Codebase list ciftilib / 92620ff
a little more documentation Tim Coalson 9 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 4 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4444 namespace cifti
4545 {
46 ///class for retrieving and setting mapping information of cifti files
4647 class CiftiXML
4748 {
4849 public:
1313 #build
1414 make
16 The resulting static libraries and example executable will be in subdirectories of the build directory, not in the source directory.
1618 Troubleshooting:
1820 If you are using manually-installed libraries rather than distribution-packaged libraries, you may need to use the cmake variables CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH and CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH.
2727 //inputFile.convertToInMemory();//if you want to read it into memory first
2828 CiftiFile outputFile;
2929 outputFile.setWritingFile(argv[2]);//sets up on-disk writing with default writing version, from CiftiVersion's default constructor
30 outputFile.setCiftiXML(inputFile.getCiftiXML());
30 outputFile.setCiftiXML(inputFile.getCiftiXML());//the CiftiXML is how you access all the mapping information
3131 const vector<int64_t>& dims = inputFile.getDimensions();
3232 vector<float> scratchRow(dims[0]);//read/write a row at a time
3333 for (MultiDimIterator<int64_t> iter(vector<int64_t>(dims.begin() + 1, dims.end())); !iter.atEnd(); ++iter)