Codebase list cppad / bullseye-backports/main batch_edit.sed

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batch_edit.sed @bullseye-backports/mainraw · history · blame

# Plan for batch Edit:
# 2. Fix following spelling errors:
#    comparision->comparison
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# None of the lists below can have white space or a dollar sign in an entry.
# list of directories that are added to the repository by
# new_directories='
# '
# list of files that are deleted by
# delete_files='
# '
# List of files that are not edited by the sed commands in this file
# (with the possible exception of the extra_seds commands).
# The files in bin/ ignore_files are automatically in this list.
# ignore_files='
# '
# list of files and or directories that are moved to new names
# move_paths='
#   example/atomic_three/vector_math.cpp
# '
# list of sed commands that map old file and directory names to new names.
# The characters @s, @d, @n get converted to a space, dollar sign, new line.
# move_seds='
#   s|vector_math|vector_op|
# '
# list of files that get edited by the extra_seds command
# extra_files='
# '
# list of sed commands that are applied to the extra files,
# after the other sed commands in this file.
# The characters @s, @d, @n get converted to a space, dollar sign, new line.
# extra_seds='
# '
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Put other sed commands below here and without # at start of line
s|vector_math, |vector_op,   |
s|vector_math" |vector_op"   |