Codebase list cafeobj / dc843d1
* When applying rule, warning msg will be printed if match method is not yet computed. tswd 8 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 4 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
319319 ;; first we find matching rewrite rule
320320 (funcall (or (rule-first-match-method rule)
321321 (progn
322 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
323 (format t "Internal, no 'matching-mehod' is assigned for:")
324 (print-next)
325 (print-axiom-brief rule))
322 (when *chaos-verbose*
323 (with-output-chaos-warning ()
324 (format t "Internal, no 'matching-mehod' is assigned for:")
325 (print-next)
326 (print-axiom-brief rule)))
326327 (compute-rule-method rule)
327328 (rule-first-match-method rule)))
328329 (rule-lhs rule)