diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03c8081 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +*.iml +*init.clj +.idea +out-simp +out-simp-node +out-adv +out-adv-node +/target +/lib +/classes +/checkouts +*.jar +*.class +.lein-deps-sum +.lein-failures +.lein-plugins +.lein-repl-history +tests.js +tests.js.map +pom.xml.versionsBackup diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06b2fc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +If you'd like to submit a patch, please follow the [contributing guidelines](http://clojure.org/contributing). diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f05e9e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +# core.async + +A Clojure library providing facilities for async programming and communication. + + +## Releases and Dependency Information + +Latest release: 0.3.442 + +* [All Released Versions](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.clojure%22%20AND%20a%3A%22core.async%22) + +[Leiningen](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen) dependency information: + +```clj + [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"] + [org.clojure/core.async "0.3.442"] +``` + +[Maven](http://maven.apache.org/) dependency information: + +```xml + + org.clojure + core.async + 0.3.442 + +``` + +## Documentation + +* [Rationale](http://clojure.com/blog/2013/06/28/clojure-core-async-channels.html) +* [API docs](http://clojure.github.io/core.async/) +* [Code walkthrough](https://github.com/clojure/core.async/blob/master/examples/walkthrough.clj) + +## Presentations + +* [Rich Hickey on core.async](http://www.infoq.com/presentations/clojure-core-async) +* [Tim Baldridge on core.async](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enwIIGzhahw) from Clojure/conj 2013 ([code](https://github.com/halgari/clojure-conj-2013-core.async-examples)). +* Tim Baldridge on go macro internals - [part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3PZMIwXN_g) [part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI7qtuuahhU) +* David Nolen [core.async webinar](http://go.cognitect.com/core_async_webinar_recording) + +## Contributing + +[Contributing to Clojure projects](http://clojure.org/contributing) requires a signed Contributor Agreement. Pull requests and GitHub issues are not accepted; please use the [core.async JIRA project](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC) to report problems or enhancements. + +To run the ClojureScript tests: + +* lein cljsbuild once +* open script/runtests.html +* View JavaScript console for test results + +## License + +Copyright © 2017 Rich Hickey and contributors + +Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. + +## Changelog + +* Release 0.3.xxx on 2017.05.26 + * +* Release 0.3.442 on 2017.03.14 + * Fix bad `:refer-clojure` clause that violates new spec in Clojure 1.9.0-alpha15 +* Release 0.3.441 on 2017.02.23 + * [ASYNC-187](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-187) - Tag metadata is lost in local closed over by a loop + * Related: [ASYNC-188](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-188) + * [ASYNC-185](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-185) - `thread` prevents clearing of body locals + * [ASYNC-186](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-186) - NPE when `go` closes over a local variable bound to nil +* Release 0.3.426 on 2017.02.22 + * [ASYNC-169](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-169) - handling of catch and finally inside go blocks was broken, causing a number of issues. Related: [ASYNC-100](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-100), [ASYNC-173](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-173), [ASYNC-180](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-180), [ASYNC-179](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-179), [ASYNC-122](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-122), [ASYNC-78](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-78), [ASYNC-168](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-168) + * [ASYNC-138](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-138) - go blocks do not allow closed over locals to be cleared which can lead to a memory leak. Related: [ASYNC-32](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-32) + * [ASYNC-155](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-155) - preserve loop binding metadata when inside a go block + * [ASYNC-54](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-54) - fix bad type hint on MAX-QUEUE-SIZE + * [ASYNC-177](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-177) - fix typo in Buffer protocol full? method + * [ASYNC-70](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-70) - docstring change in thread, thread-call + * [ASYNC-143](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-143) - assert that fixed buffers must have size > 0 + * Update tools.analyzer.jvm dependency +* Release 0.2.395 on 2016.10.12 + * Add async version of transduce +* Release 0.2.391 on 2016.09.09 + * Fix redefinition warning for bounded-count (added in Clojure 1.9) + * Add :deprecated meta to the deprecated functions +* Release 0.2.385 on 2016.06.17 + * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version +* Release 0.2.382 on 2016.06.13 + * Important: Change default dispatch thread pool size to 8. + * Add Java system property `clojure.core.async.pool-size` to set the dispatch thread pool size + * [ASYNC-152](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-152) - disable t.a.jvm's warn-on-reflection pass +* Release 0.2.374 on 2015.11.11 + * [ASYNC-149](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-149) - fix error compiling recur inside case in a go block + * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version (and other upstream deps) + * Updated to latest clojurescript and cljsbuild versions +* Release 0.2.371 on 2015.10.28 + * [ASYNC-124](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-124) - dispatch multiple pending takers from expanding transducer + * [ASYNC-103](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-103) - NEW promise-chan + * [ASYNC-104](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-104) - NEW non-blocking offer!, poll! + * [ASYNC-101](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-101) - async/reduce now respects reduced + * [ASYNC-112](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-112) - replace "transformer" with "transducer" in deprecation messages + * [ASYNC-6](http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/ASYNC-6) - alts! docs updated to explicitly state ports is a vector + * Support (try (catch :default)) in CLJS exception handling + * Use cljs.test + * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version (and other upstream deps) +* Release 0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha on 2014.09.22 + * cljs nextTick relies on goog.async.nextTick + * Updated docstring for put! re result on closed channel +* Release 0.1.338.0-5c5012-alpha on 2014.08.19 + * Add cljs transducers support +* Release 0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha on 2014.08.06 + * Add transducers support + * NEW pipeline +* Release 0.1.303.0-886421-alpha on 2014.05.08 +* Release 0.1.301.0-deb34a-alpha on 2014.04.29 +* Release on 2014.04.25 +* Release on 2014.02.07 +* Release on 2013.12.11 +* Release on 2013.12.10 +* Release on 2013.11.07 +* Release on 2013.09.27 +* Release on 2013.09.12 diff --git a/VERSION_TEMPLATE b/VERSION_TEMPLATE new file mode 100755 index 0000000..70ca0c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/VERSION_TEMPLATE @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +0.3.GENERATED_VERSION diff --git a/doc/intro.md b/doc/intro.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bccf64 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/intro.md @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Introduction to core.async + diff --git a/epl.html b/epl.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd39122 --- /dev/null +++ b/epl.html @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ + + + + + + +Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0 + + + + + + +

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

+ +


+ +


+ +

"Contribution" means:

+ +

a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial +code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and


b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:


i) changes to the Program, and


ii) additions to the Program;


where such changes and/or additions to the Program +originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A +Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the +Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such +Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the +Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in +conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii) +are not derivative works of the Program.

+ +

"Contributor" means any person or entity that distributes +the Program.

+ +

"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a +Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its +Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.

+ +

"Program" means the Contributions distributed in accordance +with this Agreement.

+ +

"Recipient" means anyone who receives the Program under +this Agreement, including all Contributors.

+ +


+ +

a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each +Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, +royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works +of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the +Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in +source code and object code form.

+ +

b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each +Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide, +royalty-free patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell, +offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such +Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This patent +license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the +Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor, +such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered +by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other +combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is +licensed hereunder.

+ +

c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor +grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances +are provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the +patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each +Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by +any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights +or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses +granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to +secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For +example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient +to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire +that license before distributing the Program.

+ +

d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it +has sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant +the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.

+ +


+ +

A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code +form under its own license agreement, provided that:

+ +

a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this +Agreement; and

+ +

b) its license agreement:

+ +

i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors +all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties +or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or +conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;

+ +

ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors +all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, +incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits;

+ +

iii) states that any provisions which differ from this +Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other +party; and

+ +

iv) states that source code for the Program is available +from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a +reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software +exchange.

+ +

When the Program is made available in source code form:

+ +

a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and

+ +

b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each +copy of the Program.

+ +

Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained +within the Program.

+ +

Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its +Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent +Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.

+ +


+ +

Commercial distributors of software may accept certain +responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the +like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of +the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial +product offering should do so in a manner which does not create +potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor +includes the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor +("Commercial Contributor") hereby agrees to defend and +indemnify every other Contributor ("Indemnified Contributor") +against any losses, damages and costs (collectively "Losses") +arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third +party against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the +acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its +distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The +obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses +relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In +order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify +the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the +Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial +Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. The +Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its own +expense.

+ +

For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial +product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial +Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance +claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance +claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility +alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to +defend claims against the other Contributors related to those +performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other +Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor +must pay those damages.

+ +


+ +

EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS +PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, +ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY +OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely +responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and +distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its +exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but not limited to +the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, +damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or +interruption of operations.

+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +

If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under +applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of +the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action +by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum +extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.

+ +

If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the +Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other +software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such +Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the +date such litigation is filed.

+ +

All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it +fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this +Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time +after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights +under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and +distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However, +Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by +Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive.

+ +

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this +Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is +copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The +Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including +revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the +Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse +Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may +assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a +suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be +given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including +Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the +Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version +of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the +Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as +expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no +rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under +this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or +otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this +Agreement are reserved.

+ +

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and +the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party +to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more +than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its +rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.

+ + + + diff --git a/examples/ex-alts.clj b/examples/ex-alts.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9907ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/ex-alts.clj @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +(require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [! !! timeout chan alt! alts!! go]]) + +(defn fan-in [ins] + (let [c (chan)] + (future (while true + (let [[x] (alts!! ins)] + (>!! c x)))) + c)) + +(defn fan-out [in cs-or-n] + (let [cs (if (number? cs-or-n) + (repeatedly cs-or-n chan) + cs-or-n)] + (future (while true + (let [x (!! cout n) + (prn (! timeout chan alt! alts! go]]) + +(defn fan-in [ins] + (let [c (chan)] + (go (while true + (let [[x] (alts! ins)] + (>! c x)))) + c)) + +(defn fan-out [in cs-or-n] + (let [cs (if (number? cs-or-n) + (repeatedly cs-or-n chan) + cs-or-n)] + (go (while true + (let [x (! cout n) + (prn (!! timeout chan alt!!]]) + +(defn fake-search [kind] + (fn [c query] + (future + (!! c [kind query])))) + +(def web1 (fake-search :web1)) +(def web2 (fake-search :web2)) +(def image1 (fake-search :image1)) +(def image2 (fake-search :image2)) +(def video1 (fake-search :video1)) +(def video2 (fake-search :video2)) + +(defn fastest [query & replicas] + (let [c (chan)] + (doseq [replica replicas] + (replica c query)) + c)) + +(defn google [query] + (let [c (chan) + t (timeout 80)] + (future (>!! c (!! c (!! c (! ! c [kind query])))) + +(def web1 (fake-search :web1)) +(def web2 (fake-search :web2)) +(def image1 (fake-search :image1)) +(def image2 (fake-search :image2)) +(def video1 (fake-search :video1)) +(def video2 (fake-search :video2)) + +(defn fastest [query & replicas] + (let [c (chan)] + (doseq [replica replicas] + (replica c query)) + c)) + +(defn google [query] + (let [c (chan) + t (timeout 80)] + (go (>! c (! c (! c (!!` (blocking put) and `!! c "hello") + (assert (= "hello" (!! c "hello")) + (assert (= "hello" (!` (put) and `! c "hello")) + (assert (= "hello" (!! c1 "hi") + (>!! c2 "there")) + +;; Prints (on stdout, possibly not visible at your repl): +;; Read hi from # +;; Read there from # + +;; We can use alts! to do the same thing with go blocks: + +(let [c1 (chan) + c2 (chan)] + (go (while true + (let [[v ch] (alts! [c1 c2])] + (println "Read" v "from" ch)))) + (go (>! c1 "hi")) + (go (>! c2 "there"))) + +;; Since go blocks are lightweight processes not bound to threads, we +;; can have LOTS of them! Here we create 1000 go blocks that say hi on +;; 1000 channels. We use alts!! to read them as they're ready. + +(let [n 1000 + cs (repeatedly n chan) + begin (System/currentTimeMillis)] + (doseq [c cs] (go (>! c "hi"))) + (dotimes [i n] + (let [[v c] (alts!! cs)] + (assert (= "hi" v)))) + (println "Read" n "msgs in" (- (System/currentTimeMillis) begin) "ms")) + +;; `timeout` creates a channel that waits for a specified ms, then closes: + +(let [t (timeout 100) + begin (System/currentTimeMillis)] + ( + 4.0.0 + org.clojure + core.async + + 0.3.443 + jar + core.async + Facilities for async programming and communication in Clojure + https://github.com/clojure/core.async + + + + richhickey + Rich Hickey + http://clojure.org + + + + + org.clojure + pom.contrib + 0.2.2 + + + + scm:git:git://github.com/clojure/core.async.git + scm:git:git@github.com:clojure/core.async.git + https://github.com/clojure/core.async + core.async-0.3.443 + + + + 1.7.0 + + + + + org.clojure + clojurescript + 0.0-2311 + provided + + + org.clojure + tools.analyzer.jvm + 0.7.0 + + + + + + + org.codehaus.mojo + versions-maven-plugin + 2.3 + + + + diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20d307a --- /dev/null +++ b/project.clj @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +(defproject org.clojure/core.async "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" + :description "Facilities for async programming and communication in Clojure" + :url "https://github.com/clojure/core.async" + :license {:name "Eclipse Public License" + :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"} + :parent [org.clojure/pom.contrib "0.1.2"] + :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"] + [org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.7.0"] + [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.170" :scope "provided"]] + :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true} + :source-paths ["src/main/clojure"] + :test-paths ["src/test/clojure"] + :jvm-opts ^:replace ["-Xmx1g" "-server"] + :java-source-paths ["src/main/java"] + :profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["examples"]}} + + :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.2"]] + + :clean-targets ["tests.js" "tests.js.map" + "out" "out-simp" "out-simp-node" + "out-adv" "out-adv-node"] + + :cljsbuild + {:builds + [{:id "dev" + :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"] + :compiler {:main cljs.core.async.test-runner + :asset-path "../out" + :optimizations :none + :output-to "tests.js" + :output-dir "out"}} + {:id "simple" + :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"] + :compiler {:optimizations :simple + :pretty-print true + :static-fns true + :output-to "tests.js" + :output-dir "out-simp"}} + {:id "simple-node" + :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"] + :notify-command ["node" "tests.js"] + :compiler {:optimizations :simple + :target :nodejs + :pretty-print true + :static-fns true + :output-to "tests.js" + :output-dir "out-simp-node"}} + {:id "adv" + :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"] + :compiler {:optimizations :advanced + :pretty-print false + :output-dir "out-adv" + :output-to "tests.js" + :source-map "tests.js.map"}} + {:id "adv-node" + :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"] + :compiler {:optimizations :advanced + :target :nodejs + :pretty-print false + :output-dir "out-adv-node" + :output-to "tests.js" + :source-map "tests.js.map"}}]}) diff --git a/script/build/branch_revision b/script/build/branch_revision new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7753327 --- /dev/null +++ b/script/build/branch_revision @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# If on a branch other than master, returns the number of commits made off of master +# If on master, returns 0 + +set -e + +master_tag=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` + +if [ "$master_tag" == "master" ]; then + echo "0" +else + last_commit=`git rev-parse HEAD` + revision=`git rev-list master..$last_commit | wc -l` + echo $revision +fi diff --git a/script/build/git_revision b/script/build/git_revision new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d4449c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/script/build/git_revision @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# Return the portion of the version number generated from git +# + +set -e + +trunk_basis=`script/build/trunk_revision` +sha=`git rev-parse HEAD` + +sha=${sha:0:${#sha}-34} # drop the last 34 characters, keep 6 + +echo $trunk_basis diff --git a/script/build/revision b/script/build/revision new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9da2d74 --- /dev/null +++ b/script/build/revision @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# Return the complete revision number +# ...-[-qualifier] + +set -e + +version_template=`cat VERSION_TEMPLATE` + +if [[ "$version_template" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.GENERATED_VERSION(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$ ]]; then + + git_revision=`script/build/git_revision` + echo ${version_template/GENERATED_VERSION/$git_revision} + +else + echo "Invalid version template string: $version_template" >&2 + exit -1 +fi + diff --git a/script/build/trunk_revision b/script/build/trunk_revision new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ac557ff --- /dev/null +++ b/script/build/trunk_revision @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# Returns the number of commits made since the v0.0 tag + +set -e + +REVISION=`git --no-replace-objects describe --match v0.0` + +# Extract the version number from the string. Do this in two steps so +# it is a little easier to understand. +REVISION=${REVISION:5} # drop the first 5 characters +REVISION=${REVISION:0:${#REVISION}-9} # drop the last 9 characters + +echo $REVISION diff --git a/script/build/update_version b/script/build/update_version new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8bd8098 --- /dev/null +++ b/script/build/update_version @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +set -e + +mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=`script/build/revision`-SNAPSHOT diff --git a/script/runtests.html b/script/runtests.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..185c6a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/script/runtests.html @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + +

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+ + diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/buffers.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/buffers.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b981819 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/buffers.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.buffers + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl])) + +;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;; DO NOT USE, this is internal buffer representation + +(defn acopy [src src-start dest dest-start len] + (loop [cnt 0] + (when (< cnt len) + (aset dest + (+ dest-start cnt) + (aget src (+ src-start cnt))) + (recur (inc cnt))))) + +(deftype RingBuffer [^:mutable head ^:mutable tail ^:mutable length ^:mutable arr] + Object + (pop [_] + (when-not (zero? length) + (let [x (aget arr tail)] + (aset arr tail nil) + (set! tail (js-mod (inc tail) (alength arr))) + (set! length (dec length)) + x))) + + (unshift [_ x] + (aset arr head x) + (set! head (js-mod (inc head) (alength arr))) + (set! length (inc length)) + nil) + + (unbounded-unshift [this x] + (if (== (inc length) (alength arr)) + (.resize this)) + (.unshift this x)) + + ;; Doubles the size of the buffer while retaining all the existing values + (resize + [_] + (let [new-arr-size (* (alength arr) 2) + new-arr (make-array new-arr-size)] + (cond + (< tail head) + (do (acopy arr tail new-arr 0 length) + (set! tail 0) + (set! head length) + (set! arr new-arr)) + + (> tail head) + (do (acopy arr tail new-arr 0 (- (alength arr) tail)) + (acopy arr 0 new-arr (- (alength arr) tail) head) + (set! tail 0) + (set! head length) + (set! arr new-arr)) + + (== tail head) + (do (set! tail 0) + (set! head 0) + (set! arr new-arr))))) + + (cleanup [this keep?] + (dotimes [x length] + (let [v (.pop this)] + (when ^boolean (keep? v) + (.unshift this v)))))) + +(defn ring-buffer [n] + (assert (> n 0) "Can't create a ring buffer of size 0") + (RingBuffer. 0 0 0 (make-array n))) + +;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +(deftype FixedBuffer [buf n] + impl/Buffer + (full? [this] + (== (.-length buf) n)) + (remove! [this] + (.pop buf)) + (add!* [this itm] + (.unbounded-unshift buf itm) + this) + (close-buf! [this]) + cljs.core/ICounted + (-count [this] + (.-length buf))) + +(defn fixed-buffer [n] + (FixedBuffer. (ring-buffer n) n)) + +(deftype DroppingBuffer [buf n] + impl/UnblockingBuffer + impl/Buffer + (full? [this] + false) + (remove! [this] + (.pop buf)) + (add!* [this itm] + (when-not (== (.-length buf) n) + (.unshift buf itm)) + this) + (close-buf! [this]) + cljs.core/ICounted + (-count [this] + (.-length buf))) + +(defn dropping-buffer [n] + (DroppingBuffer. (ring-buffer n) n)) + +(deftype SlidingBuffer [buf n] + impl/UnblockingBuffer + impl/Buffer + (full? [this] + false) + (remove! [this] + (.pop buf)) + (add!* [this itm] + (when (== (.-length buf) n) + (impl/remove! this)) + (.unshift buf itm) + this) + (close-buf! [this]) + cljs.core/ICounted + (-count [this] + (.-length buf))) + +(defn sliding-buffer [n] + (SlidingBuffer. (ring-buffer n) n)) + +(defonce ^:private NO-VAL (js/Object.)) +(defn- undelivered? [val] + (identical? NO-VAL val)) + +(deftype PromiseBuffer [^:mutable val] + impl/UnblockingBuffer + impl/Buffer + (full? [_] + false) + (remove! [_] + val) + (add!* [this itm] + (when (undelivered? val) + (set! val itm)) + this) + (close-buf! [_] + (when (undelivered? val) + (set! val nil))) + cljs.core/ICounted + (-count [_] + (if (undelivered? val) 0 1))) + +(defn promise-buffer [] + (PromiseBuffer. NO-VAL)) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/channels.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/channels.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce9b2fd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/channels.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.channels + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers])) + + + +(defn box [val] + (reify cljs.core/IDeref + (-deref [_] val))) + +(deftype PutBox [handler val]) + +(defn put-active? [box] + (impl/active? (.-handler box))) + +(def ^:const MAX_DIRTY 64) + +(defprotocol MMC + (abort [this])) + +(deftype ManyToManyChannel [takes ^:mutable dirty-takes puts ^:mutable dirty-puts ^not-native buf ^:mutable closed add!] + MMC + (abort [this] + (loop [] + (let [putter (.pop puts)] + (when-not (nil? putter) + (let [^not-native put-handler (.-handler putter) + val (.-val putter)] + (if ^boolean (impl/active? put-handler) + (let [put-cb (impl/commit put-handler)] + (dispatch/run #(put-cb true))) + (recur)))))) + (.cleanup puts (constantly false)) + (impl/close! this)) + impl/WritePort + (put! [this val ^not-native handler] + (assert (not (nil? val)) "Can't put nil in on a channel") + ;; bug in CLJS compiler boolean inference - David + (let [^boolean closed closed] + (if (or closed (not ^boolean (impl/active? handler))) + (box (not closed)) + (if (and buf (not (impl/full? buf))) + (do + (impl/commit handler) + (let [done? (reduced? (add! buf val)) + take-cbs (loop [takers []] + (if (and (pos? (.-length takes)) (pos? (count buf))) + (let [^not-native taker (.pop takes)] + (if ^boolean (impl/active? taker) + (let [ret (impl/commit taker) + val (impl/remove! buf)] + (recur (conj takers (fn [] (ret val))))) + (recur takers))) + takers))] + (when done? (abort this)) + (when (seq take-cbs) + (doseq [f take-cbs] + (dispatch/run f))) + (box true))) + (let [taker (loop [] + (let [^not-native taker (.pop takes)] + (when taker + (if (impl/active? taker) + taker + (recur)))))] + (if taker + (let [take-cb (impl/commit taker)] + (impl/commit handler) + (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val))) + (box true)) + (do + (if (> dirty-puts MAX_DIRTY) + (do (set! dirty-puts 0) + (.cleanup puts put-active?)) + (set! dirty-puts (inc dirty-puts))) + (when (impl/blockable? handler) + (assert (< (.-length puts) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE) + (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE + " pending puts are allowed on a single channel." + " Consider using a windowed buffer.")) + (.unbounded-unshift puts (PutBox. handler val))) + nil))))))) + impl/ReadPort + (take! [this ^not-native handler] + (if (not ^boolean (impl/active? handler)) + nil + (if (and (not (nil? buf)) (pos? (count buf))) + (do + (if-let [take-cb (impl/commit handler)] + (let [val (impl/remove! buf) + [done? cbs] (when (pos? (.-length puts)) + (loop [cbs []] + (let [putter (.pop puts) + ^not-native put-handler (.-handler putter) + val (.-val putter) + cb (and ^boolean (impl/active? put-handler) (impl/commit put-handler)) + cbs (if cb (conj cbs cb) cbs) + done? (when cb (reduced? (add! buf val)))] + (if (and (not done?) (not (impl/full? buf)) (pos? (.-length puts))) + (recur cbs) + [done? cbs]))))] + (when done? + (abort this)) + (doseq [cb cbs] + (dispatch/run #(cb true))) + (box val)))) + (let [putter (loop [] + (let [putter (.pop puts)] + (when putter + (if ^boolean (impl/active? (.-handler putter)) + putter + (recur)))))] + (if putter + (let [put-cb (impl/commit (.-handler putter))] + (impl/commit handler) + (dispatch/run #(put-cb true)) + (box (.-val putter))) + (if closed + (do + (when buf (add! buf)) + (if (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler)) + (let [has-val (and buf (pos? (count buf)))] + (let [val (when has-val (impl/remove! buf))] + (box val))) + nil)) + (do + (if (> dirty-takes MAX_DIRTY) + (do (set! dirty-takes 0) + (.cleanup takes impl/active?)) + (set! dirty-takes (inc dirty-takes))) + (when (impl/blockable? handler) + (assert (< (.-length takes) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE) + (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE + " pending takes are allowed on a single channel.")) + (.unbounded-unshift takes handler)) + nil))))))) + impl/Channel + (closed? [_] closed) + (close! [this] + (if ^boolean closed + nil + (do (set! closed true) + (when (and buf (zero? (.-length puts))) + (add! buf)) + (loop [] + (let [^not-native taker (.pop takes)] + (when-not (nil? taker) + (when ^boolean (impl/active? taker) + (let [take-cb (impl/commit taker) + val (when (and buf (pos? (count buf))) (impl/remove! buf))] + (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val))))) + (recur)))) + (when buf (impl/close-buf! buf)) + nil)))) + +(defn- ex-handler [ex] + (.log js/console ex) + nil) + +(defn- handle [buf exh t] + (let [else ((or exh ex-handler) t)] + (if (nil? else) + buf + (impl/add! buf else)))) + +(defn chan + ([buf] (chan buf nil)) + ([buf xform] (chan buf xform nil)) + ([buf xform exh] + (ManyToManyChannel. (buffers/ring-buffer 32) 0 (buffers/ring-buffer 32) + 0 buf false + (let [add! (if xform (xform impl/add!) impl/add!)] + (fn + ([buf] + (try + (add! buf) + (catch :default t + (handle buf exh t)))) + ([buf val] + (try + (add! buf val) + (catch :default t + (handle buf exh t))))))))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/dispatch.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/dispatch.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..468bbdf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/dispatch.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers] + [goog.async.nextTick])) + +(def tasks (buffers/ring-buffer 32)) +(def running? false) +(def queued? false) + +(def TASK_BATCH_SIZE 1024) + +(declare queue-dispatcher) + +(defn process-messages [] + (set! running? true) + (set! queued? false) + (loop [count 0] + (let [m (.pop tasks)] + (when-not (nil? m) + (m) + (when (< count TASK_BATCH_SIZE) + (recur (inc count)))))) + (set! running? false) + (when (> (.-length tasks) 0) + (queue-dispatcher))) + +(defn queue-dispatcher [] + (when-not (and queued? running?) + (set! queued? true) + (goog.async.nextTick process-messages))) + +(defn run [f] + (.unbounded-unshift tasks f) + (queue-dispatcher)) + +(defn queue-delay [f delay] + (js/setTimeout f delay)) + diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_helpers.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_helpers.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c849acc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_helpers.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]) + (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc])) + +(def ^:const FN-IDX 0) +(def ^:const STATE-IDX 1) +(def ^:const VALUE-IDX 2) +(def ^:const BINDINGS-IDX 3) +(def ^:const EXCEPTION-FRAMES 4) +(def ^:const CURRENT-EXCEPTION 5) +(def ^:const USER-START-IDX 6) + +(defn aset-object [arr idx o] + (aget arr idx o)) + +(defn aget-object [arr idx] + (aget arr idx)) + + +(defn finished? + "Returns true if the machine is in a finished state" + [state-array] + (keyword-identical? (aget state-array STATE-IDX) :finished)) + +(defn- fn-handler + [f] + (reify + impl/Handler + (active? [_] true) + (blockable? [_] true) + (commit [_] f))) + + +(defn run-state-machine [state] + ((aget-object state FN-IDX) state)) + +(defn run-state-machine-wrapped [state] + (try + (run-state-machine state) + (catch js/Object ex + (impl/close! ^not-native (aget-object state USER-START-IDX)) + (throw ex)))) + +(defn take! [state blk ^not-native c] + (if-let [cb (impl/take! c (fn-handler + (fn [x] + (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX x STATE-IDX blk) + (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))] + (do (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk) + :recur) + nil)) + +(defn put! [state blk ^not-native c val] + (if-let [cb (impl/put! c val (fn-handler (fn [ret-val] + (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX ret-val STATE-IDX blk) + (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))] + (do (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk) + :recur) + nil)) + +(defn return-chan [state value] + (let [^not-native c (aget state USER-START-IDX)] + (when-not (nil? value) + (impl/put! c value (fn-handler (fn [] nil)))) + (impl/close! c) + c)) + +(defrecord ExceptionFrame [catch-block + ^Class catch-exception + finally-block + continue-block + prev]) + +(defn add-exception-frame [state catch-block catch-exception finally-block continue-block] + (ioc/aset-all! state + EXCEPTION-FRAMES + (->ExceptionFrame catch-block + catch-exception + finally-block + continue-block + (aget-object state EXCEPTION-FRAMES)))) + +(defn process-exception [state] + (let [exception-frame (aget-object state EXCEPTION-FRAMES) + catch-block (:catch-block exception-frame) + catch-exception (:catch-exception exception-frame) + exception (aget-object state CURRENT-EXCEPTION)] + (cond + (and exception + (not exception-frame)) + (throw exception) + + (and exception + catch-block + (or (= :default catch-exception) + (instance? catch-exception exception))) + (ioc/aset-all! state + STATE-IDX + catch-block + VALUE-IDX + exception + CURRENT-EXCEPTION + nil + EXCEPTION-FRAMES + (assoc exception-frame + :catch-block nil + :catch-exception nil)) + + + (and exception + (not catch-block) + (not (:finally-block exception-frame))) + + (do (ioc/aset-all! state + EXCEPTION-FRAMES + (:prev exception-frame)) + (recur state)) + + (and exception + (not catch-block) + (:finally-block exception-frame)) + (ioc/aset-all! state + STATE-IDX + (:finally-block exception-frame) + EXCEPTION-FRAMES + (assoc exception-frame + :finally-block nil)) + + (and (not exception) + (:finally-block exception-frame)) + (do (ioc/aset-all! state + STATE-IDX + (:finally-block exception-frame) + EXCEPTION-FRAMES + (assoc exception-frame + :finally-block nil))) + + (and (not exception) + (not (:finally-block exception-frame))) + (do (ioc/aset-all! state + STATE-IDX + (:continue-block exception-frame) + EXCEPTION-FRAMES + (:prev exception-frame))) + + :else (throw (js/Error. "No matching clause"))))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_macros.clj b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_macros.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1108514 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/ioc_macros.clj @@ -0,0 +1,883 @@ +; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. +; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +; the terms of this license. +; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +;; by Timothy Baldridge +;; April 13, 2013 + +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros + (:refer-clojure :exclude [all]) + (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] + [clojure.set :refer (intersection)] + [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [cljs.analyzer :as cljs]) + (:import [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock])) + +(defn debug [x] + (binding [*out* *err*] + (pprint x)) + x) + +(def ^:const FN-IDX 0) +(def ^:const STATE-IDX 1) +(def ^:const VALUE-IDX 2) +(def ^:const BINDINGS-IDX 3) +(def ^:const EXCEPTION-FRAMES 4) +(def ^:const CURRENT-EXCEPTION 5) +(def ^:const USER-START-IDX 6) + +(defmacro aset-all! + [arr & more] + (assert (even? (count more)) "Must give an even number of args to aset-all!") + (let [bindings (partition 2 more) + arr-sym (gensym "statearr-")] + `(let [~arr-sym ~arr] + ~@(map + (fn [[idx val]] + `(aset ~arr-sym ~idx ~val)) + bindings) + ~arr-sym))) + +;; State monad stuff, used only in SSA construction + +(defmacro gen-plan + "Allows a user to define a state monad binding plan. + + (gen-plan + [_ (assoc-in-plan [:foo :bar] 42) + val (get-in-plan [:foo :bar])] + val)" + [binds id-expr] + (let [binds (partition 2 binds) + psym (gensym "plan_") + forms (reduce + (fn [acc [id expr]] + (concat acc `[[~id ~psym] (~expr ~psym)])) + [] + binds)] + `(fn [~psym] + (let [~@forms] + [~id-expr ~psym])))) + +(defn get-plan + "Returns the final [id state] from a plan. " + [f] + (f {})) + +(defn push-binding + "Sets the binding 'key' to value. This operation can be undone via pop-bindings. + Bindings are stored in the state hashmap." + [key value] + (fn [plan] + [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key] conj value)])) + +(defn push-alter-binding + "Pushes the result of (apply f old-value args) as current value of binding key" + [key f & args] + (fn [plan] + [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key] + #(conj % (apply f (first %) args)))])) + +(defn get-binding + "Gets the value of the current binding for key" + [key] + (fn [plan] + [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key])) plan])) + +(defn pop-binding + "Removes the most recent binding for key" + [key] + (fn [plan] + [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key])) + (update-in plan [:bindings key] pop)])) + +(defn no-op + "This function can be used inside a gen-plan when no operation is to be performed" + [] + (fn [plan] + [nil plan])) + +(defn all + "Assumes that itms is a list of state monad function results, threads the state map + through all of them. Returns a vector of all the results." + [itms] + (fn [plan] + (reduce + (fn [[ids plan] f] + (let [[id plan] (f plan)] + [(conj ids id) plan])) + [[] plan] + itms))) + +(defn assoc-in-plan + "Same as assoc-in, but for state hash map" + [path val] + (fn [plan] + [val (assoc-in plan path val)])) + +(defn update-in-plan + "Same as update-in, but for a state hash map" + [path f & args] + (fn [plan] + [nil (apply update-in plan path f args)])) + +(defn get-in-plan + "Same as get-in, but for a state hash map" + [path] + (fn [plan] + [(get-in plan path) plan])) + +(defn print-plan [] + (fn [plan] + (pprint plan) + [nil plan])) + +(defn set-block + "Sets the current block being written to by the functions. The next add-instruction call will append to this block" + [block-id] + (fn [plan] + [block-id (assoc plan :current-block block-id)])) + +(defn get-block + "Gets the current block" + [] + (fn [plan] + [(:current-block plan) plan])) + +(defn add-block + "Adds a new block, returns its id, but does not change the current block (does not call set-block)." + [] + (gen-plan + [_ (update-in-plan [:block-id] (fnil inc 0)) + blk-id (get-in-plan [:block-id]) + cur-blk (get-block) + _ (assoc-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] []) + catches (get-binding :catch) + _ (assoc-in-plan [:block-catches blk-id] catches) + _ (if-not cur-blk + (assoc-in-plan [:start-block] blk-id) + (no-op))] + blk-id)) + + +(defn instruction? [x] + (::instruction (meta x))) + +(defn add-instruction + "Appends an instruction to the current block. " + [inst] + (let [inst-id (with-meta (gensym "inst_") + {::instruction true}) + inst (assoc inst :id inst-id)] + (gen-plan + [blk-id (get-block) + _ (update-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] (fnil conj []) inst)] + inst-id))) + +;; + +;; We're going to reduce Clojure expressions to a ssa format, +;; and then translate the instructions for this +;; virtual-virtual-machine back into Clojure data. + +;; Here we define the instructions: + +(defprotocol IInstruction + (reads-from [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction reads from") + (writes-to [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction writes to") + (block-references [this] "Returns all the blocks this instruction references")) + +(defprotocol IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] "Returns the clojure code that this instruction represents")) + +(defprotocol ITerminator + (terminator-code [this] "Returns a unique symbol for this instruction") + (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators] "Emites the code to terminate a given block")) + +(defrecord Const [value] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if (= value ::value) + `[~(:id this) (aget ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX)] + `[~(:id this) ~value]))) + +(defrecord CustomTerminator [f blk values] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] values) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(~f ~state-sym ~blk ~@values))) + +(defn- emit-clashing-binds + [recur-nodes ids clashes] + (let [temp-binds (reduce + (fn [acc i] + (assoc acc i (gensym "tmp"))) + {} clashes)] + (concat + (mapcat (fn [i] + `[~(temp-binds i) ~i]) + clashes) + (mapcat (fn [node id] + `[~node ~(get temp-binds id id)]) + recur-nodes + ids)))) + +(defrecord Recur [recur-nodes ids] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] ids) + (writes-to [this] recur-nodes) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if-let [overlap (seq (intersection (set recur-nodes) (set ids)))] + (emit-clashing-binds recur-nodes ids overlap) + (mapcat (fn [r i] + `[~r ~i]) recur-nodes ids)))) + +(defrecord Call [refs] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] refs) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) ~(seq refs)])) + +(defrecord Case [val-id test-vals jmp-blocks default-block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [val-id]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (case ~val-id + ~@(concat (mapcat (fn [test blk] + `[~test (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~blk)]) + test-vals jmp-blocks) + (when default-block + `[(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX ~default-block) + :recur)]))) + :recur))) + +(defrecord Fn [fn-expr local-names local-refs] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] local-refs) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) + (let [~@(interleave local-names local-refs)] + ~@fn-expr)])) + +(defrecord Dot [target method args] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] `[~target ~method ~@args]) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if (.startsWith (name method) "-") + `[~(:id this) (. ~target ~method)] + `[~(:id this) (. ~target ~(cons method args))]))) + +(defrecord Jmp [value block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] [block]) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX ~value ~STATE-IDX ~block) + :recur))) + +(defrecord Return [value] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminator-code [this] :Return) + (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators] + (if-let [f (get custom-terminators (terminator-code this))] + `(~f ~state-sym ~value) + `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~VALUE-IDX ~value + ~STATE-IDX :finished) + nil)))) + +(defrecord Set! [field object val] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [object val]) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if field + `[~(:id this) (set! (~field ~object) ~val)] + `[~(:id this) (set! ~object ~val)]))) + +(defrecord CondBr [test then-block else-block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [test]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] [then-block else-block]) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (if ~test + (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~then-block) + (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~else-block)) + :recur))) + + +(defrecord Try [catch-block catch-exception finally-block continue-block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] []) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] [catch-block finally-block continue-block]) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~'_ (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/add-exception-frame ~state-sym + ~catch-block + ~catch-exception + ~finally-block + ~continue-block)])) + +(defrecord ProcessExceptionWithValue [value] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~VALUE-IDX + ~value) + (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/process-exception ~state-sym) + :recur))) + +(defrecord EndCatchFinally [] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] []) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/process-exception ~state-sym) + :recur))) + + + +;; Dispatch clojure forms based on data type +(defmulti -item-to-ssa (fn [x] + (cond + (symbol? x) :symbol + (seq? x) :list + (map? x) :map + (set? x) :set + (vector? x) :vector + :else :default))) + +(defn item-to-ssa [x] + (-item-to-ssa x)) + +;; given an sexpr, dispatch on the first item +(defmulti sexpr-to-ssa (fn [[x & _]] + x)) + +(defn is-special? [x] + (let [^clojure.lang.MultiFn mfn sexpr-to-ssa] + (.getMethod mfn x))) + + + +(defn default-sexpr [args] + (gen-plan + [args-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args)) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call args-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defn let-binding-to-ssa + [[sym bind]] + (gen-plan + [bind-id (item-to-ssa bind) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc sym bind-id)] + bind-id)) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'let* + [[_ binds & body]] + (let [parted (partition 2 binds)] + (gen-plan + [let-ids (all (map let-binding-to-ssa parted)) + body-ids (all (map item-to-ssa body)) + _ (all (map (fn [x] + (pop-binding :locals)) + (range (count parted))))] + (last body-ids)))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'loop* + [[_ locals & body]] + (let [parted (partition 2 locals) + syms (map first parted) + inits (map second parted)] + (gen-plan + [local-val-ids (all (map ; parallel bind + (fn [sym init] + (gen-plan + [itm-id (item-to-ssa init) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc sym itm-id)] + itm-id)) + syms + inits)) + _ (all (for [x syms] + (pop-binding :locals))) + local-ids (all (map (comp add-instruction ->Const) local-val-ids)) + body-blk (add-block) + final-blk (add-block) + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-blk)) + + _ (set-block body-blk) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals merge (zipmap syms local-ids)) + _ (push-binding :recur-point body-blk) + _ (push-binding :recur-nodes local-ids) + + body-ids (all (map item-to-ssa body)) + + _ (pop-binding :recur-nodes) + _ (pop-binding :recur-point) + _ (pop-binding :locals) + _ (if (not= (last body-ids) ::terminated) + (add-instruction (->Jmp (last body-ids) final-blk)) + (no-op)) + _ (set-block final-blk) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + ret-id))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'set! + [[_ assignee val]] + (let [target (cond + (symbol? assignee) + assignee + (and (list? assignee) + (= (count assignee) 2)) + (second assignee)) + field (if (list? assignee) + (first assignee))] + (gen-plan + [locals (get-binding :locals) + + target-id (if (contains? locals target) + (fn [p] + [(get locals target) p]) + (item-to-ssa target)) + val-id (item-to-ssa val) + + ret-id (add-instruction (->Set! field target-id val-id))] + ret-id))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'do + [[_ & body]] + (gen-plan + [ids (all (map item-to-ssa body))] + (last ids))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'case + [[_ val & body]] + (let [clauses (partition 2 body) + default (when (odd? (count body)) + (last body))] + (gen-plan + [end-blk (add-block) + start-blk (get-block) + clause-blocks (all (map (fn [expr] + (gen-plan + [blk-id (add-block) + _ (set-block blk-id) + expr-id (item-to-ssa expr) + _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated) + (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk)) + (no-op))] + blk-id)) + (map second clauses))) + default-block (if (odd? (count body)) + (gen-plan + [blk-id (add-block) + _ (set-block blk-id) + expr-id (item-to-ssa default) + _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated) + (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk)) + (no-op))] + blk-id) + (no-op)) + _ (set-block start-blk) + val-id (item-to-ssa val) + case-id (add-instruction (->Case val-id (map first clauses) clause-blocks default-block)) + _ (set-block end-blk) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + ret-id))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'quote + [expr] + (gen-plan + [ret-id (add-instruction (->Const expr))] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa '. + [[_ target method & args]] + (let [args (if (seq? method) + (next method) + args) + method (if (seq? method) + (first method) + method)] + (gen-plan + [target-id (item-to-ssa target) + args-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args)) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Dot target-id method args-ids))] + ret-id))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'try + [[_ & body]] + (let [finally-fn (every-pred seq? (comp (partial = 'finally) first)) + catch-fn (every-pred seq? (comp (partial = 'catch) first)) + finally (next (first (filter finally-fn body))) + body (remove finally-fn body) + catch (next (first (filter catch-fn body))) + [ex ex-bind & catch-body] catch + body (remove catch-fn body)] + (gen-plan + [end-blk (add-block) + finally-blk (if finally + (gen-plan + [cur-blk (get-block) + blk (add-block) + _ (set-block blk) + value-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value)) + _ (all (map item-to-ssa finally)) + _ (add-instruction (->EndCatchFinally)) + _ (set-block cur-blk)] + blk) + (no-op)) + catch-blk (if catch + (gen-plan + [cur-blk (get-block) + blk (add-block) + _ (set-block blk) + ex-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value)) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc ex-bind ex-id) + ids (all (map item-to-ssa catch-body)) + _ (add-instruction (->ProcessExceptionWithValue (last ids))) + _ (pop-binding :locals) + _ (set-block cur-blk) + _ (push-alter-binding :catch (fnil conj []) [ex blk])] + blk) + (no-op)) + body-blk (add-block) + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-blk)) + _ (set-block body-blk) + _ (add-instruction (->Try catch-blk ex finally-blk end-blk)) + ids (all (map item-to-ssa body)) + _ (if catch + (pop-binding :catch) + (no-op)) + _ (add-instruction (->ProcessExceptionWithValue (last ids))) + _ (set-block end-blk) + ret (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + ret))) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'recur + [[_ & vals]] + (gen-plan + [val-ids (all (map item-to-ssa vals)) + recurs (get-binding :recur-nodes) + _ (do (assert (= (count val-ids) + (count recurs)) + "Wrong number of arguments to recur") + (no-op)) + _ (add-instruction (->Recur recurs val-ids)) + + recur-point (get-binding :recur-point) + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil recur-point))] + ::terminated)) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'if + [[_ test then else]] + (gen-plan + [test-id (item-to-ssa test) + then-blk (add-block) + else-blk (add-block) + final-blk (add-block) + _ (add-instruction (->CondBr test-id then-blk else-blk)) + + _ (set-block then-blk) + then-id (item-to-ssa then) + _ (if (not= then-id ::terminated) + (gen-plan + [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp then-id final-blk))] + then-id) + (no-op)) + + _ (set-block else-blk) + else-id (item-to-ssa else) + _ (if (not= else-id ::terminated) + (gen-plan + [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp else-id final-blk))] + then-id) + (no-op)) + + _ (set-block final-blk) + val-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + val-id)) + +(defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'fn* + [& fn-expr] + ;; For fn expressions we just want to record the expression as well + ;; as a list of all known renamed locals + (gen-plan + [locals (get-binding :locals) + fn-id (add-instruction (->Fn fn-expr (keys locals) (vals locals)))] + fn-id)) + + +(def special-override? '#{case clojure.core/case + try clojure.core/try}) + +(defn expand [locals env form] + (loop [form form] + (if-not (seq? form) + form + (let [[s & r] form] + (if (symbol? s) + (if (or (get locals s) + (special-override? s)) + form + (let [new-env (update-in env [:locals] merge locals) + expanded (cljs/macroexpand-1 new-env form)] + (if (= expanded form) + form + (recur expanded)))) + form))))) + +(defn terminate-custom [vals term] + (gen-plan + [blk (add-block) + vals (all (map item-to-ssa vals)) + val (add-instruction (->CustomTerminator term blk vals)) + _ (set-block blk) + res (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + res)) + +(defn fixup-aliases [sym env] + (let [aliases (ns-aliases *ns*)] + (if-not (namespace sym) + sym + (if-let [ns (or (get-in env [:ns :requires-macros (symbol (namespace sym))]) + (get-in env [:ns :requires (symbol (namespace sym))]))] + (symbol (name ns) (name sym)) + sym)))) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :list + [lst] + (gen-plan + [env (get-binding :env) + locals (get-binding :locals) + terminators (get-binding :terminators) + val (let [exp (expand locals env lst)] + (if (seq? exp) + (if (symbol? (first exp)) + (let [f (fixup-aliases (first exp) env)] + (cond + (is-special? f) (sexpr-to-ssa exp) + (get locals f) (default-sexpr exp) + (get terminators f) (terminate-custom (next exp) (get terminators f)) + :else (default-sexpr exp))) + (default-sexpr exp)) + (item-to-ssa exp)))] + val)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :default + [x] + (fn [plan] + [x plan])) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :symbol + [x] + (gen-plan + [locals (get-binding :locals) + inst-id (if (contains? locals x) + (fn [p] + [(locals x) p]) + (fn [p] + [x p]) + #_(add-instruction (->Const x)))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :map + [x] + (-item-to-ssa `(hash-map ~@(mapcat identity x)))) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :vector + [x] + (-item-to-ssa `(vector ~@x))) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :set + [x] + (-item-to-ssa `(hash-set ~@x))) + +(defn parse-to-state-machine + "Takes an sexpr and returns a hashmap that describes the execution flow of the sexpr as + a series of SSA style blocks." + [body env terminators] + (-> (gen-plan + [_ (push-binding :env env) + _ (push-binding :locals (zipmap (:locals (keys env)) (:locals (keys env)))) + _ (push-binding :terminators terminators) + blk (add-block) + _ (set-block blk) + ids (all (map item-to-ssa body)) + term-id (add-instruction (->Return (last ids))) + _ (pop-binding :terminators) + _ (pop-binding :locals) + _ (pop-binding :env)] + term-id) + get-plan)) + + +(defn index-instruction [blk-id idx inst] + (let [idx (reduce + (fn [acc id] + (update-in acc [id :read-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id)) + idx + (filter instruction? (reads-from inst))) + idx (reduce + (fn [acc id] + (update-in acc [id :written-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id)) + idx + (filter instruction? (writes-to inst)))] + idx)) + +(defn index-block [idx [blk-id blk]] + (reduce (partial index-instruction blk-id) idx blk)) + +(defn index-state-machine [machine] + (reduce index-block {} (:blocks machine))) + +(defn id-for-inst [m sym] ;; m :: symbols -> integers + (if-let [i (get @m sym)] + i + (let [next-idx (get @m ::next-idx)] + (swap! m assoc sym next-idx) + (swap! m assoc ::next-idx (inc next-idx)) + next-idx))) + +(defn persistent-value? + "Returns true if this value should be saved in the state hash map" + [index value] + (or (not= (-> index value :read-in) + (-> index value :written-in)) + (-> index value :read-in count (> 1)))) + +(defn count-persistent-values + [index] + (->> (keys index) + (filter instruction?) + (filter (partial persistent-value? index)) + count)) + +(defn- build-block-preamble [local-map idx state-sym blk] + (let [args (->> (mapcat reads-from blk) + (filter instruction?) + (filter (partial persistent-value? idx)) + set + vec)] + (if (empty? args) + [] + (mapcat (fn [sym] + `[~sym (aget ~state-sym ~(id-for-inst local-map sym))]) + args)))) + +(defn- build-block-body [state-sym blk] + (mapcat + #(emit-instruction % state-sym) + (butlast blk))) + +(defn- build-new-state [local-map idx state-sym blk] + (let [results (->> blk + (mapcat writes-to) + (filter instruction?) + (filter (partial persistent-value? idx)) + set + vec) + results (interleave (map (partial id-for-inst local-map) results) results)] + (if-not (empty? results) + `(aset-all! ~state-sym ~@results) + state-sym))) + +(defn- emit-state-machine [machine num-user-params custom-terminators] + (let [index (index-state-machine machine) + state-sym (with-meta (gensym "state_") + {:tag 'objects}) + local-start-idx (+ num-user-params USER-START-IDX) + state-arr-size (+ local-start-idx (count-persistent-values index)) + local-map (atom {::next-idx local-start-idx}) + block-catches (:block-catches machine) + state-val-sym (gensym "state_val_")] + `(let [switch# (fn [~state-sym] + (let [~state-val-sym (aget ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX)] + (cond + ~@(mapcat + (fn [[id blk]] + [`(== ~state-val-sym ~id) + `(let [~@(concat (build-block-preamble local-map index state-sym blk) + (build-block-body state-sym blk)) + ~state-sym ~(build-new-state local-map index state-sym blk)] + ~(terminate-block (last blk) state-sym custom-terminators))]) + (:blocks machine)))))] + (fn state-machine# + ([] (aset-all! (make-array ~state-arr-size) + ~FN-IDX state-machine# + ~STATE-IDX ~(:start-block machine))) + ([~state-sym] + (let [ret-value# (try (loop [] + (let [result# (switch# ~state-sym)] + (if (cljs.core/keyword-identical? result# :recur) + (recur) + result#))) + (catch js/Object ex# + (aset-all! ~state-sym ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION ex#) + (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/process-exception ~state-sym) + :recur))] + (if (cljs.core/keyword-identical? ret-value# :recur) + (recur ~state-sym) + ret-value#))))))) + + +(def async-custom-terminators + {'! 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/put! + 'cljs.core.async/>! 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/put! + 'alts! 'cljs.core.async/ioc-alts! + 'cljs.core.async/alts! 'cljs.core.async/ioc-alts! + :Return 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/return-chan}) + + +(defn state-machine [body num-user-params env user-transitions] + (-> (parse-to-state-machine body env user-transitions) + second + (emit-state-machine num-user-params user-transitions))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/protocols.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/protocols.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..793a3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/protocols.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.protocols) + +(def ^:const MAX-QUEUE-SIZE 1024) + +(defprotocol ReadPort + (take! [port fn1-handler] "derefable val if taken, nil if take was enqueued")) + +(defprotocol WritePort + (put! [port val fn1-handler] "derefable boolean (false if already closed) if handled, nil if put was enqueued. + Must throw on nil val.")) + +(defprotocol Channel + (close! [chan]) + (closed? [chan])) + +(defprotocol Handler + (active? [h] "returns true if has callback. Must work w/o lock") + (blockable? [h] "returns true if this handler may be blocked, otherwise it must not block") + #_(lock-id [h] "a unique id for lock acquisition order, 0 if no lock") + (commit [h] "commit to fulfilling its end of the transfer, returns cb. Must be called within lock")) + +(defprotocol Buffer + (full? [b] "returns true if buffer cannot accept put") + (remove! [b] "remove and return next item from buffer, called under chan mutex") + (add!* [b itm] "if room, add item to the buffer, returns b, called under chan mutex") + (close-buf! [b] "called on chan closed under chan mutex, return ignored")) + +(defn add! + ([b] b) + ([b itm] + (assert (not (nil? itm))) + (add!* b itm))) + +;; Defines a buffer that will never block (return true to full?) +(defprotocol UnblockingBuffer) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/timers.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/timers.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..591e206 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/impl/timers.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns cljs.core.async.impl.timers + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [cljs.core.async.impl.channels :as channels] + [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch])) + +(def MAX_LEVEL 15) ;; 16 levels +(def P (/ 1 2)) + +(defn random-level + ([] (random-level 0)) + ([level] + (if (and (< (.random js/Math) P) + (< level MAX_LEVEL)) + (recur (inc level)) + level))) + +(deftype SkipListNode [key ^:mutable val forward] + ISeqable + (-seq [coll] + (list key val)) + + IPrintWithWriter + (-pr-writer [coll writer opts] + (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer "[" " " "]" opts coll))) + +(defn skip-list-node + ([level] (skip-list-node nil nil level)) + ([k v level] + (let [arr (make-array (inc level))] + (loop [i 0] + (when (< i (alength arr)) + (aset arr i nil) + (recur (inc i)))) + (SkipListNode. k v arr)))) + +(defn least-greater-node + ([x k level] (least-greater-node x k level nil)) + ([x k level update] + (if-not (neg? level) + (let [x (loop [x x] + (if-let [x' (aget (.-forward x) level)] + (if (< (.-key x') k) + (recur x') + x) + x))] + (when-not (nil? update) + (aset update level x)) + (recur x k (dec level) update)) + x))) + +(deftype SkipList [header ^:mutable level] + Object + (put [coll k v] + (let [update (make-array MAX_LEVEL) + x (least-greater-node header k level update) + x (aget (.-forward x) 0)] + (if (and (not (nil? x)) (== (.-key x) k)) + (set! (.-val x) v) + (let [new-level (random-level)] + (when (> new-level level) + (loop [i (inc level)] + (when (<= i (inc new-level)) + (aset update i header) + (recur (inc i)))) + (set! level new-level)) + (let [x (skip-list-node k v (make-array new-level))] + (loop [i 0] + (when (<= i level) + (let [links (.-forward (aget update i))] + (aset (.-forward x) i (aget links i)) + (aset links i x))))))))) + + (remove [coll k] + (let [update (make-array MAX_LEVEL) + x (least-greater-node header k level update) + x (aget (.-forward x) 0)] + (when (and (not (nil? x)) (== (.-key x) k)) + (loop [i 0] + (when (<= i level) + (let [links (.-forward (aget update i))] + (if (identical? (aget links i) x) + (do + (aset links i (aget (.-forward x) i)) + (recur (inc i))) + (recur (inc i)))))) + (while (and (> level 0) + (nil? (aget (.-forward header) level))) + (set! level (dec level)))))) + + (ceilingEntry [coll k] + (loop [x header level level] + (if-not (neg? level) + (let [nx (loop [x x] + (let [x' (aget (.-forward x) level)] + (when-not (nil? x') + (if (>= (.-key x') k) + x' + (recur x')))))] + (if-not (nil? nx) + (recur nx (dec level)) + (recur x (dec level)))) + (when-not (identical? x header) + x)))) + + (floorEntry [coll k] + (loop [x header level level] + (if-not (neg? level) + (let [nx (loop [x x] + (let [x' (aget (.-forward x) level)] + (if-not (nil? x') + (if (> (.-key x') k) + x + (recur x')) + (when (zero? level) + x))))] + (if nx + (recur nx (dec level)) + (recur x (dec level)))) + (when-not (identical? x header) + x)))) + + ISeqable + (-seq [coll] + (letfn [(iter [node] + (lazy-seq + (when-not (nil? node) + (cons [(.-key node) (.-val node)] + (iter (aget (.-forward node) 0))))))] + (iter (aget (.-forward header) 0)))) + + IPrintWithWriter + (-pr-writer [coll writer opts] + (let [pr-pair (fn [keyval] + (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer "" " " "" opts keyval))] + (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-pair "{" ", " "}" opts coll)))) + +(defn skip-list [] + (SkipList. (skip-list-node 0) 0)) + +(def timeouts-map (skip-list)) + +(def TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS 10) + +(defn timeout + "returns a channel that will close after msecs" + [msecs] + (let [timeout (+ (.valueOf (js/Date.)) msecs) + me (.ceilingEntry timeouts-map timeout)] + (or (when (and me (< (.-key me) (+ timeout TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS))) + (.-val me)) + (let [timeout-channel (channels/chan nil)] + (.put timeouts-map timeout timeout-channel) + (dispatch/queue-delay + (fn [] + (.remove timeouts-map timeout) + (impl/close! timeout-channel)) + msecs) + timeout-channel)))) + diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/macros.clj b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/macros.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c6a557 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async/macros.clj @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.macros + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc])) + +(defmacro go + "Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the + calling thread. Additionally, any visible calls to ! and alt!/alts! + channel operations within the body will block (if necessary) by + 'parking' the calling thread rather than tying up an OS thread (or + the only JS thread when in ClojureScript). Upon completion of the + operation, the body will be resumed. + + Returns a channel which will receive the result of the body when + completed" + [& body] + `(let [c# (cljs.core.async/chan 1)] + (cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch/run + (fn [] + (let [f# ~(ioc/state-machine body 1 &env ioc/async-custom-terminators) + state# (-> (f#) + (ioc/aset-all! cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/USER-START-IDX c#))] + (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/run-state-machine-wrapped state#)))) + c#)) + + +(defn do-alt [alts clauses] + (assert (even? (count clauses)) "unbalanced clauses") + (let [clauses (partition 2 clauses) + opt? #(keyword? (first %)) + opts (filter opt? clauses) + clauses (remove opt? clauses) + [clauses bindings] + (reduce + (fn [[clauses bindings] [ports expr]] + (let [ports (if (vector? ports) ports [ports]) + [ports bindings] + (reduce + (fn [[ports bindings] port] + (if (vector? port) + (let [[port val] port + gp (gensym) + gv (gensym)] + [(conj ports [gp gv]) (conj bindings [gp port] [gv val])]) + (let [gp (gensym)] + [(conj ports gp) (conj bindings [gp port])]))) + [[] bindings] ports)] + [(conj clauses [ports expr]) bindings])) + [[] []] clauses) + gch (gensym "ch") + gret (gensym "ret")] + `(let [~@(mapcat identity bindings) + [val# ~gch :as ~gret] (~alts [~@(apply concat (map first clauses))] ~@(apply concat opts))] + (cond + ~@(mapcat (fn [[ports expr]] + [`(or ~@(map (fn [port] + `(= ~gch ~(if (vector? port) (first port) port))) + ports)) + (if (and (seq? expr) (vector? (first expr))) + `(let [~(first expr) ~gret] ~@(rest expr)) + expr)]) + clauses) + (= ~gch :default) val#)))) + +(defmacro alt! + "Makes a single choice between one of several channel operations, + as if by alts!, returning the value of the result expr corresponding + to the operation completed. Must be called inside a (go ...) block. + + Each clause takes the form of: + + channel-op[s] result-expr + + where channel-ops is one of: + + take-port - a single port to take + [take-port | [put-port put-val] ...] - a vector of ports as per alts! + :default | :priority - an option for alts! + + and result-expr is either a list beginning with a vector, whereupon that + vector will be treated as a binding for the [val port] return of the + operation, else any other expression. + + (alt! + [c t] ([val ch] (foo ch val)) + x ([v] v) + [[out val]] :wrote + :default 42) + + Each option may appear at most once. The choice and parking + characteristics are those of alts!." + + [& clauses] + (do-alt 'alts! clauses)) + + +(defmacro go-loop + "Like (go (loop ...))" + [bindings & body] + `(go (loop ~bindings ~@body))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async.cljs b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cf8510 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/cljs/core/async.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,929 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async + (:refer-clojure :exclude [reduce transduce into merge map take partition partition-by]) + (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [cljs.core.async.impl.channels :as channels] + [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers] + [cljs.core.async.impl.timers :as timers] + [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers :as helpers]) + (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc] + [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]])) + +(defn- fn-handler + ([f] (fn-handler f true)) + ([f blockable] + (reify + impl/Handler + (active? [_] true) + (blockable? [_] blockable) + (commit [_] f)))) + +(defn buffer + "Returns a fixed buffer of size n. When full, puts will block/park." + [n] + (buffers/fixed-buffer n)) + +(defn dropping-buffer + "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete but + val will be dropped (no transfer)." + [n] + (buffers/dropping-buffer n)) + +(defn sliding-buffer + "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete, and be + buffered, but oldest elements in buffer will be dropped (not + transferred)." + [n] + (buffers/sliding-buffer n)) + +(defn unblocking-buffer? + "Returns true if a channel created with buff will never block. That is to say, + puts into this buffer will never cause the buffer to be full. " + [buff] + (satisfies? impl/UnblockingBuffer buff)) + +(defn chan + "Creates a channel with an optional buffer, an optional transducer (like (map f), + (filter p) etc or a composition thereof), and an optional exception handler. + If buf-or-n is a number, will create and use a fixed buffer of that size. If a + transducer is supplied a buffer must be specified. ex-handler must be a + fn of one argument - if an exception occurs during transformation it will be called + with the thrown value as an argument, and any non-nil return value will be placed + in the channel." + ([] (chan nil)) + ([buf-or-n] (chan buf-or-n nil nil)) + ([buf-or-n xform] (chan buf-or-n xform nil)) + ([buf-or-n xform ex-handler] + (let [buf-or-n (if (= buf-or-n 0) + nil + buf-or-n)] + (when xform (assert buf-or-n "buffer must be supplied when transducer is")) + (channels/chan (if (number? buf-or-n) + (buffer buf-or-n) + buf-or-n) + xform + ex-handler)))) + +(defn promise-chan + "Creates a promise channel with an optional transducer, and an optional + exception-handler. A promise channel can take exactly one value that consumers + will receive. Once full, puts complete but val is dropped (no transfer). + Consumers will block until either a value is placed in the channel or the + channel is closed. See chan for the semantics of xform and ex-handler." + ([] (promise-chan nil)) + ([xform] (promise-chan xform nil)) + ([xform ex-handler] + (chan (buffers/promise-buffer) xform ex-handler))) + +(defn timeout + "Returns a channel that will close after msecs" + [msecs] + (timers/timeout msecs)) + +(defn ! + "puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Must be called + inside a (go ...) block. Will park if no buffer space is available. + Returns true unless port is already closed." + [port val] + (throw (js/Error. ">! used not in (go ...) block"))) + +(defn put! + "Asynchronously puts a val into port, calling fn0 (if supplied) when + complete. nil values are not allowed. Will throw if closed. If + on-caller? (default true) is true, and the put is immediately + accepted, will call fn0 on calling thread. Returns nil." + ([port val] + (if-let [ret (impl/put! port val fhnop)] + @ret + true)) + ([port val fn1] (put! port val fn1 true)) + ([port val fn1 on-caller?] + (if-let [retb (impl/put! port val (fn-handler fn1))] + (let [ret @retb] + (if on-caller? + (fn1 ret) + (dispatch/run #(fn1 ret))) + ret) + true))) + +(defn close! + ([port] + (impl/close! port))) + + +(defn- random-array + [n] + (let [a (make-array n)] + (dotimes [x n] + (aset a x 0)) + (loop [i 1] + (if (= i n) + a + (do + (let [j (rand-int i)] + (aset a i (aget a j)) + (aset a j i) + (recur (inc i)))))))) + +(defn- alt-flag [] + (let [flag (atom true)] + (reify + impl/Handler + (active? [_] @flag) + (blockable? [_] true) + (commit [_] + (reset! flag nil) + true)))) + +(defn- alt-handler [flag cb] + (reify + impl/Handler + (active? [_] (impl/active? flag)) + (blockable? [_] true) + (commit [_] + (impl/commit flag) + cb))) + +(defn do-alts + "returns derefable [val port] if immediate, nil if enqueued" + [fret ports opts] + (let [flag (alt-flag) + n (count ports) + idxs (random-array n) + priority (:priority opts) + ret + (loop [i 0] + (when (< i n) + (let [idx (if priority i (aget idxs i)) + port (nth ports idx) + wport (when (vector? port) (port 0)) + vbox (if wport + (let [val (port 1)] + (impl/put! wport val (alt-handler flag #(fret [% wport])))) + (impl/take! port (alt-handler flag #(fret [% port]))))] + (if vbox + (channels/box [@vbox (or wport port)]) + (recur (inc i))))))] + (or + ret + (when (contains? opts :default) + (when-let [got (and (impl/active? flag) (impl/commit flag))] + (channels/box [(:default opts) :default])))))) + +(defn alts! + "Completes at most one of several channel operations. Must be called + inside a (go ...) block. ports is a vector of channel endpoints, + which can be either a channel to take from or a vector of + [channel-to-put-to val-to-put], in any combination. Takes will be + made as if by !. Unless + the :priority option is true, if more than one port operation is + ready a non-deterministic choice will be made. If no operation is + ready and a :default value is supplied, [default-val :default] will + be returned, otherwise alts! will park until the first operation to + become ready completes. Returns [val port] of the completed + operation, where val is the value taken for takes, and a + boolean (true unless already closed, as per put!) for puts. + + opts are passed as :key val ... Supported options: + + :default val - the value to use if none of the operations are immediately ready + :priority true - (default nil) when true, the operations will be tried in order. + + Note: there is no guarantee that the port exps or val exprs will be + used, nor in what order should they be, so they should not be + depended upon for side effects." + + [ports & {:as opts}] + (throw (js/Error. "alts! used not in (go ...) block"))) + +(defn offer! + "Puts a val into port if it's possible to do so immediately. + nil values are not allowed. Never blocks. Returns true if offer succeeds." + [port val] + (let [ret (impl/put! port val (fn-handler nop false))] + (when ret @ret))) + +(defn poll! + "Takes a val from port if it's possible to do so immediately. + Never blocks. Returns value if successful, nil otherwise." + [port] + (let [ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler nop false))] + (when ret @ret))) + +;;;;;;; channel ops + +(defn pipe + "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to + channel. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from + channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will + stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes" + + ([from to] (pipe from to true)) + ([from to close?] + (go-loop [] + (let [v (! to v) + (recur))))) + to)) + +(defn- pipeline* + ([n to xf from close? ex-handler type] + (assert (pos? n)) + (let [jobs (chan n) + results (chan n) + process (fn [[v p :as job]] + (if (nil? job) + (do (close! results) nil) + (let [res (chan 1 xf ex-handler)] + (go + (>! res v) + (close! res)) + (put! p res) + true))) + async (fn [[v p :as job]] + (if (nil? job) + (do (close! results) nil) + (let [res (chan 1)] + (xf v res) + (put! p res) + true)))] + (dotimes [_ n] + (case type + :compute (go-loop [] + (let [job (! jobs [v p]) + (>! results p) + (recur))))) + (go-loop [] + (let [p (! to v)) + (recur)))) + (recur)))))))) + +(defn pipeline-async + "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to + channel, subject to the async function af, with parallelism n. af + must be a function of two arguments, the first an input value and + the second a channel on which to place the result(s). af must close! + the channel before returning. The presumption is that af will + return immediately, having launched some asynchronous operation + whose completion/callback will manipulate the result channel. Outputs + will be returned in order relative to the inputs. By default, the to + channel will be closed when the from channel closes, but can be + determined by the close? parameter. Will stop consuming the from + channel if the to channel closes." + ([n to af from] (pipeline-async n to af from true)) + ([n to af from close?] (pipeline* n to af from close? nil :async))) + +(defn pipeline + "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to + channel, subject to the transducer xf, with parallelism n. Because + it is parallel, the transducer will be applied independently to each + element, not across elements, and may produce zero or more outputs + per input. Outputs will be returned in order relative to the + inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from + channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will + stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. + + Note this is supplied for API compatibility with the Clojure version. + Values of N > 1 will not result in actual concurrency in a + single-threaded runtime." + ([n to xf from] (pipeline n to xf from true)) + ([n to xf from close?] (pipeline n to xf from close? nil)) + ([n to xf from close? ex-handler] (pipeline* n to xf from close? ex-handler :compute))) + +(defn split + "Takes a predicate and a source channel and returns a vector of two + channels, the first of which will contain the values for which the + predicate returned true, the second those for which it returned + false. + + The out channels will be unbuffered by default, or two buf-or-ns can + be supplied. The channels will close after the source channel has + closed." + ([p ch] (split p ch nil nil)) + ([p ch t-buf-or-n f-buf-or-n] + (let [tc (chan t-buf-or-n) + fc (chan f-buf-or-n)] + (go-loop [] + (let [v (! (if (p v) tc fc) v) + (recur))))) + [tc fc]))) + +(defn reduce + "f should be a function of 2 arguments. Returns a channel containing + the single result of applying f to init and the first item from the + channel, then applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If + the channel closes without yielding items, returns init and f is not + called. ch must close before reduce produces a result." + [f init ch] + (go-loop [ret init] + (let [v (! ch (first vs))) + (recur (next vs)) + (when close? + (close! ch)))))) + + +(defn to-chan + "Creates and returns a channel which contains the contents of coll, + closing when exhausted." + [coll] + (let [ch (chan (bounded-count 100 coll))] + (onto-chan ch coll) + ch)) + + +(defprotocol Mux + (muxch* [_])) + +(defprotocol Mult + (tap* [m ch close?]) + (untap* [m ch]) + (untap-all* [m])) + +(defn mult + "Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel. Channels + containing copies of the channel can be created with 'tap', and + detached with 'untap'. + + Each item is distributed to all taps in parallel and synchronously, + i.e. each tap must accept before the next item is distributed. Use + buffering/windowing to prevent slow taps from holding up the mult. + + Items received when there are no taps get dropped. + + If a tap puts to a closed channel, it will be removed from the mult." + [ch] + (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->close? + m (reify + Mux + (muxch* [_] ch) + + Mult + (tap* [_ ch close?] (swap! cs assoc ch close?) nil) + (untap* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) nil) + (untap-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) nil)) + dchan (chan 1) + dctr (atom nil) + done (fn [_] (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec)) + (put! dchan true)))] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (attrs-map + solo-modes #{:mute :pause} + attrs (conj solo-modes :solo) + solo-mode (atom :mute) + change (chan) + changed #(put! change true) + pick (fn [attr chs] + (reduce-kv + (fn [ret c v] + (if (attr v) + (conj ret c) + ret)) + #{} chs)) + calc-state (fn [] + (let [chs @cs + mode @solo-mode + solos (pick :solo chs) + pauses (pick :pause chs)] + {:solos solos + :mutes (pick :mute chs) + :reads (conj + (if (and (= mode :pause) (not (empty? solos))) + (vec solos) + (vec (remove pauses (keys chs)))) + change)})) + m (reify + Mux + (muxch* [_] out) + Mix + (admix* [_ ch] (swap! cs assoc ch {}) (changed)) + (unmix* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) (changed)) + (unmix-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) (changed)) + (toggle* [_ state-map] (swap! cs (partial merge-with cljs.core/merge) state-map) (changed)) + (solo-mode* [_ mode] + (assert (solo-modes mode) (str "mode must be one of: " solo-modes)) + (reset! solo-mode mode) + (changed)))] + (go-loop [{:keys [solos mutes reads] :as state} (calc-state)] + (let [[v c] (alts! reads)] + (if (or (nil? v) (= c change)) + (do (when (nil? v) + (swap! cs dissoc c)) + (recur (calc-state))) + (if (or (solos c) + (and (empty? solos) (not (mutes c)))) + (when (>! out v) + (recur state)) + (recur state))))) + m)) + +(defn admix + "Adds ch as an input to the mix" + [mix ch] + (admix* mix ch)) + +(defn unmix + "Removes ch as an input to the mix" + [mix ch] + (unmix* mix ch)) + +(defn unmix-all + "removes all inputs from the mix" + [mix] + (unmix-all* mix)) + +(defn toggle + "Atomically sets the state(s) of one or more channels in a mix. The + state map is a map of channels -> channel-state-map. A + channel-state-map is a map of attrs -> boolean, where attr is one or + more of :mute, :pause or :solo. Any states supplied are merged with + the current state. + + Note that channels can be added to a mix via toggle, which can be + used to add channels in a particular (e.g. paused) state." + [mix state-map] + (toggle* mix state-map)) + +(defn solo-mode + "Sets the solo mode of the mix. mode must be one of :mute or :pause" + [mix mode] + (solo-mode* mix mode)) + + +(defprotocol Pub + (sub* [p v ch close?]) + (unsub* [p v ch]) + (unsub-all* [p] [p v])) + +(defn pub + "Creates and returns a pub(lication) of the supplied channel, + partitioned into topics by the topic-fn. topic-fn will be applied to + each value on the channel and the result will determine the 'topic' + on which that value will be put. Channels can be subscribed to + receive copies of topics using 'sub', and unsubscribed using + 'unsub'. Each topic will be handled by an internal mult on a + dedicated channel. By default these internal channels are + unbuffered, but a buf-fn can be supplied which, given a topic, + creates a buffer with desired properties. + + Each item is distributed to all subs in parallel and synchronously, + i.e. each sub must accept before the next item is distributed. Use + buffering/windowing to prevent slow subs from holding up the pub. + + Items received when there are no matching subs get dropped. + + Note that if buf-fns are used then each topic is handled + asynchronously, i.e. if a channel is subscribed to more than one + topic it should not expect them to be interleaved identically with + the source." + ([ch topic-fn] (pub ch topic-fn (constantly nil))) + ([ch topic-fn buf-fn] + (let [mults (atom {}) ;;topic->mult + ensure-mult (fn [topic] + (or (get @mults topic) + (get (swap! mults + #(if (% topic) % (assoc % topic (mult (chan (buf-fn topic)))))) + topic))) + p (reify + Mux + (muxch* [_] ch) + + Pub + (sub* [p topic ch close?] + (let [m (ensure-mult topic)] + (tap m ch close?))) + (unsub* [p topic ch] + (when-let [m (get @mults topic)] + (untap m ch))) + (unsub-all* [_] (reset! mults {})) + (unsub-all* [_ topic] (swap! mults dissoc topic)))] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (! (muxch* m) val) + (swap! mults dissoc topic))) + (recur))))) + p))) + +(defn sub + "Subscribes a channel to a topic of a pub. + + By default the channel will be closed when the source closes, + but can be determined by the close? parameter." + ([p topic ch] (sub p topic ch true)) + ([p topic ch close?] (sub* p topic ch close?))) + +(defn unsub + "Unsubscribes a channel from a topic of a pub" + [p topic ch] + (unsub* p topic ch)) + +(defn unsub-all + "Unsubscribes all channels from a pub, or a topic of a pub" + ([p] (unsub-all* p)) + ([p topic] (unsub-all* p topic))) + + +;;;; + +(defn map + "Takes a function and a collection of source channels, and returns a + channel which contains the values produced by applying f to the set + of first items taken from each source channel, followed by applying + f to the set of second items from each channel, until any one of the + channels is closed, at which point the output channel will be + closed. The returned channel will be unbuffered by default, or a + buf-or-n can be supplied" + ([f chs] (map f chs nil)) + ([f chs buf-or-n] + (let [chs (vec chs) + out (chan buf-or-n) + cnt (count chs) + rets (object-array cnt) + dchan (chan 1) + dctr (atom nil) + done (mapv (fn [i] + (fn [ret] + (aset rets i ret) + (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec)) + (put! dchan (.slice rets 0))))) + (range cnt))] + (go-loop [] + (reset! dctr cnt) + (dotimes [i cnt] + (try + (take! (chs i) (done i)) + (catch js/Object e + (swap! dctr dec)))) + (let [rets (! out (apply f rets)) + (recur))))) + out))) + +(defn merge + "Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which + contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be + unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel + will close after all the source channels have closed." + ([chs] (merge chs nil)) + ([chs buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go-loop [cs (vec chs)] + (if (pos? (count cs)) + (let [[v c] (alts! cs)] + (if (nil? v) + (recur (filterv #(not= c %) cs)) + (do (>! out v) + (recur cs)))) + (close! out))) + out))) + +(defn into + "Returns a channel containing the single (collection) result of the + items taken from the channel conjoined to the supplied + collection. ch must close before into produces a result." + [coll ch] + (reduce conj coll ch)) + +(defn take + "Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch. After n items + have been returned, or ch has been closed, the return chanel will close. + + The output channel is unbuffered by default, unless buf-or-n is given." + ([n ch] + (take n ch nil)) + ([n ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [x 0] + (when (< x n) + (let [v (! out v) + (recur (inc x)))))) + (close! out)) + out))) + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; deprecated - do not use ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + +(defn map< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + [f ch] + (reify + impl/Channel + (close! [_] (impl/close! ch)) + (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch)) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! [_ fn1] + (let [ret + (impl/take! ch + (reify + impl/Handler + (active? [_] (impl/active? fn1)) + (blockable? [_] true) + #_(lock-id [_] (impl/lock-id fn1)) + (commit [_] + (let [f1 (impl/commit fn1)] + #(f1 (if (nil? %) nil (f %)))))))] + (if (and ret (not (nil? @ret))) + (channels/box (f @ret)) + ret))) + + impl/WritePort + (put! [_ val fn1] (impl/put! ch val fn1)))) + +(defn map> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + [f ch] + (reify + impl/Channel + (close! [_] (impl/close! ch)) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1)) + + impl/WritePort + (put! [_ val fn1] + (impl/put! ch (f val) fn1)))) + +(defn filter> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + [p ch] + (reify + impl/Channel + (close! [_] (impl/close! ch)) + (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch)) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1)) + + impl/WritePort + (put! [_ val fn1] + (if (p val) + (impl/put! ch val fn1) + (channels/box (not (impl/closed? ch))))))) + +(defn remove> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + [p ch] + (filter> (complement p) ch)) + +(defn filter< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([p ch] (filter< p ch nil)) + ([p ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (! out val)) + (recur))))) + out))) + +(defn remove< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([p ch] (remove< p ch nil)) + ([p ch buf-or-n] (filter< (complement p) ch buf-or-n))) + +(defn- mapcat* [f in out] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (! out v)) + (when-not (impl/closed? out) + (recur))))))) + +(defn mapcat< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([f in] (mapcat< f in nil)) + ([f in buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (mapcat* f in out) + out))) + +(defn mapcat> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([f out] (mapcat> f out nil)) + ([f out buf-or-n] + (let [in (chan buf-or-n)] + (mapcat* f in out) + in))) + +(defn unique + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([ch] + (unique ch nil)) + ([ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [last nil] + (let [v (! out v) + (recur v)))))) + (close! out)) + out))) + +(defn partition + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([n ch] + (partition n ch nil)) + ([n ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [arr (make-array n) + idx 0] + (let [v (! out (vec arr)) + (recur (make-array n) 0))))) + (do (when (> idx 0) + (>! out (vec arr))) + (close! out)))))) + out))) + + +(defn partition-by + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + ([f ch] + (partition-by f ch nil)) + ([f ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [lst (make-array 0) + last ::nothing] + (let [v (! out (vec lst)) + (let [new-lst (make-array 0)] + (.push new-lst v) + (recur new-lst new-itm))))) + (do (when (> (alength lst) 0) + (>! out (vec lst))) + (close! out)))))) + out))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/buffers.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/buffers.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9eeaba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/buffers.clj @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.buffers + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]) + (:import [java.util LinkedList Queue])) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) + +(deftype FixedBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n] + impl/Buffer + (full? [this] + (>= (.size buf) n)) + (remove! [this] + (.removeLast buf)) + (add!* [this itm] + (.addFirst buf itm) + this) + (close-buf! [this]) + clojure.lang.Counted + (count [this] + (.size buf))) + +(defn fixed-buffer [^long n] + (FixedBuffer. (LinkedList.) n)) + + +(deftype DroppingBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n] + impl/UnblockingBuffer + impl/Buffer + (full? [this] + false) + (remove! [this] + (.removeLast buf)) + (add!* [this itm] + (when-not (>= (.size buf) n) + (.addFirst buf itm)) + this) + (close-buf! [this]) + clojure.lang.Counted + (count [this] + (.size buf))) + +(defn dropping-buffer [n] + (DroppingBuffer. (LinkedList.) n)) + +(deftype SlidingBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n] + impl/UnblockingBuffer + impl/Buffer + (full? [this] + false) + (remove! [this] + (.removeLast buf)) + (add!* [this itm] + (when (= (.size buf) n) + (impl/remove! this)) + (.addFirst buf itm) + this) + (close-buf! [this]) + clojure.lang.Counted + (count [this] + (.size buf))) + +(defn sliding-buffer [n] + (SlidingBuffer. (LinkedList.) n)) + +(defonce ^:private NO-VAL (Object.)) +(defn- undelivered? [val] + (identical? NO-VAL val)) + +(deftype PromiseBuffer [^:unsynchronized-mutable val] + impl/UnblockingBuffer + impl/Buffer + (full? [_] + false) + (remove! [_] + val) + (add!* [this itm] + (when (undelivered? val) + (set! val itm)) + this) + (close-buf! [_] + (when (undelivered? val) + (set! val nil))) + clojure.lang.Counted + (count [_] + (if (undelivered? val) 0 1))) + +(defn promise-buffer [] + (PromiseBuffer. NO-VAL)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/channels.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/channels.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..063ffef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/channels.clj @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.channels + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [clojure.core.async.impl.mutex :as mutex]) + (:import [java.util LinkedList Queue Iterator] + [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock])) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) + +(defmacro assert-unlock [lock test msg] + `(when-not ~test + (.unlock ~lock) + (throw (new AssertionError (str "Assert failed: " ~msg "\n" (pr-str '~test)))))) + +(defn box [val] + (reify clojure.lang.IDeref + (deref [_] val))) + +(defprotocol MMC + (cleanup [_]) + (abort [_])) + +(deftype ManyToManyChannel [^LinkedList takes ^LinkedList puts ^Queue buf closed ^Lock mutex add!] + MMC + (cleanup + [_] + (when-not (.isEmpty takes) + (let [iter (.iterator takes)] + (loop [taker (.next iter)] + (when-not (impl/active? taker) + (.remove iter)) + (when (.hasNext iter) + (recur (.next iter)))))) + (when-not (.isEmpty puts) + (let [iter (.iterator puts)] + (loop [[putter] (.next iter)] + (when-not (impl/active? putter) + (.remove iter)) + (when (.hasNext iter) + (recur (.next iter))))))) + + (abort + [this] + (let [iter (.iterator puts)] + (when (.hasNext iter) + (loop [^Lock putter (.next iter)] + (.lock putter) + (let [put-cb (and (impl/active? putter) (impl/commit putter))] + (.unlock putter) + (when put-cb + (dispatch/run (fn [] (put-cb true)))) + (when (.hasNext iter) + (recur (.next iter))))))) + (.clear puts) + (impl/close! this)) + + impl/WritePort + (put! + [this val handler] + (when (nil? val) + (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Can't put nil on channel"))) + (.lock mutex) + (cleanup this) + (if @closed + (do (.unlock mutex) + (box false)) + (let [^Lock handler handler] + (if (and buf (not (impl/full? buf)) (not (.isEmpty takes))) + (do + (.lock handler) + (let [put-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))] + (.unlock handler) + (if put-cb + (let [done? (reduced? (add! buf val))] + (if (pos? (count buf)) + (let [iter (.iterator takes) + take-cbs (loop [takers []] + (if (and (.hasNext iter) (pos? (count buf))) + (let [^Lock taker (.next iter)] + (.lock taker) + (let [ret (and (impl/active? taker) (impl/commit taker))] + (.unlock taker) + (if ret + (let [val (impl/remove! buf)] + (.remove iter) + (recur (conj takers (fn [] (ret val))))) + (recur takers)))) + takers))] + (if (seq take-cbs) + (do + (when done? + (abort this)) + (.unlock mutex) + (doseq [f take-cbs] + (dispatch/run f))) + (do + (when done? + (abort this)) + (.unlock mutex)))) + (do + (when done? + (abort this)) + (.unlock mutex))) + (box true)) + (do (.unlock mutex) + nil)))) + (let [iter (.iterator takes) + [put-cb take-cb] (when (.hasNext iter) + (loop [^Lock taker (.next iter)] + (if (< (impl/lock-id handler) (impl/lock-id taker)) + (do (.lock handler) (.lock taker)) + (do (.lock taker) (.lock handler))) + (let [ret (when (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/active? taker)) + [(impl/commit handler) (impl/commit taker)])] + (.unlock handler) + (.unlock taker) + (if ret + (do + (.remove iter) + ret) + (when (.hasNext iter) + (recur (.next iter)))))))] + (if (and put-cb take-cb) + (do + (.unlock mutex) + (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val))) + (box true)) + (if (and buf (not (impl/full? buf))) + (do + (.lock handler) + (let [put-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))] + (.unlock handler) + (if put-cb + (let [done? (reduced? (add! buf val))] + (when done? + (abort this)) + (.unlock mutex) + (box true)) + (do (.unlock mutex) + nil)))) + (do + (when (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/blockable? handler)) + (assert-unlock mutex + (< (.size puts) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE) + (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE + " pending puts are allowed on a single channel." + " Consider using a windowed buffer.")) + (.add puts [handler val])) + (.unlock mutex) + nil)))))))) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! + [this handler] + (.lock mutex) + (cleanup this) + (let [^Lock handler handler + commit-handler (fn [] + (.lock handler) + (let [take-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))] + (.unlock handler) + take-cb))] + (if (and buf (pos? (count buf))) + (do + (if-let [take-cb (commit-handler)] + (let [val (impl/remove! buf) + iter (.iterator puts) + [done? cbs] + (when (.hasNext iter) + (loop [cbs [] + [^Lock putter val] (.next iter)] + (.lock putter) + (let [cb (and (impl/active? putter) (impl/commit putter))] + (.unlock putter) + (.remove iter) + (let [cbs (if cb (conj cbs cb) cbs) + done? (when cb (reduced? (add! buf val)))] + (if (and (not done?) (not (impl/full? buf)) (.hasNext iter)) + (recur cbs (.next iter)) + [done? cbs])))))] + (when done? + (abort this)) + (.unlock mutex) + (doseq [cb cbs] + (dispatch/run #(cb true))) + (box val)) + (do (.unlock mutex) + nil))) + (let [iter (.iterator puts) + [take-cb put-cb val] + (when (.hasNext iter) + (loop [[^Lock putter val] (.next iter)] + (if (< (impl/lock-id handler) (impl/lock-id putter)) + (do (.lock handler) (.lock putter)) + (do (.lock putter) (.lock handler))) + (let [ret (when (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/active? putter)) + [(impl/commit handler) (impl/commit putter) val])] + (.unlock handler) + (.unlock putter) + (if ret + (do + (.remove iter) + ret) + (when-not (impl/active? putter) + (.remove iter) + (when (.hasNext iter) + (recur (.next iter))))))))] + (if (and put-cb take-cb) + (do + (.unlock mutex) + (dispatch/run #(put-cb true)) + (box val)) + (if @closed + (do + (when buf (add! buf)) + (let [has-val (and buf (pos? (count buf)))] + (if-let [take-cb (commit-handler)] + (let [val (when has-val (impl/remove! buf))] + (.unlock mutex) + (box val)) + (do + (.unlock mutex) + nil)))) + (do + (when (impl/blockable? handler) + (assert-unlock mutex + (< (.size takes) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE) + (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE + " pending takes are allowed on a single channel.")) + (.add takes handler)) + (.unlock mutex) + nil))))))) + + impl/Channel + (closed? [_] @closed) + (close! + [this] + (.lock mutex) + (cleanup this) + (if @closed + (do + (.unlock mutex) + nil) + (do + (reset! closed true) + (when (and buf (.isEmpty puts)) + (add! buf)) + (let [iter (.iterator takes)] + (when (.hasNext iter) + (loop [^Lock taker (.next iter)] + (.lock taker) + (let [take-cb (and (impl/active? taker) (impl/commit taker))] + (.unlock taker) + (when take-cb + (let [val (when (and buf (pos? (count buf))) (impl/remove! buf))] + (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val))))) + (.remove iter) + (when (.hasNext iter) + (recur (.next iter))))))) + (when buf (impl/close-buf! buf)) + (.unlock mutex) + nil)))) + +(defn- ex-handler [ex] + (-> (Thread/currentThread) + .getUncaughtExceptionHandler + (.uncaughtException (Thread/currentThread) ex)) + nil) + +(defn- handle [buf exh t] + (let [else ((or exh ex-handler) t)] + (if (nil? else) + buf + (impl/add! buf else)))) + +(defn chan + ([buf] (chan buf nil)) + ([buf xform] (chan buf xform nil)) + ([buf xform exh] + (ManyToManyChannel. + (LinkedList.) (LinkedList.) buf (atom false) (mutex/mutex) + (let [add! (if xform (xform impl/add!) impl/add!)] + (fn + ([buf] + (try + (add! buf) + (catch Throwable t + (handle buf exh t)))) + ([buf val] + (try + (add! buf val) + (catch Throwable t + (handle buf exh t))))))))) + diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/concurrent.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/concurrent.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a197f03 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/concurrent.clj @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent + (:import [java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory])) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) + +(defn counted-thread-factory + "Create a ThreadFactory that maintains a counter for naming Threads. + name-format specifies thread names - use %d to include counter + daemon is a flag for whether threads are daemons or not" + [name-format daemon] + (let [counter (atom 0)] + (reify + ThreadFactory + (newThread [this runnable] + (doto (Thread. runnable) + (.setName (format name-format (swap! counter inc))) + (.setDaemon daemon)))))) + +(defonce + ^{:doc "Number of processors reported by the JVM"} + processors (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/dispatch.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/dispatch.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f31569a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/dispatch.clj @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.exec.threadpool :as tp])) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) + +(defonce executor (delay (tp/thread-pool-executor))) + +(defn run + "Runs Runnable r in a thread pool thread" + [^Runnable r] + (impl/exec @executor r)) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/exec/threadpool.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/exec/threadpool.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4fa4f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/exec/threadpool.clj @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns clojure.core.async.impl.exec.threadpool + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent :as conc]) + (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors Executor])) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) + +(def ^:private pool-size + "Value is set via clojure.core.async.pool-size system property; defaults to 8; uses a + delay so property can be set from code after core.async namespace is loaded but before + any use of the async thread pool." + (delay (or (when-let [prop (System/getProperty "clojure.core.async.pool-size")] + (Long/parseLong prop)) + 8))) + +(defn thread-pool-executor + [] + (let [executor-svc (Executors/newFixedThreadPool + @pool-size + (conc/counted-thread-factory "async-dispatch-%d" true))] + (reify impl/Executor + (impl/exec [this r] + (.execute executor-svc ^Runnable r))))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_alt.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_alt.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfc9dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_alt.clj @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-alt + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :refer :all :as m] + [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl])) + + diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_macros.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_macros.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4d7e5e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/ioc_macros.clj @@ -0,0 +1,1114 @@ +; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. +; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +; the terms of this license. +; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +;; by Timothy Baldridge +;; April 13, 2013 + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros + (:refer-clojure :exclude [all]) + (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] + [clojure.tools.analyzer :as an] + [clojure.tools.analyzer.ast :as ast] + [clojure.tools.analyzer.env :as env] + [clojure.tools.analyzer.passes :refer [schedule]] + [clojure.tools.analyzer.passes.jvm.annotate-loops :refer [annotate-loops]] + [clojure.tools.analyzer.passes.jvm.warn-on-reflection :refer [warn-on-reflection]] + [clojure.tools.analyzer.jvm :as an-jvm] + [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [clojure.set :refer (intersection union difference)]) + (:import [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock] + [java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReferenceArray])) + +(defn debug [x] + (pprint x) + x) + + +(def ^:const FN-IDX 0) +(def ^:const STATE-IDX 1) +(def ^:const VALUE-IDX 2) +(def ^:const BINDINGS-IDX 3) +(def ^:const EXCEPTION-FRAMES 4) +(def ^:const CURRENT-EXCEPTION 5) +(def ^:const USER-START-IDX 6) + +(defn aset-object [^AtomicReferenceArray arr idx ^Object o] + (.set arr idx o)) + +(defn aget-object [^AtomicReferenceArray arr idx] + (.get arr idx)) + +(defmacro aset-all! + [arr & more] + (assert (even? (count more)) "Must give an even number of args to aset-all!") + (let [bindings (partition 2 more) + arr-sym (gensym "statearr-")] + `(let [~arr-sym ~arr] + ~@(map + (fn [[idx val]] + `(aset-object ~arr-sym ~idx ~val)) + bindings) + ~arr-sym))) + +;; State monad stuff, used only in SSA construction + +(defmacro gen-plan + "Allows a user to define a state monad binding plan. + + (gen-plan + [_ (assoc-in-plan [:foo :bar] 42) + val (get-in-plan [:foo :bar])] + val)" + [binds id-expr] + (let [binds (partition 2 binds) + psym (gensym "plan_") + forms (reduce + (fn [acc [id expr]] + (concat acc `[[~id ~psym] (~expr ~psym)])) + [] + binds)] + `(fn [~psym] + (let [~@forms] + [~id-expr ~psym])))) + +(defn get-plan + "Returns the final [id state] from a plan. " + [f] + (f {})) + +(defn push-binding + "Sets the binding 'key' to value. This operation can be undone via pop-bindings. + Bindings are stored in the state hashmap." + [key value] + (fn [plan] + [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key] conj value)])) + +(defn push-alter-binding + "Pushes the result of (apply f old-value args) as current value of binding key" + [key f & args] + (fn [plan] + [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key] + #(conj % (apply f (first %) args)))])) + +(defn get-binding + "Gets the value of the current binding for key" + [key] + (fn [plan] + [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key])) plan])) + +(defn pop-binding + "Removes the most recent binding for key" + [key] + (fn [plan] + [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key])) + (update-in plan [:bindings key] pop)])) + +(defn no-op + "This function can be used inside a gen-plan when no operation is to be performed" + [] + (fn [plan] + [nil plan])) + +(defn all + "Assumes that itms is a list of state monad function results, threads the state map + through all of them. Returns a vector of all the results." + [itms] + (fn [plan] + (reduce + (fn [[ids plan] f] + (let [[id plan] (f plan)] + [(conj ids id) plan])) + [[] plan] + itms))) + +(defn assoc-in-plan + "Same as assoc-in, but for state hash map" + [path val] + (fn [plan] + [val (assoc-in plan path val)])) + +(defn update-in-plan + "Same as update-in, but for a state hash map" + [path f & args] + (fn [plan] + [nil (apply update-in plan path f args)])) + +(defn get-in-plan + "Same as get-in, but for a state hash map" + [path] + (fn [plan] + [(get-in plan path) plan])) + +(defn print-plan [] + (fn [plan] + (pprint plan) + [nil plan])) + +(defn set-block + "Sets the current block being written to by the functions. The next add-instruction call will append to this block" + [block-id] + (fn [plan] + [block-id (assoc plan :current-block block-id)])) + +(defn get-block + "Gets the current block" + [] + (fn [plan] + [(:current-block plan) plan])) + +(defn add-block + "Adds a new block, returns its id, but does not change the current block (does not call set-block)." + [] + (gen-plan + [_ (update-in-plan [:block-id] (fnil inc 0)) + blk-id (get-in-plan [:block-id]) + cur-blk (get-block) + _ (assoc-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] []) + catches (get-binding :catch) + _ (assoc-in-plan [:block-catches blk-id] catches) + _ (if-not cur-blk + (assoc-in-plan [:start-block] blk-id) + (no-op))] + blk-id)) + + +(defn instruction? [x] + (::instruction (meta x))) + +(defn add-instruction + "Appends an instruction to the current block. " + [inst] + (let [inst-id (with-meta (gensym "inst_") + {::instruction true}) + inst (assoc inst :id inst-id)] + (gen-plan + [blk-id (get-block) + _ (update-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] (fnil conj []) inst)] + inst-id))) + +;; + +;; We're going to reduce Clojure expressions to a ssa format, +;; and then translate the instructions for this +;; virtual-virtual-machine back into Clojure data. + +;; Here we define the instructions: + +(defprotocol IInstruction + (reads-from [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction reads from") + (writes-to [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction writes to") + (block-references [this] "Returns all the blocks this instruction references")) + +(defprotocol IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] "Returns the clojure code that this instruction represents")) + +(defprotocol ITerminator + (terminator-code [this] "Returns a unique symbol for this instruction") + (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators] "Emites the code to terminate a given block")) + +(defrecord Const [value] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if (= value ::value) + `[~(:id this) (aget-object ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX)] + `[~(:id this) ~value]))) + +(defrecord RawCode [ast locals] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] + (keep (or locals #{}) + (map :name (-> ast :env :locals vals)))) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if (not-empty (reads-from this)) + `[~@(->> (-> ast :env :locals vals) + (map #(select-keys % [:op :name :form])) + (filter (fn [local] + (when locals + (get locals (:name local))))) + set + (mapcat + (fn [local] + `[~(:form local) ~(get locals (:name local))]))) + ~(:id this) ~(:form ast)] + `[~(:id this) ~(:form ast)]))) + +(defrecord CustomTerminator [f blk values meta] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] values) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + (with-meta `(~f ~state-sym ~blk ~@values) + meta))) + +(defn- emit-clashing-binds + [recur-nodes ids clashes] + (let [temp-binds (reduce + (fn [acc i] + (assoc acc i (gensym "tmp"))) + {} clashes)] + (concat + (mapcat (fn [i] + `[~(temp-binds i) ~i]) + clashes) + (mapcat (fn [node id] + `[~node ~(get temp-binds id id)]) + recur-nodes + ids)))) + +(defrecord Recur [recur-nodes ids] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] ids) + (writes-to [this] recur-nodes) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + (if-let [overlap (seq (intersection (set recur-nodes) (set ids)))] + (emit-clashing-binds recur-nodes ids overlap) + (mapcat (fn [r i] + `[~r ~i]) recur-nodes ids)))) + +(defrecord Call [refs] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] refs) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) ~(seq refs)])) + +(defrecord StaticCall [class method refs] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] refs) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) (. ~class ~method ~@(seq refs))])) + +(defrecord InstanceInterop [instance-id op refs] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] (cons instance-id refs)) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) (. ~instance-id ~op ~@(seq refs))])) + +(defrecord Case [val-id test-vals jmp-blocks default-block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [val-id]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (case ~val-id + ~@(concat (mapcat (fn [test blk] + `[~test (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~blk)]) + test-vals jmp-blocks) + (when default-block + `[(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX ~default-block) + :recur)]))) + :recur))) + +(defrecord Fn [fn-expr local-names local-refs] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] local-refs) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) + (let [~@(interleave local-names local-refs)] + ~@fn-expr)])) + +(defrecord Dot [cls-or-instance method args] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] `[~cls-or-instance ~method ~@args]) + (writes-to [this] [(:id this)]) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~(:id this) (. ~cls-or-instance ~method ~@args)])) + +(defrecord Jmp [value block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] [block]) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX ~value ~STATE-IDX ~block) + :recur))) + +(defrecord Return [value] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [value]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + ITerminator + (terminator-code [this] :Return) + (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators] + (if-let [f (get custom-terminators (terminator-code this))] + `(~f ~state-sym ~value) + `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~VALUE-IDX ~value + ~STATE-IDX ::finished) + nil)))) + +(defrecord CondBr [test then-block else-block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] [test]) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] [then-block else-block]) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + `(do (if ~test + (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~then-block) + (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~else-block)) + :recur))) + +(defrecord PushTry [catch-block] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] []) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] [catch-block]) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~'_ (aset-all! ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES (cons ~catch-block (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)))])) + +(defrecord PopTry [] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] []) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~'_ (aset-all! ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES (rest (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)))])) + +(defrecord CatchHandler [catches] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] []) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] (map first catches)) + ITerminator + (terminate-block [this state-sym _] + (let [ex (gensym 'ex)] + `(let [~ex (aget-object ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX)] + (aset-all! ~state-sym ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION ~ex) + (cond + ~@(for [[handler-idx type] catches + i [`(instance? ~type ~ex) ` (aset-all! ~state-sym + ~STATE-IDX ~handler-idx + ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION nil)]] + i) + :else (throw ~ex)) + :recur)))) + +(defrecord EndFinally [] + IInstruction + (reads-from [this] []) + (writes-to [this] []) + (block-references [this] []) + IEmittableInstruction + (emit-instruction [this state-sym] + `[~'_ (when-let [e# (aget-object ~state-sym ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION)] + (throw e#))])) + +;; Dispatch clojure forms based on :op +(def -item-to-ssa nil) ;; for help in the repl +(defmulti -item-to-ssa :op) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :default + [ast] + (gen-plan + [locals (get-binding :locals) + id (add-instruction (->RawCode ast locals))] + id)) + +(defn item-to-ssa [ast] + (if (or (::transform? ast) + (contains? #{:local :const :quote} (:op ast))) + (-item-to-ssa ast) + (gen-plan + [locals (get-binding :locals) + id (add-instruction (->RawCode ast locals))] + id))) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :invoke + [{f :fn args :args}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (cons f args))) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :keyword-invoke + [{f :keyword target :target}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (list f target))) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :protocol-invoke + [{f :protocol-fn target :target args :args}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (list* f target args))) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :instance? + [{:keys [class target]}] + (gen-plan + [arg-id (item-to-ssa target) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call (list `instance? class arg-id)))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :prim-invoke + [{f :fn args :args}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (cons f args))) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :instance-call + [{:keys [instance method args]}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args)) + instance-id (item-to-ssa instance) + inst-id (add-instruction (->InstanceInterop instance-id method arg-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :instance-field + [{:keys [instance field]}] + (gen-plan + [instance-id (item-to-ssa instance) + inst-id (add-instruction (->InstanceInterop instance-id (symbol (str "-" field)) ()))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :host-interop + [{:keys [target m-or-f]}] + (gen-plan + [instance-id (item-to-ssa target) + inst-id (add-instruction (->InstanceInterop instance-id m-or-f ()))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :static-call + [{:keys [class method args]}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args)) + inst-id (add-instruction (->StaticCall class method arg-ids))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :set! + [{:keys [val target]}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (list target val))) + inst-id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'set! arg-ids)))] + inst-id)) + +(defn var-name [v] + (let [nm (:name (meta v)) + nsp (.getName ^clojure.lang.Namespace (:ns (meta v)))] + (symbol (name nsp) (name nm)))) + + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :var + [{:keys [var]}] + (gen-plan + [] + (var-name var))) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :const + [{:keys [form]}] + (gen-plan + [] + form)) + +(defn let-binding-to-ssa + [{:keys [name init form]}] + (gen-plan + [bind-id (item-to-ssa init) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc (vary-meta name merge (meta form)) bind-id)] + bind-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :let + [{:keys [bindings body]}] + (gen-plan + [let-ids (all (map let-binding-to-ssa bindings)) + _ (all (map (fn [_] (pop-binding :locals)) bindings)) + + local-ids (all (map (comp add-instruction ->Const) let-ids)) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals merge (into {} (map (fn [id {:keys [name form]}] + [name (vary-meta id merge (meta form))]) + local-ids bindings))) + + body-id (item-to-ssa body) + _ (pop-binding :locals)] + body-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :loop + [{:keys [body bindings] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [local-val-ids (all (map let-binding-to-ssa bindings)) + _ (all (for [_ bindings] + (pop-binding :locals))) + local-ids (all (map (comp add-instruction ->Const) local-val-ids)) + body-blk (add-block) + final-blk (add-block) + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-blk)) + + _ (set-block body-blk) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals merge (into {} (map (fn [id {:keys [name form]}] + [name (vary-meta id merge (meta form))]) + local-ids bindings))) + _ (push-binding :recur-point body-blk) + _ (push-binding :recur-nodes local-ids) + + ret-id (item-to-ssa body) + + _ (pop-binding :recur-nodes) + _ (pop-binding :recur-point) + _ (pop-binding :locals) + _ (if (not= ret-id ::terminated) + (add-instruction (->Jmp ret-id final-blk)) + (no-op)) + _ (set-block final-blk) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :do + [{:keys [statements ret] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [_ (all (map item-to-ssa statements)) + ret-id (item-to-ssa ret)] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :case + [{:keys [test tests thens default] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [end-blk (add-block) + start-blk (get-block) + clause-blocks (all (map (fn [expr] + (assert expr) + (gen-plan + [blk-id (add-block) + _ (set-block blk-id) + expr-id (item-to-ssa expr) + _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated) + (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk)) + (no-op))] + blk-id)) + (map :then thens))) + default-block (if default + (gen-plan + [blk-id (add-block) + _ (set-block blk-id) + expr-id (item-to-ssa default) + _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated) + (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk)) + (no-op))] + blk-id) + (no-op)) + _ (set-block start-blk) + val-id (item-to-ssa test) + case-id (add-instruction (->Case val-id (map (comp :form :test) tests) + clause-blocks + default-block)) + _ (set-block end-blk) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :quote + [{:keys [form]}] + (gen-plan + [ret-id (add-instruction (->Const form))] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :try + [{:keys [catches body finally] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [body-block (add-block) + exit-block (add-block) + ;; Two routes to the finally block, via normal execution and + ;; exception execution + finally-blk (if finally + (gen-plan + [cur-blk (get-block) + finally-blk (add-block) + _ (set-block finally-blk) + result-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value)) + _ (item-to-ssa finally) + ;; rethrow exception on exception path + _ (add-instruction (->EndFinally)) + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp result-id exit-block)) + _ (set-block cur-blk)] + finally-blk) + (gen-plan [] exit-block)) + catch-blocks (all + (for [{ex-bind :local {ex :val} :class catch-body :body} catches] + (gen-plan + [cur-blk (get-block) + catch-blk (add-block) + _ (set-block catch-blk) + ex-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value)) + _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc (:name ex-bind) + (vary-meta ex-id merge (when (:tag ex-bind) + {:tag (.getName ^Class (:tag ex-bind))}))) + result-id (item-to-ssa catch-body) + ;; if there is a finally, jump to it after + ;; handling the exception, if not jump to exit + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp result-id finally-blk)) + _ (pop-binding :locals) + _ (set-block cur-blk)] + [catch-blk ex]))) + ;; catch block handler routes exceptions to the correct handler, + ;; rethrows if there is no match + catch-handler-block (add-block) + cur-blk (get-block) + _ (set-block catch-handler-block) + _ (add-instruction (->CatchHandler catch-blocks)) + _ (set-block cur-blk) + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-block)) + _ (set-block body-block) + ;; the finally gets pushed on to the exception handler stack, so + ;; it will be executed if there is an exception + _ (if finally + (add-instruction (->PushTry finally-blk)) + (no-op)) + _ (add-instruction (->PushTry catch-handler-block)) + body (item-to-ssa body) + _ (add-instruction (->PopTry)) + _ (if finally + (add-instruction (->PopTry)) + (no-op)) + ;; if the body finishes executing normally, jump to the finally + ;; block, if it exists + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp body finally-blk)) + _ (set-block exit-block) + ret (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + ret)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :throw + [{:keys [exception] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [exception-id (item-to-ssa exception) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Call ['throw exception-id]))] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :new + [{:keys [args class] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args)) + ret-id (add-instruction (->Call (list* 'new (:val class) arg-ids)))] + ret-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :recur + [{:keys [exprs] :as ast}] + (gen-plan + [val-ids (all (map item-to-ssa exprs)) + recurs (get-binding :recur-nodes) + _ (do (assert (= (count val-ids) + (count recurs)) + "Wrong number of arguments to recur") + (no-op)) + _ (add-instruction (->Recur recurs val-ids)) + + recur-point (get-binding :recur-point) + + _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil recur-point))] + ::terminated)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :if + [{:keys [test then else]}] + (gen-plan + [test-id (item-to-ssa test) + then-blk (add-block) + else-blk (add-block) + final-blk (add-block) + _ (add-instruction (->CondBr test-id then-blk else-blk)) + + _ (set-block then-blk) + then-id (item-to-ssa then) + _ (if (not= then-id ::terminated) + (gen-plan + [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp then-id final-blk))] + then-id) + (no-op)) + + _ (set-block else-blk) + else-id (item-to-ssa else) + _ (if (not= else-id ::terminated) + (gen-plan + [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp else-id final-blk))] + then-id) + (no-op)) + + _ (set-block final-blk) + val-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + val-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :transition + [{:keys [name args form]}] + (gen-plan + [blk (add-block) + vals (all (map item-to-ssa args)) + val (add-instruction (->CustomTerminator name blk vals (meta form))) + _ (set-block blk) + res (add-instruction (->Const ::value))] + res)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :local + [{:keys [name form]}] + (gen-plan + [locals (get-binding :locals) + inst-id (if (contains? locals name) + (fn [p] + [(locals name) p]) + (fn [p] + [form p]))] + inst-id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :map + [{:keys [keys vals]}] + (gen-plan + [keys-ids (all (map item-to-ssa keys)) + vals-ids (all (map item-to-ssa vals)) + id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'clojure.core/hash-map + (interleave keys-ids vals-ids))))] + id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :with-meta + [{:keys [expr meta]}] + (gen-plan + [meta-id (item-to-ssa meta) + expr-id (item-to-ssa expr) + id (add-instruction (->Call (list 'clojure.core/with-meta expr-id meta-id)))] + id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :record + [x] + (-item-to-ssa `(~(symbol (.getName (class x)) "create") + (hash-map ~@(mapcat identity x))))) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :vector + [{:keys [items]}] + (gen-plan + [item-ids (all (map item-to-ssa items)) + id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'clojure.core/vector + item-ids)))] + id)) + +(defmethod -item-to-ssa :set + [{:keys [items]}] + (gen-plan + [item-ids (all (map item-to-ssa items)) + id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'clojure.core/hash-set + item-ids)))] + id)) + +(defn parse-to-state-machine + "Takes an sexpr and returns a hashmap that describes the execution flow of the sexpr as + a series of SSA style blocks." + [body terminators] + (-> (gen-plan + [_ (push-binding :terminators terminators) + blk (add-block) + _ (set-block blk) + id (item-to-ssa body) + term-id (add-instruction (->Return id)) + _ (pop-binding :terminators)] + term-id) + get-plan)) + + +(defn index-instruction [blk-id idx inst] + (let [idx (reduce + (fn [acc id] + (update-in acc [id :read-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id)) + idx + (filter instruction? (reads-from inst))) + idx (reduce + (fn [acc id] + (update-in acc [id :written-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id)) + idx + (filter instruction? (writes-to inst)))] + idx)) + +(defn index-block [idx [blk-id blk]] + (reduce (partial index-instruction blk-id) idx blk)) + +(defn index-state-machine [machine] + (reduce index-block {} (:blocks machine))) + +(defn id-for-inst [m sym] ;; m :: symbols -> integers + (if-let [i (get @m sym)] + i + (let [next-idx (get @m ::next-idx)] + (swap! m assoc sym next-idx) + (swap! m assoc ::next-idx (inc next-idx)) + next-idx))) + +(defn persistent-value? + "Returns true if this value should be saved in the state hash map" + [index value] + (or (not= (-> index value :read-in) + (-> index value :written-in)) + (-> index value :read-in count (> 1)))) + +(defn count-persistent-values + [index] + (->> (keys index) + (filter instruction?) + (filter (partial persistent-value? index)) + count)) + +(defn- build-block-preamble [local-map idx state-sym blk] + (let [args (->> (mapcat reads-from blk) + (filter instruction?) + (filter (partial persistent-value? idx)) + set + vec)] + (if (empty? args) + [] + (mapcat (fn [sym] + `[~sym (aget-object ~state-sym ~(id-for-inst local-map sym))]) + args)))) + +(defn- build-block-body [state-sym blk] + (mapcat + #(emit-instruction % state-sym) + (butlast blk))) + +(defn- build-new-state [local-map idx state-sym blk] + (let [results (->> blk + (mapcat writes-to) + (filter instruction?) + (filter (partial persistent-value? idx)) + set + vec) + results (interleave (map (partial id-for-inst local-map) results) results)] + (if-not (empty? results) + [state-sym `(aset-all! ~state-sym ~@results)] + []))) + +(defn- emit-state-machine [machine num-user-params custom-terminators] + (let [index (index-state-machine machine) + state-sym (with-meta (gensym "state_") + {:tag 'objects}) + local-start-idx (+ num-user-params USER-START-IDX) + state-arr-size (+ local-start-idx (count-persistent-values index)) + local-map (atom {::next-idx local-start-idx}) + block-catches (:block-catches machine)] + `(fn state-machine# + ([] (aset-all! (AtomicReferenceArray. ~state-arr-size) + ~FN-IDX state-machine# + ~STATE-IDX ~(:start-block machine))) + ([~state-sym] + (let [old-frame# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame) + ret-value# (try + (clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame (aget-object ~state-sym ~BINDINGS-IDX)) + (loop [] + (let [result# (case (int (aget-object ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX)) + ~@(mapcat + (fn [[id blk]] + [id `(let [~@(concat (build-block-preamble local-map index state-sym blk) + (build-block-body state-sym blk)) + ~@(build-new-state local-map index state-sym blk)] + ~(terminate-block (last blk) state-sym custom-terminators))]) + (:blocks machine)))] + (if (identical? result# :recur) + (recur) + result#))) + (catch Throwable ex# + (aset-all! ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX ex#) + (if (seq (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)) + (aset-all! ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX (first (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)) + ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES (rest (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES))) + (throw ex#)) + :recur) + (finally + (clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame old-frame#)))] + (if (identical? ret-value# :recur) + (recur ~state-sym) + ret-value#)))))) + +(defn finished? + "Returns true if the machine is in a finished state" + [state-array] + (identical? (aget-object state-array STATE-IDX) ::finished)) + +(defn- fn-handler + [f] + (reify + Lock + (lock [_]) + (unlock [_]) + + impl/Handler + (active? [_] true) + (blockable? [_] true) + (lock-id [_] 0) + (commit [_] f))) + + +(defn run-state-machine [state] + ((aget-object state FN-IDX) state)) + +(defn run-state-machine-wrapped [state] + (try + (run-state-machine state) + (catch Throwable ex + (impl/close! (aget-object state USER-START-IDX)) + (throw ex)))) + +(defn take! [state blk c] + (if-let [cb (impl/take! c (fn-handler + (fn [x] + (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX x STATE-IDX blk) + (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))] + (do (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk) + :recur) + nil)) + +(defn put! [state blk c val] + (if-let [cb (impl/put! c val (fn-handler (fn [ret-val] + (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX ret-val STATE-IDX blk) + (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))] + (do (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk) + :recur) + nil)) + +(defn return-chan [state value] + (let [c (aget-object state USER-START-IDX)] + (when-not (nil? value) + (impl/put! c value (fn-handler (fn [] nil)))) + (impl/close! c) + c)) + + +(def async-custom-terminators + {'clojure.core.async/! `put! + 'clojure.core.async/alts! 'clojure.core.async/ioc-alts! + :Return `return-chan}) + +(defn mark-transitions + {:pass-info {:walk :post :depends #{} :after an-jvm/default-passes}} + [{:keys [op fn] :as ast}] + (let [transitions (-> (env/deref-env) :passes-opts :mark-transitions/transitions)] + (if (and (= op :invoke) + (= (:op fn) :var) + (contains? transitions (var-name (:var fn)))) + (merge ast + {:op :transition + :name (get transitions (var-name (:var fn)))}) + ast))) + +(defn propagate-transitions + {:pass-info {:walk :post :depends #{#'mark-transitions}}} + [{:keys [op] :as ast}] + (if (or (= op :transition) + (some #(or (= (:op %) :transition) + (::transform? %)) + (ast/children ast))) + (assoc ast ::transform? true) + ast)) + +(defn propagate-recur + {:pass-info {:walk :post :depends #{#'annotate-loops #'propagate-transitions}}} + [ast] + (if (and (= (:op ast) :loop) + (::transform? ast)) + ;; If we are a loop and we need to transform, and + ;; one of our children is a recur, then we must transform everything + ;; that has a recur + (let [loop-id (:loop-id ast)] + (ast/postwalk ast #(if (contains? (:loops %) loop-id) + (assoc % ::transform? true) + %))) + ast)) + +(defn nested-go? [env] + (-> env vals first map?)) + +(defn make-env [input-env crossing-env] + (assoc (an-jvm/empty-env) + :locals (into {} + (if (nested-go? input-env) + (for [[l expr] input-env + :let [local (get crossing-env l)]] + [local (-> expr + (assoc :form local) + (assoc :name local))]) + (for [l (keys input-env) + :let [local (get crossing-env l)]] + [local {:op :local + :form local + :name local}]))))) + +(defn pdebug [x] + (clojure.pprint/pprint x) + (println "----") + x) + +(def passes (into (disj an-jvm/default-passes #'warn-on-reflection) + #{#'propagate-recur + #'propagate-transitions + #'mark-transitions})) + +(def run-passes + (schedule passes)) + +(defn emit-hinted [local tag env] + (let [tag (or tag (-> local meta :tag)) + init (list (get env local))] + (if-let [prim-fn (case (cond-> tag (string? tag) symbol) + int `int + long `long + char `char + float `float + double `double + byte `byte + short `short + boolean `boolean + nil)] + [(vary-meta local dissoc :tag) (list prim-fn init)] + [(vary-meta local merge (when tag {:tag tag})) init]))) + +(defn state-machine [body num-user-params [crossing-env env] user-transitions] + (binding [an-jvm/run-passes run-passes] + (-> (an-jvm/analyze `(let [~@(if (nested-go? env) + (mapcat (fn [[l {:keys [tag]}]] + (emit-hinted l tag crossing-env)) + env) + (mapcat (fn [[l ^clojure.lang.Compiler$LocalBinding lb]] + (emit-hinted l (when (.hasJavaClass lb) + (some-> lb .getJavaClass .getName)) + crossing-env)) + env))] + ~body) + (make-env env crossing-env) + {:passes-opts (merge an-jvm/default-passes-opts + {:uniquify/uniquify-env true + :mark-transitions/transitions user-transitions})}) + (parse-to-state-machine user-transitions) + second + (emit-state-machine num-user-params user-transitions)))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/mutex.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/mutex.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..524d05e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/mutex.clj @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.mutex + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]) + (:import [clojure.core.async Mutex] + [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock ReentrantLock])) + +(defn mutex [] + (let [m (ReentrantLock.)] + (reify + Lock + (lock [_] (.lock m)) + (unlock [_] (.unlock m))))) + +#_(defn mutex [] + (let [cas (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.)] + (reify + Lock + (lock [_] (loop [got (.compareAndSet cas 0 1)] + (if got + nil + (recur (.compareAndSet cas 0 1))))) + (unlock [_] (.set cas 0))))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/protocols.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/protocols.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f27cddf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/protocols.clj @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.protocols) + + +(def ^:const ^{:tag 'int} MAX-QUEUE-SIZE 1024) + +(defprotocol ReadPort + (take! [port fn1-handler] "derefable val if taken, nil if take was enqueued")) + +(defprotocol WritePort + (put! [port val fn1-handler] "derefable boolean (false iff already closed) if handled, nil if put was enqueued. Must throw on nil val.")) + +(defprotocol Channel + (close! [chan]) + (closed? [chan])) + +(defprotocol Handler + (active? [h] "returns true if has callback. Must work w/o lock") + (blockable? [h] "returns true if this handler may be blocked, otherwise it must not block") + (lock-id [h] "a unique id for lock acquisition order, 0 if no lock") + (commit [h] "commit to fulfilling its end of the transfer, returns cb. Must be called within lock")) + +(defprotocol Buffer + (full? [b] "returns true if buffer cannot accept put") + (remove! [b] "remove and return next item from buffer, called under chan mutex") + (add!* [b itm] "if room, add item to the buffer, returns b, called under chan mutex") + (close-buf! [b] "called on chan closed under chan mutex, return ignored")) + +(defn add! + ([b] b) + ([b itm] + (assert (not (nil? itm))) + (add!* b itm))) + +(defprotocol Executor + (exec [e runnable] "execute runnable asynchronously")) + +;; Defines a buffer that will never block (return true to full?) +(defprotocol UnblockingBuffer) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/timers.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/timers.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaaf07c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/impl/timers.clj @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns ^{:skip-wiki true} + clojure.core.async.impl.timers + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.channels :as channels]) + (:import [java.util.concurrent DelayQueue Delayed TimeUnit ConcurrentSkipListMap])) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* true) + +(defonce ^:private ^DelayQueue timeouts-queue + (DelayQueue.)) + +(defonce ^:private ^ConcurrentSkipListMap timeouts-map + (ConcurrentSkipListMap.)) + +(def ^:const TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS 10) + +(deftype TimeoutQueueEntry [channel ^long timestamp] + Delayed + (getDelay [this time-unit] + (.convert time-unit + (- timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)) + TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS)) + (compareTo + [this other] + (let [ostamp (.timestamp ^TimeoutQueueEntry other)] + (if (< timestamp ostamp) + -1 + (if (= timestamp ostamp) + 0 + 1)))) + impl/Channel + (close! [this] + (impl/close! channel))) + +(defn timeout + "returns a channel that will close after msecs" + [^long msecs] + (let [timeout (+ (System/currentTimeMillis) msecs) + me (.ceilingEntry timeouts-map timeout)] + (or (when (and me (< (.getKey me) (+ timeout TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS))) + (.channel ^TimeoutQueueEntry (.getValue me))) + (let [timeout-channel (channels/chan nil) + timeout-entry (TimeoutQueueEntry. timeout-channel timeout)] + (.put timeouts-map timeout timeout-entry) + (.put timeouts-queue timeout-entry) + timeout-channel)))) + +(defn- timeout-worker + [] + (let [q timeouts-queue] + (loop [] + (let [^TimeoutQueueEntry tqe (.take q)] + (.remove timeouts-map (.timestamp tqe) tqe) + (impl/close! tqe)) + (recur)))) + +(defonce timeout-daemon + (doto (Thread. ^Runnable timeout-worker "clojure.core.async.timers/timeout-daemon") + (.setDaemon true) + (.start))) diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/lab.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/lab.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..616f9df --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async/lab.clj @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns clojure.core.async.lab + "core.async HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL feature exploration + + Caveats: + + 1. Everything defined in this namespace is experimental, and subject + to change or deletion without warning. + + 2. Many features provided by this namespace are highly coupled to + implementation details of core.async. Potential features which + operate at higher levels of abstraction are suitable for inclusion + in the examples. + + 3. Features provided by this namespace MAY be promoted to + clojure.core.async at a later point in time, but there is no + guarantee any of them will." + (:require [clojure.core.async :as async] + [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.mutex :as mutex] + [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [clojure.core.async.impl.channels :as channels]) + (:import [java.util HashSet Set Collection] + [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock])) + +(deftype MultiplexingReadPort + [^Lock mutex ^Set read-ports] + impl/ReadPort + (take! [this handler] + (if (empty? read-ports) + (channels/box nil) + (do + (.lock mutex) + (let [^Lock handler handler + commit-handler (fn [] + (.lock handler) + (let [take-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))] + (.unlock handler) + take-cb)) + fret (fn [[val alt-port]] + (if (nil? val) + (do (.lock mutex) + (.remove read-ports alt-port) + (.unlock mutex) + (impl/take! this handler)) + (when-let [take-cb (commit-handler)] + (dispatch/run #(take-cb val))))) + current-ports (seq read-ports)] + (if-let [alt-res (async/do-alts fret current-ports {})] + (let [[val alt-port] @alt-res] + (if (nil? val) + (do (.remove read-ports alt-port) + (.unlock mutex) + (recur handler)) + (do (.unlock mutex) + (when-let [take-cb (commit-handler)] + (dispatch/run #(take-cb val)))))) + (do + (.unlock mutex) + nil))))))) + +(defn multiplex + "Returns a multiplexing read port which, when read from, produces a + value from one of ports. + + If at read time only one port is available to be read from, the + multiplexing port will return that value. If multiple ports are + available to be read from, the multiplexing port will return one + value from a port chosen non-deterministicly. If no port is + available to be read from, parks execution until a value is + available." + [& ports] + (->MultiplexingReadPort (mutex/mutex) (HashSet. ^Collection ports))) + +(defn- broadcast-write + [port-set val handler] + (if (= (count port-set) 1) + (impl/put! (first port-set) val handler) + (let [clauses (map (fn [port] [port val]) port-set) + recur-step (fn [[_ port]] (broadcast-write (disj port-set port) val handler))] + (when-let [alt-res (async/do-alts recur-step clauses {})] + (recur (disj port-set (second @alt-res)) + val + handler))))) + +(deftype BroadcastingWritePort + [write-ports] + impl/WritePort + (put! [port val handler] + (broadcast-write write-ports val handler))) + +(defn broadcast + "Returns a broadcasting write port which, when written to, writes + the value to each of ports. + + Writes to the broadcasting port will park until the value is written + to each of the ports used to create it. For this reason, it is + strongly advised that each of the underlying ports support buffered + writes." + [& ports] + (->BroadcastingWritePort (set ports))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async.clj b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93b79e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/clojure/clojure/core/async.clj @@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@ +;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. +;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the +;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) +;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. +;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by +;; the terms of this license. +;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. + +(ns clojure.core.async + "Facilities for async programming and communication. + +go blocks are dispatched over an internal thread pool, which +defaults to 8 threads. The size of this pool can be modified using +the Java system property `clojure.core.async.pool-size`." + (:refer-clojure :exclude [reduce transduce into merge map take partition + partition-by bounded-count]) + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl] + [clojure.core.async.impl.channels :as channels] + [clojure.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers] + [clojure.core.async.impl.timers :as timers] + [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc] + [clojure.core.async.impl.mutex :as mutex] + [clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent :as conc] + ) + (:import [clojure.core.async ThreadLocalRandom] + [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock] + [java.util.concurrent Executors Executor] + [java.util ArrayList])) + +(alias 'core 'clojure.core) + +(set! *warn-on-reflection* false) + +(defn fn-handler + ([f] + (fn-handler f true)) + ([f blockable] + (reify + Lock + (lock [_]) + (unlock [_]) + + impl/Handler + (active? [_] true) + (blockable? [_] blockable) + (lock-id [_] 0) + (commit [_] f)))) + +(defn buffer + "Returns a fixed buffer of size n. When full, puts will block/park." + [n] + (buffers/fixed-buffer n)) + +(defn dropping-buffer + "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete but + val will be dropped (no transfer)." + [n] + (buffers/dropping-buffer n)) + +(defn sliding-buffer + "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete, and be + buffered, but oldest elements in buffer will be dropped (not + transferred)." + [n] + (buffers/sliding-buffer n)) + +(defn unblocking-buffer? + "Returns true if a channel created with buff will never block. That is to say, + puts into this buffer will never cause the buffer to be full. " + [buff] + (extends? impl/UnblockingBuffer (class buff))) + +(defn chan + "Creates a channel with an optional buffer, an optional transducer + (like (map f), (filter p) etc or a composition thereof), and an + optional exception-handler. If buf-or-n is a number, will create + and use a fixed buffer of that size. If a transducer is supplied a + buffer must be specified. ex-handler must be a fn of one argument - + if an exception occurs during transformation it will be called with + the Throwable as an argument, and any non-nil return value will be + placed in the channel." + ([] (chan nil)) + ([buf-or-n] (chan buf-or-n nil)) + ([buf-or-n xform] (chan buf-or-n xform nil)) + ([buf-or-n xform ex-handler] + (when (and buf-or-n (number? buf-or-n)) (assert (pos? buf-or-n) "fixed buffers must have size > 0")) + (when xform (assert buf-or-n "buffer must be supplied when transducer is")) + (channels/chan (if (number? buf-or-n) (buffer buf-or-n) buf-or-n) xform ex-handler))) + +(defn promise-chan + "Creates a promise channel with an optional transducer, and an optional + exception-handler. A promise channel can take exactly one value that consumers + will receive. Once full, puts complete but val is dropped (no transfer). + Consumers will block until either a value is placed in the channel or the + channel is closed. See chan for the semantics of xform and ex-handler." + ([] (promise-chan nil)) + ([xform] (promise-chan xform nil)) + ([xform ex-handler] + (chan (buffers/promise-buffer) xform ex-handler))) + +(defn timeout + "Returns a channel that will close after msecs" + [^long msecs] + (timers/timeout msecs)) + +(defn !! + "puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Will block if no + buffer space is available. Returns true unless port is already closed." + [port val] + (let [p (promise) + ret (impl/put! port val (fn-handler (fn [open?] (deliver p open?))))] + (if ret + @ret + (deref p)))) + +(defn >! + "puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Must be called + inside a (go ...) block. Will park if no buffer space is available. + Returns true unless port is already closed." + [port val] + (assert nil ">! used not in (go ...) block")) + +(defn- nop [_]) +(def ^:private fhnop (fn-handler nop)) + +(defn put! + "Asynchronously puts a val into port, calling fn1 (if supplied) when + complete, passing false iff port is already closed. nil values are + not allowed. If on-caller? (default true) is true, and the put is + immediately accepted, will call fn1 on calling thread. Returns + true unless port is already closed." + ([port val] + (if-let [ret (impl/put! port val fhnop)] + @ret + true)) + ([port val fn1] (put! port val fn1 true)) + ([port val fn1 on-caller?] + (if-let [retb (impl/put! port val (fn-handler fn1))] + (let [ret @retb] + (if on-caller? + (fn1 ret) + (dispatch/run #(fn1 ret))) + ret) + true))) + +(defn close! + "Closes a channel. The channel will no longer accept any puts (they + will be ignored). Data in the channel remains available for taking, until + exhausted, after which takes will return nil. If there are any + pending takes, they will be dispatched with nil. Closing a closed + channel is a no-op. Returns nil. + + Logically closing happens after all puts have been delivered. Therefore, any + blocked or parked puts will remain blocked/parked until a taker releases them." + + [chan] + (impl/close! chan)) + +(defonce ^:private ^java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong id-gen (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.)) + +(defn- random-array + [n] + (let [rand (ThreadLocalRandom/current) + a (int-array n)] + (loop [i 1] + (if (= i n) + a + (do + (let [j (.nextInt rand (inc i))] + (aset a i (aget a j)) + (aset a j i) + (recur (inc i)))))))) + +(defn- alt-flag [] + (let [^Lock m (mutex/mutex) + flag (atom true) + id (.incrementAndGet id-gen)] + (reify + Lock + (lock [_] (.lock m)) + (unlock [_] (.unlock m)) + + impl/Handler + (active? [_] @flag) + (blockable? [_] true) + (lock-id [_] id) + (commit [_] + (reset! flag nil) + true)))) + +(defn- alt-handler [^Lock flag cb] + (reify + Lock + (lock [_] (.lock flag)) + (unlock [_] (.unlock flag)) + + impl/Handler + (active? [_] (impl/active? flag)) + (blockable? [_] true) + (lock-id [_] (impl/lock-id flag)) + (commit [_] + (impl/commit flag) + cb))) + +(defn do-alts + "returns derefable [val port] if immediate, nil if enqueued" + [fret ports opts] + (let [flag (alt-flag) + n (count ports) + ^ints idxs (random-array n) + priority (:priority opts) + ret + (loop [i 0] + (when (< i n) + (let [idx (if priority i (aget idxs i)) + port (nth ports idx) + wport (when (vector? port) (port 0)) + vbox (if wport + (let [val (port 1)] + (impl/put! wport val (alt-handler flag #(fret [% wport])))) + (impl/take! port (alt-handler flag #(fret [% port]))))] + (if vbox + (channels/box [@vbox (or wport port)]) + (recur (inc i))))))] + (or + ret + (when (contains? opts :default) + (.lock ^Lock flag) + (let [got (and (impl/active? flag) (impl/commit flag))] + (.unlock ^Lock flag) + (when got + (channels/box [(:default opts) :default]))))))) + +(defn alts!! + "Like alts!, except takes will be made as if by !!, will block until completed, and not intended + for use in (go ...) blocks." + [ports & {:as opts}] + (let [p (promise) + ret (do-alts (partial deliver p) ports opts)] + (if ret + @ret + (deref p)))) + +(defn alts! + "Completes at most one of several channel operations. Must be called + inside a (go ...) block. ports is a vector of channel endpoints, + which can be either a channel to take from or a vector of + [channel-to-put-to val-to-put], in any combination. Takes will be + made as if by !. Unless + the :priority option is true, if more than one port operation is + ready a non-deterministic choice will be made. If no operation is + ready and a :default value is supplied, [default-val :default] will + be returned, otherwise alts! will park until the first operation to + become ready completes. Returns [val port] of the completed + operation, where val is the value taken for takes, and a + boolean (true unless already closed, as per put!) for puts. + + opts are passed as :key val ... Supported options: + + :default val - the value to use if none of the operations are immediately ready + :priority true - (default nil) when true, the operations will be tried in order. + + Note: there is no guarantee that the port exps or val exprs will be + used, nor in what order should they be, so they should not be + depended upon for side effects." + + [ports & {:as opts}] + (assert nil "alts! used not in (go ...) block")) + +(defn do-alt [alts clauses] + (assert (even? (count clauses)) "unbalanced clauses") + (let [clauses (core/partition 2 clauses) + opt? #(keyword? (first %)) + opts (filter opt? clauses) + clauses (remove opt? clauses) + [clauses bindings] + (core/reduce + (fn [[clauses bindings] [ports expr]] + (let [ports (if (vector? ports) ports [ports]) + [ports bindings] + (core/reduce + (fn [[ports bindings] port] + (if (vector? port) + (let [[port val] port + gp (gensym) + gv (gensym)] + [(conj ports [gp gv]) (conj bindings [gp port] [gv val])]) + (let [gp (gensym)] + [(conj ports gp) (conj bindings [gp port])]))) + [[] bindings] ports)] + [(conj clauses [ports expr]) bindings])) + [[] []] clauses) + gch (gensym "ch") + gret (gensym "ret")] + `(let [~@(mapcat identity bindings) + [val# ~gch :as ~gret] (~alts [~@(apply concat (core/map first clauses))] ~@(apply concat opts))] + (cond + ~@(mapcat (fn [[ports expr]] + [`(or ~@(core/map (fn [port] + `(= ~gch ~(if (vector? port) (first port) port))) + ports)) + (if (and (seq? expr) (vector? (first expr))) + `(let [~(first expr) ~gret] ~@(rest expr)) + expr)]) + clauses) + (= ~gch :default) val#)))) + +(defmacro alt!! + "Like alt!, except as if by alts!!, will block until completed, and + not intended for use in (go ...) blocks." + + [& clauses] + (do-alt `alts!! clauses)) + +(defmacro alt! + "Makes a single choice between one of several channel operations, + as if by alts!, returning the value of the result expr corresponding + to the operation completed. Must be called inside a (go ...) block. + + Each clause takes the form of: + + channel-op[s] result-expr + + where channel-ops is one of: + + take-port - a single port to take + [take-port | [put-port put-val] ...] - a vector of ports as per alts! + :default | :priority - an option for alts! + + and result-expr is either a list beginning with a vector, whereupon that + vector will be treated as a binding for the [val port] return of the + operation, else any other expression. + + (alt! + [c t] ([val ch] (foo ch val)) + x ([v] v) + [[out val]] :wrote + :default 42) + + Each option may appear at most once. The choice and parking + characteristics are those of alts!." + + [& clauses] + (do-alt `alts! clauses)) + +(defn ioc-alts! [state cont-block ports & {:as opts}] + (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/STATE-IDX cont-block) + (when-let [cb (clojure.core.async/do-alts + (fn [val] + (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/VALUE-IDX val) + (ioc/run-state-machine-wrapped state)) + ports + opts)] + (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/VALUE-IDX @cb) + :recur)) + +(defn offer! + "Puts a val into port if it's possible to do so immediately. + nil values are not allowed. Never blocks. Returns true if offer succeeds." + [port val] + (let [ret (impl/put! port val (fn-handler nop false))] + (when ret @ret))) + +(defn poll! + "Takes a val from port if it's possible to do so immediately. + Never blocks. Returns value if successful, nil otherwise." + [port] + (let [ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler nop false))] + (when ret @ret))) + +(defmacro go + "Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the + calling thread. Additionally, any visible calls to ! and alt!/alts! + channel operations within the body will block (if necessary) by + 'parking' the calling thread rather than tying up an OS thread (or + the only JS thread when in ClojureScript). Upon completion of the + operation, the body will be resumed. + + Returns a channel which will receive the result of the body when + completed" + [& body] + (let [crossing-env (zipmap (keys &env) (repeatedly gensym))] + `(let [c# (chan 1) + captured-bindings# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)] + (dispatch/run + (^:once fn* [] + (let [~@(mapcat (fn [[l sym]] [sym `(^:once fn* [] ~(vary-meta l dissoc :tag))]) crossing-env) + f# ~(ioc/state-machine `(do ~@body) 1 [crossing-env &env] ioc/async-custom-terminators) + state# (-> (f#) + (ioc/aset-all! ioc/USER-START-IDX c# + ioc/BINDINGS-IDX captured-bindings#))] + (ioc/run-state-machine-wrapped state#)))) + c#))) + +(defonce ^:private ^Executor thread-macro-executor + (Executors/newCachedThreadPool (conc/counted-thread-factory "async-thread-macro-%d" true))) + +(defn thread-call + "Executes f in another thread, returning immediately to the calling + thread. Returns a channel which will receive the result of calling + f when completed, then close." + [f] + (let [c (chan 1)] + (let [binds (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)] + (.execute thread-macro-executor + (fn [] + (clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame binds) + (try + (let [ret (f)] + (when-not (nil? ret) + (>!! c ret))) + (finally + (close! c)))))) + c)) + +(defmacro thread + "Executes the body in another thread, returning immediately to the + calling thread. Returns a channel which will receive the result of + the body when completed, then close." + [& body] + `(thread-call (^:once fn* [] ~@body))) + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ops ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + +(defmacro go-loop + "Like (go (loop ...))" + [bindings & body] + `(go (loop ~bindings ~@body))) + +(defn pipe + "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to + channel. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from + channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will + stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes" + ([from to] (pipe from to true)) + ([from to close?] + (go-loop [] + (let [v (! to v) + (recur))))) + to)) + +(defn- pipeline* + ([n to xf from close? ex-handler type] + (assert (pos? n)) + (let [ex-handler (or ex-handler (fn [ex] + (-> (Thread/currentThread) + .getUncaughtExceptionHandler + (.uncaughtException (Thread/currentThread) ex)) + nil)) + jobs (chan n) + results (chan n) + process (fn [[v p :as job]] + (if (nil? job) + (do (close! results) nil) + (let [res (chan 1 xf ex-handler)] + (>!! res v) + (close! res) + (put! p res) + true))) + async (fn [[v p :as job]] + (if (nil? job) + (do (close! results) nil) + (let [res (chan 1)] + (xf v res) + (put! p res) + true)))] + (dotimes [_ n] + (case type + :blocking (thread + (let [job (! jobs [v p]) + (>! results p) + (recur))))) + (go-loop [] + (let [p (! to v)) + (recur)))) + (recur)))))))) + +;;todo - switch pipe arg order to match these (to/from) +(defn pipeline + "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to + channel, subject to the transducer xf, with parallelism n. Because + it is parallel, the transducer will be applied independently to each + element, not across elements, and may produce zero or more outputs + per input. Outputs will be returned in order relative to the + inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from + channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will + stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. Note this + should be used for computational parallelism. If you have multiple + blocking operations to put in flight, use pipeline-blocking instead, + If you have multiple asynchronous operations to put in flight, use + pipeline-async instead." + ([n to xf from] (pipeline n to xf from true)) + ([n to xf from close?] (pipeline n to xf from close? nil)) + ([n to xf from close? ex-handler] (pipeline* n to xf from close? ex-handler :compute))) + +(defn pipeline-blocking + "Like pipeline, for blocking operations." + ([n to xf from] (pipeline-blocking n to xf from true)) + ([n to xf from close?] (pipeline-blocking n to xf from close? nil)) + ([n to xf from close? ex-handler] (pipeline* n to xf from close? ex-handler :blocking))) + +(defn pipeline-async + "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to + channel, subject to the async function af, with parallelism n. af + must be a function of two arguments, the first an input value and + the second a channel on which to place the result(s). af must close! + the channel before returning. The presumption is that af will + return immediately, having launched some asynchronous operation + (i.e. in another thread) whose completion/callback will manipulate + the result channel. Outputs will be returned in order relative to + the inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from + channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will + stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. See also + pipeline, pipeline-blocking." + ([n to af from] (pipeline-async n to af from true)) + ([n to af from close?] (pipeline* n to af from close? nil :async))) + +(defn split + "Takes a predicate and a source channel and returns a vector of two + channels, the first of which will contain the values for which the + predicate returned true, the second those for which it returned + false. + + The out channels will be unbuffered by default, or two buf-or-ns can + be supplied. The channels will close after the source channel has + closed." + ([p ch] (split p ch nil nil)) + ([p ch t-buf-or-n f-buf-or-n] + (let [tc (chan t-buf-or-n) + fc (chan f-buf-or-n)] + (go-loop [] + (let [v (! (if (p v) tc fc) v) + (recur))))) + [tc fc]))) + +(defn reduce + "f should be a function of 2 arguments. Returns a channel containing + the single result of applying f to init and the first item from the + channel, then applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If + the channel closes without yielding items, returns init and f is not + called. ch must close before reduce produces a result." + [f init ch] + (go-loop [ret init] + (let [v (! ch (first vs))) + (recur (next vs)) + (when close? + (close! ch)))))) + +(defn to-chan + "Creates and returns a channel which contains the contents of coll, + closing when exhausted." + [coll] + (let [c (bounded-count 100 coll)] + (if (pos? c) + (let [ch (chan c)] + (onto-chan ch coll) + ch) + (let [ch (chan)] + (close! ch) + ch)))) + +(defprotocol Mux + (muxch* [_])) + +(defprotocol Mult + (tap* [m ch close?]) + (untap* [m ch]) + (untap-all* [m])) + +(defn mult + "Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel. Channels + containing copies of the channel can be created with 'tap', and + detached with 'untap'. + + Each item is distributed to all taps in parallel and synchronously, + i.e. each tap must accept before the next item is distributed. Use + buffering/windowing to prevent slow taps from holding up the mult. + + Items received when there are no taps get dropped. + + If a tap puts to a closed channel, it will be removed from the mult." + [ch] + (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->close? + m (reify + Mux + (muxch* [_] ch) + + Mult + (tap* [_ ch close?] (swap! cs assoc ch close?) nil) + (untap* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) nil) + (untap-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) nil)) + dchan (chan 1) + dctr (atom nil) + done (fn [_] (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec)) + (put! dchan true)))] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (attrs-map + solo-modes #{:mute :pause} + attrs (conj solo-modes :solo) + solo-mode (atom :mute) + change (chan) + changed #(put! change true) + pick (fn [attr chs] + (reduce-kv + (fn [ret c v] + (if (attr v) + (conj ret c) + ret)) + #{} chs)) + calc-state (fn [] + (let [chs @cs + mode @solo-mode + solos (pick :solo chs) + pauses (pick :pause chs)] + {:solos solos + :mutes (pick :mute chs) + :reads (conj + (if (and (= mode :pause) (not (empty? solos))) + (vec solos) + (vec (remove pauses (keys chs)))) + change)})) + m (reify + Mux + (muxch* [_] out) + Mix + (admix* [_ ch] (swap! cs assoc ch {}) (changed)) + (unmix* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) (changed)) + (unmix-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) (changed)) + (toggle* [_ state-map] (swap! cs (partial merge-with core/merge) state-map) (changed)) + (solo-mode* [_ mode] + (assert (solo-modes mode) (str "mode must be one of: " solo-modes)) + (reset! solo-mode mode) + (changed)))] + (go-loop [{:keys [solos mutes reads] :as state} (calc-state)] + (let [[v c] (alts! reads)] + (if (or (nil? v) (= c change)) + (do (when (nil? v) + (swap! cs dissoc c)) + (recur (calc-state))) + (if (or (solos c) + (and (empty? solos) (not (mutes c)))) + (when (>! out v) + (recur state)) + (recur state))))) + m)) + +(defn admix + "Adds ch as an input to the mix" + [mix ch] + (admix* mix ch)) + +(defn unmix + "Removes ch as an input to the mix" + [mix ch] + (unmix* mix ch)) + +(defn unmix-all + "removes all inputs from the mix" + [mix] + (unmix-all* mix)) + +(defn toggle + "Atomically sets the state(s) of one or more channels in a mix. The + state map is a map of channels -> channel-state-map. A + channel-state-map is a map of attrs -> boolean, where attr is one or + more of :mute, :pause or :solo. Any states supplied are merged with + the current state. + + Note that channels can be added to a mix via toggle, which can be + used to add channels in a particular (e.g. paused) state." + [mix state-map] + (toggle* mix state-map)) + +(defn solo-mode + "Sets the solo mode of the mix. mode must be one of :mute or :pause" + [mix mode] + (solo-mode* mix mode)) + +(defprotocol Pub + (sub* [p v ch close?]) + (unsub* [p v ch]) + (unsub-all* [p] [p v])) + +(defn pub + "Creates and returns a pub(lication) of the supplied channel, + partitioned into topics by the topic-fn. topic-fn will be applied to + each value on the channel and the result will determine the 'topic' + on which that value will be put. Channels can be subscribed to + receive copies of topics using 'sub', and unsubscribed using + 'unsub'. Each topic will be handled by an internal mult on a + dedicated channel. By default these internal channels are + unbuffered, but a buf-fn can be supplied which, given a topic, + creates a buffer with desired properties. + + Each item is distributed to all subs in parallel and synchronously, + i.e. each sub must accept before the next item is distributed. Use + buffering/windowing to prevent slow subs from holding up the pub. + + Items received when there are no matching subs get dropped. + + Note that if buf-fns are used then each topic is handled + asynchronously, i.e. if a channel is subscribed to more than one + topic it should not expect them to be interleaved identically with + the source." + ([ch topic-fn] (pub ch topic-fn (constantly nil))) + ([ch topic-fn buf-fn] + (let [mults (atom {}) ;;topic->mult + ensure-mult (fn [topic] + (or (get @mults topic) + (get (swap! mults + #(if (% topic) % (assoc % topic (mult (chan (buf-fn topic)))))) + topic))) + p (reify + Mux + (muxch* [_] ch) + + Pub + (sub* [p topic ch close?] + (let [m (ensure-mult topic)] + (tap m ch close?))) + (unsub* [p topic ch] + (when-let [m (get @mults topic)] + (untap m ch))) + (unsub-all* [_] (reset! mults {})) + (unsub-all* [_ topic] (swap! mults dissoc topic)))] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (! (muxch* m) val) + (swap! mults dissoc topic))) + (recur))))) + p))) + +(defn sub + "Subscribes a channel to a topic of a pub. + + By default the channel will be closed when the source closes, + but can be determined by the close? parameter." + ([p topic ch] (sub p topic ch true)) + ([p topic ch close?] (sub* p topic ch close?))) + +(defn unsub + "Unsubscribes a channel from a topic of a pub" + [p topic ch] + (unsub* p topic ch)) + +(defn unsub-all + "Unsubscribes all channels from a pub, or a topic of a pub" + ([p] (unsub-all* p)) + ([p topic] (unsub-all* p topic))) + +;;; these are down here because they alias core fns, don't want accidents above + +(defn map + "Takes a function and a collection of source channels, and returns a + channel which contains the values produced by applying f to the set + of first items taken from each source channel, followed by applying + f to the set of second items from each channel, until any one of the + channels is closed, at which point the output channel will be + closed. The returned channel will be unbuffered by default, or a + buf-or-n can be supplied" + ([f chs] (map f chs nil)) + ([f chs buf-or-n] + (let [chs (vec chs) + out (chan buf-or-n) + cnt (count chs) + rets (object-array cnt) + dchan (chan 1) + dctr (atom nil) + done (mapv (fn [i] + (fn [ret] + (aset rets i ret) + (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec)) + (put! dchan (java.util.Arrays/copyOf rets cnt))))) + (range cnt))] + (go-loop [] + (reset! dctr cnt) + (dotimes [i cnt] + (try + (take! (chs i) (done i)) + (catch Exception e + (swap! dctr dec)))) + (let [rets (! out (apply f rets)) + (recur))))) + out))) + +(defn merge + "Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which + contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be + unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel + will close after all the source channels have closed." + ([chs] (merge chs nil)) + ([chs buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go-loop [cs (vec chs)] + (if (pos? (count cs)) + (let [[v c] (alts! cs)] + (if (nil? v) + (recur (filterv #(not= c %) cs)) + (do (>! out v) + (recur cs)))) + (close! out))) + out))) + +(defn into + "Returns a channel containing the single (collection) result of the + items taken from the channel conjoined to the supplied + collection. ch must close before into produces a result." + [coll ch] + (reduce conj coll ch)) + + +(defn take + "Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch. After n items + have been returned, or ch has been closed, the return channel will close. + + The output channel is unbuffered by default, unless buf-or-n is given." + ([n ch] + (take n ch nil)) + ([n ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [x 0] + (when (< x n) + (let [v (! out v) + (recur (inc x)))))) + (close! out)) + out))) + +;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; deprecated - do not use ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; +(defn map< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + [f ch] + (reify + impl/Channel + (close! [_] (impl/close! ch)) + (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch)) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! [_ fn1] + (let [ret + (impl/take! ch + (reify + Lock + (lock [_] (.lock ^Lock fn1)) + (unlock [_] (.unlock ^Lock fn1)) + + impl/Handler + (active? [_] (impl/active? fn1)) + (blockable? [_] true) + (lock-id [_] (impl/lock-id fn1)) + (commit [_] + (let [f1 (impl/commit fn1)] + #(f1 (if (nil? %) nil (f %)))))))] + (if (and ret (not (nil? @ret))) + (channels/box (f @ret)) + ret))) + + impl/WritePort + (put! [_ val fn1] (impl/put! ch val fn1)))) + +(defn map> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + [f ch] + (reify + impl/Channel + (close! [_] (impl/close! ch)) + (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch)) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1)) + + impl/WritePort + (put! [_ val fn1] + (impl/put! ch (f val) fn1)))) + +(defn filter> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + [p ch] + (reify + impl/Channel + (close! [_] (impl/close! ch)) + (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch)) + + impl/ReadPort + (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1)) + + impl/WritePort + (put! [_ val fn1] + (if (p val) + (impl/put! ch val fn1) + (channels/box (not (impl/closed? ch))))))) + +(defn remove> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + [p ch] + (filter> (complement p) ch)) + +(defn filter< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([p ch] (filter< p ch nil)) + ([p ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (! out val)) + (recur))))) + out))) + +(defn remove< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([p ch] (remove< p ch nil)) + ([p ch buf-or-n] (filter< (complement p) ch buf-or-n))) + +(defn- mapcat* [f in out] + (go-loop [] + (let [val (! out v)) + (when-not (impl/closed? out) + (recur))))))) + +(defn mapcat< + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([f in] (mapcat< f in nil)) + ([f in buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (mapcat* f in out) + out))) + +(defn mapcat> + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([f out] (mapcat> f out nil)) + ([f out buf-or-n] + (let [in (chan buf-or-n)] + (mapcat* f in out) + in))) + +(defn unique + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([ch] + (unique ch nil)) + ([ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [last nil] + (let [v (! out v) + (recur v)))))) + (close! out)) + out))) + + +(defn partition + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([n ch] + (partition n ch nil)) + ([n ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [arr (make-array Object n) + idx 0] + (let [v (! out (vec arr)) + (recur (make-array Object n) 0))))) + (do (when (> idx 0) + (let [narray (make-array Object idx)] + (System/arraycopy arr 0 narray 0 idx) + (>! out (vec narray)))) + (close! out)))))) + out))) + + +(defn partition-by + "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead" + {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"} + ([f ch] + (partition-by f ch nil)) + ([f ch buf-or-n] + (let [out (chan buf-or-n)] + (go (loop [lst (ArrayList.) + last ::nothing] + (let [v (! out (vec lst)) + (let [new-lst (ArrayList.)] + (.add ^ArrayList new-lst v) + (recur new-lst new-itm))))) + (do (when (> (.size ^ArrayList lst) 0) + (>! out (vec lst))) + (close! out)))))) + out))) diff --git a/src/main/java/clojure/core/async/Mutex.java b/src/main/java/clojure/core/async/Mutex.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10d4f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/clojure/core/async/Mutex.java @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. + The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the + Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) + which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. + By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by + the terms of this license. + You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. +*/ + +package clojure.core.async; + +import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer; + +// non-recursive, non-reentrant mutex implementation based on example +// from Doug Lea's "The java.util.concurrent Synchronizer Framework" +// http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/papers/aqs.pdf +public class Mutex { + private static class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer { + public boolean tryAcquire(int ignored) { + return compareAndSetState(0, 1); + } + + public boolean tryRelease(int ignored) { + setState(0); + return true; + } + } + + private final Sync sync = new Sync(); + + public Mutex() {} + + public void lock() { + sync.acquire(1); + } + + public void unlock() { + sync.release(1); + } +} diff --git a/src/main/java/clojure/core/async/ThreadLocalRandom.java b/src/main/java/clojure/core/async/ThreadLocalRandom.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed772bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/clojure/core/async/ThreadLocalRandom.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved. + The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the + Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) + which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. + By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by + the terms of this license. + You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. +*/ + +package clojure.core.async; + +import java.util.Random; + +public class ThreadLocalRandom extends Random { + + private static final long serialVersionUID = -2599376724352996934L; + + private static ThreadLocal currentThreadLocalRandom = new ThreadLocal() { + protected ThreadLocalRandom initialValue() { + return new ThreadLocalRandom(); + } + }; + + + /** + * Returns the current ThreadLocalRandom for this thread. Clients must call current, + * rather than constructing instances themselves. The ThreadLocalRandom instance will + * be returned from a ThreadLocal variable. + * + * @return A ThreadLocalRandom for the current thread + * + * @see ThreadLocal + * @see Random + */ + public static ThreadLocalRandom current() { + return currentThreadLocalRandom.get(); + } + + private ThreadLocalRandom() { + super(); + } + + private ThreadLocalRandom(long seed) { + super(seed); + } + +} diff --git a/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/buffer_tests.cljs b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/buffer_tests.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1dd19c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/buffer_tests.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.buffer-tests + (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]]) + (:require [cljs.core.async + :refer [unblocking-buffer? buffer dropping-buffer sliding-buffer + put! take! chan close!]] + [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buff :refer [promise-buffer]] + [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols + :refer [full? add! remove! close-buf!]] + [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :refer-macros [throws?]] + [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is]])) + +(deftest unblocking-buffer-tests + (testing "buffers" + (is (not (unblocking-buffer? (buffer 1)))) + (is (unblocking-buffer? (dropping-buffer 1))) + (is (unblocking-buffer? (sliding-buffer 1))))) + +(deftest buffer-tests + (testing "fixed-buffer" + (let [fb (buffer 2)] + (is (= 0 (count fb))) + + (add! fb :1) + (is (= 1 (count fb))) + + (add! fb :2) + (is (= 2 (count fb))) + + (is (full? fb)) + #_(assert (throws? (add! fb :3))) + + (is (= :1 (remove! fb))) + (is (not (full? fb))) + + (is (= 1 (count fb))) + (is (= :2 (remove! fb))) + + (is (= 0 (count fb))) + #_(is (helpers/throws? (remove! fb))))) + + (testing "dropping-buffer" + (let [fb (dropping-buffer 2)] + (is (= 0 (count fb))) + + (add! fb :1) + (is (= 1 (count fb))) + + (add! fb :2) + (is (= 2 (count fb))) + + (is (not (full? fb))) + (add! fb :3) + + (is (= 2 (count fb))) + + (is (= :1 (remove! fb))) + (is (not (full? fb))) + + (is (= 1 (count fb))) + (is (= :2 (remove! fb))) + + (is (= 0 (count fb))) + #_(is (throws? (remove! fb))))) + + (testing "sliding-buffer" + (let [fb (sliding-buffer 2)] + (is (= 0 (count fb))) + + (add! fb :1) + (is (= 1 (count fb))) + + (add! fb :2) + (is (= 2 (count fb))) + + (is (not (full? fb))) + (add! fb :3) + + (is (= 2 (count fb))) + + (is (= :2 (remove! fb))) + (is (not (full? fb))) + + (is (= 1 (count fb))) + (is (= :3 (remove! fb))) + + (is (= 0 (count fb))) + #_(is (throws? (remove! fb)))))) + +(deftest promise-buffer-tests + (let [pb (promise-buffer)] + (is (= 0 (count pb))) + + (add! pb :1) + (is (= 1 (count pb))) + + (add! pb :2) + (is (= 1 (count pb))) + + (is (not (full? pb))) + (is (not (throws? (add! pb :3)))) + (is (= 1 (count pb))) + + (is (= :1 (remove! pb))) + (is (not (full? pb))) + + (is (= 1 (count pb))) + (is (= :1 (remove! pb))) + + (is (= nil (close-buf! pb))) + (is (= :1 (remove! pb))))) diff --git a/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/pipeline_test.cljs b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/pipeline_test.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..308ca75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/pipeline_test.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.pipeline-test + (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go go-loop]]) + (:require [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :refer [latch inc!]] + [cljs.core.async :as a + :refer [! chan close! to-chan pipeline-async pipeline put!]] + [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing async]])) + +(defn pipeline-tester [pipeline-fn n inputs xf] + (let [cin (to-chan inputs) + cout (chan 1)] + (pipeline-fn n cout xf cin) + (go-loop [acc []] + (let [val (! ch v) (close! ch))) + +(defn test-size-async [n size] + (let [r (range size)] + (go (is (= r (! cout :more) + (is (= :more (! cout :more) + (is (= :more (! ch i)) + (close! ch))) + +(deftest async-pipelines-af-multiplier + (async done + (go + (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3] + (! ch (inc v)) + (close! ch))) + +(deftest pipelines-async + (async done + (go + (is (= (range 1 101) + (! c# ::timeout) + (cljs.core.async/close! c#)) + c#))] + (when (satisfies? cljs.core.async.impl.protocols.Channel body-chan#) + (cljs.core.async.macros/go + (let [[v# _] (cljs.core.async/alts! [body-chan# (timeout#)] :priority true)] + (assert (not= ::timeout v#) + (str "test timed out: " ~nm )))) + true))) + +(defmacro deftest + [nm & body] + `(do (.log js/console (str "Testing: " ~(str nm) "...")) + (assert-go-block-completes ~(str nm) ~@body))) + +(defmacro throws? + [& exprs] + `(try ~@exprs false + (catch ~'js/Object e# true))) + +(defmacro testing + [nm & body] + `(do (.log js/console (str " " ~nm "...")) + (assert-go-block-completes ~(str nm) ~@body))) + +(defmacro is= + [a b] + `(let [a# ~a + b# ~b] + (assert (= a# b#) (str a# " != " b#)))) + +(defmacro is + [a] + `(assert ~a)) + +(defmacro locals-test [] + (if (get-in &env [:locals] 'x) + :pass + :fail)) diff --git a/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/test_helpers.cljs b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/test_helpers.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37d5ac4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/test_helpers.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.test-helpers) + +(defn latch [m f] + (let [r (atom 0)] + (add-watch r :latch + (fn [_ _ o n] + (when (== n m) (f)))) + r)) + +(defn inc! [r] + (swap! r inc)) diff --git a/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/test_runner.cljs b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/test_runner.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b7c308 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/test_runner.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.test-runner + (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [run-tests]] + [cljs.core.async.buffer-tests] + [cljs.core.async.pipeline-test] + [cljs.core.async.tests])) + +(run-tests + 'cljs.core.async.pipeline-test + 'cljs.core.async.buffer-tests + 'cljs.core.async.tests) diff --git a/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/tests.cljs b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/tests.cljs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba722ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/cljs/cljs/core/async/tests.cljs @@ -0,0 +1,469 @@ +(ns cljs.core.async.tests + (:require-macros + [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go alt!]]) + (:require + [cljs.core.async :refer + [buffer dropping-buffer sliding-buffer put! take! chan promise-chan + close! take partition-by offer! poll! ! alts!] :as async] + [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch] + [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buff] + [cljs.core.async.impl.timers :as timers :refer [timeout]] + [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :refer [full? add! remove!]] + [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :refer [latch inc!]] + [cljs.test :as test :refer-macros [deftest is run-tests async testing]])) + +(enable-console-print!) + +(deftest test-put-take-chan-1 + (async done + (let [c (chan 1) + l (latch 2 done)] + (put! c 42 #(do (is true) (inc! l))) + (take! c #(do (is (= 42 %))) (inc! l))))) + +(deftest test-put-take-chan + (async done + (let [c (chan) + l (latch 2 done)] + (put! c 42 #(do (is true) (inc! l))) + (take! c #(do (is (= 42 %))) (inc! l))))) + +(defn identity-chan + [x] + (let [c (chan 1)] + (go (>! c x) + (close! c)) + c)) + +(defn debug [x] + (.log js/console x) + x) + +(deftest test-identity-chan + (async done + (go + (is (= ( + (async done + (go + (is (= [2 3 4 5] + (let [out (chan) + in (async/map> inc out)] + (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4]) + ( + (async done + (go + (is (= [2 4 6] + (let [out (chan) + in (async/filter> even? out)] + (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6]) + ( + (async done + (go + (is (= [1 3 5] + (let [out (chan) + in (async/remove> even? out)] + (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6]) + ( + (async done + (go + (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2] + (let [out (chan) + in (async/mapcat> range out)] + (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3]) + (! take-out (! c i) + (recur (inc i))) + (close! c)))) + c)) + +(deftest test-transducers + (async done + (let [l (latch 6 done)] + (testing "base case without transducer" + (go (is (= (range 10) + (! c :val) + (is (= :val (! c :LOST)) + (is (= :val (! c :val) ;; deliver + (is (= :val (!!]])) + +(defn with-default-uncaught-exception-handler [handler f] + (let [old-handler (Thread/getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler)] + (Thread/setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler + (reify Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler + (uncaughtException [_ thread throwable] + (handler thread throwable)))) + (f) + (Thread/setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler old-handler))) + +(deftest exception-in-go + (let [log (promise)] + (with-default-uncaught-exception-handler + (fn [_ throwable] (deliver log throwable)) + #(let [ex (Exception. "This exception is expected") + ret (go (throw ex))] + (!! c :foo) + (is (identical? ex (root-cause @log))))))) diff --git a/src/test/clojure/clojure/core/async/ioc_macros_test.clj b/src/test/clojure/clojure/core/async/ioc_macros_test.clj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f005b24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/test/clojure/clojure/core/async/ioc_macros_test.clj @@ -0,0 +1,507 @@ +(ns clojure.core.async.ioc-macros-test + (:refer-clojure :exclude [map into reduce transduce merge take partition + partition-by]) + (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc] + [clojure.core.async :refer :all :as async] + [clojure.test :refer :all]) + (:import [java.io FileInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream File])) + +(defn pause [x] + x) + +(defn pause-run [state blk val] + (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/STATE-IDX blk ioc/VALUE-IDX val) + :recur) + + +(defmacro runner + "Creates a runner block. The code inside the body of this macro will be translated + into a state machine. At run time the body will be run as normal. This transform is + only really useful for testing." + [& body] + (let [terminators {`pause `pause-run} + crossing-env (zipmap (keys &env) (repeatedly gensym))] + `(let [captured-bindings# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame) + ~@(mapcat (fn [[l sym]] [sym `(^:once fn* [] ~l)]) crossing-env) + state# (~(ioc/state-machine `(do ~@body) 0 [crossing-env &env] terminators))] + (ioc/aset-all! state# + ~ioc/BINDINGS-IDX + captured-bindings#) + (ioc/run-state-machine state#) + (ioc/aget-object state# ioc/VALUE-IDX)))) + +(deftest test-try-catch-finally + (testing "Don't endlessly loop when exceptions are thrown" + (is (thrown? Exception + (runner + (loop [] + (try + (pause (throw (Exception. "Ex"))) + (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo ei + :retry)))))) + (is (thrown? Throwable + (runner + (loop [] + (try + (pause (throw (Throwable. "Ex"))) + (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo ei + :retry)))))) + ;; (is (try ((fn [] (println "Hello") (pause 5))) (catch Exception e))) + (is (= :Throwable + (runner + (try + (pause 5) + (throw (new Throwable)) + (catch Exception re + :Exception) + (catch Throwable t + :Throwable)))))) + (testing "finally shouldn't change the return value" + (is (= 1 (runner (try 1 (finally (pause 2))))))) + (testing "exception handlers stack" + (is (= "eee" + (runner + (try + (try + (try + (throw (pause (Exception. "e"))) + (catch Exception e + (pause (throw (Exception. (str (.getMessage e) "e")))))) + (catch Exception e + (throw (throw (Exception. (str (.getMessage e) "e")))))) + (catch Exception e + (.getMessage e))))))) + (testing "exception handlers and the class hierarchy" + (is + (runner + (try + (pause 10) + (throw (RuntimeException.)) + (catch RuntimeException r + (pause true)) + (catch Exception e + (pause false))))) + (is + (runner + (try + (pause 10) + (throw (RuntimeException.)) + (catch Exception e + (pause true)))))) + (testing "don't explode trying to compile this" + (is + (runner + (try + true + (catch Exception e + (pause 1) + e)))))) + + +(defmacro locals-test [] + (if (if (contains? &env :locals) + (get (:locals &env) 'x) + (get &env 'x)) + :pass + :fail)) + + +(deftest runner-tests + (testing "macros add locals to the env" + (is (= :pass + (runner (let [x 42] + (pause (locals-test))))))) + (testing "fn as first arg in sexpr" + (is (= 42 + (runner ((fn [] 42)))))) + (testing "do blocks" + (is (= 42 + (runner (do (pause 42))))) + (is (= 42 + (runner (do (pause 44) + (pause 42)))))) + (testing "if expressions" + (is (= true + (runner (if (pause true) + (pause true) + (pause false))))) + (is (= false + (runner (if (pause false) + (pause true) + (pause false))))) + (is (= true + (runner (when (pause true) + (pause true))))) + (is (= nil + (runner (when (pause false) + (pause true)))))) + + (testing "dot forms" + (is (= 42 (runner (. Long (parseLong "42"))))) + (is (= 42 (runner (. Long parseLong "42"))))) + + (testing "quote" + (is (= '(1 2 3) + (runner (pause '(1 2 3)))))) + + (testing "loop expressions" + (is (= 100 + (runner (loop [x 0] + (if (< x 100) + (recur (inc (pause x))) + (pause x)))))) + (is (= 100 + (runner (loop [x (pause 0)] + (if (< x 100) + (recur (inc (pause x))) + (pause x)))))) + (is (= [:b :a] + (runner (loop [a :a b :b n 1] + (if (pos? n) + (recur b a (dec n)) ;; swap bindings + [a b]))))) + (is (= 1 + (runner (loop [x 0 + y (inc x)] + y))))) + + (testing "let expressions" + (is (= 3 + (runner (let [x 1 y 2] + (+ x y)))))) + + (testing "vector destructuring" + (is (= 3 + (runner (let [[x y] [1 2]] + (+ x y)))))) + + (testing "hash-map destructuring" + (is (= 3 + (runner (let [{:keys [x y] x2 :x y2 :y :as foo} {:x 1 :y 2}] + (assert (and foo (pause x) y x2 y2 foo)) + (+ x y)))))) + + (testing "hash-map literals" + (is (= {:1 1 :2 2 :3 3} + (runner {:1 (pause 1) + :2 (pause 2) + :3 (pause 3)})))) + (testing "hash-set literals" + (is (= #{1 2 3} + (runner #{(pause 1) + (pause 2) + (pause 3)})))) + (testing "vector literals" + (is (= [1 2 3] + (runner [(pause 1) + (pause 2) + (pause 3)])))) + + (testing "keywords as functions" + (is (= :bar + (runner (:foo (pause {:foo :bar})))))) + + (testing "vectors as functions" + (is (= 2 + (runner ([1 2] 1))))) + + (testing "dotimes" + (is (= 42 (runner + (dotimes [x 10] + (pause x)) + 42)))) + + (testing "fn closures" + (is (= 42 + (runner + (let [x 42 + _ (pause x) + f (fn [] x)] + (f)))))) + + (testing "lazy-seqs in bodies" + (is (= nil + (runner + (loop [] + (when-let [x (pause 10)] + (pause (vec (for [i (range x)] + i))) + (if-not x + (recur)))))))) + + (testing "specials cannot be shadowed" + (is (= 3 + (let [let* :foo] (runner (let* [x 3] x)))))) + + (testing "case" + (is (= 43 + (runner + (let [value :bar] + (case value + :foo (pause 42) + :bar (pause 43) + :baz (pause 44)))))) + (is (= :default + (runner + (case :baz + :foo 44 + :default)))) + (is (= nil + (runner + (case true + false false + nil)))) + (is (= 42 + (runner + (loop [x 0] + (case (int x) + 0 (recur (inc x)) + 1 42)))))) + + (testing "try" + (is (= 42 + (runner + (try 42 + (catch Throwable ex ex))))) + (is (= 42 + (runner + (try + (assert false) + (catch Throwable ex 42))))) + + (let [a (atom false) + v (runner + (try + true + (catch Throwable ex false) + (finally (pause (reset! a true)))))] + (is (and @a v))) + + (let [a (atom false) + v (runner + (try + (assert false) + (catch Throwable ex true) + (finally (reset! a true))))] + (is (and @a v))) + + (let [a (atom false) + v (try (runner + (try + (assert false) + (finally (reset! a true)))) + (catch Throwable ex ex))] + (is (and @a v))) + + + (let [a (atom 0) + v (runner + (try + (try + 42 + (finally (swap! a inc))) + (finally (swap! a inc))))] + (is (= @a 2))) + + (let [a (atom 0) + v (try (runner + (try + (try + (throw (AssertionError. 42)) + (finally (swap! a inc))) + (finally (swap! a inc)))) + (catch AssertionError ex ex))] + (is (= @a 2))) + + (let [a (atom 0) + v (try (runner + (try + (try + (throw (AssertionError. 42)) + (catch Throwable ex (throw ex)) + (finally (swap! a inc))) + (catch Throwable ex (throw ex)) + (finally (swap! a inc)))) + (catch AssertionError ex ex))] + (is (= @a 2))) + + (let [a (atom 0) + v (try (runner + (try + (try + (throw (AssertionError. (pause 42))) + (catch Throwable ex (pause (throw ex))) + (finally (pause (swap! a inc)))) + (catch Throwable ex (pause (throw ex))) + (finally (pause (swap! a inc))))) + (catch AssertionError ex ex))] + (is (= @a 2))))) + + + (defn identity-chan + "Defines a channel that instantly writes the given value" + [x] + (let [c (chan 1)] + (>!! c x) + (close! c) + c)) + + (deftest async-test + (testing "values are returned correctly" + (is (= 10 + (! c (! c :foo) 42)] + [(!! c :foo) + (! c :foo) + (>! c :bar) + (>! c :baz) + + (>! c :boz) + (!! odd-chan odd))) + (.start)) + even-pusher (doto (Thread. #(doseq [even evens] + (async/>!! even-chan even))) + (.start)) + expected (set (range 10)) + observed (set (for [_ (range 10)] (async/!! long-chan i)) + (async/close! short-chan))) + (.start)) + short-pusher (doto (Thread. #(do (dotimes [i 10] + (async/>!! short-chan i)) + (async/close! short-chan))) + (.start)) + observed (for [_ (range 10010)] (async/!! broadcaster :foo) + expected (repeat 5 :foo) + observed (doall (map async/!! broadcaster :foo) + (async/>!! broadcaster :bar)) + first-reads (doall (map async/!! broadcaster i))) + observed (for [i (range 100)] + (async/!! c 42) + (is (= @f 42)))) + +(def DEREF_WAIT 20) + +(deftest writes-block-on-full-buffer + (let [c (default-chan) + _ (>!! c 42) + blocking (deref (future (>!! c 43)) DEREF_WAIT :blocked)] + (is (= blocking :blocked)))) + +(deftest unfulfilled-readers-block + (let [c (default-chan) + r1 (future (!! c 42) + r1v (deref r1 DEREF_WAIT :blocked) + r2v (deref r2 DEREF_WAIT :blocked)] + (is (and (or (= r1v :blocked) (= r2v :blocked)) + (or (= 42 r1v) (= 42 r2v)))))) + +(deftest test-!!-and-take! + (is (= :test-val (let [read-promise (promise) + test-channel (chan nil)] + (take! test-channel #(deliver read-promise %)) + (is (not (realized? read-promise)) + "The read waits until a writer provides a value.") + (>!! test-channel :test-val) + (deref read-promise 1000 false))) + "The written value is the value provided to the read callback.")) + +(deftest take!-on-caller? + (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread) + test-channel (chan nil) + read-promise (promise)] + (take! test-channel (fn [_] (deliver read-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true) + (>!! test-channel :foo) + [starting-thread @read-promise])) + "When on-caller? requested, but no value is immediately + available, take!'s callback executes on another thread.") + (is (apply = (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread) + test-channel (chan nil) + read-promise (promise)] + (put! test-channel :foo (constantly nil)) + (take! test-channel (fn [_] (deliver read-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true) + [starting-thread @read-promise])) + "When on-caller? requested, and a value is ready to read, + take!'s callback executes on the same thread.") + (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread) + test-channel (chan nil) + read-promise (promise)] + (put! test-channel :foo (constantly nil)) + (take! test-channel (fn [_] (deliver read-promise (Thread/currentThread))) false) + [starting-thread @read-promise])) + "When on-caller? is false, and a value is ready to read, + take!'s callback executes on a different thread.")) + +(deftest put!-on-caller? + (is (apply = (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread) + test-channel (chan nil) + write-promise (promise)] + (take! test-channel (fn [_] nil)) + (put! test-channel :foo (fn [_] (deliver write-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true) + [starting-thread @write-promise])) + "When on-caller? requested, and a reader can consume the value, + put!'s callback executes on the same thread.") + (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread) + test-channel (chan nil) + write-promise (promise)] + (take! test-channel (fn [_] nil)) + (put! test-channel :foo (fn [_] (deliver write-promise (Thread/currentThread))) false) + [starting-thread @write-promise])) + "When on-caller? is false, but a reader can consume the value, + put!'s callback executes on a different thread.") + (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread) + test-channel (chan nil) + write-promise (promise)] + (put! test-channel :foo (fn [_] (deliver write-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true) + (take! test-channel (fn [_] nil)) + [starting-thread @write-promise])) + "When on-caller? requested, but no reader can consume the value, + put!'s callback executes on a different thread.")) + + +(deftest limit-async-take!-put! + (testing "async put! limit" + (let [c (chan)] + (dotimes [x 1024] + (put! c x)) + (is (thrown? AssertionError + (put! c 42))) + (is (= (!! c 42)))))) ;; make sure the channel unlocks + +(deftest puts-fulfill-when-buffer-available + (is (= :proceeded + (let [c (chan 1) + p (promise)] + (>!! c :full) ;; fill up the channel + (put! c :enqueues (fn [_] (deliver p :proceeded))) ;; enqueue a put + (!! c :val) + (is (= :val (!! c :LOST) + (is (= :val (!! c :val) ;; deliver + (is (= :val (" + (is (= [2 3 4 5] + (let [out (chan) + in (a/map> inc out)] + (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4]) + (" + (is (= [2 4 6] + (let [out (chan) + in (filter> even? out)] + (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6]) + (" + (is (= [1 3 5] + (let [out (chan) + in (remove> even? out)] + (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6]) + (" + (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2] + (let [out (chan) + in (mapcat> range out)] + (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3]) + ( [1 1 2 2 3 3] +(defn xerox [n] + (fn [f1] + (fn + ([] (f1)) + ([result] (f1 result)) + ([result input] + (loop [res result + i n] + (if (pos? i) + (let [a (f1 result input)] + (if (reduced? a) + a + (recur a (dec i)))) + res)))))) + +(defn check-expanding-transducer [buffer-size in multiplier takers] + (let [input (range in) + xf (xerox multiplier) + expected (apply interleave (repeat multiplier input)) + counter (atom 0) + res (atom []) + c (chan buffer-size xf)] + (dotimes [x takers] + (take! c #(do + (when (some? %) (swap! res conj %)) + (swap! counter inc)))) + (onto-chan c input) + + ;; wait for all takers to report + (while (< @counter takers) + (Thread/sleep 50)) + + ;; check expected results + (is (= (sort (clojure.core/take takers expected)) + (sort @res))))) + +(deftest expanding-transducer-delivers-to-multiple-pending + (doseq [b (range 1 10) + t (range 1 10)] + (check-expanding-transducer b 3 3 t))) + +;; in 1.7+, use (map f) +(defn mapping [f] + (fn [f1] + (fn + ([] (f1)) + ([result] (f1 result)) + ([result input] + (f1 result (f input))) + ([result input & inputs] + (f1 result (apply f input inputs)))))) + +(deftest test-transduce + (is (= [1 2 3 4 5] + (! !! go go-loop thread chan close! to-chan + pipeline pipeline-blocking pipeline-async]])) + +;; in Clojure 1.7, use (map f) instead of this +(defn mapping [f] + (fn [f1] + (fn + ([] (f1)) + ([result] (f1 result)) + ([result input] + (f1 result (f input))) + ([result input & inputs] + (f1 result (apply f input inputs)))))) + +(defn pipeline-tester [pipeline-fn n inputs xf] + (let [cin (to-chan inputs) + cout (chan 1)] + (pipeline-fn n cout xf cin) + (!! ch v) (close! ch))) + +(deftest test-sizes + (are [n size] + (let [r (range size)] + (and + (= r (pipeline-tester pipeline n r identity-mapping)) + (= r (pipeline-tester pipeline-blocking n r identity-mapping)) + (= r (pipeline-tester pipeline-async n r identity-async)))) + 1 0 + 1 10 + 10 10 + 20 10 + 5 1000)) + +(deftest test-close? + (doseq [pf [pipeline pipeline-blocking]] + (let [cout (chan 1)] + (pf 5 cout identity-mapping (to-chan [1]) true) + (is (= 1 (!! cout :more) + (is (= :more (!! cout :more) + (is (= :more (!! chex e) :err))] + (pf 5 cout ex-mapping (to-chan [1 2 3 4]) true ex-handler) + (is (= 1 (!! ch i)) + (close! ch))) + +(deftest test-af-multiplier + (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3] + (pipeline-tester pipeline-async 2 (range 1 5) multiplier-async)))) + +(def sleep-mapping (mapping #(do (Thread/sleep %) %))) + +(deftest test-blocking + (let [times [2000 50 1000 100]] + (is (= times (pipeline-tester pipeline-blocking 2 times sleep-mapping))))) + +(defn slow-fib [n] + (if (< n 2) n (+ (slow-fib (- n 1)) (slow-fib (- n 2))))) + +(deftest test-compute + (let [input (take 50 (cycle (range 15 38)))] + (is (= (slow-fib (last input)) + (last (pipeline-tester pipeline 8 input (mapping slow-fib))))))) + +(deftest test-async + (is (= (range 1 101) + (pipeline-tester pipeline-async 1 (range 100) + (fn [v ch] (future (>!! ch (inc v)) (close! ch)))))))