block test1
158 (dolist (x1 sub1 nil)
159 (declare (type term x1))
160 (unless (term-is-variable? x1)
161 (dolist (x2 sub2 (return-from test1 t))
162 (declare (type term x2))
163 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? x2))
164 (possibly-matches-nonvar x1 x2))
165 (return))))))
166 (values nil nil t)
167 (values (nreverse sub1) (nreverse sub2) nil))
168 (values (nreverse sub1) (nreverse sub2) nil))))
170170 (declaim (inline match-associativity-set-eq-state))
172172 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
173173 match-associativity-set-eq-state (sub1 sub2)
174174 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
175175 (let* ((sz1 (length sub1))
176 (comp (alloc-svec-fixnum (if (= 0 sz1) 0 (- sz1 1)))))
176 (comp (alloc-svec-fixnum (if (= 0 sz1) 0 (- sz1 1)))))
177177 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp)
178 (type fixnum sz1))
178 (type fixnum sz1))
179179 (dotimes (x (- sz1 1))
180180 (declare (type fixnum x))
181181 ;; x = 0,...,sz1-2
182182 ;;built the array (1, 2, 3, 4) if sz1 = 5
183183 (setf (svref comp x) (1+ x)))
184184 (make-match-equation-comp sz1
185 (apply #'vector sub1)
186 (apply #'vector sub2)
187 comp)))
185 (apply #'vector sub1)
186 (apply #'vector sub2)
187 comp)))
189189 ;;; Create a single term from a collection of terms
190190 ;;;
193193 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
194194 match-A-make-term (method vect first last)
195195 (declare (type fixnum first last)
196 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector vect))
196 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector vect))
197197 (if (= first last)
198198 (svref vect first)
199199 (let ((res (svref vect last)))
200200 (if (and (< 1 (the fixnum (- last first)))
201 (null (cdr (method-lower-methods method))))
202 (do ((i (1- last) (1- i)))
203 ((< i first) res)
204 (declare (type fixnum i))
205 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check method
206 (list (svref vect i) res))))
207 (do ((i (1- last) (1- i)))
208 ((< i first) res)
209 (declare (type fixnum i))
210 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check-bin method
211 (list (svref vect i) res))))))))
201 (null (cdr (method-lower-methods method))))
202 (do ((i (1- last) (1- i)))
203 ((< i first) res)
204 (declare (type fixnum i))
205 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check method
206 (list (svref vect i) res))))
207 (do ((i (1- last) (1- i)))
208 ((< i first) res)
209 (declare (type fixnum i))
210 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check-bin method
211 (list (svref vect i) res))))))))
213213 ;;; Returns the list of terms contained in the array of terms "t-arr"
214214 ;;; between the indices "from" and "to" both included.
220220 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
221221 match-A-extract-in-from-to (t-arr from to)
222222 (declare (type fixnum from to)
223 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector t-arr))
223 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector t-arr))
224224 (let ((t-list nil))
225225 (do ((i to (1- i)))
226 ((< i from) t-list)
226 ((< i from) t-list)
227227 (declare (type fixnum i))
228228 (push (svref t-arr i) t-list))))
236236 increment-the-match-A-state (A-st)
237237 (block the-end
238238 (let ((sz (match-A-state-size A-st))
239 (sys (match-A-state-sys A-st)))
239 (sys (match-A-state-sys A-st)))
240240 (declare (type fixnum sz)
241 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector sys))
241 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector sys))
242242 (let ((k 0)
243 eq-comp)
244 (declare (type fixnum k))
245 (while (> sz k)
246 (setq eq-comp (svref sys k))
247 (when (match-A-try-increase-lexico
248 (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)
249 (1- (the fixnum
250 (length (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp)))))
251 ;; note that match-A-try-increase-lexico modify in this case
252 ;; the "comp" of the current equation.
253 ;; After that the previous composant are reset like in
254 ;; 599 -> 600
255 (match-A-reset-match-equation-comp sys k)
256 (return-from the-end (values nil)))
257 ;;otherwise, try to increase the next equation
258 (setq k (1+ k))
259 ))
243 eq-comp)
244 (declare (type fixnum k))
245 (while (> sz k)
246 (setq eq-comp (svref sys k))
247 (when (match-A-try-increase-lexico
248 (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)
249 (1- (the fixnum
250 (length (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp)))))
251 ;; note that match-A-try-increase-lexico modify in this case
252 ;; the "comp" of the current equation.
253 ;; After that the previous composant are reset like in
254 ;; 599 -> 600
255 (match-A-reset-match-equation-comp sys k)
256 (return-from the-end (values nil)))
257 ;;otherwise, try to increase the next equation
258 (setq k (1+ k))
259 ))
260260 ;; this "normal" exit of the loop means that none of the
261261 ;; state has been increased so there is no more state
262262 (setf (match-A-state-no-more A-st) t)
275275 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
276276 match-A-try-increase-lexico (comp max)
277277 (declare (type fixnum max)
278 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp))
278 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp))
279279 (let ((lim (1- (length comp))))
280280 (declare (type fixnum lim))
281281 (do ((i lim (- i 1)))
282 ((< i 0) nil)
282 ((< i 0) nil)
283283 (declare (type fixnum i))
284284 (let ((x (svref comp i)))
285 (declare (type fixnum x))
286 (when (< x max)
287 (setf (svref comp i) (1+ x))
288 (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j))
289 (v (+ x 2) (1+ v)))
290 ((< lim j))
291 (declare (type fixnum j v))
292 (setf (svref comp j) v))
293 (return t)))
285 (declare (type fixnum x))
286 (when (< x max)
287 (setf (svref comp i) (1+ x))
288 (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j))
289 (v (+ x 2) (1+ v)))
290 ((< lim j))
291 (declare (type fixnum j v))
292 (setf (svref comp j) v))
293 (return t)))
294294 (setq max (1- max)))))
296296 ;;; Reset the comp of "eq-comp" to his initial value i.e. (1,2,3,4,5)
314314 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
315315 match-A-reset-match-equation-comp (sys K)
316316 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector sys)
317 (type fixnum k))
318 (dotimes (i K) ; i = 0,...,K-1
317 (type fixnum k))
318 (dotimes (i K) ; i = 0,...,K-1
319319 (declare (type fixnum i))
320320 (match-A-reset-comp (svref sys i))))
337337 (defun match-A-state-initialize (sys env)
338338 (block no-match
339339 (let* ((dim nil)
340 (assoc-sys nil)
341 (method nil)
342 (i 0))
340 (assoc-sys nil)
341 (method nil)
342 (i 0))
343343 (declare (type fixnum i)
344 (type (or null fixnum) dim)
345 (type #+GCL (or null vector)
346 #-GCL (or null simple-vector)
347 assoc-sys)
348 )
344 (type (or null fixnum) dim)
345 (type #+GCL (or null vector)
346 #-GCL (or null simple-vector)
347 assoc-sys)
348 )
349349 (dolist (equation (m-system-to-list sys))
350 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 equation))
351 (t2 (equation-t2 equation)))
352 (unless (and (term-is-application-form? t2)
353 (method-is-of-same-operator+ (term-method t1)
354 (term-method t2))
355 (setq method (term-method t1)))
356 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
357 ;;
358 (let* ((sub1 (list-assoc-subterms t1 method))
359 (sub1add nil)
360 (sub2 (list-assoc-subterms t2 method))
361 (sub2-len (length sub2))
362 (fail nil))
363 (declare (type list sub1 sub2)
364 (type fixnum sub2-len))
365 ;;
366 ;;(when (> (the fixnum (length sub1)) sub2-len)
367 ;; (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
368 ;;
369 ;; add the additional information contained in "env" into "sub1".
370 (dolist (val sub1)
371 (declare (type term val))
372 (if (term-is-variable? val)
373 (let ((image (environment-image env val))
374 (head nil))
375 (declare (type (or null term) image))
376 (if (null image)
377 (push val sub1add)
378 (if (term-is-variable? image)
379 (push image sub1add)
380 (if (eq method (setf head (term-method image)))
381 (setq sub1add
382 (nconc
383 (reverse
384 (list-assoc-subterms image head))
385 sub1add))
386 (push image sub1add)))))
387 (push val sub1add)))
388 ;;
389 (setq sub1 (nreverse sub1add))
390 ;;
391 (when (> (the fixnum (length sub1)) sub2-len)
392 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
393 (multiple-value-setq (sub1 sub2 fail)
394 (match-associative-simplify sub1 sub2))
395 (when (or fail
396 (and (null sub1) sub2)
397 (and (null sub2) sub1))
398 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
399 ;; sub1 may be nil but have modified match-A-..set-eq-state
400 (unless assoc-sys
401 (setq dim (size-of-m-system sys))
402 (setq assoc-sys (alloc-svec (the fixnum dim))))
403 (setf (svref assoc-sys i)
404 (match-associativity-set-eq-state sub1 sub2))))
405 (setq i (1+ i)))
350 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 equation))
351 (t2 (equation-t2 equation)))
352 (unless (and (term-is-application-form? t2)
353 (method-is-of-same-operator+ (term-method t1)
354 (term-method t2))
355 (setq method (term-method t1)))
356 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
357 ;;
358 (let* ((sub1 (list-assoc-subterms t1 method))
359 (sub1add nil)
360 (sub2 (list-assoc-subterms t2 method))
361 (sub2-len (length sub2))
362 (fail nil))
363 (declare (type list sub1 sub2)
364 (type fixnum sub2-len))
365 ;;
366 ;;(when (> (the fixnum (length sub1)) sub2-len)
367 ;; (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
368 ;;
369 ;; add the additional information contained in "env" into "sub1".
370 (dolist (val sub1)
371 (declare (type term val))
372 (if (term-is-variable? val)
373 (let ((image (environment-image env val))
374 (head nil))
375 (declare (type (or null term) image))
376 (if (null image)
377 (push val sub1add)
378 (if (term-is-variable? image)
379 (push image sub1add)
380 (if (eq method (setf head (term-method image)))
381 (setq sub1add
382 (nconc
383 (reverse
384 (list-assoc-subterms image head))
385 sub1add))
386 (push image sub1add)))))
387 (push val sub1add)))
388 ;;
389 (setq sub1 (nreverse sub1add))
390 ;;
391 (when (> (the fixnum (length sub1)) sub2-len)
392 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
393 (multiple-value-setq (sub1 sub2 fail)
394 (match-associative-simplify sub1 sub2))
395 (when (or fail
396 (and (null sub1) sub2)
397 (and (null sub2) sub1))
398 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
399 ;; sub1 may be nil but have modified match-A-..set-eq-state
400 (unless assoc-sys
401 (setq dim (size-of-m-system sys))
402 (setq assoc-sys (alloc-svec (the fixnum dim))))
403 (setf (svref assoc-sys i)
404 (match-associativity-set-eq-state sub1 sub2))))
405 (setq i (1+ i)))
406406 (values (make-match-A-state dim method assoc-sys)
407 nil))))
407 nil))))
409409 ;;; ASSOCITIVITY NEXT STATE ----------------------------------------------------
411411 (defun match-A-next-state (A-st)
412412 (declare (type match-a-state a-st)
413 (values list (or null match-a-state) (or null t)))
413 (values list (or null match-a-state) (or null t)))
414414 (let* ((new-sys (new-m-system))
415 (sz (match-A-state-size A-st))
416 (sys (match-A-state-sys A-st))
417 (method (match-A-state-method A-st)))
415 (sz (match-A-state-size A-st))
416 (sys (match-A-state-sys A-st))
417 (method (match-A-state-method A-st)))
418418 (declare (type fixnum sz)
419 (type vector sys))
420 (if (match-A-state-no-more A-st)
421 ;; there is no more match-A-state.
422 (values nil nil t)
419 (type vector sys))
420 (if (match-A-state-no-more A-st)
421 ;; there is no more match-A-state.
422 (values nil nil t)
423423 (progn
424 (dotimes (k sz)
425 (declare (type fixnum k))
426 ;; for each equation of the system
427 (let* ((eq-comp (svref sys k))
428 (sz-left (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))
429 (left (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp))
430 (right (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp))
431 (sz-right (1- (the fixnum (length right))))
432 (comp (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)))
433 (declare (type fixnum sz-left sz-right)
434 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector left right)
435 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp))
436 (dotimes (l sz-left)
437 (declare (type fixnum l))
438 ;; i.e. for each term of the left hand
439 ;; side of the equation
440 (let ((deb (if (= l 0)
441 0
442 (svref comp (the fixnum (1- l)))))
443 (fin (if (= l (the fixnum (1- sz-left)))
444 sz-right
445 (1- (the fixnum (svref comp l))))))
446 (declare (type fixnum deb fin))
447 (add-equation-to-m-system
448 new-sys
449 (make-equation
450 (svref left l)
451 (match-A-make-term method right deb fin)))))
452 ))
453 (increment-the-match-A-state A-st) ; A-st is modified
454 (values new-sys A-st nil)))))
424 (dotimes (k sz)
425 (declare (type fixnum k))
426 ;; for each equation of the system
427 (let* ((eq-comp (svref sys k))
428 (sz-left (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))
429 (left (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp))
430 (right (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp))
431 (sz-right (1- (the fixnum (length right))))
432 (comp (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)))
433 (declare (type fixnum sz-left sz-right)
434 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector left right)
435 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp))
436 (dotimes (l sz-left)
437 (declare (type fixnum l))
438 ;; i.e. for each term of the left hand
439 ;; side of the equation
440 (let ((deb (if (= l 0)
441 0
442 (svref comp (the fixnum (1- l)))))
443 (fin (if (= l (the fixnum (1- sz-left)))
444 sz-right
445 (1- (the fixnum (svref comp l))))))
446 (declare (type fixnum deb fin))
447 (add-equation-to-m-system
448 new-sys
449 (make-equation
450 (svref left l)
451 (match-A-make-term method right deb fin)))))
452 ))
453 (increment-the-match-A-state A-st) ; A-st is modified
454 (values new-sys A-st nil)))))
457457 ;;; Associative Equational Equal ------------------------------------------------
460460 ;;;
461461 (defun match-A-equal (t1 t2)
462462 (declare (type term t1 t2)
463 (values (or null t)))
463 (values (or null t)))
464464 (if (term-is-application-form? t2)
465465 (let ((hd2 (term-method t2)))
466 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1)
467 hd2)
468 (let ((l1 (list-assoc-subterms t1 (term-method t1)))
469 (l2 (list-assoc-subterms t2 hd2)))
470 (declare (type list l1 l2))
471 (and (= (the fixnum (length l1)) (the fixnum (length l2)))
472 (loop (when (null l1) (return (null l2)))
473 (unless (term-equational-equal (car l1) (car l2))
474 (return nil))
475 (setq l1 (cdr l1) l2 (cdr l2)))))
476 nil))
466 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1)
467 hd2)
468 (let ((l1 (list-assoc-subterms t1 (term-method t1)))
469 (l2 (list-assoc-subterms t2 hd2)))
470 (declare (type list l1 l2))
471 (and (= (the fixnum (length l1)) (the fixnum (length l2)))
472 (loop (when (null l1) (return (null l2)))
473 (unless (term-equational-equal (car l1) (car l2))
474 (return nil))
475 (setq l1 (cdr l1) l2 (cdr l2)))))
476 nil))
477477 nil))
479479 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-ac.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-ac.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3838 #+:chaos-debug
3939 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-(or GCL EXCL) (debug 3)
40 #+EXCL (debug 2)))
40 #+EXCL (debug 2)))
4242 ;;; PROCEDURES for AC Matching ================================================
201201 ;;; Thus PDL implements AC-state on his own.
202202 #|
203203 (defstruct AC-state
204 operators ; array[op]
205 ; the top level operators of each eqn in the system
206 LHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
207 LHS-v ; array[term] variables
208 RHS-c ; array[term] constants
209 RHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
210 LHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
211 LHS-v-r ; array[bool] notes repeated variables
212 RHS-c-r ; array[bool] notes repeated constants
213 RHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
214 (LHS-mask 0) ; long int variables and funs accounted
215 ; for by RHS-c-sol
216 (LHS-f-mask 0) ; long int funs accounted for by RHS-c-sol
217 (LHS-r-mask 0) ; long int bitvector of all repeated (>0)
218 ; terms on lhs
219 RHS-c-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; constants
220 RHS-c-max ; int ; max value of elements of RHS-c-sol
221 RHS-f-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; functional terms
222 RHS-f-max ; int max value of elements of RHS-f-sol
223 RHS-full-bits ; int 11111...111
224 RHS-c-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
225 RHS-f-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
226 LHS-c-count ; int number of constants on LHS
227 ; after simplification
228 LHS-f-count ; int number of functions on LHS
229 ; after simplification
230 LHS-v-count ; int number of variables on LHS
231 ; after simplification
232 RHS-c-count ; int number of constants on RHS
233 ; after simplification
234 RHS-f-count ; int number of functions on RHS
235 ; after simplification
236 RHS-f-match-top-ac ; array[bool] can that term match the top op? (nil)
237 (no-more nil) ; when true implies that all solutions
238 ; have been reported
204 operators ; array[op]
205 ; the top level operators of each eqn in the system
206 LHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
207 LHS-v ; array[term] variables
208 RHS-c ; array[term] constants
209 RHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
210 LHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
211 LHS-v-r ; array[bool] notes repeated variables
212 RHS-c-r ; array[bool] notes repeated constants
213 RHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
214 (LHS-mask 0) ; long int variables and funs accounted
215 ; for by RHS-c-sol
216 (LHS-f-mask 0) ; long int funs accounted for by RHS-c-sol
217 (LHS-r-mask 0) ; long int bitvector of all repeated (>0)
218 ; terms on lhs
219 RHS-c-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; constants
220 RHS-c-max ; int ; max value of elements of RHS-c-sol
221 RHS-f-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; functional terms
222 RHS-f-max ; int max value of elements of RHS-f-sol
223 RHS-full-bits ; int 11111...111
224 RHS-c-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
225 RHS-f-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
226 LHS-c-count ; int number of constants on LHS
227 ; after simplification
228 LHS-f-count ; int number of functions on LHS
229 ; after simplification
230 LHS-v-count ; int number of variables on LHS
231 ; after simplification
232 RHS-c-count ; int number of constants on RHS
233 ; after simplification
234 RHS-f-count ; int number of functions on RHS
235 ; after simplification
236 RHS-f-match-top-ac ; array[bool] can that term match the top op? (nil)
237 (no-more nil) ; when true implies that all solutions
238 ; have been reported
239239 )
240240 |#
241241 (defmacro make-AC-state () `(alloc-svec 26))
352352 (defmacro AC-Rotate-Left (_*_*_array *_*_*m)
353353 " shifts the element one bit to the left"
354354 ` (setf (svref ,_*_*_array ,*_*_*m)
355 (* 2 (svref ,_*_*_array ,*_*_*m))))
355 (* 2 (svref ,_*_*_array ,*_*_*m))))
357357 (defmacro AC-note-repeats (_??mset _??array _??max _??gcd)
358358 "; puts all repeated terms together in the list, and bashes the array
361361 ; e.g. for input (a b c c c d d e f f) and #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0),
362362 ; this should make the array into #(0 0 3 2 1 2 1 0 2 1)."
363363 ` (let* ((list2 nil)
364 (counter (length (the #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector ,_??array))))
364 (counter (length (the #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector ,_??array))))
365365 (declare (type fixnum counter))
366366 (dolist (element ,_??mset)
367 (declare (type list element))
368 (let ((n (cdr element)))
369 (declare (type fixnum n))
370 (when (> n (the fixnum ,_??max))
371 (setq ,_??max n))
372 (setq ,_??gcd (gcd ,_??gcd n))
373 (if (> n 1) ; if it is repeated at all
374 (dotimes (x n)
375 (declare (type fixnum x))
376 (push (first element) list2)
377 (setq counter (1- counter))
378 (setf (svref ,_??array counter)
379 (1+ x)))
380 (progn (push (first element) list2)
381 (setq counter (1- counter))
382 ;; this line optional if 0'd array is guaranteed.
383 (setf (svref ,_??array counter) 0)))))
367 (declare (type list element))
368 (let ((n (cdr element)))
369 (declare (type fixnum n))
370 (when (> n (the fixnum ,_??max))
371 (setq ,_??max n))
372 (setq ,_??gcd (gcd ,_??gcd n))
373 (if (> n 1) ; if it is repeated at all
374 (dotimes (x n)
375 (declare (type fixnum x))
376 (push (first element) list2)
377 (setq counter (1- counter))
378 (setf (svref ,_??array counter)
379 (1+ x)))
380 (progn (push (first element) list2)
381 (setq counter (1- counter))
382 ;; this line optional if 0'd array is guaranteed.
383 (setf (svref ,_??array counter) 0)))))
384384 list2))
386386 #+CMU(declaim (ext:start-block match-ac-state-initialize
387 match-ac-next-state
388 match-ac-equal))
387 match-ac-next-state
388 match-ac-equal))
390390 ;;; x = term
391391 ;;; y = ((term . eqn-num) ... )
392392 #||
393 (defun delete-one-term
394 (x y)
393 (defun delete-one-term (x y)
395394 (block exit
396395 (if (null y)
397 'none
398 (if (term-is-applform? x)
399 ;; application form
400 (let ((head (term-head x))
401 (pos nil))
402 (setq pos
403 (position-if
404 #'(lambda (tv)
405 (let ((term (car tv)))
406 (and (term-is-applform? term)
407 (method-is-of-same-operator head
408 (term-head term)))))
409 (the list y)))
410 ;; (break "0")
411 (unless pos
412 (return-from exit :never-match))
413 (if (zerop pos)
414 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
415 (return-from exit (cdr y))
416 (return-from exit 'none))
417 (let ((last y)
418 (rest (cdr y))
419 (cur-pos 1))
420 (declare (type fixnum cur-pos))
421 (loop
422 (when (= cur-pos pos)
423 (if (term-equational-equal x
424 (caar rest))
425 (progn
426 ;; delete pattern
427 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
428 (return-from exit y))
429 (return-from exit 'none)))
430 (incf cur-pos)
431 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
432 ))
433 ;;
434 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
435 (cdr y)
436 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
437 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
438 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
439 ;; delete pattern
440 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
441 ;; new
442 (return y))
443 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
444 ))
445 )))
396 'none
397 (if (term-is-applform? x)
398 ;; application form
399 (let ((head (term-head x))
400 (pos nil))
401 (setq pos (position-if #'(lambda (tv)
402 (let ((term (car tv)))
403 (and (term-is-applform? term)
404 (method-is-of-same-operator head
405 (term-head term)))))
406 (the list y)))
407 ;; (break "0")
408 (unless pos
409 (return-from exit :never-match))
410 (if (zerop pos)
411 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
412 (return-from exit (cdr y))
413 (return-from exit 'none))
414 (let ((last y)
415 (rest (cdr y))
416 (cur-pos 1))
417 (declare (type fixnum cur-pos))
418 (loop
419 (when (= cur-pos pos)
420 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
421 (progn
422 ;; delete pattern
423 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
424 (return-from exit y))
425 (return-from exit 'none)))
426 (incf cur-pos)
427 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))))
428 ;; term is not application form
429 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
430 (cdr y)
431 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
432 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
433 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
434 ;; delete pattern
435 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
436 ;; new
437 (return y))
438 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest)))))))
439 ))
446440 ||#
448 ;; #||
449442 (defun delete-one-term
450443 (x y)
451444 (if (null y)
452445 'none
453446 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
454 (cdr y)
455 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
456 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
457 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
458 ;; delete pattern
459 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
460 ;; new
461 (return y))
462 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
463 ))
447 (cdr y)
448 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
449 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
450 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
451 ;; delete pattern
452 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
453 ;; new
454 (return y))
455 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
456 ))
464457 )
465 ;; ||#
467459 (defvar *ac-failure-eq* nil)
471463 which, if true, imply the original AC equation true) from
472464 the matrix of 'state'"
473465 (let* ((ops (AC-state-operators state))
474 (lhs-f (AC-state-lhs-f state))
475 (lhs-v (AC-state-lhs-v state))
476 (rhs-c (AC-state-rhs-c state))
477 (rhs-f (AC-state-rhs-f state))
478 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
479 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
480 (new-sys (new-m-system))
481 (term-code 1)
482 (rhs-subterms nil)
483 (new-eqns nil))
466 (lhs-f (AC-state-lhs-f state))
467 (lhs-v (AC-state-lhs-v state))
468 (rhs-c (AC-state-rhs-c state))
469 (rhs-f (AC-state-rhs-f state))
470 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
471 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
472 (new-sys (new-m-system))
473 (term-code 1)
474 (rhs-subterms nil)
475 (new-eqns nil))
484476 (declare (type fixnum term-code)
485 (type #+GCL vector
486 #-GCL simple-vector
487 ops
488 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol)
489 (type list new-sys rhs-subterms new-eqns))
477 (type #+GCL vector
478 #-GCL simple-vector
479 ops
480 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol)
481 (type list new-sys rhs-subterms new-eqns))
490482 (setq *ac-failure-eq* nil)
491483 ;; (AC-collapse-arrays-internal lhs-v 1)
492484 (dotimes (i (length lhs-v))
493485 (declare (type fixnum i))
494486 (if (< i 1)
495 nil
496 (progn
497 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
498 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
499 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
500 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
501 (declare (type fixnum j))
487 nil
488 (progn
489 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
490 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
491 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
492 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
493 (declare (type fixnum j))
502494 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j)
503 term-code))
504 0)
505 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
506 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
507 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
508 (declare (type fixnum j))
495 term-code))
496 0)
497 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
498 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
499 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
500 (declare (type fixnum j))
509501 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j) term-code))
510 0)
511 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
512 (when rhs-subterms
513 (push
514 (make-equation (car (svref lhs-v i))
515 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
516 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
517 (svref ops (cdr (svref lhs-v i)))
518 rhs-subterms)
519 (first rhs-subterms)))
520 new-eqns)))))
502 0)
503 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
504 (when rhs-subterms
505 (push
506 (make-equation (car (svref lhs-v i))
507 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
508 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
509 (svref ops (cdr (svref lhs-v i)))
510 rhs-subterms)
511 (first rhs-subterms)))
512 new-eqns)))))
521513 ;;
522514 ;; note term-code is now the right thing.
523515 ;; (AC-collapse-arrays-internal lhs-f 0)
527519 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
528520 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
529521 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
530 (declare (type fixnum j))
531 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j) term-code))
532 0)
533 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
522 (declare (type fixnum j))
523 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j) term-code))
524 0)
525 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
534526 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
535527 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
536 (declare (type fixnum j))
537 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j) term-code))
538 0)
539 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
528 (declare (type fixnum j))
529 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j) term-code))
530 0)
531 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
540532 (when rhs-subterms
541 (let ((t1 (car (svref lhs-f i)))
542 (t2 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
543 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
544 (svref ops (cdr (svref lhs-f i)))
545 rhs-subterms)
546 (first rhs-subterms))))
547 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
548 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
549 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
550 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
551 (let ((minfo-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching
552 t1-head))
553 (minfo-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching
554 t2-head)))
555 (if (or (test-theory
556 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-1))
557 (test-theory
558 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-2)))
559 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
560 (progn
561 (when *match-debug*
562 (setq *ac-failure-eq* (cons t1 t2)))
563 (setq new-eqns nil)
564 (return nil)) )))))))
533 (let ((t1 (car (svref lhs-f i)))
534 (t2 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
535 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
536 (svref ops (cdr (svref lhs-f i)))
537 rhs-subterms)
538 (first rhs-subterms))))
539 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
540 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
541 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
542 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
543 (let ((minfo-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching
544 t1-head))
545 (minfo-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching
546 t2-head)))
547 (if (or (test-theory
548 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-1))
549 (test-theory
550 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-2)))
551 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
552 (progn
553 (with-match-debug ()
554 (setq *ac-failure-eq* (cons t1 t2)))
555 (setq new-eqns nil)
556 (return nil)) )))))))
565557 ;;
566558 (if new-eqns
567 (progn
568 (dolist (eq (nreverse new-eqns))
569 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq))
570 (when *match-debug*
571 (format t "~%** ac-solution-from-state")
572 (print-m-system new-sys))
573 new-sys)
574 (progn
575 (when *match-debug*
576 (format t "~%** no ac solution")
577 (print-next)
578 (princ " - t1 = ") (term-print (car *ac-failure-eq*))
579 (print-next)
580 (princ " - t2 = ") (term-print (cdr *ac-failure-eq*))
581 )
582 nil))))
559 (progn
560 (dolist (eq (nreverse new-eqns))
561 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq))
562 (with-match-debug ()
563 (format t "~%** ac-solution-from-state")
564 (print-m-system new-sys))
565 new-sys)
566 (progn
567 (with-match-debug ()
568 (format t "~%** no ac solution")
569 (print-next)
570 (princ " - t1 = ") (term-print (car *ac-failure-eq*))
571 (print-next)
572 (princ " - t2 = ") (term-print (cdr *ac-failure-eq*)))
573 nil))))
584575 (#+GCL si:define-inline-function #-GCL defun test_same_term_list (x y)
585576 (declare (type list x y))
586577 (loop (when (null x) (return (null y)))
587578 (unless (eq (car x) (car y))
588 (return nil))
579 (return nil))
589580 (setq x (cdr x))
590581 (setq y (cdr y))))
606597 (dolist (x list)
607598 ;; (declare (type term x))
608599 (let ((ms-x (dolist (pr ms-list nil)
609 (when (term-equational-equal x (car pr))
610 (return pr)))))
611 (if ms-x
600 (when (term-equational-equal x (car pr))
601 (return pr)))))
602 (if ms-x
612603 (incf (the fixnum (cdr ms-x))) ; (setf (cdr ms-x) (1+ (the fixnum (cdr ms-x))))
613 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))))
604 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))))
614605 ms-list))
616607 ;;; Assume that t1 is NOT a variable
623614 (if (and l2msla1 (test_same_term_list list l2msla1))
624615 (copy-alist l2mslv1)
625616 (if (and l2msla2 (test_same_term_list list l2msla2))
626 (progn
627 (rotatef l2msla1 l2msla2)
628 (rotatef l2mslv1 l2mslv2)
629 (copy-alist l2mslv1))
617 (progn
618 (rotatef l2msla1 l2msla2)
619 (rotatef l2mslv1 l2mslv2)
620 (copy-alist l2mslv1))
630621 (let ((res (list2multi-set-list-direct list)))
631 (setq l2msla2 l2msla1 l2mslv2 l2mslv1)
632 (setq l2msla1 list l2mslv1 res)
633 (copy-alist res)))))
622 (setq l2msla2 l2msla1 l2mslv2 l2mslv1)
623 (setq l2msla1 list l2mslv1 res)
624 (copy-alist res)))))
635626 ;;; NOTE this is a version for AC-internal use only.
636627 ;;; it simply takes care of the "from which equation" info.
643634 (declare (type list list))
644635 (let ((ms-list nil))
645636 (declare (type list ms-list))
646 #||
647 (when *match-debug*
648 (mapc #'(lambda (x) (format t "~&,,,~s" x)) list))
649 ||#
650637 (dolist (x list) ;;(copy-tree list)
651638 (declare (type list x))
652639 (let ((ms-elt (assoc-if #'(lambda (y)
653 (declare (type list y))
654 #||
655 (when *match-debug*
656 (format t "~&..x|~d| " (cdr x))
657 (term-print (car x))
658 (format t "~&..y|~d| " (cdr y))
659 (term-print (car y))
660 (trace term-equational-equal))
661 ||#
662 (and (= (the fixnum (cdr x))
663 (the fixnum (cdr y)))
664 (term-equational-equal (car y) (car x))))
665 ms-list)))
666 (if ms-elt
667 (progn
668 #||
669 (when *match-debug*
670 (format t "~& ~s" ms-elt))
671 ||#
672 (incf (the fixnum (cdr ms-elt))))
673 (progn
674 #||
675 (when *match-debug*
676 (format t "~&..add: ~s" x))
677 ||#
678 (push (cons x 1) ms-list)))))
679 #||
680 (when *match-debug*
681 (untrace term-equational-equal))
682 ||#
640 (declare (type list y))
641 (and (= (the fixnum (cdr x))
642 (the fixnum (cdr y)))
643 (term-equational-equal (car y) (car x))))
644 ms-list)))
645 (if ms-elt
646 (progn
647 (incf (the fixnum (cdr ms-elt))))
648 (progn
649 (push (cons x 1) ms-list)))))
683650 ms-list))
685652 ;;; check for multi-set equality
687654 (defun match-AC-ms-equal (x y)
688655 (declare (type list x y))
689656 (let ((lenx (length x))
690 (leny (length y)))
657 (leny (length y)))
691658 ;;
692659 (declare (type fixnum lenx leny))
693660 (unless (= lenx leny)
695662 ;;
696663 (block the-end
697664 (let ((ydone 0))
698 (declare (type fixnum ydone))
699 (dolist (xe x)
700 (declare (type list xe))
701 (let ((xterm (car xe)) (xval (cdr xe)))
702 (declare (type term xterm)
703 (type fixnum xval))
704 (dolist (ye y (return-from the-end nil)) ; didn't find xe in y
705 (declare (type list ye))
706 (when (term-equational-equal xterm (car ye))
707 (unless (= xval (the fixnum (cdr ye)))
708 (return-from the-end nil))
709 (setq ydone (1+ ydone))
710 (return))))) ; quit the inner do-list
711 (unless (= ydone leny)
712 (return-from the-end nil)))
665 (declare (type fixnum ydone))
666 (dolist (xe x)
667 (declare (type list xe))
668 (let ((xterm (car xe)) (xval (cdr xe)))
669 (declare (type term xterm)
670 (type fixnum xval))
671 (dolist (ye y (return-from the-end nil)) ; didn't find xe in y
672 (declare (type list ye))
673 (when (term-equational-equal xterm (car ye))
674 (unless (= xval (the fixnum (cdr ye)))
675 (return-from the-end nil))
676 (setq ydone (1+ ydone))
677 (return))))) ; quit the inner do-list
678 (unless (= ydone leny)
679 (return-from the-end nil)))
713680 t)))
715682 (defun AC-next-state-sub (state)
716 (do* ((m 0) ; only initialize these vars
717 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
718 (rhs-c-max (AC-state-rhs-c-max state))
719 (rhs-c-count (AC-state-rhs-c-count state))
720 (rhs-c-compat (AC-state-rhs-c-compat state))
721 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
722 (nil) ; forever
683 (do* ((m 0) ; only initialize these vars
684 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
685 (rhs-c-max (AC-state-rhs-c-max state))
686 (rhs-c-count (AC-state-rhs-c-count state))
687 (rhs-c-compat (AC-state-rhs-c-compat state))
688 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
689 (nil) ; forever
723690 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector rhs-c-compat)
724 (type fixnum m lhs-r-mask rhs-c-count rhs-c-max))
725 (cond ((>= m rhs-c-count) ; no next row
726 (setf (AC-state-no-more state) T)
727 (return))
728 ((< m 0) ; no tests up here - could cut search here
729 (let ((temp 0)) ; the empty bitvector
730 (declare (type fixnum temp))
731 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
732 (declare (type fixnum s))
733 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
734 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)
735 (return)))
736 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)) rhs-c-max)
737 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-c-sol m)
738 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
739 (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m)
740 (svref rhs-c-compat m)))
741 0)
742 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
743 (or (zerop (the fixnum
744 (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m) lhs-r-mask)))
745 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
746 (and (< (1+ m) rhs-c-count)
747 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)))
748 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol (1+ m)))))))
749 (setq m (1- m)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo this row
750 (t ; this row (m) is already maxed
751 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol m) 1) ; reset this row
752 (setq m (1+ m))))))
691 (type fixnum m lhs-r-mask rhs-c-count rhs-c-max))
692 (cond ((>= m rhs-c-count) ; no next row
693 (setf (AC-state-no-more state) T)
694 (return))
695 ((< m 0) ; no tests up here - could cut search here
696 (let ((temp 0)) ; the empty bitvector
697 (declare (type fixnum temp))
698 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
699 (declare (type fixnum s))
700 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
701 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)
702 (return)))
703 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)) rhs-c-max)
704 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-c-sol m)
705 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
706 (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m)
707 (svref rhs-c-compat m)))
708 0)
709 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
710 (or (zerop (the fixnum
711 (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m) lhs-r-mask)))
712 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
713 (and (< (1+ m) rhs-c-count)
714 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)))
715 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol (1+ m)))))))
716 (setq m (1- m)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo this row
717 (t ; this row (m) is already maxed
718 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol m) 1) ; reset this row
719 (setq m (1+ m))))))
754721 #||
755722 (match-AC-ms-equal
761728 (defun match-AC-equal (t1 t2)
762729 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
763730 (let ((op (term-head t1))
764 (op2 (term-head t2)))
765 (declare (type method op))
766 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op op2)
767 (let ((sub1 (list-AC-subterms t1 op))
768 (sub2 (list-AC-subterms t2 op2)))
769 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
770 (if (= (the fixnum (length sub1))
771 (the fixnum (length sub2)))
772 (dolist (s sub1 t)
773 (unless (member s sub2 :test #'term-equational-equal)
774 (return nil)))
775 nil))
776 nil))
731 (op2 (term-head t2)))
732 (declare (type method op))
733 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op op2)
734 (let ((sub1 (list-AC-subterms t1 op))
735 (sub2 (list-AC-subterms t2 op2)))
736 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
737 (if (= (the fixnum (length sub1))
738 (the fixnum (length sub2)))
739 (dolist (s sub1 t)
740 (unless (member s sub2 :test #'term-equational-equal)
741 (return nil)))
742 nil))
743 nil))
777744 nil))
778745 ||#
780747 (defun match-AC-equal (t1 t2)
781748 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
782749 (let ((op (term-head t1))
783 (op2 (term-head t2)))
784 (declare (type method op))
785 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op op2)
786 (let ((sub1 (list-AC-subterms t1 op))
787 (sub2 (list-AC-subterms t2 op2)))
788 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
789 (match-ac-ms-equal (list2multi-set-list sub1)
790 (list2multi-set-list sub2)))
791 nil))
750 (op2 (term-head t2)))
751 (declare (type method op))
752 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op op2)
753 (let ((sub1 (list-AC-subterms t1 op))
754 (sub2 (list-AC-subterms t2 op2)))
755 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
756 (match-ac-ms-equal (list2multi-set-list sub1)
757 (list2multi-set-list sub2)))
758 nil))
792759 nil))
794761 ;;; ***********************
796763 ;;; (defvar .ac-state-pool. nil)
797764 ;;;(defmacro allocate-ac-state ()
798765 ;;; ` (if .ac-state-pool. (pop .ac-state-pool.)
799 ;;; (make-AC-state)))
766 ;;; (make-AC-state)))
800767 ;;;(defmacro deallocate-ac-state (ac-state)
801768 ;;; `(push ,ac-state .ac-state-pool.))
802769 ;;;(eval-when (eval load)
807774 returns an AC-state, which is suitable for framing
808775 or passing to 'AC-next-state'"
809776 (declare (type list sys env))
810 (when *match-debug*
811 (format t "~&** match-ac-state-initialize -------------------------------------")
777 (with-match-debug ()
778 (format t "~%** match-ac-state-initialize -------------------------------------")
812779 (print-next)
813780 (print-match-system-sys sys)
814781 (print-next)
816783 ;;
817784 (block fail
818785 (let ((eqn-number -1)
819 (sys-operators nil)
820 (all-lhs-vars nil)
821 (all-lhs-funs nil)
822 (all-rhs-constants nil)
823 (all-rhs-funs nil)
824 (*print-circle* nil))
786 (sys-operators nil)
787 (all-lhs-vars nil)
788 (all-lhs-funs nil)
789 (all-rhs-constants nil)
790 (all-rhs-funs nil)
791 (*print-circle* nil))
825792 (declare (type (or null #-GCL simple-vector
826 #+GCL vector)
827 sys-operators)
828 (type list
829 all-lhs-vars all-lhs-funs all-rhs-constants all-rhs-funs)
830 (type fixnum eqn-number))
793 #+GCL vector)
794 sys-operators)
795 (type list
796 all-lhs-vars all-lhs-funs all-rhs-constants all-rhs-funs)
797 (type fixnum eqn-number))
831798 ;;
832799 (dolist (equation sys)
833 (incf eqn-number)
834 (let* ((lhs-1 (equation-t1 equation))
835 (rhs-1 (equation-t2 equation))
836 (lhs-op (term-head lhs-1))
837 (rhs-op (term-head rhs-1)))
838 (declare (type term lhs-1 rhs-1)
839 ;; (type method lhs-op rhs-op)
840 )
841 ;; quick failure cases.
842 (unless (and (theory-contains-AC (method-theory lhs-op))
843 (not (term-is-builtin-constant? rhs-1))
844 (method-p rhs-op)
845 (method-is-ac-restriction-of rhs-op lhs-op))
846 ;; is the first condition really need?
847 ;; (format t "~&failure case #1")
848 (return-from FAIL (values nil t)))
849 ;;
850 (let ((lhs-subs (list-AC-subterms lhs-1 lhs-op))
851 (rhs-subs (list-AC-subterms rhs-1 rhs-op))
852 (lhs-vars nil)
853 (lhs-constants nil)
854 (lhs-funs nil)
855 (rhs-constants nil)
856 (rhs-funs nil))
857 (declare (type list lhs-subs rhs-subs lhs-vars lhs-constants
858 lhs-funs rhs-constants rhs-funs))
859 ;; quick failure cases
860 ;; #||
861 (when (> (the fixnum (length lhs-subs))
862 (the fixnum (length rhs-subs)))
863 ;; (format t "~&failure case #2")
864 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; no possible match
865 ;; ||#
866 ;;
867 (unless sys-operators
868 (setq sys-operators (alloc-svec (the fixnum (length sys)))))
869 (setf (svref sys-operators eqn-number) lhs-op)
870 ;; build lhs- vars/funs/constants
871 (dolist (term lhs-subs)
872 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
873 (let ((image (if env (environment-image env term) term)))
874 (cond ((null image)
875 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-vars))
876 ((term-is-variable? image)
877 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-vars))
878 ((term-is-constant? image)
879 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-constants))
880 ((method-is-AC-restriction-of lhs-op
881 (term-head image))
882 (dolist (term2 (list-AC-subterms image
883 (term-head image)))
884 (cond ((term-is-variable? term2)
885 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
886 lhs-vars))
887 ((term-is-constant? term2)
888 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
889 lhs-constants))
890 (t (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
891 lhs-funs)))))
892 (t (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-funs)))))
893 ((term-is-constant? term)
894 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants))
895 (t (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-funs))))
896 ;; now that the lhs is partitioned - lets play with the rhs
897 (dolist (term rhs-subs)
898 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
899 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants))
900 ((term-is-constant? term)
901 (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-constants)))
902 (if (eq 'none new)
903 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
904 (if (eq :never-match new)
905 (if lhs-vars
906 (push (cons term eqn-number)
907 rhs-constants)
908 (progn
909 (when *match-debug*
910 (format t "~&- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
911 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
912 ;; (format t "~&failure case #3")
913 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
914 (setq lhs-constants new)))))
915 (t (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-funs)))
916 (if (eq 'none new)
917 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
918 (if (eq :never-match new)
919 (if lhs-vars
920 (push (cons term eqn-number)
921 rhs-funs)
922 (progn
923 (when *match-debug*
924 (format t "~&- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
925 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
926 ;; (format t "~&failure case #4")
927 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
928 (setq lhs-funs new)))))))
929 ;; now there are no duplicates (things appearing on both sides)
930 (let ((lhs-c-count (length lhs-constants))
931 (lhs-f-count (length lhs-funs))
932 (lhs-v-count (length lhs-vars))
933 (rhs-c-count (length rhs-constants))
934 (rhs-f-count (length rhs-funs)))
935 (declare (type fixnum lhs-c-count lhs-f-count lhs-v-count
936 rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
937 ;; check trivial failure conditions
938 (when (or (> lhs-c-count 0) ; there ain't nothin to match it
939 (and (< lhs-v-count 1) ; no variables remain on lhs
940 (> rhs-c-count 0)) ; and constants remain on rhs
941 (> lhs-f-count rhs-f-count)) ; too many funs to match
942 ;; (break "1")
943 ;; (format t "~&failure case #5")
944 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
945 ;;
946 (setq all-lhs-funs (nconc lhs-funs all-lhs-funs))
947 (setq all-lhs-vars (nconc lhs-vars all-lhs-vars))
948 (setq all-rhs-constants (nconc rhs-constants all-rhs-constants))
949 (setq all-rhs-funs (nconc rhs-funs all-rhs-funs))))))
800 (incf eqn-number)
801 (let* ((lhs-1 (equation-t1 equation))
802 (rhs-1 (equation-t2 equation))
803 (lhs-op (term-head lhs-1))
804 (rhs-op (term-head rhs-1)))
805 (declare (type term lhs-1 rhs-1))
806 ;; quick failure cases.
807 (unless (and (theory-contains-AC (method-theory lhs-op))
808 (not (term-is-builtin-constant? rhs-1))
809 (method-p rhs-op)
810 (method-is-ac-restriction-of rhs-op lhs-op))
811 ;; is the first condition really need?
812 ;; (format t "~&failure case #1")
813 (return-from FAIL (values nil t)))
814 ;;
815 (let ((lhs-subs (list-AC-subterms lhs-1 lhs-op))
816 (rhs-subs (list-AC-subterms rhs-1 rhs-op))
817 (lhs-vars nil)
818 (lhs-constants nil)
819 (lhs-funs nil)
820 (rhs-constants nil)
821 (rhs-funs nil))
822 (declare (type list lhs-subs rhs-subs lhs-vars lhs-constants
823 lhs-funs rhs-constants rhs-funs))
824 ;; quick failure cases
825 (when (> (the fixnum (length lhs-subs))
826 (the fixnum (length rhs-subs)))
827 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; no possible match
828 (unless sys-operators
829 (setq sys-operators (alloc-svec (the fixnum (length sys)))))
830 (setf (svref sys-operators eqn-number) lhs-op)
831 ;; build lhs- vars/funs/constants
832 (dolist (term lhs-subs)
833 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
834 (let ((image (if env (environment-image env term) term)))
835 (cond ((null image)
836 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-vars))
837 ((term-is-variable? image)
838 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-vars))
839 ((term-is-constant? image)
840 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-constants))
841 ((method-is-AC-restriction-of lhs-op
842 (term-head image))
843 (dolist (term2 (list-AC-subterms image
844 (term-head image)))
845 (cond ((term-is-variable? term2)
846 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
847 lhs-vars))
848 ((term-is-constant? term2)
849 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
850 lhs-constants))
851 (t (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
852 lhs-funs)))))
853 (t (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-funs)))))
854 ((term-is-constant? term)
855 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants))
856 (t (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-funs))))
857 ;; now that the lhs is partitioned - lets play with the rhs
858 (dolist (term rhs-subs)
859 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
860 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants))
861 ((term-is-constant? term)
862 (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-constants)))
863 (if (eq 'none new)
864 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
865 (if (eq :never-match new)
866 (if lhs-vars
867 (push (cons term eqn-number)
868 rhs-constants)
869 (progn
870 (with-match-debug ()
871 (format t "~%- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
872 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
873 ;; (format t "~&failure case #3")
874 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
875 (setq lhs-constants new)))))
876 (t (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-funs)))
877 (if (eq 'none new)
878 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
879 (if (eq :never-match new)
880 (if lhs-vars
881 (push (cons term eqn-number)
882 rhs-funs)
883 (progn
884 (with-match-debug ()
885 (format t "~%- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
886 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
887 ;; (format t "~&failure case #4")
888 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
889 (setq lhs-funs new)))))))
890 ;; now there are no duplicates (things appearing on both sides)
891 (let ((lhs-c-count (length lhs-constants))
892 (lhs-f-count (length lhs-funs))
893 (lhs-v-count (length lhs-vars))
894 (rhs-c-count (length rhs-constants))
895 (rhs-f-count (length rhs-funs)))
896 (declare (type fixnum lhs-c-count lhs-f-count lhs-v-count
897 rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
898 ;; check trivial failure conditions
899 (when (or (> lhs-c-count 0) ; there ain't nothin to match it
900 (and (< lhs-v-count 1) ; no variables remain on lhs
901 (> rhs-c-count 0)) ; and constants remain on rhs
902 (> lhs-f-count rhs-f-count)) ; too many funs to match
903 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
904 (setq all-lhs-funs (nconc lhs-funs all-lhs-funs))
905 (setq all-lhs-vars (nconc lhs-vars all-lhs-vars))
906 (setq all-rhs-constants (nconc rhs-constants all-rhs-constants))
907 (setq all-rhs-funs (nconc rhs-funs all-rhs-funs))))))
950908 ;;
951909 ;; done for all equations.
952910 ;;
953911 (let ((lhs-f-count (length all-lhs-funs))
954 (lhs-v-count (1+ (the fixnum (length all-lhs-vars))))
955 ; note this is "wrong"
956 (rhs-c-count (length all-rhs-constants))
957 (rhs-f-count (length all-rhs-funs)))
958 (declare (type fixnum lhs-f-count lhs-v-count rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
959 (let ((lhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-f-count))
960 (lhs-v-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-v-count))
961 (rhs-c-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
962 (rhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
963 (lhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-funs))
964 (lhs-v-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-vars))
965 (rhs-c-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-constants))
966 (rhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-funs))
967 (l-m 0)
968 (r-m 0))
969 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
970 #+GCL vector
971 lhs-f-r lhs-v-r rhs-c-r rhs-f-r)
972 (type fixnum l-m r-m)
973 (type list lhs-f-ms lhs-v-ms rhs-c-ms rhs-f-ms))
974 (let* ((l-gcd (or (cdar lhs-f-ms) (cdar lhs-v-ms) 1))
975 (r-gcd (or (cdar rhs-f-ms) (cdar rhs-c-ms) 1))
976 (LHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r l-m l-gcd))
977 (LHS-v-list (cons (cons 'dummy 13)
978 (AC-note-repeats lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-m l-gcd)))
979 (RHS-c-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r r-m r-gcd))
980 (RHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd)))
981 (declare (type fixnum l-gcd r-gcd)
982 (type list lhs-f-list lhs-v-list rhs-c-list rhs-f-list))
983 (let ((LHS-f (make-array lhs-f-count :initial-contents lhs-f-list))
984 (LHS-v (make-array lhs-v-count :initial-contents lhs-v-list))
985 (RHS-c (make-array rhs-c-count :initial-contents rhs-c-list))
986 (RHS-f (make-array rhs-f-count :initial-contents rhs-f-list))
987 (RHS-c-max (expt2 (1- lhs-v-count)))
988 (RHS-f-max (expt2 (+ -1 lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)))
989 (RHS-full-bits (- (the fixnum
990 (expt2 (+ lhs-v-count lhs-f-count))) 2))
991 (rhs-c-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
992 (rhs-f-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
993 (rhs-c-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
994 (rhs-f-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
995 (dummy-bit 1) ; to save a whole bunch of expt'ing
996 (lhs-r-mask 0)
997 (state (make-ac-state))
998 )
999 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
1000 #+GCL vector
1001 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f
1002 rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol rhs-c-compat rhs-f-compat)
1003 (type fixnum rhs-c-max rhs-f-max rhs-full-bits
1004 dummy-bit lhs-r-mask))
1005 ;;
1006 (when *match-debug*
1007 (format t "~&..lhs-f-ms=~s, lhs-f-r=~s lhs-v-ms=~s, lhs-v-r=~s, l-m=~d l-gcd=~d" lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-m l-gcd)
1008 (format t "~&..all-rhs-funs=~s, rhs-c-ms=~s, rhs-c-r=~s, rhs-f-ms=~s, rhs-f-r=~s, r-m=~d, r-gcd=~d" all-rhs-funs rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd))
1009 ;; one more easy failure check
1010 (when (or (> l-m r-m) ; a lhs item is repeated more than any rhs
1011 (not (integerp (/ r-gcd l-gcd))))
1012 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1013 ;; (break "2")
1014 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
1015 ;; NOW, get down to the real work....
1016 ;; setup the repeat mask (first of v's)
1017 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
1018 (declare (type fixnum j))
1019 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j)) 1)
1020 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
1021 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
1022 ;; note dummy-bit might not be 1 here...
1023 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count) ; (then of f's)
1024 (declare (type fixnum j))
1025 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-f-r j)) 1)
1026 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
1027 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
1028 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-c)
1029 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
1030 (declare (type fixnum i))
1031 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1032 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-c-r i)))
1033 (declare (type fixnum my-repeat-count))
1034 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
1035 (declare (type fixnum j))
1036 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-c i)))
1037 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
1038 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1039 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
1040 my-repeat-count)
1041 ;; the right repetition number OR 0
1042 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
1043 0)))
1044 (setf (svref rhs-c-compat i)
1045 (make-or (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-compat i))
1046 dummy-bit)))
1047 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
1048 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-f)
1049 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
1050 (declare (type fixnum i))
1051 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1052 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-f-r i)))
1053 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
1054 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
1055 (declare (type fixnum j))
1056 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
1057 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
1058 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1059 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
1060 my-repeat-count)
1061 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
1062 0)))
1063 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
1064 (make-or (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-compat i))
1065 dummy-bit)))
1066 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))
1067 ;; now lhs vars are taken care of, we need to deal with funs
1068 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count)
1069 (declare (type fixnum j))
1070 ;; for now, ignore repetition of funs (can be slower)
1071 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
1072 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-f j))))
1073 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1074 (possibly-matches (car (svref lhs-f j))
1075 (car (svref rhs-f i))))
1076 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
1077 (make-or (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-compat i))
1078 dummy-bit)))
1079 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
1080 ;; and now set up the initial state to a legal one
1081 ;; (the smallest legal one)
1082 ;; by just rotating the bit until it make-and's with
1083 ;; the compatibility vector
1084 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
1085 (declare (type fixnum i))
1086 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1087 (if (and (= i 0) (= rhs-f-count 0))
1088 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol 0) 1)
1089 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-c-compat i)))
1090 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1091 (do ()
1092 ((> dummy-bit rhs-c-max)
1093 (progn
1094 ;; (format t "~&failure case #7")
1095 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1096 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1097 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol i) dummy-bit)
1098 (return))
1099 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1100 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
1101 (declare (type fixnum i))
1102 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1103 (if (= i 0)
1104 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol 0) 1)
1105 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-f-compat i)))
1106 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1107 (do ()
1108 ((> dummy-bit rhs-f-max)
1109 (progn ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1110 ;; (format t "~&failure case #8")
1111 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1112 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1113 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol i) dummy-bit)
1114 (return))
1115 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1116 ;; initialize the mask -
1117 (if (= rhs-f-count 0)
1118 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1119 (let ((temp 0))
1120 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1121 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
1122 (declare (type fixnum s))
1123 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
1124 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)))
1125 ;; and now stuff the state full of information, and return it.
1126 (setf (ac-state-operators state) sys-operators
1127 (ac-state-LHS-f state) lhs-f
1128 (ac-state-LHS-v state) lhs-v
1129 (ac-state-RHS-c state) rhs-c
1130 (ac-state-RHS-f state) rhs-f
1131 (ac-state-LHS-f-r state) lhs-f-r
1132 (ac-state-LHS-v-r state) lhs-v-r
1133 (ac-state-RHS-c-r state) rhs-c-r
1134 (ac-state-RHS-f-r state) rhs-f-r
1135 ;; (setf (ac-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1136 (ac-state-LHS-f-mask state) 0
1137 (ac-state-LHS-r-mask state) lhs-r-mask
1138 (ac-state-RHS-c-sol state) rhs-c-sol
1139 (ac-state-RHS-c-max state) rhs-c-max
1140 (ac-state-RHS-f-sol state) rhs-f-sol
1141 (ac-state-RHS-f-max state) rhs-f-max
1142 (ac-state-RHS-full-bits state) rhs-full-bits
1143 (ac-state-RHS-c-compat state) rhs-c-compat
1144 (ac-state-RHS-f-compat state) rhs-f-compat
1145 (ac-state-LHS-c-count state) 0
1146 (ac-state-LHS-f-count state) lhs-f-count
1147 (ac-state-LHS-v-count state) lhs-v-count ; off 1+ intentionally
1148 (ac-state-RHS-c-count state) rhs-c-count
1149 (ac-state-RHS-f-count state) rhs-f-count
1150 (ac-state-no-more state) nil
1151 (ac-state-ac-state-p state) 'ac-state )
1152 ;;
1153 (when *match-debug* (format t "~&*** done initialization"))
1154 (values state nil))))))))
912 (lhs-v-count (1+ (the fixnum (length all-lhs-vars))))
913 ; note this is "wrong"
914 (rhs-c-count (length all-rhs-constants))
915 (rhs-f-count (length all-rhs-funs)))
916 (declare (type fixnum lhs-f-count lhs-v-count rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
917 (let ((lhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-f-count))
918 (lhs-v-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-v-count))
919 (rhs-c-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
920 (rhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
921 (lhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-funs))
922 (lhs-v-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-vars))
923 (rhs-c-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-constants))
924 (rhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-funs))
925 (l-m 0)
926 (r-m 0))
927 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
928 #+GCL vector
929 lhs-f-r lhs-v-r rhs-c-r rhs-f-r)
930 (type fixnum l-m r-m)
931 (type list lhs-f-ms lhs-v-ms rhs-c-ms rhs-f-ms))
932 (let* ((l-gcd (or (cdar lhs-f-ms) (cdar lhs-v-ms) 1))
933 (r-gcd (or (cdar rhs-f-ms) (cdar rhs-c-ms) 1))
934 (LHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r l-m l-gcd))
935 (LHS-v-list (cons (cons 'dummy 13)
936 (AC-note-repeats lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-m l-gcd)))
937 (RHS-c-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r r-m r-gcd))
938 (RHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd)))
939 (declare (type fixnum l-gcd r-gcd)
940 (type list lhs-f-list lhs-v-list rhs-c-list rhs-f-list))
941 (let ((LHS-f (make-array lhs-f-count :initial-contents lhs-f-list))
942 (LHS-v (make-array lhs-v-count :initial-contents lhs-v-list))
943 (RHS-c (make-array rhs-c-count :initial-contents rhs-c-list))
944 (RHS-f (make-array rhs-f-count :initial-contents rhs-f-list))
945 (RHS-c-max (expt2 (1- lhs-v-count)))
946 (RHS-f-max (expt2 (+ -1 lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)))
947 (RHS-full-bits (- (the fixnum
948 (expt2 (+ lhs-v-count lhs-f-count))) 2))
949 (rhs-c-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
950 (rhs-f-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
951 (rhs-c-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
952 (rhs-f-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
953 (dummy-bit 1) ; to save a whole bunch of expt'ing
954 (lhs-r-mask 0)
955 (state (make-ac-state))
956 )
957 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
958 #+GCL vector
959 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f
960 rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol rhs-c-compat rhs-f-compat)
961 (type fixnum rhs-c-max rhs-f-max rhs-full-bits
962 dummy-bit lhs-r-mask))
963 ;;
964 ;; (when *match-debug*
965 ;; (format t "~%..lhs-f-ms=~s, lhs-f-r=~s lhs-v-ms=~s, lhs-v-r=~s, l-m=~d l-gcd=~d" lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-m l-gcd)
966 ;; (format t "~&..all-rhs-funs=~s, rhs-c-ms=~s, rhs-c-r=~s, rhs-f-ms=~s, rhs-f-r=~s, r-m=~d, r-gcd=~d" all-rhs-funs rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd))
967 ;; one more easy failure check
968 (when (or (> l-m r-m) ; a lhs item is repeated more than any rhs
969 (not (integerp (/ r-gcd l-gcd))))
970 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
971 ;; NOW, get down to the real work....
972 ;; setup the repeat mask (first of v's)
973 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
974 (declare (type fixnum j))
975 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j)) 1)
976 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
977 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
978 ;; note dummy-bit might not be 1 here...
979 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count) ; (then of f's)
980 (declare (type fixnum j))
981 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-f-r j)) 1)
982 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
983 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
984 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-c)
985 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
986 (declare (type fixnum i))
987 (setq dummy-bit 1)
988 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-c-r i)))
989 (declare (type fixnum my-repeat-count))
990 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
991 (declare (type fixnum j))
992 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-c i)))
993 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
994 ;; both are from same equation, AND
995 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
996 my-repeat-count)
997 ;; the right repetition number OR 0
998 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
999 0)))
1000 (setf (svref rhs-c-compat i)
1001 (make-or (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-compat i))
1002 dummy-bit)))
1003 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
1004 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-f)
1005 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
1006 (declare (type fixnum i))
1007 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1008 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-f-r i)))
1009 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
1010 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
1011 (declare (type fixnum j))
1012 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
1013 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
1014 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1015 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
1016 my-repeat-count)
1017 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
1018 0)))
1019 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
1020 (make-or (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-compat i))
1021 dummy-bit)))
1022 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))
1023 ;; now lhs vars are taken care of, we need to deal with funs
1024 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count)
1025 (declare (type fixnum j))
1026 ;; for now, ignore repetition of funs (can be slower)
1027 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
1028 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-f j))))
1029 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1030 (possibly-matches (car (svref lhs-f j))
1031 (car (svref rhs-f i))))
1032 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
1033 (make-or (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-compat i))
1034 dummy-bit)))
1035 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
1036 ;; and now set up the initial state to a legal one
1037 ;; (the smallest legal one)
1038 ;; by just rotating the bit until it make-and's with
1039 ;; the compatibility vector
1040 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
1041 (declare (type fixnum i))
1042 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1043 (if (and (= i 0) (= rhs-f-count 0))
1044 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol 0) 1)
1045 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-c-compat i)))
1046 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1047 (do ()
1048 ((> dummy-bit rhs-c-max)
1049 (progn
1050 ;; (format t "~&failure case #7")
1051 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1052 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1053 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol i) dummy-bit)
1054 (return))
1055 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1056 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
1057 (declare (type fixnum i))
1058 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1059 (if (= i 0)
1060 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol 0) 1)
1061 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-f-compat i)))
1062 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1063 (do ()
1064 ((> dummy-bit rhs-f-max)
1065 (progn ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1066 ;; (format t "~&failure case #8")
1067 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1068 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1069 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol i) dummy-bit)
1070 (return))
1071 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1072 ;; initialize the mask -
1073 (if (= rhs-f-count 0)
1074 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1075 (let ((temp 0))
1076 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1077 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
1078 (declare (type fixnum s))
1079 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
1080 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)))
1081 ;; and now stuff the state full of information, and return it.
1082 (setf (ac-state-operators state) sys-operators
1083 (ac-state-LHS-f state) lhs-f
1084 (ac-state-LHS-v state) lhs-v
1085 (ac-state-RHS-c state) rhs-c
1086 (ac-state-RHS-f state) rhs-f
1087 (ac-state-LHS-f-r state) lhs-f-r
1088 (ac-state-LHS-v-r state) lhs-v-r
1089 (ac-state-RHS-c-r state) rhs-c-r
1090 (ac-state-RHS-f-r state) rhs-f-r
1091 ;; (setf (ac-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1092 (ac-state-LHS-f-mask state) 0
1093 (ac-state-LHS-r-mask state) lhs-r-mask
1094 (ac-state-RHS-c-sol state) rhs-c-sol
1095 (ac-state-RHS-c-max state) rhs-c-max
1096 (ac-state-RHS-f-sol state) rhs-f-sol
1097 (ac-state-RHS-f-max state) rhs-f-max
1098 (ac-state-RHS-full-bits state) rhs-full-bits
1099 (ac-state-RHS-c-compat state) rhs-c-compat
1100 (ac-state-RHS-f-compat state) rhs-f-compat
1101 (ac-state-LHS-c-count state) 0
1102 (ac-state-LHS-f-count state) lhs-f-count
1103 (ac-state-LHS-v-count state) lhs-v-count ; off 1+ intentionally
1104 (ac-state-RHS-c-count state) rhs-c-count
1105 (ac-state-RHS-f-count state) rhs-f-count
1106 (ac-state-no-more state) nil
1107 (ac-state-ac-state-p state) 'ac-state )
1108 ;;
1109 (with-match-debug () (format t "~%*** done initialization"))
1110 (values state nil))))))))
11561112 (defun match-AC-next-state (state)
11571113 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector state))
1158 ;; #||
1159 (when *match-debug*
1160 (format t "~&match-ac-next-state ---------------------------------------------")
1161 (ac-unparse-ac-state state))
1162 ;; ||#
11631114 (if (not (AC-state-p state))
1164 (progn (format t "~& AC-Next-State given non-ac-state:~A~&" state)
1165 (values nil nil t)) ; failing is default behavior...
1115 (progn (format t "~% AC-Next-State given non-ac-state:~A~%" state)
1116 (values nil nil t)) ; failing is default behavior...
11661117 (if (AC-state-no-more state)
1167 (progn
1168 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1169 (values nil nil t) ; there are no more solutions - fail
1170 )
1171 (do* ((n 0)
1172 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
1173 (rhs-f-max (AC-state-rhs-f-max state))
1174 (rhs-f-compat (AC-state-rhs-f-compat state))
1175 (rhs-f-count (AC-state-rhs-f-count state))
1176 (rhs-full-bits (AC-state-rhs-full-bits state))
1177 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state))
1178 )
1179 (nil) ; forever
1180 (declare (type fixnum
1181 n rhs-f-count rhs-f-max lhs-r-mask rhs-full-bits)
1182 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
1183 rhs-f-sol rhs-f-compat))
1184 (cond ((>= n rhs-f-count) ; no next row
1185 (AC-next-state-sub state)
1186 (if (AC-state-no-more state)
1187 (if (and (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-f-count state)))
1188 (= 1 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-v-count state)))
1189 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-c-count state)))
1190 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-f-count state))))
1191 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1192 (if sol
1193 (return (values sol state nil))
1194 (if (= n 0)
1195 (return (values nil state nil))
1196 (return (values nil nil t)))))
1197 (progn
1198 ;; failed at f-level
1199 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1200 (return (values nil nil t)))
1201 )
1202 (setq n (1- n))))
1203 ((< n 0)
1204 (let ((temp (AC-state-LHS-mask state)))
1205 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1206 (dotimes (s rhs-f-count)
1207 (declare (type fixnum s))
1208 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-f-sol s))))
1209 (if (= rhs-full-bits temp)
1210 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1211 (if sol
1212 (return (values sol state nil))
1213 (return (match-ac-next-state state))))
1214 (setq n 0))))
1215 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol n)) rhs-f-max)
1216 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-f-sol n)
1217 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
1218 (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n)
1219 (svref rhs-f-compat n)))
1220 0)
1221 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
1222 (or (zerop (the fixnum
1223 (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n) lhs-r-mask)))
1224 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
1225 (and (< (1+ n) rhs-f-count)
1226 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol n)))
1227 (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol (1+ n)))))))
1228 (setq n (1- n)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo
1229 (t ; this row (n) is already maxed
1230 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol n) 1) ; reset this row to one
1231 (setq n (1+ n))))))))
1118 (progn
1119 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1120 (values nil nil t) ; there are no more solutions - fail
1121 )
1122 (do* ((n 0)
1123 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
1124 (rhs-f-max (AC-state-rhs-f-max state))
1125 (rhs-f-compat (AC-state-rhs-f-compat state))
1126 (rhs-f-count (AC-state-rhs-f-count state))
1127 (rhs-full-bits (AC-state-rhs-full-bits state))
1128 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
1129 (nil) ; forever
1130 (declare (type fixnum
1131 n rhs-f-count rhs-f-max lhs-r-mask rhs-full-bits)
1132 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
1133 rhs-f-sol rhs-f-compat))
1134 (cond ((>= n rhs-f-count) ; no next row
1135 (AC-next-state-sub state)
1136 (if (AC-state-no-more state)
1137 (if (and (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-f-count state)))
1138 (= 1 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-v-count state)))
1139 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-c-count state)))
1140 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-f-count state))))
1141 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1142 (if sol
1143 (return (values sol state nil))
1144 (if (= n 0)
1145 (return (values nil state nil))
1146 (return (values nil nil t)))))
1147 (progn
1148 ;; failed at f-level
1149 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1150 (return (values nil nil t))))
1151 (setq n (1- n))))
1152 ((< n 0)
1153 (let ((temp (AC-state-LHS-mask state)))
1154 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1155 (dotimes (s rhs-f-count)
1156 (declare (type fixnum s))
1157 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-f-sol s))))
1158 (if (= rhs-full-bits temp)
1159 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1160 (if sol
1161 (return (values sol state nil))
1162 (return (match-ac-next-state state))))
1163 (setq n 0))))
1164 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol n)) rhs-f-max)
1165 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-f-sol n)
1166 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
1167 (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n)
1168 (svref rhs-f-compat n)))
1169 0)
1170 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
1171 (or (zerop (the fixnum
1172 (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n) lhs-r-mask)))
1173 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
1174 (and (< (1+ n) rhs-f-count)
1175 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol n)))
1176 (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol (1+ n)))))))
1177 (setq n (1- n)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo
1178 (t ; this row (n) is already maxed
1179 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol n) 1) ; reset this row to one
1180 (setq n (1+ n))))))))
12331182 #+CMU (declaim (ext:end-block))
12351184 ;; not all that useful printout of parts of AC state.
12361185 (defun AC-unparse-AC-state (AC-st)
1237 (format t "~&-- no more=~A~%" (AC-state-no-more AC-st))
1238 (format t "~&-- operators: ~&")
1186 (format t "~%-- no more=~A~%" (AC-state-no-more AC-st))
1187 (format t "-- operators: ~%")
12391188 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (AC-state-operators AC-st))
1240 (format t "~&-- RHS-f: ~&")
1189 (format t "-- RHS-f: ~%")
12411190 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (AC-state-RHS-f AC-st))
1242 (format t "~&-- RHS-c: ~&")
1191 (format t "-- RHS-c: ~%")
12431192 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (AC-state-RHS-c AC-st))
1244 (format t "~&-- LHS-v: ~&")
1193 (format t "-- LHS-v: ~%")
12451194 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (AC-state-LHS-v AC-st))
1246 (format t "~&-- LHS-f: ~&")
1195 (format t "-- LHS-f: ~%")
12471196 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (AC-state-LHS-f AC-st))
1248 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-count=~A, rhs-f-count=~A~&"
1249 (AC-state-RHS-c-count AC-st)
1250 (AC-state-RHS-f-count AC-st))
1251 (format t "~&-- lhs-c-count=~A, lhs-f-count=~A, lhs-v-count=~A~%"
1252 (AC-state-LHS-c-count AC-st)
1253 (AC-state-LHS-f-count AC-st)
1254 (AC-state-LHS-v-count AC-st))
1197 (format t "-- rhs-c-count=~A, rhs-f-count=~A~%"
1198 (AC-state-RHS-c-count AC-st)
1199 (AC-state-RHS-f-count AC-st))
1200 (format t "-- lhs-c-count=~A, lhs-f-count=~A, lhs-v-count=~A~%"
1201 (AC-state-LHS-c-count AC-st)
1202 (AC-state-LHS-f-count AC-st)
1203 (AC-state-LHS-v-count AC-st))
12551204 (let ((*print-base* 2)
1256 (*print-array* t)) ; these be bitvectors, print them as such
1205 (*print-array* t)) ; these be bitvectors, print them as such
12571206 (format t "----------~%-- rhs-c-sol= ~A~&rhs-f-sol=~A~&"
1258 (AC-state-RHS-c-sol AC-st) (AC-state-RHS-f-sol AC-st))
1259 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-max=~A, rhs-f-max=~A, rhs-full-bits=~A~&"
1260 (AC-state-RHS-c-max AC-st)
1261 (AC-state-RHS-f-max AC-st)
1262 (AC-state-RHS-full-bits AC-st))
1263 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-compat=~A, rhs-f-compat=~A~&"
1264 (AC-state-RHS-c-compat AC-st)
1265 (AC-state-RHS-f-compat AC-st))
1266 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-r=~A, rhs-f-r=~A~&"
1267 (AC-state-RHS-c-r AC-st)
1268 (AC-state-RHS-f-r AC-st))
1269 (format t "~&-- lhs-f-r=~A, lhs-v-r=~A~&"
1270 (AC-state-LHS-f-r AC-st)
1271 (AC-state-LHS-v-r AC-st))
1272 (format t "~&-- lhs-mask=~A~%"
1273 (AC-state-LHS-mask AC-st))
1207 (AC-state-RHS-c-sol AC-st) (AC-state-RHS-f-sol AC-st))
1208 (format t "-- rhs-c-max=~A, rhs-f-max=~A, rhs-full-bits=~A~%"
1209 (AC-state-RHS-c-max AC-st)
1210 (AC-state-RHS-f-max AC-st)
1211 (AC-state-RHS-full-bits AC-st))
1212 (format t "-- rhs-c-compat=~A, rhs-f-compat=~A~%"
1213 (AC-state-RHS-c-compat AC-st)
1214 (AC-state-RHS-f-compat AC-st))
1215 (format t "-- rhs-c-r=~A, rhs-f-r=~A~%"
1216 (AC-state-RHS-c-r AC-st)
1217 (AC-state-RHS-f-r AC-st))
1218 (format t "-- lhs-f-r=~A, lhs-v-r=~A~%"
1219 (AC-state-LHS-f-r AC-st)
1220 (AC-state-LHS-v-r AC-st))
1221 (format t "-- lhs-mask=~A~%"
1222 (AC-state-LHS-mask AC-st))
12741223 (terpri)
1275 (format t "~&-- lhs-f-mask=~A~%"
1276 (AC-state-LHS-f-mask AC-st))
1277 (format t "~&-- lhs-r-mask=~A~%"
1278 (AC-state-LHS-r-mask AC-st))))
1224 (format t "-- lhs-f-mask=~A~%"
1225 (AC-state-LHS-f-mask AC-st))
1226 (format t "-- lhs-r-mask=~A~%"
1227 (AC-state-LHS-r-mask AC-st))))
12801229 (defun ac-args-nss (x) (AC-unparse-AC-state (car x)) (terpri))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-ac.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-ac.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3838 #+:chaos-debug
3939 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-(or GCL EXCL) (debug 3)
40 #+EXCL (debug 2)))
40 #+EXCL (debug 2)))
4242 ;;; PROCEDURES for AC Matching ================================================
201201 ;;; Thus PDL implements AC-state on his own.
202202 #|
203203 (defstruct AC-state
204 operators ; array[op]
205 ; the top level operators of each eqn in the system
206 LHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
207 LHS-v ; array[term] variables
208 RHS-c ; array[term] constants
209 RHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
210 LHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
211 LHS-v-r ; array[bool] notes repeated variables
212 RHS-c-r ; array[bool] notes repeated constants
213 RHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
214 (LHS-mask 0) ; long int variables and funs accounted
215 ; for by RHS-c-sol
216 (LHS-f-mask 0) ; long int funs accounted for by RHS-c-sol
217 (LHS-r-mask 0) ; long int bitvector of all repeated (>0)
218 ; terms on lhs
219 RHS-c-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; constants
220 RHS-c-max ; int ; max value of elements of RHS-c-sol
221 RHS-f-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; functional terms
222 RHS-f-max ; int max value of elements of RHS-f-sol
223 RHS-full-bits ; int 11111...111
224 RHS-c-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
225 RHS-f-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
226 LHS-c-count ; int number of constants on LHS
227 ; after simplification
228 LHS-f-count ; int number of functions on LHS
229 ; after simplification
230 LHS-v-count ; int number of variables on LHS
231 ; after simplification
232 RHS-c-count ; int number of constants on RHS
233 ; after simplification
234 RHS-f-count ; int number of functions on RHS
235 ; after simplification
236 RHS-f-match-top-ac ; array[bool] can that term match the top op? (nil)
237 (no-more nil) ; when true implies that all solutions
238 ; have been reported
204 operators ; array[op]
205 ; the top level operators of each eqn in the system
206 LHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
207 LHS-v ; array[term] variables
208 RHS-c ; array[term] constants
209 RHS-f ; array[term] functional terms
210 LHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
211 LHS-v-r ; array[bool] notes repeated variables
212 RHS-c-r ; array[bool] notes repeated constants
213 RHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional terms
214 (LHS-mask 0) ; long int variables and funs accounted
215 ; for by RHS-c-sol
216 (LHS-f-mask 0) ; long int funs accounted for by RHS-c-sol
217 (LHS-r-mask 0) ; long int bitvector of all repeated (>0)
218 ; terms on lhs
219 RHS-c-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; constants
220 RHS-c-max ; int ; max value of elements of RHS-c-sol
221 RHS-f-sol ; array[int] solution matrix; functional terms
222 RHS-f-max ; int max value of elements of RHS-f-sol
223 RHS-full-bits ; int 11111...111
224 RHS-c-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
225 RHS-f-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility bitvectors
226 LHS-c-count ; int number of constants on LHS
227 ; after simplification
228 LHS-f-count ; int number of functions on LHS
229 ; after simplification
230 LHS-v-count ; int number of variables on LHS
231 ; after simplification
232 RHS-c-count ; int number of constants on RHS
233 ; after simplification
234 RHS-f-count ; int number of functions on RHS
235 ; after simplification
236 RHS-f-match-top-ac ; array[bool] can that term match the top op? (nil)
237 (no-more nil) ; when true implies that all solutions
238 ; have been reported
239239 )
240240 |#
241241 (defmacro make-AC-state () `(alloc-svec 26))
352352 (defmacro AC-Rotate-Left (_*_*_array *_*_*m)
353353 " shifts the element one bit to the left"
354354 ` (setf (%svref ,_*_*_array ,*_*_*m)
355 (* 2 (%svref ,_*_*_array ,*_*_*m))))
355 (* 2 (%svref ,_*_*_array ,*_*_*m))))
357357 (defmacro AC-note-repeats (_??mset _??array _??max _??gcd)
358358 "; puts all repeated terms together in the list, and bashes the array
361361 ; e.g. for input (a b c c c d d e f f) and #(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0),
362362 ; this should make the array into #(0 0 3 2 1 2 1 0 2 1)."
363363 ` (let* ((list2 nil)
364 (counter (length (the #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector ,_??array))))
364 (counter (length (the #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector ,_??array))))
365365 (declare (type fixnum counter))
366366 (dolist (element ,_??mset)
367 (declare (type list element))
368 (let ((n (cdr element)))
369 (declare (type fixnum n))
370 (when (> n (the fixnum ,_??max))
371 (setq ,_??max n))
372 (setq ,_??gcd (gcd ,_??gcd n))
373 (if (> n 1) ; if it is repeated at all
374 (dotimes (x n)
375 (declare (type fixnum x))
376 (push (first element) list2)
377 (setq counter (1- counter))
378 (setf (%svref ,_??array counter)
379 (1+ x)))
380 (progn (push (first element) list2)
381 (setq counter (1- counter))
382 ;; this line optional if 0'd array is guaranteed.
383 (setf (%svref ,_??array counter) 0)))))
367 (declare (type list element))
368 (let ((n (cdr element)))
369 (declare (type fixnum n))
370 (when (> n (the fixnum ,_??max))
371 (setq ,_??max n))
372 (setq ,_??gcd (gcd ,_??gcd n))
373 (if (> n 1) ; if it is repeated at all
374 (dotimes (x n)
375 (declare (type fixnum x))
376 (push (first element) list2)
377 (setq counter (1- counter))
378 (setf (%svref ,_??array counter)
379 (1+ x)))
380 (progn (push (first element) list2)
381 (setq counter (1- counter))
382 ;; this line optional if 0'd array is guaranteed.
383 (setf (%svref ,_??array counter) 0)))))
384384 list2))
386386 #+CMU(declaim (ext:start-block match-ac-state-initialize
387 match-ac-next-state
388 match-ac-equal))
387 match-ac-next-state
388 match-ac-equal))
390390 ;;; x = term
391391 ;;; y = ((term . eqn-num) ... )
393393 (x y)
394394 (block exit
395395 (if (null y)
396 'none
397 (if (term-is-applform? x)
398 ;; application form
399 (let ((head (term-head x))
400 (pos nil))
401 (setq pos
402 (position-if
403 #'(lambda (tv)
404 (let ((term (car tv)))
405 (and (term-is-applform? term)
406 (method-is-of-same-operator+ head
407 (term-head term)))))
408 (the list y)))
409 ;; (break "0")
410 (unless pos
411 (return-from exit :never-match))
412 (if (zerop pos)
413 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
414 (return-from exit (cdr y))
415 (return-from exit 'none))
416 (let ((last y)
417 (rest (cdr y))
418 (cur-pos 0))
419 (declare (type fixnum cur-pos))
420 (loop
421 (when (= cur-pos pos)
422 (if (term-equational-equal x
423 (caar rest))
424 (progn
425 ;; delete pattern
426 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
427 (return-from exit y))
428 (return-from exit 'none)))
429 (incf cur-pos)
430 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
431 ))
432 ;;
433 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
434 (cdr y)
435 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
436 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
437 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
438 ;; delete pattern
439 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
440 ;; new
441 (return y))
442 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
443 ))
444 )))
396 'none
397 (if (term-is-applform? x)
398 ;; application form
399 (let ((head (term-head x))
400 (pos nil))
401 (setq pos
402 (position-if
403 #'(lambda (tv)
404 (let ((term (car tv)))
405 (and (term-is-applform? term)
406 (method-is-of-same-operator+ head
407 (term-head term)))))
408 (the list y)))
409 ;; (break "0")
410 (unless pos
411 (return-from exit :never-match))
412 (if (zerop pos)
413 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
414 (return-from exit (cdr y))
415 (return-from exit 'none))
416 (let ((last y)
417 (rest (cdr y))
418 (cur-pos 0))
419 (declare (type fixnum cur-pos))
420 (loop
421 (when (= cur-pos pos)
422 (if (term-equational-equal x
423 (caar rest))
424 (progn
425 ;; delete pattern
426 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
427 (return-from exit y))
428 (return-from exit 'none)))
429 (incf cur-pos)
430 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
431 ))
432 ;;
433 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
434 (cdr y)
435 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
436 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
437 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
438 ;; delete pattern
439 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
440 ;; new
441 (return y))
442 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
443 ))
444 )))
446446 (defvar *ac-failure-eq* nil)
450450 which, if true, imply the original AC equation true) from
451451 the matrix of 'state'"
452452 (let* ((ops (AC-state-operators state))
453 (lhs-f (AC-state-lhs-f state))
454 (lhs-v (AC-state-lhs-v state))
455 (rhs-c (AC-state-rhs-c state))
456 (rhs-f (AC-state-rhs-f state))
457 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
458 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
459 (new-sys (new-m-system))
460 (term-code 1)
461 (rhs-subterms nil)
462 (new-eqns nil))
453 (lhs-f (AC-state-lhs-f state))
454 (lhs-v (AC-state-lhs-v state))
455 (rhs-c (AC-state-rhs-c state))
456 (rhs-f (AC-state-rhs-f state))
457 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
458 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
459 (new-sys (new-m-system))
460 (term-code 1)
461 (rhs-subterms nil)
462 (new-eqns nil))
463463 (declare (type fixnum term-code)
464 (type #+GCL vector
465 #-GCL simple-vector
466 ops
467 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol)
468 (type list new-sys rhs-subterms new-eqns))
464 (type #+GCL vector
465 #-GCL simple-vector
466 ops
467 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol)
468 (type list new-sys rhs-subterms new-eqns))
469469 (setq *ac-failure-eq* nil)
470470 ;; (AC-collapse-arrays-internal lhs-v 1)
471471 (dotimes (i (length lhs-v))
472472 (declare (type fixnum i))
473473 (if (< i 1)
474 nil
475 (progn
476 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
477 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
478 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
479 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
480 (declare (type fixnum j))
474 nil
475 (progn
476 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
477 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
478 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
479 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
480 (declare (type fixnum j))
481481 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol j)
482 term-code))
483 0)
484 (push (car (%svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
485 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
486 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
487 (declare (type fixnum j))
482 term-code))
483 0)
484 (push (car (%svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
485 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
486 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
487 (declare (type fixnum j))
488488 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol j) term-code))
489 0)
490 (push (car (%svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
491 (when rhs-subterms
492 (push
493 (make-equation (car (%svref lhs-v i))
494 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
495 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
496 (%svref ops (cdr (%svref lhs-v i)))
497 rhs-subterms)
498 (first rhs-subterms)))
499 new-eqns))
500 )))
489 0)
490 (push (car (%svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
491 (when rhs-subterms
492 (push
493 (make-equation (car (%svref lhs-v i))
494 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
495 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
496 (%svref ops (cdr (%svref lhs-v i)))
497 rhs-subterms)
498 (first rhs-subterms)))
499 new-eqns))
500 )))
501501 ;;
502502 ;; note term-code is now the right thing.
503503 ;; (AC-collapse-arrays-internal lhs-f 0)
507507 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
508508 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
509509 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
510 (declare (type fixnum j))
511 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol j) term-code))
512 0)
513 (push (car (%svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
510 (declare (type fixnum j))
511 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol j) term-code))
512 0)
513 (push (car (%svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
514514 ;; (AC-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
515515 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
516 (declare (type fixnum j))
517 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol j) term-code))
518 0)
519 (push (car (%svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
516 (declare (type fixnum j))
517 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol j) term-code))
518 0)
519 (push (car (%svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
520520 (when rhs-subterms
521 (let ((t1 (car (%svref lhs-f i)))
522 (t2 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
523 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
524 (%svref ops (cdr (%svref lhs-f i)))
525 rhs-subterms)
526 (first rhs-subterms))))
527 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
528 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
529 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
530 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
531 (let ((minfo-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching
532 t1-head))
533 (minfo-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching
534 t2-head)))
535 (if (or (test-theory
536 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-1))
537 (test-theory
538 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-2)))
539 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
540 (progn
541 (when *match-debug*
542 (setq *ac-failure-eq* (cons t1 t2)))
543 (setq new-eqns nil)
544 (return nil))
545 ))))))
521 (let ((t1 (car (%svref lhs-f i)))
522 (t2 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
523 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
524 (%svref ops (cdr (%svref lhs-f i)))
525 rhs-subterms)
526 (first rhs-subterms))))
527 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
528 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
529 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
530 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
531 (let ((minfo-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching
532 t1-head))
533 (minfo-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching
534 t2-head)))
535 (if (or (test-theory
536 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-1))
537 (test-theory
538 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-2)))
539 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqns)
540 (progn
541 (when *match-debug*
542 (setq *ac-failure-eq* (cons t1 t2)))
543 (setq new-eqns nil)
544 (return nil))
545 ))))))
546546 )
547547 ;;
548548 (if new-eqns
549 (progn
550 (dolist (eq (nreverse new-eqns))
551 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq))
552 (when *match-debug*
553 (format t "~%** ac-solution-from-state")
554 (print-m-system new-sys))
555 new-sys)
556 (progn
557 (when *match-debug*
558 (format t "~%** no ac solution")
559 (print-next)
560 (princ " - t1 = ") (term-print (car *ac-failure-eq*))
561 (print-next)
562 (princ " - t2 = ") (term-print (cdr *ac-failure-eq*))
563 )
564 nil))))
549 (progn
550 (dolist (eq (nreverse new-eqns))
551 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq))
552 (when *match-debug*
553 (format t "~%** ac-solution-from-state")
554 (print-m-system new-sys))
555 new-sys)
556 (progn
557 (when *match-debug*
558 (format t "~%** no ac solution")
559 (print-next)
560 (princ " - t1 = ") (term-print (car *ac-failure-eq*))
561 (print-next)
562 (princ " - t2 = ") (term-print (cdr *ac-failure-eq*))
563 )
564 nil))))
566566 (#+GCL si:define-inline-function #-GCL defun test_same_term_list (x y)
567567 (declare (type list x y))
568568 (loop (when (null x) (return (null y)))
569569 (unless (eq (car x) (car y))
570 (return nil))
570 (return nil))
571571 (setq x (cdr x))
572572 (setq y (cdr y))
573573 ))
589589 (dolist (x list)
590590 (declare (type term x))
591591 (let ((ms-x (dolist (pr ms-list nil)
592 (when (term-equational-equal x (car pr))
593 (return pr)))))
594 (if ms-x
595 (setf (cdr ms-x) (1+ (the fixnum (cdr ms-x))))
596 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))
597 ))
592 (when (term-equational-equal x (car pr))
593 (return pr)))))
594 (if ms-x
595 (setf (cdr ms-x) (1+ (the fixnum (cdr ms-x))))
596 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))
597 ))
598598 ms-list))
600600 ;;; Assume that t1 is NOT a variable
608608 (copy-alist l2mslv1)
609609 (if (and l2msla2 (test_same_term_list list l2msla2))
610610 (progn
611 (rotatef l2msla1 l2msla2)
612 (rotatef l2mslv1 l2mslv2)
613 (copy-alist l2mslv1))
611 (rotatef l2msla1 l2msla2)
612 (rotatef l2mslv1 l2mslv2)
613 (copy-alist l2mslv1))
614614 (let ((res (list2multi-set-list-direct list)))
615615 (setq l2msla2 l2msla1 l2mslv2 l2mslv1)
616616 (setq l2msla1 list l2mslv1 res)
631631 (dolist (x list)
632632 (declare (type list x))
633633 (let ((ms-elt (assoc-if #'(lambda (y)
634 (declare (type list y))
635 (and (= (the fixnum (cdr x))
636 (the fixnum (cdr y)))
637 (term-equational-equal (car y) (car x))))
638 ms-list)))
639 (if ms-elt
640 (setf (cdr ms-elt)
641 (1+ (the fixnum (cdr ms-elt)))) ;;;***
642 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))))
634 (declare (type list y))
635 (and (= (the fixnum (cdr x))
636 (the fixnum (cdr y)))
637 (term-equational-equal (car y) (car x))))
638 ms-list)))
639 (if ms-elt
640 (setf (cdr ms-elt)
641 (1+ (the fixnum (cdr ms-elt)))) ;;;***
642 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))))
643643 ms-list))
648648 (defun match-AC-ms-equal (x y)
649649 (declare (type list x y))
650650 (let ((lenx (length x))
651 (leny (length y)))
651 (leny (length y)))
652652 ;;
653653 (declare (type fixnum lenx leny))
654654 (unless (= lenx leny)
656656 ;;
657657 (block the-end
658658 (let ((ydone 0))
659 (declare (type fixnum ydone))
660 (dolist (xe x)
661 (declare (type list xe))
662 (let ((xterm (car xe)) (xval (cdr xe)))
663 (declare (type term xterm)
664 (type fixnum xval))
665 (dolist (ye y (return-from the-end nil)) ; didn't find xe in y
666 (declare (type list ye))
667 (when (term-equational-equal xterm (car ye))
668 (unless (= xval (the fixnum (cdr ye)))
669 (return-from the-end nil))
670 (setq ydone (1+ ydone))
671 (return))))) ; quit the inner do-list
672 (unless (= ydone leny)
673 (return-from the-end nil)))
659 (declare (type fixnum ydone))
660 (dolist (xe x)
661 (declare (type list xe))
662 (let ((xterm (car xe)) (xval (cdr xe)))
663 (declare (type term xterm)
664 (type fixnum xval))
665 (dolist (ye y (return-from the-end nil)) ; didn't find xe in y
666 (declare (type list ye))
667 (when (term-equational-equal xterm (car ye))
668 (unless (= xval (the fixnum (cdr ye)))
669 (return-from the-end nil))
670 (setq ydone (1+ ydone))
671 (return))))) ; quit the inner do-list
672 (unless (= ydone leny)
673 (return-from the-end nil)))
674674 t)))
676676 (defun AC-next-state-sub (state)
677 (do* ((m 0) ; only initialize these vars
678 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
679 (rhs-c-max (AC-state-rhs-c-max state))
680 (rhs-c-count (AC-state-rhs-c-count state))
681 (rhs-c-compat (AC-state-rhs-c-compat state))
682 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
683 (nil) ; forever
677 (do* ((m 0) ; only initialize these vars
678 (rhs-c-sol (AC-state-rhs-c-sol state))
679 (rhs-c-max (AC-state-rhs-c-max state))
680 (rhs-c-count (AC-state-rhs-c-count state))
681 (rhs-c-compat (AC-state-rhs-c-compat state))
682 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
683 (nil) ; forever
684684 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector rhs-c-compat)
685 (type fixnum m lhs-r-mask rhs-c-count))
686 (cond ((>= m rhs-c-count) ; no next row
687 (setf (AC-state-no-more state) T)
688 (return))
689 ((< m 0) ; no tests up here - could cut search here
690 (let ((temp 0)) ; the empty bitvector
691 (declare (type fixnum temp))
692 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
693 (declare (type fixnum s))
694 (setq temp (make-or temp (%svref rhs-c-sol s))))
695 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)
696 (return)))
697 ((< (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-sol m)) rhs-c-max)
698 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-c-sol m)
699 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
700 (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol m)
701 (%svref rhs-c-compat m)))
702 0)
703 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
704 (or (zerop (the fixnum
705 (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol m) lhs-r-mask)))
706 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
707 (and (< (1+ m) rhs-c-count)
708 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-sol m)))
709 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-sol (1+ m)))))))
710 (setq m (1- m)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo this row
711 (t ; this row (m) is already maxed
712 (setf (%svref rhs-c-sol m) 1) ; reset this row
713 (setq m (1+ m))))))
685 (type fixnum m lhs-r-mask rhs-c-count))
686 (cond ((>= m rhs-c-count) ; no next row
687 (setf (AC-state-no-more state) T)
688 (return))
689 ((< m 0) ; no tests up here - could cut search here
690 (let ((temp 0)) ; the empty bitvector
691 (declare (type fixnum temp))
692 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
693 (declare (type fixnum s))
694 (setq temp (make-or temp (%svref rhs-c-sol s))))
695 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)
696 (return)))
697 ((< (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-sol m)) rhs-c-max)
698 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-c-sol m)
699 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
700 (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol m)
701 (%svref rhs-c-compat m)))
702 0)
703 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
704 (or (zerop (the fixnum
705 (make-and (%svref rhs-c-sol m) lhs-r-mask)))
706 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
707 (and (< (1+ m) rhs-c-count)
708 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-sol m)))
709 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-sol (1+ m)))))))
710 (setq m (1- m)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo this row
711 (t ; this row (m) is already maxed
712 (setf (%svref rhs-c-sol m) 1) ; reset this row
713 (setq m (1+ m))))))
715715 #||
716716 (match-AC-ms-equal
721721 (defun match-AC-equal (t1 t2)
722722 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
723723 (let ((op (term-head t1)))
724 (declare (type method op))
725 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op (term-head t2))
726 (let ((sub1 (list-AC-subterms t1 op))
727 (sub2 (list-AC-subterms t2 op)))
728 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
729 (if (= (the fixnum (length sub1))
730 (the fixnum (length sub2)))
731 (dolist (s sub1 t)
732 (unless (member s sub2 :test #'term-equational-equal)
733 (return nil)))
734 nil))
735 nil))
724 (declare (type method op))
725 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op (term-head t2))
726 (let ((sub1 (list-AC-subterms t1 op))
727 (sub2 (list-AC-subterms t2 op)))
728 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
729 (if (= (the fixnum (length sub1))
730 (the fixnum (length sub2)))
731 (dolist (s sub1 t)
732 (unless (member s sub2 :test #'term-equational-equal)
733 (return nil)))
734 nil))
735 nil))
736736 nil))
738738 ;;; ***********************
740740 ;;; (defvar .ac-state-pool. nil)
741741 ;;;(defmacro allocate-ac-state ()
742742 ;;; ` (if .ac-state-pool. (pop .ac-state-pool.)
743 ;;; (make-AC-state)))
743 ;;; (make-AC-state)))
744744 ;;;(defmacro deallocate-ac-state (ac-state)
745745 ;;; `(push ,ac-state .ac-state-pool.))
746746 ;;;(eval-when (eval load)
752752 or passing to 'AC-next-state'"
753753 (declare (type list sys env))
754754 (when *match-debug*
755 (format t "~&** match-ac-state-initialize -------------------------------------")
755 (format t "~%** match-ac-state-initialize -------------------------------------")
756756 (print-next)
757757 (print-match-system-sys sys)
758758 (print-next)
760760 ;;
761761 (block fail
762762 (let ((eqn-number -1)
763 (sys-operators nil)
764 (all-lhs-vars nil)
765 (all-lhs-funs nil)
766 (all-rhs-constants nil)
767 (all-rhs-funs nil)
768 (*print-circle* nil))
763 (sys-operators nil)
764 (all-lhs-vars nil)
765 (all-lhs-funs nil)
766 (all-rhs-constants nil)
767 (all-rhs-funs nil)
768 (*print-circle* nil))
769769 (declare (type (or null #-GCL simple-vector
770 #+GCL vector)
771 sys-operators)
772 (type list
773 all-lhs-vars all-lhs-funs all-rhs-constants all-rhs-funs)
774 (type fixnum eqn-number))
770 #+GCL vector)
771 sys-operators)
772 (type list
773 all-lhs-vars all-lhs-funs all-rhs-constants all-rhs-funs)
774 (type fixnum eqn-number))
775775 ;;
776776 (dolist (equation sys)
777 (incf eqn-number)
778 (let* ((lhs-1 (equation-t1 equation))
779 (rhs-1 (equation-t2 equation))
780 (lhs-op (term-head lhs-1))
781 (rhs-op (term-head rhs-1)))
782 (declare (type term lhs-1 rhs-1)
783 (type method lhs-op rhs-op))
784 ;; quick failure cases.
785 (unless (and (theory-contains-AC (method-theory lhs-op))
786 (method-is-ac-restriction-of rhs-op lhs-op))
787 ;; is the first condition really need?
788 (return-from FAIL (values nil t)))
789 ;;
790 (let ((lhs-subs (list-AC-subterms lhs-1 lhs-op))
791 (rhs-subs (list-AC-subterms rhs-1 rhs-op))
792 (lhs-vars nil)
793 (lhs-constants nil)
794 (lhs-funs nil)
795 (rhs-constants nil)
796 (rhs-funs nil))
797 (declare (type list lhs-subs rhs-subs lhs-vars lhs-constants
798 lhs-funs rhs-constants rhs-funs))
799 ;; quick failure cases
800 (when (> (the fixnum (length lhs-subs))
801 (the fixnum (length rhs-subs)))
802 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; no possible match
803 ;;
804 (unless sys-operators
805 (setq sys-operators (alloc-svec (the fixnum (length sys)))))
806 (setf (%svref sys-operators eqn-number) lhs-op)
807 ;; build lhs- vars/funs/constants
808 (dolist (term lhs-subs)
809 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
810 (let ((image (if env (environment-image env term) term)))
811 (cond ((null image)
812 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-vars))
813 ((term-is-variable? image)
814 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-vars))
815 ((method-is-AC-restriction-of lhs-op
816 (term-head image))
817 (dolist (term2 (list-AC-subterms image
818 (term-head image)))
819 (cond ((term-is-variable? term2)
820 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
821 lhs-vars))
822 ((term-is-constant? term2)
823 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
824 lhs-constants))
825 (t (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
826 lhs-funs)))))
827 ((term-is-constant? image)
828 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-constants))
829 (t (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-funs)))))
830 ((term-is-constant? term)
831 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants))
832 (t (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-funs))))
833 ;; now that the lhs is partitioned - lets play with the rhs
834 (dolist (term rhs-subs)
835 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
836 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants))
837 ((term-is-constant? term)
838 (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-constants)))
839 (if (eq 'none new)
840 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
841 (if (eq :never-match new)
842 (if lhs-vars
843 (push (cons term eqn-number)
844 rhs-constants)
845 (progn
846 (when *match-debug*
847 (format t "~&- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
848 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
849 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
850 (setq lhs-constants new)))))
851 (t (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-funs)))
852 (if (eq 'none new)
853 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
854 (if (eq :never-match new)
855 (if lhs-vars
856 (push (cons term eqn-number)
857 rhs-funs)
858 (progn
859 (when *match-debug*
860 (format t "~&- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
861 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
862 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
863 (setq lhs-funs new)))))))
864 ;; now there are no duplicates (things appearing on both sides)
865 (let ((lhs-c-count (length lhs-constants))
866 (lhs-f-count (length lhs-funs))
867 (lhs-v-count (length lhs-vars))
868 (rhs-c-count (length rhs-constants))
869 (rhs-f-count (length rhs-funs)))
870 (declare (type fixnum lhs-c-count lhs-f-count lhs-v-count
871 rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
872 ;; check trivial failure conditions
873 (when (or (> lhs-c-count 0) ; there ain't nothin to match it
874 (and (< lhs-v-count 1) ; no variables remain on lhs
875 (> rhs-c-count 0)) ; and constants remain on rhs
876 (> lhs-f-count rhs-f-count)) ; too many funs to match
877 ;; (break "1")
878 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
879 ;;
880 (setq all-lhs-funs (nconc lhs-funs all-lhs-funs))
881 (setq all-lhs-vars (nconc lhs-vars all-lhs-vars))
882 (setq all-rhs-constants (nconc rhs-constants all-rhs-constants))
883 (setq all-rhs-funs (nconc rhs-funs all-rhs-funs))))))
777 (incf eqn-number)
778 (let* ((lhs-1 (equation-t1 equation))
779 (rhs-1 (equation-t2 equation))
780 (lhs-op (term-head lhs-1))
781 (rhs-op (term-head rhs-1)))
782 (declare (type term lhs-1 rhs-1)
783 (type method lhs-op rhs-op))
784 ;; quick failure cases.
785 (unless (and (theory-contains-AC (method-theory lhs-op))
786 (method-is-ac-restriction-of rhs-op lhs-op))
787 ;; is the first condition really need?
788 (return-from FAIL (values nil t)))
789 ;;
790 (let ((lhs-subs (list-AC-subterms lhs-1 lhs-op))
791 (rhs-subs (list-AC-subterms rhs-1 rhs-op))
792 (lhs-vars nil)
793 (lhs-constants nil)
794 (lhs-funs nil)
795 (rhs-constants nil)
796 (rhs-funs nil))
797 (declare (type list lhs-subs rhs-subs lhs-vars lhs-constants
798 lhs-funs rhs-constants rhs-funs))
799 ;; quick failure cases
800 (when (> (the fixnum (length lhs-subs))
801 (the fixnum (length rhs-subs)))
802 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; no possible match
803 ;;
804 (unless sys-operators
805 (setq sys-operators (alloc-svec (the fixnum (length sys)))))
806 (setf (%svref sys-operators eqn-number) lhs-op)
807 ;; build lhs- vars/funs/constants
808 (dolist (term lhs-subs)
809 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
810 (let ((image (if env (environment-image env term) term)))
811 (cond ((null image)
812 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-vars))
813 ((term-is-variable? image)
814 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-vars))
815 ((method-is-AC-restriction-of lhs-op
816 (term-head image))
817 (dolist (term2 (list-AC-subterms image
818 (term-head image)))
819 (cond ((term-is-variable? term2)
820 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
821 lhs-vars))
822 ((term-is-constant? term2)
823 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
824 lhs-constants))
825 (t (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
826 lhs-funs)))))
827 ((term-is-constant? image)
828 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-constants))
829 (t (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-funs)))))
830 ((term-is-constant? term)
831 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants))
832 (t (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-funs))))
833 ;; now that the lhs is partitioned - lets play with the rhs
834 (dolist (term rhs-subs)
835 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
836 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants))
837 ((term-is-constant? term)
838 (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-constants)))
839 (if (eq 'none new)
840 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
841 (if (eq :never-match new)
842 (if lhs-vars
843 (push (cons term eqn-number)
844 rhs-constants)
845 (progn
846 (when *match-debug*
847 (format t "~%- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
848 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
849 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
850 (setq lhs-constants new)))))
851 (t (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-funs)))
852 (if (eq 'none new)
853 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
854 (if (eq :never-match new)
855 (if lhs-vars
856 (push (cons term eqn-number)
857 rhs-funs)
858 (progn
859 (when *match-debug*
860 (format t "~&- :never-match : lhs-vars ")
861 (print-chaos-object lhs-vars))
862 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
863 (setq lhs-funs new)))))))
864 ;; now there are no duplicates (things appearing on both sides)
865 (let ((lhs-c-count (length lhs-constants))
866 (lhs-f-count (length lhs-funs))
867 (lhs-v-count (length lhs-vars))
868 (rhs-c-count (length rhs-constants))
869 (rhs-f-count (length rhs-funs)))
870 (declare (type fixnum lhs-c-count lhs-f-count lhs-v-count
871 rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
872 ;; check trivial failure conditions
873 (when (or (> lhs-c-count 0) ; there ain't nothin to match it
874 (and (< lhs-v-count 1) ; no variables remain on lhs
875 (> rhs-c-count 0)) ; and constants remain on rhs
876 (> lhs-f-count rhs-f-count)) ; too many funs to match
877 ;; (break "1")
878 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
879 ;;
880 (setq all-lhs-funs (nconc lhs-funs all-lhs-funs))
881 (setq all-lhs-vars (nconc lhs-vars all-lhs-vars))
882 (setq all-rhs-constants (nconc rhs-constants all-rhs-constants))
883 (setq all-rhs-funs (nconc rhs-funs all-rhs-funs))))))
884884 ;;
885885 ;; done for all equations.
886886 ;;
887887 (let ((lhs-f-count (length all-lhs-funs))
888 (lhs-v-count (1+ (the fixnum (length all-lhs-vars))))
889 ; note this is "wrong"
890 (rhs-c-count (length all-rhs-constants))
891 (rhs-f-count (length all-rhs-funs)))
892 (declare (type fixnum lhs-f-count lhs-v-count rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
893 (let ((lhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-f-count))
894 (lhs-v-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-v-count))
895 (rhs-c-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
896 (rhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
897 (lhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-funs))
898 (lhs-v-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-vars))
899 (rhs-c-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-constants))
900 (rhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-funs))
901 (l-m 0)
902 (r-m 0))
903 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
904 #+GCL vector
905 lhs-f-r lhs-v-r rhs-c-r rhs-f-r)
906 (type fixnum l-m r-m)
907 (type list lhs-f-ms lhs-v-ms rhs-c-ms rhs-f-ms))
908 (let* ((l-gcd (or (cdar lhs-f-ms) (cdar lhs-v-ms) 1))
909 (r-gcd (or (cdar rhs-f-ms) (cdar rhs-c-ms) 1))
910 (LHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r l-m l-gcd))
911 (LHS-v-list (cons (cons 'dummy 13)
912 (AC-note-repeats lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-m l-gcd)))
913 (RHS-c-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r r-m r-gcd))
914 (RHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd)))
915 (declare (type fixnum l-gcd r-gcd)
916 (type list lhs-f-list lhs-v-list rhs-c-list rhs-f-list))
917 (let ((LHS-f (make-array lhs-f-count :initial-contents lhs-f-list))
918 (LHS-v (make-array lhs-v-count :initial-contents lhs-v-list))
919 (RHS-c (make-array rhs-c-count :initial-contents rhs-c-list))
920 (RHS-f (make-array rhs-f-count :initial-contents rhs-f-list))
921 (RHS-c-max (expt2 (1- lhs-v-count)))
922 (RHS-f-max (expt2 (+ -1 lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)))
923 (RHS-full-bits (- (expt2 (+ lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)) 2))
924 (rhs-c-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
925 (rhs-f-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
926 (rhs-c-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
927 (rhs-f-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
928 (dummy-bit 1) ; to save a whole bunch of expt'ing
929 (lhs-r-mask 0)
930 (state (make-ac-state))
931 )
932 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
933 #+GCL vector
934 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f
935 rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol rhs-c-compat rhs-f-compat)
936 (type fixnum rhs-c-max rhs-f-max rhs-full-bits
937 dummy-bit lhs-r-mask))
938 ;; one more easy failure check
939 (when (or (> l-m r-m) ; a lhs item is repeated more than any rhs
940 (not (integerp (/ r-gcd l-gcd))))
941 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
942 ;; (break "2")
943 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
944 ;; NOW, get down to the real work....
945 ;; setup the repeat mask (first of v's)
946 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
947 (declare (type fixnum j))
948 (when (> (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j)) 1)
949 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
950 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
951 ;; note dummy-bit might not be 1 here...
952 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count) ; (then of f's)
953 (declare (type fixnum j))
954 (when (> (the fixnum (%svref lhs-f-r j)) 1)
955 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
956 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
957 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-c)
958 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
959 (declare (type fixnum i))
960 (setq dummy-bit 1)
961 (let ((my-repeat-count (%svref rhs-c-r i)))
962 (declare (type fixnum my-repeat-count))
963 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
964 (declare (type fixnum j))
965 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (%svref rhs-c i)))
966 (the fixnum (cdr (%svref lhs-v j))))
967 ;; both are from same equation, AND
968 (or (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
969 my-repeat-count)
970 ;; the right repetition number OR 0
971 (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
972 0)))
973 (setf (%svref rhs-c-compat i)
974 (make-or (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-compat i))
975 dummy-bit)))
976 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
977 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-f)
978 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
979 (declare (type fixnum i))
980 (setq dummy-bit 1)
981 (let ((my-repeat-count (%svref rhs-f-r i)))
982 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
983 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
984 (declare (type fixnum j))
985 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (%svref rhs-f i)))
986 (the fixnum (cdr (%svref lhs-v j))))
987 ;; both are from same equation, AND
988 (or (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
989 my-repeat-count)
990 (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
991 0)))
992 (setf (%svref rhs-f-compat i)
993 (make-or (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-compat i))
994 dummy-bit)))
995 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))
996 ;; now lhs vars are taken care of, we need to deal with funs
997 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count)
998 (declare (type fixnum j))
999 ;; for now, ignore repetition of funs (can be slower)
1000 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (%svref rhs-f i)))
1001 (the fixnum (cdr (%svref lhs-f j))))
1002 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1003 (possibly-matches (car (%svref lhs-f j))
1004 (car (%svref rhs-f i))))
1005 (setf (%svref rhs-f-compat i)
1006 (make-or (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-compat i))
1007 dummy-bit)))
1008 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
1009 ;; and now set up the initial state to a legal one
1010 ;; (the smallest legal one)
1011 ;; by just rotating the bit until it make-and's with
1012 ;; the compatibility vector
1013 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
1014 (declare (type fixnum i))
1015 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1016 (if (and (= i 0) (= rhs-f-count 0))
1017 (setf (%svref rhs-c-sol 0) 1)
1018 (let ((my-compat (%svref rhs-c-compat i)))
1019 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1020 (do ()
1021 ((> dummy-bit rhs-c-max)
1022 (progn
1023 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1024 ;; (break "3")
1025 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1026 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1027 (setf (%svref rhs-c-sol i) dummy-bit)
1028 (return))
1029 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1030 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
1031 (declare (type fixnum i))
1032 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1033 (if (= i 0)
1034 (setf (%svref rhs-f-sol 0) 1)
1035 (let ((my-compat (%svref rhs-f-compat i)))
1036 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1037 (do ()
1038 ((> dummy-bit rhs-f-max)
1039 (progn ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1040 ;; (break "4")
1041 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1042 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1043 (setf (%svref rhs-f-sol i) dummy-bit)
1044 (return))
1045 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1046 ;; initialize the mask -
1047 (if (= rhs-f-count 0)
1048 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1049 (let ((temp 0))
1050 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1051 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
1052 (declare (type fixnum s))
1053 (setq temp (make-or temp (%svref rhs-c-sol s))))
1054 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)))
1055 ;; and now stuff the state full of information, and return it.
1056 (setf (ac-state-operators state) sys-operators
1057 (ac-state-LHS-f state) lhs-f
1058 (ac-state-LHS-v state) lhs-v
1059 (ac-state-RHS-c state) rhs-c
1060 (ac-state-RHS-f state) rhs-f
1061 (ac-state-LHS-f-r state) lhs-f-r
1062 (ac-state-LHS-v-r state) lhs-v-r
1063 (ac-state-RHS-c-r state) rhs-c-r
1064 (ac-state-RHS-f-r state) rhs-f-r
1065 ;; (setf (ac-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1066 (ac-state-LHS-f-mask state) 0
1067 (ac-state-LHS-r-mask state) lhs-r-mask
1068 (ac-state-RHS-c-sol state) rhs-c-sol
1069 (ac-state-RHS-c-max state) rhs-c-max
1070 (ac-state-RHS-f-sol state) rhs-f-sol
1071 (ac-state-RHS-f-max state) rhs-f-max
1072 (ac-state-RHS-full-bits state) rhs-full-bits
1073 (ac-state-RHS-c-compat state) rhs-c-compat
1074 (ac-state-RHS-f-compat state) rhs-f-compat
1075 (ac-state-LHS-c-count state) 0
1076 (ac-state-LHS-f-count state) lhs-f-count
1077 (ac-state-LHS-v-count state) lhs-v-count ; off 1+ intentionally
1078 (ac-state-RHS-c-count state) rhs-c-count
1079 (ac-state-RHS-f-count state) rhs-f-count
1080 (ac-state-no-more state) nil
1081 (ac-state-ac-state-p state) 'ac-state
1082 )
1083 ;;
1084 (when *match-debug* (format t "~&*** done initialization"))
1085 (values state nil))))))))
888 (lhs-v-count (1+ (the fixnum (length all-lhs-vars))))
889 ; note this is "wrong"
890 (rhs-c-count (length all-rhs-constants))
891 (rhs-f-count (length all-rhs-funs)))
892 (declare (type fixnum lhs-f-count lhs-v-count rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
893 (let ((lhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-f-count))
894 (lhs-v-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-v-count))
895 (rhs-c-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
896 (rhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
897 (lhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-funs))
898 (lhs-v-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-lhs-vars))
899 (rhs-c-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-constants))
900 (rhs-f-ms (AC-list2multi-set all-rhs-funs))
901 (l-m 0)
902 (r-m 0))
903 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
904 #+GCL vector
905 lhs-f-r lhs-v-r rhs-c-r rhs-f-r)
906 (type fixnum l-m r-m)
907 (type list lhs-f-ms lhs-v-ms rhs-c-ms rhs-f-ms))
908 (let* ((l-gcd (or (cdar lhs-f-ms) (cdar lhs-v-ms) 1))
909 (r-gcd (or (cdar rhs-f-ms) (cdar rhs-c-ms) 1))
910 (LHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r l-m l-gcd))
911 (LHS-v-list (cons (cons 'dummy 13)
912 (AC-note-repeats lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-m l-gcd)))
913 (RHS-c-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r r-m r-gcd))
914 (RHS-f-list (AC-note-repeats rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd)))
915 (declare (type fixnum l-gcd r-gcd)
916 (type list lhs-f-list lhs-v-list rhs-c-list rhs-f-list))
917 (let ((LHS-f (make-array lhs-f-count :initial-contents lhs-f-list))
918 (LHS-v (make-array lhs-v-count :initial-contents lhs-v-list))
919 (RHS-c (make-array rhs-c-count :initial-contents rhs-c-list))
920 (RHS-f (make-array rhs-f-count :initial-contents rhs-f-list))
921 (RHS-c-max (expt2 (1- lhs-v-count)))
922 (RHS-f-max (expt2 (+ -1 lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)))
923 (RHS-full-bits (- (expt2 (+ lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)) 2))
924 (rhs-c-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
925 (rhs-f-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
926 (rhs-c-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
927 (rhs-f-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
928 (dummy-bit 1) ; to save a whole bunch of expt'ing
929 (lhs-r-mask 0)
930 (state (make-ac-state))
931 )
932 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
933 #+GCL vector
934 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f
935 rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol rhs-c-compat rhs-f-compat)
936 (type fixnum rhs-c-max rhs-f-max rhs-full-bits
937 dummy-bit lhs-r-mask))
938 ;; one more easy failure check
939 (when (or (> l-m r-m) ; a lhs item is repeated more than any rhs
940 (not (integerp (/ r-gcd l-gcd))))
941 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
942 ;; (break "2")
943 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
944 ;; NOW, get down to the real work....
945 ;; setup the repeat mask (first of v's)
946 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
947 (declare (type fixnum j))
948 (when (> (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j)) 1)
949 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
950 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
951 ;; note dummy-bit might not be 1 here...
952 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count) ; (then of f's)
953 (declare (type fixnum j))
954 (when (> (the fixnum (%svref lhs-f-r j)) 1)
955 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
956 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
957 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-c)
958 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
959 (declare (type fixnum i))
960 (setq dummy-bit 1)
961 (let ((my-repeat-count (%svref rhs-c-r i)))
962 (declare (type fixnum my-repeat-count))
963 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
964 (declare (type fixnum j))
965 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (%svref rhs-c i)))
966 (the fixnum (cdr (%svref lhs-v j))))
967 ;; both are from same equation, AND
968 (or (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
969 my-repeat-count)
970 ;; the right repetition number OR 0
971 (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
972 0)))
973 (setf (%svref rhs-c-compat i)
974 (make-or (the fixnum (%svref rhs-c-compat i))
975 dummy-bit)))
976 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
977 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-f)
978 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
979 (declare (type fixnum i))
980 (setq dummy-bit 1)
981 (let ((my-repeat-count (%svref rhs-f-r i)))
982 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
983 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
984 (declare (type fixnum j))
985 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (%svref rhs-f i)))
986 (the fixnum (cdr (%svref lhs-v j))))
987 ;; both are from same equation, AND
988 (or (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
989 my-repeat-count)
990 (= (the fixnum (%svref lhs-v-r j))
991 0)))
992 (setf (%svref rhs-f-compat i)
993 (make-or (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-compat i))
994 dummy-bit)))
995 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))
996 ;; now lhs vars are taken care of, we need to deal with funs
997 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count)
998 (declare (type fixnum j))
999 ;; for now, ignore repetition of funs (can be slower)
1000 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (%svref rhs-f i)))
1001 (the fixnum (cdr (%svref lhs-f j))))
1002 ;; both are from same equation, AND
1003 (possibly-matches (car (%svref lhs-f j))
1004 (car (%svref rhs-f i))))
1005 (setf (%svref rhs-f-compat i)
1006 (make-or (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-compat i))
1007 dummy-bit)))
1008 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
1009 ;; and now set up the initial state to a legal one
1010 ;; (the smallest legal one)
1011 ;; by just rotating the bit until it make-and's with
1012 ;; the compatibility vector
1013 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
1014 (declare (type fixnum i))
1015 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1016 (if (and (= i 0) (= rhs-f-count 0))
1017 (setf (%svref rhs-c-sol 0) 1)
1018 (let ((my-compat (%svref rhs-c-compat i)))
1019 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1020 (do ()
1021 ((> dummy-bit rhs-c-max)
1022 (progn
1023 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1024 ;; (break "3")
1025 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1026 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1027 (setf (%svref rhs-c-sol i) dummy-bit)
1028 (return))
1029 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1030 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
1031 (declare (type fixnum i))
1032 (setq dummy-bit 1)
1033 (if (= i 0)
1034 (setf (%svref rhs-f-sol 0) 1)
1035 (let ((my-compat (%svref rhs-f-compat i)))
1036 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
1037 (do ()
1038 ((> dummy-bit rhs-f-max)
1039 (progn ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1040 ;; (break "4")
1041 (return-from FAIL (values nil t))))
1042 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
1043 (setf (%svref rhs-f-sol i) dummy-bit)
1044 (return))
1045 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
1046 ;; initialize the mask -
1047 (if (= rhs-f-count 0)
1048 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1049 (let ((temp 0))
1050 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1051 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
1052 (declare (type fixnum s))
1053 (setq temp (make-or temp (%svref rhs-c-sol s))))
1054 (setf (AC-state-LHS-mask state) temp)))
1055 ;; and now stuff the state full of information, and return it.
1056 (setf (ac-state-operators state) sys-operators
1057 (ac-state-LHS-f state) lhs-f
1058 (ac-state-LHS-v state) lhs-v
1059 (ac-state-RHS-c state) rhs-c
1060 (ac-state-RHS-f state) rhs-f
1061 (ac-state-LHS-f-r state) lhs-f-r
1062 (ac-state-LHS-v-r state) lhs-v-r
1063 (ac-state-RHS-c-r state) rhs-c-r
1064 (ac-state-RHS-f-r state) rhs-f-r
1065 ;; (setf (ac-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
1066 (ac-state-LHS-f-mask state) 0
1067 (ac-state-LHS-r-mask state) lhs-r-mask
1068 (ac-state-RHS-c-sol state) rhs-c-sol
1069 (ac-state-RHS-c-max state) rhs-c-max
1070 (ac-state-RHS-f-sol state) rhs-f-sol
1071 (ac-state-RHS-f-max state) rhs-f-max
1072 (ac-state-RHS-full-bits state) rhs-full-bits
1073 (ac-state-RHS-c-compat state) rhs-c-compat
1074 (ac-state-RHS-f-compat state) rhs-f-compat
1075 (ac-state-LHS-c-count state) 0
1076 (ac-state-LHS-f-count state) lhs-f-count
1077 (ac-state-LHS-v-count state) lhs-v-count ; off 1+ intentionally
1078 (ac-state-RHS-c-count state) rhs-c-count
1079 (ac-state-RHS-f-count state) rhs-f-count
1080 (ac-state-no-more state) nil
1081 (ac-state-ac-state-p state) 'ac-state
1082 )
1083 ;;
1084 (when *match-debug* (format t "~&*** done initialization"))
1085 (values state nil))))))))
10871087 (defun match-AC-next-state (state)
10881088 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector state))
10931093 ||#
10941094 (if (not (AC-state-p state))
10951095 (progn (format t "~& AC-Next-State given non-ac-state:~A~&" state)
1096 (values nil nil t)) ; failing is default behavior...
1096 (values nil nil t)) ; failing is default behavior...
10971097 (if (AC-state-no-more state)
1098 (progn
1099 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1100 (values nil nil t) ; there are no more solutions - fail
1101 )
1102 (do* ((n 0)
1103 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
1104 (rhs-f-max (AC-state-rhs-f-max state))
1105 (rhs-f-compat (AC-state-rhs-f-compat state))
1106 (rhs-f-count (AC-state-rhs-f-count state))
1107 (rhs-full-bits (AC-state-rhs-full-bits state))
1108 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state))
1109 )
1110 (nil) ; forever
1111 (declare (type fixnum
1112 n rhs-f-count rhs-f-max lhs-r-mask rhs-full-bits)
1113 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
1114 rhs-f-sol rhs-f-compat))
1115 (cond ((>= n rhs-f-count) ; no next row
1116 (AC-next-state-sub state)
1117 (if (AC-state-no-more state)
1118 (if (and (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-f-count state)))
1119 (= 1 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-v-count state)))
1120 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-c-count state)))
1121 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-f-count state))))
1122 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1123 (if sol
1124 (return (values sol state nil))
1125 (return (values nil nil t))))
1126 (progn
1127 ;; failed at f-level
1128 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1129 (return (values nil nil t)))
1130 )
1131 (setq n (1- n))))
1132 ((< n 0)
1133 (let ((temp (AC-state-LHS-mask state)))
1134 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1135 (dotimes (s rhs-f-count)
1136 (declare (type fixnum s))
1137 (setq temp (make-or temp (%svref rhs-f-sol s))))
1138 (if (= rhs-full-bits temp)
1139 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1140 (if sol
1141 (return (values sol state nil))
1142 (return (match-ac-next-state state))))
1143 (setq n 0))))
1144 ((< (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-sol n)) rhs-f-max)
1145 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-f-sol n)
1146 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
1147 (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol n)
1148 (%svref rhs-f-compat n)))
1149 0)
1150 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
1151 (or (zerop (the fixnum
1152 (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol n) lhs-r-mask)))
1153 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
1154 (and (< (1+ n) rhs-f-count)
1155 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-sol n)))
1156 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-sol (1+ n)))))))
1157 (setq n (1- n)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo
1158 (t ; this row (n) is already maxed
1159 (setf (%svref rhs-f-sol n) 1) ; reset this row to one
1160 (setq n (1+ n))))))))
1098 (progn
1099 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1100 (values nil nil t) ; there are no more solutions - fail
1101 )
1102 (do* ((n 0)
1103 (rhs-f-sol (AC-state-rhs-f-sol state))
1104 (rhs-f-max (AC-state-rhs-f-max state))
1105 (rhs-f-compat (AC-state-rhs-f-compat state))
1106 (rhs-f-count (AC-state-rhs-f-count state))
1107 (rhs-full-bits (AC-state-rhs-full-bits state))
1108 (lhs-r-mask (AC-state-lhs-r-mask state))
1109 )
1110 (nil) ; forever
1111 (declare (type fixnum
1112 n rhs-f-count rhs-f-max lhs-r-mask rhs-full-bits)
1113 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
1114 rhs-f-sol rhs-f-compat))
1115 (cond ((>= n rhs-f-count) ; no next row
1116 (AC-next-state-sub state)
1117 (if (AC-state-no-more state)
1118 (if (and (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-f-count state)))
1119 (= 1 (the fixnum (ac-state-LHS-v-count state)))
1120 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-c-count state)))
1121 (= 0 (the fixnum (ac-state-RHS-f-count state))))
1122 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1123 (if sol
1124 (return (values sol state nil))
1125 (return (values nil nil t))))
1126 (progn
1127 ;; failed at f-level
1128 ;; (deallocate-ac-state state)
1129 (return (values nil nil t)))
1130 )
1131 (setq n (1- n))))
1132 ((< n 0)
1133 (let ((temp (AC-state-LHS-mask state)))
1134 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1135 (dotimes (s rhs-f-count)
1136 (declare (type fixnum s))
1137 (setq temp (make-or temp (%svref rhs-f-sol s))))
1138 (if (= rhs-full-bits temp)
1139 (let ((sol (AC-solution-from-state state)))
1140 (if sol
1141 (return (values sol state nil))
1142 (return (match-ac-next-state state))))
1143 (setq n 0))))
1144 ((< (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-sol n)) rhs-f-max)
1145 (AC-Rotate-Left rhs-f-sol n)
1146 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
1147 (> (the fixnum (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol n)
1148 (%svref rhs-f-compat n)))
1149 0)
1150 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
1151 (or (zerop (the fixnum
1152 (make-and (%svref rhs-f-sol n) lhs-r-mask)))
1153 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
1154 (and (< (1+ n) rhs-f-count)
1155 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-sol n)))
1156 (the fixnum (%svref rhs-f-sol (1+ n)))))))
1157 (setq n (1- n)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo
1158 (t ; this row (n) is already maxed
1159 (setf (%svref rhs-f-sol n) 1) ; reset this row to one
1160 (setq n (1+ n))))))))
11631163 #+CMU (declaim (ext:end-block))
11761176 (format t "~&-- LHS-f: ~&")
11771177 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (AC-state-LHS-f AC-st))
11781178 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-count=~A, rhs-f-count=~A~&"
1179 (AC-state-RHS-c-count AC-st)
1180 (AC-state-RHS-f-count AC-st))
1179 (AC-state-RHS-c-count AC-st)
1180 (AC-state-RHS-f-count AC-st))
11811181 (format t "~&-- lhs-c-count=~A, lhs-f-count=~A, lhs-v-count=~A~%"
1182 (AC-state-LHS-c-count AC-st)
1183 (AC-state-LHS-f-count AC-st)
1184 (AC-state-LHS-v-count AC-st))
1182 (AC-state-LHS-c-count AC-st)
1183 (AC-state-LHS-f-count AC-st)
1184 (AC-state-LHS-v-count AC-st))
11851185 (let ((*print-base* 2)) ; these be bitvectors, print them as such
11861186 (format t "----------~%-- rhs-c-sol= ~A~&rhs-f-sol=~A~&"
1187 (AC-state-RHS-c-sol AC-st) (AC-state-RHS-f-sol AC-st))
1187 (AC-state-RHS-c-sol AC-st) (AC-state-RHS-f-sol AC-st))
11881188 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-max=~A, rhs-f-max=~A, rhs-full-bits=~A~&"
1189 (AC-state-RHS-c-max AC-st)
1190 (AC-state-RHS-f-max AC-st)
1191 (AC-state-RHS-full-bits AC-st))
1189 (AC-state-RHS-c-max AC-st)
1190 (AC-state-RHS-f-max AC-st)
1191 (AC-state-RHS-full-bits AC-st))
11921192 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-compat=~A, rhs-f-compat=~A~&"
1193 (AC-state-RHS-c-compat AC-st)
1194 (AC-state-RHS-f-compat AC-st))
1193 (AC-state-RHS-c-compat AC-st)
1194 (AC-state-RHS-f-compat AC-st))
11951195 (format t "~&-- rhs-c-r=~A, rhs-f-r=~A~&"
1196 (AC-state-RHS-c-r AC-st)
1197 (AC-state-RHS-f-r AC-st))
1196 (AC-state-RHS-c-r AC-st)
1197 (AC-state-RHS-f-r AC-st))
11981198 (format t "~&-- lhs-f-r=~A, lhs-v-r=~A~&"
1199 (AC-state-LHS-f-r AC-st)
1200 (AC-state-LHS-v-r AC-st))
1199 (AC-state-LHS-f-r AC-st)
1200 (AC-state-LHS-v-r AC-st))
12011201 (format t "~&-- lhs-mask=~A~%"
1202 (AC-state-LHS-mask AC-st))
1202 (AC-state-LHS-mask AC-st))
12031203 (terpri)
12041204 (format t "~&-- lhs-f-mask=~A~%"
1205 (AC-state-LHS-f-mask AC-st))
1205 (AC-state-LHS-f-mask AC-st))
12061206 (format t "~&-- lhs-r-mask=~A~%"
1207 (AC-state-LHS-r-mask AC-st))
1207 (AC-state-LHS-r-mask AC-st))
12081208 ))
12101210 (defun ac-args-nss (x) (AC-unparse-AC-state (car x)) (terpri))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-acz.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-acz.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 2)))
4848 #||
4949 (defstruct match-ACZ-state
50 methods ; array[meth] the top level mthods of
51 ; each eqn in the system.
52 LHS-f ; array[term] functional terms.
53 LHS-v ; array[term] variables.
54 RHS-c ; array[term] constants.
55 RHS-f ; array[term] functional terms.
56 LHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional
57 ; terms.
58 LHS-v-r ; array[bool] notes repeated variables.
59 RHS-c-r ; array[bool] notes repeated constants.
60 RHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional
61 ; terms.
62 (LHS-mask 0) ; long int variables and funs accounted
63 ; for by RHS-c-sol.
64 (LHS-f-mask 0) ; long int funs accounted for by
65 ; RHS-c-sol.
66 (LHS-r-mask 0) ; long int bitvector of all repeated
67 ; (>0) terms on lhs.
68 RHS-c-sol ; array[int] solution matrix constants.
69 RHS-c-max ; int max value of elements of
70 ; RHS-c-sol.
71 RHS-f-sol ; array[int] solution matrix functional
72 ; terms.
73 RHS-f-max ; int max value of elements of
74 ; RHS-f-sol.
75 RHS-full-bits ; int 11111...111.
76 RHS-c-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility
77 ; bitvectors.
78 RHS-f-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility
79 ; bitvectors.
80 LHS-c-count ; int number of constants on LHS after
81 ; simplification.
82 LHS-f-count ; int number of functions on LHS after
83 ; simplification.
84 LHS-v-count ; int number of variables on LHS after
85 ; simplification.
86 RHS-c-count ; int number of constants on RHS after
87 ; simplification.
88 RHS-f-count ; int number of functions on RHS after
89 ; simplification.
90 (no-more nil) ; when true implies that all solutions
91 ; have been reported.
50 methods ; array[meth] the top level mthods of
51 ; each eqn in the system.
52 LHS-f ; array[term] functional terms.
53 LHS-v ; array[term] variables.
54 RHS-c ; array[term] constants.
55 RHS-f ; array[term] functional terms.
56 LHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional
57 ; terms.
58 LHS-v-r ; array[bool] notes repeated variables.
59 RHS-c-r ; array[bool] notes repeated constants.
60 RHS-f-r ; array[bool] notes repeated functional
61 ; terms.
62 (LHS-mask 0) ; long int variables and funs accounted
63 ; for by RHS-c-sol.
64 (LHS-f-mask 0) ; long int funs accounted for by
65 ; RHS-c-sol.
66 (LHS-r-mask 0) ; long int bitvector of all repeated
67 ; (>0) terms on lhs.
68 RHS-c-sol ; array[int] solution matrix constants.
69 RHS-c-max ; int max value of elements of
70 ; RHS-c-sol.
71 RHS-f-sol ; array[int] solution matrix functional
72 ; terms.
73 RHS-f-max ; int max value of elements of
74 ; RHS-f-sol.
75 RHS-full-bits ; int 11111...111.
76 RHS-c-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility
77 ; bitvectors.
78 RHS-f-compat ; array[int] array of compatibility
79 ; bitvectors.
80 LHS-c-count ; int number of constants on LHS after
81 ; simplification.
82 LHS-f-count ; int number of functions on LHS after
83 ; simplification.
84 LHS-v-count ; int number of variables on LHS after
85 ; simplification.
86 RHS-c-count ; int number of constants on RHS after
87 ; simplification.
88 RHS-f-count ; int number of functions on RHS after
89 ; simplification.
90 (no-more nil) ; when true implies that all solutions
91 ; have been reported.
9292 )
9393 ||#
217217 (defmacro match-ACZ-Rotate-Left (?**array ?**m*)
218218 "; shifts the element one bit to the left"
219219 ` (setf (svref ,?**array ,?**m*)
220 (* 2 (svref ,?**array ,?**m*))))
220 (* 2 (svref ,?**array ,?**m*))))
222222 ;;; Puts all repeated terms together in the list, and bashes the array (into
223223 ;;; numbers) in locations corresponding to the duplicate terms. Returns the
227227 ;;;
228228 (defmacro match-ACZ-note-repeats (mset_? array_? max_? gcd_?)
229229 ` (let* ((list2 nil)
230 (counter (length (the #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
231 ,array_?)
232 )) )
230 (counter (length (the #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
231 ,array_?)
232 )) )
233233 (declare (type list list2)
234 (type fixnum counter))
234 (type fixnum counter))
235235 (dolist (element ,mset_?)
236 (declare (type list element))
237 (let ((n (cdr element)))
238 (declare (type fixnum n))
239 (when (> n (the fixnum ,max_?))
240 (setq ,max_? n))
241 (setq ,gcd_? (gcd ,gcd_? n))
242 (if (> n 1) ; if it is repeated at all
243 (dotimes (xc n)
244 (declare (type fixnum xc))
245 (push (first element) list2)
246 (setf counter (1- counter))
247 (setf (svref ,array_? counter)
248 (1+ xc)))
249 (progn (push (first element) list2)
250 (setf counter
251 (1- counter))
252 (setf (svref ,array_? counter) 0))))) ; this line optional
253 list2)) ; (if 0'd array is guaranteed)
236 (declare (type list element))
237 (let ((n (cdr element)))
238 (declare (type fixnum n))
239 (when (> n (the fixnum ,max_?))
240 (setq ,max_? n))
241 (setq ,gcd_? (gcd ,gcd_? n))
242 (if (> n 1) ; if it is repeated at all
243 (dotimes (xc n)
244 (declare (type fixnum xc))
245 (push (first element) list2)
246 (setf counter (1- counter))
247 (setf (svref ,array_? counter)
248 (1+ xc)))
249 (progn (push (first element) list2)
250 (setf counter
251 (1- counter))
252 (setf (svref ,array_? counter) 0))))) ; this line optional
253 list2)) ; (if 0'd array is guaranteed)
255255 ;;; predicate. true if term is term.equational-equal some element of list"
256256 (defmacro match-ACZ-eq-member (term_!* list_!*)
257257 ` (dolist ($$_term2 ,list_!*)
258258 (when (term-equational-equal ,term_!* $$_term2)
259 (return t))))
261 ;;; acz-state-pool
263 #||
264 (defvar .acz-state-pool. nil)
266 (defmacro allocate-acz-state ()
267 ` (if .acz-state-pool.
268 (pop .acz-state-pool.)
269 (make-match-ACZ-state)))
271 (defmacro deallocate-acz-state (acz-state)
272 `(push ,acz-state .acz-state-pool.))
274 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
275 (dotimes (x 20) (push (make-match-ACZ-state) .acz-state-pool.)))
276 ||#
259 (return t))))
278261 (defmacro allocate-acz-state ()
279262 (make-match-ACZ-state))
281 #||
282 (defmacro deallocate-acz-state (acz-state)
283 nil)
284 ||#
286264 #+CMU (declaim (ext:start-block match-acz-state-initialize
287 match-acz-next-state
288 match-acz-equal))
265 match-acz-next-state
266 match-acz-equal))
289267 ;;;
290268 #+CMU
291269 (defun test_same_term_list (x y)
292270 (declare (type list x y))
293271 (loop (when (null x) (return (null y)))
294272 (unless (eq (car x) (car y))
295 (return nil))
273 (return nil))
296274 (setq x (cdr x))
297 (setq y (cdr y))
298 ))
275 (setq y (cdr y))))
300277 ;;; NOTE this is a version for ACZ-internal use only.
301278 ;;; it simply takes care of the "from which equation" info.
314291 (dolist (x list)
315292 (declare (type term x))
316293 (let ((ms-x (dolist (pr ms-list nil)
317 (when (term-equational-equal x (car pr))
318 (return pr)))))
319 (if ms-x
320 (setf (cdr ms-x)
321 (1+ (cdr ms-x)))
322 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))
323 ))
294 (when (term-equational-equal x (car pr))
295 (return pr)))))
296 (if ms-x
297 (setf (cdr ms-x)
298 (1+ (cdr ms-x)))
299 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))
300 ))
324301 ms-list))
326303 #+CMU
330307 (copy-alist l2mslv1)
331308 (if (and l2msla2 (test_same_term_list list l2msla2))
332309 (progn
333 (rotatef l2msla1 l2msla2)
334 (rotatef l2mslv1 l2mslv2)
335 (copy-alist l2mslv1))
310 (rotatef l2msla1 l2msla2)
311 (rotatef l2mslv1 l2mslv2)
312 (copy-alist l2mslv1))
336313 (let ((res (list2multi-set-list-direct list)))
337314 (setq l2msla2 l2msla1 l2mslv2 l2mslv1)
338315 (setq l2msla1 list l2mslv1 res)
342319 (defun match-ACZ-list2multi-set (list)
343320 (declare (type list list)
344 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
345 )
321 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
322 )
346323 (let ((ms-list nil))
347324 (declare (type list ms-list))
348325 (dolist (x list)
349326 (let ((ms-elt (assoc-if #'(lambda (y)
350 (declare (type list y))
351 (and (= (the fixnum (cdr x))
352 (the fixnum (cdr y)))
353 (term-equational-equal (car y) (car x))))
354 ms-list)))
355 (if ms-elt
356 (setf (cdr ms-elt)
357 (1+ (cdr ms-elt)))
358 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))))
327 (declare (type list y))
328 (and (= (the fixnum (cdr x))
329 (the fixnum (cdr y)))
330 (term-equational-equal (car y) (car x))))
331 ms-list)))
332 (if ms-elt
333 (setf (cdr ms-elt)
334 (1+ (cdr ms-elt)))
335 (push (cons x 1) ms-list))))
359336 ms-list))
361338 #+CMU
364341 (if (null y)
365342 'none
366343 (if (term-equational-equal x (caar y))
367 (cdr y)
368 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
369 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
370 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
371 ;; delete pattern
372 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
373 ;; new
374 (return y))
375 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
376 ))
344 (cdr y)
345 (let ((last y) (rest (cdr y)))
346 (loop (when (null rest) (return 'none))
347 (when (term-equational-equal x (caar rest))
348 ;; delete pattern
349 (rplacd last (cdr rest))
350 ;; new
351 (return y))
352 (setq last rest rest (cdr rest))))
353 ))
377354 )
379356 ;;; check for multi-set equality
381358 ;;;
382359 (defun match-ACZ-ms-equal (x y)
383360 (declare (type list x y)
384 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
385 )
361 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
362 )
386363 (block the-end
387364 (let ((ydone 0)
388 (ylength (length y)))
365 (ylength (length y)))
389366 (declare (type fixnum ydone ylength))
390367 ;;
391368 (dolist (xe x)
392 (let ((xterm (car xe)) (xval (cdr xe)))
393 (declare (type term xterm)
394 (type fixnum xval))
395 (dolist (ye y (return-from the-end nil)) ; didn't find xe in y
396 (when (term-equational-equal xterm (car ye))
397 (unless (= xval (the fixnum (cdr ye)))
398 (return-from the-end nil))
399 (incf ydone)
400 (return))))) ; quit the inner do-list
369 (let ((xterm (car xe)) (xval (cdr xe)))
370 (declare (type term xterm)
371 (type fixnum xval))
372 (dolist (ye y (return-from the-end nil)) ; didn't find xe in y
373 (when (term-equational-equal xterm (car ye))
374 (unless (= xval (the fixnum (cdr ye)))
375 (return-from the-end nil))
376 (incf ydone)
377 (return))))) ; quit the inner do-list
401378 (unless (= ydone ylength)
402 (return-from the-end nil)))
379 (return-from the-end nil)))
403380 t))
405382 ;;;
407384 ;;;
408385 (defun match-ACZ-equal (t1 t2)
409386 (declare (type term t1 t2)
410 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
411 )
387 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
388 )
412389 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
413390 (let ((op (term-method t1)))
414 (declare (type method op))
415 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op (term-head t2))
416 (match-ACZ-ms-equal
417 (list2multi-set-list (list-ACZ-subterms t1 op))
418 (list2multi-set-list (list-ACZ-subterms t2 op)))
419 nil))
391 (declare (type method op))
392 (if (method-is-of-same-operator op (term-head t2))
393 (match-ACZ-ms-equal
394 (list2multi-set-list (list-ACZ-subterms t1 op))
395 (list2multi-set-list (list-ACZ-subterms t2 op)))
396 nil))
420397 nil))
422399 ;;; op match-ACZ-make-term : Operator List Of Term
424401 ;;;
425402 (defun match-ACZ-make-term (op list)
426403 (declare (type method op)
427 (type list list)
428 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
429 )
404 (type list list)
405 ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
406 )
430407 (if (null list)
431408 (term-make-zero op)
432409 (if (null (cdr list))
433 (car list)
434 (make-term-with-sort-check
435 op (list (car list) (match-ACZ-make-term op (cdr list)))))))
410 (car list)
411 (make-term-with-sort-check
412 op (list (car list) (match-ACZ-make-term op (cdr list)))))))
437414 ;;; given an match-ACZ-state, produce a solution (system of equations
438415 ;;; which, if true, imply the original ACZ equation true) from
443420 (defun match-ACZ-solution-from-state (state)
444421 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
445422 (let* ((ops (match-ACZ-state-methods state))
446 (lhs-f (match-ACZ-state-lhs-f state))
447 (lhs-v (match-ACZ-state-lhs-v state))
448 (rhs-c (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c state))
449 (rhs-f (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f state))
450 (rhs-c-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-sol state))
451 (rhs-f-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-sol state))
452 (new-sys (new-m-system))
453 (term-code 1)
454 (rhs-subterms nil)
455 (made-zero nil))
423 (lhs-f (match-ACZ-state-lhs-f state))
424 (lhs-v (match-ACZ-state-lhs-v state))
425 (rhs-c (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c state))
426 (rhs-f (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f state))
427 (rhs-c-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-sol state))
428 (rhs-f-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-sol state))
429 (new-sys (new-m-system))
430 (term-code 1)
431 (rhs-subterms nil)
432 (made-zero nil))
456433 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
457 #+GCL vector
458 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f)
459 (type list rhs-subterms)
460 (type #-GCL simple-vector
461 #+GCL vector
462 ops rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol)
463 (type fixnum term-code))
434 #+GCL vector
435 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f)
436 (type list rhs-subterms)
437 (type #-GCL simple-vector
438 #+GCL vector
439 ops rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol)
440 (type fixnum term-code))
464441 ;;
465442 (setq *acz-failure-pat* nil)
466443 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-arrays-internal lhs-v 1)
467444 (let ((new-eqs nil))
468445 (dotimes (i (length lhs-v))
469 (declare (type fixnum i))
470 (if (< i 1)
471 nil
472 (let ((ith-var (svref lhs-v i)))
473 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
474 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
475 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
476 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
477 (declare (type fixnum j))
478 (when (> (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j)
479 term-code)
480 0)
481 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
482 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
483 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
484 (declare (type fixnum j))
485 (when (> (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j)
486 term-code)
487 0)
488 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
489 ;;
490 (if (null rhs-subterms)
491 (let ((zero (term-make-zero (svref ops (cdr
492 ith-var)))))
493 (when zero
494 (setq made-zero t)
495 (push (make-equation (car ith-var) zero) new-eqs)))
496 (push (make-equation (car ith-var)
497 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
498 ;; implies length is
499 ;; greater than 1
500 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
501 (svref ops (cdr ith-var))
502 rhs-subterms)
503 (first rhs-subterms)))
504 new-eqs))
505 )))
446 (declare (type fixnum i))
447 (if (< i 1)
448 nil
449 (let ((ith-var (svref lhs-v i)))
450 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
451 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
452 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
453 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
454 (declare (type fixnum j))
455 (when (> (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j)
456 term-code)
457 0)
458 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
459 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
460 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
461 (declare (type fixnum j))
462 (when (> (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j)
463 term-code)
464 0)
465 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
466 ;;
467 (if (null rhs-subterms)
468 (let ((zero (term-make-zero (svref ops (cdr
469 ith-var)))))
470 (when zero
471 (setq made-zero t)
472 (push (make-equation (car ith-var) zero) new-eqs)))
473 (push (make-equation (car ith-var)
474 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
475 ;; implies length is
476 ;; greater than 1
477 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
478 (svref ops (cdr ith-var))
479 rhs-subterms)
480 (first rhs-subterms)))
481 new-eqs))
482 )))
506483 ;; note term-code is now the right thing.
507484 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-arrays-internal lhs-f 0)
508485 (dotimes (i (length lhs-f))
509 (declare (type fixnum i))
510 (let ((ith-f (svref lhs-f i)))
511 ;; (?zero (term-make-zero (svref ops (cdr ith-f))))
512 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
513 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
514 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
515 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
516 (declare (type fixnum j))
517 (when (> (the fixnum
518 (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j)
519 term-code))
520 0)
521 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
522 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
523 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
524 (declare (type fixnum j))
525 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j)
526 term-code))
527 0)
528 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
529 (if (null rhs-subterms)
530 (let ((?zero (term-make-zero (svref ops (cdr ith-f)))))
531 (if (and ?zero (method-is-of-same-operator+
532 (term-head ?zero)
533 (term-head (car ith-f))))
534 (progn
535 (setq made-zero t)
536 (push (make-equation (car ith-f) ?zero) new-eqs))
537 ;;
538 (progn
539 (setq *acz-failure-pat*
540 (cons (car ith-f) ?zero))
541 (setq new-eqs nil) (return nil))))
542 (let ((t1 (car ith-f))
543 (t2 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
544 ;; implies length is greater than 1
545 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
546 (svref ops (cdr ith-f))
547 rhs-subterms)
548 (first rhs-subterms))))
549 ;;
550 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
551 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
552 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
553 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqs)
554 (let ((minfo-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching
555 t1-head))
556 (minfo-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching
557 t2-head)))
558 (if (or (test-theory
559 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-1))
560 (test-theory
561 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-2)))
562 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqs)
563 (progn (setq new-eqs nil)
564 (setq *acz-failure-pat* (cons t1 t2))
565 (return nil))
566 ))))
567 ))))
486 (declare (type fixnum i))
487 (let ((ith-f (svref lhs-f i)))
488 ;; (?zero (term-make-zero (svref ops (cdr ith-f))))
489 (setq rhs-subterms nil)
490 (setq term-code (* 2 term-code))
491 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-c-sol rhs-c)
492 (dotimes (j (length rhs-c-sol))
493 (declare (type fixnum j))
494 (when (> (the fixnum
495 (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol j)
496 term-code))
497 0)
498 (push (car (svref rhs-c j)) rhs-subterms)))
499 ;; (match-ACZ-collapse-one-array-internal rhs-f-sol rhs-f)
500 (dotimes (j (length rhs-f-sol))
501 (declare (type fixnum j))
502 (when (> (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol j)
503 term-code))
504 0)
505 (push (car (svref rhs-f j)) rhs-subterms)))
506 (if (null rhs-subterms)
507 (let ((?zero (term-make-zero (svref ops (cdr ith-f)))))
508 (if (and ?zero (method-is-of-same-operator+
509 (term-head ?zero)
510 (term-head (car ith-f))))
511 (progn
512 (setq made-zero t)
513 (push (make-equation (car ith-f) ?zero) new-eqs))
514 ;;
515 (progn
516 (setq *acz-failure-pat*
517 (cons (car ith-f) ?zero))
518 (setq new-eqs nil) (return nil))))
519 (let ((t1 (car ith-f))
520 (t2 (if (cdr rhs-subterms)
521 ;; implies length is greater than 1
522 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
523 (svref ops (cdr ith-f))
524 rhs-subterms)
525 (first rhs-subterms))))
526 ;;
527 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
528 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
529 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
530 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqs)
531 (let ((minfo-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching
532 t1-head))
533 (minfo-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching
534 t2-head)))
535 (if (or (test-theory
536 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-1))
537 (test-theory
538 .z. (theory-info-code minfo-2)))
539 (push (make-equation t1 t2) new-eqs)
540 (progn (setq new-eqs nil)
541 (setq *acz-failure-pat* (cons t1 t2))
542 (return nil))
543 ))))
544 ))))
568545 ;;
569546 (if new-eqs
570 (progn
571 (dolist (eq (nreverse new-eqs))
572 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq))
573 (when *match-debug*
574 (format t "~%*** acz solution: ")
575 (print-m-system new-sys)
576 (format t "~%***")
577 )
578 (values new-sys made-zero))
579 (progn
580 (when *match-debug*
581 (format t "~%*** no possible solution in this case")
582 (print-next)
583 (princ "t1 = ") (term-print (car *acz-failure-pat*))
584 (print-next)
585 (princ "t2 = ") (term-print (cdr *acz-failure-pat*))
586 )
587 (values nil nil)))
588 )))
547 (progn
548 (dolist (eq (nreverse new-eqs))
549 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq))
550 (when *match-debug*
551 (format t "~%*** acz solution: ")
552 (print-m-system new-sys)
553 (format t "~%***"))
554 (values new-sys made-zero))
555 (progn
556 (with-match-debug()
557 (format t "~%***[acz] no possible solution in this case")
558 (print-next)
559 (princ "t1 = ") (term-print (car *acz-failure-pat*))
560 (print-next)
561 (princ "t2 = ") (term-print (cdr *acz-failure-pat*)))
562 (values nil nil))))))
591565 ;;; ACZ State Intialization
598572 (defun match-ACZ-state-initialize (sys env)
599573 (declare (type list sys env))
574 (with-match-debug ()
575 (format t "~%** match-acz-state-initialize -------------------------------------")
576 (print-next)
577 (print-match-system-sys sys)
578 (print-next)
579 (print-match-system-env env))
600580 (block TOP
601581 (let ((eqn-number -1)
602 (sys-methods (alloc-svec (length sys)))
603 (all-lhs-vars nil)
604 (all-lhs-funs nil)
605 (all-rhs-constants nil)
606 (all-rhs-funs nil)
607 (*print-circle* nil))
582 (sys-methods (alloc-svec (length sys)))
583 (all-lhs-vars nil)
584 (all-lhs-funs nil)
585 (all-rhs-constants nil)
586 (all-rhs-funs nil)
587 (*print-circle* nil))
608588 (declare (type fixnum eqn-number)
609 #-GCL (type simple-vector sys-methods)
610 #+GCL (type vector sys-methods)
611 (type list all-lhs-vars all-lhs-funs all-rhs-constants
612 all-rhs-funs))
589 #-GCL (type simple-vector sys-methods)
590 #+GCL (type vector sys-methods)
591 (type list all-lhs-vars all-lhs-funs all-rhs-constants
592 all-rhs-funs))
613593 (dolist (equation sys)
614 (setf eqn-number
615 (1+ eqn-number))
616 (let* ((lhs-1 (equation-t1 equation))
617 (rhs-1 (equation-t2 equation))
618 (lh-meth (term-method lhs-1))
619 (rhs-meth (if (and (term-is-applform? rhs-1)
620 (not (term-is-builtin-constant? rhs-1)))
621 (term-method rhs-1)
622 nil))
623 (lhs-2 (list-ACZ-subterms lhs-1 lh-meth))
624 (rhs-2
625 (if (and rhs-meth
626 (method-is-AC-restriction-of rhs-meth lh-meth))
627 (list-ACZ-subterms rhs-1 rhs-meth)
628 (list rhs-1)))
629 (lhs-vars nil)
630 (lhs-constants nil)
631 (lhs-funs nil)
632 (rhs-constants nil)
633 (rhs-funs nil)
634 )
635 (declare (type term rhs-1 rhs-1)
636 (type method lh-meth)
637 (type (or null method) rhs-meth)
638 (type list lhs-2 rhs-2 lhs-vars lhs-constants lhs-funs
639 rhs-constants rhs-funs))
640 ;;
641 (setf (svref sys-methods eqn-number) lh-meth)
642 ;; quick failure cases of AC do Not apply to ACZ
643 ;; build lhs- vars/funs/constants
644 (dolist (term lhs-2)
645 ;; for each subterm of lhs
646 ;; note: unit elements are already eliminated from lhs-2.
647 ;;
648 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
649 (let ((image (if env (environment-image env term) term)))
650 (cond ((null image)
651 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-vars))
652 ((term-is-variable? image)
653 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-vars))
654 ((term-is-constant? image)
655 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-constants))
656 ((method-is-AC-restriction-of lh-meth
657 (term-method image))
658 (dolist (term2 (list-ACZ-subterms
659 image (term-head image)))
660 (cond ((term-is-variable? term2)
661 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
662 lhs-vars))
663 ((term-is-constant? term2)
664 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
665 lhs-constants))
666 (t (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
667 lhs-funs)))))
668 (t (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-funs)))))
669 ((term-is-constant? term)
670 #|| term can never be a unit. <- list-acz-subterms.
671 (unless (term-is-zero-for-method term lh-meth)
672 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants))
673 ||#
674 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants)
675 )
676 (t (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-funs))))
677 ;;
678 ;; now that the lhs is partitioned - lets play with the rhs
679 ;;
680 (dolist (term rhs-2)
681 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
682 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants))
683 ((term-is-constant? term)
684 (unless (term-is-zero-for-method term lh-meth)
685 (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-constants)))
686 (if (eq 'none new)
687 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
688 (if (eq new :never-match)
689 (if lhs-vars
690 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
691 (return-from TOP (values nil t)))
692 (setq lhs-constants new))))))
693 (t (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-funs)))
694 (if (eq 'none new)
695 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
696 (if (eq new :never-match)
697 (if lhs-vars
698 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
699 (return-from TOP (values nil t)))
700 (setq lhs-funs new)))))))
701 ;; now there are no duplicates (things appearing on both sides)
702 (let ((lhs-c-count (length lhs-constants))
703 (lhs-f-count (length lhs-funs))
704 (lhs-v-count (length lhs-vars))
705 (rhs-c-count (length rhs-constants))
706 (rhs-f-count (length rhs-funs))
707 )
708 (declare (type fixnum lhs-c-count lhs-f-count lhs-v-count
709 rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
710 ;; check trivial failure conditions
711 (when (or (> lhs-c-count 0) ; a const without anything to match it
712 (and (< lhs-v-count 1) ; no variables remain on lhs
713 (> rhs-c-count 0)) ; and constants remain on rhs
714 (> lhs-f-count rhs-f-count)) ; too many funs to match
715 ;; this assumption may be dubius in ACZ --- can arbitrary
716 ;; funs eventually reduce to identity?
717 (return-from TOP (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
718 (setq all-lhs-funs (nconc lhs-funs all-lhs-funs))
719 (setq all-lhs-vars (nconc lhs-vars all-lhs-vars))
720 (setq all-rhs-constants (nconc rhs-constants all-rhs-constants))
721 (setq all-rhs-funs (nconc rhs-funs all-rhs-funs)))))
594 (setf eqn-number (1+ eqn-number))
595 (let* ((lhs-1 (equation-t1 equation))
596 (rhs-1 (equation-t2 equation))
597 (lh-meth (term-method lhs-1))
598 (rhs-meth (if (term-is-applform? rhs-1)
599 (term-method rhs-1)
600 nil))
601 (lhs-2 (list-ACZ-subterms lhs-1 lh-meth))
602 (rhs-2 (if (and rhs-meth
603 (method-is-AC-restriction-of rhs-meth lh-meth))
604 (list-ACZ-subterms rhs-1 rhs-meth)
605 (list rhs-1)))
606 (lhs-vars nil)
607 (lhs-constants nil)
608 (lhs-funs nil)
609 (rhs-constants nil)
610 (rhs-funs nil))
611 (declare (type term rhs-1 rhs-1)
612 (type method lh-meth)
613 (type (or null method) rhs-meth)
614 (type list lhs-2 rhs-2 lhs-vars
615 lhs-constants lhs-funs
616 rhs-constants rhs-funs))
617 ;;
618 (setf (svref sys-methods eqn-number) lh-meth)
619 ;; quick failure cases of AC do Not apply to ACZ
620 ;; build lhs- vars/funs/constants
621 (dolist (term lhs-2)
622 ;; for each subterm of lhs
623 ;; note: unit elements are already eliminated from lhs-2.
624 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
625 (let ((image (if env (environment-image env term) term)))
626 (cond ((null image)
627 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-vars))
628 ((term-is-variable? image)
629 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-vars))
630 ((term-is-constant? image)
631 (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-constants))
632 ((method-is-AC-restriction-of lh-meth
633 (term-method image))
634 (dolist (term2 (list-ACZ-subterms image (term-head image)))
635 (cond ((term-is-variable? term2)
636 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
637 lhs-vars))
638 ((term-is-constant? term2)
639 (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
640 lhs-constants))
641 (t (push (cons term2 eqn-number)
642 lhs-funs)))))
643 (t (push (cons image eqn-number) lhs-funs)))))
644 ((term-is-constant? term)
645 #|| term can never be a unit. <- list-acz-subterms.
646 (unless (term-is-zero-for-method term lh-meth)
647 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants))
648 ||#
649 (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-constants)
650 )
651 (t (push (cons term eqn-number) lhs-funs))))
652 (with-match-debug ()
653 (format t "~%[acz] lhs-funs = ~d, lhs-constants = ~d, lhs-vars = ~d"
654 (length lhs-funs) (length lhs-constants) (length lhs-vars))
655 (format t "~%[acz] lhs-funs")
656 (dolist (lf lhs-funs)
657 (print lf))
658 (format t "~%[acz] lhs-constants")
659 (dolist (lc lhs-constants)
660 (print lc))
661 (format t "~%[acz] lhs-vars")
662 (dolist (lv lhs-vars)
663 (print lv)))
664 ;;
665 ;; now that the lhs is partitioned - lets play with the rhs
666 ;;
667 (dolist (term rhs-2)
668 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
669 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants))
670 ((term-is-constant? term)
671 (unless (term-is-zero-for-method term lh-meth)
672 (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-constants)))
673 (if (eq 'none new)
674 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
675 (if (eq new :never-match)
676 (if lhs-vars
677 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-constants)
678 (progn
679 (with-match-debug ()
680 (format t "~%++ :never-match 1"))
681 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
682 (setq lhs-constants new))))))
683 (t (let ((new (delete-one-term term lhs-funs)))
684 (if (eq 'none new)
685 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
686 (if (eq new :never-match)
687 (if lhs-vars
688 (push (cons term eqn-number) rhs-funs)
689 (progn
690 (with-match-debug ()
691 (format t "~%++ :never-match 2"))
692 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
693 (setq lhs-funs new)))))))
694 ;; now there are no duplicates (things appearing on both sides)
695 (let ((lhs-c-count (length lhs-constants))
696 (lhs-f-count (length lhs-funs))
697 (lhs-v-count (length lhs-vars))
698 (rhs-c-count (length rhs-constants))
699 (rhs-f-count (length rhs-funs)))
700 (declare (type fixnum lhs-c-count lhs-f-count lhs-v-count
701 rhs-c-count rhs-f-count))
702 ;; check trivial failure conditions
703 (when (or (> lhs-c-count 0) ; a const without anything to match it
704 (and (< lhs-v-count 1) ; no variables remain on lhs
705 (> rhs-c-count 0)) ; and constants remain on rhs
706 (> lhs-f-count rhs-f-count)) ; too many funs to match
707 ;; this assumption may be dubius in ACZ --- can arbitrary
708 ;; funs eventually reduce to identity?
709 (with-match-debug ()
710 (format t "~%++ fail exit 1"))
711 (return-from TOP (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
712 (setq all-lhs-funs (nconc lhs-funs all-lhs-funs))
713 (setq all-lhs-vars (nconc lhs-vars all-lhs-vars))
714 (setq all-rhs-constants (nconc rhs-constants all-rhs-constants))
715 (setq all-rhs-funs (nconc rhs-funs all-rhs-funs)))))
722716 ;; we are now done with all equations.
723717 ;; NOTE that we have now gathered all equations into one giant morass
724 (cond ((and (null all-lhs-funs) ; nothing left, all formulas removed
725 (null all-lhs-vars))
726 (if (and (null all-rhs-constants) ; this is rare
727 (null all-rhs-funs))
728 (return-from TOP (values (make-trivial-match-ACZ-state
729 :sys (new-m-system)) nil))
730 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
731 ;; maybe check for more simple cases, like one-var vs the world.
732 ((and *use-one-var-opt*
733 (null all-lhs-funs) ; only one var left on lhs
734 (null (cdr all-lhs-vars)))
735 (let ((fresh-sys (new-m-system)))
736 (add-equation-to-m-system fresh-sys
737 (make-equation
738 (caar all-lhs-vars)
739 (match-ACZ-make-term
740 (svref sys-methods
741 (cdar all-lhs-vars))
742 (nconc all-rhs-constants
743 all-rhs-funs))))
744 (return-from TOP (values (make-trivial-match-ACZ-state :sys fresh-sys)
745 nil))))
746 (t
747 (let* ((lhs-f-count (length all-lhs-funs))
748 (lhs-v-count (1+ (length all-lhs-vars))) ; note this is "wrong"
749 ;; (lhs-v-count (length all-lhs-vars))
750 (rhs-c-count (length all-rhs-constants))
751 (rhs-f-count (length all-rhs-funs))
752 (lhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-f-count))
753 (lhs-v-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-v-count))
754 (rhs-c-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
755 (rhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
756 (LHS-f-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-lhs-funs)) ; expensive.
757 (LHS-v-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-lhs-vars)) ; expensive.
758 (RHS-c-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-rhs-constants)) ; expensive.
759 (RHS-f-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-rhs-funs)) ; expensive.
760 (l-f-m 0) ; TCW 14 Mar 91 mods associated with this var
761 (l-v-m 0) ; note this is not used
762 (r-m 0)
763 (l-gcd (or (cdar lhs-f-ms) (cdar lhs-v-ms) 1))
764 (r-gcd (or (cdar rhs-f-ms) (cdar rhs-c-ms) 1))
765 (LHS-f-list (match-ACZ-note-repeats lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r l-f-m l-gcd))
767 (LHS-v-list (cons (cons 'if-this-appears-youve-lost 999)
768 (match-ACZ-note-repeats lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-v-m l-gcd)))
770 (RHS-c-list (match-ACZ-note-repeats rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r r-m r-gcd))
771 (RHS-f-list (match-ACZ-note-repeats rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd))
772 (LHS-f (make-array lhs-f-count :initial-contents lhs-f-list))
773 (LHS-v (make-array lhs-v-count :initial-contents lhs-v-list))
774 (RHS-c (make-array rhs-c-count :initial-contents rhs-c-list))
775 (RHS-f (make-array rhs-f-count :initial-contents rhs-f-list))
776 (RHS-c-max (expt2 (1- lhs-v-count)))
777 (RHS-f-max (expt2 (+ -1 lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)))
778 (RHS-full-bits (- (expt2 (+ lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)) 2))
779 (rhs-c-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
780 (rhs-f-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
781 (rhs-c-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
782 (rhs-f-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
783 (dummy-bit 1) ; to save a whole bunch of expt'ing
784 (lhs-r-mask 0)
785 (state (make-match-ACZ-state))
786 )
787 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
788 #+GCL vector
789 lhs-f-r lhs-v-r rhs-c-r rhs-f-r
790 rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol
791 rhs-c-compat rhs-f-compat)
792 (type #-GCL simple-vector
793 #+GCL vector
794 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f)
795 (type fixnum
796 rhs-c-max rhs-f-max rhs-full-bits
797 lhs-f-count lhs-v-count rhs-c-count rhs-f-count
798 dummy-bit lhs-r-mask l-gcd r-gcd l-f-m r-m))
799 ;;(declare (ignore l-v-m)) not strictly true
800 ;; one more easy failure check
801 ;; TCW 14 Mar 91 need to restrict this for ACZ
802 (when (or (> l-f-m r-m) ; a lhs item is repeated more than any rhs
803 (not (integerp (/ r-gcd l-gcd))))
804 ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
805 (return-from TOP (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
806 ;; NOW, get down to the real work....
807 ;; setup the repeat mask (first of v's)
808 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
809 (declare (type fixnum j))
810 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j)) 1)
811 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
812 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
813 ;; note dummy-bit might not be 1 here...
814 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count) ; (then of f's)
815 (declare (type fixnum j))
816 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-f-r j)) 1)
817 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
818 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
819 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-c)
820 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
821 (declare (type fixnum i))
822 (setq dummy-bit 1)
823 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-c-r i)))
824 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
825 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
826 (declare (type fixnum j))
827 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-c i)))
828 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
829 ;; both are from same equation, AND
830 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
831 my-repeat-count)
832 ;; the right repetition number OR 0
833 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
834 0)))
835 (setf (svref rhs-c-compat i)
836 (make-or (svref rhs-c-compat i)
837 dummy-bit)))
838 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
839 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-f)
840 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
841 (declare (type fixnum i))
842 (setq dummy-bit 1)
843 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-f-r i)))
844 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
845 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
846 (declare (type fixnum j))
847 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
848 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
849 ;; both are from same equation, AND
850 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
851 my-repeat-count)
852 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
853 0)))
854 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
855 (make-or (svref rhs-f-compat i)
856 dummy-bit)))
857 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))
858 ;; now lhs vars are taken care of, we need to deal with funs
859 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count)
860 (declare (type fixnum j))
861 ;; for now, ignore repetition of funs (can be slower)
862 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
863 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-f j))))
864 ;; both are from same equation, AND
865 (possibly-matches (car (svref lhs-f j))
866 (car (svref rhs-f i))))
867 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
868 (make-or (svref rhs-f-compat i)
869 dummy-bit)))
870 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
871 ;; and now set up the initial state to a legal one (the smallest
872 ;; legal one)
873 ;; by just rotating the bit until it make-and's with the
874 ;; compatibility vector
875 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
876 (declare (type fixnum i))
877 (setq dummy-bit 1)
878 (if (and (= i 0) (= rhs-f-count 0))
879 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol 0) 1)
880 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-c-compat i)))
881 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
882 (do ()
883 ((> dummy-bit rhs-c-max)
884 (progn ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
885 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
886 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
887 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol i) dummy-bit)
888 (return))
889 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
890 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
891 (declare (type fixnum i))
892 (setq dummy-bit 1)
893 (if (= i 0)
894 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol 0) 1)
895 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-f-compat i)))
896 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
897 (do ()
898 ((> dummy-bit rhs-f-max)
899 (progn
900 ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
901 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
902 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
903 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol i) dummy-bit)
904 (return))
905 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
907 ;; initialize the mask -
908 (if (= rhs-f-count 0)
909 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
910 (let ((temp 0))
911 (declare (type fixnum temp))
912 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
913 (declare (type fixnum s))
914 (setq temp (make-or temp
915 (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
916 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) temp)))
918 ;; and now stuff the state full of information, and return it.
919 (setf (match-ACZ-state-methods state) sys-methods)
920 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f state) lhs-f)
921 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v state) lhs-v)
922 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c state) rhs-c)
923 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f state) rhs-f)
924 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-r state) lhs-f-r)
925 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-r state) lhs-v-r)
926 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-r state) rhs-c-r)
927 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-r state) rhs-f-r)
928 ;; (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
929 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-mask state) 0)
930 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-r-mask state) lhs-r-mask)
931 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-sol state) rhs-c-sol)
932 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-max state) rhs-c-max)
933 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-sol state) rhs-f-sol)
934 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-max state) rhs-f-max)
935 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-full-bits state) rhs-full-bits)
936 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-compat state) rhs-c-compat)
937 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-compat state) rhs-f-compat)
938 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-c-count state) 0)
939 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-count state) lhs-f-count)
940 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-count state) lhs-v-count)
941 ; off 1+ intentionally
942 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-count state) rhs-c-count)
943 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-count state) rhs-f-count)
944 (setf (match-ACZ-state-no-more state) nil)
945 (setf (match-ACZ-state-acz-state-p state) 'acz-state)
946 ;;
947 (when *match-debug*
948 (format t "~&acz-init: state=~&")
949 (match-ACZ-unparse-match-ACZ-state state))
950 ;;
951 (values state nil)))))))
953 #||
955 (defun match-ACZ-state-initialize (sys env)
956 (match-AC-state-initialize sys env :have-unit))
957 ||#
718 (cond ((and (null all-lhs-funs) ; nothing left, all formulas removed
719 (null all-lhs-vars))
720 (if (and (null all-rhs-constants) ; this is rare
721 (null all-rhs-funs))
722 (progn
723 (with-match-debug ()
724 (format t "~%++ done 1"))
725 (return-from TOP (values (make-trivial-match-ACZ-state :sys (new-m-system))
726 nil)))
727 (progn
728 (with-match-debug ()
729 (format t "~%++ nomatch done 1"))
730 (return-from TOP (values nil t)))))
731 ;; maybe check for more simple cases, like one-var vs the world.
732 ((and *use-one-var-opt*
733 (null all-lhs-funs) ; only one var left on lhs
734 (null (cdr all-lhs-vars)))
735 (let ((fresh-sys (new-m-system)))
736 (add-equation-to-m-system fresh-sys
737 (make-equation
738 (caar all-lhs-vars)
739 (match-ACZ-make-term
740 (svref sys-methods
741 (cdar all-lhs-vars))
742 (nconc all-rhs-constants
743 all-rhs-funs))))
744 (with-match-debug ()
745 (format t "~%++ done 2"))
746 (return-from TOP (values (make-trivial-match-ACZ-state :sys fresh-sys) nil))))
747 (t
748 (let* ((lhs-f-count (length all-lhs-funs))
749 (lhs-v-count (1+ (length all-lhs-vars))) ; note this is "wrong"
750 ;; (lhs-v-count (length all-lhs-vars))
751 (rhs-c-count (length all-rhs-constants))
752 (rhs-f-count (length all-rhs-funs))
753 (lhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-f-count))
754 (lhs-v-r (alloc-svec-fixnum lhs-v-count))
755 (rhs-c-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
756 (rhs-f-r (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
757 (LHS-f-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-lhs-funs)) ; expensive.
758 (LHS-v-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-lhs-vars)) ; expensive.
759 (RHS-c-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-rhs-constants)) ; expensive.
760 (RHS-f-ms (match-ACZ-list2multi-set all-rhs-funs)) ; expensive.
761 (l-f-m 0) ; TCW 14 Mar 91 mods associated with this var
762 (l-v-m 0) ; note this is not used
763 (r-m 0)
764 (l-gcd (or (cdar lhs-f-ms) (cdar lhs-v-ms) 1))
765 (r-gcd (or (cdar rhs-f-ms) (cdar rhs-c-ms) 1))
766 (LHS-f-list (match-ACZ-note-repeats lhs-f-ms lhs-f-r l-f-m l-gcd))
768 (LHS-v-list (cons (cons 'if-this-appears-youve-lost 999)
769 (match-ACZ-note-repeats lhs-v-ms lhs-v-r l-v-m l-gcd)))
771 (RHS-c-list (match-ACZ-note-repeats rhs-c-ms rhs-c-r r-m r-gcd))
772 (RHS-f-list (match-ACZ-note-repeats rhs-f-ms rhs-f-r r-m r-gcd))
773 (LHS-f (make-array lhs-f-count :initial-contents lhs-f-list))
774 (LHS-v (make-array lhs-v-count :initial-contents lhs-v-list))
775 (RHS-c (make-array rhs-c-count :initial-contents rhs-c-list))
776 (RHS-f (make-array rhs-f-count :initial-contents rhs-f-list))
777 (RHS-c-max (expt2 (1- lhs-v-count)))
778 (RHS-f-max (expt2 (+ -1 lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)))
779 (RHS-full-bits (- (expt2 (+ lhs-v-count lhs-f-count)) 2))
780 (rhs-c-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
781 (rhs-f-sol (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
782 (rhs-c-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-c-count))
783 (rhs-f-compat (alloc-svec-fixnum rhs-f-count))
784 (dummy-bit 1) ; to save a whole bunch of expt'ing
785 (lhs-r-mask 0)
786 (state (make-match-ACZ-state))
787 )
788 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector
789 #+GCL vector
790 lhs-f-r lhs-v-r rhs-c-r rhs-f-r
791 rhs-c-sol rhs-f-sol
792 rhs-c-compat rhs-f-compat)
793 (type #-GCL simple-vector
794 #+GCL vector
795 lhs-f lhs-v rhs-c rhs-f)
796 (type fixnum
797 rhs-c-max rhs-f-max rhs-full-bits
798 lhs-f-count lhs-v-count rhs-c-count rhs-f-count
799 dummy-bit lhs-r-mask l-gcd r-gcd l-f-m r-m))
800 ;;(declare (ignore l-v-m)) not strictly true
801 ;; one more easy failure check
802 ;; TCW 14 Mar 91 need to restrict this for ACZ
803 (when (or (> l-f-m r-m) ; a lhs item is repeated more than any rhs
804 (not (integerp (/ r-gcd l-gcd))))
805 (with-match-debug ()
806 (format t "~%++ nomatch done 4"))
807 (return-from TOP (values nil t))) ; FAIL most miserably
808 ;; NOW, get down to the real work....
809 ;; setup the repeat mask (first of v's)
810 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
811 (declare (type fixnum j))
812 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j)) 1)
813 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
814 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
815 ;; note dummy-bit might not be 1 here...
816 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count) ; (then of f's)
817 (declare (type fixnum j))
818 (when (> (the fixnum (svref lhs-f-r j)) 1)
819 (setq lhs-r-mask (make-or lhs-r-mask dummy-bit))
820 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))
821 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-c)
822 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
823 (declare (type fixnum i))
824 (setq dummy-bit 1)
825 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-c-r i)))
826 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
827 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
828 (declare (type fixnum j))
829 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-c i)))
830 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
831 ;; both are from same equation, AND
832 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
833 my-repeat-count)
834 ;; the right repetition number OR 0
835 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
836 0)))
837 (setf (svref rhs-c-compat i)
838 (make-or (svref rhs-c-compat i)
839 dummy-bit)))
840 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
841 ;; now setup the compatibility bitvectors (for rhs-f)
842 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
843 (declare (type fixnum i))
844 (setq dummy-bit 1)
845 (let ((my-repeat-count (svref rhs-f-r i)))
846 (declare (fixnum my-repeat-count))
847 (dotimes (j lhs-v-count)
848 (declare (type fixnum j))
849 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
850 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-v j))))
851 ;; both are from same equation, AND
852 (or (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
853 my-repeat-count)
854 (= (the fixnum (svref lhs-v-r j))
855 0)))
856 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
857 (make-or (svref rhs-f-compat i)
858 dummy-bit)))
859 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))
860 ;; now lhs vars are taken care of, we need to deal with funs
861 (dotimes (j lhs-f-count)
862 (declare (type fixnum j))
863 ;; for now, ignore repetition of funs (can be slower)
864 (when (and (= (the fixnum (cdr (svref rhs-f i)))
865 (the fixnum (cdr (svref lhs-f j))))
866 ;; both are from same equation, AND
867 (possibly-matches (car (svref lhs-f j))
868 (car (svref rhs-f i))))
869 (setf (svref rhs-f-compat i)
870 (make-or (svref rhs-f-compat i)
871 dummy-bit)))
872 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit)))))
873 ;; and now set up the initial state to a legal one (the smallest
874 ;; legal one)
875 ;; by just rotating the bit until it make-and's with the
876 ;; compatibility vector
877 (dotimes (i rhs-c-count)
878 (declare (type fixnum i))
879 (setq dummy-bit 1)
880 (if (and (= i 0) (= rhs-f-count 0))
881 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol 0) 1)
882 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-c-compat i)))
883 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
884 (do ()
885 ((> dummy-bit rhs-c-max)
886 (progn
887 (with-match-debug ()
888 (format t "~%++ nomatch done 5"))
889 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
890 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
891 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol i) dummy-bit)
892 (return))
893 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
894 (dotimes (i rhs-f-count)
895 (declare (type fixnum i))
896 (setq dummy-bit 1)
897 (if (= i 0)
898 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol 0) 1)
899 (let ((my-compat (svref rhs-f-compat i)))
900 (declare (type fixnum my-compat))
901 (do ()
902 ((> dummy-bit rhs-f-max)
903 (progn
904 (with-match-debug ()
905 (format t "~%++ nomatch-done 6"))
906 (return-from TOP (values nil t))))
907 (unless (zerop (make-and dummy-bit my-compat))
908 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol i) dummy-bit)
909 (return))
910 (setq dummy-bit (* 2 dummy-bit))))))
912 ;; initialize the mask -
913 (if (= rhs-f-count 0)
914 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
915 (let ((temp 0))
916 (declare (type fixnum temp))
917 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
918 (declare (type fixnum s))
919 (setq temp (make-or temp
920 (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
921 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) temp)))
923 ;; and now stuff the state full of information, and return it.
924 (setf (match-ACZ-state-methods state) sys-methods)
925 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f state) lhs-f)
926 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v state) lhs-v)
927 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c state) rhs-c)
928 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f state) rhs-f)
929 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-r state) lhs-f-r)
930 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-r state) lhs-v-r)
931 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-r state) rhs-c-r)
932 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-r state) rhs-f-r)
933 ;; (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) 0)
934 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-mask state) 0)
935 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-r-mask state) lhs-r-mask)
936 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-sol state) rhs-c-sol)
937 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-max state) rhs-c-max)
938 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-sol state) rhs-f-sol)
939 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-max state) rhs-f-max)
940 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-full-bits state) rhs-full-bits)
941 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-compat state) rhs-c-compat)
942 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-compat state) rhs-f-compat)
943 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-c-count state) 0)
944 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-count state) lhs-f-count)
945 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-count state) lhs-v-count)
946 ; off 1+ intentionally
947 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-count state) rhs-c-count)
948 (setf (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-count state) rhs-f-count)
949 (setf (match-ACZ-state-no-more state) nil)
950 (setf (match-ACZ-state-acz-state-p state) 'acz-state)
951 ;;
952 (with-match-debug ()
953 (format t "~%acz-init: state=~&")
954 (match-ACZ-unparse-match-ACZ-state state))
955 ;;
956 (values state nil)))))))
959958 (defun match-ACZ-next-state-sub (state)
960 (do* ((m 0) ; only initialize these vars
961 (rhs-c-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-sol state))
962 (rhs-c-max (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-max state))
963 (rhs-c-count (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-count state))
964 (rhs-c-compat (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-compat state))
965 (lhs-r-mask (match-ACZ-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
966 (nil) ; forever
959 (do* ((m 0) ; only initialize these vars
960 (rhs-c-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-sol state))
961 (rhs-c-max (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-max state))
962 (rhs-c-count (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-count state))
963 (rhs-c-compat (match-ACZ-state-rhs-c-compat state))
964 (lhs-r-mask (match-ACZ-state-lhs-r-mask state)))
965 (nil) ; forever
967966 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector rhs-c-compat rhs-c-sol)
968 (type fixnum lhs-r-mask rhs-c-count rhs-c-max m))
969 (cond ((>= m rhs-c-count) ; no next row
970 (setf (match-ACZ-state-no-more state) T)
971 (return))
972 ((< m 0) ; no tests up here - could cut search here
973 (let ((temp 0)) ; the empty bitvector
974 (declare (type fixnum temp))
975 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
976 (declare (type fixnum s))
977 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
978 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) temp)
979 (return)))
980 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)) rhs-c-max)
981 (match-ACZ-Rotate-Left rhs-c-sol m)
982 (when (and ; this is a compatible
983 ; position for this bit
984 (> (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m)
985 (svref rhs-c-compat m))
986 0)
987 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
988 (or (zerop (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m)
989 lhs-r-mask))
990 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
991 (and (< (1+ m) rhs-c-count)
992 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)))
993 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol (1+ m)))))))
994 (setq m (1- m)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo this row
995 (t ; this row (m) is already maxed
996 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol m) 1) ; reset this row
997 (setq m (1+ m)))))) ; go to next row
967 (type fixnum lhs-r-mask rhs-c-count rhs-c-max m))
968 (cond ((>= m rhs-c-count) ; no next row
969 (setf (match-ACZ-state-no-more state) T)
970 (return))
971 ((< m 0) ; no tests up here - could cut search here
972 (let ((temp 0)) ; the empty bitvector
973 (declare (type fixnum temp))
974 (dotimes (s rhs-c-count)
975 (declare (type fixnum s))
976 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-c-sol s))))
977 (setf (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state) temp)
978 (return)))
979 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)) rhs-c-max)
980 (match-ACZ-Rotate-Left rhs-c-sol m)
981 (when (and ; this is a compatible
982 ; position for this bit
983 (> (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m)
984 (svref rhs-c-compat m))
985 0)
986 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
987 (or (zerop (make-and (svref rhs-c-sol m)
988 lhs-r-mask))
989 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
990 (and (< (1+ m) rhs-c-count)
991 (= (* 2 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol m)))
992 (the fixnum (svref rhs-c-sol (1+ m)))))))
993 (setq m (1- m)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo this row
994 (t ; this row (m) is already maxed
995 (setf (svref rhs-c-sol m) 1) ; reset this row
996 (setq m (1+ m)))))) ; go to next row
999998 ;;; ACZ Next State
10011000 (defun match-ACZ-next-state (state)
10021001 (if (trivial-match-ACZ-state-p state)
10031002 (if (trivial-match-ACZ-state-no-more-p state)
1004 (values nil nil t)
1005 (progn
1006 (setf (trivial-match-ACZ-state-no-more-p state) t)
1007 (values (trivial-match-ACZ-state-sys state) nil nil)))
1003 (values nil nil t)
1004 (progn
1005 (setf (trivial-match-ACZ-state-no-more-p state) t)
1006 (values (trivial-match-ACZ-state-sys state) nil nil)))
10081007 (if (not (match-ACZ-state-p state))
1009 (progn (format t "~& match-ACZ-Next-State given non match-ACZ-state:~A~&" state)
1010 (values nil t nil))
1008 (progn (format t "~% match-ACZ-Next-State given non match-ACZ-state:~A~%" state)
1009 (values nil nil t))
10111010 (let ((sys nil)
1012 (no-more (match-acz-state-no-more state))
1013 (zero nil))
1014 (if no-more
1015 (let ((zeros (pop (match-acz-state-zero-matches state))))
1016 (if zeros
1017 (values zeros state nil)
1018 (values nil nil t)))
1019 (progn
1020 (loop
1021 (multiple-value-setq (sys no-more zero)
1022 (match-acz-next-state-aux state))
1023 (when no-more (return))
1024 (when (not zero) (return))
1025 (push sys (match-acz-state-zero-matches state))
1026 )
1027 (if no-more
1028 (match-acz-next-state state)
1029 (values sys state nil)
1030 )
1031 )
1032 )
1033 ))))
1011 (no-more (match-acz-state-no-more state))
1012 (zero nil))
1013 (if no-more
1014 (let ((zeros (pop (match-acz-state-zero-matches state))))
1015 (if zeros
1016 (values zeros state nil)
1017 (values nil nil t)))
1018 (progn
1019 (loop
1020 (multiple-value-setq (sys no-more zero)
1021 (match-acz-next-state-aux state))
1022 (when no-more (return))
1023 (when (not zero) (return))
1024 (push sys (match-acz-state-zero-matches state))
1025 )
1026 (if no-more
1027 (match-acz-next-state state)
1028 (values sys state nil))))))))
10351030 (defun match-acz-next-state-aux (state)
1036 (when *match-debug*
1037 (format t "~&** ACZ next state"))
1031 (with-match-debug ()
1032 (format t "~%** ACZ next state"))
10381033 (if (match-ACZ-state-no-more state)
10391034 (progn
1040 ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
1041 (values nil t nil) ; there are no more solutions - so fail
1042 )
1035 ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
1036 (values nil t nil) ; there are no more solutions - so fail
1037 )
10431038 (do* ((n 0)
1044 (rhs-f-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-sol state))
1045 (rhs-f-max (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-max state))
1046 (rhs-f-compat (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-compat state))
1047 (rhs-f-count (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-count state))
1048 ;; (rhs-full-bits (match-ACZ-state-rhs-full-bits state)) ;@@
1049 (lhs-r-mask (match-ACZ-state-lhs-r-mask state))
1050 (made-zero nil)
1051 )
1052 (nil) ; do forever
1039 (rhs-f-sol (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-sol state))
1040 (rhs-f-max (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-max state))
1041 (rhs-f-compat (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-compat state))
1042 (rhs-f-count (match-ACZ-state-rhs-f-count state))
1043 ;; (rhs-full-bits (match-ACZ-state-rhs-full-bits state)) ;@@
1044 (lhs-r-mask (match-ACZ-state-lhs-r-mask state))
1045 (made-zero nil))
1046 (nil) ; do forever
10531047 (declare (type fixnum n rhs-f-count rhs-f-max lhs-r-mask)
1054 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
1055 rhs-f-sol rhs-f-compat))
1048 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector
1049 rhs-f-sol rhs-f-compat))
10561050 (cond ((< n 0)
1057 (let ((temp (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state)))
1058 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1059 ;;acz (make-or (- (expt2 (ACZ-stat-lhs-v-count state)) 1))
1060 (dotimes (s rhs-f-count)
1061 (declare (type fixnum s))
1062 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-f-sol s))))
1063 (let ((sol nil))
1064 (multiple-value-setq (sol made-zero)
1065 (match-ACZ-solution-from-state state))
1066 (if sol
1067 (return (values sol nil made-zero))
1068 (return (match-acz-next-state-aux state))))))
1069 ;;
1070 ((>= n rhs-f-count) ; no next row
1071 (match-ACZ-next-state-sub state)
1072 (if (match-ACZ-state-no-more state)
1073 (if (and (= 0 (the fixnum
1074 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-count state)))
1075 (<= 1 (the fixnum
1076 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-count state)))
1077 (= 0 (the fixnum
1078 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-count state)))
1079 (= 0 (the fixnum
1080 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-count state)))
1081 ;; TCW 14 Mar 91 vaguely plausible
1082 (let ((lhs-v (match-ACZ-state-lhs-v state))
1083 (ops (match-ACZ-state-methods state)))
1084 (declare (type #+GCL vector
1085 #-GCL simple-vector
1086 lhs-v ops))
1087 (dotimes (i (length lhs-v) t)
1088 (declare (type fixnum i))
1089 (if (< i 1) nil
1090 (unless (sort<=
1091 (term-sort
1092 (car (theory-zero
1093 (method-theory (svref
1094 ops
1095 (cdr
1096 (svref
1097 lhs-v
1098 i)))))))
1099 (term-sort (car (svref lhs-v i))))
1100 (return nil))))))
1101 (let ((sol nil))
1102 (multiple-value-setq (sol made-zero)
1103 (match-acz-solution-from-state state))
1104 (if sol
1105 (return (values sol nil made-zero))
1106 (return (match-acz-next-state-aux state))))
1107 (progn
1108 ;; failed at f-level
1109 ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
1110 (return (values nil t nil))))
1111 (setq n (1- n)))
1112 )
1113 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol n)) rhs-f-max)
1114 (match-ACZ-Rotate-Left rhs-f-sol n)
1115 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
1116 (> (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n)
1117 (svref rhs-f-compat n))
1118 0)
1119 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
1120 (or (= 0
1121 (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n)
1122 lhs-r-mask)))
1123 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
1124 (and (< (1+ n) rhs-f-count)
1125 (= (the fixnum (* 2 (svref rhs-f-sol n)))
1126 (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol (1+ n)))))))
1127 (setq n (1- n)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo
1129 (t ; this row (n) is already maxed
1130 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol n) 1) ; reset this row to one
1131 (setq n (1+ n)))))))
1133 #||
1134 (defun match-ACZ-next-state (state)
1135 (match-AC-next-state state))
1136 ||#
1051 (let ((temp (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask state)))
1052 (declare (type fixnum temp))
1053 ;;acz (make-or (- (expt2 (ACZ-stat-lhs-v-count state)) 1))
1054 (dotimes (s rhs-f-count)
1055 (declare (type fixnum s))
1056 (setq temp (make-or temp (svref rhs-f-sol s))))
1057 (let ((sol nil))
1058 (multiple-value-setq (sol made-zero)
1059 (match-ACZ-solution-from-state state))
1060 (if sol
1061 (return (values sol nil made-zero))
1062 (return (match-acz-next-state-aux state))))))
1063 ;;
1064 ((>= n rhs-f-count) ; no next row
1065 (match-ACZ-next-state-sub state)
1066 (if (match-ACZ-state-no-more state)
1067 (if (and (= 0 (the fixnum
1068 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-count state)))
1069 (<= 1 (the fixnum
1070 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-count state)))
1071 (= 0 (the fixnum
1072 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-count state)))
1073 (= 0 (the fixnum
1074 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-count state)))
1075 ;; TCW 14 Mar 91 vaguely plausible
1076 (let ((lhs-v (match-ACZ-state-lhs-v state))
1077 (ops (match-ACZ-state-methods state)))
1078 (declare (type #+GCL vector
1079 #-GCL simple-vector
1080 lhs-v ops))
1081 (dotimes (i (length lhs-v) t)
1082 (declare (type fixnum i))
1083 (if (< i 1) nil
1084 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (car (theory-zero (method-theory (svref ops (cdr (svref lhs-v i)))))))
1085 (term-sort (car (svref lhs-v i))))
1086 (return nil))))))
1087 (let ((sol nil))
1088 (multiple-value-setq (sol made-zero)
1089 (match-acz-solution-from-state state))
1090 (if sol
1091 (return (values sol nil made-zero))
1092 (return (match-acz-next-state-aux state))))
1093 (progn
1094 ;; failed at f-level
1095 ;; (deallocate-acz-state state)
1096 (return (values nil t nil))))
1097 (setq n (1- n))))
1098 ((< (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol n)) rhs-f-max)
1099 (match-ACZ-Rotate-Left rhs-f-sol n)
1100 (when (and ; this is a compatible position for this bit
1101 (> (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n)
1102 (svref rhs-f-compat n))
1103 0)
1104 ;; either this isnt a repeated term
1105 (or (= 0
1106 (the fixnum (make-and (svref rhs-f-sol n)
1107 lhs-r-mask)))
1108 ;; or it is, and its upper neighbor is home
1109 (and (< (1+ n) rhs-f-count)
1110 (= (the fixnum (* 2 (svref rhs-f-sol n)))
1111 (the fixnum (svref rhs-f-sol (1+ n)))))))
1112 (setq n (1- n)))) ; then this row is ok, else redo
1114 (t ; this row (n) is already maxed
1115 (setf (svref rhs-f-sol n) 1) ; reset this row to one
1116 (setq n (1+ n)))))))
11381118 #+CMU (declaim (ext:end-block))
11401120 ;; printout of important parts of ACZ state.
11411121 (defun match-ACZ-unparse-match-ACZ-state (ACZ-st)
1142 (format t "~&no more=~A~%" (match-ACZ-state-no-more ACZ-st))
1143 (format t "~&operators: ~&")
1144 (map nil #'print-chaos-object(match-ACZ-state-methods ACZ-st))
1145 (format t "~&RHS-f: ~&")
1146 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f ACZ-st))
1147 (format t "~&RHS-c: ~&")
1148 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c ACZ-st))
1149 (format t "~&LHS-v: ~&")
1150 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v ACZ-st))
1151 (format t "~&LHS-f: ~&")
1152 (map nil #'print-chaos-object (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f ACZ-st))
1153 (format t "~& rhs-c-count=~A, rhs-f-count=~A~&"
1154 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-count ACZ-st)
1155 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-count ACZ-st))
1156 (format t "~& lhs-c-count=~A, lhs-f-count=~A, lhs-v-count=~A~%"
1157 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-c-count ACZ-st)
1158 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-count ACZ-st)
1159 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-count ACZ-st))
1160 (let ((*print-base* 2)) ; these be bitvectors, print them as such
1161 (format t "-------------------~%rhs-c-sol= ~A~&rhs-f-sol=~A~&"
1162 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-sol ACZ-st) (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-sol ACZ-st))
1163 (format t "~& rhs-c-max=~A, rhs-f-max=~A, rhs-full-bits=~A~&"
1164 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-max ACZ-st)
1165 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-max ACZ-st)
1166 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-full-bits ACZ-st))
1167 (format t "~& rhs-c-compat=~A, rhs-f-compat=~A~&"
1168 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-compat ACZ-st)
1169 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-compat ACZ-st))
1170 (format t "~& rhs-c-r=~A, rhs-f-r=~A~&"
1171 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-r ACZ-st)
1172 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-r ACZ-st))
1173 (format t "~& lhs-f-r=~A, lhs-v-r=~A~&"
1174 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-r ACZ-st)
1175 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-r ACZ-st))
1176 (format t "~& lhs-mask=~A~%"
1177 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask ACZ-st))
1178 (terpri)
1179 (format t "~& lhs-f-mask=~A~%"
1180 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-mask ACZ-st))
1181 (format t "~& lhs-r-mask=~A~%"
1182 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-r-mask ACZ-st))
1183 ))
1122 (format t "[ACZ State]")
1123 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1124 (format t "~%no more=~A" (match-ACZ-state-no-more ACZ-st))
1125 (format t "~%operators:")
1126 (map nil #'(lambda (x) (print-next) (print-chaos-object x))(match-ACZ-state-methods ACZ-st))
1127 (format t "~%RHS-f:")
1128 (map nil #'(lambda (x) (print-next) (print-chaos-object x)) (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f ACZ-st))
1129 (format t "~%RHS-c:")
1130 (map nil #'(lambda (x) (print-next) (print-chaos-object x)) (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c ACZ-st))
1131 (format t "~%LHS-v:")
1132 (map nil #'(lambda (x) (print-next) (print-chaos-object x)) (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v ACZ-st))
1133 (format t "~%LHS-f:")
1134 (map nil #'(lambda (x) (print-next) (print-chaos-object x)) (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f ACZ-st))
1135 (format t "~%rhs-c-count=~A, rhs-f-count=~A"
1136 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-count ACZ-st)
1137 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-count ACZ-st))
1138 (format t "~%lhs-c-count=~A, lhs-f-count=~A, lhs-v-count=~A"
1139 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-c-count ACZ-st)
1140 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-count ACZ-st)
1141 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-count ACZ-st))
1142 (let ((*print-base* 2)) ; these be bitvectors, print them as such
1143 (format t "-------------------~%rhs-c-sol= ~A~&rhs-f-sol=~A~%"
1144 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-sol ACZ-st) (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-sol ACZ-st))
1145 (format t " rhs-c-max=~A, rhs-f-max=~A, rhs-full-bits=~A~%"
1146 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-max ACZ-st)
1147 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-max ACZ-st)
1148 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-full-bits ACZ-st))
1149 (format t " rhs-c-compat=~s, rhs-f-compat=~s~%"
1150 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-compat ACZ-st)
1151 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-compat ACZ-st))
1152 (format t " rhs-c-r=~s, rhs-f-r=~s~%"
1153 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-c-r ACZ-st)
1154 (match-ACZ-state-RHS-f-r ACZ-st))
1155 (format t " lhs-f-r=~s, lhs-v-r=~s~%"
1156 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-r ACZ-st)
1157 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-v-r ACZ-st))
1158 (format t " lhs-mask=~s~%"
1159 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-mask ACZ-st))
1160 (format t " lhs-f-mask=~s~%"
1161 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-f-mask ACZ-st))
1162 (format t " lhs-r-mask=~s~%"
1163 (match-ACZ-state-LHS-r-mask ACZ-st))
1164 )))
11851166 (defun match-ACZ-trivial-unparse (state)
11861167 (let ((sys (trivial-match-ACZ-state-sys state))
1187 (no-more-p (trivial-match-ACZ-state-no-more-p state)))
1168 (no-more-p (trivial-match-ACZ-state-no-more-p state)))
11881169 sys
1189 (format t "~% acz-unparse-trivial no-more-p = ~A~%" no-more-p)
1190 )
1191 )
1170 (format t "~% acz-unparse-trivial no-more-p = ~A~%" no-more-p)))
11931172 (defun match-ACZ-args-nss (x) (match-ACZ-unparse-match-ACZ-state (car x)) (terpri))
11941173 (setf (get 'match-ACZ-next-state-sub 'print-args) 'match-ACZ-args-nss)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-az.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-az.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 ;;; ASSOCIATIVE with Identity STATE
4343 (defstruct (match-az-state (:constructor create-match-az-state
44 (size method sys)))
44 (size method sys)))
4545 (size 0 :type fixnum :read-only t)
4646 (method nil :read-only t)
47 sys ; array[match-eq-comp]
47 sys ; array[match-eq-comp]
4848 no-more
4949 (zero-matches nil))
7777 (do ((t1 (car sub1) (car sub1))
7878 (t2 (car sub2) (car sub2)))
7979 ((or (not sub1) (not sub2)
80 (term-is-variable? t1)
81 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
80 (term-is-variable? t1)
81 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
8282 (pop sub1)
8383 (pop sub2))
8484 (setq sub1 (nreverse sub1)
85 sub2 (nreverse sub2))
85 sub2 (nreverse sub2))
8686 (do ((t1 (car sub1) (car sub1))
8787 (t2 (car sub2) (car sub2)))
8888 ((or (not sub1) (not sub2)
89 (term-is-variable? t1)
90 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
89 (term-is-variable? t1)
90 (not (term-equational-equal t1 t2))))
9191 (pop sub1)
9292 (pop sub2))
9393 (values (nreverse sub1) (nreverse sub2)))
100100 match-associativity-id-set-eq-state (sub1 sub2)
101101 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
102102 (let* ((sz1 (length sub1))
103 (comp (alloc-svec-fixnum (if (= 0 (the fixnum sz1))
104 0
105 (- (the fixnum sz1) 1)))))
103 (comp (alloc-svec-fixnum (if (= 0 (the fixnum sz1))
104 0
105 (- (the fixnum sz1) 1)))))
106106 (declare (type fixnum sz1)
107 (type #+GCL vector
108 #-GCL simple-vector comp))
107 (type #+GCL vector
108 #-GCL simple-vector comp))
109109 (values (make-match-equation-comp
110 sz1
111 (make-array (the fixnum (length sub1)) :initial-contents sub1)
112 (make-array (the fixnum (length sub2)) :initial-contents sub2)
113 comp))))
110 sz1
111 (make-array (the fixnum (length sub1)) :initial-contents sub1)
112 (make-array (the fixnum (length sub2)) :initial-contents sub2)
113 comp))))
115115 ;;; op match-AZ-make-term : Operator Array[Term] Int Int -> Term
116116 ;;; create a single term from a collection of terms
119119 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
120120 match-AZ-make-term (method vect first last)
121121 (declare (type method method)
122 (type fixnum first last)
123 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector vect)
124 (values term))
122 (type fixnum first last)
123 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector vect)
124 (values term))
125125 (cond
126126 ((= first last) (values (term-make-zero method) t))
127127 ((= (1+ first) last) (values (%svref vect first) nil))
128128 (t (let ((res (%svref vect (1- last))))
129 (do ((i (- last 2) (1- i)))
130 ((< i first) res)
131 (declare (type fixnum i))
132 (unless (term-is-zero-for-method (%svref vect i) method)
133 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check
134 method (list (%svref vect i) res)))))
135 (values res nil)))))
129 (do ((i (- last 2) (1- i)))
130 ((< i first) res)
131 (declare (type fixnum i))
132 (unless (term-is-zero-for-method (%svref vect i) method)
133 (setq res (make-term-with-sort-check
134 method (list (%svref vect i) res)))))
135 (values res nil)))))
137137 ;;; try to increase with respect with the lexicographical order
138138 ;;; on the arrays of integer the integer array "comp". These are
148148 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
149149 match-AZ-try-increase-lexico (comp max)
150150 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp)
151 (type fixnum max)
152 (values (or null t)))
151 (type fixnum max)
152 (values (or null t)))
153153 (let ((lim (the fixnum (1- (the fixnum (length comp))))))
154154 (declare (type fixnum lim))
155155 (do ((i lim (- i 1)))
156 ((< i 0) nil)
156 ((< i 0) nil)
157157 (declare (type fixnum i))
158158 (let ((x (%svref comp i)))
159 (declare (type fixnum x))
160 (when (< x max)
161 (setf (%svref comp i) (1+ x))
162 (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j)))
163 ((< lim j))
164 (declare (type fixnum j))
165 (setf (%svref comp j) (1+ x)))
166 (return t))))))
159 (declare (type fixnum x))
160 (when (< x max)
161 (setf (%svref comp i) (1+ x))
162 (do ((j (1+ i) (1+ j)))
163 ((< lim j))
164 (declare (type fixnum j))
165 (setf (%svref comp j) (1+ x)))
166 (return t))))))
168168 ;;; modify the match-AZ-state "AZ-st" by incrementing the state local to each
169169 ;;; equation of the system in a "variable basis numeration" way
175175 (declare (type match-az-state az-st))
176176 (block the-end
177177 (let ((sz (match-AZ-state-size AZ-st))
178 (sys (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st)))
178 (sys (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st)))
179179 (declare (type fixnum sz))
180180 (let ((k 0) eq-comp)
181 (declare (type fixnum k))
182 (while (> sz k)
183 (setq eq-comp (%svref sys k))
184 (when (match-AZ-try-increase-lexico
185 (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)
186 (length (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp)))
187 ;; note that match-AZ-try-increase-lexico modify in this case
188 ;; the "comp" of the current equation.
189 ;; After that the previous composant are reset like in
190 ;; 599 -> 600
191 (match-AZ-reset-equation-comp sys k)
192 (return-from the-end (values nil)))
193 ;;otherwise, try to increase the next equation
194 (incf k)))
181 (declare (type fixnum k))
182 (while (> sz k)
183 (setq eq-comp (%svref sys k))
184 (when (match-AZ-try-increase-lexico
185 (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)
186 (length (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp)))
187 ;; note that match-AZ-try-increase-lexico modify in this case
188 ;; the "comp" of the current equation.
189 ;; After that the previous composant are reset like in
190 ;; 599 -> 600
191 (match-AZ-reset-equation-comp sys k)
192 (return-from the-end (values nil)))
193 ;;otherwise, try to increase the next equation
194 (incf k)))
195195 ;; this "normal" exit of the loop means that none of the
196196 ;; state has been increased so there is no more state
197197 (setf (match-AZ-state-no-more AZ-st) t))))
205205 (let ((comp (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)))
206206 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector comp))
207207 (dotimes-fixnum (x (1- (the fixnum
208 (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))))
209 ; x = 0,...,sz-left - 2
208 (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))))
209 ; x = 0,...,sz-left - 2
210210 (setf (%svref comp x) 0))))
212212 ;;; modifies the array "sys" of "equation-comp" in such a way that
218218 (#-GCL defun #+GCL si:define-inline-function
219219 match-AZ-reset-equation-comp (sys K)
220220 (declare (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector sys))
221 (dotimes-fixnum (i K) ; i = 0,...,K-1
221 (dotimes-fixnum (i K) ; i = 0,...,K-1
222222 (match-AZ-reset-comp (%svref sys i))))
239239 (declare (type list sys env))
240240 (block no-match
241241 (let* ((dim (size-of-m-system sys))
242 (assoc-sys (alloc-svec dim))
243 (meth nil)
244 (i 0)
245 (az-state nil))
242 (assoc-sys (alloc-svec dim))
243 (meth nil)
244 (i 0)
245 (az-state nil))
246246 (declare (type fixnum dim i)
247 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector assoc-sys))
247 (type #+GCL vector #-GCL simple-vector assoc-sys))
248248 (dolist (equation (m-system-to-list sys))
249 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 equation))
250 (t2 (equation-t2 equation)))
251 (setq meth (term-method t1))
252 (let ((sub1 (list-assoc-id-subterms t1 meth))
253 (sub1add nil)
254 (sub2 (list-assoc-id-subterms t2 meth)))
255 (declare (type list sub1 sub1add sub2))
256 (dolist (val sub1)
257 (if (term-is-variable? val)
258 (let ((ima (environment-image env val))
259 (head nil) )
260 (if (null ima)
261 (push val sub1add)
262 (if (term-is-variable? ima)
263 (push ima sub1add)
264 (if (and (term-is-application-form? ima)
265 (method-is-of-same-operator+ meth
266 (setq head
267 (term-method ima))))
268 (setq sub1add
269 (nconc (reverse
270 (list-assoc-id-subterms ima head))
271 sub1add))
272 (push ima sub1add)))))
273 (push val sub1add)))
274 (setq sub1 (nreverse sub1add)) ; a bit tricky
275 ;; pdl - the following is invalid in AZ case, since a big term with
276 ;; ID's can shrink
277 ;; (when (> (length sub1) (length sub2))
278 ;; (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
279 (multiple-value-setq (sub1 sub2)
280 (match-associative-id-simplify sub1 sub2))
281 ;; this never matches
282 (when (and (null sub1) sub2)
283 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
284 ;;31 Mar 88 sub1 may be nil but have modified match-AZ-$..set-eq-state
285 (setf (%svref assoc-sys i)
286 (match-associativity-id-set-eq-state sub1 sub2))))
287 (incf i))
249 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 equation))
250 (t2 (equation-t2 equation)))
251 (setq meth (term-method t1))
252 (let ((sub1 (list-assoc-id-subterms t1 meth))
253 (sub1add nil)
254 (sub2 (list-assoc-id-subterms t2 meth)))
255 (declare (type list sub1 sub1add sub2))
256 (dolist (val sub1)
257 (if (term-is-variable? val)
258 (let ((ima (environment-image env val))
259 (head nil) )
260 (if (null ima)
261 (push val sub1add)
262 (if (term-is-variable? ima)
263 (push ima sub1add)
264 (if (and (term-is-application-form? ima)
265 (method-is-of-same-operator+ meth
266 (setq head
267 (term-method ima))))
268 (setq sub1add
269 (nconc (reverse
270 (list-assoc-id-subterms ima head))
271 sub1add))
272 (push ima sub1add)))))
273 (push val sub1add)))
274 (setq sub1 (nreverse sub1add)) ; a bit tricky
275 ;; pdl - the following is invalid in AZ case, since a big term with
276 ;; ID's can shrink
277 ;; (when (> (length sub1) (length sub2))
278 ;; (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
279 (multiple-value-setq (sub1 sub2)
280 (match-associative-id-simplify sub1 sub2))
281 ;; this never matches
282 (when (and (null sub1) sub2)
283 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
284 ;;31 Mar 88 sub1 may be nil but have modified match-AZ-$..set-eq-state
285 (setf (%svref assoc-sys i)
286 (match-associativity-id-set-eq-state sub1 sub2))))
287 (incf i))
288288 ;;
289289 (setq az-state (create-match-AZ-state dim meth assoc-sys))
290290 (when *match-debug*
291 (format t "~%** AZ: initial state")
292 (match-az-state-unparse az-state))
291 (format t "~%** AZ: initial state")
292 (match-az-state-unparse az-state))
293293 (values az-state nil))))
295295 ;;; NEXT AZ State
297297 (defun match-AZ-next-state (AZ-st)
298298 (declare (type match-az-state az-st))
299299 (let ((sys nil)
300 (state nil)
301 (no-more (match-az-state-no-more az-st))
302 (zero nil))
300 (state nil)
301 (no-more (match-az-state-no-more az-st))
302 (zero nil))
303303 (if no-more
304 (let ((zeros (pop (match-az-state-zero-matches az-st))))
305 (if zeros
306 (values zeros az-st nil)
307 (values nil nil t)))
304 (let ((zeros (pop (match-az-state-zero-matches az-st))))
305 (if zeros
306 (values zeros az-st nil)
307 (values nil nil t)))
308308 (progn
309 (loop
310 (multiple-value-setq (sys state no-more zero)
311 (match-az-next-state-aux az-st))
312 ;; skip zero
313 (when no-more (return))
314 (when (not zero) (return))
315 (push sys (match-az-state-zero-matches az-st)))
316 (if no-more
317 (match-az-next-state az-st)
318 (values sys state nil))))))
309 (loop
310 (multiple-value-setq (sys state no-more zero)
311 (match-az-next-state-aux az-st))
312 ;; skip zero
313 (when no-more (return))
314 (when (not zero) (return))
315 (push sys (match-az-state-zero-matches az-st)))
316 (if no-more
317 (match-az-next-state az-st)
318 (values sys state nil))))))
320320 (defun match-az-next-state-aux (az-st)
321321 (let* ((new-sys (new-m-system))
322 (sz (match-AZ-state-size AZ-st))
323 (sys (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st))
324 (method (match-AZ-state-method AZ-st))
325 (made-zero nil))
322 (sz (match-AZ-state-size AZ-st))
323 (sys (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st))
324 (method (match-AZ-state-method AZ-st))
325 (made-zero nil))
326326 (declare (type list new-sys)
327 (type fixnum sz)
328 (type method method))
329 (when (match-AZ-state-no-more AZ-st)
327 (type fixnum sz)
328 (type method method))
329 (when (match-AZ-state-no-more AZ-st)
330330 ;; there is no more match-AZ-state
331331 (return-from match-az-next-state-aux (values nil nil t nil)))
332332 ;;
333 (dotimes-fixnum (k sz) ; k = 0,...,sz-1
333 (dotimes-fixnum (k sz) ; k = 0,...,sz-1
334334 ;; i.e. for each equation of the system
335335 (let* ((eq-comp (%svref sys k))
336 (sz-left (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))
337 (left (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp))
338 (right (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp))
339 (sz-right (length (the simple-vector right)))
340 (comp (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)))
341 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector #+GCL vector comp))
342 (dotimes-fixnum (l sz-left) ; l = 0,...,sz-left - 1
343 ;; i.e. for each term of the left hand
344 ;; side of the equation
345 (let ((deb (if (= l 0)
346 0
347 (%svref comp (1- l))))
348 (fin (if (= l (1- sz-left))
349 sz-right
350 (%svref comp l)
351 ;; (1- (%svref comp l))
352 )))
353 (declare (type fixnum deb fin))
354 (multiple-value-bind (term zero?)
355 (match-AZ-make-term method right deb fin)
356 (when zero? (setq made-zero t))
357 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys (make-equation (%svref left l)
358 term)))))))
336 (sz-left (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))
337 (left (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp))
338 (right (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp))
339 (sz-right (length (the simple-vector right)))
340 (comp (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp)))
341 (declare (type #-GCL simple-vector #+GCL vector comp))
342 (dotimes-fixnum (l sz-left) ; l = 0,...,sz-left - 1
343 ;; i.e. for each term of the left hand
344 ;; side of the equation
345 (let ((deb (if (= l 0)
346 0
347 (%svref comp (1- l))))
348 (fin (if (= l (1- sz-left))
349 sz-right
350 (%svref comp l)
351 ;; (1- (%svref comp l))
352 )))
353 (declare (type fixnum deb fin))
354 (multiple-value-bind (term zero?)
355 (match-AZ-make-term method right deb fin)
356 (when zero? (setq made-zero t))
357 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys (make-equation (%svref left l)
358 term)))))))
359359 (increment-the-match-AZ-state AZ-st)
360360 (when *match-debug*
361361 (format t "~%** AZ: next state")
378378 ;;
379379 (if (term-is-applform? term2)
380380 (let ((head1 (term-head term1))
381 (head2 (term-head term2)))
382 (if (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2)
383 (let ((sub1 (list-assoc-id-subterms term1 head1))
384 (sub2 (list-assoc-id-subterms term2 head2)))
385 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
386 (when (= (the fixnum (length sub1)) (the fixnum (length sub2)))
387 (loop (unless sub1 (return-from match-az-equal t))
388 (unless (term-equational-equal (car sub1) (car sub2))
389 (return-from match-az-equal nil))
390 (setq sub1 (cdr sub1)
391 sub2 (cdr sub2)))))
392 nil))
381 (head2 (term-head term2)))
382 (if (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2)
383 (let ((sub1 (list-assoc-id-subterms term1 head1))
384 (sub2 (list-assoc-id-subterms term2 head2)))
385 (declare (type list sub1 sub2))
386 (when (= (the fixnum (length sub1)) (the fixnum (length sub2)))
387 (loop (unless sub1 (return-from match-az-equal t))
388 (unless (term-equational-equal (car sub1) (car sub2))
389 (return-from match-az-equal nil))
390 (setq sub1 (cdr sub1)
391 sub2 (cdr sub2)))))
392 nil))
393393 nil))
395395 (defun match-AZ-state-unparse (AZ-st)
396 (format t "~&--AZ-state~%")
396 (format t "~%--AZ-state~%")
397397 (princ "size: ")(prin1 (match-AZ-state-size AZ-st))(terpri)
398398 (princ "operator: ")(prin1 (match-AZ-state-method AZ-st))(terpri)
399399 (princ "sys: ")(dotimes (x (length (the simple-vector
400 (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st))))
401 (match-equation-comp-unparse (%svref (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st) x))
402 )(terpri)
400 (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st))))
401 (match-equation-comp-unparse (%svref (match-AZ-state-sys AZ-st) x))
402 )(terpri)
403403 (princ "no-more: ")(prin1 (match-AZ-state-no-more AZ-st))(terpri)
404404 )
407407 (princ "---unparse of: ")(prin1 eq-comp)(terpri)(terpri)
408408 (princ "---sz-left: ")(prin1 (match-equation-comp-sz-left eq-comp))(terpri)
409409 (princ "---left: ") (dotimes (x (length
410 (the simple-vector
411 (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp))))
412 (prin1 (%svref (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp) x))
413 )(terpri)
410 (the simple-vector
411 (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp))))
412 (prin1 (%svref (match-equation-comp-left eq-comp) x))
413 )(terpri)
414414 (princ "---right; ") (dotimes (x (length
415 (the simple-vector
416 (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp))))
417 (prin1 (%svref (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp) x))
418 )(terpri)
415 (the simple-vector
416 (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp))))
417 (prin1 (%svref (match-equation-comp-right eq-comp) x))
418 )(terpri)
419419 (princ "---comp")(prin1 (match-equation-comp-comp eq-comp))(terpri)
420420 )
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-c.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-c.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4747 ;;;
4949 (defstruct (match-C-state
50 ; (:type vector)
51 (:constructor create-match-C-state (count sys)))
50 ; (:type vector)
51 (:constructor create-match-C-state (count sys)))
5252 (count 0 :type fixnum)
5353 (sys nil :type list))
6060 (defun match-C-state-initialize (sys env)
6161 (declare (ignore env)
62 (type list sys))
62 (type list sys))
6363 (block no-match
6464 (dolist (equation (m-system-to-list sys))
6565 (unless (and (not (term-is-variable? (equation-t2 equation)))
66 (method-is-commutative-restriction-of
67 (term-method (equation-t2 equation))
68 (term-method (equation-t1 equation))))
69 (return-from no-match (values nil t))))
66 (method-is-commutative-restriction-of
67 (term-method (equation-t2 equation))
68 (term-method (equation-t1 equation))))
69 (return-from no-match (values nil t))))
7070 (values (create-match-C-state 0 sys)
71 nil)))
71 nil)))
7373 ;;; NEXT STATE
7575 (defun match-C-next-state (C-st)
7676 (declare (type match-c-state))
7777 (let* ((N (match-C-state-count C-st))
78 (sys (match-C-state-sys C-st))
79 (q N)
80 (r 0)
81 (point (m-system-to-list sys))
82 (equation nil)
83 (t1 nil)
84 (t2 nil)
85 (new-sys (new-m-system))
86 (lg (length point))
87 )
78 (sys (match-C-state-sys C-st))
79 (q N)
80 (r 0)
81 (point (m-system-to-list sys))
82 (equation nil)
83 (t1 nil)
84 (t2 nil)
85 (new-sys (new-m-system))
86 (lg (length point))
87 )
8888 (declare (type fixnum q r lg N)
89 (type list point))
89 (type list point))
9090 (if (= N (the fixnum (expt2 (the fixnum lg))))
91 ;; there is no more match-C-state
92 (values nil nil t)
93 (progn
94 (dotimes-fixnum (k lg)
95 #+KCL (setq r (rem q 2) q (truncate q 2))
96 #-KCL (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 2))
97 (setq equation (car point)
98 point (cdr point)
99 t1 (equation-t1 equation)
100 t2 (equation-t2 equation))
101 (cond ((= r 0)
102 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
103 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
104 (term-arg-1 t2)))
105 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
106 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
107 (term-arg-2 t2))))
108 (t (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
109 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
110 (term-arg-2 t2)))
111 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
112 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
113 (term-arg-1 t2))))))
114 (setf (match-C-state-count C-st) (1+ N))
115 (values new-sys C-st nil)
116 ))))
91 ;; there is no more match-C-state
92 (values nil nil t)
93 (progn
94 (dotimes-fixnum (k lg)
95 #+KCL (setq r (rem q 2) q (truncate q 2))
96 #-KCL (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 2))
97 (setq equation (car point)
98 point (cdr point)
99 t1 (equation-t1 equation)
100 t2 (equation-t2 equation))
101 (cond ((= r 0)
102 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
103 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
104 (term-arg-1 t2)))
105 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
106 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
107 (term-arg-2 t2))))
108 (t (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
109 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
110 (term-arg-2 t2)))
111 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
112 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
113 (term-arg-1 t2))))))
114 (setf (match-C-state-count C-st) (1+ N))
115 (values new-sys C-st nil)
116 ))))
119119 ;;; EQUALITY
124124 (declare (type term t1 t2))
125125 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
126126 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term-head t1) (term-head t2))
127 (if (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
128 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))
129 (if (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))
130 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
131 nil))
132 nil)
127 (if (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
128 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))
129 (if (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))
130 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
131 nil))
132 nil)
133133 nil))
136136 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-cz.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-cz.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6262 (defstruct (match-CZ-state
63 (:constructor create-match-cz-state (n sys)))
63 (:constructor create-match-cz-state (n sys)))
6464 (n 0 :type fixnum)
6565 (sys nil :type list))
7171 (defun match-CZ-state-initialize (sys env)
7272 (declare (ignore env)
73 (type list sys))
73 (type list sys))
7474 ;; env : why isn't env used here or in C$?
7575 (values (create-match-cz-state 0 sys) nil))
8686 (defun match-CZ-next-state (CZ-st)
8787 (declare (type match-cz-state cz-st)
88 (values list (or null match-cz-state) (or null t)))
88 (values list (or null match-cz-state) (or null t)))
8989 (let* ((sys (match-cz-state-sys CZ-st))
90 (point (m-system-to-list sys))
91 (equation nil)
92 (r 0)
93 (t1 nil)
94 (t2 nil)
95 (new-sys (new-m-system))
96 (lg (length point))
97 (meth1 nil)
98 (meth2 nil)
99 )
90 (point (m-system-to-list sys))
91 (equation nil)
92 (r 0)
93 (t1 nil)
94 (t2 nil)
95 (new-sys (new-m-system))
96 (lg (length point))
97 (meth1 nil)
98 (meth2 nil)
99 )
100100 (declare (type fixnum r lg)
101 (type list new-sys point))
101 (type list new-sys point))
102102 (do* ((N (match-cz-state-n CZ-st))
103 (q N N)
104 )
105 ((or (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
106 (>= N (the fixnum (expt 6 (the fixnum lg)))))
107 (progn
108 (setf (match-cz-state-n CZ-st) N)
109 (if (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
110 (values new-sys CZ-st nil) ;succes case
111 (values nil nil t)))) ; fail case
103 (q N N)
104 )
105 ((or (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
106 (>= N (the fixnum (expt 6 (the fixnum lg)))))
107 (progn
108 (setf (match-cz-state-n CZ-st) N)
109 (if (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
110 (values new-sys CZ-st nil) ;succes case
111 (values nil nil t)))) ; fail case
112112 (declare (type fixnum n q))
113 (incf N) ; try the next N
114 (dotimes-fixnum (k lg) ; k = lg,...,1
115 ; this treats q as a bitvector in base 6
116 #+KCL (setq r (rem q 6) q (truncate q 6))
117 #-KCL (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 6))
118 (setq equation (car point)
119 point (cdr point)
120 t1 (equation-t1 equation)
121 t2 (equation-t2 equation)
122 meth1 (if (or (term-is-constant? t1)
123 (term-is-variable? t1))
124 nil
125 (term-method t1))
126 meth2 (if (or (term-is-constant? t2)
127 (term-is-variable? t2))
128 nil
129 (term-method t2)))
130 (cond ((and (= r 0) ; as if no thoery applied - 11 22
131 meth1 meth2)
132 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
133 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
134 (term-arg-1 t2)))
135 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
136 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
137 (term-arg-2 t2))))
138 ((and (= r 1) ; comm - 12 21
139 meth1 meth2) ;
140 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
141 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
142 (term-arg-2 t2)))
143 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
144 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
145 (term-arg-1 t2))))
146 ((and (= r 2)
147 meth1 ; term is non atomic
148 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)))
149 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
150 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
151 (term-make-zero meth1)))
152 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
153 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1) t2)))
154 ((and (= r 3)
155 meth1 ; term is non atomic
156 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)))
157 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
158 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
159 (term-make-zero meth1)))
160 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
161 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1) t2)))
162 ;; note these are redundant if we have terms
163 ;; in normal form (no identities).
164 ((and (= r 4)
165 meth2 ; term is non atomic
166 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)))
167 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
168 (when zero
169 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
170 (make-equation zero
171 (term-arg-1 t2))))
172 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
173 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-2 t2)))))
174 ((and (= r 5)
175 meth2 ; term is non atomic
176 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)))
177 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
178 (when zero
179 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
180 (make-equation zero
181 (term-arg-2 t2))))
182 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
183 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-1 t2)))))
184 (t nil))))))
113 (incf N) ; try the next N
114 (dotimes-fixnum (k lg) ; k = lg,...,1
115 ; this treats q as a bitvector in base 6
116 #+KCL (setq r (rem q 6) q (truncate q 6))
117 #-KCL (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 6))
118 (setq equation (car point)
119 point (cdr point)
120 t1 (equation-t1 equation)
121 t2 (equation-t2 equation)
122 meth1 (if (or (term-is-constant? t1)
123 (term-is-variable? t1))
124 nil
125 (term-method t1))
126 meth2 (if (or (term-is-constant? t2)
127 (term-is-variable? t2))
128 nil
129 (term-method t2)))
130 (cond ((and (= r 0) ; as if no thoery applied - 11 22
131 meth1 meth2)
132 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
133 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
134 (term-arg-1 t2)))
135 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
136 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
137 (term-arg-2 t2))))
138 ((and (= r 1) ; comm - 12 21
139 meth1 meth2) ;
140 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
141 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
142 (term-arg-2 t2)))
143 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
144 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
145 (term-arg-1 t2))))
146 ((and (= r 2)
147 meth1 ; term is non atomic
148 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)))
149 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
150 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
151 (term-make-zero meth1)))
152 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
153 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1) t2)))
154 ((and (= r 3)
155 meth1 ; term is non atomic
156 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)))
157 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
158 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
159 (term-make-zero meth1)))
160 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
161 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1) t2)))
162 ;; note these are redundant if we have terms
163 ;; in normal form (no identities).
164 ((and (= r 4)
165 meth2 ; term is non atomic
166 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)))
167 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
168 (when zero
169 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
170 (make-equation zero
171 (term-arg-1 t2))))
172 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
173 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-2 t2)))))
174 ((and (= r 5)
175 meth2 ; term is non atomic
176 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)))
177 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
178 (when zero
179 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
180 (make-equation zero
181 (term-arg-2 t2))))
182 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
183 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-1 t2)))))
184 (t nil))))))
187187 ;;; CZ Equality
194194 (defun match-CZ-equal (t1 t2)
195195 (declare (type term t1 t2)
196 (values (or null t)))
196 (values (or null t)))
197197 (let ((meth1 (term-head t1))
198 (meth2 (term-head t2)))
199 (or (term-is-similar? t1 t2) ; was equal
198 (meth2 (term-head t2)))
199 (or (term-is-similar? t1 t2) ; was equal
200200 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)
201 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) t2))
201 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) t2))
202202 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)
203 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) t2))
203 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) t2))
204204 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)
205 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-2 t2)))
205 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-2 t2)))
206206 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)
207 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-1 t2)))
207 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-1 t2)))
208208 (and (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
209 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-2 t2)))
209 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-2 t2)))
210210 (and (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))
211 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))))))
211 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))))))
213213 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: CommonLisp Package: CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-e.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-e.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4949 ;;; 1 means that the decomposition has been already done and that there is
5050 ;;; no more next state
52 #|
53 (defstruct (match-empty-state (:constructor create-match-empty-state (flag sys)))
54 (flag 0 :type bit)
55 sys )
57 (defmacro match-empty-state-flag (_s*) `(car ,_s*))
58 (defmacro match-empty-state-sys (s_*) `(cdr ,s_*))
59 (defmacro create-match-empty-state (_***flag _***sys) `(cons ,_***flag ,_***sys))
61 (defvar .match-empty-state. nil)
62 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
63 (setq .match-empty-state. (create-match-empty-state 0 nil)))
65 (defun the-match-empty-state () .match-empty-state.)
67 |#
7154 ;;; Initialize an empty state. It check if the top symbols of each equation of
7356 ;;;
7457 (defun match-empty-state-initialize (sys env)
7558 (declare (ignore env)
76 (type list sys)
77 (values (or null t) (or null t)))
59 (type list sys)
60 (values (or null t) (or null t)))
7861 (block no-match
62 (with-match-debug ()
63 (format t "~%[empty initialize]-----------~%")
64 (print-match-equations (m-system-to-list sys)))
7965 (dolist (equation (m-system-to-list sys))
8066 (let ((lhs (equation-t1 equation))
81 (rhs (equation-t2 equation)))
82 #||
83 (when (or (term-is-builtin-constant? rhs)
84 (term-is-variable? rhs))
85 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
86 ||#
87 (unless (term-type-eq lhs rhs)
88 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
89 (unless (or (match-empty-equal lhs rhs)
90 (and (term-is-application-form? lhs)
91 (method-is-of-same-operator+ (term-head lhs)
92 (term-head rhs))))
93 (return-from no-match (values nil t))))
94 )
67 (rhs (equation-t2 equation)))
68 (unless (term-type-eq lhs rhs)
69 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
70 (unless (or (match-empty-equal lhs rhs)
71 (and (term-is-application-form? lhs)
72 (method-is-of-same-operator+ (term-head lhs)
73 (term-head rhs))))
74 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))))
9575 (values (create-match-empty-state 0 sys) nil)))
9877 ;;; NEXT STATE
10079 (defun match-empty-next-state (empty-st)
101 (declare (type list empty-st)
102 (values list list (or null t)))
103 #||
104 (unless empty-st
105 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
106 (format t "match empty next PANIC: illegal situation, the null state!"))
107 (break)
108 (return-from match-empty-next-state (values nil nil t)))
109 ||#
80 (declare (type list empty-st))
11081 (let ((flag (match-empty-state-flag empty-st))
111 (sys (match-empty-state-sys empty-st)))
82 (sys (match-empty-state-sys empty-st)))
11283 (declare (type fixnum flag)
113 (type list sys))
84 (type list sys))
86 (with-match-debug ()
87 (format t "~%[empty-next-state] : given m-system~%")
88 (print-match-system-sys sys))
11490 (if (= flag 1)
115 ;; no more state
116 (values nil nil t)
117 (multiple-value-bind (new-m-sys no-match)
118 (match-decompose&merge (create-match-system (new-environment)
119 sys))
120 (if no-match
121 (values nil nil t)
122 (progn
123 (setf (match-empty-state-flag empty-st) 1)
124 (values (match-system-to-m-system new-m-sys)
125 empty-st
126 nil)))))))
91 ;; no more state
92 (values nil nil t)
93 (multiple-value-bind (new-m-sys no-match)
94 (match-decompose&merge (create-match-system (new-environment)
95 sys))
96 (if no-match
97 (values nil nil t)
98 (progn
99 (setf (match-empty-state-flag empty-st) 1)
100 (values (match-system-to-m-system new-m-sys)
101 empty-st
102 nil)))))))
128104 ;;; EQUALITY
132108 ;;;
133109 (defun match-empty-equal (t1 t2)
134110 (declare (type term t1 t2)
135 (values (or null t)))
111 (values (or null t)))
136112 (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
137 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
138 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) nil)
139 (t (let ((head1 (term-head t1))
140 (head2 (term-head t2))
141 (subs1 (term-subterms t1))
142 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
143 (if (null subs1)
144 (and (null subs2)
145 (eq head1 head2))
146 (if (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2)
147 (do* ((sub1 subs1 (cdr sub1))
148 (sub2 subs2 (cdr sub2))
149 (st1 nil)
150 (st2 nil))
151 ((null sub1) t)
152 (setq st1 (car sub1))
153 (setq st2 (car sub2))
154 ;; (unless st2 (return nil))
155 (cond ((term-is-variable? st1)
156 (unless (variable= st1 st2) (return nil))
157 )
158 ((term-is-variable? st2) (return nil))
159 ((term-is-builtin-constant? st1)
160 (unless (term-builtin-equal st1 st2) (return nil)))
161 (t (unless (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
162 (method-theory-info-for-matching
163 (term-method st1)))
164 (match-empty-equal st1 st2)
165 (term-equational-equal st1 st2))
166 (return nil)))))
167 nil))))))
113 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
114 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) nil)
115 (t (let ((head1 (term-head t1))
116 (head2 (term-head t2))
117 (subs1 (term-subterms t1))
118 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
119 (if (null subs1)
120 (and (null subs2)
121 (eq head1 head2))
122 (if (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2)
123 (do* ((sub1 subs1 (cdr sub1))
124 (sub2 subs2 (cdr sub2))
125 (st1 nil)
126 (st2 nil))
127 ((null sub1) t)
128 (setq st1 (car sub1))
129 (setq st2 (car sub2))
130 ;; (unless st2 (return nil))
131 (cond ((term-is-variable? st1)
132 (unless (variable= st1 st2) (return nil))
133 )
134 ((term-is-variable? st2) (return nil))
135 ((term-is-builtin-constant? st1)
136 (unless (term-builtin-equal st1 st2) (return nil)))
137 (t (unless (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
138 (method-theory-info-for-matching
139 (term-method st1)))
140 (match-empty-equal st1 st2)
141 (term-equational-equal st1 st2))
142 (return nil)))))
143 nil))))))
169145 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp, Package:CHAOS; Base:10 -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-idem.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-idem.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4141 ;;; x + x = r
4242 ;;; (x + x) + e = r + e -- extension
7272 (if (not (term-is-applform? t2))
7373 nil
7474 (let* ((meth (term-head t2))
75 (subs (list-AC-subterms t2 meth)))
76 (declare (type list subs))
77 (if (oddp (length subs))
78 (values nil nil t nil)
79 (let ((var (car (term-subterms t1)))
80 (ms-tm (list-to-multiset subs #'term-equational-equal)))
81 (if (dolist (x (multiset-elements ms-tm) t)
82 (when (oddp (the fixnum (cdr x))) (return nil)))
83 ;; if all even
84 (values nil
85 (list (cons var
86 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
87 (term-head t1)
88 (multiset-to-set ms-tm))))
89 nil
90 nil)
91 (values nil nil t nil))
92 )))))
75 (subs (list-AC-subterms t2 meth)))
76 (declare (type list subs))
77 (if (oddp (length subs))
78 (values nil nil t nil)
79 (let ((var (car (term-subterms t1)))
80 (ms-tm (list-to-multiset subs #'term-equational-equal)))
81 (if (dolist (x (multiset-elements ms-tm) t)
82 (when (oddp (the fixnum (cdr x))) (return nil)))
83 ;; if all even
84 (values nil
85 (list (cons var
86 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
87 (term-head t1)
88 (multiset-to-set ms-tm))))
89 nil
90 nil)
91 (values nil nil t nil))
92 )))))
9494 ;;; IDEM-EXT-MATCH : Term Term -> GlobalState Substitution NO-MATCH E-EQUAL
9595 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100100 (defun idem-ext-match (t1 t2)
101101 (declare (type term t1 t2))
102102 (let* ((method (term-head t2))
103 (subs (list-AC-subterms t2 method)))
103 (subs (list-AC-subterms t2 method)))
104104 (declare (type list subs)
105 (type method method))
105 (type method method))
106106 (if (< (the fixnum (length subs)) 3)
107 (values nil nil t nil)
108 ;; assume that the rules is actually created in the form e + (x + x)
109 (let* ((t1subs (term-subterms t1))
110 (evar (car t1subs))
111 (var (car (term-subterms (cadr t1subs))))
112 (ms-tm (list-to-multiset subs #'term-equational-equal)))
113 (declare (type term evar var)
114 (type list t1subs))
115 ;; if any odds that one from each goes in evar
116 ;; if no odds then must put two in evar (evar has to match something)
117 ;; if all 1, then fail (nothing to match var against)
118 (let ((tl (multiset-elements ms-tm))
119 (singletons nil)
120 (evens nil)
121 (odds nil)
122 (n nil)
123 (fr nil)
124 (it nil))
125 ;; split into singletons evens and odds (just categorize)
126 (while tl
127 (setq fr tl
128 tl (cdr tl)
129 it (car fr)
130 n (cdr it))
131 (if (= 1 (the fixnum n))
132 (progn (rplacd fr singletons) (setq singletons fr))
133 (if (oddp n)
134 (progn (rplacd fr odds) (setq odds fr))
135 (progn (rplacd fr evens) (setq evens fr)))))
136 ;;
137 (if (and (null evens) (null odds))
138 (values nil nil t nil)
139 (progn
140 ;; change form of singletons to simple list of terms
141 (if (and (null singletons) (null odds))
142 (let ((fe (car evens)))
143 (setq singletons (list (car fe) (car fe)))
144 (let ((n (cdr fe)))
145 (declare (type fixnum n))
146 (if (= 2 n)
147 (setq evens (cdr evens))
148 (setf (the fixnum (cdr fe)) (- n 2)))))
149 ;; else
150 (let ((lst singletons))
151 (while lst
152 (rplaca lst (caar lst))
153 (setq lst (cdr lst)))))
154 ;; transfer odds to singletons and evens
155 (while odds
156 (setq fr odds
157 odds (cdr odds)
158 it (car fr))
159 (setq singletons (cons (car it) singletons))
160 ;; know that repetition count is 3 or larger
161 (rplacd fr evens)
162 (setq evens fr)
163 (decf (the fixnum (cdr it))))
164 (values nil ; global state
165 (list
166 ;; evens
167 (cons var
168 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
169 (term-head t1)
170 (mapcar #'car evens)))
171 ;; singletons
172 (cons evar
173 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
174 (term-head t1)
175 singletons)))
176 nil
177 nil) ;error indications
178 )))
179 ))))
107 (values nil nil t nil)
108 ;; assume that the rules is actually created in the form e + (x + x)
109 (let* ((t1subs (term-subterms t1))
110 (evar (car t1subs))
111 (var (car (term-subterms (cadr t1subs))))
112 (ms-tm (list-to-multiset subs #'term-equational-equal)))
113 (declare (type term evar var)
114 (type list t1subs))
115 ;; if any odds that one from each goes in evar
116 ;; if no odds then must put two in evar (evar has to match something)
117 ;; if all 1, then fail (nothing to match var against)
118 (let ((tl (multiset-elements ms-tm))
119 (singletons nil)
120 (evens nil)
121 (odds nil)
122 (n nil)
123 (fr nil)
124 (it nil))
125 ;; split into singletons evens and odds (just categorize)
126 (while tl
127 (setq fr tl
128 tl (cdr tl)
129 it (car fr)
130 n (cdr it))
131 (if (= 1 (the fixnum n))
132 (progn (rplacd fr singletons) (setq singletons fr))
133 (if (oddp n)
134 (progn (rplacd fr odds) (setq odds fr))
135 (progn (rplacd fr evens) (setq evens fr)))))
136 ;;
137 (if (and (null evens) (null odds))
138 (values nil nil t nil)
139 (progn
140 ;; change form of singletons to simple list of terms
141 (if (and (null singletons) (null odds))
142 (let ((fe (car evens)))
143 (setq singletons (list (car fe) (car fe)))
144 (let ((n (cdr fe)))
145 (declare (type fixnum n))
146 (if (= 2 n)
147 (setq evens (cdr evens))
148 (setf (the fixnum (cdr fe)) (- n 2)))))
149 ;; else
150 (let ((lst singletons))
151 (while lst
152 (rplaca lst (caar lst))
153 (setq lst (cdr lst)))))
154 ;; transfer odds to singletons and evens
155 (while odds
156 (setq fr odds
157 odds (cdr odds)
158 it (car fr))
159 (setq singletons (cons (car it) singletons))
160 ;; know that repetition count is 3 or larger
161 (rplacd fr evens)
162 (setq evens fr)
163 (decf (the fixnum (cdr it))))
164 (values nil ; global state
165 (list
166 ;; evens
167 (cons var
168 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
169 (term-head t1)
170 (mapcar #'car evens)))
171 ;; singletons
172 (cons evar
173 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
174 (term-head t1)
175 singletons)))
176 nil
177 nil) ;error indications
178 )))
179 ))))
181181 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-state.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-state.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5858 (defun print-global-state (gst)
5959 (declare (type global-state gst)
60 (values t))
60 (values t))
6161 (let ((cnt 0))
6262 (declare (type fixnum cnt))
63 (format t "~&** global state:-------------------")
63 (format t "~%** global state:-------------------")
6464 (dolist (ms gst)
6565 (format t "~&[~d]" cnt)
6666 (print-match-state ms)
8282 `(funcall (theory-info-match-next-fun ,____theory-info?) ,____theory-state???))
8484 (defstruct (match-state
85 (:constructor create-match-state
86 (is-new match-system sys-to-solve theory-info
87 theory-state)))
85 (:constructor create-match-state
86 (is-new match-system sys-to-solve theory-info
87 theory-state)))
8888 (is-new nil :type (or null t))
8989 (match-system nil :type match-system)
9090 (sys-to-solve nil :type list)
9292 (theory-state nil :type t))
9494 (defun print-match-state (ms)
95 (format t "~&--Match state, match-system-env : ")
95 (format t "~%--Match state, match-system-env : ")
9696 (dolist (env (match-system-env (match-state-match-system ms)))
9797 (terpri)
9898 (princ " lhs = ")(term-print-with-sort (equation-t1 env))
124124 ;;; Initialize a match-state in which a match system "m-sys" has been inserted.
125125 ;;; "m-s" is supposed to be merged and ready for mutation i.e. decomposed
126126 ;;;
127 ;;; *NOT-USED*
128 ;;;(defun match-state-initialize (t1 t2)
129 ;;; (multiple-value-bind (m-sys no-match)
130 ;;; (match-system.dec-merg ( t1 t2))
131 ;;; (if no-match
132 ;;; (values nil t)
133 ;;; (multiple-value-bind (sys th-info)
134 ;;; (match-system.extract-one-system m-sys)
135 ;;; (values (match-state-create
136 ;;; m-sys sys th-info (theory-state-match-initialize th-info sys))
137 ;;; nil)
138 ;;; ))))
140128 ;;; EMPTY-STATE, see "match-e.lisp"
159147 ;;;
160148 (defun next-match-state (st)
161149 (declare (type match-state st)
162 (values (or null match-state) (or null t)))
150 (values (or null match-state) (or null t)))
163151 (let ((theory-info (match-state-theory-info st))
164 (th-match-state (match-state-theory-state st)))
152 (th-match-state (match-state-theory-state st)))
165153 ;; computes the next solution of th-match-state we quit this loop either if
166154 ;; there is no more new th-match-state or a new match system has been computed.
167155 (loop
168 (multiple-value-bind (sys new-th-match-state no-more)
169 (theory-state-match-next-state theory-info th-match-state)
170 (declare (type list sys)
171 (type t new-th-match-state)
172 (type (or null t) no-more))
173 (if no-more
174 (return (values nil t))
175 ;; "match-add-m-system" performs the decomposition and merging
176 ;; and must not destroy the current match system.
177 (multiple-value-bind (new-m-sys no-match)
178 ;; create a new merged match-system containing the old one
179 ;; and add sys.
180 (match-add-m-system (match-state-match-system st) sys)
181 ;; if there is no-match, continue (the loop)
182 ;; else try to returns the new match-state.
183 (unless no-match
184 (multiple-value-bind (sys-to-solve theory-info)
185 (m-system-extract-one-system (match-system-sys new-m-sys))
186 (declare (type list sys-to-solve)
187 (type theory-info theory-info))
188 (if (null sys-to-solve)
189 (return (values (match-state-create new-m-sys
190 nil
191 (theory-info *the-empty-theory*)
192 (the-match-empty-state))
193 nil))
194 (multiple-value-bind (th-st no-match)
195 (theory-state-match-initialize theory-info
196 sys-to-solve
197 (match-system-env new-m-sys))
198 ;; if no match, try another theory-state
199 (unless no-match
200 ;; else modify the th-match-state of st
201 (setf (match-state-theory-state st) new-th-match-state)
202 ;; and returns
203 (return (values (match-state-create
204 (match-system-modif-m-sys
205 new-m-sys
206 sys-to-solve)
207 sys-to-solve
208 theory-info
209 th-st)
210 nil))))))))
211 )))))
156 (multiple-value-bind (sys new-th-match-state no-more)
157 (theory-state-match-next-state theory-info th-match-state)
158 (declare (type list sys)
159 (type t new-th-match-state)
160 (type (or null t) no-more))
161 (if no-more
162 (return (values nil t))
163 ;; "match-add-m-system" performs the decomposition and merging
164 ;; and must not destroy the current match system.
165 (multiple-value-bind (new-m-sys no-match)
166 ;; create a new merged match-system containing the old one
167 ;; and add sys.
168 (match-add-m-system (match-state-match-system st) sys)
169 ;;
170 (with-match-debug ()
171 (let ((fun (theory-info-match-next-fun theory-info)))
172 (format t "~%<--[Match-next-state] funcalled ~s" fun)))
173 ;; if there is no-match, continue (the loop)
174 ;; else try to returns the new match-state.
175 (with-match-debug ()
176 (if no-match
177 (format t "[NEXT-MATCH-STATE] retun with no-match.")))
178 (unless no-match
179 (multiple-value-bind (sys-to-solve theory-info)
180 (m-system-extract-one-system (match-system-sys new-m-sys))
181 (declare (type list sys-to-solve)
182 (type theory-info theory-info))
183 (if (null sys-to-solve)
184 (return (values (match-state-create new-m-sys
185 nil
186 (theory-info *the-empty-theory*)
187 (the-match-empty-state))
188 nil))
189 (multiple-value-bind (th-st no-match)
190 (theory-state-match-initialize theory-info
191 sys-to-solve
192 (match-system-env new-m-sys))
193 ;; if no match, try another theory-state
194 (unless no-match
195 ;; else modify the th-match-state of st
196 (setf (match-state-theory-state st) new-th-match-state)
197 ;; and returns
198 (return (values (match-state-create (match-system-modif-m-sys new-m-sys sys-to-solve)
199 sys-to-solve
200 theory-info
201 th-st)
202 nil))))))))
203 )))))
212204 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-system.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-system.lisp
3333 Based on the implementation of OBJ3 system.
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3737 #+:chaos-debug
3838 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
40 ;;; The Mach System
40 ;;; The Mach System
4141 ;;; (defvar *match-debug* nil)
4242 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4343 ;;; A match system is a system of oriented equations which first term may
8181 (4) Mutation.
8383 t1 == t2 & U
84 --------------------- if t1, t2 \in E (in some sense )
84 --------------------- if t1, t2 \in E (in some sense )
8585 MUT(E)(t1 == t2 & U)
8787 (5) Coalesce.
8989 x:s == y:s' & U
90 ------------------ if x,y \in Var(U) and s' <= s
90 ------------------ if x,y \in Var(U) and s' <= s
9191 x == y & U{x -> y}
9393 (6) Merge - there is a merge operation - which I have yet to properly formulate
143143 (defun !match-decompose-on-demand (t1 t2 result)
144144 (declare (type term t1 t2)
145 (type list result)
146 (values (or null t)))
145 (type list result)
146 (values (or null t)))
147147 ;; perform on-demand reduction of t2, then try decompose.
148148 ;; returns t on failure.
149149 (if (term-is-on-demand? t2)
150150 ;; `normalize-term' may destructively rewrites t2,
151151 ;; returns T iff it did not perform rewriting.
152152 (progn
153 (mark-term-as-not-on-demand t2)
154 (if (normalize-term t2)
155 t
156 (!match-decompose t1 t2 result)))
153 (mark-term-as-not-on-demand t2)
154 (if (normalize-term t2)
155 t
156 (!match-decompose t1 t2 result)))
157157 t)
158158 )
160160 (defun occurs-in (v term)
161161 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
162 (variable-eq v term))
163 ((term-is-application-form? term)
164 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
165 (when (occurs-in v sub)
166 (return-from occurs-in t)))
167 nil)
168 (t nil)))
162 (variable-eq v term))
163 ((term-is-application-form? term)
164 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
165 (when (occurs-in v sub)
166 (return-from occurs-in t)))
167 nil)
168 (t nil)))
171171 (defun !match-decompose (t1 t2 res)
181181 (defun !match-decompose-unify (t1 t2 res)
182182 (declare (type term t1 t2)
183 (type list res)
184 (values (or null t)))
183 (type list res)
184 (values (or null t)))
185185 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
186 ;; [1] t1 is variable
187 ;; OS sort check.
188 (when (variable-eq t1 t2)
189 ;; trivial equation, discard.
190 (return-from !match-decompose-unify nil))
191 (when (occurs-in t1 t2)
192 (return-from !match-decompose-unify t))
193 ;;
194 (if
195 #||
196 (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort t1)
197 (term-sort t2)
198 *current-sort-order*)
199 ||#
200 (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1) *current-sort-order*)
201 (let ((cval (variable-image (cdr res) t1)))
202 (if cval
203 (progn
204 #||
205 (with-output-simple-msg ()
206 (format t "* rec!match-dec: t1=")
207 (term-print t1)
208 (print-next)
209 (format t " t2 = ")
210 (term-print t2)
211 (print-next)
212 (print-substitution (cdr res)))
213 ||#
214 (!match-decompose-unify cval t2 res)
215 )
216 (cond ((term-is-variable? t2)
217 (setq cval (variable-image (cdr res) t2))
218 (if (not cval)
219 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
220 (unless (variable-eq t1 cval)
221 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))))
222 nil)
223 (t (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
224 nil))
225 )) ; success
226 ;; incomparable sorts
227 t)) ; fail
229 ;; [2] t1 is not variable, t2 is variable.
230 ((term-is-variable? t2)
231 (!match-decompose-unify t2 t1 res))
186 ;; [1] t1 is variable
187 ;; OS sort check.
188 (when (variable-eq t1 t2)
189 ;; trivial equation, discard.
190 (return-from !match-decompose-unify nil))
191 (when (occurs-in t1 t2)
192 (return-from !match-decompose-unify t))
193 ;;
194 (if (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1) *current-sort-order*)
195 (let ((cval (variable-image (cdr res) t1)))
196 (if cval
197 (progn
198 (!match-decompose-unify cval t2 res))
199 (cond ((term-is-variable? t2)
200 (setq cval (variable-image (cdr res) t2))
201 (if (not cval)
202 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
203 (unless (variable-eq t1 cval)
204 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))))
205 nil)
206 (t (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
207 nil))
208 )) ; success
209 ;; incomparable sorts
210 t)) ; fail
212 ;; [2] t1 is not variable, t2 is variable.
213 ((term-is-variable? t2)
214 (!match-decompose-unify t2 t1 res))
233 ;; [3] t1 or t2 is builtin constant.
235 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
236 (not (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)))
238 #||
239 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
240 t)
241 ||#
243 ;; [4] t1 & t2 is application form.
244 (t (let* ((t1-top (term-head t1))
245 (t2-top (term-head t2))
246 (th-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-top)))
247 ;; since it is OS-matching, we only
248 ;; test the equality of the operator.
249 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-top t2-top)
250 ;; f(x, y, z ...) = f(x',y',z'...)
251 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info)
252 ;;
253 ;; the empty theory, do the full decompose.
254 ;;
255 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
256 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
257 (declare (type list t1-subterms t2-subterms))
258 (loop ; for each subterm try decomposition.
259 (unless t1-subterms (return nil))
260 (let ((ng (!match-decompose-unify (car t1-subterms)
261 (car t2-subterms)
262 res)))
263 (when ng
264 (return-from !match-decompose-unify t)))
265 (setf t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms)
266 t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
267 nil)
268 ;;
269 ;; if the theory has equational theory, we do not
270 ;; perform full decomposition.
271 ;;
272 (progn
273 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
274 nil))
275 ;;
276 ;; the different top level
277 ;; possibly maches only when zero case...
278 ;;
279 ;; #||
280 (if (or (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info))
281 (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code
282 (method-theory-info-for-matching!
283 (term-head t2)))))
284 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
285 nil)
286 ;; will never match
287 t)
288 ;;||#
289 ;;t
290 )
291 ))))
216 ;; [3] t1 or t2 is builtin constant.
218 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
219 (not (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)))
221 ;; [4] t1 & t2 is application form.
222 (t (let* ((t1-top (term-head t1))
223 (t2-top (term-head t2))
224 (th-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-top)))
225 ;; since it is OS-matching, we only
226 ;; test the equality of the operator.
227 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-top t2-top)
228 ;; f(x, y, z ...) = f(x',y',z'...)
229 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info)
230 ;;
231 ;; the empty theory, do the full decompose.
232 ;;
233 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
234 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
235 (declare (type list t1-subterms t2-subterms))
236 (loop ; for each subterm try decomposition.
237 (unless t1-subterms (return nil))
238 (let ((ng (!match-decompose-unify (car t1-subterms)
239 (car t2-subterms)
240 res)))
241 (when ng
242 (return-from !match-decompose-unify t)))
243 (setf t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms)
244 t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
245 nil)
246 ;;
247 ;; if the theory has equational theory, we do not
248 ;; perform full decomposition.
249 ;;
250 (progn
251 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
252 nil))
253 ;;
254 ;; the different top level
255 ;; possibly maches only when zero case...
256 (if (or (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info))
257 (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code
258 (method-theory-info-for-matching!
259 (term-head t2)))))
260 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
261 nil)
262 ;; will never match
263 t))))))
293265 (defun !match-decompose-match (t1 t2 res)
294266 (declare (type term t1 t2)
295 (type list res)
296 (values (or null t)))
267 (type list res)
268 (values (or null t)))
269 (with-match-debug ()
270 (format t "~%** !match-decompose-match:")
271 (print-next)
272 (princ "-t1: ") (term-print-with-sort t1)
273 (print-next)
274 (princ "-t2: ") (term-print-with-sort t2))
297275 (cond
298276 ;; [1] t1 is variable
299277 ((term-is-variable? t1)
300278 ;; OS sort check.
301279 (if (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1) *current-sort-order*)
302 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
303 nil)
280 (progn
281 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
282 nil)
304283 ;; try again after possible on-demand reduction of t2.
305284 (!match-decompose-on-demand t1 t2 res)))
307286 ;; [2] t1 is not variable, t2 is variable.
309287 ((term-is-variable? t2)
310288 (if *one-way-match*
311 t ; fail
312 (!match-decompose-match t2 t1 res))
313 )
289 (progn
290 (with-match-debug ()
291 (print-next)
292 (princ ">> FAIL for t2 is variable."))
293 t) ; fail
294 (!match-decompose-match t2 t1 res)))
315296 ;; [3] t1 or t2 is builtin constant.
317297 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
318 (not (term-builtin-equal t1 t2)))
320 #||
321 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
322 t)
323 ||#
298 (let ((ans (not (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))))
299 (with-match-debug ()
300 (print-next)
301 (if ans
302 (princ ">> SUCCESS, builtin-equal.")
303 (princ ">> FAIL, builtin not equal.")))
304 ans))
325306 ;; [4] t1 is an application form.
326307 (t (let* ((t1-top (term-head t1))
327 (th-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-top)))
328 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
329 (if (not (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info))
330 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
331 nil)
332 t)
333 ;; t2 also is an application form.
334 (let ((t2-top (term-head t2)))
335 ;; since it is OS-matching, we only
336 ;; test the equality of the operator.
337 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-top t2-top)
338 ;; f(x, y, z ...) = f(x',y',z'...)
339 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info)
340 ;;
341 ;; the empty theory, do the full decompose.
342 ;;
343 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
344 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
345 (declare (type list t1-subterms t2-subterms))
346 (loop ; for each subterm try decomposition.
347 (unless t1-subterms (return nil))
348 (let ((ng (!match-decompose-match (car t1-subterms)
349 (car t2-subterms)
350 res)))
351 (when (and ng
352 (!match-decompose-on-demand t1 t2 res))
353 (return-from !match-decompose-match t)))
354 (setf t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms)
355 t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
356 nil)
357 ;;
358 ;; if the theory has equational theory, we do not
359 ;; perform full decomposition.
360 ;;
361 (progn
362 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
363 nil))
365 ;;
366 ;; the different top level
367 ;; possibly maches only when zero case or on-demand.
368 ;;
369 ;; #|| too danderous: many cases of rewriting rush into infinite loop.
370 (if (term-is-on-demand? t2)
371 (progn
372 (mark-term-as-not-on-demand t2)
373 (if (normalize-term t2)
374 ;; no reduction has been performed.
375 (if (or (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info))
376 (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code
377 (method-theory-info-for-matching!
378 (term-head t2)))))
379 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
380 nil)
381 ;; will never match
382 t)
383 ;; t2 is rewritten
384 (!match-decompose t1 t2 res)))
385 ;; t2 is not on demand.
386 (if (or (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info))
387 (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code
388 (method-theory-info-for-matching!
389 (term-head t2)))))
390 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
391 nil)
392 ;; will never match
393 t)) )))))))
395 ;; (declaim (inline match-decompose-equation))
308 (th-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-top)))
309 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? t2)
310 (if (not (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info))
311 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
312 nil)
313 (progn
314 (with-match-debug ()
315 (print-next)
316 (princ ">> FAIL, t2 is builtin."))
317 t))
318 ;; t2 also is an application form.
319 (let ((t2-top (term-head t2)))
320 ;; since it is OS-matching, we only
321 ;; test the equality of the operator.
322 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-top t2-top)
323 ;; f(x, y, z ...) = f(x',y',z'...)
324 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info)
325 ;;
326 ;; the empty theory, do the full decompose.
327 ;;
328 (let ((t1-subterms (term-subterms t1))
329 (t2-subterms (term-subterms t2)))
330 (declare (type list t1-subterms t2-subterms))
331 (with-match-debug ()
332 (format t "~%>> empty theory: do the full decompose..."))
333 (loop ; for each subterm try decomposition.
334 (unless t1-subterms (return nil))
335 (let ((ng (!match-decompose-match (car t1-subterms)
336 (car t2-subterms)
337 res)))
338 (when (and ng
339 (!match-decompose-on-demand t1 t2 res))
340 (return-from !match-decompose-match t)))
341 (setf t1-subterms (cdr t1-subterms)
342 t2-subterms (cdr t2-subterms)))
343 nil)
344 ;;
345 ;; if the theory has equational theory, we do not
346 ;; perform full decomposition.
347 ;;
348 (progn
349 (with-match-debug ()
350 (format t "~%>> has theory: add their pair."))
351 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
352 nil))
354 ;;
355 ;; the different top level
356 ;; possibly maches only when zero case or on-demand.
357 ;;
358 (if (term-is-on-demand? t2)
359 (progn
360 (with-match-debug ()
361 (format t "~%>> term t2 is on demand."))
362 (mark-term-as-not-on-demand t2)
363 (if (normalize-term t2)
364 ;; no reduction has been performed.
365 (if (or (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info))
366 (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code
367 (method-theory-info-for-matching!
368 (term-head t2)))))
369 (progn (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
370 nil)
371 ;; will never match
372 t)
373 ;; t2 is rewritten
374 (!match-decompose t1 t2 res)))
375 ;; t2 is not on demand.
376 (if (or (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info))
377 (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code
378 (method-theory-info-for-matching!
379 (term-head t2)))))
380 (progn
381 (with-match-debug ()
382 (format t "~%>> theory Z."))
383 (push (make-equation t1 t2) (cdr res))
384 nil)
385 ;; will never match
386 t)) )))))))
397389 (defun match-decompose-equation (t1 t2 &optional (sigma nil))
398390 (declare (type term t1 t2))
399391 (when sigma
400392 (setq sigma (copy-list sigma)))
401393 (let* ((list-of-decomposed-equation (cons nil sigma))
402 (no-match (if *do-unify*
403 (!match-decompose-unify t1 t2 list-of-decomposed-equation)
404 (!match-decompose-match t1 t2 list-of-decomposed-equation))))
394 (no-match (if *do-unify*
395 (!match-decompose-unify t1 t2 list-of-decomposed-equation)
396 (!match-decompose-match t1 t2 list-of-decomposed-equation))))
405397 (declare (type list list-of-decomposed-equation)
406 (type (or null t) no-match))
398 (type (or null t) no-match))
407399 (cond (no-match (values (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation) t)) ; no match
408 (t (if (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation)
409 (let ((new-subst
410 (normal-form-sub (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation) nil)))
411 (if new-subst
412 (values new-subst no-match)
413 ;;
414 (values (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation) no-match)))
415 (values nil nil)))))) ; equational equal
400 (t (if (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation)
401 (let ((new-subst
402 (normal-form-sub (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation) nil)))
403 (if new-subst
404 (values new-subst no-match)
405 ;;
406 (values (cdr list-of-decomposed-equation) no-match)))
407 (values nil nil)))))) ; equational equal
417409 (defun normal-form-sub (sub ans)
418410 (if sub
419411 ;; occur check here
420412 (let* ((v1 (caar sub))
421 (t1 (apply-subst ans (cdar sub)))
422 (new-pair (make-equation v1 t1)))
423 (if (occurs-in v1 t1)
424 nil
425 (normal-form-sub
426 (cdr sub)
427 (cons new-pair
428 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
429 (make-equation
430 (apply-subst (list new-pair)
431 (equation-t1 x))
432 (apply-subst (list new-pair)
433 (equation-t2 x))))
434 ans)))))
413 (t1 (apply-subst ans (cdar sub)))
414 (new-pair (make-equation v1 t1)))
415 (if (occurs-in v1 t1)
416 nil
417 (normal-form-sub
418 (cdr sub)
419 (cons new-pair
420 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
421 (make-equation
422 (apply-subst (list new-pair)
423 (equation-t1 x))
424 (apply-subst (list new-pair)
425 (equation-t2 x))))
426 ans)))))
435427 ans))
437429 #||
438430 (defun apply-subst (sigma term)
439431 (if sigma
440432 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
441 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
442 (if im ; i.e. im = sigma(term)
443 (values im t)
444 (values term nil))))
445 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
446 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
447 ((term-is-application-form? term)
448 (let ((l-result nil)
449 (modif-sort nil))
450 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
451 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
452 (apply-subst sigma s-t)
453 (unless same-sort
454 ;; (update-lowest-parse s-t)
455 (setq modif-sort t))
456 (push image-s-t l-result)))
457 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
458 (if modif-sort
459 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
460 l-result)))
461 (values term-image
462 (sort= (term-sort term)
463 (term-sort term-image))))
464 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
465 (term-head term)
466 l-result)
467 t))))
468 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
469 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
470 (terpri)
471 (term-print term))))
433 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
434 (if im ; i.e. im = sigma(term)
435 (values im t)
436 (values term nil))))
437 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
438 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
439 ((term-is-application-form? term)
440 (let ((l-result nil)
441 (modif-sort nil))
442 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
443 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
444 (apply-subst sigma s-t)
445 (unless same-sort
446 ;; (update-lowest-parse s-t)
447 (setq modif-sort t))
448 (push image-s-t l-result)))
449 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
450 (if modif-sort
451 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
452 l-result)))
453 (values term-image
454 (sort= (term-sort term)
455 (term-sort term-image))))
456 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
457 (term-head term)
458 l-result)
459 t))))
460 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
461 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
462 (terpri)
463 (term-print term))))
472464 term))
473465 ||#
475467 (defun apply-subst (sigma term)
476468 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
477 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
478 (if im ; i.e. im = sigma(term)
479 (values im t)
480 (values term nil))))
481 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
482 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
483 ((term-is-application-form? term)
484 (let ((l-result nil)
485 (modif-sort nil))
486 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
487 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
488 (apply-subst sigma s-t)
489 (unless same-sort
490 ;; (update-lowest-parse s-t)
491 (setq modif-sort t))
492 (push image-s-t l-result)))
493 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
494 (if modif-sort
495 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
496 l-result)))
497 (values term-image
498 (sort= (term-sort term)
499 (term-sort term-image))))
500 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
501 (term-head term)
502 l-result)
503 t))))
504 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
505 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
506 (print-next)
507 (term-print-with-sort term))))
469 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
470 (if im ; i.e. im = sigma(term)
471 (values im t)
472 (values term nil))))
473 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
474 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
475 ((term-is-application-form? term)
476 (let ((l-result nil)
477 (modif-sort nil))
478 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
479 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
480 (apply-subst sigma s-t)
481 (unless same-sort
482 ;; (update-lowest-parse s-t)
483 (setq modif-sort t))
484 (push image-s-t l-result)))
485 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
486 (if modif-sort
487 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
488 l-result)))
489 (values term-image
490 (sort= (term-sort term)
491 (term-sort term-image))))
492 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
493 (term-head term)
494 l-result)
495 t))))
496 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
497 (princ "apply-subst: encoutered illegual term")
498 (print-next)
499 (term-print-with-sort term))))
508500 )
510502 ;;; M-SYSTEM-TO-SOLVE ==========================================================
534526 (defun print-m-system (m)
535527 (declare (type msystem m)
536 (values t))
528 (values t))
537529 (dolist (e m)
538530 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 e))
539 (t2 (equation-t2 e)))
540 (format t "~&===========")
531 (t2 (equation-t2 e)))
532 (format t "~%[m-system]===========")
541533 (format t "~&t1 = ") (term-print-with-sort t1)
542534 (format t "~&t2 = ") (term-print-with-sort t2))))
554546 (defmacro m-system-to-list (??_sys)
555547 (once-only (??_sys)
556548 ` (if (m-system-is-empty? ,??_sys)
557 (cdr ,??_sys)
549 (cdr ,??_sys)
558550 ,??_sys)))
560552 (defmacro size-of-m-system (!_?sys)
561553 (once-only (!_?sys)
562554 ` (if (m-system-is-empty? ,!_?sys)
563 (length (the list (cdr ,!_?sys)))
564 (length ,!_?sys))))
555 (length (the list (cdr ,!_?sys)))
556 (length ,!_?sys))))
566558 ;;; Add an equation to the system.
567559 ;;;
568560 (defun add-equation-to-m-system (sys eq)
569561 (declare (type list sys)
570 (type t eq)
571 (values t))
562 (type t eq)
563 (values t))
572564 (unless (member eq sys :test #'eq)
573565 (if (m-system-is-empty? sys)
574 (rplaca sys eq) ; remove the nil on top
575 (rplacd sys (cons eq (cdr sys))))))
566 (rplaca sys eq) ; remove the nil on top
567 (rplacd sys (cons eq (cdr sys))))))
577569 ;;; Returns a system from two list of equations. One of the two lists should be
578570 ;;; non empty. Assumes each equation-t1 is not a variable.
582574 (defun make-m-system (l1 l2)
583575 (declare (type list l1 l2)
584 (values msystem))
576 (values msystem))
585577 (if (null (car l1))
586578 (union (cdr l1) l2)
587579 (if (null (car l2))
588 (union l1 (cdr l2))
589 (union l1 l2))))
580 (union l1 (cdr l2))
581 (union l1 l2))))
591583 ;;; Returns the biggest system extracted from "sys", which is homogenous with
592584 ;;; respect to the current theory.
604596 (defun m-system-extract-one-system (sys)
605597 (declare (type list sys)
606 (values list theory-info))
598 (values list theory-info))
607599 (let ((extracted-sys nil)
608 (theory-is-empty nil)
609 (disc-method nil))
600 (theory-is-empty nil)
601 (disc-method nil))
610602 (dolist (eq (m-system-to-list sys))
611603 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 eq)))
612 (declare (type term t1))
613 (if (term-is-application-form? t1)
614 (let ((t1-top (term-method t1)))
615 (cond
616 ;; t1-top has no specific theory for matching.
617 ((theory-info-empty-for-matching
618 (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-top))
619 (when disc-method
620 (unless (theory-info-empty-for-matching
621 (method-theory-info-for-matching! disc-method))
622 ;; The greatest priority is given to the empty theory.
623 ;; The extracted system is reset.
624 (setq disc-method t1-top)
625 (setq extracted-sys nil)))
626 (setq theory-is-empty t)
627 (push eq extracted-sys))
629 ;; t1-top has non empty theory.
630 (t (if disc-method
631 ;; Gather homogenous ones.
632 (when (method-is-of-same-operator+ disc-method t1-top)
633 (push eq extracted-sys))
634 (unless theory-is-empty
635 (setq disc-method t1-top)
636 (push eq extracted-sys))))))
637 (progn
638 (setq theory-is-empty t)
639 (push eq extracted-sys)
640 (setq disc-method nil)))))
604 (declare (type term t1))
605 (if (term-is-application-form? t1)
606 (let ((t1-top (term-method t1)))
607 (cond
608 ;; t1-top has no specific theory for matching.
609 ((theory-info-empty-for-matching
610 (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-top))
611 (when disc-method
612 (unless (theory-info-empty-for-matching
613 (method-theory-info-for-matching! disc-method))
614 ;; The greatest priority is given to the empty theory.
615 ;; The extracted system is reset.
616 (setq disc-method t1-top)
617 (setq extracted-sys nil)))
618 (setq theory-is-empty t)
619 (push eq extracted-sys))
621 ;; t1-top has non empty theory.
622 (t (if disc-method
623 ;; Gather homogenous ones.
624 (when (method-is-of-same-operator+ disc-method t1-top)
625 (push eq extracted-sys))
626 (unless theory-is-empty
627 (setq disc-method t1-top)
628 (push eq extracted-sys))))))
629 (progn
630 (setq theory-is-empty t)
631 (push eq extracted-sys)
632 (setq disc-method nil)))))
641633 (values extracted-sys
642 (if disc-method
643 (method-theory-info-for-matching! disc-method)
644 (theory-info *the-empty-theory*)))))
634 (if disc-method
635 (method-theory-info-for-matching! disc-method)
636 (theory-info *the-empty-theory*)))))
646638 ;;; MATCH ENVIRONMENT ==========================================================
672664 (once-only (?_!env)
673665 `(if (null (car ,?_!env))
674666 (cdr ,?_!env)
675 ,?_!env)))
667 ,?_!env)))
677669 (defun add-equation-to-environment (env eq)
678670 (if (null (car env))
679671 (rplaca env eq)
680 (rplacd env (push eq (cdr env)))))
672 (rplacd env (push eq (cdr env)))))
682674 (defmacro environment-copy1 (___?env) `(copy-list ,___?env))
687679 (once-only (??_?env ??_?var)
688680 `(if (null (car ,??_?env))
689681 (cdr (assoc ,??_?var (cdr ,??_?env) :test #'variable-eq))
690 (cdr (assoc ,??_?var ,??_?env :test #'variable-eq)))))
682 (cdr (assoc ,??_?var ,??_?env :test #'variable-eq)))))
692684 ;;; { ... x == t ...} U { ... x == t' ...}
693685 ;;;
698690 ;;; must not be modified.
699691 ;;; U: used by "match-system.dec-merg" and "match-add-m-system"
701 (defun match-insert-if-coherent-with (new-env test-env new-sys eq-list
702 &optional check-match)
693 (defun match-insert-if-coherent-with (new-env test-env new-sys eq-list &optional (check-match nil))
703694 ;; note that new-env and new-sys are both initialy of the form (nil.nil)
704695 (block the-end
705 (when *match-debug*
706 (format T "~&insert:--------------------------------------")
707 (format t "~& new-env = ")
696 (with-match-debug ()
697 (format T "~%insert:--------------------------------------")
698 (print-next)
699 (format t "new-env = ")
708700 (if (car new-env)
709 (dolist (eq new-env)
710 (format t "~% LHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t1 eq))(terpri)
711 (format t "~% RHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t2 eq))(terpri))
712 (princ "empty"))
713 (format t "~& test-env = ")
701 (dolist (eq new-env)
702 (print-next)
703 (format t "~% LHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t1 eq))
704 (print-next)
705 (format t " RHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t2 eq))
706 (princ "empty")))
707 (print-next)
708 (format t "test-env = ")
714709 (if (car test-env)
715 (dolist (eq test-env)
716 (format t "~% LHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t1 eq)) (terpri)
717 (format t "~% RHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t2 eq)) (terpri))
718 (princ "empty")))
710 (dolist (eq test-env)
711 (format t "~% LHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t1 eq))
712 (print-next)
713 (format t " RHS = ") (term-print-with-sort (equation-t2 eq)))
714 (princ "empty"))
715 (terpri))
719716 (dolist (eq eq-list)
720717 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 eq))
721 (t2 (equation-t2 eq)))
722 (when *match-debug*
723 (format t "~& t1 = ") (term-print-with-sort t1) (terpri)
724 (format t "~& t2 = ") (term-print-with-sort t2) (terpri))
725 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
726 ;; checking of the sort information; redundant with
727 ;; `decompose-equation'.
728 (unless (sort<= (term-sort t2) (variable-sort t1)
729 *current-sort-order*)
730 (when *match-debug*
731 (format t "~&-- non coherent, sort match fail."))
732 (return-from the-end t))
733 ;; new-env may be modified.
734 (let ((image-of-t1 (variable-image test-env t1)))
735 (if image-of-t1
736 (unless (term-equational-equal image-of-t1 t2)
737 (when *match-debug*
738 (format t "~&-- non coherent, var binding conflicts in env."))
739 (return-from the-end t)) ; i.e no-coherent
740 (let ((image-of-t1-in-new (variable-image new-env t1)))
741 (if image-of-t1-in-new
742 (unless (term-equational-equal image-of-t1-in-new
743 t2)
744 (when *match-debug*
745 (format t "~&-- non coherent, var binding in new-env."))
746 (return-from the-end t))
747 (add-equation-to-environment new-env eq))))))
748 (check-match
749 (when (term-is-variable? t2)
750 (return-from the-end t))
751 (if (and (term-is-applform? t2)
752 (term-is-applform? t1))
753 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
754 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
755 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
756 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)
757 (let ((match-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-head)))
758 (if (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code match-info))
759 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)
760 (progn
761 (when *match-debug*
762 (format t "~&-- non coherent, func conflict."))
763 (return-from the-end t))))))
764 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)))
765 ;;
766 (t (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)))))
718 (t2 (equation-t2 eq)))
719 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
720 ;; checking of the sort information; redundant with
721 ;; `decompose-equation'.
722 (unless (sort<= (term-sort t2) (variable-sort t1)
723 *current-sort-order*)
724 (with-match-debug ()
725 (print-next)
726 (format t "-- non coherent, sort match fail."))
727 (return-from the-end t))
728 ;; new-env may be modified.
729 (let ((image-of-t1 (variable-image test-env t1)))
730 (if image-of-t1
731 (unless (term-equational-equal image-of-t1 t2)
732 (with-match-debug ()
733 (format t "~%-- non coherent, var binding conflicts in env."))
734 (return-from the-end t)) ; i.e no-coherent
735 (let ((image-of-t1-in-new (variable-image new-env t1)))
736 (if image-of-t1-in-new
737 (unless (term-equational-equal image-of-t1-in-new
738 t2)
739 (with-match-debug ()
740 (format t "~%-- non coherent, var binding in new-env."))
741 (return-from the-end t))
742 (add-equation-to-environment new-env eq))))))
743 (check-match
744 (when (term-is-variable? t2)
745 (with-match-debug ()
746 (format t "~%-- non coherent, t2 is variable."))
747 (return-from the-end t))
748 (if (and (term-is-applform? t2)
749 (term-is-applform? t1))
750 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
751 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
752 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
753 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)
754 (let ((match-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-head)))
755 (if (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code match-info))
756 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)
757 (progn
758 (with-match-debug ()
759 (format t "~%-- non coherent, func conflict."))
760 (return-from the-end t))))))
761 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)))
762 ;;
763 (t (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)))))
768765 ;; add now all the equation of test-env into new-env (copy test-env)
769766 (cond ((null (car test-env)) ())
770 ((null (car new-env))
771 (let ((l (environment-copy1 test-env)))
772 (rplaca new-env (car l))
773 (rplacd new-env (cdr l))) )
774 (t (nconc new-env test-env)))
775 (when *match-debug*
776 (format t "~& insert: return -- coherent -------------------"))
777 nil ; i.e. the new-env is coherent
767 ((null (car new-env))
768 (let ((l (environment-copy1 test-env)))
769 (rplaca new-env (car l))
770 (rplacd new-env (cdr l))) )
771 (t (nconc new-env test-env)))
772 (with-match-debug ()
773 (format t "~%insert: return -- coherent -------------------")
775 )
776 nil ; i.e. the new-env is coherent
778777 ))
779 #||
780 (defun match-insert-if-coherent-with (new-env test-env new-sys eq-list &optional (check-match nil))
781 ;; note that new-env and new-sys are both initialy of the form (nil.nil)
782 (block the-end
783 (dolist (eq eq-list)
784 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 eq))
785 (t2 (equation-t2 eq)))
786 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1)
787 ;; checking of the sort information; redundant with
788 ;; `decompose-equation'.
789 (unless (sort<= (term-sort t2) (variable-sort t1)
790 *current-sort-order*)
791 (return-from the-end t))
792 ;; new-env may be modified.
793 (let ((image-of-t1 (variable-image test-env t1)))
794 (if image-of-t1
795 (unless (term-equational-equal image-of-t1 t2)
796 (return-from the-end t)) ; i.e no-coherent
797 (let ((image-of-t1-in-new (variable-image new-env t1)))
798 (if image-of-t1-in-new
799 (unless (term-equational-equal image-of-t1-in-new t2)
800 (return-from the-end t))
801 (add-equation-to-environment new-env eq))))))
802 (check-match
803 (when (term-is-variable? t2)
804 (return-from the-end t))
805 (if (and (term-is-applform? t2)
806 (term-is-applform? t1))
807 (let ((t1-head (term-head t1))
808 (t2-head (term-head t2)))
809 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ t1-head t2-head)
810 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)
811 (let ((match-info (method-theory-info-for-matching! t1-head)))
812 (if (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code match-info))
813 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)
814 (progn
815 (return-from the-end t))))))
816 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)))
817 ;;
818 (t (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys eq)))))
820 ;; add now all the equation of test-env into new-env (copy test-env)
821 (cond ((null (car test-env)) ())
822 ((null (car new-env))
823 (let ((l (environment-copy1 test-env)))
824 (rplaca new-env (car l))
825 (rplacd new-env (cdr l))) )
826 (t (nconc new-env test-env)))
827 nil ; i.e. the new-env is coherent
828 ))
829 ||#
780831 ;;; MATCH-SYSTEM ===========================================================
781832 ;;;
782833 ;;; The pair of environment and m-system .
783834 ;;;
784835 (defstruct (match-system
785 (:constructor create-match-system (environment system-to-solve)))
786 (environment (new-environment) :type list)
836 (:constructor create-match-system (environment system-to-solve)))
837 (environment (new-environment) :type list)
787838 (system-to-solve (new-m-system) :type list))
789840 (defmacro match-system-sys (ms___?) `(match-system-system-to-solve ,ms___?))
823874 (defun print-match-equations (eqs)
824875 (dolist (e eqs)
825876 (if (null e) (princ "NIL")
826 (print-match-equation e))
877 (print-match-equation e))
827878 (print-next))
828879 )
839890 (declaim (inline new-match-system))
840891 (defun new-match-system (term1 term2)
841892 (declare (type term term1 term2)
842 (values match-system))
893 (values match-system))
843894 (if (term-is-variable? term1)
844895 (create-match-system (create-environment term1 term2)
845 (new-m-system))
846 (create-match-system (new-environment)
847 (create-m-system term1 term2))))
896 (new-m-system))
897 (create-match-system (new-environment)
898 (create-m-system term1 term2))))
849900 ;;; returns from a match-system a system (equivalent)
850901 ;;;
851902 (defmacro match-system-to-m-system (__?m-sys?)
852903 (once-only (__?m-sys?)
853904 ` (make-m-system (m-system-to-list (match-system-sys ,__?m-sys?))
854 (environment-to-list (match-system-env ,__?m-sys?)))))
905 (environment-to-list (match-system-env ,__?m-sys?)))))
857908 ;;; MATCH-SYSTEM-E-EQUAL : math-system -> bool
860911 ;;;
861912 (defun match-system-e-equal (match-system)
862913 (declare (type match-system match-system)
863 (values (or t null)))
914 (values (or t null)))
864915 (and (dolist (eq (m-system-to-list (match-system-sys match-system)) t)
865 (unless (term-equational-equal (equation-t1 eq) (equation-t2 eq))
866 (return nil)))
916 (unless (term-equational-equal (equation-t1 eq) (equation-t2 eq))
917 (return nil)))
867918 (dolist (eq (environment-to-list (match-system-environment match-system)) t)
868 (unless (term-equational-equal (equation-t1 eq) (equation-t2 eq))
869 (return nil)))))
919 (unless (term-equational-equal (equation-t1 eq) (equation-t2 eq))
920 (return nil)))))
871922 ;;; add try to returns a NEW match-system containing the (set) union of "sys"
872923 ;;; and "m-sys". For this purpose, it inserts in a new match-system the equation
880931 (defun match-add-m-system (match-system m-sys)
881932 (block no-match
882933 (let* ((old-environment (match-system-environment match-system))
883 (new-environment (new-environment))
884 (new-system (new-m-system)))
934 (new-environment (new-environment))
935 (new-system (new-m-system)))
885936 ;; then we insert all the equations of "system" in this new system if
886937 ;; they are compatible with match-system and copy the environment.
887938 (when (match-insert-if-coherent-with new-environment
888 old-environment
889 new-system
890 (m-system-to-list m-sys)
891 )
892 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
939 old-environment
940 new-system
941 (m-system-to-list m-sys)
942 )
943 (return-from no-match (values nil t)))
945 (with-match-debug ()
946 (format t "~%[Match-add-m-system]: given ---------------~%")
947 (print-match-system match-system)
948 (format t "~% m-sys")
949 (dolist (eq (m-system-to-list m-sys))
950 (let ((t1 (equation-t1 eq))
951 (t2 (equation-t2 eq)))
952 (print-next)
953 (princ "t1: ")(term-print-with-sort t1)
954 (print-next)
955 (princ "t2: ")(term-print-with-sort t2))))
894957 ;; new-system is modified but not match-system
895958 (setq new-system (add-m-system new-system (match-system-sys match-system)))
896 (return-from no-match
897 (values (create-match-system new-environment
898 new-system)
899 nil)))))
959 (let ((nsys (create-match-system new-environment new-system)))
960 (with-match-debug ()
961 (format t "~%[MATCH-ADD-M-SYSTEM]: generated new sys ----~%")
962 (print-match-system nsys))
963 (return-from no-match (values nsys nil))))))
901965 ;;; Decompose&Merge
902966 ;;; Returns the decompose and merging of the given match-system
904968 (defun match-decompose&merge (m-sys &optional sigma)
905969 (block no-match
906970 (let ((sys (match-system-sys m-sys))
907 (env (match-system-env m-sys))
908 (new-env (new-environment) )
909 (new-sys (new-m-system)))
971 (env (match-system-env m-sys))
972 (new-env (new-environment) )
973 (new-sys (new-m-system)))
910974 (declare (type list new-env new-sys))
911975 (dolist (eq (m-system-to-list sys))
912 (multiple-value-bind (eq-list clash-of-symbol)
913 (match-decompose-equation (equation-t1 eq) (equation-t2 eq) sigma)
914 (if clash-of-symbol
915 (return-from no-match (values nil t))
916 (when (match-insert-if-coherent-with new-env
917 env
918 new-sys
919 eq-list)
920 (return-from no-match (values nil t))))))
921 (values (create-match-system new-env
922 new-sys)
923 nil))))
976 (multiple-value-bind (eq-list clash-of-symbol)
977 (match-decompose-equation (equation-t1 eq) (equation-t2 eq) sigma)
978 (if clash-of-symbol
979 (return-from no-match (values nil t))
980 (when (match-insert-if-coherent-with new-env
981 env
982 new-sys
983 eq-list)
984 (return-from no-match (values nil t))))))
985 (let ((msys (create-match-system new-env new-sys)))
986 (with-match-debug ()
987 (format t "~%[Match-Decompose&Merge]: match system created: ----~%")
988 (print-match-system msys))
989 (values msys nil)))))
925992 ;;; Extracts from the non fully decomposed part of "m-s" the biggest system to
926993 ;;; be solved into the theory "th". "th" and "sys" are returned.
929996 (declare (inline m-system-extract-one-system))
930997 (let ((sys (match-system-sys m-s)))
931998 (if (m-system-is-empty? sys)
932 (values nil (theory-info *the-empty-theory*))
933 (m-system-extract-one-system sys))))
999 (values nil (theory-info *the-empty-theory*))
1000 (m-system-extract-one-system sys))))
9351002 ;;; returns a new match-system with the same environment that "m-sys" but with a
9361003 ;;; system equal to the system of m-sys except the elements in "sys".
9381005 ;;;
9391006 (defun match-system-modif-m-sys (m-sys sys)
9401007 (declare (type match-system m-sys)
941 (type list sys)
942 (values match-system))
1008 (type list sys)
1009 (values match-system))
9431010 (flet ((difference-eq (x y)
944 (let ((res nil))
945 (dolist (xe x res)
946 (unless (dolist (ye y nil) (when (eq xe ye) (return t)))
947 (push xe res))))))
1011 (let ((res nil))
1012 (dolist (xe x res)
1013 (unless (dolist (ye y nil) (when (eq xe ye) (return t)))
1014 (push xe res))))))
9481015 (create-match-system (environment-copy1 (match-system-env m-sys))
949 (difference-eq (m-system-to-list (match-system-sys m-sys))
950 sys))))
1016 (difference-eq (m-system-to-list (match-system-sys m-sys))
1017 sys))))
9521019 ;;; EOF
0 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CAFEIN; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
0 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-utils.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-utils.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 ;;; For Debug
40 ;;;
41 (defmacro with-match-debug (&rest body)
42 `(when *match-debug*
43 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
44 (*print-line-limit* 90))
45 (declare (type fixnum *print-indent* *print-line-limit*))
46 ,@body)))
4049 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4655 ;;;
4756 (defun possibly-matches-nonvar (t1 t2)
4857 (declare (type term t1 t2)
49 (values (or null t)))
58 (values (or null t)))
5059 (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
51 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
52 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) nil)
53 (t
54 (let* ((meth1 (term-head t1))
55 (meth2 (term-head t2))
56 (th-info-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth1))
57 (th-info-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth2)))
58 (if (not (method-is-of-same-operator+ meth1 meth2))
59 ;; built-in identity matching requires a change here
60 ;; somehow the usage of theories seems messy here.
61 (if (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info-1))
62 ;; too costly?
63 (or (possibly-matches (term-arg-1 t1) t2)
64 (possibly-matches (term-arg-2 t1) t2))
65 nil)
66 (let ((chk1 (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info-1))
67 (chk2 (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info-2)))
68 (if (and chk1 chk2)
69 (let ((subs1 (term-subterms t1))
70 (subs2 (term-subterms t2))
71 (ok? t))
72 (while subs1
73 (unless (possibly-matches (car subs1) (car subs2))
74 (setq ok? nil)
75 (return))
76 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1)
77 subs2 (cdr subs2)))
78 ok?)
79 t)))))))
60 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
61 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) nil)
62 (t
63 (let* ((meth1 (term-head t1))
64 (meth2 (term-head t2))
65 (th-info-1 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth1))
66 (th-info-2 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth2)))
67 (if (not (method-is-of-same-operator+ meth1 meth2))
68 ;; built-in identity matching requires a change here
69 ;; somehow the usage of theories seems messy here.
70 (if (test-theory .Z. (theory-info-code th-info-1))
71 ;; too costly?
72 (or (possibly-matches (term-arg-1 t1) t2)
73 (possibly-matches (term-arg-2 t1) t2))
74 nil)
75 (let ((chk1 (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info-1))
76 (chk2 (theory-info-empty-for-matching th-info-2)))
77 (if (and chk1 chk2)
78 (let ((subs1 (term-subterms t1))
79 (subs2 (term-subterms t2))
80 (ok? t))
81 (while subs1
82 (unless (possibly-matches (car subs1) (car subs2))
83 (setq ok? nil)
84 (return))
85 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1)
86 subs2 (cdr subs2)))
87 ok?)
88 t)))))))
8190 ;;; could improve on this
8291 ;;; t1 : pattern
8392 ;;; t2 : term
8493 (defun possibly-matches (t1 t2)
8594 (declare (type term t1 t2)
86 (values (or null t)))
95 (values (or null t)))
8796 (cond ((term-is-variable? t1) t)
88 ((term-is-variable? t2) nil)
89 (t (possibly-matches-nonvar t1 t2))))
97 ((term-is-variable? t2) nil)
98 (t (possibly-matches-nonvar t1 t2))))
91100 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-z.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match-z.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 ;;;
4343 (defstruct (match-z-state
44 (:constructor create-match-z-state (n sys)))
44 (:constructor create-match-z-state (n sys)))
4545 (n 0 :type fixnum)
46 (sys nil :type list) ; match system
46 (sys nil :type list) ; match system
4747 )
6060 (defun match-Z-next-state (Z-st)
6161 (let* ((sys (match-z-state-sys Z-st))
62 (point (m-system-to-list sys))
63 (equation nil)
64 (r 0)
65 (t1 nil)
66 (t2 nil)
67 (new-sys (new-m-system))
68 (lg (length point))
69 (meth1 nil)
70 (meth2 nil)
71 )
62 (point (m-system-to-list sys))
63 (equation nil)
64 (r 0)
65 (t1 nil)
66 (t2 nil)
67 (new-sys (new-m-system))
68 (lg (length point))
69 (meth1 nil)
70 (meth2 nil)
71 )
7272 (declare (type fixnum r lg)
73 (type list point new-sys))
73 (type list point new-sys))
7474 (do* ((N (match-z-state-n Z-st))
75 (q N N)
76 (point2 point point))
77 ((or (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
78 (>= N (the fixnum (expt 5 (the fixnum lg)))))
79 (progn (setf (match-z-state-n Z-st) N)
80 (if (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
81 (values new-sys Z-st nil) ;success case
82 (values nil nil t)))) ; fail case
75 (q N N)
76 (point2 point point))
77 ((or (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
78 (>= N (the fixnum (expt 5 (the fixnum lg)))))
79 (progn (setf (match-z-state-n Z-st) N)
80 (if (not (m-system-is-empty? new-sys))
81 (values new-sys Z-st nil) ;success case
82 (values nil nil t)))) ; fail case
8383 (declare (type fixnum n q))
84 (incf N) ; try the next N
85 (dotimes (k lg) ; k = lg,...,1
86 (declare (type fixnum k)) ; this treats q as a bitvector in base 5
87 (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 5))
88 (setq equation (car point2)
89 point2 (cdr point2)
90 t1 (equation-t1 equation)
91 t2 (equation-t2 equation)
92 meth1 (if (term-is-constant? t1) ; note veriable also returns t
93 nil
94 (term-method t1))
95 meth2 (if (term-is-constant? t2)
96 nil
97 (term-method t2)))
98 ;;
99 (when *match-debug*
100 (format t "~%z-next-state: k = ~d, r = ~d" k r)
101 (format t "~% term1 = ")
102 (print-chaos-object t1)
103 (format t "~% meth1 = ")
104 (print-chaos-object meth1)
105 (format t "~% term2 = ")
106 (print-chaos-object t2)
107 (format t "~% meth2 = ")
108 (print-chaos-object meth2))
109 ;;
110 (cond ((and (= r 0) ; as if no thoery applied - 11 22
111 meth1 meth2
112 (method-is-of-same-operator+ meth1 meth2))
113 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
114 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
115 (term-arg-1 t2)))
116 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
117 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
118 (term-arg-2 t2))))
119 ((and (= r 1)
120 meth1 ; term is non atomic
121 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)))
122 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth1)))
123 (when zero
124 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
125 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
126 (term-make-zero meth1)))
127 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
128 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1) t2)))))
129 ((and (= r 2)
130 meth1 ; term is non atomic
131 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)))
132 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth1)))
133 (when zero
134 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
135 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
136 zero))
137 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
138 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1) t2)))))
139 ;; note these are redundant if we have terms
140 ;; in normal form (no identities).
141 ((and (= r 3)
142 meth2 ; term is non atomic
143 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)))
144 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
145 (when zero
146 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
147 (make-equation zero
148 (term-arg-1 t2)))
149 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
150 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-2 t2))))))
151 ((and (= r 4)
152 meth2 ; term is non atomic
153 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)))
154 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
155 (when zero
156 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
157 (make-equation zero
158 (term-arg-2 t2)))
159 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
160 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-1 t2))))))
161 (t nil))))))
84 (incf N) ; try the next N
85 (dotimes (k lg) ; k = lg,...,1
86 (declare (type fixnum k)) ; this treats q as a bitvector in base 5
87 (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 5))
88 (setq equation (car point2)
89 point2 (cdr point2)
90 t1 (equation-t1 equation)
91 t2 (equation-t2 equation)
92 meth1 (if (term-is-constant? t1) ; note veriable also returns t
93 nil
94 (term-method t1))
95 meth2 (if (term-is-constant? t2)
96 nil
97 (term-method t2)))
98 ;;
99 (when *match-debug*
100 (format t "~%z-next-state: k = ~d, r = ~d" k r)
101 (format t "~% term1 = ")
102 (print-chaos-object t1)
103 (format t "~% meth1 = ")
104 (print-chaos-object meth1)
105 (format t "~% term2 = ")
106 (print-chaos-object t2)
107 (format t "~% meth2 = ")
108 (print-chaos-object meth2))
109 ;;
110 (cond ((and (= r 0) ; as if no thoery applied - 11 22
111 meth1 meth2
112 (method-is-of-same-operator+ meth1 meth2))
113 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
114 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
115 (term-arg-1 t2)))
116 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
117 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
118 (term-arg-2 t2))))
119 ((and (= r 1)
120 meth1 ; term is non atomic
121 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)))
122 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth1)))
123 (when zero
124 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
125 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1)
126 (term-make-zero meth1)))
127 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
128 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1) t2)))))
129 ((and (= r 2)
130 meth1 ; term is non atomic
131 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)))
132 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth1)))
133 (when zero
134 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
135 (make-equation (term-arg-2 t1)
136 zero))
137 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
138 (make-equation (term-arg-1 t1) t2)))))
139 ;; note these are redundant if we have terms
140 ;; in normal form (no identities).
141 ((and (= r 3)
142 meth2 ; term is non atomic
143 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)))
144 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
145 (when zero
146 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
147 (make-equation zero
148 (term-arg-1 t2)))
149 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
150 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-2 t2))))))
151 ((and (= r 4)
152 meth2 ; term is non atomic
153 (not (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)))
154 (let ((zero (term-make-zero meth2)))
155 (when zero
156 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
157 (make-equation zero
158 (term-arg-2 t2)))
159 (add-equation-to-m-system new-sys
160 (make-equation t1 (term-arg-1 t2))))))
161 (t nil))))))
163163 ;;; EQUALITY
167167 ;;;
168168 (defun match-Z-equal (t1 t2)
169169 (declare (type term t1 t2)
170 (values (or null t)))
170 (values (or null t)))
171171 (if (term-is-applform? t2)
172172 (let ((meth1 (term-head t1))
173 (meth2 (term-head t2)))
174 (if (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
175 (or
176 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)
177 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) t2))
178 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)
179 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) t2))
180 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)
181 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-2 t2)))
182 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)
183 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-1 t2)))
184 (and (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
185 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))))
186 nil))
173 (meth2 (term-head t2)))
174 (if (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
175 (or
176 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t1) meth1)
177 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) t2))
178 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t1) meth1)
179 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) t2))
180 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-1 t2) meth2)
181 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-2 t2)))
182 (and (term-is-zero-for-method (term-arg-2 t2) meth2)
183 (term-equational-equal t1 (term-arg-1 t2)))
184 (and (term-equational-equal (term-arg-1 t1) (term-arg-1 t2))
185 (term-equational-equal (term-arg-2 t1) (term-arg-2 t2))))
186 nil))
187187 nil))
189189 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 #|
4141 |#
7373 (defun first-match (t1 t2 &optional (sigma nil))
7474 (declare (type term t1 t2)
75 (values list list (or null t) (or null t)))
76 (when *match-debug*
77 (format t "~&* First Match --------------------------------~%")
78 (princ " t1 = ") (term-print-with-sort t1)
79 (terpri)
80 (princ " t2 = ") (term-print-with-sort t2)
81 (terpri)
82 (format t " unify? = ~s" *do-unify*)
83 (terpri)
84 (format t " one way match? = ~s" *one-way-match*)
75 (values list list (or null t) (or null t)))
76 (with-match-debug ()
77 (format t "~%* First Match --------------------------------")
78 (print-next)
79 (princ "t1 = ") (term-print-with-sort t1)
80 (print-next)
81 (princ "t2 = ") (term-print-with-sort t2)
82 (print-next)
83 (format t "unify? = ~s" *do-unify*)
84 (print-next)
85 (format t "one way match? = ~s" *one-way-match*)
8586 (force-output))
8687 ;;
8788 (multiple-value-bind (m-sys no-match)
8889 ;; (match-decompose&merge (new-match-system t1 t2))
8990 (match-decompose&merge (create-match-system (new-environment)
90 (create-m-system t1 t2))
91 sigma)
92 (when *match-debug*
93 (format t "~&result of match-deocmpose&merge, no-match=~a" no-match)
91 (create-m-system t1 t2))
92 sigma)
93 (with-match-debug()
94 (format t "~%result of match-deocmpose&merge, no-match=~a" no-match)
9495 (force-output))
9596 ;; Note: if the two terms are similar then "m-sys" is empty.
9697 (if no-match
97 (values nil nil t nil) ; no match
98 (values nil nil t nil) ; no match
9899 (let ((gst (new-global-state)))
99 (declare (type list gst))
100 (cond ((m-system-is-empty? (match-system-sys m-sys))
101 (when *match-debug*
102 (format t "~& return with success"))
103 (let ((subst (match-system-to-substitution m-sys)))
104 (when *match-debug*
105 (print-substitution subst))
106 (values gst
107 subst
108 nil
109 (null (car subst)))))
110 ((match-system-e-equal m-sys)
111 (values nil nil nil t))
112 (t (multiple-value-bind (sys theory-info)
113 (match-system-extract-one m-sys)
114 (declare (type list sys) (type theory-info theory-info))
115 (when *match-debug*
116 (format t "~& extracted a system ")
117 (print-m-system sys))
118 ;; the matching system is not modified,
119 ;; thus we create a new match-system
120 (multiple-value-bind (th-st no-match)
121 (theory-state-match-initialize theory-info
122 sys
123 (match-system-env m-sys))
124 (declare (type t th-st) (type (or null t) no-match))
125 (if no-match
126 (values nil nil t nil)
127 (let ((next-gst nil))
128 (when *match-debug*
129 (format t "~&First match calls next-match")
130 (format t "~% old gst: ")
131 (print-global-state gst)
132 )
133 (setq next-gst
134 (global-state-push gst
135 (match-state-create
136 (match-system-modif-m-sys
137 m-sys sys)
138 sys
139 theory-info
140 th-st)))
141 (when *match-debug*
142 (format t "~& next gst :")
143 (print-global-state next-gst))
144 (multiple-value-bind (new-gst subst no-match)
145 (next-match next-gst)
146 (values new-gst subst no-match nil)))))))
147 )))))
100 (declare (type list gst))
101 (cond ((m-system-is-empty? (match-system-sys m-sys))
102 (with-match-debug ()
103 (format t "~% return with success"))
104 (let ((subst (match-system-to-substitution m-sys)))
105 (with-match-debug ()
106 (print-substitution subst))
107 (values gst
108 subst
109 nil
110 (null (car subst)))))
111 ((match-system-e-equal m-sys)
112 (values nil nil nil t))
113 (t (multiple-value-bind (sys theory-info)
114 (match-system-extract-one m-sys)
115 (declare (type list sys) (type theory-info theory-info))
116 (with-match-debug()
117 (format t "~% extracted a system ")
118 (print-m-system sys)
119 (format t "~% theory = ")
120 (pr-theory-info theory-info))
121 ;; the matching system is not modified,
122 ;; thus we create a new match-system
123 (multiple-value-bind (th-st no-match)
124 (theory-state-match-initialize theory-info
125 sys
126 (match-system-env m-sys))
127 (declare (type t th-st) (type (or null t) no-match))
128 (if no-match
129 (values nil nil t nil)
130 (let ((next-gst nil))
131 (with-match-debug ()
132 (format t "~%First match calls next-match")
133 (format t "~% old gst: ")
134 (print-global-state gst)
135 )
136 (setq next-gst
137 (global-state-push gst
138 (match-state-create
139 (match-system-modif-m-sys
140 m-sys sys)
141 sys
142 theory-info
143 th-st)))
144 (with-match-debug ()
145 (format t "~% next gst :")
146 (print-global-state next-gst))
147 (multiple-value-bind (new-gst subst no-match)
148 (next-match next-gst)
149 (values new-gst subst no-match nil))))))))))))
150152 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154156 (defun next-match (gst)
155157 (declare (type list gst)
156 (values list list (or null t)))
158 (values list list (or null t)))
157159 (block the-end
158160 (let (st)
159161 (while (global-state-is-not-empty gst)
160 (when *match-debug*
161 (format t "~&* Next-match : global-state = ")
162 (print-global-state gst))
163 (setq st (global-state-top gst))
164 (multiple-value-bind (new-st no-more)
165 (next-match-state st)
166 (declare (type (or null match-state) new-st)
167 (type (or null t) no-more))
168 (when *match-debug*
169 (format t "~&** Next-match : next-match-state returns no-more = ~a" no-more)
170 (unless no-more
171 (format t "~&-- new state =")
172 (print-match-state new-st)))
173 (if no-more
174 (setq gst (global-state-pop gst))
175 ;; else
176 (progn
177 (setq gst (global-state-push gst new-st))
178 (let* ((m-sys (match-state-match-system new-st))
179 (sys (match-system-sys m-sys)))
180 (when (and (m-system-is-empty? sys)
181 (m-system-is-empty? (match-state-sys-to-solve new-st)))
182 ;; popping: the reasoning is that a successful state
183 ;; also terminates .
184 (setq gst (global-state-pop gst))
185 (when *match-debug*
186 (format t "~&* Next-match : return-with subst"))
187 (return-from the-end
188 (values gst
189 (match-system-to-substitution m-sys)
190 nil))))))
191 )))
192 (when *match-debug*
193 (format t "~&* Next-match : return with no-match"))
162 (with-match-debug()
163 (format t "~%* Next-match : global-state = ")
164 (print-global-state gst))
165 (setq st (global-state-top gst))
166 (multiple-value-bind (new-st no-more)
167 (next-match-state st)
168 (declare (type (or null match-state) new-st)
169 (type (or null t) no-more))
170 (with-match-debug ()
171 (format t "~%** Next-match : next-match-state returns no-more = ~a" no-more)
172 (unless no-more
173 (format t "~%-- new state =")
174 (print-match-state new-st)))
175 (if no-more
176 (setq gst (global-state-pop gst))
177 ;; else
178 (progn
179 (setq gst (global-state-push gst new-st))
180 (let* ((m-sys (match-state-match-system new-st))
181 (sys (match-system-sys m-sys)))
182 (when (and (m-system-is-empty? sys)
183 (m-system-is-empty? (match-state-sys-to-solve new-st)))
184 ;; popping: the reasoning is that a successful state
185 ;; also terminates .
186 (setq gst (global-state-pop gst))
187 (with-match-debug ()
188 (format t "~%* Next-match : return-with subst"))
189 (return-from the-end
190 (values gst
191 (match-system-to-substitution m-sys)
192 nil)))))))))
193 (with-match-debug ()
194 (format t "~%* Next-match : return with no-match"))
194195 ;; no match
195196 (values nil nil t)))
199200 ;;;
200201 (defun empty-match (t1 t2)
201202 (declare (type term t1 t2)
202 (values list (or null t)))
203 (values list (or null t)))
203204 (multiple-value-bind (m-sys no-match)
204205 (match-decompose&merge (new-match-system t1 t2))
205206 (if no-match
206 (values nil t) ; no match
207 (cond ((m-system-is-empty? (match-system-sys m-sys))
208 (values (match-system-to-substitution m-sys) nil))
209 (t (values nil t)))))) ; no match
207 (values nil t) ; no match
208 (cond ((m-system-is-empty? (match-system-sys m-sys))
209 (values (match-system-to-substitution m-sys) nil))
210 (t (values nil t)))))) ; no match
212213 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213214 ;;;
214215 (defun matches? (t1 t2)
215216 (declare (type term t1 t2)
216 (values (or null t)))
217 (values (or null t)))
217218 (multiple-value-bind (gs subst no eeq)
218219 (first-match t1 t2)
219220 (declare (ignore gs subst))
227228 ;;;
228229 (defun first-match-with-theory (theory-info t1 t2)
229230 (declare (type theory-info theory-info)
230 (type term t1 t2)
231 ;; (optimize (debug 3))
232 )
231 (type term t1 t2)
232 ;; (optimize (debug 3))
233 )
233234 (multiple-value-bind (m-sys no-match)
234235 (match-decompose&merge (new-match-system t1 t2))
235236 ;; Note that is the two terms are similar then "m-sys" is empty.
236237 ;; In the current code it is not signaled "E-equal", it must be corrected.
237238 (if no-match
238 (values nil nil t nil) ; no match
239 (let ((gst (new-global-state)))
240 (declare (type list))
241 (cond ((m-system-is-empty? (match-system-sys m-sys))
242 (values gst
243 (match-system-to-substitution m-sys)
244 nil
245 nil))
246 ;; ((match-system-E-equal m-sys)
247 ;; (values nil nil nil t)) ; match & e-equal
248 (t (multiple-value-bind (sys th-ign)
249 (match-system-extract-one m-sys)
250 (declare (ignore th-ign))
251 ;; the matching system is not modified,
252 ;; thus we create a new match-system
253 (multiple-value-bind (th-st no-match)
254 (theory-state-match-initialize theory-info
255 sys
256 (match-system-env m-sys))
257 (if no-match
258 (values nil nil t nil) ; no match
259 (multiple-value-bind (new-gst subst no-match)
260 (next-match (global-state-push
261 gst
262 (match-state-create
263 (match-system-modif-m-sys m-sys sys)
264 sys
265 theory-info
266 th-st)))
267 (values new-gst subst no-match nil nil))))))
268 )))))
239 (values nil nil t nil) ; no match
240 (let ((gst (new-global-state)))
241 (declare (type list))
242 (cond ((m-system-is-empty? (match-system-sys m-sys))
243 (values gst
244 (match-system-to-substitution m-sys)
245 nil
246 nil))
247 ;; ((match-system-E-equal m-sys)
248 ;; (values nil nil nil t)) ; match & e-equal
249 (t (multiple-value-bind (sys th-ign)
250 (match-system-extract-one m-sys)
251 (declare (ignore th-ign))
252 ;; the matching system is not modified,
253 ;; thus we create a new match-system
254 (multiple-value-bind (th-st no-match)
255 (theory-state-match-initialize theory-info
256 sys
257 (match-system-env m-sys))
258 (if no-match
259 (values nil nil t nil) ; no match
260 (multiple-value-bind (new-gst subst no-match)
261 (next-match (global-state-push
262 gst
263 (match-state-create
264 (match-system-modif-m-sys m-sys sys)
265 sys
266 theory-info
267 th-st)))
268 (values new-gst subst no-match nil nil))))))
269 )))))
270271 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CAFEIN; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match2.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:e-match
32 File:match2.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5454 ;;;
5555 (defun simple-match-e-ok? (pattern cond)
5656 (declare (type term pattern cond)
57 (values (or null t)))
57 (values (or null t)))
5858 (or (is-empty-theory-term? pattern)
5959 (and (is-true? cond)
60 (is-linear-general-pattern? pattern))))
60 (is-linear-general-pattern? pattern))))
6262 (defun is-empty-theory-term? (term)
6363 (declare (type term term)
64 (values (or null t)))
64 (values (or null t)))
6565 (if (or (term-is-variable? term)
66 (term-is-builtin-constant? term))
66 (term-is-builtin-constant? term))
6767 t
6868 (let ((meth (term-method term)))
69 (if (or (not (= 2 (the fixnum
70 (operator-num-args (method-operator meth)))))
71 (theory-info-empty-for-matching
72 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth)))
73 (dolist (st (term-subterms term) t)
74 (unless (is-empty-theory-term? st)
75 (return nil)))
76 nil))))
69 (if (or (not (= 2 (the fixnum
70 (operator-num-args (method-operator meth)))))
71 (theory-info-empty-for-matching
72 (method-theory-info-for-matching meth)))
73 (dolist (st (term-subterms term) t)
74 (unless (is-empty-theory-term? st)
75 (return nil)))
76 nil))))
7878 ;;; liner & general pattern means that
7979 ;;; 1) subterms of the pattern are all variables and their sorts
8282 ;;;
8383 (defun is-linear-general-pattern? (pattern)
8484 (declare (type term pattern)
85 (values (or null t)))
85 (values (or null t)))
8686 (or (term-is-variable? pattern)
8787 ;; general pattern?
8888 (and
8989 ;; subterms of the pattern are all variables and their sorts
9090 ;; matches to the arity of the top method.
9191 (every #'(lambda (x y)
92 (declare (type term x) (type sort* y)
93 (values (or null t)))
94 (and (term-is-variable? x)
95 (sort= (variable-sort x) y)))
96 (term-subterms pattern)
97 (method-arity (term-method pattern)))
92 (declare (type term x) (type sort* y)
93 (values (or null t)))
94 (and (term-is-variable? x)
95 (sort= (variable-sort x) y)))
96 (term-subterms pattern)
97 (method-arity (term-method pattern)))
9898 ;; check linearlity
9999 (do* ((lst (term-subterms pattern) (cdr lst))
100 (elt (car lst) (car lst)))
101 ((null lst) t)
102 (when (member elt (cdr lst)) (return nil))))))
100 (elt (car lst) (car lst)))
101 ((null lst) t)
102 (when (member elt (cdr lst)) (return nil))))))
105105 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
125125 ;;; useful for effeciency, but ..
126126 ;;;
127127 (declaim (special .empty-direct-subst.))
128 (defvar .empty-direct-subst. nil) ; substitution
128 (defvar .empty-direct-subst. nil) ; substitution
130130 (defun simp-match* (pattern term)
131131 (declare (type term pattern term)
132 (values (or null t)))
133 ;; (unless term ; really happen this? NO!
132 (values (or null t)))
133 ;; (unless term ; really happen this? NO!
134134 ;; (return-from simp-match* (values subst nil)))
135135 (macrolet ((lookup-substitution (____sub _**term)
136 `(cdr (assq ,_**term ,____sub))
137 ;;`(let ((val (assq ,term ,sub)))
138 ;; (if val (cdr val) nil))
139 ))
136 `(cdr (assq ,_**term ,____sub))
137 ;;`(let ((val (assq ,term ,sub)))
138 ;; (if val (cdr val) nil))
139 ))
140140 (cond ((term-is-applform? pattern)
141 (if (term-is-applform? term)
142 (let ((head1 (term-head pattern))
143 (head2 (term-head term))
144 (subs1 (term-subterms pattern))
145 (subs2 (term-subterms term)))
146 (if (null subs1)
147 (and (null subs2)
148 (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2))
149 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ head1 head2)
150 (do* ((lspattern subs1 (cdr lspattern))
151 (i1 (car lspattern) (car lspattern))
152 (lsterm subs2 (cdr lsterm))
153 (i2 (car lsterm) (car lsterm)))
154 ((null lspattern) (null lsterm))
155 (declare (type list lspattern lsterm))
156 (unless (simp-match* i1 i2) (return nil)))
157 nil)))
158 nil))
159 ((term-is-variable? pattern)
160 (let ((sl (lookup-substitution .empty-direct-subst. pattern)))
161 (if sl
162 (term-equational-equal sl term)
163 (if (sort<= (term-sort term)
164 (variable-sort pattern) *current-sort-order*)
165 (progn
166 (setf .empty-direct-subst.
167 (cons (cons pattern term) .empty-direct-subst.))
168 t)
169 nil))))
170 ((term-is-variable? term) nil)
171 ((term-is-builtin-constant? pattern) (term-builtin-equal pattern term))
172 (t nil))
141 (if (term-is-applform? term)
142 (let ((head1 (term-head pattern))
143 (head2 (term-head term))
144 (subs1 (term-subterms pattern))
145 (subs2 (term-subterms term)))
146 (if (null subs1)
147 (and (null subs2)
148 (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2))
149 (if (method-is-of-same-operator+ head1 head2)
150 (do* ((lspattern subs1 (cdr lspattern))
151 (i1 (car lspattern) (car lspattern))
152 (lsterm subs2 (cdr lsterm))
153 (i2 (car lsterm) (car lsterm)))
154 ((null lspattern) (null lsterm))
155 (declare (type list lspattern lsterm))
156 (unless (simp-match* i1 i2) (return nil)))
157 nil)))
158 nil))
159 ((term-is-variable? pattern)
160 (let ((sl (lookup-substitution .empty-direct-subst. pattern)))
161 (if sl
162 (term-equational-equal sl term)
163 (if (sort<= (term-sort term)
164 (variable-sort pattern) *current-sort-order*)
165 (progn
166 (setf .empty-direct-subst.
167 (cons (cons pattern term) .empty-direct-subst.))
168 t)
169 nil))))
170 ((term-is-variable? term) nil)
171 ((term-is-builtin-constant? pattern) (term-builtin-equal pattern term))
172 (t nil))
173173 ))
175175 (defun simp-match-e (pattern term)
176176 (declare (type term pattern term)
177 (inline simp-match*)
178 (values list list (or null t) (or null t)))
177 (inline simp-match*)
178 (values list list (or null t) (or null t)))
179179 (let ((.empty-direct-subst. nil))
180180 (let ((match? (simp-match* pattern term)))
181181 (when *match-debug*
182 (with-output-simple-msg()
183 (format t "-- result : ~a" match?)))
182 (with-output-simple-msg()
183 (format t "-- result : ~a" match?)))
184184 (values nil .empty-direct-subst. (null match?) nil))))
186186 ;;; Simplified A, AC Matching --------------------------------------------------
201201 ;;;
202202 (defun is-simple-AC-match-ok? (pattern cond &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
203203 (declare (type term pattern cond)
204 (type sort-order so)
205 (values (or null t)))
204 (type sort-order so)
205 (values (or null t)))
206206 (block exit
207207 (unless (is-true? cond) (return-from exit nil)) ; must be non conditional.
208 (when (term-is-variable? pattern) ; pattern itself must be no-variable.
208 (when (term-is-variable? pattern) ; pattern itself must be no-variable.
209209 (return-from exit nil))
211211 (let* ((meth (term-method pattern))
212 (op (method-operator meth)))
212 (op (method-operator meth)))
213213 ;; operator must be AC.
214214 (unless (and (operator-is-associative op) (operator-is-commutative op))
215 (return-from exit nil))
215 (return-from exit nil))
217217 (let ((subs (list-AC-subterms pattern meth))
218 (non-vars nil)
219 (indep nil)
220 (dep nil)
221 (accum-vars nil)
222 (top-vars nil)
223 (indep-vars nil)
224 (dep-vars nil)
225 )
227 ;; first separate out the variables.
228 (dolist (tm subs)
229 (if (term-is-variable? tm)
230 (push tm top-vars)
231 (push tm non-vars)))
232 (setq non-vars (nreverse non-vars))
234 ;; split non-vars into indep and dep parts.
235 (let ((all-vars nil)) ;all variables contained in non-vars.
236 (dolist (nv non-vars)
237 (setq all-vars (union all-vars (term-variables nv) :test #'eq)))
238 (if (null all-vars)
239 (setq indep non-vars
240 dep nil)
241 (let (cur)
242 (while-not (subsetp all-vars accum-vars :test #'eq)
243 (setf cur (pop non-vars))
244 (push cur indep)
245 (setf accum-vars (union accum-vars (term-variables cur)
246 :test #'eq)))
247 (setf dep non-vars))))
249 ;; split variables appearing at top level into indep and dep parts.
250 (dolist (v top-vars)
251 (if (member v accum-vars :test #'eq)
252 (push v dep-vars)
253 (if (member v indep-vars :test #'eq)
254 ;; we require linerality of independent variables.
255 (return-from exit nil)
256 (push v indep-vars))))
257 (setq indep-vars (topo-sort indep-vars
258 #'(lambda (x y)
259 (sort< (variable-sort x)
260 (variable-sort y)
261 so))))
262 (setq dep-vars (nreverse dep-vars))
263 (if (and indep
264 (or dep ; there are dependent or there are a few
265 dep-vars ; easy matching cases.
266 (< 1 (length indep-vars)))
267 (or (null (cdr indep-vars))
268 ; indep-vars must be linearly
269 ; ordered by sort.
270 (do ((cur (car indep-vars) nxt)
271 (nxt (cadr indep-vars) (car lst))
272 (lst (cddr indep-vars) (cdr lst)))
273 ((null nxt) t)
274 (unless (sort<= (variable-sort cur)
275 (variable-sort nxt)
276 so)
277 (return nil)))))
278 ;; restructure the pattern.
279 (progn
280 (when *match-debug*
281 (format t "~&is-simple-ac-match-ok?, before")
282 (print-term-tree pattern)
283 (format t "~%-- indep = ")
284 (print-chaos-object indep)
285 (format t "~%-- dep(lst) = ")
286 (print-chaos-object dep)
287 (format t "~%-- dep-vars = ")
288 (print-chaos-object dep-vars)
289 (format t "~%-- idep-vars = ")
290 (print-chaos-object indep-vars)
291 (force-output))
292 (term-replace pattern
293 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
294 meth
295 (append
296 (list (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
297 meth
298 indep))
299 dep
300 dep-vars
301 indep-vars)))
302 (when *match-debug*
303 (format t "~&is-simple-ac-match-ok?, after")
304 (print-chaos-object pattern)
305 (force-output)
306 (print-term-tree pattern)
307 (force-output))
308 t)
309 ;; else
310 nil )))))
218 (non-vars nil)
219 (indep nil)
220 (dep nil)
221 (accum-vars nil)
222 (top-vars nil)
223 (indep-vars nil)
224 (dep-vars nil)
225 )
227 ;; first separate out the variables.
228 (dolist (tm subs)
229 (if (term-is-variable? tm)
230 (push tm top-vars)
231 (push tm non-vars)))
232 (setq non-vars (nreverse non-vars))
234 ;; split non-vars into indep and dep parts.
235 (let ((all-vars nil)) ;all variables contained in non-vars.
236 (dolist (nv non-vars)
237 (setq all-vars (union all-vars (term-variables nv) :test #'eq)))
238 (if (null all-vars)
239 (setq indep non-vars
240 dep nil)
241 (let (cur)
242 (while-not (subsetp all-vars accum-vars :test #'eq)
243 (setf cur (pop non-vars))
244 (push cur indep)
245 (setf accum-vars (union accum-vars (term-variables cur)
246 :test #'eq)))
247 (setf dep non-vars))))
249 ;; split variables appearing at top level into indep and dep parts.
250 (dolist (v top-vars)
251 (if (member v accum-vars :test #'eq)
252 (push v dep-vars)
253 (if (member v indep-vars :test #'eq)
254 ;; we require linerality of independent variables.
255 (return-from exit nil)
256 (push v indep-vars))))
257 (setq indep-vars (topo-sort indep-vars
258 #'(lambda (x y)
259 (sort< (variable-sort x)
260 (variable-sort y)
261 so))))
262 (setq dep-vars (nreverse dep-vars))
263 (if (and indep
264 (or dep ; there are dependent or there are a few
265 dep-vars ; easy matching cases.
266 (< 1 (length indep-vars)))
267 (or (null (cdr indep-vars))
268 ; indep-vars must be linearly
269 ; ordered by sort.
270 (do ((cur (car indep-vars) nxt)
271 (nxt (cadr indep-vars) (car lst))
272 (lst (cddr indep-vars) (cdr lst)))
273 ((null nxt) t)
274 (unless (sort<= (variable-sort cur)
275 (variable-sort nxt)
276 so)
277 (return nil)))))
278 ;; restructure the pattern.
279 (progn
280 (when *match-debug*
281 (format t "~%is-simple-ac-match-ok?, before")
282 (print-term-tree pattern)
283 (format t "~%-- indep = ")
284 (print-chaos-object indep)
285 (format t "~%-- dep(lst) = ")
286 (print-chaos-object dep)
287 (format t "~%-- dep-vars = ")
288 (print-chaos-object dep-vars)
289 (format t "~%-- idep-vars = ")
290 (print-chaos-object indep-vars)
291 (force-output))
292 (term-replace pattern
293 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
294 meth
295 (append
296 (list (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
297 meth
298 indep))
299 dep
300 dep-vars
301 indep-vars)))
302 (when *match-debug*
303 (format t "~%is-simple-ac-match-ok?, after")
304 (print-chaos-object pattern)
305 (force-output)
306 (print-term-tree pattern)
307 (force-output))
308 t)
309 ;; else
310 nil )))))
319319 (defun dep-match (pattern t2)
320320 (declare (type term pattern t2)
321 (values list list (or null t) (or null t)))
321 (values list list (or null t) (or null t)))
322322 (let* ((subs (term-subterms pattern))
323 (indep (car subs))
324 (method (term-method pattern))
325 (coarity (method-coarity method))
326 (new-pat (make-applform coarity method (list indep *match-dep-var*)))
327 (so *current-sort-order*))
323 (indep (car subs))
324 (method (term-method pattern))
325 (coarity (method-coarity method))
326 (new-pat (make-applform coarity method (list indep *match-dep-var*)))
327 (so *current-sort-order*))
328328 ;;
329329 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
330 (first-match new-pat t2)
330 (first-match new-pat t2)
331331 (when (or no-match E-equal)
332 (return-from dep-match (values nil nil no-match E-equal)))
332 (return-from dep-match (values nil nil no-match E-equal)))
333333 (let* ((dep (list-AC-subterms (cadr subs) method))
334 (dep-len (length dep)))
335 (declare (type fixnum dep-len)
336 (type list dep)
337 (ignore dep-len))
338 (loop
339 ;; try to finish if succeed return subst.
340 (let ((ok t)
341 (rest (list-AC-subterms (variable-image
342 subst
343 *match-dep-var*)
344 method))
345 (lst dep)
346 x)
347 (declare (type list rest lst))
348 (when (< (the fixnum (length rest))
349 (the fixnum (length dep)))
350 (return (values nil nil t nil))) ;quit whole matching process
351 (block finish-match
352 (while lst
353 (when (null rest) (setq ok nil) (return))
354 (setq x (car lst) lst (cdr lst))
355 (if (term-is-variable? x)
356 (let ((val (variable-image subst x)))
357 (if val
358 ;;remove value if find or fail; rest is not nil
359 ;;tricky point: if bound value of term has op at top
360 ;;need to treat its list-ac-subterms individually.
361 (dolist (tm (if (and (not (term-is-variable? val))
362 (method-is-AC-restriction-of
363 (term-head val)
364 method))
365 (list-AC-subterms val method)
366 (list val)))
367 (let ((prev nil) (cur rest))
368 (loop
369 (when (null cur) (setq ok nil) (return-from finish-match))
370 (when (term-equational-equal tm (car cur))
371 (if (null prev)
372 (setq rest (cdr rest))
373 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
374 (return))
375 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur)))))
376 ;;else, find term for var and bind, if last done
377 (if (null lst)
378 (if (null (cdr rest))
379 (if (sort<= (term-sort (car rest))
380 (variable-sort x)
381 so)
382 (progn
383 (push (cons x (car rest)) subst)
384 (setq rest nil))
385 (progn (setq ok nil) (return)))
386 (if (sort<= coarity (variable-sort x) so)
387 (progn
388 (push (cons x
389 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
390 method rest))
391 subst)
392 (setq rest nil))
393 (progn (setq ok nil) (return))))
394 (let ((varsort (variable-sort x))
395 (prev nil) (cur rest))
396 (loop
397 (when (null cur) (setq ok nil) (return-from finish-match))
398 (when (sort<= (term-sort (car cur)) varsort so)
399 (if (null prev)
400 (setq rest (cdr rest))
401 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
402 (push (cons x (car cur)) subst)
403 (return))
404 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur))))
405 )))
406 ;; instantiate and find or fail; rest is not nil
407 (let ((instx (substitution-image subst x))
408 (prev nil) (cur rest))
409 (loop
410 (when (null cur) (setq ok nil) (return-from finish-match))
411 (when (term-equational-equal instx (car cur))
412 (if (null prev)
413 (setq rest (cdr rest))
414 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
415 (return))
416 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur)))))
417 )) ; finish-match ----------
418 (when (and ok (null rest)) (return (values nil subst nil nil))))
419 ;;
420 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
421 (next-match global-state))
422 (when no-match
423 (return (values nil nil t nil)))) ; loop --------------------------
424 ;;
425 ))))
334 (dep-len (length dep)))
335 (declare (type fixnum dep-len)
336 (type list dep)
337 (ignore dep-len))
338 (loop
339 ;; try to finish if succeed return subst.
340 (let ((ok t)
341 (rest (list-AC-subterms (variable-image
342 subst
343 *match-dep-var*)
344 method))
345 (lst dep)
346 x)
347 (declare (type list rest lst))
348 (when (< (the fixnum (length rest))
349 (the fixnum (length dep)))
350 (return (values nil nil t nil))) ;quit whole matching process
351 (block finish-match
352 (while lst
353 (when (null rest) (setq ok nil) (return))
354 (setq x (car lst) lst (cdr lst))
355 (if (term-is-variable? x)
356 (let ((val (variable-image subst x)))
357 (if val
358 ;;remove value if find or fail; rest is not nil
359 ;;tricky point: if bound value of term has op at top
360 ;;need to treat its list-ac-subterms individually.
361 (dolist (tm (if (and (not (term-is-variable? val))
362 (method-is-AC-restriction-of
363 (term-head val)
364 method))
365 (list-AC-subterms val method)
366 (list val)))
367 (let ((prev nil) (cur rest))
368 (loop
369 (when (null cur) (setq ok nil) (return-from finish-match))
370 (when (term-equational-equal tm (car cur))
371 (if (null prev)
372 (setq rest (cdr rest))
373 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
374 (return))
375 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur)))))
376 ;;else, find term for var and bind, if last done
377 (if (null lst)
378 (if (null (cdr rest))
379 (if (sort<= (term-sort (car rest))
380 (variable-sort x)
381 so)
382 (progn
383 (push (cons x (car rest)) subst)
384 (setq rest nil))
385 (progn (setq ok nil) (return)))
386 (if (sort<= coarity (variable-sort x) so)
387 (progn
388 (push (cons x
389 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
390 method rest))
391 subst)
392 (setq rest nil))
393 (progn (setq ok nil) (return))))
394 (let ((varsort (variable-sort x))
395 (prev nil) (cur rest))
396 (loop
397 (when (null cur) (setq ok nil) (return-from finish-match))
398 (when (sort<= (term-sort (car cur)) varsort so)
399 (if (null prev)
400 (setq rest (cdr rest))
401 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
402 (push (cons x (car cur)) subst)
403 (return))
404 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur))))
405 )))
406 ;; instantiate and find or fail; rest is not nil
407 (let ((instx (substitution-image subst x))
408 (prev nil) (cur rest))
409 (loop
410 (when (null cur) (setq ok nil) (return-from finish-match))
411 (when (term-equational-equal instx (car cur))
412 (if (null prev)
413 (setq rest (cdr rest))
414 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
415 (return))
416 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur)))))
417 )) ; finish-match ----------
418 (when (and ok (null rest)) (return (values nil subst nil nil))))
419 ;;
420 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
421 (next-match global-state))
422 (when no-match
423 (return (values nil nil t nil)))) ; loop --------------------------
424 ;;
425 ))))
427427 ;;; MATCH-DEP-WITH-THEORY : theory pattern target
428428 ;;; -> global-state substitution no-match-flag e-equal
435435 (defun match-dep-with-theory (theory t1 t2)
436436 (declare (type theory-info theory)
437 (type term t1 t2))
437 (type term t1 t2))
438438 (let* ((subs (term-subterms t1))
439 (indep (car subs))
440 (meth (term-head t1))
441 (coar (method-coarity meth))
442 (newpat (make-applform coar meth (list indep *match-dep-var*))))
439 (indep (car subs))
440 (meth (term-head t1))
441 (coar (method-coarity meth))
442 (newpat (make-applform coar meth (list indep *match-dep-var*))))
443443 (declare (type list subs))
444444 (multiple-value-bind
445 (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
446 (first-match-with-theory theory newpat t2)
445 (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
446 (first-match-with-theory theory newpat t2)
447447 (if (or no-match E-equal)
448 (values nil nil no-match E-equal)
449 (let ((dep (list-AC-subterms (cadr subs) meth))
450 (so *current-sort-order*))
451 (declare (type list dep)
452 (type sort-order so))
453 (loop
454 ;; try to finish if succeed return subst.
455 (let ((ok t)
456 (rest (list-AC-subterms (variable-image
457 subst
458 *match-dep-var*)
459 meth))
460 (lst dep)
461 x)
462 (declare (type list rest))
463 (when (< (length rest) (length dep))
464 (return (values nil nil t nil))) ; quit whole matching process
465 (block finish-match
466 (loop
467 (when (null lst) (return))
468 (when (null rest) (setq ok nil) (return))
469 (setq x (car lst)
470 lst (cdr lst))
471 (if (term-is-variable? x)
472 (let ((val (variable-image subst x)))
473 (if val
474 ;; remove value if find or fail; rest is not nil
475 ;; tricky point: if bound value of term has op at top
476 ;; need to treat its term-list-ac-subterms individually
477 (dolist (tm (if (and (not (term-is-applform? val))
478 (method-is-AC-restriction-of
479 (term-head val)
480 meth))
481 (list-AC-subterms val meth)
482 (list val)))
483 (let ((prev nil)
484 (cur rest))
485 (loop
486 (when (null cur)
487 (setq ok nil)
488 (return-from finish-match))
489 (when (term-equational-equal tm (car cur))
490 (if (null prev)
491 (setq rest (cdr rest))
492 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
493 (return))
494 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur)))))
495 ;; find term for var and bind; if last done
496 (if (null lst)
497 (if (null (cdr rest))
498 (if (sort<= (term-sort (car rest))
499 (variable-sort x)
500 so)
501 (progn (push (cons x (car rest)) subst)
502 (setq rest nil))
503 (progn (setq ok nil)
504 (return)))
505 (if (sort<= coar (variable-sort x) so)
506 (progn
507 (push
508 (cons x
509 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
510 meth rest))
511 subst)
512 (setq rest nil))
513 (progn (setq ok nil)
514 (return))))
515 (let ((varsort (variable-sort x))
516 (prev nil)
517 (cur rest))
518 (loop
519 (when (null cur)
520 (setq ok nil)
521 (return-from finish-match))
522 (when (sort<= (term-sort (car cur))
523 varsort
524 so)
525 (if (null prev)
526 (setq rest (cdr rest))
527 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
528 (push (cons x (car cur)) subst)
529 (return))
530 (setq prev cur
531 cur (cdr cur))
532 )))))
533 ;; instantiate and find or fail; rest is not nil
534 (let ((instx (substitution-image subst x))
535 (prev nil)
536 (cur rest))
537 (loop (when (null cur)
538 (setq ok nil)
539 (return-from finish-match))
540 (when (term-equational-equal instx (car cur))
541 (if (null prev)
542 (setq rest (cdr rest))
543 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
544 (return))
545 (setq prev cur
546 cur (cdr cur)))))
547 )) ; -- block finish-match
548 (when (and ok (null rest))
549 (return (values nil subst nil nil))))
550 ;;
551 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
552 (next-match global-state))
553 (when no-match
554 (return (values nil nil t nil)))
555 ))))))
448 (values nil nil no-match E-equal)
449 (let ((dep (list-AC-subterms (cadr subs) meth))
450 (so *current-sort-order*))
451 (declare (type list dep)
452 (type sort-order so))
453 (loop
454 ;; try to finish if succeed return subst.
455 (let ((ok t)
456 (rest (list-AC-subterms (variable-image
457 subst
458 *match-dep-var*)
459 meth))
460 (lst dep)
461 x)
462 (declare (type list rest))
463 (when (< (length rest) (length dep))
464 (return (values nil nil t nil))) ; quit whole matching process
465 (block finish-match
466 (loop
467 (when (null lst) (return))
468 (when (null rest) (setq ok nil) (return))
469 (setq x (car lst)
470 lst (cdr lst))
471 (if (term-is-variable? x)
472 (let ((val (variable-image subst x)))
473 (if val
474 ;; remove value if find or fail; rest is not nil
475 ;; tricky point: if bound value of term has op at top
476 ;; need to treat its term-list-ac-subterms individually
477 (dolist (tm (if (and (not (term-is-applform? val))
478 (method-is-AC-restriction-of
479 (term-head val)
480 meth))
481 (list-AC-subterms val meth)
482 (list val)))
483 (let ((prev nil)
484 (cur rest))
485 (loop
486 (when (null cur)
487 (setq ok nil)
488 (return-from finish-match))
489 (when (term-equational-equal tm (car cur))
490 (if (null prev)
491 (setq rest (cdr rest))
492 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
493 (return))
494 (setq prev cur cur (cdr cur)))))
495 ;; find term for var and bind; if last done
496 (if (null lst)
497 (if (null (cdr rest))
498 (if (sort<= (term-sort (car rest))
499 (variable-sort x)
500 so)
501 (progn (push (cons x (car rest)) subst)
502 (setq rest nil))
503 (progn (setq ok nil)
504 (return)))
505 (if (sort<= coar (variable-sort x) so)
506 (progn
507 (push
508 (cons x
509 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
510 meth rest))
511 subst)
512 (setq rest nil))
513 (progn (setq ok nil)
514 (return))))
515 (let ((varsort (variable-sort x))
516 (prev nil)
517 (cur rest))
518 (loop
519 (when (null cur)
520 (setq ok nil)
521 (return-from finish-match))
522 (when (sort<= (term-sort (car cur))
523 varsort
524 so)
525 (if (null prev)
526 (setq rest (cdr rest))
527 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
528 (push (cons x (car cur)) subst)
529 (return))
530 (setq prev cur
531 cur (cdr cur))
532 )))))
533 ;; instantiate and find or fail; rest is not nil
534 (let ((instx (substitution-image subst x))
535 (prev nil)
536 (cur rest))
537 (loop (when (null cur)
538 (setq ok nil)
539 (return-from finish-match))
540 (when (term-equational-equal instx (car cur))
541 (if (null prev)
542 (setq rest (cdr rest))
543 (rplacd prev (cdr cur)))
544 (return))
545 (setq prev cur
546 cur (cdr cur)))))
547 )) ; -- block finish-match
548 (when (and ok (null rest))
549 (return (values nil subst nil nil))))
550 ;;
551 (multiple-value-setq (global-state subst no-match)
552 (next-match global-state))
553 (when no-match
554 (return (values nil nil t nil)))
555 ))))))
558558 ;;; IDEMPOTENT ---------------------------------------------------------------
568568 (not (term-is-variable? lhs))
569569 (not (term-is-builtin-constant? lhs))
570570 (let ((method (term-head lhs)))
571 (and (method-is-associative method)
572 (method-is-commutative method)
573 (method-is-idempotent method)
574 (let* ((arity (method-arity method))
575 (subs (term-subterms lhs))
576 (sub-1 (car subs))
577 (sub-2 (cadr subs)))
578 (and (term-is-variable? sub-1)
579 ;; (term-is-variable? sub-2) ; this is redundant.
580 (eq sub-1 sub-2)
581 (sort= (variable-sort sub-1) (car arity))
582 (sort= (variable-sort sub-2) (cadr arity))))))))
571 (and (method-is-associative method)
572 (method-is-commutative method)
573 (method-is-idempotent method)
574 (let* ((arity (method-arity method))
575 (subs (term-subterms lhs))
576 (sub-1 (car subs))
577 (sub-2 (cadr subs)))
578 (and (term-is-variable? sub-1)
579 ;; (term-is-variable? sub-2) ; this is redundant.
580 (eq sub-1 sub-2)
581 (sort= (variable-sort sub-1) (car arity))
582 (sort= (variable-sort sub-2) (cadr arity))))))))
584584 ;;; NOTE: assume that the rules is actually created in the form e + (x + x).
585585 ;;;
586586 (defun match-is-idem-ext-ok? (lhs cond kind)
587587 (declare (type term lhs cond)
588 (values (or null t)))
588 (values (or null t)))
589589 (and (is-true? cond)
590590 (not (term-is-variable? lhs))
591591 (let ((method (term-head lhs)))
592 (and (method-is-associative method)
593 (method-is-commutative method)
594 (method-is-idempotent method)
595 (let* ((arity (method-arity method))
596 (subs (term-subterms lhs))
597 (sub-1 (car subs))
598 (sub-2 (cadr subs)))
599 (and (term-is-variable? sub-1)
600 (let ((vs (variable-sort sub-1)))
601 (or (or (sort= vs *universal-sort*)
602 (sort= vs *huniversal-sort*)
603 (sort= vs *cosmos*))
604 (and (sort= vs (car arity))
605 (sort= vs (cadr arity)))))
606 (match-is-idem-ok2? sub-2 cond kind)
607 (not (eq sub-1 (car (term-subterms sub-2))))
608 ))))))
592 (and (method-is-associative method)
593 (method-is-commutative method)
594 (method-is-idempotent method)
595 (let* ((arity (method-arity method))
596 (subs (term-subterms lhs))
597 (sub-1 (car subs))
598 (sub-2 (cadr subs)))
599 (and (term-is-variable? sub-1)
600 (let ((vs (variable-sort sub-1)))
601 (or (or (sort= vs *universal-sort*)
602 (sort= vs *huniversal-sort*)
603 (sort= vs *cosmos*))
604 (and (sort= vs (car arity))
605 (sort= vs (cadr arity)))))
606 (match-is-idem-ok2? sub-2 cond kind)
607 (not (eq sub-1 (car (term-subterms sub-2))))
608 ))))))
610610 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: chaos-top.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: chaos-top.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3535 ;;; == DESCRIPTION =============================================================
7878 (ext:gc)
7979 (if top
8080 (ext:save-lisp path
81 :purify nil
82 :init-function top
83 :print-herald nil
84 )
81 :purify nil
82 :init-function top
83 :print-herald nil
84 )
8585 (ext:save-lisp path
86 :purify nil
87 :print-herald nil)))
86 :purify nil
87 :print-herald nil)))
8989 #+LUCID
9090 (defun save-chaos (top &optional (path "bin/chaos.exe"))
9191 (setq *chaos-new* t)
9292 (if top
9393 (disksave path
94 :full-gc t
95 :restart-function top)
94 :full-gc t
95 :restart-function top)
9696 (disksave path
97 :full-gc t)))
97 :full-gc t)))
9999 #+:ccl
100100 (defun save-chaos (top &optional (path "chaos"))
101101 (setq *chaos-new* t)
102102 (if top
103103 (save-application path :toplevel-function top
104 :size '(6144000 4196000))
104 :size '(6144000 4196000))
105105 (save-application path
106 :size '(6144000 4196000))))
106 :size '(6144000 4196000))))
107107 #+:ALLEGRO
108108 (defun save-chaos (top &optional (path "aobj"))
109109 (setq *chaos-new* t)
125125 (declare (ignore top))
126126 (setq *chaos-new* t)
127127 (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die path
128 :toplevel 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
129 :purify t
130 :executable t
131 :save-runtime-options t))
128 :toplevel 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
129 :purify t
130 :executable t
131 :save-runtime-options t))
134134 ;;;
136136 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
137137 (fresh-all)
138138 (flush-all)
139 (format t "~&[")
140 (if *last-module*
141 (print-simple-mod-name *last-module*)
139 (format t "~%[")
140 (if (get-context-module t)
141 (print-simple-mod-name (get-context-module))
142142 (princ "*"))
143 (princ "]> ")
144 ))
143 (princ "]> ")))
146145 (defun handle-chaos-error (val)
147146 (if *chaos-input-source*
163162 (declare (ignore char))
164163 (let ((obj (read stream nil :eof t)))
165164 (if (eq obj :eof)
166 (values)
165 (values)
167166 (eval-ast obj))))
169168 (defun process-chaos-input ()
170169 (let ((*print-array* nil)
171 (*print-circle* nil)
172 (*old-context* nil)
173 (*show-mode* :chaos)
174 (top-level (at-top-level)))
170 (*print-circle* nil)
171 (*old-context* nil)
172 (*show-mode* :chaos)
173 (top-level (at-top-level)))
175174 (unless (or top-level *chaos-quiet*)
176175 (if *chaos-input-source*
177 (with-output-simple-msg ()
178 (format t "~&processing input : ~a~%" (namestring *chaos-input-source*)))
179 (with-output-simple-msg ()
180 (format t "~&processing input .......................~%")))
176 (with-output-simple-msg ()
177 (format t "rocessing input : ~a~%" (namestring *chaos-input-source*)))
178 (with-output-simple-msg ()
179 (format t "processing input .......................~%")))
181180 )
182181 (let ((ast nil)
183 (*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
182 (*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
184183 ;; (declare (special *readtable*))
185184 (set-macro-character #\! #'chaos-eval-reader)
186185 (block top-loop
187 (loop
188 (with-chaos-top-error ('handle-chaos-top-error)
189 (with-chaos-error ('handle-chaos-error)
190 (when top-level
191 (chaos-prompt))
192 (setq ast (chaos-read))
194 ;; QUIT -----------------------------------------------------------
195 (when (eq ast :quit)
196 (return-from top-loop nil))
197 ;; PROCESS INPUT COMMANDS =========================================
198 (block process-input
199 #||
200 (when (eq ast '!)
201 (setq ast (eval (chaos-read)))
202 (when (eq ast :quit) (return-from top-loop nil)))
203 ||#
204 (eval-ast ast :print-generic-result)
205 )
206 (setq *chaos-print-errors* t)))
207 )))))
186 (loop
187 (with-chaos-top-error ('handle-chaos-top-error)
188 (with-chaos-error ('handle-chaos-error)
189 (when top-level
190 (chaos-prompt))
191 (setq ast (chaos-read))
193 ;; QUIT -----------------------------------------------------------
194 (when (eq ast :quit)
195 (return-from top-loop nil))
196 ;; PROCESS INPUT COMMANDS =========================================
197 (block process-input
198 #||
199 (when (eq ast '!)
200 (setq ast (eval (chaos-read)))
201 (when (eq ast :quit) (return-from top-loop nil)))
202 ||#
203 (eval-ast ast :print-generic-result)
204 )
205 (setq *chaos-print-errors* t)))
206 )))))
210209 ;;; [ast/script/lisp-form] ---> (read) ---> (eval) ---> (print)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3232 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3434 #|==============================================================================
35 System: Chaos
36 Module: eval
37 File: debug.lisp
35 System: Chaos
36 Module: eval
37 File: debug.lisp
3838 ==============================================================================|#
4040 (defun print-opinfos (module)
4949 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
5050 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
5151 (dolist (m methods)
52 (format t "~&method : ")
52 (format t "~%method : ")
5353 (print-chaos-object m)
5454 (let ((info (get-method-info m)))
5555 (if (not info)
56 (format t "~&could not get method info ! ")
56 (format t "~%could not get method info ! ")
5757 (print-method-info info))))))))
5959 (defun print-method-info (info)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: eval-ast1.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: eval-ast1.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4747 ;;; ****************************************************************************
4949 ;;;=============================================================================
5151 ;;;=============================================================================
5353 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6161 ;;; in the above case.
6262 (defun resolve-sort-ref (module sort-name)
6363 (cond ((%is-sort-ref sort-name)
64 (find-sort-in module sort-name))
65 ((or (symbolp sort-name)
66 (stringp sort-name))
67 (find-sort-in module sort-name))
68 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('strange-sort-name)
69 (format t "internal error, strange sort name ~a" sort-name)
70 ))))
64 (find-sort-in module sort-name))
65 ((or (symbolp sort-name)
66 (stringp sort-name))
67 (find-sort-in module sort-name))
68 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('strange-sort-name)
69 (format t "internal error, strange sort name ~a" sort-name)
70 ))))
7272 ;;; RESOLVE-OR-DEFINE-SORT : sort-name -> sort
7373 ;;; uses `resove-sort-ref' for referring existing sort,
7676 (defun resolve-or-define-sort (module sort-name &optional hidden)
7777 (let ((sort (resolve-sort-ref module sort-name)))
7878 (if sort
79 (cond ((or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
80 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
81 ;;(eq sort *cosmos*)
82 )
83 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
84 (declare (special *chaos-quiet*))
85 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-decl)
86 (format t "You can not declare built in sort ~A"
87 (string (sort-name sort))))))
88 (t (if (or (and hidden (sort-is-hidden sort))
89 (and (not hidden) (not (sort-is-hidden sort))))
90 sort
91 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
92 (declare (special *chaos-quiet*))
93 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
94 (princ "declaring ")
95 (format t "a ~a sort ~s, there already be a sort"
96 (if hidden
97 "hidden"
98 "visible")
99 (if (%is-sort-ref sort-name)
100 (%sort-ref-name sort-name)
101 sort-name))
102 (print-next)
103 (princ "with the same name but of different type (visible/hidden).")
104 (print-next)
105 (princ "...ignored.")
106 (return-from resolve-or-define-sort nil))
107 ))))
79 (cond ((or (eq sort *universal-sort*)
80 (eq sort *huniversal-sort*)
81 ;;(eq sort *cosmos*)
82 )
83 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
84 (declare (special *chaos-quiet*))
85 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-decl)
86 (format t "You can not declare built in sort ~A"
87 (string (sort-name sort))))))
88 (t (if (or (and hidden (sort-is-hidden sort))
89 (and (not hidden) (not (sort-is-hidden sort))))
90 sort
91 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
92 (declare (special *chaos-quiet*))
93 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
94 (princ "declaring ")
95 (format t "a ~a sort ~s, there already be a sort"
96 (if hidden
97 "hidden"
98 "visible")
99 (if (%is-sort-ref sort-name)
100 (%sort-ref-name sort-name)
101 sort-name))
102 (print-next)
103 (princ "with the same name but of different type (visible/hidden).")
104 (print-next)
105 (princ "...ignored.")
106 (return-from resolve-or-define-sort nil))
107 ))))
108108 (cond ((%is-sort-ref sort-name)
109 (if (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-name)
110 ;; should not happen this case.
111 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-decl)
112 (princ "declare-sort accepted a qualified sort-name:")
113 (print-next)
114 (format t "sort name = ~s, qulifier = "
115 (%sort-ref-name sort-name))
116 (print-modexp (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-name))
117 (print-next)
118 (princ "ignoring the declaration.")
119 )
120 ;;
121 (let ((true-name (%sort-ref-name sort-name)))
122 (declare-sort-in-module (if (stringp true-name)
123 (intern true-name)
124 true-name)
125 *current-module*
126 'sort
127 hidden))))
128 ((stringp sort-name)
129 (declare-sort-in-module (intern sort-name)
130 *current-module*
131 'sort
132 hidden))
133 ((symbolp sort-name)
134 (declare-sort-in-module sort-name
135 *current-module*
136 'sort
137 hidden))
138 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
139 (format t "declaring sort : accepted invalid name ~s" sort-name)
140 (break
141 "Please send bug report to \"\", thanks~")))))
109 (if (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-name)
110 ;; should not happen this case.
111 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort-decl)
112 (princ "declare-sort accepted a qualified sort-name:")
113 (print-next)
114 (format t "sort name = ~s, qulifier = "
115 (%sort-ref-name sort-name))
116 (print-modexp (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-name))
117 (print-next)
118 (princ "ignoring the declaration.")
119 )
120 ;;
121 (let ((true-name (%sort-ref-name sort-name)))
122 (declare-sort-in-module (if (stringp true-name)
123 (intern true-name)
124 true-name)
125 *current-module*
126 'sort
127 hidden))))
128 ((stringp sort-name)
129 (declare-sort-in-module (intern sort-name)
130 *current-module*
131 'sort
132 hidden))
133 ((symbolp sort-name)
134 (declare-sort-in-module sort-name
135 *current-module*
136 'sort
137 hidden))
138 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
139 (format t "declaring sort : accepted invalid name ~s" sort-name)
140 (break
141 "Please send bug report to \"\", thanks~")))))
142142 ))
144144 ;;; DECLARE-SORT : sort-decl
148148 (include-chaos-module)
149149 (set-needs-parse)
150150 (resolve-or-define-sort *current-module*
151 (%sort-decl-name sort-decl)
152 (%sort-decl-hidden sort-decl)))
151 (%sort-decl-name sort-decl)
152 (%sort-decl-hidden sort-decl)))
154154 ;;; DECLARE-PSORT (psort-decl)
155155 ;;; real evaluation is postponed untill all sorts are visible in the module,
164164 (defun eval-psort-declaration (decl module)
165165 (let ((sort-ref (%psort-decl-sort decl))
166 (sort nil))
166 (sort nil))
167167 ;; we have a case the reference is just a sort-object,
168168 ;; occuring only when we inherit p-sort in instantiation/renaming.
169169 ;;
170170 (if (sort-p sort-ref)
171 (setq sort sort-ref)
172 (setq sort (resolve-sort-ref module (%psort-decl-sort decl))))
171 (setq sort sort-ref)
172 (setq sort (resolve-sort-ref module (%psort-decl-sort decl))))
173173 (unless sort
174174 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
175 (princ "declaring principal sort, no such sort ")
176 (print-sort-ref (%psort-decl-sort decl))
177 ))
175 (princ "declaring principal sort, no such sort ")
176 (print-sort-ref (%psort-decl-sort decl))
177 ))
178178 (setf (module-principal-sort module) sort)))
180180 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
188188 (define-builtin-sort (%bsort-decl-name decl)
189189 *current-module*
190190 (list (%bsort-decl-token-predicate decl)
191 (%bsort-decl-term-creator decl)
192 (%bsort-decl-term-printer decl)
193 (%bsort-decl-term-predicate decl))
191 (%bsort-decl-term-creator decl)
192 (%bsort-decl-term-printer decl)
193 (%bsort-decl-term-predicate decl))
194194 (%bsort-decl-hidden decl)))
196196 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
208208 ;; (push subsort-decl (module-sort-relations *current-module*))
209209 ;; call declare-subsort-in-module after resolving sort references.
210210 (let ((hidden (car (%subsort-decl-sort-relation subsort-decl)))
211 (body (cdr (%subsort-decl-sort-relation subsort-decl))))
211 (body (cdr (%subsort-decl-sort-relation subsort-decl))))
212212 (declare-subsort-in-module
213213 (list (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
214 (if (eq x ':<)
215 ':<
216 (resolve-or-define-sort *current-module* x hidden)))
217 body))
214 (if (eq x ':<)
215 ':<
216 (resolve-or-define-sort *current-module* x hidden)))
217 body))
218218 *current-module*
219219 hidden )))
221 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
223 ;;;
224 (defun declare-record (record-decl)
225 (I-miss-current-module declare-record)
226 (include-BOOL)
227 (include-RECORD)
228 (let ((rsort (declare-record-in-module *current-module*
229 (%record-decl-name record-decl)
230 (%record-decl-supers record-decl)
231 (%record-decl-attributes
232 record-decl)
233 (%record-decl-hidden record-decl))))
234 (set-needs-parse)
235 (set-needs-rule)
236 rsort))
238 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 ;;;
241 (defun declare-class (class-decl)
242 (I-miss-current-module declare-class)
243 (include-BOOL)
244 (include-OBJECT)
245 (let ((csort (declare-class-in-module *current-module*
246 (%class-decl-name class-decl)
247 (%class-decl-supers class-decl)
248 (%class-decl-attributes class-decl)
249 (%class-decl-hidden class-decl))))
250 (set-needs-parse)
251 (set-needs-rule)
252 csort))
254 ;;;=============================================================================
221 ;;;=============================================================================
256223 ;;;=============================================================================
258225 ;;; FIND-QUAL-OPERATORs : OpRef -> List[OpInfo]
259226 ;;;
260227 (defun find-qual-operators (opref &optional mod (type nil))
261228 (let ((name (%opref-name opref))
262 (num-args (%opref-num-args opref))
263 (module (%opref-module opref)))
229 (num-args (%opref-num-args opref))
230 (module (%opref-module opref)))
264231 (if module
265 (let ((modval (eval-modexp module)))
266 (if (module-p modval)
267 (find-all-qual-operators-in modval name num-args type)
268 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
269 (princ "resolving operator reference ")
270 (print-ast opref)
271 (print-next)
272 (princ "no such module ")
273 (print-modexp module)
274 )))
232 (let ((modval (eval-modexp module)))
233 (if (module-p modval)
234 (find-all-qual-operators-in modval name num-args type)
235 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
236 (princ "resolving operator reference ")
237 (print-ast opref)
238 (print-next)
239 (princ "no such module ")
240 (print-modexp module)
241 )))
275242 (if mod
276 (find-all-qual-operators-in mod name num-args type)
277 (progn
278 (I-miss-current-module find-qual-operators)
279 (find-all-qual-operators-in *current-module* name num-args type))))))
243 (find-all-qual-operators-in mod name num-args type)
244 (progn
245 (I-miss-current-module find-qual-operators)
246 (find-all-qual-operators-in *current-module* name num-args type))))))
281248 ;;; DECLARE-OPERATOR opdecl -> method
282249 ;;; returns method if success, otherwise nil.
285252 (I-miss-current-module declare-operator)
286253 (include-BOOL)
287254 (let* ((attr (%op-decl-attribute op-decl))
288 (memo (%opattrs-memo attr) ;(if (and *memo-rewrite* *always-memo*)
289 ; t
290 ; (%opattrs-memo attr))
291 )
292 (theory (%opattrs-theory attr))
293 (assoc (%opattrs-assoc attr))
294 (prec (%opattrs-prec attr))
295 (strat (%opattrs-strat attr))
296 (constr (%opattrs-constr attr))
297 (coherent (%opattrs-coherent attr))
298 (meta-demod (%opattrs-meta-demod attr)))
255 (memo (%opattrs-memo attr) ;(if (and *memo-rewrite* *always-memo*)
256 ; t
257 ; (%opattrs-memo attr))
258 )
259 (theory (%opattrs-theory attr))
260 (assoc (%opattrs-assoc attr))
261 (prec (%opattrs-prec attr))
262 (strat (%opattrs-strat attr))
263 (constr (%opattrs-constr attr))
264 (coherent (%opattrs-coherent attr))
265 (meta-demod (%opattrs-meta-demod attr)))
299266 (multiple-value-bind (op meth delayed)
300 (declare-operator-in-module (%op-decl-name op-decl)
301 (%op-decl-arity op-decl)
302 (%op-decl-coarity op-decl)
303 *current-module*
304 constr
305 (%op-decl-hidden op-decl)
306 coherent
307 error-operator
308 )
267 (declare-operator-in-module (%op-decl-name op-decl)
268 (%op-decl-arity op-decl)
269 (%op-decl-coarity op-decl)
270 *current-module*
271 constr
272 (%op-decl-hidden op-decl)
273 coherent
274 error-operator
275 )
309276 (when delayed
310 (push op-decl (module-error-op-decl *current-module*))
311 (mark-need-parsing-preparation *current-module*)
312 (return-from declare-operator t))
277 (push op-decl (module-error-op-decl *current-module*))
278 (mark-need-parsing-preparation *current-module*)
279 (return-from declare-operator t))
313280 ;;
314281 (if (and op meth)
315 (progn
316 ;; memo attribute
317 (when memo
318 (declare-method-memo-attr meth memo)
319 )
320 ;; meta-demod predicate
321 (when meta-demod
322 (declare-method-meta-demod-attr meth meta-demod))
323 ;;
324 (if theory
325 (declare-method-theory meth theory)
326 (progn
327 (setf (method-theory meth *current-opinfo-table*)
328 *the-empty-theory*)
329 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching meth
330 *current-opinfo-table*)
331 ))
332 (when assoc
333 (if (eq (method-module meth)
334 *current-module*)
335 (declare-method-associativity meth assoc)
336 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
337 (princ "you cannot alter associativity of")
338 (print-next)
339 (princ "operator ")
340 (print-chaos-object meth)
341 (print-next)
342 (princ "of module ")
343 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
344 (print-next)
345 (princ "ignoring.."))))
346 (when prec
347 (if (eq (method-module meth) *current-module*)
348 (declare-method-precedence meth prec)
349 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
350 (princ "you cannot alter precedence of")
351 (print-next)
352 (princ "operator ")
353 (print-chaos-object meth)
354 (print-next)
355 (princ "of module ")
356 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
357 (print-next)
358 (princ "ignoring.."))))
359 (when strat
360 (if (eq (method-module meth) *current-module*)
361 (declare-method-strategy meth strat)
362 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
363 (princ "you cannot alter strategy of")
364 (print-next)
365 (princ "operator ")
366 (print-chaos-object meth)
367 (print-next)
368 (princ "of module ")
369 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
370 (print-next)
371 (princ "ignoring.."))))
372 ;; (when constr (declare-method-constr meth constr))
373 ;; (when coherent (declare-method-coherent meth coherent))
374 (set-needs-parse)
375 (set-needs-rule)
376 meth)
377 nil))))
379 ;;; DECLARE-OPERATOR-ATTRIBUTES : decl -> operator
380 ;;; returns operator if success, otherwise nil.
381 ;;;
382 #||
383 (defun declare-operator-attributes (decl)
384 (I-miss-current-module declare-operator-attributes)
385 ;; *NOTE* qualifier in opref is ignored, is it OK?
386 (let ((name (%opref-name (%opattr-decl-opref decl)))
387 (num-args (%opref-num-args (%opattr-decl-opref decl)))
388 (attr (%opattr-decl-attribute decl)))
389 (let ((opinfo (find-qual-operator-in *current-module* name num-args)))
390 (unless opinfo
391 (with-output-chaos-error ('operator-not-found)
392 (format t "declaring attributes, could not found unique operator ~a."
393 name)
394 ))
395 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
396 (memo (%opattrs-memo attr))
397 (theory (%opattrs-theory attr))
398 (assoc (%opattrs-assoc attr))
399 (prec (%opattrs-prec attr))
400 (strat (%opattrs-strat attr)))
401 ;; (when memo (declare-operator-memo-attr op memo))
402 (when memo
403 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
404 (format t "memo attribute is now obsolate.")))
405 (when theory (declare-operator-theory op theory))
406 (when assoc (declare-operator-associativity op assoc))
407 (when prec (declare-operator-precedence op prec))
408 (when strat (declare-operator-strategy op strat))
409 (set-needs-parse)
410 (set-needs-rule)
411 ;; save the declaration form.
412 (push decl (module-opattrs *current-module*))
413 op))))
414 ||#
416 ;;;=============================================================================
282 (progn
283 ;; memo attribute
284 (when memo
285 (declare-method-memo-attr meth memo)
286 )
287 ;; meta-demod predicate
288 (when meta-demod
289 (declare-method-meta-demod-attr meth meta-demod))
290 ;;
291 (if theory
292 (declare-method-theory meth theory)
293 (progn
294 (setf (method-theory meth *current-opinfo-table*)
295 *the-empty-theory*)
296 (compute-method-theory-info-for-matching meth
297 *current-opinfo-table*)
298 ))
299 (when assoc
300 (if (eq (method-module meth)
301 *current-module*)
302 (declare-method-associativity meth assoc)
303 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
304 (princ "you cannot alter associativity of")
305 (print-next)
306 (princ "operator ")
307 (print-chaos-object meth)
308 (print-next)
309 (princ "of module ")
310 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
311 (print-next)
312 (princ "ignoring.."))))
313 (when prec
314 (if (eq (method-module meth) *current-module*)
315 (declare-method-precedence meth prec)
316 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
317 (princ "you cannot alter precedence of")
318 (print-next)
319 (princ "operator ")
320 (print-chaos-object meth)
321 (print-next)
322 (princ "of module ")
323 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
324 (print-next)
325 (princ "ignoring.."))))
326 (when strat
327 (if (eq (method-module meth) *current-module*)
328 (declare-method-strategy meth strat)
329 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
330 (princ "you cannot alter strategy of")
331 (print-next)
332 (princ "operator ")
333 (print-chaos-object meth)
334 (print-next)
335 (princ "of module ")
336 (print-simple-mod-name (method-module meth))
337 (print-next)
338 (princ "ignoring.."))))
339 ;; (when constr (declare-method-constr meth constr))
340 ;; (when coherent (declare-method-coherent meth coherent))
341 (set-needs-parse)
342 (set-needs-rule)
343 meth)
344 nil))))
346 ;;;=============================================================================
418348 ;;;=============================================================================
420350 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
426356 ;; (set-needs-parse) ; too early to set the flag.
427357 (include-BOOL)
428358 (let ((sort (find-sort-in *current-module* (%var-decl-sort ast)))
429 (res nil))
359 (res nil))
430360 (unless sort
431361 (if (may-be-error-sort-ref? (%var-decl-sort ast))
432 (progn
433 ;; may be declaration of variable of error sorts.
434 (push ast (module-error-var-decl *current-module*))
435 (return-from declare-variable t))
436 ;;
437 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
438 (format t "declaring variable(s)~{~^ ~a~^,~},"
439 (%var-decl-names ast))
440 ;; (print-ast (%var-decl-sort ast))
441 (print-next)
442 (format t "no such sort: ~a" (%sort-ref-name (%var-decl-sort ast)))
443 )))
362 (progn
363 ;; may be declaration of variable of error sorts.
364 (push ast (module-error-var-decl *current-module*))
365 (return-from declare-variable t))
366 ;;
367 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
368 (format t "declaring variable(s)~{~^ ~a~^,~},"
369 (%var-decl-names ast))
370 ;; (print-ast (%var-decl-sort ast))
371 (print-next)
372 (format t "no such sort: ~a" (%sort-ref-name (%var-decl-sort ast)))
373 )))
444374 (dolist (name (%var-decl-names ast))
445375 (push (declare-variable-in-module name sort *current-module*) res))
446376 ;; - patch, now we are safe to set the flag.
453383 ;; (set-needs-parse) ; too early to set the flag.
454384 (include-BOOL)
455385 (let ((sort (find-sort-in *current-module* (%pvar-decl-sort ast)))
456 (res nil))
386 (res nil))
457387 (unless sort
458388 (if (may-be-error-sort-ref? (%pvar-decl-sort ast))
459 (progn
460 ;; may be declaration of variable of error sorts.
461 (push ast (module-error-var-decl *current-module*))
462 (return-from declare-pvariable t))
463 ;;
464 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
465 (format t "declaring pseud variable(s)~{~^ ~a~^,~}, no such sort."
466 (%pvar-decl-names ast))
467 (print-ast (%pvar-decl-sort ast))
468 )))
389 (progn
390 ;; may be declaration of variable of error sorts.
391 (push ast (module-error-var-decl *current-module*))
392 (return-from declare-pvariable t))
393 ;;
394 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
395 (format t "declaring pseud variable(s)~{~^ ~a~^,~}, no such sort."
396 (%pvar-decl-names ast))
397 (print-ast (%pvar-decl-sort ast))
398 )))
469399 (dolist (name (%pvar-decl-names ast))
470400 (push (declare-pvariable-in-module name sort *current-module*) res))
471401 ;; - patch, now we are safe to set the flag.
492422 (I-miss-current-module parse-axiom-declaration)
493423 ;;
494424 (let* ((sort *cosmos*)
495 (*fill-rc-attribute* t)
496 (*parse-variables* nil)
497 (*parse-lhs-attr-vars* nil)
498 (*lhs-attrid-vars* nil)
499 (lhs (%axiom-decl-lhs ast))
500 (rhs (%axiom-decl-rhs ast))
501 (cond-part (%axiom-decl-cond ast))
502 (labels (%axiom-decl-labels ast))
503 (type (%axiom-decl-type ast))
504 (behavioural (%axiom-decl-behavioural ast))
505 (the-axiom nil)
506 (meta-rule nil))
425 (*fill-rc-attribute* t)
426 (*parse-variables* nil)
427 (*parse-lhs-attr-vars* nil)
428 (*lhs-attrid-vars* nil)
429 (lhs (%axiom-decl-lhs ast))
430 (rhs (%axiom-decl-rhs ast))
431 (cond-part (%axiom-decl-cond ast))
432 (labels (%axiom-decl-labels ast))
433 (type (%axiom-decl-type ast))
434 (behavioural (%axiom-decl-behavioural ast))
435 (the-axiom nil)
436 (meta-rule nil))
507437 ;;
508438 (dolist (ml .special-meta-rule-labels.)
509439 (when (member ml labels)
510 (when meta-rule
511 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-meta-rule)
512 (format t "You cannot specify multiple :m-and, :m-or, .e.t.c at once!")))
513 (setq meta-rule ml)))
440 (when meta-rule
441 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-meta-rule)
442 (format t "You cannot specify multiple :m-and, :m-or, .e.t.c at once!")))
443 (setq meta-rule ml)))
514444 ;;
515445 (when (eq type :rule)
516446 (include-rwl *current-module*))
517447 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
518448 ;;
519449 (cond ((or (is-lisp-form-token-sequence rhs)
520 (is-chaos-value-token-sequence rhs))
521 ;;
522 (when meta-rule
523 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-special-rule)
524 (format t "Invalid special rule ~s for built-in axiom." meta-rule)))
525 ;; aka builtin rule.
526 (let* ((parsed-lhs (simple-parse *current-module* lhs sort))
527 (parsed-rhs (simple-parse *current-module* rhs sort))
528 (parsed-cnd (if cond-part
529 (simple-parse *current-module* cond-part sort)
530 *bool-true*))
531 (error-p nil))
532 (setf sort (term-sort parsed-lhs))
533 (when (and parsed-cnd (term-ill-defined parsed-cnd))
534 (with-output-simple-msg ()
535 (princ "[Error] no parse for condition part of the axiom."))
536 (setf error-p t))
537 ;;
538 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? parsed-lhs)
539 (with-output-chaos-error ('invlaid-lhs)
540 (format t "sole built-in constant on LHS is not allowed, sorry!")))
541 ;;
542 (if (or (term-ill-defined parsed-lhs)
543 (null sort))
544 (with-output-simple-msg ()
545 (princ "[Error] no parse for LHS of the axiom (ignored): ")
546 nil)
547 (if (not error-p)
548 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list parsed-lhs parsed-rhs parsed-cnd) *current-module*)))
549 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (third canon)) *condition-sort* *current-sort-order*)
550 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-condition)
551 (format t "Illegal condition part of conditional axiom:")
552 (print-next)
553 (term-print-with-sort (third canon))))
554 (setq the-axiom
555 (make-rule :lhs (first canon)
556 :rhs (second canon)
557 :condition (third canon)
558 :labels labels
559 :behavioural behavioural
560 :type type)))
561 (chaos-error 'invalid-axiom-decl) ))))
563 ;; normal rule
564 (t (let* ((parses-lhs (let ((*parsing-axiom-lhs* t))
565 (parser-parses *current-module* lhs sort)))
566 (parses-rhs (parser-parses *current-module* rhs sort))
567 (parsed-cnd (if cond-part
568 (simple-parse *current-module*
569 cond-part
570 sort)
571 *bool-true*))
572 (error-p nil))
573 ;;
574 ;; check condition part.
575 ;;
576 (when (and cond-part (term-ill-defined parsed-cnd))
577 (with-output-simple-msg ()
578 (princ "[Error] no parse for axiom condition"))
579 (setf error-p t))
581 ;; find apropreate pair of LHS & RHS.
582 (let ((res (parser-find-rule-pair
583 *current-module* parses-lhs parses-rhs)))
584 (if (null res)
585 ;; completely no found.
586 (with-output-simple-msg ()
587 (princ "[Error] bad axiom (ignored): ")
588 ;; show LHS
589 (if (null parses-lhs)
590 (format t "~& No possible parse for LHS")
591 (progn
592 (format t "~&- LHS")
593 (dolist (f parses-lhs)
594 (print-next)
595 (print-term-tree f t))))
596 ;; show RHS
597 (if (null parses-rhs)
598 (format t "~& No possible parse for RHS")
599 (progn
600 (format t "~&- RHS")
601 (dolist (f parses-rhs)
602 (print-next)
603 (print-term-tree f t)
604 )))
605 (chaos-error 'invalid-axiom-decl))
606 ;;
607 (progn
608 (unless (null (cdr res))
609 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
610 (princ "axiom is ambiguous: ") (print-next)
611 (unless (null (cdr parses-lhs))
612 (princ "-- More than one parse for the LHS")
613 (print-next)
614 (format t "form : ~a" lhs)
615 (print-next)
616 (format t "trees:")
617 (parse-show-diff parses-lhs)
618 (format t "~&...adopting [1]..."))
619 (unless (null (cdr parses-rhs))
620 (princ "-- More than one parse for the RHS")
621 (print-next)
622 (format t "form : ~a" rhs)
623 (print-next)
624 (format t "trees:")
625 (parse-show-diff parses-rhs)
626 (format t "~&...adopting [1]..."))))
627 (if (not error-p)
628 (let ((lhs-result (car (car res)))
629 (rhs-result (parse-convert (cadr (car res)))))
631 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? lhs-result)
632 (with-output-chaos-error ('invlaid-lhs)
633 (format t "sole built-in constant on LHS is not allowed, sorry!")
634 (format t "~& - LHS :")
635 (term-print-with-sort lhs-result)
636 (print-ast ast)
637 ))
638 ;;
639 (when meta-rule
640 ;; lhs must be associative
641 (unless (eq *bool-true* parsed-cnd)
642 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-cond)
643 (format t "Sorry, but now ~s can only be specified for non-conditional axioms." meta-rule)))
644 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component *bool-sort*
645 (term-sort rhs-result)
646 *current-sort-order*)
647 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rhs)
648 (format t "RHS must be a term of sort Bool for ~s axiom." meta-rule))))
649 ;;
650 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list lhs-result rhs-result parsed-cnd) *current-module*)))
651 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (third canon)) *condition-sort* *current-sort-order*)
652 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-condition)
653 (format t "Illegal condition part of conditional axiom:")
654 (print-next)
655 (term-print-with-sort (third canon))))
656 ;;
657 (setq the-axiom
658 (make-rule :lhs (first canon)
659 :rhs (second canon)
660 :condition (third canon)
661 :behavioural behavioural
662 :labels labels
663 :type type
664 :meta-and-or meta-rule)))
665 ;;
666 (when *chaos-verbose*
667 (when behavioural
668 (unless (and (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom?
669 lhs-result)
670 (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom?
671 rhs-result))
672 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
673 (format t "non-behavioural operation on hidden sorts appearing in the behavioural axiom:")
674 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
675 (print-next)
676 (print-chaos-object the-axiom)))))))
677 (chaos-error 'invalid-axiom-decl))))))))
450 (is-chaos-value-token-sequence rhs))
451 ;;
452 (when meta-rule
453 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-special-rule)
454 (format t "Invalid special rule ~s for built-in axiom." meta-rule)))
455 ;; aka builtin rule.
456 (let* ((parsed-lhs (simple-parse *current-module* lhs sort))
457 (parsed-rhs (simple-parse *current-module* rhs sort))
458 (parsed-cnd (if cond-part
459 (simple-parse *current-module* cond-part sort)
460 *bool-true*))
461 (error-p nil))
462 (setf sort (term-sort parsed-lhs))
463 (when (and parsed-cnd (term-ill-defined parsed-cnd))
464 (with-output-simple-msg ()
465 (princ "[Error] no parse for condition part of the axiom."))
466 (setf error-p t))
467 ;;
468 ;;
469 (if (or (term-ill-defined parsed-lhs)
470 (null sort))
471 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-lhs)
472 (princ "no parse for LHS of the axiom (ignored): "))
473 (if (not error-p)
474 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list parsed-lhs parsed-rhs parsed-cnd) *current-module*)))
475 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? parsed-lhs)
476 (with-output-chaos-error ('bad-axiom)
477 (format t "System does not support sole built-in constant on LHS, sorry.")
478 (format t "~&-- LHS : ")
479 (term-print-with-sort parsed-lhs)))
480 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (third canon)) *condition-sort* *current-sort-order*)
481 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-condition)
482 (format t "Illegal condition part of conditional axiom:")
483 (print-next)
484 (term-print-with-sort (third canon))))
485 (setq the-axiom
486 (make-rule :lhs (first canon)
487 :rhs (second canon)
488 :condition (third canon)
489 :labels labels
490 :behavioural behavioural
491 :type type)))
492 (chaos-error 'invalid-axiom-decl) ))))
494 ;; normal rule
495 (t (let* ((parses-lhs (let ((*parsing-axiom-lhs* t))
496 (parser-parses *current-module* lhs sort)))
497 (parses-rhs (parser-parses *current-module* rhs sort))
498 (parsed-cnd (if cond-part
499 (simple-parse *current-module*
500 cond-part
501 sort)
502 *bool-true*))
503 (error-p nil))
504 ;;
505 ;; check condition part.
506 ;;
507 (when (and cond-part (term-ill-defined parsed-cnd))
508 (with-output-simple-msg ()
509 (princ "[Error] no parse for axiom condition"))
510 (setf error-p t))
512 ;; find apropreate pair of LHS & RHS.
513 (let ((res (parser-find-rule-pair
514 *current-module* parses-lhs parses-rhs)))
515 (if (null res)
516 ;; completely no found.
517 (with-output-simple-msg ()
518 (princ "[Error] bad axiom (ignored): ")
519 ;; show LHS
520 (if (null parses-lhs)
521 (format t "~& No possible parse for LHS")
522 (progn
523 (format t "~&- LHS")
524 (dolist (f parses-lhs)
525 (print-next)
526 (print-term-tree f t))))
527 ;; show RHS
528 (if (null parses-rhs)
529 (format t "~& No possible parse for RHS")
530 (progn
531 (format t "~&- RHS")
532 (dolist (f parses-rhs)
533 (print-next)
534 (print-term-tree f t))))
535 (chaos-error 'invalid-axiom-decl))
536 ;;
537 (progn
538 (unless (null (cdr res))
539 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
540 (princ "axiom is ambiguous: ") (print-next)
541 (unless (null (cdr parses-lhs))
542 (princ "-- More than one parse for the LHS")
543 (print-next)
544 (format t "form : ~a" lhs)
545 (print-next)
546 (format t "trees:")
547 (parse-show-diff parses-lhs)
548 (format t "~&...adopting [1]..."))
549 (unless (null (cdr parses-rhs))
550 (princ "-- More than one parse for the RHS")
551 (print-next)
552 (format t "form : ~a" rhs)
553 (print-next)
554 (format t "trees:")
555 (parse-show-diff parses-rhs)
556 (format t "~&...adopting [1]..."))))
557 (if (not error-p)
558 (let ((lhs-result (car (car res)))
559 (rhs-result (parse-convert (cadr (car res)))))
560 (when (term-is-builtin-constant? lhs-result)
561 (with-output-chaos-error ('bad-axiom)
562 (format t "System does not support sole built-in constant on LHS, sorry.")
563 (format t "~&-- LHS : ")
564 (term-print-with-sort lhs-result)))
565 (when meta-rule
566 ;; lhs must be associative
567 (unless (eq *bool-true* parsed-cnd)
568 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-cond)
569 (format t "Sorry, but now ~s can only be specified for non-conditional axioms." meta-rule)))
570 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component *bool-sort*
571 (term-sort rhs-result)
572 *current-sort-order*)
573 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-rhs)
574 (format t "RHS must be a term of sort Bool for ~s axiom." meta-rule))))
575 ;;
576 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list lhs-result rhs-result parsed-cnd) *current-module*)))
577 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (third canon)) *condition-sort* *current-sort-order*)
578 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-condition)
579 (format t "Illegal condition part of conditional axiom:")
580 (print-next)
581 (term-print-with-sort (third canon))))
582 ;;
583 (setq the-axiom
584 (make-rule :lhs (first canon)
585 :rhs (second canon)
586 :condition (third canon)
587 :behavioural behavioural
588 :labels labels
589 :type type
590 :meta-and-or meta-rule)))
591 ;;
592 (when *chaos-verbose*
593 (when behavioural
594 (unless (and (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom?
595 lhs-result)
596 (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom?
597 rhs-result))
598 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
599 (format t "non-behavioural operation on hidden sorts appearing in the behavioural axiom:")
600 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
601 (print-next)
602 (print-chaos-object the-axiom)))))))
603 (chaos-error 'invalid-axiom-decl))))))))
678604 ;; check the axiom
679605 (check-axiom-error-method *current-module* the-axiom t)
680606 ;; additionaly if condition part contains match-op...
697623 (defun eval-let (ast)
698624 (let ((sym (%let-sym ast))
699 (value (%let-value ast)))
625 (value (%let-value ast)))
700626 ;; (I-miss-current-module eval-let)
701627 (unless *current-module*
702628 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
703 (princ "no context (current) module is set!")))
629 (princ "no context (current) module is set!")))
704630 ;;
705631 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
706632 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
707633 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
708 (let ((res (simple-parse *current-module* value *cosmos*)))
709 (setq res (car (canonicalize-variables (list res) *current-module*)))
710 ;; we treate $$term & $$subterm, we must copy for
711 ;; avoiding side effect.
712 (when (or (equal "$$term" sym) (equal "$$subtem" sym))
713 (setq res (simple-copy-term res)))
714 (when (set-bound-value sym res)
715 (when (and (at-top-level) (not *chaos-quiet*))
716 (format t "~&-- setting let variable \"~a\" to :" sym)
717 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
718 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
719 (print-next)
720 (term-print res)
721 (print-check 0 3)
722 (princ " : ")
723 (print-sort-name (term-sort res)))))
724 t)))))
634 (let ((res (simple-parse *current-module* value *cosmos*)))
635 (setq res (car (canonicalize-variables (list res) *current-module*)))
636 ;; we treate $$term & $$subterm, we must copy for
637 ;; avoiding side effect.
638 (when (or (equal "$$term" sym) (equal "$$subtem" sym))
639 (setq res (simple-copy-term res)))
640 (when (set-bound-value sym res)
641 (when (and (at-top-level) (not *chaos-quiet*))
642 (format t "~%-- setting let variable \"~a\" to :" sym)
643 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
644 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
645 (print-next)
646 (term-print res)
647 (print-check 0 3)
648 (princ " : ")
649 (print-sort-name (term-sort res)))))
650 t)))))
726652 ;;;=============================================================================
727653 ;;; MACRO
730656 (defun eval-macro (ast)
731657 (let ((pre-lhs (%macro-lhs ast))
732 (pre-rhs (%macro-rhs ast))
733 lhs
734 rhs
735 macro)
658 (pre-rhs (%macro-rhs ast))
659 lhs
660 rhs
661 macro)
736662 (I-miss-current-module eval-macro)
737663 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
738664 (let ((*parse-variables* nil)
739 (*macroexpand* nil))
665 (*macroexpand* nil))
740666 (setq lhs (simple-parse *current-module* pre-lhs *cosmos*))
741667 (when (term-ill-defined lhs)
742 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro-lhs)
743 (format t "no parse for LHS of the macro declaration: ")
744 (print-chaos-object ast)))
668 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro-lhs)
669 (format t "no parse for LHS of the macro declaration: ")
670 (print-chaos-object ast)))
745671 (setq rhs (simple-parse *current-module* pre-rhs *cosmos*))
746672 (when (term-ill-defined rhs)
747 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro-rhs)
748 (format t "no parse for RHS of the macro declaration: ")
749 (print-chaos-object ast)))
673 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro-rhs)
674 (format t "no parse for RHS of the macro declaration: ")
675 (print-chaos-object ast)))
750676 (unless (term-is-application-form? lhs)
751 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro)
752 (format t "macro can only be defined for normal application form.~%")
753 (print-chaos-object ast)))
677 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro)
678 (format t "macro can only be defined for normal application form.~%")
679 (print-chaos-object ast)))
754680 (unless (theory-info-empty-for-matching
755 (method-theory-info-for-matching
756 (term-head lhs)))
757 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro)
758 (format t "macro can only be defined for operators with no equational theory.~%")
759 (print-chaos-object ast)))
681 (method-theory-info-for-matching
682 (term-head lhs)))
683 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro)
684 (format t "macro can only be defined for operators with no equational theory.~%")
685 (print-chaos-object ast)))
760686 ;; LHS & RHS must be of the same sort -- too rigid?
761687 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort lhs)
762 (term-sort rhs)
763 *current-sort-order*)
764 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro)
765 (format t "sort of LHS & RHS of the maro declaration must be the same.")
766 (terpri)
767 (print-chaos-object ast)))
688 (term-sort rhs)
689 *current-sort-order*)
690 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-macro)
691 (format t "sort of LHS & RHS of the maro declaration must be the same.")
692 (terpri)
693 (print-chaos-object ast)))
768694 ;;
769695 ;; check in
770696 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list lhs rhs) *current-module*)))
771 (setq macro (make-macro :lhs (first canon) :rhs (second canon)))
772 (add-macro-to-module *current-module* macro))
697 (setq macro (make-macro :lhs (first canon) :rhs (second canon)))
698 (add-macro-to-module *current-module* macro))
773699 ;; set module status
774700 (set-needs-parse)
775701 macro)))
777703 ;;;=============================================================================
778 ;;; MODULE
704 ;;; MODULE
779705 ;;;=============================================================================
781707 ;;; DECLARE-MODULE : module-declaration-form -> module
782708 ;;;
783709 (defun declare-module (decl)
784 ;; need not *current-module*
785 (let ((mod nil) ; will bound created module.
786 (name (%module-decl-name decl))
787 (kind (%module-decl-kind decl))
788 (type (%module-decl-type decl))
789 (body (%module-decl-elements decl))
790 (*allow-$$term* nil)
791 (*modexp-eval-table* nil)
792 (auto-context? *auto-context-change*)
793 (*auto-context-change* nil))
710 (let ((mod nil) ; will bound created module.
711 (name (%module-decl-name decl))
712 (kind (%module-decl-kind decl))
713 (type (%module-decl-type decl))
714 (body (%module-decl-elements decl))
715 (*allow-$$term* nil)
716 (*modexp-eval-table* nil)
717 (auto-context? *auto-context-change*)
718 (*auto-context-change* nil))
794719 (declare (special *modexp-eval-table*
795 *auto-context-change*))
720 *auto-context-change*))
796721 (unless *chaos-quiet*
797722 (if (equal name "%")
798 (with-output-msg ()
799 (princ "opening module ")
800 (print-mod-name *open-module*)
801 (force-output))
802 (unless (modexp-is-parameter-theory name)
803 (format t "~&-- defining ~(~a~) ~a" (case kind
804 (:object "module!")
805 (:theory "module*")
806 (otherwise "module"))
807 name)
808 (force-output))))
723 (with-output-msg ()
724 (princ "opening module ")
725 (print-mod-name *open-module*)
726 (force-output))
727 (unless (modexp-is-parameter-theory name)
728 (format t "~%-- defining ~(~a~) ~a" (case kind
729 (:object "module!")
730 (:theory "module*")
731 (otherwise "module"))
732 name)
733 (force-output))))
809734 ;;
810735 (let ((modval (eval-modexp name nil nil))
811 (recover-same-context nil))
736 (recover-same-context nil))
812737 (unless (or (modexp-is-error modval)
813 (and (module-p modval)
814 (modexp-is-parameter-theory (module-name modval)))
815 (equal "%" name)
816 (eq '% name)
817 (equal " % % " name))
819 (unless (modexp-is-parameter-theory name)
820 (when (module-is-hard-wired modval)
821 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module-decl)
822 (format t "You can not redefine system module ~a ." name)))
823 (when (module-is-write-protected modval)
824 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module-decl)
825 (format t "Module ~a is protected!" name)))
826 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
827 (format t "Redefining module ~a " name)))
828 ;;
829 (propagate-module-change modval)
830 ;;
831 (when (eq modval *last-module*)
832 (setq *last-module* nil)
833 (setq recover-same-context t))
835 (when (eq modval *memoized-module*)
836 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
837 (when (eq modval .memb-last-module.)
838 (clear-memb-hash))
839 ;;
840 (setq name (module-name modval))
841 (clear-module-instance-db modval)
842 (when (eq $$term-context modval)
843 (setq $$term nil
844 $$term-context nil
845 $$subterm nil
846 $$action-stack nil
847 $$selection-stack nil))
848 )
738 (and (module-p modval)
739 (modexp-is-parameter-theory (module-name modval)))
740 (equal "%" name)
741 (eq '% name)
742 (equal " % % " name))
744 (unless (modexp-is-parameter-theory name)
745 (when (module-is-hard-wired modval)
746 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module-decl)
747 (format t "You can not redefine system module ~a ." name)))
748 (when (module-is-write-protected modval)
749 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module-decl)
750 (format t "Module ~a is protected!" name)))
751 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
752 (format t "Redefining module ~a " name)))
753 ;;
754 (propagate-module-change modval)
755 ;;
756 (when (eq modval (get-context-module t))
757 (reset-context-module)
758 (setq recover-same-context t))
760 (when (eq modval *memoized-module*)
761 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
762 (when (eq modval .memb-last-module.)
763 (clear-memb-hash))
764 ;;
765 (setq name (module-name modval))
766 (clear-module-instance-db modval)
767 (when (eq $$term-context modval)
768 (setq $$term nil
769 $$term-context nil
770 $$subterm nil
771 $$action-stack nil
772 $$selection-stack nil)))
850774 ;; process declaration forms.
851775 (setf mod (create-module name))
853777 (setf (module-type mod) type)
854778 (when *save-definition* (setf (module-decl-form mod) decl))
855779 (let ((*top-level-definition-in-progress*
856 (or *top-level-definition-in-progress*
857 mod)))
858 ;; construction process is done in the context of `mod'.
859 (with-in-module (mod)
860 (add-modexp-defn name mod)
861 ;; operate on mod by side-effect ----------------
863 (dolist (e body)
864 (flet ((report-decl-error (&rest ignore)
865 (declare (ignore ignore))
866 (unless *chaos-quiet*
867 (with-output-msg ()
868 (format t "failed to evaluate the form:~%")
869 (print-ast e)
870 (force-output)))
871 (chaos-error 'declaration-failed)))
872 ;;
873 (with-chaos-error (#'report-decl-error)
874 (eval-ast e))
875 (print-in-progress "."))))
876 ;; FINAL SET UP.
877 (let ((real-mod (find-module-in-env name nil)))
878 (final-setup real-mod)
879 (if recover-same-context
880 (setq *last-module* real-mod)
881 (if auto-context?
882 (change-context *last-module* real-mod)))
883 ;;
884 (unless (module-is-parameter-theory real-mod)
885 (print-in-progress " done."))
886 ;;
887 real-mod)))))
889 ;;;=============================================================================
890 ;;; VIEW
780 (or *top-level-definition-in-progress*
781 mod)))
782 ;; construction process is done in the context of `mod'.
783 (with-in-module (mod)
784 (add-modexp-defn name mod)
785 ;; operate on mod by side-effect ----------------
787 (dolist (e body)
788 (flet ((report-decl-error (&rest ignore)
789 (declare (ignore ignore))
790 (unless *chaos-quiet*
791 (with-output-msg ()
792 (format t "failed to evaluate the form:~%")
793 (print-ast e)
794 (force-output)))
795 (chaos-error 'declaration-failed)))
796 ;;
797 (with-chaos-error (#'report-decl-error)
798 (eval-ast e))
799 (print-in-progress "."))))
800 ;; FINAL SET UP.
801 (let ((real-mod (find-module-in-env name nil)))
802 (final-setup real-mod)
803 (if recover-same-context
804 (reset-context-module real-mod)
805 (if auto-context?
806 (change-context (get-context-module t) real-mod)))
807 ;;
808 (unless (module-is-parameter-theory real-mod)
809 (print-in-progress " done."))
810 ;;
811 real-mod)))))
813 ;;;=============================================================================
814 ;;; VIEW
891815 ;;;=============================================================================
893817 ;;; DECLARE-VIEW : definition -> View
894818 ;;;
895819 (defun declare-view (decl)
896820 (let ((name (%view-decl-name decl))
897 (view (%view-decl-view decl))
898 (*auto-context-change* nil)
899 (*current-module* nil))
821 (view (%view-decl-view decl))
822 (*auto-context-change* nil)
823 (*current-module* nil))
900824 (declare (special *auto-context-change*))
901825 (let ((real-name (normalize-modexp name))
902 new-view)
826 new-view)
903827 (let ((vw (find-view-in-env real-name)))
904 (unless *chaos-quiet*
905 (format *error-output* "~&-- defining view ~a " name))
906 (when vw
907 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
908 (format t "redefining view ~a " real-name))
909 (propagate-view-change vw)
910 )
911 ;;
912 (setq new-view (complete-view view))
913 (setf (view-name new-view) real-name)
914 (setf (view-decl-form new-view) view)
915 (if vw
916 (copy-view new-view vw)
917 (setq vw new-view))
918 ;;
919 (add-depend-relation vw :view (view-src vw))
920 (add-depend-relation vw :view (view-target vw))
921 (add-view-defn real-name vw)
922 (print-in-progress " done.")
923 ;;
924 (mark-view-as-consistent vw)
925 vw))))
927 ;;;=============================================================================
828 (unless *chaos-quiet*
829 (format *error-output* "~%-- defining view ~a " name))
830 (when vw
831 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
832 (format t "redefining view ~a " real-name))
833 (propagate-view-change vw)
834 )
835 ;;
836 (setq new-view (complete-view view))
837 (setf (view-name new-view) real-name)
838 (setf (view-decl-form new-view) view)
839 (if vw
840 (copy-view new-view vw)
841 (setq vw new-view))
842 ;;
843 (add-depend-relation vw :view (view-src vw))
844 (add-depend-relation vw :view (view-target vw))
845 (add-view-defn real-name vw)
846 (print-in-progress " done.")
847 ;;
848 (mark-view-as-consistent vw)
849 vw))))
851 ;;;=============================================================================
929853 ;;;=============================================================================
931855 ;;; EVAL-IMPORT-MODEXP : import-decl -> {cur_mod}
934858 (defun eval-import-modexp (decl)
935859 (I-miss-current-module eval-import-modexp)
936860 (let ((mode (%import-mode decl))
937 (modexp (%import-module decl))
938 (parameter (%import-parameter decl))
939 (alias (%import-alias decl))
940 (new-mod nil))
941 (when (and (%is-modexp modexp)
942 (equal (%modexp-value modexp) "THE-LAST-MODULE"))
943 (setf (%modexp-value modexp) *last-module*))
944 (setf new-mod (import-module *current-module* mode modexp parameter alias))
861 (modexp (%import-module decl))
862 (parameter (%import-parameter decl))
863 (alias (%import-alias decl))
864 (new-mod nil))
865 (setf new-mod (import-module (get-context-module) mode modexp parameter alias))
945866 new-mod))
947868 ;;; !ADD-US
948869 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
949870 ;;; NOT YET
951 #||
952 (defun !add-us (e)
953 ;; expansion top-level-eval
954 (let ((mepars (parse-modexp (third e))))
955 (if (and (consp mepars) (eq 'with (car mepars)))
956 (!add-using-with *current-module* mepars)
957 (let ((val (eval-modexp mepars nil nil)))
958 (if (eq *TRUTH-module* val)
959 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
960 (princ "using TRUTH not allowed, replaced by extending")
961 (print-next)
962 (princ "in module ") (print-mod-name *current-module*)
963 (import-module *current-module* :extending val))
964 (if (eq *current-module* val)
965 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
966 (princ "module cannot use itself (ignored)."))
967 (import-module *current-module* :using val))))
968 )))
969 ||#
971 #||
972 ;;; handle using X with A and B
973 (defun !add-using-with (module mepars)
974 (let ((mod (eval-modexp (cadr mepars))))
975 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
976 (with-output-chaos-error ()
977 (princ "cannot evaluate module: ")
978 (print-modexp (cadr mepars))
979 (chaos-to-top)))
980 (let ((submods (let ((*current-module* mod))
981 (mapcar #'(lambda (me)
982 (let ((val (eval-modexp me)))
983 (when (modexp-is-error val)
984 (with-output-chaos-error ()
985 (princ "cannot evaluate module: ")
986 (print-modexp me)
987 (terpri)
988 (chaos-to-top)))
989 val))
990 (if (equal '(nil) (caddr mepars))
991 nil
992 (caddr mepars))))))
993 (incorporate-using-with module mod submods))))
995872 ;;; Labels in Axioms env.
996873 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1001878 (let ((val (delete "," x :test #'equal)) (res nil))
1002879 (dolist (l val)
1003880 (if (find #\. l)
1004 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1005 (princ "label ")
1006 (princ l)
1007 (princ " contains a '.' (ignored)") (terpri))
1008 (if (digit-char-p (char l 0))
1009 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1010 (princ "label ")
1011 (princ l)
1012 (princ " contains an initial digit (ignored)") (terpri))
1013 (push l res)))
1014 )
1015 (nreverse res)
1016 ))
1019 ;;;=============================================================================
1020 ;;; MISC.
1022 ;;; AS
1023 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1024 ;;; !ADD-AS
1025 ;;;
1026 (defun !add-as (e)
1027 (unless (module-is-prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
1028 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*))
1029 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
1030 (let* ((so (module-sort-order *current-module*))
1031 (sort (find-sort-in *current-module* (nth 1 e)))
1032 (tm (parser$parses *current-module* (nth 3 e)
1033 (if sort sort *cosmos*)))
1034 (cnd (parser$parses *current-module* (nth 5 e))))
1035 (when (null sort)
1036 (princ "Unknown sort in sort constraint"))
1037 (when (null tm)
1038 (princ "No parse for term in sort constraint") (terpri))
1039 (when (or (null cnd) (not (null (cdr cnd))))
1040 (princ "No single parse for condition in sort constraint") (terpri))
1041 (if (and tm (not (null (cdr tm))))
1042 (when tm (princ "Term in sort constraint is ambiguous") (terpri))
1043 (when (and tm (null (cdr tm)))
1044 (when (and sort tm)
1045 (unless (sort-order$is-included-in so sort (term$sort (car tm)))
1046 (princ "Specified sort and sort of term incompatible")))
1047 (when (and tm cnd (null (cdr tm)) (null (cdr cnd)))
1048 (unless (subsetp (term$vars (car cnd)) (term$vars (car tm)))
1049 (princ "Condition variables not subset of those in term") (terpri)))
1050 )))
1051 (error "** Error: general sort constraint not currently handled (ignored)")
1052 (terpri)
1053 (princ " ")
1054 (princ "as ")
1055 (simple-princ-open (nth 1 e))
1056 (princ " : ")
1057 (simple-princ-open (nth 3 e))
1058 (princ " if ")
1059 (simple-princ-open (nth 5 e))
1060 (princ " .")
1061 (terpri)
1062 ))
1064 ;;; OP-AS
1065 (defun !add-op-as (e)
1066 ;(!add-sort-constraint
1067 ; (nth 7 e) (nth 5 e) (nth 9 e))
1068 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1069 (princ "operator assertion being treated simply as a")
1070 (princ " declaration") (print-next)
1071 (princ "for operator: ") (print-simple-princ-open (nth 1 e)) (terpri))
1072 (!add-op
1073 `("op" ,(nth 1 e) ":" ,(nth 3 e) "->" ,(nth 5 e)
1074 ,@(if (equal "." (nth 10 e)) nil (list (nth 10 e)))
1075 "."))
1076 )
1078 ||#
881 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
882 (princ "label ")
883 (princ l)
884 (princ " contains a '.' (ignored)") (terpri))
885 (if (digit-char-p (char l 0))
886 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
887 (princ "label ")
888 (princ l)
889 (princ " contains an initial digit (ignored)") (terpri))
890 (push l res))))
891 (nreverse res)))
1080893 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: eval-ast2.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: eval-ast2.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
8282 (defun eval-lisp-form (ast)
8383 (let ((form (%lisp-eval-form ast)))
8484 (setq form
85 (cond ((consp form)
85 (cond ((consp form)
8686 (if (symbolp (car form))
8787 (if (fboundp (car form))
8888 form
9494 (if (boundp form)
9595 form
9696 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-lisp-form)
97 (format t "unbound Lisp symbol \"~a\"." form)
98 ))
97 (format t "unbound Lisp symbol \"~a\"." form)))
9998 form))))
10099 (eval form)))
128127 (perform-reduction* preterm modexp mode result-as-text)))
130129 (defun perform-reduction* (preterm &optional modexp mode (result-as-text nil))
131 ;; (setq $$trials 1)
132 (setq *m-pattern-subst* nil)
133 ;;
134 (setq .rwl-context-stack. nil)
135 (setq .rwl-sch-context. nil)
136 (setq .rwl-states-so-far. 0)
137 ;;
138 (let ((*consider-object* t)
139 (*rewrite-exec-mode* (or (eq mode :exec)
140 (eq mode :exec+)))
141 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
142 sort
143 time1
144 time2
145 (time-for-parse nil)
146 (time-for-reduction nil)
147 (number-matches nil))
148 (let ((mod (if modexp
149 (eval-modexp modexp)
150 *last-module*)))
151 (unless (eq mod *last-module*)
152 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
153 (if (or (null mod) (modexp-is-error mod))
154 (if (null mod)
155 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
156 (princ "no module expression provided and no selected(current) module.")
157 )
158 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
159 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module ")
160 (print-chaos-object modexp)
161 ))
130 (let ((result nil) ; normalized term
131 (mod (if modexp ; context of rewriting
132 (eval-modexp modexp)
133 (get-context-module)))
134 term ; target term
135 stat-form ; statistics in string
136 term-form) ; normalized term in string form
137 ;; prepare rewriting context
138 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
139 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
140 (princ "Incorrect module expression, no such module ")
141 (print-chaos-object modexp)))
142 ;; set rewrting context
143 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
144 (when *auto-context-change*
145 (change-context (get-context-module t) mod))
146 ;; parse target term
147 (setq term (prepare-term preterm mod))
148 ;; print out prelude message
149 (unless *chaos-quiet*
150 (with-in-module (mod)
151 (format t "~&-- ~a in " (if (eq mode :exec)
152 "execute"
153 (if (eq mode :exec+)
154 "execute!"
155 (if (eq mode :red)
156 "reduce"
157 "bhavioral reduce"))))
158 (print-simple-mod-name mod)
159 (princ " : ")
160 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
161 (print-check 0 20)
162 (term-print-with-sort term))
163 (flush-all)))
164 ;; do the rewriting
165 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
166 (compile-module mod))
167 (setq result (reducer term mod mode))
168 ;; print out the resultant term
169 (with-in-module (mod)
170 (if result-as-text
171 (setq term-form (term-print-with-sort-string result))
162172 (progn
163 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
164 (with-in-module (mod)
165 (when *auto-context-change*
166 (change-context *last-module* mod))
167 (!setup-reduction mod)
168 (setq $$mod *current-module*)
169 (setq sort *cosmos*)
170 (when *show-stats* (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time)))
171 (setq *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
172 (and (eq mode :red)
173 (module-has-behavioural-axioms mod)))
174 ;;
175 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
176 (term (simple-parse *current-module* preterm sort)))
177 (when (or (null (term-sort term))
178 (sort<= (term-sort term) *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
179 (return-from perform-reduction* nil))
180 #||
181 (setq term (car (canonicalize-variables (list term) mod)))
182 ||#
183 (when *rewrite-stepping* (setq *steps-to-be-done* 1))
184 (when *show-stats*
185 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
186 (setf time-for-parse
187 (format nil "~,3f sec"
188 ;; (/ (float (- time2 time1)) internal-time-units-per-second)
189 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)
190 )))
191 (unless *chaos-quiet*
192 ;; (fresh-all)
193 (flush-all)
194 (if (eq mode :exec) ; *rewrite-exec-mode*
195 (format t "~%-- execute in ")
196 (if (eq mode :exec+)
197 (format t "~%-- execute! in ")
198 (if (eq mode :red)
199 (format t "~%-- reduce in ")
200 (format t"~%-- behavioural reduce in "))
201 ))
202 (print-simple-mod-name *current-module*)
203 (princ " : ")
204 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
205 (print-check 0 20)
206 (term-print-with-sort term))
207 (flush-all))
208 ;; ********
209 (reset-target-term term *last-module* mod)
210 ;; ********
211 (setq $$matches 0)
212 (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time))
213 (let ((*perform-on-demand-reduction* t)
214 (*rule-count* 0))
215 (let ((res nil))
216 (catch 'rewrite-abort
217 (let ((*do-empty-match* nil)) ; t
218 (if (and *rewrite-exec-mode*
219 *cexec-normalize*)
220 (rewrite-exec term *current-module* mode)
221 (rewrite term *current-module* mode))))
222 ;;
223 #|| ============= TODO
224 (when (term-op-contains-theory $$term)
225 (reset-reduced-flag $$term)
226 (setq term $$term)
227 (catch 'rewrite-abort
228 (let ((*do-empty-match* nil))
229 (if (and *rewrite-exec-mode*
230 *cexec-normalize*)
231 (rewrite-exec term *current-module* mode)
232 (rewrite term *current-module* mode)))))
233 ||#
234 ;;
235 (setq res $$term)
236 (when *mel-sort*
237 (setq res (setq $$term (apply-sort-memb res mod)))
238 )
239 ;;
240 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
241 (setf time-for-reduction
242 (format nil "~,3f sec"
243 (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)))
244 (setf number-matches $$matches)
245 (setq $$matches 0)
246 (setq $$norm res)
247 ;; print out the result.
248 (if result-as-text
249 (let ((red-term (term-print-with-sort-string res))
250 (stat
251 (if *show-stats*
252 (concatenate
253 'string
254 (format nil
255 "~%(~a for parse, ~s rewrites(~a), ~d matches"
256 time-for-parse
257 *rule-count*
258 time-for-reduction
259 number-matches)
260 (if (zerop *term-memo-hash-hit*)
261 (format nil ")~%")
262 (format nil ", ~d memo hits)~%"
263 *term-memo-hash-hit*)))
264 "")))
265 (return-from perform-reduction* (values red-term stat)))
266 (progn
267 (terpri)(term-print-with-sort res)
268 (when *show-stats*
269 (format t "~%(~a for parse, ~s rewrites(~a), ~d matches"
270 time-for-parse
271 *rule-count*
272 time-for-reduction
273 number-matches)
274 (if (zerop *term-memo-hash-hit*)
275 (format t ")~%")
276 (format t ", ~d memo hits)~%"
277 *term-memo-hash-hit*)))
278 (flush-all)
279 ;; (terpri)
280 ))
281 ))
282 ))
283 (context-pop-and-recover))))))
173 (format t "~%")
174 (term-print-with-sort result))))
175 (when *show-stats*
176 (setf stat-form (generate-statistics-form))
177 (format t "~%~a" stat-form)
178 (flush-all))
179 ;; reset the context
180 (context-pop-and-recover)
181 ;; done all
182 (if result-as-text
183 (values term-form stat-form)
184 nil)))
285186 (defun perform-meta-reduction (pre-term &optional modexp mode)
286187 (let ((*rewrite-exec-mode* (or (eq mode :exec)
287188 (eq mode :exec+)))
288189 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
289 sort)
190 sort)
290191 (let ((mod (if modexp
291192 (eval-modexp modexp)
292 *last-module*)))
293 (if (or (null mod) (modexp-is-error mod))
294 (if (null mod)
295 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
296 (princ "no module expression provided and no selected(current) module."))
297 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
298 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module ")
299 (print-chaos-object modexp)))
193 (get-context-module))))
194 (if (modexp-is-error mod)
195 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
196 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module ")
197 (print-chaos-object modexp))
300198 (progn
301 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
302 (setq sort *cosmos*)
199 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
200 (setq sort *cosmos*)
201 (when *auto-context-change*
202 (change-context (get-context-module t) mod)) ;;; what?
303203 (with-in-module (mod)
304 ;;
305 (change-context *last-module* mod)
306 ;;
307 (!setup-reduction mod)
204 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
308205 (setq $$mod *current-module*)
309206 (setq *rewrite-semantic-reduce*
310207 (and (eq mode :red)
311208 (module-has-behavioural-axioms mod)))
312 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
313 (term (simple-parse *current-module* pre-term sort))
314 (res nil))
209 (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
210 (term (simple-parse *current-module* pre-term sort))
211 (res nil))
315212 (when (or (null (term-sort term))
316213 (sort<= (term-sort term) *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
317214 (return-from perform-meta-reduction nil))
318 (setq res (car (canonicalize-variables (list term) mod)))
319 (catch 'rewrite-abort
320 (let ((*do-empty-match* nil)) ; t
321 (if (and *rewrite-exec-mode*
322 *cexec-normalize*)
323 (rewrite-exec res *current-module* mode)
324 (rewrite res *current-module* mode))))
325 (context-pop-and-recover)
326 res)))))))
215 (setq res (car (canonicalize-variables (list term) mod)))
216 (catch 'rewrite-abort
217 (let ((*do-empty-match* nil)) ; t
218 (if (and *rewrite-exec-mode*
219 *cexec-normalize*)
220 (rewrite-exec res *current-module* mode)
221 (rewrite res *current-module* mode))))
222 (context-pop-and-recover)
223 res)))))))
328225 ;;; **************
364261 (defun do-parse-term* (preterm &optional modexp)
365262 (let ((mod (if modexp
366263 (eval-modexp modexp)
367 *last-module*)))
368 (unless mod
369 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
370 (princ "no module expression provided and no selected(current) module.")))
264 (get-context-module)))
265 (target-term nil))
371266 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
372267 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
373 (princ "incorrect module expression, not such module: ")
374 (print-chaos-object modexp)))
268 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module: ")
269 (print-chaos-object modexp)))
375270 ;;
376 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
271 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
377272 (with-in-module (mod)
378273 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
379274 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
380 (let ((res (simple-parse *current-module* preterm *cosmos*)))
381 (setq res (car (canonicalize-variables (list res) mod)))
382 ;; ******** MEL
383 (when *mel-sort*
384 (!setup-reduction mod)
385 (setq res (apply-sort-memb res
386 mod)))
387 (reset-target-term res *last-module* mod)
388 ;; ********
389 (format t "~&")
390 (term-print-with-sort res *standard-output*)
391 (flush-all)
392 ;; (break "...")
393 #||
394 (when *chaos-verbose*
395 (print-term-tree res t))
396 ||#
397 )))
398 (context-pop-and-recover)))
275 (setq target-term (car (canonicalize-variables (list (simple-parse *current-module* preterm *cosmos*)) mod)))
276 ;; ******** MEL
277 (when *mel-sort*
278 (!setup-reduction mod)
279 (setq target-term (apply-sort-memb target-term mod)))
280 (reset-target-term target-term *current-module* mod)
281 ;; ********
282 (format t "~%")
283 (term-print-with-sort target-term *standard-output*)
284 (flush-all)))
285 (context-pop-and-recover)
286 (values target-term mod)))
400288 ;;; *TODO*
401289 (defun red-loop (mod &optional prompt)
402290 (declare (ignore mod prompt))
403291 (with-output-simple-msg ()
404292 (princ "sorry, red-loop is not implemented yet.."))
405 (return-from red-loop nil)
406 #||
407 (setq $$trials 1)
408 (setq mod (eval-modexp-top mod))
409 (if (modexp-is-error mod)
410 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
411 (princ "undefined module")
412 )
413 (let (in
414 (flag nil)
415 (top-level (at-top-level)))
416 (!setup-reduction mod)
417 (loop
418 (chaos-init)
419 (when (and prompt top-level)
420 (terpri)
421 (print-mod-name mod) (princ "> "))
422 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader '("[" "]" "_"))))
423 (progn
424 (setq in (read-seq-of-term '(|.|)))
425 (!set-reader cur)))
426 (when (null in) (return))
427 (unless top-level
428 (if flag
429 (progn (princ "---------------------------------------")
430 (terpri))
431 (setq flag t)))
432 (perform-reduction in) ; should ...
433 )))
434 :done
435 ||#
436 )
293 (return-from red-loop nil))
438295 (defun check-bad-rules (mod)
439296 (declare (ignore mod))
457314 (defun under-debug-rewrite ()
458315 (or $$trace-rewrite $$trace-rewrite-whole *rewrite-stepping*
459316 *rewrite-count-limit* *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
461 #||
462 (defun rewrite-debug-on ()
463 (setf (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule)
464 (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule-dbg)))
466 (defun rewrite-debug-off ()
467 (unless (under-debug-rewrite)
468 (setf (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule)
469 (symbol-function 'apply-one-rule-simple))))
470 ||#
472318 (defun rewrite-debug-on () ())
473319 (defun rewrite-debug-off () ())
499345 (parse-integer count :junk-allowed t)
500346 (if (= len (length count))
501347 (set-rewrite-count-limit num)
502 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
503 (format t "invalid rewrite count limit ~a" count)
504 ))))))
348 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
349 (format t "invalid rewrite count limit ~a" count)))))))
506351 (defun set-rewrite-count-limit (num)
507352 (if (integerp num)
511356 (if (> num 0)
512357 (progn (setq *rewrite-count-limit* num)
513358 (rewrite-debug-on))
514 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
359 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
515360 (format t "invalid rewrite count limit value ~d" num)
516361 (print-next) (princ "must be a positive integer.")
517362 )))
526371 (parse-integer (car value) :junk-allowed t)
527372 (if (= len (length (car value)))
528373 (set-rewrite-count-limit num)
529 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
530 (format t "invalid rewrite count limit ~a" (car value))
531 (print-next)
532 (princ "must be a positive integer."))))))
374 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
375 (format t "invalid rewrite count limit ~a" (car value))
376 (print-next)
377 (princ "must be a positive integer."))))))
534379 (defun set-cond-trial-limit (value)
535380 (if (or (null value)
540385 (if (and (= len (length (car value)))
541386 (> num 0))
542387 (setq *condition-trial-limit* num)
543 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
544 (format t "invalid condition trial limit ~a" (car value))
545 (print-next)
546 (princ "must be a positive integer.") )))))
388 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
389 (format t "invalid condition trial limit ~a" (car value))
390 (print-next)
391 (princ "must be a positive integer.") )))))
548393 ;;; ********************
563408 (if (or (null pat)
564409 (member pat '(("none") ("off") ("nil") ("null"))))
565410 (set-rewrite-stop-pattern 'none)
566 (let ((mod (or *current-module*
567 *last-module*
568 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
569 (princ "no context (current) module is specified.")))
570 ))
411 (let ((mod (get-context-module)))
571412 (let* ((*parse-variables* (module-variables mod))
572413 (term (simple-parse mod
573414 pat *cosmos*)))
575416 (sort<= (term-sort term) *syntax-err-sort*
576417 *chaos-sort-order*))
577418 (return-from set-rewrite-stop-pattern2 nil))
578 (setq term (car (canonicalize-variables (list term) mod)))
419 (setq term (car (canonicalize-variables (list term) mod)))
579420 (set-rewrite-stop-pattern term)))))
581422 ;;; *******
616457 (setf mod (eval-modexp modexp))
617458 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
618459 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
619 (format t "incorrect module expression, unknown module?")
620 (print-modexp modexp)
621 ))
460 (format t "incorrect module expression, or unknown module: ")
461 (print-modexp modexp)))
622462 (describe-module mod)))
630470 ;; (*current-module* nil)
631471 mod)
632472 (setf mod (if (null modexp)
633 *last-module*
473 (get-context-module)
634474 (eval-modexp modexp)))
635475 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
636476 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
637 (princ "incorrect module expression or uknown module")
638 (print-modexp modexp)
639 ))
477 (princ "incorrect module expression or uknown module ")
478 (print-modexp modexp)))
640479 ;;
641480 (unless mod
642481 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
643 (princ "no module to be opened!")
644 ))
482 (princ "no module to be opened!")))
645483 ;;
646484 (unless *chaos-quiet*
647485 (fresh-all)
653491 (!open-module mod)
654492 (unless *chaos-quiet*
655493 (print-in-progress ". done.")
656 (terpri)
657 )
658 ))
494 (terpri))))
660496 (defparameter *module-open-form*
661497 (%module-decl* "%"
672508 (princ "closing this module...") (print-next)
673509 (eval-close-module nil)))
674510 (setq *open-module* mod)
675 (setq *last-before-open* *last-module*)
676 (setq *last-module* mod)
511 (setq *last-before-open* (get-context-module t))
677512 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*)
678513 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
679 (*copy-variables* t))
514 (*copy-variables* t)
515 open-mod)
680516 (setf (%module-decl-kind *module-open-form*) (module-kind mod))
681 (setq *last-module* (eval-ast *module-open-form*))
682 (import-module *last-module* :using mod)
683 ;; (import-module *last-module* :including mod)
684 ;; (import-variables mod *last-module*)
685 (compile-module *last-module*))
686 (change-context *last-before-open* *last-module*)
687 *last-module*))
517 (setq open-mod (eval-ast *module-open-form*))
518 (import-module open-mod :using (compile-module mod))
519 (compile-module open-mod)
520 (change-context *last-before-open* open-mod)
521 open-mod)))
689523 ;;; ************
690524 ;;; CLOSE-MODULE
692526 (defun eval-close-module (&rest ast)
693527 (declare (ignore ast))
694528 (if *open-module*
695 (let ((saved-open *open-module*))
696 (when (and saved-open (equal "%" (module-name saved-open)))
697 ;; (delete-module-all saved-open)
698 ;; discard all resources
699 (initialize-module *open-module*)
700 (setq *open-module* nil))
701 (change-context *last-module* *last-before-open*)
529 (let ((omod (eval-modexp "%")))
530 (initialize-module omod)
531 (when (eq omod (get-context-module t))
532 (change-context (get-context-module t) *last-before-open*))
702533 (setq *open-module* nil)
703 (when *current-module*
704 (change-current-module *last-module*))
705534 (setq *last-before-open* nil))
706535 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
707 (princ "no module is open.")
708 )))
536 (princ "no module is open."))))
711538 ;;; ***********
712539 ;;; SAVE SYSTEM
758585 (print-centering
760587 .fill-space.
761 stream)
762 )
588 stream))
763589 (terpri stream)
764590 (princ "|#" stream)
765591 (format stream "~&(in-package \"CHAOS\")")
781607 (%view-decl* (view-name v)
782608 (view-decl-form v))))))
783609 ;; the end
784 (format stream "~&)")
610 (format stream "~%)")
785611 (when compile
786612 (compile-file file))))))
862688 (when msg?
863689 (with-output-simple-msg ()
864690 (format t "~&** done restting system.")
865 (force-output)))
866 ))
691 (force-output)))))
868693 ;;; **********
869694 ;;; FULL-RESET
882707 (when msg?
883708 (print-in-progress ".")))
884709 (when msg?
885 (format t "~& start clean up views ."))
710 (format t "~% start clean up views ."))
886711 (dolist (v *modexp-view-table*)
887712 (clean-up-view (cdr v))
888713 (when msg?
894719 ;;
895720 (when msg?
896721 (print-in-progress " done")
897 (terpri)
898 )
722 (terpri))
899723 (setq *chaos-features* nil)
900724 (setq *open-module* nil)
901725 (setq *last-before-open* nil)
981805 (chaos-to-top)))
982806 (if file
983807 (funcall proc file)
984 (funcall proc feature)))))
808 (funcall proc (format nil "~{~A~^/~}"
809 (cl-ppcre:split "::" feature)))))))
986811 ;;; *******
987812 ;;; PROTECT
1041866 (chaos-ls "../")
1042867 (if dir
1043868 (chaos-ls dir)
1044 (chaos-ls ".")))
869 (chaos-ls ".")))
1045870 (force-output)))
1047872 ;;; ***
1064889 (when command
1065890 (setq command (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (concatenate 'string x " " y))
1066 command))
891 command))
1067892 #+GCL (system command)
1068893 #+EXCL (excl:shell command)
1069894 #+CLISP (ext::shell command)
1071896 #+CMU
1072897 (when command
1073898 (let ((com (car command))
1074 (args (cdr command)))
899 (args (cdr command)))
1075900 (ext:run-program com args :output t)))
1076901 #+:openmcl
1077902 (when command
1078903 (let ((com (car command))
1079 (args (cdr command)))
904 (args (cdr command)))
1080905 (ccl:run-program com args :output t)))
1081906 #+:SBCL
1082907 (when command
1109934 (defun eval-popd (ast)
1110935 (if (%popd-num ast)
1111936 (chaos-popd (%popd-num ast))
1112 (chaos-popd))
1113 (format t "~&~a" (namestring (chaos-pwd))))
937 (chaos-popd)))
1115939 ;;; ****
1116940 ;;; DIRS
1153977 (princ "no current term to display."))))
1154978 ("term"
1155979 (let* ((target (if (not (or (equal (second dat) "tree")
1156 (equal (second dat) "graph")))
980 (equal (second dat) "graph")))
1157981 (second dat)
1158982 nil))
1159983 (tree? (if target
12191043 ("option" (pignose-show-option (cadr dat)))
12201044 ;; =(*)=> support
12211045 (("exec" "search" "sch")
1222 (let ((option (cadr dat))
1223 (num (caddr dat)))
1224 (case-equal option
1225 ("graph" (show-rwl-sch-graph num))
1226 (otherwise
1227 (with-output-chaos-error ()
1228 (format t "no such `show exec' option ~a"
1229 (cadr dat)))))))
1046 (let ((option (cadr dat))
1047 (num (caddr dat)))
1048 (case-equal option
1049 ("graph" (show-rwl-sch-graph num))
1050 (otherwise
1051 (with-output-chaos-error ()
1052 (format t "no such `show exec' option ~a"
1053 (cadr dat)))))))
12301054 ("path" (let ((opt (cadr dat)))
12311055 (if (member opt '("labels" "label") :test #'equal)
12321056 (show-rwl-sch-path (caddr dat) :label)
12331057 (show-rwl-sch-path opt))))
1234 ("state" (let ((opt (cadr dat)))
1235 (show-rwl-sch-path opt nil .rwl-sch-context. t)))
1236 ;;
1237 (("undocumented" "undoc")
1238 (show-undocumented))
1058 ("state" (let ((opt (cadr dat)))
1059 (show-rwl-sch-path opt nil .rwl-sch-context. t)))
1060 ;;
1061 (("undocumented" "undoc")
1062 (show-undocumented))
12391063 ;; CITP
1240 ("unproved"
1241 (print-unproved-goals *proof-tree*))
1242 ("goal" (let ((name (cadr dat)))
1243 (print-named-goal *proof-tree* name)))
1244 ("proof" (let ((target (second dat)))
1245 (when (or (null target) (equal target "."))
1246 (setq target "root"))
1247 (print-proof-tree target describe)))
1249 ;;
1250 ;; helpers
1251 ;;
1064 ("unproved"
1065 (print-unproved-goals *proof-tree*))
1066 ("goal" (let ((name (cadr dat)))
1067 (print-named-goal *proof-tree* name)))
1068 ("proof" (let ((target (second dat)))
1069 (when (or (null target) (equal target "."))
1070 (setq target "root"))
1071 (print-proof-tree target describe)))
1073 ("autoload"
1074 (format t "** Autoload settings:")
1075 (format t "~%Module~14TPathname")
1076 (format t "~%========================================")
1077 (dolist (al *autoload-alist*)
1078 (format t "~%~a~14T~a" (car al) (cdr al))))
1079 ("libpath" (pr-search-path))
1080 ;;
1081 ;; helpers
1082 ;;
12521083 ("?"
12531084 (princ "** general module inspection commands.")
12541085 (terpri)
12941125 (princ " show stop") (terpri)
12951126 (princ " show features") (terpri)
12961127 (princ " show memo")(terpri)
1297 ;;
1128 ;;
12981129 ;;
12991130 (princ "** PigNose resolve base proof system commands.")
13001131 (terpri)
13611192 ;; operator strictness
13621193 (:strictness
1363 (let ((mod (if *last-module* *last-module*
1364 (if *current-module*
1365 *current-module*
1366 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1367 (princ "no context (current) module.")
1368 )))))
1369 ;;
1194 (let ((mod (get-context-module)))
13701195 (!setup-reduction mod)
13711196 (with-in-module (mod)
13721197 (if args
13771202 (check-operator-strictness op mod t))
13781203 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
13791204 (princ "no such operator")
1380 (print-chaos-object parsedop)
1381 ))
1382 ))
1205 (print-chaos-object parsedop)))))
13831206 (check-operator-strictness-whole mod t)))))
13851208 ;; TRS compatibility
13971220 (with-output-simple-msg ()
13981221 (format t ">> module (corresponding TRS) is NOT compatible:")
13991222 (dolist (r-ms res)
1400 (format t "~&- rewrite rule")
1223 (format t "~%- rewrite rule")
14011224 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
14021225 (print-next)
1403 (print-chaos-object (car r-ms))
1404 )
1226 (print-chaos-object (car r-ms)))
14051227 (format t "~& violates the compatibility,")
14061228 (format t "~& and following operator(s) can possibly be affected:")
14071229 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
14111233 (with-output-simple-msg ()
14121234 (format t ">> module is compatible."))))))
14131235 ;;;
1414 ;;;
1415 ;;;
14161236 (:coherency
1417 (let ((mod (if *last-module* *last-module*
1418 (if *current-module*
1419 *current-module*
1420 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1421 (princ "no context (current) module.")
1422 )))))
1423 ;;
1237 (let ((mod (get-context-module)))
14241238 (!setup-reduction mod)
14251239 (with-in-module (mod)
14261240 (if args
14311245 (check-operator-coherency op mod t))
14321246 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-operator)
14331247 (princ "no such operator")
1434 (print-chaos-object parsedop)
1435 ))
1436 ))
1248 (print-chaos-object parsedop)))))
14371249 (check-operator-coherency-whole mod)))))
14381250 ;;
14391251 ;; SENSIBILITY of the signature
14401252 ;;
14411253 (:sensible
14421254 (let ((module (eval-mod-ext args)))
1443 (unless *chaos-quiet*
1444 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1445 (format t ">> Start sensible check ...")
1446 (terpri)
1447 (force-output)))
1448 (check-sensible module t)))
1255 (unless *chaos-quiet*
1256 (with-output-simple-msg ()
1257 (format t ">> Start sensible check ...")
1258 (terpri)
1259 (force-output)))
1260 (check-sensible module t)))
14491261 (:rew-coherence
14501262 (let ((module (eval-mod-ext (cdr args))))
1451 (let ((r-arg (car args)))
1452 (unless (or (equal "coherency" r-arg)
1453 (equal "coh" r-arg))
1454 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-arg)
1455 (format t "check rewriting: Invalid argument ~s" r-arg)))
1456 (check-rwl-coherency module))))
1263 (let ((r-arg (car args)))
1264 (unless (or (equal "coherency" r-arg)
1265 (equal "coh" r-arg))
1266 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-arg)
1267 (format t "check rewriting: Invalid argument ~s" r-arg)))
1268 (check-rwl-coherency module))))
14581270 ;; PigNose extention
14591271 #+:BigPink
14671279 (pn-check-refinement args))
14681280 ;; unknown
14691281 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-arg)
1470 (format t "unknown option to check: ~a" (%check-what ast))
1471 )))))
1282 (format t "unknown option to check: ~a" (%check-what ast)))))))
14731284 ;;; *************
14741285 ;;; TRAM COMPILER
14851296 ;; first we check the context
14861297 (let ((mod (if modexp
14871298 (eval-modexp modexp)
1488 *last-module*)))
1489 ;;
1490 (when (or (null mod) (modexp-is-error mod))
1491 (if (null mod)
1492 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1493 (princ "no module expression provided and no selected(current) module.")
1494 )
1299 (get-context-module))))
1300 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
14951301 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
14961302 (princ "incorrect module expression, no such module ")
1497 (print-chaos-object modexp)
1498 )))
1303 (print-chaos-object modexp)))
14991304 ;; process specified command
15001305 (case command
15011306 ((:compile :compile-all)
15281333 (princ (cadr result)))
15291334 (force-output))
15301335 (progn
1531 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
1336 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
15321337 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
15331338 (with-in-module (mod)
15341339 (setq $$term (car result))
15451350 (terpri)
15461351 (princ (cadr result)))
15471352 (force-output)
1548 (reset-target-term $$term *last-module* mod)))
1353 (reset-target-term $$term (get-context-module t) mod)))
15491354 (context-pop-and-recover)))))
15501355 ;;
15511356 (otherwise (with-output-panic-message ()
15521357 (format t "internal error, unknown tram command ~a"
15531358 command)
1554 (chaos-error 'panic))))
1555 )))
1359 (chaos-error 'panic)))))))
15571361 ;;; ********
15581362 ;;; AUTOLOAD
15631367 (let ((entry (assoc modname *autoload-alist* :test #'equal)))
15641368 (if entry
15651369 (setf (cdr entry) file)
1566 (push (cons modname file) *autoload-alist*)))
1567 ))
1370 (push (cons modname file) *autoload-alist*)))))
1372 ;;; ************
1373 ;;; NO AUTOLOAD
1374 ;;; ************
1375 (defun eval-no-autoload (ast)
1376 (let ((modname (%no-autoload-mod-name ast)))
1377 (unless (assoc modname *autoload-alist* :test #'equal)
1378 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1379 (format t "Module ~s is not specified as 'autoload'." modname)))
1380 (setq *autoload-alist*
1381 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (equal modname x)) *autoload-alist*
1382 :key #'car))))
15691384 ;;; *********************
16111426 (number-matches 0))
16121427 (let ((mod (if modexp
16131428 (eval-modexp modexp)
1614 *last-module*)))
1615 (unless (eq mod *last-module*)
1429 (get-context-module t))))
1430 (unless (eq mod (get-context-module t))
16161431 (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*))
16171432 (when (or (null mod) (modexp-is-error mod))
16181433 (if (null mod)
16211436 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
16221437 (princ "no such module: ")
16231438 (print-chaos-object modexp))))
1624 ;;
1625 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
1439 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
1440 (when *auto-context-change*
1441 (change-context (get-context-module t) mod))
16261442 (with-in-module (mod)
1627 (when *auto-context-change*
1628 (change-context *last-module* mod))
16291443 (!setup-reduction mod)
16301444 (setq $$mod *current-module*)
16311445 (setq sort *cosmos*)
16391453 (sort<= (term-sort rhs) *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*))
16401454 (context-pop-and-recover)
16411455 (return-from eval-cbred nil))
1642 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list lhs rhs) mod)))
1643 (setq lhs (first canon))
1644 (setq rhs (second canon)))
1456 (let ((canon (canonicalize-variables (list lhs rhs) mod)))
1457 (setq lhs (first canon))
1458 (setq rhs (second canon)))
16451459 (when *show-stats*
16461460 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
16471461 (setq time-for-parse
16551469 (print-simple-mod-name *current-module*)
16561470 (print-check 0 3)
16571471 (princ " : ")
1658 ;; (print-check)
16591472 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
16601473 (term-print lhs)
16611474 (print-check 0 4)
16621475 (princ " == ")
1663 ;; (print-check)
16641476 (term-print rhs))
16651477 (flush-all))
1666 ;;
16671478 (setq $$matches 0)
16681479 (setq time1 (get-internal-run-time))
17131524 (let ((modexp (%inspect-modexp ast))
17141525 mod)
17151526 (setf mod (if (null modexp)
1716 *last-module*
1527 (get-context-module)
17171528 (eval-modexp modexp)))
17181529 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
17191530 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
17321543 (defun eval-what-is (ast)
17331544 (let ((name (%what-is-name ast))
17341545 (modexp (%what-is-module ast))
1735 (mod nil))
1546 (mod nil))
17361547 (setf mod (if (null modexp)
1737 *last-module*
1738 (eval-modexp modexp)))
1548 (get-context-module)
1549 (eval-modexp modexp)))
17391550 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
17401551 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module))
17411552 (princ "incorrect module expression or unknown module: ")
17511562 (defun eval-look-up (ast)
17521563 (let ((name (%look-up-name ast))
17531564 (modexp (%look-up-module ast))
1754 (mod nil))
1565 (mod nil))
17551566 (setf mod (if (null modexp)
1756 (or *last-module*
1757 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1758 (format t "~%No context module is set.")))
1759 (eval-modexp modexp)))
1567 (get-context-module)
1568 (eval-modexp modexp)))
17601569 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
17611570 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
1762 (princ "incorrect module expression or unknown module: ")
1763 (print-modexp modexp)))
1571 (princ "incorrect module expression or unknown module: ")
1572 (print-modexp modexp)))
17641573 ;;
17651574 (!look-up name mod)))
17691578 ;;;
17701579 (defun eval-delimiter (ast)
17711580 (let ((op (%delimiter-operation ast))
1772 (chars (%delimiter-char-list ast)))
1581 (chars (%delimiter-char-list ast)))
17731582 (case op
17741583 ((:set :add) (!force-single-reader chars))
17751584 ((:delete) (!unset-single-reader chars))
17761585 (otherwise (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
1777 (format t "Internal error, invalid delimiter operation ~s" op))))))
1586 (format t "Internal error, invalid delimiter operation ~s" op))))))
17791588 ;;; *******************
17801589 ;;; Chaos Top
18451654 ;; (cafeobj-input file)
18461655 (when *eval-ast*
18471656 (unless (or (at-top-level) *cafeobj-input-quiet*)
1848 (format t "~&-- done reading in file: ~a~%" (namestring file)))))
1657 (format t "~%-- done reading in file: ~a~%" (namestring file)))))
18501659 ;;; ***********
18511660 ;;; SAVE-SYSTEM
19141723 ;;; DELIMITER
19151724 (defun eval-delimiter-proc (pre-args)
19161725 (declare (type list pre-args)
1917 (values t))
1726 (values t))
19181727 (let ((args nil)
1919 (op nil)
1920 (ast nil))
1728 (op nil)
1729 (ast nil))
19211730 (case-equal (the simple-string (second pre-args))
1922 ("=" (setq op :set))
1923 ("+" (setq op :add))
1924 ("-" (setq op :delete))
1925 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
1926 (format t "delimiter op given ivalid op ~a" (second pre-args)))))
1731 ("=" (setq op :set))
1732 ("+" (setq op :add))
1733 ("-" (setq op :delete))
1734 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
1735 (format t "delimiter op given ivalid op ~a" (second pre-args)))))
19271736 (setq pre-args (fourth pre-args))
19281737 (dolist (a pre-args)
19291738 (push a args))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: eval-mod.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: eval
32 File: eval-mod.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4646 ;;;
4747 (defun modexp-top-level-eval (modexp)
4848 (let ((meparse (parse-modexp modexp)))
49 (if (equal "THE-LAST-MODULE" meparse)
50 (if *last-module*
51 *last-module*
52 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
53 (princ "no context (current) module")
54 ))
55 (eval-modexp-top (normalize-modexp meparse)))
56 ))
49 (eval-modexp-top (normalize-modexp meparse))))
5851 ;;; EVAL-MOD
5952 ;;; similar to MODEXP-TOP-LEVEL-EVAL.
6154 ;;;
6255 (defun eval-mod (toks &optional (change-context *auto-context-change*))
6356 (if (null toks)
64 (if *last-module*
65 *last-module*
66 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
67 (princ "no selected(current) module.")
68 ))
69 (if (equal '("%") toks)
70 (if *open-module*
71 (let ((mod (find-module-in-env (normalize-modexp "%"))))
72 (unless mod
73 (with-output-panic-message ()
74 (princ "could not find % module!!!!")
75 (chaos-error 'panic)))
76 (when change-context
77 (change-context *last-module* mod))
78 mod)
79 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
80 (princ "no module is opening.")
81 (chaos-error 'no-open-module)))
82 (let ((val (modexp-top-level-eval toks)))
83 (if (modexp-is-error val)
84 (if (and (null (cdr toks))
85 (<= 4 (length (car toks)))
86 (equal "MOD" (subseq (car toks) 0 3)))
87 (let ((val (read-from-string (subseq (car toks) 3))))
88 (if (integerp val)
89 (let ((nmod (print-nth-mod val))) ;;; !!!
90 (when change-context
91 (change-context *last-module* nmod))
92 nmod)
93 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
94 (format t "could not evaluate the modexp ~a" toks)
95 )))
96 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
97 (format t "undefined module? ~a" toks)
98 ))
99 (progn
100 (when change-context
101 (change-context *last-module* val))
102 val))))))
57 (get-context-module)
58 (if (equal '("%") toks)
59 (if *open-module*
60 (let ((mod (find-module-in-env (normalize-modexp "%"))))
61 (unless mod
62 (with-output-panic-message ()
63 (princ "could not find % module!!!!")
64 (chaos-error 'panic)))
65 (when change-context
66 (change-context (get-context-module t) mod))
67 mod)
68 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
69 (princ "no module is opening.")
70 (chaos-error 'no-open-module)))
71 (let ((val (modexp-top-level-eval toks)))
72 (if (modexp-is-error val)
73 (if (and (null (cdr toks))
74 (<= 4 (length (car toks)))
75 (equal "MOD" (subseq (car toks) 0 3)))
76 (let ((val (read-from-string (subseq (car toks) 3))))
77 (if (integerp val)
78 (let ((nmod (print-nth-mod val))) ;;; !!!
79 (when change-context
80 (change-context (get-context-module t) nmod))
81 nmod)
82 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
83 (format t "could not evaluate the modexp ~a" toks))))
84 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
85 (format t "undefined module? ~a" toks)))
86 (progn
87 (when change-context
88 (change-context (get-context-module t) val))
89 val))))))
10491 ;;; what to do with this one?
113100 ;;; "param" --- parameter
114101 ;;;
115102 (defun eval-mod-ext (toks &optional
116 (change-context *auto-context-change* force?))
103 (change-context *auto-context-change* force?))
117104 (when (equal toks ".")
118105 (setq toks nil))
119106 (when (and (listp toks)
120 (equal (car (last toks)) "."))
107 (equal (car (last toks)) "."))
121108 (setq toks (butlast toks)))
122109 (let ((it (car toks)))
123110 (when (equal it ".")
124111 (setq it nil)
125112 (setq toks nil))
126113 (cond ((and (equal "sub" it)
127 (cadr toks)
128 (parse-integer (cadr toks) :junk-allowed t))
129 (let* ((no (read-from-string (cadr toks)))
130 (mod (eval-mod-ext (cddr toks) nil))
131 (sub (nth-sub (1- no) mod)))
132 (if sub
133 (when change-context
134 (change-context *last-module* sub))
135 (progn (princ "** Waring : No such sub-module") (terpri) nil))))
136 ((and (equal "param" it)
137 (cadr toks)
138 (parse-integer (cadr toks) :junk-allowed t))
139 (let* ((no (read-from-string (cadr toks)))
140 (mod (eval-mod-ext (cddr toks) nil))
141 (params (module-parameters mod))
142 (param (nth (1- no) params)))
143 (if param
144 (when change-context
145 (change-context *last-module* (cdr param)))
146 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-parameter)
147 (princ "No such parameter")
148 ))))
149 ((and (null toks) change-context force?)
150 (when *last-module*
151 (change-context *last-module* nil)))
152 (t (eval-mod toks change-context))
153 )))
114 (cadr toks)
115 (parse-integer (cadr toks) :junk-allowed t))
116 (let* ((no (read-from-string (cadr toks)))
117 (mod (eval-mod-ext (cddr toks) nil))
118 (sub (nth-sub (1- no) mod)))
119 (if sub
120 (when change-context
121 (change-context (get-context-module t) sub))
122 (progn (princ "** Waring : No such sub-module") (terpri) nil))))
123 ((and (equal "param" it)
124 (cadr toks)
125 (parse-integer (cadr toks) :junk-allowed t))
126 (let* ((no (read-from-string (cadr toks)))
127 (mod (eval-mod-ext (cddr toks) nil))
128 (params (module-parameters mod))
129 (param (nth (1- no) params)))
130 (if param
131 (when change-context
132 (change-context (get-context-module t) (cdr param)))
133 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-parameter)
134 (princ "No such parameter")
135 ))))
136 ((and (null toks) change-context force?)
137 (when (get-context-module t)
138 (change-context (get-context-module) nil)))
139 (t (eval-mod toks change-context)))))
155141 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
143143 ;;;
144144 ;;; SHOW-FMOD*
145145 ;;;
146 (defun show-fmod* (&optional (module (or *last-module*
147 *current-module*)))
146 (defun show-fmod* (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
148147 (let ((trs (get-module-trs module)))
149 ;;
150148 (princ "fmod ")
151149 (print-mod-name module *standard-output* nil t)
152150 (princ " is ")
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: absntax.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: absntax.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
9595 ;;; :import-decl
9696 ;;; / \
9797 ;;; :protecting :modexp
98 ;;; |
99 ;;; "INT"
98 ;;; |
99 ;;; "INT"
100100 ;;;
101101 ;;; where, :import-decl is a type tag which indicates this tree represents a
102102 ;;; <ModuleImportation>. :protecting is an example of usage of `symbol' in tree,
175175 ;;;
176176 (defterm sort-ref (%ast)
177177 :visible (name &optional qualifier)
178 :eval find-qual-sort ; the default meaning.
178 :eval find-qual-sort ; the default meaning.
179179 :print print-sort-ref)
181181 (defun may-be-error-sort-ref? (ref)
182182 (let ((name nil))
183183 (cond ((%is-sort-ref ref) (setq name (%sort-ref-name ref)))
184 ((symbolp ref) (setq name (string ref)))
185 ((stringp ref) (setq name ref))
186 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
187 (format t "invalid sort reference ~a" ref)
188 (chaos-error 'panic))))
184 ((symbolp ref) (setq name (string ref)))
185 ((stringp ref) (setq name ref))
186 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
187 (format t "invalid sort reference ~a" ref)
188 (chaos-error 'panic))))
189189 (eql #\? (schar name 0))))
191191 ;;; * NOTE *
192192 ;;; 1. As described above, the meaning of `sort-ref' is overloaded, this is
193193 ;;; because of a feature of CafeOBJ for relaxing a restriction of subsort
205205 ;;; representation = (%sort-decl name)
206206 ;;;
207207 (defterm sort-decl (%ast)
208 :visible (name ; one of string, symbol,
209 ; ast `:sort-ref'.
210 &optional hidden) ; non-nil iff hidden sorts.
208 :visible (name ; one of string, symbol,
209 ; ast `:sort-ref'.
210 &optional hidden) ; non-nil iff hidden sorts.
211211 :eval declare-sort
212212 :print print-sort-decl)
220220 ;;;
221221 (defterm bsort-decl (%ast)
222222 :visible (name token-predicate term-creator
223 term-printer term-predicate
224 hidden)
223 term-printer term-predicate
224 hidden)
225225 :eval declare-bsort
226226 :print print-bsort-decl)
378378 ;;; LET Declaration____________________________________________________________
379379 ;;;
380380 (defterm let (%ast)
381 :visible (sym ; name
382 value) ; value (pre-term).
381 :visible (sym ; name
382 value) ; value (pre-term).
383383 :eval eval-let
384384 :print print-let-decl)
435435 :eval find-qual-rrule)
437437 ;;;=============================================================================
439439 ;;;=============================================================================
441441 ;;; IMPORT DECLARATION__________________________________________________________
449449 :print print-import-decl)
451451 ;;;=============================================================================
453453 ;;;=============================================================================
455455 ;;; SIGNATURE___________________________________________________________________
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: baxiom.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: baxiom.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 ;;; ****************************************************************************
4343 ;;;=============================================================================
4545 ;;;=============================================================================
4747 ;;; ************
4848 ;;; REWRITE RULE : internal use only
4949 ;;; ************
51 #||
52 (defterm rewrite-rule (object)
53 :visible (type ; type, either ':equation or ':rule
54 lhs ;
55 rhs
56 condition
57 behavioural
58 id-condition
59 first-match-method
60 next-match-method
61 labels
62 trace-flag)
63 :int-printer print-rule-object
64 :print print-rule-internal)
65 ||#
6751 (defstruct (rewrite-rule (:include object (-type 'rewreite-rule))
68 (:copier nil)
69 (:constructor make-rewrite-rule)
70 (:constructor
71 rewrite-rule* (type lhs rhs condition behavioural
72 id-condition first-match-method
73 next-match-method labels
74 trace-flag
75 ))
76 (:print-function print-rule-object))
77 (type nil :type symbol) ; type, either ':equation or ':rule
52 (:copier nil)
53 (:constructor make-rewrite-rule)
54 (:constructor
55 rewrite-rule* (type lhs rhs condition behavioural
56 id-condition first-match-method
57 next-match-method labels
58 trace-flag
59 ))
60 (:print-function print-rule-object))
61 (type nil :type symbol) ; type, either ':equation or ':rule
7862 (lhs nil :type (or null term))
7963 (rhs nil :type (or null term))
8064 (condition nil :type (or null term))
8670 (trace-flag nil :type (or null t))
8771 (need-copy nil :type (or null t))
8872 (non-exec nil :type (or null t))
89 (meta-and-or nil :type (or null t)) ; :m-and or :m-or
73 (meta-and-or nil :type (or null t)) ; :m-and or :m-or
9074 )
9276 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
9377 (setf (get 'rewrite-rule :type-predicate)
94 (symbol-function 'rewrite-rule-p))
78 (symbol-function 'rewrite-rule-p))
9579 (setf (symbol-function 'is-rewrite-rule)
96 (symbol-function 'rewrite-rule-p))
80 (symbol-function 'rewrite-rule-p))
9781 (setf (get 'rewrite-rule :print) 'print-rule-internal))
9983 (defun print-rule-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
10084 (declare (ignore ignore))
10185 (if *current-module*
10286 (progn
103 (format stream ":rule[~S: " (addr-of obj))
104 (print-axiom-brief obj stream)
105 (format stream "]"))
87 (format stream ":rule[~S: " (addr-of obj))
88 (print-axiom-brief obj stream)
89 (format stream "]"))
10690 (format stream ":rule[~a]" (rewrite-rule-type obj))))
10892 ;;;
11498 (defmacro rule-condition (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-condition ,_rule))
11599 (defmacro rule-id-condition (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-id-condition ,_rule))
116100 (defmacro rule-first-match-method (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-first-match-method
117 ,_rule))
101 ,_rule))
118102 (defmacro rule-next-match-method (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-next-match-method
119 ,_rule))
103 ,_rule))
120104 (defmacro rule-labels (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-labels ,_rule))
121105 (defmacro rule-is-behavioural (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-behavioural ,_rule))
122106 (defmacro rule-trace-flag (_rule) `(rewrite-rule-trace-flag ,_rule))
127111 ;;; Extended rewrite rule
128112 ;;;
129 #||
130 (defterm ex-rewrite-rule (rewrite-rule)
131 :visible (type
132 lhs
133 rhs
134 condition
135 behavioural
136 id-condition
137 first-match-method
138 next-match-method
139 extensions)
140 :int-printer print-rule-object
141 :print print-rule-internal)
142 ||#
144114 (defstruct (ex-rewrite-rule (:include rewrite-rule (-type 'ex-rewrite-rule))
145 (:copier nil)
146 (:print-function print-rule-object)
147 (:constructor make-ex-rewrite-rule)
148 (:constructor
149 ex-rewrite-rule* (type lhs rhs condition
150 behavioural id-condition
151 first-match-method
152 next-match-method
153 extensions)))
115 (:copier nil)
116 (:print-function print-rule-object)
117 (:constructor make-ex-rewrite-rule)
118 (:constructor
119 ex-rewrite-rule* (type lhs rhs condition
120 behavioural id-condition
121 first-match-method
122 next-match-method
123 extensions)))
154124 (extensions nil :type list))
156126 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
157127 (setf (get 'ex-rewrite-rule :type-predicate)
158 (symbol-function 'ex-rewrite-rule-p))
128 (symbol-function 'ex-rewrite-rule-p))
159129 (setf (symbol-function 'is-ex-rewrite-rule)
160 (symbol-function 'ex-rewrite-rule-p))
130 (symbol-function 'ex-rewrite-rule-p))
161131 (setf (get 'ex-rewrite-rule :print)
162 'print-rule-internal))
132 'print-rule-internal))
164134 (defmacro rule-extensions (_rule) `(ex-rewrite-rule-extensions ,_rule))
169139 `(and (chaos-object? ,_*_obj)
170140 (memq (object-type ,_*_obj) '(rewrite-rule ex-rewrite-rule)))))
172 (defmacro is-rewrite-rule? (*--obj) ; synonym
142 (defmacro is-rewrite-rule? (*--obj) ; synonym
173143 `(rewrite-rule-p ,*--obj))
175145 ;;; CONSTRUCTOR
176146 ;;;
177147 (defmacro create-rewrite-rule (type lhs rhs condition behavioural
178 id-condition first-match-method
179 next-match-method extensions
180 &optional (meta-and-or nil))
148 id-condition first-match-method
149 next-match-method extensions
150 &optional (meta-and-or nil))
181151 ` (create-ex-rewrite-rule ,type
182 ,lhs
183 ,rhs
184 ,condition
185 ,behavioural
186 ,id-condition
187 ,first-match-method
188 ,next-match-method
189 ,extensions
190 ,meta-and-or))
152 ,lhs
153 ,rhs
154 ,condition
155 ,behavioural
156 ,id-condition
157 ,first-match-method
158 ,next-match-method
159 ,extensions
160 ,meta-and-or))
192162 ;;; *****
193163 ;;; AXIOM________________________________________________________________________
194164 ;;; *****
195165 ;;; definition of axiom structure.
196166 ;;;
197 #||
199 (defterm axiom (rewrite-rule)
200 :visible (type ; :equation, :rule
201 lhs ; left hand side.
202 rhs ; right hand side.
203 condition ; condition
204 behavioural ; t iff axiom is behavioural
205 )
206 :hidden (kind ; internaly categorized kind name of an
207 ;; ac-extension :
208 ;; a-extensions : these are now local to module.
209 )
210 :int-printer print-axiom-object
211 :print print-axiom-internal
212 )
214 ||#
216167 (defstruct (axiom (:include rewrite-rule (-type 'axiom))
217 (:copier nil)
218 (:constructor make-axiom)
219 (:constructor
220 axiom* (type lhs rhs condition behavioural))
221 (:print-function print-axiom-object))
222 (kind nil :type symbol) ; internaly categorized kind name of an
168 (:copier nil)
169 (:constructor make-axiom)
170 (:constructor
171 axiom* (type lhs rhs condition behavioural))
172 (:print-function print-axiom-object))
173 (kind nil :type symbol) ; internaly categorized kind name of an
223174 )
225176 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
228179 (setf (symbol-function 'is-axiom) (symbol-function 'axiom-p))
229180 )
231 #||
232 (defstruct (axiom-exts (:type list))
233 (ac-extension nil)
234 (a-extensions nil))
235 ||#
237182 (defun print-axiom-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
238183 (declare (ignore ignore))
239184 (if *current-module*
240185 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
241 (print-axiom-brief obj stream nil nil t))
186 (print-axiom-brief obj stream nil nil t))
242187 (format stream ":axiom[~S]" (addr-of obj))))
244189 ;;; Type predicate -------------------------------------------------------------
248193 ;;; Primitive structure accessors ----------------------------------------------
250 ;;; (defmacro axiom-lhs (_a) `(%axiom-lhs ,_a))
251 ;;; (defmacro axiom-rhs (_a) `(%axiom-rhs ,_a))
252 ;;; (defmacro axiom-condition (_a) `(%axiom-condition ,_a))
253 ;;; (defmacro axiom-type (_a) `(%axiom-type ,_a))
254 ;;; (defmacro axiom-id-condition (_a) `(%axiom-id-condition ,_a))
255 ;;; (defmacro axiom-ac-extension (_a) `(%axiom-ac-extension ,_a))
256 ;;; (defmacro axiom-a-extensions (_a) `(%axiom-a-extensions ,_a))
257 ;;; (defmacro axiom-kind (_a) `(%axiom-kind ,_a))
258 ;;; (defmacro axiom-first-match-method (_a) `(%axiom-first-match-method ,_a))
259 ;;; (defmacro axiom-next-match-method (_a) `(%axiom-next-match-method ,_a))
260 ;;; (defmacro axiom-labels (_a) `(%axiom-labels ,_a))
262195 (defmacro axiom-is-behavioural (_a) `(axiom-behavioural ,_a))
264197 (defmacro axiom-is-for-cr (_a) `(object-info ,_a :cr))
266199 (defmacro axiom-contains-match-op (_a) `(object-info ,_a :match-op))
268201 (defun axiom-extensions (_x &optional (_ext-rule-table
269 *current-ext-rule-table*))
202 *current-ext-rule-table*))
270203 (declare (type axiom _x)
271 (type symbol _ext-rule-table)
272 (values list))
204 (type symbol _ext-rule-table)
205 (values list))
273206 (cdr (assq _x (get _ext-rule-table :ext-rules))))
275208 (defsetf axiom-extensions (_x &optional (_ext-rule-table
276 '*current-ext-rule-table*))
209 '*current-ext-rule-table*))
277210 (_value)
278211 ` (let* ((axiom ,_x)
279 (rule-table (get ,_ext-rule-table :ext-rules))
280 (pre (assq axiom rule-table))
281 (extensions ,_value))
212 (rule-table (get ,_ext-rule-table :ext-rules))
213 (pre (assq axiom rule-table))
214 (extensions ,_value))
282215 (if pre
283 (setf (cdr pre) extensions)
284 (if rule-table
285 (setf (get ,_ext-rule-table :ext-rules)
286 (nconc rule-table (list (cons axiom extensions))))
287 (setf (get ,_ext-rule-table :ext-rules)
288 (list (cons axiom extensions)))))
216 (setf (cdr pre) extensions)
217 (if rule-table
218 (setf (get ,_ext-rule-table :ext-rules)
219 (nconc rule-table (list (cons axiom extensions))))
220 (setf (get ,_ext-rule-table :ext-rules)
221 (list (cons axiom extensions)))))
289222 extensions))
291 ;; the following two macros are now just a synonym to axiom-extensions
292 #||
293224 (defmacro axiom-ac-extension (_x &optional
294 (ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
295 `(axiom-exts-ac-extension (gethash ,_x ,ext-rule-table)))
225 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
226 `(axiom-extensions ,_x ,_ext-rule-table))
297228 (defmacro axiom-a-extensions (_x &optional
298 (ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
299 `(axiom-exts-a-extensions (gethash ,_x ,ext-rule-table)))
301 ||#
302 (defmacro axiom-ac-extension (_x &optional
303 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
304 `(axiom-extensions ,_x ,_ext-rule-table))
306 (defmacro axiom-a-extensions (_x &optional
307 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
229 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
308230 `(axiom-extensions ,_x ,_ext-rule-table))
310232 (defmacro !axiom-ac-extension (_ax &optional
311 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
233 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
312234 `(axiom-extensions ,_ax ,_ext-rule-table))
314236 (defmacro !axiom-a-extensions (_ax &optional
315 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
237 (_ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
316238 `(axiom-extensions ,_ax ,_ext-rule-table))
318 #||
319 (defun !axiom-a-extensions (ax &optional
320 (ext-rule-table *current-ext-rule-table*))
321 (let ((exts (axiom-extensions ax ext-rule-table)))
322 (if exts
323 (axiom-exts-a-extensions exts)
324 nil)))
326 (defsetf !axiom-a-extensions (_ax &optional
327 (ext-rule-table '*current-ext-rule-table*))
328 (_value)
329 ` (let ((exts (axiom-extensions ,_ax ,ext-rule-table)))
330 (unless exts
331 (setf (axiom-extensions ,_ax ,ext-rule-table)
332 (make-axiom-exts)))
333 (setf (axiom-exts-a-extensions exts) ,_value)))
335 ||#
338240 ;;; the basic constructor
339241 ;;; create-axiom
340242 ;;;
341 #||
342 (defun create-axiom (lhs rhs condition type behavioural id-condition
343 ac-extension
344 a-extensions kind first-match-method next-match-method
345 labels)
346 (let ((r (axiom* type lhs rhs condition behavioural)))
347 (setf (axiom-id-condition r) id-condition)
348 (when (or ac-extension a-extensions)
349 (setf (axiom-extensions r) (make-axiom-exts)))
350 (if ac-extension
351 (setf (axiom-ac-extension r) ac-extension))
352 (if a-extensions
353 (setf (axiom-a-extensions r) a-extensions))
354 (setf (axiom-kind r) kind)
355 (setf (axiom-first-match-method r) first-match-method)
356 (setf (axiom-next-match-method r) next-match-method)
357 (setf (axiom-labels r) labels)
358 r))
359 ||#
361243 (defun create-axiom (lhs
362 rhs
363 condition
364 type
365 behavioural
366 id-condition
367 extensions
368 kind
369 first-match-method
370 next-match-method
371 labels
372 &optional (meta-and-or nil))
244 rhs
245 condition
246 type
247 behavioural
248 id-condition
249 extensions
250 kind
251 first-match-method
252 next-match-method
253 labels
254 &optional (meta-and-or nil))
373255 (declare (type term lhs rhs condition)
374 (type (or null t) behavioural)
375 (type symbol type kind first-match-method next-match-method)
376 (type list id-condition extensions labels)
377 (values axiom))
256 (type (or null t) behavioural)
257 (type symbol type kind first-match-method next-match-method)
258 (type list id-condition extensions labels)
259 (values axiom))
378260 (let ((r (axiom* type lhs rhs condition behavioural)))
379261 (setf (axiom-id-condition r) id-condition)
380262 (when extensions
384266 (setf (axiom-next-match-method r) next-match-method)
385267 (setf (axiom-labels r) labels)
386268 (setf (axiom-meta-and-or r) meta-and-or)
387 (set-context-module r)
269 (set-object-context-module r)
388270 r))
390272 (defmacro rule-is-builtin (_rule_)
391273 ` (term$is-lisp-code? (term-body (rule-rhs ,_rule_))))
393 #||
394 (defun deallocate-axiom (ax)
395 (deallocate-non-var (axiom-lhs ax))
396 (deallocate-non-var (axiom-rhs ax))
397 (let ((cond (axiom-condition ax)))
398 (when (and cond
399 (not (or (eq *bool-true* cond)
400 (eq *bool-false* cond))))
401 (deallocate-non-var cond)))
402 (when (axiom-ac-extension ax)
403 (deallocate-axiom (axiom-ac-extension ax)))
404 (mapc #'deallocate-axiom (axiom-a-extensions ax)))
405 ||#
407275 ;;; AXIOM-CONTAINS-ERROR-METHOD? : Axiom -> Bool
408276 ;;; retrurns true iff the axiom contains terms with error-method as top.
409277 ;;;
410278 (defun axiom-contains-error-method? (e)
411279 (declare (type axiom e)
412 (values (or null t)))
280 (values (or null t)))
413281 (macrolet ((error-method-term? (term)
414 (once-only (term)
415 ` (and (term-is-application-form? (the term ,term))
416 (method-is-error-method (the method (term-head ,term)))))))
282 (once-only (term)
283 ` (and (term-is-application-form? (the term ,term))
284 (method-is-error-method (the method (term-head ,term)))))))
417285 (or (error-method-term? (axiom-lhs e))
418 (error-method-term? (axiom-rhs e))
419 (error-method-term? (axiom-condition e)))))
286 (error-method-term? (axiom-rhs e))
287 (error-method-term? (axiom-condition e)))))
421289 ;;;=============================================================================
422 ;;; THEOREM
290 ;;; THEOREM
423291 ;;;=============================================================================
425293 ;;;********
429297 ;;; *NOT YET*
431 #|
432 (defterm theorem (object)
433 :visible (value) ; the theorem itself
434 :hidden (type ; type of thorem
435 ; :eq = equation
436 ; :rule = rule
437 ; :fop = first order predicate
438 ; :hol = higher order predicate
439 module ; module object in which the theorem is
440 ; specified.
441 valid ; flag
442 ; nil = unknown.
443 ; :valid = the thorem is poved to be valid.
444 ; :invalid = the theorem is proved to be
445 ; invalid.
446 ))
447 |#
450299 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 ;;;
2929 (in-package :chaos)
3030 #|=============================================================================
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:chaos/primitives
33 File:bflag.lisp
31 System:Chaos
32 Module:chaos/primitives
33 File:bflag.lisp
3434 =============================================================================|#
3535 #-:chaos-debug
3636 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4242 ;;;
4343 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
4444 (defstruct (chaos-flag (:type list)
45 (:conc-name "CFLG-"))
45 (:conc-name "CFLG-"))
4646 (value nil :type t)
4747 (canon-name nil :type symbol)
4848 (name nil :type list)
5757 (defun canonicalize-flag-name (name)
5858 (if (symbolp name)
59 name ; assumes this is canonicalized name
59 name ; assumes this is canonicalized name
6060 (or (gethash name *chaos-flag-names*)
61 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-flag)
62 (format t "no such flag ~s." name)))))
61 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-flag)
62 (format t "no such flag ~s." name)))))
6464 (defmacro find-chaos-flag-or-error (name)
6565 `(let ((n (canonicalize-flag-name ,name)))
8484 (declare (type symbol group))
8585 (let ((flg nil))
8686 (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
87 (declare (ignore x))
88 (when (eq group (cflg-group y))
89 (push y flg)))
90 *chaos-control-flags*)
87 (declare (ignore x))
88 (when (eq group (cflg-group y))
89 (push y flg)))
90 *chaos-control-flags*)
9191 flg))
9595 ;;;
9696 (defmacro declare-chaos-flag (&key names
97 canon-name
98 initial-value
99 (doc-string "")
100 (group nil)
101 (hook #'identity))
97 canon-name
98 initial-value
99 (doc-string "")
100 (group nil)
101 (hook #'identity))
102102 `(let ((flg (make-chaos-flag :value ,initial-value
103 :name ,names
104 :canon-name ,canon-name
105 :group ,group
106 :doc-string ,doc-string
107 :hook ,hook)))
103 :name ,names
104 :canon-name ,canon-name
105 :group ,group
106 :doc-string ,doc-string
107 :hook ,hook)))
108108 (dolist (name ,names)
109109 (setf (gethash name *chaos-flag-names*) ,canon-name))
110110 (setf (gethash ,canon-name) flg)
115115 (defun save-chaos-flags ()
116116 (let ((flags nil))
117117 (maphash #'(lambda (x y)
118 (push (cons x (cflg-value y))
119 flags))
120 *chaos-control-flags*)
118 (push (cons x (cflg-value y))
119 flags))
120 *chaos-control-flags*)
121121 flags))
123123 (defun restore-chaos-flags (flags)
136136 (defun find-chaos-flag-set (name)
137137 (declare (type simple-string name)
138 (values (or chaos-flag-set null)))
138 (values (or chaos-flag-set null)))
139139 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (string= name (chaos-flag-set-name x)))
140 *chaos-flag-set*))
140 *chaos-flag-set*))
142142 (defun create-chaos-flag-set (name)
143143 (declare (type simple-string name))
151151 (let ((fset (find-chaos-flag-set name)))
152152 (unless (chaos-flag :quiet)
153153 (with-output-msg ()
154 (format t "saving flags to ~a." name)))
154 (format t "saving flags to ~a." name)))
155155 (if fset
156 (progn
157 (unless (chaos-flag :quiet)
158 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
159 (format t "changing flag set ~a with current values." name)))
160 (setf (chaos-flag-set-flags fset) (save-chaos-flags)))
156 (progn
157 (unless (chaos-flag :quiet)
158 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
159 (format t "changing flag set ~a with current values." name)))
160 (setf (chaos-flag-set-flags fset) (save-chaos-flags)))
161161 (progn
162 (setq fset (create-chaos-flag-set name))
163 (push fset *chaos-flag-set*)))
162 (setq fset (create-chaos-flag-set name))
163 (push fset *chaos-flag-set*)))
164164 t))
166166 (defun restore-chaos-flag-set (name)
168168 (let ((fset (find-chaos-flag-set name)))
169169 (unless fset
170170 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-flag-set)
171 (format t "no such flag set ~s." name)))
171 (format t "no such flag set ~s." name)))
172172 (unless (chaos-flag :quiet)
173173 (with-output-msg ()
174 (format t "restoring flag set from ~s." name)))
174 (format t "restoring flag set from ~s." name)))
175175 (restore-chaos-flags (chaos-flag-set-flags fset))
176176 t))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bmacro.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bmacro.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4343 (defun print-macro (macro stream &rest ignore)
4444 (declare (ignore ignore))
45 (let ((mod (or *last-module* *current-module*)))
45 (let ((mod (get-context-module t)))
4646 (if mod
47 (with-in-module (mod)
48 (term-print (macro-lhs macro) stream)
49 (terpri stream)
50 (princ " ::= ")
51 (term-print (macro-rhs macro) stream))
47 (with-in-module (mod)
48 (term-print (macro-lhs macro) stream)
49 (terpri stream)
50 (princ " ::= ")
51 (term-print (macro-rhs macro) stream))
5252 (format t "#<MacroDecl: ~D>" (addr-of macro)))))
5454 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bmodexp.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bmodexp.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
9191 (deftype modexp () '(or simple-string list))
9393 (defparameter .modexp-keywords. '(%modexp %error %plus %rename %instantiation %view))
9595 (defun is-modexp? (object)
9696 (or (stringp object)
9797 (and (listp object)
98 (memq (car object) .modexp-keywords.))))
98 (memq (car object) .modexp-keywords.))))
100100 (defterm modexp (%ast)
101101 :visible (value)
115115 ;;; - source : sort-ref
116116 ;;; - target : string representing new sort name.
117117 ;;;
118 (defterm ren-sort (%ast) ; visible sort
118 (defterm ren-sort (%ast) ; visible sort
119119 ;; :visible (source target)
120120 :visible (&rest maps)
121121 :print print-ren-sort)
123 (defterm ren-hsort (%ast) ; hidden sort
123 (defterm ren-hsort (%ast) ; hidden sort
124124 ;; :visible (source target)
125125 :visible (&rest maps)
126126 :print print-ren-sort)
130130 ;;; - source : op-ref.
131131 ;;; - target : string or list of string representing new operator name.
132132 ;;;
133 (defterm ren-op (%ast) ; functional operator
133 (defterm ren-op (%ast) ; functional operator
134134 ;; :visible (source target)
135135 :visible (&rest maps)
136136 :print print-ren-op)
138 (defterm ren-bop (%ast) ; behavioural operator
138 (defterm ren-bop (%ast) ; behavioural operator
139139 ;; :visible (source target)
140140 :visible (&rest maps)
141141 :print print-ren-op)
205205 (defun modexp-is-?name? (modexp)
206206 (declare (type t modexp)
207 (values (or null t)))
207 (values (or null t)))
208208 (and (consp modexp) (eq (car modexp) ':?name)))
210210 (defun ?name-name (modexp)
216216 ;;;
217217 (defun modexp-is-parameter-theory (e)
218218 (declare (type t e)
219 (values (or null t)))
219 (values (or null t)))
220220 (and (consp e)
221221 (equal "::" (cadr e))))
225225 ;;; ****
227227 (defterm view (%ast)
228 :visible (module ; theory module
229 target ; target module
230 map) ; mappings
228 :visible (module ; theory module
229 target ; target module
230 map) ; mappings
231231 :print print-view-modexp)
233233 ;;; ********************
240240 ;;;
241241 (defun modexp-is-error (val)
242242 (declare (type t)
243 (values (or null t)))
243 (values (or null t)))
244244 (and (consp val) (eq :error (car val))))
246246 ;;; MODEXP-IS-SIMPLE-NAME : object -> Bool
248248 ;;;
249249 (defun modexp-is-simple-name (x)
250250 (declare (type (or atom modexp) x)
251 (values (or null t)))
251 (values (or null t)))
252252 (or (stringp x)
253253 (symbolp x)
254254 (modexp-is-parameter-theory x)))
281281 (defun find-view-in-env (view)
282282 (declare (type modexp view)
283 (values (or null t)))
283 (values (or null t)))
284284 (find-in-assoc-table *modexp-view-table* view))
286286 (defun add-view-defn (view value)
300300 ;;; module : module replacement, assoc list of (module . module).
301301 ;;;
302302 (defstruct (modmorph (:constructor create-modmorph (name sort op module)))
303 (name nil :type t) ; name of mapping; e.g. name of view or
304 ; module. (taken from may be more than
305 ; one view).
306 (sort nil :type list) ; sort map.
307 (op nil :type list) ; operator map, really is a method map.
308 (module nil :type list) ; module map
303 (name nil :type t) ; name of mapping; e.g. name of view or
304 ; module. (taken from may be more than
305 ; one view).
306 (sort nil :type list) ; sort map.
307 (op nil :type list) ; operator map, really is a method map.
308 (module nil :type list) ; module map
309309 )
311311 ;;; TODO : ugly
320320 (defmacro modmorph-assoc-images (_assoc-list _lst)
321321 ` (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
322 (or (cdr (assq x ,_assoc-list))
323 x))
324 ,_lst))
322 (or (cdr (assq x ,_assoc-list))
323 x))
324 ,_lst))
326326 ;;; ******************************
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bmodule.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bmodule.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4848 ;;; MODULE __________________________________________________________________
4949 ;;; STRUCTURE
5050 ;;; *********
51 #||
52 (defterm module (top-object)
53 :visible (name) ; module name (modexpr).
54 :hidden (signature ; own signature.
55 axiom-set ; set of own axioms.
56 theorems ; set of own theorems, not used yet.
57 parse-dictionary ; infos for term parsing.
58 ex-info ; various compiled informations.
59 trs ; corresponding semi-compiled TRS.
60 context ; run time context
61 )
62 :int-printer print-module-object
63 :print print-module-internal)
65 (defstruct (module (:include top-object (-type 'module))
66 (:conc-name "MODULE-")
67 (:constructor make-module)
68 (:constructor module* (name))
69 (:print-function print-module-object)
70 )
71 (signature nil :type (or null signature-struct))
72 ; own signature.
73 (axiom-set nil :type (or null axiom-set))
74 ; set of own axioms.
75 (theorems nil :type list) ; set of own theorems, not used yet.
76 (parse-dictionary nil :type (or null parse-dictionary))
77 ; infos for term parsing.
78 (ex-info nil :type list) ; various compiled informations.
79 (trs nil :type (or null trs)) ; corresponding semi-compiled TRS.
80 (context nil
81 :type (or null module-context))
82 ; run time context
83 (alias nil :type list)
84 )
86 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
87 (setf (get 'module :type-predicate) (symbol-function 'module-p))
88 (setf (get 'module :eval) nil)
89 (setf (get 'module :print) 'print-module-internal)
90 )
92 ||#
94 ;;; type predicate
96 ;;; (defmacro module-p (_object) `(is-module ,_object))
9852 ;;; module name
9953 ;;; name ::= string
10660 (defun module-is-parameter-theory (m)
10761 (declare (type t m)
108 (values (or null t)))
62 (values (or null t)))
10963 (let ((name (if (module-p m)
110 (module-name m)
111 m)))
64 (module-name m)
65 m)))
11266 (cond ((modexp-is-simple-name name)
113 (modexp-is-parameter-theory name))
114 ((%is-rename name)
115 (module-is-parameter-theory (%rename-module name)))
116 ((int-rename-p name)
117 (module-is-parameter-theory (int-rename-module name)))
118 ((%is-instantiation name)
119 (module-is-parameter-theory (%instantiation-module name)))
120 ((int-instantiation-p name)
121 (module-is-parameter-theory (int-instantiation-module name)))
122 (t nil))))
67 (modexp-is-parameter-theory name))
68 ((%is-rename name)
69 (module-is-parameter-theory (%rename-module name)))
70 ((int-rename-p name)
71 (module-is-parameter-theory (int-rename-module name)))
72 ((%is-instantiation name)
73 (module-is-parameter-theory (%instantiation-module name)))
74 ((int-instantiation-p name)
75 (module-is-parameter-theory (int-instantiation-module name)))
76 (t nil))))
12478 ;;; ****************
12579 ;;; MODULE-INTERFACE___________________________________________________________
13488 (defmacro module-parameters (_mod) `(object-parameters ,_mod))
13690 (defmacro module-exporting-modules (_mod) `(object-exporting-objects ,_mod))
13892 ;;; (defmacro module-decl-form (_mod) `(object-decl-form ,_mod))
14094 ;;; ** structure of interface-dag **********************************************
160114 < (M . nil) ( < (M2 . pr) ( < (M3 . pr ) nil > < (M4 . ex ) #1= nil> ) >
161 < (M5 . ex) ( < (M4 . pr) #1 > ) >
162 ) >
115 < (M5 . ex) ( < (M4 . pr) #1 > ) >
116 ) >
164118 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------||#
165119 (defmacro module-dag-submodules (module)
166120 ` (when (module-interface ,module)
167121 (let ((dag (module-dag ,module)))
168 (if dag
169 (dag-node-subnodes (module-dag ,module))
170 nil))))
122 (if dag
123 (dag-node-subnodes (module-dag ,module))
124 nil))))
172126 ;;; for downward compatibility
173127 ;;;
174128 (defun module-direct-submodules (module)
175129 (declare (type module module))
176130 (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
177 (memq (cdr x) '(:modmorph :view)))
178 (the list
179 (mapcar #'dag-node-datum (the list
180 (module-dag-submodules module))))))
182 (defun module-submodules (module) ; just an abbriviation for downward compat.
131 (memq (cdr x) '(:modmorph :view)))
132 (the list
133 (mapcar #'dag-node-datum (the list
134 (module-dag-submodules module))))))
136 (defun module-submodules (module) ; just an abbriviation for downward compat.
183137 (declare (type module)
184 (values list))
138 (values list))
185139 (delete-if #'(lambda (x)
186 (memq (cdr x) '(:modmorph :view)))
187 (the list (mapcar #'dag-node-datum
188 (the list
189 (module-dag-submodules module))))))
140 (memq (cdr x) '(:modmorph :view)))
141 (the list (mapcar #'dag-node-datum
142 (the list
143 (module-dag-submodules module))))))
191145 ;;; dag intialization
192146 (defun initialize-module-dag (module)
193147 (declare (type module)
194 (values t))
148 (values t))
195149 (initialize-depend-dag module))
197151 ;;; BASIC UTILS for accessing module DAG
201155 (defun module-all-submodules (mod)
202156 (declare (type module mod)
203 (values list))
157 (values list))
204158 (let ((res (cons nil nil)))
205159 (gather-submodules mod res)
206160 (car res) ))
208162 (defun gather-submodules (mod res)
209163 (declare (type module mod)
210 (type list res)
211 (values list))
164 (type list res)
165 (values list))
212166 (let ((dmods (module-direct-submodules mod)))
213167 (dolist (dmod dmods)
214168 (unless (or (eq (cdr dmod) :modmorph)
215 (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal))
216 (push dmod (car res))
217 (gather-submodules (car dmod) res)))))
169 (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal))
170 (push dmod (car res))
171 (gather-submodules (car dmod) res)))))
219173 (defun get-module-dependency (mod)
220174 (let ((res (cons nil nil)))
224178 (defun gather-module-dependency (mod res)
225179 (let ((dmods (mapcar #'dag-node-datum
226 (module-dag-submodules mod))))
180 (module-dag-submodules mod))))
227181 (dolist (dmod dmods)
228182 (unless (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal)
229 (push dmod (car res))
230 (gather-module-dependency (car dmod) res)))))
183 (push dmod (car res))
184 (gather-module-dependency (car dmod) res)))))
232186 ;;; Imported modules of a module are organized into the slot `submodules'
233187 ;;; in a form of list "(module . mode) ...".
237191 ;;;
238192 (defun get-importing-path (module2 module)
239193 (declare (type module module2 module)
240 (values list))
194 (values list))
241195 (let ((subs (module-direct-submodules module)))
242196 (let ((im (assq module2 subs)))
243197 (if im
244 (list im)
245 (dolist (s subs)
246 (let ((path (list s)))
247 (let ((im2 (get-importing-path module2 (car s))))
248 (if im2
249 (return-from get-importing-path
250 (nconc path im2))))))))))
252 (defun get-real-importing-mode (module2 &optional (module (or *current-module*
253 *last-module*)))
198 (list im)
199 (dolist (s subs)
200 (let ((path (list s)))
201 (let ((im2 (get-importing-path module2 (car s))))
202 (if im2
203 (return-from get-importing-path
204 (nconc path im2))))))))))
206 (defun get-real-importing-mode (module2 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
254207 (declare (type module module2 module)
255 (values symbol))
256 ;;
208 (values symbol))
257209 (let ((path (get-importing-path module2 module)))
258210 (let ((mode nil))
259211 (dolist (e path mode)
260 (if (null mode)
261 (setq mode (cdr e))
262 (if (eq (car e) module2)
263 (return-from get-real-importing-mode
264 (case mode
265 (:protecting (cdr e))
266 (:extending (case (cdr e)
267 (:protecting :?extending)
268 (otherwise (cdr e))))
269 (otherwise (cdr e))))
270 (case mode
271 (:protecting (setq mode (cdr e)))
272 (:extending (unless (eq :protecting (cdr e))
273 (setq mode (cdr e))))
274 (otherwise (setq mode (cdr e))))))))))
212 (if (null mode)
213 (setq mode (cdr e))
214 (if (eq (car e) module2)
215 (return-from get-real-importing-mode
216 (case mode
217 (:protecting (cdr e))
218 (:extending (case (cdr e)
219 (:protecting :?extending)
220 (otherwise (cdr e))))
221 (otherwise (cdr e))))
222 (case mode
223 (:protecting (setq mode (cdr e)))
224 (:extending (unless (eq :protecting (cdr e))
225 (setq mode (cdr e))))
226 (otherwise (setq mode (cdr e))))))))))
276228 ;;; does module1 extend module2 ?
277229 ;;;
332284 ;;; (defmacro parameter-theory-arg-name (_mod_) `(car (module-name ,_mod_)))
333285 (defun parameter-theory-arg-name (mod)
334286 (cond ((module-p mod)
335 (let ((name (module-name mod)))
336 (cond ((%is-rename name)
337 (parameter-theory-arg-name (%rename-module name)))
338 ((int-rename-p name)
339 (parameter-theory-arg-name (int-rename-module name)))
340 ((%is-instantiation name)
341 (parameter-theory-arg-name (%instantiation-module name)))
342 ((int-instantiation-p name)
343 (parameter-theory-arg-name (int-instantiation-module name)))
344 (t (parameter-theory-arg-name (module-name mod))))))
345 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
346 (car mod))
347 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
348 (format t "expecting arg name, given invalid object: ~s" mod)))))
287 (let ((name (module-name mod)))
288 (cond ((%is-rename name)
289 (parameter-theory-arg-name (%rename-module name)))
290 ((int-rename-p name)
291 (parameter-theory-arg-name (int-rename-module name)))
292 ((%is-instantiation name)
293 (parameter-theory-arg-name (%instantiation-module name)))
294 ((int-instantiation-p name)
295 (parameter-theory-arg-name (int-instantiation-module name)))
296 (t (parameter-theory-arg-name (module-name mod))))))
297 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
298 (car mod))
299 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
300 (format t "expecting arg name, given invalid object: ~s" mod)))))
350302 (defun parameter-module-theory (mod)
351303 (cond ((module-p mod)
352 (let ((name (module-name mod)))
353 (cond ((%is-rename name)
354 (parameter-module-theory (%rename-module name)))
355 ((int-rename-p name)
356 (parameter-module-theory (int-rename-module name)))
357 ((%is-instantiation name)
358 (parameter-module-theory (%instantiation-module name)))
359 ((int-instantiation-p name)
360 (parameter-module-theory (int-instantiation-module name)))
361 (t (parameter-module-theory (module-name mod))))))
362 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
363 (third mod))
364 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
365 (format t "expecting theory, given invalid object: ~s" mod)))))
304 (let ((name (module-name mod)))
305 (cond ((%is-rename name)
306 (parameter-module-theory (%rename-module name)))
307 ((int-rename-p name)
308 (parameter-module-theory (int-rename-module name)))
309 ((%is-instantiation name)
310 (parameter-module-theory (%instantiation-module name)))
311 ((int-instantiation-p name)
312 (parameter-module-theory (int-instantiation-module name)))
313 (t (parameter-module-theory (module-name mod))))))
314 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
315 (third mod))
316 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
317 (format t "expecting theory, given invalid object: ~s" mod)))))
367319 (defun parameter-module-context (mod)
368320 (cond ((module-p mod)
369 (let ((name (module-name mod)))
370 (cond ((%is-rename name)
371 (parameter-module-context (%rename-module name)))
372 ((int-rename-p name)
373 (parameter-module-context (int-rename-module name)))
374 ((%is-instantiation name)
375 (parameter-module-context (%instantiation-module name)))
376 ((int-instantiation-p name)
377 (parameter-module-context (int-instantiation-module name)))
378 (t (parameter-module-context (module-name mod))))))
379 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
380 (fourth mod))
381 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
382 (format t "expecting parameter context, given invalid object: ~s" mod)))))
321 (let ((name (module-name mod)))
322 (cond ((%is-rename name)
323 (parameter-module-context (%rename-module name)))
324 ((int-rename-p name)
325 (parameter-module-context (int-rename-module name)))
326 ((%is-instantiation name)
327 (parameter-module-context (%instantiation-module name)))
328 ((int-instantiation-p name)
329 (parameter-module-context (int-instantiation-module name)))
330 (t (parameter-module-context (module-name mod))))))
331 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
332 (fourth mod))
333 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
334 (format t "expecting parameter context, given invalid object: ~s" mod)))))
384336 ;;; ** EXPORTING MODULES *******************************************************
386338 (defun module-direct-exporting-modules (mod)
387339 (declare (type module mod)
388 (values list))
340 (values list))
389341 (module-exporting-modules mod))
391343 (defun module-all-exporting-modules (mod)
392344 (declare (type module mod)
393 (values list))
345 (values list))
394346 (let ((res (cons nil nil)))
395347 (gather-exporting-modules mod res)
396348 (delete-duplicates (car res) :test #'equal)))
398350 (defun gather-exporting-modules (mod res)
399351 (declare (type module mod)
400 (type list res)
401 (values list))
352 (type list res)
353 (values list))
402354 (let ((dmods (module-exporting-modules mod)))
403355 (dolist (dmod dmods)
404356 (unless (member dmod (car res) :test #'eq :key #'car)
405 (push dmod (car res))
406 (gather-exporting-modules (car dmod) res)))))
357 (push dmod (car res))
358 (gather-exporting-modules (car dmod) res)))))
408360 ;;; ** INTERFACE INITIALIZATIONS **********************************************
409361 ;;;
410362 (defun initialize-module-interface (module)
411363 (declare (type module module)
412 (values t))
364 (values t))
413365 (initialize-object-interface (module-interface module)))
415367 ;;; *********
418370 ;;; gathers own signature infomations of a module. stored in module's `signature'
419371 ;;; slot.
421 #||
422 (defstruct (signature-struct (:conc-name "SIGNATURE$")
423 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
424 )
425 (sorts nil :type list) ; list of own sorts.
426 (sort-relations nil :type list) ; list of subsort relations.
427 (operators nil :type list) ; list of operators declared in the
428 ; module.
429 (opattrs nil :type list) ; explicitly declared operator
430 ; attributes in a form of AST.
431 (principal-sort nil :type atom) ; principal sort of the module.
432 )
434 ||#
436374 ;;; accessors via module, all are setf'able.
440378 `(signature$sorts (module-signature ,_mod)))
442380 (defmacro module-sort-relations (_mod) `(signature$sort-relations
443 (module-signature ,_mod)))
381 (module-signature ,_mod)))
444382 (defmacro module-operators (_mod) `(signature$operators (module-signature
445 ,_mod)))
383 ,_mod)))
447385 (defmacro module-opattrs (_mod) `(signature$opattrs (module-signature ,_mod)))
448386 (defmacro module-principal-sort (_mod) `(signature$principal-sort
449 (module-signature ,_mod)))
387 (module-signature ,_mod)))
451389 ;;; intialization
452390 (defun initialize-signature (sig)
453391 (declare (type signature-struct sig)
454 (values t))
392 (values t))
455393 (setf (signature$sorts sig) nil
456 (signature$sort-relations sig) nil
457 (signature$operators sig) nil
458 (signature$opattrs sig) nil
459 (signature$principal-sort sig) nil))
394 (signature$sort-relations sig) nil
395 (signature$operators sig) nil
396 (signature$opattrs sig) nil
397 (signature$principal-sort sig) nil))
461399 (defun clean-up-signature (sig)
462400 (initialize-signature sig))
467405 ;;; gathers own axioms and explicitly declared variables of a module.
468406 ;;; stored in module's `axioms' slot.
470 #||
471 (defstruct (axiom-set (:conc-name "AXIOM-SET$")
472 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
473 )
474 (variables nil :type list) ; assoc list of explicitly declared
475 ; variables.
476 ; ((variable-name . variable) ...)
477 (equations nil :type list) ; list of equtions declared in the module.
478 (rules nil :type list) ; list of rules declared in the module.
479 )
481 ||#
483408 ;;; accessors from module object, all are setf'able.
485410 (defmacro module-variables (_mod) `(axiom-set$variables (module-axiom-set
486 ,_mod)))
411 ,_mod)))
487412 (defmacro module-equations (_mod) `(axiom-set$equations (module-axiom-set
488 ,_mod)))
413 ,_mod)))
489414 (defmacro module-rules (_mod) `(axiom-set$rules (module-axiom-set ,_mod)))
491416 ;;; intialization
493418 (defun initialize-axiom-set (axset)
494419 (declare (type axiom-set axset)
495 (values t))
420 (values t))
496421 (setf (axiom-set$variables axset) nil
497 (axiom-set$equations axset) nil
498 (axiom-set$rules axset) nil))
422 (axiom-set$equations axset) nil
423 (axiom-set$rules axset) nil))
500425 (defun clean-up-axiom-set (axset)
501426 (declare (type axiom-set axset)
502 (values t))
427 (values t))
503428 (initialize-axiom-set axset))
505430 ;;; *****************
516441 ;;; builtin-info part of builtin sorts.
517442 ;;;
519 #||
520 (defstruct (parse-dictionary (:conc-name "DICTIONARY-")
521 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
522 )
523 (table (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 50)
524 :type (or null hash-table))
525 (builtins nil :type list)
526 (juxtaposition nil :type list) ; list of juxtaposition methods.
527 )
528 ||#
530444 ;;; accessors via module, all are setf'able
532446 (defmacro module-dictionary-table (_mod) `(dictionary-table
533 (module-parse-dictionary
534 ,_mod)))
447 (module-parse-dictionary
448 ,_mod)))
535449 (defmacro module-dictionary-builtins (_mod) `(dictionary-builtins
536 (module-parse-dictionary ,_mod)))
450 (module-parse-dictionary ,_mod)))
537451 (defmacro module-juxtaposition (_mod) `(dictionary-juxtaposition
538 (module-parse-dictionary ,_mod)))
452 (module-parse-dictionary ,_mod)))
540454 ;;; clear-parse-dict : Dictionary -> Dictionary
541455 ;;;
542456 (defun clear-parse-dict (dict)
543457 (declare (type parse-dictionary dict)
544 (values parse-dictionary))
458 (values parse-dictionary))
545459 (clrhash (dictionary-table dict))
546460 (setf (dictionary-builtins dict) nil
547 (dictionary-juxtaposition dict) nil)
461 (dictionary-juxtaposition dict) nil)
548462 dict)
550464 ;;; initialization
551465 (defun initialize-parse-dictionary (pd)
552466 (declare (type parse-dictionary pd)
553 (values t))
467 (values t))
554468 (if (dictionary-table pd)
555469 (clrhash (dictionary-table pd)))
556470 (setf (dictionary-builtins pd) nil
557 (dictionary-juxtaposition pd) nil))
471 (dictionary-juxtaposition pd) nil))
559473 (defun clean-up-parse-dictionary (dict)
560474 (declare (type parse-dictionary dict)
561 (values t))
475 (values t))
562476 (initialize-parse-dictionary dict)
563477 (setf (dictionary-table dict) nil))
566480 ;;; TRS________________________________________________________________________
567481 ;;; ***
569 #||
570 (let ((.ext-rule-table-symbol-num. 0))
571 (declare (type fixnum .ext-rule-table-symbol-num.))
572 (defun make-ext-rule-table-name ()
573 (declare (values symbol))
574 (intern (format nil "ext-rule-table-~d" (incf .ext-rule-table-symbol-num.))))
575 )
577 ;;; The structure TRS is a representative of flattened module.
579 (defstruct (TRS (:conc-name trs$)
580 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
581 )
582 (module nil :type (or null module)) ; the reverse pointer
584 (opinfo-table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
585 :type (or null hash-table))
586 ; operator infos
587 (sort-order (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
588 :type (or null hash-table))
589 ; transitive closure of sort-relations
590 ;; (ext-rule-table (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
591 (ext-rule-table (make-ext-rule-table-name)
592 :type symbol)
593 ; assoc table of rule A,AC extensions
594 ;;
595 (sorts nil :type list) ; list of all sorts
596 (operators nil :type list) ; list of all operators
598 (rules nil :type list) ; list of all rewrite rules.
599 ;; INFO FOR EXTERNAL INTERFACE -----------------------------------
600 (sort-name-map nil :type list)
601 (op-info-map nil :type list)
602 (op-rev-table nil :type list)
603 ;; GENERATED OPS & AXIOMS for equalities & if_then_else_fi
604 ;; for proof support system.
605 (sort-graph nil :type list)
606 (err-sorts nil :type list)
607 (dummy-methods nil :type list)
608 (sem-relations nil :type list) ; without error sorts
609 (sem-axioms nil :type list) ; ditto
610 ;; a status TRAM interface generated?
611 (tram nil :type symbol) ; nil,:eq, or :all
612 )
614 ||#
616483 ;;; accessor via module, all are setf'able.
617484 (defmacro module-rewrite-rules (_mod) `(trs$rules (module-trs ,_mod)))
618485 (defmacro module-all-rules (_mod) `(trs$rules (module-trs ,_mod))) ; synonym
620487 (defmacro module-all-sorts (_mod_) `(trs$sorts (module-trs ,_mod_)))
621488 (defmacro module-all-operators (_mod_) `(trs$operators
622 (module-trs ,_mod_)))
489 (module-trs ,_mod_)))
623490 (defmacro module-sort-order (_mod_) `(trs$sort-order
624 (module-trs ,_mod_)))
491 (module-trs ,_mod_)))
625492 (defmacro module-opinfo-table (_mod_) `(trs$opinfo-table
626 (module-trs ,_mod_)))
493 (module-trs ,_mod_)))
628495 (defmacro module-ext-rule-table (_mod_)
629496 `(trs$ext-rule-table (module-trs ,_mod_)))
650517 ;;; initialization
651518 (defun initialize-trs-ext-interface (trs)
652519 (declare (type trs trs)
653 (values t))
520 (values t))
654521 (setf (trs$sort-name-map trs) nil
655 (trs$op-info-map trs) nil
656 (trs$op-rev-table trs) nil
657 (trs$sort-graph trs) nil
658 (trs$err-sorts trs) nil
659 (trs$dummy-methods trs) nil
660 (trs$sem-relations trs) nil
661 (trs$sem-axioms trs) nil
662 (trs$tram trs) nil)
522 (trs$op-info-map trs) nil
523 (trs$op-rev-table trs) nil
524 (trs$sort-graph trs) nil
525 (trs$err-sorts trs) nil
526 (trs$dummy-methods trs) nil
527 (trs$sem-relations trs) nil
528 (trs$sem-axioms trs) nil
529 (trs$tram trs) nil)
663530 )
665532 (defun initialize-trs (trs mod)
666533 (declare (type trs trs)
667 (type module mod)
668 (values t))
534 (type module mod)
535 (values t))
669536 (setf (trs$module trs) mod)
670537 (setf (trs$sorts trs) nil
671 (trs$operators trs) nil
672 (trs$rules trs) nil)
538 (trs$operators trs) nil
539 (trs$rules trs) nil)
673540 (initialize-trs-ext-interface trs)
674541 (if (the (or null hash-table) (trs$sort-order trs))
675542 (clrhash (trs$sort-order trs))
676543 (setf (trs$sort-order trs)
677 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
544 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
678545 (if (the (or null hash-table) (trs$opinfo-table trs))
679546 (clrhash (trs$opinfo-table trs))
680547 (setf (trs$opinfo-table trs)
681 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
548 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
682549 #||
683550 (if (trs$ext-rule-table trs)
684551 (clrhash (trs$ext-rule-table trs))
685552 (setf (trs$ext-rule-table trs)
686 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
553 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
687554 ||#
688555 (if (trs$ext-rule-table trs)
689556 (setf (get (trs$ext-rule-table trs) :ext-rules)
690 nil)
557 nil)
691558 (setf (trs$ext-rule-table trs)
692 (make-ext-rule-table-name)))
559 (make-ext-rule-table-name)))
693560 )
695562 (defun clean-up-trs (trs)
696563 (declare (type trs trs)
697 (values t))
564 (values t))
698565 (setf (trs$module trs) nil)
699566 (setf (trs$sorts trs) nil
700 (trs$operators trs) nil
701 (trs$rules trs) nil)
567 (trs$operators trs) nil
568 (trs$rules trs) nil)
702569 (initialize-trs-ext-interface trs)
703570 (if (trs$sort-order trs)
704571 (clrhash (trs$sort-order trs)))
706573 (if (trs$opinfo-table trs)
707574 (clrhash (trs$opinfo-table trs)))
708575 (setf (trs$opinfo-table trs) nil)
709 #||
710 (if (trs$ext-rule-table trs)
711 (clrhash (trs$ext-rule-table trs)))
712 ||#
713576 (setf (get (trs$ext-rule-table trs) :ext-rules) nil)
714577 )
717580 ;;; CONTEXT_____________________________________________________________________
718581 ;;; *******
719582 ;;; holds some run time context infos.
721 #||
722 (defstruct (module-context
723 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
724 )
725 (bindings nil :type list) ; top level let binding
726 (special-bindings nil :type list) ; users $$variables ...
727 ($$term nil :type list) ; $$term
728 ($$subterm nil :type list) ; $$subterm
729 ($$action-stack nil :type list) ; action stack for apply
730 ($$selection-stack nil :type list) ; selection stack for choose
731 ($$stop-pattern nil :type list) ; stop pattern
732 )
733 ||#
735583 ;;; accessors via module, all are setf'able.
737585 (defmacro module-bindings (_mod) `(module-context-bindings (module-context
738 ,_mod)))
586 ,_mod)))
739587 (defmacro module-special-bindings (_mod) `(module-context-bindings
740 (module-context ,_mod)))
588 (module-context ,_mod)))
741589 (defmacro module-$$term (_mod) `(module-context-$$term (module-context ,_mod)))
742590 (defmacro module-$$subterm (_mod) `(module-context-$$subterm (module-context
743 ,_mod)))
591 ,_mod)))
744592 (defmacro module-$$action-stack (_mod) `(module-context-$$action-stack
745 (module-context ,_mod)))
593 (module-context ,_mod)))
746594 (defmacro module-$$selection-stack (_mod) `(module-context-$$selection-stack
747 (module-context ,_mod)))
595 (module-context ,_mod)))
749597 ;;; intialization
750598 (defun initialize-module-context (context)
751 (declare (type module-context context)
752 (values t))
599 (declare (type module-dyn-context context)
600 (values t))
753601 (setf (module-context-bindings context) nil
754 (module-context-special-bindings context) nil
755 (module-context-$$term context) nil
756 (module-context-$$subterm context) nil
757 (module-context-$$action-stack context) nil
758 (module-context-$$selection-stack context) nil
759 (module-context-$$ptree context) nil)
602 (module-context-special-bindings context) nil
603 (module-context-$$term context) nil
604 (module-context-$$subterm context) nil
605 (module-context-$$action-stack context) nil
606 (module-context-$$selection-stack context) nil
607 (module-context-$$ptree context) nil)
760608 )
762610 (defun clean-up-context (context)
763 (declare (type module-context context)
764 (values t))
611 (declare (type module-dyn-context context)
612 (values t))
765613 (initialize-module-context context))
767615 ;;; **************
776624 ;;; protected-modules ; list of modules imported as :protecting
777625 ;;; module-type ; one of :hard, :user, :system
778626 ;;; module-kind ; one of :theory, :object, :module
779 ;;; void-sorts ; list of sorts with no constructor.
780 ;;; void-methods ; list of methods with some arity
781 ;;; ; contains void sort.
782 ;;; sorts-for-regularity ; list of sorts generated to make the
783 ;;; ; module's signature regular.
784 ;;; methods-for-regularity ; list of methods generated to make the
785 ;;; ; module's signaure regular.
786 ;;;
787 ;;; methods-with-rwl-axiom nil ; methods for which the congruence
788 ;;; ; relation w.r.t ==> is already generated.
789 ;;; rules-with-rwl-axiom nil ; rules for which the congruence
790 ;;; ; relation w.r.t ==> is already generated.
791 ;;; beh-attributes nil ; list of operator method which is attribute
792 ;;; beh-methods nil ; list of operator method which is method
627 ;;; void-sorts ; list of sorts with no constructor.
628 ;;; void-methods ; list of methods with some arity
629 ;;; ; contains void sort.
630 ;;; sorts-for-regularity ; list of sorts generated to make the
631 ;;; ; module's signature regular.
632 ;;; methods-for-regularity ; list of methods generated to make the
633 ;;; ; module's signaure regular.
634 ;;;
635 ;;; methods-with-rwl-axiom nil ; methods for which the congruence
636 ;;; ; relation w.r.t ==> is already generated.
637 ;;; rules-with-rwl-axiom nil ; rules for which the congruence
638 ;;; ; relation w.r.t ==> is already generated.
639 ;;; beh-attributes nil ; list of operator method which is attribute
640 ;;; beh-methods nil ; list of operator method which is method
793641 ;;; methods-with-beh-axiom nil
794 ;;; beh-axioms-prooved nil ;
642 ;;; beh-axioms-prooved nil ;
795643 ;;; psort-decl ; declaration form of principal sort
796644 ;;; error-op-decl ; declaration forms of explicit error
797 ;;; ; operators. may contain illegual ones.
798 ;;; macros
799 ;;;
800646 (defun module-infos (mod) (object-misc-info mod))
801648 (defsetf module-infos (mod) (values)
802649 `(setf (object-misc-info ,mod) ,values))
808655 ;;; TYPE
809656 (defmacro module-type (_mod)
810657 `(getf (object-misc-info ,_mod) ':module-type))
812659 (defmacro module-is-hard-wired (_mod_)
813660 `(eq :hard (module-type ,_mod_)))
823670 (defmacro module-hidden (_mod)
824671 ` (getf (object-misc-info ,_mod) ':module-hidden))
826 ;;; KIND
827 (defmacro module-kind (_mod)
828 `(getf (object-misc-info ,_mod) ':module-kind))
830 (defmacro module-is-theory (_mod_) `(eq :theory (module-kind ,_mod_)))
832 (defmacro module-is-object (_mod_) `(eq :object (module-kind ,_mod_)))
834 (defmacro module-is-final (_mod_) `(eq :theory (module-kind ,_mod_)))
836 (defmacro module-is-loose (_mod_)
837 ` (memq (module-kind ,_mod_) '(:module :ots)))
839 (defmacro module-is-initial (_mod_) `(eq (module-kind ,_mod_) :object))
841673 ;;; REGULARITY
842674 (defmacro module-is-regular (_mod)
843675 `(getf (object-misc-info ,_mod) ':modle-is-regular))
845 ;;; ALL-SUBMODULES-LIST -- cached data
846 ;;; OBSOLETE
847 ;;; (defun module-all-submodules-list (mod)
848 ;;; (or (object-misc-info-all-submodules-list (object-misc-info mod))
849 ;;; (setf (object-misc-info-all-submodules-list (object-misc-info mod))
850 ;;; (mapcar #'car (module-all-submodules mod)))))
852677 ;;; ADD-IMPORTED-MODULE : module mode submodule [alias] -> void
853678 ;;; (for downward comatibility.)
858683 (when (rassoc alias (module-alias module) :test #'equal)
859684 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-alias)
860685 (format t "Alias name ~A is already used for module ~A."
861 alias
862 (get-module-print-name submod))))
686 alias
687 (get-module-print-name submod))))
863688 (push (cons submod alias) (module-alias module)))
865690 (defun add-imported-module (module mode submodule &optional alias)
866691 (declare (type module module submodule)
867 (type symbol mode)
868 (values t))
692 (type symbol mode)
693 (values t))
869694 ;; (setf (module-ex-info-all-submodules-list (object-misc-info module)) nil)
870695 (when alias
871696 (add-module-alias module submodule alias))
875700 ;;;
876701 (defun module-includes-rwl (mod)
877702 (declare (type module mod)
878 (type (or null t)))
703 (type (or null t)))
879704 (assq *rwl-module* (module-all-submodules mod)))
934759 (defun initialize-module-instance-db (mod)
935760 (declare (type module mod)
936 (values t))
761 (values t))
937762 (let ((db (module-instance-db mod)))
938763 (if db
939 (clrhash db)
940 (setf (module-instance-db mod) (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))))
764 (clrhash db)
765 (setf (module-instance-db mod) (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))))
942767 (defun clear-module-instance-db (mod)
943768 (declare (type module mod)
944 (values t))
769 (values t))
945770 (let ((db (module-instance-db mod)))
946771 (declare (type (or null hash-table) db))
947772 (if db (clrhash db))))
1027852 (defmacro sort-is-for-regularity? (_s &optional _mod)
1028853 (once-only (_s _mod)
1029854 (if _mod
1030 ` (and (eq (sort-module ,_s) ,_mod)
1031 (member ,_s (module-sorts-for-regularity ,_mod) :test #'eq))
1032 ` (member ,_s (module-sorts-for-regularity (sort-module ,_s)) :test #'eq))))
855 ` (and (eq (sort-module ,_s) ,_mod)
856 (member ,_s (module-sorts-for-regularity ,_mod) :test #'eq))
857 ` (member ,_s (module-sorts-for-regularity (sort-module ,_s)) :test #'eq))))
1034859 (defmacro method-is-for-regularity? (_m &optional _mod)
1035860 (once-only (_m _mod)
1036861 (if _mod
1037 ` (and (eq (method-module ,_m) ,_mod)
1038 (member ,_m (module-methods-for-regularity ,_mod) :test #'eq))
1039 ` (member ,_m (module-methods-for-regularity (method-module ,_m))
1040 :test #'eq))))
862 ` (and (eq (method-module ,_m) ,_mod)
863 (member ,_m (module-methods-for-regularity ,_mod) :test #'eq))
864 ` (member ,_m (module-methods-for-regularity (method-module ,_m))
865 :test #'eq))))
1042867 ;;; PRINCIPAL SORT DECLARATION _________________________________________________
1074899 (defmacro module-ambig-sorts (_m) `(getf (object-misc-info ,_m) ':ambig-sorts))
1075900 (defmacro module-ambig-ops (_m) `(getf (object-misc-info ,_m) ':ambig-ops))
1077 ;;; EX-INFO INITIALIZATION -----------------------------------------------------
1078 ;;; OBSOLETE
1080 #||
1081 (defun initialize-module-ex-info (ex-info)
1082 (setf (module-ex-info-protected-modules ex-info) nil
1083 (module-ex-info-hard-wired ex-info) nil
1084 (module-ex-info-kind ex-info) nil
1085 (module-ex-info-all-submodules-list ex-info) nil
1086 (module-ex-info-infos ex-info) nil))
1088 (defun clean-up-ex-info (ex-info)
1089 (initialize-module-ex-info ex-info))
1091 ||#
1093902 ;;; *************
1094903 ;;; Module status_______________________________________________________________
1095904 ;;; *************
1099908 ;;; 1 : regularized -- NOT USED.
1100909 ;;; 2 : prepared for parsing
1101910 ;;; 3 : prepared for rewriting
1102 ;;;
911 (defparameter module-initial -1)
912 (defparameter module-inconsistent 0)
913 (defparameter module-regularized 1)
914 (defparameter module-ready-parsing 2)
915 (defparameter module-ready-rewriting 3)
1103917 ;;; o Adding new sort or operator declarations makes the module status to 0.
1104918 ;;; o Adding new rule makes the module status to at most 2.
1105919 ;;; o Some changes in any submodule makes the status to 0.
1106920 ;;; (should be more fine grained checking for statu change).
1107 ;;;
1108 ;;; (defmacro module-status (_mod) `(object-status ,_mod))
1110922 ;;; initial inconsistent status
1112 (defmacro module-is-inconsistent (_module)
1113 `(object-is-inconsistent ,_module))
924 (defun module-is-inconsistent (_module)
925 (object-is-inconsistent _module))
1115927 (defun mark-module-as-inconsistent (_module)
1116928 (mark-object-as-inconsistent _module))
1118930 ;;; parsing preparation
1120932 (defmacro need-parsing-preparation (_module)
1121 `(< (module-status ,_module) 2))
933 `(< (module-status ,_module) module-ready-parsing))
1123935 (defmacro module-is-ready-for-parsing (_module)
1124 `(>= (module-status ,_module) 2))
936 `(>= (module-status ,_module) module-ready-parsing))
1126938 (defmacro mark-module-ready-for-parsing (_module)
1127 `(setf (module-status ,_module) (max 2 (module-status ,_module))))
939 `(setf (module-status ,_module) (max module-ready-parsing (module-status ,_module))))
1129941 (defmacro mark-need-parsing-preparation (_module)
1130 `(setf (module-status ,_module) (min 1 (module-status ,_module))))
942 `(setf (module-status ,_module) (min module-regularized (module-status ,_module))))
1132944 ;;; rewriting preparation
1134946 (defmacro need-rewriting-preparation (_module)
1135 `(< (module-status ,_module) 3))
947 `(< (module-status ,_module) module-ready-rewriting))
1137949 (defmacro module-is-ready-for-rewriting (_module)
1138 `(>= (module-status ,_module) 3))
950 `(>= (module-status ,_module) module-ready-rewriting))
1140952 (defmacro mark-module-as-consistent (_module)
1141 `(setf (module-status ,_module) 3))
953 `(setf (module-status ,_module) module-ready-rewriting))
1143955 (defmacro mark-module-ready-for-rewriting (_module)
1144956 `(mark-module-as-consistent ,_module))
1146958 (defmacro mark-module-need-rewriting-preparation (_module)
1147 `(setf (module-status ,_module) (min 2 (module-status ,_module))))
959 `(setf (module-status ,_module) (min module-ready-parsing (module-status ,_module))))
1149961 ;;; some handy procs.
1157969 (defmacro needs-rule (&optional (_module '*current-module*))
1158970 `(compile-module ,_module))
1160 ;;; *******
1161 ;;; PRINTER
1162 ;;; *******
1164 (defun print-module-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
1165 (declare (ignore ignore)
1166 (type module obj)
1167 (type stream stream)
1168 (values t))
1169 (if (or (module-is-inconsistent obj)
1170 (null (module-name obj)))
1171 (format stream "[:module \"~a\"]" (module-name obj))
1172 (cond ((module-is-object obj)
1173 (format stream ":mod![\"~a\"]" (module-print-name obj)))
1174 ((module-is-theory obj)
1175 (format stream ":mod*[\"~a\"]" (module-print-name obj)))
1176 (t (format stream ":mod[\"~a\"]" (module-print-name obj))))))
1178972 ;;; *********************************
1179973 ;;; Constructing RUN TIME ENVIRONMENT -----------------------------------------
1180974 ;;; *********************************
1185979 ;;; module.
1186980 ;;; *current-opinfo-table* : operator information table of the current module .
1187981 ;;;
1189982 (defmacro with-in-module ((_module_) &body body)
1190983 (once-only (_module_)
1191984 ` (block with-in-module
1192 (let* ((*current-module* ,_module_)
1193 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order *current-module*))
1194 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table *current-module*))
1195 (*current-ext-rule-table* (module-ext-rule-table *current-module*)))
1196 (declare (special *current-module*
1197 *current-sort-order*
1198 *current-opinfo-table*
1199 *current-ext-rule-table*))
1200 ;;
1201 ,@body))))
985 (let* ((*current-module* ,_module_)
986 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order *current-module*))
987 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table *current-module*))
988 (*current-ext-rule-table* (module-ext-rule-table *current-module*)))
989 (declare (special *current-module*
990 *current-sort-order*
991 *current-opinfo-table*
992 *current-ext-rule-table*))
993 ;;
994 ,@body))))
1203996 (defun change-current-module (mod)
1204997 (declare (type (or null module) mod)
1205 (values t))
998 (values t))
1206999 (when mod
12071000 (setf *current-module* mod
1208 *current-sort-order* (module-sort-order mod)
1209 *current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table mod)
1210 *current-ext-rule-table* (module-ext-rule-table mod))
1001 *current-sort-order* (module-sort-order mod)
1002 *current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table mod)
1003 *current-ext-rule-table* (module-ext-rule-table mod))
12111004 mod))
12131006 ;;; *********
12351028 #-gcl
12361029 (defun equal-top-level (x y)
12371030 (cond ((stringp x) (equal x y))
1238 ((atom x) (eql x y))
1239 ((atom y) nil)
1240 (t (and (equal-top-level (car x) (car y))
1241 (equal-top-level (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
1031 ((atom x) (eql x y))
1032 ((atom y) nil)
1033 (t (and (equal-top-level (car x) (car y))
1034 (equal-top-level (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
12431036 #+gcl
12441037 (si::define-inline-function equal-top-level (x y)
12451038 (cond ((stringp x) (equal x y))
1246 ((atom x) (eql x y))
1247 ((atom y) nil)
1248 (t (and (equal-top-level (car x) (car y))
1249 (equal-top-level (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
1039 ((atom x) (eql x y))
1040 ((atom y) nil)
1041 (t (and (equal-top-level (car x) (car y))
1042 (equal-top-level (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
12511044 (defun find-equivalent-module-in-env (me)
12521045 (dolist (entry *modules-so-far-table*)
12531046 (let ((key (car entry))
1254 (val (cdr entry)))
1047 (val (cdr entry)))
12551048 (when (equal-top-level me key)
1256 (return-from find-equivalent-module-in-env val))))
1049 (return-from find-equivalent-module-in-env val))))
12571050 nil)
12591052 ;;; used in eval-module
13031096 (declare (type (or null module) context))
13041097 (if context
13051098 (or (get-modexp-local (list me (module-name context)))
1306 (find-modexp-eval me)
1307 (find-global-module me))
1099 (find-modexp-eval me)
1100 (find-global-module me))
13081101 (or (find-modexp-eval me)
1309 (find-global-module me))))
1102 (find-global-module me))))
13111104 (defun find-module-in-env-ext (name &optional (context *current-module*)
1312 no-error)
1105 no-error)
13131106 (declare (type (or module simple-string) name)
1314 (type (or null module) context))
1107 (type (or null module) context))
13151108 ;;
13161109 (when (module-p name)
13171110 (return-from find-module-in-env-ext name))
13241117 ;; scan qualifires from right to left
13251118 ;; the last one is the target we are looking for.
13261119 (let ((c context)
1327 (tmod nil))
1120 (tmod nil))
13281121 (dolist (qname (reverse quals))
1329 (let ((subs (module-all-submodules c)))
1330 (setq tmod (or (find-module-in-sublist qname subs c)
1331 ;; Wed Feb 17 13:27:44 JST 1999
1332 ;; (find-module-in-env qname c)
1333 nil))
1334 (unless tmod
1335 (when no-error
1336 (return-from find-module-in-env-ext nil))
1337 ;; (break)
1338 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
1339 (format t "no such module ~a in the context "
1340 qname)
1341 (print-mod-name context *standard-output* t)
1342 ))
1343 (when (atom tmod) (setq tmod (list tmod)))
1344 (when (cdr tmod)
1345 (with-output-chaos-error ('ambiguous-module-name)
1346 (format t "module name ~a is ambiguous in the context."
1347 qname)
1348 (print-mod-name context *standard-output* t)
1349 ))
1350 (setq c (car tmod))))
1122 (let ((subs (module-all-submodules c)))
1123 (setq tmod (or (find-module-in-sublist qname subs c)
1124 ;; Wed Feb 17 13:27:44 JST 1999
1125 ;; (find-module-in-env qname c)
1126 nil))
1127 (unless tmod
1128 (when no-error
1129 (return-from find-module-in-env-ext nil))
1130 ;; (break)
1131 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
1132 (format t "no such module ~a in the context "
1133 qname)
1134 (print-mod-name context *standard-output* t)
1135 ))
1136 (when (atom tmod) (setq tmod (list tmod)))
1137 (when (cdr tmod)
1138 (with-output-chaos-error ('ambiguous-module-name)
1139 (format t "module name ~a is ambiguous in the context."
1140 qname)
1141 (print-mod-name context *standard-output* t)
1142 ))
1143 (setq c (car tmod))))
13511144 (car tmod))))
13531146 (defun find-module-in-sublist (name subs &optional (context *current-module*))
13541147 (let ((res nil))
13551148 (when context
13561149 (let ((als (rassoc name (module-alias context) :test #'equal)))
1357 (when als
1358 (push (car als) res))))
1150 (when als
1151 (push (car als) res))))
13591152 (dolist (sub subs)
13601153 (let* ((smod (car sub))
1361 (sname (module-name smod)))
1362 ;; we eliminate :using
1363 (unless (eq (cdr sub) :using)
1364 (cond ((modexp-is-parameter-theory sname)
1365 (if (equal name (car sname))
1366 (pushnew smod res)))
1367 (t (if (equal name sname)
1368 (pushnew smod res)))))))
1154 (sname (module-name smod)))
1155 ;; we eliminate :using
1156 (unless (eq (cdr sub) :using)
1157 (cond ((modexp-is-parameter-theory sname)
1158 (if (equal name (car sname))
1159 (pushnew smod res)))
1160 (t (if (equal name sname)
1161 (pushnew smod res)))))))
13691162 res))
13711164 ;;; **************
13831176 (defun clear-method-info-hash ()
13841177 (setf .method1. nil
1385 .method-tab1. nil
1386 .method-val1. nil
1387 .method2. nil
1388 .method-tab2. nil
1389 .method-val2. nil))
1178 .method-tab1. nil
1179 .method-val1. nil
1180 .method2. nil
1181 .method-tab2. nil
1182 .method-val2. nil))
13931186 (defun initialize-module (mod)
13941187 (declare (type module mod)
1395 (values t))
1396 ;;
1397 (setf (module-status mod) -1) ; initial state.
1188 (values t))
1189 (setf (module-status mod) module-initial) ; initial state.
13981190 (setf (module-decl-form mod) nil)
13991191 ;; interface
14001192 (if (the (or null ex-interface) (module-interface mod))
14161208 (setf (module-parse-dictionary mod) (make-parse-dictionary)))
14171209 ;; misc infos
14181210 (setf (object-misc-info mod) nil)
1419 ;;; (if (object-misc-info mod)
1420 ;;; (initialize-module-ex-info (module-ex-info mod))
1421 ;;; (setf (module-ex-info mod) (make-module-ex-info)))
14221211 ;; trs
14231212 (if (the (or null trs) (module-trs mod))
14241213 (initialize-trs (module-trs mod) mod)
14251214 (setf (module-trs mod) (make-trs :module mod)))
14261215 ;; context
1427 (if (the (or null module-context) (module-context mod))
1216 (if (the (or null module-dyn-context) (module-context mod))
14281217 (initialize-module-context (module-context mod))
1429 (setf (module-context mod) (make-module-context)))
1218 (setf (module-context mod) (make-module-dyn-context :object mod)))
14301219 ;; symbol table
14311220 (setf (module-alias mod) nil)
14321221 (setf (module-symbol-table mod) (make-symbol-table))
14331222 ;; print name
1434 ;; (setf (module-print-name mod) (make-module-print-name2 mod))
14351223 (setf (module-print-name mod) (make-module-print-name mod))
14361224 ;;
14371225 (clear-tmp-sort-cache)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bobject.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bobject.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5252 ;;; definition of semantic object & internal data structure.
5353 ;;; all objects defined in this file inherits either %object or %int-object.
55 #||
56 ;;; term structure of semantic object of Chaos.
57 (defterm object () :category ':object)
59 (defterm static-object () :category ':static-object)
61 ;;; structure of internal object of Chaos.
62 (defterm int-object () :category ':int-object)
64 (defterm static-int-object () :category ':static-int-object)
65 ||#
6755 (defstruct (object (:conc-name "OBJECT-")
68 (:constructor make-object)
69 (:constructor object* nil)
70 (:copier nil)
71 (:include %chaos-object (-type 'object))
72 (:print-function chaos-pr-object))
56 (:constructor make-object)
57 (:constructor object* nil)
58 (:copier nil)
59 (:include %chaos-object (-type 'object))
60 (:print-function chaos-pr-object))
7361 (misc-info nil :type list)
7462 (context-mod nil))
7664 (defmacro object-info (_obj _info)
7765 ` (getf (object-misc-info ,_obj) ,_info))
79 (defun set-context-module (obj &optional (mod *current-module*))
80 (setf (object-context-mod obj) mod))
82 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
83 (setf (symbol-function 'is-object)(symbol-function 'object-p))
84 (setf (get 'object ':type-predicate) (symbol-function 'is-object))
85 (setf (get 'object :eval) nil)
86 (setf (get 'object :print) nil))
67 (defun set-object-context-module (obj &optional (context-mod (get-context-module)))
68 (setf (object-context-mod obj) context-mod))
70 ; (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
71 ; (setf (symbol-function 'is-object)(symbol-function 'object-p))
72 ; (setf (get 'object ':type-predicate) (symbol-function 'is-object))
73 ; (setf (get 'object :eval) nil)
74 ; (setf (get 'object :print) nil))
8876 ;;; *********
8977 ;;; INTERFACE
9179 ;;; gathers informations for external interface of a top-level objects.
9381 (defstruct (ex-interface (:conc-name "INTERFACE$"))
94 (dag nil :type (or null dag-node)) ; DAG of dependency hierarchy.
95 (parameters nil :type list) ; list of parmeter modules.
96 ; (also in dag).
97 (exporting-objects nil :type list) ; list of objects depending this one.
98 ; (object . mode)
99 ; mode ::= :protecting | :exporting | :using
100 ; | :modmorph | :view
82 (dag nil :type (or null dag-node)) ; DAG of dependency hierarchy.
83 (parameters nil :type list) ; list of parmeter modules.
84 ; (also in dag).
85 (exporting-objects nil :type list) ; list of objects depending this one.
86 ; (object . mode)
87 ; mode ::= :protecting | :exporting | :using
88 ; | :modmorph | :view
10189 )
10391 ;;; ************
119107 (defun canonicalize-object-name (nm)
120108 (cond ((stringp nm)
121 (intern nm))
122 ((consp nm)
123 (if (cdr nm)
124 (mapcar #'canonicalize-object-name nm)
125 (canonicalize-object-name (car nm))))
126 ((symbolp nm) nm)
127 ((module-p nm) (canonicalize-object-name (module-name nm)))
128 (t
129 ;; do nothing
130 ;; (error "internal error, illegal name object ~s" nm)
131 )))
109 (intern nm))
110 ((consp nm)
111 (if (cdr nm)
112 (mapcar #'canonicalize-object-name nm)
113 (canonicalize-object-name (car nm))))
114 ((symbolp nm) nm)
115 ((module-p nm) (canonicalize-object-name (module-name nm)))
116 (t
117 ;; do nothing
118 )))
133120 (defun symbol-table-add (table nm obj)
134121 (when (and (module-p obj)
135 (module-is-parameter-theory obj))
122 (module-is-parameter-theory obj))
136123 (setq nm (car (module-name obj))))
137124 (let ((name (canonicalize-object-name nm)))
138125 (pushnew name (symbol-table-names table) :test #'equal)
139126 (let* ((map (symbol-table-map table))
140 (tbl (gethash name map)))
127 (tbl (gethash name map)))
141128 (unless tbl
142 (setf tbl (setf (gethash name map) (make-stable))))
129 (setf tbl (setf (gethash name map) (make-stable))))
143130 (cond ((sort-p obj)
144 (pushnew obj (stable-sorts tbl)))
145 ((operator-p obj)
146 (pushnew obj (stable-operators tbl)))
147 ((module-p obj)
148 (if (module-is-parameter-theory obj)
149 (pushnew obj (stable-parameters tbl))
150 (pushnew obj (stable-submodules tbl))))
151 ((axiom-p obj)
152 (pushnew obj (stable-axioms tbl)))
153 ((and (termp obj)
154 (term-is-variable? obj))
155 (pushnew obj (stable-variables tbl)))
156 (t (pushnew obj (stable-unknowns tbl))))
131 (pushnew obj (stable-sorts tbl)))
132 ((operator-p obj)
133 (pushnew obj (stable-operators tbl)))
134 ((module-p obj)
135 (if (module-is-parameter-theory obj)
136 (pushnew obj (stable-parameters tbl))
137 (pushnew obj (stable-submodules tbl))))
138 ((axiom-p obj)
139 (pushnew obj (stable-axioms tbl)))
140 ((and (termp obj)
141 (term-is-variable? obj))
142 (pushnew obj (stable-variables tbl)))
143 (t (pushnew obj (stable-unknowns tbl))))
157144 tbl)))
159 (defun symbol-table-get (name &optional (module *current-module*))
146 (defun symbol-table-get (name &optional (module (get-context-module)))
160147 (let ((gname (canonicalize-object-name name)))
161148 (gethash gname (symbol-table-map
162 (module-symbol-table module)))))
164 #||
165 (defun pr-symbol-table (st stream &rest ignore)
166 (let ((names (copy-list (symbol-table-names st))))
167 (setq names (sort names #'ob<))
168 (dolist (name names)
169 (pr-name name (gethash name (symbol-table-map st)) stream))))
171 (defun get-object-type (obj)
172 (cond ((module-p obj) :module)
173 ((sort-p obj) :sort)
174 ((operator-p obj) :operator)
175 ((axiom-p obj) :axiom)
176 ((term-is-variable? obj) :variable)
177 (t :unknown)))
179 (defun get-obj-info (obj)
180 (let ((type (get-object-type obj)))
181 (cond ((or (eq type :variable)
182 (eq (object-context-mod obj) *current-module*))
183 (list obj type "of the current module"))
184 ((eq type :unknown)
185 (list obj type "unknown type of object"))
186 ((object-context-mod obj)
187 (list obj
188 type
189 (concatenate 'string "of module "
190 (with-output-to-string (str)
191 (print-mod-name (object-context-mod obj)
192 str
193 t)))))
194 (t (list obj type "")))))
196 (defun pr-name (name objs stream)
197 (format stream "~&~A~8T" name)
198 (dolist (obj objs)
199 (let ((info (get-obj-info obj)))
200 (format stream ": ~A ~A~%" (second info) (third info)))))
201 ||#
149 (module-symbol-table module)))))
203151 ;;;=============================================================================
204152 ;;; TOP-OBJECT _________________________________________________________________
207155 ;;; represents common structure of top-level semantic objects.
208156 ;;;
209 #||
210 (defterm top-object (object) ; was (static-object)
211 :visible (name) ; name.
212 :hidden (interface ; external interface.
213 status ; object status.
214 decl-form ; declaration form
215 )
216 )
217 ||#
218157 (defstruct (top-object (:conc-name "TOP-OBJECT-")
219 (:constructor make-top-object)
220 (:constructor top-object* (name))
221 (:copier nil)
222 (:include object (-type 'top-object)))
158 (:constructor make-top-object)
159 (:constructor top-object* (name))
160 (:copier nil)
161 (:include object (-type 'top-object)))
223162 (name nil)
224163 (interface (make-ex-interface) :type (or null ex-interface))
225164 (status -1 :type fixnum)
226165 (decl-form nil :type list)
227166 (symbol-table (make-symbol-table) :type symbol-table))
229 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
230 (setf (symbol-function 'is-top-object)(symbol-function 'top-object-p))
231 (setf (get 'top-object ':type-predicate) (symbol-function 'is-top-object))
232 (setf (get 'top-object :eval) nil)
233 (setf (get 'top-object :print) nil))
168 ; (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
169 ; (setf (symbol-function 'is-top-object)(symbol-function 'top-object-p))
170 ; (setf (get 'top-object ':type-predicate) (symbol-function 'is-top-object))
171 ; (setf (get 'top-object :eval) nil)
172 ; (setf (get 'top-object :print) nil))
235174 ;;;
236175 ;;; basic accessors via top-object
241180 (defun object-parameters (_object)
242181 (declare (type top-object _object)
243 (values list))
182 (values list))
244183 (let ((interf (top-object-interface _object)))
245184 (if interf
246 (interface$parameters interf)
247 nil)))
185 (interface$parameters interf)
186 nil)))
249188 (defsetf object-parameters (_obj) (_value)
250189 ` (let ((interf (top-object-interface ,_obj)))
251190 (unless interf
252 (with-output-panic-message ()
253 (princ "invalid interface of object ")
254 (print-chaos-object ,_obj)
255 (chaos-error 'panic)))
191 (with-output-panic-message ()
192 (princ "invalid interface of object ")
193 (print-chaos-object ,_obj)
194 (chaos-error 'panic)))
256195 (setf (interface$parameters interf) ,_value)))
258197 (defun object-exporting-objects (_object)
259198 (declare (type top-object _object)
260 (values list))
199 (values list))
261200 (let ((interf (top-object-interface _object)))
262201 (if interf
263 (interface$exporting-objects interf)
264 nil)))
202 (interface$exporting-objects interf)
203 nil)))
266205 (defsetf object-exporting-objects (_object) (_value)
267206 ` (let ((interf (top-object-interface ,_object)))
268207 (unless interf
269 (with-output-panic-message ()
270 (princ "exporting-objects: invalid interface of object ")
271 (print-chaos-object ,_object)
272 (chaos-error 'panic)))
208 (with-output-panic-message ()
209 (princ "exporting-objects: invalid interface of object ")
210 (print-chaos-object ,_object)
211 (chaos-error 'panic)))
273212 (setf (interface$exporting-objects interf) ,_value)))
275214 (defun object-direct-sub-objects (_object)
276215 (declare (type top-object _object)
277 (values list))
216 (values list))
278217 (let ((interf (top-object-interface _object)))
279218 (if interf
280 (mapcar #'dag-node-datum
281 (dag-node-subnodes (interface$dag interf)))
282 nil)))
219 (mapcar #'dag-node-datum
220 (dag-node-subnodes (interface$dag interf)))
221 nil)))
284223 (defun object-all-sub-objects (object)
285224 (declare (type top-object object)
286 (values list))
225 (values list))
287226 (when (top-object-interface object)
288227 (let ((res (cons nil nil)))
289228 (gather-sub-objects object res)
292231 (defun gather-sub-objects (object res)
293232 (declare (type top-object object)
294 (type list res)
295 (values list))
233 (type list res)
234 (values list))
296235 (let ((dmods (object-direct-sub-objects object)))
297236 (dolist (dmod dmods)
298237 (unless (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal)
299 (push dmod (car res))
300 (gather-sub-objects (car dmod) res)))))
238 (push dmod (car res))
239 (gather-sub-objects (car dmod) res)))))
302241 (defun object-all-exporting-objects (object)
303242 (declare (type top-object object)
304 (values list))
243 (values list))
305244 (when (top-object-interface object)
306245 (let ((res (cons nil nil)))
307246 (gather-exporting-objects object res)
310249 (defun gather-exporting-objects (object res)
311250 (declare (type top-object object)
312 (type list res)
313 (values list))
251 (type list res)
252 (values list))
314253 (let ((dmods (object-exporting-objects object)))
315254 (dolist (dmod dmods)
316255 (unless (member dmod (car res) :test #'equal)
317 (push dmod (car res))
318 (gather-exporting-objects (car dmod) res)))))
256 (push dmod (car res))
257 (gather-exporting-objects (car dmod) res)))))
320259 ;;;
321260 ;;; initialization
322261 ;;;
323262 (defun initialize-depend-dag (object)
324263 (declare (type top-object object)
325 (values t))
264 (values t))
326265 (let ((dag (object-depend-dag object)))
327266 (if dag
328 (setf (dag-node-subnodes dag) nil)
329 (let ((node (create-dag-node (cons object nil) nil)))
330 (setf (object-depend-dag object) node)))))
267 (setf (dag-node-subnodes dag) nil)
268 (let ((node (create-dag-node (cons object nil) nil)))
269 (setf (object-depend-dag object) node)))))
332271 (defun initialize-object-interface (interface)
333272 (declare (type ex-interface interface)
334 (values t))
273 (values t))
335274 (setf (interface$parameters interface) nil)
336 (setf (interface$exporting-objects interface) nil)
337 )
275 (setf (interface$exporting-objects interface) nil))
339277 (defun clean-up-ex-interface (interface)
340278 (declare (type ex-interface interface)
341 (values t))
279 (values t))
342280 (setf (interface$dag interface) nil)
343281 (setf (interface$parameters interface) nil)
344 (setf (interface$exporting-objects interface) nil)
345 )
282 (setf (interface$exporting-objects interface) nil))
347284 ;;;
348285 ;;; setting dependency
349286 ;;;
350287 (defun add-depend-relation (object mode subobject)
351288 (declare (type top-object object)
352 (type symbol mode)
353 (type top-object subobject)
354 (values t))
289 (type symbol mode)
290 (type top-object subobject)
291 (values t))
355292 ;; set dag
356293 (let ((dag (object-depend-dag object)))
357294 (unless dag
360297 (let ((sub-dag (object-depend-dag subobject)))
361298 (unless sub-dag (break "Panic! no object dag of subobject..."))
362299 (let* ((submod-datum (cons subobject mode))
363 (s-node (create-dag-node submod-datum
364 (dag-node-subnodes sub-dag))))
365 (push s-node (dag-node-subnodes dag)))))
300 (s-node (create-dag-node submod-datum
301 (dag-node-subnodes sub-dag))))
302 (push s-node (dag-node-subnodes dag)))))
366303 ;; make exporting relation
367 ;; (pushnew (cons object mode) (object-exporting-objects subobject) :test #'equal)
368 (pushnew (cons object mode) (object-exporting-objects subobject) :test #'equal)
369 )
304 (pushnew (cons object mode) (object-exporting-objects subobject) :test #'equal))
371306 ;;; ******
372307 ;;; STATUS
390325 ;;;
391326 (defun propagate-object-change (exporting-objects)
392327 (declare (type list exporting-objects)
393 (values t))
328 (values t))
394329 (dolist (eobj exporting-objects)
395330 (mark-object-as-inconsistent (car eobj))
396331 (propagate-object-change (object-exporting-objects (car eobj)))))
435370 ;;; builtin-info part of builtin sorts.
436371 ;;;
438 (defstruct (parse-dictionary (:conc-name "DICTIONARY-")
439 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
440 )
373 (defstruct (parse-dictionary (:conc-name "DICTIONARY-"))
441374 (table (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 50)
442 :type (or null hash-table))
375 :type (or null hash-table))
443376 (builtins nil :type list)
444 (juxtaposition nil :type list) ; list of juxtaposition methods.
377 (juxtaposition nil :type list) ; list of juxtaposition methods.
445378 )
447380 ;;; *********
451384 ;;; slot.
453386 (defstruct (signature-struct (:conc-name "SIGNATURE$")
454 (:print-function print-signature))
455 (module nil) ; module
456 (sorts nil :type list) ; list of own sorts.
457 (sort-relations nil :type list) ; list of subsort relations.
458 (operators nil :type list) ; list of operators declared in the
459 ; module.
460 (opattrs nil :type list) ; explicitly declared operator
461 ; attributes in a form of AST.
462 (principal-sort nil :type atom) ; principal sort of the module.
387 (:print-function print-signature))
388 (module nil) ; module
389 (sorts nil :type list) ; list of own sorts.
390 (sort-relations nil :type list) ; list of subsort relations.
391 (operators nil :type list) ; list of operators declared in the
392 ; module.
393 (opattrs nil :type list) ; explicitly declared operator
394 ; attributes in a form of AST.
395 (principal-sort nil :type atom) ; principal sort of the module.
463396 )
465398 (defun print-signature (obj stream &rest ignore)
474407 ;;; stored in module's `axioms' slot.
476409 (defstruct (axiom-set (:conc-name "AXIOM-SET$")
477 (:print-function print-axiom-set))
478 (module nil) ; contaning module
479 (variables nil :type list) ; assoc list of explicitly declared
480 ; variables.
481 ; ((variable-name . variable) ...)
482 (equations nil :type list) ; list of equtions declared in the module.
483 (rules nil :type list) ; list of rules declared in the module.
410 (:print-function print-axiom-set))
411 (module nil) ; contaning module
412 (variables nil :type list) ; assoc list of explicitly declared
413 ; variables.
414 ; ((variable-name . variable) ...)
415 (equations nil :type list) ; list of equtions declared in the module.
416 (rules nil :type list) ; list of rules declared in the module.
484417 )
486419 (defun print-axiom-set (obj stream &rest ignore)
502435 ;;; The structure TRS is a representative of flattened module.
504437 (defstruct (TRS (:conc-name trs$)
505 (:print-function print-trs))
506 (module nil :type (or null top-object)) ; the reverse pointer
438 (:print-function print-trs))
439 (module nil :type (or null top-object)) ; the reverse pointer
508 (opinfo-table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
509 :type (or null hash-table))
510 ; operator infos
441 (opinfo-table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
442 :type (or null hash-table))
443 ; operator infos
511444 (sort-order (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
512 :type (or null hash-table))
513 ; transitive closure of sort-relations
445 :type (or null hash-table))
446 ; transitive closure of sort-relations
514447 ;; (ext-rule-table (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
515448 (ext-rule-table (make-ext-rule-table-name)
516 :type symbol)
517 ; assoc table of rule A,AC extensions
449 :type symbol)
450 ; assoc table of rule A,AC extensions
518451 ;;
519 (sorts nil :type list) ; list of all sorts
520 (operators nil :type list) ; list of all operators
452 (sorts nil :type list) ; list of all sorts
453 (operators nil :type list) ; list of all operators
522 (rules nil :type list) ; list of all rewrite rules.
455 (rules nil :type list) ; list of all rewrite rules.
523456 ;; INFO FOR EXTERNAL INTERFACE -----------------------------------
524457 (sort-name-map nil :type list)
525458 (op-info-map nil :type list)
529462 (sort-graph nil :type list)
530463 (err-sorts nil :type list)
531464 (dummy-methods nil :type list)
532 (sem-relations nil :type list) ; without error sorts
533 (sem-axioms nil :type list) ; ditto
465 (sem-relations nil :type list) ; without error sorts
466 (sem-axioms nil :type list) ; ditto
534467 ;; a status TRAM interface generated?
535 (tram nil :type symbol) ; nil,:eq, or :all
468 (tram nil :type symbol) ; nil,:eq, or :all
536469 )
538471 (defun print-trs (obj stream &rest ignore)
540473 (let ((mod (trs$module obj)))
541474 (format stream "'[:trs \"~a\"]" (make-module-print-name2 mod))))
543 ;;; *******
544 ;;; CONTEXT_____________________________________________________________________
545 ;;; *******
546 ;;; holds some run time context infos.
548 (defstruct (module-context
549 ;; #+gcl (:static t)
550 )
551 (bindings nil :type list) ; top level let binding
552 (special-bindings nil :type list) ; users $$variables ...
553 ($$term nil :type list) ; $$term
554 ($$subterm nil :type list) ; $$subterm
555 ($$action-stack nil :type list) ; action stack for apply
556 ($$selection-stack nil :type list) ; selection stack for choose
557 ($$stop-pattern nil :type list) ; stop pattern
558 ($$ptree nil) ; proof tree
476 ;;; ******************
477 ;;; MODULE-DYN-CONTEXT___________________________________________________________
478 ;;; ******************
479 ;;; holds run time dynamic infomation of a module.
481 (defstruct (module-dyn-context (:conc-name "MODULE-CONTEXT-"))
482 (object nil :type (or null object)) ; module
483 (bindings nil :type list) ; top level let binding
484 (special-bindings nil :type list) ; users $$variables ...
485 ($$term nil :type list) ; $$term
486 ($$subterm nil :type list) ; $$subterm
487 ($$action-stack nil :type list) ; action stack for apply
488 ($$selection-stack nil :type list) ; selection stack for choose
489 ($$stop-pattern nil :type list) ; stop pattern
490 ($$ptree nil) ; proof tree
559491 )
561493 ;;;
563495 ;;; MODULE __________________________________________________________________
564496 ;;; STRUCTURE
565497 ;;; *********
566 #||
567 (defterm module (top-object)
568 :visible (name) ; module name (modexpr).
569 :hidden (signature ; own signature.
570 axiom-set ; set of own axioms.
571 theorems ; set of own theorems, not used yet.
572 parse-dictionary ; infos for term parsing.
573 ex-info ; various compiled informations.
574 trs ; corresponding semi-compiled TRS.
575 context ; run time context
576 )
577 :int-printer print-module-object
578 :print print-module-internal)
579 ||#
581498 (defstruct (module (:include top-object (-type 'module))
582 (:conc-name "MODULE-")
583 (:constructor make-module)
584 (:constructor module* (name))
585 (:print-function print-module-object)
586 )
499 (:conc-name "MODULE-")
500 (:constructor make-module)
501 (:constructor module* (name))
502 (:print-function print-module-object))
587503 (print-name "" :type string)
588504 (signature nil :type (or null signature-struct))
589 ; own signature.
505 ; own signature.
590506 (axiom-set nil :type (or null axiom-set))
591 ; set of own axioms.
592 (theorems nil :type list) ; set of own theorems, not used yet.
507 ; set of own axioms.
508 (theorems nil :type list) ; set of own theorems, not used yet.
593509 (parse-dictionary nil :type (or null parse-dictionary))
594 ; infos for term parsing.
595 ;; (ex-info nil :type list) ; various compiled informations.
596 (trs nil :type (or null trs)) ; corresponding semi-compiled TRS.
510 ; infos for term parsing.
511 (trs nil :type (or null trs)) ; corresponding semi-compiled TRS.
597512 (context nil
598 :type (or null module-context))
599 ; run time context
600 (alias nil :type list)
601 )
603 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
604 (setf (get 'module :type-predicate) (symbol-function 'module-p))
605 (setf (get 'module :eval) nil)
606 (setf (get 'module :print) 'print-module-internal)
607 )
513 :type (or null module-dyn-context))
514 ; run time context
515 (alias nil :type list) ; alias names for a module generated from complex modexpr
516 )
518 ;;; KIND
519 (defmacro module-kind (_mod)
520 `(getf (object-misc-info ,_mod) ':module-kind))
522 (defmacro module-is-theory (_mod_) `(eq :theory (module-kind ,_mod_)))
524 (defmacro module-is-object (_mod_) `(eq :object (module-kind ,_mod_)))
526 (defmacro module-is-final (_mod_) `(eq :theory (module-kind ,_mod_)))
528 (defmacro module-is-loose (_mod_)
529 ` (memq (module-kind ,_mod_) '(:module :ots)))
531 (defmacro module-is-initial (_mod_) `(eq (module-kind ,_mod_) :object))
533 ;;; PRINTER
535 (defun print-module-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
536 (declare (ignore ignore)
537 (type module obj)
538 (type stream stream)
539 (values t))
540 (if (or (module-is-inconsistent obj)
541 (null (module-name obj)))
542 (format stream ":module[\"~a\"]" (module-name obj))
543 (cond ((module-is-object obj)
544 (format stream ":mod![\"~a\"]" (module-print-name obj)))
545 ((module-is-theory obj)
546 (format stream ":mod*[\"~a\"]" (module-print-name obj)))
547 (t (format stream ":mod[\"~a\"]" (module-print-name obj))))))
609549 ;;; ****
610550 ;;; VIEW _______________________________________________________________________
616556 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
618558 (defstruct (view-struct (:include top-object (-type 'view-struct))
619 (:conc-name "VIEW-STRUCT-")
620 (:constructor make-view-struct)
621 (:constructor view-struct* (name))
622 (:copier nil)
623 (:print-function print-view-struct-object))
559 (:conc-name "VIEW-STRUCT-")
560 (:constructor make-view-struct)
561 (:constructor view-struct* (name))
562 (:copier nil)
563 (:print-function print-view-struct-object))
624564 (src nil :type (or null module))
625565 (target nil :type (or null module))
626566 (sort-maps nil :type list)
634574 (defun print-view-struct-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
635575 (declare (ignore ignore))
636 (format stream "#<view ~a: ~s => ~s | ~s>"
637 (view-struct-name obj)
638 (view-struct-src obj)
639 (view-struct-target obj)
640 (addr-of obj)))
576 (format stream ":view[~a: ~s => ~s | ~s]"
577 (view-struct-name obj)
578 (view-struct-src obj)
579 (view-struct-target obj)
580 (addr-of obj)))
643583 ;;; EOF
00 ;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: boperator.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: boperator.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4242 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4444 ;;;=============================================================================
45 ;;; OPERATORS & friends
45 ;;; OPERATORS & friends
4646 ;;;=============================================================================
4848 ;;; An operator is a folder which holds each specific operations (methods)
104104 ;;; prec and cprec are used for `default' value for methods.
105105 ;;;
106106 (defstruct opsyntax
107 (token-seq nil :type list) ; list of terminal(string)s and arguments'
108 ; place holders (symbol T).
109 ; ex. ("if" T "then" T "else" T "fi")
110 ; means that the operator has a syntax
111 ; <if_then_else_fi> ::= "if" term "then"
112 ; term "else" term
113 ; "fi"
114 (mixfix nil :type (or null t)) ; T iff the syntax is `mixfix'.
115 (type nil :type symbol) ; one of 'juxtaposition, 'latefix, 'antefix.
116 (prec nil :type (or null fixnum)) ; parsing precedence of the operator.
107 (token-seq nil :type list) ; list of terminal(string)s and arguments'
108 ; place holders (symbol T).
109 ; ex. ("if" T "then" T "else" T "fi")
110 ; means that the operator has a syntax
111 ; <if_then_else_fi> ::= "if" term "then"
112 ; term "else" term
113 ; "fi"
114 (mixfix nil :type (or null t)) ; T iff the syntax is `mixfix'.
115 (type nil :type symbol) ; one of 'juxtaposition, 'latefix, 'antefix.
116 (prec nil :type (or null fixnum)) ; parsing precedence of the operator.
117117 (cprec nil :type (or null fixnum))
118 ; computed prec, used by `simple-parser'.
119 (assoc nil :type symbol) ; associativity of the operator,
120 ; 'l-assoc or 'r-assoc.
118 ; computed prec, used by `simple-parser'.
119 (assoc nil :type symbol) ; associativity of the operator,
120 ; 'l-assoc or 'r-assoc.
121121 )
124124 ;;; ********
125125 ;;; OPERATOR __________________________________________________________________
126126 ;;; ********
127 #||
128 (defterm operator (object) ; (static-object)
129 :visible (name) ; list of `symbol' & `number of arguments'.
130 :hidden (module
131 strategy
132 theory
133 syntax
134 memo
135 print-name
136 hidden
137 )
138 :int-printer print-operator-object
139 :print print-operator-internal)
141 ||#
143127 (defstruct (operator (:include object (-type 'operator))
144 (:constructor make-operator)
145 (:constructor operator* (name))
146 (:copier nil)
147 (:print-function print-operator-object))
128 (:constructor make-operator)
129 (:constructor operator* (name))
130 (:copier nil)
131 (:print-function print-operator-object))
148132 (name nil :type list)
149 (module nil :type (or null module))
150133 (strategy nil :type list)
151134 (theory nil :type (or null op-theory))
152135 (syntax nil :type (or null opsyntax))
162145 (defun print-operator-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
163146 (declare (ignore ignore))
164 (format stream "(:op ~s : ~x)" (operator-name obj) (addr-of obj))
165 )
167 ;;; (defmacro operator-p (_o) `(is-operator ,_o))
147 (format stream ":op[~s : ~x]" (operator-name obj) (addr-of obj)))
169149 ;;; Basic accessors ----------------------------------------------------------
171 ;;; (defmacro operator-name (_operator) `(%operator-name ,_operator))
150 (defmacro operator-module (op)
151 `(object-context-mod ,op))
172152 (defmacro operator-symbol (_operator) `(car (operator-name ,_operator)))
173153 (defmacro operator-num-args (_operator) `(cdr (operator-name ,_operator)))
174 ;;; (defmacro operator-module (_operator) `(%operator-module ,_operator))
175 ;;; (defmacro operator-hidden (_operator) `(%operator-hidden ,_operator))
177155 ;;; id = (name . module)
178156 (defmacro operator-id (__operator)
179157 (once-only (__operator)
180158 `(cons (operator-name ,__operator) (operator-module ,__operator))))
181159 (defmacro operator-module-id (__operator) `(module-name (operator-module
182 ,__operator)))
183 ;;; (defmacro operator-strategy (__operator) `(%operator-strategy ,__operator))
160 ,__operator)))
184161 (defmacro operator-rewrite-strategy (__operator)
185162 `(operator-strategy ,__operator))
186 ;;; (defmacro operator-theory (__operator) `(%operator-theory ,__operator))
187 ;;; (defmacro operator-syntax (__operator) `(%operator-syntax ,__operator))
188 ;;; (defmacro operator-print-name (__operator) `(%operator-print-name ,__operator))
189 ;;; (defmacro operator-memo (__operator) `(%operator-memo ,__operator))
191164 (defun explode-operator-name (op-symbol)
192165 (declare (type list op-symbol)
193 (values list))
166 (values list))
194167 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (if (equal s "_")
195 t
196 s))
197 op-symbol))
168 t
169 s))
170 op-symbol))
199172 (defun make-operator-token-seq (operator)
200173 (declare (type operator operator)
201 (values list))
174 (values list))
202175 (explode-operator-name (operator-symbol operator)))
204177 (defun operator-syntactic-type-from-name (token-seq)
205178 (declare (type list token-seq)
206 (values symbol))
179 (values symbol))
207180 (if (eq t (car token-seq))
208181 (if (eq t (cadr token-seq))
209 'juxtaposition
210 'latefix)
182 'juxtaposition
183 'latefix)
211184 'antefix))
213186 ;;; Predicate ------------------------------------------------------------------
232205 ;; just the same as (equal (operator-id op1) (operator-id op2))
233206 ;; but little bit faster...
234207 ` (and (operator-eql ,op1_ ,op2_)
235 (eq (operator-module ,op1_) (operator-module ,op2_)))))
208 (eq (operator-module ,op1_) (operator-module ,op2_)))))
238211 ;;;
242215 ;;; Constructor of Operator body.-----------------------------------------------
243216 (defvar *opname-table* nil)
244 #||
245 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
246 (setf *opname-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
247 ||#
249218 (defun canonicalize-op-name (name)
250219 (declare (type list name)
251 (values list))
220 (values list))
252221 (or (cdr (assoc name *opname-table* :test #'equal))
253222 (prog1
254 name
255 (push (cons name name) *opname-table*))))
257 #||
258 (defvar .operator-recycler.)
259 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
260 (setq .operator-recycler. (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
262 (defun allocate-operator (name num-args module)
263 (let* ((name (canonicalize-op-name (cons name num-args)))
264 (key (cons name module))
265 (op (gethash key .operator-recycler.)))
266 (if op
267 op
268 (progn
269 (setq op (operator* name))
270 (setf (operator-module op) module)
271 (when (modexp-is-simple-name (module-name module))
272 (setf (gethash key .operator-recycler.) op))
273 op))))
275 ||#
223 name
224 (push (cons name name) *opname-table*))))
277226 (defun allocate-operator (name num-args module)
278227 (declare (type list name)
279 (type fixnum num-args)
280 (type module module)
281 (values operator))
228 (type fixnum num-args)
229 (type module module)
230 (values operator))
282231 (let ((name (canonicalize-op-name (cons name num-args)))
283 (op nil))
232 (op nil))
284233 (setq op (operator* name))
285234 (setf (operator-module op) module)
286235 op))
288237 (defun new-operator (&key name num-args
289 module strategy theory syntax print-name)
238 module strategy theory syntax print-name)
291240 (declare (type list name)
292 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
293 (type (or null module) module)
294 (type (or null list) strategy)
295 (type (or null op-theory) theory)
296 (type t print-name)
297 (values operator))
241 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
242 (type (or null module) module)
243 (type (or null list) strategy)
244 (type (or null op-theory) theory)
245 (type t print-name)
246 (values operator))
298247 (let ((o (allocate-operator name num-args module)))
299248 (setf (operator-strategy o) strategy
300 (operator-theory o) theory
301 (operator-syntax o) syntax
302 (operator-print-name o) print-name)
249 (operator-theory o) theory
250 (operator-syntax o) syntax
251 (operator-print-name o) print-name)
303252 o))
306254 ;;; accessors of an operator's syntax via operator.
307255 ;;;
326274 (defun make-print-operator-id (op-nam)
327275 (declare (type t op-nam))
328276 (cond ((and (consp op-nam)
329 (stringp (car op-nam)))
330 (if (cdr op-nam)
331 (reduce #'(lambda (a b)
332 (declare (type (or simple-string symbol) a b))
333 (concatenate 'string
334 (the simple-string (string a))
335 (the simple-string (string b))))
336 op-nam)
337 (the simple-string (car op-nam))))
338 ((symbolp op-nam) (string (the symbol op-nam)))
339 (t (break "Internal error: invalid op-nam ~S" op-nam))))
277 (stringp (car op-nam)))
278 (if (cdr op-nam)
279 (reduce #'(lambda (a b)
280 (declare (type (or simple-string symbol) a b))
281 (concatenate 'string
282 (the simple-string (string a))
283 (the simple-string (string b))))
284 op-nam)
285 (the simple-string (car op-nam))))
286 ((symbolp op-nam) (string (the symbol op-nam)))
287 (t (break "Internal error: invalid op-nam ~S" op-nam))))
341289 (defun cmake-operator-print-name (operator)
342290 (declare (type operator operator))
343291 (let ((nam (operator-name operator))
344 (mixfix (operator-is-mixfix operator)))
292 (mixfix (operator-is-mixfix operator)))
345293 (if mixfix
346 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
347 (format nil "~a/~d"
348 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
349 (cdr nam)))))
294 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
295 (format nil "~a/~d"
296 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
297 (cdr nam)))))
351299 ;;; ******
352300 ;;; OPINFO
362310 ;;; constructor
363311 (defun make-opinfo (&key operator methods method-table)
364312 (declare (type (or null operator) operator)
365 (type list methods)
366 (type list method-table)
367 (values list))
313 (type list methods)
314 (type list method-table)
315 (values list))
368316 (list operator methods method-table))
370318 (defun opinfo-p (object)
371319 (declare (type t object)
372 (values (or null t)))
320 (values (or null t)))
373321 (and (listp object)
374322 (listp (cdr (last object)))
375323 (= 3 (length object))
387335 ;;;
388336 (defmacro get-operator-info (_*operator _*infos)
389337 `(car (member ,_*operator ,_*infos :test #'(lambda (x y)
390 (operator= x (opinfo-operator y))))))
338 (operator= x (opinfo-operator y))))))
392340 ;;; The following accessors accepts operator object and the list of opinfo.
393341 ;;;
457405 ;;; *****************************************************************************
459407 ;;; * NOTE* The slots defined here are all module idependent.
460 #||
461 (defterm method (object)
462 :visible (name ; operator name (canonicalized).
463 arity ; arity, list of argument sorts.
464 coarity) ; coarity
465 :hidden (module ; the module it belongs.
466 constructor ; flag, t iff the method is a
467 ; constructor. not yet used.
468 supplied-strategy ; user supplied rewrite strategy.
469 form ; describes the form of a term with the
470 ; method as top. used for parsing.
471 precedence ; precedence used for parsing.
472 associativity ; associative info used for parsing.
473 memo ; t iff the rewriting will be memoized.
474 behavioural ; t iff the method is behavioural method.
475 coherent ; t iff the method is behaviourally coherent.
476 error ; t iff the method is error method and user
477 ; defined.
478 )
479 :int-printer print-method-object
480 :print print-method-internal)
481 ||#
483409 (defstruct (method (:include object (-type 'method))
484 (:constructor make-method)
485 (:constructor method* (name arity coarity))
486 (:copier nil)
487 (:print-function print-method-object))
488 (name nil :type list) ; operator name (canonicalized).
489 (arity nil :type list) ; arity, list of argument sorts.
490 (coarity nil :type (or null sort*)) ; coarity
491 (module nil :type (or null module)) ; the module it belongs.
492 (constructor nil :type (or null t)) ; flag, t iff the method is a
493 ; constructor. not yet used.
494 (supplied-strategy nil :type list) ; user supplied rewrite strategy.
495 (form nil :type list) ; describes the form of a term with the
496 ; method as top. used for parsing.
410 (:constructor make-method)
411 (:constructor method* (name arity coarity))
412 (:copier nil)
413 (:print-function print-method-object))
414 (name nil :type list) ; operator name (canonicalized).
415 (arity nil :type list) ; arity, list of argument sorts.
416 (coarity nil :type (or null sort*)) ; coarity
417 (constructor nil :type (or null t)) ; flag, t iff the method is a
418 ; constructor.
419 (supplied-strategy nil :type list) ; user supplied rewrite strategy.
420 (form nil :type list) ; describes the form of a term with the
421 ; method as top. used for parsing.
497422 (precedence nil :type (or null fixnum))
498 ; precedence used for parsing.
499 (associativity nil :type symbol) ; associative info used for parsing.
500 (behavioural nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the method is behavioural method.
501 ;; (coherent nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the method is behaviourally coherent.
502 (error nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the method is error method and user
503 ; defined.
423 ; precedence used for parsing.
424 (associativity nil :type symbol) ; associative info used for parsing.
425 (behavioural nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the method is behavioural method.
426 (error nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the method is error method and user
427 ; defined.
504428 (derived-from nil :type (or null method))
505429 (has-memo nil :type (or null t))
506 (id-symbol nil :type symbol)
507 )
430 (id-symbol nil :type symbol))
509432 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
510433 (setf (symbol-function 'is-method) (symbol-function 'method-p))
514437 (defun print-method-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
515438 (declare (ignore ignore))
516 (format stream "[:operator ~a]" (method-name obj)))
439 (format stream ":op[~a]" (method-name obj)))
518441 ;;; Primitive constructor ------------------------------------------------------
521444 ;;;
522445 (defmacro create-operator-method (_name _arity _coarity)
523446 `(let ((meth (method* ,_name ,_arity ,_coarity)))
524 (set-context-module meth)
447 (set-object-context-module meth)
525448 meth))
527450 ;;; Primitive type predicate ---------------------------------------------------
531454 ;;; Primitive accessors --------------------------------------------------------
533 ;;; (defmacro method-name (_m) `(%method-name ,_m))
456 (defmacro method-module (m)
457 `(object-context-mod ,m))
534459 (defmacro method-symbol (_m) `(car (method-name ,_m)))
535 ;;; (defmacro method-arity (_m) `(%method-arity ,_m))
536 ;;; (defmacro method-coarity (_m) `(%method-coarity ,_m))
537 ;;; (defmacro method-constructor (_m) `(%method-constructor ,_m))
538 ;;; (defmacro method-form (_m) `(%method-form ,_m))
539 ;;; (defmacro method-supplied-strategy (_m) `(%method-supplied-strategy ,_m))
540 ;;; (defmacro method-precedence (_m) `(%method-precedence ,_m))
541 ;;; (defmacro method-memo (_m) `(%method-memo ,_m))
542 ;;; (defmacro method-module (_m) `(%method-module ,_m))
543 ;;; (defmacro method-associativity (_m) `(%method-associativity ,_m))
544 ;;; (defmacro method-behavioural (_m) `(%method-behavioural ,_m))
545461 (defmacro method-is-behavioural (_m) `(method-behavioural ,_m)) ; synonym
546 ;;; (defmacro method-is-coherent (_m) `(method-coherent ,_m))
547463 (defmacro method-is-user-defined-error-method (_m)
548464 `(method-error ,_m))
553469 (defun method-is-derived-from (m)
554470 (let ((df (method-derived-from m)))
555471 (if df
556 (or (method-is-derived-from df)
557 df)
558 nil)))
472 (or (method-is-derived-from df)
473 df)
474 nil)))
560476 ;;; synonym
561477 (defmacro method-is-constructor? (m)
576492 (defun allocate-operator-method (name arity coarity)
577493 (declare (type list name)
578 (type list arity)
579 (type sort* coarity)
580 (values method))
581 #||
582 (let ((key (list name arity coarity)))
583 (or (gethash key .operator-method-recycler.)
584 (let ((meth (method* name arity coarity)))
585 (setf (gethash key .operator-method-recycler.) meth)
586 meth)))
587 ||#
588 (create-operator-method name arity coarity)
589 )
494 (type list arity)
495 (type sort* coarity)
496 (values method))
497 (create-operator-method name arity coarity))
591499 (defun make-method-id-symbol (method)
592500 (let* ((nam (method-name method))
593 (mixfix (find-if #'(lambda (x) (string= x "_")) (car nam))))
501 (mixfix (find-if #'(lambda (x) (string= x "_")) (car nam))))
594502 (if mixfix
595 (intern (make-print-operator-id (car nam)))
596 (intern (format nil "~a/~d"
597 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
598 (cdr nam))))))
503 (intern (make-print-operator-id (car nam)))
504 (intern (format nil "~a/~d"
505 (make-print-operator-id (car nam))
506 (cdr nam))))))
600508 (defun make-operator-method (&key name arity coarity)
601509 (declare (type list name arity)
602 (type (or null sort*) coarity)
603 (values method))
510 (type (or null sort*) coarity)
511 (values method))
604512 (let ((meth (allocate-operator-method name arity coarity)))
605513 (declare (type method meth))
606 (setf (method-module meth) *current-module*
607 (method-constructor meth) nil
608 (method-supplied-strategy meth) nil
609 (method-precedence meth) nil
610 (method-associativity meth) nil
611 (method-id-symbol meth) (make-method-id-symbol meth))
514 (setf (method-module meth) (get-context-module)
515 (method-constructor meth) nil
516 (method-supplied-strategy meth) nil
517 (method-precedence meth) nil
518 (method-associativity meth) nil
519 (method-id-symbol meth) (make-method-id-symbol meth))
612520 meth))
625533 ;;; The same object.
626534 (defmacro method= (*_*meth1 *_*meth2) `(eq ,*_*meth1 ,*_*meth2))
627536 (defun method-w= (m1 m2)
628537 (or (method= m1 m2)
629538 (when (and (sort= (method-coarity m1) *sort-id-sort*)
630 (sort= (method-coarity m2) *sort-id-sort*))
631 (equal (method-symbol m1) (method-symbol m2)))))
539 (sort= (method-coarity m2) *sort-id-sort*))
540 (equal (method-symbol m1) (method-symbol m2)))))
634543 ;;; METHOD-IS-OF-SAME-OPERATOR : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
635544 ;;; Returns t iff the given two methods are of the same operator.
636545 ;;; NOTE: they are not neccessarily comparable in terms of their ranks.
637546 ;;;
638 (defmacro method-is-of-same-operator (*_*m1 *_*m2)
639 `(eq (method-name ,*_*m1) (method-name ,*_*m2)))
641 (defmacro method-is-of-same-operator-safe (*_*m1 *_*m2)
642 `(and (method-p ,*_*m2) (eq (method-name ,*_*m1) (method-name ,*_*m2))))
644 ;;; this also checks that coarity is in same connected component
645 (defmacro method-is-of-same-operator+ (_m1 _m2)
646 `(let ((ma ,_m1)
647 (mb ,_m2))
648 (and (method-is-of-same-operator ma mb)
649 (is-in-same-connected-component (method-coarity ma)
650 (method-coarity mb)
651 (module-sort-order *current-module*)))))
547 (defmacro method-has-same-name (_m1 _m2)
548 `(equal (method-name ,_m1) (method-name ,_m2)))
550 #||
551 (defmacro method-is-of-same-operator (_m1 _m2)
552 (once-only (_m1 _m2)
553 `(if (or (atom ,_m1) (atom ,_m2))
554 (equal ,_m1 ,_m2)
555 (method-has-same-name (the method ,_m1) (the method ,_m2)))))
556 ||#
558 (defun method-is-of-same-operator (_m1 _m2)
559 (declare (type (or atom method) _m1 _m2))
560 (if (or (not (method-p _m1))
561 (not (method-p _m2)))
562 (equal _m1 _m2)
563 (equal (method-name _m1) (method-name _m2))))
565 ;;; this also checks that coarity is in same the connected component
566 (defmacro method-is-of-same-operator+ (m1 m2)
567 (once-only (m1 m2)
568 `(and (method-is-of-same-operator ,m1 ,m2)
569 (is-in-same-connected-component (method-coarity ,m1)
570 (method-coarity ,m2)
571 (module-sort-order *current-module*)))))
653573 ;;; method-is-predicate
654574 (defun method-is-predicate (method)
655575 (and (sort= *bool-sort* (method-coarity method))
656576 (not (member *bool-sort* (method-arity method)))
657577 (not (method= method *bool-true-meth*))
658 (not (method= method *bool-false-meth*))
659 ))
578 (not (method= method *bool-false-meth*))))
663582 (defun find-method-in-method-list (arity coarity method-list)
664583 (declare (type list arity method-list)
665 (type sort* coarity)
666 (values (or null method)))
584 (type sort* coarity)
585 (values (or null method)))
667586 (let ((methods method-list))
668587 (dolist (m methods)
669588 (if (and (sort-list= arity (method-arity m))
670 (sort= coarity (method-coarity m)))
671 (return-from find-method-in-method-list m)))))
589 (sort= coarity (method-coarity m)))
590 (return-from find-method-in-method-list m)))))
673592 ;;; ***********
674593 ;;; METHOD-INFO
675594 ;;; ***********
676595 ;;; Internal structure constaining module dependent infos of a method.
677596 ;;; does not appear explicitly in Chaos program.
679 #||
680 (defterm !method-info (int-object) ; (static-int-object) ; internal term.
681 :hidden (operator ; pointer to the operator.
682 theory ; equational theory.
683 lower-methods ; list of lower comparable methods,
684 ; sorted lower->higher, exclusive.
685 overloaded-methods ; list of overloaded methods,
686 ; sortd higher->lower, exclusive.
687 rules-with-same-top ; rewrite rules with lhs and rhs have a
688 ; common top method.
689 rules-with-different-top ; rewrite rules with lhs and rhs have
690 ; different top method.
691 strictly-overloaded ; t iff the method is strictly
692 ; overloaded ,i.e., has no incomparable
693 ; overloaded method.
694 rew-strategy ; rewrite strategy.
695 has-trans ; flag, t iff the method has transitivity
696 ; axioms.
697 ))
699 ||#
701597 (defstruct (!method-info (:include object (-type '!method-info))
702 (:copier nil)
703 (:constructor make-!method-info)
704 (:constructor !method-info* nil)
705 (:print-function chaos-pr-object))
598 (:copier nil)
599 (:constructor make-!method-info)
600 (:constructor !method-info* nil)
601 (:print-function chaos-pr-object))
706602 (operator nil :type (or null operator))
707 ; pointer to the operator.
603 ; pointer to the operator.
708604 (theory nil :type (or null op-theory)) ; equational theory.
709 (lower-methods nil :type list) ; list of lower comparable methods,
710 ; sorted lower->higher, exclusive.
711 (overloaded-methods nil :type list) ; list of overloaded methods,
712 ; sortd higher->lower, exclusive.
713 (macros nil :type list) ; macro definitions
714 (rules-with-same-top nil) ; rewrite rules with lhs and rhs have a
715 ; common top method.
605 (lower-methods nil :type list) ; list of lower comparable methods,
606 ; sorted lower->higher, exclusive.
607 (overloaded-methods nil :type list) ; list of overloaded methods,
608 ; sortd higher->lower, exclusive.
609 (macros nil :type list) ; macro definitions
610 (rules-with-same-top nil) ; rewrite rules with lhs and rhs have a
611 ; common top method.
716612 (rules-with-different-top nil :type list)
717 ; rewrite rules with lhs and rhs have
718 ; different top method.
613 ; rewrite rules with lhs and rhs have
614 ; different top method.
719615 (strictly-overloaded nil :type (or null t))
720 ; t iff the method is strictly
721 ; overloaded ,i.e., has no incomparable
722 ; overloaded method.
723 (rew-strategy nil :type list) ; rewrite strategy.
724 (has-trans nil :type (or null t)) ; flag, t iff the method has transitivity
725 ; axioms.
616 ; t iff the method is strictly
617 ; overloaded ,i.e., has no incomparable
618 ; overloaded method.
619 (rew-strategy nil :type list) ; rewrite strategy.
620 (has-trans nil :type (or null t)) ; flag, t iff the method has transitivity
621 ; axioms.
726622 (theory-info-for-matching nil
727 :type (or null theory-info))
728 (coherent nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff behaviouraly coherent
623 :type (or null theory-info))
624 (coherent nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff behaviouraly coherent
729625 )
731627 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
732628 (setf (symbol-function 'is-!method-info) (symbol-function '!method-info-p))
733629 (setf (get '!method-info :type-predicate) (symbol-function '!method-info-p))
734630 (setf (get '!method-info :print) nil))
736632 ;;;
737633 ;;; GET-METHOD-INFO
738634 ;;;
739 #||
740 (defun get-method-info (method &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
741 (if (and (eq method .method1.) (eq opinfo-table .method-tab1.))
742 .method-val1.
743 (if (and (eq method .method2.) (eq opinfo-table .method-tab2.))
744 .method-val2.
745 (let ((res (gethash method opinfo-table)))
746 (if res
747 (progn
748 (setq .method2. .method1.
749 .method-tab2. .method-tab1.
750 .method-val2. .method-val1.)
751 (setq .method1. method
752 .method-tab1. opinfo-table
753 .method-val1. res)
754 res)
755 #||
756 (with-output-chaos-error ()
757 (format t "context is inconsistent, could not get info for operator:")
758 (format t "~& ~a" (method-name method))
759 (chaos-to-top))
760 ||#
761 nil
762 )))))
763 ||#
765635 (declaim (inline get-method-info))
767637 (#+GCL si::define-inline-function #-GCL defun
768638 get-method-info (method opinfo-table)
769639 (declare (type method method)
770 (type (or null hash-table) opinfo-table)
771 (values (or null !method-info)))
640 (type (or null hash-table) opinfo-table)
641 (values (or null !method-info)))
772642 (unless opinfo-table
773 (with-output-panic-message ()
774 (format t "get-method-info: no opinfo-table")
775 (chaos-error 'panic)))
643 (with-output-panic-message ()
644 (format t "get-method-info: no opinfo-table")
645 (break)
646 (chaos-error 'panic)))
776647 (gethash method opinfo-table))
778649 (defsetf get-method-info (_method &optional (_opinfo-table
779 *current-opinfo-table*))
650 *current-opinfo-table*))
780651 (_val)
781652 `(setf (gethash ,_method ,_opinfo-table) ,_val))
792663 (get-method-info ,*_m ,*_info-table)))
794665 (defmacro method-lower-methods (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table
795 '*current-opinfo-table*))
666 '*current-opinfo-table*))
796667 `(!method-info-lower-methods (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
798669 (defmacro method-overloaded-methods (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table
799 '*current-opinfo-table*))
670 '*current-opinfo-table*))
800671 `(!method-info-overloaded-methods (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
802673 (defmacro method-rules-with-same-top (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table
803 '*current-opinfo-table*))
674 '*current-opinfo-table*))
804675 `(!method-info-rules-with-same-top (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
806677 (defmacro method-rules-with-different-top (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table
807 '*current-opinfo-table*))
678 '*current-opinfo-table*))
808679 `(!method-info-rules-with-different-top (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
810681 (defmacro method-macros (*_ms &optional (_info_table '*current-opinfo-table*))
815686 `(!method-info-rules-with-different-top (get-method-info ,_m ,_info-table)))
817688 (defmacro method-strictly-overloaded (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table
818 '*current-opinfo-table*))
689 '*current-opinfo-table*))
819690 `(!method-info-strictly-overloaded (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
821692 (defmacro method-rew-strategy (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table '*current-opinfo-table*))
822693 `(!method-info-rew-strategy (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
824695 (defmacro method-rewrite-strategy (*-_m &optional (*-_info-table
825 '*current-opinfo-table*))
696 '*current-opinfo-table*))
826697 `(!method-info-rew-strategy (get-method-info ,*-_m ,*-_info-table)))
828699 (defmacro method-has-trans-rule (_m &optional (_info-table
829 '*current-opinfo-table*))
700 '*current-opinfo-table*))
830701 `(!method-info-has-trans (get-method-info ,_m ,_info-table)))
832703 (defmacro method-is-coherent (_m &optional (_info-table
833 '*current-opinfo-table*))
704 '*current-opinfo-table*))
834705 `(!method-info-coherent (get-method-info ,_m ,_info-table)))
836707 ;;; synonym..
837708 (defmacro method-coherent (_m &optional (_info-table
838 '*current-opinfo-table*))
709 '*current-opinfo-table*))
839710 `(!method-info-coherent (get-method-info ,_m ,_info-table)))
841712 ;;; CONSTRUCTOR ----------------------------------------------------------------
843 #||
844 (defvar .method-info-recycler. (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
845 (defun allocate-method-info (method module)
846 (let* ((key (list method module))
847 (minfo (gethash key .method-info-recycler.)))
848 (if minfo
849 minfo
850 (progn
851 (setq minfo (!method-info*))
852 (when (modexp-is-simple-name (module-name module))
853 (setf (gethash key .method-info-recycler.) minfo))
854 minfo))))
855 ||#
857714 (defun allocate-method-info (meth mod)
858715 (declare (ignore meth mod)
859 (values !method-info))
716 (values !method-info))
860717 (make-!method-info))
862719 (defun make-method-info (method module operator)
863720 (declare (type method method)
864 (type module module)
865 (type operator operator)
866 (values !method-info))
721 (type module module)
722 (type operator operator)
723 (values !method-info))
867724 (let ((info (allocate-method-info method module)))
868725 (setf (!method-info-operator info) operator
869 (!method-info-theory info) nil
870 (!method-info-lower-methods info) nil
871 (!method-info-overloaded-methods info) nil)
726 (!method-info-theory info) nil
727 (!method-info-lower-methods info) nil
728 (!method-info-overloaded-methods info) nil)
872729 (unless (!method-info-rules-with-same-top info)
873730 (setf (!method-info-rules-with-same-top info) (create-rule-ring nil)))
874731 (setf (!method-info-rules-with-different-top info) nil
875 (!method-info-strictly-overloaded info) nil)
732 (!method-info-strictly-overloaded info) nil)
876733 info))
878735 ;;; Little Utils --------------------------------------------------------------
880737 ;;;
882739 ;;;
883 #||
884 (defun method-theory-info-for-matching (method &optional (info-table
885 *current-opinfo-table*))
740 (defun compute-method-theory-info-for-matching (method &optional
741 (info-table
742 *current-opinfo-table*))
886743 (declare (type method method)
887 (type hash-table info-table)
888 (values theory-info))
744 (type hash-table info-table))
889745 (let* ((th (method-theory method info-table))
890 (info (theory-info th)))
746 (info (theory-info th)))
891747 (declare (type op-theory th)
892 (type theory-info info))
893 (if (zero-rule-only th)
894 (%svref *theory-info-array*
895 (logandc2 (the fixnum (theory-info-code info)) .Z.))
896 info)))
897 ||#
899 (defun compute-method-theory-info-for-matching (method &optional
900 (info-table
901 *current-opinfo-table*))
748 (type theory-info info))
749 ;;
750 (let((res (if (zero-rule-only th)
751 (%svref *theory-info-array*
752 (logandc2 (the fixnum (theory-info-code info)) .Z.))
753 info)))
754 (setf (method-theory-info-for-matching method info-table) res))))
757 ;;;
758 (defun get-method-precedence (method &optional
759 (method-info-tab *current-opinfo-table*))
902760 (declare (type method method)
903 (type hash-table info-table))
904 (let ((res nil))
905 (let* ((th (method-theory method info-table))
906 (info (theory-info th)))
907 (declare (type op-theory th)
908 (type theory-info info))
909 (setq res
910 (if (zero-rule-only th)
911 (%svref *theory-info-array*
912 (logandc2 (the fixnum (theory-info-code info)) .Z.))
913 info))
914 (setf (method-theory-info-for-matching method info-table)
915 res)
916 )))
919 ;;;
920 (defun get-method-precedence (method &optional
921 (method-info-tab *current-opinfo-table*))
922 (declare (type method method)
923 (type hash-table method-info-tab))
761 (type hash-table method-info-tab))
924762 (or (the (or null fixnum) (method-precedence method))
925763 (the (or null fixnum) (operator-computed-precedence
926 (method-operator method method-info-tab)))
764 (method-operator method method-info-tab)))
927765 (the (or null fixnum) (operator-precedence
928 (method-operator method method-info-tab)))
766 (method-operator method method-info-tab)))
929767 (compute-operator-precedence (method-operator method method-info-tab))))
931769 ;;; *** The following default precedence must be determined later again ***
936774 (defun compute-operator-precedence (operator)
937775 (declare (type operator operator)
938 (values fixnum))
776 (values fixnum))
939777 (let ((given-prec (operator-precedence operator))
940 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence operator))
941 (is-standard (not (operator-is-mixfix operator))))
778 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence operator))
779 (is-standard (not (operator-is-mixfix operator))))
942780 (declare (type (or null fixnum) given-prec)
943 (type list token-seq)
944 (type (or null t) is-standard))
781 (type list token-seq)
782 (type (or null t) is-standard))
945783 (if given-prec
946 given-prec
947 (if is-standard
948 0
949 (if (and (not (eq t (car token-seq)))
950 (not (eq t (car (last token-seq)))))
951 ;; not of the pattern "_ args-or-keyword... _ "
952 0
953 (if (and (eq t (car (last token-seq)))
954 (not (memq t (butlast token-seq))))
955 ;; unary operator.
956 .default-unary-prec.
957 ;; others.
958 .default-prec.))))))
784 given-prec
785 (if is-standard
786 0
787 (if (and (not (eq t (car token-seq)))
788 (not (eq t (car (last token-seq)))))
789 ;; not of the pattern "_ args-or-keyword... _ "
790 0
791 (if (and (eq t (car (last token-seq)))
792 (not (memq t (butlast token-seq))))
793 ;; unary operator.
794 .default-unary-prec.
795 ;; others.
796 .default-prec.))))))
960798 ;;; *********
961799 ;;; RULE-RING
970808 ;; Be careful for printing! (and debugging)
972810 (defstruct (rule-ring (:copier nil))
973 (ring nil :type list) ; the circular list of rules
974 (current nil :type list) ; current position
975 (mark nil :type list)) ; end mark
811 (ring nil :type list) ; the circular list of rules
812 (current nil :type list) ; current position
813 (mark nil :type list)) ; end mark
977815 ;;; 0 : ring
978816 ;;; 1 : current
985823 ;;; (defun make-rule-ring (&key ring current mark)
986824 ;;; (let ((r (alloc-term 3)))
987825 ;;; (setf (rule-ring-ring r) ring
988 ;;; (rule-ring-current r) current
989 ;;; (rule-ring-mark r) mark)
826 ;;; (rule-ring-current r) current
827 ;;; (rule-ring-mark r) mark)
990828 ;;; r))
992830 ;;; CREATE-RULE-RING list-of-rules
995833 ;;;
996834 (defun create-rule-ring (list-of-rules)
997835 (declare (type list list-of-rules)
998 (values rule-ring))
836 (values rule-ring))
999837 (if list-of-rules
1000838 (make-rule-ring :ring (rplacd (last list-of-rules) list-of-rules)
1001 :current list-of-rules
1002 :mark list-of-rules)
839 :current list-of-rules
840 :mark list-of-rules)
1003841 (make-rule-ring)))
1005843 ;;; ADD-RULE-TO-RING rule-ring rule
1007845 ;;;
1008846 (defun add-rule-to-ring (rring rule)
1009847 (declare (type rule-ring rring)
1010 (type t rule))
848 (type t rule))
1011849 (let ((ring (rule-ring-ring rring)))
1012850 (if ring
1013 ;; add the rule to tail.
1014 (rplacd ring (push rule (cdr ring)))
1015 ;; no ring.
851 ;; add the rule to tail.
852 (rplacd ring (push rule (cdr ring)))
853 ;; no ring.
1016854 (let ((new-ring (list rule)))
1017 (setf (rule-ring-ring rring) (rplacd new-ring new-ring))))))
855 (setf (rule-ring-ring rring) (rplacd new-ring new-ring))))))
1019857 ;;; INITIALIZE-RULE-RING rule-ring
1020858 ;;; initialize a rule-ring, that is put the current and mark pointers
1030868 #-GCL
1031869 (defun initialize-rule-ring (rr)
1032870 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
1033 (values t))
871 (values t))
1034872 (setf (rule-ring-current rr) (rule-ring-ring rr))
1035873 (setf (rule-ring-mark rr) nil)
1036874 (car (rule-ring-current rr))
1047885 #-GCL
1048886 (defun rule-ring-set-mark (rr)
1049887 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
1050 (values list))
888 (values list))
1051889 (setf (rule-ring-mark rr) (rule-ring-current rr)))
1053891 ;;; RULE-RING-NEXT rule-ring
1065903 #-GCL
1066904 (defun rule-ring-next (rr)
1067905 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
1068 (values list))
906 (values list))
1069907 (unless (rule-ring-mark rr) (rule-ring-set-mark rr))
1070908 ;; update the current pointer
1071909 (let ((rules (cdr (rule-ring-current rr))))
1084922 #-GCL
1085923 (defun END-OF-RULE-RING (rr)
1086924 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
1087 (values (or null t)))
925 (values (or null t)))
1088926 (eq (rule-ring-current rr) (rule-ring-mark rr)))
1090928 ;;; RULE-RING-IS-EMPTY rule-ring
1096934 #-GCL
1097935 (defun rule-ring-is-empty (rr)
1098936 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
1099 (values (or null t)))
937 (values (or null t)))
1100938 (null (rule-ring-ring rr)))
1102940 ;;; RULE-RING-TO-LIST rule-ring
1106944 (si::define-inline-function rule-ring-to-list (rr)
1107945 (let ((list nil))
1108946 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
1109 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
1110 (push rule list))
947 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
948 (push rule list))
1111949 list))
1112950 #-GCL
1113951 (defun rule-ring-to-list (rr)
1114952 (declare (type rule-ring rr)
1115 (values list))
953 (values list))
1116954 (let ((list nil))
1117955 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
1118 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
1119 (push rule list))
956 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
957 (push rule list))
1120958 list))
1122960 ;;; COPY-RULE-RING rule-ring
1123961 ;;;
1124962 (defun copy-rule-ring (rule-ring)
1125963 (declare (type rule-ring rule-ring)
1126 (values rule-ring))
964 (values rule-ring))
1127965 (let ((ring (rule-ring-ring rule-ring)))
1128966 (make-rule-ring :ring ring
1129 :current ring
1130 :mark nil)))
967 :current ring
968 :mark nil)))
1133971 ;;; ****************
1140978 (defun method-is-error-method (method)
1141979 (declare (type method method)
1142 (values (or null t)))
980 (values (or null t)))
1143981 (let ((coar (method-coarity method)))
1144982 (or (err-sort-p coar)
1145 (dolist (a (method-arity method) nil)
1146 (if (err-sort-p a)
1147 (return-from method-is-error-method t))))))
1149 #||
1150 (defun method-is-universal (method)
1151 (and (method-arity method)
1152 (every #'(lambda (x) (or (sort= x *universal-sort*)
1153 (sort= x *huniversal-sort*)
1154 (sort= x *cosmos*)))
1155 (method-arity method))))
1156 ||#
983 (dolist (a (method-arity method) nil)
984 (if (err-sort-p a)
985 (return-from method-is-error-method t))))))
987 ;;; returns true if all of its arguments are universal sort
1158988 (defun method-is-universal (method)
1159989 (declare (type method method)
1160 (values (or null t)))
990 (values (or null t)))
1161991 (let ((arity (method-arity method)))
1162992 (declare (type list arity))
1163993 (and arity
1164 (dolist (ar arity t)
1165 (declare (type sort* ar))
1166 (unless (or (sort= ar *universal-sort*)
1167 (sort= ar *huniversal-sort*)
1168 (sort= ar *cosmos*))
1169 (return-from method-is-universal nil))))))
994 (dolist (ar arity t)
995 (declare (type sort* ar))
996 (unless (or (sort= ar *universal-sort*)
997 (sort= ar *huniversal-sort*)
998 (sort= ar *cosmos*))
999 (return-from method-is-universal nil))))))
1001 ;;; returns true if one of the argument is an universal sort
11711002 (defun method-is-universal* (method)
11721003 (declare (type method method)
1173 (values (or null t)))
1004 (values (or null t)))
11741005 (let ((arity (method-arity method)))
11751006 (declare (type list arity))
11761007 (and arity
1177 (dolist (ar arity nil)
1178 (declare (type sort* ar))
1179 (when (or (sort= ar *universal-sort*)
1180 (sort= ar *huniversal-sort*)
1181 (sort= ar *cosmos*))
1182 (return-from method-is-universal* t))))))
1008 (dolist (ar arity nil)
1009 (declare (type sort* ar))
1010 (when (or (sort= ar *universal-sort*)
1011 (sort= ar *huniversal-sort*)
1012 (sort= ar *cosmos*))
1013 (return-from method-is-universal* t))))))
11841015 ;;; METHOD-IS-ASSOCIATIVE : Method -> Bool
11851016 ;;; non-nil iff the methods equational theory contains associativity.
11861017 ;;;
11871018 (defun method-is-associative (meth &optional (info *current-opinfo-table*))
11881019 (declare (type method meth)
1189 (type hash-table info)
1190 (values (or null t)))
1020 (type hash-table info)
1021 (values (or null t)))
11911022 (theory-contains-associativity (method-theory meth info)))
11951026 ;;;
11961027 (defun method-is-identity (meth &optional (info *current-opinfo-table*))
11971028 (declare (type method meth)
1198 (type hash-table info)
1199 (values (or null t)))
1029 (type hash-table info)
1030 (values (or null t)))
12001031 (theory-contains-identity (method-theory meth info)))
12041035 ;;;
12051036 (defun method-is-commutative (meth &optional (info *current-opinfo-table*))
12061037 (declare (type method meth)
1207 (type hash-table info)
1208 (values (or null t)))
1038 (type hash-table info)
1039 (values (or null t)))
12091040 (theory-contains-commutativity (method-theory meth info)))
12121043 ;;;
12131044 (defun method-is-idempotent (meth &optional (info *current-opinfo-table*))
12141045 (declare (type method meth)
1215 (type hash-table info)
1216 (values (or null t)))
1046 (type hash-table info)
1047 (values (or null t)))
12171048 (theory-contains-idempotency (method-theory meth info)))
12191050 ;;; METHOD-IS-OVERLOADED-WITH : Method Method SORT-ORDER -> Bool
12241055 (defun method-is-overloaded-with (meth1 meth2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
12251056 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1226 (type sort-order so)
1227 (values (or null t)))
1057 (type sort-order so)
1058 (values (or null t)))
12281059 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
12291060 (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
12301061 (let ((arx (method-arity meth1))
1231 (ary (method-arity meth2))
1232 (coarx (method-coarity meth1))
1233 (coary (method-coarity meth2)))
1234 (declare (type list arx ary)
1235 (type sort* coarx coary))
1236 (or (and (sort<= coarx coary so)
1237 (sort-list<= arx ary so))
1238 (and (sort<= coary coarx so)
1239 (sort-list<= ary arx so))))))
1062 (ary (method-arity meth2))
1063 (coarx (method-coarity meth1))
1064 (coary (method-coarity meth2)))
1065 (declare (type list arx ary)
1066 (type sort* coarx coary))
1067 (or (and (sort<= coarx coary so)
1068 (sort-list<= arx ary so))
1069 (and (sort<= coary coarx so)
1070 (sort-list<= ary arx so))))))
12411072 ;;; METHOD-IS-IN-SAME-COMPONENT : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
12421073 ;;; Returns t iff two methods are of the same operator, have arities which
12471078 ;;;
12481079 (defun method-is-in-same-component (meth1 meth2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
12491080 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1250 (type sort-order so)
1251 (values (or null t)))
1081 (type sort-order so)
1082 (values (or null t)))
12521083 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
12531084 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
1254 (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
1255 (is-in-same-connected-component
1256 (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) so)
1257 (let ((al1 (method-arity meth1))
1258 (al2 (method-arity meth2)))
1259 (loop (if (null al1) (return t))
1260 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (car al1) (car al2) so)
1261 (return nil))
1262 (setf al1 (cdr al1)
1263 al2 (cdr al2)))))))
1085 (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
1086 (is-in-same-connected-component
1087 (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) so)
1088 (let ((al1 (method-arity meth1))
1089 (al2 (method-arity meth2)))
1090 (loop (if (null al1) (return t))
1091 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (car al1) (car al2) so)
1092 (return nil))
1093 (setf al1 (cdr al1)
1094 al2 (cdr al2)))))))
12651096 ;;; METHOD-IS-INSTANCE-OF method-1 method2 sort-order
12661097 ;;; condition: of same operator, larger coarity; smaller arity smaller coarity too.
12671098 ;;;
12681099 (defun method-is-instance-of (meth1 meth2 sort-order)
12691100 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1270 (type sort-order sort-order)
1271 (values (or null t)))
1101 (type sort-order sort-order)
1102 (values (or null t)))
12721103 (and (method-p meth1)
12731104 (method-p meth2)
12741105 (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
12751106 (or (method-is-universal* meth2)
1276 (and (or (not (sort= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2)))
1277 (not (sort-list= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2))))
1278 (sort<= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) sort-order)
1279 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2) sort-order)))))
1107 (and (or (not (sort= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2)))
1108 (not (sort-list= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2))))
1109 (sort<= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) sort-order)
1110 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2) sort-order)))))
12811112 ;;; METHOD-IS-SAME-QUAL-METHOD : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
12821113 ;;;
12831114 (defun method-is-same-qual-method (meth1 meth2)
12841115 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1285 (values (or null t)))
1116 (values (or null t)))
12861117 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
12871118 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1288 (and (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
1289 (is-in-same-connected-component* (method-coarity meth1)
1290 (method-coarity meth2)
1291 *current-sort-order*)))))
1119 (and (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
1120 (is-in-same-connected-component* (method-coarity meth1)
1121 (method-coarity meth2)
1122 *current-sort-order*)))))
12931124 ;;; METHOD<= : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
12941125 ;;; returns t iff
12981129 ;;;
12991130 (defun method<= (meth1 meth2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
13001131 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1301 (type sort-order so)
1302 (values (or null t)))
1132 (type sort-order so)
1133 (values (or null t)))
13031134 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
13041135 (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
13051136 (not (eq meth1 meth2))
13061137 (and (sort<= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) so)
1307 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2) so))))
1138 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2) so))))
13091140 ;;; METHOD-IS-RESTRICTION-OF : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
13101141 ;;; just the same as method<=
13111142 ;;;
13121143 (defun method-is-restriction-of (meth1 meth2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
13131144 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1314 (type sort-order so)
1315 (values (or null t)))
1145 (type sort-order so)
1146 (values (or null t)))
13161147 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
13171148 (method-is-of-same-operator meth1 meth2)
13181149 (not (eq meth1 meth2))
13191150 (or (method-is-universal* meth2)
1320 (and (sort<= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) so)
1321 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2) so)))))
1151 (and (sort<= (method-coarity meth1) (method-coarity meth2) so)
1152 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1) (method-arity meth2) so)))))
13231154 ;;; METHOD-IS-ASSOCIATIVE-RESTRICTION-OF : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
13241155 ;;; returns t iff
13281159 ;;; *NOTE* second method is assumed to be just associative.
13291160 ;;;
13301161 #-GCL (declaim (inline method-is-associative-restriction-of))
1331 #||
1332 (defun method-is-associative-restriction-of (meth1
1333 meth2
1334 &optional
1335 (so *current-sort-order*)
1336 (info *current-opinfo-table*))
1337 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1338 (type sort-order so)
1339 (type hash-table info)
1340 (values (or null t)))
1341 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1342 (and (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2))
1343 (sort<= (method-coarity meth1)
1344 (method-coarity meth2)
1345 so)
1346 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1)
1347 (method-arity meth2)
1348 so)
1349 (theory-contains-associativity (method-theory meth1 info)))))
1350 ||#
13511162 #-GCL
13521163 (defun method-is-associative-restriction-of (meth1
1353 meth2)
1164 meth2)
13541165 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1355 (values (or null t)))
1166 (values (or null t)))
13561167 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
13571168 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1358 (equal (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
1169 (equal (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
13601171 #+GCL
13611172 (si:define-inline-function method-is-associative-restriction-of (meth1
1362 meth2)
1173 meth2)
13631174 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1364 (values (or null t)))
1175 (values (or null t)))
13651176 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
13661177 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1367 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
1178 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
13691180 ;;; METHOD-IS-AC-RESTRICTION-OF : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
13701181 ;;; returns t iff
13731184 ;;;
13741185 ;;; *NOTE* second method is assumed to be associative-commutive.
13751186 ;;;
1376 #||
1377 (defun method-is-AC-restriction-of (meth1
1378 meth2
1379 &optional
1380 (so *current-sort-order*)
1381 (info *current-opinfo-table*))
1382 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1383 (type sort-order so)
1384 (type hash-table info)
1385 (values (or null t)))
1386 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1387 (and (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2))
1388 (sort<= (method-coarity meth1)
1389 (method-coarity meth2)
1390 so)
1391 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1)
1392 (method-arity meth2)
1393 so)
1394 (theory-contains-AC (method-theory meth1 info)))))
1395 ||#
13971187 #-GCL (declaim (inline method-is-ac-restriction-of))
13991188 #-GCL
14001189 (defun method-is-AC-restriction-of (meth1
1401 meth2
1402 &rest ignore)
1190 meth2
1191 &rest ignore)
14031192 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1404 (ignore ignore)
1405 (values (or null t)))
1193 (ignore ignore)
1194 (values (or null t)))
14061195 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
14071196 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1408 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
1197 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
14101199 #+GCL
14111200 (si:define-inline-function
14121201 method-is-ac-restriction-of (meth1 meth2)
14131202 (and (method-p meth1) (method-p meth2)
14141203 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1415 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
1204 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
14181207 ;;; METHOD-IS-COMMUTATIVE-RESTRICTION-OF : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
14191208 ;;; returns t iff
14221211 ;;;
14231212 ;;; *NOTE* second method is assumed to be just commutive.
14241213 ;;;
1425 #||
1426 (defun method-is-commutative-restriction-of (meth1
1427 meth2
1428 &optional
1429 (so *current-sort-order*)
1430 (info *current-opinfo-table*))
1431 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1432 (type sort-order so)
1433 (type hash-table info)
1434 (values (or null t)))
1435 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1436 (and (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2))
1437 (sort<= (method-coarity meth1)
1438 (method-coarity meth2)
1439 so)
1440 (sort-list<= (method-arity meth1)
1441 (method-arity meth2)
1442 so)
1443 (theory-contains-commutativity (method-theory meth1 info)))))
1444 ||#
14461214 #-GCL (declaim (inline method-is-commutative-restriction-of))
14481215 #-GCL
14491216 (defun method-is-commutative-restriction-of (meth1 meth2)
14501217 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1451 (values (or null t)))
1218 (values (or null t)))
14521219 (and (method-p meth2) (method-p meth1)
14531220 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1454 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
1221 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
14561223 #+GCL
14571224 (si:define-inline-function method-is-commutative-restriction-of (meth1 meth2)
14581225 (declare (type method meth1 meth2)
1459 (values (or null t)))
1226 (values (or null t)))
14601227 (and (method-p meth2)
14611228 (or (method= meth1 meth2)
1462 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
1229 (eq (method-name meth1) (method-name meth2)))))
14641231 ;;; METHOD-IS-OVERLOADED-WITH-AC-ATTRIBUTE : Method1 Method2 -> Bool
14651232 ;;; returns t iff
14671234 ;;; (2) exists same name with AC then yes
14681235 ;;;
14691236 (defun method-is-overloaded-with-AC-attribute (meth
1470 &optional
1471 (opinfo-table
1472 *current-opinfo-table*))
1237 &optional
1238 (opinfo-table
1239 *current-opinfo-table*))
14731240 (declare (type method meth)
1474 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1475 (values (or null t)))
1241 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1242 (values (or null t)))
14761243 (dolist (meth2 (method-overloaded-methods meth opinfo-table))
14771244 (declare (type method meth2))
14781245 (when (and (not (method= meth meth2))
1479 (eq (method-name meth) (method-name meth2))
1480 (theory-contains-AC (method-theory meth2 opinfo-table)))
1246 (eq (method-name meth) (method-name meth2))
1247 (theory-contains-AC (method-theory meth2 opinfo-table)))
14811248 (return t))))
14831250 ;;; GREATEST-AC-METHOD-LESS-THAN : Method -> Method
14841251 ;;; Theory is AC and satisfies the above condition.
14851252 ;;;
14861253 (defun greatest-AC-method-less-than (meth
1487 &optional
1488 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
1254 &optional
1255 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
14891256 (declare (type method meth)
1490 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1491 (values list))
1257 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1258 (values list))
14921259 (let ((res nil))
14931260 (dolist (meth2 (method-overloaded-methods meth opinfo-table))
14941261 (declare (type method meth2))
14951262 (when (and (not (method= meth meth2))
1496 (method-is-ac-restriction-of meth2 meth))
1497 (setq res meth2)))
1263 (method-is-ac-restriction-of meth2 meth))
1264 (setq res meth2)))
14981265 res))
15001267 ;;; LIST-ASSOCIATIVE-METHOD-ABOVE : Method -> List[Method]
15021269 ;;; to their methods.
15031270 ;;;
15041271 (defun list-associative-method-above (method &optional
1505 (so *current-sort-order*)
1506 (info-table *current-opinfo-table*))
1272 (so *current-sort-order*)
1273 (info-table *current-opinfo-table*))
15071274 (declare (type method method)
1508 (type sort-order so)
1509 (hash-table info-table)
1510 (values list))
1275 (type sort-order so)
1276 (hash-table info-table)
1277 (values list))
15111278 (let ((res nil)
1512 (coar (method-coarity method)))
1279 (coar (method-coarity method)))
15131280 (declare (type sort* coar))
15141281 (dolist (m (method-overloaded-methods method info-table))
15151282 (declare (type method m))
15161283 (when (and (not (method= m method))
1517 ;; (not (method-is-error-method m))
1518 ;; was (method-is-of-same-operator m method)
1519 (eq (method-name m)
1520 (method-name method))
1521 (sort<= coar (method-coarity m) so)
1522 (theory-contains-associativity (method-theory m info-table)))
1523 (push m res)))
1284 ;; (not (method-is-error-method m))
1285 ;; was (method-is-of-same-operator m method)
1286 (eq (method-name m)
1287 (method-name method))
1288 (sort<= coar (method-coarity m) so)
1289 (theory-contains-associativity (method-theory m info-table)))
1290 (push m res)))
15241291 res))
15261293 ;;; HIGHEST-METHODS-BELOW : Method Sort -> List[Method]
15291296 ;;; (2) has greater or equal coarity to given sort
15301297 ;;;
15311298 (defun highest-methods-below (method sort
1532 &optional
1533 (so *current-sort-order*)
1534 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
1299 &optional
1300 (so *current-sort-order*)
1301 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
15351302 (declare (type method method)
1536 (type sort* sort)
1537 (type sort-order so)
1538 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1539 (values list))
1303 (type sort* sort)
1304 (type sort-order so)
1305 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1306 (values list))
15401307 (let ((methods (reverse (method-overloaded-methods method opinfo-table)))
1541 (res nil))
1308 (res nil))
15421309 (dolist (m methods)
15431310 (declare (type method m))
15441311 (when (sort<= (method-coarity m) sort so)
1545 (unless (dolist (m2 methods nil)
1546 (when (and (not (method= m m2))
1547 (sort<= (method-coarity m)
1548 (method-coarity m2) so)
1549 (sort<= (method-coarity m2) sort so)
1550 (method<= m m2 so))
1551 (return t)))
1552 (push m res))))
1312 (unless (dolist (m2 methods nil)
1313 (when (and (not (method= m m2))
1314 (sort<= (method-coarity m)
1315 (method-coarity m2) so)
1316 (sort<= (method-coarity m2) sort so)
1317 (method<= m m2 so))
1318 (return t)))
1319 (push m res))))
15531320 res))
15621329 (defun get-default-methods (op &optional (module *current-module*))
15631330 (declare (type operator op)
1564 (type module module)
1565 (values list))
1331 (type module module)
1332 (values list))
15661333 (let ((gms nil))
15671334 (dolist (m (operator-methods op (module-all-operators module)))
15681335 (if (or (method-is-error-method m)
1569 (method-is-universal m))
1570 (push m gms)))
1336 (method-is-universal m))
1337 (push m gms)))
15711338 gms))
15751342 (defun lowest-method-direct (method lower-bounds &optional (mod *current-module*))
15761343 (declare (type method method)
1577 (type list lower-bounds)
1578 (type module mod)
1579 (values method))
1344 (type list lower-bounds)
1345 (type module mod)
1346 (values method))
15801347 (let ((*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table mod))
1581 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order mod))
1582 (cur-arity (method-arity method))
1583 (cur-coarity (method-coarity method))
1584 (res method))
1348 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order mod))
1349 (cur-arity (method-arity method))
1350 (cur-coarity (method-coarity method))
1351 (res method))
15851352 (declare (type hash-table *current-opinfo-table*
1586 *current-sort-order*)
1587 (type list cur-arity)
1588 (type sort* cur-coarity))
1353 *current-sort-order*)
1354 (type list cur-arity)
1355 (type sort* cur-coarity))
15891356 (dolist (meth (operator-methods (method-operator method)
1590 (module-all-operators mod)))
1357 (module-all-operators mod)))
15911358 (declare (type method meth))
15921359 (let ((new-coarity (method-coarity meth))
1593 (new-arity (method-arity meth)))
1594 (declare (type sort* new-coarity)
1595 (type list new-arity))
1596 (when (and (sort<= new-coarity cur-coarity)
1597 (sort-list<= lower-bounds new-arity)
1598 (sort-list<= new-arity cur-arity))
1599 (setq res meth
1600 cur-coarity new-coarity
1601 cur-arity new-arity))))
1360 (new-arity (method-arity meth)))
1361 (declare (type sort* new-coarity)
1362 (type list new-arity))
1363 (when (and (sort<= new-coarity cur-coarity)
1364 (sort-list<= lower-bounds new-arity)
1365 (sort-list<= new-arity cur-arity))
1366 (setq res meth
1367 cur-coarity new-coarity
1368 cur-arity new-arity))))
16021369 res))
16071374 (defun highest-method-direct (method upper-bound
1608 &optional (module *current-module*))
1375 &optional (module *current-module*))
16091376 (declare (type method method)
1610 (type sort* upper-bound)
1611 (type module module)
1612 (values method))
1377 (type sort* upper-bound)
1378 (type module module)
1379 (values method))
16131380 (let* ((*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1614 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1615 (elingible-flag (sort<= (method-coarity method) upper-bound))
1616 (res (if elingible-flag method nil))
1617 (cur-arity (if elingible-flag (method-arity method) nil))
1618 (cur-coarity (if elingible-flag (method-coarity method) nil)))
1381 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1382 (elingible-flag (sort<= (method-coarity method) upper-bound))
1383 (res (if elingible-flag method nil))
1384 (cur-arity (if elingible-flag (method-arity method) nil))
1385 (cur-coarity (if elingible-flag (method-coarity method) nil)))
16191386 (declare (type hash-table *current-opinfo-table*
1620 *current-sort-order*)
1621 (type (or null t) elingible-flag)
1622 (type list cur-arity)
1623 (type (or null sort*) cur-coarity))
1387 *current-sort-order*)
1388 (type (or null t) elingible-flag)
1389 (type list cur-arity)
1390 (type (or null sort*) cur-coarity))
16241391 (dolist (meth (operator-methods (method-operator method)
1625 (module-all-operators module)))
1392 (module-all-operators module)))
16261393 (declare (type method meth))
16271394 (let ((new-arity (method-arity meth))
1628 (new-coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1629 (when (and (sort<= new-coarity upper-bound)
1630 (or (null res)
1631 (and (sort<= cur-coarity new-coarity)
1632 (sort-list<= cur-arity new-arity))))
1633 (setf res meth cur-coarity new-coarity cur-arity new-arity))))
1395 (new-coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1396 (when (and (sort<= new-coarity upper-bound)
1397 (or (null res)
1398 (and (sort<= cur-coarity new-coarity)
1399 (sort-list<= cur-arity new-arity))))
1400 (setf res meth cur-coarity new-coarity cur-arity new-arity))))
16341401 res))
16391406 (defun strict-lower-coarities-direct (method &optional (module *current-module*))
16401407 (declare (type method method)
1641 (type module module)
1642 (values list))
1408 (type module module)
1409 (values list))
16431410 (let (;; (arity (method-arity method))
1644 (coarity (method-coarity method))
1645 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1646 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1647 (res nil))
1411 (coarity (method-coarity method))
1412 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1413 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1414 (res nil))
16481415 (declare (type sort* coarity)
1649 (type hash-table *current-opinfo-table*
1650 *current-sort-order*))
1416 (type hash-table *current-opinfo-table*
1417 *current-sort-order*))
16511418 (dolist (meth (operator-methods (method-operator method)
1652 (module-all-operators module)))
1419 (module-all-operators module)))
16531420 (declare (type method meth))
16541421 (let ((new-coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1655 (declare (type sort* new-coarity))
1656 (when (and (not (member new-coarity res :test #'eq))
1657 (sort< (method-coarity meth) coarity)
1658 ;; (sort-list (method-arity meth) arity)
1659 ;; this test is not needed by co-regularity.
1660 )
1661 (push new-coarity res))))
1422 (declare (type sort* new-coarity))
1423 (when (and (not (member new-coarity res :test #'eq))
1424 (sort< (method-coarity meth) coarity)
1425 ;; (sort-list (method-arity meth) arity)
1426 ;; this test is not needed by co-regularity.
1427 )
1428 (push new-coarity res))))
16621429 res))
16651432 ;;;
16661433 ;;; LOWEST-METHOD
16671434 ;;;
1669 (defvar *op-debug* nil)
16711436 ;;; choose-most-general-op: ops -> or null method
16721437 ;;; NOTE: assumes *current-sort-order* and *current-opinfo-table* are bound to
16751440 (defun choose-most-general-op (list-meth)
16761441 (unless (cdr list-meth)
16771442 (return-from choose-most-general-op (car list-meth)))
1678 (let ((res (car list-meth))
1679 (comp? nil))
1680 (dolist (m (cdr list-meth))
1681 (when (method<= res m)
1682 (setq res m)
1683 (setq comp? t)))
1684 (if comp?
1685 res
1686 nil)))
1443 (let ((res (car list-meth)))
1444 (dolist (m (cdr list-meth) res)
1445 (if (method<= res m)
1446 (setq res m)
1447 (unless (method-is-in-same-component res m)
1448 (return-from choose-most-general-op nil))))))
16881450 ;;; choose-lowest-op : ops => or null method
16891451 ;;; NOTE: assumes *current-sort-order* and *current-opinfo-table* are bound to
16901452 ;;; properly.
1691 ;;;
1453 ;;; This is used for selecting a term from multiple parse result.
16921454 (defun choose-lowest-op (list-meth)
16931455 (unless (cdr list-meth)
16941456 (return-from choose-lowest-op (car list-meth)))
1457 (when *on-operator-debug*
1458 (format t "~%[choose-lowest-op]:")
1459 (dolist (meth list-meth)
1460 (terpri)
1461 (print-chaos-object meth)))
16951462 (let ((res (car list-meth)))
1696 (dolist (m (cdr list-meth) res)
1463 (dolist (m (cdr list-meth))
16971464 (if (method<= m res)
1698 (setq res m)
1699 ;; return immediately iff two methods are not comparable
1700 (unless (method<= res m)
1701 (return-from choose-lowest-op nil))))))
1465 (setq res m)
1466 ;; return immediately iff two methods are not comparable
1467 (unless (method-is-in-same-component res m)
1468 (return-from choose-lowest-op nil))))
1469 (when *on-operator-debug*
1470 (format t "~%--> ")
1471 (print-chaos-object res))
1472 res))
17031474 (defun lowest-method (method lower-bound
1704 &optional (module *current-module*))
1475 &optional (module *current-module*))
17051476 (declare (type method method)
1706 (type list lower-bound)
1707 (type module module)
1708 (values method))
1477 (type list lower-bound)
1478 (type module module)
1479 (values method))
17091480 (let ((*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1710 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1711 (cand nil))
1481 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1482 (cand nil))
17121483 (declare (type hash-table *current-sort-order* *current-opinfo-table*))
17131484 (dolist (meth (method-overloaded-methods method *current-opinfo-table*))
17141485 (declare (type method meth))
17151486 (when (sort-list<= lower-bound (method-arity meth))
1716 (push meth cand) ))
1487 (push meth cand) ))
17171488 (return-from lowest-method
17181489 (or (choose-lowest-op cand) method))))
17201491 (defun lowest-method! (method lower-bound &optional (module *current-module*))
17211492 (declare (type method method)
1722 (type list lower-bound)
1723 (type module module)
1724 (values (or null method)))
1493 (type list lower-bound)
1494 (type module module)
1495 (values (or null method)))
17251496 (flet ((select-one-method (method-list)
1726 ;; select arbitrary one if every has the same rank
1727 (let* ((cand (car method-list))
1728 (coar (method-coarity cand))
1729 (arity (method-arity cand)))
1730 (dolist (m (cdr method-list) cand)
1731 (unless (sort= coar (method-coarity m))
1732 (return-from select-one-method nil))
1733 (unless (sort-list= arity (method-arity m))
1734 (return-from select-one-method nil))))))
1497 ;; select arbitrary one if every has the same rank
1498 (let* ((cand (car method-list))
1499 (coar (method-coarity cand))
1500 (arity (method-arity cand)))
1501 (dolist (m (cdr method-list) cand)
1502 (unless (sort= coar (method-coarity m))
1503 (return-from select-one-method nil))
1504 (unless (sort-list= arity (method-arity m))
1505 (return-from select-one-method nil))))))
17351506 (let ((*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1736 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1737 (res nil))
1507 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1508 (res nil))
17381509 (declare (type hash-table *current-sort-order* *current-opinfo-table*))
17391510 (let ((over-methods (method-overloaded-methods
1740 method
1741 (module-opinfo-table module))))
1743 (declare (type list over-methods))
1744 (when *on-debug*
1745 (format t "~%* lowest-method! : over-methods =")
1746 (dolist (m over-methods)
1747 (terpri)
1748 (princ " ")
1749 (print-chaos-object m)))
1750 ;;
1751 (if over-methods
1752 (progn
1753 (dolist (meth over-methods)
1754 (declare (type method meth))
1755 (when (and (sort-list<= lower-bound (method-arity meth))
1756 (not (member
1757 meth
1758 res
1759 :test #'(lambda (x y)
1760 (method-is-instance-of y
1761 x
1762 *current-sort-order*)))
1763 ))
1764 (push meth res)))
1765 (when *on-debug*
1766 (format t "~%lowest-method! res=")
1767 (print-chaos-object res)
1768 )
1769 (if (cdr res)
1770 ;; was method
1771 (or (select-one-method res)
1772 method)
1773 (car res)))
1774 (return-from lowest-method! method))))))
1776 #||
1777 (defun lowest-method! (method lower-bound &optional (module *current-module*))
1778 (declare (type method method)
1779 (type list lower-bound)
1780 (type module module)
1781 (values (or null method)))
1782 (let ((*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1783 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1784 (res nil))
1785 (declare (type hash-table *current-sort-order* *current-opinfo-table*))
1786 (let ((over-methods (method-overloaded-methods method *current-opinfo-table*)))
1787 (declare (type list over-methods))
1788 (when *on-debug*
1789 (format t "~%* lowest-method! : over-methods =")
1790 (dolist (m over-methods)
1791 (terpri)
1792 (princ " ")
1793 (print-chaos-object m)))
1794 ;;
1795 (if over-methods
1796 (progn
1797 (dolist (meth over-methods)
1798 (declare (type method meth))
1799 (when (and (sort-list<= lower-bound (method-arity meth))
1800 (not (member
1801 meth
1802 res
1803 :test #'(lambda (x y)
1804 (method-is-instance-of y
1805 x
1806 *current-sort-order*)))))
1807 (push meth res)))
1808 (or (choose-lowest-op res)
1809 method))
1810 (return-from lowest-method! method)))))
1811 ||#
1511 method
1512 (module-opinfo-table module))))
1514 (declare (type list over-methods))
1515 (when *on-operator-debug*
1516 (format t "~%* lowest-method! : over-methods =")
1517 (dolist (m over-methods)
1518 (terpri)
1519 (princ " ")
1520 (print-chaos-object m)))
1521 ;;
1522 (if over-methods
1523 (progn
1524 (dolist (meth over-methods)
1525 (declare (type method meth))
1526 (when (and (sort-list<= lower-bound (method-arity meth))
1527 (not (member
1528 meth
1529 res
1530 :test #'(lambda (x y)
1531 (method-is-instance-of y
1532 x
1533 *current-sort-order*)))
1534 ))
1535 (push meth res)))
1536 (when *on-operator-debug*
1537 (format t "~%lowest-method! res=")
1538 (print-chaos-object res))
1539 (if (cdr res)
1540 ;; was method
1541 (or (select-one-method res)
1542 method)
1543 (car res)))
1544 (return-from lowest-method! method))))))
18131546 (defun lowest-method* (method &optional lower-bound (module *current-module*))
18141547 (declare (type method method)
1815 (type list lower-bound)
1816 (type module module)
1817 (values (or null method)))
1548 (type list lower-bound)
1549 (type module module)
1550 (values (or null method)))
18181551 (let* ((*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1819 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1820 (over-methods (method-overloaded-methods method *current-opinfo-table*)))
1552 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1553 (over-methods (method-overloaded-methods method *current-opinfo-table*)))
18211554 (declare (type hash-table *current-sort-order* *current-opinfo-table*)
1822 (type list over-methods))
1555 (type list over-methods))
18231556 (if over-methods
1824 (let ((cur-coarity (method-coarity method))
1825 (cur-arity (method-arity method)))
1826 (declare (type sort* cur-coarity)
1827 (type list cur-arity))
1828 (dolist (meth over-methods)
1829 (declare (type method meth))
1830 (let ((new-coarity (method-coarity meth))
1831 (new-arity (method-arity meth)))
1832 (declare (type sort* new-coarity)
1833 (type list new-arity))
1834 (when (and (sort<= new-coarity cur-coarity)
1835 (or (and lower-bound
1836 (sort-list<= lower-bound new-arity))
1837 t)
1838 (sort-list<= new-arity cur-arity))
1839 (return-from lowest-method* meth))))
1840 method)
1841 method)))
1557 (let ((cur-coarity (method-coarity method))
1558 (cur-arity (method-arity method)))
1559 (declare (type sort* cur-coarity)
1560 (type list cur-arity))
1561 (dolist (meth over-methods)
1562 (declare (type method meth))
1563 (let ((new-coarity (method-coarity meth))
1564 (new-arity (method-arity meth)))
1565 (declare (type sort* new-coarity)
1566 (type list new-arity))
1567 (when (and (sort<= new-coarity cur-coarity)
1568 (or (and lower-bound
1569 (sort-list<= lower-bound new-arity))
1570 t)
1571 (sort-list<= new-arity cur-arity))
1572 (return-from lowest-method* meth))))
1573 method)
1574 method)))
18431576 ;;; HIGHEST-METHOD
18441577 ;;; NOTE assume overloaded-methods is sorted .lower => higher.
18451578 ;;;
18461579 (defun highest-method (method &optional
1847 upper-bound
1848 (module *current-module*))
1580 upper-bound
1581 (module *current-module*))
18491582 (declare (type method method)
1850 (type (or null sort*) upper-bound)
1851 (type module module)
1852 (values method))
1583 (type (or null sort*) upper-bound)
1584 (type module module)
1585 (values method))
18531586 ;; (format t "~&highest-method : given method ")
18541587 ;; (print-chaos-object method)
18551588 (let ((overloaded-methods
1856 (reverse (method-overloaded-methods method
1857 (module-opinfo-table module)))))
1589 (reverse (method-overloaded-methods method
1590 (module-opinfo-table module)))))
18581591 (declare (type list overloaded-methods))
18591592 (if (null (cdr overloaded-methods))
1860 (if overloaded-methods
1861 (car overloaded-methods)
1862 method)
1863 (let* ((*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1864 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1865 (eligible-flag (if upper-bound
1866 (sort<= (method-coarity method) upper-bound)
1867 t))
1868 (method-res (if eligible-flag method nil))
1869 (cur-arity (if eligible-flag (method-arity method) nil))
1870 (cur-coarity (if eligible-flag (method-coarity method) nil)))
1871 (declare (type hash-table *current-sort-order*
1872 *current-opinfo-table*)
1873 (type (or null t) eligible-flag)
1874 (type list cur-arity)
1875 (type (or null method) method-res)
1876 (type (or null sort*) cur-coarity))
1877 (dolist (meth (operator-methods (method-operator method)
1878 (module-all-operators module))
1879 method-res)
1880 (declare (type method meth))
1881 (let ((new-arity (method-arity meth))
1882 (new-coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1883 (declare (type list new-arity)
1884 (type sort* new-coarity))
1885 (when (and (if upper-bound
1886 (sort<= new-coarity upper-bound)
1887 t)
1888 (or (null method-res)
1889 (and (sort<= cur-coarity new-coarity)
1890 (sort-list<= cur-arity new-arity))))
1891 (return meth))))))))
1593 (if overloaded-methods
1594 (car overloaded-methods)
1595 method)
1596 (let* ((*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1597 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1598 (eligible-flag (if upper-bound
1599 (sort<= (method-coarity method) upper-bound)
1600 t))
1601 (method-res (if eligible-flag method nil))
1602 (cur-arity (if eligible-flag (method-arity method) nil))
1603 (cur-coarity (if eligible-flag (method-coarity method) nil)))
1604 (declare (type hash-table *current-sort-order*
1605 *current-opinfo-table*)
1606 (type (or null t) eligible-flag)
1607 (type list cur-arity)
1608 (type (or null method) method-res)
1609 (type (or null sort*) cur-coarity))
1610 (dolist (meth (operator-methods (method-operator method)
1611 (module-all-operators module))
1612 method-res)
1613 (declare (type method meth))
1614 (let ((new-arity (method-arity meth))
1615 (new-coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1616 (declare (type list new-arity)
1617 (type sort* new-coarity))
1618 (when (and (if upper-bound
1619 (sort<= new-coarity upper-bound)
1620 t)
1621 (or (null method-res)
1622 (and (sort<= cur-coarity new-coarity)
1623 (sort-list<= cur-arity new-arity))))
1624 (return meth))))))))
18931626 ;;; GET-STRICT-LOWER-COARITIES : method module -> List[Sort]
18941627 ;;;
18951628 (defun get-strict-lower-coarities (method &optional (module *current-module*))
18961629 (declare (type method method)
1897 (type module module)
1898 (values list))
1630 (type module module)
1631 (values list))
18991632 (let* (;; (arity (method-arity method))
1900 (coarity (method-coarity method))
1901 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1902 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1903 (methods (method-lower-methods method *current-opinfo-table*)))
1633 (coarity (method-coarity method))
1634 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module))
1635 (*current-opinfo-table* (module-opinfo-table module))
1636 (methods (method-lower-methods method *current-opinfo-table*)))
19041637 (declare (type sort* coarity)
1905 (type hash-table *current-sort-order* *current-opinfo-table*)
1906 (type list methods))
1638 (type hash-table *current-sort-order* *current-opinfo-table*)
1639 (type list methods))
19071640 (let ((res nil))
19081641 (dolist (meth methods)
1909 (declare (type method meth))
1642 (declare (type method meth))
19101643 (let ((new-coarity (method-coarity meth)))
1911 (declare (type sort* new-coarity))
1912 (when (and (not (member new-coarity res :test #'eq))
1913 (sort<= (method-coarity meth) coarity))
1914 (push (method-coarity meth) res))))
1644 (declare (type sort* new-coarity))
1645 (when (and (not (member new-coarity res :test #'eq))
1646 (sort<= (method-coarity meth) coarity))
1647 (push (method-coarity meth) res))))
19151648 res )))
19171650 ;;; *MISC*
19201653 (defun method-all-rules (method &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
19211654 (declare (type method method)
1922 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1923 (values list))
1655 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
1656 (values list))
19241657 (let ((dif (method-rules-with-different-top method opinfo-table))
1925 (ring (method-rules-with-same-top method opinfo-table))
1926 (res nil))
1658 (ring (method-rules-with-same-top method opinfo-table))
1659 (res nil))
19271660 (declare (type list dif)
1928 (type rule-ring ring))
1661 (type rule-ring ring))
19291662 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring ring) (rule-ring-next ring)))
1930 ((end-of-rule-ring ring))
1663 ((end-of-rule-ring ring))
19311664 (push rule res))
19321665 (append dif res)))
19551688 (defun make-operator-internal (name num-args module)
19561689 (declare (type list name)
1957 (type fixnum num-args)
1958 (type module module)
1959 (values operator))
1690 (type fixnum num-args)
1691 (type module module)
1692 (values operator))
19601693 (let ((tseq (explode-operator-name name))
1961 (t-cnt 0))
1694 (t-cnt 0))
19621695 (dolist (s tseq)
19631696 (when (eq s t)
1964 (incf t-cnt)))
1697 (incf t-cnt)))
19651698 (when (and (> t-cnt 0)
1966 (not (eql t-cnt num-args)))
1699 (not (eql t-cnt num-args)))
19671700 (with-output-chaos-error ()
1968 (format t "Mismatching number of arguments for op ~a, shold be ~d."
1969 name num-args)))
1701 (format t "Mismatching number of arguments for op ~a, shold be ~d."
1702 name num-args)))
19701703 (let ((op (allocate-operator name num-args module)))
19711704 (declare (type operator op))
19721705 ;; reset computable values
19731706 (unless (the (or null opsyntax) (operator-syntax op))
1974 (setf (operator-syntax op) (make-opsyntax))
1975 (setf (operator-token-sequence op) tseq
1976 (operator-is-mixfix op) (if (member t (operator-token-sequence op)
1977 :test #'eq)
1978 t
1979 nil))
1980 (setf (operator-syntactic-type op) (operator-syntactic-type-from-name
1981 (operator-token-sequence op))))
1707 (setf (operator-syntax op) (make-opsyntax))
1708 (setf (operator-token-sequence op) tseq
1709 (operator-is-mixfix op) (if (member t (operator-token-sequence op)
1710 :test #'eq)
1711 t
1712 nil))
1713 (setf (operator-syntactic-type op) (operator-syntactic-type-from-name
1714 (operator-token-sequence op))))
19821715 (setf (operator-print-name op)
1983 (cmake-operator-print-name op))
1716 (cmake-operator-print-name op))
19841717 ;; reset to default values.
19851718 (setf (operator-strategy op) nil)
19861719 (setf (operator-precedence op) nil)
19871720 (setf (operator-associativity op) nil)
19881721 (setf (operator-computed-precedence op) nil)
19891722 (setf (operator-theory op) *the-empty-theory*)
1990 (set-context-module op module)
1723 (set-object-context-module op module)
19911724 op)))
19931726 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bsort.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bsort.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 ;;;=============================================================================
40 ;;; SORT
40 ;;; SORT
4141 ;;;=============================================================================
4343 ;;; ****************************************************************************
5757 ;;; never be created as a term body (abstract class).
5858 ;;;
60 #||
61 (defterm sort-struct (object) ; (static-object)
62 ;; :name ""
63 :visible (id ; sort name, symbol.
64 hidden) ; flag, t iff the sort is hidden sort.
66 :hidden (module ; module in which the sort is declared.
67 ; type = module object.
68 constructor ; the list of constructor methods of the
69 ; sort. not used.
70 inhabited ; temporary flag used for regularizing
71 ; the signature of a module.
72 )
73 :int-printer print-sort-internal
74 :print print-sort-internal)
75 ||#
7760 (defstruct (sort-struct (:conc-name "SORT-STRUCT-")
78 (:include object (-type 'sort-struct))
79 (:copier nil)
80 (:print-function print-sort-internal)
81 (:constructor make-sort-struct)
82 (:constructor sort-struct* (id hidden)))
61 (:include object (-type 'sort-struct))
62 (:copier nil)
63 (:print-function print-sort-internal)
64 (:constructor make-sort-struct)
65 (:constructor sort-struct* (id hidden)))
8366 (id nil :type symbol)
8467 (hidden nil :type (or null t))
85 (module nil :type (or null module))
8668 (constructor nil :type list)
8769 (inhabited nil :type (or null t))
88 (derived-from nil :type (or null sort-struct))
89 )
70 (derived-from nil :type (or null sort-struct)))
72 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
73 (defmacro sort-module (sort)
74 `(object-context-mod ,sort))
75 )
9177 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
9278 (setf (symbol-function 'sort-sort-struct) (symbol-function 'sort-struct-p))
10288 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10490 (defstruct (sort* (:include sort-struct (-type 'sort))
105 (:conc-name "SORT-")
106 (:copier nil)
107 (:constructor make-sort)
108 (:constructor sort* (id &optional hidden))
109 (:predicate sort-p)
110 (:print-function print-sort-object))
91 (:conc-name "SORT-")
92 (:copier nil)
93 (:constructor make-sort)
94 (:constructor sort* (id &optional hidden))
95 (:predicate sort-p)
96 (:print-function print-sort-object))
11197 )
11399 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
134120 (defun sort-is-derived-from (sort)
135121 (let ((df (sort-derived-from sort)))
136122 (if df
137 (or (sort-is-derived-from df)
138 df)
139 nil)))
123 (or (sort-is-derived-from df)
124 df)
125 nil)))
141127 (defun get-original-sort (sort)
142128 (let ((res sort))
143129 (loop (if (null (sort-derived-from res))
144 (return nil)
145 (setq res (sort-derived-from res))))
130 (return nil)
131 (setq res (sort-derived-from res))))
146132 res))
148134 ;;; Type predicates -----------------------------------------------------------
155141 (defun sort-visible-type-print (sort)
156142 (declare (type sort-struct sort)
157 (values symbol))
143 (values symbol))
158144 (if (sort-is-hidden sort)
159145 :h
160146 :v))
163149 (declare (ignore ignore))
164150 (let ((name (concatenate 'string (string (sort-id obj)) "." (module-print-name (sort-module obj)))))
165151 (if (sort-is-hidden obj)
166 (format stream ":hsort[~s]" name)
152 (format stream ":hsort[~s]" name)
167153 (format stream ":sort[~s]" name))))
169155 ;;; Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------
170156 (defun new-general-sort (id module &optional hidden)
171157 (declare (type symbol id)
172 (type module module)
173 (type (or null t) hidden))
158 (type module module)
159 (type (or null t) hidden))
174160 (let ((sort (sort* id hidden)))
175161 (setf (sort-module sort) module)
176 (set-context-module sort module)
162 (set-object-context-module sort module)
177163 sort))
179165 ;;; *SORT-TABLE*
180 #||
181 (defvar *sort-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
182 (defmacro get-sort-named (sort-name_ module_)
183 `(gethash (cons ,sort-name_ ,module_) *sort-table*))
184 (defun clear-all-sorts () (clrhash *sort-table*))
185 (defun register-sort (sort)
186 (setf (gethash (cons (sort-id sort) (sort-module sort)) *sort-table*) sort))
188 ||#
190167 (defvar *sort-table* nil)
191168 (defun get-sort-named (sort-name module)
192169 (declare (type symbol sort-name)
193 (type module module)
194 (values (or null sort-struct)))
170 (type module module)
171 (values (or null sort-struct)))
195172 (find-in-assoc-table *sort-table* (cons sort-name module)))
197174 (defun clear-tmp-sort-cache () (setq *sort-table* nil))
198175 (defun register-sort-cache (sort)
199176 (declare (type sort-struct sort)
200 (values t))
177 (values t))
201178 (add-to-assoc-table *sort-table* (cons (sort-id sort)
202 (sort-module sort))
203 sort))
179 (sort-module sort))
180 sort))
205182 ;;; ************
206183 ;;; RECORD&CLASS________________
230207 ;;;
232209 (defstruct (crsort (:include sort* (-type 'crsort))
233 (:copier nil)
234 (:constructor make-crsort)
235 (:constructor crsort* (id &optional hidden))
236 (:print-function print-cr-sort-object))
237 (slots nil :type list) ; slot informations.
238 (idconstr nil :type list) ; id constructor info.
239 (constr nil :type t) ; term constructor method.
240 (maker nil :type list) ; list of methods for `make.Foo'
241 ; operations.
242 (copy nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the sort is a copy.
210 (:copier nil)
211 (:constructor make-crsort)
212 (:constructor crsort* (id &optional hidden))
213 (:print-function print-cr-sort-object))
214 (slots nil :type list) ; slot informations.
215 (idconstr nil :type list) ; id constructor info.
216 (constr nil :type t) ; term constructor method.
217 (maker nil :type list) ; list of methods for `make.Foo'
218 ; operations.
219 (copy nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff the sort is a copy.
243220 )
245222 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
255232 ;;;
257234 (defstruct (class-sort (:include crsort (-type 'class-sort))
258 (:copier nil)
259 (:constructor make-class-sort)
260 (:constructor class-sort* (id &optional hidden))
261 (:print-function print-class-sort-object))
235 (:copier nil)
236 (:constructor make-class-sort)
237 (:constructor class-sort* (id &optional hidden))
238 (:print-function print-class-sort-object))
262239 )
264241 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
272249 ;;; Record sort ________________
274251 (defstruct (record-sort (:include crsort (-type 'record-sort))
275 (:constructor make-record-sort)
276 (:constructor record-sort* (id &optional hidden))
277 (:print-function print-record-sort-object)
278 (:copier nil))
252 (:constructor make-record-sort)
253 (:constructor record-sort* (id &optional hidden))
254 (:print-function print-record-sort-object)
255 (:copier nil))
279256 )
281258 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
282259 (setf (get 'record-sort :type-predicate)
283 (symbol-function 'record-sort-p))
260 (symbol-function 'record-sort-p))
284261 (setf (get 'record-sort :print) 'print-sort-internal)
285262 (setf (symbol-function 'is-record-sort)
286 (symbol-function 'record-sort-p)))
263 (symbol-function 'record-sort-p)))
288265 (defun print-record-sort-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
289266 (print-sort-object obj stream ignore))
311288 (defun create-cr-sort (p-type id module constructor inhabited slots hidden)
312289 (declare (type symbol p-type id)
313 (type module module)
314 (type t constructor)
315 (type (or null t) inhabited hidden)
316 (type list slots)
317 (values crsort))
290 (type module module)
291 (type t constructor)
292 (type (or null t) inhabited hidden)
293 (type list slots)
294 (values crsort))
318295 (let ((s (if (eq p-type 'class-sort)
319 (class-sort* id)
320 (record-sort* id))))
296 (class-sort* id)
297 (record-sort* id))))
321298 (setf (sort-module s) module
322 (sort-constructor s) constructor
323 (sort-inhabited s) inhabited
324 (crsort-slots s) slots
325 (crsort-hidden s) hidden)
299 (sort-constructor s) constructor
300 (sort-inhabited s) inhabited
301 (crsort-slots s) slots
302 (crsort-hidden s) hidden)
326303 (setf (crsort-maker s) (if (eq p-type 'class-sort)
327 (list nil nil nil nil)
328 (list nil nil)))
329 (set-context-module s module)
304 (list nil nil nil nil)
305 (list nil nil)))
306 (set-object-context-module s module)
330307 s))
332309 (defun new-record-sort (id module &optional hidden)
333310 (declare (type symbol id)
334 (type module module)
335 (type (or null t) hidden)
336 (values crsort))
337 (create-cr-sort 'record-sort ; type
338 id ; id
339 module ;
340 nil ; constructor
341 nil ; inhabited
342 nil ; slots
343 hidden))
311 (type module module)
312 (type (or null t) hidden)
313 (values crsort))
314 (create-cr-sort 'record-sort ; type
315 id ; id
316 module ;
317 nil ; constructor
318 nil ; inhabited
319 nil ; slots
320 hidden))
345322 (defun new-class-sort (id module &optional hidden)
346323 (declare (type symbol id)
347 (type module module)
348 (type (or null t) hidden)
349 (values crsort))
324 (type module module)
325 (type (or null t) hidden)
326 (values crsort))
350327 (create-cr-sort 'class-sort
351 id
352 module
353 nil
354 nil
355 nil
356 hidden))
328 id
329 module
330 nil
331 nil
332 nil
333 hidden))
358335 ;;; Type Predicates ------------------------------------------------------------
360337 ;;; (defmacro crsort-p (_s)
361338 ;;; `(and (chaos-object? ,_s) (memq (object-type ,_s) '(record-sort
362 ;;; class-sort))))
339 ;;; class-sort))))
363340 ;;; (defmacro record-sort-p (_s) `(is-record-sort ,_s))
364341 ;;; (defmacro class-sort-p (_s) `(is-class-sort ,_s))
366343 ;;; Accessors For Slot Informations --------------------------------------------
368345 (defmacro find-slot-info (slot-name sort) ` (assoc ,slot-name (crsort-slots ,sort)
369 :test #'equal))
346 :test #'equal))
370347 (defmacro cr-slot-name (_slot-info) `(car ,_slot-info))
371348 (defmacro cr-slot-sort (_slot-info) `(cadr ,_slot-info))
372349 (defmacro cr-slot-default (_slot-info) `(caddr ,_slot-info))
402379 ;;;
404381 (defstruct (bsort (:include sort* (-type 'bsort))
405 (:copier nil)
406 (:constructor make-bsort)
407 (:constructor bsort* (id &optional hidden))
408 (:print-function print-bsort-object))
382 (:copier nil)
383 (:constructor make-bsort)
384 (:constructor bsort* (id &optional hidden))
385 (:print-function print-bsort-object))
409386 (info nil :type list))
411388 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
424401 (defun new-bi-sort (id module &optional info hidden)
425402 (declare (type symbol id)
426 (type module module)
427 (type list info)
428 (type (or null t) hidden)
429 (values bsort))
403 (type module module)
404 (type list info)
405 (type (or null t) hidden)
406 (values bsort))
430407 (let ((bs (bsort* id hidden)))
431408 (setf (sort-module bs) module
432 (bsort-info bs) info)
433 (set-context-module bs module)
409 (bsort-info bs) info)
410 (set-object-context-module bs module)
434411 bs))
436413 ;;; Predicate ------------------------------------------------------------------
460437 (defun get-builtin-sort-named (sort-name)
461438 (declare (type symbol sort-name)
462 (values (or null bsort)))
439 (values (or null bsort)))
463440 (find-in-assoc-table *builtin-sort-table* sort-name #'eq))
465442 (defun register-builtin-sort (sort)
466443 (declare (type bsort sort)
467 (values t))
444 (values t))
468445 (add-to-assoc-table *builtin-sort-table* (sort-id sort) sort #'eq))
470447 (defun clear-builtin-sorts ()
481458 ;;;
483460 (defstruct (and-sort (:include sort* (-type 'and-sort))
484 (:copier nil)
485 (:constructor make-and-sort)
486 (:constructor and-sort* (id &optional hidden))
487 (:print-function print-and-sort-object))
461 (:copier nil)
462 (:constructor make-and-sort)
463 (:constructor and-sort* (id &optional hidden))
464 (:print-function print-and-sort-object))
488465 (components nil :type list))
490467 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
491468 (setf (get 'and-sort :type-predicate)
492 (symbol-function 'and-sort-p))
469 (symbol-function 'and-sort-p))
493470 (setf (symbol-function 'is-and-sort)
494 (symbol-function 'and-sort-p))
471 (symbol-function 'and-sort-p))
495472 (setf (get 'and-sort :print)
496 'print-and-sort-internal))
473 'print-and-sort-internal))
498475 (defun print-and-sort-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
499476 (print-sort-object obj stream ignore))
507484 (defun new-and-sort (id &optional module and-components hidden)
508485 (declare (type symbol id)
509 (type (or null module) module)
510 (type list and-components)
511 (type (or null t) hidden)
512 (values and-sort))
486 (type (or null module) module)
487 (type list and-components)
488 (type (or null t) hidden)
489 (values and-sort))
513490 (let ((as (and-sort* id hidden)))
514491 (setf (sort-module as) module
515 (and-sort-components as) and-components)
516 (set-context-module as module)
492 (and-sort-components as) and-components)
493 (set-object-context-module as module)
517494 as))
519496 ;;; Predicates -----------------------------------------------------------------
536513 ;;;
538515 (defstruct (or-sort (:include sort* (-type 'or-sort))
539 (:copier nil)
540 (:constructor make-or-sort)
541 (:constructor or-sort* (id &optional hidden))
542 (:print-function print-or-sort-object))
516 (:copier nil)
517 (:constructor make-or-sort)
518 (:constructor or-sort* (id &optional hidden))
519 (:print-function print-or-sort-object))
543520 (components nil :type list))
545522 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
546523 (setf (get 'or-sort :type-predicate) (symbol-function 'or-sort-p))
547524 (setf (get 'or-sort :print) 'print-or-sort-internal)
548525 (setf (symbol-function 'is-or-sort)
549 (symbol-function 'or-sort-p)))
526 (symbol-function 'or-sort-p)))
551528 (defun print-or-sort-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
552529 (print-sort-object obj stream ignore))
561538 (defun new-or-sort (id &optional module or-components hidden)
562539 (declare (type symbol id)
563 (type (or null module) module)
564 (type list or-components)
565 (type (or null t) hidden)
566 (values or-sort))
540 (type (or null module) module)
541 (type list or-components)
542 (type (or null t) hidden)
543 (values or-sort))
567544 (let ((os (or-sort* id hidden)))
568545 (setf (sort-module os) module
569 (or-sort-components os) or-components)
570 (set-context-module os module)
546 (or-sort-components os) or-components)
547 (set-object-context-module os module)
571548 os))
573550 ;;; Predicate ------------------------------------------------------------------
583560 ;;;
585562 (defstruct (err-sort (:include sort* (-type 'err-sort))
586 (:copier nil)
587 (:constructor make-err-sort)
588 (:constructor err-sort* (id &optional hidden))
589 (:print-function print-err-sort-object))
563 (:copier nil)
564 (:constructor make-err-sort)
565 (:constructor err-sort* (id &optional hidden))
566 (:print-function print-err-sort-object))
590567 (components nil :type list)
591568 (lowers nil :type list))
611588 (defun new-err-sort (id &optional module components lowers hidden)
612589 (declare (type symbol id)
613 (type (or null module) module)
614 (type list components lowers)
615 (type (or null t) hidden)
616 (values err-sort))
590 (type (or null module) module)
591 (type list components lowers)
592 (type (or null t) hidden)
593 (values err-sort))
617594 (let ((es (err-sort* id hidden)))
618595 (setf (sort-module es) module
619 (err-sort-components es) components
620 (err-sort-lowers es) lowers)
621 (set-context-module es module)
596 (err-sort-components es) components
597 (err-sort-lowers es) lowers)
598 (set-object-context-module es module)
622599 es))
624601 ;;; Predicates ----------------------------------------------------------------
641618 (defmacro sort-set-equal (_s1 _s2)
642619 (once-only (_s1 _s2)
643620 ` (if (< (length ,_s1) (length ,_s2))
644 (null (set-difference ,_s2 ,_s1 :test #'sort=*))
645 (null (set-difference ,_s1 ,_s2 :test #'sort=*)))))
621 (null (set-difference ,_s2 ,_s1 :test #'sort=*))
622 (null (set-difference ,_s1 ,_s2 :test #'sort=*)))))
647624 (defmacro sort-list= (sl1_ sl2_) `(equal ,sl1_ ,sl2_))
649626 ;;;=============================================================================
651628 ;;;=============================================================================
653630 ;;; All of the sorts of a signature is gathered and stored in order according
694671 (defun elim-sys-sorts-from-relation (sl)
695672 (declare (type list sl)
696 (values list))
673 (values list))
697674 (macrolet ((pure? (_sl)
698 ` (dolist (_s ,_sl t)
699 (when (sort-is-for-regularity? _s) (return nil))))
700 (rem-sys (_sl)
701 `(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-for-regularity? x)) ,_sl)))
675 ` (dolist (_s ,_sl t)
676 (when (sort-is-for-regularity? _s) (return nil))))
677 (rem-sys (_sl)
678 `(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-for-regularity? x)) ,_sl)))
702679 (let ((s (sort-relation-sort sl))
703 (subs (_subsorts sl))
704 (sups (_supersorts sl)))
680 (subs (_subsorts sl))
681 (sups (_supersorts sl)))
705682 (when (sort-is-for-regularity? s)
706 (return-from elim-sys-sorts-from-relation nil))
683 (return-from elim-sys-sorts-from-relation nil))
707684 (make-sort-relation s
708 (if (pure? subs) subs (rem-sys subs))
709 (if (pure? sups) sups (rem-sys sups))))))
685 (if (pure? subs) subs (rem-sys subs))
686 (if (pure? sups) sups (rem-sys sups))))))
711688 ;;; **********
712689 ;;; SORT-ORDER__________________
722699 (defun clear-sort-order (sorder)
723700 (declare (type sort-order sorder)
724 (values t))
701 (values t))
725702 (clrhash sorder))
737714 (defun copy-sort-order (sort-order)
738715 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
739 (values sort-order))
716 (values sort-order))
740717 (let ((new-order (allocate-sort-order)))
741718 (maphash #'(lambda (s sl)
742 (setf (gethash s new-order) (copy-list sl)))
743 sort-order)
719 (setf (gethash s new-order) (copy-list sl)))
720 sort-order)
744721 new-order))
746723 (defun get-all-sorts (sort-order)
747724 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
748 (values list))
725 (values list))
749726 (let ((res nil))
750727 (maphash #'(lambda (ss sl)
751 (declare (ignore sl))
752 (push ss res))
753 sort-order)
728 (declare (ignore sl))
729 (push ss res))
730 sort-order)
754731 res))
756733 ;;; ACCESSORS via SORT
758735 (defmacro subsorts (_sort &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
759736 (once-only (_sort)
760737 ` (if (err-sort-p ,_sort)
761 (err-sort-lowers ,_sort)
762 (_subsorts (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))))
738 (err-sort-lowers ,_sort)
739 (_subsorts (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))))
764741 (defmacro sub-or-equal-sorts (_sort &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
765742 (once-only (_sort)
766743 ` (if (err-sort-p ,_sort)
767 (cons ,_sort (err-sort-lowers ,_sort))
768 (let ((.sort-relation. (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
769 (cons ,_sort
770 (_subsorts .sort-relation.))))))
744 (cons ,_sort (err-sort-lowers ,_sort))
745 (let ((.sort-relation. (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
746 (cons ,_sort
747 (_subsorts .sort-relation.))))))
772749 (defmacro supersorts (_sort &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
773750 (once-only (_sort _sort-order)
774751 ` (if (err-sort-p ,_sort)
775 nil
776 (let (($sl (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
777 (or (and (_err-sort $sl)
778 (cons (_err-sort $sl) (_supersorts $sl)))
779 (_supersorts $sl))))))
752 nil
753 (let (($sl (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
754 (or (and (_err-sort $sl)
755 (cons (_err-sort $sl) (_supersorts $sl)))
756 (_supersorts $sl))))))
781758 (defmacro supersorts-no-err (_sort &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
782759 (once-only (_sort _sort-order)
783760 ` (if (err-sort-p ,_sort)
784 nil
785 (let (($sl (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
786 (_supersorts $sl)))))
761 nil
762 (let (($sl (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
763 (_supersorts $sl)))))
788765 (defmacro super-or-equal-sorts (_sort &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
789766 (once-only (_sort)
790767 ` (if (err-sort-p ,_sort)
791 (list ,_sort)
792 (let ((.sort-relation. (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
793 (cons ,_sort
794 (or (and (_err-sort .sort-relation.)
795 (cons (_err-sort .sort-relation.)
796 (_supersorts .sort-relation.)))
797 (_supersorts .sort-relation.)))))))
768 (list ,_sort)
769 (let ((.sort-relation. (get-sort-relation ,_sort ,_sort-order)))
770 (cons ,_sort
771 (or (and (_err-sort .sort-relation.)
772 (cons (_err-sort .sort-relation.)
773 (_supersorts .sort-relation.)))
774 (_supersorts .sort-relation.)))))))
799776 (defun the-err-sort (sort &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
800777 (declare (type sort* sort)
801 (type sort-order sort-order))
778 (type sort-order sort-order))
802779 (cond ((sort= sort *universal-sort*) sort)
803 ((sort= sort *huniversal-sort*) sort)
804 ((sort= sort *cosmos*) sort)
805 ((sort= sort *bottom-sort*) sort)
806 (t (if (err-sort-p sort)
807 sort
808 (_err-sort (get-sort-relation sort sort-order))))))
780 ((sort= sort *huniversal-sort*) sort)
781 ((sort= sort *cosmos*) sort)
782 ((sort= sort *bottom-sort*) sort)
783 (t (if (err-sort-p sort)
784 sort
785 (_err-sort (get-sort-relation sort sort-order))))))
810787 (defsetf the-err-sort (__sort &optional (__sort-order *current-sort-order*))
811788 (__value)
821798 #-GCL
822799 (defun sort< (s1 s2 &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
823800 (declare (type sort* s1 s2)
824 (type sort-order sort-order)
825 (values (or null t)))
801 (type sort-order sort-order)
802 (values (or null t)))
826803 (and (not (sort= s1 s2))
827804 (or (sort= s2 *cosmos*)
828 (if (sort-is-hidden s1)
829 (if (sort= s2 *huniversal-sort*)
830 t
831 (if (sort= s1 *huniversal-sort*)
832 nil
833 (memq s2 (supersorts s1 sort-order))))
834 (if (sort= s2 *universal-sort*)
835 t
836 (if (sort= s1 *universal-sort*)
837 nil
838 (if (sort= s1 *bottom-sort*)
839 t
840 (if (sort= s2 *bottom-sort*)
841 nil
842 (memq s2 (supersorts s1 sort-order))))))))))
805 (if (sort-is-hidden s1)
806 (if (sort= s2 *huniversal-sort*)
807 t
808 (if (sort= s1 *huniversal-sort*)
809 nil
810 (memq s2 (supersorts s1 sort-order))))
811 (if (sort= s2 *universal-sort*)
812 t
813 (if (sort= s1 *universal-sort*)
814 nil
815 (if (sort= s1 *bottom-sort*)
816 t
817 (if (sort= s2 *bottom-sort*)
818 nil
819 (memq s2 (supersorts s1 sort-order))))))))))
844821 #+GCL
845822 (defmacro sort< (s1 s2 &optional (sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
846823 (once-only (s1 s2)
847824 ` (and (not (sort= ,s1 ,s2))
848 (or (sort= ,s2 *cosmos*)
849 (if (sort-is-hidden ,s1)
850 (if (sort= ,s2 *huniversal-sort*)
851 t
852 (if (sort= ,s1 *huniversal-sort*)
853 nil
854 (memq ,s2 (supersorts ,s1 ,sort-order))))
855 (if (sort= ,s2 *universal-sort*)
856 t
857 (if (sort= ,s1 *universal-sort*)
858 nil
859 (if (sort= ,s1 *bottom-sort*)
860 t
861 (if (sort= ,s2 *bottom-sort*)
862 nil
863 (memq ,s2 (supersorts ,s1 ,sort-order)))))))))))
825 (or (sort= ,s2 *cosmos*)
826 (if (sort-is-hidden ,s1)
827 (if (sort= ,s2 *huniversal-sort*)
828 t
829 (if (sort= ,s1 *huniversal-sort*)
830 nil
831 (memq ,s2 (supersorts ,s1 ,sort-order))))
832 (if (sort= ,s2 *universal-sort*)
833 t
834 (if (sort= ,s1 *universal-sort*)
835 nil
836 (if (sort= ,s1 *bottom-sort*)
837 t
838 (if (sort= ,s2 *bottom-sort*)
839 nil
840 (memq ,s2 (supersorts ,s1 ,sort-order)))))))))))
865842 ;;; function version
866843 (defun sort<* (s1 s2 &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
867844 (declare (type sort* s1 s2)
868 (type sort-order sort-order)
869 (values (or null t)))
845 (type sort-order sort-order)
846 (values (or null t)))
870847 (sort< s1 s2 sort-order))
872849 ;;; SORT<= sort1 sort2 sort-order
875852 (defmacro sort<= (_s1 _s2 &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
876853 (once-only (_s1 _s2)
877854 ` (or (sort= ,_s1 ,_s2)
878 (sort< ,_s1 ,_s2 ,_sort-order))))
855 (sort< ,_s1 ,_s2 ,_sort-order))))
880857 ;;; it's function version.
881858 (defun sort<=* (s1 s2 &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
882859 (declare (type sort* s1 s2)
883 (type sort-order sort-order)
884 (values (or null t)))
860 (type sort-order sort-order)
861 (values (or null t)))
885862 (or (sort= s1 s2) (sort< s1 s2 sort-order)))
887864 ;;; SORT-IS-IN sort sort-set sort-order
892869 (defmacro sort-is-in (_s _sort-set &optional (_sort-order '*current-sort-order*))
893870 (once-only (_s _sort-set _sort-order)
894871 ` (and ,_sort-set
895 (dolist (.s1. ,_sort-set nil)
896 (if (or (sort= ,_s .s1.)
897 (member ,_s (subsorts .s1. ,_sort-order) :test #'eq)
898 (member ,_s (supersorts .s1. ,_sort-order) :test #'eq))
899 (return t))))))
872 (dolist (.s1. ,_sort-set nil)
873 (if (or (sort= ,_s .s1.)
874 (member ,_s (subsorts .s1. ,_sort-order) :test #'eq)
875 (member ,_s (supersorts .s1. ,_sort-order) :test #'eq))
876 (return t))))))
901878 ;;; SORT-LIST<= sort-list1 sort-list2 sort-order
902879 ;;; returns t iff each elements of sort-list1 is a subsort of
904881 ;;;
905882 (defun sort-list<= (lst1 lst2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
906883 (declare (type list lst1 lst2)
907 (type sort-order so)
908 (values (or null t)))
884 (type sort-order so)
885 (values (or null t)))
909886 (loop (when (null lst1)(return (null lst2)))
910 (when (null lst2)(return (null lst1)))
911 (unless (sort<= (car lst1) (car lst2) so)
912 (return nil))
913 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
914 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))))
887 (when (null lst2)(return (null lst1)))
888 (unless (sort<= (car lst1) (car lst2) so)
889 (return nil))
890 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
891 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))))
916893 (defun sort-list<=-any (lst1 lst2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
917894 (declare (type list lst1 lst2)
918 (type sort-order so)
919 (values (or null t)))
895 (type sort-order so)
896 (values (or null t)))
920897 (loop (when (null lst1)(return (null lst2)))
921 (when (null lst2)(return (null lst1)))
898 (when (null lst2)(return (null lst1)))
922899 (unless (or (sort= *cosmos* (car lst1))
923 (sort<= (car lst1) (car lst2) so))
924 (return nil))
925 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
926 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))))
900 (sort<= (car lst1) (car lst2) so))
901 (return nil))
902 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
903 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))))
929906 ;;; SORT-LIST< sort-list1 sort-list2 sort-order
932909 ;;;
933910 (defun sort-list< (lst1 lst2 &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
934911 (declare (type list lst1 lst2)
935 (type sort-order so)
936 (values (or null t)))
912 (type sort-order so)
913 (values (or null t)))
937914 (loop (when (null lst1)(return (null lst2)))
938 (when (null lst2)(return (null lst1)))
939 (unless (sort< (car lst1) (car lst2) so)
940 (return nil))
941 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
942 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))))
915 (when (null lst2)(return (null lst1)))
916 (unless (sort< (car lst1) (car lst2) so)
917 (return nil))
918 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
919 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))))
944921 ;;; ********************
945922 ;;; SORT-ORDER UTILITIES______________
951928 ;;;
952929 (defun add-sort-to-order (sort &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
953930 (declare (type sort* sort)
954 (type sort-order sort-order)
955 (values t))
931 (type sort-order sort-order)
932 (values t))
956933 (let ((ent (get-sort-relation sort sort-order)))
957934 (unless ent
958935 (add-relation-to-order (make-sort-relation sort nil nil) sort-order))))
961938 ;;; adds the sort-relation to sort-order.
962939 ;;;
963940 (defun gather-connected-relations-from-order (relation
964 &optional
965 (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
941 &optional
942 (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
966943 (declare (type list relation)
967 (type sort-order sort-order)
968 (values list))
944 (type sort-order sort-order)
945 (values list))
969946 (macrolet ((pushnew-relation (__?rel __?res)
970 ` (pushnew ,__?rel ,__?res :test #'eq)))
947 ` (pushnew ,__?rel ,__?res :test #'eq)))
971948 (let ((res nil)
972 (s (sort-relation-sort relation))
973 (subs (_subsorts relation))
974 (sups (_supersorts relation)))
949 (s (sort-relation-sort relation))
950 (subs (_subsorts relation))
951 (sups (_supersorts relation)))
975952 (pushnew-relation (get-sort-relation s sort-order) res)
976953 (dolist (ls subs)
977 (pushnew-relation (get-sort-relation ls sort-order) res))
954 (pushnew-relation (get-sort-relation ls sort-order) res))
978955 (dolist (gs sups)
979 (pushnew-relation (get-sort-relation gs sort-order) res))
956 (pushnew-relation (get-sort-relation gs sort-order) res))
980957 res)))
982959 (defun add-relation-to-order (sort-relation
983 &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
960 &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
984961 (declare (type list sort-relation)
985 (type sort-order sort-order)
986 (values sort-order))
962 (type sort-order sort-order)
963 (values sort-order))
987964 (let* ((sort (sort-relation-sort sort-relation))
988 (subs (_subsorts sort-relation))
989 (supers (_supersorts sort-relation)))
965 (subs (_subsorts sort-relation))
966 (supers (_supersorts sort-relation)))
990967 (declare (type sort* sort)
991 (type list subs supers))
968 (type list subs supers))
992969 (when (or (sort= sort *universal-sort*) (sort= sort *bottom-sort*)
993 (sort= sort *huniversal-sort*) (sort= sort *hbottom-sort*)
994 (sort= sort *cosmos*))
970 (sort= sort *huniversal-sort*) (sort= sort *hbottom-sort*)
971 (sort= sort *cosmos*))
995972 (return-from add-relation-to-order sort-order))
996973 ;;
997974 (macrolet ((ls-union (_s _ls)
998 ` (let (( (get-sort-relation ,_s sort-order)))
999 (pushnew ,_ls (_subsorts :test #'eq)))
1000 (gs-union (_s _gs)
1001 ` (let (( (get-sort-relation ,_s sort-order)))
1002 (pushnew ,_gs (_supersorts :test #'eq))))
975 ` (let (( (get-sort-relation ,_s sort-order)))
976 (pushnew ,_ls (_subsorts :test #'eq)))
977 (gs-union (_s _gs)
978 ` (let (( (get-sort-relation ,_s sort-order)))
979 (pushnew ,_gs (_supersorts :test #'eq))))
1003980 ;; merge new realtion
1004981 (let ((o-sort-rel (get-sort-relation sort sort-order)))
1005 (declare (type list o-sort-rel))
1006 (if o-sort-rel
1007 (progn
1008 (setf (_subsorts o-sort-rel)
1009 (union subs (_subsorts o-sort-rel) :test #'eq))
1010 (setf (_supersorts o-sort-rel)
1011 (union supers (_supersorts o-sort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1012 (progn
1013 (setf (get-sort-relation sort sort-order) sort-relation)
1014 (setf o-sort-rel sort-relation
1015 subs (_subsorts sort-relation)
1016 supers (_supersorts sort-relation)))))
982 (declare (type list o-sort-rel))
983 (if o-sort-rel
984 (progn
985 (setf (_subsorts o-sort-rel)
986 (union subs (_subsorts o-sort-rel) :test #'eq))
987 (setf (_supersorts o-sort-rel)
988 (union supers (_supersorts o-sort-rel) :test #'eq)))
989 (progn
990 (setf (get-sort-relation sort sort-order) sort-relation)
991 (setf o-sort-rel sort-relation
992 subs (_subsorts sort-relation)
993 supers (_supersorts sort-relation)))))
1017994 ;; we must gather relations which can be affected by new relation,
1018995 ;; then compute transitive relations among them.
1019996 (let ((rels (gather-connected-relations-from-order sort-relation sort-order)))
1020 (declare (type list rels))
1021 (dolist (sl rels)
1022 (let ((nsubs (_subsorts sl))
1023 (nsups (_supersorts sl)))
1024 (declare (type list nsubs nsups))
1025 (dolist (s1 nsubs)
1026 (dolist (s2 nsups)
1027 (ls-union s2 s1)
1028 (gs-union s1 s2))))))
997 (declare (type list rels))
998 (dolist (sl rels)
999 (let ((nsubs (_subsorts sl))
1000 (nsups (_supersorts sl)))
1001 (declare (type list nsubs nsups))
1002 (dolist (s1 nsubs)
1003 (dolist (s2 nsups)
1004 (ls-union s2 s1)
1005 (gs-union s1 s2))))))
10291006 sort-order)))
10311008 ;;; MAX-MINORANTS sort-set sort-order
10341011 ;;;
10351012 (defun max-minorants (sort-set order)
10361013 (declare (type sort-order order)
1037 (type list sort-set)
1038 (values list))
1014 (type list sort-set)
1015 (values list))
10391016 (labels ((inter-lower (set)
1040 (declare (type list set)
1041 (values list))
1042 ;; compute the set of lower bounds of a given set of sorts.
1043 ;; If this set is empty returns nil.
1044 (if (cdr set)
1045 (intersection (sub-or-equal-sorts (car set) order)
1046 (inter-lower (cdr set))
1047 :test #'sort=*)
1048 (if set
1049 (sub-or-equal-sorts (car set) order)
1050 nil))))
1017 (declare (type list set)
1018 (values list))
1019 ;; compute the set of lower bounds of a given set of sorts.
1020 ;; If this set is empty returns nil.
1021 (if (cdr set)
1022 (intersection (sub-or-equal-sorts (car set) order)
1023 (inter-lower (cdr set))
1024 :test #'sort=*)
1025 (if set
1026 (sub-or-equal-sorts (car set) order)
1027 nil))))
10511028 (let ((max-min nil)
1052 (lower-bounds (inter-lower sort-set)))
1029 (lower-bounds (inter-lower sort-set)))
10531030 (declare (type list max-min lower-bounds))
10541031 (dolist (s lower-bounds max-min)
1055 (unless (intersection (supersorts s order) lower-bounds :test #'eq)
1056 (setq max-min (adjoin s max-min :test #'sort=*)))))))
1032 (unless (intersection (supersorts s order) lower-bounds :test #'eq)
1033 (setq max-min (adjoin s max-min :test #'sort=*)))))))
10581035 ;;; MAXIMAL-SORTS sorts order
10591036 ;;; Finds all the sorts in a list which are greater than all other comparable
10611038 ;;;
10621039 (defun maximal-sorts (sorts order)
10631040 (declare (type list sorts)
1064 (type sort-order order)
1065 (values list))
1041 (type sort-order order)
1042 (values list))
10661043 (let ((maximal nil))
10671044 (dolist (s sorts maximal)
10681045 (unless (intersection (supersorts s order) sorts :test #'eq)
1069 (pushnew s maximal :test #'eq)))))
1046 (pushnew s maximal :test #'eq)))))
10711048 (defun maximal-sorts-no-error (sorts order) ; version avoiding error sorts.
10721049 (declare (type list sorts)
1073 (type sort-order order)
1074 (values list))
1050 (type sort-order order)
1051 (values list))
10751052 (let ((maximal nil))
10761053 (dolist (s sorts maximal)
10771054 (unless (intersection (supersorts-no-err s order) sorts :test #'eq)
1078 (pushnew s maximal :test #'eq)))))
1055 (pushnew s maximal :test #'eq)))))
10801057 ;;; MINIMAL-SORTS sorts order
10811058 ;;; Finds all the sorts in a list which are lesser than all other comparable
10831060 ;;;
10841061 (defun minimal-sorts (sorts order)
10851062 (declare (type list sorts)
1086 (type sort-order order)
1087 (values list))
1063 (type sort-order order)
1064 (values list))
10881065 (let ((minimal nil))
10891066 (declare (type list minimal))
10901067 (dolist (s sorts minimal)
10911068 (unless (intersection (subsorts s order) sorts :test #'eq)
1092 (pushnew s minimal :test #'eq)))))
1069 (pushnew s minimal :test #'eq)))))
10941071 ;;; MEET-OF-SORTS sort1 sort2 order
10951072 ;;; Finds the list of sorts which are maximal but less than or equal to
10991076 ;;;
11001077 (defun meet-of-sorts (sort1 sort2 &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
11011078 (declare (type sort* sort1 sort2)
1102 (type sort-order sort-order))
1079 (type sort-order sort-order))
11031080 (cond ((sort<= sort1 sort2) (list sort1))
1104 ((sort< sort2 sort1 sort-order) (list sort2))
1105 (t (maximal-sorts (intersection (subsorts sort1) (subsorts sort2))
1106 sort-order))))
1081 ((sort< sort2 sort1 sort-order) (list sort2))
1082 (t (maximal-sorts (intersection (subsorts sort1) (subsorts sort2))
1083 sort-order))))
11081085 ;;; MERGET-SORT-RELATIONS sort-relations1 sort-relations2
11091086 ;;; *NOTE* sort-relations2 is destructively modified.
11101087 ;;;
11111088 (defun merge-sort-relations (sl1 sl2)
11121089 (declare (type list sl1 sl2)
1113 (values list))
1090 (values list))
11141091 (unless sl1 (return-from merge-sort-relations sl2))
11151092 (dolist (sort-relation sl1)
11161093 (let ((xsort-rel (assq (sort-relation-sort sort-relation) sl2)))
11171094 (if xsort-rel
1118 (progn
1119 (setf (_subsorts xsort-rel)
1120 (union (_subsorts sort-relation)
1121 (_subsorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq))
1122 (setf (_supersorts xsort-rel)
1123 (union (_supersorts sort-relation)
1124 (_supersorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1125 (push sort-relation sl2))))
1095 (progn
1096 (setf (_subsorts xsort-rel)
1097 (union (_subsorts sort-relation)
1098 (_subsorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq))
1099 (setf (_supersorts xsort-rel)
1100 (union (_supersorts sort-relation)
1101 (_supersorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1102 (push sort-relation sl2))))
11261103 sl2)
11281105 ;;; MERGE-SORT-ORDER order1 order2
11311108 ;;;
11321109 (defun merge-sort-order (order1 order2)
11331110 (declare (type (or null sort-order) order1)
1134 (type sort-order order2)
1135 (values sort-order))
1111 (type sort-order order2)
1112 (values sort-order))
11361113 (unless order1 (return-from merge-sort-order order2))
11371114 (maphash #'(lambda (sort sort-relation)
1138 (declare (type sort* sort)
1139 (type list sort-relation)
1140 (values t))
1141 (let ((xsort-rel (get-sort-relation sort order2)))
1142 (if xsort-rel
1143 (progn
1144 (setf (_subsorts xsort-rel)
1145 (union (_subsorts sort-relation)
1146 (_subsorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq))
1147 (setf (_supersorts xsort-rel)
1148 (union (_supersorts sort-relation)
1149 (_supersorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1150 (setf (get-sort-relation sort order2) sort-relation))))
1151 order1)
1115 (declare (type sort* sort)
1116 (type list sort-relation)
1117 (values t))
1118 (let ((xsort-rel (get-sort-relation sort order2)))
1119 (if xsort-rel
1120 (progn
1121 (setf (_subsorts xsort-rel)
1122 (union (_subsorts sort-relation)
1123 (_subsorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq))
1124 (setf (_supersorts xsort-rel)
1125 (union (_supersorts sort-relation)
1126 (_supersorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1127 (setf (get-sort-relation sort order2) sort-relation))))
1128 order1)
11521129 order2)
11541131 (defun merge-sort-order-no-extra (order1 order2)
11551132 (declare (type (or null sort-order) order1)
1156 (type sort-order order2)
1157 (values sort-order))
1133 (type sort-order order2)
1134 (values sort-order))
11581135 (unless order1 (return-from merge-sort-order-no-extra order2))
11591136 (macrolet ((filter-out-ordinal-sorts (___sort-list)
1160 ` (remove-if #'(lambda (s) (sort-is-for-regularity? s))
1161 ,___sort-list)))
1137 ` (remove-if #'(lambda (s) (sort-is-for-regularity? s))
1138 ,___sort-list)))
11621139 (maphash #'(lambda (sort sort-relation)
1163 (declare (type sort* sort)
1164 (type list sort-relation))
1165 (unless (or (and-sort-p sort) (or-sort-p sort))
1166 (let ((xsort-rel (get-sort-relation sort order2)))
1167 (declare (type list xsort-rel))
1168 (if xsort-rel
1169 (progn
1170 (setf (_subsorts xsort-rel)
1171 (filter-out-ordinal-sorts
1172 (union (_subsorts sort-relation)
1173 (_subsorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1174 (setf (_supersorts xsort-rel)
1175 (filter-out-ordinal-sorts
1176 (union (_supersorts sort-relation)
1177 (_supersorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq))))
1178 (setf (get-sort-relation sort order2) sort-relation)))))
1179 order1)
1140 (declare (type sort* sort)
1141 (type list sort-relation))
1142 (unless (or (and-sort-p sort) (or-sort-p sort))
1143 (let ((xsort-rel (get-sort-relation sort order2)))
1144 (declare (type list xsort-rel))
1145 (if xsort-rel
1146 (progn
1147 (setf (_subsorts xsort-rel)
1148 (filter-out-ordinal-sorts
1149 (union (_subsorts sort-relation)
1150 (_subsorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1151 (setf (_supersorts xsort-rel)
1152 (filter-out-ordinal-sorts
1153 (union (_supersorts sort-relation)
1154 (_supersorts xsort-rel) :test #'eq))))
1155 (setf (get-sort-relation sort order2) sort-relation)))))
1156 order1)
11801157 order2))
11821159 ;;; IS-IN-SAME-CONNECTED-COMPONENT : sort1 sort2 sort-order -> Bool
1183 ;;; check if sort1 and sort2 is in same sort hierarchy
1160 ;;; check if sort1 and sort2 is in same sort hierarchy
11841161 ;;; *NOTE* : assume error sorts are already genrated.
11851162 ;;;
11861163 (defun is-in-same-connected-component (s1 s2 sort-order)
11871164 (declare (type sort* s1 s2)
1188 (type sort-order sort-order)
1189 (values (or null t)))
1165 (type sort-order sort-order)
1166 (values (or null t)))
11901167 (or (sort= s1 s2)
11911168 (if (or (sort= s1 *cosmos*) (sort= s2 *cosmos*))
1192 t
1193 (and (eq (sort-is-hidden s1) (sort-is-hidden s2))
1194 (or (if (sort-is-hidden s1)
1195 (or (sort= *huniversal-sort* s1)
1196 (sort= *huniversal-sort* s2)
1197 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s1)
1198 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s2))
1199 (or (sort= *universal-sort* s1)
1200 (sort= *universal-sort* s2)
1201 (sort= *bottom-sort* s1)
1202 (sort= *bottom-sort* s2)))
1203 (if (err-sort-p s1)
1204 (sort= s1 (the-err-sort s2 sort-order))
1205 (if (err-sort-p s2)
1206 (sort= (the-err-sort s1 sort-order) s2)
1207 (sort= (the-err-sort s1 sort-order)
1208 (the-err-sort s2 sort-order)))))))))
1169 t
1170 (and (eq (sort-is-hidden s1) (sort-is-hidden s2))
1171 (or (if (sort-is-hidden s1)
1172 (or (sort= *huniversal-sort* s1)
1173 (sort= *huniversal-sort* s2)
1174 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s1)
1175 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s2))
1176 (or (sort= *universal-sort* s1)
1177 (sort= *universal-sort* s2)
1178 (sort= *bottom-sort* s1)
1179 (sort= *bottom-sort* s2)))
1180 (if (err-sort-p s1)
1181 (sort= s1 (the-err-sort s2 sort-order))
1182 (if (err-sort-p s2)
1183 (sort= (the-err-sort s1 sort-order) s2)
1184 (sort= (the-err-sort s1 sort-order)
1185 (the-err-sort s2 sort-order)))))))))
12101187 ;;; COMPONENT-TOP : sort sort-order -> sort
12111188 ;;; returns the greatest sorts of given sort
12121189 ;;;
12131190 (defun component-top (sort sort-order)
12141191 (declare (type sort* sort)
1215 (type sort-order sort-order)
1216 (values list))
1192 (type sort-order sort-order)
1193 (values list))
12171194 (maximal-sorts (supersorts-no-err sort sort-order) sort-order))
12191196 ;;; IS-IN-SAME-CONNECTED-COMPONENT* : Sort Sort SortOrder -> Bool
12221199 ;;;
12231200 (defun is-in-same-connected-component* (s1 s2 so)
12241201 (declare (type sort* s1 s2)
1225 (type sort-order so)
1226 (values (or null t)))
1202 (type sort-order so)
1203 (values (or null t)))
12271204 (or (eq s1 s2)
12281205 (if (or (eq s1 *cosmos*) (eq s2 *cosmos*))
1229 t
1230 (and (eq (sort-is-hidden s1) (sort-is-hidden s2))
1231 (cond ((err-sort-p s1)
1232 (if (err-sort-p s2)
1233 nil
1234 (let ((lowers (err-sort-lowers s1)))
1235 (intersection lowers
1236 (sub-or-equal-sorts s2 so)))))
1237 ((err-sort-p s2)
1238 (let ((lowers (err-sort-lowers s2)))
1239 (intersection lowers
1240 (sub-or-equal-sorts s1 so))))
1241 (t (or (if (sort-is-hidden s1)
1242 (or (sort= *huniversal-sort* s1)
1243 (sort= *huniversal-sort* s2)
1244 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s1)
1245 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s2))
1246 (or (sort= *universal-sort* s1)
1247 (sort= *universal-sort* s2)
1248 (sort= *bottom-sort* s1)
1249 (sort= *bottom-sort* s2)))
1250 (sort<= s1 s2 so)
1251 (sort<= s2 s1 so)
1252 (have-common-subsort s1 s2 so)
1253 (let ((t1 (component-top s1 so)))
1254 (and t1 (sort-set-equal t1
1255 (component-top s2 so)))))))))))
1206 t
1207 (and (eq (sort-is-hidden s1) (sort-is-hidden s2))
1208 (cond ((err-sort-p s1)
1209 (if (err-sort-p s2)
1210 nil
1211 (let ((lowers (err-sort-lowers s1)))
1212 (intersection lowers
1213 (sub-or-equal-sorts s2 so)))))
1214 ((err-sort-p s2)
1215 (let ((lowers (err-sort-lowers s2)))
1216 (intersection lowers
1217 (sub-or-equal-sorts s1 so))))
1218 (t (or (if (sort-is-hidden s1)
1219 (or (sort= *huniversal-sort* s1)
1220 (sort= *huniversal-sort* s2)
1221 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s1)
1222 (sort= *hbottom-sort* s2))
1223 (or (sort= *universal-sort* s1)
1224 (sort= *universal-sort* s2)
1225 (sort= *bottom-sort* s1)
1226 (sort= *bottom-sort* s2)))
1227 (sort<= s1 s2 so)
1228 (sort<= s2 s1 so)
1229 (have-common-subsort s1 s2 so)
1230 (let ((t1 (component-top s1 so)))
1231 (and t1 (sort-set-equal t1
1232 (component-top s2 so)))))))))))
12571234 ;;; HAVE-COMMON-SUBSORT : Sort Sort SortOrder -> Bool
12581235 ;;;
12591236 (defun have-common-subsort (s1 s2 so)
12601237 (declare (type sort* s1 s2)
1261 (type sort-order so)
1262 (values (or null t)))
1238 (type sort-order so)
1239 (values (or null t)))
12631240 (let ((ss1 (subsorts s1 so))
1264 (ss2 (subsorts s2 so)))
1241 (ss2 (subsorts s2 so)))
12651242 (dolist (s ss1 nil)
12661243 (declare (type sort* s))
12671244 (when (memq s ss2) (return t)))))
12701247 ;;;
12711248 (defun all-sorts-in-order (&optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
12721249 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1273 (values list))
1250 (values list))
12741251 (let ((res nil))
12751252 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
1276 (declare (ignore relation))
1277 (push sort res))
1278 sort-order)
1253 (declare (ignore relation))
1254 (push sort res))
1255 sort-order)
12791256 res))
12811258 ;;; TOP-COMPONENTS sort-order
12821259 ;;;
12831260 (defun top-components (&optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
12841261 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1285 (values list))
1262 (values list))
12861263 (maximal-sorts (let ((res nil))
1287 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
1288 (declare (ignore relation))
1289 (push sort res))
1290 sort-order)
1291 res)
1292 sort-order))
1264 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
1265 (declare (ignore relation))
1266 (push sort res))
1267 sort-order)
1268 res)
1269 sort-order))
12941271 ;;; BOTTOM-COMPONENTS sort-order
12951272 ;;;
12961273 (defun bottom-components (&optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
12971274 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1298 (values list))
1275 (values list))
12991276 (minimal-sorts (let ((res nil))
1300 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
1301 (declare (ignore relation))
1302 (push sort res))
1303 sort-order)
1304 res)
1305 sort-order))
1277 (maphash #'(lambda (sort relation)
1278 (declare (ignore relation))
1279 (push sort res))
1280 sort-order)
1281 res)
1282 sort-order))
13071284 ;;; DIRECT-SUBSORTS sort sort-order
13081285 ;;; returns the list of sorts which are direct subsorts
13091286 ;;;
13101287 (defun direct-subsorts (sort &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
13111288 (declare (type sort* sort)
1312 (type sort-order sort-order)
1313 (values list))
1289 (type sort-order sort-order)
1290 (values list))
13141291 (maximal-sorts (subsorts sort sort-order) sort-order))
13161293 ;;; DIRECT-SUPERSORTS sort sort-order
13171294 ;;;
13181295 (defun direct-supersorts (sort &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
13191296 (declare (type sort*)
1320 (type sort-order sort-order)
1321 (values list))
1297 (type sort-order sort-order)
1298 (values list))
13221299 (minimal-sorts (supersorts sort sort-order) sort-order))
13251302 ;;;
13261303 (defun direct-supersorts-no-err (sort &optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
13271304 (declare (type sort* sort)
1328 (type sort-order sort-order)
1329 (values list))
1305 (type sort-order sort-order)
1306 (values list))
13301307 (minimal-sorts (supersorts-no-err sort sort-order) sort-order))
13321309 #||
13361313 (defun delete-sort-from-order (sort sort-order)
13371314 (remhash sort sort-order)
13381315 (maphash #'(lambda (ss sort-rel)
1339 (declare (ignore ss))
1340 (setf (_subsorts sort-rel)
1341 (delete sort (_subsorts sort-rel) :test #'eq))
1342 (setf (_supersorts sort-rel)
1343 (delete sort (_supersorts sort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1344 sort-order)
1316 (declare (ignore ss))
1317 (setf (_subsorts sort-rel)
1318 (delete sort (_subsorts sort-rel) :test #'eq))
1319 (setf (_supersorts sort-rel)
1320 (delete sort (_supersorts sort-rel) :test #'eq)))
1321 sort-order)
13451322 (update-sort-order sort-order)
13461323 sort-order)
13471324 ||#
13521329 #||
13531330 (defun sort-order-transitive-closure (previous-order new-order)
13541331 (flet ((ls-union (order s ls)
1355 ;; make the union of the sorts lower than "s" with ls.
1356 (let ((sl (get-sort-relation s order)))
1357 (setf (_subsorts sl)
1358 (union (_subsorts sl) ls :test #'eq))))
1359 (gs-union (order s gs)
1360 ;; make the union of the sorts greater than "s" with gs.
1361 (let ((sl (get-sort-relation s order)))
1362 (setf (_supersorts sl)
1363 (union (_supersorts sl) gs :test #'eq)))))
1332 ;; make the union of the sorts lower than "s" with ls.
1333 (let ((sl (get-sort-relation s order)))
1334 (setf (_subsorts sl)
1335 (union (_subsorts sl) ls :test #'eq))))
1336 (gs-union (order s gs)
1337 ;; make the union of the sorts greater than "s" with gs.
1338 (let ((sl (get-sort-relation s order)))
1339 (setf (_supersorts sl)
1340 (union (_supersorts sl) gs :test #'eq)))))
13641341 (let ((closure (merge-sort-order previous-order new-order)))
13651342 (declare (type sort-order closure))
13661343 (maphash #'(lambda (sort sort-rel)
1367 (declare (ignore sort))
1368 (let ((ls (_subsorts sort-rel))
1369 (gs (_supersorts sort-rel)))
1370 (dolist (s1 ls)
1371 (dolist (s2 gs)
1372 (declare (type sort* s2))
1373 (ls-union closure s2 (list s1))
1374 (gs-union closure s1 (list s2))))))
1375 closure)
1344 (declare (ignore sort))
1345 (let ((ls (_subsorts sort-rel))
1346 (gs (_supersorts sort-rel)))
1347 (dolist (s1 ls)
1348 (dolist (s2 gs)
1349 (declare (type sort* s2))
1350 (ls-union closure s2 (list s1))
1351 (gs-union closure s1 (list s2))))))
1352 closure)
13761353 ;; generates erro sorts.
13771354 (generate-err-sorts closure)
13781355 closure)))
13821359 (defun sort-relations-transitive-closure (sl1 sl2)
13831360 (declare (type list sl1 sl2)
1384 (values list))
1361 (values list))
13851362 (flet ((ls-union (relations s ls)
1386 (declare (type list relations ls)
1387 (type sort* s)
1388 (values list))
1389 ;; make the union of the sorts lower than "s" with ls.
1390 (let ((sl (assq s relations)))
1391 (declare (type list sl))
1392 (unless sl (break "Panic no sort relation(ls)!"))
1393 (setf (_subsorts sl)
1394 (union (_subsorts sl) ls :test #'eq))))
1395 (gs-union (relations s gs)
1396 (declare (type list relations gs)
1397 (type sort* s)
1398 (values list))
1399 ;; make the union of the sorts greater than "s" with gs.
1400 (let ((sl (assq s relations)))
1401 (declare (type list sl))
1402 (unless sl (break "Panic no sort relation(gs)!"))
1403 (setf (_supersorts sl)
1404 (union (_supersorts sl) gs :test #'eq)))))
1363 (declare (type list relations ls)
1364 (type sort* s)
1365 (values list))
1366 ;; make the union of the sorts lower than "s" with ls.
1367 (let ((sl (assq s relations)))
1368 (declare (type list sl))
1369 (unless sl (break "Panic no sort relation(ls)!"))
1370 (setf (_subsorts sl)
1371 (union (_subsorts sl) ls :test #'eq))))
1372 (gs-union (relations s gs)
1373 (declare (type list relations gs)
1374 (type sort* s)
1375 (values list))
1376 ;; make the union of the sorts greater than "s" with gs.
1377 (let ((sl (assq s relations)))
1378 (declare (type list sl))
1379 (unless sl (break "Panic no sort relation(gs)!"))
1380 (setf (_supersorts sl)
1381 (union (_supersorts sl) gs :test #'eq)))))
14051382 (let ((p-closure (merge-sort-relations sl1 sl2)))
14061383 (declare (type list p-closure))
14071384 (dolist (sort-rel p-closure)
1408 (let ((ls (_subsorts sort-rel))
1409 (gs (_supersorts sort-rel)))
1410 (declare (type list ls gs))
1411 (dolist (s1 ls)
1412 (declare (type sort* s1))
1413 (dolist (s2 gs)
1414 (declare (type sort* s2))
1415 (ls-union p-closure s2 (list s1))
1416 (gs-union p-closure s1 (list s2))))))
1385 (let ((ls (_subsorts sort-rel))
1386 (gs (_supersorts sort-rel)))
1387 (declare (type list ls gs))
1388 (dolist (s1 ls)
1389 (declare (type sort* s1))
1390 (dolist (s2 gs)
1391 (declare (type sort* s2))
1392 (ls-union p-closure s2 (list s1))
1393 (gs-union p-closure s1 (list s2))))))
14171394 p-closure)))
14191396 (defun sort-relations-transitive-closure1 (sl)
14201397 (declare (type list sl)
1421 (values list))
1398 (values list))
14221399 (sort-relations-transitive-closure nil sl))
14241401 ;;; CHECK-CYCLIC-SORT-ORDER sort-order
14251402 ;;;
14261403 (defun check-cyclic-sort-order (sort-order)
14271404 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1428 (values t))
1405 (values t))
14291406 (maphash #'(lambda (ss sort-relation)
1430 (when (member ss (_subsorts sort-relation) :test #'eq)
1431 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1432 (princ "cycle in sort order structure : ")
1433 (princ (string (sort-id ss)))
1434 (princ " appears in its lowers."))))
1435 sort-order))
1407 (when (member ss (_subsorts sort-relation) :test #'eq)
1408 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1409 (princ "cycle in sort order structure : ")
1410 (princ (string (sort-id ss)))
1411 (princ " appears in its lowers."))))
1412 sort-order))
14371414 ;;; ERROR SORT UTILS
14401417 ;;;
14411418 (defun clear-err-sorts (sort-order)
14421419 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1443 (values t))
1420 (values t))
14441421 (maphash #'(lambda (s sl)
1445 (declare (ignore s))
1446 (setf (_err-sort sl) nil))
1447 sort-order)
1422 (declare (ignore s))
1423 (setf (_err-sort sl) nil))
1424 sort-order)
14481425 sort-order)
14501427 ;;; GET-KINDS : SortOrder -> LIST[(err-sort subsort-list)]
14511428 ;;;
14521429 (defun get-kinds (sort-order)
14531430 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1454 (values list))
1431 (values list))
14551432 (let ((res nil))
14561433 (maphash #'(lambda (s sl)
1457 (declare (type sort* s)
1458 (type list sl))
1459 (let ((es (_err-sort sl)))
1460 (declare (type (or null err-sort) es))
1461 (when (and es (not (or (eq s *universal-sort*)
1462 (eq s *bottom-sort*)
1463 (eq s *huniversal-sort*)
1464 (eq s *hbottom-sort*)
1465 (eq s *cosmos*))))
1466 (let ((pre (assoc es res :test #'eq)))
1467 (declare (type list pre))
1468 (if pre
1469 (pushnew s (cdr pre) :test #'eq)
1470 (push (cons es (list s)) res))))))
1471 sort-order)
1434 (declare (type sort* s)
1435 (type list sl))
1436 (let ((es (_err-sort sl)))
1437 (declare (type (or null err-sort) es))
1438 (when (and es (not (or (eq s *universal-sort*)
1439 (eq s *bottom-sort*)
1440 (eq s *huniversal-sort*)
1441 (eq s *hbottom-sort*)
1442 (eq s *cosmos*))))
1443 (let ((pre (assoc es res :test #'eq)))
1444 (declare (type list pre))
1445 (if pre
1446 (pushnew s (cdr pre) :test #'eq)
1447 (push (cons es (list s)) res))))))
1448 sort-order)
14721449 res))
14741451 ;;; GET-ERR-SORTS
14751452 ;;;
14761453 (defun get-err-sorts (sort-order)
14771454 (declare (type sort-order sort-order)
1478 (values list))
1455 (values list))
14791456 (let ((res nil))
14801457 (maphash #'(lambda (s sl)
1481 (declare (ignore s))
1482 (let ((es (_err-sort sl)))
1483 (when es (pushnew es res :test #'eq))))
1484 sort-order)
1458 (declare (ignore s))
1459 (let ((es (_err-sort sl)))
1460 (when es (pushnew es res :test #'eq))))
1461 sort-order)
14851462 res))
14871464 ;;; GET-FAMILY : ErroSort SortOrder -> List[Sort]
14881465 ;;;
14891466 (defun get-family (err-sort so)
14901467 (declare (type err-sort err-sort)
1491 (type sort-order so)
1492 (values list))
1468 (type sort-order so)
1469 (values list))
14931470 (let ((res nil))
14941471 (maphash #'(lambda (s sl)
1495 (declare (type sort* s)
1496 (type list sl)
1497 (values list))
1498 (when (sort= err-sort (_err-sort sl))
1499 (pushnew s res :test #'eq)))
1500 so)
1472 (declare (type sort* s)
1473 (type list sl)
1474 (values list))
1475 (when (sort= err-sort (_err-sort sl))
1476 (pushnew s res :test #'eq)))
1477 so)
15011478 res))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bview.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: bview.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5050 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5151 #||
5252 (defterm view-struct (top-object)
53 :visible (name) ; view name (string).
54 :hidden (src ; source module
55 target ; target module
56 sort-maps ; mapping of sorts
57 op-maps ; mapping of operators
58 )
53 :visible (name) ; view name (string).
54 :hidden (src ; source module
55 target ; target module
56 sort-maps ; mapping of sorts
57 op-maps ; mapping of operators
58 )
5959 :print print-view-internal
6060 :int-printer print-view-struct-object)
6161 ||#
6363 #||
6464 (defstruct (view-struct (:include top-object (-type 'view-struct))
65 (:conc-name "VIEW-STRUCT-")
66 (:constructor make-view-struct)
67 (:constructor view-struct* (name))
68 (:copier nil)
69 (:print-function print-view-struct-object))
65 (:conc-name "VIEW-STRUCT-")
66 (:constructor make-view-struct)
67 (:constructor view-struct* (name))
68 (:copier nil)
69 (:print-function print-view-struct-object))
7070 (src nil :type (or null module))
7171 (target nil :type (or null module))
7272 (sort-maps nil :type list)
101101 (defun view-p (object)
102102 (declare (type t object)
103 (values (or null t)))
103 (values (or null t)))
104104 (view-struct-p object))
106106 ;;; MODEXP-IS-VIEW : object -> Bool
107107 ;;;
108108 (defun modexp-is-view (object)
109109 (declare (type t object)
110 (values (or null t)))
110 (values (or null t)))
111111 (or (view-p object) (%is-view object)))
114114 (defun view-is-inconsistent (view)
115115 (declare (type view-struct view)
116 (values (or null t)))
116 (values (or null t)))
117117 (object-is-inconsistent view))
119119 ;;; view status
120120 (defun mark-view-as-consistent (view)
121121 (declare (type view-struct view)
122 (values fixnum))
122 (values fixnum))
123123 (setf (object-status view) 1))
125125 ;;; change propagation
126126 ;;; NOTE: this is not enough, now defined in module.lisp
127127 ;;; (defun propagate-view-change (view)
128128 ;;; (declare (type view-struct view)
129 ;;; (values t))
129 ;;; (values t))
130130 ;;; (propagate-object-change (view-exporting-objects view)))
132132 ;;; copy
133133 (defun copy-view (from to)
134134 (declare (type view-struct from to)
135 (values t))
135 (values t))
136136 (setf (view-name to) (view-name from)
137 (view-decl-form to) (view-decl-form from)
138 (view-src to) (view-src from)
139 (view-target to) (view-target from)
140 (view-sort-maps to) (view-sort-maps from)
141 (view-op-maps to) (view-op-maps from)
142 (view-interface to) (view-interface from)))
137 (view-decl-form to) (view-decl-form from)
138 (view-src to) (view-src from)
139 (view-target to) (view-target from)
140 (view-sort-maps to) (view-sort-maps from)
141 (view-op-maps to) (view-op-maps from)
142 (view-interface to) (view-interface from)))
144144 ;;; initialization
145145 (defun initialize-view (view)
146146 (declare (type view-struct view)
147 (values t))
147 (values t))
148148 (setf (view-status view) -1)
149149 (if (the (or null ex-interface) (view-interface view))
150150 (initialize-object-interface (view-interface view))
151151 (setf (view-interface view) (make-ex-interface)))
152152 (setf (view-src view) nil
153 (view-target view) nil
154 (view-sort-maps view) nil
155 (view-op-maps view) nil
156 (view-decl-form view) nil
157 ))
153 (view-target view) nil
154 (view-sort-maps view) nil
155 (view-op-maps view) nil
156 (view-decl-form view) nil
157 ))
159159 (defun clean-up-view (view)
160160 (declare (type view-struct view)
161 (values t))
161 (values t))
162162 (setf (view-name view) nil)
163163 (setf (view-status view) 0)
164164 (if (view-interface view)
165165 (clean-up-ex-interface (view-interface view)))
166166 (setf (view-interface view) nil)
167167 (setf (view-src view) nil
168 (view-target view) nil
169 (view-sort-maps view) nil
170 (view-op-maps view) nil
171 (view-decl-form view) nil
172 ))
168 (view-target view) nil
169 (view-sort-maps view) nil
170 (view-op-maps view) nil
171 (view-decl-form view) nil
172 ))
175175 ;;; ADDITIONAL MODULE EXPRESSIONS ______________________________________
214214 ;;;
215215 (defun module-eq (x y)
216216 (declare (type t x y)
217 (values (or null t)))
217 (values (or null t)))
218218 (or (equal x y)
219219 (and (module-p x) (module-eq (module-name x) y))
220220 (and (module-p y) (module-eq x (module-name y)))))
226226 (defun outer-equal (x y)
227227 (declare (type t x y)
228 (values (or null t)))
228 (values (or null t)))
229229 (cond ((stringp x) (equal x y))
230 ((atom x) (eq x y)) ;note this includes structures and vectors
231 ((consp x)
232 (cond ((term? x) (eq x y))
233 (t
234 (and (consp y)
235 (do ((xl x (cdr xl))
236 (yl y (cdr yl))
237 (flag t))
238 ((or (when (or (atom xl) (atom yl))
239 (setq flag (eq xl yl))
240 t)
241 (when (not (outer-equal (car xl) (car yl)))
242 (setq flag nil)
243 t))
244 flag))))))
230 ((atom x) (eq x y)) ;note this includes structures and vectors
231 ((consp x)
232 (cond ((term? x) (eq x y))
233 (t
234 (and (consp y)
235 (do ((xl x (cdr xl))
236 (yl y (cdr yl))
237 (flag t))
238 ((or (when (or (atom xl) (atom yl))
239 (setq flag (eq xl yl))
240 t)
241 (when (not (outer-equal (car xl) (car yl)))
242 (setq flag nil)
243 t))
244 flag))))))
245245 (t nil)))
247247 (defun same-top-level (me1 me2)
248248 (declare (type t me1 me2)
249 (values (or null t)))
249 (values (or null t)))
250250 (or (module-eq me1 me2)
251251 (if (and (chaos-ast? me1) (chaos-ast? me2))
252 (cond
253 (;; me1 is renaming
254 (%is-rename me1)
255 (and (%is-rename me2)
256 (module-eq (%rename-module me1) (%rename-module me2))
257 (same-renamed-module (%rename-map me1) (%rename-map me2))))
259 (;; me1 is instantiation
260 (%is-instantiation me1)
261 (and (%is-instantiation me2)
262 (module-eq (%instantiation-module me1)
263 (%instantiation-module me2))
264 (let ((args1 (%instantiation-args me1))
265 (args2 (%instantiation-args me2)))
266 (declare (type list args1 args2))
267 (and (= (length args1) (length args2))
268 (every #'eq args1 args2)))))
270 (;; me1 is module sum
271 (%is-plus me1)
272 (and (%is-plus me2)
273 (equal (%plus-args me1) (%plus-args me2))))
274 ;;
275 ;; view
276 ((or (%is-view me1)
277 (%is-view me2))
278 (and (module-eq (%view-module me1) (%view-module me2))
279 (module-eq (%view-target me1) (%view-target me2))
280 (same-view-mapping (%view-map me1)
281 (%view-map me2))))
283 (t nil))
284 (if (and (view-p me1) (view-p me2))
285 (and (module-eq (view-src me1)
286 (view-src me2))
287 (module-eq (view-target me1)
288 (view-target me2))
289 (same-view-mapping (view-sort-maps me1)
290 (view-sort-maps me2))
291 (same-view-mapping (view-op-maps me1) (view-op-maps me2)))
292 ;;
293 ;; non pure chaos-object
294 ;;
295 (cond ((and (consp me1) (consp me2))
296 (= (length (the cons me1))
297 (length (the cons me2)))
298 (every #'eql me1 me2))
299 ((equal me1 me2) t)
300 ((or (and (atom me2) (not (chaos-ast? me2)))
301 (not (listp me1))
302 (not (listp me2))
303 (not (= (length me1) (length me2))))
304 nil)
305 (t nil)
306 )))))
252 (cond
253 (;; me1 is renaming
254 (%is-rename me1)
255 (and (%is-rename me2)
256 (module-eq (%rename-module me1) (%rename-module me2))
257 (same-renamed-module (%rename-map me1) (%rename-map me2))))
259 (;; me1 is instantiation
260 (%is-instantiation me1)
261 (and (%is-instantiation me2)
262 (module-eq (%instantiation-module me1)
263 (%instantiation-module me2))
264 (let ((args1 (%instantiation-args me1))
265 (args2 (%instantiation-args me2)))
266 (declare (type list args1 args2))
267 (and (= (length args1) (length args2))
268 (every #'eq args1 args2)))))
270 (;; me1 is module sum
271 (%is-plus me1)
272 (and (%is-plus me2)
273 (equal (%plus-args me1) (%plus-args me2))))
274 ;;
275 ;; view
276 ((or (%is-view me1)
277 (%is-view me2))
278 (and (module-eq (%view-module me1) (%view-module me2))
279 (module-eq (%view-target me1) (%view-target me2))
280 (same-view-mapping (%view-map me1)
281 (%view-map me2))))
283 (t nil))
284 (if (and (view-p me1) (view-p me2))
285 (and (module-eq (view-src me1)
286 (view-src me2))
287 (module-eq (view-target me1)
288 (view-target me2))
289 (same-view-mapping (view-sort-maps me1)
290 (view-sort-maps me2))
291 (same-view-mapping (view-op-maps me1) (view-op-maps me2)))
292 ;;
293 ;; non pure chaos-object
294 ;;
295 (cond ((and (consp me1) (consp me2))
296 (= (length (the cons me1))
297 (length (the cons me2)))
298 (every #'eql me1 me2))
299 ((equal me1 me2) t)
300 ((or (and (atom me2) (not (chaos-ast? me2)))
301 (not (listp me1))
302 (not (listp me2))
303 (not (= (length me1) (length me2))))
304 nil)
305 (t nil)
306 )))))
308308 ;;; ************
309309 ;;; DUMMY MODULE________________________________________________________________
317317 (defun create-dummy-module (map mod info)
318318 (declare (type modmorph map)
319 (type module mod)
320 (type t info)
321 (values module))
319 (type module mod)
320 (type t info)
321 (values module))
322322 (let ((val (assq mod (modmorph-module map))))
323323 (if val
324 (cdr val)
325 (let ((newmod (make-module :name "DUMMY")))
326 (initialize-module newmod)
327 (setf (get-rename-info newmod) (cons mod info))
328 newmod))))
324 (cdr val)
325 (let ((newmod (make-module :name "DUMMY")))
326 (initialize-module newmod)
327 (setf (get-rename-info newmod) (cons mod info))
328 newmod))))
330330 (defun create-dummy-module-then-map (map mod info)
331331 (declare (type modmorph map)
332 (type module mod)
333 (type t info)
334 (values module))
332 (type module mod)
333 (type t info)
334 (values module))
335335 (let ((dmod (create-dummy-module map mod info)))
336336 (pushnew (cons mod dmod) (modmorph-module map)
337 :key #'car :test #'eq)
337 :key #'car :test #'eq)
338338 dmod))
340340 (defun module-is-rename-dummy-for (mod1 mod)
341341 (declare (type module mod1 mod)
342 (values (or null t)))
342 (values (or null t)))
343343 (if (equal "DUMMY" (module-name mod1))
344344 (let* ((info (get-rename-info mod))
345 (oldmod (car info)))
346 (eq oldmod mod))
345 (oldmod (car info)))
346 (eq oldmod mod))
347347 ))
349349 (defun is-dummy-module (mod)
350350 (declare (type t mod)
351 (values (or null t)))
351 (values (or null t)))
352352 (and (module-p mod)
353353 (equal "DUMMY" (module-name mod))))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: context.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: context.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4040 ;;; all the functions which handle module's context.
4141 ;;;
43 ;;; INSTANCE DB ****************************************************************
44 ;;; instance db stores all the instances of class sort.
45 ;;; made for persistent object
46 ;;; we store term-body of an instance in the instance db.
47 ;;; retrieving the instance always creates new term.
48 ;;; this is for avoiding destructive replacement of term body.
49 ;;;
51 ;;; (defvar *instance-db* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
52 ;;; (defun clear-instance-db () (clrhash *instance-db*))
54 (defmacro make-id-key (___id)
55 (once-only (___id)
56 ` (cond ((term-is-builtin-constant? ,___id)
57 (term-builtin-value ,___id))
58 (t (method-symbol (term-method ,___id))))))
60 (defun find-instance (id &optional class (module *current-module*))
61 (or (find-instance-aux id module class)
62 (dolist (sub (module-all-submodules module) nil)
63 (when (not (eq (cdr sub) :using))
64 (let ((inst (find-instance-aux id (car sub) class)))
65 (if inst (return-from find-instance inst)))))))
67 (defun find-instance-aux (id module &optional class)
68 (let ((db (module-instance-db module)))
69 (unless db (return-from find-instance-aux nil))
70 (let ((body (gethash (make-id-key id) db)))
71 (if body
72 (progn
73 (term$unset-reduced-flag body)
74 (when class
75 (unless (sort<= (term$sort body) class (module-sort-order module))
76 (return-from find-instance-aux nil)))
77 (list body))
78 nil))))
80 (defun register-instance (object)
81 (unless (term-eq *void-object* object)
82 (let ((module (sort-module (term-sort object)))
83 (id (term-arg-1 object)))
84 (let ((db (module-instance-db module)))
85 (unless db
86 (initialize-module-instance-db module)
87 (setq db (module-instance-db module)))
88 (setf (gethash (make-id-key id) db) (term-body object))))))
90 (defun delete-instance (object)
91 (unless (term-eq *void-object* object)
92 (let ((module (sort-module (term-sort object))))
93 (let ((db (module-instance-db module)))
94 (unless db
95 (return-from delete-instance nil))
96 (remhash (make-id-key (term-arg-1 object)) db)))))
43 ;;; GET-CONTEXT : null | module
44 (defun get-context ()
45 (if *current-module*
46 (module-context *current-module*)
47 nil))
50 (defun get-context-module (&optional no-error)
51 (or *current-module*
52 (if no-error
53 nil
54 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
55 (format t "No context module is set.")))))
58 (defun reset-context-module (&optional (mod nil))
59 (setf *current-module* mod))
61 ;;; GET-OBJECT-CONTEXT object -> null | module
62 ;;;
63 (defun get-object-context (obj)
64 (or (get-context-module t) (object-context-mod obj)))
9866 ;;; BINDINGS *******************************************************************
68 ;;; GET-BOUND-VALUE : let-symbol -> value (a term) | null
10170 (defun is-special-let-variable? (name)
10271 (declare (values (or null t)))
10372 (and (>= (length (the simple-string name)) 3)
10675 (defun check-$$term-context (mod)
10776 (or (eq $$term-context mod)
10877 (member $$term-context
109 (module-all-submodules mod)
110 :test #'(lambda (x y)
111 (eq x (car y))))))
113 (defun get-bound-value (let-sym &optional (mod *current-module*))
78 (module-all-submodules mod)
79 :test #'(lambda (x y)
80 (eq x (car y))))))
82 (defun get-bound-value (let-sym &optional (mod (get-context-module)))
11483 (or (cdr (assoc let-sym (module-bindings mod) :test #'equal))
11584 (when *allow-$$term*
116 (cond ((equal let-sym "$$term")
117 (when (or (null $$term) (eq 'void $$term))
118 (with-output-simple-msg ()
119 (princ "[Error] $$term has no proper value.")
120 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
121 (unless (check-$$term-context mod)
122 (with-output-simple-msg ()
123 (princ "[Error] $$term is not proper in the current module.")
124 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
125 $$term)
126 ((equal let-sym "$$subterm")
127 (unless $$subterm
128 (with-output-simple-msg ()
129 (princ "[Error] $$subterm has no proper vlaue.")
130 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
131 (unless (check-$$term-context mod)
132 (with-output-simple-msg ()
133 (princ "[Error] $$subterm is not proper in the current module.")
134 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
135 $$subterm)
136 ((is-special-let-variable? let-sym)
137 (cdr (assoc let-sym (module-bindings mod) :test #'equal)))
138 (t nil)))))
140 (defun set-bound-value (let-sym value &optional (mod *current-module*))
85 (cond ((equal let-sym "$$term")
86 (when (or (null $$term) (eq 'void $$term))
87 (with-output-simple-msg ()
88 (princ "[Error] $$term has no proper value.")
89 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
90 (unless (check-$$term-context mod)
91 (with-output-simple-msg ()
92 (princ "[Error] $$term is not proper in the current module.")
93 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
94 $$term)
95 ((equal let-sym "$$subterm")
96 (unless $$subterm
97 (with-output-simple-msg ()
98 (princ "[Error] $$subterm has no proper vlaue.")
99 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
100 (unless (check-$$term-context mod)
101 (with-output-simple-msg ()
102 (princ "[Error] $$subterm is not proper in the current module.")
103 (throw 'term-context-error nil)))
104 $$subterm)
105 ((is-special-let-variable? let-sym)
106 (cdr (assoc let-sym (module-bindings mod) :test #'equal)))
107 (t nil)))))
109 (defun set-bound-value (let-sym value &optional (mod (get-context-module)))
141110 (when (or (equal let-sym "$$term")
142 (equal let-sym "$$subterm"))
111 (equal let-sym "$$subterm"))
143112 (with-output-chaos-error ('misc-error)
144 (princ "sorry, but you cannot use \"$$term\" or \"$$subterm\" as let variable.")
145 ))
113 (princ "sorry, but you cannot use \"$$term\" or \"$$subterm\" as let variable.")))
146114 ;;
147115 (let* ((special nil)
148 (bindings (if (is-special-let-variable? let-sym)
149 (progn (setq special t) (module-special-bindings mod))
150 (module-bindings mod))))
116 (bindings (if (is-special-let-variable? let-sym)
117 (progn (setq special t) (module-special-bindings mod))
118 (module-bindings mod))))
151119 (let ((binding (assoc let-sym bindings :test #'equal)))
152120 (if binding
153 (progn
154 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
155 (format t "resetting bound value of ~a to " let-sym)
156 (print-chaos-object value))
157 (setf (cdr binding) value))
158 (if special
159 (setf (module-special-bindings mod)
160 (acons let-sym value (module-special-bindings mod)))
161 (setf (module-bindings mod)
162 (acons let-sym value (module-bindings mod))))))))
121 (progn
122 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
123 (format t "resetting bound value of ~a to " let-sym)
124 (print-chaos-object value))
125 (setf (cdr binding) value))
126 (if special
127 (setf (module-special-bindings mod)
128 (acons let-sym value (module-special-bindings mod)))
129 (setf (module-bindings mod)
130 (acons let-sym value (module-bindings mod))))))))
165133 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
172140 (when (and mod (module-name mod))
173141 (let ((context (module-context mod)))
174142 (setf (module-context-$$term context) $$term
175 (module-context-$$subterm context) $$subterm
176 (module-context-$$action-stack context) $$action-stack
177 (module-context-$$selection-stack context) $$selection-stack
178 (module-context-$$stop-pattern context) *rewrite-stop-pattern*
179 ;; (module-context-$$ptree context) *proof-tree*
180 ))))
143 (module-context-$$subterm context) $$subterm
144 (module-context-$$action-stack context) $$action-stack
145 (module-context-$$selection-stack context) $$selection-stack
146 (module-context-$$stop-pattern context) *rewrite-stop-pattern*))))
182148 (defun new-context (mod)
183149 (unless mod
184150 (setf $$term nil
185 $$subterm nil
186 $$action-stack nil
187 $$selection-stack nil
188 $$term-context nil
189 *last-module* nil
190 ;; !!!
191 *current-module* nil
192 *rewrite-stop-pattern* nil
193 ;; *proof-tree* nil
194 )
151 $$subterm nil
152 $$action-stack nil
153 $$selection-stack nil
154 *current-module* nil
155 *rewrite-stop-pattern* nil)
195156 (return-from new-context nil))
196 ;;
197157 (let ((context (module-context mod)))
198158 (setf $$term (module-context-$$term context)
199 $$subterm (module-context-$$subterm context)
200 $$action-stack (module-context-$$action-stack context)
201 $$selection-stack (module-context-$$selection-stack context)
202 *rewrite-stop-pattern* (module-context-$$stop-pattern context)
203 ;;*proof-tree* (module-context-$$ptree context)
204 )
159 $$subterm (module-context-$$subterm context)
160 $$action-stack (module-context-$$action-stack context)
161 $$selection-stack (module-context-$$selection-stack context)
162 *rewrite-stop-pattern* (module-context-$$stop-pattern context))
205163 (setf $$term-context mod)
206 (setq *last-module* mod)
207 ;; !!!!!
208 (setq *current-module* mod)
209 ;; !!!!!
164 (reset-context-module mod)
210165 (clear-method-info-hash)
211166 t))
222177 ;; save current context
223178 (save-context from)
224179 ;; restore new context
225 (new-context to)
226 )
180 (new-context to))
228182 (defun reset-target-term (term old-mod mod)
229183 (if (eq mod old-mod)
230184 (progn
231 (setq $$term term
232 $$subterm term
233 $$selection-stack nil)
234 (save-context mod)
235 (new-context mod))
236 ;; we do not change globals, instead set in context of mod.
237 (save-context mod)))
185 (setq $$term term
186 $$term-context mod
187 $$subterm term
188 $$selection-stack nil)
189 (save-context mod)
190 (new-context mod))
191 ;; we do not change globals, instead set in context of mod.
192 (progn
193 (setq $$term-context mod)
194 (save-context mod))))
238195 ;;;
239196 (defun context-push (mod)
240197 (push mod *old-context*))
247204 (change-context old new))
249206 (defun context-pop-and-recover ()
250 (when (or *last-module* *current-module*)
251 (let ((old (context-pop)))
252 (unless (member old (list *last-module* *current-module*))
253 ;; eval-mod may change the current context implicitly.
254 ;; in this case we do not recover context.
255 (change-context *last-module* old)))))
207 (let ((old (context-pop)))
208 (unless (eq old (get-context-module t))
209 ;; eval-mod may change the current context implicitly.
210 ;; in this case we do not recover context.
211 (change-context (get-context-module t) old))))
257213 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: defterm.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: defterm.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7171 (defun chaos-pr-object (obj stream &rest ignore)
7272 (declare (ignore ignore))
7373 (format stream "#<~a : ~x>" (%chaos-object--type obj)
74 (addr-of obj)))
74 (addr-of obj)))
7676 (defstruct (%chaos-static-object #+gcl (:static t)
77 )
77 )
7878 (-type nil :type symbol))
8080 (defmacro object-type (_object_) `(%chaos-object--type ,_object_))
8888 (defmacro type-p-chaos (_object _type)
8989 (once-only (_object)
9090 ` (and (structure-p ,_object)
91 (eq (object-type ,_object) ,_type))))
91 (eq (object-type ,_object) ,_type))))
9393 (defmacro object-category (_object) `(get (object-type ,_object) ':category))
102102 (defmacro object-constructor (_object)
103103 ` (let ((key (object-type ,_object)))
104104 (and (fboundp key)
105 (symbol-function key))))
105 (symbol-function key))))
107107 ;;;
108108 ;;; AST basic structure
112112 (defmacro chaos-ast? (*object)
113113 (once-only (*object)
114114 ` (and (listp ,*object)
115 (symbolp (car ,*object))
116 (get (car ,*object) ':category))))
115 (symbolp (car ,*object))
116 (get (car ,*object) ':category))))
118118 (defmacro ast-type (_ast_) `(car ,_ast_))
147147 (when (memq rest-slot visible-slots)
148148 (setf visible-slots (firstn visible-slots (- (length visible-slots) 2))))
149149 (let* ((res nil)
150 (optional? (position '&optional visible-slots))
151 (args (if optional?
152 (subseq visible-slots 0 optional?)
153 visible-slots))
154 (optionals (when optional?
155 (nthcdr (1+ optional?) visible-slots))))
150 (optional? (position '&optional visible-slots))
151 (args (if optional?
152 (subseq visible-slots 0 optional?)
153 visible-slots))
154 (optionals (when optional?
155 (nthcdr (1+ optional?) visible-slots))))
156156 (if rest-slot
157 (push (append args (list rest-slot)) res)
158 (push args res))
157 (push (append args (list rest-slot)) res)
158 (push args res))
159159 (dolist (opt optionals)
160160 (push (append (car res) (if rest-slot
161 (nconc (list opt) (list rest-slot))
162 (list opt)))
163 res))
161 (nconc (list opt) (list rest-slot))
162 (list opt)))
163 res))
164164 (nreverse res)))
166166 ;;; * NOTE * symbol .universal. will be replaced by rel *universal-sort* at
167167 ;;; boot time.
168168 (defun make-ast-forms (name visible-slots &optional rest-slot)
169169 (let ((forms nil)
170 (form nil))
170 (form nil))
171171 (dolist (sl (make-ast-argpatterns visible-slots rest-slot))
172172 (setf form nil)
173173 (push `(token . ,name) form)
174174 (when sl
175 (push '(token . "(") form))
175 (push '(token . "(") form))
176176 (dolist (x (cdr sl))
177 x
178 (push `(argument ,parser-max-precedence . .universal.) form)
179 (push '(token . ",") form))
177 x
178 (push `(argument ,parser-max-precedence . .universal.) form)
179 (push '(token . ",") form))
180180 (when sl
181 (if rest-slot
182 (push `(argument* ,parser-max-precedence . .universal.) form)
183 (push `(argument ,parser-max-precedence . .universal.) form))
184 (push '(token . ")") form))
181 (if rest-slot
182 (push `(argument* ,parser-max-precedence . .universal.) form)
183 (push `(argument ,parser-max-precedence . .universal.) form))
184 (push '(token . ")") form))
185185 (push (nreverse form) forms))
186186 (nreverse forms)))
187187 )
190190 (defun %make-keyword (symbol-or-string &optional (cat '%object))
191191 (let ((nam nil))
192192 (if (member cat '(:ast :script :chaos-script))
193 (setq nam (concatenate 'string "%"
194 (the simple-string (string symbol-or-string))))
195 (setq nam (string symbol-or-string)))
193 (setq nam (concatenate 'string "%"
194 (the simple-string (string symbol-or-string))))
195 (setq nam (string symbol-or-string)))
196196 (intern nam)))
198198 (defmacro defterm (type (&optional super)
199 &key
200 (conc-name "") ; conc-name
201 name ; name of the structure
202 visible ; list of visible slots
203 hidden ; list of invisible slots
204 eval ; evaluator
205 print ; printer
206 category ; internal group name
207 keyword ; t if defining keyword
208 int-printer
209 )
199 &key
200 (conc-name "") ; conc-name
201 name ; name of the structure
202 visible ; list of visible slots
203 hidden ; list of invisible slots
204 eval ; evaluator
205 print ; printer
206 category ; internal group name
207 keyword ; t if defining keyword
208 int-printer
209 )
210210 (let ((optional? (memq '&optional visible))
211 (rest? (memq '&rest visible))
212 ;; (rest-slot nil)
213 )
211 (rest? (memq '&rest visible))
212 ;; (rest-slot nil)
213 )
214214 (when (and optional? rest?)
215215 (error "you cannot specify &optional and &rest both at a time, sorry."))
216216 (when rest?
217217 (let ((len (length visible)))
218 (declare (type fixnum len))
219 (unless (eq '&rest (car (nthcdr (- len 2) visible)))
220 (error "&rest must be the last slot specifier!"))
221 ;; (setf rest-slot (car (last visible)))
222 (setf visible (nconc (firstn visible (- len 2)) (cons '&optional
223 (last visible))))))
218 (declare (type fixnum len))
219 (unless (eq '&rest (car (nthcdr (- len 2) visible)))
220 (error "&rest must be the last slot specifier!"))
221 ;; (setf rest-slot (car (last visible)))
222 (setf visible (nconc (firstn visible (- len 2)) (cons '&optional
223 (last visible))))))
224224 (when super
225225 ;; NOTE:***********
226226 ;; (1) now does not check slot name confliction, use carefully if you use
228228 ;; (2) &rest in super is not manpulated properly -> you cannot inherit
229229 ;; super with &rest slot specifier.
230230 (unless (get super ':category)
231 (error "No such super ~s" super)))
231 (error "No such super ~s" super)))
232232 (let* ((cat (if category category
233 (get super ':category)))
234 (type-name (%make-keyword type cat))
235 (name (if name name type))
236 (slots (if super
237 (let ((osl (append visible hidden))
238 (ssl (get super ':chaos-slots))
239 (res nil))
240 (dolist (s osl)
241 (unless (memq s ssl)
242 (if (not (eq s '&optional))
243 (push s res))))
244 (append ssl (nreverse res)))
245 (nconc (remove '&optional visible) hidden)))
246 (own-slots (if super
247 (let ((sss (get super :chaos-slots))
248 (os nil))
249 (dolist (s slots (nreverse os))
250 (unless (memq s sss)
251 (push s os))))
252 slots))
253 (structure-conc-name (%make-keyword
254 (concatenate 'string
255 (the simple-string (string conc-name))
256 (the simple-string (string name))
257 "-")
258 cat))
259 #||
260 (real-constructor (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
261 (string conc-name)
262 "CREATE-"
263 (string name))
264 cat))
265 (boa-constructor (if rest?
266 (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
267 (subseq
268 (string real-constructor)
269 1)
270 "*")
271 cat)
272 real-constructor))
273 ||#
274 (structure-constructor (%make-keyword
275 (concatenate 'string
276 (the simple-string
277 (string conc-name))
278 "MAKE-"
279 (the simple-string
280 (string name)))
281 cat))
282 (boa-constructor (%make-keyword (concatenate
283 'string
284 (the simple-string (string conc-name))
285 (the simple-string (string name))
286 "*")
287 cat))
288 ;;
289 (predicate-name (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
290 (the simple-string
291 (string conc-name))
292 "IS-"
293 (the simple-string
294 (string name)))
295 cat))
296 (int-predicate-name (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
297 (the simple-string
298 (string type-name))
299 "-P")))
300 )
233 (get super ':category)))
234 (type-name (%make-keyword type cat))
235 (name (if name name type))
236 (slots (if super
237 (let ((osl (append visible hidden))
238 (ssl (get super ':chaos-slots))
239 (res nil))
240 (dolist (s osl)
241 (unless (memq s ssl)
242 (if (not (eq s '&optional))
243 (push s res))))
244 (append ssl (nreverse res)))
245 (nconc (remove '&optional visible) hidden)))
246 (own-slots (if super
247 (let ((sss (get super :chaos-slots))
248 (os nil))
249 (dolist (s slots (nreverse os))
250 (unless (memq s sss)
251 (push s os))))
252 slots))
253 (structure-conc-name (%make-keyword
254 (concatenate 'string
255 (the simple-string (string conc-name))
256 (the simple-string (string name))
257 "-")
258 cat))
259 #||
260 (real-constructor (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
261 (string conc-name)
262 "CREATE-"
263 (string name))
264 cat))
265 (boa-constructor (if rest?
266 (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
267 (subseq
268 (string real-constructor)
269 1)
270 "*")
271 cat)
272 real-constructor))
273 ||#
274 (structure-constructor (%make-keyword
275 (concatenate 'string
276 (the simple-string
277 (string conc-name))
278 "MAKE-"
279 (the simple-string
280 (string name)))
281 cat))
282 (boa-constructor (%make-keyword (concatenate
283 'string
284 (the simple-string (string conc-name))
285 (the simple-string (string name))
286 "*")
287 cat))
288 ;;
289 (predicate-name (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
290 (the simple-string
291 (string conc-name))
292 "IS-"
293 (the simple-string
294 (string name)))
295 cat))
296 (int-predicate-name (%make-keyword (concatenate 'string
297 (the simple-string
298 (string type-name))
299 "-P")))
300 )
301301 ;; (format t "~&--- category -- ~s" cat)
302302 (if keyword
303 ` (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
304 (let ((*package *keyword-package*))
305 (setf (get ',type-name ':category) ,cat)
306 (defun ,type-name () ,type-name)
307 #||
308 ;; register to builtin parse dictionary
309 (let ((opname ,(string-downcase (format nil "~s" type-name))))
310 (setf (gethash opname *builtin-ast-dict*)
311 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
312 (cons ,type-name x))
313 (make-ast-forms opname nil))))
314 ||#
315 ))
316 ;;
317 ` (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
318 (defparameter,type-name ',type-name)
319 (setf (get ',type-name ':chaos-slots) ',slots)
320 (setf (get ',type-name ':visible-slots) ',visible)
321 (setf (get ',type-name ':category) ,cat)
322 ;; the sutructure
323 (defstruct (,type-name
324 (:conc-name ,structure-conc-name)
325 (:constructor ,structure-constructor)
326 (:constructor ,boa-constructor ,visible)
327 (:copier nil)
328 ,@(if (or (eq cat ':ast)
329 (eq cat ':chaos-script))
330 (list '(:type list)
331 `(:include %chaos-ast (-type ',type-name)))
332 (if (memq cat '(:static-object
333 :static-int-object))
334 (list ` (:include %chaos-static-object
335 (-type ',type-name))
336 #+gcl '(:static t)
337 )
338 (list ` (:include ,(if super
339 super
340 '%chaos-object)
341 (-type ',type-name))
342 (if int-printer
343 `(:print-function ,int-printer)
344 '(:print-function
345 chaos-pr-object))
346 )
347 )))
348 ,@own-slots)
350 ;; predicate
351 , (case cat
352 ((:ast :chaos-script)
353 `(defun ,predicate-name (obj)
354 (and (chaos-ast? obj) (eq (ast-type obj) ',type-name))))
355 (otherwise
356 ` (setf (symbol-function ',predicate-name)
357 (symbol-function ',int-predicate-name))
358 ))
359 (setf (get ,type-name ':type-predicate)
360 (symbol-function ',predicate-name))
362 ;; constructor
363 #||
364 ,(when rest-slot
365 (let ((arg-list (subst '&rest '&optional visible)))
366 ` (defun ,real-constructor ,arg-list
367 (,boa-constructor ,@(firstn arg-list (- (length
368 arg-list) 2))
369 ,(car (last arg-list))))))
370 ,(if real-constructor
371 ` (progn (setf (symbol-function ',type-name)
372 (symbol-function ',real-constructor))
373 (setf (symbol-function ',(%make-keyword
374 (concatenate 'string
375 (string type)
376 "*")
377 cat))
378 (symbol-function ',boa-constructor)))
379 ` (setf (symbol-function ',type-name)
380 (symbol-function ',boa-constructor)))
381 ||#
383 ;; evaluator
384 (setf (get ',type-name ':eval) ',eval)
386 , (when (and eval (or (eq cat ':ast)
387 (eq cat ':chaos-script)))
388 (let ((eval-mac (intern (concatenate
389 'string
390 "!"
391 (the simple-string
392 (string type-name))))))
393 ` (defmacro ,eval-mac (*__ast &optional *__context)
394 `(let ((*chaos-eval-context* ,*__context))
395 (eval-ast ,*__ast)))))
396 ;; printer
397 (setf (get ',type-name ':print) ',print)
398 ;; type
399 ;; (deftype ,type-name () '(satisfies ,predicate-name))
400 )))))
303 ` (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
304 (let ((*package *keyword-package*))
305 (setf (get ',type-name ':category) ,cat)
306 (defun ,type-name () ,type-name)
307 #||
308 ;; register to builtin parse dictionary
309 (let ((opname ,(string-downcase (format nil "~s" type-name))))
310 (setf (gethash opname *builtin-ast-dict*)
311 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
312 (cons ,type-name x))
313 (make-ast-forms opname nil))))
314 ||#
315 ))
316 ;;
317 ` (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
318 (defparameter,type-name ',type-name)
319 (setf (get ',type-name ':chaos-slots) ',slots)
320 (setf (get ',type-name ':visible-slots) ',visible)
321 (setf (get ',type-name ':category) ,cat)
322 ;; the sutructure
323 (defstruct (,type-name
324 (:conc-name ,structure-conc-name)
325 (:constructor ,structure-constructor)
326 (:constructor ,boa-constructor ,visible)
327 (:copier nil)
328 ,@(if (or (eq cat ':ast)
329 (eq cat ':chaos-script))
330 (list '(:type list)
331 `(:include %chaos-ast (-type ',type-name)))
332 (if (memq cat '(:static-object
333 :static-int-object))
334 (list ` (:include %chaos-static-object
335 (-type ',type-name))
336 #+gcl '(:static t)
337 )
338 (list ` (:include ,(if super
339 super
340 '%chaos-object)
341 (-type ',type-name))
342 (if int-printer
343 `(:print-function ,int-printer)
344 '(:print-function
345 chaos-pr-object))
346 )
347 )))
348 ,@own-slots)
350 ;; predicate
351 , (case cat
352 ((:ast :chaos-script)
353 `(defun ,predicate-name (obj)
354 (and (chaos-ast? obj) (eq (ast-type obj) ',type-name))))
355 (otherwise
356 ` (setf (symbol-function ',predicate-name)
357 (symbol-function ',int-predicate-name))
358 ))
359 (setf (get ,type-name ':type-predicate)
360 (symbol-function ',predicate-name))
362 ;; constructor
363 #||
364 ,(when rest-slot
365 (let ((arg-list (subst '&rest '&optional visible)))
366 ` (defun ,real-constructor ,arg-list
367 (,boa-constructor ,@(firstn arg-list (- (length
368 arg-list) 2))
369 ,(car (last arg-list))))))
370 ,(if real-constructor
371 ` (progn (setf (symbol-function ',type-name)
372 (symbol-function ',real-constructor))
373 (setf (symbol-function ',(%make-keyword
374 (concatenate 'string
375 (string type)
376 "*")
377 cat))
378 (symbol-function ',boa-constructor)))
379 ` (setf (symbol-function ',type-name)
380 (symbol-function ',boa-constructor)))
381 ||#
383 ;; evaluator
384 (setf (get ',type-name ':eval) ',eval)
386 , (when (and eval (or (eq cat ':ast)
387 (eq cat ':chaos-script)))
388 (let ((eval-mac (intern (concatenate
389 'string
390 "!"
391 (the simple-string
392 (string type-name))))))
393 ` (defmacro ,eval-mac (*__ast &optional *__context)
394 `(let ((*chaos-eval-context* ,*__context))
395 (eval-ast ,*__ast)))))
396 ;; printer
397 (setf (get ',type-name ':print) ',print)
398 ;; type
399 ;; (deftype ,type-name () '(satisfies ,predicate-name))
400 )))))
402402 (defmacro defkey (name &key (category ':ast))
403403 `(defterm ,name () :keyword t :category ,category))
409409 ;;; (cadr (cadr seq)))
411411 #-GCL (defun %is-chaos-term? (ast)
412 (and (chaos-object? ast) (get (object-type ast) ':category)))
412 (and (chaos-object? ast) (get (object-type ast) ':category)))
413413 #+GCL
414414 (si::define-inline-function %is-chaos-term? (ast)
415415 (and (not (stringp ast)) (chaos-object? ast) (get (object-type ast) ':category)))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: depend.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: depend.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5353 ;;; ddnode = a ddnode
5454 ;;;
5555 (defstruct (ddlink (:print-function (lambda (ddl stream depth)
56 (declare (ignore depth))
57 (format stream "< ~s : ~s <- ~s >"
58 (ddlink-label ddl)
59 (ddlink-mode ddl)
60 (ddlink-ddnode ddl)))))
56 (declare (ignore depth))
57 (format stream "< ~s : ~s <- ~s >"
58 (ddlink-label ddl)
59 (ddlink-mode ddl)
60 (ddlink-ddnode ddl)))))
6161 (label nil :type (or null t))
6262 (mode nil :type symbol)
6363 (ddnode nil :type ddnode)
7070 ;;; ddlinks = a list of ddlinks
7171 ;;;
7272 (defstruct (ddclause (:print-function (lambda (ddc stream depth)
73 (declare (ignore depth))
74 (format stream "~s" (ddclause-id ddc)))))
73 (declare (ignore depth))
74 (format stream "~s" (ddclause-id ddc)))))
7575 (id nil :type symbol)
7676 (ddlinks nil :type list)
7777 )
8383 ;;; ddclauses = list of the ddclauses pointing to this node.
8484 ;;;
8585 (defstruct (ddnode (:print-function (lambda (ddn stream depth)
86 (declare (ignore depth))
87 (format stream "( ~s: ~s)"
88 (ddnode-id ddn)
89 (ddnode-label ddn)))))
86 (declare (ignore depth))
87 (format stream "( ~s: ~s)"
88 (ddnode-id ddn)
89 (ddnode-label ddn)))))
9090 (id nil :type top-object)
9191 (label 'out :type symbol)
9292 (ddclauses nil :type list)
9595 (defun new-module-node (mod)
9696 (declare (type top-object mod)
97 (values ddnode))
97 (values ddnode))
9898 (make-ddnode :id mod))
100100 (defun get-ddlink (label ddn)
101101 (declare (type symbol label)
102 (type ddnode ddn)
103 (values ddlink))
102 (type ddnode ddn)
103 (values ddlink))
104104 (make-ddlink :label label :ddnode ddn))
106106 #||
118118 ;;;
119119 (defun label-ddnode (ddn new-label)
120120 (declare (type ddnode ddn)
121 (type symbol new-abel)
122 (values t))
121 (type symbol new-abel)
122 (values t))
123123 (let ((old-label (ddnode-label ddn)))
124124 (cond ((not (eq old-label new-label))
125 (show-ddnode-change ddn
126 old-label
127 new-label)
128 (setf (ddnode-label ddn) new-label)))))
125 (show-ddnode-change ddn
126 old-label
127 new-label)
128 (setf (ddnode-label ddn) new-label)))))
130130 ;;; ATTACH-DDCLAUSE : ddclause -> 'void
131131 ;;; make all the ddnodes in ddclause point back to ddcualse.
140140 (defun detach-ddclause (ddc)
141141 (dolist (ddl (ddclause-ddlinks ddc))
142142 (setf (ddnode-ddclauses (ddlink-ddnode ddl))
143 (delete ddc (ddnode-ddclauses (ddlink-ddnode ddl))))))
143 (delete ddc (ddnode-ddclauses (ddlink-ddnode ddl))))))
145145 ;;; CONTRADICT
146146 ;;; enter contradicting ddclause into *contradictions*
160160 ;;;
161161 (defun prune-contradictions ()
162162 (setq *contradictions*
163 (delete-if-not #'contradicted-p *contradictions*)))
163 (delete-if-not #'contradicted-p *contradictions*)))
165165 (defun init-module-depg (&optional debug-flag)
166166 (setq *contradictions* nil)
197197 ;;;
198198 (defun contradicted-p (ddc)
199199 (every #'ddlink-misaligned-p
200 (ddclause-ddlinks ddc)))
200 (ddclause-ddlinks ddc)))
202202 ;;; MISALIGNED-DDLINKS : ddclause if-all if-all-but-one -> { NIL
203203 ;;; | value returned by if-all or
209209 ;;;
210210 (defun misaligned-ddlinks (ddc if-all if-all-but-noe)
211211 (let ((non-misaligned-links (remove-if $'ddlink-misaligned-p
212 (ddclause-ddlinks ddc))))
212 (ddclause-ddlinks ddc))))
213213 (cond ((null non-misaligned-links)
214 (funcall if-all ddc))
215 ((null (cdr non-misaligend-links))
216 (funcall if-all-but-one ddc
217 (car non-misaligned-links)))
218 (t nil))))
214 (funcall if-all ddc))
215 ((null (cdr non-misaligend-links))
216 (funcall if-all-but-one ddc
217 (car non-misaligned-links)))
218 (t nil))))
220220 (defun return-t (x &optional y)
221221 (declare (ignore x y))
230230 ;;;
231231 (defun ddclause-active-ddnode (ddc)
232232 (misaligned-ddlinks ddc
233 #'return-nil
234 #'(lambda (ddc dl) (declare (ignore ddc))
235 (ddlink-ddnode ddl))))
233 #'return-nil
234 #'(lambda (ddc dl) (declare (ignore ddc))
235 (ddlink-ddnode ddl))))
237237 ;;; ASSERT-PREMISE ddclause-id label ddnode -> ddclause
238238 ;;; assert that ddnode has the given label.
245245 ;;;
246246 (defun assert-at-least-one (id ddnodes)
247247 (assert-ddlinks id (mapcan #'(lambda (ddn) (list (get-ddlinks t ddn)))
248 ddnodes)))
248 ddnodes)))
250250 ;;; ASSERT-AT-MOST-ONE : ddclause-id ddnode-list -> ddclause
251251 ;;; assert that at most one ddnode is true, i.e., at least one of
253253 ;;;
254254 (defun assert-at-most-one (id ddnodes)
255255 (mapc #'(lambda (ddn1)
256 (mapc #'(lambda (ddn2)
257 (assert-ddlinks id
258 (list (get-ddlink nil ddn1)
259 (get-ddlink nil ddn2))))
260 (cdr (member ddn1 ddnodes))))
261 ddnodes))
256 (mapc #'(lambda (ddn2)
257 (assert-ddlinks id
258 (list (get-ddlink nil ddn1)
259 (get-ddlink nil ddn2))))
260 (cdr (member ddn1 ddnodes))))
261 ddnodes))
263263 ;;; ASSERT-DDLINKS : ddclause-id ddlink-list -> ddclause
264264 ;;; make a clause of the links and assert it.
287287 (defun show-ddnode-change (ddn old-label new-label)
288288 (if *module-dep-debug*
289289 (format t "~%~s ~s -> ~s"
290 (ddnode-id ddn) old-label new-label)))
290 (ddnode-id ddn) old-label new-label)))
292292 (defun show-ddnetwork-change (message ddc)
293293 (if *module-dep-debug*
294294 (let ((ddlinks (ddclause-ddlinks ddc)))
295 (format t "~%~a" message)
296 (cond (ddlinks
297 (show-ddlink (car ddlinks))
298 (mapc #'(lambda (ddl)
299 (princ " or ")
300 (show-ddlink ddl))
301 (cdr ddlinks)))))))
295 (format t "~%~a" message)
296 (cond (ddlinks
297 (show-ddlink (car ddlinks))
298 (mapc #'(lambda (ddl)
299 (princ " or ")
300 (show-ddlink ddl))
301 (cdr ddlinks)))))))
303303 (defun show-ddlink (ddl)
304304 (format t "~s~s"
305 (case (ddlink-label ddl)
306 ((t) '+)
307 ((nil) '-)
308 (otherwise '?))
309 (ddnode-id (ddlink-ddnode ddl))))
305 (case (ddlink-label ddl)
306 ((t) '+)
307 ((nil) '-)
308 (otherwise '?))
309 (ddnode-id (ddlink-ddnode ddl))))
311311 (defun show-contracitions ()
312312 (cond (*contracictions*
313 (format t "~% Thre are contradictions.~%~S" *contradictions*)
314 (mapc #'(lambda (ddc)
315 (format t "~%~S caused by ~S~%" ddc (contradiction-causes ddc)))
316 *contradictions*))))
313 (format t "~% Thre are contradictions.~%~S" *contradictions*)
314 (mapc #'(lambda (ddc)
315 (format t "~%~S caused by ~S~%" ddc (contradiction-causes ddc)))
316 *contradictions*))))
318318 ;;; PROPAGATE-LABELS : ddclause -> void
319319 ;;; propagate T and NIL labels to ddclauses's ddnode.
320320 ;;;
321321 (defun propagate-labels (ddc)
322322 (misaligend-ddlinks ddc
323 #'contradict
324 #'align-ddlink))
323 #'contradict
324 #'align-ddlink))
326326 ;;; ALIGN-DDLINK ddclause ddlink -> void
327327 ;;; mark the label of ddlink's ddnode agree with ddlink's label,
330330 (defun align-ddlink (ddc1 ddl)
331331 (let ((ddn (ddlink-ddnode ddl)))
332332 (cond ((ddnode-in-p ddn) nil)
333 (t (label-ddnode ddn (ddlink-label ddl))
334 (dolist (ddc2 (ddnode-ddclauses ddn))
335 (unless (eq ddc1 ddc2)
336 (propagate-labels ddc2)))))))
333 (t (label-ddnode ddn (ddlink-label ddl))
334 (dolist (ddc2 (ddnode-ddclauses ddn))
335 (unless (eq ddc1 ddc2)
336 (propagate-labels ddc2)))))))
338338 ;;; PROPAGATE-OUT-LABLES : ddclause -> void
339339 ;;; mark 'OUT those ddnodes that may have been forced to a label by ddclause.
342342 ;;;
343343 (defun propagate-out-labels (ddc)
344344 (misaligned-ddlinks ddc
345 #'uncontradict
346 #'(lambda (ddc1 ddl)
347 (dolist (ddc2 (delabel-ddnode (ddlink-ddnode ddl)))
348 (propagate-labels ddc2))
349 (prune-contradictions))))
345 #'uncontradict
346 #'(lambda (ddc1 ddl)
347 (dolist (ddc2 (delabel-ddnode (ddlink-ddnode ddl)))
348 (propagate-labels ddc2))
349 (prune-contradictions))))
351351 ;;; DELABEL-DDNODE : ddnode -> List[ddclause]
352352 ;;; delabel all ddnodes that were justfied by this ddnode, and return all ddclauses
356356 ;;;
357357 (defun delabel-ddnode (ddn)
358358 (cond ((ddnode-out-p ddn) nil)
359 (t (let ((going-out (ddnode-jistificands ddn)))
360 (label-ddnode ddn 'out)
361 (nconc (mapcan #'(lambda (ddn)
362 (delabel-ddnode ddn))
363 going-out)
364 (ddnode-justifications ddn))))))
359 (t (let ((going-out (ddnode-jistificands ddn)))
360 (label-ddnode ddn 'out)
361 (nconc (mapcan #'(lambda (ddn)
362 (delabel-ddnode ddn))
363 going-out)
364 (ddnode-justifications ddn))))))
366366 ;;; DDNODE-JISTIFICATIONS : ddnode -> List[ddclause]
367367 ;;; return the ddclauses that five ddnode its label.
368368 ;;;
369369 (defun ddnode-justifications (ddn)
370370 (mapcan #'(lambda (ddc)
371 (if (eq (ddclause-active-ddnode ddc) ddc)
372 (list ddc)
373 nil))
374 (ddnode-ddclauses ddn)))
371 (if (eq (ddclause-active-ddnode ddc) ddc)
372 (list ddc)
373 nil))
374 (ddnode-ddclauses ddn)))
376376 ;;; DDNODE-JUSTIFICANTS : ddnode -> List[ddnode]
377377 ;;; return the ddnodes that were propagated by labels from ddnode.
378378 ;;;
379379 (defun ddnode-justificants (ddn1)
380380 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (ddc)
381 (let ((ddn2 (ddclause-active-ddnode ddc)))
382 (and (not (eq ddn1 ddn2)) ddn2)))
383 (ddnode-ddclauses ddn1)))
381 (let ((ddn2 (ddclause-active-ddnode ddc)))
382 (and (not (eq ddn1 ddn2)) ddn2)))
383 (ddnode-ddclauses ddn1)))
385385 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: find.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: find.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4747 (when (and (consp modexp) (null (cdr modexp)) (stringp (car modexp)))
4848 (setq modexp (car modexp)))
4949 (when (and (equal modexp "*the-current-module*")
50 *current-module*)
50 *current-module*)
5151 (setq modexp *current-module*))
5252 (if (module-p modexp)
5353 modexp
54 (let ((canon-name (canonicalize-simple-module-name modexp))
55 (mod nil))
56 (declare (type (or simple-string list) canon-name))
57 (if (stringp canon-name)
58 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string canon-name) :from-end t)))
59 (if pos
60 (let ((name (subseq canon-name 0 pos))
61 (qual (subseq canon-name (1+ pos)))
62 (context nil))
63 (setf context (find-module-or-error qual))
64 (if (or (null context) (modexp-is-error context))
65 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
66 (format t "Could not evaluate modexpr ~a, " canon-name)
67 (format t " no such module ~a" qual)
68 )
69 (setf mod (find-module-in-env name context))))
70 (setq mod (find-module-in-env canon-name))
71 )
72 (if mod
73 mod
74 (cons :error canon-name)))
75 (cons :error canon-name)))))
54 (let ((canon-name (canonicalize-simple-module-name modexp))
55 (mod nil))
56 (declare (type (or simple-string list) canon-name))
57 (if (stringp canon-name)
58 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string canon-name) :from-end t)))
59 (if pos
60 (let ((name (subseq canon-name 0 pos))
61 (qual (subseq canon-name (1+ pos)))
62 (context nil))
63 (setf context (find-module-or-error qual))
64 (if (or (null context) (modexp-is-error context))
65 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
66 (format t "Could not evaluate modexpr ~s: " canon-name)
67 (when (and qual (not (equal qual "")))
68 (format t "~% no such module ~s" qual)))
69 (setf mod (find-module-in-env name context))))
70 (setq mod (find-module-in-env canon-name)))
71 (if mod
72 mod
73 (cons :error canon-name)))
74 (cons :error canon-name)))))
7776 ;;; *************************
7877 ;;; GETTING MODULE CONSTRUCTS___________________________________________________
8584 (defun sort-name-is-ambiguous (name module)
8685 (let ((flg nil))
8786 (dolist (s (append (module-error-sorts module)
88 (module-all-sorts module)))
87 (module-all-sorts module)))
8988 (if (eq name (sort-id s))
90 (if flg
91 (return-from sort-name-is-ambiguous t)
92 (setq flg t))))))
89 (if flg
90 (return-from sort-name-is-ambiguous t)
91 (setq flg t))))))
9493 (defun sort-is-ambiguous (sort module)
9594 (sort-name-is-ambiguous (sort-id sort) module))
99 (defun find-sorts-in-module (sort-name &optional (module (or *current-module*
100 *last-module*)))
98 (defun find-sorts-in-module (sort-name &optional (module (get-context-module)))
10199 (declare (type symbol sort-name)
102 (type module module))
100 (type module module))
103101 (let ((res nil))
104102 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module) res)
105103 (if (eq sort-name (sort-id s))
106 (push s res)))))
104 (push s res)))))
108106 ;;; FIND-SORT
109107 ;;;
110 #||
111 (defun find-sort (sort-name-or-name-ref &optional (module (or *current-module*
112 *last-module*)))
113 (unless module
114 (error "Internal error,module is not specified: find-sort"))
115 (unless (module-p module)
116 (error "Internal error, find-sort: invalid module ~A" module))
117 (let ((sort (get-sort-named sort-name-or-name-ref module)))
118 (if sort sort
119 (let ((ambig-sorts (find-sorts-in-module sort-name-or-name-ref module)))
120 (cond ((= (length ambig-sorts) 1) (car ambig-sorts))
121 ((> (length ambig-sorts) 1)
122 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
123 (princ "sort name ")
124 (princ sort-name-or-name-ref)
125 (princ " is ambiguous, arbitrary take ")
126 (print-chaos-object (setf sort (car (nreverse ambig-sorts))))
127 (princ " as the resolved name.")
128 )
129 sort)
130 (t (or (get-sort-named sort-name-or-name-ref '*chaos-module*)
131 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
132 (princ "no such sort ")
133 (princ sort-name-or-name-ref)
134 nil))))))))
136 ||#
138109 ;;; FIND-SORT-IN : Module Sort-Name -> Sort
139110 ;;;
145116 (defun check-qualified-sort-name (sn)
146117 (declare (type t sn))
147118 (cond ((%is-sort-ref sn)
148 (let ((sort-name (%sort-ref-name sn))
149 (context (%sort-ref-qualifier sn)))
150 (if context
151 (values sort-name context)
152 (check-qualified-sort-name sort-name))))
153 ((symbolp sn) (check-qualified-sort-name (string sn)))
154 ((stringp sn)
155 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string sn))))
156 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
157 (if pos
158 (values (subseq (the simple-string sn) 0 pos)
159 (subseq (the simple-string sn) (1+ pos)))
160 (values sn nil))))
161 ((sort-struct-p sn)
162 (check-qualified-sort-name (sort-id sn)))
163 ((and (consp sn) (null (cdr sn)))
164 (check-qualified-sort-name (car sn)))
165 ((and (consp sn) (cdr sn))
166 (values (car sn) (cadr sn)))
167 (t nil)))
119 (let ((sort-name (%sort-ref-name sn))
120 (context (%sort-ref-qualifier sn)))
121 (if context
122 (values sort-name context)
123 (check-qualified-sort-name sort-name))))
124 ((symbolp sn) (check-qualified-sort-name (string sn)))
125 ((stringp sn)
126 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string sn))))
127 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
128 (if pos
129 (values (subseq (the simple-string sn) 0 pos)
130 (subseq (the simple-string sn) (1+ pos)))
131 (values sn nil))))
132 ((sort-struct-p sn)
133 (check-qualified-sort-name (sort-id sn)))
134 ((and (consp sn) (null (cdr sn)))
135 (check-qualified-sort-name (car sn)))
136 ((and (consp sn) (cdr sn))
137 (values (car sn) (cadr sn)))
138 (t nil)))
169140 (defun find-qual-sort (sort-name &optional (module *current-module*))
170141 (find-sort-in module sort-name))
174145 (defun find-sort-in (module sort-name &optional search-in-mod)
175146 (declare (type module module)
176 (type (or sort* symbol string list) sort-name))
147 (type (or sort* symbol string list) sort-name))
177148 (cond ((sort-struct-p sort-name)
178 (if search-in-mod
179 (if (or (memq sort-name (module-all-sorts module))
180 (memq sort-name (module-error-sorts module)))
181 (return-from find-sort-in sort-name)
182 (return-from find-sort-in nil))
183 ;; else
184 (return-from find-sort-in sort-name)))
185 (t (multiple-value-bind (sort-id mod-qual)
186 (check-qualified-sort-name sort-name)
187 (declare (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-id)
188 (type (or null modexp) mod-qual))
189 (let ((ss-name (string sort-id)))
190 (when (and mod-qual (eql #\? (schar ss-name 0)))
191 (let ((ssort (if (equal mod-qual (module-name module))
192 (find-sort-in module (subseq ss-name 1))
193 (let ((cmod (find-module-in-env-ext
194 mod-qual module)))
195 (if cmod
196 (find-sort-in cmod (subseq ss-name 1))
197 nil)))))
198 (when ssort
199 (return-from find-sort-in
200 (the-err-sort ssort (module-sort-order module))))
201 )))
202 (when (stringp sort-id)
203 (setf sort-id (intern sort-id)))
204 (when (and (not mod-qual)
205 t) ; *allow-universal-sort*
206 (case sort-id
207 ($name-universal
208 (return-from find-sort-in *universal-sort*))
209 ($name-huniversal
210 (return-from find-sort-in *huniversal-sort*))
211 ($name-cosmos
212 (return-from find-sort-in *cosmos*))
213 (otherwise ; do nothing
214 nil)))
215 ;;
216 (if mod-qual
217 ;; qualified sort name
218 (if (equal mod-qual (module-name module))
219 (find-sort-in module sort-id)
220 (let ((cmod (find-module-in-env-ext mod-qual module)))
221 (if cmod
222 (find-sort-in cmod sort-id)
223 nil)))
224 ;; else
225 (let ((am nil))
226 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
227 (when (eq sort-id (sort-id s))
228 (push s am)))
229 (if (cdr am)
230 (progn
231 (with-output-chaos-error ('ambiguous-sort-name)
232 (princ "in module ")
233 (print-chaos-object module)
234 ;; (break "...")
235 (format t ", sort name ~a is ambiguous:"
236 (string sort-id))
237 (setq am (reverse am))
238 (dotimes (x (length am))
239 (format t "~&(~d) " (1+ x))
240 (print-chaos-object (nth x am))
241 (when *on-debug*
242 (let ((*print-array* nil)
243 (*print-circle* nil))
244 (print-next)
245 (format t "sort = ~a" (nth x am))
246 (print-next)
247 (format t "module = ~a" (sort-module (nth x am))) )))))
248 ;; else
249 (if am
250 (car am)
251 ;; else
252 (find-error-sort-in module sort-id)))))))))
149 (if search-in-mod
150 (if (or (memq sort-name (module-all-sorts module))
151 (memq sort-name (module-error-sorts module)))
152 (return-from find-sort-in sort-name)
153 (return-from find-sort-in nil))
154 ;; else
155 (return-from find-sort-in sort-name)))
156 (t (multiple-value-bind (sort-id mod-qual)
157 (check-qualified-sort-name sort-name)
158 (declare (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-id)
159 (type (or null modexp) mod-qual))
160 (let ((ss-name (string sort-id)))
161 (when (and mod-qual (eql #\? (schar ss-name 0)))
162 (let ((ssort (if (equal mod-qual (module-name module))
163 (find-sort-in module (subseq ss-name 1))
164 (let ((cmod (find-module-in-env-ext
165 mod-qual module)))
166 (if cmod
167 (find-sort-in cmod (subseq ss-name 1))
168 nil)))))
169 (when ssort
170 (return-from find-sort-in
171 (the-err-sort ssort (module-sort-order module))))
172 )))
173 (when (stringp sort-id)
174 (setf sort-id (intern sort-id)))
175 (when (and (not mod-qual)
176 t) ; *allow-universal-sort*
177 (case sort-id
178 ($name-universal
179 (return-from find-sort-in *universal-sort*))
180 ($name-huniversal
181 (return-from find-sort-in *huniversal-sort*))
182 ($name-cosmos
183 (return-from find-sort-in *cosmos*))
184 (otherwise ; do nothing
185 nil)))
186 ;;
187 (if mod-qual
188 ;; qualified sort name
189 (if (equal mod-qual (module-name module))
190 (find-sort-in module sort-id)
191 (let ((cmod (find-module-in-env-ext mod-qual module)))
192 (if cmod
193 (find-sort-in cmod sort-id)
194 nil)))
195 ;; else
196 (let ((am nil))
197 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
198 (when (eq sort-id (sort-id s))
199 (push s am)))
200 (if (cdr am)
201 (progn
202 (with-output-chaos-error ('ambiguous-sort-name)
203 (princ "in module ")
204 (print-chaos-object module)
205 ;; (break "...")
206 (format t ", sort name ~a is ambiguous:"
207 (string sort-id))
208 (setq am (reverse am))
209 (dotimes (x (length am))
210 (format t "~&(~d) " (1+ x))
211 (print-chaos-object (nth x am))
212 (when *on-debug*
213 (let ((*print-array* nil)
214 (*print-circle* nil))
215 (print-next)
216 (format t "sort = ~a" (nth x am))
217 (print-next)
218 (format t "module = ~a" (sort-module (nth x am))) )))))
219 ;; else
220 (if am
221 (car am)
222 ;; else
223 (find-error-sort-in module sort-id)))))))))
254225 (defun find-error-sort-in (module sort-name)
255226 (declare (type module module)
256 (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-name))
227 (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-name))
257228 (let ((err-sort-name (string sort-name))
258 (sort nil))
229 (sort nil))
259230 (if (eql #\? (schar err-sort-name 0))
260 (let ((sub-sort-name (subseq err-sort-name 1)))
261 (dolist (sn (parse-with-delimiter sub-sort-name #\+))
262 ;; FIX ME this is not complete
263 (setq sort
264 (find-sort-in module sn))
265 (when sort (return)))
266 (if sort
267 (the-err-sort sort (module-sort-order module))))
231 (let ((sub-sort-name (subseq err-sort-name 1)))
232 (dolist (sn (parse-with-delimiter sub-sort-name #\+))
233 ;; FIX ME this is not complete
234 (setq sort
235 (find-sort-in module sn))
236 (when sort (return)))
237 (if sort
238 (the-err-sort sort (module-sort-order module))))
268239 nil
269240 )))
272243 (defun find-all-sorts-in (module sort-name)
273244 (declare (type module module)
274 (type (or sort* symbol string list) sort-name))
245 (type (or sort* symbol string list) sort-name))
275246 (when (sort-struct-p sort-name)
276247 (return-from find-all-sorts-in (list sort-name)))
277248 (multiple-value-bind (sort-id mod-qual)
278249 (check-qualified-sort-name sort-name)
279250 (declare (type (or simple-string symbol) sort-id)
280 (type (or null modexp) mod-qual))
251 (type (or null modexp) mod-qual))
281252 (when (stringp sort-id)
282253 (setf sort-id (intern sort-id)))
283254 (let ((res nil))
284255 (if mod-qual
285 (if (equal mod-qual (module-name module))
286 (setq res (find-sort-in module sort-id))
287 (let ((cmod (find-module-in-env-ext mod-qual module)))
288 (setq res (find-sort-in cmod sort-id))))
289 (progn
290 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
291 (when (eq sort-id (sort-id s))
292 (push s res)))
293 (unless res
294 (setq res (find-error-sort-in module sort-id)))))
256 (if (equal mod-qual (module-name module))
257 (setq res (find-sort-in module sort-id))
258 (let ((cmod (find-module-in-env-ext mod-qual module)))
259 (setq res (find-sort-in cmod sort-id))))
260 (progn
261 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
262 (when (eq sort-id (sort-id s))
263 (push s res)))
264 (unless res
265 (setq res (find-error-sort-in module sort-id)))))
295266 (when (and res (atom res))
296 (setq res (list res)))
267 (setq res (list res)))
297268 res)))
299270 ;;; FIND-SORT-IN-KEEP
300271 ;;;
301272 (defun find-sort-in-keep (module sort)
302273 (declare (type module module)
303 (type sort* sort))
274 (type sort* sort))
304275 (if (member sort (module-sorts module) :test #'eq)
305276 sort
306277 (find-sort-in module (sort-id sort))))
308279 (defun find-sorts-in-keep (module sort-list)
309280 (declare (type module module)
310 (type list sort-list))
281 (type list sort-list))
311282 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (find-sort-in-keep module s)) sort-list) )
313284 (defun simple-find-sort-in-local (module sort-id)
314285 (declare (type module module)
315 (type symbol sort-id))
286 (type symbol sort-id))
316287 (dolist (sort (module-sorts module))
317288 (when (eq sort-id (sort-id sort))
318289 (return-from simple-find-sort-in-local sort))))
322293 (defun find-module-error-sorts (module)
323294 (declare (type module module))
324295 (let ((error-sorts nil)
325 (so (module-sort-order module)))
296 (so (module-sort-order module)))
326297 (declare (type sort-order so))
327298 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
328299 (declare (type sort* s))
329300 (unless (memq (sort-module s) *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)
330 (let ((es (the-err-sort s so)))
331 (when (err-sort-p es)
332 (pushnew es error-sorts)))))
301 (let ((es (the-err-sort s so)))
302 (when (err-sort-p es)
303 (pushnew es error-sorts)))))
333304 error-sorts))
335306 (defun get-module-top-sorts (module)
336307 (declare (type module module))
337308 (let ((res nil)
338 (sorts (module-all-sorts module)))
309 (sorts (module-all-sorts module)))
339310 (dolist (sort (maximal-sorts sorts (module-sort-order module)))
340311 (declare (type sort* sort))
341312 (when (not (or (err-sort-p sort)
342 (memq (sort-module sort)
343 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)))
344 (push sort res)))
313 (memq (sort-module sort)
314 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)))
315 (push sort res)))
345316 res))
347318 ;;; FINDING OPERATOR/MEHTOD ____________________________________________________
350321 (defun operator-name-is-ambiguous (symbol module)
351322 (declare (type (or symbol list) symbol)
352 (type module module))
323 (type module module))
353324 (when (atom symbol) (setq symbol (list symbol)))
354325 (let ((num 0))
355326 (declare (type fixnum num))
356327 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
357328 (when (equal symbol (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
358 (incf num)))
329 (incf num)))
359330 (if (< 1 num)
360 t
361 nil)))
331 t
332 nil)))
363334 (defun filter-ops-with-type (opinfos type)
364335 (declare (type list opinfos)
365 (type symbol type))
336 (type symbol type))
366337 (let ((res nil))
367338 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
368339 (let ((meth0 (car (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
369 (case type
370 (:functional
371 (unless (method-is-behavioural meth0)
372 (push opinfo res)))
373 (t (when (method-is-behavioural meth0)
374 (push opinfo res))))))
340 (case type
341 (:functional
342 (unless (method-is-behavioural meth0)
343 (push opinfo res)))
344 (t (when (method-is-behavioural meth0)
345 (push opinfo res))))))
375346 (nreverse res)))
377 ;;; *NOTE* not used now.....
378 #|
379 (defun simple-find-operator (operator-symbol num-args module-id)
380 (if (module-p module-id)
381 (setf module-id (module-name module-id)))
382 (get-operator-unique (list operator-symbol module-id) num-args))
383 |#
385348 (defun match-op-symbol (sym1 sym2)
386349 (let ((s1 sym1)
387 (s2 sym2))
350 (s2 sym2))
388351 (loop
389 (unless s2
390 (return-from match-op-symbol nil))
391 (unless (equal (car s1) (car s2))
392 (if (equal (car s2) "_")
393 (return-from match-op-symbol
394 (match-op-symbol s1 (cdr s2)))
395 (return-from match-op-symbol nil)))
352 (unless s2
353 (return-from match-op-symbol nil))
354 (unless (equal (car s1) (car s2))
355 (if (equal (car s2) "_")
356 (return-from match-op-symbol
357 (match-op-symbol s1 (cdr s2)))
358 (return-from match-op-symbol nil)))
396359 (setf s1 (cdr s1)
397 s2 (cdr s2))
360 s2 (cdr s2))
398361 (unless s1 (return-from match-op-symbol t))
399362 )))
403366 ;;; operator-symbol must of a string or list of string (token seq).
404367 ;;;
405368 (defun find-operators-in-module (operator-symbol num-args module
406 &optional
407 type
408 allow-match)
369 &optional
370 type
371 allow-match)
409372 (declare (type (or symbol string list) operator-symbol)
410 (type fixnum num-args)
411 (type (or module modexp) module)
412 (type symbol type))
373 (type fixnum num-args)
374 (type (or module modexp) module)
375 (type symbol type))
413376 (when (atom operator-symbol) (setf operator-symbol (list operator-symbol)))
414377 (let ((mod (if (module-p module)
415 module
416 (find-module-in-env-ext module)))
417 (name (cons operator-symbol num-args))
418 (res nil))
378 module
379 (find-module-in-env-ext module)))
380 (name (cons operator-symbol num-args))
381 (res nil))
419382 (unless mod (error "Panic! no such module ~s" module))
420383 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators (the module mod)))
421384 (if allow-match
422 (when (match-op-symbol name
423 (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
424 (push opinfo res))
425 (when (equal name (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
426 (push opinfo res))))
385 (when (match-op-symbol name
386 (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
387 (push opinfo res))
388 (when (equal name (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
389 (push opinfo res))))
427390 ;;
428391 (when type
429392 (setq res (filter-ops-with-type res type)))
433396 ;;; operator-symbol must be a string or list of string (tokens).
434397 ;;;
435398 (defun find-operators-in-module-no-number (operator-symbol module
436 &optional
437 type
438 allow-match)
399 &optional
400 type
401 allow-match)
439402 (when (atom operator-symbol) (setf operator-symbol (list operator-symbol)))
440403 (let ((mod (if (module-p module) module
441 (find-module-in-env-ext module)))
442 (res nil))
404 (find-module-in-env-ext module)))
405 (res nil))
443406 (unless mod (error "Panic! no such module ~s" module))
444407 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators mod) res)
445408 (if allow-match
446 (when (match-op-symbol operator-symbol
447 (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
448 (push opinfo res))
449 (when (equal operator-symbol (operator-symbol
450 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
451 (push opinfo res)))
409 (when (match-op-symbol operator-symbol
410 (operator-symbol (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
411 (push opinfo res))
412 (when (equal operator-symbol (operator-symbol
413 (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
414 (push opinfo res)))
452415 )
453416 ;;
454417 (when type
458421 ;;; FIND-OPERATOR : name number-of-arguments module -> OpInfo
459422 ;;;
460423 (defun find-operator (op-name &optional
461 (num-args nil)
462 (module nil)
463 (type nil))
424 (num-args nil)
425 (module nil)
426 (type nil))
464427 (declare (type (or symbol list) op-name)
465 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
466 (type symbol type))
428 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
429 (type symbol type))
467430 (if num-args
468431 (let ((opinfos (find-operators-in-module op-name num-args module type)))
469 (unless (cdr opinfos)
470 (return-from find-operator (car opinfos)))
471 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
472 (format t "operator name ~a is ambiguous," op-name)
473 (print-next)
474 (princ "qualify it by module name or sort-name"))
475 nil)
432 (unless (cdr opinfos)
433 (return-from find-operator (car opinfos)))
434 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
435 (format t "operator name ~a is ambiguous," op-name)
436 (print-next)
437 (princ "qualify it by module name or sort-name"))
438 nil)
476439 (let ((opinfos (find-operators-in-module-no-number op-name module type)))
477 (if (cdr opinfos)
478 (progn
479 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
480 (format t "operator name ~a is ambiguous," op-name)
481 (print-next)
482 (princ " specify the number of arguments or qualify it."))
483 (return-from find-operator nil))
484 (car opinfos)))))
440 (if (cdr opinfos)
441 (progn
442 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
443 (format t "operator name ~a is ambiguous," op-name)
444 (print-next)
445 (princ " specify the number of arguments or qualify it."))
446 (return-from find-operator nil))
447 (car opinfos)))))
486449 ;;;
487450 (defun implode-op-ref (name)
488451 (declare (type list name))
489452 (let ((num nil)
490 (op-id nil))
453 (op-id nil))
491454 (cond ((cdr name)
492 (cond ((equal "/" (nth (- (length name) 2) name))
493 (setf num (parse-integer (car (last name)) :junk-allowed t))
494 (if (and (integerp num) (<= 0 (the fixnum num)))
495 (setf op-id
496 (butlast (butlast name))
497 )
498 (progn (setf op-id name)
499 (setf num nil)
500 (when (member "_" name :test #'equal)
501 (setf num 0)
502 (dolist (n name)
503 (if (equal n "_")
504 (incf (the fixnum num) 1)))))))
505 (t (let ((pos (position #\/ (the simple-string (car (last name)))
506 :from-end t)))
507 (if pos
508 (progn
509 (setf num (parse-integer (subseq (the simple-string
510 (car (last name)))
511 (1+ pos))
512 :junk-allowed t))
513 (if (and (integerp num) (<= 0 (the fixnum num)))
514 (setf op-id
515 (append (butlast name)
516 (subseq (the simple-string
517 (car (last name)))
518 0 pos)))
519 (progn
520 (setf op-id name)
521 (setf num nil)
522 (when (member "_" name :test #'equal)
523 (setf num 0)
524 (dolist (n name)
525 (if (equal n "_")
526 (incf (the fixnum num) 1)))))))
527 (progn
528 (setf op-id name)
529 (setf num nil)
530 (when (member "_" name :test #'equal)
531 (setf num 0)
532 (dolist (n name)
533 (if (equal n "_")
534 (incf (the fixnum num) 1))))))))))
535 (t (let ((pos (position #\/
536 (the simple-string
537 (car name))
538 :from-end t)))
539 (if pos
540 (progn
541 (setf num (parse-integer (subseq (the simple-string (car name))
542 (1+ pos))
543 :junk-allowed t))
544 (if (and (integerp num) (<= 0 (the fixnum num)))
545 (setf op-id
546 (list (subseq (the simple-string (car name))
547 0 pos)))
548 (progn
549 (setf op-id name)
550 (setf num nil))))
551 (progn
552 (setf num nil)
553 (setf op-id name))
554 ))))
455 (cond ((equal "/" (nth (- (length name) 2) name))
456 (setf num (parse-integer (car (last name)) :junk-allowed t))
457 (if (and (integerp num) (<= 0 (the fixnum num)))
458 (setf op-id
459 (butlast (butlast name))
460 )
461 (progn (setf op-id name)
462 (setf num nil)
463 (when (member "_" name :test #'equal)
464 (setf num 0)
465 (dolist (n name)
466 (if (equal n "_")
467 (incf (the fixnum num) 1)))))))
468 (t (let ((pos (position #\/ (the simple-string (car (last name)))
469 :from-end t)))
470 (if pos
471 (progn
472 (setf num (parse-integer (subseq (the simple-string
473 (car (last name)))
474 (1+ pos))
475 :junk-allowed t))
476 (if (and (integerp num) (<= 0 (the fixnum num)))
477 (setf op-id
478 (append (butlast name)
479 (subseq (the simple-string
480 (car (last name)))
481 0 pos)))
482 (progn
483 (setf op-id name)
484 (setf num nil)
485 (when (member "_" name :test #'equal)
486 (setf num 0)
487 (dolist (n name)
488 (if (equal n "_")
489 (incf (the fixnum num) 1)))))))
490 (progn
491 (setf op-id name)
492 (setf num nil)
493 (when (member "_" name :test #'equal)
494 (setf num 0)
495 (dolist (n name)
496 (if (equal n "_")
497 (incf (the fixnum num) 1))))))))))
498 (t (let ((pos (position #\/
499 (the simple-string
500 (car name))
501 :from-end t)))
502 (if pos
503 (progn
504 (setf num (parse-integer (subseq (the simple-string (car name))
505 (1+ pos))
506 :junk-allowed t))
507 (if (and (integerp num) (<= 0 (the fixnum num)))
508 (setf op-id
509 (list (subseq (the simple-string (car name))
510 0 pos)))
511 (progn
512 (setf op-id name)
513 (setf num nil))))
514 (progn
515 (setf num nil)
516 (setf op-id name))
517 ))))
555518 (values op-id num)))
557520 ;;; FIND-QUAL-OPERATOR-IN : module name number-of-arguments -> { OpInfo | nil }
559522 ;;;
560523 (defun find-qual-operator-in (module name &optional num-args type)
561524 (declare (type module module)
562 (type list name)
563 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
564 (type symbol type))
565 (unless num-args
566 (multiple-value-bind (nam n-args)
567 (implode-op-ref name)
568 (if (and nam n-args)
569 (setf name nam
570 num-args n-args))))
571 (find-operator name num-args module type))
573 ;;; FIND-ALL-QUAL-OPERATORS-IN : module name number-of-args -> List[OpInfo]
574 ;;;
575 (defun find-all-qual-operators-in (module name &optional num-args type)
576 (declare (type module module)
577 (type list name)
578 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
579 (type symbol type))
525 (type list name)
526 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
527 (type symbol type))
580528 (unless num-args
581529 (multiple-value-bind (nam n-args)
582530 (implode-op-ref name)
583531 (if (and nam n-args)
584 (setf name nam
585 num-args n-args))))
532 (setf name nam
533 num-args n-args))))
534 (find-operator name num-args module type))
536 ;;; FIND-ALL-QUAL-OPERATORS-IN : module name number-of-args -> List[OpInfo]
537 ;;;
538 (defun find-all-qual-operators-in (module name &optional num-args type)
539 (declare (type module module)
540 (type list name)
541 (type (or null fixnum) num-args)
542 (type symbol type))
543 (unless num-args
544 (multiple-value-bind (nam n-args)
545 (implode-op-ref name)
546 (if (and nam n-args)
547 (setf name nam
548 num-args n-args))))
586549 (if num-args
587550 (find-operators-in-module name num-args module type)
588551 (find-operators-in-module-no-number name module type)))
591554 ;;;
592555 (defun find-operators-num-args (module num-args &optional type)
593556 (declare (type module module)
594 (type fixnum num-args)
595 (type symbol type))
557 (type fixnum num-args)
558 (type symbol type))
596559 (let ((res nil))
597560 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
598561 (if (= num-args (the fixnum (operator-num-args (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
599 (push opinfo res)))
562 (push opinfo res)))
600563 (when type
601564 (setq res (filter-ops-with-type res type)))
602565 ;;
608571 ;;;
609572 (defun find-method-in (module op-name arity coarity)
610573 (declare (type module module)
611 (type list arity)
612 (type (or list string) op-name)
613 (type sort* coarity))
574 (type list arity)
575 (type (or list string) op-name)
576 (type sort* coarity))
614577 (let ((len (length arity)))
615578 (declare (type fixnum len))
616579 (dolist (opinfo (find-operators-in-module op-name len module) nil)
617580 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
618 (if (and (sort= coarity (method-coarity meth))
619 (= len (the fixnum (length (method-arity meth))))
620 (every #'(lambda (x y) (sort= x y))
621 arity (method-arity meth)))
622 (return-from find-method-in meth))))))
581 (if (and (sort= coarity (method-coarity meth))
582 (= len (the fixnum (length (method-arity meth))))
583 (every #'(lambda (x y) (sort= x y))
584 arity (method-arity meth)))
585 (return-from find-method-in meth))))))
624587 ;;; FIND-BUILTIN-METHOD-IN module sort op-name
625588 ;;;
626589 (defun find-builtin-method-in (module sort op-name)
627590 (declare (type module module)
628 (type sort* sort)
629 (type t op-name))
591 (type sort* sort)
592 (type t op-name))
630593 (if (null (cdr op-name))
631594 (let ((sort-info (bsort-info sort)))
632 (when sort-info
633 (let ((opnm (car op-name)))
634 (if (funcall (car sort-info) opnm) ; token predicate
635 (make-bconst-term sort opnm)
636 (with-in-module (module)
637 (let ((srt nil))
638 (dolist (x (subsorts sort))
639 (let ((si nil))
640 (when (and (sort-is-builtin sort)
641 (setf si (bsort-info sort))
642 (or (null srt)
643 (sort< x srt))
644 (funcall (car si) opnm))
645 (setq srt x))))
646 (if srt
647 (make-bconst-term srt opnm)
648 nil)
649 ))))))
595 (when sort-info
596 (let ((opnm (car op-name)))
597 (if (funcall (car sort-info) opnm) ; token predicate
598 (make-bconst-term sort opnm)
599 (with-in-module (module)
600 (let ((srt nil))
601 (dolist (x (subsorts sort))
602 (let ((si nil))
603 (when (and (sort-is-builtin sort)
604 (setf si (bsort-info sort))
605 (or (null srt)
606 (sort< x srt))
607 (funcall (car si) opnm))
608 (setq srt x))))
609 (if srt
610 (make-bconst-term srt opnm)
611 nil)
612 ))))))
650613 nil))
652615 ;;; FIND-METHOD-NAMED-IN (module op-symbol)
653616 ;;;
654617 (defun find-method-named-in (module op-symbol)
655618 (declare (type module module)
656 (type list op-symbol))
619 (type list op-symbol))
657620 (let ((opinfos (find-operators-in-module-no-number op-symbol module)))
658621 (if opinfos
659 (car (opinfo-methods (car opinfos)))
660 ;;
661 (dolist (srt (module-all-sorts module) nil)
662 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
663 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-symbol)))
664 (if res (return res))))))))
622 (car (opinfo-methods (car opinfos)))
623 ;;
624 (dolist (srt (module-all-sorts module) nil)
625 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
626 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-symbol)))
627 (if res (return res))))))))
667630 ;;;
668631 (defun find-all-methods-named-in (module op-name)
669632 (declare (type module module)
670 (type list op-name))
633 (type list op-name))
671634 (nconc (let ((opinfos (find-operators-in-module-no-number op-name module))
672 (res nil))
673 (dolist (info opinfos)
674 (setf res (append res (opinfo-methods info))))
675 res)
676 (mapcan #'(lambda (srt)
677 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
678 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-name)))
679 (if res (list res)))))
680 (module-all-sorts module))))
635 (res nil))
636 (dolist (info opinfos)
637 (setf res (append res (opinfo-methods info))))
638 res)
639 (mapcan #'(lambda (srt)
640 (if (sort-is-builtin srt)
641 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-name)))
642 (if res (list res)))))
643 (module-all-sorts module))))
682645 ;;; FIND-ALL-MEHTODS-NAMED-IN-SORT module op-name sort
683646 ;;;
684647 (defun find-all-methods-named-in-sort (module op-name sort)
685648 (declare (type module module)
686 (type list op-name)
687 (type sort* sort))
649 (type list op-name)
650 (type sort* sort))
688651 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
689652 (declare (type sort-order so))
690653 (append (let ((opinfos (find-operators-in-module-no-number op-name module))
691 (res nil))
692 (dolist (info opinfos)
693 (let ((res1 (find-if
694 #'(lambda (method)
695 (sort<= (method-coarity method) sort so))
696 (opinfo-methods info))))
697 (if res1
698 (setf res (nconc res res1)))))
699 res)
700 (mapcan #'(lambda (srt)
701 (if (and (sort-is-builtin srt)
702 (sort<= srt sort so))
703 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-name)))
704 (if res (list res)))))
705 (module-all-sorts module)))))
654 (res nil))
655 (dolist (info opinfos)
656 (let ((res1 (find-if
657 #'(lambda (method)
658 (sort<= (method-coarity method) sort so))
659 (opinfo-methods info))))
660 (if res1
661 (setf res (nconc res res1)))))
662 res)
663 (mapcan #'(lambda (srt)
664 (if (and (sort-is-builtin srt)
665 (sort<= srt sort so))
666 (let ((res (find-builtin-method-in module srt op-name)))
667 (if res (list res)))))
668 (module-all-sorts module)))))
707670 (defun find-error-method-in (module method)
708671 (declare (type module module)
709 (type method method))
672 (type method method))
710673 (when (memq (method-module method)
711 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)
674 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*)
712675 (return-from find-error-method-in method))
713676 (when (method-is-universal method)
714677 (return-from find-error-method-in method))
715678 ;;
716679 (or (car (memq method (module-error-methods module)))
717680 (let* ((alen (length (method-arity method)))
718 (opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
719 alen
720 module))
721 (so (module-sort-order module)))
722 ;;
723 (unless opinfos
724 (with-output-panic-message ()
725 (princ "finding error method, could not find opinfo! : ")
726 (print-chaos-object method)
727 (chaos-error 'panic)))
728 ;;
729 (let (;; (opinfo nil)
730 (err-method nil))
731 (unless
732 (block find-method
733 (let* ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
734 (if (err-sort-p x)
735 (find-compatible-err-sort x module nil)
736 (the-err-sort x so)))
737 (method-arity method)))
738 (ar-names (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (sort-id x))
739 ar))
740 (cr (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
741 (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity method)
742 module
743 nil)
744 (the-err-sort (method-coarity method) so)))
745 (cr-name (sort-id cr)))
746 (dolist (oi opinfos)
747 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
748 (when (and (equal ar-names
749 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (sort-id x))
750 (method-arity cand)))
751 (equal cr-name
752 (sort-id (method-coarity cand))))
753 ;; (setq opinfo oi)
754 (setq err-method cand)
755 (return-from find-method t))
756 ))))
757 #||
758 (with-output-panic-message ()
759 (princ "could not find error operator! : ")
760 (print-chaos-object method)
761 (chaos-error 'panic))
762 ||#
763 (return-from find-error-method-in method))
764 ;;
765 err-method))))
681 (opinfos (find-operators-in-module (method-symbol method)
682 alen
683 module))
684 (so (module-sort-order module)))
685 ;;
686 (unless opinfos
687 (with-output-panic-message ()
688 (princ "finding error method, could not find opinfo! : ")
689 (print-chaos-object method)
690 (chaos-error 'panic)))
691 ;;
692 (let (;; (opinfo nil)
693 (err-method nil))
694 (unless
695 (block find-method
696 (let* ((ar (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
697 (if (err-sort-p x)
698 (find-compatible-err-sort x module nil)
699 (the-err-sort x so)))
700 (method-arity method)))
701 (ar-names (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (sort-id x))
702 ar))
703 (cr (if (err-sort-p (method-coarity method))
704 (find-compatible-err-sort (method-coarity method)
705 module
706 nil)
707 (the-err-sort (method-coarity method) so)))
708 (cr-name (sort-id cr)))
709 (dolist (oi opinfos)
710 (dolist (cand (opinfo-methods oi))
711 (when (and (equal ar-names
712 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (sort-id x))
713 (method-arity cand)))
714 (equal cr-name
715 (sort-id (method-coarity cand))))
716 ;; (setq opinfo oi)
717 (setq err-method cand)
718 (return-from find-method t))))))
719 (return-from find-error-method-in method))
720 ;;
721 err-method))))
723 ;;; FIND-CONSTRUCTORS-IN : module sort -> list(method)
724 ;;;
725 (defun find-sort-constructors-in (module sort)
726 (declare (type module module))
727 (with-in-module (module)
728 (let ((ops nil))
729 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators *current-module*))
730 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
731 (when (and (method-is-constructor? meth)
732 (sort<= (method-coarity meth) sort (module-sort-order *current-module*)))
733 (push meth ops))))
734 (sort ops #'(lambda (x y) (< (length (method-arity x)) (length (method-arity y))))))))
767736 ;;; VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------
772741 (declare (type module module))
773742 (when (stringp variable-name) (setq variable-name (intern variable-name)))
774743 (cdr (find variable-name (module-variables module)
775 :key 'car
776 :test #'(lambda (n v) (eq n v))))
744 :key 'car
745 :test #'(lambda (n v) (eq n v))))
777746 )
779748 ;;; PARAMETERS -----------------------------------------------------------------
787756 #||
788757 (defun get-module-imported-parameters* (module res)
789758 (declare (type module module)
790 (type list res))
759 (type list res))
791760 (when (or (module-is-inconsistent module)
792 (null (module-name module)))
761 (null (module-name module)))
793762 (return-from get-module-imported-parameters* nil))
794763 (dolist (param (module-parameters module))
795764 (pushnew param (cdr res) :test #'equal))
796765 (dolist (impsub (module-direct-submodules module))
797766 (unless (eq :using (cdr impsub))
798767 (let* ((sub (car impsub))
799 (sub-name (module-name sub)))
800 (cond ((or (%is-instantiation sub-name)
801 (int-instantiation-p sub-name))
802 (let ((args nil)
803 (ins-mod nil))
804 (if (%is-instantiation sub-name)
805 (progn
806 (setq args (%instantiation-args sub-name))
807 (setq ins-mod (%instantiation-module sub-name)))
808 (progn
809 (setq args (int-instantiation-args sub-name))
810 (setq ins-mod (int-instantiation-module sub-name))))
811 (dolist (is (module-direct-submodules sub))
812 (let ((is-mod (car is))
813 (rst nil))
814 (if (module-is-parameter-theory is-mod)
815 (when (member (setq rst
816 (parameter-theory-arg-name is-mod))
817 args
818 :test #'(lambda (a arg)
819 (let ((arg-name
820 (%!arg-name arg))
821 (arg-view
822 (%!arg-view arg)))
823 (or
824 (equal arg-view "DUMMY")
825 (progn
826 (when (numberp arg-name)
827 (setq arg-name
828 (get-module-nth-arg-name
829 ins-mod
830 arg-name)))
831 (when (and (consp arg-name)
832 (null (cdr arg-name)))
833 (setq arg-name (car arg-name)))
834 (not (equal a arg-name))))))
835 )
836 (pushnew (cons (cons rst is-mod)
837 (cdr is))
838 (cdr res)
839 :test #'equal))
840 ;;
841 (get-module-imported-parameters* is-mod res)
842 ))))
843 )
844 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory sub-name)
845 (pushnew (cons (cons (car sub-name)
846 sub)
847 (cdr impsub))
848 (cdr res)
849 :test #'equal))
850 (t
851 (get-module-imported-parameters* sub res)
852 ))))
768 (sub-name (module-name sub)))
769 (cond ((or (%is-instantiation sub-name)
770 (int-instantiation-p sub-name))
771 (let ((args nil)
772 (ins-mod nil))
773 (if (%is-instantiation sub-name)
774 (progn
775 (setq args (%instantiation-args sub-name))
776 (setq ins-mod (%instantiation-module sub-name)))
777 (progn
778 (setq args (int-instantiation-args sub-name))
779 (setq ins-mod (int-instantiation-module sub-name))))
780 (dolist (is (module-direct-submodules sub))
781 (let ((is-mod (car is))
782 (rst nil))
783 (if (module-is-parameter-theory is-mod)
784 (when (member (setq rst
785 (parameter-theory-arg-name is-mod))
786 args
787 :test #'(lambda (a arg)
788 (let ((arg-name
789 (%!arg-name arg))
790 (arg-view
791 (%!arg-view arg)))
792 (or
793 (equal arg-view "DUMMY")
794 (progn
795 (when (numberp arg-name)
796 (setq arg-name
797 (get-module-nth-arg-name
798 ins-mod
799 arg-name)))
800 (when (and (consp arg-name)
801 (null (cdr arg-name)))
802 (setq arg-name (car arg-name)))
803 (not (equal a arg-name))))))
804 )
805 (pushnew (cons (cons rst is-mod)
806 (cdr is))
807 (cdr res)
808 :test #'equal))
809 ;;
810 (get-module-imported-parameters* is-mod res)
811 ))))
812 )
813 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory sub-name)
814 (pushnew (cons (cons (car sub-name)
815 sub)
816 (cdr impsub))
817 (cdr res)
818 :test #'equal))
819 (t
820 (get-module-imported-parameters* sub res)
821 ))))
853822 ))
855824 ||#
860829 (return-from get-module-imported-parameters* nil))
861830 ;;
862831 (when (or (module-is-inconsistent module)
863 (null (module-name module)))
832 (null (module-name module)))
864833 (return-from get-module-imported-parameters* nil))
865834 (dolist (param (module-parameters module))
866835 (pushnew param (cdr res) :test #'equal))
867836 (dolist (impsub (module-direct-submodules module))
868837 (unless (eq :using (cdr impsub))
869838 (let* ((sub (car impsub))
870 (sub-name (module-name sub)))
871 (cond ((module-is-parameter-theory sub)
872 (pushnew (cons (cons (parameter-theory-arg-name sub)
873 sub)
874 (cdr impsub))
875 (cdr res)
876 :test #'equal))
877 ((or (%is-instantiation sub-name)
878 (int-instantiation-p sub-name))
879 (let ((args nil)
880 (ins-mod nil))
881 (if (%is-instantiation sub-name)
882 (progn
883 (setq args (%instantiation-args sub-name))
884 (setq ins-mod (%instantiation-module sub-name)))
885 (progn
886 (setq args (int-instantiation-args sub-name))
887 (setq ins-mod (int-instantiation-module sub-name))))
888 (dolist (is (module-direct-submodules sub))
889 (let ((is-mod (car is))
890 (rst nil))
891 (if (module-is-parameter-theory is-mod)
892 (when (member (setq rst
893 (parameter-theory-arg-name is-mod))
894 args
895 :test #'(lambda (a arg)
896 (let ((arg-name
897 (%!arg-name arg))
898 (arg-view
899 (%!arg-view arg)))
900 (or
901 (equal arg-view "DUMMY")
902 (progn
903 (when (numberp arg-name)
904 (setq arg-name
905 (get-module-nth-arg-name
906 ins-mod
907 arg-name)))
908 (when (and (consp arg-name)
909 (null (cdr arg-name)))
910 (setq arg-name (car arg-name)))
911 (not (equal a arg-name))))))
912 )
913 (pushnew (cons (cons rst is-mod)
914 (cdr is))
915 (cdr res)
916 :test #'equal))
917 ;;
918 (get-module-imported-parameters* is-mod res)
919 ))))
920 )
921 ((%is-rename sub-name)
922 (get-module-imported-parameters* (%rename-module sub-name)
923 res))
924 ((int-rename-p sub-name)
925 (get-module-imported-parameters* (int-rename-module sub-name)
926 res))
927 (t
928 (get-module-imported-parameters* sub res)
929 ))))
839 (sub-name (module-name sub)))
840 (cond ((module-is-parameter-theory sub)
841 (pushnew (cons (cons (parameter-theory-arg-name sub)
842 sub)
843 (cdr impsub))
844 (cdr res)
845 :test #'equal))
846 ((or (%is-instantiation sub-name)
847 (int-instantiation-p sub-name))
848 (let ((args nil)
849 (ins-mod nil))
850 (if (%is-instantiation sub-name)
851 (progn
852 (setq args (%instantiation-args sub-name))
853 (setq ins-mod (%instantiation-module sub-name)))
854 (progn
855 (setq args (int-instantiation-args sub-name))
856 (setq ins-mod (int-instantiation-module sub-name))))
857 (dolist (is (module-direct-submodules sub))
858 (let ((is-mod (car is))
859 (rst nil))
860 (if (module-is-parameter-theory is-mod)
861 (when (member (setq rst
862 (parameter-theory-arg-name is-mod))
863 args
864 :test #'(lambda (a arg)
865 (let ((arg-name
866 (%!arg-name arg))
867 (arg-view
868 (%!arg-view arg)))
869 (or
870 (equal arg-view "DUMMY")
871 (progn
872 (when (numberp arg-name)
873 (setq arg-name
874 (get-module-nth-arg-name
875 ins-mod
876 arg-name)))
877 (when (and (consp arg-name)
878 (null (cdr arg-name)))
879 (setq arg-name (car arg-name)))
880 (not (equal a arg-name))))))
881 )
882 (pushnew (cons (cons rst is-mod)
883 (cdr is))
884 (cdr res)
885 :test #'equal))
886 ;;
887 (get-module-imported-parameters* is-mod res)
888 ))))
889 )
890 ((%is-rename sub-name)
891 (get-module-imported-parameters* (%rename-module sub-name)
892 res))
893 ((int-rename-p sub-name)
894 (get-module-imported-parameters* (int-rename-module sub-name)
895 res))
896 (t
897 (get-module-imported-parameters* sub res)
898 ))))
930899 ))
932901 (defun get-module-parameters (module)
937906 ;;;
938907 (defun find-parameterized-submodule (name module)
939908 (declare (type (or fixnum modexp) name)
940 (type (or module modexp) module))
909 (type (or module modexp) module))
941910 (unless (module-p module)
942911 (setq module (eval-modexp module))
943912 (when (or (modexp-is-error module)
944 (null module))
913 (null module))
945914 (with-output-panic-message ()
946 (format t "Internal error, could not evaluate modexp ~a" module)
947 (chaos-error 'panic))))
915 (format t "Internal error, could not evaluate modexp ~a" module)
916 (chaos-error 'panic))))
948917 (let ((params (get-module-parameters module)))
949918 (cond ((integerp name)
950 (when (< name 0)
951 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-parameter-number)
952 (princ "parameter number must be more than or equal to 1")
953 ))
954 (let ((param (nth name params)))
955 (if param
956 (parameter-theory-module param)
957 nil)))
958 ((consp name)
959 (let ((real-name (car name))
960 (context (cdr name)))
961 (unless (or (module-p context) (null context))
962 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
963 (princ "context for parameter name must be evaluated : " )
964 (print-chaos-object context)
965 ))
966 (find-parameterized-submodule real-name (if context
967 context
968 module))))
969 ((stringp name)
970 (let ((param (find-if #'(lambda (x)
971 (equal name (parameter-arg-name x)))
972 params)))
973 (if param
974 (parameter-theory-module param)
975 (progn
976 (setq param (find-module-in-env-ext name module))
977 (if (module-is-parameter-theory param)
978 param
979 (cons :error name))))))
980 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
981 (princ "invalid parameter name comes : ")
982 (print-chaos-object name)
983 (chaos-to-top))))))
919 (when (< name 0)
920 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-parameter-number)
921 (princ "parameter number must be more than or equal to 1")
922 ))
923 (let ((param (nth name params)))
924 (if param
925 (parameter-theory-module param)
926 nil)))
927 ((consp name)
928 (let ((real-name (car name))
929 (context (cdr name)))
930 (unless (or (module-p context) (null context))
931 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
932 (princ "context for parameter name must be evaluated : " )
933 (print-chaos-object context)
934 ))
935 (find-parameterized-submodule real-name (if context
936 context
937 module))))
938 ((stringp name)
939 (let ((param (find-if #'(lambda (x)
940 (equal name (parameter-arg-name x)))
941 params)))
942 (if param
943 (parameter-theory-module param)
944 (progn
945 (setq param (find-module-in-env-ext name module))
946 (if (module-is-parameter-theory param)
947 param
948 (cons :error name))))))
949 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
950 (princ "invalid parameter name comes : ")
951 (print-chaos-object name)
952 (chaos-to-top))))))
985954 (defun get-module-nth-arg-name (mod num)
986955 (declare (type (or module modexp) mod)
987 (type fixnum num))
956 (type fixnum num))
988957 (if (module-p mod)
989958 (let ((param (nth num (get-module-parameters mod))))
990 (if param
991 (parameter-arg-name param)
992 nil))
959 (if param
960 (parameter-arg-name param)
961 nil))
993962 (let ((mod (find-module-in-env (normalize-modexp mod))))
994 (when mod
995 (get-module-nth-arg-name mod num)))))
963 (when mod
964 (get-module-nth-arg-name mod num)))))
998967 ;;; SUBMODULE -------------------------------------------------------------------
999968 (defun nth-sub (no mod)
1000969 (declare (type t no)
1001 (type module mod))
970 (type module mod))
1002971 (unless (integerp no)
1003972 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-submodule-number)
1004973 (format t "Invalid submodule number ~a" no)
1008977 (princ "submodule number must be greater than or equal to 1.")
1009978 ))
1010979 (let ((lst nil)
1011 (params (module-parameters mod)))
980 (params (module-parameters mod)))
1012981 (dolist (i (module-submodules mod))
1013982 (when (not (rassoc (car i) params)) (push (car i) lst)))
1014983 (nth (the fixnum no) lst)
1022991 (defun module-own-axioms (mod &optional no-system-axiom)
1023992 (declare (type module mod)
1024 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
993 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
1025994 (if no-system-axiom
1026995 (nconc (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1027 (declare (type axiom x))
1028 (or (null (axiom-kind x))
1029 (eq :bad-rule (axiom-kind x))
1030 (eq :bad-beh (axiom-kind x))))
1031 (module-equations mod))
1032 (module-rules mod))
996 (declare (type axiom x))
997 (or (null (axiom-kind x))
998 (eq :bad-rule (axiom-kind x))
999 (eq :bad-beh (axiom-kind x))))
1000 (module-equations mod))
1001 (module-rules mod))
10331002 (append (module-equations mod) (module-rules mod))))
10351004 (defun module-own-axioms-ordered (mod &optional no-system-axiom)
10361005 (declare (type module mod)
1037 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
1006 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
10381007 (if no-system-axiom
10391008 (nconc (nreverse (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1040 (declare (type axiom x))
1041 (or (null (axiom-kind x))
1042 (eq :bad-rule (axiom-kind x))
1043 (eq :bad-beh (axiom-kind x))))
1044 (module-equations mod)))
1045 (reverse (module-rules mod)))
1009 (declare (type axiom x))
1010 (or (null (axiom-kind x))
1011 (eq :bad-rule (axiom-kind x))
1012 (eq :bad-beh (axiom-kind x))))
1013 (module-equations mod)))
1014 (reverse (module-rules mod)))
10461015 (nconc (reverse (module-equations mod))
1047 (reverse (module-rules mod)))))
1016 (reverse (module-rules mod)))))
10491018 (defvar *get-axioms-seen-mod* nil)
10511020 (defun module-imported-axioms (mod &optional no-system-axiom)
10521021 (declare (type module mod)
1053 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
1022 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
10541023 (setq *get-axioms-seen-mod* nil)
10551024 (module-imported-axioms* mod no-system-axiom))
10571026 (defun module-imported-axioms* (mod no-system-axiom)
10581027 (declare (type module mod)
1059 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
1028 (type (or null t) no-system-axiom))
10601029 (let ((res nil)
1061 (subs (nreverse (module-direct-submodules mod))))
1030 (subs (nreverse (module-direct-submodules mod))))
10621031 (dolist (sub subs)
10631032 (block next-sub
1064 (let ((sm (car sub)))
1065 (when (memq sm *get-axioms-seen-mod*)
1066 (return-from next-sub nil))
1067 (push sm *get-axioms-seen-mod*)
1068 (when (eq :using (cdr sub))
1069 (return-from next-sub nil))
1070 (when (memq sm *apply-ignore-modules*)
1071 (return-from next-sub nil))
1072 (let ((sub-ax nil)
1073 (to-be-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed mod)))
1074 (dolist (ax (module-own-axioms-ordered sm no-system-axiom))
1075 (push (or (cdr (assq ax to-be-fixed))
1076 ax)
1077 sub-ax))
1078 (setq res
1079 (nconc res
1080 (nconc (nreverse sub-ax)
1081 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
1082 (or (cdr (assq x to-be-fixed))
1083 x))
1084 (module-imported-axioms*
1085 sm no-system-axiom)))))
1086 ))))
1033 (let ((sm (car sub)))
1034 (when (memq sm *get-axioms-seen-mod*)
1035 (return-from next-sub nil))
1036 (push sm *get-axioms-seen-mod*)
1037 (when (eq :using (cdr sub))
1038 (return-from next-sub nil))
1039 (when (memq sm *apply-ignore-modules*)
1040 (return-from next-sub nil))
1041 (let ((sub-ax nil)
1042 (to-be-fixed (module-axioms-to-be-fixed mod)))
1043 (dolist (ax (module-own-axioms-ordered sm no-system-axiom))
1044 (push (or (cdr (assq ax to-be-fixed))
1045 ax)
1046 sub-ax))
1047 (setq res
1048 (nconc res
1049 (nconc (nreverse sub-ax)
1050 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
1051 (or (cdr (assq x to-be-fixed))
1052 x))
1053 (module-imported-axioms*
1054 sm no-system-axiom)))))
1055 ))))
10871056 ;;
10881057 (delete-duplicates res :test #'eq)))
10901059 (defun get-module-axioms (mod &optional no-system-equations)
10911060 (declare (type module mod)
1092 (type (or null t) no-system-equations))
1061 (type (or null t) no-system-equations))
10931062 (if (not (or *module-all-rules-every*
1094 *chaos-verbose*
1095 *print-all-eqns*))
1063 *chaos-verbose*
1064 *print-all-eqns*))
10961065 (module-own-axioms-ordered mod)
10971066 (append (module-own-axioms-ordered mod)
1098 (module-imported-axioms mod no-system-equations))))
1067 (module-imported-axioms mod no-system-equations))))
11001069 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: chaos
32 File: gen-eval.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: chaos
32 File: gen-eval.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 ;;; ****************************************************************************
4141 ;;; ****************************************************************************
4343 ;;;-- Generic Evaluator --------------------------------------------------------
5757 (defun ast-to-be-dribbled? (ast)
5858 (and (chaos-ast? ast)
5959 (or (eq (ast-category ast) ':chaos-script)
60 (eq (ast-type ast) '%view-decl)
61 (if (eq (ast-type ast) '%module-decl)
62 (or (not *no-log-parameter*)
63 (not (and (consp (%module-decl-name ast))
64 (equal "::" (cadr (%module-decl-name ast))))))
65 (or *open-module*
66 nil)))))
60 (eq (ast-type ast) '%view-decl)
61 (if (eq (ast-type ast) '%module-decl)
62 (or (not *no-log-parameter*)
63 (not (and (consp (%module-decl-name ast))
64 (equal "::" (cadr (%module-decl-name ast))))))
65 (or *open-module*
66 nil)))))
6868 (defun eval-ast (ast &optional (print-result nil))
6969 (when *dribble-ast*
7070 (when (ast-to-be-dribbled? ast)
7171 (when *dribble-stream*
72 (write (list 'eval-ast-if-need `',ast) :stream *dribble-stream* :escape t)
73 (terpri *dribble-stream*)
74 (force-output *dribble-stream*))
72 (write (list 'eval-ast-if-need `',ast) :stream *dribble-stream* :escape t)
73 (terpri *dribble-stream*)
74 (force-output *dribble-stream*))
7575 (push ast *ast-log*)))
7676 ;;
7777 (when *eval-ast*
7878 (cond ((chaos-ast? ast)
79 (let ((evaluator (or (ast-evaluator ast)
80 (and (fboundp (car ast))
81 (symbol-function (car ast))))))
82 (cond (evaluator
83 (let ((module (or ;; (chaos-eval-context ast)
84 ;; *chaos-eval-context*
85 *current-module*
86 *last-module*)))
87 (when (and module (not (module-p module)))
88 (setq module (find-module-in-env
89 (normalize-modexp (string module)))))
90 (if module
91 (if (null *current-module*)
92 (with-in-module (module)
93 (prog1 (funcall evaluator ast)
94 ;; (deallocate-ast ast)
95 ))
96 (prog1 (funcall evaluator ast)
97 ))
98 ;; may cause panic.
99 (return-from eval-ast (funcall evaluator ast)))))
100 (t (let ((val (eval-modexp ast)))
101 (if (modexp-is-error val)
102 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
103 (format t "AST evaluator accepted an ast ~s with no evaluator specified."
104 (print-ast ast))
105 (return-from eval-ast ast))) ; returns the ast as is.
106 )))))
107 (t ;; evaluate it as lisp form
108 (cond ((symbolp ast)
109 (unless (boundp ast)
110 (format t "~&symbol ~s has no bound value." ast)
111 (return-from eval-ast nil)))
112 ((listp ast)
113 (unless (symbolp (car ast))
114 (format t "~&invalid function application form: ~a" ast)
115 (return-from eval-ast nil))
116 (unless (fboundp (car ast))
117 (format t "~&symbol ~s has no function definition." (car ast))
118 (return-from eval-ast nil))))
119 ;;
120 (let ((res (eval ast)))
121 (when print-result
122 (format t "~&~s" res))
123 (return-from eval-ast res))))))
79 (let ((evaluator (or (ast-evaluator ast)
80 (and (fboundp (car ast))
81 (symbol-function (car ast))))))
82 (cond (evaluator
83 (let ((module (get-context-module t)))
84 (when (and module (not (module-p module)))
85 (setq module (find-module-in-env
86 (normalize-modexp (string module)))))
87 (if module
88 (if (null *current-module*)
89 (with-in-module (module)
90 (prog1 (funcall evaluator ast)
91 ;; (deallocate-ast ast)
92 ))
93 (prog1 (funcall evaluator ast)
94 ))
95 ;; may cause panic.
96 (return-from eval-ast (funcall evaluator ast)))))
97 (t (let ((val (eval-modexp ast)))
98 (if (modexp-is-error val)
99 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
100 (format t "AST evaluator accepted an ast ~s with no evaluator specified."
101 (print-ast ast))
102 (return-from eval-ast ast))) ; returns the ast as is.
103 )))))
104 (t ;; evaluate it as lisp form
105 (cond ((symbolp ast)
106 (unless (boundp ast)
107 (format t "~%symbol ~s has no bound value." ast)
108 (return-from eval-ast nil)))
109 ((listp ast)
110 (unless (symbolp (car ast))
111 (format t "~%invalid function application form: ~a" ast)
112 (return-from eval-ast nil))
113 (unless (fboundp (car ast))
114 (format t "~%symbol ~s has no function definition." (car ast))
115 (return-from eval-ast nil))))
116 ;;
117 (let ((res (eval ast)))
118 (when print-result
119 (format t "~%~s" res))
120 (return-from eval-ast res))))))
125122 (defun eval-seq (seq)
126123 (mapcar #'(lambda (obj) (eval-ast obj))
127 (%seq-args seq)))
124 (%seq-args seq)))
129126 (defun eval-ast2 (ast)
130127 (eval-ast ast)
00 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package:CHAOS; Base:10 -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7171 ;;;
7373 (defun print-ast-vd (ast stream print-var-sort)
74 (declare (type stream stream))
7475 (print-check)
7576 (cond ((consp ast)
7677 (let ((flg nil))
8586 (defun is-ast (obj)
8687 (and (consp obj)
8788 (let ((cat (car obj)))
88 (and (symbolp cat)
89 (getf (symbol-plist cat) :category)))))
89 (and (symbolp cat)
90 (getf (symbol-plist cat) :category)))))
9192 ;;;====================================================
161162 `(":literal" ,(variable-print-string term print-var-sort vars-so-far)))
162163 (return-from term-to-sexpr
163164 (variable-print-string term print-var-sort vars-so-far))))
164 ((term-is-system-object? term)
165 (if as-tree
166 (return-from term-to-sexpr
167 `(":sysobj" ,(format nil "~s" (term-system-object term))))
168 (return-from term-to-sexpr
169 (format nil "(~s)" (term-system-object term)))))
165 ((term-is-system-object? term)
166 (if as-tree
167 (return-from term-to-sexpr
168 `(":sysobj" ,(format nil "~s" (term-system-object term))))
169 (return-from term-to-sexpr
170 (format nil "(~s)" (term-system-object term)))))
170171 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
171172 (if as-tree
172173 (return-from term-to-sexpr
243244 (cond ((or (term$is-variable? body) (term$is-psuedo-constant? body))
244245 (let ((vstr (variable-print-string term print-var-sort vars-so-far)))
245246 (princ vstr stream)))
246 ((term$is-system-object? body)
247 (let ((obj (term-system-object term)))
248 (when (chaos-list-p obj)
249 (setq obj (chaos-list-list obj)))
250 (if (or (atom obj) (is-ast obj))
251 (prin1 obj stream)
252 (progn
253 (princ ":[" stream)
254 (format stream "~{~S~^,~}" obj)
255 (princ "]" stream)))))
247 ((term$is-system-object? body)
248 (let ((obj (term-system-object term)))
249 (when (chaos-list-p obj)
250 (setq obj (chaos-list-list obj)))
251 (if (or (atom obj) (is-ast obj))
252 (prin1 obj stream)
253 (progn
254 (princ ":[" stream)
255 (format stream "~{~S~^,~}" obj)
256 (princ "]" stream)))))
256257 ((term$is-builtin-constant? body)
257258 (princ (bconst-print-string term) stream))
258259 ((term$is-lisp-form? body)
259260 (if (term$is-simple-lisp-form? body)
260261 (princ "#! " stream)
261262 (princ "#!! " stream))
262 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
263 (format t "~s" (term$lisp-form-original-form body))))
263 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
264 (format t "~s" (term$lisp-form-original-form body))))
264265 ((term$is-applform? body)
265266 (let* ((hd (term$head body))
266267 (op (method-operator hd)))
267268 (cond ((not (operator-is-mixfix op))
268 (princ (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (operator-symbol op)) stream)
269 (princ (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (operator-symbol op)) stream)
269270 (let ((subs (term$subterms body)))
270271 (when subs
271272 (princ "(")
273274 (dolist (i subs)
274275 (if flg
275276 (progn (princ ","))
276 (setq flg t))
277 (setq flg t))
277278 (term-print1 i stream print-var-sort vars-so-far)))
278279 (princ ")"))))
279 ;; mix fix
280 ;; mix fix
280281 (t (let ((subs (term$subterms body))
281 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence op))
282 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence op))
282283 (prv nil))
283284 (princ "(" stream)
284285 (dolist (i token-seq)
294295 (t (print-check .file-col. (+ 2 (length (string i))) stream)
295296 (princ i stream))))
296297 (princ ")" stream))))))
297 ;; what is this?
298 ;; what is this?
298299 (t (format stream "~s" body)))))
300301 ;;; pretty printer
330331 print-var-sort
331332 vars-so-far)))
332333 (princ vstr stream)))
333 ((term-is-system-object? term)
334 (let ((obj (term-system-object term)))
335 (when (chaos-list-p obj)
336 (setq obj (chaos-list-list obj)))
337 (if (or (atom obj) (is-ast obj))
338 (prin1 obj stream)
339 (progn
340 (princ "[:: " stream)
341 (dolist (x obj)
342 (term-print2 x prec stream print-var-sort vars-so-far))
343 (princ "]" stream)))))
334 ((term-is-system-object? term)
335 (let ((obj (term-system-object term)))
336 (when (chaos-list-p obj)
337 (setq obj (chaos-list-list obj)))
338 (if (or (atom obj) (is-ast obj))
339 (prin1 obj stream)
340 (progn
341 (princ "[:: " stream)
342 (dolist (x obj)
343 (term-print2 x prec stream print-var-sort vars-so-far))
344 (princ "]" stream)))))
344345 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
345346 (let ((bstr (bconst-print-string term)))
346347 (princ bstr stream)))
347348 ;;
348349 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
349 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
350 (if (term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
351 (princ "#! ")
350 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
351 (if (term-is-simple-lisp-form? term)
352 (princ "#! ")
352353 (princ "#!! "))
353 (format t "~s" (lisp-form-original-form term))))
354 (format t "~s" (lisp-form-original-form term))))
354355 ;; application form
355356 ((term-is-applform? term)
356357 (let* ((hd (term-head term))
384385 (<= prec (get-method-precedence hd))))
385386 (assoc-test (method-is-associative hd))
386387 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence
387 (method-operator hd))))
388 (method-operator hd)))
389 (some-eql-form? nil))
390 (when (equal '("_" "=" "_")
391 (car (method-name hd)))
392 (setq some-eql-form? t))
388393 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
389 (when prec-test
394 (when (or prec-test some-eql-form?)
390395 (princ "(" stream)
391396 (setq .file-col. (1+ .file-col.)))
392397 ;;
393398 (let ((subs (term-subterms term))
394399 (prv nil))
395 (do* ((tseq token-seq (cdr tseq))
396 (i (car tseq) (car tseq)))
397 ((endp tseq))
400 (do* ((tseq token-seq (cdr tseq))
401 (i (car tseq) (car tseq)))
402 ((endp tseq))
398403 (when prv
399404 (princ #\space stream))
400405 (setq prv t)
401406 (cond ((eq i t)
402 (let ((tm (car subs)))
403 (term-print2 tm
404 (if (and assoc-test
405 tm
406 (term-is-application-form? tm)
407 (method-is-of-same-operator
408 (term-head term)
409 (term-head tm)))
410 parser-max-precedence
411 (or (get-method-precedence hd) 0))
412 stream
413 print-var-sort
414 vars-so-far)
415 (setq subs (cdr subs))))
416 (t (let ((name (string i)))
417 (princ name stream)
418 (print-check .file-col. 20 stream))))))
419 (when prec-test (princ ")" stream)))))))
407 (let ((tm (car subs)))
408 (term-print2 tm
409 (if (and assoc-test
410 tm
411 (term-is-application-form? tm)
412 (method-is-of-same-operator
413 (term-head term)
414 (term-head tm)))
415 parser-max-precedence
416 (or (get-method-precedence hd) 0))
417 stream
418 print-var-sort
419 vars-so-far)
420 (setq subs (cdr subs))))
421 (t (let ((name (string i)))
422 (princ name stream)
423 (print-check .file-col. 20 stream))))))
424 (when (or prec-test some-eql-form?) (princ ")" stream)))))))
420425 (t (format stream "(~s)" (term-body term))))))
422427 (defun term-print (term &optional (stream *standard-output*)
539544 ((symbolp value)
540545 (string value))
541546 (t (format nil "(~s)" value))))
542 (if (term-is-variable? term)
543 (string (variable-print-name term))
544 (if (term-is-lisp-form? term)
545 (lisp-form-original-form term)
546 (if (and *chaos-verbose*
547 (term-is-reduced? term))
548 (format nil "!~{~a~}" (method-symbol (term-head term)))
549 (format nil "~{~a~}"
550 (method-symbol (term-head term))))))))
547 (if (term-is-variable? term)
548 (string (variable-print-name term))
549 (if (term-is-lisp-form? term)
550 (lisp-form-original-form term)
551 (if (and *chaos-verbose*
552 (term-is-reduced? term))
553 (format nil "!~{~a~}" (method-symbol (term-head term)))
554 (format nil "~{~a~}"
555 (method-symbol (term-head term))))))))
551556 (sort (term-sort term)))
552557 (if *show-sort*
553558 (format nil "~a:~a" name (string (if sort
590595 (cond ((chaos-ast? object)
591596 (let ((printer (ast-printer object)))
592597 (if printer
593 (let ((mod (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
598 (let ((mod (get-context-module t)))
594599 (if mod
595600 (with-in-module (mod)
596601 (funcall printer object stream))
601606 ((and (chaos-object? object) (not (stringp object)))
602607 (let ((printer (object-printer object)))
603608 (if printer
604 (let ((mod (or *current-module*
605 *last-module*)))
609 (let ((mod (get-context-module t)))
606610 (if mod
607611 (with-in-module (mod)
608612 (funcall printer object stream))
611615 (*print-pretty* nil))
612616 (prin1 object stream)))))
613617 ((term? object)
614 (let ((mod (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
618 (let ((mod (get-context-module t)))
615619 (if mod
616620 (with-in-module (mod)
617621 (term-print object stream))
619623 ((opinfo-p object)
620624 (fresh-line stream)
621625 (print-chaos-object (opinfo-operator object) stream)
622 (format stream "~&-- delcrations -------------------")
626 (format stream "~%-- delcrations -------------------")
623627 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods object))
624628 (print-next)
625629 (print-chaos-object meth stream)))
747751 ;;; HASH TABLE
749753 (defun dump-chaos-hash (hash-table &optional (title "chaos hash table dump"))
750 (format t "~&~a__________________________" title)
754 (format t "~%~a__________________________" title)
751755 (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
752756 (format t "~&key(type:~a) = | ~a ~% " (type-of key) key)
753757 (print-chaos-object key)
758762 (ast-type value)
759763 'unknown)))
760764 (print-chaos-object value)
761 (format t "~&----------------------------------------"))
765 (format t "~%----------------------------------------"))
762766 hash-table))
764768 ;;; ASSOC TABLE
765769 (defun dump-chaos-assoc-table (table &optional (title "chaos assoc table dump"))
766 (format t "~&~a__________________________" title)
770 (format t "~%~a__________________________" title)
767771 (dolist (entry table)
768772 (let ((key (car entry))
769773 (value (cdr entry)))
775779 (object-type value)
776780 (if (chaos-ast? value)
777781 (ast-type value)
778 (type-of value)
779 )))
782 (type-of value))))
780783 (print-chaos-object value)
781 (format t "~&----------------------------------------"))))
784 (format t "~%----------------------------------------"))))
783786 (defun dump-modexp-local ()
784787 (dump-chaos-assoc-table *modexp-local-table* "Moduexp Local "))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
227227 (return-from get-importing-path
228228 (nconc path im2))))))))))
230 (defun get-real-importing-mode (module2 &optional (module (or *current-module*
231 *last-module*)))
230 (defun get-real-importing-mode (module2 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
232231 (declare (type module module2 module)
233232 (values symbol))
234233 ;;
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: normodexp.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: normodexp.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5959 (defun find-normalized-modexp (modexp)
6060 (declare (type modexp modexp)
61 (values (or null modexp)))
61 (values (or null modexp)))
6262 (find-in-assoc-table *modexp-normalized-table* modexp))
6464 (defun add-modexp-normalized (modexp)
6565 (declare (type modexp)
66 (values t))
66 (values t))
6767 (add-to-assoc-table *modexp-normalized-table* modexp modexp))
7777 (setq modexp (car modexp)))
7878 ;;
7979 (when (and (equal modexp "*the-current-module*")
80 *current-module*)
81 (setq modexp *current-module*))
82 ;; (when (and (equal modexp "THE-LAST-MODULE") *last-module*)
83 ;; (setq modexp *last-module*))
84 ;;
80 (get-context-module t))
81 (setq modexp (get-context-module)))
8582 (cond ((module-p modexp) (normalize-modexp (module-name modexp)))
86 ((stringp modexp) (canonicalize-simple-module-name modexp))
87 ((atom modexp) modexp)
88 ((modexp-is-?name? modexp)
89 (make-?-name (normalize-modexp (?name-name modexp))))
90 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory modexp)
91 (let ((norm (find-normalized-modexp modexp)))
92 (if norm norm
93 (progn (add-modexp-normalized modexp)
94 modexp))))
95 (t (let ((norm (find-normalized-modexp modexp)))
96 (if norm norm
97 (progn
98 (setq norm (do-normalize-modexp modexp))
99 (add-modexp-normalized norm)
100 norm))))))
83 ((stringp modexp) (canonicalize-simple-module-name modexp))
84 ((atom modexp) modexp)
85 ((modexp-is-?name? modexp)
86 (make-?-name (normalize-modexp (?name-name modexp))))
87 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory modexp)
88 (let ((norm (find-normalized-modexp modexp)))
89 (if norm norm
90 (progn (add-modexp-normalized modexp)
91 modexp))))
92 (t (let ((norm (find-normalized-modexp modexp)))
93 (if norm norm
94 (progn
95 (setq norm (do-normalize-modexp modexp))
96 (add-modexp-normalized norm)
97 norm))))))
10299 (defun canonicalize-simple-module-name (me)
103100 #||
104101 (when (and (not (find-module-in-env me nil))
105 *current-module*
106 (get-modexp-local (list me (module-name *current-module*))))
102 *current-module*
103 (get-modexp-local (list me (module-name *current-module*))))
107104 (setq me (concatenate 'string me "." (module-name *current-module*))))
108105 ||#
109106 (let ((real-me (find-normalized-modexp me)))
110107 (if real-me
111 real-me
112 (progn
113 (add-modexp-normalized me)
114 me))))
108 real-me
109 (progn
110 (add-modexp-normalized me)
111 me))))
116113 ;;; DO-NORMALIZE-MODEXP modexp
117114 ;;; perform canonicalization on modexp. known not to be in canonical form
118115 ;;; ops %+, %*, %view, %view-under
120117 (defun do-normalize-modexp (modexp)
121118 (declare (type (or module view-struct modexp) modexp))
122119 (cond ((module-p modexp) modexp)
123 ((view-p modexp) modexp)
124 ((%is-plus modexp) ; right associate and re-order
125 (normalize-plus modexp))
126 ((%is-rename modexp)
127 (normalize-rename modexp))
128 ((%is-instantiation modexp)
129 (normalize-instantiation modexp))
130 ;; need to have corresponding theory to be able to interpret view
131 ((%is-view modexp) (normalize-view modexp))
132 ;; internal error
133 (t (break "Internal error : do-normalize-modexp: bad modexp form "))
134 ))
120 ((view-p modexp) modexp)
121 ((%is-plus modexp) ; right associate and re-order
122 (normalize-plus modexp))
123 ((%is-rename modexp)
124 (normalize-rename modexp))
125 ((%is-instantiation modexp)
126 (normalize-instantiation modexp))
127 ;; need to have corresponding theory to be able to interpret view
128 ((%is-view modexp) (normalize-view modexp))
129 ;; internal error
130 (t (break "Internal error : do-normalize-modexp: bad modexp form "))
131 ))
137134 ;;;
138135 (defun normalize-rename (modexp)
139136 (declare (type modexp)
140 (values modexp))
137 (values modexp))
141138 (setf (%rename-module modexp) (normalize-modexp (%rename-module modexp)))
142139 (setf (%rename-map modexp) (normalize-rename-map (%rename-map modexp)))
143140 modexp)
148145 ;;;
149146 (defun normalize-plus (modexp)
150147 (declare (type modexp modexp)
151 (values modexp))
148 (values modexp))
152149 (setf (%plus-args modexp)
153 (sort (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'normalize-modexp (%plus-args modexp)))
154 #'ob<))
150 (sort (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'normalize-modexp (%plus-args modexp)))
151 #'ob<))
155152 modexp)
158155 ;;;
159156 (defun normalize-instantiation (modexp)
160157 (declare (type modexp modexp)
161 (values modexp))
158 (values modexp))
162159 (setf (%instantiation-module modexp)
163 (normalize-modexp (%instantiation-module modexp)))
160 (normalize-modexp (%instantiation-module modexp)))
164161 (setf (%instantiation-args modexp)
165 (normalize-instantiation-args (%instantiation-args modexp)))
162 (normalize-instantiation-args (%instantiation-args modexp)))
166163 modexp)
168165 #||
169166 (defun normalize-instantiation-args (args)
170167 (let ((r-res (sort args #'(lambda (x y)
171 (let ((arg-x (%!arg-name x))
172 (arg-y (%!arg-name y)))
173 (if (integerp arg-x)
174 (< arg-x arg-y)
175 (string< (string (if (consp arg-x)
176 (car arg-x)
177 arg-y))
178 (string (if (consp arg-y)
179 (car arg-y)
180 arg-y)))))))))
168 (let ((arg-x (%!arg-name x))
169 (arg-y (%!arg-name y)))
170 (if (integerp arg-x)
171 (< arg-x arg-y)
172 (string< (string (if (consp arg-x)
173 (car arg-x)
174 arg-y))
175 (string (if (consp arg-y)
176 (car arg-y)
177 arg-y)))))))))
181178 (dolist (arg r-res)
182179 (setf (%!arg-view arg)
183 (normalize-view (%!arg-view arg))))
180 (normalize-view (%!arg-view arg))))
184181 r-res))
185182 ||#
187184 (defun normalize-instantiation-args (args)
188185 (declare (type list args)
189 (values list))
186 (values list))
190187 (dolist (arg args)
191188 (setf (%!arg-view arg)
192 ;;; (normalize-view (%!arg-view arg))
193 (normalize-modexp (%!arg-view arg))
194 ))
189 ;;; (normalize-view (%!arg-view arg))
190 (normalize-modexp (%!arg-view arg))
191 ))
195192 args)
197194 ;;;
198195 (defun reorder-maps (maps)
199196 (declare (type list maps)
200 (values list))
197 (values list))
201198 (when maps
202199 (sort maps #'(lambda (x y) (ob< (car x) (car y))))))
204201 (defun normalize-rename-map (rmap)
205202 (declare (type list rmap)
206 (values list))
203 (values list))
207204 (let* ((rmap-body (%rmap-map rmap))
208 (sort-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-sort rmap-body))))
209 (hsort-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort rmap-body))))
210 (op-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-op rmap-body))))
211 (bop-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-bop rmap-body))))
212 (p-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%vars rmap-body)))))
205 (sort-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-sort rmap-body))))
206 (hsort-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-hsort rmap-body))))
207 (op-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-op rmap-body))))
208 (bop-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%ren-bop rmap-body))))
209 (p-map (reorder-maps (cadr (assq '%vars rmap-body)))))
213210 (setf (%rmap-map rmap)
214 (nconc (when sort-map (list (%ren-sort* sort-map)))
215 (when hsort-map (list (%ren-hsort* hsort-map)))
216 (when op-map (list (%ren-op* op-map)))
217 (when bop-map (list (%ren-bop* bop-map)))
218 (if p-map (list (%vars* p-map)))))
211 (nconc (when sort-map (list (%ren-sort* sort-map)))
212 (when hsort-map (list (%ren-hsort* hsort-map)))
213 (when op-map (list (%ren-op* op-map)))
214 (when bop-map (list (%ren-bop* bop-map)))
215 (if p-map (list (%vars* p-map)))))
219216 rmap))
222219 ;;;
223220 (defun normalize-view (view)
224221 (declare (type modexp view)
225 (type modexp))
222 (type modexp))
226223 (setf (%view-module view) (normalize-modexp (%view-module view)))
227224 (setf (%view-target view) (normalize-modexp (%view-target view)))
228225 (when (%view-map view)
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: op-theory.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: op-theory.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 ;;;=============================================================================
4141 ;;;=============================================================================
4343 ;;; ***************
8686 (defun zero-rule-only (th)
8787 (declare (type op-theory th)
88 (values (or null t)))
88 (values (or null t)))
8989 (let ((val (theory-zero th)))
9090 (and val (cdr val))))
135135 `(the symbol (svref ,_th_ 8)))
137137 (defun new-theory-info (name code empty-for-unify match-equal-fun match-init-fun
138 match-next-fun unify-equal-fun unify-init-fun unify-next-fun)
138 match-next-fun unify-equal-fun unify-init-fun unify-next-fun)
139139 (declare (type symbol name match-equal-fun match-init-fun
140 match-next-fun unify-equal-fun unify-init-fun
141 unify-next-fun)
142 (type (or null t) empty-for-unify)
143 (type fixnum code)
144 (values theory-info))
140 match-next-fun unify-equal-fun unify-init-fun
141 unify-next-fun)
142 (type (or null t) empty-for-unify)
143 (type fixnum code)
144 (values theory-info))
145145 (let ((th (alloc-svec 9)))
146146 (declare (type theory-info th))
147147 (setf (theory-info-name th) name)
148148 (setf (theory-info-code th) code)
149149 (setf (theory-info-empty-for-unify th) empty-for-unify
150 (theory-info-match-equal-fun th) match-equal-fun
151 (theory-info-match-init-fun th) match-init-fun
152 (theory-info-match-next-fun th) match-next-fun
153 (theory-info-unify-equal-fun th) unify-equal-fun
154 (theory-info-unify-init-fun th) unify-init-fun
155 (theory-info-unify-next-fun th) unify-next-fun)
150 (theory-info-match-equal-fun th) match-equal-fun
151 (theory-info-match-init-fun th) match-init-fun
152 (theory-info-match-next-fun th) match-next-fun
153 (theory-info-unify-equal-fun th) unify-equal-fun
154 (theory-info-unify-init-fun th) unify-init-fun
155 (theory-info-unify-next-fun th) unify-next-fun)
156156 th))
158 (defun pr-theory-info (th-info)
159 (format t "~%#<Theory ~s : init = ~s"
160 (theory-info-name th-info)
161 (theory-info-match-init-fun th-info)))
158163 (defun pr-optheory-internal (opth stream &rest ignore)
159164 (declare (ignore ignore))
160165 (format stream "#<Theory ~s : zero = ~s>"
161 (theory-info-name (theory-info opth))
162 (theory-zero opth)))
166 (theory-info-name (theory-info opth))
167 (theory-zero opth)))
164169 (defun is-operator-theory? (object)
165170 (declare (type t object)
166 (values (or null t)))
171 (values (or null t)))
167172 (and (consp object)
168173 (typep (car object) 'vector)
169174 (= 9 (length (the vector (car object))))))
193198 ;;; theory informations.
194199 ;;;
195200 ;;(declaim (special .E. .Z. .I. .C. .A. .AC. .AI. .AZ. .CZ. .CI. .IZ. .ACI.
196 ;; .ACZ. .CIZ. .AIZ. .ACIZ.))
201 ;; .ACZ. .CIZ. .AIZ. .ACIZ.))
198203 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
199204 (defconstant .E. 0)
219224 (defmacro test-theory (_x _y)
220225 `(the (or null t)
221226 (not (= 0 (logand (the fixnum ,_x)
222 (the fixnum ,_y))))))
227 (the fixnum ,_y))))))
223228 #+gcl
224229 (defmacro test-theory (_x _y) `(test-and (the fixnum ,_x) (the fixnum ,_y)))
225230 ;;;
244249 ;;;
245250 (defun create-theory (code-or-info zero)
246251 (declare (type (or fixnum theory-info) code-or-info)
247 (type (or null t) zero)
248 (values op-theory))
252 (type (or null t) zero)
253 (values op-theory))
249254 (theory-make (if (numberp code-or-info)
250 (theory-code-to-info code-or-info)
251 code-or-info)
252 zero))
254 (declaim (special the-e-property ; .E.
255 the-z-property ; .Z.
256 the-i-property ; .I.
257 the-iz-property ; .IZ.
258 the-c-property ; .C.
259 the-cz-property ; .CZ.
260 the-ci-property ; .CI.
261 the-ciz-property ; .CIZ.
262 the-a-property ; .A.
263 the-az-property ; .AZ.
264 the-ai-property ; .AI.
265 the-ac-property ; .AC.
266 the-acz-property ; .ACZ.
267 the-aci-property ; .ACI.
268 the-aiz-property ; .AIZ.
269 the-aciz-property)) ; .ACIZ.
255 (theory-code-to-info code-or-info)
256 code-or-info)
257 zero))
259 (declaim (special the-e-property ; .E.
260 the-z-property ; .Z.
261 the-i-property ; .I.
262 the-iz-property ; .IZ.
263 the-c-property ; .C.
264 the-cz-property ; .CZ.
265 the-ci-property ; .CI.
266 the-ciz-property ; .CIZ.
267 the-a-property ; .A.
268 the-az-property ; .AZ.
269 the-ai-property ; .AI.
270 the-ac-property ; .AC.
271 the-acz-property ; .ACZ.
272 the-aci-property ; .ACI.
273 the-aiz-property ; .AIZ.
274 the-aciz-property)) ; .ACIZ.
271276 (defmacro define-theory-info (info-name
272 name
273 &key
274 empty-for-unify
275 match-equal-fun
276 match-init-fun
277 match-next-fun
278 unify-equal-fun
279 unify-init-fun
280 unify-next-fun)
277 name
278 &key
279 empty-for-unify
280 match-equal-fun
281 match-init-fun
282 match-next-fun
283 unify-equal-fun
284 unify-init-fun
285 unify-next-fun)
281286 ` (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
282287 (setf (aref *theory-info-array* ,name)
283 (setf ,info-name
284 (new-theory-info ',name
285 ,name
286 ,empty-for-unify
287 ',match-equal-fun
288 ',match-init-fun
289 ',match-next-fun
290 ',unify-equal-fun
291 ',unify-init-fun
292 ',unify-next-fun)))))
288 (setf ,info-name
289 (new-theory-info ',name
290 ,name
291 ,empty-for-unify
292 ',match-equal-fun
293 ',match-init-fun
294 ',match-next-fun
295 ',unify-equal-fun
296 ',unify-init-fun
297 ',unify-next-fun)))))
294299 (define-theory-info the-E-property .E.
295300 :empty-for-unify t
440445 (defvar *the-empty-theory*)
441446 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
442447 (setf *the-empty-theory*
443 (theory-make the-e-property nil)))
448 (theory-make the-e-property nil)))
445450 (defmacro theory-info-is-empty-for-unify (_theory-info)
446451 `(theory-info-empty-for-unify ,_theory-info))
514519 (defun theory-info-is-restriction-of-ignoring-id (thn1 thn2)
515520 (= 0 (logandc2 (theory-info-code thn1)
516 (logior .Z. (theory-info-code thn2)))))
521 (logior .Z. (theory-info-code thn2)))))
519524 ;;; ****************
536541 (defun E-equal-in-theory-direct (th t1 t2 &optional (unify? nil))
537542 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
538543 (cond ((or (theory-info-is-empty theory-info)
539 (theory-info-is-Z theory-info)
540 (theory-info-is-I theory-info)
541 (theory-info-is-IZ theory-info))
542 (if unify?
543 (unify-empty-equal t1 t2)
544 (match-empty-equal t1 t2)))
545 ((or (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
546 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
547 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
548 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))
549 (if unify?
550 (unify-AC-equal t1 t2)
551 (match-AC-equal t1 t2)))
552 ((or (theory-info-is-A theory-info)
553 (theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
554 (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
555 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info))
556 (if unify?
557 (unify-A-equal t1 t2)
558 (match-A-equal t1 t2)))
559 ((or (theory-info-is-C theory-info)
560 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info)
561 (theory-info-is-CZ theory-info)
562 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info))
563 (if unify?
564 (unify-C-equal t1 t2)
565 (match-C-equal t1 t2))))))
544 (theory-info-is-Z theory-info)
545 (theory-info-is-I theory-info)
546 (theory-info-is-IZ theory-info))
547 (if unify?
548 (unify-empty-equal t1 t2)
549 (match-empty-equal t1 t2)))
550 ((or (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
551 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
552 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
553 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))
554 (if unify?
555 (unify-AC-equal t1 t2)
556 (match-AC-equal t1 t2)))
557 ((or (theory-info-is-A theory-info)
558 (theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
559 (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
560 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info))
561 (if unify?
562 (unify-A-equal t1 t2)
563 (match-A-equal t1 t2)))
564 ((or (theory-info-is-C theory-info)
565 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info)
566 (theory-info-is-CZ theory-info)
567 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info))
568 (if unify?
569 (unify-C-equal t1 t2)
570 (match-C-equal t1 t2))))))
567572 ||#
578583 (defun theory-contains-associativity-direct (th)
579584 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
580585 (and (not (theory-info-is-empty theory-info))
581 (or (theory-info-is-A theory-info)
582 (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
583 (theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
584 (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
585 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
586 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
587 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
588 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info)))))
586 (or (theory-info-is-A theory-info)
587 (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
588 (theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
589 (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
590 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
591 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
592 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
593 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info)))))
590595 ;;; returns true iff the theory "th" contains the commutativity axiom
591596 ;;;
595600 (defun theory-contains-commutativity-direct (th)
596601 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
597602 (and (not (theory-info-is-empty theory-info))
598 (or (theory-info-is-C theory-info)
599 (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
600 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info)
601 (theory-info-is-CZ theory-info)
602 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info)
603 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
604 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
605 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info)))))
603 (or (theory-info-is-C theory-info)
604 (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
605 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info)
606 (theory-info-is-CZ theory-info)
607 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info)
608 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
609 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
610 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info)))))
607612 (defmacro theory-contains-AC (*th)
608613 `(test-theory .AC. (theory-info-code (theory-info ,*th))))
610615 (defun theory-contains-AC-direct (th)
611616 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
612617 (or (theory-info-is-AC theory-info)
613 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
614 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
615 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
618 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
619 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
620 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
617622 ;;; returns true iff the theory "th" contains the idempotency axiom
618623 ;;;
622627 (defun theory-contains-idempotency-direct (th)
623628 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
624629 (or (theory-info-is-I theory-info)
625 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info)
626 (theory-info-is-IZ theory-info)
627 (theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
628 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
629 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
630 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info)
631 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
630 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info)
631 (theory-info-is-IZ theory-info)
632 (theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
633 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
634 (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
635 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info)
636 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
633638 ;;; returns true iff the theory contains the identity axiom.
634639 ;;;
638643 (defun theory-contains-identity-direct (th)
639644 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
640645 (or (theory-info-is-Z theory-info)
641 (theory-info-is-CZ theory-info)
642 (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
643 (theory-info-is-IZ theory-info)
644 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
645 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
646 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info)
647 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
646 (theory-info-is-CZ theory-info)
647 (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
648 (theory-info-is-IZ theory-info)
649 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
650 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
651 (theory-info-is-CIZ theory-info)
652 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
649654 (defmacro theory-contains-ACZ (*th)
650655 `(test-theory .ACZ. (theory-info-code (theory-info ,*th))))
652657 (defun theory-contains-ACZ-direct (th)
653658 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
654659 (or (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
655 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
660 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
657662 (defmacro theory-contains-AZ (*th)
658663 `(test-theory .AZ. (theory-info-code (theory-info ,*th))))
660665 (defun theory-contains-AZ-direct (th)
661666 (let ((theory-info (theory-info th)))
662667 (or (theory-info-is-AZ theory-info)
663 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
664 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
665 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
668 (theory-info-is-AIZ theory-info)
669 (theory-info-is-ACZ theory-info)
670 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))))
667672 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: parse-modexp.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: parse-modexp.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7878 ;;; op bop_->_ : Term Term -> OpMap
7979 ;;;
81 ;;; *** Changes in module expression syntax ***
81 ;;; *** Changes in module expression syntax ***
8282 ;;; Mon May 19 15:45:41 JST 1997
8383 ;;; due to the discussion held at JAIST in the late March of '97,
8484 ;;; the syntax is changed.
9191 ;;;
9292 ;;;*****************************************************************************
94 ;;; **** READER ****
94 ;;; **** READER ****
9595 ;;; now defined in comlib/reader.lisp
97 ;;; **** PARSER ****
97 ;;; **** PARSER ****
9898 ;;;=============================================================================
100100 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
116116 (setf inp (list inp)))
117117 (let ((*modexp-parse-input* inp))
118118 (prog1
119 (do-parse-modexp)
119 (do-parse-modexp)
120120 (when *modexp-parse-input*
121 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
122 (format t "invalid module expression: ~a" inp)
123 (print-next)
124 (format t "remaining ~a" *modexp-parse-input*)))))
121 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
122 (format t "invalid module expression: ~a" inp)
123 (print-next)
124 (format t "remaining ~a" *modexp-parse-input*)))))
125125 )
127127 ;;; DO-PARSE-MODEXP : {*modexp-parse-input*} ->
132132 ;;
133133 (let ((e1 (parse-rename-or-inst)))
134134 (if (null *modexp-parse-input*)
135 ;; the whole expression is parsed by `parse-rename-or-inst'.
136 e1
137 (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
138 ;; parse remainders
139 ("+" (let ((args (list e1)))
140 (loop (modexp-skip) ; skip "+"
141 ; collect "+" arguments.
142 (push (parse-rename-or-inst) args)
143 (when (or (null *modexp-parse-input*)
144 (not (equal "+" (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
145 ;; whole modexpr is parsed, or other types comes.
146 (return)))
147 (%plus* (reverse args))))
148 ;; the following tokens can terminate one module expr.
149 (("]" "," ")" "{" "to" "->" "}") e1)
150 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invlaid-modexp)
151 (princ "error in module expression: ")
152 (print-chaos-object e1)
153 (format t " is followed by ~a.~%" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
154 ))))))
135 ;; the whole expression is parsed by `parse-rename-or-inst'.
136 e1
137 (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
138 ;; parse remainders
139 ("+" (let ((args (list e1)))
140 (loop (modexp-skip) ; skip "+"
141 ; collect "+" arguments.
142 (push (parse-rename-or-inst) args)
143 (when (or (null *modexp-parse-input*)
144 (not (equal "+" (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
145 ;; whole modexpr is parsed, or other types comes.
146 (return)))
147 (%plus* (reverse args))))
148 ;; the following tokens can terminate one module expr.
149 (("]" "," ")" "{" "to" "->" "}") e1)
150 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invlaid-modexp)
151 (princ "error in module expression: ")
152 (print-chaos-object e1)
153 (format t " is followed by ~a.~%" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
154 ))))))
156156 ;;; PARSING ROUTINES FOR EACH SYNTACTIC CLASS.__________________________________
162162 ;; first we try to parse instantiation.
163163 (let ((e1 (parse-instantiation)))
164164 (if (null *modexp-parse-input*)
165 ;; the whole expression is parsed by `parse-instantiation'.
166 e1
167 ;; e1 may be an instantiation or of other types of module expressions.
168 (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
169 ("*" ; Rename.
170 ;; gather renaming operations in left associative manner.
171 (loop (modexp-skip) ; skip "*"
172 (setq e1 (%rename* e1 (parse-map-body)))
173 (when (or (null *modexp-parse-input*)
174 (not (equal "*" (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
175 ;; all are parsed or other type of ModExpr comes.
176 (return e1))))
178 ;; the following tokens terminate rename or other preceding module expressions,
179 ;; thus we return it as is.
180 (("]" "," ")" "{" "to" "->" "::" "+" "}") e1) ; "with" "and" ...??
182 ;; otherwise we encounter an error.
183 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
184 (princ "module expression: ")
185 (print-chaos-object e1)
186 (format t " is followed by ~a.~%" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
187 ))))))
165 ;; the whole expression is parsed by `parse-instantiation'.
166 e1
167 ;; e1 may be an instantiation or of other types of module expressions.
168 (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
169 ("*" ; Rename.
170 ;; gather renaming operations in left associative manner.
171 (loop (modexp-skip) ; skip "*"
172 (setq e1 (%rename* e1 (parse-map-body)))
173 (when (or (null *modexp-parse-input*)
174 (not (equal "*" (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
175 ;; all are parsed or other type of ModExpr comes.
176 (return e1))))
178 ;; the following tokens terminate rename or other preceding module expressions,
179 ;; thus we return it as is.
180 (("]" "," ")" "{" "to" "->" "::" "+" "}") e1) ; "with" "and" ...??
182 ;; otherwise we encounter an error.
183 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
184 (princ "module expression: ")
185 (print-chaos-object e1)
186 (format t " is followed by ~a.~%" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
187 ))))))
189189 ;;; PARSE-MAP-BODY
190190 ;;; gather mapping.
193193 (defun parse-map-body (&optional (type :rename))
194194 (declare (type symbol type))
195195 (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*)
196 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
197 (princ "premature end of module expression in a mapping.")))
198 ;; the first token of rename must be "{".
199 ((not (equal "{" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
200 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
201 (princ "body of renaming should be preceded by \"{\"")))
202 (t (modexp-skip) ; skip "{"
203 (let ((sort-map nil) ; accumulators
204 (hsort-map nil)
205 (op-map nil)
206 (bop-map nil)
207 (vars nil)
208 (param-map nil)
209 (map nil))
210 ;; gather rename map elements
211 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
212 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
213 (princ "ill-formed mapping.")))
214 (setq map (if (eq type :rename)
215 (parse-map-elt)
216 (parse-view-elt)))
217 (case (car map)
218 (:sort (push (cdr map) sort-map))
219 (:hsort (push (cdr map) hsort-map))
220 (:op (push (cdr map) op-map))
221 (:bop (push (cdr map) bop-map))
222 (:var (push (cdr map) vars)) ; only for case view map
223 (:param (push (cdr map) param-map)) ; only for case rename map
224 ; *note* not implemented yet though.
225 (t nil)) ; empty case
226 ;; "}" terminates rename map.
227 (when (equal "}" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
228 (modexp-skip) ; consume "}"
229 (return)) ; then return
230 ;; we just ignore ",", a unnecessary separator of renaming.
231 (when (equal "," (car *modexp-parse-input*))
232 (modexp-skip)))
233 (%rmap* (nconc (when sort-map (list (%ren-sort* sort-map)))
234 (when hsort-map (list (%ren-hsort* hsort-map)))
235 (when op-map (list (%ren-op* op-map)))
236 (when bop-map (list (%ren-bop* bop-map)))
237 (when vars (list (%vars* vars)))
238 (when param-map (list (%ren-param* param-map)))))))))
196 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
197 (princ "premature end of module expression in a mapping.")))
198 ;; the first token of rename must be "{".
199 ((not (equal "{" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
200 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
201 (princ "body of renaming should be preceded by \"{\"")))
202 (t (modexp-skip) ; skip "{"
203 (let ((sort-map nil) ; accumulators
204 (hsort-map nil)
205 (op-map nil)
206 (bop-map nil)
207 (vars nil)
208 (param-map nil)
209 (map nil))
210 ;; gather rename map elements
211 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
212 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
213 (princ "ill-formed mapping.")))
214 (setq map (if (eq type :rename)
215 (parse-map-elt)
216 (parse-view-elt)))
217 (case (car map)
218 (:sort (push (cdr map) sort-map))
219 (:hsort (push (cdr map) hsort-map))
220 (:op (push (cdr map) op-map))
221 (:bop (push (cdr map) bop-map))
222 (:var (push (cdr map) vars)) ; only for case view map
223 (:param (push (cdr map) param-map)) ; only for case rename map
224 ; *note* not implemented yet though.
225 (t nil)) ; empty case
226 ;; "}" terminates rename map.
227 (when (equal "}" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
228 (modexp-skip) ; consume "}"
229 (return)) ; then return
230 ;; we just ignore ",", a unnecessary separator of renaming.
231 (when (equal "," (car *modexp-parse-input*))
232 (modexp-skip)))
233 (%rmap* (nconc (when sort-map (list (%ren-sort* sort-map)))
234 (when hsort-map (list (%ren-hsort* hsort-map)))
235 (when op-map (list (%ren-op* op-map)))
236 (when bop-map (list (%ren-bop* bop-map)))
237 (when vars (list (%vars* vars)))
238 (when param-map (list (%ren-param* param-map)))))))))
240240 ;;; PARSE-MAP-ELT
241241 ;;; parse one map element.
244244 ;;;
245245 (defun parse-map-elt ()
246246 (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*)
247 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
248 (princ "premature end of map elements.")
249 ))
250 (t (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
251 ("sort" ; sort map
252 (let (from to)
253 (modexp-skip) ; skip "sort"
254 ;; "->" separates from\to
255 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
256 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
257 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
258 (format t "parsing sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
259 from)
260 ))
261 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
262 ;; parse `to' part.
263 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
264 (list :sort from to)))
265 ("hsort" ; hidden sort map
266 (let (from to)
267 (modexp-skip) ; skip "hsort"
268 ;; "->" separates from & to
269 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
270 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
271 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
272 (format t "parsing hidden sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
273 from)
274 ))
275 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
276 ;; parse `to' part.
277 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
278 (list :hsort from to)))
279 ("op" ; operator renaming
280 (let (from to)
281 (modexp-skip) ; skip "op"
282 (setq from (parse-operator-reference '("->")))
283 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
284 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
285 (format t "parsing operator mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
286 from)
287 ))
288 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
289 (setq to (parse-operator-reference '("," "}" "]")))
290 (list :op from to)))
291 ("bop" ; behavioural operator renaming
292 (let (from to)
293 (modexp-skip) ; skip "bop"
294 (setq from (parse-operator-reference '("->")))
295 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
296 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
297 (format t "parsing behavioural operator mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
298 from)
299 ))
300 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
301 (setq to (parse-operator-reference '("," "}" "]")))
302 (list :bop from to)))
303 ("param" ; parameter mapping.
304 ; can parse but NOT really implemented. ****
305 (let (from to)
306 (modexp-skip) ; skip "param"
307 (setq from (modexp-parse-param-specn '("->")))
308 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
309 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
310 (format t "parsing parameter mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
311 from)
312 ))
313 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
314 (setq to (modexp-parse-param-specn '("," "}" "]")))
315 (list :param from to)))
316 ("}" ; emtpy map
317 nil)
318 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
319 (format t "expecting \"sort\",\"hsort\",\"op\" or \"bop\", encounterd ~a."
320 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
321 )))
322 )))
247 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
248 (princ "premature end of map elements.")
249 ))
250 (t (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
251 ("sort" ; sort map
252 (let (from to)
253 (modexp-skip) ; skip "sort"
254 ;; "->" separates from\to
255 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
256 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
257 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
258 (format t "parsing sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
259 from)
260 ))
261 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
262 ;; parse `to' part.
263 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
264 (list :sort from to)))
265 ("hsort" ; hidden sort map
266 (let (from to)
267 (modexp-skip) ; skip "hsort"
268 ;; "->" separates from & to
269 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
270 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
271 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
272 (format t "parsing hidden sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
273 from)
274 ))
275 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
276 ;; parse `to' part.
277 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
278 (list :hsort from to)))
279 ("op" ; operator renaming
280 (let (from to)
281 (modexp-skip) ; skip "op"
282 (setq from (parse-operator-reference '("->")))
283 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
284 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
285 (format t "parsing operator mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
286 from)
287 ))
288 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
289 (setq to (parse-operator-reference '("," "}" "]")))
290 (list :op from to)))
291 ("bop" ; behavioural operator renaming
292 (let (from to)
293 (modexp-skip) ; skip "bop"
294 (setq from (parse-operator-reference '("->")))
295 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
296 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
297 (format t "parsing behavioural operator mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
298 from)
299 ))
300 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
301 (setq to (parse-operator-reference '("," "}" "]")))
302 (list :bop from to)))
303 ("param" ; parameter mapping.
304 ; can parse but NOT really implemented. ****
305 (let (from to)
306 (modexp-skip) ; skip "param"
307 (setq from (modexp-parse-param-specn '("->")))
308 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
309 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
310 (format t "parsing parameter mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
311 from)
312 ))
313 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
314 (setq to (modexp-parse-param-specn '("," "}" "]")))
315 (list :param from to)))
316 ("}" ; emtpy map
317 nil)
318 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
319 (format t "expecting \"sort\",\"hsort\",\"op\" or \"bop\", encounterd ~a."
320 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
321 )))
322 )))
325325 ;;; parse a modexpr, then try to parse the first of the rest as instantiation,
327327 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
328328 (defun parse-instantiation ()
329329 (labels ((token-is-not-instantiation (token)
330 (declare (type simple-string token))
331 (dotimes (i (length token) t)
332 (declare (type fixnum i))
333 (let ((ch (schar token i)))
334 (declare (type character ch))
335 (when (member ch '(#\[ #\] #\( #\)))
336 (return nil)))))
337 (parse-basic ()
338 ;; * assumes Modexpr which can be an argument of any type
339 ;; of module expressions other than instantiation, or can be a
340 ;; simple name.
341 (cond ((equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
342 (modexp-skip)
343 (let ((m (do-parse-modexp)))
344 (cond ((equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
345 (modexp-skip)
346 m)
347 (t (with-output-msg ()
348 (princ "unmatched \"(\" in module expression after ")
349 (print-next)
350 (print-modexp m)
351 (chaos-error 'invalid-modexp) )))))
352 ((token-is-not-instantiation (car *modexp-parse-input*))
353 (prog1 (car *modexp-parse-input*) (modexp-skip)))
354 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
355 (princ (car *modexp-parse-input*))
356 (print "doesn't make sense in module expression.")
357 )))))
330 (declare (type simple-string token))
331 (dotimes (i (length token) t)
332 (declare (type fixnum i))
333 (let ((ch (schar token i)))
334 (declare (type character ch))
335 (when (member ch '(#\[ #\] #\( #\)))
336 (return nil)))))
337 (parse-basic ()
338 ;; * assumes Modexpr which can be an argument of any type
339 ;; of module expressions other than instantiation, or can be a
340 ;; simple name.
341 (cond ((equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
342 (modexp-skip)
343 (let ((m (do-parse-modexp)))
344 (cond ((equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
345 (modexp-skip)
346 m)
347 (t (with-output-msg ()
348 (princ "unmatched \"(\" in module expression after ")
349 (print-next)
350 (print-modexp m)
351 (chaos-error 'invalid-modexp) )))))
352 ((token-is-not-instantiation (car *modexp-parse-input*))
353 (prog1 (car *modexp-parse-input*) (modexp-skip)))
354 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
355 (format t "~s doesn't make sense in module expression."
356 (car *modexp-parse-input*)))))))
358357 (let ((m (parse-basic)))
359358 (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*) m) ; was just a simple name or parenced
360 ; modexpr.
361 ((member (car *modexp-parse-input*)
362 '("[" "(") :test #'equal)
363 ;; instantiation!, its first argument is now bound to `m'.
364 (modexp-skip) ; skip "[" ("(")
365 (let ((args (modexp-parse-args)))
366 ; parse second arg, i.e., the view.
367 ;; view must be ended with "]".
368 (when (not (member (car *modexp-parse-input*)
369 '("]" ")") :test #'equal))
370 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
371 (princ "\"[\" appears without matching \"]\" in instantiation.")
372 ))
373 (modexp-skip) ; skip "]" (")").
374 (%instantiation* m args)))
375 ;; the *modexp-parse-input* was a module expression any other than
376 ;; instantiation. which is either a simple name or a parenced modexpr,
377 ;; and it can be an argument of the following operator or it just a
378 ;; simple name.
379 (t
380 m)))))
359 ; modexpr.
360 ((member (car *modexp-parse-input*)
361 '("[" "(") :test #'equal)
362 ;; instantiation!, its first argument is now bound to `m'.
363 (modexp-skip) ; skip "[" ("(")
364 (let ((args (modexp-parse-args)))
365 ; parse second arg, i.e., the view.
366 ;; view must be ended with "]".
367 (when (not (member (car *modexp-parse-input*)
368 '("]" ")") :test #'equal))
369 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
370 (princ "\"[\" appears without matching \"]\" in instantiation.")
371 ))
372 (modexp-skip) ; skip "]" (")").
373 (%instantiation* m args)))
374 ;; the *modexp-parse-input* was a module expression any other than
375 ;; instantiation. which is either a simple name or a parenced modexpr,
376 ;; and it can be an argument of the following operator or it just a
377 ;; simple name.
378 (t
379 m)))))
383382 ;;; called by `parse-instantiation'; parses arguments to parameterized module.
393392 (defun modexp-parse-args ()
394393 (let ((*positional-arg-pos* 0)
395 (*arg-type* nil))
394 (*arg-type* nil))
396395 (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*)
397 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
398 (princ "parsing instantiation, premature end of input in argument list.")
399 ))
400 ((member (car *modexp-parse-input*) '("]" ")") :test #'equal)
401 nil) ; empty arugment.
402 ;; accumulate arguments.
403 (t (let ((res nil)
404 (arg nil))
405 (loop (setf arg (modexp-parse-arg))
406 (when arg
407 (setq res (cons arg res))
408 (incf *positional-arg-pos*))
409 ;; "]" teminates arguments.
410 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) '("]" ")") :test #'equal)
411 (return (nreverse res)))
412 ;; skip "," as a separator of each argument.
413 (when (equal "," (car *modexp-parse-input*))
414 (modexp-skip))))
415 ))))
396 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
397 (princ "parsing instantiation, premature end of input in argument list.")
398 ))
399 ((member (car *modexp-parse-input*) '("]" ")") :test #'equal)
400 nil) ; empty arugment.
401 ;; accumulate arguments.
402 (t (let ((res nil)
403 (arg nil))
404 (loop (setf arg (modexp-parse-arg))
405 (when arg
406 (setq res (cons arg res))
407 (incf *positional-arg-pos*))
408 ;; "]" teminates arguments.
409 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) '("]" ")") :test #'equal)
410 (return (nreverse res)))
411 ;; skip "," as a separator of each argument.
412 (when (equal "," (car *modexp-parse-input*))
413 (modexp-skip))))
414 ))))
417416 (defun parse-instantiate-arg-name (name)
418417 (declare (type simple-string name))
419418 (let ((pos (position #\@ name)))
420 (if pos ; indirect argument ref.
421 (cons (subseq name 0 pos)
422 (subseq name (1+ pos)))
423 (cons name nil))))
419 (if pos ; indirect argument ref.
420 (cons (subseq name 0 pos)
421 (subseq name (1+ pos)))
422 (cons name nil))))
425424 (defun modexp-parse-arg ()
426425 (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
429428 ))
430429 ;;
431430 (let ((arg-name (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
432 (modexp-skip) ; move to next token
431 (modexp-skip) ; move to next token
433432 ;; try to parse formal argument name.
434433 ;; - it can be omitted, in this case we are parsing positional arguments,
435434 ;;; and `arg-name' should bind a real argument, i.e., a view.
436435 ;; - otherwise normal keyword type argument passing is processed.
437436 ;; in this case, arg-name should bind formal argument name.
438437 (if (equal "<=" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
439 (progn
440 (unless (or (eq *arg-type* ':key) (null *arg-type*))
441 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
442 (princ "you can not use both positional and keyword type argument in a combined manner.")
443 ))
444 (modexp-skip) ; skip "<="
445 (setq arg-name (parse-instantiate-arg-name arg-name))
446 (setq *arg-type* ':key))
447 (progn
448 (unless (or (eq *arg-type* ':pos) (null *arg-type*))
449 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
450 (princ "you cannot use both positional and keyword type argument in a combined manner.")
451 ))
452 (setq *arg-type* ':pos)
453 (push arg-name *modexp-parse-input*) ; restore view
454 (setq arg-name *positional-arg-pos*) ; should we set keyword name
455 ; here?
457 ))
438 (progn
439 (unless (or (eq *arg-type* ':key) (null *arg-type*))
440 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
441 (princ "you can not use both positional and keyword type argument in a combined manner.")
442 ))
443 (modexp-skip) ; skip "<="
444 (setq arg-name (parse-instantiate-arg-name arg-name))
445 (setq *arg-type* ':key))
446 (progn
447 (unless (or (eq *arg-type* ':pos) (null *arg-type*))
448 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
449 (princ "you cannot use both positional and keyword type argument in a combined manner.")
450 ))
451 (setq *arg-type* ':pos)
452 (push arg-name *modexp-parse-input*) ; restore view
453 (setq arg-name *positional-arg-pos*) ; should we set keyword name
454 ; here?
456 ))
458457 ;; parse actual argument, i.e., view.
459458 (cond ((equal "view" (car *modexp-parse-input*)) ; explicit view argument.
460 (%!arg* arg-name (do-parse-view)))
461 ((equal "{" (car *modexp-parse-input*)) ; given map directly.
462 ;; both `from' & `to' is omitted...
463 (let (view) ; the resulting view
464 (setq view (%view* 'none 'none (parse-view-body)))
465 ; was parse-map-body
466 (%!arg* arg-name view)))
467 ;; normal? argument
468 (t (let ((mod (do-parse-modexp)) ; either a name of declared view or
469 ; a modexpr.
470 (view nil))
471 ;;
472 (cond ((equal "{" (car *modexp-parse-input*)) ; the map is given
473 ;; this case mod must be a modexpr other than view name.
474 (setq view (%view* 'none mod (parse-view-body)))
475 ; was parse-map-body
476 (%!arg* arg-name view))
477 ;; NO map is given.................
478 (t (setq view (%view* 'none
479 (make-?-name mod)
480 nil))
481 (%!arg* arg-name view))))))
459 (%!arg* arg-name (do-parse-view)))
460 ((equal "{" (car *modexp-parse-input*)) ; given map directly.
461 ;; both `from' & `to' is omitted...
462 (let (view) ; the resulting view
463 (setq view (%view* 'none 'none (parse-view-body)))
464 ; was parse-map-body
465 (%!arg* arg-name view)))
466 ;; normal? argument
467 (t (let ((mod (do-parse-modexp)) ; either a name of declared view or
468 ; a modexpr.
469 (view nil))
470 ;;
471 (cond ((equal "{" (car *modexp-parse-input*)) ; the map is given
472 ;; this case mod must be a modexpr other than view name.
473 (setq view (%view* 'none mod (parse-view-body)))
474 ; was parse-map-body
475 (%!arg* arg-name view))
476 ;; NO map is given.................
477 (t (setq view (%view* 'none
478 (make-?-name mod)
479 nil))
480 (%!arg* arg-name view))))))
482481 ))
484483 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
498497 ;;;
499498 (defun do-parse-view ()
500499 (cond ((equal "view" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
501 (modexp-skip) ; skip "view"
502 (let ((from 'none) ; theory
503 (to nil) ; target module
504 (mapping nil)) ; mapping
506 ;; parse theory module part if specified
507 (when (equal "from" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
508 (modexp-skip) ; skip "from"
509 ;; theory module can be an arbitrary module expression.
510 (setq from (do-parse-modexp)))
511 ;; we always require target module
512 (when (not (equal "to" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
513 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
514 (format t "expecting \"to\" in view, but encountered ~A"
515 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
516 ))
517 (modexp-skip) ; skip "to"
518 ;; parse target module expression
519 (setq to (do-parse-modexp))
520 ;; parse mapping
521 (setq mapping (parse-view-body)) ; was parse-map-body...
522 ;;
523 (%view* from to mapping)))
524 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
525 (princ "in view, not expecting ")
526 (princ (car *modexp-parse-input*))
527 ))))
500 (modexp-skip) ; skip "view"
501 (let ((from 'none) ; theory
502 (to nil) ; target module
503 (mapping nil)) ; mapping
505 ;; parse theory module part if specified
506 (when (equal "from" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
507 (modexp-skip) ; skip "from"
508 ;; theory module can be an arbitrary module expression.
509 (setq from (do-parse-modexp)))
510 ;; we always require target module
511 (when (not (equal "to" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
512 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
513 (format t "expecting \"to\" in view, but encountered ~A"
514 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
515 ))
516 (modexp-skip) ; skip "to"
517 ;; parse target module expression
518 (setq to (do-parse-modexp))
519 ;; parse mapping
520 (setq mapping (parse-view-body)) ; was parse-map-body...
521 ;;
522 (%view* from to mapping)))
523 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
524 (princ "in view, not expecting ")
525 (princ (car *modexp-parse-input*))
526 ))))
529528 ;;; PARSE-VIEW-BODY
530529 ;;; similar to `parse-map-body' but allows variable declaration and
536535 ;;;
537536 (defun parse-view-elt ()
538537 (flet ((parse-op-name (cntxt)
539 (declare (type list cntxt))
540 (let ((res nil))
541 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
542 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
543 (princ "premature end of input in operator pattern:")
544 (print-next)
545 (format t "beginning of pattern: ~{~s~}" (nreverse res))
546 ))
547 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) cntxt :test #'equal)
548 (return))
549 (setq res (nconc res (parse-balanced-context cntxt))))
550 res )))
538 (declare (type list cntxt))
539 (let ((res nil))
540 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
541 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
542 (princ "premature end of input in operator pattern:")
543 (print-next)
544 (format t "beginning of pattern: ~{~s~}" (nreverse res))))
545 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) cntxt :test #'equal)
546 (return))
547 (setq res (nconc res (parse-balanced-context cntxt))))
548 res )))
551549 (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*)
552 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
553 (princ "premature end of view body")
554 ))
555 (t (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
556 ("sort" ; sort map
557 (let (from to)
558 (modexp-skip) ; skip "sort"
559 ;; "->" separates from & to
560 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
561 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
562 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
563 (format t "parsing sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
564 from)
565 ))
566 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
567 ;; parse `to' part.
568 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
569 `(:sort ,from ,to)))
570 ("hsort" ; hidden sort map
571 (let (from to)
572 (modexp-skip) ; skip "hsort"
573 ;; "->" separates from & to
574 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
575 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
576 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
577 (format t "parsing hidden sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
578 from)
579 ))
580 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
581 ;; parse `to' part.
582 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
583 `(:hsort ,from ,to)))
584 (("var" "vars")
585 (let (v s)
586 (modexp-skip) ; skip "var", "vars"
587 (setq v nil)
588 (loop (let ((inp (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
589 (when (equal ":" inp) (return))
590 (push inp v)
591 (modexp-skip)))
592 (modexp-skip)
593 (setq s (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "." "]")))
594 `(:var ,v ,s)))
595 ("op" ; operator map
596 (let (a b)
597 (modexp-skip) ; skip "op"
598 (setq a (parse-op-name '("->")))
599 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
600 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
601 (format t "in view body, for op ~a, missing \"->\"" a)
602 ))
603 (modexp-skip)
604 (setq b (parse-op-name '("." "}" ",")))
605 `(:op ,a ,b)))
606 ("bop" ; behavioural operator map
607 (let (a b)
608 (modexp-skip) ; skip "bop"
609 (setq a (parse-op-name '("->")))
610 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
611 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
612 (format t "in view body, for bop ~a, missing \"->\"" a)
613 ))
614 (modexp-skip)
615 (setq b (parse-op-name '("." "}" ",")))
616 `(:bop ,a ,b)))
617 ("}" ; empty body
618 nil)
619 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
620 (format t "in view mapping, expecting \"sort\", \"hsort\", \"op\", \"bop\" or \"var\", but encoutered ~A."
621 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
622 )))
623 ))))
550 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
551 (princ "premature end of view body")))
552 (t (case-equal (car *modexp-parse-input*)
553 ("sort" ; sort map
554 (let (from to)
555 (modexp-skip) ; skip "sort"
556 ;; "->" separates from & to
557 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
558 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
559 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
560 (format t "parsing sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
561 from)))
562 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
563 ;; parse `to' part.
564 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
565 `(:sort ,from ,to)))
566 ("hsort" ; hidden sort map
567 (let (from to)
568 (modexp-skip) ; skip "hsort"
569 ;; "->" separates from & to
570 (setq from (parse-sort-reference '("->")))
571 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
572 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
573 (format t "parsing hidden sort mapping of ~a, missing \"->\""
574 from)
575 ))
576 (modexp-skip) ; skip "->"
577 ;; parse `to' part.
578 (setq to (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "]")))
579 `(:hsort ,from ,to)))
580 (("var" "vars")
581 (let (v s)
582 (modexp-skip) ; skip "var", "vars"
583 (setq v nil)
584 (loop (let ((inp (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
585 (when (equal ":" inp) (return))
586 (push inp v)
587 (modexp-skip)))
588 (modexp-skip)
589 (setq s (parse-sort-reference '("," "}" "." "]")))
590 `(:var ,v ,s)))
591 ("op" ; operator map
592 (let (a b)
593 (modexp-skip) ; skip "op"
594 (setq a (parse-op-name '("->")))
595 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
596 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
597 (format t "in view body, for op ~a, missing \"->\"" a)))
598 (modexp-skip)
599 (setq b (parse-op-name '("." "}" ",")))
600 `(:op ,a ,b)))
601 ("bop" ; behavioural operator map
602 (let (a b)
603 (modexp-skip) ; skip "bop"
604 (setq a (parse-op-name '("->")))
605 (when (not (equal "->" (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
606 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
607 (format t "in view body, for bop ~a, missing \"->\"" a)))
608 (modexp-skip)
609 (setq b (parse-op-name '("." "}" ",")))
610 `(:bop ,a ,b)))
611 ("}" ; empty body
612 nil)
613 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
614 (format t "in view mapping, expecting \"sort\", \"hsort\", \"op\", \"bop\" or \"var\", but encoutered ~A."
615 (car *modexp-parse-input*)))))))))
625617 ;;; *************************
626618 ;;; PARSE SORT REFERENCE FORM___________________________________________________
637629 ))
638630 (do-parse-sort-ref cntxt))
640 #||
642 (defun modexp-check-qual (x)
643 (if (stringp x)
644 (let ((pos (position #\. x)))
645 (if (and pos (< 0 pos) (< (1+ pos) (length x)))
646 `(:qual ,(list (subseq x 0 pos))
647 ,(subseq x (1+ pos)))
648 x))
649 x))
650 ||#
652632 ;;; DO-PARSE-SORT-REF
653633 ;;; * NOTE *
654634 ;;; Because sort reference can have qualifier, we need to parse module expression.
661641 (defun do-parse-sort-ref (cntxt)
662642 (declare (type list cntxt))
663643 (cond ((equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
664 ;; parenthesized reference
665 (modexp-skip) ; skip "("
666 ;; get first one token
667 (let ((val (parse-balanced-context-one ")"))
668 (flag t)) ; t iff we are in parenthesized units.
669 (when (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
670 (modexp-skip) ; skip ")"
671 (setq flag nil)) ; we are no more in parenthe
672 ;; consider the rest.
673 (let ((res (cond ((and (equal "." (car *modexp-parse-input*))
674 (not (member "." cntxt :test #'equal)))
675 ;; ( <sort-ref> . <ModExpr> ) ---------------------
676 (modexp-skip) ; skip "."
677 (%sort-ref* (car val) (do-parse-modexp)))
678 ((and (null (cdr val))
679 (stringp (car val))
680 (eql #\. (char (the simple-string (car val))
681 (1- (length (the simple-string
682 (car val)))))))
683 ;; ( "sort-name." ... ) --------------------------
684 (%sort-ref* (subseq (the simple-string (car val))
685 0
686 (1- (length
687 (the simple-string (car val)))))
688 (do-parse-modexp)))
689 ((and *modexp-parse-input*
690 (<= 2 (length
691 (the simple-string
692 (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
693 (eql #\. (char (the simple-string
694 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
695 0)))
696 ;; ( <sort-ref> ".foo" ... ) ---------------------
697 (let ((name (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
698 (declare (type simple-string name))
699 (modexp-skip)
700 (%sort-ref* (car val) (subseq name 1))))
701 ;; ( <sort-ref> ) ---------------------------------
702 (t (%sort-ref* (car val))))))
703 (when flag
704 (unless (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
705 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
706 (princ "unbalanced parentheses in sort specification.")
707 (print-next)
708 (princ "context: ")
709 (print-simple-princ-open val)
710 ))
711 (modexp-skip))
712 res)))
713 ;;
714 ;; not parenthesized reference
715 ;;
716 (t (let ((val (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
717 (modexp-skip) ; skip one token
718 (if (stringp val)
719 ;;
720 (if (eql #\. (char (the simple-string val) (1- (length val))))
721 ;; the last character is ".", thus we assume the rest is
722 ;; a modexp which qualifies the name.
723 (%sort-ref* (subseq (the simple-string val)
724 0 (1- (length val))) ; name
725 (do-parse-modexp)) ; quilifier
726 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string val))))
727 (if pos ; name is quilified by simple modexpr.
728 (%sort-ref* (subseq (the simple-string val) 0 pos)
729 (subseq (the simple-string val) (1+ pos)))
730 (%sort-ref* val))))
731 ;; return it as is.
732 (%sort-ref* val)
733 )))))
644 ;; parenthesized reference
645 (modexp-skip) ; skip "("
646 ;; get first one token
647 (let ((val (parse-balanced-context-one ")"))
648 (flag t)) ; t iff we are in parenthesized units.
649 (when (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
650 (modexp-skip) ; skip ")"
651 (setq flag nil)) ; we are no more in parenthe
652 ;; consider the rest.
653 (let ((res (cond ((and (equal "." (car *modexp-parse-input*))
654 (not (member "." cntxt :test #'equal)))
655 ;; ( <sort-ref> . <ModExpr> ) ---------------------
656 (modexp-skip) ; skip "."
657 (%sort-ref* (car val) (do-parse-modexp)))
658 ((and (null (cdr val))
659 (stringp (car val))
660 (eql #\. (char (the simple-string (car val))
661 (1- (length (the simple-string
662 (car val)))))))
663 ;; ( "sort-name." ... ) --------------------------
664 (%sort-ref* (subseq (the simple-string (car val))
665 0
666 (1- (length
667 (the simple-string (car val)))))
668 (do-parse-modexp)))
669 ((and *modexp-parse-input*
670 (<= 2 (length
671 (the simple-string
672 (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
673 (eql #\. (char (the simple-string
674 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
675 0)))
676 ;; ( <sort-ref> ".foo" ... ) ---------------------
677 (let ((name (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
678 (declare (type simple-string name))
679 (modexp-skip)
680 (%sort-ref* (car val) (subseq name 1))))
681 ;; ( <sort-ref> ) ---------------------------------
682 (t (%sort-ref* (car val))))))
683 (when flag
684 (unless (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
685 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
686 (princ "unbalanced parentheses in sort specification.")
687 (print-next)
688 (princ "context: ")
689 (print-simple-princ-open val)
690 ))
691 (modexp-skip))
692 res)))
693 ;;
694 ;; not parenthesized reference
695 ;;
696 (t (let ((val (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
697 (modexp-skip) ; skip one token
698 (if (stringp val)
699 ;;
700 (if (eql #\. (char (the simple-string val) (1- (length val))))
701 ;; the last character is ".", thus we assume the rest is
702 ;; a modexp which qualifies the name.
703 (%sort-ref* (subseq (the simple-string val)
704 0 (1- (length val))) ; name
705 (do-parse-modexp)) ; quilifier
706 (let ((pos (position #\. (the simple-string val))))
707 (if pos ; name is quilified by simple modexpr.
708 (%sort-ref* (subseq (the simple-string val) 0 pos)
709 (subseq (the simple-string val) (1+ pos)))
710 (%sort-ref* val))))
711 ;; return it as is.
712 (%sort-ref* val))))))
735714 ;;; ****************************
736715 ;;; PARSE OPERATOR REFRENCE FORM______________________________________________________
742721 (defun parse-operator-reference (cntxt &optional (ignore-qual nil))
743722 (declare (type list cntxt))
744723 (when *on-modexp-debug*
745 (format t "~&[parse-operator-reference]:*modexp-parse-input*=~a" *modexp-parse-input*))
724 (format t "~%[parse-operator-reference]:*modexp-parse-input*:~% ~s" *modexp-parse-input*))
746725 (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*)
747 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
748 (princ "premature end of input at operator specification")))
749 ((equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
750 ;; parenthesized reference -------------------------------------------------
751 (modexp-skip) ; skip "("
752 (let ((val (parse-op-simple-name '(")")))
753 (flag t))
754 (when (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
755 (modexp-skip)
756 (setq flag nil)) ; we are now out of parens.
757 ;;
758 (let ((res (cond ((and (not ignore-qual)
759 (equal "." (car *modexp-parse-input*))
760 (not (member "." cntxt :test #'equal)))
761 ;; ( <simple-op-ref> . <Modexpr> ...)
762 (modexp-skip) ; skip "."
763 (%opref* val (do-parse-modexp)))
764 ((and *modexp-parse-input*
765 (not ignore-qual)
766 (<= 2 (length (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
767 (eql #\. (char
768 (the simple-string
769 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
770 0)))
771 ;; ( <simple-op-ref> ".foo" .. )
772 (let ((name (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
773 (declare (type simple-string name))
774 (modexp-skip) ; consume one token
775 (%opref* val (subseq name 1))))
776 ;; as is
777 (t (%opref* val)))))
778 (when flag
779 (unless (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
780 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
781 (princ "unbalanced parentheses in operator specification.")
782 (print-next)
783 (princ "context: ")
784 (print-simple-princ-open val)
785 ))
786 (modexp-skip))
787 res)))
788 ;; not in parenthe ---------------------------------------------------------
789 (t (let ((val (parse-op-simple-name cntxt)))
790 (if (and (consp val) (null (cdr val)) (stringp (car val)))
791 ;; op-ref is just a simple string.
792 (let ((name (car val)))
793 (declare (type simple-string name))
794 (let ((pos (and (not ignore-qual) (position #\. name))))
795 (if (and pos (< 0 pos) (< (1+ pos) (length name)))
796 ;; "foo.qualifier"
797 (%opref* (list (subseq name 0 pos))
798 (subseq name (1+ pos)))
799 (%opref* val))))
800 (%opref* val)))))
801 )
726 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
727 (princ "premature end of input at operator specification")))
728 ((equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
729 ;; parenthesized reference -------------------------------------------------
730 (modexp-skip) ; skip "("
731 (let ((val (parse-op-simple-name '(")")))
732 (in-paren t))
733 (when (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
734 (modexp-skip)
735 (setq in-paren nil)) ; we are now out of parens.
736 (let ((res (cond ((and (not ignore-qual)
737 ;; check qualifier
738 (equal "." (car *modexp-parse-input*))
739 (cdr *modexp-parse-input*)
740 (not (member "." cntxt :test #'equal)))
741 ;; ( <simple-op-ref> . <Modexpr> ...)
742 (modexp-skip) ; skip "."
743 (%opref* val (do-parse-modexp)))
744 ((and *modexp-parse-input*
745 (not ignore-qual)
746 ;; check qualifier
747 (<= 2 (length (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
748 (eql #\. (char
749 (the simple-string
750 (car *modexp-parse-input*))
751 0)))
752 ;; ( <simple-op-ref> ".foo" .. )
753 (let ((name (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
754 (declare (type simple-string name))
755 (modexp-skip) ; consume one token
756 (%opref* val (subseq name 1))))
757 ;; as is
758 (t (%opref* val)))))
759 (when in-paren
760 (unless (equal ")" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
761 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
762 (princ "unbalanced parentheses in operator specification.")
763 (print-next)
764 (princ "context: ")
765 (print-simple-princ-open val)))
766 (modexp-skip))
767 res)))
768 ;; not in parenthe ---------------------------------------------------------
769 (t (let ((val (parse-op-simple-name cntxt)))
770 (if (and (consp val) (null (cdr val)) (stringp (car val)))
771 ;; op-ref is just a simple string.
772 (let ((name (car val)))
773 (declare (type simple-string name))
774 (let ((pos (and (not ignore-qual) (position #\. name))))
775 (if (and pos (< 0 pos) (< (1+ pos) (length name)))
776 ;; "foo.qualifier"
777 (%opref* (list (subseq name 0 pos))
778 (subseq name (1+ pos)))
779 (%opref* val))))
780 (let ((mod-ref (last val)))
781 (when (stringp (car mod-ref))
782 (setq mod-ref (car mod-ref))
783 (let ((pos (and (not ignore-qual) (position #\. mod-ref))))
784 (when *on-modexp-debug*
785 (format t "~%[]:pos = ~a, mod-ref = ~s" pos mod-ref))
786 (if (and pos (< (1+ pos) (length mod-ref)))
787 ;; .qualifier
788 (%opref* (butlast val)
789 (subseq mod-ref (1+ pos)))
790 (%opref* val))))))))))
805794 (defun parse-op-simple-name (cntxt)
806795 (if (equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
807796 (progn (modexp-skip)
808 (prog1
809 (parse-balanced-context '(")"))
810 (modexp-skip)))
797 (prog1
798 (parse-balanced-context '(")"))
799 (modexp-skip)))
811800 (let ((res nil))
812 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
813 (if (null cntxt)
814 (return)
815 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
816 (princ "premature end of input in operator pattern.")
817 (print-next)
818 (princ "beginning of pattern: ")
819 (print-simple-princ-open (nreverse res))
820 (print-next)
821 (princ "expecting one of: ")
822 (princ cntxt)
823 )))
824 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) cntxt :test #'equal)
825 (return))
826 (setq res (nconc res (parse-balanced-context cntxt))))
827 (setq res (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (remove "" (parse-with-delimiter2 x #\_) :test #'equal)) res))
828 ;; (setq res (remove "" res :test #'equal))
829 res)))
801 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
802 (if (null cntxt)
803 (return)
804 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
805 (princ "premature end of input in operator pattern.")
806 (print-next)
807 (princ "beginning of pattern: ")
808 (print-simple-princ-open (nreverse res))
809 (print-next)
810 (princ "expecting one of: ")
811 (princ cntxt))))
812 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) cntxt :test #'equal)
813 (return))
814 (setq res (nconc res (parse-balanced-context cntxt))))
815 (setq res (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (remove "" (parse-with-delimiter2 x #\_) :test #'equal)) res))
816 ;; (setq res (remove "" res :test #'equal))
817 res)))
832820 ;;;*****************************************************************************
836824 (declare (type list cntxt))
837825 (if (equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
838826 (progn (modexp-skip)
839 (prog1
840 (parse-balanced-context '(")"))
841 (modexp-skip)))
827 (prog1
828 (parse-balanced-context '(")"))
829 (modexp-skip)))
842830 (let ((res nil))
843 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
844 (if (null cntxt)
845 (return)
846 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
847 (princ "premature end of input in parameter name.")
848 (print-next)
849 (princ "beginning of pattern: ")
850 (print-simple-princ-open (nreverse res))
851 (print-next)
852 (princ "expecting one of: ")
853 (princ cntxt)
854 )))
855 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) cntxt :test #'equal)
856 (return))
857 (setq res (nconc res (parse-balanced-context cntxt))))
858 res)))
831 (loop (when (null *modexp-parse-input*)
832 (if (null cntxt)
833 (return)
834 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
835 (princ "premature end of input in parameter name.")
836 (print-next)
837 (princ "beginning of pattern: ")
838 (print-simple-princ-open (nreverse res))
839 (print-next)
840 (princ "expecting one of: ")
841 (princ cntxt)
842 )))
843 (when (member (car *modexp-parse-input*) cntxt :test #'equal)
844 (return))
845 (setq res (nconc res (parse-balanced-context cntxt))))
846 res)))
863851 (defun parse-balanced-context (cntxt)
864852 (declare (type list cntxt))
865853 (let ((res nil)
866 (d 0))
854 (d 0))
867855 (declare (type fixnum d))
868856 (loop (cond ((null *modexp-parse-input*)
869 (if (null cntxt)
870 (return (nreverse res))
871 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
872 (princ "premature end of input after:")
873 (print-simple-princ-open (nreverse res))
874 )))
875 (t (let ((cur (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
876 (when (and (and (= 0 d)
877 (member cur cntxt :test #'equal)))
878 (return (nreverse res)))
879 (setq res (cons cur res))
880 (modexp-skip)
881 (cond ((equal ")" cur)
882 (decf d)
883 (when (= -1 d)
884 (with-output-simple-msg ()
885 (princ "[Error] too many ')'s")
886 (return (nreverse res)))))
887 ((equal "(" cur) (incf d)))))))))
857 (if (null cntxt)
858 (return (nreverse res))
859 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
860 (princ "premature end of input after:")
861 (print-simple-princ-open (nreverse res))
862 )))
863 (t (let ((cur (car *modexp-parse-input*)))
864 (when (and (and (= 0 d)
865 (member cur cntxt :test #'equal)))
866 (return (nreverse res)))
867 (setq res (cons cur res))
868 (modexp-skip)
869 (cond ((equal ")" cur)
870 (decf d)
871 (when (= -1 d)
872 (with-output-simple-msg ()
873 (princ "[Error] too many ')'s")
874 (return (nreverse res)))))
875 ((equal "(" cur) (incf d)))))))))
892880 (declare (ignore cntxt))
893881 (if (equal "(" (car *modexp-parse-input*))
894882 (progn (modexp-skip)
895 (prog1
896 (parse-balanced-context '(")"))
897 (modexp-skip)))
883 (prog1
884 (parse-balanced-context '(")"))
885 (modexp-skip)))
898886 (prog1
899 (list (car *modexp-parse-input*))
900 (modexp-skip))
887 (list (car *modexp-parse-input*))
888 (modexp-skip))
901889 ))
903891 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: print-object.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: print-object.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4141 ;;;*****************************************************************************
4343 ;;;**********************
4949 (defun print-sort-ast (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
5050 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
5151 (let ((name (%sort-ref-name ast))
52 (qual (%sort-ref-qualifier ast)))
53 (format t "~&Sort : ~a" name)
52 (qual (%sort-ref-qualifier ast)))
53 (format t "~%Sort : ~a" name)
5454 (when qual
55 (format t "~& qualified by the module expression: ")
56 (print-modexp qual stream t t)))))
55 (format t "~& qualified by the module expression: ")
56 (print-modexp qual stream t t)))))
5858 (defun print-sort-ref (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
5959 (if (%is-sort-ref ast)
6060 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
61 (name (%sort-ref-name ast))
62 (qual (%sort-ref-qualifier ast)))
63 (if qual
64 (progn
65 (format t "~a." name)
66 (print-modexp qual stream t t))
67 (format t "~a" name)))
61 (name (%sort-ref-name ast))
62 (qual (%sort-ref-qualifier ast)))
63 (if qual
64 (progn
65 (format t "~a." name)
66 (print-modexp qual stream t t))
67 (format t "~a" name)))
6868 (princ ast)))
7474 (defun print-sort-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
7575 (format stream "(%sort-decl ~s ~s)" (%sort-decl-name ast)
76 (%sort-decl-hidden ast)))
76 (%sort-decl-hidden ast)))
7979 (defun print-subsort-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
8080 ;; #||
8181 (fresh-line)
8282 (let ((s-seq (remove nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
83 (if (atom x)
84 x
85 (%sort-ref-name x)))
86 (%subsort-decl-sort-relation ast)))))
87 (format stream "~&Subsort declaration : ~{~a~^ ~a ~}" s-seq))
83 (if (atom x)
84 x
85 (%sort-ref-name x)))
86 (%subsort-decl-sort-relation ast)))))
87 (format stream "~%Subsort declaration : ~{~a~^ ~a ~}" s-seq))
8888 ;; ||#
8989 #||
9090 (format stream
91 "(%subsort-decl ~{~s~^ ~s ~})"
92 (%subsort-decl-sort-relation ast))
91 "(%subsort-decl ~{~s~^ ~s ~})"
92 (%subsort-decl-sort-relation ast))
9393 ||#
9494 )
9797 (defun print-bsort-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
9898 (let ((tp (%bsort-decl-token-predicate ast))
99 (tc (%bsort-decl-term-creator ast))
100 (tpr (%bsort-decl-term-printer ast))
101 (td (%bsort-decl-term-predicate ast)))
99 (tc (%bsort-decl-term-creator ast))
100 (tpr (%bsort-decl-term-printer ast))
101 (td (%bsort-decl-term-predicate ast)))
102102 (format stream "(%bsort-decl ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s ~s)" (%bsort-decl-name ast)
103 tp tc tpr td
104 (%bsort-decl-hidden ast))
103 tp tc tpr td
104 (%bsort-decl-hidden ast))
105105 #||
106106 (when tp
107107 (format stream "~& token predicate = ~a" tp))
118118 (defun print-psort-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
119119 #||
120 (format stream "~&Principal sort declaration : ~a"
121 (%psort-decl-sort ast))
120 (format stream "~%Principal sort declaration : ~a"
121 (%psort-decl-sort ast))
122122 ||#
123 (format stream "(%psort-decl ~s)" (%psort-decl-sort ast)))
123 (format stream "~&(%psort-decl ~s)" (%psort-decl-sort ast)))
125125 ;;; Operator Reference
126126 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
127127 (defun print-opref (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
128128 #||
129129 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
130 (name (%opref-name ast))
131 (module (%opref-module ast))
132 (numargs (%opref-num-args ast)))
133 (format t "~&operator reference : name = ~a" name)
130 (name (%opref-name ast))
131 (module (%opref-module ast))
132 (numargs (%opref-num-args ast)))
133 (format t "~%operator reference : name = ~a" name)
134134 (format t "~& module = ")
135135 (print-modexp module stream t t)
136136 (when numargs
137137 (format t "~& number of arguments = ~d" numargs)))
138138 ||#
139139 (format stream "~s ~s ~s" (%opref-name ast)
140 (%opref-module ast)
141 (%opref-num-args ast))
140 (%opref-module ast)
141 (%opref-num-args ast))
142142 )
144144 (defun print-opref-simple (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
145145 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
146 (name (%opref-name ast))
147 (module (%opref-module ast)))
146 (name (%opref-name ast))
147 (module (%opref-module ast)))
148148 (if (cdr name)
149 (princ name)
150 (princ (car name)))
149 (princ name)
150 (princ (car name)))
151151 (when module
152152 (princ ".")
153153 (print-modexp module stream t t))))
156156 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
157157 (defun print-op-decl-ast (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
158158 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
159 (name (%op-decl-name ast))
160 (arity (%op-decl-arity ast))
161 (coarity (%op-decl-coarity ast))
162 (attr (%op-decl-attribute ast)))
159 (name (%op-decl-name ast))
160 (arity (%op-decl-arity ast))
161 (coarity (%op-decl-coarity ast))
162 (attr (%op-decl-attribute ast)))
163163 (format t "Operator declaration:")
164164 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
165165 (print-next)
167167 (print-next)
168168 (format t "arity = ")
169169 (if arity
170 (let ((flg nil))
171 (dolist (s arity)
172 (if flg (princ " ") (setf flg t))
173 (print-sort-ref s)))
174 (princ "NONE"))
170 (let ((flg nil))
171 (dolist (s arity)
172 (if flg (princ " ") (setf flg t))
173 (print-sort-ref s)))
174 (princ "NONE"))
175175 (print-next)
176176 (format t "coarity = ")
177177 (print-sort-ref coarity)
178178 (when attr
179 (print-opattrs-ast attr)))))
179 (print-opattrs-ast attr)))))
181181 ;;; Operator Attribute declarations
182182 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
183183 #||
184184 (defun print-opattr-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
185185 (let ((opref (%opattr-decl-opref ast))
186 (attribute (%opattr-decl-attribute ast)))
186 (attribute (%opattr-decl-attribute ast)))
187187 (print-opref opref stream)
188188 (print-opattrs-ast attribute stream)))
192192 (defun print-opattrs-ast (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
193193 (let ((theory (%opattrs-theory ast))
194 (assoc (%opattrs-assoc ast))
195 (prec (%opattrs-prec ast))
196 (strat (%opattrs-strat ast))
197 (memo (%opattrs-memo ast))
198 (constr (%opattrs-constr ast))
199 (coherent (%opattrs-coherent ast)))
200 (format stream "~&attributes : ")
194 (assoc (%opattrs-assoc ast))
195 (prec (%opattrs-prec ast))
196 (strat (%opattrs-strat ast))
197 (memo (%opattrs-memo ast))
198 (constr (%opattrs-constr ast))
199 (coherent (%opattrs-coherent ast)))
200 (format stream "~%attributes : ")
201201 (when theory
202202 (format stream "~& - theory ~a" theory))
203203 (when assoc
218218 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
219219 (defun print-var-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
220220 (let* ((*standard-output* stream)
221 (names (%var-decl-names ast))
222 (sort-ref (%var-decl-sort ast))
223 (sort-name (%sort-ref-name sort-ref))
224 (sort-qual (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-ref)))
225 (format t "~&Variable declaration : names =~{ ~a~}" names)
221 (names (%var-decl-names ast))
222 (sort-ref (%var-decl-sort ast))
223 (sort-name (%sort-ref-name sort-ref))
224 (sort-qual (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-ref)))
225 (format t "~%Variable declaration : names =~{ ~a~}" names)
226226 (format t "~& Sort = ~a" sort-name)
227227 (when sort-qual
228228 (princ ".")
231231 (defun print-pvar-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
232232 (let* ((*standard-output* stream)
233 (names (%pvar-decl-names ast))
234 (sort-ref (%pvar-decl-sort ast))
235 (sort-name (%sort-ref-name sort-ref))
236 (sort-qual (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-ref)))
237 (format t "~&Pseud variable declaration : names =~{ ~a~}" names)
233 (names (%pvar-decl-names ast))
234 (sort-ref (%pvar-decl-sort ast))
235 (sort-name (%sort-ref-name sort-ref))
236 (sort-qual (%sort-ref-qualifier sort-ref)))
237 (format t "~%On-the-fly constant declaration : names =~{ ~a~}" names)
238238 (format t "~& Sort = ~a" sort-name)
239239 (when sort-qual
240240 (princ ".")
244244 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
245245 (defun print-let-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
246246 (let ((sym (%let-sym ast))
247 (value (%let-value ast)))
248 (format stream "~&let declaration: ")
247 (value (%let-value ast)))
248 (format stream "~%let declaration: ")
249249 (format stream "~& symbol = ~a" sym)
250250 (format stream "~& value = ~a" value)))
253253 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
254254 (defun print-macro-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
255255 (let ((lhs (%macro-lhs ast))
256 (rhs (%macro-rhs ast)))
257 (format stream "~&macro declaration:")
256 (rhs (%macro-rhs ast)))
257 (format stream "~%macro declaration:")
258258 (format stream "~% LHS = ~a" lhs)
259259 (format stream "~% RHS = ~a" rhs)))
262262 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
263263 (defun print-axiom-decl-form (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
264264 (let ((type (%axiom-decl-type ast))
265 (labels (%axiom-decl-labels ast))
266 (lhs (%axiom-decl-lhs ast))
267 (rhs (%axiom-decl-rhs ast))
268 (cond (%axiom-decl-cond ast)))
269 (format stream "~&axiom declaration(~a): " type)
265 (labels (%axiom-decl-labels ast))
266 (lhs (%axiom-decl-lhs ast))
267 (rhs (%axiom-decl-rhs ast))
268 (cond (%axiom-decl-cond ast)))
269 (format stream "~%axiom declaration(~a): " type)
270270 (if labels
271 (format stream " labels =~{~a ~}" labels))
271 (format stream " labels =~{~a ~}" labels))
272272 (format stream "~& lhs = ~a" lhs)
273273 (format stream "~& rhs = ~a" rhs)
274274 (if cond
275 (format stream "~& condition = ~a" cond))))
275 (format stream "~& condition = ~a" cond))))
278278 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
279279 (defun print-import-decl (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
280280 (let ((mode (%import-mode ast))
281 (mod (%import-module ast))
282 (as (%import-alias ast)))
281 (mod (%import-module ast))
282 (as (%import-alias ast)))
283283 (format stream "import declaration : ")
284284 (format stream "mode = ~a, " mode)
285285 (when as
298298 ;;; top level modexp printer ---------------------------------------------------
300 #||
301300 (defun get-context-name (obj)
302 (let ((context-mod (object-context-mod obj)))
301 (let ((context-mod (get-object-context obj)))
303302 (if context-mod
304 (with-output-to-string (str)
305 (print-mod-name context-mod str t))
303 (get-module-print-name context-mod)
306304 nil)))
307 ||#
309 (defun get-context-name (obj)
310 (let ((context-mod (object-context-mod obj)))
311 (if context-mod
312 (get-module-print-name context-mod)
313 nil)))
315 (defun get-context-name-extended (obj &optional (context *current-module*))
306 (defun get-context-name-extended (obj &optional (context (get-context-module)))
316307 (let ((cmod (object-context-mod obj)))
308 (declare (type (or null module) cmod))
317309 (unless cmod (return-from get-context-name-extended nil))
318 ;;
319 (when context
320 (let ((als (assoc cmod (module-alias context))))
321 (when als
322 (return-from get-context-name-extended (cdr als)))))
323 ;;
310 (let ((als (assoc cmod (module-alias context))))
311 (when als
312 (return-from get-context-name-extended (cdr als))))
324313 (let ((name (get-module-print-name cmod)))
325314 (unless (module-is-parameter-theory cmod)
326 (cond ((modexp-is-simple-name name)
327 (return-from get-context-name-extended name))
328 (t (return-from get-context-name-extended
329 (with-output-to-string (str)
330 (print-modexp-simple name str))))))
315 (cond ((modexp-is-simple-name name)
316 (return-from get-context-name-extended name))
317 (t (return-from get-context-name-extended
318 (with-output-to-string (str)
319 (print-modexp-simple name str))))))
331320 ;; parameter
332321 (format nil "parameter ~A of module ~A"
333 (car name)
334 (get-module-print-name (fourth name))))))
322 (car name)
323 (get-module-print-name (fourth name))))))
336325 (defun print-modexp (me &optional
337 (stream *standard-output*)
338 (simple t)
339 (no-param nil))
326 (stream *standard-output*)
327 (simple t)
328 (no-param nil))
340329 (let ((.file-col. .file-col.)
341 (*standard-output* stream))
330 (*standard-output* stream))
342331 (if me
343 (cond
344 ;;
345 ;; The modexp internal..
346 ((int-plus-p me) (pr-int-plus me stream simple no-param))
347 ((int-rename-p me) (pr-int-rename me stream simple no-param))
348 ((int-instantiation-p me)
349 (pr-int-instantiation me stream simple no-param))
350 ;; simple module expr
351 ((stringp me) (princ me stream)
352 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
353 ((module-p me) (print-mod-name me stream simple no-param)
354 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
355 ;; view structure
356 ((view-struct-p me)
357 (if simple
358 (if (eq (view-name me) :anon-view)
359 (print-modexp (view-source me) stream simple no-param)
360 (progn (princ (view-name me) stream)
361 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)))
362 (print-view me stream simple no-param)))
363 ;; special expressions used internally, not defined as AST but
364 ;; is generated on the fly.
365 ;; what is this? => '("ModuleName"). I'm not sure this can really happen,
366 ;; but our reader routine tends to consing an atom.
367 ;; anyway, the cost is not so high.
368 ((and (consp me)
369 (stringp (car me))
370 (null (cdr me)))
371 (print-modexp (car me) stream simple no-param))
372 ((modexp-is-error me)
373 (princ "(")
374 (incf .file-col.)
375 (print-simple-princ-open (cdr me) stream)
376 (princ ")")
377 (decf .file-col.))
378 ((modexp-is-?name? me)
379 (print-modexp (?name-name me) stream simple no-param))
380 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory me)
381 (let ((cntxt (fourth me)))
382 (princ (car me))
383 (when (and cntxt (not (eq *current-module* cntxt)))
384 (princ ".")
385 (print-mod-name cntxt stream t t)
386 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))))
387 ((%is-modexp me)
388 (print-modexp (%modexp-value me) stream simple no-param))
390 ;; modexp or other ast in general.
391 ((chaos-ast? me)
392 (let* ((type (ast-type me))
393 (printer (get type ':print)))
394 (if printer
395 (if (memq (ast-type me) '(%rmap %ren-sort %ren-op %ren-var
396 %ren-param %+ %* %*view %! %view
397 %prim-view %view-under %view-from
398 %view-mapping))
399 (funcall printer me stream simple no-param)
400 (funcall printer me stream))
401 (print-chaos-object me stream))))
402 (t ; ???
403 (print-chaos-object me stream)))
332 (cond
333 ;;
334 ;; The modexp internal..
335 ((int-plus-p me) (pr-int-plus me stream simple no-param))
336 ((int-rename-p me) (pr-int-rename me stream simple no-param))
337 ((int-instantiation-p me)
338 (pr-int-instantiation me stream simple no-param))
339 ;; simple module expr
340 ((stringp me) (princ me stream)
341 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
342 ((module-p me) (print-mod-name me stream simple no-param)
343 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
344 ;; view structure
345 ((view-struct-p me)
346 (if simple
347 (if (eq (view-name me) :anon-view)
348 (print-modexp (view-source me) stream simple no-param)
349 (progn (princ (view-name me) stream)
350 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)))
351 (print-view me stream simple no-param)))
352 ;; special expressions used internally, not defined as AST but
353 ;; is generated on the fly.
354 ;; what is this? => '("ModuleName"). I'm not sure this can really happen,
355 ;; but our reader routine tends to consing an atom.
356 ;; anyway, the cost is not so high.
357 ((and (consp me)
358 (stringp (car me))
359 (null (cdr me)))
360 (print-modexp (car me) stream simple no-param))
361 ((modexp-is-error me)
362 (princ "(")
363 (incf .file-col.)
364 (print-simple-princ-open (cdr me) stream)
365 (princ ")")
366 (decf .file-col.))
367 ((modexp-is-?name? me)
368 (print-modexp (?name-name me) stream simple no-param))
369 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory me)
370 (let ((cntxt (fourth me)))
371 (princ (car me))
372 (when (and cntxt (not (eq *current-module* cntxt)))
373 (princ ".")
374 (print-mod-name cntxt stream t t)
375 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))))
376 ((%is-modexp me)
377 (print-modexp (%modexp-value me) stream simple no-param))
379 ;; modexp or other ast in general.
380 ((chaos-ast? me)
381 (let* ((type (ast-type me))
382 (printer (get type ':print)))
383 (if printer
384 (if (memq (ast-type me) '(%rmap %ren-sort %ren-op %ren-var
385 %ren-param %+ %* %*view %! %view
386 %prim-view %view-under %view-from
387 %view-mapping))
388 (funcall printer me stream simple no-param)
389 (funcall printer me stream))
390 (print-chaos-object me stream))))
391 (t ; ???
392 (print-chaos-object me stream)))
404393 (princ "None."))))
406395 ;;; specific Modexp printers ---------------------------------------------------
410399 (defun print-plus-modexp (me &optional stream simple no-param)
411400 (let ((flg nil))
412401 (do* ((args (reverse (%plus-args me)) (cddr args))
413 (l (car args) (car args))
414 (r (cadr args) (cadr args)))
415 ((null args))
402 (l (car args) (car args))
403 (r (cadr args) (cadr args)))
404 ((null args))
416405 (when flg
417 (princ " + " stream)
418 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
406 (princ " + " stream)
407 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
419408 (print-modexp l stream simple no-param)
420409 (when r
421 (setq .file-col. (1- (file-column stream)))
422 (princ " + " stream)
423 (setq flg t)
424 (if (%is-plus r)
425 (progn (princ "(" stream)
426 (incf .file-col.)
427 (print-modexp r stream simple no-param)
428 (princ ")" stream)
429 (decf .file-col.))
430 (print-modexp r stream simple no-param))))))
410 (setq .file-col. (1- (file-column stream)))
411 (princ " + " stream)
412 (setq flg t)
413 (if (%is-plus r)
414 (progn (princ "(" stream)
415 (incf .file-col.)
416 (print-modexp r stream simple no-param)
417 (princ ")" stream)
418 (decf .file-col.))
419 (print-modexp r stream simple no-param))))))
432421 ;;; *** RENAME ***
459448 (defun print-instantiation-modexp (me &optional stream simple no-param)
460449 (if (or (stringp (%instantiation-module me))
461 (and (module-p (%instantiation-module me))
462 (stringp (module-name (%instantiation-module me)))))
450 (and (module-p (%instantiation-module me))
451 (stringp (module-name (%instantiation-module me)))))
463452 (progn
464 (print-modexp (%instantiation-module me) stream simple no-param))
453 (print-modexp (%instantiation-module me) stream simple no-param))
465454 (progn
466 ;; (princ "(" stream)
467 (print-modexp (%instantiation-module me) stream simple no-param)
468 ;; (princ ")" stream)
469 ))
455 ;; (princ "(" stream)
456 (print-modexp (%instantiation-module me) stream simple no-param)
457 ;; (princ ")" stream)
458 ))
470459 ;; (princ "[" stream)
471460 (princ "(" stream)
472461 (incf .file-col.)
473462 (let ((flg nil)
474 (pos-arg nil))
463 (pos-arg nil))
475464 (dolist (arg (%instantiation-args me))
476465 (let ((arg-name (%!arg-name arg))
477 (view (%!arg-view arg)))
478 (if flg
479 (progn (princ ", " stream)
480 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
481 (setq flg t))
482 ;;
483 (cond ((stringp arg-name) (princ arg-name stream))
484 ((and (consp arg-name) (cdr arg-name))
485 ;; (format t "~a@" (car arg-name))
486 (format t "~a." (car arg-name))
487 (print-chaos-object (cdr arg-name) stream))
488 ((consp arg-name) (princ (car arg-name) stream))
489 (t (let ((na (get-module-nth-arg-name
490 (%instantiation-module me)
491 arg-name)))
492 (setq pos-arg t)
493 (when na
494 (setq pos-arg nil)
495 (princ na stream)))))
496 ;;
497 (unless pos-arg
498 (princ " <= " stream))
499 (print-view-modexp-abbrev view stream simple))))
466 (view (%!arg-view arg)))
467 (if flg
468 (progn (princ ", " stream)
469 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
470 (setq flg t))
471 ;;
472 (cond ((stringp arg-name) (princ arg-name stream))
473 ((and (consp arg-name) (cdr arg-name))
474 ;; (format t "~a@" (car arg-name))
475 (format t "~a." (car arg-name))
476 (print-chaos-object (cdr arg-name) stream))
477 ((consp arg-name) (princ (car arg-name) stream))
478 (t (let ((na (get-module-nth-arg-name
479 (%instantiation-module me)
480 arg-name)))
481 (setq pos-arg t)
482 (when na
483 (setq pos-arg nil)
484 (princ na stream)))))
485 ;;
486 (unless pos-arg
487 (princ " <= " stream))
488 (print-view-modexp-abbrev view stream simple))))
500489 ;; (princ "]" stream)
501490 (princ ")" stream)
502491 (decf .file-col.)
507496 (defun print-ren-sort (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*) pretty)
508497 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
509 (p-flg nil))
498 (p-flg nil))
510499 (dolist (elt (%ren-sort-maps ast))
511500 (if p-flg
512 (progn (princ ",")
513 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
514 (setq p-flg t))
501 (progn (princ ",")
502 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
503 (setq p-flg t))
515504 (when pretty (print-next))
516505 (princ "sort ")
517506 (print-sort-ref (car elt))
524513 (defun print-ren-op (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*) pretty)
525514 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
526 (p-flg nil))
515 (p-flg nil))
527516 (dolist (elt (%ren-op-maps ast))
528517 (if p-flg (princ ",") (setq p-flg t))
529518 (when pretty (print-next))
530519 (princ "op ")
531520 (if (%is-opref (car elt))
532 (print-opref-simple (car elt))
533 (print-simple-princ-open (car elt)))
521 (print-opref-simple (car elt))
522 (print-simple-princ-open (car elt)))
534523 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
535524 (princ " -> ")
536525 (if (%is-opref (cadr elt))
537 (print-opref-simple (cadr elt))
538 (print-simple-princ-open (cadr elt))))))
526 (print-opref-simple (cadr elt))
527 (print-simple-princ-open (cadr elt))))))
540529 ;;; Parameter renaming
542531 (defun print-ren-param (ast &optional (stream *standard-output*))
543532 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
544 source
545 target)
533 source
534 target)
546535 (dolist (elt (%ren-param-maps ast))
547536 (setq source (car elt))
548537 (setq target (cadr elt))
556545 (let ((p-flg nil))
557546 (dolist (elt (%vars-elements ast))
558547 (let ((var-names (car elt))
559 (sort (cadr elt)))
560 (when pretty (print-next))
561 (if p-flg (princ ",") (setq p-flg t))
562 (if (cdr var-names)
563 (princ "vars" stream)
564 (princ "var" stream))
565 (format stream "~{~^ ~a~} : " var-names)
566 (print-sort-ref sort stream)))))
548 (sort (cadr elt)))
549 (when pretty (print-next))
550 (if p-flg (princ ",") (setq p-flg t))
551 (if (cdr var-names)
552 (princ "vars" stream)
553 (princ "var" stream))
554 (format stream "~{~^ ~a~} : " var-names)
555 (print-sort-ref sort stream)))))
568557 ;;; *** RENAME MAP ***
571560 (declare (ignore simple no-param))
572561 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
573562 (cond ((null rn) (princ " ## EMPTY RENAME MAP ##")) ; for debugging.
574 ((%is-rmap rn)
575 (let ((flg nil))
576 (dolist (re (%rmap-map rn))
577 (if flg
578 (progn (princ ", ")
579 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
580 (setq flg t))
581 (when pretty (print-next))
582 (print-ast re))))
583 (t (break "print-rename-map, not yet.")))))
563 ((%is-rmap rn)
564 (let ((flg nil))
565 (dolist (re (%rmap-map rn))
566 (if flg
567 (progn (princ ", ")
568 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
569 (setq flg t))
570 (when pretty (print-next))
571 (print-ast re))))
572 (t (break "print-rename-map, not yet.")))))
585574 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
599588 (princ " *{ " stream)
600589 (incf .file-col. 2)
601590 (if simple
602 (princ " ... " stream)
603 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4))
604 (sort-maps (int-rename-sort-maps obj))
605 (op-maps (int-rename-op-maps obj)))
606 (print-next)
607 (let ((flg nil))
608 (dolist (smap sort-maps)
609 (if flg (progn (princ ",") (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
610 (setq flg t))
611 (print-sort-name (car smap))
612 (princ " -> ")
613 (print-sort-name (cdr smap))))
614 (let ((flg nil))
615 (dolist (omap op-maps)
616 ;; (method :simple . method)
617 (if flg (progn (princ ",")
618 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
619 (setq flg t))
620 (princ "(") (print-chaos-object (car omap)) (princ ")")
621 (princ " -> ")
622 (princ "(") (print-chaos-object (cdr (last omap))) (princ ")")))
623 ))
591 (princ " ... " stream)
592 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4))
593 (sort-maps (int-rename-sort-maps obj))
594 (op-maps (int-rename-op-maps obj)))
595 (print-next)
596 (let ((flg nil))
597 (dolist (smap sort-maps)
598 (if flg (progn (princ ",") (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
599 (setq flg t))
600 (print-sort-name (car smap))
601 (princ " -> ")
602 (print-sort-name (cdr smap))))
603 (let ((flg nil))
604 (dolist (omap op-maps)
605 ;; (method :simple . method)
606 (if flg (progn (princ ",")
607 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
608 (setq flg t))
609 (princ "(") (print-chaos-object (car omap)) (princ ")")
610 (princ " -> ")
611 (princ "(") (print-chaos-object (cdr (last omap))) (princ ")")))
612 ))
624613 (if simple
625 (princ " }")
626 (princ " } )"))))
614 (princ " }")
615 (princ " } )"))))
628617 ;;; PLUS
629618 (defun pr-int-plus (obj &optional (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param)
630619 (declare (ignore simple no-param))
634623 (format t "(%++ "))
635624 ||#
636625 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4))
637 (flg nil))
626 (flg nil))
638627 (dolist (mod (int-plus-args obj))
639 (print-check)
640 (when flg (princ " + "))
641 ;; (print-modexp mod stream simple no-param)
642 (print-modexp mod stream t t)
643 (setq flg t))
628 (print-check)
629 (when flg (princ " + "))
630 ;; (print-modexp mod stream simple no-param)
631 (print-modexp mod stream t t)
632 (setq flg t))
644633 #||
645634 (unless simple
646 (princ " )"))
635 (princ " )"))
647636 ||#
648637 )))
651640 (defun pr-int-instantiation (obj &optional
652 (stream *standard-output*)
653 simple no-param)
641 (stream *standard-output*)
642 simple no-param)
654643 (declare (ignore simple no-param))
655644 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
656645 #||
663652 ;; (princ "[ ")
664653 (princ "(")
665654 (let ((flg nil))
666 (dolist (arg (int-instantiation-args obj))
667 (if flg (progn (princ ",") (print-next)) (setq flg t))
668 (let ((arg-name (%!arg-name arg))
669 (pos-arg nil))
670 (cond ((stringp arg-name) (princ arg-name stream))
671 ((and (consp arg-name) (cdr arg-name))
672 ;; (format t "~a@" (car arg-name))
673 (format t "~a." (car arg-name))
674 (print-chaos-object (cdr arg-name) stream))
675 ((consp arg-name) (princ (car arg-name) stream))
676 (t (let ((na (get-module-nth-arg-name
677 (int-instantiation-module obj)
678 arg-name)))
679 (if na
680 (progn
681 (setq pos-arg nil)
682 (princ na stream))
683 (progn
684 (setq pos-arg t))))))
685 (unless pos-arg
686 (princ " <= "))
687 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
688 ;; (print-view (%!arg-view arg) stream simple no-param)
689 (print-view (%!arg-view arg) stream t t)
690 ))
691 (print-check)))
655 (dolist (arg (int-instantiation-args obj))
656 (if flg (progn (princ ",") (print-next)) (setq flg t))
657 (let ((arg-name (%!arg-name arg))
658 (pos-arg nil))
659 (cond ((stringp arg-name) (princ arg-name stream))
660 ((and (consp arg-name) (cdr arg-name))
661 ;; (format t "~a@" (car arg-name))
662 (format t "~a." (car arg-name))
663 (print-chaos-object (cdr arg-name) stream))
664 ((consp arg-name) (princ (car arg-name) stream))
665 (t (let ((na (get-module-nth-arg-name
666 (int-instantiation-module obj)
667 arg-name)))
668 (if na
669 (progn
670 (setq pos-arg nil)
671 (princ na stream))
672 (progn
673 (setq pos-arg t))))))
674 (unless pos-arg
675 (princ " <= "))
676 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
677 ;; (print-view (%!arg-view arg) stream simple no-param)
678 (print-view (%!arg-view arg) stream t t)
679 ))
680 (print-check)))
692681 ;; (princ " ]")
693682 (princ ")")
694683 )))
702691 (print-view vw stream))
704693 (defun print-view (vw &optional (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param
705 (syntax *show-mode*))
694 (syntax *show-mode*))
706695 (if (eq syntax :cafeobj)
707696 (print-view-in-cafeobj-mode vw
708 stream simple
709 no-param)
697 stream simple
698 no-param)
710699 (print-view-in-chaos-mode vw
711 stream
712 simple
713 no-param)))
700 stream
701 simple
702 no-param)))
715704 (defun print-view-in-cafeobj-mode (vw stream simple no-param)
716705 (cond ((and (not (stringp vw))
717 (chaos-ast? vw)
706 (chaos-ast? vw)
718707 (memq (ast-type vw)
719708 '(%view %view-from %prim-view %view-from %view-mapping)))
720 (let ((printer (get (ast-type vw) ':print)))
721 (if printer
722 (funcall printer vw stream simple)
723 (print-chaos-object vw stream)))
724 )
725 ((view-p vw)
726 (let ((name (view-name vw))
727 (decl-form (view-decl-form vw)))
728 (if simple
729 (if (eq name :anon-view)
730 (print-modexp (view-source vw) stream t t)
731 (princ name stream))
732 (progn
733 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
734 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
735 (print-check)
736 (format stream "view ~a " name)
737 (princ "from ")
738 (if decl-form
739 (print-modexp (%view-module decl-form) stream simple no-param)
740 (print-modexp (view-src vw) stream simple no-param))
741 (princ " to ")
742 (if decl-form
743 (print-modexp (%view-target decl-form) stream simple no-param)
744 (print-modexp (view-target vw) stream simple no-param))
745 (princ " {")
746 (if decl-form
747 (print-abs-view-mapping (%view-map decl-form) stream simple no-param t)
748 (print-view-struct-maps vw stream simple no-param)))
749 (print-next)
750 (princ " }")))))
751 ;;
752 ;; AGGGHHHH!
753 ;;
754 ((and (consp vw) (stringp (car vw))) (princ vw stream))
709 (let ((printer (get (ast-type vw) ':print)))
710 (if printer
711 (funcall printer vw stream simple)
712 (print-chaos-object vw stream)))
713 )
714 ((view-p vw)
715 (let ((name (view-name vw))
716 (decl-form (view-decl-form vw)))
717 (if simple
718 (if (eq name :anon-view)
719 (print-modexp (view-source vw) stream t t)
720 (princ name stream))
721 (progn
722 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
723 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
724 (print-check)
725 (format stream "view ~a " name)
726 (princ "from ")
727 (if decl-form
728 (print-modexp (%view-module decl-form) stream simple no-param)
729 (print-modexp (view-src vw) stream simple no-param))
730 (princ " to ")
731 (if decl-form
732 (print-modexp (%view-target decl-form) stream simple no-param)
733 (print-modexp (view-target vw) stream simple no-param))
734 (princ " {")
735 (if decl-form
736 (print-abs-view-mapping (%view-map decl-form) stream simple no-param t)
737 (print-view-struct-maps vw stream simple no-param)))
738 (print-next)
739 (princ " }")))))
740 ;;
741 ;; AGGGHHHH!
742 ;;
743 ((and (consp vw) (stringp (car vw))) (princ vw stream))
755744 ((atom vw) (princ vw stream))
756 (t (print-modexp vw stream simple no-param))
757 ))
745 (t (print-modexp vw stream simple no-param))
746 ))
759748 (defun print-view-in-chaos-mode (vw stream &rest ignore)
760749 (declare (ignore ignore))
761750 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
762 (format stream "~&~s" (object-decl-form vw))))
751 (format stream "~%~s" (object-decl-form vw))))
764753 (defun print-view-struct-maps (view stream &rest ignore)
765754 (declare (ignore ignore))
766755 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2))
767 (sort-maps (view-sort-maps view))
768 (op-maps (view-op-maps view))
769 (*standard-output* stream)
770 (flg nil))
756 (sort-maps (view-sort-maps view))
757 (op-maps (view-op-maps view))
758 (*standard-output* stream)
759 (flg nil))
771760 (dolist (sm sort-maps)
772761 (if flg (print-next) (setq flg t))
773762 (if (and (sort-struct-p (car sm))
774 (sort-is-hidden (car sm)))
775 (princ "hsort ")
776 (princ "sort "))
763 (sort-is-hidden (car sm)))
764 (princ "hsort ")
765 (princ "sort "))
777766 (print-chaos-object (car sm))
778767 (princ " -> ")
779768 (print-chaos-object (cdr sm)))
780769 (dolist (pm op-maps)
781770 (if flg (print-next) (setq flg t))
782771 (if (method-is-behavioural (term-head (car pm)))
783 (princ "bop ")
784 (princ "op "))
772 (princ "bop ")
773 (princ "op "))
785774 (princ "(")(print-chaos-object (term-head (car pm)))(princ ")")
786775 (princ " -> ")
787776 (princ "(")(print-chaos-object (term-head (cadr pm)))(princ ")")
791780 (declare (ignore simple no-param))
792781 (unless map (return-from print-abs-view-mapping nil))
793782 (let ((rmap (if (%is-rmap map)
794 (%rmap-map map)
795 map)))
783 (%rmap-map map)
784 map)))
796785 (let ((smaps (assq '%ren-sort rmap))
797 (opmaps (assq '%ren-op rmap))
798 (vars (assq '%vars rmap))
799 (p-flg nil))
786 (opmaps (assq '%ren-op rmap))
787 (vars (assq '%vars rmap))
788 (p-flg nil))
800789 (when vars (print-vars-ast vars stream pretty) (setq p-flg t))
801790 (when smaps
802 (when p-flg (princ "," stream))
803 (print-ren-sort smaps stream pretty) (setq p-flg t))
791 (when p-flg (princ "," stream))
792 (print-ren-sort smaps stream pretty) (setq p-flg t))
804793 (when opmaps
805 (when p-flg (princ "," stream))
806 (print-ren-op opmaps stream pretty)))))
794 (when p-flg (princ "," stream))
795 (print-ren-op opmaps stream pretty)))))
808797 (defun print-view-modexp (me &optional (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param)
809798 ;; (print-modexp (%view-target me) stream simple no-param)
810799 (when (%view-map me)
811800 (if simple
812 (princ "{ ... }" stream)
813 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
814 (print-check)
815 (princ "view")
816 (print-check)
817 (unless (eq 'none (%view-module me))
818 (princ " from ")
819 (print-modexp (%view-module me) stream simple no-param))
820 (princ " to ") (print-modexp (%view-target me) stream simple no-param)
821 (print-check)
822 (princ " {")
823 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
824 (print-view-mapping (%view-map me) stream simple no-param))
825 (print-next)
826 (princ " }")))))
801 (princ "{ ... }" stream)
802 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
803 (print-check)
804 (princ "view")
805 (print-check)
806 (unless (eq 'none (%view-module me))
807 (princ " from ")
808 (print-modexp (%view-module me) stream simple no-param))
809 (princ " to ") (print-modexp (%view-target me) stream simple no-param)
810 (print-check)
811 (princ " {")
812 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
813 (print-view-mapping (%view-map me) stream simple no-param))
814 (print-next)
815 (princ " }")))))
828817 (defun print-view-modexp-abbrev (me &optional
829 (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param)
818 (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param)
830819 (let ((target (if (view-p me)
831 (view-target me)
832 (if (modexp-is-view me)
833 (%view-target me)))))
820 (view-target me)
821 (if (modexp-is-view me)
822 (%view-target me)))))
834823 (if target
835 (print-modexp target stream simple no-param)
836 (if (stringp me)
837 (princ me)
838 (with-output-panic-message ()
839 (format t "print-view, given invalid view : ")
840 (prin1 me))))
841 ;; (chaos-error 'invalid-view))))
824 (print-modexp target stream simple no-param)
825 (if (stringp me)
826 (princ me)
827 (with-output-panic-message ()
828 (format t "print-view, given invalid view : ")
829 (prin1 me))))
830 ;; (chaos-error 'invalid-view))))
842831 (when (stringp me)
843 (return-from print-view-modexp-abbrev nil))
832 (return-from print-view-modexp-abbrev nil))
844833 (when (and (not (view-p me)) (%view-map me))
845 (if simple
846 (princ "{ ... }" stream)
847 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
848 (print-check)
849 (princ "{")
850 (print-check)
851 (print-view-mapping (%view-map me) stream)
852 (print-check)
853 (princ " }"))
854 ))))
834 (if simple
835 (princ "{ ... }" stream)
836 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
837 (print-check)
838 (princ "{")
839 (print-check)
840 (print-view-mapping (%view-map me) stream)
841 (print-check)
842 (princ " }"))
843 ))))
856845 (defun print-view-mapping (vwmap &optional
857 (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param
858 pretty)
846 (stream *standard-output*) simple no-param
847 pretty)
859848 (unless vwmap (return-from print-view-mapping nil))
860849 (print-rename-map vwmap stream simple no-param pretty))
868857 (defun print-operator-internal (op &optional (stream *standard-output*))
869858 (format stream "~a/~a."
870 (operator-symbol op)
871 (operator-num-args op))
859 (operator-symbol op)
860 (operator-num-args op))
872861 (print-mod-name (operator-module op) stream))
874863 (defun print-op-name (op)
875864 (format t "~a/~a" (operator-symbol op) (operator-num-args op)))
879868 (defun print-sort-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
880869 (declare (ignore ignore))
881 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
870 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
883872 (defun print-record-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
884873 (declare (ignore ignore))
885 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
874 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
887876 (defun print-class-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
888877 (declare (ignore ignore))
889 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
878 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
891880 (defun print-bsort-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
892881 (declare (ignore ignore))
893 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
882 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
895884 (defun print-and-sort-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
896885 (declare (ignore ignore))
897 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
886 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
899888 (defun print-or-sort-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
900889 (declare (ignore ignore))
901 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
890 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
903892 (defun print-err-sort-internal (sort &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
904893 (declare (ignore ignore))
905 (print-sort-name sort (or *current-module* *last-module*) stream))
894 (print-sort-name sort (get-object-context sort) stream))
907896 ;;; MODULE ************
909 ;;; (defun print-module-internal (module &optional (stream *standard-output*))
910 ;;; (print-mod-name module stream t t))
912898 (defun print-module-internal (module &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
913899 (declare (ignore ignore))
923909 (defun print-rule-internal (rule &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
924910 (declare (ignore ignore))
925911 (let ((cnd (not (term-is-similar? *BOOL-true* (rule-condition rule))))
926 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
912 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil))
927913 (when (rule-labels rule)
928914 (print-rule-labels rule)
929915 (princ " "))
930916 (let ((.file-col. (file-column stream)))
931917 ;; LHS
932918 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
933 (term-print (rule-lhs rule) stream))
919 (term-print (rule-lhs rule) stream))
934920 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
935921 (print-check 0 .file-col.)
936922 (princ " --> ")
939925 (term-print (rule-rhs rule) stream)
940926 ;; CONDITION
941927 (when (or cnd (rule-id-condition rule))
942 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
943 (print-check 0 .file-col.)
944 (princ " if ")
945 (setq .file-col. (+ 4 .file-col.))
946 (when cnd
947 (term-print (rule-condition rule) stream))
948 (when (and cnd (rule-id-condition rule))
949 (print-check)
950 (princ " and ")
951 (print-check))
952 (when (rule-id-condition rule)
953 (print-id-condition (rule-id-condition rule) stream)))
954 )))
928 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
929 (print-check 0 .file-col.)
930 (princ " if ")
931 (setq .file-col. (+ 4 .file-col.))
932 (when cnd
933 (term-print (rule-condition rule) stream))
934 (when (and cnd (rule-id-condition rule))
935 (print-check)
936 (princ " and ")
937 (print-check))
938 (when (rule-id-condition rule)
939 (print-id-condition (rule-id-condition rule) stream)))
940 )))
956942 ;;; METHOD ************
958944 (defun print-method-internal (meth &optional (stream *standard-output*) ignore)
959945 (declare (ignore ignore))
960 (let ((mod (or *current-module* *last-module*))
961 (.file-col. .file-col.))
946 (let ((mod (get-object-context meth))
947 (.file-col. .file-col.))
962948 (format stream "~{~A~} :" (method-symbol meth))
963949 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
964950 (mapc #'(lambda (x)
965 (princ " " stream)
966 (print-sort-name x mod stream)
967 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
968 (method-arity meth))
951 (princ " " stream)
952 (print-sort-name x mod stream)
953 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream))
954 (method-arity meth))
969955 (print-check .file-col. 4 stream)
970956 (princ " -> ")
971957 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
978964 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
980966 (defun print-modmorph (mppg)
981 (format t "~&Module morphism:")
967 (format t "~%Module morphism:")
982968 (format t "~& name: ") (print-chaos-object (modmorph-name mppg))
983969 (format t "~& sort: ")
984970 (dolist (i (modmorph-sort mppg))
1005991 (unless (module-p module) (break "internal error, get-module-print-name"))
1006992 (let ((name (module-name module)))
1007993 (if (modexp-is-simple-name name)
1008 name
1009 (or (module-decl-form module) name))))
994 name
995 (or (module-decl-form module) name))))
1011997 (defun make-module-print-name (mod &optional (abbrev t))
1012998 (with-output-to-string (name-string)
10141000 name-string))
10161002 (defun print-mod-name (arg &optional
1017 (stream *standard-output*)
1018 (abbrev nil)
1019 (no-param nil))
1003 (stream *standard-output*)
1004 (abbrev nil)
1005 (no-param nil))
10201006 (declare (values t))
10211007 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
10221008 (if (module-p arg)
1023 (let ((modname (get-module-print-name arg)))
1024 (if (is-dummy-module arg)
1025 (let ((info (getf (module-infos arg) 'rename-mod)))
1026 (print-mod-name (car info) stream abbrev no-param)
1027 (princ "*DUMMY"))
1028 (print-mod-name-internal modname abbrev t))
1029 (let ((params (get-module-parameters arg)))
1030 (when (and params (not no-param))
1031 (let ((flg nil))
1032 ;; (princ "[")
1033 (princ "(")
1034 (dolist (param params)
1035 (let ((theory (get-parameter-theory
1036 (parameter-theory-module param))))
1037 (declare (ignore theory))
1038 (if flg (princ ", "))
1039 (if (or (null (parameter-context param))
1040 (eq arg (parameter-context param)))
1041 (princ (parameter-arg-name param))
1042 (progn
1043 ;; (format t "~a@" (parameter-arg-name param))
1044 (format t "~a." (parameter-arg-name param))
1045 (print-mod-name (parameter-context param)
1046 stream
1047 abbrev
1048 t)))
1049 ;; patch-begin
1050 ;; (princ "::")
1051 ;; (print-mod-name theory stream abbrev t)
1052 ;; patch-end
1053 (setq flg t)))
1054 ;; (princ "]")
1055 (princ ")")
1056 ))))
1057 (print-chaos-object arg)
1058 )))
1009 (let ((modname (get-module-print-name arg)))
1010 (if (is-dummy-module arg)
1011 (let ((info (getf (module-infos arg) 'rename-mod)))
1012 (print-mod-name (car info) stream abbrev no-param)
1013 (princ "*DUMMY"))
1014 (print-mod-name-internal modname abbrev t))
1015 (let ((params (get-module-parameters arg)))
1016 (when (and params (not no-param))
1017 (let ((flg nil))
1018 ;; (princ "[")
1019 (princ "(")
1020 (dolist (param params)
1021 (let ((theory (get-parameter-theory
1022 (parameter-theory-module param))))
1023 (declare (ignore theory))
1024 (if flg (princ ", "))
1025 (if (or (null (parameter-context param))
1026 (eq arg (parameter-context param)))
1027 (princ (parameter-arg-name param))
1028 (progn
1029 ;; (format t "~a@" (parameter-arg-name param))
1030 (format t "~a." (parameter-arg-name param))
1031 (print-mod-name (parameter-context param)
1032 stream
1033 abbrev
1034 t)))
1035 ;; patch-begin
1036 ;; (princ "::")
1037 ;; (print-mod-name theory stream abbrev t)
1038 ;; patch-end
1039 (setq flg t)))
1040 ;; (princ "]")
1041 (princ ")")
1042 ))))
1043 (print-chaos-object arg)
1044 )))
10601046 (defun print-mod-name-internal (val abbrev
1061 &optional
1062 (no-param nil))
1047 &optional
1048 (no-param nil))
10631049 (declare (values t))
10641050 (if (stringp val)
10651051 (princ val)
10661052 (if (and (consp val) (not (chaos-ast? val)))
1067 (if (modexp-is-parameter-theory val)
1068 ;; (equal "::" (cadr val))
1069 ;; parameter theory
1070 (if abbrev
1071 (progn
1072 (format t "~a" (car val))
1073 (princ ".")
1074 (print-mod-name (car (last val))
1075 *standard-output*
1076 abbrev
1077 no-param)
1078 )
1079 ;;
1080 (let ((cntxt (fourth val)))
1081 (if (and cntxt
1082 (not (eq *current-module* cntxt)))
1083 (progn (format t "~a." (car val))
1084 (print-mod-name cntxt *standard-output* t t)
1085 (princ " :: "))
1086 (format t "~a :: " (car val)))
1087 (print-mod-name (caddr val) *standard-output* nil t)))
1088 (print-chaos-object val))
1089 (print-modexp val *standard-output* abbrev no-param))))
1053 (if (modexp-is-parameter-theory val)
1054 ;; (equal "::" (cadr val))
1055 ;; parameter theory
1056 (if abbrev
1057 (progn
1058 (format t "~a" (car val))
1059 (princ ".")
1060 (print-mod-name (car (last val))
1061 *standard-output*
1062 abbrev
1063 no-param)
1064 )
1065 ;;
1066 (let ((cntxt (fourth val)))
1067 (if (and cntxt
1068 (not (eq *current-module* cntxt)))
1069 (progn (format t "~a." (car val))
1070 (print-mod-name cntxt *standard-output* t t)
1071 (princ " :: "))
1072 (format t "~a :: " (car val)))
1073 (print-mod-name (caddr val) *standard-output* nil t)))
1074 (print-chaos-object val))
1075 (print-modexp val *standard-output* abbrev no-param))))
10911077 (defun print-simple-mod-name (module &optional (stream *standard-output*))
10921078 (if (and *open-module*
1093 (equal "%" (get-module-print-name module)))
1079 (equal "%" (get-module-print-name module)))
10941080 (progn
1095 (princ "%" stream)
1096 (print-mod-name *open-module* stream t nil))
1081 (princ "%" stream)
1082 (print-mod-name *open-module* stream t nil))
10971083 (print-mod-name module stream t nil)))
10991085 (defun make-module-print-name2 (mod)
11021088 name-string))
11041090 (defun print-mod-name2 (arg &optional
1105 (stream *standard-output*)
1106 (no-param nil))
1091 (stream *standard-output*)
1092 (no-param nil))
11071093 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
11081094 (if (module-p arg)
1109 (let ((modname (get-module-print-name arg)))
1110 (if (is-dummy-module arg)
1111 (let ((info (getf (module-infos arg) 'rename-mod)))
1112 (print-mod-name2 (car info) stream no-param)
1113 (princ "*DUMMY"))
1114 (print-mod-name-internal2 modname no-param))
1115 (let ((params (get-module-parameters arg)))
1116 (when (and params (not no-param))
1117 (let ((flg nil))
1118 (princ "(")
1119 (dolist (param params)
1120 (let ((real-theory (parameter-theory-module param)))
1121 (declare (ignore real-theory)) ; ***
1122 (if flg (princ ", "))
1123 (if (eq arg (parameter-context param))
1124 (princ (parameter-arg-name param))
1125 (progn
1126 (format t "~a." (parameter-arg-name param))
1127 (print-mod-name2 (parameter-context param)
1128 stream
1129 t)))
1130 (setq flg t)))
1131 (princ ")")
1132 ))))
1133 ;; unknown object ...
1134 (print-chaos-object arg)
1135 )))
1095 (let ((modname (get-module-print-name arg)))
1096 (if (is-dummy-module arg)
1097 (let ((info (getf (module-infos arg) 'rename-mod)))
1098 (print-mod-name2 (car info) stream no-param)
1099 (princ "*DUMMY"))
1100 (print-mod-name-internal2 modname no-param))
1101 (let ((params (get-module-parameters arg)))
1102 (when (and params (not no-param))
1103 (let ((flg nil))
1104 (princ "(")
1105 (dolist (param params)
1106 (let ((real-theory (parameter-theory-module param)))
1107 (declare (ignore real-theory)) ; ***
1108 (if flg (princ ", "))
1109 (if (eq arg (parameter-context param))
1110 (princ (parameter-arg-name param))
1111 (progn
1112 (format t "~a." (parameter-arg-name param))
1113 (print-mod-name2 (parameter-context param)
1114 stream
1115 t)))
1116 (setq flg t)))
1117 (princ ")")
1118 ))))
1119 ;; unknown object ...
1120 (print-chaos-object arg)
1121 )))
11371123 (defun print-mod-name-internal2 (val &optional (no-param nil))
11381124 (if (stringp val)
11391125 (princ val)
11401126 (if (and (consp val) (not (chaos-ast? val)))
1141 (if (equal "::" (cadr val))
1142 ;; parameter theory
1143 (progn
1144 (format t "~a." (car val))
1145 (print-mod-name2 (car (last val))
1146 *standard-output*
1147 no-param))
1148 (print-chaos-object val))
1149 (print-modexp val *standard-output* nil no-param))))
1127 (if (equal "::" (cadr val))
1128 ;; parameter theory
1129 (progn
1130 (format t "~a." (car val))
1131 (print-mod-name2 (car (last val))
1132 *standard-output*
1133 no-param))
1134 (print-chaos-object val))
1135 (print-modexp val *standard-output* nil no-param))))
11511137 (defun get-parameter-theory (mod)
11521138 (cond ((module-p mod)
1153 (let ((mod-name (module-name mod)))
1154 (cond ((%is-rename mod-name)
1155 `(%* ,(get-parameter-theory (%rename-module mod-name))
1156 ,(%rename-map mod-name)))
1157 ((int-rename-p mod-name)
1158 (make-int-rename :module
1159 (get-parameter-theory
1160 (int-rename-module mod-name))
1161 :sort-maps
1162 (int-rename-sort-maps mod-name)
1163 :op-maps
1164 (int-rename-op-maps mod-name)))
1165 ((%is-instantiation mod-name)
1166 `(%! ,(get-parameter-theory (%instantiation-module mod-name))
1167 ,(%instantiation-args mod-name)))
1168 ((int-instantiation-p mod-name)
1169 (make-int-instantiation :module
1170 (get-parameter-theory mod-name)
1171 :args
1172 (int-instantiation-args mod-name)))
1173 ((module-is-parameter-theory mod)
1174 (caddr (module-name mod)))
1175 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
1176 (princ "getting parameter theory, given invalid module.")
1177 (print-mod-name mod))))))
1178 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
1179 (caddr mod))
1180 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
1181 (princ "getting parameter theory, given invalid modexp: ")
1182 (print-modexp mod)))))
1139 (let ((mod-name (module-name mod)))
1140 (cond ((%is-rename mod-name)
1141 `(%* ,(get-parameter-theory (%rename-module mod-name))
1142 ,(%rename-map mod-name)))
1143 ((int-rename-p mod-name)
1144 (make-int-rename :module
1145 (get-parameter-theory
1146 (int-rename-module mod-name))
1147 :sort-maps
1148 (int-rename-sort-maps mod-name)
1149 :op-maps
1150 (int-rename-op-maps mod-name)))
1151 ((%is-instantiation mod-name)
1152 `(%! ,(get-parameter-theory (%instantiation-module mod-name))
1153 ,(%instantiation-args mod-name)))
1154 ((int-instantiation-p mod-name)
1155 (make-int-instantiation :module
1156 (get-parameter-theory mod-name)
1157 :args
1158 (int-instantiation-args mod-name)))
1159 ((module-is-parameter-theory mod)
1160 (caddr (module-name mod)))
1161 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
1162 (princ "getting parameter theory, given invalid module.")
1163 (print-mod-name mod))))))
1164 ((modexp-is-parameter-theory mod)
1165 (caddr mod))
1166 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
1167 (princ "getting parameter theory, given invalid modexp: ")
1168 (print-modexp mod)))))
11841170 (defun print-parameter-theory-name (mod &optional (stream *standard-output*)
1185 (abbrev t)
1186 (no-param t))
1171 (abbrev t)
1172 (no-param t))
11871173 (let ((theory (get-parameter-theory mod)))
11881174 (cond ((module-p theory)
1189 (print-mod-name theory stream abbrev no-param))
1190 (t (print-modexp theory stream abbrev no-param)))))
1175 (print-mod-name theory stream abbrev no-param))
1176 (t (print-modexp theory stream abbrev no-param)))))
11921178 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11931179 ;;; SORT
11961182 ;;; PRINT-SORT-NAME : sort &optional module stream -> Void
11971183 ;;;
1198 (defun print-sort-name (s &optional
1199 (module (or *current-module* *last-module*))
1200 (stream *standard-output*))
1184 (defun print-sort-name (s &optional (module (get-object-context s))
1185 (stream *standard-output*))
12011186 (unless (sort-struct-p s) (break "print-sort-name: given non sort: ~s" s))
12021187 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
1203 (mod-name (get-module-print-name (sort-module s))))
1188 (mod-name (get-module-print-name (sort-module s))))
12041189 (cond ((and module
1205 (sort-name-is-ambiguous (sort-id s) module))
1206 (if (modexp-is-parameter-theory mod-name)
1207 (let ((cntxt (fourth mod-name)))
1208 (format t "~a.~a" (string (sort-id s)) (car mod-name))
1209 (when (and cntxt (not (eq module cntxt)))
1210 (princ ".")
1211 (print-mod-name cntxt stream t t)))
1212 (progn
1213 (format t "~a." (string (sort-id s)))
1214 ;; (print-simple-mod-name (sort-module s))
1215 (print-mod-name (sort-module s) stream t t))))
1216 (t (format t "~a" (string (sort-id s)))))))
1190 (sort-name-is-ambiguous (sort-id s) module))
1191 (if (modexp-is-parameter-theory mod-name)
1192 (let ((cntxt (fourth mod-name)))
1193 (format t "~a.~a" (string (sort-id s)) (car mod-name))
1194 (when (and cntxt (not (eq module cntxt)))
1195 (princ ".")
1196 (print-mod-name cntxt stream t t)))
1197 (progn
1198 (format t "~a." (string (sort-id s)))
1199 ;; (print-simple-mod-name (sort-module s))
1200 (print-mod-name (sort-module s) stream t t))))
1201 (t (format t "~a" (string (sort-id s)))))))
12181203 (defun sort-print-name (sort &optional (with-mod-qualifier))
12191204 (with-output-to-string (str)
12201205 (let ((*standard-output* str))
12211206 (if with-mod-qualifier
1222 (progn
1223 (format t "~a" (string (sort-id sort)))
1224 (print-simple-mod-name (sort-module sort)))
1225 (format t "~a" (string (sort-id sort))))
1207 (progn
1208 (format t "~a" (string (sort-id sort)))
1209 (print-simple-mod-name (sort-module sort)))
1210 (format t "~a" (string (sort-id sort))))
12261211 str)))
12281213 ;;; PRINT-SORT-LIST
12291214 ;;;
12301215 (defun print-sort-list (lst &optional
1231 (module *current-module*)
1232 (stream *standard-output*))
1216 (module *current-module*)
1217 (stream *standard-output*))
12331218 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
12341219 (let ((flag nil))
12351220 (dolist (s lst)
1236 (print-check)
1237 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1238 (print-sort-name s module)))))
1221 (print-check)
1222 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1223 (print-sort-name s module)))))
12401225 (defun print-sort-name2 (sort &optional (module *current-module*)
1241 (stream *standard-output*))
1226 (stream *standard-output*))
12421227 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
1243 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module)))
1228 (*current-sort-order* (module-sort-order module)))
12441229 (let ((subs (subsorts sort))
1245 (supers (supersorts-no-err sort)))
1230 (supers (supersorts-no-err sort)))
12461231 (when subs
1247 (print-sort-list subs)
1248 (print-check)
1249 (princ " < "))
1232 (print-sort-list subs)
1233 (print-check)
1234 (princ " < "))
12501235 (print-sort-name sort)
12511236 (when supers
1252 (print-check)
1253 (princ " < ")
1254 (print-sort-list supers)
1255 ))))
1237 (print-check)
1238 (princ " < ")
1239 (print-sort-list supers)
1240 ))))
12581243 ;;;
12591244 (defun print-qual-sort-name (qs)
12601245 (if (and (consp qs) (eq 'qual (car qs)))
12611246 (let ((nm (cadr qs)) (mod (caddr qs)))
1262 (if (and (consp nm) (null (cdr nm)))
1263 (print-simple-princ (car nm))
1264 (print-simple-princ nm))
1265 (princ ".")
1266 (if (module-p mod)
1267 (print-mod-name mod *standard-output* t t)
1268 (print-modexp mod *standard-output* t t)))
1247 (if (and (consp nm) (null (cdr nm)))
1248 (print-simple-princ (car nm))
1249 (print-simple-princ nm))
1250 (princ ".")
1251 (if (module-p mod)
1252 (print-mod-name mod *standard-output* t t)
1253 (print-modexp mod *standard-output* t t)))
12691254 (print-simple-princ-open qs)))
12711256 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12751260 (defun print-qual-op-name (qop)
12761261 (if (and (consp qop) (eq ':qual (car qop)))
12771262 (progn
1278 (print-simple-princ (cadr qop))
1279 (princ ".")
1280 (print-qual-sort-name (caddr qop)))
1263 (print-simple-princ (cadr qop))
1264 (princ ".")
1265 (print-qual-sort-name (caddr qop)))
12811266 (if (consp qop)
12821267 (let ((flag nil))
1283 (dolist (x qop)
1284 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1285 (if (consp x) (print-qual-sort-name x)
1286 (princ x))))
1268 (dolist (x qop)
1269 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1270 (if (consp x) (print-qual-sort-name x)
1271 (princ x))))
12871272 (print-simple-princ-open qop))))
12891274 ;;; check if bu strategy: 1 2 3 .. n [ 0 ]
12921277 (defun print-check-bu (op l)
12931278 (let ((iota (make-list-1-n (operator-num-args op))))
12941279 (or (equal l iota)
1295 (equal l (append iota '(0))))))
1280 (equal l (append iota '(0))))))
12971282 (defun print-check-bu-meth (method l)
12981283 (let ((iota (make-list-1-n (length (method-arity method)))))
12991284 (or (equal l iota)
1300 (equal l (append iota '(0))))))
1285 (equal l (append iota '(0))))))
13021287 (defun print-method-brief (meth)
13031288 (unless (method-p meth)
13041289 (format t "[print-method-brief]: Illegal method given ~a" meth)
13051290 (return-from print-method-brief nil))
13061291 (let* ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*))
1307 (.file-col. *print-indent*)
1308 (is-predicate (method-is-predicate meth)))
1292 (.file-col. *print-indent*)
1293 (is-predicate (method-is-predicate meth)))
13091294 (if is-predicate
1310 (if (method-is-behavioural meth)
1311 (princ "bpred ")
1312 (princ "pred "))
1295 (if (method-is-behavioural meth)
1296 (princ "bpred ")
1297 (princ "pred "))
13131298 (if (method-is-behavioural meth)
1314 (princ "bop ")
1315 (princ "op ")))
1299 (princ "bop ")
1300 (princ "op ")))
13161301 (print-simple-princ-open (car (method-name meth)))
13171302 (princ " : ")
13181303 (setq .file-col. (1- (file-column *standard-output*)))
13191304 (when (method-arity meth)
13201305 (dolist (ar (method-arity meth))
1321 (print-sort-name ar *current-module*)
1322 (princ " ")
1323 (print-check .file-col. 0)))
1306 (print-sort-name ar *current-module*)
1307 (princ " ")
1308 (print-check .file-col. 0)))
13241309 (unless is-predicate
13251310 (princ "-> ")
13261311 (print-sort-name (method-coarity meth) *current-module*))
13301315 ;;; PRINT-OP-BRIEF operator
13311316 ;;;
13321317 (defun print-op-brief (op &optional (module *current-module*)
1333 (all t)
1334 (every nil)
1335 (show-context nil))
1318 (all t)
1319 (every nil)
1320 (show-context nil))
13361321 (let* ((*print-indent* *print-indent*)
1337 (opinfo (get-operator-info op (module-all-operators module)))
1338 (methods (if all
1339 (opinfo-methods opinfo)
1340 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1341 (eq (method-module x)
1342 module))
1343 (opinfo-methods opinfo)))))
1322 (opinfo (get-operator-info op (module-all-operators module)))
1323 (methods (if all
1324 (opinfo-methods opinfo)
1325 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1326 (eq (method-module x)
1327 module))
1328 (opinfo-methods opinfo)))))
13441329 (dolist (meth (reverse methods))
13451330 (unless (and (not every)
1346 (null (method-arity meth))
1347 (sort= *sort-id-sort* (method-coarity meth)))
1348 (when (or (not (method-is-error-method meth))
1349 (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
1350 (print-next)
1351 (print-method-brief meth)
1352 (when show-context
1353 (let ((context-name (get-context-name-extended meth)))
1354 (print-next)
1355 (format t "-- declared in module ~a" context-name))))))))
1331 (null (method-arity meth))
1332 (sort= *sort-id-sort* (method-coarity meth)))
1333 (when (or (not (method-is-error-method meth))
1334 (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
1335 (print-next)
1336 (print-method-brief meth)
1337 (when show-context
1338 (let ((context-name (get-context-name-extended meth)))
1339 (print-next)
1340 (format t "-- declared in module ~a" context-name))))))))
13571342 ;;; PRINT-OP-METH
13581343 ;;;
13591344 (defun print-op-meth (op-meth mod &optional (all t))
13601345 (let ((op (car op-meth))
1361 (methods (if all
1362 (cadr op-meth)
1363 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1364 (eq (method-module x) mod))
1365 (cadr op-meth)))))
1346 (methods (if all
1347 (cadr op-meth)
1348 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1349 (eq (method-module x) mod))
1350 (cadr op-meth)))))
13661351 (if (eq (operator-module op) mod)
1367 (print-op-brief op mod all)
1352 (print-op-brief op mod all)
13681353 (let ((*print-indent* *print-indent*))
1369 (dolist (meth methods)
1370 (unless (and (not all)
1371 (null (method-arity meth))
1372 (sort= *sort-id-sort*
1373 (method-coarity meth)))
1374 (print-next)
1375 (print-method-brief meth)))))))
1354 (dolist (meth methods)
1355 (unless (and (not all)
1356 (null (method-arity meth))
1357 (sort= *sort-id-sort*
1358 (method-coarity meth)))
1359 (print-next)
1360 (print-method-brief meth)))))))
13771362 (defun print-op-meth2 (op-meth mod &optional (all t))
13781363 (with-in-module (mod)
13791364 (let ((op (car op-meth))
1380 (methods (if all
1381 (cadr op-meth)
1382 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1383 (eq (method-module x) mod))
1384 (cadr op-meth)))))
1365 (methods (if all
1366 (cadr op-meth)
1367 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
1368 (eq (method-module x) mod))
1369 (cadr op-meth)))))
13851370 (if (eq (operator-module op) mod)
1386 (print-op-brief op mod all)
1387 (let ((ind *print-indent*))
1388 (dolist (meth methods)
1389 (unless (and (null (method-arity meth))
1390 (sort= *sort-id-sort*
1391 (method-coarity meth)))
1392 (print-next)
1393 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 ind)))
1394 (print-simple-princ-open (operator-symbol op))
1395 (print-check)
1396 (princ " : ")
1397 (when (method-arity meth)
1398 (print-sort-list (method-arity meth) mod)
1399 (princ " "))
1400 (print-check)
1401 (princ "-> ")
1402 (print-sort-name (method-coarity meth) mod)
1403 (print-check)
1404 (print-method-attrs meth)
1405 ))))))))
1371 (print-op-brief op mod all)
1372 (let ((ind *print-indent*))
1373 (dolist (meth methods)
1374 (unless (and (null (method-arity meth))
1375 (sort= *sort-id-sort*
1376 (method-coarity meth)))
1377 (print-next)
1378 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 ind)))
1379 (print-simple-princ-open (operator-symbol op))
1380 (print-check)
1381 (princ " : ")
1382 (when (method-arity meth)
1383 (print-sort-list (method-arity meth) mod)
1384 (princ " "))
1385 (print-check)
1386 (princ "-> ")
1387 (print-sort-name (method-coarity meth) mod)
1388 (print-check)
1389 (print-method-attrs meth)
1390 ))))))))
14071392 ;;; PRINT-TERM-METHOD : term module stream -> void
14081393 ;;;
14091394 (defun print-term-method (term &optional
1410 (module *current-module*)
1411 (stream *standard-output*))
1395 (module *current-module*)
1396 (stream *standard-output*))
14121397 (if (operator-method-p term)
14131398 (print-method term module stream)
14141399 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1415 (print-bi-constant-method term module stream)
1416 (print-method (term-head term) module stream))))
1400 (print-bi-constant-method term module stream)
1401 (print-method (term-head term) module stream))))
14181403 ;;; PRINT-METHOD : method module stream -> void
14191404 ;;;
14201405 (defun print-method (method &optional
1421 (module *current-module*)
1422 (stream *standard-output*))
1406 (module *current-module*)
1407 (stream *standard-output*))
14231408 (format stream "~{~a~} : " (method-symbol method))
14241409 (print-sort-list (method-arity method) module stream)
14251410 (princ " -> " stream)
14351420 ;;; PRINT-BI-CONSTANT-METHOD (term &optional module stream)
14361421 ;;;
14371422 (defun print-bi-constant-method (term &optional
1438 (module *current-module*)
1439 (stream *standard-output*))
1423 (module *current-module*)
1424 (stream *standard-output*))
14401425 (princ (term-builtin-value term) stream)
14411426 (princ " : -> ")
14421427 (print-sort-name (term-sort term) module stream))
14451430 ;;; BI-METHOD-PRINT-STRING (term &optional (module *current-module*))
14461431 ;;;
14561441 ;; print "attributes" -- for the moment ignore purely syntactic
14571442 ;; -- i.e. precedence and associativity .
14581443 (let ((strat (let ((val (operator-strategy op)))
1459 (if (print-check-bu op val) nil val)))
1460 (thy (operator-theory op))
1461 (prec (operator-precedence op)))
1444 (if (print-check-bu op val) nil val)))
1445 (thy (operator-theory op))
1446 (prec (operator-precedence op)))
14621447 (when (and (eql (car (last strat)) 0)
1463 (member 0 (butlast strat)))
1448 (member 0 (butlast strat)))
14641449 (setq strat (butlast strat)))
14651450 (when (or strat prec (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property)))
14661451 (let ((flag nil)
1467 (*print-indent* (1+ *print-indent*)))
1468 (princ "attr ")
1469 (print-simple-princ-open (operator-symbol op))
1470 (princ " { ")
1471 (when (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property))
1472 (setq flag t)
1473 (print-theory-brief thy))
1474 (print-check)
1475 (when strat
1476 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1477 (princ "strat: ") (print-simple strat))
1478 (print-check)
1479 (when prec
1480 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1481 (princ "prec: ") (print-simple prec))
1482 ;; (print-check)
1483 (princ " }")))))
1452 (*print-indent* (1+ *print-indent*)))
1453 (princ "attr ")
1454 (print-simple-princ-open (operator-symbol op))
1455 (princ " { ")
1456 (when (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property))
1457 (setq flag t)
1458 (print-theory-brief thy))
1459 (print-check)
1460 (when strat
1461 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1462 (princ "strat: ") (print-simple strat))
1463 (print-check)
1464 (when prec
1465 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1466 (princ "prec: ") (print-simple prec))
1467 (princ " }")))))
14851469 (defun print-method-attrs (method &optional header)
14861470 (let ((strat (let ((val (method-rewrite-strategy method)))
1487 (if (print-check-bu-meth method val) nil val)))
1488 (constr (method-constructor method))
1489 (coherent (method-coherent method))
1490 (thy (method-theory method))
1491 (prec (or (method-precedence method)
1492 (get-method-precedence method)))
1493 (memo (method-has-memo method))
1494 (meta-demod (method-is-meta-demod method))
1495 (assoc (method-associativity method))
1496 (*print-line-limit* 100))
1471 (if (print-check-bu-meth method val) nil val)))
1472 (constr (method-constructor method))
1473 (coherent (method-coherent method))
1474 (thy (method-theory method))
1475 (prec (or (method-precedence method)
1476 (get-method-precedence method)))
1477 (memo (method-has-memo method))
1478 (meta-demod (if *chaos-verbose* (method-is-meta-demod method) nil))
1479 (assoc (method-associativity method))
1480 (*print-line-limit* 100))
14971481 (when (and (eql 0 (car (last strat)))
1498 (member 0 (butlast strat)))
1482 (member 0 (butlast strat)))
14991483 (setq strat (butlast strat)))
15001484 (when (or constr coherent
1501 strat prec memo meta-demod assoc thy)
1485 strat prec memo meta-demod assoc thy)
15021486 (let ((flag nil)
1503 (outstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char
1504 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
1505 (with-output-to-string (fs outstr)
1506 (let ((*standard-output* fs))
1507 (when header (print-next) (princ header))
1508 ;; (print-check 0 3)
1509 (princ " { ")
1510 (setq .file-col. (1- (file-column *standard-output*)))
1511 (when (and thy (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property)))
1512 (setq flag t)
1513 (print-theory-brief thy)
1514 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1515 (when constr
1516 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1517 (princ "constr")
1518 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1519 (when coherent
1520 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1521 (princ "coherent")
1522 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1523 (when strat
1524 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1525 (princ "strat: ") (print-simple strat)
1526 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1527 (when memo
1528 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1529 (princ "memo")
1530 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1531 (when meta-demod
1532 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1533 (princ "demod")
1534 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1535 (when prec
1536 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1537 (princ "prec: ") (print-simple prec)
1538 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1539 (when assoc
1540 ;; (format t "!!~s" assoc)
1541 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1542 (if (eq :left assoc)
1543 (princ "l-assoc")
1544 (princ "r-assoc")))
1545 ;; (print-check .file-col.)
1546 (princ " }")))
1547 (print-check 0 (length outstr))
1548 (princ outstr)))))
1487 (outstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char
1488 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
1489 (with-output-to-string (fs outstr)
1490 (let ((*standard-output* fs))
1491 (when header (print-next) (princ header))
1492 (princ " { ")
1493 (setq .file-col. (1- (file-column *standard-output*)))
1494 (when (and thy (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property)))
1495 (setq flag t)
1496 (print-theory-brief thy)
1497 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1498 (when constr
1499 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1500 (princ "constr")
1501 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1502 (when coherent
1503 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1504 (princ "coherent")
1505 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1506 (when strat
1507 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1508 (princ "strat: ") (print-simple strat)
1509 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1510 (when memo
1511 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1512 (princ "memo")
1513 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1514 (when meta-demod
1515 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1516 (princ "demod")
1517 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1518 (when prec
1519 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1520 (princ "prec: ") (print-simple prec)
1521 (print-check .file-col. 7))
1522 (when assoc
1523 ;; (format t "!!~s" assoc)
1524 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
1525 (if (eq :left assoc)
1526 (princ "l-assoc")
1527 (princ "r-assoc")))
1528 ;; (print-check .file-col.)
1529 (princ " }")))
1530 (print-check 0 (length outstr))
1531 (princ outstr)))))
15501533 ;;; AXIOMS, RULES
15511534 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15651548 (declare (type fixnum p))
15661549 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
15671550 (cond ((eq 'and (car x))
1568 (let ((paren (< p 4)))
1569 (when paren (princ "("))
1570 (print-id-cond-list " and " (cdr x) 4)
1571 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1572 ((eq 'not-equal (car x))
1573 (term-print (cadr x)) (princ " =/== ") (term-print (caddr x)))
1574 ((eq 'equal (car x))
1575 (term-print (cadr x)) (princ " === ") (term-print (caddr x)))
1576 ((eq 'or (car x))
1577 (let ((paren (< p 8)))
1578 (when paren (princ "("))
1579 (print-id-cond-list " or " (cdr x) 8)
1580 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1581 ((eq 'xor (car x))
1582 (let ((paren (< p 6)))
1583 (when paren (princ "("))
1584 (print-id-cond-list " xor " (cdr x) 6)
1585 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1586 ((eq 'not (car x))
1587 (let ((paren (< p 2)))
1588 (when paren (princ "("))
1589 (princ "not ")
1590 (print-id-cond (cadr x) 2)
1591 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1592 (t (break "print-id-cond illegal condition"))
1593 )))
1551 (let ((paren (< p 4)))
1552 (when paren (princ "("))
1553 (print-id-cond-list " and " (cdr x) 4)
1554 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1555 ((eq 'not-equal (car x))
1556 (term-print (cadr x)) (princ " =/== ") (term-print (caddr x)))
1557 ((eq 'equal (car x))
1558 (term-print (cadr x)) (princ " === ") (term-print (caddr x)))
1559 ((eq 'or (car x))
1560 (let ((paren (< p 8)))
1561 (when paren (princ "("))
1562 (print-id-cond-list " or " (cdr x) 8)
1563 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1564 ((eq 'xor (car x))
1565 (let ((paren (< p 6)))
1566 (when paren (princ "("))
1567 (print-id-cond-list " xor " (cdr x) 6)
1568 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1569 ((eq 'not (car x))
1570 (let ((paren (< p 2)))
1571 (when paren (princ "("))
1572 (princ "not ")
1573 (print-id-cond (cadr x) 2)
1574 (when paren (princ ")"))))
1575 (t (break "print-id-cond illegal condition")))))
15951577 (defun print-id-cond-list (tok lst r)
15961578 (let ((flag nil))
15991581 (print-id-cond c r))))
16011583 (defun print-rule-labels (rul)
1602 (princ "[")
1603 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (mapcar #'string (axiom-labels rul)))
1604 (princ "]:")
1605 )
1584 (let ((labels (axiom-labels rul)))
1585 (unless *chaos-verbose*
1586 ;; (format t "~%~{~s~^ ~}" labels)
1587 (setq labels (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (member x '(|:BDEMOD|))) labels)))
1588 (when labels
1589 (princ "[")
1590 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (mapcar #'string labels))
1591 (princ "]:"))))
16071593 (defun print-axiom-brief (rul &optional (stream *standard-output*)
1608 (no-type nil)
1609 (no-label nil)
1610 (meta nil))
1594 (no-type nil)
1595 (no-label nil)
1596 (meta nil))
16111597 (declare (type axiom rul)
1612 (type stream stream)
1613 (type (or null t) no-type no-label meta))
1598 (type stream stream)
1599 (type (or null t) no-type no-label meta))
16141600 (let ((type (axiom-type rul))
1615 (cnd (not (term-is-similar? *BOOL-true* (axiom-condition rul))))
1616 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil)
1617 (*standard-output* stream)
1618 (axiom-header ""))
1601 (cnd (not (term-is-similar? *BOOL-true* (axiom-condition rul))))
1602 (.printed-vars-so-far. nil)
1603 (*standard-output* stream)
1604 (axiom-header ""))
16191605 (declare (type symbol type)
1620 (type (or t null) cnd)
1621 (type list .printed-vars-so-far.)
1622 (type string axiom-header))
1606 (type (or t null) cnd)
1607 (type list .printed-vars-so-far.)
1608 (type string axiom-header))
16231609 (unless no-type
16241610 (case type
1625 (:equation
1626 (if cnd
1627 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1628 (if meta
1629 (setq axiom-header ":bceq[")
1630 (setq axiom-header "bceq "))
1631 (if meta
1632 (setq axiom-header ":ceq[")
1633 (setq axiom-header "ceq ")))
1634 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1635 (if meta
1636 (setq axiom-header ":beq[")
1637 (setq axiom-header "beq "))
1638 (if meta
1639 (setq axiom-header ":eq[ ")
1640 (setq axiom-header "eq ")))))
1641 (:rule
1642 (if cnd
1643 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1644 (if meta
1645 (setq axiom-header ":bctrans[")
1646 (setq axiom-header "bctrans "))
1647 (if meta
1648 (setq axiom-header ":ctrans[")
1649 (setq axiom-header "ctrans ")))
1650 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1651 (if meta
1652 (setq axiom-header ":btrans[")
1653 (setq axiom-header "btrans "))
1654 (if meta
1655 (setq axiom-header ":trans[")
1656 (setq axiom-header "trans ")))))
1657 (:pignose-axiom
1658 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1659 (setq axiom-header "bax ")
1660 (setq axiom-header "ax ")))
1661 (:pignose-goal
1662 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1663 (setq axiom-header "bgoal ")
1664 (setq axiom-header "goal ")))))
1611 (:equation
1612 (if cnd
1613 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1614 (if meta
1615 (setq axiom-header ":bceq[")
1616 (setq axiom-header "bceq "))
1617 (if meta
1618 (setq axiom-header ":ceq[")
1619 (setq axiom-header "ceq ")))
1620 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1621 (if meta
1622 (setq axiom-header ":beq[")
1623 (setq axiom-header "beq "))
1624 (if meta
1625 (setq axiom-header ":eq[ ")
1626 (setq axiom-header "eq ")))))
1627 (:rule
1628 (if cnd
1629 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1630 (if meta
1631 (setq axiom-header ":bctrans[")
1632 (setq axiom-header "bctrans "))
1633 (if meta
1634 (setq axiom-header ":ctrans[")
1635 (setq axiom-header "ctrans ")))
1636 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1637 (if meta
1638 (setq axiom-header ":btrans[")
1639 (setq axiom-header "btrans "))
1640 (if meta
1641 (setq axiom-header ":trans[")
1642 (setq axiom-header "trans ")))))
1643 (:pignose-axiom
1644 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1645 (setq axiom-header "bax ")
1646 (setq axiom-header "ax ")))
1647 (:pignose-goal
1648 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1649 (setq axiom-header "bgoal ")
1650 (setq axiom-header "goal ")))))
16651651 ;;
16661652 (princ axiom-header)
16671653 (when (and (axiom-labels rul) (not no-label))
16681654 (print-rule-labels rul)
16691655 (princ " "))
16701656 (let ((.file-col. (file-column *standard-output*))
1671 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* (length axiom-header)))
1672 (mml (and (eq *print-xmode* :fancy)
1673 (eq (term-head (axiom-lhs rul)) *eql-op*))))
1657 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* (length axiom-header))))
16741658 ;; LHS
1675 (when mml (princ "("))
16761659 (setq .printed-vars-so-far.
1677 (term-print (axiom-lhs rul)))
1678 (when mml (princ ")"))
1660 (term-print (axiom-lhs rul)))
16791661 (unless (memq type '(:pignose-axiom :pignose-goal))
1680 (setq .file-col. (file-column *standard-output*))
1681 (print-check 0 .file-col.)
1682 (if (eq type ':rule)
1683 (princ " => ")
1684 (princ " = "))
1685 (setq .file-col. (file-column *standard-output*))
1686 ;; RHS
1687 (term-print (axiom-rhs rul))))
1662 (setq .file-col. (file-column *standard-output*))
1663 (print-check 0 .file-col.)
1664 (if (eq type ':rule)
1665 (princ " => ")
1666 (princ " = "))
1667 (setq .file-col. (file-column *standard-output*))
1668 ;; RHS
1669 (term-print (axiom-rhs rul))))
16881670 (let ((.file-col. (file-column *standard-output*)))
16891671 ;; CONDITION
16901672 (when (or cnd
1691 (and *chaos-verbose* (axiom-id-condition rul)))
1692 (print-next)
1693 (princ " ")
1694 (if meta
1695 (princ " :if ")
1696 (princ " if "))
1697 (setq .file-col. (+ 4 .file-col.))
1698 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 5 *print-indent*)))
1699 (when cnd
1700 (term-print (axiom-condition rul)))
1701 (when meta
1702 (princ "]"))
1703 (when (and *chaos-verbose* (not meta))
1704 (when (and cnd (axiom-id-condition rul)) (princ " and "))
1705 (when (axiom-id-condition rul)
1706 (print-id-condition (axiom-id-condition rul)
1707 *standard-output*))))))))
1673 (and *chaos-verbose* (axiom-id-condition rul)))
1674 (print-next)
1675 (princ " ")
1676 (if meta
1677 (princ " :if ")
1678 (princ " if "))
1679 (setq .file-col. (+ 4 .file-col.))
1680 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 5 *print-indent*)))
1681 (when cnd
1682 (term-print (axiom-condition rul)))
1683 (when meta
1684 (princ "]"))
1685 (when (and *chaos-verbose* (not meta))
1686 (when (and cnd (axiom-id-condition rul)) (princ " and "))
1687 (when (axiom-id-condition rul)
1688 (print-id-condition (axiom-id-condition rul)
1689 *standard-output*))))))))
17091691 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
17101692 (setf (symbol-function 'print-rule-brief)
1711 (symbol-function 'print-axiom-brief))) ; synonim
1693 (symbol-function 'print-axiom-brief))) ; synonim
17131695 (defun print-rule-id-inf (x)
17141696 (print-axiom-brief (nth 0 x)) (terpri)
17191701 (defun print-rule (rul)
17201702 (let ((type (axiom-type rul))
1721 (cond (not (term-is-similar? *bool-true* (axiom-condition rul))))
1722 (rul-rhs (axiom-rhs rul))
1723 (*print-with-sort* t))
1703 (cond (not (term-is-similar? *bool-true* (axiom-condition rul))))
1704 (rul-rhs (axiom-rhs rul))
1705 (*print-with-sort* t))
17241706 (case type
17251707 (:equation
17261708 (if cond
1727 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1728 (princ "- conditional behavioural equation ")
1729 (princ "- conditional equation "))
1730 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1731 (princ "- behavioural equation ")
1732 (princ "- equation "))))
1709 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1710 (princ "- conditional behavioural equation ")
1711 (princ "- conditional equation "))
1712 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1713 (princ "- behavioural equation ")
1714 (princ "- equation "))))
17331715 (:rule
17341716 (if cond
1735 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1736 (princ "- conditional behavioural transition ")
1737 (princ "- conditional transition "))
1738 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1739 (princ "- behavioural transition ")
1740 (princ "- transition "))))
1717 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1718 (princ "- conditional behavioural transition ")
1719 (princ "- conditional transition "))
1720 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1721 (princ "- behavioural transition ")
1722 (princ "- transition "))))
17411723 (:pignose-axiom
17421724 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1743 (princ "- behavioural FOPL axiom ")
1744 (princ "- FOPL axiom ")))
1725 (princ "- behavioural FOPL axiom ")
1726 (princ "- FOPL axiom ")))
17451727 (:pignose-goal
17461728 (if (axiom-is-behavioural rul)
1747 (princ "- bahvioural FOPL goal ")
1748 (princ "- FOPL goal ")))
1729 (princ "- bahvioural FOPL goal ")
1730 (princ "- FOPL goal ")))
17491731 )
17501732 (when (axiom-labels rul)
17511733 (print-rule-labels rul)
17551737 (print-next)
17561738 (princ "lhs : ")
17571739 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
1758 (term-print (axiom-lhs rul)))
1740 (term-print (axiom-lhs rul)))
17591741 (print-next)
17601742 ;; RHS
17611743 (princ "rhs : ")
17621744 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
1763 (term-print rul-rhs))
1745 (term-print rul-rhs))
17641746 ;; CONDITION
17651747 (when cond
1766 (print-next)
1767 (princ "condition : ")
1768 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
1769 (term-print (axiom-condition rul))))
1748 (print-next)
1749 (princ "condition : ")
1750 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
1751 (term-print (axiom-condition rul))))
17711753 (let ((*print-indent* *print-indent*)
1772 (lhs (axiom-lhs rul)))
1773 ;;
1774 (cond ((term-is-variable? lhs)
1775 (print-next)
1776 (princ "* lhs is a variable."))
1777 (t
1778 (let ((head (term-head lhs)))
1779 (print-next)
1780 (princ "top operator : ")
1781 (when (method-arity head)
1782 (print-sort-list (method-arity head) *current-module*)
1783 (princ " "))
1784 (princ "-> ")
1785 (print-sort-name (method-coarity head) *current-module*)))
1786 )
1787 ;;
1788 (when (axiom-id-condition rul)
1789 (print-next)
1790 (princ "id condition : ")
1791 (print-id-condition (axiom-id-condition rul)
1792 *standard-output*))
1793 ;; KIND
1794 (when (axiom-kind rul)
1795 (print-next)
1796 (princ "axiom kind : ")
1797 (case (axiom-kind rul)
1798 (:id-theorem (princ "identity"))
1799 (:id-completion (princ "id completion"))
1800 (:id-ext-theory (princ "extended identity"))
1801 (:a-left-theory (princ "left associativity"))
1802 (:a-right-theory (princ "right associativity"))
1803 (:a-middle-thoery (princ "associativity"))
1804 (:ac-theory (princ "associative+commutative"))
1805 (:idem-theory (princ "idempotency"))
1806 (:bad-rule (princ "illegal as rewrite rule"))
1807 (:bad-beh (princ "non coherent beh axiom"))
1808 ))
1809 ;; METHOD
1810 (when (or *on-debug* *chaos-verbose*)
1811 (when (axiom-first-match-method rul)
1812 (print-next)
1813 (princ "* first match : ")
1814 (print-simple (axiom-first-match-method rul)))
1815 (when (axiom-next-match-method rul)
1816 (print-next)
1817 (princ "* next match : ")
1818 (print-simple (axiom-next-match-method rul))))
1819 ;; Extensions
1820 (let ((exts (axiom-extensions rul)))
1821 (when exts
1822 (when (and (= (length exts) 1)
1823 (not (equal '(nil) exts)))
1824 (print-next)
1825 (princ "* AC extension: ")
1826 (let ((*print-indent* (- *print-indent* 2)))
1827 (print-rule (car exts))))
1828 (when (and (= (length exts) 3)
1829 (not (equal exts '(nil nil nil))))
1830 (dolist (r exts)
1831 (print-next)
1832 (princ "* A extension : ")
1833 (let ((*print-indent* (- *print-indent* 2)))
1834 (print-rule r))))))
1835 ))))
1754 (lhs (axiom-lhs rul)))
1755 ;;
1756 (cond ((term-is-variable? lhs)
1757 (print-next)
1758 (princ "* lhs is a variable."))
1759 (t
1760 (let ((head (term-head lhs)))
1761 (print-next)
1762 (princ "top operator : ")
1763 (when (method-arity head)
1764 (print-sort-list (method-arity head) *current-module*)
1765 (princ " "))
1766 (princ "-> ")
1767 (print-sort-name (method-coarity head) *current-module*)))
1768 )
1769 ;;
1770 (when (axiom-id-condition rul)
1771 (print-next)
1772 (princ "id condition : ")
1773 (print-id-condition (axiom-id-condition rul)
1774 *standard-output*))
1775 ;; KIND
1776 (when (axiom-kind rul)
1777 (print-next)
1778 (princ "axiom kind : ")
1779 (case (axiom-kind rul)
1780 (:id-theorem (princ "identity"))
1781 (:id-completion (princ "id completion"))
1782 (:id-ext-theory (princ "extended identity"))
1783 (:a-left-theory (princ "left associativity"))
1784 (:a-right-theory (princ "right associativity"))
1785 (:a-middle-thoery (princ "associativity"))
1786 (:ac-theory (princ "associative+commutative"))
1787 (:idem-theory (princ "idempotency"))
1788 (:bad-rule (princ "illegal as rewrite rule"))
1789 (:bad-beh (princ "non coherent beh axiom"))
1790 ))
1791 ;; METHOD
1792 (when (or *on-debug* *chaos-verbose*)
1793 (when (axiom-first-match-method rul)
1794 (print-next)
1795 (princ "* first match : ")
1796 (print-simple (axiom-first-match-method rul)))
1797 (when (axiom-next-match-method rul)
1798 (print-next)
1799 (princ "* next match : ")
1800 (print-simple (axiom-next-match-method rul))))
1801 ;; Extensions
1802 (let ((exts (axiom-extensions rul)))
1803 (when exts
1804 (when (and (= (length exts) 1)
1805 (not (equal '(nil) exts)))
1806 (print-next)
1807 (princ "* AC extension: ")
1808 (let ((*print-indent* (- *print-indent* 2)))
1809 (print-rule (car exts))))
1810 (when (and (= (length exts) 3)
1811 (not (equal exts '(nil nil nil))))
1812 (dolist (r exts)
1813 (print-next)
1814 (princ "* A extension : ")
1815 (let ((*print-indent* (- *print-indent* 2)))
1816 (print-rule r))))))
1817 ))))
18371819 (defun print-axiom (ax) (print-rule ax))
18501832 (defun print-mapping (mppg &optional (stream *standard-output*))
18511833 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
1852 (*print-indent* (1+ *print-indent*))
1853 (*print-array* nil)
1854 (*print-circle* nil))
1834 (*print-indent* (1+ *print-indent*))
1835 (*print-array* nil)
1836 (*print-circle* nil))
18551837 (print-next)
18561838 (princ "name: ")
18571839 (print-modexp (modmorph-name mppg) stream t t)
18761858 (print-next)
18771859 (print-method (car i)) (princ "(")
18781860 (print-mod-name (method-module (car i))
1879 *standard-output*
1880 t t)
1861 *standard-output*
1862 t t)
18811863 (princ ")")
18821864 (print-next)
18831865 (princ "--> ")
18841866 (if (eq :simple-map (cadr i))
1885 (let ((tm (cdr (last i))))
1886 (print-method tm)
1887 (princ ":simple-map(")
1888 (print-mod-name (method-module tm)
1889 *standard-output*
1890 t t)
1891 (princ ")"))
1892 (let ((head (term-head (cadddr i))))
1893 (print-method head)
1894 (princ ":replacement(")
1895 (print-mod-name (method-module head)
1896 *standard-output*
1897 t t)
1898 (princ ")")))
1867 (let ((tm (cdr (last i))))
1868 (print-method tm)
1869 (princ ":simple-map(")
1870 (print-mod-name (method-module tm)
1871 *standard-output*
1872 t t)
1873 (princ ")"))
1874 (let ((head (term-head (cadddr i))))
1875 (print-method head)
1876 (princ ":replacement(")
1877 (print-mod-name (method-module head)
1878 *standard-output*
1879 t t)
1880 (princ ")")))
18991881 )
19001882 (decf *print-indent* 2)
19011883 (print-next)
19291911 (defun print-substitution (subst &optional (stream *standard-output*))
19301912 (let ((.file-col. .file-col.))
19311913 (if (or (substitution-is-empty subst)
1932 (null (car subst)))
1933 (princ "{}" stream)
1914 (null (car subst)))
1915 (princ "{}" stream)
19341916 (let ((s (substitution-list-of-pairs subst)))
1935 (princ "{ " stream)
1936 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
1937 (term-print (caar s) stream)
1938 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
1939 (princ " |-> " stream)
1940 (term-print (cdar s))
1941 (dolist (m (cdr s))
1942 (princ ", " stream)
1943 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
1944 (let ((src (car m)))
1945 (term-print src stream)
1946 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
1947 (princ " |-> " stream)
1948 (term-print (cdr m) stream)))
1949 (princ " }" stream)))))
1917 (princ "{ " stream)
1918 (setq .file-col. (file-column stream))
1919 (term-print (caar s) stream)
1920 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
1921 (princ " |-> " stream)
1922 (term-print (cdar s))
1923 (dolist (m (cdr s))
1924 (princ ", " stream)
1925 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
1926 (let ((src (car m)))
1927 (term-print src stream)
1928 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
1929 (princ " |-> " stream)
1930 (term-print (cdr m) stream)))
1931 (princ " }" stream)))))
19531935 (defun show-parse-dict (dict)
19541936 (format t "~%Parse Dictionary:")
19551937 (maphash #'(lambda (key val)
1956 (format t "~% -- key = ~s" key)
1957 (format t "~% value = ") (print-chaos-object val))
1958 (dictionary-table dict))
1938 (format t "~% -- key = ~s" key)
1939 (format t "~% value = ") (print-chaos-object val))
1940 (dictionary-table dict))
19591941 (format t "~% Juxtapositions : ")
19601942 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
19611943 (dolist (jux (dictionary-juxtaposition dict))
19731955 (defun pp-sort-order (&optional (sort-order *current-sort-order*))
19741956 (maphash #'(lambda (sort sort-rel)
1975 (format t "~%[Sort : ~A](~a)" (sort-print-name sort) sort)
1976 (format t "~% Subsorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1977 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_subsorts sort-rel))
1978 (_subsorts sort-rel))
1979 (format t "~% Supersorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1980 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_supersorts sort-rel))
1981 (_supersorts sort-rel))
1982 (if (_err-sort sort-rel)
1983 (format t "~% Errorsort : ~A(~a)" (sort-print-name
1984 (_err-sort sort-rel))
1985 (_err-sort sort-rel))))
1986 sort-order))
1957 (format t "~%[Sort : ~A](~a)" (sort-print-name sort) sort)
1958 (format t "~% Subsorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1959 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_subsorts sort-rel))
1960 (_subsorts sort-rel))
1961 (format t "~% Supersorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1962 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_supersorts sort-rel))
1963 (_supersorts sort-rel))
1964 (if (_err-sort sort-rel)
1965 (format t "~% Errorsort : ~A(~a)" (sort-print-name
1966 (_err-sort sort-rel))
1967 (_err-sort sort-rel))))
1968 sort-order))
19881970 (defun pp-sort-order-raw (module &optional
1989 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
1971 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
19901972 (with-in-module (module)
19911973 (maphash #'(lambda (sort sort-rel)
1992 (format t "~%[Sort : ~A](~a)" (sort-print-name sort) sort)
1993 (format t "~% Subsorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1994 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_subsorts sort-rel))
1995 (_subsorts sort-rel))
1996 (format t "~% Supersorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1997 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_supersorts sort-rel))
1998 (_supersorts sort-rel))
1999 (if (_err-sort sort-rel)
2000 (format t "~% Errorsort : ~A(~a)" (sort-print-name
2001 (_err-sort sort-rel))
2002 (_err-sort sort-rel))))
2003 sort-order)))
1974 (format t "~%[Sort : ~A](~a)" (sort-print-name sort) sort)
1975 (format t "~% Subsorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1976 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_subsorts sort-rel))
1977 (_subsorts sort-rel))
1978 (format t "~% Supersorts : ~{ ~A~}(~{ ~a~})"
1979 (mapcar #'sort-print-name (_supersorts sort-rel))
1980 (_supersorts sort-rel))
1981 (if (_err-sort sort-rel)
1982 (format t "~% Errorsort : ~A(~a)" (sort-print-name
1983 (_err-sort sort-rel))
1984 (_err-sort sort-rel))))
1985 sort-order)))
20071989 (defun print-instance-db (&optional (module *current-module*))
20081990 (let ((db (module-instance-db module)))
20091991 (unless db
2010 (format t "~&module ")
1992 (format t "~%module ")
20111993 (print-chaos-object module)
20121994 (format t " has no instance database."))
20131995 (format t "~&Contents of instance DB")
20141996 (maphash #'(lambda (key val)
2015 (format t "~&---------------------------------")
2016 (format t "~&Key = ") (print-chaos-object key)
2017 (format t "~&Value = ") (print-chaos-object val))
2018 db)))
1997 (format t "~%---------------------------------")
1998 (format t "~&Key = ") (print-chaos-object key)
1999 (format t "~&Value = ") (print-chaos-object val))
2000 db)))
20202002 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: script.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: primitives
32 File: script.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5757 ;;; ERROR : represents error status
5858 ;;; *****
5959 (defterm error (%script)
60 :visible (type ; one of :warn, :error, :fatal?
61 message) ; string
60 :visible (type ; one of :warn, :error, :fatal?
61 message) ; string
6262 :eval process-error)
6464 ;;; *********
8383 (defterm reduce (%script)
8484 :visible (term &optional (module *current-module*)
85 (mode :red) return-text)
85 (mode :red) return-text)
8686 :eval perform-reduction)
8888 ;;; ***********
9090 ;;; ***********
9191 (defterm test-reduce (%script)
9292 :visible (term expect &optional (module *current-module*)
93 (mode :red) return-text)
93 (mode :red) return-text)
9494 :eval perform-test-reduction)
9696 ;;; *****
9898 ;;; *****
9999 (defterm parse (%script)
100100 :visible (term &optional (module *current-module*)
101 return-text)
101 return-text)
102102 :eval do-parse-term)
104104 ;;; *****
106106 ;;; *****
107107 (defterm input (%script)
108108 :visible (file-name
109 &optional (load-path *chaos-libpath*)
110 (proc 'process-cafeobj-input)
111 (suffixes '(".bin" ".cafe" ".mod"))
112 args)
109 &optional (load-path *chaos-libpath*)
110 (proc 'process-cafeobj-input)
111 (suffixes '(".bin" ".cafe" ".mod"))
112 args)
113113 :eval eval-input-file)
115115 ;;; *****************
182182 ;;; ************
183183 (defterm load-prelude (%script)
184184 :visible (file &optional
185 (processor 'process-cafeobj-input))
185 (processor 'process-cafeobj-input))
186186 :eval eval-load-prelude)
188188 ;;; * Follwing two (start, apply) are defined in
194194 ;;; START
195195 ;;; *****
196196 (defterm start (%script)
197 :visible (target) ; terget term
197 :visible (target) ; terget term
198198 :eval eval-start-th
199199 )
202202 ;;; APPLY
203203 ;;; *****
204204 (defterm apply (%script)
205 :visible (action ; action to be performed, one-of
206 ; :apply, :reduce, :print, :help.
207 rule ; rule specifier to be applied.
208 bindings ; list of variable bindings.
209 at ; one of :at, :within.
210 selectors) ; list of selectors.
205 :visible (action ; action to be performed, one-of
206 ; :apply, :reduce, :print, :help.
207 rule ; rule specifier to be applied.
208 bindings ; list of variable bindings.
209 at ; one of :at, :within.
210 selectors) ; list of selectors.
211211 :eval eval-apply-command)
212212 |#
215215 ;;; PROVIDE
216216 ;;; *******
217217 (defterm provide (%script)
218 :visible (feature) ; feature to be provided.
218 :visible (feature) ; feature to be provided.
219219 :eval eval-provide-command)
221221 ;;; *******
222222 ;;; REQUIRE
223223 ;;; *******
224224 (defterm require (%script)
225 :visible (feature ; required feature
226 &optional
227 (proc 'process-cafeobj-input) ; process to evaluating fomrs.
228 file ; filename
229 )
225 :visible (feature ; required feature
226 &optional
227 (proc 'process-cafeobj-input) ; process to evaluating fomrs.
228 file ; filename
229 )
230230 :eval eval-require-command)
232232 ;;; *************
233233 ;;; REWRITE-COUNT
234234 ;;; *************
235235 (defterm rewrite-count (%script)
236 :visible (limit) ; limitation
236 :visible (limit) ; limitation
237237 :eval eval-rewrite-count-limit)
239239 ;;; *******
248248 ;;; **************
249249 (defterm protect (%script)
250 :visible (module ; module to be set protect mode
251 mode ; mode = :set | :unset
252 )
250 :visible (module ; module to be set protect mode
251 mode ; mode = :set | :unset
252 )
253253 :eval eval-protect)
255255 ;;; *******
264264 ;;; **********
265265 (defterm save-chaos (%script)
266266 :visible (top
267 file)
267 file)
268268 :eval eval-save-chaos)
270270 ;;; **
340340 ;;; ***
341341 (defterm set (%script)
342342 :visible (switch
343 value)
343 value)
344344 :eval eval-set)
346346 ;;; **********
355355 ;;; *****
356356 (defterm check (%script)
357357 :visible (what
358 args)
358 args)
359359 :eval eval-check)
361361 ;;; *************
363363 ;;; *************
364364 (defterm tram (%script)
365365 :visible (command
366 modexp
367 term
368 debug)
366 modexp
367 term
368 debug)
369369 :eval eval-tram)
371371 ;;; *********
373373 ;;; *********
374374 (defterm autoload (%script)
375375 :visible (mod-name
376 file)
376 file)
377377 :eval eval-autoload)
379 ;;; ***********
381 ;;; ***********
382 (defterm no-autoload (%script)
383 :visible (mod-name)
384 :eval eval-no-autoload)
379386 ;;; ******************************
383390 (defterm cbred (%script)
384391 :visible (module
385 lhs
386 rhs)
392 lhs
393 rhs)
387394 :eval eval-cbred)
389396 ;;; **********************
429436 ;;; *********
430437 (defterm delimiter (%script)
431438 :visible (operation
432 char-list)
439 char-list)
433440 :eval eval-delimiter)
435442 ;;; ****
436443 ;;; CASE
437444 ;;; case (<Term>) on (<Modexp>) as (<Name>) : <GoalTerm> .
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: substitution.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives
32 File: substitution.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
3939 #|
4141 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4242 A substitution is a map from variables to terms. Any mapping \sigma of variables
4343 to terms extends to a substitution by defining \sigma(f(t1,...,tn)) to be
7171 ;;;
7272 (defmacro substitution-copy (_sigma)
7373 ` (mapcar #'(lambda (map)
74 (cons (car map) (cdr map)))
75 ,_sigma))
74 (cons (car map) (cdr map)))
75 ,_sigma))
7878 ;;; Returns t iff \sigma is an empty substitution-
114114 (defmacro substitution-delete (sigma!_ variable!_)
115115 (once-only (sigma!_)
116116 ` (progn (setf ,sigma!_
117 (delete ,variable!_ ,sigma!_ :test #'variable-eq))
118 ,sigma!_)))
117 (delete ,variable!_ ,sigma!_ :test #'variable-eq))
118 ,sigma!_)))
120120 ;;; SUBSTITUTION-CHANGE sigma variable term
121121 ;;; change the mapping of variable to term.
125125 (defmacro substitution-change (?__sigma ?__variable ?__term)
126126 (once-only (?__sigma ?__variable ?__term)
127127 ` (let ((binding (assoc-in-substitution ,?__variable ,?__sigma)))
128 (if binding
129 (setf (cdr binding) ,?__term)
130 (push (cons variable ,?__term) ?__sigma))
131 ,?__sigma)))
128 (if binding
129 (setf (cdr binding) ,?__term)
130 (push (cons variable ,?__term) ?__sigma))
131 ,?__sigma)))
133133 ;;; SUBSTITUTION-SET sigma variable term
134134 ;;; Changes sigma to map v to term.
137137 (once-only (?_?sigma ?_?v ?_?term)
138138 `(progn
139139 (if (variable-eq ,?_?v ,?_?term)
140 (substitution-delete ,?_?sigma ,?_?v)
141 (substitution-change ,?_?sigma ,?_?v ,?_?term))
140 (substitution-delete ,?_?sigma ,?_?v)
141 (substitution-change ,?_?sigma ,?_?v ,?_?term))
142142 ,?_?sigma)))
144144 ;;; CANONICALIZE-SUBSTITUTION : substitution -> substitution
145145 ;;;
146146 (defun canonicalize-substitution (s)
147147 (declare (type list s)
148 (values list))
149 (sort (copy-list s) ; (substitution-copy s)
150 #'(lambda (x y) ; two substitution items (var . term)
151 (string< (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car x))))
152 (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car y))))))))
148 (values list))
149 (sort (copy-list s) ; (substitution-copy s)
150 #'(lambda (x y) ; two substitution items (var . term)
151 (string< (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car x))))
152 (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car y))))))))
155155 ;;; SUBSTITUTION-EQUAL : substitution1 substitution2 -> Bool
156156 ;;;
157157 (defun substitution-equal (s1 s2)
158158 (declare (type list s1 s2)
159 (values (or null t)))
159 (values (or null t)))
160160 (every2len #'(lambda (x y)
161 (and (variable= (the term (car x)) (the term (car y)))
162 (term-is-similar? (the term (cdr x)) (the term (cdr y)))))
163 s1 s2))
161 (and (variable= (the term (car x)) (the term (car y)))
162 (term-is-similar? (the term (cdr x)) (the term (cdr y)))))
163 s1 s2))
165165 ;;; SUBSTITUTION-RESTRICT : list-of-variables substitution -> substitution
166166 ;;;
167167 (defun substitution-restrict (vars sub)
168168 (declare (type list vars sub)
169 (values list))
169 (values list))
170170 (let ((res nil))
171171 (dolist (s sub)
172172 (when (member (car s) vars)
173 (push s res)))
173 (push s res)))
174174 res))
176176 ;;; SUBSTITUTION-SUBSET substitution-1 substitution-2 : -> bool
180180 (defun substitution-subset (s1 s2)
181181 (declare (type list s1 s2))
182182 (substitution-subset-list (substitution-list-of-pairs s1)
183 (substitution-list-of-pairs s2)))
183 (substitution-list-of-pairs s2)))
184184 (defun substitution-subset-list (s1 s2)
185185 (declare (type list s1 s2)
186 (values (or null t)))
186 (values (or null t)))
187187 (let ((s1x s1)
188 (s2x s2)
189 (res t))
188 (s2x s2)
189 (res t))
190190 (loop (when (null s1x) (return))
191 (let ((v1 (the term (caar s1x)))
192 (t1 (the term (cdar s1x))))
193 (loop (when (null s2x) (setq res nil) (return))
194 (when (variable-eq v1 (caar s2x))
195 (if (term-is-similar? t1 (cdar s2x))
196 (progn (setq s2x (cdr s2x)) (return))
197 (progn (setq res nil) (return))))
198 (setq s2x (cdr s2x)))
199 (when (null res) (return))
200 (setq s1x (cdr s1x))))
191 (let ((v1 (the term (caar s1x)))
192 (t1 (the term (cdar s1x))))
193 (loop (when (null s2x) (setq res nil) (return))
194 (when (variable-eq v1 (caar s2x))
195 (if (term-is-similar? t1 (cdar s2x))
196 (progn (setq s2x (cdr s2x)) (return))
197 (progn (setq res nil) (return))))
198 (setq s2x (cdr s2x)))
199 (when (null res) (return))
200 (setq s1x (cdr s1x))))
201201 res))
247247 ;;;
248248 (defun substitution-image (sigma term)
249249 (declare (type list sigma)
250 (type term term))
250 (type term term))
251251 (let ((*consider-object* t))
252252 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
253 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
254 (if im;; i.e. im = sigma(term)
255 (values im nil)
256 (values term t))))
257 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
258 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
259 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
260 (if success
261 new-term
262 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
263 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
264 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
265 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
266 (if success
267 new-term
268 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
269 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
270 term) ; shold we copy?
271 (t (let ((l-result nil)
272 (modif-sort nil))
273 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
274 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
275 (substitution-image sigma s-t)
276 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
277 (push image-s-t l-result)))
278 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
279 (if modif-sort
280 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
281 l-result)))
282 (values term-image
283 (sort= (term-sort term)
284 (term-sort term-image))))
285 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
286 (term-head term)
287 l-result)
288 t)))))))
253 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
254 (if im;; i.e. im = sigma(term)
255 (values im nil)
256 (values term t))))
257 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
258 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
259 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
260 (if success
261 new-term
262 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
263 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
264 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
265 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
266 (if success
267 new-term
268 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
269 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
270 term) ; shold we copy?
271 (t (let ((l-result nil)
272 (modif-sort nil))
273 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
274 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
275 (substitution-image sigma s-t)
276 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
277 (push image-s-t l-result)))
278 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
279 (if modif-sort
280 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
281 l-result)))
282 (values term-image
283 (sort= (term-sort term)
284 (term-sort term-image))))
285 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
286 (term-head term)
287 l-result)
288 t)))))))
290290 (defun substitution-image! (sigma term)
291291 (declare (type list sigma)
292 (type term term))
292 (type term term))
293293 (let ((*consider-object* t))
294294 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
295 (let ((im (variable-image-slow sigma term)))
296 (if im;; i.e. im = sigma(term)
297 (values im nil)
298 (values term t))))
299 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
300 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
301 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
302 (if success
303 new-term
304 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
305 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
306 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
307 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
308 (if success
309 new-term
310 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
311 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term) ; shold we copy?
312 (t (let ((l-result nil)
313 (modif-sort nil))
314 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
315 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
316 (substitution-image! sigma s-t)
317 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
318 (push image-s-t l-result)))
319 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
320 (if modif-sort
321 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
322 l-result)))
323 (values term-image
324 (sort= (term-sort term)
325 (term-sort term-image))))
326 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
327 (term-head term)
328 l-result)
329 t)))))))
295 (let ((im (variable-image-slow sigma term)))
296 (if im;; i.e. im = sigma(term)
297 (values im nil)
298 (values term t))))
299 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
300 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
301 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
302 (if success
303 new-term
304 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
305 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
306 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
307 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
308 (if success
309 new-term
310 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
311 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term) ; shold we copy?
312 (t (let ((l-result nil)
313 (modif-sort nil))
314 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
315 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
316 (substitution-image! sigma s-t)
317 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
318 (push image-s-t l-result)))
319 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
320 (if modif-sort
321 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
322 l-result)))
323 (values term-image
324 (sort= (term-sort term)
325 (term-sort term-image))))
326 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
327 (term-head term)
328 l-result)
329 t)))))))
331331 (defun substitution-image-cp (sigma term)
332332 (declare (type list sigma)
333 (type term term))
333 (type term term))
334334 (let ((*consider-object* t))
335335 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
336 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
337 (if im;; i.e. im = sigma(term)
338 ;; (values (simple-copy-term im) nil)
339 (values im nil)
340 (values term t))))
341 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
342 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
343 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
344 (if success
345 new-term
346 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
347 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
348 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
349 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
350 (if success
351 new-term
352 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
353 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term) ; shold we copy?
354 (t (let ((l-result nil)
355 (modif-sort nil))
356 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
357 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
358 (substitution-image-cp sigma s-t)
359 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
360 (push image-s-t l-result)))
361 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
362 (if modif-sort
363 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
364 l-result)))
365 (values term-image
366 (sort= (term-sort term)
367 (term-sort term-image))))
368 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
369 (term-head term)
370 l-result)
371 t)))))))
336 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
337 (if im;; i.e. im = sigma(term)
338 ;; (values (simple-copy-term im) nil)
339 (values im nil)
340 (values term t))))
341 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
342 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
343 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
344 (if success
345 new-term
346 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
347 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
348 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
349 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
350 (if success
351 new-term
352 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
353 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term) ; shold we copy?
354 (t (let ((l-result nil)
355 (modif-sort nil))
356 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
357 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
358 (substitution-image-cp sigma s-t)
359 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
360 (push image-s-t l-result)))
361 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
362 (if modif-sort
363 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
364 l-result)))
365 (values term-image
366 (sort= (term-sort term)
367 (term-sort term-image))))
368 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
369 (term-head term)
370 l-result)
371 t)))))))
373373 (defun substitution-check-built-in (trm) trm)
377377 (defun substitution-compose (teta lisp-term)
378378 (declare (type list teta lisp-term))
379379 (let ((fcn (lisp-form-function lisp-term))
380 (new-fun nil)
381 (new-term nil))
380 (new-fun nil)
381 (new-term nil))
382382 (if (or #-CMU(typep fcn 'compiled-function)
383 #+CMU(typep fcn 'function)
384 (not (and (consp fcn) (eq 'lambda (car fcn))
385 (equal '(compn) (cadr fcn)))))
386 (setf new-fun
387 `(lambda (compn) (funcall ',fcn (append ',teta compn))))
388 (let ((oldteta (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 (nth 2 fcn)))))
389 (realfcn (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 fcn)))))
390 (setf new-fun
391 `(lambda (compn)
392 (funcall ',realfcn (append ',(append teta oldteta) compn))))))
383 #+CMU(typep fcn 'function)
384 (not (and (consp fcn) (eq 'lambda (car fcn))
385 (equal '(compn) (cadr fcn)))))
386 (setf new-fun
387 `(lambda (compn) (funcall ',fcn (append ',teta compn))))
388 (let ((oldteta (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 (nth 2 fcn)))))
389 (realfcn (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 fcn)))))
390 (setf new-fun
391 `(lambda (compn)
392 (funcall ',realfcn (append ',(append teta oldteta) compn))))))
393393 (if (term-is-simple-lisp-form? lisp-term)
394 (setf new-term (make-simple-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form lisp-term)))
395 (setf new-term (make-general-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form lisp-term))))
394 (setf new-term (make-simple-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form lisp-term)))
395 (setf new-term (make-general-lisp-form-term (lisp-form-original-form lisp-term))))
396396 (setf (lisp-form-function new-term) new-fun)
397397 new-term))
399399 (defun substitution-compose-chaos (teta chaos-expr)
400400 (declare (type list teta chaos-expr))
401401 (let ((fcn (chaos-form-expr chaos-expr))
402 (new-fun nil)
403 (new-term nil))
402 (new-fun nil)
403 (new-term nil))
404404 (if (or #-CMU(typep fcn 'compiled-function)
405 #+CMU(typep fcn 'function)
406 (not (and (consp fcn) (eq 'lambda (car fcn))
407 (equal '(compn) (cadr fcn)))))
408 (setf new-fun
409 `(lambda (compn) (funcall ',fcn (append ',teta compn))))
405 #+CMU(typep fcn 'function)
406 (not (and (consp fcn) (eq 'lambda (car fcn))
407 (equal '(compn) (cadr fcn)))))
408 (setf new-fun
409 `(lambda (compn) (funcall ',fcn (append ',teta compn))))
410410 (let ((oldteta (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 (nth 2 fcn)))))
411 (realfcn (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 fcn)))))
412 (setf new-fun
413 `(lambda (compn)
414 (funcall ',realfcn (append ',(append teta oldteta) compn))))))
411 (realfcn (cadr (nth 1 (nth 2 fcn)))))
412 (setf new-fun
413 `(lambda (compn)
414 (funcall ',realfcn (append ',(append teta oldteta) compn))))))
415415 (setf new-term (make-bconst-term *chaos-value-sort*
416 (list '|%Chaos|
417 new-fun
418 (chaos-original-expr chaos-expr))))
416 (list '|%Chaos|
417 new-fun
418 (chaos-original-expr chaos-expr))))
419419 new-term))
421421 ;;; SUBSTITUTION-IMAGE* sigma term
431431 ;; NO COPY of Term is done.
432432 (defun substitution-image-no-copy (sigma term)
433433 (declare (type list sigma)
434 (type term term)
435 (values t))
434 (type term term)
435 (values t))
436436 (let ((im nil))
437437 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
438 (when (setq im (variable-image sigma term))
439 (term-replace term im)))
440 ((term-is-constant? term) ) ;; do nothing
441 (t (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
442 (substitution-image-no-copy sigma s-t))))))
438 (when (setq im (variable-image sigma term))
439 (term-replace term im)))
440 ((term-is-constant? term) ) ;; do nothing
441 (t (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
442 (substitution-image-no-copy sigma s-t))))))
444444 (defun substitution-partial-image (sigma term)
445445 (declare (type list sigma)
446 (type term term))
446 (type term term))
447447 (let ((*consider-object* t))
448448 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
449 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
450 (if im
451 (values im nil)
452 (values term t))))
453 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
454 (substitution-compose sigma term)
455 )
456 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
457 (substitution-compose-chaos sigma term))
458 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
459 ((term-is-applform? term)
460 (let ((l-result nil) (modif-sort nil))
461 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
462 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
463 (substitution-partial-image sigma s-t)
464 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
465 (push image-s-t l-result)))
466 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
467 (if modif-sort
468 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check
469 (term-head term)
470 l-result)))
471 (values term-image
472 (sort= (term-sort term)
473 (term-sort term-image))))
474 (values (make-applform (term-sort term) (term-head term) l-result)
475 t))))
476 (t (break "substution-partial-image : not implemented ~s" term))
477 )))
449 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
450 (if im
451 (values im nil)
452 (values term t))))
453 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
454 (substitution-compose sigma term)
455 )
456 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
457 (substitution-compose-chaos sigma term))
458 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
459 ((term-is-applform? term)
460 (let ((l-result nil) (modif-sort nil))
461 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
462 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
463 (substitution-partial-image sigma s-t)
464 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
465 (push image-s-t l-result)))
466 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
467 (if modif-sort
468 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check
469 (term-head term)
470 l-result)))
471 (values term-image
472 (sort= (term-sort term)
473 (term-sort term-image))))
474 (values (make-applform (term-sort term) (term-head term) l-result)
475 t))))
476 (t (break "substution-partial-image : not implemented ~s" term))
477 )))
479479 (defun substitution-image-simplifying (sigma term &optional (cp nil) (slow-map nil))
480480 (declare (type list sigma)
481 (type term))
481 (type term))
482482 (let ((*consider-object* t))
483483 ;; (setq subst-debug-term term)
484484 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
485 (let ((im (if slow-map
486 (variable-image-slow sigma term)
487 (variable-image sigma term))))
488 (if im
489 (values (if cp
490 (progn
491 ;; debug
492 ;; (format t "~&copying " (term-print im))
493 (simple-copy-term im))
494 im)
495 (sort= (variable-sort term)
496 (term-sort im)))
497 (values term t))))
498 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
499 (when *rewrite-debug*
500 (format t "CHAOS: ~S" (chaos-form-expr term)))
501 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
502 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
503 (if success
504 new-term
505 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
506 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
507 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
508 (multiple-value-bind (new success)
509 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
510 (if success
511 new
512 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
513 ((term-is-applform? term)
514 (let ((l-result nil)
515 (modif-sort nil))
516 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
517 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
518 (substitution-image-simplifying sigma s-t cp)
519 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
520 (push image-s-t l-result)))
521 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
522 (let ((method (term-head term)))
523 (if (and (cdr l-result)
524 (null (cddr l-result))
525 (method-is-identity method))
526 ;; head operator is binary & has identity theory
527 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (car l-result) method)
528 ;; ID * X --> X
529 ;; simplify for left identity.
530 (values (cadr l-result)
531 (sort= (term-sort term)
532 (term-sort (cadr l-result))))
533 ;; X * ID --> X
534 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (cadr l-result) method)
535 (values (car l-result)
536 (sort= (term-sort term)
537 (term-sort (car l-result))))
538 ;; X * Y
539 (if modif-sort
540 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check
541 method l-result)))
542 (values term-image
543 (sort= (term-sort term)
544 (term-sort term-image))))
545 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
546 method l-result)
547 t) ; sort not changed
548 ))) ; done for zero cases
549 ;; This is the same as the previous bit of code
550 (if modif-sort
551 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check method
552 l-result)))
553 (values term-image
554 (sort= (term-sort term) (term-sort term-image))))
555 (values (make-applform (method-coarity method)
556 method l-result)
557 t))))))
558 (t (break "not implemented yet")) )))
485 (let ((im (if slow-map
486 (variable-image-slow sigma term)
487 (variable-image sigma term))))
488 (if im
489 (values (if cp
490 (progn
491 ;; debug
492 ;; (format t "~&copying " (term-print im))
493 (simple-copy-term im))
494 im)
495 (sort= (variable-sort term)
496 (term-sort im)))
497 (values term t))))
498 ((term-is-chaos-expr? term)
499 (when *rewrite-debug*
500 (format t "CHAOS: ~S" (chaos-form-expr term)))
501 (multiple-value-bind (new-term success)
502 (funcall (chaos-form-expr term) sigma)
503 (if success
504 new-term
505 (throw 'fule-failure :fail-builtin))))
506 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
507 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
508 (multiple-value-bind (new success)
509 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
510 (if success
511 new
512 (throw 'rule-failure :fail-builtin))))
513 ((term-is-applform? term)
514 (let ((l-result nil)
515 (modif-sort nil))
516 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
517 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
518 (substitution-image-simplifying sigma s-t cp)
519 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
520 (push image-s-t l-result)))
521 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
522 (let ((method (term-head term)))
523 (if (and (cdr l-result)
524 (null (cddr l-result))
525 (method-is-identity method))
526 ;; head operator is binary & has identity theory
527 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (car l-result) method)
528 ;; ID * X --> X
529 ;; simplify for left identity.
530 (values (cadr l-result)
531 (sort= (term-sort term)
532 (term-sort (cadr l-result))))
533 ;; X * ID --> X
534 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (cadr l-result) method)
535 (values (car l-result)
536 (sort= (term-sort term)
537 (term-sort (car l-result))))
538 ;; X * Y
539 (if modif-sort
540 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check
541 method l-result)))
542 (values term-image
543 (sort= (term-sort term)
544 (term-sort term-image))))
545 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
546 method l-result)
547 t) ; sort not changed
548 ))) ; done for zero cases
549 ;; This is the same as the previous bit of code
550 (if modif-sort
551 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check method
552 l-result)))
553 (values term-image
554 (sort= (term-sort term) (term-sort term-image))))
555 (values (make-applform (method-coarity method)
556 method l-result)
557 t))))))
558 (t (break "not implemented yet")) )))
561561 ;;;
562562 (defun substitution-can (s)
563563 (declare (type list s)
564 (values list))
564 (values list))
565565 (sort (copy-list s)
566 #'(lambda (x y) ;two substitution items (var . term)
567 (declare (type list x y))
568 (string< (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car x))))
569 (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car y)))))
570 )))
566 #'(lambda (x y) ;two substitution items (var . term)
567 (declare (type list x y))
568 (string< (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car x))))
569 (the simple-string (string (variable-name (car y)))))
570 )))
572572 ;;;
573573 (defun substitution-simple-image (teta term)
574574 (declare (type list teta)
575 (type term term))
575 (type term term))
576576 (macrolet ((assoc% (_?x _?y)
577 `(let ((lst$$ ,_?y))
578 (loop
579 (when (null lst$$) (return nil))
580 (when (eq ,_?x (caar lst$$)) (return (car lst$$)))
581 (setq lst$$ (cdr lst$$))))))
577 `(let ((lst$$ ,_?y))
578 (loop
579 (when (null lst$$) (return nil))
580 (when (eq ,_?x (caar lst$$)) (return (car lst$$)))
581 (setq lst$$ (cdr lst$$))))))
582582 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
583 (let ((im (cdr (assoc% term teta))))
584 (if im im term)))
585 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
586 (make-bconst-term (term-sort term)
587 (term-builtin-value term)))
588 (t (make-applform (method-coarity (term-head term))
589 (term-head term)
590 (mapcar #'(lambda (stm)
591 (substitution-simple-image teta stm))
592 (term-subterms term)))))))
583 (let ((im (cdr (assoc% term teta))))
584 (if im im term)))
585 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
586 (make-bconst-term (term-sort term)
587 (term-builtin-value term)))
588 (t (make-applform (method-coarity (term-head term))
589 (term-head term)
590 (mapcar #'(lambda (stm)
591 (substitution-simple-image teta stm))
592 (term-subterms term)))))))
593593 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax:CommonLisp; Package:CHAOS; Base:10 -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module: primitives.chaos
32 File: term-utils.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module: primitives.chaos
32 File: term-utils.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5959 (defun make-applform (sort meth &optional args)
6060 (declare (type sort* sort)
61 (type method meth)
62 (type list args)
63 (values term))
64 (if *consider-object*
65 (if (method-is-object-constructor meth)
66 (let ((id (car args)) ; the first argument is always an object
67 ; identifier.
68 (class sort))
69 #+:debug-term
70 (progn
71 (format t "~&object construction: ")
72 (print-object meth)
73 (force-output))
74 (if (not (term-is-variable? id)) ; non variable means the term
75 ; denotes a concrete instance.
76 (let ((instance nil))
77 (setf instance (find-instance id class))
78 (if instance
79 (progn (setf (term-arg-3 instance) (third args))
80 instance)
81 (progn (setf instance
82 (make-applform-simple sort meth args))
83 (register-instance instance)
84 instance)))
85 (make-applform-simple sort meth args)
86 ))
87 (make-applform-simple sort meth args) )
88 (make-applform-simple sort meth args)))
61 (type method meth)
62 (type list args))
63 (make-applform-simple sort meth args))
9065 ;;; ******************
9368 (defun reset-reduced-flag (term)
9469 (declare (type term term))
9570 (when (or (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
96 (term-is-variable? term))
71 (term-is-variable? term))
9772 (return-from reset-reduced-flag term))
9873 (mark-term-as-not-reduced term)
9974 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
11186 (defun term-is-an-error (term)
11287 (declare (type term term)
113 (values (or null t)))
88 (values (or null t)))
11489 (and (term? term)
11590 (let ((sort (term$sort (term-body term))))
116 (and (not (sort= *bottom-sort* sort))
117 (sort<= sort *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*)))))
119 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel) ; synonym
91 (and (not (sort= *bottom-sort* sort))
92 (sort<= sort *syntax-err-sort* *chaos-sort-order*)))))
94 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel) ; synonym
12095 (setf (symbol-function 'term-ill-defined)
121 (symbol-function 'term-is-an-error)))
96 (symbol-function 'term-is-an-error)))
12398 ;;; Returns true iff the term is application form and has error-method
12499 ;;; as its top.
125100 ;;;
126101 (defun term-head-is-error (tm)
127102 (declare (type term tm)
128 (values (or null t)))
103 (values (or null t)))
129104 (let ((body (term-body tm)))
130105 (and (term$is-application-form? body)
131 (method-is-error-method (term$head body)))))
106 (method-is-error-method (term$head body)))))
133108 ;;; Returns true iff the term is application form and has user defined
134109 ;;; error method as its top.
135110 ;;;
136111 (defun term-head-is-user-defined-error (tm)
137112 (declare (type term tm)
138 (values (or null t)))
113 (values (or null t)))
139114 (and (term-is-application-form? tm)
140115 (method-is-user-defined-error-method (term-head tm))))
148123 ;;;
149124 (defun term-is-really-well-defined (term)
150125 (declare (type term term)
151 (values (or null t)))
126 (values (or null t)))
152127 (if (term-is-an-error term)
153128 nil
154129 (if (term-is-applform? term)
155 (if (method-is-error-method (term-head term))
156 nil
157 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term) t)
158 (unless (term-is-really-well-defined sub)
159 (return nil))))
160 t)))
130 (if (method-is-error-method (term-head term))
131 nil
132 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term) t)
133 (unless (term-is-really-well-defined sub)
134 (return nil))))
135 t)))
162137 ;;; creats ill-formed terms
163138 ;;;
165140 (defun make-directly-ill-term (head subterms)
166141 (declare (type method head)
167 (type list subterms)
168 (values term))
142 (type list subterms)
143 (values term))
169144 (make-applform-simple *type-err-sort* head subterms))
171146 (defun make-inheritedly-ill-term (head subterms)
172147 (declare (type method head)
173 (type list subterms)
174 (values term))
148 (type list subterms)
149 (values term))
175150 (make-applform-simple *type-err-sort* head subterms))
179154 ;;;
180155 (defun term-error-operators&variables (term &optional vars-also)
181156 (declare (type term term)
182 (type (or null t) vars-also)
183 (values list))
157 (type (or null t) vars-also)
158 (values list))
184159 (let ((res (cons nil nil)))
185160 (gather-error-methods-and-variables term res vars-also)
186161 (car res)))
188163 (defun gather-error-methods-and-variables (term res vars-also)
189164 (declare (type term term)
190 (type list res)
191 (type (or null t) vars-also)
192 (values list))
165 (type list res)
166 (type (or null t) vars-also)
167 (values list))
193168 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
194169 (let ((head (term-head term)))
195 (if (method-is-error-method head)
196 (progn
197 (pushnew head (car res) :test #'eq)
198 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
199 (gather-error-methods-and-variables sub res vars-also)))
200 (if t ;; (method-is-universal* head)
201 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
202 (gather-error-methods-and-variables sub res vars-also)))))
170 (if (method-is-error-method head)
171 (progn
172 (pushnew head (car res) :test #'eq)
173 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
174 (gather-error-methods-and-variables sub res vars-also)))
175 (if t ;; (method-is-universal* head)
176 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
177 (gather-error-methods-and-variables sub res vars-also)))))
203178 (if (and vars-also (term-is-variable? term))
204 (when (err-sort-p (variable-sort term))
205 (pushnew term (car res) :test #'eq)))))
179 (when (err-sort-p (variable-sort term))
180 (pushnew term (car res) :test #'eq)))))
207182 ;;; test if a appl term contains error-method.
209184 (defun term-contains-error-method (term)
210185 (declare (type term term)
211 (values (or null t)))
186 (values (or null t)))
212187 (let ((body (term-body term)))
213188 (when (term$is-application-form? body)
214189 (or (method-is-error-method (term$head body))
215 (some #'term-contains-error-method (term$subterms body))))))
190 (some #'term-contains-error-method (term$subterms body))))))
218193 ;;; test if a appl form contains user defined error-method.
220195 (defun term-contains-user-defined-error-method (term)
221196 (declare (type term term)
222 (values (or null t)))
197 (values (or null t)))
223198 (and (term-is-application-form? term)
224199 (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method (term-head term))
225 (some #'term-contains-user-defined-error-method
226 (term-subterms term)))))
200 (some #'term-contains-user-defined-error-method
201 (term-subterms term)))))
228203 ;;; test if a appl form contains math-operator(:=).
230205 (defun term-contains-match-op (term)
231206 (declare (type term term)
232 (values (or null t)))
207 (values (or null t)))
233208 (and (term-is-application-form? term)
234209 (or (method= *bool-match* (term-head term))
235 (some #'term-contains-match-op
236 (term-subterms term)))))
210 (some #'term-contains-match-op
211 (term-subterms term)))))
238213 ;;; ****************
239214 ;;; RECOMPUTING SORT____________________________________________________________
244219 ;;;
245220 (defun set-if-then-else-sort (term &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
246221 (when (eq (term-head term)
247 *bool-if*)
222 *bool-if*)
248223 (let ((arg2 (term-arg-2 term))
249 (arg3 (term-arg-3 term)))
224 (arg3 (term-arg-3 term)))
250225 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort arg2)
251 (term-sort arg3)
252 so)
253 (with-output-chaos-error ('incompatible-sorts)
254 (princ "value of if_then_else_fi must be of the same sort.")))
226 (term-sort arg3)
227 so)
228 (with-output-chaos-error ('incompatible-sorts)
229 (princ "2nd. and 3rd. arguments of if_then_else_fi must be of the same sort.")))
255230 (update-lowest-parse arg2)
256231 (update-lowest-parse arg3)
257232 (if (sort<= (term-sort arg2) (term-sort arg3))
258 (setf (term-sort term) (term-sort arg3))
259 (setf (term-sort term) (term-sort arg2)))))
233 (setf (term-sort term) (term-sort arg3))
234 (setf (term-sort term) (term-sort arg2)))))
260235 )
237 (defun select-if-then-least (ifs &optional (so *current-sort-order*))
238 (unless (cdr ifs) (return-from select-if-then-least ifs))
239 (dolist (x ifs)
240 (set-if-then-else-sort x so))
241 (let ((result (car ifs)))
242 (dolist (ift (cdr ifs))
243 (if (sort< (term-sort ift) (term-sort result) so)
244 (setq result ift)
245 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort ift) (term-sort result) so)
246 (return-from select-if-then-least ifs))))
247 (list result)))
263249 (declaim (special *update-lowest-parse-in-progress*))
264250 (defvar *update-lowest-parse-in-progress* nil)
266252 (defun update-lowest-parse (term)
267253 (declare (type term term)
268 (values t))
269 (let ((body (term-body term)))
254 (values t))
255 (let ((body (term-body term))
256 (assoc-applied nil))
270257 (unless (or (term$is-variable? body) (term$is-psuedo-constant? body)
271 (term-is-an-error term))
258 (term-is-an-error term))
272259 ;;
273260 (when (term-is-application-form? term)
274 (let ((ts (term-sort term))
275 (mso (method-coarity (term-head term))))
276 (when (sort< mso ts)
277 (when *term-debug*
278 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
279 (format t "something is bad, sort of the term is bigger than top method's coarity.")
280 (print-next)
281 (format t "Coarity: ")
282 (print-sort-name mso *current-module*)
283 (print-next)
284 (term-print-with-sort term)))
285 (setf (term-sort term) mso)
286 (when *term-debug*
287 (format t "~&[ULP] --> ")
288 (term-print-with-sort term)))))
261 (let ((ts (term-sort term))
262 (mso (method-coarity (term-head term))))
263 (when (sort< mso ts)
264 (when *term-debug*
265 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
266 (format t "something is bad, sort of the term is bigger than top method's coarity.")
267 (print-next)
268 (format t "Coarity: ")
269 (print-sort-name mso *current-module*)
270 (print-next)
271 (term-print-with-sort term)))
272 (setf (term-sort term) mso)
273 (when *term-debug*
274 (format t "~&[ULP] --> ")
275 (term-print-with-sort term)))))
289276 (if (term$is-builtin-constant? body)
290 ;; built-in constant term
291 (let ((so (module-sort-order
292 (if *current-module*
293 *current-module*
294 (or *last-module*
295 (sort-module (term$sort body))))))
296 (isrt (term$sort body))
297 (val (term$builtin-value body)))
298 (declare (type sort-order so)
299 (type sort* isrt)
300 (type t val))
301 (let ((subs (subsorts isrt so))
302 (srt isrt))
303 (declare (type list subs)
304 (type sort* srt))
305 (dolist (s subs)
306 (declare (type sort* s))
307 (if (and (sort< s srt so)
308 (sort-is-builtin s)
309 (bsort-term-predicate s)
310 (funcall (bsort-term-predicate s) val))
311 (setq srt s)))
312 (setf (term$sort body) srt)
313 term))
315 ;; application form
316 (let* ((head (term$head body))
317 (mod (if *current-module*
318 *current-module*
319 (or *last-module*
320 (operator-module (method-operator head)))))
321 (son nil)
322 (t1 nil)
323 (t2 nil)
324 (sort-order (module-sort-order mod))
325 (new-head nil))
326 (declare (type method head)
327 (type module mod))
328 ;; #||
329 (when (method-is-error-method head)
330 (when *term-debug*
331 (with-output-msg ()
332 (format t "ULP:ERR_TERM: ")
333 (term-print-with-sort term)))
334 ;; recursively
335 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
336 (update-lowest-parse sub)))
337 ;; ||#
339 ;; ----------------------------
340 ;; special case if_then_else_fi
341 ;; ----------------------------
342 (when (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*)
343 (set-if-then-else-sort term)
344 (return-from update-lowest-parse term))
346 ;; --------------------------
347 ;; "standard" morphism rules
348 ;; --------------------------
350 (when *term-debug*
351 (format t "~&[ULP] given term =====================~% ")
352 (term-print-with-sort term)
353 (format t "~&[ULP] current = ")
354 (print-chaos-object head)
355 (trace lowest-method))
356 (setq new-head
357 (lowest-method head
358 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
359 (declare (type term x))
360 (term-sort x))
361 (term$subterms body))
362 mod))
363 (when *term-debug*
364 (format t "~&[ULP] new = ")
365 (print-chaos-object new-head)
366 (untrace))
367 ;;
368 (when (not (eq head new-head))
369 (change-head-operator term new-head)
370 (setf (term-sort term) (method-coarity new-head))
371 (mark-term-as-not-reduced term)
372 ;; (reset-reduced-flag term) ; ????
373 (when *term-debug*
374 (format t "~&[ULP] head operator was changed =======")))
375 ;;
376 #||
377 (if (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*)
378 (progn
379 (set-if-then-else-sort term)
380 ;; (setq sort (term-sort term))
381 )
382 ;; (setq sort (setf (term$sort body) (method-coarity (term$head body))))
383 )
384 ||#
385 ;;
386 (setq head new-head)
387 (when (method-is-associative head)
388 ;; &&&& the following transformation tends to put
389 ;; term into standard form even when sort doesn't decrease.
390 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
391 (term$arg-1 body))))
392 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
393 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
394 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-2 son)))
395 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-2 body))))
396 (sort< (term-sort t2)
397 (term-sort (term$arg-1 son))
398 sort-order))
399 (when *term-debug*
400 (format t "~&[ULP] treating ASSOCIATIVITY"))
401 ;; we are in the following configuration
402 ;; fs' -> fs'
403 ;; fs' s s' fs
404 ;; s' s s s
405 ;; so:
406 (setf (term$subterms body)
407 (list (term$arg-1 son)
408 (update-lowest-parse (make-term-with-sort-check-bin head (list t1 t2))))))
409 ; (make-applform (method-coarity head) head (list t1 t2))
410 ;; would only like to do the following if the
411 ;; sort really decreases
412 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
413 (term$arg-2 body))))
414 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
415 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
416 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-1 body)))
417 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-1 son))))
418 (sort< (term-sort t1) (term-sort (term$arg-2 son)) sort-order))
419 (when *term-debug*
420 (format t "~&[ULP] ASSOCIATIVITY 2"))
421 ;; we are in the following configuration
422 ;; fs' -> fs'
423 ;; s fs' fs s'
424 ;; s s' s s
425 ;; so:
426 (setf (term-subterms term)
427 (list (update-lowest-parse
428 ;(make-applform (method-coarity head) head (list t1 t2))
429 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin head (list t1 t2)))
430 (term$arg-2 son)))))
432 ;; necesary to have true lowest parse
434 (when (method-is-commutative head)
435 (let* ((t1 (term$arg-1 body))
436 (t2 (term$arg-2 body))
437 (alt-op (lowest-method head
438 (list (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1)))))
439 (when (not (eq alt-op head))
440 (term-replace term ;(make-applform (method-coarity alt-op) alt-op (list t2 t1))
441 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin alt-op (list t2 t1))))))
442 (mark-term-as-lowest-parsed term)
443 term)))))
277 ;; built-in constant term
278 (let* ((isrt (term$sort body))
279 (cm (get-object-context isrt))
280 (so (if cm
281 (module-sort-order cm)
282 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-error)
283 (format t "Internal Error, No context module [ULP]."))))
284 (val (term$builtin-value body)))
285 (declare (type sort-order so)
286 (type sort* isrt)
287 (type t val))
288 (let ((subs (subsorts isrt so))
289 (srt isrt))
290 (declare (type list subs)
291 (type sort* srt))
292 (dolist (s subs)
293 (declare (type sort* s))
294 (if (and (sort< s srt so)
295 (sort-is-builtin s)
296 (bsort-term-predicate s)
297 (funcall (bsort-term-predicate s) val))
298 (setq srt s)))
299 (setf (term$sort body) srt)
300 term))
302 ;; application form
303 (let* ((head (term$head body))
304 (mod (get-object-context (method-operator head)))
305 (son nil)
306 (t1 nil)
307 (t2 nil)
308 (sort-order (module-sort-order mod))
309 (new-head nil))
310 (declare (type method head)
311 (type module mod))
312 ;; ----------------------------
313 ;; special case if_then_else_fi
314 ;; ----------------------------
315 (when (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*)
316 (set-if-then-else-sort term)
317 (return-from update-lowest-parse term))
319 ;; --------------------------
320 ;; "standard" morphism rules
321 ;; --------------------------
323 (when *term-debug*
324 (format t "~&[ULP] given term =====================~% ")
325 (term-print-with-sort term)
326 (format t "~&[ULP] current = ")
327 (print-chaos-object head))
328 (setq new-head
329 (lowest-method head
330 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
331 (declare (type term x))
332 (term-sort x))
333 (term$subterms body))
334 mod))
335 (when *term-debug*
336 (format t "~&[ULP] new = ")
337 (print-chaos-object new-head)
338 (untrace))
339 ;;
340 (when (not (eq head new-head))
341 (change-head-operator term new-head)
342 (setf (term-sort term) (method-coarity new-head))
343 (mark-term-as-not-reduced term)
344 ;; (reset-reduced-flag term) ; ????
345 (when *term-debug*
346 (format t "~&[ULP] head operator was changed =======")))
347 ;;
348 (setq head new-head)
349 (when (method-is-associative head)
350 ;; &&&& the following transformation tends to put
351 ;; term into standard form even when sort doesn't decrease.
352 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
353 (term$arg-1 body))))
354 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
355 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
356 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-2 son)))
357 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-2 body))))
358 (sort< (term-sort t2)
359 (term-sort (term$arg-1 son))
360 sort-order))
361 (when *term-debug*
362 (format t "~&[ULP] treating ASSOCIATIVITY"))
363 ;; we are in the following configuration
364 ;; fs' -> fs'
365 ;; fs' s s' fs
366 ;; s' s s s
367 ;; so:
368 (setf (term$subterms body)
369 (list (term$arg-1 son)
370 (update-lowest-parse (make-term-with-sort-check-bin head (list t1 t2)))))
371 (setq assoc-applied t))
373 ;; would only like to do the following if the
374 ;; sort really decreases
375 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
376 (term$arg-2 body))))
377 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
378 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
379 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-1 body)))
380 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-1 son))))
381 (sort< (term-sort t1) (term-sort (term$arg-2 son)) sort-order))
383 ;; we are in the following configuration
384 ;; fs' -> fs'
385 ;; s fs' fs s'
386 ;; s s' s s
387 ;; so:
388 (setf (term-subterms term)
389 (list (update-lowest-parse
390 ;(make-applform (method-coarity head) head (list t1 t2))
391 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin head (list t1 t2)))
392 (term$arg-2 son)))
393 (when *term-debug*
394 (format t "~&[ULP] ASSOCIATIVITY 2~%=> ")
395 (term-print-with-sort term))
396 ;; we mark
397 (setf assoc-applied t)))
399 ;; necesary to have true lowest parse
401 (when (method-is-commutative head)
402 (let* ((t1 (term$arg-1 body))
403 (t2 (term$arg-2 body))
404 (alt-op (lowest-method head
405 (list (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1)))))
406 (when (not (eq alt-op head))
407 (term-replace term
408 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin alt-op (list t2 t1))))))
409 (mark-term-as-lowest-parsed term)
410 (values term assoc-applied))))))
445412 #||
446413 (defun update-lowest-parse (term)
450417 (let ((body (term-body term)))
451418 (unless (term$is-variable? body)
452419 (if (term$is-builtin-constant? body)
453 (let ((so (module-sort-order
454 (if *current-module*
455 *current-module*
456 (sort-module (term$sort body)))))
457 (isrt (term$sort body))
458 (val (term$builtin-value body)))
459 (let ((subs (subsorts isrt so))
460 (srt isrt))
461 (dolist (s subs)
462 (if (and (sort< s srt so)
463 (sort-is-builtin s)
464 (bsort-term-predicate s)
465 (funcall (bsort-term-predicate s) val))
466 (setq srt s)))
467 (unless (eq isrt srt)
468 (setf (term$sort body) srt))
469 ;; (mark-term-as-lowest-parsed ter)
470 term))
471 ;;
472 (let* ((head (term$head body))
473 (son nil)
474 (t1 nil)
475 (t2 nil)
476 (mod (if *current-module*
477 *current-module*
478 (operator-module (method-operator head))))
479 (sort-order (module-sort-order mod)))
480 ;; "standard" morphism rules
481 (change-head-operator term
482 (lowest-method head (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
483 (term$sort
484 (term-body x)))
485 (term$subterms body))
486 mod))
487 ;;; (setf (term$sort body) (method-coarity (term$head body)))
488 (setf (term-sort term) (method-coarity (term-head term)))
490 ;; ;;;;; FOR NOW;;;;;;;;;;;;;
491 ;; (return-from update-lowest-parse term)
492 ;; extensions for associativity: if s and s' are sorts s.t. s < s' then
493 (when (method-is-associative head)
494 ;; &&&& the following transformation tends to put
495 ;; term into standard form even when sort doesn't decrease.
496 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
497 (term$arg-1 body))))
498 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
499 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
500 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-2 son)))
501 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-2 body))))
502 (sort< (term-sort t2)
503 (term-sort (term$arg-1 son))
504 sort-order))
505 ;; we are in the following configuration
506 ;; fs' -> fs'
507 ;; fs' s s' fs
508 ;; s' s s s
509 ;; so:
510 (setf (term$subterms body)
511 (list (term$arg-1 son)
512 (update-lowest-parse
513 (make-applform (method-coarity head)
514 head
515 (list t1 t2))))))
516 ;; would only like to do the following if the
517 ;; sort really decreases
518 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
519 (term$arg-2 body))))
520 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
521 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
522 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-1 body)))
523 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-1 son))))
524 (sort< (term-sort t1) (term-sort (term$arg-2 son)) sort-order))
525 ;; we are in the following configuration
526 ;; fs' -> fs'
527 ;; s fs' fs s'
528 ;; s s' s s
529 ;; so:
530 (setf (term-subterms term)
531 (list (update-lowest-parse
532 (make-applform (method-coarity head) head
533 (list t1 t2)))
534 (term$arg-2 son))))
535 )
537 ;; necesary to have true lowest parse
539 (when (method-is-commutative head)
540 (let* ((t1 (term$arg-1 body))
541 (t2 (term$arg-2 body))
542 (alt-op (lowest-method head
543 (list (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1)))))
544 (when (not (eq alt-op head))
545 (term-replace term (make-applform
546 (method-coarity alt-op)
547 alt-op
548 (list t2 t1))))))
550 ;; (mark-term-as-lowest-parsed term)
551 term )))))
420 (let ((so (module-sort-order
421 (if *current-module*
422 *current-module*
423 (sort-module (term$sort body)))))
424 (isrt (term$sort body))
425 (val (term$builtin-value body)))
426 (let ((subs (subsorts isrt so))
427 (srt isrt))
428 (dolist (s subs)
429 (if (and (sort< s srt so)
430 (sort-is-builtin s)
431 (bsort-term-predicate s)
432 (funcall (bsort-term-predicate s) val))
433 (setq srt s)))
434 (unless (eq isrt srt)
435 (setf (term$sort body) srt))
436 ;; (mark-term-as-lowest-parsed ter)
437 term))
438 ;;
439 (let* ((head (term$head body))
440 (son nil)
441 (t1 nil)
442 (t2 nil)
443 (mod (if *current-module*
444 *current-module*
445 (operator-module (method-operator head))))
446 (sort-order (module-sort-order mod)))
447 ;; "standard" morphism rules
448 (change-head-operator term
449 (lowest-method head (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
450 (term$sort
451 (term-body x)))
452 (term$subterms body))
453 mod))
454 ;;; (setf (term$sort body) (method-coarity (term$head body)))
455 (setf (term-sort term) (method-coarity (term-head term)))
457 ;; extensions for associativity: if s and s' are sorts s.t. s < s' then
458 (when (method-is-associative head)
459 ;; &&&& the following transformation tends to put
460 ;; term into standard form even when sort doesn't decrease.
461 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
462 (term$arg-1 body))))
463 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
464 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
465 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-2 son)))
466 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-2 body))))
467 (sort< (term-sort t2)
468 (term-sort (term$arg-1 son))
469 sort-order))
470 ;; we are in the following configuration
471 ;; fs' -> fs'
472 ;; fs' s s' fs
473 ;; s' s s s
474 ;; so:
475 (setf (term$subterms body)
476 (list (term$arg-1 son)
477 (update-lowest-parse
478 (make-applform (method-coarity head)
479 head
480 (list t1 t2))))))
481 ;; would only like to do the following if the
482 ;; sort really decreases
483 (when (and (not (or (term$is-variable? (setq son (term-body
484 (term$arg-2 body))))
485 (term$is-builtin-constant? son)))
486 (method-is-associative-restriction-of (term$head son) head)
487 (sort= (term-sort (setq t1 (term$arg-1 body)))
488 (term-sort (setq t2 (term$arg-1 son))))
489 (sort< (term-sort t1) (term-sort (term$arg-2 son)) sort-order))
490 ;; we are in the following configuration
491 ;; fs' -> fs'
492 ;; s fs' fs s'
493 ;; s s' s s
494 ;; so:
495 (setf (term-subterms term)
496 (list (update-lowest-parse
497 (make-applform (method-coarity head) head
498 (list t1 t2)))
499 (term$arg-2 son))))
500 )
502 ;; necesary to have true lowest parse
504 (when (method-is-commutative head)
505 (let* ((t1 (term$arg-1 body))
506 (t2 (term$arg-2 body))
507 (alt-op (lowest-method head
508 (list (term-sort t2) (term-sort t1)))))
509 (when (not (eq alt-op head))
510 (term-replace term (make-applform
511 (method-coarity alt-op)
512 alt-op
513 (list t2 t1))))))
515 ;; (mark-term-as-lowest-parsed term)
516 term )))))
552517 ||#
554519 ;;; *********************************
581546 ;;;
582547 (defun variable-equal (x y)
583548 (declare (type term x y)
584 (values (or null t)))
549 (values (or null t)))
585550 (or (term-eq x y)
586551 (and (eq (variable-name x) (variable-name y))
587 (sort= (variable-sort x) (variable-sort y)))))
552 (sort= (variable-sort x) (variable-sort y)))))
589554 (defun variable= (x y)
590555 (declare (type term x y)
591 (values (or null t)))
556 (values (or null t)))
592557 (term-eq x y))
594559 (defun variable-eq (x y)
595560 (declare (type term x y)
596 (values (or null t)))
561 (values (or null t)))
597562 (term-eq x y))
601566 ;;;
602567 (defun term-is-zero-for-method (term meth)
603568 (declare (type term term)
604 (type method meth)
605 (values (or null t)))
569 (type method meth)
570 (values (or null t)))
606571 (let* ((th (method-theory meth))
607 (zero (car (theory-zero th))))
572 (zero (car (theory-zero th))))
608573 (declare (type op-theory th)
609 (type (or null term) zero))
574 (type (or null term) zero))
610575 (if zero ;; term
611 (term-is-similar? term zero)
576 (term-is-similar? term zero)
612577 nil)))
617582 (defun term-op-contains-theory (term)
618583 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
619584 (let ((th (method-theory-info-for-matching (term-head term))))
620 (or (not (theory-info-empty-for-matching th))
621 (some #'(lambda (sub) (term-op-contains-theory sub))
622 (term-subterms term))))
585 (or (not (theory-info-empty-for-matching th))
586 (some #'(lambda (sub) (term-op-contains-theory sub))
587 (term-subterms term))))
623588 nil)
624589 )
629594 ;;;
630595 (defun term-is-congruent? (t1 t2)
631596 (declare (type term t1 t2)
632 (values (or null t)))
597 (values (or null t)))
633598 (let ((t1-body (term-body t1))
634 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
599 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
635600 (cond ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
636 (or (eq t1 t2)
637 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
638 ;; (eq (variable$name t1-body) (variable$name t2-body))
639 (sort= (variable$sort t1-body) (variable$sort t2-body)))))
640 ((term$is-variable? t2-body) nil)
641 ((term$is-application-form? t1-body)
642 (and (term$is-application-form? t2-body)
643 (if (method-is-same-qual-method (term$method t1-body)
644 (term$method t2-body))
645 (let ((sl1 (term$subterms t1-body))
646 (sl2 (term$subterms t2-body)))
647 (loop (when (null sl1) (return (null sl2)))
648 (unless (term-is-congruent? (car sl1) (car sl2))
649 (return nil))
650 (setf sl1 (cdr sl1)
651 sl2 (cdr sl2))))
652 nil)))
653 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
654 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
655 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
656 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
657 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
658 (equal (term$lisp-function t1-body)
659 (term$lisp-function t2-body))))
660 ((term$is-lisp-form? t2-body) nil)
661 (t (break "Panic! unknown type of term to term-is-congruent?")))))
601 (or (eq t1 t2)
602 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
603 ;; (eq (variable$name t1-body) (variable$name t2-body))
604 (sort= (variable$sort t1-body) (variable$sort t2-body)))))
605 ((term$is-variable? t2-body) nil)
606 ((term$is-application-form? t1-body)
607 (and (term$is-application-form? t2-body)
608 (if (method-is-same-qual-method (term$method t1-body)
609 (term$method t2-body))
610 (let ((sl1 (term$subterms t1-body))
611 (sl2 (term$subterms t2-body)))
612 (loop (when (null sl1) (return (null sl2)))
613 (unless (term-is-congruent? (car sl1) (car sl2))
614 (return nil))
615 (setf sl1 (cdr sl1)
616 sl2 (cdr sl2))))
617 nil)))
618 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
619 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
620 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
621 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
622 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
623 (equal (term$lisp-function t1-body)
624 (term$lisp-function t2-body))))
625 ((term$is-lisp-form? t2-body) nil)
626 (t (break "Panic! unknown type of term to term-is-congruent?")))))
664629 ;;; return t iff the two terms are equationally equal.
669634 (defun match-with-empty-theory (t1 t2)
670635 (declare (type term t1 t2)
671 (values (or null t)))
636 (values (or null t)))
672637 (or (term-eq t1 t2)
673638 (cond ((term-is-applform? t1)
674 (unless (term-is-applform? t2)
675 (setq *used==* t)
676 (return-from match-with-empty-theory nil))
677 ;;
678 (let ((head1 (term-head t1))
679 (head2 (term-head t2))
680 (subs1 (term-subterms t1))
681 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
682 (declare (type list subs1 subs2)
683 (type method head1 head2))
684 ;;
685 (if (null subs1)
686 (and (null subs2)
687 (eq head1 head2))
688 (if (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2)
689 (do* ((sub1 subs1 (cdr sub1))
690 (sub2 subs2 (cdr sub2))
691 (st1 nil)
692 (st2 nil))
693 ((null sub1) t)
694 (setq st1 (car sub1))
695 (setq st2 (car sub2))
696 ;; (unless st2 (return nil))
697 (cond ((term-is-applform? st1)
698 (unless
699 (and (term-is-applform? st2)
700 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
701 (method-theory-info-for-matching
702 (term-method st1)))
703 (match-with-empty-theory st1 st2)
704 (term-equational-equal st1 st2)))
705 (return nil)))
706 ((term-is-variable? st1)
707 (setq *used==* t)
708 (unless (variable= st1 st2) (return nil)))
709 ;;
710 ((term-is-variable? st2)
711 (setq *used==* t)
712 (return nil))
713 ;;
714 ((term-is-builtin-constant? st1)
715 (unless (term-builtin-equal st1 st2) (return nil)))
716 ;;
717 (t
718 (break "Panic: unknown type of term")
719 ;;
720 )))
721 nil))))
722 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
723 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
724 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) nil)
725 )))
639 (unless (term-is-applform? t2)
640 (setq *used==* t)
641 (return-from match-with-empty-theory nil))
642 ;;
643 (let ((head1 (term-head t1))
644 (head2 (term-head t2))
645 (subs1 (term-subterms t1))
646 (subs2 (term-subterms t2)))
647 (declare (type list subs1 subs2)
648 (type method head1 head2))
649 ;;
650 (if (null subs1)
651 (and (null subs2)
652 (eq head1 head2))
653 (if (method-is-of-same-operator head1 head2)
654 (do* ((sub1 subs1 (cdr sub1))
655 (sub2 subs2 (cdr sub2))
656 (st1 nil)
657 (st2 nil))
658 ((null sub1) t)
659 (setq st1 (car sub1))
660 (setq st2 (car sub2))
661 ;; (unless st2 (return nil))
662 (cond ((term-is-applform? st1)
663 (unless
664 (and (term-is-applform? st2)
665 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
666 (method-theory-info-for-matching
667 (term-method st1)))
668 (match-with-empty-theory st1 st2)
669 (term-equational-equal st1 st2)))
670 (return nil)))
671 ((term-is-variable? st1)
672 (setq *used==* t)
673 (unless (variable= st1 st2) (return nil)))
674 ;;
675 ((term-is-variable? st2)
676 (setq *used==* t)
677 (return nil))
678 ;;
679 ((term-is-builtin-constant? st1)
680 (unless (term-builtin-equal st1 st2) (return nil)))
681 ;;
682 (t
683 (break "Panic: unknown type of term")
684 ;;
685 )))
686 nil))))
687 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t1)
688 (term-builtin-equal t1 t2))
689 ((term-is-builtin-constant? t2) nil)
690 )))
727692 (defun term-equational-equal (t1 t2)
728693 (declare (type term t1 t2)
729 (values (or null t)))
694 (values (or null t)))
730695 (or (term-eq t1 t2)
731696 ;; (equal t1 t2)
732697 (let ((t1-body (term-body t1))
733 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
734 (cond ((term$is-applform? t1-body)
735 (let ((f1 (term$head t1-body)))
736 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
737 (method-theory-info-for-matching f1))
738 (match-with-empty-theory t1 t2)
739 (E-equal-in-theory (method-theory f1) t1 t2))))
740 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
741 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
742 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
743 ;;
744 ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
745 (setq *used==* t)
746 (eq t1-body t2-body))
747 ((term$is-variable? t2-body)
748 (setq *used==* t)
749 nil)
750 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
751 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
752 (equal (term$lisp-code-original-form t1-body)
753 (term$lisp-code-original-form t2-body))))
754 (t (break "term-equational-equal: not-implemented ~s" t1))))))
698 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
699 (cond ((term$is-applform? t1-body)
700 (let ((f1 (term$head t1-body)))
701 (if (theory-info-empty-for-matching
702 (method-theory-info-for-matching f1))
703 (match-with-empty-theory t1 t2)
704 (E-equal-in-theory (method-theory f1) t1 t2))))
705 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
706 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
707 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
708 ;;
709 ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
710 (setq *used==* t)
711 (eq t1-body t2-body))
712 ((term$is-variable? t2-body)
713 (setq *used==* t)
714 nil)
715 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
716 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
717 (equal (term$lisp-code-original-form t1-body)
718 (term$lisp-code-original-form t2-body))))
719 (t (break "term-equational-equal: not-implemented ~s" t1))))))
757722 ;;; returns true iff two terms are similar, i.e., syntactically equal.
759724 ;;;
760725 (defun term-is-similar? (t1 t2)
761726 (declare (type term t1)
762 (type (or term null) t2)
763 (values (or null t)))
727 (type (or term null) t2)
728 (values (or null t)))
764729 (or (term-eq t1 t2)
765730 (if t2
766 (let ((t1-body (term-body t1))
767 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
768 (cond ((term$is-application-form? t1-body)
769 (and (term$is-application-form? t2-body)
770 (if (method-w= (term$head t1-body) (term$head t2-body))
771 (let ((subs1 (term$subterms t1-body))
772 (subs2 (term$subterms t2-body)))
773 (loop
774 ;; (when (null subs1) (return (null subs2)))
775 (when (null subs1) (return t))
776 (unless (term-is-similar? (car subs1) (car subs2))
777 (return nil))
778 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1) subs2 (cdr subs2))))
779 nil)))
780 ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
781 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
782 (eq (variable$name t1-body)
783 (variable$name t2-body))
784 (sort= (variable$sort t1-body)
785 (variable$sort t2-body))))
786 ((term$is-variable? t2-body) nil)
787 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
788 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
789 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
790 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
791 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
792 (equal (term$lisp-form-original-form t1-body)
793 (term$lisp-form-original-form t2-body))))
794 ((term$is-lisp-form? t2-body) nil)
795 (t (break "unknown type of term." )))))))
731 (let ((t1-body (term-body t1))
732 (t2-body (term-body t2)))
733 (cond ((term$is-application-form? t1-body)
734 (and (term$is-application-form? t2-body)
735 (if (method-w= (term$head t1-body) (term$head t2-body))
736 (let ((subs1 (term$subterms t1-body))
737 (subs2 (term$subterms t2-body)))
738 (loop
739 ;; (when (null subs1) (return (null subs2)))
740 (when (null subs1) (return t))
741 (unless (term-is-similar? (car subs1) (car subs2))
742 (return nil))
743 (setq subs1 (cdr subs1) subs2 (cdr subs2))))
744 nil)))
745 ((term$is-variable? t1-body)
746 (and (term$is-variable? t2-body)
747 (eq (variable$name t1-body)
748 (variable$name t2-body))
749 (sort= (variable$sort t1-body)
750 (variable$sort t2-body))))
751 ((term$is-variable? t2-body) nil)
752 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t1-body)
753 (term$builtin-equal t1-body t2-body))
754 ((term$is-builtin-constant? t2-body) nil)
755 ((term$is-lisp-form? t1-body)
756 (and (term$is-lisp-form? t2-body)
757 (equal (term$lisp-form-original-form t1-body)
758 (term$lisp-form-original-form t2-body))))
759 ((term$is-lisp-form? t2-body) nil)
760 (t (break "unknown type of term." )))))))
797762 ;;; ****************************
803768 ;;;
804769 (defun make-term-check-op (f subterms &optional module)
805770 (declare (type method f)
806 (type list subterms)
807 (type (or null module) module))
771 (type list subterms)
772 (type (or null module) module))
808773 (make-term-with-sort-check f subterms module))
810775 ;;; op make-term-check-op-with-sort-check :
813778 ;;;
814779 (defun make-term-check-op-with-sort-check (f subterms &optional module)
815780 (declare (type method f)
816 (type list subterms)
817 (type (or null module) module)
818 (values term))
781 (type list subterms)
782 (type (or null module) module)
783 (values term))
819784 (make-term-with-sort-check f subterms module))
824789 ;;; method, otherwise, given method is used.
825790 (defvar **sa-debug** nil)
826791 (defun make-term-with-sort-check (meth subterms
827 &optional (module (or *current-module*
828 *last-module*)))
792 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
829793 (declare (type method meth)
830 (type list subterms)
831 (type module module))
794 (type list subterms)
795 (type module module))
832796 (let ((res nil))
833797 (if (do ((arl (method-arity meth) (cdr arl))
834 (sl subterms (cdr sl)))
835 ((null arl) t)
836 (unless (sort= (car arl) (term-sort (car sl))) (return nil)))
837 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity meth) meth subterms))
798 (sl subterms (cdr sl)))
799 ((null arl) t)
800 (unless (sort= (car arl) (term-sort (car sl))) (return nil)))
801 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity meth) meth subterms))
838802 (let ((m (lowest-method meth
839 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-sort x)) subterms) ;
840 module)))
841 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity m) m subterms))))
803 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-sort x)) subterms) ;
804 module)))
805 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity m) m subterms))))
842806 (when **sa-debug**
843 (format t "~&MTWSC: meth=")
807 (format t "~%MTWSC: meth=")
844808 (print-chaos-object meth)
845809 (print "==> ")
846810 (term-print res)
853817 ;;; same as make-term-with-sort-check, but specialized to binary operators.
855819 (defun make-term-with-sort-check-bin (meth subterms
856 &optional (module *current-module*))
820 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
857821 (declare (type method meth)
858 (type list subterms)
859 (type (or null module) module)
860 (values term))
822 (type list subterms)
823 (type (or null module) module)
824 (values term))
861825 (let ((s1 (term-sort (car subterms)))
862826 (s2 (term-sort (cadr subterms)))
863 (res nil))
827 (res nil))
864828 (if (let ((ar (method-arity meth)))
865 (and (sort= (car ar) s1)
866 (sort= (cadr ar) s2)))
829 (and (sort= (car ar) s1)
830 (sort= (cadr ar) s2)))
867831 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity meth) meth subterms))
868832 (let ((lm (lowest-method meth (list s1 s2) module)))
869 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity lm) lm subterms))))
833 (setq res (make-applform (method-coarity lm) lm subterms))))
870834 (when **sa-debug**
871835 (format t "~&MTWSC-BIN: meth=")
872836 (print-chaos-object meth)
893857 #+GCL
894858 (defun list-assoc-subterms (term method)
895859 (declare (type term term)
896 (type method method)
897 (values list))
860 (type method method)
861 (values list))
898862 (let ((res (list-assoc-subterms-aux term method nil)))
899863 res))
901865 (defun list-assoc-subterms-aux (term method lst)
902866 (declare (type term term)
903 (type method method)
904 (type list lst))
867 (type method method)
868 (type list lst))
905869 (let ((body (term-body term)))
906870 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
907 (progn
908 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$method body) method)
909 (list-assoc-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body) method
910 (list-assoc-subterms-aux (term$arg-2 body)
911 method
912 lst))
913 (cons term lst)))
914 (cons term lst))))
871 (progn
872 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$method body) method)
873 (list-assoc-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body) method
874 (list-assoc-subterms-aux (term$arg-2 body)
875 method
876 lst))
877 (cons term lst)))
878 (cons term lst))))
916880 #-GCL
917881 (defun list-assoc-subterms (term method)
918882 (declare (type term term)
919 (type method method)
920 (values list))
883 (type method method)
884 (values list))
921885 (labels ((list-a-subs (term method lst)
922 (declare (type term term)
923 (type method method)
924 (type list lst)
925 (values list))
926 (let ((body (term-body term)))
927 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
928 (progn
929 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$method body) method)
930 (list-a-subs (term$arg-1 body) method
931 (list-a-subs (term$arg-2 body)
932 method
933 lst))
934 (cons term lst)))
935 (cons term lst)))))
886 (declare (type term term)
887 (type method method)
888 (type list lst)
889 (values list))
890 (let ((body (term-body term)))
891 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
892 (progn
893 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$method body) method)
894 (list-a-subs (term$arg-1 body) method
895 (list-a-subs (term$arg-2 body)
896 method
897 lst))
898 (cons term lst)))
899 (cons term lst)))))
936900 ;;
937901 (list-a-subs term method nil)))
944908 (defun list-assoc-id-subterms (term method)
945909 (declare (type term term)
946 (type method method))
910 (type method method))
947911 (list-assoc-id-subterms-aux term method nil))
949913 (defun list-assoc-id-subterms-aux (term method lst)
950914 (declare (type term term)
951 (type method method)
952 (type list lst))
915 (type method method)
916 (type list lst))
953917 (let ((body (term-body term)))
954918 (if (term$is-variable? body)
955 (cons term lst)
956 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
957 lst
958 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
959 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$head body) method)
960 (list-assoc-id-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body)
961 method
962 (list-assoc-id-subterms-aux
963 (term$arg-2 body)
964 method
965 lst))
966 (cons term lst))
967 (cons term lst))))))
919 (cons term lst)
920 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
921 lst
922 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
923 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$head body) method)
924 (list-assoc-id-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body)
925 method
926 (list-assoc-id-subterms-aux
927 (term$arg-2 body)
928 method
929 lst))
930 (cons term lst))
931 (cons term lst))))))
969933 #+:other
970934 (defun list-assoc-id-subterms (term method)
971935 (declare (type term term)
972 (type method method)
973 (values list))
936 (type method method)
937 (values list))
974938 (labels ((list-a-subs (term method lst)
975 (declare (type term term)
976 (type method method)
977 (type list lst)
978 (values list))
979 (let ((body (term-body term)))
980 (if (term$is-variable? body)
981 (cons term lst)
982 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
983 lst
984 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
985 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$head body) method)
986 (list-a-subs (term$arg-1 body)
987 method
988 (list-a-subs
989 (term$arg-2 body)
990 method
991 lst))
992 (cons term lst))
993 (cons term lst)))))))
939 (declare (type term term)
940 (type method method)
941 (type list lst)
942 (values list))
943 (let ((body (term-body term)))
944 (if (term$is-variable? body)
945 (cons term lst)
946 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
947 lst
948 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
949 (if (method-is-of-same-operator (term$head body) method)
950 (list-a-subs (term$arg-1 body)
951 method
952 (list-a-subs
953 (term$arg-2 body)
954 method
955 lst))
956 (cons term lst))
957 (cons term lst)))))))
994958 ;;
995959 (list-a-subs term method nil)))
1004968 #+GCL
1005969 (defun list-AC-subterms (term method)
1006970 (declare (type term term)
1007 (type method method))
971 (type method method))
1008972 (list-ac-subterms-aux term method nil))
1010974 (defun list-AC-subterms-aux (term method lst)
1011975 (declare (type term term)
1012 (type method method)
1013 (type list lst))
976 (type method method)
977 (type list lst))
1014978 (let ((body (term-body term)))
1015979 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1016 (if (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body) method)
1017 (list-ac-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body)
1018 method
1019 (list-ac-subterms-aux (term$arg-2 body)
1020 method
1021 lst))
1022 (cons term lst))
1023 (cons term lst))))
980 (if (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body) method)
981 (list-ac-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body)
982 method
983 (list-ac-subterms-aux (term$arg-2 body)
984 method
985 lst))
986 (cons term lst))
987 (cons term lst))))
1025989 #-GCL
1026990 (defun list-AC-subterms (term method)
1027991 (declare (type term term)
1028 (type method method))
992 (type method method))
1029993 (labels ((list-subs (term method lst)
1030 (declare (type term term)
1031 (type method method)
1032 (type list lst))
1033 (let ((body (term-body term)))
1034 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1035 (if (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body) method)
1036 (list-subs (term$arg-1 body)
1037 method
1038 (list-subs (term$arg-2 body)
1039 method
1040 lst))
1041 (cons term lst))
1042 (cons term lst)))))
994 (declare (type term term)
995 (type method method)
996 (type list lst))
997 (let ((body (term-body term)))
998 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
999 (if (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body) method)
1000 (list-subs (term$arg-1 body)
1001 method
1002 (list-subs (term$arg-2 body)
1003 method
1004 lst))
1005 (cons term lst))
1006 (cons term lst)))))
10431007 ;;
10441008 (list-subs term method nil)))
10521016 #+GCL
10531017 (defun list-ACZ-subterms (term meth)
10541018 (declare (type term term)
1055 (type method meth))
1019 (type method meth))
10561020 (list-ACZ-subterms-aux term meth nil))
10581022 (defun list-ACZ-subterms-aux (term method lst)
10591023 (declare (type term term)
1060 (type method method)
1061 (type list lst))
1024 (type method method)
1025 (type list lst))
10621026 (let ((body (term-body term)))
10631027 (if (term$is-variable? body)
1064 (cons term lst)
1065 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
1066 lst
1067 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1068 (if (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body) method)
1069 ;; then the operator is binary of course
1070 (list-ACZ-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body)
1071 method
1072 (list-ACZ-subterms-aux
1073 (term$arg-2 body) method lst))
1074 (cons term lst))
1075 (cons term lst))))))
1028 (cons term lst)
1029 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
1030 lst
1031 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1032 (if (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body) method)
1033 ;; then the operator is binary of course
1034 (list-ACZ-subterms-aux (term$arg-1 body)
1035 method
1036 (list-ACZ-subterms-aux
1037 (term$arg-2 body) method lst))
1038 (cons term lst))
1039 (cons term lst))))))
10771041 #-GCL
10781042 (defun list-ACZ-subterms (term meth)
10791043 (declare (type term term)
1080 (type method meth))
1044 (type method meth))
10811045 (labels ((list-subs (term method lst)
1082 (declare (type term term)
1083 (type method method)
1084 (type list lst))
1085 (let ((body (term-body term)))
1086 (if (term$is-variable? body)
1087 (cons term lst)
1088 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
1089 lst
1090 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1091 (if ;; (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body)
1092 ;; method)
1093 (method-is-of-same-operator (term$head body)
1094 method)
1095 ;; then the operator is binary of course
1096 (list-subs (term$arg-1 body)
1097 method
1098 (list-subs (term$arg-2 body)
1099 method
1100 lst))
1101 (cons term lst))
1102 (cons term lst)))))))
1046 (declare (type term term)
1047 (type method method)
1048 (type list lst))
1049 (let ((body (term-body term)))
1050 (if (term$is-variable? body)
1051 (cons term lst)
1052 (if (term-is-zero-for-method term method)
1053 lst
1054 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1055 (if ;; (method-is-ac-restriction-of (term$head body)
1056 ;; method)
1057 (method-is-of-same-operator (term$head body)
1058 method)
1059 ;; then the operator is binary of course
1060 (list-subs (term$arg-1 body)
1061 method
1062 (list-subs (term$arg-2 body)
1063 method
1064 lst))
1065 (cons term lst))
1066 (cons term lst)))))))
11031067 ;;
11041068 (list-subs term meth nil)))
11121076 ;;;
11131077 (defun make-right-assoc-normal-form (meth subterms)
11141078 (declare (type method meth)
1115 (type list subterms))
1079 (type list subterms))
11161080 #||
11171081 (when *term-debug*
11181082 (format t "~&make-right-assoc-normal-form:")
11241088 (force-output))
11251089 ||#
11261090 (let ((res (if (= (length subterms) 2)
1127 (make-applform (method-coarity meth) meth subterms)
1128 (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
1129 meth
1130 (list (pop subterms)
1131 (make-right-assoc-normal-form meth subterms))))))
1091 (make-applform (method-coarity meth) meth subterms)
1092 (make-applform (method-coarity meth)
1093 meth
1094 (list (pop subterms)
1095 (make-right-assoc-normal-form meth subterms))))))
11321096 ;; (when *term-debug*
11331097 ;; (format t "~& -- new term = ")(print-term-tree res) (force-output))
11341098 res))
11411105 (defun make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check (meth subterms)
11421106 (declare (type method meth)
1143 (type list subterms)
1144 (values term))
1107 (type list subterms)
1108 (values term))
11451109 (if (= 1 (length subterms))
11461110 (car subterms)
11471111 (if (= 2 (length subterms))
1148 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin meth subterms)
1112 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin meth subterms)
11491113 (make-term-with-sort-check-bin
11501114 meth
11511115 (list (car subterms)
1152 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check meth
1153 (cdr subterms)))))))
1116 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check meth
1117 (cdr subterms)))))))
11561120 ;;; Reconstruct the subterms to be right associative iff the head operator has
11681132 (let ((body (term-body t1)))
11691133 ;; (break "OK?")
11701134 (cond ((term$is-constant? body) t1)
1171 ((term$is-variable? body) t1)
1172 (t (let ((h-op (term$head body)))
1173 ;; (print-chaos-object h-op)
1174 (cond ((theory-contains-associativity (method-theory h-op))
1175 ;; (break "OK3")
1176 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
1177 h-op
1178 (mapcar #'right-associative-normal-form
1179 (list-assoc-subterms t1 h-op))))
1180 (t (make-applform (method-coarity h-op)
1181 h-op
1182 (mapcar #'right-associative-normal-form
1183 (term$subterms body))))))))))
1135 ((term$is-variable? body) t1)
1136 (t (let ((h-op (term$head body)))
1137 ;; (print-chaos-object h-op)
1138 (cond ((theory-contains-associativity (method-theory h-op))
1139 ;; (break "OK3")
1140 (make-right-assoc-normal-form-with-sort-check
1141 h-op
1142 (mapcar #'right-associative-normal-form
1143 (list-assoc-subterms t1 h-op))))
1144 (t (make-applform (method-coarity h-op)
1145 h-op
1146 (mapcar #'right-associative-normal-form
1147 (term$subterms body))))))))))
11851149 ;;; RIGHT-ASSOCIATIVE-ID-NORMAL-FORM : term -> term
11861150 ;;; Reconstruct the subterms to be right associative considering identity, iff
11911155 #||
11921156 (defun right-associative-id-normal-form (t1)
11931157 (declare (type term t1)
1194 (values term))
1158 (values term))
11951159 ;; (break)
11961160 (let ((body (term-body t1)))
11971161 (cond ((term$is-variable? body) t1)
1198 ((term$is-constant? body) t1)
1199 (t (let ((meth (term$head body)))
1200 (cond ((theory-contains-AZ (method-theory meth))
1201 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1202 meth
1203 (mapcar
1204 #'right-associative-id-normal-form
1205 (list-assoc-id-subterms t1 meth))
1206 ))
1207 ;; note this is only top-level normalization.
1208 (t t1)))))))
1162 ((term$is-constant? body) t1)
1163 (t (let ((meth (term$head body)))
1164 (cond ((theory-contains-AZ (method-theory meth))
1165 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1166 meth
1167 (mapcar
1168 #'right-associative-id-normal-form
1169 (list-assoc-id-subterms t1 meth))
1170 ))
1171 ;; note this is only top-level normalization.
1172 (t t1)))))))
12091173 ||#
12111175 (defun right-associative-id-normal-form (t1)
12121176 (declare (type term t1))
12131177 (if (term-is-applform? t1)
12141178 (let ((meth (term-head t1)))
1215 (if (theory-contains-az (method-theory meth))
1216 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1217 meth
1218 (mapcar #'right-associative-id-normal-form
1219 (list-assoc-id-subterms t1 meth)))
1220 t1))
1179 (if (theory-contains-az (method-theory meth))
1180 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1181 meth
1182 (mapcar #'right-associative-id-normal-form
1183 (list-assoc-id-subterms t1 meth)))
1184 t1))
12211185 t1))
12231187 ;;; ID-NORMAL-FORM : term -> term
12271191 (declare (type term t1))
12281192 (let ((body (term-body t1)))
12291193 (cond ((term$is-constant? body) t1)
1230 ((term$is-variable? body) t1)
1231 (t (let ((meth (term$head body)))
1232 (cond ((term-is-zero-for-method (term$arg-1 body) meth)
1233 (id-normal-form (term$arg-2 body)))
1234 ((term-is-zero-for-method (term$arg-2 body) meth)
1235 (id-normal-form (term$arg-1 body)))
1236 (t t1)))))))
1194 ((term$is-variable? body) t1)
1195 (t (let ((meth (term$head body)))
1196 (cond ((term-is-zero-for-method (term$arg-1 body) meth)
1197 (id-normal-form (term$arg-2 body)))
1198 ((term-is-zero-for-method (term$arg-2 body) meth)
1199 (id-normal-form (term$arg-1 body)))
1200 (t t1)))))))
12381202 ;;; MAKE-RIGHT-ASSOC-ID-NORMAL-FORM : method subterms -> term
12391203 ;;;
12401204 (defun make-right-assoc-id-normal-form (method subterms)
12411205 (declare (type method method)
1242 (type list subterms)
1243 (values list))
1206 (type list subterms)
1207 (values list))
12441208 (make-right-assoc-normal-form method (filter-zero method subterms)))
12461210 (defun filter-zero (method subterms)
12471211 (declare (type method method)
1248 (type list subterms))
1212 (type list subterms))
12491213 (when subterms
12501214 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (car subterms) method)
1251 (filter-zero method (cdr subterms))
1215 (filter-zero method (cdr subterms))
12521216 (cons (car subterms)
1253 (filter-zero method (cdr subterms))))))
1217 (filter-zero method (cdr subterms))))))
12561220 ;;; **********
12631227 (defun term-copy-and-returns-list-variables (term)
12641228 (declare (type term term)
1265 (values term list))
1229 (values term list))
12661230 (multiple-value-bind (res list-new-var)
12671231 (copy-list-term-using-list-var (list term) nil)
12681232 (declare (type list res list-new-var))
12711235 (defun copy-list-term-using-list-var (term-list list-new-var &key (test #'variable-eq))
12721236 (declare (type list term-list list-new-var)
1273 (values list list))
1237 (values list list))
12741238 (let ((v-image nil)
1275 (list-copied-term nil))
1239 (list-copied-term nil))
12761240 (values (mapcar #'(lambda (term)
1277 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
1278 (if (setq v-image
1279 (cdr (assoc term list-new-var :test test)))
1280 v-image
1281 (let ((new-var (variable-copy term)))
1282 (declare (type term new-var))
1283 (setf list-new-var (acons term new-var list-new-var))
1284 new-var)))
1285 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
1286 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
1287 (t (multiple-value-setq (list-copied-term list-new-var)
1288 (copy-list-term-using-list-var (term-subterms term)
1289 list-new-var
1290 :test test))
1291 (make-applform (term-sort term)
1292 (term-head term)
1293 list-copied-term))))
1294 term-list)
1295 list-new-var)))
1241 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
1242 (if (setq v-image
1243 (cdr (assoc term list-new-var :test test)))
1244 v-image
1245 (let ((new-var (variable-copy term)))
1246 (declare (type term new-var))
1247 (setf list-new-var (acons term new-var list-new-var))
1248 new-var)))
1249 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
1250 ((term-is-lisp-form? term) term)
1251 (t (multiple-value-setq (list-copied-term list-new-var)
1252 (copy-list-term-using-list-var (term-subterms term)
1253 list-new-var
1254 :test test))
1255 (make-applform (term-sort term)
1256 (term-head term)
1257 list-copied-term))))
1258 term-list)
1259 list-new-var)))
12971261 ;;; COPY-TERM-USING-VARIABLE : term List[variable] -> term
12981262 ;;;
12991263 (defun copy-term-using-variable (term list-new-var &optional (test #'variable-eq))
13001264 (declare (type term term)
1301 (type list list-new-var)
1302 (values term))
1265 (type list list-new-var)
1266 (values term))
13031267 (multiple-value-bind (res list-new-var-res)
13041268 (copy-list-term-using-list-var (list term) list-new-var :test test)
13051269 (declare (ignore list-new-var-res)
1306 (type list res))
1270 (type list res))
13071271 (car res)))
13091273 ;;; *****************************
13241288 (declare (type term term))
13251289 (let ((body (term-body term)))
13261290 (if (term$is-application-form? body)
1327 (let* ((f (term$head body))
1328 (subterms (mapcar #'theory-standard-form (term$subterms body)))
1329 (th (method-theory f))
1330 (theory-info (theory-info th))
1331 (t1 nil)
1332 (t2 nil))
1333 (let ((val (cond ((theory-info-is-empty-for-matching theory-info)
1334 (make-applform (method-coarity f) f subterms))
1336 ;; case x+0 -> x, 0+x -> x
1337 ((and (progn
1338 (setq t1 (car subterms) t2 (cadr subterms))
1339 (theory-zero th))
1340 (let ((zero (car (theory-zero th))))
1341 (cond ((term-is-similar? t1 zero) t2)
1342 ((term-is-similar? t2 zero) t1)))))
1343 ;; case x+x -> x
1344 ((or (theory-info-is-I theory-info)
1345 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info))
1346 (if (term-is-similar? t1 t2) t1))
1348 ;; It is more complex in the next cases because of
1349 ;; the presence of non trivial extensions
1350 ;; and of commutativity, so we refer to appropriate
1351 ;; procedure
1352 ((theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
1353 (A-idempotent-normal-form f t1 t2))
1355 ((or (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
1356 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))
1357 (AC-idempotent-normal-form f t1 t2))
1358 )))
1359 (if val
1360 val
1361 (make-applform (method-coarity f) f subterms))))
1291 (let* ((f (term$head body))
1292 (subterms (mapcar #'theory-standard-form (term$subterms body)))
1293 (th (method-theory f))
1294 (theory-info (theory-info th))
1295 (t1 nil)
1296 (t2 nil))
1297 (let ((val (cond ((theory-info-is-empty-for-matching theory-info)
1298 (make-applform (method-coarity f) f subterms))
1300 ;; case x+0 -> x, 0+x -> x
1301 ((and (progn
1302 (setq t1 (car subterms) t2 (cadr subterms))
1303 (theory-zero th))
1304 (let ((zero (car (theory-zero th))))
1305 (cond ((term-is-similar? t1 zero) t2)
1306 ((term-is-similar? t2 zero) t1)))))
1307 ;; case x+x -> x
1308 ((or (theory-info-is-I theory-info)
1309 (theory-info-is-CI theory-info))
1310 (if (term-is-similar? t1 t2) t1))
1312 ;; It is more complex in the next cases because of
1313 ;; the presence of non trivial extensions
1314 ;; and of commutativity, so we refer to appropriate
1315 ;; procedure
1316 ((theory-info-is-AI theory-info)
1317 (A-idempotent-normal-form f t1 t2))
1319 ((or (theory-info-is-ACI theory-info)
1320 (theory-info-is-ACIZ theory-info))
1321 (AC-idempotent-normal-form f t1 t2))
1322 )))
1323 (if val
1324 val
1325 (make-applform (method-coarity f) f subterms))))
13621326 term)))
13641328 (defun A-idempotent-normal-form (f t1 t2)
13651329 (declare (type method f)
1366 (type term t1 t2))
1330 (type term t1 t2))
13671331 (if (term-is-similar? t1 t2)
13681332 t1
13691333 (make-applform (method-coarity f) f (list t1 t2))))
13711335 (defun AC-idempotent-normal-form (f t1 t2)
13721336 (declare (type method f)
1373 (type term t1 t2))
1337 (type term t1 t2))
13741338 (if (term-is-similar? t1 t2)
13751339 t1
13761340 (make-applform (method-coarity f) f (list t1 t2))))
13991363 (declare (type term term))
14001364 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
14011365 (make-applform (method-coarity (term-head term))
1402 (term-head term)
1403 (mapcar #'clean-term (term-subterms term)))
1366 (term-head term)
1367 (mapcar #'clean-term (term-subterms term)))
14041368 term))
14061370 (defun term-make-zero (method)
14071371 (declare (type method method)
1408 (values (or null term)))
1372 (values (or null term)))
14091373 (let ((zero (car (theory-zero (method-theory method)))))
14101374 (if zero
1411 zero
1412 nil)))
1375 zero
1376 nil)))
14151379 ;;;
14161380 (defun supply-psuedo-variables (term)
14171381 (declare (type term term)
1418 (values term))
1382 (values term))
14191383 (let ((target (simple-copy-term term)))
14201384 (declare (type term target))
14211385 (let ((vars (term-variables target)))
14221386 (unless vars (return-from supply-psuedo-variables term))
14231387 (dolist (var vars target)
1424 (term-replace var
1425 (make-pvariable-term (variable-sort var)
1426 (variable-name var)
1427 (variable-print-name var)))))))
1388 (term-replace var
1389 (make-pvariable-term (variable-sort var)
1390 (variable-name var)
1391 (variable-print-name var)))))))
14291393 ;;; ***********************
14331397 (if (term-is-applform? term)
14341398 (not (method-is-behavioural (term-head term)))
14351399 t))
14371401 (defun term-is-of-behavioural? (term)
14381402 (if (term-is-applform? term)
14391403 (method-is-behavioural (term-head term))
14401404 nil))
14421406 (defun term-is-of-behavioural*? (term
1443 &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
1407 &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
14441408 (if (term-is-applform? term)
14451409 (or (method-is-behavioural (term-head term))
1446 (method-is-coherent (term-head term) opinfo-table))
1410 (method-is-coherent (term-head term) opinfo-table))
14471411 nil))
14491413 (defun term-is-behavioural? (term)
14501414 (declare (type term term)
1451 (values (or null t)))
1415 (values (or null t)))
14521416 (and (sort-is-hidden (term-sort term))
14531417 (or (term-is-constant? term)
1454 (let ((head (term-head term)))
1455 (or (method-is-behavioural head)
1456 (method-is-coherent head))))))
1418 (let ((head (term-head term)))
1419 (or (method-is-behavioural head)
1420 (method-is-coherent head))))))
14581422 (defun term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term)
14591423 (declare (type term term)
1460 (values (or null t)))
1424 (values (or null t)))
14611425 (cond ((term-is-applform? term)
1462 (if (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*)
1463 (and (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term-arg-2 term))
1464 (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term-arg-3 term)))
1465 (and (if (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1466 (sort-is-hidden x))
1467 (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (term-sort y))
1468 (term-subterms term)))
1469 ;; patch Tue May 26 10:11:22 JST 1998
1470 (or (method-is-behavioural (term-head term))
1471 (method-is-coherent (term-head term)))
1472 t)
1473 (every #'term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term-subterms term))))
1474 )
1475 (t t)))
1426 (if (eq (term-head term) *bool-if*)
1427 (and (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term-arg-2 term))
1428 (term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term-arg-3 term)))
1429 (and (if (find-if #'(lambda (x)
1430 (sort-is-hidden x))
1431 (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (term-sort y))
1432 (term-subterms term)))
1433 (or (method-is-behavioural (term-head term))
1434 (method-is-coherent (term-head term)))
1435 t)
1436 (every #'term-can-be-in-beh-axiom? (term-subterms term)))))
1437 (t t)))
14771439 (defun term-is-non-behavioural? (term)
14781440 (declare (type term term)
1479 (values (or null t)))
1441 (values (or null t)))
14801442 (not (term-is-behavioural? term)))
14821444 ;;; returns t iff given term is a constructor, i.e.,
14851447 (defun term-is-constructor? (term)
14861448 (or (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
14871449 (and (term-is-application-form? term)
1488 (method-is-constructor? (term-head term)))))
1450 (method-is-constructor? (term-head term)))))
14901452 ;;; we sometimes need to make variables on the fly.-----------------------------
14911453 ;;;
14931455 (declare (type fixnum *var-num*))
14941456 (defun generate-variable (sort)
14951457 (@create-variable-term (intern (format nil "#Genvar-~d" (incf *var-num*)))
1496 sort ))
1458 sort ))
14971459 (defun make-new-variable (name sort &optional (pname name))
14981460 (@create-variable-term (intern (format nil "~a-~d" name (incf *var-num*)))
1499 sort
1500 pname))
1461 sort
1462 pname))
15011463 (defun rename-variable (var)
15021464 (@create-variable-term (intern (format nil "~a-~d"
1503 (variable-name var)
1504 (incf *var-num*)))
1505 (variable-sort var)))
1465 (variable-name var)
1466 (incf *var-num*)))
1467 (variable-sort var)))
15061468 )
15081470 ;;; inspecting term --- for debugging -----------------------------------------
15091471 ;;;
15101472 (defun inspect-term (term &optional (occur nil) (context *current-module*))
15111473 (flet ((print-occr ()
1512 (format t " ~A" (if (null occur) "top" (reverse occur)))))
1474 (format t " ~A" (if (null occur) "top" (reverse occur)))))
15131475 (with-in-module (context)
15141476 (print-next)
15151477 (format t "[NF=~a,LP=~a] " (term-is-reduced? term) (term-is-lowest-parsed? term))
15161478 (cond ((term-is-applform? term)
1517 (print-chaos-object (term-head term))
1518 (print-occr)
1519 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
1520 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1521 (inspect-term (term-arg-n term x) (cons (1+ x) occur)))))
1522 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1523 (term-print-with-sort term)
1524 (print-occr))
1525 (t (print-chaos-object term)
1526 (print-occr))))))
1479 (print-chaos-object (term-head term))
1480 (print-occr)
1481 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
1482 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1483 (inspect-term (term-arg-n term x) (cons (1+ x) occur)))))
1484 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1485 (term-print-with-sort term)
1486 (print-occr))
1487 (t (print-chaos-object term)
1488 (print-occr))))))
15281490 ;;;
15321494 (unless (term-is-applform? term)
15331495 (return-from replace-variables-with-toc term))
15341496 (let ((vars (term-variables term))
1535 (subst nil))
1497 (subst nil))
15361498 (cond (vars
1537 (dolist (var vars)
1538 (unless (assoc var subst)
1539 (let ((toc (make-pvariable-term
1540 (variable-sort var)
1541 (intern (concatenate 'string "`" (string (variable-name var)))))))
1542 (push (cons var toc) subst))))
1543 (when (and warn (stringp warn))
1544 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1545 (format t warn))
1546 (format t "~%substitution: ")
1547 (print-substitution subst))
1548 (multiple-value-bind (res list-new-var-res)
1549 (copy-list-term-using-list-var (list term) subst)
1550 (declare (ignore list-new-var-res))
1551 (car res)))
1552 (t term))))
1499 (dolist (var vars)
1500 (unless (assoc var subst)
1501 (let ((toc (make-pvariable-term
1502 (variable-sort var)
1503 (intern (concatenate 'string "`" (string (variable-name var)))))))
1504 (push (cons var toc) subst))))
1505 (when (and warn (stringp warn))
1506 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1507 (format t warn))
1508 (format t "~%substitution: ")
1509 (print-substitution subst))
1510 (multiple-value-bind (res list-new-var-res)
1511 (copy-list-term-using-list-var (list term) subst)
1512 (declare (ignore list-new-var-res))
1513 (car res)))
1514 (t term))))
15541516 ;;; canonicalize--variables
15551517 ;;;
15561518 (defun canonicalize-variables (list-term module)
15571519 (with-in-module (module)
15581520 (multiple-value-bind (list-copied-term list-new-var)
1559 (copy-list-term-using-list-var list-term nil :test #'variable-equal)
1521 (copy-list-term-using-list-var list-term nil :test #'variable-equal)
15601522 (declare (ignore list-new-var))
15611523 list-copied-term)))
1525 ;;; print-term-struct
1526 ;;;
1527 (defun print-term-struct (term module &optional (stream *standard-output*))
1528 (with-in-module (module)
1529 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
1530 (print-next)
1531 (cond ((term-is-applform? term)
1532 (format t "~a" (method-name (term-head term)))
1533 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
1534 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1535 (print-term-struct (term-arg-n term x) module))))
1536 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
1537 (term-print term))
1538 (t (print-chaos-object term))))))
15631540 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives.chaos
32 File: term2.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: primitives.chaos
32 File: term2.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5656 ;;;
5757 (defmacro termp (obj)
5858 (once-only (obj)
59 `(and (consp ,obj) (consp (car ,obj)) (integerp (caar ,obj)))))
59 `(and (consp ,obj) (consp (car ,obj)) (integerp (caar ,obj)))))
6161 (defun is-term? (obj) (termp obj))
150150 (defconstant pure-builtin-constant-type #x020)
151151 (defconstant system-object-type #x040)
152152 (defconstant builtin-constant-type (logior psuedo-constant-type
153 pure-builtin-constant-type
154 system-object-type))
153 pure-builtin-constant-type
154 system-object-type))
155155 (defconstant pre-encode-bit #x100)
156156 (defconstant pre-variable-type (logior pre-encode-bit variable-type))
157157 (defconstant pre-application-form-type (logior pre-encode-bit
158 application-form-type))
158 application-form-type))
159159 (defconstant pre-simple-lisp-code-type (logior pre-encode-bit
160 simple-lisp-code-type))
160 simple-lisp-code-type))
161161 (defconstant pre-general-lisp-code-type (logior pre-encode-bit
162 general-lisp-code-type))
162 general-lisp-code-type))
163163 (defconstant pre-lisp-code-type (logior pre-encode-bit lisp-code-type))
164164 (defconstant pre-psuedo-constant-type
165165 (logior pre-encode-bit psuedo-constant-type))
166166 (defconstant pre-builtin-constant-type (logior pre-encode-bit
167 builtin-constant-type))
167 builtin-constant-type))
168168 (defconstant pre-pure-builtin-constant-type
169169 (logior pre-encode-bit pure-builtin-constant-type))
170170 (defconstant pre-system-object-type (logior pre-encode-bit system-object-type))
225225 (defun term-type (t1)
226226 (let ((code (term-code t1)))
227227 (cond ((test-and code variable-type) :variable)
228 ((test-and code application-form-type) :applform)
229 ((test-and code simple-lisp-code-type) :lisp)
230 ((test-and code general-lisp-code-type) :glisp)
231 ((test-and code system-object-type) :sysobject)
232 ((test-and code builtin-constant-type) :builtin)
233 ((test-and code psuedo-constant-type) :literal)
234 (t nil))))
228 ((test-and code application-form-type) :applform)
229 ((test-and code simple-lisp-code-type) :lisp)
230 ((test-and code general-lisp-code-type) :glisp)
231 ((test-and code system-object-type) :sysobject)
232 ((test-and code builtin-constant-type) :builtin)
233 ((test-and code psuedo-constant-type) :literal)
234 (t nil))))
236236 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237237 ;;; SORT/SORT-CODE : the 3rd part
328328 (defmacro term$lisp-code-original-form (_term-body)
329329 `(body-4th ,_term-body))
330330 (defmacro term$lisp-form-original-form (_term-body)
331 `(body-4th ,_term-body)) ; synonym
331 `(body-4th ,_term-body)) ; synonym
332332 (defmacro lisp-code-original-form (_term)
333333 `(term-4th ,_term))
334334 (defmacro lisp-form-original-form (_term)
335 `(term-4th ,_term)) ; synonym
335 `(term-4th ,_term)) ; synonym
338338 ;;; all are setf'able
354354 (defmacro term-arg-4 (_term) `(cadddr (term-subterms ,_term)))
355355 (defmacro term-arg-n (_term n)
356356 ` (nth (the fixnum ,n)
357 (term-subterms ,_term)))
357 (term-subterms ,_term)))
359359 ;;; *****************
360360 ;;; term type testers___________________________________________________________
440440 `(term-code$is-system-object? (term-code ,_term)))
441441 (defmacro term-is-chaos-expr? (_term)
442442 `(and (term-is-builtin-constant? ,_term)
443 (eq *chaos-value-sort* (term-sort ,_term))
444 (let ((value (term-builtin-value ,_term)))
445 (and (consp value)
446 (eq (car value) '|%Chaos|)))))
443 (eq *chaos-value-sort* (term-sort ,_term))
444 (let ((value (term-builtin-value ,_term)))
445 (and (consp value)
446 (eq (car value) '|%Chaos|)))))
448448 ;;; ******************
449449 ;;; TERM STATE TESTERS _________________________________________________________
462462 `(test-and reduced-flag (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))
463463 (defmacro term-test-reduced-flag (*term)
464464 `(test-and reduced-flag (term-state-flag ,*term)))
465 (defmacro term-is-reduced? (_term) ; synonym
465 (defmacro term-is-reduced? (_term) ; synonym
466466 `(term-test-reduced-flag ,_term))
468468 ;;; red flag
480480 `(test-and lowest-parsed-flag (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))
481481 (defmacro term-test-lowest-parsed-flag (*term)
482482 `(test-and lowest-parsed-flag (term-state-flag ,*term)))
483 (defmacro term-is-lowest-parsed? (_term) ; synonym
483 (defmacro term-is-lowest-parsed? (_term) ; synonym
484484 `(term-test-lowest-parsed-flag ,_term))
486486 ;;; on demand flag
489489 `(test-and on-demand-flag (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))
490490 (defmacro term-test-on-demand-flag (*term)
491491 `(test-and on-demand-flag (term-state-flag ,*term)))
492 (defmacro term-is-on-demand? (_term) ; synonym
492 (defmacro term-is-on-demand? (_term) ; synonym
493493 `(term-test-on-demand-flag ,_term))
495495 ;;; STATE SETTERS
503503 (once-only (*term)
504504 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
505505 (make-or reduced-flag (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
506 (defmacro mark-term-as-reduced (_term) ; synonym
506 (defmacro mark-term-as-reduced (_term) ; synonym
507507 `(term-set-reduced-flag ,_term))
509509 (defconstant .not-reduced-bit. (logand #xffff (lognot reduced-flag)))
524524 ;;; red flag
525525 (defmacro term$set-red-flag (*term-body)
526526 (once-only (*term-body)
527 `(setf (term$state-flag ,*term-body)
528 (make-or red-flag (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
527 `(setf (term$state-flag ,*term-body)
528 (make-or red-flag (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
530530 (defmacro term-set-red (*term)
531531 (once-only (*term)
532 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
533 (make-or red-flag (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
532 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
533 (make-or red-flag (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
535535 (defconstant .green-bit. (logand #xffff (lognot red-flag)))
536536 (defmacro term$set-green (*term-body)
537537 (once-only (*term-body)
538 `(setf (term$state-falag ,*term-body)
539 (make-and .green-bit. (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
538 `(setf (term$state-falag ,*term-body)
539 (make-and .green-bit. (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
541541 (defmacro term-set-green (*term)
542542 (once-only (*term)
543 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
544 (make-and .green-bit. (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
543 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
544 (make-and .green-bit. (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
546546 ;;; lowest parsed flag :
549549 (once-only (*term-body)
550550 `(setf (term$state-flag ,*term-body)
551551 (make-or lowest-parsed-flag
552 (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
552 (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
554554 (defmacro term-set-lowest-parsed-flag (*term)
555555 (once-only (*term)
556556 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
557557 (make-or lowest-parsed-flag
558 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
560 (defmacro mark-term-as-lowest-parsed (_term) ; synonym
558 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
560 (defmacro mark-term-as-lowest-parsed (_term) ; synonym
561561 `(term-set-lowest-parsed-flag ,_term))
563563 (defconstant .not-lowest-parsed-bit. (logand #xffff (lognot lowest-parsed-flag)))
572572 (once-only (*term)
573573 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
574574 (make-and .not-lowest-parsed-bit.
575 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
577 (defmacro mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed (_term) ; synonym
575 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
577 (defmacro mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed (_term) ; synonym
578578 `(term-unset-lowest-parsed-flag ,_term))
580580 ;;; on demand flag :
583583 (once-only (*term-body)
584584 `(setf (term$state-flag ,*term-body)
585585 (make-or on-demand-flag
586 (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
586 (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
588588 (defmacro term-set-on-demand-flag (*term)
589589 (once-only (*term)
590590 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
591591 (make-or on-demand-flag
592 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
594 (defmacro mark-term-as-on-demand (_term) ; synonym
592 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
594 (defmacro mark-term-as-on-demand (_term) ; synonym
595595 `(term-set-on-demand-flag ,_term))
597597 (defconstant .not-on-demand-bit. (logand #xffff (lognot on-demand-flag)))
600600 (once-only (*term-body)
601601 `(setf (term$state-flag ,*term-body)
602602 (make-and .not-on-demand-bit.
603 (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
603 (term$state-flag ,*term-body)))))
605605 (defmacro term-unset-on-demand-flag (*term)
606606 (once-only (*term)
607607 `(setf (term-state-flag ,*term)
608608 (make-and .not-on-demand-bit.
609 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
609 (term-state-flag ,*term)))))
611611 (defmacro mark-term-as-not-on-demand (_term) ; synonym
612612 `(term-unset-on-demand-flag ,_term))
633633 ;;; `(create-term (vector pre-var-const-code ,__variable-name ,__sort nil)))
635635 (defmacro @create-variable-term (__variable-name __sort
636 &optional (p_name __variable-name))
636 &optional (p_name __variable-name))
637637 ` (create-term (list pre-var-const-code ,__variable-name ,__sort
638 ,p_name)))
638 ,p_name)))
640640 (defmacro make-variable-term (__sort __variable-name
641 &optional (_print_name __variable-name))
641 &optional (_print_name __variable-name))
642642 `(create-term (list pre-var-const-code
643 ,__variable-name
644 ,__sort
645 ,_print_name)))
643 ,__variable-name
644 ,__sort
645 ,_print_name)))
648648 (defmacro variable-copy (var)
649649 (once-only (var)
650650 `(make-variable-term (variable-sort ,var)
651 (variable-name ,var)
652 (variable-print-name ,var))))
651 (variable-name ,var)
652 (variable-print-name ,var))))
654654 (defmacro variable-copy-x (var)
655655 (once-only (var)
656 `(make-variable-term (variable-sort ,var)
657 (intern (concatenate 'string (string (variable-name ,var)) "'"))
658 (variable-print-name ,var))))
656 `(make-variable-term (variable-sort ,var)
657 (intern (concatenate 'string (string (variable-name ,var)) "'"))
658 (variable-print-name ,var))))
660660 ;;; ****************
661661 ;;; APPLICATION-FORM ___________________________________________________________
664664 #||
665665 (defmacro create-application-form-term (_operator-code _sort-id-code _subterms)
666666 ` (create-term (vector applicatin-form-type
667 ,_operator-code
668 ,_sort-id-code
669 ,_subterms)))
667 ,_operator-code
668 ,_sort-id-code
669 ,_subterms)))
671671 (defmacro @create-application-form-term (_method _sort _subterms)
672672 ` (create-term (vector pre-application-form-type
673 ,_method
674 ,_sort
675 ,_subterms)))
673 ,_method
674 ,_sort
675 ,_subterms)))
677677 ||#
679679 (defmacro create-application-form-term (_operator-code _sort-id-code _subterms)
680680 ` (create-term (list applicatin-form-type
681 ,_operator-code
682 ,_sort-id-code
683 ,_subterms)))
681 ,_operator-code
682 ,_sort-id-code
683 ,_subterms)))
685685 (defmacro @create-application-form-term (_method _sort _subterms)
686686 ` (create-term (list pre-application-form-type
687 ,_method
688 ,_sort
689 ,_subterms)))
687 ,_method
688 ,_sort
689 ,_subterms)))
691691 ;;; ****************
692692 ;;; SIMPLE-LISP-CODE ___________________________________________________________
702702 #||
703703 (defmacro create-simple-lisp-code-term (_function &optional _sort-id-code)
704704 ` (create-term (vector simple-lisp-const-code
705 ,_function
706 ,_sort-id-code
707 nil)))
705 ,_function
706 ,_sort-id-code
707 nil)))
709709 (defmacro make-simple-lisp-form-term (__original-form)
710710 ` (create-term (vector pre-simple-lisp-const-code
711 nil
712 *cosmos*
713 ,__original-form)))
711 nil
712 *cosmos*
713 ,__original-form)))
715715 ||#
717717 (defmacro create-simple-lisp-code-term (_function &optional _sort-id-code)
718718 ` (create-term (list simple-lisp-const-code
719 ,_function
720 ,_sort-id-code
721 nil)))
719 ,_function
720 ,_sort-id-code
721 nil)))
723723 (defmacro make-simple-lisp-form-term (__original-form)
724724 ` (create-term (list pre-simple-lisp-const-code
725 nil
726 *cosmos*
727 ,__original-form)))
725 nil
726 *cosmos*
727 ,__original-form)))
729729 ;;; *****************
730730 ;;; GENERAL-LISP-CODE __________________________________________________________
740740 #||
741741 (defmacro create-general-lisp-code-term (_function _sort-id-code)
742742 ` (create-term (vector general-lisp-const-code
743 ,_function
744 ,_sort-id-code
745 nil)))
743 ,_function
744 ,_sort-id-code
745 nil)))
747747 (defmacro @create-general-lisp-code-term (_function _original-form _sort)
748748 ` (create-term (vector pre-general-lisp-const-code
749 ,_function
750 ,_sort
751 ,_original-form)))
749 ,_function
750 ,_sort
751 ,_original-form)))
753753 (defmacro make-general-lisp-form-term (_original-form)
754754 ` (create-term (vector pre-general-lisp-const-code
755 nil
756 *cosmos*
757 ,_original-form)))
755 nil
756 *cosmos*
757 ,_original-form)))
759759 ||#
761761 (defmacro create-general-lisp-code-term (_function _sort-id-code)
762762 ` (create-term (list general-lisp-const-code
763 ,_function
764 ,_sort-id-code
765 nil)))
763 ,_function
764 ,_sort-id-code
765 nil)))
767767 (defmacro @create-general-lisp-code-term (_function _original-form _sort)
768768 ` (create-term (list pre-general-lisp-const-code
769 ,_function
770 ,_sort
771 ,_original-form)))
769 ,_function
770 ,_sort
771 ,_original-form)))
773773 (defmacro make-general-lisp-form-term (_original-form)
774774 ` (create-term (list pre-general-lisp-const-code
775 nil
776 *cosmos*
777 ,_original-form)))
775 nil
776 *cosmos*
777 ,_original-form)))
779779 ;;; ****************
780780 ;;; BUILTIN CONSTANT ___________________________________________________________
791791 #||
792792 (defmacro make-bconst-term (_sort_ _value_)
793793 ` (create-term (vector pre-builtin-constr-code
794 ,_value_
795 ,_sort_
796 nil)))
794 ,_value_
795 ,_sort_
796 nil)))
797797 ||#
799799 (defmacro make-bconst-term (_sort_ _value_)
800800 ` (create-term (list pre-builtin-constr-code
801 ,_value_
802 ,_sort_
803 nil)))
801 ,_value_
802 ,_sort_
803 nil)))
805805 ;;; ***************
806806 ;;; PSUEDO CONSTANT____________________________________________________________
817817 (defmacro make-psuedo-constant-term (_sort _name)
818818 ` (create-term (list pre-psuedo-constant-const-code
819 ,_name
820 ,_sort
821 nil)))
819 ,_name
820 ,_sort
821 nil)))
823823 (defmacro make-pvariable-term (_sort _name &optional (_p-name _name))
824824 ` (create-term (list pre-psuedo-constant-const-code
825 ,_name
826 ,_sort
827 ,_p-name)))
825 ,_name
826 ,_sort
827 ,_p-name)))
829829 (defmacro pvariable-copy (var)
830830 (once-only (var)
831831 `(make-pvariable-term (variable-sort ,var) (variable-name ,var)
832 (variable-print-name ,var))))
832 (variable-print-name ,var))))
835835 ;;; *************
845845 #||
846846 (defmacro make-system-object-term (__value __sort)
847847 ` (create-term (vector pre-system-object-const-code
848 ,__value
849 ,__sort
850 nil)))
848 ,__value
849 ,__sort
850 nil)))
852852 ||#
854854 (defmacro make-system-object-term (__value __sort)
855855 ` (create-term (list pre-system-object-const-code
856 ,__value
857 ,__sort
858 nil)))
856 ,__value
857 ,__sort
858 nil)))
860860 ;;;*****************************************************************************
864864 (defconstant all-term-code
865865 (logior variable-type application-form-type lisp-code-type
866 builtin-constant-type psuedo-constant-type system-object-type))
866 builtin-constant-type psuedo-constant-type system-object-type))
868868 ;;; TERM? : object -> bool
869869 ;;; we don't need fast predicate, this is not used as rewriting nor parsing.
872872 (defmacro term? (!object)
873873 (once-only (!object)
874874 ` (and (consp ,!object)
875 (simple-vector-p (car ,!object))
876 (= 4 (the fixnum (length (car ,!object)))))))
875 (simple-vector-p (car ,!object))
876 (= 4 (the fixnum (length (car ,!object)))))))
877877 ||#
879879 (defmacro term? (!object)
880880 (once-only (!object)
881881 ` (and (consp ,!object)
882 (consp (car ,!object))
883 (typep (caar ,!object) 'fixnum))))
882 (consp (car ,!object))
883 (typep (caar ,!object) 'fixnum))))
885885 ;;; TERM-BUILTIN-EQUAL : term1 term2 -> bool
886886 ;;; assume term1 is builtin constant term
888888 (defmacro term$builtin-equal (*_builtin-body *_term-body)
889889 (once-only (*_term-body)
890890 ` (and (term$is-builtin-constant? ,*_term-body)
891 (equal (term$builtin-value ,*_builtin-body)
892 (term$builtin-value ,*_term-body)))))
891 (equal (term$builtin-value ,*_builtin-body)
892 (term$builtin-value ,*_term-body)))))
894894 (defmacro term-builtin-equal (*_bi-term *_term)
895895 `(term$builtin-equal (term-body ,*_bi-term) (term-body ,*_term)))
899899 ;;;
900900 (defconstant priori-constant-type
901901 (logior variable-type lisp-code-type builtin-constant-type
902 psuedo-constant-type
903 system-object-type))
902 psuedo-constant-type
903 system-object-type))
905905 (defmacro term$is-constant? (*_body)
906906 (once-only (*_body)
916916 (defun term-variables (term)
917917 (let ((body (term-body term)))
918918 (cond ((term$is-variable? body) (list term))
919 ((term$is-constant? body) nil)
920 (t (let ((res nil))
921 (dolist (st (term$subterms body) res)
922 (setq res (nunion res (term-variables st) :test #'!term-eq))))))))
919 ((term$is-constant? body) nil)
920 (t (let ((res nil))
921 (dolist (st (term$subterms body) res)
922 (setq res (nunion res (term-variables st) :test #'!term-eq))))))))
923923 ||#
925925 (defun term-variables (term)
926926 (let ((body (term-body term)))
927927 (cond ((term$is-variable? body) (list term))
928 ((term$is-constant? body) nil)
929 (t (let ((res nil))
930 (declare (list res))
931 (dolist (st (term$subterms body) res)
932 (setq res (delete-duplicates (append res (term-variables st))
933 :test #'!term-eq))))))))
928 ((term$is-constant? body) nil)
929 (t (let ((res nil))
930 (declare (list res))
931 (dolist (st (term$subterms body) res)
932 (setq res (delete-duplicates (append res (term-variables st))
933 :test #'!term-eq))))))))
935935 (declaim (inline variables-occur-at-top?))
939939 (block variables-occur-at-top-exit
940940 (dolist (st (term-subterms term))
941941 (when (term-is-variable? st)
942 (return-from variables-occur-at-top-exit t)))))
942 (return-from variables-occur-at-top-exit t)))))
944944 #-GCL
945945 (defun variables-occur-at-top? (term)
946946 (block variables-occur-at-top-exit
947947 (dolist (st (term-subterms term))
948948 (when (term-is-variable? st)
949 (return-from variables-occur-at-top-exit t)))))
949 (return-from variables-occur-at-top-exit t)))))
951951 ;;; TERM-IS-GROUND? : term -> bool
952952 ;;;
953 (defconstant apriori-ground-type ; not used now.
953 (defconstant apriori-ground-type ; not used now.
954954 (logior lisp-code-type builtin-constant-type system-object-type))
956956 (defmacro term$is-ground? (*_body)
957957 (once-only (*_body)
958958 ` (block success
959 (cond ((term$is-variable? ,*_body) (return-from success nil))
960 ((term$is-application-form? ,*_body)
961 (dolist (st (term$subterms ,*_body) t)
962 (unless (term-is-ground? st)
963 (return-from success nil))))
964 (t t)))))
959 (cond ((term$is-variable? ,*_body) (return-from success nil))
960 ((term$is-application-form? ,*_body)
961 (dolist (st (term$subterms ,*_body) t)
962 (unless (term-is-ground? st)
963 (return-from success nil))))
964 (t t)))))
966966 (defun term-is-ground? (xx_term)
967967 (term$is-ground? (term-body xx_term)))
973973 #||
974974 (defun simple-copy-term (term)
975975 (create-term (let ((x (make-array 4))
976 (body (term-body term)))
977 (declare (type simple-vector x))
978 (dotimes (i 4)
979 (declare (type fixnum i))
980 (setf (%svref x i) (%svref body i)))
981 x)))
976 (body (term-body term)))
977 (declare (type simple-vector x))
978 (dotimes (i 4)
979 (declare (type fixnum i))
980 (setf (%svref x i) (%svref body i)))
981 x)))
982982 ||#
984984 (declaim (inline simple-copy-term))
994994 (defmacro !term-variable-match (*_variable-body *_term-body)
995995 (once-only (*_variable-body *_term-body)
996996 ` (test-and (term$sort-code ,*_variable-body)
997 (term$sort-code ,*_term-body))))
997 (term$sort-code ,*_term-body))))
999999 (defmacro term-variable-match (*_variable_ *_term_)
10001000 ` (!term-variable-match (term-body ,*_variable_)
1001 (term-body ,*_term_)))
1001 (term-body ,*_term_)))
10031003 ;;; TERM-OPERATOR-EQ : term -> bool
10041004 ;;;
10131013 (defmacro !term-operator-equal (__*term-body1 __*term-body2)
10141014 (once-only (__*term-body1 __*term-body2)
10151015 ` (and (term$operator-eq ,__*term-body1 ,__*term-body2)
1016 (= (term$sort-code ,__*term-body1) (term$sort-code ,__*term-body2)))))
1016 (= (term$sort-code ,__*term-body1) (term$sort-code ,__*term-body2)))))
10181018 (defmacro term-operator-equal (__*term1_ __*term2_)
10191019 `(!term-operator-equal (term-body ,__*term1_) (term-body ,__*term2_)))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:term-parser.chaos
32 File: parse-engine.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:term-parser.chaos
32 File: parse-engine.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4747 ;;;
4848 (defun dictionary-add-info-on-token (dictionary token value)
4949 (declare (type parse-dictionary dictionary)
50 (type t token value))
50 (type t token value))
5151 (dictionary-add-token-info (dictionary-table dictionary) token value))
5353 ;;; DICTIONARY-ADD-BUILTIN-SORT : Dictionary Info -> {Dictionary}
5454 ;;;
5555 (defun dictionary-add-builtin-sort (dictionary sort)
5656 (declare (type parse-dictionary dictionary)
57 (type sort* sort))
57 (type sort* sort))
5858 (unless (memq sort (dictionary-builtins dictionary))
5959 (push sort (dictionary-builtins dictionary))))
6262 ;;;
6363 (defun dictionary-delete-info-on-token (dictionary token value)
6464 (declare (type parse-dictionary dictionary)
65 (type t token value))
65 (type t token value))
6666 (dictionary-delete-token-info (dictionary-table dictionary) token value))
6868 ;;;; functions on table component of dictionary
7373 (defun dictionary-get-token-info (table token)
7474 (declare (type hash-table table)
75 (type t token))
75 (type t token))
7676 (gethash token table))
7878 ;;; DICTIONARY-REPLACE-TOKEN-INFO : Table Token List[Operator+Variable]
8282 (defun dictionary-replace-token-info (table token values)
8383 (declare (type hash-table table)
84 (type t token values))
84 (type t token values))
8585 (setf (gethash token table) values))
8787 ;;; DICTIONARY-DELETE-TOKEN-INFO : Table Token Value -> {Table}
8888 (defun dictionary-delete-token-info (table token value)
8989 (declare (type hash-table table)
90 (type t token value))
90 (type t token value))
9191 (let ((values (dictionary-get-token-info table token)))
9292 (declare (type list values))
9393 (if (memq value values)
94 (let ((new-values (remove value values :test #'eq)))
95 (if (null new-values)
96 (remhash token table)
97 (dictionary-replace-token-info table token new-values))))))
94 (let ((new-values (remove value values :test #'eq)))
95 (if (null new-values)
96 (remhash token table)
97 (dictionary-replace-token-info table token new-values))))))
9999 ;;; DICTIONARY-ADD-TOKEN-INFO : Table Token Value -> {Table}
100100 (defun dictionary-add-token-info (table token value)
101101 (declare (type hash-table table)
102 (type t token value))
102 (type t token value))
103103 (dictionary-replace-token-info table token
104 (adjoin value
105 (dictionary-get-token-info table token)
106 :test #'eq)))
104 (adjoin value
105 (dictionary-get-token-info table token)
106 :test #'eq)))
109109 ;;; GET-INFO-ON-TOKEN : Dictionary Token -> List[Method+Variable+AST]
113113 (case (car token)
114114 ((|String| %string)
115115 (when (memq *string-sort*
116 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
116 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
117117 (make-bconst-term *string-sort* (cadr token))))
118118 #||
119119 ((|Character| %character)
120120 (when (memq *character-sort* (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
121121 (make-bconst-term *character-sort*
122 (character (cadr token)))))
122 (character (cadr token)))))
123123 ||#
124124 (%slisp (make-simple-lisp-form-term (cadr token)))
125125 (%glisp (make-general-lisp-form-term (cadr token)))
126126 (|%Chaos|
127127 (when (memq *chaos-value-sort*
128 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
128 (module-all-sorts *current-module*))
129129 (make-bconst-term *chaos-value-sort*
130 (cadr token))))
130 (cadr token))))
131131 (otherwise
132132 (with-output-panic-message ()
133133 (format t "Internal error: dictionary, unknown type of token ~s" token)
137137 (declare (type term var))
138138 (@create-variable-term
139139 (intern (concatenate 'string (the simple-string
140 (string (variable-name var)))
141 "'"))
140 (string (variable-name var)))
141 "'"))
142142 (variable-sort var)))
144144 (defun simple-copy-term-sharing-variables (term dict)
145145 (declare (type term term)
146 (type parse-dictionary dict))
146 (type parse-dictionary dict))
147147 (if (term-is-variable? term)
148148 (let ((infos (dictionary-get-token-info (dictionary-table dict)
149 (string (variable-name term)))))
150 (declare (type list infos))
151 (dolist (info infos)
152 (when (and (term-is-variable? info)
153 (sort= (variable-sort term)
154 (variable-sort info)))
155 (return-from simple-copy-term-sharing-variables info)))
156 (let ((res (assoc (variable-name term) *parse-variables* :test #'eql)))
157 (declare (type list res))
158 (if res
159 (cdr res)
160 (progn
161 (push (cons (variable-name term) ;; (variable-copy term)
162 term)
163 *parse-variables*)
164 term))))
149 (string (variable-name term)))))
150 (declare (type list infos))
151 (dolist (info infos)
152 (when (and (term-is-variable? info)
153 (sort= (variable-sort term)
154 (variable-sort info)))
155 (return-from simple-copy-term-sharing-variables info)))
156 (let ((res (assoc (variable-name term) *parse-variables* :test #'eql)))
157 (declare (type list res))
158 (if res
159 (cdr res)
160 (progn
161 (push (cons (variable-name term) ;; (variable-copy term)
162 term)
163 *parse-variables*)
164 term))))
165165 (if (term-is-application-form? term)
166 (@create-application-form-term (term-head term)
167 (term-sort term)
168 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
169 (simple-copy-term-sharing-variables x dict))
170 (term-subterms term)))
171 (simple-copy-term term))))
173 (defun get-qualified-op-pattern (tok &optional (module (or *current-module*
174 *last-module*)))
166 (@create-application-form-term (term-head term)
167 (term-sort term)
168 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
169 (simple-copy-term-sharing-variables x dict))
170 (term-subterms term)))
171 (simple-copy-term term))))
173 (defun get-qualified-op-pattern (tok &optional (module (get-context-module)))
175174 (labels ((destruct-op-name (expr)
176 (let ((pos (position #\_ expr)))
177 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
178 (if pos
179 (cons (subseq expr 0 pos)
180 (list "_"
181 (destruct-op-name
182 (subseq expr (1+ pos)))))
183 expr)))
184 (parse-opref (expr)
185 (declare (type string expr))
186 (let ((val (destruct-op-name expr)))
187 (unless (consp val)
188 (setq val (list val)))
189 (let ((name (car val)))
190 (declare (type simple-string name))
191 (let ((pos (position #\. name)))
192 (if (and pos (< 0 pos) (< (1+ pos) (length name)))
193 ;; "foo.qualifier"
194 (values (cons (subseq name 0 pos) (cdr val))
195 (subseq name (1+ pos)))
196 (return-from get-qualified-op-pattern nil))))))
197 (find-qual-operators-2 (name module context)
198 (let ((modval (find-module-in-env-ext (canonicalize-simple-module-name module)
199 context
200 :no-error)))
201 (if (module-p modval)
202 (find-operators-in-module-no-number name modval nil t)
203 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-context)
204 (format t "module ~a is not available in the current context." module))))))
175 (let ((pos (position #\_ expr)))
176 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
177 (if pos
178 (cons (subseq expr 0 pos)
179 (list "_"
180 (destruct-op-name
181 (subseq expr (1+ pos)))))
182 expr)))
183 (parse-opref (expr)
184 (declare (type string expr))
185 (let ((val (destruct-op-name expr)))
186 (unless (consp val)
187 (setq val (list val)))
188 (let ((name (car val)))
189 (declare (type simple-string name))
190 (let ((pos (position #\. name)))
191 (if (and pos (< 0 pos) (< (1+ pos) (length name)))
192 ;; "foo.qualifier"
193 (values (cons (subseq name 0 pos) (cdr val))
194 (subseq name (1+ pos)))
195 (return-from get-qualified-op-pattern nil))))))
196 (find-qual-operators-2 (name module context)
197 (let ((modval (find-module-in-env-ext (canonicalize-simple-module-name module)
198 context
199 :no-error)))
200 (if (module-p modval)
201 (find-operators-in-module-no-number name modval nil t)
202 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-context)
203 (format t "module ~a is not available in the current context." module))))))
205204 (let ((info nil)
206 (res nil))
205 (res nil))
207206 (multiple-value-bind (name qual)
208 (parse-opref tok)
209 (setq info (find-qual-operators-2 name qual module))
210 (dolist (i info)
211 (if (cdr (opinfo-methods i))
212 (push (cadr (opinfo-methods i)) res)
213 (push (car (opinfo-methods i)) res)))
214 (values res name)))))
207 (parse-opref tok)
208 (setq info (find-qual-operators-2 name qual module))
209 (dolist (i info)
210 (if (cdr (opinfo-methods i))
211 (push (cadr (opinfo-methods i)) res)
212 (push (car (opinfo-methods i)) res)))
213 (values res name)))))
216215 (defun parser-is-more-general-one (obj lst)
217216 (and (method-p obj)
218217 (let ((lowers (method-lower-methods obj)))
219 (dolist (obj2 lst)
220 (when (member obj2 lowers :test #'eq)
221 (return-from parser-is-more-general-one t)))
222 nil)))
218 (dolist (obj2 lst)
219 (when (member obj2 lowers :test #'eq)
220 (return-from parser-is-more-general-one t)))
221 nil)))
224223 (defun get-info-on-token (dictionary token &optional sort-constraint)
225224 (declare (type parse-dictionary dictionary)
226 (type t token))
225 (type t token))
227226 (when *on-parse-debug*
228 (format t "~&dictionary info token = ~s" token))
227 (format t "~%dictionary info token = ~s" token))
229228 (let ((res nil)
230 (mod-token nil))
229 (mod-token nil))
231230 (block collect
232231 (cond ((consp token)
233 ;; special builtin tokens
234 (setq res (list (info-for-special-builtins token))))
235 ;; normal token
236 (t (setq res (dictionary-get-token-info (dictionary-table dictionary)
237 token))
238 ;; check builtin constant
239 (let (pos)
240 (dolist (bi (dictionary-builtins dictionary))
241 (let ((token-pred (bsort-token-predicate bi)))
242 (when (and token-pred
243 (funcall token-pred token))
244 (push bi pos))))
245 (if pos
246 ;; may be builtin constant.
247 (if (cdr pos)
248 (let ((so (module-sort-order
249 *current-module*)))
250 (dolist (bi pos)
251 (unless (some #'(lambda (x) (sort< x bi so)) pos)
252 (push (dictionary-make-builtin-constant token bi) res))))
253 (push (dictionary-make-builtin-constant token (car pos)) res))))
255 ;; blocked let variable?
256 ;; *TODO*
258 ;; bound variable?
259 (catch 'term-context-error
260 (let ((val (get-bound-value token)))
261 (when val
262 (if (is-special-let-variable? token)
263 (push val res)
264 (push (simple-copy-term-sharing-variables val dictionary)
265 res)))))
266 ;; try other possiblities.
267 ;; variable ?
268 (let ((res2 (assoc (intern token) *parse-variables*)))
269 (cond (res2
270 ;; there's a registered variable with name 'token', accumlate
271 ;; it. now that vars are left in modules want
272 ;; *parser-variables* to replace.
273 (when *on-parse-debug*
274 (format t "~&found var : ~s" (car res2)))
275 (setq res (cons (cdr res2) (dictionary-delete-vars res))))
276 (t
277 ;; check sort qualified variable reference
278 ;; = on-the-fly (dynamic) variable declaration.
279 (let ((q-pos (position #\: (the simple-string token)
280 :from-end t)))
281 (declare (type (or null fixnum) q-pos))
282 (cond ((and q-pos
283 (not (zerop (the fixnum q-pos)))
284 (not (= (the fixnum q-pos)
285 (the fixnum
286 (1- (length
287 (the simple-string token)))))))
288 (let ((sort nil)
289 (var-name nil)
290 (var nil))
291 ;; assumes the token is qualified vriable
292 ;; declaration.
293 (setq var-name (subseq (the simple-string token)
294 0
295 (the fixnum q-pos)))
296 (setf sort (find-sort-in *current-module*
297 (subseq
298 (the simple-string token)
299 (1+ (the fixnum q-pos)))))
300 (unless sort
301 (when res (return-from collect nil))
302 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
303 (format t "unknown sort ~a for variable form ~a."
304 (subseq token (1+ q-pos))
305 token)))
306 (let ((bi (check-var-name-overloading-with-builtin
307 var-name sort *current-module*)))
308 (when bi
309 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
310 (format t "declaring variable ~s on the fly,"
311 var-name)
312 (print-next)
313 (princ "the name is conflicting with built-in constant of sort ")
314 (print-sort-name bi *current-module*)
315 (princ ".")
316 (terpri))))
317 ;;
318 #||
319 (let ((gv (dictionary-get-token-info
320 (dictionary-table dictionary)
321 var-name)))
322 (when gv
323 (dolist (op-v gv)
324 (when (eq (object-syntactic-type op-v)
325 'variable)
326 (with-output-chaos-error ('already-used-name)
327 (format t "~&on the fly variable name ~A is already used for static variable declaration..." var-name))))))
328 ||#
329 (setq var-name (intern var-name))
331 ;; success parsing it as a variable declaration.
332 ;; checks if there alredy a variable with the same
333 ;; name.
334 (when *on-parse-debug*
335 (format t "~&on-the-fly var decl: ~A" var-name)
336 (format t "... ~A" *parse-variables*))
337 (let ((old-var (assoc var-name *parse-variables*)))
338 (if old-var
339 (unless (sort= (variable-sort (cdr old-var))
340 sort)
341 (with-output-chaos-error ()
342 (format t "variable ~A has been declared as sort ~A, but now being redefined as sort ~A.~%"
343 (string var-name)
344 (string (sort-id
345 (variable-sort (cdr
346 old-var))))
347 (string (sort-id sort))))
348 ;;(setf (cdr old-var)
349 ;; (make-variable-term sort var-name))
350 )
351 (progn
352 ;; check name, if it start with `, we make
353 ;; pseudo variable
354 (if (eql #\` (char (the simple-string (string var-name)) 0))
355 (setf var (make-pvariable-term sort var-name))
356 (setf var (make-variable-term sort var-name)))
357 (push (cons var-name var) *parse-variables*)))
358 (if old-var
359 (progn
360 (push (cdr old-var) res)
361 #||
362 (when (err-sort-p (variable-sort
363 (cdr old-var)))
364 (pushew (cdr old-var)
365 (module-error-variables
366 *current-module*)))
367 ||#
368 )
369 (let ((svar (assoc var res :test #'equal)))
370 (when *on-parse-debug*
371 (format t "~%!res = ~s" res))
372 (when svar
373 (with-output-chaos-error ()
374 (format t "Static variable ~s already used before in the same context" var-name)))
375 (push var res)
376 #||
377 (when (err-sort-p (variable-sort var))
378 (pushnew var (module-error-variables
379 *current-module*)))
380 ||#
381 )))))
383 ;; must not be a variable declaration.
384 ;; try yet other possibilities.
385 (t
386 ;; no possibilities of vairable nor builtin
387 ;; constant.
388 (let ((ast (gethash token *builtin-ast-dict*)))
389 (if ast
390 ;; abstract syntax tree.
391 (setf res ast))
392 (unless res
393 (multiple-value-setq (res mod-token)
394 (get-qualified-op-pattern token)))
395 ;;
396 (when (and (null res)
397 (memq *identifier-sort*
398 (module-all-sorts
399 *current-module*)))
400 (let ((ident (intern token)))
401 (unless (member ident '(|.| |,|
402 |(| |)|
403 |{| |}|
404 |[| |]|))
405 (push (make-bconst-term *identifier-sort* ident) res)))))))))))
406 ;; final possibility
407 (unless res
408 (multiple-value-setq (res mod-token)
409 (get-qualified-op-pattern token))))))
232 ;; special builtin tokens
233 (setq res (list (info-for-special-builtins token))))
234 ;; normal token
235 (t (setq res (dictionary-get-token-info (dictionary-table dictionary)
236 token))
237 ;; check builtin constant
238 (let (pos)
239 (dolist (bi (dictionary-builtins dictionary))
240 (let ((token-pred (bsort-token-predicate bi)))
241 (when (and token-pred
242 (funcall token-pred token))
243 (push bi pos))))
244 (if pos
245 ;; may be builtin constant.
246 (if (cdr pos)
247 (let ((so (module-sort-order
248 *current-module*)))
249 (dolist (bi pos)
250 (unless (some #'(lambda (x) (sort< x bi so)) pos)
251 (push (dictionary-make-builtin-constant token bi) res))))
252 (push (dictionary-make-builtin-constant token (car pos)) res))))
254 ;; blocked let variable?
255 ;; *TODO*
257 ;; bound variable?
258 (catch 'term-context-error
259 (let ((val (get-bound-value token)))
260 (when val
261 (if (is-special-let-variable? token)
262 (push val res)
263 (push (simple-copy-term-sharing-variables val dictionary)
264 res)))))
265 ;; try other possiblities.
266 ;; variable ?
267 (let ((res2 (assoc (intern token) *parse-variables*)))
268 (cond (res2
269 ;; there's a registered variable with name 'token', accumlate
270 ;; it. now that vars are left in modules want
271 ;; *parser-variables* to replace.
272 (when *on-parse-debug*
273 (format t "~%found var : ~s" (car res2)))
274 (setq res (cons (cdr res2) (dictionary-delete-vars res))))
275 (t
276 ;; check sort qualified variable reference
277 ;; = on-the-fly (dynamic) variable declaration.
278 (let ((q-pos (position #\: (the simple-string token)
279 :from-end t)))
280 (declare (type (or null fixnum) q-pos))
281 (cond ((and q-pos
282 (not (zerop (the fixnum q-pos)))
283 (not (= (the fixnum q-pos)
284 (the fixnum
285 (1- (length
286 (the simple-string token)))))))
287 (let ((sort nil)
288 (var-name nil)
289 (var nil))
290 ;; assumes the token is qualified vriable
291 ;; declaration.
292 (setq var-name (subseq (the simple-string token)
293 0
294 (the fixnum q-pos)))
295 (setf sort (find-sort-in *current-module*
296 (subseq
297 (the simple-string token)
298 (1+ (the fixnum q-pos)))))
299 (unless sort
300 (when res (return-from collect nil))
301 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
302 (format t "unknown sort ~a for variable form ~a."
303 (subseq token (1+ q-pos))
304 token)))
305 (let ((bi (check-var-name-overloading-with-builtin
306 var-name sort *current-module*)))
307 (when bi
308 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
309 (format t "declaring variable ~s on the fly,"
310 var-name)
311 (print-next)
312 (princ "the name is conflicting with built-in constant of sort ")
313 (print-sort-name bi *current-module*)
314 (princ ".")
315 (terpri))))
316 ;;
317 #||
318 (let ((gv (dictionary-get-token-info
319 (dictionary-table dictionary)
320 var-name)))
321 (when gv
322 (dolist (op-v gv)
323 (when (eq (object-syntactic-type op-v)
324 'variable)
325 (with-output-chaos-error ('already-used-name)
326 (format t "~&on the fly variable name ~A is already used for static variable declaration..." var-name))))))
327 ||#
328 (setq var-name (intern var-name))
330 ;; success parsing it as a variable declaration.
331 ;; checks if there alredy a variable with the same
332 ;; name.
333 (when *on-parse-debug*
334 (format t "~%on-the-fly var decl: ~A" var-name)
335 (format t "... ~A" *parse-variables*))
336 (let ((old-var (assoc var-name *parse-variables*)))
337 (if old-var
338 (unless (sort= (variable-sort (cdr old-var))
339 sort)
340 (with-output-chaos-error ()
341 (format t "variable ~A has been declared as sort ~A, but now being redefined as sort ~A.~%"
342 (string var-name)
343 (string (sort-id
344 (variable-sort (cdr
345 old-var))))
346 (string (sort-id sort))))
347 ;;(setf (cdr old-var)
348 ;; (make-variable-term sort var-name))
349 )
350 (progn
351 ;; check name, if it start with `, we make
352 ;; pseudo variable
353 (if (eql #\` (char (the simple-string (string var-name)) 0))
354 (setf var (make-pvariable-term sort var-name))
355 (setf var (make-variable-term sort var-name)))
356 (push (cons var-name var) *parse-variables*)))
357 (if old-var
358 (progn
359 (push (cdr old-var) res)
360 #||
361 (when (err-sort-p (variable-sort
362 (cdr old-var)))
363 (pushew (cdr old-var)
364 (module-error-variables
365 *current-module*)))
366 ||#
367 )
368 (let ((svar (assoc var res :test #'equal)))
369 (when *on-parse-debug*
370 (format t "~%!res = ~s" res))
371 (when svar
372 (with-output-chaos-error ()
373 (format t "Static variable ~s already used before in the same context" var-name)))
374 (push var res)
375 #||
376 (when (err-sort-p (variable-sort var))
377 (pushnew var (module-error-variables
378 *current-module*)))
379 ||#
380 )))))
382 ;; must not be a variable declaration.
383 ;; try yet other possibilities.
384 (t
385 ;; no possibilities of vairable nor builtin
386 ;; constant.
387 (let ((ast (gethash token *builtin-ast-dict*)))
388 (if ast
389 ;; abstract syntax tree.
390 (setf res ast))
391 (unless res
392 (multiple-value-setq (res mod-token)
393 (get-qualified-op-pattern token)))
394 ;;
395 (when (and (null res)
396 (memq *identifier-sort*
397 (module-all-sorts
398 *current-module*)))
399 (let ((ident (intern token)))
400 (unless (member ident '(|.| |,|
401 |(| |)|
402 |{| |}|
403 |[| |]|))
404 (push (make-bconst-term *identifier-sort* ident) res)))))))))))
405 ;; final possibility
406 (unless res
407 (multiple-value-setq (res mod-token)
408 (get-qualified-op-pattern token))))))
410409 ;; end collect
411410 (when sort-constraint
412411 (let ((real-res nil))
413 (dolist (r res)
414 (cond ((term? r)
415 (when (parser-in-same-connected-component (term-sort r)
416 sort-constraint
417 *current-sort-order*)
418 (push r real-res)))
419 ((method-p r)
420 (when (parser-in-same-connected-component (method-coarity r)
421 sort-constraint
422 *current-sort-order*)
423 (push r real-res)))
424 (t (push r real-res))))
425 (when real-res
426 (setq res real-res))))
412 (dolist (r res)
413 (cond ((term? r)
414 (when (parser-in-same-connected-component (term-sort r)
415 sort-constraint
416 *current-sort-order*)
417 (push r real-res)))
418 ((method-p r)
419 (when (parser-in-same-connected-component (method-coarity r)
420 sort-constraint
421 *current-sort-order*)
422 (push r real-res)))
423 (t (push r real-res))))
424 (when real-res
425 (setq res real-res))))
427426 (let ((result nil))
428427 (loop
429 (unless res (return))
430 (let ((p (pop res)))
431 (unless (parser-is-more-general-one p res)
432 (push p result))))
428 (unless res (return))
429 (let ((p (pop res)))
430 (unless (parser-is-more-general-one p res)
431 (push p result))))
433432 (setq res (nreverse result)))
434433 (when *on-parse-debug*
435 (format t "~& : sort constraint = ")
434 (format t "~% : sort constraint = ")
436435 (print-chaos-object sort-constraint)
437436 (format t "~& : result info = ~s" res)
438437 (print-chaos-object res))
441440 (defun dictionary-delete-vars (lst)
442441 (declare (type list lst))
443442 (if (dolist (e lst nil)
444 (when (consp e) (return t)))
443 (when (consp e) (return t)))
445444 (let ((res nil))
446 (dolist (e lst)
447 (unless (consp e) (push e res)))
448 (nreverse res))
445 (dolist (e lst)
446 (unless (consp e) (push e res)))
447 (nreverse res))
449448 lst))
451450 ;;; ** TODO **
453452 ;;;
454453 (defun dictionary-make-builtin-constant (token bsort)
455454 (declare (type t token)
456 (type sort* bsort))
455 (type sort* bsort))
457456 (catch 'direct-value
458457 (let ((value (funcall (bsort-term-creator bsort) token)))
459458 (make-bconst-term bsort value))))
463462 ;;;=============================================================================
465464 ;;;=============================================================================
467466 ;;; the range of precedence (and precedence level) :
479478 (defun object-syntactic-type (e)
480479 (declare (type t e))
481480 (cond ((term? e)
482 (if (term-is-variable? e)
483 'variable
484 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? e)
485 'builtin
486 (if (term-is-lisp-form? e)
487 'lisp-form
488 'normal-term))))
489 ((operator-method-p e)
490 (operator-syntactic-type (method-operator e)))
491 (t 'ast)))
481 (if (term-is-variable? e)
482 'variable
483 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? e)
484 'builtin
485 (if (term-is-lisp-form? e)
486 'lisp-form
487 'normal-term))))
488 ((operator-method-p e)
489 (operator-syntactic-type (method-operator e)))
490 (t 'ast)))
493492 (defun operator-parse-category (op)
494493 (operator-syntactic-type-from-name (operator-token-sequence op)))
541540 (defun parse-term (token-list module level-constraint sort-constraint)
542541 (declare (type list token-list)
543 (type module module)
544 (type fixnum level-constraint)
545 (type sort* sort-constraint))
542 (type module module)
543 (type fixnum level-constraint)
544 (type sort* sort-constraint))
546545 (let ((terletox0-list (parser-get-term token-list
547 module
548 level-constraint
549 ;; sort-constraint
550 )))
546 module
547 level-constraint
548 ;; sort-constraint
549 )))
551550 (declare (type list terletox0-list))
552551 (let ((res nil))
553 (when terletox0-list
554 (setq res (parser-continuing terletox0-list
555 module
556 level-constraint
557 sort-constraint)))
558 res)))
552 (when terletox0-list
553 (setq res (parser-continuing terletox0-list
554 module
555 level-constraint
556 sort-constraint)))
557 res)))
561560 ;;; LIST[ ( ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel ) . TokenList ) ] -- not empty !
586585 (defun parser-continuing (terletox0-list module level-constraint sort-constraint)
587586 (declare (type list terletox0-list)
588 (type module module)
589 (type fixnum level-constraint)
590 (type sort* sort-constraint))
591 (let ((terletox-list-prime nil)) ;initialization--will serve as accumulator
592 ; and be returned in the end.
587 (type module module)
588 (type fixnum level-constraint)
589 (type sort* sort-constraint))
590 (let ((terletox-list-prime nil)) ;initialization--will serve as accumulator
591 ; and be returned in the end.
593592 (dolist (terletox0 terletox0-list terletox-list-prime)
594 (setq terletox-list-prime ;accumulate
593 (setq terletox-list-prime ;accumulate
595594 (nconc (parser-continue-check terletox0
596 module
597 level-constraint
598 sort-constraint)
595 module
596 level-constraint
597 sort-constraint)
599598 terletox-list-prime)))))
630629 (defun parser-continue-check (terletox0 module level-constraint sort-constraint)
631630 (declare (type list terletox0)
632 (type module module)
633 (type fixnum level-constraint)
634 (type sort* sort-constraint))
631 (type module module)
632 (type fixnum level-constraint)
633 (type sort* sort-constraint))
635634 ;;
636635 (let* ((chaos-term0 (caar terletox0))
637 (sort0 (term-sort chaos-term0))
638 (sort-order (module-sort-order module))
639 ;; add chaos-term0 in the set of solutions if its sort is correct:
640 (terletox-sublist-prime (if (or
641 ;; (term-ill-defined chaos-term0)
642 (parser-in-same-connected-component
643 sort0
644 sort-constraint
645 sort-order))
646 ;; then
647 (list terletox0)
648 ;; else -- completely illegual
649 nil)))
636 (sort0 (term-sort chaos-term0))
637 (sort-order (module-sort-order module))
638 ;; add chaos-term0 in the set of solutions if its sort is correct:
639 (terletox-sublist-prime (if (or
640 ;; (term-ill-defined chaos-term0)
641 (parser-in-same-connected-component
642 sort0
643 sort-constraint
644 sort-order))
645 ;; then
646 (list terletox0)
647 ;; else -- completely illegual
648 nil)))
650649 ;;
651650 (when *on-parse-debug*
652651 (format t "~%[continue-check]: const=")
657656 (print-chaos-object terletox-sublist-prime))
658657 ;;
659658 (nconc terletox-sublist-prime
660 (parser-continue terletox0 module level-constraint sort-constraint))))
659 (parser-continue terletox0 module level-constraint sort-constraint))))
662661 ;;; PARSER-CONTINUE :
663662 ;;; ( ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel ) . TokenList )
690689 (defun parser-continue (terletox0 module level-constraint sort-constraint)
691690 (declare (type list terletox0)
692 (type module module)
693 (type fixnum level-constraint)
694 (type sort* sort-constraint))
691 (type module module)
692 (type fixnum level-constraint)
693 (type sort* sort-constraint))
695694 (let ((token-list (cdr terletox0)) ) ;possibly emtpy
696695 (declare (type list token-list))
697696 (if (null token-list)
698 nil
697 nil
699698 (let* ((token1 (car token-list))
700 (term-level0 (car terletox0)))
701 (multiple-value-bind (choice mod-token)
702 (choose-operators-from-token term-level0
703 token1
704 module
705 level-constraint)
706 (if (null choice)
707 nil ;return a void solution
708 (progn
709 (when mod-token
710 (setf (car token-list) mod-token))
711 (parser-continue-for-operators token-list
712 (car term-level0) ;chaos-term0
713 choice
714 module
715 level-constraint
716 sort-constraint))))))))
699 (term-level0 (car terletox0)))
700 (multiple-value-bind (choice mod-token)
701 (choose-operators-from-token term-level0
702 token1
703 module
704 level-constraint)
705 (if (null choice)
706 nil ;return a void solution
707 (progn
708 (when mod-token
709 (setf (car token-list) mod-token))
710 (parser-continue-for-operators token-list
711 (car term-level0) ;chaos-term0
712 choice
713 module
714 level-constraint
715 sort-constraint))))))))
718717 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
750749 ;;; level-constraint, sort-constraint) .
751750 ;;;
752751 (defun parser-continue-for-operators (token-list
753 chaos-term0
754 late-juxt-operator-list
755 module level-constraint sort-constraint)
752 chaos-term0
753 late-juxt-operator-list
754 module level-constraint sort-constraint)
756755 (declare (type list token-list late-juxt-operator-list)
757 (type t chaos-term0)
758 (type module module)
759 (type fixnum level-constraint)
760 (type sort* sort-constraint))
761 (let ((terletox-list-prime nil)) ;initialization--to be returned in the end
756 (type t chaos-term0)
757 (type module module)
758 (type fixnum level-constraint)
759 (type sort* sort-constraint))
760 (let ((terletox-list-prime nil)) ;initialization--to be returned in the end
762761 (dolist (late-juxt-operator late-juxt-operator-list terletox-list-prime)
763762 (when *on-parse-debug*
764 (format t "~&continue : try method ")
765 (print-chaos-object late-juxt-operator))
763 (format t "~%continue : try method ")
764 (print-chaos-object late-juxt-operator))
766765 (setq terletox-list-prime
767766 (nconc (parser-continue-for-operator token-list
768 chaos-term0
769 late-juxt-operator
770 module
771 level-constraint
772 sort-constraint)
767 chaos-term0
768 late-juxt-operator
769 module
770 level-constraint
771 sort-constraint)
773772 terletox-list-prime)))))
775774 ;;; op parser-continue-for-operator :
807806 ;;; -- and is so far an acceptable operator.
809808 (defun parser-continue-for-operator (token-list
810 chaos-term0
811 late-juxt-operator
812 module level-constraint sort-constraint)
809 chaos-term0
810 late-juxt-operator
811 module level-constraint sort-constraint)
813812 (declare (type list token-list)
814 (type method late-juxt-operator)
815 (type t chaos-term0)
816 (type module module)
817 (type fixnum level-constraint)
818 (type sort* sort-constraint))
813 (type method late-juxt-operator)
814 (type t chaos-term0)
815 (type module module)
816 (type fixnum level-constraint)
817 (type sort* sort-constraint))
819818 (let ((first-result-list (parser-finish-term-for-operator token-list
820 chaos-term0
821 late-juxt-operator
822 module)))
819 chaos-term0
820 late-juxt-operator
821 module)))
823822 (if (null first-result-list)
824 nil ;return an empty solution
823 nil ;return an empty solution
825824 (parser-continuing first-result-list
826 module
827 level-constraint
828 sort-constraint))))
825 module
826 level-constraint
827 sort-constraint))))
830829 ;;; op parser-finish-term-for-operator :
831830 ;;; TokenList
838837 ;;;
839838 ;;;-- Notes:
840839 ;;;-- 1. This procedure is not called, unless:
841 ;;;-- a. the next token to swallow is the first token part of the latefix
840 ;;;-- a. the next token to swallow is the first token part of the latefix
842841 ;;;-- operator given as input argument; or refers to a variable, a
843842 ;;;-- constant, a function, a prefix part of an operator or is "(";
844 ;;;-- b. the latefix or juxtaposition operator given as input is
843 ;;;-- b. the latefix or juxtaposition operator given as input is
845844 ;;;-- acceptable so far, i.e. with regard to sort and precedence of
846845 ;;;-- the subterm obtained so far.
847846 ;;;
857856 ;;;-- "_ _", e.g. "_ _", "_ _ _ ", "_ _ _ foo _".
858857 ;;;
859858 (defun parser-finish-term-for-operator (token-list chaos-term0
860 late-juxt-operator module)
859 late-juxt-operator module)
861860 (declare (type list token-list)
862 (type t chaos-term0 late-juxt-operator)
863 (type module module))
861 (type t chaos-term0 late-juxt-operator)
862 (type module module))
864863 ;;
865864 (let* ((form (method-form late-juxt-operator))
866 (rest-form (cdr form)) ;we already got the first argument
867 (arg-acc-list (list (cons (list chaos-term0) token-list))) ;initialization
868 (arg-acc-list-prime ;possibly nil
869 (parser-collect-arguments arg-acc-list
870 module
871 rest-form)))
865 (rest-form (cdr form)) ;we already got the first argument
866 (arg-acc-list (list (cons (list chaos-term0) token-list))) ;initialization
867 (arg-acc-list-prime ;possibly nil
868 (parser-collect-arguments arg-acc-list
869 module
870 rest-form)))
872871 (if (null arg-acc-list-prime)
873 ;; illegal
874 ;; (parser-make-terms late-juxt-operator arg-acc-list module)
875 nil
872 ;; illegal
873 ;; (parser-make-terms late-juxt-operator arg-acc-list module)
874 nil
876875 (parser-make-terms late-juxt-operator arg-acc-list-prime module))))
878877 ;;; op parser-get-term :
884883 ;;; -- possibly empty
886885 (defun parser-get-term (token-list module level-constraint
887 &optional sort-constraint)
886 &optional sort-constraint)
888887 (declare (type list token-list)
889 (type module module)
890 (type fixnum level-constraint))
891 (let ((token1 (car token-list)) ;token-list non null
892 (token-list-prime (cdr token-list)))
888 (type module module)
889 (type fixnum level-constraint))
890 (let ((token1 (car token-list)) ;token-list non null
891 (token-list-prime (cdr token-list)))
893892 (when *on-parse-debug*
894893 (format t "~%[parser-get-term]: token-list=~s" token-list)
895894 (format t " sort-constraint: ~a" (if sort-constraint
896 (string (sort-name sort-constraint))
897 "None")))
895 (string (sort-name sort-constraint))
896 "None")))
898897 (when (and (symbolp token1)
899 (memq token1 '(%slisp %glisp |%Chaos|)))
898 (memq token1 '(%slisp %glisp |%Chaos|)))
900899 (return-from parser-get-term nil))
901900 ;;what first token have we got ?
902901 (cond ((equal token1 "(")
903 ;;* Reserved tokens
904 ;;* Parenthesized expression
905 (if (null token-list-prime)
906 nil ;return an empty set of solutions
907 (parser-get-rest-of-parenthesized-expr token-list-prime
908 module)))
909 (;; (member token1 '( ")" "," ) :test #'equal)
910 (equal token1 ")")
911 ;;* Unacceptable reserved tokens
912 nil ) ;return empty set of solutions
913 ;;* Regular tokens
914 ;; They have to have been declared operators or variables:
915 (t (get-term-for-regular-token token1
916 token-list-prime
917 module
918 level-constraint
919 sort-constraint)))))
902 ;;* Reserved tokens
903 ;;* Parenthesized expression
904 (if (null token-list-prime)
905 nil ;return an empty set of solutions
906 (parser-get-rest-of-parenthesized-expr token-list-prime
907 module)))
908 (;; (member token1 '( ")" "," ) :test #'equal)
909 (equal token1 ")")
910 ;;* Unacceptable reserved tokens
911 nil ) ;return empty set of solutions
912 ;;* Regular tokens
913 ;; They have to have been declared operators or variables:
914 (t (get-term-for-regular-token token1
915 token-list-prime
916 module
917 level-constraint
918 sort-constraint)))))
921920 ;;; op parser-get-rest-of-parenthesized-expr :
922921 ;;; TokenList -- not empty !
927926 ;;;
928927 (defun parser-get-rest-of-parenthesized-expr (token-list module)
929928 (declare (type list token-list)
930 (type module module))
929 (type module module))
931930 (let ((terletox-list (parse-term token-list
932 module
933 parser-max-precedence
934 ;; sort-constraint
935 *cosmos*))
936 (terletox-list-prime nil) ; accumulator--to be returned in the end
937 terletox)
931 module
932 parser-max-precedence
933 ;; sort-constraint
934 *cosmos*))
935 (terletox-list-prime nil) ; accumulator--to be returned in the end
936 terletox)
938937 (declare (type list terletox-list))
939938 ;; this is "over-general"
940939 ;; group terms together with same remaining token list
941940 ;; check for possible term qualification, if present treat
942941 ;; group of terms as a unit
943942 (loop (when (null terletox-list) (return terletox-list-prime))
944 (setq terletox (car terletox-list))
945 (setq terletox-list (cdr terletox-list))
946 (let ((token-list (cdr terletox))
947 (chaos-terms (list (caar terletox)))
948 (rest-terletox-list nil))
949 (dolist (tlt terletox-list)
950 (if (eq (cdr tlt) token-list)
951 (push (caar tlt) chaos-terms) ;use rplacd for space ??
952 (push tlt rest-terletox-list)))
953 (setq terletox-list rest-terletox-list)
954 ;; for each solution, try to swallow ")";
955 (if (equal (car token-list) ")")
956 ;; token-list is not empty and begins with ")":
957 ;; then swallow ")", set precedence level to 0, and accumulate:
958 (if (and (cdr token-list)
959 (let ((fst (char (the simple-string
960 (cadr token-list))
961 0))
962 (info (get-info-on-token
963 (module-parse-dictionary *current-module*)
964 (cadr token-list))))
965 (and (eql #\: fst)
966 (not (equal (cadr token-list) ":is"))
967 (dolist (in info t)
968 (when (member (object-syntactic-type in)
969 '(antefix juxtaposition latefix))
970 (return nil))))))
971 ;; !! might modify this last condition a bit
972 (multiple-value-bind (terms toks)
973 (parser-scan-qualification chaos-terms
974 (cdr token-list))
975 (dolist (tm terms)
976 (setq terletox-list-prime
977 (cons (cons (cons tm parser-min-precedence)
978 toks)
979 terletox-list-prime))))
980 ;; else: there isn't a qualification; create continuations
981 (dolist (tm chaos-terms)
982 (setq terletox-list-prime
983 (cons (cons (cons tm parser-min-precedence)
984 (cdr token-list))
985 terletox-list-prime))))
986 nil)))))
943 (setq terletox (car terletox-list))
944 (setq terletox-list (cdr terletox-list))
945 (let ((token-list (cdr terletox))
946 (chaos-terms (list (caar terletox)))
947 (rest-terletox-list nil))
948 (dolist (tlt terletox-list)
949 (if (eq (cdr tlt) token-list)
950 (push (caar tlt) chaos-terms) ;use rplacd for space ??
951 (push tlt rest-terletox-list)))
952 (setq terletox-list rest-terletox-list)
953 ;; for each solution, try to swallow ")";
954 (if (equal (car token-list) ")")
955 ;; token-list is not empty and begins with ")":
956 ;; then swallow ")", set precedence level to 0, and accumulate:
957 (if (and (cdr token-list)
958 (let ((fst (char (the simple-string
959 (cadr token-list))
960 0))
961 (info (get-info-on-token
962 (module-parse-dictionary *current-module*)
963 (cadr token-list))))
964 (and (eql #\: fst)
965 (not (equal (cadr token-list) ":is"))
966 (dolist (in info t)
967 (when (member (object-syntactic-type in)
968 '(antefix juxtaposition latefix))
969 (return nil))))))
970 ;; !! might modify this last condition a bit
971 (multiple-value-bind (terms toks)
972 (parser-scan-qualification chaos-terms
973 (cdr token-list))
974 (dolist (tm terms)
975 (setq terletox-list-prime
976 (cons (cons (cons tm parser-min-precedence)
977 toks)
978 terletox-list-prime))))
979 ;; else: there isn't a qualification; create continuations
980 (dolist (tm chaos-terms)
981 (setq terletox-list-prime
982 (cons (cons (cons tm parser-min-precedence)
983 (cdr token-list))
984 terletox-list-prime))))
985 nil)))))
988987 ;;; op parser-scan-qualification : TermList TokenList -> TermList TokenList
989988 ;;; Token list starts with the qualification; for ((x + y) . A) is (. A)
992991 (defun parser-scan-qualification (chaos-terms token-list)
993992 (declare (type list chaos-terms token-list))
994993 (let ((tokens (if (equal (car token-list) ":")
995 (cdr token-list)
996 (cons (subseq (the simple-string (car token-list)) 1)
997 (cdr token-list))))
998 (res nil)
999 qualifier
1000 rest)
994 (cdr token-list)
995 (cons (subseq (the simple-string (car token-list)) 1)
996 (cdr token-list))))
997 (res nil)
998 qualifier
999 rest)
10011000 (if (equal "(" (car tokens))
1002 (let ((paren-pair (parser-scan-parenthesized-unit tokens)))
1003 (declare (type list paren-pair))
1004 (if (null paren-pair) (setq res 'unbalanced)
1005 (setq qualifier (if (atom (car paren-pair))
1006 (list (car paren-pair))
1007 (car paren-pair))
1008 rest (cdr paren-pair))))
1009 (setq qualifier (list (car tokens)) rest (cdr tokens)))
1001 (let ((paren-pair (parser-scan-parenthesized-unit tokens)))
1002 (declare (type list paren-pair))
1003 (if (null paren-pair) (setq res 'unbalanced)
1004 (setq qualifier (if (atom (car paren-pair))
1005 (list (car paren-pair))
1006 (car paren-pair))
1007 rest (cdr paren-pair))))
1008 (setq qualifier (list (car tokens)) rest (cdr tokens)))
10101009 (when *on-parse-debug*
1011 (format t "~&[scan-qualification] tokens=~a" tokens))
1010 (format t "~%[scan-qualification] tokens=~a" tokens))
10121011 (if (eq 'unbalanced res)
1013 (values chaos-terms token-list)
1014 (let ((sorts (find-all-sorts-in *current-module* qualifier))
1015 (exact nil)
1016 (res nil)
1017 tm)
1018 (when *on-parse-debug*
1019 (format t "~&[scan-qualification] qualifier=~a" qualifier))
1020 (unless sorts ;; was qualifier
1021 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
1022 (format t "no such sort ~a" qualifier)))
1023 ;; should give error message. and abort.
1024 (loop (when (null chaos-terms) (return))
1025 (setq tm (car chaos-terms))
1026 (setq chaos-terms (cdr chaos-terms))
1027 (let ((t-sort (term-sort tm)))
1028 (when (some #'(lambda (x) (sort<= t-sort x)) sorts)
1029 (push tm res))
1030 (when (memq t-sort sorts)
1031 ;; (setq exact tm)
1032 (push tm exact))
1033 ;; (return nil)
1034 ))
1035 ;;
1036 (when *on-parse-debug*
1037 (format t "~& ...exect found: ")
1038 (print-chaos-object exact))
1039 ;;
1040 (if exact
1041 ;; (values (list tm) rest)
1042 (values exact rest)
1043 (values res rest))))))
1012 (values chaos-terms token-list)
1013 (let ((sorts (find-all-sorts-in *current-module* qualifier))
1014 (exact nil)
1015 (res nil)
1016 tm)
1017 (when *on-parse-debug*
1018 (format t "~%[scan-qualification] qualifier=~a" qualifier))
1019 (unless sorts ;; was qualifier
1020 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-sort)
1021 (format t "no such sort ~a" qualifier)))
1022 ;; should give error message. and abort.
1023 (loop (when (null chaos-terms) (return))
1024 (setq tm (car chaos-terms))
1025 (setq chaos-terms (cdr chaos-terms))
1026 (let ((t-sort (term-sort tm)))
1027 (when (some #'(lambda (x) (sort<= t-sort x)) sorts)
1028 (push tm res))
1029 (when (memq t-sort sorts)
1030 ;; (setq exact tm)
1031 (push tm exact))
1032 ;; (return nil)
1033 ))
1034 ;;
1035 (when *on-parse-debug*
1036 (format t "~% ...exact found: ")
1037 (print-chaos-object exact))
1038 ;;
1039 (if exact
1040 ;; (values (list tm) rest)
1041 (values exact rest)
1042 (values res rest))))))
10451044 (defun parser-scan-parenthesized-unit (tokens)
10461045 (declare (type list tokens))
10471046 (if (equal "(" (car tokens))
10481047 (let ((count 1) (lst (cdr tokens)) (res nil))
1049 (declare (type fixnum count))
1050 (loop (when (null lst) (return 'unbalanced))
1051 (let ((tok (car lst)))
1052 (setq lst (cdr lst))
1053 (when (and (= 1 count) (equal ")" tok))
1054 (return (cons (if (and res (null (cdr res)))
1055 (car res)
1056 (nreverse res))
1057 lst)))
1058 (setq res (cons tok res))
1059 (if (equal "(" tok) (incf count)
1060 (if (equal ")" tok) (decf count))))))
1048 (declare (type fixnum count))
1049 (loop (when (null lst) (return 'unbalanced))
1050 (let ((tok (car lst)))
1051 (setq lst (cdr lst))
1052 (when (and (= 1 count) (equal ")" tok))
1053 (return (cons (if (and res (null (cdr res)))
1054 (car res)
1055 (nreverse res))
1056 lst)))
1057 (setq res (cons tok res))
1058 (if (equal "(" tok) (incf count)
1059 (if (equal ")" tok) (decf count))))))
10611060 tokens))
10631062 ;;; op get-term-for-regular-token :
10701069 ;;; -- possibly empty
10721071 (defun get-term-for-regular-token (token token-list module level-constraint
1073 &optional sort-constraint)
1072 &optional sort-constraint)
10741073 (declare (type t token)
1075 (type list token-list)
1076 (type module module)
1077 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1074 (type list token-list)
1075 (type module module)
1076 (type fixnum level-constraint))
10781077 (flet (
1079 #||
1080 (make-syntax-error () ; never used now
1081 (list
1082 (list
1083 (list (make-applform
1084 *op-err-sort*
1085 *op-err-method*
1086 (list (make-bconst-term *string-sort* token)
1087 (make-bconst-term *universal-sort*
1088 token-list)))))))
1089 ||#
1090 )
1078 #||
1079 (make-syntax-error () ; never used now
1080 (list
1081 (list
1082 (list (make-applform
1083 *op-err-sort*
1084 *op-err-method*
1085 (list (make-bconst-term *string-sort* token)
1086 (make-bconst-term *universal-sort*
1087 token-list)))))))
1088 ||#
1089 )
10911090 ;;
1092 (let ((terletox-list-prime nil)) ; accumulator
1091 (let ((terletox-list-prime nil)) ; accumulator
10931092 (multiple-value-bind (op-var-list mod-token)
1094 (get-info-on-token (module-parse-dictionary module)
1095 token
1096 )
1097 (declare (ignore mod-token))
1098 ;; list of Operators and Variables--token is the first token
1099 ;; to appear in the pattern !
1100 ;; If choice between operators of
1101 ;; comparable sorts ? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1102 ;; for each operator or variable, go ahead and collect solutions
1103 (if (and op-var-list
1104 (not (equal op-var-list '(()))))
1105 (dolist (op-var op-var-list
1106 #||
1107 (if (null terletox-list-prime)
1108 (make-syntax-error)
1109 terletox-list-prime)
1110 ||#
1111 terletox-list-prime)
1112 ;; (op-var op-var-list terletox-list-prime)
1113 (let ((res (get-term-for-op-var op-var
1114 token-list
1115 module
1116 level-constraint
1117 sort-constraint)))
1118 (when res
1119 (when *on-parse-debug*
1120 (format t "~%[get-term-for-regular-token]: ")
1121 (format t "~% res = ")
1122 (print-chaos-object res))
1123 (if (or ;; (not *fast-parse*)
1124 (memq (object-syntactic-type op-var)
1125 '(variable builtin lisp-form normal-term))
1126 (and (method-p op-var)
1127 ;; (null (method-arity op-var))
1128 ))
1129 (setq terletox-list-prime ; accumulate
1130 (nconc res terletox-list-prime))
1131 (return-from get-term-for-regular-token
1132 (nconc res terletox-list-prime)))))))))))
1093 (get-info-on-token (module-parse-dictionary module)
1094 token
1095 )
1096 (declare (ignore mod-token))
1097 ;; list of Operators and Variables--token is the first token
1098 ;; to appear in the pattern !
1099 ;; If choice between operators of
1100 ;; comparable sorts ? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1101 ;; for each operator or variable, go ahead and collect solutions
1102 (if (and op-var-list
1103 (not (equal op-var-list '(()))))
1104 (dolist (op-var op-var-list
1105 #||
1106 (if (null terletox-list-prime)
1107 (make-syntax-error)
1108 terletox-list-prime)
1109 ||#
1110 terletox-list-prime)
1111 ;; (op-var op-var-list terletox-list-prime)
1112 (let ((res (get-term-for-op-var op-var
1113 token-list
1114 module
1115 level-constraint
1116 sort-constraint)))
1117 (when res
1118 (when *on-parse-debug*
1119 (format t "~%[get-term-for-regular-token]: ")
1120 (format t "~% res = ")
1121 (print-chaos-object res))
1122 (if (or ;; (not *fast-parse*)
1123 (memq (object-syntactic-type op-var)
1124 '(variable builtin lisp-form normal-term))
1125 (and (method-p op-var)
1126 ;; (null (method-arity op-var))
1127 ))
1128 (setq terletox-list-prime ; accumulate
1129 (nconc res terletox-list-prime))
1130 (return-from get-term-for-regular-token
1131 (nconc res terletox-list-prime)))))))))))
11341133 ;;; op get-term-for-op-var :
11351134 ;;; Operator(Mehotd) + Variable
11401139 ;;; LIST[ ( ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel ) . TokenList ) ] .
11411140 ;;; -- possibly empty
11421141 (defun get-term-for-op-var (op-var token-list module level-constraint
1143 &optional sort-constraint)
1142 &optional sort-constraint)
11441143 (declare (type t op-var)
1145 (type list token-list)
1146 (type module module)
1147 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1144 (type list token-list)
1145 (type module module)
1146 (type fixnum level-constraint))
11481147 (when *on-parse-debug*
11491148 (format t "~%[get-term-for-op-var]: op-var = ~s, syntactic-type = ~s"
1150 op-var (object-syntactic-type op-var))
1149 op-var (object-syntactic-type op-var))
11511150 (format t "~% sort constraint = ")
11521151 (print-chaos-object sort-constraint))
11531152 (case (object-syntactic-type op-var)
11581157 (when (eq (object-syntactic-type op-var) 'variable)
11591158 (push (cons (variable-name op-var) op-var) *parse-variables*))
11601159 (if (or (null sort-constraint)
1161 (sort<= (term-sort op-var) sort-constraint *current-sort-order*))
1162 (list (cons (cons op-var parser-min-precedence) token-list))
1160 (sort<= (term-sort op-var) sort-constraint *current-sort-order*))
1161 (list (cons (cons op-var parser-min-precedence) token-list))
11631162 nil))
11651164 ;; 2. Antefix
11661165 (antefix
11671166 (when sort-constraint
11681167 (unless (sort<= (method-coarity op-var) sort-constraint *current-sort-order*)
1169 (return-from get-term-for-op-var nil)))
1168 (return-from get-term-for-op-var nil)))
11701169 ;; is precedence of antefix operator acceptable ?
11711170 (unless (<= (the fixnum (get-method-precedence op-var))
1172 level-constraint)
1171 level-constraint)
11731172 (return-from get-term-for-op-var nil))
11741173 (let ((res (get-term-from-antefix-operator op-var token-list module)))
11751174 res))
11921191 (defun get-term-from-antefix-operator (method token-list module)
11931192 (declare (type method method)
1194 (type list token-list)
1195 (type module module))
1193 (type list token-list)
1194 (type module module))
11961195 (let* ((form (method-form method))
1197 (rest-form (cdr form)) ;we already swallowed the first token
1198 ;;rest-form possibly empty
1199 (arg-acc-list (list (cons nil token-list))) ;initialization
1200 (arg-acc-list-prime (parser-collect-arguments arg-acc-list
1201 module
1202 rest-form)))
1196 (rest-form (cdr form)) ;we already swallowed the first token
1197 ;;rest-form possibly empty
1198 (arg-acc-list (list (cons nil token-list))) ;initialization
1199 (arg-acc-list-prime (parser-collect-arguments arg-acc-list
1200 module
1201 rest-form)))
12031202 (if (null arg-acc-list-prime)
1204 ;; return a void answer
1205 ;; (parser-make-terms method arg-acc-list module)
1206 nil
1203 ;; return a void answer
1204 ;; (parser-make-terms method arg-acc-list module)
1205 nil
12071206 (parser-make-terms method arg-acc-list-prime module))))
12091208 ;;; AST
12101209 ;;;
12111210 (defun get-term-from-ast-operator (key token-list module)
12121211 (declare (type list key token-list)
1213 (type module module))
1212 (type module module))
12141213 (let* ((form (cdr key))
1215 (rest-form (cdr form))
1216 (arg-acc-list (list (cons nil token-list)))
1217 (arg-acc-list-prime (parser-collect-arguments arg-acc-list
1218 module
1219 rest-form)))
1214 (rest-form (cdr form))
1215 (arg-acc-list (list (cons nil token-list)))
1216 (arg-acc-list-prime (parser-collect-arguments arg-acc-list
1217 module
1218 rest-form)))
12201219 (when *on-parse-debug*
1221 (format t "~& rest-form = ")
1220 (format t "~% rest-form = ")
12221221 (print-chaos-object rest-form))
12241222 (if (null arg-acc-list-prime)
1225 nil
1226 (parser-make-terms key arg-acc-list-prime module))))
1223 nil
1224 (parser-make-terms key arg-acc-list-prime module))))
12281226 ;;; op choose-operators-from-token :
12291227 ;;; ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel )
12371235 ;;; -- (i.e. of pattern { - - <etc> } ).
12391237 (defun choose-operators-from-token (term-level0 token module level-constraint
1240 &optional sort-constraint)
1238 &optional sort-constraint)
12411239 (declare (type t term-level0 token)
1242 (type module module)
1243 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1240 (type module module)
1241 (type fixnum level-constraint))
12441242 (when *on-parse-debug*
12451243 (format t "~%[choose-operators-from-token]: token = ~s" token)
12461244 (format t "~% sort constraint = ")
12471245 (print-chaos-object sort-constraint))
12481246 (cond ((equal token "(")
1249 (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0 module level-constraint))
1250 (;; (member token '( ")" "," ) :test #'equal)
1251 (equal token ")")
1252 nil )
1253 ; return a void answer
1254 ;; Regular tokens
1255 (t
1256 (multiple-value-bind (op-var-list mod-token)
1257 (get-info-on-token (module-parse-dictionary module)
1258 token
1259 sort-constraint)
1260 (if (null op-var-list)
1261 nil ;
1262 (values (parser-choosing-operators term-level0
1263 op-var-list
1264 module
1265 level-constraint)
1266 mod-token))))))
1247 (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0 module level-constraint))
1248 (;; (member token '( ")" "," ) :test #'equal)
1249 (equal token ")")
1250 nil )
1251 ; return a void answer
1252 ;; Regular tokens
1253 (t
1254 (multiple-value-bind (op-var-list mod-token)
1255 (get-info-on-token (module-parse-dictionary module)
1256 token
1257 sort-constraint)
1258 (if (null op-var-list)
1259 nil ;
1260 (values (parser-choosing-operators term-level0
1261 op-var-list
1262 module
1263 level-constraint)
1264 mod-token))))))
12681266 ;;; op parser-choosing-operators :
12691267 ;;; ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel )
12761274 (defun parser-choosing-operators (term-level0 op-var-list module level-constraint)
12771275 (declare (type t term-level0)
1278 (type list op-var-list)
1279 (type module module)
1280 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1276 (type list op-var-list)
1277 (type module module)
1278 (type fixnum level-constraint))
12811279 (let ((late-juxt-op-list-prime nil))
12821280 (dolist (op-var op-var-list
1283 (progn (when *on-parse-debug*
1284 (format t "~%[parser-choosing-operators]:~%-- selected ops : ")
1285 (print-chaos-object late-juxt-op-list-prime))
1286 late-juxt-op-list-prime))
1281 (progn (when *on-parse-debug*
1282 (format t "~%[parser-choosing-operators]:~%-- selected ops : ")
1283 (print-chaos-object late-juxt-op-list-prime))
1284 late-juxt-op-list-prime))
12871285 (setq late-juxt-op-list-prime ;accumulate
1288 (union (choose-operators term-level0
1289 op-var
1290 module
1291 level-constraint)
1292 late-juxt-op-list-prime)))))
1286 (union (choose-operators term-level0
1287 op-var
1288 module
1289 level-constraint)
1290 late-juxt-op-list-prime)))))
12941292 ;;; op choose-operators :
12951293 ;;; ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel )
13011299 ;;;
13021300 (defun choose-operators (term-level0 op-var module level-constraint)
13031301 (declare (type t term-level0 op-var)
1304 (type module module)
1305 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1302 (type module module)
1303 (type fixnum level-constraint))
13061304 (case (object-syntactic-type op-var)
13071305 ;; 1.
13081306 (variable (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0
1309 module
1310 level-constraint))
1307 module
1308 level-constraint))
13111309 ;; 2.
1312 (antefix ; is op-var acceptable with regard to
1313 ; level-constraint ?
1310 (antefix ; is op-var acceptable with regard to
1311 ; level-constraint ?
13141312 (if (<= (the fixnum (get-method-precedence op-var))
1315 level-constraint)
1316 (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0
1317 module
1318 level-constraint)
1319 nil ;return a void answer
1320 ))
1313 level-constraint)
1314 (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0
1315 module
1316 level-constraint)
1317 nil ;return a void answer
1318 ))
13211319 ;; 3.
13221320 (ast
13231321 (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0 module level-constraint))
13251323 ;; 4.
13261324 (latefix (choose-latefix-operators term-level0
1327 op-var
1328 module
1329 level-constraint))
1325 op-var
1326 module
1327 level-constraint))
13301328 ;; 4. builtin
13311329 (builtin (choose-juxtaposition-operators term-level0 module level-constraint))
13321330 ;; 5. others
13471345 (defun choose-juxtaposition-operators (term-level0 module level-constraint)
13481346 (declare (type t term-level0)
1349 (type module module)
1350 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1347 (type module module)
1348 (type fixnum level-constraint))
13511349 (let ((juxt-op-list (module-juxtaposition module)) )
13521350 (if (null juxt-op-list)
1353 nil ; return a void answer
1351 nil ; return a void answer
13541352 (let ((res nil))
1355 (dolist (juxt-op juxt-op-list res)
1356 (when (and (<= (the fixnum
1357 (get-method-precedence juxt-op))
1358 level-constraint)
1359 (parser-check-operator term-level0 juxt-op module))
1360 (setq res (cons juxt-op res))))))))
1353 (dolist (juxt-op juxt-op-list res)
1354 (when (and (<= (the fixnum
1355 (get-method-precedence juxt-op))
1356 level-constraint)
1357 (parser-check-operator term-level0 juxt-op module))
1358 (setq res (cons juxt-op res))))))))
13621360 ;;; op choose-latefix-operators :
13631361 ;;; ( ChaosTerm . PrecedenceLevel )
13751373 (defun choose-latefix-operators (term-level0 latefix-operator module level-constraint)
13761374 (declare (type t term-level0)
1377 (type method latefix-operator)
1378 (type module module)
1379 (type fixnum level-constraint))
1375 (type method latefix-operator)
1376 (type module module)
1377 (type fixnum level-constraint))
13801378 (if (and (<= (the fixnum (get-method-precedence latefix-operator))
1381 level-constraint)
1382 (parser-check-operator term-level0
1383 latefix-operator
1384 module))
1379 level-constraint)
1380 (parser-check-operator term-level0
1381 latefix-operator
1382 module))
13851383 (list latefix-operator)
13861384 ;; return a void answer
13871385 nil))
13991397 (defun parser-check-operator (term-level0 late-juxt-op module)
14001398 (declare (type list term-level0)
1401 (type method late-juxt-op)
1402 (type module module))
1399 (type method late-juxt-op)
1400 (type module module))
14031401 (let* ((sort0 (term-sort (car term-level0)))
1404 (level0 (cdr term-level0))
1405 (form (method-form late-juxt-op))
1406 (first-arg-constraints (car form))
1407 (first-arg-level-constraint (or (cadr first-arg-constraints) 0))
1408 (first-arg-sort-constraint (car (method-arity late-juxt-op)))
1409 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
1402 (level0 (cdr term-level0))
1403 (form (method-form late-juxt-op))
1404 (first-arg-constraints (car form))
1405 (first-arg-level-constraint (or (cadr first-arg-constraints) 0))
1406 (first-arg-sort-constraint (car (method-arity late-juxt-op)))
1407 (sort-order (module-sort-order module)))
14101408 (declare (type fixnum level0 first-arg-level-constraint))
14111409 (and (<= level0 first-arg-level-constraint)
1412 (parser-in-same-connected-component sort0
1413 first-arg-sort-constraint
1414 sort-order))))
1410 (parser-in-same-connected-component sort0
1411 first-arg-sort-constraint
1412 sort-order))))
14161414 ;;; op parser-collect-arguments :
14171415 ;;; LIST[ ( ChaosTermList . TokenList ) ] -- not empty !
14421440 ;;;
14431441 (defun parser-collect-arguments (arg-acc-list module rest-form)
14441442 (declare (type list arg-acc-list)
1445 (type module module)
1446 (type list rest-form))
1443 (type module module)
1444 (type list rest-form))
14471445 (let ((arg-acc-list-prime arg-acc-list))
14481446 (dolist (form-item rest-form)
14491447 (case (car form-item)
1450 ;; 1.
1451 (token (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1452 (parser-scan-token arg-acc-list-prime (cdr form-item))))
1453 ;; 2.
1454 (argument (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1455 (parser-collect-one-argument arg-acc-list-prime
1456 module
1457 (cadr form-item)
1458 (cddr form-item))))
1459 ;; 3. collect varargs. --- to be done.
1460 ((argument* argument+)
1461 (let ((limit 256)) ; for avoiding infinite loop
1462 (declare (type fixnum limit))
1463 (loop
1464 (decf limit)
1465 (when (<= limit 0)
1466 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1467 (format t "over 256 arguments for argument*")
1468 (return-from parser-collect-arguments nil)))
1469 (when (eq 'argument+ (car form-item))
1470 (setf arg-acc-list-prime
1471 (parser-collect-one-argument arg-acc-list-prime
1472 module
1473 (cadr form-item)
1474 (cddr form-item)))
1475 (unless arg-acc-list-prime (return)))
1476 (let ((tok (parser-scan-token arg-acc-list-prime ")")))
1477 (if tok
1478 (progn (setf arg-acc-list-prime tok)
1479 (return))
1480 (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1481 (parser-collect-one-argument arg-acc-list-prime
1482 module
1483 (cadr form-item)
1484 (cddr form-item)))))))))
1448 ;; 1.
1449 (token (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1450 (parser-scan-token arg-acc-list-prime (cdr form-item))))
1451 ;; 2.
1452 (argument (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1453 (parser-collect-one-argument arg-acc-list-prime
1454 module
1455 (cadr form-item)
1456 (cddr form-item))))
1457 ;; 3. collect varargs. --- to be done.
1458 ((argument* argument+)
1459 (let ((limit 256)) ; for avoiding infinite loop
1460 (declare (type fixnum limit))
1461 (loop
1462 (decf limit)
1463 (when (<= limit 0)
1464 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1465 (format t "over 256 arguments for argument*")
1466 (return-from parser-collect-arguments nil)))
1467 (when (eq 'argument+ (car form-item))
1468 (setf arg-acc-list-prime
1469 (parser-collect-one-argument arg-acc-list-prime
1470 module
1471 (cadr form-item)
1472 (cddr form-item)))
1473 (unless arg-acc-list-prime (return)))
1474 (let ((tok (parser-scan-token arg-acc-list-prime ")")))
1475 (if tok
1476 (progn (setf arg-acc-list-prime tok)
1477 (return))
1478 (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1479 (parser-collect-one-argument arg-acc-list-prime
1480 module
1481 (cadr form-item)
1482 (cddr form-item)))))))))
14851483 (if (null arg-acc-list-prime)
1486 (return nil)
1487 ;; to avoid unnecessary additional loops, and to avoid calling
1488 ;; either parser-scan-token or
1489 ;; parser-collect-one-argument with void arguments.
1490 ))
1484 (return nil)
1485 ;; to avoid unnecessary additional loops, and to avoid calling
1486 ;; either parser-scan-token or
1487 ;; parser-collect-one-argument with void arguments.
1488 ))
14911489 ;; a bit optimization
14921490 #||
14931491 (let ((res nil))
14941492 (when *on-parse-debug*
1495 (dotimes (x (length arg-acc-list-prime))
1496 (format t "~%*** acc-arg #~D : " x)
1497 (print-chaos-object (car (nth x arg-acc-list-prime)))
1498 (format t "|| tokens ~a" (cdr (nth x arg-acc-list-prime)))))
1493 (dotimes (x (length arg-acc-list-prime))
1494 (format t "~%*** acc-arg #~D : " x)
1495 (print-chaos-object (car (nth x arg-acc-list-prime)))
1496 (format t "|| tokens ~a" (cdr (nth x arg-acc-list-prime)))))
14991497 (setq res (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
1500 (not (term-is-really-well-defined (car x))))
1501 arg-acc-list-prime))
1498 (not (term-is-really-well-defined (car x))))
1499 arg-acc-list-prime))
15021500 (when (< (length res) (length arg-acc-list-prime))
1503 (print-in-progress "!"))
1501 (print-in-progress "!"))
15041502 (or res arg-acc-list-prime))
15051503 ||#
15061504 arg-acc-list-prime))
15141512 ;;; LIST[ ( ChaosTermList . TokenList ) ]
15161514 (defun parser-collect-one-argument (arg-acc-list module
1517 level-constraint sort-constraint)
1515 level-constraint sort-constraint)
15181516 (declare (type list arg-acc-list)
1519 (type module module)
1520 (type fixnum level-constraint)
1521 (type sort* sort-constraint))
1517 (type module module)
1518 (type fixnum level-constraint)
1519 (type sort* sort-constraint))
15221520 (let ((arg-acc-list-prime nil))
15231521 (dolist (arg-acc arg-acc-list (delete-duplicates arg-acc-list-prime :test #'equal))
15241522 (let ((token-list (cdr arg-acc)) )
15251523 (if (null token-list)
1526 nil ;this iteration is finished
1527 (let* ((arg-list (car arg-acc))
1528 (terletox-list (parse-term token-list
1529 module
1530 level-constraint
1531 sort-constraint)))
1532 ;; notice that parser is not called with
1533 ;; token-list empty
1534 (dolist (terletox terletox-list)
1535 ;; if terletox-list empty, no effect
1536 (let* ((arg-prime (caar terletox))
1537 (token-list-prime (cdr terletox))
1538 (arg-list-prime (cons arg-prime arg-list))
1539 ;; notice that we accumulate arguments in reverse order
1540 (arg-acc-prime (cons arg-list-prime token-list-prime)))
1541 (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1542 (cons arg-acc-prime arg-acc-list-prime))))))))))
1524 nil ;this iteration is finished
1525 (let* ((arg-list (car arg-acc))
1526 (terletox-list (parse-term token-list
1527 module
1528 level-constraint
1529 sort-constraint)))
1530 ;; notice that parser is not called with
1531 ;; token-list empty
1532 (dolist (terletox terletox-list)
1533 ;; if terletox-list empty, no effect
1534 (let* ((arg-prime (caar terletox))
1535 (token-list-prime (cdr terletox))
1536 (arg-list-prime (cons arg-prime arg-list))
1537 ;; notice that we accumulate arguments in reverse order
1538 (arg-acc-prime (cons arg-list-prime token-list-prime)))
1539 (setq arg-acc-list-prime
1540 (cons arg-acc-prime arg-acc-list-prime))))))))))
15441542 ;;; op parser-scan-token :
15451543 ;;; LIST[ ( ChaosTermList . TokenList ) ] -- not empty !
15491547 ;;;
15501548 (defun parser-scan-token (arg-acc-list token)
15511549 (declare (type list arg-acc-list)
1552 (type t token))
1550 (type t token))
15531551 (let ((arg-acc-list-prime nil))
15541552 (dolist (arg-acc arg-acc-list arg-acc-list-prime)
15551553 (let ((token-list (cdr arg-acc)))
15561554 (if (equal token (car token-list))
1557 ;; token-list is not empty and begins with expected token
1555 ;; token-list is not empty and begins with expected token
15581556 (let* ((token-list-prime (cdr token-list))
1559 (arg-list (car arg-acc))
1560 (arg-acc-prime (cons arg-list token-list-prime)))
1557 (arg-list (car arg-acc))
1558 (arg-acc-prime (cons arg-list token-list-prime)))
15611559 (setq arg-acc-list-prime
15621560 (cons arg-acc-prime arg-acc-list-prime)))
1563 nil)))))
1561 nil)))))
15651563 ;;; op parser-in-same-connected-component :
15661564 ;;; Sort Sort SortOrder -> Bool
15731571 (sort= sort1 *bottom-sort*)
15741572 (sort= sort2 *bottom-sort*)
15751573 (if (err-sort-p sort2)
1576 (sort= sort2 (the-err-sort sort1 sort-order))
1577 (and (eq (sort-hidden sort1) (sort-hidden sort2))
1578 (or (if (sort-is-hidden sort1)
1579 (sort= sort2 *huniversal-sort*)
1580 (sort= sort2 *universal-sort*))
1581 (sort< sort1 sort2 sort-order)
1582 (sort< sort2 sort1 sort-order)
1583 (is-in-same-connected-component sort1 sort2 sort-order))))))
1574 (sort= sort2 (the-err-sort sort1 sort-order))
1575 (and (eq (sort-hidden sort1) (sort-hidden sort2))
1576 (or (if (sort-is-hidden sort1)
1577 (sort= sort2 *huniversal-sort*)
1578 (sort= sort2 *universal-sort*))
1579 (sort< sort1 sort2 sort-order)
1580 (sort< sort2 sort1 sort-order)
1581 (is-in-same-connected-component sort1 sort2 sort-order))))))
15851583 ;;; op parser-make-terms :
15861584 ;;; Operator
15951593 (defun parser-make-terms (method arg-acc-list module)
15961594 (declare (type t method)
1597 (type list arg-acc-list)
1598 (type module module))
1595 (type list arg-acc-list)
1596 (type module module))
15991597 (when *on-parse-debug*
1600 (format t "~&make term~% : method = ")
1598 (format t "~%make term~% : method = ")
16011599 (print-chaos-object method)
1602 (format t "~& : arg-acc-list = ")
1600 (format t " : arg-acc-list = ")
16031601 (map nil #'print-chaos-object arg-acc-list)
16041602 (force-output))
16051603 (let ((terletox-list nil))
16071605 ;; arg-acc ::= (LIST[ChaosTerm] . TokenList)
16081606 (block iteration
16091607 (let* ((arg-list (car arg-acc))
1610 (direct-arg-list (reverse arg-list))
1611 ;; arguments were accumulated in reverse order !
1612 (arg-sort-list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-sort x)) direct-arg-list))
1613 ;; arg-sort-list: list of argument sorts
1614 (method-prime method) ;initialization
1615 (chaos-term nil) ;reservation
1616 (precedence-level (get-method-precedence method))
1617 (token-list (cdr arg-acc))
1618 (terletox nil) ) ;reservation
1619 (declare (type fixnum precedence-level))
1620 (when *on-parse-debug*
1621 (format t "~& : method prime = ")
1622 (print-chaos-object method-prime)
1623 (force-output))
1608 (direct-arg-list (reverse arg-list))
1609 ;; arguments were accumulated in reverse order !
1610 (arg-sort-list (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-sort x)) direct-arg-list))
1611 ;; arg-sort-list: list of argument sorts
1612 (method-prime method) ;initialization
1613 (chaos-term nil) ;reservation
1614 (precedence-level (get-method-precedence method))
1615 (token-list (cdr arg-acc))
1616 (terletox nil) ) ;reservation
1617 (declare (type fixnum precedence-level))
1618 (when *on-parse-debug*
1619 (format t "~% : method prime = ")
1620 (print-chaos-object method-prime)
1621 (force-output))
16241622 (if (are-argumentsorts-correct method arg-sort-list module)
1625 (progn
1626 ;; ordinal term
1627 (when (or (method-is-universal* method)
1628 (method-is-error-method method))
1629 (setq method-prime
1630 (lowest-method! method arg-sort-list))
1631 (when *on-parse-debug*
1632 (format t "~& : arg sort list = ~a" arg-sort-list)
1633 (format t "~& : lowest method = ")
1634 (print-chaos-object method-prime)
1635 (force-output))
1636 (unless method-prime
1637 ;; then no result this iteration; do not accumulate:
1638 (return-from iteration nil))
1639 )
1640 ;;
1641 (setq chaos-term
1642 (if (are-well-defined-terms direct-arg-list)
1643 (parser-make-applform (method-coarity method-prime)
1644 method-prime
1645 direct-arg-list)
1646 (make-inheritedly-ill-term
1647 method-prime direct-arg-list)))
1648 ;; check for _:is_, sortmembership predicate
1649 #||
1650 (when (eq *sort-membership* method-prime)
1651 (unless (test-sort-memb-predicate chaos-term)
1652 (setq chaos-term
1653 (make-directly-ill-term method-prime
1654 direct-arg-list))))
1655 ||#
1656 )
1657 ;;
1658 ;; incorrect argument(s).
1659 (progn
1660 (when *on-parse-debug*
1661 (format t "~&incorrenct args, meth= ")
1662 (print-chaos-object method)
1663 (print-chaos-object arg-sort-list))
1664 (setq chaos-term
1665 (make-directly-ill-term method direct-arg-list))))
1667 ;; accummlate possible parses.
1668 ;;
1669 (when chaos-term
1670 (setq terletox (cons (cons chaos-term precedence-level) token-list)
1671 terletox-list (cons terletox terletox-list)))
1672 ;;
1673 (when *on-parse-debug*
1674 (format t "~& : chaos-term=")
1675 (term-print chaos-term)
1676 (format t "~& : terletox=")
1677 (print-terletox terletox))
1678 )) ; block iteration
1679 ) ; dolist
1623 (progn
1624 ;; ordinal term
1625 (when (or (method-is-universal* method)
1626 (method-is-error-method method))
1627 (setq method-prime
1628 (lowest-method! method arg-sort-list))
1629 (when *on-parse-debug*
1630 (format t "~% : arg sort list = ~a" arg-sort-list)
1631 (format t "~& : lowest method = ")
1632 (print-chaos-object method-prime)
1633 (force-output))
1634 (unless method-prime
1635 ;; then no result this iteration; do not accumulate:
1636 (return-from iteration nil))
1637 )
1638 ;;
1639 (setq chaos-term
1640 (if (are-well-defined-terms direct-arg-list)
1641 (parser-make-applform (method-coarity method-prime)
1642 method-prime
1643 direct-arg-list)
1644 (make-inheritedly-ill-term
1645 method-prime direct-arg-list)))
1646 ;; check for _:is_, sortmembership predicate
1647 #||
1648 (when (eq *sort-membership* method-prime)
1649 (unless (test-sort-memb-predicate chaos-term)
1650 (setq chaos-term
1651 (make-directly-ill-term method-prime
1652 direct-arg-list))))
1653 ||#
1654 )
1655 ;;
1656 ;; incorrect argument(s).
1657 (progn
1658 (when *on-parse-debug*
1659 (format t "~%incorrenct args, meth= ")
1660 (print-chaos-object method)
1661 (print-chaos-object arg-sort-list))
1662 (setq chaos-term
1663 (make-directly-ill-term method direct-arg-list))))
1665 ;; accummlate possible parses.
1666 ;;
1667 (when chaos-term
1668 (setq terletox (cons (cons chaos-term precedence-level) token-list)
1669 terletox-list (cons terletox terletox-list)))
1670 ;;
1671 (when *on-parse-debug*
1672 (format t "~% : chaos-term=")
1673 (term-print chaos-term)
1674 (format t "~& : terletox=")
1675 (print-terletox terletox))
1676 )) ; block iteration
1677 ) ; dolist
16801678 (when *on-parse-debug*
1681 (format t "~& : result = ")
1679 (format t "~% : result = ")
16821680 (print-terletox-list terletox-list))
16831681 terletox-list))
1685 (defun test-sort-memb-predicate (term &optional (module (or *current-module*
1686 *last-module*)))
1687 (unless module
1688 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1689 (princ "checking _:_, no context module is given!")))
1683 (defun test-sort-memb-predicate (term &optional (module (get-context-module)))
16901684 (with-in-module (module)
16911685 (let ((arg1 (term-arg-1 term))
1692 (id-const (term-arg-2 term)))
1693 ;; (format t "~&arg1 = ")(print arg1)
1694 ;; (format t "~&id-const = ") (print id-const)
1686 (id-const (term-arg-2 term)))
16951687 (let ((sorts (gather-sorts-with-id id-const module))
1696 (term-sort (term-sort arg1)))
1697 (unless sorts
1698 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-sort)
1699 (format t "_:_, no such sort ~a in the current context."
1700 (get-sort-id-value id-const))))
1701 (if (some #'(lambda (x)
1702 (parser-in-same-connected-component x
1703 term-sort
1704 *current-sort-order*))
1705 sorts)
1706 t
1707 nil)))))
1688 (term-sort (term-sort arg1)))
1689 (unless sorts
1690 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-sort)
1691 (format t "_:_, no such sort ~a in the current context."
1692 (get-sort-id-value id-const))))
1693 (if (some #'(lambda (x)
1694 (parser-in-same-connected-component x
1695 term-sort
1696 *current-sort-order*))
1697 sorts)
1698 t
1699 nil)))))
17091701 (defun print-terletox (x)
1710 (format t "~&term = ")
1702 (format t "~%terletox: term = ")
17111703 (term-print (caar x) t t)
17121704 ;; (print-chaos-object (caar x))
17131705 (format t ", prec=~d" (cdar x))
17421734 (defun parser-make-applform (sort method arg-list)
17431735 (declare (type sort* sort)
1744 (type method method)
1745 (type list arg-list))
1736 (type method method)
1737 (type list arg-list))
17461738 (macrolet ((not-lowest-p-fast (sort)
1747 `(or (eq ,sort *universal-sort*)
1748 (eq ,sort *huniversal-sort*)
1749 (eq ,sort *cosmos-sort*)
1750 (eq (sort-type ,sort) '%err-sort))))
1739 `(or (eq ,sort *universal-sort*)
1740 (eq ,sort *huniversal-sort*)
1741 (eq ,sort *cosmos-sort*)
1742 (eq (sort-type ,sort) '%err-sort))))
17511743 (flet ((make-form (sort method arg-list)
1752 (make-applform sort method arg-list)))
1744 (make-applform sort method arg-list)))
17531745 (let ((result nil))
1754 (if *fill-rc-attribute*
1755 (let ((attrpos nil)
1756 (class nil))
1757 (if (method-is-object-constructor method)
1758 (progn (setf attrpos 2) (setf class t))
1759 (when (method-is-record-constructor method)
1760 (setf attrpos 1)))
1761 (if attrpos
1762 (let ((attrs (nth attrpos arg-list))
1763 (cr-sort (method-coarity method)))
1764 (when class
1765 (replace-class-id-with-var cr-sort arg-list))
1766 (if attrs
1767 (cond ((sort= (term-sort attrs) *attribute-list-sort*)
1768 (let* ((attr-method (term-head attrs))
1769 (sv-pairs (list-ac-subterms attrs
1770 attr-method))
1771 (flg nil))
1772 (dolist (sv-pair sv-pairs)
1773 (block next
1774 (when (sort= (term-sort sv-pair)
1775 *attribute-list-sort*)
1776 (setf flg t)
1777 (return-from next nil))
1778 ;; normal sv-pair
1779 (replace-attr-id-with-var cr-sort sv-pair)))
1780 (unless flg
1781 (when (or *parsing-axiom-lhs*
1782 *parse-lhs-attr-vars*)
1783 ;; (break "1")
1784 (setq *parse-lhs-attr-vars* t)
1785 (setf (nth attrpos arg-list)
1786 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1787 attr-method
1788 (nconc sv-pairs
1789 (list
1790 *attribute-list-aux-variable*))))))
1791 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1792 result))
1793 (t ;; single sv-pair & not list of attribure.
1794 (replace-attr-id-with-var cr-sort attrs)
1795 (when (or *parsing-axiom-lhs*
1796 *parse-lhs-attr-vars*)
1797 ;; (break "2")
1798 (setq *parse-lhs-attr-vars* t)
1799 (setf (nth attrpos arg-list)
1800 (make-applform
1801 *attribute-list-sort*
1802 *attribute-list-constructor*
1803 (list attrs
1804 *attribute-list-aux-variable*))))
1805 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1806 result))
1807 ;; no attributes
1808 (progn
1809 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1810 )))
1811 (progn
1812 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1813 )))
1814 ;; normal term
1815 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list)))
1816 ;; special treatment of if_then_else_fi
1817 ;; special treatment of generic operators
1818 (when (eq (term-head result) *bool-if*)
1819 (set-if-then-else-sort result))
1820 result))))
1746 (if *fill-rc-attribute*
1747 (let ((attrpos nil)
1748 (class nil))
1749 (if (method-is-object-constructor method)
1750 (progn (setf attrpos 2) (setf class t))
1751 (when (method-is-record-constructor method)
1752 (setf attrpos 1)))
1753 (if attrpos
1754 (let ((attrs (nth attrpos arg-list))
1755 (cr-sort (method-coarity method)))
1756 (when class
1757 (replace-class-id-with-var cr-sort arg-list))
1758 (if attrs
1759 (cond ((sort= (term-sort attrs) *attribute-list-sort*)
1760 (let* ((attr-method (term-head attrs))
1761 (sv-pairs (list-ac-subterms attrs
1762 attr-method))
1763 (flg nil))
1764 (dolist (sv-pair sv-pairs)
1765 (block next
1766 (when (sort= (term-sort sv-pair)
1767 *attribute-list-sort*)
1768 (setf flg t)
1769 (return-from next nil))
1770 ;; normal sv-pair
1771 (replace-attr-id-with-var cr-sort sv-pair)))
1772 (unless flg
1773 (when (or *parsing-axiom-lhs*
1774 *parse-lhs-attr-vars*)
1775 ;; (break "1")
1776 (setq *parse-lhs-attr-vars* t)
1777 (setf (nth attrpos arg-list)
1778 (make-right-assoc-normal-form
1779 attr-method
1780 (nconc sv-pairs
1781 (list
1782 *attribute-list-aux-variable*))))))
1783 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1784 result))
1785 (t ;; single sv-pair & not list of attribure.
1786 (replace-attr-id-with-var cr-sort attrs)
1787 (when (or *parsing-axiom-lhs*
1788 *parse-lhs-attr-vars*)
1789 ;; (break "2")
1790 (setq *parse-lhs-attr-vars* t)
1791 (setf (nth attrpos arg-list)
1792 (make-applform
1793 *attribute-list-sort*
1794 *attribute-list-constructor*
1795 (list attrs
1796 *attribute-list-aux-variable*))))
1797 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1798 result))
1799 ;; no attributes
1800 (progn
1801 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1802 )))
1803 (progn
1804 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list))
1805 )))
1806 ;; normal term
1807 (setq result (make-form sort method arg-list)))
1808 ;; special treatment of if_then_else_fi
1809 ;; special treatment of generic operators
1810 (when (eq (term-head result) *bool-if*)
1811 (set-if-then-else-sort result))
1812 result))))
18221814 (defun replace-class-id-with-var (cr-sort arg-list)
18231815 (declare (type sort* cr-sort)
1824 (type list arg-list))
1816 (type list arg-list))
18251817 (let ((class-id (second arg-list))
1826 (id-var nil))
1818 (id-var nil))
18271819 (unless (term-is-variable? class-id)
18281820 (setf id-var (crsort-id-variable cr-sort))
18291821 (unless id-var
1830 (with-output-panic-message ()
1831 (format t "could not find Class id variable for class ~s"
1832 (sort-id cr-sort))
1833 ;; (break)
1834 (chaos-error 'panic)))
1822 (with-output-panic-message ()
1823 (format t "could not find Class id variable for class ~s"
1824 (sort-id cr-sort))
1825 ;; (break)
1826 (chaos-error 'panic)))
18351827 (if *parsing-axiom-lhs*
1836 (pushnew id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1837 (unless (memq id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1838 (return-from replace-class-id-with-var nil)))
1828 (pushnew id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1829 (unless (memq id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1830 (return-from replace-class-id-with-var nil)))
18391831 ;;
18401832 (setf (second arg-list) id-var))
18411833 arg-list))
18431835 (defun replace-attr-id-with-var (cr-sort sv-pair)
18441836 (declare (type sort* cr-sort)
1845 (type term sv-pair))
1837 (type term sv-pair))
18461838 (let ((attr-id (term-arg-1 sv-pair))
1847 id-var)
1839 id-var)
18481840 (unless (term-is-variable? attr-id)
18491841 (setf id-var (get-attribute-id-variable
1850 (car (method-symbol (term-method attr-id)))
1851 cr-sort))
1842 (car (method-symbol (term-method attr-id)))
1843 cr-sort))
18521844 (unless id-var
1853 (with-output-panic-message ()
1854 (format t "could not find id variable for slot ~a of sort ~a"
1855 (car (method-symbol (term-method attr-id)))
1856 (sort-id cr-sort))
1857 (print-next)
1858 (princ "id term = ")
1859 (term-print attr-id)
1860 (print-next)
1861 (princ " sv pair = ")
1862 (print-chaos-object sv-pair)
1863 ;; (break)
1864 (chaos-error 'panic)
1865 ))
1845 (with-output-panic-message ()
1846 (format t "could not find id variable for slot ~a of sort ~a"
1847 (car (method-symbol (term-method attr-id)))
1848 (sort-id cr-sort))
1849 (print-next)
1850 (princ "id term = ")
1851 (term-print attr-id)
1852 (print-next)
1853 (princ " sv pair = ")
1854 (print-chaos-object sv-pair)
1855 ;; (break)
1856 (chaos-error 'panic)
1857 ))
18661858 (if *parsing-axiom-lhs*
1867 (pushnew id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1868 (unless (memq id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1869 (return-from replace-attr-id-with-var nil)))
1859 (pushnew id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1860 (unless (memq id-var *lhs-attrid-vars*)
1861 (return-from replace-attr-id-with-var nil)))
18701862 ;;
18711863 (setf (term-arg-1 sv-pair) id-var))
18721864 sv-pair))
18961888 ;;; !!! to optimize !!!
18971889 (defun are-argumentsorts-correct (method sort-list module)
18981890 (declare (type method method)
1899 (type list sort-list)
1900 (type module module))
1891 (type list sort-list)
1892 (type module module))
19011893 (if (null sort-list)
19021894 t
19031895 (if (check-universally-defined-builtins method sort-list module)
1904 (let* ((reference-sort-list (method-arity method))
1905 (sort-order (module-sort-order module))
1906 (result t)
1907 (sort-list-prime sort-list)
1908 (sort nil))
1909 (dolist (reference-sort reference-sort-list result)
1910 (setq sort (car sort-list-prime)
1911 sort-list-prime (cdr sort-list-prime)) ;for next iteration
1912 (if (or (sort= reference-sort *universal-sort*)
1913 (sort= reference-sort *huniversal-sort*)
1914 (sort= reference-sort *cosmos*)
1915 (err-sort-p reference-sort)
1916 (sort<= sort reference-sort sort-order))
1917 ;;then do nothing; go to next iteration:
1918 nil
1919 ;; else abort looping; return false:
1920 (progn
1921 (when *on-parse-debug*
1922 (format t "~&incorrect argument sort ~a" (sort-id sort)))
1923 (return nil)))))
1896 (let* ((reference-sort-list (method-arity method))
1897 (sort-order (module-sort-order module))
1898 (result t)
1899 (sort-list-prime sort-list)
1900 (sort nil))
1901 (dolist (reference-sort reference-sort-list result)
1902 (setq sort (car sort-list-prime)
1903 sort-list-prime (cdr sort-list-prime)) ;for next iteration
1904 (if (or (sort= reference-sort *universal-sort*)
1905 (sort= reference-sort *huniversal-sort*)
1906 (sort= reference-sort *cosmos*)
1907 (err-sort-p reference-sort)
1908 (sort<= sort reference-sort sort-order))
1909 ;;then do nothing; go to next iteration:
1910 nil
1911 ;; else abort looping; return false:
1912 (progn
1913 (when *on-parse-debug*
1914 (format t "~%incorrect argument sort ~a" (sort-id sort)))
1915 (return nil)))))
19241916 nil)))
19261918 (defun arity-contains-universal-sort (method)
19271919 (if (cdr (method-arity method))
19281920 (and (or (eq method *bool-if*)
1929 (dolist (s (method-arity method) t)
1930 (unless (or (eq s *cosmos*)
1931 (eq s *universal-sort*)
1932 (eq s *huniversal-sort*))
1933 (return-from arity-contains-universal-sort nil))))
1934 ;;(every #'(lambda (x y) (eq x y)) (method-arity method))
1935 )
1921 (dolist (s (method-arity method) t)
1922 (unless (or (eq s *cosmos*)
1923 (eq s *universal-sort*)
1924 (eq s *huniversal-sort*))
1925 (return-from arity-contains-universal-sort nil))))
1926 ;;(every #'(lambda (x y) (eq x y)) (method-arity method))
1927 )
19361928 nil))
19381930 (defun check-universally-defined-builtins (method sort-list module)
19391931 (let ((so (module-sort-order module)))
19401932 (if ;; (memq method *bi-universal-operators*)
1941 (arity-contains-universal-sort method)
1942 (cond ((eq method *bool-if*)
1943 ;; if_then_else_fi
1944 (parser-in-same-connected-component (second sort-list)
1945 (third sort-list)
1946 so))
1947 #||
1948 ((eq method *rwl-predicate2*)
1949 ;; _=()=>_
1950 (parser-in-same-connected-component (first sort-list)
1951 (third sort-list)
1952 so))
1953 ||#
1954 ((eq method *sort-membership*)
1955 ;; _:is_, the first argument is a term and the second
1956 ;; argument is built-in constant of SortId.
1957 ;; thus, anyhing is OK.
1958 t)
1959 (t
1960 ;; other binary universal operators
1961 (parser-in-same-connected-component (first sort-list)
1962 (second sort-list)
1963 so)))
1964 t)))
1933 (arity-contains-universal-sort method)
1934 (cond ((eq method *bool-if*)
1935 ;; if_then_else_fi
1936 (parser-in-same-connected-component (second sort-list)
1937 (third sort-list)
1938 so))
1939 #||
1940 ((eq method *rwl-predicate2*)
1941 ;; _=()=>_
1942 (parser-in-same-connected-component (first sort-list)
1943 (third sort-list)
1944 so))
1945 ||#
1946 ((eq method *sort-membership*)
1947 ;; _:is_, the first argument is a term and the second
1948 ;; argument is built-in constant of SortId.
1949 ;; thus, anyhing is OK.
1950 t)
1951 (t
1952 ;; other binary universal operators
1953 (parser-in-same-connected-component (first sort-list)
1954 (second sort-list)
1955 so)))
1956 t)))
19661958 ;;; op are-well-defined-terms :
19671959 ;;; LIST[ ChaosTerm ] -- possibly empty
19741966 (let ((result t))
19751967 (dolist (chaos-term chaos-term-list result)
19761968 (if (term-ill-defined chaos-term)
1977 ;; abort looping and return false
1978 (return nil)))))
1969 ;; abort looping and return false
1970 (return nil)))))
19811973 ;;; EOF
00 ;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:term-parser.chaos
32 File: parse-macro.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:term-parser.chaos
32 File: parse-macro.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4646 (defun setup-macro-rule (macro module)
4747 (add-macro-to-method macro
48 (term-head (macro-lhs macro))
49 (module-opinfo-table module)))
48 (term-head (macro-lhs macro))
49 (module-opinfo-table module)))
5151 (defun add-macro-to-method (macro method
52 &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
52 &optional (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*))
5353 (setf (method-macros method opinfo-table)
5454 (adjoin-macro macro (method-macros method opinfo-table))))
5656 (defun adjoin-macro (macro ms)
5757 (do* ((lst ms (cdr lst))
58 (r (car lst) (car lst)))
58 (r (car lst) (car lst)))
5959 ((null lst) (cons macro ms))
6060 (when (macro-is-similar? macro r)
6161 (let ((newlhs (macro-lhs macro))
62 (oldlhs (macro-lhs r)))
63 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? newlhs))
64 (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs))
65 (not (method= (term-method newlhs) (term-method oldlhs)))
66 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs) (term-sort newlhs)))
67 (rplaca lst r))
68 (return-from adjoin-macro ms)))))
62 (oldlhs (macro-lhs r)))
63 (when (and (not (term-is-variable? newlhs))
64 (not (term-is-variable? oldlhs))
65 (not (method= (term-method newlhs) (term-method oldlhs)))
66 (sort<= (term-sort oldlhs) (term-sort newlhs)))
67 (rplaca lst r))
68 (return-from adjoin-macro ms)))))
7070 (defun macro-is-similar? (macro1 macro2)
7171 (and (term-is-congruent-2? (macro-lhs macro1)
72 (macro-lhs macro2))
72 (macro-lhs macro2))
7373 (term-is-congruent-2? (macro-rhs macro1)
74 (macro-rhs macro2))))
74 (macro-rhs macro2))))
76 (defun expand-macro (term &optional (module (or *current-module*
77 *last-module*)))
76 (defun expand-macro (term &optional (module (get-context-module)))
7877 (labels ((apply-macro-rule (macro term)
79 (block the-end
80 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
81 (first-match (macro-lhs macro) term)
82 (declare (ignore global-state e-equal))
83 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
84 (catch 'rule-failure
85 (term-replace term
86 (substitute-image subst
87 (macro-rhs macro)))
88 (return-from the-end term))
89 nil)))
90 ;;
91 (substitute-image (sigma term)
92 (declare (type list sigma)
93 (type term))
94 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
95 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
96 (if im
97 im
98 term)))
99 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
100 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
101 (multiple-value-bind (new success)
102 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
103 (if success
104 new
105 (throw 'rule-failure nil))))
106 ((term-is-applform? term)
107 (let ((l-result nil))
108 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
109 (push (substitute-image sigma s-t) l-result))
110 (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
111 (nreverse l-result))))
112 )))
78 (block the-end
79 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match E-equal)
80 (first-match (macro-lhs macro) term)
81 (declare (ignore global-state e-equal))
82 (when no-match (return-from the-end nil))
83 (catch 'rule-failure
84 (term-replace term
85 (substitute-image subst
86 (macro-rhs macro)))
87 (return-from the-end term))
88 nil)))
89 ;;
90 (substitute-image (sigma term)
91 (declare (type list sigma)
92 (type term))
93 (cond ((term-is-variable? term)
94 (let ((im (variable-image sigma term)))
95 (if im
96 im
97 term)))
98 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
99 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
100 (multiple-value-bind (new success)
101 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
102 (if success
103 new
104 (throw 'rule-failure nil))))
105 ((term-is-applform? term)
106 (let ((l-result nil))
107 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
108 (push (substitute-image sigma s-t) l-result))
109 (make-term-with-sort-check (term-head term)
110 (nreverse l-result))))
111 )))
113112 ;;
114113 (unless (term-is-application-form? term)
115114 (return-from expand-macro term))
116115 ;;
117116 (with-in-module (module)
118117 (let ((*debug-macro-nest* (1+ *debug-marco-nest*)))
119 (when *debug-macro*
120 (format t "~%~D>[expand-macro]: " *debug-macro-nest*)
121 (term-print term))
122 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
123 (expand-macro sub module))
124 (update-lowest-parse term)
125 (let ((top (term-head term)))
126 (if (block the-end
127 (dolist (rule (method-macros top))
128 (if (apply-macro-rule rule term)
129 (return-from the-end t))))
130 (expand-macro term module))
131 (update-lowest-parse term)
132 (when *debug-macro*
133 (format t "~%<~D " *debug-macro-nest*)
134 (term-print term))
135 term)
136 ))))
118 (when *debug-macro*
119 (format t "~%~D>[expand-macro]: " *debug-macro-nest*)
120 (term-print term))
121 (dolist (sub (term-subterms term))
122 (expand-macro sub module))
123 (update-lowest-parse term)
124 (let ((top (term-head term)))
125 (if (block the-end
126 (dolist (rule (method-macros top))
127 (if (apply-macro-rule rule term)
128 (return-from the-end t))))
129 (expand-macro term module))
130 (update-lowest-parse term)
131 (when *debug-macro*
132 (format t "~%<~D " *debug-macro-nest*)
133 (term-print term))
134 term)
135 ))))
138137 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:term-parser.chaos
32 File: parse-engine.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:term-parser.chaos
32 File: parse-engine.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
4141 (defun simple-parse-from-string (string &optional
42 (module *current-module*)
43 (sort *cosmos*))
42 (module *current-module*)
43 (sort *cosmos*))
4444 (declare ;; (type simple-string string)
45 (type module module)
46 (type sort* sort))
45 (type module module)
46 (type sort* sort))
4747 (with-in-module (module)
4848 (setf string (read-term-from-string string))
4949 ;; (prepare-for-parsing module)
5151 (simple-parse module string sort))))
5353 (defun simple-parse-from-string* (string &optional
54 (module *current-module*)
55 (sort *cosmos*))
54 (module *current-module*)
55 (sort *cosmos*))
5656 ;; (prepare-for-parsing module)
5757 (simple-parse module string sort))
6161 (defvar .saved-ambiguous. nil)
63 ;;; ** NOTE : MUST BE CALLED in `with-in-module'
63 ;;; SIMPLE-PARSE : module list-of-tokens &optional sort-constraint -> term
6464 ;;;
6565 (defun simple-parse (module preterm &optional (sort *cosmos*))
6666 (declare (type module module)
67 (type (or string list) preterm)
68 (type sort* sort))
67 (type (or string list) preterm)
68 (type sort* sort))
6969 (with-in-module (module)
7070 (when (stringp preterm)
7171 (setf preterm (read-term-from-string preterm)))
7272 (if (null preterm)
73 (progn
74 (with-output-simple-msg ()
75 (princ "[Error] empty input, no parse."))
76 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* '(the input is empty)))
73 (progn
74 (with-output-simple-msg ()
75 (princ "[Error] empty input, no parse."))
76 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* '(the input is empty)))
7777 (let ((res nil))
78 (setq res (catch :parse-error
79 (parse-term preterm module parser-max-precedence sort)))
80 (when *on-parse-debug*
81 (format t "~&simple-parse, preterm= ~s, parsed term = " preterm)
82 (print-terletox-list res))
83 (let* ((final-well-defined (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
84 (when (and (null (cdr e))
85 (not (term-ill-defined
86 (caar e))))
87 (list (caar e))))
88 res))
89 (final (if final-well-defined
90 final-well-defined
91 (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
92 (unless (cdr e)
93 (list (caar e))))
94 res)))
95 (partial (if final
96 nil
97 (let ((len 0)
98 (val nil))
99 (dolist (e res val)
100 (if (< len (length (the list (cdr e))))
101 (setf val (cons (caar e) (cdr e))))))))
102 (result nil))
103 ;;
104 (cond (partial (setf result
105 (make-applform *syntax-err-sort*
106 *partial-method*
107 (list (car partial)
108 (make-bconst-term *universal-sort*
109 (cdr partial))))))
110 (final (if (term-ill-defined (car final))
111 (setf result (car final))
112 (setf result
113 (if (null (cdr final))
114 (car final)
115 (select-parse module final t)))))
116 (t (setf result (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort*
117 (if res
118 res
119 preterm)))
120 ))
121 ;;
122 (setq *parse-raw-parse* result)
123 (when (term-ill-defined result)
124 (with-output-simple-msg ()
125 (format t "~&[Error] no successful parse")
126 (print-next)
127 ;; (print-term-tree result t)
128 ;; (term-print result)
129 ))
130 (parse-convert result module))))
131 ))
78 (setq res (catch :parse-error
79 (parse-term preterm module parser-max-precedence sort)))
80 (when *on-parse-debug*
81 (format t "~%[simple-parse] preterm= ~s, parsed term = " preterm)
82 (print-terletox-list res))
83 (let* ((final-well-defined (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
84 ;; e ::= ((term . prec) . remaning-tokens)
85 (when (and (null (cdr e)) ; no remaining tokens
86 (not (term-ill-defined
87 (caar e))))
88 (list (caar e))))
89 res))
90 (final (if final-well-defined
91 final-well-defined
92 (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
93 ;; gather ones without remaining tokens
94 (unless (cdr e)
95 (list (caar e))))
96 res)))
97 (partial (if final
98 nil
99 (let ((len 0)
100 ;; gather partially parsed ones
101 (val nil))
102 (dolist (e res val)
103 (if (< len (length (the list (cdr e))))
104 (setf val (cons (caar e) (cdr e))))))))
105 (result nil))
106 ;;
107 (cond (partial (setf result
108 ;; syntax error: partially parsed
109 (make-applform *syntax-err-sort*
110 *partial-method*
111 (list (car partial)
112 (make-bconst-term *universal-sort*
113 (cdr partial))))))
114 (final (if (term-ill-defined (car final))
115 (setf result (car final))
116 (setf result
117 (if (null (cdr final))
118 (car final)
119 (select-parse module final t)))))
120 (t (setf result (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort*
121 ;; whole term could not be parsed
122 (if res
123 res
124 preterm)))))
125 ;;
126 (setq *parse-raw-parse* result)
127 (when (term-ill-defined result)
128 (with-output-simple-msg ()
129 (format t "~&[Error] no successful parse")))
130 (parse-convert result module))))))
133132 (defun select-parse (module final &optional print-warning)
134133 (declare (type module module)
135 (type list final)
136 (type t print-warning))
134 (type list final)
135 (type t print-warning))
137136 (let ((*print-with-sort* t)
138 (*fancy-print* nil))
137 (*fancy-print* nil))
139138 (setq .saved-ambiguous. final)
140139 ;; minimize the ambiguity.
141140 (setq final (pre-choose-final module final))
144143 ;;
145144 (when print-warning
146145 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
147 (princ "Ambiguous term:")
148 (print-next)
149 (princ "please try `check regularity' command.")
150 (print-next)
151 (princ "if the signature is regular, there possibly be ")
152 (print-next)
153 (princ "some name conflicts between operators and variables.")
154 ))
146 (princ "Ambiguous term:")
147 (print-next)
148 (princ "please try `check regularity' command.")
149 (print-next)
150 (princ "if the signature is regular, there possibly be ")
151 (print-next)
152 (princ "some name conflicts between operators and variables.")))
155153 ;;
156154 (print-next)
157155 (if *select-ambig-term*
158 (progn
159 (princ "* Please select a term from the followings:")
160 (print-next)
161 (parse-show-diff final)
162 (print-next)
163 ;; select a term
164 (let ((choise 1)
165 user-choise
166 (num (length final)))
167 (declare (type fixnum choise num))
168 ;; query user
169 (setq user-choise
170 (query-input
171 1
172 60
173 "* Please input your choice (a number from 1 to ~d, default is 1)? "
174 num))
175 (cond ((and (numberp user-choise) (<= (the fixnum user-choise) num))
176 (setf choise user-choise)
177 (format t "Taking the ~:R as correct.~%" choise))
178 (t (format t "Arbitrarily taking the ~:R as correct.~%" choise)))
179 (nth (1- choise) final)))
156 (progn
157 (princ "* Please select a term from the followings:")
158 (print-next)
159 (parse-show-diff final)
160 (print-next)
161 ;; select a term
162 (let ((choise 1)
163 user-choise
164 (num (length final)))
165 (declare (type fixnum choise num))
166 ;; query user
167 (setq user-choise
168 (query-input
169 1
170 60
171 "* Please input your choice (a number from 1 to ~d, default is 1)? "
172 num))
173 (cond ((and (numberp user-choise) (<= (the fixnum user-choise) num))
174 (setf choise user-choise)
175 (format t "Taking the ~:R as correct.~%" choise))
176 (t (format t "Arbitrarily taking the ~:R as correct.~%" choise)))
177 (nth (1- choise) final)))
180178 (progn
181 (parse-show-diff final)
182 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* "ambiguous term")
183 ))
184 ))
179 (parse-show-diff final)
180 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* "ambiguous term")))))
186182 (defun pre-choose-final-sub (module final)
187183 (declare (type module module)
188 (type list final))
184 (type list final))
189185 ;; here we minimize the set of candidates of possible result of parsing.
190 ;;
191186 (let ((well )
192 (min nil)
193 (so (module-sort-order module))
194 (res nil))
187 (min nil)
188 (so (module-sort-order module))
189 (res nil))
195190 (declare (type list well res min)
196 (type sort-order so))
197 ;; due to our parsing algorithm (no flames are welcom), possibly
198 ;; the same (in a sense of term-is-similar?) terms can co-exist.
199 (setq final (delete-duplicates final :test #'term-is-similar?))
191 (type sort-order so))
201192 ;; of course, ill sorted terms detected during parsing procs. are
202193 ;; out of our focus.
203194 ;; miserablly terminates when all are ill-defined terms...
204195 (setq well (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
205 (not (term-is-really-well-defined x)))
206 final))
196 (not (term-is-really-well-defined x)))
197 final))
207198 (unless well (return-from pre-choose-final-sub final))
209200 ;; select the lowest parses among possibilities.
212203 ;; 2010/7/3: we must not eliminate variables!!!!!!!!
213204 ;;
214205 (setf min (minimal-sorts (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-sort x)) well)
215 so))
216 (dolist (f well) ; filter out terms with
217 ; non-minimal sort.
206 so))
207 (dolist (f well) ; filter out terms with
208 ; non-minimal sort.
218209 (when (or (term-is-variable? f)
219 (memq (term-sort f) min))
220 (push f res)))
210 (memq (term-sort f) min))
211 (push f res)))
222213 ;; special case for terms of *universal-sort*, they may have some
223214 ;;; ill-formed terms in their subterms.
225216 (if (or (sort= (car min) *cosmos*)
226 (sort= (car min) *universal-sort*)
227 (sort= (car min) *huniversal-sort*))
228 (let ((pres (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
229 (and (term-is-application-form? x)
230 (some #'term-contains-error-method
231 (term-subterms x))))
232 res)))
233 (if pres
234 ;; if there are some remaining terms serviving these
235 ;; hard checks, they can be the result.
236 pres
237 ;; OK, we failed in a test. let ask users which we should
238 ;; take as a result.
239 res))
217 (sort= (car min) *universal-sort*)
218 (sort= (car min) *huniversal-sort*))
219 (let ((pres (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
220 (and (term-is-application-form? x)
221 (some #'term-contains-error-method
222 (term-subterms x))))
223 res)))
224 (if pres
225 ;; if there are some remaining terms serviving these
226 ;; hard checks, they can be the result.
227 pres
228 ;; OK, we failed in a test. let ask users which we should
229 ;; take as a result.
230 res))
240231 res)))
242233 (defun pre-choose-final (module final)
243234 (declare (type module module)
244 (type list final))
245 (when (and (cdr final) (assoc *id-module* (module-all-submodules module)))
246 ;; (format t "~%~s" final)
247 (setq final
248 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= *id-sort* (term-sort x))) final)))
249 (when (every #'(lambda(x) (term-is-application-form? x)) final)
250 (let ((mslist (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-head x)) final))
251 (least-op nil)
252 (gen-op nil)
253 (res nil))
254 (with-in-module (module)
255 ;;
256 ;; first find the lowest one
257 (setq least-op (choose-lowest-op mslist))
258 (when least-op
259 (push (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method= least-op (term-head x)))
260 final)
261 res)
262 (return-from pre-choose-final res))
263 ;; then select most general one
264 (setq gen-op (choose-most-general-op mslist))
265 (when gen-op
266 (push (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method= gen-op (term-head x))) final)
267 res)
268 (return-from pre-choose-final res)))))
269 ;; could not find
270 (pre-choose-final-sub module final))
235 (type list final))
236 ;; due to our parsing algorithm (no flames are welcom), possibly
237 ;; the same (in a sense of term-is-similar?) terms can co-exist.
238 (setq final (delete-duplicates final :test #'term-is-similar?))
239 (let ((result final))
240 (when (and (cdr final) (assoc *id-module* (module-all-submodules module)))
241 (setq result (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort= *id-sort* (term-sort x))) final)))
242 (when (every #'(lambda(x) (term-is-application-form? x)) result)
243 (when *on-operator-debug*
244 (format t "~%[pre-choose-final]")
245 (dolist (tx final)
246 (terpri)
247 (print-chaos-object (term-head tx))
248 (princ ": ")
249 (term-print-with-sort tx)))
250 (let ((mslist (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (term-head x)) result))
251 (least-op nil)
252 (gen-op nil)
253 (res nil))
254 (with-in-module (module)
255 (cond ((null (cdr mslist))
256 ;; do nothing
257 )
258 ((null (cdr (remove-duplicates mslist :test #'(lambda (x y) (method= x y)))))
259 ;; check subterms and select one
260 (setq result (choose-most-apropreate-term result)))
261 (t ;; first find the lowest one
262 (setq least-op (choose-lowest-op mslist))
263 (cond (least-op
264 (if (method= *bool-if* least-op)
265 (setq res (select-if-then-least result (module-sort-order module)))
266 (push (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method= least-op (term-head x)))
267 result)
268 res))
269 (setq result res))
270 (t (setq gen-op (choose-most-general-op mslist))
271 ;; then select most general one
272 (when gen-op
273 (push (find-if #'(lambda (x) (method= gen-op (term-head x))) result)
274 res)
275 (setq result res)))))))))
276 (if result
277 (pre-choose-final-sub module result)
278 (pre-choose-final-sub module final))))
280 ;;; select a one among terms with the same top operator
281 (defun choose-most-apropreate-term (terms)
282 (unless (term-subterms (car terms))
283 ;; this is very strange case
284 (return-from choose-most-apropreate-term nil))
285 (let ((res nil))
286 (dolist (term terms)
287 (when (every #'(lambda (x) (not (term-head-is-error x))) (term-subterms term))
288 (push term res)))
289 res))
272291 ;;; NOT USED NOW.
273292 (defun parser-diagnose (module preterm sort)
274293 (declare (type module module)
275 (type list preterm)
276 (type sort* sort))
294 (type list preterm)
295 (type sort* sort))
277296 (if (null preterm)
278297 (format t "-- !Input is empty~%.")
279298 (progn
280 (print-simple-princ-open preterm) (print-next)
281 (let ((prefix nil)
282 (suffix preterm)
283 (flags (make-list (length preterm)))
284 (len (length preterm)))
285 (declare (type fixnum len))
286 (when *chaos-verbose*
287 (princ "[ partial parses ]: ")
288 (print-next)
289 (let ((indent *print-indent*))
290 (declare (type fixnum indent))
291 (loop
292 (incf indent)
293 (let ((*print-indent* indent))
294 (when (null suffix) (return))
295 (when *chaos-verbose*
296 (princ " ")
297 (when prefix (print-simple-princ-open prefix))
298 (princ " @ ")
299 (when suffix (print-simple-princ-open suffix))
300 (print-next))
301 (let ((res (catch :parse-error
302 (parse-term suffix module
303 parser-max-precedence ; *******
304 sort))))
305 (mapc #'(lambda (e)
306 (let ((lenp (length prefix)))
307 (dotimes (i (- len (+ lenp (length (cdr e)))))
308 (setf (nth (+ lenp i) flags) t)
309 ))
310 (when *chaos-verbose*
311 (princ " ==> ")
312 (when prefix
313 (print-simple-princ-open prefix) (princ " <<< "))
314 (let ((tm (caar e)))
315 (princ "(")
316 (term-print tm)
317 (princ ").")
318 (print-sort-name (term-sort tm)
319 module))
320 (when (cdr e)
321 (princ " >>> ")
322 (print-simple-princ-open (cdr e)))
323 (print-next)))
324 res)
325 )
326 (setq prefix (append prefix (list (car suffix))))
327 (setq suffix (cdr suffix))
328 ))))
329 (princ "[ partial descriptions ]: ")
330 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
331 (print-next)
332 (dotimes (i len)
333 (if (nth i flags)
334 (princ " !")
335 (progn
336 (princ " ")
337 (princ (nth i preterm)))))
338 (print-next)
339 (dotimes (i len)
340 (if (and (null (nth i flags))
341 (or (= 0 i)
342 (nth (1- i) flags)))
343 (princ " -[")
344 (if (and (not (= 0 i))
345 (nth i flags)
346 (null (nth (1- i) flags)))
347 (princ "]- ")
348 (princ " ")))
349 (princ (nth i preterm))
350 (print-check))
351 (when (null (nth (1- len) flags)) (princ "]-"))
352 (print-next)
353 ))
354 )))
299 (print-simple-princ-open preterm) (print-next)
300 (let ((prefix nil)
301 (suffix preterm)
302 (flags (make-list (length preterm)))
303 (len (length preterm)))
304 (declare (type fixnum len))
305 (when *chaos-verbose*
306 (princ "[ partial parses ]: ")
307 (print-next)
308 (let ((indent *print-indent*))
309 (declare (type fixnum indent))
310 (loop
311 (incf indent)
312 (let ((*print-indent* indent))
313 (when (null suffix) (return))
314 (when *chaos-verbose*
315 (princ " ")
316 (when prefix (print-simple-princ-open prefix))
317 (princ " @ ")
318 (when suffix (print-simple-princ-open suffix))
319 (print-next))
320 (let ((res (catch :parse-error
321 (parse-term suffix module
322 parser-max-precedence ; *******
323 sort))))
324 (mapc #'(lambda (e)
325 (let ((lenp (length prefix)))
326 (dotimes (i (- len (+ lenp (length (cdr e)))))
327 (setf (nth (+ lenp i) flags) t)
328 ))
329 (when *chaos-verbose*
330 (princ " ==> ")
331 (when prefix
332 (print-simple-princ-open prefix) (princ " <<< "))
333 (let ((tm (caar e)))
334 (princ "(")
335 (term-print tm)
336 (princ ").")
337 (print-sort-name (term-sort tm)
338 module))
339 (when (cdr e)
340 (princ " >>> ")
341 (print-simple-princ-open (cdr e)))
342 (print-next)))
343 res)
344 )
345 (setq prefix (append prefix (list (car suffix))))
346 (setq suffix (cdr suffix))
347 ))))
348 (princ "[ partial descriptions ]: ")
349 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
350 (print-next)
351 (dotimes (i len)
352 (if (nth i flags)
353 (princ " !")
354 (progn
355 (princ " ")
356 (princ (nth i preterm)))))
357 (print-next)
358 (dotimes (i len)
359 (if (and (null (nth i flags))
360 (or (= 0 i)
361 (nth (1- i) flags)))
362 (princ " -[")
363 (if (and (not (= 0 i))
364 (nth i flags)
365 (null (nth (1- i) flags)))
366 (princ "]- ")
367 (princ " ")))
368 (princ (nth i preterm))
369 (print-check))
370 (when (null (nth (1- len) flags)) (princ "]-"))
371 (print-next)
372 ))
373 )))
356375 (defun simple-parse-ground (id module preterm &optional (sort *cosmos*))
357376 (declare (type t id)
358 (type module module)
359 (type list preterm)
360 (type sort* sort))
377 (type module module)
378 (type list preterm)
379 (type sort* sort))
361380 (let ((trm (simple-parse module preterm sort)))
362381 (unless (term-is-ground? trm)
363382 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
364 (format t "in ~a, term contains variable(s): " id)
365 (term-print trm)))
383 (format t "in ~a, term contains variable(s): " id)
384 (term-print trm)))
366385 trm))
368387 ;;; parse-convert : term -> term'
369388 ;;;
370389 (defun parse-convert (term
371 &optional (module (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
390 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
372391 ;; #define macro expand
373392 (when *macroexpand*
374393 (setq term (expand-macro term module)))
375394 (if *parse-normalize*
376395 (with-in-module (module)
377 (right-associative-normal-form term))
396 (right-associative-normal-form term))
378397 term))
380399 ;;; convert builtin constants to appropriate form
381400 ;;; (cond ((term-is-variable? term) term)
382 ;;; ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
383 ;;; (t (re-assign-term-sort term) term))
401 ;;; ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
402 ;;; (t (re-assign-term-sort term) term))
385404 (defun parse-show-diff (terms)
386405 (declare (type list terms))
387406 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
388 ;; (*print-with-sort* t)
389 )
407 ;; (*print-with-sort* t)
408 )
390409 (do* ((term-list terms (cdr term-list))
391 (num 1 (1+ num))
392 (term (car term-list) (car term-list)))
393 ((null term-list))
410 (num 1 (1+ num))
411 (term (car term-list) (car term-list)))
412 ((null term-list))
394413 (print-next)
395414 (princ "[") (princ num) (princ "] ")
396415 (if (term-is-variable? term)
397 (print-to-left
398 (format nil "variable ~a:~a"
399 (variable-name term)
400 (sort-print-name (term-sort term)))
401 "-")
402 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
403 (print-to-left (bi-method-print-string term) "-")
404 (print-to-left (method-print-string (term-head term)) "-")
405 )
406 )
416 (print-to-left
417 (format nil "variable ~a:~a"
418 (variable-name term)
419 (sort-print-name (term-sort term)))
420 "-")
421 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? term)
422 (print-to-left (bi-method-print-string term) "-")
423 (print-to-left (method-print-string (term-head term)) "-")
424 )
425 )
407426 (if *chaos-verbose*
408 (print-term-tree term t)
409 (term-print term) ))))
427 (print-term-tree term t)
428 (term-print term) ))))
411430 ;;; produces a list of initial complete parses given all parses as arg
412431 ;;;
413432 (defun parser-complete-parses (mod parselist)
414433 (declare (type list parselist))
415434 (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (if (null (cdr x))
416 (list (parse-convert (caar x) mod))
417 nil))
418 parselist))
435 (list (parse-convert (caar x) mod))
436 nil))
437 parselist))
420439 ;;; produces a list of initial complete parses; nil for error
421440 ;;;
422441 (defun parser-parses (module preterm &optional (sort *cosmos*))
423442 (declare (type module module)
424 (type (or list string) preterm)
425 (type sort* sort))
443 (type (or list string) preterm)
444 (type sort* sort))
426445 (when (stringp preterm)
427446 (setf preterm (read-term-from-string preterm)))
428447 (if (null preterm)
429448 nil
430449 (with-in-module (module)
431450 (let ((val (catch :parse-error
432 (parse-term preterm module
433 parser-max-precedence sort)))) ; ****
434 (let ((res (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (if (null (cdr x))
435 (list (parse-convert (caar x)
436 module))
437 nil))
438 val)))
439 (parser-find-parse module res *cosmos* t))))))
451 (parse-term preterm module
452 parser-max-precedence sort)))) ; ****
453 (let ((res (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (if (null (cdr x))
454 (list (parse-convert (caar x)
455 module))
456 nil))
457 val)))
458 (parser-find-parse module res *cosmos* t))))))
441460 ;;; takes list of first parses and a sort and comes back with
442461 ;;; nil -- none; or a list of possible parses
443462 ;;; (any well-defined preferred to ill-defined)
444463 (defun parser-find-parse (module parses sort &optional try-remove-error-method)
445464 (declare (ignore try-remove-error-method)
446 (type module module)
447 (type list parses)
448 (type sort* sort)
449 (type (or null t) try-remove-error-method))
450 ; optional parameter is not used now,
451 ; the work is done in pre-choose-final.
452 ; callers should adapt to this change.
465 (type module module)
466 (type list parses)
467 (type sort* sort)
468 (type (or null t) try-remove-error-method))
469 ; optional parameter is not used now,
470 ; the work is done in pre-choose-final.
471 ; callers should adapt to this change.
453472 (let ((so (module-sort-order module))
454 (well nil)
455 (p-well nil)
456 (any nil)
457 (ill nil))
473 (well nil)
474 (p-well nil)
475 (any nil)
476 (ill nil))
458477 (declare (type sort-order so)
459 (type list well p-well any ill))
478 (type list well p-well any ill))
460479 ;; filter out some
461480 (setq parses (pre-choose-final module parses))
462481 ;; classify terms:
467486 ;; ill = ill-defined terms of any kind.
468487 (dolist (term parses)
469488 (if (term-ill-defined term)
470 (push term ill)
471 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) sort so)
472 (push term well)
473 (if (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort term)
474 sort
475 so)
476 (push term p-well)
477 (push term any)))))
489 (push term ill)
490 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) sort so)
491 (push term well)
492 (if (is-in-same-connected-component (term-sort term)
493 sort
494 so)
495 (push term p-well)
496 (push term any)))))
478497 ;; the precedence is ofcource well > p-well > ill > any
479498 (or well p-well ill any)))
484503 ;;; very similar to above, but is required to directly satisfy sort restriction
485504 (defun parser-find-parse-strict (module parses sort)
486505 (declare (type module module)
487 (type list parses)
488 (type sort* sort))
506 (type list parses)
507 (type sort* sort))
489508 (let ((*current-module* module))
490509 (let ((so (module-sort-order module))
491 (ill nil) (well nil))
510 (ill nil) (well nil))
492511 (declare (type sort-order so))
493512 (dolist (tm parses)
494 (if (sort<= (term-sort tm) sort so)
495 (if (term-ill-defined tm)
496 (when (null well) (push tm ill))
497 (push tm well))))
513 (if (sort<= (term-sort tm) sort so)
514 (if (term-ill-defined tm)
515 (when (null well) (push tm ill))
516 (push tm well))))
498517 (if well well
499 (if ill
500 ill
501 nil)))))
518 (if ill
519 ill
520 nil)))))
503522 ;;; takes list of first parses and a list of sorts and comes back with
504523 ;;; nil -- none; or a list of possible parses
507526 ;;;
508527 (defun parser-find-parse-strict-sorts (module parses sorts)
509528 (declare (type module module)
510 (type list parses sorts))
529 (type list parses sorts))
511530 (let ((*current-module* module))
512531 (let ((so (module-sort-order module))
513 (ill nil) (well nil))
532 (ill nil) (well nil))
514533 (declare (type sort-order so))
515534 (dolist (tm parses)
516 (if (member (term-sort tm) sorts
517 :test #'(lambda (x y) (sort<= x y so)))
518 (if (term-ill-defined tm)
519 (when (null well) (push tm ill))
520 (push tm well))))
535 (if (member (term-sort tm) sorts
536 :test #'(lambda (x y) (sort<= x y so)))
537 (if (term-ill-defined tm)
538 (when (null well) (push tm ill))
539 (push tm well))))
521540 (if well
522 well
523 (if ill
524 ill
525 nil)))))
541 well
542 (if ill
543 ill
544 nil)))))
527546 ;;; given list of parses of lhs and rhs (as from parser-parses) looks
528547 ;;; for compatible pair
529548 ;;
530549 (defun parser-find-rule-pair (module lhslst rhslst)
531550 (declare (type module module)
532 (type list lhslst rhslst))
533 (let ((*current-module* module))
551 (type list lhslst rhslst))
552 (with-in-module (module)
534553 (let ((so (module-sort-order module))
535 (ok nil)
536 (retr nil)
537 (ill nil))
554 (ok nil)
555 (retr nil))
556 ;; foreach lhs:lhslst {
557 ;; foreach rhs:rhslst {
538558 (dolist (lhs lhslst)
539 (let ((sl (term-sort lhs)))
540 (dolist (rhs rhslst)
541 (let ((sr (term-sort rhs)))
542 (if (term-ill-defined lhs)
543 (push (list lhs rhs) ill)
544 (if (term-head-is-error lhs)
545 (if (is-in-same-connected-component sl sr so)
546 (push (list lhs rhs) retr)
547 ;; else, completely bad, unacceptable
548 ())
549 ;; lhs is proper term
550 (if (sort<= sr sl so)
551 (if (term-ill-defined rhs)
552 (push (list lhs rhs) ill)
553 (push (list lhs rhs) ok))
554 (if (is-in-same-connected-component sl sr so)
555 (if (term-ill-defined rhs)
556 (push (list lhs rhs) ill)
557 (push (list lhs rhs) retr))
558 ;; lhs and rhs is not in same compo.
559 ()
560 )
561 ))))
562 )))
563 (if ok
564 ok
565 (if retr
566 retr
567 nil))
568 )))
559 (block cont-lhs
560 (when *on-axiom-debug*
561 (format t "~%lhs: ")
562 (term-print-with-sort lhs))
563 (when (term-ill-defined lhs)
564 (return-from cont-lhs)) ; skip it and continue
565 (let ((sl (term-sort lhs)))
566 (dolist (rhs rhslst)
567 (block cont-rhs
568 (when *on-axiom-debug*
569 (format t "~&rhs: ")
570 (term-print-with-sort rhs))
571 (when (term-ill-defined rhs)
572 (return-from cont-rhs)) ; continue it and continue
573 (let ((sr (term-sort rhs)))
574 (if (sort<= sr sl so)
575 (push (list lhs rhs) ok)
576 (when (is-in-same-connected-component sl sr so)
577 (push (list lhs rhs) retr)))))))))
578 ;;
579 (or ok retr nil))))
570581 ;;; used in modexp-compute-op-mapping
571582 ;;;
572583 (defun parse-quiet-parse (module preterm &optional (sort *cosmos*))
573584 (declare (type module module)
574 (type list preterm)
575 (type sort* sort))
585 (type list preterm)
586 (type sort* sort))
576587 (if (null preterm)
577588 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* '(input empty))
578589 (with-in-module (module)
579 (let ((res (catch :parse-error
580 (parse-term preterm module parser-max-precedence sort)))) ; ****
581 (let ((final-well-defined (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
582 (when (and (null (cdr e))
583 (not (term-ill-defined
584 (caar e))))
585 (list (caar e))))
586 res)))
587 (let ((final (if final-well-defined final-well-defined
588 (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
589 (when (null (cdr e)) (list (caar e))))
590 res))))
591 (if (null final)
592 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* preterm)
593 (let ((raw-parse (car final)))
594 (parse-convert raw-parse module)
595 )
596 )))))))
590 (let ((res (catch :parse-error
591 (parse-term preterm module parser-max-precedence sort)))) ; ****
592 (let ((final-well-defined (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
593 (when (and (null (cdr e))
594 (not (term-ill-defined
595 (caar e))))
596 (list (caar e))))
597 res)))
598 (let ((final (if final-well-defined final-well-defined
599 (mapcan #'(lambda (e)
600 (when (null (cdr e)) (list (caar e))))
601 res))))
602 (if (null final)
603 (make-bconst-term *syntax-err-sort* preterm)
604 (let ((raw-parse (car final)))
605 (parse-convert raw-parse module)))))))))
607616 ;;;
608617 (defun token-seq-to-str (tseq)
609618 (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
610 (concatenate 'string x y))
611 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
612 (if (eq x t)
613 "_"
614 x))
615 tseq)))
619 (concatenate 'string x y))
620 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
621 (if (eq x t)
622 "_"
623 x))
624 tseq)))
617626 (defun update-parse-information (module)
618627 (declare (type module module))
619628 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators module))
620 (variables (module-variables module)))
629 (variables (module-variables module)))
621630 (let ((mod-dict (module-parse-dictionary module)))
622631 ;; clean up
623632 (initialize-parse-dictionary mod-dict)
624633 ;;
625634 (dolist (s (module-all-sorts module))
626 (when (sort-is-builtin s)
627 (dictionary-add-builtin-sort mod-dict s)))
635 (when (sort-is-builtin s)
636 (dictionary-add-builtin-sort mod-dict s)))
628637 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
629 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
630 (syn-typ (operator-syntactic-type op))
631 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence op)))
632 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
633 (case syn-typ
634 (antefix (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
635 (car token-seq)
636 meth))
637 (latefix (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
638 (cadr token-seq)
639 meth)
640 ;;#||
641 (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
642 (token-seq-to-str token-seq)
643 meth)
644 ;;||#
645 )
646 (juxtaposition
647 ;;#||
648 (dictionary-add-info-on-token
649 mod-dict
650 (token-seq-to-str token-seq)
651 meth)
652 ;;||#
653 (pushnew meth (module-juxtaposition module) :test #'eq))
654 (otherwise (break "SNARK: update-parse-information"))))
655 ))
638 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
639 (syn-typ (operator-syntactic-type op))
640 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence op)))
641 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
642 (case syn-typ
643 (antefix (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
644 (car token-seq)
645 meth))
646 (latefix (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
647 (cadr token-seq)
648 meth)
649 ;;#||
650 (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
651 (token-seq-to-str token-seq)
652 meth)
653 ;;||#
654 )
655 (juxtaposition
656 ;;#||
657 (dictionary-add-info-on-token
658 mod-dict
659 (token-seq-to-str token-seq)
660 meth)
661 ;;||#
662 (pushnew meth (module-juxtaposition module) :test #'eq))
663 (otherwise (break "SNARK: update-parse-information"))))
664 ))
656665 (dolist (var variables)
657 (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
658 (string (car var))
659 (cdr var)))
666 (dictionary-add-info-on-token mod-dict
667 (string (car var))
668 (cdr var)))
660669 (compress-overloaded-methods module mod-dict)
661670 (setf (module-juxtaposition module)
662 (method-compress-overloaded-set (module-juxtaposition module)
663 (module-sort-order module)))
671 (method-compress-overloaded-set (module-juxtaposition module)
672 (module-sort-order module)))
664673 ;; set up MACRO rules
665674 (dolist (macro (module-macros module))
666 (setup-macro-rule macro module))
675 (setup-macro-rule macro module))
667676 ;;
668677 )))
670679 (defun compress-overloaded-methods (module dict)
671680 (declare (type module module)
672 (type parse-dictionary dict))
681 (type parse-dictionary dict))
673682 (with-in-module (module)
674683 (let ((table (dictionary-table dict))
675 (compressed nil))
684 (compressed nil))
676685 (maphash #'(lambda (ky val)
677 (push (cons ky
678 (method-compress-overloaded-set val))
679 compressed))
680 table)
686 (push (cons ky
687 (method-compress-overloaded-set val))
688 compressed))
689 table)
681690 ;;
682691 (dolist (comp compressed)
683 (setf (gethash (car comp) table)
684 (cdr comp)))
692 (setf (gethash (car comp) table)
693 (cdr comp)))
685694 ;;
686695 (mapcar #'(lambda (opinfo)
687 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
688 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence op))
689 (key (if (eq t (car token-seq))
690 (cadr token-seq)
691 (car token-seq)))
692 (val (gethash key table)))
693 (unless (or (null val)
694 (null (cdr val)))
695 (setf (gethash key table)
696 (method-compress-overloaded-set (gethash key table))))))
697 (module-all-operators module))
696 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
697 (token-seq (operator-token-sequence op))
698 (key (if (eq t (car token-seq))
699 (cadr token-seq)
700 (car token-seq)))
701 (val (gethash key table)))
702 (unless (or (null val)
703 (null (cdr val)))
704 (setf (gethash key table)
705 (method-compress-overloaded-set (gethash key table))))))
706 (module-all-operators module))
698707 )))
700709 ;;; ** NOTE: this has side-effects
703712 ;;;
704713 #||
705714 (defun method-compress-overloaded-set (items &optional
706 (sort-order *current-sort-order*)
707 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*)
708 (module *current-module*))
715 (sort-order *current-sort-order*)
716 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*)
717 (module *current-module*))
710719 (let ((methods nil)
711 (res nil))
712 (dolist (i items) ; items may contain vairables
720 (res nil))
721 (dolist (i items) ; items may contain vairables
713722 (if (and (operator-method-p i)
714 (method-arity i)) ; methods with more than 0 arities
715 (push i methods)
716 (push i res)))
723 (method-arity i)) ; methods with more than 0 arities
724 (push i methods)
725 (push i res)))
717726 ;; compress methods
718727 (dolist (method methods)
719728 (block next-method
720 (let ((meth (method-select-most-general-version-of method
721 methods
722 sort-order
723 opinfo-table
724 module)))
725 (unless (memq meth res)
726 ;; set syntactic properties of the most general method used for parsing,
727 ;; we consider `associativity' and `precedence'.
728 (when (method-is-error-method meth)
729 (let ((ms (method-lower-methods meth)))
730 ;; assumption, lower methods (when the mehthod is strictly
731 ;; overloaded) are ordered ...
732 (when ms
733 (let ((assoc (method-associativity (car ms)))
734 (prec (get-method-precedence (car ms)))
735 (form (method-form (car ms))))
736 (setf (method-associativity meth) assoc)
737 (setf (method-precedence meth) prec)
738 (setf (method-form meth) form)))))
739 ;;
740 (push meth res)))))
729 (let ((meth (method-select-most-general-version-of method
730 methods
731 sort-order
732 opinfo-table
733 module)))
734 (unless (memq meth res)
735 ;; set syntactic properties of the most general method used for parsing,
736 ;; we consider `associativity' and `precedence'.
737 (when (method-is-error-method meth)
738 (let ((ms (method-lower-methods meth)))
739 ;; assumption, lower methods (when the mehthod is strictly
740 ;; overloaded) are ordered ...
741 (when ms
742 (let ((assoc (method-associativity (car ms)))
743 (prec (get-method-precedence (car ms)))
744 (form (method-form (car ms))))
745 (setf (method-associativity meth) assoc)
746 (setf (method-precedence meth) prec)
747 (setf (method-form meth) form)))))
748 ;;
749 (push meth res)))))
741750 res))
742751 ||#
744753 (defun method-compress-overloaded-set (items &optional
745 (sort-order *current-sort-order*)
746 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*)
747 (module *current-module*))
754 (sort-order *current-sort-order*)
755 (opinfo-table *current-opinfo-table*)
756 (module *current-module*))
748757 (declare (type list items)
749 (type sort-order sort-order)
750 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
751 (type module module))
758 (type sort-order sort-order)
759 (type hash-table opinfo-table)
760 (type module module))
752761 ;;
753762 (let ((methods nil)
754 (res nil))
755 (dolist (i items) ; items may contain vairables
763 (res nil))
764 (dolist (i items) ; items may contain vairables
756765 (if (and (operator-method-p i)
757 (method-arity i)) ; methods with more than 0 arities
758 (push i methods)
759 (push i res)))
766 (method-arity i)) ; methods with more than 0 arities
767 (push i methods)
768 (push i res)))
760769 ;; compress methods
761770 (dolist (method methods)
762771 (block next-method
763 (let ((meth (method-select-most-general-version-of method
764 methods
765 sort-order
766 opinfo-table
767 module)))
768 (unless (memq meth res) (push meth res)))))
772 (let ((meth (method-select-most-general-version-of method
773 methods
774 sort-order
775 opinfo-table
776 module)))
777 (unless (memq meth res) (push meth res)))))
769778 ;;
770779 res))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:tools
32 File:compat.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:tools
32 File:compat.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3939 ;;;
4141 ;;;
42 (defun check-compatibility (&optional (module (or *last-module*
43 *current-module*)))
44 (unless module
45 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
46 (princ "no context (current) module is specified!")
47 ))
48 ;;
42 (defun check-compatibility (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
4943 (unless *on-preparing-for-parsing*
5044 (prepare-for-parsing module))
51 ;;
5245 (with-in-module (module)
5346 (let ((rules (module-all-rules module))
54 (non-decreasing-rules nil))
47 (non-decreasing-rules nil))
5548 ;; first, perform strong but light-weight check
5649 (dolist (rule rules)
57 (unless (rule-is-builtin rule)
58 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (rule-rhs rule))
59 (term-sort (rule-lhs rule)))
60 (push rule non-decreasing-rules))))
50 (unless (rule-is-builtin rule)
51 (unless (sort<= (term-sort (rule-rhs rule))
52 (term-sort (rule-lhs rule)))
53 (push rule non-decreasing-rules))))
6154 (unless non-decreasing-rules
62 (return-from check-compatibility nil))
55 (return-from check-compatibility nil))
6356 ;; checks for each operations with non-decreasing rules.
6457 (let ((ops (module-all-operators module))
65 (non-compat-rules nil))
66 (dolist (rule non-decreasing-rules)
67 (let ((lsort (term-sort (rule-lhs rule)))
68 (rsort (term-sort (rule-rhs rule)))
69 (e-methods nil))
70 (dolist (opinfo ops)
71 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
72 (name (operator-symbol op)))
73 (dolist (method (cdr (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
74 (let ((pos-list nil)
75 (m-arity (method-arity method)))
76 (dotimes (x (length m-arity))
77 (when (sort<= lsort (nth x m-arity))
78 (push x pos-list)))
79 (when pos-list
80 (let ((new-arity (copy-list m-arity)))
81 (dolist (x pos-list)
82 (setf (nth x new-arity) rsort))
83 (unless (find-compat-method method name new-arity)
84 (push method e-methods))))))))
85 (when e-methods
86 (push (cons rule e-methods) non-compat-rules))
87 ))
88 non-compat-rules))))
58 (non-compat-rules nil))
59 (dolist (rule non-decreasing-rules)
60 (let ((lsort (term-sort (rule-lhs rule)))
61 (rsort (term-sort (rule-rhs rule)))
62 (e-methods nil))
63 (dolist (opinfo ops)
64 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
65 (name (operator-symbol op)))
66 (dolist (method (cdr (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
67 (let ((pos-list nil)
68 (m-arity (method-arity method)))
69 (dotimes (x (length m-arity))
70 (when (sort<= lsort (nth x m-arity))
71 (push x pos-list)))
72 (when pos-list
73 (let ((new-arity (copy-list m-arity)))
74 (dolist (x pos-list)
75 (setf (nth x new-arity) rsort))
76 (unless (find-compat-method method name new-arity)
77 (push method e-methods))))))))
78 (when e-methods
79 (push (cons rule e-methods) non-compat-rules))
80 ))
81 non-compat-rules))))
9083 (defun find-compat-method (method name arity)
9184 (when *on-debug*
92 (format t "~&[find-compat-method] name = ~a, arity= " name)
85 (format t "~%[find-compat-method] name = ~a, arity= " name)
9386 (print-sort-list arity))
9487 ;;
9588 (let ((len (length arity)))
9689 (dolist (opinfo (find-operators-in-module name len *current-module*) nil)
9790 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
98 (let ((m-ari (method-arity meth)))
99 (when (and (not (eq method meth))
100 (= len (length m-ari))
101 (every #'(lambda (x y) (sort<= x y))
102 arity
103 (method-arity meth))
104 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
105 (when *on-debug*
106 (format t "~&* found ")
107 (print-chaos-object meth))
108 (return-from find-compat-method meth)))))))
91 (let ((m-ari (method-arity meth)))
92 (when (and (not (eq method meth))
93 (= len (length m-ari))
94 (every #'(lambda (x y) (sort<= x y))
95 arity
96 (method-arity meth))
97 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
98 (when *on-debug*
99 (format t "~%* found ")
100 (print-chaos-object meth))
101 (return-from find-compat-method meth)))))))
110103 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: tools
32 File: describe.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: tools
32 File: describe.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 ;;;
4545 (defun filter-hard-sorts (sort-list)
4646 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (module-is-hard-wired (sort-module x)))
47 sort-list))
47 sort-list))
4949 (defun filter-hard-opinfos (opinfo-list)
5050 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (module-is-hard-wired
51 (operator-module (car x))))
52 opinfo-list))
51 (operator-module (car x))))
52 opinfo-list))
5454 (defparameter .separator-bold.
5555 "======================================================================")
7474 (princ .separator-bold.)
7575 (print-next)
7676 (let ((title
77 (with-output-to-string (str)
78 (let ((*standard-output* str))
79 (princ "module ")
80 (print-mod-name mod))
81 str)))
82 (print-centering title))
77 (with-output-to-string (str)
78 (let ((*standard-output* str))
79 (princ "module ")
80 (print-mod-name mod))
81 str)))
82 (print-centering title))
8383 (print-next)
8484 ;; ---------- kind
8585 (case (module-kind mod)
86 (:theory (print-centering "kind: theory"))
87 (:object (print-centering "kind: object"))
88 (otherwise (print-centering "kind: loose")))
86 (:theory (print-centering "kind: theory"))
87 (:object (print-centering "kind: object"))
88 (otherwise (print-centering "kind: loose")))
8989 (print-next)
9090 ;;---------- type
9191 (case (module-type mod)
92 (:user (print-centering "type: user defined"))
93 (:system (print-centering "type: built-in module"))
94 (:hard (print-centering "type: hard wired built-in"))
95 (otherwise (print-centering "type: user defined")))
92 (:user (print-centering "type: user defined"))
93 (:system (print-centering "type: built-in module"))
94 (:hard (print-centering "type: hard wired built-in"))
95 (otherwise (print-centering "type: user defined")))
9696 (print-next)
9797 ;; ---------- creation date
9898 (if (module-creation-date mod)
99 (print-centering (concatenate 'string "created: "
100 (get-time-string (module-creation-date mod))))
101 (print-centering "date defined: unknown"))
99 (print-centering (concatenate 'string "created: "
100 (get-time-string (module-creation-date mod))))
101 (print-centering "date defined: unknown"))
102102 (print-next)
103103 ;; ---------- protected?
104104 (when (module-is-write-protected mod)
105 (print-centering "* module is protected (disable redefinition) *")
106 (print-next))
105 (print-centering "* module is protected (disable redefinition) *")
106 (print-next))
107107 ;;
108108 (princ .separator-thin.)
109109 (terpri)
116116 ;; (print-module-parameters mod))
117117 ;; (print-next))
118118 (when (get-module-parameters mod)
119 (terpri)
120 (print-centering "<< parameters >>")
121 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
122 (print-module-parameters mod))
123 (print-next))
119 (terpri)
120 (print-centering "<< parameters >>")
121 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
122 (print-module-parameters mod))
123 (print-next))
125125 ;; ---------- direct submodules
126126 (let ((subs (get-non-parameter-submodules mod)))
127 (when subs
128 (terpri)
129 (print-centering "<< submodules >>")
130 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
131 (print-submodule-list subs))
132 (print-next)))
127 (when subs
128 (terpri)
129 (print-centering "<< submodules >>")
130 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
131 (print-submodule-list subs))
132 (print-next)))
133133 ;; ---------- sorts
134134 (let ((sorts (if (module-is-hard-wired mod)
135 (module-all-sorts mod)
136 (filter-hard-sorts (module-all-sorts mod)))))
137 (when sorts
138 (terpri)
139 (print-centering "<< sorts and subsort relations >>")
140 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
141 (print-module-sorts mod nil t)
142 )
143 (print-next)))
135 (module-all-sorts mod)
136 (filter-hard-sorts (module-all-sorts mod)))))
137 (when sorts
138 (terpri)
139 (print-centering "<< sorts and subsort relations >>")
140 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
141 (print-module-sorts mod nil t)
142 )
143 (print-next)))
144144 ;; ---------- variables
145145 (let ((vars (mapcar #'cdr (module-variables mod)))
146 (rvars nil)
147 (pvars nil))
148 (dolist (v vars)
149 (if (term-is-variable? v)
150 (push v rvars)
151 (push v pvars)))
152 (when rvars
153 (terpri)
154 (print-centering "<< variables >>")
155 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*))
156 (*print-with-sort* t))
157 (print-next)
158 (print-obj-list rvars)))
159 (when pvars
160 (terpri)
161 (print-centering "<< psued variables >>")
162 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*))
163 (*print-with-sort* t))
164 (print-next)
165 (print-obj-list pvars)))
166 (when (or rvars pvars)
167 (print-next)))
146 (rvars nil)
147 (pvars nil))
148 (dolist (v vars)
149 (if (term-is-variable? v)
150 (push v rvars)
151 (push v pvars)))
152 (when rvars
153 (terpri)
154 (print-centering "<< variables >>")
155 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*))
156 (*print-with-sort* t))
157 (print-next)
158 (print-obj-list rvars)))
159 (when pvars
160 (terpri)
161 (print-centering "<< psued variables >>")
162 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*))
163 (*print-with-sort* t))
164 (print-next)
165 (print-obj-list pvars)))
166 (when (or rvars pvars)
167 (print-next)))
168168 ;; ---------- operators & axioms
169169 (when (module-all-operators mod)
170 (terpri)
171 (print-centering "<< operators and axioms >>")
172 (terpri)
173 (terpri)
174 (print-module-ops mod nil t))
170 (terpri)
171 (print-centering "<< operators and axioms >>")
172 (terpri)
173 (terpri)
174 (print-module-ops mod nil t))
175175 ;;
176176 (fresh-line)
177177 (values)
183183 ;;;
184184 (defun describe-operator-brief (opinfo)
185185 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
186 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
187 (header (with-output-to-string (n)
188 (let ((*standard-output* n))
189 (princ (operator-symbol op))
190 ;; (princ (operator-print-name op))
191 (when (and *on-debug*
192 (not (eq (operator-module op) *current-module*)))
193 (princ ".")
194 (print-mod-name (operator-module op)
195 *standard-output* t t))
196 ;; attribute
197 (let ((strat (let ((val (operator-strategy op)))
198 (if (print-check-bu op val) nil val)))
199 (thy (operator-theory op)))
200 (when (or strat (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property)))
201 (let ((flag nil))
202 (princ " default attributes") (princ " { ")
203 (when (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property))
204 (setq flag t)
205 (print-theory-brief thy))
206 (print-check)
207 (when strat
208 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
209 (princ "strat: ") (print-simple strat))
210 (print-check)
211 (princ " }")))))
212 n))
213 ;; (n-len (length header))
214 )
186 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
187 (header (with-output-to-string (n)
188 (let ((*standard-output* n))
189 (princ (operator-symbol op))
190 ;; (princ (operator-print-name op))
191 (when (and *on-debug*
192 (not (eq (operator-module op) *current-module*)))
193 (princ ".")
194 (print-mod-name (operator-module op)
195 *standard-output* t t))
196 ;; attribute
197 (let ((strat (let ((val (operator-strategy op)))
198 (if (print-check-bu op val) nil val)))
199 (thy (operator-theory op)))
200 (when (or strat (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property)))
201 (let ((flag nil))
202 (princ " default attributes") (princ " { ")
203 (when (not (eq (theory-info thy) the-e-property))
204 (setq flag t)
205 (print-theory-brief thy))
206 (print-check)
207 (when strat
208 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t))
209 (princ "strat: ") (print-simple strat))
210 (print-check)
211 (princ " }")))))
212 n))
213 ;; (n-len (length header))
214 )
215215 (print-next)
216216 (print-centering header ".")
217217 #||
218218 (format t "~a" header)
219219 (if (< n-len (- *print-line-limit* *print-indent*))
220 (dotimes (x (- *print-line-limit* n-len *print-indent*))
221 (princ "_"))
222 (princ "*"))
220 (dotimes (x (- *print-line-limit* n-len *print-indent*))
221 (princ "_"))
222 (princ "*"))
223223 ||#
224224 ;; declarations with axioms
225225 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
226226 (dolist (meth (reverse methods))
227 (when (or (not (method-is-error-method meth))
228 (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
229 (print-next)
230 (princ "* rank: ")
231 (let ((arity (method-arity meth))
232 (coarity (method-coarity meth)))
233 (when arity
234 (print-sort-list arity *current-module*)
235 (princ " "))
236 (princ "-> ")
237 (print-sort-name coarity *current-module*)
238 (when (and *on-debug* (not (eq *current-module* (method-module meth))))
239 (princ " (<== ")
240 (print-mod-name (method-module meth) *standard-output* t t)
241 (princ ")")))
242 (print-method-attrs meth "- attributes: ")
243 (let ((axioms (method-all-rules meth)))
244 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
245 (when axioms
246 (print-next)
247 (princ "- axioms:")
248 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
249 (dolist (rl axioms)
250 (print-next)
251 (print-axiom-brief rl)))))))))
227 (when (or (not (method-is-error-method meth))
228 (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth))
229 (print-next)
230 (princ "* rank: ")
231 (let ((arity (method-arity meth))
232 (coarity (method-coarity meth)))
233 (when arity
234 (print-sort-list arity *current-module*)
235 (princ " "))
236 (princ "-> ")
237 (print-sort-name coarity *current-module*)
238 (when (and *on-debug* (not (eq *current-module* (method-module meth))))
239 (princ " (<== ")
240 (print-mod-name (method-module meth) *standard-output* t t)
241 (princ ")")))
242 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
243 (print-method-attrs meth "- attributes: "))
244 (let ((axioms (method-all-rules meth)))
245 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
246 (when axioms
247 (print-next)
248 (princ "- axioms:")
249 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
250 (dolist (rl axioms)
251 (print-next)
252 (print-axiom-brief rl)))))))))
252253 (flush-all)
253254 ))
263264 (princ " declared in the module ")
264265 (print-mod-name (sort-module sort))
265266 (let ((subs (subsorts sort))
266 (supers (supersorts-no-err sort))
267 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
267 (supers (supersorts-no-err sort))
268 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
268269 (when (or subs supers)
269270 (print-next)
270271 (princ "- subsort relations :")
292293 (defun describe-operator (opinfo &optional (module *current-module*))
293294 (with-in-module (module)
294295 (let* ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
295 (syntax (operator-syntax op))
296 (prec (opsyntax-prec syntax))
297 (cprec (opsyntax-cprec syntax))
298 (theory (operator-theory op))
299 (assoc (opsyntax-assoc syntax))
300 (strat (operator-strategy op))
301 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
296 (syntax (operator-syntax op))
297 (prec (opsyntax-prec syntax))
298 (cprec (opsyntax-cprec syntax))
299 (theory (operator-theory op))
300 (assoc (opsyntax-assoc syntax))
301 (strat (operator-strategy op))
302 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
302303 (fresh-line)
303304 (dotimes (x .terminal-width.) (princ "="))
304305 ;; (format t "~%name : ~a" (operator-symbol op))
307308 (format t "~%number of arguments : ~d" (operator-num-args op))
308309 (format t "~%default attributes :")
309310 (format t "~% rewrite strategy : ~a" (if strat strat
310 "not specified"))
311 "not specified"))
311312 (format t "~% syntax :")
312313 (when *on-debug*
313 (format t "~% type : ~s" (opsyntax-type syntax))
314 (format t "~% mixfix : ~s" (operator-is-mixfix op)))
314 (format t "~% type : ~s" (opsyntax-type syntax))
315 (format t "~% mixfix : ~s" (operator-is-mixfix op)))
315316 (format t "~% precedence : ~a" (if prec prec "not specified"))
316317 (unless (eql prec cprec)
317 (format t "~% computed prec. : ~s" cprec))
318 (format t "~% computed prec. : ~s" cprec))
318319 (if assoc
319 (format t "~% assoc : ~s" (if (eq assoc :right)
320 'right
321 'left)))
320 (format t "~% assoc : ~s" (if (eq assoc :right)
321 'right
322 'left)))
322323 (format t "~% form : ")
323324 (let ((m (car methods)))
324 (dolist (x (method-form m))
325 (cond ((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'argument))
326 (princ "(")
327 (princ "arg:")
328 (princ (second x))
329 ;; (print-sort-name (cddr x))
330 (princ ")"))
331 ((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'token))
332 (prin1 (string (cdr x))))
333 (t (princ x)))
334 (princ " ")))
335 (format t "~& theory : ") (print-theory-brief theory)
325 (dolist (x (method-form m))
326 (cond ((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'argument))
327 (princ "(")
328 (princ "arg:")
329 (princ (second x))
330 ;; (print-sort-name (cddr x))
331 (princ ")"))
332 ((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'token))
333 (prin1 (string (cdr x))))
334 (t (princ x)))
335 (princ " ")))
336 (format t "~% theory : ") (print-theory-brief theory)
336337 (when *on-debug*
337 (format t "~%internal name : ~s" (operator-print-name op)))
338 (format t "~%internal name : ~s" (operator-print-name op)))
339340 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
340 (dolist (m methods)
341 (terpri)
342 (dotimes (x .terminal-width.)(princ "-"))
343 (format t "~&rank : ")
344 (when (method-arity m)
345 (print-sort-list (method-arity m) *current-module*)
346 (princ " "))
347 (princ "-> ")
348 (print-sort-name (method-coarity m) *current-module*)
349 (when (or (method-constructor m)
350 (method-has-memo m))
351 (princ " { ")
352 (when (method-constructor m)
353 (princ "constr "))
354 (when (method-has-memo m)
355 (princ "memo "))
356 (when (method-is-meta-demod m)
357 (princ "demod "))
358 (princ "}"))
359 (print-next)
360 (format t "module : ")
361 (print-mod-name (method-module m))
362 (print-next)
363 (format t "theory : ")
364 (print-theory-brief (method-theory m))
365 (print-next)
366 (format t "rewrite strategy : ~s" (method-rewrite-strategy m))
367 (when (not (eql prec (get-method-precedence m)))
368 (print-next)
369 (format t "precedence : ~d" (get-method-precedence m))
370 )
371 (when (not (equal assoc (method-associativity m)))
372 (print-next)
373 (format t "associativity : ~a"
374 (case (method-associativity m)
375 (:right "right")
376 (:left "left")
377 (otherwise "not specified")))
378 )
379 ;; lower methods
380 (when (method-lower-methods m)
381 (print-next)
382 ;; (format t "lower declarations:")
383 (format t "lower operations :")
384 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
385 (dolist (x (reverse (method-lower-methods m)))
386 (print-next)
387 (when (method-arity x)
388 (print-sort-list (method-arity x) *current-module*)
389 (princ " "))
390 (princ "-> ")
391 (print-sort-name (method-coarity x) *current-module*))))
392 (when *on-debug*
393 ;; overloaded methods
394 (let ((ov (nreverse (remove m (method-overloaded-methods m)))))
395 (when ov
396 (print-next)
397 (format t "overloaded ops. :")
398 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
399 (dolist (x ov)
400 (print-next)
401 (when (method-arity x)
402 (print-sort-list (method-arity x) *current-module*)
403 (princ " "))
404 (princ "-> ")
405 (print-sort-name (method-coarity x) *current-module*))))))
406 ;;
407 (when (method-derived-from m)
408 (let ((o-m (method-derived-from m)))
409 (print-next)
410 (format t "derived from : ~s of " (method-symbol o-m))
411 (print-mod-name (method-module o-m) *standard-output* t t)))
412 ;; axioms
413 (print-next)
414 (format t "axioms :")
415 (let ((*print-indent* *print-indent*)
416 (r-ring (method-rules-with-same-top m)))
417 (unless (rule-ring-is-empty r-ring)
418 (do ((ax (initialize-rule-ring r-ring) (rule-ring-next r-ring)))
419 ((eq (rule-ring-current r-ring) (rule-ring-mark r-ring)))
420 (print-next)
421 (print-rule ax)
422 ))
423 (dolist (ax (method-rules-with-different-top m))
424 (print-next)
425 (print-rule ax)
426 ))
427 ))))
341 (dolist (m methods)
342 (terpri)
343 (dotimes (x .terminal-width.)(princ "-"))
344 (format t "~%rank : ")
345 (when (method-arity m)
346 (print-sort-list (method-arity m) *current-module*)
347 (princ " "))
348 (princ "-> ")
349 (print-sort-name (method-coarity m) *current-module*)
350 (when (or (method-constructor m)
351 (method-has-memo m))
352 (princ " { ")
353 (when (method-constructor m)
354 (princ "constr "))
355 (when (method-has-memo m)
356 (princ "memo "))
357 (when (method-is-meta-demod m)
358 (princ "demod "))
359 (princ "}"))
360 (print-next)
361 (format t "module : ")
362 (print-mod-name (method-module m))
363 (print-next)
364 (format t "theory : ")
365 (print-theory-brief (method-theory m))
366 (print-next)
367 (format t "rewrite strategy : ~s" (method-rewrite-strategy m))
368 (when (not (eql prec (get-method-precedence m)))
369 (print-next)
370 (format t "precedence : ~d" (get-method-precedence m))
371 )
372 (when (not (equal assoc (method-associativity m)))
373 (print-next)
374 (format t "associativity : ~a"
375 (case (method-associativity m)
376 (:right "right")
377 (:left "left")
378 (otherwise "not specified")))
379 )
380 ;; lower methods
381 (when (method-lower-methods m)
382 (print-next)
383 ;; (format t "lower declarations:")
384 (format t "lower operations :")
385 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
386 (dolist (x (reverse (method-lower-methods m)))
387 (print-next)
388 (when (method-arity x)
389 (print-sort-list (method-arity x) *current-module*)
390 (princ " "))
391 (princ "-> ")
392 (print-sort-name (method-coarity x) *current-module*))))
393 (when *on-debug*
394 ;; overloaded methods
395 (let ((ov (nreverse (remove m (method-overloaded-methods m)))))
396 (when ov
397 (print-next)
398 (format t "overloaded ops. :")
399 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
400 (dolist (x ov)
401 (print-next)
402 (when (method-arity x)
403 (print-sort-list (method-arity x) *current-module*)
404 (princ " "))
405 (princ "-> ")
406 (print-sort-name (method-coarity x) *current-module*))))))
407 ;;
408 (when (method-derived-from m)
409 (let ((o-m (method-derived-from m)))
410 (print-next)
411 (format t "derived from : ~s of " (method-symbol o-m))
412 (print-mod-name (method-module o-m) *standard-output* t t)))
413 ;; axioms
414 (print-next)
415 (format t "axioms :")
416 (let ((*print-indent* *print-indent*)
417 (r-ring (method-rules-with-same-top m)))
418 (unless (rule-ring-is-empty r-ring)
419 (do ((ax (initialize-rule-ring r-ring) (rule-ring-next r-ring)))
420 ((eq (rule-ring-current r-ring) (rule-ring-mark r-ring)))
421 (print-next)
422 (print-rule ax)
423 ))
424 (dolist (ax (method-rules-with-different-top m))
425 (print-next)
426 (print-rule ax)
427 ))
428 ))))
428429 (flush-all))
430431 (defun print-merged (mod)
444445 (:cafeobj (show-module-in-cafeobj-syntax mod))
445446 (:chaos (show-module-in-chaos-syntax mod))
446447 (otherwise (with-output-panic-message ()
447 (format t "illegal show mode ~s" syntax))
448 (return-from show-module nil))))
448 (format t "illegal show mode ~s" syntax))
449 (return-from show-module nil))))
450451 (defun ignore-from-import-list (mod)
451452 (or (module-hidden mod)
454455 (defun show-module-in-cafeobj-syntax (mod)
455456 (with-in-module (mod)
456457 (let* ((merged (print-merged mod))
457 (mod-name (with-output-to-string (m)
458 (if merged
459 (print-mod-name *open-module* m nil t)
460 (print-mod-name mod m nil t))
461 m))
462 (kind (module-kind mod))
463 (type (module-type mod))
464 (omit (if (or (memq type '(:system :hard))
465 (and merged (module-p *open-module*)
466 (memq (module-type *open-module*)
467 '(:system :hard))))
468 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*
469 *print-ignore-mods*))
470 (*print-line-limit* 80))
458 (mod-name (with-output-to-string (m)
459 (if merged
460 (print-mod-name *open-module* m nil t)
461 (print-mod-name mod m nil t))
462 m))
463 (kind (module-kind mod))
464 (type (module-type mod))
465 (omit (if (or (memq type '(:system :hard))
466 (and merged (module-p *open-module*)
467 (memq (module-type *open-module*)
468 '(:system :hard))))
469 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*
470 *print-ignore-mods*))
471 (*print-line-limit* 80))
471472 ;;
472473 (fresh-line)
473474 (print-indent #\space)
474475 (case kind
475 (:object (case type
476 (:hard (princ "hwd:mod! "))
477 (:system (princ "sys:mod! "))
478 (otherwise (princ "module! "))))
479 (:theory (case type
480 (:hard (princ "hwd:mod* "))
481 (:system (princ "sys:mod* "))
482 (otherwise (princ "module* "))))
483 (otherwise (case type
484 (:hard (princ "hwd:mod "))
485 (:system (princ "sys:mod "))
486 (otherwise (princ "module ")))))
476 (:object (case type
477 (:hard (princ "hwd:mod! "))
478 (:system (princ "sys:mod! "))
479 (otherwise (princ "module! "))))
480 (:theory (case type
481 (:hard (princ "hwd:mod* "))
482 (:system (princ "sys:mod* "))
483 (otherwise (princ "module* "))))
484 (otherwise (case type
485 (:hard (princ "hwd:mod "))
486 (:system (princ "sys:mod "))
487 (otherwise (princ "module ")))))
487488 (princ mod-name)
488489 ;; PARAMETERS
489490 (let ((params (get-module-parameters mod)))
490 (when params
491 (let ((*print-indent* (+ (length mod-name) 9 *print-indent*)))
492 ;; (princ " [")
493 (princ " (")
494 (let ((flg nil))
495 (dolist (sb params)
496 (if flg (princ ", ") (setf flg t))
497 (print-check)
498 (let ((mode (string-downcase
499 (string (parameter-imported-mode sb))))
500 (arg-name (parameter-arg-name sb))
501 (cntxt (parameter-context sb)))
502 (unless (equal "protecting" mode)
503 (format t "~a " mode))
504 (if (or (null cntxt) (eq mod cntxt))
505 (format t "~a :: " arg-name)
506 (progn
507 (format t "~a." arg-name)
508 (print-mod-name cntxt *standard-output* t t)
509 (princ " :: ")))
510 ;; (print-mod-name (cdar sb))
511 (print-parameter-theory-name (parameter-theory-module sb)
512 *standard-output*
513 :simple
514 :no-param)
515 )))
516 ;; (princ "]")
517 (princ ")"))))
491 (when params
492 (let ((*print-indent* (+ (length mod-name) 9 *print-indent*)))
493 ;; (princ " [")
494 (princ " (")
495 (let ((flg nil))
496 (dolist (sb params)
497 (if flg (princ ", ") (setf flg t))
498 (print-check)
499 (let ((mode (string-downcase
500 (string (parameter-imported-mode sb))))
501 (arg-name (parameter-arg-name sb))
502 (cntxt (parameter-context sb)))
503 (unless (equal "protecting" mode)
504 (format t "~a " mode))
505 (if (or (null cntxt) (eq mod cntxt))
506 (format t "~a :: " arg-name)
507 (progn
508 (format t "~a." arg-name)
509 (print-mod-name cntxt *standard-output* t t)
510 (princ " :: ")))
511 ;; (print-mod-name (cdar sb))
512 (print-parameter-theory-name (parameter-theory-module sb)
513 *standard-output*
514 :simple
515 :no-param)
516 )))
517 ;; (princ "]")
518 (princ ")"))))
518519 ;; principal sort
519520 (when (module-principal-sort mod)
520 (fresh-line)
521 (format t " principal-sort ")
522 (print-sort-name (module-principal-sort mod) mod))
521 (fresh-line)
522 (format t " principal-sort ")
523 (print-sort-name (module-principal-sort mod) mod))
523524 (fresh-line)
524525 ;; module body
525526 (princ "{")
526527 (when merged (princ " ** opening"))
527528 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
529 (let ((subs nil)
530 (skip (if merged
531 (nconc (list *open-module*) omit)
532 omit)))
533 (dolist (sub (module-submodules mod))
534 (when (and (not (module-is-parameter-theory (car sub)))
535 (if *chaos-verbose*
536 t
537 (not (member (car sub) skip :key #'(lambda(x)
538 (module-name x)))))
539 (not (eq (cdr sub) :using)))
540 (push sub subs)))
541 (when subs
542 (print-next)
543 (princ "imports {")
544 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
545 (let ((flg nil))
546 (print-next)
547 (dolist (sb subs)
548 (unless (ignore-from-import-list (car sb))
549 (if flg (print-next) (setf flg t))
550 (print-check)
551 ;; importation-mode
552 (format t "~a " (string-downcase (string (cdr sb))))
553 ;; alias
554 (let ((a-name (cdr (assoc (car sb) (module-alias mod)))))
555 (when a-name
556 (format t "as ~a " a-name)))
557 ;; modexpr
558 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent* (length (string (cdr sb))))))
559 (princ "(") (print-mod-name (car sb)
560 *standard-output*
561 t
562 t)
563 (princ ")"))))))
564 (print-next)
565 (princ "}")))
567 (let ((sorts (sorts-to-be-shown mod *chaos-verbose*))
568 (opinfos (ops-to-be-shown mod *chaos-verbose*)))
569 (when (or sorts opinfos)
570 (print-next)
571 (princ "signature {")
572 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
573 ;; SORTS
574 (when sorts
575 (let ((hidden (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
576 (sort-is-hidden x))
577 sorts))
578 (visible (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
579 (sort-is-hidden x))
580 sorts)))
581 (when hidden
582 (print-next)
583 ;; (princ "hidden [ ")
584 (princ "*[ ")
585 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 8 *print-indent*)))
586 ;; (print-out-sorts hidden mod 'print-sort-name)
587 (do ((ss hidden (cdr ss)))
588 ((null ss))
589 (print-out-sort (car ss) mod 'print-sort-name)
590 (when (cdr ss) (princ ",") (print-next)))
591 (princ " ]*")))
592 (when visible
593 (print-next)
594 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
595 (princ "[ ")
596 (do ((ss visible (cdr ss)))
597 ((null ss))
598 (print-out-sort (car ss) mod 'print-sort-name)
599 (when (cdr ss) (princ ",") (print-next)))
600 (princ " ]")))))
601 ;;
602 (when opinfos
603 (dolist (op-meth opinfos)
604 (print-op-meth op-meth mod *chaos-verbose*))))
605 (print-next)
606 (princ "}")))
607 ;; AXIOMS
608 (when (or *chaos-verbose*
609 *print-all-eqns*
610 (module-equations mod)
611 (module-rules mod))
612 (print-next)
613 (princ "axioms {")
614 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
615 (when (module-variables mod)
616 (dolist (v (reverse (module-variables mod)))
617 (print-next)
618 (if (term-is-variable? (cdr v))
619 (princ "var ")
620 (princ "pvar "))
621 (princ (string (variable-name (cdr v))))
622 (princ " : ")
623 (print-sort-name (variable-sort (cdr v)) mod)))
624 (if (module-is-ready-for-rewriting mod)
625 (if (not (or *chaos-verbose* *print-all-eqns*))
626 (dolist (r (append (reverse (module-equations mod))
627 (reverse (module-rules mod))))
628 (print-next)
629 (print-axiom-brief r) (princ " .")
630 #||
631 (dolist (er (!axiom-A-extensions r))
632 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
633 (dolist (er (!axiom-AC-extension r))
634 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
635 ||#
636 (dolist (er (axiom-extensions r))
637 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
638 )
639 ;;
640 (dolist (r (get-module-axioms mod t))
641 (print-next)
642 (print-axiom-brief r) (princ " .")
643 #||
644 (dolist (er (!axiom-A-extensions r))
645 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
646 (dolist (er (!axiom-AC-extension r))
647 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
648 ||#
649 (dolist (er (axiom-extensions r))
650 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
651 ))))
652 (print-next)
653 (princ "}"))
654 ;; done
655 )
530 (let ((subs nil)
531 (skip (if merged
532 (nconc (list *open-module*) omit)
533 omit)))
534 (dolist (sub (module-submodules mod))
535 (when (and (not (module-is-parameter-theory (car sub)))
536 (if *chaos-verbose*
537 t
538 (not (member (car sub) skip :key #'(lambda(x)
539 (module-name x)))))
540 (not (eq (cdr sub) :using)))
541 (push sub subs)))
542 (when subs
543 (print-next)
544 (princ "imports {")
545 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
546 (let ((flg nil))
547 (print-next)
548 (dolist (sb subs)
549 (unless (ignore-from-import-list (car sb))
550 (if flg (print-next) (setf flg t))
551 (print-check)
552 ;; importation-mode
553 (format t "~a " (string-downcase (string (cdr sb))))
554 ;; alias
555 (let ((a-name (cdr (assoc (car sb) (module-alias mod)))))
556 (when a-name
557 (format t "as ~a " a-name)))
558 ;; modexpr
559 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent* (length (string (cdr sb))))))
560 (princ "(") (print-mod-name (car sb)
561 *standard-output*
562 t
563 t)
564 (princ ")"))))))
565 (print-next)
566 (princ "}")))
568 (let ((sorts (sorts-to-be-shown mod *chaos-verbose*))
569 (opinfos (ops-to-be-shown mod *chaos-verbose*)))
570 (when (or sorts opinfos)
571 (print-next)
572 (princ "signature {")
573 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
574 ;; SORTS
575 (when sorts
576 (let ((hidden (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x)
577 (sort-is-hidden x))
578 sorts))
579 (visible (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
580 (sort-is-hidden x))
581 sorts)))
582 (when hidden
583 (print-next)
584 ;; (princ "hidden [ ")
585 (princ "*[ ")
586 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 8 *print-indent*)))
587 ;; (print-out-sorts hidden mod 'print-sort-name)
588 (do ((ss hidden (cdr ss)))
589 ((null ss))
590 (print-out-sort (car ss) mod 'print-sort-name)
591 (when (cdr ss) (princ ",") (print-next)))
592 (princ " ]*")))
593 (when visible
594 (print-next)
595 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
596 (princ "[ ")
597 (do ((ss visible (cdr ss)))
598 ((null ss))
599 (print-out-sort (car ss) mod 'print-sort-name)
600 (when (cdr ss) (princ ",") (print-next)))
601 (princ " ]")))))
602 ;;
603 (when opinfos
604 (dolist (op-meth opinfos)
605 (print-op-meth op-meth mod *chaos-verbose*))))
606 (print-next)
607 (princ "}")))
608 ;; AXIOMS
609 (when (or *chaos-verbose*
610 *print-all-eqns*
611 (module-equations mod)
612 (module-rules mod))
613 (print-next)
614 (princ "axioms {")
615 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
616 (when (module-variables mod)
617 (dolist (v (reverse (module-variables mod)))
618 (print-next)
619 (if (term-is-variable? (cdr v))
620 (princ "var ")
621 (princ "pvar "))
622 (princ (string (variable-name (cdr v))))
623 (princ " : ")
624 (print-sort-name (variable-sort (cdr v)) mod)))
625 (if (module-is-ready-for-rewriting mod)
626 (if (not (or *chaos-verbose* *print-all-eqns*))
627 (dolist (r (append (reverse (module-equations mod))
628 (reverse (module-rules mod))))
629 (print-next)
630 (print-axiom-brief r) (princ " .")
631 #||
632 (dolist (er (!axiom-A-extensions r))
633 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
634 (dolist (er (!axiom-AC-extension r))
635 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
636 ||#
637 (dolist (er (axiom-extensions r))
638 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
639 )
640 ;;
641 (dolist (r (get-module-axioms mod t))
642 (print-next)
643 (print-axiom-brief r) (princ " .")
644 #||
645 (dolist (er (!axiom-A-extensions r))
646 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
647 (dolist (er (!axiom-AC-extension r))
648 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
649 ||#
650 (dolist (er (axiom-extensions r))
651 (when er (print-next) (print-axiom-brief er) (princ " .")))
652 ))))
653 (print-next)
654 (princ "}"))
655 ;; done
656 )
656657 (print-next)
657658 (princ "}")
658659 (fresh-line)
659660 (flush-all)
660661 (values))))
662663 (defun show-module-in-chaos-syntax (mod)
663664 (with-in-module (mod)
664665 (let ((*print-pretty* t))
665 (format t "~&~s" (object-decl-form mod)))))
666 (format t "~%~s" (object-decl-form mod)))))
668669 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
669670 (defun sorts-to-be-shown (mod &optional all)
670671 (let ((sorts (if all (module-all-sorts mod)
671 (module-sorts mod))))
672 (module-sorts mod))))
672673 (if (or (module-is-hard-wired mod)
673 (module-is-system-module mod))
674 sorts
675 (filter-hard-sorts sorts))))
674 (module-is-system-module mod))
675 sorts
676 (filter-hard-sorts sorts))))
677678 (defun print-module-sorts (mod &optional describe all)
678679 (with-in-module (mod)
679680 (let ((sorts (reverse (sorts-to-be-shown mod all))))
680681 (cond ((not describe)
681 (when (module-principal-sort mod)
682 (print-next)
683 (princ "* principal sort : ")
684 (print-out-sorts (list (module-principal-sort mod)) mod
685 'print-sort-name))
686 (let ((hidden (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) sorts))
687 (visible (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) sorts)))
688 (when hidden
689 (print-next)
690 (princ "* hidden sorts :")
691 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
692 (print-next)
693 (print-out-sorts hidden mod 'print-sort-name)))
694 (when visible
695 (print-next)
696 (princ "* visible sorts :")
697 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
698 (print-next)
699 (print-out-sorts visible mod 'print-sort-name)))))
700 ;;
701 (t ; describe
702 (dolist (s sorts)
703 (print-next)
704 (princ "----------------------------------------------------------------------")
705 (print-next)
706 (describe-sort s)))))
682 (when (module-principal-sort mod)
683 (print-next)
684 (princ "* principal sort : ")
685 (print-out-sorts (list (module-principal-sort mod)) mod
686 'print-sort-name))
687 (let ((hidden (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) sorts))
688 (visible (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x)) sorts)))
689 (when hidden
690 (print-next)
691 (princ "* hidden sorts :")
692 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
693 (print-next)
694 (print-out-sorts hidden mod 'print-sort-name)))
695 (when visible
696 (print-next)
697 (princ "* visible sorts :")
698 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
699 (print-next)
700 (print-out-sorts visible mod 'print-sort-name)))))
701 ;;
702 (t ; describe
703 (dolist (s sorts)
704 (print-next)
705 (princ "----------------------------------------------------------------------")
706 (print-next)
707 (describe-sort s)))))
707708 (flush-all)))
709710 (defun print-out-sorts (sort-list mod &optional (printer 'print-sort-name))
715716 (defun print-out-sort (s mod printer)
716717 (let ((subs (direct-subsorts s))
717 (sups (direct-supersorts-no-err s)))
718 (sups (direct-supersorts-no-err s)))
718719 (funcall printer s mod)
719720 (when (or subs sups)
720721 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
721 (princ ", ")
722 (dolist (sub subs)
723 (funcall printer sub mod)
724 (princ " "))
725 (when subs (princ "< "))
726 (funcall printer s mod)
727 (when sups
728 (princ " <")
729 (dolist (super sups)
730 (princ " ")
731 (funcall printer super mod)))))
722 (princ ", ")
723 (dolist (sub subs)
724 (funcall printer sub mod)
725 (princ " "))
726 (when subs (princ "< "))
727 (funcall printer s mod)
728 (when sups
729 (princ " <")
730 (dolist (super sups)
731 (princ " ")
732 (funcall printer super mod)))))
732733 ))
737738 (let ((res nil))
738739 (with-in-module (mod)
739740 (dolist (opinfo (reverse (module-all-operators mod)))
740 (let ((meth nil))
741 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
742 (when (and (eq (method-module m) mod)
743 (or (not (method-is-error-method m))
744 (method-is-user-defined-error-method m)))
745 (push m meth)))
746 (when meth
747 (push (list (opinfo-operator opinfo) meth) res))))
741 (let ((meth nil))
742 (dolist (m (opinfo-methods opinfo))
743 (when (and (eq (method-module m) mod)
744 (or (not (method-is-error-method m))
745 (method-is-user-defined-error-method m)))
746 (push m meth)))
747 (when meth
748 (push (list (opinfo-operator opinfo) meth) res))))
748749 (nreverse res))))
750751 (defun ops-to-be-shown (mod &optional all)
751752 (let ((ops (if all
752 (reverse (module-all-operators mod))
753 (module-own-op-methods mod))))
753 (reverse (module-all-operators mod))
754 (module-own-op-methods mod))))
754755 (if (module-is-hard-wired mod)
755 ops
756 (filter-hard-opinfos ops))))
756 ops
757 (filter-hard-opinfos ops))))
758759 (defun print-module-ops (mod &optional describe all)
759760 (with-in-module (mod)
760761 (let ((ops (ops-to-be-shown mod all)))
761762 (dolist (opinfo ops)
762 (if describe
763 (describe-operator opinfo)
764 (progn
765 (print-next)
766 (describe-operator-brief opinfo)))))))
763 (if describe
764 (describe-operator opinfo)
765 (progn
766 (print-next)
767 (describe-operator-brief opinfo)))))))
769770 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
772773 (when (module-equations mod)
773774 (princ "equations : ")
774775 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
775 (dolist (r (module-equations mod))
776 (print-next)
777 (if describe
778 (print-rule r)
779 (print-axiom-brief r)))))))
776 (dolist (r (module-equations mod))
777 (print-next)
778 (if describe
779 (print-rule r)
780 (print-axiom-brief r)))))))
782783 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
785786 (when (module-rules mod)
786787 (princ "rules : ")
787788 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
788 (dolist (r (module-rules mod))
789 (if describe
790 (print-rule r)
791 (print-axiom-brief r)))))))
789 (dolist (r (module-rules mod))
790 (if describe
791 (print-rule r)
792 (print-axiom-brief r)))))))
794795 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
795796 (defun print-module-axs (mod &optional describe)
796797 (with-in-module (mod)
797798 (let ((own-axs (module-own-axioms-ordered mod nil))
798 (imp-axs (if (or *print-all-eqns* *module-all-rules-every*)
799 (module-imported-axioms mod nil)
800 nil))
801 (flg1 nil)
802 (flg2 nil)
803 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
799 (imp-axs (if (or *print-all-eqns* *module-all-rules-every*)
800 (module-imported-axioms mod nil)
801 nil))
802 (flg1 nil)
803 (flg2 nil)
804 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
804805 (dolist (ax own-axs)
805 (if (and (null flg1) (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation
806 :pignose-axiom
807 :pignose-goal)))
808 (progn
809 (decf *print-indent* 2)
810 (format t "~&- Equations")
811 (incf *print-indent* 2)
812 (setq flg1 t))
813 (if (and (null flg2) (eq (axiom-type ax) :rule))
814 (progn
815 (decf *print-indent* 2)
816 (format t "~&- Transitions")
817 (incf *print-indent* 2)
818 (setq flg2 t))))
819 (print-next)
820 (if describe
821 (print-rule ax)
822 (print-axiom-brief ax)))
806 (if (and (null flg1) (memq (axiom-type ax) '(:equation
807 :pignose-axiom
808 :pignose-goal)))
809 (progn
810 (decf *print-indent* 2)
811 (format t "~%- Equations")
812 (incf *print-indent* 2)
813 (setq flg1 t))
814 (if (and (null flg2) (eq (axiom-type ax) :rule))
815 (progn
816 (decf *print-indent* 2)
817 (format t "~%- Transitions")
818 (incf *print-indent* 2)
819 (setq flg2 t))))
820 (print-next)
821 (if describe
822 (print-rule ax)
823 (print-axiom-brief ax)))
823824 (when imp-axs
824 (decf *print-indent* 2)
825 (format t "~&- Imported axioms")
826 (incf *print-indent* 2)
827 (dolist (ax imp-axs)
828 (print-next)
829 (if describe
830 (print-rule ax)
831 (print-axiom-brief ax))))
832 )))
825 (decf *print-indent* 2)
826 (format t "~%- Imported axioms")
827 (incf *print-indent* 2)
828 (dolist (ax imp-axs)
829 (print-next)
830 (if describe
831 (print-rule ax)
832 (print-axiom-brief ax)))))))
835835 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
838838 (dolist (r (module-rewrite-rules mod))
839839 (print-next)
840840 (if describe
841 (print-rule r)
842 (print-axiom-brief r)))))
841 (print-rule r)
842 (print-axiom-brief r)))))
845845 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
846846 (defun get-non-parameter-submodules (mod)
847847 (with-in-module (mod)
848848 (let ((skip (mapcar #'cdar (module-parameters mod)))
849 (res nil))
849 (res nil))
850850 (if (print-merged mod)
851 (push *open-module* skip))
851 (push *open-module* skip))
852852 (dolist (sb (module-submodules mod))
853 (unless (member (car sb) skip)
854 (push sb res)))
853 (unless (member (car sb) skip)
854 (push sb res)))
855855 res)))
857857 (defun print-submodule-list (subs &optional describe)
868868 (dolist (sb (get-non-parameter-submodules mod))
869869 (print-next)
870870 (if (eq :using (cdr sb))
871 (format t "-- ~a(" (string-downcase (string (cdr sb))))
872 (format t "~a(" (string-downcase (string (cdr sb)))))
871 (format t "-- ~a(" (string-downcase (string (cdr sb))))
872 (format t "~a(" (string-downcase (string (cdr sb)))))
873873 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
874874 (print-mod-name (car sb) *standard-output* nil t))
875875 (princ ")")))
878878 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
879879 (defun print-module-parameters (mod &optional
880 (stream *standard-output*)
881 (abbrev t))
880 (stream *standard-output*)
881 (abbrev t))
882882 (declare (ignore abbrev))
883883 (with-in-module (mod)
884884 (let ((params (get-module-parameters mod)))
885885 (if params
886 (progn
887 (print-next)
888 (let ((flag nil))
889 (dolist (x params)
890 (let ((arg-name (parameter-arg-name x))
891 (cntxt (parameter-context x)))
892 (if flag (print-next) (setq flag t))
893 (if (or (null cntxt)
894 (eq mod cntxt))
895 (format t "* argument ~a : " arg-name)
896 (progn
897 (format t "* argument ~a." arg-name)
898 (print-mod-name cntxt stream t t)
899 (princ " : ")))
900 (princ (string-downcase (string (parameter-imported-mode x))))
901 (princ " ")
902 (force-output)
903 (print-parameter-theory-name (parameter-theory-module x)
904 stream
905 nil
906 :no-param)))))
907 (princ "NONE.")))
886 (progn
887 (print-next)
888 (let ((flag nil))
889 (dolist (x params)
890 (let ((arg-name (parameter-arg-name x))
891 (cntxt (parameter-context x)))
892 (if flag (print-next) (setq flag t))
893 (if (or (null cntxt)
894 (eq mod cntxt))
895 (format t "* argument ~a : " arg-name)
896 (progn
897 (format t "* argument ~a." arg-name)
898 (print-mod-name cntxt stream t t)
899 (princ " : ")))
900 (princ (string-downcase (string (parameter-imported-mode x))))
901 (princ " ")
902 (force-output)
903 (print-parameter-theory-name (parameter-theory-module x)
904 stream
905 nil
906 :no-param)))))
907 (princ "NONE.")))
908908 (print-next)))
913913 (defun print-module-sort (mod srt &optional describe)
914914 (with-in-module (mod)
915915 (if describe
916 (describe-sort srt)
917 (print-sort-name srt mod))))
916 (describe-sort srt)
917 (print-sort-name srt mod))))
920920 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
923923 (with-in-module (mod)
924924 (when (module-variables mod)
925925 (dolist (v (mapcar #'cdr (reverse (module-variables mod))))
926 (if (term-is-variable? v)
927 (princ "var ")
928 (princ "pvar "))
929 (princ (string (variable-name v)))
930 (princ " : ")
931 (print-sort-name (variable-sort v) mod)
932 (print-next)))))
926 (if (term-is-variable? v)
927 (princ "var ")
928 (princ "pvar "))
929 (princ (string (variable-name v)))
930 (princ " : ")
931 (print-sort-name (variable-sort v) mod)
932 (print-next)))))
934934 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
3030 System: CHAOS
31 Module: chaos/tools
31 Module: chaos/tools
3232 File: help.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
4646 (let* ((sdesc (gethash com-pat *Help-DB*))
4747 (syntax (first sdesc)))
4848 (if sdesc
49 (concatenate 'string "~&[Syntax]: \"" syntax "\"~% "
49 (concatenate 'string "~%[Syntax]: \"" syntax "\"~% "
5050 (if detail
5151 (third sdesc)
5252 (second sdesc)))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:tools
32 File:inspect.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:tools
32 File:inspect.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 ;;;
4242 (defun show-module-symbol-table (mod &optional (stream *standard-output*))
4343 (let* ((st (module-symbol-table mod))
44 (names (sort (copy-list (symbol-table-names st)) #'ob< )))
44 (names (sort (copy-list (symbol-table-names st)) #'ob< )))
4545 (dolist (name names)
4646 (describe-name mod name (symbol-table-get name mod) stream))))
5050 (defun describe-name (mod name tbl &optional (stream *standard-output*))
5151 (unless tbl
52 (format stream "~&No object with name ~A found." name)
52 (format stream "~%No object with name ~A found." name)
5353 (return-from describe-name nil))
5454 (let ((*print-indent* 2)
55 (print-name (if (symbolp name)
56 (string name)
57 name)))
55 (print-name (if (symbolp name)
56 (string name)
57 name)))
5858 (when (and (stringp print-name)
59 (not (eql .current-char-index.
60 (char print-name 0))))
59 (not (eql .current-char-index.
60 (char print-name 0))))
6161 (setq .current-char-index. (char print-name 0))
6262 (format stream "~%** [~a] -----------------------------------------"
63 (string-upcase .current-char-index.)))
64 (format stream "~&~A~10T" (if (symbolp name)
65 (string name)
66 name))
63 (string-upcase .current-char-index.)))
64 (format stream "~%~A~10T" (if (symbolp name)
65 (string name)
66 name))
6868 (let ((parameters (stable-parameters tbl))
69 (submodules (stable-submodules tbl))
70 (sorts (stable-sorts tbl))
71 (operators (stable-operators tbl))
72 (variables (stable-variables tbl))
73 (axioms (stable-axioms tbl))
74 (unknowns (stable-unknowns tbl)))
69 (submodules (stable-submodules tbl))
70 (sorts (stable-sorts tbl))
71 (operators (stable-operators tbl))
72 (variables (stable-variables tbl))
73 (axioms (stable-axioms tbl))
74 (unknowns (stable-unknowns tbl)))
7575 (when parameters
76 (inspect-show-parameters mod name parameters stream))
76 (inspect-show-parameters mod name parameters stream))
7777 (when submodules
78 (inspect-show-submodules mod name submodules stream))
78 (inspect-show-submodules mod name submodules stream))
7979 (when sorts
80 (inspect-show-sorts mod name sorts stream))
80 (inspect-show-sorts mod name sorts stream))
8181 (when operators
82 (inspect-show-operators mod name operators stream))
82 (inspect-show-operators mod name operators stream))
8383 (when variables
84 (inspect-show-variables mod name variables stream))
84 (inspect-show-variables mod name variables stream))
8585 (when axioms
86 (inspect-show-axioms mod name axioms stream))
86 (inspect-show-axioms mod name axioms stream))
8787 (when unknowns
88 (inspect-show-unknowns mod name unknowns stream)))))
88 (inspect-show-unknowns mod name unknowns stream)))))
9090 ;;;
9191 ;;;
9898 (print-next)
9999 (format stream "- parameter theory ~A(type ~S)" name (type-of name))
100100 (when context-name
101 (format stream ", declared in ~A" context-name)))))
101 (format stream ", declared in ~A" context-name)))))
103103 (defun inspect-show-submodules (mod name objs stream)
104104 (dolist (obj objs)
105105 (let ((context-name (get-context-name-extended obj))
106 (alias (if (symbolp name)
107 (rassoc (string name) (module-alias mod) :test #'equal)
108 nil)))
106 (alias (if (symbolp name)
107 (rassoc (string name) (module-alias mod) :test #'equal)
108 nil)))
109109 (print-next)
110110 (cond ((assoc obj (module-submodules mod))
111 (format stream "- direct sub-module")
112 (when alias
113 (format stream ", alias of module ")
114 (print-modexp (module-name (car alias)) stream t)))
115 ((module-is-parameter-theory obj)
116 (format stream "- parameter theory"))
117 (t (format stream "- indirect sub-module")
118 (when alias
119 (format stream ", alias of module ")
120 (print-modexp (module-name (car alias)) stream t))))
111 (format stream "- direct sub-module")
112 (when alias
113 (format stream ", alias of module ")
114 (print-modexp (module-name (car alias)) stream t)))
115 ((module-is-parameter-theory obj)
116 (format stream "- parameter theory"))
117 (t (format stream "- indirect sub-module")
118 (when alias
119 (format stream ", alias of module ")
120 (print-modexp (module-name (car alias)) stream t))))
121121 (when context-name
122 (format stream ", declared in ~A" context-name))
122 (format stream ", declared in ~A" context-name))
123123 (let ((alias (assoc name (module-alias mod))))
124 (when alias
125 (format stream ", renamed (original name = ~a)."
126 (with-output-to-string (str)
127 (print-mod-name obj str t))))))))
124 (when alias
125 (format stream ", renamed (original name = ~a)."
126 (with-output-to-string (str)
127 (print-mod-name obj str t))))))))
129129 (defun get-context-name-for-qualify (obj)
130130 (let ((cmod (object-context-mod obj)))
131131 (unless cmod
132132 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
133 (format t "Internal error : no context found for object ~s" obj)))
133 (format t "Internal error : no context found for object ~s" obj)))
134134 (let ((qname (get-module-print-name cmod)))
135135 (unless (module-is-parameter-theory cmod)
136 (return-from get-context-name-for-qualify qname))
136 (return-from get-context-name-for-qualify qname))
137137 (car qname))))
139139 (defun inspect-show-sorts (mod name objs stream)
140140 (dolist (obj objs)
141141 (print-next)
142142 (let ((context-name (get-context-name-extended obj))
143 (ambig (cdr objs)))
143 (ambig (cdr objs)))
144144 (if (sort-is-hidden obj)
145 (format stream "- hidden sort declared in ~a" context-name)
146 (format stream "- sort declared in ~a" context-name))
145 (format stream "- hidden sort declared in ~a" context-name)
146 (format stream "- sort declared in ~a" context-name))
147147 (when ambig
148 (let ((qname (get-context-name-for-qualify obj)))
149 ;; must be qualified
150 (cond ((modexp-is-simple-name qname)
151 (print-next)
152 (format stream " the name must be qualified for disambiguation: ~A.~A"
153 (string name) qname))
154 (t (let ((a-name (rassoc (object-context-mod obj)
155 (module-alias mod))))
156 (cond (a-name
157 (print-next)
158 (format stream " the name must be qualified for disambiguation: ~A.~A"
159 (string name) (car a-name)))
160 (t
161 (print-next)
162 (format stream " the name must be qualified for disambiguation,")
163 (print-next)
164 (format stream " but the module name is not simple one:")
165 (print-mod-name (object-context-mod obj)
166 stream)))))))))))
148 (let ((qname (get-context-name-for-qualify obj)))
149 ;; must be qualified
150 (cond ((modexp-is-simple-name qname)
151 (print-next)
152 (format stream " the name must be qualified for disambiguation: ~A.~A"
153 (string name) qname))
154 (t (let ((a-name (rassoc (object-context-mod obj)
155 (module-alias mod))))
156 (cond (a-name
157 (print-next)
158 (format stream " the name must be qualified for disambiguation: ~A.~A"
159 (string name) (car a-name)))
160 (t
161 (print-next)
162 (format stream " the name must be qualified for disambiguation,")
163 (print-next)
164 (format stream " but the module name is not simple one:")
165 (print-mod-name (object-context-mod obj)
166 stream)))))))))))
168168 (defun inspect-show-operators (mod name objs stream)
169169 (declare (ignore name))
172172 (format stream "- operator:")
173173 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
174174 (print-op-brief obj mod t t t))))
176176 (defun inspect-show-axioms (mod name objs stream)
177177 (declare (ignore name mod))
178178 (dolist (obj objs)
180180 (let ((context-name (get-context-name-extended obj)))
181181 (format stream "- axiom declared in ~a" context-name)
182182 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
183 (print-next)
184 (print-axiom-brief obj stream)))))
183 (print-next)
184 (print-axiom-brief obj stream)))))
186186 (defun inspect-show-variables (mod name objs stream)
187187 (declare (ignore name))
188188 (dolist (obj objs)
189189 (print-next)
190190 (format stream "- variable of sort ~a"
191 (with-output-to-string (str)
192 (print-sort-name (variable-sort obj) mod str)))))
191 (with-output-to-string (str)
192 (print-sort-name (variable-sort obj) mod str)))))
194194 (defun inspect-show-unknowns (mod name objs stream)
195195 (declare (ignore mod name))
214214 (defun inspect-canon-name (name)
215215 (if (stringp name)
216216 (let ((sname (parse-with-delimiter2 name #\_)))
217 (if (stringp sname)
218 sname
219 (remove "" sname :test #'equal)))
217 (if (stringp sname)
218 sname
219 (remove "" sname :test #'equal)))
220220 (mapcan #'inspect-canon-name
221 (remove ")" (remove "(" name :test #'equal) :test #'equal))))
221 (remove ")" (remove "(" name :test #'equal) :test #'equal))))
223223 (defun !look-up (name module)
224224 (declare (ignore ignore))
228228 (with-in-module (module)
229229 (let ((nm (inspect-canon-name name)))
230230 (describe-name module
231 (canonicalize-object-name nm)
232 (symbol-table-get nm module)
233 *standard-output*))))
231 (canonicalize-object-name nm)
232 (symbol-table-get nm module)
233 *standard-output*))))
235235 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: tools
32 File: module-tree.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: tools
32 File: module-tree.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 (defun make-submodule-tree (mod)
4242 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
43 (cons x (make-submodule-tree (car x))))
44 (module-direct-submodules mod)))
43 (cons x (make-submodule-tree (car x))))
44 (module-direct-submodules mod)))
4646 (defun make-module-tree (mod)
4747 (cons (list mod) (make-submodule-tree mod)))
6161 (defun !print-module-tree (mod stream show-as-graph)
6262 (let* ((leaf? #'(lambda (tree) (null (dag-node-subnodes tree))))
63 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
64 (with-output-to-string (str)
65 (let ((datum (dag-node-datum tree)))
66 (case (cdr datum)
67 (:protecting (princ "pr(" str))
68 (:extending (princ "ex(" str))
69 (:using (princ "us(" str))
70 (:including (princ "inc(" str))
71 (:modmorph (princ "!(" str)))
72 (print-mod-name-x (car datum) str t nil)
73 (when (cdr datum) (princ ")" str)))
74 str)))
75 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
76 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree) (funcall leaf-name tree)))
77 (int-node-children #'(lambda (tree)
78 (let ((subs nil))
79 (dolist (sub-node (dag-node-subnodes tree))
80 (let ((datum (dag-node-datum sub-node)))
81 (when (and (module-p (car datum))
82 (not (module-is-parameter-theory
83 (car datum)))
84 (not (memq (car datum)
85 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
86 (not (memq (cdr datum)
87 '(:view :modmorph))))
88 (push sub-node subs))))
89 subs)))) ;; #'(lambda (tree) (dag-node-subnodes tree))
63 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
64 (with-output-to-string (str)
65 (let ((datum (dag-node-datum tree)))
66 (case (cdr datum)
67 (:protecting (princ "pr(" str))
68 (:extending (princ "ex(" str))
69 (:using (princ "us(" str))
70 (:including (princ "inc(" str))
71 (:modmorph (princ "!(" str)))
72 (print-mod-name-x (car datum) str t nil)
73 (when (cdr datum) (princ ")" str)))
74 str)))
75 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
76 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree) (funcall leaf-name tree)))
77 (int-node-children #'(lambda (tree)
78 (let ((subs nil))
79 (dolist (sub-node (dag-node-subnodes tree))
80 (let ((datum (dag-node-datum sub-node)))
81 (when (and (module-p (car datum))
82 (not (module-is-parameter-theory
83 (car datum)))
84 (not (memq (car datum)
85 *kernel-hard-wired-builtin-modules*))
86 (not (memq (cdr datum)
87 '(:view :modmorph))))
88 (push sub-node subs))))
89 subs)))) ;; #'(lambda (tree) (dag-node-subnodes tree))
9090 (force-output stream)
9191 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
9292 (print-trees (list (if show-as-graph
93 (augment-tree-as-graph (module-dag mod))
94 (augment-tree (module-dag mod))))
95 stream)))
93 (augment-tree-as-graph (module-dag mod))
94 (augment-tree (module-dag mod))))
95 stream)))
9999 (defun get-modexp-children (modexp)
100100 (cond ((chaos-ast? modexp)
101 (case (ast-type modexp)
102 ((%ren-sort %ren-op %ren-var %ren-param %+)
103 (remove nil (third modexp)))
104 (%rmap nil)
105 (%! (remove nil `(,(%instantiation-module modexp)
106 ,@(%instantiation-args modexp))))
107 ((%view %view-from)
108 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (or (eq x 'none) (null x))) (cdr modexp)))
109 (otherwise (remove nil (cdr modexp)))))
110 (t nil)))
101 (case (ast-type modexp)
102 ((%ren-sort %ren-op %ren-var %ren-param %+)
103 (remove nil (third modexp)))
104 (%rmap nil)
105 (%! (remove nil `(,(%instantiation-module modexp)
106 ,@(%instantiation-args modexp))))
107 ((%view %view-from)
108 (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (or (eq x 'none) (null x))) (cdr modexp)))
109 (otherwise (remove nil (cdr modexp)))))
110 (t nil)))
112112 (defun print-modexp-tree (modexp &optional (stream *standard-output*))
113113 (let* ((leaf? #'(lambda (tree) (or (%is-rmap tree) (not (chaos-ast? tree)))))
114 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
115 (cond ((chaos-ast? tree)
116 (case (ast-type tree)
117 (%! "_[_]")
118 (%!arg "_<=_")
119 (%* "_*_")
120 (%+ "_+_")
121 ((%view %view-from) "view_")
122 (%rmap "{_}")
123 (%ren-sort "sort_->_")
124 (%ren-op "op_->_")
125 (%ren-param "param_->_")
126 (otherwise "??")))
127 ((and (consp tree) (eq (car tree) ':?name))
128 (cdr tree))
129 ((and (consp tree) (null (cdr tree)))
130 (car tree))
131 (t tree))))
132 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
133 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree) (funcall leaf-name tree)))
134 (int-node-children #'get-modexp-children))
114 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
115 (cond ((chaos-ast? tree)
116 (case (ast-type tree)
117 (%! "_[_]")
118 (%!arg "_<=_")
119 (%* "_*_")
120 (%+ "_+_")
121 ((%view %view-from) "view_")
122 (%rmap "{_}")
123 (%ren-sort "sort_->_")
124 (%ren-op "op_->_")
125 (%ren-param "param_->_")
126 (otherwise "??")))
127 ((and (consp tree) (eq (car tree) ':?name))
128 (cdr tree))
129 ((and (consp tree) (null (cdr tree)))
130 (car tree))
131 (t tree))))
132 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
133 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree) (funcall leaf-name tree)))
134 (int-node-children #'get-modexp-children))
135135 (force-output stream)
136136 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
137137 (print-trees (list (augment-tree modexp)) stream)))
140140 ;;;
141141 (defun print-subs-list (module)
142142 (dag-dfs (module-dag module)
143 #'(lambda (node)
144 (let* ((datum (dag-node-datum node))
145 (mode (cdr datum))
146 (mod (car datum)))
147 (format t "~&* mode :~a" mode)
148 (print-next)
149 (princ " module : ")
150 (print-chaos-object mod)))))
143 #'(lambda (node)
144 (let* ((datum (dag-node-datum node))
145 (mode (cdr datum))
146 (mod (car datum)))
147 (format t "~%* mode :~a" mode)
148 (print-next)
149 (princ " module : ")
150 (print-chaos-object mod)))))
152152 (defun print-mod-name-x (arg &optional
153 (stream *standard-output*)
154 (abbrev nil)
155 (no-param nil))
153 (stream *standard-output*)
154 (abbrev nil)
155 (no-param nil))
156156 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
157157 (if (module-p arg)
158 (let ((modname (get-module-print-name arg)))
159 (if (is-dummy-module arg)
160 (let ((info (getf (module-infos arg) 'rename-mod)))
161 (print-mod-name-x (car info) stream abbrev no-param)
162 (princ "*DUMMY"))
163 (with-in-module (arg)
164 (print-mod-name-internal-x modname abbrev t)))
165 (let ((params (get-module-parameters arg)))
166 (when (and params (not no-param))
167 (let ((flg nil))
168 (princ "[")
169 ;; (princ "(")
170 (dolist (param params)
171 (let ((theory (parameter-theory-module param)))
172 (if flg (princ ", "))
173 (if (or (null (parameter-context param))
174 (eq arg (parameter-context param)))
175 (princ (parameter-arg-name param))
176 (if (not (eq (parameter-context param) arg))
177 (progn
178 (format t "~a." (parameter-arg-name param))
179 (print-mod-name-x (parameter-context param)
180 stream
181 abbrev
182 t))
183 (format t "~a" (parameter-arg-name param))))
184 ;; patch-begin
185 (princ "::")
186 (print-parameter-theory-name theory stream :abbrev :no-param)
187 (setq flg t)))
188 (princ "]")
189 ;; (princ ")")
190 ))))
191 (print-chaos-object arg))))
158 (let ((modname (get-module-print-name arg)))
159 (if (is-dummy-module arg)
160 (let ((info (getf (module-infos arg) 'rename-mod)))
161 (print-mod-name-x (car info) stream abbrev no-param)
162 (princ "*DUMMY"))
163 (with-in-module (arg)
164 (print-mod-name-internal-x modname abbrev t)))
165 (let ((params (get-module-parameters arg)))
166 (when (and params (not no-param))
167 (let ((flg nil))
168 (princ "[")
169 ;; (princ "(")
170 (dolist (param params)
171 (let ((theory (parameter-theory-module param)))
172 (if flg (princ ", "))
173 (if (or (null (parameter-context param))
174 (eq arg (parameter-context param)))
175 (princ (parameter-arg-name param))
176 (if (not (eq (parameter-context param) arg))
177 (progn
178 (format t "~a." (parameter-arg-name param))
179 (print-mod-name-x (parameter-context param)
180 stream
181 abbrev
182 t))
183 (format t "~a" (parameter-arg-name param))))
184 ;; patch-begin
185 (princ "::")
186 (print-parameter-theory-name theory stream :abbrev :no-param)
187 (setq flg t)))
188 (princ "]")
189 ;; (princ ")")
190 ))))
191 (print-chaos-object arg))))
193193 (defun print-mod-name-internal-x (val abbrev &optional (no-param nil))
194194 (declare (values t))
195195 (if (stringp val)
196196 (princ val)
197197 (if (and (consp val) (not (chaos-ast? val)))
198 (if (equal "::" (cadr val))
199 ;; parameter theory
200 (if abbrev
201 (progn
202 (format t "~a" (car val))
203 (princ ".")
204 (print-mod-name-x (car (last val)) *standard-output* abbrev no-param))
205 (let ((cntxt (fourth val)))
206 (if (and cntxt
207 (not (eq *current-module* cntxt)))
208 (progn (format t "~a." (car val))
209 (print-mod-name-x cntxt *standard-output* t t)
210 (princ "::"))
211 (format t "~a::" (car val)))
212 (print-mod-name-x (caddr val) *standard-output* abbrev t)))
213 (print-chaos-object val))
198 (if (equal "::" (cadr val))
199 ;; parameter theory
200 (if abbrev
201 (progn
202 (format t "~a" (car val))
203 (princ ".")
204 (print-mod-name-x (car (last val)) *standard-output* abbrev no-param))
205 (let ((cntxt (fourth val)))
206 (if (and cntxt
207 (not (eq *current-module* cntxt)))
208 (progn (format t "~a." (car val))
209 (print-mod-name-x cntxt *standard-output* t t)
210 (princ "::"))
211 (format t "~a::" (car val)))
212 (print-mod-name-x (caddr val) *standard-output* abbrev t)))
213 (print-chaos-object val))
214214 (print-modexp val *standard-output* abbrev no-param))))
216216 (defvar .mod-dup-hash. (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
240240 (defun d-module-tree* (dag-node stream p-label &optional my-num)
241241 (let* ((mod+imp (dag-node-datum dag-node))
242 (mod (car mod+imp))
243 (imp (cdr mod+imp))
244 (*print-line-limit* 100)
245 (*print-xmode* :fancy)
246 (num (if (and p-label my-num)
247 (format nil "~a-~d" p-label my-num)
248 (if my-num
249 (format nil "~a" my-num)
250 nil)))
251 (dup? (gethash mod .mod-dup-hash.)))
242 (mod (car mod+imp))
243 (imp (cdr mod+imp))
244 (*print-line-limit* 100)
245 (*print-xmode* :fancy)
246 (num (if (and p-label my-num)
247 (format nil "~a-~d" p-label my-num)
248 (if my-num
249 (format nil "~a" my-num)
250 nil)))
251 (dup? (gethash mod .mod-dup-hash.)))
252252 (when num
253253 (format stream "~a: " num)
254254 (when imp
255 (pr-imp-mode imp stream)))
255 (pr-imp-mode imp stream)))
256256 (unless dup? (setf (gethash mod .mod-dup-hash.) num))
257257 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 0 *print-indent*)))
258258 (when num (princ "(" stream))
259259 (print-mod-name mod *standard-output* t t)
260260 (when num (princ ")" stream))
261261 (if dup? (princ "*" stream)
262 (with-in-module (mod)
263 (let ((subnodes (dag-node-subnodes dag-node)))
264 (when subnodes
265 (let ((y-num 1))
266 (dolist (sub subnodes)
267 (let ((subm (car (dag-node-datum sub)))
268 (sub-imp (cdr (dag-node-datum sub))))
269 (when (or *chaos-verbose*
270 (and (not (module-hidden subm))
271 (not (module-is-parameter-theory subm))
272 (not (eq sub-imp :modmorph))))
273 (print-next-prefix #\Space)
274 (d-module-tree* sub stream num y-num)
275 (incf y-num))))))))))))
262 (with-in-module (mod)
263 (let ((subnodes (dag-node-subnodes dag-node)))
264 (when subnodes
265 (let ((y-num 1))
266 (dolist (sub subnodes)
267 (let ((subm (car (dag-node-datum sub)))
268 (sub-imp (cdr (dag-node-datum sub))))
269 (when (or *chaos-verbose*
270 (and (not (module-hidden subm))
271 (not (module-is-parameter-theory subm))
272 (not (eq sub-imp :modmorph))))
273 (print-next-prefix #\Space)
274 (d-module-tree* sub stream num y-num)
275 (incf y-num))))))))))))
276276 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:tools
32 File:op-check.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:tools
32 File:op-check.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4848 ;;; 1. constants(operations free from axioms) are always strict.
4949 ;;;
5050 (defun check-method-strictness (meth &optional
51 (module (or *current-module*
52 *last-module*
53 ))
54 report?)
56 (unless module
57 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-cntext)
58 (princ "checking lazyness: no context module is specified!")
59 ))
60 ;;
51 (module (get-context-module))
52 report?)
6153 (with-in-module (module)
6254 (cond ((and (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
63 (rule-ring-is-empty (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
64 ;; the method has no rewrite rules
65 (if report?
66 (show-method-strictness-report meth
67 (butlast (the-default-strategy
68 (length (method-arity meth))))
69 nil)
70 (values (butlast (the-default-strategy (length (method-arity meth))))
71 nil)))
72 ;; the method has some rewrite rules associated with it.
73 ((or
74 ;; has some equational theory
75 (not (theory-is-empty-for-matching (method-theory meth)))
76 ;; the method is not free constructor.
77 (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
78 ;; has rules with different top and constant
79 ;; --> non-free constructor
80 (null (method-arity meth)))
81 ;; then the strategy is bottom up:
82 (if report?
83 (show-method-strictness-report
84 meth
85 (butlast (the-default-strategy
86 (length (method-arity meth))))
87 nil)
88 (values (butlast (the-default-strategy (length (method-arity meth))))
89 nil)))
90 ;;
91 (t
92 ;; the real work begins here.
93 (let ((l-ar (length (method-arity meth)))
94 (strategy nil)
95 (end-strategy nil))
96 (do ((occ 0 (1+ occ)))
97 ((<= l-ar occ))
98 (block is-variable
99 (let ((rr (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
100 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
101 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
102 (unless (term-is-variable?
103 (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
104 ;; we eagarly evaluate non-variable argument.
105 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
106 ;; check next argument
107 (return-from is-variable))))
108 ;; we come here iff
109 ;; the arguments in lhs of all rules-with-same-top are
110 ;; variables or no rules-with-same-top.
111 (dolist (rule (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
112 (When
113 (let ((argn (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
114 (m (term-head (rule-lhs rule))))
115 (or (not (term-is-variable? argn))
116 ;; argn is not a variable.
117 (rule-is-builtin rule)
118 (not (and
119 ;; method is maximal?
120 ;; overloaded is necessarily a superset
121 ;; of lower. Note, overloaded always include
122 ;; self + default method, but lower not.
123 ;; thus #lower = #overloaded - 2 means the
124 ;; method is maximal.
125 (= (length (method-lower-methods meth))
126 (- (length (method-overloaded-methods meth)) 2))
127 (sort<= (nth occ (method-arity m))
128 (term-sort argn))
129 ))))
130 ;; method of lhs is not maximal,
131 ;; eagarly evaluates the non-variable argument.
132 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
133 ;; check the next arg.
134 (return-from is-variable)))
135 ;; come here if the occ-th argument is a variable,or
136 ;; method is maximal. can delay the evaluation.
137 (push (1+ occ) end-strategy)
138 ))
139 ;;
140 (if report?
141 (show-method-strictness-report meth
142 (reverse strategy)
143 (reverse end-strategy))
144 (values (reverse strategy) (reverse end-strategy)))))
145 )))
147 (defun check-operator-strictness (op &optional (module (or *last-module*
148 *current-module*))
149 report?)
55 (rule-ring-is-empty (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
56 ;; the method has no rewrite rules
57 (if report?
58 (show-method-strictness-report meth
59 (butlast (the-default-strategy
60 (length (method-arity meth))))
61 nil)
62 (values (butlast (the-default-strategy (length (method-arity meth))))
63 nil)))
64 ;; the method has some rewrite rules associated with it.
65 ((or
66 ;; has some equational theory
67 (not (theory-is-empty-for-matching (method-theory meth)))
68 ;; the method is not free constructor.
69 (null (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
70 ;; has rules with different top and constant
71 ;; --> non-free constructor
72 (null (method-arity meth)))
73 ;; then the strategy is bottom up:
74 (if report?
75 (show-method-strictness-report
76 meth
77 (butlast (the-default-strategy
78 (length (method-arity meth))))
79 nil)
80 (values (butlast (the-default-strategy (length (method-arity meth))))
81 nil)))
82 ;;
83 (t
84 ;; the real work begins here.
85 (let ((l-ar (length (method-arity meth)))
86 (strategy nil)
87 (end-strategy nil))
88 (do ((occ 0 (1+ occ)))
89 ((<= l-ar occ))
90 (block is-variable
91 (let ((rr (method-rules-with-same-top meth)))
92 (do ((rule (initialize-rule-ring rr) (rule-ring-next rr)))
93 ((end-of-rule-ring rr))
94 (unless (term-is-variable?
95 (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
96 ;; we eagarly evaluate non-variable argument.
97 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
98 ;; check next argument
99 (return-from is-variable))))
100 ;; we come here iff
101 ;; the arguments in lhs of all rules-with-same-top are
102 ;; variables or no rules-with-same-top.
103 (dolist (rule (method-rules-with-different-top meth))
104 (When
105 (let ((argn (term-arg-n (rule-lhs rule) occ))
106 (m (term-head (rule-lhs rule))))
107 (or (not (term-is-variable? argn))
108 ;; argn is not a variable.
109 (rule-is-builtin rule)
110 (not (and
111 ;; method is maximal?
112 ;; overloaded is necessarily a superset
113 ;; of lower. Note, overloaded always include
114 ;; self + default method, but lower not.
115 ;; thus #lower = #overloaded - 2 means the
116 ;; method is maximal.
117 (= (length (method-lower-methods meth))
118 (- (length (method-overloaded-methods meth)) 2))
119 (sort<= (nth occ (method-arity m))
120 (term-sort argn))
121 ))))
122 ;; method of lhs is not maximal,
123 ;; eagarly evaluates the non-variable argument.
124 (push (1+ occ) strategy)
125 ;; check the next arg.
126 (return-from is-variable)))
127 ;; come here if the occ-th argument is a variable,or
128 ;; method is maximal. can delay the evaluation.
129 (push (1+ occ) end-strategy)
130 ))
131 ;;
132 (if report?
133 (show-method-strictness-report meth
134 (reverse strategy)
135 (reverse end-strategy))
136 (values (reverse strategy) (reverse end-strategy)))))
137 )))
139 (defun check-operator-strictness (op &optional (module (get-context-module))
140 report?)
150141 (unless module
151142 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
152 (princ "no context (current) module is given!")
153 ))
143 (princ "no context (current) module is given!")))
154144 ;;
155145 (let* ((opinfo (if (opinfo-p op)
156 (prog1 op (setq op (opinfo-operator op)))
157 (get-operator-info op (module-all-operators module))))
158 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
159 (res nil))
146 (prog1 op (setq op (opinfo-operator op)))
147 (get-operator-info op (module-all-operators module))))
148 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
149 (res nil))
160150 (when report?
161151 (print-next)
162152 (let ((*print-line-limit* 60))
163 (format t "~%------------------------------------------------------------")
164 (print-next)
165 (print-centering
166 (format nil "* laziness of operator: ~a *" (operator-symbol op)))))
153 (format t "~%------------------------------------------------------------")
154 (print-next)
155 (print-centering
156 (format nil "* laziness of operator: ~a *" (operator-symbol op)))))
167157 ;;
168158 (dolist (meth methods)
169159 (unless (method-is-error-method meth)
170 (multiple-value-bind (str-list1 str-list2)
171 (check-method-strictness meth module)
172 (when report?
173 (with-in-module (module)
174 (print-next)
175 (format t "------------------------------------------------------------")
176 (show-method-strictness-report meth
177 str-list1
178 str-list2)))
179 (push (list meth str-list1 str-list2) res))))
160 (multiple-value-bind (str-list1 str-list2)
161 (check-method-strictness meth module)
162 (when report?
163 (with-in-module (module)
164 (print-next)
165 (format t "------------------------------------------------------------")
166 (show-method-strictness-report meth
167 str-list1
168 str-list2)))
169 (push (list meth str-list1 str-list2) res))))
180170 (nreverse res)))
182 (defun check-operator-strictness-whole (&optional (module (or *last-module*
183 *current-module*))
184 report?)
172 (defun check-operator-strictness-whole (&optional (module (get-context-module))
173 report?)
185174 (unless module
186175 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
187 (princ "no context (current) module is specified!")
188 ))
176 (princ "no context (current) module is specified!")))
189177 ;;
190178 (let ((result nil))
191179 (dolist (opinfo (ops-to-be-shown module))
192180 (let ((op (opinfo-operator opinfo))
193 (res nil))
194 (setq res (check-operator-strictness op module report?))
195 (push (cons op res) result)))
181 (res nil))
182 (setq res (check-operator-strictness op module report?))
183 (push (cons op res) result)))
196184 (nreverse result)))
198186 (defun show-method-strictness-report (method sl1 sl2)
199187 (print-next)
200188 (print-chaos-object method)
201189 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
202 (strategy (or (method-rewrite-strategy method)
203 (method-supplied-strategy method)
204 (operator-strategy (method-operator method)))))
190 (strategy (or (method-rewrite-strategy method)
191 (method-supplied-strategy method)
192 (operator-strategy (method-operator method)))))
205193 (cond ((and (null sl1) (null sl2))
206 (print-next)
207 (princ "* NON-STRICT (lazy)."))
208 (t (when sl1
209 (print-next)
210 (format t "* strict on the arguments : ~{~^ ~a~}" sl1))
211 (when sl2
212 (print-next)
213 (format t "* may delay the evaluation on the arguments : ~{~^ ~a~}" sl2))))
194 (print-next)
195 (princ "* NON-STRICT (lazy)."))
196 (t (when sl1
197 (print-next)
198 (format t "* strict on the arguments : ~{~^ ~a~}" sl1))
199 (when sl2
200 (print-next)
201 (format t "* may delay the evaluation on the arguments : ~{~^ ~a~}" sl2))))
214202 ;;
215203 (print-next)
216204 (if strategy
217 (format t "- rewrite strategy:~{~^ ~a~}" strategy)
218 (princ "- rewrite strategy: none"))
205 (format t "- rewrite strategy:~{~^ ~a~}" strategy)
206 (princ "- rewrite strategy: none"))
219207 (let ((axioms (method-all-rules method)))
220208 (when axioms
221 (print-next)
222 (princ "- axioms:")
223 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
224 (dolist (rl axioms)
225 (print-next)
226 (print-axiom-brief rl)))))))
209 (print-next)
210 (princ "- axioms:")
211 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
212 (dolist (rl axioms)
213 (print-next)
214 (print-axiom-brief rl)))))))
235223 (defun method-contained-in (meth term)
236224 (cond ((term-is-constant? term) nil)
237 (t (let ((head (term-head term)))
238 (when (method-is-of-same-operator meth head)
239 (return-from method-contained-in t))
240 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
241 (when (method-contained-in meth (term-arg-n term x))
242 (return-from method-contained-in t)))
243 nil))))
225 (t (let ((head (term-head term)))
226 (when (method-is-of-same-operator meth head)
227 (return-from method-contained-in t))
228 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
229 (when (method-contained-in meth (term-arg-n term x))
230 (return-from method-contained-in t)))
231 nil))))
245233 (defun check-method-coherency (meth &optional
246 (module (or *current-module* *last-module*))
247 (warn t))
234 (module (get-context-module))
235 (warn t))
248236 (unless module
249237 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-cntext)
250238 (princ "checking coherecy: no context module is specified!")))
251239 ;;
252240 (when (or (method-is-of-same-operator meth *beh-equal*)
253 (method-is-of-same-operator meth *beh-eq-pred*))
241 (method-is-of-same-operator meth *beh-eq-pred*))
254242 (when warn
255243 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
256 (princ "specified operator is special built-in predicate.")))
244 (princ "specified operator is special built-in predicate.")))
257245 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
258246 ;;
259247 (let ((methods (module-beh-methods module))
260 (attrs (module-beh-attributes module))
261 (hs (dolist (x (method-arity meth))
262 (when (sort-is-hidden x)
263 (return x)))))
248 (attrs (module-beh-attributes module))
249 (hs (dolist (x (method-arity meth))
250 (when (sort-is-hidden x)
251 (return x)))))
264252 (declare (type list methods attrs))
265253 ;;
266254 (unless (sort-p hs)
267255 (when warn
268 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
269 (princ "operator ")
270 (print-chaos-object meth)
271 (princ " has no hidden sort argument.")))
256 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
257 (princ "operator ")
258 (print-chaos-object meth)
259 (princ " has no hidden sort argument.")))
272260 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
273261 (when (sort= *huniversal-sort* hs)
274262 (when warn
275 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
276 (princ "specified operator is special built-in.")))
263 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
264 (princ "specified operator is special built-in.")))
277265 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
278266 (when (method-is-behavioural meth)
279267 (when warn
280 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
281 (princ "operator ")
282 (print-chaos-object meth)
283 (princ " is declared as behavioural.")))
268 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
269 (princ "operator ")
270 (print-chaos-object meth)
271 (princ " is declared as behavioural.")))
284272 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
285273 (unless (sort-is-hidden (method-coarity meth))
286274 (format t "~%**> operator: ")
291279 (with-in-module (module)
292280 ;;
293281 (let ((observers nil))
294 (dolist (op (append methods attrs))
295 (when (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort<= hs x))
296 (method-arity op))
297 (push op observers)))
298 ;;
299 (format t "~%**> starting coherence check of ")
300 (print-chaos-object meth)
301 ;;
302 (unless observers
303 (format t "~% no context constructing operations,")
304 (format t "~% failed to prove coherency.")
305 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
306 ;;
307 (let* ((con-count 0)
308 ;; op(x1,...xn)
309 (op-pat (make-term-with-sort-check
310 meth
311 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
312 (make-variable-term x
313 (gensym "X")))
314 (method-arity meth)))))
315 (dolist (ob observers)
316 (let* ((hs-var (make-variable-term hs (gensym "HS")))
317 ;; ob(cv1,...,zi,..,cvn)
318 (context-pat (make-term-with-sort-check
319 ob
320 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
321 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
322 ;; op-pat
323 hs-var
324 (make-variable-term
325 x
326 (gensym "CV"))))
327 (method-arity ob)))))
328 (format t "~%-- context pattern(~d): " (incf con-count))
329 (print-chaos-object context-pat)
330 ;;
331 (let ((ax nil)
332 (match? nil)
333 (subst nil)
334 (checked? nil)
335 (found? nil))
336 ;;
337 (dolist (x (method-rules ob))
338 (setq found? nil)
339 (multiple-value-setq (match? subst)
340 (perform-context-match (axiom-lhs x)
341 context-pat
342 ))
343 (when match?
344 (setq ax x)
345 (if (method-contained-in meth (axiom-lhs ax))
346 (progn
347 (setq subst nil)
348 (setq found? t)
349 ;;
350 (format t "~% * found an axiom : ")
351 (print-chaos-object ax))
352 ;;
353 (let ((image (variable-image subst hs-var))
354 (new-lhs nil)
355 (new-rhs nil)
356 (new-cond (axiom-condition ax))
357 )
358 (when (and image (term-is-psuedo-constant? image))
359 (setq found? t)
360 (setq subst
361 (substitution-add (new-substitution)
362 image
363 op-pat))
364 ;;
365 (format t "~% * found an axiom : ")
366 (print-chaos-object ax)
367 (when subst
368 (format t "~% with substitution: ")
369 (print-substitution subst))
370 ;;
371 (setq new-lhs
372 (substitution-image2 subst
373 (axiom-lhs ax)))
374 (setq new-rhs
375 (substitution-image2 subst
376 (axiom-rhs ax)))
377 (unless (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
378 (setq new-cond
379 (substitution-image2
380 subst
381 (axiom-condition ax))))
382 ;;
383 (setq ax
384 (make-rule :lhs new-lhs
385 :rhs new-rhs
386 :condition new-cond
387 :behavioural (axiom-behavioural ax)
388 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition ax)
389 :type (axiom-type ax)
390 :kind (axiom-kind ax)
391 :labels (axiom-labels ax)
392 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or ax)))
393 (when *chaos-verbose*
394 (format t "~% -- check with axiom instance:")
395 (format t "~% ")
396 (print-chaos-object ax))
397 )))
398 ;;
399 ;;
400 (when found?
401 (setq checked? t)
402 ;;
403 (unless (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
404 (format t "~% axiom is conditional,")
405 (format t "~% system can not check coherency, sorry!")
406 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
407 ;;
408 ;; RHS
409 ;;
410 (format t "~% -- start checking rhs pattern : ")
411 (let ((ng? (check-def-rhs meth (axiom-rhs ax) subst 1)))
412 (when ng?
413 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
414 (format t "~% * success."))
415 )))
416 ;;
417 (unless checked?
418 (format t "~% * no axioms of context pattern,")
419 (format t "~% failed to prove.")
420 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
421 )
422 ))
423 ;; all done
424 (format t "~%** operator is behaviourally coherent.")
425 t
426 )))))
282 (dolist (op (append methods attrs))
283 (when (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort<= hs x))
284 (method-arity op))
285 (push op observers)))
286 ;;
287 (format t "~%**> starting coherence check of ")
288 (print-chaos-object meth)
289 ;;
290 (unless observers
291 (format t "~% no context constructing operations,")
292 (format t "~% failed to prove coherency.")
293 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
294 ;;
295 (let* ((con-count 0)
296 ;; op(x1,...xn)
297 (op-pat (make-term-with-sort-check
298 meth
299 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
300 (make-variable-term x
301 (gensym "X")))
302 (method-arity meth)))))
303 (dolist (ob observers)
304 (let* ((hs-var (make-variable-term hs (gensym "HS")))
305 ;; ob(cv1,...,zi,..,cvn)
306 (context-pat (make-term-with-sort-check
307 ob
308 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
309 (if (sort-is-hidden x)
310 ;; op-pat
311 hs-var
312 (make-variable-term
313 x
314 (gensym "CV"))))
315 (method-arity ob)))))
316 (format t "~%-- context pattern(~d): " (incf con-count))
317 (print-chaos-object context-pat)
318 ;;
319 (let ((ax nil)
320 (match? nil)
321 (subst nil)
322 (checked? nil)
323 (found? nil))
324 ;;
325 (dolist (x (method-rules ob))
326 (setq found? nil)
327 (multiple-value-setq (match? subst)
328 (perform-context-match (axiom-lhs x)
329 context-pat
330 ))
331 (when match?
332 (setq ax x)
333 (if (method-contained-in meth (axiom-lhs ax))
334 (progn
335 (setq subst nil)
336 (setq found? t)
337 ;;
338 (format t "~% * found an axiom : ")
339 (print-chaos-object ax))
340 ;;
341 (let ((image (variable-image subst hs-var))
342 (new-lhs nil)
343 (new-rhs nil)
344 (new-cond (axiom-condition ax))
345 )
346 (when (and image (term-is-psuedo-constant? image))
347 (setq found? t)
348 (setq subst
349 (substitution-add (new-substitution)
350 image
351 op-pat))
352 ;;
353 (format t "~% * found an axiom : ")
354 (print-chaos-object ax)
355 (when subst
356 (format t "~% with substitution: ")
357 (print-substitution subst))
358 ;;
359 (setq new-lhs
360 (substitution-image2 subst
361 (axiom-lhs ax)))
362 (setq new-rhs
363 (substitution-image2 subst
364 (axiom-rhs ax)))
365 (unless (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
366 (setq new-cond
367 (substitution-image2
368 subst
369 (axiom-condition ax))))
370 ;;
371 (setq ax
372 (make-rule :lhs new-lhs
373 :rhs new-rhs
374 :condition new-cond
375 :behavioural (axiom-behavioural ax)
376 :id-condition (axiom-id-condition ax)
377 :type (axiom-type ax)
378 :kind (axiom-kind ax)
379 :labels (axiom-labels ax)
380 :meta-and-or (axiom-meta-and-or ax)))
381 (when *chaos-verbose*
382 (format t "~% -- check with axiom instance:")
383 (format t "~% ")
384 (print-chaos-object ax))
385 )))
386 ;;
387 ;;
388 (when found?
389 (setq checked? t)
390 ;;
391 (unless (is-true? (axiom-condition ax))
392 (format t "~% axiom is conditional,")
393 (format t "~% system can not check coherency, sorry!")
394 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
395 ;;
396 ;; RHS
397 ;;
398 (format t "~% -- start checking rhs pattern : ")
399 (let ((ng? (check-def-rhs meth (axiom-rhs ax) subst 1)))
400 (when ng?
401 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
402 (format t "~% * success."))
403 )))
404 ;;
405 (unless checked?
406 (format t "~% * no axioms of context pattern,")
407 (format t "~% failed to prove.")
408 (return-from check-method-coherency nil))
409 )
410 ))
411 ;; all done
412 (format t "~%** operator is behaviourally coherent.")
413 t
414 )))))
428416 (defun perform-context-match (target pattern)
429417 (flet ((matcher (pat term)
430 (if (term-is-variable? pat)
431 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) (variable-sort pat)
432 (module-sort-order *current-module*))
433 (values nil (list (cons pat term)) nil nil)
434 (values nil nil t nil))
435 (if (term-is-lisp-form? pat)
436 (values nil nil t nil)
437 (first-match pat term)))))
418 (if (term-is-variable? pat)
419 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) (variable-sort pat)
420 (module-sort-order *current-module*))
421 (values nil (list (cons pat term)) nil nil)
422 (values nil nil t nil))
423 (if (term-is-lisp-form? pat)
424 (values nil nil t nil)
425 (first-match pat term)))))
438426 ;;
439427 (let ((real-target (supply-psuedo-variables target)))
440428 ;; ---- first match
441429 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst no-match e-equal)
442 (matcher pattern real-target)
443 (declare (ignore global-state))
444 (when no-match
445 (return-from perform-context-match nil))
446 (when e-equal
447 (when *chaos-verbose*
448 (format t "~&-- terms are equational equal."))
449 (return-from perform-context-match (values t nil)))
450 ;;
451 #||
452 (when *chaos-verbose*
453 (format t "~%* match success with substitution : ")
454 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
455 (print-substitution subst)))
456 ||#
457 (values t subst)))))
430 (matcher pattern real-target)
431 (declare (ignore global-state))
432 (when no-match
433 (return-from perform-context-match nil))
434 (when e-equal
435 (when *chaos-verbose*
436 (format t "~%-- terms are equational equal."))
437 (return-from perform-context-match (values t nil)))
438 ;;
439 #||
440 (when *chaos-verbose*
441 (format t "~%* match success with substitution : ")
442 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
443 (print-substitution subst)))
444 ||#
445 (values t subst)))))
459447 (defvar .op-found. 0)
461449 (defun check-def-rhs (meth rhs subst context-depth)
462450 (setq .op-found. 0)
463451 (let* ((rhs-inst (substitution-image2 subst rhs))
464 (res (check-def-rhs* meth rhs-inst context-depth nil)))
452 (res (check-def-rhs* meth rhs-inst context-depth nil)))
465453 (when (< 1 .op-found.)
466454 (format t "~%* operator ")
467455 (print-chaos-object meth)
469457 res))
471459 (defun check-def-rhs* (meth rhs context-depth occurrence)
472 (cond ((term-is-constant? rhs) ; includes vars, psude vars, lisp,
473 ; built-in constants also.
474 nil)
475 (t (let ((head (term-head rhs)))
476 ;; (format t "~%RHS =")
477 ;; (term-print rhs)
478 ;; ---------------------------------------
479 (when (eq *bool-if* head)
480 (return-from check-def-rhs* nil))
481 ;; ^^^^^^^^-------------------------------
482 #||
483 (when (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x))
484 (method-arity head))
485 (when (and (not (method-is-behavioural head))
486 (not (eq *bool-if* head))
487 (not (method-is-of-same-operator meth
488 head)))
489 (format t "~% * contains non behavioural operator with hidden sort argument.")
490 (terpri)
491 (print-chaos-object head)
492 (format t "~%* failed to prove.")
493 (return-from check-def-rhs* :ng1)))
494 ||#
495 (when (method-is-of-same-operator meth head)
496 (incf .op-found.)
497 (unless (>= context-depth (length occurrence))
499 (format t "~% * for operator: ")
500 (print-chaos-object meth)
501 (print-next)
502 (princ " rhs = ")
503 (term-print rhs)
505 (format t "~% * could not find monotonic, well-founded ordering.")
506 (format t "~% operator occurs at ~a"
507 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (1+ x))
508 (reverse occurrence)))
509 (return-from check-def-rhs* :ng2)))
510 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms rhs)))
511 (let ((ng (check-def-rhs* meth
512 (term-arg-n rhs x)
513 context-depth
514 (cons x occurrence))))
515 (when ng
516 (return-from check-def-rhs* ng))))
517 ;;
518 nil ; OK
519 ))))
460 (cond ((term-is-constant? rhs) ; includes vars, psude vars, lisp,
461 ; built-in constants also.
462 nil)
463 (t (let ((head (term-head rhs)))
464 ;; (format t "~%RHS =")
465 ;; (term-print rhs)
466 ;; ---------------------------------------
467 (when (eq *bool-if* head)
468 (return-from check-def-rhs* nil))
469 ;; ^^^^^^^^-------------------------------
470 #||
471 (when (some #'(lambda (x) (sort-is-hidden x))
472 (method-arity head))
473 (when (and (not (method-is-behavioural head))
474 (not (eq *bool-if* head))
475 (not (method-is-of-same-operator meth
476 head)))
477 (format t "~% * contains non behavioural operator with hidden sort argument.")
478 (terpri)
479 (print-chaos-object head)
480 (format t "~%* failed to prove.")
481 (return-from check-def-rhs* :ng1)))
482 ||#
483 (when (method-is-of-same-operator meth head)
484 (incf .op-found.)
485 (unless (>= context-depth (length occurrence))
487 (format t "~% * for operator: ")
488 (print-chaos-object meth)
489 (print-next)
490 (princ " rhs = ")
491 (term-print rhs)
493 (format t "~% * could not find monotonic, well-founded ordering.")
494 (format t "~% operator occurs at ~a"
495 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (1+ x))
496 (reverse occurrence)))
497 (return-from check-def-rhs* :ng2)))
498 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms rhs)))
499 (let ((ng (check-def-rhs* meth
500 (term-arg-n rhs x)
501 context-depth
502 (cons x occurrence))))
503 (when ng
504 (return-from check-def-rhs* ng))))
505 ;;
506 nil ; OK
507 ))))
521509 (defun check-operator-coherency (op
522 &optional
523 (module (or *current-module* *last-module*))
524 (warn t)
525 )
510 &optional
511 (module (get-context-module))
512 (warn t))
527514 (unless module
528515 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
529 (princ "no context (current) module is given!")
530 ))
516 (princ "no context (current) module is given!")))
531517 ;;
532518 (let* ((opinfo (if (opinfo-p op)
533 (prog1 op (setq op (opinfo-operator op)))
534 (get-operator-info op (module-all-operators module))))
535 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
519 (prog1 op (setq op (opinfo-operator op)))
520 (get-operator-info op (module-all-operators module))))
521 (methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
536522 (dolist (meth methods)
537523 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
538 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
539 (check-method-coherency meth module warn)))
524 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
525 (check-method-coherency meth module warn)))
540526 ))
542528 (defun check-operator-coherency-whole (mod)
543529 (with-in-module (mod)
544530 (let ((ops (module-all-operators mod)))
545531 (dolist (opinfo ops)
546 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
547 (dolist (meth methods)
548 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
549 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
550 (check-method-coherency meth mod nil))))))))
532 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo)))
533 (dolist (meth methods)
534 (when (or (method-is-user-defined-error-method meth)
535 (not (method-is-error-method meth)))
536 (check-method-coherency meth mod nil))))))))
553539 ;;; may modify operator's attribute.
554540 ;;;
555541 (defun check-operator-congruency (mod)
556542 (let ((ops nil)
557 (cong nil)
558 (nocong nil)
559 (cobasis nil)
560 (observers nil))
543 (cong nil)
544 (nocong nil)
545 (cobasis nil)
546 (observers nil))
561547 (when (eq 'void *beh-equal*) (return-from check-operator-congruency nil))
562548 (when *beh-proof-in-progress* (return-from check-operator-congruency nil))
563549 ;;
564550 (with-in-module (mod)
565 (dolist (op (module-beh-methods mod))
566 (if (method-arity op)
567 (if (method-rules op)
568 (push op observers)
569 (push op ops))
570 (push op cong)))
571 (dolist (op (module-beh-attributes mod))
572 (if (method-rules op)
573 (push op observers)
574 (push op ops)))
575 (dolist (op (module-non-beh-methods mod))
576 (if (method-arity op)
577 (if (method-rules op)
578 (push op observers)
579 (push op ops))
580 (push op cong)))
581 (dolist (op (module-non-beh-attributes mod))
582 (unless (method-is-of-same-operator op *beh-equal*)
583 (if (method-rules op)
584 (push op observers)
585 (push op ops)))))
551 (dolist (op (module-beh-methods mod))
552 (if (method-arity op)
553 (if (method-rules op)
554 (push op observers)
555 (push op ops))
556 (push op cong)))
557 (dolist (op (module-beh-attributes mod))
558 (if (method-rules op)
559 (push op observers)
560 (push op ops)))
561 (dolist (op (module-non-beh-methods mod))
562 (if (method-arity op)
563 (if (method-rules op)
564 (push op observers)
565 (push op ops))
566 (push op cong)))
567 (dolist (op (module-non-beh-attributes mod))
568 (unless (method-is-of-same-operator op *beh-equal*)
569 (if (method-rules op)
570 (push op observers)
571 (push op ops)))))
586572 ;;
587573 (dolist (op ops)
588 (if (check-method-congruency op observers mod)
589 (push op cong)
590 (push op nocong)))
574 (if (check-method-congruency op observers mod)
575 (push op cong)
576 (push op nocong)))
591577 ;;
592578 (setq cobasis (nconc observers nocong))
593579 ;;
594580 (with-in-module (mod)
595 (dolist (op cong)
596 (cond ((method-is-behavioural op)
597 (when *chaos-verbose*
598 (with-output-msg ()
599 (princ "operator ")
600 (print-chaos-object op)
601 (print-next)
602 (princ "is need not be declared as bop.")
603 )))
604 (t (when (method-arity op)
605 ;; (setf (method-is-coherent op) t)
606 (unless (method-is-coherent op)
607 (with-output-simple-msg ()
608 (princ "** system found the operator")
609 (print-next)
610 (print-chaos-object op)
611 (print-next)
612 (princ "can be declared as coherent.")))))
613 ))
614 (setf (module-cobasis mod) cobasis)
615 )
581 (dolist (op cong)
582 (cond ((method-is-behavioural op)
583 (when *chaos-verbose*
584 (with-output-msg ()
585 (princ "operator ")
586 (print-chaos-object op)
587 (print-next)
588 (princ "is need not be declared as bop.")
589 )))
590 (t (when (method-arity op)
591 ;; (setf (method-is-coherent op) t)
592 (unless (method-is-coherent op)
593 (with-output-simple-msg ()
594 (princ "** system found the operator")
595 (print-next)
596 (print-chaos-object op)
597 (print-next)
598 (princ "can be declared as coherent.")))))
599 ))
600 (setf (module-cobasis mod) cobasis)
601 )
616602 ))
618604 (defun check-method-congruency (meth iobservers
619 &optional (module (or *current-module*
620 *last-module*)))
605 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
621606 (unless module
622607 (with-output-panic-message ()
623608 (princ "congruence check: no context module!")))
626611 (return-from check-method-congruency nil))
627612 (when (sort= *huniversal-sort* hs)
628613 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
629 (princ "specified operator is special built-in."))
614 (princ "specified operator is special built-in."))
630615 (return-from check-method-congruency nil))
631616 ;;
632617 (with-in-module (module)
633618 (let ((observers nil))
634 (dolist (op iobservers)
635 (when (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort<= hs x))
636 (method-arity op))
637 (push op observers)))
638 (unless observers
639 (return-from check-method-congruency nil))
640 (dolist (ob observers)
641 (let ((found nil))
642 (dolist (rule (method-rules ob))
643 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs rule))
644 (subst-var nil)
645 (rhs (axiom-rhs rule)))
646 (multiple-value-bind (occ-l num-if-l)
647 (find-occ lhs
648 #'(lambda (x)
649 (and (term-is-applform? x)
650 (method-is-of-same-operator
651 (term-head x)
652 meth)))
653 nil
654 0)
655 (multiple-value-bind (occ-r num-if-r)
656 (find-occ rhs
657 #'(lambda (x)
658 (and (term-is-applform? x)
659 (method-is-of-same-operator
660 (term-head x)
661 meth)))
662 nil
663 0)
664 (unless (listp occ-l)
665 (multiple-value-setq (occ-l num-if-l)
666 (find-occ lhs
667 #'(lambda (x)
668 (and (term-is-variable? x)
669 (sort<= (method-coarity meth)
670 (term-sort x))
671 (setq subst-var x)))
672 nil
673 0)))
674 (when (and occ-l (not (listp occ-r)) subst-var)
675 (multiple-value-setq (occ-r num-if-r)
676 (find-occ rhs
677 #'(lambda (x)
678 (and (term-is-variable? x)
679 (variable= x subst-var)))
680 nil
681 0)))
683 (when (and (listp occ-l)
684 (or (not (listp occ-r))
685 ;; (<= (length occ-r) (length occ-l))
686 (<= (- (length occ-r) num-if-r) (length occ-l))
687 ))
688 (setq found t)
689 (return t)))))) ; done for all rules of an observer
690 (unless found
691 (return-from check-method-congruency nil))))
692 ;; done for all
693 t))))
619 (dolist (op iobservers)
620 (when (find-if #'(lambda (x) (sort<= hs x))
621 (method-arity op))
622 (push op observers)))
623 (unless observers
624 (return-from check-method-congruency nil))
625 (dolist (ob observers)
626 (let ((found nil))
627 (dolist (rule (method-rules ob))
628 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs rule))
629 (subst-var nil)
630 (rhs (axiom-rhs rule)))
631 (multiple-value-bind (occ-l num-if-l)
632 (find-occ lhs
633 #'(lambda (x)
634 (and (term-is-applform? x)
635 (method-is-of-same-operator
636 (term-head x)
637 meth)))
638 nil
639 0)
640 (multiple-value-bind (occ-r num-if-r)
641 (find-occ rhs
642 #'(lambda (x)
643 (and (term-is-applform? x)
644 (method-is-of-same-operator
645 (term-head x)
646 meth)))
647 nil
648 0)
649 (unless (listp occ-l)
650 (multiple-value-setq (occ-l num-if-l)
651 (find-occ lhs
652 #'(lambda (x)
653 (and (term-is-variable? x)
654 (sort<= (method-coarity meth)
655 (term-sort x))
656 (setq subst-var x)))
657 nil
658 0)))
659 (when (and occ-l (not (listp occ-r)) subst-var)
660 (multiple-value-setq (occ-r num-if-r)
661 (find-occ rhs
662 #'(lambda (x)
663 (and (term-is-variable? x)
664 (variable= x subst-var)))
665 nil
666 0)))
668 (when (and (listp occ-l)
669 (or (not (listp occ-r))
670 ;; (<= (length occ-r) (length occ-l))
671 (<= (- (length occ-r) num-if-r) (length occ-l))
672 ))
673 (setq found t)
674 (return t)))))) ; done for all rules of an observer
675 (unless found
676 (return-from check-method-congruency nil))))
677 ;; done for all
678 t))))
694679 ;;;
695680 ;;;
696681 ;;;
697682 (defun substitution-image2 (sigma term)
698683 (declare (type list sigma)
699 (type term))
684 (type term))
700685 (let ((*consider-object* t))
701686 (cond ((or (term-is-variable? term)
702 (term-is-psuedo-constant? term))
703 (let ((im (variable-image-slow sigma term)))
704 (if im
705 (values im (sort= (variable-sort term)
706 (term-sort im)))
707 (values term t))))
708 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
709 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
710 (multiple-value-bind (new success)
711 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
712 (if success
713 new
714 term)))
715 ((term-is-applform? term)
716 (let ((l-result nil)
717 (modif-sort nil))
718 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
719 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
720 (substitution-image2 sigma s-t)
721 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
722 (push image-s-t l-result)))
723 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
724 (let ((method (term-head term)))
725 (if (and (cdr l-result)
726 (null (cddr l-result))
727 (method-is-identity method))
728 ;; head operator is binary & has identity theory
729 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (car l-result) method)
730 ;; ID * X --> X
731 ;; simplify for left identity.
732 (values (cadr l-result)
733 (sort= (term-sort term)
734 (term-sort (cadr l-result))))
735 ;; X * ID --> X
736 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (cadr l-result) method)
737 (values (car l-result)
738 (sort= (term-sort term)
739 (term-sort (car l-result))))
740 ;; X * Y
741 (if modif-sort
742 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check
743 method l-result)))
744 (values term-image
745 (sort= (term-sort term)
746 (term-sort term-image))))
747 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
748 method l-result)
749 t) ; sort not changed
750 ))) ; done for zero cases
751 ;; This is the same as the previous bit of code
752 (if modif-sort
753 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check method
754 l-result)))
755 (values term-image
756 (sort= (term-sort term) (term-sort term-image))))
757 (values (make-applform (method-coarity method)
758 method l-result)
759 t))))))
760 (t (break "not implemented yet"))
761 )))
687 (term-is-psuedo-constant? term))
688 (let ((im (variable-image-slow sigma term)))
689 (if im
690 (values im (sort= (variable-sort term)
691 (term-sort im)))
692 (values term t))))
693 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term) term)
694 ((term-is-lisp-form? term)
695 (multiple-value-bind (new success)
696 (funcall (lisp-form-function term) sigma)
697 (if success
698 new
699 term)))
700 ((term-is-applform? term)
701 (let ((l-result nil)
702 (modif-sort nil))
703 (dolist (s-t (term-subterms term))
704 (multiple-value-bind (image-s-t same-sort)
705 (substitution-image2 sigma s-t)
706 (unless same-sort (setq modif-sort t))
707 (push image-s-t l-result)))
708 (setq l-result (nreverse l-result))
709 (let ((method (term-head term)))
710 (if (and (cdr l-result)
711 (null (cddr l-result))
712 (method-is-identity method))
713 ;; head operator is binary & has identity theory
714 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (car l-result) method)
715 ;; ID * X --> X
716 ;; simplify for left identity.
717 (values (cadr l-result)
718 (sort= (term-sort term)
719 (term-sort (cadr l-result))))
720 ;; X * ID --> X
721 (if (term-is-zero-for-method (cadr l-result) method)
722 (values (car l-result)
723 (sort= (term-sort term)
724 (term-sort (car l-result))))
725 ;; X * Y
726 (if modif-sort
727 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check
728 method l-result)))
729 (values term-image
730 (sort= (term-sort term)
731 (term-sort term-image))))
732 (values (make-applform (term-sort term)
733 method l-result)
734 t) ; sort not changed
735 ))) ; done for zero cases
736 ;; This is the same as the previous bit of code
737 (if modif-sort
738 (let ((term-image (make-term-with-sort-check method
739 l-result)))
740 (values term-image
741 (sort= (term-sort term) (term-sort term-image))))
742 (values (make-applform (method-coarity method)
743 method l-result)
744 t))))))
745 (t (break "not implemented yet"))
746 )))
762747 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: tools
32 File: recheck.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: tools
32 File: recheck.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4747 ;;; methods respectively.
4848 ;;;
4949 (defstruct (sop (:type list)(:copier nil)
50 (:constructor create-sop (operator)))
51 (operator nil) ; operator.
52 (empties nil) ; set of methods whose arity contains
53 ; some empty sort.
54 (non-empties nil) ; non-empty methods.
50 (:constructor create-sop (operator)))
51 (operator nil) ; operator.
52 (empties nil) ; set of methods whose arity contains
53 ; some empty sort.
54 (non-empties nil) ; non-empty methods.
5555 )
57 (defun print-sop (sop &optional (module (or *current-module*
58 *last-module*)))
57 (defun print-sop (sop &optional (module (get-context-module)))
5958 (with-in-module (module)
6059 (format t "~%** SOP : operator ")
6160 (print-chaos-object (sop-operator sop))
6261 (format t "~%-- empty methods")
6362 (if (sop-empties sop)
64 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
65 (dolist (meth (sop-empties sop))
66 (print-next)
67 (print-chaos-object meth)))
68 (princ " : None"))
63 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
64 (dolist (meth (sop-empties sop))
65 (print-next)
66 (print-chaos-object meth)))
67 (princ " : None"))
6968 (format t "~%-- non empty methods")
7069 (if (sop-non-empties sop)
71 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
72 (dolist (meth (sop-non-empties sop))
73 (print-next)
74 (print-chaos-object meth)))
75 (princ " : None"))))
70 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
71 (dolist (meth (sop-non-empties sop))
72 (print-next)
73 (print-chaos-object meth)))
74 (princ " : None"))))
7776 ;;; ***********
7877 ;;; SORT MARK __________________________________________________________________
9089 (defun unmark-sorts (sl)
9190 (dolist (s sl) (setf (sort-is-inhabited s) nil)))
93 (defmacro get-unmarked-sorts ($_?sl) ; not used?
92 (defmacro get-unmarked-sorts ($_?sl) ; not used?
9493 ` (let (($$res_ nil))
9594 (dolist (*_s ,$_?sl)
96 (unless (sort-is-inhabited *_s)
97 (push *_s $$res_)))
95 (unless (sort-is-inhabited *_s)
96 (push *_s $$res_)))
9897 $$res_))
10099 ;;; -----------------------
103102 ;;;
104103 (defun check-signature-empties (module)
105104 (let ((esorts nil)
106 (nesorts nil)
107 (neops nil))
105 (nesorts nil)
106 (neops nil))
108107 (clear-tmp-sort-cache)
109108 (with-in-module (module)
110109 (let ((sorts (module-all-sorts module))
111 (sops nil))
112 ;; initially, all sorts are marked empty.
113 (unmark-sorts sorts)
114 ;; mark builtin sorts as non-empty
115 (dolist (x sorts)
116 (when (or (eq (sort-module x) *chaos-module*)
117 (sort-is-builtin x)
118 (and-sort-p x))
119 (mark-sort x)
120 (pushnew x nesorts :test #'eq)))
121 ;; and all operators are assumed to be empty.
122 ;; note we ignore error operators
123 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
124 (let* ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
125 (op-name (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
126 (sop (find-if #'(lambda (x)
127 (equal op-name
128 (operator-name (sop-operator x))))
129 sops)))
130 (unless sop
131 (setq sop (create-sop (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
132 (push sop sops))
133 ;;
134 (dolist (method methods)
135 (unless (method-is-error-method method)
136 (push method (sop-empties sop))
137 ))))
139 ;; iterate while there are no changes in empty sorts,
140 ;; or empty methods.
141 (let ((changed? t))
142 (while changed?
143 (setq changed? nil)
144 ;;
145 (dolist (sop sops)
146 (let ((eop nil))
147 (dolist (method (sop-empties sop))
148 (if (every #'(lambda (x) (is-sort-marked? x))
149 (method-arity method))
150 (progn
151 (setq changed? t)
152 (push method (sop-non-empties sop))
153 (push method neops)
154 (dolist (s (super-or-equal-sorts (method-coarity method)))
155 (mark-sort s)
156 (pushnew s nesorts :test #'eq)))
157 (progn
158 (push method eop))))
159 (setf (sop-empties sop) eop)))))
161 ;; check is done.
162 ;;
163 (setq esorts
164 (set-difference sorts
165 nesorts :test #'eq))
166 (values esorts nesorts sops neops)))))
110 (sops nil))
111 ;; initially, all sorts are marked empty.
112 (unmark-sorts sorts)
113 ;; mark builtin sorts as non-empty
114 (dolist (x sorts)
115 (when (or (eq (sort-module x) *chaos-module*)
116 (sort-is-builtin x)
117 (and-sort-p x))
118 (mark-sort x)
119 (pushnew x nesorts :test #'eq)))
120 ;; and all operators are assumed to be empty.
121 ;; note we ignore error operators
122 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
123 (let* ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
124 (op-name (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
125 (sop (find-if #'(lambda (x)
126 (equal op-name
127 (operator-name (sop-operator x))))
128 sops)))
129 (unless sop
130 (setq sop (create-sop (opinfo-operator opinfo)))
131 (push sop sops))
132 ;;
133 (dolist (method methods)
134 (unless (method-is-error-method method)
135 (push method (sop-empties sop))
136 ))))
138 ;; iterate while there are no changes in empty sorts,
139 ;; or empty methods.
140 (let ((changed? t))
141 (while changed?
142 (setq changed? nil)
143 ;;
144 (dolist (sop sops)
145 (let ((eop nil))
146 (dolist (method (sop-empties sop))
147 (if (every #'(lambda (x) (is-sort-marked? x))
148 (method-arity method))
149 (progn
150 (setq changed? t)
151 (push method (sop-non-empties sop))
152 (push method neops)
153 (dolist (s (super-or-equal-sorts (method-coarity method)))
154 (mark-sort s)
155 (pushnew s nesorts :test #'eq)))
156 (progn
157 (push method eop))))
158 (setf (sop-empties sop) eop)))))
160 ;; check is done.
161 ;;
162 (setq esorts
163 (set-difference sorts
164 nesorts :test #'eq))
165 (values esorts nesorts sops neops)))))
168167 ;;;
169168 ;;;
184183 (return-from regularize-make-glb (values (car sorts) nil)))
185184 ;;
186185 (let ((xset (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
187 (reg-direct-sub-or-equal-sorts x so))
188 sorts)))
186 (reg-direct-sub-or-equal-sorts x so))
187 sorts)))
189188 (let ((glb nil)
190 (meets (car xset)))
191 (dolist (xs (cdr xset))
192 (setq meets (intersection meets xs)))
193 (if meets
194 (setq meets (maximal-sorts meets so))
195 (setq meets (minimal-sorts sorts so)))
196 ;;
197 (unless (cdr meets)
198 (when (and-sort-p (car meets))
199 (return-from regularize-make-glb (values (car meets) nil))))
200 ;;
201 (when *regularize-debug*
202 (format t "~&** making glb from sorts :")
203 (print-chaos-object sorts))
205 (setq glb (make-glb-sort sorts module))
206 ;;
207 ;; further optimization can be done here, but...
208 ;;
209 (let ((pre (find-if #'(lambda (x)
210 (when *regularize-optimize*
211 (reg-sort-included x glb so)
212 (equal (sort-id glb)
213 (sort-id x)))
214 )
215 *regularize-glb-sorts-so-far*)))
216 (when pre
217 (return-from regularize-make-glb (values pre nil)))
218 (push glb *regularize-glb-sorts-so-far*)
219 (values glb t))))))
189 (meets (car xset)))
190 (dolist (xs (cdr xset))
191 (setq meets (intersection meets xs)))
192 (if meets
193 (setq meets (maximal-sorts meets so))
194 (setq meets (minimal-sorts sorts so)))
195 ;;
196 (unless (cdr meets)
197 (when (and-sort-p (car meets))
198 (return-from regularize-make-glb (values (car meets) nil))))
199 ;;
200 (when *regularize-debug*
201 (format t "~%** making glb from sorts :")
202 (print-chaos-object sorts))
204 (setq glb (make-glb-sort sorts module))
205 ;;
206 ;; further optimization can be done here, but...
207 ;;
208 (let ((pre (find-if #'(lambda (x)
209 (when *regularize-optimize*
210 (reg-sort-included x glb so)
211 (equal (sort-id glb)
212 (sort-id x)))
213 )
214 *regularize-glb-sorts-so-far*)))
215 (when pre
216 (return-from regularize-make-glb (values pre nil)))
217 (push glb *regularize-glb-sorts-so-far*)
218 (values glb t))))))
221220 (defun reg-direct-subsorts (sort sort-order)
222221 (cond ((and-sort-p sort)
223 (let ((subs nil))
224 (dolist (x (and-sort-components sort))
225 (dolist (s (reg-direct-subsorts x sort-order))
226 (pushnew s subs :test #'eq)))
227 subs))
228 (t (direct-subsorts sort sort-order))))
222 (let ((subs nil))
223 (dolist (x (and-sort-components sort))
224 (dolist (s (reg-direct-subsorts x sort-order))
225 (pushnew s subs :test #'eq)))
226 subs))
227 (t (direct-subsorts sort sort-order))))
230229 (defun reg-sub-or-equal-sorts (sort sort-order)
231230 (cons sort (reg-direct-subsorts sort sort-order)))
233232 (defun reg-direct-sub-or-equal-sorts (sort sort-order)
234233 (if (and-sort-p sort)
235234 (let ((subs nil))
236 (dolist (x (and-sort-components sort))
237 (dolist (s (reg-direct-sub-or-equal-sorts x sort-order))
238 (pushnew s subs :test #'eq)))
239 (pushnew sort subs :test #'eq))
235 (dolist (x (and-sort-components sort))
236 (dolist (s (reg-direct-sub-or-equal-sorts x sort-order))
237 (pushnew s subs :test #'eq)))
238 (pushnew sort subs :test #'eq))
240239 (cons sort (direct-subsorts sort sort-order))))
242241 (defun reg-sort<= (s1 s2 so)
243242 (cond ((and-sort-p s1)
244 (some #'(lambda (x)
245 (reg-sort<= x s2 so))
246 (and-sort-components s1)))
247 ((and-sort-p s2)
248 (every #'(lambda (x)
249 (reg-sort<= s1 x so))
250 (and-sort-components s2)))
251 (t (if (sort<= s1 s2 so)
252 t
253 nil)))
243 (some #'(lambda (x)
244 (reg-sort<= x s2 so))
245 (and-sort-components s1)))
246 ((and-sort-p s2)
247 (every #'(lambda (x)
248 (reg-sort<= s1 x so))
249 (and-sort-components s2)))
250 (t (if (sort<= s1 s2 so)
251 t
252 nil)))
254253 )
256255 ;;; assume that both s1 and s2 are and-sorts.
264263 (print-next)(princ "s2 = ")(print-chaos-object s2)
265264 (chaos-error 'panic)))
266265 (let ((compo1 (and-sort-components s1))
267 (compo2 (and-sort-components s2)))
266 (compo2 (and-sort-components s2)))
268267 (every #'(lambda (x)
269 (memq x compo2))
270 compo1)))
268 (memq x compo2))
269 compo1)))
272271 (defun reg-sort-list<= (sl1 sl2 so)
273272 (declare (type list sl1 sl2)
274 (type sort-order so))
273 (type sort-order so))
275274 (and (= (the fixnum (length sl1)) (the fixnum (length sl2)))
276275 (every #'(lambda (x y) (reg-sort<= x y so)) sl1 sl2)))
278277 (defun reg-sort< (s1 s2 so)
279278 (cond ((and-sort-p s1)
280 (some #'(lambda (x)
281 (reg-sort< x s2 so))
282 (and-sort-components s1)))
283 ((and-sort-p s2)
284 (every #'(lambda (x)
285 (reg-sort< s1 x so))
286 (and-sort-components s2)))
287 (t (if (sort< s1 s2 so)
288 t
289 nil)))
279 (some #'(lambda (x)
280 (reg-sort< x s2 so))
281 (and-sort-components s1)))
282 ((and-sort-p s2)
283 (every #'(lambda (x)
284 (reg-sort< s1 x so))
285 (and-sort-components s2)))
286 (t (if (sort< s1 s2 so)
287 t
288 nil)))
290289 )
292291 (defun reg-sort-list= (sl1 sl2)
297296 ;;;
298297 (defun examine-regularity (module)
299298 (multiple-value-bind (empty-sorts
300 non-empty-sorts
301 sops
302 non-empties)
299 non-empty-sorts
300 sops
301 non-empties)
303302 (check-signature-empties module)
304303 (declare (ignore non-empty-sorts))
305304 ;;
306305 (setq *regularize-glb-sorts-so-far* (module-sorts-for-regularity module)
307 *regularize-sorts-to-be-added* nil
308 *regularize-methods-so-far* nil
309 *regularize-methods-to-be-added* nil)
306 *regularize-sorts-to-be-added* nil
307 *regularize-methods-so-far* nil
308 *regularize-methods-to-be-added* nil)
310309 ;;
311310 (with-in-module (module)
312311 (let ((new-sorts nil)
313 (new-methods nil)
314 (redundant-methods nil)
315 (empty-methods nil))
316 ;; step-1
317 ;; make new and-sorts which are necessary for regularity.
318 ;; for each connected component of sorts, we possibly need
319 ;; a new and-sort.
320 ;; and for each combination of sort ilands, we also need possibly
321 ;; a new and-sort.
322 ;; we make each from non-empty methods.
323 (when *chaos-verbose*
324 (format t "~&(checking sorts for regularity:"))
325 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
326 (block make-coarity
327 ;; step 1.1 : first we make glb sort for connected components.
328 (let ((entry (find-if #'(lambda (x)
329 (equal (car x)
330 (operator-name
331 (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
332 new-sorts)))
333 (unless entry
334 (setq entry (cons (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo))
335 nil))
336 (push entry new-sorts))
337 ;; optimization here? eliminate builtin ops...
338 (let ((methods (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
339 (method-is-error-method x))
340 (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
341 (let ((new-coarity nil)
342 (coarities nil))
343 (dolist (meth methods)
344 (when (memq meth non-empties)
345 (pushnew (method-coarity meth) coarities :test #'eq)))
346 (unless coarities
347 (return-from make-coarity nil))
349 ;; compute new coarity
350 (multiple-value-bind (ncor new?)
351 (regularize-make-glb coarities module)
352 (declare (ignore new?))
353 (setq new-coarity ncor))
354 ;;
355 (pushnew new-coarity (cdr entry) :test #'eq)
356 (when (and-sort-p new-coarity)
357 (pushnew new-coarity *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*
358 :test #'eq))
359 )))
360 ))
361 (when *chaos-verbose* (princ ")")(terpri)(force-output))
362 ;; step 1.2
363 ;; we make glb for each combinations of sort ilands.
364 ;; note: new-sorts is the form of List[(operator-name sorts)].
365 #|| TOO MUCH, this is not needed.
366 (dolist (cg new-sorts)
367 (let ((new nil))
368 (do ((ss (cdr cg) (cdr ss)))
369 ((endp ss))
370 (dolist (s (cdr ss))
371 (multiple-value-bind (glb new?)
372 (regularize-make-glb (list (car ss) s) module)
373 (when new?
374 ;; note, because the disjointness, new? is the
375 ;; tigger to add.
376 (push glb *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)
377 (mark-sort glb))
378 (pushnew glb new :test #'eq))))
379 (setf (cdr cg) (nconc (cdr cg) new))
380 ))
381 ||#
382 ;;
383 (when *regularize-debug*
384 (format t "~%** step1 result :")
385 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
386 (print-next)
387 (princ "- sorts for each operator symbol :")
388 (dolist (s new-sorts)
389 (print-next)
390 (print-chaos-object (car s))
391 (princ " : ")
392 (print-chaos-object (cdr s)))
393 (print-next)
394 (princ "- sorts to be added!")
395 (print-next)
396 (print-chaos-object *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)))
398 ;;-----------------------------------------------------
399 ;; step-2
400 ;; now *regularize-sorts-to-be-added* is the sufficient
401 ;; set of and-sorts for regularity.
402 ;; based on these, we construct new methods if need.
403 ;; here, we consider each group of overloaded operators
404 ;; (including ad hoc overloading), sops returned from
405 ;; check-signature-empties organized so.
406 ;;
408 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *regularize-debug*)
409 (princ "(start checking operators : "))
410 (dolist (sop sops)
411 ;; step 2-1. first we construct ranks which may be
412 ;; necessary for regularity.
413 ;; the result will be hold in new-ranks.
414 (let ((methods (sop-non-empties sop))
415 (name (operator-name (sop-operator sop)))
416 (cent nil)
417 (redun-methods nil)
418 (new-ranks nil))
419 ;;
420 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *regularize-debug*)
421 (format t "~{~a~^ ~a~} " (car name)))
422 ;;
423 (setq cent (find-if #'(lambda (x)
424 (equal name (car x)))
425 new-sorts))
426 (unless cent (return nil)) ; no possibility
427 ;;
428 ;; loop until no more pssible new rank ...
429 ;;
430 (let ((changed? t))
431 (while changed?
432 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *regularize-debug*)
433 (princ ".")
434 (force-output))
435 (setq changed? nil)
436 (block make-new-rank
437 ;; for each combination.
438 (do ((mm methods (cdr mm)))
439 ((endp mm))
440 (dolist (m (cdr mm)) ; makes combination
441 (block make-rank
442 (let ((new-ar (make-list
443 (the fixnum
444 (length (the list
445 (reg-method-arity m))))))
446 (new-cr nil)
447 (a1 (reg-method-arity (car mm)))
448 (a2 (reg-method-arity m))
449 (c1 (reg-method-coarity (car mm)))
450 (c2 (reg-method-coarity m)))
451 (declare (type list a1 a2)
452 (type sort* c1 c2))
453 ;;
454 (when *regularize-debug*
455 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
456 (print-next)
457 (princ "- check comination of ")
458 (print-chaos-object (car mm))
459 (print-next)
460 (princ " .vs. ")
461 (print-chaos-object m)))
462 ;;
463 (dotimes (x (length a1))
464 (declare (type fixnum x))
465 (multiple-value-bind (glb new?)
466 (regularize-make-glb (list (nth x a1)
467 (nth x a2))
468 module)
469 (cond (new? (return-from make-rank nil))
470 ((and-sort-p glb)
471 (unless (memq glb
472 *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)
473 (return-from make-rank nil))))
474 (setf (nth x new-ar) glb)))
475 ;; search for proper coarity.
476 (multiple-value-bind (glb new?)
477 (regularize-make-glb (list c1 c2)
478 module)
479 (when new?
480 (if (and-sort-p glb)
481 (not (every #'(lambda (x)
482 (is-sort-marked? x))
483 (and-sort-components glb)))
484 (return-from make-rank nil)))
485 (setq new-cr glb))
486 ;;
487 (unless new-cr
488 (return-from make-rank nil))
489 ;; new-ar and new-cr contais possible new rank
490 ;; for this combination.
491 ;; we register it to new
492 (when *regularize-debug*
493 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
494 (print-next)
495 (princ "trying to add new rank ")
496 (print-chaos-object (list new-ar new-cr))))
497 ;;
498 ;; redundancy check
499 ;;
500 (multiple-value-bind (to-add? method-list redundant)
501 (check-method-redundancy new-ar new-cr methods module)
502 (setq redun-methods (nconc redun-methods redundant))
503 (when to-add?
504 (setq changed? t)
505 (when *regularize-debug*
506 (princ " ... new one! added."))
507 (pushnew (list new-ar new-cr) new-ranks :test #'equal)
508 (mark-sort new-cr)
509 (pushnew new-cr *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*
510 :test #'eq)
511 ;; we try from new intial stage...
512 (setq methods method-list)
513 (return-from make-new-rank nil)))
514 )) ; block make-rank
515 )) ; end all possible combination of an op.
516 ) ; block make-new-rank
517 ) ; end of while
518 )
519 ;; we end for each combination of this overloaded operators.
520 ;; new contains new raks.
521 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
522 (when new-ranks
523 (push (cons (sop-operator sop)
524 new-ranks)
525 new-methods))
526 (setf redundant-methods
527 (nconc redundant-methods redun-methods))
528 ;;
529 (when *regularize-debug*
530 (print-next)
531 (princ "- new ranks :")
532 (if new-ranks
533 (dolist (e new-ranks)
534 (print-next)
535 (print-chaos-object e))
536 (princ "None"))))
537 ;;
538 )) ; end of all operator groups.
539 ;;
540 ;; returns the whole result
541 ;;
542 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *regularize-debug*)
543 (princ ")")
544 (terpri)
545 (force-output))
546 (dolist (sop sops)
547 (setq empty-methods
548 (nconc empty-methods (sop-empties sop))))
549 (setq empty-methods
550 (delete-duplicates empty-methods :test #'equal))
551 (setq redundant-methods
552 (delete-duplicates redundant-methods :test #'equal))
553 (let ((ns nil))
554 #||
555 (dolist (x new-sorts)
556 (dolist (s (cdr x))
557 (when (and (and-sort-p s)
558 (is-sort-marked? s)
559 (not (memq s (module-sorts module))))
560 (pushnew s ns :test #'eq))))
561 ||#
562 (dolist (s *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)
563 (when (and (and-sort-p s)
564 (is-sort-marked? s)
565 (not (memq s (module-sorts module))))
566 (pushnew s ns :test #'eq)))
567 ;;
568 (values empty-sorts
569 ns
570 new-methods
571 redundant-methods
572 empty-methods))
573 ))))
312 (new-methods nil)
313 (redundant-methods nil)
314 (empty-methods nil))
315 ;; step-1
316 ;; make new and-sorts which are necessary for regularity.
317 ;; for each connected component of sorts, we possibly need
318 ;; a new and-sort.
319 ;; and for each combination of sort ilands, we also need possibly
320 ;; a new and-sort.
321 ;; we make each from non-empty methods.
322 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators module))
323 (block make-coarity
324 ;; step 1.1 : first we make glb sort for connected components.
325 (let ((entry (find-if #'(lambda (x)
326 (equal (car x)
327 (operator-name
328 (opinfo-operator opinfo))))
329 new-sorts)))
330 (unless entry
331 (setq entry (cons (operator-name (opinfo-operator opinfo))
332 nil))
333 (push entry new-sorts))
334 ;; optimization here? eliminate builtin ops...
335 (let ((methods (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
336 (method-is-error-method x))
337 (opinfo-methods opinfo))))
338 (let ((new-coarity nil)
339 (coarities nil))
340 (dolist (meth methods)
341 (when (memq meth non-empties)
342 (pushnew (method-coarity meth) coarities :test #'eq)))
343 (unless coarities
344 (return-from make-coarity nil))
346 ;; compute new coarity
347 (multiple-value-bind (ncor new?)
348 (regularize-make-glb coarities module)
349 (declare (ignore new?))
350 (setq new-coarity ncor))
351 ;;
352 (pushnew new-coarity (cdr entry) :test #'eq)
353 (when (and-sort-p new-coarity)
354 (pushnew new-coarity *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*
355 :test #'eq))
356 )))
357 ))
358 ;; step 1.2
359 ;; we make glb for each combinations of sort ilands.
360 ;; note: new-sorts is the form of List[(operator-name sorts)].
361 #|| TOO MUCH, this is not needed.
362 (dolist (cg new-sorts)
363 (let ((new nil))
364 (do ((ss (cdr cg) (cdr ss)))
365 ((endp ss))
366 (dolist (s (cdr ss))
367 (multiple-value-bind (glb new?)
368 (regularize-make-glb (list (car ss) s) module)
369 (when new?
370 ;; note, because the disjointness, new? is the
371 ;; tigger to add.
372 (push glb *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)
373 (mark-sort glb))
374 (pushnew glb new :test #'eq))))
375 (setf (cdr cg) (nconc (cdr cg) new))
376 ))
377 ||#
378 ;;
379 (when *regularize-debug*
380 (format t "~%** step1 result :")
381 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
382 (print-next)
383 (princ "- sorts for each operator symbol :")
384 (dolist (s new-sorts)
385 (print-next)
386 (print-chaos-object (car s))
387 (princ " : ")
388 (print-chaos-object (cdr s)))
389 (print-next)
390 (princ "- sorts to be added!")
391 (print-next)
392 (print-chaos-object *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)))
394 ;;-----------------------------------------------------
395 ;; step-2
396 ;; now *regularize-sorts-to-be-added* is the sufficient
397 ;; set of and-sorts for regularity.
398 ;; based on these, we construct new methods if need.
399 ;; here, we consider each group of overloaded operators
400 ;; (including ad hoc overloading), sops returned from
401 ;; check-signature-empties organized so.
402 ;;
404 (when *regularize-debug*
405 (princ "(start checking operators : "))
406 (dolist (sop sops)
407 ;; step 2-1. first we construct ranks which may be
408 ;; necessary for regularity.
409 ;; the result will be hold in new-ranks.
410 (let ((methods (sop-non-empties sop))
411 (name (operator-name (sop-operator sop)))
412 (cent nil)
413 (redun-methods nil)
414 (new-ranks nil))
415 ;;
416 (when *regularize-debug*
417 (format t "~{~a~^ ~a~} " (car name)))
418 ;;
419 (setq cent (find-if #'(lambda (x)
420 (equal name (car x)))
421 new-sorts))
422 (unless cent (return nil)) ; no possibility
423 ;;
424 ;; loop until no more pssible new rank ...
425 ;;
426 (let ((changed? t))
427 (while changed?
428 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *regularize-debug*)
429 (princ ".")
430 (force-output))
431 (setq changed? nil)
432 (block make-new-rank
433 ;; for each combination.
434 (do ((mm methods (cdr mm)))
435 ((endp mm))
436 (dolist (m (cdr mm)) ; makes combination
437 (block make-rank
438 (let ((new-ar (make-list
439 (the fixnum
440 (length (the list
441 (reg-method-arity m))))))
442 (new-cr nil)
443 (a1 (reg-method-arity (car mm)))
444 (a2 (reg-method-arity m))
445 (c1 (reg-method-coarity (car mm)))
446 (c2 (reg-method-coarity m)))
447 (declare (type list a1 a2)
448 (type sort* c1 c2))
449 ;;
450 (when *regularize-debug*
451 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
452 (print-next)
453 (princ "- check comination of ")
454 (print-chaos-object (car mm))
455 (print-next)
456 (princ " .vs. ")
457 (print-chaos-object m)))
458 ;;
459 (dotimes (x (length a1))
460 (declare (type fixnum x))
461 (multiple-value-bind (glb new?)
462 (regularize-make-glb (list (nth x a1)
463 (nth x a2))
464 module)
465 (cond (new? (return-from make-rank nil))
466 ((and-sort-p glb)
467 (unless (memq glb
468 *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)
469 (return-from make-rank nil))))
470 (setf (nth x new-ar) glb)))
471 ;; search for proper coarity.
472 (multiple-value-bind (glb new?)
473 (regularize-make-glb (list c1 c2)
474 module)
475 (when new?
476 (if (and-sort-p glb)
477 (not (every #'(lambda (x)
478 (is-sort-marked? x))
479 (and-sort-components glb)))
480 (return-from make-rank nil)))
481 (setq new-cr glb))
482 ;;
483 (unless new-cr
484 (return-from make-rank nil))
485 ;; new-ar and new-cr contais possible new rank
486 ;; for this combination.
487 ;; we register it to new
488 (when *regularize-debug*
489 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
490 (print-next)
491 (princ "trying to add new rank ")
492 (print-chaos-object (list new-ar new-cr))))
493 ;;
494 ;; redundancy check
495 ;;
496 (multiple-value-bind (to-add? method-list redundant)
497 (check-method-redundancy new-ar new-cr methods module)
498 (setq redun-methods (nconc redun-methods redundant))
499 (when to-add?
500 (setq changed? t)
501 (when *regularize-debug*
502 (princ " ... new one! added."))
503 (pushnew (list new-ar new-cr) new-ranks :test #'equal)
504 (mark-sort new-cr)
505 (pushnew new-cr *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*
506 :test #'eq)
507 ;; we try from new intial stage...
508 (setq methods method-list)
509 (return-from make-new-rank nil)))
510 )) ; block make-rank
511 )) ; end all possible combination of an op.
512 ) ; block make-new-rank
513 ) ; end of while
514 )
515 ;; we end for each combination of this overloaded operators.
516 ;; new contains new raks.
517 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
518 (when new-ranks
519 (push (cons (sop-operator sop)
520 new-ranks)
521 new-methods))
522 (setf redundant-methods
523 (nconc redundant-methods redun-methods))
524 ;;
525 (when *regularize-debug*
526 (print-next)
527 (princ "- new ranks :")
528 (if new-ranks
529 (dolist (e new-ranks)
530 (print-next)
531 (print-chaos-object e))
532 (princ "None"))))
533 ;;
534 )) ; end of all operator groups.
535 ;;
536 ;; returns the whole result
537 ;;
538 (when (or *chaos-verbose* *regularize-debug*)
539 (princ ")")
540 (terpri)
541 (force-output))
542 (dolist (sop sops)
543 (setq empty-methods
544 (nconc empty-methods (sop-empties sop))))
545 (setq empty-methods
546 (delete-duplicates empty-methods :test #'equal))
547 (setq redundant-methods
548 (delete-duplicates redundant-methods :test #'equal))
549 (let ((ns nil))
550 #||
551 (dolist (x new-sorts)
552 (dolist (s (cdr x))
553 (when (and (and-sort-p s)
554 (is-sort-marked? s)
555 (not (memq s (module-sorts module))))
556 (pushnew s ns :test #'eq))))
557 ||#
558 (dolist (s *regularize-sorts-to-be-added*)
559 (when (and (and-sort-p s)
560 (is-sort-marked? s)
561 (not (memq s (module-sorts module))))
562 (pushnew s ns :test #'eq)))
563 ;;
564 (values empty-sorts
565 ns
566 new-methods
567 redundant-methods
568 empty-methods))
569 ))))
575571 (defun reg-report-method (m module)
576572 (cond ((operator-method-p m)
577 (print-chaos-object m))
578 (t (let ((name (operator-symbol (car m)))
579 (ranks (cdr m))
580 (f nil))
581 (dolist (rank ranks)
582 (when f (print-next))
583 (setq f t)
584 (format t "~{~a~} : " name)
585 (dolist (s (car rank))
586 (print-sort-name s module)
587 (princ " "))
588 (princ "-> ")
589 (print-sort-name (cadr rank) module)
590 )))))
573 (print-chaos-object m))
574 (t (let ((name (operator-symbol (car m)))
575 (ranks (cdr m))
576 (f nil))
577 (dolist (rank ranks)
578 (when f (print-next))
579 (setq f t)
580 (format t "~{~a~} : " name)
581 (dolist (s (car rank))
582 (print-sort-name s module)
583 (princ " "))
584 (princ "-> ")
585 (print-sort-name (cadr rank) module)
586 )))))
592588 (defun reg-method-arity (m)
593589 (if (operator-method-p m)
600596 (cadr m)))
602598 (defun check-method-redundancy (arity coarity method-list
603 &optional (module (or *current-module*
604 *last-module*)))
599 &optional (module (get-context-module)))
605600 (let ((so (module-sort-order module))
606 (redundant-methods nil)
607 (not-tobe-added? nil))
601 (redundant-methods nil)
602 (not-tobe-added? nil))
608603 (let ((new-set nil))
609604 (dolist (meth method-list)
610 (cond ((reg-sort-list= arity (reg-method-arity meth))
611 (when *regularize-debug*
612 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
613 (format t "~%- check redundancy with :")
614 (print-chaos-object meth)))
615 ;;
616 (when (sort= (reg-method-coarity meth) coarity)
617 (when *regularize-debug*
618 (format t "~%- there already the same one."))
619 (return-from check-method-redundancy
620 (values nil method-list nil)))
621 ;;
622 (if (cond ((and-sort-p coarity)
623 (reg-sort<= coarity (reg-method-coarity meth) so))
624 (t (reg-sort< coarity (reg-method-coarity meth) so)))
625 (progn
626 (when *regularize-debug*
627 (format t "~%- redundant.."))
628 (push meth redundant-methods))
629 (progn
630 (when *regularize-debug*
631 (format t "~%- not redundant.."))
632 (push meth new-set))))
633 (t (push meth new-set))))
605 (cond ((reg-sort-list= arity (reg-method-arity meth))
606 (when *regularize-debug*
607 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
608 (format t "~%- check redundancy with :")
609 (print-chaos-object meth)))
610 ;;
611 (when (sort= (reg-method-coarity meth) coarity)
612 (when *regularize-debug*
613 (format t "~%- there already the same one."))
614 (return-from check-method-redundancy
615 (values nil method-list nil)))
616 ;;
617 (if (cond ((and-sort-p coarity)
618 (reg-sort<= coarity (reg-method-coarity meth) so))
619 (t (reg-sort< coarity (reg-method-coarity meth) so)))
620 (progn
621 (when *regularize-debug*
622 (format t "~%- redundant.."))
623 (push meth redundant-methods))
624 (progn
625 (when *regularize-debug*
626 (format t "~%- not redundant.."))
627 (push meth new-set))))
628 (t (push meth new-set))))
634629 ;;
635630 (setq method-list new-set)
636631 (unless (setq not-tobe-added?
637 (dolist (d new-set nil)
638 (when (and (reg-sort-list= (reg-method-arity d) arity)
639 (reg-sort< (reg-method-coarity d) coarity so))
640 (return t))))
641 (push (list arity coarity) method-list))
632 (dolist (d new-set nil)
633 (when (and (reg-sort-list= (reg-method-arity d) arity)
634 (reg-sort< (reg-method-coarity d) coarity so))
635 (return t))))
636 (push (list arity coarity) method-list))
642637 ;;
643638 (values (not not-tobe-added?) method-list redundant-methods)
644639 ;;
649644 ;;;
650645 (defun check-regularity (module &optional (silent nil))
651646 (multiple-value-bind (empty-sorts
652 new-sorts
653 new-methods
654 redundant-methods
655 empty-methods)
647 new-sorts
648 new-methods
649 redundant-methods
650 empty-methods)
656651 (examine-regularity module)
657652 ;;
658653 (unless (or empty-sorts new-sorts new-methods redundant-methods empty-methods)
659654 (unless silent
660 (with-output-msg ()
661 (princ "signature of module ")
662 (print-chaos-object module)
663 (princ " is regular.")))
655 (with-output-msg ()
656 (princ "signature of module ")
657 (print-chaos-object module)
658 (princ " is regular.")))
664659 (return-from check-regularity nil))
665660 ;;
666661 (with-in-module (module)
667662 (unless silent
668 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
669 (declare (special *print-indent*))
670 (when empty-sorts
671 (with-output-simple-msg ()
672 (format t ">> The following sorts are empty:")
673 (dolist (s empty-sorts)
674 (print-next)
675 (print-sort-name s module))))
676 (when new-sorts
677 (with-output-simple-msg ()
678 (format t ">> The following sorts may be required for regularity:")
679 (dolist (s new-sorts)
680 (let ((subs (reg-direct-subsorts s (module-sort-order module))))
681 (print-next)
682 (princ "[ ")
683 (when subs
684 (dolist (s subs)
685 (print-sort-name s module)
686 (princ " "))
687 (princ "< "))
688 (print-sort-name s)
689 (princ " <")
690 (dolist (x (and-sort-components s))
691 (princ " ")
692 (print-sort-name x module))
693 (princ " ]")))))
694 (when new-methods
695 (with-output-simple-msg ()
696 (format t ">> The following operators may be required for regularity:")
697 (dolist (m new-methods)
698 (print-next)
699 (reg-report-method m module))))
700 (when redundant-methods
701 (with-output-simple-msg ()
702 (format t ">> The following operators are detected as redundant,")
703 (format t "~% due to the above new operators.")
704 (dolist (m redundant-methods)
705 (print-next)
706 (reg-report-method m module))))
707 (when empty-methods
708 (with-output-simple-msg ()
709 (format t ">> The following operators have empty arity:")
710 (dolist (m empty-methods)
711 (print-next)
712 (reg-report-method m module)))))))
663 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
664 (declare (special *print-indent*))
665 (when empty-sorts
666 (with-output-simple-msg ()
667 (format t ">> The following sorts are empty:")
668 (dolist (s empty-sorts)
669 (print-next)
670 (print-sort-name s module))))
671 (when new-sorts
672 (with-output-simple-msg ()
673 (format t ">> The following sorts may be required for regularity:")
674 (dolist (s new-sorts)
675 (let ((subs (reg-direct-subsorts s (module-sort-order module))))
676 (print-next)
677 (princ "[ ")
678 (when subs
679 (dolist (s subs)
680 (print-sort-name s module)
681 (princ " "))
682 (princ "< "))
683 (print-sort-name s)
684 (princ " <")
685 (dolist (x (and-sort-components s))
686 (princ " ")
687 (print-sort-name x module))
688 (princ " ]")))))
689 (when new-methods
690 (with-output-simple-msg ()
691 (format t ">> The following operators may be required for regularity:")
692 (dolist (m new-methods)
693 (print-next)
694 (reg-report-method m module))))
695 (when redundant-methods
696 (with-output-simple-msg ()
697 (format t ">> The following operators are detected as redundant,")
698 (format t "~% due to the above new operators.")
699 (dolist (m redundant-methods)
700 (print-next)
701 (reg-report-method m module))))
702 (when empty-methods
703 (with-output-simple-msg ()
704 (format t ">> The following operators have empty arity:")
705 (dolist (m empty-methods)
706 (print-next)
707 (reg-report-method m module)))))))
713708 ;; was not regular
714709 t))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: tools
32 File: regularize.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: tools
32 File: regularize.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5353 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
5454 ;; init.
5555 (setf (module-sorts-for-regularity module) nil
56 (module-methods-for-regularity module) nil
57 (module-void-methods module) nil)
56 (module-methods-for-regularity module) nil
57 (module-void-methods module) nil)
5858 ;;
5959 (multiple-value-bind (empty-sorts
60 new-sorts
61 new-methods
62 redundant-methods
63 empty-methods)
64 (examine-regularity module)
65 ;; declare new sorts in module
66 (dolist (new-sort new-sorts)
67 (unless (memq new-sort (module-sorts-for-regularity module))
68 (push new-sort (module-sorts-for-regularity module))
69 (add-sort-to-module new-sort module)
70 (declare-subsort-in-module
71 ` ((,new-sort :< ,@(and-sort-components new-sort)))
72 module)
73 (unless *chaos-quiet*
74 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
75 (print-next)
76 (princ "-- declaring sort [")
77 (print-sort-name new-sort module)
78 (princ " <")
79 (dolist (s (and-sort-components new-sort))
80 (princ " ")
81 (print-sort-name s module))
82 (princ "], for regularity.")))
83 ))
84 ;; declare new operators.
85 (dolist (m new-methods)
86 (let ((name (operator-symbol (car m)))
87 (ranks (cdr m)))
88 (dolist (rank ranks)
89 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
90 (declare-operator-in-module name
91 (car rank)
92 (cadr rank)
93 module)
94 (declare (ignore op))
95 (unless *chaos-quiet*
96 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
97 (print-next)
98 (princ "-- declaring operator ")
99 (print-chaos-object meth)
100 (princ " for regularity.")))
101 (pushnew meth (module-methods-for-regularity module))
102 ))))
60 new-sorts
61 new-methods
62 redundant-methods
63 empty-methods)
64 (examine-regularity module)
65 ;; declare new sorts in module
66 (dolist (new-sort new-sorts)
67 (unless (memq new-sort (module-sorts-for-regularity module))
68 (push new-sort (module-sorts-for-regularity module))
69 (add-sort-to-module new-sort module)
70 (declare-subsort-in-module
71 ` ((,new-sort :< ,@(and-sort-components new-sort)))
72 module)
73 (unless *chaos-quiet*
74 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
75 (print-next)
76 (princ "-- declaring sort [")
77 (print-sort-name new-sort module)
78 (princ " <")
79 (dolist (s (and-sort-components new-sort))
80 (princ " ")
81 (print-sort-name s module))
82 (princ "], for regularity.")))
83 ))
84 ;; declare new operators.
85 (dolist (m new-methods)
86 (let ((name (operator-symbol (car m)))
87 (ranks (cdr m)))
88 (dolist (rank ranks)
89 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
90 (declare-operator-in-module name
91 (car rank)
92 (cadr rank)
93 module)
94 (declare (ignore op))
95 (unless *chaos-quiet*
96 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
97 (print-next)
98 (princ "-- declaring operator ")
99 (print-chaos-object meth)
100 (princ " for regularity.")))
101 (pushnew meth (module-methods-for-regularity module))
102 ))))
104 ;; set void-methods -- not used now?
105 (dolist (m empty-methods)
106 (pushnew m (module-void-methods module) :test #'eq))
104 ;; set void-methods -- not used now?
105 (dolist (m empty-methods)
106 (pushnew m (module-void-methods module) :test #'eq))
108 ;; reports misc infos.
109 (unless *chaos-quiet*
110 (when empty-sorts
111 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
112 (print-next)
113 (format t ">> The following sorts are empty:")
114 (dolist (s empty-sorts)
115 (print-next)
116 (print-sort-name s module))))
117 (when redundant-methods
118 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
119 (print-next)
120 (format t ">> The following operators are detected as redundant,")
121 (print-next)
122 (format t " due to the above new operators.")
123 (dolist (m redundant-methods)
124 (print-next)
125 (reg-report-method m module))))
126 (when empty-methods
127 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
128 (print-next)
129 (format t ">> The following operators have empty arity:")
130 (dolist (m empty-methods)
131 (print-next)
132 (reg-report-method m module))))
133 )
134 ;;
135 t))))
108 ;; reports misc infos.
109 (unless *chaos-quiet*
110 (when empty-sorts
111 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
112 (print-next)
113 (format t ">> The following sorts are empty:")
114 (dolist (s empty-sorts)
115 (print-next)
116 (print-sort-name s module))))
117 (when redundant-methods
118 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
119 (print-next)
120 (format t ">> The following operators are detected as redundant,")
121 (print-next)
122 (format t " due to the above new operators.")
123 (dolist (m redundant-methods)
124 (print-next)
125 (reg-report-method m module))))
126 (when empty-methods
127 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
128 (print-next)
129 (format t ">> The following operators have empty arity:")
130 (dolist (m empty-methods)
131 (print-next)
132 (reg-report-method m module))))
133 )
134 ;;
135 t))))
137137 ;;;
139139 ;;;
140140 (defun regularize-signature (module)
141141 (let ((chaos-quiet *chaos-quiet*)
142 ;; (*chaos-verbose* t)
143 (*regularize-signature* t)
144 (*auto-reconstruct* t))
142 ;; (*chaos-verbose* t)
143 (*regularize-signature* t)
144 (*auto-reconstruct* t))
145145 (declare (special *regularize-signature*
146 *auto-reconstruct*
147 ;; *chaos-verbose*
148 *chaos-quiet*))
146 *auto-reconstruct*
147 ;; *chaos-verbose*
148 *chaos-quiet*))
149149 (setq *chaos-quiet* nil)
150150 (regularize-signature-internal module)
151151 (mark-need-parsing-preparation module)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: tools
32 File: sensible.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: tools
32 File: sensible.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 (let ((result nil))
4545 (with-in-module (module)
4646 (let ((opinfos (module-all-operators module)))
47 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
48 (let ((r1 (check-op-sensibleness opinfo)))
49 (when r1 (push r1 result)))))
47 (dolist (opinfo opinfos)
48 (let ((r1 (check-op-sensibleness opinfo)))
49 (when r1 (push r1 result)))))
5050 (if result
51 (let ((*print-indent* 2))
52 (with-output-simple-msg ()
53 (format t "<< The signature of the module is not sensible."))
54 (print-next)
55 (format t " The following overloaded operators make the signature non-sensible:")
56 (dolist (op result)
57 (dolist (p1 op)
58 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
59 (print-next)
60 (print-method p1 module *standard-output*)))))
61 (when report
62 (with-output-simple-msg ()
63 (format t "<< The signature of the module is sensible.")))
64 ))))
51 (let ((*print-indent* 2))
52 (with-output-simple-msg ()
53 (format t "<< The signature of the module is not sensible."))
54 (print-next)
55 (format t " The following overloaded operators make the signature non-sensible:")
56 (dolist (op result)
57 (dolist (p1 op)
58 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
59 (print-next)
60 (print-method p1 module *standard-output*)))))
61 (when report
62 (with-output-simple-msg ()
63 (format t "<< The signature of the module is sensible.")))
64 ))))
6666 (defun check-op-sensibleness (opinfo)
6767 (let ((methods (opinfo-methods opinfo))
68 (vio-pair nil))
68 (vio-pair nil))
6969 (do* ((ms methods (cdr ms))
70 (method (car methods) (car methods)))
71 ((endp (cdr ms)))
70 (method (car methods) (car methods)))
71 ((endp (cdr ms)))
7272 (dolist (m2 (cdr ms))
73 (unless (is-sensible method m2)
74 (pushnew method vio-pair)
75 (pushnew m2 vio-pair))))
73 (unless (is-sensible method m2)
74 (pushnew method vio-pair)
75 (pushnew m2 vio-pair))))
7676 vio-pair))
7878 (defun is-sensible (m1 m2)
7979 (let* ((ar-list1 (method-arity m1))
80 (ar-list2 (method-arity m2))
81 (alen (length ar-list1))
82 (cor1 (method-coarity m1))
83 (cor2 (method-coarity m2)))
80 (ar-list2 (method-arity m2))
81 (alen (length ar-list1))
82 (cor1 (method-coarity m1))
83 (cor2 (method-coarity m2)))
8484 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component cor1 cor2 *current-sort-order*)
8585 (return-from is-sensible nil))
8686 (dotimes (x alen)
8787 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component (nth x ar-list1)
88 (nth x ar-list2)
89 *current-sort-order*)
90 (return-from is-sensible nil)))
88 (nth x ar-list2)
89 *current-sort-order*)
90 (return-from is-sensible nil)))
9191 t))
9393 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
189189 "set path of user defined \"BOOL\" module."
190190 chaos-set-bool-path)
191191 ;; debug flags : invisible from user, internal use only
192 ("no" ("idcomp") parity *no-id-completion* "" nil nil t)
192193 ("sys" ("universal-sort") parity *allow-universal-sort* "" nil nil t)
193194 ("debug" ("rewrite") parity *rewrite-debug* "" nil nil t)
195 ("debug" ("memo") parity *memo-debug* "" nil nil t)
194196 ("debug" ("hash") parity *on-term-hash-debug* "" nil nil t)
195197 ("debug" ("axiom") parity *on-axiom-debug* "" nil nil t)
196198 ("debug" ("beh") parity *beh-debug* "" nil nil t)
213215 ("debug" ("apply") parity *apply-debug* "" nil nil t)
214216 ("debug" ("meta") parity *debug-meta* "" nil nil t)
215217 ("debug" ("citp") parity *debug-citp* "" nil nil t)
218 ("debug" ("print") parity *debug-print* "" nil nil t)
216219 ))
218221 (defun set-chaos-switch (which value)
255258 t
256259 (if (or (equal "off" x) (equal "no" x))
257260 nil
258 (progn
259 (princ "Specify on(yes) or off(no).") (terpri)
260 (throw 'parity-error nil)))))
261 (progn
262 (princ "Specify on(yes) or off(no).") (terpri)
263 (throw 'parity-error nil)))))
263266 (defun show-modes (flg)
270273 (let ((sw flg))
271274 (if (or (equal sw '(".")) (null sw))
272275 (show-modes t)
273 (let ((which (car flg))
276 (let ((which (car flg))
274277 (sub (cdr flg))
275278 (found nil)
276279 (cand nil))
277 (dolist (sw *chaos-switches*)
280 (dolist (sw *chaos-switches*)
278281 (block next
279282 (let ((key (chaos-switch-key sw)))
280283 (when (eq key :comment) (return-from next nil))
286289 (setq found sw)
287290 (setq cand nil)
288291 (return)))))))
289 (unless (or found cand)
292 (unless (or found cand)
290293 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
291294 (format t "unknown switch ~a" flg)
292295 (return-from show-modes nil)))
293 (if found
296 (if found
294297 (show-mode found)
295298 (show-mode cand)))))))
301304 (type (chaos-switch-type switch)))
302305 (cond ((eq name :comment)
303306 (format t "~%~a" (second switch)))
307 ((equal name "libpath")
308 (format t "~%libpath~24T= ~{~a~^:~}" value))
304309 (t (when (atom name) (setq name (list name)))
305310 (if (eq type 'parity)
306 (format t "~&~{~a~^|~a~} ~{~^ ~a~} ~24T~:[off~;on~]" name option value)
307 (progn (format t "~&~{~a~^|~a~} ~{~^ ~a~} ~24T= " name option)
311 (format t "~%~{~a~^|~a~} ~{~^ ~a~} ~24T~:[off~;on~]" name option value)
312 (progn (format t "~%~{~a~^|~a~} ~{~^ ~a~} ~24T= " name option)
308313 (if value
309314 (print-chaos-object value)
310315 (princ "not specified"))))))))
318323 (t (when (atom key) (setq key (list key)))
319324 (case (chaos-switch-type sw)
320325 (parity
321 (format t "~& set ~{~a~^|~a~}~{~^ ~a~} {on|off} : ~a"
326 (format t "~% set ~{~a~^|~a~}~{~^ ~a~} {on|off} : ~a"
322327 key
323328 (chaos-switch-subkey sw)
324329 (chaos-switch-doc sw)))
325 (otherwise (format t "~& set ~{~a~^|~a~}~{~^ ~a~} <value> : ~a"
330 (otherwise (format t "~% set ~{~a~^|~a~}~{~^ ~a~} <value> : ~a"
326331 key
327332 (chaos-switch-subkey sw)
328333 (chaos-switch-doc sw))))))))))
342347 ;;; some switch setters
343348 ;;;
344349 (defun chaos-set-search-path (path)
345 (let* ((add (if (equal "+" (car path))
346 t
347 nil))
348 (paths (if add (cadr path) (car path))))
350 (let* ((add (equal "+" (car path)))
351 (minus (equal "-" (car path)))
352 (paths (if (or add minus) (cadr path) (car path))))
353 (unless paths
354 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
355 (format t "No pathnames are specified.")
356 (return-from chaos-set-search-path nil)))
349357 (if add
350358 (set-search-path-plus paths)
351 (set-search-path paths))))
359 (if minus
360 (set-search-path-minus paths)
361 (set-search-path paths)))
362 (pr-search-path)))
353364 (defun chaos-set-tram-path (path)
354365 (let ((path (car path)))
381392 (parse-integer (car value) :junk-allowed t)
382393 (if (= len (length (car value)))
383394 (setq *cexec-limit* num)
384 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
385 (format t "invalid value for exec limit: ~a" (car value))
386 (print-next)
387 (princ "must be a positive integer.") )))))
395 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
396 (format t "invalid value for exec limit: ~a" (car value))
397 (print-next)
398 (princ "must be a positive integer.") )))))
389400 (defun chaos-set-print-depth (value)
390401 (if (or (null value)
394405 (parse-integer (car value) :junk-allowed t)
395406 (if (= len (length (car value)))
396407 (setq *term-print-depth* num)
397 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
398 (format t "invalid value for term print depth: ~a" (car value))
399 (print-next)
400 (princ "must be a positive integer."))))))
408 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
409 (format t "invalid value for term print depth: ~a" (car value))
410 (print-next)
411 (princ "must be a positive integer."))))))
402413 (defun chaos-set-print-mode (value)
403414 (case-equal (car value)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: tools
32 File: show.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: tools
32 File: show.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4747 (let ((mod (eval-mod-ext toks)))
4848 (unless mod
4949 (with-output-msg ()
50 (princ "no current context, `select' some module first."))
50 (princ "no current context, `select' some module first."))
5151 (return-from show-context nil))
52 (if (eq *last-module* mod)
53 (format t "~&-- current context :")
54 (progn (format t "~&-- context of : ")
55 (print-chaos-object mod)))
56 (context-push-and-move *last-module* mod)
52 (if (eq (get-context-module t) mod)
53 (format t "~%-- current context :")
54 (progn (format t "~%-- context of : ")
55 (print-chaos-object mod)))
56 (context-push-and-move (get-context-module t) mod)
5757 (with-in-module (mod)
58 (format t "~&[module] ")
58 (format t "~%[module] ")
5959 (print-chaos-object *current-module*)
6060 (format t "~&[special bindings]")
6161 (when (and $$term (not (eq $$term 'void)))
62 (unless (check-$$term-context *current-module*)
63 (format t "~&*Notice* : term and selected subterm are not valid in the current context.")))
62 (unless (check-$$term-context *current-module*)
63 (format t "~&*Notice* : term and selected subterm are not valid in the current context.")))
6464 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 2)))
65 (print-next)
66 (princ "$$term = ")
67 (if (and $$term (not (eq $$term 'void)))
68 (show-term $$term nil)
69 (princ "none."))
70 (print-next)
71 (show-apply-selection *current-module*)
72 (show-bindings *current-module*)
73 (show-selection-stack *current-module*)
74 (print-pending *current-module*)
75 (show-stop-pattern *current-module*)
76 ;; (when *proof-tree* (pr-ptree *proof-tree*))
77 ))
65 (print-next)
66 (princ "$$term = ")
67 (if (and $$term (not (eq $$term 'void)))
68 (show-term $$term nil)
69 (princ "none."))
70 (print-next)
71 (show-apply-selection *current-module*)
72 (show-bindings *current-module*)
73 (show-selection-stack *current-module*)
74 (print-pending *current-module*)
75 (show-stop-pattern *current-module*)
76 ;; (when *proof-tree* (pr-ptree *proof-tree*))
77 ))
7878 (context-pop-and-recover)))
82 (defun show-bindings (&optional (module *last-module*))
83 (unless module
84 (with-output-msg ()
85 (princ "no context (current module) is specified.")
86 (return-from show-bindings nil)))
82 (defun show-bindings (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
8783 (with-in-module (module)
8884 (let ((bindings (module-bindings *current-module*)))
8985 (format t "~&[bindings] ")
9086 (if bindings
91 (dolist (bind bindings)
92 (print-next)
93 (format t "~a = " (car bind))
94 (term-print (cdr bind)))
95 (princ "empty.")))))
87 (dolist (bind bindings)
88 (print-next)
89 (format t "~a = " (car bind))
90 (term-print (cdr bind)))
91 (princ "empty.")))))
9793 ;;: show stop pattern
9894 (defun show-stop-pattern (&rest ignore)
10096 (format t "~&[stop pattern] ")
10197 (if *rewrite-stop-pattern*
10298 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
103 (*print-with-sort* t))
104 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
99 (*print-with-sort* t))
100 (term-print *rewrite-stop-pattern*))
105101 (princ "not specified.")))
107103 ;;; show apply selection
109 (defun show-apply-selection (&optional (module *last-module*))
110 (unless module
111 (with-output-msg ()
112 (princ "no context (current module) is specified.")
113 (return-from show-apply-selection nil)))
105 (defun show-apply-selection (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
106 (declare (ignore module)) ; TODO
114107 (when $$term-context
115108 (with-in-module ($$term-context)
116109 (format t "$$subterm = ")
117110 (unless $$subterm
118 (format t "no subterm selection is made by `choose'.")
119 (return-from show-apply-selection nil))
111 (format t "no subterm selection is made by `choose'.")
112 (return-from show-apply-selection nil))
120113 (if (term-eq $$term $$subterm)
121 (format t " $$term")
122 (show-term $$subterm nil)))))
114 (format t " $$term")
115 (show-term $$subterm nil)))))
124117 ;;; show selection stack
129122 (if (null $$selection-stack)
130123 (format t " empty.")
131124 (let ((depth 1))
132 (terpri)
133 (dolist (selection $$selection-stack)
134 (dotimes (i (1- depth)) (princ " "))
135 (format t "~3d| " depth)
136 (print-simple-princ-flat selection)
137 (terpri)
138 (incf depth)))))
140 ;; (format t "~&[selections] ~{~a~^ of ~}" $$selection-stack)
125 (terpri)
126 (dolist (selection $$selection-stack)
127 (dotimes (i (1- depth)) (princ " "))
128 (format t "~3d| " depth)
129 (print-simple-princ-flat selection)
130 (terpri)
131 (incf depth)))))
142133 ;;;
143134 ;;; print-pending
144135 ;;;
145 (defun print-pending (&optional (module *last-module*))
146 (unless module
147 (with-output-msg ()
148 (princ "no context (current module) is specified.")
149 (return-from print-pending nil)))
136 (defun print-pending (&optional (module (get-context-module)))
150137 (with-in-module (module)
151138 (format t"~&[pending actions] ")
152139 (if (null $$action-stack)
153 (format t " none.")
154 (let ((depth 1))
155 (terpri)
156 (dolist (dact (reverse $$action-stack))
157 (dotimes (i (- depth 1)) (princ " "))
158 (format t "~3d| in " depth)
159 (term-print (nth 0 dact))
160 (princ " at ")
161 (if (term-eq (nth 0 dact) (nth 1 dact))
162 (princ "top")
163 (term-print (nth 1 dact)))
164 (terpri)
165 (dotimes (i depth) (princ " "))
166 (princ "| rule ") (print-axiom-brief (nth 2 dact))
167 (terpri)
168 (dotimes (i depth) (princ " "))
169 (princ "| condition ") (term-print (nth 3 dact))
170 (princ " replacement ") (term-print (nth 4 dact))
171 (terpri)
172 (incf depth)
173 )))))
140 (format t " none.")
141 (let ((depth 1))
142 (terpri)
143 (dolist (dact (reverse $$action-stack))
144 (dotimes (i (- depth 1)) (princ " "))
145 (format t "~3d| in " depth)
146 (term-print (nth 0 dact))
147 (princ " at ")
148 (if (term-eq (nth 0 dact) (nth 1 dact))
149 (princ "top")
150 (term-print (nth 1 dact)))
151 (terpri)
152 (dotimes (i depth) (princ " "))
153 (princ "| rule ") (print-axiom-brief (nth 2 dact))
154 (terpri)
155 (dotimes (i depth) (princ " "))
156 (princ "| condition ") (term-print (nth 3 dact))
157 (princ " replacement ") (term-print (nth 4 dact))
158 (terpri)
159 (incf depth)
160 )))))
175162 ;;; **************
176163 ;;; SHOW TERM ....
179166 (defun show-term (target tree?)
180167 (when (and tree?
181 (not (equal tree? "."))
182 (not (equal tree? "tree"))
183 (not (equal tree? "graph")))
168 (not (equal tree? "."))
169 (not (equal tree? "tree"))
170 (not (equal tree? "graph")))
184171 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
185172 (format t "unknown option for `show term' : ~a" tree?))
186173 (return-from show-term nil))
187 (unless *last-module*
174 (unless (get-context-module t)
188175 (with-output-msg ()
189176 (princ "no current context, `select' some module first.")
190177 (return-from show-term nil)))
191178 (unless target
192179 (setq target "$$term"))
193 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
180 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
194181 (when (stringp target)
195182 ;; let variable
196183 (catch 'term-context-error
197 (let ((val (get-bound-value target)))
198 (unless val
199 (with-output-msg ()
200 (format t "current module has no let binding for \"~a\""
201 target)
202 (return-from show-term nil)
203 ))
204 (setq target val))))
184 (let ((val (get-bound-value target)))
185 (unless val
186 (with-output-msg ()
187 (format t "current module has no let binding for \"~a\""
188 target)
189 (return-from show-term nil)))
190 (setq target val))))
205191 (when (stringp target)
206192 ;; cought context error
207 ;; (setq target $$term)
208193 (return-from show-term nil))
209194 (let ((*fancy-print* nil)
210 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
195 (*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
211196 (if (and $$term-context
212 (not (check-$$term-context *current-module*)))
213 (with-in-module ($$term-context)
214 (format t "~&** temporarily changing current context to ")
215 (print-simple-mod-name $$term-context)
216 (print-next)
217 (term-print-with-sort target)
218 ;; (princ " : ")
219 ;; (print-check)
220 ;; (print-sort-name (term-sort target) *current-module*)
221 )
222 (progn
223 (term-print-with-sort target)
224 ;; (princ " : ")
225 ;; (print-check)
226 ;; (print-sort-name (term-sort target) *current-module*))
227 ))
197 (not (check-$$term-context *current-module*)))
198 (with-in-module ($$term-context)
199 (format t "~%** temporarily changing current context to ")
200 (print-simple-mod-name $$term-context)
201 (print-next)
202 (term-print-with-sort target))
203 (progn (print-next)
204 (term-print-with-sort target)))
228205 ;; (terpri)
229206 (when (equal tree? "tree")
230 (print-term-tree target *chaos-verbose*))
207 (print-term-tree target *chaos-verbose*))
231208 (when (equal tree? "graph")
232 (print-term-graph target *chaos-verbose*)))))
209 (print-term-graph target *chaos-verbose*)))))
234211 ;;; ************
235212 ;;; SHOW MOD ...
236213 ;;; ************
237214 (defun print-mod (toks &optional (desc nil))
238215 (let ((mod (if (not (equal "tree" (car toks)))
239 toks
240 (cdr toks)))
241 (tree (equal (car toks) "tree")))
216 toks
217 (cdr toks)))
218 (tree (equal (car toks) "tree")))
242219 (let ((modval (eval-mod-ext mod)))
243220 (when modval
244 (if tree
245 (if desc
246 (describe-module-graph (module-dag modval))
247 (print-module-graph modval))
248 (if desc
249 (describe-module modval)
250 (show-module modval)))))))
221 (if tree
222 (if desc
223 (describe-module-graph (module-dag modval))
224 (print-module-graph modval))
225 (if desc
226 (describe-module modval)
227 (show-module modval)))))))
252229 ;;; *************
253230 ;;; SHOW VIEW ...
256233 (declare (ignore desc))
257234 (let ((view (find-view-in-env (normalize-modexp (car toks)))))
258235 (if view
259 (print-view view *standard-output* nil nil)
260 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-view)
261 (format t "no such view : ~a" (car toks))
262 ))))
236 (print-view view *standard-output* nil nil)
237 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-view)
238 (format t "no such view : ~a" (car toks))
239 ))))
264241 ;;; **********
265242 ;;; SHOW SORTS
266243 ;;; **********
267244 (defun show-sorts (toks &optional (desc nil) (all nil))
268245 (let ((mod (if (not (equal "tree" (car toks)))
269 toks
270 (cdr toks)))
271 (tree (equal (car toks) "tree")))
246 toks
247 (cdr toks)))
248 (tree (equal (car toks) "tree")))
272249 (let ((modval (eval-mod-ext mod)))
273250 (when modval
274 (if tree
275 (print-module-sort-graph modval)
276 (print-module-sorts modval desc all))))))
251 (if tree
252 (print-module-sort-graph modval)
253 (print-module-sorts modval desc all))))))
278255 ;;; ********
279256 ;;; SHOW OPS
327304 (let ((mod (eval-mod-ext toks)) (i 1))
328305 (with-in-module (mod)
329306 (!setup-reduction mod)
330 (format t "~& -- rewrite rules in module : ")
307 (format t "~% -- rewrite rules in module : ")
331308 (print-simple-mod-name mod)
332309 (dolist (r (get-module-axioms mod t))
333 (format t "~&~3D : " i)
334 (print-axiom-brief r)
335 (incf i))
310 (format t "~&~3D : " i)
311 (print-axiom-brief r)
312 (incf i))
336313 )))
338315 ;;; *********
358335 (let ((mod (eval-mod-ext toks)))
359336 (let ((num (print$mod-num mod)))
360337 (if (= 0 num)
361 (princ "(...)")
362 (progn (princ "MOD") (prin1 num))
363 )
338 (princ "(...)")
339 (progn (princ "MOD") (prin1 num))
340 )
364341 (princ " is ")
365342 (let ((*print-abbrev-mod* nil))
366 (print-mod-name mod))
343 (print-mod-name mod))
367344 (terpri))))
368345 |#
381358 (defun show-sort (toks &optional (desc nil))
382359 (declare (ignore desc))
383360 (let* ((tree? (equal (car toks) "tree"))
384 (sort (if tree?
385 (cdr toks)
386 toks))
387 (mod nil))
361 (sort (if tree?
362 (cdr toks)
363 toks))
364 (mod nil))
388365 (multiple-value-bind (sort-n modexp)
389 (check-qualified-sort-name sort)
366 (check-qualified-sort-name sort)
390367 (cond (modexp
391 (setq mod (eval-modexp modexp))
392 #||
393 (find-module-in-env-ext modexp (or
394 *current-module*
395 *last-module*)
396 :no-error)
397 ||#
398 (unless (module-p mod)
399 (with-output-msg ()
400 (format t "no such module ~a" modexp)
401 (return-from show-sort nil))))
402 (t (setq mod (or *current-module*
403 *last-module*))
404 (unless (module-p mod)
405 (with-output-msg ()
406 (princ "no context(current) module, select some first.")
407 (return-from show-sort nil)))))
368 (setq mod (eval-modexp modexp))
369 (unless (module-p mod)
370 (with-output-msg ()
371 (format t "no such module ~a" modexp)
372 (return-from show-sort nil))))
373 (t (setq mod (get-context-module))))
408374 (with-in-module (mod)
409 (let ((srt (find-sort-in mod sort-n)))
410 (if srt
411 (if tree?
412 (print-sort-graph srt)
413 (describe-sort srt))
414 (with-output-msg ()
415 (format t "no such sort ~a" sort-n))))))))
375 (let ((srt (find-sort-in mod sort-n)))
376 (if srt
377 (if tree?
378 (print-sort-graph srt)
379 (describe-sort srt))
380 (with-output-msg ()
381 (format t "no such sort ~a" sort-n))))))))
417383 ;;; *******
418384 ;;; SHOW OP
420386 (defun parse-op-name (tokens)
421387 (let ((res nil))
422388 (if tokens
423 (progn
424 (when (and (null (cdr tokens))
425 (stringp (car tokens)))
426 (setq tokens (read-opname-from-string (car tokens))))
427 (let ((*modexp-parse-input* tokens))
428 (let ((val (parse-operator-reference nil)))
429 (if (null *modexp-parse-input*)
430 (setq res val)))
431 res))
389 (progn
390 (when (and (null (cdr tokens))
391 (stringp (car tokens)))
392 (setq tokens (read-opname-from-string (car tokens))))
393 (let ((*modexp-parse-input* tokens))
394 (let ((val (parse-operator-reference nil)))
395 (when *on-modexp-debug*
396 (format t "[parse-op-name] *modexp... = ~s" *modexp-parse-input*))
397 (when (or (null *modexp-parse-input*)
398 (and (null (cdr *modexp-parse-input*))
399 (equal "." (car *modexp-parse-input*))))
400 (setq res val))
401 res)))
432402 nil)))
434404 (defun get-module-from-opref (parsedop)
435405 (let ((mod nil))
436406 (cond ((%opref-module parsedop)
437 #||
438 (setq mod (find-module-in-env-ext (%opref-module parsedop)
439 (or *current-module*
440 *last-module*)
441 :no-error))
442 ||#
443 (setq mod (%opref-module parsedop))
444 (unless (module-p mod)
445 (setq mod (eval-modexp (%opref-module parsedop)))
446 (unless (module-p mod)
447 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
448 (princ "resolving operator reference ")
449 (print-ast parsedop)
450 (print-next)
451 (princ "no such module ")
452 (princ (%opref-module parsedop))))))
453 (t (setq mod (or *current-module*
454 *last-module*))
455 (unless mod
456 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
457 (princ "no context module is given.")))))
407 (setq mod (%opref-module parsedop))
408 (unless (module-p mod)
409 (setq mod (eval-modexp (%opref-module parsedop)))
410 (unless (module-p mod)
411 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
412 (princ "resolving operator reference ")
413 (print-ast parsedop)
414 (print-next)
415 (princ "no such module ")
416 (princ (%opref-module parsedop))))))
417 (t (setq mod (get-context-module))))
458418 mod))
460420 (defun resolve-operator-reference (opref &optional (no-error nil))
461421 (let ((mod (get-module-from-opref opref)))
462422 (!setup-reduction mod)
463423 (with-in-module (mod)
464 (let ((ops (find-all-qual-operators-in mod (%opref-name opref))))
465 (unless ops
466 (if no-error
467 (with-output-msg ()
468 (princ "no such operator")
469 (print-chaos-object opref))
470 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-op)
471 (princ "no such operator")
472 (print-chaos-object opref))))
473 (values ops mod)))))
424 (let* ((name (%opref-name opref))
425 (ops (find-all-qual-operators-in mod name)))
426 (unless ops
427 (when (equal "." (car (last name)))
428 (setq name (butlast name))
429 (setq ops (find-all-qual-operators-in mod name))))
430 (unless ops
431 (if no-error
432 (with-output-simple-msg ()
433 (format t "no such operator: ~a " name)
434 (return-from resolve-operator-reference
435 (values nil mod)))
436 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-op)
437 (format t "no such operator: ~a" name))))
438 (values ops mod)))))
475440 (defun show-op (toks &optional (desc nil))
476441 (let ((parsedop (parse-op-name toks)))
477442 (multiple-value-bind (ops mod)
478 (resolve-operator-reference parsedop t)
443 (resolve-operator-reference parsedop t)
479444 (with-in-module (mod)
480 (dolist (op ops)
481 (if desc
482 (describe-operator op)
483 (describe-operator-brief op))))
484 )))
445 (dolist (op ops)
446 (if desc
447 (describe-operator op)
448 (describe-operator-brief op)))))))
486450 ;;; ********
487451 ;;; SHOW SUB
488452 ;;; ********
489453 (defun show-sub (toks no &optional describe)
490454 (let* ((mod (eval-mod-ext toks))
491 (sub (nth-sub no mod)))
455 (sub (nth-sub no mod)))
492456 (if sub
493 (progn
494 (with-in-module (sub)
495 (if describe
496 (describe-module sub)
497 (show-module sub))
498 (terpri)))
499 (with-output-msg ()
500 (princ "no such sub-module")))
457 (progn
458 (with-in-module (sub)
459 (if describe
460 (describe-module sub)
461 (show-module sub))
462 (terpri)))
463 (with-output-msg ()
464 (princ "no such sub-module")))
501465 ))
503467 ;;; ***********
505469 ;;; ***********
506470 (defun show-param (toks no &optional describe)
507471 (let ((mod (if toks
508 (eval-mod-ext toks)
509 (or *last-module* *current-module*))))
510 (unless mod
511 (with-output-msg ()
512 (format t "no context (current module) is specified.")
513 (return-from show-param nil)))
472 (eval-mod-ext toks)
473 (get-context-module))))
474 (when (modexp-is-error mod)
475 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-modexp)
476 (format t "Invalid module expression: ~s" toks)))
514477 (let ((param (find-parameterized-submodule no mod)))
515478 (if (and param (not (modexp-is-error param)))
516 (progn
517 (with-in-module (param)
518 (if describe
519 (describe-module param)
520 (show-module param)))
521 (terpri))
522 (with-output-msg ()
523 (if (null (module-parameters mod))
524 (princ "module has no parameters.")
525 (format t "no such parameter ~a" (if (integerp no)
526 (1+ no)
527 no))))))
528 ))
479 (progn
480 (with-in-module (param)
481 (if describe
482 (describe-module param)
483 (show-module param)))
484 (terpri))
485 (with-output-msg ()
486 (if (null (module-parameters mod))
487 (princ "module has no parameters.")
488 (format t "no such parameter ~a" (if (integerp no)
489 (1+ no)
490 no))))))))
530492 ;;; ************
531493 ;;; SHOW MODULES
533495 (defun print-modules (x)
534496 (declare (ignore x))
535497 (let ((*print-indent-contin* nil)
536 (*print-line-limit* 80)
537 (mods nil))
498 (*print-line-limit* 80)
499 (mods nil))
538500 (dolist (entry *modules-so-far-table*)
539501 (let ((m (cdr entry)))
540 (cond ((or (module-hidden m) (module-is-parameter-theory m))
541 (when (or *on-debug* *chaos-verbose*)
542 (push m mods)))
543 (t (unless (equal (module-name m) "%") (push m mods))))))
502 (cond ((or (module-hidden m) (module-is-parameter-theory m))
503 (when (or *on-debug* *chaos-verbose*)
504 (push m mods)))
505 (t (unless (equal (module-name m) "%") (push m mods))))))
544506 ;;
545507 (dolist (m (sort mods #'ob< :key #'(lambda (x)
546 (let ((name (module-name x)))
547 (if (atom name)
548 name
549 (car name))))))
508 (let ((name (module-name x)))
509 (if (atom name)
510 name
511 (car name))))))
550512 (print-check)
551513 (when (< 0 (filecol *standard-output*))
552 (princ " "))
514 (princ " "))
553515 ;; (print-modexp-simple m)
554516 (print-mod-name m *standard-output* t t)
555517 (print-check))
563525 (let ((*print-indent-contin* nil))
564526 #||
565527 (maphash #'(lambda (key m)
566 (declare (ignore m))
567 (print-check)
568 (when (< 0 (filecol *standard-output*))
569 (princ " "))
570 (princ key)
571 (print-check))
572 *modexp-view-table*)
528 (declare (ignore m))
529 (print-check)
530 (when (< 0 (filecol *standard-output*))
531 (princ " "))
532 (princ key)
533 (print-check))
534 *modexp-view-table*)
573535 ||#
574536 (dolist (entry *modexp-view-table*)
575537 (let ((key (car entry)))
576 (print-check)
577 (when (< 0 (filecol *standard-output*))
578 (princ " "))
579 (princ key)
580 (print-check)))
538 (print-check)
539 (when (< 0 (filecol *standard-output*))
540 (princ " "))
541 (princ key)
542 (print-check)))
581543 ))
583545 ;;;
591553 (print-mod-name *memoized-module*)
592554 (dump-term-hash *term-memo-table*)))
556 ;;;
557 ;;; print-term-horizontal
558 ;;;
559 (defun print-term-horizontal (term module &optional (stream *standard-output*))
560 (with-in-module (module)
561 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
562 (print-next)
563 (cond ((term-is-applform? term)
564 (format t "~{~a~}" (method-symbol (term-head term)))
565 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms term)))
566 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
567 (print-term-horizontal (term-arg-n term x) module))))
568 ((term-is-builtin-constant? term)
569 (term-print term))
570 (t (print-chaos-object term))))))
594571 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
30 System: CHAOS
3131 Module: tools
32 File: sort-tree.lisp
32 File: sort-tree.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3939 (defun make-module-sort-tree (mod)
4040 (prepare-for-parsing mod)
4141 (let* ((sorder (module-sort-order mod))
42 (kinds (get-kinds sorder))
43 (sls (module-sort-relations mod)))
42 (kinds (get-kinds sorder))
43 (sls (module-sort-relations mod)))
4444 (labels ((make-tree (s)
45 (let ((sl (assq s sls)))
46 (if sl
47 (cons s (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x))
48 (maximal-sorts (_subsorts sl) sorder)))
49 (list s)))))
45 (let ((sl (assq s sls)))
46 (if sl
47 (cons s (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x))
48 (maximal-sorts (_subsorts sl) sorder)))
49 (list s)))))
5050 (mapc #'(lambda (k)
51 (setf (cdr k)
52 (maximal-sorts (cdr k) sorder)))
53 kinds)
51 (setf (cdr k)
52 (maximal-sorts (cdr k) sorder)))
53 kinds)
5454 (mapc #'(lambda (k)
55 (setf (cdr k)
56 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x))
57 (cdr k))))
58 kinds)
55 (setf (cdr k)
56 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x))
57 (cdr k))))
58 kinds)
5959 kinds)))
61 (defun make-sort-tree (sort &optional (mod (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
61 (defun make-sort-tree (sort &optional (mod (get-object-context sort)))
6262 (let* ((so (module-sort-order mod))
63 (kind (the-err-sort sort so))
64 (sls (module-sort-relations mod))
65 (fam (maximal-sorts (get-family kind so) so)))
63 (kind (the-err-sort sort so))
64 (sls (module-sort-relations mod))
65 (fam (maximal-sorts (get-family kind so) so)))
6666 (labels ((make-tree (s)
67 (let ((sl (assq s sls)))
68 (if sl
69 (cons s (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x))
70 (maximal-sorts (_subsorts sl) so)))
71 (list s)))))
67 (let ((sl (assq s sls)))
68 (if sl
69 (cons s (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x))
70 (maximal-sorts (_subsorts sl) so)))
71 (list s)))))
7272 (cons kind
73 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x)) fam)))))
73 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (make-tree x)) fam)))))
7777 (defun print-sort-tree (sort &optional
78 (stream *standard-output*)
79 (mod (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
78 (stream *standard-output*)
79 (mod (get-object-context sort)))
8080 (!print-sort-tree sort stream mod nil))
8282 (defun print-sort-graph (sort &optional
83 (stream *standard-output*)
84 (mod (or *current-module* *last-module*)))
83 (stream *standard-output*)
84 (mod (get-object-context sort)))
8585 (!print-sort-tree sort stream mod t))
8787 (defun !print-sort-tree (sort stream mod show-as-graph)
8888 (let* ((leaf? #'(lambda (tree) (null (cdr tree))))
89 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
90 (with-output-to-string (str)
91 (print-sort-name (car tree) mod str)
92 str)))
93 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
94 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree)
95 (funcall leaf-name tree)))
96 (int-node-children #'(lambda (tree) (cdr tree))))
89 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
90 (with-output-to-string (str)
91 (print-sort-name (car tree) mod str)
92 str)))
93 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
94 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree)
95 (funcall leaf-name tree)))
96 (int-node-children #'(lambda (tree) (cdr tree))))
9797 (force-output stream)
9898 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
9999 (print-trees (list (if show-as-graph
100 (augment-tree-as-graph (make-sort-tree sort mod))
101 (augment-tree (make-sort-tree sort mod))))
102 stream)))
100 (augment-tree-as-graph (make-sort-tree sort mod))
101 (augment-tree (make-sort-tree sort mod))))
102 stream)))
106 (defun print-module-sort-tree (&optional (mod (or *current-module* *last-module*))
107 (stream *standard-output*))
106 (defun print-module-sort-tree (&optional (mod (get-context-module))
107 (stream *standard-output*))
108108 (!print-module-sort-tree mod stream nil))
110 (defun print-module-sort-graph (&optional (mod (or *current-module* *last-module*))
111 (stream *standard-output*))
110 (defun print-module-sort-graph (&optional (mod (get-context-module))
111 (stream *standard-output*))
112112 (!print-module-sort-tree mod stream t))
114114 (defun !print-module-sort-tree (mod stream show-as-graph)
115115 (let* ((leaf? #'(lambda (tree) (null (cdr tree))))
116 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
117 (with-output-to-string (str)
118 (print-sort-name (car tree) mod str)
119 str)))
120 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
121 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree)
122 (funcall leaf-name tree)))
123 (int-node-children #'(lambda (tree) (cdr tree))))
116 (leaf-name #'(lambda (tree)
117 (with-output-to-string (str)
118 (print-sort-name (car tree) mod str)
119 str)))
120 (leaf-info #'(lambda (tree) (declare (ignore tree)) t))
121 (int-node-name #'(lambda (tree)
122 (funcall leaf-name tree)))
123 (int-node-children #'(lambda (tree) (cdr tree))))
124124 (dolist (tree (make-module-sort-tree mod))
125125 (force-output stream)
126126 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
127127 (princ "------------------------------------------------------------")
128128 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
129129 (print-trees (list (if show-as-graph
130 (augment-tree-as-graph tree)
131 (augment-tree tree)))
132 stream))))
130 (augment-tree-as-graph tree)
131 (augment-tree tree)))
132 stream))))
134134 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
144144 ;;
145145 (with-output-chaos-error ('tram-fail)
146146 (format t "failed to invoke TRAM compiler")
147 (when *last-module*
148 (context-pop-and-recover))
149 ))
147 (when (get-context-module)
148 (context-pop-and-recover))))
151150 ;;
152151 (setq *tram_in_file* in-file
153152 *tram_out_file* out-file)
155 #||
156 ;; wait for a while untill i/o files are prepared
157 (dotimes (x 30)
158 x
159 (sleep 1)
160 (when (probe-file in-file) (return nil)))
161 ||#
163154 ;; try open streams
164155 (setq out-stream (open out-file
165156 :direction :output
171162 (unless (and in-stream out-stream)
172163 (with-output-chaos-error ('tram-fail)
173164 (format t "failed to open TRAM I/O streams")
174 (when *last-module*
175 (context-pop-and-recover))
176 ))
177 (setq *tram-process* (cons in-stream out-stream))
178 ))
165 (when (get-context-module)
166 (context-pop-and-recover))))
167 (setq *tram-process* (cons in-stream out-stream))))
180169 (defun kill-tram-process ()
181170 (setq *tram-last-module* nil)
289278 (format t "Unkonwn TRAM term ~s is returned.~
290279 ~% This can happen if signature is not regular..."
291280 tram-term)
292 (when *last-module*
281 (when (get-context-module)
293282 (context-pop-and-recover))
294283 (chaos-error 'tram-panic)))))))
752741 ;;;
753742 (defun tram-compile-chaos-module (&optional all?
754 (module (or *current-module*
755 *last-module*))
743 (module (get-context-module))
756744 debug)
757745 ;;
758746 (unless debug (run-tram-process-if-need))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: Chaos; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 ;;;
33 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: COMMON-LISP-USER; Base:10; Syntax:Common-Lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
102102 (defpackage "CHAOS"
103103 (:shadow "METHOD-NAME"
104 "METHOD"
106 #-:GCL "OBJECT"
107 ;; #+(:ALLEGRO-VERSION>= 7.0) "WHILE"
108 #+:EXCL
109 "CLASS"
110 "TIMER"
111 "MODULE"
112 "MODULE-P"
114 )
104 "METHOD"
106 #-:GCL "OBJECT"
107 ;; #+(:ALLEGRO-VERSION>= 7.0) "WHILE"
108 #+:EXCL
109 "CLASS"
110 "TIMER"
111 "MODULE"
112 "MODULE-P"
114 )
115115 (:use #+:GCL "LISP" #-:GCL "COMMON-LISP"
116 ;; "FMCS"
117 #+:MCL "CCL" #+:EXCL "EXCL"
119 ;; #+:common-graphics "COMMON-GRAPHICS"
120 )
116 ;; "FMCS"
117 #+:MCL "CCL" #+:EXCL "EXCL"
119 ;; #+:common-graphics "COMMON-GRAPHICS"
120 )
121121 )
11731173 (symbol-value symbol))
11741174 output-list)))
11751175 #-(or :cormanlisp :clisp)
1176 (format t "~&~S ~<~;~^~A~@{~:@_~A~}~;~:>" symbol output-list)
1176 (format t "~%~S ~<~;~^~A~@{~:@_~A~}~;~:>" symbol output-list)
11771177 #+(or :cormanlisp :clisp)
11781178 (loop for line in output-list
1179 do (format t "~&~S ~A" symbol line)))
1179 do (format t "~%~S ~A" symbol line)))
11801180 (condition ()
11811181 ;; this seems to be necessary due to some errors I encountered
11821182 ;; with LispWorks
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :CHAOS)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: dag.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: dag.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5353 (once-only (dag)
5454 `(setf (dag-node-subnodes ,dag)
5555 (nconc (dag-node-subnodes ,dag)
56 (mapcar #'(lambda (d) (create-dag-node d nil))
57 ,datums)))))
56 (mapcar #'(lambda (d) (create-dag-node d nil))
57 ,datums)))))
5959 (defmacro push-sub-node (dag datum)
6060 `(push (create-dag-node ,datum nil)
61 (dag-node-subnodes ,dag)))
61 (dag-node-subnodes ,dag)))
6363 ;;;
6464 (defmacro dag-node-is-marked? (node) `(dag-node-flag ,node))
7777 ;;;
7878 (defun dag-dfs (dag &optional (function #'identity))
7979 (declare (type dag-node dag)
80 (type (or symbol function) function)
81 (values t))
80 (type (or symbol function) function)
81 (values t))
8282 (labels ((do-dag-dfs (d)
83 (unless (dag-node-is-marked? d)
84 (dolist (sub (dag-node-subnodes d))
85 (unless (dag-node-is-marked? sub)
86 (do-dag-dfs sub)))
87 (funcall function d)
88 (mark-dag-node d))))
83 (unless (dag-node-is-marked? d)
84 (dolist (sub (dag-node-subnodes d))
85 (unless (dag-node-is-marked? sub)
86 (do-dag-dfs sub)))
87 (funcall function d)
88 (mark-dag-node d))))
8989 (unmark-all-dag-nodes dag)
9090 (do-dag-dfs dag)))
9494 ;;;
9595 (defun dag-wfs (dag &optional (function #'identity))
9696 (declare (type dag-node dag)
97 (type (or symbol function) function)
98 (values t))
97 (type (or symbol function) function)
98 (values t))
9999 (labels ((do-dag-wfs (ld)
100 (dolist (d ld)
101 (unless (dag-node-is-marked? d)
102 (funcall function d)
103 (mark-dag-node d)))
104 (dolist (d ld)
105 (do-dag-wfs (dag-node-subnodes d)))))
100 (dolist (d ld)
101 (unless (dag-node-is-marked? d)
102 (funcall function d)
103 (mark-dag-node d)))
104 (dolist (d ld)
105 (do-dag-wfs (dag-node-subnodes d)))))
106106 (unmark-all-dag-nodes dag)
107107 (do-dag-wfs (list dag))))
115115 (once-only (subnodes datum)
116116 `(let ((bdag (make-bdag :datum ,datum :subnodes ,subnodes :parent nil)))
117117 (dolist (s ,subnodes)
118 (setf (bdag-parent s) bdag))
118 (setf (bdag-parent s) bdag))
119119 bdag)))
121121 (defmacro add-bdag-subnodes (bdag datums)
122122 (once-only (bdag datums)
123123 `(setf (dag-node-subnodes ,bdag)
124124 (nconc (dag-node-subnodes ,bdag)
125 (mapcar #'(lambda (d)
126 (let ((sub (create-bdag-node d nil)))
127 (setf (bdag-parent sub) ,bdag)
128 sub))
129 ,datums)))))
125 (mapcar #'(lambda (d)
126 (let ((sub (create-bdag-node d nil)))
127 (setf (bdag-parent sub) ,bdag)
128 sub))
129 ,datums)))))
131131 (defmacro push-bdag-node (dag datum)
132132 (once-only (dag)
133133 `(push (let ((s (create-bdag-node ,datum nil)))
134 (setf (bdag-parent s) ,dag)
135 s)
136 (dag-node-subnodes ,dag))))
134 (setf (bdag-parent s) ,dag)
135 s)
136 (dag-node-subnodes ,dag))))
139139 (defun get-bdag-parents (bdag)
140140 (declare (type bdag bdag))
141141 (let ((res nil)
142 (parent (bdag-parent bdag)))
142 (parent (bdag-parent bdag)))
143143 (while parent
144144 (push parent res)
145145 (setq parent (bdag-parent parent)))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: error.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: error.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6969 (defmacro with-chaos-error ((&optional error-proc) &body body)
7070 (if error-proc
7171 ` (let ((ret-val nil))
72 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-main-error
73 (setq ret-val
74 (progn ,@body))
75 nil)))
76 (if val
77 (funcall ,error-proc val)
78 ret-val)))
79 ` (let ((ret-val nil))
80 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-main-error
81 (setq ret-val
82 (progn ,@body))
83 nil)))
84 (if val
85 (let ((std-proc (get-chaos-error-proc val)))
86 (if std-proc
87 (funcall std-proc val)
88 (chaos-to-top)))
89 ret-val)))))
72 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-main-error
73 (setq ret-val
74 (progn ,@body))
75 nil)))
76 (if val
77 (funcall ,error-proc val)
78 ret-val)))
79 ` (let ((ret-val nil))
80 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-main-error
81 (setq ret-val
82 (progn ,@body))
83 nil)))
84 (if val
85 (let ((std-proc (get-chaos-error-proc val)))
86 (if std-proc
87 (funcall std-proc val)
88 (chaos-to-top)))
89 ret-val)))))
9191 (defun chaos-indicate-position ()
9292 (unless *suppress-err-handler-msg*
93 (when *chaos-input-source* ; nil means may be from terminal
94 (format t "~&filename: ~a" (namestring *chaos-input-source*))
93 (when *chaos-input-source* ; nil means may be from terminal
94 (format t "~%filename: ~a" (namestring *chaos-input-source*))
9595 (when (file-position *standard-input*)
96 (format t " in top-level form ending at character position: ~d"
97 (file-position *standard-input*)))
96 (format t " in top-level form ending at character position: ~d"
97 (file-position *standard-input*)))
9898 (terpri))))
100100 (defun chaos-to-top (&rest ignore)
108108 (defmacro with-chaos-top-error ((&optional error-proc) &body body)
109109 (if error-proc
110110 ` (let ((ret-val nil))
111 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-top-level-error
112 (setq ret-val
113 (progn ,@body))
114 nil)))
115 (if val
116 (funcall ,error-proc val)
117 ret-val)))
118 ` (let ((ret-val nil))
119 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-top-level-error
120 (setq ret-val
121 (progn ,@body))
122 nil)))
123 (if val
124 (let ((std-proc (get-chaos-error-proc val)))
125 (if std-proc
126 (funcall std-proc val)
127 ;; we assume no more error handlers.
128 nil))
129 ret-val)))))
111 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-top-level-error
112 (setq ret-val
113 (progn ,@body))
114 nil)))
115 (if val
116 (funcall ,error-proc val)
117 ret-val)))
118 ` (let ((ret-val nil))
119 (let ((val (catch 'chaos-top-level-error
120 (setq ret-val
121 (progn ,@body))
122 nil)))
123 (if val
124 (let ((std-proc (get-chaos-error-proc val)))
125 (if std-proc
126 (funcall std-proc val)
127 ;; we assume no more error handlers.
128 nil))
129 ret-val)))))
131131 (defmacro ignoring-chaos-error (&body body)
132132 ` (catch 'chaos-top-level-error
133133 (catch 'chaos-main-error
134 ,@body)))
134 ,@body)))
135135 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
5151 (values t))
5252 (when (and (eql #\~ (char fname 0)) (eql #\/ (char fname 1)))
5353 (setq fname
54 (concatenate 'string
55 (namestring (user-homedir-pathname))
54 (concatenate 'string
55 (namestring (user-homedir-pathname))
5656 (subseq fname 2))))
5757 (load fname))
101101 (probe-file (concatenate 'string dpath "/"))
102102 #+:SBCL
103103 (let ((directory-delimiter "/") ; sbcl uses / on all platforms!
104 (p (probe-file dpath)))
105 ; (format t "DEBUG is-directory? dpath ~s path ~s p ~s~%" dpath path p)
104 (p (probe-file dpath)))
106105 (if p
107 (and (string-equal (subseq (namestring p)
108 (1- (length (namestring p))))
109 directory-delimiter)
110 p)
111 nil))
106 (and (string-equal (subseq (namestring p)
107 (1- (length (namestring p))))
108 directory-delimiter)
109 p)
110 nil))
112111 #+:Allegro
113112 (if (excl:file-directory-p dpath)
114 ;; (concatenate 'string dpath "/")
115 (pathname dpath)
113 (pathname (concatenate 'string dpath "/"))
116114 nil)
117115 #+(and :CCL (not :openmcl)) (if (directoryp dpath) dpath nil)
118116 #+:CLISP
134132 nil))
135133 (error "is-simple-file-name? : given non string arg ~a" path))))
135 (defun is-relative-file-name? (path)
136 (declare (type (or simple-string pathname) path)
137 (values (or null t)))
138 (let ((pn (if (pathnamep path)
139 path
140 (if (stringp path)
141 (pathname path)
142 (error "is-relative-file-name? : given non string arg ~a" path)))))
143 (if (or (null (pathname-directory pn))
144 (member ':relative (pathname-directory pn) :test #'equal))
145 t
146 nil)))
137148 (defun supply-suffixes (path suffixes)
138149 (declare (type (or simple-string pathname) path)
139150 (type list suffixes)
140151 (values list))
152 #+:SBCL
153 (when (position #\. (if (pathnamep path)
154 (pathname-name path)
155 path)
156 :from-end t)
157 (return-from supply-suffixes (list path)))
141158 (mapcar #'pathname
142159 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (concatenate 'string
143160 (namestring path)
148165 (declare (type (or simple-string pathname) file)
149166 (type (or simple-string list) load-path)
150167 (type list suffixes))
151 (when (pathnamep file)
168 (when (and (pathnamep file) (not (is-directory? file)))
152169 (return-from chaos-probe-file (probe-file file)))
153170 ;;
154171 (setq file (expand-file-name file))
155172 (when (atom suffixes)
156173 (setq suffixes (list suffixes)))
157 (if load-path
158 (when (atom load-path)
159 (setq load-path (list load-path))))
174 (when (and load-path (atom load-path))
175 (setq load-path (list load-path)))
160176 ;;
161 (cond ((is-simple-file-name? file)
177 (cond ((is-relative-file-name? file)
162178 (let ((file-path (chaos-get-relative-path*
163179 (concatenate 'string "./" file)))
164180 (res nil))
165181 ;;
166182 (setq res (probe-file file-path))
183 (when (and res (is-directory? res))
184 (setq res nil))
167185 (unless res
168186 (dolist (fx (supply-suffixes file-path suffixes))
169 (when (probe-file fx)
187 (when (and (probe-file fx) (not (is-directory? fx)))
170188 (setq res fx)
171189 (return)))
172190 ;; search through load paths
173191 (unless res
174192 (dolist (lpath load-path)
175193 (let ((libdir (is-directory? lpath)))
176 (declare (type (or null string pathname) libdir))
194 (declare (type (or null string pathname) libdir))
177195 (when libdir
178 (unless (pathnamep libdir) (setq libdir (pathname libdir)))
196 (unless (pathnamep libdir) (setq libdir (pathname libdir)))
179197 (let ((f (make-pathname
180 :host (pathname-host libdir)
181 :device (pathname-device libdir)
198 :host (pathname-host libdir)
199 :device (pathname-device libdir)
182200 :directory
183 #+:CLISP libdir
184 ;; #+:Allegro (namestring libdir)
185 #-:CLISP (pathname-directory libdir)
201 #+:CLISP libdir
202 ;; #+:Allegro (namestring libdir)
203 #-:CLISP (pathname-directory libdir)
186204 :name (namestring file))))
187 (if (probe-file f)
205 (if (and (probe-file f) (not (is-directory? f)))
188206 (progn (setq res f) (return))
189207 (let ((x (supply-suffixes f suffixes)))
190208 (dolist (fx x)
191 (when (probe-file fx)
209 (when (and (probe-file fx) (not (is-directory? fx)))
192210 (setq res fx)
193211 (return)))))))))))
194212 res))
195213 (t (let ((file-path (chaos-get-relative-path* file)))
196 (if (probe-file file-path)
214 (if (and (probe-file file-path) (not (is-directory? file-path)))
197215 file-path
198216 (dolist (fx (supply-suffixes file-path suffixes))
199 (when (probe-file fx)
217 (when (and (probe-file fx) (not (is-directory? fx)))
200218 (return-from chaos-probe-file fx))))))))
202220 (defun bare-chaos-pwd ()
214232 (defun chaos-relative-pathname? (f-name)
215233 (let ((fdp (pathname-directory (pathname f-name))))
216234 (or (null fdp)
217 (and fdp ; not simple file name.
218 (not (eq (car (pathname-directory (pathname f-name)))
219 :root))))))
235 (and fdp ; not simple file name.
236 (not (eq (car (pathname-directory (pathname f-name)))
237 :root))))))
221239 (defun chaos-get-relative-path (f-name)
222240 (setq f-name (expand-file-name f-name))
225243 ; #+:SBCL
226244 ; (defun chaos-get-directory (file-path)
227245 ; (let* ((ns (namestring file-path))
228 ; (dpos (position #\/ ns :from-end t))
229 ; (dir nil))
246 ; (dpos (position #\/ ns :from-end t))
247 ; (dir nil))
230248 ; (unless dpos
231249 ; (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-error)
232 ; (format t ":get-relative-path: could not find proper directory path, ~a" file-path)))
250 ; (format t ":get-relative-path: could not find proper directory path, ~a" file-path)))
233251 ; (subseq ns 0 (1+ dpos))))
235253 #+(or :Allegro :SBCL)
237255 (unless (pathnamep file-path)
238256 (setq file-path (pathname file-path)))
239257 (let ((dir-path (make-pathname :host (pathname-host file-path)
240 :device (pathname-device file-path)
241 :directory (pathname-directory file-path))))
258 :device (pathname-device file-path)
259 :directory (pathname-directory file-path))))
242260 ;;(namestring dir-path)
243261 dir-path))
249267 (let ((f-path nil))
250268 (unwind-protect
251269 (let ((host (pathname-host (pathname f-name)))
252 (device (pathname-device (pathname f-name)))
253 (fd (pathname-directory (pathname f-name)))
270 (device (pathname-device (pathname f-name)))
271 (fd (pathname-directory (pathname f-name)))
254272 (f (file-namestring (pathname f-name))))
255273 ;; #-GCL (declare (ignore fd))
256 ;; (chaos-pushd (directory-namestring *chaos-input-source*))
257 (chaos-pushd (chaos-get-directory *chaos-input-source*))
274 ;; (chaos-pushd (directory-namestring *chaos-input-source*))
275 (chaos-pushd (chaos-get-directory *chaos-input-source*))
258276 #+GCL
259277 (setq f-path (truename (make-pathname :directory fd :name f)))
260278 #+:CLISP
261279 (setq f-path (make-pathname
262 :host host
263 :device device
280 :host host
281 :device device
264282 :directory fd ;; (pathname fd)
265283 :name f))
266284 #-(or GCL :CLISP)
267285 (progn
268286 (setq f-path (make-pathname
269 :host host
270 :device device
287 :host host
288 :device device
271289 :directory fd
272290 :name f))))
273291 (chaos-popd))
292310 #+GCL (system comm)
293311 #+EXCL (excl:shell comm)
294312 #+SBCL (apply #'sb-ext:run-program
295 #+win32 "CMD" #-win32 "/bin/sh"
296 #+win32 (list "/c" "dir") #-win32 (list "-c" comm)
297 :input nil :output *terminal-io*
298 #+win32 '(:search t) #-win32 nil)
313 #+win32 "CMD" #-win32 "/bin/sh"
314 #+win32 (list "/c" "dir") #-win32 (list "-c" comm)
315 :input nil :output *terminal-io*
316 #+win32 '(:search t) #-win32 nil)
299317 #+LUCID (lucid::%execute-system-command comm)
300318 #+CLISP (ext::shell comm)))
317335 (defvar *chaos-directory-stack* nil)
319337 (defun chaos-print-directory-stack (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
320 (format stream "~&~a" *chaos-directory-stack*))
338 (format stream "~%~a" *chaos-directory-stack*))
322340 (defun fsys-parse-number (tok)
323341 (declare (type (or simple-string pathname) tok))
324342 (if (stringp tok)
325343 (let ((minusp nil))
326 (if (char= (char tok 0) #\-)
327 (setq minusp t)
328 (unless (char= (char tok 0) #\+)
329 (return-from fsys-parse-number
330 (values tok nil))))
331 (let ((num (read-from-string tok)))
332 (if (numberp num)
333 (values num minusp)
334 (values tok nil))))
344 (if (char= (char tok 0) #\-)
345 (setq minusp t)
346 (unless (char= (char tok 0) #\+)
347 (return-from fsys-parse-number
348 (values tok nil))))
349 (let ((num (read-from-string tok)))
350 (if (numberp num)
351 (values num minusp)
352 (values tok nil))))
335353 (values tok nil)))
337355 (defun chaos-pushd (arg &optional (always-return nil))
354372 (progn
355373 (pop *chaos-directory-stack*)
356374 nil))))
357 (t (chaos-pushd "+1")))))
375 (t (if (<= (length *chaos-directory-stack*) 1)
376 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
377 (format t "No other directory.")
378 (return-from chaos-pushd nil))
379 (chaos-pushd "+1"))))))
359381 (defun chaos-popd (&optional num)
360382 (declare (ignore num))
390412 (setq ng t))
391413 #+SBCL
392414 (if (setq directory-path (is-directory? path))
393 (progn
394 (setq *default-pathname-defaults* directory-path)
395 (sb-posix:chdir directory-path))
415 (progn
416 (setq *default-pathname-defaults* directory-path)
417 (sb-posix:chdir directory-path))
396418 (setq ng t))
397419 #+(and :CCL (not :openmcl))
398420 (if (setq directory-path (is-directory? path))
488510 (dolist (p (parse-with-delimiter paths #\:))
489511 (push p path))
490512 (setq *chaos-libpath*
491 (append (nreverse path) *chaos-libpath*))))
513 (append (nreverse path) *chaos-libpath*))))
515 (defun set-search-path-minus (paths)
516 (when (consp paths) (setq paths (car paths)))
517 (let ((path nil))
518 (dolist (p (parse-with-delimiter paths #\:))
519 (push p path))
520 (dolist (p path)
521 (if (not (member p *chaos-libpath* :test #'equal))
522 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
523 (format t "The path ~s does not in 'libpath'." p))
524 (setq *chaos-libpath* (remove p *chaos-libpath* :test #'equal))))
525 *chaos-libpath*))
527 (defun pr-search-path (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
528 (format stream "libpath = ~{~a~^:~}" *chaos-libpath*))
493530 ;;;
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: globals.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: globals.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5959 ;;; *current-ext-rule-table* : extented rules for A, and AC
6060 ;;;
62 (declaim (special *current-module* ; the module currently the target of
63 ; operations.
64 *current-sort-order* ; closure of sort relations of current
65 ; module.
66 *current-opinfo-table* ; operator information table of the
67 ; current module.
68 *current-ext-rule-table*
69 *top-level-definition-in-progress*
70 *on-preparing-for-parsing* ; parsing preparation in progress
71 ))
62 (declaim (special *current-module* ; the module currently the target of
63 ; operations.
64 *current-sort-order* ; closure of sort relations of current
65 ; module.
66 *current-opinfo-table* ; operator information table of the
67 ; current module.
68 *current-ext-rule-table*
69 *top-level-definition-in-progress*
70 *on-preparing-for-parsing* ; parsing preparation in progress
71 ))
7373 (defvar *top-level-definition-in-progress* nil)
75 ;;; *last-module* bounds the module object which was the target of the operation
76 ;;; in the last time, i.e., whenever the context is swithced, *last-module*
77 ;;; bounds the last `current module'.
7875 ;;; *open-module* bounds the 'opening' module.
7976 ;;;
80 (declaim (special *open-module* ; the module crrently opened.
81 *last-module* ; the module which was the current last
82 ; time.
83 *last-before-open* ; the module which was *last* before the
84 ; currently opened module.
85 ))
77 (declaim (special *open-module* ; the module crrently opened.
78 *last-before-open* ; the module which was *last* before the
79 ; currently opened module.
80 ))
8782 (defvar *current-module* nil)
8883 (defvar *current-sort-order* nil)
8984 (defvar *current-opinfo-table* nil)
9085 (defvar *current-ext-rule-table* nil)
9186 (defvar *open-module* nil)
92 (defvar *last-module* nil)
9387 (defvar *last-before-open* nil)
9589 ;;; Feature for require & provide
10195 (declaim (special *chaos-verbose* *chaos-quiet* *chaos-input-source*))
10296 (defvar *chaos-verbose* nil)
10397 (defvar *chaos-quiet* nil)
104 (defvar *chaos-input-source* nil) ; binds a file name when processing
105 ; input from the file.
98 (defvar *chaos-input-source* nil) ; binds a file name when processing
99 ; input from the file.
106100 (declaim (special *chaos-input-level*)
107 (type (integer 0 11)
108 *chaos-input-level*
109 *chaos-input-nesting-limit*))
101 (type (integer 0 11)
102 *chaos-input-level*
103 *chaos-input-nesting-limit*))
111105 (defvar *chaos-input-level* 0)
112106 (defvar *chaos-input-nesting-limit* 10)
128122 (declaim (special *self*))
129123 (defvar *self* nil)
130124 (defvar $$cond nil)
131 (defvar $$trace-rewrite nil) ; flag, non-nil -> trace.
132 (defvar $$trace-rewrite-whole nil) ; flag, non-nil -> trace whole.
133 (defvar $$trace-proof nil) ; flag, non-nil -> trace CITP proof.
125 (defvar $$trace-rewrite nil) ; flag, non-nil -> trace.
126 (defvar $$trace-rewrite-whole nil) ; flag, non-nil -> trace whole.
127 (defvar $$trace-proof nil) ; flag, non-nil -> trace CITP proof.
134128 ;;; *proof-tree* binds current proof tree structure
135129 (defvar *proof-tree* nil)
136130 (defvar *next-default-proof-node* nil)
137131 (defvar *citp-verbose* nil)
139 (defvar *rewrite-stepping* nil) ; flag, non-nil -> under stepping.
132 (defvar *citp-normalize-instance* t)
134 (defvar *rewrite-stepping* nil) ; flag, non-nil -> under stepping.
140135 (declaim (type (or null fixnum) *rewrite-count-limit*))
141136 (defvar *rewrite-count-limit* nil)
142 ; flag, non-nil(integer) -> limitation
143 ; for rewriting steps.
144 (defvar *rewrite-stop-pattern* nil) ; flag, non-nil(term) -> stop rewriting
145 ; iff matches to the pattern.
146 (defvar *steps-to-be-done* nil) ; remaining steps before stop
137 ; flag, non-nil(integer) -> limitation
138 ; for rewriting steps.
139 (defvar *rewrite-stop-pattern* nil) ; flag, non-nil(term) -> stop rewriting
140 ; iff matches to the pattern.
141 (defvar *steps-to-be-done* nil) ; remaining steps before stop
147142 (defvar $$mod 'void)
148143 ;;;
149144 (defvar *old-context* nil)
150145 (declaim (special *old-context*))
151146 (declaim (special *allow-$$term*))
152147 (defvar *allow-$$term* t)
153 (defvar $$term 'void) ; current target term, destructively
154 ; modified
155 (defvar $$subterm nil) ; subterm of $$term selected
156 (defvar $$term-context nil) ; context module of $$term
148 (defvar $$term 'void) ; current target term, destructively
149 ; modified
150 (defvar $$subterm nil) ; subterm of $$term selected
151 (defvar $$term-context nil) ; context module of $$term
157152 (defvar $$selection-stack nil)
158153 (defvar $$action-stack nil)
159154 ;;;
167162 (declaim (special *rewrite-exec-condition*))
168163 (defvar *rewrite-exec-condition* nil)
169164 (declaim (special *rewrite-semantic-reduce*)
170 (type (or null (not null)) *rewrite-semantic-reduce))
165 (type (or null (not null)) *rewrite-semantic-reduce))
171166 (defvar *rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
172167 (declaim (special *beh-rewrite*)
173 (type (or null (not null)) *beh-rewrite*))
168 (type (or null (not null)) *beh-rewrite*))
174169 (defvar *beh-rewrite* nil)
175 (declaim (type fixnum *rule-count*))
170 (declaim (type fixnum *rule-count*)
171 (special *rule-count*))
176172 (defvar *rule-count* 0)
177173 (defvar *show-stats* t)
178174 (defvar *try-try* nil)
179175 (defvar *reduce-conditions* nil)
180176 (declaim (type fixnum $$trials))
181177 (defvar $$trials 1)
182 (declaim (type fixnum $$matches))
178 (declaim (type fixnum $$matches)
179 (special $$matches))
183180 (defvar $$matches 0)
184181 (defvar *on-reduction* t)
185182 (defvar *reduce-builtin-eager* nil)
198195 (defvar *m-pattern-subst* nil)
200197 ;; memoization
201 (defvar *memo-rewrite* t) ; use memo mechanism
198 (defvar *memo-rewrite* t) ; use memo mechanism
202199 (defvar *clean-memo-in-normalize* nil)
203200 (defvar *always-memo* nil)
204201 (declaim (special *hash-hit*)
205 (type (unsigned-byte 29) *hash-hit*))
202 (type (unsigned-byte 29) *hash-hit*))
206203 (defvar *term-memo-hash-hit* 0)
208205 (defvar *allow-illegal-beh-axiom* t)
244241 (declaim (special *print-indent*))
245242 (declaim (type (integer 0 128)
246 *chaos-print-level*
247 *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*))
243 *chaos-print-level*
244 *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*))
248245 ;; (defvar *chaos-verbose* nil)
249246 (defvar *module-all-rules-every* nil)
250247 (defvar *fancy-print* t)
251248 (defvar *print-term-struct* nil)
252249 (defvar *print-xmode* :normal)
253 (defvar *show-mode* :cafeobj) ; one of :chaos or :cafeobj
250 (defvar *show-mode* :cafeobj) ; one of :chaos or :cafeobj
254251 (defvar *print-indent* 0)
255252 (defparameter *print-indent-increment* 1)
256 (defvar *print-explicit* nil) ;if t then give more detail on sorts, etc.
257 (defvar *print-abbrev-mod* nil) ; abbreviate module names
253 (defvar *print-explicit* nil) ;if t then give more detail on sorts, etc.
254 (defvar *print-abbrev-mod* nil) ; abbreviate module names
258255 (defvar *print-abbrev-num* 0)
259256 (defvar *print-abbrev-table* nil)
260257 (defvar *print-abbrev-quals* nil)
273270 (defvar *chaos-input-quiet* nil)
274271 (defvar *print-variables* nil)
275272 (declaim (special .file-col.)
276 (type fixnum .file-col.))
273 (type fixnum .file-col.))
277274 (defvar .file-col. 0)
278275 ;;;
279276 (declaim (type (or null fixnum) *term-print-depth*))
342339 (defconstant $name-parameter '|*Parameter*|)
344341 ;;; builtin sorts
345 (defvar *cosmos* 'void) ; the whole
342 (defvar *cosmos* 'void) ; the whole
346343 (defvar *chaos-object* 'void)
347344 (defvar *chaos-expr-sort* 'void)
348345 (defvar *term-sort* 'void)
349 (defvar *universal-sort* 'void) ; visible universe
350 (defvar *huniversal-sort* 'void) ; hidden universe
351 (defvar *bottom-sort* 'void) ; visible bottom sort
352 (defvar *hbottom-sort* 'void) ; hidden bottom sort
346 (defvar *universal-sort* 'void) ; visible universe
347 (defvar *huniversal-sort* 'void) ; hidden universe
348 (defvar *bottom-sort* 'void) ; visible bottom sort
349 (defvar *hbottom-sort* 'void) ; hidden bottom sort
353350 (defvar *sort-sort* 'void)
354351 (defvar *general-sort* 'void)
355352 (defvar *builtin-sort* 'void)
532529 ;;; ***************
534531 (declaim (special *parse-variables*
535 *fill-rc-attribute*
536 *lhs-attrid-vars*
537 *parsing-axiom-lhs*
538 *parse-lhs-attr-vars*)) ; binds variables during a parsing
539 ; process.
540 (declaim (special *reader-schema-env* ; current schema.
541 *reader-input* ; current token sequence.
542 ))
544 (declaim (special *macroexpand*)) ; expand macro if t
546 (defvar *fill-rc-attribute* nil) ; a flag, t if requires generalizing the
547 ; pattern of record/object terms.
532 *fill-rc-attribute*
533 *lhs-attrid-vars*
534 *parsing-axiom-lhs*
535 *parse-lhs-attr-vars*)) ; binds variables during a parsing
536 ; process.
537 (declaim (special *reader-schema-env* ; current schema.
538 *reader-input* ; current token sequence.
539 ))
541 (declaim (special *macroexpand*)) ; expand macro if t
543 (defvar *fill-rc-attribute* nil) ; a flag, t if requires generalizing the
544 ; pattern of record/object terms.
549546 (defvar *parsing-axiom-lhs* nil)
550547 (defvar *parse-lhs-attr-vars* nil)
654651 ;;; find command control
655652 (defvar *find-all-rules* nil)
655 (defvar *no-id-completion* nil)
657657 ;;; DEBUG FLAGS
658658 (defvar *rewrite-debug* nil)
678678 (defvar *cexec-debug* nil)
679679 (defvar *debug-meta* nil)
680680 (defvar *debug-citp* nil)
681 (defvar *debug-print* nil)
681682 ;;;
682683 ;;; ** TO DO for other platforms
683684 #+SBCL
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:comlib
32 File: lex.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:comlib
32 File: lex.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4545 ;;;
4747 ;;;=============================================================================
4949 ;;;=============================================================================
5151 (eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
111111 (defvar *reader-read-table*)
112112 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
113113 (setf *reader-read-table* (make-array (list .reader-char-code-limit.)
114 :initial-element nil)))
114 :initial-element nil)))
116116 (defmacro !set-syntax (ch val)
117117 `(setf (aref *reader-read-table* (the fixnum (char-code ,ch))) ,val))
120120 (dotimes (x .reader-char-code-limit.)
121121 (let ((syntax (aref *reader-read-table* x)))
122122 (when syntax
123 (format stream "~&~S : ~S" (code-char x) syntax)))))
123 (format stream "~%~S : ~S" (code-char x) syntax)))))
125125 ;;; !INIT-READ-TABLE : List[Char] List[Char] List[Char] -> Void
126126 ;;; initialize Chaos read table.
130130 ;;;
131131 (defun !init-read-table (space return single)
132132 (declare (type list space return single)
133 (values t))
133 (values t))
134134 #||
135135 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
136136 ((= i .reader-char-code-limit.))
161161 ;;;
162162 (defun !set-single-reader (l)
163163 (declare (type list l)
164 (values t))
164 (values t))
165165 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
166 (declare (type (or simple-string character) x))
167 (let ((chr (if (and (stringp x)
168 (= (length x) 1))
169 (char (the string x) 0)
170 (if (characterp x)
171 x
172 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-str)
173 (format t "delimiter must be a single character, but ~a is given" x))))))
174 (prog1
175 (cons chr (reader-get-syntax chr))
176 ;; (print chr)
177 (!set-syntax chr (intern (string x))))))
178 l))
166 (declare (type (or simple-string character) x))
167 (let ((chr (if (and (stringp x)
168 (= (length x) 1))
169 (char (the string x) 0)
170 (if (characterp x)
171 x
172 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-str)
173 (format t "delimiter must be a single character, but ~a is given" x))))))
174 (prog1
175 (cons chr (reader-get-syntax chr))
176 ;; (print chr)
177 (!set-syntax chr (intern (string x))))))
178 l))
180180 ;;; !SET-READER list-of-chars
181181 ;;; modify a sequence of characters for syntax as given by associated values.
183183 ;;;
184184 (defun !set-reader (l)
185185 (declare (type list l)
186 (values t))
186 (values t))
187187 (mapc #'(lambda (x)
188 (declare (type list x))
188 (declare (type list x))
189189 (let ((s (car x)))
190 (declare (type (or simple-string character) s))
191 (!set-syntax
192 (if (stringp s)
193 (char (the string s) 0)
194 s)
195 (cdr x))))
196 l))
190 (declare (type (or simple-string character) s))
191 (!set-syntax
192 (if (stringp s)
193 (char (the string s) 0)
194 s)
195 (cdr x))))
196 l))
198198 ;;; !READ-IN
199199 ;;; read a token iff the last input is not processed yet,
221221 ` (when (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
222222 (setq *reader-input* (read-sym))))
224 (defmacro reader-is-at-eof ()
225 `(eq *lex-eof* *reader-input*))
227 (defmacro at-eof-or-control-d ()
228 `(or (reader-is-at-eof)
229 (equal *reader-input* control-d-string)))
231224 ;;; !READ-DISCARD
232225 ;;; discard the last input token.
233226 ;;;
234227 (defmacro !read-discard ()
235228 `(progn ;; (clear-input)
236 ;; (setq *token-buf* nil)
237 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)))
229 ;; (setq *token-buf* nil)
230 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)))
239232 ;;; !READ-SYM
240233 ;;; read a token.
241234 ;;;
242235 (defun !read-sym ()
243236 (cond ((eq *reader-input* *reader-void*) (read-sym))
244 (t (prog1 *reader-input*
245 (!read-discard)))))
237 (t (prog1 *reader-input*
238 (!read-discard)))))
247240 ;;;
248241 (defun test-lex (file)
249242 (!lex-read-init)
250243 (with-open-file (str file :direction :input)
251244 (let ((tok nil)
252 (*standard-input* str))
245 (*standard-input* str))
253246 (while-not (eq tok *lex-eof*)
254247 (setf tok (!read-sym))
255 (print tok)))))
248 (print tok)))))
257250 ;;; SIMPLE READER_______________________________________________________________
258251 ;;;
273266 (defun read-lines (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
274267 (declare (type stream stream)
275 (values simple-string fixnum))
268 (values simple-string fixnum))
276269 (let (res
277 line
278 (ll 0)
279 l-char
280 (l-total 0))
270 line
271 (ll 0)
272 l-char
273 (l-total 0))
281274 (declare (type fixnum l-total ll))
282275 (loop (setq line (read-line stream nil .read-line-eof.))
283276 (when (eq line .read-line-eof.) (return))
284277 (when (<= (setq ll (length (the simple-string line))) 0)
285 (return))
278 (return))
286279 (incf l-total ll)
287280 (decf ll)
288281 (setq l-char (char line ll))
289282 (if (char= line-continue-char (the character l-char))
290 (progn
291 (setq res (concatenate 'string res
292 (setq line (subseq (the simple-string line)
293 0 ll))
294 newline-string
295 ))
296 ;; (decf l-total)
297 (when (at-top-level)
298 (princ "> ")
299 (force-output)))
300 (progn
301 (setq res (concatenate 'string
302 res
303 (if (char= #\. (the character l-char))
304 (progn
305 ;; (decf l-total)
306 (subseq line 0 ll))
307 line)))
308 (return))))
283 (progn
284 (setq res (concatenate 'string res
285 (setq line (subseq (the simple-string line)
286 0 ll))
287 newline-string
288 ))
289 ;; (decf l-total)
290 (when (at-top-level)
291 (princ "> ")
292 (force-output)))
293 (progn
294 (setq res (concatenate 'string
295 res
296 (if (char= #\. (the character l-char))
297 (progn
298 ;; (decf l-total)
299 (subseq line 0 ll))
300 line)))
301 (return))))
309302 (if (eq line .read-line-eof.)
310 (values *lex-eof* 0)
303 (values *lex-eof* 0)
311304 (let ((str (if res
312 (if *live-newline*
313 (add-new-line res)
314 res)
315 "")))
316 (values str (length str))))))
305 (if *live-newline*
306 (add-new-line res)
307 res)
308 "")))
309 (values str (length str))))))
318311 ;;; the global .reader-ch. holds the last char read.
319312 ;;; if the character has a property other than 'nil, the property value is set,
328321 (defvar .default-escape-char. #\\)
330323 ;;;
331 #-CMU (defparameter control-d #\^D)
332 #+CMU (defparameter control-d #\)
324 (defparameter control-d #\Eot)
333325 (defparameter control-d-string "")
334326 (defparameter input-escape #\esc)
335327 (defparameter input-escape-string "")
337 (defmacro at-eof () `(eq *lex-eof* .reader-ch.))
339329 (defmacro see-ctrl-d ()
340330 `(eq .reader-ch. control-d))
332 (defmacro reader-is-at-eof ()
333 `(eq *lex-eof* *reader-input*))
335 (defmacro at-eof () `(or (see-ctrl-d) (eq *lex-eof* .reader-ch.)))
337 (defmacro at-eof-or-control-d ()
338 `(or (at-eof)
339 (equal *reader-input* control-d-string)))
342343 (defmacro see-input-escape ()
343344 `(eq .reader-ch. input-escape))
344 ;; (defmacro see-input-escape ()
345 ;; `(eq .reader-ch. control-d))
347346 (defun str-match? (x y)
348347 (declare (type t x)
349 (type (or symbol simple-string) y)
350 (values (or null t)))
348 (type (or symbol simple-string) y)
349 (values (or null t)))
351350 (or (eq x y)
352351 (and (stringp x)
353 (string= (the simple-string x)
354 (if (stringp y)
355 (the simple-string y)
356 (string-downcase (string (the symbol y))))))))
352 (string= (the simple-string x)
353 (if (stringp y)
354 (the simple-string y)
355 (string-downcase (string (the symbol y))))))))
358357 (defun lex-string-match(x y)
359358 (declare (type t x)
360 (type (or atom list) y)
361 (values (or null t)))
359 (type (or atom list) y)
360 (values (or null t)))
362361 (if (atom y)
363362 (str-match? x y)
364363 (member x y :test #'str-match?)))
367366 ;;; reads a one character from stream, set .reader-ch. handling ESCAPE sequence.
368367 ;;;
369368 (declaim (special .reader-escape.))
370 (defvar .reader-escape. nil) ; flags indicating we are now in `escaped'
371 ; status.
369 (defvar .reader-escape. nil) ; flags indicating we are now in `escaped'
370 ; status.
373372 ;; (defvar .read-buffer. nil)
374373 ;; (defvar .read-pos. 0)
380379 (defun reader-get-char (stream)
381380 (declare (type stream stream)
382 (values t))
381 (values t))
383382 (let ((inch (read-char stream nil *lex-eof*)))
384383 (cond ((eq inch *lex-eof*)
385 (setf .reader-ch. *lex-eof*))
386 #||
387 (.reader-escape.
388 (setf .reader-ch. inch))
389 ((char= .escape-char. inch)
390 (let ((.reader-escape. t))
391 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
392 (reader-get-char stream)))
393 ||#
394 (t (unless *chaos-input-source*
395 ;; interactive session
396 (if (and (char= inch #\newline)
397 *last-newline*)
398 (incf .newline-count.)
399 (if (char= inch #\newline)
400 (setq *last-newline* t)
401 (setf .newline-count. 0
402 *last-newline* nil)))
403 (when (> .newline-count. 2)
404 (!read-discard)
405 (clear-input)
406 (setq *last-newline* nil)
407 (setq .newline-count. 0)
408 (throw :aborting-read :aborting-read)))
409 ;;
410 (let ((val (reader-get-syntax inch)))
411 (setf .reader-ch. (if val val inch)))))))
384 (setf .reader-ch. *lex-eof*))
385 #||
386 (.reader-escape.
387 (setf .reader-ch. inch))
388 ((char= .escape-char. inch)
389 (let ((.reader-escape. t))
390 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
391 (reader-get-char stream)))
392 ||#
393 (t (unless *chaos-input-source*
394 ;; interactive session
395 (if (and (char= inch #\newline)
396 *last-newline*)
397 (incf .newline-count.)
398 (if (char= inch #\newline)
399 (setq *last-newline* t)
400 (setf .newline-count. 0
401 *last-newline* nil)))
402 (when (> .newline-count. 2)
403 (!read-discard)
404 (clear-input)
405 (setq *last-newline* nil)
406 (setq .newline-count. 0)
407 (throw :aborting-read :aborting-read)))
408 ;;
409 (let ((val (reader-get-syntax inch)))
410 (setf .reader-ch. (if val val inch)))))))
413412 ; (defun reader-get-char (stream)
414413 ; (declare (type stream stream)
415 ; (values t))
414 ; (values t))
416415 ; (let ((inch (read-char stream nil *lex-eof*)))
417416 ; (cond ((eq inch *lex-eof*)
418 ; (setf .reader-ch. *lex-eof*))
419 ; #||
420 ; (.reader-escape.
421 ; (setf .reader-ch. inch))
422 ; ((char= .escape-char. inch)
423 ; (let ((.reader-escape. t))
424 ; (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
425 ; (reader-get-char stream)))
426 ; ||#
427 ; (t (let ((val (reader-get-syntax inch)))
428 ; (setf .reader-ch. (if val val inch)))))))
417 ; (setf .reader-ch. *lex-eof*))
418 ; #||
419 ; (.reader-escape.
420 ; (setf .reader-ch. inch))
421 ; ((char= .escape-char. inch)
422 ; (let ((.reader-escape. t))
423 ; (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
424 ; (reader-get-char stream)))
425 ; ||#
426 ; (t (let ((val (reader-get-syntax inch)))
427 ; (setf .reader-ch. (if val val inch)))))))
431430 ;;; read a lexicon.
445444 (defun read-lexicon (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
446445 (declare (type stream stream))
447446 (let ((p -1)
448 res)
447 res)
449448 (declare (type fixnum p)
450 (type (or symbol list simple-string) res))
449 (type (or symbol list simple-string) res))
451450 (setq res
452 (loop (cond ((member .reader-ch. '(#\Rubout #\Backspace))
453 (if (<= 0 p)
454 (decf p 1)))
455 ((characterp .reader-ch.)
456 (incf p)
457 (setf (aref .reader-buf. p) .reader-ch.))
458 (t (let ((c (string .reader-ch.)))
459 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
460 (return c))))
461 (reader-get-char stream)
462 (when (at-eof)
463 (if (<= 0 p)
464 (progn (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
465 (return (subseq .reader-buf. 0 (1+ p))))
466 (return *lex-eof*)))
467 (when (symbolp .reader-ch.)
468 (return (subseq .reader-buf. 0 (1+ p))))
469 ))
451 (loop (cond ((member .reader-ch. '(#\Rubout #\Backspace))
452 (if (<= 0 p)
453 (decf p 1)))
454 ((characterp .reader-ch.)
455 (incf p)
456 (setf (aref .reader-buf. p) .reader-ch.))
457 (t (let ((c (string .reader-ch.)))
458 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
459 (return c))))
460 (reader-get-char stream)
461 (when (at-eof)
462 (if (<= 0 p)
463 (progn (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
464 (return (subseq .reader-buf. 0 (1+ p))))
465 (return *lex-eof*)))
466 (when (symbolp .reader-ch.)
467 (return (subseq .reader-buf. 0 (1+ p))))
468 ))
470469 ;;
471470 (lex-consider-token res)))
475474 (if (equal .chaos-simple-LISP-keyword. tok)
476475 (progn (reader-suppress-ch tok) (list .lisp-simple-sexpr. (read)))
477476 (if (equal .chaos-general-lisp-keyword. tok)
478 (progn (reader-suppress-ch tok) (list .lisp-general-sexpr. (read)))
477 (progn (reader-suppress-ch tok) (list .lisp-general-sexpr. (read)))
479478 (if (equal .chaos-value-keyword. tok)
480 (progn (reader-suppress-ch tok) (list .chaos-value-sexpr. (read)))
481 tok))))
479 (progn (reader-suppress-ch tok) (list .chaos-value-sexpr. (read)))
480 tok))))
483482 (defun reader-suppress-ch (context &optional (stream *standard-input*))
484483 (declare (ignore context)
485 (type stream stream)
486 (values t))
484 (type stream stream)
485 (values t))
487486 (unless (at-eof)
488487 (unless (memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
489488 (unread-char (if (characterp .reader-ch.)
490 .reader-ch.
491 (char (the simple-string (string .reader-ch.)) 0))
492 stream)
489 .reader-ch.
490 (char (the simple-string (string .reader-ch.)) 0))
491 stream)
493492 (setq .reader-ch. 'space))))
495494 (defun reader-unread (ch stream)
496495 (declare (type (or symbol character) ch)
497 (type stream stream)
498 (values t))
496 (type stream stream)
497 (values t))
499498 (unless (memq ch '(space return))
500499 (unread-char (if (characterp ch)
501 ch
502 (char (the simple-string (string (the symbol ch))) 0))
503 stream)
500 ch
501 (char (the simple-string (string (the symbol ch))) 0))
502 stream)
504503 ch))
506505 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
510509 (loop
511510 (reader-get-char stream)
512511 (cond ((at-eof)
513 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
514 (!read-discard)
515 (return-from skip-multi-comment *lex-eof*))
516 (t (case .reader-ch.
517 (#\" (lex-read-string stream))
518 (#\|
519 (reader-get-char stream)
520 (when (equal .reader-ch. #\#)
521 (!read-discard)
522 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
523 (return-from skip-multi-comment nil))
524 (when (at-eof)
525 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
526 (!read-discard)
527 (return-from skip-multi-comment *lex-eof*))
528 (reader-unread .reader-ch. stream))))))))
512 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
513 (!read-discard)
514 (return-from skip-multi-comment *lex-eof*))
515 (t (case .reader-ch.
516 (#\" (lex-read-string stream))
517 (#\|
518 (reader-get-char stream)
519 (when (equal .reader-ch. #\#)
520 (!read-discard)
521 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
522 (return-from skip-multi-comment nil))
523 (when (at-eof)
524 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
525 (!read-discard)
526 (return-from skip-multi-comment *lex-eof*))
527 (reader-unread .reader-ch. stream))))))))
530529 ;;; READ-SYM : STREAM -> TOKEN
531530 ;;; read characters considered to be constructs of a token, returns
544543 (defun read-sym (&optional (stream *standard-input*) (parse-list nil))
545544 (declare (type stream stream)
546 (type (or null t) parse-list))
545 (type (or null t) parse-list))
547546 (flet ((skip-whites ()
548 ;; skip white chars.
549 (while (memq .reader-ch. (if *live-newline* '(space)
550 '(space return)))
551 (reader-get-char stream))))
547 ;; skip white chars.
548 (while (memq .reader-ch. (if *live-newline* '(space)
549 '(space return)))
550 (reader-get-char stream))))
552551 (when *token-buf*
553552 (return-from read-sym (pop *token-buf*)))
554553 ;; skip white chars.
556555 ;; get token
557556 ;; (setq *last-token* nil)
558557 (cond ((at-eof) (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
559 (!read-discard)
560 (return-from read-sym (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*) *lex-eof*)))
561 ((see-input-escape)
562 ;; user forces aborting reading process.
563 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
564 (!read-discard)
565 (clear-input)
566 (throw :aborting-read :aborting-read))
567 (t (case .reader-ch.
568 (|(| (if parse-list
569 (setq *last-token* (lex-read-list stream))
570 (progn
571 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
572 (setq *last-token* "(")))
573 (return-from read-sym *last-token*))
574 (return
575 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
576 (setq *last-token* (if *live-newline*
577 '(return)
578 *reader-void*))
579 (return-from read-sym *last-token*))
580 (#\" ; string
581 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (list (lex-read-string stream)))))
582 (#\# ; #! or #!!
583 (reader-get-char stream)
584 (cond ((memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
585 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* '("#"))))
586 ((eq .reader-ch. *lisp-escape-char*)
587 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (lex-read-lisp-escape stream))))
588 ((eq .reader-ch. *chaos-escape-char*)
589 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (lex-read-chaos-value stream))))
590 ((equal .reader-ch. #\|) ; begin multi comment
591 (setq .lex-inner-multi-comment. t)
592 (skip-multi-comment stream)
593 (setq .lex-inner-multi-comment. nil)
594 (skip-whites))
595 (t (reader-unread .reader-ch. stream)
596 (setq .reader-ch. #\#)
597 (let ((tok (read-lexicon stream)))
598 (if (equal tok *lex-eof*)
599 (return-from read-sym
600 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
601 *lex-eof*))
602 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* tok))))))))
603 ;;
604 (if (symbolp .reader-ch.)
605 (let ((str (string .reader-ch.)))
606 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
607 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (lex-consider-token str))))
608 (let ((tok (read-lexicon stream)))
609 (if (eq tok *lex-eof*)
610 (return-from read-sym
611 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
612 *lex-eof*))
613 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* tok)))))))))
558 (!read-discard)
559 (return-from read-sym (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*) *lex-eof*)))
560 ((see-input-escape)
561 ;; user forces aborting reading process.
562 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
563 (!read-discard)
564 (clear-input)
565 (throw :aborting-read :aborting-read))
566 (t (case .reader-ch.
567 (|(| (if parse-list
568 (setq *last-token* (lex-read-list stream))
569 (progn
570 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
571 (setq *last-token* "(")))
572 (return-from read-sym *last-token*))
573 (return
574 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
575 (setq *last-token* (if *live-newline*
576 '(return)
577 *reader-void*))
578 (return-from read-sym *last-token*))
579 (#\" ; string
580 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (list (lex-read-string stream)))))
581 (#\# ; #! or #!!
582 (reader-get-char stream)
583 (cond ((memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
584 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* '("#"))))
585 ((eq .reader-ch. *lisp-escape-char*)
586 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (lex-read-lisp-escape stream))))
587 ((eq .reader-ch. *chaos-escape-char*)
588 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (lex-read-chaos-value stream))))
589 ((equal .reader-ch. #\|) ; begin multi comment
590 (setq .lex-inner-multi-comment. t)
591 (skip-multi-comment stream)
592 (setq .lex-inner-multi-comment. nil)
593 (skip-whites))
594 (t (reader-unread .reader-ch. stream)
595 (setq .reader-ch. #\#)
596 (let ((tok (read-lexicon stream)))
597 (if (equal tok *lex-eof*)
598 (return-from read-sym
599 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
600 *lex-eof*))
601 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* tok))))))))
602 ;;
603 (if (symbolp .reader-ch.)
604 (let ((str (string .reader-ch.)))
605 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
606 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* (lex-consider-token str))))
607 (let ((tok (read-lexicon stream)))
608 (if (eq tok *lex-eof*)
609 (return-from read-sym
610 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
611 *lex-eof*))
612 (return-from read-sym (setq *last-token* tok)))))))))
615614 ;;; builtin string reader
616615 (defun lex-read-string (stream)
617616 (declare (type stream stream)
618 (values t))
617 (values t))
619618 (reader-unread .reader-ch. stream)
620619 (let ((str (read stream nil *lex-eof*)))
621620 (if (eq str *lex-eof*)
622 *lex-eof*
623 (prog1
624 (list .String-token. str)
625 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)))))
621 *lex-eof*
622 (prog1
623 (list .String-token. str)
624 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)))))
627626 ;; builtin lisp expression
628627 (defun lex-read-lisp-escape (stream)
629628 (declare (type stream stream)
630 (values list))
629 (values list))
631630 (let ((nx nil))
632631 (setq nx (reader-get-char stream))
633632 (while (memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
636635 ((*lisp-escape-char* *chaos-escape-char*)
637636 ;; #!!
638637 (let ((expr (read stream nil *lex-eof*)))
639 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
640 (if (equal expr *lex-eof*)
641 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
642 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
643 *lex-eof*)
644 (list .lisp-general-sexpr. expr))))
638 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
639 (if (equal expr *lex-eof*)
640 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
641 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
642 *lex-eof*)
643 (list .lisp-general-sexpr. expr))))
645644 (otherwise
646645 ;; #!
647646 (let ((expr nil))
648 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
649 (reader-unread nx stream)
650 (setq expr (read stream nil *lex-eof*))
651 (if (equal expr *lex-eof*)
652 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
653 *lex-eof*)
654 (list .lisp-simple-sexpr. expr))))))
647 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
648 (reader-unread nx stream)
649 (setq expr (read stream nil *lex-eof*))
650 (if (equal expr *lex-eof*)
651 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
652 *lex-eof*)
653 (list .lisp-simple-sexpr. expr))))))
655654 )
657656 (defun lex-read-chaos-value (stream)
658657 (declare (type stream stream)
659 (values list))
658 (values list))
660659 (let ((expr (read stream nil *lex-eof*)))
661660 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
662661 (if (equal expr *lex-eof*)
663 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
664 *lex-eof*)
662 (progn (setq *last-token* *reader-void*)
663 *lex-eof*)
665664 (list .chaos-value-sexpr. expr))))
667666 ;;; builtin character reader : obsolate
669668 (defun lex-read-character (stream)
670669 (let ((char (read-char stream nil *lex-eof*)))
671670 (if (eq char *lex-eof*)
672 *lex-eof*
673 (progn
674 (when (eql char #\\) ; escape char
675 (let ((echar (read-char stream nil *lex-eof*)))
676 (if (eq echar *lex-eof*)
677 (return-from lex-read-character *lex-eof*)
678 (setf char
679 (case echar
680 (#\n #\Newline)
681 (#\r #\Return)
682 (#\t #\Tab)
683 (#\s #\Space)
684 (#\l #\LineFeed)
685 (#\p #\Page)
686 (otherwise echar))))))
687 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
688 (list .Char-token. char)))))
671 *lex-eof*
672 (progn
673 (when (eql char #\\) ; escape char
674 (let ((echar (read-char stream nil *lex-eof*)))
675 (if (eq echar *lex-eof*)
676 (return-from lex-read-character *lex-eof*)
677 (setf char
678 (case echar
679 (#\n #\Newline)
680 (#\r #\Return)
681 (#\t #\Tab)
682 (#\s #\Space)
683 (#\l #\LineFeed)
684 (#\p #\Page)
685 (otherwise echar))))))
686 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)
687 (list .Char-token. char)))))
689688 ||#
691690 ;;; read up to matching close parenthesis
698697 (defun lex-read-rest-of-list (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
699698 (declare (type stream stream)
700 (values list))
699 (values list))
701700 (while (memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
702701 (reader-get-char stream))
703702 (if (at-eof)
704703 *lex-eof*
705704 (if (eq '|)| .reader-ch.)
706 (progn
707 (reader-get-char stream)
708 (list "(" ")"))
709 (let ((res (list "("))
710 x)
711 (loop (setq x (lex-read stream))
712 (when (eq *lex-eof* x)
713 (return *lex-eof*))
714 (setq res (append res x))
715 ;; (wait-until-non-white stream)
716 (while (memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
717 (reader-get-char stream))
718 (when (eq '|)| .reader-ch.)
719 (reader-get-char stream)
720 (return (nconc res (list ")"))))
721 (when (at-eof)
722 (return *lex-eof*)))
723 ))))
705 (progn
706 (reader-get-char stream)
707 (list "(" ")"))
708 (let ((res (list "("))
709 x)
710 (loop (setq x (lex-read stream))
711 (when (eq *lex-eof* x)
712 (return *lex-eof*))
713 (setq res (append res x))
714 ;; (wait-until-non-white stream)
715 (while (memq .reader-ch. '(space return))
716 (reader-get-char stream))
717 (when (eq '|)| .reader-ch.)
718 (reader-get-char stream)
719 (return (nconc res (list ")"))))
720 (when (at-eof)
721 (return *lex-eof*)))
722 ))))
725724 ;;; LEX-READ : STREAM -> List[Token]
726725 ;;; standard routine to get token from stream.
727726 ;;;
728727 (defun bi-token? (tok)
729728 (declare (type t tok)
730 (values (or null t)))
729 (values (or null t)))
731730 (and (consp tok)
732731 (let ((tm (car tok)))
733 (and (symbolp tm)
734 (get tm ':bi-token)))))
732 (and (symbolp tm)
733 (get tm ':bi-token)))))
736735 (defun lex-read (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
737736 (declare (type stream stream)
738 (values t))
737 (values t))
739738 (let ((tok (read-sym stream t)))
740739 (if (eq *lex-eof* tok)
741 *lex-eof*
742 (cond ((atom tok)
743 (if tok
744 (list tok)
745 nil))
746 (t (if (bi-token? tok)
747 (list tok)
748 tok))))))
740 *lex-eof*
741 (cond ((atom tok)
742 (if tok
743 (list tok)
744 nil))
745 (t (if (bi-token? tok)
746 (list tok)
747 tok))))))
750749 ;;; returns t iff the characters in the string are all digit char.
753752 (once-only (string)
754753 ` (the (or null t)
755754 (do ((s (the fixnum ,start) (1+ s)))
756 ((>= s ,end) t)
757 (declare (type fixnum s end))
758 (if (not (digit-char-p (schar ,string s))) (return nil))))))
755 ((>= s ,end) t)
756 (declare (type fixnum s end))
757 (if (not (digit-char-p (schar ,string s))) (return nil))))))
760759 ;;; BUFFERED-INPUT______________________________________________________________
761760 ;;; one token is bufferd.
792791 (defun !force-single-reader (l)
793792 (declare (type list l)
794 (values t))
793 (values t))
795794 (dolist (x l)
796795 (let* ((chr (if (and (stringp x)
797 (= (length x) 1))
798 (char (the string x) 0)
799 (if (characterp x)
800 x
801 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-str)
802 (format t "delimiter must be a single character, but ~a is given" x)))))
803 (sym (intern (string x))))
796 (= (length x) 1))
797 (char (the string x) 0)
798 (if (characterp x)
799 x
800 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-str)
801 (format t "delimiter must be a single character, but ~a is given" x)))))
802 (sym (intern (string x))))
804803 (format t "~&setting delimiters ~S : ~S" chr sym)
805804 (!set-syntax chr sym))))
807806 (defun !unset-single-reader (l)
808807 (declare (type list l)
809 (values t))
808 (values t))
810809 (dolist (x l)
811810 (let ((chr (if (and (stringp x)
812 (= (length x) 1))
813 (char (the string x) 0)
814 (if (characterp x)
815 x
816 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-str)
817 (format t "Delimiter must be a single character, but ~a is given" x))))))
811 (= (length x) 1))
812 (char (the string x) 0)
813 (if (characterp x)
814 x
815 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-str)
816 (format t "Delimiter must be a single character, but ~a is given" x))))))
818817 (if (assoc chr .default-single-chars.)
819 (warn "Character '~A' is a hardwired self delimiting charcter, ignored."
820 chr)
821 (progn
822 (format t "~&unsetting delimiters ~S" chr)
823 (!set-syntax chr nil))))))
818 (warn "Character '~A' is a hardwired self delimiting charcter, ignored."
819 chr)
820 (progn
821 (format t "~&unsetting delimiters ~S" chr)
822 (!set-syntax chr nil))))))
824823 ;;;
825824 ;;;
826825 ;;;
827826 (defun !lex-read-init (&key (space .default-space-chars.)
828 (return .default-return-chars.)
829 (single .default-single-chars.)
830 (escape .default-escape-char.))
827 (return .default-return-chars.)
828 (single .default-single-chars.)
829 (escape .default-escape-char.))
831830 (!init-read-table space return single)
832831 (setq .escape-char. escape)
833832 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
834833 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*
835 *last-token* *reader-void*
836 *token-buf* nil))
834 *last-token* *reader-void*
835 *token-buf* nil))
838837 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :CHAOS)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: list.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: list.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5959 (defun flatten-list (L)
6060 ;; (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
6161 (cond ((null L) '())
62 ((atom L) L)
63 ((consp L)
64 (if (consp (car L))
65 (append (flatten-list (car L)) (flatten-list (cdr L)))
66 (cons (car L) (flatten-list (cdr L)))))
67 ))
62 ((atom L) L)
63 ((consp L)
64 (if (consp (car L))
65 (append (flatten-list (car L)) (flatten-list (cdr L)))
66 (cons (car L) (flatten-list (cdr L)))))
67 ))
6969 ;;; firstn
7070 ;;; Returns a new list the same as List with only the first N elements.
7272 (defun firstn (list &optional (n 1))
7373 (declare ;; (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
74 (type list list)
75 (type fixnum n))
74 (type list list)
75 (type fixnum n))
7676 (cond ((> n (length list)) list)
77 ((< n 0) nil)
78 (t (ldiff list (nthcdr n list)))))
77 ((< n 0) nil)
78 (t (ldiff list (nthcdr n list)))))
8080 ;;; in-order-union
8181 ;;; Append and remove duplicates. Like union, but the objects are
9797 ;;;
9898 (defun rotate-list (list num minusp)
9999 (declare (type fixnum num)
100 (type t minusp))
100 (type t minusp))
101101 (let ((len (length list))
102 (new-stack (copy-list list)))
102 (new-stack (copy-list list)))
103103 (declare (type fixnum len)
104 (type list new-stack))
104 (type list new-stack))
105105 (when (>= (abs num) len)
106106 (return-from rotate-list nil))
107107 (cond ((or (< num 0) (and (= num 0) minusp))
108 (setq num (- len (1+ (abs num))))
109 (print num)
110 (setq new-stack
111 (setq new-stack (nconc (nthcdr num new-stack)
112 (firstn new-stack num))))
113 )
114 (t (rotatef (nth 0 new-stack)
115 (nth num new-stack))))
108 (setq num (- len (1+ (abs num))))
109 (print num)
110 (setq new-stack
111 (setq new-stack (nconc (nthcdr num new-stack)
112 (firstn new-stack num))))
113 )
114 (t (rotatef (nth 0 new-stack)
115 (nth num new-stack))))
116116 new-stack))
122122 (defun delete-nth (nth lst)
123123 (declare (fixnum nth))
124124 (let ((len (length lst))
125 (new-lst nil))
125 (new-lst nil))
126126 (when (>= nth len)
127127 (return-from delete-nth nil))
128128 (setq new-lst (nconc (firstn lst nth)
129 (nthcdr (1+ nth) lst)))
129 (nthcdr (1+ nth) lst)))
130130 new-lst))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: message.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: message.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7070 (dolist (msg msgs)
7171 (register-message type msg))))
7272 (with-open-file (strm path :if-does-not-exist :error
73 :external-format :utf-8)
73 :external-format :utf-8)
7474 (loop for type = (read strm nil :eof)
7575 while (not (eq type :eof))
7676 do (case type
146146 ` (progn
147147 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*)
148148 (*print-indent* 4))
149 (output-msg ',msg-id "~&[Error]" ,args)
149 (output-msg ',msg-id "~%[Error]" ,args)
150150 ,@body)
151151 ,(if (and tag-p (eq tag 'to-top))
152152 `(chaos-to-top)
157157 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
158158 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*)
159159 (*print-indent* 4))
160 (output-msg ',msg-id "~&[Warning]" ,args)
160 (output-msg ',msg-id "~%[Warning]" ,args)
161161 ,@body)
162162 (flush-all)))
164164 (defmacro with-output-panic-message-n ((msg-id args) &body body)
165165 ` (progn
166166 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
167 (output-msg ',msg-id "~&!! PANIC !!" ,args)
167 (output-msg ',msg-id "~%[!! PANIC !!]" ,args)
168168 ,@body)
169169 (chaos-to-top)))
172172 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
173173 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
174174 (*print-indent* 3))
175 (output-msg ',msg-id "~&-- " ,args)
175 (output-msg ',msg-id "~%-- " ,args)
176176 ,@body)
177177 (flush-all)))
180180 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
181181 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
182182 (*print-indent* 2))
183 (output-msg ',msg-id "~&" ,args)
183 (output-msg ',msg-id "~%" ,args)
184184 ,@body)
185185 (flush-all)))
191191 ;; (flush-all)
192192 ;; (fresh-all)
193193 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*)
194 (*print-indent* 4))
195 (format t "~&[Error]: ")
196 ,@body)
194 (*print-indent* 4))
195 (format t "~%[Error]: ")
196 ,@body)
197197 ,(if (eq tag 'to-top)
198 `(chaos-to-top)
199 `(chaos-error ,tag)
198 `(chaos-to-top)
199 `(chaos-error ,tag)
200200 )))
202202 (defmacro with-output-chaos-warning ((&optional (stream '*error-output*)) &body body)
203203 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
204 ;; (fresh-all)
205 ;; (flush-all)
206 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
207 (*print-indent* 4))
208 (format t "~&[Warning]: ")
209 ,@body)
204 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
205 (*print-indent* 4))
206 (format t "~%[Warning]: ")
207 ,@body)
210208 (flush-all)))
212210 (defmacro with-output-panic-message ((&optional (stream '*error-output*)) &body body)
214212 ;; (fresh-all)
215213 ;; (flush-all)
216214 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream))
217 (print-next)
218 (princ "!! PANIC !!: ")
219 ,@body)
215 (print-next)
216 (princ "!! PANIC !!: ")
217 ,@body)
220218 (chaos-to-top)))
222220 ;;;
223221 (defmacro with-output-msg ((&optional (stream '*standard-output*)) &body body)
222 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
223 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
224 (*print-indent* 3))
225 (format t "~%-- ")
226 ,@body)
227 (flush-all)))
229 (defmacro with-output-simple-msg ((&optional (stream '*standard-output*)) &body body)
224230 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
225231 ;; (fresh-all)
226232 ;; (flush-all)
227233 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
228 (*print-indent* 3))
229 (format t "~&-- ")
230 ,@body)
231 (flush-all)))
233 (defmacro with-output-simple-msg ((&optional (stream '*standard-output*)) &body body)
234 ` (unless *chaos-quiet*
235 ;; (fresh-all)
236 ;; (flush-all)
237 (let ((*standard-output* ,stream)
238 (*print-indent* 2))
239 (format t "~&")
240 ,@body)
234 (*print-indent* 2))
235 (format t "~%")
236 ,@body)
241237 (flush-all)))
243239 ;;;
256252 (fresh-all)
257253 (flush-all)
258254 (with-output-panic-message ()
259 (format t "in ~a : no current module is specified!" ',me)
260 (force-output)
261 (finish-output)
262 (return-from ,me nil))))
255 (format t "in ~a : no current module is specified!" ',me)
256 (force-output)
257 (finish-output)
258 (return-from ,me nil))))
264260 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :CHAOS)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: misc.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: misc.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5757 (defun make-keyword (name)
5858 (declare (type (or symbol simple-string) name)
59 (values symbol))
59 (values symbol))
6060 (if (stringp name)
6161 (intern name *keyword-package*)
6262 ;; name must be a symbol
6767 ;;; the key it is returned.
6969 (defun extract-keyword (key arglist &optional (default nil)
70 &key (no-value nil))
70 &key (no-value nil))
7171 (declare (type list arglist)
72 (type t default)
73 (type keyword key)
74 (values symbol)
75 )
72 (type t default)
73 (type keyword key)
74 (values symbol)
75 )
7676 (let ((binding (member key arglist :test #'eql)))
7777 (cond ((and (null binding) no-value)
78 no-value)
79 ((cdr binding)
80 (cadr binding))
81 (t
82 default))))
78 no-value)
79 ((cdr binding)
80 (cadr binding))
81 (t
82 default))))
8484 ;;; *****************
8585 ;;; OBJECT ALLOCATION____________________________________________________________
228228 (declare (type t x y))
229229 (typecase x
230230 (integer (typecase y
231 (integer (if (< (the integer x) (the integer y))
232 :lt
233 (if (< (the integer y) (the integer x))
234 :gt
235 :eq)))
236 (otherwise :lt)))
231 (integer (if (< (the integer x) (the integer y))
232 :lt
233 (if (< (the integer y) (the integer x))
234 :gt
235 :eq)))
236 (otherwise :lt)))
237237 (symbol (typecase y
238 (symbol (if (eq x y)
239 :eq
240 (if (string-lessp (string (the symbol x))
241 (string (the symbol y)))
242 :lt
243 :gt)))
244 (integer :gt)
245 (otherwise :lt)))
238 (symbol (if (eq x y)
239 :eq
240 (if (string-lessp (string (the symbol x))
241 (string (the symbol y)))
242 :lt
243 :gt)))
244 (integer :gt)
245 (otherwise :lt)))
246246 (cons (typecase y
247 (cons (let ((comp-car (ob-compare (car x ) (car y))))
248 (if (eq :eq comp-car)
249 (ob-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))
250 comp-car)))
251 ((or symbol integer) :gt)
252 (otherwise :lt)))
247 (cons (let ((comp-car (ob-compare (car x ) (car y))))
248 (if (eq :eq comp-car)
249 (ob-compare (cdr x) (cdr y))
250 comp-car)))
251 ((or symbol integer) :gt)
252 (otherwise :lt)))
253253 (number (typecase y
254 (number (if (< (the number x) (the number y))
255 :lt
256 (if (< (the number y) (the number x))
257 :gt
258 :eq)))
259 ((or symbol integer cons) :gt)
260 (otherwise :lt)))
254 (number (if (< (the number x) (the number y))
255 :lt
256 (if (< (the number y) (the number x))
257 :gt
258 :eq)))
259 ((or symbol integer cons) :gt)
260 (otherwise :lt)))
261261 (character (typecase y
262 (character (if (char< (the character x)
263 (the character y))
264 :lt
265 (if (char< (the character y)
266 (the character x))
267 :gt
268 :eq)))
269 ((or number cons symbol) :gt)
270 (otherwise :lt)))
262 (character (if (char< (the character x)
263 (the character y))
264 :lt
265 (if (char< (the character y)
266 (the character x))
267 :gt
268 :eq)))
269 ((or number cons symbol) :gt)
270 (otherwise :lt)))
271271 (string (typecase y
272 (string (if (string-lessp (the string x) (the string y))
273 :lt
274 (if (string-lessp (the string y) (the string x))
275 :gt
276 :eq)))
277 ((or character number cons symbol) :gt)
278 (otherwise :lt)))
272 (string (if (string-lessp (the string x) (the string y))
273 :lt
274 (if (string-lessp (the string y) (the string x))
275 :gt
276 :eq)))
277 ((or character number cons symbol) :gt)
278 (otherwise :lt)))
279279 (sequence (typecase y
280 (sequence (let ((lenx (length (the sequence x)))
281 (leny (length (the sequence y))))
282 (declare (type fixnum lenx leny))
283 (dotimes (i (min lenx leny) (ob-compare lenx leny))
284 (declare (type fixnum i))
285 (let ((xi (elt x i))
286 (yi (elt y i)))
287 (let ((cmp (ob-compare xi yi)))
288 (unless (eq :eq cmp)
289 (return cmp)))))
290 :eq))
291 (otherwise :gt)))
280 (sequence (let ((lenx (length (the sequence x)))
281 (leny (length (the sequence y))))
282 (declare (type fixnum lenx leny))
283 (dotimes (i (min lenx leny) (ob-compare lenx leny))
284 (declare (type fixnum i))
285 (let ((xi (elt x i))
286 (yi (elt y i)))
287 (let ((cmp (ob-compare xi yi)))
288 (unless (eq :eq cmp)
289 (return cmp)))))
290 :eq))
291 (otherwise :gt)))
292292 (otherwise :lt)
293293 ;; (structure :lt)
294294 ;;
306306 ;;;
307307 (defun topo-sort (lst pred)
308308 (declare (type list lst)
309 (type (or symbol function) pred))
310 (let ((res lst)) ; save original list as final value
309 (type (or symbol function) pred))
310 (let ((res lst)) ; save original list as final value
311311 ;; run through the positions of lst successively filling them in
312312 (loop
313313 (when (null lst) (return))
314314 ;; pos is location of val which is current minimal value
315315 (let ((pos lst) (val (car lst)) (rest (cdr lst)))
316316 ;; scan through remainder of list rest updating pos and val
317 (loop ; -- select minimal
318 (when (null rest) (return))
319 (let ((valr (car rest)))
320 (when (funcall pred valr val)
321 (setq pos rest val valr))) ; have found new minimal value
322 (setq rest (cdr rest))) ; loop -- select minimal
317 (loop ; -- select minimal
318 (when (null rest) (return))
319 (let ((valr (car rest)))
320 (when (funcall pred valr val)
321 (setq pos rest val valr))) ; have found new minimal value
322 (setq rest (cdr rest))) ; loop -- select minimal
323323 ;; swap values at front of lst and at pos
324324 (rplaca pos (car lst))
325325 (rplaca lst val))
376376 ;;; QUERY-INPUT_________________________________________________________________
377377 ;;; ************
378378 (defun query-input (&optional (default #\y) (timeout 20)
379 format-string &rest args)
379 format-string &rest args)
380380 (clear-input *query-io*)
381381 (when format-string
382382 (fresh-line *query-io*)
387387 (finish-output *query-io*))
388388 (let ((read-char (read-char-wait timeout *query-io*)))
389389 (cond ((null read-char) (return-from query-input default))
390 (t (unread-char read-char *query-io*)
391 (read *query-io*)))))
390 (t (unread-char read-char *query-io*)
391 (read *query-io*)))))
393393 ;;; *************
394394 ;;; Y-OR-N-P-WAIT________________________________________________________________
398398 (defun internal-real-time-in-seconds ()
399399 (declare (values float))
400400 (float (/ (get-internal-real-time)
401 internal-time-units-per-second)))
401 internal-time-units-per-second)))
403403 (defun read-char-wait (&optional (timeout 20) input-stream &aux char)
404404 (do ((start (internal-real-time-in-seconds)))
405405 ((or (setq char (read-char-no-hang input-stream nil)) ;(listen *query-io*)
406 (< (+ start timeout) (internal-real-time-in-seconds)))
406 (< (+ start timeout) (internal-real-time-in-seconds)))
407407 char)))
409409 (defvar *use-timeouts* t
422422 ;;; you enter any other characters.
424424 (defun y-or-n-p-wait (&optional (default #\y) (timeout 20)
425 format-string &rest args)
425 format-string &rest args)
426426 (when *clear-input-before-query* (clear-input *query-io*))
427427 (when format-string
428428 (fresh-line *query-io*)
433433 (finish-output *query-io*))
434434 (loop
435435 (let* ((read-char (if *use-timeouts*
436 (read-char-wait timeout *query-io*)
437 (read-char *query-io*)))
438 (char (or read-char default)))
436 (read-char-wait timeout *query-io*)
437 (read-char *query-io*)))
438 (char (or read-char default)))
439439 ;; We need to ignore #\newline because otherwise the bugs in
440440 ;; clear-input will cause y-or-n-p-wait to print the "Type ..."
441441 ;; message every time... *sigh*
443443 ;; clear-input is fixed.
444444 (unless (find char '(#\tab #\newline #\return))
445445 (when (null read-char)
446 (format *query-io* "~@[~A~]" default)
447 (finish-output *query-io*))
446 (format *query-io* "~@[~A~]" default)
447 (finish-output *query-io*))
448448 (cond ((null char) (return t))
449 ((find char '(#\y #\Y #\space) :test #'char=) (return t))
450 ((find char '(#\n #\N) :test #'char=) (return nil))
451 (t
452 (when *clear-input-before-query* (clear-input *query-io*))
453 (format *query-io* "~&Type \"y\" for yes or \"n\" for no. ")
454 (when format-string
455 (fresh-line *query-io*)
456 (apply #'format *query-io* format-string args))
457 (finish-output *query-io*)))))))
449 ((find char '(#\y #\Y #\space) :test #'char=) (return t))
450 ((find char '(#\n #\N) :test #'char=) (return nil))
451 (t
452 (when *clear-input-before-query* (clear-input *query-io*))
453 (format *query-io* "~%Type \"y\" for yes or \"n\" for no. ")
454 (when format-string
455 (fresh-line *query-io*)
456 (apply #'format *query-io* format-string args))
457 (finish-output *query-io*)))))))
459459 ;;; ********
460460 ;;; MULTISET____________________________________________________________________
472472 ;;; a multiset itself is represented as a list of this pairs.
474474 (defstruct (multiset (:conc-name "MULTISET-")
475 (:constructor multiset-create (equal-fun elements))
476 (:copier nil))
477 (equal-fun #'eq :type function) ; predicate which determines the equality
478 ; of the objects.
479 (elements nil :type list)) ; list of pair (object . count).
475 (:constructor multiset-create (equal-fun elements))
476 (:copier nil))
477 (equal-fun #'eq :type function) ; predicate which determines the equality
478 ; of the objects.
479 (elements nil :type list)) ; list of pair (object . count).
481481 ;;; MULTISET-NEW
482482 ;;; creates the new empty multiset-
494494 (defmacro multiset-insert (ms e)
495495 (once-only (ms)
496496 `(let* ((elems (multiset-elements ,ms))
497 (pair (assoc ,e elems :test (multiset-equal-fun ,ms))))
497 (pair (assoc ,e elems :test (multiset-equal-fun ,ms))))
498498 (if pair
499 (incf (the fixnum (cdr pair)))
500 (setf (multiset-elements ,ms)
501 (push (cons e 1) elems))))))
499 (incf (the fixnum (cdr pair)))
500 (setf (multiset-elements ,ms)
501 (push (cons e 1) elems))))))
503503 ;;; LIST-TO-MULTISET list
504504 ;;; returns a new multiset consisting of the elements in list.
507507 ` (let ((ms (multiset-new ,equal-fun)))
508508 (declare (type multiset ms))
509509 (dolist (e ,list)
510 (multiset-insert ms e))
510 (multiset-insert ms e))
511511 ms))
513513 ;;; MULTISET-TO-SET ms
521521 (defmacro multiset-delete (ms e)
522522 (once-only (ms)
523523 `(let* ((elems (multiset-elements ,ms))
524 (pair (assoc ,e elems :test (multiset-equal-fun ,ms))))
524 (pair (assoc ,e elems :test (multiset-equal-fun ,ms))))
525525 (when pair
526526 (when (zerop (decf (the fixnum (cdr pair))))
527 (setf (multiset-elements ,ms)
528 (delete e elems :test (multiset-equal-fun ,ms) :key #'car)))))))
527 (setf (multiset-elements ,ms)
528 (delete e elems :test (multiset-equal-fun ,ms) :key #'car)))))))
530530 ;;; MULTISET-MERGE m1 m2
531531 ;;; inserts each elements of m2 into m1. leaves m2 unchanged.
534534 (defmacro multiset-merge (m1 m2)
535535 (once-only (m1)
536536 `(let ((m1-elems (multiset-elements ,m1))
537 (equal-fun (multiset-equal-fun ,m1)))
537 (equal-fun (multiset-equal-fun ,m1)))
538538 (dolist (e2 (multiset-elements ,m2))
539 (let ((pair (assoc (car e2) m1-elems :test equal-fun)))
540 (if pair
541 (incf (the fixnum (cdr m1-elems)) (the fixnum (cdr pair)))
542 (push e2 m1-elems)))))))
539 (let ((pair (assoc (car e2) m1-elems :test equal-fun)))
540 (if pair
541 (incf (the fixnum (cdr m1-elems)) (the fixnum (cdr pair)))
542 (push e2 m1-elems)))))))
545545 ;;; returns a new multiset with all elements that occur in both m1 and m2,
549549 (defmacro multiset-intersectin (m1 m2)
550550 (once-only (m1)
551551 `(let ((m1-elems (multiset-elements ,m1))
552 (equal-fun (multiset-equal-fun ,m1))
553 (new-elems nil))
552 (equal-fun (multiset-equal-fun ,m1))
553 (new-elems nil))
554554 (dolist (e2 (multiset-elements ,m2))
555 (let ((pair (assoc (car e2) m1-elems :test equal-fun)))
556 (when pair
557 (push (cons (car pair) (min (cdr pair) (cdr e2)))
558 new-elems))))
555 (let ((pair (assoc (car e2) m1-elems :test equal-fun)))
556 (when pair
557 (push (cons (car pair) (min (cdr pair) (cdr e2)))
558 new-elems))))
559559 (multiset-create equal-fun new-elems))))
561561 ;;; MULTISET-DIFF m1 m2
566566 (defmacro multiset-diff (m1 m2)
567567 (once-only (m1)
568568 `(let ((m1-elems (multiset-elements ,m1))
569 (equal-fun (multiset-equal-fun ,m1))
570 (new-elems nil))
569 (equal-fun (multiset-equal-fun ,m1))
570 (new-elems nil))
571571 (dolist (e2 (multiset-elements ,m2))
572 (let ((pair (assoc (car e2) m1-elems :test equal-fun)))
573 (if pair
574 (let ((count (- (cdr pair) (cdr e2))))
575 (when (< 0 count)
576 (push (cons (car pair) count) new-elems)))
577 (push (cons (car par) (cdr pair)) new-elems))))
572 (let ((pair (assoc (car e2) m1-elems :test equal-fun)))
573 (if pair
574 (let ((count (- (cdr pair) (cdr e2))))
575 (when (< 0 count)
576 (push (cons (car pair) count) new-elems)))
577 (push (cons (car par) (cdr pair)) new-elems))))
578578 (multiset-create equal-fun new-elems))))
580580 ;;; MULTISET-COUNT m e
584584 (once-only (m)
585585 `(let ((pair (assoc ,e (multiset-elements ,m) :test (multiset-equal-fun ,m))))
586586 (if pair
587 (cdr pair)
588 0))))
587 (cdr pair)
588 0))))
590590 ;;; MULTISET-COPY m
591591 ;;; returns a new multiset with the same contents and the same equality function as m.
618618 ,@(let (code-result)
619619 (dolist (pred (cdr predicates))
620620 (push `(cond
621 ((and (setq ,temp ,pred)
622 ,result)
623 (return-from ,block-name nil))
624 (,temp
625 (setq ,result ,temp)))
621 ((and (setq ,temp ,pred)
622 ,result)
623 (return-from ,block-name nil))
624 (,temp
625 (setq ,result ,temp)))
626626 code-result))
627627 (nreverse code-result))
628628 ,result))))
639639 (push `(if (not ,pred)
640640 (return-from ,block-name t))
641641 code-result))
642 (nreverse code-result))
642 (nreverse code-result))
643643 nil)))
645645 ;;; nor
654654 (push `(if ,pred
655655 (return-from ,block-name nil))
656656 code-result))
657 (nreverse code-result))
657 (nreverse code-result))
658658 t)))
668668 (decode-universal-time universal-time 0) ; GMT time
669669 (declare (type fixnum dow month))
670670 (format nil "~d ~a ~d ~a ~d:~2,'0d:~2,'0d GMT"
671 year
672 (%svref '#(0 "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May"
673 "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct"
674 "Nov" "Dec")
675 month)
676 date
677 (%svref '#("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun") dow)
678 hour min secs)
671 year
672 (%svref '#(0 "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May"
673 "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct"
674 "Nov" "Dec")
675 month)
676 date
677 (%svref '#("Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun") dow)
678 hour min secs)
679679 ))
681681 ;;; elapsed-time-in-seconds
687687 (defun elapsed-time-in-seconds (base now)
688688 (declare (type integer base now)
689 (values single-float))
689 (values single-float))
690690 (coerce (/ (- now base)
691 internal-time-units-per-second)
692 'single-float))
691 internal-time-units-per-second)
692 'single-float))
694694 (defun time-in-seconds (sum)
695695 (declare (type integer sum)
696 (values single-float))
696 (values single-float))
697697 (coerce (/ sum internal-time-units-per-second) 'single-float))
699699 ;;; ****
703703 (defmacro every2len (fn l1 l2)
704704 (let* ((lmbd (cadr fn))
705 (args (cadr lmbd))
706 (bdy (cddr lmbd)))
705 (args (cadr lmbd))
706 (bdy (cddr lmbd)))
707707 ` (let ((lst1 ,l1) (lst2 ,l2) ,@args)
708 (loop
709 (when (null lst1) (return (null lst2)))
710 (when (null lst2) (return (null lst1)))
711 (setq ,(car args) (car lst1))
712 (setq ,(cadr args) (car lst2))
713 (unless (progn ,@bdy) (return nil))
714 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
715 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))
716 )
717 )))
708 (loop
709 (when (null lst1) (return (null lst2)))
710 (when (null lst2) (return (null lst1)))
711 (setq ,(car args) (car lst1))
712 (setq ,(cadr args) (car lst2))
713 (unless (progn ,@bdy) (return nil))
714 (setq lst1 (cdr lst1))
715 (setq lst2 (cdr lst2))
716 )
717 )))
719719 (defun list2array (list)
720720 (declare (type list list)
721 #-GCL (values simple-vector)
722 )
721 #-GCL (values simple-vector)
722 )
723723 #-GCL
724724 (make-array (length list) :initial-contents list)
725725 #+GCL
732732 (defun make-list-1-n (n)
733733 (declare (type fixnum n)
734 (values list))
734 (values list))
735735 (let ((result nil))
736736 (dotimes-fixnum (x n)
737737 (push (+ x 1) result))
740740 (defun make-list-1-n-0 (n)
741741 (declare (type fixnum n)
742 (values list))
742 (values list))
743743 (let ((result nil))
744744 (dotimes-fixnum (x n)
745745 (push (+ x 1) result))
758758 (defmacro delete-entry-from-assoc-table (table key &optional (test '#'equal))
759759 ` (let ((entry (assoc ,key ,table :test ,test)))
760760 (when entry
761 (setq ,table (delete entry ,table :test #'eq)))))
761 (setq ,table (delete entry ,table :test #'eq)))))
763763 (defmacro delete-object-from-assoc-table (table object &optional (test '#'eq))
764764 ` (let ((entry (rassoc ,object ,table :test ,test)))
765765 (when entry
766 (setq ,table (delete entry ,table :test #'eq)))))
766 (setq ,table (delete entry ,table :test #'eq)))))
768768 (defmacro add-to-assoc-table (table key value &optional (test '#'equal))
769769 (once-only (table key value)
770770 ` (let ((entry (get-entry-in-assoc-table ,table ,key ,test)))
771 (if entry
772 (setf (cdr entry) ,value)
773 (prog1
774 ,value
775 (push (cons ,key ,value) ,table))))))
771 (if entry
772 (setf (cdr entry) ,value)
773 (prog1
774 ,value
775 (push (cons ,key ,value) ,table))))))
777777 (defmacro object-is-in-assoc-table? (table object &optional (test '#'eq))
778778 `(rassoc ,object ,table :test ,test))
851851 1<<20, 1<<21, 1<<22, 1<<23, 1<<24, 1<<25, 1<<26, 1<<27, 1<<28, 1<<29,
852852 1<<30, 1<<31,
853853 };"
854 )
854 )
856856 #+gcl
857857 (Clines "static object expt2 (a) object a;
861861 return (make_fixnum(bit_vector[x]));
862862 } else { FEerror(\"aho\");}
863863 }"
864 )
864 )
866866 #+gcl
867867 (defentry expt2 (object)(object expt2))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 ;;; (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: message.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: message.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7070 ` (progn
7171 (let ((*standard-output* *error-output*)
7272 (*print-indent* 4))
73 (output-msg :error ',msg-id "~&[Error]:" ,args)
73 (output-msg :error ',msg-id "~%[Error]:" ,args)
7474 ,@body)
7575 ,(if (and tag-p (eq tag 'to-top))
7676 `(chaos-to-top)
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: print-utils.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: comlib
32 File: print-utils.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
6969 (declare (values fixnum))
7070 (let ((val (lisp::charpos x)))
7171 (if val val
72 0)))
72 0)))
7474 #+EXCL
7575 (defun filecol (x)
103103 (defun file-column (strm)
104104 (declare (inline filecol)
105 (values fixnum))
105 (values fixnum))
106106 (filecol strm))
108108 ;;; print-check
114114 (declare (type fixnum indent fwd))
115115 (if (<= *print-line-limit* (+ (file-column stream) fwd))
116116 (progn
117 (terpri stream)
118 (when (>= (1+ indent) *print-line-limit*)
119 (setq indent 0)
120 (setq .file-col. (* *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*)))
121 (if (= 0 indent)
122 (dotimes (i (* *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*))
123 (princ #\space stream))
124 (dotimes (i indent)
125 (princ #\space stream)))
126 t)
117 (terpri stream)
118 (when (>= (1+ indent) *print-line-limit*)
119 (setq indent 0)
120 (setq .file-col. (* *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*)))
121 (if (= 0 indent)
122 (dotimes (i (* *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*))
123 (princ #\space stream))
124 (dotimes (i indent)
125 (princ #\space stream)))
126 t)
127127 nil))
128128 ||#
131131 (declare (type fixnum indent fwd))
132132 (if (<= *print-line-limit* (+ (file-column stream) fwd))
133133 (progn
134 (print-next)
135 (when (>= (1+ indent) *print-line-limit*)
136 (setq .file-col. (* *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*)))
137 #||
138 (dotimes (i indent)
139 (princ #\space stream))
140 ||#
141 t)
134 (print-next)
135 (when (>= (1+ indent) *print-line-limit*)
136 (setq .file-col. (* *print-indent* *print-indent-increment*)))
137 #||
138 (dotimes (i indent)
139 (princ #\space stream))
140 ||#
141 t)
142142 nil))
144144 ;;; print-indent
164164 (princ string stream)
165165 (unless (equal fill-char " ")
166166 (dotimes (x fill-col)
167 (declare (type fixnum x))
168 (princ fill-char stream))
167 (declare (type fixnum x))
168 (princ fill-char stream))
169169 )))
170170 ||#
180180 (princ string stream)
181181 (unless (equal fill-char " ")
182182 (dotimes (x fill-col)
183 (declare (type fixnum x))
184 (princ fill-char stream))
183 (declare (type fixnum x))
184 (princ fill-char stream))
185185 )))
187187 ;;; print-to-right
189189 ;;;
190190 (defun print-to-right (string &optional (fill-char " ") (stream *standard-output*))
191191 (declare (type simple-string string)
192 (type (or character simple-string) fill-char)
193 (type stream stream))
192 (type (or character simple-string) fill-char)
193 (type stream stream))
194194 (dotimes (x (- .terminal-width. 1 (filecol stream)
195 *print-indent* (length string)))
195 *print-indent* (length string)))
196196 (declare (type fixnum x))
197197 (princ fill-char stream))
198198 (princ " " stream)
203203 ;;;
204204 (defun print-to-left (string &optional (fill-char nil) (stream *standard-output*))
205205 (declare (type simple-string string)
206 (type (or null character simple-string) fill-char)
207 (type stream stream))
206 (type (or null character simple-string) fill-char)
207 (type stream stream))
208208 (let ((*print-line-limit* .terminal-width.))
209209 (princ string stream)
210210 (princ " " stream)
211211 (if fill-char
212 (dotimes (x (- *print-line-limit* 1 *print-indent*
213 (filecol stream) (length string)))
214 (declare (type fixnum x))
215 (princ fill-char stream)))))
212 (dotimes (x (- *print-line-limit* 1 *print-indent*
213 (filecol stream) (length string)))
214 (declare (type fixnum x))
215 (princ fill-char stream)))))
217217 ;;; print-next
218218 ;;; print new-line iff the current column is not at the beggining of line
220220 ;;;
221221 (defun print-next (&optional (prefix nil) (n *print-indent*) (stream *standard-output*))
222222 (declare (type fixnum n)
223 (type stream stream))
224 (if (fresh-line stream)
225 (print-indent #\space n stream))
223 (type stream stream))
224 #+SBCL
225 (progn (terpri stream) (print-indent #\space n stream))
226 #-SBCL
227 (when (fresh-line stream)
228 (print-indent #\space n stream))
226229 (when prefix (princ prefix stream)))
228231 (defun print-next-prefix (prefix-char &optional (prefix nil) (n *print-indent*) (stream *standard-output*))
229232 (declare (type fixnum n)
230 (type stream stream)
231 (type character prefix-char))
233 (type stream stream)
234 (type character prefix-char))
232235 (when (fresh-line stream)
233236 (print-indent prefix-char n stream))
234237 (when prefix (princ prefix stream)))
238241 (defun print-simple (x &optional (stream *standard-output*))
239242 (declare (type stream stream))
240243 (cond ((atom x) (prin1 x stream))
241 (t (let ((flag nil) (tail x))
242 (princ "(" stream)
243 (loop (when (not (consp tail)) (return))
244 (if flag
245 (princ " " stream)
246 (setq flag t))
247 (print-simple (car tail) stream)
248 (setq tail (cdr tail)))
249 (when tail
250 (princ " . " stream)
251 (prin1 tail stream))
252 (princ ")" stream)
253 ))))
244 (t (let ((flag nil) (tail x))
245 (princ "(" stream)
246 (loop (when (not (consp tail)) (return))
247 (if flag
248 (princ " " stream)
249 (setq flag t))
250 (print-simple (car tail) stream)
251 (setq tail (cdr tail)))
252 (when tail
253 (princ " . " stream)
254 (prin1 tail stream))
255 (princ ")" stream)
256 ))))
255258 ;;; print-simple-princ
256259 ;;;
258261 (declare (type stream stream))
259262 (let ((.file-col. .file-col.))
260263 (cond ((atom x) (princ x stream))
261 (t (let ((flag nil)
262 (tail x))
263 (princ "(" stream)
264 (setq .file-col. (1+ (file-column stream)))
265 (loop (when (not (consp tail)) (return))
266 (if flag
267 (princ " " stream)
268 (setq flag t))
269 (print-simple-princ (car tail) stream)
270 (setq tail (cdr tail)))
271 (when tail
272 (princ " . " stream)
273 (prin1 tail stream))
274 (princ ")" stream)))
275 )))
264 (t (let ((flag nil)
265 (tail x))
266 (princ "(" stream)
267 (setq .file-col. (1+ (file-column stream)))
268 (loop (when (not (consp tail)) (return))
269 (if flag
270 (princ " " stream)
271 (setq flag t))
272 (print-simple-princ (car tail) stream)
273 (setq tail (cdr tail)))
274 (when tail
275 (princ " . " stream)
276 (prin1 tail stream))
277 (princ ")" stream)))
278 )))
277280 ;;; print-simple-princ-open
278281 ;;;
281284 (let ((.file-col. .file-col.))
282285 (print-check .file-col. 0 stream)
283286 (cond ((atom x) (princ x stream))
284 (t (let ((flag nil)
285 (tail x))
286 (loop (when (not (consp tail)) (return))
287 (if flag
288 (princ #\space stream)
289 (setq flag t))
290 (print-simple-princ (car tail) stream)
291 (setq tail (cdr tail))
292 )
293 (when tail
294 (princ " ... " stream)
295 (prin1 tail stream)))))
287 (t (let ((flag nil)
288 (tail x))
289 (loop (when (not (consp tail)) (return))
290 (if flag
291 (princ #\space stream)
292 (setq flag t))
293 (print-simple-princ (car tail) stream)
294 (setq tail (cdr tail))
295 )
296 (when tail
297 (princ " ... " stream)
298 (prin1 tail stream)))))
296299 ))
298301 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :CHAOS)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: process.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: process.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5050 (Clines "
5151 #undef PAGESIZE
52 #include <errno.h> /* errno global, error codes for UNIX IO */
53 #include <sys/types.h> /* Data types definitions */
54 #include <sys/socket.h> /* Socket definitions with out this forget it */
55 #include <netinet/in.h> /* Internet address definition AF_INET etc... */
56 #include <signal.h> /* UNIX Signal codes */
57 #include <sys/ioctl.h> /* IO control standard UNIx fair */
52 #include <errno.h> /* errno global, error codes for UNIX IO */
53 #include <sys/types.h> /* Data types definitions */
54 #include <sys/socket.h> /* Socket definitions with out this forget it */
55 #include <netinet/in.h> /* Internet address definition AF_INET etc... */
56 #include <signal.h> /* UNIX Signal codes */
57 #include <sys/ioctl.h> /* IO control standard UNIx fair */
5858 #include <sys/file.h>
59 #include <fcntl.h> /* Function to set socket aync/interrupt */
60 #include <sys/time.h> /* Time for select time out */
61 #include <netdb.h> /* Data Base interface for network files */
59 #include <fcntl.h> /* Function to set socket aync/interrupt */
60 #include <sys/time.h> /* Time for select time out */
61 #include <netdb.h> /* Data Base interface for network files */
6262 /* patch by */
63 #include <sys/wait.h> /* Wait system call options */
63 #include <sys/wait.h> /* Wait system call options */
6464 /* patch end */
6565 #include <stdio.h>
6767 static char *lisp_to_string(string)
6868 object string;
6969 {
70 int i, len;
71 char *sself;
72 char *cstr;
74 len = string->st.st_fillp;
76 cstr = (char *) malloc (len+1);
77 sself = &(string->st.st_self[0]);
78 for (i=0; i<len; i++)
79 {
80 cstr[i] = sself[i];
81 }
82 cstr[i] = 0;
83 return (cstr);
70 int i, len;
71 char *sself;
72 char *cstr;
74 len = string->st.st_fillp;
76 cstr = (char *) malloc (len+1);
77 sself = &(string->st.st_self[0]);
78 for (i=0; i<len; i++)
79 {
80 cstr[i] = sself[i];
81 }
82 cstr[i] = 0;
83 return (cstr);
8484 }
8686 /*
149149 if (fork() == 0)
150150 { /* the child --- replace standard in and out with descriptors given */
151151 /* patch by */
152 setsid(); /* in order to get rid of job control */
153 fclose(istream->sm.sm_fp); /* close parent-side file desc. */
154 fclose(ostream->sm.sm_fp); /* ditto */
152 setsid(); /* in order to get rid of job control */
153 fclose(istream->sm.sm_fp); /* close parent-side file desc. */
154 fclose(ostream->sm.sm_fp); /* ditto */
155155 /* end patch */
156156 close(0);
157157 dup(fdin);
158158 close(1);
159159 dup(fdout);
160160 if (execvp(pname, argv) == -1)
161 {
162 fprintf(stderr, \"\\n***** Error in process spawning *******\");
163 fflush(stderr);
164 exit(1);
165 }
161 {
162 fprintf(stderr, \"\\n***** Error in process spawning *******\");
163 fflush(stderr);
164 exit(1);
165 }
166166 }
167167 /* patch by */
168168 else
169169 { /* the parent */
170 close(fdin); /* close child-side file descriptor */
171 close(fdout); /* ditto */
170 close(fdin); /* close child-side file descriptor */
171 close(fdout); /* ditto */
172172 }
173173 /* end patch */
174174 }
217217 stream = make_pipe();
218218 spawn_child(stream->sm.sm_object1,
219 stream->sm.sm_object0,
220 filename, argv);
219 stream->sm.sm_object0,
220 filename, argv);
221221 return(stream);
223223 }
239239 (defun run-process (program &optional args)
240240 (let ((stream (run-child program args)))
241241 (make-process :name program
242 :in-stream (si::fp-input-stream stream)
243 :out-stream (si::fp-output-stream stream))))
242 :in-stream (si::fp-input-stream stream)
243 :out-stream (si::fp-output-stream stream))))
245245 (defmacro with-write-to-process ((process) &body body)
246246 ` (let ((*standard-output* (process-out-stream ,process)))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:comlib
32 File: reader.lisp
30 System:Chaos
31 Module:comlib
32 File: reader.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 ;;; SCHEMA BASED Genral Reader.
39 ;;; SCHEMA BASED Genral Reader.
4040 ;;;
4242 ;;; ;;;; Copyright 1988,1991 SRI International.
9595 ;;;
9696 (defun reader (name schms)
9797 (declare (type symbol name)
98 (type list schms)
99 (values t))
98 (type list schms)
99 (values t))
100100 (let ((*reader-schema-env* schms))
101101 (!lex-read-init)
102102 (read-named name *reader-void* nil)
114114 (princ "file: ")
115115 (princ (namestring *chaos-input-source*)))
116116 (when (and *reader-current-schema*
117 (general-read-is-simple-schema *reader-current-schema*))
117 (general-read-is-simple-schema *reader-current-schema*))
118118 (print-next)
119119 (princ "expecting: ")
120120 (let ((*print-indent-contin* t))
121 ;; (break)
122 ;; (general-read-print-schema *reader-current-schema*)
123 (general-read-display-schema *reader-current-schema*)))
121 ;; (break)
122 ;; (general-read-print-schema *reader-current-schema*)
123 (general-read-display-schema *reader-current-schema* :short)))
124124 (when *reader-starting-position*
125125 (print-next)
126126 (princ "starting character position was: ")
140140 (defun string-match (x y)
141141 (declare (values (or null t)))
142142 (cond ((stringp x)
143 (string= (the simple-string x)
144 (if (stringp y)
145 (the simple-string y)
146 (the simple-string
147 (string-downcase (string y))))))
148 ((characterp x)
149 (eql (the character x) (the character y)))
150 (t (eq x y))))
143 (string= (the simple-string x)
144 (if (stringp y)
145 (the simple-string y)
146 (the simple-string
147 (string-downcase (string y))))))
148 ((characterp x)
149 (eql (the character x) (the character y)))
150 (t (eq x y))))
152152 ;;; GENERAL-READ-STRING-MATCHES : token pattern -> Bool
153153 ;;; used to match tokens against "patterns" which should be
158158 (declare (values (or null t)))
159159 (and (atom x)
160160 (if (atom y) (string-match x y)
161 (or (and (eq ':pred (car y)) (funcall (cadr y) x))
162 (if (eq ':+ (car y))
163 (member x (cdr y) :test #'string-match)
164 (member x y :test #'string-match))))))
161 (or (and (eq ':pred (car y)) (funcall (cadr y) x))
162 (if (eq ':+ (car y))
163 (member x (cdr y) :test #'string-match)
164 (member x y :test #'string-match))))))
166166 ;;; GENERAL-READ-NUMBERP token -> Bool
167167 ;;; is a token an integer?
168168 ;;;
169169 (defun general-read-numberp (str)
170170 (declare (type simple-string str)
171 (values (or null t)))
171 (values (or null t)))
172172 (let ((p 0)
173 (len (length str)))
173 (len (length str)))
174174 (declare (type fixnum p len))
175175 (when (member (char str p) '(#\+ #\-))
176176 (incf p)
177177 (when (= 1 len) (return-from general-read-numberp nil)))
178178 (loop
179 (when (= len p) (return t))
180 (when (not (digit-char-p (char str p))) (return nil))
179 (when (= len p) (return t))
180 (when (not (digit-char-p (char str p))) (return nil))
181181 (incf p)
182182 )))
190190 (defun general-read (schema context &optional (allow-other nil))
191191 (declare (type list schema context)
192 (type (or null t) allow-other)
193 (values t))
192 (type (or null t) allow-other)
193 (values t))
194194 ;;
195195 (let ((*reader-current-schema* schema)
196 (*reader-current-context* context)
197 (*reader-starting-position*
196 (*reader-current-context* context)
197 (*reader-starting-position*
198198 (if (at-top-level) nil (file-position *standard-input*)))
199 (result nil))
199 (result nil))
200200 (setq result
201201 (catch :aborting-read
202 (cond ((null schema) nil)
203 (t (let ((elt (car schema))
204 (rest (cdr schema)))
205 (let ((restcontext (if rest rest context)))
206 (cond
207 ((symbolp elt)
208 (case elt
209 (:unread (read-continue (unread-token)
210 rest context))
211 (:optional (read-optional rest context))
212 (:if-present (read-if-present rest context))
213 (:one-of (read-one-of rest context))
214 (:one-of-default (read-one-of-default rest context))
215 (:many-of ;like one-of but with repetitions
216 (read-many-of rest context))
217 (:seq-of (read-seq-of rest context))
218 (:symbol (read-continue (!read-sym) rest context))
219 (:symbols (read-continue (read-seq-of '(:symbol)
220 restcontext)
221 rest context))
222 (:int (let ((val (!read-sym)))
223 (cond
224 ((general-read-numberp val)
225 (read-continue val rest context))
226 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
227 (princ "was expecting an integer not ")
228 (princ val)
229 (print-next)
230 (general-read-show-context)
231 (clear-input)
232 )))))
233 (:top-term (read-continue (read-term-at-top restcontext)
234 rest context))
235 (:term (read-continue (read-term restcontext)
236 rest context))
237 ;; (:term-to (read-continue (read-term-to restcontext)
238 ;; rest context))
239 (:top-opname (read-continue (read-opname-at-top restcontext)
240 rest context))
241 (:opname (read-continue (read-opname restcontext)
242 rest context))
243 (:sort (read-continue (read-sort restcontext)
244 rest context))
245 (:sorts (read-continue (read-sorts restcontext)
246 rest context))
247 (:chars (read-continue (read-chars restcontext)
248 rest context))
249 (:optattr (read-continue (read-opattr restcontext)
250 rest context))
251 (:comment (read-continue (read-comment-line) rest context))
252 (:commentlong
253 (read-continue (general-read-commentlong) rest context))
254 (:+ (read-any-one rest))
255 (:! ; use named description
256 (read-named (car rest) context))
257 (:call (eval (car rest)))
258 (:append
259 (let* ((rr (cdr rest))
260 (rc (if rr rr context)))
261 (read-continue-append
262 (general-read (car rest) rc) rr context)))
263 (:rdr
264 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader (car rest))))
265 (prog1 (general-read (cdr rest) context)
266 (!set-reader cur))))
267 (:modexp
268 (read-continue
269 (read-module-exp (car restcontext)) rest context))
270 (:super
271 (read-continue
272 (read-super-exp (car restcontext)) rest context))
273 (:chaos-item
274 (!read-discard)
275 (let ((val (lex-read)))
276 (let ((a (if (null (cdr val)) (car val) val)))
277 (read-continue a rest context))))
278 (:args
279 (read-args rest context))
280 (otherwise
281 (if allow-other
282 ;; we read input as a seq-of term
283 (general-read '(:seq-of :term) '(void))
284 (progn
285 (!read-in)
286 (cond
287 ((string-match *reader-input* elt)
288 (let ((inp *reader-input*))
289 (!read-discard)
290 (read-continue inp rest context)))
291 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
292 (princ "was expecting the symbol ")
293 (princ "`")
294 (princ elt)
295 (if (or (equal *reader-input* *lex-eof*)
296 (equal *reader-input* control-d-string))
297 (format t "', premature end of input.")
298 (format t "' not `~a'." *reader-input*))
299 (print-next)
300 (general-read-show-context)
301 (clear-input)
302 ))))))
303 ))
304 ((member (car elt) '(:! :rdr))
305 (let ((val (general-read elt restcontext)))
306 (cond ((eq *reader-void* val)
307 (general-read rest context))
308 (t (append val
309 (general-read rest context))))))
310 ((eq :upto (car elt))
311 (append (general-read (cddr elt) (list (cadr elt)))
312 (general-read rest context)))
313 (t
314 (read-continue (general-read elt restcontext) rest context)
315 ))))))
316 ))
202 (cond ((null schema) nil)
203 (t (let ((elt (car schema))
204 (rest (cdr schema)))
205 (let ((restcontext (if rest rest context)))
206 (cond
207 ((symbolp elt)
208 (case elt
209 (:unread (read-continue (unread-token)
210 rest context))
211 (:optional (read-optional rest context))
212 (:if-present (read-if-present rest context))
213 (:one-of (read-one-of rest context))
214 (:one-of-default (read-one-of-default rest context))
215 (:many-of ;like one-of but with repetitions
216 (read-many-of rest context))
217 (:seq-of (read-seq-of rest context))
218 (:symbol (read-continue (!read-sym) rest context))
219 (:symbols (read-continue (read-seq-of '(:symbol)
220 restcontext)
221 rest context))
222 (:int (let ((val (!read-sym)))
223 (cond
224 ((general-read-numberp val)
225 (read-continue val rest context))
226 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
227 (princ "was expecting an integer not ")
228 (princ val)
229 (print-next)
230 (general-read-show-context)
231 (clear-input)
232 )))))
233 (:top-term (read-continue (read-term-at-top restcontext)
234 rest context))
235 (:term (read-continue (read-term restcontext)
236 rest context))
237 ;; (:term-to (read-continue (read-term-to restcontext)
238 ;; rest context))
239 (:top-opname (read-continue (read-opname-at-top restcontext)
240 rest context))
241 (:opname (read-continue (read-opname restcontext)
242 rest context))
243 (:sort (read-continue (read-sort restcontext)
244 rest context))
245 (:sorts (read-continue (read-sorts restcontext)
246 rest context))
247 (:chars (read-continue (read-chars restcontext)
248 rest context))
249 (:optattr (read-continue (read-opattr restcontext)
250 rest context))
251 (:comment (read-continue (read-comment-line) rest context))
252 (:commentlong
253 (read-continue (general-read-commentlong) rest context))
254 (:+ (read-any-one rest))
255 (:! ; use named description
256 (read-named (car rest) context))
257 (:call (eval (car rest)))
258 (:append
259 (let* ((rr (cdr rest))
260 (rc (if rr rr context)))
261 (read-continue-append
262 (general-read (car rest) rc) rr context)))
263 (:rdr
264 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader (car rest))))
265 (prog1 (general-read (cdr rest) context)
266 (!set-reader cur))))
267 (:modexp
268 (read-continue
269 (read-module-exp (car restcontext)) rest context))
270 (:super
271 (read-continue
272 (read-super-exp (car restcontext)) rest context))
273 (:chaos-item
274 (!read-discard)
275 (let ((val (lex-read)))
276 (let ((a (if (null (cdr val)) (car val) val)))
277 (read-continue a rest context))))
278 (:args
279 (read-args rest context))
280 (otherwise
281 (if allow-other
282 ;; we read input as a seq-of term
283 (general-read '(:seq-of :term) '(void))
284 (progn
285 (!read-in)
286 (cond
287 ((string-match *reader-input* elt)
288 (let ((inp *reader-input*))
289 (!read-discard)
290 (read-continue inp rest context)))
291 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
292 (princ "was expecting the symbol ")
293 (princ "`")
294 (princ elt)
295 (if (or (equal *reader-input* *lex-eof*)
296 (equal *reader-input* control-d-string))
297 (format t "', premature end of input.")
298 (format t "' not `~a'." *reader-input*))
299 (print-next)
300 (general-read-show-context)
301 (clear-input)
302 ))))))
303 ))
304 ((member (car elt) '(:! :rdr))
305 (let ((val (general-read elt restcontext)))
306 (cond ((eq *reader-void* val)
307 (general-read rest context))
308 (t (append val
309 (general-read rest context))))))
310 ((eq :upto (car elt))
311 (append (general-read (cddr elt) (list (cadr elt)))
312 (general-read rest context)))
313 (t
314 (read-continue (general-read elt restcontext) rest context)
315 ))))))
316 ))
317317 (if (eq :aborting-read result)
318 (general-read-abort)
318 (general-read-abort)
319319 result)
320320 ))
326326 ;;;
327327 (defun read-named (name context &optional allow-other)
328328 (declare (type symbol name)
329 (type list context)
330 (type (or null t) allow-other))
329 (type list context)
330 (type (or null t) allow-other))
331331 (let ((val (assoc name *reader-schema-env* :test #'eq)))
332332 (cond (val (general-read (cadr val) context allow-other))
333 (t (error "Undefined name in general reader ~a" name)))))
333 (t (error "Undefined name in general reader ~a" name)))))
335335 ;;; READ-OPTIONAL
336336 ;;;
339339 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
340340 (general-read-eof-error))
341341 (cond ((general-read-string-matches *reader-input* (car c))
342 *reader-void*)
343 (t (general-read s c)))
342 *reader-void*)
343 (t (general-read s c)))
344344 )
346346 ;;; READ-IF-PRESENT
347347 ;;;
348348 (defun read-if-present (s c)
349349 (declare (type list s c)
350 (values t))
350 (values t))
351351 (!read-in)
352352 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
353353 (general-read-eof-error))
354354 (cond ((general-read-string-matches *reader-input* (car s))
355 (general-read s c))
356 (t *reader-void*)))
355 (general-read s c))
356 (t *reader-void*)))
358358 ;;; READ-ONE-OF
359359 ;;;
360360 (defun read-one-of (s c)
361361 (declare (type list s c)
362 (values t))
362 (values t))
363363 (let ((inp (!read-sym)))
364364 (when (and c (at-eof-or-control-d))
365365 (general-read-eof-error))
366366 (let ((val (assoc inp s :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
367367 (cond (val (cons inp (general-read (cdr val) c)))
368 ((and (consp inp)
369 (eq (caar inp) '|String|))
370 (read-one-of s c))
371 ((and (eq *lex-eof* inp)
368 ((and (consp inp)
369 (eq (caar inp) '|String|))
370 (read-one-of s c))
371 ((and (eq *lex-eof* inp)
372372 (assoc 'eof s))
373 (cons 'eof (general-read (cdr (assoc 'eof s)) c)))
374 ((eq *lex-eof* inp) (general-read-eof-error))
375 (*allow-general-term-input*
376 (unread-token)
377 (read-term '(|.|)))
378 (t (let ((top-level (assoc 'eof s)))
379 (when (equal inp ".")
380 (chaos-error 'reader-error))
381 (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
382 (princ "expecting one of followings:")
383 (print-next)
384 (let ((*print-indent-contin* t))
385 (general-read-print-schema (mapcar #'car s)))
386 (print-next)
387 (princ "* NOT: ")
388 (princ inp)
389 (general-read-show-context)
390 (when top-level
391 (setq *chaos-print-errors* nil))
392 (clear-input)
393 )))
394 ))))
373 (cons 'eof (general-read (cdr (assoc 'eof s)) c)))
374 ((eq *lex-eof* inp) (general-read-eof-error))
375 (*allow-general-term-input*
376 (unread-token)
377 (read-term '(|.|)))
378 (t (let ((top-level (assoc 'eof s)))
379 (when (equal inp ".")
380 (chaos-error 'reader-error))
381 (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
382 (princ "expecting one of followings:")
383 (print-next)
384 (let ((*print-indent-contin* t))
385 (general-read-print-schema (mapcar #'car s) :short))
386 (print-next)
387 (princ "* NOT: ")
388 (princ inp)
389 (general-read-show-context)
390 (when top-level
391 (setq *chaos-print-errors* nil))
392 (clear-input)
393 )))
394 ))))
399399 ;;;
400400 (defun read-one-of-default (s c)
401401 (declare (type list s c)
402 (values t))
402 (values t))
403403 (!read-in)
404404 (let ((val (assoc *reader-input* (cdr s)
405 :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
405 :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
406406 (cond (val (let ((inp *reader-input*))
407 (!read-discard)
408 (cons inp (general-read (cdr val) c))))
409 ((and (reader-is-at-eof) (assoc 'eof s))
410 (cons 'eof (general-read (cdr (assoc 'eof s)) c)))
411 ((reader-is-at-eof) ; !!!
412 (general-read-eof-error))
413 (t (general-read (car s) c)))))
407 (!read-discard)
408 (cons inp (general-read (cdr val) c))))
409 ((and (reader-is-at-eof) (assoc 'eof s))
410 (cons 'eof (general-read (cdr (assoc 'eof s)) c)))
411 ((reader-is-at-eof) ; !!!
412 (general-read-eof-error))
413 (t (general-read (car s) c)))))
415415 ;;; READ-MANY-OF
416416 ;;;
417417 (defun read-many-of (s c)
418418 (declare (type list s c)
419 (values t))
419 (values t))
420420 (let ((res nil) (close (car c)))
421421 (loop (!read-in)
422 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
423 (general-read-eof-error))
424 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* close)
425 (return (if (null res)
426 *reader-void*
427 (nreverse res))))
428 (if (and (consp *reader-input*)
429 (eq (caar *reader-input*) '|String|))
430 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
431 (setq res (cons (read-one-of s c) res))))))
422 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
423 (general-read-eof-error))
424 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* close)
425 (return (if (null res)
426 *reader-void*
427 (nreverse res))))
428 (if (and (consp *reader-input*)
429 (eq (caar *reader-input*) '|String|))
430 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
431 (setq res (cons (read-one-of s c) res))))))
433433 ;;; READ-SEQ-OF
434434 ;;;
435435 (defun read-seq-of (s c)
436436 (declare (type list s c)
437 (values t))
437 (values t))
438438 (cond ((equal '(:term) s) (read-seq-of-term c))
439 ((equal '(:opname) s) (read-seq-of-opname c))
440 ((equal '(:top-term) s) (read-seq-of-term-at-top c))
441 ((equal '(:top-opname) s) (read-seq-of-opname-at-top c))
442 (t (let ((res nil) (close (car c)))
443 (loop
444 (!read-in)
445 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
446 (general-read-eof-error))
447 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* close)
448 (return (if (null res) *reader-void* res)))
449 (setq res (append res (general-read s c)))
450 )))))
439 ((equal '(:opname) s) (read-seq-of-opname c))
440 ((equal '(:top-term) s) (read-seq-of-term-at-top c))
441 ((equal '(:top-opname) s) (read-seq-of-opname-at-top c))
442 (t (let ((res nil) (close (car c)))
443 (loop
444 (!read-in)
445 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
446 (general-read-eof-error))
447 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* close)
448 (return (if (null res) *reader-void* res)))
449 (setq res (append res (general-read s c)))
450 )))))
452452 ;;; READ-ANY-ONE
453453 ;;;
454454 (defun read-any-one (s)
455455 (declare (type list s)
456 (values t))
456 (values t))
457457 (!read-in)
458458 (cond ((member *reader-input* s :test #'string-match)
459 (!read-sym))
460 ((at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
461 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
462 (princ "expecting one of")
463 (print-next)
464 (let ((*print-indent-contin* t))
465 (general-read-print-schema s))
466 (print-next)
467 (format t "NOT ")
468 (princ *reader-input*)
469 (general-read-show-context)
470 (clear-input)
471 ))))
459 (!read-sym))
460 ((at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
461 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('reader-error)
462 (princ "expecting one of")
463 (print-next)
464 (let ((*print-indent-contin* t))
465 (general-read-print-schema s :short))
466 (print-next)
467 (format t "NOT ")
468 (princ *reader-input*)
469 (general-read-show-context)
470 (clear-input)
471 ))))
473473 ;;; READ-CONTINUE : {*standard-input*} value schema context ->
474474 ;;; {*standard-input*} parse-tree
477477 ;;;
478478 (defun read-continue (v s c)
479479 (declare (type t v)
480 (type list s c)
481 (values t))
480 (type list s c)
481 (values t))
482482 (cond ((eq *reader-void* v) (general-read s c))
483 ((equal v control-d-string) (general-read-eof-error))
484 (t (cons v (general-read s c)))))
483 ((equal v control-d-string) (general-read-eof-error))
484 (t (cons v (general-read s c)))))
486486 ;;; READ-CONTINUE-APPEND : {*standard-input*} value schema context ->
487487 ;;; {*standard-input*} parse-tree
490490 ;;;
491491 (defun read-continue-append (v s c)
492492 (declare (type t v)
493 (type list s c)
494 (values t))
493 (type list s c)
494 (values t))
495495 (cond ((eq *reader-void* v) (general-read s c))
496 ((equal v control-d-string) (general-read-eof-error))
497 (t (append v (general-read s c)))))
496 ((equal v control-d-string) (general-read-eof-error))
497 (t (append v (general-read s c)))))
499499 (defun general-read-show-context ()
500500 (declare (values t))
501501 (when (and *chaos-verbose*
502 *reader-current-context*
503 (not (eq *reader-void* *reader-current-context*)))
502 *reader-current-context*
503 (not (eq *reader-void* *reader-current-context*)))
504504 (terpri)
505505 (princ "-- Expecting context is: ")
506506 (print-simple-princ-open *reader-current-context*)
507507 (unless *chaos-input-source* (terpri)))
508 (when *chaos-input-source* ; nil means may be from terminal
508 (when *chaos-input-source* ; nil means may be from terminal
509509 (terpri)
510510 (princ "-- file: ") (princ (namestring *chaos-input-source*))
511511 (when (file-position *standard-input*)
513513 (prin1 (file-position *standard-input*)))
514514 (terpri)
515515 (when (and *reader-current-schema*
516 (general-read-is-simple-schema *reader-current-schema*))
516 (general-read-is-simple-schema *reader-current-schema*))
517517 (princ " expecting: ")
518 (general-read-print-schema-1 *reader-current-schema*)
518 (general-read-print-schema-1 *reader-current-schema* :short)
519519 (terpri))
520520 (when (and *reader-starting-position*
521 (not (equal *reader-starting-position*
522 (file-position *standard-input*))))
521 (not (equal *reader-starting-position*
522 (file-position *standard-input*))))
523523 (princ " starting character position was: ")
524524 (prin1 *reader-starting-position*)
525525 (terpri))
527527 (unless (eq *reader-void* *reader-input*)
528528 (princ *reader-input*))
529529 (if (reader-is-at-eof)
530 (princ " ... at end of file")
531 (dotimes (i 20)
532 (print-check)
533 (princ #\space)
534 (let ((val (read-sym)))
535 (when (at-eof)
536 (princ " [end of file]")
537 (return))
538 (princ val)
539 (when (equal "eof" val) (return)))))
530 (princ " ... at end of file")
531 (dotimes (i 20)
532 (print-check)
533 (princ #\space)
534 (let ((val (read-sym)))
535 (when (at-eof)
536 (princ " [end of file]")
537 (return))
538 (princ val)
539 (when (equal "eof" val) (return)))))
540540 (terpri)))
542542 #||
543543 (defun general-read-is-simple-schema (sch)
544544 (declare (type t sch)
545 (values (or null t)))
545 (values (or null t)))
546546 (or (atom sch)
547547 (and (consp sch)
548 (every #'atom sch)))
548 (every #'atom sch)))
549549 )
550550 ||#
556556 ;;; modify print to certain depth and length transliterating notations
557557 ;;;
559 (defun general-read-display-schema (sch)
559 (defun general-read-display-schema (sch &optional (short nil))
560560 (declare (type list sch)
561 (values t))
562 (if (> (length sch) 1)
561 (values t))
562 (let ((limit (if short 10 most-positive-fixnum))
563 (count 0)
564 (*print-level* (if short 2 nil)))
565 (declare (type fixnum limit count))
566 (if (> (length sch) 1)
563567 (dolist (i (firstn sch 3))
564 (print-check)
565 (princ #\space)
566 (prin1 i))
568 (when (>= count limit) (princ " ...") (return))
569 (incf count)
570 (print-check)
571 (princ #\space)
572 (prin1 i))
567573 (dolist (i sch)
568574 (print-check)
569575 (princ #\space)
570 (prin1 i))
571 ))
573 (defun general-read-print-schema-1 (s)
576 (prin1 i)))))
578 (defun general-read-print-schema-1 (s &optional (short nil))
574579 (declare (type t s)
575 (values t))
580 (values t))
576581 (if (atom s)
577582 (princ s)
578583 (let ((flag nil))
579584 (declare (ignore flag))
580 (general-read-print-schema (car s)))))
582 (defun general-read-print-schema (s)
585 (general-read-print-schema (car s) short))))
587 (defun general-read-print-schema (s &optional (short nil))
583588 (declare (type t s)
584 (values t))
585 (if (atom s)
586 (princ s)
589 (values t))
590 (let ((limit (if short 10 most-positive-fixnum))
591 (count 0))
592 (declare (type fixnum limit count))
593 (if (atom s)
594 (princ s)
587595 (let ((flag nil))
588 (dolist (i s)
589 (if (< *print-line-limit* (filecol *standard-output*))
590 (progn
591 (print-next)
592 (when *print-indent-contin*
593 (princ " ")
594 (setq flag t)))
595 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t)))
596 (if (atom i)
597 (unless (eql control-d i)
598 (prin1 i))
599 (if (eq ':+ (car i))
600 (dolist (e (cdr i))
601 (if (< *print-line-limit* (filecol *standard-output*))
602 (progn
603 (print-next)
604 (when *print-indent-contin*
605 (princ " ")
606 (setq flag t)))
607 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t)))
608 (prin1 e))
609 (prin1 i)
610 ))
611 ))))
596 (dolist (i s)
597 (when (>= count limit) (princ " ...") (return))
598 (incf count)
599 (if (< *print-line-limit* (filecol *standard-output*))
600 (progn
601 (print-next)
602 (when *print-indent-contin*
603 (princ " ")
604 (setq flag t)))
605 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t)))
606 (if (atom i)
607 (unless (eql control-d i)
608 (prin1 i))
609 (if (eq ':+ (car i))
610 (dolist (e (cdr i))
611 (if (< *print-line-limit* (filecol *standard-output*))
612 (progn
613 (print-next)
614 (when *print-indent-contin*
615 (princ " ")
616 (setq flag t)))
617 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t)))
618 (prin1 e))
619 (prin1 i))))))))
613621 (defun read-comment-line ()
614622 (let ((ch (peek-char nil *standard-input* nil nil)))
615623 (unless ch (return-from read-comment-line " "))
616624 (if (eq .reader-ch. 'return)
617 (return-from read-comment-line (string #\linefeed))
618 (if (member ch '(#\linefeed #\page #\return #\newline))
619 (progn (read-char)
620 (return-from read-comment-line (string #\linefeed)))
621 (read-line)))))
625 (return-from read-comment-line (string #\linefeed))
626 (if (member ch '(#\linefeed #\page #\return #\newline))
627 (progn (read-char)
628 (return-from read-comment-line (string #\linefeed)))
629 (read-line)))))
623631 ;;; an ignored comment (value is "")
624632 ;;; has provision for long case: ** ( )
628636 (let (ch)
629637 (unless (eql '\( .reader-ch.)
630638 (loop
631 (setq ch (read-char *standard-input* nil *lex-eof*))
632 (unless (or (eql #\Space ch)
633 (eql #\Tab ch))
634 (return)))
639 (setq ch (read-char *standard-input* nil *lex-eof*))
640 (unless (or (eql #\Space ch)
641 (eql #\Tab ch))
642 (return)))
635643 (setq .reader-ch.
636 (if (eq ch *lex-eof*)
644 (if (eq ch *lex-eof*)
637645 *lex-eof*
638 (let ((val (reader-get-syntax ch)))
639 (if val val ch)))))
646 (let ((val (reader-get-syntax ch)))
647 (if val val ch)))))
640648 (if (eq '\( .reader-ch.)
641 (lex-read)
642 (unless (or (eql #\Newline ch) (eql #\Return ch)) (read-line))
643 ))
649 (lex-read)
650 (unless (or (eql #\Newline ch) (eql #\Return ch)) (read-line))
651 ))
644652 (setq .reader-ch. 'space)
645653 ""
646654 )
671679 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* string)
672680 (let ((cur (!set-term-delim-chars)))
673681 (let ((res nil)
674 (inp nil)
675 (inv nil))
676 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
677 (when #+:CCL-3 (equal *lex-eof* inp)
682 (inp nil)
683 (inv nil))
684 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
685 (when #+:CCL-3 (equal *lex-eof* inp)
678686 #-:CCL-3 (eq *lex-eof* inp)
679 (setq *reader-input* inv)
680 (return))
681 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp))) (setq inv (car inp)))
682 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
683 (setq res (append res inp))
684 )
685 (!set-reader cur)
686 (clear-input)
687 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
688 res
689 ))))
687 (setq *reader-input* inv)
688 (return))
689 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp))) (setq inv (car inp)))
690 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
691 (setq res (append res inp))
692 )
693 (!set-reader cur)
694 (clear-input)
695 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
696 res
697 ))))
691699 (defun read-seq-of-term-from-string (string)
692700 (declare (type simple-string string)
693 (values list))
701 (values list))
694702 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* string)
695703 (let ((cur (!set-term-delim-chars)))
696704 (let ((res nil))
697 (block exit
698 ;; read in one token.
699 (if (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
700 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
701 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
702 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
703 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit))
704 (when (atom *reader-input*)
705 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
706 (loop (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
707 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
708 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit)))
709 )
710 ;; restore read table.
711 (!set-reader cur)
712 (clear-input)
713 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
714 res
715 ))))
705 (block exit
706 ;; read in one token.
707 (if (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
708 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
709 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
710 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
711 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit))
712 (when (atom *reader-input*)
713 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
714 (loop (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
715 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
716 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit)))
717 )
718 ;; restore read table.
719 (!set-reader cur)
720 (clear-input)
721 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
722 res
723 ))))
717725 ;;; READ-TERM-AT-TOP
718726 ;;;
720728 (declare (ignore ignore))
721729 (let ((lines (read-lines)))
722730 (if (eq lines *lex-eof*)
723 *lex-eof*
724 (read-term-from-string lines))))
731 *lex-eof*
732 (read-term-from-string lines))))
726734 (defun read-seq-of-term-at-top (&rest ignore)
727735 (declare (ignore ignore))
728736 (let ((lines (read-lines)))
729737 (if #+:MCL (equal lines *lex-eof*)
730 #-:MCL (eq lines *lex-eof*)
731 *lex-eof*
732 (read-seq-of-term-from-string lines))))
738 #-:MCL (eq lines *lex-eof*)
739 *lex-eof*
740 (read-seq-of-term-from-string lines))))
734742 ;;; READ-TERM
735743 ;;;
736744 (defun read-term (context)
737745 (declare (type list context)
738 (values list))
746 (values list))
739747 (let ((cur (!set-term-delim-chars)))
740748 (let ((res nil)
741 inp
742 inv)
749 inp
750 inv)
743751 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
744 (when #-:ccl-3(eq *lex-eof* inp)
745 #+:ccl-3(equal *lex-eof* inp)
746 (return-from read-term *lex-eof*))
747 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp)))
748 (setq inv (car (the list inp))))
749 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
750 (when (lex-string-match inv (car context))
751 (setq *reader-input* inv)
752 (return))
753 (setq res (append res inp))
754 )
752 (when #-:ccl-3(eq *lex-eof* inp)
753 #+:ccl-3(equal *lex-eof* inp)
754 (return-from read-term *lex-eof*))
755 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp)))
756 (setq inv (car (the list inp))))
757 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
758 (when (lex-string-match inv (car context))
759 (setq *reader-input* inv)
760 (return))
761 (setq res (append res inp))
762 )
755763 (!set-reader cur)
756764 res
757765 )))
760768 ;;;
761769 (defun read-seq-of-term (context)
762770 (declare (type list context)
763 (values list))
771 (values list))
764772 (let ((cur (!set-term-delim-chars)))
765773 (let ((res nil))
766774 ;; read in one token.
767775 (if (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
768 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
769 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
770 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
771 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) ; was reader-is-at-eof
772 (return-from read-seq-of-term *lex-eof*))
776 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
777 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
778 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
779 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) ; was reader-is-at-eof
780 (return-from read-seq-of-term *lex-eof*))
773781 (when (atom *reader-input*)
774 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
782 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
775783 (loop (when (and (null (cdr *reader-input*))
776 (stringp (car *reader-input*))
777 (lex-string-match (car *reader-input*) (car context)))
778 (setq *reader-input* (car *reader-input*))
779 (return))
780 (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
781 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
782 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) ; was reader-is-at-eof
783 (return-from read-seq-of-term *lex-eof*))
784 )
784 (stringp (car *reader-input*))
785 (lex-string-match (car *reader-input*) (car context)))
786 (setq *reader-input* (car *reader-input*))
787 (return))
788 (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
789 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
790 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) ; was reader-is-at-eof
791 (return-from read-seq-of-term *lex-eof*))
792 )
785793 ;; restore read table.
786794 (!set-reader cur)
787795 res
793801 (declare (ignore context))
794802 (let ((*live-newline* t))
795803 (let ((res nil)
796 (inv nil)
797 inp)
804 (inv nil)
805 inp)
798806 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
799 (when #-:ccl-3(eq *lex-eof* inp)
800 #+:ccl-3(equal *lex-eof* inp)
801 (return-from read-args *lex-eof*))
802 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp)))
803 (setq inv (car (the list inp))))
804 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
805 (when (and (consp inv) (eq (car inv) .String-token.))
806 (setq res (append res inp))
807 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
808 (return))
809 (when (lex-string-match inv 'return)
810 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
811 (return))
812 (setq res (append res inp)))
807 (when #-:ccl-3(eq *lex-eof* inp)
808 #+:ccl-3(equal *lex-eof* inp)
809 (return-from read-args *lex-eof*))
810 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp)))
811 (setq inv (car (the list inp))))
812 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
813 (when (and (consp inv) (eq (car inv) .String-token.))
814 (setq res (append res inp))
815 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
816 (return))
817 (when (lex-string-match inv 'return)
818 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
819 (return))
820 (setq res (append res inp)))
813821 res)))
821829 (defun read-seq-of-opname (context)
822830 (declare (type list context)
823 (values list))
831 (values list))
824832 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader .op-name-delimiting-chars.)))
825833 (let ((res nil))
826834 (if (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
827 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
828 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
829 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
830 (when ; (reader-is-at-eof)
831 (at-eof-or-control-d)
832 (return-from read-seq-of-opname *lex-eof*))
835 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
836 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
837 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
838 (when ; (reader-is-at-eof)
839 (at-eof-or-control-d)
840 (return-from read-seq-of-opname *lex-eof*))
833841 (when (atom *reader-input*)
834 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
842 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
835843 (loop (when (and (null (cdr *reader-input*))
836 (stringp (car *reader-input*))
837 (lex-string-match (car *reader-input*) (car context)))
838 (setq *reader-input* (car *reader-input*))
839 (return))
840 (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
841 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
842 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) ; (reader-is-at-eof)
843 (return-from read-seq-of-opname *lex-eof*))
844 )
844 (stringp (car *reader-input*))
845 (lex-string-match (car *reader-input*) (car context)))
846 (setq *reader-input* (car *reader-input*))
847 (return))
848 (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
849 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
850 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) ; (reader-is-at-eof)
851 (return-from read-seq-of-opname *lex-eof*))
852 )
845853 (!set-reader cur)
846854 res
847855 )))
850858 ;;;
851859 (defun read-opname (context)
852860 (declare (type list context)
853 (values list))
861 (values list))
854862 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader .op-name-delimiting-chars.)))
855863 (let ((res nil)
856 inp
857 inv)
864 inp
865 inv)
858866 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
859 (when (eq *lex-eof* inp)
860 (return-from read-opname *lex-eof*))
861 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp))) (setq inv (car inp)))
862 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
863 (when (lex-string-match inv (car context))
864 (setq *reader-input* inv)
865 (return))
866 (setq res (append res inp))
867 )
867 (when (eq *lex-eof* inp)
868 (return-from read-opname *lex-eof*))
869 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp))) (setq inv (car inp)))
870 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
871 (when (lex-string-match inv (car context))
872 (setq *reader-input* inv)
873 (return))
874 (setq res (append res inp))
875 )
868876 (!set-reader cur)
869877 res
870878 )))
873881 (declare (ignore ignore))
874882 (let ((line (read-lines)))
875883 (if (eq line *lex-eof*)
876 *lex-eof*
877 (read-opname-from-string line))))
884 *lex-eof*
885 (read-opname-from-string line))))
879887 (defun read-seq-of-opname-at-top (&rest ignore)
880888 (declare (ignore ignore))
881889 (let ((line (read-lines)))
882890 (if (eq line *lex-eof*)
883 *lex-eof*
884 (read-seq-of-opname-from-string line))))
891 *lex-eof*
892 (read-seq-of-opname-from-string line))))
886894 (defun read-opname-from-string (string)
887895 (declare (type simple-string string))
888896 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* string)
889897 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader .op-name-delimiting-chars.)))
890898 (let ((res nil)
891 (inp nil)
892 (inv nil))
893 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
894 (when (eq *lex-eof* inp)
895 (setq *reader-input* inv)
896 (return))
897 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp))) (setq inv (car inp)))
898 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
899 (setq res (append res inp))
900 )
901 (!set-reader cur)
902 (clear-input)
903 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
904 res
905 ))))
899 (inp nil)
900 (inv nil))
901 (loop (setq inp (lex-read))
902 (when (eq *lex-eof* inp)
903 (setq *reader-input* inv)
904 (return))
905 (cond ((= 1 (length (the list inp))) (setq inv (car inp)))
906 (t (setq inv *reader-void*)))
907 (setq res (append res inp))
908 )
909 (!set-reader cur)
910 (clear-input)
911 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
912 res
913 ))))
907915 (defun read-seq-of-opname-from-string (string)
908916 (declare (type simple-string string)
909 (values list))
917 (values list))
910918 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* string)
911919 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader .op-name-delimiting-chars.)))
912920 (let ((res nil))
913 (block exit
914 ;; read in one token.
915 (if (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
916 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
917 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
918 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
919 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit))
920 (when (atom *reader-input*)
921 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
922 (loop (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
923 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
924 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit)))
925 )
926 ;; restore read table.
927 (!set-reader cur)
928 (clear-input)
929 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
930 res
931 ))))
921 (block exit
922 ;; read in one token.
923 (if (eq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
924 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
925 (when (equal "(" *reader-input*)
926 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read-rest-of-list))))
927 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit))
928 (when (atom *reader-input*)
929 (setq *reader-input* (list *reader-input*)))
930 (loop (setq res (append res *reader-input*))
931 (setq *reader-input* (lex-read))
932 (when (reader-is-at-eof) (return-from exit)))
933 )
934 ;; restore read table.
935 (!set-reader cur)
936 (clear-input)
937 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
938 res
939 ))))
933941 ;;; READ-SORT
934942 ;;;
936944 (declare (ignore c))
937945 (let ((old-syntax (reader-get-syntax #\!)))
938946 (unwind-protect
939 (let ((inp nil))
940 (!set-syntax #\! nil)
941 (setq inp (!read-sym))
942 (cond ((and (stringp inp)
943 (eql #\. (char (the simple-string inp)
944 (1- (length (the simple-string inp))))))
945 (loop (unless (eq 'space .reader-ch.) (return)) ;a bit ugly
946 (setq .reader-ch. (reader-get-char *standard-input*)))
947 (when (eq .reader-ch. *lex-eof*)
948 (return-from read-sort *lex-eof*))
949 (if (equal '\( .reader-ch.)
950 (let ((rest (lex-read)))
951 (if (eq rest *lex-eof*)
952 *lex-eof*
953 (list* inp (lex-read))))
954 inp))
955 (t inp)
956 ))
947 (let ((inp nil))
948 (!set-syntax #\! nil)
949 (setq inp (!read-sym))
950 (cond ((and (stringp inp)
951 (eql #\. (char (the simple-string inp)
952 (1- (length (the simple-string inp))))))
953 (loop (unless (eq 'space .reader-ch.) (return)) ;a bit ugly
954 (setq .reader-ch. (reader-get-char *standard-input*)))
955 (when (eq .reader-ch. *lex-eof*)
956 (return-from read-sort *lex-eof*))
957 (if (equal '\( .reader-ch.)
958 (let ((rest (lex-read)))
959 (if (eq rest *lex-eof*)
960 *lex-eof*
961 (list* inp (lex-read))))
962 inp))
963 (t inp)
964 ))
957965 (!set-syntax #\! old-syntax))))
959967 ;;; READ-SORTS
960968 ;;;
961969 (defun read-sorts (context)
962970 (let ((res nil)
963 (old-syntax (reader-get-syntax #\!)))
971 (old-syntax (reader-get-syntax #\!)))
964972 (unwind-protect
965 (progn (!set-syntax #\! nil)
966 (loop (!read-in)
967 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
968 (return-from read-sorts *lex-eof*))
969 (when (lex-string-match *reader-input* (car context))
970 (return (nreverse res)))
971 (push (read-sort context) res)))
973 (progn (!set-syntax #\! nil)
974 (loop (!read-in)
975 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
976 (return-from read-sorts *lex-eof*))
977 (when (lex-string-match *reader-input* (car context))
978 (return (nreverse res)))
979 (push (read-sort context) res)))
972980 (!set-syntax #\! old-syntax))))
974982 ;;; READ-CHARS
977985 (let ((res nil))
978986 (loop (!read-in)
979987 (when (at-eof-or-control-d)
980 (return-from read-chars *lex-eof*))
988 (return-from read-chars *lex-eof*))
981989 (when (lex-string-match *reader-input* (car context))
982 (return-from read-chars (nreverse res)))
990 (return-from read-chars (nreverse res)))
983991 (let ((c (!read-sym)))
984 ;;(format t "~%- read-chars: sym=~s, res=~s" c res)
985 (if (consp c)
986 (push (car c) res)
987 (push c res))))))
992 ;;(format t "~%- read-chars: sym=~s, res=~s" c res)
993 (if (consp c)
994 (push (car c) res)
995 (push c res))))))
989997 ;;; SPECIAL READERS NOT Spported by Chaos General Reader
990998 ;;;
9921000 (defun read-opattr (c)
9931001 (declare (type list c)
994 (values list))
1002 (values list))
9951003 (!read-in)
9961004 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (return-from read-opattr *lex-eof*))
9971005 (if (lex-string-match *reader-input* #\[)
9991007 ()
10001008 ;;
10011009 (progn
1002 (reader-suppress-ch c)
1003 nil)))
1010 (reader-suppress-ch c)
1011 nil)))
10051013 ;;;
10061014 (defun read-super-exp (c)
10071015 (declare (type list c)
1008 (values list))
1016 (values list))
10091017 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader '(#\( #\)))))
10101018 (prog1 (read-superexp c)
10111019 (!set-reader cur))))
10131021 (defun read-superexp (c)
10141022 (declare (type list c)
1015 (values list))
1023 (values list))
10161024 (let ((res nil))
10171025 (loop (!read-in)
1018 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
1019 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* c)
1020 (return res))
1021 (setq res (nconc res (read-superexpr-delimited))))
1026 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
1027 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* c)
1028 (return res))
1029 (setq res (nconc res (read-superexpr-delimited))))
10221030 res))
10241032 (defun read-superexpr-delimited ()
10261034 (!read-in)
10271035 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
10281036 (let ((pr (assoc *reader-input* '(("(" ")"))
1029 :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
1037 :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
10301038 (cond ((null pr)
1031 (prog1 (cons *reader-input* nil)
1032 (!read-discard)))
1033 (t (let ((sym *reader-input*))
1034 (!read-discard)
1035 (let ((lst (read-superexp (cdr pr))))
1036 (prog1 (cons sym (append lst (cons *reader-input* nil)))
1037 (!read-discard)))))
1038 )))
1039 (prog1 (cons *reader-input* nil)
1040 (!read-discard)))
1041 (t (let ((sym *reader-input*))
1042 (!read-discard)
1043 (let ((lst (read-superexp (cdr pr))))
1044 (prog1 (cons sym (append lst (cons *reader-input* nil)))
1045 (!read-discard)))))
1046 )))
10391047 ;;;
10401048 ;;; Module Expression Reader
10411049 ;;;
10631071 ;;;
10641072 (defun scan-parenthesized-unit (tokens)
10651073 (declare (type list tokens)
1066 (values (or symbol list) list))
1074 (values (or symbol list) list))
10671075 (if (equal "(" (car tokens))
10681076 (let ((count 1)
1069 (lst (cdr tokens))
1070 (res nil)
1071 tok)
1072 (declare (type fixnum count))
1073 (loop (when (null lst) (return (values 'unbalanced tokens)))
1074 (setf tok (car lst)
1075 lst (cdr lst))
1076 (when (and (= 1 count) (equal ")" tok))
1077 (return (values (nreverse res) lst)))
1078 (setf res (cons tok res))
1079 (if (equal "(" tok)
1080 (incf count)
1081 (if (equal ")" tok)
1082 (decf count)))
1083 ))
1077 (lst (cdr tokens))
1078 (res nil)
1079 tok)
1080 (declare (type fixnum count))
1081 (loop (when (null lst) (return (values 'unbalanced tokens)))
1082 (setf tok (car lst)
1083 lst (cdr lst))
1084 (when (and (= 1 count) (equal ")" tok))
1085 (return (values (nreverse res) lst)))
1086 (setf res (cons tok res))
1087 (if (equal "(" tok)
1088 (incf count)
1089 (if (equal ")" tok)
1090 (decf count)))
1091 ))
10841092 (values (list (car tokens)) (cdr tokens))))
10861094 (defun group-paren-units (tokens)
10871095 (declare (type list tokens)
1088 (values list))
1096 (values list))
10891097 (let ((res nil)
1090 (lst tokens)
1091 unit)
1098 (lst tokens)
1099 unit)
10921100 (loop (multiple-value-setq (unit lst)
1093 (scan-parenthesized-unit lst))
1094 (when (eq 'unbalanced unit)
1095 (return tokens))
1096 (setq res (cons unit res))
1097 (when (null lst)
1098 (return (nreverse res)))
1099 )))
1101 (scan-parenthesized-unit lst))
1102 (when (eq 'unbalanced unit)
1103 (return tokens))
1104 (setq res (cons unit res))
1105 (when (null lst)
1106 (return (nreverse res)))
1107 )))
11011109 (defun check-enclosing-parens (tokens)
11021110 (declare (type t tokens)
1103 (values (or null t)))
1111 (values (or null t)))
11041112 (and (consp tokens)
11051113 (equal "(" (car tokens))
11061114 (multiple-value-bind (par rst)
1107 (scan-parenthesized-unit tokens)
1115 (scan-parenthesized-unit tokens)
11081116 (declare (ignore par))
1109 (null rst))))
1117 (null rst))))
11111119 ;;; READ-MODULE-EXP
11211129 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader '("_"))))
11221130 (let ((res nil))
11231131 (loop (!read-in)
1124 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
1125 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* c)
1126 (return res))
1127 (setq res (nconc res (read-modexp-delimited))))
1132 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
1133 (when (general-read-string-matches *reader-input* c)
1134 (return res))
1135 (setq res (nconc res (read-modexp-delimited))))
11281136 (!set-reader cur)
11291137 res
11301138 )))
11361144 (!read-in)
11371145 ;; (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (general-read-eof-error))
11381146 (let ((pr (assoc *reader-input*
1139 '(("view" "}") ("[" "]") ("(" ")") )
1140 :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
1147 '(("view" "}") ("[" "]") ("(" ")") )
1148 :test #'general-read-string-matches)))
11411149 ;; (format t "~&*reader-input* ~s" *reader-input*)
11421150 (cond ((null pr)
1143 (prog1 (cons *reader-input* nil)
1144 (!read-discard)))
1145 (t (let ((sym *reader-input*))
1146 (!read-discard)
1147 (let ((lst (read-modexp (cdr pr))))
1148 (prog1 (cons sym (append lst (cons *reader-input* nil)))
1149 (!read-discard)))))
1150 )))
1151 (prog1 (cons *reader-input* nil)
1152 (!read-discard)))
1153 (t (let ((sym *reader-input*))
1154 (!read-discard)
1155 (let ((lst (read-modexp (cdr pr))))
1156 (prog1 (cons sym (append lst (cons *reader-input* nil)))
1157 (!read-discard)))))
1158 )))
11541162 (defun read-modexp-from-string (string)
11551163 (declare (type simple-string string)
1156 (values list))
1164 (values list))
11571165 (let ((*live-newline* nil))
11581166 (with-input-from-string (*standard-input* string)
11591167 (let ((cur (!set-single-reader '(#\[ #\] #\_ #\{ #\})))
1160 (res nil))
1161 (loop (!read-in)
1162 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (return))
1163 (setq res (nconc res (read-modexp-delimited))))
1164 (!set-reader cur)
1165 (clear-input)
1166 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
1167 res))))
1168 (res nil))
1169 (loop (!read-in)
1170 (when (at-eof-or-control-d) (return))
1171 (setq res (nconc res (read-modexp-delimited))))
1172 (!set-reader cur)
1173 (clear-input)
1174 (setq *reader-input* *reader-void*)
1175 res))))
11691177 #||
11701178 (defun module-print-top-level-choices ()
11711179 (let ((flag nil))
11721180 (dolist (i '(
1173 "module" "mod" "view" "reduce" "red"
1174 "make" "test" "input" "in" "-->"
1175 "**>" "--" "**" "parse" "match" "ev" "lisp"
1176 "show" "sh" "set" "do" "select" "open" "close" "eof"
1177 "let" "choose"
1178 "quit" "q" "start" "apply" "cd" "ls" "pwd" ))
1181 "module" "mod" "view" "reduce" "red"
1182 "make" "test" "input" "in" "-->"
1183 "**>" "--" "**" "parse" "match" "ev" "lisp"
1184 "show" "sh" "set" "do" "select" "open" "close" "eof"
1185 "let" "choose"
1186 "quit" "q" "start" "apply" "cd" "ls" "pwd" ))
11791187 (if (< *print-line-limit* (filecol *standard-output*))
1180 (progn
1181 (terpri)
1182 (when *print-indent-contin*
1183 (princ " ")
1184 (setq flag t)))
1185 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t)))
1188 (progn
1189 (terpri)
1190 (when *print-indent-contin*
1191 (princ " ")
1192 (setq flag t)))
1193 (if flag (princ " ") (setq flag t)))
11861194 (princ i))))
11871195 ||#
11941202 (defun wait-until-non-white (stream)
11951203 (declare (type stream)
1196 (values t))
1204 (values t))
11971205 (if (at-top-level)
11981206 (loop (when (not (or (eq 'space .reader-ch.) (eq 'return .reader-ch.)))
1199 (setf *sub-prompt* t) (return))
1200 (if (eq 'return .reader-ch.)
1201 (progn
1202 (when *sub-prompt*
1203 (princ "> ")
1204 (force-output))
1205 (reader-get-char stream)
1206 (when (eq #\? .reader-ch.)
1207 (let ((*chaos-verbose* t))
1208 (general-read-show-context)
1209 (clear-input)
1210 (force-output))
1211 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)))
1212 (reader-get-char stream)))
1207 (setf *sub-prompt* t) (return))
1208 (if (eq 'return .reader-ch.)
1209 (progn
1210 (when *sub-prompt*
1211 (princ "> ")
1212 (force-output))
1213 (reader-get-char stream)
1214 (when (eq #\? .reader-ch.)
1215 (let ((*chaos-verbose* t))
1216 (general-read-show-context)
1217 (clear-input)
1218 (force-output))
1219 (setf .reader-ch. 'space)))
1220 (reader-get-char stream)))
12131221 (loop (when (not (or (eq 'space .reader-ch.) (eq 'return .reader-ch.)))
1214 (return))
1215 (reader-get-char stream))))
1222 (return))
1223 (reader-get-char stream))))
12161224 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:CHAOS -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :CHAOS)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: string.lisp
30 System: Chaos
31 Module: comlib
32 File: string.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4949 ;;;
5050 (defun string-search-car (character-bag string &aux (delimiter nil))
5151 (declare (type simple-string string)
52 (type list character-bag)
53 (values simple-string (or null character)))
52 (type list character-bag)
53 (values simple-string (or null character)))
5454 ;;
5555 (let ((delimiter-position (position-if #'(lambda (character)
56 (declare (type character character))
57 (when (find character
58 character-bag)
59 (setq delimiter character)))
60 string)))
56 (declare (type character character))
57 (when (find character
58 character-bag)
59 (setq delimiter character)))
60 string)))
6161 (values (subseq string 0 delimiter-position)
62 delimiter)))
62 delimiter)))
6464 ;;; string-search-cdr
6565 ;;; Returns the part of the string after the first of the delimiters in
6969 (defun string-search-cdr (character-bag string &aux (delimiter nil))
7070 (declare (type simple-string string)
71 (type list character-bag)
72 (values (or null simple-string)
73 (or null character)))
71 (type list character-bag)
72 (values (or null simple-string)
73 (or null character)))
7474 (let ((delimiter-position (position-if #'(lambda (character)
75 (when (find character
76 character-bag)
77 (setq delimiter character)))
78 string)))
75 (when (find character
76 character-bag)
77 (setq delimiter character)))
78 string)))
7979 (declare (type (or null fixnum) delimiter-position))
8080 (if delimiter-position
81 (values (subseq string (1+ (the (integer 0 1024) delimiter-position)))
82 delimiter)
83 ;; Maybe this should be "" instead of NIL?
84 (values nil delimiter))))
81 (values (subseq string (1+ (the (integer 0 1024) delimiter-position)))
82 delimiter)
83 ;; Maybe this should be "" instead of NIL?
84 (values nil delimiter))))
8686 ;;; parse-with-delimiter : String -> List[String]
8787 ;;; Breaks LINE into a list of strings, using DELIM as a breaking point.
8989 (defun parse-with-delimiter (line &optional (delim #\newline))
9090 (declare (type simple-string line)
91 (values list))
91 (values list))
9292 ;; what about #\return instead of #\newline?
9393 (let ((pos (position delim line)))
9494 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
101101 (defun parse-with-delimiter2 (line &optional (delim #\newline))
102102 (declare (type simple-string line)
103 (values list))
103 (values list))
104104 ;; what about #\return instead of #\newline?
105105 (let ((pos (position delim line)))
106106 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
107107 (cond (pos
108108 (cons (subseq line 0 pos)
109 (cons (string delim)
110 (parse-with-delimiter2 (subseq line (1+ pos)) delim))))
109 (cons (string delim)
110 (parse-with-delimiter2 (subseq line (1+ pos)) delim))))
111111 (t
112112 (list line)))))
117117 (defun parse-with-delimiters (line &optional (delimiters '(#\newline)))
118118 (declare (type simple-string line)
119 (type list delimiters)
120 (values list))
119 (type list delimiters)
120 (values list))
121121 ;; what about #\return instead of #\newline?
122122 (let ((pos (position-if #'(lambda (character) (find character delimiters))
123 line)))
123 line)))
124124 (declare (type (or null fixnum) pos))
125125 (cond (pos
126126 (cons (subseq line 0 pos)
137137 (defun parallel-substitute (alist string)
138138 (declare (type simple-string string)
139 (values simple-string))
139 (values simple-string))
140140 ;; This function should be generalized to arbitrary sequences and
141141 ;; have an arglist (alist sequence &key from-end (test #'eql) test-not
142142 ;; (start 0) (count most-positive-fixnum) end key).
143143 (if alist
144144 (let* ((length (length string))
145 (result (make-string length)))
146 (declare (simple-string result))
147 (dotimes-fixnum (i length)
148 (let ((old-char (schar string i)))
149 (setf (schar result i)
150 (or (second (assoc old-char alist :test #'char=))
151 old-char))))
152 result)
145 (result (make-string length)))
146 (declare (simple-string result))
147 (dotimes-fixnum (i length)
148 (let ((old-char (schar string i)))
149 (setf (schar result i)
150 (or (second (assoc old-char alist :test #'char=))
151 old-char))))
152 result)
153153 string))
155155 ;;; parse-with-string-delimiter
161161 (defun parse-with-string-delimiter (delim string &key (start 0) end)
162162 (declare (type simple-string string)
163 (type fixnum start)
164 (type (or null fixnum) end)
165 (type (or simple-string character) delim)
166 (values (or null simple-string) (or null fixnum) symbol))
163 (type fixnum start)
164 (type (or null fixnum) end)
165 (type (or simple-string character) delim)
166 (values (or null simple-string) (or null fixnum) symbol))
167167 ;; Conceivably, if DELIM is a string consisting of a single character,
168168 ;; we could do this more efficiently using POSITION instead of SEARCH.
169169 ;; However, any good implementation of SEARCH should optimize for that
170170 ;; case, so nothing to worry about.
171171 (setq end (or end (length string)))
172172 (let ((delim-pos (search delim string :start2 start :end2 end))
173 (dlength (length delim)))
173 (dlength (length delim)))
174174 (declare (type fixnum dlength))
175 (cond ((null delim-pos)
176 ;; No delimiter was found. Return the rest of the string,
177 ;; the end of the string, and :delim-not-found.
178 (values (subseq string start end) end :delim-not-found))
179 ((= delim-pos start)
180 ;; The field was empty, so return nil and skip over the delimiter.
181 (values nil (+ start dlength) nil))
182 ;; The following clause is subsumed by the last cond clause,
183 ;; and hence should probably be eliminated.
184 (t
185 ;; The delimiter is in the middle of the string. Return the
186 ;; field and skip over the delimiter.
187 (values (subseq string start delim-pos)
188 (+ delim-pos dlength)
189 nil)))))
175 (cond ((null delim-pos)
176 ;; No delimiter was found. Return the rest of the string,
177 ;; the end of the string, and :delim-not-found.
178 (values (subseq string start end) end :delim-not-found))
179 ((= delim-pos start)
180 ;; The field was empty, so return nil and skip over the delimiter.
181 (values nil (+ start dlength) nil))
182 ;; The following clause is subsumed by the last cond clause,
183 ;; and hence should probably be eliminated.
184 (t
185 ;; The delimiter is in the middle of the string. Return the
186 ;; field and skip over the delimiter.
187 (values (subseq string start delim-pos)
188 (+ delim-pos dlength)
189 nil)))))
191191 ;;; parse-with-string-delimiter*
192192 ;;; Breaks STRING into a list of strings, each of which was separated
196196 ;;; not terminated by DELIM. Also returns the final position in the string.
198198 (defun parse-with-string-delimiter* (delim string &key (start 0) end
199 include-last)
200 (declare (type simple-string string)
201 (type fixnum start))
199 include-last)
200 (declare (type simple-string string)
201 (type fixnum start))
202202 (setq end (or end (length string)))
203203 (let (result)
204204 (loop
205205 (if (< start (the fixnum end))
206 (multiple-value-bind (component new-start delim-not-found)
207 (parse-with-string-delimiter delim string :start start :end end)
208 (when delim-not-found
209 (when include-last
210 (setq start new-start)
211 (push component result))
212 (return))
213 (setq start new-start)
214 (push component result))
215 (return)))
206 (multiple-value-bind (component new-start delim-not-found)
207 (parse-with-string-delimiter delim string :start start :end end)
208 (when delim-not-found
209 (when include-last
210 (setq start new-start)
211 (push component result))
212 (return))
213 (setq start new-start)
214 (push component result))
215 (return)))
216216 (values (nreverse result)
217 start)))
217 start)))
219219 ;;; split-string
220220 ;;; Splits the string into substrings at spaces.
221221 ;;;
222222 (defun split-string (string &key (item #\space) (test #'char=))
223223 (declare (type simple-string string)
224 (type character item)
225 (type function test)
226 (values list))
224 (type character item)
225 (type function test)
226 (values list))
227227 (let ((len (length string))
228 (index 0)
229 (result nil))
228 (index 0)
229 (result nil))
230230 (declare (type fixnum index len))
231231 (dotimes (i len (progn (unless (= index len)
232 (push (subseq string index) result))
233 (reverse result)))
232 (push (subseq string index) result))
233 (reverse result)))
234234 (declare (type fixnum i))
235235 (when (funcall test (char string i) item)
236 (unless (= index i);; two spaces in a row
237 (push (subseq string index i) result))
238 (setf index (1+ i))))))
236 (unless (= index i);; two spaces in a row
237 (push (subseq string index i) result))
238 (setf index (1+ i))))))
240240 ;;; extract-strings
241241 ;;; Breaks STRING into a list of strings, using DELIMITERS as a
242242 ;;; breaking point.
244244 (defun extract-strings (string &optional (delimiters '(#\newline #\space
245 #\return #\tab)))
246 (declare (type simple-string string)
247 (type list delimiters)
248 (values list))
245 #\return #\tab)))
246 (declare (type simple-string string)
247 (type list delimiters)
248 (values list))
249249 (let* ((begin (position-if-not #'(lambda (character)
250 (find character delimiters))
251 string))
252 (end (when begin
253 (position-if #'(lambda (character)
254 (find character delimiters))
255 string :start begin))))
250 (find character delimiters))
251 string))
252 (end (when begin
253 (position-if #'(lambda (character)
254 (find character delimiters))
255 string :start begin))))
256256 (cond ((and begin end)
257257 (cons (subseq string begin end)
258258 (extract-strings (subseq string (1+ end)) delimiters)))
259 (begin
260 (list (subseq string begin)))
259 (begin
260 (list (subseq string begin)))
261261 (t
262262 nil))))
264264 ;;; format-justified-string
265265 ;;;
266266 (defun format-justified-string (prompt contents &optional (width 80)
267 (stream *standard-output*))
267 (stream *standard-output*))
268268 (declare (type simple-string prompt contents)
269 (type fixnum width)
270 (type stream stream))
269 (type fixnum width)
270 (type stream stream))
271271 (let ((prompt-length (+ 2 (the fixnum (length prompt)))))
272272 (declare (type fixnum prompt-length))
273273 (cond ((< (+ prompt-length (the fixnum (length contents))) width)
274 (format stream "~%~A- ~A" prompt contents))
275 (t
276 (format stream "~%~A-" prompt)
277 (do* ((cursor prompt-length)
278 (contents (split-string contents) (cdr contents))
279 (content (car contents) (car contents))
280 (content-length (1+ (the fixnum (length content)))
281 (1+ (the fixnum (length content)))))
282 ((null contents))
283 (declare (type fixnum content-length))
284 (cond ((< (+ cursor content-length) width)
285 (incf cursor content-length)
286 (format stream " ~A" content))
287 (t
288 (setf cursor (+ prompt-length content-length))
289 (format stream "~%~A ~A" prompt content)))))))
274 (format stream "~%~A- ~A" prompt contents))
275 (t
276 (format stream "~%~A-" prompt)
277 (do* ((cursor prompt-length)
278 (contents (split-string contents) (cdr contents))
279 (content (car contents) (car contents))
280 (content-length (1+ (the fixnum (length content)))
281 (1+ (the fixnum (length content)))))
282 ((null contents))
283 (declare (type fixnum content-length))
284 (cond ((< (+ cursor content-length) width)
285 (incf cursor content-length)
286 (format stream " ~A" content))
287 (t
288 (setf cursor (+ prompt-length content-length))
289 (format stream "~%~A ~A" prompt content)))))))
290290 (finish-output stream))
292292 ;;; number-to-string
293293 ;;;
294294 (defun number-to-string (number &optional (base 10))
295295 (declare (type fixnum number)
296 (type fixnum base))
296 (type fixnum base))
297297 (cond ((zerop number) "0")
298 ((eql number 1) "1")
299 (t
300 (do* ((len (1+ (truncate (log number base))))
301 (res (make-string len))
302 (i (1- len) (1- i))
303 (q number) ; quotient
304 (r 0)) ; residue
305 ((zerop q) ; nothing left
306 res)
307 (declare (simple-string res)
308 (fixnum len i r))
309 (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q base))
310 (setf (schar res i)
311 (schar "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" r))))))
298 ((eql number 1) "1")
299 (t
300 (do* ((len (1+ (truncate (log number base))))
301 (res (make-string len))
302 (i (1- len) (1- i))
303 (q number) ; quotient
304 (r 0)) ; residue
305 ((zerop q) ; nothing left
306 res)
307 (declare (simple-string res)
308 (fixnum len i r))
309 (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q base))
310 (setf (schar res i)
311 (schar "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" r))))))
313313 ;;; null-string
314314 ;;; Returns T if STRING is the null string \"\" between START and END.
327327 ;;; of returning EOF-VALUE.
329329 ;; (declaim (function read-delimited-string (list stream atom t)
330 ;; (values string t character)))
330 ;; (values string t character)))
332332 (defun read-delimited-string (delimiters &optional (stream *standard-input*)
333 (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
333 (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
334334 (declare (type list delimiters)
335 (type stream stream))
335 (type stream stream))
336336 (let (char-list)
337337 ;; (declare (dynamic-extent char-list))
338338 (do ((peeked-char (peek-char nil stream eof-error-p :eof)
339 (peek-char nil stream eof-error-p :eof)))
340 ((or (member peeked-char delimiters) (eq peeked-char :eof))
341 (values (coerce (nreverse char-list) 'string)
342 (if (eq peeked-char :eof) eof-value) peeked-char))
339 (peek-char nil stream eof-error-p :eof)))
340 ((or (member peeked-char delimiters) (eq peeked-char :eof))
341 (values (coerce (nreverse char-list) 'string)
342 (if (eq peeked-char :eof) eof-value) peeked-char))
343343 (push (read-char stream t)
344 ;; it should be good, else peek-char would have gotten the error.
345 ;; so go for it.
346 char-list))))
344 ;; it should be good, else peek-char would have gotten the error.
345 ;; so go for it.
346 char-list))))
348348 ;;; numeric-char-p
349349 ;;;
350350 (defmacro numeric-char-p (char)
351351 `(let ((cc (char-code ,char)))
352352 (and (>= cc (char-code #\0))
353 (<= cc (char-code #\9)))))
353 (<= cc (char-code #\9)))))
355355 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7373 (defun augm-tree-int-node? (x)
7474 (declare (type list x)
75 (values (or null t)))
75 (values (or null t)))
7676 (null (car x)))
7878 (defun augm-tree-pad? (x)
1742 VMINOR=.3
1742 VMINOR=.4rc1
17431743 VMEMO=PigNose0.99
17441744 PATCHLEVEL=
2651 ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile make-cafeobj.lisp version.lisp xbin/ doc/refman/Makefile doc/manual/Makefile doc/RefCard/Makefile doc/PigNose/Makefile"
2651 ac_config_files="$ac_config_files Makefile make-cafeobj.lisp version.lisp xbin/ doc/refman/Makefile doc/manual/Makefile doc/RefCard/Makefile doc/PigNose/Makefile doc/citp-manual/Makefile"
26532653 cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
26542654 # This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
33663366 "doc/manual/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES doc/manual/Makefile" ;;
33673367 "doc/RefCard/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES doc/RefCard/Makefile" ;;
33683368 "doc/PigNose/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES doc/PigNose/Makefile" ;;
3369 "doc/citp-manual/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES doc/citp-manual/Makefile" ;;
33703371 *) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;;
33713372 esac
00 dnl for Chaos(CafeOBJ)
11 dnl apply autoconf to this file for producing a configure script.
22 dnl
3 dnl Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
4 dnl Copyright (c) 2014 Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
3 dnl Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
4 dnl Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
55 dnl
66 dnl Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
77 dnl modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3131 AC_INIT([CafeOBJ],[1.5], [], [cafeobj], [])
3333 AC_PREREQ(2.6)
34 VMINOR=.3
34 VMINOR=.4rc1
3535 VMEMO=PigNose0.99
356356 doc/manual/Makefile
357357 doc/RefCard/Makefile
358358 doc/PigNose/Makefile
359 doc/citp-manual/Makefile
359360 ])
360361 AC_OUTPUT()
00 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3131 )
3232 (defun make-app (path)
3333 (generate-application "CafeOBJ"
34 #-:mswindows
35 "dumps/acl-standalone/"
36 #+:mswindows
37 "dist/cafeobj-1.5/"
38 '("pignose.fasl"
39 :emacs
40 :eli
41 :sock
42 :process
43 :acldns
44 :collate
45 :euc
46 :ffcompat
47 :list2
48 :fileutil
49 :foreign
50 :trace
51 :hmac
52 :locale
53 :regexp2
54 #-:mswindows :sigio
55 :ssl
56 :streama
57 :streamm
58 :streamc
59 :streamp)
60 :application-type :exe
61 :print-startup-message nil
62 :allow-existing-directory t
63 :copy-shared-libraries t
64 :read-init-files nil
65 :restart-app-function 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
66 ;; :restart-init-function 'chaos::chaos-init-fun
67 :runtime :standard
68 :suppress-allegro-cl-banner t
69 :runtime-bundle t
70 :include-compiler nil
71 ;; :record-source-file-info nil
72 ;; :record-xref-info nil
73 ;; :load-source-file-info nil
74 ;; :load-xref-info nil
75 ;; :load-local-names-info nil
76 :autoload-warning t
77 :discard-local-name-info t
78 :discard-source-file-info t
79 ;; :discard-xref-into t
80 :discard-arglists t
81 :application-administration
82 '(#+:mswindows
83 (:batch-file "cafeobj.bat")
84 )
85 ))
34 #-:mswindows
35 "dumps/acl-standalone/"
36 #+:mswindows
37 "dist/cafeobj-1.5/"
38 '("pignose.fasl"
39 :emacs
40 :eli
41 :sock
42 :process
43 :acldns
44 :collate
45 :euc
46 :ffcompat
47 :list2
48 :fileutil
49 :foreign
50 :trace
51 :hmac
52 :locale
53 :regexp2
54 #-:mswindows :sigio
55 :ssl
56 :streama
57 :streamm
58 :streamc
59 :streamp)
60 :application-type :exe
61 :print-startup-message nil
62 :allow-existing-directory t
63 :copy-shared-libraries t
64 :read-init-files nil
65 :restart-app-function 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
66 ;; :restart-init-function 'chaos::chaos-init-fun
67 :runtime :standard
68 :suppress-allegro-cl-banner t
69 :runtime-bundle t
70 :include-compiler nil
71 ;; :record-source-file-info nil
72 ;; :record-xref-info nil
73 ;; :load-source-file-info nil
74 ;; :load-xref-info nil
75 ;; :load-local-names-info nil
76 :autoload-warning t
77 :discard-local-name-info t
78 :discard-source-file-info t
79 ;; :discard-xref-into t
80 :discard-arglists t
81 :application-administration
82 '(#+:mswindows
83 (:batch-file "cafeobj.bat")
84 )
85 ))
8787 (eval-when (eval load)
8888 (make-app nil))
0 (load "sysdef.asd")
1 (load "cl-ppcre/cl-ppcre.asd")
2 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-ppcre)
3 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'chaosx)
4 (in-package :chaos)
5 (set-cafeobj-libpath "/usr/local/share/cafeobj-1.5")
00 ;;;
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 ;;;
33 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2626 ;;;
27 ;;; defsystem
28 ;;:ld sysdef
29 ;; (mk:compile-system :chaosx) --or --
30 (require :asdf)
31 (load "cl-ppcre/cl-ppcre.asd")
32 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-ppcre)
33 (load "")
34 (excl:compile-system :chaosx :recompile t)
35 (in-package :chaos)
36 (set-cafeobj-libpath "/usr/local/cafeobj-1.4")
37 (cafeobj)
28 ;;; HOW TO compile the system by hand.
30 ; way 1 : use asdf, can be used in all supported Lisp platforms.
31 ;(require :asdf)
32 ;(load "cl-ppcre/cl-ppcre.asd")
33 ;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cl-ppcre)
35 ; way 2 : if you are using Allgegro, you can also do this way
36 ;(load "")
37 ;(excl:compile-system :chaosx :recompile t)
39 ;;; Starting CafeOBJ interpreter.
41 ; after comilation, the following invokes CafeOBJ intepreter
42 ;(in-package :chaos)
43 ; NOTE: specify the path to your installed CafeOBJ library
44 ;(set-cafeobj-libpath "/usr/local/share/cafeobj-1.5")
45 ;(cafeobj)
1 citp.pdf: citp.tex
2 xelatex citp
3 xelatex citp
4 xelatex citp
6 clean:
7 rm -f *.aux citp.log citp.toc citp.out
9 distclean:
0 @article{Futatsugi:2012:PPS:2397725.2397950,
1 author = {Futatsugi, Kokichi and Gin, Daniel and Ogata, Kazuhiro},
2 title = {Principles of proof scores in CafeOBJ},
3 journal = {Theor. Comput. Sci.},
4 issue_date = {December, 2012},
5 volume = {464},
6 month = dec,
7 year = {2012},
8 issn = {0304-3975},
9 pages = {90--112},
10 numpages = {23},
11 url = {},
12 doi = {10.1016/j.tcs.2012.07.041},
13 acmid = {2397950},
14 publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.},
15 address = {Essex, UK},
16 keywords = {Algebraic specifications, CafeOBJ, Proof scores, Term rewriting, Theorem proving},
17 }
0 \begin{thebibliography}{1}
2 \bibitem{Futatsugi:2012:PPS:2397725.2397950}
3 Kokichi Futatsugi, Daniel Gin, and Kazuhiro Ogata.
4 \newblock Principles of proof scores in cafeobj.
5 \newblock {\em Theor. Comput. Sci.}, 464:90--112, December 2012.
7 \end{thebibliography}
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125 % 表紙 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
126 \title{CITP for CafeOBJ \\
127 ver. 1.0}
128 \vfill
129 \author{澤田 寿実\\
130 (株) 考作舎\\
132 \date{2015/10/1}
133 \maketitle
134 \vfill
135 \begin{center}
136 \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{kosakusha2_gray.pdf}
137 \end{center}
138 \vfill
139 \thispagestyle{empty}
140 \newpage
141 %%%%%%
142 \mainmatter
143 \pagestyle{plain}
144 \pagenumbering{arabic}
145 % 構成 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
146 \tableofcontents
147 \EnableBpAbbreviations
148 \newpage
149 \chapter{用語}\label{sec:terms}
150 本書は証明論について基礎的な知識を持つ CafeOBJ ユーザーを対象とした,
151 CITP for CafeOBJ と呼ばれる証明譜支援システムの利用ガイドである.
152 本書で記述する CITP for CafeOBJ の機能は version 1.5.4 以降の
153 CafeOBJ システムで利用可能である\footnote{最新版の CafeOBJ システムは からダウンロード可能である)}.
155 表\ref{table:terms}に以下で使用するいくつかの用語の定義を示す.
156 \begin{table}
157 \caption{用語の定義}
158 \label{table:terms}
159 \begin{center}
160 \begin{tabular}[htb]{|l|p{0.6\textwidth}|}\hline
161 用語 & 定義 \\\hline\hline
162 文(sentence) & 自由変数を含まない(条件付き)等式($t = t' if C$) あるいは、(条件付き)遷移規則 ($t \Rightarrow t'$).
163 CafeOBJ の等式宣言や遷移規則宣言のフォームで表記する. \\\hline
164 文脈(context) & 証明を実施するモジュール.CafeOBJ で提供されているコマンドには,
165 ある特定のモジュールを対象としたコマンドが多数存在する.
166 CITP for CafeOBJ で提供されるコマンドも多くがそうであり,
167 それらのコマンドを使う際に,一々対象とするモジュールを指定するのは煩わしいために%
168 導入されたのが\textbf{文脈}という概念である.
169 文脈は ``select'' や ``open'' コマンドによって設定され,
170 モジュールをパラメータとして持つコマンドの適用先を暗黙的に指定した--つまりパラメータを省略した際に適用先として%
171 採用されるモジュール--となる.
172 \\\hline
173 ゴール(goal) & 四つ組 $<M,G,C,H>$. 文脈($M$)とそこで証明したい文の集合($G$),
174 証明に際して使用した戦略(tactic)により導入された定数(constants)の集合($C$)と
175 仮定(hypothesis)$H$(文の集合).単に証明対象とする文(の集合)をゴールと呼ぶことがある.\\\hline
176 戦略(tactic) & 証明で用いる演繹規則およびそれらを組み合わせたものを戦略(tactic)と呼ぶ.\\\hline
177 基底項(ground term) & 変数を含まない項. \\\hline
178 \end{tabular}
179 \end{center}
180 \end{table}
183 \chapter{CITP for CafeOBJ のコマンド}\label{chap:new-commands}
184 本章では CITP for CafeOBJ で提供されるコマンドの挙動について述べる.
185 厳密な動作の理解のためには参考文献を参照されたい.
186 \section{証明の開始(ゴールの設定)} \label{sec:start-proof}
187 ある特定のモジュール $M$ を文脈として,その中で証明したい文の集合 $G$ がすべて成立することを%
188 演繹規則(戦略)を順次適用することによって証明することが本システムの目標である.
190 \begin{itemize}
191 \item 証明を開始するには,証明を行う文脈を設定し,次いで証明したい文の集合を宣言する.\\
192 文脈の設定は,既存の CafeOBJ コマンド \verb|select <ModuleExpression> .| あるいは \verb|open <ModuleExpression> .|
193 によって行う.
194 \item 証明を実施する文脈の設定後,下に示す \verb|:goal| コマンドによって証明したい文の集合を指定する.\\
195 \begin{vvtm}
196 \begin{simplev}
197 goal コマンド ::= :goal { <sentence> . ... <sentence> . }
198 \end{simplev}
199 \end{vvtm}
200 \end{itemize}
201 \verb|sentence| は,CafeOBJ の(条件付き)等式あるいは(条件付き)遷移規則のいずれかで表記する.
204 \subsubsection{文脈とゴールの設定例}
205 %\begin{vvtm}
206 \begin{examplev}
207 select CLOUD .
208 :goal {
209 ceq [inv1 :nonexec]: true = false if statusp(S:Sys,I:Client) = updated /\
210 statusc(S:Sys)= idlec .
211 ceq [inv2 :nonexec]: true = false if statusp(S:Sys,I:Client) = gotval /\
212 statusc(S:Sys)= idlec .
213 ceq [inv3 :nonexec]: true = false if statusp(S:Sys,J:Client) = updated /\
214 statusp(S:Sys,I:Client) = gotval .
215 ceq [inv4 :nonexec]: true = false if (I:Client ~ J:Client) = false /\
216 statusp(S:Sys,J:Client) = gotval /\
217 statusp(S:Sys,I:Client) = gotval .
218 ceq [inv5 :nonexec]: true = false if (I:Client ~ J:Client) = false /\
219 statusp(S:Sys,J:Client)= updated /\ statusp(S:Sys,I:Client)= updated .}
220 \end{examplev}
221 %\end{vvtm}
223 \section{証明木の構造}\label{sec:proof-struct}
224 ここでは他のコマンドを説明する前に,CITP for CafeOBJ の構成する
225 証明木(proof tree)の構造について説明する.
227 証明木は全体としてゴールをノードとする有向の木構造(directed tree structure)を持ち,
228 各枝(branch)はゴールに対して適用した戦略をラベル(label)が付加されている.
229 あるゴール$G$に対してある戦略$T$を適用すると,
230 一般的に複数のゴール$G_1, G_2, \ldots, G_n$ が生成されるが,
231 これら $G_i$ をもとのゴールの子ゴールと呼ぶ.
232 $G$ から各 $G_i (i = 1 \cdots n)$ への枝は,全て適用した戦略$T$によるラベル $T$を持つ.
234 以下この一般的な証明木の構造をより具体的に述べる.
235 以下では,ゴールと証明木のノードを区別せずに用いる.
237 \begin{itemize}
238 \item :goal コマンドによって設定されたゴールを初期ゴールとする.
239 \item あるノード(ゴール)に対して戦略 $T$ の適用によって新たなゴールが生成された場合,
240 それらをそのノードの子ノードとする.これら子ノードへの枝はラベル $T$ を持つ.
241 \item 各ゴールには次のように名前が付加される:
242 \begin{itemize}
243 \item 初期ゴールには root という名前が付けられる.
244 \item root 直下のゴールには自然数 $1, 2, \ldots ,n$ と名前が付けられる.
245 \item 以下,あるゴールの名称が N であったとすると,そのゴールには
246 N-1, N-2, $\ldots$ N-m のように名前が付けられる.
247 \end{itemize}
248 \end{itemize}
249 \begin{figure}[hbt]
250 \centering
251 %\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{proof-tree.pdf}
252 \input proof-tree.tikz
253 \caption{証明木}
254 \label{fig:proof-tree}
255 \end{figure}
257 このような構造を持つ証明木において,\textbf{ゴールが証明される}とは以下の事を言う:
258 \begin{itemize}
259 \item あるゴールの子ゴールが全て証明されたとき,そのゴールも証明される
260 \item ここで\textbf{証明される}とは以下の事を言う
261 \begin{enumerate}
262 \item 文が充足(satisfied)された場合,あるいは
263 \item 矛盾(contradiction)が発見される: すなわち
264 \begin{itemize}
265 \item その文脈において true = false が演繹可能(deducible)となる
266 \item 遷移的な関係で矛盾が生ずる.例えば $X < Y < Z$ の時に
267 $Z \le Y$ が演繹できる.
268 \end{itemize}
269 \end{enumerate}
270 これらのいずれかが成立した時,そのゴールに含まれる当該文はゴールから
271 取り去られる (dischage されると言う).
272 ゴールから証明対象の文がすべてなくなった時,そのゴールは証明されたと言う.
273 \end{itemize}
275 \section{戦略の適用}\label{sec:apply}
277 \begin{itemize}
278 \item 初期ゴールが設定された後では,:apply コマンドによって,指定の戦略をゴールに適用できるようになる.
279 ゴールが設定されていない場合,:apply コマンドの適用はエラーとして扱われる.
280 \item 構文
281 \begin{vvtm}
282 \begin{simplev}
283 apply コマンド ::= :apply [ to <GoalName> : ] (<Tactic> ... <Tactic> )
284 <GoalName> ::= ゴールに付与された名前
285 <Tactic> ::= SI | CA | TC | IP | RD | <DefinedTactic>
286 \end{simplev}
287 \end{vvtm}
289 \item \verb|<Tactic>| の指定で,大文字と小文字の区別はしない.
290 \item \verb|to <GoalName>| が省略された場合は,現在のデフォルトゴール(後述)に対して適用される.
291 \item \verb|<DefinedTactic>| は\ref{sec:def-command}章で説明する \verb|:def| コマンドによって定義された戦略の名前である.
292 \end{itemize}
294 \subsection{戦略}\label{sec:predefined-tactics}
295 CITP for CafeOBJ で提供される戦略を表~\ref{tab:tactics} に示す.
296 各戦略の具体的な挙動については,\ref{sec:tactic-behaviour}章で説明する.
298 \begin{table}
299 \label{tab:tactics}
300 \caption{戦略一覧}
301 \begin{center}
302 \begin{tabular}[htbp]{|l|l|}\hline
303 戦略名 & 演繹規則 \\\hline\hline
304 SI & Simultaneous Induction (同時帰納法) \\\hline
305 CA & Case Analysis (場合分け)\\\hline
306 TC & Theorem of Constants \\\hline
307 IP & Implication (含意)\\\hline
308 RD & Reduction (簡約化) \\\hline
309 \end{tabular}
310 \end{center}
311 \end{table}
313 \subsection{戦略の適用順序}\label{sec:order-of-tatic-application}
315 \begin{figure}[htbp]
316 \begin{center}
317 \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{apply-order.pdf}
318 \end{center}
319 \caption{戦略の適用順序}
320 \label{fig:apply-tactic}
321 \end{figure}
322 図~\ref{fig:apply-tactic} に,あるゴール $n$ に対して一連の戦略 $T_1 T_2 \ldots T_n$ を
323 適用した際に,これらの戦略がどのように適用されるかを示す.
324 一般にある戦略 $T_i$ をゴール $N$ に適用した場合,戦略によって複数のゴールが生成される.
325 :apply コマンドに一連の戦略 $T_1 T_2 \ldots T_n$ が指定され,ゴール $N$ に適用されたとする.
326 このとき最初の戦略 $T_1$ によって複数の小ゴール $N_1 \ldots N_m$ が生成されたとした時,
327 次の戦略 $T_2$ はこれらの小ゴール全てに対して適用される.以下同様である.
329 \subsection{自動戦略} \label{sec:tactic-auto}
330 経験則から一般的に有効(うまく証明ができることが多い)と考える事のできる一連の戦略を予め用意し,
331 これを簡便に使用できると便利である.
332 このためにコマンド :auto が用意されている.
334 \begin{itemize}
335 \item 構文:
336 \begin{vvtm}
337 \begin{simplev}
338 auto コマンド ::= :auto
339 \end{simplev}
340 \end{vvtm}
341 \item \verb|:auto| は \verb|:apply (SI CA TC IP RD) | と等価である.
342 \end{itemize}
344 \section{ターゲット・ゴール}\label{sec:default-goal}
345 :apply コマンドは戦略を適用するゴールの引数を省略することができる(\ref{sec:apply}).
346 この時,指定した戦略の適用対象となるゴールを\textbf{ターゲット・ゴール}と呼ぶ.
347 システムはこれを次の規則によって決定する.
348 \begin{itemize}
349 \item 初期のゴールが \verb|:goal| コマンドによって設定された直後は
350 \verb|root| がターゲット・ゴールである.
351 \item ある戦略をゴールに適用した後は,証明木の構造上最も左の
352 末端ノードがターゲット・ゴールとなる.
353 \end{itemize}
355 ターゲット・ゴールは :apply コマンドの暗黙的な対象となるゴールだけでなく,
356 ゴールを引数に持つコマンドで,それが省略された際に%
357 適用対象とするゴールとして扱われる.
359 \subsection{ターゲット・ゴールの指定}
360 ターゲット・ゴールは,\verb|:select| コマンドによって設定することが可能である.
361 \begin{itemize}
362 \item 構文:
363 \begin{vvtm}
364 \begin{simplev}
365 :select コマンド ::= :select <GoalName>
366 \end{simplev}
367 \end{vvtm}
368 \end{itemize}
369 \verb|:select| コマンドで指定されたゴールが子ゴールを持っていた場合,
370 それらの子ゴールは証明木から削除される.
371 \begin{figure}[hbt]
372 \centering
373 \input selected.tikz
374 \caption{:select}
375 \label{fig:selected-proof-tree}
376 \end{figure}
377 図\ref{fig:selected-proof-tree} はゴール1-1がターゲット・ゴールとなっている状態で
378 \verb|:select| コマンドでゴール2を指定した結果ゴール2がターゲット・ゴールとなり
379 それまでゴール2の子ゴールだった既存のゴール2-1と2-2が削除された様子を示したものである.
381 \section{各戦略の挙動}\label{sec:tactic-behaviour}
382 本章では先に述べた各戦略の挙動について述べる.
384 \subsection{SI: Simultaneous Induction}\label{sec:SI}
386 \begin{prooftree}
387 \AXC{$\{\SP\vdash^{sp} (\forall Y)\theta(\varepsilon)\;|\; \theta : X \rightarrow T_{\Sigma^{c}}, Y : \mathtt{finite}\}$}
388 \LeftLabel{[conAbst]}
389 \UIC{$\SP\vdash^{sp} (\forall X)\varepsilon$}
390 \end{prooftree}
391 ここで $\Sigma = \Sig(\SP)$,$\Sigma^{c}\subset\Sigma$ は構成子からなる部分シグニチャである.
392 また $\theta : X\rightarrow T_{\Sigma^{c}}(Y)$ は $\Sig(\SP)$-置換である.
393 上の規則はもし $\varepsilon$ が $X$ に含まれる変数の全ての可能な%
394 instantiationについて成り立つなら $(\forall X)\varepsilon$ が成り立つことを意味する.
396 [conAbst] は実用的な観点からは使用するのが難しい.
397 何故ならルールのインスタンスが無限にあり得るからである.
398 その代わりに下の帰納的演繹によってこれを模倣する事が出来る.
400 \begin{prooftree}
401 \AXC{$\SP' =_{def} \PR(\SP,\{\{x\}_{s}\}) \cup \{(\forall\{\})\varepsilon\}$}
402 \noLine
403 \UIC{$\SP' \vdash (\forall Z^{f})\varepsilon[x\leftarrow f(z_1,\ldots,z_{i-1},x,z_{i+1},\ldots z_n)]\;\; f\in F^{c}_{*s}\}$}
404 \LeftLabel{[Ind]}
405 \UIC{$\SP\vdash^{sp}(\forall\{\{x\}_{s}\})\varepsilon$}
406 \end{prooftree}
407 \begin{itemize}
408 \item [Ind]は構成子ベースの帰納的演繹を定式化したものである.
409 \end{itemize}
411 \begin{itemize}
412 \item 戦略 SI は上の Ind を複数の帰納変数に対して同時に適用可能なよう拡張したものである.
413 指定した帰納変数(induction variables)に対して以下を行う.
414 \begin{itemize}
415 \item ベースケース
416 \item 帰納法の仮定+ステップケース
417 \end{itemize}
418 それぞれに対応した新たなゴールを生成する
419 \item induction variables は \verb|:ind on| コマンドによって指定する.
420 \begin{vvtm}
421 \begin{simplev}
422 :ind コマンド ::= :ind on ( <変数> ... )
423 \end{simplev}
424 \end{vvtm}
425 \verb|<変数>| は on-the-fly の変数宣言形式で指定する.
426 \item \verb|:ind| コマンドで指定した変数に対応するソートが,構成子を
427 持たないソートであった場合はエラーとする.
428 \item 帰納法の仮定や,証明対象とするステップケースの文では,
429 帰納法による定数が必要となるが,それらは次のようにして生成する.
430 \begin{itemize}
431 \item \verb|帰納変数名#ソート名| という名前のオペレータを導入
432 \item このオペレータを用いて(定数)項を生成する
433 \end{itemize}
434 例えば,帰納変数として \verb|I:Foo| が指定された場合,
435 導入される定数名は \verb|I#<ソート名>| となる.
436 <ソート名> は文脈に応じて適切なソートが選択される.
437 \end{itemize}
439 \subsection{TC: Theorem of Constants}\label{sec:TC}
440 \begin{prooftree}
441 \AXC{$\PR(\SP,Y)\vdash^{sp} (\forall\{\})\varepsilon$}
442 \LeftLabel{[TC]}
443 \UIC{$\SP\vdash^{sp}(\forall Y)\varepsilon$}
444 \end{prooftree}
446 この演繹規則は全称的に束縛された変数に関する推論を行う際に,
447 定数を代わって使用しても良いとするものであり,
448 従来よりCafeOBJの書き換えエンジンを利用した証明で通常利用されている技法である.
450 CITP CafeOBJ ではこの演繹規則に対応するものを戦略として提供する.
451 [TC]によって新たに導入する定数名は,既存の定数名と衝突が無いように考慮し,
452 規則的に命名される.
454 \begin{itemize}
455 \item 適用先のゴールに複数の証明対象の文が含まれている場合は,
456 それ毎に別々の小ゴールを作成し,分配する.
457 \item 以下各ゴールに対して以下を実施する.
458 \begin{itemize}
459 \item 証明対象の文に含まれる変数を対応するソートの定数で置き換える
460 \end{itemize}
461 \item 定数は次のように新たなオペレータを導入することによって作成する
462 \begin{itemize}
463 \item \verb|変数名@ソート名| という名前のオペレータを導入
464 \item このオペレータを用いて(定数)項を生成する
465 \end{itemize}
466 例えば,変数 X がソート Foo の変数であった場合,導入されるオペレータは
467 \begin{verbatim}
468 op X@Foo : -> Foo .
469 \end{verbatim}
470 のように宣言されたのと等価である.
471 %%% spoiler \item 上記を実施した後,生成したゴールに対して暗黙的戦略 CT および ST を適用する.
472 \end{itemize}
474 \subsection{IP: Implication}\label{sec:IP}
475 \begin{prooftree}
476 \AXC{$(\Sigma,E\cup\{(\forall\{\})t_1=t'_1,\ldots,(\forall\{\})t_n=t'_n)\vdash^{sp}(\forall\{\}t=t')$}
477 \LeftLabel{[IP]}
478 \UIC{$(\Sigma,E)\vdash^{sp}(\forall\{\}) t = t'\; \mathtt{if}\; \{t_1=t'_1,\ldots,t_n=t'_n\}$}
479 \end{prooftree}
481 条件付き等式で条件部が基底項の場合,それらを新たな公理として導入し,
482 条件部を取り去ったゴールを新たなゴールとしても良い事を [IP] は示している.
484 [IP] についても CITP for CafeOBJ の提供する演繹規則として提供する.
485 条件部が複数の atom の連結 ($\wedge$ で結ばれた複数の条件)の場合は,
486 それらを別々の複数の公理として導入する.
488 \begin{itemize}
489 \item 適用先のゴールに複数の証明対象の文が含まれている場合は,
490 それ毎に別々の小ゴールを作成し,分配する.
491 \item 以下,各ゴールに対して以下を実施する.
492 \item 証明対象の文が \verb|ceq T = T' if C| または
493 \verb|ctrans T => T' if C| の形,かつ
494 \item C が基底項の場合に以下を行う
495 \begin{itemize}
496 \item \verb|C| を公理として追加
497 \item 元の証明対象から条件部を削除したものを新たな証明対象の文とする
498 \item \verb|C| が複数の条件が \verb|c1 /\ c2 ... /\ cn| のように,\verb|/\| で
499 結合された形の場合は分離し,個々の \verb|c1| $\ldots$ \verb|cn| を
500 公理として導入する.
501 \end{itemize}
502 %%% spoiler \item 以上を実施した後,生成されたゴールに対して暗黙の戦略 CT および ST を適用する.
503 \end{itemize}
505 \subsection{CA: Case Analysis}\label{sec:CA}
507 \begin{prooftree}
508 \AXC{$\{\PR(\SP,Y) \cup \{ u = t\}\vdash^{sp} e\;|\; t\in T_{\Sigma^{c}}(Y)_{S_{c}}, Y:\mathtt{finite}\}$}
509 \LeftLabel{[split]}
510 \UIC{$\SP\vdash^{sp} e$}
511 \end{prooftree}
513 \begin{prooftree}
514 \AXC{$\SP\cup\{u = \mathtt{true}\}\vdash^{sp} e$}
515 \AXC{$\SP\cup\{u = \mathtt{false}\}\vdash^{sp} e$}
516 \LeftLabel{[splitBool]}
517 \BIC{$\SP\vdash^{sp} e$}
518 \end{prooftree}
520 これらは網羅的な場合分けの必要性について定式化したものである.
521 これについては証明の文脈となっている仕様や%
522 証明の対象としている項により異なり,%
523 一般的な生成スキームを与える事は困難である.
525 そのため,場合分けを実施する上での各ケースを利用者が公理によって明示的に指示し,
526 システムがそれをベースに必要な場合分けを実施するものとする.
527 この仕様は Maude の CITP システムに習ったものである.
529 CA は次のように動作する:
530 \begin{enumerate}
531 \item 証明対象の文から基底項 $G_1, \ldots, G_n$ を取り出す.
532 \item 文脈となっているモジュールから,ラベルとして先頭が ``CA'' で始まる
533 公理の集合 $Ac$ を求める.
534 \item 各 $G_i (1\le i \le n)$ について,その真部分項が $Ac$ に含まれる公理の
535 どの左辺とも照合しない基底項の集合 $Gs$ を得る.
536 \item 各 $g_j \in Gs$ について,各 $(\mathtt{l\; =\; r\; if\; C}) \in Ac$ との間で
537 以下を計算する.
538 \begin{enumerate}
539 \item 基底項 $g_j$ に関するケースの集合 $C_j$ を空集合にセットする.
540 \item $\sigma(g_j) = \mathtt{l}$ となる置換 $\sigma$ が存在したら,
541 $\sigma(C)_j$ を $Cs_j$ に追加する.
542 \end{enumerate}
543 各 $Cs_j$ は基底項 $g_j$ に関するケースの集合となっているので,
544 これらの全ての組み合わせ $CS_1 \times S_2 \times \cdots\S_m$ を計算し,
545 全ての可能なケースの組み合わせを求める.
546 \item 上で得られた各組み合わせごとに,新たな子ゴールを生成し,
547 そのゴールへケースを公理として追加する.
548 \end{enumerate}
549 冗長なケースの生成があり得るための,それらを検査して取り除く事は
550 実装に際して最適化の意味で実施するものとする.
552 \begin{itemize}
553 \item 上で述べた CA 処理を実施するする前に,適用対象のゴールに複数の
554 証明対象の文が含まれていたら,それらを個々の小ゴールに分配し,
555 その後,上の CA 処理を実施する.
556 %%%% spoiler
557 % \item CA で生成された各ゴールに追加された公理については,
558 % 暗黙的戦略 LE による整数の順序関係に関する矛盾の有無を検査し,
559 % 矛盾が発見されたら直ちにそのゴールを discharge する.
560 \end{itemize}
562 \subsection{RD: Reduction}\label{sec:RD}
564 戦略 RD は,以下を実施する:
565 \begin{enumerate}
566 \item ゴール内で true = false が演繹可能かどうかを調べる.
567 \begin{prooftree}
568 \AXC{$\SP \vdash \tr \Rightarrow \fs$}
569 \LeftLabel{[CT]}
570 \UIC{$\SP \vdash \rho$}
571 \end{prooftree}
572 これが可能な場合,矛盾なのでゴールに含まれるすべての証明対象としている文を discharge する.
573 \item ゴールに含まれる証明対象の文すべてについて以下を行う.
574 ここで,証明対象の文を \texttt{ l = r if C} とする.
575 \begin{enumerate}
576 \item l,r あるいは C のどれかが基底項でなければなにもしない.
577 これらのすべてが基底項の場合にのみ以下を実施する.
578 \item 条件部 \texttt{C} の既約形(normal form)を求める.
579 結果が \texttt{true} ならば次へ進む(条件部が存在しない場合は \texttt{true} とみなされる).
580 結果が \texttt{true} でなければ文はまだ成立しないとみなす.
581 \item 文の左辺 \texttt{l} の規約形を求める.
582 \item 文の右辺 \texttt{r} の規約形を求める.
583 \item 左右両辺の既約形が「等しい」かどうかを調べる.
584 ここで,等しいとは以下のことを言う:
585 \begin{itemize}
586 \item 項の形が同じ.
587 \item 項のトップオペレータがセオリー属性(associative, commutative など)を持っていた場合,
588 その意味で等しい.
589 \end{itemize}
590 \item 等しければ成立するとし,その文を discharge する.等しく無ければ成立しない,とする.
591 \end{enumerate}
592 \item ゴールに含まれるすべての文が discharge された場合,そのゴールは証明されたものとする.
593 \end{enumerate}
595 他の戦略は証明できるかどうかを直接調べないが,戦略 RD はゴールが証明できるかどうかを上のようにして調べる.
597 \section{:spoiler : 暗黙的 RD 適用の制御} \label{sec:spoiler-flag}
599 \ref{sec:tactic-behaviour} でシステムに組み込みの各戦略の動作を述べた.
600 RD 以外の戦略はその戦略に応じた新たな仮定を導入したりするなどするが,
601 その結果ゴールに含まれる文が成立するかどうかは調べない.
602 システムは \verb|:spoiler| という名称のフラグを持っており,
603 これを on に設定することにより,戦略適用後の状態でゴールが証明可能かを%
604 調べるよう指示することができる.
605 ただし戦略 SI はこの対象外であり,
606 このフラグが on の場合でも\ref{sec:SI}で述べた以上の処理は行わない.
608 このフラグの設定は \verb|:spoiler| コマンドによって行う.
609 \begin{vvtm}
610 \begin{simplev}
611 :spoiler コマンド ::= :spoiler { on | off }
612 \end{simplev}
613 \end{vvtm}
615 フラグの初期値は off である.
617 このフラグが on の場合の各戦略(SIおよびRDを除く)の挙動は,%
618 \ref{sec:tactic-behaviour} で説明した処理を実施後に戦略 RD を実施するのと等価である.
620 \subsubsection{:auto の動作}\label{sec:auto-and-spoiler}
621 \texttt{:auto} コマンドによる戦略適用の場合は,
622 :spoiler フラグが on の状態で実行される.
623 :auto コマンドの実行が終了後はフラグは元の状態となる.
625 \section{補助的戦略}\label{sec:suppliment}
626 ここでは演繹規則として位置付けられるものではないが,
627 証明過程で有用と考えられる補助的な戦略について説明する.
629 \subsection{NF:証明対象文の既約形}\label{sec:normal-form}
631 \begin{itemize}
632 \item ある戦略を適用した後にゴールに含まれる証明対象の文に
633 含まれる基底項(ground term)を全て既約形(normal form)にする.
634 \end{itemize}
635 NF は \verb|:apply| コマンドの引数として与えることができる.
637 % \subsubsection{LE: 順序関係で互いに矛盾する公理の存在有無を調べる}\label{sec:LE}
639 % \begin{itemize}
640 % \item 現在は組込の INT モジュールで定義されている,整数の大小関係
641 % \verb|<| と \verb|<=| についてのみ検査が実施される.
642 % \item LE は,CA のケースわけによって生成された公理(仮定)を検査対象とする.
643 % \end{itemize}
645 % \begin{prooftree}
646 % \AXC{}
647 % \LeftLabel{[LE]}
648 % \UIC{$\SP \vdash \rho$}
649 % \end{prooftree}
651 \section{その他のコマンド}\label{sec:other-commands}
653 \subsection{:init コマンド}
655 \begin{itemize}
656 \item \verb|:init| コマンドは証明の途中で lemma の導入と初期化を行うためのコマンドである.
657 \item 構文
658 \begin{vvtm}
659 \begin{simplev}
660 :init コマンド ::= :init "["<label>"]" by <Substitution>
661 | :init "(" <axiom> ")" by <Substitution>
662 Substitution ::= "{" <Variable> <- <Term> ; ... <Variable> <- <Term> ; "}"
663 \end{simplev}
664 \end{vvtm}
665 \item これを実行することによって,\verb|<label>| で指定されたラベルを持つ公理,
666 あるいは "(" と ")" で囲まれた公理に含まれる変数を \verb|Substitution| で
667 示された変数置換によって初期化した公理を,ターゲット・ゴールの公理として追加する.
668 \item 追加する公理は,後で見た時に :init コマンドによって導入された事が分かるよう
669 \texttt[INIT] というラベルを付加する.
670 \end{itemize}
672 \subsubsection{:init コマンドの例}
674 文脈となっているモジュールに,次のような公理があったとする.
675 \begin{examplev}
676 ceq[inv3 :nonexec]: true = false if statusp(S:Sys,J:Client) = updated /\
677 statusp(S:Sys,I:Client) = gotval .
678 \end{examplev}
679 これに対して下のような :init コマンドを適用できる.
680 \begin{examplev}
681 :init [inv3] by {S:Sys <- S#Sys ; J:Client <- I@Client ; I:Client <- S#Client ;}
682 \end{examplev}
683 これを実行することによって,新たな公理
684 \begin{examplev}
685 ceq [INIT]: true = false if statusp(S#Sys, I@Client) = updated /\
686 statusp(S#Sys, S#Client) = gotval .
687 \end{examplev}
688 が,追加される.
690 \subsection{:roll back コマンド}
692 \begin{itemize}
693 \item :roll back は,現在のターゲット・ゴールに対して適用された,直前の戦略を
694 キャンセルする.
695 \item 構文
696 \begin{vvtm}
697 \begin{simplev}
698 :roll back コマンド ::= :roll back
699 \end{simplev}
700 \end{vvtm}
701 \item このコマンドの実行により,ターゲット・ゴールは証明木から削除される.
702 \end{itemize}
704 \subsection{:cp コマンド}
706 \begin{itemize}
707 \item :cp コマンドは指定した2つの文のクリティカルペアを求め,
708 利用者に提示する.
709 \item 利用者はそれに対して,次節で述べる :equation コマンド等を用いて,
710 それを公理としてターゲット・ゴールへ追加する事ができる.
711 \item 構文
712 \begin{vvtm}
713 \begin{simplev}
714 :cpコマンド ::= :cp <Sentence> >< <Sentence>
715 <Sentence> ::= "["<Label>"]" | "(" <axiom> . ")"
716 \end{simplev}
717 \end{vvtm}
718 \item \verb|<Sentence>| は,文脈モジュールで宣言されている公理のラベルを
719 \verb|<Label>| で指定するか,あるいは CafeOBJ の公理宣言フォームを
720 "("と")"で囲んで記載する.
721 \end{itemize}
723 \subsubsection{:cp コマンドの使用例}
724 この例は,直接文を CafeOBJ の公理の宣言記法で記述しクリティカル・ペアを
725 求めている例である.
726 \begin{vvtm}
727 \begin{simplev}
728 :cp (ceq top(sq(S@Sys)) = I@Pid if pc(S@Sys,I@Pid) = cs .)
729 ><
730 (ceq top(sq(S@Sys)) = J@Pid if pc(S@Sys,J@Pid) = cs .)
731 \end{simplev}
732 \end{vvtm}
734 \subsection{:equation/:rule コマンド}
736 \begin{itemize}
737 \item これらのコマンドは :cp コマンドで得られたシステムからのクリティカル・ペアの
738 提示に対する,利用者の回答として使用される.
739 \item 構文
740 \begin{vvtm}
741 \begin{simplev}
742 :cp回答 ::= :euqation | :rule
743 \end{simplev}
744 \end{vvtm}
745 \item \verb|:equation| はクリティカル・ペアを等式としてターゲット・ゴールへ追加する.
746 \item \verb|:rule| はクリティカル・ペアを遷移規則としてターゲット・ゴールへ追加する.
747 \end{itemize}
749 \subsubsection{:equation コマンドの使用例}
750 下は :cp コマンドによるクリティカル・ペアを等式としてターゲット・ゴールへ追加する例である.
751 \begin{examplev}
752 QLOCK(X) > :cp (eq I@Pid = S#Pid .) >< (eq S#Pid ~ I@Pid = false .)
753 [cp] :
754 (1) (true):Bool
755 => (false):Bool
756 QLOCK(X)> :equation
757 [cp] added cp equation to goal "4-1-1-1":
758 eq [CP]: true = false
759 [ip]=>
760 :goal { ** 4-1-1-1 -----------------------------------------
761 -- context module: QLOCK
762 -- induction variable
763 S:Sys
764 -- introduced constant
765 op I@Pid : -> Pid { prec: 0 }
766 -- constants for induction
767 op S#Sys : -> Sys { prec: 0 }
768 op S#Pid : -> Pid { prec: 0 }
769 -- introduced axioms
770 ceq [SI :noexec]: top(sq(S#Sys)) = I:Pid if pc(S#Sys, I:Pid) = cs .
771 ceq [INIT]: top(sq(S#Sys)) = I@Pid if pc(S#Sys, I@Pid) = cs .
772 eq [CA]: pc(S#Sys, S#Pid) = cs .
773 eq [CA]: S#Pid ~ I@Pid = false .
774 ceq [INIT]: top(sq(S#Sys)) = I@Pid if pc(S#Sys, I@Pid) = cs .
775 eq [IP]: pc(S#Sys, I@Pid) = cs .
776 eq [CP]: true = false .
777 -- axiom to be proved
778 eq [TC :noexec]: top(get(sq(S#Sys))) = I@Pid .
779 }
780 \end{examplev}
781 追加される公理は,:cp コマンドの結果追加された事が後で判別できるよう,
782 ラベルに CP が付けられる.
784 \subsection{:backward equation/rule コマンド}
785 先の節で述べた :equation および rule コマンドと同様だが,
786 提示されたクリティカル・ペアの右辺と左辺を入れ替えた公理として
787 ターゲット・ゴールへ導入する.
789 \subsection{:ctf コマンド}\label{sec:ctf}
790 \texttt{:ctf} コマンドは,指定した等式や遷移規則規則の成立・不成立,
791 あるいは指定した項が定数構成子に等しいか否かによる場合分けを行う.
793 \subsubsection{等式/遷移規則による場合分け}
794 \texttt{:ctf} コマンドの下に示す構文はある等式あるいは遷移規則が成立する場合と成立しない場合の2ケースで,
795 現在のターゲット・ゴールを2つのサブゴールに分割する.
796 \begin{itemize}
797 \item 構文1:等式あるいは遷移規則の成立/不成立による場合分け
798 \begin{vvtm}
799 \begin{simplev}
800 true/falseによる場合分け ::= :ctf "{" { <Equation> . | <Transition> . } "}"
801 \end{simplev}
802 \end{vvtm}
803 \end{itemize}
805 \begin{figure}[hbt]
806 \centering
807 % \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{ctf.pdf}
808 \input ctf.tikz
809 \caption{:ctf の動作 -- 等式/遷移規則の成立・不成立による場合分け}
810 \label{fig:ctf}
811 \end{figure}
812 図\ref{fig:ctf} はゴール g がターゲット・ゴールの状態で
813 \begin{simplev}
814 :ctf {eq l = r . }
815 \end{simplev}
816 とした時の場合分けの様子を示したものである.
817 ゴール g に \texttt{eq l = r .} を仮定として追加した g-1 (true の場合)と,
818 \texttt{eq (l = r) = false .} を追加した g-2 (false の場合)を作成し,
819 ゴール g の子ゴールとする.
820 % その後,g-1 と g-2 のそれぞれに対して戦略 RD を適用する.
822 \subsubsection{定数構成子による場合分け}
823 \texttt{:ctf} コマンドは構成子として定数項のみを持つソートの項を指定し,
824 その定数項による場合分けを行うこともできる.その場合の構文は下のとおりである.
825 \begin{itemize}
826 \item 構文2:定数構成子による場合分け
827 \begin{vvtm}
828 \begin{simplev}
829 定数構成子による場合分け ::= :ctf "[" <項> . "]"
830 \end{simplev}
831 \end{vvtm}
832 \end{itemize}
833 図\ref{fig:ctf2} はゴール g がターゲット・ゴールの状態で
834 \texttt{:ctf [ t . ]} として指定した項 \texttt{t} が
835 組み込みのソート\texttt{Bool} の項である場合の例を示したものである.
836 \texttt{t} が \texttt{true} の場合と \texttt{false} の場合に場合分けされている.
837 \begin{figure}[hbt]
838 \centering
839 \input ctf2.tikz
840 \caption{:ctf の動作 -- 定数構成子による場合分け}
841 \label{fig:ctf2}
842 \end{figure}
845 \subsubsection{:spoiler on の場合の挙動}
846 :spoiler フラグが on の場合,このようなサブゴールに分割後,それぞれのサブゴールで暗黙的に
847 戦略 \texttt{RD} (\ref{sec:RD}) を実行する.
849 \subsection{:ctf- コマンド}\label{sec:ctf-}
851 \texttt{:ctf-} は \texttt{:ctf} コマンドと場合わけの機能については全く同じである.
852 しかし作成された子ゴールに対して \texttt{RD} を適用した結果,
853 証明対象の文が discharge \textbf{されなかった}場合に次のような違いがある:
854 \begin{itemize}
855 \item \texttt{:ctf} コマンドの場合\\
856 証明対象の文は \texttt{RD} の適用によって簡約化された状態のままとなる
857 \item \texttt{:ctf-} コマンドの場合\\
858 証明対象の文は \texttt{RD} が適用される前の状態に戻される
859 \end{itemize}
861 一般に \texttt{RD} の適用により証明対象の文は破壊的に書き換えられるため,
862 場合分けを連続的に実施していくような証明の過程で \texttt{RD} 戦略を
863 適用した場合\footnote{:spoiler フラグが on の場合は常にそうなる},
864 うまく discharge できなかった際は元の証明対象の文に戻して
865 さらに場合分けを続けていきたい.
866 これを自動的に行うのに \texttt{:ctf-} が便利である.
869 \subsection{:csp コマンド}\label{sec:csp}
870 \texttt{:csp} コマンドは複数の等式または遷移規則を指定し,
871 各々が成立するとした小ゴールを作成する.
872 もし :spoiler フラグが on の場合は,
873 その後,各小ゴールに対して暗黙的に戦略 RD (\ref{sec:RD}) を適用する.
875 \begin{itemize}
876 \item 構文
877 \begin{vvtm}
878 \begin{simplev}
879 ケース指定分割 ::= :csp "{" { <Equation> . | <Transition> .}+ "}"
880 \end{simplev}
881 \end{vvtm}
882 \end{itemize}
884 \begin{figure}[hbt]
885 \centering
886 % \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{csp.pdf}
887 \input csp.tikz
888 \caption{:csp の動作}
889 \label{fig:csp}
890 \end{figure}
892 \paragraph{図~\ref{fig:csp}の説明}
893 ターゲットゴールが g だとする.”:csp { \textit{eq1} . \textit{eq2} . \textit{eq3} . }” のようにして
894 3つの等式 eq1, eq2, および eq3 を指定した場合,:csp は3個の小ゴール g-1, g-2, g-3 を生成し,
895 それぞれに対して一つづつ指定された等式を配分する.
896 図は :spoiler フラグが on の状態を示しており,
897 生成された小ゴールに対して暗黙的に戦略 RD を適用する様子も示している.
899 \subsection{:csp- コマンド}\label{sec:csp-}
900 \texttt{:csp-} コマンドは場合わけの機能については \texttt{:csp} コマンドと全く同じである.
901 構文も同様ででキーワード \texttt{:csp} に代わって \texttt{:csp-} を指定する.
902 違いは \texttt{:ctf} と \texttt{:ctf-} の違いと同じである.
903 すなわち,生成された子ゴールに対して適用された \texttt{RD} 戦略の結果
904 discharge されなかった場合に,元の証明対象の文に戻す(\texttt{:csp-})か
905 戻さない(\texttt{:csp})かの違いである.
907 \subsection{:def コマンド}\label{sec:def-command}
908 \subsubsection{連続した戦略の適用に名前をつける}
909 \texttt{:def} コマンドは一連した戦略適用に名前をつけ \texttt{:apply} コマンドの
910 引数として与えることができるようにする.
911 \begin{vvtm}
912 \begin{simplev}
913 一連の戦略定義 ::= :def <name> = ( <戦略1> ... <戦略n> )
914 \end{simplev}
915 \end{vvtm}
917 下は戦略 \texttt{IP} に引き続いて \texttt{RD} を適用することに
918 \texttt{ip+rd} という名前をつけたものである.
919 \begin{examplev}
920 :def ip+rd = ( IP RD )
921 \end{examplev}
922 上のようにすることにより,\texttt{:apply} コマンドの引数として \texttt{ip+rd} を
923 指定することができるようになる.
924 \begin{examplev}
925 :apply (... ip+rd ...)
926 \end{examplev}
927 上の \texttt{ip+rd} の定義は :spoiler フラグが on の場合の戦略 \texttt{IP} の
928 挙動と同じである.このように :spoiler フラグが off の状態(デフォルト) で
929 \texttt{RD} を自動的に実行したい場合はこのような定義をしておくことで
930 簡便にこれを行うことができる.
932 \subsubsection{\texttt{:ctf} などの戦略的な使用}
933 また,\texttt{:ctf} コマンドの指定や \texttt{:csp} コマンドの指定に名前をつけ,
934 \texttt{:apply} コマンドの引数として与えることができるようにする.
935 \begin{vvtm}
936 \begin{simplev}
937 :ctf 戦略定義 ::= :def <name> = :ctf "{" { <Equation> . | <Transition> . } "}"
938 | :def <name> = :ctf [ <Term> . ]
939 :csp 戦略定義 ::= :def <name> = :csp "{" { <Equation> . | <Transition> .}+ "}"
940 \end{simplev}
941 \end{vvtm}
942 \texttt{:ctf-} や \texttt{:csp-} も同じである.
944 このようにすることで,\texttt{:ctf-} などのコマンドの適用を,他の戦略と組み合わせて
945 \texttt{:apply} コマンドの引数として与えることができる.
947 \subsection{:show コマンド}
948 証明の進行状況などを確認するために有用と思われる情報をみるため,
949 既存の show コマンドと類似の機能を提供する \texttt{:show} コマンドを提供する.
951 \subsubsection{ゴール内容の表示 -- :show goal}
952 \begin{itemize}
953 \item ゴールの内容を表示する.
954 \item 構文
955 \begin{vvtm}
956 \begin{simplev}
957 ゴールの表示 ::= :show goal [ <GoalName> ]
958 \end{simplev}
959 \end{vvtm}
960 \item \verb|<GoalName>| で指定したゴールを表示する.
961 \item \verb|<GoalName>| が省略された場合は,現在のターゲット・ゴールを表示する.
962 \end{itemize}
964 \subsubsection{未証明のゴールの表示 -- :show unproved}
965 \begin{itemize}
966 \item 現時点でまだ証明されていないゴールを表示する.
967 \item 未証明のゴールとは,現在の証明過程における証明木で,末端のノードうち
968 まだ証明対象の文が discharge されていないゴールの事を言う.
969 \item 構文
970 \begin{vvtm}
971 \begin{simplev}
972 未証明のゴール表示 ::= :show unproved
973 \end{simplev}
974 \end{vvtm}
975 \end{itemize}
977 \subsubsection{証明木の構造表示 -- :show/:describe proof}
979 \paragraph{:show proof}
980 \begin{itemize}
981 \item 現時点における証明木の構造を図式的に表示する.
982 \item 構文
983 \begin{vvtm}
984 \begin{simplev}
985 証明木の表示 ::= :show proof
986 \end{simplev}
987 \end{vvtm}
988 \item 証明木の表示にあったっては,以下の事が容易に判別出来るようにする.
989 \begin{itemize}
990 \item ゴールがどの戦略によって生成されたものであるか
991 \item ターゲット・ゴールが何であるか
992 \item ゴールは証明済みか否か
993 \end{itemize}
994 \end{itemize}
996 \paragraph{:describe proof}
997 \begin{itemize}
998 \item \verb|show proof| と同様だが図式的な構造の表示では無く,証明の過程で
999 使用された演繹に関する情報を提示するのが目的である.
1000 \item 構文
1001 \begin{vvtm}
1002 \begin{simplev}
1003 証明過程の表示 ::= :describe proof
1004 \end{simplev}
1005 \end{vvtm}
1006 \item 表示にあたっては,以下の情報を提示する.
1007 \begin{itemize}
1008 \item そのゴールを生成した戦略
1009 \item 証明すべき文
1010 \item 帰納法の対象とした変数
1011 \item SI あるいは TC 戦略を適用するにあたって導入された定数
1012 \item 戦略によって導入された公理
1013 \item ゴールが証明されているか否か
1014 \end{itemize}
1015 \end{itemize}
1018 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1019 \chapter{例題}
1020 \label{chap:prototype}
1022 本章では~\ref{chap:new-commands}で説明した CITP for CafeOBJ の基本的な機能を網羅した例題について,
1023 その実行例と合わせて説明する.
1025 \section{足し算の性質の帰納法による証明}
1026 \label{sec:pnat}
1027 ペアノ流の自然数の上で足し算を定義し,足し算の交換則と結合則が成り立つことを証明する.
1029 \subsubsection{PNATの定義}
1030 自然数のソートは \texttt{PNat} とし,下位ソートとして \texttt{PZero} (ゼロ)と
1031 \texttt{PNzNat} (1以上の自然数)を定義する.足し算は \texttt{+},
1032 \texttt{0} と \texttt{s} が構成子である.
1033 \begin{vvtm}
1034 \begin{simplev}
1035 **
1036 ** Prove associativity and commutativity of addition
1037 ** using CITP for CafeOBJ
1038 **
1040 mod! PNAT {
1041 [ PZero PNzNat < PNat ]
1042 op 0 : -> PZero {ctor} .
1043 op s_ : PNat -> PNzNat {ctor} .
1044 op _+_ : PNat PNat -> PNat .
1045 eq 0 + N:PNat = N .
1046 eq s M:PNat + N:PNat = s(M + N) .
1047 }
1048 \end{simplev}
1049 \end{vvtm}
1051 \subsection{準備}
1053 結合則の証明に必要な性質として次の性質がある.
1055 \begin{verbatim}
1056 N:PNat + 0 = N:PNat .
1057 M:PNat + s N:PNat = s(M:PNat + N:PNat) .
1058 \end{verbatim}
1060 そのため,まず最初に足し算\texttt{+}で,これらの性質を先に証明する.
1061 CIT for Cafe で証明するため,最初に PNAT を文脈として設定してから
1062 証明したいゴールを設定する.
1064 \begin{vvtm}
1065 \begin{simplev}
1066 select PNAT .
1067 :goal { eq [lemma-1]: M:PNat + 0 = M:PNat .
1068 eq [lemma-2]: M:PNat + s N:PNat = s(M:PNat + N:PNat). }
1069 \end{simplev}
1070 \end{vvtm}
1072 上の \texttt{:goal} コマンドの実行結果は次のようになる.
1073 \begin{vvtm}
1074 \begin{simplev}
1075 :goal { ** root -----------------------------------------
1076 -- context module: PNAT
1077 -- axioms to be proved
1078 eq [lemma-1]: M:PNat + 0 = M .
1079 eq [lemma-2]: M:PNat + s N:PNat = s (M + N) .
1080 }
1081 ** Initial goal (root) is generated. **
1082 \end{simplev}
1083 \end{vvtm}
1084 ゴール名が \texttt{root} であり,先に \texttt{:goal} コマンドで指定した文が
1085 証明対象となっている事が示されている.
1087 証明は変数 \texttt{M:PNat} の上の帰納法によって行う.そのため \texttt{:ind on} コマンドで
1088 帰納法で使用する変数を宣言する.証明の過程で生成されるゴールを確認したいため
1089 \texttt{:verbose} コマンドで \texttt{on} を指定する.
1090 デフォルトでは \texttt{:verbose} の値は \texttt{off} である.
1091 \begin{vvtm}
1092 \begin{simplev}
1093 :ind on (M:PNat)
1095 **> We want to see every goal generated in proof process.
1096 :verbose on
1097 \end{simplev}
1098 \end{vvtm}
1099 上を実行するとシステムは \texttt{M} の上で帰納法を用いた証明を実施する旨表示する.
1100 \begin{vvtm}
1101 \begin{simplev}
1102 **> Induction will be conducted on M:PNat
1103 \end{simplev}
1104 \end{vvtm}
1107 証明は戦略 \texttt{:auto} で行う.これは戦略 \texttt{(SI CA TC IP RD)} と等価である(\ref{sec:tactic-auto}).
1108 また,\texttt{:auto} の実行中は,:spoiler フラグが on の状態で戦略が適用される(\ref{sec:auto-and-spoiler}).
1110 \begin{vvtm}
1111 \begin{simplev}
1112 :auto
1113 \end{simplev}
1114 \end{vvtm}
1116 以下順次,\texttt{:auto} コマンドの出力を示す.
1117 \begin{vvtm}
1118 \begin{simplev}
1119 [si]=> :goal{root}
1120 ** Generated 2 goals
1121 [si]=>
1122 :goal { ** 1 -----------------------------------------
1123 -- context module: PNAT
1124 -- induction variable
1125 M:PNat
1126 -- sentences to be proved
1127 eq [lemma-1]: 0 + 0 = 0 .
1128 eq [lemma-2]: 0 + s N:PNat = s (0 + N) .
1129 }
1130 [si]=>
1131 :goal { ** 2 -----------------------------------------
1132 -- context module: PNAT
1133 -- induction variable
1134 M:PNat
1135 -- constant for induction
1136 op M#PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1137 -- introduced axioms
1138 eq [SI lemma-1]: M#PNat + 0 = M#PNat .
1139 eq [SI lemma-2]: M#PNat + s N:PNat = s (M#PNat + N) .
1140 -- sentences to be proved
1141 eq [lemma-1]: s M#PNat + 0 = s M#PNat .
1142 eq [lemma-2]: s M#PNat + s N:PNat = s (s M#PNat + N) .
1143 }
1144 \end{simplev}
1145 \end{vvtm}
1146 まず最初に戦略 \texttt{si} が適用され,2つのゴールが生成されている.
1147 ゴール 1 は帰納法のベースケースであり,もとの証明対象の文にあった
1148 帰納法の変数 M を構成子 0 とした文が証明対象となる.
1150 ゴール 2 はステップケースである.帰納法の仮定として,``ある自然数 N で
1151 成り立つとしたとき'' に相当する文が導入されている.ある自然数 N に相当する
1152 項のために定数 \verb|M#PNat| が使われている.この定数を定義するために
1153 導入されたオペレータ宣言についてもゴールの表示で示されている.
1155 証明対象とする文は,上で述べた仮定が成り立つとした時に示すべき文である.
1156 そのため構成子 \texttt{s} により \verb|M#PNat| が展開されている.
1158 戦略 si を適用したあと,システムは ca を自動的に適用する.
1159 ca はまず最初にゴール1に対して適用される.
1160 複数の証明対象がゴールに含まれているため,
1161 それぞれを別々の子ゴールに分配し,それぞれでケース分けが
1162 可能かどうかを調べる.
1163 この場合ケースわけは実行されなかった(ケースわけの対象とする
1164 公理は宣言されていない).
1166 ca はケースわけ分析が終了した後に,:spoiler フラグが on の場合に限って
1167 暗黙的に戦略RDに相当する処理(文の充足性と矛盾の有無の調査)を行うが,
1168 その結果一つの文が充足されておりその旨出力する.
1169 具体的な出力は次のようになる.
1171 \begin{vvtm}
1172 \begin{simplev}
1173 [ca]=> :goal{1}
1174 [ca] discharged: eq [lemma-1]: 0 = 0
1175 ** Generated 2 goals
1176 [ca]=>
1177 :goal { ** 1-1 -----------------------------------------
1178 -- context module: PNAT
1179 -- discharged sentence
1180 eq [ST lemma-1]: 0 = 0 .
1181 -- induction variable
1182 M:PNat
1183 } << proved >>
1184 [ca]=>
1185 :goal { ** 1-2 -----------------------------------------
1186 -- context module: PNAT
1187 -- induction variable
1188 M:PNat
1189 -- sentence to be proved
1190 eq [lemma-2]: 0 + s N:PNat = s (0 + N) .
1191 }
1192 \end{simplev}
1193 \end{vvtm}
1194 :auto は一連の戦略適用 (SI CA TC IP RD) に等しいことを先に述べたが、
1195 戦略CAで生成されたゴール 1-1 および 1-2 に対してCA以降の戦略が
1196 順に適用されて行く。1-1 は既に今回のCAの適用によって discharge
1197 されているため、各戦略は何もしない。
1198 1-2 はまだ証明すべき文が残っているため、戦略適用の対象となる。
1199 \begin{vvtm}
1200 \begin{simplev}
1201 [tc]=> :goal{1-1}
1202 [ip]=> :goal{1-1}
1203 [rd]=> :goal{1-1}
1204 [tc]=> :goal{1-2}
1205 [tc] discharged:
1206 eq [TC lemma-2]: s N@PNat = s N@PNat
1207 [tc] discharged the goal "1-2-1"
1208 ** Generated 1 goal
1209 [tc]=>
1210 :goal { ** 1-2-1 -----------------------------------------
1211 -- context module: PNAT
1212 -- discharged sentence
1213 eq [TC TC lemma-2]: s N@PNat = s N@PNat .
1214 -- induction variable
1215 M:PNat
1216 -- introduced constant
1217 op N@PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1218 } << proved >>
1219 [ip]=> :goal{1-2-1}
1220 [rd]=> :goal{1-2-1}
1221 \end{simplev}
1222 \end{vvtm}
1223 TCは証明対象の文の変数を定数項で置き換えた後,
1224 もし :spoiler フラグが on であれば文が成立するか否かを調べる.
1225 現在は :auto で実行しており、従って :spoiler が on の状態であるため,
1226 上の実行の様子のとおりゴール 1-2 の文が成立するかを確かめ,
1227 その結果 discharge に成功している.
1229 ここまでで,システムはゴール 1 およびその子ゴールに対して順次戦略を適用し終わっている.
1230 その後,残っているゴール2に対して再び ca 以降の戦略を順次適用する.
1231 その実行の様子は次のようになる.
1232 ここでも複数の証明対象を別々の小ゴールに分割してから,
1233 それぞれでケース分け処理を実施する.
1234 やはりケースわけは無く,処理の終わりで実施する ST + CT で,
1235 ゴール 2-1 が discharge されている.
1237 \begin{vvtm}
1238 \begin{simplev}
1239 [ca]=> :goal{2}
1240 [ca] discharged: eq [lemma-1]: (s M#PNat) = (s M#PNat)
1241 ** Generated 2 goals
1242 [ca]=>
1243 :goal { ** 2-1 -----------------------------------------
1244 -- context module: PNAT
1245 -- discharged sentence
1246 eq [ST lemma-1]: s M#PNat = s M#PNat .
1247 -- induction variable
1248 M:PNat
1249 -- constant for induction
1250 op M#PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1251 -- introduced axioms
1252 eq [SI lemma-1]: M#PNat + 0 = M#PNat .
1253 eq [SI lemma-2]: M#PNat + s N:PNat = s (M#PNat + N) .
1254 } << proved >>
1255 [ca]=>
1256 :goal { ** 2-2 -----------------------------------------
1257 -- context module: PNAT
1258 -- induction variable
1259 M:PNat
1260 -- constant for induction
1261 op M#PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1262 -- introduced axioms
1263 eq [SI lemma-1]: M#PNat + 0 = M#PNat .
1264 eq [SI lemma-2]: M#PNat + s N:PNat = s (M#PNat + N) .
1265 -- sentence to be proved
1266 eq [lemma-2]: s M#PNat + s N:PNat = s (s M#PNat + N) .
1267 }
1268 \end{simplev}
1269 \end{vvtm}
1270 以降、ゴール1の場合と同様に残りの戦略が順次適用されていく.
1271 実行の様子を下に示す.新たに説明すべき挙動は無い.
1273 \begin{vvtm}
1274 \begin{simplev}
1275 [tc]=> :goal{2-1}
1276 [ip]=> :goal{2-1}
1277 [rd]=> :goal{2-1}
1278 [tc]=> :goal{2-2}
1279 [tc] discharged:
1280 eq [TC lemma-2]: s (s (M#PNat + N@PNat))
1281 = s (s (M#PNat + N@PNat))
1282 [tc] discharged the goal "2-2-1"
1283 ** Generated 1 goal
1284 [tc]=>
1285 :goal { ** 2-2-1 -----------------------------------------
1286 -- context module: PNAT
1287 -- discharged sentence
1288 eq [TC TC lemma-2]: s (s (M#PNat + N@PNat))
1289 = s (s (M#PNat + N@PNat)) .
1290 -- induction variable
1291 M:PNat
1292 -- introduced constant
1293 op N@PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1294 -- constant for induction
1295 op M#PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1296 -- introduced axioms
1297 eq [SI lemma-1]: M#PNat + 0 = M#PNat .
1298 eq [SI lemma-2]: M#PNat + s N:PNat = s (M#PNat + N) .
1299 } << proved >>
1300 [ip]=> :goal{2-2-1}
1301 [rd]=> :goal{2-2-1}
1302 (consumed 0.0280 sec, including 16 rewrites + 58 matches)
1303 ** All goals are successfully discharged.
1304 }
1305 \end{simplev}
1306 \end{vvtm}
1307 システムは全てのゴールが discharge され,
1308 当初の証明対象が証明できたことを印字して,
1309 :auto コマンドの処理を終了している.
1311 以上の証明において,戦略が適用されどのようにゴールが生成されたかは,
1312 \verb|:show proof| コマンドによってみることが出来る.
1313 下に実行例を示す.
1315 \begin{vvtm}
1316 \begin{simplev}
1317 root*
1318 [si] 1*
1319 [ca] 1-1*
1320 [ca] 1-2*
1321 [tc] 1-2-1*
1322 [si] 2*
1323 [ca] 2-1*
1324 [ca] 2-2*
1325 [tc] 2-2-1*
1326 \end{simplev}
1327 \end{vvtm}
1328 ゴール名の右側の \verb|*| は,そのゴールに含まれるすべての
1329 証明対象の文が discharge されていること,すなわち
1330 証明されていることを示す.
1332 \subsection{交換則と結合則の証明}
1333 引き続いて,足し算 \texttt{+} の交換則と結合則を証明する.
1334 これら証明には先に証明した lemma-1 と lemma-2 が必要である.
1335 そのためこれらを公理として導入した新たなモジュール PNAT-L を宣言する.
1337 \begin{vvtm}
1338 \begin{simplev}
1339 mod! PNAT-L {
1340 inc(PNAT)
1341 eq [lemma-1]: N:PNat + 0 = N .
1342 eq [lemma-2]: M:PNat + s N:PNat = s(M + N).
1343 }
1344 \end{simplev}
1345 \end{vvtm}
1347 \subsubsection{交換則の証明}
1349 まず最初に交換則を証明する.PNAT-L を文脈として設定し,
1350 ゴールを宣言する.
1351 \begin{vvtm}
1352 \begin{simplev}
1353 open PNAT-L .
1354 :goal { eq M:PNat + N:PNat = N:PNat + M:PNat . }
1355 \end{simplev}
1356 \end{vvtm}
1357 今度は文脈の設定に select ではなく,open を用いた.
1358 実行結果は次のようになる.
1359 \begin{vvtm}
1360 \begin{simplev}
1361 -- opening module PNAT-L.. done.
1363 :goal { ** root -----------------------------------------
1364 -- context module: %
1365 -- axiom to be proved
1366 eq M:PNat + N:PNat = N + M .
1367 }
1368 ** Initial goal (root) is generated. **
1369 \end{simplev}
1370 \end{vvtm}
1372 証明は帰納法を用いるため,帰納法で使用する変数を指定する.
1373 \begin{vvtm}
1374 \begin{simplev}
1375 %PNAT-L> :ind on (M:PNat)
1376 **> Induction will be conducted on M:PNat
1377 \end{simplev}
1378 \end{vvtm}
1380 戦略として今回は :auto ではなく,陽に戦略を指定し :apply コマンドによって証明を試みる.
1381 まず最初に SI コマンドによって帰納法のベースケースとステップケースに相当するゴールを
1382 作成する.
1384 \begin{vvtm}
1385 \begin{simplev}
1386 %PNAT-L> :apply (SI)
1388 [si]=> :goal{root}
1389 ** Generated 2 goals
1390 [si]=>
1391 :goal { ** 1 -----------------------------------------
1392 -- context module: %
1393 -- induction variable
1394 M:PNat
1395 -- sentence to be proved
1396 eq 0 + N:PNat = N + 0 .
1397 }
1398 [si]=>
1399 :goal { ** 2 -----------------------------------------
1400 -- context module: %
1401 -- induction variable
1402 M:PNat
1403 -- constant for induction
1404 op M#PNat : -> PNat { prec: 0 }
1405 -- introduced axiom
1406 eq [SI]: M#PNat + N:PNat = N + M#PNat .
1407 -- sentence to be proved
1408 eq s M#PNat + N:PNat = N + s M#PNat .
1409 }
1410 (consumed 0.0000 sec, including 0 rewrites + 0 matches)
1411 >> Next target goal is "1".
1412 >> Remaining 2 goals.
1413 \end{simplev}
1414 \end{vvtm}
1416 上のように2つのゴールが生成された.
1417 現在の証明木は次のようになっている.
1418 \begin{vvtm}
1419 \begin{simplev}
1420 %PNAT-L> show proof
1421 root
1422 >[si] 1
1423 [si] 2
1424 \end{simplev}
1425 \end{vvtm}
1427 デフォルトで次の戦略の適用対象となるゴール,
1428 すなわちターゲット・ゴールには,
1429 証明木のノードに \verb|>| と表示してそれと分かるようになっている.
1430 次に適用する戦略として TC を指定した例を下に示す.
1431 生成されるゴールが一々印字されるのを抑制するため,
1432 \texttt{:verbose off} としている.
1433 \begin{vvtm}
1434 \begin{simplev}
1435 %PNAT-L> :verbose off
1437 %PNAT-L> :apply (tc)
1439 [tc]=> :goal{root}
1440 ** Generated 1 goal
1441 (consumed 0.0200 sec, including 0 rewrites + 0 matches)
1442 >> Next target goal is "1".
1443 >> Remaining 1 goal.
1445 %PNAT-L> :show proof
1446 root
1447 >[tc] 1
1448 \end{simplev}
1449 \end{vvtm}
1450 TCの適用によって1つの子ゴールが生成され,
1451 それが次のターゲット・ゴールとなっている.
1452 これに対して戦略RDを適用して証明を試みる.
1453 \begin{vvtm}
1454 \begin{simplev}
1455 %PNAT-L> :apply(rd)
1457 [rd]=> :goal{1-1}
1458 [rd] discharged:
1459 eq [TC]: 0 + N@PNat = N@PNat + 0
1460 [rd] discharged goal "1-1".
1461 (consumed 0.0160 sec, including 3 rewrites + 6 matches)
1462 >> Next target goal is "2".
1463 >> Remaining 1 goal.
1465 %PNAT-L> :show proof
1466 root
1467 [si] 1*
1468 [tc] 1-1*
1469 >[si] 2
1470 \end{simplev}
1471 \end{vvtm}
1473 dischage する事が出来た.証明木のノードに \verb|*| が付加されているのは
1474 それが discharge されている事を示したものである.
1476 残りのゴール 2 に対しても TC および RD で証明を試みる.
1477 今度はTCとRDをまとめて :apply の引数として指定する.
1478 \begin{vvtm}
1479 \begin{simplev}
1480 %PNAT-L> :apply(tc rd)
1482 [tc]=> :goal{2}
1483 ** Generated 1 goal
1484 [rd]=> :goal{2-1}
1485 [rd] discharged:
1486 eq [TC]: s M#PNat + N@PNat = N@PNat + s M#PNat
1487 [rd] discharged goal "2-1".
1488 (consumed 0.0200 sec, including 4 rewrites + 31 matches)
1489 ** All goals are successfully discharged.
1491 %PNAT-L> :show proof
1492 root*
1493 [si] 1*
1494 [tc] 1-1*
1495 [si] 2*
1496 [tc] 2-1*
1497 \end{simplev}
1498 \end{vvtm}
1499 これで,交換則の証明が完了した.
1501 以上の証明は \verb|:apply (SI TC RD)| のようにして続けて自動で適用するようにできる.
1502 この場合は,上の実施例のように TC を2度指定する必要はなくなる.
1504 下の実行例で,:apply コマンドでノード指定(この場合 root)を指定している事に注意されたい.
1505 ノードを指定すると,そのノードに対して引数の戦略を適用する.
1506 この場合 root を指定しているため,これまで行った戦略適用をキャンセルし
1507 再び証明を開始するのに等しい.
1509 \begin{vvtm}
1510 \begin{simplev}
1511 %PNAT-L> :apply to root (SI TC RD)
1513 [si]=> :goal{root}
1514 ** Generated 2 goals
1515 [tc]=> :goal{1}
1516 ** Generated 1 goal
1517 [rd]=> :goal{1-1}
1518 [rd] discharged:
1519 eq [TC]: 0 + N@PNat = N@PNat + 0
1520 [rd] discharged goal "1-1".
1521 [tc]=> :goal{2}
1522 ** Generated 1 goal
1523 [rd]=> :goal{2-1}
1524 [rd] discharged:
1525 eq [TC]: s M#PNat + N@PNat = N@PNat + s M#PNat
1526 [rd] discharged goal "2-1".
1527 (consumed 0.0320 sec, including 7 rewrites + 37 matches)
1528 ** All goals are successfully discharged.
1529 \end{simplev}
1530 \end{vvtm}
1532 上と同じことは,一旦 :select root として root をターゲット・ゴールとし,
1533 次いで :apply (si tc rd) としてもできる.
1535 \subsubsection{結合則の証明}
1536 これまでと同じく,結合則も帰納法を用いて証明する.
1537 特に新たに説明が必要なものは使われていないため,
1538 \verb|:verbose off| として :auto で実行した例を下に示す.
1539 \begin{vvtm}
1540 \begin{simplev}
1541 %PNAT-L> :goal {eq (M:PNat + N:PNat) + P:PNat = N:PNat + (M:PNat + P:PNat) . }
1542 :goal { ** root -----------------------------------------
1543 -- context module: %
1544 -- axiom to be proved
1545 eq (M:PNat + N:PNat) + P:PNat = N + (M + P) .
1546 }
1547 ** Initial goal (root) is generated. **
1548 %PNAT-L> :ind on (M:PNat)
1549 **> Induction will be conducted on M:PNat
1550 [si]=> :goal{root}
1551 ** Generated 2 goals
1552 [ca]=> :goal{1}
1553 [tc]=> :goal{1}
1554 [tc] discharged:
1555 eq [TC]: N@PNat + P@PNat = N@PNat + P@PNat
1556 [tc] discharged the goal "1-1"
1557 ** Generated 1 goal
1558 [ip]=> :goal{1-1}
1559 [rd]=> :goal{1-1}
1560 [ca]=> :goal{2}
1561 [tc]=> :goal{2}
1562 [tc] discharged:
1563 eq [TC]: s (N@PNat + (M#PNat + P@PNat))
1564 = s (N@PNat + (M#PNat + P@PNat))
1565 [tc] discharged the goal "2-1"
1566 ** Generated 1 goal
1567 [ip]=> :goal{2-1}
1568 [rd]=> :goal{2-1}
1569 (consumed 0.0320 sec, including 9 rewrites + 128 matches)
1570 ** All goals are successfully discharged.
1572 %PNAT-L> :show proof
1573 root*
1574 [si] 1*
1575 [tc] 1-1*
1576 [si] 2*
1577 [tc] 2-1*
1578 \end{simplev}
1579 \end{vvtm}
1581 \section{場合分けによる証明}
1582 先の証明の例は場合分けが必要となるものではなかった.
1583 ここでは戦略 CA を用いた場合分けによる証明を示す.
1585 \subsection{モジュール FG-FUN と証明対象}
1587 下にモジュール FG-FUN の定義を示す.
1588 この例題は Maude の CITP システムの例題を CafeOBJ 用に書きなおしたものである.
1590 \begin{vvtm}
1591 \begin{simplev}
1592 mod! FG-FUN {
1593 pr(NAT)
1594 op F : Nat -> Nat
1595 op G : Nat -> Nat
1596 ceq[CA-1]: F(X:Nat) = 5 if X <= 7 .
1597 ceq[CA-2]: F(X:Nat) = 1 if 8 <= X .
1598 ceq[CA-3]: G(Y:Nat) = 2 if Y <= 4 .
1599 ceq[CA-4]: G(Y:Nat) = 7 if 5 <= Y .
1600 }
1601 \end{simplev}
1602 \end{vvtm}
1604 特に意味のないモジュール定義である.
1605 4つの条件付き等式が宣言されているが,それらは \texttt{CA} で始まる
1606 ラベルを持っている.これはシステムに対して,これらの等式は
1607 場合分けのケースを網羅したものであり,これを用いて場合分けをするように
1608 指示するものである.
1610 証明対象とする文は次の通りである.
1611 \begin{vvtm}
1612 \begin{simplev}
1613 9 <= G(F(X:Nat)) + G(X:Nat) = true
1614 \end{simplev}
1615 \end{vvtm}
1616 いかなる時もこれが成立することを示すのが目標である.
1617 上の証明対象文に含まれている $F(X:Nat)$ と $G(X:Nat)$について,
1618 それぞれが公理で宣言された 2 つのケースを持つため,
1619 可能なケースの組み合わせは表~\ref{tab:cases}のようになるはずである.
1620 \begin{table}
1621 \label{tab:cases}
1622 \caption{可能な場合分けの組み合わせ}
1623 \begin{center}
1624 \begin{tabular}[htb]{|c|c|c|}\hline
1625 &$F(X:Nat)$ & $G(X:Nat)$ \\\hline
1626 (1)&$X \le 7$ & $X \le 4$ \\
1627 (2)&$X \le 7$ & $5 \le X$ \\
1628 (3)&$8 \le X$ & $X \le 4$ \\
1629 (4)&$8 \le X$ & $5 \le X$ \\\hline
1630 \end{tabular}
1631 \end{center}
1632 \end{table}
1634 これらの組み合わせのうち,(3) のケースは
1635 X が 8 以上かつ 4 以下という条件のためあり得ない.
1636 従ってシステムはこの組み合わせについてはこれを検知し,
1637 当該の条件を含むゴールを discharge できなければならない.
1639 \subsection{CITP for CafeOBJ による証明}
1641 先に示したモジュール FG-FUN を文脈として証明を実施した例を以下に示す.
1642 個々の戦略の適用で作成されたゴールを見たいため,\verb|:verbose on| として実施した.
1644 また,各戦略で自動的に
1646 \begin{vvtm}
1647 \begin{simplev}
1648 FG-FUN> :goal { eq 9 <= G(F(X:Nat)) + G(X:Nat) = true . }
1650 :goal { ** root -----------------------------------------
1651 -- context module: FG-FUN
1652 -- sentence to be proved
1653 eq 9 <= (G(F(X:Nat)) + G(X)) = true .
1654 }
1655 ** Initial goal (root) is generated. **
1656 \end{simplev}
1657 \end{vvtm}
1659 上記のゴールに対して場合分けによる証明を行う.
1660 使用する戦略は (CA TC RD) である.
1661 以下システムの出力を幾つかに分割し,必要な説明を間に付加する形で示す.
1663 \begin{vvtm}
1664 \begin{simplev}
1665 FG-FUN> :apply (TC CA RD)
1667 [tc]=> :goal{root}
1668 ** Generated 1 goal
1669 [tc]=>
1670 :goal { ** 1 -----------------------------------------
1671 -- context module: FG-FUN
1672 -- introduced constant
1673 op X@Nat : -> Nat { prec: 0 }
1674 -- sentence to be proved
1675 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat)
1676 = true .
1677 }
1678 \end{simplev}
1679 \end{vvtm}
1680 最初にゴール root に TC が適用され,証明対象とする文
1681 \begin{verbatim}
1682 eq 9 <= (G(F(X:Nat)) + G(X)) = true .
1683 \end{verbatim}
1684 の \texttt{X} を \verb|X@Nat| に置き換えた文とした新たなゴール 1 を生成している.
1686 次にこのゴール1に対して戦略 CA が適用され,先に見た4つのケース毎に
1687 ゴールが生成されている.
1688 CAはケースを新たな公理として導入後,それらの間に矛盾が無いかどうかを
1689 チェックする.
1690 現在は整数の順序関係の定義に矛盾が無いかどうかのみが検査される.
1691 これによってゴール1-3が discharge されている.
1693 \begin{vvtm}
1694 \begin{simplev}
1695 [ca]=> :goal{1}
1696 [le] discharged the goal "1-3"
1697 ** Generated 4 goals
1698 \end{simplev}
1699 \end{vvtm}
1701 以下ではシステムが生成した個々のゴールの内容をみる.
1703 \begin{vvtm}
1704 \begin{simplev}
1705 [ca]=>
1706 :goal { ** 1-1 -----------------------------------------
1707 -- context module: FG-FUN
1708 -- introduced constant
1709 op X@Nat : -> Nat { prec: 0 }
1710 -- introduced axioms
1711 eq [CA]: 5 <= X@Nat = true .
1712 eq [CA]: X@Nat <= 7 = true .
1713 -- sentence to be proved
1714 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat)
1715 = true .
1716 }
1717 [ca]=>
1718 \end{simplev}
1719 \end{vvtm}
1720 ゴール1-1は先の表~\ref{tab:cases}に示した(2)のケースに対応する.
1721 文脈モジュール FG-FUN で宣言されていた公理
1722 \begin{verbatim}
1723 ceq[CA-1]: F(X:Nat) = 5 if X <= 7 .
1724 ceq[CA-2]: F(X:Nat) = 1 if 8 <= X .
1725 ceq[CA-3]: G(Y:Nat) = 2 if Y <= 4 .
1726 ceq[CA-4]: G(Y:Nat) = 7 if 5 <= Y .
1727 \end{verbatim}
1728 のうち,CA-1 とCA-4 からこれらのケースが得られている.
1730 \begin{vvtm}
1731 \begin{simplev}
1732 [ca]=>
1733 :goal { ** 1-2 -----------------------------------------
1734 -- context module: FG-FUN
1735 -- introduced constant
1736 op X@Nat : -> Nat { prec: 0 }
1737 -- introduced axioms
1738 eq [CA]: 5 <= X@Nat = true .
1739 eq [CA]: 8 <= X@Nat = true .
1740 -- sentence to be proved
1741 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat)
1742 = true .
1743 }
1744 }
1745 \end{simplev}
1746 \end{vvtm}
1747 ゴール 1-2 は表~\ref{tab:cases}のケース(4)に対応している.
1749 \begin{vvtm}
1750 \begin{simplev}
1751 :goal { ** 1-3 -----------------------------------------
1752 -- context module: FG-FUN
1753 -- discharged sentence
1754 eq [LE TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat)
1755 = true .
1756 -- introduced constant
1757 op X@Nat : -> Nat { prec: 0 }
1758 -- introduced axioms
1759 eq [CA]: X@Nat <= 4 = true .
1760 eq [CA]: 8 <= X@Nat = true .
1761 } << proved >>
1762 \end{simplev}
1763 \end{vvtm}
1764 ゴール1-3は表~\ref{tab:cases}のケース(3)に対応する.
1765 先に述べたとおり,導入された公理は互いに矛盾するため,
1766 システムはこのゴールを discharge している.
1767 discharge された証明対象であった文は,
1768 ゴールの表示上ラベル LE を追加した文として表示されている.
1770 \begin{vvtm}
1771 \begin{simplev}
1772 [ca]=>
1773 :goal { ** 1-4 -----------------------------------------
1774 -- context module: FG-FUN
1775 -- introduced constant
1776 op X@Nat : -> Nat { prec: 0 }
1777 -- introduced axioms
1778 eq [CA]: X@Nat <= 4 = true .
1779 eq [CA]: X@Nat <= 7 = true .
1780 -- sentence to be proved
1781 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat)
1782 = true .
1783 }
1784 \end{simplev}
1785 \end{vvtm}
1786 CAが生成した最後にのゴール1-4は表~\ref{tab:cases}に示したケース
1787 (1) に対応する.
1789 以上のCAが生成した4つのゴールのうち,1個(1-3)は既に CA の
1790 内部処理によって discharge されている.残りの3ゴールに対して
1791 RD が適用される.RD が行うことは文の充足性検査と矛盾の検査であった.
1793 \begin{vvtm}
1794 \begin{simplev}
1795 [rd]=> :goal{1-1}
1796 [rd] discharged:
1797 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat) = true
1798 [rd] discharged goal "1-1".
1799 [rd]=> :goal{1-2}
1800 [rd] discharged:
1801 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat) = true
1802 [rd] discharged goal "1-2".
1803 [rd]=> :goal{1-3}
1804 [rd]=> :goal{1-4}
1805 [rd] discharged:
1806 eq [TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat) = true
1807 [rd] discharged goal "1-4".
1808 (consumed 0.0320 sec, including 35 rewrites + 117 matches)
1809 ** All goals are successfully discharged.
1810 \end{simplev}
1811 \end{vvtm}
1813 上の実行例の通り,全てのゴールが満足されている.
1815 以上の証明の結果に対応する証明木を表示すると次のようになる.
1816 \begin{vvtm}
1817 \begin{simplev}
1818 FG-FUN> :show proof
1819 root*
1820 [tc] 1*
1821 [ca] 1-1*
1822 [ca] 1-2*
1823 [ca] 1-3*
1824 [ca] 1-4*
1825 \end{simplev}
1826 \end{vvtm}
1827 RD はゴールを生成しないため,証明木上で新たなノードは表示されていない.
1828 結果を確認するため,ゴール1-1を表示してみると次のようになる.
1829 \begin{vvtm}
1830 \begin{simplev}
1831 FG-FUN> :show goal 1-1
1833 [ca]=>
1834 :goal { ** 1-1 -----------------------------------------
1835 -- context module: FG-FUN
1836 -- discharged sentence
1837 eq [RD TC]: 9 <= G(F(X@Nat)) + G(X@Nat)
1838 = true .
1839 -- introduced constant
1840 op X@Nat : -> Nat { prec: 0 }
1841 -- introduced axioms
1842 eq [CA]: 5 <= X@Nat = true .
1843 eq [CA]: X@Nat <= 7 = true .
1844 } << proved >>
1845 \end{simplev}
1846 \end{vvtm}
1847 RD によって discharge された文は,ラベルに RD が追加されて表示される.
1848 これによって,RD の適用による discharge であったことを知ることができる.
1850 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1851 \bibliographystyle{plain}
1852 \bibliography{bib}
1853 \end{document}
1854 %%% Local Variables:
1855 %%% mode: latex
1856 %%% TeX-master: t
1857 %%% End:
Binary diff not shown
0 \tikzstyle{goal} = [draw, rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2em, very thick, rounded corners=1mm]
1 \tikzstyle{ded} = [-stealth,very thick]
2 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
3 \node at (0,4) (g) [goal] {g};
4 \node at (-3,2) (g-1) [goal] {g-1};
5 \node at (0,2) (g-2) [goal] {g-2};
6 \node at (3,2) (g-3) [goal] {g-3};
7 \node [left of=g,node distance=0.5cm,anchor=east]
8 {\texttt{\texttt{:csp \{ eq1 .\ eq2 .\ eq 3 .\ \}}}};
9 \draw[rounded corners=3mm] (-4,1.4) rectangle (4,2.6);
10 \path[ded] (g) edge node[fill=white] {:csp} (g-1)
11 edge node[fill=white] {:csp} (g-2)
12 edge node[fill=white] {:csp} (g-3) ;
13 \node at (-3,0.5) (a1) {g + \texttt{\{ eq 1\ .\ \}}} ;
14 \node at ( 0,0.5) (a2) {g + \texttt{\{ eq 2\ .\ \}}} ;
15 \node at ( 3,0.5) (a3) {g + \texttt{\{ eq 3\ .\ \}}} ;
16 \path[-stealth,dashed] (a1) edge (g-1) ;
17 \path[-stealth,dashed] (a2) edge (g-2) ;
18 \path[-stealth,dashed] (a3) edge (g-3) ;
19 \node at (-4.2,2) [anchor=east] {\texttt{:apply(RD)}} ;
20 \end{tikzpicture}
Binary diff not shown
0 \tikzstyle{goal} = [draw, rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2em, very thick, rounded corners=1mm]
1 \tikzstyle{ded} = [-stealth,very thick]
2 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
3 \node at (0,4) (g) [goal] {g};
4 \node at (-3,2) (g-1) [goal] {g-1};
5 \node at (3,2) (g-2) [goal] {g-2};
6 \node [left of=g,node distance=0.5cm,anchor=east] {\texttt{:ctf \{ eq l = r . \}}};
7 \draw[rounded corners=3mm] (-4,1.4) rectangle (4,2.6);
8 \path[ded] (g) edge node[fill=white] {:ctf} (g-1)
9 edge node[fill=white] {:ctf} (g-2) ;
10 \node at (-4.8,0.5) (a) [anchor=west] {g + \texttt{\{ eq l = r . \}}} ;
11 \node at (4,0.5) (b) [anchor=east] {g + \texttt{\{ eq (l = r) = false . \}}} ;
12 \path[-stealth,dashed] (a) edge (g-1) ;
13 \path[-stealth,dashed] (b) edge (g-2) ;
14 % \node at (-4.2,2) [anchor=east] {\texttt{:apply(RD)}} ;
15 \end{tikzpicture}
0 \tikzstyle{goal} = [draw, rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2em, very thick, rounded corners=1mm]
1 \tikzstyle{ded} = [-stealth,very thick]
2 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=3cm]
3 \node at (0,4) (g) [goal] {g};
4 \node at (-3,2) (g-1) [goal] {g-1};
5 \node at (3,2) (g-2) [goal] {g-2};
6 \node [left of=g,node distance=0.5cm,anchor=east] {\texttt{:ctf [ t . ]}};
7 \draw[rounded corners=3mm] (-4,1.4) rectangle (4,2.6);
8 \path[ded] (g) edge node[fill=white] {:ctf} (g-1)
9 edge node[fill=white] {:ctf} (g-2) ;
10 \node at (-4.8,0.5) (a) [anchor=west] {g + \texttt{\{ eq t = true . \}}} ;
11 \node at (4,0.5) (b) [anchor=east] {g + \texttt{\{ eq t = false . \}}} ;
12 \path[-stealth,dashed] (a) edge (g-1) ;
13 \path[-stealth,dashed] (b) edge (g-2) ;
14 % \node at (-4.2,2) [anchor=east] {\texttt{:apply(RD)}} ;
15 \end{tikzpicture}
0 ** CITP on Maude
1 -- (fmod FG-FUN is
2 -- protecting NAT .
3 -- op F : Nat -> Nat .
4 -- op G : Nat -> Nat .
5 -- vars X Y : Nat .
6 -- ceq F(X) = 5 if X <= 7 [metadata "CA-"].
7 -- ceq F(X) = 1 if 8 <= X [metadata "CA-"].
8 -- ceq G(Y) = 2 if Y <= 4 [metadata "CA-"].
9 -- ceq G(Y) = 7 if 5 <= Y [metadata "CA-"].
10 -- endfm)
12 mod! FG-FUN {
13 pr(NAT)
14 op F : Nat -> Nat
15 op G : Nat -> Nat
16 ceq [CA-1]: F(X:Nat) = 5 if X <= 7 .
17 ceq [CA-2]: F(X:Nat) = 1 if 8 <= X .
18 ceq [CA-3]: G(Y:Nat) = 2 if Y <= 4 .
19 ceq [CA-4]: G(Y:Nat) = 7 if 5 <= Y .
20 }
22 select FG-FUN .
23 :set(spoiler, off)
24 **> ':verbose on' => print out every generated goal in the process of proof
25 :verbose on
26 :goal { eq 9 <= G(F(X:Nat)) + G(X:Nat) = true . }
27 :apply (TC CA RD)
28 **> show proof prints out the tree of the current proof tree.
29 :show proof
31 eof
0 **
1 ** Prove associativity and commutativity of addition
2 ** using CITP for CafeOBJ
3 **
5 mod! PNAT {
6 [ PZero PNzNat < PNat ]
7 op 0 : -> PZero {ctor} .
8 op s_ : PNat -> PNzNat {ctor} .
9 op _+_ : PNat PNat -> PNat .
10 eq 0 + N:PNat = N .
11 eq s M:PNat + N:PNat = s(M + N) .
12 }
14 select PNAT .
15 :goal { eq [lemma-1]: M:PNat + 0 = M:PNat .
16 eq [lemma-2]: M:PNat + s N:PNat = s(M:PNat + N:PNat). }
18 :ind on (M:PNat)
20 **> We want to see every goal generated in proof process.
21 :verbose on
22 **> We do the proof by 'auto'
23 :auto
25 **> :show proof shows the current proof tree .
26 **> at this time, all goals should have been proved.
27 :show proof
29 ** Proof of commuativity and associativity of _+_
31 mod! PNAT-L {
32 inc(PNAT)
33 -- we have already prooved these.
34 eq [lemma-1]: N:PNat + 0 = N .
35 eq [lemma-2]: M:PNat + s N:PNat = s(M + N).
36 }
38 open PNAT-L .
39 :goal { eq M:PNat + N:PNat = N:PNat + M:PNat . }
40 --> induction on variable M:PNat
41 :ind on (M:PNat)
42 --> :apply (si)
43 :apply (SI)
44 --> :show proof should shows base case and induction step
45 :show proof
46 --> :apply (tc)
47 :verbose off
48 :apply (TC)
49 --> :apply (rd)
50 :apply (RD)
51 --> :show proof
52 :show proof
53 --> rest :apply (tc rd)
54 :apply (TC RD)
55 --> done for all
56 :show proof
57 **> we redo the same proof by one :apply
58 :apply to root (SI TC RD)
59 **> the above is equvalent to the followings
60 --> select root
61 :select root
62 :apply (SI TC RD)
64 ** associativity
65 --> use :auto
66 :goal {eq (M:PNat + N:PNat) + P:PNat = N:PNat + (M:PNat + P:PNat) . }
67 :ind on (M:PNat)
68 :auto
69 :show proof
70 eof
0 \tikzstyle{goal} = [draw, rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2em, very thick, rounded corners=1mm]
1 \tikzstyle{ded} = [-stealth,very thick]
2 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
3 \node (root) [goal] {root};
4 \node (2) [goal,below of=root] {2};
5 \node (1) [goal,left of=2] {1};
6 \node (dots1) [goal,right of=2] {\ldots};
7 \node (1-2) [goal,below of=1] {1-2};
8 \node (1-1) [goal,left of=1-2] {1-1};
9 \node (2-1) [goal,right of=1-2] {2-1};
10 \node (2-2) [goal,right of=2-1] {2-2};
11 \node (1-2-2) [goal,below of=1-2] {1-2-2};
12 \node (1-2-1) [goal,left of=1-2-2] {1-2-1};
13 \node (dots2) [goal,right of=1-2-2] {\ldots};
14 \path[ded] (root) edge node[fill=white] {T1} (1)
15 edge node[fill=white] {T1} (2)
16 edge node[fill=white] {T1} (dots1) ;
17 \path[ded] (1) edge node[fill=white] {T2} (1-1)
18 edge node[fill=white] {T2} (1-2) ;
19 \path[ded] (2) edge node[fill=white] {T3} (2-1)
20 edge node[fill=white] {T3} (2-2) ;
21 \path[ded] (1-2) edge node[fill=white] {Tn} (1-2-1)
22 edge node[fill=white] {Tn} (1-2-2)
23 edge node[fill=white] {Tn} (dots2) ;
25 \end{tikzpicture}
0 \tikzstyle{goal} = [draw, rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2em, very thick, rounded corners=1mm]
1 \tikzstyle{target} = [draw, fill=gray, rectangle, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2em, very thick, rounded corners=1mm]
2 \tikzstyle{ded} = [-stealth,very thick]
3 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
4 \node (root) [goal] {root};
5 \node (2) [goal,below of=root] {2};
6 \node (1) [goal,left of=2] {1};
7 \node (dots1) [goal,right of=2] {\ldots};
8 \node (1-2) [goal,below of=1] {1-2};
9 \node (1-1) [target,left of=1-2] {1-1};
10 \node (2-1) [goal,right of=1-2] {2-1};
11 \node (2-2) [goal,right of=2-1] {2-2};
12 \path[ded] (root) edge node[fill=white] {T1} (1)
13 edge node[fill=white] {T1} (2)
14 edge node[fill=white] {T1} (dots1) ;
15 \path[ded] (1) edge node[fill=white] {T2} (1-1)
16 edge node[fill=white] {T2} (1-2) ;
17 \path[ded] (2) edge node[fill=white] {T3} (2-1)
18 edge node[fill=white] {T3} (2-2) ;
19 \end{tikzpicture}
20 $$
21 \Downarrow\mbox{:select 2}
22 $$
23 \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
24 \node (root) [goal] {root};
25 \node (2) [target,below of=root] {2};
26 \node (1) [goal,left of=2] {1};
27 \node (dots1) [goal,right of=2] {\ldots};
28 \node (1-2) [goal,below of=1] {1-2};
29 \node (1-1) [goal,left of=1-2] {1-1};
30 \path[ded] (root) edge node[fill=white] {T1} (1)
31 edge node[fill=white] {T1} (2)
32 edge node[fill=white] {T1} (dots1) ;
33 \path[ded] (1) edge node[fill=white] {T2} (1-1)
34 edge node[fill=white] {T2} (1-2) ;
35 \end{tikzpicture}
33 -- imperative program", MIT Press.
44 -- * program codes are converted from OBJ to CafeOBJ
55 --
6 "ZZ extends CafeoBJ's built-in representation of the integers with an
7 #|------------------------------
8 ZZ extends CafeoBJ's built-in representation of the integers with an
79 equality predicate, _is_, and with some equations that are useful for
810 manipulating inequalities. In paricular, these equations are useful
911 as lemmas in the correctness proof given in the book. For example,
1820 lemma for the proof. In fact, there is not set of equations that can allow
1921 the automatic verification of all properties of integer expressions which
2022 contain indeterminate values such as `s[['X]]'; in other words, first order
21 arithmetic is \"undecidable\".
22 "
23 arithmetic is "undecidable".
24 --------------------------|#
2426 module ZZ {
2527 imports {
2628 protecting (INT)
2729 }
2830 signature {
29 "The predicate _is_ is intended to represent equality on integers.
31 #|
32 The predicate _is_ is intended to represent equality on integers.
3033 The reason for introducing a new equality predicate rather then
3134 using CafeOBJ's builtin equality _==_ is that we want to use
3235 integer expressions which indeterminate values in program
33 correctness proofs (cf. Section 2.1.1 of Chapter2). "
36 correctness proofs (cf. Section 2.1.1 of Chapter2).
37 |#
3438 op _is_ : Int Int -> Bool
3539 }
3640 axioms {
0 **
1 **
2 **
3 ** parametrized polynomials over commutative rings
4 **
5 **
6 ** Copyright (c) 2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
7 **
8 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10 ** are met:
11 **
12 ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13 ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14 **
15 ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
16 ** copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
17 ** disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
18 ** provided with the distribution.
19 **
31 **
33 mod* RING {
34 [ Elem ]
35 op OO : -> Elem { constr }
36 op II : -> Elem { constr }
37 op _ + _ : Elem Elem -> Elem { comm assoc }.
38 op _ - _ : Elem Elem -> Elem .
39 op _ * _ : Elem Elem -> Elem { comm assoc }.
40 eq OO + E:Elem = E .
41 eq II * E:Elem = E .
42 }
44 mod! POLYNOMIAL ( COEFF :: RING ) {
45 pr(INT)
46 [ Elem < Poly ]
47 vars I I1 I2 I3 : Elem .
48 vars N N1 N2 N3 : Nat .
49 vars M M1 M2 M3 : Nat .
50 vars IP IP1 IP2 IP3 IP4 : Poly .
52 op X^_ : Nat -> Poly {constr} .
54 op _ + _ : Poly Poly -> Poly { assoc comm } .
55 op _ - _ : Poly Poly -> Poly .
56 op - _ : Poly -> Poly .
57 op _ * _ : Poly Poly -> Poly { assoc comm } .
59 eq OO + IP = IP .
60 eq II * IP = IP .
63 eq ( IP - IP1 ) = ( IP + ( - IP1 ) ) .
64 eq IP + (- IP) = OO .
65 eq X^ 0 = II .
67 -- normalization of polynomial expressions
68 eq ( I1 * ( X^ N ) ) + ( I2 * ( X^ N ) ) = ( I1 + I2 ) * ( X^ N ) .
69 -- we have to treat the implicite 1 * explicitly
70 eq ( X^ N ) + ( I2 * ( X^ N ) ) = ( II + I2 ) * ( X^ N ) .
71 eq ( ( X^ N ) * ( X^ N1 ) ) = X^ ( N + N1 ) .
73 -- now for the polynom operation
74 eq ( IP1 + IP2 ) * IP3 = (IP1 * IP3) + (IP2 * IP3) .
76 op max : Nat Nat -> Nat { strat: (1 2 0) } .
77 ceq max ( N , M ) = N if ( N >= M ) .
78 ceq max ( N , M ) = M if ( M >= N ) .
80 op rank : Poly -> Nat .
81 eq rank ( I * IP ) = rank ( IP ) .
82 eq rank ( I ) = 0 .
83 eq rank ( X^ N ) = N .
84 eq rank ( IP + IP2 ) = max ( rank ( IP ) , rank ( IP2 ) ) .
85 }
88 ** end of the input file
89 eof
91 **
92 ** for testing and usage, see below examples
93 **
95 view INT-AS-RING from RING to INT {
96 sort Elem -> Int,
97 op OO -> 0,
98 op II -> 1
99 }
102 red 3 * X^ 2 + 5 * X^ 2 .
103 red 4 * X^ 2 - 2 * X^ 2 .
104 red ( 3 * X^ 1 * 4 * X^ 3 ) .
105 red ( 3 * X^ 1 * -4 * X^ 3 ) .
106 red ( ( 3 * X^ 2 + X^ 1 + 2 * X^ 0 ) * ( X^ 1 + X^ 0 ) ) .
107 -- set trace whole on
108 red ( ( 3 * X^ 2 + X^ 1 + 2 * X^ 0 ) * ( X^ 1 - X^ 0 ) ) .
109 close
111 view RAT-AS-RING from RING to RAT {
112 sort Elem -> Rat,
113 op OO -> 0,
114 op II -> 1
115 }
118 red ( ( 3/2 * X^ 2 + X^ 1 + 2/5 * X^ 0 ) * ( X^ 1 - 3/2 * X^ 0 ) ) .
119 red ( X^ 3 - X^ 1 + 5/3 ) * ( X^ 2 + 2/9 * X^ 1 - 7/3 ) .
121 red rank ( ( 3/2 * X^ 2 + X^ 1 + 2/5 * X^ 0 ) * ( X^ 1 - 3/2 * X^ 0 ) ) .
62826282 %\end{ccode}
62836283 %\end{vvtm}
6285 \subsection{Coherence} \label{sec:p2-coherence}
6285 \section{Coherence} \label{sec:p2-coherence}
62876287 As explained in Section \ref{sec:p2-evaluation-command} and
62886288 \ref{sec:p2-eval-exs-3},
3232 <li><a href="#gorydetails">Gory Details</a><ul>
3333 <li><a href="#ctrld">Ctrl-D</a></li>
3434 <li><a href="#commandexec"><code>! &lt;command&gt;</code></a></li>
35 <li><a href="#sharp-define"><code>#define</code></a></li>
35 <li><a href="#sharp-define"><code>#define &lt;symbol&gt; := &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
3636 <li><a href="#starstar"><code>**</code>, <code>**&gt;</code></a></li>
3737 <li><a href="#dashdash"><code>--</code>, <code>--&gt;</code></a></li>
3838 <li><a href="#dotsep"><code>.</code></a></li>
39 <li><a href="#apply-tactic-...-to-goal-name-apply"><code>:apply (&lt;tactic&gt; ...) [to &lt;goal-name&gt;]</code> ## {#:apply}</a></li>
40 <li><a href="#auto-auto"><code>:auto</code> ## {#:auto}</a></li>
41 <li><a href="#backward-equation-backward"><code>:backward equation</code> ## {#:backward}</a></li>
42 <li><a href="#cp-label-axiom-.-label-axiom-.-cp"><code>:cp { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;axiom&gt; . &quot;)&quot; } &gt;&lt; { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;axiom&gt; .&quot;)&quot; }</code> ## {#:cp}</a></li>
43 <li><a href="#csp-eq-op-exp-term-term-.-...-csp"><code>:csp { eq [ &lt;op-exp&gt;]: &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; . ...}</code> ## {#:csp}</a></li>
44 <li><a href="#ctf-eq-op-exp-term-term-.-ctf"><code>:ctf { eq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ]: &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code> ## {#:ctf}</a></li>
45 <li><a href="#describe-something-describe"><code>:describe &lt;something&gt;</code> ## {#:describe}</a></li>
46 <li><a href="#equation-equation"><code>:equation</code> ## {#:equation}</a></li>
47 <li><a href="#goal-axiom-.-...-goal"><code>:goal { &lt;axiom&gt; . ... }</code> ## {#:goal}</a></li>
48 <li><a href="#ind-on-variable-...-.-ind"><code>:ind on &lt;variable&gt; ... .</code> ## {#:ind}</a></li>
49 <li><a href="#init-label-axiom-variable---term-...-init"><code>:init { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;axiom&gt; &quot;&quot;)} &quot;{&quot; &lt;variable&gt; &lt;- &lt;term&gt;; ... &quot;}&quot;</code> ## {#:init}</a></li>
50 <li><a href="#is-is"><code>:is</code> ## {#:is}</a></li>
51 <li><a href="#lred-term-.-red"><code>:lred &lt;term&gt; .</code> ## {#:red}</a></li>
52 <li><a href="#roll-back-roll"><code>:roll back</code> ## {#:roll}</a></li>
53 <li><a href="#rule-rule"><code>:rule</code> ## {#:rule}</a></li>
54 <li><a href="#select-goal-name-select"><code>:select &lt;goal-name&gt;</code> ## {#:select}</a></li>
55 <li><a href="#show-something-show"><code>:show &lt;something&gt;</code> ## {#:show}</a></li>
56 <li><a href="#verbose-on-off-verbose"><code>:verbose { on | off }</code> ## {#:verbose}</a></li>
5739 <li><a href="#axeq"><code>=</code></a></li>
5840 <li><a href="#searchpredsymb"><code>=(n)=&gt;</code>, <code>=(n,m)=&gt;</code>, <code>=()=&gt;</code></a></li>
5941 <li><a href="#bequality"><code>=*=</code></a></li>
6244 <li><a href="#transrel"><code>==&gt;</code></a></li>
6345 <li><a href="#help"><code>? [&lt;term&gt;]</code></a></li>
6446 <li><a href="#apropos"><code>?apropos &lt;term&gt; [&lt;term&gt; ...]</code></a></li>
47 <li><a href="#help-commands"><code>?com [ &lt;term&gt; ]</code></a></li>
6548 <li><a href="#sortsymbol"><code>[</code></a></li>
6649 <li><a href="#switch-accept"><code>accept =*= proof</code> switch</a></li>
6750 <li><a href="#switch-all-axioms"><code>all axioms</code> switch</a></li>
6851 <li><a href="#switch-always-memo"><code>always memo</code> switch</a></li>
52 <li><a href="#citp-apply"><code>:apply (&lt;tactic&gt; ...) [to &lt;goal-name&gt;]</code></a></li>
6953 <li><a href="#apply"><code>apply &lt;action&gt; [ &lt;subst&gt; ] &lt;range&gt; &lt;selection&gt;</code></a></li>
54 <li><a href="#citp-auto"><code>:auto</code></a></li>
7055 <li><a href="#switch-auto-context"><code>auto context</code> switch</a></li>
71 <li><a href="#autoload"><code>autoload</code></a></li>
72 <li><a href="#ax"><code>ax</code></a></li>
56 <li><a href="#autoload"><code>autoload &lt;module-name&gt; &lt;file-name&gt;</code></a></li>
57 <li><a href="#ax"><code>ax [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt;</code> .</a></li>
7358 <li><a href="#axioms"><code>axioms { &lt;decls&gt; }</code></a></li>
74 <li><a href="#bax"><code>bax</code></a></li>
75 <li><a href="#bceq"><code>bceq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></a></li>
59 <li><a href="#citp-backward"><code>:backward equation</code></a></li>
60 <li><a href="#bax"><code>bax [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt;</code> .</a></li>
61 <li><a href="#bceq"><code>bceq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></a></li>
62 <li><a href="#bcrule"><code>bcrule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
7663 <li><a href="#bctrans"><code>bctrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;bool&gt; .</code></a></li>
77 <li><a href="#beq"><code>beq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
78 <li><a href="#bgoal"><code>bgoal</code></a></li>
64 <li><a href="#beq"><code>beq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
65 <li><a href="#bgoal"><code>bgoal &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
66 <li><a href="#binspect"><code>binspect [in &lt;module-name&gt; :] &lt;boolean-term&gt; .</code></a></li>
67 <li><a href="#citp-binspect"><code>:binspect [in &lt;goal-name&gt; :] &lt;boolean-term&gt; .</code></a></li>
7968 <li><a href="#bop"><code>bop &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt; -&gt; &lt;sort&gt;</code></a></li>
8069 <li><a href="#bpred"><code>bpred &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt;</code></a></li>
8170 <li><a href="#breduce"><code>breduce [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
82 <li><a href="#brl"><code>brl</code></a></li>
83 <li><a href="#brule"><code>brule</code></a></li>
71 <li><a href="#bresolve"><code>{binspect | :binspect}</code></a></li>
72 <li><a href="#brule"><code>brule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
73 <li><a href="#bshow"><code>{bshow | :bshow} [tree]</code></a></li>
8474 <li><a href="#bsort"><code>bsort</code></a></li>
8575 <li><a href="#btrans"><code>btrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
86 <li><a href="#cbred"><code>cbred</code></a></li>
76 <li><a href="#cbred"><code>cbred [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; :] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
8777 <li><a href="#cd"><code>cd &lt;dirname&gt;</code></a></li>
88 <li><a href="#ceq"><code>ceq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></a></li>
78 <li><a href="#ceq"><code>ceq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></a></li>
8979 <li><a href="#check"><code>check &lt;options&gt;</code></a></li>
9080 <li><a href="#switch-check"><code>check &lt;something&gt;</code> switch</a></li>
9181 <li><a href="#choose"><code>choose &lt;selection&gt;</code></a></li>
92 <li><a href="#clause"><code>clause</code></a></li>
82 <li><a href="#clause"><code>clause &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
9383 <li><a href="#cleanmemo"><code>clean memo</code></a></li>
9484 <li><a href="#switch-clean-memo"><code>clean memo</code> switch</a></li>
9585 <li><a href="#close"><code>close</code></a></li>
86 <li><a href="#help"><code>commands</code></a></li>
9687 <li><a href="#comments">comments</a></li>
9788 <li><a href="#switch-cond-limit"><code>cond limit</code> switch</a></li>
9889 <li><a href="#cont"><code>cont</code></a></li>
99 <li><a href="#ctrans"><code>ctrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
100 <li><a href="#db"><code>db</code></a></li>
101 <li><a href="#dbpred"><code>dbpred</code></a></li>
90 <li><a href="#citp-cp"><code>:cp { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;sentense&gt; . &quot;)&quot; } &gt;&lt; { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;sentence&gt; .&quot;)&quot; }</code></a></li>
91 <li><a href="#crule"><code>crule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
92 <li><a href="#citp-csp"><code>:csp { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt;] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; . ...}</code></a></li>
93 <li><a href="#citp-csp-"><code>:csp { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt;] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; . ...}</code></a></li>
94 <li><a href="#citp-ctf"><code>:ctf { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .}</code></a></li>
95 <li><a href="#citp-ctf-"><code>:ctf { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .}</code></a></li>
96 <li><a href="#ctrans"><code>ctrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
97 <li><a href="#db"><code>db reset</code></a></li>
10298 <li><a href="#demod"><code>demod</code></a></li>
99 <li><a href="#citp-describe"><code>:describe &lt;something&gt;</code></a></li>
103100 <li><a href="#describe"><code>describe &lt;something&gt;</code></a></li>
104101 <li><a href="#dirs"><code>dirs</code></a></li>
105 <li><a href="#dpred"><code>dpred</code></a></li>
106102 <li><a href="#dribble"><code>dribble</code></a></li>
107103 <li><a href="#eof"><code>eof</code></a></li>
108 <li><a href="#eq"><code>eq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ]: &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
104 <li><a href="#eq"><code>eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
105 <li><a href="#citp-equation"><code>:equation</code></a></li>
109106 <li><a href="#switch-exec-limit"><code>exec limit</code> switch</a></li>
110107 <li><a href="#switch-exec-trace"><code>exec trace</code> switch</a></li>
111 <li><a href="#execute-dash"><code>exec!</code></a></li>
108 <li><a href="#execute-dash"><code>exec! [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
112109 <li><a href="#execute"><code>execute [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
113110 <li><a href="#extending"><code>extending ( &lt;modexp&gt; )</code></a></li>
114111 <li><a href="#find"><code>find</code></a></li>
115112 <li><a href="#switch-find-all-rules"><code>find all rules</code> switch</a></li>
116 <li><a href="#flag"><code>flag</code></a></li>
113 <li><a href="#flag"><code>flag(&lt;name&gt;, { on | off })</code></a></li>
117114 <li><a href="#fullreset"><code>full reset</code></a></li>
118115 <li><a href="#gendoc"><code>gendoc &lt;pathname&gt;</code></a></li>
119 <li><a href="#goal"><code>goal</code></a></li>
116 <li><a href="#citp-goal"><code>:goal { &lt;sentence&gt; . ... }</code></a></li>
117 <li><a href="#goal"><code>goal &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
120118 <li><a href="#imports"><code>imports { &lt;import-decl&gt; }</code></a></li>
121119 <li><a href="#switch-include-bool"><code>include BOOL</code> switch</a></li>
122120 <li><a href="#switch-include-rwl"><code>include RWL</code> switch</a></li>
123121 <li><a href="#including"><code>including ( &lt;modexp&gt; )</code></a></li>
122 <li><a href="#citp-ind"><code>:ind on &lt;variable&gt; ... .</code></a></li>
123 <li><a href="#citp-init"><code>:init { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;sentence&gt; &quot;&quot;)} &quot;{&quot; &lt;variable&gt; &lt;- &lt;term&gt;; ... &quot;}&quot;</code></a></li>
124124 <li><a href="#input"><code>input &lt;pathname&gt;</code></a></li>
125 <li><a href="#inspect"><code>inspect</code></a></li>
125 <li><a href="#inspect"><code>inspect &lt;term&gt;</code></a></li>
126126 <li><a href="#instantiation">instantiation of parameterized modules</a></li>
127 <li><a href="#citp-is"><code>:is</code></a></li>
127128 <li><a href="#let"><code>let &lt;identifier&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
128 <li><a href="#lex"><code>lex</code></a></li>
129 <li><a href="#lex"><code>lex (&lt;op&gt;, ..., &lt;op&gt;)</code></a></li>
129130 <li><a href="#switch-libpath"><code>libpath</code> switch</a></li>
130131 <li><a href="#lisp"><code>lisp</code></a></li>
131132 <li><a href="#lispq"><code>lispq</code></a></li>
132 <li><a href="#list"><code>list</code></a></li>
133 <li><a href="#list"><code>list { axiom | sos | usable | flag | param | option | demod }</code></a></li>
133134 <li><a href="#lookup"><code>look up &lt;something&gt;</code></a></li>
134135 <li><a href="#ls"><code>ls &lt;pathname&gt;</code></a></li>
135136 <li><a href="#make"><code>make</code></a></li>
137138 <li><a href="#switch-memo"><code>memo</code> switch</a></li>
138139 <li><a href="#module"><code>[sys:]module[!|*] &lt;modname&gt; [ ( &lt;params&gt; ) ] [ &lt;principal_sort_spec&gt; ] { mod_elements ... }</code></a></li>
139140 <li><a href="#moduleexpression"><code>module expression</code></a></li>
140 <li><a href="#names"><code>names</code></a></li>
141 <li><a href="#names"><code>names &lt;mod-exp&gt;</code> .</a></li>
142 <li><a href="#no-autoload"><code>no autoload &lt;module-name&gt;</code></a></li>
143 <li><a href="#citp-normalize"><code>:normalize { on | off}</code></a></li>
141144 <li><a href="#onthefly">on-the-fly declarations</a></li>
142145 <li><a href="#op"><code>op &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt; -&gt; &lt;sort&gt; { &lt;attribute-list&gt; }</code></a></li>
143146 <li><a href="#open"><code>open &lt;mod_exp&gt; .</code></a></li>
144147 <li><a href="#opattr"><code>operator attributes</code></a></li>
145148 <li><a href="#opprec"><code>operator precedence</code></a></li>
146 <li><a href="#option"><code>option</code></a></li>
147 <li><a href="#param"><code>param</code></a></li>
149 <li><a href="#option"><code>option { reset | = &lt;name&gt; }</code></a></li>
150 <li><a href="#param"><code>param(&lt;name&gt;, &lt;value&gt;)</code></a></li>
148151 <li><a href="#parameterizedmodule"><code>parameterized module</code></a></li>
149152 <li><a href="#parse"><code>parse [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
150153 <li><a href="#switch-parse-normalize"><code>parse normalize</code> switch</a></li>
154 <li><a href="#citp-pctf"><code>:pctf { &lt;bool-term&gt; . ... &lt;bool-term&gt; .}</code></a></li>
155 <li><a href="#citp-pctf-"><code>:pctf- { &lt;bool-term&gt; . ... &lt;bool-term&gt; . }</code></a></li>
151156 <li><a href="#popd"><code>popd</code></a></li>
152157 <li><a href="#pred"><code>pred &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt;</code></a></li>
153158 <li><a href="#prelude"><code>prelude</code></a></li>
157162 <li><a href="#protect"><code>protect &lt;module-name&gt;</code></a></li>
158163 <li><a href="#protecting"><code>protecting ( &lt;modexp&gt; )</code></a></li>
159164 <li><a href="#provide"><code>provide &lt;feature&gt;</code></a></li>
160 <li><a href="#pushd"><code>pushd</code></a></li>
161 <li><a href="#pvar"><code>pvar</code></a></li>
165 <li><a href="#pushd"><code>pushd &lt;directory&gt;</code></a></li>
166 <li><a href="#pvar"><code>pvar &lt;var-name&gt; : &lt;sort-name&gt;</code></a></li>
162167 <li><a href="#pwd"><code>pwd</code></a></li>
163168 <li><a href="#qualifiedother">qualified sort/operator/parameter</a></li>
164169 <li><a href="#qualified"><code>qualified term</code></a></li>
165170 <li><a href="#switch-quiet"><code>quiet</code> switch</a></li>
166171 <li><a href="#quit"><code>quit</code></a></li>
172 <li><a href="#citp-red"><code>{ :red | :exec | :bred } [in &lt;goal-name&gt; :] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
167173 <li><a href="#reduce"><code>reduce [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
168174 <li><a href="#switch-reduce-conditions"><code>reduce conditions</code> switch</a></li>
169175 <li><a href="#regularize"><code>regularize &lt;mod-name&gt;</code></a></li>
170176 <li><a href="#switch-regularize-signature"><code>regularize signature</code> switch</a></li>
171177 <li><a href="#require"><code>require &lt;feature&gt; [ &lt;pathname&gt; ]</code></a></li>
172178 <li><a href="#reset"><code>reset</code></a></li>
173 <li><a href="#resolve"><code>resolve</code></a></li>
179 <li><a href="#resolve"><code>resolve {. | &lt;file-path&gt; }</code></a></li>
174180 <li><a href="#restore"><code>restore &lt;pathname&gt;</code></a></li>
175181 <li><a href="#switch-rewrite"><code>rewrite limit</code> switch</a></li>
176 <li><a href="#rl"><code>rl</code></a></li>
177 <li><a href="#rule"><code>rule</code></a></li>
182 <li><a href="#citp-roll"><code>:roll back</code></a></li>
183 <li><a href="#citp-rule"><code>:rule</code></a></li>
184 <li><a href="#rule"><code>rule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
178185 <li><a href="#save"><code>save &lt;pathname&gt;</code></a></li>
179 <li><a href="#save-option"><code>save-option</code></a></li>
186 <li><a href="#save-option"><code>save-option &lt;name&gt;</code></a></li>
180187 <li><a href="#save-system"><code>save-system &lt;pathname&gt;</code></a></li>
181 <li><a href="#scase"><code>scase</code></a></li>
188 <li><a href="#scase"><code>scase (&lt;term&gt;) in (&lt;mod-exp&gt;) as &lt;name&gt; { &lt;decl&gt; ..} : &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
182189 <li><a href="#searchpredicate"><code>search predicates</code></a></li>
190 <li><a href="#citp-select"><code>:select &lt;goal-name&gt;</code></a></li>
183191 <li><a href="#select"><code>select &lt;mod_exp&gt; .</code></a></li>
184192 <li><a href="#set"><code>set &lt;name&gt; [option] &lt;value&gt;</code></a></li>
193 <li><a href="#citp-show"><code>:show &lt;something&gt;</code></a></li>
185194 <li><a href="#show"><code>show &lt;something&gt;</code></a></li>
186195 <li><a href="#switch-show-mode"><code>show mode</code> switch</a></li>
187 <li><a href="#sigmatch"><code>sigmatch</code></a></li>
196 <li><a href="#sigmatch"><code>sigmatch (&lt;mod-exp&gt;) to (&lt;mod-exp&gt;)</code></a></li>
188197 <li><a href="#signature"><code>signature { &lt;sig-decl&gt; }</code></a></li>
189198 <li><a href="#sort">sort declaration</a></li>
190 <li><a href="#sos"><code>sos</code></a></li>
199 <li><a href="#sos"><code>sos { = | + | - } { &lt;clause&gt; , ... }</code></a></li>
200 <li><a href="#citp-spoiler"><code>:spoiler { on | off}</code></a></li>
191201 <li><a href="#start"><code>start &lt;term&gt; .</code></a></li>
192202 <li><a href="#switch-statistics"><code>statistics</code> switch</a></li>
193203 <li><a href="#switch-step"><code>step</code> switch</a></li>
199209 <li><a href="#unprotect"><code>unprotect &lt;module-name&gt;</code></a></li>
200210 <li><a href="#using"><code>using ( &lt;modexp&gt; )</code></a></li>
201211 <li><a href="#var"><code>var &lt;var-name&gt; : &lt;sort-name&gt;</code></a></li>
212 <li><a href="#citp-verbose"><code>:verbose { on | off }</code></a></li>
202213 <li><a href="#switch-verbose"><code>verbose</code> switch</a></li>
203214 <li><a href="#version"><code>version</code></a></li>
204215 <li><a href="#view"><code>view &lt;name&gt; from &lt;modname&gt; to &lt;modname&gt; { &lt;viewelems&gt; }</code></a></li>
217228 % \include{}
218229 -->
221230 <h1 id="introduction">Introduction</h1>
222231 <p>This manual introduces the language CafeOBJ. Is is a reference manual with the aim to document the current status of the language, and not targeting at an exhaustive presentation of the mathematical and logical background. Still, the next section will give a short summary of the underlying formal approach and carry references for those in search for details.</p>
223232 <p>The manual is structured into three parts. The first one being this introduction, the second one being the presentation of basic concepts of CafeOBJ by providing a simple protocol which will get specified and verified. Although the second part tries to give a view onto the core features and their usage, it should not be considered a course in CafeOBJ, and cannot replace a proper introduction to the language. The CafeOBJ distribution also includes a <em>user manual</em>. This user manual is slightly outdated with respect to the current status of the language, but is targeting those without and prior knowledge of CafeOBJ.</p>
229238 <p>CafeOBJ is based on three extensions to the basic many-sorted equational logic:</p>
230239 <dl>
231240 <dt>Order-sorted logic</dt>
232 <dd>In addition to having different sorts (similar to types in other programming languages), these sorts can be ordered, or in other words, one sort can be a subset of another sort: Take for example the number stack: CafeOBJ allows for the provision of natural numbers, which are part of the rational numbers, which are part of the real numbers. This concept allows for operator inheritance and overloading.
233 </dd>
234 <dt>Behavioral logic</dt>
235 <dd>Algebraic modeling is often based on constructors, i.e., all terms under discussion are built up from given operations, and equality can be decided via an equational theory. While being very successful, it is often necessary to model infinite objects (like data streams), which cannot be achieved in this way. CafeOBJ includes <em>behavioral logic</em> and the respective <em>hidden sorts</em> as methodology to model infinite objects which identity is defined via behavior instead of the equational theory.
236 </dd>
237 <dt>Rewriting logic</dt>
241 <dd>In addition to having different sorts (similar to types in other programming languages), these sorts can be ordered, or in other words, one sort can be a subset of another sort: Take for example the number stack: CafeOBJ allows for the provision of natural numbers, which are part of the rational numbers, which are part of the real numbers. This concept allows for operator inheritance and overloading. Behavioral logic
242 </dd>
243 <dd>Algebraic modeling is often based on constructors, i.e., all terms under discussion are built up from given operations, and equality can be decided via an equational theory. While being very successful, it is often necessary to model infinite objects (like data streams), which cannot be achieved in this way. CafeOBJ includes <em>behavioral logic</em> and the respective <em>hidden sorts</em> as methodology to model infinite objects which identity is defined via behavior instead of the equational theory. Rewriting logic
244 </dd>
238245 <dd>Aim of a algebraic specification and verification is to give a formal proof of correctness. CafeOBJ contains order-sorted term rewriting as operational semantics, which allows for <em>execution of proof scores</em>, CafeOBJ code which forms a proof of the required properties.
239246 </dd>
240247 </dl>
431438 <p>In the following case we ended up with five different predicates that combined worked as invariant:</p>
432439 <dl>
433440 <dt><code>cloud-idle-pcs-idle</code></dt>
434 <dd><p>If the cloud is in the idle state, then all the pcs are also in the idle state.</p>
441 <dd>If the cloud is in the idle state, then all the pcs are also in the idle state.
435442 </dd>
436443 <dt><code>pc-clval</code></dt>
437 <dd><p>If the cloud is in busy state, then the value of the cloud and the value in the temporary storage area of any PCs in the <code>gotvalue</code> or <code>updated</code> states agree.</p>
444 <dd>If the cloud is in busy state, then the value of the cloud and the value in the temporary storage area of any PCs in the <code>gotvalue</code> or <code>updated</code> states agree.
438445 </dd>
439446 <dt><code>one-active</code></dt>
440 <dd><p>At most one PC is out of the idle state.</p>
447 <dd>At most one PC is out of the idle state.
441448 </dd>
442449 <dt><code>gotvalue-cloud-value</code></dt>
443 <dd><p>If a PC is in the <code>gotvalue</code> state, then the value saved in the temporary storage area and the one of the cloud agree.</p>
450 <dd>If a PC is in the <code>gotvalue</code> state, then the value saved in the temporary storage area and the one of the cloud agree.
444451 </dd>
445452 <dt><code>goal</code></dt>
446 <dd><p>If a PC is in the <code>updated</code> state, then the value of the PC and the value of the cloud agree.</p>
453 <dd>If a PC is in the <code>updated</code> state, then the value of the PC and the value of the cloud agree.
447454 </dd>
448455 </dl>
449456 <p>See the mentioned web-page for the full code of these modules.</p>
483490 <h2 id="ctrld">Ctrl-D</h2>
484491 <h2 id="commandexec"><code>! &lt;command&gt;</code></h2>
485492 <p>On Unix only, forks a shell and executes the given <code>&lt;command&gt;</code>.</p>
486 <h2 id="sharp-define"><code>#define</code></h2>
493 <h2 id="sharp-define"><code>#define &lt;symbol&gt; := &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
487494 <h2 id="starstar"><code>**</code>, <code>**&gt;</code></h2>
488495 <p>Starts a comment which extends to the end of the line. With the additional <code>&gt;</code> the comment is displayed while evaluated by the interpreter.</p>
489496 <p>Related: <a href="#comments">comments</a>, <a href="#starstar"><code>--</code></a></p>
492499 <p>Related: <a href="#comments">comments</a>, <a href="#starstar"><code>**</code></a></p>
493500 <h2 id="dotsep"><code>.</code></h2>
494501 <p>Do nothing.</p>
495 <h2 id="apply-tactic-...-to-goal-name-apply"><code>:apply (&lt;tactic&gt; ...) [to &lt;goal-name&gt;]</code> ## {#:apply}</h2>
496 <p>TODO</p>
497 <h2 id="auto-auto"><code>:auto</code> ## {#:auto}</h2>
498 <p>TODO</p>
499 <h2 id="backward-equation-backward"><code>:backward equation</code> ## {#:backward}</h2>
500 <p>TODO</p>
501 <h2 id="cp-label-axiom-.-label-axiom-.-cp"><code>:cp { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;axiom&gt; . &quot;)&quot; } &gt;&lt; { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;axiom&gt; .&quot;)&quot; }</code> ## {#:cp}</h2>
502 <p>TODO</p>
503 <h2 id="csp-eq-op-exp-term-term-.-...-csp"><code>:csp { eq [ &lt;op-exp&gt;]: &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; . ...}</code> ## {#:csp}</h2>
504 <p>TODO</p>
505 <h2 id="ctf-eq-op-exp-term-term-.-ctf"><code>:ctf { eq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ]: &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code> ## {#:ctf}</h2>
506 <p>TODO</p>
507 <h2 id="describe-something-describe"><code>:describe &lt;something&gt;</code> ## {#:describe}</h2>
508 <p>Similar to the <code>:show</code> command but with more details. See <code>:describe ?</code> for the possible set of invocations.</p>
509 <p>Related: <a href="#:show"><code>:show</code></a></p>
510 <h2 id="equation-equation"><code>:equation</code> ## {#:equation}</h2>
511 <p>TODO</p>
512 <h2 id="goal-axiom-.-...-goal"><code>:goal { &lt;axiom&gt; . ... }</code> ## {#:goal}</h2>
513 <p>TODO</p>
514 <h2 id="ind-on-variable-...-.-ind"><code>:ind on &lt;variable&gt; ... .</code> ## {#:ind}</h2>
515 <p>TODO</p>
516 <h2 id="init-label-axiom-variable---term-...-init"><code>:init { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;axiom&gt; &quot;&quot;)} &quot;{&quot; &lt;variable&gt; &lt;- &lt;term&gt;; ... &quot;}&quot;</code> ## {#:init}</h2>
517 <p>TODO</p>
518 <h2 id="is-is"><code>:is</code> ## {#:is}</h2>
519 <p>Boolean expression: <code>A :is B</code> where <code>A</code> is a term and <code>B</code> is a sort. Returns true if <code>A</code> is of sort <code>B</code>.</p>
520 <h2 id="lred-term-.-red"><code>:lred &lt;term&gt; .</code> ## {#:red}</h2>
521 <p>TODO</p>
522 <h2 id="roll-back-roll"><code>:roll back</code> ## {#:roll}</h2>
523 <p>TODO</p>
524 <h2 id="rule-rule"><code>:rule</code> ## {#:rule}</h2>
525 <p>TODO</p>
526 <h2 id="select-goal-name-select"><code>:select &lt;goal-name&gt;</code> ## {#:select}</h2>
527 <p>TODO</p>
528 <h2 id="show-something-show"><code>:show &lt;something&gt;</code> ## {#:show}</h2>
529 <p>TODO</p>
530 <p>Related: <a href="#:describe"><code>:describe</code></a></p>
531 <h2 id="verbose-on-off-verbose"><code>:verbose { on | off }</code> ## {#:verbose}</h2>
532 <p>TODO</p>
533502 <h2 id="axeq"><code>=</code></h2>
534503 <p>The syntax element <code>=</code> introduces an axiom of the equational theory, and is different from <code>==</code> which specifies an equality based on rewriting.</p>
535504 <p>Related: <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a>, <a href="#equality"><code>==</code></a></p>
546515 <p>This binary predicate is defined on each visible sort, and defines the transition relation, which is reflexive, transitive, and closed under operator application. It expresses the fact that two states (terms) are connected via transitions.</p>
547516 <p>Related: <a href="#searchpredicate">search predicates</a>, <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a></p>
548517 <h2 id="help"><code>? [&lt;term&gt;]</code></h2>
549 <p>Without any argument, lists all top-level commands. With argument gives the reference manual description of <code>term</code>. In addition to this, many commands allow for passing <code>?</code> as argument to obtain further help.</p>
518 <p>Without any argument, shows the brief guide of online help system. With argument gives the reference manual description of <code>term</code>. In addition to this, many commands allow for passing <code>?</code> as argument to obtain further help.</p>
550519 <p>In case examples are provided for the <code>&lt;term&gt;</code>, they can be displayed using <code>?ex &lt;term&gt;</code>. In this case the normal help output will also contain an informational message that examples are available.</p>
551520 <p>When called as ?? both documentation and examples are shown.</p>
552521 <h2 id="apropos"><code>?apropos &lt;term&gt; [&lt;term&gt; ...]</code></h2>
557526 <p>will search for all entries that contain both <code>prec</code> and <code>oper</code> as sub-strings. Matching is done as simple sub-string match.</p>
558527 <pre><code>CafeOBJ&gt; ?ap foo att[er]</code></pre>
559528 <p>will search for entries that contain the string <code>foo</code> as well as either the string <code>atte</code> or <code>attr</code>.</p>
529 <h2 id="help-commands"><code>?com [ &lt;term&gt; ]</code></h2>
530 <p>List commands or declarations categorized by the key <term>. <term> is one of 'decl', 'module', 'parse', 'rewrite', 'inspect', 'switch', 'proof', 'system', 'inspect', 'library', 'help', 'io' or 'misc'. If <term> is omitted, the list of available <term> will be printed.</p>
560531 <h2 id="sortsymbol"><code>[</code></h2>
561532 <p>Starts a sort declaration. See <a href="#sort">sort declaration</a> for details.</p>
562533 <h2 id="switch-accept"><code>accept =*= proof</code> switch</h2>
567538 <h2 id="switch-always-memo"><code>always memo</code> switch</h2>
568539 <p>Turns on memorization of computation also for operators without the <a href="#opattr"><code>memo</code></a> operator attribute.</p>
569540 <p>Related: <a href="#opattr">operator attributes</a>, <a href="#switch-memo"><code>memo</code></a></p>
541 <h2 id="citp-apply"><code>:apply (&lt;tactic&gt; ...) [to &lt;goal-name&gt;]</code></h2>
542 <p>TODO</p>
570543 <h2 id="apply"><code>apply &lt;action&gt; [ &lt;subst&gt; ] &lt;range&gt; &lt;selection&gt;</code></h2>
571544 <p>Applies one of the following actions <code>reduce</code>, <code>exec</code>, <code>print</code>, or a rewrite rule to the term in focus.</p>
572545 <dl>
573546 <dt><code>reduce</code>, <code>exec</code>, <code>print</code></dt>
574 <dd><p>the operation acts on the (sub)term specified by <code>&lt;range&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;selection&gt;</code>.</p>
547 <dd>the operation acts on the (sub)term specified by <code>&lt;range&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;selection&gt;</code>.
575548 </dd>
576549 <dt>rewrite rule</dt>
577550 <dd><p>in this case a rewrite rule spec has to be given in the following form:</p>
588561 <p>where each <code>&lt;selector&gt;</code> is one of</p>
589562 <dl>
590563 <dt><code>top</code>, <code>term</code></dt>
591 <dd><p>Selects the whole term</p>
564 <dd>Selects the whole term
592565 </dd>
593566 <dt><code>subterm</code></dt>
594 <dd><p>Selects the pre-chosen subterm (see <a href="#choose"><code>choose</code></a>)</p>
567 <dd>Selects the pre-chosen subterm (see <a href="#choose"><code>choose</code></a>)
595568 </dd>
596569 <dt><code>( &lt;number_list&gt; )</code></dt>
597 <dd><p>A list of numbers separated by blanks as in <code>(2 1)</code> indicates a subterm by tree search. <code>(2 1)</code> means the first argument of the second argument.</p>
570 <dd>A list of numbers separated by blanks as in <code>(2 1)</code> indicates a subterm by tree search. <code>(2 1)</code> means the first argument of the second argument.
598571 </dd>
599572 <dt><code>[ &lt;number1&gt; .. &lt;number2&gt; ]</code></dt>
600573 <dd><p>This selector can only be used with associative operators. It indicates a subterm in a flattened structure and selects the subterm between and including the two numbers given. <code>[n .. n]</code> can be abbreviated to <code>[n]</code>.</p>
601574 <p>Example: If the term is <code>a * b * c * d * e</code>, then the expression <code>[2 .. 4]</code> selects the subterm <code>b * c * d</code>.</p>
602575 </dd>
603576 <dt><code>{ &lt;number_set&gt; }</code></dt>
604 <dd>This selector can only be used with associative and commutative
577 <dd>This selector can only be used with associative and commutative operators. It indicates a subterm in a multiset structure obtained from selecting the subterms at position given by the numbers.
605578 </dd>
606579 </dl>
607 <p>operators. It indicates a subterm in a multiset structure obtained from selecting the subterms at position given by the numbers.</p>
608580 <p>Example: If the operator <code>_*_</code> is declared as associative and commutative, and the current term is <code>b * c * d * c * e</code>, then then the expression <code>{2, 4, 5}</code> selects the subterm <code>c * c * e</code>.</p>
609581 <p>Related: <a href="#start"><code>start</code></a>, <a href="#choose"><code>choose</code></a></p>
582 <h2 id="citp-auto"><code>:auto</code></h2>
583 <p>TODO</p>
610584 <h2 id="switch-auto-context"><code>auto context</code> switch</h2>
611585 <p>Possible values: <code>on</code> or <code>off</code>, default is <code>off</code>.</p>
612586 <p>If this switch is <code>on</code>, the context will automatically switch to the most recent module, i.e., defining a module or inspecting a module's content will switch the current module.</p>
613 <h2 id="autoload"><code>autoload</code></h2>
614 <h2 id="ax"><code>ax</code></h2>
587 <h2 id="autoload"><code>autoload &lt;module-name&gt; &lt;file-name&gt;</code></h2>
588 <p>When evaluating a <module-name> and found that it is not yet declared, the system read in <file-name> then retries the evaluation.</p>
589 <p>Related: <a href="#no-autoload"><code>no autoload</code></a></p>
590 <h2 id="ax"><code>ax [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt;</code> .</h2>
615591 <p>(pignose)</p>
616592 <h2 id="axioms"><code>axioms { &lt;decls&gt; }</code></h2>
617593 <p>Block enclosing declarations of variables, equations, and transitions. Other statements are not allowed within the <code>axioms</code> block. Optional structuring of the statements in a module.</p>
618594 <p>Related: <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a>, <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a>, <a href="#var"><code>var</code></a>, <a href="#imports"><code>imports</code></a>, <a href="#signature"><code>signature</code></a></p>
619 <h2 id="bax"><code>bax</code></h2>
620 <p>(pignose)</p>
621 <h2 id="bceq"><code>bceq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></h2>
595 <h2 id="citp-backward"><code>:backward equation</code></h2>
596 <p>TODO</p>
597 <h2 id="bax"><code>bax [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt;</code> .</h2>
598 <p>(pignose)</p>
599 <h2 id="bceq"><code>bceq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></h2>
622600 <p>Defines a behavioral conditional equation. For details see <a href="#ceq"><code>ceq</code></a>.</p>
623601 <p>Related: <a href="#beq"><code>beq</code></a>, <a href="#ceq"><code>ceq</code></a>, <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a></p>
602 <h2 id="bcrule"><code>bcrule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
603 <p>Synonym of 'bctrans'</p>
604 <p>Related: <a href="#bctrans"><code>bctrans</code></a></p>
624605 <h2 id="bctrans"><code>bctrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;bool&gt; .</code></h2>
625606 <p>Defines a behavioral conditional transition. For details see <a href="#ctrans"><code>ctrans</code></a>.</p>
626607 <p>Related: <a href="#btrans"><code>btrans</code></a>, <a href="#ctrans"><code>ctrans</code></a>, <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a></p>
627 <h2 id="beq"><code>beq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
608 <h2 id="beq"><code>beq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
628609 <p>Defines a behavioral equation. For details see <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a>.</p>
629610 <p>Related: <a href="#bceq"><code>bceq</code></a>, <a href="#ceq"><code>ceq</code></a>, <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a></p>
630 <h2 id="bgoal"><code>bgoal</code></h2>
631 <p>(pignose)</p>
611 <h2 id="bgoal"><code>bgoal &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
612 <p>(pignose)</p>
613 <h2 id="binspect"><code>binspect [in &lt;module-name&gt; :] &lt;boolean-term&gt; .</code></h2>
614 <p>TODO</p>
615 <h2 id="citp-binspect"><code>:binspect [in &lt;goal-name&gt; :] &lt;boolean-term&gt; .</code></h2>
616 <p>TODO</p>
632617 <h2 id="bop"><code>bop &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt; -&gt; &lt;sort&gt;</code></h2>
633618 <p>Defines a behavioral operator by its domain, co-domain, and the term construct. <code>&lt;sorts&gt;</code> is a space separated list of sort names containing <em>exactly</em> one hidden sort. <code>&lt;sort&gt;</code> is a single sort name.</p>
634619 <p>For <code>&lt;op-spec&gt;</code> see the explanations of <a href="#op"><code>op</code></a>.</p>
640625 <p>Reduce the given term in the given module, if <code>&lt;mod-exp&gt;</code> is given, otherwise in the current module.</p>
641626 <p>For <code>breduce</code> equations, possibly conditional, possibly behavioral, are taken into account for reduction.</p>
642627 <p>Related: <a href="#reduce"><code>reduce</code></a>, <a href="#execute"><code>execute</code></a></p>
643 <h2 id="brl"><code>brl</code></h2>
644 <h2 id="brule"><code>brule</code></h2>
628 <h2 id="bresolve"><code>{binspect | :binspect}</code></h2>
629 <p>TODO</p>
630 <h2 id="brule"><code>brule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
631 <p>Synonym of 'btrans'.</p>
632 <p>Related: <a href="#btrans"><code>btrans</code></a></p>
633 <h2 id="bshow"><code>{bshow | :bshow} [tree]</code></h2>
634 <p>TODO</p>
645635 <h2 id="bsort"><code>bsort</code></h2>
646636 <h2 id="btrans"><code>btrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
647637 <p>Defines a behavioral transition. For details see <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a>.</p>
648638 <p>Related: <a href="#bctrans"><code>bctrans</code></a>, <a href="#ctrans"><code>ctrans</code></a>, <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a></p>
649 <h2 id="cbred"><code>cbred</code></h2>
639 <h2 id="cbred"><code>cbred [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; :] &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
650640 <h2 id="cd"><code>cd &lt;dirname&gt;</code></h2>
651641 <p>Change the current working directory, like the Unix counterpart. The argument is necessary. No kind of expansion or substitution is done.</p>
652642 <p>Related: <a href="#ls"><code>ls</code></a>, <a href="#pwd"><code>pwd</code></a></p>
653 <h2 id="ceq"><code>ceq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></h2>
643 <h2 id="ceq"><code>ceq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; if &lt;boolterm&gt; .</code></h2>
654644 <p>Defines a conditional equation. Spaces around the <code>if</code> are obligatory. <code>&lt;boolterm&gt;</code> needs to be a Boolean term. For other requirements see <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a>.</p>
655645 <p>Related: <a href="#bceq"><code>bceq</code></a>, <a href="#beq"><code>beq</code></a>, <a href="#eq"><code>eq</code></a></p>
656646 <h2 id="check"><code>check &lt;options&gt;</code></h2>
657647 <p>This command allows for checking of certain properties of modules and operators.</p>
658648 <dl>
659649 <dt><code>check regularity &lt;mod_exp&gt;</code></dt>
660 <dd><p>Checks whether the module given by the module expression <code>&lt;mod_exp&gt;</code> is regular.</p>
650 <dd>Checks whether the module given by the module expression <code>&lt;mod_exp&gt;</code> is regular.
661651 </dd>
662652 <dt><code>check compatibility &lt;mod_exp&gt;</code></dt>
663 <dd><p>Checks whether term rewriting system of the module given by the module expression <code>&lt;mod_exp&gt;</code> is compatible, i.e., every application of every rewrite rule to every well-formed term results in a well-formed term. (This is not necessarily the case in order-sorted rewriting!)</p>
653 <dd>Checks whether term rewriting system of the module given by the module expression <code>&lt;mod_exp&gt;</code> is compatible, i.e., every application of every rewrite rule to every well-formed term results in a well-formed term. (This is not necessarily the case in order-sorted rewriting!)
664654 </dd>
665655 <dt><code>check laziness &lt;op_name&gt;</code></dt>
666 <dd><p>Checks whether the given operator can be evaluated lazily. If not <code>&lt;op_name&gt;</code> is given, all operators of the current module are checked.</p>
656 <dd>Checks whether the given operator can be evaluated lazily. If not <code>&lt;op_name&gt;</code> is given, all operators of the current module are checked.
667657 </dd>
668658 </dl>
669659 <p>Related: <a href="#regularize"><code>regularize</code></a></p>
671661 <p>These switches turn on automatic checking of certain properties:</p>
672662 <dl>
673663 <dt><code>check coherency</code></dt>
674 <dd><p>TODO</p>
664 <dd>TODO
675665 </dd>
676666 <dt><code>check compatibility</code></dt>
677 <dd><p>see the <a href="#check"><code>check</code></a> command</p>
667 <dd>see the <a href="#check"><code>check</code></a> command
678668 </dd>
679669 <dt><code>check import</code></dt>
680 <dd><p>TODO</p>
670 <dd>TODO
681671 </dd>
682672 <dt><code>check regularity</code></dt>
683 <dd><p>see the <a href="#check"><code>check</code></a> command</p>
673 <dd>see the <a href="#check"><code>check</code></a> command
684674 </dd>
685675 <dt><code>check sensible</code></dt>
686 <dd><p>TODO</p>
676 <dd>TODO
687677 </dd>
688678 </dl>
689679 <h2 id="choose"><code>choose &lt;selection&gt;</code></h2>
690680 <p>Chooses a subterm by the given <code>&lt;selection&gt;</code>. See <a href="#apply"><code>apply</code></a> for details on <code>&lt;selection&gt;</code>.</p>
691681 <p>Related: <a href="#opattr"><code>strat</code> in operator attributes</a>, <a href="#start"><code>start</code></a>, <a href="#apply"><code>apply</code></a></p>
692 <h2 id="clause"><code>clause</code></h2>
682 <h2 id="clause"><code>clause &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
693683 <p>(pignose)</p>
694684 <h2 id="cleanmemo"><code>clean memo</code></h2>
695685 <p>Resets (clears) the memo storage of the system. Memorized computations are forgotten.</p>
700690 <h2 id="close"><code>close</code></h2>
701691 <p>This command closes a modification of a module started by <code>open</code>.</p>
702692 <p>Related: <a href="#open"><code>open</code></a></p>
693 <h2 id="help"><code>commands</code></h2>
694 <p>Print outs the list of main toplevel commands.</p>
703695 <h2 id="comments">comments</h2>
704696 <p>The interpreter accepts the following strings as start of a comment that extends to the end of the line: <code>--</code>, <code>--&gt;</code>, <code>**</code>, <code>**&gt;</code>.</p>
705697 <p>The difference in the variants with <code>&gt;</code> is that the comment is displayed when run through the interpreter.</p>
706698 <p>Related: <a href="#starstar"><code>--</code></a>, <a href="#starstar"><code>**</code></a></p>
707699 <h2 id="switch-cond-limit"><code>cond limit</code> switch</h2>
708700 <h2 id="cont"><code>cont</code></h2>
709 <h2 id="ctrans"><code>ctrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
701 <h2 id="citp-cp"><code>:cp { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;sentense&gt; . &quot;)&quot; } &gt;&lt; { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;sentence&gt; .&quot;)&quot; }</code></h2>
702 <p>TODO</p>
703 <h2 id="crule"><code>crule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
704 <p>Synonym of 'ctrans'</p>
705 <p>Related: <a href="#rule"><code>rule</code></a>, <a href="#ctrans"><code>ctrans</code></a></p>
706 <h2 id="citp-csp"><code>:csp { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt;] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; . ...}</code></h2>
707 <p>TODO</p>
708 <h2 id="citp-csp-"><code>:csp { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt;] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; . ...}</code></h2>
709 <p>TODO</p>
710 <h2 id="citp-ctf"><code>:ctf { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .}</code></h2>
711 <p>TODO</p>
712 <h2 id="citp-ctf-"><code>:ctf { eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .}</code></h2>
713 <p>TODO</p>
714 <h2 id="ctrans"><code>ctrans [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; if &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
710715 <p>Defines a conditional transition. For details see <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a> and <a href="#ceq"><code>ceq</code></a>.</p>
711716 <p>Related: <a href="#bctrans"><code>bctrans</code></a>, <a href="#btrans"><code>btrans</code></a>, <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a></p>
712 <h2 id="db"><code>db</code></h2>
713 <p>(pignose)</p>
714 <h2 id="dbpred"><code>dbpred</code></h2>
717 <h2 id="db"><code>db reset</code></h2>
715718 <p>(pignose)</p>
716719 <h2 id="demod"><code>demod</code></h2>
717720 <p>(pignose)</p>
721 <h2 id="citp-describe"><code>:describe &lt;something&gt;</code></h2>
722 <p>Similar to the <code>:show</code> command but with more details. Call <code>:describe ?</code> for the possible set of invocations.</p>
723 <p>Related: <a href="#citp-show"><code>:show</code></a></p>
718724 <h2 id="describe"><code>describe &lt;something&gt;</code></h2>
719 <p>Similar to the <code>show</code> command but with more details. See <code>describe ?</code> for the possible set of invocations.</p>
725 <p>Similar to the <code>show</code> command but with more details. Call <code>describe ?</code> for the possible set of invocations.</p>
720726 <p>Related: <a href="#show"><code>show</code></a></p>
721727 <h2 id="dirs"><code>dirs</code></h2>
722 <h2 id="dpred"><code>dpred</code></h2>
723 <p>(pignose)</p>
724728 <h2 id="dribble"><code>dribble</code></h2>
725729 <h2 id="eof"><code>eof</code></h2>
726730 <p>Terminates reading of the current file. Allows for keeping untested code or documentations below the <code>eof</code> mark. Has to be on a line by itself without leading spaces.</p>
727 <h2 id="eq"><code>eq [ &lt;op-exp&gt; ]: &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
731 <h2 id="eq"><code>eq [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
728732 <p>Declares an axiom, or equation.</p>
729733 <p>Spaces around the <code>=</code> are necessary to separate the left from the right hand side. The terms given must belong to the same connected component in the graph defined by the sort ordering.</p>
730734 <p>In simple words, the objects determined by the terms must be interpretable as of the same sort.</p>
731 <p>The optional part <code>&lt;op-exp&gt;</code> serves two purposes, one is to give an axiom an identifier, and one is to modify its behavior. The <code>&lt;op-exp&gt;</code> is of the form:</p>
735 <p>The optional part <code>&lt;label-exp&gt;</code> serves two purposes, one is to give an axiom an identifier, and one is to modify its behavior. The <code>&lt;label-exp&gt;</code> is of the form:</p>
732736 <p><code>[ &lt;modifier&gt; &lt;label&gt; ] :</code></p>
733737 <p>Warning: The square brackets here are <em>not</em> specifying optional components, but syntactical elements. Thus, a labeled axiom can look like:</p>
734738 <p><code>eq[foobar] : foo = bar .</code></p>
740744 eq [:m-or]: q2(N1:Nat NS:NatSet) = p1(N1) .</code></pre>
741745 <p>In this case an expression like <code>q1(1 2 3)</code> would reduce to <code>p1(1) and p1(2) and p1(3)</code> (modulo AC), and <code>q2(1 2 3)</code> into the same term with <code>or</code> instead.</p>
742746 <p>Related: <a href="#bceq"><code>bceq</code></a>, <a href="#beq"><code>beq</code></a>, <a href="#ceq"><code>ceq</code></a></p>
747 <h2 id="citp-equation"><code>:equation</code></h2>
748 <p>TODO</p>
743749 <h2 id="switch-exec-limit"><code>exec limit</code> switch</h2>
744750 <p>Possible values: integers, default limit 4611686018427387903.</p>
745751 <p>Controls the number of maximal transition steps.</p>
748754 <p>Possible values: <code>on</code> <code>off, default</code>off`.</p>
749755 <p>controls whether further output is provided during reductions.</p>
750756 <p>Related: <a href="#reduce"><code>reduce</code></a></p>
751 <h2 id="execute-dash"><code>exec!</code></h2>
757 <h2 id="execute-dash"><code>exec! [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
752758 <p>exec! [in <Modexpr> :] <Term> .</p>
753759 <h2 id="execute"><code>execute [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
754760 <p>Reduce the given term in the given module, if <code>&lt;mod-exp&gt;</code> is given, otherwise in the current module.</p>
759765 <p>Related: <a href="#using"><code>using</code></a>, <a href="#protecting"><code>protecting</code></a>, <a href="#including"><code>including</code></a></p>
760766 <h2 id="find"><code>find</code></h2>
761767 <h2 id="switch-find-all-rules"><code>find all rules</code> switch</h2>
762 <h2 id="flag"><code>flag</code></h2>
768 <h2 id="flag"><code>flag(&lt;name&gt;, { on | off })</code></h2>
763769 <p>(pignose)</p>
764770 <h2 id="fullreset"><code>full reset</code></h2>
765771 <p>Reinitializes the internal state of the system. All supplied modules definitions are lost.</p>
766772 <p>Related: <a href="#reset"><code>reset</code></a></p>
767773 <h2 id="gendoc"><code>gendoc &lt;pathname&gt;</code></h2>
768774 <p>generates reference manual from system's on line help documents, and save it to <code>pathname</code>.</p>
769 <h2 id="goal"><code>goal</code></h2>
775 <h2 id="citp-goal"><code>:goal { &lt;sentence&gt; . ... }</code></h2>
776 <p>TODO</p>
777 <h2 id="goal"><code>goal &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
770778 <p>(pignose)</p>
771779 <h2 id="imports"><code>imports { &lt;import-decl&gt; }</code></h2>
772780 <p>Block enclosing import of other modules (<code>protecting</code> etc). Other statements are not allowed within the <code>imports</code> block. Optional structuring of the statements in a module.</p>
782790 <p>Imports the object specified by <code>modexp</code> into the current module.</p>
783791 <p>See <a href="#moduleexpression"><code>module expression</code></a> for format of <code>modexp</code>.</p>
784792 <p>Related: <a href="#moduleexpression">module expression</a>, <a href="#using"><code>using</code></a>, <a href="#protecting"><code>protecting</code></a>, <a href="#extending"><code>extending</code></a></p>
793 <h2 id="citp-ind"><code>:ind on &lt;variable&gt; ... .</code></h2>
794 <p>TODO</p>
795 <h2 id="citp-init"><code>:init { &quot;[&quot; &lt;label&gt; &quot;]&quot; | &quot;(&quot; &lt;sentence&gt; &quot;&quot;)} &quot;{&quot; &lt;variable&gt; &lt;- &lt;term&gt;; ... &quot;}&quot;</code></h2>
796 <p>TODO</p>
785797 <h2 id="input"><code>input &lt;pathname&gt;</code></h2>
786798 <p>Requests the system to read the file specified by the pathname. The file itself may contain <code>input</code> commands. CafeOBJ reads the file up to the end, or until it encounters a line that only contains (the literal) <code>eof</code>.</p>
787 <h2 id="inspect"><code>inspect</code></h2>
799 <h2 id="inspect"><code>inspect &lt;term&gt;</code></h2>
800 <p>Inspect the internal structure of <term>.</p>
788801 <h2 id="instantiation">instantiation of parameterized modules</h2>
789802 <p>Parameterized modules allow for instantiation. The process of instantiation binds actual parameters to formal parameters. The result of an instantiation is a new module, obtained by replacing occurrences of parameter sorts and operators by their actual counterparts. If, as a result of instantiation, a module is imported twice, it is assumed to be imported once and shared throughout.</p>
790803 <p>Instantiation is done by</p>
814827 protecting ( ILIST(SIMPLE-NAT { sort Elt -&gt; Nat },
815828 DATATYPE { sort Elt -&gt; Data }) )
816829 }</code></pre>
830 <h2 id="citp-is"><code>:is</code></h2>
831 <p>Boolean expression: <code>A :is B</code> where <code>A</code> is a term and <code>B</code> is a sort. Returns true if <code>A</code> is of sort <code>B</code>.</p>
817832 <h2 id="let"><code>let &lt;identifier&gt; = &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
818833 <p>Using <code>let</code> one can define aliases, or context variables. Bindings are local to the current module. Variable defined with <code>let</code> can be used in various commands like <code>reduce</code> and <code>parse</code>.</p>
819834 <p>Although <code>let</code> defined variable behave very similar to syntactic shorthands, they are not. The right hand side <code>&lt;term&gt;</code> needs to be a fully parsable expression.</p>
820 <h2 id="lex"><code>lex</code></h2>
835 <h2 id="lex"><code>lex (&lt;op&gt;, ..., &lt;op&gt;)</code></h2>
821836 <p>(pignose)</p>
822837 <h2 id="switch-libpath"><code>libpath</code> switch</h2>
823838 <p>Possible values: list of strings.</p>
833848 (+ 4 5) -&gt; 9</code></pre>
834849 <h2 id="lispq"><code>lispq</code></h2>
835850 <p>Evaluates the following quoted lisp expression. (TODO ???)</p>
836 <h2 id="list"><code>list</code></h2>
851 <h2 id="list"><code>list { axiom | sos | usable | flag | param | option | demod }</code></h2>
837852 <p>(pignose)</p>
838853 <h2 id="lookup"><code>look up &lt;something&gt;</code></h2>
839854 <p>TODO (memory-fault on sbcl)</p>
860875 <p><code>module*</code> introduces a loose semantic based module.</p>
861876 <p><code>module!</code> introduces a strict semantic based module.</p>
862877 <p><code>module</code> introduces a module without specified semantic type.</p>
863 <p>If <code>params</code> are given, it is a parameterized module. See <code>parameterized module</code> for more details.</p>
878 <p>If <code>params</code> are given, it is a parameterized module. See <a href="#parameterizedmodule"><code>parameterized module</code></a> for more details.</p>
864879 <p>If <code>principal_sort_spec</code> is given, it has to be of the form <code>principal-sort &lt;sortname&gt;</code> (or <code>p-sort &lt;sortname&gt;</code>). The principal sort of the module is specified, which allows more concise <code>view</code>s from single-sort modules as the sort mapping needs not be given.</p>
865880 <h2 id="moduleexpression"><code>module expression</code></h2>
866881 <p>In various syntax elements not only module names itself, but whole module expressions can appear. A typical example is</p>
868883 <p>which opens a module expression. The following constructs are supported:</p>
869884 <dl>
870885 <dt>module name</dt>
871 <dd><p>using the name of a module</p>
886 <dd>using the name of a module
872887 </dd>
873888 <dt>renaming</dt>
874889 <dd><p><code>&lt;mod_exp&gt; * { &lt;mappings&gt; }</code></p>
879894 <p>This expression describes a module consisting of all the module elements of the summands. If a submodule is imported more than once, it is assumed to be shared.</p>
880895 </dd>
881896 </dl>
882 <h2 id="names"><code>names</code></h2>
883 <p>show</p>
897 <h2 id="names"><code>names &lt;mod-exp&gt;</code> .</h2>
898 <p>List up all the named objects in module <mod-exp>.</p>
899 <h2 id="no-autoload"><code>no autoload &lt;module-name&gt;</code></h2>
900 <p>Stop <code>autoload</code> of module with the name <module-name> . Please refer to <code>autoload</code> command.</p>
901 <p>Related: <a href="#autoload"><code>autoload</code></a></p>
902 <h2 id="citp-normalize"><code>:normalize { on | off}</code></h2>
903 <p>Normalize the LHS of an instance of the axiom generated by :init command.</p>
884904 <h2 id="onthefly">on-the-fly declarations</h2>
885905 <p>Variables and constants can be declared <em>on-the-fly</em> (or <em>inline</em>). If an equation contains a qualified variable (see <a href="#qualified">qualified term</a>), i.e., <code>&lt;name&gt;:&lt;sort-name&gt;</code>, then from this point on <em>within</em> the current equation only <code>&lt;name&gt;</code> is declared as a variable of sort <code>&lt;sort-name&gt;</code>.</p>
886906 <p>It is allowed to redeclare a previously defined variable name via an on-the-fly declaration, but as mentioned above, not via an explicit redeclaration.</p>
895915 <dl>
896916 <dt>prefix-spec</dt>
897917 <dd><p>the <code>&lt;op-spec&gt;</code> does not contain a literal <code>_</code>: This defines a normal prefix operator with domain <code>&lt;sorts&gt;</code> and co-domain <code>&lt;sort&gt;</code></p>
898 Example: <code>op f : S T -&gt; U</code>
899 </dd>
900 <dt>mixfix-spec</dt>
918 <p>Example: <code>op f : S T -&gt; U</code> mixfix-spec</p>
919 </dd>
901920 <dd><p>the <code>&lt;op-spec&gt;</code> contains exactly as many literal <code>_</code> as there are sort names in <code>&lt;sorts&gt;</code>: This defines an arbitrary mixfix (including postfix) operator where the arguments are inserted into the positions designated by the underbars.</p>
902921 <p>Example: <code>op _+_ : S S -&gt; S</code></p>
903922 </dd>
910929 <p>In the specification of an operator using the <a href="#op"><code>op</code></a> (and related) keyword, attributes of the operator can be specified. An <code>&lt;attribute-list&gt;</code> is a space-separate list of single attribute definitions. Currently the following attributes are supported</p>
911930 <dl>
912931 <dt><code>associative</code></dt>
913 <dd><p>specifies an associative operator, alias <code>assoc</code></p>
932 <dd>specifies an associative operator, alias <code>assoc</code>
914933 </dd>
915934 <dt><code>commutative</code></dt>
916 <dd><p>specifies a commutative operator, alias <code>comm</code></p>
935 <dd>specifies a commutative operator, alias <code>comm</code>
917936 </dd>
918937 <dt><code>itempotence</code></dt>
919 <dd><p>specifies an idempotent operator, alias <code>idem</code></p>
938 <dd>specifies an idempotent operator, alias <code>idem</code>
920939 </dd>
921940 <dt><code>id: &lt;const&gt;</code></dt>
922 <dd><p>specifies that an identity of the operator exists and that it is <code>&lt;const&gt;</code></p>
941 <dd>specifies that an identity of the operator exists and that it is <code>&lt;const&gt;</code>
923942 </dd>
924943 <dt><code>prec: &lt;int&gt;</code></dt>
925 <dd><p>specifies the parsing precedence of the operator, an integer <int>. Smaller precedence values designate stronger binding. See <a href="#opprec">operator precedence</a> for details of the predefined operator precedence values.</p>
944 <dd>specifies the parsing precedence of the operator, an integer <int>. Smaller precedence values designate stronger binding. See <a href="#opprec">operator precedence</a> for details of the predefined operator precedence values.
926945 </dd>
927946 <dt><code>l-assoc</code> and <code>r-assoc</code></dt>
928 <dd>specifies that the operator is left-associative or
929 </dd>
930 </dl>
931 <p>right-associative</p>
932 <dl>
947 <dd>specifies that the operator is left-associative or right-associative
948 </dd>
933949 <dt><code>constr</code></dt>
934 <dd><p>specifies that the operator is a constructor of the coarity sort. (not evaluated at the moment)</p>
950 <dd>specifies that the operator is a constructor of the coarity sort. (not evaluated at the moment)
935951 </dd>
936952 <dt><code>strat: ( &lt;int-list&gt; )</code></dt>
937953 <dd><p>specifies the evaluation strategy. Each integer in the list refers to an argument of the operator, where <code>0</code> refers to the whole term, <code>1</code> for the first argument, etc. Evaluation proceeds in order of the <code>&lt;int-list&gt;</code>. Example:</p>
940956 <p>Using negative values allows for lazy evaluation of the corresponding arguments.</p>
941957 </dd>
942958 <dt><code>memo</code></dt>
943 <dd><p>tells the system to remember the results of evaluations where the operator appeared. See <a href="#switch-memo"><code>memo</code> switch</a> for details.</p>
959 <dd>tells the system to remember the results of evaluations where the operator appeared. See <a href="#switch-memo"><code>memo</code> switch</a> for details.
944960 </dd>
945961 </dl>
946962 <p>Remarks:</p>
962978 <li>all other operators (constants, operators of the form <code>a _ b</code>, etc.) receive precedence 0.</li>
963979 </ul>
964980 <p>Related: <a href="#opattr">operator attributes</a></p>
965 <h2 id="option"><code>option</code></h2>
966 <p>(pignose)</p>
967 <h2 id="param"><code>param</code></h2>
981 <h2 id="option"><code>option { reset | = &lt;name&gt; }</code></h2>
982 <p>(pignose)</p>
983 <h2 id="param"><code>param(&lt;name&gt;, &lt;value&gt;)</code></h2>
968984 <p>(pignose)</p>
969985 <h2 id="parameterizedmodule"><code>parameterized module</code></h2>
970986 <p>A module with a parameter list (see <code>module</code>) is a parameterized module. Parameters are given as a comma (<code>,</code>) separated list. Each parameter is of the form <code>[ &lt;import_mode&gt; ] &lt;param_name&gt; :: &lt;module_name&gt;</code> (spaces around <code>::</code> are obligatory).</p>
9851001 <p>In case of ambiguous terms, i.e., different possible parse trees, the command will prompt for one of the trees.</p>
9861002 <p>Related: <a href="#qualified"><code>qualified term</code></a></p>
9871003 <h2 id="switch-parse-normalize"><code>parse normalize</code> switch</h2>
1004 <h2 id="citp-pctf"><code>:pctf { &lt;bool-term&gt; . ... &lt;bool-term&gt; .}</code></h2>
1005 <p>TODO</p>
1006 <h2 id="citp-pctf-"><code>:pctf- { &lt;bool-term&gt; . ... &lt;bool-term&gt; . }</code></h2>
1007 <p>TODO</p>
9881008 <h2 id="popd"><code>popd</code></h2>
9891009 <h2 id="pred"><code>pred &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt;</code></h2>
9901010 <p>Short hand for <code>op &lt;op-spec&gt; : &lt;sorts&gt; -&gt; Bool</code> defining a predicate.</p>
10041024 <p>Protect a module from being overwritten. Some modules vital for the system are initially protected. Can be reversed with <code>unprotect</code>.</p>
10051025 <p>Related: <a href="#unprotect"><code>unprotect</code></a></p>
10061026 <h2 id="protecting"><code>protecting ( &lt;modexp&gt; )</code></h2>
1007 <p>Imports the object specified by <code>modexp</code> into the current module, preserving all intended models as they are. See <code>module expression</code> for format of <code>modexp</code>.</p>
1027 <p>Imports the object specified by <code>modexp</code> into the current module, preserving all intended models as they are. See <a href="#moduleexpression"><code>module expression</code></a> for format of <code>modexp</code>.</p>
10081028 <p>Related: <a href="#including"><code>including</code></a>, <a href="#using"><code>using</code></a>, <a href="#extending"><code>extending</code></a></p>
10091029 <h2 id="provide"><code>provide &lt;feature&gt;</code></h2>
10101030 <p>Discharges a feature requirement: once <code>provide</code>d, all the subsequent <code>require</code>ments of a feature are assumed to have been fulfilled already.</p>
10111031 <p>Related: <a href="#require"><code>require</code></a></p>
1012 <h2 id="pushd"><code>pushd</code></h2>
1013 <h2 id="pvar"><code>pvar</code></h2>
1014 <p>(pignose)</p>
1032 <h2 id="pushd"><code>pushd &lt;directory&gt;</code></h2>
1033 <h2 id="pvar"><code>pvar &lt;var-name&gt; : &lt;sort-name&gt;</code></h2>
1034 <p>(pignose)</p>
1035 <p>Related: <a href="#var"><code>vars</code></a>, <a href="#var"><code>var</code></a></p>
10151036 <h2 id="pwd"><code>pwd</code></h2>
10161037 <p>Prints the current working directory.</p>
10171038 <p>Related: <a href="#ls"><code>ls</code></a>, <a href="#cd"><code>cd</code></a></p>
10241045 <p>In case that a term can be parsed into different sort, it is possible to qualify the term to one of the possible sorts by affixing it with <code>: &lt;sort-name&gt;</code> (spaces before and after the <code>:</code> are optional).</p>
10251046 <p>Related: <a href="#parse"><code>parse</code></a></p>
10261047 <h3 id="example-3">Example</h3>
1027 <p><code>1:NzNat</code> <code>2:Nat</code></p>
1048 <p><code>(1):NzNat</code> <code>(2):Nat</code></p>
10281049 <h2 id="switch-quiet"><code>quiet</code> switch</h2>
10291050 <p>Possible values: <code>on</code> <code>off</code>, default <code>off</code></p>
10301051 <p>If set to <code>on</code>, the system only issues error messages.</p>
10311052 <p>Related: <a href="#switch-verbose"><code>verbose</code></a></p>
10321053 <h2 id="quit"><code>quit</code></h2>
10331054 <p>Leaves the CafeOBJ interpreter.</p>
1055 <h2 id="citp-red"><code>{ :red | :exec | :bred } [in &lt;goal-name&gt; :] &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
1056 <p>reduce the term in specified goal <goal-name>.</p>
10341057 <h2 id="reduce"><code>reduce [ in &lt;mod-exp&gt; : ] &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
10351058 <p>Reduce the given term in the given module, if <code>&lt;mod-exp&gt;</code> is given, otherwise in the current module.</p>
10361059 <p>For <code>reduce</code> only equations and conditional equations are taken into account for reduction.</p>
10501073 <h2 id="reset"><code>reset</code></h2>
10511074 <p>Restores the definitions of built-in modules and preludes, but does not affect other modules.</p>
10521075 <p>Related: <a href="#fullreset"><code>full reset</code></a></p>
1053 <h2 id="resolve"><code>resolve</code></h2>
1076 <h2 id="resolve"><code>resolve {. | &lt;file-path&gt; }</code></h2>
10541077 <p>(pignose)</p>
10551078 <h2 id="restore"><code>restore &lt;pathname&gt;</code></h2>
10561079 <p>Restores module definitions from the designated file <code>pathname</code> which has been saved with the <code>save</code> command. <code>input</code> can also be used but the effects might be different.</p>
10601083 <p>Possible values: positive integers, default not specified.</p>
10611084 <p>Allows limiting the number of rewrite steps during a step-wise execution.</p>
10621085 <p>Related: <a href="#switch-step"><code>step switch</code></a></p>
1063 <h2 id="rl"><code>rl</code></h2>
1064 <h2 id="rule"><code>rule</code></h2>
1086 <h2 id="citp-roll"><code>:roll back</code></h2>
1087 <p>TODO</p>
1088 <h2 id="citp-rule"><code>:rule</code></h2>
1089 <p>TODO</p>
1090 <h2 id="rule"><code>rule [ &lt;label-exp&gt; ] &lt;term&gt; =&gt; &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
1091 <p>Synonym of 'trans'.</p>
1092 <p>Related: <a href="#trans"><code>trans</code></a></p>
10651093 <h2 id="save"><code>save &lt;pathname&gt;</code></h2>
10661094 <p>Saves module definitions into the designated file <code>pathname</code>. File names should be suffixed with <code>.bin</code>.</p>
10671095 <p><code>save</code> also saves the contents of prelude files as well as module definitions given in the current session.</p>
10681096 <p>Related: <a href="#save-system"><code>save-system</code></a>, <a href="#restore"><code>restore</code></a>, <a href="#input"><code>input</code></a></p>
1069 <h2 id="save-option"><code>save-option</code></h2>
1097 <h2 id="save-option"><code>save-option &lt;name&gt;</code></h2>
10701098 <p>(pignose)</p>
10711099 <h2 id="save-system"><code>save-system &lt;pathname&gt;</code></h2>
10721100 <p>Dumps the image of the whole system into a file. This is functionality provided by the underlying Common Lisp system and might carry some restrictions.</p>
10731101 <p>Related: <a href="#restore"><code>restore</code></a>, <a href="#save"><code>save</code></a>, <a href="#input"><code>input</code></a></p>
1074 <h2 id="scase"><code>scase</code></h2>
1102 <h2 id="scase"><code>scase (&lt;term&gt;) in (&lt;mod-exp&gt;) as &lt;name&gt; { &lt;decl&gt; ..} : &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
10751103 <h2 id="searchpredicate"><code>search predicates</code></h2>
10761104 <p>CafeOBJ provides a whole set of search predicates, that searches the reachable states starting from a given state, optionally checking additional conditions. All of them based on the following three basic ones:</p>
10771105 <ul>
10891117 <p>There are two orthogonal extension to this search predicate, one adds a <code>suchThat</code> clause, one adds a <code>withStateEq</code> clause.</p>
10901118 <dl>
10911119 <dt><code>S =(n,m)=&gt;* SS [if Pred1] suchThat Pred2</code></dt>
1092 <dd><p>(and similar for <code>!</code> and <code>+</code>) In this case not only the existence, of a transition sequence is tested, but also whether the predicate <code>Pred2</code>, which normally takes <code>S</code> and <code>SS</code> as arguments, holds.</p>
1120 <dd>(and similar for <code>!</code> and <code>+</code>) In this case not only the existence, of a transition sequence is tested, but also whether the predicate <code>Pred2</code>, which normally takes <code>S</code> and <code>SS</code> as arguments, holds.
10931121 </dd>
10941122 <dt><code>S =(n,m)=&gt;* SS [if Pred1] withStateEq Pred2</code></dt>
1095 <dd><p>(and similar for <code>!</code> and <code>+</code>) TODO</p>
1123 <dd>(and similar for <code>!</code> and <code>+</code>) TODO
10961124 </dd>
10971125 </dl>
10981126 <p>These two cases can also be combined into</p>
10991127 <p><code>S =(n,m)=&gt;* SS [if Pred1] suchThat Pred2 withStateEq Pred3</code></p>
1128 <h2 id="citp-select"><code>:select &lt;goal-name&gt;</code></h2>
1129 <p>TODO</p>
11001130 <h2 id="select"><code>select &lt;mod_exp&gt; .</code></h2>
11011131 <p>Selects a module given by the module expression <code>&lt;mod_exp&gt;</code> as the current module. All further operations are carried out within the given module. In contrast to <code>open</code> this does not allow for modification of the module, e.g., addition of new sorts etc.</p>
11021132 <p>Related: <a href="#moduleexpression"><code>module expression</code></a>, <a href="#open"><code>open</code></a></p>
11041134 <p>Depending on the type of the switch, options and value specification varies. Possible value types for switches are Boolean (<code>on</code>, <code>off</code>), string (<code>&quot;value&quot;</code>), integers (5434443), lists (lisp syntax).</p>
11051135 <p>For a list of all available switches, use <code>set ?</code>. To see the current values, use <code>show switches</code>. To single out two general purpose switches, <code>verbose</code> and <code>quiet</code> tell the system to behave in the respective way.</p>
11061136 <p>Related: <a href="#switches"><code>switches</code></a>, <a href="#show"><code>show</code></a></p>
1137 <h2 id="citp-show"><code>:show &lt;something&gt;</code></h2>
1138 <p>TODO</p>
1139 <p>Related: <a href="#citp-describe"><code>:describe</code></a></p>
11071140 <h2 id="show"><code>show &lt;something&gt;</code></h2>
11081141 <p>The <code>show</code> command provides various ways to inspect all kind of objects of the CafeOBJ language. For a full list call <code>show ?</code>.</p>
11091142 <p>Some of the more important (but far from complete list) ways to call the <code>show</code> command are:</p>
11131146 <li><code>show switches</code> - lists all possible switches</li>
11141147 <li><code>show term [ tree ]</code> - displays a term, possible in tree format</li>
11151148 </ul>
1116 <p>See the entry for <code>switches</code> for a full list.</p>
1149 <p>See the entry for <a href="#switches"><code>switches</code></a> for a full list.</p>
11171150 <p>Related: <a href="#describe"><code>describe</code></a>, <a href="#switches"><code>switches</code></a></p>
11181151 <h2 id="switch-show-mode"><code>show mode</code> switch</h2>
11191152 <p>Possible values for <code>set show mode &lt;mode&gt;</code> are <code>cafeobj</code> and <code>meta</code>.</p>
11201153 <p>TODO no further information on what this changes</p>
1121 <h2 id="sigmatch"><code>sigmatch</code></h2>
1154 <h2 id="sigmatch"><code>sigmatch (&lt;mod-exp&gt;) to (&lt;mod-exp&gt;)</code></h2>
11221155 <p>(pignose)</p>
11231156 <h2 id="signature"><code>signature { &lt;sig-decl&gt; }</code></h2>
11241157 <p>Block enclosing declarations of sorts and operators. Other statements are not allowed within the <code>signature</code> block. Optional structuring of the statements in a module.</p>
11341167 <h3 id="example-4">Example</h3>
11351168 <pre><code> [ A B , C D &lt; A &lt; E, B &lt; D ]</code></pre>
11361169 <p>defines five sorts <code>A</code>,...,<code>E</code>, with the following relations: <code>C &lt; A</code>, <code>D &lt; A</code>, <code>A &lt; E</code>, <code>B &lt; D</code>.</p>
1137 <h2 id="sos"><code>sos</code></h2>
1138 <p>(pignose)</p>
1170 <h2 id="sos"><code>sos { = | + | - } { &lt;clause&gt; , ... }</code></h2>
1171 <p>(pignose)</p>
1172 <h2 id="citp-spoiler"><code>:spoiler { on | off}</code></h2>
1173 <p>TODO</p>
11391174 <h2 id="start"><code>start &lt;term&gt; .</code></h2>
11401175 <p>Sets the focus onto the given term <code>&lt;term&gt;</code> of the currently opened module or context. Commands like <code>apply</code>, <code>choose</code>, or <code>match</code> will then operate on this term.</p>
11411176 <p>Related: <a href="#match"><code>match</code></a>, <a href="#choose"><code>choose</code></a>, <a href="#apply"><code>apply</code></a></p>
11471182 <p>With this switch turned on, rewriting proceeds in steps and prompts the user interactively. At each prompt the following commands can be given to the stepper (with our without leading colon <code>:</code>):</p>
11481183 <dl>
11491184 <dt><code>help</code></dt>
1150 <dd>(<code>h</code>, <code>?</code>) print out help page
1151 </dd>
1152 <dt><code>next</code></dt>
1153 <dd>(<code>n</code>) go one step
1154 </dd>
1155 <dt><code>continue</code></dt>
1156 <dd>(<code>c</code>) continue rewriting without stepping
1157 </dd>
1158 <dt><code>quit</code></dt>
1159 <dd>(<code>q</code>) leave stepper continuing rewrite
1160 </dd>
1161 <dt><code>abort</code></dt>
1162 <dd>(<code>a</code>) abort rewriting
1163 </dd>
1164 <dt><code>rule</code></dt>
1165 <dd>(<code>r</code>) print out current rewrite rule
1166 </dd>
1167 <dt><code>subst</code></dt>
1168 <dd>(<code>s</code>) print out substitution
1169 </dd>
1170 <dt><code>limit</code></dt>
1171 <dd>(<code>l</code>) print out rewrite limit count
1172 </dd>
1173 <dt><code>pattern</code></dt>
1174 <dd>(<code>p</code>) print out stop pattern
1175 </dd>
1176 <dt><code>stop [&lt;term&gt;] .</code></dt>
1177 <dd>set (or unset) stop pattern
1178 </dd>
1179 <dt><code>rwt [&lt;number&gt;] .</code></dt>
1185 <dd>(<code>h</code>, <code>?</code>) print out help page <code>next</code>
1186 </dd>
1187 <dd>(<code>n</code>) go one step <code>continue</code>
1188 </dd>
1189 <dd>(<code>c</code>) continue rewriting without stepping <code>quit</code>
1190 </dd>
1191 <dd>(<code>q</code>) leave stepper continuing rewrite <code>abort</code>
1192 </dd>
1193 <dd>(<code>a</code>) abort rewriting <code>rule</code>
1194 </dd>
1195 <dd>(<code>r</code>) print out current rewrite rule <code>subst</code>
1196 </dd>
1197 <dd>(<code>s</code>) print out substitution <code>limit</code>
1198 </dd>
1199 <dd>(<code>l</code>) print out rewrite limit count <code>pattern</code>
1200 </dd>
1201 <dd>(<code>p</code>) print out stop pattern <code>stop [&lt;term&gt;] .</code>
1202 </dd>
1203 <dd>set (or unset) stop pattern <code>rwt [&lt;number&gt;] .</code>
1204 </dd>
11801205 <dd>set (or unset) max number of rewrite
11811206 </dd>
11821207 </dl>
12131238 <p>Remove overwrite protection from a module that has been protected with the <code>protect</code> call. Some modules vital for the system are initially protected.</p>
12141239 <p>Related: <a href="#protect"><code>protect</code></a></p>
12151240 <h2 id="using"><code>using ( &lt;modexp&gt; )</code></h2>
1216 <p>Imports the object specified by <code>modexp</code> into the current module without any restrictions on the models. See <code>module expression</code> for format of <code>modexp</code>.</p>
1241 <p>Imports the object specified by <code>modexp</code> into the current module without any restrictions on the models. See <a href="#moduleexpression"><code>module expression</code></a> for format of <code>modexp</code>.</p>
12171242 <p>Related: <a href="#protecting"><code>protecting</code></a>, <a href="#including"><code>including</code></a>, <a href="#extending"><code>extending</code></a></p>
12181243 <h2 id="var"><code>var &lt;var-name&gt; : &lt;sort-name&gt;</code></h2>
12191244 <p>Declares a variable <code>&lt;var-name&gt;</code> to be of sort <code>&lt;sort-name&gt;</code>. The scope of the variable is the current module. Redeclarations of variable names are not allowed. Several variable of the same sort can be declared at the same time using the <code>vars</code> construct:</p>
12201245 <p><code>vars &lt;var-name&gt; ... : &lt;sort-name&gt;</code></p>
12211246 <p>Related: <a href="#onthefly"><code>on-the-fly</code></a>, <a href="#qualified"><code>qualified term</code></a>, <a href="#op"><code>op</code></a></p>
1247 <h2 id="citp-verbose"><code>:verbose { on | off }</code></h2>
1248 <p>TODO</p>
12221249 <h2 id="switch-verbose"><code>verbose</code> switch</h2>
12231250 <p>Possible values: <code>on</code> <code>off</code>, default <code>off</code>.</p>
12241251 <p>If turn <code>on</code>, the system is much more verbose in many commands.</p>
00 ---
11 title: CafeOBJ Reference Manual
2 date: 2015-02-25 (v1.5.3)
2 date: 2015-09-08 (v1.5.4b14)
33 author: Toshimi Sawada, Kokichi Futatsugi, Norbert Preining
44 bibliography: manual.bib
55 ---
77 On Unix only, forks a shell and executes the given `<command>`.
10 ## `#define` ## {#sharp-define}
10 ## `#define <symbol> := <term> .` ## {#sharp-define}
3636 Do nothing.
39 ## `:apply (<tactic> ...) [to <goal-name>]` ## {#:apply}
43 ## `:auto` ## {#:auto}
47 ## `:backward equation` ## {#:backward}
51 ## `:cp { "[" <label> "]" | "(" <axiom> . ")" } >< { "[" <label> "]" | "(" <axiom> .")" }` ## {#:cp}
55 ## `:csp { eq [ <op-exp>]: <term> = <term> . ...}` ## {#:csp}
59 ## `:ctf { eq [ <op-exp> ]: <term> = <term> .` ## {#:ctf}
63 ## `:describe <something>` ## {#:describe}
65 Similar to the `:show` command but with more details. See `:describe ?` for
66 the possible set of invocations.
69 Related: [`:show`](#:show)
71 ## `:equation` ## {#:equation}
75 ## `:goal { <axiom> . ... }` ## {#:goal}
79 ## `:ind on <variable> ... .` ## {#:ind}
83 ## `:init { "[" <label> "]" | "(" <axiom> "")} "{" <variable> <- <term>; ... "}"` ## {#:init}
87 ## `:is` ## {#:is}
89 Boolean expression: `A :is B` where `A` is a term and
90 `B` is a sort. Returns true if `A` is of sort `B`.
93 ## `:lred <term> .` ## {#:red}
97 ## `:roll back` ## {#:roll}
101 ## `:rule` ## {#:rule}
103 TODO
105 ## `:select <goal-name>` ## {#:select}
107 TODO
109 ## `:show <something>` ## {#:show}
111 TODO
113 Related: [`:describe`](#:describe)
115 ## `:verbose { on | off }` ## {#:verbose}
117 TODO
11939 ## `=` ## {#axeq}
16686 ## `? [<term>]` ## {#help}
168 Without any argument, lists all top-level commands.
88 Without any argument, shows the brief guide of online help system.
16989 With argument gives the reference manual description of `term`.
17090 In addition to this, many commands allow for passing `?` as argument
17191 to obtain further help.
203123 will search for entries that contain the string `foo` as well as
204124 either the string `atte` or `attr`.
126 ## `?com [ <term> ]` ## {#help-commands}
128 List commands or declarations categorized by the key <term>.
129 <term> is one of 'decl', 'module', 'parse', 'rewrite',
130 'inspect', 'switch', 'proof', 'system', 'inspect', 'library', 'help', 'io' or 'misc'.
131 If <term> is omitted, the list of available <term> will be printed.
206134 ## `[` ## {#sortsymbol}
208136 Starts a sort declaration. See [sort declaration](#sort) for details.
231159 Related: [operator attributes](#opattr), [`memo`](#switch-memo)
161 ## `:apply (<tactic> ...) [to <goal-name>]` ## {#citp-apply}
163 Apply the list of tactics given within parenthesis to either
164 the current goal, or the goal given as `<goal-name>`.
166 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
233168 ## `apply <action> [ <subst> ] <range> <selection>` ## {#apply}
303238 Related: [`start`](#start), [`choose`](#choose)
240 ## `:auto` ## {#citp-auto}
242 Applies the following set of tactics: `(SI CA TC IP RD)`.
244 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
305246 ## `auto context` switch ## {#switch-auto-context}
307248 Possible values: `on` or `off`, default is `off`.
311252 a module's content will switch the current module.
314 ## `autoload` ## {#autoload}
319 ## `ax` ## {#ax}
255 ## `autoload <module-name> <file-name>` ## {#autoload}
257 When evaluating a <module-name> and found that
258 it is not yet declared, the system read in <file-name> then
259 retries the evaluation.
262 Related: [`no autoload`](#no-autoload)
264 ## `ax [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term>` . ## {#ax}
321266 (pignose)
332277 Related: [`trans`](#trans), [`eq`](#eq), [`var`](#var), [`imports`](#imports), [`signature`](#signature)
334 ## `bax` ## {#bax}
279 ## `:backward equation` ## {#citp-backward}
281 TODO
283 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
285 ## `bax [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term>` . ## {#bax}
336287 (pignose)
339 ## `bceq [ <op-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .` ## {#bceq}
290 ## `bceq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .` ## {#bceq}
341292 Defines a behavioral conditional equation. For details see [`ceq`](#ceq).
344295 Related: [`beq`](#beq), [`ceq`](#ceq), [`eq`](#eq)
297 ## `bcrule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <term> .` ## {#bcrule}
299 Synonym of 'bctrans'
302 Related: [`bctrans`](#bctrans)
346304 ## `bctrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <bool> .` ## {#bctrans}
352310 Related: [`btrans`](#btrans), [`ctrans`](#ctrans), [`trans`](#trans)
354 ## `beq [ <op-exp> ] <term> = <term> .` ## {#beq}
312 ## `beq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .` ## {#beq}
356314 Defines a behavioral equation. For details see [`eq`](#eq).
359317 Related: [`bceq`](#bceq), [`ceq`](#ceq), [`eq`](#eq)
361 ## `bgoal` ## {#bgoal}
319 ## `bgoal <term> .` ## {#bgoal}
363321 (pignose)
324 ## `binspect [in <module-name> :] <boolean-term> .` ## {#binspect}
326 TODO
328 ## `:binspect [in <goal-name> :] <boolean-term> .` ## {#citp-binspect}
330 TODO
366332 ## `bop <op-spec> : <sorts> -> <sort>` ## {#bop}
394360 Related: [`reduce`](#reduce), [`execute`](#execute)
396 ## `brl` ## {#brl}
401 ## `brule` ## {#brule}
362 ## `{bresolve | :bresolve}` ## {#bresolve}
364 TODO
366 ## `brule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .` ## {#brule}
368 Synonym of 'btrans'.
371 Related: [`btrans`](#btrans)
373 ## `{bshow | :bshow} [tree]` ## {#bshow}
375 TODO
406377 ## `bsort` ## {#bsort}
416387 Related: [`bctrans`](#bctrans), [`ctrans`](#ctrans), [`trans`](#trans)
418 ## `cbred` ## {#cbred}
389 ## `cbred [ in <mod-exp> :] <term> .` ## {#cbred}
429400 Related: [`ls`](#ls), [`pwd`](#pwd)
431 ## `ceq [ <op-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .` ## {#ceq}
402 ## `ceq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> if <boolterm> .` ## {#ceq}
433404 Defines a conditional equation. Spaces around the `if` are obligatory.
434405 `<boolterm>` needs to be a Boolean term. For other requirements
490461 Related: [`strat` in operator attributes](#opattr), [`start`](#start), [`apply`](#apply)
492 ## `clause` ## {#clause}
463 ## CITP ## {#citp}
465 Constructor Based Induction Theorem Prover
467 The sub-system provides a certain level of automatization for theorem proving.
472 Related: [`:define`](#citp-def), [`:ctf-`](#citp-ctf-), [`:ctf`](#citp-ctf), [`:csp-`](#citp-csp-), [`:csp`](#citp-csp), [`:red`](#citp-red), [`:select`](#citp-select), [`:backward`](#citp-backward), [`:rule`](#citp-rule), [`:equation`](#citp-equation), [`:cp`](#citp-cp), [`:init`](#citp-init), [`:roll`](#citp-roll), [`:auto`](#citp-auto), [`:ind`](#citp-ind), [`:apply`](#citp-apply), [`:goal`](#citp-goal)
474 ## `clause <term> .` ## {#clause}
494476 (pignose)
517499 Related: [`open`](#open)
501 ## `commands` ## {#help}
503 Print outs the list of main toplevel commands.
519506 ## comments ## {#comments}
521508 The interpreter accepts the following strings as start of a comment
540 ## `ctrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .` ## {#ctrans}
527 ## `:cp { "[" <label> "]" | "(" <sentense> . ")" } >< { "[" <label> "]" | "(" <sentence> .")" }` ## {#citp-cp}
529 TODO specify critical pair
531 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
533 ## `crule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <term> .` ## {#crule}
535 Synonym of 'ctrans'
538 Related: [`rule`](#rule), [`ctrans`](#ctrans)
540 ## `:csp { eq [ <label-exp>] <term> = <term> . ...}` ## {#citp-csp}
542 TODO applies case splitting after general equations TODO
544 Related: [`:csp-`](#citp-csp-), [`citp`](#citp)
546 ## `:csp- { eq [ <label-exp>] <term> = <term> . ...}` ## {#citp-csp-}
548 TODO
550 Related: [`:csp`](#citp-csp), [`citp`](#citp)
552 ## `:ctf { eq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .}` ## {#citp-ctf}
554 TODO Applies case splitting after a set of boolean expressions.
556 Related: [`:ctf-`](#citp-ctf-), [`citp`](#citp)
558 ## `:ctf- { eq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .}` ## {#citp-ctf-}
560 TODO
562 Related: [`:ctf`](#citp-ctf), [`citp`](#citp)
564 ## `ctrans [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> if <term> .` ## {#ctrans}
542566 Defines a conditional transition. For details see [`trans`](#trans)
543567 and [`ceq`](#ceq).
546570 Related: [`bctrans`](#bctrans), [`btrans`](#btrans), [`trans`](#trans)
548 ## `db` ## {#db}
572 ## `db reset` ## {#db}
550574 (pignose)
553 ## `dbpred` ## {#dbpred}
577 ## `:def <symbol> = { <ctf> | <csp>}` ## {#citp-def}
579 Assigns a name to a specific case splitting (`ctf` or `csp`),
580 so that it can be used as tactics in `:apply`.
582 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
584 ### Example ###
586 `````
587 :def name-1 = ctf [ <Term> . ]
588 :def name-2 = ctf-{ eq LHS = RHS . }
589 :def name-3 = csp { eq lhs1 = rhs1 . eq lhs2 = rhs2 . }
590 :def name-4 = csp-{ eq lhs3 = rhs3 . eq lhs4 = rhs4 . }
591 :apply(SI TC name-1 name-2 name-3 name-4)
592 `````
595 ## `demod` ## {#demod}
555597 (pignose)
558 ## `demod` ## {#demod}
560 (pignose)
600 ## `:describe <something>` ## {#citp-describe}
602 Similar to the `:show` command but with more details. Call `:describe ?` for
603 the possible set of invocations.
606 Related: [`:show`](#citp-show), [`citp`](#citp)
563608 ## `describe <something>` ## {#describe}
565 Similar to the `show` command but with more details. See `describe ?` for
610 Similar to the `show` command but with more details. Call `describe ?` for
566611 the possible set of invocations.
571616 ## `dirs` ## {#dirs}
576 ## `dpred` ## {#dpred}
578 (pignose)
581621 ## `dribble` ## {#dribble}
590630 to be on a line by itself without leading spaces.
593 ## `eq [ <op-exp> ]: <term> = <term> .` ## {#eq}
633 ## `eq [ <label-exp> ] <term> = <term> .` ## {#eq}
595635 Declares an axiom, or equation.
601641 In simple words, the objects determined by the terms must be
602642 interpretable as of the same sort.
604 The optional part `<op-exp>` serves two purposes, one is to give
644 The optional part `<label-exp>` serves two purposes, one is to give
605645 an axiom an identifier, and one is to modify its behavior. The
606 `<op-exp>` is of the form:
646 `<label-exp>` is of the form:
608648 ` [ <modifier> <label> ] : `
642682 Related: [`bceq`](#bceq), [`beq`](#beq), [`ceq`](#ceq)
684 ## `:equation` ## {#citp-equation}
686 TODO
688 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
644690 ## `exec limit` switch ## {#switch-exec-limit}
646692 Possible values: integers, default limit 4611686018427387903.
660706 Related: [`reduce`](#reduce)
662 ## `exec!` ## {#execute-dash}
708 ## `exec! [ in <mod-exp> : ] <term> .` ## {#execute-dash}
665711 exec! [in <Modexpr> :] <Term> .
698 ## `flag` ## {#flag}
744 ## `flag(<name>, { on | off })` ## {#flag}
700746 (pignose)
714760 and save it to `pathname`.
717 ## `goal` ## {#goal}
763 ## `:goal { <sentence> . ... }` ## {#citp-goal}
765 TODO
767 ## `goal <term> .` ## {#goal}
719769 (pignose)
758808 Related: [module expression](#moduleexpression), [`using`](#using), [`protecting`](#protecting), [`extending`](#extending)
810 ## `:ind on <variable> ... .` ## {#citp-ind}
812 Defines the variable for the induction tactic of CITP.
814 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
816 ## `:init { "[" <label> "]" | "(" <sentence> "")} "{" <variable> <- <term>; ... "}"` ## {#citp-init}
818 TODO
820 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
760822 ## `input <pathname>` ## {#input}
762824 Requests the system to read the file specified by the
765827 a line that only contains (the literal) `eof`.
768 ## `inspect` ## {#inspect}
830 ## `inspect <term>` ## {#inspect}
832 Inspect the internal structure of <term>.
773835 ## instantiation of parameterized modules ## {#instantiation}
894 ## `:is` ## {#citp-is}
896 Boolean expression: `A :is B` where `A` is a term and
897 `B` is a sort. Returns true if `A` is of sort `B`.
832900 ## `let <identifier> = <term> .` ## {#let}
834902 Using `let` one can define aliases, or context variables. Bindings
840908 be a fully parsable expression.
843 ## `lex` ## {#lex}
911 ## `lex (<op>, ..., <op>)` ## {#lex}
845913 (pignose)
881949 Evaluates the following quoted lisp expression. (TODO ???)
884 ## `list` ## {#list}
952 ## `list { axiom | sos | usable | flag | param | option | demod }` ## {#list}
886954 (pignose)
9491017 `module` introduces a module without specified semantic type.
951 If `params` are given, it is a parameterized module. See `parameterized module`
952 for more details.
1019 If `params` are given, it is a parameterized module.
1020 See [`parameterized module`](#parameterizedmodule) for more details.
9541022 If `principal_sort_spec` is given, it has to be of the form
9551023 `principal-sort <sortname>` (or `p-sort <sortname>`). The principal
9891057 once, it is assumed to be shared.
992 ## `names` ## {#names}
995 show
1060 ## `names <mod-exp>` . ## {#names}
1062 List up all the named objects in module <mod-exp>.
1065 ## `no autoload <module-name>` ## {#no-autoload}
1067 Stop `autoload` of module with the name <module-name> .
1068 Please refer to `autoload` command.
1071 Related: [`autoload`](#autoload)
1073 ## `:normalize { on | off}` ## {#citp-normalize}
1075 Normalize the LHS of an instance of the axiom generated by :init command.
1077 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
9981079 ## on-the-fly declarations ## {#onthefly}
11631244 Related: [operator attributes](#opattr)
1165 ## `option` ## {#option}
1246 ## `option { reset | = <name> }` ## {#option}
11671248 (pignose)
1170 ## `param` ## {#param}
1251 ## `param(<name>, <value>)` ## {#param}
11721253 (pignose)
12721353 ## `protecting ( <modexp> )` ## {#protecting}
12741355 Imports the object specified by `modexp` into the current
1275 module, preserving all intended models as they are. See `module expression`
1276 for format of `modexp`.
1356 module, preserving all intended models as they are.
1357 See [`module expression`](#moduleexpression) for format of `modexp`.
12791360 Related: [`including`](#including), [`using`](#using), [`extending`](#extending)
12881369 Related: [`require`](#require)
1290 ## `pushd` ## {#pushd}
1295 ## `pvar` ## {#pvar}
1371 ## `pushd <directory>` ## {#pushd}
1376 ## `pvar <var-name> : <sort-name>` ## {#pvar}
12971378 (pignose)
1381 Related: [`vars`](#var), [`var`](#var)
13001383 ## `pwd` ## {#pwd}
13381421 ### Example ###
1340 `1:NzNat` `2:Nat`
1423 `(1):NzNat` `(2):Nat`
13421425 ## `quiet` switch ## {#switch-quiet}
13531436 Leaves the CafeOBJ interpreter.
1439 ## `{ :red | :exec | :bred } [in <goal-name> :] <term> .` ## {#citp-red}
1441 reduce the term in specified goal <goal-name>.
1443 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
13561445 ## `reduce [ in <mod-exp> : ] <term> .` ## {#reduce}
14101499 Related: [`full reset`](#fullreset)
1412 ## `resolve` ## {#resolve}
1501 ## `resolve {. | <file-path> }` ## {#resolve}
14141503 (pignose)
14361525 Related: [`step switch`](#switch-step)
1438 ## `rl` ## {#rl}
1443 ## `rule` ## {#rule}
1527 ## `:roll back` ## {#citp-roll}
1529 TODO
1531 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
1533 ## `:rule` ## {#citp-rule}
1535 TODO
1537 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
1539 ## `rule [ <label-exp> ] <term> => <term> .` ## {#rule}
1541 Synonym of 'trans'.
1544 Related: [`trans`](#trans)
14481546 ## `save <pathname>` ## {#save}
14571555 Related: [`save-system`](#save-system), [`restore`](#restore), [`input`](#input)
1459 ## `save-option` ## {#save-option}
1557 ## `save-option <name>` ## {#save-option}
14611559 (pignose)
14711569 Related: [`restore`](#restore), [`save`](#save), [`input`](#input)
1473 ## `scase` ## {#scase}
1571 ## `scase (<term>) in (<mod-exp>) as <name> { <decl> ..} : <term> .` ## {#scase}
15181616 `S =(n,m)=>* SS [if Pred1] suchThat Pred2 withStateEq Pred3`
1619 ## `:select <goal-name>` ## {#citp-select}
1621 Select a goal for further application of tactics.
1623 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
15211625 ## `select <mod_exp> . ` ## {#select}
15231627 Selects a module given by the module expression `<mod_exp>` as the
15291633 Related: [`module expression`](#moduleexpression), [`open`](#open)
1635 ## `:set(<name>, { on | off | show })` ## {#citp-set}
1637 Set or show various flags of CITP CafeOBJ.
15311640 ## `set <name> [option] <value>` ## {#set}
15331642 Depending on the type of the switch, options and value specification varies.
15421651 Related: [`switches`](#switches), [`show`](#show)
1653 ## `:show <something>` ## {#citp-show}
1655 TODO
1657 Related: [`:describe`](#citp-describe), [`citp`](#citp)
15441659 ## `show <something>` ## {#show}
15461661 The `show` command provides various ways to inspect all kind of objects
15501665 the `show` command are:
15521667 - `show [ <modexp> ]` - describes the current modules of the one specified
1553 as argument
1668 as argument
15541669 - `show module tree [ <modexp> ]` - displays submodules of <modexp> in tree format
15551670 - `show switches` - lists all possible switches
15561671 - `show term [ tree ]` - displays a term, possible in tree format
1558 See the entry for `switches` for a full list.
1673 See the entry for [`switches`](#switches) for a full list.
15611676 Related: [`describe`](#describe), [`switches`](#switches)
15671682 TODO no further information on what this changes
1570 ## `sigmatch` ## {#sigmatch}
1685 ## `sigmatch (<mod-exp>) to (<mod-exp>)` ## {#sigmatch}
15721687 (pignose)
16151730 `C < A`, `D < A`, `A < E`, `B < D`.
1618 ## `sos` ## {#sos}
1733 ## `sos { = | + | - } { <clause> , ... }` ## {#sos}
16201735 (pignose)
1738 ## `:spoiler { on | off}` ## {#citp-spoiler}
1740 TODO
1742 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
16231744 ## `start <term> .` ## {#start}
17631884 Imports the object specified by `modexp` into the current
17641885 module without any restrictions on the models.
1765 See `module expression` for format of `modexp`.
1886 See [`module expression`](#moduleexpression) for format of `modexp`.
17681889 Related: [`protecting`](#protecting), [`including`](#including), [`extending`](#extending)
17811902 Related: [`on-the-fly`](#onthefly), [`qualified term`](#qualified), [`op`](#op)
1904 ## `:verbose { on | off }` ## {#citp-verbose}
1906 Turns on verbose reporting of the CITP subsystem.
1908 Related: [`citp`](#citp)
17831910 ## `verbose` switch ## {#switch-verbose}
0 ev (load "../../cafeobj/oldoc.lisp")
01 ev (load "../../cafeobj/commands.lisp")
12 gendoc
23 quit
4747 ;;; cafeobj-mode invoked, when visiting .mod files (assuming this file is
4848 ;;; in your load-path):
4949 ;;;
50 ;;; (autoload 'cafeobj-mode "cafeobj-mode" "CafeOBJ mode." t)
51 ;;; (setq auto-mode-alist
52 ;;; (cons '("\\.mod$" . cafeobj-mode) auto-mode-alist))
50 ;;; (autoload 'cafeobj-mode "cafeobj-mode" "CafeOBJ mode." t)
51 ;;; (setq auto-mode-alist
52 ;;; (cons '("\\.mod$" . cafeobj-mode) auto-mode-alist))
5353 ;;;
5454 ;;; and, also the following is handy for running CafeOBJ interpreter:
5555 ;;;
7878 ;;; prefix for major-mode commands.
7979 ;;; You can customise the keybindings either by setting `choas-prefix-key'
8080 ;;; or by putting the following in your .emacs
81 ;;; (setq cafeobj-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
81 ;;; (setq cafeobj-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
8282 ;;; and
83 ;;; (define-key cafeobj-mode-map <your-key> <function>)
83 ;;; (define-key cafeobj-mode-map <your-key> <function>)
8484 ;;; for all the functions you need.
8585 ;;;
8787 ;;; CafeOBJ mode provides a mode-specific abbrev table 'cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table',
8888 ;;; and there defined some abbriviations already.
8989 ;;; You can use abbrev by `M-x abbrev-mode' or putting the following in your
9797 ;;; To edit the entire table, `M-x edit-abbrevs' and `M-x write-abbrev-file'
9898 ;;; are handy. Here is an example of adding some extra abbreviations:
9999 ;;; I want the following abbreviations:
100 ;;; "mod" -> "module"
100 ;;; "mod" -> "module"
101101 ;;; "mod*" -> "module*"
102102 ;;; "mod!" -> "module!"
103 ;;; "obj" -> "module!"
104 ;;; "th" -> "module*"
103 ;;; "obj" -> "module!"
104 ;;; "th" -> "module*"
105105 ;;; For this, we can use `M-x edit-abbrevs' and adds the above definitions in
106106 ;;; cafeobj-abbrev-table like this:
107107 ;;;
108108 ;;; (cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table)
109109 ;;;
110 ;;; "mod" 0 "module"
111 ;;; "m*" 0 "module* "
110 ;;; "mod" 0 "module"
111 ;;; "m*" 0 "module* "
112112 ;;; "m!" 0 "module! "
113113 ;;; "obj" 0 "module!"
114114 ;;; "th" 0 "module*"
117117 ;;; :
118118 ;;; After editting, type `C-c C-c'(M-x edit-abbrevs-redefine) to install
119119 ;;; abbrev definitions as specified.
120 ;;; Then use `M-x write-abbrev-file' specifying ~/.abbrev_deffs to
120 ;;; Then use `M-x write-abbrev-file' specifying ~/.abbrev_defs to
121121 ;;; the target file name, and adds a line in my .emacs
122122 ;;; (read-abbrev-file "~/.abbrev_defs").
123123 ;;; See Emacs manual of Infos for detail.
126126 ;;; You may want to customize the following variables, see the comment strings
127127 ;;; for the descriptions of these variables.
128128 ;;;
129 ;;; cafeobj-always-show
130 ;;; cafeobj-mode-map
131 ;;; cafeobj-prefix-key
132 ;;; cafeobj-mode-hook
133 ;;; cafeobj-default-application
134 ;;; cafeobj-default-command-switches
129 ;;; cafeobj-always-show
130 ;;; cafeobj-mode-map
131 ;;; cafeobj-prefix-key
132 ;;; cafeobj-mode-hook
133 ;;; cafeobj-default-application
134 ;;; cafeobj-default-command-switches
135135 ;;; cafeobj-decl-keyword-face
136136 ;;; cafeobj-keyword-face
137137 ;;; cafeobj-command-face
149149 (require 'comint)
150150 (require 'custom)
151151 (require 'font-lock)
152 (require 'abbrev)
153 (require 'imenu)
153155 (defgroup cafeobj nil
154156 "CafeOBJ code editting."
186188 "Command switches for `cafeobj-default-application'.
187189 Should be a list of strings which will be given to the cafeobj process when star up."
188190 :group 'cafeobj)
192 ;;; simple imenu support
193 (defcustom cafeobj-imenu-generic-expression-alist
194 '(("Modules" "^mod.* \\(\\w+\\b\\)" 1)
195 ("Vars" "var.* \\(\\w+\\b\\):" 1)
196 )
197 "Alist of regular expressions for the imode index.
198 Each element form (submenu-name regexp index).
199 Where submenu-name is the name of the submenu under which
200 items matching regexp are placed. When submenu-name is nil
201 the matching entries appear in the root imenu list.
202 Regexp idex indicates which regexp text group defines the
203 text entry. When the index is 0 the entire :text that matches
204 regexp appers."
205 :type '(repeat (list (choice :tag "Submenu Name" string (const nil))
206 regexp (integer :tag "Regexp index")))
207 :group 'cafeobj
208 )
210 (add-hook 'cafeobj-mode-hook
211 (lambda ()
212 (setq imenu-generic-expression cafeobj-imenu-generic-expression-alist)))
190214 ;;; FACES for CafeOBJ/CafeOBJ-Process
205229 :group 'cafeobj-faces)
207231 (defface cafeobj-comment-face-2
208 '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray80"))
232 '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "honeydew3"))
209233 (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "blue4"))
210234 (((class grayscale) (background light))
211235 (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t :italic t))
352376 (defmacro cafeobj-define-key (fsf-key definition &optional xemacs-key)
353377 `(define-key cafeobj-mode-map
354378 ,(if xemacs-key
355 `(if cafeobj-xemacs-p ,xemacs-key ,fsf-key)
356 fsf-key)
379 `(if cafeobj-xemacs-p ,xemacs-key ,fsf-key)
380 fsf-key)
357381 ,definition))
359383 (defvar del-back-ch (car (append (where-is-internal 'delete-backward-char)
360 (where-is-internal 'backward-delete-char-untabify)))
384 (where-is-internal 'backward-delete-char-untabify)))
361385 "Character generated by key bound to delete-backward-char.")
363387 (and (vectorp del-back-ch) (= (length del-back-ch) 1)
451475 ;; (concat "^[ \t]*" (regexp-opt cafeobj-keywords-2 t t) "\\>")
452476 (concat "^[ \t]*" (regexp-opt cafeobj-keywords-2 ) "\\>")
453477 (concat "^[ \t]*\\("
454 (regexp-opt cafeobj-keywords-2)
455 "\\)\\>")))
478 (regexp-opt cafeobj-keywords-2)
479 "\\)\\>")))
458482 (defconst cafeobj-keyword-pat-3
510534 "require"
511535 "provide"
512536 "resolve"
537 "full"
538 "reset"
513539 "option"
514540 "db"
515541 "sos"
522548 "lex"
523549 "name"
524550 "names"
551 "look"
525552 "inspect"
526553 "inspect-term"
554 ":goal"
555 ":apply"
556 ":auto"
557 ":ind"
558 ":init"
559 ":cp"
560 ":ctf"
561 ":csp"
562 ":show"
563 ":describe"
564 ":verbose"
565 ":backward"
566 ":equation"
567 ":rule"
568 ":select"
527569 )
528570 "CafeOBJ top-level commands")
544586 (defconst cafeobj-top-key-pat
545587 (concat "^\\<\\("
546 (regexp-opt cafeobj-top-keywords)
547 "\\)\\>"))
549 ;(defconst cafeobj-top-decl-pat
550 ; (concat "^[ \t]*\\(?:"
551 ; "module\\*\\|mod\\*\\|"
552 ; (regexp-opt '("module" "mod" "module!" "mod!" "view"))
553 ; "\\>\\)"))
588 (regexp-opt cafeobj-top-keywords)
589 "\\)\\>"))
555591 (defconst cafeobj-top-decl-pat
556592 (concat "^[ \t]*\\("
557 "module\\|module\\*\\|mod\\*\\|module\\|mod\\|module!\\|mod!\\|view\\|hwd:mod!\\|sys:mod!"
558 "\\)\\>"))
593 "module\\|module\\*\\|mod\\*\\|module\\|mod\\|module!\\|mod!\\|view\\|hwd:mod!\\|sys:mod!"
594 "\\)\\>"))
560596 (defun looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl ()
561 (looking-at cafeobj-top-decl-pat)
562 )
597 (looking-at cafeobj-top-decl-pat))
564599 (defconst cafeobj-block-start-pat
565600 (concat "[ \t]*"
566 (regexp-opt '("signature" "axioms" "imports" "record" "class")
567 t)
568 "\\>"))
601 (regexp-opt '("signature" "axioms" "imports" "record" "class")
602 t)
603 "\\>"))
570605 (defun looking-at-cafeobj-block-start-pat ()
571606 (looking-at cafeobj-block-start-pat))
573608 (defun looking-at-cafeobj-module-decl ()
574609 (looking-at (concat "^\\<\\("
575 (regexp-opt '("module" "mod" "module*" "mod*"
576 "module!" "mod!"))
577 "\\)\\>")))
610 (regexp-opt '("module" "mod" "module*" "mod*"
611 "module!" "mod!"))
612 "\\)\\>")))
579614 (defun looking-at-cafeobj-view-decl ()
580615 (looking-at "^\\<view\\>"))
622657 (cond (cafeobj-xemacs-p
623658 (setq cafeobj-mode-popup-menu
624 (purecopy '("CafeOBJ Interaction Menu"
625 ["Evaluate This Declaration"
626 cafeobj-send-decl t]
627 ["Evaluate Current Line" cafeobj-send-line t]
628 ["Evaluate Entire Buffer" cafeobj-send-buffer t]
629 ["Evaluate Region" cafeobj-send-region
630 (region-exists-p)]
631 "---"
632 ["Comment Out Region" comment-region (region-exists-p)]
633 ["Indent Region" indent-region (region-exists-p)]
634 ["Indent Line" cafeobj-indent-line t]
635 ["Beginning of Declaration"
636 cafeobj-beginning-of-decl t]
637 )))
659 (purecopy '("CafeOBJ Interaction Menu"
660 ["Evaluate This Declaration"
661 cafeobj-send-decl t]
662 ["Evaluate Current Line" cafeobj-send-line t]
663 ["Evaluate Entire Buffer" cafeobj-send-buffer t]
664 ["Evaluate Region" cafeobj-send-region
665 (region-exists-p)]
666 "---"
667 ["Comment Out Region" comment-region (region-exists-p)]
668 ["Indent Region" indent-region (region-exists-p)]
669 ["Indent Line" cafeobj-indent-line t]
670 ["Beginning of Declaration"
671 cafeobj-beginning-of-decl t]
672 )))
638673 (setq cafeobj-mode-menubar-menu
639 (purecopy (cons "CafeOBJ" (cdr cafeobj-mode-popup-menu)))))
674 (purecopy (cons "CafeOBJ" (cdr cafeobj-mode-popup-menu)))))
640675 (t ;;
641676 (setq cafeobj-mode-menu (make-sparse-keymap "CafeOBJ"))
642 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [choas-send-line]
643 '("Evaluate Current Line" . cafeobj-send-current-line))
677 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-send-line]
678 '("Evaluate Current Line" . cafeobj-send-line))
644679 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-send-region]
645 '("Evaluate Cafeobj-Region" . cafeobj-send-region))
680 '("Evaluate Cafeobj-Region" . cafeobj-send-region))
646681 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-send-proc]
647 '("Evaluate This Declaration" . cafeobj-send-decl))
682 '("Evaluate This Declaration" . cafeobj-send-decl))
648683 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-send-buffer]
649 '("Send Buffer" . cafeobj-send-buffer))
684 '("Send Buffer" . cafeobj-send-buffer))
650685 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-beginning-of-decl]
651 '("Beginning Of Proc" . cafeobj-beginning-of-decl))
686 '("Beginning Of Proc" . cafeobj-beginning-of-decl))
652687 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [comment-region]
653 '("Comment Out Region" . comment-region))
688 '("Comment Out Region" . comment-region))
654689 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [indent-region]
655 '("Indent Region" . indent-region))
690 '("Indent Region" . indent-region))
656691 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-indent-line]
657 '("Indent Line" . cafeobj-indent-line))
692 '("Indent Line" . cafeobj-indent-line))
658693 (define-key cafeobj-mode-menu [cafeobj-beginning-of-decl]
659 '("Beginning of Declaration" . cafeobj-beginning-of-decl))
694 '("Beginning of Declaration" . cafeobj-beginning-of-decl))
660695 ))
662697 ;;; ------------
666701 (defvar cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table nil
667702 "Abbrev table in use in CafeOBJ mode.")
704 ;;; se use extended abbriv
705 (autoload 'expand-abbrev-hook "expand")
668707 ;;; some default abbreviations define here
669708 (if cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table
670709 nil
671 (define-abbrev-table 'cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table
672 '(("btrns" "btrans" nil 0)
673 ("bcq" "bceq" nil 0)
674 ("compat" "compatibility" nil 0)
675 ("psort" "principal-sort" nil 0)
676 ("req" "require" nil 0)
677 ("sh" "show" nil 0)
678 ("verb" "verbose" nil 0)
679 ("reg" "regularize" nil 0)
680 ("import" "imports" nil 0)
681 ("cq" "ceq" nil 0)
682 ("red" "reduce" nil 0)
683 ("strat" "strategy" nil 0)
684 ("us" "using" nil 0)
685 ("btrn" "btrans" nil 0)
686 ("btr" "btrans" nil 0)
687 ("reconst" "reconstruct" nil 0)
688 ("chk" "check" nil 0)
689 ("trns" "trans" nil 0)
690 ("swit" "swithces" nil 0)
691 ("bq" "beq" nil 0)
692 ("desc" "describe" nil 0)
693 ("bctr" "bctrans" nil 0)
694 ("incl" "include" nil 0)
695 ("bctrn" "bctrans" nil 0)
696 ("ex" "extending" nil 0)
697 ;; ("axs" "axioms" nil 0)
698 ("pr" "protecting" nil 0)
699 ("bctrns" "bctrans" nil 0)
700 ("pat" "pattern" nil 0)
701 ("recon" "reconstruct" nil 0)
702 ("prov" "provide" nil 0)
703 ("sel" "select" nil 0)
704 ("sig" "signature" nil 0)
705 ("sign" "signature" nil 1)
706 ("cond" "conditions" nil 0)
707 ("imp" "imports" nil 0)
708 ("comp" "compatibility" nil 0)
709 ("swi" "switch" nil 0)
710 ("reconstr" "reconstruct" nil 0)
711 ))
712 )
710 (define-abbrev-table 'cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table
711 '(;; top level declaration
712 ("mod" ["module {\n\n}\n" 5 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
713 ("pmod" ["module () {\n\n}\n" 8 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
714 ("vw" ["view {\n\n}\n" 5 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
715 ("mk" ["make ()" 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
716 ;; module constructs
717 ("ps" "pricipal-sort" nil 0)
718 ;; imports
719 ("imp" ["imports {\n\n}\n" 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
720 ("pr" ["protecting()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
721 ("pa" ["protecting as ()" 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
722 ("ex" ["extending()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
723 ("ea" ["extending as ()" 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
724 ("us" ["using()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
725 ("ua" ["using as ()" 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
726 ("inc" ["including()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
727 ("ias" ["including as ()" 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
728 ;; signature
729 ("sig" ["signature {\n\n}\n" 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
730 ;; sort declarations
731 ("[" ["[]" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
732 ("*[" ["*[]*" 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
733 ;; operator declaration
734 ("ope" ["op : -> ." 10 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
735 ("opt" ["op : -> {} ." 12 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
736 ("ops" ["ops : -> ." 9 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
737 ("pred" ["pred : ." 4 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
738 ;; operator attributes
739 ("str" ["strat: ()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
740 ("ctr" "ctor" nil 0)
741 ("ra" "r-assoc" nil 0)
742 ("la" "l-assoc" nil 0)
743 ("pre" "prec:" nil 0)
744 ("ass" "assoc" nil 0)
745 ("com" "comm" nil 0)
746 ;; axiom
747 ("axi" ["axioms {\n\n}\n" 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
748 ("bt" ["btrans => ." 7 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
749 ("bct"["bctrans => if ." 10 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
750 ("ctr" ["ctrans => if ." 10 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
751 ("tr" ["trans => ." 7 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
752 ("eq" ["eq = ." 7 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
753 ("cq" ["ceq = if ." 10 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
754 ("bq" ["beq = ." 7 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
755 ("bcq" ["bceq = if ." 10 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
756 ("var" ["var : " 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
757 ("vars" ["vars : " 3 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
758 ;; commands
759 ("ch" "check" nil 0)
760 ("comp" "compatibility " nil 0)
761 ("reg" "regularity " nil 0)
762 ("red" ["reduce ." 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
763 ("rin" ["reduce in : ." 5 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
764 ("exe" ["execute ." 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
765 ("ein" ["execute in : ." 5 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
766 ("par" ["parse ." 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
767 ("parse" ["parse ." 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
768 ("pin" ["parse in : ." 5 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
769 ("sh" "show" nil 0)
770 ("des" "describe " nil 0)
771 ("regu" "regualize " nil 0)
772 ("verb" "verbose" nil 0)
773 ("sw" "switch" nil 0)
774 ("sws" "switches" nil 0)
775 ("req" "require" nil 0)
776 ("prov" "provide" nil 0)
777 ("sel" ["select ." 2 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
778 ;; CITP
779 (":goal" [":goal {}" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
780 (":go" [":goal {}" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
781 (":apply" [":apply ()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
782 (":app" [":apply ()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
783 (":ind" [":ind on ()" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
784 (":ini" [":init () by { ;}" 9 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
785 (":inil" [":init [] by { ;}" 9 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
786 (":cp" [":cp () >< ()" 7 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
787 (":cpl" [":cp [] >< []" 7 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
788 (":eq" ":equation" nil 0)
789 (":rl" ":rule" nil 0)
790 (":bk" ":backward" nil 0)
791 (":vb" ":verbose" nil 0)
792 (":norm" ":normalize" nil 0)
793 (":ctf" [":ctf{}" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
794 (":csp" [":csp{}" 1 () nil] expand-abbrev-hook 0)
795 (":sh" ":show" nil 0)
796 (":des" ":describe" nil 0)
797 ))
798 )
715801 (defvar cafeobj-mode-syntax-table nil
719805 ()
720806 (setq cafeobj-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
721807 (mapc (function
722 (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry
723 (car x) (cdr x) cafeobj-mode-syntax-table)))
724 '(( ?\( . "()" ) ( ?\) . ")(" )
725 ( ?\[ . "(]" ) ( ?\] . ")[" )
726 ( ?\{ . "(}" ) ( ?\} . "){" )
727 ;; underscore etc. is word class
728 ( ?\_ . "w" )
729 ( ?\# . "w" )
730 ( ?\! . "w" )
731 ( ?\$ . "w" )
732 ( ?\% . "w" )
733 ( ?\" . "\"" ) ; double quote is string quote too
734 ( ?\n . ">"))
735 ))
808 (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry
809 (car x) (cdr x) cafeobj-mode-syntax-table)))
810 '((?\( . "()" ) ( ?\) . ")(" )
811 ;; ( ?\[ . "(]" ) ( ?\] . ")[" )
812 (?\{ . "(}" ) ( ?\} . "){" )
813 (?\[ . "w") (?\] . "w")
814 (?\* . "w")
815 ;; underscore etc. is word class
816 ( ?\_ . "w" )
817 ( ?\# . "w" )
818 ( ?\! . "w" )
819 ( ?\$ . "w" )
820 ( ?\% . "w" )
821 ( ?\: . "w")
822 ( ?\" . "\"" ) ; double quote is string quote too
823 ( ?\n . ">"))
824 ))
825 (defvar mode-popup-menu) ;only for XEmacs
737827 (defun cafeobj-mode ()
738828 "Major mode for editing CafeOBJ programs.
751841 (setq local-abbrev-table cafeobj-mode-abbrev-table)
752842 ;; settting menu.
753843 (if cafeobj-xemacs-p
754 (setq mode-popup-menu
755 cafeobj-mode-popup-menu)
844 (setq mode-popup-menu
845 cafeobj-mode-popup-menu)
756846 (progn
757 (define-key cafeobj-mode-map [menu-bar cafeobj-mode]
758 (cons "CafeOBJ" cafeobj-mode-menu))))
847 (define-key cafeobj-mode-map [menu-bar cafeobj-mode]
848 (cons "CafeOBJ" cafeobj-mode-menu))))
759849 ;;
760850 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-process) nil)
761851 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-process-buffer) nil)
762852 (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-default-command-switches)
763853 ;;
764854 (cond (cafeobj-xemacs-p
765 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults))
766 (t (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords)
767 cafeobj-font-lock-keywords)))
855 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults))
856 (t (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords)
857 cafeobj-font-lock-keywords)))
768858 ;;
769859 (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
770860 (setq font-lock-defaults '(cafeobj-font-lock-keywords t))
789879 (save-excursion
790880 (goto-char (point-min))
791881 (if (looking-at "#![ \t]*\\([^ \t]*\\)[ \t]\\(.*[ \t]\\)-f")
792 (progn
793 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-application-name)
794 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
795 (match-end 1)))
796 (if (match-beginning 2)
797 (progn
798 (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
799 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-default-command-switches) nil)
800 (while (< (point) (match-end 2))
801 (setq s (read (current-buffer)))
802 (if (<= (point) (match-end 2))
803 (setq cafeobj-default-command-switches
804 (append cafeobj-default-command-switches
805 (list (prin1-to-string s)))))))))
806 ;; if this fails, look for the #!/bin/csh ... exec hack
807 (while (eq (following-char) ?#)
808 (forward-line 1))
809 (or (bobp)
810 (forward-char -1))
811 (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\\)
812 (progn
813 (forward-char 1)
814 (if (looking-at "exec[ \t]+\\([^ \t]*\\)[ \t]\\(.*[ \t]\\)*-f")
815 (progn
816 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-application-name)
817 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
818 (match-end 1)))
819 (if (match-beginning 2)
820 (progn
821 (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
822 (set (make-local-variable
823 'cafeobj-default-command-switches)
824 nil)
825 (while (< (point) (match-end 2))
826 (setq s (read (current-buffer)))
827 (if (<= (point) (match-end 2))
828 (setq cafeobj-default-command-switches
829 (append cafeobj-default-command-switches
830 (list (prin1-to-string s)))))))))
831 )))))
882 (progn
883 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-application-name)
884 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
885 (match-end 1)))
886 (if (match-beginning 2)
887 (progn
888 (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
889 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-default-command-switches) nil)
890 (while (< (point) (match-end 2))
891 (setq s (read (current-buffer)))
892 (if (<= (point) (match-end 2))
893 (setq cafeobj-default-command-switches
894 (append cafeobj-default-command-switches
895 (list (prin1-to-string s)))))))))
896 ;; if this fails, look for the #!/bin/csh ... exec hack
897 (while (eq (following-char) ?#)
898 (forward-line 1))
899 (or (bobp)
900 (forward-char -1))
901 (if (eq (preceding-char) ?\\)
902 (progn
903 (forward-char 1)
904 (if (looking-at "exec[ \t]+\\([^ \t]*\\)[ \t]\\(.*[ \t]\\)*-f")
905 (progn
906 (set (make-local-variable 'cafeobj-application-name)
907 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
908 (match-end 1)))
909 (if (match-beginning 2)
910 (progn
911 (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
912 (set (make-local-variable
913 'cafeobj-default-command-switches)
914 nil)
915 (while (< (point) (match-end 2))
916 (setq s (read (current-buffer)))
917 (if (<= (point) (match-end 2))
918 (setq cafeobj-default-command-switches
919 (append cafeobj-default-command-switches
920 (list (prin1-to-string s)))))))))
921 )))))
832922 ;;
833923 ;; (if (and (featurep 'menubar)
834 ;; current-menubar)
835 ;; (progn
836 ;; ;; make a local copy of the menubar, so our modes don't
837 ;; ;; change the global menubar
838 ;; (set-buffer-menubar current-menubar)
839 ;; (add-submenu nil cafeobj-mode-menubar-menu)))
924 ;; current-menubar)
925 ;; (progn
926 ;; ;; make a local copy of the menubar, so our modes don't
927 ;; ;; change the global menubar
928 ;; (set-buffer-menubar current-menubar)
929 ;; (add-submenu nil cafeobj-mode-menubar-menu)))
840930 ;;
841931 (run-hooks 'cafeobj-mode-hook)))
851941 (setq cafeobj-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
852942 ;;
853943 (let ((map (if cafeobj-prefix-key
854 (make-sparse-keymap)
855 cafeobj-mode-map)))
944 (make-sparse-keymap)
945 cafeobj-mode-map)))
856946 ;; indentation
857947 (define-key cafeobj-mode-map [?}] 'cafeobj-electric-brace)
858948 ;; communication
859 (define-key map "i" 'cafeobj-send-line)
949 (define-key map "l" 'cafeobj-send-line)
860950 (define-key map "e" 'cafeobj-send-decl)
861951 (define-key map "r" 'cafeobj-send-region)
862 (define-key map "l" 'cafeobj-send-buffer)
952 (define-key map "b" 'cafeobj-send-buffer)
863953 (define-key map "[" 'cafeobj-beginning-of-decl)
864954 (define-key map "]" 'cafeobj-end-of-decl)
865955 (define-key map "q" 'cafeobj-kill-process)
867957 (define-key map "h" 'cafeobj-hide-process-buffer)
868958 ;;
869959 (if cafeobj-prefix-key
870 (define-key cafeobj-mode-map cafeobj-prefix-key map))
960 (define-key cafeobj-mode-map cafeobj-prefix-key map))
871961 ))
873963 ;;; ----------------
887977 (interactive "P")
888978 (let (insertpos)
889979 (if (and (not arg)
890 (eolp)
891 (or (save-excursion
892 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
893 (bolp))
894 (if cafeobj-auto-newline
895 (progn (cafeobj-indent-line) (newline) t)
896 nil)))
897 (progn
898 ;; (insert last-command-char)
899 (insert last-command-event)
900 (cafeobj-indent-line)
901 (if cafeobj-auto-newline
902 (progn
903 (newline)
904 ;; (newline) may have done auto-fill
905 (setq insertpos (- (point) 2))
906 (cafeobj-indent-line)))
907 (save-excursion
908 (if insertpos (goto-char (1+ insertpos)))
909 (delete-char -1))))
980 (eolp)
981 (or (save-excursion
982 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
983 (bolp))
984 (if cafeobj-auto-newline
985 (progn (cafeobj-indent-line) (newline) t)
986 nil)))
987 (progn
988 ;; (insert last-command-char)
989 (insert last-command-event)
990 (cafeobj-indent-line)
991 (if cafeobj-auto-newline
992 (progn
993 (newline)
994 ;; (newline) may have done auto-fill
995 (setq insertpos (- (point) 2))
996 (cafeobj-indent-line)))
997 (save-excursion
998 (if insertpos (goto-char (1+ insertpos)))
999 (delete-char -1))))
9101000 (if insertpos
911 (save-excursion
912 (goto-char insertpos)
913 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
914 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))))
1001 (save-excursion
1002 (goto-char insertpos)
1003 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
1004 (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))))
9161006 (defun cafeobj-beginning-of-block (&optional arg)
9171007 "Move backward to the beginning of a CafeOBJ block structure.
9211011 (interactive "P")
9221012 (or arg (setq arg 1))
9231013 (let ((found nil)
924 (ret t))
1014 (ret t))
9251015 (if (and (< arg 0)
926 (looking-at-cafeobj-block-start-pat))
927 (forward-char 1))
1016 (looking-at-cafeobj-block-start-pat))
1017 (forward-char 1))
9281018 (while (< arg 0)
9291019 (if (re-search-forward cafeobj-block-start-pat nil t)
930 (setq arg (1+ arg)
931 found t)
932 (setq ret nil
933 arg 0)))
1020 (setq arg (1+ arg)
1021 found t)
1022 (setq ret nil
1023 arg 0)))
9341024 (if found
935 (beginning-of-line))
1025 (beginning-of-line))
9361026 (while (> arg 0)
9371027 (if (re-search-backward cafeobj-block-start-pat nil t)
938 (setq arg (1- arg))
939 (setq ret nil
940 arg 0)))
1028 (setq arg (1- arg))
1029 (setq ret nil
1030 arg 0)))
9411031 ret))
9431033 (defun cafeobj-beginning-of-decl (&optional arg)
9481038 (interactive "P")
9491039 (or arg (setq arg 1))
9501040 (let ((found nil)
951 (ret t))
1041 (ret t))
9521042 (if (and (< arg 0)
953 (looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl))
954 (forward-char 1))
1043 (looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl))
1044 (forward-char 1))
9551045 (while (< arg 0)
9561046 (if (re-search-forward cafeobj-top-decl-pat nil t)
957 (setq arg (1+ arg)
958 found t)
959 (setq ret nil
960 arg 0)))
1047 (setq arg (1+ arg)
1048 found t)
1049 (setq ret nil
1050 arg 0)))
9611051 (if found
962 (beginning-of-line))
1052 (beginning-of-line))
9631053 (while (> arg 0)
9641054 (if (re-search-backward cafeobj-top-decl-pat nil t)
965 (setq arg (1- arg))
966 (setq ret nil
967 arg 0)))
1055 (setq arg (1- arg))
1056 (setq ret nil
1057 arg 0)))
9681058 ret))
9701060 (defun cafeobj-end-of-decl (&optional arg)
9771067 (or arg
9781068 (setq arg 1))
9791069 (let ((found nil)
980 (ret t))
1070 (ret t))
9811071 (if (and (< arg 0)
982 (not (bolp))
983 (save-excursion
984 (beginning-of-line)
985 (eq (following-char) ?})))
986 (forward-char -1))
1072 (not (bolp))
1073 (save-excursion
1074 (beginning-of-line)
1075 (eq (following-char) ?})))
1076 (forward-char -1))
9871077 (while (> arg 0)
9881078 (if (re-search-forward "^}" nil t)
989 (setq arg (1- arg)
990 found t)
991 (setq ret nil
992 arg 0)))
1079 (setq arg (1- arg)
1080 found t)
1081 (setq ret nil
1082 arg 0)))
9931083 (while (< arg 0)
9941084 (if (re-search-backward "^}" nil t)
995 (setq arg (1+ arg)
996 found t)
997 (setq ret nil
998 arg 0)))
1085 (setq arg (1+ arg)
1086 found t)
1087 (setq ret nil
1088 arg 0)))
9991089 (if found
1000 (end-of-line))
1090 (end-of-line))
10011091 ret))
10031093 (defun cafeobj-outline-level ()
10081098 (defun cafeobj-inside-parens-p ()
10091099 (condition-case ()
10101100 (save-excursion
1011 (save-restriction
1012 (narrow-to-region (point)
1013 (progn (cafeobj-beginning-of-decl) (point)))
1014 (goto-char (point-max))
1015 (= (char-after (or (scan-lists (point) -1 1) (point-min))) ?\()))
1101 (save-restriction
1102 (narrow-to-region (point)
1103 (progn (cafeobj-beginning-of-decl) (point)))
1104 (goto-char (point-max))
1105 (= (char-after (or (scan-lists (point) -1 1) (point-min))) ?\()))
10161106 (error nil)))
10181108 (defun cafeobj-indent-command (&optional whole-exp)
10301120 ;; If arg, always indent this line as CafeOBJ
10311121 ;; and shift remaining lines of expression the same amount.
10321122 (let ((shift-amt (cafeobj-indent-line))
1033 beg end)
1034 (save-excursion
1035 (if cafeobj-tab-always-indent
1036 (beginning-of-line))
1037 ;; Find beginning of following line.
1038 (save-excursion
1039 (forward-line 1) (setq beg (point)))
1040 ;; Find first beginning-of-sexp for sexp extending past this line.
1041 (while (< (point) beg)
1042 (forward-sexp 1)
1043 (setq end (point))
1044 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")))
1045 (if (> end beg)
1046 (indent-code-rigidly beg end shift-amt "#")))
1123 beg end)
1124 (save-excursion
1125 (if cafeobj-tab-always-indent
1126 (beginning-of-line))
1127 ;; Find beginning of following line.
1128 (save-excursion
1129 (forward-line 1) (setq beg (point)))
1130 ;; Find first beginning-of-sexp for sexp extending past this line.
1131 (while (< (point) beg)
1132 (forward-sexp 1)
1133 (setq end (point))
1134 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")))
1135 (if (> end beg)
1136 (indent-code-rigidly beg end shift-amt "#")))
10471137 (if (and (not cafeobj-tab-always-indent)
1048 (save-excursion
1049 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
1050 (not (bolp))))
1051 (insert-tab)
1138 (save-excursion
1139 (skip-chars-backward " \t")
1140 (not (bolp))))
1141 (insert-tab)
10521142 (cafeobj-indent-line))))
10541144 (defun cafeobj-indent-line ()
10551145 "Indent current line as CafeOBJ code.
10561146 Return the amount the indentation changed by."
10571147 (let ((indent (calculate-cafeobj-indent nil))
1058 beg shift-amt
1059 (case-fold-search nil)
1060 (pos (- (point-max) (point))))
1148 beg shift-amt
1149 (case-fold-search nil)
1150 (pos (- (point-max) (point))))
10611151 (beginning-of-line)
10621152 (setq beg (point))
10631153 (cond ((eq indent nil)
1064 (setq indent (current-indentation)))
1065 ((eq indent t)
1066 (setq indent (current-indentation)))
1067 (t
1068 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1069 (if (listp indent) (setq indent (car indent)))
1070 (cond ((= (following-char) ?})
1071 (setq indent (- indent cafeobj-indent-level)))
1072 ((= (following-char) ?{)
1073 (setq indent (+ indent cafeobj-brace-offset))))))
1154 (setq indent (current-indentation)))
1155 ((eq indent t)
1156 (setq indent (current-indentation)))
1157 (t
1158 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1159 (if (listp indent) (setq indent (car indent)))
1160 (cond ((= (following-char) ?})
1161 (setq indent (- indent cafeobj-indent-level)))
1162 ((= (following-char) ?{)
1163 (setq indent (+ indent cafeobj-brace-offset))))))
10741164 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
10751165 (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column)))
10761166 (if (zerop shift-amt)
1077 (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
1078 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
1167 (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
1168 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)))
10791169 (delete-region beg (point))
10801170 (indent-to indent)
10811171 ;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
10821172 ;; position after the indentation. Else stay at same point in text.
10831173 (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
1084 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))
1174 (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))
10851175 shift-amt))
10871177 (defun calculate-cafeobj-indent (&optional parse-start)
10911181 (save-excursion
10921182 (beginning-of-line)
10931183 (let ((indent-point (point))
1094 (case-fold-search nil)
1095 state
1096 containing-sexp)
1184 (case-fold-search nil)
1185 state
1186 containing-sexp)
10971187 (if parse-start
1098 (goto-char parse-start)
1099 (cafeobj-beginning-of-decl))
1188 (goto-char parse-start)
1189 (cafeobj-beginning-of-decl))
11001190 (while (< (point) indent-point)
1101 (setq parse-start (point))
1102 (setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) indent-point 0))
1103 (setq containing-sexp (car (cdr state))))
1191 (setq parse-start (point))
1192 (setq state (parse-partial-sexp (point) indent-point 0))
1193 (setq containing-sexp (car (cdr state))))
11041194 ;;
11051195 (cond ((or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state))
1106 ;; return nil or t if should not change this line
1107 (nth 4 state)) ; t if inside a comment, else nil.
1108 ;;
1109 ((null containing-sexp) ; we are at top-level
1110 ;; -- TOP-LEVEL------------------------------------------------
1111 ;; Line is at top level. May be module/view declaration or
1112 ;; top-level commands.
1113 (goto-char indent-point) ; start from original pos.
1114 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1115 (cond ((= (following-char) ?{) 0)
1116 ((looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl) 0)
1117 ((looking-at-cafeobj-comment-pat) (current-column))
1118 (t
1119 (cafeobj-backward-to-noncomment (or parse-start (point-min)))
1120 ;; Look at previous line that's at column 0
1121 ;; to determine whether we are in top-level decl.
1122 (let ((basic-indent
1123 (save-excursion
1124 (re-search-backward "^[^ \^L\t\n]" nil 'move)
1125 (if (and (looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl)
1126 (not (progn
1127 (condition-case nil
1128 (progn
1129 (search-forward "\{" parse-start)
1130 (forward-list))
1131 (error nil))
1132 (looking-at "\}"))))
1133 cafeobj-psort-indent
1134 0))))
1135 basic-indent))))
1136 ;; NON TOPLEVEL ----------------------------------------------
1137 ((and (/= (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)
1138 (< (car state) 2))
1139 ;; indent to just after the surrounding open.
1140 (goto-char (+ 2 containing-sexp))
1141 (current-column))
1142 ;; WITHIN A BRACE --------------------------------------------
1143 (t
1144 (goto-char indent-point)
1145 (if (and (not (is-cafeobj-beginning-of-statement))
1146 (progn (cafeobj-backward-to-noncomment containing-sexp)
1147 (not (memq (preceding-char)
1148 '(0 ?\, ?\} ?\{ ?\. ?\] ?\)))))
1149 ;; don't treat a line with a close-brace
1150 ;; as a continuation. It is probably the
1151 ;; end of a block.
1152 (save-excursion
1153 (goto-char indent-point)
1154 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1155 (not (= (following-char) ?})))
1156 )
1157 ;; This line is continuation of preceding line's statement;
1158 ;; indent cafeobj-continued-statement-offset more than the
1159 ;; previous line of the statement.
1160 (progn
1161 (cafeobj-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp containing-sexp)
1162 (+ cafeobj-continued-statement-offset (current-column)
1163 (if (save-excursion (goto-char indent-point)
1164 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1165 (eq (following-char) ?{))
1166 cafeobj-continued-brace-offset
1167 0)))
1168 ;; This line starts a new statement.
1169 ;; if we are looking at a comment line, leave it as is.
1170 (if (progn
1171 (goto-char indent-point)
1172 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1173 (looking-at-cafeobj-comment-pat))
1174 (current-column)
1175 (progn
1176 ;; Position following last unclosed open-brace.
1177 (goto-char containing-sexp)
1178 ;; Is line first statement after an open-brace?
1179 (or
1180 ;; If no, find that first statement and indent like it.
1181 (save-excursion
1182 (forward-char 1)
1183 (while (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
1184 (looking-at "--[ \t].*\\|\*\*[ \t].*"))
1185 (forward-line 1))
1186 ;; The first following code counts
1187 ;; if it is before the line we want to indent.
1188 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
1189 (and (< (point) indent-point)
1190 (- (current-column)
1191 ;; If prev stmt starts with open-brace, that
1192 ;; open brace was offset by cafeobj-brace-offset.
1193 ;; Compensate to get the column where
1194 ;; an ordinary statement would start.
1195 (if (= (following-char) ?\{)
1196 cafeobj-brace-offset
1197 0))
1198 ))
1199 ;; If no previous statement,
1200 ;; indent it relative to line brace is on.
1201 ;; For open brace in column zero, don't let statement
1202 ;; start there too. If cafeobj-indent-level is zero,
1203 ;; use cafeobj-brace-offset +
1204 ;; cafeobj-continued-statement-offset instead.
1205 ;; For open-braces not the first thing in a line,
1206 ;; add in cafeobj-brace-imaginary-offset.
1207 (+ (if (and (bolp) (zerop cafeobj-indent-level))
1208 (+ cafeobj-brace-offset
1209 cafeobj-continued-statement-offset)
1210 cafeobj-indent-level)
1211 ;; Move back over whitespace before the openbrace.
1212 ;; If openbrace is not first nonwhite thing on the line,
1213 ;; add the cafeobj-brace-imaginary-offset.
1214 (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t")
1215 (if (bolp)
1216 0
1217 cafeobj-brace-imaginary-offset))
1218 ;; If the openbrace is preceded by a parenthesized exp,
1219 ;; move to the beginning of that;
1220 ;; possibly a different line
1221 (progn
1222 (if (memq (preceding-char) '(?\) \]))
1223 (forward-sexp -1))
1224 ;; Get initial indentation of the line we are on.
1225 (current-indentation))))))))))))
1196 ;; return nil or t if should not change this line
1197 (nth 4 state)) ; t if inside a comment, else nil.
1198 ;;
1199 ((null containing-sexp) ; we are at top-level
1200 ;; -- TOP-LEVEL------------------------------------------------
1201 ;; Line is at top level. May be module/view declaration or
1202 ;; top-level commands.
1203 (goto-char indent-point) ; start from original pos.
1204 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1205 (cond ((= (following-char) ?{) 0)
1206 ((looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl) 0)
1207 ((looking-at-cafeobj-comment-pat) (current-column))
1208 (t
1209 (cafeobj-backward-to-noncomment (or parse-start (point-min)))
1210 ;; Look at previous line that's at column 0
1211 ;; to determine whether we are in top-level decl.
1212 (let ((basic-indent
1213 (save-excursion
1214 (re-search-backward "^[^ \^L\t\n]" nil 'move)
1215 (if (and (looking-at-cafeobj-top-decl)
1216 (not (progn
1217 (condition-case nil
1218 (progn
1219 (search-forward "\{" parse-start)
1220 (forward-list))
1221 (error nil))
1222 (looking-at "\}"))))
1223 cafeobj-psort-indent
1224 0))))
1225 basic-indent))))
1226 ;; NON TOPLEVEL ----------------------------------------------
1227 ((and (/= (char-after containing-sexp) ?{)
1228 (< (car state) 2))
1229 ;; indent to just after the surrounding open.
1230 (goto-char (+ 2 containing-sexp))
1231 (current-column))
1232 ;; WITHIN A BRACE --------------------------------------------
1233 (t
1234 (goto-char indent-point)
1235 (if (and (not (is-cafeobj-beginning-of-statement))
1236 (progn (cafeobj-backward-to-noncomment containing-sexp)
1237 (not (memq (preceding-char)
1238 '(0 ?\, ?\} ?\{ ?\. ?\] ?\)))))
1239 ;; don't treat a line with a close-brace
1240 ;; as a continuation. It is probably the
1241 ;; end of a block.
1242 (save-excursion
1243 (goto-char indent-point)
1244 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1245 (not (= (following-char) ?})))
1246 )
1247 ;; This line is continuation of preceding line's statement;
1248 ;; indent cafeobj-continued-statement-offset more than the
1249 ;; previous line of the statement.
1250 (progn
1251 (cafeobj-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp containing-sexp)
1252 (+ cafeobj-continued-statement-offset (current-column)
1253 (if (save-excursion (goto-char indent-point)
1254 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1255 (eq (following-char) ?{))
1256 cafeobj-continued-brace-offset
1257 0)))
1258 ;; This line starts a new statement.
1259 ;; if we are looking at a comment line, leave it as is.
1260 (if (progn
1261 (goto-char indent-point)
1262 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1263 (looking-at-cafeobj-comment-pat))
1264 (current-column)
1265 (progn
1266 ;; Position following last unclosed open-brace.
1267 (goto-char containing-sexp)
1268 ;; Is line first statement after an open-brace?
1269 (or
1270 ;; If no, find that first statement and indent like it.
1271 (save-excursion
1272 (forward-char 1)
1273 (while (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
1274 (looking-at "--[ \t].*\\|\*\*[ \t].*"))
1275 (forward-line 1))
1276 ;; The first following code counts
1277 ;; if it is before the line we want to indent.
1278 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
1279 (and (< (point) indent-point)
1280 (- (current-column)
1281 ;; If prev stmt starts with open-brace, that
1282 ;; open brace was offset by cafeobj-brace-offset.
1283 ;; Compensate to get the column where
1284 ;; an ordinary statement would start.
1285 (if (= (following-char) ?\{)
1286 cafeobj-brace-offset
1287 0))
1288 ))
1289 ;; If no previous statement,
1290 ;; indent it relative to line brace is on.
1291 ;; For open brace in column zero, don't let statement
1292 ;; start there too. If cafeobj-indent-level is zero,
1293 ;; use cafeobj-brace-offset +
1294 ;; cafeobj-continued-statement-offset instead.
1295 ;; For open-braces not the first thing in a line,
1296 ;; add in cafeobj-brace-imaginary-offset.
1297 (+ (if (and (bolp) (zerop cafeobj-indent-level))
1298 (+ cafeobj-brace-offset
1299 cafeobj-continued-statement-offset)
1300 cafeobj-indent-level)
1301 ;; Move back over whitespace before the openbrace.
1302 ;; If openbrace is not first nonwhite thing on the line,
1303 ;; add the cafeobj-brace-imaginary-offset.
1304 (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t")
1305 (if (bolp)
1306 0
1307 cafeobj-brace-imaginary-offset))
1308 ;; If the openbrace is preceded by a parenthesized exp,
1309 ;; move to the beginning of that;
1310 ;; possibly a different line
1311 (progn
1312 (if (memq (preceding-char) '(?\) \]))
1313 (forward-sexp -1))
1314 ;; Get initial indentation of the line we are on.
1315 (current-indentation))))))))))))
12271317 (defun is-cafeobj-beginning-of-statement ()
12281318 (save-excursion
12291319 (beginning-of-line)
12301320 ;; (skip-chars-forward " \t")
12311321 (or (looking-at-cafeobj-keyword-pat)
1232 (looking-at-cafeobj-command-pat))))
1322 (looking-at-cafeobj-command-pat))))
12341324 (defun cafeobj-backward-to-noncomment (lim)
12351325 (let (stop)
12361326 (while (not stop)
12371327 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\f" lim)
12381328 (setq stop (or (<= (point) lim)
1239 (save-excursion
1240 (beginning-of-line)
1241 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1242 (not (looking-at-cafeobj-comment-pat)))))
1329 (save-excursion
1330 (beginning-of-line)
1331 (skip-chars-forward " \t")
1332 (not (looking-at-cafeobj-comment-pat)))))
12431333 (or stop (beginning-of-line)))))
12451335 (defun cafeobj-backward-to-start-of-continued-exp (lim)
12491339 (if (<= (point) lim)
12501340 (goto-char (1+ lim)))
12511341 (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
13591448 nil)
13601449 "*If non-nil, is regexp used to track drive changes."
13611450 :type '(choice regexp
1362 (const nil))
1451 (const nil))
13631452 :group 'cafeobj-directories)
13651454 (defcustom cafeobj-cd-regexp "cd"
13851474 "List of directories saved by pushd in this buffer's CafeOBJ.
13861475 Thus, this does not include the CafeOBJ's current directory.")
1477 (defvar cafeobj-dirstack-query nil)
13881479 (defvar cafeobj-dirtrackp t
13891480 "Non-nil in a CafeOBJ buffer means directory tracking is enabled.")
13961487 (cond ((not cafeobj-process-mode-map)
13971488 (setq cafeobj-process-mode-map
1398 (nconc (make-sparse-keymap) comint-mode-map))
1489 (nconc (make-sparse-keymap) comint-mode-map))
13991490 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map
1400 "\C-c\C-f" 'cafeobj-forward-command)
1491 "\C-c\C-f" 'cafeobj-forward-command)
14011492 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map
1402 "\C-c\C-b" 'cafeobj-backward-command)
1493 "\C-c\C-b" 'cafeobj-backward-command)
14031494 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map
1404 "\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
1495 "\t" 'comint-dynamic-complete)
14051496 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map
1406 "\M-?" 'comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
1497 "\M-?" 'comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
1498 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map
1499 "\C-c\C-g" 'cafeobj-put-esc-esc)
14071500 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map [menu-bar completion]
1408 (cons "Complete"
1409 (copy-keymap (lookup-key comint-mode-map [menu-bar completion]))))
1501 (cons "Complete"
1502 (copy-keymap (lookup-key comint-mode-map [menu-bar completion]))))
14101503 (define-key-after (lookup-key cafeobj-process-mode-map
1411 [menu-bar completion])
1412 [complete-env-variable] '("Complete Env. Variable Name" .
1413 cafeobj-dynamic-complete-environment-variable)
1414 'complete-file)
1504 [menu-bar completion])
1505 [complete-env-variable] '("Complete Env. Variable Name" .
1506 cafeobj-dynamic-complete-environment-variable)
1507 'complete-file)
14151508 (define-key-after (lookup-key cafeobj-process-mode-map [menu-bar completion])
1416 [expand-directory] '("Expand Directory Reference" .
1417 cafeobj-replace-by-expanded-directory)
1418 'complete-expand)
1509 [expand-directory] '("Expand Directory Reference" .
1510 cafeobj-replace-by-expanded-directory)
1511 'complete-expand)
14191512 (unless (featurep 'infodock)
1420 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map "\M-\C-m" 'cafeobj-resync-dirs))
1513 (define-key cafeobj-process-mode-map "\M-\C-m" 'cafeobj-resync-dirs))
14211514 ))
14231516 (defcustom cafeobj-process-mode-hook nil
15011594 (setq cafeobj-process-font-lock-keywords
15021595 (append
15031596 (list '(eval . (cons cafeobj-prompt-pattern
1504 cafeobj-prompt-face))
1505 '("\\[Error\\]:" . cafeobj-error-face)
1506 '("\\[Warning\\]:" . cafeobj-warning-face)
1507 '("^\\[Properties .*$" . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1508 '("^\\[selected .*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1509 '("^\\* kept .*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-1)
1510 '("^\\*\\* success$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1511 '("^\\*\\* fail$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1512 '("^\\*\\* found .*$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1513 '("^\\*\\* ok, .*$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1514 '("\\<\\(trying .*\\)\\>:" 0 cafeobj-message-2-face)
1515 '("^\\*\\* check .*:" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1516 '("^\\*\\* Fail.*$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1517 '("^\\*\\* fail!$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1518 '("^\\*\\* Predicate .*$". cafeobj-message-3-face)
1519 '("^\\*\\* PigNose .*$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1520 '("^\\*\\* Search .*$" . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1521 '("^\\(-- reduce in .* :\\) " 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1522 '("^\\(-- behavioural reduce in .* :\\) " 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1523 '("^\\(-- cbred in .* :\\)" 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1524 '("^\\(#[0-9]+\\)(" 1 cafeobj-comment-face-1)
1525 ;; '("\\<done.$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1526 '("^\\(case #.*:\\) " 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1527 '("^| .*|$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1528 '("** __+$" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1529 '("^\\*\\*.*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-1)
1530 '("^\\*\\* USABLE " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1531 '("^\\*\\* SOS " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1532 '("^\\*\\* PASSIVE " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1533 '("^\\*\\* Starting PigNose " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1534 '("^\\*\\* DEMODULATORS " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1535 '("^\\*\\* PROOF " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1536 '("^___+$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1537 '("^---+$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1538 '("^--.*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1539 '("^adding axiom:" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1540 '("^goal:" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1541 '("^hypo:" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1542 '("^ax:" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1543 '("^+.*$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1544 '("^==.*$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1545 '("[ \t]\\([+-][^ \t\n>]+\\)" 1 cafeobj-option-face)
1546 ;; '("^[^\n]+.*$" . cafeobj-output-face)
1547 )
1597 cafeobj-prompt-face))
1598 '("\\[Error\\]:" . cafeobj-error-face)
1599 '("\\[Warning\\]:" . cafeobj-warning-face)
1600 '("^\\[Properties .*$" . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1601 '("^\\[selected .*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1602 '("^\\* kept .*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-1)
1603 '("^\\*\\* success$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1604 '("^\\*\\* fail$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1605 '("^\\*\\* found .*$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1606 '("^\\*\\* ok, .*$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1607 '("\\<\\(trying .*\\)\\>:" 0 cafeobj-message-2-face)
1608 '("^\\*\\* check .*:" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1609 '("^\\*\\* Fail.*$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1610 '("^\\*\\* fail!$" . cafeobj-message-3-face)
1611 '("^\\*\\* Predicate .*$". cafeobj-message-3-face)
1612 '("^\\*\\* PigNose .*$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1613 '("^\\*\\* Search .*$" . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1614 ;; reduction
1615 '("^\\(-- reduce in .* :\\) " 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1616 '("^\\(-- behavioural reduce in .* :\\) " 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1617 '("^\\(-- cbred in .* :\\)" 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1618 '("^\\(#[0-9]+\\)(" 1 cafeobj-comment-face-1)
1619 ;; CITP
1620 '("^\\[.+\\].*$" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1621 ;; '("\\<done.$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1622 '("^\\(case #.*:\\) " 1 cafeobj-message-1-face)
1623 '("^| .*|$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1624 '("** __+$" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1625 ;; '("^\\*\\*.*$" . cafeobj-comment-face-1)
1626 '("^\\*\\* USABLE " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1627 '("^\\*\\* SOS " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1628 '("^\\*\\* PASSIVE " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1629 '("^\\*\\* Starting PigNose " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1630 '("^\\*\\* DEMODULATORS " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1631 '("^\\*\\* PROOF " . cafeobj-process-keyword-face)
1632 '("^___+$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1633 '("^---+$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1634 '("^adding axiom:" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1635 '("^goal:" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1636 '("^hypo:" . cafeobj-comment-face-2)
1637 '("^ax:" . cafeobj-message-1-face)
1638 '("^==.*$" . cafeobj-message-2-face)
1639 '("[ \t]\\([+-][^ \t\n>]+\\)" 1 cafeobj-option-face)
1640 ;; '("^[^\n]+.*$" . cafeobj-output-face)
1641 )
15481642 cafeobj-font-lock-keywords)))
15501644 (put 'cafeobj-process-mode 'font-lock-defaults
15991693 (setq cafeobj-process (get-buffer-process cafeobj-process-buffer))
16001694 (save-excursion
16011695 (set-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer)
1602 (cafeobj-process-mode)
1603 ))
1696 (cafeobj-process-mode)))
1698 (defcustom cafeobj-logo-file "/usr/local/share/doc/cafeobj/cafeobj-logo-small.png"
1699 "CafeOBJ's logo file displayed at start up time of the interpreter."
1700 :type 'string
1701 :group 'cafeobj)
1703 (defun cafeobj-startup-message (&optional x y)
1704 "Insert startup message in current buffer."
1705 (erase-buffer)
1706 (when (and (display-graphic-p)
1707 (file-exists-p cafeobj-logo-file))
1708 (let* ((img (create-image cafeobj-logo-file))
1709 (img-size (image-size img))
1710 (char-per-pixel (/ (* 1.0 (window-width)) (window-pixel-width))))
1711 (goto-char (point-min))
1712 (insert " \n")
1713 (insert-image img)
1714 (while (not (eobp))
1715 (insert (make-string (truncate (* (/ (max (- (window-pixel-width)
1716 (or x (car img-size)))
1717 0)
1718 2)
1719 char-per-pixel))
1720 ?\ ))
1721 (forward-line 1))))
1722 (goto-char (point-max))
1723 (insert (make-string 2 ?\n))
1724 (set-buffer-modified-p t))
16051726 (defun cafeobj (&rest ignore)
16061727 (interactive)
16071728 (if (and cafeobj-process
1608 (eq (process-status cafeobj-process) 'run))
1729 (eq (process-status cafeobj-process) 'run))
16091730 (switch-to-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer)
16101731 (progn
16111732 (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*" cafeobj-application-name "*")))
1612 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application)
1613 )))
1733 ;; show cafeobj logo
1734 (cafeobj-startup-message)
1735 ;; start the process
1736 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))))
16151738 (defun cafeobj-kill-process ()
16161739 "Kill chaos subprocess and its buffer."
16331756 If `cafeobj-process' is nil or dead, start a new process first."
16341757 (interactive)
16351758 (let ((start (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))
1636 (end (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
1759 (end (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
16371760 (or (and cafeobj-process
1638 (eq (process-status cafeobj-process) 'run))
1639 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
1761 (eq (process-status cafeobj-process) 'run))
1762 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
16401763 (comint-simple-send cafeobj-process (buffer-substring start end))
16411764 (forward-line 1)
16421765 (if cafeobj-always-show
1643 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer))))
1766 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer))))
16451768 (defun cafeobj-send-region (start end)
16461769 "Send region to chaos subprocess."
16471770 (interactive "r")
1648 (or (and cafeobj-process
1649 (comint-check-proc cafeobj-process-buffer))
1650 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
1651 (comint-simple-send cafeobj-process
1652 (concat (buffer-substring start end) "\n"))
1653 (if cafeobj-always-show
1654 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer)))
1771 (when (and start end)
1772 (or (and cafeobj-process
1773 (comint-check-proc cafeobj-process-buffer))
1774 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
1775 (comint-simple-send cafeobj-process
1776 (concat (buffer-substring start end) "\n"))
1777 (if cafeobj-always-show
1778 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer))))
16561780 (defun cafeobj-send-decl ()
16571781 "Send proc around point to chaos subprocess."
16631787 (cafeobj-end-of-decl)
16641788 (setq end (point)))
16651789 (or (and cafeobj-process
1666 (comint-check-proc cafeobj-process-buffer))
1667 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
1790 (comint-check-proc cafeobj-process-buffer))
1791 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
16681792 (comint-simple-send cafeobj-process
1669 (concat (buffer-substring beg end) "\n"))
1793 (concat (buffer-substring beg end) "\n"))
16701794 (if cafeobj-always-show
1671 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer))))
1795 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer))))
16731797 (defun cafeobj-send-buffer ()
16741798 "Send whole buffer to chaos subprocess."
16751799 (interactive)
16761800 (or (and cafeobj-process
1677 (comint-check-proc cafeobj-process-buffer))
1801 (comint-check-proc cafeobj-process-buffer))
16781802 (cafeobj-start-process cafeobj-application-name cafeobj-default-application))
16791803 (if (buffer-modified-p)
16801804 (comint-simple-send cafeobj-process
1681 (concat
1682 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
1683 "\n"))
1805 (concat
1806 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
1807 "\n"))
16841808 (comint-simple-send cafeobj-process
1685 (concat "input "
1686 (buffer-file-name)
1687 "\n")))
1809 (concat "input "
1810 (buffer-file-name)
1811 "\n")))
16881812 (if cafeobj-always-show
16891813 (display-buffer cafeobj-process-buffer)))
17551879 (if cafeobj-dirtrackp
17561880 ;; We fail gracefully if we think the command will fail in the shell.
17571881 (condition-case chdir-failure
1758 (let ((start (progn (string-match "^[; \t]*" str) ; skip whitespace
1759 (match-end 0)))
1760 end cmd arg1)
1761 (while (string-match cafeobj-command-regexp str start)
1762 (setq end (match-end 0)
1763 cmd (comint-arguments (substring str start end) 0 0)
1764 arg1 (comint-arguments (substring str start end) 1 1))
1765 (cond ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-popd-regexp
1766 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1767 cmd)
1768 (cafeobj-process-popd (comint-substitute-in-file-name arg1)))
1769 ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-pushd-regexp
1770 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1771 cmd)
1772 (cafeobj-process-pushd (comint-substitute-in-file-name arg1)))
1773 ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-cd-regexp
1774 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1775 cmd)
1776 (cafeobj-process-cd (comint-substitute-in-file-name arg1)))
1777 ((and cafeobj-chdrive-regexp
1778 (string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-chdrive-regexp
1779 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1780 cmd))
1781 (cafeobj-process-cd (comint-substitute-in-file-name cmd))))
1782 (setq start (progn (string-match "[; \t]*" str end) ; skip again
1783 (match-end 0)))))
1882 (let ((start (progn (string-match "^[; \t]*" str) ; skip whitespace
1883 (match-end 0)))
1884 end cmd arg1)
1885 (while (string-match cafeobj-command-regexp str start)
1886 (setq end (match-end 0)
1887 cmd (comint-arguments (substring str start end) 0 0)
1888 arg1 (comint-arguments (substring str start end) 1 1))
1889 (cond ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-popd-regexp
1890 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1891 cmd)
1892 (cafeobj-process-popd (comint-substitute-in-file-name arg1)))
1893 ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-pushd-regexp
1894 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1895 cmd)
1896 (cafeobj-process-pushd (comint-substitute-in-file-name arg1)))
1897 ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-cd-regexp
1898 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1899 cmd)
1900 (cafeobj-process-cd (comint-substitute-in-file-name arg1)))
1901 ((and cafeobj-chdrive-regexp
1902 (string-match (concat "\\`\\(" cafeobj-chdrive-regexp
1903 "\\)\\($\\|[ \t]\\)")
1904 cmd))
1905 (cafeobj-process-cd (comint-substitute-in-file-name cmd))))
1906 (setq start (progn (string-match "[; \t]*" str end) ; skip again
1907 (match-end 0)))))
17841908 (error "Couldn't cd"))))
17881912 (defun cafeobj-cd-1 (dir dirstack)
17891913 (if cafeobj-dirtrackp
17901914 (setq list-buffers-directory (file-name-as-directory
1791 (expand-file-name dir))))
1915 (expand-file-name dir))))
17921916 (condition-case nil
17931917 (progn (if (file-name-absolute-p dir)
17941918 ;;(cd-absolute (concat comint-file-name-prefix dir))
1795 (cd-absolute dir)
1796 (cd dir))
1919 (cd-absolute dir)
1920 (cd dir))
17971921 (setq cafeobj-dirstack dirstack)
17981922 (cafeobj-dirstack-message))
17991923 (file-error (message "Couldn't cd."))))
18021926 (defun cafeobj-process-popd (arg)
18031927 (let ((num (or (cafeobj-extract-num arg) 0)))
18041928 (cond ((and num (= num 0) cafeobj-dirstack)
1805 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car cafeobj-dirstack) (cdr cafeobj-dirstack)))
1806 ((and num (> num 0) (<= num (length cafeobj-dirstack)))
1807 (let* ((ds (cons nil cafeobj-dirstack))
1808 (cell (nthcdr (1- num) ds)))
1809 (rplacd cell (cdr (cdr cell)))
1810 (setq cafeobj-dirstack (cdr ds))
1811 (cafeobj-dirstack-message)))
1812 (t
1813 (error "Couldn't popd")))))
1929 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car cafeobj-dirstack) (cdr cafeobj-dirstack)))
1930 ((and num (> num 0) (<= num (length cafeobj-dirstack)))
1931 (let* ((ds (cons nil cafeobj-dirstack))
1932 (cell (nthcdr (1- num) ds)))
1933 (rplacd cell (cdr (cdr cell)))
1934 (setq cafeobj-dirstack (cdr ds))
1935 (cafeobj-dirstack-message)))
1936 (t
1937 (error "Couldn't popd")))))
18151939 ;; Return DIR prefixed with comint-file-name-prefix as appropriate.
18161940 (defun cafeobj-prefixed-directory-name (dir)
18171941 (if (= (length comint-file-name-prefix) 0)
18181942 dir
18191943 (if (file-name-absolute-p dir)
1820 ;; The name is absolute, so prepend the prefix.
1821 (concat comint-file-name-prefix dir)
1944 ;; The name is absolute, so prepend the prefix.
1945 (concat comint-file-name-prefix dir)
18221946 ;; For relative name we assume default-directory already has the prefix.
18231947 (expand-file-name dir))))
18251949 ;;; cd [dir]
18261950 (defun cafeobj-process-cd (arg)
18271951 (let ((new-dir (cond ((zerop (length arg)) (concat comint-file-name-prefix
1828 "~"))
1829 ((string-equal "-" arg) cafeobj-last-dir)
1830 (t (cafeobj-prefixed-directory-name arg)))))
1952 "~"))
1953 ((string-equal "-" arg) cafeobj-last-dir)
1954 (t (cafeobj-prefixed-directory-name arg)))))
18311955 (setq cafeobj-last-dir default-directory)
18321956 (cafeobj-cd-1 new-dir cafeobj-dirstack)))
18351959 (defun cafeobj-process-pushd (arg)
18361960 (let ((num (cafeobj-extract-num arg)))
18371961 (cond ((zerop (length arg))
1838 ;; no arg -- swap pwd and car of stack unless cafeobj-pushd-tohome
1839 (cond (cafeobj-pushd-tohome
1840 (cafeobj-process-pushd (concat comint-file-name-prefix "~")))
1841 (cafeobj-dirstack
1842 (let ((old default-directory))
1843 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car cafeobj-dirstack)
1844 (cons old (cdr cafeobj-dirstack)))))
1845 (t
1846 (message "Directory stack empty."))))
1847 ((numberp num)
1848 ;; pushd +n
1849 (cond ((> num (length cafeobj-dirstack))
1850 (message "Directory stack not that deep."))
1851 ((= num 0)
1852 (error (message "Couldn't cd.")))
1853 (cafeobj-pushd-dextract
1854 (let ((dir (nth (1- num) cafeobj-dirstack)))
1855 (cafeobj-process-popd arg)
1856 (cafeobj-process-pushd default-directory)
1857 (cafeobj-cd-1 dir cafeobj-dirstack)))
1858 (t
1859 (let* ((ds (cons default-directory cafeobj-dirstack))
1860 (dslen (length ds))
1861 (front (nthcdr num ds))
1862 (back (reverse (nthcdr (- dslen num) (reverse ds))))
1863 (new-ds (append front back)))
1864 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car new-ds) (cdr new-ds))))))
1865 (t
1866 ;; pushd <dir>
1867 (let ((old-wd default-directory))
1962 ;; no arg -- swap pwd and car of stack unless cafeobj-pushd-tohome
1963 (cond (cafeobj-pushd-tohome
1964 (cafeobj-process-pushd (concat comint-file-name-prefix "~")))
1965 (cafeobj-dirstack
1966 (let ((old default-directory))
1967 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car cafeobj-dirstack)
1968 (cons old (cdr cafeobj-dirstack)))))
1969 (t
1970 (message "Directory stack empty."))))
1971 ((numberp num)
1972 ;; pushd +n
1973 (cond ((> num (length cafeobj-dirstack))
1974 (message "Directory stack not that deep."))
1975 ((= num 0)
1976 (error (message "Couldn't cd.")))
1977 (cafeobj-pushd-dextract
1978 (let ((dir (nth (1- num) cafeobj-dirstack)))
1979 (cafeobj-process-popd arg)
1980 (cafeobj-process-pushd default-directory)
1981 (cafeobj-cd-1 dir cafeobj-dirstack)))
1982 (t
1983 (let* ((ds (cons default-directory cafeobj-dirstack))
1984 (dslen (length ds))
1985 (front (nthcdr num ds))
1986 (back (reverse (nthcdr (- dslen num) (reverse ds))))
1987 (new-ds (append front back)))
1988 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car new-ds) (cdr new-ds))))))
1989 (t
1990 ;; pushd <dir>
1991 (let ((old-wd default-directory))
18681992 (cafeobj-cd-1 (cafeobj-prefixed-directory-name arg)
18691993 (if (or (null cafeobj-pushd-dunique)
18701994 (not (member old-wd cafeobj-dirstack)))
18912015 "Do normal `cd' to DIR, and set `list-buffers-directory'."
18922016 (if cafeobj-dirtrackp
18932017 (setq list-buffers-directory (file-name-as-directory
1894 (expand-file-name dir))))
2018 (expand-file-name dir))))
18952019 (cd dir))
18972021 (defun cafeobj-resync-dirs ()
19062030 command again."
19072031 (interactive)
19082032 (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
1909 (pmark (process-mark proc)))
2033 (pmark (process-mark proc)))
19102034 (goto-char pmark)
19112035 (insert cafeobj-dirstack-query) (insert "\n")
19122036 (sit-for 0) ; force redisplay
19172041 ;; This extra newline prevents the user's pending input from spoofing us.
19182042 (insert "\n") (backward-char 1)
19192043 (while (not (looking-at ".+\n"))
1920 (accept-process-output proc)
1921 (goto-char pt)
1922 ;; kludge to cope with shells that have "stty echo" turned on.
1923 ;; of course this will lose if there is only one dir on the stack
1924 ;; and it is named "dirs"... -jwz
1925 (if (looking-at "^dirs\r?\n") (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))
1926 ))
2044 (accept-process-output proc)
2045 (goto-char pt)
2046 ;; kludge to cope with shells that have "stty echo" turned on.
2047 ;; of course this will lose if there is only one dir on the stack
2048 ;; and it is named "dirs"... -jwz
2049 (if (looking-at "^dirs\r?\n") (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))
2050 ))
19272051 (goto-char pmark) (delete-char 1) ; remove the extra newline
19282052 ;; That's the dirlist. grab it & parse it.
19292053 (let* ((dl (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (1- (match-end 0))))
1930 (dl-len (length dl))
1931 (ds '()) ; new dir stack
1932 (i 0))
2054 (dl-len (length dl))
2055 (ds '()) ; new dir stack
2056 (i 0))
19332057 (while (< i dl-len)
1934 ;; regexp = optional whitespace, (non-whitespace), optional whitespace
1935 (string-match "\\s *\\(\\S +\\)\\s *" dl i) ; pick off next dir
1936 (setq ds (cons (concat comint-file-name-prefix
1937 (substring dl (match-beginning 1)
1938 (match-end 1)))
1939 ds))
1940 (setq i (match-end 0)))
2058 ;; regexp = optional whitespace, (non-whitespace), optional whitespace
2059 (string-match "\\s *\\(\\S +\\)\\s *" dl i) ; pick off next dir
2060 (setq ds (cons (concat comint-file-name-prefix
2061 (substring dl (match-beginning 1)
2062 (match-end 1)))
2063 ds))
2064 (setq i (match-end 0)))
19412065 (let ((ds (reverse ds)))
19422066 (cafeobj-cd-1 (car ds) (cdr ds))))))
19602084 (let* ((msg "")
19612085 (ds (cons default-directory cafeobj-dirstack))
19622086 (home (if cafeobj-xemacs-p
1963 (format "^%s\\(/\\|$\\)"
1964 (regexp-quote (user-home-directory)))
1965 abbreviated-home-dir))
2087 (format "^%s\\(/\\|$\\)"
2088 (regexp-quote (user-home-directory)))
2089 abbreviated-home-dir))
19662090 (prefix (and comint-file-name-prefix
1967 ;; XEmacs addition: don't turn "/foo" into "foo" !!
1968 (not (= 0 (length comint-file-name-prefix)))
2091 ;; XEmacs addition: don't turn "/foo" into "foo" !!
2092 (not (= 0 (length comint-file-name-prefix)))
19692093 (format "^%s\\(/\\|$\\)"
19702094 (regexp-quote comint-file-name-prefix)))))
19712095 (while ds
19722096 (let ((dir (car ds)))
1973 (if (string-match home dir)
1974 (setq dir (concat "~/" (substring dir (match-end 0)))))
1975 ;; Strip off comint-file-name-prefix if present.
1976 (and prefix (string-match prefix dir)
1977 (setq dir (substring dir (match-end 0)))
2097 (if (string-match home dir)
2098 (setq dir (concat "~/" (substring dir (match-end 0)))))
2099 ;; Strip off comint-file-name-prefix if present.
2100 (and prefix (string-match prefix dir)
2101 (setq dir (substring dir (match-end 0)))
19782102 (setcar ds dir)
19792103 )
1980 (setq msg (concat msg dir " "))
1981 (setq ds (cdr ds))))
2104 (setq msg (concat msg dir " "))
2105 (setq ds (cdr ds))))
19822106 (run-hooks 'cafeobj-dirstack-message-hook)
19832107 (message "%s" msg)))
19862110 (defun cafeobj-snarf-envar (var)
19872111 "Return as a string the shell's value of environment variable VAR."
19882112 (let* ((cmd (format "printenv '%s'\n" var))
1989 (proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
1990 (pmark (process-mark proc)))
2113 (proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
2114 (pmark (process-mark proc)))
19912115 (goto-char pmark)
19922116 (insert cmd)
1993 (sit-for 0) ; force redisplay
2117 (sit-for 0) ; force redisplay
19942118 (comint-send-string proc cmd)
19952119 (set-marker pmark (point))
1996 (let ((pt (point))) ; wait for 1 line
2120 (let ((pt (point))) ; wait for 1 line
19972121 ;; This extra newline prevents the user's pending input from spoofing us.
19982122 (insert "\n") (backward-char 1)
19992123 (while (not (looking-at ".+\n"))
2000 (accept-process-output proc)
2001 (goto-char pt)))
2002 (goto-char pmark) (delete-char 1) ; remove the extra newline
2124 (accept-process-output proc)
2125 (goto-char pt)))
2126 (goto-char pmark) (delete-char 1) ; remove the extra newline
20032127 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (1- (match-end 0)))))
20052129 (defun cafeobj-copy-environment-variable (variable)
20192143 (interactive "p")
20202144 (let ((limit (save-excursion (end-of-line nil) (point))))
20212145 (if (re-search-forward (concat cafeobj-command-regexp "\\([;&|][\t ]*\\)+")
2022 limit 'move arg)
2023 (skip-syntax-backward " "))))
2146 limit 'move arg)
2147 (skip-syntax-backward " "))))
20262150 (defun cafeobj-backward-command (&optional arg)
20292153 (interactive "p")
20302154 (let ((limit (save-excursion (comint-bol nil) (point))))
20312155 (if (> limit (point))
2032 (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (setq limit (point))))
2156 (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (setq limit (point))))
20332157 (skip-syntax-backward " " limit)
20342158 (if (re-search-backward
2035 (format "[;&|]+[\t ]*\\(%s\\)" cafeobj-command-regexp) limit 'move arg)
2036 (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
2037 (skip-chars-forward ";&|")))))
2159 (format "[;&|]+[\t ]*\\(%s\\)" cafeobj-command-regexp) limit 'move arg)
2160 (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
2161 (skip-chars-forward ";&|")))))
2163 (defvar esc-esc "")
2165 (defun cafeobj-put-esc-esc ()
2166 "send EscEsc to CafeOBJ process. This makes the interpeter
2167 to cancel current input."
2168 (interactive)
2169 (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
2170 (pmark (process-mark proc)))
2171 (goto-char pmark)
2172 (comint-send-string proc esc-esc)
2173 (comint-send-string proc "\n")
2174 (set-marker pmark (point))))
20402176 (defun cafeobj-dynamic-complete-command ()
20412177 "Dynamically complete the command at point.
20482184 (interactive)
20492185 (let ((filename (comint-match-partial-filename)))
20502186 (if (and filename
2051 (save-match-data (not (string-match "[~/]" filename)))
2052 (eq (match-beginning 0)
2053 (save-excursion (cafeobj-backward-command 1) (point))))
2054 (prog2 (message "Completing command name...")
2055 (cafeobj-dynamic-complete-as-command)))))
2187 (save-match-data (not (string-match "[~/]" filename)))
2188 (eq (match-beginning 0)
2189 (save-excursion (cafeobj-backward-command 1) (point))))
2190 (prog2 (message "Completing command name...")
2191 (cafeobj-dynamic-complete-as-command)))))
20582194 (defun cafeobj-dynamic-complete-as-command ()
20592195 "Dynamically complete at point as a command.
20602196 See `cafeobj-dynamic-complete-filename'. Returns t if successful."
20612197 (let* ((filename (or (comint-match-partial-filename) ""))
2062 (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory filename))
2063 (paths (cdr (reverse exec-path)))
2064 (cwd (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name default-directory)))
2065 (ignored-extensions
2066 (and comint-completion-fignore
2067 (mapconcat (function (lambda (x) (concat (regexp-quote x) "$")))
2068 comint-completion-fignore "\\|")))
2069 (path "") (comps-in-path ()) (file "") (filepath "") (completions ()))
2198 (pathnondir (file-name-nondirectory filename))
2199 (paths (cdr (reverse exec-path)))
2200 (cwd (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name default-directory)))
2201 (ignored-extensions
2202 (and comint-completion-fignore
2203 (mapconcat (function (lambda (x) (concat (regexp-quote x) "$")))
2204 comint-completion-fignore "\\|")))
2205 (path "") (comps-in-path ()) (file "") (filepath "") (completions ()))
20702206 ;; Go thru each path in the search path, finding completions.
20712207 (while paths
20722208 (setq path (file-name-as-directory (comint-directory (or (car paths) ".")))
2073 comps-in-path (and (file-accessible-directory-p path)
2074 (file-name-all-completions pathnondir path)))
2209 comps-in-path (and (file-accessible-directory-p path)
2210 (file-name-all-completions pathnondir path)))
20752211 ;; Go thru each completion found, to see whether it should be used.
20762212 (while comps-in-path
2077 (setq file (car comps-in-path)
2078 filepath (concat path file))
2079 (if (and (not (member file completions))
2080 (not (and ignored-extensions
2081 (string-match ignored-extensions file)))
2082 (or (string-equal path cwd)
2083 (not (file-directory-p filepath)))
2084 )
2085 (setq completions (cons file completions)))
2086 (setq comps-in-path (cdr comps-in-path)))
2213 (setq file (car comps-in-path)
2214 filepath (concat path file))
2215 (if (and (not (member file completions))
2216 (not (and ignored-extensions
2217 (string-match ignored-extensions file)))
2218 (or (string-equal path cwd)
2219 (not (file-directory-p filepath)))
2220 )
2221 (setq completions (cons file completions)))
2222 (setq comps-in-path (cdr comps-in-path)))
20872223 (setq paths (cdr paths)))
20882224 ;; OK, we've got a list of completions.
20892225 (let ((success (let ((comint-completion-addsuffix nil))
2090 (comint-dynamic-simple-complete pathnondir completions))))
2226 (comint-dynamic-simple-complete pathnondir completions))))
20912227 (if (and (memq success '(sole shortest)) comint-completion-addsuffix
2092 (not (file-directory-p (comint-match-partial-filename))))
2093 (insert " "))
2228 (not (file-directory-p (comint-match-partial-filename))))
2229 (insert " "))
20942230 success)))
20962232 (defun cafeobj-dynamic-complete-filename ()
20992235 filename argument."
21002236 (interactive)
21012237 (let ((opoint (point))
2102 (beg (comint-line-beginning-position)))
2238 (beg (comint-line-beginning-position)))
21032239 (when (save-excursion
2104 (goto-char (if (re-search-backward "[;|&]" beg t)
2105 (match-end 0)
2106 beg))
2107 (re-search-forward "[^ \t][ \t]" opoint t))
2240 (goto-char (if (re-search-backward "[;|&]" beg t)
2241 (match-end 0)
2242 beg))
2243 (re-search-forward "[^ \t][ \t]" opoint t))
21082244 (comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename))))
21102246 (defun cafeobj-match-partial-variable ()
21122248 (save-excursion
21132249 (let ((limit (point)))
21142250 (if (re-search-backward "[^A-Za-z0-9_{}]" nil 'move)
2115 (or (looking-at "\\$") (forward-char 1)))
2251 (or (looking-at "\\$") (forward-char 1)))
21162252 ;; Anchor the search forwards.
21172253 (if (or (eolp) (looking-at "[^A-Za-z0-9_{}$]"))
2118 nil
2119 (re-search-forward "\\$?{?[A-Za-z0-9_]*}?" limit)
2120 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))))
2254 nil
2255 (re-search-forward "\\$?{?[A-Za-z0-9_]*}?" limit)
2256 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))))
21232259 (defun cafeobj-dynamic-complete-environment-variable ()
21372273 (interactive)
21382274 (let ((variable (cafeobj-match-partial-variable)))
21392275 (if (and variable (string-match "^\\$" variable))
2140 (prog2 (message "Completing variable name...")
2141 (cafeobj-dynamic-complete-as-environment-variable)))))
2276 (prog2 (message "Completing variable name...")
2277 (cafeobj-dynamic-complete-as-environment-variable)))))
21442280 (defun cafeobj-dynamic-complete-as-environment-variable ()
21462282 Used by `cafeobj-dynamic-complete-environment-variable'.
21472283 Uses `comint-dynamic-simple-complete'."
21482284 (let* ((var (or (cafeobj-match-partial-variable) ""))
2149 (variable (substring var (or (string-match "[^$({]\\|$" var) 0)))
2150 (variables (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
2151 (substring x 0 (string-match "=" x))))
2152 process-environment))
2153 (addsuffix comint-completion-addsuffix)
2154 (comint-completion-addsuffix nil)
2155 (success (comint-dynamic-simple-complete variable variables)))
2285 (variable (substring var (or (string-match "[^$({]\\|$" var) 0)))
2286 (variables (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
2287 (substring x 0 (string-match "=" x))))
2288 process-environment))
2289 (addsuffix comint-completion-addsuffix)
2290 (comint-completion-addsuffix nil)
2291 (success (comint-dynamic-simple-complete variable variables)))
21562292 (if (memq success '(sole shortest))
2157 (let* ((var (cafeobj-match-partial-variable))
2158 (variable (substring var (string-match "[^$({]" var)))
2159 (protection (cond ((string-match "{" var) "}")
2160 ((string-match "(" var) ")")
2161 (t "")))
2162 (suffix (cond ((null addsuffix) "")
2163 ((file-directory-p
2164 (comint-directory (getenv variable))) "/")
2165 (t " "))))
2166 (insert protection suffix)))
2293 (let* ((var (cafeobj-match-partial-variable))
2294 (variable (substring var (string-match "[^$({]" var)))
2295 (protection (cond ((string-match "{" var) "}")
2296 ((string-match "(" var) ")")
2297 (t "")))
2298 (suffix (cond ((null addsuffix) "")
2299 ((file-directory-p
2300 (comint-directory (getenv variable))) "/")
2301 (t " "))))
2302 (insert protection suffix)))
21672303 success))
21762312 (interactive)
21772313 (if (comint-match-partial-filename)
21782314 (save-excursion
2179 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
2180 (let ((stack (cons default-directory cafeobj-dirstack))
2181 (index (cond ((looking-at "=-/?")
2182 (length cafeobj-dirstack))
2183 ((looking-at "=\\([0-9]+\\)")
2184 (string-to-number
2185 (buffer-substring
2186 (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))))
2187 (cond ((null index)
2188 nil)
2189 ((>= index (length stack))
2190 (error "Directory stack not that deep."))
2191 (t
2192 (replace-match (file-name-as-directory (nth index stack)) t t)
2193 (message "Directory item: %d" index)
2194 t))))))
2315 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
2316 (let ((stack (cons default-directory cafeobj-dirstack))
2317 (index (cond ((looking-at "=-/?")
2318 (length cafeobj-dirstack))
2319 ((looking-at "=\\([0-9]+\\)")
2320 (string-to-number
2321 (buffer-substring
2322 (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))))
2323 (cond ((null index)
2324 nil)
2325 ((>= index (length stack))
2326 (error "Directory stack not that deep."))
2327 (t
2328 (replace-match (file-name-as-directory (nth index stack)) t t)
2329 (message "Directory item: %d" index)
2330 t))))))
22052341 (defcustom cafeobj-glyph-directory "/usr/local/cafeobj-1.4/icons"
22062342 "Directory where CafeOBJ logos and icons are located."
22072343 :type '(choice (const :tag "autodetect" nil)
2208 directory)
2344 directory)
22092345 :group 'cafeobj)
22112347 (defvar cafeobj-xmas-logo-color-alist
22262362 (defcustom cafeobj-xmas-logo-color-style 'moss
22272363 "*Color styles used for the CafeOBJ logo."
22282364 :type '(choice (const flame) (const pine) (const moss)
2229 (const irish) (const sky) (const tin)
2230 (const velvet) (const grape) (const labia)
2231 (const berry) (const neutral) (const september))
2365 (const irish) (const sky) (const tin)
2366 (const velvet) (const grape) (const labia)
2367 (const berry) (const neutral) (const september))
22322368 :group 'cafeobj-xmas)
22342370 (defvar cafeobj-xmas-logo-colors
22452381 ;; (erase-buffer)
22462382 ;; (cond
22472383 ;; ((and (console-on-window-system-p)
2248 ;; (or (featurep 'xpm)
2249 ;; (featurep 'xbm)))
2384 ;; (or (featurep 'xpm)
2385 ;; (featurep 'xbm)))
22502386 ;; (let* ((logo-xpm (expand-file-name "cafe-logo.xpm" cafeobj-glyph-directory))
2251 ;; (logo-xbm (expand-file-name "cafe-logo.xbm" cafeobj-glyph-directory))
2252 ;; (glyph (make-glyph
2253 ;; (cond ((featurep 'xpm)
2254 ;; `[xpm
2255 ;; :file ,logo-xpm
2256 ;; :color-symbols
2257 ;; (("thing" . ,(car cafeobj-xmas-logo-colors))
2258 ;; ("shadow" . ,(cadr cafeobj-xmas-logo-colors))
2259 ;; ("background" . ,(face-background 'default)))])
2260 ;; ((featurep 'xbm)
2261 ;; `[xbm :file ,logo-xbm])
2262 ;; (t [nothing]))))
2263 ;; (char-per-pixel
2264 ;; (/ (* 1.0 (window-width)) (window-pixel-width)))
2265 ;; )
2387 ;; (logo-xbm (expand-file-name "cafe-logo.xbm" cafeobj-glyph-directory))
2388 ;; (glyph (make-glyph
2389 ;; (cond ((featurep 'xpm)
2390 ;; `[xpm
2391 ;; :file ,logo-xpm
2392 ;; :color-symbols
2393 ;; (("thing" . ,(car cafeobj-xmas-logo-colors))
2394 ;; ("shadow" . ,(cadr cafeobj-xmas-logo-colors))
2395 ;; ("background" . ,(face-background 'default)))])
2396 ;; ((featurep 'xbm)
2397 ;; `[xbm :file ,logo-xbm])
2398 ;; (t [nothing]))))
2399 ;; (char-per-pixel
2400 ;; (/ (* 1.0 (window-width)) (window-pixel-width)))
2401 ;; )
22662402 ;; (insert " ")
22672403 ;; (set-extent-begin-glyph (make-extent (point) (point)) glyph)
22682404 ;; (goto-char (point-min))
22692405 ;; (while (not (eobp))
2270 ;; (insert (make-string (truncate
2271 ;; (* (/ (max (- (window-pixel-width)
2272 ;; (or x
2273 ;; (car cafeobj-xpm-size)))
2274 ;; 0)
2275 ;; 2)
2276 ;; char-per-pixel))
2277 ;; ?\ ))
2278 ;; (forward-line 1))
2406 ;; (insert (make-string (truncate
2407 ;; (* (/ (max (- (window-pixel-width)
2408 ;; (or x
2409 ;; (car cafeobj-xpm-size)))
2410 ;; 0)
2411 ;; 2)
2412 ;; char-per-pixel))
2413 ;; ?\ ))
2414 ;; (forward-line 1))
22792415 ;; )))
22802416 ;; ;;
22812417 ;; (goto-char (point-max))
00 --
1 -- Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 -- Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 --
33 -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
Binary diff not shown
Binary diff not shown
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 **
33 **
4 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
4 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
55 **
66 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
77 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 ** module: library
33 ** file: bool.mod
44 **
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
66 **
77 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 ** module: library
33 ** file: eql.mod
44 **
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
66 **
77 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 ** module: PigNose
33 ** file: fopl.mod
44 **
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
66 **
77 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 ** module: library
33 ** file: identical.mod
44 **
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
66 **
77 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3232 protecting (INT-VALUE)
3333 }
3434 signature {
35 pred _ divides _ : NzInt Int { demod prec: 41 }
36 op _ rem _ : Int NzInt -> Int { demod prec: 41 }
37 op _ quo _ : Int NzInt -> Int { demod prec: 41 }
38 op _ + _ : Int Int -> Int { idr: 0 demod prec: 41 }
39 op _ * _ : Int Int -> Int { demod prec: 41 }
40 pred _ < _ : Int Int { demod prec: 41 }
41 pred _ <= _ : Int Int { demod prec: 41 }
42 pred _ > _ : Int Int { demod prec: 41 }
43 pred _ >= _ : Int Int { demod prec: 41 }
35 pred _ divides _ : NzInt Int { demod prec: 51 }
36 op _ rem _ : Int NzInt -> Int { demod prec: 31 }
37 op _ quo _ : Int NzInt -> Int { demod prec: 31 }
38 op _ + _ : Int Int -> Int { assoc comm idr: 0 demod prec: 33 }
39 op _ * _ : Int Int -> Int { assoc comm idr: 1 demod prec: 31 }
40 pred _ < _ : Int Int { demod prec: 51 }
41 pred _ <= _ : Int Int { demod prec: 51 }
42 pred _ > _ : Int Int { demod prec: 51 }
43 pred _ >= _ : Int Int { demod prec: 51 }
4444 op s _ : Int -> Int { strat: (0 1) demod prec: 15 }
4545 op _ - _ : Int Int -> Int { strat: (0 1 2) demod prec: 33 r-assoc }
4646 op - _ : Int -> Int { demod prec: 15 }
00 **
11 ** CafeOBJ MetaLevel Core
22 **
3 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
3 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
44 **
55 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
66 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3333 }
3434 signature {
3535 op s _ : Nat -> NzNat { demod prec: 15 }
36 pred _ >= _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 41 }
37 pred _ > _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 41 }
38 pred _ <= _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 41 }
39 pred _ < _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 41 }
40 op _ * _ : Nat Nat -> Nat { strat: (2 0 1) demod prec: 41 }
41 op _ + _ : Nat Nat -> Nat { idr: 0 demod prec: 41 }
36 pred _ >= _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 51 }
37 pred _ > _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 51 }
38 pred _ <= _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 51 }
39 pred _ < _ : Nat Nat { demod prec: 51 }
40 op _ * _ : Nat Nat -> Nat { assoc comm idr: 1 demod prec: 31 }
41 op _ + _ : Nat Nat -> Nat { assoc comm idr: 0 demod prec: 33 }
4242 op sd : Nat Nat -> Nat { comm demod prec: 0 }
43 op _ quo _ : Nat NzNat -> Nat { demod prec: 41 }
43 op _ quo _ : Nat NzNat -> Nat { demod prec: 31 }
4444 op _ rem _ : Nat NzNat -> Nat { demod prec: 31 l-assoc }
4545 pred _ divides _ : NzNat Nat { demod prec: 51 }
4646 op p _ : NzNat -> Nat { demod prec: 15 }
33 ** module: library
44 ** file:
55 **
6 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
6 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
77 **
88 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
99 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
11 ** NZNAT
22 **
33 **
4 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
4 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
55 **
66 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
77 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3939 pred _ > _ : Rat Rat { demod prec: 41 }
4040 pred _ <= _ : Rat Rat { demod prec: 41 }
4141 pred _ < _ : Rat Rat { demod prec: 41 }
42 op _ * _ : Rat Rat -> Rat { demod prec: 41 }
43 op _ + _ : Rat Rat -> Rat { idr: 0 demod prec: 41 }
42 op _ * _ : Rat Rat -> Rat { assoc comm idr: 1 demod prec: 41 }
43 op _ + _ : Rat Rat -> Rat { assoc comm idr: 0 demod prec: 41 }
4444 op _ rem _ : Rat NzRat -> Rat { demod prec: 41 }
4545 op _ / _ : Rat NzRat -> Rat { demod prec: 31 l-assoc }
4646 op _ / _ : NzRat NzRat -> NzRat { demod prec: 31 l-assoc }
22 ** module: library
33 ** file: rwl.mod
44 **
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
66 **
77 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 **
33 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 **
22 **
3 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
3 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
44 **
55 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
66 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 ** module: library
33 ** file: truth.mod
44 **
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 ** Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
66 **
77 ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
77 ||#
88 ;;;
9 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
9 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1010 ;;;
1111 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
1212 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3636 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
3737 ;;; system standard prelude.
3838 (setq *include-bool* t)
39 (setf *last-module* nil
40 *current-module* nil)
39 (setf *current-module* nil)
4140 (setf *print-circle* nil)
4241 (setf *print-pretty* nil)
4342 (install-prelude)
5352 ("FLOAT" . "float")
5453 ("CHARACTER" . "character")
5554 ("FOPL-CLAUSE" . "fopl")
56 ("PROPC" . "propc")
55 ;; ("PROPC" . "propc")
5756 ("STRING" . "string")
5857 ("2TUPLE" . "2tuple")
5958 ("3TUPLE" . "3tuple")
6059 ("4TUPLE" . "4tuple")
6160 ("EQL" . "eql")
62 ("AVPAIR" . "reobject")
63 ("RECORD-STRUCTURE" . "reobject")
64 ("OBJECT-ID" . "reobject")
65 ("OBJECT" . "reobject")
66 ("STATE-CONFIGURATION" . "reobject")
67 ("ACZ-CONFIGURATION" . "reobject")
6861 ("QID" . "qid")
6962 ("META-LEVEL" . "metalevel")
7063 ))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package: COMMON-LISP-USER; Base:10; Syntax:Common-Lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3333 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
3434 (unless (find-package :common-lisp)
3535 (rename-package :lisp :common-lisp
36 (union '("CL" "LISP")
37 (package-nicknames (find-package :lisp)) :test #'string=)))
36 (union '("CL" "LISP")
37 (package-nicknames (find-package :lisp)) :test #'string=)))
3838 (unless (find-package :common-lisp-user)
3939 (rename-package :user :common-lisp-user
40 (union '("CL-USER" "USER")
41 (package-nicknames (find-package :user)) :test #'string=)))
40 (union '("CL-USER" "USER")
41 (package-nicknames (find-package :user)) :test #'string=)))
4242 )
4444 #+LUCID (in-package "user")
6161 #+clisp
6262 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
6363 (setq *chaos-root* (namestring (car (directory (concatenate 'string
64 *chaos-root* "/"))))))
64 *chaos-root* "/"))))))
6666 (defvar chaos::*cafeobj-install-dir*)
6767 #-(or microsoft (and ccl (not :openmcl)))
116116 (chaos::set-cafeobj-standard-library-path)
117117 (setq *chaos-new* t)
118118 (ext:save-lisp path
119 :purify t
120 :init-function 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
121 :print-herald nil
122 )
119 :purify t
120 :init-function 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
121 :print-herald nil
122 )
123123 )
125125 #+SBCL
128128 (chaos::set-cafeobj-standard-library-path)
129129 (setq *chaos-new* t)
130130 (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die path
131 :toplevel 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
132 :purify t
133 :executable t
134 :save-runtime-options t
135 )
131 :toplevel 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level
132 :purify t
133 :executable t
134 :save-runtime-options t
135 )
136136 )
142142 (chaos::set-cafeobj-standard-library-path)
143143 (setq *chaos-new* t)
144144 (disksave path
145 :full-gc t
146 :restart-function 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level))
145 :full-gc t
146 :restart-function 'chaos::cafeobj-top-level))
148148 #+(and ccl (not :openmcl))
149149 (defun make-exec-image (path)
174174 #||
175175 (setq excl:*restart-init-function*
176176 #'(lambda ()
177 (excl:use-background-streams)
178 (excl:start-emacs-lisp-interface t)))
177 (excl:use-background-streams)
178 (excl:start-emacs-lisp-interface t)))
179179 ||#
180180 (setq excl:*print-startup-message* nil)
181181 (setq excl::.dump-lisp-suppress-allegro-cl-banner. t)
196196 (defun make-cafeobj (&optional chaos-root)
197197 (format t "~%** making CafeOBJ (~a)" (or chaos-root
198 *chaos-root*))
198 *chaos-root*))
199199 (when chaos-root
200200 (setf *chaos-root* chaos-root))
201201 ;; (mk::operate-on-system :chaosx :compile)
206206 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'chaosx)
207207 (make-exec-image
208208 (concatenate 'string *chaos-root*
209 #+GCL "/dumps/gcl/@gcl_dump@"
210 #+microsoft "/dumps/dxl/cafeobj.dxl"
211 #+(and unix Allegro) "/dumps/acl/@acl_dump@"
212 #+CMU "/dumps/cmu/@cmu_dump@"
213 #+SBCL "/dumps/sbcl/@sbcl_dump@"
214 #+CLISP "/dumps/clisp/@clisp_dump@"
215 #+:openmcl "/dumps/ccl/@ccl_dump@"
216 ;; patch by
217 ;; patch by
218 #+(and CCL (not :openmcl)) ":dumps:ccl:cafeobj.exe"
219 ))
209 #+GCL "/dumps/gcl/@gcl_dump@"
210 #+microsoft "/dumps/dxl/cafeobj.dxl"
211 #+(and unix Allegro) "/dumps/acl/@acl_dump@"
212 #+CMU "/dumps/cmu/@cmu_dump@"
213 #+SBCL "/dumps/sbcl/@sbcl_dump@"
214 #+CLISP "/dumps/clisp/@clisp_dump@"
215 #+:openmcl "/dumps/ccl/@ccl_dump@"
216 ;; patch by
217 ;; patch by
218 #+(and CCL (not :openmcl)) ":dumps:ccl:cafeobj.exe"
219 ))
220220 )
222222 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
00 ;;;
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 ;;;
33 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 # make-release-tarballs
33 # create release tarballs for CafeOBJ
44 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2014, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
5 # Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
66 #
77 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
22 # make-source-tarball
33 # create a source release tarball for CafeOBJ
44 #
5 # Copyright (c) 2014, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
5 # Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
66 #
77 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Base: 10; Lowercase: T; -*-
11 ;;;
22 ;;;
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
3 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
44 ;;;
55 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
66 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
4343 :components
4444 (#+gcl
4545 (:module "clII"
46 :components (#-:defpackage (:file "loop")
47 #-:defpackage (:file "defpackage")
48 ))
46 :components (#-:defpackage (:file "loop")
47 #-:defpackage (:file "defpackage")
48 ))
4949 ;;
5050 (:file "chaos-package")
5151 (:file "version")
5252 ;; (:file "func-spec")
5353 (:module comlib
54 :serial t
55 :components ((:file "globals")
56 (:file "macros")
57 (:file "print-utils")
58 (:file "message")
59 (:file "error")
60 (:file "misc")
61 (:file "string")
62 (:file "list")
63 (:file "dag")
64 (:file "fsys")
65 (:file "tree-display")
66 (:file "lex")
67 (:file "reader")
68 (:file "let-over-lambda")
69 ))
54 :serial t
55 :components ((:file "globals")
56 (:file "macros")
57 (:file "print-utils")
58 (:file "message")
59 (:file "error")
60 (:file "misc")
61 (:file "string")
62 (:file "list")
63 (:file "dag")
64 (:file "fsys")
65 (:file "tree-display")
66 (:file "lex")
67 (:file "reader")
68 (:file "let-over-lambda")
69 ))
7070 (:module "chaos"
71 :components ((:module primitives
72 :serial t
73 :components ((:file "term2")
74 (:file "defterm")
75 (:file "bobject2")
76 (:file "absntax")
77 (:file "script")
78 (:file "op-theory")
79 (:file "bmodexp")
80 (:file "bmodule2")
81 (:file "bview2")
82 (:file "parse-modexp")
83 (:file "normodexp")
84 (:file "bsort")
85 (:file "boperator")
86 (:file "baxioms")
87 (:file "bmacro")
88 (:file "gen-eval")
89 (:file "gen-print")
90 (:file "context")
91 (:file "term-utils")
92 (:file "substitution")
93 (:file "find")
94 (:file "print-object")
95 ))
96 (:module term-parser
97 :serial t
98 :components ((:file "parse-macro")
99 (:file "parse-engine")
100 (:file "parse-top")
101 )
102 )
103 (:module e-match
104 :serial t
105 :components ((:file "match-utils")
106 (:file "match-system")
107 (:file "match-state")
108 (:file "match-e")
109 (:file "match-idem")
110 (:file "match-z")
111 (:file "match-a")
112 (:file "match-c")
113 (:file "match-az")
114 (:file "match-cz")
115 (:file "match-ac")
116 (:file "match-acz")
117 (:file "match")
118 (:file "match2")
119 ))
120 (:module construct
121 :components ((:file "sort")
122 (:file "operator")
123 (:file "variable")
124 (:file "match-method")
125 (:file "axiom")
126 (:file "gen-rule")
127 (:file "cr")
128 (:file "rwl")
129 (:file "beh")
130 (:file "module")
131 (:file "trs")
132 )
133 )
134 (:module decafe
135 :serial t
136 :components ((:file "mutils")
137 (:file "modmorph")
138 (:file "mrmap")
139 (:file "meval")
140 (:file "view")
141 (:file "mimport")
142 ))
143 (:module cafein
144 :components (;; (:file "apply-rule")
145 (:file "rengine")
146 (:file "cbred")
147 ;; (:file "rdebug")
148 ;; (:file "trs")
149 ))
150 (:module tools
151 :components ((:file "regcheck")
152 (:file "regularize")
153 (:file "describe")
154 (:file "sort-tree")
155 (:file "module-tree")
156 (:file "show")
157 (:file "set")
158 (:file "op-check")
159 (:file "compat")
160 (:file "help")
161 (:file "inspect")
162 (:file "sensible")
163 ;; (:file "psupport")
164 ))
165 (:module eval
166 :components ((:file "eval-mod")
167 (:file "eval-ast")
168 (:file "eval-ast2")
169 (:file "chaos-top")
170 )
171 )
172 (:module boot
173 :components ((:file "preproc")
174 (:file "prelude")
175 (:file "builtins")
176 (:file "meta")
177 ))
178 (:module tram
179 :components ((:file "tram")))
180 (:module psup
181 :components ((:file "psup")))
182 ))
71 :components ((:module primitives
72 :serial t
73 :components ((:file "term2")
74 (:file "defterm")
75 (:file "bobject2")
76 (:file "absntax")
77 (:file "script")
78 (:file "op-theory")
79 (:file "bmodexp")
80 (:file "bmodule2")
81 (:file "bview2")
82 (:file "parse-modexp")
83 (:file "normodexp")
84 (:file "bsort")
85 (:file "boperator")
86 (:file "baxioms")
87 (:file "bmacro")
88 (:file "gen-eval")
89 (:file "gen-print")
90 (:file "context")
91 (:file "term-utils")
92 (:file "substitution")
93 (:file "find")
94 (:file "print-object")
95 ))
96 (:module term-parser
97 :serial t
98 :components ((:file "parse-macro")
99 (:file "parse-engine")
100 (:file "parse-top")
101 )
102 )
103 (:module e-match
104 :serial t
105 :components ((:file "match-utils")
106 (:file "match-system")
107 (:file "match-state")
108 (:file "match-e")
109 (:file "match-idem")
110 (:file "match-z")
111 (:file "match-a")
112 (:file "match-c")
113 (:file "match-az")
114 (:file "match-cz")
115 (:file "match-ac")
116 (:file "match-acz")
117 (:file "match")
118 (:file "match2")
119 ))
120 (:module construct
121 :components ((:file "sort")
122 (:file "operator")
123 (:file "variable")
124 (:file "match-method")
125 (:file "axiom")
126 (:file "gen-rule")
127 (:file "rwl")
128 (:file "beh")
129 (:file "module")
130 (:file "trs")
131 )
132 )
133 (:module decafe
134 :serial t
135 :components ((:file "mutils")
136 (:file "modmorph")
137 (:file "mrmap")
138 (:file "meval")
139 (:file "view")
140 (:file "mimport")
141 ))
142 (:module cafein
143 :components ((:file "rengine")
144 (:file "cbred")
145 (:file "reducer")
146 ))
147 (:module tools
148 :components ((:file "regcheck")
149 (:file "regularize")
150 (:file "describe")
151 (:file "sort-tree")
152 (:file "module-tree")
153 (:file "show")
154 (:file "set")
155 (:file "op-check")
156 (:file "compat")
157 (:file "help")
158 (:file "inspect")
159 (:file "sensible")
160 ;; (:file "psupport")
161 ))
162 (:module eval
163 :components ((:file "eval-mod")
164 (:file "eval-ast")
165 (:file "eval-ast2")
166 (:file "chaos-top")
167 )
168 )
169 (:module boot
170 :components ((:file "preproc")
171 (:file "prelude")
172 (:file "builtins")
173 (:file "meta")
174 ))
175 (:module tram
176 :components ((:file "tram")))
177 (:module psup
178 :components ((:file "psup")))
179 ))
183180 (:module thstuff
184 :serial t
185 :components ((:file "parse-apply")
186 (:file "basics")
187 (:file "eval-match")
188 (:file "eval-apply")
189 (:file "cexec")
190 (:file "case")
191 (:file "proof-struct")
192 (:file "apply-tactic")
193 (:file "citp")))
181 :serial t
182 :components ((:file "parse-apply")
183 (:file "basics")
184 (:file "eval-match")
185 (:file "eval-apply")
186 (:file "cexec")
187 (:file "case")
188 (:file "proof-struct")
189 (:file "apply-tactic")
190 (:file "citp")
191 (:file "bterm-inspector")))
194192 (:module "BigPink"
195 :components ((:module codes
196 :serial t
197 :components ((:file "types")
198 (:file "glob")
199 (:file "proof-sys")
200 (:file "syntax")
201 (:file "index")
202 (:file "butils")
203 (:file "unify")
204 (:file "clause")
205 (:file "formula")
206 (:file "modconv")
207 (:file "weight")
208 (:file "lrpo")
209 (:file "resolve")
210 (:file "paramod")
211 (:file "demod")
212 (:file "infer")
213 (:file "sigmatch")
214 (:file "refine")
215 (:file "commands")
216 (:file "inv")
217 ))))
193 :components ((:module codes
194 :serial t
195 :components ((:file "types")
196 (:file "glob")
197 (:file "proof-sys")
198 (:file "syntax")
199 (:file "index")
200 (:file "butils")
201 (:file "unify")
202 (:file "clause")
203 (:file "formula")
204 (:file "modconv")
205 (:file "weight")
206 (:file "lrpo")
207 (:file "resolve")
208 (:file "paramod")
209 (:file "demod")
210 (:file "infer")
211 (:file "sigmatch")
212 (:file "refine")
213 (:file "commands")
214 (:file "inv")
215 ))))
218216 (:module cafeobj
219 :serial t
220 :components ((:file "cafeobjvar")
221 (:file "creader")
222 (:file "oldoc")
223 (:file "define")
224 (:file "trans-com")
225 (:file "trans-decl")
226 (:file "trans-form")
227 ;; (:file "command-proc")
228 (:file "command-top")
229 (:file "commands")
230 (:file "declarations")
231 (:file "cafeobj-top")
232 ))
217 :serial t
218 :components ((:file "cafeobjvar")
219 (:file "creader")
220 (:file "oldoc")
221 (:file "define")
222 (:file "trans-com")
223 (:file "trans-decl")
224 (:file "trans-form")
225 ;; (:file "command-proc")
226 (:file "command-top")
227 (:file "commands")
228 (:file "declarations")
229 (:file "cafeobj-top")
230 ))
234232 ))
11 ;;;
22 ;;; defsystem for Allegro CL (version 5.0 or higher)
33 ;;;
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
4 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
55 ;;;
66 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
77 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3838 (excl:defsystem :cl-ppcre
3939 (:default-pathname
40 #+:mswindows
41 "c:/Users/sawada/prj/CafeOBJ/cl-ppcre/"
40 #+:mswindows
41 "c:/Users/sawada/prj/CafeOBJ/cl-ppcre/"
4242 #-:mswindows
4343 "cl-ppcre/"
4444 :default-package :cl-ppcre)
160160 "construct/match-method"
161161 "construct/axiom"
162162 "construct/gen-rule"
163 "construct/cr"
164163 "construct/rwl"
165164 "construct/beh"
166165 "construct/module"
175174 "decafe/mimport"))
176175 (:module-group :cafein
177176 (:serial "cafein/rengine"
178 "cafein/cbred"))
177 "cafein/cbred"
178 "cafein/reducer"))
179179 (:module-group :tools
180180 (:parallel
181181 "tools/regcheck"
188188 "tools/op-check"
189189 "tools/compat"
190190 "tools/help"
191 "tools/inspect"
192 "tools/sensible"
191 "tools/inspect"
192 "tools/sensible"
193193 ;; "psupport"
194194 ))
195195 (:module-group :eval
200200 "eval/chaos-top"))
201201 (:module-group :boot
202202 (:serial
203 "boot/preproc"
204 "boot/prelude"
205 "boot/builtins"
206 "boot/meta"))
203 "boot/preproc"
204 "boot/prelude"
205 "boot/builtins"
206 "boot/meta"))
207207 (:module-group :tram
208208 (:serial "tram/tram"))
209209 (:module-group :psup
220220 "chaos-package"
221221 "version"
222222 (:definitions
223 :cl-ppcre
223 :cl-ppcre
224224 :chaos
225225 (:serial
226226 (:module-group :thstuff
230230 "thstuff/eval-match"
231231 "thstuff/eval-apply"
232232 "thstuff/cexec"
233 "thstuff/case"
234 "thstuff/proof-struct"
235 "thstuff/apply-tactic"
236 "thstuff/citp"))
237 (:module-group :bigpink
233 "thstuff/case"
234 "thstuff/proof-struct"
235 "thstuff/apply-tactic"
236 "thstuff/citp"
237 "thstuff/bterm-inspector"))
238 (:module-group :bigpink
238239 (:definitions
239240 "BigPink/codes/types"
240241 "BigPink/codes/glob"
262263 "cafeobj/cafeobjvar"
263264 (:serial
264265 "cafeobj/creader"
265 "cafeobj/oldoc"
266 "cafeobj/define"
266 "cafeobj/oldoc"
267 "cafeobj/define"
267268 "cafeobj/trans-com"
268269 "cafeobj/trans-decl"
269270 ;; "cafeobj/command-proc"
270271 "cafeobj/command-top"
271 "cafeobj/commands"
272 "cafeobj/declarations"
272 "cafeobj/commands"
273 "cafeobj/declarations"
273274 "cafeobj/cafeobj-top")))
275276 "acl-init"
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:apply-tactic.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:apply-tactic.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 ;;;
40 ;;; with-in-context : ptree-node
41 ;;; construct a lexical environment for applying a tactic.
42 ;;;
43 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
44 (defmacro with-in-context ((ptree-node) &rest body)
45 (once-only (ptree-node)
46 `(block :exit
47 (let* ((.cur-goal. (ptree-node-goal ,ptree-node))
48 (.cur-targets. (goal-targets .cur-goal.))
49 (.next-goals. nil))
50 (unless .cur-targets. (return-from :exit nil))
51 ,@body))))
53 )
55 ;;; *****************************************************************************
39 ;;; ****************************************************************************
5640 ;;; UTILITIES
5741 ;;; ****************************************************************************
6246 (defun distribute-sentences (parent axioms tactic)
6347 (declare (type ptree-node parent))
6448 (let ((new-goals nil)
65 (goal nil))
49 (goal nil))
6650 (cond ((cdr axioms)
67 (dolist (ax axioms)
68 (setq goal (prepare-next-goal parent tactic))
69 (setf (goal-targets goal) (list ax))
70 (push goal new-goals)))
71 (t (push (ptree-node-goal parent) new-goals)))
51 (dolist (ax axioms)
52 (setq goal (prepare-next-goal parent tactic))
53 (setf (goal-targets goal) (list ax))
54 (push goal new-goals)))
55 (t (push (ptree-node-goal parent) new-goals)))
7256 (nreverse new-goals)))
7458 ;;; rule-copy-cononicalized : rule module -> rule
7559 ;;; copy rule with all variables are renewed and noralized.
7660 ;;;
77 (defun rule-copy-canonicalized (rule module)
78 (let* ((new-rule (rule-copy rule))
79 (canon (canonicalize-variables (list (rule-lhs new-rule)
80 (rule-rhs new-rule)
81 (rule-condition new-rule))
82 module)))
83 (setf (rule-lhs new-rule) (first canon)
84 (rule-rhs new-rule) (second canon)
85 (rule-condition new-rule) (third canon))
86 new-rule))
88 ;;;
61 (defun rule-copy-canonicalized (rule module &optional label)
62 (with-in-module (module)
63 (let* ((new-rule (rule-copy rule))
64 (canon (canonicalize-variables (list (rule-lhs new-rule)
65 (rule-rhs new-rule)
66 (rule-condition new-rule))
67 module)))
68 (setf (rule-lhs new-rule) (first canon)
69 (rule-rhs new-rule) (second canon)
70 (rule-condition new-rule) (third canon))
71 (when label
72 (setf (rule-labels new-rule) (append (rule-labels rule) (list label))))
73 new-rule)))
8975 ;;; apply-substitution-to-axiom : subst axiom [label] [add] -> axiom'
9076 ;;;
9177 (defun apply-substitution-to-axiom (subst axiom &optional label add)
9278 (setf (rule-lhs axiom) (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-lhs axiom))
93 (rule-rhs axiom) (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs axiom))
94 (rule-condition axiom) (if (is-true? (rule-condition axiom))
95 *bool-true*
96 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-condition axiom))))
79 (rule-rhs axiom) (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs axiom))
80 (rule-condition axiom) (if (is-true? (rule-condition axiom))
81 *bool-true*
82 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-condition axiom))))
9783 (when label
9884 (if add
99 (setf (rule-labels axiom) (append (if (atom label)
100 (list label)
101 label)
102 (rule-labels axiom)))
85 (setf (rule-labels axiom) (append (if (atom label)
86 (list label)
87 label)
88 (rule-labels axiom)))
10389 (setf (rule-labels axiom) label)))
10490 axiom)
106 ;;;
10792 ;;; copy-constant-term
10893 ;;;
10994 (defun copy-constant-term (constant)
11095 (make-applform-simple (term-sort constant) (term-head constant) nil))
112 ;;;
11397 ;;; select-comb-elems : List(List) -> List
11498 ;;;
11599 (defun select-combs-aux (max-idx list-of-list)
116100 (declare (type fixnum max-idx)
117 (type list list-of-list))
101 (type list list-of-list))
118102 (let* ((result nil)
119 (target (car list-of-list))
120 (rest (cdr list-of-list))
121 (len (length target)))
103 (target (car list-of-list))
104 (rest (cdr list-of-list))
105 (len (length target)))
122106 (declare (type fixnum len)
123 (type list result target rest))
107 (type list result target rest))
124108 (if target
125 (let ((idx 0))
126 (declare (type fixnum idx))
127 (while (< idx max-idx)
128 (let ((elt (nth (mod idx len) target))
129 (rr (select-combs-aux max-idx rest)))
130 (if rr
131 (dolist (r rr)
132 (pushnew (cons elt r) result :test #'equal))
133 (pushnew (list elt) result :test #'equal))
134 (incf idx)))
135 (nreverse result))
109 (let ((idx 0))
110 (declare (type fixnum idx))
111 (while (< idx max-idx)
112 (let ((elt (nth (mod idx len) target))
113 (rr (select-combs-aux max-idx rest)))
114 (if rr
115 (dolist (r rr)
116 (pushnew (cons elt r) result :test #'equal))
117 (pushnew (list elt) result :test #'equal))
118 (incf idx)))
119 (nreverse result))
136120 nil)))
138122 (defun select-combs-aux-indexed (max-idx list-of-list index)
139123 (declare (type fixnum max-idx index)
140 (type list list-of-list))
124 (type list list-of-list))
141125 (let* ((result nil)
142 (target (car list-of-list))
143 (rest (cdr list-of-list))
144 (len (length target)))
126 (target (car list-of-list))
127 (rest (cdr list-of-list))
128 (len (length target)))
145129 (declare (type fixnum len)
146 (type list result target rest))
130 (type list result target rest))
147131 (if target
148 (let ((idx 0))
149 (declare (type fixnum idx))
150 (while (< idx max-idx)
151 (let ((elt (nth (mod idx len) target))
152 (rr (select-combs-aux-indexed max-idx rest (1+ index))))
153 (if rr
154 (dolist (r rr)
155 (pushnew (cons (cons index elt) r) result :test #'equal))
156 (pushnew (list (cons index elt)) result :test #'equal))
157 (incf idx)))
158 (nreverse result))
132 (let ((idx 0))
133 (declare (type fixnum idx))
134 (while (< idx max-idx)
135 (let ((elt (nth (mod idx len) target))
136 (rr (select-combs-aux-indexed max-idx rest (1+ index))))
137 (if rr
138 (dolist (r rr)
139 (pushnew (cons (cons index elt) r) result :test #'equal))
140 (pushnew (list (cons index elt)) result :test #'equal))
141 (incf idx)))
142 (nreverse result))
159143 nil)))
161145 (defun select-comb-elems (list-of-list &optional (indexed nil))
164148 (let ((max-idx (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (length x)) list-of-list))))
165149 (declare (type fixnum max-idx))
166150 (if indexed
167 (select-combs-aux-indexed max-idx list-of-list 0)
151 (select-combs-aux-indexed max-idx list-of-list 0)
168152 (select-combs-aux max-idx list-of-list))))
170 ;;;
171154 ;;; axiom-variables : axiom -> List(variable)
172155 ;;; returns a list of variables contained in the given axiom
173156 ;;;
174157 (defun axiom-variables (ax)
175158 (let ((lhs (axiom-lhs ax))
176 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
177 (cond (axiom-condition ax))
178 (result nil))
159 (rhs (axiom-rhs ax))
160 (cond (axiom-condition ax))
161 (result nil))
179162 (declare (type list result))
180163 (setq result (append (term-variables lhs)
181 (append (term-variables rhs)
182 (term-variables cond))))
164 (append (term-variables rhs)
165 (term-variables cond))))
183166 (delete-duplicates result :test #'variable-equal)))
185 ;;;
186168 ;;; normalize-term-in : module term -> term Bool
187169 ;;; reduces the ground terms in given term by rewriting.
188170 ;;; if rewritten, returned term is distructively changed.
189171 ;;;
190172 (defun normalize-term-in (module term &optional (reduction-mode :red))
191173 (let ((applied? nil)
192 (targets nil)
193 (rule-count-save *rule-count*))
174 (targets nil)
175 (rule-count-save (number-rewritings)))
194176 (if (term-variables term)
195 (setq targets (get-gterms term))
177 (setq targets (get-gterms term))
196178 (setq targets (list term)))
197179 (if targets
198 (with-in-module (module)
199 (dolist (gt targets)
200 (block next
201 (when (term-is-reduced? gt)
202 (return-from next nil))
203 (let ((*perform-on-demand-reduction* t)
204 (*rewrite-exec-mode* (eq reduction-mode :exec)))
205 (rewrite gt *current-module* reduction-mode)
206 (unless (= rule-count-save *rule-count*)
207 (setq applied? t)))))
208 (values term applied?))
180 (progn
181 (dolist (gt targets)
182 (block next
183 (when (term-is-reduced? gt)
184 (return-from next nil))
185 (reducer-no-stat gt module reduction-mode)
186 (unless (= rule-count-save (number-rewritings))
187 (setq applied? t))))
188 (values term applied?))
209189 (values term nil))))
211 ;;;
212191 ;;; normalize-sentence : axiom module -> axiom' Bool
213192 ;;; normalize an axiom by reduction, returns the result.
214193 ;;; NOTE: given axiom is preserved (not changed).
215194 ;;;
216195 (defun normalize-sentence (ax module)
217 (with-in-module (module)
218 (let* ((target (rule-copy-canonicalized ax module))
219 (lhs (rule-lhs target))
220 (rhs (rule-rhs target))
221 (condition (rule-condition target))
222 (reduction-mode (if (eq (rule-type ax) :equation)
223 :red
224 :exec))
225 (applied nil)
226 (app? nil))
227 (flet ((set-applied (val)
228 (or app? (setq app? val))))
229 (with-citp-debug ()
230 (with-in-module (module)
231 (format t "~%[NF] target:")
232 (print-next)
233 (print-axiom-brief target)))
234 ;; normalize lhs
235 (multiple-value-setq (lhs applied)
236 (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag lhs) :red))
237 (set-applied applied)
238 (when (eq reduction-mode :exec)
239 (multiple-value-setq (lhs applied) (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag lhs) :exec))
240 (set-applied applied))
241 ;; normalize rhs
242 (multiple-value-setq (rhs applied) (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag rhs)))
243 (set-applied applied)
244 ;; normalize condition
245 (unless (is-true? condition)
246 (multiple-value-setq (condition applied)
247 (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag condition) :red))
248 (set-applied applied))
249 (setf (rule-lhs target) lhs)
250 (setf (rule-rhs target) rhs)
251 (setf (rule-condition target) condition)
252 ;;
253 (with-citp-debug ()
254 (if (not app?)
255 (format t "~% ...not applied: ")
256 (progn
257 (print-next)
258 (princ "==> ") (print-axiom-brief target))))
259 ;;
260 (values target app?)))))
262 ;;;
196 (if-spoiler-on
197 ;; normalize sentence only if :spoiler is on
198 :then (let ((target (rule-copy-canonicalized ax module)))
199 (with-in-module (module)
200 (let ((lhs (rule-lhs target))
201 (rhs (rule-rhs target))
202 (condition (rule-condition target))
203 (reduction-mode (if (eq (rule-type ax) :equation)
204 :red
205 :exec))
206 (applied nil)
207 (app? nil))
208 (flet ((set-applied (val)
209 (or app? (setq app? val))))
210 (with-citp-debug ()
211 (with-in-module (module)
212 (format t "~%[NF] target:")
213 (print-next)
214 (print-axiom-brief target)))
215 ;; normalize lhs
216 (multiple-value-setq (lhs applied)
217 (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag lhs) :red))
218 (set-applied applied)
219 (when (eq reduction-mode :exec)
220 (multiple-value-setq (lhs applied)
221 (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag lhs) :exec))
222 (set-applied applied))
223 ;; normalize rhs
224 (multiple-value-setq (rhs applied)
225 (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag rhs)))
226 (set-applied applied)
227 ;; normalize condition
228 (unless (is-true? condition)
229 (multiple-value-setq (condition applied)
230 (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag condition) :red))
231 (set-applied applied))
232 (setf (rule-lhs target) lhs)
233 (setf (rule-rhs target) rhs)
234 (setf (rule-condition target) condition)
235 ;;
236 (with-citp-debug ()
237 (if (not app?)
238 (format t "~% ...not applied: ")
239 (progn
240 (print-next)
241 (princ "==> ") (print-axiom-brief target))))
242 ;;
243 (return-from normalize-sentence (values target app?))))))
244 ;; do nothing if :spoiler is off
245 :else (values ax nil)))
263247 ;;; is-contradiction : term term -> Bool
264248 ;;; returns true if true ~ false, or false ~ true
265249 ;;;
250 #|
266251 (defun is-contradiction (t1 t2)
267252 (or (and (is-true? t1) (is-false? t2))
268253 (and (is-false? t1) (is-true? t2))))
270 ;;;
254 |#
255 (defun is-contradiction (t1 t2)
256 (declare (ignore t1 t2))
257 nil)
271259 ;;; sentence-is-satisfied : axiom module -> { :satisfied | :ct | nil }
272260 ;;;
273261 (defun sentence-is-satisfied (sentence module)
274262 (let ((old-condition (rule-condition sentence)))
275263 (multiple-value-bind (norm-sen app?)
276 (normalize-sentence sentence module)
264 (normalize-sentence sentence module)
277265 (declare (ignore app?))
278266 (let ((lhs (rule-lhs norm-sen))
279 (rhs (rule-rhs norm-sen))
280 (condition (rule-condition norm-sen))
281 (result nil))
282 (with-citp-debug ()
283 (format t "~%[satisfied?]: ")
284 (print-axiom-brief norm-sen))
285 (cond ((and (not (is-true? old-condition)) (is-true? condition))
286 (if (is-contradiction lhs rhs)
287 (setq result :ct)
288 (setq result :st)))
289 ((is-true? condition) ; originally the axiom was non-conditional
290 (if (is-contradiction lhs rhs)
291 (setq result :ct)
292 (let ((x-lhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag lhs)))
293 (x-rhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag rhs))))
294 (when (term-equational-equal x-lhs x-rhs)
295 (setq result :st)))))
296 (t (setq result nil)))
297 (with-citp-debug ()
298 (format t "~% --> ~a: " result)
299 (print-next)
300 (print-axiom-brief norm-sen))
301 (values result norm-sen)))))
303 ;;; check-contradiction : module -> Bool
304 ;;; check if 'true => false' or 'false => true' can happen or not
305 ;;;
267 (rhs (rule-rhs norm-sen))
268 (condition (rule-condition norm-sen))
269 (result nil))
270 (with-citp-debug ()
271 (format t "~%[satisfied?]: ")
272 (print-axiom-brief norm-sen))
273 (cond ((and (not (is-true? old-condition)) (is-true? condition))
274 (if (is-contradiction lhs rhs)
275 (setq result :ct)
276 (setq result :st)))
277 ((is-true? condition) ; originally the axiom was non-conditional
278 (if (is-contradiction lhs rhs)
279 (setq result :ct)
280 (let ((x-lhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag lhs)))
281 (x-rhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag rhs))))
282 (when (term-equational-equal x-lhs x-rhs)
283 (setq result :st)))))
284 (t (setq result nil)))
285 (with-citp-debug ()
286 (format t "~% --> ~a: " result)
287 (print-next)
288 (print-axiom-brief norm-sen))
289 (values result norm-sen)))))
291 ;;; check-contradiction : goal -> Bool
292 ;;; check if
293 ;;; * 'true => false' or
294 ;;; * 'false => true' or
295 ;;; * (t = t) = false
307296 (defun check-true<=>false (module &optional (report-header nil))
308297 (with-in-module (module)
309298 (let ((t-rules (method-rules-with-different-top *bool-true-meth*))
310 (f-rules (method-rules-with-different-top *bool-false-meth*))
311 (ct-rule nil))
299 (f-rules (method-rules-with-different-top *bool-false-meth*))
300 (ct-rule nil))
312301 (dolist (rule (append t-rules f-rules))
313 (with-citp-debug ()
314 (format t "~%check true<=> false")
315 (print-next)
316 (print-axiom-brief rule))
317 (when (or (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
318 (is-true? (normalize-term-in module
319 (reset-reduced-flag (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables
320 (rule-condition rule))))))
321 (setq ct-rule rule)
322 (with-citp-debug ()
323 (format t "~% CT found!"))
324 (return nil)))
302 (with-citp-debug ()
303 (format t "~%check true<=> false")
304 (print-next)
305 (print-axiom-brief rule))
306 (when (or (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
307 (is-true? (normalize-term-in module
308 (reset-reduced-flag (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables
309 (rule-condition rule))))))
310 (unless (term-equational-equal (rule-lhs rule) (rule-rhs rule))
311 (setq ct-rule rule)
312 (with-citp-debug ()
313 (format t "~% CT found!"))
314 (return nil))))
325315 (when (and ct-rule report-header)
326 (format t "~%[~a] contradiction: " report-header)
327 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
328 (print-next)
329 (print-axiom-brief ct-rule)))
316 (format t "~%[~a] contradiction: " report-header)
317 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
318 (print-next)
319 (print-axiom-brief ct-rule)))
330320 ct-rule)))
332 (defun check-contradiction (module &optional (report-header nil))
333 (or (check-true<=>false module report-header)
334 (with-in-module (module)
335 (let ((true-term (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* *bool-true-meth* nil))
336 (false-term (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* *bool-false-meth* nil)))
337 (let ((true=false (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* *eql-op* (list true-term false-term))))
338 (multiple-value-bind (t-result t-applied?)
339 (normalize-term-in module true=false)
340 (when (and t-applied? (is-true? t-result))
341 (when report-header
342 (format t "~%[~a] contradiction: " report-header)
343 (print-next)
344 (format t " `true = false' can be derived!"))
345 (return-from check-contradiction t))))))
346 nil))
348 ;;;
322 (defun check-contradictory-assumptions (goal &optional (report-header nil))
323 (let ((ams (goal-assumptions goal))
324 (contra? nil))
325 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
326 (dolist (ax ams)
327 (when (and (is-false? (rule-rhs ax))
328 (term-is-similar? (rule-lhs ax) (rule-rhs ax)))
329 (when report-header
330 (format t "~%[~a] contradictory assumption: " report-header)
331 (print-next)
332 (print-axiom-brief ax))
333 (setf contra? t)))
334 contra?)))
336 (defun check-contradiction (goal &optional (report-header nil))
337 (let ((module (goal-context goal)))
338 (or (check-true<=>false module report-header)
339 (check-contradictory-assumptions goal report-header)
340 (with-in-module (module)
341 (let ((true-term (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* *bool-true-meth* nil))
342 (false-term (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* *bool-false-meth* nil)))
343 (let ((true=false (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* *eql-op* (list true-term false-term))))
344 (multiple-value-bind (t-result t-applied?)
345 (normalize-term-in module true=false)
346 (when (and t-applied? (is-true? t-result))
347 (when report-header
348 (format t "~%[~a] contradiction: " report-header)
349 (print-next)
350 (format t " `true = false' can be derived!"))
351 (return-from check-contradiction t))))))
352 nil)))
349354 ;;; check-le : goal -> goal'
350355 ;;;
351356 (defun check-le (goal)
352357 (let ((mod (goal-context goal)))
353358 (with-in-module (mod)
354359 (let ((axs (module-equations mod))
355 (ls-pats nil)
356 (le-pats nil))
357 (dolist (ax axs)
358 (block next
359 (unless (is-true? (rule-condition ax)) (return-from next))
360 (when (axiom-variables ax) (return-from next))
361 (let ((lhs (rule-lhs ax)))
362 (multiple-value-bind (match? subst)
363 (@pat-match .ls-pat. lhs)
364 (declare (ignore subst))
365 (cond (match? (push (cons (term-arg-1 lhs) (term-arg-2 lhs)) ls-pats))
366 (t (multiple-value-setq (match? subst)
367 (@pat-match .le-pat. lhs))
368 (when match? (push (cons (term-arg-1 lhs) (term-arg-2 lhs)) le-pats))))))))
369 (let ((ls-r nil)
370 (le-r nil))
371 (dolist (ls ls-pats)
372 (let ((ls-pair (find (cdr ls) ls-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal))
373 (le-pair (find (cdr ls) le-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal)))
374 ;; G1 < G2 < G3
375 (when ls-pair (push (cons (car ls) (cdr ls-pair)) ls-r)) ; < check G3 < G1
376 ;; G1 < G2 <= G3
377 (when le-pair (push (cons (car ls) (cdr le-pair)) le-r)))) ; <= check G3 <= G1
378 (dolist (le le-pats)
379 (let ((ls-pair (find (cdr le) ls-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal))
380 (le-pair (find (cdr le) le-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal)))
381 ;; G1 <= G2 < G3
382 (when ls-pair (push (cons (car le) (cdr ls-pair)) le-r)) ; check G3 <= G1
383 (when le-pair (push (cons (car le) (cdr le-pair)) ls-r)))) ; check G3 < G1
384 ;;
385 (with-citp-debug ()
386 (format t "~%[le] check in goal ~s: " (goal-name goal))
387 (dolist (ls ls-r)
388 (print-next)
389 (term-print (cdr ls)) (princ " < ")
390 (term-print (car ls)))
391 (dolist (le le-r)
392 (print-next)
393 (term-print (cdr le)) (princ " <= ")
394 (term-print (car le))))
395 (flet ((do-check (pat op)
396 (dolist (ls pat)
397 (let ((rg (make-applform-simple *bool-sort*
398 op
399 (list (cdr ls) (car ls)))))
400 (with-citp-debug ()
401 (format t "~% target term : ")
402 (term-print-with-sort rg))
403 (when (is-true? (normalize-term-in *current-module* rg))
404 ;; discharge the goal
405 (let ((target (rule-copy-canonicalized (car (goal-targets goal))
406 *current-module*)))
407 (setf (rule-labels target) (cons 'le (rule-labels target)))
408 (setf (goal-targets goal) nil)
409 (setf (goal-proved goal) (list target))
410 (format t "~%[le] discharged the goal ~s" (goal-name goal)))
411 (return nil))))))
412 (do-check ls-r (term-head .ls-pat.))
413 (do-check le-r (term-head .le-pat.))))))))
415 ;;;
416 ;;; make-new-assumption : module term [label] -> axiom
417 ;;;
360 (ls-pats nil)
361 (le-pats nil))
362 (dolist (ax axs)
363 (block next
364 (unless (is-true? (rule-condition ax)) (return-from next))
365 (when (axiom-variables ax) (return-from next))
366 (let ((lhs (rule-lhs ax)))
367 (multiple-value-bind (match? subst)
368 (@pat-match .ls-pat. lhs)
369 (declare (ignore subst))
370 (cond (match? (push (cons (term-arg-1 lhs) (term-arg-2 lhs)) ls-pats))
371 (t (multiple-value-setq (match? subst)
372 (@pat-match .le-pat. lhs))
373 (when match? (push (cons (term-arg-1 lhs) (term-arg-2 lhs)) le-pats))))))))
374 (let ((ls-r nil)
375 (le-r nil))
376 (dolist (ls ls-pats)
377 (let ((ls-pair (find (cdr ls) ls-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal))
378 (le-pair (find (cdr ls) le-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal)))
379 ;; G1 < G2 < G3
380 (when ls-pair (push (cons (car ls) (cdr ls-pair)) ls-r)) ; < check G3 < G1
381 ;; G1 < G2 <= G3
382 (when le-pair (push (cons (car ls) (cdr le-pair)) le-r)))) ; <= check G3 <= G1
383 (dolist (le le-pats)
384 (let ((ls-pair (find (cdr le) ls-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal))
385 (le-pair (find (cdr le) le-pats :key #'car :test #'term-equational-equal)))
386 ;; G1 <= G2 < G3
387 (when ls-pair (push (cons (car le) (cdr ls-pair)) le-r)) ; check G3 <= G1
388 (when le-pair (push (cons (car le) (cdr le-pair)) ls-r)))) ; check G3 < G1
389 ;;
390 (with-citp-debug ()
391 (format t "~%[le] check in goal ~s: " (goal-name goal))
392 (dolist (ls ls-r)
393 (print-next)
394 (term-print (cdr ls)) (princ " < ")
395 (term-print (car ls)))
396 (dolist (le le-r)
397 (print-next)
398 (term-print (cdr le)) (princ " <= ")
399 (term-print (car le))))
400 (flet ((do-check (pat op)
401 (dolist (ls pat)
402 (let ((rg (make-applform-simple *bool-sort*
403 op
404 (list (cdr ls) (car ls)))))
405 (with-citp-debug ()
406 (format t "~% target term : ")
407 (term-print-with-sort rg))
408 (when (is-true? (normalize-term-in *current-module* rg))
409 ;; discharge the goal
410 (let ((target (rule-copy-canonicalized (car (goal-targets goal))
411 *current-module*)))
412 (setf (rule-labels target) (cons 'le (rule-labels target)))
413 (setf (goal-targets goal) nil)
414 (setf (goal-proved goal) (list target))
415 (format t "~%[le] discharged the goal ~s" (goal-name goal)))
416 (return nil))))))
417 (do-check ls-r (term-head .ls-pat.))
418 (do-check le-r (term-head .le-pat.))))))))
420 ;;; make-new-assumption : module lhs rhs -> new-lhs new-rhs axiom-type
421 ;;;
422 (defun boolean-constant? (term)
423 (or (is-true? term)(is-false? term)))
425 (defun simplify-boolean-axiom (lhs rhs)
426 (let ((r-lhs lhs)
427 (r-rhs rhs)
428 (type :equation))
429 (with-citp-debug ()
430 (format t "~%== simplify: ")
431 (format t "~% lhs = ")(term-print-with-sort lhs)
432 (format t "~% rhs = ")(term-print-with-sort rhs))
433 (cond ((method= *eql-op* (term-method lhs))
434 (with-citp-debug ()
435 (format t "~%** case _=_"))
436 ;; (T1 = T2) = true/false ==> T1 = T2
437 (let* ((arg1 (term-arg-1 lhs))
438 (arg2 (term-arg-2 lhs))
439 (arg1-is-bconstant (boolean-constant? arg1))
440 (arg2-is-bconstant (boolean-constant? arg2)))
441 (cond ((is-true? rhs)
442 (with-citp-debug ()
443 (format t "~%-- (T1 = T2) = true"))
444 ;; (T1 = T2) = true
445 (cond ((method= (term-head arg1) (term-head arg2))
446 ;; (T1 = T1) = true : dangerous tautology
447 (with-citp-debug ()
448 (format t "~%-- (T = T) = true, tautology."))
449 (let ((*chaos-quiet* nil))
450 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
451 (format t "Found the new assumption is tautology:")
452 (print-next)
453 (format t "LHS: ") (term-print-with-sort arg1)
454 (print-next)
455 (format t "RHS: ") (term-print-with-sort arg2)
456 (format t "~%... ignored.")))
457 (setf r-lhs nil
458 r-rhs nil))
459 ((and arg1-is-bconstant arg2-is-bconstant)
460 (with-citp-debug ()
461 (format t "~%-- (true = false) = true, (false = true) = true."))
462 ;; (true = false), (false = true) = true .
463 ;; contradiction
464 (setf r-lhs arg1
465 r-rhs arg2)
466 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
467 (let ((*chaos-quiet* nil))
468 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
469 (format t "Caution!, you are introducing contradiction:")
470 (print-next)
471 (format t "LHS: ") (term-print-with-sort r-lhs)
472 (print-next)
473 (format t "RHS: ") (term-print-with-sort r-rhs)))))
474 (t
475 ;; (T1 = T2) = true --> T1 = T2
476 (with-citp-debug ()
477 (format t "~% trying to simplify.."))
478 (setf r-lhs (if arg1-is-bconstant
479 arg2
480 arg1))
481 (setf r-rhs (if arg1-is-bconstant
482 arg1
483 arg2)))))
484 ((is-false? rhs)
485 ;; (T1 = T2) = false
486 (with-citp-debug ()
487 (format t "~%-- (T1 = T2) = false"))
488 (cond ((method= (term-head arg1) (term-head arg2))
489 ;; (T = T) = false
490 ;; contradiction
491 (with-citp-debug ()
492 (format t "~% (T = T) = false, contradiction!"))
493 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
494 (*chaos-quiet* nil))
495 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
496 (format t "Caution! you are introducing contradiction:")
497 (print-next)
498 (format t "LHS: ") (term-print-with-sort lhs)
499 (print-next)
500 (format t "RHS: ") (term-print-with-sort rhs))))
501 ((and arg1-is-bconstant arg2-is-bconstant)
502 ;; (true = false) = false, (false = true) = false
503 (with-citp-debug ()
504 (format t "~%(true = false) = false, (false = true) = false"))
505 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
506 (*chaos-quiet* nil))
507 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
508 (format t "Redundant assumption: ")
509 (print-next)
510 (format t "LHS: ") (term-print-with-sort lhs)
511 (print-next)
512 (format t "RHS: ") (term-print-with-sort rhs))
513 (format t "~%... ignored."))
514 (setf r-lhs nil
515 r-rhs nil))
516 (t
517 ;;
518 (with-citp-debug ()
519 (format t "-- trying to simplify.."))
520 (if (is-true? arg1)
521 (setf r-lhs arg2
522 r-rhs *bool-false*)
523 (if (is-true? arg2)
524 (setf r-lhs arg1
525 r-rhs *bool-false*)
526 (if (is-false? arg1)
527 (setf r-lhs arg2
528 r-rhs *bool-true*)
529 (if (is-false? arg2)
530 (setf r-lhs arg1
531 r-rhs *bool-true*)
532 (setf r-lhs lhs
533 r-rhs rhs)))))))))))
534 ((method= *bool-match* (term-method lhs))
535 ;; (T1 := T2) = true ==> T2 = T1
536 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-2 lhs)
537 r-rhs (term-arg-1 lhs)))
538 ((method= *rwl-predicate* (term-method lhs))
539 ;; (T1 => T2) = true ==> T1 => T2
540 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-1 lhs)
541 r-rhs (term-arg-2 lhs))
542 (setq type :rule)))
544 (with-citp-debug ()
545 (when r-lhs
546 (format t "~%=> ")
547 (format t "~%LHS: ")(term-print-with-sort r-lhs)
548 (format t "~%RHS: ")(term-print-with-sort r-rhs)
549 (format t "~%type: ~a" type)))
550 (if r-lhs
551 (values r-lhs r-rhs type)
552 (values nil nil nil))))
418554 (defun make-new-assumption (module lhs &optional (label-prefix nil))
419555 (with-in-module (module)
420556 (let ((r-lhs lhs)
421 (r-rhs *bool-true*)
422 (type :equation))
557 (r-rhs *bool-true*)
558 (type :equation))
423559 (when (method= *eql-op* (term-method lhs))
424 ;; (T1 = T2) = true ==> T1 = T2
425 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-1 lhs)
426 r-rhs (term-arg-2 lhs)))
560 ;; (T1 = T2) = true ==> T1 = T2
561 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-1 lhs)
562 r-rhs (term-arg-2 lhs)))
427563 (when (method= *bool-match* (term-method lhs))
428 ;; (T1 := T2) = true ==> T2 = T1
429 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-2 lhs)
430 r-rhs (term-arg-1 lhs)))
564 ;; (T1 := T2) = true ==> T2 = T1
565 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-2 lhs)
566 r-rhs (term-arg-1 lhs)))
431567 (when (method= *rwl-predicate* (term-method lhs))
432 ;; (T1 => T2) = true ==> T1 => T2
433 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-1 lhs)
434 r-rhs (term-arg-2 lhs))
435 (setq type :rule))
568 ;; (T1 => T2) = true ==> T1 => T2
569 (setf r-lhs (term-arg-1 lhs)
570 r-rhs (term-arg-2 lhs))
571 (setq type :rule))
436572 (compile-module module)
437573 (let ((axiom (make-rule :lhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag r-lhs))
438 :rhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag r-rhs))
439 :condition *bool-true*
440 :type type
441 :behavioural nil
442 :labels (if label-prefix (list label-prefix) nil))))
443 ;; check tautology
444 (when (term-equational-equal r-lhs r-rhs)
445 (return-from make-new-assumption nil))
446 (with-citp-debug ()
447 (format t "~%** new assumption: ")
448 (print-axiom-brief axiom))
449 axiom))))
451 ;;;
574 :rhs (normalize-term-in module (reset-reduced-flag r-rhs))
575 :condition *bool-true*
576 :type type
577 :behavioural nil
578 :labels (if label-prefix (list label-prefix) nil))))
579 ;; check tautology
580 (when (term-equational-equal r-lhs r-rhs)
581 (return-from make-new-assumption nil))
582 (with-citp-debug ()
583 (format t "~%** new assumption: ")
584 (print-axiom-brief axiom))
585 axiom))))
452587 ;;; condition->axioms : module term -> List(axiom)
453588 ;;;
454589 (defun condition->axioms (module condition &optional (rule-label nil))
455590 (with-in-module (module)
456591 (let ((axs nil)
457 (cps nil))
592 (cps nil))
458593 (if (method= *bool-cond-op* (term-head condition))
459 (let ((subs (list-assoc-subterms condition *bool-cond-op*)))
460 (dolist (sub subs)
461 (push (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables sub) cps)))
462 (setq cps (list (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables condition))))
594 (let ((subs (list-assoc-subterms condition *bool-cond-op*)))
595 (dolist (sub subs)
596 (push (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables sub) cps)))
597 (setq cps (list (term-copy-and-returns-list-variables condition))))
463598 (dolist (c cps)
464 (let ((new-ax (make-new-assumption module c rule-label)))
465 (when new-ax
466 (compute-rule-method new-ax)
467 (pushnew new-ax axs :test #'rule-is-similar?))))
599 (let ((new-ax (make-new-assumption module c rule-label)))
600 (when new-ax
601 (compute-rule-method new-ax)
602 (pushnew new-ax axs :test #'rule-is-similar?))))
468603 (with-citp-debug ()
469 (format t "~%[~a] generated axioms:" rule-label)
470 (dolist (ax axs)
471 (print-next)
472 (print-axiom-brief ax)))
604 (format t "~%[~a] generated axioms:" rule-label)
605 (dolist (ax axs)
606 (print-next)
607 (print-axiom-brief ax)))
473608 axs)))
475610 (defun axiom-is-an-instance-of (ax cx module)
480615 (print-next)
481616 (format t "* cx: ") (print-axiom-brief cx))
482617 (multiple-value-bind (gs subst no-match E-equal)
483 (funcall (rule-first-match-method cx) (rule-lhs cx) (rule-lhs ax))
618 (funcall (rule-first-match-method cx) (rule-lhs cx) (rule-lhs ax))
484619 (when no-match (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of nil))
485620 (when e-equal (setq subst nil))
486621 (let ((pat-instance (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs cx)))
487 (t-instance (rule-rhs ax))
488 (next-match-method nil))
489 (with-citp-debug ()
490 (format t "~%* matched: ")
491 (print-substitution subst)
492 (print-next)
493 (format t "pat: ") (term-print-with-sort pat-instance)
494 (print-next)
495 (format t "rhs: ") (term-print-with-sort t-instance))
497 (when (term-equational-equal t-instance pat-instance)
498 (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of t))
499 ;; try other match
500 (setq next-match-method (rule-next-match-method cx))
501 (loop
502 (multiple-value-setq (gs subst no-match)
503 (funcall next-match-method gs))
504 (when no-match (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of nil))
505 (setq pat-instance (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs cx)))
506 (when (term-equational-equal t-instance pat-instance)
507 (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of t))))
622 (t-instance (rule-rhs ax))
623 (next-match-method nil))
624 (with-citp-debug ()
625 (format t "~%* matched: ")
626 (print-substitution subst)
627 (print-next)
628 (format t "pat: ") (term-print-with-sort pat-instance)
629 (print-next)
630 (format t "rhs: ") (term-print-with-sort t-instance))
632 (when (term-equational-equal t-instance pat-instance)
633 (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of t))
634 ;; try other match
635 (setq next-match-method (rule-next-match-method cx))
636 (loop
637 (multiple-value-setq (gs subst no-match)
638 (funcall next-match-method gs))
639 (when no-match (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of nil))
640 (setq pat-instance (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs cx)))
641 (when (term-equational-equal t-instance pat-instance)
642 (return-from axiom-is-an-instance-of t))))
508643 nil)))
510645 (defun check-ct-with-axioms (goal axioms &optional report-header)
511646 (declare (type goal goal)
512 (type list axioms))
647 (type list axioms))
513648 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
514649 (let ((tf-rules (append (method-rules-with-different-top *bool-true-meth*)
515 (method-rules-with-different-top *bool-false-meth*))))
516 ;; first do light weight check
517 (dolist (rule tf-rules)
518 (when (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
519 ;; already CT
520 (when report-header
521 (format t "~%[~a] found contradiction: " report-header)
522 (print-axiom-brief rule))
523 (return-from check-ct-with-axioms :ct)))
524 (dolist (rule tf-rules)
525 (let ((cond-axioms (condition->axioms *current-module* (rule-condition rule))))
526 (let ((remaining cond-axioms))
527 (do* ((cax (car remaining) (car remaining))
528 (axs axioms (cdr axs))
529 (ax (car axs) (car axs)))
530 ((or (null cax) (null axs)))
531 (when (axiom-is-an-instance-of ax cax *current-module*)
532 (setq remaining (remove cax remaining))))
533 (unless remaining
534 (when report-header
535 (format t "~%[~a] found contradiction: " report-header)
536 (print-axiom-brief rule))
537 (return-from check-ct-with-axioms :ct)))))
538 nil)))
650 (method-rules-with-different-top *bool-false-meth*))))
651 ;; first do light weight check
652 (dolist (rule tf-rules)
653 (when (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
654 ;; already CT
655 (when report-header
656 (format t "~%[~a] found contradiction: " report-header)
657 (print-axiom-brief rule))
658 (return-from check-ct-with-axioms :ct)))
659 (dolist (rule tf-rules)
660 (let ((cond-axioms (condition->axioms *current-module* (rule-condition rule))))
661 (let ((remaining cond-axioms))
662 (do* ((cax (car remaining) (car remaining))
663 (axs axioms (cdr axs))
664 (ax (car axs) (car axs)))
665 ((or (null cax) (null axs)))
666 (when (axiom-is-an-instance-of ax cax *current-module*)
667 (setq remaining (remove cax remaining))))
668 (unless remaining
669 (when report-header
670 (format t "~%[~a] found contradiction: " report-header)
671 (print-axiom-brief rule))
672 (return-from check-ct-with-axioms :ct)))))
673 nil)))
540675 ;;; check-sentence&mark-label : sentence module -> (<result> <normalized-sentence> <origina-sentence>)
541676 ;;;
542 (defun check-sentence&mark-label (sentence module &optional (report-header nil))
543 (with-in-module (module)
544 (flet ((make-st-label ()
545 (let ((lbl (or report-header 'st)))
546 (cons lbl (rule-labels sentence))))
547 (make-ct-label ()
548 (let ((lbl (if report-header
549 (intern (format nil "CT-~A" report-header))
550 'ct)))
551 (cons lbl (rule-labels sentence))))
552 (make-ic-label ()
553 (let ((lbl (if report-header
554 (intern (format nil "IC-~A" report-header))
555 'ic)))
556 (cons lbl (rule-labels sentence)))))
557 ;;
558 (let ((target sentence)
559 (res nil)
560 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
561 (*print-line-limit* 80)
562 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
563 (if (check-contradiction module report-header)
564 (setq res :ct)
565 (multiple-value-setq (res target)
566 (sentence-is-satisfied sentence *current-module*)))
567 (when res
568 ;; discharged by certain reson
569 (setq sentence (rule-copy-canonicalized sentence *current-module*)))
570 (case res
571 (:st (when report-header
572 (format t "~%[~a] discharged: " report-header)
573 (print-next)
574 (print-axiom-brief sentence))
575 (setf (rule-labels sentence) (make-st-label))
576 (values :st target sentence))
577 (:ct (when report-header
578 (format t "~%[~a] discharged: " report-header)
579 (print-next)
580 (print-axiom-brief sentence))
581 (setf (rule-labels sentence) (make-ct-label))
582 (values :ct target sentence))
583 (:ic (when report-header
584 (format t "~%[~a] discharged: " report-header)
585 (print-next)
586 (print-axiom-brief sentence))
587 (setf (rule-labels sentence) (make-ic-label))
588 (values :ic target sentence))
589 (otherwise (values nil target sentence)))))))
591 ;;;
677 (defun check-sentence&mark-label (sentence goal &optional (report-header nil))
678 (flet ((make-st-label ()
679 (let ((lbl (or report-header 'st)))
680 (cons lbl (rule-labels sentence))))
681 (make-ct-label ()
682 (let ((lbl (if report-header
683 (intern (format nil "CT-~A" report-header))
684 'ct)))
685 (cons lbl (rule-labels sentence))))
686 (make-ic-label ()
687 (let ((lbl (if report-header
688 (intern (format nil "IC-~A" report-header))
689 'ic)))
690 (cons lbl (rule-labels sentence)))))
691 ;;
692 (let ((module (goal-context goal)))
693 (with-in-module (module)
694 (let ((target sentence)
695 (res nil)
696 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
697 (*print-line-limit* 80)
698 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
699 (if (check-contradiction goal report-header)
700 (setq res :ct)
701 (multiple-value-setq (res target)
702 (sentence-is-satisfied sentence module)))
703 (when res
704 ;; discharged by certain reson
705 (setq sentence (rule-copy-canonicalized sentence *current-module*)))
706 (with-in-module (module)
707 ;; check how did we did dischage
708 (case res
709 (:st (when report-header
710 (format t "~%[~a] discharged: " report-header)
711 (print-next)
712 (print-axiom-brief sentence))
713 (setf (rule-labels sentence) (make-st-label))
714 (values :st target sentence))
715 (:ct (when report-header
716 (format t "~%[~a] discharged: " report-header)
717 (print-next)
718 (print-axiom-brief sentence))
719 (setf (rule-labels sentence) (make-ct-label))
720 (values :ct target sentence))
721 (:ic (when report-header
722 (format t "~%[~a] discharged: " report-header)
723 (print-next)
724 (print-axiom-brief sentence))
725 (setf (rule-labels sentence) (make-ic-label))
726 (values :ic target sentence))
727 ;; could not discharge
728 (otherwise (values nil target sentence)))))))))
592730 ;;; set-operator-rewrite-rule : module axiom -> void
593731 ;;;
594732 (defun set-operator-rewrite-rule (module axiom)
595733 (when (term-is-applform? (rule-lhs axiom))
596734 (add-rule-to-method axiom (term-head (rule-lhs axiom)) (module-opinfo-table module))))
598 ;;;
736 ;;; add-assumptions-to-goal : goal assumptions -> void
737 ;;;
738 (defun add-assumptions-to-goal (goal assumptions)
739 (let ((module (goal-context goal)))
740 (with-in-module (module)
741 (dolist (ax assumptions)
742 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
743 (set-operator-rewrite-rule module ax))
744 (compile-module module t))))
599746 ;;; check-goal-is-satisfied : goal -> ( <result> <normalized-target> <possibly-marked-target> )
600747 ;;;
601748 (defun check-goal-is-satisfied (goal &optional (report-header nil))
602749 (when (cdr (goal-targets goal))
603750 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-proof-seq)
604751 (format t "Internal error. more than one target!")))
605 (let ((target (car (goal-targets goal))))
606 (multiple-value-bind (discharged normalized-target original-target)
607 (do-check-sentence target goal report-header)
608 (when discharged
609 (setf (goal-targets goal) nil
610 (goal-proved goal) (list original-target)))
611 (values discharged normalized-target original-target))))
752 (if-spoiler-on
753 :then (let ((target (car (goal-targets goal))))
754 (multiple-value-bind (discharged normalized-target original-target)
755 (do-check-sentence target goal report-header)
756 (when discharged
757 (setf (goal-targets goal) nil
758 (goal-proved goal) (list original-target)))
759 (values discharged normalized-target original-target)))
760 :else (values nil nil (car (goal-targets goal)))))
614762 (defun do-check-sentence (target goal &optional report-header)
615763 (let ((mod (goal-context goal)))
616 (with-in-module (mod)
617 (multiple-value-bind (result norm-target marked-target)
618 (check-sentence&mark-label target *current-module* report-header)
619 (cond (result
620 ;; goal is dischared by some reason
621 ;;
622 )
623 ((and (is-true? (rule-condition target))
624 (eq (rule-type target) :equation))
625 (setf target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*))
626 (setf (rule-lhs target) (make-applform-simple *bool-sort*
627 *eql-op*
628 (list (rule-lhs target)
629 (rule-rhs target)))
630 (rule-rhs target) *bool-true*)
631 (multiple-value-bind (res-2 norm-target-2 marked-target-2)
632 (check-sentence&mark-label target *current-module* report-header)
633 (declare (ignore norm-target-2 marked-target-2))
634 (when res-2
635 (setf result res-2))))
636 (t ;; nothing to do
637 ))
638 (values result norm-target marked-target)))))
640 ;;;
764 (multiple-value-bind (result norm-target marked-target)
765 (check-sentence&mark-label target goal report-header)
766 (cond (result
767 ;; goal has been dischared already by some reason
768 )
769 ((and (is-true? (rule-condition target))
770 (eq (rule-type target) :equation))
771 (setf target (rule-copy-canonicalized target mod))
772 (setf (rule-lhs target) (make-applform-simple *bool-sort*
773 *eql-op* ; _=_
774 (list (rule-lhs target)
775 (rule-rhs target)))
776 (rule-rhs target) *bool-true*)
777 (multiple-value-bind (res-2 norm-target-2 marked-target-2)
778 (check-sentence&mark-label target goal report-header)
779 (declare (ignore norm-target-2 marked-target-2))
780 (when res-2
781 (setf result res-2))))
782 (t ;; nothing to do
783 ))
784 (values result norm-target marked-target))))
641786 ;;; try-prove-with-axioms : module List(axiom) axiom : -> { :satisfied | :ct | nil }
642787 ;;;
643788 (defparameter .trial-context-module. (%module-decl* "trial-dummy" :object :user nil))
645 (defun try-prove-with-axioms (module axioms target &optional (report-header nil))
646 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
647 (let ((tmodule (eval-ast .trial-context-module.)))
648 (import-module tmodule :including module)
649 (with-in-module (tmodule)
650 (dolist (ax axioms)
651 (adjoin-axiom-to-module tmodule ax)
652 (set-operator-rewrite-rule tmodule ax))
653 (compile-module tmodule t)
654 ;; first we check contradiction
655 (if (check-contradiction tmodule report-header)
656 :ct
657 ;; the module is consistent, try
658 (sentence-is-satisfied target tmodule))))))
790 (defun try-prove-with-axioms (goal axioms target &optional (report-header nil))
791 (let ((module (goal-context goal)))
792 (with-citp-env ()
793 (let ((tmodule (eval-ast .trial-context-module.)))
794 (import-module tmodule :including module)
795 (with-in-module (tmodule)
796 (dolist (ax axioms)
797 (adjoin-axiom-to-module tmodule ax)
798 (set-operator-rewrite-rule tmodule ax))
799 (compile-module tmodule t)
800 ;; first we check contradiction
801 (if (check-contradiction goal report-header)
802 :ct
803 ;; the module is consistent, try
804 (sentence-is-satisfied target tmodule)))))))
806 ;;; already-proved? :
807 ;;;
808 (defun already-proved? (node-or-goal &optional (warn t))
809 (declare (type (or ptree-node goal) node-or-goal))
810 (let ((goal (if (ptree-node-p node-or-goal)
811 (ptree-node-goal node-or-goal)
812 node-or-goal)))
813 (unless (goal-is-discharged goal)
814 (return-from already-proved? nil))
815 (when warn
816 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
817 (format t "** The goal ~s has already been proved!."
818 (goal-name goal))))
819 t))
660821 ;;; ****************************************************************************
661822 ;;; Tactic executors
675836 (defun apply-nil-internal (node sentences &optional (all-together nil) (tactic .tactic-nil.))
676837 (declare (type ptree-node node)
677 (type list sentences))
838 (type list sentences))
678839 (let ((goals nil))
679840 (cond (all-together
680 (let ((ngoal (prepare-next-goal node tactic)))
681 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) sentences)
682 (push ngoal goals)))
683 (t (dolist (sentence sentences)
684 (let ((ngoal (prepare-next-goal node tactic)))
685 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (list sentence))
686 (push ngoal goals)))))
841 (let ((ngoal (prepare-next-goal node tactic)))
842 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) sentences)
843 (push ngoal goals)))
844 (t (dolist (sentence sentences)
845 (let ((ngoal (prepare-next-goal node tactic)))
846 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (list sentence))
847 (push ngoal goals)))))
687848 (values goals (nreverse goals))))
689850 ;;; =======================
693854 (defun generate-ip-derived-axioms (module axiom)
694855 (condition->axioms module (axiom-condition axiom) 'ip))
696 #||
697 (defun apply-ip (ptree-node)
698 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
857 (defun apply-ip (ptree-node &rest ignore)
858 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
859 (ignore ignore))
699860 (with-in-context (ptree-node)
700861 (let ((original-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
701862 (flet ((push-next-goal (goal)
702 (unless (eq goal original-goal) (push goal .next-goals.))))
703 (let ((target-goals (distribute-sentences ptree-node .cur-targets. .tactic-ip.)))
704 (dolist (.cur-goal. target-goals)
705 (multiple-value-bind (result target otarget)
706 (check-goal-is-satisfied .cur-goal. 'ip)
707 (declare (ignore otarget))
708 (if result
709 ;; discharged by some reason
710 (push-next-goal .cur-goal.)
711 (cond ((and (not (is-true? (rule-condition target)))
712 (null (term-variables (rule-condition target))))
713 ;; t = t' if C
714 ;; C is a ground term and is not true.
715 ;; try if (SP + { C } |- t = t') or not..
716 ;; if this is satisfied, discharge it.
717 (let ((ngoal (if (eq .cur-goal. original-goal)
718 (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-ip.)
719 .cur-goal.)))
720 (with-in-module ((goal-context ngoal))
721 (let ((new-axs (generate-ip-derived-axioms *current-module* target))
722 (next-target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*)))
723 ;; make the target
724 (setf (rule-condition next-target) *bool-true*)
725 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (list next-target))
727 ;; add [ip] axioms
728 (dolist (ax new-axs)
729 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
730 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* ax))
731 (setf (goal-assumptions ngoal) (append (goal-assumptions ngoal) (reverse new-axs)))
732 ;; compile & check
733 (compile-module *current-module* t)
734 ;; check if introduced axioms can cause true <=> false:
735 (cond ((check-ct-with-axioms ngoal new-axs 'ip)
736 (let ((dscd (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*)))
737 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) nil)
738 (setf (rule-labels dscd) (list '|CT-ip|))
739 (setf (goal-proved ngoal) (list dscd))))
740 (t ;; check-goal-is-satisfied do all the neccessary things for us.
741 (check-goal-is-satisfied ngoal 'ip)))
742 (push-next-goal ngoal)))))
743 ((is-true? (rule-condition target))
744 ;; discharged.
745 (push-next-goal .cur-goal.))
746 ;; nothig todo. remain the goal as is
747 (t )))))
748 ;; done for all goals
749 (values .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.)))))))
750 ||#
752 (defun apply-ip (ptree-node)
753 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
754 (with-in-context (ptree-node)
755 (let ((original-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
756 (flet ((push-next-goal (goal)
757 (unless (eq goal original-goal) (push goal .next-goals.))))
758 (let ((target-goals (distribute-sentences ptree-node .cur-targets. .tactic-ip.)))
759 (dolist (.cur-goal. target-goals)
760 (let ((target (normalize-sentence (car (goal-targets .cur-goal.)) (goal-context .cur-goal.))))
761 (cond ((and (not (is-true? (rule-condition target)))
762 (null (term-variables (rule-condition target))))
763 ;; t = t' if C
764 ;; C is a ground term and is not true.
765 ;; try if (SP + { C } |- t = t') or not..
766 ;; if this is satisfied, discharge it.
767 (let ((ngoal (if (eq .cur-goal. original-goal)
768 (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-ip.)
769 .cur-goal.)))
770 (with-in-module ((goal-context ngoal))
771 (let ((new-axs (generate-ip-derived-axioms *current-module* target))
772 (next-target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*)))
773 ;; make the target
774 (setf (rule-condition next-target) *bool-true*)
775 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (list next-target))
776 ;; add [ip] axioms
777 (dolist (ax new-axs)
778 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
779 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* ax))
780 (setf (goal-assumptions ngoal) (append (goal-assumptions ngoal) (reverse new-axs)))
781 ;; compile
782 (compile-module *current-module* t)
783 (push-next-goal ngoal)))))
784 (t
785 ;; nothing to do
786 (push-next-goal .cur-goal.)))))
787 ;; done for all goals
788 (setq .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.))
789 (dolist (ngoal .next-goals.)
790 (multiple-value-bind (discharged norm-sentence org-sentence)
791 (check-goal-is-satisfied ngoal 'ip)
792 (declare (ignore norm-sentence org-sentence))
793 (when discharged
794 (format t "~%[ip] discharged the goal ~s" (goal-name ngoal)))))
795 ;;
796 (values .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.)))))))
863 (unless (eq goal original-goal) (push goal .next-goals.))))
864 (let ((target-goals (distribute-sentences ptree-node .cur-targets. .tactic-ip.)))
865 (dolist (.cur-goal. target-goals)
866 (let ((target (normalize-sentence (car (goal-targets .cur-goal.)) (goal-context .cur-goal.))))
867 (cond ((and (not (is-true? (rule-condition target)))
868 (null (term-variables (rule-condition target))))
869 ;; t = t' if C
870 ;; C is a ground term and is not true.
871 ;; try if (SP + { C } |- t = t') or not..
872 ;; if this is satisfied, discharge it.
873 (let ((ngoal (if (eq .cur-goal. original-goal)
874 (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-ip.)
875 .cur-goal.)))
876 (with-in-module ((goal-context ngoal))
877 (let ((new-axs (generate-ip-derived-axioms *current-module* target))
878 (next-target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*)))
879 ;; make the target
880 (setf (rule-condition next-target) *bool-true*)
881 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (list next-target))
882 ;; add [ip] axioms
883 (dolist (ax new-axs)
884 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
885 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* ax))
886 (setf (goal-assumptions ngoal) (append (goal-assumptions ngoal) (reverse new-axs)))
887 ;; compile
888 (compile-module *current-module* t)
889 (push-next-goal ngoal)))))
890 (t
891 ;; nothing to do
892 (push-next-goal .cur-goal.)))))
893 ;; done for all goals
894 (setq .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.))
895 (dolist (ngoal .next-goals.)
896 (multiple-value-bind (discharged norm-sentence org-sentence)
897 (check-goal-is-satisfied ngoal 'ip)
898 (declare (ignore norm-sentence org-sentence))
899 (when discharged
900 (format t "~%[ip] discharged the goal ~s" (goal-name ngoal)))))
901 ;;
902 (values .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.)))))))
798904 ;;; =================================
799905 ;;; TACTIC: Theorem of Constants [TC]
802908 (defun make-tc-variable-substitutions (goal vars)
803909 (declare (type goal goal)
804 (type list vars))
910 (type list vars))
805911 (let ((subst nil))
806912 (dolist (var vars)
807913 (push (cons var (variable->constant goal var)) subst))
811917 (print-substitution subst))
812918 subst))
814 (defun apply-tc (ptree-node)
815 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
920 (defun apply-tc (ptree-node &rest ignore)
921 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
922 (ignore ignore))
816923 (with-in-context (ptree-node)
817924 (let ((original-goal .cur-goal.))
818 (flet ((push-next-goal (goal)
819 (unless (eq goal original-goal) (push goal .next-goals.))))
820 (let ((target-goals (distribute-sentences ptree-node .cur-targets. .tactic-tc.)))
821 (dolist (cgoal target-goals)
822 ;; variables --> constants
823 (let ((sentence (car (goal-targets cgoal))))
824 (cond ((axiom-variables sentence)
825 (when (eq cgoal original-goal)
826 (setq cgoal (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-tc.)))
827 (push-next-goal cgoal)
828 (with-in-module ((goal-context cgoal))
829 (let* ((next-target (rule-copy-canonicalized sentence *current-module*))
830 (vars (axiom-variables next-target))
831 (subst (make-tc-variable-substitutions cgoal vars)))
832 (apply-substitution-to-axiom subst next-target '(tc) t)
833 (compute-rule-method next-target)
834 (compile-module *current-module* t)
835 (setf (goal-targets cgoal)
836 (list (normalize-sentence next-target *current-module*))))))
837 (t
838 ;; the sentence does not contain any variables.
839 (push-next-goal cgoal)))))
840 (setq .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.))
841 ;; check goal is satisfied or not
842 (dolist (cgoal .next-goals.)
843 (multiple-value-bind (res sentence osentence)
844 (check-goal-is-satisfied cgoal 'rd)
845 (declare (ignore osentence sentence))
846 (when res
847 (format t "~%[tc] discharged the goal ~s" (goal-name cgoal)))))
848 (values .next-goals. .next-goals.))))))
925 (flet ((push-next-goal (goal)
926 (unless (eq goal original-goal) (push goal .next-goals.))))
927 (let ((target-goals (distribute-sentences ptree-node .cur-targets. .tactic-tc.)))
928 (dolist (cgoal target-goals)
929 ;; variables --> constants
930 (let ((sentence (car (goal-targets cgoal))))
931 (cond ((axiom-variables sentence)
932 (when (eq cgoal original-goal)
933 (setq cgoal (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-tc.)))
934 (push-next-goal cgoal)
935 (with-in-module ((goal-context cgoal))
936 (let* ((next-target (rule-copy-canonicalized sentence *current-module*))
937 (vars (axiom-variables next-target))
938 (subst (make-tc-variable-substitutions cgoal vars)))
939 (apply-substitution-to-axiom subst next-target '(tc) t)
940 (compute-rule-method next-target)
941 (compile-module *current-module* t)
942 (setf (goal-targets cgoal)
943 (list (normalize-sentence next-target *current-module*))))))
944 (t
945 ;; the sentence does not contain any variables.
946 (push-next-goal cgoal)))))
947 (setq .next-goals. (nreverse .next-goals.))
948 ;; check goal is satisfied or not
949 (dolist (cgoal .next-goals.)
950 (multiple-value-bind (res sentence osentence)
951 (check-goal-is-satisfied cgoal 'tc)
952 (declare (ignore osentence sentence))
953 (when res
954 (format t "~%[tc] discharged the goal ~s" (goal-name cgoal)))))
955 (values .next-goals. .next-goals.))))))
850957 ;;; ===================================
851958 ;;; TACTIC: Simultaneous Induction [SI]
857964 (defun set-indvars (ptree-node variables)
858965 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
859966 (let* ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node))
860 (cur-targets (goal-targets cur-goal))
861 (ind-vars nil))
967 (cur-targets (goal-targets cur-goal))
968 (ind-vars nil))
862969 (dolist (cur-target cur-targets)
863970 (let ((target-variables (axiom-variables cur-target)))
864 (dolist (v variables)
865 (let ((tv (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (eq (variable-name v) (variable-name x))
866 (eq (variable-sort v) (variable-sort x))))
867 target-variables)))
868 (if tv (pushnew v ind-vars :test #'equal :key #'(lambda (x) (variable-name x)))
869 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-variable)
870 (format t "Setting induction variable, no such variable ~a:~a in target axiom."
871 (variable-name v) (variable-sort v))))))))
971 (dolist (v variables)
972 (let ((tv (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (eq (variable-name v) (variable-name x))
973 (eq (variable-sort v) (variable-sort x))))
974 target-variables)))
975 (if tv (pushnew v ind-vars :test #'equal :key #'(lambda (x) (variable-name x)))
976 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-variable)
977 (format t "Setting induction variable, no such variable ~a:~a in target axiom."
978 (variable-name v) (variable-sort v))))))))
872979 (setf (goal-indvars cur-goal) (nreverse ind-vars))
873980 (format t "~%**> Induction will be conducted on ")
874981 (dolist (var (goal-indvars cur-goal))
875982 (term-print-with-sort var) (princ " "))
876983 ind-vars))
878 ;;;
879985 ;;; set-induction-variables
880986 ;;; top level function.
881987 (defun set-induction-variables (variables)
883989 (let ((node (car (get-unproved-nodes *proof-tree*))))
884990 (unless node
885991 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-unproved)
886 (format t "There is no unproved goals.")))
992 (format t "There is no unproved goals.")))
887993 (set-indvars node variables)))
889 ;;;
890995 ;;; gather-constructor-ops : module -> List(constructor)
891996 ;;; list up all the constructor ops in a given module
892997 ;;;
894999 (let ((res nil))
8951000 (with-in-module (module)
8961001 (dolist (opinfo (module-all-operators *current-module*))
897 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
898 (when (method-is-constructor? meth)
899 (push meth res))))
1002 (dolist (meth (opinfo-methods opinfo))
1003 (when (method-is-constructor? meth)
1004 (push meth res))))
9001005 res)))
902 ;;;
9031007 ;;; get-induction-variable-constructors : variable -> List(constructor)
9041008 ;;; returns a list of constructors of a given induction variable
9051009 ;;;
9071011 (let ((ops nil))
9081012 (dolist (op constructors)
9091013 (when (sort<= (method-coarity op) (variable-sort v) (module-sort-order *current-module*))
910 (push op ops)))
1014 (push op ops)))
9111015 (unless ops
9121016 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-error)
913 (format t "Finding constructor of sort ~a, none was found." (string (sort-name (variable-sort v))))))
1017 (format t "Finding constructor of sort ~a, none was found." (string (sort-name (variable-sort v))))))
9141018 ;; we sort the list of ops by number of arguments
9151019 ;; this is important for generating step cases properly.
9161020 (sort ops #'(lambda (x y) (< (length (method-arity x)) (length (method-arity y)))))))
918 ;;;
9191022 ;;; get-indvar-constructors
9201023 ;;; returns a list of (indvar . const1 const2 ...constn) for an induction variable indvar.
9211024 ;;; (((idvar-1 . const-1) ... (idvar-1 ... const-n))
9271030 (let ((ivar-map nil))
9281031 (dolist (iv indvars)
9291032 (push (mapcar #'(lambda (cts) (cons iv cts))
930 (get-induction-variable-constructors iv constructors))
931 ivar-map))
1033 (get-induction-variable-constructors iv constructors))
1034 ivar-map))
9321035 (nreverse ivar-map)))
934 ;;;
9351037 ;;; make-indvar-comb-substitutions : List(variable) List(constructor) -> List(substitution)
9361038 ;;; returns all possible substitution patterns of induction variables.
9371039 ;;; ex. for induction variables A, B, C, there are constructors
9511053 (declare (type list list-of-alist))
9521054 (select-comb-elems list-of-alist)))
954 ;;;
9551056 ;;; get-induction-base-substitutions : List(substitution) -> List(substitution)
9561057 ;;;
9571058 (defun get-induction-base-substitutions (all-subst)
9581059 (let ((res nil))
9591060 (dolist (subst all-subst)
9601061 (when (every #'(lambda (sub) (null (method-arity (cdr sub)))) subst)
961 (push subst res)))
1062 (push subst res)))
9621063 (with-citp-debug ()
9631064 (format t "~%[si] base case subst")
9641065 (dolist (sub res)
965 (print-next)
966 (print-substitution sub)))
1066 (print-next)
1067 (print-substitution sub)))
9671068 (nreverse res)))
969 ;;;
9701070 ;;; get-induction-step-substitutions : List(substitution) -> List(substitution)
9711071 ;;;
9721072 (defun get-induction-step-substitutions (all-subst)
9731073 (let ((res nil))
9741074 (dolist (subst all-subst)
9751075 (unless (every #'(lambda (sub) (null (method-arity (cdr sub)))) subst)
976 (push subst res)))
1076 (push subst res)))
9771077 (with-citp-debug ()
9781078 (format t "~%[si] get-induction-step-subsutitutions")
9791079 (dolist (sub res)
980 (print-next)
981 (print-substitution sub)))
1080 (print-next)
1081 (print-substitution sub)))
9821082 (nreverse res)))
984 ;;;
9851084 ;;; get-real-target-variable : variable List(variable) -> { variable | null }
9861085 ;;; finds an variable from a list of variables.
9871086 ;;;
9881087 (defun get-real-target-variable (indvar axiom-variables)
9891088 (find-if #'(lambda (m) (and (sort= (variable-sort m) (variable-sort indvar))
990 (equal (variable-name m) (variable-name indvar))))
991 axiom-variables))
993 ;;;
1089 (equal (variable-name m) (variable-name indvar))))
1090 axiom-variables))
9941092 ;;; make-real-induction-subst
9951093 ;;;
9961094 (defun make-real-induction-subst (subst axiom-vars)
9971095 (let ((rsubst nil))
9981096 (dolist (sub subst)
9991097 (let ((iv (car sub))
1000 (op (cdr sub))
1001 (rv nil))
1002 (when (setq rv (get-real-target-variable iv axiom-vars))
1003 (setq rsubst (acons rv (make-applform-simple (method-coarity op) op nil) rsubst)))))
1098 (op (cdr sub))
1099 (rv nil))
1100 (when (setq rv (get-real-target-variable iv axiom-vars))
1101 (setq rsubst (acons rv (make-applform-simple (method-coarity op) op nil) rsubst)))))
10041102 rsubst))
1006 ;;;
10071104 ;;; set-base-cases
10081105 ;;; generates base case axioms for a given target
10091106 ;;;
10101107 (defun set-base-cases (goal target base-substitutions)
10111108 (let ((all-targets nil)
1012 (app? nil))
1109 (app? nil))
10131110 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
10141111 (dolist (subst base-substitutions)
1015 (let* ((new-target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*))
1016 (real-subst (make-real-induction-subst subst (axiom-variables new-target))))
1017 (when real-subst
1018 (setq app? t)
1019 (apply-substitution-to-axiom real-subst new-target)
1020 (push new-target all-targets)))))
1112 (let* ((new-target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*))
1113 (real-subst (make-real-induction-subst subst (axiom-variables new-target))))
1114 (when real-subst
1115 (setq app? t)
1116 (apply-substitution-to-axiom real-subst new-target)
1117 (push new-target all-targets)))))
10211118 (setf (goal-targets goal) (nconc (goal-targets goal) all-targets))
10221119 app?))
1024 ;;;
10251121 ;;; make-step-constructor-term
10261122 ;;;
10271123 (defun make-step-constructor-term (goal op one-arg variable)
10281124 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
10291125 (let ((arity (method-arity op))
1030 (arg-list nil))
1126 (arg-list nil)
1127 (arg-var-assoc nil)
1128 (n 0))
1129 (setq arg-var-assoc
1130 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons x 0)) arity))
10311131 (dolist (s arity)
1032 (cond ((sort<= (term-sort one-arg) s *current-sort-order*)
1033 (push one-arg arg-list)
1034 (setq one-arg (make-variable-term *cosmos* 'dummy))) ; make ......
1035 (t (let ((constant (variable->constructor goal variable :sort s)))
1036 (push constant arg-list)))))
1132 (cond ((sort<= (term-sort one-arg) s *current-sort-order*)
1133 (when (< 1 (incf n))
1134 (with-output-chaos-error ('sorry)
1135 (format t "Sorry, but system does not handle a constructor having multiple arguments of the same sort.")))
1136 (push one-arg arg-list))
1137 (t (let* ((var-assoc (assoc s arg-var-assoc))
1138 (ind-var (if (zerop (cdr var-assoc))
1139 (progn (incf (cdr var-assoc)) variable)
1140 (make-variable-term s
1141 (intern (format nil "~A~D"
1142 (string (variable-name variable))
1143 (incf (cdr var-assoc)))))))
1144 (constant (variable->constructor goal ind-var :sort s)))
1145 (push constant arg-list)))))
10371146 (let ((res (make-applform-simple (method-coarity op) op (nreverse arg-list))))
1038 res))))
1040 ;;;
1147 res))))
10411149 ;;; make-induction-step-subst : goal axiom (var . op) -> substitution
10421150 ;;;
10431151 (defun make-induction-step-subst (goal target v-op-list)
10441152 ;; we ignore all mapped operators are constant constructors.
10451153 (when (every #'(lambda (v-op)
1046 (let ((op (cdr v-op)))
1047 (and (null (method-arity op))
1048 (method-is-constructor? op))))
1049 v-op-list)
1154 (let ((op (cdr v-op)))
1155 (and (null (method-arity op))
1156 (method-is-constructor? op))))
1157 v-op-list)
10501158 (return-from make-induction-step-subst nil))
10511159 ;;
10521160 (let ((hypo-v-op nil)
1053 (step-v-op nil)
1054 ;; (new-ops nil)
1055 (axiom-vars (axiom-variables target)))
1161 (step-v-op nil)
1162 ;; (new-ops nil)
1163 (axiom-vars (axiom-variables target)))
10561164 ;; we generate the following case for each induction variable v:
10571165 ;; 1) (v . <term of constant constructor>)
10581166 ;; 2) (v . <constant term of non-constant-constructor>)
10601168 ;;
10611169 (dolist (sub v-op-list)
10621170 (let* ((iv (car sub)) ; induction variable
1063 (op (cdr sub)) ; operator
1064 (rv nil)) ; real induction variable in target
1065 (when (setq rv (get-real-target-variable iv axiom-vars))
1066 (cond ((null (method-arity op))
1067 (let* ((ct (variable->constructor goal rv :op op))
1068 (c-subst (cons iv ct)))
1069 ;; operator is constant constructor
1070 (push (list (cons iv (list op ct))) hypo-v-op)
1071 (push c-subst step-v-op)))
1072 (t ;; operator is non-constant constructor
1073 (let ((const-term (variable->constructor goal rv)))
1074 (push (list (cons rv (list op const-term))) hypo-v-op)
1075 (push (cons rv (make-step-constructor-term goal op const-term rv)) step-v-op)))))))
1171 (op (cdr sub)) ; operator
1172 (rv nil)) ; real induction variable in target
1173 (when (setq rv (get-real-target-variable iv axiom-vars))
1174 (cond ((null (method-arity op))
1175 (let* ((ct (variable->constructor goal rv :op op))
1176 (c-subst (cons iv ct)))
1177 ;; operator is constant constructor
1178 (push (list (cons iv (list op ct))) hypo-v-op)
1179 (push c-subst step-v-op)))
1180 (t ;; operator is non-constant constructor
1181 (let ((const-term (variable->constructor goal rv)))
1182 (push (list (cons rv (list op const-term))) hypo-v-op)
1183 (push (cons rv (make-step-constructor-term goal op const-term rv)) step-v-op)))))))
10761184 (values (select-comb-elems (nreverse hypo-v-op))
1077 (nreverse step-v-op))))
1185 (nreverse step-v-op))))
10791187 (defun make-real-induction-step-subst (subst variables)
10801188 (let ((rsubst nil))
10811189 (dolist (sub subst)
10821190 (let ((iv (car sub))
1083 (term (cdr sub))
1084 (rv nil))
1085 (when (setq rv (get-real-target-variable iv variables))
1086 (setq rsubst (acons rv term rsubst)))))
1191 (term (cdr sub))
1192 (rv nil))
1193 (when (setq rv (get-real-target-variable iv variables))
1194 (setq rsubst (acons rv term rsubst)))))
10871195 (nreverse rsubst)))
10891197 (defun resolve-induction-subst (goal hypo-v-op step-subst)
10901198 (declare (ignore goal))
10911199 (flet ((make-proper-alist (sub)
1092 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (cons (car s) (cadr s))) sub)))
1200 (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (cons (car s) (cadr s))) sub)))
10931201 (unless hypo-v-op
10941202 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1095 (format t "No subst given.")
1096 (return-from resolve-induction-subst nil)))
1203 (format t "No subst given.")
1204 (return-from resolve-induction-subst nil)))
10971205 (let ((rsubsts (mapcar #'(lambda (sub)
1098 (cons (car sub) (list (third sub))))
1099 hypo-v-op))
1100 (all-subst nil))
1206 (cons (car sub) (list (third sub))))
1207 hypo-v-op))
1208 (all-subst nil))
11011209 (with-citp-debug ()
1102 (format t "~%[si] resolve induction step: given")
1103 (print-next) (format t "hypo-v-op: ~s" hypo-v-op)
1104 (print-next) (princ "step-subst" )
1105 (print-substitution step-subst))
1210 (format t "~%[si] resolve induction step: given")
1211 (print-next) (format t "hypo-v-op: ~s" hypo-v-op)
1212 (print-next) (princ "step-subst" )
1213 (print-substitution step-subst))
11061214 ;; return if there are no possible combinations
11071215 ;; (unless (cdr hypo-v-op)
11081216 ;; (return-from resolve-induction-subst (list (make-proper-alist rsubsts))))
11091217 ;;
11101218 (with-citp-debug ()
1111 (format t "~%resolve subst: given")
1112 (dolist (v-op hypo-v-op)
1113 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1114 (print-next)
1115 (format t "(~a . ~a <- " (variable-name (first v-op)) (car (method-name (second v-op))))
1116 (term-print-with-sort (third v-op))
1117 (princ ")"))))
1219 (format t "~%resolve subst: given")
1220 (dolist (v-op hypo-v-op)
1221 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1222 (print-next)
1223 (format t "(~a . ~a <- " (variable-name (first v-op)) (car (method-name (second v-op))))
1224 (term-print-with-sort (third v-op))
1225 (princ ")"))))
11191227 ;; make all possible hypothesis substitutions
11201228 (let ((vop-hash (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
1121 (vcombs nil))
1122 (dolist (v-op hypo-v-op)
1123 (let ((v (first v-op))
1124 (as nil))
1125 (unless (setq as (assoc v rsubsts))
1126 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-err)
1127 (format t "!! cannot find variable subst ~s" (variable-name v))))
1128 (setf (gethash v vop-hash) (list as))
1129 (let ((st (assoc v step-subst :test #'equal))
1130 (hentry (gethash v vop-hash))
1131 (new-element nil))
1132 (unless st (with-output-chaos-error ('no-step-term)
1133 (format t "No step term found for variable ~a" (variable-name v))))
1134 (setq new-element (cons v (list (cdr st))))
1135 (unless (member new-element hentry :test #'equal)
1136 (setf (gethash v vop-hash) (append hentry (list new-element)))))))
1137 (maphash #'(lambda (x vl) (declare (ignore x)) (push vl vcombs)) vop-hash)
1138 (setq all-subst (select-comb-elems vcombs))
1139 (with-citp-debug ()
1140 (format t "~%resolve subt: all possibilities")
1141 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
1142 (num 0))
1143 (declare (type fixnum num))
1144 (dolist (vcom all-subst)
1145 (print-next)
1146 (format t "=== (#~d) " (incf num))
1147 (dolist (rs vcom)
1148 (format t "~a |-> " (variable-name (car rs)))
1149 (term-print-with-sort (cadr rs)) (princ " ")))))
1150 ;;
1151 (mapcar #'make-proper-alist all-subst)))))
1153 ;;;
1229 (vcombs nil))
1230 (dolist (v-op hypo-v-op)
1231 (let ((v (first v-op))
1232 (as nil))
1233 (unless (setq as (assoc v rsubsts))
1234 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-err)
1235 (format t "!! cannot find variable subst ~s" (variable-name v))))
1236 (setf (gethash v vop-hash) (list as))
1237 (let ((st (assoc v step-subst :test #'equal))
1238 (hentry (gethash v vop-hash))
1239 (new-element nil))
1240 (unless st (with-output-chaos-error ('no-step-term)
1241 (format t "No step term found for variable ~a" (variable-name v))))
1242 (setq new-element (cons v (list (cdr st))))
1243 (unless (member new-element hentry :test #'equal)
1244 (setf (gethash v vop-hash) (append hentry (list new-element)))))))
1245 (maphash #'(lambda (x vl) (declare (ignore x)) (push vl vcombs)) vop-hash)
1246 (setq all-subst (select-comb-elems vcombs))
1247 (with-citp-debug ()
1248 (format t "~%resolve subt: all possibilities")
1249 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
1250 (num 0))
1251 (declare (type fixnum num))
1252 (dolist (vcom all-subst)
1253 (print-next)
1254 (format t "=== (#~d) " (incf num))
1255 (dolist (rs vcom)
1256 (format t "~a |-> " (variable-name (car rs)))
1257 (term-print-with-sort (cadr rs)) (princ " ")))))
1258 ;;
1259 (mapcar #'make-proper-alist all-subst)))))
11541261 ;;; add-hypothesis
11551262 ;;; Note: assumes computing module context is established.
11561263 ;;;
11591266 (let ((entry2 (assoc (car entry) sub2 :test #'equal)))
11601267 (unless entry2 (return-from subst-is-equal nil))
11611268 (unless (equal (cdr entry) (cdr entry2))
1162 (return-from subst-is-equal nil))))
1269 (return-from subst-is-equal nil))))
11631270 t)
11651272 (defun add-hypothesis (step-goal target hypo-subst step-subst)
11741281 (dolist (osub hypo-subst)
11751282 (dolist (sub (resolve-induction-subst step-goal osub step-subst))
11761283 (unless (subst-is-equal sub step-subst)
1177 (let* ((hypo (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*))
1178 (subst (make-real-induction-step-subst sub (axiom-variables hypo))))
1179 (with-citp-debug
1180 (format t "~%[applying hypo subst] ")
1181 (print-substitution subst)
1182 (print-next)
1183 (princ "to ")
1184 (print-axiom-brief hypo))
1185 (apply-substitution-to-axiom subst hypo '(si) t)
1186 (compute-rule-method hypo)
1187 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* hypo)
1188 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* hypo)
1189 (with-citp-debug ()
1190 (format t "~%--> ")
1191 (print-axiom-brief hypo))
1192 (setf (goal-assumptions step-goal) (append (goal-assumptions step-goal) (list hypo))))))))
1194 ;;;
1284 (let* ((hypo (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*))
1285 (subst (make-real-induction-step-subst sub (axiom-variables hypo))))
1286 (with-citp-debug
1287 (format t "~%[applying hypo subst] ")
1288 (print-substitution subst)
1289 (print-next)
1290 (princ "to ")
1291 (print-axiom-brief hypo))
1292 (apply-substitution-to-axiom subst hypo '(si) t)
1293 (compute-rule-method hypo)
1294 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* hypo)
1295 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* hypo)
1296 (with-citp-debug ()
1297 (format t "~%--> ")
1298 (print-axiom-brief hypo))
1299 (setf (goal-assumptions step-goal) (append (goal-assumptions step-goal) (list hypo))))))))
11951301 ;;; add-step-cases
11961302 ;;; Note: assumes computing module context is established.
11971303 ;;;
11981304 (defun add-step-cases (step-goal target step-subst)
11991305 (let* ((new-target (rule-copy-canonicalized target *current-module*))
1200 (subst (make-real-induction-step-subst step-subst (axiom-variables new-target))))
1306 (subst (make-real-induction-step-subst step-subst (axiom-variables new-target))))
12011307 (when (car subst)
12021308 (with-citp-debug
1203 (format t "~%[applying step subst] ")
1204 (print-substitution subst))
1309 (format t "~%[applying step subst] ")
1310 (print-substitution subst))
12051311 (apply-substitution-to-axiom subst new-target)
12061312 (setf (goal-targets step-goal) (nconc (goal-targets step-goal) (list new-target))))))
1208 ;;;
12091314 ;;; induction-cases
12101315 ;;; Note: assumes there properly set induction variables in the current goal.
12111316 ;;;
12121317 (defun induction-cases (parent-node)
12131318 (declare (type ptree-node parent-node))
12141319 (let* ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal parent-node))
1215 (cur-targets nil)
1216 (indvars (goal-indvars cur-goal))
1217 (all-subst (make-indvar-comb-substitutions indvars
1218 (gather-constructor-ops (goal-context cur-goal))))
1219 (base-goal (prepare-next-goal parent-node .tactic-si.))
1220 (step-goals nil)
1221 (need-goal nil)
1222 (base-generated nil)
1223 (remainings nil))
1320 (cur-targets nil)
1321 (indvars (goal-indvars cur-goal))
1322 (all-subst (make-indvar-comb-substitutions indvars
1323 (gather-constructor-ops (goal-context cur-goal))))
1324 (base-goal (prepare-next-goal parent-node .tactic-si.))
1325 (step-goals nil)
1326 (need-goal nil)
1327 (base-generated nil)
1328 (remainings nil))
12241329 ;;
12251330 (with-citp-debug ()
12261331 (format t "~%[si] all possible substitutions")
12271332 (let ((num 0))
1228 (declare (type fixnum num))
1229 (dolist (subs all-subst)
1230 (format t "~%subst #~d" (incf num))
1231 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1232 (print-next)
1233 (print-substitution subs)))))
1333 (declare (type fixnum num))
1334 (dolist (subs all-subst)
1335 (format t "~%subst #~d" (incf num))
1336 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1337 (print-next)
1338 (print-substitution subs)))))
12351340 ;; implicit NF application
12361341 (dolist (ct (goal-targets cur-goal))
12371342 (multiple-value-bind (ntarget app?)
1238 (normalize-sentence ct (goal-context cur-goal))
1239 (when app? (setq need-goal t))
1240 (push ntarget cur-targets)))
1343 (normalize-sentence ct (goal-context cur-goal))
1344 (when app? (setq need-goal t))
1345 (push ntarget cur-targets)))
12411346 (setq cur-targets (nreverse cur-targets))
12431348 ;; generate base cases
12441349 ;;
12451350 (dolist (target cur-targets)
12461351 (if (not (set-base-cases base-goal target (get-induction-base-substitutions all-subst)))
1247 (when need-goal
1248 (push target remainings))
1249 (setq base-generated t)))
1352 (when need-goal
1353 (push target remainings))
1354 (setq base-generated t)))
12501355 (unless base-generated (setq base-goal nil))
12521357 ;; generate step cases
12551360 ;;
12561361 (dolist (subst (get-induction-step-substitutions all-subst))
12571362 (let ((step-goal (prepare-next-goal parent-node .tactic-si.)))
1258 (with-in-module ((goal-context step-goal))
1259 ;; following functions and their callies can assume the computing context is established.
1260 (dolist (target cur-targets)
1261 (multiple-value-bind (hypo-subst-list step-subst)
1262 (make-induction-step-subst step-goal target subst)
1263 (add-hypothesis step-goal target hypo-subst-list step-subst)
1264 (add-step-cases step-goal target step-subst)))
1265 (cond ((goal-targets step-goal)
1266 (push step-goal step-goals))
1267 (t ))))) ; do nothig
1363 (with-in-module ((goal-context step-goal))
1364 ;; following functions and their callies can assume the computing context is established.
1365 (dolist (target cur-targets)
1366 (multiple-value-bind (hypo-subst-list step-subst)
1367 (make-induction-step-subst step-goal target subst)
1368 (add-hypothesis step-goal target hypo-subst-list step-subst)
1369 (add-step-cases step-goal target step-subst)))
1370 (cond ((goal-targets step-goal)
1371 (push step-goal step-goals))
1372 (t ))))) ; do nothig
12681373 ;;
12691374 (when remainings
12701375 (multiple-value-bind (ap? nil-goals)
1271 (apply-nil-internal parent-node (reverse remainings) :all-togather .tactic-si.)
1272 (declare (ignore ap?))
1273 (dolist (ng nil-goals)
1274 (push ng step-goals))))
1376 (apply-nil-internal parent-node (reverse remainings) :all-togather .tactic-si.)
1377 (declare (ignore ap?))
1378 (dolist (ng nil-goals)
1379 (push ng step-goals))))
12751380 ;;
12761381 (if base-goal
1277 (values t (cons base-goal (nreverse step-goals)))
1382 (values t (cons base-goal (nreverse step-goals)))
12781383 (if step-goals
1279 ;; case remainings
1280 (values t step-goals)
1281 (values nil nil)))))
1283 ;;;
1284 ;;; apply-si : ptree-node -> (applied? . List(goal))
1285 ;;;
1286 (defun apply-si (ptree-node)
1287 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
1384 ;; case remainings
1385 (values t step-goals)
1386 (values nil nil)))))
1388 ;;; apply-si : ptree-node tactic -> (applied? . List(goal))
1389 ;;;
1390 (defun apply-si (ptree-node &rest ignore)
1391 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
1392 (ignore ignore))
12881393 (let ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
12891394 (unless (and (goal-indvars cur-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
12901395 (return-from apply-si nil))
12911396 (multiple-value-bind (applied new-goals)
1292 (induction-cases ptree-node)
1397 (induction-cases ptree-node)
12931398 (if applied
1294 (values applied new-goals)
1295 (values nil nil)))))
1399 (values applied new-goals)
1400 (values nil nil)))))
12971402 ;;; =======================
12981403 ;;; TACTIC: REDUCTION [RD]
12991404 ;;; =======================
1300 (defun do-apply-rd (cur-goal tactic)
1301 (setq *m-pattern-subst* nil)
1302 (setq .rwl-context-stack. nil)
1303 (setq .rwl-sch-context. nil)
1304 (setq .rwl-states-so-far. 0)
1305 (let ((*rewrite-exec-mode* nil)
1306 (*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
1307 (time1 (get-internal-run-time))
1308 time2
1309 (consumed-time nil)
1310 (*perform-on-demand-reduction* t)
1311 (*rule-count* 0))
1312 (setq $$matches 0)
1313 (let ((cur-targets (goal-targets cur-goal))
1314 (reduced-targets nil)
1315 (discharged nil)
1316 (result nil))
1317 (when cur-targets
1318 (with-in-module ((goal-context cur-goal))
1319 (compile-module *current-module* t)
1320 (dolist (target cur-targets)
1321 (multiple-value-bind (c-result cur-target original-sentence)
1322 (do-check-sentence target cur-goal tactic)
1323 (cond (c-result ; satisfied or contradition
1324 (setq result t)
1325 (push original-sentence discharged))
1326 (t (push cur-target reduced-targets)))))
1327 (setf (goal-targets cur-goal) (nreverse reduced-targets))
1328 (setf (goal-proved cur-goal) (nreverse discharged))
1329 (unless reduced-targets
1330 (format t "~%[~a] discharged goal ~s." tactic (goal-name cur-goal)))))
1331 (setq time2 (get-internal-run-time))
1332 (setq consumed-time (format nil "~,4f sec" (elapsed-time-in-seconds time1 time2)))
1333 (unless (zerop *rule-count*)
1334 (format t "~%[rd] consumed ~a (~d rewrites, ~d matches)" consumed-time *rule-count* $$matches))
1335 (values result nil))))
1337 (defun apply-rd (ptree-node &optional (tactic 'rd))
1338 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
1339 (do-apply-rd (ptree-node-goal ptree-node) tactic))
1406 ;;; do-apply-rd
1407 ;;;
1408 (defun do-apply-rd (cur-goal next-goal tactic)
1409 (let* ((target-goal (or next-goal cur-goal))
1410 (cur-targets (goal-targets target-goal))
1411 (reduced-targets nil)
1412 (discharged nil)
1413 (result nil)
1414 (tactic-name (tactic-name tactic)))
1415 (unless cur-targets
1416 (with-citp-debug ()
1417 (format t "~%[rd] no target sentences."))
1418 (return-from do-apply-rd (values nil nil)))
1419 (compile-module (goal-context target-goal) t)
1420 (dolist (target cur-targets)
1421 (multiple-value-bind (c-result cur-target original-sentence)
1422 (do-check-sentence target (or next-goal cur-goal) tactic-name)
1423 (cond (c-result ; satisfied or contradition
1424 (setq result t)
1425 (push original-sentence discharged))
1426 ;; reduced but not discharged
1427 (t (push cur-target reduced-targets)))))
1428 ;; set new (reduced sentences) as targets
1429 (setf (goal-targets target-goal) (nreverse reduced-targets))
1430 ;; set discharged sentences
1431 (setf (goal-proved cur-goal) (nreverse discharged))
1432 (unless reduced-targets
1433 ;; this means all sentences are discharged
1434 (setf (goal-targets cur-goal) nil)
1435 (format t "~%[~a] discharged goal ~s." tactic-name (goal-name cur-goal))
1436 (return-from do-apply-rd (values result nil)))
1437 ;; there remains
1438 (values t (list (or next-goal cur-goal)))))
1440 ;;; apply-rd
1441 ;;; explicit application of tactic RD.
1442 (defun apply-rd (ptree-node &optional (tactic .tactic-rd.))
1443 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
1444 (type tactic tactic))
1445 ;; we set :spoiler on
1446 (with-spoiler-on () ; force application of implicit tactcs(NF, CF, e.t.c.)
1447 (let ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
1448 (when (goal-is-discharged cur-goal)
1449 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1450 (format t "** The goal ~s has already been proved!"
1451 (goal-name cur-goal)))
1452 (return-from apply-rd (values nil nil)))
1453 (unless (goal-targets cur-goal)
1454 (return-from apply-rd nil))
1455 (let ((undo? (the-goal-needs-undo cur-goal))
1456 (original-target (ptree-node-goal (ptree-node-parent ptree-node))))
1457 ;; undo? = true means the current goal is generatd by
1458 ;; :defined :ctf- or :csp-, AND
1459 ;; this RD application follows it, i.e., :apply(... ctf-n rd ...)
1460 ;; in this case we don't prepare next-goal and ..
1461 (let ((next-goal (if undo?
1462 nil
1463 (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-rd.))))
1464 (unless undo?
1465 (setf (goal-targets next-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal)))
1466 (with-citp-debug ()
1467 (format t "~%[rd] target: ~a" (if next-goal
1468 (goal-name next-goal)
1469 (goal-name cur-goal))))
1470 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
1471 (do-apply-rd cur-goal next-goal tactic)
1472 (declare (ignore applied))
1473 (when undo?
1474 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
1475 (when (goal-targets ngoal)
1476 ;; reset target
1477 (when-citp-verbose ()
1478 (format t "~%[rd] ~a rollback to original goal ~a"
1479 (goal-name ngoal)(goal-name original-target)))
1480 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (goal-targets original-target)))))
1481 (if undo?
1482 ;; the original goal rolled back, no new goal is needed.
1483 (values next-goals nil)
1484 (values next-goals next-goals))))))))
13411486 ;;; ==========================
13421487 ;;; TACTIC: Case Analysis [CA]
13511496 (declare (type list gterms))
13521497 (when (term-is-applform? term)
13531498 (unless (term-variables term)
1354 (push term gterms))
1499 (push term gterms))
13551500 (dolist (arg (term-subterms term))
1356 (setq gterms (nconc gterms (get-gterms arg)))))
1501 (setq gterms (nconc gterms (get-gterms arg)))))
13571502 gterms))
13591504 ;;; get-gterms-from-axiom : axiom -> List(ground-term)
13641509 (let ((gterms nil))
13651510 (declare (type list gterms))
13661511 (cond (condition-only
1367 (unless (is-true? (axiom-condition axiom))
1368 (setq gterms (remove-duplicates (get-gterms (axiom-condition axiom))
1369 :test #'equal))))
1370 (t (setq gterms (delete-duplicates (append (get-gterms (axiom-lhs axiom))
1371 (append (get-gterms (axiom-rhs axiom))
1372 (get-gterms-from-axiom axiom t)))
1373 :test #'equal))))
1512 (unless (is-true? (axiom-condition axiom))
1513 (setq gterms (remove-duplicates (get-gterms (axiom-condition axiom))
1514 :test #'equal))))
1515 (t (setq gterms (delete-duplicates (append (get-gterms (axiom-lhs axiom))
1516 (append (get-gterms (axiom-rhs axiom))
1517 (get-gterms-from-axiom axiom t)))
1518 :test #'equal))))
13751520 gterms))
13801525 ;;;
13811526 (defun gsubterm-has-matching-rule (gterm c-rules)
13821527 (declare (type term gterm)
1383 (type list c-rules))
1528 (type list c-rules))
13841529 (dolist (term (delete gterm (get-gterms gterm)))
13851530 (with-citp-debug ()
13861531 (format t "~% check : ")
13871532 (term-print-with-sort term))
13881533 (dolist (crule c-rules)
13891534 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1390 (@matcher (axiom-lhs crule) term :match)
1391 (declare (ignore eeq sub gs))
1392 (unless no-match
1393 #||
1394 (with-citp-debug
1395 (format t "~%[ca] sub has matching rule: ") (print-axiom-brief crule)
1396 (print-next)
1397 (term-print-with-sort gterm))
1398 ||#
1399 (return-from gsubterm-has-matching-rule t)))))
1535 (@matcher (axiom-lhs crule) term :match)
1536 (declare (ignore eeq sub gs))
1537 (unless no-match
1538 (return-from gsubterm-has-matching-rule t)))))
14001539 nil)
14021541 ;;; ca-instantiate-condition : goal term -> term'
14051544 ;;;
14061545 (defun ca-instantiate-condition (goal condition)
14071546 (declare (type goal goal)
1408 (type term condition))
1547 (type term condition))
14091548 (let ((vars (term-variables condition))
1410 (subst nil))
1549 (subst nil))
14111550 (declare (type list vars subst))
14121551 (cond (vars (dolist (v vars)
1413 (push (cons v (variable->constant goal v)) subst))
1414 (substitution-image-simplifying subst condition))
1415 (t condition))))
1552 (push (cons v (variable->constant goal v)) subst))
1553 (substitution-image-simplifying subst condition))
1554 (t condition))))
14171556 ;;; find-gterm-matching-conditionals : goal term List(conditional axioms)
14181557 ;;; -> List(<subst, axiom, condition>)
14211560 (defvar .duplicated. nil)
14221561 (defvar .subst-so-far. nil)
14241564 (defun find-gterm-matching-conditionals (goal gterm conditional-rules idx)
14251565 (declare (type goal goal)
1426 (type term gterm)
1427 (type list conditional-rules)
1428 (type fixnum idx))
1566 (type term gterm)
1567 (type list conditional-rules)
1568 (type fixnum idx))
14291569 (let ((res nil)
1430 (rejected nil))
1570 (rejected nil))
14311571 (dolist (rule conditional-rules)
14321572 (block next
1433 (unless (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
1434 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1435 (@matcher (axiom-lhs rule) gterm :match)
1436 (declare (ignore eeq))
1437 (when no-match (return-from next nil))
1438 (let ((cond-instance
1439 (ca-instantiate-condition goal
1440 (substitution-image-simplifying sub (rule-condition rule)))))
1441 (cond ((not (member cond-instance .subst-so-far. :test #'term-equational-equal))
1442 (push cond-instance .subst-so-far.)
1443 (push cond-instance res))
1444 (t
1445 ;; (push cond-instance res) ; ***
1446 (push cond-instance rejected)))
1447 (loop
1448 (let ((n-subst nil)
1449 (n-cond-inst nil))
1450 (multiple-value-setq (gs n-subst no-match)
1451 (next-match gs))
1452 (when no-match (return-from next))
1453 (with-citp-debug ()
1454 (format t "~%[ca] adding extra."))
1455 (setq n-cond-inst
1456 (ca-instantiate-condition goal
1457 (substitution-image-simplifying n-subst (rule-condition rule))))
1458 (cond ((not (member n-cond-inst .subst-so-far. :test #'term-equational-equal))
1459 (unless (term-equational-equal n-cond-inst cond-instance)
1460 (push n-cond-inst .subst-so-far.)
1461 (push n-cond-inst res)))
1462 (t
1463 ;; (push cond-instance res) ; ***
1464 (push cond-instance rejected))))))))))
1573 (unless (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
1574 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
1575 (@matcher (axiom-lhs rule) gterm :match)
1576 (declare (ignore eeq))
1577 (when no-match (return-from next nil))
1578 (let ((cond-instance
1579 (ca-instantiate-condition goal
1580 (substitution-image-simplifying sub (rule-condition rule)))))
1581 (cond ((not (member cond-instance .subst-so-far. :test #'term-equational-equal))
1582 (push cond-instance .subst-so-far.)
1583 (push cond-instance res))
1584 (t
1585 (push cond-instance rejected)))
1586 (loop
1587 (let ((n-subst nil)
1588 (n-cond-inst nil))
1589 (multiple-value-setq (gs n-subst no-match)
1590 (next-match gs))
1591 (when no-match (return-from next))
1592 (with-citp-debug ()
1593 (format t "~%[ca] adding extra."))
1594 (setq n-cond-inst
1595 (ca-instantiate-condition goal
1596 (substitution-image-simplifying n-subst (rule-condition rule))))
1597 (cond ((not (member n-cond-inst .subst-so-far. :test #'term-equational-equal))
1598 (unless (term-equational-equal n-cond-inst cond-instance)
1599 (push n-cond-inst .subst-so-far.)
1600 (push n-cond-inst res)))
1601 (t
1602 ;; (push cond-instance res) ; ***
1603 (push cond-instance rejected))))))))))
14651604 ;;
14661605 (with-citp-debug ()
14671606 (when res
1468 (format t "~%found cases for ") (term-print-with-sort gterm)
1469 (dolist (i res)
1470 (print-next)
1471 (term-print-with-sort i)))
1607 (format t "~%found cases for ") (term-print-with-sort gterm)
1608 (dolist (i res)
1609 (print-next)
1610 (term-print-with-sort i)))
14721611 (when rejected
1473 (format t "~%rejected cases")
1474 (dolist (i rejected)
1475 (print-next)
1476 (term-print-with-sort i))))
1612 (format t "~%rejected cases")
1613 (dolist (i rejected)
1614 (print-next)
1615 (term-print-with-sort i))))
14771616 (when rejected
14781617 (setf (aref .duplicated. idx) (remove-duplicates rejected :test #'term-equational-equal)))
14791618 ;;
14801619 (remove-duplicates res :test #'term-equational-equal)))
1482 ;;;
14831621 ;;; generate-case-axioms : goal List(< rule . subst >) -> List(axiom)
14841622 ;;;
14851623 (defvar .new-axs-so-far. nil)
14881626 (with-in-module ((goal-context next-goal))
14891627 (let ((case-axioms nil))
14901628 (dolist (condition conditions)
1491 (let ((list-lhs nil))
1492 (if (method= *bool-cond-op* (term-method condition))
1493 (dolist (arg (list-assoc-subterms condition *bool-cond-op*))
1494 (push arg list-lhs))
1495 (setq list-lhs (list condition)))
1496 (dolist (condition list-lhs)
1497 (let ((axs (make-new-assumption *current-module* condition 'ca)))
1498 (when axs
1499 (unless (member axs .new-axs-so-far. :test #'rule-is-similar?)
1500 (push axs .new-axs-so-far.)
1501 (compute-rule-method axs)
1502 (with-citp-debug ()
1503 (format t "~%[ca] adding an axiom to module ~s" (get-module-simple-name (goal-context next-goal)))
1504 (print-next)
1505 (print-axiom-brief axs))
1506 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* axs)
1507 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* axs)
1508 (push axs case-axioms)))))))
1629 (let ((list-lhs nil))
1630 (if (method= *bool-cond-op* (term-method condition))
1631 (dolist (arg (list-assoc-subterms condition *bool-cond-op*))
1632 (push arg list-lhs))
1633 (setq list-lhs (list condition)))
1634 (dolist (condition list-lhs)
1635 (let ((axs (make-new-assumption *current-module* condition 'ca)))
1636 (when axs
1637 (unless (member axs .new-axs-so-far. :test #'rule-is-similar?)
1638 (push axs .new-axs-so-far.)
1639 (compute-rule-method axs)
1640 (with-citp-debug ()
1641 (format t "~%[ca] adding an axiom to module ~s" (get-module-simple-name (goal-context next-goal)))
1642 (print-next)
1643 (print-axiom-brief axs))
1644 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* axs)
1645 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* axs)
1646 (push axs case-axioms)))))))
15091647 (compile-module *current-module* t)
15101648 (setf (goal-assumptions next-goal) (append (goal-assumptions next-goal)
1511 (nreverse case-axioms))))))
1649 (nreverse case-axioms))))))
15131651 ;;; normalize-cases : List(List(term)) -> List(List(term))'
15141652 ;;;
1516 #||
1517 (defun find-same-case-in (case l-case)
1518 (declare (type list case l-case))
1519 (let ((size (length case)))
1520 (declare (type fixnum size))
1521 (dolist (xc l-case)
1522 (when (and (= size (length xc))
1523 (every #'(lambda (x) (find x xc :test #'term-equational-equal)) case))
1524 (return-from find-same-case-in xc)))
1525 nil))
1526 ||#
15281654 (defun find-sub-case-in (case l-case)
15291655 (declare (type list case l-case))
15311657 (declare (type fixnum size))
15321658 (dolist (xc l-case)
15331659 (when (and (<= size (length xc))
1534 (every #'(lambda (x) (find x xc :test #'term-equational-equal)) case))
1660 (every #'(lambda (x) (find x xc :test #'term-equational-equal)) case))
15351661 (return-from find-sub-case-in xc)))
15361662 nil))
15391665 (dolist (idx idxs)
15401666 (when (member term (aref .duplicated. idx) :test #'term-equational-equal)
15411667 (with-citp-debug ()
1542 (format t "~% ... rejected."))
1668 (format t "~% ... rejected."))
15431669 (return-from case-is-valid nil)))
15441670 term)
15461672 (defun remove-exclusive-cases (case)
15471673 (let ((idxs (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (car x)) case))
1548 (result nil))
1674 (result nil))
15491675 (declare (type list idxs result))
15501676 (with-citp-debug ()
15511677 (format t "~%-- check these combination")
15521678 (dolist (c case)
1553 (print-next)
1554 (format t "~idx ~d: " (car c))
1555 (term-print-with-sort (cdr c))))
1679 (print-next)
1680 (format t "~idx ~d: " (car c))
1681 (term-print-with-sort (cdr c))))
15561682 (dolist (c case)
15571683 (let ((term (cdr c)))
1558 (when (case-is-valid idxs term)
1559 (push term result))))
1684 (when (case-is-valid idxs term)
1685 (push term result))))
15601686 result))
15621688 (defun normalize-cases (l-case ptree-node all-cases)
15631689 (declare (type list l-case)
1564 (type ptree-node ptree-node))
1690 (type ptree-node ptree-node))
15651691 (let ((mod (goal-context (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
1566 (dist-cases nil))
1692 (dist-cases nil))
15671693 (with-in-module (mod)
15681694 (flet ((distribute-cond (term)
1569 (if (method= *bool-cond-op* (term-head term))
1570 (list-assoc-subterms term *bool-cond-op*)
1571 (list term))))
1572 (with-citp-debug ()
1573 (when .duplicated.
1574 (format t "~%== .duplicated. === ")
1575 (dotimes (x (1- (length .duplicated.)))
1576 (format t "~%(~d)" x)
1577 (dolist (trm (aref .duplicated. x))
1578 (print-next)
1579 (term-print-with-sort trm)))))
1580 (dolist (case l-case)
1581 (block next
1582 ;; case ::= (t0 t1 ... tn)
1583 ;; first we remove exclusive cases
1584 (setq case (remove-exclusive-cases case))
1585 (unless case (return-from next nil))
1586 (dolist (c case)
1587 (setq all-cases (delete c all-cases :test #'term-equational-equal)))
1588 ;; then divide /\ in each cases
1589 (let ((dcase nil))
1590 (dolist (c case)
1591 (setq dcase (nconc dcase (distribute-cond c))))
1592 (push (delete-duplicates dcase :test #'term-equational-equal) dist-cases)))
1593 (setq dist-cases (nreverse dist-cases)))
1594 ;;
1595 (let ((result nil))
1596 ;; for each case
1597 (dolist (case dist-cases)
1598 (unless (find-sub-case-in case result)
1599 (setq result (nconc result (list case)))))
1600 (when all-cases
1601 ;; remaining sole cases
1602 (dolist (c all-cases)
1603 (push (list c) result)))
1604 ;;
1605 result)))))
1695 (if (method= *bool-cond-op* (term-head term))
1696 (list-assoc-subterms term *bool-cond-op*)
1697 (list term))))
1698 (with-citp-debug ()
1699 (when .duplicated.
1700 (format t "~%== .duplicated. === ")
1701 (dotimes (x (1- (length .duplicated.)))
1702 (format t "~%(~d)" x)
1703 (dolist (trm (aref .duplicated. x))
1704 (print-next)
1705 (term-print-with-sort trm)))))
1706 (dolist (case l-case)
1707 (block next
1708 ;; case ::= (t0 t1 ... tn)
1709 ;; first we remove exclusive cases
1710 (setq case (remove-exclusive-cases case))
1711 (unless case (return-from next nil))
1712 (dolist (c case)
1713 (setq all-cases (delete c all-cases :test #'term-equational-equal)))
1714 ;; then divide /\ into each cases
1715 (let ((dcase nil))
1716 (dolist (c case)
1717 (setq dcase (nconc dcase (distribute-cond c))))
1718 (push (delete-duplicates dcase :test #'term-equational-equal) dist-cases)))
1719 (setq dist-cases (nreverse dist-cases)))
1720 ;;
1721 (let ((result nil))
1722 ;; for each case
1723 (dolist (case dist-cases)
1724 (unless (find-sub-case-in case result)
1725 (setq result (nconc result (list case)))))
1726 (when all-cases
1727 ;; remaining sole cases
1728 (dolist (c all-cases)
1729 (push (list c) result)))
1730 ;;
1731 result)))))
16071733 ;;; generate-cases : ptree-node term List(conditional-axiom)
16081734 ;;;
16091735 (defun generate-cases (ptree-node target conditional-rules divide?)
16101736 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
1611 (list conditional-rules))
1737 (list conditional-rules))
16121738 (multiple-value-bind (norm-target app?)
16131739 (normalize-sentence target (goal-context (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
16141740 (when app?
16191745 (print-axiom-brief target))
16201746 ;; then generate possible cases
16211747 (let ((gterms (get-gterms-from-axiom target))
1622 (next-goals nil)
1623 (remainings nil)
1624 (all-cases nil)
1625 (gt-idx 0)
1626 (.subst-so-far. nil)
1627 (.duplicated. nil))
1748 (next-goals nil)
1749 (remainings nil)
1750 (all-cases nil)
1751 (gt-idx 0)
1752 (.subst-so-far. nil)
1753 (.duplicated. nil))
16281754 (declare (type fixnum gt-idx)
1629 (type list gterms next-goals remainings .subst-so-far.))
1755 (type list gterms next-goals remainings .subst-so-far.))
16301756 (setf .duplicated. (make-array (length gterms) :initial-element nil))
16311757 ;;
16321758 (let ((g-conditions nil))
1633 (dolist (gterm gterms)
1634 (unless (gsubterm-has-matching-rule gterm conditional-rules)
1635 (let ((conds (find-gterm-matching-conditionals (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)
1636 gterm
1637 conditional-rules
1638 gt-idx)))
1639 (when conds
1640 (incf gt-idx)
1641 (push conds g-conditions)))))
1642 (setq g-conditions (nreverse g-conditions))
1643 (with-citp-debug ()
1644 (format t "~%All the conditions")
1645 (print-next)
1646 (dolist (gc g-conditions)
1647 (princ "====")
1648 (print-next)
1649 (dolist (cond gc)
1650 (term-print-with-sort cond))))
1651 ;;
1652 (dolist (gc g-conditions)
1653 (dolist (c gc)
1654 (pushnew c all-cases :test #'term-equational-equal)))
1656 ;; make all combinations and generate cases
1657 (let ((rv-combs (select-comb-elems g-conditions t))
1658 (next-goal nil))
1659 ;; distribute /\ and delete duplicated conditions
1660 (with-citp-debug ()
1661 (format t "~%[ca] gterm conditions --BEFORE normalization: ")
1662 (if rv-combs
1663 (let ((rv-com nil))
1664 (dotimes (x (length rv-combs))
1665 (setq rv-com (nth x rv-combs))
1666 (print-next)
1667 (format t "--(~d)--" (1+ x))
1668 (dolist (rr rv-com)
1669 (print-next)
1670 (format t "~d:" (car rr))
1671 (term-print-with-sort (cdr rr)))))
1672 (format t "NONE.")))
1673 ;; eliminate exclusive combinations and dupulicated cases.
1674 ;;
1675 (setq rv-combs (normalize-cases rv-combs ptree-node all-cases))
1677 (with-citp-debug ()
1678 (format t "~%[ca] gterm conditions --AFTER normalization: ")
1679 (if rv-combs
1680 (let ((rv-com nil))
1681 (dotimes (x (length rv-combs))
1682 (setq rv-com (nth x rv-combs))
1683 (print-next)
1684 (format t "--(~d)--" (1+ x))
1685 (dolist (rr rv-com)
1686 (print-next)
1687 (term-print-with-sort rr))))
1688 (format t "NONE.")))
1689 (cond (rv-combs
1690 (dolist (rv-com rv-combs)
1691 (let ((.new-axs-so-far. nil))
1692 (setq next-goal (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-ca.))
1693 (setf (goal-targets next-goal) (list target))
1694 (generate-case-axioms next-goal rv-com)
1695 (push next-goal next-goals)))
1696 ;; normalize the target after adding cases
1697 (normalize-sentence target *current-module*))
1698 (t
1699 ;; no case is generated for the target
1700 (push target remainings)))))
1759 (dolist (gterm gterms)
1760 (unless (gsubterm-has-matching-rule gterm conditional-rules)
1761 (let ((conds (find-gterm-matching-conditionals (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)
1762 gterm
1763 conditional-rules
1764 gt-idx)))
1765 (when conds
1766 (incf gt-idx)
1767 (push conds g-conditions)))))
1768 (setq g-conditions (nreverse g-conditions))
1769 (with-citp-debug ()
1770 (format t "~%All the conditions")
1771 (print-next)
1772 (dolist (gc g-conditions)
1773 (princ "====")
1774 (print-next)
1775 (dolist (cond gc)
1776 (term-print-with-sort cond))))
1777 ;;
1778 (dolist (gc g-conditions)
1779 (dolist (c gc)
1780 (pushnew c all-cases :test #'term-equational-equal)))
1782 ;; make all combinations and generate cases
1783 (let ((rv-combs (select-comb-elems g-conditions t))
1784 (next-goal nil))
1785 ;; distribute /\ and delete duplicated conditions
1786 (with-citp-debug ()
1787 (format t "~%[ca] gterm conditions --BEFORE normalization: ")
1788 (if rv-combs
1789 (let ((rv-com nil))
1790 (dotimes (x (length rv-combs))
1791 (setq rv-com (nth x rv-combs))
1792 (print-next)
1793 (format t "--(~d)--" (1+ x))
1794 (dolist (rr rv-com)
1795 (print-next)
1796 (format t "~d:" (car rr))
1797 (term-print-with-sort (cdr rr)))))
1798 (format t "NONE.")))
1799 ;; eliminate exclusive combinations and dupulicated cases.
1800 (setq rv-combs (normalize-cases rv-combs ptree-node all-cases))
1802 (with-citp-debug ()
1803 (format t "~%[ca] gterm conditions --AFTER normalization: ")
1804 (if rv-combs
1805 (let ((rv-com nil))
1806 (dotimes (x (length rv-combs))
1807 (setq rv-com (nth x rv-combs))
1808 (print-next)
1809 (format t "--(~d)--" (1+ x))
1810 (dolist (rr rv-com)
1811 (print-next)
1812 (term-print-with-sort rr))))
1813 (format t "NONE.")))
1814 (cond (rv-combs
1815 (dolist (rv-com rv-combs)
1816 (let ((.new-axs-so-far. nil))
1817 (setq next-goal (prepare-next-goal ptree-node .tactic-ca.))
1818 (setf (goal-targets next-goal) (list target))
1819 (generate-case-axioms next-goal rv-com)
1820 (push next-goal next-goals)))
1821 ;; normalize the target after adding cases
1822 (normalize-sentence target *current-module*))
1823 (t
1824 ;; no case is generated for the target
1825 (push target remainings)))))
17011826 ;;
17021827 (when remainings
1703 (when (or next-goals app? divide?)
1704 (multiple-value-bind (app? nop-goals)
1705 (apply-nil-internal ptree-node (reverse remainings) nil .tactic-ca.)
1706 (declare (ignore app?))
1707 (dolist(ng nop-goals)
1708 (let ((target (car (goal-targets ng))))
1709 ;; no case is generated: apply normalization & check the result
1710 (multiple-value-bind (discharged normalized-target original-target)
1711 (do-check-sentence target ng)
1712 (when discharged
1713 (format t "~%[ca] discharged: ")
1714 (print-axiom-brief normalized-target)
1715 (setf (goal-targets ng) nil
1716 (goal-proved ng) (list original-target))))
1717 (push ng next-goals))))))
1828 (when (or next-goals app? divide?)
1829 (multiple-value-bind (app? nop-goals)
1830 (apply-nil-internal ptree-node (reverse remainings) nil .tactic-ca.)
1831 (declare (ignore app?))
1832 (if-spoiler-on
1833 :then (dolist(ng nop-goals)
1834 (let ((target (car (goal-targets ng))))
1835 ;; no case is generated: apply normalization & check the result
1836 (multiple-value-bind (discharged normalized-target original-target)
1837 (do-check-sentence target ng)
1838 (when discharged
1839 (format t "~%[ca] discharged: ")
1840 (print-axiom-brief normalized-target)
1841 (setf (goal-targets ng) nil
1842 (goal-proved ng) (list original-target))))
1843 (push ng next-goals)))
1844 :else (setq next-goals nop-goals)))))
17181845 ;; check LE
17191846 (setq next-goals (nreverse next-goals))
17201847 (dolist (goal next-goals)
1721 (check-le goal))
1848 (check-le goal))
17221849 ;;
17231850 (values next-goals next-goals))))
17251852 (defun rule-is-for-case (rule)
17261853 (and (not (is-true? (rule-condition rule)))
17271854 (let ((labels (rule-labels rule)))
1728 (dolist (lb labels nil)
1729 (let ((lstr (string lb)))
1730 (when (and (>= (length lstr) 3)
1731 (string-equal (subseq lstr 0 3) "CA-"))
1732 (return-from rule-is-for-case t)))))))
1855 (dolist (lb labels nil)
1856 (let ((lstr (string lb)))
1857 (when (and (>= (length lstr) 3)
1858 (string-equal (subseq lstr 0 3) "CA-"))
1859 (return-from rule-is-for-case t)))))))
17341861 (defun get-ca-rules (module)
17351862 (remove-if-not #'rule-is-for-case (module-all-rules module)))
1737 (defun apply-ca (ptree-node)
1738 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node))
1864 ;;; apply-ca
1865 ;;; toplevel of :ca
1866 (defun apply-ca (ptree-node &rest ignore)
1867 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
1868 (ignore ignore))
17391869 (with-in-context (ptree-node)
17401870 (with-in-module ((goal-context .cur-goal.))
17411871 (let ((crules (get-ca-rules *current-module*))
1742 (divide? (cdr .cur-targets.)))
1743 (dolist (target .cur-targets.)
1744 (multiple-value-bind (applied goals)
1745 (generate-cases ptree-node target crules divide?)
1746 (declare (ignore applied))
1747 (when goals (setq .next-goals. (nconc .next-goals. goals)))))
1748 (values .next-goals. .next-goals.)))))
1872 (divide? (cdr .cur-targets.)))
1873 (dolist (target .cur-targets.)
1874 (multiple-value-bind (applied goals)
1875 (generate-cases ptree-node target crules divide?)
1876 (declare (ignore applied))
1877 (when goals (setq .next-goals. (nconc .next-goals. goals)))))
1878 (values .next-goals. .next-goals.)))))
17501880 ;;; for debug
17511881 (defun rule-is-case-generated (rule)
17521882 (and (is-true? (rule-condition rule))
17531883 (let ((labels (rule-labels rule)))
1754 (dolist (lb labels nil)
1755 (let ((lstr (string lb)))
1756 (when (and (= 2 (length lstr))
1757 (string-equal lstr "CA"))
1758 (return-from rule-is-case-generated t)))))))
1884 (dolist (lb labels nil)
1885 (let ((lstr (string lb)))
1886 (when (and (= 2 (length lstr))
1887 (string-equal lstr "CA"))
1888 (return-from rule-is-case-generated t)))))))
17601890 (defun print-case-axioms (node)
17611891 (let ((mod (goal-context (ptree-node-goal node)))
1762 (cas nil))
1892 (cas nil))
17631893 (with-in-module (mod)
17641894 (let ((all-rules (module-all-rules mod)))
1765 (dolist (rule all-rules)
1766 (when (rule-is-case-generated rule)
1767 (push rule cas))))
1895 (dolist (rule all-rules)
1896 (when (rule-is-case-generated rule)
1897 (push rule cas))))
17681898 (when cas
1769 (format t "~%** generated axioms in goal ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal node)))
1770 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1771 (dolist (rl cas)
1772 (print-next)
1773 (print-axiom-brief rl)))))))
1899 (format t "~%** generated axioms in goal ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal node)))
1900 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1901 (dolist (rl cas)
1902 (print-next)
1903 (print-axiom-brief rl)))))))
17751905 (defun all-cases ()
17761906 (unless *proof-tree*
17771907 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
17781908 (format t "No proof tree!")))
17791909 (dag-wfs (ptree-root *proof-tree*)
1780 #'print-case-axioms))
1910 #'print-case-axioms))
17821912 ;;; ======================================
17831913 ;;; TACTIC: Case Analysis on Sequence [CS]
17841914 ;;; TODO
17851915 ;;; ======================================
1786 (defun apply-cs (ptree-node)
1916 (defun apply-cs (ptree-node &rest ignore)
1917 (declare (ignore ignore))
17871918 ptree-node)
17891920 ;;; ==========================================
17951926 ;;;
17961927 (defun get-target-axiom (module target-form &optional (add-to-module nil))
17971928 (let ((kind (first target-form))
1798 (ax nil))
1929 (ax nil))
17991930 (cond ((eq :label kind) (setq ax (get-rule-labelled module (second target-form))))
1800 (t (with-in-module (module)
1801 (setq ax (parse-axiom-declaration (parse-module-element-1 (cdr target-form))))
1802 (when add-to-module
1803 (set-operator-rewrite-rule module ax)
1804 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
1805 (set-needs-rule)))))
1931 (t (with-in-module (module)
1932 (setq ax (parse-axiom-declaration (parse-module-element-1 (cdr target-form))))
1933 (when add-to-module
1934 (set-operator-rewrite-rule module ax)
1935 (adjoin-axiom-to-module module ax)
1936 (set-needs-rule)))))
18061937 ax))
18081939 ;;; resolve-subst-form
18101941 (defun resolve-subst-form (context subst-forms)
18111942 (with-in-module (context)
18121943 (let ((subst nil)
1813 (*parse-variables* nil))
1944 (*parse-variables* nil))
18141945 (dolist (subst-form subst-forms)
1815 (let ((var-form (first subst-form))
1816 (term-form (rest subst-form))
1817 (var nil)
1818 (term nil))
1819 (with-citp-debug ()
1820 (format t "~%resolving subst form:")
1821 (print-next)
1822 (format t " var=~s, term=~s" var-form term-form))
1823 (setq var (simple-parse context var-form))
1824 (when (or (term-ill-defined var) (not (term-is-variable? var)))
1825 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-var-form)
1826 (format t "Invalid variable in substitution: ~s" var-form)))
1827 (setq term (simple-parse context term-form))
1828 (when (term-ill-defined term)
1829 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
1830 (format t "No parse..: ~s" term-form)))
1831 (unless (sort<= (term-sort term) (variable-sort var) *current-sort-order*)
1832 (with-output-chaos-error ('sort-mismatch)
1833 (format t "Sort mismatch for the substitution")
1834 (print-next)
1835 (format t " variable: ") (term-print-with-sort var)
1836 (print-next)
1837 (format t " term: ") (term-print-with-sort term)))
1838 (push (cons var term) subst)))
1946 (let ((var-form (first subst-form))
1947 (term-form (rest subst-form))
1948 (var nil)
1949 (term nil))
1950 (with-citp-debug ()
1951 (format t "~%resolving subst form:")
1952 (print-next)
1953 (format t " var=~s, term=~s" var-form term-form))
1954 (setq var (simple-parse context var-form))
1955 (when (or (term-ill-defined var) (not (term-is-variable? var)))
1956 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-var-form)
1957 (format t "Invalid variable in substitution: ~s" var-form)))
1958 (setq term (simple-parse context term-form))
1959 (when (term-ill-defined term)
1960 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
1961 (format t "No parse..: ~s" term-form)))
1962 (unless (sort<= (term-sort term) (variable-sort var) *current-sort-order*)
1963 (with-output-chaos-error ('sort-mismatch)
1964 (format t "Sort mismatch for the substitution")
1965 (print-next)
1966 (format t " variable: ") (term-print-with-sort var)
1967 (print-next)
1968 (format t " term: ") (term-print-with-sort term)))
1969 (push (cons var term) subst)))
18391970 subst)))
18411972 ;;;
18421973 (defun make-real-instanciation-subst (subst axiom-vars)
18431974 (let ((rsubst nil)
1844 rv)
1975 rv)
18451976 (dolist (vt-pair subst)
18461977 (if (setq rv (get-real-target-variable (car vt-pair) axiom-vars))
1847 (setq rsubst (acons rv (cdr vt-pair) rsubst))
1848 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-var)
1849 (format t "Instanciating an axiom, no such variable ")
1850 (term-print-with-sort (car vt-pair)))))
1978 (setq rsubst (acons rv (cdr vt-pair) rsubst))
1979 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-var)
1980 (format t "Instanciating an axiom, no such variable ")
1981 (term-print-with-sort (car vt-pair)))))
18511982 rsubst))
18531984 ;;; make-axiom-instance : module substitution axiom -> axiom'
18551986 ;;;
18561987 (defun make-axiom-instance (module subst axiom)
18571988 (let ((new-axiom (rule-copy-canonicalized axiom module))
1858 (rsubst nil))
1989 (rsubst nil))
18591990 (setq rsubst (make-real-instanciation-subst subst (axiom-variables new-axiom)))
18601991 (apply-substitution-to-axiom rsubst new-axiom '(init))
1861 #||
1862 (when (axiom-variables new-axiom)
1863 (with-output-chaos-error ('not-ground)
1864 (format t "Instanciating an axiom, not all variable substitutions are supplied.")
1865 (dolist (v (axiom-variables new-axiom))
1866 (print-next)
1867 (term-print-with-sort v))))
1868 ||#
18691992 new-axiom))
1871 ;;;
18721994 ;;; instanciate-axiom
18731995 ;;;
18741996 (defun instanciate-axiom (target-form subst-form)
18751997 (let ((context (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
18761998 (unless context
18771999 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1878 (format t "Instanciating axiom, no context module is established.")))
2000 (format t "Instanciating axiom, no context module is established.")))
18792001 (with-in-module ((goal-context (ptree-node-goal context)))
1880 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
1881 (target-axiom (get-target-axiom *current-module* target-form t))
1882 (subst (resolve-subst-form *current-module* subst-form))
1883 (instance nil))
1884 ;;
1885 (setq instance (make-axiom-instance *current-module* subst target-axiom))
1886 ;; input the instance to current context
1887 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal context)))
1888 (setf (goal-assumptions goal) (append (goal-assumptions goal) (list instance)))
1889 (format t "~%**> initialized the axiom in goal ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal context)))
1890 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
1891 (*print-line-limit* 80)
1892 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
1893 (print-next)
1894 (print-axiom-brief instance))
1895 (when *citp-verbose*
1896 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal context)))
1897 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* instance)
1898 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* instance)
1899 (compile-module *current-module* t))))))
2002 (with-citp-env ()
2003 (let ((target-axiom (get-target-axiom *current-module* target-form t))
2004 (subst (resolve-subst-form *current-module* subst-form))
2005 (instance nil))
2006 ;;
2007 (setq instance (make-axiom-instance *current-module* subst target-axiom))
2008 ;; we normalize the LHS of the instance
2009 (with-spoiler-on
2010 (multiple-value-bind (n-lhs applied?)
2011 (normalize-term-in *current-module* (axiom-lhs instance))
2012 (when applied?
2013 (setf (axiom-lhs instance) n-lhs))))
2015 ;; input the instance to current context
2016 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal context)))
2017 (setf (goal-assumptions goal) (append (goal-assumptions goal) (list instance)))
2018 (format t "~%**> initialized the axiom in goal ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal context)))
2019 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
2020 (*print-line-limit* 80)
2021 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
2022 (print-next)
2023 (print-axiom-brief instance))
2024 (when-citp-verbose ()
2025 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal context)))
2026 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* instance)
2027 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* instance)
2028 (compile-module *current-module* t)))))))
2030 ;;; ================================
2031 ;;; Target sentence T -> A implies T [:ip]
2032 ;;; ================================
19012035 ;;; ==============
2036 ;;; CRITICAL PAIRS [:cp]
19032037 ;;; ==============
19052039 (defun citp-rename-term-variables (suffix list-vars)
19062040 (let ((done nil))
19072041 (dolist (var list-vars)
19082042 (unless (member var done)
1909 (push var done)
1910 (setf (variable-name var) (intern (format nil "~a~a" (variable-name var) suffix)))))))
2043 (push var done)
2044 (setf (variable-name var) (intern (format nil "~a~a" (variable-name var) suffix)))))))
19122046 (let ((*renamed-variable-number* 0))
19132047 (declare (type fixnum *renamed-variable-number*))
19182052 )
19202054 (defstruct (cpp (:print-function pr-cpp))
1921 (t1 nil :type term) ; sigma(lhs[pos])
1922 (t2 nil :type term) ; sigma(lhs)
1923 (pos nil :type list) ; occurence of t1 in root term
1924 (subst nil :type list) ; mgu
1925 (cpairs nil :type list)) ; generated critical pairs in a form of axiom
2055 (t1 nil :type term) ; sigma(lhs[pos])
2056 (t2 nil :type term) ; sigma(lhs)
2057 (pos nil :type list) ; occurence of t1 in root term
2058 (subst nil :type list) ; mgu
2059 (cpairs nil :type list)) ; generated critical pairs in a form of axiom
19272061 (defun pr-cpp (cpp &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
19282062 (declare (ignore ignore))
19292063 (format stream "~%Critical Pair ---------")
19302064 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent*))
1931 (*standard-output* stream))
2065 (*standard-output* stream))
19322066 (print-next)
19332067 (princ "term 1: ") (term-print-with-sort (cpp-t1 cpp))
19342068 (print-next)
19412075 (setq *print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
19422076 (format t "~%- ~d critical pairs" (length (cpp-cpairs cpp)))
19432077 (dolist (cpair (cpp-cpairs cpp))
1944 (print-next)
1945 (print-axiom-brief cpair)))))
2078 (print-next)
2079 (print-axiom-brief cpair)))))
19472081 (defun compute-overwraps (t1 t2 occur)
19482082 (let ((cpps nil))
19492083 (cond ((term-is-applform? t1)
1950 (multiple-value-bind (subst no-match e-eq)
1951 (unify t1 t2)
1952 (declare (ignore e-eq))
1953 (unless no-match
1954 (push (make-cpp :t1 (substitution-image-simplifying subst t1)
1955 :t2 (substitution-image-simplifying subst t2)
1956 :subst subst
1957 :pos occur) cpps))
1958 (let ((pos 0))
1959 (declare (type fixnum pos))
1960 (dolist (sub (term-subterms t1))
1961 (setq cpps (append cpps (compute-overwraps sub t2 (append occur (cons pos occur)))))
1962 (incf pos)))))
1963 (t nil))
2084 (multiple-value-bind (subst no-match e-eq)
2085 (unify t1 t2)
2086 (declare (ignore e-eq))
2087 (unless no-match
2088 (push (make-cpp :t1 (substitution-image-simplifying subst t1)
2089 :t2 (substitution-image-simplifying subst t2)
2090 :subst subst
2091 :pos occur) cpps))
2092 (let ((pos 0))
2093 (declare (type fixnum pos))
2094 (dolist (sub (term-subterms t1))
2095 (setq cpps (append cpps (compute-overwraps sub t2 (append occur (cons pos occur)))))
2096 (incf pos)))))
2097 (t nil))
19642098 cpps))
19662100 (defun term-at-pos (pos term)
19732107 (term-replace target repl-term)
19742108 term))
1976 ;;;
19772110 ;;; compute-all-overwrapps : axiom axiom -> List(cpp)
19782111 ;;;
19792112 (defun compute-axiom-overwrapps (ax-1 ax-2)
19802113 (let ((lhs-1 (rule-lhs ax-1))
1981 (lhs-2 (rule-lhs ax-2))
1982 (cpps nil))
2114 (lhs-2 (rule-lhs ax-2))
2115 (cpps nil))
19832116 (setq cpps (compute-overwraps lhs-1 lhs-2 '()))
19842117 cpps))
19862119 (defun generate-critical-pairs (cpps ax-1 ax-2)
19872120 (dolist (cpp cpps)
19882121 (let ((subst (cpp-subst cpp))
1989 (cpairs nil))
2122 (cpairs nil))
19902123 (let ((cond-1 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-condition ax-1)))
1991 (cond-2 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-condition ax-2)))
1992 (rhs (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs ax-1)))
1993 (lhs (replace-term-at (cpp-pos cpp)
1994 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (axiom-lhs ax-1))
1995 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (axiom-rhs ax-2)))))
1996 (with-citp-debug ()
1997 (format t "~%cond-1: ")(term-print-with-sort cond-1)
1998 (format t "~%cond-2: ")(term-print-with-sort cond-2)
1999 (format t "~%lhs: ") (term-print-with-sort lhs)
2000 (format t "~%rhs: ") (term-print-with-sort rhs))
2002 (let ((*perform-on-demand-reduction* t))
2003 (compile-module *current-module* t)
2004 ;; LHS
2005 (rewrite lhs *current-module*)
2006 ;; RHS
2007 (rewrite rhs *current-module*)
2008 (unless (term-equational-equal lhs rhs)
2009 (let ((ordered-pair (sort (list lhs rhs) #'lrpo)))
2010 (pushnew (make-rule :lhs (first ordered-pair)
2011 :rhs (second ordered-pair)
2012 :condition *bool-true*
2013 :type :equation ; might be changed later by command :equqtion or :rule
2014 :labels '(cp))
2015 cpairs
2016 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
2018 ;; Condition
2019 (let ((new-cond (make-applform-simple *condition-sort* *bool-cond-op* (list cond-1 cond-2))))
2020 (with-citp-debug ()
2021 (format t "~%[cp] generated condition: ")
2022 (term-print-with-sort new-cond))
2023 (rewrite new-cond *current-module*)
2024 (with-citp-debug ()
2025 (format t "~% after normalized :")
2026 (print-next)
2027 (term-print-with-sort new-cond))
2028 (unless (is-true? new-cond)
2029 (cond ((eq *bool-cond-op* (term-head new-cond))
2030 (let ((subs (list-assoc-subterms new-cond *bool-cond-op*)))
2031 (setq subs (sort subs #'lrpo))
2032 (do* ((sl subs (cdr sl))
2033 (lhs (car sl) (car sl))
2034 (rhs (cadr sl)))
2035 ((null rhs))
2036 (pushnew (make-rule :lhs lhs
2037 :rhs rhs
2038 :condition *bool-true*
2039 :type :equation
2040 :labels '(cpc))
2041 cpairs
2042 :test #'rule-is-similar?))))
2043 (t (pushnew (make-rule :lhs new-cond
2044 :rhs *bool-true*
2045 :condition *bool-true*
2046 :type :equation
2047 :labels '(cpc))
2048 cpairs
2049 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))))))
2124 (cond-2 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-condition ax-2)))
2125 (rhs (substitution-image-simplifying subst (rule-rhs ax-1)))
2126 (lhs (replace-term-at (cpp-pos cpp)
2127 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (axiom-lhs ax-1))
2128 (substitution-image-simplifying subst (axiom-rhs ax-2)))))
2129 (with-citp-debug ()
2130 (format t "~%cond-1: ")(term-print-with-sort cond-1)
2131 (format t "~%cond-2: ")(term-print-with-sort cond-2)
2132 (format t "~%lhs: ") (term-print-with-sort lhs)
2133 (format t "~%rhs: ") (term-print-with-sort rhs))
2135 (let ((*perform-on-demand-reduction* t))
2136 (compile-module *current-module* t)
2137 ;; LHS
2138 (rewrite lhs *current-module*)
2139 ;; RHS
2140 (rewrite rhs *current-module*)
2141 (unless (term-equational-equal lhs rhs)
2142 (let ((ordered-pair (sort (list lhs rhs) #'lrpo)))
2143 (pushnew (make-rule :lhs (first ordered-pair)
2144 :rhs (second ordered-pair)
2145 :condition *bool-true*
2146 :type :equation ; might be changed later by command :equqtion or :rule
2147 :labels '(cp))
2148 cpairs
2149 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))
2151 ;; Condition
2152 (let ((new-cond (make-applform-simple *condition-sort* *bool-cond-op* (list cond-1 cond-2))))
2153 (with-citp-debug ()
2154 (format t "~%[cp] generated condition: ")
2155 (term-print-with-sort new-cond))
2156 (rewrite new-cond *current-module*)
2157 (with-citp-debug ()
2158 (format t "~% after normalized :")
2159 (print-next)
2160 (term-print-with-sort new-cond))
2161 (unless (is-true? new-cond)
2162 (cond ((eq *bool-cond-op* (term-head new-cond))
2163 (let ((subs (list-assoc-subterms new-cond *bool-cond-op*)))
2164 (setq subs (sort subs #'lrpo))
2165 (do* ((sl subs (cdr sl))
2166 (lhs (car sl) (car sl))
2167 (rhs (cadr sl)))
2168 ((null rhs))
2169 (pushnew (make-rule :lhs lhs
2170 :rhs rhs
2171 :condition *bool-true*
2172 :type :equation
2173 :labels '(cpc))
2174 cpairs
2175 :test #'rule-is-similar?))))
2176 (t (pushnew (make-rule :lhs new-cond
2177 :rhs *bool-true*
2178 :condition *bool-true*
2179 :type :equation
2180 :labels '(cpc))
2181 cpairs
2182 :test #'rule-is-similar?)))))))
20502183 (setf (cpp-cpairs cpp) cpairs))))
20522185 (defun compute-critical-pairs (module axiom1 axiom2)
20532186 (with-in-module (module)
20542187 (let ((ax-1 (citp-rename-axiom-variables (rule-copy-canonicalized axiom1 module)))
2055 (ax-2 (citp-rename-axiom-variables (rule-copy-canonicalized axiom2 module)))
2056 (cpp-1 nil)
2057 (cpp-2 nil))
2188 (ax-2 (citp-rename-axiom-variables (rule-copy-canonicalized axiom2 module)))
2189 (cpp-1 nil)
2190 (cpp-2 nil))
20582191 (setq cpp-1 (compute-axiom-overwrapps ax-1 ax-2))
20592192 (setq cpp-2 (compute-axiom-overwrapps ax-2 ax-1))
20602193 (generate-critical-pairs cpp-1 ax-1 ax-2)
20612194 (generate-critical-pairs cpp-2 ax-2 ax-1)
20632196 (with-citp-debug ()
2064 (format t "~%------- cpp-1")
2065 (print cpp-1)
2066 (format t "~%------- cpp-2")
2067 (print cpp-2))
2197 (format t "~%------- cpp-1")
2198 (print cpp-1)
2199 (format t "~%------- cpp-2")
2200 (print cpp-2))
20692202 (let ((all-cpairs nil))
2070 (dolist (cp1 (nconc cpp-1 cpp-2))
2071 (setq all-cpairs (nconc all-cpairs (cpp-cpairs cp1))))
2072 (remove-duplicates all-cpairs :test #'rule-is-similar?)))))
2203 (dolist (cp1 (nconc cpp-1 cpp-2))
2204 (setq all-cpairs (nconc all-cpairs (cpp-cpairs cp1))))
2205 (remove-duplicates all-cpairs :test #'rule-is-similar?)))))
20742207 ;;; apply-cp : axiom-form axiom-form -> void
20752208 ;;;
20772210 (let ((context (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
20782211 (unless context
20792212 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
2080 (format t "Applying [cp], no context module is established.")))
2213 (format t "Applying [cp], no context module is established.")))
20812214 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal context)))
20822215 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
2083 (let ((t1axiom (get-target-axiom *current-module* target-1))
2084 (t2axiom (get-target-axiom *current-module* target-2))
2085 (cpps nil))
2086 (setq cpps
2087 (setf (goal-critical-pairs goal) (compute-critical-pairs *current-module* t1axiom t2axiom)))
2088 (when cpps
2089 (format t "~%[cp] :")
2090 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
2091 (dotimes (x (length cpps))
2092 (print-next)
2093 (format t "(~d) " (1+ x))
2094 (let ((ax (nth x cpps)))
2095 (term-print-with-sort (axiom-lhs ax))
2096 (print-next)
2097 (princ " => ")
2098 (term-print-with-sort (axiom-rhs ax)))))))))))
2216 (let ((t1axiom (get-target-axiom *current-module* target-1))
2217 (t2axiom (get-target-axiom *current-module* target-2))
2218 (cpps nil))
2219 (setq cpps
2220 (setf (goal-critical-pairs goal) (compute-critical-pairs *current-module* t1axiom t2axiom)))
2221 (when cpps
2222 (format t "~%[cp] :")
2223 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
2224 (dotimes (x (length cpps))
2225 (print-next)
2226 (format t "(~d) " (1+ x))
2227 (let ((ax (nth x cpps)))
2228 (term-print-with-sort (axiom-lhs ax))
2229 (print-next)
2230 (princ " => ")
2231 (term-print-with-sort (axiom-rhs ax)))))))))))
21002233 ;;; add-critical-pairs
21012234 ;;;
21032236 (let ((context (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
21042237 (unless context
21052238 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
2106 (format t "Applying [cp], no context module is established.")))
2239 (format t "Applying [cp], no context module is established.")))
21072240 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal context))
2108 (applied nil))
2241 (applied nil))
21092242 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
2110 (dolist (cps (goal-critical-pairs goal))
2111 (setf (rule-type cps) type)
2112 (when (eq direction :backward)
2113 (let ((rhs (rule-lhs cps))
2114 (lhs (rule-rhs cps)))
2115 (setf (rule-lhs cps) lhs
2116 (rule-rhs cps) rhs)))
2117 (compute-rule-method cps)
2118 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* cps)
2119 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* cps)
2120 (setq applied (nconc applied (list cps))))
2121 (when applied
2122 (setf (goal-assumptions goal) (nconc (goal-assumptions goal) (nreverse applied)))
2123 (format t "~%[cp] added cp ~a~p to goal ~s: " type (length applied) (goal-name goal))
2124 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
2125 (dolist (ax applied)
2126 (print-next)
2127 (print-axiom-brief ax)))
2128 (when *citp-verbose*
2129 (pr-goal goal)))))))
2243 (dolist (cps (goal-critical-pairs goal))
2244 (setf (rule-type cps) type)
2245 (when (eq direction :backward)
2246 (let ((rhs (rule-lhs cps))
2247 (lhs (rule-rhs cps)))
2248 (setf (rule-lhs cps) lhs
2249 (rule-rhs cps) rhs)))
2250 (compute-rule-method cps)
2251 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* cps)
2252 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* cps)
2253 (setq applied (nconc applied (list cps))))
2254 (when applied
2255 (setf (goal-assumptions goal) (nconc (goal-assumptions goal) (nreverse applied)))
2256 (format t "~%[cp] added cp ~a~p to goal ~s: " type (length applied) (goal-name goal))
2257 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
2258 (dolist (ax applied)
2259 (print-next)
2260 (print-axiom-brief ax)))
2261 (when *citp-verbose*
2262 (pr-goal goal)))))))
21312264 ;;; ===================================================
21322265 ;;; {:red | :exec | :bred} [in <goal-name> : ] <term> .
21362269 (defun reduce-in-goal (mode goal-name token-seq)
21372270 (with-citp-debug ()
21382271 (format t "~%~s in ~s : ~s" (string mode) goal-name token-seq))
2139 (let ((next-goal-node (if goal-name
2140 (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)
2141 (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*))))
2142 (unless next-goal-node
2143 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-target)
2144 (if goal-name
2145 (format t ":~a could not find the goal ~s." mode goal-name)
2146 (format t "No default target goal."))))
2272 (let ((next-goal-node (get-target-goal-node goal-name)))
2273 ;; do rewriting
21472274 (perform-reduction* token-seq (goal-context (ptree-node-goal next-goal-node)) mode)))
2149 ;;; :ctf
2150 ;;;
2151 (defun do-apply-ctf (cur-node equation)
2152 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
2153 (*rwl-search-no-state-report* t)
2154 (cur-goal (ptree-node-goal cur-node)))
2155 (when (goal-is-discharged cur-goal)
2276 ;;; ===========
2277 ;;; TACTIC: :NF
2278 ;;; explicit application of NF (compute normal form of targets).
2279 ;;;
2280 ;;; ===========
2281 (defun apply-nf (ptree-node &rest ignore)
2282 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
2283 (ignore ignore))
2284 (let ((.cur-goal. (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2285 (when (goal-is-discharged .cur-goal.)
21562286 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2157 (format t "** The goal ~s has been proved!." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal cur-node)))
2158 (return-from do-apply-ctf nil)))
2159 (let ((t-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node .tactic-ctf.))
2160 (f-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node .tactic-ctf.)))
2161 ;; true case
2162 (with-in-module ((goal-context t-goal))
2163 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* equation)
2164 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* equation)
2165 (compile-module *current-module*))
2166 (setf (goal-targets t-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
2167 (setf (goal-assumptions t-goal) (append (goal-assumptions cur-goal) (list equation)))
2168 ;; false case
2169 (let ((f-ax nil))
2170 (with-in-module ((goal-context f-goal))
2171 (setq f-ax (make-rule :lhs (make-applform-simple *bool-sort*
2172 *eql-op*
2173 (list (rule-lhs equation)
2174 (rule-rhs equation)))
2175 :rhs *bool-false*
2176 :condition *bool-true*
2177 :type :equation
2178 :behavioural nil))
2179 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* f-ax)
2180 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* f-ax)
2181 (compile-module *current-module*))
2182 (setf (goal-targets f-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
2183 (setf (goal-assumptions f-goal) (append (goal-assumptions cur-goal) (list f-ax)))
2184 (values t (list t-goal f-goal))))))
2186 (defun apply-ctf (equation &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
2187 (check-ptree)
2287 (format t "** The goal ~s has already been proved!."
2288 (goal-name .cur-goal.)))
2289 (return-from apply-nf nil))
2290 (with-citp-env ()
2291 (with-spoiler-on ()
2292 (with-in-module ((goal-context .cur-goal.))
2293 (let ((n-targets nil)
2294 (applied nil))
2295 ;; normalize goal sentences
2296 (dolist (sen (goal-targets .cur-goal.))
2297 (multiple-value-bind (ngoal app?)
2298 (normalize-sentence sen *current-module*)
2299 (if app?
2300 (progn (setq applied t) (push ngoal n-targets))
2301 (push sen n-targets))))
2302 (when applied
2303 (let ((next-goal (prepare-next-goal ptree-node 'nf)))
2304 (setf (goal-targets next-goal) (nreverse n-targets))
2305 (return-from apply-nf (values t (list next-goal)))))
2306 (values nil nil)))))))
2308 ;;; ===========
2309 ;;; TACTIC: :CT
2310 ;;; do contradiction check, can dischage the goal
2311 ;;; ===========
2312 (defun apply-ct (ptree-node &rest ignore)
2313 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
2314 (ignore ignore))
2315 (let ((.cur-goal. (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2316 (when (goal-is-discharged .cur-goal.)
2317 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2318 (format t "** The goal ~s has already been proved!."
2319 (goal-name .cur-goal.)))
2320 (return-from apply-ct nil))
2321 ;;
2322 (with-in-module ((goal-context .cur-goal.))
2323 (with-citp-env ()
2324 (with-spoiler-on ()
2325 (when (check-contradiction .cur-goal. 'ct)
2326 (with-in-module ((goal-context .cur-goal.))
2327 (format t "%[ct] dischaged:")
2328 (dolist (target (goal-targets .cur-goal.))
2329 (print-next)
2330 (print-axiom-brief target))
2331 (setf (goal-proved .cur-goal.) (goal-targets .cur-goal.))
2332 (setf (goal-targets .cur-goal.) nil)))))
2333 t)))
2335 ;;; ==============
2336 ;;; :ctf or :ctf-
2337 ;;; ==============
2339 (defun make-ctf-constructor-pattern (const-op)
2340 (when (method-arity const-op)
2341 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2342 (format t "Only constant constructors are supported. Sorry!")
2343 (return-from make-ctf-constructor-pattern nil)))
2344 (make-applform-simple (method-coarity const-op) const-op nil))
2346 (defun do-apply-ctf-with-constructors (cur-node term tactic)
2347 (let ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal cur-node))
2348 (sort (term-sort term))
2349 (goals nil))
2350 (let ((constructors (find-sort-constructors-in *current-module* sort)))
2351 (unless constructors
2352 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-constructors)
2353 (format t "Sort ~a has no constructors." (sort-name sort))))
2354 (dolist (const (sort constructors
2355 #'(lambda (x y)
2356 (let ((prec (op-lex-precedence x y)))
2357 (if (eq prec :greater)
2358 t
2359 nil)))))
2360 (let ((n-goal nil)
2361 (const-pat (make-ctf-constructor-pattern const)))
2362 (when const-pat
2363 (setq n-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node tactic))
2364 (with-in-module ((goal-context n-goal))
2365 (multiple-value-bind (lhs rhs type)
2366 (if (sort= (term-sort term) *bool-sort*)
2367 (simplify-boolean-axiom term const-pat)
2368 (values term const-pat :equation))
2369 (when lhs
2370 (let ((ax (make-rule :lhs lhs
2371 :rhs rhs
2372 :condition *bool-true*
2373 :type type
2374 :labels (list (tactic-name tactic))
2375 :behavioural nil)))
2376 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
2377 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* ax)
2378 (compile-module *current-module*)
2379 (push n-goal goals)
2380 (setf (goal-targets n-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
2381 (setf (goal-assumptions n-goal)
2382 (append (goal-assumptions cur-goal) (list ax))))))))))
2383 (with-citp-debug ()
2384 (format t "~%ctf to constructors generated:")
2385 (dolist (g (reverse goals))
2386 (print-next)
2387 (pr-goal g)))
2388 (if goals
2389 (values t (nreverse goals))
2390 (values nil nil)))))
2392 (defun do-apply-ctf-to-equation (cur-node equation tactic)
2393 (let ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal cur-node)))
2394 (flet ((add-assumption (goal lhs rhs)
2395 (let (n-axiom)
2396 (multiple-value-bind (n-lhs n-rhs type)
2397 (simplify-boolean-axiom lhs rhs)
2398 (cond (n-lhs
2399 (setq n-axiom (make-rule :lhs n-lhs
2400 :rhs n-rhs
2401 :condition *bool-true*
2402 :type type
2403 :behavioural nil
2404 :labels (list(tactic-name tactic))))
2405 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
2406 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* n-axiom)
2407 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* n-axiom)
2408 (compile-module *current-module*))
2409 (setf (goal-targets goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
2410 (setf (goal-assumptions goal)
2411 (append (goal-assumptions cur-goal) (list n-axiom))))
2412 (t
2413 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2414 (format t "[ctf] invalid assumption")
2415 (print-next)
2416 (print-axiom-brief equation)
2417 (print-next)
2418 (format t "...ignored.")
2419 nil)))))))
2420 (let ((t-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node tactic))
2421 (f-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node tactic)))
2422 (with-in-module ((goal-context cur-goal))
2423 (let ((lhs (make-applform-simple *bool-sort*
2424 *eql-op*
2425 (list (rule-lhs equation)
2426 (rule-rhs equation)))))
2427 ;; true case
2428 (unless (add-assumption t-goal lhs *bool-true*)
2429 (setq t-goal nil))
2430 ;; false case
2431 (unless (add-assumption f-goal lhs *bool-false*)
2432 (setq f-goal nil))))
2433 (with-citp-debug ()
2434 (format t "~%citp from equation: generated")
2435 (print-next)
2436 (when t-goal
2437 (pr-goal t-goal))
2438 (when f-goal
2439 (pr-goal f-goal)))
2440 (if (and t-goal f-goal)
2441 (values t (list t-goal f-goal))
2442 (if t-goal
2443 (values t (list t-goal))
2444 (if f-goal
2445 (values t (list f-goal))
2446 (values nil nil))))))))
2448 (defun parse-axiom-or-term (form term?)
2449 (if term?
2450 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
2451 (let ((res (simple-parse *current-module* form *cosmos*)))
2452 res))
2453 (parse-axiom-declaration (parse-module-element-1 form))))
2455 (defun do-apply-ctf (cur-node term-or-equation &optional (tactic .tactic-ctf.))
2456 (with-citp-env ()
2457 (let ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal cur-node)))
2458 (when (already-proved? cur-goal)
2459 (return-from do-apply-ctf nil))
2460 (if (termp term-or-equation)
2461 (do-apply-ctf-with-constructors cur-node term-or-equation tactic)
2462 (do-apply-ctf-to-equation cur-node term-or-equation tactic)))))
2464 ;;; :ctf(-) toplevel function
2465 ;;;
2466 (defun apply-ctf (s-form term? dash? &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
21882467 (let ((ptree-node (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
2189 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2190 (do-apply-ctf ptree-node equation)
2191 (declare (ignore applied))
2192 (unless next-goals
2193 (return-from apply-ctf nil))
2194 (format t "~%** Generated ~d goal~p" (length next-goals) (length next-goals))
2195 ;; apply implicit rd
2196 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
2197 (do-apply-rd ngoal 'ctf))
2198 ;; add generated nodes as children
2199 (add-ptree-children ptree-node next-goals)
2200 (when verbose
2201 (dolist (gn (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))
2202 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal gn))))
2203 (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))))
2468 (with-in-module ((goal-context (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2469 (with-citp-env ()
2470 (let ((form (parse-axiom-or-term s-form term?)))
2471 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2472 (do-apply-ctf ptree-node form)
2473 (declare (ignore applied))
2474 (unless next-goals
2475 (return-from apply-ctf nil))
2476 (format t "~%** Generated ~d goal~p" (length next-goals) (length next-goals))
2477 (when *citp-spoiler*
2478 ;; apply implicit rd
2479 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
2480 (do-apply-rd ngoal nil .tactic-ctf.)
2481 (when (and dash? (goal-targets ngoal))
2482 ;; reset target
2483 (setf (goal-targets ngoal)
2484 (goal-targets (ptree-node-goal ptree-node))))))
2485 ;; add generated nodes as children
2486 (add-ptree-children ptree-node next-goals)
2487 (when verbose
2488 (dolist (gn (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))
2489 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal gn))))
2490 (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node)))))))
2205 ;;; -----------------------------------------------------
2206 ;;; :csp
2207 (defun do-apply-csp (cur-node axs)
2208 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
2209 (*rwl-search-no-state-report* t)
2210 (cur-goal (ptree-node-goal cur-node)))
2211 (when (goal-is-discharged cur-goal)
2212 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2213 (format t "** The goal ~s has been proved!." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal cur-node)))
2214 (return-from do-apply-csp nil)))
2215 (let ((ngoals nil))
2216 (dolist (ax axs)
2217 (let ((n-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node .tactic-csp.)))
2218 ;; add a given assumption
2219 (with-in-module ((goal-context n-goal))
2220 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
2221 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* ax)
2222 (compile-module *current-module*))
2223 (setf (goal-targets n-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
2224 (setf (goal-assumptions n-goal) (append (goal-assumptions cur-goal) (list ax)))
2225 (push n-goal ngoals)))
2492 ;;;=====================
2493 ;;; :defined :ctf, :ctf-
2494 ;;;=====================
2495 (defun apply-ctf-tactic (ptree-node tactic)
2496 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
2497 (type tactic-ctf tactic))
2498 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2499 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
2500 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2501 (do-apply-ctf ptree-node (tactic-ctf-form tactic) tactic)
2502 (declare (ignore applied))
2503 (unless next-goals
2504 (return-from apply-ctf-tactic nil))
2505 (when *citp-spoiler*
2506 ;; apply implicit rd
2507 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
2508 (do-apply-rd ngoal nil tactic)
2509 (when (and (tactic-ctf-minus tactic) (goal-targets ngoal))
2510 ;; reset target
2511 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (goal-targets goal)))))
2512 (values t next-goals)))))
2514 ;;;==============
2515 ;;; :csp or :csp-
2516 ;;;==============
2517 (defun do-apply-csp (cur-node axs &optional (tactic .tactic-csp.))
2518 (unless (already-proved? cur-node)
2519 (let ((cur-goal (ptree-node-goal cur-node))
2520 (ngoals nil))
2521 ;; add given assumptions with generating child nodes
2522 (dolist (ax (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
2523 (rule-copy-canonicalized x (goal-context cur-goal) (tactic-name tactic)))
2524 axs))
2525 (let ((n-goal (prepare-next-goal cur-node tactic)))
2526 (with-in-module ((goal-context n-goal))
2527 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
2528 (set-operator-rewrite-rule *current-module* ax)
2529 (compile-module *current-module*))
2530 (setf (goal-targets n-goal) (goal-targets cur-goal))
2531 (setf (goal-assumptions n-goal) (append (goal-assumptions cur-goal) (list ax)))
2532 (push n-goal ngoals)))
2533 (with-citp-debug ()
2534 (format t "~%~a generated:" (tactic-name tactic))
2535 (dolist (g (reverse ngoals))
2536 (print-next)
2537 (pr-goal g)))
22262538 (values t (nreverse ngoals)))))
2228 (defun apply-csp (axs &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
2229 (check-ptree)
2540 (defun apply-csp (ax-forms dash? &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
22302541 (let ((ptree-node (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
2231 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2232 (do-apply-csp ptree-node axs)
2233 (declare (ignore applied))
2234 (unless next-goals
2235 (return-from apply-csp nil))
2236 (format t "~%** Generated ~d goal~p" (length next-goals) (length next-goals))
2237 ;; apply implicit rd
2238 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
2239 (do-apply-rd ngoal 'csp))
2240 (add-ptree-children ptree-node next-goals)
2241 (when verbose
2242 (dolist (gn (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))
2243 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal gn))))
2244 (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))))
2246 ;;; *****************************************************
2542 (with-in-module ((goal-context (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2543 (with-citp-env ()
2544 (let ((axs nil))
2545 (dolist (ax ax-forms)
2546 (push (parse-axiom-declaration (parse-module-element-1 ax)) axs))
2547 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2548 (do-apply-csp ptree-node (nreverse axs))
2549 (declare (ignore applied))
2550 (unless next-goals
2551 (return-from apply-csp nil))
2552 (format t "~%** Generated ~d goal~p" (length next-goals) (length next-goals))
2553 (when-spoiler-on ()
2554 ;; apply implicit rd
2555 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
2556 (do-apply-rd ngoal nil .tactic-csp.)
2557 (when (and dash? (goal-targets ngoal))
2558 ;; reset target
2559 (setf (goal-targets ngoal)
2560 (goal-targets (ptree-node-goal ptree-node))))))
2561 ;; add generated node as children
2562 (add-ptree-children ptree-node next-goals)
2563 (when verbose
2564 (dolist (gn (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))
2565 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal gn))))
2566 (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node)))))))
2568 ;;;=====================
2569 ;;; :defined :csp, :csp-
2570 ;;;=====================
2571 (defun apply-csp-tactic (ptree-node tactic)
2572 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
2573 (type tactic-csp tactic))
2574 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2575 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
2576 (with-citp-env ()
2577 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2578 (do-apply-csp ptree-node (tactic-csp-forms tactic) tactic)
2579 (declare (ignore applied))
2580 (unless next-goals
2581 (return-from apply-csp-tactic nil))
2582 (when-spoiler-on ()
2583 ;; apply implicit rd
2584 (dolist (ngoal next-goals)
2585 (do-apply-rd ngoal nil tactic)
2586 (when (and (tactic-csp-minus tactic) (goal-targets ngoal))
2587 ;; reset target
2588 (setf (goal-targets ngoal) (goal-targets goal)))))
2589 (values t next-goals))))))
2592 ;;; -----------------------------------------------------------
2593 ;;; report-citp-stat
2594 ;;;
2595 (defun report-citp-stat ()
2596 (when *show-stats*
2597 (format t "~%~a" (generate-statistics-form-rewriting-only))))
2599 ;;; ******
2600 ;;; :apply
2601 ;;; ******
22472603 ;;; APPLY-TACTIC
22482604 ;;; apply-tactic : ptree-node tactic -> List(ptree-node)
22492605 ;;; returns the list of generated goal nodes.
2250 ;;; -----------------------------------------------------
2606 ;;;
22522607 (defun apply-tactic (ptree-node tactic &optional (verbose nil))
22532608 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
2254 (type tactic tactic))
2255 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
2256 (*rwl-search-no-state-report* t))
2609 (type tactic tactic))
2610 (with-citp-env ()
22572611 (when (goal-is-discharged (ptree-node-goal ptree-node))
22582612 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
2259 (format t "** The goal ~s has been proved!." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2260 (return-from apply-tactic nil)))
2261 ;;
2262 (format t "~%~a=> :goal{~a}" tactic (goal-name (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2613 (format t "** The goal ~s has already been proved!." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
2614 (return-from apply-tactic nil)))
2615 (format t "~%[~a]=> :goal{~a}" (tactic-name tactic) (goal-name (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)))
22632616 (initialize-ptree-node ptree-node)
22642617 (compile-module (goal-context (ptree-node-goal ptree-node)) t)
2618 (with-citp-debug ()
2619 (let ((exe (tactic-executor tactic)))
2620 (format t "~%Funcalling ~a" exe)))
22652621 (multiple-value-bind (applied next-goals)
2266 (funcall (tactic-executor tactic) ptree-node)
2622 (funcall (tactic-executor tactic) ptree-node tactic)
22672623 (declare (type (or null t) applied)
2268 (type list next-goals))
2624 (type list next-goals))
22692625 (unless applied (return-from apply-tactic nil))
22702626 (unless next-goals
2271 ;; reset the current ptree-node status,
2272 ;; i.e., cancel side effects
2273 (initialize-ptree-node ptree-node)
2274 (return-from apply-tactic nil))
2627 ;; reset the current ptree-node status,
2628 ;; i.e., cancel side effects
2629 (initialize-ptree-node ptree-node)
2630 (return-from apply-tactic nil))
22752631 (format t "~%** Generated ~d goal~p" (length next-goals) (length next-goals))
22762632 (add-ptree-children ptree-node next-goals)
22772633 (when verbose
2278 (dolist (gn (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))
2279 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal gn))))
2634 (dolist (gn (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))
2635 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal gn))))
22802636 (ptree-node-subnodes ptree-node))))
2282 ;;;
22832638 ;;; apply-tactics-to-node
22842639 ;;;
22852640 (defun apply-tactics-to-node (target-node tactics &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
2641 (declare (type ptree-node target-node))
22862642 (unless tactics (return-from apply-tactics-to-node nil))
22872643 (let ((subs (apply-tactic target-node (car tactics) verbose)))
22882644 (if subs
2289 (dolist (target subs)
2290 (apply-tactics-to-node target (cdr tactics) verbose))
2645 (dolist (target subs)
2646 (apply-tactics-to-node target (cdr tactics) verbose))
22912647 (apply-tactics-to-node target-node (cdr tactics) verbose))))
2293 ;;;
2649 ;;; apply-tactic-seq
2650 ;;; user defined sequence of tactic
2651 ;;;
2652 (defun apply-tactic-seq (ptree-node tactic &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
2653 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
2654 (type tactic-seq tactic))
2655 (apply-tactics-to-node ptree-node (tactic-seq-tactics tactic) verbose))
22942657 ;;; apply-tactics
22952658 ;;;
2659 (defun flatten-tactic-seq (tactics)
2660 (let ((res nil))
2661 (dolist (tactic tactics)
2662 (if (tactic-seq-p tactic)
2663 (setq res (nconc res (flatten-tactic-seq (tactic-seq-tactics tactic))))
2664 (setq res (nconc res (list tactic)))))
2665 res))
22962667 (defun apply-tactics (ptree tactics &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
22972668 (declare (type ptree ptree)
2298 (type list tactics))
2669 (type list tactics))
22992670 (let ((target (get-next-proof-context ptree)))
23002671 (unless target
23012672 (format t "~%**> All goals have been proved!")
23022673 (return-from apply-tactics nil))
2303 (apply-tactics-to-node target tactics verbose))
2304 (check-success ptree))
2306 ;;;
2674 (reset-rewrite-counters)
2675 (begin-rewrite)
2676 (apply-tactics-to-node target (flatten-tactic-seq tactics) verbose)
2677 (end-rewrite)
2678 (report-citp-stat)
2679 (check-success ptree)))
23072681 ;;; apply-auto
23082682 ;;;
23092683 (defun apply-auto (ptree &optional (tactics .default-tactics.) (verbose *citp-verbose*))
2310 (if (next-proof-target-is-specified?)
2311 (apply-tactics-to-node (get-next-proof-context ptree) tactics verbose)
2312 (let ((target-nodes (get-unproved-nodes ptree)))
2313 (unless target-nodes
2314 (format t "~%**> All goals have been proved!")
2315 (return-from apply-auto nil))
2316 (dolist (tactic tactics)
2317 (dolist (target-node (get-unproved-nodes ptree))
2318 (apply-tactic target-node tactic verbose)))))
2319 (check-success ptree))
2321 ;;;
2684 (with-citp-env ()
2685 (with-spoiler-on ()
2686 (reset-rewrite-counters)
2687 (begin-rewrite)
2688 (if (next-proof-target-is-specified?)
2689 (apply-tactics-to-node (get-next-proof-context ptree) tactics verbose)
2690 (let ((target-nodes (get-unproved-nodes ptree)))
2691 (unless target-nodes
2692 (format t "~%**> All goals have been proved!")
2693 (return-from apply-auto nil))
2694 (dolist (tactic tactics)
2695 (dolist (target-node (get-unproved-nodes ptree))
2696 (apply-tactic target-node tactic verbose)))))
2697 (end-rewrite)
2698 (report-citp-stat)
2699 (check-success ptree))))
23222701 ;;; apply-tactics-to-goal
23232702 ;;;
23242703 (defun apply-tactics-to-goal (ptree name tactics &optional (verbose *citp-verbose*))
23252704 (let ((target-node (find-goal-node ptree name)))
23262705 (unless target-node
23272706 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-named-goal)
2328 (format t "There is no goal with name ~s." name)))
2707 (format t "There is no goal with name ~s." name)))
2708 (reset-rewrite-counters)
2709 (begin-rewrite)
23292710 (apply-tactics-to-node target-node tactics verbose)
2711 (end-rewrite)
2712 (report-citp-stat)
23302713 (check-success ptree)))
23322715 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: basics.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: basics.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
5858 (defun command-display ()
5959 (if $$action-stack
60 (format t "~&-- condition(~s) " (length $$action-stack))
60 (format t "~%-- condition(~s) " (length $$action-stack))
6161 (format t "~&result "))
6262 (disp-term $$term))
6969 (if (term-is-similar? $$term *bool-true*)
7070 (progn
7171 (command-display)
72 (format t "~&-- condition is satisfied, applying rule")
72 (format t "~%-- condition is satisfied, applying rule")
7373 (format t "~&-- shifiting focus back to previous context")
7474 (let ((cur (car $$action-stack)))
7575 (setq $$term (car cur))
7979 (if (term-is-similar? $$term *bool-false*)
8080 (progn
8181 (command-display)
82 (format t "~&-- condition is not satisfied, rule not applied")
82 (format t "~%-- condition is not satisfied, rule not applied")
8383 (format t "~&-- shifting focus back to previous context")
8484 (setq $$term (caar $$action-stack))
8585 (setq $$action-stack (cdr $$action-stack))
8787 nil))))
8989 (defun disp-term (x)
90 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
90 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
9191 (term-print x)
9292 (princ " : ")
9393 (print-sort-name (term-sort x) *current-module*)))
101101 ;;; apply-help
102102 ;;;
103103 (defun apply-help ()
104 (format t "~&Apply a selected rule, possibly with an instantiation,")
104 (format t "~%Apply a selected rule, possibly with an instantiation,")
105105 (format t " to selected subterm(s).")
106106 (format t "~&Syntax:")
107107 (format t "~& apply { reduction | red | print | bred | exec | <RuleSpec> [ <VarSubst> ] }")
477477 ;;;
478478 ;;; FOR :=
479479 ;;;
480 (declaim (special *m-pattern-subst*))
480482 (defun match-m-pattern (pat term)
481483 (multiple-value-bind (res subst)
482484 (@pat-match pat term)
483485 (when res
484486 (dolist (sub subst)
485 (push sub *m-pattern-subst*))
487 (push sub *m-pattern-subst*))
486488 (return-from match-m-pattern t))
487489 nil))
513515 trmtoks
514516 avar
515517 aterm)
516 ;; (!setup-parse *last-module*)
517 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
518 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
518519 (loop (when (null substtoks) (return))
519520 ;; <varid> = <term>
520521 (setq varnm (cadr substtoks))
0 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
1 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
6 ;;; are met:
7 ;;;
8 ;;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
9 ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
10 ;;;
11 ;;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
12 ;;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
13 ;;; disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
14 ;;; provided with the distribution.
15 ;;;
27 ;;;
28 (in-package :chaos)
29 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:bool-term.lisp
33 =============================================================================|#
34 #-:chaos-debug
35 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
36 #+:chaos-debug
37 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 (defvar *debug-bterm* nil)
40 ;;;=============================================================================
41 ;;; Utilities to support investigating big boolean term of xor-and normal form.
42 ;;;=============================================================================
44 (defvar .bterm-assoc-table. nil)
45 (defvar .bvar-num. 0)
46 (declaim (type fixnum .bvar-num.))
48 (defun clear-bterm-memo-table ()
49 (setq .bterm-assoc-table. nil))
51 (defun reset-bvar ()
52 (setq .bvar-num. 0)
53 (clear-bterm-memo-table))
55 (defun make-bterm-variable ()
56 (let ((varname (intern (format nil "P-~d" (incf .bvar-num.)))))
57 (make-variable-term *bool-sort* varname)))
59 (defun get-bterm-variable (term)
60 (let ((ent (assoc term .bterm-assoc-table. :test #'term-equational-equal)))
61 (if ent
62 (cdr ent)
63 (let ((var (make-bterm-variable)))
64 (push (cons term var) .bterm-assoc-table.)
65 var))))
67 ;;; =======================================================================
68 ;;; Abstracted representation of a _xor_-_and_ normal form of boolean term.
70 ;;; ABS-BTERM:
71 ;;; abstracted boolean term.
72 ;;; each non _and_ or _xor_ boolean sub-term is abstracted by a
73 ;;; variable.
74 (defstruct (abst-bterm)
75 (module nil) ; context module
76 (term nil) ; the original term
77 (subst nil) ; list of substitution
78 ; or instance of abst-bterm(for _and_ abstraction)
79 )
81 (defstruct (abst-and (:include abst-bterm)))
83 (defun print-abst-bterm (bt &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
84 (declare (ignore ignore))
85 (with-in-module ((abst-bterm-module bt))
86 (if (abst-and-p bt)
87 (princ ":and[" stream)
88 (princ ":xor[" stream))
89 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
90 (num 0))
91 (declare (type fixnum *print-indent* num))
92 (dolist (sub (abst-bterm-subst bt))
93 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
94 (format stream "(~d) " (incf num))
95 (if (abst-bterm-p sub)
96 (print-abst-bterm sub stream)
97 (progn
98 (let ((var (car sub))
99 (term (cdr sub)))
100 (term-print var)
101 (princ " |-> ")
102 (term-print term))))))
103 (princ " ]" stream)))
105 ;;;===========================================================================
106 ;;; make abst-bterm from a term of sort 'Bool'
108 ;;; xtract-xor-subterms : term
109 ;;; returns ac subterms of the given term iff the top op is _xor_
110 ;;;
111 (defun xtract-xor-subterms (term)
112 (if (method= (term-head term) *bool-xor*)
113 (list-ac-subterms term *bool-xor*)
114 nil))
116 ;;; xtract-and-subterms : term
117 ;;; returns ac subterms of the given term iff the top op is _and_
118 ;;;
119 (defun xtract-and-subterms (term)
120 (if (method= (term-head term) *bool-and*)
121 (list-ac-subterms term *bool-and*)
122 nil))
124 ;;; abstract-boolen-term : bool-term -> abst-bterm
125 ;;;
126 (defun make-and-abstraction (term subterms module)
127 (let ((subst nil))
128 (dolist (sub subterms)
129 (push (cons (get-bterm-variable sub) sub) subst))
130 (make-abst-and :term term :subst (nreverse subst) :module module)))
132 ;;; assign-tf
133 ;;; make all posssible variable substitutions with the domain {'true' ,'false'}.
134 ;;;
135 (defun make-tf-combination (rows columns)
136 (let ((assignment nil)
137 (subst (make-array (list rows columns))))
138 (flet ((change-parity ()
139 (if (is-true? assignment)
140 (setq assignment *bool-false*)
141 (setq assignment *bool-true*))))
142 (dotimes (c columns)
143 (setq assignment nil)
144 (let ((cycle (expt 2 c)))
145 (dotimes (r rows)
146 (if (not assignment)
147 (setq assignment *bool-true*)
148 (if (= 0 (mod r cycle))
149 (change-parity)))
150 (setf (aref subst r c) assignment))))
151 subst)))
153 (defun assign-tf (list-vars)
154 (let* ((columns (length list-vars))
155 (rows (expt 2 columns))
156 (assignments (make-tf-combination rows columns))
157 (l-subst nil))
158 (dotimes (r rows)
159 (let ((subst nil))
160 (dotimes (c columns)
161 (push (cons (nth c list-vars) (aref assignments r c)) subst))
162 (push (nreverse subst) l-subst)))
163 (when *debug-bterm*
164 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
165 (let ((num 0))
166 (dolist (sub (reverse l-subst))
167 (format t "~%(~d): " (incf num))
168 (print-substitution sub)))))
169 (nreverse l-subst)))
171 ;;; make-abst-boolean-term : term -> Values (abst-bterm List(substitution))
172 ;;;
173 (defvar *abst-bterm* nil)
174 (defvar *abst-bterm-representation* nil)
176 (defun make-abst-boolean-term (term module)
177 (unless (sort= (term-sort term) *bool-sort*)
178 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
179 (format t "Given term is not of sort Bool. Ignored.")
180 (return-from make-abst-boolean-term nil)))
181 (!setup-reduction module)
182 (with-in-module (module)
183 (reset-reduced-flag term)
184 (when *citp-verbose*
185 (format t "~%-- computing normal form."))
186 (let* ((*always-memo* t)
187 (target (reducer-no-stat term module :red)))
188 (format t "~%--> ")
189 (term-print term)
190 ;; abstract
191 (when *citp-verbose*
192 (format t "~%-- starting abstraction"))
193 (let ((bterm (abstract-boolean-term target module)))
194 (setq *abst-bterm* bterm)
195 (setq *abst-bterm-representation*
196 (make-bterm-representation bterm))
197 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
198 (format t "~%** Abstracted boolean term:")
199 (with-in-module (module)
200 (print-next)
201 (term-print *abst-bterm-representation*)
202 (when *citp-verbose*
203 (print-term-horizontal *abst-bterm-representation* module))
204 (print-bterm-substitution bterm *abst-bterm-representation*)))))))
206 ;;; find-bvar-subst : variable abst-bterm -> assigned term
207 ;;; returns the assigned term of the variable.
208 ;;;
209 (defun find-bvar-subst (var bterm)
210 (declare (type abst-bterm bterm))
211 (dolist (sub (abst-bterm-subst bterm))
212 (if (abst-bterm-p sub)
213 (let ((subst (find-bvar-subst var sub)))
214 (when subst (return-from find-bvar-subst subst)))
215 (when (variable= var (car sub))
216 (return-from find-bvar-subst (cdr sub))))))
218 (defun print-bterm-substitution (bterm &optional
219 (term-representation *abst-bterm-representation*))
220 (declare (type abst-bterm bterm))
221 (with-in-module ((abst-bterm-module bterm))
222 (print-next)
223 (princ "where")
224 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
225 (dolist (var (nreverse (term-variables term-representation)))
226 (let ((mapping (find-bvar-subst var bterm)))
227 (unless mapping
228 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-err)
229 (format t "Could not find the mapping of variable ~a." (variable-name var))))
230 (print-next)
231 (term-print var)
232 (princ " |-> ")
233 (term-print mapping)))))
234 (terpri))
236 (defun abstract-boolean-term (term module)
237 (let ((bterm (make-abst-bterm :term term :module module))
238 (xor-subs (xtract-xor-subterms term))
239 (subst nil))
240 ;; reset variable number & term hash
241 (reset-bvar)
242 (if xor-subs
243 ;; top operator is _xor_
244 ;; we further decompose by _and_
245 (dolist (xs xor-subs)
246 (let ((as (xtract-and-subterms xs)))
247 (if as
248 (push (make-and-abstraction xs as module) subst)
249 (push (cons (get-bterm-variable xs) xs) subst))))
250 ;; top operator is not xor
251 (let ((as (xtract-and-subterms term)))
252 (if as
253 (push (make-and-abstraction term as module) subst)
254 ;; we anly accept xor-and formal form
255 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
256 (format t "Given term is not xor-and normal form.")))))
257 (setf (abst-bterm-subst bterm) (nreverse subst))
258 bterm))
260 ;;; make-bterm-representation : bterm -> boolen term
261 ;;; from bterm make a concrete representation of abstracted boolean term
262 ;;;
263 (defun make-and-representation (abst-and)
264 (declare (type abst-and abst-and))
265 (let ((repre (make-right-assoc-normal-form *bool-and*
266 (mapcar #'car (abst-and-subst abst-and)))))
267 (update-lowest-parse repre)
268 repre))
270 (defun make-xor-representation (bterm)
271 (declare (type abst-bterm bterm))
272 (let ((repre (make-right-assoc-normal-form *bool-xor*
273 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (abst-and-p x)
274 (make-and-representation x)
275 (car x)))
276 (abst-bterm-subst bterm)))))
277 (update-lowest-parse repre)
278 repre))
280 (defun make-bterm-representation (bterm)
281 (let ((subst (abst-bterm-subst bterm)))
282 ;; no _xor nor _and_ ops in original term
283 (unless subst
284 (return-from make-bterm-representation (abst-bterm-term bterm)))
285 ;; sole _and_ term.
286 (when (and (null (cdr subst))
287 (abst-and-p (car subst)))
288 (return-from make-bterm-representation (make-and-representation (car subst))))
289 ;; _xor_ normal form
290 (make-xor-representation bterm)))
292 ;;; ===========================================================================================
293 ;;; PRINTERS
294 ;;; abst-bterm printers
296 ;;; simple-print-bterm : bterm -> void
297 (defun simple-print-bterm (bterm)
298 (declare (type abst-bterm bterm))
299 (let ((aterm (make-bterm-representation bterm)))
300 (term-print-with-sort aterm)))
302 ;;; print-bterm-tree : bterm -> void
303 (defun print-bterm-tree (bterm &optional (mode :vertical))
304 (declare (type abst-bterm bterm))
305 (with-in-module ((abst-bterm-module bterm))
306 (let ((aterm (make-bterm-representation bterm)))
307 (if (eq mode :vertical)
308 (print-term-graph aterm *chaos-verbose*)
309 (print-term-horizontal (make-bterm-representation bterm) *current-module*)))))
311 ;;; print-abs-bterm : bterm &key mode
312 ;;; mode :simple print term representation
313 ;;; :tree print term representation as vertical tree structure
314 ;;; :horizontal print term representation horizontal tree structure
315 ;;; also shows a substitution used for abstruction.
316 ;;;
317 (defun print-abs-bterm (bterm &key (mode :simple))
318 (case mode
319 (:simple (simple-print-bterm bterm))
320 (:tree (print-bterm-tree bterm))
321 (:horizontal (print-bterm-tree bterm :horizontal))
322 (otherwise
323 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-mode)
324 (format t "Invalid print mode ~a." mode)))))
327 ;;; ===========================================================================================
328 ;;; RESOLVER
329 ;;; computes possible solutions (assignments) which makes abstracted boolean term to be 'true.'
330 ;;;
332 ;;; resolve-abst-bterm : bterm
333 ;;; retuns a list of substitution which makes bterm to be true.
334 ;;;
335 (defun resolve-abst-bterm (bterm &optional (module (get-context-module)))
336 (declare (type abst-bterm bterm))
337 (with-in-module (module)
338 (let* ((abst-term (make-bterm-representation bterm))
339 (variables (term-variables abst-term))
340 (answers nil))
341 (dolist (subst (assign-tf variables))
342 (let ((target (substitution-image-cp subst abst-term)))
343 (reset-reduced-flag target)
344 (let ((*always-memo* t))
345 (setq target (reducer-no-stat target module :red)))
346 (when (is-true? $$term)
347 (push subst answers))))
348 (nreverse answers))))
350 ;;; try-resolve-bterm
351 ;;; finds all variable assignments which makes *abst-bterm* 'true'.
352 ;;;
353 (defun try-resolve-bterm ()
354 (unless *abst-bterm*
355 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-bterm)
356 (format t "No abstracted boolean term is specified. ~%Please do :binspect or binspect first.")))
357 (let ((bterm *abst-bterm*)
358 (module (abst-bterm-module *abst-bterm*)))
359 ;; find answers
360 (let ((ans (resolve-abst-bterm bterm module)))
361 (cond (ans
362 (with-in-module (module)
363 (format t "~%** The following assignment(s) can make the term 'true'.")
364 (let ((num 0))
365 (declare (type fixnum num))
366 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
367 (dolist (sub ans)
368 (print-next)
369 (format t "(~d): " (incf num))
370 (print-substitution sub))))))
371 (t
372 (format t "~%** No solution was found.")))
373 (values bterm ans))))
375 ;;; binspect-in-goal : goal-name term-form
376 ;;; abstract boolean term in the context of the goal given by goal-name.
377 ;;;
378 (defun binspect-in-goal (goal-name preterm)
379 (let* ((goal-node (get-target-goal-node goal-name))
380 (context-module (goal-context (ptree-node-goal goal-node)))
381 (target (do-parse-term* preterm context-module)))
382 (make-abst-boolean-term target context-module)))
384 ;;; binspect-in-module
385 ;;; abstract boolean term in the context of a module
386 ;;;
387 (defun binspect-in-module (mod-name preterm)
388 (multiple-value-bind (target context-module)
389 (do-parse-term* preterm mod-name)
390 (make-abst-boolean-term target context-module)))
392 ;;;=========================================================================
394 ;;;
396 ;;; binspect-in
397 ;;; make abstracted boolean term.
398 ;;; :binspect [in <goal-name> :] <boolean-term> .
399 ;;; binspect [in <module-name> :] <boolean-term> .
400 ;;;
401 (defun binspect-in (mode goal-or-module-name preterm)
402 (cond ((eq mode :citp)
403 (binspect-in-goal goal-or-module-name preterm))
404 (t
405 (binspect-in-module goal-or-module-name preterm))))
407 ;;; bresolve
408 ;;; finds variable assignments which make abst bterm 'true'.
409 ;;;
410 (defun bresolve ()
411 (try-resolve-bterm))
413 ;;; bshow
414 ;;; print out abst bterm.
415 ;;; bshow [tree]
416 (defun bshow (tree?)
417 (unless *abst-bterm*
418 (return-from bshow nil))
419 (with-in-module ((abst-bterm-module *abst-bterm*))
420 (if (equal tree? "tree")
421 (print-term-horizontal *abst-bterm-representation* *current-module*)
422 (if (equal tree? ".")
423 (term-print *abst-bterm-representation*)
424 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-parameter)
425 (format t "Unknown option ~s" tree?))))
426 (print-bterm-substitution *abst-bterm* *abst-bterm-representation*)))
428 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: base.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: base.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3535 (defparameter .case-module-true. (%module-decl* "true-dummy" :object :user nil))
4040 (defun perform-case-reduction (ast)
4141 (let ((bool-term (%scase-bool-term ast))
42 (module (%scase-module ast))
43 (name (%scase-name ast))
44 (body (parse-module-elements (%scase-body ast)))
45 (goal-term (%scase-goal-term ast)))
42 (module (%scase-module ast))
43 (name (%scase-name ast))
44 (body (parse-module-elements (%scase-body ast)))
45 (goal-term (%scase-goal-term ast)))
4646 ;; prepare modules
4747 (setf (%module-decl-name .case-module-true.) (concatenate 'string name "-#T"))
4848 (setf (%module-decl-name .case-module-false.) (concatenate 'string name "-#F"))
5454 (setf (%module-decl-elements .case-module-false.) (append body (list .case-false-axiom.)))
5555 ;;
5656 (let ((org-mod (eval-modexp module))
57 (true-mod (eval-ast .case-module-true.))
58 (false-mod (eval-ast .case-module-false.)))
57 (true-mod (eval-ast .case-module-true.))
58 (false-mod (eval-ast .case-module-false.)))
5959 (when (modexp-is-error org-mod)
60 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
61 (format t "No such module or invalid module expression ~s" module)))
60 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-module)
61 (format t "No such module or invalid module expression ~s" module)))
6363 ;; CASE TRUE
6464 (with-in-module (true-mod)
65 (compile-module *current-module*)
66 ;;
67 (with-output-simple-msg ()
68 (format t "===================~%")
69 (format t ">>* CASE: true *<<~%")
70 (format t "==================="))
71 (perform-reduction* goal-term true-mod :red))
65 (compile-module *current-module*)
66 ;;
67 (with-output-simple-msg ()
68 (format t "===================~%")
69 (format t ">>* CASE: true *<<~%")
70 (format t "==================="))
71 (perform-reduction* goal-term true-mod :red))
7373 ;; CASE FALSE
7474 (with-in-module (false-mod)
75 (compile-module *current-module*)
76 ;;
77 (with-output-simple-msg ()
78 (format t "===================~%")
79 (format t ">>* CASE: false *<<~%")
80 (format t "==================="))
81 (perform-reduction* goal-term false-mod :red)))))
75 (compile-module *current-module*)
76 ;;
77 (with-output-simple-msg ()
78 (format t "===================~%")
79 (format t ">>* CASE: false *<<~%")
80 (format t "==================="))
81 (perform-reduction* goal-term false-mod :red)))))
8585 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3636 #+:chaos-debug
3737 (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) #-GCL (debug 3)))
39 ;;; set t if you want a debug mode --> set debug exec on.
40 ;;; (defvar *cexec-debug* nil)
4239 ;;;
4340 (declaim (special $$cexec-term)) ; the target term
5350 ;;; - SUBST: the substitution
5451 ;;;
5552 (defstruct (rule-pat (:print-function print-rule-pattern))
56 (pos nil :type list) ; matched position
57 (rule nil) ; matched rule
58 (subst nil) ; variable substitution
59 (cond-ok t) ; t iff condition part of the rule is satisfied
60 (condition nil) ; resulting condition part ('if') when cond-ok = nil
61 (num 0 :type fixnum) ; sequential #, used for debugging
53 (pos nil :type list) ; matched position
54 (rule nil) ; matched rule
55 (subst nil) ; variable substitution
56 (cond-ok t) ; t iff condition part of the rule is satisfied
57 (condition nil) ; resulting condition part ('if') when cond-ok = nil
58 (num 0 :type fixnum) ; sequential #, used for debugging
6259 )
6461 (defvar .rules-so-far. 0)
7471 (defun make-rule-pat-with-check (pos rule subst sch-context)
7572 (when (rule-non-exec rule)
73 ;; the rule is marked as non-executable
7674 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check nil))
7775 (let ((condition (rule-condition rule)))
78 (unless condition
79 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check (make-rule-pat :pos pos :rule rule :subst subst)))
80 ;; pre check the condition part is satisfied or not
76 ;; pre check whether the condition part is satisfied or not
8177 (when (and (is-true? condition)
8278 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
79 ;; rule is not conditional
8380 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check
8481 (make-rule-pat :pos pos :rule rule :subst subst :num (incf .rules-so-far.))))
82 ;; check the condition
8583 (let (($$term nil)
86 ($$cond (set-term-color
87 #||
88 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
89 condition
90 t
91 :slow)
92 ||#
93 (substitution-image-cp subst condition)
94 )))
84 ($$cond (set-term-color (substitution-image-cp subst condition))))
9586 (when *cexec-debug*
96 (format t "~%rule: cond ") (term-print-with-sort $$cond)
97 (format t "~% subst") (print-substitution subst)
98 (let ((vars (term-variables $$cond)))
99 (dolist (v vars)
100 (format t "~% var ") (term-print-with-sort v))))
87 (format t "~%rule: cond ") (term-print-with-sort $$cond)
88 (format t "~% subst") (print-substitution subst)
89 (let ((vars (term-variables $$cond)))
90 (dolist (v vars)
91 (format t "~% var ") (term-print-with-sort v))))
10293 (catch 'rule-failure
103 (if (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
94 (if (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
10495 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
10596 (rule-id-condition rule)
10697 :slow))
10798 (is-true? (progn (normalize-term $$cond) $$cond)))
108 ;; the condition is satisfied
109 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check
110 (make-rule-pat :pos pos :rule rule :subst subst :cond-ok t :condition $$cond :num (incf .rules-so-far.)))
111 (if (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
112 ;; rule condition fail & there exists 'if'
113 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check
114 (make-rule-pat :pos pos :rule rule :subst subst :cond-ok nil :condition $$cond :num (incf .rules-so-far.)))
115 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check nil))))
99 ;; the condition is satisfied
100 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check
101 (make-rule-pat :pos pos :rule rule :subst subst :cond-ok t :condition $$cond :num (incf .rules-so-far.)))
102 (if (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
103 ;; rule condition fail & there exists 'if'
104 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check
105 (make-rule-pat :pos pos :rule rule :subst subst :cond-ok nil :condition $$cond :num (incf .rules-so-far.)))
106 (return-from make-rule-pat-with-check nil))))
116107 nil)))
118 #||
119 (defmacro rule-pat-pos (pat) `(car ,pat))
120 (defmacro rule-pat-rule (pat) `(cadr ,pat))
121 (defmacro rule-pat-subst (pat) `(caddr ,pat))
122 ||#
124109 (defun rule-pat-equal (pat1 pat2)
125110 (and (equal (rule-pat-pos pat1) (rule-pat-pos pat2))
138123 (state 0 :type fixnum) ; fixnum value identifying this state
139124 (term nil) ; a term
140125 (trans-rules nil) ; applicable rules to this state
141 (rule-pat nil) ; the rule-pat which derived this state
126 (rule-pat nil) ; the rule-pat which derived this state
142127 (subst nil) ; list of substitution !!
143128 (is-final nil) ; t iff the state is a final state
144129 (loop nil) ; t iff the same state occurs more than once
145 (condition nil) ;
130 (condition nil) ;
146131 )
148133 (defun state-is-valid-transition (state)
149134 (let ((cond (rwl-state-condition state)))
150135 (and (not (rwl-state-loop state))
151 (or (null cond)
152 (is-true? cond)))))
136 (or (null cond)
137 (is-true? cond)))))
154139 (defun pr-rwl-state (state &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
155140 (declare (ignore ignore))
168153 (type rwl-state state)
169154 (type stream stream))
170155 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
171 (format t "~&[state ~D] " (rwl-state-state state))
156 (format t "~%[state ~D] " (rwl-state-state state))
172157 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
173158 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-state-term state))
174159 (when *cexec-trace*
175160 (format t "~& matched with the substitution "))
176161 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
177 (dolist (subst (rwl-state-subst state))
178 (print-next)
179 (print-substitution subst)))
162 (dolist (subst (rwl-state-subst state))
163 (print-next)
164 (print-substitution subst)))
180165 (flush-all))))
182167 (defun print-state-transition (state sub-states &optional (stream *standard-output*))
186171 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
187172 (arc-num 0))
188173 (declare (type fixnum arc-num))
189 (format t "~&[state ~D] " (rwl-state-state state))
174 (format t "~%[state ~D] " (rwl-state-state state))
190175 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-state-term state))
191176 (dolist (sub sub-states)
192177 (format t "~& arc ~D --> [state ~D] " arc-num (rwl-state-state sub))
193178 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
194179 (print-next)
195180 (print-axiom-brief (rule-pat-rule (rwl-state-rule-pat sub))))
196 (incf arc-num))
197 ))
181 (incf arc-num))))
199183 ;;; ***********
200184 ;;; SEARCH TREE
218202 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
219203 (format t "SCH-NODE:~A" (dag-node-datum node))))
205 ;;; ******************
221206 ;;; RWL-SCH-NODE utils
222 ;;;
207 ;;; ******************
224209 ;;; print the rule & state
225210 ;;;
234219 (princ " ")
235220 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 8 *print-indent*)))
236221 (print-axiom-brief rl)))
237 (format t "~&[state ~D] " state)
222 (format t "~%[state ~D] " state)
238223 (term-print-with-sort term)
239224 (dolist (sub (rwl-state-subst st))
240225 (format t "~& ")
241226 (print-substitution sub)
242227 (when bind-pattern
243 (let ((bimage (substitution-image-simplifying sub bind-pattern)))
244 (normalize-term bimage)
245 (format t "~% => ")
246 (term-print-with-sort bimage))))))
228 (let ((bimage (substitution-image-simplifying sub bind-pattern)))
229 (normalize-term bimage)
230 (format t "~% => ")
231 (term-print-with-sort bimage))))))
248233 ;;; print the label of a rule which derived a state
249234 ;;; that denode contains.
285270 (state-predicate nil) ; STATE equality predicate
286271 (answers nil) ; list of STATEs satisfying specified
287272 ; conditions.
288 (bind nil) ; ....
289 (if nil) ;
290 (pr-out? nil) ;
273 (bind nil) ; ....
274 (if nil) ;
275 (pr-out? nil) ;
291276 )
293278 (defun print-sch-context (ctxt &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
295280 (let ((*standard-output* stream)
296281 (mod (rwl-sch-context-module ctxt)))
297282 (with-in-module (mod)
298 (format t "~&<< sch context >>")
283 (format t "~%<< sch context >>")
299284 (format t "~% module: ")
300285 (print-chaos-object (rwl-sch-context-module ctxt))
301286 (format t "~% term: ")
322307 (dolist (x (reverse (rwl-sch-context-answers ctxt)))
323308 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-state-term x)))
324309 (when (rwl-sch-context-bind ctxt)
325 (format t "~% bind pattern: ")
326 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-sch-context-bind ctxt)))
310 (format t "~% bind pattern: ")
311 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-sch-context-bind ctxt)))
327312 (when (rwl-sch-context-if ctxt)
328 (format t "~% if: ")
329 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-sch-context-if ctxt))))))
313 (format t "~% if: ")
314 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-sch-context-if ctxt))))))
331316 ;;; .RWL-SCH-CONTEXT.
332317 ;;; moved to comlib/globals.lisp
333318 ;;; (defvar .rwl-sch-context. nil)
320 ;;; *********************
336 ;;;
322 ;;; *********************
338324 ;;; show-rwl-sch-graph
339325 ;;;
340326 (defun show-rwl-sch-graph (&optional num)
341327 (let ((c-num (if num
342 (read-from-string num)
343 0))
344 (sch-context nil))
328 (read-from-string num)
329 0))
330 (sch-context nil))
345331 (unless (integerp c-num)
346332 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-context-number)
347 (format t "invalid search graph number ~s" num)))
333 (format t "invalid search graph number ~s" num)))
348334 (setq sch-context (nth c-num (reverse .rwl-context-stack.)))
349335 (unless sch-context
350336 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-context)
351 (format t "no such search graph ~d" num)))
337 (format t "no such search graph ~d" num)))
352338 (let ((mod (rwl-sch-context-module sch-context))
353 (root (rwl-sch-context-root sch-context)))
339 (root (rwl-sch-context-root sch-context)))
354340 (unless mod
355 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
356 (format t "no context module...")))
341 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
342 (format t "no context module...")))
357343 (unless root
358 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-root)
359 (format t "no search result exists...")))
344 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-root)
345 (format t "no search result exists...")))
360346 (when (and *current-module*
361 (not (eq *current-module* mod)))
362 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
363 (format t "the context(module) of search graph is different from the current module.")))
347 (not (eq *current-module* mod)))
348 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
349 (format t "the context(module) of search graph is different from the current module.")))
364350 ;;
365351 (with-in-module (mod)
366 (let ((state-hash (make-hash-table)))
367 (dag-wfs root
368 #'(lambda (d)
369 (let* ((state-node (dag-node-datum d))
370 (state (rwl-state-state state-node)))
371 (unless (gethash state state-hash)
372 (setf (gethash state state-hash) t)
373 (print-state-transition
374 state-node
375 (mapcar #'(lambda (sd)
376 (dag-node-datum sd))
377 (dag-node-subnodes d))))))))))))
352 (let ((state-hash (make-hash-table)))
353 (dag-wfs root
354 #'(lambda (d)
355 (let* ((state-node (dag-node-datum d))
356 (state (rwl-state-state state-node)))
357 (unless (gethash state state-hash)
358 (setf (gethash state state-hash) t)
359 (print-state-transition
360 state-node
361 (mapcar #'(lambda (sd)
362 (dag-node-datum sd))
363 (dag-node-subnodes d))))))))))))
379365 (defun find-rwl-sch-state (num &optional (sch-context .rwl-sch-context.))
380366 (declare (type fixnum num))
401387 (defun show-rwl-sch-path (num-tok &optional (label? nil)
402388 (sch-context .rwl-sch-context.)
403 (state-only? nil))
389 (state-only? nil))
404390 (unless num-tok
405391 (return-from show-rwl-sch-path
406392 (format t "~%nothing to be reported...")))
412398 (with-output-chaos-error ()
413399 (format t "state must be a positive integer value.")))
414400 (multiple-value-bind (sch-context dag)
415 (find-rwl-sch-state-globally num)
401 (find-rwl-sch-state-globally num)
416402 (unless dag
417403 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-state)
418404 (format t "no such state ~D" num)))
422408 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
423409 (format t "the context(module) of search result is different from the current module.")))
424410 (with-in-module (mod)
425 (cond (state-only? (show-rwl-sch-state dag nil (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context)))
426 (t (let ((parents (get-bdag-parents dag)))
427 (cond (label?
428 (dolist (p (cdr parents)) ;root has no transition
429 (show-rwl-sch-label p))
430 (show-rwl-sch-label dag))
431 (t (dolist (p parents)
432 (show-rwl-sch-state p t (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context)))
433 (show-rwl-sch-state dag t (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context))))))))))))
411 (cond (state-only? (show-rwl-sch-state dag nil (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context)))
412 (t (let ((parents (get-bdag-parents dag)))
413 (cond (label?
414 (dolist (p (cdr parents)) ;root has no transition
415 (show-rwl-sch-label p))
416 (show-rwl-sch-label dag))
417 (t (dolist (p parents)
418 (show-rwl-sch-state p t (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context)))
419 (show-rwl-sch-state dag t (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context))))))))))))
436422 ;;; *************
437423 ;;; PATTERN MATCH
438424 ;;; *************
440 ;;; matcher
441 ;;;
442 #|| not used
443 (defun cexec-pat-match (pat target)
444 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no eeq)
445 (@matcher pat target :match)
446 (declare (ignore eeq))
447 (null no)))
448 ||#
450426 ;;; finds all transition rules possibly applicable to the given target term
451427 ;;;
453429 (let ((module (rwl-sch-context-module sch-context)))
454430 (when start-pos
455431 (setq target (get-target-subterm target start-pos)))
456 ;;
457432 (with-in-module (module)
458433 (let* ((*module-all-rules-every* t)
459 (rules (get-module-axioms *current-module* t))
460 (rls nil)
461 (res nil))
462 (dolist (rule rules)
463 (when (rule-is-rule rule)
464 (push rule rls)
465 ;; add extensions also if any
466 ;; needless because 'apply-rule' applies extensions
467 #||
468 (let ((a-extensions (give-A-extensions rule))
469 (ac-extension (give-ac-extension rule)))
470 (dolist (rl a-extensions)
471 (when rl
472 (push rl rls)))
473 (dolist (rl ac-extension)
474 (when rl
475 (push rl rls))))
476 ||#
477 ))
478 ;; gather rules
479 ;; (clean-rule-table)
480 (setq res (find-matching-rules-for-exec* target rls start-pos sch-context))
481 (setq res (delete-duplicates res
482 :test #'rule-pat-equal))
483 ;;
484 (when *cexec-debug*
485 (format t "~%** ~D rules were found for term: "
486 (length res))
487 (term-print target)
488 (terpri)
489 (dolist (r res)
490 (print-rule-pattern r)))
491 ;;
492 res ))))
434 (rules (get-module-axioms *current-module* t))
435 (rls nil)
436 (res nil))
437 (dolist (rule rules)
438 (when (rule-is-rule rule)
439 (push rule rls)))
440 ;; gather rules
441 (setq res (find-matching-rules-for-exec* target rls start-pos sch-context))
442 (setq res (delete-duplicates res
443 :test #'rule-pat-equal))
444 (when *cexec-debug*
445 (format t "~%** ~D rules were found for term: "
446 (length res))
447 (term-print target)
448 (terpri)
449 (dolist (r res)
450 (print-rule-pattern r)))
451 res ))))
494453 (defun find-matching-rules-for-exec* (target rules pos sch-context)
495454 (when *cexec-debug*
496 (format t "~&find matching rules. ")
455 (format t "~%find matching rules. ")
497456 (term-print target)
498457 (terpri))
499458 (if (term-is-application-form? target)
507466 (head (if (term-is-variable? lhs)
508467 nil
509468 (term-head lhs))))
510 ;;::
511 ;;(unless rule (break "HANA !!!"))
512469 (push rule patterns)
513 ;; #|| ------- apply-rule always applies extensions
470 ;; ------- apply-rule always applies extensions
514471 (when head
515472 (when (method-is-associative head)
516473 (if (method-is-commutative head)
523480 ;;
524481 (let ((a-exts (give-A-extensions rule)))
525482 (dolist (r a-exts)
526 ;; (unless r (break "HANA 2"))
527483 (when r
528484 (push r patterns)))))))
529 ;; ------------ ||#
530 ;;
485 ;; ------------
531486 (dolist (pat patterns)
532487 (block next
533 ;; (break)
534488 (unless pat (break "HANA my"))
535 #||
536 (when (cexec-pat-match (axiom-lhs pat) target)
537 (push (make-rule-pat-with-check pos pat) res))
538 ||#
539489 ;; find all possible subst
540490 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
541491 (@matcher (axiom-lhs pat) target :match)
550500 (when no-match (return-from next))
551501 (setq rule-pat (make-rule-pat-with-check pos pat sub sch-context))
552502 (when rule-pat
553 (push rule-pat res))))
554 ))
503 (push rule-pat res))))))
555504 )) ; done for all rules
556505 ;; recursively find rules for subterms
557506 (dotimes (x (length (term-subterms target)))
558507 (let ((r (find-matching-rules-for-exec* (term-arg-n target x)
559 rules
560 (append pos (list x))
561 sch-context)))
508 rules
509 (append pos (list x))
510 sch-context)))
562511 (when r (setq res (nconc res r)))))
563512 ;;
564513 res)
569518 ;;; ****************
571520 (defun if-binding-should-be-printed (sch-context)
572 #||
573 (when *cexec-debug*
574 (format t "~%++ checking print or not:~% if = ~s, current depth = ~d, max = ~d"
575 (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
576 (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context)
577 (rwl-sch-context-max-depth sch-context)))
578 ||#
579521 (and (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
522 ;; (not *rwl-search-no-state-report*)
580523 (<= (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context) (rwl-sch-context-max-depth sch-context))))
582525 ;;; rwl-sch-check-conditions (node rwl-sch-context)
587530 (declare (type rwl-sch-node node)
588531 (type rwl-sch-context sch-context))
589532 (flet ((condition-check-ok (subst)
590 (let ((cond (rwl-sch-context-condition sch-context))
591 ($$term nil)
592 ($$cond nil)
593 (*rewrite-exec-mode* (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
594 *rewrite-exec-mode*
595 nil)))
596 (if (null cond)
597 (setq $$cond *bool-true*)
598 (setq $$cond (set-term-color
599 (substitution-image-cp subst cond))))
600 (when *cexec-debug*
601 (format t "~& subst: ") (print-substitution subst)
602 (format t "~& suchThat: ") (term-print $$cond))
603 (or (is-true? $$cond)
604 (is-true? (progn
605 (normalize-term $$cond)
606 (when *cexec-debug*
607 (format t " ---> ") (term-print $$cond)
608 (format t "~& = ~s" (is-true? $$cond)))
609 $$cond))))))
533 (let ((cond (rwl-sch-context-condition sch-context))
534 ($$term nil)
535 ($$cond nil)
536 (*rewrite-exec-mode* (if *rewrite-exec-condition*
537 *rewrite-exec-mode*
538 nil)))
539 (if (null cond)
540 (setq $$cond *bool-true*)
541 (setq $$cond (set-term-color
542 (substitution-image-cp subst cond))))
543 (when *cexec-debug*
544 (format t "~% subst :") (print-substitution subst)
545 (format t "~& suchThat :") (term-print $$cond))
546 (or (is-true? $$cond)
547 (is-true? (progn
548 (if *cexec-debug*
549 (let (($$trace-rewrite t))
550 (print-term-tree $$cond t)
551 (normalize-term $$cond))
552 (normalize-term $$cond))
553 (when *cexec-debug*
554 (format t " -C-> ") (term-print $$cond)
555 (format t "~% = ~s" (is-true? $$cond)))
556 $$cond))))))
610557 ;; if checked already, we return immediately as non.
611558 (when (and (sch-node-done node) (null (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)))
612559 (return-from rwl-sch-check-conditions nil))
613560 ;;
614561 (let* ((state (dag-node-datum node))
615 (if-var (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context))
616 (rule-pat (rwl-state-rule-pat state)))
562 (if-var (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context))
563 (rule-pat (rwl-state-rule-pat state)))
617564 (declare (type rwl-state state))
618 ;;
619566 (when *chaos-verbose*
620567 (format t " ~D" (rwl-state-state state)))
621 ;;
622569 (setf (sch-node-done node) t) ; mark checked already
623 ;;
624 ;; ***
625 ;; (return-from rwl-sch-check-conditions nil)
626571 (when *cexec-debug*
627 (when (rwl-sch-context-condition sch-context)
628 (format t "~%** check condition ")
629 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-sch-context-condition sch-context))
630 (if rule-pat
631 (print-rule-pattern rule-pat)
632 (format t "~% no rule-pat."))))
572 (when (rwl-sch-context-condition sch-context)
573 (format t "~%** check condition ")
574 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-sch-context-condition sch-context))
575 (if rule-pat
576 (print-rule-pattern rule-pat)
577 (format t "~% no rule-pat."))))
633578 ;; 0 transition?
634579 (when (and (not (rwl-sch-context-zero-trans-allowed sch-context))
635 ;; (= 0 (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context))
636 (= 0 (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context)))
637 ;; (format t "~%Wow!")
638 (when *cexec-debug*
639 (format t "~%.check condition return with 0 transition."))
580 (= 0 (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context)))
581 (when *cexec-debug*
582 (format t "~%.check condition return with 0 transition."))
640583 (return-from rwl-sch-check-conditions nil))
641584 ;; check with target pattern.
642585 (multiple-value-bind (gs sub no-match eeq)
645588 :match)
646589 (declare (ignore eeq))
647590 (when no-match
648 (when *cexec-debug*
649 (format t "~%.check condition return with no-match."))
591 (when *cexec-debug*
592 (format t "~%.check condition return with no-match."))
650593 (return-from rwl-sch-check-conditions nil))
651 ;; expand subst with
652 (when rule-pat
653 (setq sub (append sub (rule-pat-subst rule-pat))))
654 ;; additionaly expand subst 'if' part bindings
655 (when if-var
656 (setq sub (substitution-add sub if-var (or (rwl-state-condition state)
657 *bool-true*))))
658 (when (condition-check-ok sub)
659 (when (if-binding-should-be-printed sch-context) ; if-var
660 (pr-used-rule state)
661 (print-subst-if-binding-result state sub sch-context))
662 (when (state-is-valid-transition state)
663 (push sub (rwl-state-subst state))))
594 ;; expand subst with
595 (when rule-pat
596 (setq sub (append sub (rule-pat-subst rule-pat))))
597 ;; additionaly expand subst 'if' part bindings
598 (when if-var
599 (setq sub (substitution-add sub if-var (or (rwl-state-condition state)
600 *bool-true*))))
601 (when (condition-check-ok sub)
602 (when (if-binding-should-be-printed sch-context) ; if-var
603 (pr-used-rule state)
604 (print-subst-if-binding-result state sub sch-context))
605 (when (state-is-valid-transition state)
606 (push sub (rwl-state-subst state))))
664607 ;; try other patterns untill there's no hope
665608 (loop
666609 (multiple-value-setq (gs sub no-match)
667610 (next-match gs))
668611 (when no-match (return))
669 ;; expand subst with
670 (setq sub (append sub (rule-pat-subst rule-pat)))
671 (when if-var
672 (setq sub (substitution-add sub if-var (or (rwl-state-condition state)
673 *bool-true*))))
674 (when (condition-check-ok sub)
675 (when (if-binding-should-be-printed sch-context) ; if-var
676 (when (pr-used-rule state)
677 (print-subst-if-binding-result state sub sch-context)))
678 (when (state-is-valid-transition state)
679 (push sub (rwl-state-subst state))))))
612 ;; expand subst with
613 (setq sub (append sub (rule-pat-subst rule-pat)))
614 (when if-var
615 (setq sub (substitution-add sub if-var (or (rwl-state-condition state)
616 *bool-true*))))
617 (when (condition-check-ok sub)
618 (when (if-binding-should-be-printed sch-context) ; if-var
619 (when (pr-used-rule state)
620 (print-subst-if-binding-result state sub sch-context)))
621 (when (state-is-valid-transition state)
622 (push sub (rwl-state-subst state))))))
680623 (not (null (rwl-state-subst state))))))
682625 (defun pr-used-rule (state)
683626 (let ((rule-pat (rwl-state-rule-pat state))
684 (rule nil))
627 (rule nil))
685628 (unless rule-pat (return-from pr-used-rule nil))
686629 (setq rule (rule-pat-rule rule-pat))
687630 (unless *print-exec-rule*
688631 (when (member (axiom-kind rule) .ext-rule-kinds.)
689 (return-from pr-used-rule nil)))
690 (format t "~%=> ")
691 (print-axiom-brief rule)
632 (return-from pr-used-rule nil)))
633 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
634 (format t "~%=> ")
635 (print-axiom-brief rule))
692636 t))
694638 (defun print-subst-if-binding-result (state sub sch-context)
695639 (declare (ignore state))
696640 (setf (rwl-sch-context-pr-out? sch-context) t)
697 (format t "~% ") (print-substitution sub)
698 (when (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context)
699 (let ((bimg (substitution-image-simplifying sub (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context))))
700 (normalize-term bimg)
701 (format t "~% --> ")
702 (term-print-with-sort bimg))))
641 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
642 (format t "~% ") (print-substitution sub)
643 (when (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context)
644 (let ((bimg (substitution-image-simplifying sub (rwl-sch-context-bind sch-context))))
645 (normalize-term bimg)
646 (format t "~% --> ")
647 (term-print-with-sort bimg)))))
704649 ;;; ******************
705650 ;;; SOME UTILs on TERM
769714 (res nil))
770715 ;; make substittion
771716 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) (term-sort (car vars)) *current-sort-order*)
772 (push (cons (car vars) term) subst)
717 (push (cons (car vars) term) subst)
773718 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-state)
774 (format t "withStateEq: sort of term does not match with variable:")
775 (format t "~% variable: ")
776 (term-print-with-sort (car vars))
777 (format t "~% term: ")
778 (term-print-with-sort term)))
719 (format t "withStateEq: sort of term does not match with variable:")
720 (format t "~% variable: ")
721 (term-print-with-sort (car vars))
722 (format t "~% term: ")
723 (term-print-with-sort term)))
779724 (if (sort<= (term-sort term) (term-sort (cadr vars)) *current-sort-order*)
780 (push (cons (cadr vars) t1) subst)
725 (push (cons (cadr vars) t1) subst)
781726 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-state)
782 (format t "withStateEq: sort of term does not match with variable:")
783 (format t "~% variable: ")
784 (term-print-with-sort (cadr vars))
785 (format t "~% term: ")
786 (term-print-with-sort t1)))
727 (format t "withStateEq: sort of term does not match with variable:")
728 (format t "~% variable: ")
729 (term-print-with-sort (cadr vars))
730 (format t "~% term: ")
731 (term-print-with-sort t1)))
788733 ;; apply subst with coping pred
789734 ;; then reduce
798743 (normalize-term $$cond)
799744 $$cond)))
800745 (when (and res *cexec-trace*)
801 (format t "~&state predicate returned `true'."))
746 (format t "~%** state predicate returned `true'."))
802747 res))
804749 (defun cexec-loop-check (term sch-context)
818763 ;;;
819764 (defun make-rwl-state-with-hash (target rule-pat sch-context)
820765 (let* ((ostate-num (cexec-loop-check target sch-context))
821 ;; (rule (rule-pat-rule rule-pat))
822 (condition (rule-pat-condition rule-pat))
823 (new-state nil))
766 ;; (rule (rule-pat-rule rule-pat))
767 (condition (rule-pat-condition rule-pat))
768 (new-state nil))
824769 (cond (ostate-num
825 ;; this means the same state has alredy been generated
826 ;; from a node other than this node.
827 ;; we create brand new state with the same state number
828 (setq new-state (make-rwl-state :state ostate-num
829 :term target
830 :rule-pat rule-pat
831 :subst nil
832 :condition condition))
833 (when (or *cexec-trace* *chaos-verbose*)
834 (format t "~&* loop"))
835 (setf (rwl-state-loop new-state) t))
836 (t (let (;; (state-num (incf (rwl-sch-context-states-so-far sch-context)))
837 (state-num (incf .rwl-states-so-far.)))
770 ;; this means the same state has alredy been generated
771 ;; from a node other than this node.
772 ;; we create brand new state with the same state number
773 (setq new-state (make-rwl-state :state ostate-num
774 :term target
775 :rule-pat rule-pat
776 :subst nil
777 :condition condition))
778 (when (or *cexec-trace* *chaos-verbose*)
779 (format t "~%* loop"))
780 (setf (rwl-state-loop new-state) t))
781 (t (let ((state-num (incf .rwl-states-so-far.)))
838782 (setq new-state (make-rwl-state :state state-num
839783 :term target
840784 :rule-pat rule-pat
841785 :subst nil
842 :condition condition))
786 :condition condition))
843787 ;; register the term
844 (when *cexec-debug*
845 (format t "~%** hasing state ~D" state-num))
788 (when *cexec-debug*
789 (format t "~%** hashing state ~D" state-num))
846790 (cexec-set-hashed-term target state-num))))
847791 ;;
848792 new-state))
863807 ;;; APPLY-RULE-CEXEC: rule target -> Bool
864808 ;;;
865809 (defun apply-rule-cexec (rule term subst)
866 (let ((condition (rule-condition rule))
867 (builtin-failure nil))
868 (when (and (is-true? condition)
869 (null (rule-id-condition rule)))
870 (setq builtin-failure
871 (catch 'rule-failure
872 (progn
873 (term-replace-dd-simple
874 term
875 (set-term-color
876 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
877 (rule-rhs rule)
878 (rule-need-copy rule)
879 :slow)))
880 (return-from apply-rule-cexec t)))))
881 (when builtin-failure
882 (return-from apply-rule-cexec nil))
883 ;; check condition
884 (catch 'rule-failure
885 (when t
886 #|| because we already check the condition is satisfied or not
888 (and (or (null (rule-id-condition rule))
889 (rule-eval-id-condition subst
890 (rule-id-condition rule)
891 :slow))
892 (is-true?
893 (let (($$cond (set-term-color
894 (substitution-image-simplifying subst condition t :slow))))
895 (normalize-term $$cond)
896 $$cond)))
897 ||#
898 ;; the condition is satisfied
899 (progn
900 (term-replace-dd-simple
901 term
902 (set-term-color
903 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
904 (rule-rhs rule)
905 (rule-need-copy rule)
906 :slow)))
907 (return-from apply-rule-cexec t))
908 ))
909 ;; failure
910 nil))
810 (catch 'rule-failure
811 (progn
812 (term-replace-dd-simple
813 term
814 (set-term-color
815 (substitution-image-simplifying subst
816 (rule-rhs rule)
817 (rule-need-copy rule)
818 :slow)))
819 (return-from apply-rule-cexec t)))
820 nil)
912822 ;;; CEXEC-TERM-1 (state-as-dag)
913823 ;;;
945855 (if (rwl-sch-context-zero-trans-allowed sch-context)
946856 "*"
947857 "+"))))
948 (state-is-valid? (state)
949 (let ((cond (rwl-state-condition state)))
950 (or (null cond) (is-true? cond)))))
858 (state-is-valid? (state)
859 (let ((cond (rwl-state-condition state)))
860 (or (null cond) (is-true? cond)))))
951861 ;;
952862 (unless (state-is-valid? state)
953 (return-from cexec-term-1 nil))
863 (return-from cexec-term-1 nil))
954864 ;;
955865 (let ((xterm term)
956866 (ptrans? (dag-node-subnodes dag)))
967877 (let ((rule-pats (rwl-state-trans-rules state))
968878 (*rewrite-exec-mode* t)
969879 (sub-states nil)
970 (real-pats nil))
971 (setq real-pats (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (not (rule-pat-cond-ok x))) rule-pats))
972 (when *cexec-debug*
973 (format t "~%++ ~D rule patterns for state" (length rule-pats))
974 (pr-rwl-state state))
975 (when *chaos-verbose*
976 (format t "~&-- from [state ~D] "
977 (rwl-state-state state))
978 (format t "~D possible transitions....."
880 (real-pats nil))
881 (setq real-pats (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (not (rule-pat-cond-ok x))) rule-pats))
882 (when *cexec-debug*
883 (format t "~%++ ~D rule patterns for state" (length rule-pats))
884 (pr-rwl-state state))
885 (when *chaos-verbose*
886 (format t "~%-- from [state ~D] "
887 (rwl-state-state state))
888 (format t "~D possible transitions....."
979889 (length real-pats)))
980 ;;
890 ;;
981891 (unless rule-pats
982892 ;; no rules
983893 (no-more-transition)
994904 (do* ((rls rule-pats (cdr rls))
995905 (rule-pat (car rls) (car rls)))
996906 ;; ((endp rls))
997 ((null rule-pat))
907 ((null rule-pat))
998908 (let* ((target-whole (simple-copy-term xterm))
999909 (target (get-target-subterm target-whole
1000910 (rule-pat-pos rule-pat))))
1007917 (when (apply-rule-cexec (rule-pat-rule rule-pat)
1008918 target
1009919 (rule-pat-subst rule-pat))
1010 #||
1011 (when (rule-pat-cond-ok rule-pat)
1012 (incf (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context)))
1013 ||#
1014 (incf (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context))
920 #||
921 (when (rule-pat-cond-ok rule-pat)
922 (incf (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context)))
923 ||#
924 (incf (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context))
1015925 ;;
1016926 (when *cexec-normalize*
1017927 (when *cexec-debug*
1018 (format t "~&.. start doing normalization because cexec normalize is on.~% -- ")
928 (format t "~%.. start doing normalization because cexec normalize is on.~% -- ")
1019929 (term-print target-whole))
1020930 (let ((*rewrite-exec-mode* nil)
1021931 (xterm (if (and *cexec-trace* *chaos-verbose*)
1022932 (simple-copy-term target-whole)
1023933 nil)))
1024 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed target-whole)
934 (mark-term-as-not-lowest-parsed target-whole)
1025935 (reset-reduced-flag target-whole)
1026936 (rewrite* target-whole)
1027937 (when *cexec-debug*
1044954 rule-pat
1045955 sch-context)))
1046956 (when (and sub-state
1047 ;; (rule-pat-cond-ok rule-pat)
1048 t
1049 )
1050 (when *cexec-debug*
1051 (format t "~%** used rule pat = ~d" (rule-pat-num rule-pat)))
957 ;; (rule-pat-cond-ok rule-pat)
958 t
959 )
960 (when *cexec-debug*
961 (format t "~%** used rule pat = ~d" (rule-pat-num rule-pat)))
1052962 (when *cexec-trace*
1053963 (print-next)
1054964 (flush-all)
1058968 (exec-trace-form)
1059969 (format t " [state ~D] " (rwl-state-state sub-state))
1060970 (term-print-with-sort target-whole)
1061 (print-next)
1062 (print-axiom-brief (rule-pat-rule rule-pat))
1063 (print-next)
1064 (print-substitution (rule-pat-subst rule-pat))) ; ***
971 (print-next)
972 (print-axiom-brief (rule-pat-rule rule-pat))
973 (print-next)
974 (print-substitution (rule-pat-subst rule-pat))) ; ***
1065975 (flush-all))
1066 ;;
1067 (push sub-state sub-states)))))
1068 ) ; done apply all rules
1069 ;;
976 (push sub-state sub-states)))))) ; done apply all rules
1070977 (if sub-states
1071978 (progn
1072979 (when *chaos-verbose*
1092999 (let ((to-do (rwl-sch-context-last-siblings sch-context))
10931000 (found? nil))
10941001 (when *chaos-verbose*
1095 (format t "~&-- ~D state(s) to be examined --" (length to-do)))
1002 (format t "~%-- ~D state(s) to be examined --" (length to-do)))
10961003 ;;
10971004 ;; 1. check for each state if it satisfies the target conditions
10981005 ;;
11231030 (rwl-sch-context-answers sch-context))
11241031 ;;
11251032 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
1126 (format t "~&~%** Found [state ~D] " (rwl-state-state state))
1033 (format t "~%** Found [state ~D] " (rwl-state-state state))
11271034 (term-print-with-sort (rwl-state-term state))
1128 (dolist (sub (rwl-state-subst state))
1129 (print-subst-if-binding-result state sub sch-context)
1130 )
1035 (dolist (sub (rwl-state-subst state))
1036 (print-subst-if-binding-result state sub sch-context)
1037 )
11311038 (format t "~&"))
11321039 (setf (sch-node-is-solution node) t) ; mark the node as solution
11331040 (incf (rwl-sch-context-sol-found sch-context))
11381045 ;; reaches to the # solutions required.
11391046 ;; mesg
11401047 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
1141 (format t "~&-- found required number of solutions ~D."
1048 (format t "~%-- found required number of solutions ~D."
11421049 (rwl-sch-context-max-sol sch-context)))
11431050 (return-from rwl-step-forward-1 (values :max-solutions nil))))))
11441051 ) ; continue
11471054 ;; 2. perform the next transitions for each node
11481055 ;;
11491056 (when *chaos-verbose*
1150 (format t "~&** precompute the next all states......"))
1057 (format t "~%** precompute the next all states......"))
11511058 ;; increment depth
11521059 (incf (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context))
11531060 ;;
11631070 (if (rwl-state-loop state)
11641071 ;; mark `done' if the state is already
11651072 ;; visited before..
1166 (progn
1167 (setf (sch-node-done dag) t)
1168 (when (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
1169 (when *cexec-debug*
1170 (format t "~%** calling check condition for reporting only."))
1171 (rwl-sch-check-conditions dag sch-context))) ; for reporting only
1073 (progn
1074 (setf (sch-node-done dag) t)
1075 (when (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
1076 (when *cexec-debug*
1077 (format t "~%** calling check condition for reporting only."))
1078 (rwl-sch-check-conditions dag sch-context))) ; for reporting only
11721079 (push dag nexts))))
1173 ;; (format t "~&nexts=~a" nexts)
11741080 (setq next-subs (nconc next-subs nexts))))
11751081 ;;
11761082 ;; 3. lastly, set the next states as `last-siblings'
11771083 ;;
11781084 (setf (rwl-sch-context-last-siblings sch-context) next-subs)
11791085 ;;
1180 ;; (or found? next-subs :no-more)
11811086 (values found? (if next-subs
11821087 nil
11831088 :no-more)))))
11851090 ;;; *********
1186 ;;; TOP LEVEL
1091 ;;; TOP LEVEL functions
11871092 ;;; *********
11881093 (defun make-anything-is-ok-term ()
11891094 (make-variable-term *cosmos* (gensym "Univ")))
11921097 &optional cond
11931098 pred-pat
11941099 module
1195 bind
1196 if)
1100 bind
1101 if)
11971102 (with-in-module (module)
11981103 (unless t2
11991104 (setq t2 (make-anything-is-ok-term)))
1200 (let ((svars (term-variables t1)) ; variables in source
1201 (pvars (term-variables t2)) ; variables in pattern
1202 (cvars (if cond ; variables in suchThat
1203 (term-variables cond)
1204 nil))
1205 (predvars (if pred-pat ; variables in stateEq
1206 (term-variables pred-pat)
1207 nil))
1208 (ifvars (if if
1209 (term-variables if)
1210 nil))
1211 (allvars nil)
1212 (.rules-so-far. 0))
1105 ;; t1 and t2 must be in the same connected component
1106 (let ((t1-sort (term-sort t1))
1107 (t2-sort (term-sort t2)))
1108 (unless (is-in-same-connected-component t1-sort t2-sort *current-sort-order*)
1109 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort)
1110 (format t "Sorts of the source term and the target pattern must be in the same connected component.")
1111 (format t "~% Source term : ")
1112 (term-print-with-sort t1)
1113 (format t "~& Target pattern: ")
1114 (term-print-with-sort t2))))
1115 (let ((svars (term-variables t1)) ; variables in source
1116 (pvars (term-variables t2)) ; variables in pattern
1117 (cvars (if cond ; variables in suchThat
1118 (term-variables cond)
1119 nil))
1120 (predvars (if pred-pat ; variables in stateEq
1121 (term-variables pred-pat)
1122 nil))
1123 (ifvars (if if
1124 (term-variables if)
1125 nil))
1126 (allvars nil)
1127 (.rules-so-far. 0))
12131128 (setq allvars (union svars (union pvars ifvars)))
12141129 ;; check suchThat
12151130 (when cvars
1216 (unless (subsetp cvars allvars)
1217 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-such-that)
1218 (format t "`suchThat' introduces new variable(s)."))))
1131 (unless (subsetp cvars allvars)
1132 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-such-that)
1133 (format t "`suchThat' introduces new variable(s)."))))
12191134 ;; check variables
12201135 (dolist (v svars)
1221 (when (memq v pvars)
1222 (with-output-chaos-error ('subject-var-occus)
1223 (format t "Variable ")
1224 (term-print-with-sort v)
1225 ;; (format t " in subject term occurs in target pattern or coditions..")
1226 (format t " in subject term occurs in target pattern.")
1227 (format t "~& subject: ")
1228 (term-print-with-sort t1)
1229 (format t "~& pattern: ")
1230 (term-print-with-sort t2))))
1136 (when (memq v pvars)
1137 (with-output-chaos-error ('subject-var-occus)
1138 (format t "Variable ")
1139 (term-print-with-sort v)
1140 ;; (format t " in subject term occurs in target pattern or coditions..")
1141 (format t " in subject term occurs in target pattern.")
1142 (format t "~& subject: ")
1143 (term-print-with-sort t1)
1144 (format t "~& pattern: ")
1145 (term-print-with-sort t2))))
12311146 (dolist (v predvars)
1232 (when (or (memq v svars)
1233 (memq v pvars)
1234 (memq v cvars))
1235 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-stateEq)
1236 (format t "Variable ")
1237 (term-print-with-sort v)
1238 (format t " in 'stateEq' occurs in subject term or target pattern or 'suchThat'.."))))
1147 (when (or (memq v svars)
1148 (memq v pvars)
1149 (memq v cvars))
1150 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-stateEq)
1151 (format t "Variable ")
1152 (term-print-with-sort v)
1153 (format t " in 'stateEq' occurs in subject term or target pattern or 'suchThat'.."))))
12391154 ;;
12401155 (let ((sch-context (make-rwl-sch-context
1241 :module module
1242 :term t1
1243 :pattern t2
1244 :condition cond
1245 :zero-trans-allowed zero?
1246 :final-check final?
1247 :max-sol max-result
1248 :max-depth max-depth
1249 :state-predicate nil
1250 :bind bind
1251 :if if))
1252 (root nil)
1253 (res nil)
1254 (no-more nil)
1255 (found? nil))
1256 (flet ((make-state-pred-pat ()
1257 (cond (pred-pat
1258 (let ((vars (term-variables pred-pat)))
1259 (unless (sort= (term-sort pred-pat)
1260 *Bool-sort*)
1261 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort)
1262 (format t "state equality must be of a term of sort Bool.")))
1263 (unless (= 2 (length vars))
1264 (with-output-chaos-error ('number-of-variables)
1265 (format t "state equality pattern must have exactly 2 different variables in it, but ~D given." (length vars))))
1266 #||
1267 (when (variable= (car vars) (cadr vars))
1268 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-variables)
1269 (format t "variables in state equality pattern must be diffrent from each other.")))
1270 ||#
1271 (unless (sort= (variable-sort (car vars))
1272 (variable-sort (cadr vars)))
1273 (with-output-chaos-error ('different-variable-sort)
1274 (format t "variables in state equality pattern must be of the same sort.")))
1275 (unless (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort (car vars))
1276 *current-sort-order*)
1277 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-variable-sort)
1278 (format t "invalid sort of variable in state equality pattern.")))
1279 (cons pred-pat vars)))
1280 (t nil))))
1281 ;;
1282 ;; initialize search context
1283 ;;
1284 (setf (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context) 0)
1285 (setf (rwl-sch-context-sol-found sch-context) 0)
1286 ;; (setf (rwl-sch-context-states-so-far sch-context) 0)
1287 (setf (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context) 0)
1288 (setq root (create-sch-node (make-rwl-state :state 0 :term t1)))
1289 (setf (rwl-sch-context-root sch-context) root)
1290 (setf (rwl-sch-context-last-siblings sch-context) (list root))
1291 (setf (rwl-sch-context-answers sch-context) nil)
1292 ;; state equality predicate
1293 (setf (rwl-sch-context-state-predicate sch-context)
1294 (make-state-pred-pat))
1295 ;; bind context to global for later use...
1296 (setq .rwl-sch-context. sch-context)
1297 (push sch-context .rwl-context-stack.)
1298 ;; term hash
1299 (initialize-cexec-term-hash)
1300 (cexec-set-hashed-term t1 0)
1301 ;;
1302 ;; do the search
1303 ;;
1304 (when *cexec-debug*
1305 (print sch-context))
1306 (loop
1307 (when *chaos-verbose*
1308 (format t "~&** << level ~D >>" (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context)))
1309 ;;
1310 (multiple-value-setq (res no-more)
1311 (rwl-step-forward-1 sch-context))
1312 ;; (setq res (rwl-step-forward-1 sch-context))
1313 (case res
1314 (:max-transitions (return nil)) ; exit loop
1315 (:max-solutions
1316 (setq found? t)
1317 (return nil)) ; exit loop
1318 (:found
1319 (setq found? t)) ; continue..
1320 (otherwise nil))
1321 (when no-more
1322 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
1323 (format t "~&~%** No more possible transitions."))
1324 (return nil)) ; exit if no more ...
1325 ;; one step deeper
1326 (when (> (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context)
1327 (rwl-sch-context-max-depth sch-context))
1328 (format t "~&-- reached to the specified search depth ~D."
1329 (rwl-sch-context-max-depth sch-context))
1330 (return-from rwl-search*
1331 (if (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
1332 (if (rwl-sch-context-pr-out? sch-context)
1333 :found
1334 nil)
1335 (if found? :found :max-depth))))
1336 ) ; end loop
1337 ;; any solution?
1338 (cond ((rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
1339 (if (rwl-sch-context-pr-out? sch-context)
1340 :found
1341 nil))
1342 (t (if found?
1343 ;; yes
1344 :found
1345 ;; no
1346 res))))))))
1156 :module module
1157 :term t1
1158 :pattern t2
1159 :condition cond
1160 :zero-trans-allowed zero?
1161 :final-check final?
1162 :max-sol max-result
1163 :max-depth max-depth
1164 :state-predicate nil
1165 :bind bind
1166 :if if))
1167 (root nil)
1168 (res nil)
1169 (no-more nil)
1170 (found? nil))
1171 (flet ((make-state-pred-pat ()
1172 (cond (pred-pat
1173 (let ((vars (term-variables pred-pat)))
1174 (unless (sort= (term-sort pred-pat)
1175 *Bool-sort*)
1176 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-sort)
1177 (format t "state equality must be of a term of sort Bool.")))
1178 (unless (= 2 (length vars))
1179 (with-output-chaos-error ('number-of-variables)
1180 (format t "state equality pattern must have exactly 2 different variables in it, but ~D given." (length vars))))
1181 (unless (sort= (variable-sort (car vars))
1182 (variable-sort (cadr vars)))
1183 (with-output-chaos-error ('different-variable-sort)
1184 (format t "variables in state equality pattern must be of the same sort.")))
1185 (unless (sort<= (term-sort t2) (term-sort (car vars))
1186 *current-sort-order*)
1187 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-variable-sort)
1188 (format t "invalid sort of variable in state equality pattern.")))
1189 (cons pred-pat vars)))
1190 (t nil))))
1191 ;;
1192 ;; initialize search context
1193 ;;
1194 (setf (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context) 0
1195 (rwl-sch-context-sol-found sch-context) 0
1196 (rwl-sch-context-trans-so-far sch-context) 0
1197 root (create-sch-node (make-rwl-state :state 0 :term t1)))
1198 (setf (rwl-sch-context-root sch-context) root
1199 (rwl-sch-context-last-siblings sch-context) (list root)
1200 (rwl-sch-context-answers sch-context) nil)
1201 ;; state equality predicate
1202 (setf (rwl-sch-context-state-predicate sch-context) (make-state-pred-pat))
1203 ;; bind context to global for later use...
1204 (setf .rwl-sch-context. sch-context)
1205 (push sch-context .rwl-context-stack.)
1206 ;; term hash
1207 (initialize-cexec-term-hash)
1208 (cexec-set-hashed-term t1 0)
1209 ;;
1210 ;; do the search
1211 ;;
1212 (when *cexec-debug*
1213 (print sch-context))
1214 (loop
1215 (when *chaos-verbose*
1216 (format t "~%** << level ~D >>" (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context)))
1217 (multiple-value-setq (res no-more)
1218 (rwl-step-forward-1 sch-context))
1219 (case res
1220 (:max-transitions (return nil)) ; exit loop
1221 (:max-solutions
1222 (setq found? t)
1223 (return nil)) ; exit loop
1224 (:found
1225 (setq found? t)) ; continue..
1226 (otherwise nil))
1227 (when no-more
1228 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
1229 (format t "~%** No more possible transitions."))
1230 (return nil)) ; exit if no more ...
1231 ;; one step deeper
1232 (when (> (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context)
1233 (rwl-sch-context-max-depth sch-context))
1234 (unless *rwl-search-no-state-report*
1235 (format t "~%-- reached to the specified search depth ~D."
1236 (rwl-sch-context-max-depth sch-context)))
1237 (return-from rwl-search*
1238 (if (rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
1239 (if (rwl-sch-context-pr-out? sch-context)
1240 :found
1241 nil)
1242 (if found? :found :max-depth))))) ; end loop
1243 ;; any solution?
1244 (cond ((rwl-sch-context-if sch-context)
1245 (if (rwl-sch-context-pr-out? sch-context)
1246 :found
1247 nil))
1248 (t (if found?
1249 ;; yes
1250 :found
1251 ;; no
1252 res))))))))
13481254 ;;; report-rwl-result
13491255 ;;;
14011307 (setq found? t))
14021308 (otherwise nil))
14031309 ;; one step deeper
1404 (incf (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context))
1405 ) ; end loop
1310 (incf (rwl-sch-context-cur-depth sch-context))) ; end loop
14061311 (if found?
14071312 :found
14081313 res))))
14171322 (final? nil)
14181323 (cond nil)
14191324 (pred nil)
1420 (bind nil)
1421 ;; the followings are experimental
1422 (if nil))
1423 (let ((module (or *current-module* *last-module*))
1325 (bind nil)
1326 ;; the followings are experimental
1327 (if nil))
1328 (let ((module (get-context-module))
14241329 max-r
14251330 max-d)
1426 (unless module
1427 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
1428 (format t "no context module..")))
14291331 (if (integerp max-result)
14301332 (setq max-r max-result)
14311333 (if (term-is-builtin-constant? max-result)
14381340 (setq max-d most-positive-fixnum)))
14391341 (when (and if (not (term-is-variable? if)))
14401342 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1441 (format t "The `if' part is not a varible of sort BOOL, `if' binding is ignored : ")
1442 (print-next)
1443 (term-print if)
1444 (setq if nil)))
1343 (format t "The `if' part is not a varible of sort BOOL, `if' binding is ignored : ")
1344 (print-next)
1345 (term-print if)
1346 (setq if nil)))
14451347 ;; ***
14461348 ;; (clear-term-memo-table *term-memo-table*)
14471349 ;; ***
14511353 (rewrite* term)))
14521354 ;;
14531355 (when *cexec-debug*
1454 (format t "~&* CEXEC: ")
1356 (format t "~%* CEXEC: ")
14551357 (term-print-with-sort term))
14561358 ;;
14571359 (let ((*clean-memo-in-normalize* nil))
14581360 (report-rwl-result
14591361 (rwl-search* term pattern max-r max-d zero? final? cond pred module bind if)))))
1461 ;;;
14621363 ;;; rwl-check-one-step-reachability : term term -> { t | nil }
14631364 ;;; working hourse of =>
14641365 ;;;
14651366 (defun rwl-check-one-step-reachability (X Y)
14661367 (declare (type term X Y))
14671368 (let ((*clean-memo-in-normalize* nil)
1468 (*chaos-quiet* t))
1369 (*chaos-quiet* t))
14691370 (report-rwl-result
14701371 (rwl-search* X Y 1 1 t nil nil nil *current-module* nil nil))))
14831384 (defun rwl-cont (ast)
14841385 (rwl-continue+ (%continue-num ast)))
1486 ;;;
14871387 ;;; for downward compatibility
14881388 ;;;
14891389 (defun nat*-to-max-option (term &optional (infinite most-positive-fixnum))
14951395 (multiple-value-bind (max sym)
14961396 (nat*-to-max-option max-depth)
14971397 (let ((final? nil)
1498 (zero? nil)
1499 )
1398 (zero? nil))
15001399 (case-equal sym
15011400 ("!" (setq final? t))
15021401 ("*" (setq zero? t))
00 ;;;-*-Mode:LISP; Package: CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:citp.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:citp.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
7171 ;;;
7272 (defun citp-parse-apply (args)
7373 (let ((tactic-forms nil)
74 (tactics nil)
75 (target nil))
74 (tactics nil)
75 (target nil))
7676 (cond ((string-equal (car (second args)) "to")
77 (setq target (car (second (second args))))
78 (setq tactic-forms (second (third args))))
79 (t (setq tactic-forms (second (second args)))))
77 (setq target (car (second (second args))))
78 (setq tactic-forms (second (third args))))
79 (t (setq tactic-forms (second (second args)))))
8080 (dolist (tac tactic-forms)
8181 (let ((tactic (get-tactic tac)))
82 (setq tactics (nconc tactics tactic))))
82 (setq tactics (nconc tactics tactic))))
8383 (cons target tactics)))
8585 ;;; citp-parse-ind-on
9191 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
9292 (let ((vars nil))
9393 (dolist (var-decl (fourth args))
94 (let ((var (simple-parse-from-string var-decl)))
95 (when (term-ill-defined var)
96 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-parse)
97 (format t "Illegal variable form: ~s" var-decl)))
98 (unless (term-is-variable? var)
99 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-var)
100 (format t "Invalid argument to ':ind' command: ~s" var-decl)))
101 (push var vars)))
94 (let ((var (simple-parse-from-string var-decl)))
95 (when (term-ill-defined var)
96 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-parse)
97 (format t "Illegal variable form: ~s" var-decl)))
98 (unless (term-is-variable? var)
99 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-var)
100 (format t "Invalid argument to ':ind' command: ~s" var-decl)))
101 (push var vars)))
102102 (nreverse vars))))
104104 ;;;
126126 (defun citp-parse-init (args)
127127 (let ((target-form (make-axiom-pattern (second args)))
128 (subst-list (fifth args))
129 (subst-pairs nil))
128 (subst-list (fifth args))
129 (subst-pairs nil))
130130 (dolist (subst-form subst-list)
131131 (unless (atom subst-form)
132 (push (cons (first subst-form) (third subst-form)) subst-pairs)))
132 (push (cons (first subst-form) (third subst-form)) subst-pairs)))
133133 (with-citp-debug ()
134134 (format t "~%[:init] target = ~s" target-form)
135135 (format t "~% subst = ~s" subst-pairs))
136136 (list target-form subst-pairs)))
138 ;;; :imply [<label>] by { <var> <- <term>; ...<var> <- <term>; }
139 ;;;
140 (defun citp-parse-imp (args)
141 (citp-parse-init args))
142 (defun eval-citp-imp (arg)
143 (declare (ignore arg))
144 nil)
138146 ;;; :cp
139147 ;;; (":cp" ("[" ("label-1") "]") "><" ("[" ("label-2") "]"))
140148 ;;; (":cp" ("(" ("ceq" ("LHS") "=" ("RHS") "if" ("C") ".") ")")
142150 ;;;
143151 (defun citp-parse-critical-pair (args)
144152 (let ((pat-1 (make-axiom-pattern (second args)))
145 (pat-2 (make-axiom-pattern (fourth args))))
153 (pat-2 (make-axiom-pattern (fourth args))))
146154 (with-citp-debug ()
147155 (format t "~%[cp] ~s" pat-1)
148156 (format t "~% ~s" pat-2))
173181 ;;;
174182 (defun citp-parse-red (e)
175183 (let (goal-name
176 preterm
177 mode)
184 preterm
185 mode)
178186 (case-equal (first e)
179 ((":red" ":lred" "lred") (setq mode :red))
180 ((":exec") (setq mode :exec))
181 ((":bred") (setq mode :bred)))
187 ((":red" ":lred" "lred") (setq mode :red))
188 ((":exec") (setq mode :exec))
189 ((":bred") (setq mode :bred)))
182190 (if (= 4 (length e))
183 (progn
184 (setq goal-name (cadr (cadr e))); (find-goal-node *proof-tree* (cadr (cadr e)))
185 (setq preterm (nth 2 e)))
191 (progn
192 (setq goal-name (cadr (cadr e)))
193 (setq preterm (nth 2 e)))
186194 (progn
187 (setq goal-name nil)
188 (setq preterm (nth 1 e))))
195 (setq goal-name nil)
196 (setq preterm (nth 1 e))))
189197 (list mode goal-name preterm)))
191199 ;;;
195203 (second args))
197205 ;;;
206 ;;; citp-parse-normalize-init
207 ;;; :normalize {on | off}
208 (defun citp-parse-normalize (args)
209 (second args))
198211 ;;; citp-parse-ctf
199212 ;;; :ctf { eq <term> = <term> .}
213 ;;; (":ctf" ("{" ("eq" ("1" ">" "2") "=" ("true") ".") "}"))
214 ;;; :ctf [ <term> . ]
215 ;;; (":ctf" ("[" ("1" ">" "2") "." "]"))
216 ;;; ==> (form . (term? . :ctf-?))
200217 ;;;
201218 (defun citp-parse-ctf (args)
202 (let ((ax nil))
203 (setq ax (parse-module-element-1 (third args)))
204 ax))
219 (let ((form (second (second args)))
220 (term? (equal (first (second args)) "[")))
221 (if (equal (first args) ":ctf-")
222 (cons form (cons term? :dash))
223 (cons form (cons term? nil)))))
206225 ;;; citp-parse-csp
207226 ;;; :csp { <axiom> ... }
208227 ;;;
209228 (defun citp-parse-csp (args)
210 (let ((ax-decls nil))
229 (let ((ax-decls nil)
230 (dash? (equal (car args) ":csp-")))
211231 (dolist (elem (third args))
212 (push (parse-module-element-1 elem) ax-decls))
213 (nreverse ax-decls)))
215 ;;;
232 (push elem ax-decls))
233 (cons (nreverse ax-decls) dash?)))
235 ;;; citp-parse-define
236 ;;; :def <symbol> = <ctf> | <csp>
237 ;;;
238 ;;; (":def" "cf1" "=" (":ctf" ("[" (<Term>) "." "]")))
239 ;;; ==> (:ctf "cf1" nil (:term (<Term>)))
240 ;;; (":def" "cf2" "=" (":ctf-" ("{" (<Equation>) "." "}")))
241 ;;; ==> (:ctf "cf2" t (:eq (<Equation>)))
242 ;;; (":def" "sp1" "=" (":csp" "{" ((<Equation> ".") (<Equation> ".")) "}"))
243 ;;; ==> (:csp "sp1" nil ((<Equation> ".") (<Equation> ".")))
244 ;;; (":def" "tactic-1" "=" ("(" ("si" "rd" "tc") ")"))
245 ;;; ==> (:seq "tactic-1" ("si" "rd" "tc"))
246 ;;;
247 (defun citp-parse-define (args)
248 (flet ((name-to-com (name)
249 (cond ((equal name "(")
250 :seq)
251 ((equal (subseq name 0 4) ":ctf")
252 :ctf)
253 ((equal (subseq name 0 4) ":csp")
254 :csp)
255 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-def)
256 (format t "Internal error, :def accepted ~a" name))))))
257 (let* ((name (second args))
258 (com-name (first (fourth args)))
259 (command (name-to-com com-name))
260 (dash (> (length com-name) 4))
261 (body-form (if (eq command :ctf)
262 (if (equal "[" (first (second (fourth args))))
263 (list :term (second (second (fourth args))))
264 (list :eq (second (second (fourth args)))))
265 (if (eq command :csp)
266 (third (fourth args))
267 ;; :seq
268 (second (fourth args))))))
269 (list command name dash body-form))))
216271 ;;; { :show | :describe } <something>
217272 ;;;
218273 (defun citp-parse-show (inp)
219274 (let ((tag (car inp))
220 (args (cdr inp))
221 (com nil))
275 (args (cdr inp))
276 (com nil))
222277 (cond ((member tag '(":show" ":sh") :test #'equal)
223 (setq com :show))
224 ((member tag '(":describe" ":desc") :test #'equal)
225 (setq com :describe))
226 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
227 (format t "Internal error, unknown citp command ~s" tag))))
278 (setq com :show))
279 ((member tag '(":describe" ":desc") :test #'equal)
280 (setq com :describe))
281 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('internal)
282 (format t "Internal error, unknown citp command ~s" tag))))
228283 (cons com args)))
285 ;;; :spoiler { on | off }
286 ;;;
287 (defun citp-parse-spoiler (form)
288 (let* ((on-off (second form))
289 (value (if (equal on-off '("on"))
290 t
291 (if (equal on-off '("off"))
292 nil
293 (progn (format t "~&:spoiler flag is ~s" (if *citp-spoiler* "on" "off"))
294 (return-from citp-parse-spoiler nil))))))
295 (setq *citp-spoiler* value)
296 (setf (citp-flag citp-spoiler) value)
297 t))
299 ;;;
300 ;;; {:binspect | binspect} [in <goal-name> : ] <boolean-term> .
301 ;;;
302 (defun parse-citp-binspect (args)
303 (let (mode
304 goal-name
305 preterm)
306 (if (equal (first args) ":binspect")
307 (setq mode :citp)
308 (setq mode :general))
309 (if (= 4 (length args))
310 (progn
311 (setq goal-name (cadr (cadr args)))
312 (setq preterm (nth 2 args)))
313 (progn
314 (setq goal-name nil)
315 (setq preterm (nth 1 args))))
316 (list mode goal-name preterm)))
318 ;;; bshow | :bshow
319 ;;;
320 (defun citp-parse-bshow (args)
321 (let ((param (cadr args)))
322 (or param ".")))
324 ;;; :set(<name>, {on | off | show | ? })
325 ;;;
326 (defun citp-parse-set (inp)
327 (declare (type list inp))
328 (let ((name (third inp))
329 (value (fifth inp)))
330 (list name value)))
230334 ;;; ================================
231335 ;;; CITP related command evaluators
238342 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
239343 (let ((axs nil))
240344 (dolist (a-decl goal-ax-decls)
241 (push (parse-axiom-declaration a-decl) axs))
345 (cond ((eq (car a-decl) '%fax)
346 (push (parse-fax-declaration a-decl) axs))
347 (t (push (parse-axiom-declaration a-decl) axs))))
242348 (begin-proof *current-module* (nreverse axs)))))
244350 ;;; :apply/:auto
245351 (defun eval-citp-apply (list-tactic)
246352 (check-ptree)
247353 (let ((target (car list-tactic))
248 (tactics (cdr list-tactic)))
354 (tactics (cdr list-tactic)))
249355 (let ((*chaos-verbose* nil)
250 (*chaos-quiet* t))
356 (*chaos-quiet* t))
251357 (if target
252 (case target
253 (:auto (apply-auto *proof-tree*))
254 (otherwise
255 (apply-tactics-to-goal *proof-tree* target tactics)))
256 (apply-tactics *proof-tree* tactics)))))
358 (case target
359 (:auto (apply-auto *proof-tree*))
360 (otherwise
361 (apply-tactics-to-goal *proof-tree* target tactics)))
362 (apply-tactics *proof-tree* tactics)))))
258364 ;;; :ind on
259365 ;;;
275381 (defun eval-citp-init (args)
276382 (check-ptree)
277383 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
278 (instanciate-axiom (first args) ; target
279 (second args)))) ; variable-term pairs
384 (instanciate-axiom (first args) ; target
385 (second args)))) ; variable-term pairs
281387 ;;; :cp
282388 (defun eval-citp-critical-pair (args)
303409 (defun eval-citp-red (token-seq)
304410 (check-ptree)
305411 (let ((mode (first token-seq))
306 (goal-name (second token-seq))
307 (pre-term (third token-seq)))
412 (goal-name (second token-seq))
413 (pre-term (third token-seq)))
308414 (reduce-in-goal mode goal-name pre-term)))
310416 ;;; :verbose
312418 (if (string-equal token "on")
313419 (setq *citp-verbose* t)
314420 (if (string-equal token "off")
315 (setq *citp-verbose* nil)
316 (with-output-chaos-error ('invlid-value)
317 (format t "Unknown parameter ~s." token)))))
421 (setq *citp-verbose* nil)
422 (if (string-equal token ".")
423 (format t "~&:verbose flag is ~s" (if *citp-verbose* "on" "off"))
424 (with-output-chaos-error ('invlid-value)
425 (format t "Unknown parameter ~s." token))))))
427 ;;; :normalize init
428 (defun eval-citp-normalize (token)
429 (if (string-equal token "on")
430 (setq *citp-normalize-instance* t)
431 (if (string-equal token "off")
432 (setq *citp-normalize-instance* nil)
433 (if (string-equal token ".")
434 (format t "~&:normalize flag is ~s" (if *citp-normalize-instance* "on" "off"))
435 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-value)
436 (format t ":nomalize instance: unknown parameter ~s." token))))))
319438 ;;; :ctf
320 ;;;
321 (defun eval-citp-ctf (equation)
322 (check-context-module)
323 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
324 (let ((ax (parse-axiom-declaration equation)))
325 (apply-ctf ax)
326 (check-success *proof-tree*))))
439 ;;; ax-form ::= (form . (term? . :ctf-?))
440 ;;;
441 (defun eval-citp-ctf (ax-form)
442 (check-ptree)
443 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
444 (reset-rewrite-counters)
445 (begin-rewrite)
446 (apply-ctf (car ax-form) (cadr ax-form) (cddr ax-form))
447 (end-rewrite)
448 (report-citp-stat)
449 (check-success *proof-tree*)))
328451 ;;; :csp
329452 (defun eval-citp-csp (goal-ax-decls)
330 (check-context-module)
331 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
332 (let ((axs nil))
333 (dolist (a-decl goal-ax-decls)
334 (push (parse-axiom-declaration a-decl) axs))
335 (apply-csp (nreverse axs))
336 (check-success *proof-tree*))))
453 (check-ptree)
454 (with-in-module (*current-module*)
455 (reset-rewrite-counters)
456 (begin-rewrite)
457 (apply-csp (car goal-ax-decls) (cdr goal-ax-decls))
458 (end-rewrite)
459 (report-citp-stat)
460 (check-success *proof-tree*)))
338462 ;;; :show, :describe
339463 (defun eval-citp-show (token)
340464 (let* ((com (car token))
341 (describe (eq com :describe))
342 (target (cadr token))
343 (rest-args (cddr token)))
465 (describe (eq com :describe))
466 (target (cadr token))
467 (rest-args (cddr token)))
344468 (cond ((member target '("unproved" "unp") :test #'equal)
345 (check-ptree)
346 (print-unproved-goals *proof-tree*))
347 ((equal target "goal")
348 (check-ptree)
349 (let ((name (car rest-args)))
350 (print-named-goal *proof-tree* name)))
351 ((equal target "proof")
352 (let ((name (car rest-args)))
353 (when (or (null name) (equal name "."))
354 (setq name "root"))
355 (print-proof-tree name describe)))
356 ((member target '("." "current") :test #'equal)
357 (check-ptree)
358 (print-current-goal describe))
359 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('unknown)
360 (format t "Unknown parameter to :show/:describe ~S" target))))))
469 (check-ptree)
470 (print-unproved-goals *proof-tree*))
471 ((equal target "goal")
472 (check-ptree)
473 (let ((name (car rest-args)))
474 (print-named-goal *proof-tree* name)))
475 ((equal target "proof")
476 (let ((name (car rest-args)))
477 (when (or (null name) (equal name "."))
478 (setq name "root"))
479 (print-proof-tree name describe)))
480 ((member target '("." "current") :test #'equal)
481 (check-ptree)
482 (print-current-goal describe))
483 ((member target '(":def" ":define" "def" "define" ":defs" "defs") :test #'equal)
484 (check-ptree)
485 (let ((goal-name (first rest-args)))
486 (print-defs describe goal-name)))
487 (t (with-output-chaos-error ('unknown)
488 (format t "Unknown parameter to :show/:describe ~S" target))))))
490 ;;; :binspect
491 ;;;
492 (defun eval-citp-binspect (args)
493 (let ((mode (first args))
494 (goal-or-mod (second args))
495 (preterm (third args)))
496 (binspect-in mode goal-or-mod preterm)))
498 ;;; eval-citp-define : arg -> tactic-ctf or tactic-csp
499 ;;; (:ctf "cf1" nil (:term (<Term>)))
500 ;;; (:ctf "cf2" t (:eq (<Equation>)))
501 ;;; (:csp "sp1" nil ((<Equation> ".") ...))
502 ;;; (:csp "sp2" t ((<Equation> ".") ...))
503 ;;; (:seq "tactic-1" nil (<tactic-name> ....))
504 ;;;
505 (defun eval-citp-define (arg)
506 (check-ptree)
507 (let ((tactic-name (first arg))
508 (name (second arg))
509 (dash (third arg))
510 (form (fourth arg))
511 (tactic nil))
512 (when (tactic-name-is-builtin? name)
513 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-name)
514 (format t "You can not use the name of builtin tactic ~a." name)))
515 (when (existing-def-name? *proof-tree* name)
516 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
517 (format t "The name ~a is already defined in the current proof context." name)
518 (format t "~%Please use the different name.")
519 (return-from eval-citp-define nil)))
520 (let ((current (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*))
521 (goal nil))
522 (unless current
523 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context)
524 (format t "No target goal.")))
525 (setq goal (ptree-node-goal current))
526 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
527 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t))
528 (cond ((eq tactic-name :ctf)
529 ;; ctf
530 (setq tactic (make-tactic-ctf :name name
531 :form (parse-axiom-or-term (second form)
532 (eq :term (first form)))
533 :context *current-module*
534 :minus dash)))
535 ((eq tactic-name :csp)
536 ;; csp
537 (let ((forms nil))
538 (dolist (ax form)
539 (push (parse-axiom-declaration (parse-module-element-1 ax)) forms))
540 (setq tactic (make-tactic-csp :name name
541 :forms (nreverse forms)
542 :minus dash
543 :context *current-module*))))
544 ((eq tactic-name :seq)
545 (setq tactic (make-tactic-seq :name name
546 :tactics (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
547 (or (get-defined-tactic goal x)
548 (get-builtin-tactic x)
549 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-tactic)
550 (format t "No such tactic ~a" x))))
551 form))))
552 (t ;; internal error
553 (with-output-chaos-error ('internal-error)
554 (format t "Invalid :def parameter ~s" tactic-name))))
555 (format t "~&~a defined as " name)
556 (princ tactic)
557 (setf (goal-defs goal)
558 (nconc (goal-defs goal) (list tactic)))))
559 (push (canonicalize-tactic-name name) (ptree-defs-so-far *proof-tree*)))))
561 ;;;
563 ;;;
564 (defun citp-eval-set (args)
565 (let ((name (first args))
566 (given-value (second args)))
567 (let ((value nil)
568 (index (find-citp-flag-index name)))
569 (unless index
570 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-flag)
571 (format t "No such flag ~a" name)))
572 (cond ((or (equal given-value "on")
573 (equal given-value "set"))
574 (setq value t))
575 ((equal given-value "show")
576 (print-citp-flag index)
577 (return-from citp-eval-set nil))
578 ((equal given-value "?")
579 (help-citp-flag index)
580 (return-from citp-eval-set nil)))
581 (when (citp-flag citp-print-message)
582 (with-output-msg ()
583 (format t "setting flag ~a to ~a" name given-value)))
584 (if (= citp-all index)
585 (dotimes (x *citp-max-flags*)
586 (setf (citp-flag x) value))
587 (setf (citp-flag index) value))
588 ;; run hook
589 (funcall (citp-flag-hook index) name value))))
362591 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: eval-apply.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: eval-apply.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4141 ;;; *****
4343 (defun eval-start-command (ast)
44 (do-eval-start-th (%start-target ast) *last-module*))
44 (do-eval-start-th (%start-target ast) (get-context-module)))
4646 (defun do-eval-start-th (pre-term &optional context)
4747 (catch 'apply-context-error
4848 (let ((mod (if context
4949 (eval-modexp context)
50 *last-module*)))
50 (get-context-module))))
5151 (if (or (null mod) (modexp-is-error mod))
5252 (if (null mod)
5353 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-module)
6464 (setq target (get-bound-value (car pre-term))))
6565 (unless target
6666 (return-from do-eval-start-th nil))
67 (when (eq mod *last-module*)
68 (setq $$action-stack nil))
67 (setq $$action-stack nil)
6968 (reset-reduced-flag target)
70 (reset-target-term target *last-module* mod)))
69 (reset-target-term target *current-module* mod)))
7170 (t
7271 (let ((*parse-variables* nil))
7372 (let ((res (simple-parse *current-module*
74 pre-term
73 pre-term
7574 *cosmos*)))
7675 (when (term-is-an-error res)
7776 (return-from do-eval-start-th nil))
78 (when (eq *last-module* mod)
79 (setq $$action-stack nil))
80 (reset-target-term res *last-module* mod))))))
77 (setq $$action-stack nil)
78 (reset-target-term res *current-module* mod))))))
8179 ;; try use $$term
8280 (progn
8381 (when (or (null $$term) (eq 'void $$term))
8583 (format t "no target term is given!")
8684 (return-from do-eval-start-th nil)))
8785 (check-apply-context mod)
88 (when (eq *last-module* mod)
89 (setq $$action-stack nil))
86 (setq $$action-stack nil)
9087 (reset-reduced-flag $$term)
91 (reset-target-term $$term *last-module* mod)
92 )))
93 ;; (clear-found-rules)
88 (reset-target-term $$term (get-context-module) mod))))
9489 (when (command-final) (command-display))
9590 t)))
111106 (setq $$subterm $$term)
112107 (setq $$selection-stack nil)
113108 (return-from eval-choose-command nil))
114 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
109 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
115110 (multiple-value-bind (subterm-sort subterm)
116111 (compute-selection $$subterm selectors)
117112 (declare (ignore subterm-sort))
148143 (where-spec (%apply-where-spec ast))
149144 (selectors (%apply-selectors ast)))
150145 (catch 'apply-context-error
151 (if (eq action :help)
152 (apply-help)
153 (progn
154 ;; check some evaluation env
155 (when (or (null $$term) (eq 'void $$term))
156 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
157 (princ "term to be applied is not defined.")
158 ))
159 (unless *last-module*
160 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-context-module)
161 (princ "no current module.")
162 ))
163 ;; real work begins here ------------------------------
164 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
165 (multiple-value-bind (subterm-sort subterm)
166 (compute-selection $$term selectors)
167 (setq *-applied-* t)
168 (case action
169 (:reduce ; full reduction on selections.
170 (!setup-reduction *last-module*)
171 (let ((*rewrite-semantic-reduce*
172 (module-has-behavioural-axioms *last-module*))
173 (*rewrite-exec-mode* nil))
174 (term-replace subterm (@copy-term subterm))
175 (reset-reduced-flag subterm)
176 (rewrite subterm *last-module*)))
177 (:breduce
178 (!setup-reduction *last-module*)
179 (let ((*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
180 (*rewrite-exec-mode* nil))
181 (term-replace subterm (@copy-term subterm))
182 (reset-reduced-flag subterm)
183 (rewrite subterm *last-module*)))
184 (:exec
185 (!setup-reduction *last-module*)
186 (let ((*rewrite-semantic-reduce*
187 (module-has-behavioural-axioms *last-module*))
188 (*rewrite-exec-mode* t))
189 (term-replace subterm (@copy-term subterm))
190 (reset-reduced-flag subterm)
191 (rewrite subterm *last-module*)))
192 ;;
193 (:print ; print selections.
194 (format t "~&term ")
195 (disp-term subterm)
196 (format t "~&tree form")
197 (print-term-tree subterm))
198 (:apply ; apply specified rule.
199 (setq *-applied-* nil)
200 (let* ((actrule (compute-action-rule rule-spec
201 substitution
202 selectors))
203 (*-inside-apply-with-extensions-*
204 (and
205 (let ((arlhs (rule-lhs actrule)))
206 (and (term-is-application-form? arlhs)
207 (method-is-associative (term-head arlhs)))))))
208 (if (eq :within where-spec)
209 (let ((*-inside-apply-all-* t))
210 (catch 'apply-all-quit
211 (@apply-all actrule subterm-sort subterm)))
212 (@apply-rule actrule subterm-sort subterm)))
213 (when *-applied-*
214 (update-lowest-parse $$term)
215 (when (nth 2 rule-spec) ; reverse order
216 (setq $$term (@copy-term $$term)))
217 (reset-target-term $$term *last-module* *last-module*))
218 ) ; end :apply
219 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
220 (format t "unknown apply action : ~a" action)
221 (chaos-error 'unknown-action))))
222 ;;
223 (unless *-applied-*
224 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
225 (princ "rule not applied")))
226 ;;
227 (command-final)
228 (command-display))))))))
146 (when (eq action :help)
147 (apply-help)
148 (return-from eval-apply-command nil))
149 ;; check some evaluation env
150 (when (or (null $$term) (eq 'void $$term))
151 (with-output-chaos-error ('invalid-term)
152 (princ "term to be applied is not defined.")))
153 ;; real work begins here ------------------------------
154 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
155 (multiple-value-bind (subterm-sort subterm)
156 (compute-selection $$term selectors)
157 (setq *-applied-* t)
158 (case action
159 (:reduce ; full reduction on selections.
160 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
161 (let ((*rewrite-semantic-reduce*
162 (module-has-behavioural-axioms *current-module*))
163 (*rewrite-exec-mode* nil))
164 (term-replace subterm (@copy-term subterm))
165 (reset-reduced-flag subterm)
166 (rewrite subterm *current-module*)))
167 (:breduce
168 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
169 (let ((*rewrite-semantic-reduce* nil)
170 (*rewrite-exec-mode* nil))
171 (term-replace subterm (@copy-term subterm))
172 (reset-reduced-flag subterm)
173 (rewrite subterm *current-module*)))
174 (:exec
175 (!setup-reduction *current-module*)
176 (let ((*rewrite-semantic-reduce*
177 (module-has-behavioural-axioms *current-module*))
178 (*rewrite-exec-mode* t))
179 (term-replace subterm (@copy-term subterm))
180 (reset-reduced-flag subterm)
181 (rewrite subterm *current-module*)))
182 ;;
183 (:print ; print selections.
184 (format t "~%term ")
185 (disp-term subterm)
186 (format t "~&tree form")
187 (print-term-tree subterm))
188 (:apply ; apply specified rule.
189 (setq *-applied-* nil)
190 (let* ((actrule (compute-action-rule rule-spec
191 substitution
192 selectors))
193 (*-inside-apply-with-extensions-*
194 (and
195 (let ((arlhs (rule-lhs actrule)))
196 (and (term-is-application-form? arlhs)
197 (method-is-associative (term-head arlhs)))))))
198 (if (eq :within where-spec)
199 (let ((*-inside-apply-all-* t))
200 (catch 'apply-all-quit
201 (@apply-all actrule subterm-sort subterm)))
202 (@apply-rule actrule subterm-sort subterm)))
203 (when *-applied-*
204 (update-lowest-parse $$term)
205 (when (nth 2 rule-spec) ; reverse order
206 (setq $$term (@copy-term $$term)))
207 (reset-target-term $$term *current-module* *current-module*))) ; end :apply
208 (t (with-output-panic-message ()
209 (format t "unknown apply action : ~a" action)
210 (chaos-error 'unknown-action))))
211 ;;
212 (unless *-applied-*
213 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
214 (princ "rule not applied")))
215 ;;
216 (command-final)
217 (command-display))))))
230219 (defvar *copy-conditions*)
231220 (declaim (special *copy-conditons*))
235224 (when *apply-debug*
236225 (princ "* @apply-one-rule : rule = ")
237226 (print-chaos-object rule)
238 (format t "~&- sort = ") (print-sort-name sort)
227 (format t "~%- sort = ") (print-sort-name sort)
239228 (format t "~&- term = ") (term-print term))
240229 (let ((*self* term))
241230 (let ((cond (rule-condition rule)))
274263 (when eeq (setq sub nil))
275264 (unless no
276265 (setq *-applied-* t)
277 (format t "~&shifting focus to condition")
266 (format t "~%shifting focus to condition")
278267 (force-output)
279268 (let ((cond-inst (@copy-term (substitution-image! sub cond)))
280269 (rhs-inst
285274 $$action-stack))
286275 (setq $$term cond-inst)
287276 (when *-inside-apply-all-*
288 (format t "~&-- applying rule only at first position found: ")
277 (format t "~%-- applying rule only at first position found: ")
289278 (term-print term)
290279 (force-output)
291280 (throw 'apply-all-quit nil))))))))))
304293 (block the-end
305294 (let ((condition nil)
306295 next-match-method
307 ;; (*do-unify* t)
296 ;; (*do-unify* t)
308297 (*self* term))
309298 (multiple-value-bind (global-state subst nomatch Eequal)
310299 (funcall (rule-first-match-method rule) (rule-lhs rule) term)
311300 (when nomatch (return-from the-end nil))
312301 (when *apply-debug*
313 (format t "~&[apply-one-rule] : ")
302 (format t "~%[apply-one-rule] : ")
314303 (format t "~% subst = ")
315304 (print-substitution subst)
316305 (format t "~% Eequal = ~a" eequal))
420409 ;;;
421410 (defun apply-print-rule (x)
422411 (unless x
423 (format t "~&That dosen't make sense as a rule specification.")
412 (format t "~%That dosen't make sense as a rule specification.")
424413 (return-from apply-print-rule t))
425414 (let* ((act (get-apply-action x))
426415 (rule-spec (if (eq act :apply)
427416 (parse-rule-spec x))))
428417 ;;
429418 (if (eq :reduce act)
430 (format t "~&special rule for reduction of a selected subterm.")
419 (format t "~%special rule for reduction of a selected subterm.")
431420 (if (eq :print act)
432 (format t "~&special rule to print-the selected subterm.")
421 (format t "~%special rule to print-the selected subterm.")
433422 (progn
434423 (when (or (eq :error rule-spec) (null rule-spec))
435 (format t "~&That doesn't make sense as a rule specification.")
424 (format t "~%That doesn't make sense as a rule specification.")
436425 (return-from apply-print-rule t))
437426 (let ((num (cadr rule-spec))
438427 (mod (car rule-spec))
449438 (print-chaos-object rule)
450439 (when (and rev (or (rule-is-builtin rule)
451440 (eq (axiom-type rule) :rule)))
452 (format t "~&This rule cannot be applied reversed."))
453 (when (and *last-module*
441 (format t "~%This rule cannot be applied reversed."))
442 (when (and (get-context-module t)
454443 (not (rule-is-builtin rule)))
455 (format t "~&(This rule rewrites up.)"))))))))
444 (format t "~%(This rule rewrites up.)"))))))))
456445 t))
458447 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|==============================================================================
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: eval-match.lisp
30 System: CHAOS
31 Module: thstuff
32 File: eval-match.lisp
3333 ==============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4646 ;;; ******
4848 (defun eval-match-command (ast)
49 (unless *last-module*
50 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-current-module)
51 (princ "no current module.")))
5249 (let ((type (%match-type ast))
5350 (target (case (%match-target ast)
5451 (:top $$term)
5754 $$subterm
5855 $$term))
5956 (t (let* ((*parse-variables* nil)
60 (parsed (with-in-module (*last-module*)
57 (parsed (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
6158 (simple-parse *current-module*
6259 (%match-target ast)
6360 *cosmos*))))
8582 (defun find-rewrite-rules-top (target what &optional (type :match))
8683 (let* ((real-target (supply-psuedo-variables target))
87 (patterns (find-matching-rules what real-target *last-module* type)))
84 (patterns (find-matching-rules what real-target (get-context-module) type)))
8885 (unless patterns
89 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
90 (format t "~&no rules found for term : ")
86 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
87 (format t "~%no rules found for term : ")
9188 (term-print target))
9289 (return-from find-rewrite-rules-top nil))
9390 ;; report the result
94 (format t "~&== matching rules to term : ")
95 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
91 (format t "~%== matching rules to term : ")
92 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
9693 (let ((*fancy-print* nil))
9794 (term-print target))
9895 (dolist (pat patterns)
117114 (princ " }"))
118115 (princ " is ")
119116 (print-axiom-brief rule *standard-output* nil t)
120 (format t "~& substitution : ")
117 (format t "~% substitution : ")
121118 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
122119 (print-substitution subst))
123120 (when extra
124 (format t "~& extra variables : ")
121 (format t "~% extra variables : ")
125122 (format t "~{~a~^ ~}" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (string (variable-name x)))
126123 extra))))))))
128125 (defun find-rewrite-rules-all (target what &optional (type :match))
129126 (let* ((real-target (supply-psuedo-variables target))
130 (patterns (find-matching-rules-all what real-target *last-module* type)))
127 (patterns (find-matching-rules-all what real-target (get-context-module) type)))
131128 (unless patterns
132 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
133 (format t "~&no rules found for term : ")
129 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
130 (format t "~%no rules found for term : ")
134131 (term-print target))
135132 (return-from find-rewrite-rules-all nil))
136133 ;; report the result
137 (format t "~&== matching rules to term : ")
138 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
134 (format t "~%== matching rules to term : ")
135 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
139136 (let ((*fancy-print* nil))
140137 (term-print target))
141138 (dolist (pat patterns)
192189 nil
193190 'next-match)
194191 'next-unify)))
195 (with-in-module (*last-module*)
192 (with-in-module ((get-context-module))
196193 (let* ((*parse-variables* (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
197194 (cons (variable-name x) x))
198195 (term-variables target)))
213210 (funcall first-match-meth pattern real-target)
214211 (when no-match
215212 (if (eq type :match)
216 (format t "~&-- no match")
217 (format t "~&-- no unify"))
213 (format t "~%-- no match")
214 (format t "~%-- no unify"))
218215 (return-from perform-match nil))
219216 (if (eq type :match)
220 (format t "~&-- match success.")
221 (format t "~&-- unify success."))
217 (format t "~%-- match success.")
218 (format t "~%-- unify success."))
222219 (when e-equal
223 (format t "~&-- given terms are equational equal.")
220 (format t "~%-- given terms are equational equal.")
224221 (return-from perform-match nil))
225 (format t "~& substitution : ")
222 (format t "~% substitution : ")
226223 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *print-indent* 4)))
227224 (print-substitution subst))
228225 ;; ---- next matches
232229 (while (not no-match)
233230 (cond ((y-or-n-p-wait #\y 20 ">> More? [y/n] : ")
234231 (if (eq type :match)
235 (format t "~&-- match success : ")
236 (format t "~&-- unify success : "))
232 (format t "~%-- match success : ")
233 (format t "~%-- unify success : "))
237234 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
238 (format t "~& * substitution : ")
235 (format t "~% * substitution : ")
239236 (print-substitution subst))
240237 (print-next))
241238 (t (return-from end)))
00 ;;;-*- Mode:LISP; Package:CHAOS; Base:10; Syntax:Common-lisp -*-
11 ;;;
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
2 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
33 ;;;
44 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
55 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
2727 ;;;
2828 (in-package :chaos)
2929 #|=============================================================================
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:proof-struct.lisp
30 System:CHAOS
31 Module:thstuff
32 File:proof-struct.lisp
3333 =============================================================================|#
3434 #-:chaos-debug
3535 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) #-GCL (debug 0)))
4444 ;;;
4545 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
4646 (defstruct (tactic (:print-function pr-tactic))
47 (name nil :type symbol) ; name
47 (name nil :type symbol) ; name
4848 (executor nil :type (or null symbol)) ; tactic executor
4949 )
5151 (defparameter .tactic-si. (make-tactic :name :si
52 :executor 'apply-si)) ; Simultaneous Induction
52 :executor 'apply-si)) ; Simultaneous Induction
5353 (defparameter .tactic-ca. (make-tactic :name :ca
54 :executor 'apply-ca)) ; Case Analysis
54 :executor 'apply-ca)) ; Case Analysis
5555 (defparameter .tactic-tc. (make-tactic :name :tc
56 :executor 'apply-tc)) ; Theorem of Constants
56 :executor 'apply-tc)) ; Theorem of Constants
5757 (defparameter .tactic-ip. (make-tactic :name :ip
58 :executor 'apply-ip)) ; Implication
58 :executor 'apply-ip)) ; Implication
59 #||
5960 (defparameter .tactic-cs. (make-tactic :name :cs
60 :executor 'apply-cs)) ; Case Analysis on Sequences
61 :executor 'apply-cs)) ; Case Analysis on Sequences
62 ||#
6163 (defparameter .tactic-rd. (make-tactic :name :rd
62 :executor 'apply-rd)) ; Reduction
64 :executor 'apply-rd)) ; Reduction
66 (defparameter .tactic-nf. (make-tactic :name :nf
67 :executor 'apply-nf)) ; nomalize goals, assumptions
69 (defparameter .tactic-ct. (make-tactic :name :ct
70 :executor 'apply-ct)) ; check contradiction
6472 (defparameter .tactic-nil. (make-tactic :name :nop
65 :executor 'apply-nil)) ; Do nothing, used internally.
67 (defparameter .all-builtin-tactics. (list .tactic-si. .tactic-ca. .tactic-tc. .tactic-ip. .tactic-cs. .tactic-rd.))
69 ;; default tatics is a seriase of SI CA CS TC IP.
70 (defparameter .default-tactics. (list .tactic-si. .tactic-ca. .tactic-cs. .tactic-tc. .tactic-ip. .tactic-rd.))
73 :executor 'apply-nil)) ; Do nothing, used internally.
75 (defparameter .all-builtin-tactics. (list .tactic-si. .tactic-ca. .tactic-tc. .tactic-ip. .tactic-rd. .tactic-nf. .tactic-ct.))
77 ;; default tatics is a seriase of SI CA TC IP.
78 (defparameter .default-tactics. (list .tactic-si. .tactic-ca. .tactic-tc. .tactic-ip. .tactic-rd.))
7179 ;; this is not an ordinary tactic but a command, but it generates goals
7280 (defparameter .tactic-ctf. (make-tactic :name :ctf
73 :executor 'apply-ctf))
81 :executor 'apply-ctf))
7482 ;; this is not an ordinary tactic but a command, but it generates goals
7583 (defparameter .tactic-csp. (make-tactic :name :csp
76 :executor 'apply-csp))
84 :executor 'apply-csp))
7886 ;; user defiled tactics: assoc list of (name . list-of-tactics)
7987 ;;
8088 (defvar .user-defined-tactics. nil)
8390 )
8592 (defun canonicalize-tactic-name (name)
99106 (setq name (canonicalize-tactic-name name))
100107 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (string-equal name (symbol-name (tactic-name x)))) .all-builtin-tactics.))
102 ;;;
103 ;;; get-user-defined-tactic
104 ;;;
105 (defun get-user-defined-tactic (name)
109 ;;; tactic-name-is-builtin? : name -> bool
110 ;;;
111 (defun tactic-name-is-builtin? (name)
112 (get-builtin-tactic name))
114 ;;; sequence of tactic :defined
115 ;;; :def <name> = (<tactic-name> ...)
116 ;;;
117 (defstruct (tactic-seq (:include tactic)
118 (:print-function pr-tactic-seq))
119 (tactics nil :type list) ; list of tactics
120 )
122 (defun pr-tactic-seq (obj stream &rest ignore)
123 (declare (type tactic-seq obj)
124 (ignore ignore))
125 (let ((tactics (tactic-seq-tactics obj)))
126 (format stream "( ~{~a~^ ~a ~} )" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (tactic-name x)) tactics))))
128 ;;; :ctf/:csp as tactic
129 ;;;
130 (defstruct (tactic-ctfp-common (:include tactic))
131 (minus nil :type (or null t)) ; t iff :ctf- or :csp-
132 (context nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
133 )
135 (defstruct (tactic-ctf (:include tactic-ctfp-common (executor 'apply-ctf-tactic))
136 (:print-function pr-tactic-ctf))
137 (form nil) ; term or equation
138 )
140 (defun pr-tactic-ctf (obj stream &rest ignore)
141 (declare (type tactic-ctf obj)
142 (ignore ignore))
143 (let ((form (tactic-ctf-form obj)))
144 (format stream ":ctf")
145 (when (tactic-ctf-minus obj)
146 (princ "-" stream))
147 (with-in-module ((tactic-ctf-context obj))
148 (cond ((axiom-p form)
149 (princ "{" stream)
150 (print-axiom-brief form stream)
151 (princ " .}"))
152 (t ; term
153 (princ "[" stream)
154 (term-print form stream)
155 (princ " .]"))))))
157 (defstruct (tactic-csp (:include tactic-ctfp-common (executor 'apply-csp-tactic))
158 (:print-function pr-tactic-csp))
159 (forms nil) ; list of equations
160 )
162 (defun pr-tactic-csp (obj stream &rest ignore)
163 (declare (type tactic-csp obj)
164 (ignore ignore))
165 (let ((forms (tactic-csp-forms obj)))
166 (format stream ":csp")
167 (with-in-module ((tactic-csp-context obj))
168 (when (tactic-csp-minus obj)
169 (princ "-" stream))
170 (princ "{" stream)
171 (dolist (ax forms)
172 (print-axiom-brief ax stream)
173 (princ " . " stream))
174 (princ "}" stream))))
176 ;;; get-defined-tactic
177 ;;;
178 (defun get-defined-tactic (goal name)
106179 (setq name (canonicalize-tactic-name name))
107 (cdr (assoc name .user-defined-tactics.)))
109 ;;;
180 (let ((defs (goal-defs goal)))
181 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (string-equal name (canonicalize-tactic-name (tactic-name x)))) defs)))
110183 ;;; get-default-tactics
111184 ;;; returns the default tactics, i.e. (:si :ca :cs :tc :ip)
112185 ;;;
113186 (defun get-default-tactics () .default-tactics.)
115 ;;;
116 ;;; get-tactic : name -> LIST(tactic)
117 ;;;
118 (defun get-tactic (name)
119 (let ((tactic (or (get-user-defined-tactic name)
120 (get-builtin-tactic name))))
121 (unless tactic
122 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-tactic)
123 (format t "No such tactic is defined with the name ~s" name)))
124 (if (atom tactic)
125 (list tactic)
126 tactic)))
128 ;;;
129188 ;;; make user defined tactic
130189 ;;;
131190 (defun declare-tactic (name &rest tactic-names)
132191 (let ((tactics nil))
133192 (dolist (n tactic-names)
134193 (let ((tactic (get-builtin-tactic n)))
135 (unless tactic
136 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-tactic)
137 (format t "No tactic with the name ~s" n)))
138 (push tactic tactics)))
194 (unless tactic
195 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-tactic)
196 (format t "No tactic with the name ~s" n)))
197 (push tactic tactics)))
139198 (setq name (canonicalize-tactic-name name))
140199 (setq .user-defined-tactics.
141200 (acons name (nreverse tactics) .user-defined-tactics.))))
143 ;;;
202 ;;; =====
203 ;;; FLAGS
204 ;;; =====
205 (defvar *citp-show-rwl* nil)
207 ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
208 ;;; Various utils which controll 'switch' affected behaviour of the system .
209 ;;;
211 ;;; with-in-context : ptree-node
212 ;;; construct a lexical environment for applying a tactic.
213 ;;;
214 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
216 (defmacro with-in-context ((ptree-node) &rest body)
217 (once-only (ptree-node)
218 `(block :exit
219 (let* ((.cur-goal. (ptree-node-goal ,ptree-node))
220 (.cur-targets. (goal-targets .cur-goal.))
221 (.next-goals. nil))
222 (unless .cur-targets. (return-from :exit nil))
223 ,@body))))
225 )
227 ;;; This variable controlls implicit applications of tactics.
228 ;;; 'true' means CITP cares application of implicite applicatins of tactics
229 ;;; such as 'normalization of the goal', 'contradiction check ('true = false')'.
230 ;;; if this is 'false', CITP does only introduces proof schems defined.
231 (declaim (special *citp-spoiler*))
232 (defvar *citp-spoiler* nil)
234 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
236 (defmacro if-spoiler-on (&key then else)
237 `(if *citp-spoiler*
238 (progn ,then)
239 (progn ,else)))
241 (defmacro when-spoiler-on (&rest body)
242 `(when *citp-spoiler*
243 ,@body))
245 (defmacro with-spoiler-on (&rest body)
246 `(let ((*citp-spoiler* t))
247 (declare (special *citp-spoiler*))
248 ,@body))
250 )
252 (declaim (type fixnum *citp-max-flags*))
253 (defparameter *citp-max-flags* 10)
255 (defstruct (citp-flag-struct)
256 (name "" :type simple-string)
257 (value nil)
258 (hook #'(lambda(name value)
259 (declare (ignore name value))
260 nil)
261 :type (or function symbol)))
263 (declaim (type (simple-array * (10)) *citp-flags*))
264 (defvar *citp-flags*)
265 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
266 (setq *citp-flags* (make-array *citp-max-flags*)))
268 (defmacro citp-flag-struct (flag-index)
269 `(aref *citp-flags* ,flag-index))
271 (defmacro citp-flag (flag-index)
272 `(citp-flag-struct-value (aref *citp-flags* ,flag-index)))
274 (defmacro citp-flag-name (flag-index)
275 `(citp-flag-struct-name (aref *citp-flags* ,flag-index)))
277 (defmacro citp-flag-hook (flag-index)
278 `(citp-flag-struct-hook (aref *citp-flags* ,flag-index)))
280 ;;; flag indexes
281 (defconstant citp-all 0)
282 (defconstant citp-verbose 1)
283 (defconstant citp-show-rwl 2)
284 (defconstant citp-spoiler 3)
285 (defconstant citp-print-message 4)
287 ;;; FIND-CITP-FLAG-INDEX : Name -> Index
288 ;;;
289 (defun find-citp-flag-index (given-name)
290 (declare (type simple-string given-name)
291 (values (or null fixnum)))
292 (let ((i 0)
293 (name (concatenate 'string "citp-" given-name)))
294 (declare (type fixnum i))
295 (dotimes (x *citp-max-flags*)
296 (when (string= name (citp-flag-name x))
297 (return-from find-citp-flag-index i))
298 (incf i))
299 nil))
301 ;;; print-citp-flag : index -> void
302 ;;;
303 (defun print-citp-flag (index)
304 (if (= index citp-all)
305 (do ((idx 1 (1+ idx)))
306 ((<= *citp-max-flags* idx))
307 (pr-citp-flag-internal idx))
308 (pr-citp-flag-internal index)))
310 (defun pr-citp-flag-internal (index)
311 (unless (equal "" (citp-flag-name index))
312 (format t "~&Flag ~a is ~a" (subseq (citp-flag-name index) 5) (if (citp-flag index) "on" "off"))))
314 ;;; help-citp-flag : index
315 ;;;
316 (defun help-citp-flag (index)
317 (let ((flag (citp-flag-struct index)))
318 flag))
320 ;;; flag initialization
321 ;;;
322 (defun initialize-citp-flag ()
323 (dotimes (idx *citp-max-flags*)
324 (setf (citp-flag-struct idx) (make-citp-flag-struct :value nil)))
325 (setf (citp-flag-name citp-all) "citp-all"
326 (citp-flag-name citp-verbose) "citp-verbose"
327 (citp-flag-name citp-show-rwl) "citp-show-rwl"
328 (citp-flag-name citp-spoiler) "citp-spoiler"
329 (citp-flag-name citp-print-message) "citp-print-message")
330 ;; set default
331 (setf (citp-flag citp-print-message) t) ; others are 'off'
332 ;; verbose flag hook
333 (setf (citp-flag-hook citp-verbose)
334 #'(lambda (name value)
335 (declare (ignore name))
336 (setf *citp-verbose* value)))
337 ;; show-rwl hook
338 (setf (citp-flag-hook citp-show-rwl)
339 #'(lambda (name value)
340 (declare (ignore name))
341 (setf *citp-show-rwl* value)))
342 ;; citp-spoiler hook
343 (setf (citp-flag-hook citp-spoiler)
344 #'(lambda (name value)
345 (declare (ignore name))
346 (setf *citp-spoiler* value)))
347 )
349 (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel)
350 (initialize-citp-flag)
351 )
353 ;;; messaing when :verbose on
354 ;;;
355 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
357 (defmacro when-citp-verbose (&rest body)
358 `(when *citp-verbose*
359 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
360 (*print-line-limit* 90))
361 (declare (type fixnum *print-indent* *print-line-limit*))
362 ,@body)))
364 )
366 ;;; citp standard running env.
367 ;;;
368 (defvar *citp-silent* t)
369 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
370 (defmacro with-citp-env (&rest body)
371 `(if *citp-silent*
372 (let ((*chaos-quiet* t)
373 (*rwl-search-no-state-report*
374 (if *citp-show-rwl*
375 nil
376 t)))
377 ,@body)
378 (progn
379 ,@body)))
380 )
144382 ;;; for debugging
145383 ;;;
146384 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute :load-toplevel)
148386 (defmacro with-citp-debug (&rest body)
149387 `(when *debug-citp*
150388 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
151 (*print-line-limit* 90))
389 (*print-line-limit* 90))
152390 (declare (type fixnum *print-indent* *print-line-limit*))
153391 ,@body)))
161399 ;;; it holds all the information about a goal.
162400 ;;;
163401 (defstruct (goal (:print-function pr-goal))
164 (name "" :type string) ; the name of the goal, we will refer
165 ; this goal by this name
166 (context nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
167 (constants nil :type list) ; list of (var . constant) introduced for TC/CA/SI
168 (ind-constants nil :type list) ; list of constants introduced for induction
169 (indvars nil :type list) ; list of induction variables
170 (assumptions nil :type list) ; list of hypothesis
171 (tactic nil :type (or null tactic)) ; tactic which derived this goal
172 (targets nil :type list) ; axioms to be proved
173 (proved nil :type list) ; proved targets
174 (critical-pairs nil :type list) ; list of critical pairs not yet axiomatized
402 (name "" :type string) ; the name of the goal, we will refer
403 ; this goal by this name
404 (context nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
405 (constants nil :type list) ; list of (var . constant) introduced for TC/CA/SI
406 (ind-constants nil :type list) ; list of constants introduced for induction
407 (indvars nil :type list) ; list of induction variables
408 (skolems nil :type list) ; list of skolem functions
409 (assumptions nil :type list) ; list of hypothesis
410 (tactic nil :type (or null tactic)) ; tactic which derived this goal
411 (targets nil :type list) ; axioms to be proved
412 (proved nil :type list) ; proved targets
413 (critical-pairs nil :type list) ; list of critical pairs not yet axiomatized
414 (defs nil :type list) ; list of :defined tactics
175415 )
177417 (defun goal-is-discharged (goal)
184424 (defun pr-goal (goal &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
185425 (declare (type goal goal)
186 (type stream stream)
187 (ignore ignore))
426 (type stream stream)
427 (ignore ignore))
188428 (let ((*print-line-limit* 80)
189 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
429 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
190430 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
191431 (if (goal-tactic goal)
192 (format stream "~%~a=>~%:goal { ** ~a -----------------------------------------"
193 (goal-tactic goal) (goal-name goal))
194 (format stream "~%:goal { ** ~a -----------------------------------------"
195 (goal-name goal)))
432 (format stream "~%~a=>~%:goal { ** ~a -----------------------------------------"
433 (goal-tactic goal) (goal-name goal))
434 (format stream "~%:goal { ** ~a -----------------------------------------"
435 (goal-name goal)))
196436 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
197 (v-consts (goal-constants goal))
198 (i-consts (goal-ind-constants goal))
199 (ass (goal-assumptions goal))
200 (vs (goal-indvars goal))
201 (axs (goal-targets goal))
202 (proved (goal-proved goal))
203 (discharged (goal-is-discharged goal)))
204 (print-next)
205 (format stream "-- context module: ~a"
206 (get-module-simple-name (ptree-context *proof-tree*)))
207 (when proved
208 (print-next)
209 (format stream "-- discharged axiom~p" (length proved))
210 (dolist (pv proved)
211 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
212 (print-next)
213 (print-axiom-brief pv) (princ " ."))))
214 (when vs
215 (print-next)
216 (format stream "-- induction variable~p" (length vs))
217 (dolist (v vs)
218 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
219 (print-next)
220 (term-print-with-sort v))))
221 (when v-consts
222 (print-next)
223 (format stream "-- introduced constant~p" (length v-consts))
224 (dolist (const (reverse v-consts))
225 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
226 (print-next)
227 (print-method-brief (term-head (cdr const))))))
228 (when i-consts
229 (print-next)
230 (format stream "-- constant~p for induction" (length i-consts))
231 (dolist (ic (reverse i-consts))
232 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
233 (print-next)
234 (print-method-brief (term-head (cdr ic))))))
235 (when ass
236 (print-next)
237 (format stream "-- introduced axiom~p" (length ass))
238 (dolist (as ass)
239 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
240 (print-next)
241 (print-axiom-brief as) (princ " ."))))
242 (when axs
243 (print-next)
244 (format stream "-- sentence~p to be proved" (length axs))
245 (dolist (ax axs)
246 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
247 (print-next)
248 (print-axiom-brief ax) (princ " ."))))
249 (format stream "~%}")
250 (if discharged
251 (format t " << proved >>"))))))
437 (v-consts (goal-constants goal))
438 (i-consts (goal-ind-constants goal))
439 (skolems (goal-skolems goal))
440 (ass (goal-assumptions goal))
441 (vs (goal-indvars goal))
442 (axs (goal-targets goal))
443 (proved (goal-proved goal))
444 (discharged (goal-is-discharged goal)))
445 (print-next)
446 (format stream "-- context module: ~a"
447 (get-module-simple-name (ptree-context *proof-tree*)))
448 (when proved
449 (print-next)
450 (format stream "-- discharged sentence~p" (length proved))
451 (dolist (pv proved)
452 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
453 (print-next)
454 (print-axiom-brief pv) (princ " ."))))
455 (when vs
456 (print-next)
457 (format stream "-- induction variable~p" (length vs))
458 (dolist (v vs)
459 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
460 (print-next)
461 (term-print-with-sort v))))
462 (when v-consts
463 (print-next)
464 (format stream "-- introduced constant~p" (length v-consts))
465 (dolist (const (reverse v-consts))
466 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
467 (print-next)
468 (print-method-brief (term-head (cdr const))))))
469 (when i-consts
470 (print-next)
471 (format stream "-- constant~p for induction" (length i-consts))
472 (dolist (ic (reverse i-consts))
473 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
474 (print-next)
475 (print-method-brief (term-head (cdr ic))))))
476 (when skolems
477 (print-next)
478 (format stream "-- introduced skolem function~p" (length skolems))
479 (dolist (sk skolems)
480 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
481 (print-next)
482 (print-method-brief sk))))
483 (when ass
484 (print-next)
485 (format stream "-- introduced axiom~p" (length ass))
486 (dolist (as ass)
487 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
488 (print-next)
489 (print-axiom-brief as) (princ " ."))))
490 (when axs
491 (print-next)
492 (format stream "-- sentence~p to be proved" (length axs))
493 (dolist (ax axs)
494 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
495 (print-next)
496 (print-axiom-brief ax) (princ " ."))))
497 (format stream "~%}")
498 (if discharged
499 (format t " << proved >>"))))))
501 ;;; the-goal-needs-undo : goal -> bool
502 ;;; returns t iff the goal is generated by :defined :ctf- or :csp-
503 ;;;
504 (defun the-goal-needs-undo (goal)
505 (declare (type goal goal))
506 (let ((goal-tactic (goal-tactic goal)))
507 (and (tactic-ctfp-common-p goal-tactic)
508 (tactic-ctfp-common-minus goal-tactic))))
253510 ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
254511 ;;; PTREE-NODE
255512 ;;; A node of a proof tree. Contains a goal as its datum.
256513 ;;;
257514 (defstruct (ptree-node (:include bdag)
258 (:print-function pr-ptree-node))
259 (num-children 0 :type fixnum) ; number of children
260 (next-child 0 :type fixnum) ; next child to be proved
261 (my-num 0 :type fixnum) ; position in siblings, first = 1
262 (my-name "" :type string) ; name
263 (done nil :type (or null t))) ; t iff the node is dischaged
515 (:print-function pr-ptree-node))
516 (num-children 0 :type fixnum) ; number of children
517 (next-child 0 :type fixnum) ; next child to be proved
518 (my-num 0 :type fixnum) ; position in siblings, first = 1
519 (my-name "" :type string) ; name
520 (done nil :type (or null t))) ; t iff the node is dischaged
265522 (defun pr-ptree-node (ptree-node &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
266523 (declare (type ptree-node ptree-node)
267 (type stream stream)
268 (ignore ignore))
524 (type stream stream)
525 (ignore ignore))
269526 (format stream "[Node] sub nodes = ~d, discharged? = ~a ---------------"
270 (ptree-node-num-children ptree-node)
271 (ptree-node-done ptree-node))
527 (ptree-node-num-children ptree-node)
528 (ptree-node-done ptree-node))
272529 (pr-goal (ptree-node-datum ptree-node) stream))
274531 (defmacro ptree-node-goal (ptree-node)
275532 `(ptree-node-datum ,ptree-node))
277 ;;;
278534 ;;; initialize-ptree-node : ptree-node -> ptree-node
279535 ;;; discard existing child nodes.
280536 ;;;
282538 (unless no-warn
283539 (when (ptree-node-subnodes node)
284540 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
285 (format t "Discarding exsisting ~d node~p"
286 (ptree-node-num-children node)
287 (length (ptree-node-subnodes node))))))
541 (format t "Discarding exsisting ~d node~p"
542 (ptree-node-num-children node)
543 (length (ptree-node-subnodes node))))))
288544 (setf (ptree-node-num-children node) 0
289 (ptree-node-subnodes node) nil)
545 (ptree-node-subnodes node) nil)
290546 node)
292 ;;;
293548 ;;; node-is-discharged? : ptree-node -> Bool
294549 ;;; returns if the node's goal is discharged,
295550 ;;; i.e., own goal has no target axioms to be proved,
298553 (defun node-is-discharged? (node)
299554 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal node)))
300555 (or (null (goal-targets goal))
301 (and (ptree-node-subnodes node)
302 (every #'(lambda (x) (node-is-discharged? x)) (ptree-node-subnodes node))))))
556 (and (ptree-node-subnodes node)
557 (every #'(lambda (x) (node-is-discharged? x)) (ptree-node-subnodes node))))))
304559 ;;; make-it-unproved : ptree-node -> ptree-node'
305560 ;;;
312567 ;;;
313568 (defun make-ptree-goal-name (parent-node my-num)
314569 (declare (type (or null ptree-node) parent-node)
315 (type fixnum my-num))
570 (type fixnum my-num))
316571 (if parent-node
317572 (let ((p-name (goal-name (ptree-node-goal parent-node))))
318 (if (equal p-name "root")
319 (format nil "~d" my-num)
320 (format nil "~a-~d" p-name my-num)))
573 (if (equal p-name "root")
574 (format nil "~d" my-num)
575 (format nil "~a-~d" p-name my-num)))
321576 "root"))
323 ;;;
324578 ;;; context module creator
325579 ;;;
326580 (defparameter .next-context-module. (%module-decl* "next-context-dummy" :object :user nil))
329583 (declare (type string goal-name))
330584 (format nil "#Goal-~a" goal-name))
332 ;;;
333586 ;;; prepare-next-goal : ptree-node -> goal
334587 ;;; prepare next goal structure with associated context module
335588 ;;;
338591 (defun prepare-next-goal (ptree-node &optional (tactic nil))
339592 (let ((goal-name (make-ptree-goal-name ptree-node (incf (ptree-node-num-children ptree-node))))
340 (decl-form (copy-tree .next-context-module.)))
593 (decl-form (copy-tree .next-context-module.)))
341594 (setf (%module-decl-name decl-form) (make-next-context-module-name goal-name))
342595 (let ((next-context (eval-ast decl-form))
343 (cur-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node))
344 (next-goal (make-goal :name goal-name
345 :tactic tactic)))
596 (cur-goal (ptree-node-goal ptree-node))
597 (next-goal (make-goal :name goal-name
598 :tactic tactic)))
346599 ;; goal module is hidden from user
347600 (setf (module-hidden next-context) t)
348601 (push (%module-decl-name decl-form) .goals-so-far.)
350603 (import-module next-context :including (goal-context cur-goal))
351604 ;; inherit current goal
352605 (setf (goal-context next-goal) next-context
353 (goal-constants next-goal) (goal-constants cur-goal)
354 (goal-ind-constants next-goal) (goal-ind-constants cur-goal)
355 (goal-indvars next-goal) (goal-indvars cur-goal)
356 (goal-assumptions next-goal) (goal-assumptions cur-goal))
606 (goal-constants next-goal) (goal-constants cur-goal)
607 (goal-ind-constants next-goal) (goal-ind-constants cur-goal)
608 (goal-indvars next-goal) (goal-indvars cur-goal)
609 (goal-skolems next-goal) (goal-skolems cur-goal)
610 (goal-assumptions next-goal) (goal-assumptions cur-goal)
611 (goal-defs next-goal) (goal-defs cur-goal))
357612 (prepare-for-parsing next-context)
358613 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil) ; we reset the next default target
359614 next-goal)))
361 ;;;
362616 ;;; give-goal-name-each-in-order : ptree-node List(goal) -> void
363617 ;;; this is used for renaming goals and their context modules
364618 ;;; after applied a tactic.
366620 (defun give-goal-name-each-in-order (parent-node list-goals)
367621 (dolist (goal list-goals)
368622 (let* ((gname (make-ptree-goal-name parent-node (incf (ptree-node-num-children parent-node))))
369 (mod-name (make-next-context-module-name gname)))
623 (mod-name (make-next-context-module-name gname)))
370624 (setf (goal-name goal) gname)
371625 (setf (module-name (goal-context goal)) mod-name))))
373 ;;;
374627 ;;; make-ptree-root : module goal -> ptree-node
375628 ;;;
376629 (defun make-ptree-root (context-module initial-goals)
377630 (declare (type module context-module)
378 (type list initial-goals))
631 (type list initial-goals))
379632 (let ((root-node (make-ptree-node :subnodes nil :parent nil)))
380 (setf (ptree-node-goal root-node) (make-goal :name (make-ptree-goal-name nil (ptree-node-my-num root-node))
381 :context context-module
382 :targets initial-goals))
633 (setf (ptree-node-goal root-node)
634 (make-goal :name (make-ptree-goal-name nil (ptree-node-my-num root-node))
635 :context context-module
636 :skolems (reverse (module-skolem-functions context-module))
637 :targets initial-goals))
383638 root-node))
385 ;;;
386640 ;;; add-ptree-child : ptree-node module List(axiom) -> List(goal)
387641 ;;;
388642 (defun add-ptree-child (parent-node child-goal)
389643 (declare (type ptree-node parent-node)
390 (type goal child-goal))
644 (type goal child-goal))
391645 (setf (ptree-node-subnodes parent-node)
392646 (nconc (ptree-node-subnodes parent-node)
393 (list (make-ptree-node :datum child-goal
394 :my-num (ptree-node-num-children parent-node)
395 :subnodes nil
396 :parent parent-node)))))
647 (list (make-ptree-node :datum child-goal
648 :my-num (ptree-node-num-children parent-node)
649 :subnodes nil
650 :parent parent-node)))))
398652 ;;; add-ptree-children : ptree-node List(goal) -> ptree-node'
399653 ;;; add node of given goals as a child of the node.
402656 ;;;
403657 (defun add-ptree-children (parent-node list-goals)
404658 (declare (type ptree-node parent-node)
405 (type list list-goals))
659 (type list list-goals))
406660 (initialize-ptree-node parent-node t)
407661 ;; give names to goals
408662 (give-goal-name-each-in-order parent-node list-goals)
417671 (unless parent (return-from get-ptree-root ptree-node))
418672 (get-ptree-root parent)))
674 ;;; ptree utils
675 ;;;
677 ;;; the-node-needs-undo
678 ;;; returns t iff the node is generated by :def(ined)
679 ;;; :ctf- or :csp-
680 (defun the-node-needs-undo (node)
681 (declare (type ptree-node node))
682 (the-goal-needs-undo (ptree-node-goal node)))
684 ;;; parent-nedds-undo
685 ;;; returns t iff the parent node is generated by :def(ined)
686 ;;; :ctf- or :csp-
687 ;;;
688 (defun parent-needs-undo (pnode)
689 (declare (type (or null ptree-node) pnode))
690 (let ((node (ptree-node-parent pnode)))
691 (unless node (return-from parent-needs-undo nil))
692 (the-node-needs-undo node)))
421694 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
422695 ;;; PTREE : proof tree
423696 ;;; whole proof tree structure.
424697 ;;;
425698 (defstruct (ptree (:print-function pr-ptree))
426 (context nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
427 (num-gen-const 0 :type fixnum) ; number of generated constants so far
699 (context nil :type (or null module)) ; context module
700 (num-gen-const 0 :type fixnum) ; number of generated constants so far
701 (num-gen-const-ind 0 :type fixnum) ; number of generated constants for induction so far
428702 (root nil :type (or null ptree-node)) ; root goal
429703 (indvar-subst nil :type list)
430704 (var-subst nil :type list)
705 (defs-so-far nil :type list) ; :defined name so far
431706 )
433708 (defun pr-ptree (ptree &optional (stream *standard-output*) &rest ignore)
434709 (declare (type ptree ptree)
435 (type stream stream)
436 (ignore ignore))
710 (type stream stream)
711 (ignore ignore))
437712 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
438713 (format t "~%Proof Tree ===================================")
439714 (format t "~%-- number of generated constants: ~d" (ptree-num-gen-const ptree))
440715 (format t "~%-- induction variable bases:")
441716 (with-in-module ((goal-context (ptree-node-goal (ptree-root ptree))))
442717 (let ((indvar-subst (ptree-indvar-subst ptree))
443 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
444 (if indvar-subst
445 (dolist (is indvar-subst)
446 (print-next)
447 (term-print-with-sort (car is))
448 (princ " => ")
449 (princ (cdr is)))
450 (progn (print-next) (princ "none" stream))))
718 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
719 (if indvar-subst
720 (dolist (is indvar-subst)
721 (print-next)
722 (term-print-with-sort (car is))
723 (princ " => ")
724 (princ (cdr is)))
725 (progn (print-next) (princ "none" stream))))
451726 (format stream "~%-- introduced constants:")
452727 (let ((var-subst (ptree-var-subst ptree))
453 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
454 (if var-subst
455 (dolist (is var-subst)
456 (print-next)
457 (term-print-with-sort (car is))
458 (princ " => ")
459 (princ (cdr is)))
460 (progn (print-next) (princ "none" stream))))
728 (*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
729 (if var-subst
730 (dolist (is var-subst)
731 (print-next)
732 (term-print-with-sort (car is))
733 (princ " => ")
734 (princ (cdr is)))
735 (progn (print-next) (princ "none" stream))))
461736 (format stream "~%-- root node")
462737 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal (ptree-root ptree))))))
464739 (defun reset-proof (ptree)
465740 (setf (ptree-num-gen-const ptree) 0
466 (ptree-indvar-subst ptree) nil
467 (ptree-var-subst ptree) nil))
741 (ptree-indvar-subst ptree) nil
742 (ptree-var-subst ptree) nil))
744 (defun existing-def-name? (ptree name)
745 (setq name (canonicalize-tactic-name name))
746 (member name (ptree-defs-so-far ptree) :test #'equal))
469748 ;;; intro-const-returns-subst : module name variable -> (variable . constant-term)
470749 ;;; introduces a new constant of sort(variable) into a module.
473752 (defun intro-const-returns-subst (module name variable)
474753 (multiple-value-bind (op meth)
475754 (declare-operator-in-module (list name)
476 nil ; arity
477 (variable-sort variable) ; coarity
478 module ;
479 nil ; constructor?
480 nil ; behavioural? always nil.
481 nil ; not coherent
482 )
755 nil ; arity
756 (variable-sort variable) ; coarity
757 module ;
758 nil ; constructor?
759 nil ; behavioural? always nil.
760 nil ; not coherent
761 )
483762 (declare (ignore op))
484 (prepare-for-parsing module t t) ; force
763 (prepare-for-parsing module t t) ; force
485764 (cons variable (make-applform-simple (variable-sort variable) meth nil))))
487 ;;;
488766 ;;; make-tc-const-name : proof-tree prefix -> string
489767 ;;;
490 #||
491 (defun make-tc-const-name (variable)
492 (format nil "~:@(~a~)@~a-~d" (variable-name variable) (sort-name (variable-sort variable))
493 (incf (ptree-num-gen-const *proof-tree*))))
494 ||#
496768 (defun make-tc-const-name (variable)
497769 (format nil "~:@(~a~)@~a" (variable-name variable)
498 (string (sort-name (variable-sort variable)))))
500 ;;;
770 (string (sort-name (variable-sort variable)))))
501772 ;;; variable->constant : goal variable -> term
502773 ;;;
503774 (defun find-variable-subst-in (alist variable)
509780 (defun variable->constant (goal variable)
510781 (let ((vc-assoc (find-variable-subst-in (goal-constants goal) variable)))
511782 (or (cdr vc-assoc)
512 (let ((name (cdr (find-variable-subst-in (ptree-var-subst *proof-tree*) variable)))
513 (v-const nil))
514 (unless name
515 (setq name (make-tc-const-name variable))
516 (push (cons variable name) (ptree-var-subst *proof-tree*)))
517 (setq v-const (intro-const-returns-subst (goal-context goal)
518 name
519 variable))
520 (push v-const (goal-constants goal))
521 (cdr v-const)))))
523 ;;;
783 (let ((name (cdr (find-variable-subst-in (ptree-var-subst *proof-tree*) variable)))
784 (v-const nil))
785 (unless name
786 (setq name (make-tc-const-name variable))
787 (push (cons variable name) (ptree-var-subst *proof-tree*)))
788 (setq v-const (intro-const-returns-subst (goal-context goal)
789 name
790 variable))
791 (push v-const (goal-constants goal))
792 (cdr v-const)))))
524794 ;;; variable->constructor : goal variable op -> term
525795 ;;;
526 #||
527 (defun make-ind-const-name (name-prefix)
528 (format nil "~a#~d" name-prefix (incf (ptree-num-gen-const *proof-tree*))))
529 ||#
531796 (defun make-ind-const-name (name-prefix sort)
532797 (format nil "~a#~a" (string name-prefix) (string (sort-name sort))))
534799 (defun variable->constructor (goal variable &key (sort nil) (op nil))
535 (let ((svar (if sort
536 (make-variable-term sort (intern (format nil "~a_~a" (variable-name variable) (sort-name sort))))
537 variable)))
538 (flet ((make-iv-const (name)
539 (if op
540 (let ((constant (make-applform-simple (method-coarity op) op nil)))
541 (push (cons variable constant) (goal-ind-constants goal))
542 constant)
543 (let ((con (intro-const-returns-subst (goal-context goal)
544 name
545 svar)))
546 (push con (goal-ind-constants goal))
547 (cdr con)))))
548 (let ((v-assoc (find-variable-subst-in (goal-ind-constants goal) svar)))
549 (or (cdr v-assoc)
550 (let ((v-name (cdr (find-variable-subst-in (ptree-indvar-subst *proof-tree*) svar)))
551 (vconst nil))
552 (unless v-name
553 (setq v-name (make-ind-const-name (variable-name variable)
554 (or sort (variable-sort svar)))))
555 (setq vconst (make-iv-const v-name))
556 (pushnew (cons svar v-name) (ptree-indvar-subst *proof-tree*) :test #'equal)
557 vconst))))))
800 (let ((svar (if sort
801 (make-variable-term sort (intern (format nil "~a_~a"
802 (variable-name variable)
803 (sort-name sort))))
804 variable)))
805 (flet ((make-iv-const (name)
806 (if op
807 (let ((constant (make-applform-simple (method-coarity op) op nil)))
808 (push (cons variable constant) (goal-ind-constants goal))
809 constant)
810 (let ((con (intro-const-returns-subst (goal-context goal)
811 name
812 svar)))
813 (push con (goal-ind-constants goal))
814 (cdr con)))))
815 (let ((v-assoc (find-variable-subst-in (goal-ind-constants goal) svar)))
816 (or (cdr v-assoc)
817 (let ((v-name (cdr (find-variable-subst-in (ptree-indvar-subst *proof-tree*) svar)))
818 (vconst nil))
819 (unless v-name
820 (setq v-name (make-ind-const-name (variable-name variable)
821 (or sort (variable-sort svar)))))
822 (setq vconst (make-iv-const v-name))
823 (pushnew (cons svar v-name) (ptree-indvar-subst *proof-tree*) :test #'equal)
824 vconst))))))
827 ;;; allow citp to represent the goal sentence in FOPLE-SENTENCE
828 (defun skolemize-if-need (fax)
829 (unless (eq (axiom-type fax) :pignose-axiom)
830 (return-from skolemize-if-need fax))
831 (with-citp-debug ()
832 (format t "~%[skolemize]: ")
833 (print-axiom-brief fax))
834 (let* ((sentence (axiom-lhs fax))
835 (type (fopl-sentence-type sentence))
836 (*sk-function-num* nil))
837 (declare (type symbol type)
838 (special *sk-function-num*))
839 (when (and (memq type '(:eq :beq))
840 (term-is-lisp-form? (term-arg-2 sentence)))
841 (return-from skolemize-if-need fax))
842 ;; normalize quantified formula
843 ;; \Q[]S --> \Q[v1]\Q[v2]...\Q[vn]S
844 (normalize-quantifiers sentence)
845 ;; convert to NNF(negation normal form.)
846 (setq sentence (neg-normal-form sentence))
847 ;; skolemization -- eliminate \Es
848 (skolemize sentence)
849 ;; skolemize may introduce new operators.
850 (prepare-for-parsing *current-module*)
851 ;; eliminate quantifiers -- eliminate \As
852 (zap-quantifiers sentence)
853 ;; convert to CNF(conjunctive normal form).
854 (conj-normal-form sentence)
855 ;; make it an equation
856 (let ((ax (make-rule :lhs sentence
857 :rhs *bool-true*
858 :condition *bool-true*
859 :labels (axiom-labels fax)
860 :behavioural (axiom-is-behavioural fax)
861 :type :equation)))
862 (adjoin-axiom-to-module *current-module* ax)
863 ax)))
559865 ;;;
560866 ;;; initialize-proof-tree : module goal -> ptree
561867 ;;;
562868 (defun initialize-proof-tree (context-module goal-module initial-goals)
563 (let ((root (make-ptree-root goal-module initial-goals)))
564 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
565 (make-ptree :root root :context context-module)))
869 (with-in-module (goal-module)
870 (let ((*sk-function-num* nil))
871 (declare (special *sk-function-num*))
872 (let* ((targets (mapcar #'skolemize-if-need initial-goals))
873 (root (make-ptree-root goal-module targets)))
874 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
875 (make-ptree :root root :context context-module)))))
567877 ;;;
568878 ;;; check-success : ptree -> Bool
572882 (when unp
573883 (format t "~%>> Next target goal is ~s." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal (car unp))))
574884 (setq *next-default-proof-node* (car unp))
575 (format t "~%>> Remaining ~d goal~p." (length unp) (length unp))
885 (format t "~%>> Remaining ~d goal~p.~%" (length unp) (length unp))
576886 (return-from check-success nil))
577887 (format t "~%** All goals are successfully discharged.~%")
578888 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
585895 (defun roll-back (ptree)
586896 (declare (type ptree ptree))
587897 (let* ((current-target (get-next-proof-context ptree))
588 (parent (and current-target (ptree-node-parent current-target))))
898 (parent (and current-target (ptree-node-parent current-target))))
589899 (unless parent
590900 (format t "~%**> :roll back, already at root.")
591901 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
592902 (return-from roll-back nil))
593903 (setf (ptree-node-subnodes parent) nil
594 (ptree-node-num-children parent) 0
595 (ptree-node-next-child parent) 0)
904 (ptree-node-num-children parent) 0
905 (ptree-node-next-child parent) 0)
596906 (format t "~%**> :roll back")
597907 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
598908 (setq current-target (get-next-proof-context ptree))
605915 ;;;
606916 (defun find-goal-node (ptree name)
607917 (declare (type ptree ptree)
608 (type string name))
918 (type string name))
609919 (dag-wfs (ptree-root ptree)
610 #'(lambda (n) (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal n)))
611 (when (string= (goal-name goal) name)
612 (return-from find-goal-node n))))))
920 #'(lambda (n) (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal n)))
921 (when (string= (goal-name goal) name)
922 (return-from find-goal-node n))))))
614924 ;;;
615925 ;;; print-named-goal : name -> void
620930 (format t "There is no proof tree.")
621931 (return-from print-named-goal nil)))
622932 (let ((goal-node (if name
623 (find-goal-node ptree name)
624 (if (next-proof-target-is-specified?)
625 (get-next-proof-context ptree)
626 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-goal)
627 (format t "No default goal is specified."))))))
933 (find-goal-node ptree name)
934 (if (next-proof-target-is-specified?)
935 (get-next-proof-context ptree)
936 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-goal)
937 (format t "No default goal is specified."))))))
628938 (unless goal-node
629939 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-goal)
630 (format t "No such goal with the name ~s" name)))
940 (format t "No such goal with the name ~s" name)))
631941 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal goal-node))))
633943 ;;;
636946 (defun get-unproved-nodes (ptree)
637947 (let ((nodes nil))
638948 (dag-dfs (ptree-root ptree)
639 #'(lambda (x) (unless (or (ptree-node-subnodes x) (goal-is-discharged (ptree-node-goal x)))
640 (push x nodes))))
949 #'(lambda (x) (unless (or (ptree-node-subnodes x) (goal-is-discharged (ptree-node-goal x)))
950 (push x nodes))))
641951 (nreverse nodes)))
643 ;;;
644953 ;;; get-unproved-goals : ptree -> List(goal)
645954 ;;;
646955 (defun get-unproved-goals (ptree)
647956 (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (ptree-node-goal y)) (get-unproved-nodes ptree)))
649 ;;;
650958 ;;; print-unproved-goals
651959 ;;;
652960 (defun print-unproved-goals (ptree &optional (stream *standard-output*))
657965 (dolist (goal (get-unproved-goals ptree))
658966 (pr-goal goal stream)))
660 ;;;
661968 ;;; get-next-pfoof-context : ptree -> ptree-node
662969 ;;;
663970 (defun get-next-proof-context (ptree)
667974 (defun next-proof-target-is-specified? ()
668975 *next-default-proof-node*)
977 ;;; get-target-goal-node
978 ;;; given goal-name or NULL, returns the next targetted goal node.
979 ;;;
980 (defun get-target-goal-node (&optional goal-name)
981 (let ((next-goal-node (if goal-name
982 (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)
983 (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*))))
984 (unless next-goal-node
985 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-target)
986 (if goal-name
987 (format t "Could not find the goal ~s." goal-name)
988 (format t "No default target goal."))))
989 next-goal-node))
670991 ;;;
671992 ;;; select-next-goal : goal-name
676997 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-proof-tree)
677998 (format t "No proof is ongoing.")))
678999 (cond ((string= goal-name ".")
679 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
680 (let ((next (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
681 (format t "~%:select resetting next default target ...")
682 (unless next
683 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
684 (format t "There is no unproved goal.")
685 (return-from select-next-goal nil)))
686 (format t "~%>> next default-goal is ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal next)))))
687 (t (let ((node (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)))
688 (unless node
689 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-goal)
690 (format t "No such goal ~s" goal-name)))
691 (when (node-is-discharged? node)
692 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
693 (format t "The goal ~s is alreaday discharged." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal node)))
694 (print-next)
695 (format t "This will discard the current status of the goal."))
696 (make-it-unproved node))
697 (setq *next-default-proof-node* node)
698 (when (eq node (ptree-root *proof-tree*))
699 (reset-proof *proof-tree*))
700 (format t "~%>> setting next default goal to ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal node)))
701 node))))
1000 (setq *next-default-proof-node* nil)
1001 (let ((next (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
1002 (format t "~%:select resetting next default target ...")
1003 (unless next
1004 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1005 (format t "There is no unproved goal.")
1006 (return-from select-next-goal nil)))
1007 (format t "~%>> next default-goal is ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal next)))))
1008 (t (let ((node (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)))
1009 (unless node
1010 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-goal)
1011 (format t "No such goal ~s" goal-name)))
1012 (when (node-is-discharged? node)
1013 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1014 (format t "The goal ~s is alreaday discharged." (goal-name (ptree-node-goal node)))
1015 (print-next)
1016 (format t "This will discard the current status of the goal."))
1017 (make-it-unproved node))
1018 (setq *next-default-proof-node* node)
1019 (when (eq node (ptree-root *proof-tree*))
1020 (reset-proof *proof-tree*))
1021 (format t "~%>> setting next default goal to ~s" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal node)))
1022 node))))
1024 ;;; Getting TACTIC
1025 ;;; get-tactic : name -> LIST(tactic)
1026 ;;;
1027 (defun get-tactic (name)
1028 (let ((context (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
1029 (let ((tactic (or (and context (get-defined-tactic (ptree-node-goal context) name))
1030 (get-builtin-tactic name))))
1031 (unless tactic
1032 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-tactic)
1033 (format t "No such tactic is defined with the name ~s" name)))
1034 (if (atom tactic)
1035 (list tactic)
1036 tactic))))
7031038 ;;; ====================
7121047 ;;; for LE check
7131048 ;; (defvar .int-module. nil)
714 (defvar .ls-pat. nil) ; X < Y
715 (defvar .le-pat. nil) ; X <= Y
1049 (defvar .ls-pat. nil) ; X < Y
1050 (defvar .le-pat. nil) ; X <= Y
7171052 (defun prepare-root-context (root-module context-module)
7181053 (unless .int-module.
7191054 (setq .int-module. (eval-modexp "INT"))
7201055 (with-in-module (.int-module.)
7211056 (let ((less (find-operator '("_" "<" "_") 2 .int-module.))
722 (le (find-operator '("_" "<=" "_") 2 .int-module.))
723 (less-m nil)
724 (le-m nil)
725 (var-x nil)
726 (var-y nil)
727 (int-sort (find-sort-in .int-module. '|Int|)))
728 (setq less-m (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods less))))
729 (setq le-m (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods le))))
730 (setq var-x (make-variable-term int-sort 'X))
731 (setq var-y (make-variable-term int-sort 'Y))
732 (setq .ls-pat. (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* less-m (list var-x var-y)))
733 (setq .le-pat. (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* le-m (list var-x var-y))))))
1057 (le (find-operator '("_" "<=" "_") 2 .int-module.))
1058 (less-m nil)
1059 (le-m nil)
1060 (var-x nil)
1061 (var-y nil)
1062 (int-sort (find-sort-in .int-module. '|Int|)))
1063 (setq less-m (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods less))))
1064 (setq le-m (lowest-method* (car (opinfo-methods le))))
1065 (setq var-x (make-variable-term int-sort 'X))
1066 (setq var-y (make-variable-term int-sort 'Y))
1067 (setq .ls-pat. (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* less-m (list var-x var-y)))
1068 (setq .le-pat. (make-applform-simple *bool-sort* le-m (list var-x var-y))))))
7341069 (import-module root-module :protecting context-module)
7351070 (import-module root-module :protecting .int-module.)
7361071 (compile-module root-module t))
7381073 (defun begin-proof (context-module goal-axioms)
7391074 (declare (type module context-module)
740 (type list goal-axioms))
1075 (type list goal-axioms))
7411076 (unless goal-axioms (return-from begin-proof nil))
7421077 (let* ((*chaos-quiet* t)
743 (root-module (eval-ast .root-context-module.)))
1078 (root-module (eval-ast .root-context-module.)))
7441079 (setf (module-hidden root-module) t)
7451080 (prepare-root-context root-module context-module)
7461081 (when .goals-so-far.
7471082 (setq *modules-so-far-table* (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
748 (member (car x) .goals-so-far. :test #'equal))
749 *modules-so-far-table*))
1083 (member (car x) .goals-so-far. :test #'equal))
1084 *modules-so-far-table*))
7501085 (setq .goals-so-far. nil))
7511086 (setq *proof-tree* (initialize-proof-tree context-module root-module goal-axioms))
7521087 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal (ptree-root *proof-tree*)))
7541089 (setq *next-default-proof-node* (ptree-root *proof-tree*))
7551090 *proof-tree*))
757 ;;;
1092 ;;; --------
1093 ;;; PRiNTERS
1094 ;;; --------
7581096 ;;; print-proof-tree
7591097 ;;;
1098 (defvar *show-proof-mode* :horizontal)
7601100 (defun print-proof-tree (goal-name &optional (describe nil))
7611101 (unless *proof-tree*
7621102 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
7631103 (format t "There is no proof tree.")
7641104 (return-from print-proof-tree nil)))
7651105 (let ((target-node (if goal-name
766 (or (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)
767 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-goal)
768 (format t "No goal with the name ~s." goal-name)))
769 (ptree-root *proof-tree*))))
1106 (or (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)
1107 (with-output-chaos-error ('no-such-goal)
1108 (format t "No goal with the name ~s." goal-name)))
1109 (ptree-root *proof-tree*))))
7701110 (if describe
771 (describe-proof-tree target-node)
772 (!print-proof-tree target-node (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))))
774 (defun !print-proof-tree (root-node next-target &optional (stream *standard-output*))
1111 (describe-proof-tree target-node)
1112 (!print-proof-tree target-node (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*) *show-proof-mode*))))
1114 (defun !print-proof-tree (root-node next-target mode &optional (stream *standard-output*))
1115 (if (eq mode :horizontal)
1116 (!print-proof-horizontal root-node next-target stream)
1117 (!print-proof-vertical root-node next-target stream)))
1119 (defun !print-proof-vertical (root-node next-target stream)
7751120 (let* ((leaf? #'(lambda (node) (null (dag-node-subnodes node))))
776 (leaf-name #'(lambda (node)
777 (with-output-to-string (s)
778 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal node)))
779 (when (eq node next-target)
780 (princ ">" s))
781 (if (goal-tactic goal)
782 (format s "~a ~a" (goal-tactic goal) (goal-name goal))
783 (princ (goal-name goal) s))
784 (when (node-is-discharged? node)
785 (princ "*" s)))
786 s)))
787 (leaf-info #'(lambda (node) (declare (ignore node)) t))
788 (int-node-name #'(lambda (node) (funcall leaf-name node)))
789 (int-node-children #'(lambda (node) (ptree-node-subnodes node))))
1121 (leaf-name #'(lambda (node)
1122 (with-output-to-string (s)
1123 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal node)))
1124 (when (eq node next-target)
1125 (princ ">" s))
1126 (if (goal-tactic goal)
1127 (format s "[~a] ~a" (tactic-name (goal-tactic goal)) (goal-name goal))
1128 (princ (goal-name goal) s))
1129 (when (node-is-discharged? node)
1130 (princ "*" s)))
1131 s)))
1132 (leaf-info #'(lambda (node) (declare (ignore node)) t))
1133 (int-node-name #'(lambda (node) (funcall leaf-name node)))
1134 (int-node-children #'(lambda (node) (ptree-node-subnodes node))))
7901135 (force-output stream)
7911136 (print-next nil *print-indent* stream)
7921137 (print-trees (list (augment-tree root-node)) stream)))
1139 (defun !print-proof-horizontal (node next-target stream)
1140 (let ((*standard-output* stream))
1141 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal node)))
1142 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
1143 (when (eq node next-target)
1144 (princ ">"))
1145 (if (goal-tactic goal)
1146 (format t "[~a]~6T~a" (tactic-name (goal-tactic goal)) (goal-name goal))
1147 (format t "~a" (goal-name goal)))
1148 (when (node-is-discharged? node)
1149 (princ "*"))))
1150 (let ((subnodes (ptree-node-subnodes node)))
1151 (when subnodes
1152 (let (;; (*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*))
1153 )
1154 (dolist (sub subnodes)
1155 (print-next-prefix #\Space)
1156 (!print-proof-horizontal sub next-target stream)))))))
1159 #||
7941160 (defun describe-proof-tree (node)
7951161 (declare (type ptree-node node))
7961162 (flet ((proved? ()
797 (format nil "~:[unproved~;proved~]" (node-is-discharged? node))))
1163 (format nil "~:[unproved~;proved~]" (node-is-discharged? node))))
7981164 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal node))
799 (*print-line-limit* 80)
800 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
1165 (*print-line-limit* 80)
1166 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
8011167 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
802 (if (goal-tactic goal)
803 (format t "~a=> GOAL(~a) ~a" (goal-tactic goal) (goal-name goal) (proved?))
804 (format t "=> GOAL(~a) ~a" (goal-name goal) (proved?)))
805 (princ " ------------------------")
806 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
807 (print-next)
808 (format t "** context module: ~a" (get-module-simple-name *current-module*))
809 (let ((assumptions (goal-assumptions goal)))
810 (when assumptions
811 (print-next)
812 (format t "** assumption~p" (length assumptions))
813 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
814 (dolist (as assumptions)
815 (print-next)
816 (print-axiom-brief as)))))
817 (let ((proved (goal-proved goal)))
818 (when proved
819 (print-next)
820 (format t "** discharged sentence~p:" (length proved))
821 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
822 (dolist (ax proved)
823 (print-next)
824 (print-axiom-brief ax)))))
825 (let ((targets (goal-targets goal)))
826 (when targets
827 (print-next)
828 (if (node-is-discharged? node)
829 (format t "** targeted sentence~p:" (length targets))
830 (format t "** sentence~p to be proved:" (length targets)))
831 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
832 (dolist (target targets)
833 (print-next)
834 (print-axiom-brief target)))))))
1168 (if (goal-tactic goal)
1169 (format t "[~a]=> GOAL(~a) ~a" (tactic-name (goal-tactic goal)) (goal-name goal) (proved?))
1170 (format t "=> GOAL(~a) ~a" (goal-name goal) (proved?)))
1171 (princ " ------------------------")
1172 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
1173 (print-next)
1174 (format t "** context module: ~a" (get-module-simple-name *current-module*))
1175 (let ((assumptions (goal-assumptions goal)))
1176 (when assumptions
1177 (print-next)
1178 (format t "** assumption~p" (length assumptions))
1179 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
1180 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
1181 (dolist (as assumptions)
1182 (print-next)
1183 (print-axiom-brief as)
1184 (princ " .")))))
1185 (let ((proved (goal-proved goal)))
1186 (when proved
1187 (print-next)
1188 (format t "** discharged sentence~p:" (length proved))
1189 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1190 (dolist (ax proved)
1191 (print-next)
1192 (print-axiom-brief ax)
1193 (princ " .")))))
1194 (let ((targets (goal-targets goal)))
1195 (when targets
1196 (print-next)
1197 (if (node-is-discharged? node)
1198 (format t "** targeted sentence~p:" (length targets))
1199 (format t "** sentence~p to be proved:" (length targets)))
1200 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1201 (dolist (target targets)
1202 (print-next)
1203 (print-axiom-brief target)
1204 (princ " .")))))))
8351205 (let ((subnodes (ptree-node-subnodes node)))
836 (when subnodes
837 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
838 (dolist (sub subnodes)
839 (print-next-prefix #\.)
840 (describe-proof-tree sub))))))))
842 ;;;
1206 (when subnodes
1207 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1208 (dolist (sub subnodes)
1209 (print-next-prefix #\.)
1210 (describe-proof-tree sub))))))))
1211 ||#
1213 (defparameter *proof-indent* 0)
1215 (defun describe-proof-tree (node)
1216 (declare (type ptree-node node))
1217 (flet ((proved? ()
1218 ;; (format nil "~:[unproved~;proved~]" (node-is-discharged? node))
1219 (format nil "~:[ ~;*~]" (node-is-discharged? node))))
1220 (let ((goal (ptree-node-goal node))
1221 (*print-line-limit* 80)
1222 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
1223 (with-in-module ((goal-context goal))
1224 (if (goal-tactic goal)
1225 (format t "[~a]~8T~a~a" (tactic-name (goal-tactic goal)) (goal-name goal) (proved?))
1226 (format t "==> ~a~a" (goal-name goal) (proved?)))
1227 ;; (princ " ------------------------")
1228 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 4 *print-indent*)))
1229 (print-next)
1230 (format t "-- context module: ~a" (get-module-simple-name *current-module*))
1231 (let ((assumptions (goal-assumptions goal)))
1232 (when assumptions
1233 (print-next)
1234 (format t "-- assumption~p" (length assumptions))
1235 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*))
1236 (*print-xmode* :fancy))
1237 (dolist (as assumptions)
1238 (print-next)
1239 (print-axiom-brief as)
1240 (princ " .")))))
1241 (let ((proved (goal-proved goal)))
1242 (when proved
1243 (print-next)
1244 (format t "-- discharged sentence~p:" (length proved))
1245 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1246 (dolist (ax proved)
1247 (print-next)
1248 (print-axiom-brief ax)
1249 (princ " .")))))
1250 (let ((targets (goal-targets goal)))
1251 (when targets
1252 (print-next)
1253 (if (node-is-discharged? node)
1254 (format t "-- targeted sentence~p:" (length targets))
1255 (format t "-- sentence~p to be proved:" (length targets)))
1256 (let ((*print-indent* (+ 2 *print-indent*)))
1257 (dolist (target targets)
1258 (print-next)
1259 (print-axiom-brief target)
1260 (princ " .")))))))
1261 (let ((subnodes (ptree-node-subnodes node)))
1262 (when subnodes
1263 (let ((*print-indent* (+ *proof-indent* *print-indent*)))
1264 (dolist (sub subnodes)
1265 (print-next-prefix #\.)
1266 (describe-proof-tree sub))))))))
8431268 ;;; print-current-goal : mode -> void
8441269 ;;;
8451270 (defun print-current-goal (describe)
8461271 (let ((current (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*)))
8471272 (if current
848 (if describe ; :describe
849 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal current))
850 (format t "~%The current goal is ~a" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal current))))
1273 (if describe ; :describe
1274 (pr-goal (ptree-node-goal current))
1275 (format t "~%The current goal is ~a" (goal-name (ptree-node-goal current))))
8511276 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
852 (format t "All goals have been discharged.")))))
1277 (format t "All goals have been discharged.")))))
1279 ;;; print-defs
1280 ;;;
1281 (defun print-defs (describe &optional goal-name)
1282 (declare (ignore describe))
1283 (let ((current (if goal-name
1284 (find-goal-node *proof-tree* goal-name)
1285 (get-next-proof-context *proof-tree*))))
1286 (if current
1287 (let* ((goal (ptree-node-goal current))
1288 (defs (goal-defs goal)))
1289 (unless defs
1290 (format t "~%The goal ~a has no defs.~%" (goal-name goal))
1291 (return-from print-defs nil))
1292 (dolist (def defs)
1293 (format t "~a = " (tactic-name def))
1294 (princ def)
1295 (print-next)))
1296 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
1297 (format t "No current goal.")))))
8541300 ;;; EOF
00 ;;;
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
1 ;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2015, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
22 ;;;
33 ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
44 ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
3838 (if (not (equal "" cafeobj-version-memo))
3939 (if (not (equal "" patch-level))
4040 (setq cafeobj-version-minor
41 (format nil "@VMINOR@(~a,~A)"
42 cafeobj-version-memo
43 patch-level))
44 (setq cafeobj-version-minor
45 (format nil "@VMINOR@(~a)" cafeobj-version-memo)))
41 (format nil "@VMINOR@(~a,~A)"
42 cafeobj-version-memo
43 patch-level))
44 (setq cafeobj-version-minor
45 (format nil "@VMINOR@(~a)" cafeobj-version-memo)))
4646 (setq cafeobj-version-minor "@VMINOR@"))
4747 (setq cafeobj-version (concatenate 'string
48 cafeobj-version-major
49 cafeobj-version-minor))
48 cafeobj-version-major
49 cafeobj-version-minor))
5050 )
5151 ;; EOF
11 #
22 # cafeobj wrapper script
33 #
4 # Copyright (c) 2000-2014, Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 # Copyright (c) 2014, Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
4 # Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Toshimi Sawada. All rights reserved.
5 # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Norbert Preining. All rights reserved.
66 #
77 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
88 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
6060 libpath="$binpath/../@LIBPATH@"
6161 sharepath="$binpath/../@SHAREPATH@"
63 dohelp=0
6365 engine=@FIRSTCHOICE@
6567 while [ $# -gt 0 ]
6668 do
6769 key="$1"
6870 case $key in
71 # don't shift away, will be handled by the cafeobj interpreter
72 -h|-help|--help) dohelp=1 ; break ;;
6973 -engine|--engine) shift ; engine="$1" ; shift ;;
7074 -wrapper-libpath|--wrapper-libpath) shift ; libpath="$1" ; shift ;;
7175 -wrapper-sharepath|--wrapper-sharepath) shift ; sharepath="$1" ; shift ;;
8690 *) break ;;
8791 esac
8892 done
94 if [ "$dohelp" = 1 ] ; then
95 echo '
96 Usage: cafeobj [wrapper-options] [options] files ...
98 Wrapper options:
99 -engine NAME select the underlying Common Lisp engine.
100 -list-engines lists all available common lisp engines
101 -wrapper-libpath PATH sets the path to memory dumps
102 -wrapper-sharepath PATH sets the path to CafeOBJ initialization files
103 '
104 fi
90106 case "x$engine" in
91107 xacl)