Codebase list cppad / upstream/2014.00.00.1

Tree @upstream/2014.00.00.1 (Download .tar.gz)

CppAD is available with both the CPL and GPL licenses; see the CppAD home page.
is the CppAD home page.
This mailing list is used for CppAD discussion and bug reporting. Only members 
of the mailing list can post messages (this avoids spam on the mailing list).
You can join the mailing list using its general information page

is the top level file for the user documentation of this version of CppAD.
This version of the documentation has the mathematics displayed as latex.

is another top level file for the user documentation of this version of CppAD.
This version of the documentation has the mathematics displayed using MathML.

Directories    Description
===========    ===========
bin            Helper shell and sed scripts used for CppAD development.
bug            Directory containing demonstration of known bugs (may be empty)
cppad          CppAD include directory (will be copied to prefix/include)
cppad_ipopt    The CppAD interface to the Ipopt optimizer.
doc            Directory containing the CppAD user documentation.
example        Most all the CppAD example files are here.
introduction   Contains an introduction to Algorithmic Differentiation.
multi_thread   Multi-threading examples and tests.
omh            Files for user documentation only (in OMhelp input format).
pkgconfig      pkg-config support files.
print_for      Example printing during forward mode, pkg-config support files.
speed          Speed comparison tests for CppAD and other AD packages.
test_more      Extra tests that are not intended as examples.
uw_copy*.html  UW policy on intellectual property.

Files          Description
==========     ===========
AUTHORS        Statement of authorship and copyright.
Build          Script used by coin-or for nightly builds       Main shell script used for CppAD development.
ChangeLog      Pointer to log of recent changes.   CppAD autoconf input file.
COPYING        Statement of user license to use software.
cpl1.0.txt     A copy of the CPL license version 1.0.     Root input file for CppAD user documentation tree.    Control file for CppAD developer documentation.
gpl2.txt       A copy of the GPL license version 2.
INSTALL        Points to README file.
install-sh     A Gnu installation helper script.
LICENSE        License for this version of CppAD.    Top level automake input file.    Top level autoconf/automake output file.
missing        A Gnu installation helper script.
NEWS           Pointer to release notes; i.e., whats new in this version.