Codebase list core-async-clojure / 7f6731e5-8ac0-44e7-a22b-a1959cc2cd31/main

Tree @7f6731e5-8ac0-44e7-a22b-a1959cc2cd31/main (Download .tar.gz)

# core.async

A Clojure library providing facilities for async programming and communication.

## Releases and Dependency Information

This project follows the version scheme MAJOR.MINOR.COMMITS where MAJOR and MINOR provide some relative indication of the size of the change, but do not follow semantic versioning. In general, all changes endeavor to be non-breaking (by moving to new names rather than by breaking existing names). COMMITS is an ever-increasing counter of commits since the beginning of this repository.

Latest release: 1.2.603

* [All Released Versions](

[deps.edn]( dependency information:

  org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "1.2.603"}

[Leiningen]( dependency information:

 [org.clojure/core.async "1.2.603"]

[Maven]( dependency information:


## Documentation

* [Rationale](
* [API docs](
* [Code walkthrough](

## Presentations

* [Rich Hickey on core.async](
* [Tim Baldridge on core.async]( from Clojure/conj 2013 ([code](
* Tim Baldridge on go macro internals - [part 1]( [part 2](

## Contributing 

[Contributing to Clojure projects]( requires a signed Contributor Agreement. Pull requests and GitHub issues are not accepted; please use the [core.async JIRA project]( to report problems or enhancements.

To run the ClojureScript tests:

* lein cljsbuild once
* open script/runtests.html
* View JavaScript console for test results

## License

Copyright © 2017-2020 Rich Hickey and contributors

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

## Changelog

* Release 1.2.603 on 2020.05.11
  * Fix bug in cljs impl of onto-chan! in 1.2.598
* Release 1.2.598 on 2020.05.11
  * Add onto-chan! and to-chan! to cljs core.async
* Release 1.2.593 on 2020.05.11
  * onto-chan use of go-loop incompatible with blocking colls, replace with onto-chan! and onto-chan!!
* Release 1.1.587 on 2020.04.01
  * Added :require-macros for the promise interop from 1.1.582
* Release 1.1.582 on 2020.03.31
  * Bumped deps - clojure 1.9, clojurescript, cljsbuild 1.1.7, tools.analyzer.jvm 1.0.0
  * [ASYNC-165]( (CLJS) Fix inlining of let binding
  * [ASYNC-184]( (CLJS) Port CLJ exception handling fixes
  * [ASYNC-228]( (CLJS) Fix skip list for CLJS timers
  * [ASYNC-96]( (CLJS) Fix full checking in fixed buffer
  * [ASYNC-230]( (CLJS) Add js/Promise interop via core.async.interop
* Release 1.0.567 on 2020.02.18
* Release 0.7.559 on 2020.01.10
  * [ASYNC-198]( (CLJ) Fix exception rewriting in go can replace return value
  * [ASYNC-220]( (CLJ) Fix exception in go finally swallows exception of outer try
  * [ASYNC-229]( (CLJ) Fix go finally block executed twice
  * [ASYNC-212]( (CLJ) Fix go fails to compile expressions with literal nil as let value
  * [ASYNC-145]( (CLJ, CLJS) Fix mix throws error when many channels added
  * [ASYNC-170]( (CLJ) Fix binding in go block throws assertion error
  * [ASYNC-127]( (CLJ, CLJS) Fix mult to work as doc'ed with all taps accepting before next
  * [ASYNC-210]( (CLJ) Fix puts allowed when buffer still full from expanding transducer
* Release 0.6.532 on 2019.12.02
  * Bump tools.analyzer.jvm dep to 0.7.3
* Release 0.5.527 on 2019.11.12
  * Add system property clojure.core.async.go-checking that will throw if core.async blocking ops (>!!, <!!, alts!!, alt!!) are used in a go block
  * Fix use of blocking op and thread constraints in `pipeline` - will now match `pipeline-blocking` in using N cached threads.
* Release 0.4.500 on 2019.06.11
  * [ASYNC-227]( cljs alts! isn't non-deterministic
  * [ASYNC-224]( Fix bad putter unwrapping in channel abort
  * [ASYNC-226]( Fix bad cljs test code
* Release 0.4.490 on 2018.11.19
  * [ASYNC-216]( Delay start of timeout thread
  * [ASYNC-218]( Fix docstring for put!
  * [ASYNC-213]( Small addition to promise-chan docstring
* Release 0.4.474 on 2018.01.08
  * Fix typo in error message
  * Remove Java code, depend on Java 1.7+
  * Add deps.edn, can now be used as a git dependency
* Release 0.3.465 on 2017.11.17
  * [ASYNC-119]( Move macros to cljs.core.async ns (CLJS)
  * [ASYNC-201]( Out-of-bounds index values passed in timers (CLJS)
* Release 0.3.443 on 2017.05.26
  * [ASYNC-159]( - promise-chan in ClojureScript is broken 
* Release 0.3.442 on 2017.03.14
  * Fix bad `:refer-clojure` clause that violates new spec in Clojure 1.9.0-alpha15
* Release 0.3.441 on 2017.02.23
  * [ASYNC-187]( - Tag metadata is lost in local closed over by a loop
    * Related: [ASYNC-188](
  * [ASYNC-185]( - `thread` prevents clearing of body locals
  * [ASYNC-186]( - NPE when `go` closes over a local variable bound to nil
* Release 0.3.426 on 2017.02.22
  * [ASYNC-169]( - handling of catch and finally inside go blocks was broken, causing a number of issues. Related: [ASYNC-100](, [ASYNC-173](, [ASYNC-180](, [ASYNC-179](, [ASYNC-122](, [ASYNC-78](, [ASYNC-168](
  * [ASYNC-138]( - go blocks do not allow closed over locals to be cleared which can lead to a memory leak. Related: [ASYNC-32](
  * [ASYNC-155]( - preserve loop binding metadata when inside a go block
  * [ASYNC-54]( - fix bad type hint on MAX-QUEUE-SIZE
  * [ASYNC-177]( - fix typo in Buffer protocol full? method
  * [ASYNC-70]( - docstring change in thread, thread-call
  * [ASYNC-143]( - assert that fixed buffers must have size > 0
  * Update tools.analyzer.jvm dependency
* Release 0.2.395 on 2016.10.12
  * Add async version of transduce
* Release 0.2.391 on 2016.09.09
  * Fix redefinition warning for bounded-count (added in Clojure 1.9)
  * Add :deprecated meta to the deprecated functions
* Release 0.2.385 on 2016.06.17
  * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version
* Release 0.2.382 on 2016.06.13
  * Important: Change default dispatch thread pool size to 8.
  * Add Java system property `clojure.core.async.pool-size` to set the dispatch thread pool size
  * [ASYNC-152]( - disable t.a.jvm's warn-on-reflection pass 
* Release 0.2.374 on 2015.11.11
  * [ASYNC-149]( - fix error compiling recur inside case in a go block
  * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version (and other upstream deps)
  * Updated to latest clojurescript and cljsbuild versions
* Release 0.2.371 on 2015.10.28
  * [ASYNC-124]( - dispatch multiple pending takers from expanding transducer
  * [ASYNC-103]( - NEW promise-chan
  * [ASYNC-104]( - NEW non-blocking offer!, poll!
  * [ASYNC-101]( - async/reduce now respects reduced
  * [ASYNC-112]( - replace "transformer" with "transducer" in deprecation messages
  * [ASYNC-6]( - alts! docs updated to explicitly state ports is a vector
  * Support (try (catch :default)) in CLJS exception handling
  * Use cljs.test
  * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version (and other upstream deps)
* Release 0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha on 2014.09.22
  * cljs nextTick relies on goog.async.nextTick
  * Updated docstring for put! re result on closed channel
* Release 0.1.338.0-5c5012-alpha on 2014.08.19
  * Add cljs transducers support
* Release 0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha on 2014.08.06
  * Add transducers support
  * NEW pipeline
* Release 0.1.303.0-886421-alpha on 2014.05.08
* Release 0.1.301.0-deb34a-alpha on 2014.04.29
* Release on 2014.04.25
* Release on 2014.02.07
* Release on 2013.12.11
* Release on 2013.12.10
* Release on 2013.11.07
* Release on 2013.09.27
* Release on 2013.09.12

Commit History @7f6731e5-8ac0-44e7-a22b-a1959cc2cd31/main