Codebase list clojure / 6bd2156
New upstream version 1.11.1 Rob Browning 1 year, 5 months ago
50 changed file(s) with 2475 addition(s) and 193 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
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55 maven-classpath
77 .idea/
8 *.iml
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8181 <arg value=""/>
8282 <arg value="clojure.reflect"/>
8383 <arg value="clojure.datafy"/>
84 <arg value="clojure.instant"/>
85 <arg value="clojure.uuid"/>
86 <arg value="clojure.core.reducers"/>
87 <arg value="clojure.math"/>
8488 </java>
8589 </target>
100104 <!--<sysproperty key="clojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing" value="true"/>-->
101105 <sysproperty key="" value="${directlinking}"/>
102106 <arg value="clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples"/>
107 <arg value="clojure.test-clojure.proxy.examples"/>
103108 <arg value="clojure.test-clojure.genclass.examples"/>
104109 <arg value="clojure.test-clojure.compilation.load-ns"/>
105110 <arg value="clojure.test-clojure.annotations"/>
112117 unless="maven.test.skip">
113118 <java classname="clojure.main" failonerror="true" fork="true">
114119 <sysproperty key="clojure.test-clojure.exclude-namespaces"
115 value="#{clojure.test-clojure.compilation.load-ns}"/>
120 value="#{clojure.test-clojure.compilation.load-ns clojure.test-clojure.ns-libs-load-later}"/>
116121 <sysproperty key="" value="${directlinking}"/>
117122 <classpath>
118123 <pathelement path="${maven.test.classpath}"/>
00 <!-- -*- mode: markdown ; mode: visual-line ; coding: utf-8 -*- -->
2 # Changes to Clojure in Version 1.11.1
4 * [CLJ-2701](
5 Pin serialVersionUID for Keyword and ArraySeq back to 1.10.3 values to retain binary serialization
7 # Changes to Clojure in Version 1.11.0
9 ## 1 Compatibility
11 ### 1.1 Security
13 Because XML external entity (XXE) attacks can be used to disclose local files using file schemes or relative paths in the system identifier, `clojure.xml/parse` now disables external entity processing by default.
15 See:
17 This change disables the following SAX parser features:
19 * ``
20 * ``
21 * ``
23 If you rely on these features, modify your calls to `clojure.xml/parse` to explicitly
24 supply `startparse-sax` function as the final argument:
25 `(clojure.xml/parse the-string clojure.xml/startparse-sax)`
26 This modification also works on prior Clojure versions.
28 * [CLJ-2611]( clojure.xml now disables XXE processing by default
30 ### 1.2 Dependencies
32 Updated dependencies:
34 * spec.alpha dependency to 0.3.218 - [changes](
35 * core.specs.alpha dependency to 0.2.62 - [changes](
37 ## 2 Features
39 ### 2.1 Keyword argument functions take a trailing map
41 Keyword arguments are optional trailing variadic arguments of the form *akey aval bkey bval...​*.
42 In Clojure 1.11, functions taking keyword arguments can now be passed a map instead of or in addition
43 to and following the key/value pairs. When a lone map is passed, it is used for destructuring, else
44 a trailing map is added to the key/value pair map by `conj`.
46 Also see:
48 * [CLJ-2603]( Clojure keyword argument functions now also accept a map
50 ### 2.2 `:as-alias` in `require`
52 Spec (and other libs) rely on qualified keywords as spec names.
53 Namespace aliasing in `ns` makes long names shorter but required namespaces to be loadable.
54 This change adds `:as-alias` to `require`, which is like `:as` but does not require the namespace to load.
56 * [CLJ-2123]( Add :as-alias option to require like :as but not load
57 * [CLJ-2665]( Fix require with :as and :as-alias to load
59 ## 3 New functions and namespaces
61 ### 3.1 clojure.math and numeric helper functions
63 Added a new clojure.math namespace which provides wrappers for the functions available in java.lang.Math.
64 These functions are narrowed to only `long` and `double` overloads and provide primitive support without reflection.
66 In addition, the following functions were added to clojure.core:
68 * `abs` - absolute value in optimized form for all Clojure numeric types (long, double, ratio, bigint, bigdecimal)
69 * `NaN?` - predicate for doubles to check whether "not a number"
70 * `infinite?` - predicate for doubles to check whether positive or negative infinity
72 * [CLJ-2668]( Add NaN? and infinite? predicates
73 * [CLJ-2664]( Add namespace, wrappers for java.lang.Math
74 * [CLJ-2673]( Add `abs`, and update `min` and `max` to use Math impls when possible
75 * [CLJ-2677]( clojure.math - fix method reflection in bodies and inlines, fix docstrings, renamed
76 * [CLJ-2689]( Fix clojure.math tests to be more tolerant of floating point comparisons
78 ### 3.2 Parser functions
80 Added the following parsing functions to clojure.core:
82 * `parse-double` - parses floating point number, including scientific notation
83 * `parse-long` - parses integer in long range
84 * `parse-boolean` - parses `"true"` or `"false"` to the canonical boolean values
85 * `parse-uuid` - parses a UUID string to java.util.UUID
87 All of these functions expect a string argument and return either the parsed value or `nil` if the value
88 is in invalid format.
90 * [CLJ-2667]( Add functions to parse a single long/double/uuid/boolean from a string
92 ### 3.2 `random-uuid`
94 Added `random-uuid`, a function to construct a random java.util.UUID.
96 * [CLJ-1925]( Add random-uuid
98 ### 3.3 `update-keys` and `update-vals`
100 Added:
102 * `update-keys` - applies a function to every key in a map, `m f => {(f k) v ...}`
103 * `update-vals` - applies a function to every value in a map, `m f => {k (f v) ...}`
105 * [CLJ-1959]( Add implementation of update-keys
106 * [CLJ-2651]( Add implementation of update-vals
108 ### 3.4 `iteration`
110 Added `iteration`, to repeatedly apply a (possibly impure) step function with continuation state.
111 This can be used e.g. to consume APIs that return paginated or batched data.
113 * [CLJ-2555]( Add `iteration` generator function
114 * [CLJ-2690]( Improve `iteration` docstring and arg names
115 * [CLJ-2685]( Fix `iteration` generative test failure
117 ## 4 Fixes
119 ### 4.1 Compiler
121 * [CLJ-2680]( Fix type hinting a primitive local with matching type hint to not error
122 * [CLJ-1180]( Fix resolution of class type hints in `defprotocol`
123 * [CLJ-1973]( Make order of emitted protocol methods in generated classes reproducible
125 ### 4.2 Core
127 * [CLJ-1879]( IKVReduce - make IPersistentMap case faster and extend to Object, detaching it from any fully enumerable set of types
128 * [CLJ-2065]( IKVReduce - add direct support for SubVector
129 * [CLJ-2663]( Fix vector `=` not terminating when called with infinite sequence
130 * [CLJ-2679]( Fix hash collisions in `case` expressions on symbols
131 * [CLJ-2600]( Don't block `realized?` of `delay` on pending result
132 * [CLJ-2649]( Fix order of checks in `some-fn` and `every-pred` for 3 predicate case to match other unrollings
133 * [CLJ-2234]( Fix multimethod preferences to correctly use local hierarchy when it exists
134 * [CLJ-2556]( Fix `into` completion so `halt-when` works
136 ### 4.3 Performance
138 * [CLJ-1808]( `map-invert` should use `reduce-kv` and transient
139 * [CLJ-2621]( Fix unnecessary boxing of unused return in statement context for instance method expr
140 * [CLJ-2670]( Use Math.exact... methods for checked long math ops for performance
141 * [CLJ-2636]( Get rid of reflection on java.util.Properties when defining `*clojure-version*`
142 * [CLJ-1509]( AOT compile clojure.instant, clojure.uuid, clojure.core.reducers in build
144 ### 4.4 Error messages
146 * [CLJ-2529]( Fix incorrect reporting of runtime errors as compiler errors in calls through `Compiler.load()`
147 * [CLJ-2350]( Improve keyword arity exception message
149 ### 4.5 Docstrings
151 * [CLJ-2249]( Clarify `get` docstring regarding sets, strings, arrays, ILookup
152 * [CLJ-2488]( Add definition to `reify` docstring
153 * [CLJ-1360]( Update `clojure.string/split` docstring regarding trailing empty parts
154 * [CLJ-2444]( Fix typo in `test-vars` docstring
155 * [CLJ-2666]( Make Clojure Java API javadoc text match the example
157 ### 4.6 Other enhancements
159 * [CLJ-2493]( - Fix `browse-url` hanging on call to xdg-open
160 * [CLJ-1908]( clojure.test - Add `run-test` and `run-test-var` to run single test with fixtures and report
161 * [CLJ-1379]( clojure.test - Fix quoting of `:actual` form in `:pass` maps
162 * [CLJ-2620]( clojure.server - Fix asymmetric handling of `:exception` `:val`s in `prepl`
163 * [CLJ-2387]( clojure.server - Fix off-by-one in socket server port validation
2166 # Changes to Clojure in Version 1.10.3
clojure.iml less more
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1 <module org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProjectsManager.isMavenModule="true" type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
2 <component name="NewModuleRootManager" LANGUAGE_LEVEL="JDK_1_6" inherit-compiler-output="false">
3 <output url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target/classes" />
4 <output-test url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target/test-classes" />
5 <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
6 <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/jvm" isTestSource="false" />
7 <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test/java" isTestSource="true" />
8 <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/resources" type="java-resource" />
9 <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test/clojure" isTestSource="true" />
10 <sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/src/clj" type="java-resource" />
11 <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/target" />
12 <excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/test-classes" />
13 </content>
14 <orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
15 <orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
16 <orderEntry type="library" scope="PROVIDED" name="Maven: org.codehaus.jsr166-mirror:jsr166y:1.7.0" level="project" />
17 <orderEntry type="library" scope="TEST" name="Maven: org.clojure:test.generative:0.5.2" level="project" />
18 <orderEntry type="library" scope="TEST" name="Maven: org.clojure:tools.namespace:0.2.10" level="project" />
19 <orderEntry type="library" scope="TEST" name="Maven: org.clojure:data.generators:0.1.2" level="project" />
20 <orderEntry type="library" scope="TEST" name="Maven: org.clojure:test.check:0.5.9" level="project" />
21 </component>
22 </module>
0 ;; This code was used to generate the clojure.math namespace in
1 ;; Clojure 1.11 to wrap Java 1.8 java.lang.Math methods. There are
2 ;; many small tweaks in this to get exactly the output that was
3 ;; desired and it was not intended to be reused in any way, it is
4 ;; included here for future reference.
6 (ns gen-math
7 (:require
8 [clojure.reflect :as reflect]
9 [clojure.set :as set]
10 [clojure.string :as str])
11 (:import
12 [ StringWriter Writer]))
14 ;; manually created
15 (declare HEADER)
16 (declare FNS)
17 (declare DOCS)
18 (declare ARGS)
19 (declare ARGTYPES)
21 (def const-template
22 "(def
23 ^{:doc %s
24 :added %s
25 :const true
26 :tag %s}
27 %s
28 %s)\n\n")
30 (defn- emit-constant
31 [^Writer writer {:keys [cname name added type]}]
32 (let [sym (symbol (str cname) (str name))
33 doc (str "\"" (get DOCS (symbol name)) "\"")
34 tag (str "'" type)]
35 (.write writer
36 (format const-template doc (pr-str added) tag name sym))))
38 (def fn-template
39 "(defn %s
40 {:doc %s
41 :inline-arities %s
42 :inline %s
43 :added %s}
44 %s%s
45 %s)\n\n")
47 (defn- clojurize
48 [sym]
49 (or
50 (get '{IEEEremainder IEEE-remainder} sym)
51 (let [s (name sym)]
52 (symbol
53 (str
54 (reduce
55 (fn [^StringBuilder b ^Character c]
56 (if (Character/isUpperCase c)
57 (.. b (append "-") (append (Character/toLowerCase c)))
58 (.append b c)))
59 (StringBuilder.)
60 s))))))
62 (defn- inline-body
63 [params param-types]
64 (str/join " "
65 (map (fn [p pt] (format "(%s ~%s)" pt p))
66 params param-types)))
68 (defn- body
69 [params param-types on-types]
70 (map (fn [p pt] (if (contains? on-types pt) `(~pt ~p) p))
71 params param-types))
73 (defn- emit-fn
74 [^Writer writer {:keys [cname fname sigs]}]
75 (let [sym (symbol (str cname) (str fname))
76 arities (group-by #(-> % :parameter-types count) sigs)
77 arity (-> arities keys first) ;; NOTE: ignore multiple arities, none in Math
78 arity-sigs (get arities arity)
79 cname (clojurize fname)
80 doc (str "\"" (get DOCS cname) "\"")
81 sig (if (= 1 (count arity-sigs)) (first arity-sigs) (get ARGTYPES cname))
82 {pts :parameter-types, rt :return-type} sig
83 ps (get ARGS cname)
84 ;; coerce all args in inline body
85 inline-body (format "(fn %s `(%s%s))" (pr-str ps) (if (< 0 (count ps)) (str sym " ") sym) (inline-body ps pts))
86 ;; ps are hinted, so coerce only ps that can't be hinted - int type
87 body `(~sym ~@(body ps pts #{'int}))
88 rts (if (#{'long 'double} rt) (str "^" rt " ") "")
89 hints (map #(if (#{'long 'double} %) (symbol (str "^" %)) nil) pts)
90 pst (vec (remove nil? (interleave hints ps)))]
91 (.write writer
92 (format fn-template cname doc #{arity} inline-body (pr-str "1.11") rts pst body))))
94 (defn gen-static-wrappers
95 [csym]
96 (let [added "1.11"
97 members (:members (reflect/type-reflect (resolve csym)))
98 statics (filter #(set/subset? #{:public :static} (:flags %)) members)
99 {fs false, ms true} (group-by #(contains? % :return-type) statics)
100 methods (->> ms (filter (fn [m]
101 (or (= 'scalb (:name m))
102 (empty? (set/intersection #{'int 'float} (set (:parameter-types m))))))))
103 by-name (group-by :name methods)
104 writer (StringWriter.)]
105 (.write writer HEADER)
106 (doseq [f fs]
107 (emit-constant writer (merge f {:cname csym, :added added})))
108 (doseq [n FNS]
109 (emit-fn writer {:cname csym, :fname n, :added added, :sigs (get by-name n)}))
110 (spit "src/clj/clojure/math.clj" (str writer))))
112 (comment
113 (gen-static-wrappers 'Math)
114 )
116 ;;;; Manually provided info used during the generator
118 (def ^String HEADER
119 "; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
120 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
121 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
122 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
123 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
124 ; the terms of this license.
125 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
127 (ns
128 ^{:author \"Alex Miller\",
129 :doc \"Clojure wrapper functions for java.lang.Math static methods.
131 Function calls are inlined for performance, and type hinted for primitive
132 long or double parameters where appropriate. In general, Math methods are
133 optimized for performance and have bounds for error tolerance. If
134 greater precision is needed, use java.lang.StrictMath directly instead.
136 For more complete information, see:
138 clojure.math)
140 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
142 ")
144 ;; fns
146 ;; omitted: toIntExact
147 ;; omitted but include in core w/polymorphic impl: abs, min, max
148 (def FNS
149 '[sin cos tan asin acos atan toRadians toDegrees exp log log10
150 sqrt cbrt IEEEremainder ceil floor rint atan2 pow round random
151 addExact subtractExact multiplyExact incrementExact decrementExact negateExact
152 floorDiv floorMod ulp signum sinh cosh tanh hypot expm1 log1p copySign getExponent
153 nextAfter nextUp nextDown scalb])
155 ;; docstrings to use
156 (def DOCS
157 '{
158 E "Constant for e, the base for natural logarithms.\n See:"
159 PI "Constant for pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.\n See:"
160 sin "Returns the sine of an angle.\n If a is ##NaN, ##-Inf, ##Inf => ##NaN\n If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a\n See:"
161 cos "Returns the cosine of an angle.\n If a is ##NaN, ##-Inf, ##Inf => ##NaN\n See:"
162 tan "Returns the tangent of an angle.\n If a is ##NaN, ##-Inf, ##Inf => ##NaN\n If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a\n See:"
163 asin "Returns the arc sine of an angle, in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.\n If a is ##NaN or |a|>1 => ##NaN\n If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a\n See:"
164 acos "Returns the arc cosine of a, in the range 0.0 to pi.\n If a is ##NaN or |a|>1 => ##NaN\n See:"
165 atan "Returns the arc tangent of a, in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2.\n If a is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a\n See:"
166 to-radians "Converts an angle in degrees to an approximate equivalent angle in radians.\n See:"
167 to-degrees "Converts an angle in radians to an approximate equivalent angle in degrees.\n See:"
168 exp "Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a.\n If a is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If a is ##Inf => ##Inf\n If a is ##-Inf => +0.0\n See:"
169 log "Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a.\n If a is ##NaN or negative => ##NaN\n If a is ##Inf => ##Inf\n If a is zero => ##-Inf\n See:"
170 log10 "Returns the logarithm (base 10) of a.\n If a is ##NaN or negative => ##NaN\n If a is ##Inf => ##Inf\n If a is zero => ##-Inf\n See:"
171 sqrt "Returns the positive square root of a.\n If a is ##NaN or negative => ##NaN\n If a is ##Inf => ##Inf\n If a is zero => a\n See:"
172 cbrt "Returns the cube root of a.\n If a is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If a is ##Inf or ##-Inf => a\n If a is zero => zero with sign matching a\n See:"
173 IEEE-remainder "Returns the remainder per IEEE 754 such that\n remainder = dividend - divisor * n\n where n is the integer closest to the exact value of dividend / divisor.\n If two integers are equally close, then n is the even one.\n If the remainder is zero, sign will match dividend.\n If dividend or divisor is ##NaN, or dividend is ##Inf or ##-Inf, or divisor is zero => ##NaN\n If dividend is finite and divisor is infinite => dividend\n See:"
174 ceil "Returns the smallest double greater than or equal to a, and equal to a\n mathematical integer.\n If a is ##NaN or ##Inf or ##-Inf or already equal to an integer => a\n See:"
175 floor "Returns the largest double less than or equal to a, and equal to a\n mathematical integer.\n If a is ##NaN or ##Inf or ##-Inf or already equal to an integer => a\n If a is less than zero but greater than -1.0 => -0.0\n See:"
176 rint "Returns the double closest to a and equal to a mathematical integer.\n If two values are equally close, return the even one.\n If a is ##NaN or ##Inf or ##-Inf or zero => a\n See:"
177 atan2 "Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, theta).\n Computes the phase theta by computing an arc tangent of y/x in the range of -pi to pi.\n For more details on special cases, see:\n"
178 pow "Returns the value of a raised to the power of b.\n For more details on special cases, see:\n"
179 round "Returns the closest long to a. If equally close to two values, return the one\n closer to ##Inf.\n If a is ##NaN => 0\n If a is ##-Inf or < Long/MIN_VALUE => Long/MIN_VALUE\n If a is ##Inf or > Long/MAX_VALUE => Long/MAX_VALUE\n See:"
180 random "Returns a positive double between 0.0 and 1.0, chosen pseudorandomly with\n approximately random distribution.\n See:"
181 add-exact "Returns the sum of x and y, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.\n See:"
182 subtract-exact "Returns the difference of x and y, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.\n See:"
183 multiply-exact "Returns the product of x and y, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.\n See:"
184 increment-exact "Returns a incremented by 1, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.\n See:"
185 decrement-exact "Returns a decremented by 1, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.\n See:"
186 negate-exact "Returns the negation of a, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.\n See:"
187 floor-div "Integer division that rounds to negative infinity (as opposed to zero).\n The special case (floorDiv Long/MIN_VALUE -1) overflows and returns Long/MIN_VALUE.\n See:"
188 floor-mod "Integer modulus x - (floorDiv(x, y) * y). Sign matches y and is in the\n range -|y| < r < |y|.\n See:"
189 ulp "Returns the size of an ulp (unit in last place) for d.\n If d is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If d is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf\n If d is zero => Double/MIN_VALUE\n If d is +/- Double/MAX_VALUE => 2^971\n See:"
190 signum "Returns the signum function of d - zero for zero, 1.0 if >0, -1.0 if <0.\n If d is ##NaN => ##NaN\n See:"
191 sinh "Returns the hyperbolic sine of x, (e^x - e^-x)/2.\n If x is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If x is ##Inf or ##-Inf or zero => x\n See:"
192 cosh "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x, (e^x + e^-x)/2.\n If x is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If x is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf\n If x is zero => 1.0\n See:"
193 tanh "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, sinh(x)/cosh(x).\n If x is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If x is zero => zero, with same sign\n If x is ##Inf => +1.0\n If x is ##-Inf => -1.0\n See:"
194 hypot "Returns sqrt(x^2 + y^2) without intermediate underflow or overflow.\n If x or y is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf\n If x or y is ##NaN and neither is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##NaN\n See:"
195 expm1 "Returns e^x - 1. Near 0, expm1(x)+1 is more accurate to e^x than exp(x).\n If x is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If x is ##Inf => #Inf\n If x is ##-Inf => -1.0\n If x is zero => x\n See:"
196 log1p "Returns ln(1+x). For small values of x, log1p(x) is more accurate than\n log(1.0+x).\n If x is ##NaN or < -1 => ##NaN\n If x is ##Inf => ##Inf\n If x is -1 => ##-Inf\n If x is 0 => 0 with sign matching x\n See:"
197 copy-sign "Returns a double with the magnitude of the first argument and the sign of\n the second.\n See:"
198 get-exponent "Returns the exponent of d.\n If d is ##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf => Double/MAX_EXPONENT + 1\n If d is zero or subnormal => Double/MIN_EXPONENT - 1\n See:"
199 next-after "Returns the adjacent floating point number to start in the direction of\n the second argument. If the arguments are equal, the second is returned.\n If either arg is #NaN => #NaN\n If both arguments are signed zeros => direction\n If start is +-Double/MIN_VALUE and direction would cause a smaller magnitude\n => zero with sign matching start\n If start is ##Inf or ##-Inf and direction would cause a smaller magnitude\n => Double/MAX_VALUE with same sign as start\n If start is equal to +=Double/MAX_VALUE and direction would cause a larger magnitude\n => ##Inf or ##-Inf with sign matching start\n See:"
200 next-up "Returns the adjacent double of d in the direction of ##Inf.\n If d is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If d is ##Inf => ##Inf\n If d is zero => Double/MIN_VALUE\n See:"
201 next-down "Returns the adjacent double of d in the direction of ##-Inf.\n If d is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If d is ##-Inf => ##-Inf\n If d is zero => -Double/MIN_VALUE\n See:"
202 scalb "Returns d * 2^scaleFactor, scaling by a factor of 2. If the exponent\n is between Double/MIN_EXPONENT and Double/MAX_EXPONENT, the answer is exact.\n If d is ##NaN => ##NaN\n If d is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf or ##-Inf respectively\n If d is zero => zero of same sign as d\n See:"
203 })
205 (def FNS
206 '[sin cos tan asin acos atan toRadians toDegrees exp log log10
207 sqrt cbrt IEEEremainder ceil floor rint atan2 pow round random
208 addExact subtractExact multiplyExact incrementExact decrementExact negateExact
209 floorDiv floorMod ulp signum sinh cosh tanh hypot expm1 log1p copySign getExponent
210 nextAfter nextUp nextDown scalb])
212 ;; arg names to use (match java.lang.Math signatures)
213 (def ARGS
214 '{
215 sin [a]
216 cos [a]
217 tan [a]
218 asin [a]
219 acos [a]
220 atan [a]
221 to-radians [deg]
222 to-degrees [r]
223 exp [a]
224 log [a]
225 log10 [a]
226 sqrt [a]
227 cbrt [a]
228 IEEE-remainder [dividend divisor]
229 ceil [a]
230 floor [a]
231 rint [a]
232 atan2 [y x]
233 pow [a b]
234 round [a]
235 random []
236 add-exact [x y]
237 subtract-exact [x y]
238 multiply-exact [x y]
239 increment-exact [a]
240 decrement-exact [a]
241 negate-exact [a]
242 floor-div [x y]
243 floor-mod [x y]
244 ulp [d]
245 signum [d]
246 sinh [x]
247 cosh [x]
248 tanh [x]
249 hypot [x y]
250 expm1 [x]
251 log1p [x]
252 copy-sign [magnitude sign]
253 get-exponent [d]
254 next-after [start direction]
255 next-up [d]
256 next-down [d]
257 scalb [d scaleFactor]
258 })
260 ;; type signature to use (otherwise automatically determined)
261 (def ARGTYPES
262 '{scalb {:parameter-types [double int] :return-type double}})
44 <artifactId>clojure</artifactId>
55 <name>clojure</name>
66 <packaging>jar</packaging>
7 <version>1.10.3</version>
7 <version>1.11.1</version>
99 <url></url>
1010 <description>Clojure core environment and runtime library.</description>
2929 <connection></connection>
3030 <developerConnection></developerConnection>
3131 <url></url>
32 <tag>clojure-1.10.3</tag>
32 <tag>clojure-1.11.1</tag>
3333 </scm>
3535 <properties>
4040 <dependency>
4141 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
4242 <artifactId>spec.alpha</artifactId>
43 <version>0.2.194</version>
43 <version>0.3.218</version>
4444 </dependency>
4545 <dependency>
4646 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
4747 <artifactId>core.specs.alpha</artifactId>
48 <version>0.2.56</version>
48 <version>0.2.62</version>
4949 </dependency>
5050 <dependency>
5151 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
5252 <artifactId>test.generative</artifactId>
53 <version>0.5.2</version>
53 <version>1.0.0</version>
5454 <scope>test</scope>
5555 <exclusions>
5656 <exclusion>
6262 <dependency>
6363 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
6464 <artifactId>test.check</artifactId>
65 <version>0.9.0</version>
65 <version>1.1.1</version>
6666 <scope>test</scope>
6767 <exclusions>
6868 <exclusion>
206206 instead, push SCM changes in Hudson configuration -->
207207 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
208208 <artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId>
209 <version>2.4.1</version>
209 <version>2.5.3</version>
210210 <configuration>
211211 <pushChanges>false</pushChanges>
212212 <localCheckout>true</localCheckout>
226226 <plugin>
227227 <groupId>org.sonatype.plugins</groupId>
228228 <artifactId>nexus-staging-maven-plugin</artifactId>
229 <version>1.6.7</version>
229 <version>1.6.8</version>
230230 <extensions>true</extensions>
231231 <configuration>
232232 <!-- The server "id" element from settings to use authentication from -->
5050 "Validate server config options"
5151 [{:keys [name port accept] :as opts}]
5252 (doseq [prop [:name :port :accept]] (required opts prop))
53 (when (or (not (integer? port)) (not (< -1 port 65535)))
53 (when (or (not (integer? port)) (not (<= 0 port 65535)))
5454 (throw (ex-info (str "Invalid socket server port: " port) opts))))
5656 (defn- accept-connection
287287 (try
288288 (assoc m :val (valf (:val m)))
289289 (catch Throwable ex
290 (assoc m :val (ex->data ex :print-eval-result)
290 (assoc m :val (valf (ex->data ex :print-eval-result))
291291 :exception true)))
292292 m))))))))
11331133 ([x y & more]
11341134 (reduce1 min (min x y) more)))
1136 (defn abs
1137 {:doc "Returns the absolute value of a.
1138 If a is Long/MIN_VALUE => Long/MIN_VALUE
1139 If a is a double and zero => +0.0
1140 If a is a double and ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf
1141 If a is a double and ##NaN => ##NaN"
1142 :inline-arities #{1}
1143 :inline (fn [a] `(clojure.lang.Numbers/abs ~a))
1144 :added "1.11"}
1145 [a]
1146 (clojure.lang.Numbers/abs a))
11361148 (defn dec'
11371149 "Returns a number one less than num. Supports arbitrary precision.
11381150 See also: dec"
14931505 [coll key] (. clojure.lang.RT (contains coll key)))
14951507 (defn get
1496 "Returns the value mapped to key, not-found or nil if key not present."
1508 "Returns the value mapped to key, not-found or nil if key not present
1509 in associative collection, set, string, array, or ILookup instance."
14971510 {:inline (fn [m k & nf] `(. clojure.lang.RT (get ~m ~k ~@nf)))
14981511 :inline-arities #{2 3}
14991512 :added "1.0"}
43704383 :static true}
43714384 ([] (. clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap EMPTY))
43724385 ([& keyvals]
4373 (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/createAsIfByAssoc (to-array keyvals))))
4386 (let [ary (to-array keyvals)]
4387 (if (odd? (alength ary))
4388 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "No value supplied for key: " (last keyvals))))
4389 (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/createAsIfByAssoc ary)))))
4391 (defn seq-to-map-for-destructuring
4392 "Builds a map from a seq as described in
4394 {:added "1.11"}
4395 [s]
4396 (if (next s)
4397 (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/createAsIfByAssoc (to-array s))
4398 (if (seq s) (first s) clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/EMPTY)))
43754400 ;;redefine let and loop with destructuring
43764401 (defn destructure [bindings]
44184443 gmapseq (with-meta gmap {:tag 'clojure.lang.ISeq})
44194444 defaults (:or b)]
44204445 (loop [ret (-> bvec (conj gmap) (conj v)
4421 (conj gmap) (conj `(if (seq? ~gmap) (clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap/create (seq ~gmapseq)) ~gmap))
4446 (conj gmap) (conj `(if (seq? ~gmap)
4447 (if (next ~gmapseq)
4448 (clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/createAsIfByAssoc (to-array ~gmapseq))
4449 (if (seq ~gmapseq) (first ~gmapseq) clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap/EMPTY))
4450 ~gmap))
44224451 ((fn [ret]
44234452 (if (:as b)
44244453 (conj ret (:as b) gmap)
44684497 (defmacro let
44694498 "binding => binding-form init-expr
4499 binding-form => name, or destructuring-form
4500 destructuring-form => map-destructure-form, or seq-destructure-form
44714502 Evaluates the exprs in a lexical context in which the symbols in
44724503 the binding-forms are bound to their respective init-exprs or parts
4473 therein."
4504 therein.
4506 See for
4507 more information about destructuring."
44744508 {:added "1.0", :special-form true, :forms '[(let [bindings*] exprs*)]}
44754509 [bindings & body]
44764510 (assert-args
44994533 ;redefine fn with destructuring and pre/post conditions
45004534 (defmacro fn
4501 "params => positional-params* , or positional-params* & next-param
4535 "params => positional-params*, or positional-params* & rest-param
45024536 positional-param => binding-form
4503 next-param => binding-form
4504 name => symbol
4506 Defines a function"
4537 rest-param => binding-form
4538 binding-form => name, or destructuring-form
4540 Defines a function.
4542 See for more information"
45074543 {:added "1.0", :special-form true,
45084544 :forms '[(fn name? [params* ] exprs*) (fn name? ([params* ] exprs*)+)]}
45094545 [& sigs]
59215957 (name lib) prefix)
59225958 (let [lib (if prefix (symbol (str prefix \. lib)) lib)
59235959 opts (apply hash-map options)
5924 {:keys [as reload reload-all require use verbose]} opts
5960 {:keys [as reload reload-all require use verbose as-alias]} opts
59255961 loaded (contains? @*loaded-libs* lib)
5926 load (cond reload-all
5927 load-all
5928 (or reload (not require) (not loaded))
5929 load-one)
59305962 need-ns (or as use)
5963 load (cond reload-all load-all
5964 reload load-one
5965 (not loaded) (cond need-ns load-one
5966 as-alias (fn [lib _need _require] (create-ns lib))
5967 :else load-one))
59315969 filter-opts (select-keys opts '(:exclude :only :rename :refer))
59325970 undefined-on-entry (not (find-ns lib))]
59335971 (binding [*loading-verbosely* (or *loading-verbosely* verbose)]
59395977 (remove-ns lib))
59405978 (throw e)))
59415979 (throw-if (and need-ns (not (find-ns lib)))
5942 "namespace '%s' not found" lib))
5980 "namespace '%s' not found" lib))
59435981 (when (and need-ns *loading-verbosely*)
59445982 (printf "(clojure.core/in-ns '%s)\n" (ns-name *ns*)))
59455983 (when as
59465984 (when *loading-verbosely*
59475985 (printf "(clojure.core/alias '%s '%s)\n" as lib))
59485986 (alias as lib))
5987 (when as-alias
5988 (when *loading-verbosely*
5989 (printf "(clojure.core/alias '%s '%s)\n" as-alias lib))
5990 (alias as-alias lib))
59495991 (when (or use (:refer filter-opts))
59505992 (when *loading-verbosely*
59515993 (printf "(clojure.core/refer '%s" lib)
59626004 opts (interleave flags (repeat true))
59636005 args (filter (complement keyword?) args)]
59646006 ; check for unsupported options
5965 (let [supported #{:as :reload :reload-all :require :use :verbose :refer}
6007 (let [supported #{:as :reload :reload-all :require :use :verbose :refer :as-alias}
59666008 unsupported (seq (remove supported flags))]
59676009 (throw-if unsupported
59686010 (apply str "Unsupported option(s) supplied: "
60266068 Recognized options:
60276069 :as takes a symbol as its argument and makes that symbol an alias to the
60286070 lib's namespace in the current namespace.
6071 :as-alias takes a symbol as its argument and aliases like :as, however
6072 the lib will not be loaded. If the lib has not been loaded, a new
6073 empty namespace will be created (as with create-ns).
60296074 :refer takes a list of symbols to refer from the namespace or the :all
60306075 keyword to bring in all public vars.
60426087 A flag is a keyword.
60436088 Recognized flags: :reload, :reload-all, :verbose
60446089 :reload forces loading of all the identified libs even if they are
6045 already loaded
6090 already loaded (has no effect on libspecs using :as-alias)
60466091 :reload-all implies :reload and also forces loading of all libs that the
60476092 identified libs directly or indirectly load via require or use
6093 (has no effect on libspecs using :as-alias)
60486094 :verbose triggers printing information about each load, alias, and refer
60506096 Example:
64376483 Supported options:
64386484 :elide-meta - a collection of metadata keys to elide during compilation.
64396485 :disable-locals-clearing - set to true to disable clearing, useful for using a debugger
6440 Alpha, subject to change."
6486 :direct-linking - set to true to use direct static invocation of functions, rather than vars
6487 Note that call sites compiled with direct linking will not be affected by var redefinition.
6488 Use ^:redef (or ^:dynamic) on a var to prevent direct linking and allow redefinition.
6489 See for more information."
64416490 {:added "1.4"})
64436492 (add-doc-and-meta *ns*
66516700 (next ks) (next vs))
66526701 m))
66536702 assoc-multi (fn [m h bucket]
6654 (let [testexprs (apply concat bucket)
6703 (let [testexprs (mapcat (fn [kv] [(list 'quote (first kv)) (second kv)]) bucket)
66556704 expr `(condp = ~expr-sym ~@testexprs ~default)]
66566705 (assoc m h expr)))
66576706 hmap (reduce1
68086857 {:added "1.9"}
68096858 [x] (instance? java.util.UUID x))
6860 (defn random-uuid
6861 {:doc "Returns a pseudo-randomly generated java.util.UUID instance (i.e. type 4).
6863 See:"
6864 :added "1.11"}
6865 ^java.util.UUID [] (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
68116867 (defn reduce
68126868 "f should be a function of 2 arguments. If val is not supplied,
68136869 returns the result of applying f to the first 2 items in coll, then
68356891 init)
68376893 ;;slow path default
6838 clojure.lang.IPersistentMap
6839 (kv-reduce
6894 java.lang.Object
6895 (kv-reduce
68406896 [amap f init]
6841 (reduce (fn [ret [k v]] (f ret k v)) init amap))
6897 (reduce (fn [ret ^java.util.Map$Entry me]
6898 (f ret
6899 (.getKey me)
6900 (.getValue me)))
6901 init
6902 amap))
68436904 clojure.lang.IKVReduce
6844 (kv-reduce
6905 (kv-reduce
68456906 [amap f init]
68466907 (.kvreduce amap f init)))
68986959 (reduce conj to from)))
68996960 ([to xform from]
69006961 (if (instance? clojure.lang.IEditableCollection to)
6901 (with-meta (persistent! (transduce xform conj! (transient to) from)) (meta to))
6962 (let [tm (meta to)
6963 rf (fn
6964 ([coll] (-> (persistent! coll) (with-meta tm)))
6965 ([coll v] (conj! coll v)))]
6966 (transduce xform rf (transient to) from))
69026967 (transduce xform conj to from))))
69046969 (defn mapv
70547119 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; clojure version number ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7056 (let [properties (with-open [version-stream (.getResourceAsStream
7121 (let [^java.util.Properties
7122 properties (with-open [version-stream (.getResourceAsStream
70577123 (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader)
70587124 "clojure/")]
70597125 (doto (new java.util.Properties)
74207486 (fn ep3
74217487 ([] true)
74227488 ([x] (boolean (and (p1 x) (p2 x) (p3 x))))
7423 ([x y] (boolean (and (p1 x) (p2 x) (p3 x) (p1 y) (p2 y) (p3 y))))
7424 ([x y z] (boolean (and (p1 x) (p2 x) (p3 x) (p1 y) (p2 y) (p3 y) (p1 z) (p2 z) (p3 z))))
7489 ([x y] (boolean (and (p1 x) (p1 y) (p2 x) (p2 y) (p3 x) (p3 y))))
7490 ([x y z] (boolean (and (p1 x) (p1 y) (p1 z) (p2 x) (p2 y) (p2 z) (p3 x) (p3 y) (p3 z))))
74257491 ([x y z & args] (boolean (and (ep3 x y z)
74267492 (every? #(and (p1 %) (p2 %) (p3 %)) args))))))
74277493 ([p1 p2 p3 & ps]
74607526 (fn sp3
74617527 ([] nil)
74627528 ([x] (or (p1 x) (p2 x) (p3 x)))
7463 ([x y] (or (p1 x) (p2 x) (p3 x) (p1 y) (p2 y) (p3 y)))
7464 ([x y z] (or (p1 x) (p2 x) (p3 x) (p1 y) (p2 y) (p3 y) (p1 z) (p2 z) (p3 z)))
7529 ([x y] (or (p1 x) (p1 y) (p2 x) (p2 y) (p3 x) (p3 y)))
7530 ([x y z] (or (p1 x) (p1 y) (p1 z) (p2 x) (p2 y) (p2 z) (p3 x) (p3 y) (p3 z)))
74657531 ([x y z & args] (or (sp3 x y z)
74667532 (some #(or (p1 %) (p2 %) (p3 %)) args)))))
74677533 ([p1 p2 p3 & ps]
77167782 (reduce #(proc %2) nil coll)
77177783 nil)
7785 (defn iteration
7786 "Creates a seqable/reducible via repeated calls to step,
7787 a function of some (continuation token) 'k'. The first call to step
7788 will be passed initk, returning 'ret'. Iff (somef ret) is true,
7789 (vf ret) will be included in the iteration, else iteration will
7790 terminate and vf/kf will not be called. If (kf ret) is non-nil it
7791 will be passed to the next step call, else iteration will terminate.
7793 This can be used e.g. to consume APIs that return paginated or batched data.
7795 step - (possibly impure) fn of 'k' -> 'ret'
7797 :somef - fn of 'ret' -> logical true/false, default 'some?'
7798 :vf - fn of 'ret' -> 'v', a value produced by the iteration, default 'identity'
7799 :kf - fn of 'ret' -> 'next-k' or nil (signaling 'do not continue'), default 'identity'
7800 :initk - the first value passed to step, default 'nil'
7802 It is presumed that step with non-initk is unreproducible/non-idempotent.
7803 If step with initk is unreproducible it is on the consumer to not consume twice."
7804 {:added "1.11"}
7805 [step & {:keys [somef vf kf initk]
7806 :or {vf identity
7807 kf identity
7808 somef some?
7809 initk nil}}]
7810 (reify
7811 clojure.lang.Seqable
7812 (seq [_]
7813 ((fn next [ret]
7814 (when (somef ret)
7815 (cons (vf ret)
7816 (when-some [k (kf ret)]
7817 (lazy-seq (next (step k)))))))
7818 (step initk)))
7819 clojure.lang.IReduceInit
7820 (reduce [_ rf init]
7821 (loop [acc init
7822 ret (step initk)]
7823 (if (somef ret)
7824 (let [acc (rf acc (vf ret))]
7825 (if (reduced? acc)
7826 @acc
7827 (if-some [k (kf ret)]
7828 (recur acc (step k))
7829 acc)))
7830 acc)))))
77207832 (defn tagged-literal?
77217833 "Return true if the value is the data representation of a tagged literal"
78918003 [x]
78928004 (force tap-loop)
78938005 (.offer tapq (if (nil? x) ::tap-nil x)))
8007 (defn update-vals
8008 "m f => {k (f v) ...}
8010 Given a map m and a function f of 1-argument, returns a new map where the keys of m
8011 are mapped to result of applying f to the corresponding values of m."
8012 {:added "1.11"}
8013 [m f]
8014 (with-meta
8015 (persistent!
8016 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (assoc! acc k (f v)))
8017 (if (instance? clojure.lang.IEditableCollection m)
8018 (transient m)
8019 (transient {}))
8020 m))
8021 (meta m)))
8023 (defn update-keys
8024 "m f => {(f k) v ...}
8026 Given a map m and a function f of 1-argument, returns a new map whose
8027 keys are the result of applying f to the keys of m, mapped to the
8028 corresponding values of m.
8029 f must return a unique key for each key of m, else the behavior is undefined."
8030 {:added "1.11"}
8031 [m f]
8032 (let [ret (persistent!
8033 (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v] (assoc! acc (f k) v))
8034 (transient {})
8035 m))]
8036 (with-meta ret (meta m))))
8038 (defn- parsing-err
8039 "Construct message for parsing for non-string parsing error"
8040 ^String [val]
8041 (str "Expected string, got " (if (nil? val) "nil" (-> val class .getName))))
8043 (defn parse-long
8044 {:doc "Parse string of decimal digits with optional leading -/+ and return a
8045 Long value, or nil if parse fails"
8046 :added "1.11"}
8047 ^Long [^String s]
8048 (if (string? s)
8049 (try
8050 (Long/valueOf s)
8051 (catch NumberFormatException _ nil))
8052 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (parsing-err s)))))
8054 (defn parse-double
8055 {:doc "Parse string with floating point components and return a Double value,
8056 or nil if parse fails.
8058 Grammar:"
8059 :added "1.11"}
8060 ^Double [^String s]
8061 (if (string? s)
8062 (try
8063 (Double/valueOf s)
8064 (catch NumberFormatException _ nil))
8065 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (parsing-err s)))))
8067 (defn parse-uuid
8068 {:doc "Parse a string representing a UUID and return a java.util.UUID instance,
8069 or nil if parse fails.
8071 Grammar:"
8072 :added "1.11"}
8073 ^java.util.UUID [^String s]
8074 (try
8075 (java.util.UUID/fromString s)
8076 (catch IllegalArgumentException _ nil)))
8078 (defn parse-boolean
8079 {:doc "Parse strings \"true\" or \"false\" and return a boolean, or nil if invalid"
8080 :added "1.11"}
8081 [^String s]
8082 (if (string? s)
8083 (case s
8084 "true" true
8085 "false" false
8086 nil)
8087 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (parsing-err s)))))
8089 (defn NaN?
8090 {:doc "Returns true if num is NaN, else false"
8091 :inline-arities #{1}
8092 :inline (fn [num] `(Double/isNaN ~num))
8093 :added "1.11"}
8095 [^double num]
8096 (Double/isNaN num))
8098 (defn infinite?
8099 {:doc "Returns true if num is negative or positive infinity, else false"
8100 :inline-arities #{1}
8101 :inline (fn [num] `(Double/isInfinite ~num))
8102 :added "1.11"}
8103 [^double num]
8104 (Double/isInfinite num))
6666 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (apply print-str "Unsupported option(s) -" bad-opts))))
6767 [interfaces methods opts]))
69 (defmacro reify
70 "reify is a macro with the following structure:
69 (defmacro reify
70 "reify creates an object implementing a protocol or interface.
71 reify is a macro with the following structure:
7273 (reify options* specs*)
650651 [opts sigs]))
651652 sigs (when sigs
652653 (reduce1 (fn [m s]
653 (let [name-meta (meta (first s))
654 (let [tag-to-class (fn [tag]
655 (if-let [c (and (instance? clojure.lang.Symbol tag)
656 (= (.indexOf (.getName ^clojure.lang.Symbol tag) ".") -1)
657 (not (contains? '#{int long float double char short byte boolean void
658 ints longs floats doubles chars shorts bytes booleans objects} tag))
659 (resolve tag))]
660 (symbol (.getName c))
661 tag))
662 name-meta (update-in (meta (first s)) [:tag] tag-to-class)
654663 mname (with-meta (first s) nil)
655664 [arglists doc]
656665 (loop [as [] rs (rest s)]
240240 mb (map #(vector (%1 %2) (vals (dissoc %1 %2))) mgroups rtypes)
241241 bridge? (reduce1 into1 #{} (map second mb))
242242 ifaces-meths (remove bridge? (vals ifaces-meths))
243 mm (remove bridge? (vals mm))]
243 mm (remove bridge? (vals mm))
244 reflect-Method-keyfn (fn [meth]
245 (let [[name param-types ^Class return-type] (method-sig meth)]
246 (-> [name]
247 (into1 (map #(.getName ^Class %) param-types))
248 (conj (.getName return-type)))))]
244249 ;add methods matching supers', if no mapping -> call super
245 (doseq [[^java.lang.reflect.Method dest bridges] mb
246 ^java.lang.reflect.Method meth bridges]
250 (doseq [[^java.lang.reflect.Method dest bridges] (sort-by (comp reflect-Method-keyfn first) mb)
251 ^java.lang.reflect.Method meth (sort-by reflect-Method-keyfn bridges)]
247252 (gen-bridge meth dest))
248 (doseq [^java.lang.reflect.Method meth mm]
253 (doseq [^java.lang.reflect.Method meth (sort-by reflect-Method-keyfn mm)]
249254 (gen-method meth
250255 (fn [^GeneratorAdapter gen ^Method m]
251256 (. gen (loadThis))
258263 (. m (getDescriptor)))))))
260265 ;add methods matching interfaces', if no mapping -> throw
261 (doseq [^java.lang.reflect.Method meth ifaces-meths]
266 (doseq [^java.lang.reflect.Method meth (sort-by reflect-Method-keyfn ifaces-meths)]
262267 (gen-method meth
263268 (fn [^GeneratorAdapter gen ^Method m]
264269 (. gen (throwException ex-type (. m (getName))))))))
1212 (:require [ :as sh]
1313 [clojure.string :as str])
14 (:import ( URI)))
14 (:import ( File)
15 ( URI)
16 (java.lang ProcessBuilder ProcessBuilder$Redirect)))
1618 (defn- macosx? []
1719 (-> "" System/getProperty .toLowerCase
7072 script (if (= :uninitialized script)
7173 (reset! *open-url-script* (open-url-script-val))
7274 script)]
73 (or (when script (sh/sh script (str url)) true)
75 (or (when script
76 (try
77 (let [command [script (str url)]
78 null-file (File. (if (.startsWith (System/getProperty "") "Windows") "NUL" "/dev/null"))
79 pb (doto (ProcessBuilder. ^java.util.List command)
80 ;; emulate ProcessBuilder.Redirect.DISCARD added in Java 9
81 (.redirectOutput null-file)
82 (.redirectError null-file))]
83 (.start pb) ;; do not wait for the process
84 true)
85 (catch Throwable _ false)))
7486 (open-url-in-browser url)
7587 (open-url-in-swing url))))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns
9 ^{:author "Alex Miller",
10 :doc "Clojure wrapper functions for java.lang.Math static methods.
12 Function calls are inlined for performance, and type hinted for primitive
13 long or double parameters where appropriate. In general, Math methods are
14 optimized for performance and have bounds for error tolerance. If
15 greater precision is needed, use java.lang.StrictMath directly instead.
17 For more complete information, see:
19 clojure.math)
21 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
23 (def
24 ^{:doc "Constant for e, the base for natural logarithms.
25 See:"
26 :added "1.11"
27 :const true
28 :tag 'double}
29 E
30 Math/E)
32 (def
33 ^{:doc "Constant for pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
34 See:"
35 :added "1.11"
36 :const true
37 :tag 'double}
38 PI
39 Math/PI)
41 (defn sin
42 {:doc "Returns the sine of an angle.
43 If a is ##NaN, ##-Inf, ##Inf => ##NaN
44 If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a
45 See:"
46 :inline-arities #{1}
47 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/sin (double ~a)))
48 :added "1.11"}
49 ^double [^double a]
50 (Math/sin a))
52 (defn cos
53 {:doc "Returns the cosine of an angle.
54 If a is ##NaN, ##-Inf, ##Inf => ##NaN
55 See:"
56 :inline-arities #{1}
57 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/cos (double ~a)))
58 :added "1.11"}
59 ^double [^double a]
60 (Math/cos a))
62 (defn tan
63 {:doc "Returns the tangent of an angle.
64 If a is ##NaN, ##-Inf, ##Inf => ##NaN
65 If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a
66 See:"
67 :inline-arities #{1}
68 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/tan (double ~a)))
69 :added "1.11"}
70 ^double [^double a]
71 (Math/tan a))
73 (defn asin
74 {:doc "Returns the arc sine of an angle, in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.
75 If a is ##NaN or |a|>1 => ##NaN
76 If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a
77 See:"
78 :inline-arities #{1}
79 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/asin (double ~a)))
80 :added "1.11"}
81 ^double [^double a]
82 (Math/asin a))
84 (defn acos
85 {:doc "Returns the arc cosine of a, in the range 0.0 to pi.
86 If a is ##NaN or |a|>1 => ##NaN
87 See:"
88 :inline-arities #{1}
89 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/acos (double ~a)))
90 :added "1.11"}
91 ^double [^double a]
92 (Math/acos a))
94 (defn atan
95 {:doc "Returns the arc tangent of a, in the range of -pi/2 to pi/2.
96 If a is ##NaN => ##NaN
97 If a is zero => zero with the same sign as a
98 See:"
99 :inline-arities #{1}
100 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/atan (double ~a)))
101 :added "1.11"}
102 ^double [^double a]
103 (Math/atan a))
105 (defn to-radians
106 {:doc "Converts an angle in degrees to an approximate equivalent angle in radians.
107 See:"
108 :inline-arities #{1}
109 :inline (fn [deg] `(Math/toRadians (double ~deg)))
110 :added "1.11"}
111 ^double [^double deg]
112 (Math/toRadians deg))
114 (defn to-degrees
115 {:doc "Converts an angle in radians to an approximate equivalent angle in degrees.
116 See:"
117 :inline-arities #{1}
118 :inline (fn [r] `(Math/toDegrees (double ~r)))
119 :added "1.11"}
120 ^double [^double r]
121 (Math/toDegrees r))
123 (defn exp
124 {:doc "Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a.
125 If a is ##NaN => ##NaN
126 If a is ##Inf => ##Inf
127 If a is ##-Inf => +0.0
128 See:"
129 :inline-arities #{1}
130 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/exp (double ~a)))
131 :added "1.11"}
132 ^double [^double a]
133 (Math/exp a))
135 (defn log
136 {:doc "Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a.
137 If a is ##NaN or negative => ##NaN
138 If a is ##Inf => ##Inf
139 If a is zero => ##-Inf
140 See:"
141 :inline-arities #{1}
142 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/log (double ~a)))
143 :added "1.11"}
144 ^double [^double a]
145 (Math/log a))
147 (defn log10
148 {:doc "Returns the logarithm (base 10) of a.
149 If a is ##NaN or negative => ##NaN
150 If a is ##Inf => ##Inf
151 If a is zero => ##-Inf
152 See:"
153 :inline-arities #{1}
154 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/log10 (double ~a)))
155 :added "1.11"}
156 ^double [^double a]
157 (Math/log10 a))
159 (defn sqrt
160 {:doc "Returns the positive square root of a.
161 If a is ##NaN or negative => ##NaN
162 If a is ##Inf => ##Inf
163 If a is zero => a
164 See:"
165 :inline-arities #{1}
166 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/sqrt (double ~a)))
167 :added "1.11"}
168 ^double [^double a]
169 (Math/sqrt a))
171 (defn cbrt
172 {:doc "Returns the cube root of a.
173 If a is ##NaN => ##NaN
174 If a is ##Inf or ##-Inf => a
175 If a is zero => zero with sign matching a
176 See:"
177 :inline-arities #{1}
178 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/cbrt (double ~a)))
179 :added "1.11"}
180 ^double [^double a]
181 (Math/cbrt a))
183 (defn IEEE-remainder
184 {:doc "Returns the remainder per IEEE 754 such that
185 remainder = dividend - divisor * n
186 where n is the integer closest to the exact value of dividend / divisor.
187 If two integers are equally close, then n is the even one.
188 If the remainder is zero, sign will match dividend.
189 If dividend or divisor is ##NaN, or dividend is ##Inf or ##-Inf, or divisor is zero => ##NaN
190 If dividend is finite and divisor is infinite => dividend
191 See:"
192 :inline-arities #{2}
193 :inline (fn [dividend divisor] `(Math/IEEEremainder (double ~dividend) (double ~divisor)))
194 :added "1.11"}
195 ^double [^double dividend ^double divisor]
196 (Math/IEEEremainder dividend divisor))
198 (defn ceil
199 {:doc "Returns the smallest double greater than or equal to a, and equal to a
200 mathematical integer.
201 If a is ##NaN or ##Inf or ##-Inf or already equal to an integer => a
202 See:"
203 :inline-arities #{1}
204 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/ceil (double ~a)))
205 :added "1.11"}
206 ^double [^double a]
207 (Math/ceil a))
209 (defn floor
210 {:doc "Returns the largest double less than or equal to a, and equal to a
211 mathematical integer.
212 If a is ##NaN or ##Inf or ##-Inf or already equal to an integer => a
213 If a is less than zero but greater than -1.0 => -0.0
214 See:"
215 :inline-arities #{1}
216 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/floor (double ~a)))
217 :added "1.11"}
218 ^double [^double a]
219 (Math/floor a))
221 (defn rint
222 {:doc "Returns the double closest to a and equal to a mathematical integer.
223 If two values are equally close, return the even one.
224 If a is ##NaN or ##Inf or ##-Inf or zero => a
225 See:"
226 :inline-arities #{1}
227 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/rint (double ~a)))
228 :added "1.11"}
229 ^double [^double a]
230 (Math/rint a))
232 (defn atan2
233 {:doc "Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, theta).
234 Computes the phase theta by computing an arc tangent of y/x in the range of -pi to pi.
235 For more details on special cases, see:
237 :inline-arities #{2}
238 :inline (fn [y x] `(Math/atan2 (double ~y) (double ~x)))
239 :added "1.11"}
240 ^double [^double y ^double x]
241 (Math/atan2 y x))
243 (defn pow
244 {:doc "Returns the value of a raised to the power of b.
245 For more details on special cases, see:
247 :inline-arities #{2}
248 :inline (fn [a b] `(Math/pow (double ~a) (double ~b)))
249 :added "1.11"}
250 ^double [^double a ^double b]
251 (Math/pow a b))
253 (defn round
254 {:doc "Returns the closest long to a. If equally close to two values, return the one
255 closer to ##Inf.
256 If a is ##NaN => 0
257 If a is ##-Inf or < Long/MIN_VALUE => Long/MIN_VALUE
258 If a is ##Inf or > Long/MAX_VALUE => Long/MAX_VALUE
259 See:"
260 :inline-arities #{1}
261 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/round (double ~a)))
262 :added "1.11"}
263 ^long [^double a]
264 (Math/round a))
266 (defn random
267 {:doc "Returns a positive double between 0.0 and 1.0, chosen pseudorandomly with
268 approximately random distribution.
269 See:"
270 :inline-arities #{0}
271 :inline (fn [] `(Math/random))
272 :added "1.11"}
273 ^double []
274 (Math/random))
276 (defn add-exact
277 {:doc "Returns the sum of x and y, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.
278 See:"
279 :inline-arities #{2}
280 :inline (fn [x y] `(Math/addExact (long ~x) (long ~y)))
281 :added "1.11"}
282 ^long [^long x ^long y]
283 (Math/addExact x y))
285 (defn subtract-exact
286 {:doc "Returns the difference of x and y, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.
287 See:"
288 :inline-arities #{2}
289 :inline (fn [x y] `(Math/subtractExact (long ~x) (long ~y)))
290 :added "1.11"}
291 ^long [^long x ^long y]
292 (Math/subtractExact x y))
294 (defn multiply-exact
295 {:doc "Returns the product of x and y, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.
296 See:"
297 :inline-arities #{2}
298 :inline (fn [x y] `(Math/multiplyExact (long ~x) (long ~y)))
299 :added "1.11"}
300 ^long [^long x ^long y]
301 (Math/multiplyExact x y))
303 (defn increment-exact
304 {:doc "Returns a incremented by 1, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.
305 See:"
306 :inline-arities #{1}
307 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/incrementExact (long ~a)))
308 :added "1.11"}
309 ^long [^long a]
310 (Math/incrementExact a))
312 (defn decrement-exact
313 {:doc "Returns a decremented by 1, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.
314 See:"
315 :inline-arities #{1}
316 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/decrementExact (long ~a)))
317 :added "1.11"}
318 ^long [^long a]
319 (Math/decrementExact a))
321 (defn negate-exact
322 {:doc "Returns the negation of a, throws ArithmeticException on overflow.
323 See:"
324 :inline-arities #{1}
325 :inline (fn [a] `(Math/negateExact (long ~a)))
326 :added "1.11"}
327 ^long [^long a]
328 (Math/negateExact a))
330 (defn floor-div
331 {:doc "Integer division that rounds to negative infinity (as opposed to zero).
332 The special case (floorDiv Long/MIN_VALUE -1) overflows and returns Long/MIN_VALUE.
333 See:"
334 :inline-arities #{2}
335 :inline (fn [x y] `(Math/floorDiv (long ~x) (long ~y)))
336 :added "1.11"}
337 ^long [^long x ^long y]
338 (Math/floorDiv x y))
340 (defn floor-mod
341 {:doc "Integer modulus x - (floorDiv(x, y) * y). Sign matches y and is in the
342 range -|y| < r < |y|.
343 See:"
344 :inline-arities #{2}
345 :inline (fn [x y] `(Math/floorMod (long ~x) (long ~y)))
346 :added "1.11"}
347 ^long [^long x ^long y]
348 (Math/floorMod x y))
350 (defn ulp
351 {:doc "Returns the size of an ulp (unit in last place) for d.
352 If d is ##NaN => ##NaN
353 If d is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf
354 If d is zero => Double/MIN_VALUE
355 If d is +/- Double/MAX_VALUE => 2^971
356 See:"
357 :inline-arities #{1}
358 :inline (fn [d] `(Math/ulp (double ~d)))
359 :added "1.11"}
360 ^double [^double d]
361 (Math/ulp d))
363 (defn signum
364 {:doc "Returns the signum function of d - zero for zero, 1.0 if >0, -1.0 if <0.
365 If d is ##NaN => ##NaN
366 See:"
367 :inline-arities #{1}
368 :inline (fn [d] `(Math/signum (double ~d)))
369 :added "1.11"}
370 ^double [^double d]
371 (Math/signum d))
373 (defn sinh
374 {:doc "Returns the hyperbolic sine of x, (e^x - e^-x)/2.
375 If x is ##NaN => ##NaN
376 If x is ##Inf or ##-Inf or zero => x
377 See:"
378 :inline-arities #{1}
379 :inline (fn [x] `(Math/sinh (double ~x)))
380 :added "1.11"}
381 ^double [^double x]
382 (Math/sinh x))
384 (defn cosh
385 {:doc "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x, (e^x + e^-x)/2.
386 If x is ##NaN => ##NaN
387 If x is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf
388 If x is zero => 1.0
389 See:"
390 :inline-arities #{1}
391 :inline (fn [x] `(Math/cosh (double ~x)))
392 :added "1.11"}
393 ^double [^double x]
394 (Math/cosh x))
396 (defn tanh
397 {:doc "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, sinh(x)/cosh(x).
398 If x is ##NaN => ##NaN
399 If x is zero => zero, with same sign
400 If x is ##Inf => +1.0
401 If x is ##-Inf => -1.0
402 See:"
403 :inline-arities #{1}
404 :inline (fn [x] `(Math/tanh (double ~x)))
405 :added "1.11"}
406 ^double [^double x]
407 (Math/tanh x))
409 (defn hypot
410 {:doc "Returns sqrt(x^2 + y^2) without intermediate underflow or overflow.
411 If x or y is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf
412 If x or y is ##NaN and neither is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##NaN
413 See:"
414 :inline-arities #{2}
415 :inline (fn [x y] `(Math/hypot (double ~x) (double ~y)))
416 :added "1.11"}
417 ^double [^double x ^double y]
418 (Math/hypot x y))
420 (defn expm1
421 {:doc "Returns e^x - 1. Near 0, expm1(x)+1 is more accurate to e^x than exp(x).
422 If x is ##NaN => ##NaN
423 If x is ##Inf => #Inf
424 If x is ##-Inf => -1.0
425 If x is zero => x
426 See:"
427 :inline-arities #{1}
428 :inline (fn [x] `(Math/expm1 (double ~x)))
429 :added "1.11"}
430 ^double [^double x]
431 (Math/expm1 x))
433 (defn log1p
434 {:doc "Returns ln(1+x). For small values of x, log1p(x) is more accurate than
435 log(1.0+x).
436 If x is ##NaN or < -1 => ##NaN
437 If x is ##Inf => ##Inf
438 If x is -1 => ##-Inf
439 If x is 0 => 0 with sign matching x
440 See:"
441 :inline-arities #{1}
442 :inline (fn [x] `(Math/log1p (double ~x)))
443 :added "1.11"}
444 ^double [^double x]
445 (Math/log1p x))
447 (defn copy-sign
448 {:doc "Returns a double with the magnitude of the first argument and the sign of
449 the second.
450 See:"
451 :inline-arities #{2}
452 :inline (fn [magnitude sign] `(Math/copySign (double ~magnitude) (double ~sign)))
453 :added "1.11"}
454 ^double [^double magnitude ^double sign]
455 (Math/copySign magnitude sign))
457 (defn get-exponent
458 {:doc "Returns the exponent of d.
459 If d is ##NaN, ##Inf, ##-Inf => Double/MAX_EXPONENT + 1
460 If d is zero or subnormal => Double/MIN_EXPONENT - 1
461 See:"
462 :inline-arities #{1}
463 :inline (fn [d] `(Math/getExponent (double ~d)))
464 :added "1.11"}
465 [^double d]
466 (Math/getExponent d))
468 (defn next-after
469 {:doc "Returns the adjacent floating point number to start in the direction of
470 the second argument. If the arguments are equal, the second is returned.
471 If either arg is #NaN => #NaN
472 If both arguments are signed zeros => direction
473 If start is +-Double/MIN_VALUE and direction would cause a smaller magnitude
474 => zero with sign matching start
475 If start is ##Inf or ##-Inf and direction would cause a smaller magnitude
476 => Double/MAX_VALUE with same sign as start
477 If start is equal to +=Double/MAX_VALUE and direction would cause a larger magnitude
478 => ##Inf or ##-Inf with sign matching start
479 See:"
480 :inline-arities #{2}
481 :inline (fn [start direction] `(Math/nextAfter (double ~start) (double ~direction)))
482 :added "1.11"}
483 ^double [^double start ^double direction]
484 (Math/nextAfter start direction))
486 (defn next-up
487 {:doc "Returns the adjacent double of d in the direction of ##Inf.
488 If d is ##NaN => ##NaN
489 If d is ##Inf => ##Inf
490 If d is zero => Double/MIN_VALUE
491 See:"
492 :inline-arities #{1}
493 :inline (fn [d] `(Math/nextUp (double ~d)))
494 :added "1.11"}
495 ^double [^double d]
496 (Math/nextUp d))
498 (defn next-down
499 {:doc "Returns the adjacent double of d in the direction of ##-Inf.
500 If d is ##NaN => ##NaN
501 If d is ##-Inf => ##-Inf
502 If d is zero => -Double/MIN_VALUE
503 See:"
504 :inline-arities #{1}
505 :inline (fn [d] `(Math/nextDown (double ~d)))
506 :added "1.11"}
507 ^double [^double d]
508 (Math/nextDown d))
510 (defn scalb
511 {:doc "Returns d * 2^scaleFactor, scaling by a factor of 2. If the exponent
512 is between Double/MIN_EXPONENT and Double/MAX_EXPONENT, the answer is exact.
513 If d is ##NaN => ##NaN
514 If d is ##Inf or ##-Inf => ##Inf or ##-Inf respectively
515 If d is zero => zero of same sign as d
516 See:"
517 :inline-arities #{2}
518 :inline (fn [d scaleFactor] `(Math/scalb (double ~d) (int ~scaleFactor)))
519 :added "1.11"}
520 ^double [^double d scaleFactor]
521 (Math/scalb d (int scaleFactor)))
105105 (defn map-invert
106106 "Returns the map with the vals mapped to the keys."
107107 {:added "1.0"}
108 [m] (reduce (fn [m [k v]] (assoc m v k)) {} m))
108 [m]
109 (persistent!
110 (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc! m v k))
111 (transient {})
112 m)))
110114 (defn join
111115 "When passed 2 rels, returns the rel corresponding to the natural
218218 (defn split
219219 "Splits string on a regular expression. Optional argument limit is
220 the maximum number of splits. Not lazy. Returns vector of the splits."
220 the maximum number of parts. Not lazy. Returns vector of the parts.
221 Trailing empty strings are not returned - pass limit of -1 to return all."
221222 {:added "1.2"}
222223 ([^CharSequence s ^Pattern re]
223224 (LazilyPersistentVector/createOwning (.split re s)))
225226 (LazilyPersistentVector/createOwning (.split re s limit))))
227228 (defn split-lines
228 "Splits s on \\n or \\r\\n."
229 "Splits s on \\n or \\r\\n. Trailing empty lines are not returned."
229230 {:added "1.2"}
230231 [^CharSequence s]
231232 (split s #"\r?\n"))
446446 result# (apply ~pred values#)]
447447 (if result#
448448 (do-report {:type :pass, :message ~msg,
449 :expected '~form, :actual (cons ~pred values#)})
449 :expected '~form, :actual (cons '~pred values#)})
450450 (do-report {:type :fail, :message ~msg,
451451 :expected '~form, :actual (list '~'not (cons '~pred values#))}))
452452 result#)))
720720 (do-report {:type :end-test-var, :var v}))))
722722 (defn test-vars
723 "Groups vars by their namespace and runs test-vars on them with
724 appropriate fixtures applied."
723 "Groups vars by their namespace and runs test-var on them with
724 appropriate fixtures applied."
725725 {:added "1.6"}
726726 [vars]
727727 (doseq [[ns vars] (group-by (comp :ns meta) vars)]
792792 [summary]
793793 (and (zero? (:fail summary 0))
794794 (zero? (:error summary 0))))
796 (defn run-test-var
797 "Runs the tests for a single Var, with fixtures executed around the test, and summary output after."
798 {:added "1.11"}
799 [v]
800 (binding [*report-counters* (ref *initial-report-counters*)]
801 (let [ns-obj (-> v meta :ns)
802 summary (do
803 (do-report {:type :begin-test-ns
804 :ns ns-obj})
805 (test-vars [v])
806 (do-report {:type :end-test-ns
807 :ns ns-obj})
808 (assoc @*report-counters* :type :summary))]
809 (do-report summary)
810 summary)))
812 (defmacro run-test
813 "Runs a single test.
815 Because the intent is to run a single test, there is no check for the namespace test-ns-hook."
816 {:added "1.11"}
817 [test-symbol]
818 (let [test-var (resolve test-symbol)]
819 (cond
820 (nil? test-var)
821 (binding [*out* *err*]
822 (println "Unable to resolve" test-symbol "to a test function."))
824 (not (-> test-var meta :test))
825 (binding [*out* *err*]
826 (println test-symbol "is not a test."))
828 :else
829 `(run-test-var ~test-var))))
7171 (skippedEntity [name])
7272 ))))
74 (defn startparse-sax [s ch]
75 (.. SAXParserFactory (newInstance) (newSAXParser) (parse s ch)))
74 (defn sax-parser
75 "Create a new SAXParser"
76 {:added "1.11"}
77 ^SAXParser []
78 (.newSAXParser (SAXParserFactory/newInstance)))
80 (defn disable-external-entities
81 "Modifies a SAXParser to disable external entity resolution to prevent XXE attacks"
82 {:added "1.11"}
83 ^SAXParser [^SAXParser parser]
84 (let [reader (.getXMLReader parser)]
85 ;; as per
86 (.setFeature reader "" false)
87 (.setFeature reader "", false)
88 (.setFeature reader "" false)
89 parser))
91 (defn startparse-sax
92 "A startparse function suitable for use with clojure.xml/parse.
93 Note that this function is open to XXE entity attacks, see startparse-sax-safe."
94 {:added "1.0"}
95 [s ch]
96 (.parse (sax-parser) s ch))
98 (defn startparse-sax-safe
99 "A startparse function suitable for use with clojure.xml/parse.
100 External entity resolution is disabled to prevent XXE entity attacks."
101 {:added "1.11"}
102 [s ch]
103 (.parse (disable-external-entities (sax-parser)) s ch))
77105 (defn parse
78106 "Parses and loads the source s, which can be a File, InputStream or
80108 which has the keys :tag, :attrs, and :content. and accessor fns tag,
81109 attrs, and content. Other parsers can be supplied by passing
82110 startparse, a fn taking a source and a ContentHandler and returning
83 a parser"
111 a parser.
113 Prior to 1.11, used startparse-sax by default. As of 1.11, uses
114 startparse-sax-safe, which disables XXE (XML External Entity)
115 processing. Pass startparse-sax to revert to prior behavior."
84116 {:added "1.0"}
85 ([s] (parse s startparse-sax))
117 ([s] (parse s startparse-sax-safe))
86118 ([s startparse]
87119 (binding [*stack* nil
88120 *current* (struct element)
4040 * require.invoke("clojure.set"));</pre>
4141 *
4242 * <p><code>IFn</code>s can be passed to higher order functions, e.g. the
43 * example below passes <code>plus</code> to <code>read</code>:</p>
43 * example below passes <code>inc</code> to <code>map</code>:</p>
4444 *
4545 * <pre>
4646 * IFn map = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "map");
5656 </p>
5858 <p><code>IFn</code>s can be passed to higher order functions, e.g. the
59 example below passes <code>plus</code> to <code>read</code>:
59 example below passes <code>inc</code> to <code>map</code>:
6060 <pre>
6161 IFn map = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "map");
6262 IFn inc = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "inc");
9797 else if(obj instanceof List)
9898 {
9999 Collection ma = (Collection) obj;
100 if(ma.size() != v.count())
101 if((!(ma instanceof IPersistentCollection) || (ma instanceof Counted)) && (ma.size() != v.count()))
101102 return false;
102 for(Iterator i1 = ((List) v).iterator(), i2 = ma.iterator();
103 i1.hasNext();)
104 Iterator i2 = ma.iterator();
106 for(Iterator i1 = ((List) v).iterator(); i1.hasNext();)
104107 {
105 if(!Util.equiv(,
108 if(!i2.hasNext() || !Util.equiv(,
106109 return false;
107110 }
108 return true;
111 return !i2.hasNext();
109112 }
110113 else
111114 {
543546 }
544547 }
546 public static class SubVector extends APersistentVector implements IObj{
549 public static class SubVector extends APersistentVector implements IObj, IKVReduce{
547550 public final IPersistentVector v;
548551 public final int start;
549552 public final int end;
573576 return super.iterator();
574577 }
579 public Object kvreduce(IFn f, Object init){
580 int cnt = count();
581 for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++){
582 init = f.invoke(init, i, v.nth(start + i));
583 if (RT.isReduced(init))
584 return ((IDeref)init).deref();
585 }
586 return init;
587 }
576589 public Object nth(int i){
577590 if((start + i >= end) || (i < 0))
578591 throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3737 if(!(obj instanceof Sequential || obj instanceof List))
3838 return false;
40 if(this instanceof Counted && obj instanceof Counted &&
41 ((Counted)this).count() != ((Counted)obj).count())
42 return false;
3944 ISeq ms = RT.seq(obj);
4045 for(ISeq s = seq(); s != null; s =, ms =
4146 {
1414 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
1616 public class ArraySeq extends ASeq implements IndexedSeq, IReduce{
18 private static final long serialVersionUID = -9069152683729302290L;
1720 public final Object[] array;
1821 final int i;
1922 //ISeq _rest;
141144 return -1;
142145 }
147 public Object[] toArray(){
148 int sz = this.array.length - this.i;
149 Object[] ret = new Object[sz];
150 System.arraycopy(this.array, i, ret, 0, sz);
151 return ret;
152 }
144154 //////////////////////////////////// specialized primitive versions ///////////////////////////////
146156 static public class ArraySeq_int extends ASeq implements IndexedSeq, IReduce{
16111611 gen.invokeInterface(type, m);
16121612 else
16131613 gen.invokeVirtual(type, m);
1614 //if(context != C.STATEMENT || method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE)
1615 HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(objx, gen, method.getReturnType());
1614 Class retClass = method.getReturnType();
1615 if(context == C.STATEMENT)
1616 {
1617 if(retClass == long.class || retClass == double.class)
1618 gen.pop2();
1619 else if(retClass != void.class)
1620 gen.pop();
1621 }
1622 else
1623 HostExpr.emitBoxReturn(objx, gen, retClass);
16161624 }
16171625 else
16181626 {
16261634 method.emitClearLocals(gen);
16271635 }
16281636 gen.invokeStatic(REFLECTOR_TYPE, invokeInstanceMethodMethod);
1629 }
1630 if(context == C.STATEMENT)
1631 gen.pop();
1637 if(context == C.STATEMENT)
1638 gen.pop();
1639 }
16321640 }
16341642 public boolean hasJavaClass(){
60156023 public LocalBindingExpr(LocalBinding b, Symbol tag)
60166024 {
60176025 if(b.getPrimitiveType() != null && tag != null)
6018 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't type hint a primitive local");
6026 if(! b.getPrimitiveType().equals(tagClass(tag)))
6027 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't type hint a primitive local with a different type");
6028 else
6029 this.tag = null;
6030 else
6031 this.tag = tag;
60196033 this.b = b;
6020 this.tag = tag;
60226035 this.clearPath = (PathNode)CLEAR_PATH.get();
60236036 this.clearRoot = (PathNode)CLEAR_ROOT.get();
76487661 catch(Throwable e)
76497662 {
76507663 if(!(e instanceof CompilerException))
7651 throw new CompilerException(sourcePath, (Integer) LINE_BEFORE.deref(), (Integer) COLUMN_BEFORE.deref(), e);
7664 throw new CompilerException(sourcePath, (Integer) LINE_BEFORE.deref(), (Integer) COLUMN_BEFORE.deref(), null, CompilerException.PHASE_EXECUTION, e);
76527665 else
76537666 throw (CompilerException) e;
76547667 }
5353 return val;
5454 }
56 synchronized public boolean isRealized(){
56 public boolean isRealized(){
5757 return fn == null;
5858 }
5959 }
2323 public class Keyword implements IFn, Comparable, Named, Serializable, IHashEq {
25 private static final long serialVersionUID = -2105088845257724163L;
2527 private static ConcurrentHashMap<Symbol, Reference<Keyword>> table = new ConcurrentHashMap();
2628 static final ReferenceQueue rq = new ReferenceQueue();
9294 return _str;
9395 }
97 /**
98 * @deprecated CLJ-2350: This function is no longer called, but has not been
99 * removed to maintain the public interface.
100 */
95101 public Object throwArity(){
96102 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of args passed to keyword: "
97103 + toString());
98104 }
106 Object throwArity(int n) {
107 throw new ArityException(n, toString());
108 }
100110 public Object call() {
101 return throwArity();
111 return throwArity(0);
102112 }
104114 public void run(){
106116 }
108118 public Object invoke() {
109 return throwArity();
119 return throwArity(0);
110120 }
112122 public int compareTo(Object o){
145155 }
147157 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) {
148 return throwArity();
158 return throwArity(3);
149159 }
151161 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4) {
152 return throwArity();
162 return throwArity(4);
153163 }
155165 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5) {
156 return throwArity();
166 return throwArity(5);
157167 }
159169 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6) {
160 return throwArity();
170 return throwArity(6);
161171 }
163173 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7)
164174 {
165 return throwArity();
175 return throwArity(7);
166176 }
168178 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
169179 Object arg8) {
170 return throwArity();
180 return throwArity(8);
171181 }
173183 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
174184 Object arg8, Object arg9) {
175 return throwArity();
185 return throwArity(9);
176186 }
178188 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
179189 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10) {
180 return throwArity();
190 return throwArity(10);
181191 }
183193 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
184194 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11) {
185 return throwArity();
195 return throwArity(11);
186196 }
188198 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
189199 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12) {
190 return throwArity();
200 return throwArity(12);
191201 }
193203 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
194204 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13)
195205 {
196 return throwArity();
206 return throwArity(13);
197207 }
199209 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
200210 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14)
201211 {
202 return throwArity();
212 return throwArity(14);
203213 }
205215 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
206216 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14,
207217 Object arg15) {
208 return throwArity();
218 return throwArity(15);
209219 }
211221 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
212222 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14,
213223 Object arg15, Object arg16) {
214 return throwArity();
224 return throwArity(16);
215225 }
217227 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
218228 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14,
219229 Object arg15, Object arg16, Object arg17) {
220 return throwArity();
230 return throwArity(17);
221231 }
223233 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
224234 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14,
225235 Object arg15, Object arg16, Object arg17, Object arg18) {
226 return throwArity();
236 return throwArity(18);
227237 }
229239 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
230240 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14,
231241 Object arg15, Object arg16, Object arg17, Object arg18, Object arg19) {
232 return throwArity();
242 return throwArity(19);
233243 }
235245 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
236246 Object arg8, Object arg9, Object arg10, Object arg11, Object arg12, Object arg13, Object arg14,
237247 Object arg15, Object arg16, Object arg17, Object arg18, Object arg19, Object arg20)
238248 {
239 return throwArity();
249 return throwArity(20);
240250 }
242252 public Object invoke(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3, Object arg4, Object arg5, Object arg6, Object arg7,
244254 Object arg15, Object arg16, Object arg17, Object arg18, Object arg19, Object arg20,
245255 Object... args)
246256 {
247 return throwArity();
257 return throwArity(20 + args.length);
248258 }
8484 rw.writeLock().lock();
8585 try
8686 {
87 if(prefers(dispatchValY, dispatchValX))
87 if(prefers(hierarchy.deref(), dispatchValY, dispatchValX))
8888 throw new IllegalStateException(
8989 String.format("Preference conflict in multimethod '%s': %s is already preferred to %s",
9090 name, dispatchValY, dispatchValX));
101101 }
102102 }
104 private boolean prefers(Object x, Object y) {
104 private boolean prefers(Object hierarchy, Object x, Object y) {
105105 IPersistentSet xprefs = (IPersistentSet) getPreferTable().valAt(x);
106106 if(xprefs != null && xprefs.contains(y))
107107 return true;
108 for(ISeq ps = RT.seq(parents.invoke(y)); ps != null; ps =
109 {
110 if(prefers(x, ps.first()))
108 for(ISeq ps = RT.seq(parents.invoke(hierarchy, y)); ps != null; ps =
109 {
110 if(prefers(hierarchy, x, ps.first()))
111111 return true;
112112 }
113 for(ISeq ps = RT.seq(parents.invoke(x)); ps != null; ps =
114 {
115 if(prefers(ps.first(), y))
113 for(ISeq ps = RT.seq(parents.invoke(hierarchy, x)); ps != null; ps =
114 {
115 if(prefers(hierarchy, ps.first(), y))
116116 return true;
117117 }
118118 return false;
119119 }
121 private boolean isA(Object x, Object y) {
122 return RT.booleanCast(isa.invoke(hierarchy.deref(), x, y));
123 }
125 private boolean dominates(Object x, Object y) {
126 return prefers(x, y) || isA(x, y);
121 private boolean isA(Object hierarchy, Object x, Object y) {
122 return RT.booleanCast(isa.invoke(hierarchy, x, y));
123 }
125 private boolean dominates(Object hierarchy, Object x, Object y) {
126 return prefers(hierarchy, x, y) || isA(hierarchy, x, y);
127127 }
129129 private IPersistentMap resetCache() {
169169 for(Object o : getMethodTable())
170170 {
171171 Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) o;
172 if(isA(dispatchVal, e.getKey()))
172 if(isA(ch, dispatchVal, e.getKey()))
173173 {
174 if(bestEntry == null || dominates(e.getKey(), bestEntry.getKey()))
174 if(bestEntry == null || dominates(ch, e.getKey(), bestEntry.getKey()))
175175 bestEntry = e;
176 if(!dominates(bestEntry.getKey(), e.getKey()))
176 if(!dominates(ch, bestEntry.getKey(), e.getKey()))
177177 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
178178 String.format(
179179 "Multiple methods in multimethod '%s' match dispatch value: %s -> %s and %s, and neither is preferred",
6767 public Number dec(Number x);
6868 public Number decP(Number x);
6969 public Number unchecked_dec(Number x);
71 public Number abs(Number x);
7072 }
7274 static abstract class OpsP implements Ops{
618620 long val = x.longValue();
619621 return num(Numbers.unchecked_dec(val));
620622 }
624 public Number abs(Number x){
625 return num(Math.abs(x.longValue()));
626 }
621627 }
623629 final static class DoubleOps extends OpsP{
705711 public Number dec(Number x){
706712 return Double.valueOf(x.doubleValue() - 1);
713 }
715 public Number abs(Number x) {
716 return num(Math.abs(x.doubleValue()));
707717 }
708718 }
836846 return Numbers.add(x, -1);
837847 }
849 public Number abs(Number x) {
850 Ratio r = (Ratio) x;
851 return new Ratio(r.numerator.abs(), r.denominator);
852 }
839854 }
841856 final static class BigIntOps extends OpsP{
933948 public Number dec(Number x){
934949 BigInteger bx = toBigInteger(x);
935950 return BigInt.fromBigInteger(bx.subtract(BigInteger.ONE));
951 }
953 public Number abs(Number x) {
954 return BigInt.fromBigInteger(toBigInteger(x).abs());
936955 }
937956 }
10521071 return mc == null
10531072 ? bx.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE)
10541073 : bx.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE, mc);
1074 }
1076 public Number abs(Number x) {
1077 MathContext mc = (MathContext) MATH_CONTEXT.deref();
1078 BigDecimal bx = (BigDecimal) x;
1079 return mc == null
1080 ? ((BigDecimal) x).abs()
1081 : ((BigDecimal) x).abs(mc);
10551082 }
10561083 }
18871914 static public double remainder(long x, double y){return remainder((double)x,y);}
18891916 static public long add(long x, long y){
1890 long ret = x + y;
1891 if ((ret ^ x) < 0 && (ret ^ y) < 0)
1892 return throwIntOverflow();
1893 return ret;
1917 return Math.addExact(x, y);
18941918 }
18961920 static public Number addP(long x, long y){
19011925 }
19031927 static public long minus(long x, long y){
1904 long ret = x - y;
1905 if (((ret ^ x) < 0 && (ret ^ ~y) < 0))
1906 return throwIntOverflow();
1907 return ret;
1928 return Math.subtractExact(x, y);
19081929 }
19101931 static public Number minusP(long x, long y){
19151936 }
19171938 static public long minus(long x){
1918 if(x == Long.MIN_VALUE)
1919 return throwIntOverflow();
1920 return -x;
1939 return Math.negateExact(x);
19211940 }
19231942 static public Number minusP(long x){
19271946 }
19291948 static public long inc(long x){
1930 if(x == Long.MAX_VALUE)
1931 return throwIntOverflow();
1932 return x + 1;
1949 return Math.incrementExact(x);
19331950 }
19351952 static public Number incP(long x){
19391956 }
19411958 static public long dec(long x){
1942 if(x == Long.MIN_VALUE)
1943 return throwIntOverflow();
1944 return x - 1;
1959 return Math.decrementExact(x);
19451960 }
19471962 static public Number decP(long x){
19541969 static public long multiply(long x, long y){
1955 if (x == Long.MIN_VALUE && y < 0)
1956 return throwIntOverflow();
1957 long ret = x * y;
1958 if (y != 0 && ret/y != x)
1959 return throwIntOverflow();
1960 return ret;
1970 return Math.multiplyExact(x, y);
19611971 }
19631973 static public Number multiplyP(long x, long y){
40694079 static public long max(long x, long y){
4070 if(x > y) {
4071 return x;
4072 } else {
4073 return y;
4074 }
4080 return Math.max(x, y);
40754081 }
41674173 static public long min(long x, long y){
4168 if(x < y) {
4169 return x;
4170 } else {
4171 return y;
4172 }
4174 return Math.min(x, y);
41734175 }
41754177 static public Object min(long x, Object y){
42204222 }
42214223 }
4223 }
4225 static public long abs(long x){
4226 return Math.abs(x);
4227 }
4229 static public double abs(double x){
4230 return Math.abs(x);
4231 }
4233 static public Number abs(Object x) {
4234 return ops(x).abs((Number)x);
4235 }
4237 }
7575 return new PersistentArrayMap(init);
7676 }
78 /**
79 * <p>This method attempts to find resue the given array as the basis for an array map as quickly as possible.</p>
80 *
81 * <p>If a trailing element exists in the array or it contains duplicate keys then it delegates to the complex path.</p>
82 **/
7883 static public PersistentArrayMap createAsIfByAssoc(Object[] init){
79 if ((init.length & 1) == 1)
80 throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("No value supplied for key: %s", init[init.length-1]));
84 boolean complexPath, hasTrailing;
85 complexPath = hasTrailing = ((init.length & 1) == 1);
87 for(int i=0;((i< init.length) && !complexPath);i += 2)
88 {
89 for(int j=0;j<i;j += 2)
90 {
91 if(equalKey(init[i],init[j]))
92 {
93 complexPath = true;
94 break;
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 if (complexPath) return createAsIfByAssocComplexPath(init, hasTrailing);
101 return new PersistentArrayMap(init);
102 }
104 private static Object[] growSeedArray(Object[] seed, IPersistentCollection trailing){
105 ISeq extraKVs = trailing.seq();
106 int seedCount = seed.length - 1;
107 Object[] result = Arrays.copyOf(seed, seedCount + (trailing.count() * 2));
109 for(int i=seedCount; extraKVs != null; extraKVs =, i+=2)
110 {
111 Map.Entry e = (Entry) extraKVs.first();
112 result[i] = e.getKey();
113 result[i+1] = e.getValue();
114 }
116 return result;
117 }
119 /**
120 * <p>This method handles the default case of an array containing alternating key/value pairs.</p>
121 * <p>It will reallocate a smaller init array if duplicate keys are found.</p>
122 *
123 * <p>If a trailing element is found then will attempt to add it to the resulting map as if by conj.</p>
124 * <p>No guarantees about the order of the keys in the trailing element are made.</p>
125 **/
126 private static PersistentArrayMap createAsIfByAssocComplexPath(Object[] init, boolean hasTrailing){
127 if(hasTrailing)
128 {
129 IPersistentCollection trailing = PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY.cons(init[init.length-1]);
130 init = growSeedArray(init, trailing);
131 }
81133 // If this looks like it is doing busy-work, it is because it
82134 // is achieving these goals: O(n^2) run time like
83135 // createWithCheck(), never modify init arg, and only
12431243 }
12451245 static public int intCast(long x){
1246 int i = (int) x;
1247 if(i != x)
1248 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value out of range for int: " + x);
1249 return i;
1246 return Math.toIntExact(x);
12501247 }
12521249 static public int intCast(double x){
1111 (ns clojure.test-clojure.clojure-xml
1212 (:use clojure.test)
13 (:require [clojure.xml :as xml]))
13 (:require [clojure.xml :as xml])
14 (:import [ ByteArrayInputStream]))
16 (deftest CLJ-2611-avoid-XXE
17 (let [xml-str "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>
18 <!DOCTYPE foo [
19 <!ELEMENT foo ANY >
20 <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM \"file:///etc/hostname\" >]>
21 <foo>&xxe;</foo>"]
22 (is (= {:tag :foo, :attrs nil, :content nil}
23 (with-open [input (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes xml-str))]
24 (xml/parse input))))))
1625 ; parse
1827 ; emit-element
420420 :b 1
421421 :c -2
422422 :d 4294967296
423 :d 3))
423 :d 3)
424 (are [result input] (= result (case input
425 #{a} :set
426 :foo :keyword
427 a :symbol))
428 :symbol 'a
429 :keyword :foo
430 :set '#{a}))
424431 (testing "test warn for hash collision"
425432 (should-print-err-message
426433 #"Performance warning, .*:\d+ - hash collision of some case test constants; if selected, those entries will be tested sequentially..*\r?\n"
13291329 (is (= (hash (->Rec 1 1)) (hash (assoc r :a 1))))
13301330 (is (= (hash (->Rec 1 1)) (hash (dissoc r2 :c))))
13311331 (is (= (hash (->Rec 1 1)) (hash (dissoc (assoc r :c 1) :c))))))
1333 (deftest singleton-map-in-destructure-context
1334 (let [sample-map {:a 1 :b 2}
1335 {:keys [a] :as m1} (list sample-map)]
1336 (is (= m1 sample-map))
1337 (is (= a 1))))
1339 (deftest trailing-map-destructuring
1340 (let [sample-map {:a 1 :b 2}
1341 add (fn [& {:keys [a b]}] (+ a b))
1342 addn (fn [n & {:keys [a b]}] (+ n a b))]
1343 (testing "that kwargs are applied properly given a map in place of the key/val pairs"
1344 (is (= 3 (add :a 1 :b 2)))
1345 (is (= 3 (add {:a 1 :b 2})))
1346 (is (= 13 (addn 10 :a 1 :b 2)))
1347 (is (= 13 (addn 10 {:a 1 :b 2})))
1348 (is (= 103 ((partial addn 100) :a 1 {:b 2})))
1349 (is (= 103 ((partial addn 100 :a 1) {:b 2})))
1350 (is (= 107 ((partial addn 100 :a 1) {:a 5 :b 2}))))
1351 (testing "built maps"
1352 (let [{:as m1} (list :a 1 :b 2)
1353 {:as m2} (list :a 1 :b 2 {:c 3})
1354 {:as m3} (list :a 1 :b 2 {:a 0})
1355 {:keys [a4] :as m4} (list nil)]
1356 (= m1 {:a 1 :b 2})
1357 (= m2 {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
1358 (= m3 {:a 0 :b 2})
1359 (= m1 (seq-to-map-for-destructuring (list :a 1 :b 2)))
1360 (= m2 (seq-to-map-for-destructuring (list :a 1 :b 2 {:c 3})))
1361 (= m3 (seq-to-map-for-destructuring (list :a 1 :b 2 {:a 0})))
1362 (= a4 nil)))))
1111 (ns
1212 (:use clojure.test)
13 (:require [clojure.inspector]
14 [clojure.set :as set])
15 (:import java.util.Base64))
13 (:require [ :as data]
14 [clojure.inspector]
15 [clojure.pprint :as pp]
16 [clojure.set :as set]
17 [clojure.test-clojure.proxy.examples :as proxy-examples])
18 (:import java.util.Base64
19 (java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicLong AtomicInteger)))
1721 ;
1822 ;
174178 str)
175179 "chain chain chain")))
181 ;
182 (deftest test-proxy-method-order
183 (let [class-reader (clojure.asm.ClassReader. proxy-examples/proxy1-class-name)
184 method-order (atom [])
185 method-visitor (proxy [clojure.asm.ClassVisitor] [clojure.asm.Opcodes/ASM4 nil]
186 (visitMethod [access name descriptor signature exceptions]
187 (swap! method-order conj {:name name :descriptor descriptor})
188 nil))
189 _ (.accept class-reader method-visitor 0)
190 expected [{:name "<init>", :descriptor "()V"}
191 {:name "__initClojureFnMappings", :descriptor "(Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)V"}
192 {:name "__updateClojureFnMappings", :descriptor "(Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;)V"}
193 {:name "__getClojureFnMappings", :descriptor "()Lclojure/lang/IPersistentMap;"}
194 {:name "clone", :descriptor "()Ljava/lang/Object;"}
195 {:name "hashCode", :descriptor "()I"}
196 {:name "toString", :descriptor "()Ljava/lang/String;"}
197 {:name "equals", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"}
198 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/io/File;)Z"}
199 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)Ljava/lang/Object;"}
200 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z"}
201 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"}
202 {:name "b", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;"}
203 {:name "c", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;"}
204 {:name "d", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;"}
205 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/Boolean;Ljava/lang/String;)I"}
206 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)Z"}
207 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Runnable;)Z"}
208 {:name "a", :descriptor "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I"}]
209 actual @method-order]
210 (is (= expected actual)
211 (with-out-str (pp/pprint (data/diff expected actual))))))
178213 ;; serialized-proxy can be regenerated using a modified version of
179214 ;; Clojure with the proxy serialization prohibition disabled and the
588623 (is (= (char \a) \a)))
590625 ;; Note: More coercions in numbers.clj
627 ; Test that primitive boxing elision in statement context works
628 ; correctly (CLJ-2621)
630 (defn inc-atomic-int [^AtomicInteger l]
631 (.incrementAndGet l)
632 nil)
634 (defn inc-atomic-long [^AtomicLong l]
635 (.incrementAndGet l)
636 nil)
638 (deftest test-boxing-prevention-when-compiling-statements
639 (is (= 1 (.get (doto (AtomicInteger. 0) inc-atomic-int))))
640 (is (= 1 (.get (doto (AtomicLong. 0) inc-atomic-long)))))
2222 (are [result lookup] (= result (find-keyword this-ns lookup))
2323 ::foo "foo"
2424 nil (str absent-keyword-sym)))))
26 (deftest arity-exceptions
27 (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Wrong number of args \(0\) passed to: :kw" (:kw)))
28 (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Wrong number of args \(20\) passed to: :foo/bar" (apply :foo/bar (range 20))))
29 (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Wrong number of args \(21\) passed to: :foo/bar" (apply :foo/bar (range 21))))
30 (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Wrong number of args \(22\) passed to: :foo/bar" (apply :foo/bar (range 22)))))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.test-clojure.math
9 (:require
10 [clojure.test :refer :all]
11 [clojure.math :as m]))
13 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
15 (defn neg-zero?
16 [^double d]
17 (and (zero? d) (< (Double/compare d 0.0) 0)))
19 (defn pos-zero?
20 [^double d]
21 (and (zero? d) (not (< (Double/compare d 0.0) 0))))
23 (defn ulp=
24 "Tests that y = x +/- m*ulp(x)"
25 [x y ^double m]
26 (let [mu (* (m/ulp x) m)]
27 (<= (- x mu) y (+ x mu))))
29 (deftest test-sin
30 (is (NaN? (m/sin ##NaN)))
31 (is (NaN? (m/sin ##-Inf)))
32 (is (NaN? (m/sin ##Inf)))
33 (is (pos-zero? (m/sin 0.0)))
34 (is (neg-zero? (m/sin -0.0)))
35 (is (ulp= (m/sin m/PI) (- (m/sin (- m/PI))) 1)))
37 (deftest test-cos
38 (is (NaN? (m/cos ##NaN)))
39 (is (NaN? (m/cos ##-Inf)))
40 (is (NaN? (m/cos ##Inf)))
41 (is (= 1.0 (m/cos 0.0) (m/cos -0.0)))
42 (is (ulp= (m/cos m/PI) (m/cos (- m/PI)) 1)))
44 (deftest test-tan
45 (is (NaN? (m/tan ##NaN)))
46 (is (NaN? (m/tan ##-Inf)))
47 (is (NaN? (m/tan ##Inf)))
48 (is (pos-zero? (m/tan 0.0)))
49 (is (neg-zero? (m/tan -0.0)))
50 (is (ulp= (- (m/tan m/PI)) (m/tan (- m/PI)) 1)))
52 (deftest test-asin
53 (is (NaN? (m/asin ##NaN)))
54 (is (NaN? (m/asin 2.0)))
55 (is (NaN? (m/asin -2.0)))
56 (is (zero? (m/asin -0.0))))
58 (deftest test-acos
59 (is (NaN? (m/acos ##NaN)))
60 (is (NaN? (m/acos -2.0)))
61 (is (NaN? (m/acos 2.0)))
62 (is (ulp= (* 2 (m/acos 0.0)) m/PI 1)))
64 (deftest test-atan
65 (is (NaN? (m/atan ##NaN)))
66 (is (pos-zero? (m/atan 0.0)))
67 (is (neg-zero? (m/atan -0.0)))
68 (is (ulp= (m/atan 1) 0.7853981633974483 1)))
70 (deftest test-radians-degrees-roundtrip
71 (doseq [d (range 0.0 360.0 5.0)]
72 (is (ulp= (m/round d) (m/round (-> d m/to-radians m/to-degrees)) 1))))
74 (deftest test-exp
75 (is (NaN? (m/exp ##NaN)))
76 (is (= ##Inf (m/exp ##Inf)))
77 (is (pos-zero? (m/exp ##-Inf)))
78 (is (ulp= (m/exp 0.0) 1.0 1))
79 (is (ulp= (m/exp 1) m/E 1)))
81 (deftest test-log
82 (is (NaN? (m/log ##NaN)))
83 (is (NaN? (m/log -1.0)))
84 (is (= ##Inf (m/log ##Inf)))
85 (is (= ##-Inf (m/log 0.0)))
86 (is (ulp= (m/log m/E) 1.0 1)))
88 (deftest test-log10
89 (is (NaN? (m/log10 ##NaN)))
90 (is (NaN? (m/log10 -1.0)))
91 (is (= ##Inf (m/log10 ##Inf)))
92 (is (= ##-Inf (m/log10 0.0)))
93 (is (ulp= (m/log10 10) 1.0 1)))
95 (deftest test-sqrt
96 (is (NaN? (m/sqrt ##NaN)))
97 (is (NaN? (m/sqrt -1.0)))
98 (is (= ##Inf (m/sqrt ##Inf)))
99 (is (pos-zero? (m/sqrt 0)))
100 (is (= (m/sqrt 4.0) 2.0)))
102 (deftest test-cbrt
103 (is (NaN? (m/cbrt ##NaN)))
104 (is (= ##-Inf (m/cbrt ##-Inf)))
105 (is (= ##Inf (m/cbrt ##Inf)))
106 (is (pos-zero? (m/cbrt 0)))
107 (is (= 2.0 (m/cbrt 8.0))))
109 (deftest test-IEEE-remainder
110 (is (NaN? (m/IEEE-remainder ##NaN 1.0)))
111 (is (NaN? (m/IEEE-remainder 1.0 ##NaN)))
112 (is (NaN? (m/IEEE-remainder ##Inf 2.0)))
113 (is (NaN? (m/IEEE-remainder ##-Inf 2.0)))
114 (is (NaN? (m/IEEE-remainder 2 0.0)))
115 (is (= 1.0 (m/IEEE-remainder 5.0 4.0))))
117 (deftest test-ceil
118 (is (NaN? (m/ceil ##NaN)))
119 (is (= ##Inf (m/ceil ##Inf)))
120 (is (= ##-Inf (m/ceil ##-Inf)))
121 (is (= 4.0 (m/ceil m/PI))))
123 (deftest test-floor
124 (is (NaN? (m/floor ##NaN)))
125 (is (= ##Inf (m/floor ##Inf)))
126 (is (= ##-Inf (m/floor ##-Inf)))
127 (is (= 3.0 (m/floor m/PI))))
129 (deftest test-rint
130 (is (NaN? (m/rint ##NaN)))
131 (is (= ##Inf (m/rint ##Inf)))
132 (is (= ##-Inf (m/rint ##-Inf)))
133 (is (= 1.0 (m/rint 1.2)))
134 (is (neg-zero? (m/rint -0.01))))
136 (deftest test-atan2
137 (is (NaN? (m/atan2 ##NaN 1.0)))
138 (is (NaN? (m/atan2 1.0 ##NaN)))
139 (is (pos-zero? (m/atan2 0.0 1.0)))
140 (is (neg-zero? (m/atan2 -0.0 1.0)))
141 (is (ulp= (m/atan2 0.0 -1.0) m/PI 2))
142 (is (ulp= (m/atan2 -0.0 -1.0) (- m/PI) 2))
143 (is (ulp= (* 2.0 (m/atan2 1.0 0.0)) m/PI 2))
144 (is (ulp= (* -2.0 (m/atan2 -1.0 0.0)) m/PI 2))
145 (is (ulp= (* 4.0 (m/atan2 ##Inf ##Inf)) m/PI 2))
146 (is (ulp= (/ (* 4.0 (m/atan2 ##Inf ##-Inf)) 3.0) m/PI 2))
147 (is (ulp= (* -4.0 (m/atan2 ##-Inf ##Inf)) m/PI 2))
148 (is (ulp= (/ (* -4.0 (m/atan2 ##-Inf ##-Inf)) 3.0) m/PI 2)))
150 (deftest test-pow
151 (is (= 1.0 (m/pow 4.0 0.0)))
152 (is (= 1.0 (m/pow 4.0 -0.0)))
153 (is (= 4.2 (m/pow 4.2 1.0)))
154 (is (NaN? (m/pow 4.2 ##NaN)))
155 (is (NaN? (m/pow ##NaN 2.0)))
156 (is (= ##Inf (m/pow 2.0 ##Inf)))
157 (is (= ##Inf (m/pow 0.5 ##-Inf)))
158 (is (= 0.0 (m/pow 2.0 ##-Inf)))
159 (is (= 0.0 (m/pow 0.5 ##Inf)))
160 (is (NaN? (m/pow 1.0 ##Inf)))
161 (is (pos-zero? (m/pow 0.0 1.5)))
162 (is (pos-zero? (m/pow ##Inf -2.0)))
163 (is (= ##Inf (m/pow 0.0 -2.0)))
164 (is (= ##Inf (m/pow ##Inf 2.0)))
165 (is (pos-zero? (m/pow -0.0 1.5)))
166 (is (pos-zero? (m/pow ##-Inf -1.5)))
167 (is (neg-zero? (m/pow -0.0 3.0)))
168 (is (neg-zero? (m/pow ##-Inf -3.0)))
169 (is (= ##Inf (m/pow -0.0 -1.5)))
170 (is (= ##Inf (m/pow ##-Inf 2.5)))
171 (is (= ##-Inf (m/pow -0.0 -3.0)))
172 (is (= ##-Inf (m/pow ##-Inf 3.0)))
173 (is (= 4.0 (m/pow -2.0 2.0)))
174 (is (= -8.0 (m/pow -2.0 3.0)))
175 (is (= 8.0 (m/pow 2.0 3.0))))
177 (deftest test-round
178 (is (= 0 (m/round ##NaN)))
179 (is (= Long/MIN_VALUE (m/round ##-Inf)))
180 (is (= Long/MIN_VALUE (m/round (- Long/MIN_VALUE 2.0))))
181 (is (= Long/MAX_VALUE (m/round ##Inf)))
182 (is (= Long/MAX_VALUE (m/round (+ Long/MAX_VALUE 2.0))))
183 (is (= 4 (m/round 3.5))))
185 (deftest test-add-exact
186 (try
187 (m/add-exact Long/MAX_VALUE 1)
188 (is false)
189 (catch ArithmeticException _
190 (is true))))
192 (deftest test-subtract-exact
193 (try
194 (m/subtract-exact Long/MIN_VALUE 1)
195 (is false)
196 (catch ArithmeticException _
197 (is true))))
199 (deftest test-multiply-exact
200 (try
201 (m/multiply-exact Long/MAX_VALUE 2)
202 (is false)
203 (catch ArithmeticException _
204 (is true))))
206 (deftest test-increment-exact
207 (try
208 (m/increment-exact Long/MAX_VALUE)
209 (is false)
210 (catch ArithmeticException _
211 (is true))))
213 (deftest test-decrement-exact
214 (try
215 (m/decrement-exact Long/MIN_VALUE)
216 (is false)
217 (catch ArithmeticException _
218 (is true))))
220 (deftest test-negate-exact
221 (is (= (inc Long/MIN_VALUE) (m/negate-exact Long/MAX_VALUE)))
222 (try
223 (m/negate-exact Long/MIN_VALUE)
224 (is false)
225 (catch ArithmeticException _
226 (is true))))
228 (deftest test-floor-div
229 (is (= Long/MIN_VALUE (m/floor-div Long/MIN_VALUE -1)))
230 (is (= -1 (m/floor-div -2 5))))
232 (deftest test-floor-mod
233 (is (= 3 (m/floor-mod -2 5))))
235 (deftest test-ulp
236 (is (NaN? (m/ulp ##NaN)))
237 (is (= ##Inf (m/ulp ##Inf)))
238 (is (= ##Inf (m/ulp ##-Inf)))
239 (is (= Double/MIN_VALUE (m/ulp 0.0)))
240 (is (= (m/pow 2 971) (m/ulp Double/MAX_VALUE)))
241 (is (= (m/pow 2 971) (m/ulp (- Double/MAX_VALUE)))))
243 (deftest test-signum
244 (is (NaN? (m/signum ##NaN)))
245 (is (zero? (m/signum 0.0)))
246 (is (zero? (m/signum -0.0)))
247 (is (= 1.0 (m/signum 42.0)))
248 (is (= -1.0 (m/signum -42.0))))
250 (deftest test-sinh
251 (is (NaN? (m/sinh ##NaN)))
252 (is (= ##Inf (m/sinh ##Inf)))
253 (is (= ##-Inf (m/sinh ##-Inf)))
254 (is (= 0.0 (m/sinh 0.0))))
256 (deftest test-cosh
257 (is (NaN? (m/cosh ##NaN)))
258 (is (= ##Inf (m/cosh ##Inf)))
259 (is (= ##Inf (m/cosh ##-Inf)))
260 (is (= 1.0 (m/cosh 0.0))))
262 (deftest test-tanh
263 (is (NaN? (m/tanh ##NaN)))
264 (is (= 1.0 (m/tanh ##Inf)))
265 (is (= -1.0 (m/tanh ##-Inf)))
266 (is (= 0.0 (m/tanh 0.0))))
268 (deftest test-hypot
269 (is (= ##Inf (m/hypot 1.0 ##Inf)))
270 (is (= ##Inf (m/hypot ##Inf 1.0)))
271 (is (NaN? (m/hypot ##NaN 1.0)))
272 (is (NaN? (m/hypot 1.0 ##NaN)))
273 (is (= 13.0 (m/hypot 5.0 12.0))))
275 (deftest test-expm1
276 (is (NaN? (m/expm1 ##NaN)))
277 (is (= ##Inf (m/expm1 ##Inf)))
278 (is (= -1.0 (m/expm1 ##-Inf)))
279 (is (= 0.0 (m/expm1 0.0))))
281 (deftest test-log1p
282 (is (NaN? (m/log1p ##NaN)))
283 (is (= ##Inf (m/log1p ##Inf)))
284 (is (= ##-Inf (m/log1p -1.0)))
285 (is (pos-zero? (m/log1p 0.0)))
286 (is (neg-zero? (m/log1p -0.0))))
288 (deftest test-copy-sign
289 (is (= 1.0 (m/copy-sign 1.0 42.0)))
290 (is (= -1.0 (m/copy-sign 1.0 -42.0)))
291 (is (= -1.0 (m/copy-sign 1.0 ##-Inf))))
293 (deftest test-get-exponent
294 (is (= (inc Double/MAX_EXPONENT) (m/get-exponent ##NaN)))
295 (is (= (inc Double/MAX_EXPONENT) (m/get-exponent ##Inf)))
296 (is (= (inc Double/MAX_EXPONENT) (m/get-exponent ##-Inf)))
297 (is (= (dec Double/MIN_EXPONENT) (m/get-exponent 0.0)))
298 (is (= 0 (m/get-exponent 1.0)))
299 (is (= 13 (m/get-exponent 12345.678))))
301 (deftest test-next-after
302 (is (NaN? (m/next-after ##NaN 1)))
303 (is (NaN? (m/next-after 1 ##NaN)))
304 (is (pos-zero? (m/next-after 0.0 0.0)))
305 (is (neg-zero? (m/next-after -0.0 -0.0)))
306 (is (= Double/MAX_VALUE (m/next-after ##Inf 1.0)))
307 (is (pos-zero? (m/next-after Double/MIN_VALUE -1.0))))
309 (deftest test-next-up
310 (is (NaN? (m/next-up ##NaN)))
311 (is (= ##Inf (m/next-up ##Inf)))
312 (is (= Double/MIN_VALUE (m/next-up 0.0))))
314 (deftest test-next-down
315 (is (NaN? (m/next-down ##NaN)))
316 (is (= ##-Inf (m/next-down ##-Inf)))
317 (is (= (- Double/MIN_VALUE) (m/next-down 0.0))))
319 (deftest test-scalb
320 (is (NaN? (m/scalb ##NaN 1)))
321 (is (= ##Inf (m/scalb ##Inf 1)))
322 (is (= ##-Inf (m/scalb ##-Inf 1)))
323 (is (pos-zero? (m/scalb 0.0 2)))
324 (is (neg-zero? (m/scalb -0.0 2)))
325 (is (= 32.0 (m/scalb 2.0 4))))
202202 (testing "The prefers method now returns the correct table"
203203 (is (= {[::rect ::shape] #{[::shape ::rect]}} (prefers bar)))))
205 (deftest indirect-preferences-mulitmethod-test
206 (testing "Using global hierarchy"
207 (derive ::parent-1 ::grandparent-1)
208 (derive ::parent-2 ::grandparent-2)
209 (derive ::child ::parent-1)
210 (derive ::child ::parent-2)
211 (testing "x should be preferred over y if x is preferred over an ancestor of y"
212 (defmulti indirect-1 keyword)
213 (prefer-method indirect-1 ::parent-1 ::grandparent-2)
214 (defmethod indirect-1 ::parent-1 [_] ::parent-1)
215 (defmethod indirect-1 ::parent-2 [_] ::parent-2)
216 (is (= ::parent-1 (indirect-1 ::child))))
217 (testing "x should be preferred over y if an ancestor of x is preferred over y"
218 (defmulti indirect-2 keyword)
219 (prefer-method indirect-2 ::grandparent-1 ::parent-2)
220 (defmethod indirect-2 ::parent-1 [_] ::parent-1)
221 (defmethod indirect-2 ::parent-2 [_] ::parent-2)
222 (is (= ::parent-1 (indirect-2 ::child)))))
223 (testing "Using custom hierarchy"
224 (def local-h (-> (make-hierarchy)
225 (derive :parent-1 :grandparent-1)
226 (derive :parent-2 :grandparent-2)
227 (derive :child :parent-1)
228 (derive :child :parent-2)))
229 (testing "x should be preferred over y if x is preferred over an ancestor of y"
230 (defmulti indirect-3 keyword :hierarchy #'local-h)
231 (prefer-method indirect-3 :parent-1 :grandparent-2)
232 (defmethod indirect-3 :parent-1 [_] :parent-1)
233 (defmethod indirect-3 :parent-2 [_] :parent-2)
234 (is (= :parent-1 (indirect-3 :child))))
235 (testing "x should be preferred over y if an ancestor of x is preferred over y"
236 (defmulti indirect-4 keyword :hierarchy #'local-h)
237 (prefer-method indirect-4 :grandparent-1 :parent-2)
238 (defmethod indirect-4 :parent-1 [_] :parent-1)
239 (defmethod indirect-4 :parent-2 [_] :parent-2)
240 (is (= :parent-1 (indirect-4 :child))))))
205242 (deftest remove-all-methods-test
206243 (testing "Core function remove-all-methods works"
207244 (defmulti simple1 identity)
102102 (is (thrown-with-cause-msg? clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
103103 #"defrecord and deftype fields must be symbols, user\.MyType had: :key1"
104104 (eval '(deftype MyType [:key1])))))
106 (deftest require-as-alias
107 ;; :as-alias does not load
108 (require '[not.a.real.ns [foo :as-alias foo]
109 [bar :as-alias bar]])
110 (let [aliases (ns-aliases *ns*)
111 foo-ns (get aliases 'foo)
112 bar-ns (get aliases 'bar)]
113 (is (= ' (ns-name foo-ns)))
114 (is (= ' (ns-name bar-ns))))
116 (is (= (read-string "::foo/baz")))
118 ;; can use :as-alias in use, but load will occur
119 (use '[clojure.walk :as-alias e1])
120 (is (= 'clojure.walk (ns-name (get (ns-aliases *ns*) 'e1))))
121 (is (= :clojure.walk/walk (read-string "::e1/walk")))
123 ;; can use both :as and :as-alias
124 (require '[clojure.set :as n1 :as-alias n2])
125 (let [aliases (ns-aliases *ns*)]
126 (is (= 'clojure.set (ns-name (get aliases 'n1))))
127 (is (= 'clojure.set (ns-name (get aliases 'n2))))
128 (is (= (resolve 'n1/union) #'clojure.set/union))
129 (is (= (resolve 'n2/union) #'clojure.set/union))))
131 (deftest require-as-alias-then-load-later
132 ;; alias but don't load
133 (require '[clojure.test-clojure.ns-libs-load-later :as-alias alias-now])
134 (is (contains? (ns-aliases *ns*) 'alias-now))
135 (is (not (nil? (find-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.ns-libs-load-later))))
137 ;; not loaded!
138 (is (nil? (resolve 'alias-now/example)))
140 ;; load
141 (require 'clojure.test-clojure.ns-libs-load-later)
143 ;; now loaded!
144 (is (not (nil? (resolve 'alias-now/example)))))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 ;; used by clojure.test-clojure.ns-libs/require-as-alias-then-load-later
9 (ns clojure.test-clojure.ns-libs-load-later)
11 (defn example [] true)
180180 (let [wrapped (fn [x]
181181 (try
182182 (f x)
183 (catch IllegalArgumentException e :error)))]
183 (catch RuntimeException e :error)))]
184184 (is (= vals (map wrapped inputs)))))))
186 (deftest test-prim-with-matching-hint
187 (is (= 1 (let [x 1.2] (Math/round ^double x)))))
186189 ;; *** Functions ***
642645 (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min 1.0 -10 2.0))))
643646 (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min 1.0 2.0 -10))))
644647 (is (= java.lang.Double (class (min 1 2 -10.0 3 4 5))))))
649 (deftest test-abs
650 (are [in ex] (= ex (abs in))
651 -1 1
652 1 1
653 Long/MIN_VALUE Long/MIN_VALUE ;; special case!
654 -1.0 1.0
655 -0.0 0.0
656 ##-Inf ##Inf
657 ##Inf ##Inf
658 -123.456M 123.456M
659 -123N 123N
660 -1/5 1/5)
661 (is (NaN? (abs ##NaN))))
646663 (deftest clj-868
647664 (testing "min/max: NaN is contagious"
276276 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) 2 4 6 8 -10)
277277 ;; 3 preds, short-circuiting
278278 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) 1 :a)
279 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) :a 1)
279280 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) 1 3 :a)
281 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) :a 1 3)
280282 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) 1 3 5 :a)
281283 ((some-fn number? odd? #(> % 0)) 1 :a 3 5 7)
282284 ;; 4 preds
378380 ;; rest arity
379381 {:a 5} (update {:a 1} :a + 1 1 1 1)
380382 {:a 6} (update {:a 1} :a + 1 1 1 1 1)))
384 (deftest test-update-vals
385 (let [inm (with-meta {:a 1 :b 2} {:has :meta})]
386 (are [result expr] (= result expr)
387 {:a 2 :b 3} (update-vals inm inc)
388 {:has :meta} (meta (update-vals inm inc))
389 {0 2 2 4} (update-vals (hash-map 0 1 2 3) inc)
390 {0 2 2 4} (update-vals (array-map 0 1 2 3) inc)
391 {0 2 2 4} (update-vals (sorted-map 2 3 0 1) inc))))
393 (deftest test-update-keys
394 (let [inm (with-meta {:a 1 :b 2} {:has :meta})]
395 (are [result expr] (= result expr)
396 {"a" 1 "b" 2} (update-keys inm name)
397 {:has :meta} (meta (update-keys inm name))
398 {1 1 3 3} (update-keys (hash-map 0 1 2 3) inc)
399 {1 1 3 3} (update-keys (array-map 0 1 2 3) inc)
400 {1 1 3 3} (update-keys (sorted-map 2 3 0 1) inc))))
0 (ns clojure.test-clojure.parse
1 (:require
2 [clojure.test :refer :all]
3 [clojure.test.check :as chk]
4 [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
5 [ :as prop])
6 (:import
7 [java.util UUID]))
9 (deftest test-parse-long
10 (are [s expected]
11 (= expected (parse-long s))
12 "100" 100
13 "+100" 100
14 "0" 0
15 "+0" 0
16 "-0" 0
17 "-42" -42
18 "9223372036854775807" Long/MAX_VALUE
19 "+9223372036854775807" Long/MAX_VALUE
20 "-9223372036854775808" Long/MIN_VALUE
21 "077" 77) ;; leading 0s are ignored! (not octal)
23 (are [s] ;; do not parse
24 (nil? (parse-long s))
25 "0.3" ;; no float
26 "9223372036854775808" ;; past max long
27 "-9223372036854775809" ;; past min long
28 "0xA0" ;; no hex
29 "2r010")) ;; no radix support
31 ;; generative test - gen long -> str -> parse, compare
32 (deftest test-gen-parse-long
33 (let [res (chk/quick-check
34 100000
35 (prop/for-all* [gen/large-integer]
36 #(= % (-> % str parse-long))))]
37 (if (:result res)
38 (is true) ;; pass
39 (is (:result res) (pr-str res)))))
41 (deftest test-parse-double
42 (are [s expected]
43 (= expected (parse-double s))
44 "1.234" 1.234
45 "+1.234" 1.234
46 "-1.234" -1.234
47 "+0" +0.0
48 "-0.0" -0.0
49 "0.0" 0.0
50 "5" 5.0
51 "Infinity" Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY
52 "-Infinity" Double/NEGATIVE_INFINITY
53 "1.7976931348623157E308" Double/MAX_VALUE
54 "4.9E-324" Double/MIN_VALUE
55 "1.7976931348623157E309" Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY ;; past max double
56 "2.5e-324" Double/MIN_VALUE ;; past min double, above half minimum
57 "2.4e-324" 0.0) ;; below minimum double
58 (is (Double/isNaN (parse-double "NaN")))
59 (are [s] ;; nil on invalid string
60 (nil? (parse-double s))
61 "double" ;; invalid string
62 "1.7976931348623157G309")) ;; invalid, but similar to valid
64 ;; generative test - gen double -> str -> parse, compare
65 (deftest test-gen-parse-double
66 (let [res (chk/quick-check
67 100000
68 (prop/for-all* [gen/double]
69 #(let [parsed (-> % str parse-double)]
70 (if (Double/isNaN %)
71 (Double/isNaN parsed)
72 (= % parsed)))))]
73 (if (:result res)
74 (is true) ;; pass
75 (is (:result res) (pr-str res)))))
77 (deftest test-parse-uuid
78 (is (parse-uuid (.toString (UUID/randomUUID))))
79 (is (nil? (parse-uuid "BOGUS"))) ;; nil on invalid uuid string
80 (are [s] ;; throw on invalid type (not string)
81 (try (parse-uuid s) (is false) (catch Throwable _ (is true)))
82 123
83 nil))
85 (deftest test-parse-boolean
86 (is (identical? true (parse-boolean "true")))
87 (is (identical? false (parse-boolean "false")))
89 (are [s] ;; nil on invalid string
90 (nil? (parse-boolean s))
91 "abc"
92 "TRUE"
93 "FALSE"
94 " true ")
96 (are [s] ;; throw on invalid type (not string)
97 (try (parse-boolean s) (is false) (catch Throwable _ (is true)))
98 nil
99 false
100 true
101 100))
171171 (dotimes [i (count row)]
172172 (is (= ((resolve (nth preds i)) v) (nth row i))
173173 (pr-str (list (nth preds i) v))))))))
175 ;; Special double predicates
177 (deftest test-double-preds
178 (is (NaN? ##NaN))
179 (is (NaN? (Double/parseDouble "NaN")))
180 (is (NaN? (Float/parseFloat "NaN")))
181 (is (NaN? Float/NaN))
182 (is (not (NaN? 5)))
183 (is (thrown? Throwable (NaN? nil)))
184 (is (thrown? Throwable (NaN? :xyz)))
186 (is (infinite? ##Inf))
187 (is (infinite? ##-Inf))
188 (is (infinite? Double/POSITIVE_INFINITY))
189 (is (infinite? Double/NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
190 (is (infinite? Float/POSITIVE_INFINITY))
191 (is (infinite? Float/NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
192 (is (thrown? Throwable (infinite? nil)))
193 (is (thrown? Throwable (infinite? :xyz))))
1616 (hinted [^int i])
1717 (hinted [^String s]))
19 (defprotocol LongsHintedProto
20 (^longs longs-hinted [_]))
4646 (deftest protocols-test
4747 (testing "protocol fns have useful metadata"
4848 (let [common-meta {:ns (find-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples)
49 :protocol #'ExampleProtocol}]
50 (are [m f] (= (merge (quote m) common-meta)
49 :protocol #'ExampleProtocol :tag nil}]
50 (are [m f] (= (merge common-meta m)
5151 (meta (var f)))
52 {:name foo :arglists ([a]) :doc "method with one arg"} foo
53 {:name bar :arglists ([a b]) :doc "method with two args"} bar
54 {:name baz :arglists ([a] [a b]) :doc "method with multiple arities" :tag String} baz
55 {:name with-quux :arglists ([a]) :doc "method name with a hyphen"} with-quux)))
52 {:name 'foo :arglists '([a]) :doc "method with one arg"} foo
53 {:name 'bar :arglists '([a b]) :doc "method with two args"} bar
54 {:name 'baz :arglists '([a] [a b]) :doc "method with multiple arities" :tag 'java.lang.String} baz
55 {:name 'with-quux :arglists '([a]) :doc "method name with a hyphen"} with-quux)))
5656 (testing "protocol fns throw IllegalArgumentException if no impl matches"
5757 (is (thrown-with-msg?
5858 IllegalArgumentException
673673 (deftest test-leading-dashes
674674 (is (= 10 (-do-dashed (Dashed.))))
675675 (is (= [10] (map -do-dashed [(Dashed.)]))))
677 ;; see CLJ-1879
679 (deftest test-base-reduce-kv
680 (is (= {1 :a 2 :b}
681 (reduce-kv #(assoc %1 %3 %2)
682 {}
683 (seq {:a 1 :b 2})))))
685 (defn aget-long-hinted ^long [x] (aget (longs-hinted x) 0))
687 (deftest test-longs-hinted-proto
688 (is (= 1
689 (aget-long-hinted
690 (reify LongsHintedProto
691 (longs-hinted [_] (long-array [1])))))))
693 ;; CLJ-1180 - resolve type hints in protocol methods
695 (import 'clojure.lang.ISeq)
696 (defprotocol P
697 (^ISeq f [_]))
698 (ns clojure.test-clojure.protocols.other
699 (:use clojure.test))
700 (defn cf [val]
701 (let [aseq (clojure.test-clojure.protocols/f val)]
702 (count aseq)))
703 (extend-protocol clojure.test-clojure.protocols/P String
704 (f [s] (seq s)))
705 (deftest test-resolve-type-hints-in-protocol-methods
706 (is (= 4 (clojure.test-clojure.protocols/f "test"))))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:doc "Test proxy classes that are AOT-compiled for the tests in
10 :author "Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant"}
11 clojure.test-clojure.proxy.examples)
13 (definterface A
14 (^int a [^String x])
15 (^boolean a [^ x])
16 (^boolean a [^Runnable x])
17 (a [^Boolean x])
18 (^int a [^Boolean x ^String y])
19 (^int a [^String x ^String y])
20 (^boolean a [^String x ^ y])
21 (^boolean a [^String x ^Runnable y])
22 (b [^String x])
23 (c [^String x])
24 (d [^String x]))
26 (def ^String proxy1-class-name
27 (-> (proxy [A] [])
28 class
29 .getName))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns
9 (:require [clojure.test :refer [is deftest run-test run-tests]]
10 [clojure.test-helper :refer [with-err-string-writer]]
11 [clojure.test-clojure.test-fixtures :as tf]))
13 (defn not-a-test
14 [])
16 (defmacro should-print-to-err
17 [re & body]
18 `(is (re-find ~re (with-err-string-writer ~@body))))
20 (deftest reports-missing-var
21 (should-print-to-err #"^Unable to resolve .*/function-missing to a test function.*"
22 (let [result (eval `(run-test function-missing))]
23 (is (nil? result)))))
25 (deftest reports-non-test-var
26 (should-print-to-err #"^.*/not-a-test is not a test.*"
27 (let [result (eval `(run-test not-a-test))]
28 (is (nil? result)))))
30 (deftest can-run-test-with-fixtures
31 (is (= {:test 1, :pass 2, :fail 0, :error 0, :type :summary}
32 (run-test tf/can-use-once-fixtures))))
987987 {} {:a 1 :b 2}
988988 #{} #{1 2} ))
990 (defspec longrange-equals-range 100
990 (defspec longrange-equals-range 1000
991991 (prop/for-all [start gen/int
992992 end gen/int
993993 step gen/s-pos-int]
13831383 (when (reversible? coll)
13841384 (is (= true (instance? clojure.lang.IMeta (rseq coll))))
13851385 (is (= {:a true} (meta (with-meta (rseq coll) {:a true})))))))
1387 (deftest test-iteration-opts
1388 (let [genstep (fn [steps]
1389 (fn [k] (swap! steps inc) (inc k)))
1390 test (fn [expect & iteropts]
1391 (is (= expect
1392 (let [nsteps (atom 0)
1393 iter (apply iteration (genstep nsteps) iteropts)
1394 ret (doall (seq iter))]
1395 {:ret ret :steps @nsteps})
1396 (let [nsteps (atom 0)
1397 iter (apply iteration (genstep nsteps) iteropts)
1398 ret (into [] iter)]
1399 {:ret ret :steps @nsteps}))))]
1400 (test {:ret [1 2 3 4]
1401 :steps 5}
1402 :initk 0 :somef #(< % 5))
1403 (test {:ret [1 2 3 4 5]
1404 :steps 5}
1405 :initk 0 :kf (fn [ret] (when (< ret 5) ret)))
1406 (test {:ret ["1"]
1407 :steps 2}
1408 :initk 0 :somef #(< % 2) :vf str))
1410 ;; kf does not stop on false
1411 (let [iter #(iteration (fn [k]
1412 (if (boolean? k)
1413 [10 :boolean]
1414 [k k]))
1415 :vf second
1416 :kf (fn [[k v]]
1417 (cond
1418 (= k 3) false
1419 (< k 14) (inc k)))
1420 :initk 0)]
1421 (is (= [0 1 2 3 :boolean 11 12 13 14]
1422 (into [] (iter))
1423 (seq (iter))))))
1425 (deftest test-iteration
1426 ;; equivalence to line-seq
1427 (let [readme #(java.nio.file.Files/newBufferedReader (.toPath ( "readme.txt")))]
1428 (is (= (with-open [r (readme)]
1429 (vec (iteration (fn [_] (.readLine r)))))
1430 (with-open [r (readme)]
1431 (doall (line-seq r))))))
1433 ;; paginated API
1434 (let [items 12 pgsize 5
1435 src (vec (repeatedly items #(java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
1436 api (fn [tok]
1437 (let [tok (or tok 0)]
1438 (when (< tok items)
1439 {:tok (+ tok pgsize)
1440 :ret (subvec src tok (min (+ tok pgsize) items))})))]
1441 (is (= src
1442 (mapcat identity (iteration api :kf :tok :vf :ret))
1443 (into [] cat (iteration api :kf :tok :vf :ret)))))
1445 (let [src [:a :b :c :d :e]
1446 api (fn [k]
1447 (let [k (or k 0)]
1448 (if (< k (count src))
1449 {:item (nth src k)
1450 :k (inc k)})))]
1451 (is (= [:a :b :c]
1452 (vec (iteration api
1453 :somef (comp #{:a :b :c} :item)
1454 :kf :k
1455 :vf :item))
1456 (vec (iteration api
1457 :kf #(some-> % :k #{0 1 2})
1458 :vf :item))))))
1460 (defspec iteration-seq-equals-reduce 1000
1461 (prop/for-all [initk gen/int
1462 seed gen/int]
1463 (let [src (fn []
1464 (let [rng (java.util.Random. seed)]
1465 (iteration #(unchecked-add % (.nextLong rng))
1466 :somef (complement #(zero? (mod % 1000)))
1467 :vf str
1468 :initk initk)))]
1469 (= (into [] (src))
1470 (into [] (seq (src)))))))
397397 (sequence (map-indexed vector) [])))
398398 (is (= [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3] [3 4]]
399399 (sequence (map-indexed vector) (range 1 5)))))
401 (deftest test-into+halt-when
402 (is (= :anomaly (into [] (comp (filter some?) (halt-when #{:anomaly}))
403 [1 2 3 :anomaly 4])))
404 (is (= {:anomaly :oh-no!,
405 :partial-results [1 2]}
406 (into []
407 (halt-when :anomaly #(assoc %2 :partial-results %1))
408 [1 2 {:anomaly :oh-no!} 3 4]))))
415415 (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit
416416 (reduce [_ f start]
417417 (reduce f start (range 4))))))))
419 (deftest test-reduce-kv-vectors
420 (is (= 25 (reduce-kv + 10 [2 4 6])))
421 (is (= 25 (reduce-kv + 10 (subvec [0 2 4 6] 1)))))
423 (deftest test-vector-eqv-to-non-counted-types
424 (is (not= (range) [0 1 2]))
425 (is (not= [0 1 2] (range)))
426 (is (= [0 1 2] (take 3 (range))))
427 (is (= [0 1 2] (new java.util.ArrayList [0 1 2])))
428 (is (not= [1 2] (take 1 (cycle [1 2]))))
429 (is (= [1 2 3 nil 4 5 6 nil] (eduction cat [[1 2 3 nil] [4 5 6 nil]]))))